HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-10-28 - Orange Coast PilotDRANGI COAST
* * * * * *
This s pike bu c k deer
created quite a wake ·while
being c hased b y a nimal
control officers from Costa
~esa and Orange County
plus police officers a nd . a
helicopter unit who were
trying to keep it off t h e
s treets for its own safety.
First spotted on the Corona
dcl Mar Freeway near the
'.'lcwpor t Freeway Tuesday
et fternoon. the deer went into
et wood yard o n Brist o l
Street. th.en into the flood
control c h a nn e l under
Bristol. Redhill and Irvine
avenues before it went up on
the bank and ran along a golf
course roud and disappeared
Perhaps he couldn't see t.he
f oresl for the tees"
AW ACS debate opens; Reagan OKs concessions
ONE FOR THE BIRD Wh itney. a white
cockatt>el. nibbles at his prize a $10 bill won
in .the World Series pool at Kerm Rima
H ardware in Costa Mesa held by his
D.ity ..... """-.., ~•trtcll 0'0-11
owner. Paul Martin. ~ine other employees
kicked in SI each while Whitney put in a
buck's worth of bird seed and won
Poles strike • m defiance
WARSAW, Poland (AP> -
Millions of Solidarity urttonists
donned red and white armbands,
hoisted the Polis h flag and
wa lked off•their jobs today,
staging a nationwide strike in
defiance of Communist Party
The indepf;nde nt l a bor
federation called the one-hour
s toppage to protest food
shortages and to pressure the
Communist Party into making it
a partner in the management of
the near-bankrupt economy.
The party Central Committee
was to meet later today. Party
officials said it might shake up
the party Politburo and the
Cabinet ln the aftermath of Gen.
W o j c i e c h J a r u z e 1 s k.I ' s
replacement of Stanislaw Kania.
as party chief two weeks ago.
(See POLAND, Page AZ)
3-day-old baby found • in
San Clemente police say a
3-day-old baby boy, found near a
tra s h bin behind a city
restaurant just hours after his
birth will be taken to lhe Albert
Siltoh Home in Santa Ana today.
Police Lt. Al Ehlow 1ald a
search is belng conducted for
the parents of the Cauculan
inf ant, who was found by an
employee of Stuft Pizza, tl Calle
de Industrias, about 11 p.m.
Monday. ~
Ehlow said the ~mployee was
emptying the garbage when he
heard the baby crying. He said
the Infant, found ln good
condition, was nestled inside a
produce crate and wrapped in
three baby blankets.
Eblow said the baby was
taken to San Clemente General
Hospital where be was
examined and found to be in
excellent condition. •
~, •
A hospital spokeswoman said. ·
the infant was a full-term baby,
weighinJ 7 pounds, 4 ounces.
Ehlow said the police
department had been swamped
with telephone calls from people
wishing Information on adopting
the baby.
"He's a beautiful baby,"
Eblow aaid. "We'NI all ln love,
wilh him over here."
WASHJNGTON CAPJ -In an eight-page draft lette r ,
President Reagan pledged today
to a bid e by num e rou s
restrictions on hi s sale of
AW ACS planes to Saudi Arabia.
terms that enabled him to pick
up important last-minute Senate
support for the deal
Among the concessions was a
promise to "ex t e nd U.S .
involvement in Saudi AWA CS
operations and activities well
into the 1990s ...
A WA CS sale began. (The Senate
was to vote on the proposed sale
at 2 p.m. PST >
Reagan 's draft l ett er.
intended to win the support of
se n ators who h ave been
skeptical of the sale, promised
th a t none o f the five
sophisticated radar planes
would be delivered to Saudi
Arabia until various safeguards
and conditions had been met.
The letter said this included
certification to Congress that:
The United States be given
"the right of continual on-site
inspection and surveillance" of
security arrangements "for a1J
equipment duririg the useful life
of the A WACS ...
Security arrangements
could be "supplemented by
additional U.S. personnel if it is
deemed necessary" by the two
Saudi Arabia ·'will not
permit citizens of third nations1'
to perform mai ntenance or
make modifications on the
<See AWACS, Page AZ) ·'The government of Saudi
Arabia has agreed. and I am
convinced. welcomes the fact.
that the United States will have
an important, long-term role
and w i ll maintain direct
involvement in the development
Demon _trial begins
, of the Saudi air defense system,
including the AWACS," Reagan
Prospective jurors summoned
Although this pro mise had
been reported before by senators
who have seen Reagan in the
past few days, it was the first
time the president had reduced
this and the other conditions to writing.
A letter in final form was
expected to be submitted by the
White House later in the day.
The detailed draft. a copy of
which was obtained by The
Associated Press , wa s
circulating among Republican
senators as debate on the
Prospective jurors were
summoned to court today for the
start of a murder trial in which
·'demonic possession ·· is
planned as the defense.
The defense lawyer said he
plans to subpoena fiv e Catholic
priests who perform ed joint
exorcisms in an effort to prove
that his client was possessed
when he killed a man during a
fight over a girlfriend.
< Arne Cheyenne Johnson. 19, is
char ged in the Feb. 16 stabbin~
Man sues for se,at
on women's panel
self-described male feminist
who thinks boys should have role
models other than Johq Wayne
has lost a round in a reverse
discrimination suit In which he
is trying to win a seat on an
a ll -woma n gove rnm e nt
Howard Goldberg, a former
school teacher who says men
have a right to be on Santa
Monica's Commission on the
Status o f Women , was
uns uccessful Tuesday in an
attempt to get a Superior Court
judge to halt formation of the
panel on constituUonal grounds.
Goldberg's attorney la Gloria
Allred, president of the Women's
Equal Rights Legal Defense and
Education Fund. •
She s uggested after the
hearing that such single-sex
panels might be used against the
rights of women in the future.
Her client will file a charge of
sex d iscrim ination In
employment a1alnst the city of
Santa Monica with the Equal
Employment Opportunity
Commlssion, she said.
In refusina t o atop the
a ll -women commhsloo -
ctrefted Au1 . 25 b y clty
ordinance Judge Lal)rence
Rittenbrand cited California and
U.S. Supreme Court decisions
that have said that in certain
circumstances the two sexes
should be differentiated.
He said the facts in the case do
not support a case or reverse
discrlmination against Goldberg
and that the ordinance creating
the comm iss ion "is not
unconstitutional per se."
But Allred, In a prepared
statement read to reporters in
her office, disagreed.
"It Is not a case of affirmative
action where one group is given
a preference. This is, Instead.
invidious discrimination against
men, and it totally bars men
from the opportunity to serve on
a government commission. Such
a blanket exclusion is wrong,
and we believe it to be
un constitutional and a
danaerous pre,cedent," Ms.
Allred said.
Series continue&
Good weather haa been
predicted for tonisht 's slxtb
game of the World Serie• to be
telecast oo ABC channels 1 and
11 at 5:20 p.m., PST. (Related
atort• Pa1e Dl) • ' . '
death of Ala n Bono in
Brookfield. Hi s lawyer, Martin
M innella, said he planned to
question jury candidates closely
a bout their religious beliefs,
trying lo select those who
believe in the existence of God
a nd the devil.
Selection of the jur y was
expected to begin late today or
Thursday and lawyers said it
would take two weeks to two months. ·
It will be up to Superior Court
Judge Robert Callahan whether
to a llow demonic possession as a •
defense, which legal experts say
would set in motion a landmirk
Walter Flanagan. the state's
attorney, has said he sees lt\e
case as "a routine murde.:-.
<See DEMON, Page AZ )
Mostl y cloudy with
chance of light showers
t o nigh t. C l earin g
Thu rs day. Local gus ty
westerly winds tonight
and Thursday. Highs 67 to
72. Lows tonight 55 to 61.
Viciow fire anta in Texcu
are building their foot ·high
neata a~ ground, wMr'e-
it' a eaay for people to
atumb~ into th«m. See Page '
~ • • • • • • Orange Coaet DAIL V PILOT /Wed,,eaday, October 28, 1981
Medicare fund faces negative reserve by 1985
ctlalrman of the House Soctal
c urlty Commtttee, clt1n1 new
01ur s 6n Medicaid costs, aaya
Go nareu muat tal(e further
ullon to aave the Social
Security system since lnterfund
~rrowing alone cannot keep lt
.,1vent throuRh the decade.
.1 Because Medicare costs have
been rising much faster than
wedlcted. a Senate-passed bill
11rovidlng for lnterfund
~rrowing will not be enough to
~rom Page A1
POLAND • • •
nThere was also speculation
tlttat the committee would ask ~e Sejm, the Polish parliament,
t'O cancel the legalization of
i.!\rikes which the independent
lbor movement won durin& the
80 strikes that also resulted in
e legalization of Solidarity.
The strike lodav was the first nktionwide work stoppa~e since
a four-hour strike on March 27 to
Ul'otest police brutality in the
town of Bydgoszcz. Millions of
worke rs participated in that
e J ozef Pawliczek of the
Kasprzaka radio workers in
}':'.arsaw said he was "not sure if
t~i s action would c hange
f nything. But my mates are
striking and so am l." Asked ~hat shouJd be done about the
tbod shortages, he said, "The
government shouJd give us food
and workers should work."
keep th• 1y1tem aolvent throu1h
tbt 1980s, Rep. J .J . PJckle,
D·Texu, said Tuesday.
"Based on actual expenditures
under the Medicare program for
fiscal 1981 . the actuaries report
that under the Senate-passed
Social Security bill. the
Medicare rund will be reduced
from a 71 percent reserve to a 4
percent re$erve in 1984, and to a
negative reserve in 1985," he
said in a House speech.
Moreover, he said. the change
In the Medicare coat fl1urea
"pulls the overall combtned
Soclal Securlty reserve levell
below that necessary to pay
benertts two years earlier than
before even under intermediate
or rosy projections."
·'There is no longer any
ques tion of whether we can
make it through the decade with
anterfund borrowing or some
'Other patchwork procedure."
Pickle declared ... We cannot.''
The new figures show that
Medicare ti now laytn1 out at
leut Sl billion a year more th.an
was projected jUJt t'4'0 Wffkl
110 when the Senate paaaed the
interfund borrowln1 bUl.
Dally holpltal coat• are riJlnf
at an aMual rate of 15.5 percent
i nstead of the 13 percent
estimated In the aprlng. This
m eans MedJcare outlays wlll be
$30.6 billion In 1981 instead of
$29.5 billion. By 1985, the initial
estimate of $52.7 billion becomes
$54.9 billion.
Medicare had be•n expected
to face 1 crlala that could wipe
out the reserve fund In tht 1980e.
But It wu pr.vlouJly expected
to build up l1r1e bllllon-dollar
surpluaea each year durln1 the
"Under the provisions of the
Senate bill a nd utlUzlng the
worst-case uaumptlons, whJch
are esse ntial for
decision-maklnf, we believe that
it is extremely ikely that one or
more of the trust funds will
become lnaufflctent to meet
beneftt obU11Uont In a Umely m inner In 1983 u. · • SocJal
S.curlt)' Commlsaloner John A.
Svahn said In a letter to the
Hou se Ways and Means·
Il e said the 110 -ca lled
worst -case economic
assumptions used in the 1981
trustees report on Social
Security are no worse than
aetual economic performance
during the past five years.
Royal pair greeted
Welsh bells peal for Charles, Diana
ST. DAVID'S, Wales (AP) -
Bells pealed out over this tiny,
ancient cathedral city today as
Prince Charles and Princess
Diana arrived for a celebration
service in Its 800-year-old
church, named after the patron
saint of Wales.
Security was tight, but there
was no trouble from Welsh
nationalists who jeered the royal
couple, lobbed a stinkbomb.
sprayed paint over thelr
limousine and scuffle d with
police Tuesday.
P olice said they found a
firebomb today planted in the
Britis h Steel Corp. office 100
miles west of here in Cardiff. the
We lsh capital, where Charles
and Diana are due Thursday.
The bomb was defused.
plunged into the crowds to shake
scores of small hand.s.
"My dad says give us a kiss."
7-year-old Simon Edwin of Rhyl
s houted to Diana. Smiling, she
replied, "Well. then, you had
better give me one," and bU5sed
him on the cheek.
·'The couple captured the
hearts of the people with their
s trle and informally,·• the
Times of London said. The Daily
Telegraph said the rirst day was
"t riumphant " and Diana
received "a warm and
afrectionale welcome from
thousands of admirers who were
captivated by her charm, grace
and beauty."
Thousands cheered the couple
in the steel town of Shotton, the
seaside villages of Rhyl and
Llandudno and in the ancient
castle city or Caernarvon, where
Queen Elizabeth 11 installed
Charles as Prince of Wales in
Solidarity officials at the Huta
W-ars zawa steel works near
•arsaw said 90 percent or the
10,000 workers supported today's
protest. But union spokesman
Franciszek Kulesza said there
weren 't many protest
decorations . "You cannot afford
luxuries in limes of starvation."
o All 20,000 workers at the Huta
Katowice steel mi ll in that
southern city downed their tools,
.. !union official said.
WINGING IT A ~ oung woman strolls along
the s hore of L ake.• '.\lt<'hi,£:.in en.10~·1ng
Tuesda~"s warm. "unny weatht•r a~ "'>m t•
gulls fl~ around here The Chicago skyline is
in the background.
They said the bomb was
identical to one defused Tuesday
at an army re c ruiting
headquarters at Pontypridd, 10
miles north of Cardiff, which is
also on the royal couple's
The couple arrived in St.
Many pressed bouquets into
Diana's hands. Others held signs
in Wels h r e ading "Croeso"
(Welcome > and "Carlo am
byth" <Lo ng Live Charles).
Choirs and minstrels sang Welsh
folk tunes.
,,Solidarity offered to cancel the
lfr'otesl today if the government
aigreed to a joint
government.union council to run
the economy But the
government did not respond.
an d an expected m eet ing
between union c hi ef Lech
Walesa and government officials
Tues day night did not take
Princess irked at TV plans
David's by train 120 miles from
Caernarvon in north Wales.
A{ter the service to mark the
cathedral's 800th anniversary.
Charles and Diana left for a
65-mile drive a long the west
coast of Wale s to th e
principality's second city.
Cow causes
road smashup Former actress opposes program on her life, career
Union officials exempted from
the strike workers In the fields
o f h ealth , e lectric power,
ipter-city trans port. retail
qjerchandising, food, communal
~rvices. communications and we schools . They were told to
wear armbands and put up flags
an symbolic protest.
,__Strike instructions distributed
~ union locals told them to hold
meetings during the strike
pyriod to discuss "the purpose of
we strike, the reasons for it and
preparin~ for winter ...
~rom Page A1
bEMON • • •
~sofar as homicide can be
F\assified routine ... Should the
possession defense be allowed,
Flanagan said he will call
experts to refute the theories.
g The stabbing occurred while,
lohnson and Bono. 40, argued
ev e r Johnson's girlfriend,
Deborah Glatzel. 26, police said-
Johnson and Miss Glatzel lived
an an apartment next door to a
iiog kennel run by Bono. Miss
Glatzel worked there as a
Johnson was arrested and
jailed in lieu of $125.000 bond the
day of the killing.
"We intend to show that there
is such a thing as demonic
possession and that there was an
evil force or spirit involved last
year and still involved in my
~lie nt ," Minnella said in an
irterview before the trial. "We
will prove that this evil force
manipulated my client's body
· Minnella has developed a
profile of the ideal juror -
Catholic, a mother, between 40
~od 65. and a believer in God
llnd the devil.
' "Our research has shown that + woman is more likely thah a
'1an to believe in demonic
~ossession and to express those
views," he said.
' Five months before the
stabbing, Johnson was involved
(n efforts to rid Miss Glat.zel's
brother. David , then 11, of
~emons, according to probable
defense witnesses Ed and
Lorraine Warren, who are
?elf-styled txperts on demons.
Princess Grace of Monaco is
miffed at plans for an American
television biography of her life
and career.
"It has been brought to our
attention that an American TV
produ c tion company is
propos ing to make a TV
program based on the life and
career of Her Serene Highness ...
Nadia Lacoste. a,.'4falace
s pokeswoman for tho. former
film star Grace Kelly. said in
Monte Carlo
·'The princess wishes to make
it known that this project is
being done without her approval
or permission and that s he
strongly hopes that it will not
come to pass since it is an
unauthorized invasion of her
privacy ... the s pokes woman
Meanwhile. Tandem-TAT
Productions confirmed Tuesday
that actress Cheryl Ladd will
portray Princess Grace in the
The project. initiated by Mass
Ladd, is to be broadcast on
ABC-TV at a date yet to be
Ms. Lacoste said word of the
proposed TV s h ow wa s
telephoned to Princess Grace by
friends. She said the palace had
not been contacted by anyone
connected with the project.
Despite assertions from Monte
Carlo that the film producers
had not contacted palace
officials about the project.
Tandem-T.A T spokes woman
Barbara Brogliatti said her
co mpan y had atte mpted
unsuccessfully to reach Princess
Boat skipper
lost at sea
Coast Guard is continuing a
search for an Oceanside skipper
who faHed to arrive at Santa
Catalina as scheduled more than
three days ago.
Lt. Scott Settimo said a brief
search was conducted Tuesday
for Steven Warren. who left
Oceanside Harbor alone aboard
the 28-foot cabin cruiser "Linda
C" Sunday morning and was
scheduled to arrive at Avalon
Harbor several hours later.
Settimo said Warren's wife
said her husband was due back
in Oceanside Monday after the
94-mile round trip.
ORANGE COAST ; Daily Pilat Cleaaltled edvertlalng 714te42·5e78
All other department• 642-4321
l Thomas P. Haley l'\All4•'* -°"'91 c.-..... o~
1 Robert N Weed . ,,,__
I' Thomas A Murptune
Michael P Harwy
I .......... C)lfwdar
L . Kay Schultz ~olO..-
t Kenneth N Goddard Jr ,~ow-f Bernard Scflulman
Q;H.Loo$ ........ ._
I.carol A Moore ,,~ ...
JJD WHI l•r $1., C•l• Mew., CA !IMll -M: Bolt IMO, CO.i. Mew. CA.,,._
COPr•lffll ""Or ..... Coasc Puellllli"9 C-Y No~'"'""-111111tratklfts, .-Mtorl•I m~« * "fftlw.~ NAffl m.y lie •--.CM wlltlOUI -...< i.1 """ltJleft ol <Ollr•ltflt owner.
G r<ice and that al hoped to gam
hrr cooperation once details of
the pro1ec·t could be revealed.
We 're trying to contact her
directly. We're very sorry to
hear it (Princess Grace's
d1~pleasure 1. We'd like to work
with her on 1t." Ms . Brogliatti
The sc-r1pt wall be based on
pubhc domain information. Ms.
Brogliatti said. adding that no
producer. director or writer had
been assigned to the project.
M 1ss Ladd. former star of
AB C's "Charlie 's Angels "
i.e raes. this year signed an
a~reement with Tandem-T.A.T.
fo r series. mini -series and,
possibly, theatrical films, Ms.
Brogliatta noted.
As Grace Kelly, Princess
Gra ce won a Best Actress
From Page A1
AWACS • • •
AWACS or have any access
whatsoever lo the planes or the
information developed from
Computer programs used in
the equipment "will remain the
properly " of the U .S .
The U.S. government would
be entitled to a ll information the
Saudis obtain from the planes.
The planes would be
ope rated only within the
boundaries of Saudi Arabia.
If. the Saudis violate any terms
of the salt:!. it "will be canceled
and no equipment or services
w i 11 be delivered." the letter
further pledged.
The president also promised to
seek "the substantial assistance
of Saudi Arabia" in Middle East
peace efforts.
· "I am confident that the Saudi
AWACS s ale will pose no
r ealis tic threat to Israel."
Reagan wrote.
Reagan's letter to the Senate
recalled the Saudis' agreement
to use the planes only for
defense, to accept d etailed
security arrangements for the
AW ACS radar planes and F-15
jet fighter weapons. and to share
radar information with U.S.
10 injured
in Pendleton
bus ·smashup
Ten people were injured, one
seriously. when a bus collided
with a 2~-ton civilian truck
inside the gates of the Marine
Corps base at Ca mp
M arlne s pokes man Sgt.
Roland Debeque sald today that
military police are invesU1atin1
the traffic accident which
occurred Tuesday afternoon.
All but two ot the injured were
treated for mlnor injuries,
authorlttes said. Abdominal
surgery was performed early
today on the unidentl!led bus
driver, t&ld Margerle Kalllan, a
nursing supervisor at nearby
Tri-City Hospital. 1
Academy Award for "The
Country Gi rl " (1954 ) and
recei ved a Best Supporting
Actress nomination for
"Mogambo " 11953 ). Other
credits include "High Noon"
(1952 >. "Rear Window" {19541
and "High Society" (1956).
She married Prince Rainier
Ill of Moncao in 1956 and retired
from acting.
R ccently, another former
"Charlie's Angel," Jaclyn
Smith. portrayed Jacquelyn
Kennedy in a TV movie on ABC.
Princess Diana was an iMtant
success with thousands of Welsh
who braved cold winds lo cheer
the royal couple Tuesday, the
first day of the royal couple's
three-day tour.
··Princess Diana, Princess
Diana," children chanted
wherever the 32-year-old heir to
the British throne and his
20-year·old bride went. The
princess, a kindereJrten teacher
before she married Charles July
29. worried security men as she
AUBURN <AP> -A ljlack
Ang us cow wandered onto
Interstate 80. caused a minor
rear-end collision, and backed a
patrol om cer against a fence.
Placer County s heriff's
o ff icers said it happened
Tues day a fte rnoon between
Douglas Boulevard and Atlantic
Street. east of Sacramento.
California Highway Patrol
Orficer Donald Varnado wasn't
hurt. He, with the help of animal.
control officers and passers-by,
managed to rope the cow.
Rattan revisited .
Never newer, than in Drex~l's Preface collection!
Drexel gives rattan a new lease on .beauty in our Preface
dining rooms! Treated naturally and casually, our rattan
designs highlight a collection in pecan, beveled glass
and the look of brass ... and a unique, glazed white clay
finish, Meerschaum. There's an appealing selection for
bedroom and occasional use, as well. See Preface nowl
Kathryn Ann PoW1ast of Pasadena ga sps as she learns she has
been named the 64th Tournament of Roses queen Miss Potthast
says she wonts to attend UC Irvine m the future
Cancer victim
e nds V.S. 1valk
A mail carrier with cancer
crossed the Golden Gate
Bridge unde r a rainbow,
com pl e ting a
trans -continental journey
begun by a gutsy Canadian
named Terry Fox.
Donald M. Marrs , of
Cincinnati began his walk
July 28 from Carlyle. 111., due
south o f Thunder Bay.
Ontario where Fox was
forced to end a cross-country
run because of s preading
Fox died June 28 after
raising more than $24 million
for cancer researc h Marrs
also rai sed m o n ey in
continuing the journey. but
offic ials of the Ame rican
Cancer Society say it will be
months before all the money
Marrs raised is counted.
Com mi ssio n er Jarl
Wahlstrom of Finland has
been chosen as the 12th
commandlng general or the
Salvation Army.
Leaders of the worldwide
oraganizati o n and
representatives of it s 3
million "soldiers" elected
him from six nominees to
succeed r etiring General
Arnold Brown of Toronto.
Jessie Johnson. XI . will be
awaiting Tuesday's election
results m Texas eagerly A
proposal on the state ballot
would transfer the title 011
the home he·s been paying
tare!\ on for 53 years from
the state to him
The fourth •nnual Carousel
Ball In Denver raised at leatt
$3.5 million for research lnto
children '• dlabctea ,
according to or i•nlier
Barbara Davl1.
Accountlne Is not finished,
she said. All costs of the
lavish ball -which drew
celebrities from across the
nation -were either donated
or underwritten.
Oiiman M arvln Oavla
surprised his wife with an
announcement at the affair
that he would give another $2
million for the cause That
donation was earmarked to
employ three research teams
of about 10 doctors each to
work at the C hildren's
Di a betes Cente r . on the
grounds of the University of
Colorado Health Sciences
Center In Denver .
Britain's Prince Andrew,
the pilot of the Royal Navy
h e licopte r involved i n a
dramatic sea rescue last
month, has a new military
assignment, Buckingham
Palace armounced.
The 21 -year -old prince.
second of Queen Elizabeth
ll's sons, has been assigned
lo a s qu adro n of
anti-submarine helicopters
flying support for the cruiser
HMS Invincible, the palace
As part of his duties with
t h e Roy al Navy's 820
Squadron, the prince will be
trained lo drop nuclear depth
cha rges. a Defense Ministry
spokes man said.
First it was Gov. Edmund
Brown Jr. who was called to
jury dutr -n ow it 's
Sacramento County District
Attorney Herb JackSOJI.
Jackson said he would be
able lo shed his prosecutor's
vie wpoint if picked for a
But on his first day of jury
duty. Jackson ~idn't even gel
assigned to a courtroom for
possible selection.
J ackso n . as a
law-enforcement o fficial,
cou ld have c laime d an
exemption, but declined.
P amela Mason, ex-wife of
actor James Mason, and her
son , a special adviser to
President Reagan, have been
ousted from the board of
dir ect ors of the textil e
manufacturing group Mrs .
Mason's father founded. in
Shipley, England.
Loud cheers and applause
rang out as shareholders of
;:~'.:-11worth. Morris voted to
oust -Mrs . Mason. a former
talk·sbow hostess. and her
son. Morgan MalOG.
The ouster of 65-year-old
Mr s . M aso n and h e r
3 1 -year -o ld son at an
extraordin ary gen e ral
meeting of shareholders at
the company's headquarters
followed a bitter two-year
boardroom battle.
Cloudiness due
OWr -COllStoJ woters $Olltll to .....,,wHC winds 12 to 20 knots wltll > to S f-SHI In fore._. WI""'
11Koml"9 -i 10 ,,.,,, ........ , 15 lo.
11...U I" .,_ wltll 5 lo I ,_
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Vell•v• wlll ,..,,. 11'9'1t todey " to
72, 1-JOa flKndrt. LOWS S1 lo U.
Movnt.lfls Ufl •llPKI c11enu of
sprl"llln or 119111 •llow•rt lllls
etter-tllroutll n. ... rsesey. Snow
l•v•I lo••rln9 to 1,000 '••I • SovtllwH1..-ly wlllcfla 10 to » mpll
toctn. •""""9 MttllWftt..-ty »-JS
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l!llOwMr• llgll1 verlelll• wl"dl ----------
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-------outlook l).S. summary COASTAL, MOUNTAIN ARI AS -
Felr e"d wormer Loce l '"'sly
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rein fell .,,.r INICll of IN NortlWost Hlt ll 1-eturn mMlly u 10 n,
...cl <I•.,. llllft prnellecl over ,,,. werm1,,. by s..nGey to ,,_tly In ttw
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Gen•retty '"'nny sllles were ----------CllerlstnWV M SI Wlchlte
,.,.noel '"'"' Texos encl 11\e we11..-11 s CIWY._ .. 41
Guff CNll to IN ~ Mluluipcll mog report Clll<oeo 61 ,. Velley. 11.Mny weotlwr contl"""' In Clnclnnetl 53 "
n>uc:ll of II• £est, -wl""s pklled Th• Air Ovettty Meno .. ment O.nv•r 10 ,. :llPl•~::::v ,. ec:.-tlw -llenl -centrol ,_ Des Mollles U U .., ... ,.MtlM. District ..,_.. 9DOd elr qvollty "' Detroit " ,. llerst-
koner.c! .-n w..-e ••peeled ell ,...loM Of ttw Soutll C:O.st Air H-'"'" 13 10 llHllmOftl lilllloy from IN nor11wrn end centrel District w.dllftdeY. wlUI e Pollut-Houston 70 IO 9'9 Beer
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tlle nor-ltlerft •"" mldctl• A11en11< Temperatures Mlomt a IO ''"no ceost r•e lon, end ••I•• wer• NHflvllle " 50 L•ll• Ar-.O
eapectod to be mottly sunny NATIOff H•w Or'-'3 SJ Lenceslef ~ HI Lo New Yon n " Lono .....
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Mlltllern ,lrorlde, south-cefttrol •~-------------------NNclles Teu1 end Souttwrn C•llforftle. _ Newport llNc:tl
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Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, October 28, 1981 s
'Duke' has momentum'!_
Attorney general chides Curb in Irvine speech
State Atto rn ey General
George Oeukmejlan says he's
picking up steam tn his drive for
th e R e publi ca n Party
nomination for governor. while
his major opponent, Lt. Gov.
Mike Cu rb , i s "s lidi ng
The 53-year ·old Deukmejlan
made his comments Tuesday at
a breakfast gathering of news
reporters in Irvine
He also c riti cized the
California Coastal Commission
for slowing down housing de·
velo pment: said that a San
Diego judge convicted of hiring
prostitutes should retire from
the bench. and commented that
state Sen . John Schmitz.
R-Newport Beach , made a
mistake with his recent remarks
regarding a possible military
coup in the United States.
Deukmejian, a former state
assemblym an from Long Beach
for four years and former state
sena tor for t2 years, also stated
his famili ar position that the
s tate needs to get tough and
send more convicted felons to
state prisons.
Deukmejian declared that
since San Diego Mayor Pete
Wilson has withdrawn Jrom the
ra ce ro r th e Republican
gubernatorial nomination the
"focus·· 1s on himself and Curb.
t h e 36-year-old lieu t enant
governor who is serving his first
term in elected orrice.
OC lawyers
face review
by new panel
A five member committee
was established by the Orange
County Board of Supervisors
solely to review ··early contact•·
by attorneys in the county
Public Defender's Office with
indigent criminal s uspects.
Na med to the panel were
I aw ye rs Wylie Aitken and
Marshall Schulma n. both or
Santa Ana. Arthu r Gray or
Anaheim. Pre!>1ding Orange
County Superior Court Judge
Robert Rickles and Presiding
North Orange County Municipal
Court Judge James Alfano
Board Chairman Ralph Clark
said he proposed the committee
or legal proressionals to help
supervisors consider complaints
about the public defe nder's
actions rrom Orange County
Sher iff-Coroner Brad Gales.
Clark said Gates asked the
su p e r visor s to review the
well-publicized case last month
in which county -paid public
defenders cont acted Thomas
Francis Edwards soon after he
was taken into c ustody in
Edwards is the chier suspect
in the Sept. 19 shooting death of
12-year-old Vanessa lberri in the
Cleveland National Forest.
Gates claimed t he contact
with Edwards was unethical.
Public Defender Ronald Butler,
citing an opinion from the state
Bar Association. countered that
the contact was proper and was
intended to ensure that indigents
are aware of the implications or
giving self-inc rimi n atin g
Clark said Tuesday that
because the issues i nvolve
technical interpretations of the
law, the committee is to advise
s upervisors on proper policies.
Certifttd Grmo/ofl1t1t. ACS
Jewels of Iran
When the revolutionaries took
over in Iran, one of the first
things they did was to lay claim
to all of the jewels that
belonged to Empress Farah.
But there was one s mall
problem -the Empress and
her jewels had already fled the
country. The revolutionary
government didn't aive up,
though. When a huge set of
double-teardrop diamond
earrings went on sale at an j
auction at the famous Sotheby's
in London, the government of
Iran went into the British courts
to try to impound the earrings.
But the empress had already
sold them to another party, and I
that party was now auctlonina
them at Sotheby'a. The auction
house Yfas so sure of this fact
that it insured the seller and the
buyer against any claims. Sure
enough, the court found that tho
new owner could prove his
ownership. The court lifted the
Impound order and the tarrinp
were sold to a new owner -al a
record $8.6 million. Tb1t'a th..
h.iahest price ever recorded for
a pair~ earrinaa.
(;eorge Deukme1ia11
Dc ukmej1an claim ed that
recent polls show he's pulling
ahead of Curb. who was an early
rron t runner The attorney
general attributes this apparent
switch to his greater experience
in d ealing with t h e state
Legislature over the past 16
ye ar s and t o Curb 's
"immaturity in dealing with the
press ··
Oe ukmcJl•n pointed to Cur.,_:i
Oct. 3 outburst of c riticiartrl
ugalnst a reporter for the Lcltl
Angeles Herald £xamioeli
during a press conference ln1
Palm Springs. •i'
"It seems that we're movin•J
up and h e's b een slidinf'
btckwards." Deukmejlan sald.
·'The polls all show that." 111
Deukmejian criticized tblel
California Coastal Commlssioftl
for c reating a housing sbo~
In Or ange County by preventtna.
development 1llong the Oranaet
Coast. -
He stated that San Dte•1
Municipal Court Judge Lewt
Wenszell, 39. should step down
rrom the bench in the wake Qf.1 hi s convi c tion of hirinJ,
prostitutes for sex acts becausej1 as a convicted lawbreaker, ~
shouldn't be judging other ca.s 1 Of Se n . Schmitz'
controversial statements that ~
military coup in the Uniteb'
States wouldn't be all b•<tn
Deukmejian says he disagrees,
but added that "John does ~
to make s tatements that will ~
considered controversial.·· 11 "If he truly believes. (the~~.
will be a coup here> I think he s
very much mistake n .';i
Deukmejian said. >/
"ll <the state ment) is nQt,
going to be helpful in b l.~
campaign." ,1 Schm itz i s seeking thf,
Republican nomination for th~
CS Senate 'I ,,
Rancho Capistran~
.•1 to become retreat ;~ .h
Historic itancho Capistrano.
located on 93 acres or hillsides,
botlomland and plateaus just
north or San J uan Capi strano.
will become a spiritual retreat
for the Schuller Ministries.
The SlO m1lhon parcel, long
the site of Boy and Girl scout
campouts, will become a "ma1or
spiritual retreat for people from
a ll over the world,"' announced
John C Crean, owner of the
land , and Dr. Robert H
Schuller . founder or the Garden
Grove Community Church.
Crean. chairman of the board
or Fleetwood Enterpnses,
'shared the property at no cost
with 'thousands of youngsters
from churches. civic groups and
youth oriented organizations like
the YMCA during the 13 years
the Crean family owned the
Rancho Capistrano is located
just off the Santa Ana Freeway
on Camino Capistrano at the
northern city limits of San Juan
Cr ean said the family's de·
cision to offer t he land as a
retreat came about as a result of
the children having grown.
"It was time to put the proper-
ly to more general use." Crean
said ··we all agreed we would
never sell it for commercial de-
ve lopm ent and we were
fo rtunate when we found that
Dr Schuller agreed the site is
p er f ect for a permanent
retreat. ..
Sc hulle r said Ran c ho
Capistrano will "orter an op-
portunity for people to' return to
the homeland of the spirit and a
facility that offers solitude with
He said the property will be
expa nded lo include a non-
d enominational chape l, guest
r ooms a nd public m eetin g
Schuller said the property will•
continue to be avai lable t o
youngsters for camping while!
the retreat is made operational. ,
Ile said that. when completeda-
the reli gious retreat will be able
to accommodate between 1301
and 150 guests simultaneously
throughout the year
Rancho Seco :,
nuke near
• reopemng
, .
~ '
Rancho Seco nuclear powe~
pla nt was started up again afti/-
being out of service for twtl
months. but then was shut dowff
temporarily again.. 1'
The new s hutdow n wa&
expected to last only 10 to 1~
hours and will allow workmen tb
complete repairs to a turbin~!
s aid J eff Marx, spokesman ffit
the Sacramento M unic ipa'I
Utility District. Tuesday
Marx said the plant shouia
reach its full 913 megawatts 'JI
power by late today or earl
A damaged low-pressure
turbine rotor, which forced t.tN
shutdown Aug. 13, was re placed
at a cost of about $2 million. ·~
The startup Tuesday was to
test the balance of the block-long
turbine shaft. achieved by
attaching weights in the same
manner as an automobile wh~
1s balanced. I.
Marx sa id the weigblll
appeared to be in the rigtu
place, so the plant was sbUt
down again to allow workmen w
attach them permanently.
·it costs no more
to own a classic.
Lady Seiko.
The design is very rich . The price is not.
So choose the look you love and get
uncompromising 17-jewel Seiko precision
and a watch you'll prize as a bracelet.
Gleaming gold tone or silver tone with a
rich choice of dial designs and hues.
Affordable classics, all .
' I J. C.JJumrJ.,."'6 J.w.t.l'd
BankAmel'ic:8'd-M11ter Charge PHONE ~I
~~~~~~--~~·~--~~··-,-~-~~~~__,.--._..._....___,,........_~~~~--.,.--------"'!9'!~ .... ._. ............... !1191 ................................................ 111 ...................... .. -........ _._ --
s Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednesday. October 28, 1981
............ '· , , BUFFALO BANNED -A Minncapolb police offttrr pul~ up a
1 hand to stop protesters dressed as buffalo as lhl·~ atl1.'mpll·d
to e nte r the auditorium when.• Interior Secn•tan .Jamt'"
Watt was addressing the '.':alional Rt•treataon .ind P art.. ....
., Association.
P ATCO loses again
Court reinstates decertification order
three Judge panel has reinstal~
the decertification of the
Professional Air Trame Con·
tro llon. Organi za tion as
rt•prescntalive of federal air
traffic controllers
Details of the order by the
U .S Court of Appeals Tuesday
were not immediately available.
Spokesmen for both sides said
the uppeals court lifted its pre·
vious temporary s lay or last
week's decertificatton order by
the Federal Labor Relations
Authority, an independent agen-
cy which resolves labor disputes
involving federal employees.
The appellate court last Fri-
day blocked an authority order
strippm(o( the union of its authori
Ly to represent controller s
because the union had sanc-
tion ed an illegal strike las t
Within hours. however, the ap-
peal!> court 1::.sued u temporary
sta} of the FLRA order al the
n •q uest of th<' union
The Federal Aviation Ad ·
minislrut ion, which employed
the eontrollcrs, argued Monday
that the court's stay should be
lifted bec•au::.e the union's de·
c·ert1f1cataon 1s 10 the public in·
terc·st and the union has little
chant·e of having the FLRA or ·
de r n·Vl'rst•cl
PATCO has said 1t wall appeal
the labor panel's order in the
rourt-. R1c:hard Leighton. the
union ·~ gen1.•ral counsel. said the
union plans to filt.• mollons ap-
pealing lhl' dccertif1callon to the
U S. Court of Appeals on ils
m er its within o few days. He
said the union hopes lo have a
ruling within u h'w weeks.
Leighton said, however, that
wlth the tl'mporary stay lifted
··PA TCO 1!> no longer certified
a:. the ext'lus1 ve bargaining
aKent of tht• air traffic con·
Under tht.· h1w, the FLRA or-
der goes into effect unless at is
!>l<iyed by the federal courts
µending appeal
Under thl' FLRA 's ruling Fri-
dciy. the <.'Ontrollers union was
:.t ripped of its rights to
represent air traffic controllers
because the union called for and
participated an cin illegal stnke
of nearly 12,000 controllers Aug. :1.
The FLHA said PATCO had
"willfully cind intentionally"
violated the lciw by calling a na-
l1on\\ ide stnk<.• of air controllers
Aug 3
yield falls
on s lrt> r l t c rm Treasu r y
securities fell for the third tame
10 the past four weeks. with one
rate hitting its lowest point since
last March. government officials
reported .
The three-judge appeals panel
said such actions called for
nothlne short of revoking PAT·
CO's exclusive right lo represent
the controllers It was the first
time the government had dis
solved a union by lift ing 1ls
authority to represent its m em
be rs
In its motion lo the appeals
court, PATCO argued at did not
have adequate lime to present
its case before the FLRA and
that failure to issue a slay "will
ca use PATCO t o s uffer 1m
mediate irreparable harm."
The FAA countered on Mon-
day that the stay s hould be lifted
bec ause PATCO h ad lltll e
chance of gelling reversal of the
FLRA ruling.
The FAA also said that about
half the 6,300 working air traffic
controllers are in a "representa
tional limbo" as long as PATCO
continues lo hold its st atus as a
labor union.
NEW MAYOR -Andre \\
\ oung. forrrn.·r ambassador
lo lhl· l 'n1t1.•d :'l:at1ons. ''as
h;111dil~ t•lt·c1 l'fl ma.' or of
\t l;lllla Ill u hot h ronll'Sll'd
t a l' l' 11 t• " 1 I 1 · ~ u c t: t• e d
\la' 11anl .J ack:-,on
Suspect arrested
Brink's heist • ID
pected terrorist linked to last
week·., SI 6 million Brink ·s rob
berv was arrested when FRI
agents and local police raided a
Mi ssissippi farmh o u se-.
authorities said
C'ountv l>henlf's office
C'ount1ss set bond al SS00.000
and 'chedul<.'d a Nov 5 hearing
on a request hy defense al ·
tornl'y~ that th<.> case be moved
to the ft>d<'rul court for the
Southern District of New York.
:.TV blamed for British • riots
About $4 .7 billion in sax -month
Treasury bills were sold at an
average discount rate of 13.619
percent. duwn from the 13 795
percent of one week earlier
U .S Attorney John Martin
said Cynthia Pn:.calla Roston.
33, was arrested an Gallman.
Mass . following an invcst1gcit1on
that traced her and u male cum
panion from the New York ar<•a
lo New Orleans and then to Mis
Author1tH•s were s till
'>e<1rch10g for Wilham Johnson,
1dentif1ed an the complaint as a
suspeC'll'd member of the Black
Libt'rallon Army who uses the
name B<tlal Sunni-Ah ,. LONDON <AP> A report by
a former Labor Party legislator
said television coverage of
s treet violence in Northern
Ireland was the main influence
I-behind las t s ummer's urban
rioting in mainland Britain.
Rioters who battled police in
: London, Manchester. Lh·erpool
and other cities copied scenes
.• fr o m Be lfast by wearin g I f acemusks a nd throwing
: gasoline bombs. said the report
1 compiled ror the Center for
Contemporary Studies by its
chairman. former opposition
Labor Party legislator Eric
Moon man
"The influence of television
could not be doubted." it said.
·'TV made 1t look easy The~
knew what to do "
Moonman said he reaC'hed his
conclusions aftl·r 1nterv1ew10g
an undisclosed number of youths
from London and Toxtelh. the
ure a of Liverpool hit by the nots
in J uly .
Ills report. l'3lll'd "'Cop~cal
Hooligans.'· accept:. that the
'1olcnce wus caused an part b)
une mpl oyment. raC'lal
discr1minat1on and hostility
towards Britam's predominantly
white polil'e fore<.', reasons most
frequently ci ted publicly by the
Rut Muo nm cin suid has
1nqu1 r1es disclosed that the main
reason "is the example offered
by Northern Ire land , that
long running sa ga o f social
bn·akdO\\ n 1n Britain which
nightl~ ftlb the t e levis io n
scn•l'ns with violent defiance
and authority. s treet fighting
and nt'1ghborhood strife."
Rioting has become ritualized
in Norlhl•rn I reland. torn by
sectarian and political feuding
for more• than 12 veurs
Tht· n·port Tuesday culled for
tht· mNl1ci lo delciy reportmg
\ iolenl outbrl'uks for up lo two
hours to g1vt• police time to
bring tht•m under control and
pre' l'nt escalation
There \\as no immediate
respon::.c from the television
The government a lso sold
about $4 .7 billion in three.month
bills al an civl'rage yield of 13 352
percent, down from 13 613
The yic•ld~ were the lowest
s ince the March 30 level of
12 .501 percent for three-month
bills and the Oct. 9 le vel of 13.5
percent for sax month bills
LSD tarups found
OGDEN. Utah !AP > J ames
Elmer Mci cs. 28. has been
c harged with possession of a
controlled substance after police
found 160 L.<;O saturated stamps
bearing the 1muge of the cartoon
character Snoopy, in ha s Ogden
Authorities here unsealed u
federal magislratt"s complamt
detailing the search for tt.e c<>u
J ohn Kelly. special agent in
charge of the Jackson PBI of
fice . said Miss Boston was ar
rested without an c1dent ubout 6
a m . T uesda y She wcis ar
rciigned l ater before l ' S
Magistrate John R Countiss Ill
in Jackson and sent to tht•
Jackson City J ail
He said the ru1d was earned
out byegents from Jackson and
New York , assisted by tht·
Highway Patrol a nd Copiah
The federal complaint. filed a
d<I\ cifkr the• Oct 20 Brink's rob· t>c·~' Joel unsealed todav. a l-
kgc:d that Miss Boston ··;s Lhe
man 1stc•r of inform at ion for the
Hl'puhhC' nf "'it•w Africa or RNA .
u terronsl 11rgana1atwn ..
:\11 ,~1ss1pp1 lci\.\ enforcement
o fftl'l<il ' at the ~ce n c said
pl•rhap~ IOO ~'RI agent~ from
Sl'\ l'ral ... 1att·~ Wl'fl' involved in
th(· arn·-.t. and that cirm::. were
Sl'i zcc1
Later FBI agents \.\Orked tag-
ging boxc·~ of e' idence 10 the
\ard of·thc l1n roofed house
about J(I mllt•S !>OUlh Of J uckson.
Mi ss1ss1 pp1. officials said
no one can pay you more interest
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So why not save at Bank of Newport where you know you will get the best service and, of
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October 1, 1981, Bank of Newport will offer a new "TAX-SA VER" CERTIFICATE of deposit that
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banking ser v1cl' avai}able anywhere . Don't wail. inte res t r__ates may nc•ver lw h1ghl'r
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Bank of
Three loeatioN in Newport 8-ch.: Pac1fic Cout Highway at Avocado/7~8000.
Dover at Sixteenth Street/846-8333, Thiny~ SttMt at W'ayette/818-8333.
$1 bus rides on way?
Fares will rise if. additional federal cuts OK'd
Angeles mass transit fares,
already the highest in the
nation, will have lo rise to $1 to
maintain set-vice levels H
additional federal budget cuts
proposed by President Reagan
are approved, a stale Senate
committee was told.
Los Angeles County
Supervisor Ed Edelman, vice
chair man of the County
Transportation Commission,
added Tuesday that other mass
transit systems in the state
would likely race si m i lar
He was testifying before a
Man pleads guilty
in banking case
founder and former chairmAn of
a Montebello-based bank hu
pleaded guilty to charges the
ba nk fail ed to report a
t r ans action of nearly $500,000
involving "laundered " illegal
drug money.
John A. Gabriel, 65. and the
Garfield Bank pleaded guilty
this week in U.S. District Court
in the case involving a currency
t ransaction Jan. 10, 1978. by Los
Angeles attorney Nathan
Markowitz, a self-proclaimed
drug trafficker.
By federal law. banks must
report all d eposits a nd
withdrawals of $10,000 or more.
A federal grand jury had
indicted the bank, as well as
Gabriel who has since stepped
down as board chajrman ,
president and chief executive
officer of the bank he founded in
1955 and six other people for
their alleged participation in
$3 .3 milli o n worth of
transaction s made by
Markowitz over the last two
Markowitz was tnurdered in a
Century City garage in April
after he had agreed lo cooperate
in narcotics investigations by
federal law enforcement
Gabriel and bank attorneys
worked out a plea bargain in
which they would plead guilty to
one count in the grand jury's
30-count indictment The bank
must pay a fine of $309,106 over
the next six years, and Gabriel
mus t pay a $100,000 fine and be
placed on five years probation
Gabriel must resign his
executive posts with the bank,
but is allowed lo keep his 68
percent share of the bank's
Se nat e Transportation
Committee hearing on the effect
of rederal budget cuts on
California. The hearing is one In
a ser ies scheduled by the Senate
that will also cover education.
the legal system, health and
wclrare, and housing.
Edelman added that if
operating subsidies are phased
out entirely over the next three
years transit rares would
probably climb to $2 per fare A
bus ride now in Los Angeles
costs 85 cents.
Edelman also struck out at
administration plans not to pay
ror any rail projects that have
not yet been started, noting that
the money o f C alifornia
taxpayers is going to pay for
projects currently under way in
Baltimore. Miami and Atlanta
lie said the policy wa s
··unfair" and "shortsighted."
President Reagan, faced by a
larger-than-expected rederal
bud~et deficit, has called for a
12 pe rcent, across-the-board
r eduction f or most federal
dl'partments to n arrow the
budget gap
In introductory remarks,
co mmittee C hairman John
f''oran. 0 -San Francisco, warned
that a 12 percent cut m transit
operating subsidies would mean
a loss of about 20 percent In aid,
when inflation is taken into
11 l' said this, couple d with cuts
1n funding for transportation
JHOJects. is likely to have a
··d1~ruptive impact on the people
of California "
Grand opening of
High Country Villas.
The easy life:
Adults 45 and over, 2 and 2 bed-
room plus den condominiums.
The active life:
9-hole golf course, swimming
pool, spa, shuffleboard,
clubhouse ... for a small
monthly fee.
The country life:
The best of beautiful high
country in North County.
The opportunity of a
From $74,000 to $105,000. Special
financing available.· Ask ~·
salesperson for details.
Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednesday. October 28, 1981 s
Orson Welles. right, talks with actor Peter
O'Toole anci date Karen Somerville before
... ......,...
recent dinner for Welles in Beverly Hil•s
Welles was honored by the lloll~·wood
For eign Press Association
Chavez ends Ralston boycott
United Farm Workers chief
Cesar Chavez has ended a
nearly thre~·month boycott of
Ralston Purina Co. products
after negotiators reac hed
agreement on a labor contract
ror 275 mushroom workers.
Employees of Steak Mate
Corp., a Morgan Hill m ushroom
farm and subs idiary of Ralston
Purina, were scheduled to vote
Tuesday night on ratification of
a contract providing for an
immediate 22 percent wage
increase and another 3 percent
increase after six months,
according to Chris llartmire.
Chavez' aide.
The workers. primarily those
who tend mu s hroom s 1n
simulated caves. have been on
s trik e for 96 days Ir they
approve the one-year wage pact
and end the strike, they will add
to the ranks of the U FW that
H ar tmir c says already
represents 100 .000 California
laborers, many of them seasonal
farm workers.
Union negotiators "are very
happy about it." Hartmire said
of the tentative agreement. "It
Call (714) 942-5771 for more
was a long time coming They
are convinced at ·wa s a
com bmallon of the strike and
tht' boycott that brought at
about "
Julius Brown . general
manager of Steak ~1ate. was out
of his offici> ;ind could not be
reached for t•ornmenl until late
in the day, according lo his
The pact, 1f approved by
workers. would boost workers'
hourly wages from S4 25 to SS 20
1rnrned1atl•h and. after s ix
months. to S.5°35. Hartm1re said
'lilWl'W' 5Nll•<•'
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Orange Coast CAIL Y PILOT /Wednesday, October 28, 1981
Dollars sell for $1.25
You can spend them or paper your wall with them • WASHINGTON <AP> -At
lon1 last, the government has
found a way to make a dollar
worth more than it used to be.
And the customers are lining up
to pay a hefty premium for an
uncut version rolling orr the
A sheet of 16, suitable for
framing or wallpaperin1. will
run $20.25. At that rate. the
Bureau of Engraving and
Printing is making roughly a
quarter for making a rough
The rlnished version, ready for
wallet or changemaker, still
sells at par at thousands of
convenient locations.
"It was a mob scene" when
the bureau began selling the
sheets on Monday, BEP's chief
o r planning and policy
development, Peter Daly. said
Gross sales were about $62,000
on the first day as the
government began selling uncut
currency sheets for the first
time since 1953, he said. As
might be expected, the pace
slowed aomewhat Tuesday, he
Prodded for years by
collectors, Daly said, the bureau
decided to begin sellln1 the
sheets again this year -at a
markup in hopes or raising
money to refurbish facllltles for
visitors. The currency-printing stop is
one of the most popular for
Washington tourists, with about
500.000 visitors a year. he said.
The sheets come in two sizes.
one including 16 one-dollar bills
and one including 32.
Bought at the BEP visitor
center, the smaller sheet costs
$20.25, the larger $38.00.
Through the mail -with the
government paying to register
and insure the package -the
costs are $26 or $45.
Daly said the sheets are
"packaged as souvenirs. in a
mat ready to be framed."
But the bills in each sheet are
genuine currency. and if a
collector later becomes
hard-preaaed for cash there'• no
reason he can't cut the bllla
apart and spend them.
After subtracting handllna
costs, the bureau hope• to clear
about $500,000.
First-day sales totaJed about
2,000 sheets, including about
1.200 sheets with 32 bills and
about 800 with 16 bills.
Asked if selling the sheet.I
might aid counterfeiters settiDI
up their own printing operation,
Daly said the U .S. Secret
Service. which en for ces
counterfeiting laws , isn't
worried about that prospect and
is supporting the sales.
•·Besides. counterfeiters
generally don't bother with $1
bills." he said.
Daly s aid the government
does not plan to follow up the
sales with sheets including any
really big bills but does have
about 150,000 uncut sheets of 16
two-dollar bills saved from a
printing of several years ago.
Those sheets may well be put
on sale next year. he said.
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Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, October 28, 1981
Fire ants vent fury on Texans
_ Torrential ·rains drive insects, above ground in state's worst-ever outbreak
Pustules caused f rom stings of imported fire ants cover victim's arm
in photo from Texas A&M University.
DAU.AS (AP> -Llke some
Biblical plaeue of centuries
past, vicious fire ants are
building their foot-high nests
above ground, trying to escape
aoll made sodden by Texas'
recent torrential ralna.
That, officials say, makes it
easy for people to stumble into
them -with painful and
possibly lethal results.
•'They have a hell of a temper.
and their sting can be
life-threatening ," Texas
Agriculture Commissioner
Reagan Brown said In an
interview from Austin. "We feel
that some cases or heart attack
may have come from fire ant
The tenacious red insect
invaded the United States from
South America in the late 1930s.
·'They were lntroduce4
accidentally at Mobile, Ala., and
now cover 230 million acres over
nine Southern states," Brown
The fire ants have been
spreading south-southwesterly
at a rate ol 25 to 30 miles a year,
Brown said. They reached Texas
in 1956 and cover about 105 or the
254 counties in the Lone Star
·'This year's outbreak is the
worst ever in Texas, because of
the rain," Brown said. "We
have a real war here -and the
ants are wtnnlne."
So far, four che mical-control
egents have been developed to
fight the fire ant: Heptacblor,
Mi rex, Ferriamlcide and
AMDRO. But, Brown said,
pressure from envirobmentallata
led to the banninf of the flrat
two and federa refusal to
certify the third.
"We have to have an
understanding by the public that
aenalUve to the protein."
Such people could die from
respiratory failure after beinl
bitten by Just one fire ant,
Vinson said. ScienUata believe
that 1 percent of the population
could have tbls extreme reacUon
to the stLncs. "The ants are very protecUve
of their mounds and defenaive of
their food supplies," he said.
•'They will sting if you disturb
them or get between them and
they 1et Just like concrete and
c an damage aarlcultural
machinery," Brown said.
Each year, the state spends
hundreds of thousands of dollars
trying to find ways to atop the
spread of the peat.a.
''We're putting about $200,000
a year from my department into
research at A&M and the same
amount at Texas Tech -and
we're rmding out more about the
imported fire ant all the time,"
Brown said.
"We have,a real war here -,and
the, ants, are winning."
Scientist.a have learned that
the ants spread by riding
everything from wind currents
to pickups.
"The males and females fiy
hundreds of feet into the air to
we 've got to fight these insect.a
or they'll win," Brown said,
"and we need 4 crash program
or continued research to find a
better way to control them."
Brad Vinson, an entomology
professor at T e xa s A&M
University, said the imported
fire ants -"solenopsis invicta"
-pack a double-whammy in
their tiny stingers.
"There is a potent alkaloid
compound in their venom which
causes pustules," Vinson said.
"But they also have a protein
that can cause shock in some
people who are extremely
mate," Vinson said. .
their food."
The fire ants latch onto their
vicUma with their jaws and sting
repeatedly, said Mark Trostle, a
fire ant spec!cllist with the state
agriculture depa rtment. He
recommendeJ baking soda paste
to ease the p9in of the pustules.
But if victims react violently to
the protein in the venom, only
hos pital treatment 'can save
them, Vinson said.
The females then drift down,
catching a lift on a car or truck,
and eventually dig into the dirt
to start a new colony.
The fe deral and s tate
departments or agriculture have i
quarantined the 1nfested areas. 4"$ ·
Shipments or flowers, shr.ub~-* '" and hea v y e arth -mov1ng J _
equipment are supposed to be
inspected to make sure the ants
aren't aboard, Trostle said.
The ants are pests in other
ways .
But, he added, the quarantine
has been hampered by too few
ins pectors and a willful or
ignorant lack of compliance with
the restrictions.
"They build mounds about a
foot and a hall in diameter and a
foot high. When they dry out
And isn't that
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". Or,ange Co11t DAILY PILOT /WtdnHdly, October 28, 1981
G!TI D!GRl!E -
Singer B.J . Thomas
i s getting an
hooorary degree al
Baptist College in
Charleston, S.C . for
his contribution to
Christian muslc.
,.._ .. Hnd _ Irvine
Bumper StlckwC•I at
U Heh Ctaa lne.)
c heck or money
~. ....... _.,
2521 F N. GRAND
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Huny In and treat
yourself to a f anclful arrangement
from our very OWJi flowering pumpkin patch.
()plla .wry -of the year •t. ~ locatlon .. you.
Platoon honored for action in Battle of Bulge
WASHINGTON tAP> The small ammunition and were surrounded
and taken prisoner. band ot soldiers who raced a tidal
wave of enemy soldiers in the BatUe
of the Bulge have become OM of the
nation's most decorated Army units,
nearly 87 years after their ordeal.
Or. Lyle J . Bouck Jr. of St. Louis
was a 20 -yea r ·old lieutenant
commandang the platoon at that
M ye r . Va .. re ceiving th e
Distinguished Service Cross. the
nation's second tilgheat decoration
for heroism ln c()mbat.
Also receiving the DSC were
William L. Slape of Shreveport, La.;
Risto Milosevich of El Toro, and
William James of Port Chester, N.Y.
McGehee of McComb, Ml11., alao
winner of the Silver St.-r, Wll unab
to attend. • , ..
Winners of the Bronze Star wttb
"V" for valor honored at th
ceremony were James Fort G(
Cumberland City, Tenn.; Geor1e H.
Redmond of Greensboroi N.C.;
Samuel L. Jenkins of E Paso,
Texas; Robert H. Preston of Sliver
Spring, Md.: Clifford R. Fansher of
Enid . Okla.: and Jo~eph A .
When Germany launched Its last
desperate attack Dec. 16, 19'4, the
assault swept toward the
reconnaiss ance and intelligence
platoQn of the 394th Infantry
Regiment, 99tb Infantry Division.
The unit was ordered to hold at all
. According to Army records, the
platoon held out 18 hours against
three waves of German attackers,
until the Americans ran out or
Bouck discovered in 1966 that none
of the members of the unit had been
decorated for action at Lanzerath,
Belgium, and worked to have the
heroes recognized.
Rep. Rlc\lard J. Ottinger, D·N.Y.,
sponsored legislation lifting the time
limit on such awards and before
leaving office r ~ident Carter
awarded the platoon a u:iit citation.
Bouck was the first honored in
colorful ceremonies at nearby Fort
Members $/tO unlimited ~ • Visits M~~"
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REE... Enjoy o"'" Exercise and AerolHc classes
d•.,ed for the Mature~. ltk a fwt way for Boclr Shaping and Carcllovalcular ~nt.
James, who was also known as
William James Tsakanikas, was
honored posthumously. His widow,
Lucille, accepted the award.
Receiving Silver Star medals at the
ceremony were Jordan H. Roblnson
of Blaine. Tenn.: J ames R. Silvola of
Ocala, Fla.; Louis J . Kalil of
Mi shawaka, Ind. and John B. Cregar
of Richmond. Va . Aubrey P .
McConnell or Tempe, Ariz.
Posthumous Bronze Stars were
awarded to William R. Duetman or
Albany, Ore.: Robert 0 . Adams of
Akron. Ohio; and Robert J . Bauch
or Clarksburg, W. Va .
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. ~"~ ~~ Best fireplace woods
DEAR PAT DUNN: Wlalcll kllld of dry
wood. IOI' the welcbt, provldet Ute mot• lleat ;' ~~edl:;=~D I: :=:pl:_~e~~ ~~.·~~
,, wood burn In • fireplace?
H.E., Cotta Me11
There's UtUe difference amonc species in
iJ the heating value of dry wood, on a welaht
i basis. But heavier woods such u oak and
i eucalyptus can weigh up to two limes as
,, much per cubic foot as ligh'ter woods 1uch as
pine and cedar. So these heavier woods are
worth correspondingly more in heating
Gener ally, heavier hardwoods such as
the oaks, eucalyptus and fruit woods, offer a
long lasting fire. They bum less viaorously
and have shorter names than softwoods. for
example, pine, spruce and fir. For a quick
warming fire that will go out before you
retire, you may want to u'Se softwoods. They
are easy to ignite but you'll need to replenish
the wood often to keep the fire going.
For an "ideal" fire, combine a mixture
of h ardwoods and softw ood s . 'l'he
combination offers the easy igniting of
softwood and long burning and good coaling
of hardwood. Use a softwood kindling stacked
in log cabin or tepee style for starting the
fi re. The arrangement will allow oxygen t.o
circulate. Th en add large pieces of
hardwood. The addition of firewood from
fruit or nut trees will offer a fragrant aroma.
Keep a thick bed of ashes underneath (no
closer than an inch or two to the bottom of
the irate> to form a bed for 1lowln1 coals to
drop throuah. The coals 1ive steady heat and
help ignite wood as it Is added.
Santa Claw me11age1
DEAR PAT DUNN: Do you uow where
I could arrance to bav' a letter from San••· postmarked "Nortb Pole," seat to my
cranddH&Jner? A friend IOld me abe'd doae
tbh a couple of years aao for ber
gra adcblldren, but 1be'1 mlaplaeed the
addreu where a.he placed the order.
E.T., lrvlae
I've heard that Santa Claus will send a
personalized Christmas card postmarked
from the North Pole CAJaska> to a child. or to
the child in all or us. Send $2 and the child 's
name and address plus any special message
of your choice to: Paperworks. P.O. Box
1117SA, Palo Alto, Calif. 94306.
• '"Col o problem? Then wnle to Pot \.. l Dunn Pol will cul red tape. getting
• lhe answers and action JIOU need lo
solve inequities m government and
,... bu&mess Mall y<r1.1r questions lo Pal
! I Dunn. At Your Stnnce. Orange Coast
Doily Pilot. P 0 Bor 1560. C<»to Me8a . CA 92626 As
many letters a.t pos$1ble wall be ansWl!red. but phoned
mquanes or letters not including I~ reader's full
name. address and bUSJness hours· phone number
' 'cannot be conaidered. This column.appean Monday,
Wednesday. and /i'riday.
rug dealer fined $1 million in property
LOS ANGELES <AP> -A jury has ruled that
tarino Murillo, 52, of La Habra Heights, must r feit more than $1 million in property for his
c viction on charges of running a major heroin
r g.
A federal court jury decided that Murillo must
feit four pieces or residentia.I property in the La
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Habra area. farm property In Pomona and four
The government said Murillo ran a drug
dealership from his beer bar business since 1976
and became a millionaire in a short time by
investing in real estate and by sending money to
invest in Mexico.
VidH Cosseffn for Sale
M'~ ...
SPECIAL THIS WEEK! * Rent "3" movies for price *
of ''2" Ylith this ad*
•Ho clubs to fol-!
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Colo~ne 2 oz. and 4 oz.
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$7 .00 & Sl 1.00
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900 AM TO.l lO PM MON ·SAT
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Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday. October 28, 1981 • ~·
Collage System
Glossy, hard finish for
~~t ;~~~s~~~t;1~~s 1 39 Gelatin & Acrylic
Tr .. tment de Pantene
for damaged. abused hair Add s luster. body and manageability Helps prevent damage
and split ends
ltfG. 111.50 . 5 00
a oz. •
Ready-to-wear fingernails that
are easy to apply. natural
looking and perfect fOf hiding
breaks. ggc
eaut • I
Helps soften facial hnes as 11 carries
precious moisture into the skin
'JJ.00 VALUE 7 9 5
8 oz. •
~ ~ Cologne Sprays
•BABE <2 oz..>
• WOODHUE (1.1 oz..>
• APHRODISIA (1.1 o'"·>
YOUR 7 50 CHOICE! • l A
Salon Manicure
With purchase of
Nail Color or
Nail Care
Accessories 1.79
Eylure Nails
I , ""·
'-J. -': ~re "Ready-to-Wear'". easy
to apply and long
lasting ils ~ ,.... -~ -. -··-·
~eykJ~~ Ilk 4.50
Cleans like soap .softens
like cream. Assorted floral
12 •. 3.95
i -.--____ "'--___ _ --------------------..-.----·,..--·--
~·· Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /WednHday, October 28, 1981
Oliver Reed
to fine
(AP) -British actor
Oliver Reed, often cast
in fi l m s as a
swashbuckling rogue.
soothed feelings in a ski
town wher e h e was
arrested in a barroom
fight scene that packed
in fistfights, broken
furniture and smashed
Reed, 43, who ha s
played in "The Three
Musketeers." "Lion of
the Desert '' and
"Oliver! .. changed his
plea Tues day from
innocent to no contest
and agreed to pay a
$1,200 fine. Police had
accused him of starting
the brawl this month in
Stowe, a s ki resort
where Reed plans to
build a vacation home.
The actor also made a
Sl ,000 donation to the
Stowe Rescue Squad, an
all-volunteer ambulance
"He likes the idea of a
nice gesture, something
that will help provide
some service to th e
community," Reed's
lawyer, AJan Thorndike,
said. "He'd rather leave
a better impression than
the incident might have
left ."
Under the plea
agreement, prosecutors
agreed to drop charges
of unlawful mischief and
attempted si mpl e
assault, in exchange for
a no contest plea to two
counts of simple assault.
In the incident, Reed
was hauled out of a bar
by Stowe police after he
a llegedly ch allenged
patron s to
arm-wrestling matches
and fi stfights, in t he
proc ess bre a king
furniture and bottles.
Bar owne r Richard
Hughes said the actor
agreed to pay him $250
in restitution, which
soothed his feelings:
"He hasn't been back
lately, but he's welcome
any time."
to close
<AP) -Caesars Tahoe
has announced it is
closing its showroom to
headliner entertainment
Executive Vi ce
Pr(!sident Roger S .
Trounday said the price
of talent and the winter
decline in tourist traffic
to the Lake Tahoe resort
were factors in th e
"We hope to have the
showroom open for the
C hristmas season,
boliday weekends and
summer," he said. •·our
plan for the time being
Is to upgrade the lounge
to su pport n ame
entertainment ."
He said s howroom
personnel were being
offered other jobs at the
resort. ·
The showroom opened
in September 1980.
-Albert Gersten, a
R e publ ica n
bu sineu m an from
Beverly Hilla, waa
nam~d by Assembly S..U« Willie Brown to the LIUle Hoover
Second wife of Sam Sheppard hopes killers of first wife found
second wtto ot Sam Sheppard, tht
doctor who was convicted and
later acqulltt'<l or murderin• hi•
first wlre, saya ahe hope• the real
klllers or Marilyn Sheppard are
"It would be very 1rotlfyln1 ror
me, and for lht' Sheppard family .''
Ariane Tubbenjohanns Sheppard
Mrs. Sheppard, 52. ii back In the
Clevoland urea, where she hopea
to tlnd a Job and continue writln1
a book. She beaan movlnt lnto a
suburban apartment last week.
Sh had been staylng with friends
ln Bay Village, where she and
Sheppard lived from 1964 until
their divorce In 1969.
Mrs. Sheppard aald she decided
to return to the United States from
htir native Germnny because "It's
the best place to be."
Wlth the book, Mrs. Sheppard
said, she "wanted to 1lve the reel
or the German population a break
by showtna that not every citizen
could possibly know about the
concentration c amrs .'' Mrs.
S h e ppard's hatr-s ster was
married to Nail propaaanda
minister Joseph Goebbels and
200 SHEETS Mu.unl.41
Soft. Firm
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later committed suicide.
Sheppard was convicted in 1954
of .the beating d eath or hh
pregnant wtf e. ffe was sentenced
to life in prison but was released
on bond in 1964 after a 10-year
legal battle. In 1966, the U.S.
Supre me Court ordered a new
trul , ci ting a "carnival
atmos phere" at the first.
Sheppard was found innocent.
Mr11. Sheppard said she learned
about the case in Germany ,
corresponded with Sheppard and
later new here to meet him. Two
days after his release, they were
wed. Their marriage fell apart.
Sheppard became a professional
wrestler and married again. He
died in 1970 in Columbus .
A oreat new a1m·and·
shoot with automatic
motorized print e1ection
YOUR CHOa! 6 7 £ ( ' Master Card
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Washes away only the
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v1cu VapoRub
Relieves Distress
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A Natural-Fiber II POWDER l.AUTlvt
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MINIATURE 1 99 BARS Ass't Wts. Per Pak • u.
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US'T ..... C#IDT 98C
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BRACH'S ass'T.
811i11antly designed vinyl
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Long & lean.
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Sheer loveliness
In luscious l .9 9 shades.
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New with cotton crotch
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active dancing &
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4.99 ..
LADlts' a GlllS'
100'1'. nylon seamless
stretch colorfast
SAVE aoc
Of paint nHOed. ""'9MIP togMIW--~ .... M ---
Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednesday. October 28. 1981 "''
-Bottles survey may lielp solve abalone shortage
ti.i Beachjoers from Santa Barbara
them learn to control a shellfish. or Scripps said the current.a carcy
abalone larvae from one place to
another but the larvae settle to the
bottom in alx to 10 days and
11urvive only lf they descend onto a
11hallow, rocky part of the aeafioor.
reply cards, dependln1 on the
findings, Or. Teener said t he may
recommend lo tho state
Department of Fish and Game
that certain abalone populations
be supplemented by planUn1
larvae in areas where they would
get the best currents.
without sinking to the bottom. In
mld-June, Dr. Te1ner and her
~ssociates dropped 1,200 of them
Into the ocean from San Diego
north to Santa Barbara and up to
50 miles offshore, aakinf finders to
mall back lnformat on about
where and when the bottles
washed ashore.
1 to Baja California will sooo be i spotUne UtUe red botUea marktd
uw "Open Me ." lnaide are cards
i •,i· askln1 the finder to write where
,,, they washed up on sbore.
'· SclenUsts at Scripps Institution I of Ocea nography. who are
11 r dumping 1,200 of the botUes at sea 1.:11 today. hope lhe replies will belp
The natural populations of green
abalon are spread by seuonal
ocean currents, and expert.a t.h.1nk
the producUon may be poor in
some areas because of slower
currents in places.
Abalone, its population depleted
by r&shing and pollution, sells ln
market.s for $20 to S25 a pound.
In an interview, Dr. Mta Tegner
ll may take two weeks or loneer
for the larvae to reach the Channel
Islands, where green abalone is
plentiful, she aald.
U enough people return the
Tht Cflolce of
Pf'Ofess1on11 stylists
The survey cards are in plastic
test tubes counterbalanced with
lead shot so they float submeraed
A total of 353 have been
• TAa!TS (M's)
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1.79 1 oz. TUIE
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Tile pen that
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holds most popular sizes
-w.. ............ stwM1••••-....-8Metl• ...... ~-1 ......... ,WI I.,._. • et. TCMO-MIPI" I Ph .. ,._ •IM>N VtlJO-2117' • ...,_,... "'81wy.
,' POUNTMN YAU.IY -MefMI• 6 W.,..., UMNI -CutMf Of. a w-..e IANTA---111' IMtl .,. ..........
• I " t
raps fihn
of today
Ginger Rogers, s ilver
screen partn~r of Fred
Astaire and winner of a
1940 Academy Award,
says today's movies
have too much violence,
sex and profanity for
her liking. · · r have been offered
many film scripts." the
70·year-old Hollywood
star said while visiting
here. ''But I never found
one I could accept. They
emphasize permissive·
ness and violence and
dialogue I wouldn't re·
peat The only four·
letter word 1 will accept
is love."
Miss Rogers won an
Oscar in 1940 for best ac·
lress in "Kitty Foy le "
Miss Rogers also re·
called working with the
then actor Ro nald
"In 1950, he and I CO·
s tarred in a film called
'Storm Warning' and I
found then that he
always gives everything
he has to what he's do
ing,'' she said.
"Last March I was a
guest at the Gridiron
C lub dinn e r in
Washington. President
Reagan was the last
speaker. During his
speech. he looked at me
on tbe dais and said:
'Ginger Rogers, I 'm
glad you're here tonight.
You a nd I appeared
together in the film
"Storm Warnmg," and I
never knew what the ti·
tie meant until I met Tip
O'Neill, Democratic
speaker of the House,
leads congress10nal op·
position lo many of
Reagan's programs.
of males
(AP ) -A Superior
Court judge has ruled
that the Santa Monica
City Council can bar
men from membership
on its Commission on
the Status of Women.
Judge Laurence
Rittenband issued the
ruling Tuesday in a suit
filed against the city by
attorney Gloria Allred
on behalr of Howard
Goldberg , 44 , who
applied for commission
The sui t aske d
Ritlenband to stop the
city from creating the
com mission until the
city ordinance could be
amended to permit men
to apply for the nine
Ms. Allred argued that
creat i on of a
commission composed
only of women was
Robert A. Myers,
Santa Monica city
attorney , said the
com mission is to be
appointed sometime in
November and the
deadline for applications
bas been extended to
Nov. 10.
Term renewed
(AP > -The San
Francisco Board of
Education has rehired
Richard Alioto for
another four.year term
as superintendent of
schools. Alioto's salary
wUl be established after
a aurvey on the talarles
of the clty'a top 10
department heeds.
~II Orang•Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday. October 28. 1981 ~
Phone expense puts
I county on the hook
Orange Count y s upervisors.
looking ahead to next year, have
decided that telephones not only
can ring off the hook but they can
place politicians on one.
When federal deregulation of
the telephone industry Increases
next March, the cost for the
county government to lease its
8,600 phones from Pacific
Telephone is expected lo rise
To keep from s pending more
tax dollars on telephones. the
supervisor s have asked 30
private telephone sales
companies to submit bids to set
up a new system for the county.
The new system, analysts say.
cou ld save the county
government from paying out
many millions of dollars over the
next decade.
Officials in San Di ego County
a re claiming that their new
phone system will sav~ them $50
million in the next 10 years.
Orange County's analysts don't
think such savings are possible.
but they do believe buying new
hardware instead of leasing it
will be a cost saving over the
years ..
To ensure that the bids are
accurate. the proposal sent to the
firms is 28 pages long. Among
those expected to bid for the job
will be Pacific Telephone. which
isn't interested in losi ng its
largest account in Orange
A thorough examination of
the proposals obviously is critical
in this case. Nothing is more
irksome than a deficient
telephone system. Let's have no
wrong numbers this time.
Refugee education
For California schools. one of
the most dis.turbing of the federal
budget cuts that will deprive the
state of more than $1 billion in
federal funds in the coming year
1s the proposed elimination of
more than half the money that
had been promised to schools for
s pecial refugee education
The De pa rtment of Health
and Human Services had
co mmitted $44.3 million
nationwide for the education of
refugee children.
Since California has more
refugees than any other state.
some $12 million of this had been
earmarked for education of the
40,000 refugee children now
attending sc hool here. The
proposed new budget would cut
about S6 milli on from that
Based on the origin~l federal
government commitment . school
dis tricts already have hired
teachers. bought materials and
set up programs for the refugee
c hildren. The money was to have
been allocated this week.
Now it appears the
anticipated a llocation will not be
made. and the Hea lth ant.I
Human Services De partment
budget com mittee ha s
recommended that only half the
promised amount be allocated for
the curre nt school year. There
are no state or local funds to
make up for the loss.
The federal government.
having aut hori zed the
immigration of hundreds of
thousands of refugees. has made
life increasingly difficult for local
agencies obliged to try to provide
the m with housing. jobs. health
care and education.
Efforts by church groups and
other volunteer agencies have
been admirable. But there is no
way volunteers can handle all
their needs least of all ensure
that the children receive the
education they must have to take
their places in the new world
Orange County has been
repeatedly hit by cutbacks in
federal refugee aid funds. The
reduction of education funding is
yet another blow and one that
should be fought b~ legislators
from all areas that have been
heavily impacted by the influx of
Teen driving hazards
Allow teen-agers to drive
only in the daytime.
Do away with drivers'
education classes. ·
Raise the legal driving age to
18. and the drinking age to 21 in
all states.
Were the Da ily Pilot to
propose these controversial
ideas, the crowds of opponents
and picketers could be expected
to form in front of our building
shortly after the first edition
came off the presses.
No. the proposals come from
the Ins urance Ins titute for
Highway Safety. a non-profit
research group funded by several
insurance companies. The
recommendations can be found
in the institute's 11 ·page report
··Teens and Autos : A Dead Iv
Combination.·· '
The report notes that nearly
50 percent of all deaths of
Americans 16 to 19 a r e caused bv
motor vehicle accidents . In
addition. half these accidents
occur at night and drinking
contributes to a number of the
deaths. especially among males
While we find it difficult to
di sagree with the institute's
research. we do gag at some of
its proposals in this auto-orjented
The enforcement problems.
such as restricting teen-age
driving at night, are vast and
complex. What about teens who
work at night '.' Or are on
emergency missions'' Or are
running errands for parents?
Driver educatton certainl v
has merit ·
Let ·s face it : the world
probably isn't rearl y for th~se
Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Dally Pilot. Other views ex-
pressed on tn1s page are tllose ot tlleir authors and artists. Reader comment 1s inv1t
ed. Address Tile Daily Pilot, P.O. Box IS60, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (714)
L.M. Boyd/Middle age
Why your physical appearance
changes after middle age has been
explained this way: Think of your
body cells as photo prints. Each
copies itself to reproduce the next
cycle. Each becomes less distinct. As
the process repeats itselr, many don't
come out. The body reshapes to
compensate for the missing cells.
To buy the endorsement or tennis
great Bjorn Borg, you'll have to pay
him SS0.000 a year. Such Is his
current rate. He'll also show up for
one day so you can take his picture.
Last 'year he collected $3 million that
way. And much m ore in tennis
m alcbes, certainly.
llem No. 933C in our Love and War
men's rue is a proverb long popular
in J &male a: "Marriage has teeth.
and him bite very hot."
Daily Pilat
Q. How high do you have to get
before you can't hear anything?
A. In altitude? Lack of atmosphere
prevents sound from carrying
somewhere around 80 miles up.
Q . 1 know the cottontail rabbit ls
the most widely hunted game. But
what's the most popular hunting
A. Worldwide, the beagle.
Q. Why are "Ladybugs" called
A. Da~s back to a leaend that the
Virgin Mary sent a batch of beetles
to a village plagued by insects. The
beetles ate the insects. And tbe
villagers thereafter called them
''little blrd!J of Our Lady." That
wound up u "ladybugs."
Thomas P. Haley
Pub I Isner
TllorNls A. MUrphlne
Barbara Kreibich
Edltorl1I Pege Editor
.... ~ .... ~.,,._ ___________ ~_._, __ '!'Iii ...... ______________ ....,. ______________ ~
,_ J
Benefit cut based on error
WASHlNGTON President Reagan
wisely backed down on his proposal to
eliminate the S122 minimum beneflt'for
Social Security recipients. It was a
political loser that put him in the
unenviable position of picking on the
elderly poor Congress wasn't going to
allow it to happen any~ay. and 1t
What's not generally realized is that
the president was misled by 'his own
advisers in the Ocrice of Management
and Budget 0 MB Director David
Stockman's juslification for the cutback
was based on a serious misreading of
the money figures involved.
HERE'S WHAT happened: OMB
justified knocking out the minimum
benefit by claiming it provided a
"windlaJI" for 450.000 recipients who
also received other federal or state
pensions. The agency cited a 1979 report
by the General Accounting Office.
which recommended that the new
minimum be eliminated -but only ror
new benefic1anes.
A GAO official explained this to
investigators for Rep. Jake Pickle,
D·Texas, saying. "Our study was
directed at beneficiaries just coming
onto the rolls -not those already on the
rolls for an extended period of time .
Our recommendations applied only to
future beneficiaries ...
Misreading the GAO data. the OMB
circulated a "fact sheet" claiming that.
"based on General Accounting Office
data. 450,000 minimum beneficiaries
Statistics tell
I change my mind a lot about whether
life is long or short Looking back at
how quickly a son or daughter grew up
or at how many years I've been out of
high school. life seems to be passing
frighteningly fast. Then I look around
me at the evidence or the day·to-day
things I've done and life seems long.
Just looking at the coffee cans I've
saved makes life look like practically
forever. We only use eight or 10
tablespoons of coffee a day. Those cans
sure represent a lot or days.
Used corree cans are the kind of
statistics on life that we don't keep.
Maybe if we kept them it would help
give us a feeling or longevity. Maybe
when each of us has his own computer
at home. we'll be able to save the kind
of statistics the announcers use during
baseball games.
rT'SALWAYS FUN, for instance, to try
lo remember how many cars you've
owned. Think back to your first car and
it makes life seem longer. If you're 50
years old, you've probably owned so
many cars you can't even remember all
of them in order. I've also wondered
how many miles l've driven. That'll a
statistic most people could probably
make a fair guess at. If you've put
pensions averaging
respected Congressional Budget Office
and the Congressional Research Service
concluded there was no way the OMB
figures could be substantiated.
ln fact . the Social Security
Administration reports that in 1976
minimum beneficiaries had total
federal pensions including survivor
and disability payments -averaging
less than $6,000 a year. Fewer than 4
pe rcent had pensions amounting to
more than $14,000.
IN TESTIMONY before Congres.s.
Social Security ofhc1als estimated that
the median amount or federal pensions
received by minimum beneficiaries is
now $9,480 a year a rar cry from the
OM B estimate of $16,000. Furthermore.
the Social Security Administration and
the two congressional agencies put the
total of sup posed "windfall "
beneficiaries at only 360.000. not the
OM B's 450.000
The administration's budget cutters
also misled the president on the humane
and politicaJly important -point or
1ust wh o would be affected b.~11
elimination of the $122 minimum. The 11 70 year-old president s hould have been
told what Alice Rivlin, head of the '
Congressional Budget Office. had to· say1
on this point· ,.,
.. People receiving the minimum
benefit are not representative or '"'
Social Security recipients They ar
disproportionately likely to be women
and to be over 80 years old." At least
80.000 of them are 00 or older, she said.
ANOTHER POINT the OMB was less
than frank about was its contention that
minimum beneficiaries would be caught
in the "safet y net" of wetrare
programs. particularly the
Supplement al Security Income .. 1 program. What 0 MB hucksters failed tq
mention in their hard·sell pitch was tha(
ther e are already 500,000
minimum-benefit recipients who qualify
for SSI payments. but don't apply for
them . The reason. social science'
experts told m y associate Tony
Capaccio. is that these people discern a
··welfare" stigma to the SSJ payments.
The OMB appeared to be counting on
this perceived s tigma to make its .
elimination of the minimum work out'
fiscally. Otherwise. the cut made no
sense Analysts for Rep John Burt.on,
D·Cahf., have estimated that if all the,
eligible Social Security recipient~
decided to Jump into the SSI !iafety net, .
il would cost the government $1 .7 billion ,
more than it would save by eliminating
the minimum payment.
,~.~~~mi~~ .. ~~O~ m~! w~~.~~rut ~ ~.
driven a million and a hair miles. stairs in the house in one day alonel
You've probably spent something like That doesn't include the day J climbed
$25,000 on gas. the Washington Monument with the kids
It's more difficult to estimate the or the time my uncle took me up the
number of miles you've walked. ls
there any chance you've walked as far
as you've driven in a car? I'm not sure.
You don't go out on a weekend and walk
400 miles the'way you'd drive a car. On
the other hand, every time you cross a
street or walk across the room. you're
adding to the steps you've ta.ken. All
those little walks every day must add
up to a lot of miles even if you aren't a
AND HOW MUCH have you climbed?
I must have lifted myself 10,000 miles
straight up with all the stairs l've
negotiated in my life. There are 17
9·inch steps in our front hallway and I
often climb them 20 times a day. so I've
Statue of Liberty.
And how many pairs of shoes have r 1
worn oat walking and climbing all thatri
distance? I'm always looking for the 1
perfect pair of shoes and I've never
found them yet. so I buy more sh~ r
than I wear. There must be six old paire..;
of sneaks of mine in closets around the ..
house. All in all. I 'll bet I've had 250
pairs of shoes in my life. Easy 250.
THIS IS THE kind or thinking thJ/
helps make life seem longer to me..
When 1 think or how many limes I've
been to the barber or even to the
dentist. life seem s to stretch back '
practically forever.
The one statistic I hate to think about I
is how many pounds of food I've •
co nsu med . Pounds would be an i
unmanageably larger number. I'd have "
to estimate it in tons. I must have eaten I
10 tons of ice cream alone in myj' lifetime.
It makes life seem long and love}¥
just thinking about every bite of it.
It's strange to speak of war 'atrocities'
I have never been able to understand
the indignation aroused in so many peo·
pie by "atrocities" of war. In fact, I
have nevt1r been able to grasp what an
''atrocity" is in wartime. For what
could be more atrocious than two bands
of people resolving a conflict by tillin1
one another?
Once you decide you are going to kill,
why should there be any "rules,·• and
why should such rules be observed? The
object is to win ; any means wiU do, ll
winning ls the prime objective. War 11
not a game. where lives are restored
when the victor has been decided.
ALL ARMIES are more alike than
they .are different, just as au flaas and
all uni/onn.s and all weapons are more
aUke than different. Once you ban re·
solved that there is no way to chan1e1 you r opponents' views except by
slau1hterlnc them, what dUference
doea lt malco bow or why or where you
do ft?
It aeems to me lbat lbe 1rule1l
hypocrisy ol natloGI la ex.hlbited at UMlr
resentment of ·•atroclllet" eommJtted
by the other Nde. A.ltboup I tlaU* Of
the Allles a1 "cood tu1•" and the Am
as ''bad l\U'I" ln World War 0 , ~
sides bom~ clues wttb equal clatr'uc·
liveness when they felt it was to their
And it was the "good guys" who det·
onated the atomic bomb, not once but
twtce, despite t.be later verdict of many
competent historians that lt was a
cruelly unnecessary act, prompted by
poHtlcal rather than by mHllary
motives. lt was not the bad i'JYI who
loosed that evil upon t.he world -an
evil that is 1oin.1 to come back to haunt
us a thousandfold.
There ii no such thine u an .. attOCl·
ty" ln warfare that Is 1reater thla the
alrocity ol warfare itaell, J•l u DO part can be larpr than the -..... IWbl la
the ultiml\e aC!t of lmP.letJ: .U ot1*
aell are merelJ 1ubcirdlD• ID L
ID man'a lboill_. Ol 1"" • _....
vtrtu.UJ ~ .... •71:&. ... lhJa. ,,,. .. • tMall1. -Pl•et In neatt)' ..., ..,.. fl ....•
mucb to dial~,...., Orm•-·
would not recognize it as the sam,
place. ·
Only one important thing has j' mained: the way in which soverela
states settle their disputes, by force, b
violence, by death. And what is m
shocking or all is the fact that we no
can kill a mJllion times·as many
a thousand times as fast as ever bet
T h e more "progress" we make l
warrare, the more barbarous 'f
become. This, ~yond anyt.blna else,
our terrible legacy to tbe tutu.re.
I Reagan seen
as 'new Ike'
WASHJNOTON <AP> -In Ronald Re11aa'1
Whlte Houle, one of ttla advilera 1ay1, ht l1 1Hn
11 ''a new Elaenhower'' -a president wboH
per,onal m11netlam wlthatanda the 1wln11 ot
polltical fortune and who attaJned lke·llke "berolc
1t1ture" att.r belna shot.
David Gergen, the While Houu
communications director, ln an assessment be
th9u1ht wu• belna given privately to a aroup of
advertisinl executives, said Reagan could become
the first truly successful chief executive since
Dwlght Eisenhower held office through eiaht yeara
of consistent popularity in the 1950s.
In fact, Gergen said, Reagan baa an
opportunity to persuade a self-doubting people that
Americans remain capable of
governing themselves.
Reagan's behavior in the
aftermath or the attempt on his
life March 30 cemented in the
Am erican consciousness an
image of a brave president,
Gergen said.
The image is likely to be
crucial -as influential in
public perceptions, Gergen
HAe&M said, as the picture conveyed by
Bull Connor, the Birmingham, Ala., police
com.missioner, when he sent dogs agamst civil
rights marchers ln the 1960s. ·
''I think that the few hours after that shoolina
1Jl.8de a fasting difference and an enormous
difference in the impressions that people have of
Reagan the man," Gergen said.
"In fact, all the thoughts we came in with
about not trying to touch Ronald Reagan the man,
lettina -him Juat be himself and not trying to mess
with him, were validated by that experience," be
Gergen was fielding questions at the annual
Washington conference of the American
A$sociation of Advertising Agencies when be
stopped midway in an answer and said be
assumed his remarks were off the record.
But he was told that those weren't the ground
es for the occasion. Reporters had been Invited
and one was present. Gergen
looked exasperated and wound
up his r e marks shortly
Gergen, who served on the
White House staffs of Richard
Nixon and Gerald Ford, said
Reagan's popularity -and his
strategy or concentrating
attention on the issue he put
foremost. the economy -gives
him a chance or being
most s uccessful president in two
Gergen laid out this case:
"I've olt8" made the argument that Reagan
could well be our new Eisenhower. I think Uiere
aie many similarities. One of the most important
is that if you can establish a person In a
framework that he is respected and that people
have affection for him that goes above and beyond
hi~ policies, then he can override the ups and
downs of the presidency on the policy side.
"I've often thought that one of the greatest
sHortcomings and weaknesses of the last two
I presidents . . . is that they were too tied to the ups
' I and downs. If something went well, Carter would
shoot up 30 potnts in the poll.a and if aomelh.in1
went bad, Oley would go down another 30 polnta.
F6rd had that same problem. They didn't have a
steady constituency . . .
"The last president we've had who rode above
Ute storms, who rode above the waves, was
For eight years, he stayed fairly consistently
fairly high up in people's estimations. I think that 1 had an awful lot to do with the man's personality." I
PCB foe acquitted
munlty concern over the dangers of a toxic
chemical prompted a municipal jury to acquit *
high school teacher of a malicious mischief charge
for painting the l•tters ''PCB" on a utility pole.
Thomas K. "Kim" Hill, 38, contended he was
tcying to warn the public of the dan1ers of
pelycblorinated blphenyls, commonly used to in·
sulate electrical capacitors.
• The chemical is used locally in equipment on
Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. utility poles.
If ,
lnlt 111111111 .,
l•Hll "91111••
61 11111111 WI• ..... va.w c..... 644-77JJ
1621 S-Mic)HI DriYe, llM'llmart leech
7:00 • 9:00 P.M.
Monttuv, ~o\'cmbcr 2
Timntduy, ~o\-cmbcr 6
Monc1uy, ~ovcmbcr 9
ThurKIQ)', :'\ovcmbcr 11
~londav. ~O\'\!mbcr 16
lbun'l<foy, :'\Cl\cmbu 19
IUl9 Delaw .. Smet
('6 llock Sotltla of Mala)
lttcll Calif
o a o '• a 4 aw 4 am up• 4
----~------_.. ____ ._. _______ ~·--_.. ________ _
Orange Coatt DAILY Pft.OT/Wedne1d1y, October 28, 1981 All
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Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, October 28, 1981
Andy Gri/fith
-English professor
Richard Kelly says TV
viewers got to know
more about the mythical
North Carolina town of
Mayberry in "The Andy
Griffith Show" than
about th e ir own
Kelly, a professor at
the University o f
Tennessee, has made a
Sludy,.of the show which
he says merits a place in
entertainment history
His book "The Andy
Griffith S how "
docum e nts a ll 249
episodes from 1960 to
Kelly said he got
hooked when he was a
graduate student at
Duke University and has
seen every episod e at
least four times.
"I fell in love with it ;
it was so much a part of
me that I had to get it
down on paper," Kelly
"It creates a kind of
world of our childhood,
where thing s don 't
change, where there's a
strong sense of place, a
town where people care
about each other."
Kelly said the show
was unique because it was a character comedy
rather than a situation
comedy. He said each
character -from Andy
Ta ylor , pl aye d by griHith, to Aunt Bea.
pie and Barney Fife,
taylor's sidekick -was ~hree-dimension al. with
' past. present and
future. ln that sense. the
thow is like a good
ciovel, he says.
The s how ranked
fmong the top 10 shows
urin g each o f its
rime-time seasons. It
as the top program in
he nation when Griffith
The episod es are
epeated today through
Like any di e h ard
Mayberry fan, Kelly
~opes the series can be
"I finall y got Andy to
thinking about it. I don't
now il it will ever come
o pass but at least he's
thinking of that."
JVe ts Day
WASHINGTON CAP> ~ President Reagan has
sued a proclamation
rging Americans to
elebrate Veterans Day
n Nov. 11.
He said s pecial
ttenlion should be
evoted to the sick and
R eagan said: "The
ound of bugles playing
aps will pierce the air
t countless ceremonies
round the country and
t our bases overseas In
ribute to those who
ave their lives in order
o safeguard human
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' 'I,
Daily Pilat
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 28, 1981 The ethics
been turned
of credit have
88 Page 85.
\ apanese James Bonds practice ancient art
o longer spies or assassins,
hey perform 'ninja' for fun
~TOKYO <AP> -Centuries
efore electronic eavesdropping,
oison darts and the James
ond school of dirty tricks, the
~apanese had developed a
cien ce o r espionage a nd
• urder-for-hire that makes the
modern-day practitioners look
fike bumblers.
Or so it is claimed by
elie\lers in ninja "men of
tealth" -t h e seemingly
nvisible spy -assassins who
arried out a variety of missions
or the shogun ruler s and feudal
warlords in ancient Japan. ~ Trained from childhood in a
igid, closely guarded code of
onduct, ninja specialized in
urprise and swift, unexpected
yiolence. They could appear and
lisappear seemingly at will,
cale walls, cling to ceilings,
r ead water, mt from tree to
r ee like birds, squeeze t hrough
tiny openings, melt into the
l>ackground until time to strike f wiftly and soundlessly.
In today's Japan, the science
pr "ninjutsu," or "ninpo," as it
~lso is known, s urvives -but no
longer as an ouUaw trade. It is
kept a live b y a h andful of ~ed i cated experts and
llficionados as a martial art to
~evelop mind, body and spirit.
from tree to tree and vanish into
the foliage, hurl small spedally
designed circul ar disks, scatter
powder as smokesc reen, or
overpower an adversary with a
swift physical trick.
These are all the m ethods of
th e nirtja, and the youngsters
enjoy it, Saito s ays, while lt
"Sharpens their reflexes, alerts
them to their surroundings and
d evelops them spiritually and
physically." While it still can be
dangerous, ··it is no longer the
art of harm," he says.
Historians trace ninpo to 6th
century China and a master
strategist named Sun Tzu. It
cam e to J apan between the 14th
and 16th centur ies, when feudal
warlords found it useful for
spying and carrying out plots
against their rivals.
Although the origin al ninja
were s inister figures whose
missions included cold-blooded
murder, there persists a strong
element of romance about them.
u ..........
• "Ninpo is strictly a m artial
11port, a practical, ethical means
bf unarmed self-defense," says ~ideyo Saito, a 37-year -old office
worker who spent 10 years
learning the ancient techniques
from a ninpo master and now
Japanese history tells of the
exploits of such ninja heroes as
Kirigakure Saizo, who could
move like the fog, and Sarutobi
Sasuke, nimble as a monkey.
Thest servants of the feudal
shoguns are superstars among
the ancient ninja, although some
ex perts say there is mor e
fantasy than fact in the stories
told about them.
Like the samura i warriors
who swore allegi an ce to a
warlord master and dedicated
th emselves to his service, the
ninja operated under a rigid, but
secret code of honor and ethics.
Nin1utsu teacher Hideyo Saito displays fearsome spiked weapons used by hired kiUers of 12th.a~ 13th centuries.
teaches them to eight adults
ncluding a housewife, a banker
pnd a Buddhist priest and 13
children, at his school outside
In the still of the night,
c h ildren dressed in dark
clothing -trousers, jackets,
split-toe soft shoes and scarves
pver their fac es -flip ,
tumble and gyrate like acrobats
at Saito's school. They climb
ropes like T arzan, leap or swing
Unlike the samurai to whom
death in battle was the most
honorable objective, they were
s een as social outcasts and
traitors, and if caught, faced
death by unpleasant m eans -
like having their skin slowly
peeled, being boiled in oil or
buried to the n eck near an
Today's adult practitioners of
ninpo undergo something akin to
the s tren uous m e ntal and
physical conditioning that was
part of ninja training -a secret
to be protected at all costs in
feudal times. Modern training is
much less intense, however , and
doesn't teach how to kill people.
Ninpo emphasizes stealth, and
often hasn't always been taken
as seriously as karate, judo,
juj itsu, aikido a nd other,
better-known martial arts -
elements lhat ninpo makes use
of . Whe n Gen . Do uglas
Knife in hand, this masked.and hooded apprentice ninja peen from the undertmuh during.a weekend
1training se&!ion outside Tokyo.
MacArthur, the commander of
post· World War II occupation
forces in Japan, banned other
martial arts. he ignored the
obscure ninpo as a "pointless
In the old days, ninja skills
were handed down fr o m
gen eration to generation .
Training began at age 5 or 6, for
both boys and girl s. and
continued for life. Those born
into a ninja tradition had no
choice. and most died violently.
Ninja worked to soften their
bones and make limbs. muscles
and tendons pliable enough t.o
en able them to slip through tiny
openings or escape the bonf8 of
They learned the ways of birds
and animals, could walk in at
least 10 different ways, and
recognize any sounds made by
others without being seen or
heard. They wer e masters of
disguise, d eception, hypnosis
and sle ight of hand.
Th ere a r e today about 10
training halls in the Tokyo area,
with about 100 students all t.old.
Classes are held mostly at night,
in part because darkness adds
"an element of mysticism ,"
Saito says.
Teachers come from varied
backgrounds . In addition to
Saito, they include an osteopath.
a book publisher and a police
officer .
In addition to teaching
students unarmed combat, the
instructors serve as consultants
for film and television shows.
Shinich i Chiba, a popular
actor, credits training under a
master for his success in action
films . "You can't undertake
anything half-h eartedly," he
says. "Ninpo teaches that to
succeed you require full
physical and spiritual force."
black-clothed modem clofl ninja t«ichn pinl. ~ with an old. and oblcure tHapon ua«t in the /Nial mi of Japan.
Dressed to kill. but only pretending, today's ninja carry on
tradition of strength. and discipline.
New telescope set
for study of comet
40-inch telescope, which ls
expected t o make close
observatlans of Halley's Comet
in 1985-M, bu been dedicated
atop 6,100-foot-hiab Laauna
Mountain Obffrvatory.
I The new lens was installed
throu&h a Joint pro1ram ol tbe
University of Illinois, whieb bad
the lens, and San Die10 State
Univentty, which had the belt
Dr. Burt Nelson, bead ol tbe
astronomy department at SM
Dte10 State, s aid utroaomera
from both schools could
inveatl1ate tbe 1till-uak.Down
structure ol cometa. TbeJ plu
to take clOM-up plctvee ud
examine it 1peetro1coplcallJ to
determine bri1btne11, colon,
compoaitloa and speed of
eroeion, NelllGa Nici.
·:------------------·---------_._. ._.._... ___ _
a Orange Coast DAILY PILO,T/WednHday, October 28, 1981
President Ge rald R . Ford g ets warm
welcome from Virginia Dos ke r DeGood
(center ) in Gra nd Rapids , Mi c h . The
A ..........
occasion was the 50th class reunion or the
class of 1931 of South High School in Grand
8 hours only!
diamond sale
we've added $250 ,000
worth of diamonds to
our regular stock and
super sale priced it all
Save on our entire stock of
dazzling diamond jewelry, plus a
special one day only collection.
Yo u'll find savings on pendants.
earrings, cocktail. engagement and
men's rings. Choose solitaires:
diamond clusters or diamonds with
other precious stones. all in shiny
14k gold settings. Our Diamond
Counselor will be here to help you
in our Fine Jewelr y Department.
Reg. 150.00 to 1295.00,
sale 89.99 to 776.99
. •• I• ..
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Mervyn·• Diamond Certilicete 1s issued
w11h each purchase Al any hme. lhe
amount of Ille certified selling price (or the
1otal amounl of paymenls made on Ille
price) may be applted 1oward the purchase
of a more expensive diamond. providing
lhe relurn 1s made w1lh lhe Diamond
Certificate and lhe diamond 1s In the ori-
ginal mounting no1 marred or damaged
Some 11lustrat1ons may be enlarged 10 show
detall Styles shown may vary by s1ore
Thursday only
October 29
Huntington Beach
12 noon to 8 p.m .
, Thursday, October 29
Huntington Beach, ~8 11 Adams Ave. at. Brookhurst St.
Placing a Classified
is twice as easy!
you can use your VISA or MASTER CARD to place a DAILY PILOT
Classi f i ed over ~he telephone, including 8-Day week ads.
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The Orange Coaat 1 s largest marketplace
Record set straight
column you m;tde the statement, "No way
can a woman become pregnant if s he has
had her uterus removed." This is not true.
You further unjus tly maligned the poor
fellow by saying, "Elli~ is rowing with one
oar." I am attaching evidence that Ellis
has both oars in the water. However , Miss
Landers, you are about one quart low. -
DEAR V .\N: Thank you for doing that
heavy-duty research. I dld a Uttle more
research myself after I received the
following letter from Colstrip, Mont.:
DEAR ANN LANDERS: I just read the
lette r about the wo ma n who holle red
"PREGNANT " when her lover and his
wife looked like they might reconcile. She
had had a hysterectom y and you said, "No
way ." We ll. you a r e wrong. .
A few years ago my husband inCormed
m e that his compa ny was taking out a new
ins urance policy for its employees that
cove r e d m a t e rnity . I said. ··I had a
hysterectom y, dea r , re me mber? We don't
need it."
The next day I read in the paper about
a woman who h ad a hysterectomy and was
told by her doctor that she was pregnant.
She didn't be lieve it. A few months later
she delivered a beautiful baby girl. The
egg, I believe, a ttach ed itself to the outside
•of the bowel. The me dical investigators
said it was one cha nce in a billion. What do
you have to say now'! YOUR SCOUT IN
DEAR SCOUT: My scout ln Memphis,
Dr. George Ryan, said that one-in-a-billion
woman did not have a TOT.\L
hysterectomy. Obviously, she had at least.
one ovary or she could not have produced
the egg. In a total hysterectomy the
ovaries are removed. So, all you women
· out t here who have had TOT.\L
hysterectomies can relax. Go ahead and
give away th e high chair and
~ Allll WIDllS
perambulator. Your child-bearing days are
DEAR ANN LA NDERS : I hope you
won't think I a m crazy. but I have to hear
it from you so I can get it s traight in m l:'.
head . Pleas e t e ll m e . is 12:40 p.m .
nighttime or daytime'!
The reason I a m askini? is this : Mv
d aughter called me to say she was taking
a bus that was leaving at 12:40 p m The
ticket agent told her ... T his 1s NIGHTIIME
... NOT NOON.··
She asked m e to m eet her al lhe bus
station at 5: 15 a.m . I am very confused
because the trip from here to there should
take longer than five a nd one-half hour~. I
don 't want to go down there lik e a d ummy
and meet a bus she isn't on.
Please fi g ure this out for m e a nd
o th ers w h o a r e n 't s ur e about th e
d iffere n ce . A S H A MED OF MY
DEAR RIV: Don't be a shamed. We are
all ignorant . . . only on different subjects.
The bus station should get a new agent
or give that bird who sold the ticket to your
daughter ·a crash course on how to read
lime, because 12:40 p.m. is NOT nighttime,
it is early afternoon. Got it? I hope so.
Parents. what should you do 1/ your
teer1 -ager 1s having sexual relatw ns? Ann
Landers· new booklet. High School Ser and
How to Deal With It -A Guule for Teens and
Their Parents." gw e no-nonsense advice on how
to handle this delicate situation For each
booklet . send 50 cents plus a long. stamped.
self-addressed envelope tu Ann Landers. P 0
Bor 119'J5. Chicago. I ll 60611
Ship libraries shelved
ALASKA (AP> -Ships' libraries are an
endangered species. if not already e xtinct
lik e the pa sse n ger pigeon a nd the
cabin-class passenger
Thos e wonde rful book-lined, oak
p a neled re tre ats from the terrifying
bonhomie of the c ruise director and his
staff have been invaded by the bridge
players and, of late more shockingly still.
by a noisy a bomination called the large
s creen video cassette projector. which
plays the same film all day long whether
anyone is around to watch or not.
It used to be that a library on board a
liner was the one place in the world where
you could find peace. complete escape and
books you encountered nowhere else. The
scratch or a pen on a postcard was once
PllSOllAllTJ Q.&A.
Real Lucy
• serious lllom
Q : Watching the "I Love Lucy"
reruns, I kind of wondered what Lucille
Ball was really like as a mother raising
her children. Was she anything like the TV
Lucy'? -Mrs. Walter 0 '1"., J ersey City.
A: According to her daughter Lucie
Arnaz. t h e ir TV m other -dau g hter
relationship was pretty realistic ... We got
into fights lik e our fi ghts on television .··
reveals little Lucie ... But for the show the
scripts were written so that mother was
the bumbling idiot. The kids were always
s aving her. Obviously at home. it wasn·t
like that. My mother 's very much in
control of her life and s he 's not a
bumbling idiot , except possibly in the
kitchen. She's not silly Lucy. She's really a
very serious pa rent.··
Q: Our 18-year-old son agrees with us
that smoking cigarettes is bad news and
he's given up the habit. However , be now
uses snuff between his gum and cheeks and
won1t believe this, too, can be harmful.
What can you tell us a bout it? -Jamet T.,
A: Switching lo s nuff might reduce the
ris ks for cigarette smokers. But young
people who take up the habit have nothing
to gain from it except addiction to nicotine,
bad breath. discolored saliva and teeth,
lost teeth and poss ibly cancer of the
mouth. You can tell your son that our
aource for this list or goodles was the
Harvard Medical School.
Send ~r q~1tion.t to Hy Ga~r. ··Gkld
You Atlcied Tbot .'' car~ of tM Dmlv Pll«, P.O.
80% 19a>. /mne. Calif. 92114. Marilp ond HJI
• Gardner Will ONweT as mm&JI queltloM a1 tMJI
C<ln in t~r column. ®' the volwac of mail
make• ptrtonol r~ie1 impoui~.
considered a vulgar intr usion on the
scholarly solitude of t hese m a r itime
m onastic s tudies A cough would be
silenced with a thunderous .. Shhhhhhhh."
comfort.ably appointed library on the old .
Queen Mar y : muffled footsteps. g reen
reading la mps , deep leather armchairs. a
flcr.iting version of the Britis h Museum
reading r oom . The Aug ustus. one of the
smaller Italian Line ships that gracefully
plied between Genoa and Rio de Janeiro.
had a libra ry worthy of a s mall New
England college. Even-the cabin c lass
library on the old America. a much loved
tub that rolled like the proverbial drunken
sailor, was better than you find these days
in many big city neighborhoods . Now cabin
class is no more. and the America, if she is
still afloat , has a d iffe rent name a nd
probably sails under a fl ag of convenience.
"A shjp," wrote E velyn Waugh. who
evidently loved the m as mucl\ as I do, "is
one of the few places where one can play
the ascetic wi thout causing annoyance to
anyone else."
There was a custom on tra ns-Atlantic
line r s, whi ch ruled the seas before the
cruise ships cam e along with their c asinos
and gift shops, for passengers to leave
behind the books they had read on board,
meant to read or had been gi ven as bon
voyage gifts. This m ade the collections
wonderfully ric h and eclectic.
Harold Nicolson, the author not the person,
aboard the Queen of Bermuda, got a lmost
halfway throu~t) Romaine Rolland's ''Jean
Chris tophe" on the Michelangelo and
came across an autographed copy of John
Steinbeck's ''The Grapes of Wrath" on the
Grace Une's Santa Maria.
The Polish s hip Stephan Batory
introduced me to John Collier, a marvelous
sh(}rt story writer. Even the politically
predict able Russian ships offered Dickens
and Conan Doyle along with the speeches
of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and technical
tomes on cement manufacture in the
T H E ST.\TENDAM, moving
majestically through the spectacular
Alaska fjords en route to Sitka, is a roomy,
comfortable ship with a lovely, wide
windowed dining room above the water
line. Even the library on the prom enade
• deck is large and portholed witb Hve
seascapes, altbou1h the chrome and
plastic decor with aooeeneck lamps placed
for some Ul\lodlY reuon at kneecap level
is too sterile. 'lbe trouble, is Chat U. 2IO
bookshelves, containlnc 1011M 80Q. boOU. are always locked.
A sip above the stackl lmpo1e9 a 13
deposit for borrowed boob, wblcb I would
1ladly pay if a UbrUlan or a bO'IU8 Of U.
muter at arms showed up to ~ U.. ... 1 ....
By PHIL INTERLANOI of Laguna.&each
"Great Scott! I hope he's all paid up."
Reunion due
Thursday, October 29
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Accent on
communication. travel and potential.
Member of opposite sex wants long-range
commitment and is not shy about saying
TAURUS (April 20 -May 20 1: Family
situation accents need for home repair.
budget r eview and discussion of credit
card s .
GEMI N I (!\1 ay 21 -June 20 1: By
maintaining low profile. you plant seeds
for future growth . Go slow. permit others
to express views. be a patient and shrewd
CANCER (June 2l·Julv 22 1: Heavier
workload dominates scenario You'll have
more responsibilit~· and chance for greater
financial return.
LEO <July 23-Aug. 22 l · Favorable
lunar as pect coincides with removal of
restrictions. greater freedom of thought.
more room for actiori and heavy e mphas is
on romance.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22 1. Green light
may flash too quickly. Means avoid actions
based on impulse. Check blueprints. be
aware of limitations and become familiar
with source material.
LI BRA 1 Sept. 23 Oct,. 22 1: A vo ad
becoming involved in conflict among
relatives . Remain an interested but neutral
third party.
SCORPIO <Oct. 23·NO\'. 21 l . Activ1t1es
expand. fresh money source is in picture.
popularity increases and you'll be making
travel plans
SAGITTARIUS c'.'Jov . 22-Dec . 21 1·
Moon in y our s ign coi n cides with
individuality. personal magnetis m . abilit~·
to get wh at you nee d through direct
CAPRICORN <Dec 22·Jan. 191: Sense
of perception is heightened : access is
gained to inside information. Aura of
romance prevails during clandestine
AQUARIUS <Jan . 20 -Feb. 18 >:
Pleasant reunion figures prominently.
Good news r eceived concer.ning domestic
adjustment and additional source of
income .
PISCES <Feb. 19-March 20>: Terms
will be clarified vou'll have chance to
gain second wind. Your goal may not be
s ame as originall y anticipated . Be flexible
enough to set sights on a more reliable
• Q_zgq; ii ;: E
Point made
on manners
"Fingers were made before forks," my
m ot h e r would tell me with Irish
sententiousness. She wasn't suggesting. of
course, that I eat my fried eggs with my
fist. There were certain items in our
cuisine -like boxtie, a potato pancake
made with bacon fat that landed in the
belly like a dr~adnaught -that might
profitably, in her view, be taken in hand
before put to mouth.
Knives. to the best of my recollection.
played little part in the business of food
consumption in our home in the '20s . This
is interesting in that the history of this
country can almost be written in terms of
the knife as an eating utensil . Close
attention to the knife was paid by a British
lady named Frances Trollope, mother of .
the novelist.
Mrs. Trollope sailed for America in
1829 to open a dry goods store in
Cincinnati. The store flopped. The book she
wrote called "Domestic Manners of the
Americans" was a huge s uccess in
England. though it didn't get many points
in this country.
''THE TOTAL WANT of the usual
courtesies of the table," she said. "the
voracious rapidity with which the viands
were seized and devoured. the strange
uncouth phrases and pronunciation and
the frightful manner of feeding with their
knives. till the whole blade seemed to enter
the mouth, that the dinner hour was to be
an y thing rather than an hour of
This habit of transferring food from a
plate to the face with a knife bothered
many sensitive Englishmen. including the
novelist W. M. Thackeray. In a letter to an
American friend in 1853 he expostulated:
·'The European continent swarms with
your people. They are not all as polished as
Chesterfield. I wish some of them spoke
French a little better. I saw five of them at
s upper at Basie the other night with their
knives down their throats. It was awful."
By mid-century. however. the etiquette
books rose up in arms over knife-eating.
The man of manners, in a habit that
pers ists to this day. took to the fork in a big
way. With the fork he would chop up not
only vegetables but fish and meat as well
whenever it was possible.
AS THE PENDULUM swung toward
the fork. which was very British indeed, a
kind of taboo grew about the knife . The
knife was avoided except when it was
absolutely necessary, as in cutting up a
tough New York cut.
Then. reports one historian, "the
foreigner observed with mounting
astonishment, how the fork shifted to the
left hand, the knife was used with the right,
then the knife was laid on the plate. and
the fork returned to the right hand to
convey the remaining morsel of food to the
mouth -all with the unconscious ease of
lifetime habit.
··Two-handed eating. as in Britain or
on the continent, was deplored a s vulgar
where it survived among farm households
or recent immigrants." The British upper
classes s till feel that wa y about
ambidextrous eating at table .
tO t.J '' HOW MUC H
Blacks' cancer nses
D E .\ R D 0 CT 0 R : I ' \' e h e 1• n
unpleasantly surprised h~· tht> news that a
ra,·orite uncle had a seriou~ operation for
cancer or the lung. l'H' heen under the
impression that black!\ rarl'I~· J(et canct>r.
Is this true~ -:\JR .~.
DEAR '.\TR. ~ .\ rrtt•nt artitl(• m
. \meril'an :\Jedical ~t'\\.., will help proncle
tht.• answt•r to .'our question Hen• an·
so mt' quote~ .. Rt•searchcr~ han• known
for some time about dramatat• J(•aps an tht•
canC'er ratc amon~ hl<1t·ks. hut this
a\\areness is just starting tn trirklt• do\\n
to blacks.
"Recent remarks by L.D. Leffall, ~Id .
former chairman of thc American Cant·er
Society. suggest that s ut h an awareness is
tht• black populutinn ·~ hest hope for
dealing with a runaway cancer rate.
"ln the last 25 \'t•1H"s. the cant· er rute
for blacks rose 8 pei·cent. while droppin~ 3
pertent ror whites. \'irtually en•1·y major
form of cancer. from lung cancer to cancl'r or the pancreas. s hows up more often
among blacks than \\·bites. ··Poor nutrition. a higher mciden<:t• or
smoking and alcohoqsm. 1i1nd a
eon<.•entration In more polluted work plates
m llY be factors a. "ell ~ot ult the pieces
rou1 HIA11H
11f thi ... puzzle art• an plan• ..
Dr. Steincrohn welcomes reader mail. He
cannot answer all personally. but those of
general interest will be answered in this
column. Send your question& to him in care o/
the Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560. Costa .\fesa.
Calf I .. b82lf.0Scl0.
¢ z a>; a
Orange Coast DAILYPfLOT,Wednesday, October 28. 1981
PAYS TRIBUTE -Bruce Laingen, former
charge d'affaires in Tehran. Iran, and one of
the hostages held captive for 444 days. places
a wreath at monument dedicated to eight
service men who gave their li ves attempting
to rescue hostages :vt onument is at Hiller.est
~emorial Park Ill Hermat ag-e. Pa
E ,.. fAI
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IM Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT M'•dnesday, October 28, 1981
ousing challenge looming
More Americans·need homes -but fewer people can, afford them • I
: fThil ti tlw firlt of /our column1 ~ "'' ~ predicamrnt.J .y JOHN CtJNNIFF .. .__ ......
' NEW YORK -Faced with t.,;rhaps its biuest challen1e l;er, lar1er e~en than the job of
~ou1in1 new families formed
iiHer World War II . the
mnlcan housing Industry la
lallluaioned and weakened.
Unless matters change. it
ieems unlikely ll wlll be able to
h&pply Americans with
lrrordable. commodious homet t.n the style to which they bad
~ecome accustomed during
tnucb or the past three decades.
: At today's 17 .S percent
cnortgage interest rate. the
payment on a modest S60,000
~ortgage loan is $880 a month,
flmost double the payment of
two years ago. It requires an
annual ineome or almost $40,000.
· That means ·'virtually no
first-time buyers qualify." said
Herm an
S m i t h ,
f.ssociation of lf o m e
build e r s
president. lf
interest rates
don 't come
down . he
said, "our
members will cu"""" break with any elected official
who doesn't cooperate in trying
to get them down."
Home bulldln1 appeara to
have left the man market for
the luxury market. aald Robert
McNeil, chairman, and Allen
Cymrot, president or Robert
Mc Nell Corp., a lar1e Wtat
Coast housinc firm.
The seeds of a populist
movement, centered on the idea
or the home as a famlly castle.
could germinate from 1ucb
cond itions. contends Jack
Carhon, executive vice
president or the National
Association of Realtors. "It's a
smoldering issue. It could be a
The housing situation bu vast
implications for social,
economic, political and business
goals and customs.
Private property rights
already are being tested in the
rapid spread or rent-control
statutes, advocated by angry
tenants who must rent because
they cannot afford to buy
single-fami ly homes or
Businesses are being forced to
finance or even purchase
homes to facilitate executive
transfers, and some companies
are refusing to settle in areas
where they fear the supply of
housing is inadequate.
Politicians have built up large
constituencies on the one issue
of housing, specifically their
s tands about rent control.
housing s ubsidies. and the
conversion of rental units to
The family l1 belnc forced to
chan1e alao. Two wqe ea.men
are now the rule Jn famUI• MW
able to buy. TboM unable to buy
represent a lar1e. now ancry
1roup that lo other yean were
said to have been tbe foundation
of net1hborbood1, 1cbooll,
churches and local 1ovemmeat.
Thia ta the challen1e : In tbe
decade of the 1980I more than'°
mllllon Americana wUl move
throu1h the 25·to·34 year ace
bracket, and some lf mUUoo
new bou.aeholda are llkely to be
formed, both record totals.
To meet that demand.
reasonable estimatea place at
two million the number of units
that must be' added annually,
considerln1 that 700,000 units
are loet each year becaute ol °'d
age, fire or demolltJon.
This is the current situation:
The industry will betin
construction of fewer than ooe
million units, many of which will
remain empty because of hieh
costs and high interest rates.
The industry -real estate
brokers, lenders, builders,
suppliers and more -is aniry,
and increasingly their anger is
directed at President Reaean.
who many say is Insensitive to
the housing situation.
They are angry about a
monetary policy that relies on
prohibitively h.igb interest rates,
about a budget deficit they say
assures high rates into the
foreseeable future, and about
what they fear is a decision by
Rockwell wins two contracts;
Far _West's losses reported
Rockwell International Corp. 's
Anaheim-based Defense Elec·
tronics Operations has received
two U.S. Army contracts total·
ing nearly S30 million.
DUllil coum BUlllllS
A $26.5 million pact calls for
production of 163 Airborne Laser
Tracker systems and ancillary
~quipment for use aboard attack
helicopters . The other pact,
worth $3.4 million, is for ad-
vanced deve lopment of a
thermal weapon sight for the
Army's Night Vision and Elec·
tro·Optics Laboratory • Newport Bea ch·based Far
West Financial Corp., parent of
Far West Savings & Loan As·
sociation, lost $1.17 million, or S8
cents a s hare, for the nine
months ended Sept. 30, com·
pared with net earnings of $1.30
million. or 6S cents. for the Like
period in 1980.
The third-quarter results of
operations produced a net loss of
S2.6 million, or $1.49. compared
with net earnings of $324,608, or
16 cents, for the third quarter of
1980. Earnings s uffered from
continued high interest rates, re·
s uiting in Far West's cost of
funds increasing by a greater
amount than its yield on earning
assets. •
A Fluor Corp. subsidiary has
been selected to perform com·
pressor station expansions at
l wo locations for the Algonquin
Gas Transmission Co. of Boston.
The Houston Division of Fluor
Engineers and Co nstructors Inc.
will provide engineering, pro·
curement . co n str u c tion ·
management and st a rt up
a ss is t a n ce for two 4,000
hor se powe r co mpressor
additions and auxiliary equip-
ment. Estimated value of the
project is $13 million.
* MSI Data Corp., Costa Mesa.
has dt:veloped a new computer
software system that allows
non·technical personnel to
create customized applications
programs for MSI Portable Data
Entry Systems, with a savings
in cost and development time.
Last week, MSI°s board of
directors declared a regular
quarterly cash dividend of 10
cents a share on the common
stock, payable Dec. 16, 1981 to
shareholders of record Nov. 20.
* N e wport Beach -based
Translerra Exploration Corp.
completed the Van Bebber No. 2
developmental well. located in
its 960-acre Lucien Field, Noble
County, Ok la. Initial production
during a 24-hour test was 177
barrels of oil and 266 barrels or
frac water, flowing through a
32/64-inch choke from the Mis·
sissippi formation at a depth of
about 5,000 feet. BXS
Parker Hannifin Corp. for the
three·month period ended Sept.
30 had net income rise 14 per·
cent from Sl0.2 million last year
to $11 .6 million. Earnings per
share rose 4 percent-to 47 cents
from 45 cents, on a greater
number of shares outstanding.
Sales rose 19 percent to $286
million from $241 million last
year. Fiscal 1981 earnings per
share have been adjusted for a
3-for-2 stock split in September.
The 1982 first-quarter per·
share figure includes an un·
favorable effect of 24 cents from
foreign currency adjustme.nts,
which was partially offset by a
gain or 19 cents from the sale or
land in Irvine.
Parker Hannifin's board of
directors, in addition to issuing
earnings figures, declared a
regular quarterly dividend or 24
Big Week.
Small Price.
l Mftded 1tpnu IHI.Ill WP platt 111 yovr tpatt• 5*U II
oll •nd put cath 111 your podtti "'1\11 IM M" Dall1 Pllol
II 011 W-WP 011 put 10<1 tn to.icll with mott bvrtn
b<PtoUN our rlusifi~ 1\1•• •11 u tn d11 lo sell tvttl'
,....,k C".n resulu with tht od9 th•t IMI kln&tt Get u..
I Day Weoell •Pttl•I rlutllle<l rete Call MH•7' IA>day'
For an EXTRA day, call today
4 . 6'2·5678 -
TM rww Dal~ Plot 8·Day Week
3 Lines
8 Dollars :. ..• ,.-:.=~ .. J .. :::"~ -·---·-·--..,... _____ ,_
cents a share, payable Dec. 4 to
shareholders of record Nov. 20. • The St. Paul Cos. Inc. and the
Fin& American Flnan~lal Corp.,
Santa Ana. have reached an
agreement in principle for First
American to acquire St. Paul Ti·
tie Insurance Corp., a subsidiary
ot the St. Paul Co. The
transaction is s ubject to
appropriate regulatory agencies
approval. No purchase price was
Prlntronb: Inc. of Irvine, a
supplier or impact matrix line
printers to worldwide markets,
has signed a distributor /rep·
res entative agreement with
Peripherals of Hawaii located in
* General Telepllone has com·
pleted installation of a com·
puterized system at its
switching office on Bolsa Chica
A venue in Huntington Beach de·
signed to serve customers with·a
714 area code and prefixes of 840
and 846. The new equipment,
known as a sytem D call direc-
tor. is designed to provide
faster, more efficient and
trouble-free service.
SD plam mall
for downtown
central 5~ acres of downtown
San Diego is going to be tom
down and turned into a compact,
three -level shopping mall
costing $182.8 million, the City
Council has decided.
A 35-year contract with El
Segundo developer Ernest W.
Hahn Inc. was approved by the
council in a 7·2 vole.
CCIUS10M COMml ---............... ,..., ... .... c ........... a. ..... ~= === ~, .. _ .... .=: .=::
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coal• 11111 • AllllA
DOING aultNl8S
UNOl"A '1CTl'T1om
tt,ovllewlvett19Mrew 11•• ,~ ....... .. ... _ ....... ,..
·~It -,...... ............... , ....... .,.., ............... . .. ,. .......... .....
Tiie D~IU PILOT witt .,._..... ,..,, ....... ..
........ 0. ........ .... . .. . . .,... .... . ""'• °'lftf' c:.... ... .... ............ ..,.., .. .. ................. "''t ,_ .......... .., , .. ~......... . .... .. ,,.,,.... ..,, ... .
lllUlll It THI DAILY PILOT, ,,0 ... , 1•.
c..te ..... CA,-. ........... ,.. . ......................
werll•l•t ''•••• ceN ..............
the administration to aacrtflce
houslnc to reinduatriali:satlon.
They have plenty more to
worry about too. The home
financinc business ls undereoin&
Its 1reatest upheaval alnce the
Great Depression of the 19308.
The old flxed·rate, long.term
mort1•1e -understandable,
dependable. unchanging -i1
eone, and in its place Is notbine
that resembles it. Even
financiers are contused. One
counted 84 varietle..
The new mortgages, which
vary with finance conditions.
are being relied upon to play a
major role in bringing the
industry up from depression and
the home buyer into the
mlarketplace once a1ain.
Builders and real estate
brokers aren't counting on il yet,
Can Americans adjust to
adjustable rates? Will they
resign themselves to sharing the
rlsk with the lender. which is
what the new mortgages
require? Can they accept the
possibility of seeing thelr equity
build much more slowly than it
would with an old fixed·rate
From any way you look at the
housing situation you see
monumental challenges.
It doesn't mean they won't be
solved, but industry officials are
far less optiplistic than is
WUllam McKenna. chairman of
the president's Commission on
Said McKenna: "I don't look
on the housing problem as
anything ominous. We're well
within the ballpark in being able
to provide for these housing
f Nert : Must housing be
1acrlf1ced to reinmutrialUalaon? J
MAGNIFIED MODEM -A Rockwell International technician
inspects a computer terminal modem manufactured b~ the
company's Electronic De\'ices Division in Anaheim The
modem processes or translates digita l computt'r s1~nab .... o
lhl·~ can be sent o\·e1· ordinar~· telephone line:-.
Revenues increase • for Times Mirror
Revenues of the Times Mirror
Co. for the third quarter of 1981
increased to $539.6 ·million from
$452 .9 million In the third
quarter of 1980, but net income
declined to $35.9 million from
$36. 7 million in 1980.
Earnings per s hare in the
third quarte r were $1.05,
compared with $1.08 in 1980.
For the first three quarters of
1981 , revenues increased to Sl.58
billion. compared with $1.37
billion in the prior year. Net
income totaled $100.3 million, or
$2.94 per sharP, for the three
quarters ended Sept. 27, 1981, vs.
net income of $96.9 million. or
$2.84 per share, in 1980.
.c~ . "' . -• I . "' • 1\11 . "-. -. -. "" . '" . -• I . -• 1\4 . "" . " + I~ • 1• • I . "" + I . ""
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Pel. u,. G.J u,. ....
Up 2'.A Up 16.7 u,. :rLJ Up 20.t Up 11.2 Ull 17.6 Up 16.7 Up 14.7 Up 14.J
Ull 15.I Up 1J.7 Up n .o Up ,._7
Up 14.J
Up 1'.J Up 1~1 Up 14.0
Up IJ.I Up 1).J
U11 IU Up 12.S
Up 1J S
Up IU Ull 11.J
Prt. Off n.2 Off IU
Off 1'.J Off 12.I Off 11.1 Off II.I Off 10.6 Off 10.J Off 10.0
Off 10.t Off ... Off t .1 Off t ,1
Off u Off 1.0 Off 7.7 Off 7.1 Off 7.0 Off •.• Off ... Off ... Off 6.7
Off 6J Off u
Off u
4 a ¥ 0 0 7 0 0
Orange Coast DAILY PILO'f /Wednesday, October 28, 1981 s ..
Mil'\ N•t \•It~ ,...,, \•I•' Ntl \•IP'\ Nt1t \41tr\ N•I
I> ( ""' ("lo•• t l>Q P l "<J• ''"" C"Q I' t h<I\ '-'"" t"ll 1· l l><h tlO\> tnQ Pt hd• Uo"' C"t ~: g; ~ i: mr ~It ... ~:::: .... ; .:; rr~: : t'..:::~ , ,! 'J ,~, t i·. I: P.opO! 11 , ' 1*· .•• '· i"" u u· " ........ •Pl 'I_, J t•'-"41 .. i,C s u 11~-~ Mrt11F pf1 SO JO H • ',• ::::ii).~~ 41 ,i Jt M , " ,., ~.: ,t I~ ftw. ~
I r l J6 1) •>t t11o" ,._ Hellr Int t 111 t t; tJ"" " MarlM' • lM IJ • \ ,..,111(1 u I) li; 14" • llo ~ 1 19 ; I tl '• 'Ii
\et"' Nt1 1.1 t tO 7 117 12' • Htlmf' • u ""' • '-='l!.,' JO 1l 1n ~' • ·~ 'H\'11:11 t 1M 111• uh, -. I* .1 .... '' !!! ,,._ _.,
I l Mh Clo" t~ E :J" 11f • ::: :~~ ~ ~:f:C lie 1 J~ MtKO :: 1, ,:,: .:: , i. :::~.~: .O ,g J: l~ : ~ llW I "ii 12 • l'I !HAI ".. • • ". ~ pr 111 1100 ,. " lte•tlllt '» 17'0 -• -INtqllltl J2 11 i:• Ul.. '• Ptillllt ) ,,,. " l2'H , •• I y • ' ,.. ""' • 1 :c:..~I I '2 ' ,:: f:'-• " pt llS M n 1. 1, H., ..... 1 t11 19' 21~• ~ IN\M 1 11' t Ji! 121• 1 l'tl:r.• I 60 i. llti .. , .. ,,1 :::::,,, ·::: :; I:": 1 UC J J: 1 f'l6 Oii\ •I'-Om1P n t!Jt IJ 40 Jt" lo Henton • ~el ..._ '• ~~ti' l s. 231 ,!: '• • 1 ~ PO 1 60 I 1 n-1oo IOllCI l2. 6 ,.. 41~
l$ I • tt , •• "'0y11Aftl U w.J .10 l \<t I '• ~::.~1~: = 1 ~ ~~ "' \If\( I )t SJ ·~ '• ;;;;1rr II ... '1011 ~ ..... 1=. ,,.. , ..,, :;
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1 l ""' t 10, .. <nu ca .. •" I "" t i'> . Eeo~•P ... ' .,. 14\t 1 h HISllHr .JO s ~ ""', ..,. M•t'OS 110 • 11 U"-+ 1" ""IE pf• '4> ,40 27 1~ Stl>e<Cp .70 • 1J
-A-A , .. lhll IOr 11 11S Ul<o S eko 'u I JO u~-'• HjV•ll .u H m I ... MayJW 11• .... I "' Pl\111 pf 1 1140 41 ~· .,. 1 • I ... Iii AAA 44 • di 111.. It •"'r111 )2 11 ,, 4JllH 1\11 1·•'"'' •IO .... H lenb<I ' ... ' 1 *"' Maylo 'toll • 2S i~ ... ""~' pf. I) ''° S7 '·• Stal\Wl ,,. • ., It AC~ Ut" 44 U'11 \\ llLl 0. • ,., ·~. "' Al.. w10 101 )llo '• Hiiton uo • 17S ... I "' M<O•M I to" "~ *4"-• "' p I pfl,H l2i00 ....... ~ Sterr9'1 ' , 1 u A~ I,. JO n,. 76"• • ~ amSo 2 lo ' u H iio• " •"j' PU tt • 1s•, H1>llcln 14 , ,.,, lt\11 • "~<'~'f;pt 22 !! -.4 a17s~ • •., ""1 pl; B 1100 •1 iv, Sl•~k '·".. ,. • -"' A Intl -d ''" I\\ •mpl I t1 t f7j Uh+ Mi clA r on 2.0 O .. ,,.. v. HlldwA l 101 I ill\11 1 ----P!>jllPI 12S40 Sf 1 Stau,Ch U7 S t'1 to t Ae ,.. '"' "clPec g l tll 'Jf1dJI~ ~En1GoF 1'oe101:ioo tl'••'" ' • ..,,M< ,,,.,..,,.,""."' Pl\I pll •@<IAS '1 ,._ .11'1.,, ~ ~ A , ' ,, 14~ t "" en P t Ql.12 . 11-. v. Ea'1Utl 1 "° • 1\ ·~ ~~~YJ pft \; -~ >IJ!., M< OnO I 0. I JM '°"'. " Phll pl1 s. 1100 .. • '• Strlf~CI n • u • ~ i . MS JO-( .. 1~ analR .. u I 21\lt \It E•KO<I ,. • 1111 M .... 1•. HOM•I~ "° ,. w ...... I McGiii 1.eo • m ~. " Ptlll b qo • " •v, ... Sl•rl 1 19 ... 2014. AVK H 10 U\lo • ,., anlltft I.~ 1 Q n E•lon t n " 10 3111 •, HOflcl• 37, , 111 JI", Iii M<GrH I .. 11 233 °""'· . . Pt\11 r 1 t 1110 sey0 : olll StrMln .tO 11 ., 1.-i. Abll..I> • f: I~ 1"17 1$~ '~ •PCllt to 1) 14 70't t "-E<llllll SJ I\ 9'lO 104-, " HOftwll I fO • Ill ll'-M< 1111 0 U 211¥9 t " Pl\lllnq 4" 10 ISS I•"• StevflJ 1 :IO t0 U~ • AcrnoC t 5 21l 1e•-. aoHlcl 1 :ZO 7 100 20\lo• "-Ecl(r•, ., 11 6n 24.,, " Hoovu 11, • 1 ll'-'t+ v. M<lt•n st • IV. Jl'l\llln p1 1 J1 "'~. •, Sl'#Wrn 1 • • 1 ~ ActmOo " 6 ,, 41'-'"tiCartno 0 .20 no '"· Edl•Br I 44 I 1• 11'·. " Horh8n 1 .0 4 114 U\<o ..... Mcl..Ollt S3 .... Pl\llPfl , 10 • llt1 ,. ... I Sl4*11C 1.• •• Jl\lo AdeE• I... 2~ 1).\6, ~••11•1 i •• ,., " "' Eo"'ra 'tO• I IS 11' • 4" HO~I& S1'1 • ,, 1~ M<Ht ll tll • ,, .... " Pt\llVH tO s •• ,.,, • 1. st•VC Df I ••lo IJ4 ' ActmMI 1°" 1 2 6\• • "' ernat 1 IQ • IQ ,._, V. f lP•'O I 4* 1J lll 2• , , '• Ho , M It u t '°" + 1 _ _, 1 .0 11 Jl~ \It PleclAvl 2•11 S '14 tt \. l lOftW •1 tol 1 ' U-. AMO I 22 411 "" • '• eroCO SIS d110 H -S EPG or1 H 1' 1t • 1, Hos lllll IOU DI 1~, "-·sr~ to It h u .... , •-11 PltNG I It 6 • 11'-1 l't tonCn' M 6 11 17l\ 1 A41otnl..I t:n •2'211 .. ' • .., eroF'1 "s ti ,.~ .... EPGp )IS .. 2l'• HOYOM ''°' 22 2'"-• '"' -cttrn '611 JOI ).) ...... Pitt 1 4 :It >'•• '• ~ta 4 2l ,, .... ""'""' 1 10 lln ' u•. ICarl"w 1 40 • 411 '~. "' El<Or )0 'lO " l()l. Htu•Fll JO ' 133 '"' .... -•ton 112 04 • .. lt ' \.:. Pil\l>ry 7 ,. 1 "11 • • '"' Stotltc 17 2617 • • "' !1'!~r':i .to t ~ J~ + ~C,=~~~I ~ ~ I :: !~"' ~~~· .0 :i 1;t 2~::: ~ Htll\1111 1 '5 I fl01 u~, '• -1•11 .. I IO I 211 ,..,._ ~ ~::;• I ::'! n; <I~~=• 1~ ~:~II I~ 1~ 13 ~~ ::
A rbFrt '° t IJ 10 -1• en,.lr I 20 J J 11\<o EIMtMO q/ lS l',, '• Hollll pf 6 ts S '1''> \, ==~S~ I lO • I~ ~~, 1,. Pltn8 pt 1 17 17 OU', \.t Sli•VSI\ lGb 6 II "-Allton• to • 122 1011• • 1• a'1Hw 1 n 7 IM 1"°' EMM pl 1 11 •'., •, Hou Ill' 1 • uu !?.-... -•T• s 1 t m JOV.-.,.. P11111n 1 10 '1 ,,. n•, " SwPrG i.tO 6 •UI JI ft, AIMoe fl 12 S. 1e 1• artWI 40 I 1' I~• " Elgin I .0 • llS 17' , 1' • HO..NG l lO 1 U ,. ... ' '" Maro UO IS 10tl 121/'J+ "' Pl•11RK 17 S'• Sulla lr • JI 13 1'7 ICW. Iii ~11•: gtr"l e'l 12 2'~ ·~ n cNG 1 cw 67 ,.•1 t i"> eira1r 11 19$ u • •• ''• =~~~"' 1 ~i ~~ 1;\11 " Mer<11t11160 1 1 Slit..""' P1a11tr11 ,. • 1o1 ,.,, • " Sun&k n 1 JO .o17 ~JOv. ep '. 12 s-.. '"'CesUC~ .. • '"" EmrtEI ',. 10 :i.2 ~. ' HO•"' 11 211 ,.~ ... M•"'-• , • I,,., ~. l"t PlayDOy 17 s " .... "• S...nCll' •• A e P '··I~ SO CatroT 1.• I 1e1• ~ • \lo EmrRd 1191 16 t•\.t •-.r-" M p 12 U Q4t 10 t\'11 Pneumo 10 ' n U~ $unEI 12 14 141 .... .. ~:: g: 1·14 ,;& ~~' '.,., C•toCP ·'° • 1t1 17"> • \II Emr.,A 1 93 ,,.. • '• =~~·0 J ~ ~~ :!!Z • );: ~::R to1e 115 ,. : "' Po00Pd 1210 •14 t• • -. s..nco 2.10 ' 111 "'-" "' Al410KO , ·a s 3 1; • \'t C•••n" 3 IO • ,.. u-.. " £rnt\ert 2 •0 101 tt~ •• '. HuOllT s .. 9 1023 JI ... I Mt H I> I.it.,, ~ 11~. " P014rold I 11 ISO ?O>.. '• SUnC pf u.s '. , 7'\11 ..... Altli'llll '.o 6 :itt 1 ~Cenco IJ 600 l •loli .. EmpOs 1 4• I U t'• 11• Hum•n 1 .60 .. J'IO ~' l .. Mot• 17 I"'• t.t Pnorosa 4011 ffO u~ .. \\ Sunllm t,Jt • 124 M~ S A1IM•W t'20 I 14 tJ • 1, Ctnlta .U I 141 21~" Emp Pl .'7 <100 3'• Hum• pll SO 10 t1'4o MGMFI lo. 13 414 ·~ V• PooTal to 11 .. 1'V. • ''t SIHlclttr Ull I JU »'4 1 ~ A berto so I 12 17v1 CenSoW I '8 S 14" 1~ • v. Empln s .40 . .11 19' • " HuntCll «>30 lit '"'°, I'll Mtllfl1 4 10 149 14.l~, 2~ P~tc IOI> 6 n 11\lo • 1'o $uncl1 pfjJO 1 tsV., \Ii A 111111 M 9 ?IS lS', CenMUO 2.» S 21 '"'°' "" EnQCP n 5' 8 UO lO •I HullEF 1 IO IO i.ao OIN Vi MIE plGJ .. 1260 ""' PonGE I 70 • !SI 11'°' ''• SW\Mn Cl nl 1Mlo. Aun 1eo S110' 11 •,Cenllll llQ • 11 14 E.nnl18 17 6 1l 'IO'.. A 1 ., 1 lllw '• MtEplJlll i tCO 43 , v. P0<G01260 J lt• .. '• SUll•tet • SJ<I•...,_ "-AlcoSu 1 1 110 1'"'' ••Cnlll pl U 7 r'1002l V. E11~rc111 lt 1 ll>l IS y,.r n 1 14 M1E p1 ll7 11'° Q Potltch 14*14 70 J'7 , 1 lol\U.r 10. s o • 14 Aluor to 11 , •,Cnlltpll., •JOO 1111. ~Ens pl •on 100 97 • -1-1 , MuFo .. I ii\. ~ Po1me1 160 e .. 13•, A 1 p 11 • y,
AllDCf I OI I •J 0 .11wCt11llPSI .. , t3 ,,., •• "En•«•" SJ8 I •,IC Ind lto s n. n"'"~IMcl\ER llO. IS,, ...... "' PotE1pfi50 ¥130030 • '• Ttldlld -1 1lll 21t. 1" Algln I 40 I ttl 11\t. '• CnLaE 110 e 40t 41\<o •t En1••• 16 10 "' 4}• • • "' IC In pl J SO II ~... M<ICTt l 1 71 I ~ , • ..., Pot El pt •.04 '(JOO <17•' • ... TtwlnJt 2 U '70 11\o'J • "
Alolnpt71' 22 ,,~. CnLa E wl • ··~ En~-I 6 211 I) CN llS ·-· '• dCToftO. , 70 Prtftlfl il 13 so 11 faalnt• 05,.tm ,, ........
AtroPW I .. s ,., 141, I. C.M .... 1.n I 101 11~. 'Envrloc .. I] .. INA(p , .0 15' 4ol ~· l<ISUI I., s • ., 11'11 ... pp'.11!!Y 40. ,3, 1 .. •s, !04... •, TT.cxOGHM•"• 1 ~ ,•, .!! 11111. AjlellGp I I no 1µ.' '•C11Soya ... I '16 10.. Equlh l 40 ) H lJ NAln , ., 10 1J" • • l<lllO\ 1 Cl I JI II • •., ., .. _c: • »' .., S.t't + ._
A l<ICp 1 40 S S02 u •, • I'• Ct nltl t 10 t J71 J1'-, YI I Equ1mk 11/ .. ) > • • U ln1 1 10 143 1214' • "> MlllttW ttl ' Ol 1S + PrlrnMI Olr 10 Ill I) • • TaP•c U 23 • 1'~ AIO(p pl. 1' 12S 49~ • •CentrDI 051 , .. 111~ Eqm• Pl2 J Y U>o <l•lloP t .. !! l'O'._ ,_ Mllt8r<I 110 • ) n 1.,. ProctG 410 '12'7 1' • J'• TuUUI 1.a 6 IOS lt\lo, .... "ll<IMnt 1 8 !() 10 , C"ltt'll 70 t 17 ·~, ,._ j EqtG•' I 12 • ll ll cle•18 1 70 .,:: JO"•• • Mlltll St I lO II*-14o P"'R\11 Jl 11 40 9 ', Tull'" '1 4"'
AlldP<I 10 1 I Cenvlll I .O S SO "" Vt Eqll..1 I J0t 11 41 8"" <l .. IT ~ S't t I'll MlllllG' l 14 J S 1''-Pn>ltr I 40 11 3 JI • Ttatron 1 IO 10 llJ 2t\I. All<IStr 1 IO • 260 77'" '1 Crl·IH<I '° 27 1Cl'h • \+!I EJm•• '' .. ~ l01 SI · " llP-r t.• I 1ll1 11 '" MMM J 10 1111 ~ ._ PS•Col I .. 6 160 ll' 1 Tutr pf J.OI 1 a AlllSCll 110 1n IS , ...... , ..... ,, IO , • .,s.,. ... "''E"lu"• 90 6 .. u .. '• !Pow P'20e l:lie IS • 11 MlnP1.. 2,, • 43 ;I • \ .. PSCol pt) 10 1 14 ... '• Tulr pf 1.40 . 1 13\o'J AllsCh PIS 8a I <IJT' • ' 1 >Cllmpln I ... I !JOI 17,,, "'I Eot~C $01> I SS 11 .. • • 1IPOw pt J 21 t2CO d1A\ ', MlroCp .. e J 1J '/. PS Ind 2 60 I lt'll 101 o , • • f f\aO ?t ;n 1 'Ill
""'Aus .. 10 S. 11,,., "'Cllml pt 1 to I 17~. "'I Eslrln• b4 q 11• Xl IPow pf4,41 rllO 191,, ':" M"nln• 1 6 JI >+••-11, PSln pt I IS 11300 '7't, h TllfmE n 17 JIU U , tYt ••coa t llO' 160 "'· . Cllmlpl •Ml IS )Iv. Elllyl 150) )() 13 •• JPowpl 4 4 •3··· ',', MP•<C J.O I u 11 ,, PS•NH 2.11. , ... ,,,, Tlll~l• 11010 ,., lOlo'J•lV• "rnlSUQ 4• J 43 43'-• '. CllarnSip to lO ,.. • EtPlyl fll J •O 1 )9 .1 .. rNCO 10 <34 • • MoPSv lb , 11 ,, ,,.. PSNH p12 15 ;110 11 nim8at tn 12 J7 SSVt , ~ "'"n 2.40 t1en •2'•·''-ct1utco ·, St• '"· "IE••nP t60t• •88 lO••·"' tncCap l 101, ' ., v. PSNl!Pf28t 1 111, • Thomtn .MI> 1 ,. u ~ Arnrct I )7 s 9 •••• + ''•t11art wl 1-.~. ~ Evdn pl I •O I ,•·,·· .. lncCMC '7Je 1 ••• ~~,b·,'1~ • ~!! ~.~ ~ ·~ PSNH p1' 1S IS01•'" ~ fllmM<l n • ,. 10'1. .. ArnHeu I 10 11109 U'°" + '•~llert Pl I tS s• ~ V ExC*l s I 48 6 11 ,l • '• ln<ll pll 16 120 H• I ,...,, ' PSNH ptJ IS A 17~ \.t fll lfh to I 71 ltY, t 't AHH p1 l .SO 1 '"' F · .~ .... : , 'I fac•~• 1 Bk J •J • • •ndlM pt? 15 3 13•; ~ MobllH JO JI n J 1 :z PSvNM 2 .. • 101 17~ ~ ., ncu ~ 1.10 s s u~
ArnAp,rs 10 19 IQ 61 .. '• ::::. <Ill~ S~~ SJ~, ~ 1· Exao11 ' > t ••I'> JO••• "\ lndlM Pl1 2S 10 13'9 "' ~::'c:i 20 1~ I~~' v. PSvEG 1 '4 6 IMY 111,. •to Tklwtr 10 11 .. J7'1o • l\o ~x.~.:.I 261ffi 1f •. 10ChaWpfSli • .. ~!,. .... FMC 160F8 :S6 l6'o • 1 :~~l~~s~~: ill m• Molluc II llO n .. : '-" ~~&gl!~ ,,J 2!'•,, ~:=:~ "':t: ~ mz, \II !~~~~' 13~ If J! :~::: ;':~c~~i~~~ .· j! 7,~~: ~ ~~~~ 1 ~ .. fl: w·. :: :~~~<·:· I~~,: .~ ~.:: ·,·: $~~' :: 1! 1U lt: ~ ~~g ~: ~ ::g ~ .• • 1,. ~::::: ;t!,\~1 !' !l~: ~,,...
ABrn<l • J H • •~ Jt• .. '• ' • "' ' ' '"' F•brt1 75 6 11 "· • 111991~ J oo 1 '" s1 . , PSEG p1s os 1120 l1' • • • Tl"•HM 1n 11 11 ,.. "' A8rd pf 1 IS I 11\o CllesPll 1 SJ IO ~ l4•• ,._ "•<fl 11 11 S' • 1119R pl 1 JS S6 :M.,, ~-r ~ I 4' SJ"'' "" PSEG plS 1t 1100 XI '• Tlm•n 3 .O I 1• S1"' i., A8dcU t 60 1171' JS~, I CNW n I ~ 13''11 ' °' F•lrcll<I 80 l •)I I)• '• tngrTec S4 l• 9 , '• M "o"'n ) IOl 11 ltl '3V.' .. PSEG P12 11 • u-. •, TodSl\p IO 4 IJO 30y,..'._ ._..
ABl<IM .. 1 I Ill'\• , CnlMlw '' 11 "-F•lrc J>I l 60 11 71'-1nf<1St1 7 •7• Ji• nt U 1 11~• PSEG p12 •3 S IS'• Tot.Pim , S4 I SJ lJ .. , I'll A8u•PO .... 12d10'> ,_c11:M1 pf 2 ' ) )"•,. ., FrW"F .~ I "'•· ln\llCO lb I)& I&': •• =:onr;-,i.: I 1:; ~\, •• PSEt:_f171S 11.0 qs TolEells 121 ... IS'!.
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Bal<lwU 1'° 9 117 tt• • ._ 1111 2 6 111• JI•. Glnsts 41 1S1.., ~·•• "•~opprs 1~11 101 111, "NwU Ir IOJJ ~ 11i;,-1<o ~~A, .. P 214 • --·1-Uslltf11c .'6. 1l /'•• • Bl<IU pt 7 06 . 1 ,... • IT•I 1 ... I 16117 "". : GllMlllS l.M '1011 Jt • I.. oporpl • •100 32''. '' N#l8cp 1 .... s 4S ,. -ent .JOJ 21 2'I IO\l't, ui.PI.. 2 70 40 "" '.
8e11Cp 1 IO 6 14 ll'• llD•ta t 9 Oil ll't • .. GMo1 2 .0. IU 11UI <136 llt. OPP• pl 10 0 <1116' > 1 Nw•IE t 1 20 t 119 21 • ''• ~Ornl~ 1 M S 41• 2'-. UIPI.. pt 1 IO , • ""' • 1 • 8all~MI .1010 x40ll 71' > • onwd s 1 70 8 9 11 , 't GM01 pl S eiJ71}1 r.,.lllr •1 Q•, '• NwEn pf21l 13' ,.~ 'l• ~ '""'' 111 11"• \It UIPI.. pt l.:16 2 IS~ B•ltGE , ... 1071 71 '·. kU11 Olr 10 81 •••• '. GNC' °' 11 ,,, ISV· ... !(roger I n • 261 ll't. I I Nwtllld 7 .. I Jiff StYt-\II ~uane ... .., '"" .... IJIPI.. Pl 1 °' I 1)>.:. 8 •11 pl8 •.so 1710 l3•· I OOPI I 14 • 113 4Q • ''· Gl'lPort I,, • "'"" ... KuhJm ao I 16 10» 'I NwMLI '10 • 31 ..... ~1141nA U.'°< 1• 112 1~. .... -V-V
BenCell,1017 •27• .. ooplpl.7'10 2SISO'"'"'GPU 1qn1 S"1to '.'ol<yotoC 21••3 IJ26''•'•NWStW 1201 .,.~ ... San<len .M16 71Ul'll•"VFCp 11 S9'4'111 '• 8an<1•9 IO • 0 11-.. ooplb 80 11 730 7q•· ••• GtnRe I ,. 10 Ill , ......... K•\or 88 10 ,. 10'• Norton , • ,, 1'-l<o StAnltRt l.M I • " ..... Valero 37 I 210 ,,,~
8•!1GP s ao 3 38 "'· ... oopT s S• J 1S 11•.. I GnRelr ,, 11t S'·• "' -1..-l. NorSlm I°' 1 412 ,~. '" SFtlncl t I '3071 11~· ~ ll•leyln f() " " 11 .... 8kl\IV J 70 s 1"' J8 ... I.. O()pwd I 60 • 10 ~ ' '• G11Sl9nl 1.llO ' 4J7 )t• •• I 1..FE 03/ ,, 6'11 '. MortS llf I'° 1 JS"' SFtlnl I sou lJU d \l\o-\II Va11Drn I 12 I • "" v. 81\0lll• I 16 6 11 14 or<lur• $7 I IJ? '"" • ,,. G11StHI 4fb I ~ u LITCO 10 10 71•,. •, Novo 11 21 •1• :Jt>j; + 1n SOtWtl 1.17 J J " V. V•co n .oe II 114 19 " Bnl!Am I S7 6 • l;pq.j 21'• • ort In ' 38 q '° 11' • • • GTE 114 I J3:M J1'~ • \\I Ll(Cp JJ )" • i Nucor 411 10 ~ Slllt • v, SaulR E .20t I 1 ·-• I'll 11¥1•11 Sl 1' Jl3 171,. ' '> BkAAI n2.to • 11 IS'' rnG l ll ' SI ))•, • GTE pl 1 lO I 7~ .... LlCCp pl 1 '"'. '. 0-0 -SevAS1p , ... 1n ~ .... Vero .40 • ., '"·. \+! !~kTTt. 1 u s •lb n r81~ 1 ,. 10 ,, 19 I ·1 GTE pf 7 411 10 ,..... "" l..Tll •71 ) ICll>1 II .... O•-•n' ,, 1• 127• n•i. ..... S.vEIP 1 ll I JI I~ •• llMCO 20 IS 313 16'~ • .,,
,.. 'Pf 1 SO c l8 IH 1 II I ll" • GTFI pl I 2S rl60<1 I* 1..TVA 1 lit I U Oa'1i.P 1.0 e t n•i. SevE .. 111 I R • Venoo 11 , .. ·.kTr pl • 77 •o7'1 0•80 t lb" I) ll» "\ GTFI pl''° rlSO<I I~ .... LTV pl s I .., O<cl ... , 1 lO J 1744 1 .... ~ Sevlft )4 IS. 10 • '"'Vests. I 2.. 11 ........
8 •11norR lt 12 111 14 ' )I 6 • GT Ire 1 SOI> t S14 24 .. • '' 1..0<H111 s 11 21 11 .. , , O«IP p1 , I 1• 1'" Savin pl I 50 • 1J"-+ "" lll•cm \ .U 11 2tO t71'lo '"'
aroc "" :MS JO • • • ••nt I 600 1 )A l3 •• '."' c;.MKO 17 " , .... v. '-<KGes 2 14 -12 1... OctlP pf? so 1l ,,.,, Sa•Ofl 10. • 149 4'1/o. -VeEPw 1 so 6 '"' 11~. "" 8¥nGP 1 I •1 d l7' • • rayR• ., n• JI • 1 GnRa<I n 08 It 111 12'" '• l..•mS.t OSJ 11>1 l'1 , O<clP pn 11 1 .. ._ SCllrPIO IM I '" ,.,~ • Yt ll•EP pll 11 1SO 47~, "-8a•nel J ~ I JI 141• red1F 50 IJ '(II 11.. Gens! II 1.IO -.S t~, 11, L.ant8y I 10 o 13 11 t O<clP pn JO 1J 14a., SCl\tlt1 IS 1"' 12 + V. ll•EP pit 1S t.S0 S• '•
88ar"Wr •O 12 Ill ,,... • • redF pl1 1$ IS 1'I GtllwP\ I ,. 11 -lOV. ..... l..•nltr' .).I • •n4 14 ... ., O<clP pf1•., " ~ .... SCl\lml> s IO,, l '5'1 UV.-.... Va EP 1>17 '° 6 "' • .:! ti It lOJ s:• , ' rllon 6 Ill 11 >•I • G•Pac I 20 10 1SS6 19\o • ''II 1..-llnl 61> 12 61 IO't. , Occl P pf u llO Q \lt-,~ SCIAll 10 J1 .. 1 JOV. • 1 V•E pfJ 111 l21)0 .... 1 t
8 KT 11 I r "6 llO ''." \4 roON 1 •0 S 111 31 t • G•P< pf8l1• 1 2S~ •11 1..HrPt I? ?J stq 10 , , ODECO •IO ' " ll"' S<oa M 10 11 JO ll•EP Of7.4S 11SO '6 •• '" • I , .... "'7," • 1·oc~N wo ., JI G•""' pl? s. J u~ "· l..UrSo 1.00 I 1'7 ll .... '· OOclen uo • 14 ~ ...... Scotl...ci • M ''-• ""lll•taR• IOe 1 •• ., •• ~. ::~~rnwl 11 .~ w:,:. I re~~ pll ~ " ,q 1J • 1 G•Pw pl1 S1 31 1"'. v. l.HrS pl2 tl 1 11 + I OflloEcl ',. 1 m 11"'-Scotf't l 1 IO • .. 2'14 ... ~"r"r6° •.• ~ 1,11:•' VI
8 SIG 1 31 1 11 " ' rm s ' IS'' '' G•""' pl1 IS SJ ~ l..swiTr I fO I n 291' '• Oh Ed pf 4 olO r lolO ll"" .. ''• SCot'I" 1 S 22J IS.\11. •U' "' -• ' 'Ill e:~uK 7S/ I • 13 .,.: rw~c~ l .>O t ~ ~:;: ~ G•-p(7 n . •«> .,..., ' V. '-~ l•t .,. I " lt•. • l , o11Ec1 pl 4.., 1100 lt scon~, .. ' 7 1tl'I • "'VutcnM l JO '-" 49" 1' ::!~~J' 1.00 ~ 1~ ~~;. ~ ~K~t' 1 ~ •• ~ J;~ · : : ~~: 1·:: 1
: }~ ;t.,. ~ t-e11~~ !·~~ s m n:: :~ g~~~:; n: '': ~"' .... t~. 1
jl J tl l~~. ~ ~1c~R f:,t~ ,f; ~~ · "•
Boat pl l.ll S 40 • >. CulDro 11• 13 11 "' • GtrbSC .12 !S IJ 141 H 14 La'1a 1.60M SS 143 351,. • "' 0 1\EO pt..... t1CO SJ -v, SClld pfl.07a . 4l '"°' , WK Rj . 14 x Jt 6"'' " &eorn 40 16 x'31 11'·• ~ c E , ) 118 :M'> l''lr C..tty 2,.tO • •11 47 '1>4 l" •v • IJ OltE pf to. azo .. &lo SHCI pf t.•.. 4 I -loll Kl\ I "' MelttD ' l 12 162 •3 , I' c"~1 ~ 1 10 1Q Ge«y pt 1 20 1 U l..euc1td 11 loll 9'• • >lo OhE pt 10.7t t::MO .. "'-Soa(t pl 7 10 II 1211<, I'll W•cklll 40I> 1J 1l 14 '• "• &oiler 6 39 8._ , : c~n~ 1 s 16 ,r • ~~ G•entP 1 )\oll Uuco p11.1s . ss u10 • '• 011,. plG1·21 1 loAt, .. So•Cont .42 • 1«1 11 -"" Walnoco 101 1Ss 1s • "
1klcoP 1 .0b • 1' 7S'1 '• CytlOPS l IO 4 I• ~ GlbrFn SI 4V.• \oll t·"~fC 7S. 2~ ff"'"• Olll'pfA 'u rltO .. _1 Soefll 144 • tJ? ~t i :::~~ 2110 10: r,~• 'Ill Btl<lnH 36b 1 • 6... D 0 Gl<ll w. IO .t07 ''""I v.. tY n . Of\P ptF 14 It.JO .. + "" So-orm I 40 6 .. 54 --" 8o1How .. 7 SI 17.,, , , OMG GlttHlll .'7 4 70 1•1<o, "-Levi St I llS I 1119 2'9: > • 1'\ OllP 101 7t r.JO .. , \II So-0111 t ,.. 11\lt • -Wa~rn 1 I • "" • ';' ::1g;~ It : 1~ u~ • ~ g:~n 10 10<; f: 0
' &:::• l.~ ~ •m =: 1~ tg"f: !·~ ~ 1~ nv:: :: g:::~~I = : '? : ~ !!!f~ I~ ; •1; Pi"": Iii :::~! t ~ :~ ,a ff~:,;:
&omit I "° 6 1 01.•'-.... O.nRI• I 11 • .. ,.. • '. GltHW IO ' &)1 ,,._ 1..lbt ~ 11 • JO 131 ~. Olln 12011 ,,. 7) \II s::,1.0 .SJ JO 1)40 n11i • W.IU pl 1 1100 I' 1 ·~ a...ell• l l J'7 SS lo\ Oen•Cp 1 110 JI 103 H , , , GIOl>M ' JO t U30 JOV. + 14 1..lb~tl~ I 40 1 so 27,;: 1, Om•ril • 6 It i7v.. t:~· I M I 2142 '""• loll WAllJ pf1 60 4 19 ~:pl 4 °' to .. 1 Dalllal s II 12 m 11 • ,._ GlflN~ 1' 2Al tt\lt • '"' llflmk, 40 11 1.:i ,., 1• OMkl• .,. 1 • t1'6 • \It Se«•< no s •I07 • • wemac t • 120 21 4. "' ~~14 J 1 u; ~:'• ' t:!~; J fO 1! ~ ~" , l ~'fch 't-;: s
;; O 1~:, ~ 1..lllt'Ell 1 lOI 10 '21 4'1:: ; g~ E~~ r: : ~ ~~-: Solt~t .: n '"' m:: 1
WrnCrn .. 11 ntl S' .. • >Ii ...._.. ,.. s "'" ' • ""jo.tTt• ,. ,~ GOrc" llfl ,, • 2•'4 • "' '-'~~I 2 ,,.1 • ,': ~: :~ o.;M. ,,. • " e11o.'. svcoep' .. • "' tt\'\•, ::~o\ tn, 11r, it'' 1,::!
a.ne.. • 17 '"" . O.tpn1 s to $9' 50 • '. 0-J' I JO • mt 11 • I 1.IOntl 1C)C) JO ,,. p... '-Orlonc • 11 9J ....... "' Sfla••-I I 1 Jt\11 • WlllNI I ' °' • ,. ,, ... -lfttl"d ..24 10 U7 2• • " D ... co 5' 17 SI 13'-'t • '' Gor<I S S6 4 1 " .... llton 1.41)1> 1 ,., 17'>, 1'11 0111bM 10 S .. IS--. Sf\IOOll } • j 16 ··· • WlllWI 2 )1 S 11 It~ .. ._
INttlSll l.tO 1 '* 20 • "" 0.\'lHO 2 10 10 sos S7 • '~ Goulfl I 12 It 214 1t "' 111onr:; , 4 """ Outlet 60 ,. JN. ~ ~-In 4 II 7"'. WHI• $ M to ns Jjo\o . Ill\ l~Tl\r' AO 11 141 ,... .. 'Ii O.\'IPl I 12 ) Jo46 13~• .. Grate 160 t J50 0\olo• -k •1030 ''"'~ ''> Owrl\Or 1 It 17 ttlr.. . lllOT 2
1• t llOJ 4214 •I Wttkln .4111 41• U \lt+ 11,At • t ·",, n 12 -14 OPL pf 1 10 tlO ... ,., Grelno• 1 OI 10 • a 11i II pill 21 .. 128 • I O,,,Shp . so • •121 19'--lot I I • • ,._. Wet'Gos 20t • 1 • I'll' .201.. 47 I0\11.... OnWlltr IO 10 1110 48'4 Grenltvf 112 11 10Yo tltt ~ 1S 265 ~ + 1\lo' Owen(; I 20 II 4:M n>,~ +I l°o''!.1 ~ J ~ 110IA • ,. W.enun °.OSI '1 11 It'll lot 11..:•0 76 t HJ I~ 141 Oeeu 1 'lj6S dl21'1 111 GIAIP< Ill l-• \'\ oew• 110 S H .. ,,_. •iii Owtnlll 11' 5 .. , 29"-"' ·~' • 6 + w W .. n pf 114 l 10Vo llll·H"'°'7.lr • 14 1114.-Yo OelMP 1.S1 1 73 11'-Gil.kin .... It :M l l • ,.., ornF11 1 u 1 ?J 10" O•trflln .. 6 t7 11'1·+·i,; "tel~ ...... l IJ ···· WobeiO ' \o 1)8 , .... !lfltJn 1 10 11 • "II 0.ltall 1,60 9 1141 S. l•'lo GNtrn U O• 10 I 11 LornMt 7 ll 7 17 191 1• -1"-4 -e""' n' All 2 ltlllt t le W.ltMk 1 • 41 )4\11,: •\.\
11 .. 1.. I.I, 6 21 '*""• \oll o.119ne 6 •7 ''' ~ GtNoNk I eo s ll7 l4\'\ • "" LnSter I·" 6 If) 2"'1, \lo PHH' .M 11 #Ill 111111, l't l'W pf 4·'° • dO 61 +I Welltl" 1 f2 s .. ~ v. le1tHll 1,n 11 ,,. as~+ i,i, Ol•C"' 17 " ,.,~ OtWF1n • u dtO 1ll'll • "' 1..11..eo '' s 44, n •'lr. ftN&Mt 1 20t ' •14 •~. 11, ·=•l'ec t.4' .~ 111""+ " Wolf'M 1.~ 1 " 11 • ~
llWI 1.• • • ,.~ "" OenMlg I )() I ff 11'1 . '• G""" I JO s •P u~ .... 1..11.. pll( • JO t3'10 JOV,-1 PPG 1 36 s .. 37 ... ~ s ~ ·'; ' is; !?Ill• "' W.ndY n .2111 ,,.. It • "' =I r • . IO 1-. • \'\ Dennt'• • • 41 ,.._I ,._ Greyh 1tt 104 1Yo 1..11. pfT l.J1 S 10""' • 1, PSA .tOt • 1' S .a ·~ • • • · • W.llCo 60 t 22 1''-t !"o tlfll t • 4 tallO 26 + \II Otntply IO t JtS 14~ • '> Gr-G • Jt6 I .. •'n • 1" '-I'-PIP 7 O )2 1J PacAS 1 114• . ~ •'1t • ''t lmf',. ·-6 1' IJ\11-W...,,P pl4.SO. 1100 :IO'~• •4 MC I '9 1 m 31~• II> DeSoto t 12 s lt 11•, '" Grurnm 1.40 u 1oa ~t" 1.. L Pl(), 47 10 u·~ ', l'acGE 2.n 6 tl ll'"P"' ,.. "' "'•• W(P\P' 1 IO s .o 21_., .. \'t WWII 1.05 J ,..., n ..... -iteo 1 .. s 41S 11\'\ .... GfUlft pt 2.111 .. 1114 v. "°"90' "11 30 ?I*+ 1•11 Peel.It 21' s 1 21 ~ I .... •' ... '~ • -14\lt+ "'Wl\Al•l llS ..... .... ...,,_ tM 6 '" -· -. tE p1 s so 1 SJlw • ,, G.,.rcll s n • tt Ull't• * e l n ,. l4 ~, " Pacl..m al 20 tt ti ~, •• ""~ .... _.. n n~. , WAlr p1 2 t 11-. 'It lcltmllt ISi .. 4.J 214-.... 11E ~ 1 l1 · !.!! ~ • ~ GllW1I 7S S IS.0 17 + " nl, t i I It Ill•, •,. Pacfl'w 2.04 t 4Clllt <116''> lt tf1~ 1u1 '!! •'!~• WC:M4 I 10 11 0> 2'" ..... JM J 5M ~ .. 14 E ... .. • ._ -' GllW pf ~ $1 ' 100~. ,..., i...1.. ... 0 t.IO • m v~ ••.. Paci> ff J 1' s 211'1 '4 ... .,. • WV11IOll I .0 12 1113 uJ2'"t. ~
..... pl •••• , .. .,.\It-Ill O.tE pf I 0 • ''°° 4J''l GlfW pt 1.JO . 1 -" 1..aPac IOb 17 )6,1 IH•• •,. Pact! • n 11 is Ulll.+ "' Eltlllll .. .. ~·' Wl>Ul'I pfl '° 1 "'' • "· ... E pr 117 • ·""·· •. OeOEIE pf ~ lt7' '20!? ~.. .~ Gul~I 210 • , .. ""' .. ~ LOUVGI 2.n $ ., , ..... \"t Pee T I~ IU2U ultv ... , ~~ :~» "'1 ~. ~·, wnun pl4.t0 1 un • I"> ... Pf 1,• S t~.. •• pfF •· • • •• .• G11tlRt\ 111 t 4JI 11 • '-LowenJI 1 JO 1 ts ~ ._ Pee In 1 6 l ,.,._ . -..•' ,. -• Iii WVn dpfl.le H I'~ ''°
lrlH!lft •• 10 I + .... OE re 2 7S 1 '~"' \• ~llStUI 1.41 $ .,, 1114 t ~ 1.0Wtl n 14 .. 10'• Pelf\eW U lll 117 71~-~ =: ' :t m lt\oti• " WVTI P4 2.5'. I It'-• 14 =~ir.i:-'tt:;,,~ =::: S:OI&~' ~~ 6. ~ ~ •• s; ~G~~~t~t ·; u; t~:7 "t:t~'s•Mi 't ~~ U~: :~ ::~&'111 ~ ! ·n ~~;: ~"cp1:1,.. 16s1t,• ;,:tz1""!1'6 ;:r.e~•t: S!f~ Jr".,
lrltfl't I.tie J ?t JUI>+ 1Ao G,.... .. -.. • "" Gunon .tO 11 1' I~ .... 1.lllltllt 71 71 1'V., "'-PMIA!rl 7'1 79.r t \'t < t.a0 · · 1 "" Wttv•~ t i i 6 .. ''lit-... lrt!WOI l.:IO 7 ,., '~ .... °'oiet'° pl~~" • ..!. ?QI<)' ~ ---Lt'nCS.. 10 •.• ,,, ,,.,... , PWllllll,~C ' ' 102 ,J.}lti. "' ~ca pfUO . i•, , • ...._ ..... W. .. flll 1. 11 m ;t\'t• .. 111'.l'UO tA I 14 tllA • 111 CP "" ._ d 'h .. •• 14MW 6 l .-., .• -~ -,1111";1 ),atll 1 14 14 , \'t ltl"n • • t ..... ,. Wf'l'r pi 2. . .. , '"
lllUO llf).ts.. J tJ . . ~:~l rn IJ ~ r,,~ ~jH~kW t 1!0 12 JI 1714 ~ MA~OM .11,. 1eo1 Jll'e • , .. , Pparayn J7 "I 42lltt • \\ S '!Of': 11.a 6 1J:I I~-+ " Wtt'r ~' t.IO ,1 eo h, -. IWlllfl 1.12 s Ill ,.,,._ ~ • --HI 00 ,. " 6 ••• II" I.SO • )41 41--. Ito .,... ' u > 1'S 16 • .. r.. .• . . 1 l •••• ~"' 1.60 • ue ' lo\ !!!i!.''i! 6 11 !M't+ Vt tbclt 16 1'J:114~+tvt1He 1F8 1M1t 4J n -1141 t .$0 • 11 2t , v, fl1110rlt .It tll74' ~+ V. '" t S 4 t ~ WhelllfleJA O , I""" \'\ == 10 1: ,,., =:': 81RI~ 1 ,a r ~ n~· '.~ ~:=~ l;l'l 1: ir-··~ MGICOr 1:~ 1~ m J,~ ..... ~:~~11':tt ~1 "" r.'=: ~ I a' ., ~J· ft-~~ Wl'le ~.r , .• ·~ n~·.· 4'
11'!1111 "".. • Ti M • '"' Bl'IOll . ' ~._,, 1H•flJS IA11 . ., l"' ~ ... ,, I ~ P1oon • I a . "' tt" 'i'. , J,._ ~ mu pf • • • dO n .... '"'"'* 1:ao it 11'1 ........ "' ~si;:rn I 'J itt 1l:· . 5•nJI ...... : ,. Jll)+ "'~ LI ft'·..... 1011 •. vi : .. ~,,. . .Oj 6~ ... r.--' ---,~· ~ ~r',' 114 , L . ~ I ...... l«tlr a I #UU \4' ~ ao • Ji I)" '-ftOlfl\11 I t 61 14.... .. Moul'll n 13 hO t~ +I ~y I :It 1•-. · M , .._. 11.,. + .., ~ .. ro9f t0 ..,... t "
.... -' AO .. f 4 -"' 0 • ,. .,. t*"' . .. IMYH ..., I~ ,., U\lt. " MKy I • ill ,.~. . I' CPI n ,, , ~ u ••••• • 1"~ ,. 1 " "". WltltC: qo ) ,,, 24\oll ... ""'f M9 S llA .-. ..... OoMICI .. t 1 1\lr \lo H•fWI• 2 • 7't ~\Ir• 1" rpf U UO Jlvt+ 1W. 1111 11 1•11t • 1 ~. •t. t • 1 •• lt Ill Jatlo+ 4' WltltC re I •..t l 22111 u t
""ll'Mtlt '14~ ... OonU 0tO,l6' I tofarlJt ti 7tU" 1'-ll ~ll'-11 11t ~II •1 2.1"+ .. er•. 6 tl41vt+t .... =t,40't'.)lta9'-t Mll Wll~ 1.$1 • 17'1 't + ... OoMly t 2t 1' 1' H~tnd, Je IS SJ »'-.. IA II.NICI , i I 10,_+ I~ ~ I !1Vl• Ill IM t 153 IJ •JM! Cb\ .711 !t 100 11 I.sh •110 Sl\41+1._ ~'I' t Ud 1 ' 'lo 14.,11la11 40 4 S1' 12 ."-. WlfOl\H I. 10 dttlo> l\J i)7 ,., ;,l\"t+ll't Rr U. DD ;:•ti. .olA'1 1 !Ill 1"'
' .. ' "' 17~ ..... ~' " UI ti • I Menlll 2.JO 1 JO 1$Y.. Wt MotAtt IZ IOI 11"' ",, It • '·'"· . '........ tl • -WllllMll I 20 • ,,,, trllo • •
New credit
W1U1 an interest rate as low as 10 perce.nl (and
interest rates an the United States have been a lol
hi5'hl'r than that for o long time>. tt la common atnse
tor m ontiyhotders to minimize the loss Crom holding
rash. At 10 percent, for instance, one day's lntereat ls
0.0278 percent , which for Sl million comes to $278.
"For lhal," isuyis federal Reserve Board •ov·
ernor Henry C. Walhc h, "It puys lo send a m essenser
by plane from New York to Washinaton to expedite
collt•ction by only one day "
With the process
of getting checks de· ~ posited. cleared, col
lected and credited
lo the depositor's ac ~ /«
count delaying the SYlVIA PDRTIR~..; availability of funds. ~ Z
1l would pay the reci - -
pients of a S5 million
l'herk lo send a messenger from New York to San
fo'rancisco' Al higher rates of interest. it would pay to
naove smaller checks by similarly wasteful methods
rather than put them into the mall for collection or
even entrusl lhC'm for that purpose to the Federal
What applae:. lo banks and collecting checks in a
fas ter way certainly apphes to you and your account
balances in an inslilution paying you little or no in·
le rest to keep your mone~ at )'OUr absolute "work a·
hie" minimum
There 1s the widest range of alternatives ever
available to you an which to invest your excess c ash.
Pick the best for maximum earnings <money ma rket
funds. savc>r:. l'.ert1ficates). s hun t he worst for
minimum earning~ 1ordinary checking accounts
beyond your day.to.day needs)
Let me make this point unmistakably clear Mght
now I am not recomm ending payment of.your bills
at the last pos:.ible moment nor am I condoning in
any \.\oay thc many gimmicks businesses are trying to
cncourjgt.• you lo pay up way in advance so they can
haVl' the USl' Of your cash
Millions of you are now developing the habit of
rlclay1ng payment llf your debts on your bank cards
until the penalty fee comes rnto play, are also
postponinl! paying your monthly bills (telephone,
ut 1 ltt it's, the rest> until the penalties are directly
asked, and an.' simply forgetting the old ethic of pay.
an~ a debt right away 10 order to build up a reputa·
"They are so mchned not Lo pay when they can
use the mone~ that they owe for s hort-term invest·
ment for a pol>s1blc quick high yield, .. says Har vey
Sh:.trinn, president of the law firm Sharinn & Lipsh1e,
s pecialist!> in debt collection
"The nation has developed bad paying habits."
he stresses. "Tht• attitude is. "I'm paying late. so
what· .. The d e btor fe els no moral or e thical responsibility to pay on time ..
The same reasoning and my condemnation
apphes to husmesses that try to collect debts owed by
you months ahead of time. I have received notices for
res ubscripllons to m agazines months earlier than I
once received them and have been promised all sorts
or reward!> ir I 'II renew for two. three or m ore years
1n advancl'. It c; an out-and-out gimmick to get my
t:as h
In an etonom y built on credit and dedicated to a
trustworthy relationship between creditor and deb·
tor . this 1s an upside-do"" n trend. Bankruptcy as a
tool of financ·ial planning? Delinquent loans as a sign
of a shrewd businessman? Our credit system is head·
ing straight for trouble and the quicker we re·
cognizc 1l and turn this around, the better for all of
STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW •uHKIAP) FIN I Dow·J-. •"'9& tor T-Y. Otl f7 NEW YORI( IAPI Salts. tlOs•no pr+u •n<I net CNtl\QR o4 11\e llllMn most active
New Yor~ Stock EacNI~ '"""· trading nattot-.lly 01 ..-. tl\an ~1 US Steel t, 111,oiOO 11'-Gon Motor~ I 1'5,tOO J6 Mobl I s ':M, 700 UV.
' "' 1\<o
NIMt<ICre s s ... 700 llV. T An<lt' s "6,000 )µ/,
-"' .1 ...
Atvlon Stl.IOO JO\lo ~l.fW, m:: :~
.... ~
s..it11ern Co '61,tOD 11-. Euon 1 M7,ta0 ~
• 1 •I . "" ...
IBM 44+,IOO '°"' Amor TAT •14.100 "\.\ . ~
8allyMlo c.eoo 11"'2 . " • 1,.
Pac Powt.t 400,tOO 16\11 T ••Ko 111< )7' JOO :n --. "'
NEW YORK (AP) The IOllOwlng llS1 •howl !!le ..._ Yorll Stoc:' E1c1\af9 •lo<kl •ncl -raflU 11\at l\avo OOf'llt up
the most - -11\t ,,,-.. MMcl on perunt of <"-.._rdton Of volu-
tor T-'f· No M<urltl" lrlldlng below U •n lftCI·
Udt<I. Ntt end pon1111l-ot clwlnou •rt the Ollftrtnc• .,._ ll\e orwvlous closlr.g
price •nd T.-s.'t S:JO p ,m, 11110 .. _
~~. J Ell•lr Incl
4 Cl\a~o wt j Pe<TllT pl 6 GI-tnc 1 ~·· • Wltltt.1111• t J~EF 10 'WOflel Alrw
11 'f'I•-... 12 Suon Incl ::~~~ U CordUl'a QI ,. (le<t Auoc
17 RloGren pf II 1..anlerBP t
"FotOft'Wt to '4artflel ZfJ4y ,, l.ocllteCp
22 A YCO COt'P u Ml<mlll.i 14 l..IUUdla pl U Hoe.ISL a. rw c.-p""
v" ._. .. ,._ +'"t UP Pc\..o
11.-.0 • 1" Up "·' .... • 114o Up 17 ' .,,_ " Up 1U '6111 .-. UP IU IJll't • 1111 Up 10 2 27 • 2\lt Up 11.? a-. "' UP "6 211\ ,... UP • •
41"> "' Up •.1 IJY, 1 Up •.o
•'II ... Up U 12~ I Up U "1i .. Up 7 .. .... • .. UP , ..
S-" • -Up 7.J
20 + , .. Up '·' 1~ • I Up I.)
"" t \"t Up 1.1 7\11 • \II l-!P l.I ~ , .. vii J,I I~ 114 Up 1.0 1At + I Up 7,0
IO + "' VII •1 t '°' Up U ooJ..s ' .. Up .. ,
~ ~Off~~ •'--, .. Off tu ....,_,... g; ...
•'-"t s 14.t .~IA -:Jt fJ :Hu SI t I ten, -1$ ':-"'Off .... -1o110..,, m:=~ ~~ n:-"' .... ts = ,.. tl
n':t = 1~ ti
11 -'" "'
' -"' ,~ .. -~ r .. =-:: ~
2\e -" ti 2111 -~ u
JO Ind
10 Trn
IS Utl U Sta
lllClu• Tr•n Ullls •S Sil
0.-Miia "-C-Cllll tl1'1W~121.01 m.•• 1A J67 .JO 176.0. 3'3 ti 110.U + 4, 11 ICU? 1~.21 10> M 10.,61 + 1.16 m 23 ,_I• 130.M J:U.01+ U6
OKllMCI u nc l\eflOl(I
Totel b~ New 11'9M
WHA 1 AME• ()O
Todoy -.. cu 1'°4 ,.
NEW YORI( IAP) <kl 17
22l 104
1 ..
' 11
1,m .• 1,U6,ta0
~ tlS .. , ...
IS ., .
, ..... , ., ..... cent\ • POUft<I, u .s
LeM ~cents • "°""° l•c ,..\<..,.\lo tOftts a_..,.., CMllw red
TM Sl.1M1t-.a1, W-c-lto ltt.
AIWm....,, 7...,cents a -4. H,Y Morcwy MD.OD per llatk.
Pull-MIJ.COlro'tOI . N.Y.
SILVER ,. ....... .,
Handy fl Htn!\4111, tt.'tf per troy OUMe
~· ..._.nir.o "•'no~. eott • • ..-: et-llld"9M21AI, upSIAI.
"arh: ~ lb.1111 MSUJ, .. '1,A1. ,., ....... ""·"·offu.os. t.rlcll~ , •• 11•1"0 .. ,..oo, -.. .. ti.GI,
.. ?t.OO•tked. MHdY a MarMM! Conly H lly Q.-0)
1~: (only dally quoit! t'27M, ""
''"'°' .............. IOlll'f delly ttUOl•I "'9.n.,. "·"
L , »t ~· \41 fg" t.IO 111'0 l"-... a•rrls M 12 tOtl ~ Mit>!tl11 .IQe S U 1 ~. 1-11 '9ft-i ; I .. $•,. .! ;,Qt I.it• I .... Wlt9'llO •21 l4 J1 ~" JM Ila ._ J11 t 5 tl 1H 49"' .. lf'K , t It l ~ 1e-. • ,. ~f )I ' 4 6 _.. .,.,, ~ SH 2'v. .. lllf 1.a t "°" + !!' &'l>Jt 2 t• J! JS J6°' • I 11 D Mt + 1.41 avo 10 .l! 1't • •ftSM 1' 11 l<t1 11 -.. """'1Cr t 12 1U 111l"-• I~. fef:I. · 4 J !n It • "" , .. 11 -~ + " .Ml 4"'a,, , •
..... • ti ' " ., • • 11J fm· l! M•rtH •• , 1 ~ • "' ~A "' ! 210 )(\H YI ~:•t :a . .m ~ 1 Air 1 1 • . 171'. '-j~' ·a ~ 'i it'"'' $ti~ Ht1 ;IM I·~--~'* ~.~'"'' ~irn· ·~,~~:~!\~'°,: 11"· ~~'Ti 1 ~1X 11t ~'~ ........ :n i st : .... 1::.11 J.!!111.!C'~=:~l·I '!~ ·1.. 1>£1\0\Clow '"' fM •1 \\ 11\l 1'41 \"t• V• w'ii'ii 1"' 41 ,, ... 141 =~Nl~I-l.Oj .? 1:;17 ~· ~ ~=~tp .~t4 " Jr'~.~ ','!...A .•. "J Jt , .. 11 ~ I: 'J 1fJ .~ .. flt ,4f,. .ii 2A\H 14 )Wlel.a "i -. I' . 6 2 ~. .. ·~A ·• J '"'· • 'JI u-· .. I ,=-1. r ff -• ,. • " • 1"" i8 l#ttl I _. • .. dl> \lo 'WIY ~ t ". .. iM ..... Vi e .. ,,~ ... ,1 ,,E .. t" ca , • e .. , ..... , ,. l . . 1 ~ r:-·-uo .. 4dt5"'• ""~ ill '"" 10 ' ~· ~ 1 Of 'h1S1 20'h• -ec•u .t• 12 . .• ="ft I 24 Ii ..t ~ '" :ipf 1: • ; HY,;·~ 'I I ,,....... ;w I . ' I .~';,"h ... '1.··· •• ., J~: :: Xwa ............ '.·" .. • .... ' .. '.~._.••·.·..., ... •,..jlt ... '.·' ... '.· ... ' .. 12 .. "'.•.'.v....,.tte._l.Nl,_.J .. .JO .. • ........ ' ... •••••• ....... ' ..... • .... "' .. ' ..... • ..... _., ... iu ... Ol ... t ...... •.1.tn ... 4).;..• .. '4_. ........... ...;;.. .. ·."" ... • .. 4",.l,,;;;;,;.;;;.';....•..,~'6;....;,;...,;;l";.;,,;~1..;,~;11"11flUr....,. ,, • "it;,\\ )(Tiii.ii
•• Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT /Wednesday, October 28, 1981
Of' A V ... L WAl.UID
NOllCI '' MlllllY OIVIN --flt lit tlc1'-'t ..... ,, MU, m ...... "' ............ ..,,_.
C• flf IN MM• ol CAllHwllle \fw ..,..n..,_ 1.11 c. u 1-.c1C. w111
..... ~ -1~., tM2 N ...... 1
11 ..... ""' -... c.. fJW ••• ••:• e.M, ... U. "" ....... ..._ .. ,, 1111,
the .., ......... " .. ,...,,., ...
wlt1 y_..... Mllll ....... , .. , ""'''°"' k l• Nie II fer Ille j111r~H ot
.. 111tyl119 llerl llf tit llMer.llMd tor
lltfeee lft Ille amovnl of '2100.00
~ wltll c..,, • ..,,..rtltlne .,.. . .,._ ......
0.ted .. 11'11 .. y .. O<t-r. 1'11
LMC. b rl{lr.
~111111111 Or .. C.0.ll Delly Piiot
" llMlelTAft .. NT
TM ........... --· en ... ft9 -i-· ILUI SAii.i &°TATIOfllllll, 194
Mein ii ......... CA 9*1
l"!YI l.. "II#' l'IOtttl, -I . C .. tl Mtwey •ll, ...._, 9-'ll, CA .,...,
.. ..,. J. "''""" • e. CMat Mtwey ••7,N""*1..._,CA~. Tlllt MiNu It ~UC~ l>Y en llWflY~I.
leovtl. ll'tc-..U Tllll ......,_,. _, lllM wltll -
County Cltfll of Or..,.. C-CY ~ O<t.
n, ""· ,., ....
Pvtlll.-Or ..... CNM Delly "''°'· O<t ........... 11. 11, ,... .....1
Oct ... ,., ... ,~, ------------
CAWl8 "°" llOI kllMI Olttr~· 09Nt C-111.,nlty
, ...... Ollil'k'
IHI ~. a.• •'cl«ll p "'· 9' tM t• .. ,., OK9fMff, ttll
l'IKI" lid lll1Ul"'I Offlu ot tlle
ltvr(l\a.llflt ....,.., -Mllrllll ''"'"'· C•••t ~t., c ...... Oltlrlet,
1'70 ,_..,.,.A-. C-U Mne, (,6 ma. 11141 u..sr•
'•oltcl •••11tlflu11.,. H•m•: C•Hllll\e Olmmwl\lty Cell... Ceolter
1101 .. 1 "*• Pl.-.,. e11 Ille: T1'I llW'ICll ,..,,,_.,.., '* ......... lwi.wN,
N••llOtl hecll, CA H6tJ 1710
•7) ... , lltollert MeM11. AIA
NOTICE IS H•ll•IV OIVIN tlwt llle eMw ......... kllell Olltrkt tf 0r.,,.. c-v. Calttwllla, act"" llY
•IWI lllrOUlltl Ill OOvoml... IMfd,
llerel11•it•r referred t• 11
"DISTRICT", wlll rK1lve \Ill ... llUI
lllt l•tor "'-' tlle .iiov.1•ted time,
...... Ilia flw 1119 •-• .. •~-tr eel
Tiie l~ltwl ... MrMl\1 er• Hine ............
COM,AN'I, uot """' GMll Otlve, lull• J11, C.U ~CA~
AdV-.d MerUllftt .....-.. lftC,
I Otllerel ,..,tl\erl • N•v••• ,.,_ .. ""' 1• s.itll C..tl 0r1 .... iultt an, c::i.1a Mtu, CA t»1t. T1111 t>llll""• 1, col\d11<tM .,, •
llml'"' jltttlliH'&lll• ~-Merlltlll\t s.n.ms,lllC °*''" s. H•I,... Pr•ldMlt
'ICTITtCllll 9Ut1Nllt 'tennout IVM•HI NAMll ITATl .... T ........ ITATWMlltltT
Tiu f•t1ew1111 .. ,.~ I• .. lftt flW te11ew1,,. --•f• .. 1,..
llWI-•. WtlMtt•.
M 1. LOVa 6 ASSOc;1.u ... till NIWl'OltT PUAOLIUM !'UNO
Lelle I\ I Or Ive, Hwn111191on lucll, .. ,", I. TO., ~f ,••lllell I.A/lit, Sult•
Cell!erftla ttMt llt, '"'""" c:..i1tvr1V• tMeo M.,vll\ I . Levo, Oal Lelle11I Pal H. Cllittwen, 161 ,...,..... LaM,
Ori,.., ......,..... 1 .. c11, Coll'9rnle ~te ltt, TIHlllll, Cell*fti• ...
tlM6 M,". 0.CWd, 1•1 P'ellllleft l.aM,
Tllla ..i11eu It -IN trf ti\ ti.Ille Ill. Tlnllln, C.llferl\le t1'IO
INlhtldlllll Tlllt llutlftfft It c.,.dllct"' l>Y t
M. •. i..v. llrTI""' -'"'""'" Tlllt ..,.._, _, lllW Wltfl Ille ,.. M C«llfM
eeu"t' c 1er11 llf Of•,. c-tv .., Tiii• 1...-1 •• flltrO wltll IN ~f If, 1111 Cevnty Cler11 llf Orilftte c-ty 01\
'112t1t OCtMitr 7, 1111, ~, .... Or.,. ClM•t o.lly l'ltot. "'",. Oct. 1•. 11, •· Nh. 4, 1"1 ..,..., .IAC•IC*, ICIOOC• & SUCllLUIO fllla de ....... t -fl ... wllll IN c.-:i c..,.. o1 o...,.. Count.,°" 0c1.
It, 1 I. ,t,._ l-------------
P\11111-Oronoe eo .. 1 Delly Pli.t. Pll.JC mlll
... NIW'OIJT c..ew Of'lw, •t4tt ....,.,. ..... tA .....
Oc1. 21, ••Nov .... 11, 1'11 '5,,_.l 1-------------
~lllltfled OrMet Getil Delly PllO(, O<t. M, ti, •• Nov 4, 1111 •~1
Pl,.. ,11.... l'lllllltlled 0r...-C-t 0.11, .. ~
t'llOllllwd OrMtt CNlt 1>e11, Pli.t. O<t 11,a , Nov ._ 1111 ...,.,
()a, H, 21, a, lilOv ... Mil ~I ,ICTITIOUI IUMNIU HMM ITATIMINT Tl•• followlne penons ••• dolnt Dull_ ...
,.., ............. J«t.
llch .,...I w recal...0 "'ti.e ,iece ------------
Tiit followll\O -•run h •olne _ ........ :
5POllT$ PHONE USA, 117 ,t-------------IOenlHlecl ..._.., 8l>d NII .. _..... "' ..... °" c:ou.n
lltlvertlde Orlva, Newport •Hell, 'ICTITIOUI IMlllNIU NOTICS TV CONT•ACTOlltl CAW ... l'CHt 11116 IA MISSION HOMES: Ill OLD
HOMES. 101 lltl!\ll!RE HOMU; (I!)
SENATE HOMl!S; 11'1 1»6 HOMES;
HOMll, 117' SE ~lft SltMI. lf•IM,
CefltO<flla "71•.
eftd PWllll<ly reed •le11• el Ille Of' TNe ITAT•
Collfonlleet!MO MAMa ITATW ... MT
MAMI ITATllMaNT -W·•I .... llfM-Place M CAUl'CMINIA
Tllere wlll 119 • i100.• I-.....W fllOlt nta COUNTY JOM A. Vlvlleu1u•, uu Alder '"• follOWI'"" .... , .. nt or• dolne fllCTITIOUS IM.lltNIU k-ottwlet. NEWPOltT·NIESA UNl,IEOICMOOt. OISTRICT •lld no/IOO .... l•tl ..._,, ,......,.... Of' CMl&Nel
fOf U Cll '" Of ••• doewmenh t• OlltDlllt TO lftOW CAUMI .... It
l.•N. Gata M9M, Ctllfcwl\I• ••11 -•Mu... .... ..... HAMii •TATIMINT
Tllll bullntll 11 conducted lly ol\ MILL •R CHlltO PltACTI C TM lollowlflO PtflOl\1 ere dolnt
T~• lollowlnt P••t•" It ••11\I
Dulll\IU a :
lld OMdlllll: t100 o'cloO p.m. 01
Ille lftllWy fl~. 1111
PIK•., lld '-tceltlt: ltS7 Plec:eml•
..,arent .. -"""""'II\ .... '"'°"'°" CMANee 0, NAMI wllllln IO Mys•"-' ltll Md ~1"9 c.uaNO.A·ll.,. llldlvlduel OlltOUP ... ..., SINe\ Sult. JJ1 -ISMT'}lesNE: 0 G' •ss O\IEllt' •v OF
.IOllll A. \llvllocquo c .. t• ~. CelKorni. ••• ' " ..,. ..,.
1'1tOOUCTIOfll$, COit NH<\' Ln.,
Ctil • Met.I, CA .. 17
SI,. C:..ta liteM, CA taH7 ..... Only '" Mb Of c-atructlM In IM IMIW el -A#ltcat-.. doeumol'ltl wlll 119 la-t• -••I OA\110 WIL8Ullt SPENCE, Jiit., ,., fllb ,__.,. WOI flled wllll Ille Wllllem Jeulo Miller, iJ2 ltelma ::.:::.~lltl1r!.\A~o'!ft1~~HJe1~~.
Ctul\IY Clet'~ of Or•noe C011r1tr 011 L-. Cotta~ C.llf«ftl• n.• celltornl• moe L-•11 0 . ..__, 1011 Honey I.lo.,
'•oiect t•el\llllcotlon Heme.
Pie ce Plena ore on Ille: 11'1
Plec: ... tla St,, <MY__.., CA -"9S
,.,,,~ "'°"""'· Cllallee ot ........
l!etll llld rn\111 col\form •"4 lie The .,.ilc.CIOfl °' OAVIO WILBUlt Octot.r 12, ttll llofe lenllt Miiier, »t lltlma Ste ...... Ptul Ol"t'kll, 11Jm Ml,
,,,._ L-. G•to MeM, Colllorllle n.M I
~· MeM. CA '26%7. Tiii• Dull""' h co~led llY .,.
Plllllp H. MCN•m••· ••tts
McDermott, at. lfllll\e, Collfornle t71U_
re-11 ..... u.controctdlK~ SPENCE, Jiit, fir <llMtlt ol M,.,,.,
EMii !Md IMll .. OCCOMNftied,,, llavl119 -" lllod In '°"'" "'° II Ille M<WllV ...... rwcl to II\ ltll c-recl -tll\t ltOf'l'I .. Id oppllc.ollClfl tMt
l'lllllltllld Or-Coo.al Delly Piiot Jeffrey J eck M iiier, IUH ~:i';:.,":,,,~.:,,.,...1. ,Ollnlell\ Val..,,
Oct .••• 21 ••• -· •• ,., ...... , S.mollM A-. 0-...Y. C.llfornle ......... Jo Oln(lfl<ll, lbOS Mt.
IM IVlclUOI. .._,,,._.,.
111e •'--mid Scl\001 Olttrl<t or Orel\Oe Collnty, C.llfwl\I•, Ktll\t lly •l\d tllf'~ Ill Oovernlnt .. .,.,,
ll trelftelter referred to ••
"OtSTlllCT," wlll re<olve up to, lloul
.... ltW ti*! IN ollo-ttalod Ume,
_..., lllClt for Ille •-rd o4 • contrecl
Oele Slmllro, 100 Sonltl\•ll• Torroce, ear-dll Mar, CoOfornle
dOCW-b -lrf tlle llat of Pf-0 OAVIO WILBUR SPl!NCE, Jiit. llM
tut>conlrectotL flled on _.lutlon -'"' llltl Nt Tiie OISTltlCT _..... UW rltfl4 to n•m• 1M cllonoed lo OAVIO LEE
t02'2 WetermM S1Ne1, F011ntoln Velley, lltlCllord Wlllltm l11rrl\u1, S'52 c1111orl\let210I
Mt•dowl•rll, Hunttnglon •••<II, Tlllt """""' la condl.o<-0y •n
Tllh ..........,.. WU Ill .. wltll l"9 c ..... 1y c..,.,., 0r..,.. C-tY on O<t. It,'"'· ,,,,...
Tllla l>lnlM1>1 I• condlKIM l>Y e ttmlted-'~ re ject MY or •II llldla or to_, .. -IERRV.
lrr•(lllllerlti. or l,,..,melltlft In •ftY "'-· ~. II la lleffllY ordel'ed
.--------------CelllOl'nle .,..-11\dlvlduol ,...,._ -wKe)
PICTITIOUS IUllNIH Wiii ..... J. Mlll•r ,.._ P Gll\9fkll
P\lllllalled OrMgt Cooal Delly Pltt4,
0<1 11, •• -•• "· ,., 4S49-el
PNllp H. McH-
Tlllt '"'-' wot Iii.cl wllll IN county c i.n. of Orenoe County on Oct, u. ne1.
l>klaor ll\INlllddll\t elld directed, 11101 ell perHll• Tiit DISTRICT .... Olllel-f"'"' lnt.,.Hled In Mid matter dO ..... f Ille Director ot Ille Department Of C.fore 11111 court lft Detaortmenl t on
lncluttrlet llteletloM Ille 0•"•••1 Ille Ulll •Y of -me.tr, 1•1. el
prev1lll119 rote flf ...,. diem ..... I" 10. » o'cla(ll • ""· Off .. Id .. ., 1o .,._
Ille locollty In wflldl 1111• _. la lo IM cewe wlly wcll oppllc.ellon tor~
perle<med I« H<ll H eft W tnae of Of neme ~not i. Ofel\lecl. worl<m•n n•M•d to exec111e Ille II It f~'-..,.., .. 111.i •copy of
conlrKL Tilfto ret• ore on Ille •t Ille IN a OrOer To~ cauw 119 IMIOllllled
DISTRICT' office IO(al!N .. Ptlysk•I '" Ill• Delly Piiot H•••P•PO• •• "'ecllltlos "'-'"" C.0.•t COfftm\MlllY l\eWtpeper of 091\er•I clrculollon, Colle09 Olnrlcl, Treflet Compl••. printed In .. Id c-ty, • IHst ence •
NAM1 ITAT•Ml•T Tlllt llet..,,_ wa flled wltll Ille Tiiis JIOll-1 w•a fllecl wllll Ille
Tiie followl119 pert.e1na ere doll\O C-ly Cl.,k Of orenoe CO<HllY on COlll\ly Cieri! of Or•ftfle Covnty on
IOI Ille -project,
llch ..... I .. .-.c.lwd In -Pit<•
ldoftllflecl ...... -"'°" ... --end pullllcly read eto11d ol Ill•
OOove·stM..t time -piece. Tll•r• Wiii lie O N'/A dtOOlll
••ewlr•• for eacll ••I of llld
• ,1141•
P111111.-Or ... CoHI Dolly Pl'°'·
Oct ti, -•. "· ''· '"' ....,..,
l>\lllMU•a: Octotler •. '"'· October 12. ltll P A It IC S U P IE It I 0 It ,t7!7ft ,,,,,.,,
CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL, ... 1 .... ., .. .,,.., Oronoe Coell o.11, Pilot, l'\lbllalled 0r.,. Coo•t Delly PllOI,
S11perl« Awnw. Newport .. ecll, Oct. 1', 21. •. Hov . ., Itel 4M-t1 Oct. U, 21, •. Hov. •. ltll .. H•et
C.lllontla ~17.. AtMrlc .. C.I -------------Medlcel Servlc" Inc • • WIKonaln corporellon, 1os1 Eoat Oooen,
Mllwe-. Wl~n S2J02
Tiiis l>vlll\ffa It conducted llY •
Coro«8flon PICTITIOUI aUllN•U
MAMS ITA TIM8NT Tiie followl"V persol\ I• dot"'
U I Weln11t Street, Cott• M•M.
Cellfof'nlo .. 27
dec:wmollb to_.,.,. l1'e ret1Wn I" -------------
eeod condition wllllln NIA dtYI ott.r $UPI ltlOlll COUllT 0" CAL1,.0ltHIA lllelll<l~llOOM•. COUHTYO,-OltANOI!
Amerluft Col Medtca t
PElttONAL l'lltOPlltTV JOfln Poll•, Olrector, 1170 Adema week for lour wccestl.,. _, prior s.rvlcu
Ave .. ~· -. CA ti.:i.. COl>M• 10 .... cloy°' teld ...... ,119. AllOft Somton, v P, Notice II ~ piven llltl ~,
Tiie foll-Int pert.e1n1 •re dolnt
Oonel<I J-.ifl Holler1, Ml Wtl!Wt su .. 1, c.to Mest, c.ntwnl• t1l27
Tlllt buitlneta " c-lilld by an
,...., lie OOUIMd Clfl •-1. A copy.. Oelod IN• 1211\ .,., OI Oct«ier, 1'11 Tiiis •tel-I Wal 111911 •1111 Ille •114 pu-t to *''°" 1• of lie
, ..... ,_ -II 119 -led et Ille IMI llt-1 A . ....,_,. COllnty Cletk of Orel\90 CO<HllY on Cellforl\le Clvll C-Ille pr-rtr
llecll llld must conform and lie 1• Civic c...-ort .... Wfft re-.on11 ... to Ille contract d0<11monts ._AM,~ PSI, ... W. Bollet. ••ll, Coate
Mew, Cellfoml• ...
OonoldJ ~ Tiiis ,........,. ,..,. 111 .. wltll IM
EMii llld llltll lie occornponled lrf M•ll•• Of Ille Ado9llon Petition of
IN ae<urlty .....,,..., IO II\ lflt contract JERAV PEDIGO •11•· Judge of 1eld Superior Co"'1 Oclotler 12, 1"1 ll1ted .,._ i.11e-1IO i. •-Cl
TM torogol111 Klledul• ot -di-l'ul>llalled 0rtft99 Coe" 0.ly Piiot. P1729M llY Kim OsborN, -leat address
Po-rplont SPKlallab, Inc .• •
C•llforl\le corpor.ilon .... w. Bokor,
•411, COllaMeta, Colllornle •»•
Tlllt ~neU It COftdlKled llY e
Coul\ty c i.-o1 Or•-c-tv en
OCtOCler 12, ltll doCU191111b end II)' tllt 1111 of..,_,-CITATIOH (PltOIATll
•lllllcOfllrldDn. CAM HUMlllt AD UM> , ... OISTAICT ,_,.,..Ille rlglll to THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF
reject .. y or •II bids or 10 ...... •"Y CALI FOR NIA,
woe-1 la IHIMd _, • _.1<1119 doy ot Oct. I•, 21, •.Nov.•. '"' 450Nl1. P11llllaNd Orenoe Coesl Dolly Piiot, WH 312' So Lowell, Seftte An•,
•IOlll 19) llOUrS. Tiie rate fw llolldey O<I. t•, 21, ••Nov. 4, ltll _,_ Colllornle '2107, wlll lie told ot ~I<
l'ullllalled Or ... eo.11 O .. ly ,. .....
tr,..ul...tlle "' lnfonnellllOI In ... y to· FRAHKEV RAY MOORE
~':. ~:,"'.,.=...~ -II .,. •t -11--------.,.-.-twt:-----auction et 2'5' Jn• Rd . Coate Mew, r.-1~ Collfornie .. •. on Hov. 7, 1•1. Cri~::~CTI 119011ti:,•~~L_ "90,_" ,'::111--------------'9JC •ll£ OESCRIPTIOHC>f' PROPERTY:
< orpor etlon.
~~ Sc>ocl•llsb, Inc
ltl< ..... d G. l!-1,
Oct 14, 21, 21, HoY. •, 1•1 4o171MI
lllda Of' 111 Ille lllClllllng. Yo11 •••lie~ clle<l tlld r«qUlrH lo not DISTRICT llot obtained lrom •ppeor et o 11Hr1ne II\ tllls court on
Ille Director of Ille O.parlmenl of Oecembe• 11, 1911 ot 1 ·0 e.m 111
111ou1trlol lletellona Ille 091\erel O.porl,.,_I I•, IO«led ol 700 Civic
1>19¥elllft9 ,.._ of Ptt diem wegtl lft Center Drive, Wot, S•fll• Ane,
'"' IKellty In .....-c111111a -• b to be Cetllorl\I•, end 10 olve ony l•V•I
pertormecl tor H<I\ croft « type of re•son wtly. ecu1rdl"t 10 11\e ..,.,lfled
workmen nffded to tHc11le lllt petition tlled wttr1 tPlli court, the
Ctfltrect. n.w r~ .,. on flle •I Ille edopllon "*>Id not bt _,,_ end
OISTlltlCT office locetto •I llS7 ordered
" ~.... .... -1 r.trlo. I '°'"· T\I ltend, 1 S.WI I a •worded , 01\d llPOI\ ""Y •UP•lltOlllCOUllTO,CALll'OlltNIA 1--------------I TV, I b .... T\I, I ....... lellle. I worttovl Tiiis net-I wes filed wllll Ille
Counly c1m o4 0r•"11'1 COllrllY on
Oct-r 7, 1"1. Sllllcontrocw ...., film, lo P•Y not COUNTY OP Olta#OE ,ICTITIOUS aUSINEIS llencll w/-ltflh, mis< lloltlea ol
1•1 ""'"IN...., -"leO races lo •II 119Clvtc G9Mw Dnw, .... MAME STAT£MEMT •lcOlloll< ....... I cebl ..... mlK. reccwd
workmen emplo.,_, llY tllem 111 Ille .. _... Tllo followl119 perto•n ere dolne •lllvms. 1 toffee t••. 2 end l•l>l•S. 1
•xeclltlon Of U. COftlroct. J.-. AM,~· tr1t2 bll.tlMU es: 11onolng 1wnp, ~level clU'ome 1able,
Pullll-Orange Coeal Dolly Piiot,
Tllo 1011awlno perao"' ••~ OOl.nf"
No bl-r mey wlllldf-1111 111<1 tor MAlllllAGI! 0, N E W R E NA I SS AN C E mite toys, mlK. stereo speakers,
o perlodOf-ly·flw 11SI de,I alter Pl!TITIONER: RI \IAN NGUYEN PRODUCTIONS, LTD .• CS6t00 :Mt ttn\Cn, II"" rock llltedlll\ONI, -I
Oc1. u , 21, •. Nov . ._ "91 • .,., THE BOX $TORE OF ORANGE
COUNTY. 2J272 GtlMom Rd . Lo9W"O
Hlllt, CA mSl. -d•le wt for .,,._...l\to41>1$. RESPONDENT· TAI THI LE 17111 Sl...t, Suite A200 Cost• -· cue, mite plcl ....... c-es. retno .•
A peyfNl'll bond -• pertonnonc.. AMENDED C.lllotnle f»Z7 dlMne .. •Isl• CN ln . c-l•l•r wt, NIOv•l1 E,.,...,hOI Inc .• • Gelltorl\la
corpor•llon, 2S272 Grluom ltd.,
LeQUftl Hiiia, CA mu.
Ple< ... tl• SC • c.te Nlffe, CA mn Doted 519t-Jt, "" CoplOI ....., bt ollUI-on ,_,..,, A LEE A 8RAHCH bond wlll II• required prior I• SUMMONS 1,AMIL'I LAW) Ge ry Hollentle<k, ltt• Newpotl touter, mlK kllcllon llema, mlK. •••< .. lion ol Ille contrect. Tiie CASI MUMaEllt: D It 111t lloulev•rd, Coste NIH•. Cellfo1nle men's clolllu, misc._.,..,.,., clothes, ,ICTITIOUS aUSIMIH
NAME STATl!ME•T payment bOnd al\ell IM I" tlW form lel NOTICll '7627 111•0 11oQ. misc . ._1,, betll rue>,
lclf'lll In Ille conlrect doc:..,.....b Yeti ,...,. -_._TIM,._..,.., R -lcolm ... Skell, us Eost 111'1 Ila Ir Htter, mlK. slloea a. purtH.
copy Of ._ r.Ces -II IM po~.O et Clerk,
Ille job Mte. by J oyc• A Hol\e.,.. T lie followl119 peraol\ h ctol"V
Tiiis llutlftffl It COndllC leCI by o
corporotlon Tllo f0Agol119 Klledule of per diem Otc>ulY
•eves h.,... -• ....,,. .... day ot lltO•EllT It WYAn •'9111 Ill _.. n. ret• for l\01-y • ...,,,.,
c;o..m1119 lloord 41K .......... ,_ ..._,. ,._..... SI ree I, Suite 1 U , Coil• M••• ...... ,_,, .. wtca-t ire mettren,
llyNormM\E Wei'°" ,...,.. ,.... "9,........ ,,......_ • Cellforn1•'2tZ7 CllHI of dro-rs, 2 nlgl\I il.,Clt,
..... 1,.. ....
LIOOTEC, Jo64S \lie Lido, Newport Mo\141 IEnlffprlMI In<
JOfwl L. ICntl.,
President •lld °""11me _. 111tll be et tent 1n1 K••lle A-, Se<l"fltervlboerd OfS. It ...... .....,_...._, Nal\cy I . G"llllon, 1177 Le mirror 1. '!lest, OOUl>le bed, stereo
OI Tr,_teff II you wl$11 Ill -k Ille od'Olce of •" Ml rode, L•ll"fl• lloe<PI, Colllornl• (IC-MorU, ~ecb • ...is, vome1
Beecll, CA '*1
Oten Oouol .. lltH•le, 1207 MorlMra
Or., Ne~ a.ecll, CA.,._..,
Tlllt ... .......,, wo1 llled .tll\ IM
C-IY Clefll ot Oronoe c_.iy on Oc1 time •lld -....11. Svll• J
II 111011 bt mendetory U.POI\ Ill• s~. ~ -
COHTlllACTO'-to -m lfle contract 17141 IJl ... ltl
l'\lbll....., 0r.,. Coes1 Dolly Pl'°', ollorNy In !Ills onetl!tr, yov -.1e1 do '2611 Oele<l ltlla lttlldayotO<-r. 1•1
Oct Jt, Nov.•, ttll .... , Ml promptly Ml -'*'' ,._ or Tllla llu.altlell I• r.oAcllKted llY • v ......... A. JOMJOll Tiiis _,.,..n la conducted llY en "· n11
It ew•rOed. e l\O upoft efty Publl.-OrM19t CotstOel1yPllOI,
l4IO<ontrocw und9r lllm, 10 poy not Oct 1. 1•, n, 11. 1•1 ·~;
lost llltft the ujd _.,lfled t•IH lo •II
:::C";.::::::~ lllem In Ille ----.. -llUC __ lllft_TlC_( ___ _
No lllClder may wttlldf-Illa Oki tor l"V ...i
• 11erlod of forty.flw IUI dayl ofter -------------Ille dele wt IOI' tlle -1"9 ot llkK. "CTITIOUS au51MEH A .,.,,....,,. lloncl ..a • .. rlormence
bond will lie required prior to MAMe STAT•MEMT
•••c11llol\ ol Ill• co111re<1 Tiie Trie tot-Ing "''°"' •re aolft9
poymtnl bond al\ell be In .,.. form wt buslneu., lorlll ln\tw(onlrtcldoc:umenl~. IAI AltA8ESOUf HOMES CBI
Go ... rnino Boerd 8 1 CE NT EHN IAL HOMES . I c I
OoroOtyH.,veyFl-r BLOOM FIELD HOMES . (0 )
P\wdleslno Olrec• l(HJ-Rl(O HOMES: IEI FlltEEOOM
PulllltNd 0r...-Coosl Dolly Piiot HOMES, (F l GOLOEH NUGGET
Oct. ll Nov.• 1"1 -.ct1 HOMES IGI HOl.IOAY HOMES CHI
LlllERTV HOMES, 1176 SE Me in
Str .. t, ln1ine, Cellfot'nlo 977U
S~UIJ• Plllllp H Mc .,•m••. 1e1•s
MOTIC• 0 , Mc O••....,I, •I, lrvlne. Collfornlo
T'-USTee•s SAL• '2714.
,OltECl.OSUlltE MO. 1'17' 0 •1• Slmllro, 100 Soflleft•llo
ON FRIOAV, HO\IEMllER 10, ""· Terrec•. eor-dll N!Ar, C.llforl\I• et 11:00 A.M .. TRANSAMERICA .,.ZS
TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, A Tiiis ttvslneu h col\ducloct lly e
duly •11POl11leo Tt11Slff 11nder •nd Plllllp H. Mc:No.._
purauont to Oeod of Trvst recorded Tllis Sle......,,I wet llled wit/I the
J11,. n , "'° es Instr Ho. 2»» -coun1y Clerk"" Oronoe C_..,Y on O<t 1»41, P-1~, t11 Olflelol Rocordl. n. 1t11
tlle<uled lly WAYNE KAU .. MANN1 "741'7
.,. unmorrlM •• lnator In Ille office"' Publlllltd OrenQe Coeat O•llv Piiot
Ill• County Recorder ol Oroneo Oct. D, Nov •, 11. It, ttll ~ .. ;
Coul\ly, Sl•I• of Collforftlo, WILL
<11•r•lll• st time of ••I• II\ l•wi111
money of Ille Unlled Stalnl et: Solltll
PHUC 1100
Front Hltr-• Ill Ille Ortf\99 Co..nty ,ICTITIOUS IUSIMl!SS
Old C--. 100 lllo<k of Wftl NAME STATEMENT
Th« fot-..0 per'Mlft It dOlnt &.nl-
neu •• KEV A EAL TV, 9Sll Hemlllon
Avt , Huntington llooch, Co '2-
Alcller• K M<KetMln, 11'3 L•
Llftdo Cl.,..._, lloecll, Co tHoMI
T llh DullnHI II c Ol'OllC1ocl lly en In
Tiiis stol...,...I wos 111.0 wllll l1IO
Co.inly Clerk o4 Or.,. Covnty on Se9-
t..n1Mr 1', 1•1 1'171tn
Pullllslled Or enoe Coo at Dolly Pllo1 0<1 •• ll, 20, 27. ,., •'7 ... 1
Tiit lollowlng pu101\ h doing bUtine''•" S AIEA SOFTWARE, ltll
Plocenll•. Cost• MeH, CA 97417.
Fronk llrlen Forgo, I Wl"Clod Foot,
N•WPOtt IN<ll, CA 92660.
Tlll1 buMl\ffl h condu<l.O bf •ft
8•let1 l'ervo
Tiii• stat-I wos lllod wltll the
c°""'Y ci.111 "'Or•nve Countv o" Oct.
1t,1•1 ,.,,,.1
P .. b11.-o..,... Coosl Oolly Piiot,
Oct. 11, 21, Nov 4, II. 19'1 ~).ti
S...to AN loutevW'd. City of S...lt T llo lollowlng "''°"' ore Clotnv AN. State llf Collfonlto., ell rlgllll, 1111• 11u1lne1t es MOT ICE 0, OEl'AUL T ANO
end lnlerlsl conve...., to end l\OW lleld SPIC AHO SPAN LAUHORV ANO ELeCTtON TO SILL
llY II u,., Mid Deed of "'"" In ... ORV CLEANl.,G SERVICE . uu , , ~~:;:n,.·,:gp-::~c: IS IN
p,_t'ly alt...ted In wl<I Co..,t., -Hewpof'I lloulev.,d . .,...,port BH<ll, FORECLOSU•E BEC•USE YOU State one,..., os· Colltornle '*3. " "
Pwtloft Off Loi 11 -Lot 11, 11100 Oeoree W Oulllory, Jr., H'1 AR E 9 EH I N 0 IN V 0 U R
20, olld e -11 .. of Welnut Street Cll•Pm•" Aven .... Gerelo" Grove. PAYMENTS, IT MAY llE SOLO
M Joll\lfto not1llel'ly Of Trec:t No. 772, et Collfornle tl!MI. WITHOUT ANY COUlltT ACTION, •nd
...,_" .,. • Mel> tlloreof racor-In Brenda J Gvlllory, IQI C'-'9n '°" "'" tlle leeel r19M to llrl119 'l'OUr
I 00 k 2,, P• 9 t' A j • "d • 0 ' Avenue, Gordit" Grove, C•llforl\I• K C-I In toed llandlft9"" llOY"'9 •II
MltcellaMo"' Mops, recerd• of ,,,..,, of yo11r pest due pe.,mel\U p1u1
Oren11• County, C•lllornlo, more Tllll llutll\Ht It cond11<1eo lly permltt .. c05U •nd ••-• wllllll\ .... -1 1-~ ~-1~ e• fotl-11\dMdualt CHu.o...ct a. WHe). 111,... mont111 from Ille del• of rocorda-,_..,cu -·Y-• ,_.. • ~·: llon of 1111• notk•. Tiii• •"-nt 11 .... '"""'•I. point In Ille Wfll••ly Georve w. Gulllory, Jr. -· llM Of wld Lot 12, dlat.,1 ...,,..,..,.Y Tiiis atot.ment ••• lllocl wl111 111e i •.-.12 es of *l!tmber Jt, 1•1 •nd
JI.GO -lrom Ille aoutlllrly tine of Counr, <.tor11 of o...,.. County on Oct. •Ill •Ill Inc,_ unlll yovr ecc-t
Mid Lot 12; INnce l\Of'tllet'ly •'°"9 Ille 26, lte, Ille-Clltreftl.
... ,.,.y llfte of Lot 12 ..... II •lld ,17411t Unleu Ill• ODllgotlOll 11•11\0
.-. tM _,...,., prol0fl9etlon of llW P111111.-Orongie Cotti Delly Piiot. fo1ecto .. d upol\ permits o lol\91r
t I llne of Lot 11 e dlsteftC• of O<I 21, NO¥ •. II, It. ltll 4tfl .. 1 period, .,_. -Ille teoet tltlll to 1100 ~oo·~; ttwnce -~Y •'-IN 1--------------toreclowre only by PtVlno Ille entire llM porollll wllll Ille Mlllt ..... IY llN of Omo<Hll ~ lrf 'l'Ollt Ct9dllor
Loi "· • dlsten<• of 10.00 i.e1 lo • PUIUC •ncE wllllln tti.... ...-1111 .... , IM dele of lllOllll In Ille _ton, tine ot sold Loi 11, ,______________ recordoll<Jn of INS doc-I . Wl\l<ll
teld -Int IMl"t _,..,,Y • • dlst•n<e MWVl7• dale of r-.fl119 _.,,lie,_, ~ To 111\d out Ille -'l'OU must of tS.00 fwl from .. Mllltllerly llM of MOTi(« CW TllUiTEE'S IALll pey, or to.,, ... for pey,,....I to,.
.. Id Lot "· IMnCo IOUlllerly • ._ T .s. Ho, T·•••• llle toreclolur•."" If.,.., pr-rty ••
wld Nst«IY line of Lot II end etono Oft N-''· 1"1. et 10:00 A.NI. In forecloMlre for 11ny llltler , ........ Ille Naltr'fy llne of Lot 12, • dlttenco 01 C E N T U R Y E SC It 0 W L • • contecl: Profess lone I comm11nlly
*4M ttet; -..steny •lont U ld C • 11 f or n I• corpora 11 on •a Man•v•mont. "'••'-ting •tent for
...,.1 .. 1 llM • dk1enc• of eo.oo feet lo dUIJ ·-•nt.o Tn.stff .,,..,., •nd Peot19,_ ""'-C-11\1""' ~
Ille jlOlnlof......,.11\o. punuoM lo O...S of Trust recorded -l•llon .i nm llrtd1et °''"· El.
Eac• el\ llldivlded -" Of •II Se9t•m!Mf •. 1M , H I Mir. Ho ... n . II\ Toro, Colllornle.
oll , 9e1 mlne relt enct otller DOOi< 1J72t, pe09 11•, of Otflcle l 1fy011.,.yqueltlonS.\"O<l.,_IClcon-
llydrocarllOft a11111te"c u so ved llte<o•d• In Ille olflco OI -CouMv 1•<1 • l•y_, of 11\e 00.,.rnmentot
!Mref,.,, IOI'• period« 10 ..,..,.. from lltecorditn of o..,.. C-y. Slat• of ...,.c:y .tlkll ,...., ,...,. '"""" 'l'OUr
""'" •• HSS 9ftd to'°"" hrMft•r .. C•lllOtfllO .. eculld .,, OEN HIS loen well •utatMces _ .. .,. jl(Odueed "' MUlltPHV•nwr•ledtnol'IUllluoteA lltEMEMBElt, vou MAY LOSE
poylno queritltlea llUt not 10 UC-.'" HP•rete pr-rty, •ISO known .. LEGAL RIGHTS IF vou 00 NOT
•nr •vent, 10.,...... '""" AprH '· 1tU, O.nnla R~ """"1>fly WILL SELL TAI(£ PltOMPTACTIOH.
""" r_..., Apttl IO, lfSS, In ...... llOOEllt FOR CASH (poyellle •1 llme p11rwan1 lo Article VI. s.<iloftt I .... '
.-. P ... Set, of Offl<lal lltecordl. of Mte In lawfVI ,,_Y of "'9 Ul\lltrO ot tile O.Cterllllon llf eo-u, con-
AllO e1'CllllC 11le ,...,..,.llon of 111e Stateal st Ille Horth trOM ell''°"'• of dltlont end '-•1trlcllon1, re<orded
rte11t to IJIPlor'e. clltvelOll --••It Ill• Colil\ty Court'llouto, 700 Civic Nowm.,., 1, 1"' II\ Book 110'2. P9991
llWt jl0f11en Of Mid lend lylll(I lie-C•11ter Drive Wul, S•l\le All•, .-.111, ..........,_.recorded APrll tt,
,. '"' ,,.,.. Ille wrtec• "'9f'M fOf CellfOf"llla, Ml rlQM, 1111• ....., 1191.,..1 tt77 In a.. 111$4. p_. 1·7S of Of
oll, o•• •"" otller llydroc erllol\ conw'" to.,,. -lletd 11'111 ~ flcl•I lltecordt, Orenge Co11ftly, aubate11co •ftd In Ill• llerel n aeld OMd Of Tfldl II\ ti. jlroperty Cetllorftle, e llr'Ncll1i!f.,. obllgelloft
"'411tloMd 1-reco,.. No-.11er 11t1o1•••d In Wld COllnly al\d St•te Of p.,.,,.... Of H.111-11 llM OC·
U, ""In lllllk -P ... J of Ofttclol deacrl-•. c1o1rred. Hoek• of told IH'HCll -lleft •-• Lot II, Trect 31U, "' ~ mep Iii ••• flled lot ,__ on J_,.., ••.
Tiie llrHt e•dren el\d otller loo4l t>, Pege 11, MIK•ll-""'-ltll, In IOOll 1'91' P ... IS.S7 of WIG
<tf'll"*' dlltlttiMllon. II eny. of IN of aeld ~. Offlclel R«ordl. Ne,,.,_ of llHI
reel ,,..,.,,y 81<rllle• •llove la Tiit tit••• oddreu e nd 0111er dlle ~,... occ11rnd, INl'ltonl,
PW•llO•t•• to be: Ot PrO•P•<I, common dlsfOl\etlon, If ... .,. ot "" !tie'""'"' ..... \IHl099 ConOemlllfUM "'-llOft 9Md\, Celitonll•. tUI ,,_,,, detCfllMd •Mn Is AMO<lallon Cloet fllretlY •tect to .... Of'
TM 111-••n• TNSI• dl.Clelm• 11Vr,.,-t .. to •: 21tl ,,,..,., l'IKI. <•WH to lie told, Ill• ftll••ln•
""' 11.-.ity fer ...., IN:orrect:lllb llf Cotte IMM, C.Uterl\le, o.tc:r!Md f"ffl llHPH'V .. Nlltf'f Ille
Ille """" .-.... 8l>d ~ c-Tiit 111\een....., T.-011oe1alm1 eoll .. llon: ........-. If,,,..,, ....... 11ere1n. 111\y llotllllly for ... y 11'1(8"'1(1MU of Unit I Of l.Ol 1 '""°"" In Trec1 ,...,
lald .... wlN Ill medlt, lloul wlli-t the """" ....... -otf1ef c-u per .... l'eC«dled In BMll MO,
cov•t1•M ~ we,,et1ty, Hllr'IH or detlQfWlllOI\, If....,, IMwll lllteln. Pete• • .,.., lit, lllClutl,.. of Ml•·
lmt»fled,,....,.... tltle, --*'·er Seid .... wlll ........ 1>W1 wit_,, citll•-"'-In Ille Offle.e o4 Ille --~--.,. lleY tM ,.....•1"1119 C1vtl\1nt or w•rr.,lr. Htll"ll et Ora.,..COoll!IYllt•.,.,.
!W1M ... -" IN -~u,..., IPt IMllllH, ,....,..,_ ,K ... --*'·If T' ... rec.rd ...... _.. ot Ille,, .. .. ,. o..o If Tn11t, wltll 11\teroat enc11..,.,_.., t11Ckldlfte f..., c11e,.... pertT m-. tMlfNfll., "-• '"*
,,..,..,., .. provl49M '" ..... 1\41\t, .,.., ··-••lie T,,,.... -.. Ille , • .., II Well\Wt, • UH. An•ll•lm,
_..,,_., W ltflY, l"*1t N ._,,., ef ln111tc ....... lly .. 1c1o.M9'Tnllll. .. c.11 ... mla ere 5alef'll l'....-yet ....
Yid OIM ., TNll lln. dwifolM ...., ....., Ille remelNl\e fW'lftC ... I _., llf Fatoll El·Ml&Ctyel,
Pleedlng, 11 ony'a~:O": llled on time llmlted ...,,,_1'\lp k PubliaNd Oronoe Coeal Dolly Piiot,
U•l•d lie ............ ,.., •. •1 Tiii• s1et=·~~eo •1111 Ille oct. U ,D, l"1
1'1._.t _.Mi*-. u-. IM County Cler-. of Or•noe Coun\y on
e.,.._te • --UC. ,._.... OCI~ 12, ltl1 ....._ .. •-... LN la...._... ,172971
Oeano. R .. vl• TPlll tto._nl ,.., fll..t willl Ille
COllllh Ctor11Of0r•"9t County on Oct. 1-------------
"· 1•1 .. 17,..,
.. n.a1
Pubtlll..i Or ... Coo" Dolly Piiot,
0<1 21. •.Nov. ol, II, ttll ....,,
P111111.-Or.,. Coeat Oolly Piiot, -lleW. PullllsNd 0r..,.. co .. 1 Delly Pliot -------------
SI Ustod-tottcllor •I ,onwjo de Oct I•, ?I. 21. Nov .. t•I "71_., NCJTtC• llllVITINO llOS ,~::~:,,i;::s
un ·~ en fl1• "-· ....,.,I• Sl•l.O ~Is wlll lie ••<el.,.G ot _.,. ..-nl'C Tiie followlnft per1on h dol"ft
Oct. ll, 1', NO¥.•. 11, l'ltl •SMMI
ll•cerlo lnmedlelomeftle, de ute IN offlee of 11\e Secretory o4 CounlY ,._ ,..,~ Dualneu ea: • "
m•,....•· "'~ o •i.eo<lon, •I PlllJC '9T1C( Softllollon Ol~rlet Ho S •I loaM Elll• 1--------------2 E OESIGN (Two.El, JlJO EIU ~~r..:.:-· _. wr '991Jtr-e P'ICTITIOUI IUSINl!SS A.,.n.,., F-loll\ V•ll•y, Celifornlo, f'ICTITIOUS auSINllU Meyfolr. No. A, Orenve, C•lllorl\lo
Tiie ":9~tloner fits llled • petition Tl\t lollowlng persol\ 11 dolne ::r::~~ 1
0~1:.": :~"::iic~: Du~i':.:s:~1.owlnt person ts doing 0,_:;~ ~'::;~:;::, E.,1 Meyfolr, ~::f1:':"~':,~~.:!y~~ llWllHses: ::::: :."o~=.:;.--:, ~::.. ofEI~ POULTRY PLUS, m 1 L•ne190tt Tlllt lll.slrwu lac..--llY ti! d•le lllol I.Illa aummonl la .. ,,..., on CltOWH JANITORIAL, 21702 L•lle Cir . Hullilng1on hock, CA.,.... indlvlelllol
yo11. Y-dlf...n mey .,. .,.,.,.., •nd "'•:.1~t=-~f~::~t~21UO. 21102 :.;~-· F-i.•n ve11ov. Collforl\I•, Giron Leroy GtUOC>t, m1 LM>9PO't Eric Arnetta
tlle court mey enter • Judemel\I -• Cir .. H""'lngloon llacll, CA t2Mt Tiii• IUIC-t wn llled wltll IM COl\lel"I"' l"Junctlw or-· cwdlr$ L ............ I.ell• F«esl, Cellforl\IO REHABILITATION O F THE Tiiis lluMneu la <OndUCl.0 lly an COlll\ly Clet1! o4 0.•"9' Counly Oft
co11cernll\g division of properly, ~la OonlM• 1, cendloete<I _ .,. ::~::~c ~ ~~:A;R~::'~~ lndlvl-1 Ocl-11, 1"1
,_. .. 1 .._i, cllltd ~. cllll<I -• • Giron L. Gnioba P17m• 11\dlvl<luol ROCKY POINT PVMPSTATIOH Tiiis ,...,......., ... meo .... ,, 11\e P .. bllaNd Or-C-tl O•ty Pl~. wpport. •ttorMy f-, ~.end well MlchMI R. 8utier CONTRACT NO. S-IM , _ _,, Oc Oc: 1 1 • ,:;;;;-ti .....-1 Oilier ••Ii.I°' mey IM 91'-..S tty !tie Tiiis .,.,.._, woa llled wlll\ the 8kls.,.. ,_,.,...,for Ille onllre wcwll Col>nty C-°'Or-~~v on I. I. •. 1' ' · •. 1 1
co11rl. Tiie QOtl\lsllmonl of ••Off, Co.1111y Clent ot Or•l\OI Count., on dltc•I-,.,.In "· tt•1. ,-17M17
1•1111\Q Of~ or,.....,,.,,, or oilier SecllemlMt 1~ 1t11 Tiie wort< it lo be -eccordlftV to Or Coe 0 1 Pl t PllUt lllC£
<Ollrt •-1nd "'°°""'"" moy alto ,,,..,1 Ille pleM -_.:lll<eUom on Ille In P11llllaNd onoe $1 • ly ~' 1-------------
ttwn. PubllsNd Oronoe Coo11 Delly Piiot, Ill• office of 11\e S.cretery ot Ille ,_o_c1_. _11_·_21_·_"°_v_. 4_·_'_'·_1_"_' ___ • __ 1
Oat..,.~-21.1•1 Oct 1•,21.•,Hov •,1tl1 _,.,, O lttrlcl, e nd uld p l ont ond'-
LEE A 8RANCH i.-<lflcotton. ere by referenc• meOe 0 Cle<k, perl ot tllh -lee
By NANCYWAGGONER, MJC mlll P lont, tPt<lllc•llon• end otll4r
o.iutY pr09owl dlocumenh mey Ill uemlned YAM OAOA LIMTilll!ll, INC.. P'ICTITIOU• IUSIMIU ti Ille ofllU ot IN County Senltellon 1MIW"'*I""~ MAMaiTATl!MIENT Olltrl<I Ho.S et IQl.M Ellla A-.
"'1 .. U2. Tll• follewl"t person• ett ctolnt Founteln Velley, Celilornl•. Coolff of
S...U ..... ~ t1't6 llvalftlU os. 11\e pion• .,... tflKllic<ttlont m•y be
t1141 Ml.saN S. T NI ENTERPRISES, 117SS OOlelnod In the -.mel\tlonecl olfl<o
P111>11.-OrttlOO C.0.11 Delly PllOI, Palm, P:o..nteln \lelley. C•llfornl• ot Ill• lotlowl,. costs, wlll<ll uld co111
Oct. 7, 1•. ll, Jt. 1"' ,.,...1 tt709 ere not ref111\dOlll• nverdltn of
Cllrlatoplltr Coke No111. '7SJ Wl\elller U. .,...., -a.pec:Klcet-
Toucan, ,._"' Vell•y, Cellfoml• ere re111....i tt7• GENERAL PROVISIONS ANO
MN...,.90 "°""teln \lolllY, Cellloml• •VCl9 COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS
Tiiis lluSIMU II COl\ducted lly e 0 f' 0 It A H G E C 0 U N T V , NOTICE OF DEATH OF tenerel~. CALIFORNIA, 1m Edition (Currtni
Tiie followlng perao" la dol"g llutlMUH.
SERVICES, 1'JSI Weymovtn Ln.,
HuntlntlOfl 8Ncll, CA '2644. Reymond E M(Grow, IUSI
Wtrm-t.n.. Hl#lllftVton lleocl\, CA .,... M4!17.
Tlll1 """""' 11 conouc1.a by •" llldlvlelllol.
Re'fll"O"CIE McGr-
Tllll ~-wot flled wllll the
Co.inly Ctenl of Or•-CO<HllY on
NAMl ITAT•M•MT Tiie fotlowlnt ...,_,,ore-... ~ 11\HS • .,
INC., Sit 5-rlor Avenue, HewPOn
llUCll, CA f2llU
.. ... " Woll• Auocl•IH Irie., •
CelllOl'fll• c~ellon, Sit 5-rl• Ave.-, "-1 Beecll, CA '2661
Tiiis 11v1tMn h conouc1ed l>Y • CorPOratlon R_,-.WOIU
-lotnlftC .
Rolllrt L WOllt
fllll Itel-I Wff flleCI Wllfl Ille
County Cten. Of Or•-C-IY on Oc1. "· ,., .. 17Mt GEORGE F. TEALE AND ~c. Ne~ .a1uon llCICl!tcallle to 011 Ohtrlct lllMI
P E T I •T I 0 N T 0 T"t• ~ tt1ec1 wtttt ttte . 'o.fai::~:ans ~ iPK"tce•loft' for
AOMI NISTER ESTATE c°""'' c-• er.,. c:-ty on 0c. above _.. • • . • •10.oo-Pte11.1 -
Seot 11, 1•1 1'171111 Publl-Or .... C...SI Dell, Plt9',
Pv1>111M11 Or•noe c-1 0.11, P1•~1. Oct. 21. 21, Hov . ._ 11, '"' ..01 .. 1
NO. A-1106n. '°9er s. "''· •11•cl11cot10M w111 a. melltd to
T o a I I h e I r s • "",._ pr~,,.. .,._rs. tt ,.eqwtt01ect, for•
beneficiaries, Creditors PWll .... Or ... Gtu1 D .. ty Piiot, ... of SUO tpon"""""4elllel IO cover
ti t d •t f Oct.7,14,21,21,1•1 41711 111e coalofposlageendhetldll119. and con ngen ere torso All 1>ld1 must bt m•ct• 1n
George F . Tea le and _.,. .-nK eccordence, •ftd e11 bidders mu11
h b ,._ -·~ <Offtply, wflll si.to, F-rel -IOCel persons w o may e I••• epp11u1»1e 111.,.,0• ol\d ••
otherwise interested in the P1cnnous 1u11•us dlreclod 1" t11e pr_.i 1onn • .,..,1
wi 11 and/or estate: NAM• ITATIMllMT --c111<at10111 .
A petition has been filed Tiii lolloWlne .....-'' dol119 tousJ. llOd•rs are lle••b~ nollfled 111e1 -n : puuuont to pr0¥1"-of U. Lol>or by Susan L. Lopez in the OEMURL'S FLORIU, 2'75 ,,,,,,.. c -of .... St•• of (ellfwnlo, IN
Superior Court of Orange Avenue, S11ll• 1·93, Coil• MH•, loerd of Olreclort of Co11nly
County requesting that c.11tornte,.21 s.n11.e11on 0 111r1c1Ho.s11es -.it.i s us an L . L 0 p e z be Cynllll• L .. V•ICIU. Hit N. Ille prevelll119 r•teot per di-•19". PKlfk c-Hwy ..... 1 ... Lo.-.... t ..... llled lly Iha SI•• Director of
appointed as personal IH<ll,Ctllfomlot'26St 1111tut1r101 Re1a11ona. tH11<e1>1e 10 111e
r e p r e s e n t a t I v e t o Tiiis ._.,_. •• c_..., t>y •n lft. worti to 11e ...,. for tllt localllT In d I i t th t t f dlvl<luel. wllk ll t,.. won. 11 to lie periormed In a m n s er e es a e o c.,....ia 1.ee ve1c1er compllonc• w1111 Section 11n of '"'
OCI. 21. Jt, Nov. 4. 11, 1•1 ~I
Tiie lollowlng person h Clolne
T. M. ACOUSTICS, 20ll Tllurln,
Coste ~CA '2627.
Tllo,.,.u Jemu Moyfletd, 201S
Tllllrln, Colt.a Mest, CA t:i.Z7. Tiii• ....... ,,.... It cOftductect 6y on
lndlvldutl. Tltllmos J. Moyflel<I
Thll Ital-I WM llleO wllll Ille COUftlV C~ Of 0.-o"9f County on 0<1.
1t, 1•1 ,.,,..
PullllsNd Oronoe Coen Oelly Piiot,
O<t. 21, 21, Nov ••• "· 1•1 .u..1 .. 1
George F. Teale under the T11i. ......,_, •• n1ec1 •ltll .,. L.._ Code of IN SUI•°' c.11fwl\lo,
I n d e p e n d e n t County c1ertt °' 0r...,. County on 0<-•"" 11 1a fllect '" 111e o1t1ce of 111e l'IU llll(
Administration of Estates -s, 1"1. Secretary of tlle County Sonlletlon 1------------'"1G1 District Ho. Sot Or ..... COUllly.
Tiie followlne person h doln'
COMPANY, 100.1 Talbert Ave., Swltt
2'00, F-toln \lellt'(, CA t27Cll.
Ooneld E••••d Jolll'ltton, ,,..
Sltklr1 ,llve , f'Ollftloln VelleY. CA .,,.
Tlllt .,..,,.,_, la COncl\lelecl lly ell
OoNlct E""'-JoMllOll Tiiis stet-I -flled wltll ..
Gount't' Clerk °' <>ronoa c-tr on Oct "· , .. , l'OJIM
PullllaNd Or.,... Cooal Dell., Pl-.
Oct 21, a, Nov 4, II, t•1 CS11~1
Act. P11lllllllld Or ... Coesl Delly Piiot, Eecll bid ......... mede 01\ Ille ,ICTITIOUI IUSINllU
The oetltion Is set for Ocl.7,l .. tl.21.1 .. 1 OIM1 propoul lorm f11rl\ISlltd lly Ille MAM•JTATIM•MT 0 ,. F I c E 0,. T" E
hearing it"I Dept. NO. A a, Olatrkl -enc._. In tM envel-Tiit IOllowlne P••aon II H ine SHl!'-IF,-<OlltONER, COUNTY Off
700 Cl i C t D l · _.,,.-Ir Mllltllled IPt Ille Olllrl<I W.,1111 llle lluslnenea. OltANGE.
\I c en er r ve, ~ .... IM. 1111• of Ille_,. -"""--REHU·ALL SYSTEMS, .. ,. A MOTIQ°"SALIUNN• West, Santa Ana. CA 91701 ...... of Ille bldller wllll l\O otllef' Hllorl• W•y. "-" a-11, CA., .. , 0-.Clltlil Off l'OlltlCLOIAlit•
On NOV.~' 1981 at 9:30 a .m . ,ICTITIOUI IUllN•U dlsllnouhhlllCI me1'11(1), II la Ille tOle F renklln M. MCICll\l\1111, •t1' /4 0 II ANGE T It I! E I' AT I o IF YOU OBJECT to the MAMtlffATIMINT rHllOflSlbllltyOllllelllddlrto-tllet ~~rl• Wey, Newport BH<ll, CA HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION,
Tll• followlne person h dOll\V 1111 llld I• •e<•lftd Ill Ille Olalrk l ·-Plel ltf PAnt A. TAP granting of the petition, llvsl•M•: Office et 111e oddt'fta 11ere1-,., "'" 11u11nns is cMClllcted 11y on 111 vs. PAN, et VOU Should either appear GAllOINER FINANCIAL, ltUl for111 II\ proper time. Any lllcl rec·elwcl lndlvlduel al., o.tendMt, No .... JS.
t th h i d l t Pllctlrn t.n.. H~l"lrloll .. acll, CA •ftlr Ille tclledul .. CIOtl"t time .. , ,.M. McKlnnlsll s~' l~~~rtl~d,I 1',,." 0 ~tet, a e ear n g an l a e _... recel ... of""" ...... .,. re1 ... ,,.., 10111e T~1 •• :...~ •• fl'--' ,... ....... •• '· "Y ,...,..
bj ti f i I ,._, ,.. -" t ...,,.......,,. ....., • '" ,.,. Stace ot c.llfonlle, dll ,_......, ctttlfy your o ec ons or e ••"A. o erdlMr enc1 Pelt•• A. lllOdlrunocieneci c-tvClet'l!Of~c-tvon0ct. .,..1eyvlrtwOIOiu ..... ,_ .... .
written objections with the Geroll\er, 1tH1 Pttu"" LI\., 1ec11111-r mu• 11e 11c.-111 tllt tt, 1,.1. -S.•• 1""' 5-W'ler CDw1 .. ..
court before the hearinn. Hunllnt• .. ~.CA~-Stet• °' Collfonlle •ftd .,. .. ,..., to .,, .. e-ty o1 0r.,.., 5111• fl c.tlflnllt,
Y be• Tiii• llllllMI• ,. eondllc1ed llY ... perform Ille wort! CleS<.TI-In "" Pulllltllell OrM(llt eo.1 Delly PllO\ entored Ofl Mloy 7, , .... .,.., NClf'flN
OUr appearance may ll\Cllvldwl, Pl•ftt, 'lle(lflcotlons end contre<I Oct. 21, 21, Nov ... 11, 1•1 ~f MOJ 7, 1•1, In tlle ..... ""1 ...
in person Or by VOUr ... A.0.rdlner Cloe-NI.. •CtlOf', -rein Or~trff ......
attorney. Tlll1 ~I Wfl flled wllll Ille A llld Wllll llOC IHI ..... Mft Ptf'Ctlll -If' •Ta HOMff-r A&tleloll .. , 1M -
I F y 0 u A R e A C-ty ClenlflOra• c-tYet10ct. 1101l.I ........ llld ·--wlll.,. ..._ l\em•d Pl•l11tlffh). 01ttel11•• •
C R E D T 0 R It, lttl. l'ICllll,..., •1111 ff<ll tllcl, -no l>kl ludtment .,... dK'fW of r.reci-. I 0 r a '1TJOM tNll lie (_,......, Ul\llM lllC'll l>ld fllCTt'10UI 11111111•11 •1141 ....... Intl Plltl A. T....-.
contingent creditor of the PuMllMd 0r.,... eo.st Oelly l'ltot. -wrlly i. _._. ...,el". Said 111c1 HAMS ITATaMeNT c11t1...-t11t111, f~ 111e evm "' o..
dece•sed, you must flle Oct."·• Nov." 11• 1•1 .,..., ...... m.., 111111 Ille'°"" of • cullltf"a Tll• '•"••I,.. ••rsol\ h •ol"• 111eus ... ., five llvftdt•• a, 14/ttl
I I Ith the t or cenlflecl cllKll, .,.Y•lll• I• tlle -••••: Diiien, ~ -Y flf IN Y"""
VOUr C a m W COUr P1aJC ml( Olllrlct. PAlltOlltlE A$90CIATES, t11H Aw St•IH, tM trf vlrtwe •I • 9'1 ~
0 r p re Sent It t 0 t he TM ._., d Olrt<1Dl't ot llW County Melwce. 1...-Hiiia. CA t2W enforc9'""" lfl Yl4I t«lool ,.._. 111
personal representative • 5anct••1111 Ol•~lct Ho. s ,__ti. Orelle C)Jeda, t72H ..... Maloru AU91t•t 11, 1t•1. 1 am c--••"
i t d b th t NOnC. Oft t.AIA tltllf le Nfaft .,, • •II Ill* -1111 L..-a Hiii .. CA~ .. 11 ell 1M ~ lft h c.i.ey llf appo n e v e cour 0 ,...,... ... 10 we1w ... y•atllrf'l9Uler1t1n Tiii• .... _, ,, ~,....,., 0r..-• ...._ .. eai...,. dlle,...
within four months from ... ~ """'9•n av 0110~11t o, THE ..,,,"<.....,. ..... ~t«ltft olflff .,... .. ,.,.._; Yit •·Tieu .... ,._...
the date of first lssu•nce HOTICI IS HllltH'I 01\ll!N INI c•oOUAHlltTDJ!.0,.11·T~CTOTIONllS ._.""'""'.. 111..1• ........ li .... '" ~ ...
o e e r s as prov n ' 01n11t1CTNO.J. n11 ,........,. -" ... w1111 of c 111t•r111a. "''"''Y" _.
Sect ion 700 of the Probate =':"'~1::..~4~ .... c'.:.~ .. o,.,.c-tv, c:-tvQ11'11.,~CWMy1110ct <Mll-Y"-•:•u.-o-..i
Code of Callfornle. The c....,. aYM ..,._,,..,-.. .,'""' c111tw111e tt, 1•1. lf'flM, ~ ~ ....
...... -tlf Ille TNlllR .... 9f tlle Ille Mte(t) ,_.. trf Miii Died llf o.ttd: ~'"-1•1
t""*' ~ lly ..... Dold llf Trlllt Tr\ltl to wit: a7.IOO.OO "'"II lnt-.1 C:OUNTVOflOllANGI! Mr tlW"""""' r..-.111., tttlMet .. tlloreon fnll'll Apwll 1, lttl at It.I STATEOflCAl.t,OlllNIA )
f I tt lded I 11Mtr11M.....-.•tt.=t'-' et •.... .. <Wtll•O...,. ~ lltectf•ettM~_.Or-__.; ....
time for flllng Cl.lms Will llttH'*-,llllllVld•lle•N•.O J ,Wer-l'fl""'9r, 'T1 •nd alneulet tlle teH"'tlltl, a.c .... ,., Pullflllwd Orllftte CNet 0.11., "' 11., .... _ ...... .,_..,,....._
1 not expire prior to four ~~'c:;!.,"':' .... ~Y·o!,."f~: Pv1111"*' 0r.,... CM•• 0et1., Pltot. oct. tt, ........ ., "· ••• .,..., .,..'""" ~ If 111 .......
months from the date of c.,.., 0\1111\ 11111 11tk•-111111e1, • 0<1, '1• • ,., .....,_....._ M•:....,.l't. MrCentper-npr~lllMld .. _ ... Viti•
Tiii Mllllfkllty .,,,,_ Mid 0... llf "°'9111 ~ ewe. 4lftlf My ""°et1e" c:.-111111""' 4-latlon
Tr1111 lltt•t•f•re •~•cut•• eftd Illus fWK...,,. ,._ et1ltMilled to• ..,: T. Deltld 1 .... _.,....,.. ...... ,,., 1•1wrt""" UJ1.cw .. .r111Kdltlt. On,,, .. ,,.., tt, t•1 • ....,.. 1111.
O.Ctartlllef\ ol DlfMt IM DltlNfld Tiie ....icllty ....-Mid D1141 llf u. ~ ...... • .....,., "*" 111 ter kl•. 4IM • wrlttl!I Net!<• •f Truu lleretefttt .. •cvt•-tftd •M ,., .. Id SttW, ,._11y •
O.f1,.tt .,.. lllec:ll• .. ktl. Tiit •Iv.red ..... ~ a .nftlll ,..,... T. o..1te E-., k-tl-tl
11,...,...,.. c_.. MtO N .. lce .r O.Cter.,..flf dlllt..n afld OotNM fir • h .._.,..,., ... c.,.,.,.. .... ._.
o.fMllt .. Ectllll te ... , te .. Sell, .... I wtttlilft ..... ICI .. Olf_.. llllt ............... ~ • ._
_..111 ... ~ ........ r'lll ............... """"*"lllllil .. 1111 to ... -~ .. ·---,,....,,., .. ~ Call9H .... Nltke" Olfevtt Md ......... .,.,...1 .. C_, ......... ._ .,..I ~ ft,"" l!~ti. te 5'11 .... _... lot .. Cer_at .. A tflotr•lft 11a1111d, elld T a A •I A• I .. I C. A ~ I T La CWMy .....,_ Ult ,..., ,...._,,., It .Un .. I fC I lit 1111 lllat ~II C#• , ..... CICIO. ._...... .... ..... __.... t111t wttlllll ...,..
,.. ..... 0...1 on.w '""" ,,..... ~ ..... ·~".,... ...... , CINTU"Y~ ............ ._..fff04nlcw..
&,9 ....... CA.. •~_,.,..._ = .. ,..._. ... flffk~-·· ----~°"' ... ..,. A..._ __ ,........ ........ CA.ts• .... ,_..." ........... .,..1,,....,. ........ .... ._....,.... .,~.,,....,.._..._ .. _,or..._ .... .,.
~"""'~ .............. ~~ar..a.. Diiiy.... ........°'91111 c..-°"'' ...... • OI .. ..,.4,IJ,Ttll ..., Ort r.M.19~•1f5t C9Nt
the he•rlnn noticed aboVt. tttt.r .. ._.,, ,,.._ IMt ...,_ '5JMt -· -~UILtC NOTICI II MaitlH
You M ..... Y EX "MINE .. , •• ,,. •• T.,. --. •• T.,., . ,....., -~ o1v1• ... • ,.,..,...,, -.. "
"' " Cetlf#llla ..... wlll • .... st llllllfk flll.s 1911l . t•t. It ,.,. ":.-:"ii.-:-the flle !:fr' by the court. l llCli.tl .. ""' •• T-..... •• PtCTl'l'HIWUW••• .... ~. MOllll
If you.,.. nte,...,.ted In the TOt"e, cat..._,.. ... ~"' ,IC'l'mOUt.,..... Tiit .::':::::W:,.. --. ~ C::: ::'-1~ .. • •ICY= estate, vou m•y file • "'~',:.:.~: UMetTATIUlllSlft' .,.._.. ,....... .......... 1 • ...._
rtquest Wlttl the court to ~ .,..... ..,.. """· ~ ~ Tiie ..,.......,. ,._ 4lf'll .._ wHTH" ITAftt OtL 11t1LO ~::.:; ... •"""' •• §5' r~elve special nottc1 of Ill• <•Ill-., .... rt1111 •• Ill• ......... , ""OOUC1'1, , .. ~ Mf'Mt, .......... .... the flllng of the Inventory IM4tl..Ck v.11 • ., fl'lw __ ·~ wa1.K1Nvau1.n.1•1a.-....,. •• lllecll.CA.. ·1f:I ---.. ~--~. Clrdt,l,,,..,GllltwWtm4 ....... --... -................ of the e1st1ett assets and of o.-4:0t-.r1t,1W1. ..,..,_.....,..a..., .... •~ Qiloa.•-· __.-. t~ pet tons, eccounts •nd vouc. NI....,., '"'""· ~"7W c....... .._" • • ....,_,CA ... • .._ a., ~c..·--·••·-·•• reports desc:rll)td In oMU.A ~uu °"'...., '"" c-.-C'"91, ...-. (lo. "i"li· -
S•ctlon 1200 • .S o f the :,'i!:'tr~~ '~':iC.::':':ua 1 ... ., e ::=-r~-. -•Dcwww
Cellfomle Probate Code. Ai':iZi' r 1 r" ._., ...,..,...._._ .._.'"'...,.. .1 91 .. ·~ CHb•r: Celemaa & ...,.. ....., ... , --• • ..._ ...... .,._,., ia • -
_._. ha .__. 17• .. I I '°' .... -T'MI ........ -... ... ... ftta _... -....... •-~ ·:..· .. ,. w......_CA... c:-tyOl!ftlfONllltc.e.lr• ... c..JWOIAlf._Gllillr .....
SttHt. nna", CA. ma-..... ...,...., ""· """· .. -AJ!:r9nC• No. '°"° ,........ ...._. Cllli!ll..,, ,_ !'!!!' 0ct.1i!-:-.. ar,;r ce.11 o..r.= --. •• *' .,.. ~= Cllll ~-O&~~ ... C:..., -. .. _.. __ 4 .:-• .,..
Orange Coast DAILY PILOT M'ednffd1y, October 28. 1981 117 I! ~-----------------------------------------------.:..._ __________ _..:.:.__ __ _:_ __________ ..
Cl RC ti
by 811 Keane
BIGG£0RGE by Virgil Partch (VIP)
"I wish the air would stand still." "I got It straight from the horse's mouth."
Hank Ketchum
"If we ever get him to run in the right direc-
tion, he'll score lots of touchdowns for us."
1 Does Ille •9 Engine
crew! 50~ erower INp
10 State: Abbr 51 Circuit
1• Aliln Ciipllll 52 MMh
t5 Hnering 55 Alcniflt
,. Inter -58 Time Of~
11 EMty eo ~-111915'~ ~ e' Englltfl
18 OrOCI off: COll'1)0lel
3wordt f2 Beli.t
20 Kind Of 10UP e3 Acoom-
21 He-Ang left """"' 23 Key -... 8'lottl,..
2• St~ 15 Carn.cs
2t Oiltl'lll4tr 2t~ DOWN
30 Pwnctuetlc>O t v ....
mlttt 2 Ebb •
3 t "Stoeil" 3 P9r1olifflecl
32 Contr.c• • i.ttlte
... 5 <Wmtnt 21 ~
2W«dl •• ,....,... 2t~
31 lllet 7 8'oux _...., 30 ..
31 GM IF.-32 UberMed
31 Alcent. Pref t Gf.-llttlr SS EMldlle
39~ 10lndll.. MKhlo#llOn
... 11~ ·~ 2wordl t2........ i1 a.-.
.,~ ... ".... . ........... ~ .... ._ "Al I I I 4t !'WOft •c. 22.. .......
,A.,\AYBeSo, WILL If:··
by Harold Le Doux
Ml Ke &f.11LER ,,,
'1>4'(TIME SiVLE5
Fl'~K l ' "INKERBEA ~
l 'M ~RC.> I DIDN'T
HAPPE!NE!c> 1'"0 "fHe
by Charles M. Schulz ______ .._,
Tuf'\EE M(S
by Jeff MacNelly
by Ernie Bushm1ller
, !
' •
by Gus Arriola
TO iHl: LA)J()
by Tom Bat1uk
by Kevin Fagan
, .
-Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednesday. October 28, 1981
\\'El>Nt.SUA \'
wo•1.01 .. rw1 DMaan .,., N-Y9ftl l~•I
JPNAHOO 90TPO rna Mia and WOtk or con
ttmPQtary Colllml>lan tur-•••litt painter Fefl'IAttOO
8otaro "* documented
(RI m vttWt "'u1A
Tnall•nd Do Good
Aec.1111 Good, 00 Evll
flecetva Evil ' Jo/In Temple
uaml~ tne Tnal IOCillty
1~1111Q on 8uddhltM 8lld
the Thal monatclly tRI
***'A "Supermen"
( 19781 Chttt109hlt' Reeva.
M11got Kidder Miid
m1nnerao 1ep0rtar Clark
K1111 00111 hll red cape
and u ... hi& 111perhuman
~· to 111w1rt an arch
c;r1m111al s plot to "'-l•oy
tha Wast Coast wtth a
g11n1 earthqvlka 'PG'
•" 'Cheaper To KMp
Hit ( 1980) MIC D•Yll.
Tovah Faldlhuh In order
to meet 1111 alimony P•Y
ments. • recently dl•orce<t
pttvete datect1ve track•
down dehnquent husbands
tor a divorce lawyer R
10:00 Q (1J QUINCY
GuealS T'1e MOdern Ja.u
Ouar1e1 Moll Jac;k~on,
John Lawis Percy Huth
Connoe l\a)e
FALL GUY -Lee Majors portrays a
professional ~tuntman who works as -u
bounty hunter in ··The Fall Guy" toni ght
at 9 on Channel 7.
(Season Premiere) Ou1ncy
takes a romentoc interest
in an amna11ac and dllCOv·
ars lhat her hie is "' dan·
• • • II s Alway\ Foor
Weatn.r f 19551 Gone Kel
ly Dan Da1tey A 1oc.al TV
s1arlet decodes to n10ild
ca.st J reunion ot three
World W,or II Army bud
OMOVIE * * Th" NuO~ Boml•
(19801 Dun Adarns ·Sylvia
K11stel S..crel agent Ma.
welt Smart laces h1\ mos1
dangerous advers;iry on an
arch •ollaon wno plans tC'I
launch m1ss1!es th,11 woll
d1srobfili the entue huma"
papulatoon PG
8 l <> NEWS
Animated Pr O ft>~'o'
Ludwig •On Dralo.e qoves
Donald advoce on ""s"'9
hos tnree nepnews
7:00 i) CBS NEWS
Fonz•e qo<ts some une•
pecli>O n1il1J when ,1n 010
enemy tflltvrns to m,1ke
Guest H.i1otd Russet1 • m MACNEIL I LEHRER
Guest Dojlna Ro'•
C MOVIE * • 819 Wedfll'Sdily
I f9781 Jan.M1cMe1 Von
cenl W1lt1am Kall Three
Cahlornoe boys .,,IOY 1ne
surl and sand unht lhey
begin 10 1ea111e !'1at
tt1e11' ~ mor1> 10 1110 than
wuong down theor bOt1r!1s
• • • Solk Slockonq~
119571 Fred A<ta1rn. Cyo
Charos~e An America" lotm
prOOUCl'I becomes
1nvotvP<1 with a ll'f'nate
Russian 1tgent 1n Pa11s
7:30 i) 2 ON THE TOWN
f'ea1ureo a IOO" .11 tne
Guard••• Angels tne
v1sua1tza11on of rtl(:.Of ds
wtiere v1cJ00 tape' ,qft'I s~t
10 music
F11mea on 1oea11on~ on
Francf' and Spa•n ,) POI
traot 01 the late artist and
tus work leatures rom1nis~
cences by hos daughter
son and many colleagues
A mineral lake reputlO 10
ellect moracie curH, a
Beach Boys Ian who UHS
special recording tech·
noQues to duplicate the
group s sound
T'11S on-concert pertorm
ance includes old 1avot11es
such as The Boxer Stitt
Crazy Afte• Alf These
¥ea1s Some1h1ng So
Right Sound Of
Solenc.e ~long w1lh Late
tn Hie Evening and One
Troe~ Pony from the mov-
ie sound track album
,. • • The Jerk I t9791
Steve Marton &!rnadelle
Pe1er~ A Chronic screw-up
makes m1111ons on a weod
1nventoon only to lose 11 all
1n consumer damage t.1.1115
8 00 i) ((. MR MERLIN
Would·be rock stars Zack
and Leo lry to 0~1a1n a for-
mula 101 success from
F ea1ur1>d a ghost town a
haunled churcn. a lfyong
saucer on was'1mgton s
Ml Rain.er a couple who
have a wa• museum •I
home U MOVIE
• • • The Hindenburg ·
119751 George C Scoll
Anne Bancroft A wary
Nazo secu11ty olfocer lrtM
10 prevt>nl sabotage
aboard Ille h1stont and
ull1ma1ety doomed t937
tugnt or thl G8'man Oor091·
• • • • Casablanca'
f 19•3J tngrod Bergman
Humphrey Bogart A gam-
blong cas•no owner holds
t'1e key to lhe escape ol a
French Resistance leader
and his wote who are llee·
ong from 1ne Nazis
• • S11rs'11p 1nva51ons"
I 1978) Robert Vtiughn
Cnrostophe• lee A UFO
e•pe•t 10.ns with a fr18'10ty
aloen commander to baltle
" hosllle force determined
10 overtake Earth
Filmed on tocahons on
r1ance :\nd Spain, a por·
1ra11 ol Iha late art11t and
h•S work features ram1n11-
cences by his da119nte<
son and many colleagues
S MOVIE . "' ..
Coal Miner s
119801 Sissy
Tommy lee
E> KN)(T t(BSl
(i) KNBC lNBC1
0 KlLA Ind
Q> KAHC tAll( I
0 KHJ TV llnd I
Q> K TTV llnd l
II) KCOP TV (lno 1
'1:) KOC.E 1PB•
0 On TV
l l TV
C 1(1npn1,,, t
S iShowlomf'l
0 SPOll•qhl
~ t(<tblP Nr·w\ N"tworlo.l
Jones Based on Loralie
Lynn s auto1>1ography A
young gorl from a poor
family on rural Ket'tlucky
marroes a much older IOCAI
boy who engineers her naa
to sta1dom on the music
onduSlry PG
• • • · Alfplane• f 19801
Robe<t Hays Jutte Hager·
ty Aller en aorhner s cr-
lalls 10 loOd poisoning, a
nervous tormer war pilot 11
pressed into service and
must contend wolh on-
ooa10 hy1te11a a secret•ve
control towe< and cloche
hued memoroes PG
8·301J I]) WKRP IN
Bailey tempo1aroly allows
Jonnny Fever lo move "'
A walk home past a ne1gn.
borhOOd constructoon Sole
turns onto n nog'1tma11sh
encounle• lor ~loroa
• • • , Pnvale 8en1a-
m1n ( 1980) Goldie Hawn
Eileen Brennan A well-to·
do young woman m1stak·
enly 101ns the Army lollotv-
ong the death ot ner new
nusband on tneor wedd•ng
night R
9:00 i) fl1 MOVIE .
• • • Hode fn Ploon
Soght t t979) James Caan
Jill Eikenberry A stone
mason unde•lakes an
eoghf·year ~earch lor hos
two children who were
retocateo by the govern-
ment unoer a w1tnes!> P•O·
tect1on program IJ ""THE FACTS OF
(Season Premoera) Tootoe
gets drunk whole t•Y'ng to
prove she 15 mature
f P1em1ere) A stunt man
moonhghllng as a bait
bondsman sets out 10 cap-
ture a ba1l1umper the mosl
powerlul man 1n a small
sovthwestern town
GuestS lynda Cartel
Gabe Kaplan Guoch
Kootch, Gene Conon
The hie and work ot con-
temporary Cotumboan sur·
reahsl pointer Fernando
Botero are documented
• • • ··Trie Bog Red One
( 1980) Lee Ma1111n, Mark
Hamill A tough Army ser·
geant la.01 tour y~ng.
1ne11pe,.enced recruits lnlo
the v•Olence·lllted fray ot
World Wai II combat 'PG'
The enhre crazy st11ll at
TheoclOfa Hope Edwards
Hospital is 11y1ng 10 logure
ou1 who has been ompreg-
,,ated with the Wong test-
tube baby because •I cer·
1a1n1y wasn I Mis Woll()
9'05 2 MOVIE • * Ga1a~1na ( 1980)
Dorothy Stranen Avery
Schreiber A robot is made
on the image ot a beauttlul
woman who doesn t have
anv human leehngs 'A
11:30 0 ~LOVE. SIDNEY
(Prem•e<e) Tony Randall
stars 111 a mlddte·8ljld
New ~orker sharong an
epartment w11n a woman
half hos age and her young
Thailand Do Good
Rece.va Good. Do Evil
R11ee1ve Evtl" John Temple
e1em1nes the Thao society,
locus•nQ on Buddhism and
Iha Thao mon1rchy (R)
The "F1tst Lady ol Coun·
try· SlflQS Coal M1net'1
Daughter. Ones On Thi
Way" end Ol'1er hits 1n a
pe1101mance taped live at
Harran·s 1n Reno
10-.30 Q) NEWS
·eiues For A Fled Planet
Or Carl S119an IOolts at lhe
V1k1ng Lander on Death
Valley and demonstra1es
the machinery that hat
sent pic1ures and ma•·
su1ement1 from Mars back
to Earlh sta111ng 111 1976
Husband-and-wile COM•CS
Jerry Stoller and Anne
Meara introduce the mov-
ies. specials and sports
e•ents coming 10 HOMe
Bo• Olt1ce on November
• • * • 1 My BOdyguard"
I 19791 Chni> Makepeace
Adam Baldwin The new
kid at a Choc990 high
school malo.es tnends wilh
the school oulcast and
together 1ney stand up to
the cruet ganQ wh•cll had
persecuted them bolh
11:000QD (!])~
HOii Eric Idle Guest Joe
Benny plays the bandmaa-
te• of a paril band
Gues1s The MOde•n Jau
Quartet • Molt Jackson.
John Lew•s Pllfcy He.tth
• • "Claor De Femme
Vves Montand. Romy
Schneider Two strangers
mee11n9 purely Dy chance
on a Peros street. lall on
The Third Annual Rocil
lott141 And The Great Pre·
tenders RICh is 1°'"'° by
talented 1mpress1ono111
Thom BrHh and Julie
Deas tor an evening of
zany corn.dy and grMt
larn•ly entenaonmenl
11:05 S MOVIE
• • "Humanoids From
The Deep ( 19801 Doug
McClure Ann Turkel
Loathsome creaturet trom
tne ocean s deplhs alleck
8 Calolorn1a coastal town
kllhng tne men and rap•ng
tnawomet\ A
11.30 IJ (J) WKRP IN
Arthur Collson s mothl!r
amves and demands to
see how 1"41 •"''°" stands
l1nanc1a11y (RI
Host Johnny Carson
GVe5lS Otck Cavett. Natal·
1e Cola. Lance &.lrton
Feh•. Oscar and Nancy get
'Creativity' shows just that
87TOM JOKY ._ ............ ..,,.,.
NEW YORK "Creativity with Bill Moyers"
won't begin its 17-week run on public TV until Jan.
8. so why the attention· now? Quite simply,
"Cr eativity" is remarkable television, a
jqurnalislic tour-de-force that is dramatic as well
a~ enlightening. It Is a rare piece of work well
91\)rtb the wail.
''Creativity '' m ay be the crowning
achievement of Moyers' on-and,off relationship
with public television that began a decade ago. He
will rejoin CBS News -he was a correspondent
there 1976·78 -in November, as a reporter and
analyst .
The achievement is in Moyers' ability to
manage, on film, an almost hopelessly broad
subject as intangible as the mind Itself. "As
Justice Potter Stewart said of pornofrapby,''
Moyers explains, '"I can't define lt, but know it
when I see it.' So it ls with creativity."
"I decided I wouldn't deftne creativity, but 1
KTLA IJ 8:00 "The Hindenburg. ·
George C Scott and Anne Bancroft star
In a film about the airship disaster.
KHJ 1J 8 ·00 ·Casablanca.' Classic
love story starring Humphre~ogart
and Ingrid Bergman. • •
ABC fl 8:00 "The Fa ll Guy ... A stunt
man sets out to capture a bail jumper in
a premiere show.
KOCE '9 10.30 Cosmos. Carl Sagan
looks at Viking lander and demonstrates
machinery that has sent photos and data
hack to Earth from ~1ars
trapped 1n th• basemen•
jvll proor to going to a
maaqua<ade p1r1y
'Moment 01 Hate" Karan
Wedawortn l111d1 that sav·
eral per1on1 dted altar Iha
hid wished tor lhtll
deaths ED KCET HEW88EA T
Vereen pratanll hos dyna-
mite nightclub act from the
R1111era Hotat tn Laa Vegea
12:00 D MOVIE
• * • •,, "The little Fo•n"
( 19ot t ) Balla Dev11. Herbert
Marshall Bal80 on Iha
play by Ltlhan Hetlman A
Southern family races 111
downfall after 1'1e C1v11
Wat 0 @l LOVE BOAT
A w•d-er and hos son tall
lor Iha same g111, end a
bachelor develops an a lier.
goc reaction to htS girl·
lnend tF!) D MOVIE
• • * "'Sc11ed Stilt'
I 1953) Dean Martin, Jerry
l ew11 A bus boy and a
singer lliHl•ng from a mur·
de< rap 1aka lheltllf on a
ghostly 1S11nd wflere they
encount8t a waallhy y0<1ng
woman with probtems
Conosts The Four Tops
Guests Judy Norton-Tay·
tor Jay Johnson. Biii
Alter a syndicate boss ••
arrested. the 1as1 of the
gang ptan to lake over and
continue lheor work ED INTAOOUCTION TO
• • ., "Lottie Miss Mar~e<
(1980) Walter Mollllau
Julie Andrews Based on
thtt Demon Runyon story
A gruff, stingy t930s boO"·
oe s tofe os turned around
when he accept& a 6·year·
old moppet 81 a marker
for a recong bet PG'
12:051) (I) MOVIE * * • "fllfror Oul Or Tne
Sky" (19781 Efrem Zornbel-
111 Jr . Dan Haggerty Two
0.. 1pec1al11t1 and a free-
lance 1>4tot altempt 10 P<•·
vent a strain ot kolle• beas
trom invading me covntry
12:15 2 MOVIE
• • ·Galulna ( t980)
Dorothy Straiten, Avery
Schreiber A robot Is mede
on the 1maoe ot a t>eautotul
woman whO doesn't hive
any human t11t1ngs 'R
Guests euthOI Tom Wolfe.
singer Connie Francis
act°' James Coco. Or
N0tman Vincent Peale
Eli) rf'8 EVERVBOOY'8
"$.curltle'I Marker·
• * • "Autumn Sonat•"
( t978) Liv Ullmann. Ingrid
Bflrgman A prosperoul
concert p1an11t 11 raun11ao
with hll estranged daugn-
tar and • 1a• .. ling end
deeply emotional battle
Mglnl bat-them 'PG
* * • "Fama" ( 11l80) 11ane
Ca1a, Barry Miiier Several
gifted Sh.ldlllll at a New
Y0tk hogh schOOI tor the
pa<forminQ art• aaper-lenca
VlrlOUI Hlbeck• •no euc·
cHMI of both personal
and profasslonal natures
'PG' .
* * *'Ir "P11val• Ben1a·
mtn" ( 1980 Goldie Hawn.
Eiieen Brenn11n A wall-to·
do yO<lng woman mlstak·
enly l(Mns the Army IOllow· •no the death ot her new
nu1band on !hair wedding
night 'R'
1:00 Q) "°"1E
• • ~ Tha Big Sky
( 1952) K1tk Douglu.
Dewey Martin E•plorars
travel up the Mlasov11 Riv·
8f to BllCkloot lndlan tam·
tory despite the haH•ds
• • "T«rOf T1a1n · t 1980)
Ben Johnson Jamie Lee
Cutlrs A colle<,je tratern1 -
ty s N-Year's masQuer-
•O• parly tu1na into a
nightmare when a vondlC·
uve guest statt& kolhng oll
the party-9(>8•• A
1:100 MOVIE
* * "B1k1n1 Beach" ( t96otl
Frankoa Avalon Annette
Funicello A Brot11h pop
a•nger g!Ves an AIT19f.can
boy competotlon when they
fall for the ume gtrl
1:30 Q) MOVIE
* • * "Woman Ot Straw
(196•1 G1n1 LOllObrogoda.
Saan Connery A yOUflQ
man attempts 10 gaon COil•
t•ol of hts uncle s IOftune
with the hllp ol a beautttul
1:40 Z MOVIE
***'• "T1k1ng Ott
( 1971) Buck Henry Lynn
Carhn Whet\ I •~·99•
gorl runs ewa~ from home.
hllf action causes her par-
ents to re-evaluate the Ule-
style they va Hiited into
• * * •,, • These Thr" •
( 1936) Joel McCrea Mon·
am Hopil1nt. The hves and
rapvtellons of a man end
two women are nearly
destroyed by a c:h•ld's
2:151) HEWS
• • • Shock Waves
( 1977) Pater Cushing,
Brooke Adams A group or
tOUrolls stranded on a
small •Sland ancounter a
former SS ottoe:er and ""
col~tlon of aaper-1men11t
mutents. 'F!'
2:40D NEWS
2!60 1J MOVIE **''I "Thi PursYll Ot
Happiness" ( 197 t) Mtchae4
Sa1tazln, Barbara Hershey
A radleal student 11 .. n.
tancad to a ye., In prlSOll
afle< accidelltaMy k1Nlng e
women ""'h 1111 car
t:OO lCJMO'M • a 'Ai "81atduat Mamo
11et" I 1N0) Wooay Allen
Chlrl01ta "-~Ing A ~·
c.utut director I-• a
palSOnal cr1a11 u hi "*'
10 l'l'l.tlla totne major deel
9iOn1 In hi8 Nia PO'
S:16• MOV1I
• •.., "Cllrl1tmH Eva'
t 1947) OIOIQI Rall, Ann
H.,d1ng On Cllt1ttm ..
Ewa 1118 OltM 1doe>llO
aooe of a Wlfolllly 9111n1tlf
N11rn 11111 hlf raat hlPh-
11 daveloplrog a atmatar
ptOt 99a1n1t ,,.,
*a* Thi J*'lo. (19791
StlVa Ma11ln Bernadette
Palatl A Chronic acrew-up
makal mllllon1 on a _.,d
inY9tltlon only 10 loM II all
In Gontumaf damage "''" R'
* • "F!evenga Of fha
My1taron1 From
Mira Captain Scarlet
goat d11p into tpaca to
stop Ille dHdly Myaterons
from da1t1oy1ng Earth ·o·
3:500 MOVIE
* * Gay OOij t 1955)
Wiifred Pockt••. Petula
Clark A man changes h11
wager on a racing canine
and angeta hl1 1etattv11
Whan the new dOij wons
*a* "The Ja1k' f 1979)
Steve Matt1n. Bernadttllt
Paten A chronlC IC•-·UP
makM m1lhon1 on a _,,d
1nven1oon only to lose 11 a.II
on consumet damage auots
4:30 C MOVIE * • '> A Small CorGle 01
Frllllds • (1980) Brad Dav-
11. Karen Allen tn the
19601. the fnendsh1p afld
ldeallam or thr" Harvard
11udent1 os threatened
whit\ one of them 11 dratt·
eo to serve on Vietnam R
•:50 2 MOVIE
• ••'• "My BOdyguard
( 19791 Chns Makepeace
Adam Baldwin
Bayt h11r :tlot.·ir•
8:30 C • • • The Hidea-
way• ( 1973) lngrld Berg
man JOhnny Doran Two
children run away from
nome and hide 1n New
York C11y s Me1ropo11111n
Museum Of Att wtwlre they
afe bef11ended by a spttll·
lld recivse 'G
9:00 0 • • • 'Airplane•'
f 1980) Robert Haya Jul••
H&91rty Aile• an airhnllf ~
er-lalls to lood l)OjSOn
1ng, a nervous former w•1
pilot 11 pressed onto ser
vice and must contet'IO
wotn on·boa•d hySlet•a a
secrettve o:ontrol 1owe1
and cloche-llllltd memories
9-.30 Q) * * "Bowery Buck·
••oos (19"71 Hunu Hall
Lao Gorcey When Iha
owner of the man shop ''
accused of murder. tha
Bowery Boys Mil out to
hnd Ille real culprol
11>.00 S * • • * Songon In
The Rain • ( 1952) Gane
Kelly, Debb•e Reynold•
OuronQ Hollywood's tranll·
tlon to the tatkoas a 109
Stlatll star taus 1n love with
a spirotlld newcom8'
10:30 (!) * * "Wellward Ho"
( 1935) John Wayne She111
Menn0ts A cowboy learns
lhal Ille leade< ot a gang
wno murdllfed h•S parents
11 his own b101her 0 * * "Zero To S11ty
Darre<I McGavon Denise
Nickerson A mlddl&-agad
dtvo1ce<1 man, needing
money tor ahmony pay-
ments. os laced with repos
seSt•flQ a Malia car con
11•n•r1Q a dalO body as
part of h•s new partnership
with a 16-yaar-old girl
11:00 0 * * "My Boy• Are
Good Boys" ( 19791 R1lph
Meeker. Ida Lupino Three
teen-age boy• plan 10
break out of prllon. rob an
armored car and &hp back
onto the pen undetected
C • • • · E11ec:u11ve
Suite' ( 19541 Wilham Hol·
den, June AllylOll W1*\
,,.. 100 ••.wth/9 O' a fur·
l"llu•e oornpeny 1411fetl a
fatal i-1 attllOll, a mad po_, play en-. among
1"4 ~ j)<Ml'*11t to 1111
1111 c;halr
12:00 m •• ·• r11e L•-oc Jtnny Dolan ( 1175) Slllf·
ley JO/IH, 5t•PIWH'I Boyd W"-'• • g0v.,no1't .... ,.
11nal10n II lfWM llQaled by
a Hlftlele rac>«1., cl~ to
-al Olhef llOMICics.t
turn up
II) * * 'h "Ft1me 0 1 The
811bary Co11t" I U~•Sl
John Wayrwi Ann DvOlalo.
A cattle ranchef tr1vet1 10
Sen Franc•ICO Whe•I he
bKomes involved with
gambl111. danger and
l * * * '• My BcxJy·
guard ( 19791 Ch111
Ma .. 1p1ace. Adam
Baldwin The new kid at •
Ch1cego h1gn IChOOI
malo.M fr...-ds w1lh Iha
school outcast end 1oge1n-
er they 111nd up 10 the c•v·
et g•llQ which had per
MCUllO lhem both
1~ 0 * * • "The Hound 01
The Baske<V1lle1 ( 19781
Peter Cook . Dudley
Moore Master sleuth
S11e<tock Hotmas 1nveat1-
gates mysterious g<>lnQt.-
on 11 Baskllf\/tlle Halt and
~1n1 10 sYSOICI every
one 1nctudong h1ms1t1
1:00 C * * , The Shape 01
Things To Come (t9791
Jae.. Patane• Alter
Earths destruCllOn tn a
robot war a power-hungry
renegade seeks control ol
Iha 5Urv1v0ts lunar city
S • • • Don I Go Near
The Waler ( 1957) Glenn
Ford Goa Scala World
War ti sailors on the South
Pacohc l1nd lhat they need
only a rec•eahon hall 10
complete the11 pa1ad1se
2:00 0 • • '> The Nude
Bomb t t980J Don Adams
Sylvia Krostel Sec;fet aoent
Maxwell Smart laces his
moll dangerous adversary
1n an arch v1lla1n who plan&
to launch missiles that """
d1sro~ the enllte human
PODUlatoon PG
2 • **'• TheEaftlngs
01 Madame De Charles
Boyer Danielle Da,,,wi A
hckte wOMan nu deep
r119erd tor a s1gn1locant paor
of earrongs
3o00 C • • • The Hodea
ways ( t973) tngrld Berg
man Jonnny Doran t .... o
cn1ldren rvn away from
nome and hode on New
York C11y s Melropoutan
Museum of Art wneu1 tney
are ~lroended by a sporot
ed recluse G
3:30 0 * • '' · Ta1zan The
Ape Man t 1932) JoMny
Weossmuller Maureen
0 Sulhvan A Broh5n e•pe
d1hon sets ott in search ot
a 1acred Ouroal ground
S • • Revenge 01 The
M ySlerons From
Mars Captain Scarlet
goes deep onto space to
slop tn• deadly Mys1erons
from destroying Earth 'G
4:00 0 * * ', Hie Shape 01
Thongs To Come f t979)
Jack Patanca Alter
Earth s daslruchon on a
robot war. a power.nun9ry
renegade seeks control of
the survivors 1una1 Coly
2 ••'• ThttCat And
The Canary ( 1939) Bob
Hope Pavteue GOddard
In order 10 collect lheo•
ot1ne111ance a ramify must
spend the nognt •n a haunt·
5:00 C • * • The New Land
( t972) lov Ullmann Ma•
von Sydow A Scand•na••·
•n tam•fy seeks freedom
and a new lite 1n me Mon·
nesota temtory or the
1850s PG
H • • , Frealty Frooay
(1977) JOd•e Foster. Bar-
b.ire Harns The world ''
lurnad upsode·down for a
mother and daugnter wno
m119ocally SWltch bodies
one •ateful day "G
5:15 l • * • '• The Ea,,,ngs
Of Madame De Cnarlei
Boyar Danielle Damevx A
fickle wOMan has deep
r11911rd for a sognofk:ant pa11
ot earrings
by Armstrong & Batiuk ........... ~---~~~~~~~ ....... ~~
would exempUfy it in people," be says, "not In
geniuses, but in people whose lives represent
possibilities for all or us.''
Thus Moyers tracks creativity throu1h the
minds of people as diverse as Maya Angelou. the
writer, playwright Samson Raphaelson, film
director John Huston and Fred Smith, founder of
Federal Express, the air delivery service.
But there's also an episode called "That's No
Tomato'' -technology brin1s new shape and
flavor to the round, red fruit -and another
entitled "What Do We Do Wlth the Garbage?" -
new uses for the world's leftovers.
"We started wttb 273 possibilities, .. Moyera
says. ''I could go on Indefinitely."
No single program -most of them are a
half-hour long -covers the entire subject, though
each one certainly suggests elements common to
the creative mind.
From the profile of RaphaelsDn, who wrote
"The Jazz Singer" for the stage, comes the
following -Moyers speaking: "All the experts
say imagination is a real part of creativity.
Creativity is relating obje<:ts to one another -juxtaposition -ideas that have never been
together before.'·
"Imagination," says the playwright. now 84,
"is the capacity to see what's there. Einstein saw
what was there . . . "
~~~----~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.-~~--~---------------------~~------.................. 119 .......... ~ ........ ~s•_ ....... _.a ... t•a .. _ ...................... ,~
Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednesday, October 28, 1981 -
fmprov' owner laments the passing of gutsy comedia,ns
By JAY SHAllBUTT da)'::. or yon•
., ..... Wftlw
NEW YORK -"Anybody here from Jersey?"
ask& the young comic. Hands shoot up .
.. Ayyyy," the multitudes cry approvingly. An old
openlna bll The atarl or a new night at The
· • Pohll~b Ii. very rurc nqw Pcoplt-don't tackle
1t," bhe broodt'~ Tht•y l\'11d to tackle the safe, she
suyi. T heir sex livl's. Their mothers Eating. Their
n1rcen; P1..'0pll1 Crom Jersey.
I Improvisation.
The lmprov. A small brickwall club at 44th
und Ninth in midtown Fun City. Guys used to kill
t<1 work there. It was the major showcase for new
comedians when the Tonight Show hved in New
Sun•, ~he !4uys, you occasionally get a free
spirit like young J>avld Dorsey, who does not know
The Heeere 's Johnny Hour has long since
moved West. But the club -in which the rookies
orten were sighted, then hired ror that
ull-important Tonight shot -still thrives here. I The kids still want to work the lmprov. After I all. through its portals have passed such knights of
whoopee as Robert Klein. Richard Pryor . Gabe
Kaplan and David Brenner .
The kids don't care that of the battalion of
gagsters who've worked there since it opened in
1963, extremely few now have their own sitcom
dnd play Vegas 20 weeks a year. You've got to
start somewhere. and even today the lmprov is a
name place to start.
Silver Friedman estimates 1.800 comics have
played the club ever since it opened She owns the
joint. She co··founded it with her husband. Budd
(Sic, now her ex). He now his his own lmprov in
LA. .
She says it .. didn't really start as a comedy
1 house. It was sort of a place where people in
theat er , in show business. would drop in to try a
few jokes or sing a little. Just a place to hang out ··
1 Mrs . Friedman, herself an ex-chorine who did
I lime in Broadway's .. Fiorella .. and .. How to
Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, .. says
the lmprov evolved into a funny farm in the I mid-Sixties. I .. That's when Klein, David Frye, Pryor.
people like them . all migrated uptown" -Crom I Greenwich Village "and started working out
l here Pretty soon all the young comics were
working out here.··
1 Those were the glory days. A zany anything
I goes spirit ran rampant. Nothing was sacred I Vietnam. politics, drugs, race. you name it. Not
now, sighs Mrs. Friedman, a thoughtful. pleasant
woman of middle years.
She frets t hat a lot of today·s apprentice
funsters aren't the kind who, in her words, ··zane ! you out " They don·t take risks. don't go bozo. I don •t give the Establishment the raspberry as. in
El 1 OIO ~8 I ~880
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Put a few words
to work for ou
I Dorothy Emerson & Don Nolan present
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OCT. 29, 30, 31 & NOV. 1, 1981
A g iant panoram a of the collections o f lead111g lleaters
rn a ntiques A ll items priced and available 101 nurc;hase
General Adm1ss1on S2 50 Ch1tct1e11 unde1 •;> trep
i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Peter~lk ~BrL I RI Shows •I 7:00 11ao
II ~l~rtlW"· ~,roo 9:30
I ~'\mesllff-n12{11iJtMI
Showsat ~·30 9:co In 70MM
~~C: ,~..,(R I Shows at ~
e.C. U'hOMty tM I
Sound •t Or 1 W9 '" Be tow Vuut AM ca• t1dt0 "' yu IM t.PMk•t If no AM ~ rM•o with 'tn••t0n
cceMOfV POJ•tton, bf•
VOUI own AM pOrtab•e.
SO FINE (R) Con11nen1a1
0 1v1de (PG)
Esc:•pe From
Alcatraz (PG) r==: }} i&J
Seems Like Old
T1mn IPG)
Anhur IPGl
Up In Smoke (RI
a-ti & ChonJs NllXI
N Ml
·------------------------------------, i : MUSIC IN STEREO WITH YOU~M MIMD : f I ~ BRIGHT ... BEAUTIFUL ... CONTEMPORARY : l LISTEN TO FM 103. 1 AND FOLLOW ALONG I
•; r
Tony Hotch
Horold Won4der
Fronek Pourcel
Poul Mounot
Fronk S1notro
Coscod1n9 Strongs
Joe Hornell
Mike Leander
Fronco•se Hardy
Hypnotic Harps
Peter Knight Singer\
Encore Orchestro
Debby Boone
Lo ve In •he Morning Sun
Lei II Be M e
We're All Alone
You're the One Thot I Wont
Kno wing Me. Knowing You
Love· s Been Good To Me
Fly Me To the M oon
The Times, They Are o Chong1n'
Hong Onto o Dreom
More To dov Thon Yesrerdo'Y
Feel1n· Groovy
How Deep I\ Your Lo ve
L1v1ng Strings
Howord Roberts
Loni Holl
Henry Monctn1
K1ngs1on Trio
Percy Fo1th
Art Garfunkel
Tim Weisberg
Peter Nero
Ra ymond LeFevre
Barry Montlow
Alon Tew
Manny Kellem Voices
Jomes Lost
Petula Clork
You Are Moy Woy o f Lile
Nobody Know\
Sun Down Lody
Oklahoma Crude Theme
One More Town
A World ot Whispe rs
All i Kno w
Never Con Soy Goodbye
You're A Lody
This One's for You
Nobody Do es It Better
Whot o Wondertul World
Lucio no
Jerry Toth
Jock HoMoron Singers
Bob Crewe Generolton
~oger Whtttoker
Coi.cod1n9 Strings
Antonio Carlos Job1m
Tim We.sberg
Mom.ngtown String\
Sttg.o Mend~
Bnorcliff S1rings
The Singer
Le,.s Hong On
Durham Town
New Kid In Town
Song fo r L1so
Is It Really Love At All
A World of OIJr Own
It's So Obvious Tl'lot I Love You
1l'li$ Guy's In Love With You
. Stop and Smen the RosM
Nelson Riddle
Exotic Gulto,..
Fronek Povrcel
Portndge Fom.ly
The Flf\t Thing Yov Know
The Enchanted Seo
My Louise . 11·, One of Tl'lo" Nights (Ye\ Love l
811111 Morombo Bmul
Munnv KellPm (hvru·.
~tmborne Orche .. 110
Sh1rlry Bo'>sey
U r 1u II' now the Wov 10 Son Jose
I W1U Wo1t tor You
Sco tch and Soda
Don't Cry tor Me. Arg,.nhno
Perry Bo1~ 1n Jr
Jo e Hf'nder\ .. n
Brrt Koempl,.rt
vnrdr,n l 1ghll(J•J'
l 1v1t1l) ~lr1ngs
Paz•> Seco S1ng<'r.
Am r~ Mon1low
,p ")P ] ,pl r
f!ol>b. f 1-·11 !>.
t Oltl'1ylo u ft""''
Our Doy Will Come
So In Love
Go M y Way
D1~1on1 Drums
I Wrll Survrve
I onely T ogelher
Boby Toll..
Cl·uco and !he Mon
When I Need You
Au\trolton Showbond r .. tPI Nero
Green T ombounne
Let If Be
Come In From the Ro1n
Jomes Lost
t>1ona Ro~s
Bnb Thiele
An1lo Kerr Srnqe"
Pnul Moun11 1
0 111110 Newton fohn
J<•h11 C.reqo1v
Hnhhv ldwwc.h
Prrcy f u1th
Roy Clor~
Mil< e L Ponde1
Beor.h Boys
Storb<>rne Ote hestro
B11on's Song
I'm Not Lisa
You Are 1he Sun~h1ne o t My Life
Somelh1ng Beller lo Do
Ano ther Time , Another Place
Anoth,.r Somcbodv Done Somebody
Wrong Song
This Wa y Mory
y,.\lf'rdoy When I V.os Young
There But For Love
In My Room
Borbro S1re1~ond1Borry C.1bb
Looi.a L 1ke We Mode It
Prrcy f 01lh
Ken Th<>rni.
Jun" Ion
C.eorqe Sheor1nq
Chorl1e Byrd
Henry Moru.1n1
Edthe Robb111
The Sandpipers
Alon Tew
Fronk S1notro
Storborne Orch""''"
floyd Cromer
Hollyndge S111n9s
Lindo Ron sladt
Our Doy W1U Come
Lonely People
No Not Much
I Wl\hl'd On the Moon
I'll Wolk Woth the Rorn
Sollv·s T omoto
Step by Step
Boby Don't Go
Com<' Sorvdoy Morning
The Olive Tree
I Believe l"m Gonna LoYe You
Cqrelree Highway
The O dd Couple
Sirowberry Fields Forever
Let us know your favorite
songs and artists. Call
KOCM's Music Phone at
644 -2775.
-------------------------~-----------~ ·-' ,
from U•boo 11nd who, If a gag proves dead on
arrival. will mutter "l left a peep show to come
h<ire "
"Not since Pryor have I seen a black
performer like! him." she says. "She tblnks
Dorsey's an orlglnal. She wishes more newcomers
were like him. be they black, white , Hispanic or
UA MOYlfS Sad6lebae~ WoodbliOoe Cloldome
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Monday thru Saturday
All Performances belore 5:00 PM
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LA MlllAOA MALL o Mrro<10 ot Ro1ec:ron•
nc ..,., '"'* lllONC• c.u. W't
ARTHUR .. '"' u u , .... , ......... , ...
•VlllT "IYitOUlll ...
.. PATERNITY .. ,,. " . ,..., ...... __.. ··~ ..•
AITAol AlLGIJllO .. A~
MOMMIE. DEAREST '"°' ,, ... , ..... u l t&.tlte
A COi' fl ""'NINO MOeOOY I...,..
"PRINCE OF THE CITY 1111 ,. •II, ••••
....,_IMA~• Clll:tlf'Y llldllCMOL
ONLY WHEN I LAUGH 1•1 •• 1a.~•.•1t-•••
fOCully Al Del Amo
--·~-··RICH AND FAMOUS .. 1•1 . ... Hl.lt•.--
ST ARK .. '"' --.SYIRMO ,,...__.. ........ ,.,.., ... 1..,,
........ , ............. --·n&.>t&.1'• I "EYE OF THE NEEDLE .. 11111 ........ , -=--· ... n. , ......... ..
focutty ot Condlewood
.. TAToo·· ••• a a., ...
8LOWOUT0 llll . ......... ..
-1'\.STM.a'l'A..-llMrt ....
UM.JK.tM I H ,n•
·eooY HEAT'" 1•1 ti·• .........
•&LUE LAGOON 1111 ... , .....
213/634·921_1 __ ~----
l'IA.AM9C)fit llOM • I.NII" .......a:M ...
U U.Jff.IK.l•,tt~tt
,..,. & "-ACI: "°" .c"'I• ~o•
··GALLIPOLI .. t"!
U.T Ott\1'1 ta.1..-1...•
IJIMYllW ·-· ,._. tr-..M.l ............... ..
Souln Coo11 H1woy
01 l roo<1woy
JACOUO.,.. .,...., ·~ -• .. FOUR SEASONS" 1 ...
RICH ANO FAMOUS'" 1•1 I --·-... , -HI ...... ..,_ •• •• ARST MONOAY IN OCTOBER 1•1 l•f'*'N >•.••.r•.tt• ..,.._,. ,....tlM.,M t ...... r-•,H
... ,. ;I~ 6 30 ,. . .... 6 15 \"'••l ,,,,. t• 6:4J
"•tl»ot JrtO W•'"'' Mtri '"'" fu 4•.JO •~'I Sun Hth 5 30'M C»!~ n 500~0 • fO\JM '"' CAA llAOIO IS 'IOUll Sl'Ul\f~
f lfO AM (All ~ w!TH OilTIQlt ACC£SS()lll l'OSll1()ll
-IMIG AM IOlll..U 1• .U QllE.fl OllM-4llS Dl ON AM ~
ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN -"THE UNSEEN" 1111 -''••-av 91 01 l•mOI\ St ··GALAXY OF T1'RROR 1•1 879•9150 CINI II SOUND •o<M• llOOMAI •• .;;eGMOltl Ill_,--• .;;;.i-Ull°"7H __ _
ltf'ICOlf' lo.ve weat or tenon
Son O·•QO h wy ot troO"""'o t (lo)
THE car·,., -"'HEAVY TRAFflC 1111
~MOP l\f.M __., CM9U'f
.. ARTHUA"'1"' -STRIPES ·,.,
Ct"1 fl SOIJloO 0
"'°Ql"MOOMU.i&,•a10NO•?•• N'TP~~
CIHf fl SOUNO _ ;:1111 II ~O
OoftQI. _ .. ---~ -,ll)--'-s-LA-u=G~HT'"'E""R~INSAN 'FRANC-, -
aeao. •CHO_:; ... n .,.,._ flO ~# THE UNSEEN C"1 -~~ oc11au--.w1•-~I ''GALAXYOFTEAROA 11U
Cll•I 11 SOUllO C•IOl H JOllM)
tl't"C>ft!O' ~fW n teocfll I.._ 6 '40t.-,. li•O
l•A(Oll\ Aw• W•ll OI l l\Ott
., .. N JllAflll ( U '!' t io'&._1
, .. MOST "'M _,...,CM .UY
.. AAl'HUR .. 1Nt -•'STAIPl!l ".1111
IN LONDON 1111 ......
$onto Ana frw~
__ ..
"'""' .. CADDY8"ACK c..
----··1,.A NINA Ol l.A
H~1~·1~c ... I 1~ fU A •I
W r11•r A .. W•1l 61 .. OCll .....
.. 357 MAGNUM .. . ----''()IK) '°" OJO'' CON
"KLaA Da N....01"
from J cney:
"When we hold auditions, I get the impre11ian
most are doina their version of what • comic
t.hould be, as opposed to what they are. And they
don't often have the pus ion -1 was talklne with
Mort Sahl about this that you find in people ike
Pryor ancl Klein ''
A UNIVERSAL rtCTUR! o 1M1 U-UW (1ff •l\IO!Ot WC
-.1etL111 ... m I ff•-".111
-. --
Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, October 28, 1981
• u ra I
• 1ves
M L·ghtS _ LJ\t ra 1
Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined
That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.
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6 mg "tar:· 0.5 mg nico1in1
av. per cigarene by FTC me1hod
19 h ts
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') , ..
>' .. ,.
I '
Crescent rolls
are bewitching
Daily Pilat
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 28, 1981
Thi' llallmH•t•n lrt•at ~ou r 11art ~ :.!li t''"·
famih . a ncl friend' to a nutritiou' 'n;u ·k \\ith
a sp ecial "' i!.t.
· Dt>lidou' llam ., ('ht•e,., CrC' .. ct•nt' a n ·
a n ea..,' i t e m t o m a k e a ht' a d '' h 1· n
t•nterta ining. Tht·~ a l'n pn" idt• a qu itk
prott>in pack<'d mt•al-irHHH' to orfn the· kid'
beforr lt•a\ ing fo r trick -or-treatin~.
fla m a nd ch t>e.,t>. \H a pp(•d in frt>,hh
baked hr<' ad . M'n NI along with hot a pp It•
c ider. i!'. s un• to be a rt:'al HallowN•n "Trt•at".
\mt. for tht• "trick". folio" recipe bt>lc1\\:
H.UI':\ ('HEESE C'Rf:S('E,TS
I I om• 1>0und 1 loaf Bridi forcl Fro:wn
Brt'acl Oough
fl 'lict'!'. Cook eel II am
fl 'Ii<.'('!'. .\meri<.·a n Chet'"'
I Tahle"ipoon butte r ... ortened
Lt>t dou~h thaw complete!~·. Roll out to a
1:r · ' l:J" 'quart> on a lil:!htl~ flourt>cl hoard.
Cut doug h into 3 <'(!U a l ro"'· Cut f•ach rel\\
into half and <'ach ha lf into :! t r iangle!. 111
makt' I:! total. Cut ham and cht>('M' 'lices on
the diagonal to makt• 12 triangles or <•ach .
Pl a ct> a tria ngle of ham a nd then a tria-nglt> or
c he<'w on top or <'ac h tria nglt> of doul{h . Roll
u1> from wide <'nd. Place on lightl~ grt>a.,.•d
"ihe<'l 11an and lwnd to form crt'!'.C<'11l -;h a pe .
B a kt> in preheatf'CI :J;:; degrt'('' F 0\'<'11 1:;
minuh''· Bru!'.h top' \\ilh huttc•r. ltakt•, I:! cre..,crnt ,,
Even the meanest wilch would
love this haunte<;l house, easily
made using cake mixes. See Cll
Let it be the grinning of a jack-o'-lantern
on a Pumpkin Face Cake to brighten a
Just a bit of whimsy cake
It's autumn whert-ever ~·ou are. Whether
he ralded by falling leaves or just the
calendar. the holiday season is backdrop for
~·ou to create special ~casions. one or them
based on the traditional pumptdn.
Let it be whimsical: let it be the grinning
of a jack·o· ·lantern on a Pumpkin Face Cake
to brighten a gathering.
· You will brighten, too. because the Pastel
Fluffy Frosting for this enchanting party
cake takes minimal preparation time
because a handy contalner or thawed frozen
whipped toppinl( ls the major ingredient.
Folded into prepared and thickened
orange flavor gelatin, It attains that
distinctive pumpkin-orange hue.
Then It's ilme to work the magic or
creating a grinning jack·o'·lantern race with
candy corn and black llcorlce strip. To add to
the convenience or makln1 this cake. a
packaged cake mb 11 baked ncordlnl to
directions, uslng three layer paD1.
A quick trim or outer ect1es of two cake
layers ud It's ready to auemble with U..
Autry frosUng. Tlali whl•lk•I callit 11 a party
h11piratloa to tbe creaUwe baker. . c t
I 1>ackage f 2·la~·er sizel ~·ellow cak.-
or pudding.included cake mix
Pastel Fturr~· Frosting
Black licorice strip
" \
Candy corn
1 Prepare cake mix as dlrttted on package~
baking in three 8·inch layer pans at 350
degrees for about 30 minutes. Trim 1 i ·inch '
ring from outer edge or 2 or the layers. 4
Prepare Pastel Flurry FrosUng as directed.
using orange flavor gelatin. Tint with ~·ello•.
and red rood coloring for deeper oraa1~
color. if desired. Assemble cake, 1preadln1
frosting between layers and plul•I trimmed
layers on bottom and top wltll the lull layer la
the cen&er. Frost with ttmataln1 f rostl•li-
roundllll corners &o resemble tlae sb•Pf' ol a •
pumpkin. Insert llcorlce "stem" In top Of
cake and dHSate wltla cake and deffrate
with candy cwa.
Dlaolve l padla1e ~(I Left wu1e fta••
1elatlD ID l cap belllig waler. OalU •tD
.U1llit1y tlikkeMCI. Bind la l cemtalller (8
09aee1)frn•• wlalpp_. teppl•I· tlaaw ... ............ , .. ,..... ~
Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednesday, October 28, 1981
Super market spokesman $ays t hey1re a health hazar d
You meaUoaed retlrooms lD your receat col·
uma oa lhe deslp or u w aapermarkell. My
clilldrea are grown now, bel I remember
many occasi on s w be a I a lood In a
supermarket alale wlsbl•I &.bat I coald lake
tbem to a clean and convenJeat restroom.
Why ls It that aupermarkell don't pro·
vlde this needed convenience ror their
in Texas, said that supermarkets had simply
evolved without restrooms. "We 've never
given it much thought," he added.
"Tradition,•· said Jim Corl and or Lucky
Stores in Calirornia. "We don't bave
restrooms because that's just the way we
have been buUding supermarkets."
• customers?
Mos t of the executives whose stores do
not have restrooms said that shoppers In
need were permitted to use the employee
restroom. "We've never turned anyone
away,'' said Betty LaFone of Harris-Teeter
in Charlotte, N.C.
-Marilyn from PUu burgb
DEAR MARILYN -I didn't know the
answer, 4>0 I called supermarkets vound the
country and asked them the same question.
My first call was to the corporate head·
quarters or Grand Union in New Jersey. Don
Vaillancourt, vice president fo r corporate
communications, said that Grand Union
supermarkets did not have public restrooms
because "'they are an open invitation to
"People can walk into the restroom with
merchandise and then conceal it," he ex·
Bob Wonderle, vice president for public
affairs for the Pathmark chain, also in New
Jersey, said that bis stores didn't have
restrooms because managers would have dif-
ficulty watching them. Thus, they couldn't
ensure the safety of customers who used
Several or the supermarket executives
that I spoke with said that it would be too ex-
pensive to keep public restrooms clean. One
of them said that the store space was too
valuable for a restroom and that shoppers
• But a spokesman Crom one large chain
said that the use of employee facilities was
discouraged because of heavy moving equip-
ment in those areas and "insurance con-
Surprisingly, a few or the chains that I
contacted have-broken with tradition to pro-
vide restrooms for their customers. Odoona
Mathews at Giant Foods in Washington,
0 .C., said that her company included them In
all stores built within the past six years.
Susan Barlow of First National
Supermarkets in Cleveland said that stores
built by her chain contained restrooms. "Our
experience has been favorable, and we reel
that our customers appreciate the conve-
nience, especially senior citizens and shop·
pers with young children," she said.
· A representative of Wegman 's in
Rochester, N. Y., caHed its restrooms a ''very
necessary'' convenience for shoppers.
L preferred that this space be used for larger
deli sections or other features.
I would appreciate hearing from readers
witb opinions concerning restrooms in
supermarkets. Address your comments to Supermarket Shopper, Orange Coast Daily
Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626.
Bill McMas ter, a spokesman for Great
Scott supermarkets in Detroit, said that
public restrooms could pose a health hazard.
Children who used them might forget to wash
their hands and then walk around the store
touching food.
Bob Hermence, a vice president of Furr's
Write to the following address to obtain
the form required by thi s $1 refund offer:
General Mills Inc. Baco's Lettuce Refund Of·
fer, P.O. Box 46. Department 480, Min·
neapolis. Minn. 55460. Send for this refund
form by Jan 15. 1982.
CLl"'M' ~IL.a lta~UMOS
MIKM11 I ·-~-..,_.. 11'11ie U·AI Clip out 1116 Ille -kHt> It wltfl slmlW cellM>ff co11po'" -bevt rege reh;nd olft n •1111 beytrtge
tOVPGM, for ••AfnPI•. St.n ~llKtlng "" -proofs of pt.we-W!Wle •-"'9 tor Ille rtq\llrtcl refund lorms
ti Ille _,..,,.rttet. In~· -..... JlllM, -*'"" lradl"' wltll ~--. Olftn may not tit .wtllablt In •II ,,_ ol lllt country. All-10 -· to r.alve ttch rllfl.lnd.
Tiie ........ tftw'I ere .... t ...... tU.1'. T1lb .............. , ....... US.Ill•-....... ~·
DUPONT GrHI AellKllOfls Aeluncl Ottw. A1c1lv11
ll.SO refund. Send "" r~rod r•f\lnd lorm. Ille name "Grotl Alfla<tlOftl'' cvt lrom Ille lrelfrt of 111t bo• end • reglstw rKtipl wlltl IN prk o clrcled. Ellplr" Dt<. lt, Itel.
GE Mllalt I'°' $1 A-It. Seftd tN !"8q<llrecl ..
fllnd form, "" PAOf-of-PlirCNM -· from Ille bt<k pentl of • GE Ml-Spot peckago -the regisl., tape •llh the price drcltd. E•plrH 1'10. I, tta.
HAMDSAVa• OU>Va l 11 lllfloftd Ofllff. 5eM 111t
req,ilrtcl rofunel lorm, Ille Universe! PrOlllllC1 COOi sym.
bOls c11t from 111• Ot<k• OI two pack.agH of Pl•rlea
Hal\Cbt.,., Glo<ttt encl ll'le reglslt< rKalptls) wlltl Ille
prices clrcltd. EAPir•• JIMlt lO. 1"2.
JOffMSOfl'S Foo4 Warmers In~ llKel.,. a SO. cent refund and a '1 coupon. Send Iha reqvl,..d rel11nd lorm, the IMICk pM\el lrom ...,. J..,,.,_,., Odor·Eatao
Footwatmlff$ lniolH cartOfl -a regtstw receipt wllfl ll'le price clrcltd. Eiu>'rt• Mtrcll ll. ttll
51MOlflZ SuperPOlr U Aelllftel Send Iha reQll<rld
rel11ncl lorm, the "'°'ch .. $1monlt s..c-rPolr'' lrom IN
bo• lronl and a ""''"" rtolpl wlltl Iha price .,,., pvrclwtse c1ti. clrc1ee1. E•l'i•H Jat1. 1. 1"2.
co..pon IM PMIY -SeflCI I.ha •e<l'Mrtcl refund lorm and the"'°'$ "Soo s...u·· cwt f""'" Ille f"'"° ol lllr"
bo••s. El(l)I,., Nov lO, ""
lklnlAl Tl•h oller 0 .. 111·1 r9C111lr1 a form ••c LIGHTalt ,.llck "'" Off••. P.O. Bo• noo. Strain-Sltllon, Bridgeport. CO<ln. OW.SO. AKtlvt a Ille
Ll(lltt.lff. StNI UW -.. B"Y J. "91 I ,.,.. •• lrom Iha
ll"Olll ol -_.: .. lly ,...,kid Pt<k--,,_ -and-'"· E1tplrH De< l l, lttl ·-------------------------------------
tart with whole wheat bread, spread with
ream cheese and gr ape or strawberry jam and
op with chopped walnuts, pecans, almonds or
unflower kernels.
slices or Cheddar cheese on rye bread and top
witb grape jelly.
toasted whole wheat English muffin with cream
cheese, add as liced bard cooked egg and grape
jelly or jam.
# •
GRAPE AND CHE DDAR: Place several
More Traditional American Lamb Recipes
-" -·-
' ~ ~ ....
j • ~
Lamb Stew
The great stews of the American colonies
took the best ingredients of farm and field
and simmered and blended them into heart-
warming.taste-tempting meals. They had
a way of sticking to the ribs and staying in
the memories for generations. Today you
can serve this traditional favorite to your
Write for more free lamb recipes.
... lllil COUllCI
Dept 1.,.-681. 200 Clayton Street '
l)envef', co 80208
dtf., good 1n U I '4. only •Mt euopl1•1 tu1 Pl•M• allow 4 10 ti •••kt !Or deflvery
family whenever they have a hankering for
a down-t<rearth eating expenence they·11
6 servings
8 medium potatoes 3 pounds lamb (bOne-
4 large onions. cut into less cubes or bOne-ln
~inch slices neck slices)
2 teaspoons dried 1 cup water
summer savory Cooked sHced carrots
Salt Cooked peas seasoned
Pepper with dried mint
Peel potatoes and cut two potatoes into 1'·inch
sllces In bottom of pol or heavy casserole with
tight-fitting cover, arrange a layer of Potato slices
and a layer using nalf of onion slices Sprinkle with
~of summer savory and generously with salt and
pepper Add lembcubes or neck shcea and sprinkle
with U summer savory and generously with salt
and pepper. Cover with remaining onion slices and
sprinkle with l' summer savory, salt and pepper
Place 6 whole potatoes on too and apnnkle with
remetnlng savory, 5811 and pepper Add water. cover
and cOOk In 300oF ovon for 3 hours Serve lamb
stew with barely cooked sliced carrots and peas
Serve American lamb for farm fresh quality .
-----._...._.-.._........ .....,.._ --·---
Cookies are colossal
Everyone love s
cookies! They're fun to
eat and handy to grab on
the run. And these
cookies are special.
Colossal Cookies are a
giant combination of
oatmeal, peanut butter
and chocolate c h ip
pieces that wlll satisfy
all the cookie lovers at
your house.
This l arge recipe ls
easy enough so that the
junior cooks in the
family can help prepare
these cookies. Colossal
Cookies call for one tube
of oats, a jar of peanut
butt e r , a bag of
chocolate pieces and one
s ti c k or butter o r
margarine so there's
little m eas uring o f
Quick or old-fashioned
wholegrain oats add a
hearty texture and the
n utrition of seven B
vitamins, vitamin E and
nine minerals.
The dough can be
mixed, dropped on
c ookie s heet s then
frozen. Once the dough
is frozen solid, s tore
balls in a plastic bag or
container in the freezer
until needed.
Then you 'll be
prepared for all the
cookie lovers with a big
batch o f Co lossa l
'h cup butter or
112 cups granulated
1 12 c ups firml y
packed brown sugar
4 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
l (8·ouncel jar <2
c up s> chunk s t y l e
peanut butter
l 08-ounce) tube <6
c ups) quic k or old
f ashione d oats ,
1 (6-ounceJ package
< 1 c up > semi -s we e t
chocolate pieces
21~ teaspoons soda
H eat oven to 350
d egree s . In 8 -q t.
saucepot o r turk ey
roaster. beat together
butter and sugar; blend
in eggs and vanilla. Add
peanut butter: mix well.
Stir in oats, chocolate
pieces and soda. mixing
well. Drop by scant 1•
cup dry measure about 4
inc he s apart o nto
Cookie Lovers will love CoLosJal Cookies.
ungr eased cookie sheet.
Flatten with fork to 2'2
inches in diamete r .
Bake at 350 degrees for
10 to 12 minutes. Cool 1
minute on cookie sheet :
remove to wire cooling
rack . S tore tightly
cov e red. Mak es 4 1 2
dozen colossal cookies.
NOTE : T o freeze
cookie dough, measure
scant 1• cup dough for
each cookie. Place on
cookie s heet ; do not
flatten. Freeze until
firm. Store in plas tic
bags in freezer. \Vh en
ready to bake. place
dou g h o n ungreased
cookie sheet. Let stand
at room temperature
a b o ut 30 minutes
Flatten with fork Bake
as directed.
smaller cookies, drop
dough by rounded
tablespoonfuls; flatten
to 11• inc h diameter .
Bake at 375 degrees for 8
to 10 minutes . Makes
about 9 dozen cookies.
112 c ups firml y
packed brown sugar
l c up butter o r
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
21• cups all-purpose
l cup unprocessed
l teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon cinna-
1"2 teaspoon salt
1 cup chopped dates
or apricots
1 2 cup s unflower
nuts or chopped nuts
Heat oven to 375
degrees. Lightly grease
"Ki/J/Jlestl Bits:
cookie sheets. In large
b ow l . be at toge th er
sugar and butter until
light and fluffy : blend in
eggs and vanilla. Stir
together flour. bran,
soda, cinnamon a nd
salt. Add flour m ixture
to butter mixture: mix
well. Stir in remaining
ingredients; mix well.
Drop b y rou n ded
t eas poo nful s o nto
prepared cookie sheets.
Bake for 8 to 10 minutes
or until golden brown.
Makes about 41'2 dozen
Direct or collect,
to !Ubscribe to your
hometown paper, tM
Daily Pilat
Ki/J/Jlestl Bits:
ltngonno ·~me .
some Ki"4 'lest! Bits..
Klbbtff 'n Bite la a
dtffe,..,t Idea In dog food. It'• two doa food• In one. Klbbtea-l crunchy
meaty-t.atlng dry.
And Blta-1 Chewy
burger·atyle food.
New Ken-L Ration
Klbben 'n Blta. Two great
doa fooda In one.
JU9t one t.ate and your
dog wlU uy: "I'm 9!nna get me more KJbblH n lttar
Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, October 28, 1981 ~ J
produce meal ' .. , fish
·=-·~.., •191· side ol W $139 ·tn.• .lfl h · 1pple1 • I ... , "" ,,... ,. •• ltn11n •• ,.., •• swora s
,.,. ,,.. t4 ........ ,.., ....... ,,.. . ,,...
15+ .... " ..., ,,.,,.. l~ ~ e1hM9e • ""'' ., 11111y ,.,.. pae111e re.. snapper • $119 I n. ., ,,... · whole ehle'-11 hrealf .,.
Inf lettaee 29! ...... "" $179 eoelctall shrimp
pork ehops ••· ........... ,. .... , ..... ,. 1s+ .••• ,,.. $198 fillet of sole ~111h •· ehleken hrealf 1•.
r11uett potatoes to ••· .. , 98• ftlrkey hrealf " .... •1T.! ;;:·shrimp
hin••uarter a" ..... fn• *1~~ • • v1lam1ns
INI• 11•• ltnHn •rbt
111a911a h lfreu .... e
•s.oo tff 111 so •· fttuer P•• •to.oo tff •If too I. lneur P•• deli ·
II flh $~1 S INI• ,. ... ltr•n ••rbt
·~· ••
*498 ...
*3'' •••
,... •1.10 .... ••• ., olctoher eheese lest
"",... •1.06 .... •"'• *S" ...... 79 • sharp ehe••ar eh8818 · *29
fO flh $821 Sllll 11111 5 II. . 111 frt• jl .. I •al I• ..
"I· •t.61 .... •"'· ..... • ... riff fn•• •449 I '"'• ,. ... ,.,.,n .. ,... . 87'-er. ea111 de pref (•••••••rt .,,,J ••· tortilla ehlps ' 11. v Malter h 100 ti•• rel•••• .... , ... ,, ...... ,, ,,,JI... ••••"" ,.109
90 .... . *'1 s ··• .. -austrian twin cheese s u. ~ ·
"I· •1. 70 nit prlll ., .. i• .... 1 .. II•••• ,. .. , p1rtyl
60 llh . •599 Han •ipt tO.S IZ. 95+, l!lptrtff *349
"I· •u6 .... •"'• JlllPii', .., )llepe'il6, ., ••• Nin gr.re .... •t.oo •· .. .... $886 . , .. ,.., $~49
,... •to.42 .... •"'•
1111• S ,., $100 hard salami ., 1 ..
111 .... $1711 · fruit leathers
"I· •n.t4 ..... ,... s fllftn SPECIALS ..... ,. •. ,.,..,. .. ,... ... ,..
. shelled al111ond1 . •i• ,.., · larmen harvest grocery
mulHple fi11111l11 •111••• ,.. ••• ehecld1r eheese
an• mineral '•"'""'
$MO •••llP . t• 11• A ~ ~ helled walnllfl ~ •11• ~..,
tit~ .
Tl •• I
-$MO A ... ~ I 750 .. t169 ...., nut 111~
~1e•11f19 h1n
161 "~. •n.t4 .... •"'• t163S · ·sparkling el•er ' . •119
.._ ••• INI• ,. •• •tlret $249 11111rtH 1ook111 t• •. .. •• :
Orengo Coast DAILY PILOT /Wodneeday. Octobor 28, 1981
Puinpkin cookies
good for goblins
1• If you're lookin1 for
11~ n a I t i: r n a t i v e t o
11Halloween candy. offer
I ~OUr &hOSls 80d1 goblint
Pumpkin Spice Softies.
They're a wholesome
;way to sa ti s f y
know how nutritious
they really ure.
· Everyone's sweet tooth. ht Wholegnin oats make
these mois t pumpkin
1 cookies as nutritious as
'they are pa I ate ·
;l'leasing. Quick or
old fas hioned oats
!!nhance Pumpkin Spice
·:softies with seven B
vitamins, vitamin E and
nine minerals and are
also an excellent source
or dietary fiber.
It's easy to bake up a
batch or these cookies.
Use canned pumpkin ror
convenience and
pumpkin pie spice for
flavor Naturally sweet
raisins also add a tasty
touch to these tempting
And if Pumpkin Spice
Softies don't disappear
as fast as they're baked.
sto r e them 1n a
co ntain er with a
tight.fitting lid so they
slay moist.
Pumpkin Spice Softies
are a delicious way lo
get a Halloween party
going, especially when
served with a steaming
mug or hot apple cider.
G hosts and goblins
will gobble up these
goodies. and you're the
only one who h as to
21. cups all·purpose
2 cups quick or old
fa s hi one d oats,
2 teaspoons baking
1 12 teaspoon s
pumpkin pie spice
'h teaspoon salt
l cup firmly packed
brown sugar
:14 cup butter or
2 eggs
111 .. cups canned
a. cup raisins
H eat oven lo 375
degrees. Lightly grease
cookie sheet. In 1mall
bowl, combine rtour,
oats, baking powder.
pumpkin pie spice and
i.alt In large bowl, beat
together s ugar and
butter until light and
fluffy , blend in eggs and
pumpkin . Add flour
mixture; mix well Stir
1n ra1s1ns Drop by
rounded teas poonfuls
onto prepared cookie
sheet. Bake for 12 to 14
minutes or until light
golden brown. Cool l
minute on cookie sheet.
Remove to wire cooling
rack . Store in loosely
cove red contain er
Makes about 4 dozen
Lucky chicken
pleasing entree
Greet number.one son
or daughter home on
school holiday with an
OrientaJ dinner.
Good Luck Chicken, an
Eastern entree that's
s ur e to please. and
Strawberry Fizz. spark-
1 ing with the finest
mineral water, .say
··w elcome home most
honored guest.··
2 whole chicken
breasL<;. boned and split
2 tablespoons
peanut oil
1 12 c u p s
mushrooms. s liced
1 cup green onion.
cut in I ·inch pieces
1·2 green pepper.
cut in strips
l small c love
garlic. minced
·~ tea s p oo n ground ginger
2 cups sparkling
natural mineral water
1 cup uncooked
tables poon soy
Cut chickt•n brl'asls
into strips. In s killet,
brown chickl•n 1n oil.
Add mushrooms. green
onion. green peppe r .
garlic , ginger Cook
several minutes . Add
mineral waler and bring
to boil Stir in rice and
soy sauce. Cover and
simmer 15 minulei. or
until all liquid is
absorbed Fluff rice and
serve. Makes 6 servings.
I cup undrained
frozen sliced strawber·
12 cup sparJding
natural mineral water
Crushed ice
Stra" berry
For each cocktail. in
blender container place
strawberries Blend un-
t 11 s mooth Pour into
large footed gl<.1ss over
mineral water and se e
Garnish "1th
s trawberry MakPs I
Set drinks on fire
The easiest way to
name a dessert drink is
to soak a sugar cube
liberally in brandy and
ligbt it. The cube acts as
a wick.
al r oom temperature.
but to guarantee
success. heat the brandy
until It sizzles then pour
it carefully over the
warm juices or sauces
of the dish to be named
and then light it.
Most ~ proof brandy
will ignite readily if it is
'f Joseph A. Corig, M.D.
Family Practice
547·0341-80 I H. Tustin An. #305, Santa Ana
IOI Medical llclcJ.·l'Wrlto Newport Fwy.
Refreshing, zesty flavor.
Ready to serve:
• in your favorite vegetable salad.
• with cold meats.
• as a side dish with hot enfrees.
• for a new hors d'oeuvres fr eat.
If you like our Cora Mia artichoke
hearts, you'll loV8 our marinated
n brussels ~·
Peachy drink ideas
Pumµkm Spice So/ties un' alternatwe In Halloween dmdy
lf your good rorlune
finds you with an ubuod ·
ance of gorgeous sunny
peaches. turn your asset
into liquid gold In the
form of Frozen Golden
Peach Daiquiris
The aecret to these
icy, rrosty liquid libs
lions is Frozen Peach
Made with slightly
overripe peaches, le mon
juice and the help or
your blender, a quick
whirl produces a rich
and' thick golden peach
puree Simply pour into
ice cub trays and freeze
When solid, store the
peach cubes in a freezer
container then s urprise
your guesL'> this winter
with a frosty .. fresh"
peach daiquiri
If rum isn't one of
vour favorites, sub-
stitute pineapple juice
for a refreshing non-
alcoholic version Peach
cubes are good In
puncheis While tht•
c ube11 mdl. thl'y 1m
prove the punch flavor
Look for a c·rt>a m y
yellow or golden hack
ground color to the skin
and remt·mber, u bright
rosy blush 1s a :ogn or
variety not ripcnei.s
Peaches are ready to
eat when they're barely
soft When ri IJl'. stort.'
them in the refrigerator
where they'll stay bright
and beautiful for sevenil
5 ounce!> dark rum•
2 ounces (1 1 rup1
limt• juin•
1 :1 cup i.ugar
9 Frozen Peac h
'• cup crushl'd ice
Mtnl sprigs
Into blender ron
tainer. pour rum. lime
81ode Cut ¥ ~:~~c~~~ua111187 la
"••h I I C ~;:;n
lb. lb.
Kraft Dinner Miracle Whip
Mocoroni a.; 28 C
\\1\•' ..... .. , '.:'-~ ...... l\ 7 v. ·01.
\ .. \l ftl Pkg.
'l•..e' Y,., (l1nwt l. ~,,.._ .. °"•' """'' )7') ...
~ii~' I 80
11 ~ ·OI .
i Umn 2 "-1ehe• o. .. L.Hftl\t S 1 1 t )
7-Bone Steak --.. ~=~~ '149
Arm Pot Roast ~~~ s149
Boneless Steak ,_'t~~-'219
Chuck Short Ribs "'.::.1~"
Beef Stew Meat ~"'
Chuck Roast ........ , ....
Young Turkeys ::.-::·
Sliced Bacon ....... -
.. '189
• s19a
.. s139 ...
t7-i' Stokeley . •t:49'
2:: Stokeley ... ~· ·~49'
:!.C. Apple Juice , ..... Mnli. .. .... s15g -~ .....
~Hunts Tomatoes :: .. i: 79'
~ Liquid Detergent -· ~ 69'
~ White King Detergent ,, .. 1179 ...
~ Edwards Coffee 3c:.1599
Frying Rabbits ~~
Pork Spareribs , =~
•199 tE-B•Chocolate Miik t':.: \: 1259
1139 ~Fruit Drinks ,_... = 89'
~ Kamchatka Vodka .. i:, ,.,.,S]49 ••
~ Kes.51er Whiskey =--: '"'949 ....
=::Gordon's Gin .. ,.,.,19ee -....
, Scoresby Scotch ~ ' ... 1999 ...
=:Almaden ·~: :..."":" , • s21e ,.
~ .... _
&: ·Paul Masson :s=. 2~~1700
ts £>Los Hermanos •ro:;: "'329 ...
°"' ... Premium Ground Beef ~"':':. • 1198 :-;. Lucerne Buttermilk ~ 89• ~Tylenol Tablets c!::.. ::1211
Polish Sausage ·--... " '18-9 -Soul' cwam ,,_.. c::.89' Vitamin C r.r.: /-.,. '1'5
DELI & SEAFOOD ~Lucerne :Yogurts ii= 1119 Vitamin E = :-:. •4n
Mixed Bouquets ~ -·~
4-lnch House Plants
Chinese Noodles j/ .. l#
Citrus Delight > ... ....
Bowl of Nuts Corn Nuts
~ ......... 79' _..,.French Bread ~ ~
~ 11 O Color Films-.. '~·11"
~9Mllsoo Dirnr":"'~··1··
Braunschwefger '"'t"'..!.~~ • 99'
Sliced Bologna -~-r.,., ~ 11••
We've Given LOW PRICES a Great Name •••
..... -Salmon Roast :i.r=
Fresh Sole Flllets -
• •1ee
. '2"
Shrimp Meat ~ • '4 ..
• IHl..,.W.Dr .. ~.._111 •U6 .... C ... N ...... ~ ....
• 1161 S..MIW. ... ..
T ) (
JU1ce a nd 11ugur Add
pcurh cubl•s, one at a
tlme. blending smooth
u rt er each addition
Gradually udd crush~d
1c(', blt.'nding s mooth
Pou r into s temmed
glultses Garnis h with
mint ltpr1gs. Mak es
thrt•t· 6·ounce drinks.
Half and pit l pot.I nd
fresh peaches, unpeeled
llhere should be approx
1mately 3 cupi.J Slice in·
to blender containe r ;
add l tablespoon lemon
jusct:', puree Pour into
ice cube tray; freeze.
Wtwn solid. store peach
rube~ in freezer con·
ta1nl'r until used Makes
18 cubes.
•For non-alcoholir
version Substitute
ptneapple Juice for rum ;
d~c reast.' s ugar to 3
Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, October 28. 1981
Egg substitutes are handy replacement
The debate over
c holesterol continues ;
even the experts are at
odds over how or if
Ameri ca n s s hould
modUy their diets to
forestall heart disease.
lf your doctor ls
worried about the.
"waxy build·up" in your
arteries, chances are
the one food you've been
told to avoid is eggs. Or,
more specifically, egg
yolks . It's the yellow
part that contains all of
the cholesterol and most
of the calories.
One large whole egg is
79 calories and contains
274 mg. of cholesterol.
more than you'll find in
any other food. Of this,
the white part contains
only 16 calories and no
Luckily for calorie an<1
c bolesterol ·conscious
cooks, egg whites can
perform many of the
functions of whole eggs,
and save you calories,
too. Trouble is. eggs are
a nuisance to separate
If you can't eat the
egg yolks, there's not a
lot to do with them
unless you're into daily
s hampoos. And the n
there's the matter of
color: egg whites are.
well. white!
One way to beat the
bother while avoiding
egg yolks is to use a
commercial substitute .
Most of these products
a r e primarily egg
whites, with a small
amount of oil added to
replace part of the fat of
the egg yolk, plus yellow
coloring and yolk·like
With the added fat, the
substitutes are higher in
calories than plain egg
whites, but less than
whole eggs (check the
label to be sure).
"Eggbeaters," for
• prices\
• on rise
By 808 FlCK a.1ec1-...... awrtter
Consurpers can expect
higher beef and pork
prices over the next six
months. the Agriculture
Department says.
But the increase will
be moderated by large
non· fed beef slaughter.
big poultry supplies and
a smaller-than.expected
decline in hog
production. anal ysts
"Total red meat and
poultry supplies will
likely continue large
with prices rising only
modestly because of
sluggish economy and
constrained consumer
budgets," according lo
the Livestock and Meat
Outlook s ummar y
issued Thursday. The
detailed report will be
published in about two
Department officials
have estimated that all
consumer food prices.
including mdt, will rise
about 8 percent this
year , matching the 1980
The record corn
harvest also should keep
feed prices down this
fall and improve feeding
margins for producers,
the report said, adding
that "total costs should
fall despite continued
high interest rates."
Overall red meat and
poultry production,
which totaled 13.1 billion
pounds this summer.
should hit nearly 13.2
billion pounds during lhe
last three months or the
year. just 2 percent less
than In the final quarter
of 1'980.
In the first thr et
months of next year,
supplies will fall another
2 percent from
year-earlier levels to
just over 12.7 blHion
An Increase in fed
cattle marketing this
sum mer left feedlots
with a low inventory
going Into the fall,
suggesting light fed beef
s upplies and higher
prices, the analysts
'·However, a con·
tinued large non-fed
beef slaughter an<l bt1
poultry supplles ahould
moderate gains," the
report said. "A sharp
Increase In alauchter
weights, as occurred
thta past wlnter, would
agaln hold down prtco
l'Xample, Is 40 calories e
quarter·cupful. the
equival ent o r on~
79 culorle egg.
You cun substitute
either fresh egg whites
or no c h o le ste rol
products for whole eggs
in many ways. For
example :
in place o f eac h
egg called tor In baked
goods : cakes, cookies,
mutflns, etc.
Use egg whites or
liquid substitute instead
of whole eggs to coal
chicken or fish before
breading. The coating
will "slick" to the egg
whites just as well.
Dilute egf( wbJtea or
liquid sub lltutc with
11klm milk and use in
pluce of wbole eggs
when making French
toa s t For
ye I low-colored egg
whites, add a pinch of
ground turmeric (or a
few drops of bottled food
the whole eggs called r~r
in t:&~ ft'oo Vunc. Or
use the llqutd substitute.
Co mmercial e11
s ub s titutes are
p1trticularly handy as a
rtlplacement for raw egg
In low-calorie Cae!Sar
salad dressinf(:
llquld <from a jar of
ollves> v, cup lemon juice
(or while or cider
2 cloves garlic,
frlgerate. Shake well
before serving Toss
dr ess ing wllh torn
Romain e lettuce :
garnish with toasted
bread croutons (Gnd a
rt hake or Parmesan
cheese, if l)Crmillcd)
Makes t cup dressing, 35
calories per tablespoon
4 5 ca lor1c 11 per
tublc11poon with regular
1lal1an dressing. to
calories per tablespoon
with low-ca l Italian
Use 2 egg white11 or 1,1,
cup substitute in place
of one whole egg In
meatloaf mixtures, as a
Use two egg whiles or
1/4 cup substitu te
Use 2 egg whites or v.
cup substitute in place
of each egg in pancake,
wame. crepe or fritter
Substitute a double
amount of e~g whites for
14 cup thawed
n o chol ester ol egg
11, cup corn oil
1,1, cup water or olive
Dash of W o r -
Sc ant le a11poon
p r e p a r e d ( o r
11, -teaispoon dry )
Sall and pepper to
Combine ingredients in
a covered jar and re-
Combine one part
liquid egg s ubstitute
with two parts regular
or low-calorie bottled
Italian salad dressing
I.ow calorie may
onnaise, ta rtar 1>au~e.
French dre ss ing ,
{'Olc:,law ' For these aQd
more, plus diet tips,
s e n d a s l a m p e.d
self addressed envelope
and 50 cent& to SLlt-1
IDEAS, P 0 . Box 624
Sparta, N.J . 078:!_1_. __
"'l('J f ~rR1o<;rllF.:'IGtltl-'.\l.,,,!t !\fl<
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I ll 3 69
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, f\11 ,, •...
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•111M<v "'""'r'"""""" 11t•ot..,.,.. 89 Red Oellelous Apples •
u.•tt (.. .. ll!.""c1u,,r•
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l• 139
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wt' re mdkmg thlS offer If you can find lower pncH ~ran tho\ week cit any ocl1t'r supermarkL-t. Vons
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Powdered Donut~
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Pumpkin Pies
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Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /WtdnHdly, October 28, 1981
·Large pumpkins· can save you money
It's Ume for cbildre-n
to draa parenu to
pampkin 1aJes. ChUdren
want the lar1eet
p'Wmpkins possible :
,arenta resist.
But large pumpkins eu save you money If
you know how to pre·
serve them. Let children
I Cure seeds to grow
tree pumpkins for next
ye•r; roast seeds for a
1aack: dry pumpkin
meat, or freeze it; serve
Instead of mashed
potatoes; enjoy inex-
pensive pies.
So parents, wby re·
1ist? Buy a large
pumpkin for tbe win·
dow ; small pumpkins to
decorate each place at
the table for a Haloween
party. Invite a witch to
read palms; a ghost to
terrify guests. Keep lil·
tle ones safely al home.
Scoop out seeds with
JN)p. Place in a glass
jar, uncovered. for 4 or S
days . Stir 4 times a day.
When pulp liquidates,
rinse out with cold
water. Cover with
water; allow healthy
seeds to settle on the
bottom ; discard floating
seeds. Dry on a tin in the
Plant next summer ;
or roast now.
Roast pumpkin seeds
with squash seeds,
pecans or walnuts.
Each requires 15 to 20
Equal portions of:
Pumpkin seeds
Squash seeds
Melted butter
Grated ginger or
Marjoram or
Oregano Spread cine<! seeds,
and nuts in a single
layer on cookie tin .
Roast in preheated oven
S quarts poppe d
1 cup candy coro
4 tablespoons butter
1 cup packed brown
'~ cup light corn
% cup sweetened
condensed milk (not
'h teaspoon vanilla
Mix together popped
corn and candy corn. Set
aside. Melt butter in a
Z.quart saucepan, stirrin
in sugar and syrup.
Bring lo boiling over
medium heat. Stir in
condensed milk. Boil
gently , s tirring
constantly , until
mixture reaches soft
ball stage (234 degrees
on candy thermometer>.
about 15 to 20 minutes.
Stir in vanilla. Pour
over popcorn mixture;
stir to coat well. Shape
into balls.
2 cups sugar
1 can frozen orange
juice concentrate
1 can (6 ounces>
~ cup light corn
1 teaspoon vinegar
'h teaspoon salt 5 qu'arts popped
pop com Combine all
iagredients, except
popped corn, in a heavy
saucepan. Bring to a
boll. Lower beat and
cook to 250 degrees on a
candy thermometer or
hard ball stage. Pour
aJowly over hot popcorn
and mix until well
coated. Let stand five
sninutes. Shape Into
Add color and navor
to your bread pUdclln1 with 1Uce1 of freah nee·
t.arlnea. Jmt stir them in
along with the nlalDI.
Zingy a uacamolt I~
the ideal start« for •n1
llexlcan fleeta . lD amaU
bowl, maab amall rtpe
a•ocado, peeled aad
teeded. ll1x .. '4 etlP
dllunkJ t8eO .... : ... ....... ult ... ,..,..
•tate.. SineWltlanrm .... ~ ......
....... trap. • f
on broil. Pour melted
butter over. lnatead of
1prlnklln1 wlth salt, UH
marjoram. oreaano or
arated atnier.
To dry pumpkin meat:
remove seeds, and pulp;
slice across into large ~
lnch thick circles. Hang
In s un, covered with
cheesecloth, for a few
To freeie pumpkin
meat: remove peel,
see ds, pulp . Cut
pumpkin into s mall
pleces. Put into a lar1e
saucepan with barely
enou1h bolling water to
cover. Add 3 or 4 pieces
or pared glnaer root.
Simmer slowly, stirring
often, until moisture haa
evaporat ed, and
pumpkin ls dark red. Al·
low 6 to 8 hours for cook-
ing a large pumpkin.
Cool ; press tbrou1h col·
ander; packaae: freeze.
Serve mashed
pumpkin instead of
mashed potatoea-. Add a
pat of butter; sprinkle
with marjoram.
Or enjoy pumpkin
This tasty recipe was
adapted from one
ser ved at the While
House during the 1800s.
lt has a cbiffon·llke
quality ; makes three
shallow 9-lnch pies, or
two deeper ones plus
four tarts.
1f you need a smaller
quantity, you'll have
better results by freez-
ing the extra pies rather
than reducing the re-
l quart (32 ounces)
cooked pUmpkln
9 ega yolks, whipped
9 e1a white ,
whipped stlfr with
~ teaspoon cream
of tartar
2 scant cups milk
1 'h cups Ugbt brown
'h cup molasses v. cup brandy
\4 cup mlnced mint
1 teaspoon ground
1 teaspoon ground
1 teaspoon 1round
1 teaspoon 1round
Melted butter
Dark brown su1ar
Maraschino cherries
Fresh rroien mint
leaves ,
Whi~ped cream
V&\J1illa Ice cream
Ground cinnamon
Pie crusts
Whip together the
p,umpkin , milk ,
molasses, llght brown
sugar, mace, clnnamon,
nutme1. linger, brandy.
e~ yolks. Fold in eH
w itea, minced mint.
Pour into crusts. Bake
in preheated 400-degree
oven 25 minutes. Lower
heat to 325; cover pie'
with melted butter. dark
brown sugar. Bake 20
Serve each portion
slightly warm, topped
with vanilla ice cream,
whipped cream.
sprinkle of cinnamon, a
cherry, 2 mint leaves.
. ~~,K ROASTU>• BEEF STEAK ~1£~~hern Cil'~eAU>e 3 U> Pkg or More eooetess B~ Bttf Lom
~s eonoeo Bttf
.. 298
Frying Chk'ken.
SOUthem. Cil'adt A
f"LADY LEE 31 A !~~RT B oz Cupe
ll<lulO 32 oz 8t1
149 :,.,
A !!m~~ 14 oz loaf•
wnear ~ wtl4te
ptPILLSBURY 129 A ~22KIES 150Z P1!9
!"SALTINE 49 & £~CKE~oz to••
rite ,.,.,, ~
.. Ute btlta '*IJ.
We ,_.,,,ft the 11,., tire ol any cannc4,
bottled or f*k• itan to aJwaya be the
betttf lluy. Ewe wMtl we lower the price al•
llMllf'.lil.S httn to r.n.ct a man~um\
allowaeol, ... 811tOCMUcalJy redvcie tlw lul'f
&lf9' ' .. ,,,,_. • .... el 8 flw ... ., .,.. ... llCtOIHMo
Nerd ....... CM,.._~ owreJI ,... ...
~ NOi Exctta 30% Fil!
sonetess. 90nOed Beef Chuck
BONELESS 177 ~~~~1TEAK lb
cf> ~~~RAG~l~ et1•
mn. s v;inetles. • oz Pl!9
ptPUMPKIN "'1 5
i ~ ~lth'l ~ozen "6 Oz P119 IC. •
ptBORDEN'S 199 & ~~~!SE F~~9 SlleeG American
/fo IJlllllO or glnunldt&
Instead of Ptnd. a&Ampt or aimmicb to
attract cuaiomcn, we offer discount pricina.
auurina you • l'owr ovcraU food bill and no
cottly frilla "• .• man an..._
ltey hya att itrma priced below their
everyday ditc:oQnt ptkn •t • mult of
manufllduren' trmporary promocional
aUoweneu or rx«ptional pun:twa. You'\I
find llundred• al b y I cy hems every time
you ahop .
CHICKEN ..111 WHOLE BEEF .. 129 SPLIT BREAST BRISKET Frying With Ribs Artached eo~s sonc:teo Bttf SOuthern Cil'llOe A 7 9 U>S
C~.VSQf1ngs 6 10 01 BonOedBeef
& £~12eER ~ ... 259 pt VICKS
i ~Y~IL
YAMS APPLES PINEAPPLE us Ho, CiOIOen, 11-FantY A Tr(lpl(al Treat
... 29~. ...29~. ~.29~
BANANAS GRAPEFRUIT JUICE CABBAGE Troplcam. AorlcU'l Ant'lt lllPt ~y·TO-Ut 6tOI IOttlt SOiid. kOnomlal
... 25 ~~~ "'"198 ~ ".14 :n. ___ ....,,.."' __ ,
ow-.-_.,....,_...n.wl"tftto•~ -tMuaa..o--. ~ OC-Jtttwv , _ _,...,,. , ••
Make It llappen pr less!
O I SCOUNY IUPllMAIKlll Lower prlcea _,.,,
I ~
I 1
•• tl·
•I I
I ..
,. .. ~,.
j• .,
:io •
ll •
·: 1 .,,
. '
Orange Coast DAILYPILOTtWedneaday. October 28, 1981 C7
Don't wait 'til Thanksgiving
There's no ncl1d lo
I wait 'tll Thanksiflving to
enjoy festive loodfurc.
I m arke tlng speclull:sts
with the U .S
D e p a rt me n t or
At rlculture say.
A he avy volume of
turkey the tradlUonaJ
holiday bird and a
bountllul crop of apples
should begin reaching
marke t s during t his
month and should offer
good value as well, they
T urkey os good. anytime of year
Althoug h 8 percent
less than last season's
r ecord-br eaking crop,
over 192 million boxes of
apples are ex pected to
be available T h at's
m or e tha n enough to
m eet t h e n atio n 's
needs ... and plenty for
getting an early start on
fancy baking and other
speciaf apple desserts.
Of the m ajor apple
var ieties. Red Delicious
a nd Golde n Delicious
are genera lly the most
popular o ut-of-h and
eating. However . don't
be wary or the gr een
co l or of a va r ie t y .
relatively new l o the
American market -the
G r anny Smith. This
variety offers a slightly
t<1rt flavor and joins the
Delicious and other fi rm
a p ples for excellen t
ouf-of-hand treats.
The outlook for turkey
this season 1s even
better with s upplies
expect ed lo be som e
12 Hi percent over last
year and 7· 11 percent
more t ha n Oct ob er
averages for 1978 -80.
Storage holdings wUI
account for most of the
increase in the over all
t urt ey supply, USDA
With the abund ant
su ppl y of t urk eys
availa ble. it's a good
ti m e l o s t ock you r
fr eezers w it h th e
economical birds and
ulso to enjoy un extra
special meal before
the holiday.
Tur key is a prime
"fav o rite with m ost
people -but having
turkey leftovers around
too long is bad planning.
But there is a way to eat
fresh, hot roast turkey
frequently and enjoy it
to the last bite :
Take a whole turkey
Eat light w ith
fruit , vegetables
Today li ghter eating is
the name of the game. It
may be jus t c utting
down on serving sizes.
a c tu a ll y co u n tin g
c alories, eliminating
rich sauces and gravies.
or a passion for fresh
fruits and vegetables
simply prepared.
The food shopper is
not only concerned with
keeping food costs down,
other foods. Plus. citrus
fruits are low in calories
a nd sodium. making
the m t he w ais tlin e
watcher's friend.
F o r a te mpti n g
lunc heon p late or a
lighter supper menu try
Green 'N Gold Colesla w
in Tomato Cu ps.
A Grapefruit Apple Fizz
is ideal with this salad
but with pl a nnin g
nutritious lighter a nd
appealing meals as well.
That's why the a rray of
fresh produce in local oil
marke t s is such a
welcome sight. Most
fresh veg eta bl es a nd
fruit s a r e l o w i n
calories, rich in fl avor
3 tablespoo~ salad
Grated peel a nd
Juice of 12 fresh lemon
2 teaspoons Dijon-
sty le mustard
1 teaspoon caraway
seed a nd appetite appeal and
offe r so m uch m e nu
Supplies of f r es h
c itrus from California
and Arizona are e x·
cellent. Fresh oranges.
le m ons and gr apefruit
1 complement the flavors
and textures of m any
111 teaspoon salt
11 2 cups chopped
1 medium zucchini.
unpeeled. shredded
12 c up s hredded
Cheddar cheese
4 medium tomatoes
SaJad greens
Jn bowl. combine oil,
lemon pee l , j u ice,
mustard, caraway seed
and salt. Stir in cab·
bage, z ucchin i a n d
cheese: c hi ll. Pl ace
tomat oes s t e m -e nd
down. Cut lengthwise to
st e m . b ut n ot q uite
t hrough , m a k i n g 6
wedges; a rran ge o n
salad greens. Spoon cab·
bage m ixt u re i n to
tomatoes. Makes 4 serv·
Juice of 2 fresh
2 cups apple juice
1 can (12 oun ces)
lemon -li m e fl avored
soda, chilled
In pitcher. combine
grapefruit a nd a pple
ju1 ce . chill. To serve.
add soda and serve over
i ce . G arni s h with
g r a pe frui t qu a rte r ·
cartwheel sLices, if de·
sired. Makes 4 servings
(about s cups ).
the bli1er the bette r,
for the biggest turkeys
are always the cheapest
on a portion basis. Stuff
It and roast it in the
usua l way with your
favorite dressing.
Im m ediate ly after
d inner carve all the
remaining meat off the
carcass, wrap the parts
in handy-size airproof
packages of a pound or
so e ach and mark each
pl ainly for the kind of
Store the packages
a w ay in the freezer
compa rtment of your
refrigerato r or put them
into your freezer until
you feel you want to eat
turkey again.
T hese packages of
cooked. cold turkey are
mighty handy for school
lunches <if the lunch can
be kept cold until ready
to eau. cold snacks.
salads, sandwiches, or
when warmed over with
gravy or dressing, for
one or sever al more
f u ll -course d inne r s .
Eve n the sma ll est
famil y can use a whole
turkey this way.
Here are a couple of
m enu ideas for using
that leftover turkey·
and Swiss cheese Use
cr isp gr eens and toss
with Julienne pieces of
turkey, Swiss cheese
a nd h am. Ser ve wit h
Roquefort dressing.
o n l ettu ce . f inge r
sa n dwic hes, celery
h earts a n d coff ee.
Turkey salad is made
with cu bed turkey ,
chopped celery. stu!fed
oll v es. chopped s" eet
pickle . c h opped
ha rd -cook ed eggs.
m ois t e n e d wit h
with br occoli. Sliced
breas t o f t u r k ey
a lternated in layers with
hot broccoli in a small
casserole. Cover with
creamy Mornay sauce,
put under broiler until
bubbling hot.
F r equently. t urkey
can be substituted in
recipes for t un a or
chicken. And try using
turkey in your favorite
Chinese recipe .
When n..u buy
any slx'23Y2-oz.
Jumbo size Kai Kan®
Dog Food.
Kol Kon Jumbos In seven delielous
varieties your dog wlll love: Chunky Beef
Dinner. Liver g, Beef Dinner. Chunky Meat
Stew. Mealtime•, Chidcen Dinner. Beef &
HOrsemeol Dinner. and Beef with Egg,
Bacon g, Cheese Dinner When you buy six
before November 15, 1981, you11 save
Sl.00 Thats more than l6c per con.
Kai Kan.·
by top breeden
to help make your clog
top breeder hea~·
Chunk~ Beef Dinner
Kot (OO ooo Meothme or1.-•t'Q1~1ered llodi:•1"10rk\ 0 1 ~01~on1000\ In<
Ortega.starts fresh with fresh corn
so you can start fresh with
Ortega Shells.
on any two Ot ...... 111co Products. (Orafa llcoShells,
T_,..511111, 111coS.UC. Of' S.~ llbr.)
TOltfflllt.Clt: Heul>leln, Inc wlll --11'11 coupon '°' 1•c.·••l11<t plus 7f It you -•,... II 011 ••le ol ll'o411CI htdfe•t•d Co11p011 '""' nol I>• .,.,,,,.., or
tr•n•fltrrff4 '"-ofe•• _,,., 111Mll•H or 1utt~n1
slKll 10 co .. , coupons muat I>• 11111Mll1ed o" ,..
411<tll Cu•lom•• "''"' 11r, 1.tle1 1u ~· ,..,.,. ,,..,.
llfl>lted. tuedor ,.IUIClotCI "''-CHll ••lue J/20f FO< rffdelflllflol' m•ll to Plellfllflln inc•. 'O lod OU
Clim°" lo-S27J4 On• pwcllon ,.., "°"-
COUr>ON 0000: J111t. 1 111111 M•te" 1. 1'82.
zl ~· 81 w ~· (/)I
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Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednesday, October 28. 1981
Mix fruit, oatmeal
He re's u Halloween
tr<.•tll that combines two
f oods c h i ldren
love, oatmeal cooklea
and canned fruit
cocktail. This variation
of the classic American
cookie is colorful. moist
and chewy.
Bile-size pieces of
fruit cocktail are mixed
into the batter jus t
before baking. Ser ved
w it h a glass of cold
refreshing milk. these
Pre pare
g oulash
in c lay
If you want to
e xp e rie nce a great
culinary s ense of
accomplishment with
o n e of th e w o rld's
greatest ethnic dishes
you must try Szegediner
goulash. Furthermore. if
you prepare it in a clay
baker, you can make it
without a ny fuss or
bothe r.
Th e Hungarians
borrowed a very
important ingr e dient
from the Germans to
create this delic io us
dis h .. sau e rkraut.
Thi s nutritious food
fam ous for its high
vitamin a nd mine r al
content is utilized in a
complete ly differe nt
manner than what we
ar e ordinarily
accustomed to.
Combined with all the
other ingredients and
subtly s piced, the result
is a he a rty, rnouth-
w ate ring meal
that will delight your
family or friends. As an
add ed bonu s to th e
budget-wise cook this
r eci pe call s for an
economical cut of pork
Clay pot cooking is an
ancient art that dates
b ac k to th e ear l y
R o man s, wh o
di scover e d th e ad ·
vantages of using clay
ut e nsils in very h ot
earthen ovens
They soaked the pots
in water before cooki ng,
a llowing the p orou s
m a t erial to absorb
Once in the oven, the
c l ay released water
vapor which mingled
with the natural juices
of the food to increase
fl avor and tenderness.
Calor ie-counters will
also appreciate the fact
th at you ca n coo k
completely fat-free. and
never lose one bit of the
flavor . in addition aJI the
vitamins plus nutrients
are also retained in the
There are many clay
bakers on the market,
but the first choice of
experienced cooks the
wo rld over are the
original c l ay bakers
made of porous terra
Their attractive design
makes them ideal for
oven lo table serving.
They come in a wide
range of sizes and are
p e rfect f o r u se in
microwave as well as
conventional ovens.
3 p ound s pork ,
cubed in 2·inch squares
2 onions
2 pounds sauerkraut
% t eas po o n s
1 teaspoon caraway
t cup bouillon
4 potatoes
C cup sour cream or
1 teaspoon salt
Submerge the top and
bottom of your clay
cooker for 10 minutes.
Mix meat. chopped
onions. sauerkraut and
seasoning. Put into clay
p6t. Add bouillon. Place
clay pot into cold oven.
Cook at :B> degrees for
one hour . Add cubed
potato es and if
necessary a little more
liquld . Coo k an
additional one hour . Stir
in sour cream or yogurt
after dish is done. Add a
little paprika. Serves 4.
Here's a quick and
easy way to que n ch
summer thirsts with
fresh peaches. Puree a
juicy ripe peach ln your
blender until 1mooth
and stir in a amall
amount ot cold mllk.
Pour Into' a tall tJa.u,
add Ice cubes and l~mon
llme IOda to fUJ . Add
two st.raws aad eQjoy.
Fruity Oatmeal Cookies
are a tuty snack for
children of all ages.
1 can t t7 ounces >
Fruit cocktail Is also
delicious rleht from the
can. As n first course
appetizer It will dress up
an otherwise simpl e
fruit cocktail
2 cups rolltd oats
1 cup nour
degrees. Drain lruit
cocktail. In large bowl.
mix oats, flour. sugar,
raisins, baklng powder,
cinnamon and salt. Stir
i n fruit coc ktail ,
covering each piece with
flour mixture. Mix oil.
egg and vanilla extract
in small bowl Stir into
fruit cocktail mixture
just until m oistened .
Drop butter by spoonfuls
o nto gr eased baking
sheet Bake 20 to 25
minutes or unlll slightly
browned . Ma kes 3
f ruit F'tlled Oatmeal ium
Cookies combines
I cup brown sugar
:i,, cup raisins
two foods children Love
oatmeal cook1es and.
It's an instant dessert,
just as it is or as a
topping for Ice cream or
puddings. Be s ure to
keep an extra can of
frui t cocktail sn your
cuboard. It .viii brighten
up many family meals
th i:. winter
t teaspoon baking
t t eas poon cin -
"~ teaspoon salt
• :i cup vegetable oil
t egg
I teaspoon vanilla
extr act
Meat oven t o 350
, canned /ruil cocktail
v.•' .,(.,Hr~ •E~E•vto NO \•\t 10, o"-AMt• •lot .a.d "~ oa. FRESH CHICKE .,_ ... (\Alf·~ \0Ml ~Ofl 0•'""'(') ..,.0,. .... •9 t .._ ,p,.• '°" ......
Tho' od only effeclo•• ot Huc;ihe' El Ro~cho
ond Huc;ihet lido
U S D A Cho•<" Be.I loon
l .. onest Gfovnd Beel. Doe\ Not h ceed 1.5% Fot
El Rancho
Country Sto'9 ... 3 Yi 0 1
Northern .Center Cut frOZPn o .. lro\ted
LB 1.39
EA .99
S•• Gun 4 01 pkg .99 CHILI MIX EA
E II Hot & Swe .. 1 1.69 tr ALIAN SAUSAGE LB
E R Pork & s .. o,on•ng 1.69 BRATWURST LB
Bulk or Po1t1e\ Do~' Nol h cred 22 "t> fo1
LB 2.59
Boncleis Fre\h
'>DA n.o•<• S...,f Chuc~ CC.'
U '>D A Cno"• B•,.f (kuc~ r vi
J '>D A C~o•t• S..•I Cnvc' Cu•
Fro1.,n O~fro\l,.d .5 lb Bo• 1 95
LB 1.29
lB 2.49
LB 1 .59
LB .69
WHOLE 0 11 POINT HALF BRISKET ,.-. ,..,__,... )~.?DA { ~OIC.!.J LB.1.89 IMOlllD IWOllDRSH lB 2 .49 MONTEREY SQUID
Pon Ready FroHn Delrotted Stuffed 2 oz Eo
lB .79
S fo,1 )USDA( I 39 (CHOICE) LB. e
60'1 Tobi
100'1 Tobi
Honey or C•nnomon Treot 16 oz
Nobosco I 6 oz
Spoon Sire Nob•KO 18 0 1
Old Fcuhion Rec;i. or Quick 18 01.
0.shwot.her Oeterc;ient -40 0 1.
CALGONITE ........
Soft. 1 lb Tub
15c OFF
49 oz. I Ll~IT I
Au t Flo•on 64 OL
Nolley's Reg. Th.ck or Hot 1 S oz
Doll Holv .. , or Ko•her Doll\ 11 oz
Betty Crocker. Aut. Voroeties .5 •.; oz
Von De Komp, Aut Vor
Dosh Detergent 22 0 1
Forlf')''s Old fo1hioned 1 S hr
Ploon Lobel 1 75 ltr. 80 Proof
SCOTCH ............ ..
f OOCS f if rttr fJ~l£rlr
12 or Regulor or Noturol
1~':L~~UICE ................................ 89C
Bord\ Eye .• 8 01
Knudsen J Voroet11n 6 Pk
JUICE BARS .79 .75
10'• oz Chee~e 1001 pkg Peas Corn.M1HdVec;ietoble,
1.49 Mrs Smoth's ... 26 ounce, 8 inch
FllllH PINIAPPLI .................... .
' ) .
~--------------.... FRIE!
RICll • RIAT ....
1201 pkc;i 49 FllllH llOOD' D 4
3 .15
Dynasty S 0 1 bollle
Meo! or Beel 8 oz Pkc;i
==~=~~~~~.~.~~ ...................... sac Hime Sush1nori 0 75 01 Pkc;i
Wei Pok. 1S oz
BOILED SQUID . 59 Former John Sliced. 8 or 9 Hormel 12 01 .
Demoe Romen 3 01 Pkc;i
INST ANT NOODLE SOUP 510,'I Meot or &eel I lb Hughes Ch"se Spread 3 lbs.
.1.19 K1kuyo fuku1inrvke ... 7 76 or Con
PICKLED VEGETABLE 1.29 loke To loke Medium Cheddar Colby 9 oz Pkg
LONGHORN CHEESE Dynosty .. '01 Bo•
LB •
• 29 ll8.
CILLO CARROil ....... -.......... -u.e 19
.ri h
'"''' .um
11.J tli
1 1;!(
h i
1 t:.
• ')'1
·~ .,,
• h•1
I t 'l
. fl'•
111 cl
1, l'l
Let 'em eat popcorn
2•velopel (5.lcrams> lmtut
lehtekm·llavored broth and Hucmtn1
hnlx (dry>
1 teupoon instant minced onJon
' 1 .... poon leaf marjoram
1 teMpoon parsley nate1
~ teaspoon aa1e leaves
~ teupooo celery seed t Put popped popcom Ln lar1e bowl;
l'drtule butter over lt and tou. Com-
bine dry ehlcken aeaaoniq, onion,
marjoram, parsley, aa1e and celery
Med. Add to buttered popeorn and
ro-s well again. Makes 2~ qua.rt.a.
"i cup meJted butte·r
1 teupoon dlllweed
1 teupooa Worcestenhire sauce
1 leupooa lemon pepper
If.I t.eupooo onion powder
If.I teaaeooa 1arlic powder
~teaspoon salt
2 quarta popped popcorn
2 cups canned shoestri ng
Combine dlllweecl, ·worceatersb.ire
sauce, lemon pepper, onion powder,
1arlic powder and salt with melted
!butter in a small saucepan. Pul pop-
corn and sboeatiring potatoes in a
lar1e bowl. Pour butter/dlllweed
mixtUtt over popcorn and shoestring
potatoes, tou.
Pour butter/dillw~ mixtw:e over
popcorn and shoestring potatoes,
toss. Spread popcorn mixture on a
jelly roll pan (lS'h x lO'h x 1-lncb)
and bake in a preheated 350-de&ree
oven 8 to 10 minutes, stirring once.
Makes 2 1h quarts.
5 quarts popped popcorn, unsalt·
ed and lDltMlttered
1h pound pepperoni sausage,
thinly sliced
~ cup + 1h stick) butter
If.a teaspoon ground oregano
1h teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons grated or shredded
Parmesan cheese
Keep popcorn warm ln a 300-
degree oven. Fry pepperoni W crisp.
Drain on paper towels. Melt butter,
stir in oregano and salt. Combine
popcorn and sausage. Pour seaaoaed
butter over all, tossing to mix.
Sprinkle wi th c heese. Makes 5
a few mlnulel. Serve hot.
8W&DUlll POPCOaN caUNat
2~ quart.a PoPPed popcorn
\4 cup melted butter
Dubai Salt
l cupaqar
Put popped popcorn in a lar1e
bowl; d.riule butter over popcol'll
and loll. In a aeparate mbina bowl
.beat ea whit. and salt unUI lrothy.
Gradually beat Ln sqar and contlnue
beaUna until 1Wf peaks form.
Fold merinaue mixtur• into but-
tered popcorn, cootlnue foldlnl unW popcorn ii event~
Turn Lnto li1bUy 1iii:Ri lar1e.
deep batiq pan. Heat in a 325 derree
oven 1S minutes, 1tlrrin1 aeveral
times. Makes approximately 2quarts.
2~ quarts popped popcom
\4 cup melted butter
2 tablespoons s ugar v, cup dry Swiss-style mocha-·
Oavored) coffee beverage mix
Put popped popcorn in a larre
bowl, driule melted butter over it
and tou. Combine dry coffee mix
and 1ugar, add to popped popcorn
and tou unW well-mised. Makes 2~
2 quarta unsalted popped popcorn
1 cup miniature manbmallows
~ calt salted peanuts
9 bars (3oz. each) milk chocolate
Spread popcorn on a buttered jelly
roll pan or baking sheet, sprinkle
with manbmallowa and peanuts. Ar-
range chocolate bars over top. Heat
at 300 degrees for 5 minutes. Cool
slightly and toss. Makes 2'h quarts.
~cup water
1 cup su1ar
\4 cup light com syrup
1h teaspoon vinegar
\4 teaspoon salt
21h quarts popped popcorn
1 package (3 oz.) lime, grape or
strawberry gelatln
Butter ~des of a heavy 3-quart
saucepan. Combine water, sugar,
corn syrup and salt in saucepan.
Cook over medium beat, stirring con-
stantly until sugar dissolves and mix-
ture begins to boil. Continue cooking
until mixture reaches 250 degrees, or
the bard ball stage, on a candy
Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Wedne1day, October 28, 1981
J .. p<:. COllNING WARE• set.
A •23.50 value, only $9.H
with 2 proofs of purchase from
DEL MONTE• Catsup. ~. --, ''} Plus, it comes with a free
./ book of DEL MONTE Catsup
recipe ideas. Because the Big
Taste of DEL MONTE Catsup is
a great addition to lots of dishes.
• I
{'lease send __ 3-pk:ce CORNING WARE•aet(a). I
Se1 tncludet1 3-quart CORNING WARE cueerole
wi1h blue Cornflower Emblem; one PYREX• glu1 cover,
one plu1k storage cover. Send to:
3 quarts unsalted popped popcorn
1h can (3\-ii ounces) French fried thermometer· Romove saucepan from' ~jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ heat and quickly stir in popped pop-
onions com tocoat.
\4 cup butter, melted Put saueej>an of popcorn in pan of
hot water to prevent popcorn rrom
hardening. Lightly butter hands ;
shape popcorn Into small ball using a
rounded tablespoon for each.
~ cup bacon bits or bacon·
flavored bits
Toss popped popcorn with melted
ImmeCliately coat popcorn bal1a by
shaking in a paper or small plastic
bag conWning gelatin. Makes 36
balls .
butter. Stir in French fried onioos
I and bacon bits. Sprinkle with salt.
Place mixture oo a jelly roll pan or
. baking sheet, beat at 300 degrees for
I j
What do all of these ~pie
have In common?
They went hc\llway .MOun<i 1he world. cr,,wtect
rhrough 1he swel1e11ng hear of lnsee1 1nfes1ect
1ungtes.slep11nmud puddle~.havel>een sc.M
red c\nd scared nearly 10 dearh anct returned
home wlrhou1 a complalnr. Who e1re rhey? They
.ueVletMm Vererans Md lhey srlll ger a lump In'
rhetr rhr°"rs when they think of those who didn't
mC1ke 11 back So do~.
. Let'• re...ember the Vletria• Veteran.
Wrlr~ .. Welcome Home"
The Amerlc•n Lesion Natlonal Hudqu11r1e~ ro. Box 1oss
lndt11napolls. IN 46106
•hi• ...
Bargain Food Basket
19th and Placentia, Costa Mesa
t~ "°u:~·"'· In Vista Shopping Center ~" ~-.1 • .., ,.-. Prices Effective Oct. 29 thru Nov. 4th
~ "": ..... "'~ eo .... -........ fri••., IMrtclters .cl rece ne good old
~· fa.Wan1dov ..... 1tte comler pert•allncl 1enlce.
Grocery ~ij Meat
61tSHA 79¢ CHUNK LIGHT TUN.A •••••• 6.s en.
CHAMITTI FEnUCINI WMle ,,.., L .. t 80lt
HUMTs. WHOLI 01 STIWID 49¢ TOM.A TOES •••••••••••••• 1 u ...
FAVOR •••••••••••••••••••• 12 OL
COIOMIT 99¢ I.A THRO OM TISSUE •••••••• • aoec
ll'UMC H 79¢ FRUIT JUICY RB> .•••••••••• 46 OL
...... 3 YOUI CHOICI
.. Ol•OlDIM
PEARS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • us ..
iAN:~~S • • • • • • • • • • ... • .. 4 LIS. 1 ° 0
N•.CILLO 5 1 00 CARROTS •••••••••• I Lit.. .... fw
ONIO~S~ ................. 5 LI~ 1 ° 0
60LD KIST 11 n.
MAMMIM6 l llf
"" .................... 11~.
MAMMIM61HI ~ 249
BONELESS IEEF RO.AST •••• c!-:9. • • • •·
MAHHIM6 lllf · 1 9 s ... BONELESS STEWING I HF ••.•••••
CHEDDAR CHEESE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •·
. 9 RLtE-r ROCK coo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 •.
Deli & Frozen
SOFT M.Al6 AllMI •••••••• z.a... ·
MC ... NOCll .. Ctmll noc
SANDWICH MA11 •••••••••• u ... 7. 7
II Apubllc ...-..of ttte 'I .....
1 . ..___ _____ ~ ............... -----------....~--------.....,,,
•• Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday. October 28, 1981
Packing good school lunches is a challenge
School lunch prices
have aonc up this year
because or reductions ln
t h e red er a l s·o v ·
ern munt '11 su baldlu
to schools for the $chool
Lunch Pro1ram and
also because or Inflation.
As a result, you may
have decided to pack
your children's lunches
rather than have them
buy them. Or perhaps
your school doesn 't
provide a lun ch program.
Packing lunches is a
year -round challenge to
find roods that your
children like that are
both nutritious and not
too expensive.
Another big problem
especially at this time
of yea r when the
weather is still hot -is
packing foods that will
k eep safely . F ood
poisoning ca n be a
ha zard with s c h ool
lunches. particularly
when the lunch must be
stored in a warm place.
such as a locker that is
in the sun.
Some children like
variety in their lunches
and are willing to carry
wide-mouth thermos
containers that will keep
foods such as salads or
soups safely cold or hot.
For them, you'll find it
easy to think or many
foods they might like
that they can carry in
th e ir t h ermo s
containers. These might
include meat. fish. or
poultry s alads made
with leftovers; cottage
c h ees e with fruit :
yogurt ; c anned or
leftover s paghetti or
rice dishes and other
casseroles: s tew and
soups ; canned or fresh
bean dishes to name just
a few
Wh e n using a
thermos-type container.
be sure to either preheat
it by adding hot water
a nd letting it stand if it's
to be used for hot food s.
or thoroughly chill it by
putting i t in the
refrigerator overnight
Then add piping hot
foods or very cold food s.
Avoid putting lukewarm
f oods in th ermo s
containers becaus e a
lukewarm temperature
is ideal for the growth of
bacteria that cause food
Another idea is to use
an insulated lunch box
with some "blue ice" to
keep it cold. With this
arrangement you can
pack just about any type
of cold food without
having to worry about
its safety.
Instead of "blue ice"
you could add a
co ntainer of frozen
liquid such as water.
fruit juice. or lemonade.
This will keep the lunch
box cold durin g the
morning and defrost to
the dr.inking s tage by
Beat 1/4 cup each salad
oil and lemon juice, I".!
teaspoon seasoned salt,
1(4 teaspoon dried dill or
oregano together until
blended. Stir in 2 table-
s poons grated Parmesan
c he ese. Pour over
qu a rter ed fre s h
California Bartlett
pears. Serve as a relish
with grilled fish or other
Pare, core and slice
fresh California Bartlett
pears into s h e rbet
glasses. Sprinkle with
sugar and a little finely
grated orange peel.
Chill. When ready to
serve, top with chilled
Bake fresh California
Bartlett pear halves
along with ham or pork
during the last 15
minutes o' cooking.
Baste pear halves with
meat marinade or baste
or use bottled Italian
Toss sliced fresh
California Bartlett pears
with lemon juice, brown
s u1ar and a dub of dn·
namon. Layer wtth soft
c u stard ln aherbet atuses. ChJll wen. Top
wU.b a spooalul ot dairy
Se1'Ve li•bUy honeyed
pineapple cbunkl, fresh
Caltfonia Bartlett pear
and plum 1llu1 ln
I ll•r·bet ll8tlel; .,rtnl&M wttll ~ted
c ..........
lunch Ume weather appeal to you, com mercially packed QUESTIONS WE ARt: would depend on how 11orn~ dry ice in your oxldallon. When the 011
Another altt.'rnatlve the other alternative Is c heese and crackers. ASKED: full the freezer Is as well freez~r. With 25 pounds oxidizes, It gives nuts irn
for keepln& aandwlch to pack foods that wlll Av old o ther m o ist Q. Our freezer went u11 on the temperature ofdrylcc,alOcublc fool unpleasant , rancid·fat
flllinga sale ls to freeze keep safely at whatever protein foods such as out over the weekend outllide the freezer. A fully loaded freezer will flavor . Heating and salt
the u ndwich and pack lt the temperature. lunch meat or tuna when we couldn't get a fully loaded freezer keep foods frozen up to both hasten rancidity
frozen In the lunch box T he c h o Ices are salad. rep al r person . We would keep foods frozen three full days So you should not toa t
Just aa Your child goes to limited. Happily, for the lmstead of a sandwich transferred all the food for two days. A haJf.full the almonds in oil or salt
school. peanut butter lovers, you could pack crackers to a frozen food locker to freezer will only keep Q Some friends gave them until just befor('
This m ethod will peanut butter ls one or plus aprotelnfoodsuch keepit sa/e,butnowl'm food cold for a day. In usu lO·pound sack or youserve them .
probably keep the rood them . Hard cooked as s unflowe r seeds , wondering if that was hot weather these shelled almonds from Thebestplacetostore
safe unless the lunch ls eggs, s till In their peanutsorothernuts,or necessary. How long keeping times would be their ranch. How should nuts is in the freezer
in a bag . not a n uncracked shells, also bean salad In oil and would food stay frozen if shorter. I store them? Also. we where they will keep a
insulated container, ,Ahd keep well. vinegar dressing. t h e freez e r w as Whal you could have like them toasted in oil couple of years without
must bt! stored in a very Very dry types or Raw vegetables, such unopened? done. which would have and salted. Should I fix turning rancid. Nuts can
wurm place. s a I am i a nd n a t u r a I as carrots or celery. will A. The time frozen been cheaper and easier them all this way before b e k e p t i n t h e
Finall y, If none of r h ~ese (n ot c r eam keep safely as will all food will remain safe in than taking all the food storing them? refrigerator for several
these ideas for s are chees e ) also will be formsof frult -fresh. an unopen ed but toafrozenfoodlocker, A.Nutsarehigh1n oil months without loss of ~l _u _n_c_h~e_s~i_n~w~a_r_m~-s~a_r_e_,~a_s~_w_i_l_l ~t_h_e~d_r_i_ed_._o_r_c_a_nn~ed_._ ~~pera_t_i_n~g~fr_e_e_z_e_r~w_o_u_ld~h_a_v_e_be~e_n~to;__:;,p~u~t~a-n_d~a-r_e~s_e_n_s_il_i _v_e ~to~q_u_a_l_it_y~~~~~~-
~ Crisp Green
~ Le~ons
~ a·r~p·;s
lakl~g Slit ~ Russet Potatoes
~ j'~~itct;;~~~Mo•t•-v
il! C;~;;;,· Cheese
89 4-roll •
• pkg.
Bethroom Tlnu•
.69 '!:-
Chocolete Milk l .. ,..
. 39 ~·
1.49 1~·
Benquet Man P1eeMr
F111111. Clllc•t11 S•-vry Ot Tur•fY
T ......
Chicken e
1:2-0Z. 32-0Z. LB.
Lars• Meaty End ~ Crleeo szu~ Beel ~Shortening m ~ Rib Roast L~I 88
1.19 2.-..z.
99 11-o1.
• pkg.
Duncan HlnH
AaNl1 .. Ylflelltl
.85 ""°'· can
Ort.,.trult Juice
·~··· " ....
... , l.Olnl.-n ':~~c• . 65 H! Top Sirloin lhOtl lHhl
2~-:~ 1 . 00 H! Cult
Bar Soap
Spencer Steak .37 ~
lll•ktl '"''' ._ •w 1 ..... 1 ''-h o.,.,.., frtth . 59 B! Pretzels ::: . 69 ffi Ground Chuck
.44 ~
1.69 il!
"'"" Sh1At l'wlNlll W' .45 !l! Smoked Ham
.ltt1tyN!d Distiled Ot
Drinking Water
Jtn1y111* DllMll ... k Llfflt C.t tlllt
Buttermilk 3:~' • 48 !ij Pork Chops
ft 2 .48
lb 3. 28
lb 1 . 59
lb 1.18
rt 1. 49
Jersey maid
Cheese 8 se Beef Chuck Shoulder Clod m l-:':~Roast JI 98
20 I-oz .
• can
Del Monte
Tomato Sauce
59 20-01.
• pkg.
Teter loy Slletllftflt riend
Ff'IM fllletMt
3.69 4:{·
011 Of Oley
lteuly LICltfl
1.69 =::
Atre Bladea
PlllUI ff,ICll'tl llH Kl It flllU IWI ..., I 1•1 Ill IUM11l1 _,,
llUUIWH .. UU II KAUii • .. --Ulf
~ utt18a.n.(.
3 1.:klz. 1 0 0 tubea •
Ultra Brit•
97 30().<:t.
• btl.
Family Pride .......
.... ,. ..... ,.J ............ -·---"...... . . . -.. . ·-
5.49 '~'·
FrHh Hot Golden
Fried Chicken Oeof Only At Slom WHh
Hot Otll. Cft"h" Only
2.19 2=rv EverMdy Energizer
Alkelln• BetterlH "C" Or "O"
3.29 1·~·
Almeclen Mt. Wlnee ............ ........ Or Clll9llt
1.79 lb.
Fiiiet Of Pacific
FrHh Red Snepper
3 19 12~1.
• btl•.
Dot Equia her
IM~Ut~I Ot Dltk
2.99 '':r"·
C....Lt .... ...
-Bake a witch7s house
If your hom will be
Invaded by a party of 111 m In I at u r e w ll ch es, ~II 1 aobllnS &nd &hOUIS this
I~ Halloween, let them eat
' cake .
' Jo'ollow these simple
:1 'directions In building
crosswl11e Place one
layer on p l ute or
cardboard covered with
aluminum foll . frost
Repeat wit h two
addition al layers ,
stacking to form the
bas e of the house .
with remaining layers.
s tacking all four to
resemble a club
sandwich. Let stand 10
minut es lo allow
frosting lo set. Stand
'"l'oof" -diagonal cut
sides down on top or
base: frost.
"porch." Frost. Cul a
diagonal slice from the
2-inch piece. Place on
roof lo form a
"chimney." Frost.
Remaining piece of cake
may be fT02en for later
1 your witch's castle. The
'10cake can be decorated Reserve the remaining T 0 DE C 0 RATE
two days lo advance or layer. TO MAKE PORCH HOUSE:
'>!l•the h ouse can be • ANDCIUMNEY: Spoon orange frosting
,. 'assembled In advance TO MAKE ROOF: Cut reserved layer in into pastry bag fitted 1 'but frosted al the party C ul the two 9-inch half crosswise. Cut with plain tip. OutUne
h• to allow children to help 1 ayers in half 2-inch slice from one door and windows
ni. decorate. diagonally. Frost top of piece ; pl ace larger Decorate house with
"' 11 one layer; place second portion of layer in fr041t candies. To serve, slice
Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, October 28, 1981 C ll
Create a untch's house cake usmg the 1llustrat1or1 al left as
a guide. The two larger cakes form the three-layer base.
porch and chimney. '• of one cake is left over The two
smaller cakes are cut diagonally, iced and stacked on top
of one another. then placed atop the base to make the roof
It. 'WITCH'S HOUSE CAKE layer on top. Repeat of house to make the with serrated knife. '~ 3 packages (1 8.5 _:::.:_::.:_...:.:.:_::::!:.:_:::.=.!::.:.::.:_.::..::.._...:.:..::..:::..:.......:::.:.......:.:.:..:::.:.;:_:.........:.:.:...:...__:.~...::..::..:....:..::.:..:.::...:.:.:::.:.:..::.:_~~~=========================================================================:!
ounces each) yellow or
white cake mix
10 eggs whites
;. teaspoon cream
of tartar
11 to 12 c up s
powdered sugar
Orange food color
Halloween candies
Make cake mixes
according to package
directions, pouring
batter into two 13x9-inch
standard cake pans and
two 9-incb square cake
pans. Bake according to
package directions.
Beat egg wh tes and
cream or tartar in large
bowl until foamy ;
gradually beat in sugar
until frosting stands in
peak s and is of
s preading consistency.
Tint one cup of frosting
with food color: reserve.
Cut large cakes in half
M exi c an
• • cu1s1ne
• • 1ntr1cate
Few people realize
that Mexican cuisine is
t>ne of the oldest and
most intricate cuisines
in the world.
More than 6,000 years
ago Mexican cooks were
preparing delic ious ly
complicated meals. No
less than Z7 courses ap-
peared at the table dur-
ing e laborate feasts.
FOOD AND religion
we re synonymous in an·
cient Mexico. People
considered food a gift
from the gods and eat·
iag it an act of homage.
Corn, always the base of
Mexican cuisine. may
have been regarded as a
gift from the gods, but it
was really developed by
a man, Quetzalcoatl. He
later was deified for his
s ignificant contribution
to the ancients' tables . • F r esh fish. seafood.
turkey, deer and other
game were abundant in
otd Mexico. It is said
that Montezuma had
fresh fish and seafood
brought to him everyday
from the Gulf of Mexico
by relays of runners.
Vegetables were, and
11till are. a mainstay of
Mexican cuisine . Corn,
beans and chiles appear
in practically every rec-
ipe and in some form at
every meal.
SINCE the beginning,
~hiles have been used In
main dishes, sauces and
e ven desserts. More
lhan 90 varieties fl ourish
ln Mexican soil.
In addition to chiles,
pungent herbs and
spices and delicate con·
dim ents have become
hallmarks of true Mex·
ican cookery. Both an· f lent and present day
~exlcan cooks use them
to rravor all ki nds or
foods . I Modern Mex ican
tuisine has some of its
t oots in the Spanish con·
~u~~te Conquistadores
ntroduced the Mexican
~ eople to cattle and
l livestock. In return they
r eceived an array of
produce which they
promptly shipped back to
·"'AMONG these were
tomatoes, llvocados, egg-
plant , peanuts, beans.
vanilla, chocolate and,
of course, chiles. Many
of these n ali•e
American foods have
J)rovided the basts for
so m e of the most
elegant contine ntal
dishes. The tortilla, staple of
all Mexican staples, has
been around for cen·
turtes, too.
Traditionally made of
corn around into fine
.flour, the tortllla has
been dubbed the ne·
t Uonal bread of Mexleo.
Ralphs Super Pumpkin Sale!
Beef Chuck-Blade Cut
Double Coupon
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USDA Choice Frozen-Peas , Corn. Spinach
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per lb. 10 oz. pkg. 1 lb. loaf
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c aa Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednesday, October 28, 1981
Sugar, honey send blood sugar into a • tizz
By JUNE ROTH non-slick spray or use
paper liners. Fill ~ lull.
811ke for 20 to 26
minutes. Makes 8 to 10
t cup butter
1 cup fructose
6 eggs, separated
2 teaspoons grated
lemon peel
'h teaspoon lemon
IPll:lll DIETi
3 cups whole wheat
pastry rlour or
unbleached white fiour '
l teaspoon baking
soda v. teaspoon salt
l cup yogurt
2 table s poons
Preheat oven to 350
degrees. Cream butter
and ~ cup of lb~
fructose . Add yolks,
lemon peel and lemon
juice; beat until thick
~ und pale yellow. Slit
llour with baking soda
and salt Mlx flour and
yogurt into the creamed
mixture alternately .
Add brandy. Beat egg
whites o.nUl soil peaks
form ; graduWly add the
remaining \4 cup
fructose. Beal until sUtf
and glossy. Fold batter
into e1ul whites and pour
into a 10.incb tube pan
sprayed with non-stick
spray. Bake for 45
minutes , or until
ins erted toothpick
comes out clean. Cool
for 15 minutes, then turn
out on a rack to finish
cooling. Makes 10
'h cup fructose
l cup unsulphured
~cup butter
2 teaspoons gln1er
2 teas poons c tn
2 teaspoons ground
2 teaspoons baking
1 cup boiling waler
21h cups cups whole
wheat pastry flour or
unbleached white nour
2 e11s. beaten
Preheat oven to 350
degrees. Cream fructoee
and butter. Add eggs
and beat until U1ht and
flurry. Add remainlna
Ingredients and mix we
until blended. Pour Int
a bundt pan which bu
been sprayed with a
non-stick spray. Bake
for 45 minutes to 1 hour.
Makes 10 servings.
Suaar and honey are
slmple carbohydratea
that stimulate the
pancreas, sending the
blood sugar level
rapidly up, then down.
This wreaks havoc with ,.
the glucose levels or
both diabetics and
hypoglycemics, and
therefore must be
carefully regulated in
the diet. ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------........ -----------------------•
Fruit sugar, on the
other1 hand, has been
manufactured Into a
suitable substitute,
known as fructose, with
properties or complex
car~ohydrates that
enable it lo be absorbed
more slowly into the
This is not lo say that
diabetics or
hypoglycemics can use
fructose in unlimited
quantities, but what it
does mean is that they
can use it as much as
they are allowed any
fruit or vegetable
complex carbohydrate
intake in their diet.
Diabetics who are on
an exchange system diet
s hould discuss this
factor with their doctors
or with their local
chapter of the American
Diabetes Association, to
learn how fructose can
be used safely in their
A new book
FRUCTOSE" by Anita
Byrd, publis hed by
Arco, is a slim volume
that teaches how to use
fructose in baking and
making desserts.
It makes an
occasional sweet
dessert, jam or cookie a
pessibility for those who
are reluctant to use
artificial sweeteners
and who need to restrict
simple sugar intake.
Ms. Byrd suggests
that the flavor of brown
sugar can be substituted
also by adding one
tablespoon of molasses
for every ~ to one cup
of fructose in a recipe.
Al s o , if a powdered
sugar is desired, the
fructo s e can be
.. powde red" in an
electric blender or food
proc essor by turning
either to the fastest
It would be wise for
those on restricted diets
to choose recipes that
have small amounts of
the fructose substance,
or to u s e it as a
substitute in recipes that
normally have only
s mall amounts or sugar.
Here are some recipes
from "Cooking with
Fructose" for those who
wish to restrict simple
sugar intake.
l 'h cups whole
wheat pastry flour
1 cup bran flakes
2 teaspoons baking
'h teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons
1 egg, beaten
'~cup butter,
'h cup unsw~etened
Preheat oven to 400
d e grees . Sift dry
ingredients. Add beaten
egg, melted butter, and
applesauce. Stir just
until moistened. The
batter will be lumpy.
Spray mwftn pan with
Summer is fast ap-
proaching and it's time
for those cool. light
desserts s uch a s ice
. cream. gelatins and
smooth velvety pud-
ding s and molded
des s erts . For cool .
refreshing flavor, top
them off with canned
cling peaches. Keep a
can handy in the
For co l or and
economy, you can't beat
canned fruit cocktail.
Heat a can of fruit
cocktail lo lta own
syrup. Drain and ftlr in-
to bot, cooked rice. Add
a dash of curry for an
exollc and colorful side
It sure would be nice
to hue dessert tonteht.
Make il quickly with
canned cllna peaches.
Prepare vanilla pudding
pie mi:x and pour into a
ready-made araham
cracker-crumb crut.
Refrl1erate unlll set.
ToP wttb drained caaaed
cllDI peacJI 1UH9 &r· ranaed In a 1pir11.
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Orange Coatt DAILYPILOT,Wednesday, October 28, 1981
.rt • ..
t ., Presented By
. , The Junior teague of Newport Harbor, Inc.
·A 3-Day Shopping Extravaganza
Tuesday & Wednesday, November 3 & 4, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Tbursday, November 5, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Orange Counfy Fairgrounds (Building 14)
General-Admission: Adults $3 .50
(Children Under 12 yrs. Free)
American Home Mortgage Birtcher Bu1ines4l Center-Lake Forest Daily Pilot M. Jacques
The William Lyon Co. -Matic Island Nordstrom Saks Fifth Avenue • American State Bank . Anonymous Art'hur Young & Co. Bank of Newport B E.S.T. Employers Assn
Blackman Ltd: Cano's & Las Bri.sa1 Restaurants CommerceBank Downey Datsun F1-uor Corp
Gfeller Developmen~ I~ Mapin .. The Irvine Co. Irvine Ranch Farmers Market
Marion Knott KOCE-TV MacQuoid Co. Marine National Bank D. M. Marshall Reallors
Mr. & Mts. Frank O'Bryan Pacific Mutual Pacific Outdoor Advertising W.D. Shock
Smith Tool, Div. Smith International, Inc. Nancy Swan Taylor Wine Co .. Inc.
Toronto Dominion Bank of California UrUqu' Homes Valencia Bank Auto Leasing Windglider Xerox Corp .
Anonymous Coldwell Banker Commercial Div. Coyne & Clark Certified Public Accountants
Howard Companies Hylea Bertea McLain Development Co.
Ora~Coast Savinls It Loan Rockwell International Warmington Development Co.
AN ALL-AMERICAN SALUT£!-Ligbt lunch,anacks, and beYera1e1.
MANGELS-Long Grove, Illinois
Since 1887-A Christmas Store featuring holiday trimmings for home and tree.
MISTLETOE MADNESS-JUNIOR LEAGUE ACI'IVES Clever gifts, reasonably pr'lced and handmade &y Leacue m~mbers .
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NICKEL ARCADE-Westminster, California RIBBON AND WRAP-JUNIOR LE~GUE ~Cl'IVES A delightful assortment of papen, gift bap ,,_. c<>lqrful ribbooa. A Country Store filled with memories of Christmas past and present.
PAPERWORLD-Del Mar, California BAHNHOF SKI SHOP-Petoskey, Michigan
Voted 19fl> Midwestern Ski Shop of the Year!
BETTONl DESIGNS -Corona del Mar. California
Original and whimsical.ceramics for the home and garden.
BLACKMAN LTD.-Newport Beach. California
Exquisite jewelry and fine gifts for that special person.
JOHN L. BLOM-Mission Vieio. California
Photography at its finest -in a natural sett111g.
Personalized stationery, desk accessories and holiday goods for every occasion.
RICHARD'S ALMOND TOFFEE-Newport Beach, California
The perfect gift for any special occasion.
ROBIN C. AND CO .-Santa Barbara, California
Classic women's clothing and accessories for the contemporary woman.
SAINT NICHOLAS-San Juan Capistrano, California
Handmade fantasies and original gifts for all seasons.
BOSHARD-OOUGHTY-Los ~:!es, California . Distinctive gentlemen's cl · g and accenorlts. ' ·'
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CHRIS LINDSAY DESIGNS ~orona del Mar, Caltrornia
Extraordinary fioral arrancements and bOliday decontiena.
THE MINUTEMAN WAY-Tustin, California
A General Store' specializine in handpainted treasures.
THE NATURALIST-Salt Lake City, Utah COLLECTIONS. LTD. -Corona del Mar, Caltfo'rnia
A handsome collection of gifts esJM!cially fqr tbe discriminating executive. Traditional handmade keepsakes and authentic American crafts .
Unique kitchen items and a selection of fine boob.
EXUBERANCE-Hillsborough, California
A charming collection of baubles, banelet, and beads.
The ultimate in children's clothing-infant to size 14.
THINKER TOYS-Carmel, California
Unique educational toys and games to delight children of all ages.
TOWNE PLAZA GALLERY-Mission Viejo, California GOODFRIENDS--Costa Mesa, California Fragrant potpourri, patchwork creatioas and beutiful ctiristmas stpcklngs.
Fine candies. clever chocolate gilts ancteouimet popcorn. ,,
A varied collection or fine paintings, prints and lithographs.
ZIMMERS-Toluca Lake California
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Tuesday, Wednesday &·~ay
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Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednesday, October 28, 1981
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Daily Pilat
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 28, 1981
Billy Martin turned
the tables on
George Steinbrenner. D2.
ain inteITupts Dodgers' parade
NEW YORK (AP> -It rained on Tommy
Lasorda's World Series parade, and now the Los
!Angeles Dodger manager will try again toni1bt to
oail down the championship which has eluded the
~alilomia-team for 16 years.
Day-long showers, fog and wet erounds forced
1postponement Tuesday of t.be sixth game of the
1{981 Series between the Dodgers and t.be New York
rtank°ees. That delayed the confrontation between
lf()rmer roommates Burt Hooton or the Dodgers
!and Tommy J ohn of the 'Yankees. the scheduled
starting pitchers. I John beat Hooton 5-3 in Game 2 of the Series,
1the last contest the Yankees won. Los Angeles bas '
taken the next three in the best-Of-seven Series and
is anxious to nail down its f irst world
championship since 11J65. Lasorda wasn't thrilled
On TV tonight
channels 7, 11 at 5
about being placed on hold for 24 hours at this
··it does disappoint me," said Lasorda after
Commissioner Bowie Kuhn ordered the game
called o(f Tuesday. "No player or manager likes to
hang around and wait. But unfortunately, we have
no control over the weather."
Bill Murray. Kuhn's administrator, and
umpires Dick Stello and Larry Barnett spent the
day under leaden skies at Yankee Stadium,
inspecting the soaked field.
"There was a poor forecast with light rain at
the Stadium this afternoon and no possibiUty of
playing the kind or game you would all like to
see," said Commissioner Kuhn. "The wet field
conditions were not getting any better because of
the persistent fog and high humidity."
So, the co mmissioner orde r ed the
postponement, the 26th in World Series history and
the first since 1979 when the opener between the
Baltimore Orioles and Pittsburgh Pir ates was a
casualty of snow. It means t.be toniest season ln
baseball history will go at Jeut one day more.
The rainout artorded an extra day's rest to
Hooton and John and to the opposine third
basemen, both or whom were doubtful starters for
the game Tuesday night. The Yankees' Graig
Nettles missed all three games in Los Aneeles
with a sprained left thumb and Ron Cey of the
Dodgers was recovering from a frightening
beaning after being hit ln the head by a Goose
Gossage fastball in the eighth inning of Sunday's
fifth game.
"I've seen replays or it and since I know the
(See RAIN, Page 02)
( .
"vankee pitcher Goose Gossage and infielder Dave Revenng work out wh ile the Dodgers' Steve Yeager tmys an umbrella and Manager Tom Lasorda bites his nails m New York Tuesday .
• l ~Rams ' France out,
~ • • ;requires surgery
Malavasi seeks Haden protection
;From AP dispatches
· Coach Ray Malavasi stands
i;olidly behind quarterback Pat
Haden but wonders who is going
to protect his relatively small
signal caller.
H ad.en , the 185 -pound
$)Uarterback who stands just
f>·ll, completed 20 of 39 pass
JLllempls for 310 yards Sunday.
his first 300-yard effort of the
season, but still the Rams lost to
the San Francisco 49ers. 20-17.
• They also lost offensive tack.le
.Doug France, who suffered a
)boulder injury that will require
~urgery. Earlier they had Jost
rv Pankey, who took over for
ranee when the big lineman's
P!her shoulder was bothering
rnm . .
' AND THEY HA VE lost for an
loderinite period the full ability
bf tight end Henry Childs.
Malavasi told his Tuesday
meeting with the media that the
after a series of injuries,
Malavasi said, "He hasn't
discussed that with me."
OF HADEN, the coach said.
··He had three passes dropped
that should have been caught.
He had Wendell Tyler for a
touchdown, but he s li ghtly
overthrew him ...
Detroit is expected to have
Billy Sims back for this game
after the star running back's
being out with an injured toe.
Dan Kremer, Lions' director
of public relations. said, "Sims
would rather make his return on
grass than on Astroturf."
Anaheim has a grass field.
Detroit defensive back James
Hunter is definitely out of the
game with a broken arm and
defensive end Al Baker is
questionable because of a toe
D e f ensem e n
p ace Kings
o ver Que b ec
Defensemen Jerry Korab and
Larry Murphy fired in slapshots
from long range in the final
period to spark Los Angeles to
an 8-7 National Hockey League
vic tor y over the Quebec
Nordiques Tuesday night.
Peter Stastny, last year's
Rookie of the Year in the NHL,
scored three goals and an assist
to pace the Nordiques' attack.
while Rael Cloutier chipped in
with his eighth and ninth scores.
Korab snapped a 6-6 tie at 8:30
of the final period when he
drilled a SO footer past Quebec
goalie Da Bouchard on a Los
Angeles power play.
Murphy then made it 8-6 when
he fired a 45-footer from the slot
on another King power play
Won't anyone shut up Cosell?
His thoughts during Cey's beaning were disgraceful
LOS ANGELES -The theory h as been
advanced here that the most oft uttered cries in
American athletics are "Go Big Red," "God is a
Trojan" and "Shut Up. Howard."
Well, this is to treat lightly and with tolerance
the presence on television of Howard Cosell.
That Cosell's grating and obnoxious manner
causes him .to be discussed on the boulevard is to
the delight or ABC. These people operate in a
j ungle where dignity and integrity are not only
sacrificed in the interests of the ratings. they
receive no consideration from the outset.
Were it otherwise, Cosell might long since
have been exposed as the bum he really is.
When the highlights and lowlights of the 1981
World Series are sorted out and stored in our
memories , one grotesque moment will be
prominent among the memorable runs and hits
and errors. That would be Dodger third baseman
Ron Cey on his back in the dirt after being struck
on the head by a pitch thrown by the Y'1nkees'
Rich Gossage. The fellow with the speed device
said lhe ball was traveling at something like 94
In the front row of the press box at Dodger
Stadium , a television monitor was situated and if
it was placed there by the network for the
convenience of those of us assembled, it was
The Penguin blinked his eyes and moved his lips.
He might have enhanced the relief of the nation's
viewers by adding appropriate audio to the fact
that Cey was indeed alive.
What the viewing public got instead was a
continuation of the droning of Cosell on the head
injuries complete with history and the uniform
numbers involved.
It was a damn sickening moment. It would be
out of the question to expect a more dignified
reaction from Cosell , but he was not alone on the
Chet Forte, the pipsqueak direc tor, is
supposed to be a genius. Surely a genius would
have enough presence of mind to shut CoselJ's
microphone off.
Ray Malavasi, the coach of the Los An1eles
Rams, tells about being snubbed at close range by
Cose II for several years when he (Malavasi) was
laboring in the obscur ity of an assistant coach.
'Jlams were searching for
pffensive linemen, the big men w h o p r-o t e c t h i s s m a 11
Each of the teams is 4·4 and
battling to remain in their
divisional competitions .
M alavasi was asked bow
many victories it would take for
his team to reach the playoffs a
ninth consecutive time and
replied: "I don't know. We can't
win anything until we beat
The Kings, who went into the
final period trailing 5-4, pulled
even on Greg Terrion's power
play goal at the 3:04 mark.
Fifteen seconds later, Jim Fox
gave the Kings a 6-5 lead with
his second goal of the night and
sixth of the season on a rebound
from 15 feet.
Quebec defenseman
Mario Marois evened the score at 6-6 when he knocked in a shot
from in close after he picked up
a loose part.
At any rate, when Cey went down, the volume
on the instrument was turned up in the hope ABC
might contribute something in the way of
clarification. Many of us were friends or The
Penguin. All of us were deeply concerned. A
baseball moving at 94 m.p.h. could kill a man.
"When I was named head coach," Malavasi
recalls, "there was Cosell on TV saying what a
dear friend he was of me and my family. I had
never met the man and it was bloody sure my
family had never met him."
H e can r eactivate Art
J>lunkett. the 260-pound tackle
from Nevada-Las Vegas and he
.C..an move Kent Hill, another
260-pounder, from guard to
I H e 'll make the decisions
f;bortly because the offensive
Jine suffers from a manpower
shortage as the Rams prepare to
play host to the Detroit Lions on
Sunday at Anaheim Stadium.
I "We will make no change in
the quarterback situation," the
coach said. "But we would have to make a roster change to bring tn another tight end."
Placing France on injured
reterve will make one spot open ;i the Rams' 45-man roster.
Asked if France, a seven-year
veteran from Ohio State, might
re contemplating retirement
lgroup of investors headed by
Philadelphia Phillies Executive
Vice President Bill Giles is on
'the verge of purchasing the club, f Giles has confirmed.
• The large st finan cial
contrlbut.or of the aroup is the
Tart Broadcaatinc Co., a
Clnclnnati-buea firm that has
numerous boldlnas, lncludin1
WTAF-TV (Channel 29) h~re,
Giles saJd Tuesday.
The "dear friends" or Cosell who have never
met the man would fill a rather large arena.
With Gary Danielson hurt, the
Lions are expected to start Erle
Hipple, a second-year pro out of
Utah State, at quarterback.
"He throws well and will be
dangerous," Malavasi said of
Hipple, but of his own team the
coach told the newsmen, "I
The contest was marred by 32
penalties for 97 minutes as the
Kings s napped a two-game
losing streak and evened their
record at 5-5. The Nordiques are
now 6-5.
What ABC was to contribute was an agonizing
period of incessant nasal babbling or Cosell,
suddenly a medical authority on head injuries.
There was also a frenzied and lengthy recounting
of all the ball players who were ever hit on the
head by pitched balls and the numbers of the
uniforms they wore.
Silence, or what is known in the trade as
"dead air," is frowned upon so It was essential
that someone speak while the cameras focused on
Cey and those attending him. An announcer might
have contributed lo the service the cameras were
providing by pointing out that moment when the
There is also Cosell's disgusting practice of
lowering his voice an octave and telling us about
the grave personal loss he feels every lime anyone
connected· with sports. anywhere in the world
passes away. There is a sacrilege to it along with
the phoniness.
I. for one, found the Ron Cey incident as
distasteful as anything the man has ever done.
The Penguin might have been dead and I seriously
doubt that Cosen gave a damn. ·think we should be playing
Stastny gave the Nordiques a
2-0 lead in first period with his
seventh and eighth goals of the
season. It is a mortal cinch ABC didn't.
It's Charger:s' David vs. Lions' Goliath
OftllelNltp ...........
Edison High 's defense bas a
reputation for being tough against the
run -and the Chargers will find out
just how tough Thursday night when
they duel Westminster Higb's Llons at
Orange Coast College in the premier
game of the week for Orange Coast area
footbaJl teams.
Westminster Coach Barry Waters
says t.bi5 is • 'Llke t.be Chri!tians and
lions, David and Goliath."
But maybe, as their nickname
au1gesta , tbe Ilona really are
Westminster and David ls an Edlaon
back named Geroux . Altbouab
Westm.lnster is S.2 and unranked, u
opposed to No. 1 Edison and lta »1am•
winnina streak, Weatmlmter can fteld
an aw61ome runnina 1ame.
Westmlnster Ukea to run lta "Jumbo
Offense." which features running backs
Alfred Tauanuu (2 12) and Tal
Tamamasui (225), runnin1 behind
tackle Sonny Pau (6-3, 254) for taJlback
Herbie Campbell, a slick 175-pounder
who had piled up 956 yards on 151
carries and-scored 10 touchdowns.
"We _ expect at least an eJeht·mao
front," says Waters, a former Edison
assistant with an 'insight lnlo tbe
Chargers' defensive Jtlructure and
"We feel we have at least one rock to
throw at Edison (Campbell),'' HY•
Waters. "We know their aoala and we
have some Ht for ourselva. We nm the
ball well and they defend it well, but lt'a
our only hope for 1alvatlon."
Edlaoo Coach BW Workman la very
aware or tbe Wettmlnater h~rdli,
saylnc, "They're bqe, and the)' will be
ver;. very excited alJos,lt the 1ame."
The Chargers' offensive line, from
tackle to tackle, has Workman pleased
entering the eighth week of the season
and tailback-fullback Theo Langford is
rounding into top shape after
recovering from variouJ injuries.
"He's just getting into shape and
timing," says Workma&. "People for1et
be has only played four 1amea.' •
Alt.bough Westminster lan't known for
its passing 1ame, receiver Eddie Nunes
has cau1bt 12 for 242 yarda and
quarterback David Neville la virtuall)' a
5'> percent pUHr.
Edlsoo, meanwhile, alvN you the
everytbinf look with quarterback Ken
Major (68.9 per cent paaaer wltb 2
lnterceptlonl), ~rou.x and Lanaford (7
yarda a crack> and that toua.b 4·3
defenae, ,mscb at time• appean to be
an elsbt-man hoot revolvina around
llnebackert Rlck DlBernardo, Mlke
Powell and Fernando OrUrttbs.
Edt.on Is 2-0 in Sunset Leaaue play,
Westminster ls l ·l.
Elsewhere this we~:
Merlnm ve. Huntington Be.ch
Marina's Vikin1s (8·1 overall, l·l in
Sunset League play and the No. 4 team
In the CIF Bl1 Five Conference
nnkln1s> put their celebrated Y"r
offense ala.inst the Hun~ 8eMb
Oilers ln an attempt to 1taJ wttMa
range ol leape.leader S.CU...
"We have to play OHi' 4)W' ._. tllll next two ,,.._ to I« a ._ .. .,.
Huntin.stoa Beach C*b Cll'tl lllllr.
who bat been forced to "Mii -tbfo11 becauee of liJ ........ _,
peraonnel (Jamie Pa1Plliill. ~ olben).
RIDl'J Ml 8eoet ... It tsm I l'h la
(8" Tim, .... ~)
l -
I Orango Coast OAJL Y PILOT /W1dne1day, October 28, 1981
You're fired, says
Martin's telegram
l''rom AP dlspatc:bes
NEW YORK -George . Steinbrenner , Lhe New York
Yankees' embattled owner who wu
involved in a hotel elevator fight with two
unidentified men , has received two
tongue-in-cheek telegrams from Billy Martin
his former man~ger. '
·•Just heard the bad news. You're fired,"
said the first telegram, received Monday, the
day after Steinbrenner's celebrated brawl in
Los Angeles. following the Cifth game of the
World Series. in which the Yankees were beaten
"I understand exaclly how you must have
felt in that elevator. I only hope you don't have
a good behavior clause in your contract. By the
way, the marshmallow man I hit was saying
bad things about New York and the Yankees,"
said the second telegram, received Tuesday.
(all pmes at 7:30)
Westminster vs. Edison at OCC
Bishop Amat vs. Mater De1 at SA Bowl
Irvine vs. CdM at Ne.wport Hilbor
El Toro vs. Costa Mesa at ~rt
Newport Harbor vs. Estancia at OCC
Saddleback vs. University ar Irvine
Marina at Huntington Beach
Ckean View vs. Ftn. Valley at Westminster
Laguna Beach at Capistrano Valley
Misst00 Viejo at San Clemente
Dana Hills at Laguna Hills
Woodbridge at Ontario Christian
From Page 01
Tiie lint
Edison by 14
Amat by 6
CdM by 5
El Toro by 7
Estancia by 8
Saddleback by s·
Manna by 10
FV by 9
Capo by 3
Mission by 17
Dana Hills by 3
Ont. Chr. by 6
Quote of the day
Former Nt>w York Yankees 1tar Mickey
Mantle who recently celebrated hla 50th
birthday: "t Ccel lucky In the firat place. I
wasn't suppo ed to make It this far. If I'd
known that I was gonno live thls long I would
have ta.lten better care of myself."
Cal's offensive coach resigns
Darrel "Mouse" Davia, who [!]
brought \h e pass -oriented
run -and -shoot offense to the
U oi vers.lty of California fooibaU team this year.
resigned as offensive coordinator after head
coach Rog,er Tbeder told him that he intended to
Integrate some of the pro-set offense . . . Louie
Giammona, known tor his emotional play on
s pecial teams and when called upon to
s ubs titute for Philadelphia 's WJlbert
Montgomery, is out for lbe season with an
Merrick leads Islander victory
Two goals by Wayne Merrick in
a 2: 14 span of the third period gave
the New York Is landers a 4.3
comeback victory over the Edmonton Oilers in
a National Hockey League game Tuesday night
... Ke1tb Acton scored three goals -two or
them during a sil(·goal eruption in the first
period -as Mcintreal thrashed Philadelphia,
11·2 in a battle o.f undefeated teams . . . Blair
Cllapman'1 goal and assist helped stake St.
Louis to a 4-0 lead and the Blues held on tc
outlast Toronto, 7.5 in a fight-marred game.
USC's Owens fractures f Inger
Mike Owea1, • junior forward on •
the \JSC buketball tum. bu
surrered ii fracture of his le!t r1n1
flnaer Md will be out of action three to five
weeks . . X·rays showed thal New York
Yankee owner Geor1to Stelnbrea•er bad
surtered two depreiJsed knuckles on bla left hand
In an altercaUon In Los Angeles Sunday night.
. . The New Jersey Racina Commission has
asked Meadowlands ruce track officials to tile a
report on an mcident In which hundreds or
bettors went on a rampage after hall of a
two-horse entry was scratched
Television. radio
Following are the toP sports events on TV
tonight. Ratings are. .-.f .f t excellent; .f 1 t
worth watching; 1 1 fair; 1 forget It.
5 p.m., Channels 7, 11 .( .( ,/ .(
WORLD SERIES: Dodgers at New York. Announcers: Keith Jackson, Howard Cosell and Jim Palmer.
If the weatherman cooperates, It will be Burt
Hooton going for the Dodgers against the
Yankees' Tommy John in tonight's sixth game of the series. John beat his former Dodger
roommate In Game 2 of the Serles a week ago and then appeared In a rellef role Saturday. Both figure to be ready for tonight's game. Ron Cey,
who was hit In the head by a Goose Gossage
fastball Sunday, is a questionable starter at third
for the Dodgers as is Graig Nettles for the Yankees.
Baseball -World Serles, Dodgers at New
York, s p.m .• KNX (1070) and KABC (790) with
Vin Scully and Sparky Anderson, both stations.
Lemon roUs with the punches
Steinbrenner's criticism goes with the territory
NEW YORK <AP> -You might say Bob
Lemon rolls with George Sleinbrenner's punches.
Oh , the two-fisted owner of the New York Yankees
hasn't taken a real swing at his manager yet . . .
only verbal ones.
Steinbrenner re1tricts bis shots at Lemon to
semi-second guesses. Like hinting that starter Ron
Guidry shouJd bave been lifted after six superb
innings Sunday in Game 5 of the World Series, or
that Lemon may have goofed by using Bobby
Brown rather than Jerry Mumpbrey as a
center-field defensive replacement in Game 4.
Unlike Gene Michael before him, and Dick
Howser before Michael, and Billy Martin before
Howser, Lemon shrugs off everything
Steinbrenner can muster, and then some.
"It goes with the territory," the Yankees'
unflappable man said Tuesday after Game 6 of the
World Series was rained out. "Like after games -
that's the toughest part of managing in the World '
Series. Anything you do, everyone wants lo know
why. I'd give my left arm to have the second
"What do you do? That's ltlm. I don't worry
about l.hlngs l've got no control over."
Nor is Lemon averse to throwing a need.Je
Steinbrenner's way on occasion. Like Monday's
llight home after the owner's celebrated scrap in a
Los Angeles hotel elevator in which he reportedly
took exception to insults against the Yankees and
New York City.
"If we win the next two games, that'll be the
reason," Lemon said. He wasn't wholly serious .
Nor when he said, reflecting on the Yankees'
shoddy play in Games 3 and 4, "Maybe if he'd had
the fight Friday it migt'lt have changed
But oo the serious side, Lemon did say that the
incident may gave ··loosened the club up a little
bit. There was a lot of joking and kidding on the
rught home. George took a lot of abuse, but he
handled it pretty well.
"They were calling him 'K.O.' and kidding
him that he and Billy Martin will have lo do a new
commercial. It opened a lot of avenues."
O'Malley quiet
but successful
NEW YORX <AP> -George SleinbreMer and
Peter O'Malltiy are both hlahly eucceasful baseball
owners, but their style and personaUUes are H
different as hard rock und opera. ,
In fact. th~ opera was where O'Malley, owner
of the Los Angeles Dodgers, was off to Tue1day
niaht after Game 6 or the World Series waa
postponed by rain.
Steinbrenner more likely was tending to hla
bruised knuckles, suffered in a fight in a Los
Angeles hot.el elevator. and conjuring up plans to
beat the Dodgers
For Steinbrenner 1s as much manager ot the
Yankees as he is owner
Wltlle Steinbrenner is a magnet for ~eadllnes ,
O' Malley prefers lo stay in the background. He's
never in a locker room. he doesn't fire managers
He flies on commercial airliners rather than with
the team. He seldom holds a news conference. And
he will not be remembered for his brawls t:>r
Don't get the idea that O'Malley isn't
concerned, doesn't have a hand in the operation or
has litUe to s ay.
"I've had a lot of disagreements with league
pres idents, our rront-office people and our
manager," O'Malley said Tuesday ntgbt. "I
criticize, but I do it privately.
"I think it's a mistake lo blast somebody
publicly. I don't believe in embarrassing people
publicly. In that respect, I make a conscious effort
to avoid publicity.
"We've got competent people. Tommy's style
(Dodger Manager Tom Lasorda > is out front. Let
him run the club. I don't think it's my place to
The O'Malley name has been one or the
best-known and most influential in baseball during
the last 31 years. Peter's father, Walter O'Malley,
was a powerful owner who bought the Dodgers
from Branch Rickey in 1950 and moved them lo
Los Angeles eight years later.
When the elder O'Malley became chairman of
the board in 1970, his only son, Peter, became
president He was only 32. It's been strictly Peter's
show since Walte r died in the summer of 1979
From Page 01
outcome, l felt better about seeing them.•· said
Cey. "I feel extremely fortunate to be standing
But Cey still wasn't sur.e he could play.
"I felt good this morning and I was optimistic
a~ut playing, but this afternoon changed my
mind," he s aid. "There was some dizziness and
lightheadedness. l was not in good shape."
Cey will work out before tonight's game and
then decide on his availability.
Unlike Steinbrenner, Lemon doesn't keep
expounding on the players· mistakes. Like Dave
Winfield's l-for-18 World Series slump.
"There's no reason lo speak to him about it,"
Lemon said. "Everybody in the world knows he's
in a slump. You writers keep reminding him. I
don't want to remind him, too.
"I have my ups and downs," he said. 'Tm told
that is a normal e xperience. If it persists on a
periodic basis. l ' m not allowed to take the fi eld. If
I can't sustain myself in a workout. I'm not going
to endanger myself playing. The doctor told me if
there's one iota of doubt you can't do it. don't. It's
your life and that ·s more important than one game."
hopes of a better running foundation a~d junior
quarterback Buddy Noble 1s expected to S'ee some
Marina, with Ken Laszlo directing the offense
at quarterback. has not been held lo less than 2i>
:Points in any start and has shut down five
opponents without a touchdown.
Huntington Beach is 0-2 in . league. 3.4 overall
and without a Sunset League victory since 1.973 (30
straight losses in the Sunset League).
Fountain Valley vs. Ocean View
The Barons of Fountain Valley hope to take
their frustrations out on Ocean View, a 43-0 victim
of Edison last week . after fumbles, penalties.
dropped passes and a smooth functioning Marina
eleven dealt them a 20·3 setback.
"We had 350 yards and three point$," says
Fountain Valley Coach Mike Milner. "I think the
kids will forget it, but coaches lend lo carry it with
them a little longer. That's the luxury of youth."
The Barons enter relatively injury free, while
Ocean View must go with junior Tom Achrem at
quarterback again for the injured John Heinle.
Heinle lore a ligament on the front of bis ankle
a~ainst Westminster, now it's in a hard cast for
another week, according to Ocean View Coach Ken
"We know we're in tough for the next three
weeks," says Moats. "John's really an outstanding
athlete and ltls absence forces us to change our
whole game."
Fountain Valley is 5·2 overall, 1-1 in league,
Ocean View is 3-4, 1-1
Newport Harbor v1. Estancia
Estancia, one or three unbeaten teams in
Orange County, the CIF Southern Conference's No.
5 ranked team and the Sea View League leader
with a 3-0-1 record, is in a unique situation.
Despite having played the "contenders··
already, one loss in the last three weeks will
probably kill the Eagles' chances for a title
because of the strength of El Toro and Saddleback,
each on the Eagles' heels with one loss in league.
Estancia Coach Ed Blanton says the Newport
Harbor "tradition" and quarterback Gree Selby's
ability on broken plays are ltls chief concerns.
Sailors Coach Hank Cochrane, whose team
• snapped a slJc-game losing streak with a 21·'1
'victory over Irvine last week, says the key to
'success is to stop must· pass situations.
; "Estancia is difficult to play straight up, but
,dlfficuJt not to, also," says Cochrane. "Yes, this is
going to be an emotional game for us. We're at the
'bottom of the heap, playing the top of the heap."
. Tailback John Barnett is a questionable ~starter for Newport Harbor because ol a shoulder
• Irvin• va. Coron• del Mar
There's no room left for error -and maybe
even that won 't get it done for Corona del !hr,
which was unbeaten throuch five camea, now
faces the reality ,of missing the CIF playoff•
entirely even if the Sea Kings ('·2·1, 1·2·1 In the Sea View .Leacue> win tbelr Jut three.
"There 's no room for error, none,
'whatsoever,'1 says CdM Coach Dick Morrl1, wbo
races a vastly improved lrvtne unit (1-1-1, 1 .. )
wblch has 1ulf ered only four turnoven ln · ••"'fll
st.rt.I (thrff ln\ercepttona, one tumble).
Junior quarterback Mike Zorn lets UM not
agaln for an Irvine aqu9d wblcb to.ch Ttny
~ Heniaan tenna conservatt.ve.
CoTO'lla del Id a r 'a 1tutia1 rocter ineludel
• nmnln1 beck Bill Brltht, but Lane. Martin, the
olber ball a( CdM'1 run.ninf punch. ls li1ted d
tent~Uve bet!auseof an lDJury. .
S £1 TOfO n . Colla ..... . TM Mu.t .... haft IDOY4iil ~ Raili ee
fullback IDd wmor Jeff Ooedldl to~ ...
DiBernardo Powell
"I'm not the most brilliant guy in the world. I
don't have to single them out. They know when
they leave guys on base and when they run the
bases badly."
Lemon also said he thinks the Yankees got
themselves straightened out Sunday despite a 2·1
loss in Game 5.
''I think we played a pretty good ballgame,"
he said. ''I've said s ince the Series started that
whoever gets the pitching and the breaks will win.
They (the Dodgers> tried to be very hospitable to
Co-coach Jim Hagey says Mesa has a solid shot at us in Los Angeles. but we didn't want lo come and an upset. visit them. They tried to give us two games but we
"We've aJways played El Toro very tough In gave them back."
the past and we're going to throw like beck against Record set for player pool them, .. says Hagey.
Costa Mesa (1-3 in Sea View League and 2·5 LOS ANGELES -The office of baseball
overall· faces an El Toro squad (3·1, 3-4 overall> Commissioner Bowie Kuhn has announced that
which boasts All·CIF tailback Damon Sweazy. the total player pool from the 1981 League
"He's not a power runner, but a very Championship Series and World Series set a
deceiving runner," says Hagey. "He picks and record, breaking the old mark of $3,915,870.82
chooses his holes very well." set last year.
The new breakdown:
Saddleback YI. University 1981 Le ag ue Champions l\,ip Series.
"We can play with anybody," says University $2,233,008.65.
Cey· remembered the bearung.
"It's pretty difficult to get out of the way of a
ball that takes off and that's going 94 miles per
hour." he said. "When I decided it was time lo get
out of the way, the ball followed me like a magnet.
"I remember hitting the ground in slow
motion. lt fell like slow motion. l don't remember
a lot but l do remember saying, ·Am I aJI right?
What do I look like?· Everythin~ was blurry."
Lasorda recalled the horror of the moment.
"I can remember s aying, 'Oh , God, No!· " the
Dodger manager said. ·•To see a guy hit with a
pitch thrown that.1hard scared me to death. That
ball was thrown as hard as a human being can
throw a baseball."
Gossage and Yankee Manager Bob Lemon
both visited Cey in the trainer's room and were
gratefuJ the Dodger third baseman seemed in good
Lemon hoped John could force the Series to a
decisive seventh game. Asked for a probable
pitcher for that one, Lemon grinned. "I got nine
pitchers." he said, ··and you might see all of them
in a seventh game ...
The manager said George Steinbrenner 's
elevator episode, from which the Yankee owner
emerged with a cast on his left hand, had loosened
up his team. Coach Rick Curtis, "but Saddleback (3-1 in the Sea Total, $4,152,340.41 Viewand~2overall)~onaroll ." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Saddleback, with the insertion of Kevin * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Bradley {17 carries for 116 yards), belled Costa NFL standi·ngs · .... JOHNSON & SON ; Mesa last week, 26·9. and with running back ... ~
Kendle News on and quarterback Danny it
Armstrong, appears to be at a peak. • Presents
University, too, Is peaking in its running game NATIONAL CONFERENCE AMERICAN CONFERENCE ., • • • •
with Mike Fiscus putting together consistent Western Division Western Division 1• Jt
efforts behind the left side of the tine (center John W L T PF PA Pd. W L T PF PA Pct.: •
Luhrs, guard Dave Si~gfried and tackle Rob San Francisco6 2 o 191 140 .750 Kansas City 6 2 o 207 163 .750 • :
Mitchell). Atlanta 4 4 O 222 162 .500 San Diego 5 3 0 253 187 .625 • •
Rams 4 4 0 194 1~ .500 Denver 5 3 O 154 112 .625 • •
Laguna Beach vs. Capletrano Velley New Orleans 2 6 o 98 163 .250 Oakland 3 5 o 98 133 .375 '• • ~uth Coast League leader Laguna lleach (2·0, Eastern Division Seattle 2 6 o 104 171 250 •
3·2·1 overall), the defending champion, finds itself Philadelphia 7 1 o 183 112 .875 Eastern Division · : •
in ai und:s~~ble situation. Dallas 6 2 O 197 167 .750 Miami s 2 1 186 152 .688 • •
oac t Hamera's Artists are on the wrong NY Giants s 3 o 164 121 .625 Bulfalo s 3 o 181 128 .625 tt •
end of a 200·166 pound ratio against Capo's St. Louis 3 5 o 158 209 .375 NY Jets 3 4 1 165 202 .438 •
defensive line and a 218-176 pound ratio against Washington 2 6 O 135 191 .250 New England 2 6 o 190 183 .250 •
Capo's offensive line. Central Division Baltimore 1 7 O 148 271 .125 •
Rob Wood (broken leg) has been lost al center Minnesota 5 s o 188 199 .625 Central Oivl1lon
and 160-pound Jeremy Jacobsen replaces the Tampa Bay 4 4 O 143 128 .500 Cincinnati s 3 o 194 l~
lOO·pound Wood. Detroit 4 4 O 197 170 .500 Pittsburgh 5 3 0 174 158
Capistrano Valley (4·2·1 overall, l ·O·l ln Green Bay 2 6 o 136 184 .250 Cleveland 4 4 o 150 172
league) is ranked No. 4 in the CIF Central Chicago 2 6 o 126 198 .250 Houston 4 4 o 138 163
Conference and Is the defending CIF Central
Conference champion.
The Cougars have slae and talent In the
backfield, but most of it. is comprised of JunJora
and sophomores.
· Bl1hop Amat va. Mater o.t
After consecutive matches with Edison, rtval
Sefflte and St. Paul, the Monarchs of Mater Dei
are faced with Bishop Amat (tJ.1 overall. 1.0 in
Angelus Lea,ue).
. 625
.500 «
. 500 !• « • • .. .. • • • « .. • • • Amat'a Lancers feature a power option
backfield behind 2SO-pound tackle Don mu and , .. ,
2lO·pound tackle Ron Brown. Bro", a two-way
starter ln the llJ)e, b tbe leapt'• 100, DO and
burdl• ~pion ancl ruu a 4.S 40.
« ~··*••••••••*************••••••• ..........
''TJlef don't thl'O"f ml well." aa11 Mater Del
Coach wa,n. Cochrun, ··they Juat nm hll'd ... ! ,... .. ''ckl • s1100 REBATES or
• , ................. .. •
Picks of
'* PhfleclelpN1
O\'et' D.._
* S•Fr-.clKO
.. • • • .. • • ,. • . .. • • ' • i • 'lt . •' • • •
Wooclbltdge n . Ofttarto a..tetlen
With Uaeir nrst VictorJ of the teUOD and in Ult
11cbool'1 ldator)' tucked under' tbe Wanton' beltl,
Woodbridp travell ror the MeODd 1'fft1 tllla 1Jme
acalnlt. au OQtarlo·blMd Knllbta crew.
i ..... $2700 DISCOUNTS
QuNrbeck XHID Bmtte (fradund wrtat) II
bad!: t. the WoodbridJle u.a..., aloq wilJt '1llllliu
back lobD Scbro~er. •nd combined wlti ., ..... ....., Plpet'N'• apeed. Coedl OtM
NoJi't l·S Wariioril an.,_.,.,, at hill ttr~
• • • ..
540-5630 ,. ......................... . .
Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, October 28, 1981
Roberts • lS b~k where he belongs--coaching
There Hema nothllll worse than a flab
nopplna around out of water.
Especially qualified coach.a, 1plnnln1 lh•lr
wheel• and waaUn1 their talent•t teacbln1
someone the dltference between a reo UJbt and
areen U1ht or not to croas do~ble line1, rather than
how to block or how to run a aooe preu.
Well, one baa returned to tho pond -former
Mlaalon Viejo Hilh basketball coach Pat Roberta,
who built a powerhouse and took the Dlabloa to the
CIF 2·A finals lo Long Beach in 1176.
Roberta is retumln1 to basketball aa E1tancla
Hitb'1 freshman coach, and alon1 wltb the
selection of former Estancia star John Carrido aa
the sophomore coach, gives vanity coach Larry
Sunderman a solid foundation.
"I'm tickled to death," says Sunderman, who
took his Eagles to the CIF 3·A semffinala last
season. "I've been bugging him (Roberts) ror a
couple of years now."
Roberts, a former star at Mater Dei High
before taking the coaching reins at Mater Dei and
Mission Viejo, was a fixture at Mission Viejo, but
resigned under pressure because of the lack of
administrative backing.
There never was a trace of blood, but inaiders
said it was a clear case of back·stabbln1.
· At any rate, Roberts is back where he belongs,
out of the bleachers and back on the bench -
although I can recall seeing Roberts driven to the
bleachers a couple of times by his team. A classic
coach, Roberts can be up, down, near a heart
seizure, happy and a little irritated within the span
of 10 unanswered points.
Joe Reed, who assisted Roberts at Mission
Viejo, is also back in the Eagles' fold as the junior
varsity coach and Sunderman's varsity assistant.
* * * LOOK WHO'S ON top in the South Coast
League football race. The CIF Central
Conference's No. 2 team? Mission Viejo? Nope.
Capistrano Valley, No. 4 in the CIF and the
defending Central Conference champ? Nope.
That's right, the amazings or Laguna Beach
are doing it again under Coach Walt Hamera. I
should be used to Hamera and bis Artists by now.
they won the league title in 1980 and they're doing
it again.
After an 0·2·1 non·league start. which included
two losses by three points, the Artists have won
three in a row with Capistrano Valley on the
schedule next.
"I wouldn't recommend it," says Hamera,
"but our two losses were very beneficial. We
learned some lessons and the kids realized some
things. We 've been playing 48 minutes of good
football since."
A year ago it was Lance Stewart who was the
catalyst for the Artists, this time it's Damon
* * * MATER DEi HIGH football coach Wayne
Cochrun is still so mad over the officiating and
calls in his team's 31·24 loss at St. Paul he's ready
to trade a left leg for another shot at the
Swordsmen in the CI F playoffs.
"We 're protesting the game." says Cochron.
although he admits it'll do no good. "It's all we
Irvine, CdM
vie f Or title
Irvine and Corona del Mar High School
women's volleyball teams set up Thursday
a fternoon's match for the Sea View League
championship with victories Tuesday but with a
somewhat different approach.
Irvine's Vaqueros, with Tanya Truett and the
Oden sisters, Kim and Elaina leading the way,
won in three games over Newport Harbor, lS·8,
15·12, 15-11.
Corona del Mar was extended to five games
before reversing an earlier loss to El Toro with a
15·8, 15-10, 8-15, 14·16, 15·9 decision. Tonight the
Sea Kings tangle with No. 5 ranked Laguna Beach
in a non.league outing to tune up for the showdown
match at Irvine.
Both teams boast 10·1 league records with
CdM defeating Irvine in four games during the
first round of play. Pam Lawrence, an outside
hitter, and fres hman middle blocker Brooke
Herrington led the Sea King victory.
In another Sea View outing, Estancia, behind
the play of Amy Hathcock and Jan Wallace,
defeated University in three games. Costa Mesa.
with Angie Garcia and Lauren St. Clair leading the
way, defeated Saddleback in three straight.
Over in the Sunset League, two five.game sets
were needed to determine a front-runner -or a
pair of leaders for the championship.
Karen Bonokoski led the way as Huntington
Beach upset Westminster. 15-13, 10·15, 6·15, 15·12,
17·15. This boosted the Lions into a tie with
Fountain Valley, a winner over Marina. Scores
were 15-8, 15·7, 10·15, 3·15, 15-13.
Sharon Hatfield, a blocker and hitter, Kathy
Harty, a setter, and Allison Amerman, a front row
specialist, did the damage to the Vikings .
Westminster and Fountain Valley are each 6·1
in Sunset League action.
Mater Dei's No. 7 ranked Monarchs upended
Pius X in three straight.
On the college level, UC Irvine fell to Long
Beach State in five games, 15-6, 11·15, 1~-6. 12·15,
15·6. UCI is now 18·12 for the year and is 12·6 lo
straight match play.
can do tor our kid.I to draw attention to the
situation. It wasn't and Isn't riabt."
Accordini to Cocbrun, wboee ~am led 17.0 at
one point, there waa still one second left on the
clock when Mater Del snapped the ball al the St.
Paul 9-yard line, but the offtciala 1aid the same was over.
"MariJon <Anclcb, tb~ St. Paul coach) ruabed
on the field before the baU waa 1napped. But no naa was thrown and the game wae declared
over," aays Cochrun. Cochrun HYI the clock waa
running deaplte the fact hia receiver (Gre1 Locy>
was out ot bounds on the precedina play.
At any rate, apparenUy 1ome pmhinl and
shoving en.sued at game'• end, too, but I 1ue11
that's normal for the Angelus Lea1ue. They take
thls game of football rather seriously.
* * * QUOTES AND· NOTES -Say1 Ocean View
High football coach Kea Moat.a alter his team was
shelled by Edison, 43-0: "That's the fmest football
program I've ever played again.st. I wu respectful
of it before, but" . . . Look for Estancia and Ocean
View to renew their .football rivalry in non·league
action ln 1982. t:Atancla wlll drop Cypre11 to mett
the Seahawks, apparently . . . Say1 Sund.rmap
about the addition of Roberta on bis baaketball
staff: "It's just nice to have a man around" ...
Edison High has speakers for the official.I at It.I
football games, but that's not the ultimate. Now
the Chargers are seeking knee braces, another
luxury for No. 1 . . . Former Marina Hiib
basketball star Ro1er Weal.acer La on the Chapman
College roster. He's a 6·1 freshman ... Edison ho
used 16 runners. 4 passers. 14 receivers and 16
share in the scoring ... Marina bu had 12 s&are
in the running and scoring. Laguna Beach?
Berryhill 1, quarterback Evan Chalmers and two
others have accounted for all but two runninJ
plays, three pass attempts and all of the
touchdowns by land
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~ D4
Hlah echool ranking• er ........ ""~· ..... ldlell, --1 •• ..._ (1 .. )
2. St. POlll 17-41 J. LOI Al._ 11-41
4.MertM( ... 11
'· ........ """', ... ll I . FOft!Mw 1~21
I . SI.,,_ lloe<o 1 .. 11
•.Collon ( .. I)
10. Loy.._ 14-Jl
Clf' ......... COMor9Mo
I . i>ow..., 11•1
2. Ly1tWOllCI ( .. II
J. IE..,.,_ l ... ll 4.E1 ~14-)I ... ~ .... ,,
.. FooOllH ( .. I)
1. VIiie ~ertl C ... ll
I. 111•1 Po<ltk e 1 .. 11 t. II Ooraoo (~21
10. Werrto1 ( ... 11
Cl, c.Mr• ~· t Plus X 11•1
2. Ille)~ 11•1
Mll&lorl Viejo 1-ll
4 Cte»lllr-Vellrt (4-J.11 s. (tltl St. Gene¥1tw (-1)
St. llernonl ( 4-2)
I lreo-OllltlN (~Ml
I. Le Oultote (.WI
• aolln-C~l-I)
10 Le Mlrtda 14-11
Weter polo cou.ao• L.Ma IMctl St. I , UC 1"'9o 6
........ ,.
104 .. • " S2 a .,
no IOI • ., .. .. ,.
J2 J2
1112 ICU .. ..
60 • 12
UC 1,..,1,.. 0 2 I 1.-.
LClft9 8eO<ll SC. 0 J J ,,.._.
UC lrvlne sc:orl119: VtrGU 3. Cemplltll f, MY19rett I, Forte I.
CO-UNITY CO\.LaOa .........._"·Or .... Coo1it J
Fullt"Clft 2 4 J J-IO
Ort"OO Coest I I 0 1-3
Oro1t90 Cool! 1eorl1t11: M<Cormlek l .
w 111m11.
......... 11,P.-.rl
Golde1t Wint J 2 4 4-U
Polomor 2 l 1 1-•
Goldeft Wltst KCWl1t9. NOCIY J, Grell ), Sotyor t, T'*'-I, O.C Volle I, H""lllClft I,
Ml ... ICttOOL c:-... _,,.,.....,
CorOfta dM Miii 2 I 2 l-7
OowfltY I J t 6--4
Cor'OM dM Mer Korlllo: Toytor 2. Jee-.
2, lmllorlllfto2, P-1.
Wam polo ranldngs
1. S-y Hllll; 2 ........ Mtf9W;). Ulftl lltKfl WlllOll; 4. OowNy; s. c:-...
Mw; I. $Mio lltrltoro; 1. c:.ta -; L
aa\OMla; t . .._ Pork; 10. Avlellon
Super tennla daHlc , .. ,.,., ..................
JOM McEftrw dtf. Joftll Stdrl, .. J, .. 2;
J-LUllOtrcdllf. P.,tM<N-... J.M ;
Srvc:t ""'-dllf. Ello! Ttlbc:a.ar, .... W ;
huyotfll "'*ul dllf. Sllo10 Slllr•lshl, M ... t ; MolN GWINnlldtl'f. lhlus Teroc:zy, .... w.
M ; Chris IAwll d9f. Terry Mocw, M , M ;
11111 Sctfl4oll Clef. Rk trelo c-... 1. M ;
Mork IE""°"*°" dtf. Tom Gl.tlllklOll, .. J.
W ; P9tor .._., dtl'f. llOf Frowley. 4', w. M ; w.i• P'lltek •·Mot Pvrcoll, 1-4, J·6, •·>: \llllCOftt VOii Pel .. 11 dof. Jofwl
OrendP11x , .. ~ ..... ..,_,, ...................
............ dllf. Mkll s.wi-. w ... :t; \'""' c-• . ..,,... oin-a, .. a • ..a..
Gtend Prtx , .............. .......,, ...............
Mec:y ~ tltf. MktwolO ~ • ..,_,
.......... ~; l(Jm ...... ,..,. 0.--..
~1. •-•; Joa-llu11ell "'· ••11att T-e, M, M , W ; Sy!WI ......... _,,
Illy v--. ~I, M l \llrtlftla ltiokl •·
A-.oT-1,7•J,W .
....._-----·~ ....... ·~··-----~> ..... •• .... ~• ................. a•a ........ 2111 .... •:•: .. •1•£•i!•t .. •• ...... ......
Wl l to11°1Coy1er1 I M ) fof.
0'111111¥_,..,...., H , .... MM11MI• ltMo.
....... ~-·· .. I; ......... All ... !Ml -,..._,.._HI OrlHlwS.1111,.u IM> .... M ... t, .. I.
c.11-.. •. · ·····'*· .......
H.,...,. ICl loll to"*"• H, tltf. ~ W .... ~W;ll-ICl '"4M,
U , -W; ..,_IC> i.N I_.,_, M,
M . .,......
Cl auu11-~atrlclt t CJ 1011 lo
Slrombo<k·Ml11ojo10 , •·•. dof,
Wtllltr·Trt1t, .... ftt. llloa·lo .... ;
Osalto.NNlt ICJ IHI M , -.. J, .. I; Hllilflft· ..... ICl ... I J_., ~1, _ .. 1. • ..._._,.,u ... _......, ....... lloo IUl Oii. c--.. H , lest'° S. O'MNr' 2 ... IOt1 to C. O'Mtaro, 2'4; L....._re CUI
loll M . N, M ; Mlddlttoll IUI -....... ~1.2-4.
Ollv ••·Ztrllo r IUl dot ,
Cu111tl11glltm·L•1t<Utor. ••I / Ital lo 1Ehltrt·8trllorl110. 11· t -•. dot.
Ctovlf...co.Moort, M ; C:-lly0 arlUIM
IUl Iott M , W. -W ; L-.teee1 IUJ IOSt 1•,M ,l-4.
Lo• Alemltos
TUSSDAY'lllUULT$ ,, ... 1 ............ _....,
A"'M..OOloAS f'lll1T1tAC•.At1out•l'tf\A' .....
&old LI .......... llltyltyl lftAO J7.IO 10.00 Mr Siie CWlll .. I 4.00 UO
Sllllt 'I Fiiiy IZMnllr.,..I UO
Alto recoct: OoultM A PIOosYN, W..thw
Wetcll. U11lo1t Rood, Curious 8Ylllllt,
Altmtr'I 8'9 R.O. AP4 10 lie T ..... ~ Cortl'l\Ofty.
Time: .Sl.O •
$J aJCACTA 1 .. 11 pMd$"7.60.
saco.o •AC•. a ,.,os.
Tl1ty lvM (P .. U,..l ,,.40 J.40 2.IO
llldlt lt Wer l>Mcor 10..wll J.40 2..60
SllOy Flnven llltrdl >•
Also raced: Jott9ttlor, s.um,111 arOWft, Oii So ~t. Pl ........ 1 FI0111, Soll of Toltnl, IN
Twl1lor Breeze,~ Hl9fl.
Tlrno: :1L01
TMlllD llACa. )JO,.,&
Kfflt 0 -lllt'oohl 6 00 J.40 l.IO
ltepl4 Ro41 CAdelr l S.40 MO
Joi OeMt l~l l.IO
Aho rt<td: il'HY Mo1to~nr. Booelo
8111ts, R..:kum 'II.ck Jock, 8111•"-·
Cltbbtrecte Go. My $pky ""'"· 8rl1to1
Ttrno. · 11.a. SS aXACTA 17-41 pold SM.SO
,OUltTM ltAC•. I fur~. SnowllM* (Han'ltl 4.00 8orgl11 ,....,, lart.eel uo 2.40
•• J.40
J ... a .. lty IMeleerWI
Also rocod: J111tlfl'1 Pol. Cllrl1IOClflor1
""''"· Tr ....... Cllomp, """' 1:12l/S.
1'1 "" llAC•. •I'> fur!Ol'Ol. v ... , J.tt IMMel 1 _40 J.60 1..60
Our Olac.o Doti (,,...._rl1tll •.JO J.00
Ht C1trl .. (Or1egeJ l..60
Also r-: V•--. TIPS Alloy, a....
lltl, ,.,_,, H..,.., Ste's ~. Floet
CMroo. Prlltcool FMsb.
Time: 1: 11 4/S.
U •XACTA !M l pold NO.SO. llXTN llAC9. 7 ~
Holl<llO H.-r uo ,... lA
Gr-Old Petty IMltclletll 4,00 J.JO ICko Ho(,,..._, t.M
AllO r-: ltoyol 8111k>M, LMlcft Vlli9fl,
PleeM lo AIMMCI, llOOle 0 Fitch. Tlrno: 1:2l2/$.
s•Y•NTI4 llAC•. I l/16mllK.
S-llt 1°"9oel IUO 7... S.a
lloctlo ll1111 IMeMI u o ••
Give Him Wlill9I 15-><orl a.oo
AllO rac..S: Metlltt 5-clel, FlfoNtt-.
Onr olld ~r. Hokl Your Lott, "°"' Oortul.
Time: I:($ J/S.
U •XACTA 12•71 peld SUI .••
•l•NTM llACL t I/ta mllts.
Mow'I P-lltre ICrvi l 10.• UO l.lt
Vktor IE (SMlllloftetdl J UO U0 IEmbermotk (Melle) > ..
Also r-: Watff1ord Biiiy, llOl'tl ldeo, 0.11111...,.
Tlrno: 1:0 2/S.
MIWTM llACa.• ..........
I "'Pf'HIM H01U°"'9eel 1.... S.60 SM we,....,.~ IMcGarren) SM •M
ll1111 tor luntrm11114 IM8Ml 6.00
AllO r..-.i: l'ltlllo Ectlo, ~ Foti,
0<0011 Clltmp, O..U•lll• Oowll, Prelrle
Tlmo; t:tOt/S.
U•XACTA(W l ..... SIM.JI.
U "ICIC SIX lt+t-2+21 pold 1621M '°'""
7' Wllllllfll lklleb (ftW ........ ). $2 ~kll. Sbc
(ClftlOlotloft pold .... .., •'"' 1,117 ..........
lkll•b ''°"' ,,,,,_,.
Ta NTM IUIC•. Uur lofltL 1'9 P..-.UO.. IMcCerrWllS.00
Marllle c-1 I Mefltl
·-...._. (Wlftl-1 Alto rac.d: M.clvtty, Smolte.
Time: t :OU/S.
U •XACTA It.JI pold "'·'°•
JM JA uo J..60 ).00
•L•Y•NTI4 aaca. 11116 men
C«lqw UINl\oral JM I.• UD l"Otroro Miii (°"'9al I.• 2M lot Y11r Bua ($4tlll,...l SM
AIMI roced: Ohlftor for Two, ""'°" Mon•"· Plot, Wlllcl1tr Wizar•, S.lty PINMH't, IH of SU;lr.
Tllllt! 1~.w •ts.
P •XACTA IW) polcl St&ao.
Att ....... -10,611.
Women'• won.ybeh c-. L"'I IMdl St. tltf. UC lrvlM, t k , 11-li,
IM, t t·U, 154
UCLA dtf. Gel ..... Fut""9fl, tM, t._11,
. --'~-~---.. .,-~
CJ ........ I ........ _...,t. al T-1 a...........,
f'MI; 4 O.....-V.....,1 L ....... ! L •
M"9H: J. VIiie •en; e. Twe•lll t.
,,..._.OIMI te. ...........
Cl•N ....
'· ....... , •• Le C..; •. c.... 1a.veut1; ....... , ....... ""It; ..
.......... ; '· "" ..... j .. ,..,. C::..1 t.
·-~, te. Nerot.
1. u._..,, a. ,,_.. .. ; " TWtta: 4
NewWt'Y ~ ·~ C.-.... l ...... , 1. ..... v..-.; I. fteuNM OMlt; t. ~I 11.0..~
et•N ....
'· ......... ;I. ......... ; .. M6r•C:..;4 Lo...-. ... , I. .. ..._ AINI; 6. ..... ; r. ,_..._..; I. ........ : t. A,......,_; tt. ......... ,.,.
Klng9 '· Nontlqu.• 7 ._...,,.....
....... ~ I I 1-•
...... 0 • ·-· ............
I. OWO.C, P, SlaRl!y 1 (LK ... •I, t :S . I.
Outlto c. P. Stoll11y I IA. lte1t11y,
"ocMfo<tl, lt:ts.. ,.,...let -Mtrril. LA. •:«· Hlllltor, Owe ..... •ml~r. t :1': Low( a, 1..4, '' 16; M. SU.1'1y, Que, t :M;
Pl<llttlt, Ow, ,,..,_, t:l6; KorM, I.A: ~. t :M; llocMfoert. Ow. ll;M;
lloci..t0f1, Cillll. 14:-M; Mwolt, Out, "'"; •oHll., LA, 16:10; Aultry, ow. 1':J7;
Moplll11s, L.A, 1':J7; l.Kt'OIJl,Que, lt:4t. ...... ......
I . L• """91ts. oi-, t ITeytor, ...,.,,.,,
M : It. 4. Quotaec, CIOilllor e (lll<twrd,.
HUllltr), t :tt. J. LOI A .... IH, POii S
IJ•-111. 1:!2. •· Los A ....... 8-t
I HoplllM, L•wlal, 2:St. 7. QIHIMC. ~.
Stt1t11.-, t !Ctoutlor, l"lcllettoJ, 10: .. e.
Guoltoc:, a-.c S ITonlHJ, U :4J. t. LM
A"9flH, Horrb 1ll.ewlsl 11:a. .......u.s-
Merol1, Owe, 7: U; Smlttl, '-"· 7: ts; L.
M<lrptoy, LA. ,,..ltr, 7:22; H1111ter, Qwo, 7:12;
MYllltr, Que, mejor, 14:20; Mordy, L.A,
mejor. f4:JO; Hopl&IM. L.A, meltr""''-·
14:47; Pk"'"9, Out, mejOr-mln., 14,.a. naw.,......
10. Los A,,..IM. Ttf'ri• • (Teylor, L.
MYrphy) l :Qf; II. Los A119tl"· Fox •
IJtft_,, Torl1olll, J:tt; 12. Ouetlo<, ~
2. 6:41; U . Los A119tl•, ICorH I IL.
Mu,.,,.yJ, l :a ; 14. I.Os AllltfK. L. ~ 4
(ICorelt, Dl-l. 12:01; IS. O...lto<, Clelltler t (A. Sl•-.Y. P. Metnsy), ll:ft. ,.....lllft-
Merol1. OU.. 1:1'; JolMNoll, LA, 1:•; Tordlf, Qui, ............ 1,.,, S:OO; IAwlL LA.
S.00; Morok, Que, 10:1'; ltO<Nofort, ~'
tt:S7. SllaOOf>IDOl -Owtloc 1 .. ~M. LM ,.,.. .... 1,11•11.
Goolln -OuolN<, aou<ll••f. Loa ,.,... .. ,, ~. A-7.Jfl.
~u.c:o. ... ••..c• .......Dtftlle
"'"· LOUii Del roll
Clll< ... T .... ,...
W LT., •A,,._ 1 40»014
SSOJISllO ,,,.,,,
I S 2 D a • 1121'44• te4rmOMM.
J s J u ••
2 J • 0 ••
ISJWO• WAl.alc:GR,•1t•..C• Plilrtc*DMllm
PNIOdelptM 1 I I • 2t tS
NY 111-. 1 I I Jf D IS ~lllMMlr9'1 4 ' J ,. '7 .. NY llllftlWS J • 0 H 41 6 Wtlllllllton t I 0 It 44 2 ,......DI...._
Mofllreel QuellO( .......
•utt•lo Mentord
I 0 J Jf I I U
6 S 0 Q 44 11
S 2JJ7111!
l 4J•Ms .,....,.,le-.
..... .... 11, ........ lpfl!U
MY 111...-n4,IE ........ J
SI. L.WS 1, T ...... S
T ..... 19-•*"-•NYlt~ T..-o .. ~
Sl.L.W.OC ........ C•leorv-'---Wl1111 .... lit CJ11ca99 Quottoc-~ •••...-.•v~
DHP ... n1t11n1 • •• ..,.,. ........ Lletlltle> -ft .,.e;tn:
4 INU. • ,.,,..., .. mte"-1, 111 rock <9d, 1
.... eod. (a..tf'• Udllrl -JS ...... "' 6S -"'°· J Sllftl, to mocllonl, nt roe• cod, • C-Cod, t 11111 Cod.
DANA WMA•, -41 .... tan: 1 ltnt, -'*"Ito, 4 rodt fltll, t 90 rnadl-1. OCIANSIH -!2 ......,., 111 llMhll, 6
uttc. .._, J Miid llns, 2 rock n111, H moc:-.-.
SAN NDllO llMd IL ~l -"
........ : ' ---...... J ye410w\a11, 1• <tll<O ..... (,_.O'Celll-Jf ...... n : 122
'*"'"· • catlCo ...._ N roc:ll. cod, • c-cod,
I ll119cod.
LON• ••ACM C ...... 1 wtliWtl -a
tftelen: 21 ~. 2 ....._ --. I ltorrac1*, sa Mnllle, 1' ~le• NII, I Ufllll
lltst, I 11oHWt, II NC:t1 fltll.
llAL UACM -• ......,,: M rocll cod,
-·~ .,_..,_•H•---~----.._...,.....,,.... •• ._.,._.. ................................ ....., ...... _. .. .__.._.
Crosby Southern set
Late January dates. at Irvine Coast 1Country Club
Tber• are probably tho9e around who feel
there are entirely too many charity events
coo.nected with aolt toumamenta. Yet for thole
wbo participate by pl1yin1. paytn1 or in any other
way mak:ill1 such event.a • aucc .. , tbe Ume and
money 1peat la well worth the tffort to some who
are lea fortun1te. • • J
One ol the bi11e1t money-maldoc tou.rnamenta
in thi• area ia the annual Ho., Hotpltll Cl'Olby
Southem tournament that will be conte1~ at
lrvlne Cout Country Club Jan. 28 and 29.
. Durlnl the pHt seven years aioce the
touroameot waa first ataged, more thin ~.000
baa been raiaed through the week·lon1 ll1t of
activities now attendant with the pro-am 101t
tourney .
year with a brunch to follow. Theo there'• ,d;e
celebrity rout-tout, the Hoa1 Hacken tourney on
the short Newporter Inn course and lbe 1nnua1
pro-am tournament ltaelf, au dealped to raiae
money for the hospltal.
The Hoag Hospital support group from the 552
Club has helped in purchasing life-aaving
equipment and makin1 renovation• and
expansions at tbe hospital with thta money.
And it's all a week of fun for one and all,
whether the participant is a 1oller. backer, runner
or walker.
The 552 Club fund-ralaen were inltrumental In
creaUnt a new intensive care unit for crtUcally ill
patients. Also, in gettin1 the Grace C. Steele
hemodialyaia unit for the treatment of kidney
disease. The facility now bu six dialysis stations,
accommodating 36 outpatients each week.
"We invite everyone to participate and have a
good time with WI," Ballm concludes.~
Gene Baum, long active in the project tn one
capacity or another, is the general chairman for
tbe Clambake Week activities next year.
"Our goal is to raise over $90,000 In support of
Hoag Hospital," Baum says. "We have grown
from a handful of volunteen the first year lo over
300 helpers who devote their Ume and effort to
making t.hia event a success."
Ooaterhuis, 1977 Los Aneelea Open winner Tom
Purtzer, former USC All-American and Costa
Mesa city champion Scott Simpson and a boat of
others have entered the Southern California Open
at Loa Coyotes Country Club N.ov. ~-8 with
activities eetll.Qg under way Sunday and lastin1 the entire week.
Whi.Je the golf tournament that features young
players from the Tournament Players AasoclaUon
CTPA. formerly PGA tour) for a purse of $25,000,
is the main event, there are other activities
attendant to the week of action.
These latest names join such stars aa Mark
Pfeil, John Cook, Jim Colbert, Dave HUI and
George Archer along with seniors Sam Snead,
Gene UtUer, Art Wall and Bob Rosbure ln the
field that will vie for $215,000 ln prize money.
Among the celebrities signed to play in the
pro-am on Wednesday, Nov. 4 are Keith Jackson,
Joo Arnett, Del Rice and Marlin McKeever with
others to be added.
A run for Hoag (5 and lOK ) attracted over
2,000 entrants last year. A walk will be added this
For further information on tickets, call (714)
Anteaters fall,
Rustlers, CdM
post victories
Campbell on top
Emery remains scoring leader
Long Beach State turned back
a bid by the UC Irvine water
polo team with an 8-6 victory,
Golden West College remained
undefeated on the community
college level and Corona del Mar
High posted an important
non-league victory in prep
action Tuesday.
Long Beach State and UCI
battled through four quarters
with the 49ers holding a one and
two point edge most of the time
from the intermission.
John Vargas scored three
goals for the Anteaters and
Mark Tanzillo had three for the
CdM, the fifth ranked team in
CIF, batUed at Downey to take a
7 ·6 decision over the No. 4
ranked Vikings.
"Our goalie, J oe Roh, did an
exceptional job for us." Coach
Jeff Stites said after the battle.
"He kept us in the game along
with our d efense which was
especially good in the last
quarter (shutting out the Vikes ).
"This was a big victory for us
and could improve o ur
Golden West saw the Palomar
team keep even for the first half
but that was all there was as the
Rustlers hit four goals in each of
the final two oeriods to pull
away. GWC is 13·0 overall and
6·0 in conference action. Tom
Grall and Scott Nady each
scored three goals for the winners.
Orange Coast fell to the
Fullerton Hornets despite 17
saves by OCC goalie Steve
Simmons. Fullerton won, 10·3.
Orange Coast area prep
football statistics reveal
something new -some the
same -and some stunnine
numbers afte r seven weeks of
Westminster High's Herbie
Campbell bas taken over as the
leader in total running yardage,
* * * A•ULaAHltS ....... (......_., ...... ..._...... ..
C-pboll,.....,,_ ttt
S.0.llY. l!I Toro 1'1
lt ....... ~o.l IJt ~left, 1!11-lo 147
EIMr\' ............ Volley IU ~ •• NMll .,
lllow-.~11 IOI
........ Ulll-vty " en.M. ew-•• ,,.., ts v ........ M9rtftt n
Mar1111, C.-•1 MM it
Aralte, UllUllO e.octl ..
~y-4S ,..._ ... ~ n ........ ~., ..... ,
.....,...,..... .. ;c ...
S.-1, ............ v....... 112 II fl
Mo)Or, E._ 1!2 M I
Levie, M9riN 10 St 4
M<CMlll, IEMM<lt 1«1 1J t Sol...,.~...... .., 11 •
,..,..,, .... c.Ma -.. I" " .. ... Wt. ~View ,. s.s •
A-.... S...st rt l:SS • ' ....._c.-... ,,.., 114 n '
Doutl-, l!I T-tl4 Jf 11 "°"'"'· """""",..., " a • Clltlmor, ......._ litoch * a • T. Locy,,,..._ Del 1!2 4J t .......... ~11Uldmt)
.,. .. .. ..,
tT7 4.7 -... '" I.I ,,, 1.7
101 7J s .. u ., .... .... .,,. u
Ill u
-S.1 .. 1.1 'IDU
.,.. , .. s '·"',, 1.-.w ,,., 11
... 4 .., .
1U s 14' •
141 1 n1 s .. .
1'! J '" .
...... ~ ;c.,. ....
C«llete. l.Awlclo Jf -U,4 S ... ry. __, Martaor • -,... J S..y, F-..i11,Vt4ley II 7lf tU 4 Fr....-. Mw1M 11 .,, kt tO
l'-Mnl. .._ It 411 IU 6
hlln.e., e... D #1 Mo. 1 1
C...,' Md • D M 14.Y t
Hoed,C.SOMRa • 1• 7.6 1
Plectn, UN-uty t9 Ht -.1 I
WlllllllM, EIT-If -tu a AIM11.b-lo tf Mot W J ?..or•. C.-l2tl #M 11 -..... J ............ Velloy 11 m tU t -~~V... 17 11<1 11.1 I
E-V,,....... v•i.,. 11 tt? 117 I
M. A,.,_, Clll"9 -.. 11 1.i t.A t
Crlt<llflelC. Mol'IM 16 IJS tr.1 t "°""· ••T-IS -tl..t I lloy, H....C ...... e.cara. 14 117 IS.S I
College statistics
TC Yell. A••· McMahon, BYU 1825
Allen, USC 235 1,438 205.1 Kofler, San Diego St. 1723
Walker, Georgia U2 1,197 171.0 Eason, Illinois 1919
Warner, PeM St. 115 838 187.6 King, Nev. CLV) 1849
Bettis, CinciMati 154 911 151.8 Marino, Pitt 1292
Redden, Richmond 185 886 144.3 Landers, Brown 1537
Diana, Yale 157 865 144.2 Stamp, TCU 1782
Ware, Drake 198 997 142.4 Clarkson, San Jose St. 1782
Crtchfeld, Iowa St. 241 979 139.9 Campbell, Purdue 1172
Woolfolk, Michigan 159 966 138.0 Shon. Ohio U. 1733
Jones, Miami 199 933 133.3
netting 956 yards on 151 carries.
while Edison's Theo Langford
(7.3) and Dave Geroux (7.2) are
still holding the big numbers in
yards per carry average.
Fountain Valley's Rod Emery
continues as the scoring leader
with 86 points ( 14 touchdowns
and a two-point conversion).
* * * 8-1,1,.., ...
*"'"'"'·~" l"letltfoo, n A'ld;P
IJ "' 17.t , Um 1U t
II JSJ lt.4 J
tJ 121 u 1 ,, 1141 a.1 ,
ClllYW, C..-.. .................. .. .,...#...._.,aw
O'CMI..,_, E..._ Tlor'Ny. , ,..,.,. 121•iu 1
U"1U.t1 GoHel, c.-... ,,..,
Ml• .. , c:.1.1 -..
Swl• • .......,, Martaor
" "' 11.4 1 1t ..... 0
12 a U I
.....1......_ ...... , ......... ~ .......... . f,,..ry • .._.....,, Vt41oy 14 0 0 I .. ,.,..._, MorN 10 • 0 2 ..
cem-..i.~ Mo o 1 u
a-,,VT-10 I O O tO
................. t 0 0 I it o.r.u •. ~ •• 0 0 w
l"IKltl, UNwnlty 1 0 0 I 44
It ....... --Dill 1 • 0 • 0 er19M,C.W-... MM 1 f 0 I 42
.. ,.,,..11, L.tlllN 9Mcll s • ' • • M<CMlll, Ett-lo I t M O 1'
P'letltfot,-...id;t I 0 0 I .
aloM"°'"C. IE...., I t o a • T. l.a<y, ...._Del a 0 0 O • Loft91w•. hi-• • 0 0 • C«llOI-. ....._ S t o a •
Alll.ell, IE.It-lo ' 0 • • • Louie, MM1At s t o o JD
J. GrtfWn\. I.._. O 1 JI e 17
I! Al rldtle. EAltaO'I 4 I 0 t M .,......., Oci94ll V.... 4 0 0 e M
ONft, Mlil4I' o.l 0 4 IJ 0 M Sal!Nt, ,,..,.,. 4 e 0 ·I M
loMl.t....... 4 t 0 0 M
J4'1oftl09fl, C.-dt4 Mor 0 J If e M
V.-.W,......... 4 0 IO M S.Oy, ,.....,"Vet..,, 4 t 0 t M Gr-.,,._,.... 0 J 11 t !2
Tllttlo, Oci94ll V... J t I o • ...ir-.~ o • a o • G. L«y, ...... 0.1 J t e I • Y-.., ,._ .. ,. veu.,. o J • o "
9orry, ......., Her1'9r J I f O IO lot9y,......-i~ J f f 0 IO
M-. .......... J • 0 • "
.... ••• ...,,.,..., 0 2 ,, 0 "
,,..._, ................ J .....
ArMe, ....,.._ a.odl I t t e te
..._.,C-Maa It f I.
....._, , ... 2 " J • • • "
t..ora, c.r-*' -a a a • " 0-, El T-0 2 U O te
WllllalM,l!JT-J t O t • ·~· M9r1NI J 0 • • It
JM.1 258.• 258.2
'"' vw DllS&UUIT
SALE Pf'lt!
'7095 (2783) (208881)
PA PC Yell. TD
Campbell, Purdue 175 105 1,623 14
Marino,Ptaburgb 170 102 1.353 19
Paeel.ArlzonaSt. 192 1u 1,552 18
McMahon, BYU 234 148 1,881 18
Eason, lllinoia 245 151 2,071 12
Stamp, TCU 213 122 1,902 14
Ramsey, UCLA 137 85 l,W 10
B. Clark, Mich. St. 109 81 904 7
Kin•. Nev. <LV) 227 129 1.980 10
Kubiak, Tex. A&Ml34 69 1.143 10
Bryant, Purdue
Jordan. Vanderbilt
Harris, Lamar
PC Yda. A•I·
fO 85t S.'7
fO 338 5.7
34 52' S.7 n 575 s.e
38 5CM S.4
38 471 S.f
2'1 513 5.f n 1112 s.a
Buggs, Vanderbilt
Champine, Colorado St.
Nelson, Stanford
Hall, Penn
Sandusky, Nev. CLV),
Grieve, Yale
01 NT
-. (1273) (7ooee8)
V'AM .. OM
7 ~model. Durham, San Dieao St. 31 -5.2 29 475 S.2
• •!>Md trenamlle60o. Sherp & vtry ci.nt
(01eM1) '
11995 •
TINY WORLDS -Biologist Jot> !lam.on holds
up self s ufficient world in a bottle containing
shrimp in his 1ahor<.1lory al the J et Propulsion
La borator y in P asadena T he colome!-1 o f
A~ ..........
shrim p are reportedly the most ('Om ple~
l'cosystem to (o,Urvivl' more t han a year in tht•
bottle e n\'lronmt>nt
Affirmative action rapped
Proposal by Schmitz called ·exactly what's needed ,
white male a ttorney who
uns uccessfullly sued lo prove he
was a v ic t i m o f r ever se
discrimination h as called a
proposed state con st1lut1onal
ame ndment lo bar affirmative
action "exactly what's need ed "
school at l1C·Dav1::. lie said the
h igh court no w h as "a
cnmpo<;i t 1on t hat w ou l d
effoct1vely bar a n y attempt to
gel nd of rcver::.e dist'rimination
in C<thfom 1a "
hy the com m1tte<'.
Glen De Ronde, of F airfield,
told a he aring of the Sen ate
Co mmittee on Con stitutiona l
Ame ndments on Tuesda) that
the propos al by state Sen John
G. Schmitz, R Newport Beach,
w as vital beca use c u r r e nt
majority ruHngs by the stale
Supreme Cou rt "translate into
racis m."
HI' calle d a controversia l
proposal b~ state Supreme Court
J u::.tin.• Sta n ley M os k
.. somewhat timor ous" because
1t only appl ie~ to th e public
sector The Sc hm itz pl an
include~ tht.• pri\ate sector.
La~t wct•k . \'1rg101a Canl.on.
regional director o f the National
A1>sor1a t 1on for t h e
Advancem ent of Colored People,
de m a nded Mosk 's resigna tion
a fter he ~ubmitted a plan which
ha d been prev10usly requested
Tel>lifying again::.t the Sch mitz
proposal was David A. Garcia.
execu tive secret a r y of t he
Cal1forn1a Fair Em p loyment
and !lousing Com mittee He said
the :.i mendment would "ma ke it
1mposs1ble for court s " to
alleviate d1:.crim1na t1on
"f·irst of all. I don 't think
there 1s a ny factu al basis to
assu me . while m a les arc in
a ny way being in jure d " by
affirmative action p rogra m s, he
s aid
A constitution al a m endment
requires two thirds approval of
both houses of the Legislature
before it can be put to the state's
vote: rs
DeRondc sued the Univeristy
of California Board of Regents
after being rejected by the law
ROY S KNAPP ai.tt' !II.
rei.1d en1 of llun t 1nl!IOn
Bca<'h . Ca Pa~se<I ay, J' on
ONober 25. 1981 Sunned
by his wife Lee, 2 -.on~ llP)
S Knapp or llunt1nii1on
Beach. Ca , dod H1rh.1nl B
Knapp or Anahl·1m . Ca 2
dau~hters l'aln<'IJ L :\11'' t•1
of Glendora . Ca .. ind
Sand r a L Knaµp or
Thousand O:.ik ~ l' J '\
gra n dchildren anrl b
great ·~randch1Jcl1 en
Ser vices will bt• held on
Thursda). October 29. 1981
at 11 :OOAM at Pac1f1c \ 1e"
Chapel. Friends ma} <'Hll on
Wednesdav. 0<'tober 2ll. 1981
from 4 oOPM to 9 UOP\1
Interment al P<1r 1f1c \.IL'''
Memorial Park 'le'' purl
Bl' a(' h . p a(' Ir I (" ,. I I'\\
Mortuary directors
646-7431 Our lite rature tells lhe
co mplete story ol our societv
c;..11 tor f,...110r1foho
14 ftrs. C.m 8~r
427 E 171h St
Costa Mc.,a
627 Main SI
HuntinQ1on &ach
CerTeterv Mortuary
3500 Pac1t1c View Drivfl
Newpor1 Beach
LaQuna Beach
laQuna Hills
768·0933 San Juan Capistrano
M0'1uarv • C.meterv Cre~rorv
1625 GtSltt Ave
Costa Mesa
,,.Cl 180THHS
110 &oa<iw•¥
COSw Mna 64~·9150 l
ClllCAGO <AP 1 Pacem a kers. designed tn
t·ontrol llw human heartbeat an patien t::.
"'1th cardiac problt·m s. are being implanted in
some pcopll' \~ho rlon't really need them. a new
stud\ sug1H"•ti-
,\I one hoi-.p1tal \\ ht.•rc an dfort was made to
limit their use. !HH't•maker implantations wer e re
du{'ed b) half <ind the mortalll) ralt> substantially
"'A lot of pa cemaker:. arc being implanted in
patients who shouldn 't have them," said Dr
JIO\.\Jrd S F riedman. a researcher a l Brooklyn
llosp1lal in New York. whe re a physicians· com
m1ttCl' \.\as establt::.hed to review potential
pac('maker nises
.. l'hvsic1an~ need to be more critical about
m<1k1ng a diagnO'>IS that indicates implanting a
pat·emaker If t h<.•y did this. they would implant
fewer of them. ·he said
The findings h~ Friedman and his rolleagues
\.\ere published in the i\ug. 14 issue of the Journa l
of the American l\1edtcal i\ssoc1ation
Pacemaker!> are small elPctronic devices 1m
planted in the body and connected to the heart
The) pro\1dc mild electric shocks to stim ulate the
heart muscles and make the organ beat regularly
The number of pacemaker i:nplantat1ons in
the Cnited States increased by about 9,000 per yea r
from 1973 through 1978, to a n estimated 85,000 last
year, the report sJ1d
The Brnoklyn llosp1tal study was undertaken ,
in part. bct·ause of acceleration in p acemaker use
there The numb(•r rose from eight in 1972 to 48 in
In 1977, when the peer review committee was
established, im plantations dropped to 22 a nd re-
maillt'd there the fo llowing year
Before peer r<'v1ew. 57 percent or the pa tients
receiving pacemake rs were still alive three years
later After review, the figun• jumped to 87 per-
cent Fr iedman said that was evide nce tha t
p acemakers had earlie r been given to patients for
whom they rlid no ~ood
Friedma n said somt> overuse resulted from
shortcomings in m edical knowledge. For example,
in e ight cases studied , palients taking a drug to
l ower blood pressure were given pacemaker s
because of slow hea rt rhythm. It was not known
then that the d rug could slow the rhythm
In add1lion, s ix people with terminal c ancer
r eceived pace make rs before the r eview process
was establi.c;hed
.. The use of permanent pacemakers in pa-
tients with terminal illnesses raises ethical and
legal cons iderations beyond the scope of this
s tudy," Friedman s aid.
The Brooklyn Hospital study Is the second in
r ecent years indic ating o veruse ot the
pace makers .
Earlier resea rch at Harvard Medical School
re vealed 10 patlenu out of 32 studied didn't need
\he units.
Dr. P eter Kowey, now director of the coronary
unit at the Medical Col~ae of Pennsylvania In
Philadelphl:i, said his research at HarvaJ'd and the
newer findines indtcate that milliorui of d<>llars are
wa led each year on implantlni pacemaken.
Jla csllmottd the unit!! cost about $15,000 each
during lbe ltfc or u patient.
• operating
costs up
-The cost of oper ating
hospit als in California 1s
still rising al an an-
nua l rate of nearly 18
p e r ce n t, s a ys t h e
Ca l i f ornia H ea lth
Facilities Commission
The commission , an
ind e pendent s tale
agency c h a r ged with
e nco uraging econom)
and effici e nc y in
h ospilals and nurs ing
homes, ma de its regular
quarterly report.
It said the rate of
in c rease w as 1 7 .55
percen t from the fint
quarter of 1980 to the
first quarter of 1981 , and
17.96 pe rcent from the
first h a lf of one year to
the othe r
The re port cited three
factors . Incre ases in the
number of patients
ho s pitalized and
discharged, increases in
prices, and increas es in
the amount and kind of
services provided.
During the firs t half of
1981, the numbe r of
hospital discha rges rose
2.4 percent, meaning a
rise in the cost of eacb
discharged pa tie nt of
15.4 percent.
• increases
(AP) Res idents o f a
Contra Costa County
belt riddled with oil
refineries and chemical
plants s uffer lung
cancer rates 40 percent
h ig h er than those
elsewhe re in the region,
according to a state
The stµdy by the s tate
Health Department a lso
found that the rate of
cancer in the area
n o rth east o f San
Francisco since 1975 bas
accelerated beyond
previous estimates.
The area atretcblng
from San Franclsco eay
at Richmond to Antioch on th~ Sacramento
Rlve r Delta lnclud•s
five on refinerl• and '6
chemical Dl&nta.
Orengo Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednesday, October 28, 1981 ••
MAM•nat••MT Tfte follo•lflt ,.,..,.. n• Mll>f -..i .......
Ce mput ~I••. l;ill• 1•. ""'"'"" IM<ll, GellfortlN ..... J~ o.ie.r.. It Gttlt .. ., ......
C1Mlfor1'1 e "7 U
Jellll M. AKllltt\•, 11•'2 lr•I'"
e1vo , TWllltl11,CellfcwNe~
CHflfllt M "*"'• 1't6 Ooldlft Hllh Ro , 1.•V-. CAl!ltooll• tlJtO
Tllh bvslllftt It COllOUCIH by t ....... ,~.
~ ... Gel_,,, Tiii• ... ...._I Wet flled wilt\ tftt
c-•Y c~ o1 0r._ c-1y 011 ou "· , .. , .. .,.,,.,
""'1>11.-Or ... COHI Dolly PllOI
0<1. 11, "°"· •. 11, 11, 1•1 _.l .. I
MAMI STATl!MIMT Tiie followlnt .,.,_, ore 0111119
THE PARTS OEPARTlolEHT, M1 ue.,... c.n'°" R-. '--he<ll. C•llfor1110 tl!Ut.
L•QUIWI C..yon Auto Supply, 11\C .••
Collfornlo CMllO,..llOll, 10 Lo~une Co nyon Rood, Le9u110 •• e ll , Celllor nl• '2l.St
TftlS butlness It co11d11cted y •
corporot IOll
i._.... (Ollyon Auto
~y.lnc '"°"'* G. Emenon Pr~I
Tllll ti.el-I WH fllecJ •lit llw
c .... 111v Cieri. of 0.-ongo County o, 0<1.
11. t .. I .. ,,
Publl-Or-Cool! Colly PllOI,
Otl •Hov~~~·~:( rNI
Tiie tollowlne peroons ore ooln9
PARTHl!RS, 5f<MI Comput Ori•••
Sult.. too. Newport &eoc:ll, CoUlornl• nwo
T II• llerr1mor1< Corporollon, •
Collfornlo '°rpor.Clon, 51.0 C•m1>Vs
Orlve, Suite too. Newport Beocll.
Colllorni. '21WO.
Tftl• bv•I~• I• conduct.., 11¥ •
llmllecl 1>9r1NUlllP
Tlw S..rlm•r• Corp
J ..011 ... ~
"'"'~ Tl'ol• SI.el-I WOS Ill.., Wllft tlw I C°"nly Cltr11 al Orongt C.°"nly Of' Ot I
11 tMt .. ,,.". Pu1111....., Or-Coe\I 0011, Pllol,
Oct 1', Mow • 11. ti, 1'81 -.61·'1
, .. led ~b wlll lie re<elftd by
Ille Clly ol Cos .. MeM •I llw offlc• of Ille City Clef"lo ti ttw CllV H•ll II Folr
Orl•e. Caae M9M. C..ttto,..,ie. ""Ill
I,,. llO•Jr ol II 00 • m on Ho .. mller 1'.
1'11, ol wllldl """' llwy •Ill lie_,,.., P<lblic ly •llCI ,...., oloud In Ille C°"nc II
Cft•mber, lor FURHISHIHG ALL
A Mt of pl011•, _.,illc•tlon\. -
ott\tr t Of'ltrec:t d0<vmer1t1 ma, be
obtolned In the o lllce o t tlle
O.por1nwnl ol Letw,. S.r•l<n . 71
P:olr Ori ... C-to Mew. C..lllorlll•.
-rKetpt of 1 --.ntunclol!M fff of S. 00. II bicklers •-•I plM>S •hd
-lflcallons lie INlll..S. Ille c lloroe
wlll lie SJ 50119r YI
Eocll bid sll1ll lie m-on lht prOl>OHI form •nd In Ille monne r
orovld..i In ttw contract CIOCumeftt~. 1 ,.d s fte ll lie eccompenled lly •
<er11tled or casllter•• <'-<• "' • bid
-few not -U\lfl to percent ol ttw
•MOUftl of llW llld, -lllYjllllle to tllO C It Y OI Costa Min4a.
Tiie Contrutor sftoll In tfte
oertor m anc• of t P'te w ork •"d
lmoro••m.,111., conform lo It. L•llor
Cod• of llw State of ColllOf'nl• 11111
oll1er l•ws of It. St .. e of CollfcwNe
•Pl>ll<•lll<r tllere1o, wltro ,,,. u ceptlan
o"IY of well vorlal1ons IS "l•Y lie
reQulrtd .,.,.,., ..... -cl•I Sl•IUIH
pursuont 10 wlllcll proceedlnO•
.. ,...,.., _. lallen -wftlcl\ ,. • .,..
l>OI -n Sup9,_ by Ille pr°"lslcllll
of lh• LoOor C.-Pr.,.rwnce to lobOr
stlOll lie 91...,. only In ,,.. m•,,...r
provio.d by low
Ho bid sholl lie con11dere<I uni.u II
I• madl on • torm turnil/Wd by thl
Cllv of C.to Mete. -I• m-In .ccordonG• wllll tlw provl•lons ot llW
pr-I r9QU!re,,..ntt
Eacll ~ mut1 lie llunte<I encl
1tso pr-111\ed es r.-iulr.<t by law
T lie City c.o..nc II of IN C• ty of COiie
Mew ,_, llw rlQllt lo rtJ«I any
or ell bids
El-P Phl,..,.y
City Clerll ol ttw
City of Colto Mew
Publlllwd Or81191 C:O.JllO•lly Piiot
Ott 21, Hov J, IM1 ... 1.fl
f ht 1011owln9 person Is dolnQ
..... 1 .........
SERVICE. I ... S. Rllct.y. Sento Ano.
ECS EMIC1ronlC C..k ut .. or S.rvk•,
• Collfor,.I• corporot•Of'. "" s Rllclwy, s...rte Ana, CA '7705
Tiii> buslneu h co&ld11cted by • coroorollon
WlllNI J Gln1ry s.c .• Tr ... surcw
Tlllt ltlt-t wu Ille<! wltn tllO
C°"nly Cle<"tl al Or-County on Ott
21, t .. t
Publlshe<I Or-Co.osl O•lly Pilot,
Ott 11 ........ •. "· "· ,... -~t
MIMl1tl I
... 22.fl
To Whom 11 Mey Cencorn: ,
R0 81!AT J 01 PIAZZA 11 -_iv1,,.
to Ill• Oepe rlm•nl of Atcoftollc
8•nreoe COlltnl for • • • 41" On s. ..
Ge nerel IPYl>llC l!atlllO PlllUI llCHIM
lo Mii ll<Ofloll< ~99" ol t..00
PtClllC CoH t Hloll••Y. Ste. to~ ••
H11ntl...rtoft 8Mcll. Cl.
Put!llS!lecl or.,. C:0.11 OtllY Piiot O<t. JO, •• , ~t
II yo11 II••• 11111 lllod your
l'lew Flctllloue 8uel11•H
Nome ortd hHO 1101 yel
tubmltted II tor p11bllc•-
tlOl'I, plOOff Ool'l't lorttt
11111 '"° lllnltatlol'I le )0
doye from dole of flllllfl.
publleh your etotomo111
tor t40 00. Ovr drci;lotlol'I
l l'lc l11doo tho 011tlre ,
OronVf Co.et orH Ol'ld
l•t•I flOtlcH ·~·r In '" odltlorte. 111 Ofder to 11111-
mlt yo11r etotomtl'll tor
PllbllCIOllOl'I Ulld •P•
p1oprl•1t CIOP1 Olld •
Chui! to TH~ O~ILY
PILOT, P.O. lo• UIO.
Cotll ...... CA, IHlt.
Wo 'II do IN reot. '• lft.. '''"'"°" ............. ver1111n9.,plo•eo ci•ll M2-4U1ht.W .
! l '-
• .
Rt., tat• Hovtff For s• . ...........................•..•••.......... ,.
G ... r8' IOOl •••••••••••••••••••••••
Te rlxt Yetu A( Call
ttf'ftffll """""' ....... .,•lbu• Ptn1Mwl• c ·~\tf'1'M; ..... , "'
'9f'Uf'\.fdft ~.,
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\an l1io1an t '~'"•II•• '-"'• ""-•. "" .. ttrt.,. ""°''"Wi..•• .... \tmuu1U'f
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l·~· ''-" '•·· \t1JlJ1lt' Uni" I 111 ,.,.,
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M£NT. FINANCE I ~,,,,. ,,., ... ,,.
lhh•""'" \\ .t11ll"4i 11.r.,1,.,.,M1,, • .,. ' 1., .... .,, .. ,, ......... .., .... _,, ... .
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I till
flubli1her's Notice:
All re al estat e Jd
ver t 1setl 1n 1h1s
newspaper ll> ~ubJel't lo
lhe f'ederal Fair llous
mg Al't of 1!168 14h1<·h
makes 11 illegal to ad
veni e .. any preference
llm11 a l1on. or dlb·
crimtnallon based on
ral'e color reli gion. sex . or nauonal or1gm.
or an intenllon to make•
any s·uch preferenl'e
llm1tdl1on or rl1i.
''"' l'rim1na1100 I""' 1'1111
"'' Thi~ ne~~pa~r "ill nol
•• ;· knowingly 3('C'l'PI an}
o • advert 1s1111: for real 1~:· e!>late 14 lut·h ll> in 'wla
uon of the la~ ~"1101 ·~:: , ________ _
. .,
BEACll '
Lot·1ted iust a ston ..
throw from the bear".
these two 2 bedroom. )
balh res1denU•I mromf
units have a lol w ortet
the nev.• owne r Th.,.
seller will rarr) a lilt
T 0 for five year.. w11h
20•·, to S2S'. dow t1
S225 ,000 i44 7a20
e b!ng~
Localed 111 lhe heart ~ ERRORS: Act.triiMn old Corona del Mar. an
""' ~d chtdl Htelr ads iui.I a block and a ha
::: daily Md report tt-rrom the heath. are J
;:.; n>n i!Mltdi~. The these 3 IJrite l014n bou.<i( _.,.., un11s. perfe('I iJ) a
:·::; DAILY PILOT assumes o~ner·Ol'l'Upn.'<I onit or t ~~'. liCllbllity for ~ fint <1uper opponunll) for a_p
"'" incorrtct i111ertion 1nHi.lor S4!19.901~ w,,., • Oftly. ~ 7020 t ...
:::111---e L1·ngd: : ;~ Houses for Sole , .. , ................... .. .. .......... _:. :~~;I Gfofttrol I 002 , :~; ....................... , ________ _,
.. , ..
:;t.: I
' ~~ l ...
..,, ... , ...
He~t bu) 111 are.1 3 Ktlrm
Jnd add on fJmtl)
room 100' RelrrK &
home warranl> If thal's
not enough tr) 812'. as
~umable loan Sl~.700
Call now 979 5370
14 llh iust S.5000 OW:\ or
bu) "°"' "'1th SHI 000 I dwn Dix Npt C<•ndu.
..... pan1JI •U. St29.900 Call
Rae. agl 631 lai6
., ....
~I.Iii -•"I ..... ...... ..... .. , ••tJ .... ... ,., ,., .. .., ..
Ho11St & Duplex
Ea~ts1de Coo;1a Mei..;
loca11on. Ho!be 1s l.irge 2
Bdrm 1A llll .)a rd ,
garage. llt'IA carpet:. &
drape~ PLl'S 2 Ir)! 2
Bdrm I Ba uni~ with
gJrages Jnd PJllO~
O"' nr Ali(\ ~111 f1n.im·e al
13 II'. with $30.000 clown
Full prace$230.000
•1 H 0 M 0 NEY
Oppt'y To De-of ! ~lotl\aled seller IAtll st•D
or tradl.' J t ho1 l't
Sp) gl.ii.~ 1 Br on cornl'f
lot Trv l'rt:atl\ e le rm~
1nduding item) Onl t
RCTaylorCo 1
()4 0 <)<)()()
llD~OOL ·
I 2. 90/o ""-cilMJ .
Lovely 3 Bdrm. heate~
pool home Take 0\('t
ex1stlll jt loans a~ 12 9'. I
Tola I monthly paymenl•
approx Sl477 Call O il a
Drexlu , agt 7!i9· 1221
SIOl,000 •
3 Bdrm huge ba<'k
) ard grc.>al ror f1rsl
time buyer don.l mll>l
1h1s one Call oow' 1
1'4·63 •·§990;
Lo~ pm l'd CdM duple'\
2 blks to water' Pm·~
to sell (aSl. Good termi
Call Jeannt Salter. a.1,'t
fordeta1 ls 7!i9-1221
:,:. DOWM ~---_ .... ·:~: li u tld e r wll I tarr ) E.ASTSIDE •
::;: ~.ooo for 3 yrs on Lh1) 2 SI SS,OOO •
Br condo only I yr old Only SlO,OOO down geU>
S 114 . 900 Ca II Anne you mto th~ totally r~
, 1,, Ml'Casland, agt 63l 1266 modeled 4 Bdrm home
·;;!; 1 Large.> l'Oroer lot. Ko1
mo I pond loo' Woo'l last. call :~" nov.-'
..... ' 71'-63 J-6990 ~ I ~ (Jalebout ~.:::· Boy & Beach
::· I Real Estate ,,. ' ·~~· i
'I '·"·I ...
Soulh o f h1g h wa )
Coloni al two ~l ory
dollhouse T wo
bedroom~ One bedroom
rear unit Ty,o c-a r
11 ¥•"-LOAM '
Remodeltd 3 Bdrm •+
family room Mela
Verde on ~ Clll cit
UC with llV jC'CC'
Owner wtll t'll'T)'
·-----------~------............ ~ ..... ----........................................... _ --! M Orange Coast DAILYPILDT/Wednelday, Octobtr21. 1981 _ I
~•~•~•••••••• ~!.~.~ ....... ......_,_... "'-llwWt .._..,_... .._...,_,W. .._..,_Wt "-nfwW. tte.nPer~ ....... ~.~.s:.••••••• M • ti • ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ............ ............ ... • • .. ~~: ............ ~!!~ .. ~!~ , 1002 ...... IOOJ IOH .... ,.. fto2 t•J l••rtl llOJ Cerw•Mlr tOll C..W.. llJ ...................... ,tf ... ·······••·· ..•..••.......•••...... ·••••······•••·····••·· .......................................... ~.... ....................... ....................... ....................... ..
3 ldrm, z bath, a car ,.,. •• ,multiple aon1n1
Call 14.S-lltl
This splendid home ofrers panoramic
views oC the OCEAN, 8A Y and soft
green hills from almost every room.
Expansive 4 Bdrm 3 Ba home
w/family home leading to pool and
spa area. Flnei;t appointments thruout + excellent financing makes this a
flawles11 choice for you . Ca ll for
EXCLUSIV E showing.
Prestige pool family home. Maln
channel vlew from beautiful
traditional, 4 bdrm, 5 bath home . Slip
for 2 large boats. $1,495,000:
&educed to 13tG~oao tM
quick aai.. Some Oceu
View. Spa, 4 car au.
Belt buy in all C.D.M.
Try $$0,000 dn. F'1o.anc·
Inc at IK . Call Jim
Davis. ?5'·1221 . eva
• 1. Bay <EattollOUi,
off Santa Aoa Ave l
Then call Ruth for
New ...... eutf Ir.• •t ~r 1ar. All ntr.. la-·i
credible white water .,
view Call 79M71'.
1 lPI N ~hlU\I
. . .
Large lagoon view from spectacular
architectural design 6 bdrm, S bath,
playroom, dark room & den. Slip for 2
large boats. $1,350,000.
Price Rtduced *•"••• .. Auumt hllb balance
£leaaut uu S'
sllowplac., So. Wfuot.
1IO dearee occaa view.
Secwity, privau drive.
Below ~ at a,aoo.
A11umable f11ancln1. lmmed.~y.
An exqul1lte ottering
Elerant & 1pacloua 3
bdrm + family room, 1
lev. home w/panoramlc
vlata of harbor,
coaatllne, ocean 41 night
lilhll. Pre1ti1e. com-
fort. luxury & security.
Reduced, now $'139,000
<Owner tlnanC111&J. A&t
HST IUY IN COM: l bcht 2 IMh .....
cloM to btHMI .. ahop&. M.Wty ,.11tted
_, corpettd ..d MW roof. Try $45,0QO
doww, owaer wUI http with .... nit.
25 IS l. Coat Hwy., CClf'OM def Mar
675-551 I
They wi II fit beautifully in the gor-
geous Newport Hgts home. Unique
makes this a wonderful opportunity to
BUY. Asking $270,000. Drive by ~
REDLANDS AVE. then call for appointment.
Featured on Homes Tours this lovely
traditional spacious, custom 3 bdrm , 3
bath home, newly redecorated. Priced
to se11 quickly at $475,000. Must see.
Newly remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath plus
lge recreation room & 2 patios. Beam
ceilings. Great for family living.
Excellent value at $420,000.
Attractive Corona del
Mar duplex . with
swlmmina pool ,
minutes to beaches and
abopplna. Great rental
area. Call for details.
loan 1t 11.25~ lnterett
Attractive 4 bedroom
Colle1• Park bome
features ptttty dlnln~
area, comfortable fam1·
l y r oom, hearty
'1replace. C10N to at.op.
pin& aod <>ruie County ratra~unda. Owner will
help wltb the floandn1. sm.ooo. eau mZlllO to-
T $325,000. _______ ,
a br. 2~ bl. ram. rm.
din. rm. frplc, 2 car car.
w/opener, fenced yd, S
det'ka w /oce111 vit. 4 yr
old. f24S,OOO . ..,·lCIU
I IO 0..,... Yltw
SOCIO aq. ft. bouH, 4 Br.
•~ Ba. 1125,000, lood
terma. Prindpel.s only.
Steps to beach. 4 up & 3
down. 2 baths each
Furnish for winter/sum·
mer rentals. Good his·
tory. Fee. Priced at ms.ooo.
LSI FY "..;
Ht:A LTUHS -..111< I' I !HI
a~ree when you view this GORGEOUS country cottage in Newport Hgts. It
ha s 3 Br. & LOW INTEREST
FINANCING . Drive by 280'J Broad St.
lhen call us.
Panoramic bay & ocean view at
wedge, from prime large lot, 4 bdrm.
3 bath custom home. 3700 sq. ft.
featuring marine room. Sl,385,000. IOJ4 • ••••••••••••••••••••••
3 BdrQl comer lot. de·
lacbed 11ra1e. over
1,000 aq.ft. lot bl North
Cotta Mesa. •.eoo u ·
aumable with l2.4J'llt ef·
fect.lve anterest rate. See
lbla cozy home. Call
110,000 to l20,000 for n
initial lnveatmeat, we
can put you In a well
located property ia
Laguna, So. Laiuna or
Laguna Nliuef. Call to-
day for appt. to diacuu
COASTALllllDS yourneeds.CN-8C. F.d-·. HERITAGt associated Most spectac ular Deane Homes model
on largest corner lot o'looking Big Cyn
golf course. Beaut pool, spa & gazebo
in huge private yard. 4 BR, den.
form al OR , 4 en baths. Exciting!
RAE RODGERS 631·1266 BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR Cool. cbanninJ, 4 BR 01 Lundbera Rltr. &r AA· REALTORS home approx 2"' mi to' _.soc=·------
4 l w IJt••)() fo'I 'Ct RVM~ of Costa Mesa beacb. Bridt fplc. Coun-l'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!I &...-... 1050
try kitchen, features MIWPOITH6TS ••••••••• .. ••••••••••••
Oak floor plm colorful Woodly 3Br hse + t810 ..... W l-.dl
'l 1'. ,'i 1! ,Jr • J._ ... f, '•) blf)i
Seller will carry balance
at 123 Interest. Choice
comer duplex, 3 bdrm, 3
2 I I I San JOCICflllt Hills Rood •
bath up, 2 bdrm, 2 bath -------• down. Can convert to
large home. Submit all
lcAoa lay Prop.
131120/o FINANCING
Owner bas moved and
reduced the prit'e for
qu1 t'k sale with attrac·
live terms. Tlus 3800 sq.
ft home is now only
S389,SOO 4 bdrms .
formal duung rm .. hugel family rm. and pool Im·
mediate ocrupant'y
Low interest lst T.D
on llus spacious family • home featuring 3 bdrm, '
den family room &
formal dutlng with 3 t'ar
garaie ! Only $240,000
fee. 759· lSOl or 752-7373.
Walker &lee
Real Estate
A Dtv"1on of
ll:irhor ln1e.,tmen1 Co
When you need expert
service or repairs. tum SELL idle items with a to the Service Directory
Daily Pilot Closs1f1ed 1n Classified to solve
Ad. I your problem, __
\ l •
\ I ' •• 1
' I' I ! I l I' ,,I
Doll of Nations!
Crtate a fabulous doll c.ollec tion IOI )'O\lrsell 01 a 111t1
N£W1 £ sAllllO doll w1lh lake fur
outfit and hsh CJtch 1s from our
"Doll ol lhe Nations" senes, hsy
tomake1Pattern7191 lluections.
det.aits tissue pattein pieces,
doll ~ut 16' and costume
U.00 for each pattern Add
~c ucll pattern IOt f)OS1act
and handhnc Sud to: Allee... .
Nffdlectlft o.pt. 105
Oalty PMat
.. IU, ON CW. SIL. llft
TM, llT 10111 Mlt "• w.-.11~:..': 11 .... -1'12 CltlllC J
Owner wi II l' arry a Frist Trust
Deed on this lovely 2 BR. family
home & unit or investor's delight.
On a 45 ' lot the home ha s extra
large rooms & area for
expansion. Much charm in the
knotty pine paneling & 2 brick
fireplaces. $340.000.
Desirable Montego ·Harbor View
4 BR t o n e l eve l warmly
deco rated , new carpets, tasteful
wallpapers. Beautiful garden
landscaping complete w/spa .
$299.000 F'ee land. Jan Young or
!ane Paquin 642·8235 <G55)
prestigious Turlle Rock with
gorgeous night light view without
paying presidential view prices. 3
BR detached home is located just
steps from pool, park & tennis.
$199.500 Toni Morris 551-8700
C S I L E R K H L A D T L E R T 0 0 W
T S T R R A K U M Y 0 K L 0 J E N L R
T I 0 V L I X A K A S R K I E P A T E
H K H E U 0 L H R R N U L H S 0 I U W
D S R T R I A A S 0 I I A 0 I B Z R H
E Z U E N R K W M A J K Y G R A 0 G 0
E R S T 0 H A G U Y E A H H A Q A N T
0 N C M E 0 S N T H U S E J I ~ N H N
H R M I £ S Y G A G R 0 0 0
L A J P L M I 8 0 T A U N N U I K A l
0 H A R ~ 8 I l G 0 £ H Y A S H 0 S S
H C S H I A C H G P M I 0 Z A P X 0 T
I E S S P T U C Z I Z T L L I £ P £ A
knuc1lonl: Hlddln _. bllow ....................
..-cl, up, doMI °' .......,, Find ..,, llld ti. h In. ;
Z.tldl a..., Kift•k " ... -..... ~ ..
8111 ...... .. ~ '9no t.,... A-.
l.lllCet U.. Mbrl
T 01110mW: HoM
decorative ceiling. mo. income. From 4 yr StOOOOO
Laree covered patio for old dplx. owe w/$63,000 643,2341, 1#210t.S outdoor entertaining. dwn. Askin& $250,000. -=::..;=:.;.:.&..::..;.:=::::...==---
FlexjbJe flnancin1, Only BYCO, INC. 645-2251 &...-. ...... I 052 1119 .soo ! Call 645--0303 •••••••••••••••••••••••
BANl(eRO -toi-.--
n. Y.._ Sllows owe 1st. ot '9CIC at 13%
VA terms and a Oexlble on this 4 Br. 2 Ba. home.
seller make this 1m· Mt'n /Valley view!
maculate 3 Bdrm. Cami· Hl&hly upgraded! J ust
ly room home in one oC Sl52,SOO! T.R. Realty
Costa Mesa's best 497·3034.
neighborhoods. A great 3 Bdrm Home Lag Niguel
buy. Full pnce IJ.2SK. S625mo avail immed.
751-3191 951·9031
Beautiful Bodega model. 2 bedroom, 2
bath. fireplace, mirrored wardrobe,
enclosed yard. Comm pool and
tennis. $159,500 fee.
Only $10,IXX>dwn and low
monthly payments for
this 1560 sq ft condo in
Costa Mesa. 3 Bdrm 21,;
Ba, wet bar. 2 car gar,
BBQ and microwave
oven and much more.
Full price $128,500
... ......... 106' • ••••••••••••••••••••••
S 15.000 DN. IY OWNER
Take over Isl S&.500 at New rust. bit 2 sty, 8&•~. 2nd TD $12,600 at French Normandy. 3 BR
16'k Owner carry 3rd, 4 & den home. Can be
yn, no payments. 3 BR split. $895,000, OWC. 3711
2ba. Crplc, dbl 1arage. Seashore.~ • REALTORS. 675-6000 Ron Say. Alt. 979-5370 or lay.a.or.. bw Ow.t-
2443 U•l CoHt Hl9hw111. Coron• d•I M11 eves S48-1B01 Lrg 'BR. •AA home.
RHLTORS WI HAYU I Of THI llST USTIMGS IH TOWH 0.. PoW 1026 Steps away from pvt
••••• •• ................ beaches. Owner will as-
Find out about the high·
earning real estate sales
career opportunities
with T H E REAL
Lease option or sale, sist in financing or 'Will
--------$8,000 down, no qualify. ronsider trades. Shown FREEDOM HOUSE ing, view home. 2 Br.. by 1ppt only. Prin only,
3Br. 1 Ba. large yard den & famil.y room Tom s.u>.ooo. Princonly. Ron
$95,000 ... ., ..... 64.1-0763 493-2752. Jackson 556-1.a)()
llllffs , .. ~
Unusual end unit Truia
with air conditioning,
bordering the wildlife
area, Owner 'Will move
or lease back. Flexible
financing. 3 Br. 2..., Ba,
split level. Lovely
ESTATERS. Licensing LIVE IN Tnhme. bi-level. (pc, 3 Fo.taltt Vally I 034 $10,000 DOWN
BR, 3 ba priv yd, micro. ••••••••• .... ••••••••••! S2,000 per mo. lmmed.
D.M. Mm thal lllr
school fees completely ' EASTILUFP.
refundable to St'hool or Largest Lusk built 4
your choice. Extensive Bdrm. l story home in
sales training. For in· EastbluCC. Bright and
form1t!on,call7Sl-6191 <'heerful perfect for
upgrade OWC 103 dn. MO QUALIFYING 1 possession. Lovely s BR
$159,000. 851-9990 4 BR. 3 ba. fnnl DR: wet I 2 sty, Back Bay area. *~OVTLOA.MS• bar, cash. car. or!1 PllS.OOO.Owner631·7215
Possible 5% down. 545·2817 I
12·143 int. rate, 30 yr .._..,._.._. 1040 EASTRUFJ
Fablllloen p•or_.c View co-op o• Udo
P ... Mla ill a warity ~.Clow to • lricJM. c19HrM, ope ....... OM
...... Owwer wfl c.-ry Ant T.D. at
I 20/o. Red.Iced to $251,000.
Decorator alla,., h1 nery way +
CJOW1Mt ldtcllH & cW1 atoYe. LoYe~ 3
bed. dill.""· pri•acy. patio & b..tifw
pool. $325,000 & owaer wflt llelp
~ ..
S.. R•n•.ol<. l'>Ollfllv M~"""'4
2436 W Co.ut HW\ 31~ M.irtntt Avt
Newport 8e«h B..lbod IW.nd
631·1400 '7Utoo
llDlll ILlllS ca.
Gated Entry On Major .Greenbelt ·
Lovely Franciscan Model · Split
Level · Two Bedrooms Plus
Convertible Den · Plus Two Baths
And A Beautiful Powder Room ·
Owner Will Carry ~t Trust Deed
Call For Financing Terms , Plus An
Appointment. $249,900. A "Joy Of
Newport·' Listing.
(!) ·--...............
t 2c_,... ... ,... ........ c..-
'==' S~\l4llA-4£~s· ::
family living Large
front rourtyard with
br1<'k e ntr y
M1gn1C1cent views oC
Calahna and city bghls.
Quiet location.
Outstanding family
neighborhood Open
Sund1y 1 50 to s 15. I 1299.ooo
loans. Fn!einlo.
................... , ... 3 Br. Home 2 Ba. New
Woridll mdtr$2S,OOO• c arpeting & etc .
556-7n7 Payments under Sl.000 SZOSR ,000. ,._...._ •-
M in1 estate own. Un· mo 3 and 4 bedrooms oy Mc--. iurr-.
believable rm incl 73 homes. Nf'W cpt.s, drps 5~772t
1st! OPEN Sun 1-5 1661 and p11nt Subrrut your I'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lndusSt.Seeclass1002 offer Call Leshe or Mini estat~ own. Un·
NEAR BEACH Rosie Agts 848-22162 or believable fin ind 7%
3BR. 2~BA. $10,000 968·7194 1st! OPEN Sun l·S 1661
DN.631-5737 PRESTIGIOUS VILLA lndusSl.Seet'lass 1002
w e l b 1 r . p o o I s . AS.SUM LOAN Nr Beach. $20,000dn. rlubhouse. lughly up· OWC on this lovely
631-573'1 graded. Has exis ting spacious custom pool
CRYSTAL COVE 7.9% Isl. Owner will COO· home in BayettSl. 3br ..
Beaut. new condos, 2 sider <'arrying back 2nd 3ba.. plus large bonus _ I master suites, Italian or help refinant'e new room. $399.SOO.
MI NI ESTATE/OWNER tile entry /skylight/dbl loan. Open Sat/Sun, 1..$ Open Sat/ Sun l·S
Super financing incl. 73· gar/ w/opener. Lge encl 9766 Verde Mar. 536-1600 2048 Commodore Rd.
lat! ASSUME LOW MO. patio & Yd. Close to bkr; 968·834Jowner. LOWDOWN
PMTS ! No qualifying! ocean, l"M I 044
Gorgeous 6 bed. plus XWA.•ciMI ...................... , ~hqMuoh!
spa. AdJ. NP & Back l932MEYERPUCE * *ftllAIJfY? Versailles. 1 bdrm/ Bay. STEAL! $259,500. OPENTifURS.SUN J.2.5 lllU stutio pe~ condo
Hurry!Call957-0'744 641·1991;631.o>Jact, None required on this w/larg~ auumable
I 1 2 Bd loan. No qualifying. On· • .......___ ,_.__. I 006 By Owner. Lrg Comer mmacu ate rm. 2 :::'!.::!.......... Older House. Eastslde. Bath Northwood home. ly S99,SOO. Ask for Jim
Slllmit.,.. O'#lt ..... Defer down payment or
Interest on this new
Balboa Island home.
S.LISHCanAGE owe AITD at ~ int •
pymts Sl.385/mo. Steps
from the bayfront. 3o.t
br, 2 ba, open beams,
hdwd firs, band-hewn
limber s . full lot.
1425,000. 20~ down.
Own /act 4N-03ll5
C... .. M. IOU •••••••••••••••••••••••
New elegant 4 Br Vic·
torlao partial vu ,
ownr/conlractor rlnan.
avail, S57S,OOO.
3BR, lBA. Ira kitcb. 1500 sq ft and super Owner/Al\. ln9-S370 or
cellar. front & back terms ! Priced to go (est ...:.77..:..::0."-'7=928=-----
porcb. at 2 duplexes & 4 trit>lexes.
After5:30PM,S48·1Z79 SlSl,SOO By Owner. CdM & NB.
Good terms. Prin. Ollly. M~A't"=~.4 UJi ~brldtt Cal1760-Ql,S0«191
br, 3 ba. den. wetbar + Rt1t1g MIWPOIT SH01ES
view. Next to golf 551.3000 Great family borne on
COW'H. 545-2817 tm aa"ann I'll•). lr•IM canal 4 BR 3 Ba. ck>se to
.EST IUYS swim 41 tennis club, walk
to beach. Owner will
2 br 2 ba, 5 yn new. -------•I consider lease or lease Sl.29,900. All olfers cons. I UNO 9UAUFYIM& option or trade for trust * * 20CYo DOWH * * deeds. Submit all offers. 2 br+ den. upgraeded. W o o d b r i d g e $245,000. Gwen Henry
1114,000. OWC. Meadowlark 3 Br 2 ba, Richard Sowers Rltr
cov'd patio. Almost new, 714·598-5174; 990-2473 3Bdrm · pool. Fast Great financlna. B' c 11 __ .. _ escrow. OWC some SUCCEs.sR.E.sa.1991 1g ~nyon o .. u11ume,
paper &r assume S80,00C:"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!•!!!!!!!!!! panoramic. golf course FRMC $141000 ,.., view, 5 years new. . . ' DELIGHTFUL Jbdrm. fam rm. 2'hba,
DECOR 2000 I Q. ft. Emtinl fin.
1245,000. Suballt otters.
Isn't the only outatand-Trades olt. 75N005.
up~!. ~d!all. l°"oDOWM
Expandable, 2br +
coov. dtn. l~bl. full dr.
secluded pool + spa, v.
lot, leue land. Immed. Whelan occup. As&wne exiatin1
ftnucina. owe S295.ooo.
Great financing, super
nel,hborhood. Owner
moti v a t.ed. 540-38116
ing feature ot this lovely
3 bdrm. Plan 2 In
W ll l owcreek
Northwooda. The out.side Is just as nice. Private
spa, covered and raised
p1lio. planters. limed
Malibu Uebta. This Is a
miut tee befort decldinC
on a n ythin g else.
with tbil huae 2 and a
den o r 3 Br condo
w/water views from
both UviJla rm and matr
suite. Goraeoua neutral
decor aod the best
fmancin1 at the beach.
Call lor 'IOllT penonal in
...:;:95.S-007~3"'-. ---1 Real Estate
IY OWtB 3 br .. 2 ba .. fixer. w/ 11.
M uat u ll ! Pride of fem. rm. Ir fpl. Owner
ownerablp. E1cellent fin. at 1-2" Agent ~rm•. be1ow market. -"642=....::·l.SZ3=-----
free Plftems inside 170 btsl
jl(~ls, dolli. q11lts mtirt!
knit Ctotlltt, [mblO!dtf S 1 SO
AU CUil IOOIS. .$2.11 .t MW.-4C~ .... ............... l~&a..o., ...
lJ4. l4 Qllc& lllCllilll Qlliltl lUl.W. Miiie Qlllllllc 131-Glill~
lillo4 ., aA• .. l'Ol.IMI ----
·=~ ..:~ m•> MU5IO • • I 51 Dow. • • I~:' -
m~. llliiQlltl ln.Qllc* ., E.,f,..,,
I~,..._. Qllillt
12'-l\riflJ ~ """" 121.,..sa..ofh
ll""*lwitl ...
117.fJ!r M ti 1111•111' :I ··~--11Hlbt...,..
111.C., .. " .....,. c.... 11•11.1111ra.. • ............ 111.-....s.. 1 ...... , .....
1 ...... ...
JIC-. ,.,.. ,._
•O. .°""' ii .. . ....., .......
•OI .,_,.. .,,_ o.....-.. _
.. °""" -~ ., • == ··-......
•C-t:: Ct-111111 .... ...
I· nNr1 I
..,_,...A -.L ,..;;E..;;E;...T~1 t'
._I..._. !......,' I......,' I......,. 1
E G L 0 E ' l Ther 111W b01nt1e that klll r1 rlr~~~~~
M 0 L F A R f :::.."':!'.:"' ,_ -,.,
I' I I' I I . •~:-.. ~-::: ,..., ............... , .......
c .. c.__ .,,.._ ~-~tn,':!:cf· ~~~ ~ 8!3·8600 l Wiil flllr• hi I ...... t00 --... t110 a BR 2ba or 2+ pett In '" • • mu-.-~·
owner's llllit. pllll ZBr ~~~~ !8.!l&l:a.~~: •573 C.USDit: rental c°"aae. All in ..,.,~
sharp cond. w/eacel GoodFtn&Wnnl.SlatK
location. Oner will 115'1-4a. Prin onlr. ...... .... I 04I
urry II• 2nd TD. Betti•------• •••••u•••••••••••••••• b111 ln town for ooty MllAMCITM WAT8WATll •.ooo. l2'1..... 1Y11m•1
644-nl I An ti •A Spectacular views,
/Jn '.'
' ' '
' j .. t I
Stzt.tol 1prawlln1 4 bdrm, 3
-Int b1\b1, 2 h'plta, WET ,.. BAR, beamed eeiDe11 faa, rm., Ila ltkchti, ...................
,. ..... ,... • pool .,.. ,,,,.. ria-.cl
., •• ••lethll --MmlON llALTY ..
mt • aau Plwy, lrvtw ..........
Level Rdy to build •
11•.000 •.ooo cm owe
bll U'° W/Rectp w/blir
ISl-1511 day, 640-0SS2 PM w
Orange Coast DAIL V PILOT medn ay, October 28. 1981
• 1
~ ~· "'*'"'-W. ...._._.. o.irlMlla.. .._..Vais U1• ...... U**••• HlwtU.fw 'it11I C•• l'm Pa llh• U fec .. au.lln. Al •••h....._ • .. ....................... ........................ ••••••••••••••••••••••• • .................................. -........... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,., •• ., 1400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •1••••• •• ••••••••••••• ·····~···· ••••••••••••• .,
Ml....e .._. t06f ............. tl6t LihtlirW. UOI ......... UM ..._,..., JJJ6 Me.,.,t.._. l26t ....................... Mt..,.,t.._. l76t C..W.. · JIJ4 .......... JMI
....................... •••••••··~··••••••••••• ••••••••••••• ... ••••• .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• .... •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 28R VacatJon Coodo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• .. ••••••••••••
DOY•SHOlll 110.000 1\191 ..._'-MY'* ..... tSHCOTTA•I .. BIACHHOOS£ WATERFRONT Pool, lee, lfUlt, pvt SHORTTrRMS z Br l Ba Del Canyon OppotJte male t.adl. un·
Pool,daC'\11111. Offrlookt Price..... 11 RHtla1toe 8t1d1 -winter, SlfXX> yrly. Z8R, ZBA, built lns & ReducedP.>torlmmld atturlty, Nr harbor No Beach rentala, 2U Dr. New carpet. 2 llW. obttructed view~~
bly, alall)' Dr. Formal In b lshlr. "landed i::~ ~~:.~ro'o ~! Slept from the bayfront. ara •· 21188. reota~. 11idrm, with 11r S:O =San Juan bdrnu. SZOmo up. Alt. OK. No peta. • Mo ~:~ •. ~.;1 1700 di.n. nn,llrpltt. EASTllLUF bome. brollera. Call Sob, J\itbr,l ba,~btama, l!!fficlacyuntum. & 30 dock UUl loci. · -70 Slerre M1mt. Co. mo. ut I. 11
_MZ·3Sl0 -Now UU,$00 wlth 714-IU·SlQ or bomt b1•d lln, and·bewn SZ35 MOii Amber l.u· ~. 11 Two ... Trt,ltt MMS24. bd ba 0eeinvlew
Catalina· P\tr-V\a >tlr l& 2 SU0,000 ln loft& tum U · !!H74f ' Uw ~. 'wuher/dryer. Wm. DP. 3 bdrm, Z~ ba condo Ce•• I I 2 v, bit trom beach.~ m E. 11th. 2 Br. l car 2~~t 1t1l . -~
br. New decor lhruoul. 1umable ftnanelna. Call I -"•Ar ......................... or 2. !!..a·1t 0 4·0HS, SC. Boal •lip, tpc. aar. """' It d 34JI mo yearl ..... Call 1ara1e. 2 k:ldl OK. no ......... 17 -y I W "'~att n_... .,,.. ivw.....v.,.,. r H ...,..,111 8T JJ~J l NW\.., ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' W'N"I'-' -ry.Prtf.mdlaae ayne.,...,... ,on111tr. lnro aad mapa call -.,.. ~ """'v' •• ...., Maurett11:30amto3:30 peta.'"5&erraM1mt
couple. 1 ---ow a er I bro t er ....................... BhlffTovrahowe,2bdnn, 11 ~0. _pm (714)~ CA.MH»t. 1 BR. No. La&£•• nr ~
IG•l2 < 1 1 4 ) 111 • 2 4 8 a ..... , ..... 1207 HOME P'OR RENT l bl. View. 2 car aar. THI LUCIY NW lbr Eltlde. amall but beaclt, S45Qmo. va, ~ Ollerl....... (Zll)~ ........... _ .......... 3 Bdrm . .-r&. fenced .'75·908 Rent in 'Cost.a Mua's ~-· /loll of nul ·• l.OSALI ....................... yard It pra&e. Kicb & NEW EST 1ated 20 Uafw • t id c~ w 5511860 Spac 2 Br 2ba, let ~k •
MIWPOITSHOllS ........ .._. MIWPOITllACH .._,, • 1111 peU welcome. $4$-2000. 0.tltt~Coado Townhome VILLAGE ....................... w · EA5rst~E · ocean vu, walk to town
JUCAMAL ,_ s. llOG Resldtnllal lot. Level B.ayfrontlrMbc Rmtals A enl not . Completely mnod 2 8r COMMVNJTV U a Br ...... ......, 1106 S lo bt 1 Gara1e. W/D, CS/mo.
4 Br. 3 Ba on Canal. ....................... rdy to bllild. SU0,000. 2-3-4 Bra. Yearly ,._.. VtleJ JJ14 2 ba. V1Sw of b ~dy : 2~ Ba 1800 • 1800 aq. fl. ....................... ::~ dus c ~II j n°:~ur~ ..::_.=-·7:::302=------ocean vlewwithrommty O C EA N FRONT "5,000daDOWCbll in. Fum.orUnfunuahed ......... _............ oce:.n . ec. ~ 11 of pure luxury. Garages, 2 Br 18a, t 1ara1upace1 cabinets prv bllcooiea MtwportlMdt 116'
pool Ii ltnnls courta. LAGUNA BCH, new W/Redpw/bkr.86l·WI CallforWormatJon Cleao38r2~Ba.comm. ~ar II M$l200/thmo. Fa hydro-tuba In muter teoo pr mo +util. Altl tilltlesPct Adultaonly' •••••••••••• .. •••••••••
SUBMIT ALL OFFERS. from 129JOQ, rail MOO da,MO-OmPM/yrkends. MELF\JCHS pool, ba matt Bdrm. ancy on ru n , s uite. formal dining 8'13-4082 ~<4S / Pl , cell p•• Mr'llWT
Dll0,000.Lowdo..m. mo.••• w ..... .,.... PAVIUONREALTOR ~~Al\. 71(/955-1911 room•. wood burning 551.1.:~· HI Mil f&l lrUIU lttoft 2400 17$.8131 HOMEF()RRENT 3000 sq. rt. Nr. Wutdf 4 nreplacea, micro-wave ..... , .... JI07 COUMTIYCLUI
'"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I ~ Bdrm. *""". f'"n"Ad Br, 4 Ba, dtn, pool/apa ovens, fenced patios & •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• ~Two LAra a• UVM Im u-..SHOUS ••••••••••u•••••••••••1"' .. -.. ""' d Prl I Bayview adorabl"' l Br _, c1:e'tot;b. nu. l& dbl IDYLLWILD Charm. 2~ CoroH clil W.. JZ22 yard & g.araae. Kicb & Fam. rm. Dine rm.Tri· yar s. vate .. ee1ant • .. . l '1 a, 2 sly twnhae, B.achtlort, 1"2 bedroom
Wl'd .. on ... ...,,._1 • ....i IOl acre. Leue-'-(213) ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,.., ...... 1-.... m'"""" pie ear. $1500/mo living only lS minutes avail yrly~/mo North C.111. $S2S mo •· ~ ..... ·--
" ... V'WJ alKU ~ ...... .. .. ---.,..,._,.., 552-0873 from Fashloo Island, 1 875-1174 546-7214 apU 11 lvww--.
at must lo see. <04.5671. m-m. 3 bdr. 2 ba, F/P, 2 car ~ent, noftoe minutes to S.C. Plaia or Bay Side Bach.136S From 1 6'4-llOO
MULHIAIH °'!m91~ gar. Walk to beach Ht ,..,._.._.. 3240 LUXUIYUYFIOMT O.C.Alrport.Justeastof OceanviewlBr.SMO. 26dr1 Ba,u~talrs,encl. JllDIOOMS
llALTOIS ,.,.,.~ HOO ~7~/ mo. ~k for :::'!................... 3 Br. 2 811. withboatsUp Newport Blvd. & so. of Adults. no pets. Savage 1arage, ava .1111 S3llO J IATMS
M..a.tt-Dl ••••••••u••••••••••••• __ r _ra 675-HOMESFORRENT Avail. now. M any San Dlefo Frwy Start· Wllde&Co.6'7Mal6. 1M0-781M
•· SB8,900 buya lhla super 4 Exec ocn view home, 2300 3 & 4 Bdnna. '825·S72S. amenities WOO Mo Ing at 1000 a month. Bachelor. \'rly. S32S mo. 2 BR, 1 BA. nr S. Cat S675 MONTH P~tto..·-(7141527-5900 bdrm delltc. A real sq ft 3Br, 2~B a. Fenced yards It Brolter67s-t912. 831-S439. 2473 Orange \.\blkortSa.nd. Plaza. &Santa Ana \293$thSt,lowerunit, ~ ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!m!!!!!!!!!!!!I steal. Name your terms. guarded comm, tennis. 1ara11es. Kida & pets Ave., Costa Mesa. __ 6'7s.956Z, 152-eezs Adlts onJy $S2S. MS·l2U; xlnl cond. Avail. now
6 J. IO Roadcrasrt 1961 10xS5 Bkr.848-071» I 1800mo.~ welcome. 545·2000. OCEANflONT WESTCUFF-NB 20lEBalboaBlvd .J!7S-1107ext8. (213)966-1711.
Beautiful Versailles
Penthouse. 2 bdrm, 2
bllb. Owner wiU carry
lit T.D. ~.soo.
Rnlhtll ~~l\t·.1ll\·
I ,~:; ~, ;1 H ~
River speclal, cabinets o.tofC~ 28R Channer. Gigantic A&eot,oofee. HOME Beaul. l200sq.ft 288 2 Mana 111 HEWDLIZIDIM • .,...... .........
galore!.158-0CW7 ,...,.,., 2550 Den Frplc,gar.S72S 4 Br 2 Ba, Westminster 4 bdrm. z bath. com Ba, fplc , dining rm, 2bdrm,S&Syrly 2 sty, 2"11ba, encl yrd, 2Br.2Ba.Commtypool.
ltoclll Praperty 1350 ....................... ~07 Ave/Springdale area. pletely remodeled, refrig. Adlts, no pets. Marshall Realty Jar. patios, decks. bit· £150. 81S-J787. ••••••••n••••••••••••• 2 0 Ac par c e 1 s o r CDM He.tr tww chUdreo OK $650. 1.st, bltns, frplc, $1500 mo. Jfil5. 640.7814 675-4e00 ms, grdnr. kids/pets olt. E.ASTBLUFF Spacioul 1
MIST• IOSIN Yosemite, xlnl CllJ!ping 2 bdrm, 2 ba, ~car aar. 1 as l & dep. req · d · LIDO ISU Mesa Bhdfs C .. JIU S635. Lorri wkdys · Br. Pool. patio. view ID
Have Info on duplex, & rec. 'old cl11 ms, fpc, balcony, lse •700 963-392'1 aft6PM I .. .,__.,. Unobstructed View oro.a Mii' $47·9571 , eves/wltnds: pleauot area S1n1le .., 000 t ft 000 (-) ,. "' ~..,...' •••••• ••••••••••••••••• c. .. t'! C:•1't• C ar I ab ad . need ~,..,,: • ea. _, mo. SS1·4883 aft 6 ttul"'91oa 3 bdrm, 1 bath. frplc, 2F st1ory ;2BMR, 2i..i81BfAf 2 Br. 2 ba, beaut. view of ....,.......... adult, no pets. SS25 Mo.
telephone number. Paul .,.,._., TWO UNITS: 2 BR 2ba, 1 HarbOw Jl4J bllns, sasomo. rp c, luw esa u s bay, private Garage. 1 Br. Llle & brite & airy, ..:.644:.:.:..-4.:.:7""67:..:.·-----
W o ps ch all. Rltr, o.tofS.... car 1ar ea. S750 avail •••••••••••••••••••••••· Dr CM S725 mo. Ref rig . $900 mo . frplc, vaulted ceilings, 2 BR. $600 plus util. lst,
714-Gt-1735 Proptt'tJ 2600 Nov 1, $72S avail Nov 5_ Waterfront home, room :2·7429 eves. SSS.0797 M6-oal6. pool, jacuzzi. garage last & sec. S200. Bet. &,
Ce•hry Loh/ ....................... Agt. 759-0226 for 40' boat, 3 Br 2 Ba. essa e ~· 54S-311S 673-1166. Aft 6, 556-6693
Cryph 1500 Soo~ale, ~.a. lull· New4bdrm,2~ba.Wallt $1200/mo.846-TISB.P.P Vacant. 2BR, 2BA. oP. ~~;a~cavfea~.3:1752:~: Unfur n 2 bdrm No 1200 aq. (t. 2 Br. 2 Ba
••••••••••••••••••••••• urious coodominium, 3 tobeach $950. l"ilM 3244 N~ ~t.s. 5550 mo. OSO Call67J..7lM2. children or pets. lsl, f11>lc. dining rm, pool.
2Cemetery lob In Harbor Br 3 Ba, xlnt location. 1~ alts ••••••••••••••••••••••• 95V 11.'..~~~ proper t 1 es 2B-R. 1BA rear uru·l . ..,"" last mo&&s-0313 W ESTCL"I FF $675. WTSlOI R t $SOO Call II t $137,000. Owor/A1t. -Th L Ii: 2 l 3BR Cl t B h _..., _,., M V ...._ 2 B b 640-71 es ea co ec 6021990 0011 B'" 1 e a es s or y . ose o ear . --Mo. lncUridge. Jim esa e'."" r: 11.AJ a, ....:..::.=-:.::o.::l..:.;4. ____ _ HXa'"8 714-651-41118 · "very twnhse , o n water , Nice. 636-1435. S36-6701 Wanted Newport Crest 644-74-41 pvt patio. avail. 11/1. •Br.2Ba.25Wry.Year·
Looking foe a fixer up. Pacific View Memorial ON'CoBnnororw«n wnS'lel'" 4256H ~«::~!'!~•••••••?~!! flbd1rm , a1/c ~. fridge, arter5PM. Co1 ndo. Coub pier 1wa1T1ls to 3 Br 2 Ba l y"ar "AW $S25 mo . 1552 Elm. ly. Good location. llO()
per? Thia 4 bed.room 2 Park 2 lots. Pnme site · · '" · rp c. poo s "' courts. ease 2 r w/ r 1. erry · " '"' · ,...._.., Mo. Brolter67~12 balb home must be sold 7~8387 Saguaro Properties • 3 Br. 2 Ba. Condo, nr Adults only. no pets HortMwYa.wHwt 64S-~ 1213)359•0027 Close to beach. laundry
to pay estate tax Scottsdale,Arlz.8S2Sl ss.C.Pslaza. ~ PCh<>?l'd· 1 yrlease.SM0.730-6046. 4BMR. fam .f"',·1dinoo' rm. 2 bdrm . 2 bath w pvt room. garage. S700Mo. E~1.dep2vtBry,dlBaad.I~~!~!~ IAYROMT
BeauUful pool, 2 patios Co••trdal a..c-., ,__, pa, auna . ..wv 1 D o r 1 s C 1 a r k . .. ontego 1 mo. · · Require lease, SiOO ..-· ' ''" ..,,.. Lux 2BR, 2BA. Xlra Lrg
and completely fenced ,...,.,., 1600 <iro•H 2700 OK. 5(9.3232. --Jl!.3)373·1D> after &pm . 1 m med occup. Super ~!~~· C:~hook~~~~ ~~rity dep. 675--0124 mo. 673-073l Ii v rm. Overlooklna
lot. Grab this one! ••••••••••••••n••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4bdrm.~ewportR1viera New2br,2.,.,bacondo.on family home! Re11I No p ets $475 769 Oceanview \rith lBR,deck,st.ove/refrig Bay.Secbldng.Under-
S209,800. Call Ano SUPER. SUPER Lakeview. Ore100 . condo, Jac. pool, lenntS. • the park, w/view to Estate by Sharltany Hamilton Rearunit2-8 fireplace, 2 Br. 1 Ba. Mature adlts, no pets ground parking. Adults.
V1;u1bn Saotas for ap. Lrg 120xl40 lot + sml Ranch for mil, S300/mo. S8SO. 491-4116. I Newport Center, h mi to 7S2·0lS6_ Im med occupancy. $550/mo. 640-8!HS $3S0, 9'79--44lO, so.7007 $1000 mo. 67~5
po1.11tment. bldg. 919Sunset, CM. In· 200 acnes, 2 br house. 3 Br 2 Ba. near UCl. $800 + $800 + $400. Brand new luxary condo. 963·8182 _____ Coda Mno 3124 Deluxe . 2 ~R, Fam r~. Steps Lo the beach. 3 Br. 2
t-,, dustrial r.oned. Act now. stream. Or will sell PauJarino School. Large I Lease No pets, 2 kids 3 Br 3 Ba, SllSO. Npt Hgts. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ceramic kitch flr, pallo, Ba. frplc. enclsd patio. Cote Realty won 't last. Chuck $225,000. (503llM7·3143or rear yard,2 cargarage OK Occ Oct 28 frplc,675-4333 ~Fwwi~ MEWLYDECOI. more, cluJd OK S48S + Yearly $735 Mo Call
& Investment Spiller, agt. 631·1.2fl6 eves 714/flS1·7622. $700 Mo. SierTa Mgmt. I 840-2850 IE THI NST ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Br gas pd, encl gar laat. 64.5-1883 67J..2S07
640-5777 I f ...... Co. 641·1324· Woodbridge 3 Br 2ba, to occupy t.lus BRANO lc6oo laa.d 3706 d /washer. pool. Adults East.side 2 Br 1 Ba, Near Duplex, upstairs. 2 Br, l
3.15 acres. Avocados. from the living room & ' Crplc, inside & outside do. Adults only, no pets Cute small 2bdrm, lba. Mo. 631·61SS. Lido shopping area. $600
-. a -Catalina, mountain view Cam rm. dining rm, NEW 2 bdrm adult con· 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 642·5073. schools. no pets. S425 Ba. frplc, garage. Near
ASSUMARE view. sas.ooo. Assuma· yard, Costa Mesa Bluffs. patios. Malibu lights. /mo. 645-0295 winter rental 5550 incl z Ir. I .. ~ lBR. $370. Inc cu. W/W year leese. Adult.s. no 2t~al I0.3"o. 2So/.LT.C. ble loan. Trade. Cuh brand ON 2 Br. 2 Ba. auto sprinklers. Lake. H.-.V•hols utils.67~--Newly decor. as pd. carpets.drps,bltioO/R, pet.s. Must have ref's
Harbor Ridge, 3 Bdrms .. Rehab ol 40 yr old m dac.642-sellO used bnck frplc. SttUri· pool & tennis priv 3 bdrms. Cape Cod lc6oo , .... 3707 encl gar., pool, dshwr fridge, lndry, close to Avail 11115. Drive by
3 b a wit b v I E w j merical bldgs. classified lleel h.... ty entry, adults. t9SO Mo. $900/mo. PH; 640-1327. Townhome for 6 or 9 mo ••••••••••••••••••••••• Adults. 642-5073. bus. all shops. Quiet 614"i Clubhouse Ave.
townhome in this pre· I Historical qualifies for bci..,t 2100 ~~~:·9259• M2·880l. SS9-6l88, ore 759-&WI lease. $1100 mo Pool. 1 bdrm, t.\ blk Beach Pk· 3 Ir To_.w area. ...:494=..:-3303=::.:.·-----
sllgious private com· 1 investment tu credit.s ....................... Twnhome, new 3 br, 3 ba, tennis Drive by 2706 ing, ut1l pd 'ttl June $375. Newly decor gas pd.. 646-5282, 645-3:163 I Br Condo. SSSO Mo.
munity w/tennis courts, of 2S%. We have several UCHAN(il East side 3 Br 2'" ba patio. gar. Park. pool, H i 11 5 1 de or. c a 11 S34·3740 encl gar . pool, dswhr. 2bdrm, 11.'aba, frplc, pvt Ver s a i 11 es C a 11
poob and stfas. Excel in Sant.a Ana for sale. R. E. equity ranging Family home. Grdnr ·ac ~5/mo. 833-~7 13462034 l.:i63-934J 1 Bdrm. Apt Adults. 642•5073 patio & gar $S2S/mo. 2131830.zm R1chard.
financing w/l1e assuma· starting at fl.5.00 sq. ft. ...,. 000 .,.,,. 000 Total Agt. 67>6565 uoa~ooo U . • SJ7Srmo. S . B B $39 S43·5478. Peninsula 1 bdrm. steps ble loan of $216,000. Bkr. 9:>3·1220 -"· to • .._. . 3 bdrm, 2 ba, behind So " '"" do Isle Bayfront 3BR pac1ous 2 r. 1 a. S. Priced for immed. salt equity $400,000. 4 T.D.'s Ca Pl Kids k S8SO 4BR. 2.,.,BA exec home . .,.4ba, den. attached 3 car --. __§15-8996 3 Br, t'" Ba. $425. Laun Qluet 1 Br l Ba. New t.o ocean, S4001mo Day
at 1495.000. Try SlOO,OOC ComdoMlwfTow• or?. 7S9~. t aza. 0· · 3 car gar Master Suite garage Pvt beach Cotto MtM 3724 ~ac., pool. 548-9556 crpts & drps. Good 67l-2677 , e\'e548-4122
down. lilcMIMsfortdit 1700 540-7381,5'S·•C7ll w/fn>lc&wetbar F111lc S2000lmo yrly Pvt ply ....................... Large 1 bdrm Eastside toe. Mature Versailles Bach bdrm
lOG&s lliLTY ••••••••••••••••••••••• lewtah 3 Br or den, 3ba condo. in liv rm also. Secluded 548-8221 CASA DE ORO w/dishwasher, carport, Adulta only. S350mo. 147 refrig. Mirrored closet loot U-J.•al. ....................... Micro, dshwshr, com-Cul-de-Sac in best area Lovely 4 BR in CdM ldry rm Westside $400. E. 18th. St. 14,C.M. 70Sao_dr642·6149 67S..Zll I W1terf~·ommunity ....._. fw ' H pact.or. All upgrades. 2 Sl200 rno. Agl Kyle w/18() deg ocean vu 8\1\ ALL UTIUTIE.S PAID ~ Avail. oow. J br •upstairs V E R S A I L L E S
12 "3BR Condoe from••••••••••••••••••••••• car 1ir. Pool, spa. 5.52-1800 beaches Newly pa10 B d 1 •Pl. d11bwasher, PEN'IllOUSE , ...... , ..
\it block to beach. These
2 Br. 2 Ba completely
aeparale houses. Hi&h
usumable loan + owner
will carry jumbo 2nd
T.D. Only 8 yean old. s:m.ooo.
Rl'd h ti 1 o~ R l' .1lty
I ,~:; ~::1111
• lst/lul +sec $1115/mo Compare before you 2 r 111/garage. A u ~· caw.rt. Water & trash $1S0,000to$38S,OOO.As·S..Ohlmd 3106 ..,1_9.,u, · · Very nice6 BR2~bade· ted /c pt'd , ind ap rent Custom desion crpls drapes patio I 2Br.2Ba.c:orner unit,
sume loan & owner-as-••••••••••••••••••••••• °" -latched home. 3952 pliaoce11 St500/mo " ' ' ' pal · $375 + S300 dep. ocean view. $7SO Mo. 3b 2b ( b ill features · Pool BBQ 636wa~e120r pd •. Call 1·5 Adults.no ...... •." .. '2000, sisl flnanclJta. Res/agt CALL US FOR Yearly & r., a., .p., u Ul.5, Acacia, College Prtc. nr 760·1891 · d ' · · .., .... ~ .,.., 644-04.52. Sbeila.2~2. Winter Rentals. Ae1ir carpets . drars· d~l Walnut /CUJverDr.Close 4 Br 3 Ba Newport ~~~nrdela~rtte'plsuu;b 2619 "1".Sant.aAn• $465 A&ent,nofee. Versai1°'"1e_s_2_B_R_. 2BA
Adult condo fixer m.soo. Properues. 67s-4000 garage. cov pallo. lo scbls. shops, perks, Shores. Av11l now! S900 landsraping. Adult liv-667 Vlcl.Oria $470 0.. P.W 3126 Sttunty Gate. No pets
Allow $2K reot·l.ike ...._, ..... 3107 ~:e':uicudi~eoK' pools.OpenSattSunl2-5 Mo.760-lm. ingatitsbest.Nopets. • 2 Br. Condo. nr s.c ......................... Adults.$750.SS7·199'7
pymt. Barb/Shoreline. ....................... ·· ' · .M!!.e $900mo. 673-5474 t Br. furn from S445 Plaza, S.A. Pool. Spa. I Br. ex~ell rood1t1on. 2 bdrm, I ba $S75 yearly
963·0902 Winter Rent.al : large 1 00 ls. ·644-2'1'11 I HOME FOR RENT HEWPOITHGHTS 36SW W100n, 6!2·1911 S48S Child OK.~. $230. Avail Nov.1st lease. Open bea ms.
SlOOOO under mlcl 3BR Br. boute, IA.Its. incld. Mesa Verde Area. 4br . 3 Bdrm. $700. Fenced Like new. custom built 3 "-tilt~leocla 3740 S PACIOUS&SUNNY 962-940 carport lll6W Balboa 2ikBA condo In ~v pk. Walk to st.ores It beach 2 b a • p oo I, den yard & garage. Kids & .,.._ ltuH t IMdl ll40 (213)86.S-2542 --
prob.le qw.,.k ipproval. u75/mo. S..297.
$900. /mo. 774·5023 or I pel.5 welcome S4S.2000 bedroom. 2 bath. formal ....................... 2 BR . encl. gar upper 11fOW . _ " ~ S-3655 dining room home. Eat· 1 bdrm, prof <let-orated. D1W. adlts. no pets. ••••••••••••••••••••••• t BR-pool -I blk O<'ean
Nds redec. $127,000. TU ........ .._. 3141 I A enJ, no fee..:. --ing area 111 kitchen. Bay Ocean View Pool. jac $425. THE W...UTlH sngl adll S32S.
121·5235 Victoria Beach. 2bdrm, ! ••••••••••••••••••••••• ly lease 631 -7300. l"ilw 3744 1 & 2 Br. upst.aJrs. stove. fordable living. 1.2 & 3 NO FEE! Apt. & Condo
ll·6. Agt 5S2·1892 or ••••••••••••••••••••••• f>j~~113 a~O:: ~~ U.,-0 leodt 3241 view. SlSOO month Year ~ (213) S!!2..J~6 I ~-9084 S40.S446 Luxury Adult units al aJ 642·5002
.,_..1"/ com pl refurbished.· ;;:· ~z"n. 645.9161 or 11 br, frplc. balcony ocea. n Realtor. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Adults. Ref's Couples Br. Well decorated rentals. Villa Rentals. --------Ollih S. 1100 w Io le r or ye a r I y ·l view. ulils incl, $700/mo. 2BR. 28A $SOO dep. S500 preferred. i:m & SJSS. Olympic siz.e pool, light· 67S..912 Broker
LOCATIOH ••••••••••••••••••••••• $ 1 5 o o I mo. P . P . Avail !'lov. lst. Jbdrm. SS2·S698 eves . 540.7377 WESTCUFF Sec. I 646·8727. ed tennis court. Ja~i. 0"taofront for ·w1ot•r OHLIDO .... a ·n---_UTRal (213)7~2S37-2ba, IO College Park. wkc!ts~ --rt l'k lands ~ ...
lll. ideal in this 3 Br ~. _..nwn1uo.. Co•y La"'•na n-1Ah 2 New pamt. C111lc. tree Em•raldn-y.oceaofrool 48d 2~Ba $1300mo 673·~After6PM .SS20Mo 2 Br.18a.Apt PM• ~-e· .. ·'ul bcladpm' Rentals FumlShed & 12 Units, Costa Mesa. • P oc ~. shaded yrd $750/mo .,. 1 Ii:.,.. · Co A 1. 646-0l8>' ........ 1eaQ 3741 Garage, washer/dryer, 061 uduw g '" unlum. Broker. 67~912 :::~~~·d= "l:':!: Assume rontr1ct S370M. bdrm. 2rt house avada 752-2318 dy~· 540 7576 dvek oo s. Irv~~ 2 ~e. ~borView2stry4 Br ••••••••••••••••••••••• all built·ins Small child H.B. M6-0619 3 bdrm on Nwpt Penn.
14 yrs 103. Sl2SM dn. ble for t. Furn. close eves · ec · pabO, 2 a. $l600/mo furn tux studio. spa. TV. OK, no pets. Only 1 year 1675 mo. Ulil pd Yrly or Close to bay, beach and Owner631.2150 to downtown & near · art furn. 1200. TI!J..6926 2Br2baCondo . d ho old Callforappt MAlltaSWAU w·
tennis. $100.000 down. P . 2000 Sleepy Hollow Beech. Mesa Woods 4 Bdrm 3ba. l--.. wi-a 3252 2 Br Iba on wa•ftr S150 ~~ w:e~~ P nes. _!SL-MGMT 642-1603 2 & 3 Br Townbouu mter 67~164 Assumable loan and --_.... SBSO. 2U 540-311i53 fam rm Pool $1100mo ..-.,--,....,.... ""' $69S -Duplex 2 BR l Ba, ""V· • ..,..... ., G d I I ••••••••••••••••••••••• F rep la I t Apt-S Pat.iol sin•'e ' 1.U own e r will carry •••••••••••••••••••••••""-................ 169 ar ener poo serv Avall. Nov. lsl. New ex-2Br wtview ...... $750 Furn studio.Laguna 1 ce , poo • pv · • c.-ered patio 'h blk fr
balance. M,a.IE u • .11 ~I .-wport-., 1.st/lasl $500 sec. Judy, e" home 3 Bdrm 3 Ba VU home,3Br.dining & SJ50Mo. patio, dishwasher. oo double car garages, beach $S50mo S300dep ~ ~ vt'Tllift• ....................... Agt. 979·5370or540-7618 " · r ll $ oo $2227 E.side. all In X·lg 1 & 2 near Huot. Harbour. . . '
ON SEASHORE. . F~mily Rm. Pool/Spa. ~~J ~:!ti.··~~114 Br garden aptS. From ChlldttnOK.MCMlllC17. -'548.-=-SOO=-l"-------fkdh 111 ~~l-<c.1lt\
I I ~ •• I ~ .1 H I
$20,600 DOWN
Spacious 4 bdrm In pre-
st i g e area. Anxious
owner sa y1 try
Leue/Optioo. land con-
tract or ??! Call 759-lSOl
or 752-7373,
Walker & lee
Real tstete
1 sq 1 S•l'
3 Income Properties.
East.tide Costa Mesa.
Owner wlll carry.
Priced t.o sell!
714 641-0763
2925 College Ave
Costa Mesa. CA
3Bdrm,3bawitb3 car • C.lean Bachelor Urut. $1300 Mo. i ncld s r nc .,.____. ..... l76' .... 5.u 7 ..... 1 VERSAILL~.lBRpen· /'\,,:... ,, .. _.. _._in d •. I · 631·1400 -,_.. • _, ..., _. ·~ ....._ ._, gar. Ocean views. Fully """"'" o .. u.~ pan.. g. gar eoer"' poo service. -••••••••••••••••n••••• ·_.......me thouse SS75 per mo. furnished.Mo. to moon· No pets. UUI incl. $2'15. No pets please. For S-C.._. 327 2 Br I Ba S4SO. lmmac ate2bdrm.1~ 968-Sl33
ly.$1050/mo. 8'11-2474 appt. call 545·2000. ••••••••••••••••••n••• ro~~aw~~~2c::1sf~ ba . Hunt i ngt on -E-as~t~b~lu-C-fs-T-ow_n_h_o_U_$e_
WaterfrontHomeslnc. 4 Br. ~~ellowstone A ent,nofee PricedtoPleoM: Mes a 548 1546 & ~angma&k0Coodo2 apt, Jbdrm. 2ba, 2 car
631·1400 Dr R spa, 2 car Monarch SWnn:ut 3 Br. 2 MSO 3+ 2 Spanish style 631 2150 as er ryer. gar. No pets. S&SO/mo. VERSAILL~ garage. Avail Nov ISlh Ba Condo. Adult Com· w/gar & storage. -· paUos. wet.bar, bit in R It 644·1010. Lovely 2br,2ba,din.rm, S750 Mo. SierTa Mgmt. munity. s725/mo. 4930 STUNNINGlarge2Br.2 0. 2 car gar. $S75 per -==-=-"=-----
fn>lc . lge kit.. mirrored Co. 641·1324. 64S-23S7 or 83l·7990. Also; family home wilb Ba. Garden Apt Pool. mo. lsl It last+ S300aec Ger::!. ~=~~:~I~~: •·•· "" · n AV•'L Nov 1 V"ry lge 710W.18lh.St. deposit . Ca 11 c ....... v.;ean View pe · "" · "' MlsMo. "'-'-3267 redwood sundeck & view (714)759-4311 A k f Cliff Haven Area S700
thouse. $850. Sandy attrac 3-'br. F.R Best ••••••••:~•••••••••• ofwaves'SMO .. .,................. ........ NEWBREEDAPTS. M B ham Cal5I or mo.646-3Sl2,'7S-l7S7 642-6149 north a~a No pets $695. ,......, nvv.-.. .,.. l BR with LOFT, $480. r. in& · 8-5. · .......... ~...-...-----• .,.1 3937 HOME FOR RENT Soc111 -"ttvotoes 01· F I I •••c _.......OUSI Steps to Beach. tBR yr ly. LIDO ISLE charming 4 ""· 3 Bdrm. S650. Fenced Rentimes 1ec1or•Free5'Jn0ay rp c, rtt room, poo · ;w"' ......... ," S32S
bdrm. 2YJ bath. lrg sun· 2 Br tba, nr new cpt, oo yard & garage. Kids & 631-4.SS.5 Brunch • eea s • jacuzzi. gas & water 3 br. 2 ba. sltyli1bu. mo. 63i.sem
ny patio, newly rt· wax flrs, sm fend yrd., pets welcome. s.&S-2000. Par11es •Plus more lh'd. Adults, no pets. 393 calbedral ceiliDJS, dbl •-------•I decorated $1700 mo. gardener. $475+$400 Agent,nofee. Wnt.lalhr GMATREOAfATIOH. milton,CM.ffS-+!11. b1lcony, sinf)es delight Spacious bachelor. I full 91 UMfTS Yearly. Bill Grundy, dep, sml child ok, no Temcs•F•eeLBM01'4 or family retreat. 9650 Ba. frig/hot plate-, l~ u_wport ............... ••69 •••••• • ••••••••••.••••• o I r I blk from beach •"""1mo 14·7P\IXES 675-6161 peta. 1952 Meyer, ,..... -.,., OMES (p1o &p1osnop)•2 ............ ,... mo. acouol or l _,., ~"--'-=~-----• un ... a. ••••••••••••••••••••••• H FOR RENT HellthOlu1>s•S.un1 ~-u U gardening. Agt, Greg, yrly.673·2Dlaft6. Priced 5'00,000 below Want something xtra ""',,..,...~.....,..--=---------ir.wEC~ 3 Bdrms. $625-$650. H 11 appraisal for quick sale. B "'~·t CM NICE.' .. 2 Br, l '"" ~ F d • y romassage • APAl'niefTS 141-9979. •BREATHTAKING s pecial in a 2 r . ~ Mii H ••-vtEW en ce y arda & swimming , 0011 VlEWS• Woo'llast hnt.utictax Townhouse completely ba, gar, yds. Petok Xtrs AIWVft garages. Kids & pets o11v1ng Range Beautlflul landscaped , Unfurnltbedl,2.&3br
·-• write-off and iovesl· furn ! $1195. Mo. 76G-9117. . 752-22112 642-5261 4 ~r. 2~ Ba. FamilY rm, welcome. 545.2000. BEAUTIFUL APTS: gerden apt.s. Patios or 1 ASPIM,AClftC AHdulls2 oBnly.pt"7h~""Mo .
.., -5 men t. Ca II Ri ck •--------i Din tm .. ZD>sq. Ct. SlSOO Agent, no fee. Singles 1 & 2 Bed decks. ~ & Spa, ~v-CJ Ill H .. 7202 u1e . r. a . i.,. on Beautifully detailed 3 714/760-7292 "' Mo. Drive by fll'Sl 1806 rooms • Furn11hid ered parldq. Heal paid. back bay bluff w1lJI 2
Bdrm home in most de· ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I Mo. to month, 2 Br 2ba lfeatiB.All Pol1Abbeyca.U7S2~. HoeMtFw I Hw &Untumosned •~ Adults,nopels. private balconies, frplc,
sirable aru. Large Ft«AMCM onwaterSUOO. TOWM40MIS 4 b r . 4 b1 home I n U.fw ht Id 33 u .. ng •No Pets • 18R. $t»$430 healed pool & loads of
formal dining room, 13". On Seubare. 3br. 3ba, Bay shores. Avail lsl ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mooets Open D111y 2250 Vanguard. 54().9626 closets. 74S Dommgo Dr
den. breakfast room, 7 unit townhousell, less motomo.Sl~. MEW CONDO FOR weekinJan.-."""'mo.l 9to6 979-8889or&&s-1260. than 3 rears old. Beaut. On the Bay, 2 Br 2ba. llNT .,,,_, •--L C-d• t 2 BR 2 BA and unique gardu tree· loed street. $l200moyrly. yr lease. Roo Jackson __.3"'. m I Oakwood . $515 PenlhouseApt. l BR.sec.
room.foryearrounden· 2 Ir.+ 0.. 2 '12 I& 55&·1800 SUMMll·Wlt41'H QerdenApeftrnent1 398W.WUaon, 631-$583 1ate. G~al amenities.
Call 1131-4361; 641-1191 a&t. Laguna Oceanfront 2 tertalninJ. lo see ......_ ______ , Br.Sl200/mowinter. Hts/ ... OM 90r, WESTCUFF3bedroom. YIAlLY ·COMM1. NewporthectiN. SM0,67S-4000or673-jll2t.
lhia enticmg home. '"" Waterfront Homea, Inc frpk ,_,... 1 1tory witb pool, family 880 1rv11111 ••• 1&1M 64J.5200 SSl-1400 6~6 W. 1-. room, 2 firepla~. din· (714) 6.45-111>' Wcstrleld
$7',tlOIM'lD owe at 15 wilh tieK
down, nice area in S.A.
Good cub now. R Ir ff lnYeltmenl.I
jiil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!••! 64S.27lt ing room, 3 peUoe. etc. Newl)Oft a.cti s. -
W. Npt. Wkly/mo, 00 I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ etc. f1S(IOMo.e4MCT7. 1100 t8th St~..., a11ei~1 fAMLY APTS.
und. very clean. l 3 Br 21,; Ba condo. -------• (71 4)64 -6t13 ~:r·~:!!3fi:tle:J:"~a:S2
Mrm (213)9Z3-0C5 pool/tennis $7SO mo. ... CAMYOM --------• cblldrtn. Near park.
,\ft.75l-3Dl L uxurtoua. Three UN'TTOOWM; OCEANfRONT2&4 Br. Heatpald.Nopeta .
....... ua,.ll•1d 8eauUtu1Sl>litLtvel38R bed.Ri'chroolyd~~.blllutth..'.i SS30SAJBR,ramrm_,,, Avail. Wint.e:r. Weekly/ 2BR.l \4 8A. "95
••••••................. or Den 3BA townhouse _, ""' _, Moo . 673-7113. 2 BR. 2 BA. "15
ltMrtl lJOJ Condo. Db Car pet & tones. 3000 aquart feet. WSH.8 .lBR,focd ........ !Br Yrb', ocn view, vtil aeew. Wllaan, fi)l.s513
....................... Drape•. Micro. Trash Overlooks 10th tee of -D Pt H -pd. FIU'ftilhed. S$Z5 mo. RENTALS compacter, dishwasher, iolfcoutM.SZ'J'IOmootb. -ana ome .a 141-4411 EASTSIDI l Ir. Nwly
Ye a r I y ·wee 111 Y • ~cot2r~i f!c~~~!'. 0~!:1/v~Or!'n :.!~ •g1TorroMaaor tbt'Vmallles. vuoffowa· decorated. Adult.I, no ~::;:;;;;j Wloter,2,3,4, Bdrma, day 1-5. To aee caJI uo.z tii.n/1ardttl, Sl,000,000 Pftl. Refrl&• $115 mo fl!! Newport Bucb • Poot/apa. No PfU. $795. tl001rvlad+2 clubbse, aauna, PoOI. MS·Ot•.
••••••••••••••••••••••• eut. 2 Br. acn>IS from ...=;:;..=;;~----• aand. U /mo. + llt. Ir
lut. No llidl.
Del• .. 4·1>leat1 Coata Balboa lit Ir l11t Plus dep. 8'1·1300, Realtor. s.10 • P •. I Y m • • • c . ~P;....;AL.....-M'--IOSA--APTS---1
._LT lieu. Alsum. loan. JACOISllALn •1·tll0 y~ RenUm• aar./luard a.so. Dys J.Mlll.aDr. ----~----_.....~=
Mpt"-9c.t. ~PM. ontJ. -... PIOPllTYM&IS ~e:.Y:=~~~& •.::~~Club, p!!{ 8'1... an. ao1 'rom: eu ur.hn.-.2ar .• 11.
Buulltul nAlm botne -=~~·-----· 67 I I m teoO/ • fac'•· Good ..... 11100. FEE at•a. fl&nl •• A.dub Oftb,
bu tartt ll~room, 1:..:: ce. mo. Brobrm-!12, en•• 11 r-::~=i:=~~-j Call .~. ~~U~n'T':ard•O~~ IACllPICI WHYl9m . ~ 2BR retreat Seavlew4Brl&.,laml\J PwM t ~ 1400 WihM-.TAU N..-pon ....... 11r.1"
floon. 4 Br Ir a Ba. 1.r& WI WREN..,,,arLISS w/coutrJ klttMft • rm, di.nJnC rm. otean it ......... " ............ 2 bdrm, I belll. rrp1.:, Ba. frpk, ,.,.,, ldlllta.
froat yard pnwidel nice Two aetf ...... OM caa put )'OU In yaor Oft adalld ...... 1 I niitJt lltht "'"9. Pool ft fOI u.r.ctmVIS dabwllr, •mo. :.=. -+ ......
Mt·blclrfrom U1utrett :!.:'=~ t bomei • NII I '11 1 bdrm, t llilA. WtM. _..,.........,.. _____ , .... ,...a..._;r;.i::a:s:.r.-__ 1
and lllt priHtt rur the GtW • • llJlll a..a-...a .-... lll018drm. ZBA lo best . P1Uo, ••·
yard la btaullfull1 ---area. SlidlllC ..... door landtuped al'OWICI a with two ••• lWO _ ... -............ »Ida lO ..... rtlo II
draaallr pool aod ~o4.'"o~!ii~tr.:2 YrtJ I 8Jl 2ile. pr.,.. l1lldltQedrlrcl i.::.:.:.o wlt,11 1pa . ...._.., ......... ltAL PUCtl .. Ot, 1117
•.... 'L ft ·--ta ......... Aflll. --• ---.. ,.. , ... o.a,
:r-__ , ·--
• I
~s.Mt Dec.........._ .... 1 H I ,..._ ,__._ ,... .. ~ -..-, I I . ..,, .,........., •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• ••••••••in•••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••• ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••n••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••n••••• ••••••••••n••••••••••• SOUTH AMEJUCA Nffd1BoolkMper Sh1mpoo&atamcle1n Moldlll1. Mtmn•· OT RalphCaballm>&Sona RAULINO udeat b11 Pall Special. ut/lnt HAN GING SIO 1 roll. TRAVELS.ERVICES
CallJIMlyllUW Color bri~. wbt namenta . Sell 4c In Oardenlo1 service, 10 11e I.nick. Lowest r1i.. .....~ pallltloa Prof. Ranbl qu1llty, rree eat , & 11 ipecialty Call Ttry
JatS ~tt.. crpll • LO m1n bitacb ttaU1Uoo. Ol.llNlltee. yrs exp. COl:npJ ma.int. Prompt. CIU s111e. Re1latertd Nune. Ex· Freeett. §ttveHH211 •trl9pln1. Call Srott J/cklQp Towl.15f m73
Widen Hall, llv/din, rma SU , Comm/retld. Tr trim· Tb1nhou.John. celltot reltNIMltl. Non· Flot palntiol by Richard =.:.:8=------~~.1~!Jy
....................... ave room 17.SO; couch Dot c... m.lna &i removal, clean· CWN W YOUI ACT Smoker. Availab&t lbru Sinor. Uc. fna. 13 y,.. ot .......,.,..,.., ' f,... s.r.kt
(illW""'6 & s~ $10, chr A Ouar. ellm. ••••••••tt••tt••n•tt•• ups .. Free est. IM&-4'S4 HA LfNG. -l· ·-• Feb. Call at After 5:00. happy N .8. alltomen. .. ..................... ••••1•R••E•E•••0•:.:_.•10••N•S••••• Buu~&nceoo pelodor.Crptrepair. PETS "R"PEOPLE ..!fh!.IO. -..-.. 5»-Wll Th•uxou. 831-4410 Neatp1lclwl&t.e1ture11 ~ .
Addition&, remod .. llna. 15 yrs exp. Do work Bo•rdindGroomin& Exp. aardener. clean· ..........,...... LARRY'SPAINTlNG Fntttf ft1-14lt Prun~,:_ScRulptu~!· " mxsell Rell $.11·0101 "WeCa~T· 546-2M8 ur:e tree trim mant Ji .__...... r 11 s I 11 I l/ ---· ----' To9, ••un. tJnQva ... plaru. Free eat. Reas. · · -' ' · m,_._ L••nf~I 1 pee a n ext, Pluter Patcbln1 & Clt•n·up.@1·2513 Ltc.131 549-2110 NoSteam~Shampoo Drywll etl.Pett14l·l!!! A·ZHAUUNGConltruc· ....................... papers. drywa ll resturcoa. lot/ext. 30 _ _.....:::.:c."'-='s;o..o;""""='-
P ti decktn t Id Slain Speciallat. Fut ....................... THI Tm PIOf\I lion 4' reaidenlill clean· 8~11t'1 Landlcapin& IU•8313 yrs. Neat. Paul ~2t'7'7 JAYI TIH CAii !:,·landaca~ dxeti~n~ drx. fceept. 838-1512 DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC Lowttt price W.<X\37 up; dumplruck. 431-0,122 Bnck. atone b&ock, COO· All Palnll.oi·lnt $450 ext Complete aervice and
&c · t k Free l ROBERT'SCARPET 14 yra exp. F\.ll1y lk'd & H .... TREES/SHRUB TRIM crttt. frplca. BBQa, $450 Ne-\ complete "11•119 atump. grind.ma. 10 yrs
U\. wcr ' H . REPAIR. Restretcb, re· Insur . n•z;•• G & d patloa, drlvew1ya. Free eat ~·U-7292 ....................... up. Ltr. Ins. ~9308 l.1£, bonded. Pl·OtOl I II ~1 ......... ..,. "--"la.. ~t--••••••••••••• .. •••••••• a r a I e Y a r Guar Ll" •· •-· ~-"""14 ' McCORMACK PUfBG
D01TNOW1 ... ,..,.s..,.
YOW' Daily Pilot
Service Directory
642·5'71 .... 122
* llMOOBJMG * ay,a m-irt.v•........., ........ ._.,_...-y._. JACKOFAU.TRADES l r leanupa. Free eat. · .... u ... _.._ c ...... ,... 24HOURSERVlCE Watdtl.,.,
Rm add & new const. C..,.t/t'f:• lll1ry ....................... P. I um bing, elertriral, 5.57·82'71 C U S T O M 25 yrs exp Uc. 44\Mi. Llc. 1294378 67S.91N ...................... ..
Res /Comm. Quality ............. •••••••••• E.M. ~N&CHK butln&. Odd jobs . Ho.Ne...... LANJ?SCAPlNG Create BoGded Ins Ref1 Color Sale a, Repa1rof 111llque
Guaranteed Leming Carpel & upholstery parhain&/sh mll/peb 838-4088 ....................... a wuque eavirorunenL expert. 9a.4111 Dick TOP HAT,,.., • ..,, and modem ~locks &
Construction (8-270791) c I e a n er , free Call5'S-3701 •HOME IMPROVEMENT Wanla REALLY CLEAN 4t4-M72 Spec. In .restaurants & watrhea Oua Watch ----1!!!!!-••I 960-~ Scotch&uard, Ooor wn-Dryw.. REPAIR, PLUMBING, HOUSE? Call Gingham Marriige ~ ~ENTAU PAINTED commercial work Llr. Shop No Cit Hwy at Boat Ac~ MecHALI COMSn. in& 972·8838 ....................... beatlna. urpeotry, eler, Girl. Freest. 64S-$U3 ....................... ~'::1~e ~!'i =· 404321. 2030 ~na:~ Leaf' 494·8282 ...... Bkk•• .. r•• ...... Custom homes, fram· c....t/eo.cr.te DRYWAU.TAPING Ute. Free est. No Job too ROBIN'SCLEANING MARRY TODAY All p ill . int Drains cleared from SlO. a ins we come .
Acct ng or small in g. re mod, French ....................... All textures & acoustic, smau. 64S-28U Service-a thoroughly No blood tesU req, Llr a Uni: S450 ext Plum bin& repairs. Free Wildow ca.•1 ~~~~::~. ~~rlv ~~en:: doors, skylights & patio THOMPSON'S fru est. Kevin 675·~ Carpentry. Masonry de•n boUH. 540-Cli57 provided. 9lllJ..3'1V7 wkdy1 MSO. Neat, complete. est. M &tM "2-9003 ..................... ..
Zl3-ll62· l~ covers. CONCRETECONSTR Dry w a II / Plaster -We Roofin&. PlumbinJ. Expertise Housekeeping, Alt. 5, all dly Sat/Sun Free est, refs. 851-7292 rro,.rty U• I Jl•.t Or1gi4al Window Was.her
ROOM ADDITION Lie. 13933113 642-8482 patch any boles fast. S40 Drywall ·Stucco·Tlle auppliea rurnis hed, Mmll'7 OLYMPICP~ ....................... Avg3brbome, S3S.
Accta, bletpg, hn state· SPECIAUST NOJOBTOOSMAL.L m111. Lie. 4QSM4. 631·U30 Remodel. J.B. 646-9990 trustworthy. 957-8003 ....................... INT /EXT. FREE EST. PIOPBn 631-78118 me~ts b ~uditing~o~ Remodeling, decks, Brk & Blk. Uc. ~1449. Btctrlcal RESID./COMM 'L General Housttleaninc ~RICK WORK: Small HIGH QUAL. WORK MAMAGIMIMT "Let the~.e In" ~~!eter~C~.e~k homes, free est. John Dale, bome96J..8767 ....................... Complete Maintenance Retable. Reterenres Jobs, Newport. Coata LOW RATES SM-1900 Orance Co. area LS yrs Call ~unshine Window
l.1£. 11410800. 661-130.J.. Ans. ~21.82 Beep 2313 ELECTRICIAN -priced 641-87 Own trans. 962-0510 M eu. Irvine. Refs. HOUSE PAINTING experience. Call for info. Clea rung, Ud. ~8853 ~--ROOM ADOITl~S CONCRETE WORK right, free estimate on Electrical·Plumblng MRS CLEAN 67S.3175 Work cuar. Free est. and ratu . CLEARVIEW AaplaGtt Concrete & Blo<:k Walls Foundalioos. sidewalks, large or smaJljobs. Carpentry, rou&hlftnish MAKES lTGLEAM ! Brlrk·Blork-Olocrete Uc. !38371H 978-9397 f6UI 2 WlN~OW CLEANING 'on·~··••••••••••·k~····1 •• Dennis636-0458 patio slabs, custom Lie. 1396621 673-0359 Roofs·Masoory.stucco 1146-2240 Very reu. Uc, bonded. INT/EXT PAINTING Chns orTtm~ · n ways, par llfg 01 brick. Llc.~eves. Bob~7~/S36-980S ~ repairs, sealcoating CabilMtMc*l.g RESID.JCOMM 'L Refs . Blli961).1401eves Exp. Housecleaner JUI. Lic'd. ~~est ••••••••••••••••••••••• PFror. Wmdow ~leaning S4tS Asphalt. 631-4199 ....................... C......tc: Tilt Highly qualified. No job European Craftsman. All Rer. Free Est. Svc 24 Cuatom Brick, Slone. * * * * General Cootrarting ree est .. qua . serv ..
Lie. AJI types ldtc:ben, bars. ....................... too lrg/small. 631·20IM · Jobs. Big Of' Small. Call bn. 9SS-241.8 Block, Concrete, Stucco. NELSONS PAJNTING Home improvements, gtd.
--------garage units Day THETILEMAH Gmdt1lllg after6PM.1164-S231 iurs.Freeest.Mt-9492 rot-Ext, Rea-Com, damage repairs. Quality Ty-Rae 67S.C»4l
ALLSTATE PAVING 645 6521, eve ~168S Free est. 640-2062 ....................... General Maiotainance Housecleaning is our MARBLE-TILE-STONE ~couatic ceilinp, rer.. work. Lie. 1.894•9798 Wildow TilHllg
Se1lco1tmg, Striping, CCH-tet' McCrystalCeramicTile CLEAN-UPS/LAWN Repalrs&Decorating business. Call Janice's lncl. install pre·fab lic.,{reeest.837·21637 C t d d u•••••••••••tt•••••••• Repairs. Comm !Res. ·r-·· M · ds Raggedy Anns. 9 yrs r I 645 5802 arpen ry, oors, ry· 972 Free est 397362 ....................... Distlnctivelnstallation amten.ance-Lan cp •QualitY•IYY§4{).~l44 exp 675 .. 2514 rp ca . · · .... Letlw wall, elec, Kitchen & Qualitysincel eu-8181 . 11 • ROUG H & FINISH Llc. 11408746. 846-8612 Free est. 642-990'7 Jack or all Trades Call · 213-&34-0l40 ....................... Bath remodels. I do 1t Frff courteous est. ~-""----Doors. fences. wmdows, CWldc.. Cleanups -TreeTrim'g Day orNight HholidaLy partr_ timRe IS Mo•"'9 Also rine/decor /comml all. Free est 631-1137, ~
.._, .... -,i etc. Rers. free est ....................... Hauling-Mamtenance •Jack,67S.3014 • ere! et~c..,anl ers ........................ art work . Maggi eves .
....................... 84().4043 (Chris) Childcare, Mon· Fri days. Arnle5e84t4 Cyndi & Aimee,s.:Jll..7696. •A-I MOVIHG• Morales, MFA. 615-4722. ~=------
Babysitting, my home. l C d lnrants thmlgh 6 yrs. HordwoodAoon Pror. wkly/bi.wkly serv, T Q 1. s 1 646-2111 Rooflltg yr & up, nr. Victoria, us tom woo patios. N CM TREES •••••••••o•••••••••••• emftY bae, vac. Wndws, op ua aty. pec11 i--------=------••••••••••••••••••••••• C.M. 642·84821646-5759 decks. wood windows M Y home Topped/removed, clean HARDWOOD FLOORS w a Is cpts 20 Yrs care in handling. 25 yrs .-"'"1 Orange Coast Roofing --L1c'd. Reas John or .546-7564 PS lawn re 7513476 Cleaned &Waxed • · · exp. Compd.itive rates. •••••u••••nn•••o••• Rerooring, repajrs Call Childcare. loving home, Rick 979·321B ca...-a... Ser-ti u ' . nov. . . Anytime, 832-4881 S.A. 552·7045 No overtime 7»1353 e Paper Hanger, Prof. 646-2389. 5el733 bot lunch, companions, . . .._., Cft Gardenmg, landscaping, 11 n--at -· reocedya,rdSS6·3008 Fine fm1sh work Doors ....................... tree trimming & re· CLEANUP Need a maid o r •ABC MOVlNG-Exp., tnsta ·'--""•torqu · BALBOAROOFlNGCO.
--hung, decks. remodel Wmdows/rarpels/floors moval major clean up YOUR ACT housekeeper! Hrly or pror , low rates. Quick. Free est, SteveS47-t2111 SkyUghts&Plastering
Babysillmg. My home. Randy, 673-5716 Home, condo, office I 'd r t 642 4889 Ho11&ecleaning 972·4639 wkly. Call Madrid Agen· carerut service. 552-0410 WALLS BY BOBBY Free est. 61J.6143
Hot Luncbes.Llc.Rer 1__ 1·997·8139/633-9168 ns · reees . · 'H-.a cy M V &-0576 STARVINGCOL.LEGE Quality,f"•tserv1~e. __ ••S51Hi884•• __ Carpet Ser¥._-. Mowma $15-$2.0, Hauling I -IMJ ' · .. · _, '" TH•
The lllcPlt ·~· Oft the Or-.. Cotll
You Can WI It, rind II,
Trodt II W'lfll o Want Ad ._...._ .. I ....................... ~ewport . Quality Clean & Dumping S25. 7S4-9904 , ....................... Reliable Hocnemakers STUDENTS MOVING 18 yrs exp. 661.(822 ...................... . ~. M u •u We Care CrptCleaners in.& Service. Have broom or955-009S Martt Haul, cleanup, concrete wiU clean your home or CO. Lie. f'Tl.24.436. Ally type wall covering TILE INSTALLED [ 842 •5878 ]
Strflu Steam dean& uphols. "".111 fly. Homesbo • vaFcan· GARDENING WANTED I removal. Dump Truck. apt. 760-1793,SJs.6049 Insured. 6'1·8427 i n s t a I I e d b Y All kinds. Guaranteed . . ....................... Truckmountunit c1es,offices. at.s. ree . . . Quickserv.642-7638 Re liable Homemaker WATCHUSGROW! Journeyman paper Refs. John89J..l667
&ats CleanediWaxed Work auar. 645-3716 est. 557-7489or S48-648'1 Mowmg. e;diin&. raktng, DU ... PJO-will clean your home or ........... 1_ 1 -·-hanger Ins, Ile. work Experienced. Insured. , s w e e p 1 n & . r r e e I .. . o.> ---td R 1 h c Jl!n 759-1985 evt>S 1 Bargain shoppers read CNtractors. G1Mral estimates. 645-4372 or & Small Movtng Jobs apt. ....................... grn · 1 P aruso --the l 1 t l I e ad s 1 n •••u••••tt•••••••••••• 645-5737 Call MIKE646-1391 7~1793 Theory/Piano/Sight· 1-=99::.l_,,·l.:.:936=------
Custom Ceramic Tile
New-Remodel· Repair
Free eat. Chucb 645-4831 Sell with EASE : Classified regularly. 22 Years Exp. Custom SELL idle items with 8 HAULlNG&DUMP HOUDAY SPECIALS singin1. College pror, uWALLPAPER!
It ·s.a BREEZE And they find what Homes, Cmdol. Apts & Daily Pilot Classified JOBS, asltfor Randy, Br The HOUSE MOUSE your home. any age. Custom paperhanging WANT ACTION~
ass1f1ed Ads 642 5678 .!hex're looking for. Remodls. Bob492-2208 Ad. 642·5678. 641-84.27 Call Sue8:5Hl878 Grace SSS.9292 Resid/couun. 54G-Z766 Clauifed Ads 642-5678
Get GREEN eash
ror WHITE elephants
with a Classified Ad
Call 642-5678
~~"3;1,o !~~~.~ .. !!.~~ ~~~.~.~ ... !?.~~ ~~.~~ ..... !~.~~ ~~.~ .. !~.~~ ~!.~.~ ..... ??~ ~!.~.~ ...... ??~ ~.~.~ ..... ??~~ ~!.~.~ ...... ??.~ ~:!.~.~ ...... ??~
•u •••••••••••••••••••• Female share rurn. apt •-------•I For rent or lease 10,SOO llR ....,...,,; "Gay Roommate Half rent & utilities. "Full Service" Ex· sr storage yard. Fenced.
S2004Plex, ulll ConuctServices" After6: m 645-4740 e cu t iv e s u 1 t e in locked, paved. near ror·
5403 L t G NEWPORT CENTER ner oC Red Hill & a r g e s a Y tF> to share J Br. rrvine 5245 H B BWlgalow Male / Fe ma I"' Room-r now incll.lding $100/mo. Paulanno, Costa Mesa • 9633 ~ area. Young prof pre . 549-9761 mate Service in So. Ca ll Linda 855 .8o6s, secretarial services w/ $330 I b lk lo Sch
SJ6.I $340 CM . UUls mc
$395 Tustui. pool
8388 Rent1mes
631 455.5
Roomt 4000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Laguna Beach Motor Inn.
9115 No Pacific Coast
Hwy, Laguna Beach
Daily, Weekly, Kitchen
available Low winter rates. 494.5294 _
Balboa rnn. S90 & up
week ly K1tchennette,
ocean front 675·8740
Newly decorated pnvate
room & bath, frplc $285.
melds utils Easts1de
C.M .645·01~ _
Lg. rm. in beaut NB hm ..
kit. pnv .. pl , pror F
o '30 S225 1nr utl
Furn. room wanted for
Nov. & Dec. Co.rta Mesa
area. Reasonable. Eves
213 / 425-8525.
Rm in 4 BR hse. Newport
Shores. Pvt BA. Use of
Pool & Tennis. Furn or Unfum . ~2015 __
1 yr old Condo CM S300
Plus utll:
HB. Nice Room Block to
Beach. Jae. S200 __ 963-5766
Br .. pvt. ba., kit pnv .
mature. veil' resp adult
$160/mo. 979-E9
Middle aged or over lo
share 2 Br. home with
same. CdM Walking
distance to alL 640-7390.
Hottlt •. Mcihk 4100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·suLARK MOTa
Wkly rent.als now avail.
$112 · & up. Color TV
Phones in room .. 2274
Ne)Nport Blvd CM
Livt on Newport Beach
$100/wk Pine Knot
Motel 63al W PCH . NB
Cahf G.R c for rental 951.0185. office space. Must see lo AUTO OI UIE
needs lMPM compare! 5· f H bo
1213)630-304(). Female wanted to shr 3 EXECUTIVEOFFICE 11 rontage, ar r
bd hse nr S.C. Plaza llON ewport Center Dr. Blvd, CM, avail ror
A Profeaslonal Service
For Professional
3 orrices lo screen, check
ref's & employment, wiU
match you with the nght
JO Day Guarantee
25% orr with this ad
'170mo Mike963-8825 Suite ZOO lease Bk.r. 646-9688
Female shr C.M. Condo Newport Beach 2300 sq. rt. h.as pnvate of.
S300mo y, Ul.JI, own bdrm 644-449'l fice with spa, off Harbor
& bath. 631-7817 Blvd. & ~ Frwy. ONLY
M I -'"· _ 2b Sh 2 f te . $990 per Mo J . D. a e no s ...... , -r a, ~~ o .c sw tn pre· p r 0 p ert y M 1 mt . Si22S + .,.., util. 10 C.M Stigiou.s airport a~ea. 375
da 642-S446rut.e645--SC520 sq. ft. For deu1b call · --
Lge dplx E. side C.M. 1151·6226· .... aa/lllYISf/ M/F S200mo incl util lst H.B. Proressiona.1 ore I ~
& last Ref. 5e9157 Bldg Space Avail. On i ••••••••••••••••••••••• Seekmg career oriented Brookhurst at AUanta i t.Mta
. or ~rad non·smk, fpl. ~ r.r P%~s~n~~: I Opport.itr SOOS at r 1 um , pvt ent r y 963-8377 •••••••••••••••••••••••
759·1501 · LOSING LEASE. quit·
Humorous prof F wanted NE;WPT EXEC. SUITES ting b11&iness. selling out
t o s hr ZBR. 2BA Avail for sub-lease .in ALL supplies and fix·
Promontory NB. $405 N B exclusive offtce tures mcluding: o Co 85 I 7714 De . 673-9384 complexes. Easy frwy , Display cues. waiUng ~ : • ON THE BEACH access, quiet handsome room chairs, Beauty
MASTER!VlSA Fem room in lbd 2 s e l t 1 n & s 1 n r I Salon hairdryers and
Accepted story'tiouse in w NB •Recepl/Phone cov · hydraulic cha.in. mir· l-11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!~1 S275. first &Jast.' Bob er age • U l i I 1l1 es rors. she.Ives and plants.
Male n n shr 5br, 2ba 645-9939 aft S •Janitor • lOO Photo Also, make-up, shampoo ...,.,., · copies/mo. •Ample andhairproduct.s. hse nr S Co Plaza/Frwy. Female to shr 2Br apl, prkng •Kitchen •Sec'y Call631.&7S4 or
Spa. S225+share uUls. H.B.. EST grad /· se rv. av a I t Ca 11 arter6,898-6809 ....;84~1-4=9=1=3. ______ 1 melapbyslcal. $300 mo. Qualified Services at: 1 c E c R E A M
Sh r lrg luxury home 960-9890 975-0740 · NEWPORT Xlnt beach
w/prof person.lstlasl+ BAYFRONT Luxury BAYFRONT loc . o nly $1 5,000.
dep 546-3'28 Condo. Shr w/F. 2BR, Offices ror rent from _l~·SJl..4~~242~-----• ~~· W/D D/W. Gar tl.SOsqft.646-4419 WRant
to. buBey GahrdC~i!'g Wanted Female to share
private home in C.M. 673~eves. NEWPORT BEACH so. ou e 1n ac 1Ues
No. Newport Blvd. 180lo Area. 941-8072 w1same. $200. 549-9847. Goroqn
050 1500 sq ft. avail. at~ a MoMy to La. 5025
CdM C -1 35 sq. rt. Sierra Mgmt. Co. ••••• •••••••••••••••••• · resp em.. ~ 0 • •n••••••••••n•••••••• 641 1324 If you want a Real Estate
642·~. for•-
non smoker lo shr 3Br 2 garages in CdM. SlOO/. · · L 0 a 0 at BEL o w
2ba w/same $260 + 'I) Call 760-9415 nights. Huntington Bea 419 Main MARKET RATES call ut,,,,,il:...67::..:..:.5--=~=----1 640-8950Ellt1.23 Days. St. 380 sf Sl95 Sierra prime Fin an c I a I SPYGLASSHJLL 2 cir garage in C.M .. Mgmt.Co.641-1324.
d New aarden ore. ground Services Fshr4 br hse,pool.JBC. com plt. enclose • 5~11 .. 11 S2751mo Cathy, $115/mo. 751·5266 art fl oor , overlooking 6 •"' -_644=..:...0..::.l::.::~:::..:n.:.;~~1232=--i -=5;.:..P.:::M:.:..·------I stream & trees Bristol Venture Capital, pref. St btwn Airport & SC high tech. & software, Mature, prof .. male to Office Rllllal 4400 Plaza. 926sq ft Sl.35 per. also do equip. loans
share beautiful Newport u••••••••••••••0 ••••• Will imp. to suit tenant 8SS·9863 h o m e w I s a m e 1617 Westcliff N.B. Want -="-="=------
Overlookmg bay & open rinaorial inst. 70005. r 544-922Z, 4.97-lMl Mcwtpgtt. Trwt
ocean. Own ba. & br. I.st. floor. Agent 541·5032. CM-HI AREA Dffdi 5035 Non ·$moke. 646·8055 2 room office, wet bar, ..................... ..
F/M Roommate to share HEWPOIT business use only· SZ25 Sattt.r ~Co.
2 bdrm apt in H.B. S250 Pa.csuLA M~. utils incld. 646-l6B4. All types of real estate ~gotiable. 960-0972 Spacious executive or-lrvme, walk lo airport, 21 investments since lNI. fires arroas from City room sµite, 384 s .r. Ce.tle!:hcla F'emale stewardess pre· Hall. AU services availa· ground noor. avail. 11 /1. I ~ 1 rers same to share 5 ble. ·optional'. From 225 7141774·0100. .._ ,..,.
bdrm home. Frplc, sqJt. up at reasonable aya1• a .. a.~w 642·1171 545-0611 yard, rec. facil. No renlals. No lease re· "' "'._,...., :nma~~~rs,s~~t f:~n~~ qulred,callm.:m ~~u~ ':C::e·nro~C: •i;IJ49C•w/••/
857·9317, 559-6793 Iv. EXECUTIVE Airport and the pre· 1 ~ .. m.....;_..t
message. SUITES st I g i ous PETER .. = ... :::: ........
Female. Lo5t i0/23. Buff
color, l yro&d.
1--------•I Lost : Lrg Bllt/Bm Tab· Lost . Cocker Spaniel, by. Alt M. Vic. Femlear male. l~ yr old. Male FO• ADS CdM.673-2.IS8,615-1107. Buff rolor.979-7592
Lost: 10/23. Miniature Found Wht Samoyed F A1£ flEE ColUe. Vic. Ocean Front Vic 16th & Newport These Uule ads really &31st. NB.900-7611 Bl vd w o r k ! J o i o t h e l'.JI... thousands ol ~er~ .,.; Found 2 poodles, I cboc. ~2556
pie in lhia area who are 642-5678 brown female, 1 blk FO UN D· 1 yr old Spr·
r egu lar user s o fll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ female puppy. Irvine. ingerSpaniel,VicBeach
Classified. Call oor ad Ha ve aomethin& to sell! 552. 7068 or~. & Warner, HB, 842· 1155
taker at~. Claullied ads do it well. Cla..ss1fied AdS 642-S678 j Want Ad Help? 642-5678 ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • : 8-DA Y WEEK SPECIAL : e I Days • 3 Lin•• • I DoH1r1 e
e It's easy to place your 8-Day Week Class1f1ed by mall. and 1t e e costs just sa -that's only a dollar a day! To Qualify for this e e special offer. you must be a non-commercial user offenng e
• merchandise for sale up to S800 per ad. and the pnce must e
be in your ad The cost stays the same whether your ad e
needs eight days selling time or Just one • • e Use one word in each box. About 4 words make one e e class1f1ed line of type. Minimum ad 1s 3 lines. Please print e e plainly. e
• r:-----------------------------., • ., ,. ., '• •' '• •' '• •t I• •1 ,. ., ,. ., '• • • • A.dd S2.60 for each addltlon1l lln1 for I times • • • • • • Publish my ad for 8 days starting e
• ~l=~:fication =:
Ci ty Zip Phone ___ _ = Check or M.O. enclosed D I:
• Charge my ad to: I•
Found: Old English.
remale, gray & white.
Male white Lab. Male
Collie /Husky, red &
white. Male Cock·a·poo,
black. Male Malamute.
black & wlute. Male Spr· 1nger Spaniel, liver &
white Femal e
Lab/Shepherd, black &
whit e Femal e
Australian Shepherd
m ix. while & fray . Newport She ter,
Tan Fem. Cocker Spaniel
round 10·23 , Vic
B11&hard & Adams HB
963.'3116 aft. 6
Call to identity.
Cat. part Siamese, blo
eyes, found 10.18, VIC Of
Warner·Spnngdale HB
Reward Lost old. fat
Sia mese Cat, Santa
Isabel, CM. 631-1307
Found: Sm yorlcie Ter-
ner. M Vic Newpon
Heights area. 54S-S931
Found : Grey Orange
Tortoise Shell cat. Blue
collar. 640-01S5
FOWtd large white Rab-
bit. Vic. Drake St .. Costa
Mesa. 957-3U5.
FOUN D: Young remale
shepherd, S.A. Heiehts
area.10/26, 67>1QB
Found : Uttle shorth11r
aray ~itt.en. 20lb St, E.
CM. Call 6*9524
SJSO •••••••••••••••••••••••
.. S&ITI.
24 hour ESCORTS
tSl-1122 MC/!ISA
COEDS-Would Love to
Party with you. Cati Sue
or Debbie anytime.
AT.a ....
83S·30m MC/Visa
vearl,y on the beach furn.
rooms Kitch. & Ba.
$280. per mo. -+ S280.
sec. dep 2300 W Ocean·
Str empt F Sb.r lrg 2BA IN PAULSON BLDG. Ex·
apt. CM. S2SO inrl util. ....a erutlve suite services """A• llJO Dorot hy. 979-5897 , HlllT•-also avall Provided b)' ...................... .
540.3233 Ext288 f\AU t b e A I RP 0 RT
= 0 ~ # Exp. .:: : 0. # Exp. ~= FM Total body munie
by Steve. By appt.
10.IPll. $48-0tO'I
• rronurn 87MJS4
,~ ..... 4250
···········'··········· OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br
Av11l. Winier. WHkly I
Moethlr. 673-7873.
C.t llvlna exptt\lft !
l•llbl11hed 1971.
Featured in 1ln>t M11 •
l,•rat Cllentele .
PenonaJ attention '
mTflll ICMOiftt.
Tllnl s.n.a !
New luxury olfice space EXECUTIVE SUITE.
Female roommate want· In Irvine'• busiest Contact Diana at
ed. BALBOA ISLAND reoter! Euy Prwy IC· 152_..
HOME. Bdnn and share cea1. A.vail, now t Call C-"A:::N:...::N;;:::Eo.=.R-Y-Vl--LL_A_G_E-.-;' bath. S300. No util. {or details 675,9142 an 5 PM · 450 sq n otflce or rel.all --=-=~==-=-=--• H H ZJJ +1MZJO ....... i pace avail Nov. Female pm to ahr 3Br .. ..,..
apt nr bcb. over 25. must •Dll..UD OMCIS• lat. $475 Mo. 6'7U522,
be neat. 5411-9818 1,2 le 3 room. No lust re-..:9-6=:... -------C.:h;:..;ris::.::t:;:;ian:.:..=..:::f::...;em=a=le_roo_m-.' quired. Adj. Airporter ....... ,...... 4450
mate warKed. child OK, Hotel. 1133-3:223 ... 11 ...................... .
h.ff. d. mo.546-8067 $250 Up. Hunt. Bch. Rt'tlll Store · Beal beach Carpel, drtpea, a ir. location In Newport! Sb are, Ir& aharp bse. FV.
BBQ-Micro-big screen
ON TV. Male, 25-3$ 12'7$
mcl util, Nick964·2'198
17301 !Madi. M2-P· S'750 Mo. ll8 23rd. st I 71H mm 6'7~Af":~CI
COSTA MIU IOOaq. ft. •mo. Ortat
2 or S room oftlee 1u1t.es. e.xpotw-e Ha.rt>or Blvd. A/C, plfftJ ol ,,. •. Ul.D can ' I
loci. Avatl. now. Call Bglgoomiq f?HIOO 1
I.a tWI column
roroN1$U5 .
C1UIGW11 RH!opomiq 1fIH100 I ec.u ... 250 14 ft c ... , cW allite. s11s1ino. vutt m: .... 4471 _______ ,
..z=~=====--.t cld. l'Jt W. lltb. Sl. ............. , ........ ,
~.zu:::...----1 C..-dal ...... ...
,.. ,. ....... 1111 , ...... c .•. (t11)
-l:S~iA&.< ...... "----~ .....
= ~=:-.:.:::-.-wf LL-PAYTHEPOSTAGE -::.::::-.:.:::::; 1
=, •• i 111111 ;~ff~v( I ~-l i. f UNITED STAT£S .. • 1 BUSINESS REPLY LABEL .. e 1: Ji Fl,_STCLASHUMITNO 1i,COSTAMUA,CALll'OtlNIA i : • i POSTAGl WU. IE PAC> I V Al:lCMSSEE ' S • : ~ ii.:UPiiii~ I : •·~1 ., , •• lox 1llO ··1 ~~~~ • Co1ta ..... , CA 12121 •• . ...................... ~
JolKW..-.&, 707~ • . ..................... .
Now En~: Chris·
Uan p,. .· ao E.
18th St.. Colt• lle11
Specl11 Proaum. ..._sm -
M1ture profeu\onal,
aeelta carter clwl• lnto bua, fitld Strt/NWH,
travel oneattd. rlt11-
bl1. Beach are• prt· •
ftmd. P.O. b la,\ NI
Orange Coast DAIL y PILOT fNftdnesday, October 28. 1981
~W.e.d 11 ....,W..... 7100 .... W... 71CHI HelpW..W 7100 HtlpW..W 7!~~~~ ..... !!.~111 •• 111.• •• •," .......... "'! ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I Pl
T F o OD SERV I CE Uquo1 Slotf: S&o<'klna & Part·Ume Counter Olrll. Rn tauraot t'IJ ff ~layer 1no. '!: * BK K, R ta ' Ct.rt. ,,,~. MAN AO E R w IT!I Cuti Rtatater 81• Apply In'*"°° at tht COUN'l8lPllSOt4 ~ rywood. Re.utaF' ~~~11!0~ ~~ ~:'~ CERTIFICATr; for perltnce neceuary, Tum m y Stu rte r Weehnd1 "Snftk Wf are tralnln1 p/Ume ~\J: ="!~~ $11,tlO lite typing 111 40 10 ts emalJ roo\'al tiospt To ovtr 18 AwlY bttwetn a fh •tau rant. 21 o S Shop". pvt c Ju b aaln~le tor perm a
951 1547
1 11 Non smoker, iood detail WPM . I yr cJCper pre toclk' mana1e k.llchen & 3 weekdays. 1111 Brutol. M. m. Mature. neat tM 5787 IUlnt & ~~ ~ OL'AL°-RS Wholualc
for bu.sy omct lrvinf forrt-d Appllr1Uoll) now 549 3081 Plarenua,.,CotitA MtH -PAITTIMI ror a 't. :Dv'~:ble See ~·, H~llo:ttn 1perl1l 40'
AP AR, payrotl, t'oll'< be!ne taken bctwten II s Gate Guard. 12.30-8:30 U(luor c.lerk. part time, Crew SuPtrvlaon. work Thompson, lflckory En1llth lo&dunulelpm
Uons , '°'key, Jour I'\" PM at U S ltentals AM thift 113181rk Bay atlctorStevo P/llme evenln1• & rttlaurantpollllon1 farms, South Cont Thurt Oct 2P. Jo.;.Ua
n Pacific-Fedtl'll h11 re ron. Send raumt & rt· Corp llQ. 17871 Mltchl'll. Dr ~B 6'4 ~IQ. 6'2:.6.S!!'.L_ weekends. S\UM!rvlslna PlaibJower mall. Bixby •
n u Cioddy cently mereed with ft rr nc" to Dox 752 Oul lrvlnt• (Tl4J~4llOO ,._ _______ 1 U>clt4!r room attendent, the door to door 11Jt1 THE GOOD ---Way,SAM0-2911
Ckeanaidt Federal rnuk ly Pilot, PO Uox l/lllO, ·• pvt. athletic dub. Aflfl'-crew of younpten. Ex· SICUTAIY -·
Ina It onul the lar11:•t Costa MfN, C,:1192626 CO MP ANION I AIUt: CHHll.A.L OfflCI nooo~veni.n& lhiCt, Mon cellenl earnlns• for EARTH or secretary trainee. 2 1ntq short po1ter btd
11vincs le loans ln lhr I.He hskpi;, live in or out Ptr days, miASt be able l''rl Neat & personable person wllh ability to A.._.D YOU Nwpt Center Law omce. frames. sal. wood, U2S •late Tb.Jg expansion IUTCHa No ~mt>ke 1142·3481 lll tr~'. II m 1111 AblU~ 14 dttaJ WJtb """ m"'ava•a Van or lar1e .... ••• Aakfor A 186(~16 ea "4·14M,.,133-W_l __ .. _ F"ull or p Ulfl\". l'XJ"'r'd l' .... -"' "" • ~ w I Ch .-..screat~2x1ntt'1U'ter Non uruon Gt'nt ' omparuoo pie I ealpo1itJonforrt car1snteded.CaJI -SecretariatlCltrtl Extc •out/ rome
opportuni\J" 10 our San M llrket, 10110 S l'~t Malun• IJW m l~rnpu Genfral tired m1bt11n-r.raon Media Merchanta ca ti lfloaJ $7.l4 hr. Jo\dl-IJme Tern du k w /plut1r floor Ju1n Ca.,Utrl.llO office 1 n1un Houi.t•kt-eper n. lalloaloyCW> 7'2·790Sas~A . _ 213-4Z7·Z7MEOE porary 8 month posillon Hver, S.175 F'lrm. 7 ft
We are currently seek Jwx,J,.B
&4 :rT!M 4113 7393 Currently has employ Mechanic Welcome Thr Oood neededlor walnut ·bookcase
ing a Savings Counselor CAMfRAPBSOH COOt< rnl'nl opportunltiu Wood a Marine NB Earth Restauraol3 ind Ml P ... c~ wfmovuble shelves.
with experience•& 11 Exper'd· on prorl'SS I' 11 mi· Ht•st>Onblblc• uva1h1ble Mechank Wanted No PAIT TIME Bakery lo Santa Ana Newport Center LOca S3SO. Anllque gold game
p /lime Cu5t o mer camera F"ast )(rowinJl <:all llon bt·IW!!l!n I Butchers nt'Cd inquire EYEJINC$ 11nd Newpon Beach by tion640-2119 tblew/2chairs.S200 As-Strvlce ~pl'esent11live company an lrvuw <td M.-.. illn s I p l ~olning our team, and sorted top quaJity anti· Th !I I I J m & 2 4 pm ....,. • ory ne11 • ar I' I ....:ft~ ood ood s~•-.a.•y bis I 1100 t ese are career po&t· co benefit:. S49!Mf)ll li410lll! Cleril/Twht Man ager wanted We are presenU,Y ~k ep us .,, .... g f ~iu;•-que t . rom o
tlons with upward Need !IOmrex£ia money 760-11697 AskforR1ck lng adults with pleu11nt to food people. We are 'Type 60wpm & d1c· $200. 496-47~ eves after
mobility avail Salary Ca.cty Retail Store roun)rlo"' nl't.'<led al OC for the Holiday Season~ Mechanic wanted, no personalities who would giving the public a new ta phone Lite filing -=6-=-P-=-M""--------'.""'.'"-
commensurate w1lh ex Kitchen htlJl neeJl'd I WMr \ \ton thru t-'11 Tha.s temporary pas1llon tools nee Annly Shell be interested ID worlnng lcho1ceh in fahnully dining, 6U·7702. Ask for Sue or Late Victorian Eutl.Ue
perlence. Xlnt rnngl' ruus ~ ~nl~~·· ~Pt'~1l'~ Call Amy 642 9990 lb available for 2 to 3 station. 17lh "& ln•1.11e, In Sales & Promotion res ' w ,o es om e' I U>retta. Bed. Walnut lnlay . .s:?OO.
benefits p11 rk1gc mn c ru r .. II l'ounterhl•l1>&ti.1l'kroon1 monthslhrulhelirslof NB w1lhDailyPilotCarrlcrs nutritious ood, pre·--------•! MustSee!Call673-l4lll
Ple11se •PPl.Y ln JH!rson llum lsla111J S'i'l''''I prol't·.,~or., wanl'rd no uext year R"'•Ulre11 ac 10 lo 15 years old pared with little or no •S~ur"•liu • Antique stove lc1tl'hen to· Shop. CM 440 E 17th St, "X""I 111""'"· .u'r' l',·1rt ~... · Medica l pres""rval1'ves tr you ~ -~ d
C M 64S_2lRl:I I &' "ru'11111111·;h··~." (~•r holl curate lyping. M WPM. TR",..SCRll,.. Unl1m 1ted earningbs share..-our comrrulment Sbt70Dev.Sl6,800 raoge w/oven.xlnlton PACIFICNOERAL ·-.. , v plushenyrletaal work "" '""" available to rig I MtgR E.SJJl.000 Decorator item $.S7S. SAVIMGS&LOAH CASHIF.Rl'LEllK da,·peri•!tl Appl) Honey Radiology office in person. Hr S.30PM to lo wholesome food and T70Wd.ProcSll.200 SSHiGS4
32039 Dtpendable. prt-fl'rl tiJkt•1l lt ,1111" 1!!1169 Host"'-.... ·• Newport Beach Medical 8 JOPM, Monday lhru good health, and have Exp Consultant Ours ly ( X Id » hf U I lll Ill' t·.~~.. d th bll"t t Consign ear ' or mas CaminoCapcitrano o er person Id ~ 1 " cJl' 1 > An in dlVldual with 8 u persence require Friday Some Saturday e a 1 y o com Liz Reinders Agy, Inc
SanJuanCau .CA av111I A,PPI> g1f1 lthup Da~ hu.,11.,, Jhr• "rd.I', 1 •. 6314422 a"arlabi"lity. For •r mun1rate eHect1vel> 4020 Bi'rchEst'"•EOE cash! Sell your unwant· ,. J h \\ " 1 -~" , p euant m~r"' neat • lh othe 1 e come '" ed items, antiques to 17141ti617200 ° n ayne irpor !i 11~, 1•1 l'k \ppl~ ID appurance 15 needed MEDICAL F" Isl MD poinlment . cal . widt lk ~u,"eas · Ntwporti8.1J.8J90/Free xylophones thru
~6 0076. l<l'st··uiant. u ........ n 1'~ h I bk · w· We are hirino for the ons1gnmen ... ,,. Equal Owt>: Emplu.>er Tues Sat. AM Rl'ltrt' ver~on Stern" h1•(•ler for our 1''irst Cabin seeks pl time fr. office 642 4321, ask for Ben an a wt us. C . l GalJ"•"
Banking u """"' Hestaurant, 3 or 4 nights e p, exp. pg · ms • ill.Jams. , 11 · ·t" Seel./ Recpl. for new We've been success uJ at SAVINGS CASHIER I Lee ~51 E ('ou~t llwy. per w1•ek & Sunday ~c~ .. & rolleclron .o owang !)061 ions shipyard Must have it for 3 yrs. Z70 E. 17thS1
Architectural 11 . REPRESENTATIVES HOUSEWARESALES ~II brunch PBX •Line Cooks marine eKp & .P!!_
luslrators. High cahber Experience preferred Full or P llnw \fJJJI) U .l' I t \ 1' r ~ Jl 1: r '0 n · MEDICAL RKEPT. Answenng Service PIT •Food Preparation knowledge. 67>~ •-a:..llC" IOI 0
professional quality Must be able lo l'urk Crown Hardl'Jrl' !024 i-rt't'>Aa) \Oto Supplws. Please call for an ap for busy pechatric1an shifts available. Days & •UUbty SERVICE STATION AT ::':r.':'•••••••••••••••••
architectural renderisl Sats. We offer pleai.anl Irvine IWestcllHI ~B 26242 '"'r~ l'k\\ Mis I porntment 9·JO.s PM. Exper'd only Front of early tve Min lYJ>rng •JUice&Salad TENDANT pff Eves. HARHOtlAREA
& perspective & layout working environment & --sion \'r t'Jo :!Z.~E!~~1:nr~1~Y· (ice Newport Center required. Call 631·0140 •Kitchen Help & Wk ends. neat ap· APPLIANCE SERVICE
man Salary neg Call competlllvesalary <.:HAUl-'F"ER & otht'r l DELIVERY/STOCK 6440970 _ EOE -pearance & handwrit· Webuy~appllaoces
• Geori!-964-94.J!I. COSTA MESA duties Male l'Olll·~l' \tu F tune. ,1111 henefils Hairdresser Pharmacy Clerk. Exp In
addition to an ex ing Apply al 2590 We sell rerond .. guar.
Automotjve Full & p/llme. Ca·ll Earl dent. non ~mokcr. d11rk lll 7 111 ~ :•111 30 495 E Full ser vice Salon 15 MfOICAL pref .9-S :30. Mon ·Fri. ~f~t:n't>!~!}i~ ~~~kc~;: NewJ!Qrt fil,S.M .!W_!aMes. ~
MAIMT'EHAMCE LeVan . 6427422 360 E suit rl:'q 2535 hr~ pt.'r l7lh~t ('M looking for the right ASSISTANT CallPeter,64().6567 we offer full training TUCHEllS llUYAPPLIAMCIS
MECHANIC 17thSl. ~~-~orcve dravin~ DENTAL.ASSIST. oHperator.~enuals F"or Prefer hm1ted X·ray P~esr~~~~~c~fJ c;:~! with pay, paid vaca-Educational Sales Les ~7-1133
tNeed ver y rtl1able SOUTII CUAST Jo:\p llA µreferred I al!. 73()........, ___ cert1f1rauon. Good pay Exp&inearlycblldhood t1ons. and rapid advan management pos1t1on KitchenAidOtshWuhtt
1personformai.otfnaoce F lime <:all Ji m \\1111ll0d pt1ml' Mun & Hall'dresser wantedw1Lh with chance for rapid unils reqwred.Hrs 830 cement opportun1t1es avail Exceptional Xlnt working cond
•of autos & all eqwp. on Nevison 549-8811. ext CHILDCARE Thor' onh 'lop PllY following only Village advancemenl Call lo 1 00 Mon ·Fri Apply between 2 and S benefits Successful Stainless Slttl Panel ~'premises. Must assume 625 3200 Bristol.CM P t 1 me t' h 1 Id l' Jt c 1>31 3.'IKO Fair Mall 494-1~--752-6300or9S5-0143. 644 0232 NB A E l pm at either loc:atton trainees can expect $150 • tulJ respoo & be willing DOWNEY SAVINGS worker for <'hnst1<111 I DENT"' ASSIST. 1 Bl~rr. · __ re_a· ¥ S20.ooo first year For ~t o work nights for EqualOppl"E_mnlo.Yer st·hool lli835liN"lllkhu1~t -.. HOMICARE MEftlC"' 3810S.Plaia0rive 1mmed interviewPhone
i A I & k -r11·c• 111 Nt'wport Good ble man or woman lo ~ vrn -~performance of duties ---_, r St__. f' \'. 962 33U I ~;\lll'r f~.i~y pat·ed of I Full or Part Ume. capa-1 ... C ..... K ,.,::;CE 'RINTIMG Santa Ana BiJ!Helmuth. 71JO.®I 1ro.1ll:KI
Brand new Fng1daire 22
cu. rt. Side by Side. thru
door ace & water. S900 .
631 ·5663
• pp Y in person as Banking Christa an lad) 'h;irt! hours & \alary 646-5411 look after a man re Back offi ce busy family TRAJHH TEACHER-Pre School, • rorStanMashita. Tn•bl home.H0 lpw 1·11n•L1t1• kl 1 F h I I •daywk.pdbenef1ls 210 Newport Center Full tllD-e ""rmanent ) , Uol.Qlll ~ 11 ·1) ~ <i SS94 after t'uperattng from re~ent prac ice, as ion s e " . .,-· ~NA~ER~ hsekp ·prep ml'al'. ,,ti hrs stroke. white family as al &W 1300 I 979-7660 New~v~ach ltberal benefits Call
-Full time operunj?. relat I OJ?Cn 645 ro4S work Call 7S2 0022 or ~edi<':tl Offlre P~tnl1ng Man)1!!_847·S21M 1(~1\D LLr\ edexperienrerequ1re<l Cleriral DIETICIAN-REG. 96117~3 PT Medical assistant f T pressroom helper ,.. G Earth TEACHER-DAYCARE
I , /c~lt•H.u ... 19\c• .. LOAHSERVICE Fur H:! bt!d p~) l h llome Health Ards & \lo front Office ex TMon 3 JO pm·F~n_is~ 11e • 4·J0-4J .30PM.Mon·Fn. Kitchen Atdedishwiuher.
Very clean. auto defrost
!!_M. 893-9000
; • ...,, ''"'' '>.tO u~· , IAHI( MESSENGER CLERK TRAINEE hu,pH..il in O:inJ Pt llomem:ikers to ass1stl perience needed for ues 2 30 pm .-uiis 642·04ll S2SO. Litton microwave.
l 1
Immediate ot*mni.: fur ·1 ;alw lull di..irgr of hus~ " the elderly & Dis· general pra<'t•l'e Reply
{~~1• Fri ti 9~M Apply An Equal Opportunity T L...-• ... ,de S250. G.E dbl oven, SJOO. "'--··-----·-· -· Safedr1vingrec·ordm•<· loan si•rvice <:l!'rk 1\l' Jlai·t.ar\ lltopt ind plan .ibled tn their homes to PO Rox t396 NB a~-!!.~-Affirmative Action p •hoc.....-
1 1 -.d F"
Oak Kitch cabinets.
IAIYSITT'ER curate t)'PlO" l'om11u1a I h Part & f'ull time 92663 Profe9Slonal Models w1lh Employer M1F/H/V resc oo. exper u sso. -·~a 64~SS44 TILITY LERI( "' 11111 i.:. pu r ,. a I> a 1111, I W & M I tf I ne ded for •l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~J lime. 10:00-6 :Kl. 642·0411 -Mature grandmother1 U C taon sktlb & \.1r1l'ly hudl!t'\1111! ,\ ll('rM1111wl uge I e11~e Modl'ls needed All types por 0 ios . e r • l·tn·I umt sank, refrig.
Nanny type exper'd in Salary S90u + t .all w,. 111•1·tl ,, )I run.: s:.;.1420 Men."'omen&t'hildrl'n pubbc relalJOOS & print Retail sales. exper, for TELIPHOHE sto,·e. s·x2·. w upper
infant rare my Wood 1. We seek personnel who 640 93SO ~ u 111· r, "o 1 \lo 11 h ,1 llOM EMAKERS No ex_p nee 543-7762 work ~1·3.!39 __ French country store SOUCfTOIS cab., S13S 83J.al91
.bridge home. 2·3 hrs ha ve energ) t!n Clt.'neal 11t•Jll\l' ,\ 1Jnnl! .at <:Ol.LEGES11JDENTS MODELS/ESCORTS P/TIMEEVEHIMGS Call7l417S4-0442 Appointment setting Gold Westanghouse Croat
• day. 3-5 days wk. After 4 I lhus1asm & enjo) 1<11rk ward Cttrir 111 u1k Thi' challt'nt.:tn)! F:a rn S6 hr housekeep-F 1 1 c a•t1til""' Sales Pa rt· time evenmgs & free refng. 14 cu rt XJnl ·~., 9388 Ing with ,_.,pie •w t n ff·-l t 11 1ng tn Irvine, Cd M •· Attn ema es on Y .,, s d • h ' .._. ~-3 11 3U PM .\11111 Fri """1 111 " '" ou" Jn "' 95.l-0071 YCHlfhCcrrien LIQUIDWAU.PAPER alur ay AM s S6 r cond. S2SO Wknds eves: Bab" si"t~L a g ht I l'leracJI dulll'!> on ;1111111' •ni: '"irk l'll\'tmnmt•nt Newport Approx IS/hrs -d th d S I d I t 964 2239 '°"" """o ' Ne ort Center lc1na ,.. f h •. 1 1 we"'k Girl "'-iday Home MOTS. A ulls wi outstan mg a es an app 1ca ion · · ~' _ H ousekee p i n~. wp ' unit ."f P•'1h1.1tr1•· 011 ... ) ur~ru"1 ''"'11 ' •• • l't' 'lit neo""22 t II t I " ry, ' I s cc.n ""'22 altract1vepersona I 1es Wt .....!~.... w-·t-/W-1.L.....ss Great Refngerator Weekdays. 7::.1 to 6P ion : exce en ~a Jry f'acillt.•· llandll· r1hon1·' IM·mdab 1'J111~1r.in11 >~ ervaces, ....., . ....,, Na a ht desk l'lerk who en1oy working w1'th S lllf ,., unnr benef.,ts •-profit sh11r -' h ... 11 t "' 57 2 .. ales Appl" betw ..... n 9AM & Xlnl rondlllon NB Home. Mr Hood "' • misc paper work and plc 1 l e .,cu o:.p "'"1 • 0 Hotel 642·l030 I 10 IS "ear old youths HI kory Fanni , '" J hn 54• < ac 833 2900 In g For Inter' 1•
w , c Noon. Charhe'• Ch1h, ___ o · .,.,1.,,, .:._ ' t1ent request ;'ljo t> 111n.:, CLERKS/CASHIERS N u h E "9 c 11 " --phone b f I · e w I' 0 r 1 0 e 3 l' vemngs "' p.m. a Person for Christmas 767 19th S< • Door •IOI. Kenmore washer & gas Babysitter. s days wk Jack1'e EK \'I' ner ul prt' er 'lltnl' D ,·rector of Fine resort holel needs brokerage C1rm needs I 6 4 2 4 3 21 . ext J 4 3 G rt s I w k . NB Co la M-.,. ....., rler1cal or m1•d1r.i l I d k I 1 a es. or lO _ s ~-dryer Sl.25 ea or _..., 2·7pm, 2scbool age, at AMERJCAH Mf S . lopfront es personne recept1onasl \lo some between 2 p.m and 5 area. Calling on presi Waitr ess. exper 'd. both 840-76&4 my Woodbridge hm , background f'o,itaun •q. erVtCeS Xlnt salary & benefits knowledgeofbackofflce 2 m AskJ<_>r_Andrea d rr,..-& h
g_ood s_al~ SSl·3S12_ ST An l.AHK also 3\'Ull for SJt Sun ~ c 1164 1700 Sl4 7 30 30 cots 0 ""'!' pure. 85 P hme Apply in person Like New Dbl oven gas SOO NeWJ>Ort Center Dr 9 30·6 PM CapL~tran11 II\ S ,OOO Alnaol _a 4 ~ext I ~p~raSti~ns . \1 P l Im e · pram from mg ~gents. R~sp incl only at Two Guys From range SJ50. call 962·64Sl Babysitter Occasiona l NB 640.5100 EOE M F lhe Sea Mu!\ I ha\e 6 '''M'S of l'ol-Housekeeper Cook M F 31 Y a ary negotui e home Depend adults handling established ac Italy. 2267 Fairview. after
nm For 4 & s YT old In >196-S7trl 1 lc·J(•· 111 l'ni.:111l•t·r1ni: 1. Is. non smkr, S80 p{'r l Send 1nqwnesl-0POBox only.8JJ.:ll:IJ;49f>.834S. counts & creating new I C.M. .c.:
:Balboa. Nr llth street. l•--------1 ,1·•l'm·1·~ s \rJr .ipprc11 week 556·1737 7817, NB, 92660 -ones. Apply at Hickory , WELDER -G.E Refng Xlnt. 2 yrs.
On peninsuJa. 675-92.53. BANKING ---------i tan· ann 12)1.'ar'<thaHx HOUSEKE EPER Nfo:WSDELIVERY Farms. 17th & Irvine 11.8 cf S200 or bst Marle,after5PM. PartTime CLEllCAL Jlt'nent<' or ti 1t•ar' l'.>. 1 Lave in Top wages 2am·SJm , Sun thru R.E.IHVESTMf:HT WestcliffPlaza NB MacGregorYachls 646·3190,§]?3223
BabysillerCorJchildl'l!'l'I, Teller l'ARTTIME , l'•'r 111 pi<>du•11110 Engl1$hspeak1ng Must Thur~ Slllll +week ~;1.r~ ~h.i~efo~ 1(;3~ Sales --,-= l631Placentia,CM_ Sears Kenmore Re!riJ
myN Costa Mesa home Lookmg for lntl're~t111gl l'ni:anc·t'rtn1• ~ \llt!r be clean. neat. very ac· C M ,NB ,In· ~-8110 INVESTMENT will E ''$375 f Work in Potpourri fac-w icemaker, xlnt cood. Mon-Fri. after 6pm The LagWla Beach or v.ork, T)'J>lnl( no "Orktnl( l<llh mun Uve &en)Oycaringfor2 1 Nl'WSpa~r. p lame help learh you creative am· 0 lory Use electric glue MusJgll 6'5-9767 ~-2319. rice has an immedi3te shorthand Offi<'c lo«a terpJrt 111 ~urupe tn-children Pref non· \\eekends Earh AM fanant'ing. 1031 Ex $4 75tiner wk! gun Decorate Ga~ Dryer. S7S llol Point
openU\gforforaTellcr taonon PCll 3d;nqwr i11hed an de\Clopani: smoket Muslbeabletol 1 sert•n" & l\'ana I Jom lhe--:-,lfr caliating world Christmas items Also 18cuftf"nge Expenen"e IS needed week.Sat&Sun ~·" -,131 '4l·.1po.n' \1,lt•.mi. fnr k & n " . .. changes investor de· d f k • -""" run a house roo "'6 "''~1 ' & '· of Cable'.""'" Work 1n nee person or pac ang 631 SJ().1 BANKING
F1del1ty Federal. a
growing savings leader.
'ijas dpportunit1es
)vailable now in 115
l'Jeautarul Newpott
Beach offtces
We're seeking a Teller
with strong new ac
founls experience. pre.
ferably m a S&L. Full
We have a part lime
opening which requires
working Saturdays. Ex·
perience 1s preferred.
We offer·
•Ex cellenl salaries
,• •Free career apparel
, •Free parlang
Preferably in :i bank •II '\Jto l 11u111m.,. Taki.' Jd · "" """ velopment rounseung ·• Y & h. · c.•n
22 · · drt\l' O"'n room. ro .. , d E 1 Beautiful Newport s ippmg . .....,. 41 S"""d Queen Washer & S&L. Saturday work wall lo an\ St<llt.' ~.mploy I benl'fil~ Refs r CdM .. urst' A1 x per counse ors re y ,.. ••
be required. We offer a CLERICAL m1•11t ulf1n· ID Or.1ngt• Call AnswerA7t· 11496. Need ht•lp 11 eldt>tly re1ve 100"4 romm. The 1s Bea ch! Guaranteed oung Aggressive person dryr, li ke l')ew $295
top starting salary, paid Work Tem)JOran l"h' 1 •• 1>111 tMl'i C.i\ 1114 1\d 642 4300 24 ttn. • gent l('man StlOO mo an unusual opply for Salary while training to learn video business ~aY!_a~_pgs 536·1.9~
career apparel and free rlose tu home 11.11d fo1 l>1 t•rnph1,·er • LI\ e in right person. Conf1den Ground floor oppe>rtum Or an g e Co I e ad in g r r 1 d g e . s 2 o o
parking.andabe:iut1ful \'ll'KJHESTO\ HouH keeper, full l>l.S356J 11al interview Call ly Sales experience video store Gdstartmg WasherDryerSISO Dis-
work ennronment &A..'50(.' lllll\ f'ltSW\\Tl-.r> rhargt' Engl.15h speak I MURSE/LV.... Vmce ~. helpful,butwew1lltraan sp~la ry Cokbeneflls hwasher. SIOO Apt me p I ea 5 e ca 11 Gent' l>'"'"; :JO.S 30 ~lfll~I••• ~.Jrh nwm11111 hurrll' di 1 n i: ~ome rooking " you ! Dont delay. Call to-easant wor mg conds SIOO 646-S848
._... ltH'I\ I.\ 11\lfS Perm Hrs II 7 for Newport 's most I d • Teleprom ter or Apply in person Web stove, -F"nulle al !7141 494 7506 1 , rt d Receptionist Part-lime. ay h P w ber's vi·deo World. 149 •icyc'-s IOZO foran inten1e" appoint ·--------nani· \ 1"1J0 ;~rt'a, 631 1133 glamoro~ an newe~I Radiologist Ofrire. Newport Beac 901 .,. ,.,
ment, or apply durtnf.? ~i,:i1;~:i;, m11 1•'" llousl'kl'l'per. h•l' in. 2 health C'l'nter Part & Weslrllff 9_12AM 16th Street :-.lewporl R1v!i::s1deAve,,N.B •••••••••••tttt••••••••
savmgshoursat adult~. I rhtld Must lull time 12131 8590061 Pleasant. neat, good Beach.92663 Young Man ConSC1cn· 18" boys Schwmn bike
ORIVERWAHTED ~pe.1k Enl!ltsh, be l>twnl&3j>m withpallenls.doclors& CollllowardReeck ltous -towaterlwicewk· custom 6 spd, beaut FIDELITY
~.... Aslft.
X 310GleMeyreStreet
Equal ~ Employer
OrCMCJe COM!lty's
Needs hair stylists.
shampoo person & 3SSIS
tanu TopSalaf)
Rive Gauche. NH
,.,,.... ,,,. " ... .. . . ' ~·. '
Fur tll•h H'r11·'· )(111ld .ul
\ .I II I' 1· 111 (' n I
Ii 14 1S5h (1363
en l' r ~et 1 c & Io' e NURSES AI DES. 1 3 30 insurance. No d1ctal1on -631·5259 ly NB. $4 hr Ca II .B.Q!!i•~tlver S60 646·l35S
children Must drive. Small conval hosplnear 646·~ SALES/eo.ter 213 394·Ull5 Diamond Back BMX
rook &. run an efficient Cost a Mes a Fa 1 r Receptiorust Full lime pref Will con· Manager wanted for Boys Bike l.Jke new..ie&.
0 R \ l' L !:: A:'\ f: F< s I household 'on.smoker grounds 549-}061 Beauty Salon needs so-sider part time. Noack Retail Store spec1almng up for racing. Stts
Count rr <iarl. f llml', preferred (;all Answer ..., .a.t.L. meone 3 days a week Trophy Co. 646-3141 170 1n home accessories 760-lSS9, 6'73-6403 --Ad 11487 2A hrs 642·4300 "W'MI -or F 11 . -It! WOROPROCESSOR "'111 tr:ian hk for ,_ --l'hvslcaln.r.ist Thl!!.._fi:i_&Sat.730-6630 E.17lhSt.CM. u lime. Newport WklilH)Mcftrilklu-
Pos1t1on open for stnin~ \'1onnt' 642 5466 JAHITOR to wifrk either full time Beach area. Send re· •••••••••••••••••••••••
typist with i.'Xl'l'lll·nt W"' • l!R lmme~1ateopenmg ~or a or part time in private N~::r~,:~{I~tch I SALES I ~~~~. t~~ ~~ ?~~ I NOW 36'/F(
s p e 11 i n ~ II ram m Jr j ORY ~ Janitor lo work full time. home to attend slightly Travel Agency in Irvine. COMMHCIAL R.E. C 0 s t a Me
a , Ca Red.wood, 2x6 deck mg. skills Should have• al Must bt• expr'd tapinl! night shift Exrell fr. disabled stroke victim in Good phone voice & Extensive on the JOb 9~..o560 4·20 . long. also redwood
least 1 year exµt>r1ell('t• & texturt! 631 2004 mge benefits For more Huntington Beach Call front office appearance training. Must be lughly ~ -~ -, fencing ~k & fenc1t1g
on word prul'c,sin~ ELECTRONICS p n info and interview, call · 752.0322 or!l68-7343 a must Typ1'ng u wpm molt'vated .,all starter • Merc"-clw tnslallat1on ava1lab.le
equipment. real t')IJ!l'I f k II d• kcll d mike Vl\1an1 1714 1 --..., ln"ome fro""m property ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lowest pnct guar Jim backaround du•.arJ'·I~ ors 1e<>.l>Cml)1 e 64 166 EOE •1 F Nursing Xlntsalary&company ,
Oynamar \\Orkin~ ~n or "e tram app arant5 Jel'elr' SaJes --H~RSESAIDE ne its a omm1e _,.,_..,. K h ~C b k
t \lo good muth back Schaffer & Sons. So Exper d . all shifts 833 2977 draw while you leam •••••••••••••••••••••u rte en a ineU: sin .
!'lease apply on MON· 1--------" '·' u, I 1 1 " be f Cll T management plus a l •""--IOOSI orkenanut•~646-98BS 1.ir~;1¥'CHIOARD ground Calif r\ar N" California .5 leading Conv llosp N~pt Bch RECU'TlOHIST Attractive commtssion MUST SEl.L
SISO, Gas Portable oven.
OPERATOR llonal Gu:.irci Prior customringmakers.are Br:n~yoursmile&Join Lawfirmin lrvineseeks schedule & benefits ; Antique etching by S2S.646·S482 , -DAY, Oct 26 Crom 1·4
pm, or on TIIURSDAY. ~t. 29 from 9:30 am I<>
3:30pm al:
1515 Westcliff, at Dover
An F.quaJ
Opporturuty Employer
For Ad Action
Call a
Daily Pilot
ClassiCed Ad~642 5678
Earn $30-$60 per week.
Trips & Prizes. c:.I Mr.
Clt•c• If IJt.0611.
0 m1lttary helpful Call looking for nual1'f1ed. u.~ Free mJ.r med. den re"'ept1'on1.5· t. 0ut·1es will pacakge orrered Call , William Hogarth, dated CCllMf'Clt & pening un vrry acll\t• C 1 n d " Gehri n " ·• 1 & 1 f T I • Ken 67< ""00 I 1763 Can· nature of John 0
J " profess1·onal Salespeo· ta 1 e ans op sa ary I lud 1· t · · .,..,, · • s-.;..-103 2-posiuon bounl ~h•'t 71 4 979.;l)J 1 a so inc e tle ypmg. '11111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 W'lk F'amous piece .. ,_,...._..... Pie Evper1enced. full Cal . Mrs. Slone somegeneraloCfi"e.Call I" I es. ••••••••••••••••••••••• have I yrar rurrenl .-________ 1 -"' 642 ~ • shown in Encyclopedia CAMERA Penuix KIOOO
SI' tlchboard expcr1erwe lime only Call for appt -~rar:i .. :Jl33-3622. flllls•a•le•s ------Brittanica. Hue S8SO 3 lens & accessories•
Dynamic .,,,ork1ng i•n To pl11l·e your messa~r I ~f r Contrucci S49·1424 -Nursing RECEPT /TYPIST HICKOIY FA.RMS appraisal WIJI sell for Perl. cond $3251080
rnonmenl hefore the Library LVH 5Swpm. ga telephone S3SO cash 1mmed1alely 644-0195 4040 MacArthur Bhd rt'admgpubhr. Subs1tute pos1t1ons 3·11 30 Conv Hosp NB manner. self-starter Oppty sell gourmet 9SS·2183eve.s. Pip. -
:-JewportBeach.92660 phone needed for NB Public area.Pos allitude.xlnt. (714 1957.8507 ask for f oods & gi ft s for -16mm Bell Howell movie
t7141752 llll llail\ Pilot Library Branches. Must benefits Call. Mrs. _Sa_m holidays. Flex. hrs. Brass National Cash proj., xlnt cond ~50.
Cla!>s•rieit. &12 S67H hav~ on·~all flex & min Slone.i.642-80«.___ Fashion Island 64().6()3(). Register. Obie Drawer 494-8472
It's a BREEZf. I Cl~ss1fied_Ads642 5678 ... 111!1!!!!!!11!11111!1!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!11--Daily Pilat · · .. ··· · · .... ....,
The Uaily Piiot h1111 an npenin~ for an a~vert1sm11 <'ler~ or\ u part tune ba~a~
Will verify pubhral100 of udvrrfaing in
the Daily Pilot anrl 1~~rne related mana.cement rrport 4 or s houn daily,
hours flexlblr ldt;il for housewife or '111d1•n1 I .all Prr .. mml'! 01·vJ11 fll<'lll 642·•321
lmmC'd1a1 .. 011l•n1ni: 111 th1· rrt'uta\c
sen at'es dep.irtment no" <'XISll> for
(ult-time artist H~u1m i:uud graphic
design and spJtaal ie1~1t1v1ty, :ibtllty to
spec t) pe, som1• illustration or lrt'hn1c11I
drawing ab1llly, knuwledgl'ol)le in produ~1on, 11n under:.111odin11 of ret11l advertl~ina de~111n. a.nd llblht) to mt-rt deadllnt•s
availab11ity20hrs week. Office Mgr's Assistant RECEPTIONIST Westcliff Plaia642-0972 Late 1800 era S800 35 M M B&W Omaca
Llbrarkwi Gal Fri type job Receptionist needed for ll!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J 957·8170 Enlarger. + ttmer.s.
MLS$8 76hr Payroll exp. helpful. printing franchisor SALES --------•I easels, etc The worb. Library ant SS 00 hr to start. raise in Ability to handJe busy ORGAMZBS Dorofliy fmlrlCMI & $300, 67S.Sl71
BA BS S7 '5 hr wall 90 days Frr. Must be phones & wort indepen. SSOO.SISOO/wt. DOii .._.......... Cm
train avail. mOlit Sal. from den Uy a must. T)'l>inf FIT or p rr sales oppt'y IOlS
Cllfil I 9-12. Call. Mary Anne. 4Swpm Starting salary selling Kodak film dis-~.20 hr Will train. San Clemen~_493·0935. S800 Contact Personnel trib. nationwide from Cull~2119 Office help, P /T tem-Dept., Sir Speedy Inc your home.
Just moved into town? porary. clerical, filing. (7141642"9470· EASY WY EASY
Then get acquainted Flexible hrs. Student ~~!'g'l~~':;fi;,a~:~ytpc They calJ you. CalJ Mr wilh the Classified Ads OK.646·16Zl ___ Close after Jpm
They're the easiest way Orthodontic ass't needed. ing. lite bookkeeping 67S.3CM4.
to find ju.st the ilems and full time pogrtion. exp. N B-OC airport area SALES ·tion n So.
services you need! necessart,__&44·14~--641-ll:IO Coast ri::.a Matlfor ac
I •1 p•1 A. Reep/Typist live sports.minded In·
' al
I m ......................... : Law Firm. Fashion div, Morn ing hrs
Island. 9-lPM. SO WPM needed. CalJ: Snowden·
.00 hr. 6'4-7800 Mize Sports, 541>-4717.
Field Sales Supervisor HC./SIC'Y
Ru I estate office In
Irvine. some typin11.
general office dutlea.
Call 731-lllll.
bua boys, dlshwaahers.
Apply In person .
Jedro's, Baktr /Briatol,
Tbe Loe Anltles Times
Circulation Dept cur-
rently hu poaltlons
1v1llable in aalts as 1
representative. You'll
eam ao hourly 'Wiie t
genero1i1 commlaslons.
Call •7·2351. ext. i.»t.
The world o( antiques
ln the displays of
100 Leading Dealers
Oct 29·30.31 Mo• I
Thurs, Fri. Sat 1·10pm
Sunday. Noon'6
ln Ole Commttte Bldg.
Adm: sa.so Free parlllna
••••••••••••••••••••••• HIMALAYAN KITTEN
C ream pt /wh t .M.
papers, 10 wks. 1150.
Docp 1040 ........................
Champ Sitt. M/F Pt1 6
s h 0 w . p V"t p t y
213/1187·1345 an 6 pm.
SHIH TZU pups, AK~.
S2SO and up. Cash onf.)1-•. ... ...
Home· raised T cup/Min.
Groom & board· *WI
Lov Ina 2 yr old f
Shepherd H .110.
We're fiut-part'tl hut fun ln work Cor ~1th
ID tx<'ellent htncfat packaic tntludlng dentoal
Llmited openLJigs available In tho Onnge .C0111t area, for actr·motlvalet'!.
corcer oriented Individual who can ~ with Pleld Sales People Train,
motivate: and gel result•. Station wagon or van necessary. Exceptional
earnings, plus Job related benefit-a available ror lhe riaht people. U you
can produce ruuJts, not Jutt talk about
it. caU 9ti0-0894 for Interview. Ask for
Mr Chance.
I( you ha\t nl lea!lt one }t'•lr'i< nperlfn<'e
In print orirntecr "ork and a 1•urrrn1
portfolio. call t'arl T~1m11 al 642-43.21.
ext. 243 to schrdule on nvPOtntmcnt.
: 330 W. IAY ST ,• COSTA MESA, CA t2t2t
', AH lOuAt. ~"OIUUHltY lMP\.OYI• • . ' •••••••••••••••• t ••••••••••••••• t ......... .
• t ~;;..-
330 W.Loy Street
. Costo Mesa. CA . . .
·~ Equal Opportunity~ • ·. .. , .......... , ............................... .
Maple bureau & bed $200.
sofa n50. rerr SSS, sh
$ISO Perfect SlSO
Walnut din table. extends
lo 96" w/4 chairs, S300.
Full size box spnngs &
matt .. wlframe. $35 2
royal blue Herculon
chairs, SlOO/ea Call
alter6.J0pm: 5484446.
Beds, 135/e.a. Naugahyde
sofa, S7S Gas BBQ. S4S.
212 Diamond. 673-3834_
3 cstm bar stools. sohd
oak. vinyl uphol gd
cond. S40 ea, 675 1575 afl
~ ---Bedroom set. queen
matt Sl6S, lamp $25. cof·
fee. end la bl es $50,
camper shell $10 0
King size waler bed Mir
rored canopy hdbrd S300
673-7~e ~v __ _
Couch $150, dinnelle set
$150. coffee & end lbles
Sl2S, clean bed SIOO Elect IBM typewnter.
$200. Owen Mark Ill
skies $125 . Prices Oext·
ble. 918·9106
Slin Wlllte Fonn1ca tble,
Hi&b-lo, Sil>. 2 French
Provincial end tbls, SlSO
ea. Coffee tble. $ISO.
llallan Provincial
bdsJde tbl w/dr esser &
mirror. $200 Will
Consider trade for sofa
bed. 91~9·=Slf11~---
8 poster queen size wrap
around brass bed $1.000.
673-0193 Ev, w~
Loveaeal. rocks &
recllnes SJOO . OBO
Del~e Strollee baby hi·
chair .~1631
Rd. table wt 4 chairs S25 ..
recliner $40 .. 3 swag
lamps S7 ea. 645·9521
SetUonal sofas, Herculon
green , gold. white,
pillow backs, xlnt Sl75
cuh. 2·3163
Dbl dresser & mirror + 2
night stands, lop quali-
t 115 080. 642·'872
o rr-w-.ite velvet sofa .
S200. i':od ubles(2), COf·
fee table, $150 all. Gold
acunt chair, $25.
Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /W1dn11d1y. October 28, 1981
StoWtts StNf
cookware. 20 pc set The
very best Ideal
CbnstmuGilt. S375 957.8300
Casabella (~ew). Greal
Xmas gifL Reversible.
with 4 lubp bghts. Sl2S
••••••••••••••••••••••• Rabbits. All Types
~. --~""-=15..,I~O __ _
'75 Jeep X1nl C'Ond
~c·.~1 ._11a 9520 . ..................... .
1060 HARBOR ftlllO
COSTA MESA '>41 0010
.:x;,. H.trl••r 111, .i
""-1 \ \!~'-\
HIGHIUYElt Top dollars for Sports
Cars, Bugs. Campers.
914's, Audi's
Ask forU1CMGR
18711 Beach Blvd
3100 W. Coul Hwy.
Newport Beach
Late model Toyouis and
Volvo s Call u s
Earle Ike
lfU ...... 11·~ c ......... .
,._ U•·flOJ • U O.UU
Tep Ollar
For Your Car !
lite• ttc: esi 2626 Harbor BlV
Costa Mesa 54~5630
Wtr!L. OVER .....
For YourOood
VW. Ponche or Audi
«5 E. Coelt Riway
at Bayside Drive
Newport etach 673-CeOO
Premiwn prirei
paid for lllP' used car
<foreign or domestlc)
In &ood condition.
SOI iln, uAST
9739 •••••••••••••••••••••••
DEALERSHIP We'll deliver anywhere
ln the world'
'72 VW Bug, Nu paint. OU
tires, runs grut! Blau.
stereo, S2SOO.OBO
'68 VW Bug, new tires,
clean, AM radlO. $1850.
63!-_~9 ---
'73. white, good cond ~· 700.8636
'.'\. '.' 11.o •lo /1. I
' ' t-.. I \ \I~ '
S46-1 20C
ffl2 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Sam says •·drive a little,
save a lot," on new 81
Corvettes eqwpped With
4 speed or automatic
1°'964 BRONZE
848 Dove Street
752-0900 Sales-Service-Leasing 1969 Harbor Blvd.
Roy Caner.Inc. 631·7170
·79 VW Conv. wbt/wht,
am/fm cass . 2.SK mi SBSOO· s.g.3915 I 644-4018.
'61 VW Bug New pa111t,
401 S. El Camino Real
San Clemente
831-0580 492·8500
Rolls l\oyce BMW
1540Jamboree M.rc~INI '740
Exec car, '69 compl
restored Corvette, like
new, custom pa111t, new
whls & tares, motor com·
pl. ~eblt Call Mr Cops, Heritage Bank, 83:f 1191.
New.l!2rt8each 64~6444 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Brand new assume •Ml,premo
reblt eng SlSOO. 673-2943.
lease Black 3201 , sun usflt~ '70 VW B~. nu engine,
$2700 0 BO 631 3458
eves. 642-2400 ext 263
d s.
roof , a 1 r: Jordan. to a_.,, Ford '940 752.1750 --~·?
'69 BMW 2002, wht. snrf. 4 Compare Ho~ of Im· •••••••••••••••••••••••
spd, xlnt rond S3J50. ports Direct lease and 60 1972 V.W Square Back
Call Lyle 898-2521 ext. mos sensible pymts. Excellentcond.itioo.
2116 _ D 1 a I 2 1 3 o r 195 548-1487
'67 Ranchero. Good Body.
Needs Engine work. J600
OBO 642-583!1
D.ts. 9720 714 MERCEDES is 213 1970 VW Bug, runs good ,
•• • • •• • • •• ••• • ••• •• • •• • _QI 71_4""/fi!7~·=233.'I=----needs body work, Sl .300.
'80 Fiesta. AM FM. air
LOW MU.ES. Ll.k~ nu ,
'81 s
11-------1 .9464 SELLING YOUR MB?
Call Jack Bacon
1301 Quail St
_ ___,96().=~o=----
Yoho 9772 •••••••••••••••••••••••
I 833-9300 SALES, SBVICE
'.77ioE Colorado ~ OVEtrl~RY
Xlnt condition days. EXPERTS
979.9930 ask for Elaine.
Eve.nings, 759·~--
'77 450SLC, brown tan,
like new, loaded .
chrome wills, new tires,
53,000 mi. S2S,300
673· 7c.:::339:::::..:... --
1966 Harbor Blvd
646-9l0l 540.9467
'78 Volvo 242. l m -
'74 280. 6 cyl Regular maculate cond.itin, only
gas• Sliding sunroof. 17.000 miles, AC .
AIT. P/S, P/B, elec AM/FM cassette, elec-
wlndows. A/C, AM1FM tr1c seats, radials, etc.
'71 Ford Ltd Brougham
Coupe ve ry original
Clean vehicle Sl250 848-0lSSc_ ___ _
Merctry "50 • •••••••••••••••••••••• l978 Mercury Grand Mar·
quis. 40K Full power
000. CaU 964"6862
Met-.g "52 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mustang '65 conv 289
automaltc. PS. PB. PT
'66 Mus tang convert
Pony antr. Must see.
. Da s SSS.8300.
~ ff55 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '79 Cutlass Diesel. air,
am/fm cass. lo m1, must
seU 1080. 673-2712
ri..to 9957 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Value S8000. sell ~5. Must see to fully ap· .__, __ ...,_ 833-81!!..__ ___ preciate! Garaaed. rov FOil SALE
,.....,....._..,_ ... s... '77 2400. Priced $11,750 ered and pampered like 71' Panto, clean w1air :::,=., "':o'::':: ~ Days 962-2446 Gwen or a baby.. conditioning , good
..., 01 00 "''* 11o -111 home 7141779, 7332 Pb 546-S6SB transportation car. $1000
-0•.--OBO 642-IS70or 631-7797 SEE US HOW! '81 300SD Turbo, ivory '81 DL. Allswne ~ue ask for Maria m.W.!flw••·~ w tan mt, loaded. only For 111roc111 80 m1, $34,500. 641·82S3 548-ml l't,-"' ff60
'74 PU. Custom Camper
shell Chrome rims
Snrf, stereo. S2SOO 080.
538-0474, 213-435-1121 Ext
'78 280Z 39K strong
engU1e, gd cond S7200
0 80 Willie 673-4224 ~----
,73 ,.50 Sl --1 '71 Vol_vo WAGO~. 4 cyl. ••••••••••••••••••••••• . ,. I auto am mac nunt cond '71 Barracuda, rblt 318. New paint. excellent ' ~1iiz auto. PIS. A/C, stereo.
cond. $13,000 MUST TA 's, mags, xlnt cond.
SELL! 49'-7360 A.tot, Used 1450/0B0.1!94·6SS2
1961 210S, "· •••, •••••••• .. ••••••••• '79 Horiz.ori PCJ. Front 546-0606; evs833-3487 AMC '905 wheel dr 4spd, 3 dr
••••••••••••••••••••••• hatcbbk Midnight blue. I HZ Mer~•• '72 GREMLIN x. rebuilt Xlnl cond. 22.500ml
Order now. Je'leet engine & trans. Souped ~100.
prices on all models up V8 full Minor front 966-2117
Call 675-9153, 83>6636 end damage, must see to '66 Plymouth. auto, ale.
'75 2:80. vel)' ruce, 30.000 apprec. $1~546-5658 low ml, gd rood $750.
m1. Sll.750. Call Ad Well ,,10 _64=1...,·0383-=.-..· ____ _
answer #229 642-4300 24 .. ••••••••••••••••••••• P...tlec: 9965
bra. Got a kid that needs •••••••••••••••••••••••
1970 Mercedes 280SL. wheels? 1964 Buick• dr '80 Pontiac Lamana
Conv and Hardtop. sedan62.00>mi.Jes.onl,y Safara. 22.000 mi,
am/Cm radio, new tires. . 548-2515 PS/PB, A/C, tilt, roof
Ask for Leem.2067. CCMlloc H II rk, AM/FM ta'pe. 96500.
MB '81 300SD, m ell. •• •• • • • • •••••••• ••• ••• • ...:549-:.=...::2.8..,1~3 _____ _
sllver/bluunrf. loaded. COMT&l'\ATM '1'7 Flrtb1rd Classic. xl.nt
$32.t OO. P.P. (714) CADl..LAC? coodJ.. runs Jrnt.
'94·963a. We speciallu in leutt 800/vB0.846-~
-~~~f!'l'lr!!!MIAI '77 240D. AT/AC. slnl for the business ex-'61 fllltWrdC ... con d $12.150. Call · ._...-1 ,_ I V8 ....... n ttuttve • "'"'ess"'"a . auto, must se. to--ap. ....,._,,,. l_,. S.d'-prtclate. S3300080
ll:.i.~.;;.i;;iiiiiiiii;;,;;;~~ um 300 so Turbo Dlete.1. OfMew I ti I 751·3831 _______ ___. Dark brown Metallic, c.... 'SS PonUac Grand Prix.
1980 Dat&Wl, 35 mpg, xlnl i unrool, extra fuel tank. Mow a. se.cll Runs &ood. needs work.
cond. AM/FM, super ~.SOO.W.t33S m .53Mm
ttODO car M,000. 080. MGI 9744 NA ~ '6'1 Pontiac Firtbird, 326
64.1·9'28 •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• {~AD-L . V·8, yellow /blk. 1nl.,
"7J 2AOZ, '72 carb setup, I '79 MCM # # vtry cltan. xlnt. runnlng
auto, alr. AM/FM eus., White with raclnc lc.OOH.ul11• 111vt1 cond., new suptrlite
ahawdow, macs. runs strlpes. 15,000 ml S&OOO c 1"1.1 v. .... 'WO •110ti wheels • TIA ,.,di.ts
1 Int ! $3200 . d ya, 11 $1900 nnn. 152-5150 or
982-om: eves 645-8900 Optl '74' mg Conv, lo mM,em in !5'f7495
X ra Bob ..................... -1tort1e.a,JOO 1t •11t1st1 mt · Aet '7JS '•OPEL Kldltt, Alllo. MWllOOnt501 ........ __ .. _ ..
....................... new ~ enc. '71 CDV allver, new '11 Herttap. leauUhll
'7a l.24SpydttS.spd, new paint ' cpta. New Mich., bnkel, llke new! c.dlOan. •ml IAOO
AM/FM ... trt., A/C, radiator It t.a. bat· I.ZS .I 080. Call HmM1 After m. ttry, new lllocb, new "17 all._.._ •. -..... M •
..... t7J7 brak•. Gd tlnl. Set ......... ,.............. ... ,._
...................... al lJOI Dt&aware, RB. '11 Camaro Ralb'• 19rt. ff~...._
'11 A d I fir ..-UC ml, flllb INW •
cua, ee°b,,· J.'~'. ''•'' '741 -IOIO..... !!t-.... -"1 •.
-.!1.1:..LSl.Z!IC!!!l..Ql:B!!!!!....-.JHIHMHffHHHHHff 'JI la ........ ·.. IM IMI I I -.,.....,... .... ~ *''" -.' Cll " ............ s:...i:::..•lttUJ ;;.1.:;:W . ....... el~
. l
,. ,. • • *
IUlllll CUii Ylll lllRnl DAllY PAPIR
Reagan gains support as AW ACS voting nears
President Reagan, confident
th.at a suddenly shifting Senate
w1ll approve his A WACS sale to
Saudi Arabia, gained strength in
the final hours before today's
vote as previous ly opposed
senators swung toward his side.
Sen. Slade Gorton, R· Wash.,
who had opposed the deal, said
he would vote for the president.
An aide to Sen. Mark Andrews,
R·N.D., said he thought his boss.
also a declared opponent, would
follow suit. And an aide to Sen.
William Cohen. R-Maine, said
Of Ito. O .. ly ~ ... Si.fl
The state Supreme Court has
agreed to consider the question
of whether a defendant·s
appearance in court while
s hackled prejudices the jury
selected to determine his guilt or
The court agreed to take up
the issue a t the request of
attorneys for Robert Edward
Crane, a state prison parolee
fa cing a retrial in Orange
Cou nty Superior Court in
co nn ection with the
execution-style slaying o f
Ken neth Wayne Cochran in
lluntington Beach in 1977.
Judge James Turner was
advised Tuesday by the state's
hi g h court to delay jury
selection in the Crane case until
the Supreme Court considers the
shackling issue. Jury selection
had been scheduled to begin
Cochran was shot in the back
and the knee and ha s body
dumped in the sand at Bolsa
Chica State Beach. Firing into
the knee is considered a
trad e m a rk' of the Aryan
Brotherhood. a white supremacy
state prison gang of which.
o fficials claim. Crane is a
ranking member
A jury in 1979 deadlocked on
the question of whether Crane,
33, of Encino. was responsible
for the slaying.
He was convicted during that
trial. however, of the handgun
s laying of Wayne Golin. 41. of
Huntington Harbour. during a
robbery attempt at Golin's Seal
Beach jewelry stor e . Judge
William Lee sentenced Crane to
life imprisonment without
possibility of parole.
At a recent hearing, Judge
Turner ruled that Crane, who
authorities consider a security
risk. be required to wear leg
irons and have only his writing
hand free during all court
l.rane s attorneys. David
Haigh and James Brustman,
contended in documents filed
with the state Supreme Court
that shackling would prejudice
the jury against the defendant.
baby found
by trash bin
San Clemente police say a
3-day-old baby boy, found near a
trash bin b e hind a city
restaurant just hours after his
birth will be taken to the Albert
Silton Home in Santa Ana today.
Police Lt. Al Ehlow said a
search is being conducted for
the parents of the Caucasian
Infant, who was found by an
employee of Stufl Pizza. 91 Calle
de Industrias, about 11 p.m.
Ehlow said the employee was
e mptying the garbage when he
heard the baby crying. He said
the infant, found in good
condition. was nestled inside a
produce crate and wrapped in
three baby blankets.
Ehlow said t h e baby was
taken to San Clemente General
Hospital wh e r e he wa s
examined and found to be ln
excellent condition.
A hospital spokeswoman said
the infant was a full-term baby,
weighing 7 pounds, 4 ounces.
Ehlow said the poli ce
department had been awamped
with telepb<me calls from people
wlshlng information on adopting
the baby.
"He's a beautiful bab_y,"
Ehlow aald. "We're all In love w\th him over h•e. ''
the senat.or was reconsidering
his opposition.
If all three senators voted with
the President . the
administration would be assured
o f a majority with all 100
senators voting and would win
its first major foreign policy
battle with Congress.
As the vote neared, Reagan
pledged in a letter to Republican
leader Howard H. Baker Jr. of
Tennessee that Americans will
be involved in Saudi operations
of the radar planes .. well into
the 1990s "
The president's letter said he
would seek "the substantial
assistance of Saudi Arabia" in
Middle East peace efforts and
s aid Americans will have the
right to continually inspect both
··air and ground security
arra ng ements for all
The letter was delivered to
Baker's office at midday A copy
of the final draft had been
obtained earlier by The
Associated Press. The vote was scheduled for 2
p m. PST. after a full day of
Gorton said he would vote for
tt\e President. "The potential
gains for peace and security in
the Middle East will now be
greater if the sale is approved
than if it is djsapproved," he
said In a speech on the Senate
An aide to Andrews said he
thought his boss would also
switch. But the aide, ·who
requested anonymity, said "I
have not heard that from the
senator's mouth."
~Nlll~.,....,...O' .....
Whitney. the lucky cnckateel. nibble.'! un the $/fl ·tnll Ile won in the World Sent'.<; pool at Kenn
Rima l/ardu.:ore 111 Costa \Jesa Owner Paul .\1ort111 1vatcl1e'
Store's bird wins seed money
Costa Mesa cockateel h as owner's Series number
Of tlM O.ity l'I ... Slaff
"'It was seed money." swears Paul
Martin. television department manager for a
Costa Mesa hardware store
· · Poss1 bly." Martin says with tongue in
cht•ek. "he plans to corner the seed m arket ...
Whitney. his 5-monlh·old snow white pet
cockateel. ·'told me to invest the dollar in the
store's World Series pool, .. Martin claims.
While the department manager refers to
his pet as "he" and "him," Martin confides
he really does not know the bird's sex.
··vou·re never sure for about a year," he
e xplains. "If Whitney lays an egg. I'll know I
picked the wrong name ... "The damn bird outsmarted us all. ..
When employees al the Kerm Rima
Hardware Co .. 2666 Harbor Blvd .• checked
the numbers drawn for Sunday's game in Los
Angeles, there it was
Martin says he's also not sure whether
Whitney is a Dodger fan or a Yankee rooter.
Whitney, often a visitqr in the store's
television department. had the winning No. 3.
·~e was really pulling for the Orioles."
the manager confides. "The Cardinals were
his second choice.
"But he's partial to the Yankees because
or ·Goose· Gossage. On the other hand, he's
sort of fond of ·Penguin' Ron Cey."
Now, Whitney is assured ao adequate
supply of seed -often found scattered about
Martin's d'.!sk at the store -for the next year.
Hut, Martin confides. Whitney has
advised him to invest some of the proceeds in
future game pools
Regardless. Whitney feels good about the
next pool, Ma rtin confides. "His number is
six in the sixth game."
Onofre start-up ready
Edison plant out of service since early September
Of UM Deity ~lee Slaff
Southern California Edison
Company's on-again, off-again
Unit 1 reactor at San Onofre is
expected to flicker lo life once
again this week following nearly
two months of repajr work to the
plant's emergency core cooling
Edison Co. officials said
Tues day the seas ide facility
th r ee miles south of San
Clemente off more than on
over the past two years -could
be reactivated by Friday or
The 456-m egawatt facility
could probably have been
restart.eel earlier thi!\ week if ll
Judge won't strike
conj ession in trial
of tM Deltr "" ..... A confession to police by
Newport Beach psychologist
Telford Moore. charaed with the
shooting death of his roommate.
will not be stricken as evidence
during his trial. an Orange
County Superior Court Judge
ruled Tuesday.
But Judge Myron Brown, at
the request of Moore's attorney
Al Stokke, did throw out other
port.Ions of Moore's diJc:UJsions
with Newl)ort Buch police
investigato,.. on Nov. 6, 1980, the
morning aft.er Stanley Espinda,
also a psychologt1t, was kUled ln
the pair'• exclu1lve home on·
J 1de Court lo Corona del Maf.
Brown ruled that Moore's
comments about a handgun
later determined to be the
murder weapon will not be
admitted as evidence when the
tria l begins,. probably on
Jury selection was to begin
today and is expected to last at
least two days.
Stokke argued that Moore's
confenlon . in which be
reportedly t.old an invesllaator,
"I shot him. J lctlled the doctor."
s hould not be admitted aa
evidence because Moore bad
been tacitly rorced into 10 t.o 12
hours of conatant police conUlct
alt.er lhe ahooUn1.
C CONF£ , 'P .. eAJ)
hadn't been for a spill of liquid
fire retardant on unrelated
e lectrical equipment last
weekend. requiring cleanup
work, utility and federal
officials said.
The plant -out of service
since Sept. 3 -underwent
modifications to two critical
valves which regulate the now
of emergency cooling water into
Unit 1 's hig hly radioactive
The valves were discovered to
be faulty when an unrelated
electrical malfunction triggered
last month's shutdown. The
e mergency core cooling system,
of which the valves are an
important part. is designed t.o
prevent overheating and
meltdown of the plant's fuel rods
if normal cooling water is lost.
The simultaneous failure of
the valves was of particular
concern to federal Nuclear
Regulatory COmmlsslon officlall
because one valve was aupposed
to work lf tbe other failed.
The valves apparentl y
Jammed due to pressure within
two discs ln.,ide them. AA an
l n terlm solution. Edison
en1lneera cban1ed electrical
and control circuJta that operete
the valvt11 and propo1ed ttl~
off the water pump eo the v.iv•
could open. hlrnln1 lt on
alterward to water 1"\lld now
into t.be coolln1 111tem. • •
And Bob Tyler. Cohen's press
aide. sai d Cohen wa s
reconsidering his opposition to
the sale after gettine additional
assurances from t he President
Tuesday that Israel's security
~ill be protected. Tyler said.
Gorton 's announcement
reduced the Senate lineup
against the sale to 51-48.
according to the late st
Associated Press count.
Switches by Andrews and Cohen
would make the tally 50 votes for
the sale and 49 opposed with
only Ser), Russell Long, 0 -La ..
still uncommitted.
Early in the day's debate.
Arizona Hepubhcan Sen. Barry
Gold water toJd has colleagues,
.. , am absolutely convinced the
turning down of this sale could
lead to war in the Middle East."
Senat t! Majority Leader
lloward Baker. R·Tenn .. said·
the letter wa s intended
s pec 1f1 c all y to over com e
objections lo the sale by Sens.
S lade Gorton . R Wa s h . SI
Hayakawa. R-Cahr . Frank H
Murkowsk1. R·Ala!tka
Budget viewed
Deficit could hit $100 billion
Budget director David A.
Stockman said t.oday the federal
deficit could climb as high as
$100 billion in 1984 unless
Congress takes additional action
to cut spending or raise taxes.
Such a deficit is "not out of the
ballpark ," Stockman told
reporters, although he stressed
the administration has a
three-year, $115 billion plan
before Congress Lhal is designed
to meet President Reagan's goal
of a balanced budget in 1984 .
The official administration
estimate is that the deficit will
be $58.8 billion in 1984 without
any additional action. But the
Congressional Budget Office, m
information provided for the
Senate Budget Committee. says
the actual deficit could be $100
billion in 1984 if there are no
more spending cuts and taxes
aren't raised.
Stockman said administration
officials are reviewing their
budget estimates. and said "we
may · have a different number"
than a projected S58.8 billion
deficit when the process is
''There are enormous upward
pressures " on lbe budget, Stockman said after testifying at
a congressional hearing.
'"I think we are at the point
where Congress as going to have
to consider some very tough and
very serious action to bring the
d e fi cit d o wn ." he told a
s ubcommittee o r the Joint
Econom1<.· Committee.
Later. he refused comment on
reported plans among Senate
Republican s to see k tax
increases of between $50 billion
and $70 billion over the next
three years. The higher taxes
would be part of a Senate GOP
alte rnative to Reagan·s own $115
billion deficit-shrinking plan
""We 're not going to commit or
g ive any indications until we see
the package." Stockman said.
House GOP Leader Robert H
M 1chel of ll11no1 s indicated
Tuesday he believes taxes must
be raised to help balance the
budget. but said he adamantly
opposes tampering with the
t hre e -s tep reduction in
individual income tax rales and
accelerated tax writeoffs for
Series continues
Good weather ha s beeo
predicted for tonight's sixth
game of the World Series to be
telecast on ABC channels 7 and
11 at 5:20 p.m .• PST. <Related
stories Page 01 >
• Merchants warned
Business conned in $20 bill scheme
Local police are warning
merchants to beware of a young
con artist who has been bilking
small business cashiers out of
$20 bills.
The s windle has been staged
at 12 Huntington Beach
businesses over the past five
days, and at least one similar
incident occurred over the
weekend in Newport Beach.
investigators said.
'"It's an old scam, it's not even
very clever. but it works." said
Huntington Beach police Sgt.
Bill Van Cleve.
He said the fastest way to put
the con artist out of business
might be to a lert local
m er chants lo the scheme he has
used at fast food restaurants.
liquor stores and similar small
According to police. the young
man enters the business. hands
a stack of one dollar bills to the
cashier and asks for a S20 bill in
exchange. He then appears to place the
$20 bill in a business enve!ope as
though the bill is to be given to
som eone. After counting the slack of
ones. the cashier announces
there are only' 19 bills. The con
artist then explains that he has
another dollar bill in his c~r and
asks for the stack of singles
back. In ex.change, he returns the
business envelop~ ~lle~e.dly
containing the cash1er s or1ganal
$20 bill. . According to pohce. the
swiodler never returns as
Scot·t named
director of
county GSA
Orange County Personnel
Director Bert Scott was named
today to replace Thomas Ecan
as new direct.or of the cou:n\y
General Services Aaency.
Scott, 48, wiU becln Ms new
Job on Jan. 8. He will beiin
worklnc with Egan on Dec.• u
lntertm deputy direct.or of GSA.
Scott's aal~ wUI be $57,990
per year. wh'\ch ls 1 5 percent
incr.eue over ltla pr~ent salary.
The a ppointment was
• announe.d today by the county
Board ot SUpemsora. wbJch met
In 1 doled, execut.lve .... ion
prior tO lbelr meetln1.
µromased, and the cashier
eventually unseals the envelope
to find only blank paper inside
Van Cleve said the Huntington
Beach counter swindles appear
to be the work or the same man,
striking in many sections of the
city. ·
He said -the man employing
the ruse has been des~ribed as
in his mid to late 20s, 5 reel 8 to s
feel 10 inches tall. weighing 150
pounds. with brown hair and
blue eves. He has been dressed
in casual clothes
Hostages OK;
suspect held
arrested a 21-year-old fugitive
from Utah State Hospital after
finding three hostages. ancludine
a policeman . handcuffed
together in the parking lot of a
Police said Kent Reed Jr .. 21,
allegedly led officers on a chase,
commandeered a police car and -
took the hostages after he fled
the hospital Monday night. The
hostages were found unharmed
Mostly cloudy with
chance of light showers
tonight. C learing
Thursday. Local gusty
westerly winds tonight
and Thursday. Highs 67 to
72. Lows tonight SS to 61.
Vicious fire anu in Tercu
are building their foot-high
neat• above ground. '\Uher•
it· 1 easy for people to
•tumble into them. See Page
'""""''** ~
• • • • • Orange Coast OAILV PILOT /Wtdneaday, October 28, 1981
~Walk out
WARSAW, Poland CA P > -
Millions or Pollsh workers
wearing red and white arm
bands and waving Polish flags
'defied Communist authorities
'With a one-hour national strike
'today. Communist Party chief
Wt'OJCiech Jaruzelski said the
°'9rotests must stop.
Addressing the 200-m ember
l'Central Committee, Jaruzelski
·~ailed the strike a "harassing
'' . . destructive" failure that
lwas part of a pattern that
!tlppeared whenever the ··party
,t!egains strength." He told the
•Widependent union Solidarity to
''stop the unending !legation."
.-: "Poland has not yet perished,
ibut it is perishing," he said.
IJ ·'There remains little time.
This blockade must be lifted."
---~--------~------------~--.-.--------------------------~----,_, ______________ .,.
WA IT A MINUTI!, Dl!l!R -This spi ke buck deer
created quite a wake while
beln1 chased by animal
control orrtcers from Costa
Mesa and Orange County
plus police or;icers and a
helicopter unit who were
trying to keep it of( the
streets for its own safety .
ft,irst SPolled on the Corona
del Mar Freeway near the
Newport Frcewa·y Tuesday
afternoon. the deer went into
::i wood \'artl on Bristol
Street. th.en into the flood
l' on l r o I ch an n e I under
Bristol. Rcdhi11 and Irvine
avenue~ before it went up on
lht• bank and ran along a golf
eourst• road and clisappeart•d
Pl•rhaps he couldn't Sl'e tht•
forest for the H•c!)·!
. The Central Committee met to
'4:0nsider "changes in structure
#Tld functioning" of the party's
machinery and a ban on strikes.
Ahe official PAP news agency ~aid
Meanwhile. Solidarity leader
Lech Walesa said. "I want this
1\0 be the last s trike or this )(and ...
Heart drug effective; tests stopped
The protest, the first
.nationwide strike in seven
.months . ell de d 1 n earl y
<ifternoon and most workers
returned to their jobs.
The strike todav was the first
Jlationwide work stoppage since
'1 four-hour strike on ·March 27 to
protest police brutality in the
town of Bydgoszcz. Millions of
workers participated in that
federal agency says it is halting
tests of a heart drug, reportedly
because the medicine already
has been found so effective it
would not be ethical to deprive
patients or. it. I
The National Hearl, Lung and
Blood Institute plans to disclose
results of its lhree·year, S22
million clinical trial of the drug
propanolol on Thursday A
s pokesman, York Onnen, said
today the results are "good
The Boston Globe reported
today the study indicates that
manv of the 850,000 Americans
who ·survive heart attacks each
yea r s houl d be given the
medicine to prevent fatal
The Globe said it had learned
the institute decided it would be
unethical to further withhold the
drug, known as a "beta
blocker." from the 2, 100 patients
1 n the experimental group
l'ece1vmg only placebos. which
are neutral pills.
Another 2,100 patients in the
experiments have been getting
the drug three times a day, and
the study shows heart attack
deaths among the m sharply
lower, the newspaper said .
Dr. Peter Frommer. acting
director of the institute, refused
to discuss details of the study or
its implications for the 850.000
Americans who survive heart
attacks every year.
But in a letter to reporters
announcing the briefing ,
Michael F White. an associate
director. said the institute had
accepte d advisers '
recommendations that the
clini cal trial be cut short and the
results made public.
White said , .. The Beta Blocker
Heart Attack clinical trial wa s
nol scheduled for completion
until June 1982. However. the
trial 's Policy and Data
Monitorin~ Board recommended
to the institute that .the trial be
curtailed and the data developed
to dale be released. The institute
ac·cepted the recommendation
White said ... The primary
purpose of the . trial was to
d e termine whether th e
administration of a particular
beta-blocking agent to patients
who have had at least one heart
attack would reduce the number
of de~ths an this h1gh ·rtsk
Jozef Pawl1czek of th e
:Kasprzaka radio workers in »Warsaw said he was "not sure if
thi s action would c hange
ap ything . But my mates are
iariking and so am I •· Asked
"What should be done about the
'Demon' murder trial jury selection under way
•'f"ood shortages. he said. "The
government should give us food
a nd workers should work ...
Solidarity officials at the Hula
\Va rszawa steel works near
Warsaw said 90 percent of the
10.000 workers supported today·s
protest. But union spokesman
f'ranciszek Kulesza said there
weren't many protest
decorations. "You cannot afford
luxuries in times of starvation."
UANBURY. Conn. <A P > -
Pros pective jurors were
summoned to court today for the
start of a murder trial in which
"demonic possession .. is
plann~d as the defense
The defense lawyer said he
plans to subpoena five Catholic
priests who performed joint
exorcisms m an effort to prove
that his client was possessed
when he killed a man during a
fight over a girlfriend.
Arne Cheyenne Johnson, 19. is
charged in the Feb. 16 stabbing
d e ath of Alan Bono in
Brookfield His lawyer, Martin
Minnella, said he planned to
question jury candidates closely
a bout their religious beliefs.
trying to select those who
believe in the existence of God
and the devil
Selection of the jury was
expected lo begin late today or
Thursday and lawyers said it
would take two weeks to two
It will be up to Superior Court
Judge Robert Callahan whether
to allow demonic possession as a
~efense. which legal experts say
would set in motion a landmark
Walter Flanagan. the state's
attorney. has said he sees the
case as "a routine murder,
insofar as homicide can be
classified routine ." Should the
possession defense be allowed,
Flanagan said he will call
experts to refute the theories.
The stabbing occurred while
Johnson and Bono, 40, argued
over Johnson 's girlfriend,
Deborah Glatzel, 26, police said.
Johnson and Miss Glatzel lived
in an apartment next door to a
dog kennel run by Bono. Miss
Glatzel worked there as a
Johnson was arrested and
jailed in lieu of $125.000 bond the
day of the killing.
"We intend to show that there
is s uch a thin g as demonic
possession and that there was an
evil force or spirit involved last
year and still involved an my
cli e nt," Minnella said in an
interview before the trial. "We
will prove that this evil force
manipulated my client's body
Minnella has· developed a
profile of the ideal juror -
Catholic. a mother. between 40
and 65. and a believer in God
and the devil.
Quake hits
LA area Royal pair greeted
s mall earthquake registered 3 2
9n the Richter sc ale on '.~eismographs in California and
~:olorado today, but nobody
could be found immediately who
felt it, and authorities said there
were no calls asking about it.
Welsh bells peal for Char les, Di ana
.. Didn't feel a thing,"' said
,eesk officer Gary Muncie at San
Fernando police headquarters,
j ust five miles from the
.f picenter I le said there were no
.f,alls, "not a thing:·
h' ·'There are seven or eight of
-us here, and we didn't feel
~nyth.ing ," said Lee Reynolds,
eceptionist at San Fernando
lty Hall
!From Page A 1
;.CONFESS. • • 11.i
o He claimed that Moore was
not given his rights warning him
of self-incrimination until hours
ctfte r the ques tioning began.
Police investigators testified as
iprt of the pre-trial motion that
'oore was originally questioned
nly as a witness and was given
i s rights once it became
pparent that he was a suspect
1 the shooting.
The confession reportedly took
lace after Moore was warned of
Is rights
Even though Stokke spent
everal days trying to have
oore's questioning thrown out. e said after the ruling that the
onfession won 't damage his
Deputy Di strict Attor ney
ryan Brown said, however,
at the confession certainly will
elp his case. The prosecutor
aid be will argue that Moore,
7, shot Espinda, 45, as "the
nly way out" of a personal and
a ncial relationship.
The two men were buslness
artners and also had joint
wnership of the house, he said.
ST. DAVID'S, Wales (AP > -
Bells pealed out over th.is tiny,
ancient cathedral city today as
""Prince Charles and Princess
Diana arrived for a celebration
service in its 800-year-old
church, named after the patron
saint or Wales .
Security was tight, but there
was no trouble from Wels h
nationalists who jeered the royal
couple, lobbed a stinkbomb.
s prayed paint over their
limousine and scuffled with
police Tuesday.
Police said they found a
firebomb today planted in the
British Steel Corp. office 100
miles west or here in CardiH. the
Welsh capital, where Charles
and Diana are due Thursday.
The bomb was defuses .
They said the born b was
identical to one defused Tuesday
at an army recruiting
headquarters at Pontypridd, 10
miles north of Cardiff. which is
also on the royal couple's
The couple arrived in St.
David's by train 120 miles from
Caerna r von in north Wales.
After the service to mark the
cathedral's 800th anniversary.
Charles and Diana left for a
65-mile drive along the west
coas t of Wa l es to the
principality's second city.
Princess Diana was an instant
success with thousands of Welsh
who braved cold winds to cheer
the royal couple Tuesday. the
first day of the royal couple's
three-day tour.
"Princess Diana, Princess
Diana." children chanted
wherever the 32-year-old heir to
the British throne a nd his
20 -year-old bride went. The
princess, a kindergarten teacher
before she married Charles July
29, worried security men as she
• ORANGIE COAST '. Daily Pilat Cleullled edvert11lng 714/642-~78
All other department• 642.,.321
Thomas P Haley o~
l"lllllitl'* -0\4' (~ ._
Robert N Weed .......,....
Thomas A Murph1ne
Michael P Harvey ........... o.r.-
L Kay S<:ttullz
Olftc!Of"" oi--
• Kenneth N Goddard Jr c.rcvlilt!Oll OndOt
~~ Scf'lulman
·~j;H.Loos .. ~~
Carol A Mool'9 ~[-
J.10 WHl ll•Y St .• Ce.ta,,_.,., CA ~II -I llo• U.0, Colla ~M. CA '26»
CopJrlfM 1'11 Or~ Co.st PUOll1lll110 C.-J
Ho Mw1 5torlff, lllultr9tlonl, Rl!Mlal mMt•r or aef.
vertiMtnenll Nrtlll may ii. reprodlK.ci wit"°"' -lal _..,,,..,. .. <opy•ltflt-·
SKOftd ciau ""'-,_141 at cosi. ~w C..ltornl• (UPS u .. ..,, Su11Krlptlonbv<••ri.r~.oo-111y llv melt U.fO .-,1111,, mlllt.ry 41Htl_..,. .... -1111,
plunged mto the crowds to shake
scores of small hands.
.. My dad says give us a kiss."
7·year-old Simon Edwin of Rhyl
shouted to Diana. Smiling, she
replied, "Well , then, you had
better give me one," and bussed
him on the cheek.
·'The couple captured the
hearts of the people with their
s t y le and informally," the
Ti.mes of London said. The Daily
Telegraph said the first day was
.. triumphant " and Diana
received "a warm and
affectionate welcome
10 injured
in Pendleton
bus smashup
Ten people were injured. one
seriously, when a bus collided
with a 2'"l·lon civilian truck
inside the gates of the Marine
Corps base at Camp
Marine s pokes man Sgt.
Roland Debeque said today that
military police are investigating
I he traffic accident wh ich
occurred Tuesday afternoon.
All but two of the injured were
treated for minor injuries.
authorities said . Abdominal
s urgery was performed early
today on the unidentified bus
driver. said Margerie Kallian, a
nursing supervisor at nearby
Tri·City Hospital.
She said the driver was listed
in satisfactory condition and
that a female passenger on the
bus suffered a broken leg and
also was In satis factory
Boat skipper
lost at sea
Coast Guard is continuing a
search ror an Oceanside skipper
who failed to arrive at Santa
Catalina as scheduled more than
three days ago .
Ll. Scott Settimo said a brief
search was conducted Tuesday
. for Steven Wa rren, wbo left
Oceanside Harbor alone aboard
the 28-loot cabin cruiser "Unda
Rattan revisited.
I v
Never newer, than in Drexel's Preface collection!
Drexel gives ratlan a new lease on beauty in our Preface
dining rooms! Treated naturally and casually, our rattan
designs highlight a collection 1n pecan. beveled glass
and the look or brass . . and a unique. glazed white clay
finish, Meerschaum. There's an appealing selection for
bedroom and occasional use. as well. See Pref ace now!
c· · Sunday morning and was lmllll••lllllilll•••lill•llll•m11imm•iill• ... a•• .. M scheduled to arrive at Avalon
Harbor several hou ra later.
Settimo said Wer ren 'a wUe
aald her hu.aband WH .due back
in Oceanside Monday after tile
94·mlle round trip. j
• . I
Kathryn Ann Potthast of Pasadena gasps as she learns she has
been named the 64th Tournament of Roses quee11 Miss Pnttl1 asl
says she wants to attend t.'C l rvme 111 the future
Can cer victim
e nds U.S. 1valk
A mail carrier with cancer
crossed the Golden Gate
Bridge under a rainbow,
complet'ing a
trans-continental journey
begun by a gutsy Canadian
named Terry Fox.
Donald M. Mar r s, of
Cincinnati began his walk
July 28 from Carlyle, Ill., due
sout h of Thunder Bay .
Ontario where Fox was
forced to end a cross-country
run because of s preading
Fox died June 28 after
raising more than $24 million
for cancer research. Marrs
also rais ed mone y in
continujng Lhe journey.
Commissioner Jarl
Wa hlstrom of Finland has
been chosen as t he 12th
commanding general of the
Salvation Army.
Leaders or the worldwide
oraganization a nd
representatives of its 3
million "soldiers" elected
him from six nominees to
succeed r etiring General
Arnold Brown of Toronto.
Jessie Johnson . HI will be
awmtmg Tue.\da1{<1 elect10T1
results m Teias eagerly A
proposal on the state ballot
would transfer the title on
the home he's been paymq
ta.res on for 53 years f mm
the <>tale to him
Co astal
Mo•llY cloudY ""''" cNnu of llOhl IMWffS 10fl'9M Cle•rin<,1 Thun.Oey
Looi gusty -1•'1Y winos IS to 2S
mph lonlgM-TllUnday.
Coaatal -SS lonlglll, lnleno " Coastal h(Qh 61, lnl...O n. Water 6.1.
Hou\ ton
&4 SS 0
" .. ,. SJ OJ
IO u
'° .. " " n
M 33 OJ n '5
10 0
IO '3
11 10 OS
6J l)
11 10 I II
10 S1
1'h rourth annual Carou.aeJ
Ball In Denver raised at toast
$3.S 1nlJUoo ror research into
chi ld ren's diabetes,
according to or~unlzer
Barbara Davis.
Accoununa is not rtnlsbed,
she aald. All costs or tbe
lavish ball which drew
celebrities rrom 1tcross the
nation -wero either donated
or underwritten.
Oilman Marvin Davia
surprised his wtre with an
annolmcement at the arfair
that he would give another $2
million for the cause. That
donation was earmarked to
employ three resj>erch teams
or about 10 dodors each to
work at the Children's
Diabetes Center, on the
grounds of the University of
Colorado Hea lth Sciences
Center In Denver.
Britain's Prince Andrew,
tbe pilot of the Royal Navy
helicopter involved in a
dramatic sea r escue last
month. has a new military
assignment, Buckingham
Palace announced.
The 21 -year-old prince,
second of Queen Elizabeth
H's sons. has been assigned
to a s quadron of
anti-submarine helicopters
flying supp<>rt for the cruiser
HMS Invincible, the palace
As part of his duties with
the Ho y al Navy 's 820
Squadron. the prince wi ll be
trained lo drop nut'lear depth
charges. a Defense Ministry
s pokesman said
First it was Gov Edmund
Brown Jr. who was called lo
jury duly -now it 's
Sacramento County District
Attorney llerb Jackson.
Jackson said he would be
able to shed his prosecutor's
viewpoint if ~icked for a
But on his first day of jury
dut) .. Jackson didn't even gel
assigned to a courtroom for
possible selection
Pamela Mason, ex-wife of
actor James Mason, and her
son. a s pecial adviser to
President Reagan, ha\ e been
ousted from the board of
directo rs o f the textile
manufacturing group Mrs .
Mason's father founded, in
Shipley, England.
Loud cheers and applause
rang out as s hareholders of
lllingworth. Morris voted to
oust Mrs. Mason, a former
talk-show hos tess. and her
son , Morgan Mason.
The ouster of 65 year-old
:\t r ~ M a so n a n' d h e r
31 -year-old son at an
ex trao rdinary ge n eral
meeting of shareholders at
the company's headqum-ters
follow<'d a bitter two-year
boardroom battle
Elsewhere, 1111111 verial>le wlnOs
ton(Qllt. One· to 2..fool soutll-sterly
swell. ~tly Clouclv. Over the outtr
coast•I water\ west to nor1hwe\t
winos IS lo JO knot'l wltll s.. to '-loot
sees west to northwest IS to lO knots
conllnu1n111onlgllt lnOneol" SJ l3 Cold w •••
l).S. sumni ary
ey Tiie ·-~ Prwt Gele·lorce wind\ and heavy r.in
bettered Ille WH1 Coest .arty today
H 11e1e warning• were -tee! for
west•rn Ntva<la and much ot Ille
Pacific CoHI,
A winter s~m watch allO wllflt up
tor Cellfoml•''l Sierra Ntveda eno
nonl'lern ~Ins
Meanwhile. .-" lell over ow
.-thern Plains and Flor,.,,.
Tllu~ -r• forecast tor
leter today In N-England, es well
H Ille nortNnl hall of Callfornl•.
Wes111"91on tlate .,,., Ille ,,.,..111ern
Rocky Mounta ins. Snow was
upeci.o at hlQller tl•vellons
Jecksnvllt ..
KIM City " L•s Ve9'1s 81 Lllll• R0<k " LO'l A"91fl~ 10 AMmpflh 6l
Mleml IO
NUhvlll• " NewOrlffM 6l
New Yori. .s Okie City 11
Omah• 66 Plllladonla 13 PP>oenls u Plttsl>urQh 6l Reno 62 Ri<llmond 11
Salt Lake •• San DI-•• St Louis 6l
Bater>lleld ,,
Eureka 6l Frnno ..
61 -'6 ~~0•~'' \101 01\0r, 0-clvdtcf
'° !IIIIIm ---------" 6t l •nc•ster ,, se ,. ,, M•rysv•ll• ., H
Reowooo C•IY &4 56 0 Reno 67 0 ... S.C:ram.,..10 n ., s• lll .. S•llnu ,, !I
S1 S•nta Barbar• ., so
Barstow 1S 56 S3 31 Bt11Bur u 37 6S so 01 Blsllop ,. lO
0 01 Le•eArr-ad 61 .,
SJ .., l-B~h 10 41
" Monrovia ,, M
" Ml Wit-. 6S " ., NewPort Be.ell 66 " Ontario ., s• PalmSprl~ ,, SI
PaHden<1 " •• ff San B ern.>rdlno 6' Ml
SI San Jow 10 M
ff Sante AN •• '° le-Vali.y 56 3'
TM Nat-I We.thtt Setvk• ha• ~=-------------------pndkteo • lllQM chance ot shOWers Iii
for Southern C•llfornl• through
Tflurioey. wllh clouOy sklu 1no
OUlt'f winds I~ m<KI of the
Loe.al oon!Y -ter1y •Inch of u to
25 mpll ,,_.., -•lonO IN co .. 1
from SM!t.a llar1lala -to LOftl 8oKll ...0 Of ... c-,..
NO•• U \ o ... •' c-,.,•·••
Am\tt'rCS.m S2 lll Allltni 10 al Barw<lo\ .. H Beirut ,. " B•rlln •• )6
C•lro ,, " COOf!nhaoen so '3 Oul>lln •• 0 Frankfurt so 36
Hel'llnk1 .. ,.
Hon<,1 ICong .. n JeruuMm .. 6l Jo t>uro 11 .so l(l•v n J9 Ll•bon " so
Lonoon S4 .,
M•nlla .. 13 Mo.cow .. 36
N•w D•th1 'Cl 61
OSio 4S .,
P•rh S4 41
Rio 'Cl .. Rome S7 .so
Slno•POf't 'Cl 75 Stockhol,.,, ,. 36 SydMy 19 ...
Taipei ,, ..
Tel Aviv ,, ...
Tokyo ... .so
To.-onto n .so Ven<...,.,._ 52 ..
Vienna ... -Hl9'1 1-reiur.s "-Id bl from 61 to n. Wlnot In tN _.•In• •Ill
lie allOut J mtlfl 11rGl'Ofr. H19ht lllere
tfloUIO tie from 45 to u. •1111 lows fnim 3$ to 41. TM .,_ tewl tlloulcl
1_.r to 7,000 ftet by Thundoay.
LAutloll Huntington Blufls Huntton P.., 1·' ,., " " " 61
Sun, 1no on, tides
TIM o-.ts will oho bl t11llldy and
COOi, "'"" ,,.... In tlw upper o. .. ns
from 14 to 11 -lows from O to 52. Tllo -dllertl Wiii NW hl9M Of ti totl,t11ltlltowsln1M'°'.
TIM v•llOV1 Wiii NW • 10 perc1t1t C~t Of roln Thuodey, wllh h~
noer 10 -I-• In Ille SOt. los
Ano1tte1 will olto ll•v• • Slight
tMft<e of roln tQnl9"C and TIMinclay,
Witt! ftitftt M-10 -lows near ...
..., ..... Ool•wy
1 ......... 4
MonCley Jroctay 11 you 00 "GI -
--o., & 30 o "' ,.,1 oeto<• r o"' -You<<ooy .. tt Nd<th_..,
lill"'°'J' •n<I Sund•' II you c10 not =•~:,, ~ ~. ~o!y"'...11~ _..,
Santa Ano 111'-Jetty _,, s l '""""'°" nnd.Sl.'"-1 Balboa WedOtt AocltpilO,~ s....,, __
Thalla·81"110ks San CIOMeflllt Plitr
,., ,.,
'" '" '" ,.,
" .0 .0
.0 ...
CT ·Slr•tl J-5 9000 63 Sou~_.._,, tlcln· Mlgll· t :12 a.m .. L-: 4:0S p.m.; s-11 dlre<110n:
lit~ -..nclits' 8111 Stahlborv, SW.... 5"tm, eue1 lolsllo, Devld O.vor•, ,..,,. u.--
We're Listening •••
S.Coftd llltfl 9 Gp.m u
l'lnt low J.01 o.m. 1 1
First hl!lh 9 120.m. U
Se<.Olld IOw 4:0.511.m. 0.2
S.cond 1119'1 to:n o.m. 4 o
Su11 Ml• S:OS p m , rites TIMirsclay
a IO o.m.
Moon uh s " p m •• rls•• TIMirMlav 1:42 a .m
What do you hkc about lht' Olllily Pilot" What don't you like'
Call the number below and your message wilt be recorded
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The same. 24·hour answering servlct' may be used to record lel·
lcrs lo the echtor on any topic Mailbox contributors must Include
their name and telephont number for verirtcatlon. No circulation
call!\, please
Tell us wh11t's on your mind
I l
Orange Coast.DAILY PILOT/Wednesday. October 28, 1981 11/F
'Duke' has momentum?
Attorney general chides Curb in Irvine speech ,.
State Allorney General
George DeukmeJlun aaya he's
plcklng up steam in his drive for
t he R e pu b l ica n P arty
nomination for 1overnor, while
his major opponent , Lt Gov.
M i ke Curb. is ''sliding
The 53·year·old Deukmejian
made his comments Tuesday at
a breakfast gathering of news
reporters In Irvine.
H e a l so criticized th e
California Coastal Commission
for slowing down housing de·
velopment: said that a San
Diego judge convicted of hiring
·prostitutes should retire from
the bench, and commented that
stale Sen. John Schmitz ,
R-Newport Beach, made a
mistake with his recent remarks
regarding a possible military
ooup in the United States.
Deukmejian, a former state
assemblyman Crom Long Beach
for four years and former state
senator Cor 12 years, a lso stated
his familiar position that the
state needs lo get tough and
send more convicted felons lo
state prisons.
DeukmeJian declared that
s ince San Diego Mayor Pete
Wilson has withdrawn from the
race for th e Republican
gubernatorial nomination the
"focus" is on himself and Curb
the 36·year old lieute nant
governor who 1s servi ng his hrst
term in elected office
OC lawyer s
face r evie w
by n e w pane l
A five member committee
was established by the Orange
County Board of Supervisors
solely to review "early contact"
by attorneys rn the county
Public Qefcnder's Office with
indigent criminal suspects
Na med to the panel were
law yers Wy lie Aitken and
Mars hall Schulman, both of
Santa Ana. Arthur Gray of
Anaheim , Presiding Orange
County Superior Court Judge
Robert Rickles and Presiding
North Orange County M un1cipal
Court Judge James Alfano
Board Chairman Ralph Clark
said he proposed the committee
of legal professionals to help
supervisors consider compJajnts
about the public defender's
actions from Orange County
Sheriff.Coroner Brad Gates
Clark s aid Gates asked the
s upervisors to review th e
well-public1zec: case last month
rn which county-paid public
defenders contacted Thomas
Francis Edwards soon after he
was taken int o cus t ody in
Edwards 1s the chief s uspect
in the Sept. 19 s hooting death of
12-year-old Vanessa lbern in the
Cleveland National Forest.
Gates claimed the contact
with Edwards was unethical
Public Defender Ronald Butler.
citing an opinion from the state
Bar Association, countered that
the contact was proper a nd was
intended to ensure that jndigents
are aware of the implications of
g iving self-incriminating
Clark said Tuesday that
because the issu es in volve
technical interpretations of the
law, the committee is to advise
supervisors on proper policies.
}JyJ r HUMPHHtr.:s
('prt1fu•d GPmolo111st. A<iS
Jewels of Iran
When the revolutionaries took
over in Iran , one of the first
things they did was to lay claim
l o a 11 of the jewels th at
belonged to Empress Farah.
But there was one s m a ll
problem -the Empress and
her jewels had already Oed the
country. The revolutionary
government didn 't give up,
though. When a huge set of
double ·teardrop diamond
earrings went on sale at an l
auction at the famous Sotheby's
in London, the government of I
Tran went lnto the BriUsh courts
to try to Impound the earrings.
But the empress bad already
sold them to another party, and I
that party was now a ucUonlng
them at Sotheby's. T he auction
house was so sure of this fact
that it lnsured the seller and t.be
buyer against MY claims. Sure
enough, the court found that the
new owner could prove bla
ownership . The court Ufted the
Impound order and the earr1net
were sold to 1 new owner -at 1
record $8.8 mUUoo. Tbat'a the
highest price ever recorded for
a pair ol earT'lnp.
CA .\'1 PAJG.\'S IN I RVJ.\'f;
Geor9e Deukm,•1zm1
DeukmeJian daimed that
recent polls show he's pulling
ahead of Curb. who was an early
front runner Tht· attorney
general attributes this apparent
switch to his greater experience
1n dealing with th e s tate
Legislature over the past 16
yea r s and t o Curb's
·immaturity in dealing with the
press "
DeuJtmeJ1an pointed to Curbt'
Oct. 3 outburst. o r criticism
u.rainst a report.er for the Loe
Angeles Herald Examiner
during a press conference lo
Palm Sprlngs. •
"It seems that -we're movina
up and he 's been sll di~
backwards," Deukmejian said.
"The polls all show that." 1
DeukmeJian criticized the
California Coastal CommissiOll
for creating a housing short.au
1n Orange County by preventin(
development along the Oranu
He stated that San Dieg_o
Municipal· Court Judge Lewia
Wenszell , 39. should step down
from the bench in the wake ol
hi s conv 1ct1on of hirin_g
prostitutes for sex acts because,
as a convicted lawbreaker, b.e
s houldn't be judging other cases.
Of Sen . Sch mitz 's
controversial slalements that 8
mi litary coup in the United
States wouldn't be a ll bad,
OeukmeJian says he disagrees.
but added that "John does like
to make st atements that will be
considered controversial " 1
"IC he truly believes (there
wil I be a coup here> I think he'1l
ve r} much mi s taken ,·
DeukmeJian said. :
"It (the statement> is ndt
going to be helpful in hi~
campaign " .
Schmitl 1s see king th~
Republican nomination for the
lJ S Senate.
Ranclw Capistrano
to become re treat
Historic Hancho Capistrano,
located on 93 acres or hillsides.
bottomland and plateaus JUSt
north of San Juan Capistrano,
will become a s piritual retreat
for the Schuller M1nistries.
The $10 million parcel, long
the site of Boy a nd Girl scout
cam pouts, will become a "ma1or
~pintual retreat for people from
all over the world." announced
John C Crean , owner of the
land . and Dr . Robert H
Schuller, founder of the Garden
Grove Communitv Church.
Crean. chairman of the board
of F leetwood Enterpnses,
s hared the property at no cost
with thousands of youngsters
from churches, civic groups and
youth oriented organizations like
the YMCA during the 13 years
the Crean family owned the
Rancho Capistrano is located
just off the Santa Ana Freeway
on Camino Capistrano at the
northern city limits of San Juan
Crean said the family's de-
cision to offer the land as a
retreat came about ._s a result of
the children having grown.
. "It was time to put the proper·
ty lo more general use ... Crean
said. "We all agreed we would
never sell it for com merciaJ de·
ve l opment a n d we were
fortunate when we found that
Or Schuller agreed the site is
perfect for a permanent
Sc huller said Rancho
Capistrano .will "offer an op-
portunity for people lo return to
the homeland of the spirit and a
facility that offers solitude with
He said the property will be
expanded to include a non-
denominational chapel, guest
rooms and public m eeti ng
Schuller said the property will
continue lo be avai lable to
youngsters for camping while
th~ retreat 1s made operational.
Ile said that, when completed.
the religious retreat will be able
lo accom modate between 130
and 150 guests s imultaneously
throughout the year
D e lay hits
nuke plant
• r e ope ning
was another delay today Vi
res tartmg the Rancho Se~
nuc.1ear power plant. which has
been shut down since Aug. 13 fe
turbine repairs "
The 913·mcgawall plant 25
miles southeast of Sacramento
was restarted briefly Tuesday,
but "'as ~hut down again s6
wo:k men could attach balancing
we1ghU. to the newly installed
block-long turbine shaft ·
Jeff M<1rx. spokesman for the
Sacramento Municipal Ulilitv
District. said the engineers
weren't s atisfied with the
balance. and were · fine tuning''
it before restar:ling
A damaged low-pressure
turbine rolor. whi ch rorced the
shutdown Aug. 13, was replaced
at a cost of about S2 million.
The startup Tuesday was ~
lest the balance of the block-Ion~
turbine s h aft , achieved b y
attaching weights in the same
manner as an automobile wbffl
is balanced
Mar x sa id the weigb~s
a ppeared to be in the rig~t
place, so the plant was shut
down again to allow workmen to
attach them permanently .
It costs no more
to own a classic.
Lady Seiko.
The design is very rich. The price is not.
So choose the look you love and get
uncompromising 17-jewel Seiko precision
and a watch you'lt prize as a bracelet.
·Gleaming $old tone or silver tone with a
rich choice of diaf design and hues.
·Affordable classics~ all.
H/F Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT /Wedn .. day, October 28, 1981
Soviet 'killer
:satellite,' denied
• NEW YORK <APl -The
a rr est of a woman in a
Mississippi farmhouse has tted
another radical terrorist group
to an attack on a Brink's truck
and officers said a man wanted
in the cold-bloodt.id kllltng of a
policeman has been linked to the
holdup by witnesses
husband, and Donald Weems. an
escapee from a New Jers~y
prison. Both are believed to be
mt!mbers of the Bl ac k
L1berat1on Army WASHINGTON (AP> -The
Pentagon says its information
contradicts a published claim
'that the Soviet U nion i s 1' operating an orbltlni battle t station that could destroy U S.
1 s pacecraft.
An article in the Oct. 26
l"'edltlon of Aviation Week &
Space Technology s aid the
• "Soviet Union is operating in
•1•low Earth orbit an anti-satellite
11 battle station equipped with
clu sters of infra re d-homing 1 guided interceptors that could
"dest r oy multiple U .S .
's pacecraft." The magazine cited
no sources.
'' The P entagon res ponded
Tuesday : "Bas ed o n th e
information we have on Soviet 1 s pace a nd anti -sa tellite
programs, we cannot conclude
''that they have the systems
described in the Aviation Week
1• article."
;; CIA infiltration
plan criticized
Senate lntelllgence Committee
is urging President Reagan to
drop a plan to allow CIA
infiltration of domestic groups
•· and to make four or five other
'•1 changes in proposed new rules
·• for U .S intelligence agencies.
Committee Chairman Barry
· ••M. Goldwater, R-Ariz .. said the
panel endorsed mucb of the draft
· presidential order Tuesday but
. called on Reagan to retain the
... Carter administration's rule
't• that almost completely bars CIA
penetration of U.S. groups. ,-
1 Air controllers,'
I union disbanded
Professional Air Tra ffic
Controllers Or ganization, which
defied Pres ident Reagan by
launching an illegal strike and
then saw 11,500 of its members
fired, is out of business as a
labor union.
T h e U.S. Court of Appeals
refused Tuesday lo extend an
order that temporarily had kept
the union alive while its lawyers
prepared to appeal a
decertification decr ee in the
federal courts
Teachers end
50-day walkout
Public school teachers ended a
50-d ay strike today, averting a
one day general walkout called
by sympathetic unions, after a
panel or judges ordered the city
l o rehire about 3,500 teachers.
The head or the teachers'
union was elated Tuesday night
when the group's executive
board voted unanimously to end
the strike, complying with the
judges' order that the walkout
end immediately
IRA suspected
in ma1''s slaying
C.11111111<1 />ri"c1//n Hus1u11 .. U 111 \'e1c Or/eum; 1s i·~corted from a
bond henn114 111 l S !>1st net Court 111 .Jnt'l\so11 \t11ss . ur1 Tuesdaq
Sh e 1Ll(1s 11rr(·~te<i u /ln federal um/ luc:a/ 11qe11t., ~1.oormed "
/ar111l11111se 111 Copwh ('11u11t11 She '·' 11t·1·11sct/ 11/ cun,pirac4 in la~/
II' eek ' Hr 1111;., rn titw rt 1
I reland <AP l -The body or a
man shot twice in the head was
found on a garbage dump on the
out skirts of Londonderry today.
police reported.
Police sources said the slaying
had "all the hallmarks' or an
execution bv the outlawed Irish
R e p u b I ·i c a n A r m y · s
··Provisional" wing
CPI changes hit
by unions, aged
WASlllNGTON <AP 1 -The
H t' a ).! i.l n a cl m t n i s t r a t 1 o n 1 s
d1sm1:-.:-.ang as 'hogwash" claims
hy spokt'sml'n for union!! and the Khomeini says no l'ldt·r1:. that po1it1 ca1 motives were heh ind the government ·s to peace Wt.th U.S. de<'tsaon to chan~e the wav 11 measun.·s 1nflat1on. ·
B E l RUT, Lebanon <A I' I Hcwoncling to eriticasm by the
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini A FL (.'10 and the Na t ional
said today Iran would not make' Co unC'al or Senior C1t11ens. White
peace with the United States and llousc t'ommun1C'al1on~ director
Isra<'I even if they converted to David <:l'rg<.•n !iaad , "Our policy
Isla m. Tehran radio reported. 1s to ll'a\'l' stat1st1 cal matters in
Meanwhile . firin g s quads th e hands o r professiona l
executed 28 leftist ins urgents :-.tat1stu·1ans ·
and Parliament met to debate llo v. h of protes t by labor
Pres ident Ali Khamcnei·s choice ll'ade rs and n:prcsentat1ves of
for prime minister Foreign t h t' e I d e r I ) r o I I owed
Minister Mir Hossein Musavi. Wednt•srlav's announ('ement bv
Th e vote o f confid e n ce is th e Bureau of Labor Statistics of
scheduled Thursday plans to ch;inge tht• wa) at ------
t i.11l'ul <1 tt?s the Cons umer Price
lndt•x the official government
mt•iJ!>ure ot anflat1on which
cfrll'rmant•s the cos t -or laving
llH'rt'aSl'S for malltons Of union
members and retirees.
· That s hogv. as h .·· Gergen
rt•plted v.twn Ll!>kt'd about the
t harf.!c that polita cal motivations
'' l're behamJ the ('hange
Th l· Bur e au o r Labor
Stat1st1 c:-.. an independent and
non pa rta s;.in branch or the
L .1 ho r l> e pa r t men t . s aid
Tue:-.da) that 1t pl;ins to revise
ttw month Iv Consumer Price
lncfrx ~tw~en 1983 and 1985 to
rl•duce dis tortions caused in
rl'cent y e • .trs by soarin g
increases tn house prices and
mortgage rates
The arrest of Cynthia Prisca Ila
Boston in Gallman. Miss., was
on e of two in the case on
Tuesday In addition. a federal
complaint was unsealed that
identified two others wanted tn
the robbery in suburban Nanuet
In which a Brink's guard and
two poli ce officers were killed
Before dawn Tuesday. 100 FBI
agents and pohce officers with
a rm ored personne l carriers.
heli copters and camouflage
outfits surrounded a tin-roofed
f a rmhouse tn Ga llman a nd
apprehended Ms. Boston, 33
Miss Boston. described in a
federal complaint as "the
minister of 1nformat1on for the
Rep ublic of New Africa •. a
t e rro rist organization ," was
held on a charge of conspiracy
to commit armed bank robbery
On Tuesday afternoon. polict'
arrested Eva Rosahn at a New
York City apartment and sh('
w as arraigned in Rockl and
County on a charge or criminal
facilitation of the robbery lier
car was used as a getaway
vehicle in the heist. poli ce said
The arrests brought to six the
number of suspects seized since
the robbery Oct. 20 Among the
four suspects arrested after the
shootout were Katherine Boudtn
apd two others identified as
members o f the terroris t
Weather Underground
Federal author ities also
disclosed they were searching
for two men who were seen JUSt
aft e r the Brink 's robber~
emptying a Mount Vernon. N Y .
a partment used as a hideout by
the robbery ~ang. The van that
was being loaded outside the
apartment was traced to the
Mississippi farmhouse. officials
said .
The two m en being sought are
William J ohnson. also known as
Balil Sunni·Ali and described as
Ms Boston 's common law
's a
Rut in a case of m istaken
Identity Tuesd ay : a police
helicopter and more than SO
uHtcers, al'ttn~ on a tip that BL.A
member Joanne Chesimard had
bt•en s potted, surrounded a
house an Garden City. N Y.
Officers seized four people -a
l'rew o r s urprised h o u se
The four had nothing to do
with th e Dr ank 's robbe ry ,
officers said
The BLA m ember who is
wanted in the killing of a New
York City policeman In April
wa s not cha rged with
participating in the Brink's
robbery But o fficers said
w itnesses to the holdup had
identified photographs of him as
being one of the gang members,
according to today 's editions of
The New York Times.
Young. 19. dl'feated sl <ite
Ht•p . S1dne~ ~tarcus in a
r unoff t•IN'lton Tuesda~· to
ht•c·ome ma~or of :\tlant<.1
no one can pay JOU~ more interest
than Bank of Newport on the new
tax exempt ''all-saver'' certificates
Whirlpool's New
Pilotless~Gas Dryer
• Custom Dry Conarol automatically
shuts off machine when cto1hes reach
the de9ree ol dryness you select
• 3 drying cycles let you malch your
selectJOn to your load
• 4 drying temperatures allow you to
select just the righl heat level
•TUMBLE PResss Conlrol
So why not save at Bank of Newport where you know you will get the best service and, of
course, you will also have the satisfactiou of helping the economy of your own community. On
October l, 1981, Bank of Newport will offer anew."TAX-SAVER" CERTIFICATE of deposit that
pays you up to 10% of the average yield of a ~week T-Bill and allows you up to $1,000 in
interest, tax free; up to $2,000 tax free for couples filing a joint return.
Imagine that ' All those great Bank of Newport personali zed services and the new "TAX-
SA VER" CERTIFICATE available from your nearest Bank of Newport office Since. Jegall v. no
othe r bank. savings & loan or thrift can offer you more interes t on a "TAX SAY.ER"
C ERTIFICATE. it Cl·rtamly makes sense to save where you know you·11 begetting the best
banking serv1c<• a\'a1l ~1bll' an~·where Don't wait, interest rates m ay nevN be higher.
' ' (
' I
~TI ill TI~
2 get immunity
in Settles case
exch ange for im munity from
p r osecution, two Signal Hill
police officer s have agreed to
tes tify before a grand jury in the
jallhouse death of Long Beach
college football star Ron Settles.
But attorney George J
Franscell, who represents all six
Signal Hill officers involved in
the c ase, said he doubted if
the testimony would jeopardize
the other four policemen.
Franscell said the two John--
Parker and Patrick Shortall
were to tell the jury today "what
they saw and h eard" after
Settles was brought to the jail.
The officers and Signal HHI
o ffi c i a ls have s t eadfas tly
insisted that Settles hanged
himself in his cell, after being
s topped for a routine speeding
violation June 2, pulling a knife
on orficers and scuffling with
the m .
sec tor , rath er than th e
government, should shoulder the
claimed in case
government m ade Anthony T
M aluta a scapegoat in its
investigation of a scheme to ship
so phi s t ica t e d e l ectro ni c
equipment to the Soviet Union, a
d e fense lawyer s aid after
Maluta was convicted of taking
part in the plan .
The attorney. Carl "Tony"
Capozzola. s aid the m astermind
of the deal was ··sitting safe and
sound in West Germany ...
Capozzola said he would appeal.
Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednesday, October 28, 1981 HiF
PG&E defends
• Diahlo review
owners o{ the Diablo Canyon
nuclear power plant say Gov.
Edmund G. Brown's request
that the plant's lice nse be
revolc:ed and a n Independent
s afet y review be held is
u n n e c es s a r y becaus e the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
is independent and conducting
its own review.
Brown, citing the two sets of
mis takes r ecently found in
designs concerning eartbquake
safety at the plant, told a news
conference Tues d ay that the
plant "does not measure up to
ou r standards o f safe t y and
security ... He asked the NRC to
revoke the low-powe r t est
'license it recently granted
Pacific Gas & ~lectric Co.,
owners or the plant.
Hrown said he also wants the
N RC to order a review of the
S2 3 billion plant's earthquake
protection featur es by an
independent panel or experts
not by PG&E.
process at the plant alread)' had
been suspended "and the NRC
won't let us resume untal they
complete their review "
"Secondly," he said, .. the
N RC and their consultants iv-e
inde pende nt. T hey ha ve ftll
kinds of people . . that we've
been meeting with a nd will meet
with again" to review solutions
to the recently discovered
errors .
T he governor said his request
to the NRC was an informal one.
and that he wasn't tr ying to give
the panel an ultimatum But, he
said, if the comm1ss1on does "°t
act within "a couple of weeks"
h e intends to file a formal
request to have the facility's
low -power tes ting license
r evoked.
Startup for the plant is now
tentatively set for January
SF marchers hit
legal aid cuts
Maluta. 61 . qf Redondo Beach,
was found guilty Tuesday by
U.S. Dis trict Judge William
By rne on 13 counts of conspiracy
a nd export and c ustom law
vio lations, and two counts or
income tax evasion
WINS PARDON Peter Pianezz1. 79. of Mill Valle~'. Calif ..
who spent 13 year s in prison for a 1937 double murder for
which h e cla imed he was framed, was ~iv<.'n a full pardon of
i110ocenct: by Gov. Edmund G Brown Tue-;da~·
In :San .t"ranc1sco. PG&E
s pokes man Di c k Da vi n .
co mment ing on Bro wn 's
remarks, said the fuel loading
Brown. a long time opponent
of the D1ablo Can) on facility
acknowledged th:it he has no
legal mean!> of intervening to
s top the plant's operation He
s aid. howevt'r. 1f his formal
rcq uest werl' rCJl'Cll·d he would
appeal to the federal court!> fo
Was hington ":ind go :ill lhe way
to the U.S. Suprem e (;ourl " •
About 500 sign -ca rry ing
protesters angered by cuts in
federa l funds for legal aid
marc hed in t he rain while
presidential counselor Edwin
Meese Ill said private attorneys
s hould fill the legal services gap
left by government.
Worker killed
in ditch cave-in
Bianchi hypnotized when he confessed?
M eese. here Tues day to
dedicate a $13.5 library at the
U n ivers ity of Ca lifornia's
Hastings College of the Law.
s aid he favored expansion of
legal aid to the poor a nd elderly
but s uggested tha t the private
worker was killed a nd another
was buried up to his wa ist when
walls of a JO.fool deep drainage
ditch collapsed 12 miles south of
Martin Joseph Ybarra. 27. of
Corcoran died when s ix fellow
workers trying to dig him free
were unable to r each him in
time. said Kings County sheriff's
Sgt James Hill
Kenneth B1anc h1 . who has
pleaded guilty to killing Cive
young women, says he is unable
to f igure out if he w as
h y pnotized when he assumed
a n o ther persona lity and
confessed to the (·rimes
Ri a n c hi '::-. te s ti m o n y is
con s idered a key to the 10
Grand opening of
High Country Villas.
The easy life:
Adults 45 and over, 2 a nd 2 bed-
room plus den condominiums.
The active life:
9-hole golf course, swimming
pool, spa, shuffleboard,
clubhouse . . . for a small
monthly fee.
The country life:
The best of beautiful high • t country in North County.
The opportunity cof a
From $74,000 to $105 ,000. Special
financing available. Ask
salesperson for details.
m u rdcr c harges agains t his
cousin. Angelo Buono. whose
lawyers seek Lo prove Bianchi's
s tor y o r the k i ll l ngs is
inadmissible at trial because it
was obtained through hypnosis
b} psychiatrists.
Bianchi, 30, was on the stand
Tuesd:iy al Buono's pretrial
A killer dubbed the Hillside
Strangler victimized 10 young
women in 1977 a nd 1978 Their
b o di es were dumped o n
Southern California hillsides
Bianchi pleaded guilty to fi ve
nf the slayings and to two other
killings in Washington state, and
agreed to testify here in return
for being spared the death
Call (714) 942-5771 for more
lie said h<.• no" d1::-.behe\•es the
exis tence of hss alleged multiple
personahl1e:-.. revealed while he
was pres umably under hypnosis
Rut he can't expl:i1n his doubts
and docs not know sf he really
was in u tra nel' "'hen he look on
the per::-.tm:ihty of :i man called
Steve Walk er a nd ronfe!>sed to
the gris ly -.la.' 1ng:-. of young
[~INl'T.U ~!?l
'll'IW1'1' u.i"4C.~
.--------------------------~~~~-----------1 ! I'd like to start living in San Diego. Please 1
: send me information on San Diego retirement I l living a nd High Country Vlllaa. ,
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San Diego, CA •111
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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 28, 1981
The ethics of credit have
been turned upside -down. See
Page BS .
!School panel weighs 'standard' grade average
' 'C' level recommended
:Four seek 2 Coast college seats
Name: Mark Bayless,
candidate for Trustee Area 5
Address: 300 E . Coast
. Highway, Newport Beach
Age: 30
Occupation : lawyer
Education : AA , gener al
edu cation , Oran ge Coast
College, BA, political science.
Cal State North ridge ; juris
'doctorate. Western State
Family: single
Why are you running for this
offi ce?
''As a local practicing
attorney, I want the opportunity
to do something for public
service and the local
··As a former s tudent of
Orange Coast College and with
my experience as a corporate
attorney, I feel the board is the
area in which I can make my
'most valuable contribution to
the community. Further, I
!ser iously believe that it is time
for a change in the current
make up of the board."
What ls the principal problem
.ln community colleges today
and bow would you cope with It?
"The biggest problem is reaHy
a continuing one. The Coast
Community College District
must be forever adapting to
accommodate the diversified
needs of the students and the
"The problems are many and
therefore the solutions are
varied. However, it's most
important that the board be
open to innovative ideas and be
ded icated to the attainment or
Voters wtLl elect two tru&tees in
the Coast Community College
District Nov. 3
The candidates must live m their
trustee areas but they are elected
by d1stnctwtde vote. The coLLege
Name: James V. Evans,
candidate for Trustee Area 1
Address: 13762 Claremont St.,
Age: 58
Occupation: tax accountant
Education: BS, accounting,
Family: wife, Etiennelte; four
children; two have attended
Coast District colleges.
Wh y are you running for this
"I feel I can do a better job for
the district fiscally than the
incumbent. Dollars are going to
be harder and harder to come
by, and there are going to have
to be some intelligent choices
made on how money is spent in
the district. ..
bat ls the principal problem
In community colleges today,
and bow would you cope with It?
.. One problem is that a lot of
s tudents are not being
encouraged to go on through
four years to get their degree.
They need ~more encouragement
and counseling than they're
··But money is the biggest,
problem. The district m ust learn
lo spend money more wisely so
it can continue to offer education
to those who want it."
di:.trict serves Newport Beach and
Costa Mesa as well as Weat Orange
County areas.
Following are bnef sketchea of
the four candidates detailing who
they are and why they are running.
Name: Richard Olson . candidate for Trustee Area 1
Address: 12702 Palomar St.,
Garden Grove
Age: 48
Occupation: marketing and
sales manager, Yellow Freight
Education: AA. business,
Hibbing Community College;
BA . business, USC; Engineer's
School, U.S. Army.
Family: wife, Shirley; two
children; one has attended Coast
District colleges.
Why are you running for
re ·e l ectlon? (Olson II an
"I'd like to see community
college opportunities continue to
be made available to everyone.
'Tve seen a deterioration in
loc a I control. It wi ll take a
concerted effort by the trustees
to continue to provide quality
education for the community."
Whal is lhe principal problem
In community colleges today
and how would you cope with It?
·'The principal problem is the
ability to continue furnishing the
variety of courses that have
been requested by the public.
"The financing formula
developed in the last stat e
Legislature session was quite a
bitter pill for some districts to
swallow. We must get a better
base of funding, an equitable
share of money from the state."
Name: George Rodda Jr .. candidate for Trustee Area 5
Address: 949 Goldenrod Ave ..
Corona del Mar
Age: 51
Occupation: attorney
EducaUoo: BA, music, USC:
MA , educational psychology,
USC; juris doctorate, Western
State University.
Family: wife, Madge; two
children: two family members
have attended district colleges.
Why are you running for
re.election? (Rodda is an
''The nature of funding for
co01munity collegea has
substantively changed as a makeup or the board ...
"My experience in generating
external funding for commun1ty
colleges, which has exceeded
$200 million, makes me able to
lead during a significant period
of budget rearrangement and
cuts ."
What is the principal problem
in community colleges today
and bow would you cope with fl?
"The principal problem is that
of obtai n i n g funding to
accomplish the community
college goaJ and mission, which
is to identify the educational and
cultural needs of the adults in
our community and to extend
wherever possible and
appropriate through our three
colleges a nd te l e ·
communications center of·
ferings that promote general
education, college transfer,
occupational train ing and
lifelong learning opportunities."
for after-school activities
A committee studying possible
minimum academic standards
for alJ Huntington Beach Union
High School District students
involved In sports and
extracurricular activities is
considering setting a 2.0 grade
point average as the standard
for participation.
The committee's oHicial
recommendation lo the district
school board is expected in late
November or early December.
Fountain Valley High School
Principal David Hagen , a
member of the committee, told
the board Tuesday that the
committee has looked into the
impact of the 2.0 average
requirement in its deliberations.
A 2.0, out of a possible 4.0, is
equivalent to a C grade average.
Hagen said 5 to 10 percent of
the estimated 4,000 students
involved in extracurricular
activities in the system would be
ineligible if the standard were
imposed today.
But a written note on the
committee's progress included
in the board's agend a Tuesday
cautioned that there are "a
number of problems " involved
with the proposed requirement.
The district now doesn't have
academic requirements for
participation in extracurricular
activities. But the CIF requires
student athletes at least to be
passing four courses to play
This means that a student
could be getting four "0"
grades and still be eligible to
compete in sports.
Board members expressed
fears that imposition of the
proposed requirement would
drive borderline students into
less. challenging courses in an
effort to keep their grades high
enough for eligibiljty.
The proposal was originally
targeted to participants in
athletic programs only. but
Superintendent Frank J . Abbott
asked that any requirement also
be applied to participants in
bands, drill teams and all other
extracurricular activities.
The committee studying the
issue 1s comprised of students,
teachers. coaches and parents
from the district's seven high
schools and administrators from
the s chool district.
HB safety workers
·• . given pay raises
Huntington Beach city
officials have given pay raises to
city police officers, firefighters
and lifeguards that cost $1.2
Police officers and lifeguards
agreed to a two.year contract,
Bad checks
subject of
HB seminar
A program on bad checks,
credit cards and collection
tactics will be presented
Mond ay at a gene ral
membership meeting o f the
Huntington Beach Chamber of
The luncheon will be held at
noon in the Huntington Beach
Inn , 21 11 2 Pacific Coast
Highway. Lunch cost is $7.
The program will feature a
panel consisting of Sgt Bill Van
Cleve. of the Huntington Beach
Police Department; Gertrude
Fitzgerald, First Interstate
Bank, bank card division, and
Jack Lindley of the Collection
Reser vations can be made by
calling the chamber offic.:,
while city firefighters settled for
one year. according to city
officials. The contracts are
retroactive to Oct. 10.
The raises for 285 people in
safety services range between 9
and 11 percent.
There are 185 police officers.
95 firefighters and five full ·time
marine safety officers in the
city, ac·cord ing to T o m
Bonokoski. city compensation
The annual pay range for
firefighters is now $19,488 to
$24.132; for a fire engineer,
$21 ,032 to $27,264 : for fire
captain. $26,124 to SJ2,364: and
for battalion chief. $32,028 to
The annual pay range for
police patrol officers is $20. 740 to
$25,620; sergeants, $25.480 to
$30,324. lieutenants .. $23.848 to
$35,636: captains. $33 , 180 to
Annual pay for city lifeguards
ranges from $18,132 to $22,464:
lieutenants, $23,544 to $29,160.
The city hires the bulk of its
lifeguards during the summer
months as part·time marine
safety officers, Bonokoski said.
The 95 employees of the fire
department incl ud e 32
firefi ghters, 30 fire engineers : 29
fire captains and four battalion
chiefs. Bonokoski said.
Headliners' reception had tough competition
8)· ~ORA LEllMA~ Oft ... Dell'(,....SUft
T went to the ye arly Headliners reception That's the
··do·· the Press Club puts on to honor Orange County
citizens for their individual efforts in behalf of the
It was a g reat group ,of lleadliners and the Daily Pilot
was involved in nominating four of them :"lane ~· Ebsen.
Harriette Witmer. Kevin ~cGee and Bob Lutz so
naturally there were quite a few of us there to cheer them
It was a pleasant C\'ening. but l feel compelled lo ask
a few questions.
Why was a Headliners Evening put on during a World
Series in a cafeteri a without an official
photographer in sig ht? Mercy. mercy!
I won't even mention the recipient whose name was
misspelled until someone proofed the invitation
Well. I guess it just must have been one of those
weeks. ....
LEST A WEEK GO BY without a mention of St.
Barrs Hospital in London. I've included a picture of a
little man. who. in the olden days, before the literacy rate
was as high as it is now I and how high is that? 1. sat
outside the front of the hospital to indicate by the
presence or his crutch. sling. bandaged head. et al. that
medical help was available.
The little guy lives in grander style now that we have
an international ymbol Indicating the availability of that
help -the Red Cross. He sits by the fi replace in the
Great Hall at the h ospital. There are rtrepla~es at either
end or this enorm ous. beautlrully paneled room with
He nry VIII looking down from over one mantel and
Edward Vil from the othe. Above the window~. down the
walls and around the window frames are lhe gold lettered
names of all the donors of the hospital from 1542 to 1909.
Think about that. clonors l o not fo r -profit
organizations When ~ou decide to part with ~·our dollars
a nd remember it ·s all tax·dcductible vour name
could be on that acknowledgment board for a ·lot of time
Wouldn't that be s uper·)
• * *
SOCIET\' COLUMNIST Dina von Burger. wearing
her Orange Count~· :vtaster Calendar hat. and l went to
speak with PR ga ls re presenting school districts in
Huntington Beach. Fountain Valley. Seal Beach and
We not only discussed the mechanics. the timing of
press releases and what we'd consider newsworthy, we
also suggested that whatever turned them on would
probably do the same for others.
With that. one attractive young woman began
describing a project her school was involved in.
Both Dina and I agreed that was indeed a good story.
We couldn·t understand why we hadn·t seen it either in
press release form or printed.
A little further inquiry revealed that the story had.
never been sent in.
We all laughed. She blushed and laughed. too.
We enjoyed our visit. organizer. Diana Huber. We
a lso thank your cohorts on the board. Marilyn Cavener.
Sh aron Hardenberg and The lma Miya shiro. Claire
Cordell . Noreen McLaughlin. J oyce Kellis , Sandy
Schneider. Laurie Moore and Pat· Cohen o( Hunt1'gton
Beach area schools and Midge Treadway and Carma
Dahl of Fountain Valley, also came.
It's obvious there's a need by PR chairmen and even
pros, to learn who to contact oo a paper. what to send to
the m and where and when to send the info. Maybe we
could do a workshop here at the Pilot offices. Does that
a ppeal to anyone out there" Let us know.
'* • •
SOME WEEK AGO I wrote about the Orange
County Marine Institute at Dana Point's plan to decorate
the "Pilgrim" as a haunted ship for the youngsters for
Ha lloween. ·
Wall, the support group has expanded the plan.
....., ......... ~
Statue of bandaged man. now insick St Barrs Hospital. once
stood outside as symbol of ~dtcal aid.
Not only children can view the ghost s hip. see the
pirate raid and do a number with all the booths available
(all for $1 l between 4:30 p.m. a nd 9:30 p.m .• but now the
mommies. daddies and friends can go through the same
routine. The privilege is a bit more expensive for them. or
course ... S20.
But arterall the liquid refreshments being offered run
into a little more dough. So do the munchies. But ifs still
little enough to be on a hau(lted ship on All Hallows' Eve
-Saturday. t hat is. Hours 10 p.m. to 12 :30 a .m .
I'd give them a call and warn them you·re plannlna
lo come aboard. The capacity Is not unlimited -unleis
you want to see what a slave shlp musl have been like.
The number is 996·2274 or 831·3850 and the funcll ao
towarits the purchase price of the "Ptlar\m, .. a replica of
the ship Richard Henry Dana served on a nd later wrote
about ln "Two Yean Before t~ Mast."
, ..... -:-----------------------------------~----------------------------------------------~-----------...;...i&.~------~~~ ....... ~
•• I \
.. _______ ....,. -----------
Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, October 28, 1981
~~" ~,,
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•• P £ llO\ c;10 .. C"t .. I"'" Clo.,. ("9 I> t ""' (lo•• C"O ~IE Nh C'9M (II;! P £ Nh CIO .. Cltt
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BenfCp 1 I '42 20 p , ' GuetClf s 11 t•I n ll> • '"' lrHal\ 1 I? S t.. 34><. • '• PTtltlE p1 7 1S 1200 45 Sunttel I 1'7 '" • 119 Wlnlt~ SO rt ,~ Ben•f pf 'lO 1 1& 8il' p1L I~ \t S ,!!/,o ~';, • GllWsl IS S * 16~ °"' APCO I IO I 3311 29 '• PhllSllb f 20 6 "1 ''" SuprVf a 41 It 114 17~ \lo WlsEP 2 .. 7 .: 76 , 1 , BeNI Pl A SO 1100 18 • • • 0nw11tr 80 10 >'7 fl'• • GullOlt 2 IO t •a l~ • ~ rOlt 2 II ,. ... • + •' P'111Mr 1 10 •23 .II'"• '°' 5"!1r0 s It II 1100 )4~ • ,._ Wl•G pl t SS I 10'q llereal8 "' s 6$ .... • .. ~... ' • 616 on"' • G11llRH 'a ' ., 161' .... •Mid I OS s II ~ Pllillnd u tO I... ''"' .... Swank ' • 20 '~ ..... WlKPL 1 OI 1 ,, 1t>t ... 8•rltey 11 ,,_. • V. O..lmP IS? 7 ... "" ' Gt1S1UI t S OS 11'1) • II. M••~cr ~ ~ I~ n~ .. Pllllln rl 1 t 19 ·~ SybtOfl I.QI I tJ 1"'°+ \lo WIKPS 1 96 • .. 1711 8HIPCI ,. 10 ,,, """ \II OellaA t 64) 9 St< S''• •• GuilUld I JJ 1 1547 JH•. .... r I ,' ,. " 117 :w' ..... PllllPt 2.20 "' fl'll •'"• Sybrn pf2.«> .• J 21 . . Wltc:o I IO 6 13 ,. .• ,.. S.11\Sll 1.M> 1 "" 21119 • ,.,.. Del IOI> a b 15 •• , •; GllU P1 3 1' · I '3'11 • l'l'I Mr;~~ 1 11 olOl :1411; PhllVH .60 l I'°"• •.\ Syntu 1,60 10 UT SMtt • tl'o WOIYW 5 .4t 6 11S 17'11t-'" 81QTllr s 6011 903 11 ..... ~ OtxCh s 11 )&2 "" Gullon 6017 22 101/H '.\ MrsllF 1 2, 1 '1 "°", '\ Pted•vt ,;4b 4'I 151't-Yo SVKO s .fO U 170 •"• °"' Womtl .'8 10 ti , .... '" 81nri.l .'l'J 11 9' 211/• • V. 0.nMIQ I JO I J 2110 _ H-H _ MertM t I '" J511> • \'o Pier I 70 ~ • ..... -T-T -W-Pt AO 17 '3 JHr. .~ 1;, 915FS 201 » 10\1) O.nnrs •• 600 "" i. HMW • • ''" ,.,.. I( 20 I) '1 20' •• Pllsbry J 2• 1 l2 •I'>• .... TECO I 7t • 70 1'YH "' Wo1W1h 1 IO ' 11' 011'11.-.,. •811•a~rkJOn 716 17 7010 21SI~• •, \4 0.ntDly .. 9 171 If 't HaOW 2 20 t2 S "" • '"' ,,,.,/lup • 76 I SI l6 • 1. PIOnffr • 10 12 11~ ·~ TRE I 1 132 n •I Wolw l)f 2 20 I dl5 -'<o 11 • v. DeSoto I 11 s 11 11'' H•llFB '66" fSit ,. MeK 16 17 !SJ ~ •• PllntB '60 ' , ... 22\o. I' TllW t .40 , 111 ~· -Wof~Ar • •'-· 'IO •ll»L I " • ' ·~ .... 0.IEd t .. s 116 ,,., H•lllll\ ''° 11 ~· S$Yt-"' Me ~II I :n" l6 ::M • '• Pnna pl 2.12 " 21\'.+ "' Tenani "12 u Jll\lo ... Wtl y I ... i IS S.14+ "' Bk lo.HR '.," 13 ""' OetE pf • 32 f200 5' •• ••• HamrP ' .. s , .. J7~-·~ ~-?O~ I 7' 1 l 12~. ~ Pin.in I 20• tt• »,.,_+ .. Talley " l'!li-14 W11r Ur , 6>ot<-.... 8,~B I IO • I "''~ ,..., E 1 ,. .,.. ~ ....... ~ •f ~ • -PltnR• 1~ "'~ T 11 .... I 1 • loo Br . •• ··,::.. ...., Pl '5 1110 ~Sl.. • H•nJS ,,.,. «) 10'11 ~ .. sCypF 2.. 1<1',. ,,'',·,· .c .. •.• . .. • •Y..... .. ' .... .. WyleLI) AO ,, u •v ...... .., ~ IO OE p(F 1 IS I• 17'• • ''II H•nJI 1 aw • 13,,_ 1,.. ......, ,,. • Plel\lrn I& t '8 16\\ ''t T•nOr J 201127 it t-14 Wyly .. 23 91,._ "'° Ba"o1•~Q ' •. ~ ',I~ ~·.~' DE PIO 1 H 9 111. Hndlmn I • 1J """' ~',!uncE '·0r3117 1s"1 .!"'" .1· Playboy I? s ., •ht "" Tlldr<fl ,, ... llf\•"' W\'MS .0 7 t17 ul9 ' lit -C .., -• -v. OetE pr 1 71 ' :].. H•nGyH 60 13 .. ,,_ \4 ....... • • "" Pitney t.74a 10 2 5414. "' Tcll<I• 7l ... CllSl&-1\6 -ll-Y-l . Botclen t OS 6 100 111 • \h Oe•IH I 10 ' 7S' • H•nlla J 1 tCllS JI , ,_,, ~lttl )() 111 11., P,,.umo IO t 'l2 ?•V• "' Ttlllma 1 It tot 49.VO + .... llfr91 3 S lff ,.,... 1,.
lotaW t.IO • 1'1 '6-• v, OIGlot .. a 14S 10•1 • H•r8J~ 1 • o 1~ '"' IMlttwl n S••• P-Pcl S211 132 ~·" Tekont .J$j 10 •14+ .... )(TRA MlS I 13'11+ "• B~• wl I Ul<o 0.GIO pl 2 u s 10'. Hrlf\CI. so IS 21 ,. ..... M.tltl pf 2 '° lQ ll • ' Pol•NIACI I " )U ~ .,. ""'"" s • m ISll'o + --Z-Ct> I,. ' ' n.., .. lot"1nt ,1s1 • J 214 . S??•.11Cnf 11 ~ •,,' 'n1 o • .., Ha•l\lsh «> , 19 0 MerDS 170 • IS' 2.Sf\ 14 PlldroH .~ 11 .u 14~ •.. Tttn 1 • ~ •..• l,epeia '° t ,., n"'' '"" &otECI l.t0 J It '12'-'°' "' "' ,., ' '' HarrB• t 20 7 17 UV• MtY10 t .. I tf 2'14:_ ~Tai ~ II 1
27 1•., ,__ Ttflll<O 1.tO • 00 12"+ .. byre .fO I If ttl'o ..... llotE pf I• 1100 '7"' • 1\0 Diam~ 1.76 I ICM6 11 • 1• H•rrla • 11 l2J 11,._ v, MCl>n I liOll Jt1 :1$,.. I r ... ,ec ....... 6 I JI ....... Ttfl( pr 11 . S ~+ l'o Ze11IUIR .4'011 2t 1114-.,_ ~~pr f ' .. ' : ? ·,~ v. g::11c111t1' l! 1~~ ~ .... :; tfarte. 1.10 1 n '"'· .... Meo~';. MO 'I IS 3'14: 1 ~~E ,J ilO j ~ ,~"" I . J•'-ecl.YYlll -·: 1~ ~,'~· ~ f~~l~d, ·~ 'J !! ?!~· ~ lr;nJff .. 71; > ~ O!n nQ n 70 6 5' 11,,, '-HtrlEM 117 I 8 ,.,_ ~ Mc0nl4 1 l 11• 67" ..... Potllcll 1: \4 6' )2 t '"" .,.-" ' ,. "' -~
er!tSI "" 1' • D!lt • O!llc>rl 120010 u U't '• H1r1H IOU ' U V.• '" McOnO Hit I 11f JO!lt• PotmEI 1. ' Ill 1a,,.,, BtlstNI 114 11 0 54 '"' ODii~,. y11 1 117 193•5 11•,. ,, , Htr1fZd fO 10 10 7\h McGECI t 911 I IU ....__,., .,.. PaCEj pf 2"" .. 1 ,,,... + ._ lrtl# pf J . f Jf t I~ •• 11 7.. HtttSe I 6lt I I 11 • I'll M<GtH U I t:t 1.0 ~ ., • YI PotE of 4 Of lfO en. ''"~ I,.. 3 11 ll II; OrPtPll 80 IO S1' IJ• •• 'A HwllEI , .... 1 't "" M<lnl' f7 ~ + ~ ,.,..,,,, • 31 ,, 'l 21"1 •• , .,.'U~1 1 2 t '' 1"' =~ • !: • ·~ ~:;-: .~ =::.~~ ~ ia is d,: • 2~ ~t-C:r 12 ~~ ~ ~;;'~l * ,~ m !,~ ._ t:i'l. ~~ . ~ ~l" .... 00<\LJ 20 ' 21 w.. ~. HKllH ' I • ,,.,.._ .... ~... I.to 160 U\'11.. .. rlmMI .OSr 10 13 IS .....
• llUO J.9' •• 2011••141• v. Oonnly 1.11 10 J? fH•· '"H"·.~,',.."'-' .... '° • •• , "~· MtUnt JOI• 161 u-... roctO 4,!10' 9S3 nll4+1l "' EJ"Y 1 1 33 1 . II , at ,........_ .,.. Medlin .st 11 21 SJ-""' w•hit .t; 11 2:20 ,,._. • IWllM! l.Jl S 1 It'll+ 14 tr s 11 SI 111• , i .. Helnt s 1 167 U'lt + ._ MlllOll nt.04 t I .. Uflo.-roler I "'11 I ....... _ •-op•' AO • t ~ .... c eo u H 1 nc s s. m 1. " 101 ---8-"•' .. I• 1'1 ~\'II• YI OowJ~ s 1 tt 2! ~ s1 : 1~ H:ifflnl I JO • IU 22 "' :::;:•lie !AO 1 1 17 ft:-lvCAll.,,7 ... 'J:.. U'A+ l'o '"''"'-·'° • at "~ • "' Droo t " • •12 i•... 1, ~lmP 21 u ... ~, ,.. Mer<?. 1 '° • m w.n...,.:,,.. on·I~ ', • ~::-~ ·.~=~~ ,, l~ S.f. ; " .. 9 612 ~1. '• HtmC• J I& MlrTa s 1 I n ;i1M t 14 Ind UO 1 -.. ... 1 ~ l)cjl)llt I Htll'llll(..,. I .... "' Merell uou , ... .,_ ., Pf 1 n To W+ .... euc,ar • .. ""'-..., Or•Vi•, '° • 1u """' • '• H•rc1111 u2 1 un 21 t -. Men11th 1.0 1 • ""'• · Nt4 t. 1 • 1•~ • .. Blilldy to., S I .._ • \Ii CIUPQ!ll 2 fO I It.ii JlV> Hett'1y I t0 1 ~ 17 .... Me 1. .. 7 '7t 17 I* lP li 0 1 8111111rH t.1'.. !I "°" .... tk.11>1\1 pl) JO 2 27 .... , ... He111c111 '20 I _!llo=" ~t~PYl l.12 If ,,; JM!o! ~ }: :; • t~+ ~ l~~·.r .. ~-: ~ = If"!,"" ~~~pt1'~ ·;II~ ~ • v, Htlltlllt1 1:12 ·; U. -t ""° MIVlt t.0i. . 1t1 21 • .. ,.. f • • 721/l• lo\
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,.Al I ltp t fl • "' Alt • 112 ... HOllll\11 ...... ,i au m::,~ 5 "~'·-tJ ,;r !;'~" . 'st' ~· 1i i~ ... ~ a t tt ., + " ~l wtO , , ft 1" TY -J1tot • "' H•I a.• 1' ti*'•'" lAlr ""!·• St W'" ' HollfM IM ti 2'llt•1'4 11 1 .16 J J 1 + 11111 • · ~" I.ti J IDI J6 • '-Gii' 1 tv SS7 tUI• '--!'I> .JO '4 tft • '°' MllllM ;t It "" .,....... " r I
1 e I M ... + ._ UU 1 t •1 IO\'t• '°' HW.1111 I .S 1 .. "*'• ~ IWlltti'I I. t JI 111'11+ " l'CA ••• -17\\,. ••
Trade •urplua aeen
Security Paci/le Bank has said that
for the first time in 14 years
Califomla ls likely to post a small
trade surplus this year.
Jn a report, bank Vice Pretident
Gladys Moreau said California's
cxporu are led by a1ncuJture and
aerospace. whlle lmporta have
dropped because or oil.
"We've had declining imports from
lndonf:$la because ol eneray Hvil\l"S.
teas consumption and more AJa.sll:an ~11, •• she 1dded. Exportl wtll
OrObably llOW, lhe H1d, becl\&M I stron1er dollar will make U.S.
P.-oduct.a more expenttve In fortip ~rktta.
New ·credit
With an lnwrcst rate u low as 10 perctct (and
interest rates in the United States have been a tot
higher than that tor a Ions Ume>. It lJI commoa HnH
for moneyholders to minimize the loss from boldin1
cash. At 10 percent, for instance, one day'• lntereat la
0.0278 percent, which for $1 million comes to $218.
"For that." 111ys Federal Reserve Board rov -
ernor ftenry C. WalHch,"1t pays to send a 1nessen1er
by plane from New York to Washington to expedite
collection by only one day."
With the process
or getting checks de· ~ posited, cleared. col-
lected and credited
to the depositor's ac a. ,.
count delaying the SY(llA Plml~..; av~ilabiUty of funds, X Z
it would pay the reci-- -
pients or a $5 million
check to send a messenger from New York to San
l''rancisco! At higher rates of interest, it would pay to
move smaller checks by similarly wasteful methods
rather than put them into the mail for collect.ioQ or
even entrust them for that purpose to the P'edenl
What applies to banks and collecting checks in a
faster way certainly applies to you and your account
balances in an institution paying you little or no In
terest to keep your money at your abeolute "worka·
ble" minimum.
There is the widest range of alternatives ever
available to you in whkh to invest your excess cash.
Pick the best for maximum earnings (money market
funds. s avers certificates), shun the worst tor
minimum earnings <ordinary checking accounts
beyond your day-to-day needs>
Let me make this point unmistakably clear riiht
now. J am not recommending payment of your bills
at the last possible moment nor am I condoning io
any way the many gimmicks businesses·are trying to
e ncourage you to pay up way in advance so they can
have the use of your cash
Millions of you ar e now developing the habit of
delaying payment of your debts on your bank cards
until the penalty fee comes into play, are also
postponing paying your monthly bills (telephone.
utilities, the rest) until the penalties are directly
asked, and are simply forgetting the old ethic of pay-
ing a debt right away in order to build up a reputa-
"They are so inclined not to pay when they can
use the money that they owe for short.term invest-
ment for a possible quick high yield:' says Harvey
Sharinn. president of the law firm Sbarinn & Lipshie.
specialists in debt collection.
"The nation has developed bad paying habits,"
he stresses. "The attitude is. 'Tm paying late. so
what ... The de btor feels no moral or ethical
res ponsibility to pay on time."
The same reasoning -and my condemnation
applies to businesses that try to collect debts owed by
you fTIOnths ahead of lime. I have received notices for
r esubscriptions to magazines months earlier than I
once received them and have been promised all sorts
of rewards if I'll renew for two, three or more years
in advance. It's an out·and-out gimmick to get my
cash .
In an economy built on credit and dedicated to a
trustworthy relationship between creditor and deb·
tor. this is an upside-down trend. Bankruptcy as a
tool of financial planning? Delinquent loans as a sign
of a shrewd businessman? Our credit syslflll is head·
ing strai~ht for trouble and the quicker we re·
cognize it and turn this around. the better for all of
Up lO Up lt.0
Up 17.t Up IU
Up lo.I Up U Up t f
Up t .1 u. ...
Ult ... VP t.f Up 1.A Up 1A
"'' 7.J u. 7.A ~ a Ulll 7.1 Up 7.1 Up 1.0 Up 7.0
UP 6.7 \Ip .., \Ip ..,
Aclv•ncacl O.Cll-Ull<Mnged Tol•l 1-N•w ,,.,,..
New lows
WHAi AME~()()
A.Cllr a M 9CI 0.<11'*' U11<h•ftlllld Total 1-Ntw hlfl'tS
= ,..
Cepper ""·" cents • ,011H, U.S clesllntllon~
lltk ........ \lo cetllS a_,.., ftllnrM
Tie '1 IP$ lilleU!t w-<WftPOMtl lb Alelfti.-,.._<Wiiia _.,.,, H V
Pla ..... M IS.OOtroy OI., N Y
•••00-1,....,..._ ....... , a"-
"''Y Clttlly 1UGM •
1..-: momlnQfl11f'tS01.to, \lllM.10
....... ,_ll•l"11tAJe.•.1111No..•
Pertt: ...,_llal119t.Q7.0t.1111t.A • .,,~,..-.... upu.eo.
llWk•: .... "'"" ...... .,.. ....... ; ~.oo ...... .
" .. ,., & Mllf'Ma": only Olly 1111ota ..-.to.llPS.UO
• .,._,.. only CICtlly .-...... u.... . •...-..r. .... , .. u, ..... ·~...,
Jack Anderson hlhi...,
reveals in the .... , rllll
Daily Pilat
Billy Martin turned
the tables on
George Steinbrenner. D2 .
onight's ganie: Clear skies predicted
NEW YORK (AP) -It's all systems go as
good weather is forecast for tonight's World Series
_game between the Los Angeles Dodgers and the
New York Yankees . Clear skies, with
taken the next three in the best-of-seven Series and
is anxious to nail down its first world
championship since 196S. Lasorda wasn't thrilled
casualty of snow. It means the longest season In
baseball history will go at least one day more.
temperatures in the sos, are predicted for the On TV tonight
ame, originally scheduled for Tuesday night. channels ?, 11 at 5
Bill Murray, Kuhn's administrator, and
umpires Dick Stello and Larry Barnett spent the
day under leaden skies at Yankee Stadium,
inspecting the soaked field.
·'There was a poor forecast with light rain at
the Stadium this afternoon and no possibility of
playing lhe kind of game you would all like to
see," said Commissioner Kuhn. "The wet field
conditions were not getting any better because of
the persistent fog and high humidity."
The rainout afforded an extra day's rest to
Hooton and John and lo the opposing third
basemen, both of whom were doubtful starters for
the game Tuesday night. The Yankees' Graig
Nettles missed all three games in Los Angeles
with a sprained left thumb and Ron Cey of the
Dodgers was recovering from a rrlghtening
beaning after being hit in the head by a Goose
Gossage fastball in the eighth inning or Sunday's
fifth game.
Day-long showers. fog and wet grounds forced _____ ....;.... ____________ _
postponement Tuesday of the sixth game of lhe
11981 Series between the Dodgers and the New York
ankees. That delayed the confrontation between
former roommates Burt Hooton of the Dodgers
1and Tommy John of the Yankees, the scheduled
.starting pitchers .
about being placed on hold for 24 hours al this
.. It does disappoint me," said Lasorda after
Commissioner Bowie Kuhn ordered the game
called off Tuesday. "No player or manager likes t.o
hang around and wait. But unfortunately, we have
no control over the weather."
So, the co mmissioner ordered the
postponement, the 26th in World Series history and
the first since 1979 when the opener between the
Baltimore Orioles and Pittsburgh Pirates was a
· J ohn beat Hooton 5-3 in Game 2 of the Series,
the last contest the Yankees won. Los Angeles has
''I've seen replays of it and since l know the
<See RAIN, Page DZ>
• Yankee pitcher Goose Gossage and m/1elder Dave Revenng work out while the Dodgers· Steve Yeager buys an umbrella and Manager Tom Lasorda bttes his nails in New York Tuesday
Rams' France o ut, D efensemen
pace Kin gs
over Que h e«?
Won't anyone shut up Cosell?
• requi res surge r y His thoughts during Cey's beaning were disgraceful
LOS ANGELES -The theor y has been
advanced here that the most oft uttered cries in
American athletics are "Go Big Red," "God is a
Trojan" and "Shut Up, Howard."
Malavasi seeks Haden protection INGLEWOOD 1AP) -
Defensemen Jerry Korab and
Larry Murphy fired in slapshots
from long range in the final
period to spark Los Angeles to
an 8-7 National Hockey League
victory over the Quebec
Nordiques Tuesday night.
From AP dispatches
Coach Ray Malavasi stands
solidly behind quarterback Pat
~aden but wonders who is going
to protect his relatively small
signal caller.
H aden, t he 185 -pound
quarterback who stands Just
5·11 , completed ~o of 39 pass
attempts for 310 yards Sunday,
bis first 300-yard effort of the
season, but still the Rams lost to
the San Francisco 49ers, 20-17.
• They also lost offensive tackle
Doug France, who suffered a
thoulder injury that will require
surgery. Ear lier they had lost
lrv Pankey, who took over for
France when the big lineman's
other shoulder was bothering
~im .
AND THEY HAVE lost for an
indefinite period the full ability
of tight end Henry Childs.
M alavasi told his Tuesday
(neeting with the media that the
lta ms were searching for
fffensive linemen, the big men
t.iho protect hi s small
H e ca n reactivate Art
Plunkett, the 260-pound tackle
Crom Nevada-Las Vegas and he
~an move Kent Hill , a nother
260-pounder, from guard lo
lack le.
He'll make the decisions
t. hortly because the offensive
oe suffers from a manpower
hortage as the Rams prepare to
lay host to the Detroit Lions on
unday al Anaheim Stadium.
"We will make no change in
•he quarterback situation," the
toacb said . "But we would have
Co make a roster change to bring "1 another tight end."
• Placing France on injured
teserve wiU make one spot open
on the Rams' 45-man roster.
' Asked lf France, a seven-year
eteran from Ohio State, might
e contemplating retirement
group or investors headed by
J>hiladelpbla Pb11lies Executive
Nice President Bill Giles Is on
•the ver1e of purchasing the club,
Giles bu confirmed.
Th e largest f inancial
contributor of the 1roup is the
aft Broadcasting Co., a
:ClnclMaU·bued firm that has
!Jlumerous boldtn1s, lncludlna
iOTAF·TV <Channel 29 ) hen,
t:-llea said Tuesday.
a fter a series of injuries.
Malavasi said , "He hasn 't
discussed that with me."
OF HADEN, the coach said,
"He had three passes dropped
that should have been caught.
He had Wendell Tyler for a
touchdown, but he s lightly
overthrew him."
Detroit is expected to have
Billy Sims back for this game
after the star running back's
being out with an injured toe.
Dan Kremer, Lions' direct.or
of public relations, said. "Sims
would rather make his return on
grass than on Astroturf.'.'
Anaheim has a grass field.
Detroit defensive back James
Hunter is definitely out of the
game with a broken arm ~d
defensive end Al .Baker 1s
questionable because of a toe
Each or the teams is 4·4 and
battling to remain in their
di vision al competitions.
M alavasi was asked how
many victories it would take for
his team to reach the playoffs a
ninth consecutive time and
replied: "I don't know. We can't
win anything until we beat
With Gary Dar\ielson hurt, the
Lions are expected to start Eric
Hipple, a second-year pro out of
Utah Stale. at quarterback.
"He throws well and will be
dangerous,·· Malavasi said of
Hipple. but of his own team the
coach told the newsmen, "I
think we should be playing
Peter Stastny, last year's
Rookie of the Year in the NHL,
scored three goals and an assist
to pace the NoFdiques' attack.
while Rael Cloutier chipped in
with his eighth and ninth scores.
Korab snapped a 6·6 ~ie at 8:30
of the final period when he
drilled a 50 footer past Quebec
goalie Da Bouchard on a Los
Angeles power play
Murphy then made it 8-6 when
he fired a 45·footer from the slot
on another King power play
The Kings, who went into the
final period trailing 5·4, pulled
even on Greg Terrion's power
play goal al the 3: 04 mark.
Fifteen seconds later. Jim Fox
gave the Kings a 6·5 lead with
his second goal of the night and
sixth of the season on a rebound
from 15 feet.
Quebec defenseman
Mario Marois evened the score
at 6·6 when he knocked in a shot
from in close after he picked up
a loose part.
The contest was marred by 32
penalties for 97 minutes as the
Kings snapped a two-game
losing streak and evened their
record at 5·5. The Nordiques are
now 6·5.
Stastny gave the Nordlques a
2-0 lead in fi rst period with his
seventh and eighth goals of the
Well, this is to treat lightly and with tolerance
the presence on television or Howard Cosell.
That Cosell's grating and obnoxious manner
causes him t.o be discussed on the boulevard is to
the delight of ABC. These people operate in a
jungle where dignity and integrity are not only
sacrificed in the interests of the ratings, they
receive no consideration Crom the outset.
Were it otherwise. Cosell might long since
have been exposed as the bum he really is.
When the highlights and lowlights of the 1981
World Series are sorted out and stored in our
memories, one grotesque moment will be
prominent among the memorable runs and hits
and errors. That would be Dodger third baseman
Ron Cey on his back in the dirt after being struck
on the head by a pitch thrown by the Yankees'
Rich Gossage. The fellow with the speed device
said the ball was traveling at something like 94
In the front row of the press box at Dodger
Stadium, a television monitor was situated and if
it was placed there by the network for the
convenience of those of us assembled, it was
At any rate, when Cey went down, the volume
on the instrument was turned up in the hope ABC
m ight contribute something in the way of
clarification. Many of us were friends of The Penguin~ .All...Pf us were deeply concerned. A
baseball m"bvihg at 94 m .p.h. could kill a man.
What ABC was to contribute was an agonizing
period of incessant nasal babbling of Cosell,
suddenly a medical authority on head injuries.
There was also a frenzied and lengthy recounting
of all the ball players who were ever hit on the
head by pitched balls and the numbers of the
uniforms they wore.
Silence, or what is known in the trade as
"dead air," is frowned upon so It was essential
that someone speak while the cameras focused on
Cey and those attending him. An announcer might
have contributed t.o the service the cameras wer e
providing by pointing out that moment when the
The Penguin blinked his eyes and moved his lips.
He might have enhanced the relief of the nation's
viewers by adding appropriate audio to the fact
that Cey was indeed alive.
Whal the viewing public got instead was a
continuation of the droning of Cosell on the bead
injuries complete with history and the uniform
numbers involved.
It was a damn sickening moment. It would be
out of lhe question t.o expect a more dignified
reaction from Cosell, but he was not alone on the
Chet Forte. the pipsqueak director, is
s upposed to be a genius. Surely a genius would
have enough presence of mind to shut Cosell's
microphone off.
Ray Malavasi, the coach of the Los Angeles
Rams, tells about being snubbed at close range by
Cosell for several years when he (Malavasi) was
laboring in the obscurity of an assistant coach.
"When I was named head coach," Malavas i
recalls, "there was Cosell on TV saying what a
dear friend he was of me and my family. I bad
never met the man and it was bloody sure my
family had never met him."
The "dear friends" of Cosell who have never
met the man would fill a rather large arena.
There is also Cosell's disgusting practice of
lowering his voice an ocl~ve and telling us about
the grave personal loss he feels every time anyone
connected with sports anywhere in the world
passes away. There is a sacrilege to it along with
the phoniness.
I, for one, found the Ron Cey incident as
distasteful as anything the man has ever done.
The Penguin might have been dead and I seriously
doubt that Cosell gave a damn.
It is a mortal cinch ABC didn't
It's Chargers' David vs. Lions' Goliath
Of .. o.lty ..........
Edison High's defense bas a
reputation for being tough against the
run -and the Chargers will find out
Just how tough Thursday night when
they duel Westminster Hlcb's Lions at
Orange Coast College in the premier
game of the week for Orange Coast area
tootball teams.
Westminster Coach Barry Waters
says this is "Like the Christians and
lions, David and Goliath."
But maybe, as their nickname
s uggests, the lions really are
Westminster and David Is an Ed1IOO
back named Geroux. Altboucb
Westminster la 5-2 and unranked, u
opposed t.o No .. 1 Edison and lta zt.1ame
winninc streak, Westminster can field
an awesome running 1ame.
Westminster likes to run lta "Jumbo
Offense," which features running backs
Alfred Tauanuu (212 ) and Tai
Tamamasui (225). runnin1 behind
tackle Sonny Pau (6·3, 254) tor tallback
Herbie Campbell, a slick 175-pounder
who has piled up 956 yards on 151
cart'les and scored 10 touchdowns.
"We. expect at leaat an eiaht·man
front," says Waters, a former Editon
assistant with an Insight into the
Chargers' defensive s tructure and
·•we feel we have at least one rock to
throw at Edison (Campbell)," aaya
Walen. "We know tbelr goals and we
&ave some Ht for ounelves. We run &be
ball well and tbey defend it well, but lt'1
our only~ tor aalvatlon."
EdllM 6>aeh Blll Workman ii very
aware of the We1tmln1ter hurdle,
sayln&, "They're huae. and tbey will be
very, Yery exctled about the same."
The Chargers' offensive line, from
tackle t.o tackle, bas Workman pleased
entering the eighth week of the season
and tailback-fullback Theo Lansford is
rounding into top shape after
recovering from various injuries.
"He's Just getting into ahape and
liming," says Workman. "People forcet
he bas only play~ four 1amea."
Although Westminster lan't known for
lt.s passing game, receiver Eddie Nunes
bas caught 12 for 242 yarda and
quarterback David Neville ii W'tually a
50 percent puser.
Edlaon, meanwhile, tlv" you the
everyt.hlnf loot with quarterback Ken
M1Jor (88.t percent pa11er wltb 2
tntercept.iona), Oeroull and Lansford (7
yard1 a crack) and tbat toucb 4·1
defense, whlcb at Umes appean to be
an ei1ht·man front revolvln1 around
llnebackert Rkk DIBemarClo, Mike
Powell and Fernando Griffiths.
Edison is 2·0 in Sunset League play,
Westminster is 1·1.
Elsewhere this week:
Marina va. Huntington Be.ch
Marina's Vildnas (6-1 overall, 1·1 in
Sunset League play and the No. 4 team
ln the CIF Bil Flve Conference
rankin'1) put their celebrated Vfff
offense •lainst the HuntJnstcn Beach
Oiler• in an attempt to 1t1.1 wltbln
ranee of leque.leader Edllon.
·•we have to play oHr fUI' ..._. I.be
next two WMb to rel a "'8," N1I
Huntlqtoo Beach Coacb GNI .._,,,
who baa been forced to~ tome tblnt• benuH of lnJurte1 to keJ
personnel (Jamie Pap...W. aeona
otbera>. ,
Henry hu Scoet 8Uer at MJWk ta
(lee '1'1111. .... DI> , ( • .l
TINY WORLDS -Biologbt .Joe Hanson holds
up self sufficient world in a bottle containing
s hrimp in his laboratory at the .Jet P ropulsion
La borato r )-in Pasadena The colonies of
A ...........
s hrimp are reportedly the most complex
eco!:>ystem to survive more than a year in the
bottle environment
Affirmative action rapped
Proposal by Schmitz called 'exactly what's needed'
SAN FRANCISCO 1A P > A school at UC Davis He said the
high court now h as "a
compos1 t1on that w o uld
effectively bur a ny attempt to
~et rid of reverse discrimination
in Cahfomia ...
by the C'ommittee
white m ale attorney who
unsuccessfuJll y sued to prove he
was a v ic tim of rever se
discrimination h a~ <·ailed a
proposed state con~utut1onal
amendment to bar afflrmat1v~
action "exactl~· what's needed ·'
Glen De Ronde, of !''airfield.
told a hearing of th1 Senate
Committee on Const1tul1onal
Amendments on Tu<·sday that
the proposal by stall· Sen J ohn
G. Schmitl. R·Newport Beach,
was vital becausl' current
majority rulings by the state
Supreme Cc1urt "tr anslate into
Ii i.> called a controvers ial
propo!->al by sta te Supreme Court
.Ju~t1c·e Stanley M osk
Testifying agains t the Schmitz
proposal was David A. Garcia,
executi ve secr etary of the
California Fair Employment
and Housing Committee. He said
the amendment would "make it
imposs ible fo r co urts" to
alleviate discrimination .
·somewhat timorous" because
11 onl) a pplies to the public
s et•tor Thl' Sc hmitz pl a n
includes lh<' private sector.
La~t week \'1rgin1a Canson,
regional director of the National
Associ ati on f or th e
Advancement of Colored People,
demanded Mosk·s r esignation
aftC'r he submitted a plan which
had been previously requested
··First of all, I don't think
there 1s any factual basis to
assume . . white m ales are in
any way being injur ed" by
affirmative action programs. he
DeRonde sued the Univeristy
of California Board of Regents
after beinJ? rejected by the law
A constitutional a me ndment
requires two.thirds approval of
both houses of the Legislature
before it can be put to the state's
voters .
K "li.\rP
HO\ S K:-:Al'P ag1• !11.
rn.1<IL•nl of ll11n11ng lon
n\·a rh Ca l'.1ssul ,rn ,I\ 11n
OC'lobl•J 25. 1!1><1 ~un •H·ri n llCAGO , AP 1 Pacemakers. designed to
b\ hi' "''l' L··l'. :! ~on' Hm e1111trol thl' human ht· art beat in patien ts s· Knapp •JI l111nt1ngton Rt•aeh. l'a . und Hil'hi.tnl H .... 1th eardiar problems. are bel{lg implanted in
Knupp of ,\n,ih<'im. c ,1 2 some pcoplt• v.ho don't reall~ need them. a new
di.tui:htl't' 1';1tnua I. \11·\1•1 ~tu<h ..,UgJ!l''l"
o f <:l l'ndur a l~il .i nti ,\t 1>nl' ho~pllal "here an effort was made to
S ·• 11 d r a L K 11 a PP o 1 It m 11 1 hur u!'t' pa<·l1m11ker 1mplantat1ons were re
Thousand n.,k, l'a ' dut'cd b\ half .ind tht• mortaht~ rate substantially g1 ;1nd e h1lcl n·n ,111 d i. improved
R r l' :. L g r a n d c h t I d 1 •' 11
SH"te·cs will b<> ht-Id on ·A lot of pacemakers are being implanted in
Thur~clay, <ktotwr 2!l rn111 p;-al1ents \\hO shouldn't have them." said Dr.
at 11 OOAM al Pac1fH· \'1t•w Howard S Friedman. a researcher at Brooklyn
Chapcl Friend~ ma~ t·all "" llol>ptlal in ~ew York. where a physicians' com
Wt·dncsda\. Octobt.·r 28 l9>1\ m1tll't.' wa., t•stabhshed to revie w potential from -I OOP~l lo 9 0111':'.l lntermenl ;it l'ar1f1c \'1l•11 pac<•makcr t'a)-,c•s
~ll·rnonal l'..rl-. ...;l'" p 11r1 .. Ph"i.1c1am. nl'ed lo be more cr1t1cal about
Rl'.1rh PJ t·1f1 t \ 1•" makrng·a d1agnos1s that indicates implanting a
~lortuary din•ctor<> pac•<'mdker Jr the~ did this, they would implant
Neptune Soci('t ,.
Our literature tells th e complete story of our society
C..1110< frff portfo110
1• llrs C•m 8-r
427 [ 17th ~· Costa MP ... a
627 M ain St
Hun11na1on Bt-arn
536 6539
Mf.MORl.Al rAaK
Cemetery Mortuarv
3500 Pac1 l1r View 011v1•
Newp0r1 Beach
644 2700
49.t 94'1 5
Laauna H1ll<o
San Juan Capis trano
H.UIO. LAWM-MT. OUVI MC>r1uarv •Cemetery Crem11orv
1625 G isler Ave (A)s1a M osa
llll llOAOW A Y
I I 0 Broldwiw
Coit•~ ..
642·9150 t
fe\\ t'r of them ... he s aid
Thl' findings by Friedman and his colleagues
"'t'rl' pubhshe1l in the Aug 14 1ssut• of the Journal
of the American Med1c•al Association.
Pacemakl•rs arc small electronic devices im -
planl<'d in the lx>dy and conn ected to the heart.
The) provide mild electric shocks to stimulate the
he::irt musclt'., and make the organ beat regularly.
The numher of pacem aker implantations in
lht• L'nitcd Stale~ increased by ::ibout 9.000 per year
from 1973 through 1978, to an estimated 85,000 last
year. the report said ·
The Brooklyn Hospital study was undertaken,
in part, bccau~e of acceleration in pacemaker use
there The number rose from eight in 1972 to 48 in
In 1977. when th{' peer review committee was
cslablishcd. implantations dropped to 22 and re-
mained t here the following year
Reforc p('er review, 57 percent of the patients
rccc1ving p<1cemakers were still alive three years
late r After review, the fi gure jumped to 87 per·
cent Friedman said that was evidence that
pal·emak<'r" had earlier been given to patients for
whom they d ad no good.
Friedman said some overuse resulted from
shortcomings in medical knowledge. For example.
in eight cases studied, patients taking a drug to
lower blood pressure we re given pacemakers
because of slow heart rhythm. It was not known
then that the drug could slow the rhythm.
In addition. six people with terminal cancer
received pacemake rs before the review process
was established.
"The use or permanent pacemakers in pa-
tients with term inal illnesses raises ethical and
le(?al considerations beyond the scope or this
study." Friedman said.
The Brooklyn Hos pital study is the second in
recent year s indicating overuse of the
pacem akers
Earlier research at Harvard Medical School
revealed to patients out of 32 studJed didn't need
the units.
Dr. Peter Kowey, now director of the coronary
unit at the Medical Colle&e of Pennsylvania ln
Philadelphia. said his research al Harvard and the
newer findings indicate that mllUorus of dollar" ere
wasted each year on lmplanllna pacemaker•.
Ile esttmnted the untts cost about S15,000 each
during the life of a pJ1tlent.
• operating
costs up
-The cost of operating
hospitals in California is
s till rising at an an-
nual rate of nearly 18
pe r cent. s a ys the
Ca l i f ornia H ea lth
Facilities Commission.
The commission. an
independent s tate
agency charged with
encouraging econom)
and e ff iciency in
hosp itals and nursing
homes. made its regular
quarterly report.
It said the rate of
in c r ease wa s 17.55
percent from the first
quarter of 1980 to the
first quarter of 1981, and
17 .96 percent from the
first h a lf of one year to
the othe r.
The report cited three
fact-0rs : Increases in the
numbe r o f patients
ho s pitali ze d and
discharged, increases in
prices, and increases in
the amount and kind of
ser vices provided.
During the first half of
1981 . the number of
hospital discharges rose
2.4 percent. meaning a
rise in the cost of each
disc ha rged patient of
15.4 percent.
• increases
CAP> -Residents or a
Contra Costa County
belt riddled with oil
refineries and chemical
plants surfer lung
cance r rates 40 percent
higher than those
elsewhere in the region,
according to a state
The st).ldy by the stale
Health Department also
round that the rate of
cancer in the area
northeast of San
Francisco since 1975 has
accelerated beyond
pr~vious estimates.
The area 1tretchln1
from San Francbco Bay
at Richmond to Antioch
on the Sacrameato
River Delta loclude1
nve oil refine.riea and 4e
chemlcal pluu .
~--~----------· __ _. -·---.--.-....-.-
Orange Coast OAILYPILOT,Wednesday, October 28. 1981 ••
"IC"nnout IWM••M •NM ITAftlUWT
Tiit ftl ... 1111 .. r...,t nt ff111e owi ...... .
NIW,.O•T ""'"TN8111 II, ti C.MlllV• 0.lw , '-tttt 100, N--1 h«Jl, (MlltMl.eftMI.
JWltflt ~ It CMM .. l..W., c.llfwnl• .,., ..
Jell11 M. Atelllerft, IHI! lrvlnt
e1¥C1,. Twtift, CllllfWftla ......_
Oofllllt M .......... IU• ~ Hiiia
114., LAI/-, CallftnM '1711.
Thia twl11tt• la ceM\l<I ... , • .. -··~ .Mil ... ~,
Tiii• , .. *'-' ... llM wit" tlW
C:-tv Cltf'll el Or.,.e c-tY t11 Oct "· ,, .. ""•"1 lll'\IOll-er..,.. CMst o.llJ ,.,.._
Oct .•• Nov. 4, "· "· , .. , ...wl
.. 1CT1nou1 •UllNHI
T"• 1011owt119 "'"°"' oro ctef119
THE PARTS DE,.AltTMENT, ... , L...-Con.,.,, RoM, 1...-8Ncll,
ce11fomlo~1. L99U'WI Con.,.,, Alllo 5-fy, 111<., e
Celllorlll• <«llOfetlt11, ·MJ Le9.,...
Canyo11 Roao. La91111• Beoc ll,
c e11form.nu1.
T1111 ~-• ta cono..ctecl llY a corporetlclft.
i._...... Cony0n AlllO
Tllon\a G. E,_,,_.
Tl'll1 1'-'-' wes lllM wflll IM
Counly Ci.A of a.-..,.. eo-ty °" Oct.
11, ,..,. ..,,,,.
Publl"*' Or ..... Coo1t Oelly Piiot,
Oct .•• Nov .•• 11, "· ,.., ~·
Tll• lollowl119 portollt e ra OOl"t
P.AR TNElllS, S140 Compu& Orio,
5411• 100. "-1 IMK,., CallfOf'ftle
"2660. 'fl'I• Berrlmorll Corporot1011, o
Calll0<nlo <O<"PO<•lewt. 5140 Cempus
Drive, $1111• 100, Newport Beecl'I,
Calltornlo "*· Tllll b111IMtt II COftOU<led by a
llmltecl ....-11111p. Tiie ~ .......... (erp.
JYdltlle GolclbH9 ~
This ",.._, wOI ffltcl wllll the
CovnlY Cleftl of Ore,. C-ty on Ocl
11, 1•1. .. .,., ..
Publllhld Or0f9 Cont Dolly Piiot.
Oct 21, Nov •, II, 11, 1•1 -1~1
IHlecl -II will bt rec:olwd by
Ille City°' c-t.a-.. •I the.office Of
lhf City Cltf11 et -City Holl, 11 Fair Drive, C-.. Mesa, COIHor11fe, Uftlll
IN -.ref 11·•0.m.Oll No....,.btr It,
1911, 01 Wflldl time !Ny Wiii bt --
pUbfl<ly --•-In the c ouncil Chombert for FURNISHING ALL LABOR, MATERIAU, EOUIPMENT,
A Ml of .,._, .-<lfkotloM, -
other COlltrect dOC""'anb ma y bt obtel11 eo 111 Ill• olllc t of tlle
Oepert.....t of LelMire Servlen, 17
Folr Drlwt, C.-\e MeW. C.llfOf'llfa,
-f'Ktlpl of a l*!rtf-ble IM Of
$6.00. II blClden request jHOftl OftO 1oe<Hl<et-.S lie melted, ttw che•Ot
w11111ti1.90Ptf'Mt. Eech bid al'lall be m-on IM
propeul form and 111 IM man11ar
prov._ In h contrec:I docun,_tt,
ano 1ha l\ be occompo11loo by •
certlflecl °' CMMer'a c:N<ll or • bid
bOftd for """ --10 llef'Wlll Of ...
-· tf -tlld, -..... -'° -Ctty of C.U Mesa. Tht Co11tr~ctor shall, In Ille
perlorma11ct ol Ille work e nd
lrnprowmwtl"-confof"m to Ille i..-
C-of IN Sble Of C.l._,,.o olld
-· ·-°' .,. StM• Of ~lfonll• epp11cablt -.-,, wltrl the nc~i..
Ollly of ouch vorletlewtt u moy bt
rtqvlred vlldff U. -clot 1lotvttt
p11rs11011t to wlllcll procoaOl 1191
hereutldff .,.. t.allell -whl<ll how
110t bteft _,......,by IN provlllewtl
Of Ille ~ Code. Profere11ce to •-
alloll be 9fw11 °"'' In Ille ......,,., provided by l-.
No l>IO "'°'I bt c_,aldWtel UllleU It
II m-Oft a form lvrflllNcl by Ille
City Of C.\e M9M,, -II ........ Ill ecce-. with h provl""-Of .. ..,_..,, reQl;l........Ct..
EKl'I .,._ ""'111 bt lktllMC! OftO
alto p,_iHtto •• reqo;lred II\' low.
Tiie CJty C-11 of -City tf Cot1o
MeN -tlw r\9M IO rt i.ct .,y
Of e ll bldL
El-. P. Pttlnnev
City Clent of -City Of CGota MeM
PvbllllWO er.,.. Coelt o.lly laC
Oct. n . Nov. 2, 1t11 •
P1CT1T1ous eusu•as.s
The lotlowl119 penon 11 dolnt 11us1 ....... :
SEllVICE, 1• S. Rllclley, Senta Ana,
E CS Elec:trClllk C.lcvlMw Senk •,
o Ce fllornlo corperat1011, Ifft s RltclleJ, s..ta Ana, CA '210S. I
Tlllt buslMtS la COllOllCled by e
Wlfme J. Gentry Sec:.·T.-....,,...
Thia ~ wes fifed with Che
County Clef1! of Oronoe c-y °"Oct. 11 •... ,. .. ,,.,,.
Pvbll*'-CI OrOll9t Coet1 OellT Plfo1,
Oct. n . Nov.•. 11. 11. 1•1 ..,._.,
flOll CMAMOW llt OWN8Ut41,.0 ..
ToW.......lt,,..,C..Ctr11: ROBEltT J . DI ,.IAZZ.A Is ............
to tll• Dtpertmt11t of Alcollollc
Bever ... ~ tor ... ~ .. °" Sele
Ge11arot Cl"lllllk Eetlno Pleet) lkMto
lo Mii oleaflOlk lleWf'egn ot 1 .. Pacific Coost Hl9llw•v. Ste. IOJ,
H1111t......,. ...,., ea.
Putlflllled Or0119t C:.11 OellV "lltt Oct ••• ,.., ...,..,
II )'Oii have 11111 fllff )'0111
new Flctlllou• luall\ett
Namt •lld have not yet
eub"'ftted II fOf public.·
t1o11, ,,.._ don't fOfl'I
that the llntltatloft I• JO daya from date Of llll1t9.
Th• 0.AILY PILOT wlll
p11bll•h .. ~, ... temenl
for ttO 00. Ovr olteulalloll
ln cilud•• tlle e 11th•
Ora,,.. Coett orH and
legal nottoea ..,.,ear 111 •II
odltlol\a. II\ ordtr to 11111-
11111 your atatement tor
publlcat1011 ••11d op·
prop11a1e COPJ •nd •
CllHll to T"I OAIL Y
"LOT, ,,0 . •oa 1HO,
Coll• ...... CA, tat2t.
We'ff do tw tMt. '" 1,.. i.twi ............ ...
.... ,u.1111 ,, .... ••" 1414n'I bt.UI.
.... h.. HMMtPorUt ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••4 IMJ .......................
Ta PIK• Y•r .A'. can
(;_ ..
llol .... l .. •"11 Balbw p, ...... . c.,. ... -11o .. ~ (. . ., ....... ,
c..uai ... °""' ....... UTorQ •-11nYolk<~ ............ """~ IO-lnt 1.t4.,.. a .... ~
U,tMt• H1lh ....,_i-,. .. 1 "''"*' \•t.W ~t:""•,::tt
~n J111•n t~poH•nv \inti Ana ... ., ..... ~ .......... _.
llontAlAlltt ---...... REAL ESTATE
Arrto(r for !Mik
Ap.t.Rtrwtlih tot S.••f' 8t1t~ fT-<tl .... ..,. .. p,_,h
(f'rwtrr1 l.M' f ''"'' t oenmrrC"t•l flr•.ptr1
((lftdi#ft'llAHli"'\ '''" lNpltatt l l\ll~ ~., ..
I""'-lo lw lolu•rd lnrt1imt Propeorh
lftlkillt1;al,ropt"rh l.th r«~I~ 14t.C.k llllW Trlr Pr~ \tc:.w.nCn~rl Mt~-r\
:::~~ :;:,,.~'~._,,
f)Ut ut 'tall' i'r~ M•rw.M\ f.irM t .. ri.tH' Mui L\t.at" t u .._nar
Mul r_..t.< V. .aMH
11w ..... t'llrru\llr<i Uuuw-" l •furnt\h.f"CJ 11w .... t'llrn ud nl
I ondom1n.i¥n•' furn
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hWIMr'• Moffu:
All rea l estate ad· vert tsed 1n th is
newspaper IS subiect lo
the. Federal fatr llous ing Ari of 1968 which
makes it illegal to ad
vert1se "any preferen ce. limit1t1on. or dis crim1nat1on based on
race, color. religion.
sex, or national oricin. or an mtention lo make
any surh pref Prenl'e .
Louted Just a stones throw Crom the bearh,
these two 2 bedroom. I
bath res1deooa l income
units have a lot lo offer
the new owner Tlti-
seller wtll carr) a Isl
T D for five years v.1lh 2011, to 125'/, down, 1
S22S. 000. 1144 7a20
eblQ.gO l:llO 1»1
I+ . ,., , .... ,
llW'•• 11111')
l1m1t:i11on . or dis ---------cri m 111a1100 · · dppt'y T 0 DHI
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Thts newspaper "111 nol
knowingly accept an)
ad\•erlls1ng for rt'al
estate which IS in viola·
liQn or the law
l~, .. --.. ----.. 1 Z!lllll BlROIS: Act.riMn
11w tllotlld chtdi tt.ir •d• t;Z ct..Hy and report .... !: ron 1 ....... 1y. n.
:~ DAILY ,I.OT osWMs = liabllty far .... first
J•W l11correct l11Hrtio11 Jll(lO
fffJ Ofitt. •AJ ~.~ , .. _______ _
mo ~ Hovws for S. ... .. ,
''° ......
"" .... ~)
l•il.AI -
1102 ....•..........••......
Best buy tn area 3 Bdrm
Motivated seller will sell o r trade a choice Spyglass 4 Br on comer
lot. Try creative terms inrludiftg gems Only sm.soo
RC T<tykxCo
( .11) .q, .)
Lovely 3 Bdrm. heated
pool home. Take over :
ex1st111g loins II 12.Yc
Total mOlllhly p•yments
approX" SHT7 Call Otrk i
Oruler, agt 7"H221 :
3 Bdrm -hu1e bad
yard grear ror hrsl
Lime buyer -don't mis~
this one. Call now'
and add on fam tl)
room too' Refr1 g & home warranty If that's
not enough. try s• ,•-; as·
sumable loan SIOS 700 @ SEA COVE Call now979-5370 PIO,MTIES
A 71~31-6990
..... c,; ..
....... ..,,.
11111) .
•W •i.U ..... J
"llll ......
LEASE OPTION with JUSI $5000 OWN or buy nov. with SI0.000
dwn Dix :'-lpl condo.
partial \U. Sl29.900 Call
Rae. agt 6.1H266
H041H&~a Easts1de Costa Mesa
locattoo House ti> large 2 Bdrm w1ch ya rd . garage. new carpets &
drape~ PLliS 2 lrg 2
Bdrm I Ba umll. with
Raraf!eS and pat ios
Ownr Agt will finance at tJ.sr; with SJ0.000 down.
Full pnce $230.000
1>31·73 70
:::;: MO MONEY -:i,: DOWH
;:.: Builder will carr)
"'ffll S25,000 for 3 yrs on lhts 2 _, Br rondo only I yr old. ,,"° $114 ,900. Call Anne .... McCasland. agt 631·1266
::: I
Low priced CdM dupttx .
2 blks lD water• Priced
10 st'll fast Good terms ,
Call Jeanne Saller. agt fordl'ta11s 759-1221
SISS.000 Only 110.000 down gets
you 11110 lhl.5 toUlly re·
mode~ 4 Bdrm home
Large ('Ol"ller lot. Ko1 •
pond too! Won'tlHt, call •
llSTIVY Bea1111fu1. immaculate •
n1rely landscaped 4 •
bdrm home on cul -de
sar Spacious rooms Viev. of golf rourse from
property Owner will
help on hnanring Only
$139 .~00 Cal l now • 979 S370 •
OIVIRATl! 4 Bdrm 2 ba pool home
Assume hi·balance loan owe straidtt note SUCC~REALTY
tftl ..
•ll!lil ...
- - - -• , ___ 549-___ 799_1 ---
fi>'\ ~I fg Red Estate
Sout h of h1ghwa)
Colonial two story
dollhouse Two
bedrooms One bedroom rear un1l Two ca r
garage $299.500
a New
H.I .
A cccortSl 119 to
Calll0f11lo 911tinott tlld
Profulllolll Codt ISM.
11900 to 11UO) oil
persona dlllflt bual-
11ncttr • lidlllov• -1111111 file .... ,._ ••
with Ille Collllly Qorll
1114 he,. It pulllltMd
lour t l r11ta In 1 ,. ••• ,ltptf _...... lllO
atta In wllfc ll Ill• .,.,., ..... 11 lecMff.
Tiit attltt11tnl It
1t1t11fre4 i.r IN tft4 It
M<tMMY 111 ~lflt
fO.t 11\ltlntH 1'1"'9,
Meat Unlit rt•ullt
~"' .. ~ .. .,... tMMetd4f~ •
Tiie OAll V 'flOl
ptOWldet "'91 flllll 04lf "'* ............... . .. ,,. .... .......,
••1M• 9llf IMlllllllll •
•••• , H IWIU ,. II••
Or1111• Ct11111r ~ , ..... ..., •r one ti •111
ce11we11lent •lflU• er
plloRo Ille LIGllL
Ol'AlllllPfT MMnt, lat. Ut tef 111eia ......,.. ...........
~ , ... ,... l
11 lf..t"9 LOAM
Remodeltd 3 Bdrm +f
ram1ly room Mes1
Verde on qu~ cul de~
sac with RV accrss.
Owner ynll can-y 1
759°1616 I
l £&_4
Oc .. &UsYa :
Pool. spa & tennis Lr.
l.ike MW 3 8dr + den.
Assume . 91 ,~ interest:
.. 7S.OIO. Terms! eatnr
Teno~. agt. 751· l221
1\et's..._Ute f DAILY PILOT
StllVICE DlltECTOll '{
inUabout ! i
. 'l
Dally Pilat
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 28, 1981
The ethics of credit have
been turned upside-down . See
Page B5.
County to replace bookmobile with mail plan
The friendly but outmoded
bookmobile is about to go lhe
~ay of the dinosaur in Orange
The Co unty Board of
Supervisors decided Tuesday on a cost-saving plan that will
replace the county 's three
~ookmobil es with a new
program of mailing books to
residents in remote parts of the
The bookmobiles will make
their last stops in south county
in late December The
·nooks-By-Ma11'' program will
begin in January.
The change is expected to
s ave the county government
$122.000 a year after four
full -time employees who worked
on the mmi-ltbraries on wheels
are reassigned
The bookmobile s were
introduced in Orange County 20
years ago to ser ve residents
living in remote areas, but
continued growth brought more
urban development, new library
branches and less demand for
the bookmobile service,
according to Elizabeth Martinez
Smith. manager of library
A survey made in May showed
that 21 of 24 bookmobile stops
either were Wlderused or within
three miles of branch libraries.
she said.
Under the n ew system,
residents who live at least three
miles from the libraries can get
library catalogs, book bags and
books through the mail.
Postage, at library rates, will
be paid by the county , at least
for the first year, said Ms.
Four vying for Saddle back post
Four candidates are seeking
elech()n Nov. 3 in trustee area four
1n the Saddleback Community
College Distnct
Name: Perry E. J acobson
Address: 33881 Mari a wa
Drive. Dana Point
Age: 45
Occupation: Professor of
sociology, Cal State Fullerton
Education: graduate, Dakota
.Business College; bachelor of
sirts , soc iology, Hamline
Unive rsit y. master of arts,
sociology, I owa State
University . Ph.D .. sociology,
University of Minnesota.
Family: two children, both in
Capistrano Unified School
Why are running for this
"Education mus t meet the
needs of students. or there will
not be any. Consequently we. the
educators. must have foresight
and awareness
"The community colleges feed
into UC Irvine and Cal State
Fullerton It is very logical to
h ave a liaiso n betw een a
community college and the
four-year colleges on the board
of trustees.··
The candidates mu.ft live m
trustee area /our (San Clemente,
San Juan Caputrano. Dana Point,
L aguna Niguel and Capistrano
00.1\' Al D COLE
Name: Oom1ld W Cole
Addres!I: 245 Via Ballena. San
Age: 61
Occupation : Semor minister.
South Shores Baptist Church,
Laguna Niguel
Education: AB . psychology,
Stanford Un1vers1ty; Master's,
divinity, E ast ern Baptist
Theological Se minary ;
Doctorate . educa tion ,
Southwes t e rn Bapti s t
Theological Seminar y. Ph D ..
clinical psychology, University
of London
Family: Wife. Ann : one adult
Wh y are you runnin~ for this
·A!> a result of several
concern:-.. not the leas t of which
is the faC't that the city of San
Clemente has never had a
candidate on the Saddleback
College board. Another innuence
on m y decision to run is that
much of my life has been spent
in the field of higher education "
Beach J bt'6 they are elected by
district-wide vote
Following are brief sketches of
the trustee area four candidates
Name: ~ary Jane Hannegan
Address: 33011 Surfrlder
Court, San Juan Capistrano
Agt>: 56
Occupation : Owner and
director of Mary J ane's School
Houses. Inc. of San Clemente .
Education: Credential in child
development at Cal State Long
Family : Husband, Ted; 12
children. ranging in age from 37
to 15
Why are you running for this
"Because of my interest and
past experience on the junior
college level or education. Ten
m e mbers of o ur family are
products of junior college
success. Because of our large
family responsibility, there
would have been little chance
for education -at the college
level -without public education
on a two-year academic
detailing who they are and why
they are runrung for the po81tion
w hich should help voters make
tl1eir decision
Name: Eugene C McKnight
Address: 25531 Purple Sage
Lane, San Juan Capistrano
Age: 74
Occupation: Saddleback
Community College District
board incumbent; retired
philosophy professor.
EducaUon: bachelor of arts.
philosophy, Stanford University;
master of arts, philosophy,
UCLA; librarian's degree, USC.
Family: wife. Eleanor; two
grown children : si x
Why are you running for thJs
··I want to continue to work for
quality education for students.
There is a lot of work I have
started that I want to finis h
before I step down from the
board ...
C andidates in trustee areas
two and fi ve, Willia m Watts and·
Robert Price, did not encounter
opposition and have been
deemed elected by the registrar
of voters.
While the new program saveR
money and could improve
outreach services. Ms. Smith
s aid that the faithful bookmobile
will be missed.
"We're nos talgic about it,"
s he said . "It served its purposes
and in certain c ases it
provided a very personalized
s ervice. In some communHies, it
was the meeting place."
The vehicles, which range
from 9 to 19 years old. will
probably earn about $5,000 each
in auctions , co unt y
transportation officials say.
In other matters Tuesday, the
s upervisors took action on these
s ubjects:
a three-year fir e protection
agreement in which the county
will provide fire and paramedic
coverage adjacent to John
Wayne Airport. with costs this
fiscal year at $153.300.
ENERGY: Ordered orficials
in the county Environmental
Management Agency to meet
with hous ing and real estate
officials to examine possible
ordinances on building
standards for solar access and
wea therproofin~.
HEALTH: Accepted a $173,000
federal grant to assist operation
of its community health center
1n Santa Ana which s erves
Southeast Asian refugees.
CHARTER : Accepted a final
report on whether to draft a
county charter and agreed to
propose state legis lation to gave
c harter counties the same local
powers as charter c1t1es.
School hopefuls
funding cuts • view
Of Ille O•lly l'I._ Steff
School board members in
Laguna Beach s hould antic ipate
continuing declines in state and
federal funding for local schools.
meaning aggressive campaigns
must be launched to rciise more
local money
That was the consens us of 12
of th e 14 sc hool tru s t ee
candidates running for office in
the Nov 3 election when thev
faced about 35 voters Tuesda)
nighl at the Laguna Beach High
School auditorium.
Two of the candidates didn't
show up at thl' public forum,
Terry Carter-Humphries and
John Luna. The forum was
sponsored by the Laguna Beach
PT A and the League or Women
All candidates present seemed
to agree that fin a nces and
steadily declining enrollments
are m ajor problems
Jack Miller. the most vocal of
the candidates on the need to c ut
s pending. said school board
members must be renlistic
about funding.
Beac h closed
by pollution
San Cle m ente authorities
sealed off about 500 vards of the
cit) ·s North Bcac·h Tuesday
afternoon when a toxic chemical
was discovered in a flood control
channel that empties into the
ocean there
San Clemente Fire Chief Ron
Co l e man said h e b ega n
receiving phone calls at about 2·
p.m . from residents complaining
of foul odors emanating from an
industrial complex that borders
the channel.
"There mu s t be a
re adjus tment in altitude,"
Miller :.aid "It 1s no longer
possible to :.pend our way to a
good cducat10n We mus t not
equate austc ril)' wi th a poor
education ..
Arlhur Mo:-.ko\.\1lz. who said
he sensed a negative attitude on
th<' part of current 4'chool board
members. advocated a ·can do··
s pirit on the part of the
com muntty to save the school
··Unless we adopt this attitude
we will close one school after
another."' he said.
Other s ugg e~l 1 o n s for
in c reas ing school funding
included greater efforts to gain
gra nts from federal. state and
private sources. and initiation
of a grass roots movement to
advocate that more of the tax
dollar be :.pent on public
The candidates said they are
not in favor of freezing district
em ployee s al~tries to save
They maintained that s uch a
m o ve would be co un
t e rproductive. and would
only worsen the morale of school
··Thi s is a worst -case
s ituation," said candidate Jan
Vic kers. "'and we are far from
that point now ' She added that
freezing salaries would lead to
personnel proble m s and
increase tensions, leading to a
drain of quality employees from
the district.
The 14 candidates running in
the Nov 3 general election are
vying for three vacant seats on
the board. Trust ees Michael
Sagar and Marylyn Pauley are
not seeking re-elec.'tion.
Headliners' reception had tough competition
8} ~OR:\ l ,E IDJ.\ ~
Of 111• Delly Pli.4 Steff
I went lo the~ t•arl.\ lleatlhm•1-, l"l'l't.'J>I inn That"s the
··do·· tht• Prt.•"s Club puts on tn honor Orange County
t·1t1zt•ns fur the11· 1nd1\ 1d11al dforh in lwhalf of the
l'Om munil \
It was· a gn·ul ).(roup ot I h·:icll11wr-, .ind th<.• Datl~· Pilot
\\as mvohcd in nominating louroftht:>m ~ant'.\ Ebs(•n.
llarrieltt' \\'itmt'r. Kt•\ in \k(;t•t· and Bob Lult. -;o
naturall~ then• Wt'l'l' q111IC' <1 ft•" ol us therl' to cht•t•r lht.•m
It wa!-> a plt•as,int eH•nmg hut I lt•t.•l ('11mpclle<I to ask
a fov. qut•st1ons
Wh~ wa!'-<.1 Headlint•rs E\ cning put on during a World
Series in a cafeter ia ~ithout a n orril·1al
photographer m sight" Mere~·. mercy'.
1 won't even me ntion the• rec1p1enl \\ h o<.,e name was
misspelled until someone proofed the invitation.
Well. I g uess it just must have been one of those
weeks. • • • LEST A WEEK GO BY \\ ithout a mention of St
Bart's Hospital in London. l"ve included a picture of ~
little man. who. in the olden days. before the literacy rate
was as high a!-> it 1s now <and how high is that'? 1. sat
o utside the front of the hospital to indicate by the
presence of his crutch. sling . bandaged head. et al. that
m e dical help was available.
The little guy lives in grander style now that we have
an international symbol indicHling th'e availability of that
he lp -the Red Cross He s its by the fireplace in the
Great Hall at the hos pital. There are firepluces at either
end of this enormous. beautifully paneled room with
Henry VIII looking down from over one mantel and
Edw:.irc1 \'fl I rnm the othe :\bo\'t• the window:.. cl<n'n the
walls and around the window fr<1mcs are the gold lettered
names of all the donors of the hos pital from 1542 lo 1909.
T hink about that. d onors 10 not -for profit
organiz<llions . Whe n ~·ou dec ide to part with ~·our dollars
and remcmbN it ·s all tax·dt'ductible rnur namt.'
could b<..• on that ucknowledgmenl board for a ·lot of t1ml'
Wouldn't that he ~upe r" • • •
SOCIETY COLUMNIST Dina von Burger. wearing
her Orange County ~1a ster Calendar hat. a nd I went to
s peak with PH g als repn·senting school districts in
Huntington Beac h. fountain \'a lie~·. Seal Be ach and
We not onl~ <liscussed the mechanics. the liming of
press releases and what we'd consider news worthy. Wl'
als o s uggested that whatt'ver turned them on would
probably do the s ame for others.
With that. one attractive young woman began
describing a project he r school was involved in
Both Dina and I agreed that was indeed a good story.
We couldn't understand why we hadn't seen it either an
press release form or printed.
A little further inquiry revealed that the story had
never been sent in.
We all laughed. She blushed and laughed. too.
We enjoyed our visit. organizer. Diana Huber. We
also thank your cohorts on the board. ~arilyn Cavener.
Sharon Hard enberg and Thelma Miyashiro. Claire
Cordell, Noreen McLaughlin. Joyce Kellis , Sandy
Schneider. Laurie Moore and Pat Cohen of Huntington
Beach area schools and Midge Treadway and Carma
Dahl of Fountain Valley, also came.
It's obvious there's a need by PR chairmen and even
pros, to learn who to contact on a paper, what to send to
them and where and when to send the info. Maybe we
could do a workshop here at the Pilot offices. Does that
appeal to anyone out there? Let us know.
• * * OME WEEKS AGO I wrote about the Orange
County Marine Institute at Dana Point's plan to decorate
the "Pilgrim" as a h aunted ship for the youngsters for
Well . the supp0rt group has expanded the plan.
............ ~
Statue of bandaged man. now mstde St . Bart's Jlospitol. once
stood outside as symbol o/ medical aid
. Not only c hildren can view the ghost ship. see the
pirate raid and do a number with all the booths available
(all for $1> between 4:30 p.m . and 9;30 p.m .. but now the
mommies. daddies and friends can go through the same
routine. The privilege is a bit more expensive for them . of
course ... S20. ,
But afterall the liquid refreshments being~ered run
into a little more dough. So do the munchie$' lt's still
little enough to be on a haunted ship on All Hallows ' E\'e
Saturday, lflat Is . Hours 10 p.m. lo 12 :30 a .m.
I'd give tfiem a call and warn them ~·ou·re Plaaftlria
lo come aboard. The capacity is not unlimited \Ulleu
you want to see what a slave shlp must bave beta ~
The nutnber ls 996·2274 or 831·3&10 and the ,_.IO
towards the purchase price of the "Pillrim.·· a ........ .,
the ship Richard Henry Dana served Gft ailcl l~w w.-.
about In "Two Years Before Ult -.·•
4 a 2 s a 2 2 -
Dilly Piiat
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 28, 1981
The ethics of credit have
been turned upside-down . See
P.age B5 .
County to replace bookmobile with mail plan
The friendly but outmoded
bookmobile ls about to go the
way of the dinosaur in Orange
The Co unt y B oa rd of
Supervlsors decided Tuesday on
li cost-saving plan that will
r eplace the county's three
l>o o km obi les with a n e w
program of m ailing books to
residents in remote parts of the
The bookmobiles will make
their last stops in south county
i n late December . The
"Books ·BY·Mail" program will
begin ii) January.
The change is expected to
save t he county government
Sl22.000 a year after four
full-time employees who worked
on the mini-libraries on wheels
are reassigned.
The bookmobi l es were
introduced in Orange County 20
years ago lo serve residents
II ving In remote areas, but
continued growth brought more
urban development, new library
branches and less demand for
t h e bookmobile servi ce,
according to Elizabeth Martinez
Smith, m a nager of library
A survey made in May showed
that 21 of 24 bookmobile stops
either were underused or within
three miles of branch libraries,
she sald.
Under the n ew system,
residents who live at least three
miles from the libraries can gel
library catalogs. book bags and
books through the mail.
Postage, at library rates, will
be paid by the county. at least
for the first year, said Ms .
While the new program saves
~oney a nd could i mprove
outreach services, Ms. Smith
said that the faithful bookmobile
will be missed.
"We're nostalgic• about it,"
s he said. "It served its purposes
-a nd in certain cases it
provided a ver y personalized
service. In some communities, it
was the meeting place."
coverage adjacent to John
Wayne Airport. with co11t.s this
fiscal year at $153,300.
ENERGY: Ordered officials
in the county Environmental
Management Agency to meet
with housing and r eal estate
officials to examine possible
ordinances on building
standards for solar access and
weatherproofing.. ·
Four vying for Saddle back post
The vehicles, which range
from 9 to 19 years old. will
probably earn about $5,000 each
in auctions, county
transportation officials say.
In other matters Tuesday. the
supervisors look action on these
HEALTH: Accepted a $173,000
federal grant to assist operation
of its community health center
in Santa Ana which serves
Southeast Asian refuj{ees.
CHARTER: Accepted a final
report on whether to draft a
county charter and agreed to
propose state legislation to give
charter counties the same local
powers as charter cities
Four candidates are seeking
election Nov. 3 in tnutee area four
in the Saddleback Community
College District.
Name: Perry E. Jacobson
Address: 33881 Mariawa
Drive, Dana Point
Age: 45
Occupation: Professor of
~oclology. Cal State Fullerton
Educatloa: graduate, Dakota
Business College; bachelor of
a rts. sociology, Hamline
Univer sity; master of arts.
sociolo gy, I owa S tat e
University; Ph.D .. sociology,
University of Minnesota.
Family: two children, both in
Ca pistrano Unified School
Why are running for this
"Education must meet the
needs of students, or there will
not be any. Consequently we, the
educators. must have foresight
and awareness.
"The community coll eges feed
.into UC Irvine and Cal State
·Fullerton. It is very logical to
:have a liaison between a
"community college and the
'four-year colleges on the board
of trustees."
The candidates must live in
trustee area four (San Clemente,
San Juan Caputrano, Dana Point,
Laguna Niguel and Capistrano
Name: Donald W. Cole
Address: 245 Via Ballena, San
Age: 61
Occupation: Senior minister ,
South Shores Baptist Church,
Laguna Niguel
Education: AB, psychology,
Stanford University; Master's,
divinity, Eastern Baptist
Theological Semi nary ;
Doctorate , ed u ca t ion ,
So uthw este rn B apt i st
Theological Seminary: Ph.D .•
clinical psychology, University
of London.
Family: Wife . Ann: one adult
Wby are you running for this
··As a result of several
concerns. not the least of which
is the fact that the city of San
Clemen te has never h ad a
candidate on the Saddleback
College board. Another innuence
on my decision to run is that
much of my life has been spent
in the fi eld of higher education."
Beach) but they are elected by
district-wide vote.
Following are brief sketchea of
the tnutee area four candidate•
Name: Mary Ja ne Hannegan
Address: 33011 S urfrider
Court. San Juan Capistrano
Age: 56
Occupation : O wne r and
director of Mary Jane's School
Houses, Inc. of San Clemente.
Education: Credential in child
dt;velopment at Cal State Loo&
Family: Husband, Ted; 12
children. ranging in age from 37
to 15.
Why are you running for this
.. Because of my interest and
past experience on the junior
college level of education. Ten
members of our family are
p r oducts o f juni or coll ege
success. Because of our large
family r espons ibility, there
would have been little chance
for education -at the college
level -without public education
on a two-year a c ademic
detailing who they are and why I
they are running for the pofition
which should help voters make
their dec:Uion.
Name: Eugene C. McKnight
Address: 25531 Purple Sage
Lane, San Juan Capistrano
Age: 74
Occupation: Sad d le bac k
Community College District
boa rd lncu m bent ; retired
philosophy professor .
EdacaUon: bachelor of arts,
philosophy, Stanford University;
master of arts, philosophy,
UCLA; librarian's degree, USC.
FamUy: wife, Eleanor ; two
grow n c h ildren ; s ix
Why are you running ror this
"I want to continue to work for
quality education for students.
There is a lot of work I have
started that I want to finish
before l step down from the
board." '
Candidates in trustee areas
two and five, William Watts and
Robert Price. did not encounter
opposition and have been
deemed elected by the registrar
or voters.
a t hree-year fire protection
agreement in which the county
will provide fire and paramedic
Agran says disband
industrial panel
Of UM Dally ...... StMI
Irvine City Councilman Larry
Agran says the city's Industrial
Development Authority s hould
be dissolved.
Agran claimed in a memo
released today that I rvine
C hamb er o f Co m merce
Pres ident Larry Hoffman
lobbied for the formation of the
I ndustrial Developme nt
Auth ority without publicly
dic;closi ng that he was being
retained by a company that
stood to gain from its formation.
It is Agran·s contention that
Hoffman was doing government
liaison work for Wyle Labs. 128
Maryland St .. El Segundo, when
h e urged formation of the
authority. Wyle Labs is one of 15
companies which have inquired
about getting tax -exempt
financing from the Authority for
development of industrial
projects in Irvine. according to
city records.
Hoffman, one-time chairman
of the city Pla nn ing
Comm1ss1on , confirmed today
he had been under contract with
Wyle Labs but said he's not sure
if the contract was in force when
he appeared before the City
Council and urged formation of
the Authority.
The Industrial Development
Authority, en visioned as an
agency to lure indus trial
companies to Irvi ne with the
promise or tax-free financing,
was formed by the Irvine City
Council on July 14.
Hoffm an urged its formation
al a City Council meeting on
June 23.
Hoffman said he had not read
Agran's ·memo and declined to
comment on it. He added that he
is no longer under contract fo
Wyle Labs.
In his memo, Agran said that
H offman 's action s have
damaged the credibility of the
city's Ind ustrial Development
"While the city has no lobbyist
registration ordinance," Agran
said in his memo, .. a nd while
there is no suggestion here that
Hoffman intended any wrong,
the fact r e mains that the
atmosphere of full disclosure
that ordinarily accompanies our
deliberations was lacking in this
"It is Just this kipd oJ
improper appearance that has
given industrial development
bonds s uch a bad name in other
communities and could threaten
a loss of trust in our own citv. ··
Agran also said in his memo
that the city should dissolve its
I ndustrial Develo p ment
Authority on the basis that
actions are being taken on the
congressional and presidential
level that may cripple the
Money obtained from the sale
o f the bonds is given to
companies th at apply to the
Indu s tri al D eve lopm e n t
Authority. The companies that
get this money are t hen
r es ponsib l e to pay ba c k
principal and interest on the
bonds. No bonds have yet been
issued by the Irvine Authority.
Headliners' reception had tough competition
Of 0tlM Dlllly ...... S-
I went to the yearly Headliners reception. That's the
.. do .. the Press Club puts on to honor Orange County
citizens for their individual errorts in behalf of the
com munity.
It was a great group of Headliners and the Daily Pilot
was involved in nominating four or them '.'Janey Ebsen.
Harriette Witmer. Kevin ~cGt'e and Boh Lutz so
naturally there were quite a few of us there to cheer them
It was a pleasant evening. but I feel compelled to ask
a few questions.
Why was a Headliners Evening put on during a World
Series in a cafeteria without an offi cial
photographer in sight? Mercy. mercy'.
I won't even mention the recipient whose name was
misspelled until someone proofed the invitation.
Well. I guess it just must have been one of those
weeks. • • • LEST A WEEK GO BY without a mention or St.
Bart's Hospital in London, I've included a picture of a
little man. who, in the olden days, before the literacy rate
was as high as it is now <and how high is that?>. sat
outside the front of the hospital to indicate by the
presence or his crutch, sling. bandaged head. et al. that
m edical help was available.
The little guy lives in grander style now that we have
an inte rnational symbol indicating the availability of that
help -the Red Cross. He sits by the fireplace in the
Great Hall at the hospital. There are fireplaces at either
end of th.is enormous. beautifully paneled room with
Henry VIII looking down from over one mantel and
Ed ward Vl I from the othe. Above the windows. down the
walls and around the window frames are the gold lettered
names of all the donors of the hos pital from 1542 to 1909 .
Think about that. donors to not .for -profit
organizations. When you decide lo part with your dollars
and remember it"s all tax·deductible your na me
could be on that acknowledgment board for a lot of time
Wouldn't that be s upe r ''
* • *
SOCIETY COLUMNIST Dina von Bu r ger. wearing
her Orange County Master Calendar hat. and I went to
speak with PR gals representing school districts in
Huntington Beach. Fountai n Valley. Seal Beach and
We not onl) discussed the mechanics. the timing of
press releases and what we·d consider newsworthy. we
also suggested that whatever turned the m on would
probably do the same for others.
~ With that. one attractive youn g woman began
describing a project her school was involved in.
Both Dina and l agreed that was indeed a good story.
We couldn't understand why we hadn"t seen it either in
press release form or printed.
A liUle further inquiry revealed that the story had
never been sent in.
We all laughed. She blushed and laughed, too.
We enjoyed our visit. organizer. Diana Huber. We
also thank your cohorts on the board. Marilyn Cavener.
Sh aron Harde nberg and Thelma Miyashiro. Claire
Cordell, Noreen McLaughlin. Joyce Kellis, Sandy
Schneider, Laurie Moore and Pat Cohen of Huntington
Beach area schools and Midge Treadway and Carma
Dahl of Fountain Valley, also came.
It's obvious there's a need by PR chairmen and even
pros, to learn who to contact on a paper, what to send to
them and where and when to send.the Info. Maybe we
could do a workshop here at the Pilot offices. Does that
appeal to anyone out there? Let us know.
••• SOME WEEKS AGO 1 wrote about the Orange
County Marine Institute at Dana Point's plan to decorate
the "Pll&rim .. as a haunted 1f\lp for tbe youngsters for
Well, the s upport 1roup has expanded the plan.
..., ..........
Statue of l)ondaged man. now inside St. Bart's Hospital. onct
stt1od outside as symbol of nvdical aid.
Not only children can view the &host ship, see the
pirate raid and do a number with all the booths available
call for Sll between 4:30 p .m. and 9:30 p .m ., but now the
mommies, daddies and friends can go throuC)l the sam.
routine. The privil~ge is a bit more expensive for them. of
course . . . $20.
But afterall the liquid refreshments bein&
into a little more dough. So do the munchies. ~~~
lltUe enough to be on a haunted ship on All Ha'
-Saturday, that Is. Hours 10 p.m. to 12:30 a.m.
I'd 11ve them a call and wam them you're plannina
lo come aboard. The capacity Is not unlimited -ualess
you want to see what a slave ship.must have bMD like.
The number is 996·2'l74 or 831 -3850 anti lite ,_. ID
t.owardl tbe purchase price of the ··Pilartm. ·· • ~ea of
the ship Rimard Henry Dana aerved on and later wnite
about In •·Two Years Before the M11t.••
111111 CBIST
Diiiy Pll1t
W EDNESDAY, OCT. 28, 1981
The ethics of credit have
been turned upside-down . See
P.age BS.
Vandals smash
school in Mesa
By JERRY CLAUSEN Of .. IMiltf,.... .....
Rea Middle School, closed by
lbe Newport-Mesa School
District in June and now leased
by the City or Costa Mesa, "is
literally being destroyed" by
vandals, City Manager Fred
Sorsabal warned.
They requested City Council
members to establish policy
regarding the kinds of
organizations to be housed
t here, indicating rirst preference
s hould go to organizations
providing a service rather than
to those wishing to use space for
offices or storage.
Four seek 2 Coast college seats
•'Forty windows were
destroyed a weekend ago,"
Sorsabal told City Council·
member s during a Monday
study session at City Hall.
Walls have been damaged and
graffiti is splashed throughout
the buildings, officials added.
Allan Roeder, assistant city
manager and project
coordinator, said the city
probably will have to spend
more than $81 ,000 to get the
school in shape for occupancy.
Costs f?r operating the facility ~or the eight months remaining
in the current fi scal year are
expected to top $87,000, he said.
Name : Mark Bayless .
candidate for Trustee Area 5
Address : 300 E . Coast
Highway, Newport Beach
Age: 30
Occupation: lawyer
Education: A A , general
education , Orange Coast
College; BA, political science,
Cal State Northridge ; juris
doctorate , Western State
Family: single
Why are you running for thls
''As a local practicin g
attorney. I want the opportunity
l o do something for public
service and the local
• ··As a former s tudent of
Orange Coast College and with
JnY experience as a corporate
attorney, I feel the board is the
area in which I can make my
most valuable contribution to
the community. Further, I
seriously believe that it is time
for a change in the current
make up of lbe board."
What is the principal problem
in community colleges today
and bow would you cope with It?
·'The biggest problem is really
a continuing one. The Coast
Community College District
must be forever adapting to
accommodate the diversified
needs of the students and the
"The problems are many and
therefore the solutions are
varied. However, it's most
important that the board be
open to innovative ideas and be
dedicated lo the attainment of
excellence ..
Voters will elect two trusteea in
the Coast Community College
District Nov 3.
The candidates must live in their
trustee areas but they are elected
by distnctunde vote. The college
Name: James V. Evans,
candidate for Trustee Area 1
Address: 13762 Claremont St ..
Age: 58
Occupation: tax accountant
Education: BS. accounting,
Family: wife, Etiennette; four
children : two have attended
Coast District colleges.
Why are you running for thls
·'I feel I can do a better job for
the district fi scall y than the
incumbent Dollars are going to
be harder and harder to come
by. and there are going to have
to be some intelligent choices
made on how money is spent in
the district."
What ls the principal problem
in community colleges today,
and how would you cope witb It?
"One problem is that a lot of
s tudents are not being
encouraged lo go on through
four years to get their degree.
They need more encouragement
and counseling than they're
··But money is the biggest •
problem. The district must learn
to spend money more wisely so
it can continue to offer education
to those who want it "
d~trict serves Newport Beach and
Costa Me1a as well as West Orange
County areas.
Followmg are brief sketches of
the four candidates detailing who
they are and why they are running.
Name: Ri chard Olson,
candidate for Trustee Area 1
Address: 12702 Palomar St.,
Garden Grove
Age: 48
Occupation: marketing and
sales manager , Yellow Freight
Education: AA . business.
Hibbing Community College;
BA, business, USC ; Engineer's
School, U.S. Army.
Family: wife, Shirley; two
children; one has attended Coast
District colleges.
Why are you running for
re-election? (Ol son ls an
"I'd like to see community
college opportunities continue to
be made available to everyone.
''I've seen a deterioration in
local control. It will take a
concerted effort by the trustees
to continue to prQvide quality
education for the community."
What ls t he principal problem
in community colleges today
and bow would you cope with It?
·'The principal problem is the
ability to continue furnishing the
variety of courses that have
been requested by the public.
·'The financing formu la
developed in the last state
Legislature session was quite a
bitter pill for some districts to
swallow. We must get a better
base of funding, an equitable
share of money from the state."
Name: George Rodda Jr.,
candidate for Trustee Area 5
Address: 949 Goldenrod Ave.,
Corona del Mar
' Age: 51
Occupation: attorney
Education: BA, music, USC ;
MA , educational psychology,
USC ; juris doctorate, Western
State University.
Family: wife, Madge ; two
children, two family members
have attended district colleges.
Why are you running for
re-election? <Rodda ls an
"The nature of funding for
community co lleges has
s ubstantively changed as a
makeup of the board."
"My experience in generating
externaJ funding for commuruty
colleges, which has exceeded
$200 million, makes me able to
lead during a significant period
of budget rearrangement and
cuts "
What is the prinrlpal problem
in community colleges today
and bow would you cope with It!
"The principal problem Is that
of obtai ning funding to
accomplish the community
college goaJ and mission, which
is to identify the educational and
culturaJ needs of the adults in
our community and lo extend
wherever possible and
appropriate through our three
col l eges and tele -
com munications center of-
ferings that promote general
e ducation, college transfer,
occupational training and
lifelong learning opportunities."
"We must move some people
in there," Sorsabal vowed. He
added that neighbors must get
involved, too, with protecting
the facility.
The school complex .
consisting of several buildings
on a 15-acre site, is scheduled to
house private and public
·'not-for-profit·' s ocial aid
organizations that serve Costa
Mes a.
Rea, at 601 Hamilton St., was
closed as a school because of
declinjng enrollment and lack of
state funds .
City officials are leasing the
facility and its playgrounds for
$110,000 a year on a five.year
renewable contract with the
school district.
"The chief criterion,"
Sorsabal said Monday, "is that
we are not opening another
recreation cente r . This is a
community services facility,
and we will be operating it as
The first social services
organizations are expected to
move into Rea in late December
or January, city department
heads predicted.
Su~·lease rents pajd by social
s e rvice renters are expected
o~ly to.pay for annual operation,
with city funds paying district
lease fees, he added.
Roeder said the city already
has contracted a private
s ecurity firm to patrol the
s chool -communit y center
complex during evenings and on
weekends when most vandalism occurs.
He urged the council to move
quickly on policy decisions that
will make way for tenants and
possibly ward off vandalism that
traditionally totaled about $2,000
a month when the complex was
used as a school.
Halloween fe te set
The Zonta Club of Newport
Harbor will sponsor a Halloween
costume party Friday for
handicapped children at Plavan
School, 9675 Warner Ave.,
Fountain Valle y The
fund -rais ing e vent will take
place from l0 :30to 11 :30 a .m.
Non-teachers' contract OK'd School cites
• anniversary Newport-Mesa School DJstrict
·and union negotiators have
reached tentative agreement on
a new one-year contract for the
district's 800 non-leaching
employees, a di s trict
spokeswoman announced ·
Accord was reached late last
week, she said, but a state
mediator has ordered that no
d etails of the proposed
settlement be released until
Califor nia School Employees
Association members vote on
the package, probably next
Union officials sought pay
raises between 7.5 and 12.5
percent. d epe nding on
classification of various
employees involved.
The district board of trustees
had offered an across-the-board
hike of 3 percent.
The union has been working
without a contract since June
when a three-year document
The district and its teachers'
union still have not reached
agreement on pay raises this
school year.
The teachers' contract does
not expire until next summer,
but salary and fringe-benefit
issues were scheduled for
re·negotiation this year under an
existing three-year contract.
A state-appointed mediator
fail e d to gain agreement
between the teachers and the
district, and those negotiations
now are moving into the
fact-finding phase.
Lindbergh Elementary School
in Costa Mesa will launch a
year-long golden anniversary
celebra{ion tonight with a
Hardtimes Harvest Dance and
Pie Social.
All Lindbergh School
graduates -from the classes of
1931 through 1950 when the last
eighth gnde was taught at the
school -will be honored.
Their attendance at the social
event. set for 7·10 p.m . in the
school auditorium. 220 E . 23rd
St.. is urged, said Principal
Robert Miller.
Deity Pt•~.., oerr •-
FAT AL CRASH Highway Patrol and fire officials comb the
wreckage of a sports car which swerved off the Cost a :\<lesa
Freewa\ at Baker Street and soared more than 90 feel
throuE!h. the air before 1t cras hed Tuesda~· '.\ti<:hael Henr~
Hanson. 30. of Los .\lam1lo~ wa~ kill ed in th<.• ~m;.ishup
Headliners' reception had tough competition
Of llM o.lly ...... ,....
I went lo the yearly Headliners reception. That's the
"do" the Press Club puts on to honor Orange County
citizens for their individual efforts in behalf of the
lt was a great group of Headliners and the Daily Pilot
was involved in nominaling four of them '.'lancy Ebsen.
Harriette Witmer. Kevin McGee and Bob Lutz so
naturally there were quite a few of us there to cheer them
It was a pleasant evening. but I feel compelled to ask
a few questions.
Why was a Headliners Evening put on during a World
Series -in a cafeteria without an official
photographer in sight? Mercy. mercy! '
I won't even mention the recipient whose name was
misspelled until someone proofed the invitation.
Well. I gue::.:.; it just must have been one of those
weeks. • • •
SOCIETY COLUMNIST Dina von Burger. wearing
her Orange County Master Calendar hat. and I went to
s peak with PR gals representing school districts in
Huntington Beach. Fountain Valley. Seal Beach and
We not only discussed the mechanics. the timing of
press releases and what we'd consider newsworthy. we
also suggested that whatever turned them on would
probably do the same for others.
With that. one attractive young woman began
describing a project her school was involved in.
Both Dina and I agreed that was indeed a good story.
We couldn't understand why we hadn't seen it either m
press release form or printed.
A Uttle further inquiry revealed that the story had
never been sent in.
We all laughed. She blushe<f and laughed, too.
We enjoyed our vfsit. organizer, Diana Huber. We
also thank your cohorts on the board. Marilyn Cavener.
Sharon Hardenberg and Thelma Miyashiro. Claire
Cordell. Noreen McLaughlin. Joyce Kellis. Sandy
Schneider. Laurie Moore and Pat Cohen of Huntington
Beach area schools and Midge Treadway and Carma
Dahl of Fountain Valley, also came.
It's obvious there's a need by PR chairmen and even
pros, to le am who to contact on a paper. what to send to
them and where and when to send the lnfo. Maybe we
could do a workshop here at the Pilot offices. Does that
appeal to anyone out there·• Let us know
••• · SOME WEEKS AGO I wrote about the Orange
Countv Marine Institute at Dana Point's plan to d.ecorate
the .. Pugrim" as a haunted ship for the ~·oun~sters for
Well. the s upport group has expanded the plan.
Not only children can view the ghost ship. see the
pirate raid and do a number wtth all the booths available
(all for $11 between 4:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m .. but now the
mommies. daddies and friends can go through the same
routine. The privilege is a bit more expensive for Ulem. of
course ... $20.
But atterall the liquid refreshments being offered run
into a little more dough. So do the munchies. But it's still
little enouah to be on a haunted ship on AU Hallows' Eve
-Saturday, that is . Hours 10 p.m. to 12:39 a.m
rd give them a call and warn them you're plaMing
to come aboard. The capacity is not unlimited · unles.'
vou want to see what a slave ship must hav~ been like.
·The number Is 996·2274 or 83l..J850 and tbi rundt .ro
towards the purchase price of the "Pil&iim,· a ~tlt\I
the ship Richard Henry Dana served on lad la-.-..-
about in "Two Yea~ Before the lla1t ...
• 0 0 cs 0 6 3 J a a a
Orange Co111 DAil. Y PILOT /Wednesday, October 28, 1981 N Bl :~
OUOl4'fl0NS IH(LUOI TllAOU OH fl .. HIW '1'0111 .. MIOWIU •4'Cll•1c ..... I OUON, 01 UOIT •NO (IH(INN•fl noc•
• XCN._HOU AHO llll'OllflO IV T"I NUO ANO IHHINI! f Dow Jones Final
CLOSING 837 .61
DOWN .76
New credit
With an interest rate as low as 10 percent (and
interest rates in the United States have been a lot
higher than that for a long time>, it is common sense
for moneyholders to minimize the.loss from holding
cash. At 10 percent, for instance, one day's interest is
0.0278 percent, which for $1 million comes to $278 .
.. For that," says Federal Reserve Board gov·
ernor Henry C. Wallich, "it pays to send a messenger
by plane from New York to Washington to expedite
collection by only one day ..
With the process
of getting checks de· ~ posited, cleared. col
lecled and credited ~ ~
to the depositor's ac·
count delaying the SYlVIA POR.TfR~ .....,,., availability of funds. .,
1l would pay the reci·
pients of a $5 million
check to send a messenger from New York to San
Francisco! At higher rates of interest, it would pay lo
move smaller checks by similarly wasteful methods
rather than put them into the mail for collection or
even entrust them for that purpose to the Federal
What applies to banks and collecting checks in a
faster way certainly applies to you and yo ur account
balances in an inslitution paying you little or no in·
Lerest to keep your money al your absolute "'worka·
ble" minimum.
There is the wides t range of alternatives ever
available to you in which to mvest your excess cash.
Pick the best for maximum earnings (money market
funds, savers certificates). shun the worst for
minimum earnings (ordinary checking accounts
beyond your day-to-day needs).
Let me make this point unmis takably clear right
now . I am not recommending payment of your bills
at the last possible moment nor am I condoning in
any way the many gimmicks businesses are trying lo
encourage you to pay up way 1n advance so they can
have the use of your cash.
Millions of you are now developing the habit of
delaying payment of your debts on your bank cards
until the penalty fee comes into play, are also
postponing paying your monthly bills (telephone,
utilities, the rest) until the penalties are directly
asked, and are s imply forgetting the old ethic of pay.
mg a debt right away in order to build up a reputa·
ti on
"They are so inclined not to pay when they can
use the money that they owe (or short-term invest·
ment for a possible quick high yield." says Harvey
Sharinn. president of the law firm Sharinn & Lipshie,
specialists in debt collection.
The same reasoning -and my condemnation -
applies to businesses that try to caHect debts owed by
you months ahead of time. I have received r:iotices for
resubscriptions to magazines months e~rher than I
once received them and have been promised all sorts
of rewards if I'll renew for two, three or more years
in advance. It's an out-and -out gimmick to get my
In an economy built on credit and dedicated to a
trustworthy relationship between creditor and deb·
tor. this is an upside-down trend. Bankruptcy a~ a
tool of financial planning? Delinquent loans as a sign
of a shrewd businessman? Our credit system is head·
ing straight for trouble -and the quicker we re·
cognize it and turn this around. the better for all of
NEW YORI( (APt-S.lo, J pm price
•llCI l'fl Cll•"VI! Of ll>e flflftn "'°'' •Cl••t New Y°'~ Sta<~ E.c,..nQt ,.~
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