HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-12-11 - Orange Coast PilotHot prospects for geothermal power under Huntington? · · (See story below) ORANGE COAST FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11 . 1981 Company teed off about golf halls scaring off tenants <See story below) •••••• YOUR HOMETOWN DAILY PAPER ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Latter-day di~osaur roaming jungle? C HI CAGO (AP > -A University of Chicago scientist has returned from four weeks in the jungles of the Africa Congo with photographs he believes a r e o f f oo tpr i nt s o f a dinosaur-like creature . Biologist Roy Mackal has s~a r ched for undiscovered animals . incl uding th e legendary Loch Ness Monster, since 1965. He returned from his second Africa trip this week a nd said Thursday that he s till has not seen the creature that pygmies call mokele mbembe. Such an animal was described by them as being reddish brown with a huge neck, snake-like head and tail and a body about the s ize of an elephant. Ma c kal said h e found footprints that he does not believe could have been formed by any known animal. "We would have to stay in that jungle for years lo expect to see one of the creatures," Mackal said . "In the few weeks we were 1 there, it had to be a hit-or-miss proposition.·' Also hunting for the mokele m bembe are Herman and Kia Regusters of South Pasadena. Re~usters, a former engineer at Jet Propuls ion Laboratory , orginally applied to join M ackal's expedition but decided to finance his own. The couple left in early September and were plan"ning to return by New Year's. In October . they sent a message to a friend in Los Angeles, John Sack. saying that they and their party had left a pygmy v illage and were planning to hik e 50 miles through swampy jungle to the Lake Tele area from where most of the mokele mbembe reports have emanated. S ack said Thurs d ay h e recently received a brief cable con firmin ~ that the party reached its destination M ackal s aid that near the Congolese village of Dzeke a native hunter led him to a set of large footprints leading into the L1kuoala River. Mackal !>aid the footprints were found about 16 months ago JUSt a few days after they were made. When they were discovered they lay 1n the middle of a two-meter wide s wath of flattene d g r a ss Because such a swath could be produced only by a large heavy tail, Mackal s ays the track!> ('OUld not have been or itn elephant. Also another set of tracks leaving the water could not be fuund des p1l<' the tracker 's mun~ \t'ars 'Xflerience or trat•king unimab 1n the 1ungle. ~1 <J t kal ~ay!'t that a n elephant \o\llUld C\'Cntuallv hCAV(' had to toml· out of the ri\'er 111~ n:t'c'nt trip hal> <:hanged ~1 <1 ckal':.1dea of hoy, the mokele mbl·mbc ll\c I thought the) II ved 1n the n H·rs before thl!-t trip," ~1ackal -,aid ·Hut we found no trace of tht· rreature~ with our sonar equipment Ju!\t millions of fish ;rnd lots <if croc·odlles ·Libyan leader called Ill en ace Khomeini f'aide, 7 killed BEIRUT. Lebanon <AP) -A p ersonal r e presentative of I ranian leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in Shiraz and seven or eight companions were killed today when a bomb exploded as they were heading lo the city·s main mosque, Tehran rad i o and a revolutionary police official said The prayer leader, 80-year-old Ayatollah Abdol-Hossein Dastgheib, had taken "about 100 steps from the house when the bomb exploded." according to a revolutionary police spokes man in Shiraz who talked to The Associated Press in Beirut by telephone. The spokes man. who "refused lo be identified. said seven or eight people With Dastgheib also died. Tehran radio sa id an undetermined number o f Dastgheib's companions were. killed and others wounded. The broadcast. monitored here. said the blast in the southern Iranian city was set off by le fti st Mujahedeen Khalq guerrillas. The Tehran government ordered a nationwide day of mourning Saturda y for Das tgheib, who represented Kh o m e ini in the southern province of Fars and was the prayer leade r of Shiraz. 420 mil es so uth of Tehran , according to the broadcast. The radio c h arged that Mujahedeen Khalq guerrillas. the main opposition group in Iran. assassinated Dastgheib on behalf of the United States and Israel "so that America and Zionis m would take their revenge f or the ir re cent defeats" in Iran. ,-:;P 3,000-mile biker 'unfit' KNOXVILLE. Tenn. IAP> A heart transplant recipient who rode a bicycle 3,000 miles to the West Coast this fall has been told -he's not medically .. m ... for a job with the U.S. Postal Service, an official says. Knoxville Postmaster Roy Asbury said Thursday, however. that Jim Hayes' appeal of the decision by a postal service medical examin e r will be considered by the post office's district office. Hayes, 29, pedaled a bicycle durin1 September and October • from his Knoxville home lo Stanford Un iversity Medical Center in Palo Alto for a c h eckup -his fifth major annual physical since the transplant. PARIS WHEN IT GLITTERS -The famed City of Light has become just that with the advent of the Christmas season in ............. Paris. This aerial view shows the Champs Elysee with it~ holiday 1llumination The Arrh of Triumph 1s at right Geothermal power use pro~d Golf course target of damage suit Officials plan to match possible grant to launch study By PAT1l.ICK KENNEDY OI -Deity~ 5Uft State officials believe possible geothermal power underneath Huntington Beach could be tapped in conjunction with the c ity's extensive oi l drilling operations. To discover the potential of natural hot water power in Huntington Beach, city and O ra nge County officials have agreed to file a preliminary applicatioo Monday for a $25,000 geothermal study grant from the California Energy Commission. City and county officials say th ey plan to match the prospective grant lo Jaunch a $75,000 study that is earmarked to become a model for future geothe rmal explorations in Orange County. Other potential geothermal fields exist in Seal Beach, La Habra, Fullerton, PlacenUa and Yorba Linda. say county officials. Paul Raver. Oranee County ad m iniatrative analyst, says sta te officials believe bot water power could exist underneath nearly the entir e surface of Hunlin1ton Beach and the proposed study would judge UM feasibility of tapping it for energy. ··The potential of geothermal power he re is tremendous, especiall y be ca u se it's juxtaposed with a highly urbanized area and could be ''The potential of geothermal power here is tremendous.'' used for beating hom es or icir heat processing in industry. "The study would tell us the water flow rate. its depth and temperature, .. he said. Raver said one prospective oil drilling operation in the west central part of the city hit nothiq but bot water that wu 1au1ed ~t 475 depees before the w.ell wu capped. City planner Diane Border says data from oil companies operaline In the · city would assist in the proposed study. Ms. Border says the State Division of ¥ines and Geology has identified Huntington Beach as a potential site of geothermal power and thus qualified for the state study grants that became available in 1980. Some geothermal studies have recently begun in Los Angeles County , but Border says local officials believe the proposed Huntington Beach project would be a first in Orange County. Mike Smith, geothermal specialist for the Ca}ifornia Energy Commission. explains that geothermal energy is attained by ha rnessing heal from scalding water that nows deep befteath lhe-surf~ce. He says that the water: al temperatures greater than 400 de1rees. usually makes its way closer lo the surface by pushin« throueh eeol61ic faults. ··ou drillme operations m the past have brou1bt bot fluid lo the surface but no one wanted it and the meray was lost as waste heat." Smith said. He said a mixture of hot water and oil could be separated at the well head and heat from the water could be transferred i nto ener•y. . I Owners of an office building 50 feel from the Newport Beach Golf Course are suing the course operators because they say a barrage of errant balls hitting . their structure scar es away prospective tenants. Newport-Irvine Associates are asking for $150,000 in damages in their lawsuit filed Thursday in Orange County Superior Court They claim in the suit that their office building at 3300 Irvine Avenue in Newport Beach s uffers broken windows and fixtures and other damage from golf balls launched from the course. -.. The suit seeks a court order forcing the course operators to prevent "driving. throwing. hurling. slinging, s hooting, hookin1. slicing, shankin~" of balls onto their property. Urged not to run SAN DIEGO <AP> -The chairman of the county Board of Supervison has sent a letter lo former Iranian hosta1e Rlchud Morefield urging him not to run for Congress in the 44lh District in San Oie~o. Reagan speaks out WASHINGTON CAP> -President Reagan, who is urging Americans to return home from "imminent dan~er .. in Libya, ~a id todi!Y he regards that country's rad1t·al leader, Moammar Khadaf), as a menace to global peace The president !>aid he hopes the estimated 1.500 Amencal\S in Libya will leave · as quickly as poss1hle Reagan :.poke brief!~ with reporters in the White House Oval Office . during a p1cture-tak1ng session with v1s1tmg former Preside nt Ford. wh'o endorsed Reagan·s decision to invalidate L' S passports for travel to Libya and urge Americans to return home. .. I have strong feelings about Mr Khadary." f'ord said "I think he's a serious menace tv peace. not only in that part of the world but also on a global basis ·· lie said he supported "any strong meas ures·· taken by the Reagan administration. Reagan. asked if he agreed with Ford·s characterization of Khadafr a a "serious menace." replied". "Yes. I think we've made that plain · If hi s appeal 1s successful and all Americans leave the North African natwn. Reagan will have averted the potential for them bem~ used as pawns in the restermg dis pute between Libya and the Cnited States In an apparent reference lo re p ort s of a L i byan assassination team seeking to kill Reagan and other high U.S. officials. Secretary of State Alexander M lla1g Jr. said in Brussels today that Americans were ordered home from Libya .. because of the increasing level or terrorist act1v1ty al)d lo orotect American lives should <See LIBYA, Page A.2) ORANlil COAST WllTlllR Variable clouds tonight. Mostly cloudy Saturday. Highs 75 to 82 Overnight lows 42 to 52. llSIDI TIDY As man11 as a d ozen riever-rtleased Btallt• songs art tuckftl awo11 m uoadts m England. But thee art no plan-s at present to is.nit them or makt them auodablt to tht publk Set Pogt All 111·11 AtY-tenkeAtt l..M • ..,. AM ........ .._, c...... AJ c.M.ec.-aw ~ DI~ c-K• a ~a .......... CM ·~ "" ........ I' •• W 11 IH ...... ,_ .. 1-.u ••• •• ... ....-.. .. ....... ...,_ CM ............. ......... ., , ........ "'U. ,....... ............. ,..., ........ M -· c ,u • * • * •• Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday December 11 . 1981 OPEC oil prices expected to drop $1 a barrel A 6U DHABI, United Arab Emirates tAPI Oil ministers said today that OPEC oil prit-es except the benc hmark were expected to come down by up to $1 a barrel and that Llbya asked the oil cutel to tuke "joint ttction" to blacklist U.S. oil eompanles that withdraw from Libya. But conference sources said that no oil embargo aaalnst the United States was reque11ted and that joint ac tion by OPEC a.cuinst U.S comp1&n1e11 was unlikely The Saudi oil minister, Sheik Ahmed Zaki Yamlilni , said that prices or the Oraanization or Petroleum Exporting Countries were ~xpected lo drop by between 50 cents to $1 per 42·gallon barrel for all crudes except the benchmark Saudi type, now selling for $34. The United States imports about High dealings • in "revealed n· -Hlearst case n SAN FRANCISCO <AP l. - .)tigb Justice Department fficials told prosecutors not to ring charges against sports ., 'activist Jack Scott for allegedly ' harboring fugitive Patty Hearst •'"former U.S. Attorney James 'Browning says. "They told me they felt the whole thing had run its cours e and was now water over the dam ," said Browning, who s ucce ssfuly prosecuted Miss Hearst , now Patty Hearst Shaw, fo r bank robbery. Her prison sente n ce was com muted by President Carter 1n 1979 .:• Browning t o ld th e San Francisco Chronicle In a s tory ,:.published today that he wanted .; to prosecute Scott for helping J Hearst and companions in the ·• Symbionese Liberation Army , hide for several months. i:· But he said officials in t.he , Jus ti ce-Department under Carter overruled him. Retired , ,:fr om the Justice Department, _. Browning is a domestic relations r counselor in San Mateo Cou nty. ~· . Scott w as no l a t ho m e "':Thursday, bot his wife, Micki . • declined to comment on the • allegations. .. lt 's a really old story." she s aid J In another development. A• Sacramento television station KCRA r eported that Mrs ., .Sha w's family paid "a very >. subs tantial" portion of a SJ00,000 .r settlement or a suit filed by the -: family of a woman killed in a ;. bank robbery in which Mrs Shaw admits involvemi:.nt. In a new book, "Ev~y Secret Thing... Mrs. Shaw writes that ~ Scott droye he r acr oss the .· co11nlry in 1974 and, with Micki ~ ·Scott. rented "safe houses" for 'herself and SLA fugitives Bill and Emily H arris in rural Pennsylvania and New York. The granddaughte r 'o f ne ws paper publis her William Randolph Hearst also said she drove the getaway car In the 1975 robbery or a Crocker Nation a l Bank Branch in Carmichael, a Sacramento suburb. in which Myra Opsahl, 42. was killed. Mrs. Shaw wrote that Emily tfa rris fired the shot that killed Mrs . Opsahl , the pregnant mother or four small children. KC RA said the wrongful.death s uit filed by Mrs Ops ahl 's husband agains t the bank and unnamed defendants was quietly settled out of court in July, 1978. for more than $300.000. Reporter Bill Harvey said "two irrdependent sources." whom he did not identify, reported that .. the Hearst family did put up a very s ubstantial portion of that settlement tnoney " The Hearst family could not be reached for comment The Harrises. in prison on kidnap charges. have refused c o m m e n l on M r s . S-h a w: s charges. Meanwhile, Patricia Hearst Sha w says she's no longer bitter a bout her abduction and the year and a half she spent with the SLA. .. I'm over it in terms of not fee ling bitter about wh.at happened," Mrs. Shaw said OD ABC 's "20 -20 " prog r am Thursday night. "I don't waste any time feeling bitter.·· Mrs . Shaw, 27 , then unmarried, was abducted Feb. 4. 1974, while a University of California student. Sbe was arrested Sept. 18, 1975, and convicted the following year of robbing a bank . ........... GOING APE "Chimpy, .. an 18-year-old Gibbon a pe. doesn't look as glad at being hom e as her owner Donna Gullo. Missing since Dec S fro m her backyard cage. the pet or nine years was round wandering down Lovers Lane Road in Hollister, about 35 miles from her home in Gilro\' Mrs. Gullo says she will be happy to resume her us ual bre.akfasts or bacon and eggs and oatmeal. OftANGf COASl Daily Pilat CIHeMecl edveftl9'"' 114*2·5111 All ot"9r dap.,tmants 14~ Thomam P. Hiiey • ............ CNll~O-. Ro'*1 N. Weed ......... Tl'IOmat A. Murc>ttlne ... Mlcheel P. Hwvey ........ ~ l. Key SctlUltJ 0...-.f/I~ Kenneth N. Godd.-d Jr ~Cllll-. 8enwd Sdlufmen ~ ChatM H. t..oo. ........ c.ot A. Moore ........ MAINOFACE ..... .., ... c-. .... CA. Men.-..:._ t-.c-.Meu,CA ... (9"f'llM "" Or .. c.... ~111111$4 ~. .......................... ....,,.1...--.... ... .............................. ..... '"' .............. <.,......_. 900,000 burrehi a day or Saudi ;qcre e m e nl was o fflc aally oil, or roullhly unt· ftfth or U S announc·ed imports ··w e don't decide alone Wt! Yamana told r t'por ters that discuss with the others and then OPEC was "about to" reach an we have UJOtnl d1scubs1on," sauJ agreement on lowe ring crude Y1tmam. prices on "everything exce pt the De ta 1 I s o f the pr 1 c e benchmark.'' lie s aid the price adJustmentt> arc expected to cuts "vary sometimes SO cents e m e rge from the evening sometimes a dollar" per barrel. meeting of the OPEC ministers He said he could not give But the effect on pri<'es in the de tails of the overall pricing United States of Yamani'll to the Wellt was expected lO be minimal If the benchmark price had fallen by Sl a barrel, U S cons umers might have expected to pay one cent less per gallon But the benchmark was not t•hanged in the latest decision, wh ich c learly was aimed •t s ponging up the estimated 2 million barrel-a-day oil gut on world markets . ~u_n~u_nli l a n~O~P~E_C_-_w~id~e~_s_o_-_c_a_ll_ed~·-·n_i_c_e~C_h_r_is_t_m~a~s-"'g~if~t·_·~~-M~e_an_w~hi-·t_e~,_lh_e~V_e_n_e_z_u_e_lan~o~ll Oelty-Mell- BATTERED This trac tor·lratler loaded with wear after plunging down an e mbankment in reinforcing ~le.cl 1s som ewhat tht.> W()rse for \t 1s,1nn \'1c10 :'\o inJuraes wt>re reported ~~~~-=~~~~~~~.....:.......:..c_;_::_____;_;...:...::_:_::..:....~~~~~__:- Nativity outlawed; city files ~protest Tractor rig driver unhurt in plunge By T he Associated Press The Appeals Court did not say A tractor trailer rig loaded A city-s ponsored nativity whe n it would issue its decision, with reinforcing steel rolled scene being challenged in Rhode but indicated it {'Ould come as from its parking place beside Is land may represent the birth early as today. Crown Valley Parkway in or J esus, but it's a lso a secular The !arge number or natwity Mission Viejo Thurs day and symbolthat "Christmas is here. displaysonpublic property this plung e d down a JO .foot it's lime to shop," the city's year "are just the tip of the embankment. coming to rest lawyer has testified . iceberg ... said Stephen Pevar. above two occupied houses. William F . M c Mah o n . who has handled similar cases A s pok es man f o r th e representing Pawtucket. R.I.. as r egional counsel for the California Highway patrol said asked a three-judge panel of the ACLU's Mountain States office the driver of the truck, Lewis 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals an De nver. ·Robinson or Bakersfield, was in Boston on Thursday to stay a .. 1 th.ink the church and state asleep in the cab when the Nov. 10 order from a lower court issues are going lo be the single brakes a P parent I y fail ed . that said Pawtucket could not most important civil rights However . he said Robinson set up or maintain the display it issues in the ·aos ... he said. wasn 't injured in the accident, hJS e rected e very Christm as for In Pierre. S.D . a nativity which occurr ed just east or 40 years. scene was erected in the Capitol Marguerite Parkway. The di s pute over the rotunda for the firs t time in Thetruck,belongingtoAmber Pawtucket creche is s imilal' to memory. Gov. Bill Janklow, a Steel Co. of Bakers field , battles over nativity scene~ in Lutheran whose late father was reportedly rolled about 200 feet the South Dakota Capitol J e wish . ordered the scene put up down Crown Valley Parkway rotunda and over a creche in I as l m 0 n l h a IQ n gs id e 1 4 before it jumped t.he curb and De n ver. While some people see Chris tmas trees and a 5.foot rolled down the e mbankment the n a ti vity sc enes as figureof Santa . above the 27500 bloc k of non-religious symbols of the Tht! ACLt; plans to sue the Tossamar at about 4 a.m. holidays. others say they violate s tate to force removal or the The spokes man s aid the truck the constitutional separation of n u l i v i t Y s cene . A C L U was stopped by a pine tree about churc•h and state chairwoman~Evel y n Griesse eight feet from two homes on min1 11 ter . Humbert o Calderon-Berti. told reporters that the OPEC rorel1n affairs com m1uee was cons1cJerin1 the L1by1rn request, put forward lo the OPEC conference by lhe Liby an oil minister, Adeb-Salam Al Zagaar A I Zagaar was quoted as denouncing the United States for taking "ille gal and unfair" a<.'tion against Libya. • • • From Page A1 LIBYA. • • the situation deteriorate further or some of the plans that we have had access to perhaps be carried out." Treasury Secretary Donald T. Regan, whose d e partment in cludes the Secret Service, refused to provide details of the governm ent 's case agains t Libya but said, "We thirik we have enough hard evidence to justify the steps we are now taking." Inte rviewed on CBS-TV's "Morning" program, Regan conceded the "possibility" that K h adaf y might o rder nationalization or us. oi l properties in Libya IA retaliation for U.S. removal of its citizens. Fears for the safely or the Americans and memories of the seizure of U.S. hostages in Iran effectively have barred the administration from considering a wide range or options up to now, including an oil embargo However, the only firm that 1mme d1atel y ordered its workers out or Libya in response to the president's request was Marathon Oal. which had Just eight employees there Occidental Petroleum said it has told employees they are free to leave if they wish. Exxon. which announced last month it was w ithdrawing w o rkers fro m Libya and terminating operations there, said 1t was arranging for its .. fewer than 100" employt!t!s to - leave Libya if they desire . Other s had no immediate comment. St ate Departme nt officials m eanwhile told oil industry represent atives today that Re agan will use legal sanctioos. if n ecessary, lo (orce t he re m oval of all U.S. citizens from Libya. including extradition. if they do not leave voluntarily. Deputy While House press secr etary La rry Speakes said t o da y the R e agan adm1mstrat1on has not set a deadhne for Americans to leave Libya voluntarily .. lt would be up to the oil companies ... he said ... _ . We would prefer that it be done exped1t1ous ly. consistent with t he needs or the companies there " Co// ee break out/or cops Th h · p k t · Tossamar. e crec e in awtuc e 1s on said'. 1 dis play a ny way . The city of "'I think the nativity scene is The occupants of the houses KEY WEST. Fla. <AP ~ 71 000 Id t I l k t th were e vacuated as Orange . so 1 as wee o e part of the American scene." the Police offi cers in Key West are C. · c · · c · County fire crews washed down 1t1 zcns omm1ttee to ontanue governor said. "To some people being forbidden from taking Christmas, which erected it on it's like Barbie dolls... diesel fuel which spilled from coffee breaks. · I d t · ed the truck. Trie spokesman s aid private an next o city-own Thenativ1t_ysceneonthesteps C ity o ff1 c1als s aid som e I d. 1 Th th t JUSl a rter 11 a .m . three tow secu ar 1sp ays . e group a of the Cit>• and County Building offi cer s we r e abusing their th · I t trucks pulled the tractor trailer owns e nat1v1ty scene Pans o in Denver was ruled legal by a coffee break time. stretchinu II · b k h ·t ·r th away from the houses. ... se it ac lo l c c1 Y 1 e federal judge but is under attack what s hould have been a 10 or appeals court P,rants a stay again by a suit claiming state IS-minute break into a 30 or while the city a ppeals U.S. laws are being violated 3 h e ld in the ft 40-minute ~ession Sometimes Dis tri ct Judge R ay mond J . In Towson, Md . a huge mor e than one officer would be Pettme's ruhng The j udge ruled electric menorah used to NEW YORK (AP> Three on a coffee break at a time, they the city violated the Constitutio9-" commemorate Hanukkah will people. including an armored said by putting up the scene not be put up by county officiaJs car guard and his son. have been With only four or five officers Attor:ne~ S~ndra Bland_ing. of t his year because the Baltimore arrested in connection with the working at a tame 1n this city of the ACL said people viewing Jewis h Council objected to theft of S2 m ill ion from a 27.000 "that cuts us a little the creche "c!carly see it .a~ the reltgwus dis plays on publtc shipment of money destined for short," Public Safety Director c ity s upporting the rehg1ous property South Korea, the FBI says. Larry Rodriguez said Thursday. meaning of the nativity scene... .------------------------------------------- But McMahon said the scene doesn't violate the s eparation of church and s tale because it "has a dual symbolis m. A symbol that Christmas is here, it's time to s hop, time to decorate the ho use. lo make rum cake ... It h as aC"quire d independent secular meaning ... Yule tree too potted NATIONAL C lTY <AP> Police took a dim view of a marijuana Chris tmas tree complete with all the trimmings. San Diego County Nar cotic Task Force agents confiscated the rive -foot high Yuletide symbol Thursday. r ipping it from its livin g room stand. They arrested its owner. ··1 never expected to impound a Ch r istmas tree." said San Diego Police Sgt. Anthony Di Cerchio. Gamma rays U8ed to fight· m edfly LOS ANGELES <AP> -The federal government is steppinl up a program lo bom bard food with gamma rays In the battle against the Mediter ranean fruit OY in California. according to the Los Angeles Times. The process Is Intended to make food lest perishable. set rid of bacteria and sterilise Insects. t\ Cuisinart Sale and Demonstration Saturday, Dec. 12 -I 0:30 • c.a..._. Food ProcHaor• ....... .... d1dfeff ........ .......... At Al 3 Storff List Price DLC I OE •.•.•••••••••.•• 130.00 DLC II ................... 185.00 DLC 71 .............•••.• 260.00 Ow Price • fl.ft 'I JI.ff. '114.tt • NII &IFT WIAPPIM& • • CHRISTMAS U&HTS & Tiii ST ANDS MOW IN STOCK • Sub1ect to Supply on hand AU STOUS 0,.... 1 DAYS! C ......... Hn.W ........ Wftklfftlt " ............. CROW• .. =· ARDWARE--...,, Wntcllff ,.._ • ••2-11n 1ith ~Irvine. Newport Beach C.. H I .. ..._.• '7J..HOO 3107 E. Coast Hwy. tt.hr View c...... • •44-1170 1614 San Miguel Or .. NewPOr1 Beach . - 4 • .. '• . :· . -..._.4 ... -- \ ., A~WI ....... l.alwr .. uif e bicker Thl• Ame ri can wife o r ,11rllnc e ntrepren e ur Sir t'rl'ddle Laker asked Florida court!> for alimony, child bup porl a nd an ord er protecting their young son from being a bducted from hc·r A Hnt1sh court is already 1·1111~1denng a suit by Laker ror c ustody or his J·year-old son Laker and his wife con tin ued the ir public bickering in papers filed in Uade County Circuit Court. In the filings, the couple ll1 s at;rec o n a lm os t everything . Shl' contends he sent her oH to M1am1 to establish a rcs1dl'nce and buy a home. Ill' :.a)s the trip was "a temporary so1ou rn. · · lie sa ys she walked oH her Joh ab a Mi a mi public n• I a lions work e r ror his Laker Airways Ltd . She t·ontcntls he fired her . Shesays he rbankaccounb .ttrf' t!ffiVlY. lie sa)'b she -has plt.·nty of money. TWEEDY TWOSOME Joan Kennedy, es t ranged wift> ot Sen. Edward M. Kenned y, and her escort. Dr Gerald Aronoff, wore tweed jackets attending a performance.· :tl H ar vard l.'niversity's Loeb Drama Center m Cnmbndgt'. M ass. Tw1> men who co-produced thc mus ical "Annie" pleaded guilty in federal court in Bu:.ton tu conspiracy charges for their role in an alleged S20 mill ion phony tax shelter sCht'me .. Irwin Meyer, 47, and Stephen Friedman, 47, b-Ot h of New York. pleaded guilty before U.S. District Court Judge Josepb L. Tauro to charges i nvolving c<>ns pirttcy to assist in the preparation and fiUng or false income tax returns . A~ ........ Prosecutors said the two face possible sentence~ of f 1 ,. e y c a r s i n p r i s o n - Sl·ntcnt·1ng 1s scheduled Jan. 19 Michael Olmstead, the only m 1dsh1pman court-martialed at the Naval Academy in a lmost 60 years. has been g1 ven his degr ee a nd his ~·o mm 1 ~b 1 o n as a Navy officer. G r adua tion da y f o r Olmstcud came five months l<1te , and il almost didn't 1·ome at all PRESIDENTIAL PEN President Reagan looks over pen he presented to Richard Wagner . 5. of Vancouver. Wash . the 1982 March of Dimes poster l 0htld The boy·s father . John. 1s at right /\ µanel of officers that cunv1rtcd him of involuntary man:.laughter in the death or hi s roo mmate in a n aut o mobi l e accide nt recommended that h e be d1~m1 s::.ed from the Navy. Hut Vice i\dm. William P. Lawrence, a t that time a cademy s upe rintendent, d e cided th at Olmstead d ese r ved a second chance b r cau s e o f hi s unblemished prior record as a m1dsh1pman. Coast al Llo ht w•t1•bl,. w ind \ .... ,, to 'IOUthwe-st I 10 1• •not\ in "''•'noon WeU•rlv ·-I 1 to . IHI P•lcfty IOQ tn th• nUJht and morn1n9 nour \ Otherw l \e v•r••bl• nuan <.10Ud\ lllrOUQft IOfl•Qnl U.S. s 11111 ma ry l luttf'ry nor-01wf\f wind~ bl•• tl'W'ou9ft tf'lr •t1tll'\t1C (M\t tf1110n I nd IM H S!enl c..-.1 U k•\ Tl>v<~• ....., ....,... "'°"" '""-" 1•11 lrqm tr.. Otllo v.iir, tottW ""o /111..,hc '""'' SftOW ~''nit ..,.,,.,n ,_.,,_ YOf"• aftd nof1'-Mff"f"'n Otuo wh•lf' tht ff"\I of u. Hor11'1f~t ••• mo\lly clovov, Wind'1( •f'ICI COid 11 *'•\ \UN'IY •nd -•--*•cola 1n ,,.. S.O..tr..•\I MO<• ,,_ • t-ol ..,...,. cllol""' rNCh ln uw moun·t•tn\ of M.tryt•~ end WM1 v1r9ff'lfi wtfh •• •~•\I onr CM•tl> C.•nQ l>t-on b<tttr COIO 1n ti.e .. 1 A few \ftOW \l'IOWf r\ wt rt K •Ut rfd •crMi ow u(.IOitf" M•..,...f'\I ..... , SUfU'IY in thlt mJCS..Mt\\~\IPOI Vilif y. ""' CIOVCIS -t09 cowrecl Muell Of IM Gr•"1 P1.,,,. A•ln MMt oet ... toru~ wino._""'" '"'" on th• W•1l'ltnqiton to•\t •no tc:•tterfld rttln ttnd '11\0W '\l'Qwft\ tl''I lhe nortr.rn roc••fl For 1-Y. ,,.. H•l-•I WHlll•• Servi<• w.u predlC hnq ~no..,. or K •tterf'd V1DW ~l"Ow•r\ 1n thf \IOCJl't Ohio Y•ll•• •no ,,.,,,,...,n At1•nt1C Co•st \t•tt\, ••th r••n '"owtr\ K •tlerecl a<ron tr.. nor111ern •nO cenlr•t P«1llc Ccw\I Cto4ich w.re ••oec:tfG 1n L°"t\1ttne •nd to tht nor•"· wtute \vn we\ 11<ecll<t_.., 1n Ml,_tot• •nO •lonv ,,... _,.,. All.,.hc Ccw•I Tem-811KH •r......0 I"" MllOfl •I m._., T'-'nOIY ,...., lrom • 10• ol IJ Ill ln-l•Oflal NII\ M inn to • 11191> ot 7• •n Brown•••ll• TOH Calif or11in V«••• <IOuO•'-H '' tou,t•st •or Sowt'-trn C •f1f o rn1• tod •• t11creu1n9 ctovo1nu• ton19 1>1 • M<omlnt mMllY c._y wtvroo ••"',......_.of~' Ir. mownt••n\ C-S.lut'Gey "'"'' "" °'-c.-·· .. 111 0. .. .. n. '°""•IDH Yetto• c .. ••PKI '"'"' In ti. -· * -··. t ... oevr-<-• s.t11rdey ~In II• 50\ 11111-l•IM (4111 eapecl •OWll'lwul wl-U·» mllfl S.lvrCl•y H19M .... , U_.,, •SJ $.otvr<My L-• In ... So11t1>wn1 wl11C1s ,, JO mpl> In ...,,..,n --SMWfdeY Hitlla Ill ... , -•In -Solllllef'n dltMrt II~ lfl 10t, lowt In 40t hllf ...... w • ..,., ... _. ... ,,. _,,.,,.,... II"°" OU IW l\,t19 '*'°"" ~ th ~ 30 0 ~ c.;a I tw•7• 1 0"' .,._, '°"' cvo, ... 11 twt '~"""M == -~~·i. ,, r: ... °" = ttietor• ,F,,,,._ .,..,., vwf rooy -" M -- Cooler Saturday North•tn·C.•ntr•1 C.•hforn•• c•n t •P•CI "•""'• hl9h Cloud~ •nd o•tchy 'l•lley frOQ or tow. ctouch A•1n 'O'••O•nQ '" ,..oruwrn C•lltorn1.t ton14ht •nd S•turday Snow lrvf'I towe r tnQ to nt•r ... 000 te•t 1n t\Orthwt\J rnoun1•1n\.. 1 .. 000 ft'fll 1n c.entral Ci•f-rt• W1ndr •lonq nO.rtf'1 CO.\I •nd '" nof'tt'IPr1' mount•1n\ Extended forecast ~ '•· ,., .. , COASTAL, MOUNTAIN AllEAS Sonw <lauds ne•r the co.a.st l•te-n19ht •nrd ••''" n"IC>'ntf"IQ not.if'\ 01~ .... W' , .. , •nd mild Htgh t~e»r•lu.rtt •S to 1S 1n ,_,.. CCN'it•• .,., v•Hey •re•-.. •rtd ,,. ''-~ 1n the mount•in\ O•trft1c;ihl ._. 4S to SS 1n IM cout•• •nd ••lll'"f Mf'•\.. •AO 2S td lS '" thfi mov"t••"\ "t.t·O .. •t •t•ltttt Ut W U Snto!f f f'lt-Alt Ou•l1ty M•n•c;• men t 01\trlct C)r'f!OtC-t\ QIOOd ••r au•hh fOf' •vtryon. fn tht Sovth CN S.I •Ir ,,,.,,,.., tod••, •l'ld cal ltd •ll•nt1on tc el•v•t.-cl tewh ot c•rtJon mono .. <Hi '" the •'' over-lt\f' c o•\t•• •nd ,.,.l rOPOlll.,. ¥HS T "• AQMO au19neo Pollvt.on StanoarO Incle. I PSll rating• 01 9'J !or IM Sen G•C>r oei· Po<nc>n. valle". H tor IM$..-Fern.tndo-Sanla Clarot• ••ll•Y, .• , fOf" the Ri¥ef\ldf'·S•n Bf'tn•rdtM •re•. •nd SI for th• mflroPOllten are.. /I PSI of •2 wa\ precli<IH tor •II otM< rf910M IM hlQI> ancl -~. 1nl...O Or•n~ (.Ouf\ly, -I,,. cout•I, 8•nnln9, Htmol·f l"-• -819 IH•r L..lh T 11111peraI11 res NATION'S Tl:M" Bo<-. 80\IOf> Bu!f.io C l>•rloton S( C h•tlf'"on WV (P\~y•nM c.111c- C1nc1nn•t1 Ctevel•nd Cotuml>u\. 0 •1 Fl Wlh Otnver 0.\ Mo•,_\ O.tro•t Duluth F••rbink\ HUl!OfO H~l•n., Hono,uh1 Hou~•on fnon•PI•\ J•ck \n'llll• K•n~ C+ly ~·· YeQO< l.lltle Roe• l0U1\Ytllt Mfompf\1\ M6•m 1 Milw•ukft ~1.s1 P Albeny .\lbv<lw A""Ylll• .\lleftt• Alleftlk C•t• 8 •lllm0<e BlrmlnQrlem .......... 11 N•\hv11te- H 14ewOrlffft\ U lff• Yoro 14 0 -1• C•t• 11 o ....... 11 Pflll-lllf\1• U Phoen•• 1~ P1tt\lkl"" '5 11 10 )1 1J .. .. n n 11 •• l4 ,. ,., 0 OJ 11 )I .. <1(1 ,. >Cl ,. 0 n 21 ,. • II 10 n 41 ,. i. ,, ,. SJ lt ....... ?aen .... -~o ....... R_f R_IP_DR_T '-' ..,. lwt ,_,,_.._ ·-· An .... -A .. ,. .. Dt<r t:· 1 • u l J w ,. lllllON<• , • 11 1 J w ~~~ 1 J 12 I 2 "' l s .. , • w °"' ..,. .... , Line. <1>'"'99 We're Listening ••• ... o•• "'' o • ., ., <-·.-.·· Pll•nG ~ • JO Ptt•no O.o ill '3 lll•PIO City H 1l ~ ..... 5' ., A:t<hmot'd " u Sell l••• " 41 !.<•Ill• .. " St LOU•\ • 1l SIP Tamcw SS " SI SI• Merl<' 11 02 Twt~ SJ J2 W•\hlntlon " JI W1ch1t• SI JO C..ALtl'O•NIA APOio V•ll._ .. '3 B•~t,.lltld 5' .. a.,.,o .. 10 ill Buul'l"ont 1J •S 8l98Hr H J2 81""'9 .. JI Blyth• 72 .. C.•1•11 ... 10 SI Cul••• Cltv .. St E'"'"'• ,. '7 Fre\M 5-t •S l • ._,.,,_..., ,, Cl l anull-. .. .. l<1n98u c1> " SJ l 0\A"9fl .. 19 " M•ryi•lle. S7 a Mof>roltl• IO .. _._.,.., .. '7 -l••o ,. .. Ml Wll_.. .. .. Ht..tlf'\ " .. Hewpo<l-h .. SI o .... nc1 ., Q Tides TOOAY S.c-"it!' t .O. p.m •··• '"'°"" l'trsl ,_ 2:15 e.m. 1.s l'tr11 "'"' 1:11 e.m. "1 s.c..w -l :,. ....... _.., Se<......... ,,,........ 4.J SWI Mb •.• 11 m .. rhft ,,., e.m. "'~ -_., I 01 e.m. l'ri$y, rl-S:,. p,m. What do you like about the Dally Pilot~ What don't you Uke? Call the number &1014 a nd your messa1e will M recorded, tranS<'ribed and delivered to the a ppropriate editor. The same 24·hour answt'ring service ma)' Mused to record let· ters lo the editor on any topk Mailbox contributots must Include their na me and telephone number for verification No circulation <'a lls. please Tell us what ., on vour mind 642·6086 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday December 11. 1981 's BLUFFTOP SKETCHING l.:t1.!t1n;1 Bt•:1d1 <1l't1st O;t\\n :\ftllcr find~ 11 ·-. a lot l'H"ll'I' l o -.kdrh a <'(>a~l a l ~t·t'lll' \\ll houl lht• lo~""' ... 111· O.lly l'ile4 -· i.y flalrica Cl'O-• 1•>\\ 11 111 1111· latt.· ;tftt·rr11H1n T hl· m1~1' ~tun p l.1 ' lt;1\ 111 \\ 1111 .111 ;1rl i-.t ·.., -.uh1N·t ·not to 11wn11un 1!11· il1 -1 111lll11rt 111 ... 111111!.:111•th1· m 1 ~1 -.1h atop tht• Lag una Blull ~ m •;11· 1hl· 1·t·111t·r 111 County doctor under attack State medical board accuses Yorba Linda physician The State Board of Medical Quality Af!surance is seeking to pr e v e nt a Yorba-Lind a phys ic ian from practi cing medic ine, claiming he is improperly presc ribing a cocaine derivative to arthritis victims and inadequate l y treating c ancer victims. The board has filed a lawsuit in Orange County Superior Court requesting that Robert Bingham be barred from practicing. A request for a temporary restraining order forcing Dr. Bingham to stop practicing was denied in court Wednesday A hearing on the rest raining order was set for Dec 23. Bing ham's lawyer , Evan Gins burg of Fulle rton . s aid Thursday he is appalled by the s tale board action. "I have never seen. in my o p in ion, s u ch a mis u se of government funds.·· sa id the lawye r. Part of the allegations in the suit involve surgeries performed by Bingham while he worked at th e form e r E s p e r anza lnle rcommunily Hospital, now ~ids giving gifts • to aging youngsters SIOUX FALLS. S.D. t AP> - Christmas will be a bit brighter for three victims or progeria, a rare, iacurable aging disease. thanks to about 100 sixth, seventh and eig hlh g r a de science studenb from Tea, S.D. Mark Greguson 's scien ce students usually trade girts each Christmas. They draw names. buy smaJI gifts and give Uiem to the person whose name they picked -all in the holiday spirit. But the students have been following the stor y of three children afflicted with progeria, and they decided to forego their annual g irt exch a nge and instead buy girts for the less fortunate youngsters. Eight · year-old Fr ans ie Geringer or Orkney I South Africa, and 9-year-old Mickey Hays of Hallsville, Texas. will eac h get baseball caps. complete with their names on the front and back. Eleven-year -old Ali c ia Gowans of San Jose, Calif., will get a necklace. Fransie and Mickey met each other for the first time earlier this month at Disneyland in California. They spent several days together a nd met Alicia and 26-year·old Meg Casey. who is believed to be the oldest Uvmg progeria,victim The South Dakota students also bought each of the three youngsters a Rubik's Cube. which is a popular puzzle. and two T ·s hirls . One garment contains the words ··south Dakota" on the front and the youngsters' names on the back and the other T ·shirt carries the words "Ins ide this T-shirt 1s one terrific kid.·· The studenb were wrapping the presents Thursday The young science students fir s t r e ad a bo ut t h e t hree c hildren in a science magazine a rticle, he said. "We have been trying lo find out more information about this disease ... Greguson said. "Then it hit the papers. We just kept reading and reading." The studenb then decided to bring their own money and send the gifts. They did not involve t heir parenb and managed to collect about $110. G reguson said. "We'r e trying to get their addresses lo send the m off." he said. the SL Jude Hospital -Yorba Linda He was cited in one example for removmg a tumor from a wo man's l eg without first p e r r o rming a biops y . The c an c erou s growth later reappeared and her leg was a mputated , according to reports. But Gi n s burg said the s i tuation was much more complicated. The patient was a Jehovah's Witness who refused blood transfusions for religi.oua r easons. and Bingham cut as deeply a s h e could without requinng m ore blood, he said. Moreover, the tumor was inside the bone so nq biopsy could have been performed without making similar surgical cub. Although h e r leg was amputate d . the patient was sat1s h ed with Bingham's wort and has never been contacted by BMQA investigators, Ginsburg a rgued Th e su it also i n c ludes al l egat i o ns Bing ham was invol ved i n "wi des pread furn1 s h1n g o r cocaine to nume rous individuals." The doctor . who runs a clinic for arthritis victims in Desert Hot Sp ring s . ha s iss ued prescriptions and had a nurse work wilh patienb from a motel room, which the board deemed "totally uns uited for research purposes.·· Documents riled with the laws uit s howed Bingham has been in touc h with medical resear ch boards about his arthritis treatment, bbl has bad r ese arch propos als denied because of a lack of "controls." A It hough Ginsburg said no .. rus h .. o r addiction is associated with the derivative, the board claims in the suit the s ubs tance is unapproved for a rthritis treatment. Ginsburg maintained that Bingham's work so far has been s uccessful. "They are really making it look hke he 's out there supplyinc cocaine to all the users in the wo rld ... said the doctor's attorney. NEWPORT *SKI* COM PAN~ Wl'YI MOYID *WE'RE OPEN* IN OUR NEW STORE ................ Skiing Is lreat I RENTAL SHOP GU Helli 2500 West Coest Hwy. ·Newport le11eh. Ca. 17141 631-3144 --- MEW STORE .., ~· Co..t Hwy. INCll.Ca. 631-3210. • .. s Orangu Coa~t DAILY PILOT/Frtday December 11 1981 ~illu~rnrn Ford eyed for governme~t post Congress creates commission ai med at streamlining bureaucracy By WALTEa R. M•;ARS Af> illelW.Cwu I I I I W ASHING'l'ON Forme r 1111 AlllRll "Over the past 20 years, we have tende<t to create a new governme nt organization to address each new policy Issue," Roth said. He said the Inevitable res ult was duplication and overlapping agencies, so it's time for a new overhaul. President Ford muy be gelling a new government Job: eHiciency expert. His name heads the list of pros pective chairmen for a new co m mi ssion Congress is creating to look for ways to s trea mli n e t h e f e d e r al government and make 1t work better. !louse for certain approval. "I would like to add my support to t he suggestion that President Ford be asked to do the job." said Sen. Bob Dole, R -Kan. · Roth said questions involving the s ize and s ubstance of federal programs are political issues, but problems of organisation and managem ent are not. ll is goin g lo be difficult for the commission to draw that line clearly as Reagan strives to cut the size and cost or .the federal establis hment. "For it to .have the fullest impact, it must be composed of individuals of the highest caliber a nd who command the respect of our people, .. said Sen . William V. Roth, R· Del . who s ponsored the commission bill. .. President Ford , I believe, w-o ulc:t-make a n-exc~ll en t chairman for the commission " The bill creates a member panel to be chosen by President Reagan a nd the l ead e rs of Congress to study federal government operations and their relat1onshlp with state and local government and com e up with proposals to improve efficiency. De mocrats agree there's a proble m in th e w ay th e government runs now. "Anyone who has run-ror fe era of ice knows tha t the people feel that Wa s hington taxes too much, spe nd s too m u c h a nd accom plis hes too l ittle in return," said Sen. Thomas F. Eai:leton, D·Mo., who joined Roth in sponsoring ~he bill Since the pane l 1s lo be bipartisan, with nine Repubbcan and nine Democratic members, Roth also m e ntioned former Pres ident Carter as the kind of figure who could be considered to head lhe operation. But the emphasis was on a Ford commission as t he Senate 1 passed the bill and sent 1t to the The panel would take up the kind of work last done by the two Hoover commissions, named for iheir chilirman , a nother former Hepublicao p r esid e n t. T he serond Hoover commission wrapped up its efficiency study 26 year s ago . O n e of it s rt<co mmendation s led to treation of the De pa rtme nt of Healtli, Education and Welfare. T h a l was s pl it into two departments under Carter, and Heagan wants to eliminate one of them, Education. But Eagleton doesn 't like Reagan's way of dealing with the problem . lie called it "a determined, all -fronts assault on Major cities fight for fair Chicago, Paris confrontation not taken lightly PARIS <AP1 The Windy City and The City or Light have squared orr IO a b1 1Lion dollar battle over whe ther Ch icago or Par is will get an officially sanctioned world's fair . The Americans cited Chicago poet Carl Sandburg and the Sears Tower, the French intoned philosopher J ean Jacques Rousseau and The R evolution 1n a p r esen tation before the Paris·based Internat ional Bureau of Expositio11s. The confrontation was not taken Ughtly. with the French suggesting t he Chicagoans' use of slide projectors in their presentation was "perhaps a bit much." But in the end it appeared a compromise might be reached 1f the Bureau of Expositions agreed lo wink at its own rule of. keeping world's fairs 10 years apart The bureau was expected to ma ke a final ruling in the spnng Paris, backed by the French government. wants a world's fair in 1989 to celebrate the bicentennial of the French Revolution. Chicago, supported by the United States, wants a fair in f992 to celebrate the 500th annh•ersary of Christopher Columbus' discovery of America Whal both cities really want 1s the b11lion.s of dollars and thousands of jobs gener ated by a world's fair. The 10-year rule 1s meant to keep do-.'O the cost lo exhibitors and bring some kind of order to the international exposition business. But since the last official-world's fair was held in Osaka. Japan, in 1970, both sides are hoping the bureau will ded de to declare Paris the ra1r of the '80s and Chicago the fair of the ·90~ • That, according to Thomas Ayers, president of Chicago 9'l. wouJd keep the number of fairs down Snack er I lh HEEi-...;·I IL I\ "l1' 11 •·1 ='•1u'-11.!•"-; "' l'la111 ( ;,,U<l.1. I\\••~ / l ht 1 ,t ~pn·;1rl-. I • •1 :->m11i..' • ... 11)• •I..• cl , ht , ... , h.11 • Ii .,, r11 11( "" 1•u•t 11111 ~ lu-.1.i: cl l.1! ( h .11 \\ o1t.-r ... ·1111! .'11;1" bt·1t' H1i1 l\•111 ... '\o. :~~ ~Jli.~)."I 1-'lu-. _1.!ua rm1tn·d dt·l l\ 1·1 \ tha1gt· 1t .. 111p1>t·cl to two in two decades, satisfying the s pirit, if not the letter . of the International Bureau of Expositions rule. • "There is a general feeling in the IBE that speciaJ dates in various countries' history are very important a nd don't necessanly coincide with the IO· year rule," Ayers said . The international bureau also sanctions single-the me exhibitions. which a re also billed as world's fairs but are not restricted to one per decade . The re will be a n International Energy Expos ition next year in Knoxville, Tenn., for exa.mple, and New Orleans has won approval from the bureau for an exposition in 1984. "E'-:e ry body is talking compromise," said George Burk, spokesman for the Chicago group . And, a ccording to French representative Claude Mollard. ''the lO·year rule has never been tested and an interpretation that one fair in each decade fi ts the regulation is very possible." Both sides agreed to set up study groups to eva luate sites for hotel rooms, exhibition space. transportation and the other details of attending to the millions of visitors a (air 1enerates. What banp in the balance is coosiderably mor e than civic pride. Bath the French and the Americans talk in terms of billions of dollars or revenues. The Americans say a Chicago rair would create 30,000 jobs in the city and another 18,000 in outlying areas. They estimate the cost of staging the event al $675 million and predict the whole exposition will make a net profit of $8.6 million and draw at least 50 million visitors. each dropping a chunk or money for everything from hotel accommodations to T·shirts. Socia lilt• I lb BEEF ~TICI\ :--u1111111·1 :--au-..1g1" :{ •11 Fii 11f ~'' 1·1·t ll11t \I u-.1 a rel :-. "' "111111-.' ... 11111k1·cl d ll'l'"l txu 1. I 111 L'h,., .... ,. 11 l l.1111. 111 111 l'oirt \\'111t Cht·t''t I.ii 1 h.11 \\:if1·1 -. .111d ~tr:t\\ lwn\ H •11 H.,n, '\o. IO Sll.9X I 'lu-. guaranll'L'<I dl·ll\ l'I' l h.1rj.!1· tf ,h1ppt·d Say "MerrY Christmas!" with a taste of old-time country goodne~. . • : . . • I • . . If you're coming up long on Christmas ~ to give and short on ideas, now you can put your nund to rest. At Hickory Fanns7 we've got over 100 different gifts. With plenty of choices in almost every price range you're after. Our gifts are filled with an incredible variety of tasty delights, including things like our famous Beef Stick ~ summer sausage, cheeses, jams, jellies, and more. And if you'd like your gifts sent out, we11 gladly handle all the details. So come to Hickory Fanns and discover delicious gifts you11 be happy to give. That someone else will be even happier to receive . ff icko'1 farms . ()F OlllC We11 give you a taste of old-time country goodness~ •i-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--t 1 • • • . . • ' -..... SOUTH COAST PWA Lower Carousel Mall ~;-. # -· _.._....,... --..... 0..-Dtlllr 11 t P.M • S.. I t A.M.n 6 P.M. 5404991 ( the feder al government" at the expense of the needy. described lhc adminjstratlon's tax cut as outla ndis h, and 11aid r egulatory reform has become a cover for a radical slowdown in government l't'forts to protect health, safety and the environment. ··I do not believe that the activities o f t he fe d eral government rep r e sent the macabre picture or waste and rraud whic h the p resid e n t sometimes paints," Eagleton said H e said the governme nt should keep doing much of what Reagan wants stopped, and the commission will help fin<i ways lo do it better That's not the Re publican -affilude. 'The-R eagan program to reduce the size of the federal governm e nt 1s the m ost s1gn1ficanl s hift in domestic poliry in many decades." said Dole ·'But even if the federal role i~ scaled back. tht>re 1s no guarantee that the government will function with m aximum e fficiency unless we make a concerted effort lo find the best ways to streamline government ope rations." .,.I...,._ BURNING BARGES Two barges send columns of ~mokt· billowing sk yward after a collision involving two t ugs on the Ohio Ri wr. T hl· barges were c·a rrying fuel. wh1C'h \\ ...... 1.1::nited hy the t·olliswn. The •H·t1denl o('C'urred 'Thur .... <l;I\ nt'iJr Wolf Crcdc Kv , duwnrin•r from I.outs \ dlt· Mandatory busing end gains backing CONSIDERED Ger ald A. Ford could be back on Capitol Hill if h i r ed as efficiency expert. WASHINGTON I AP 1 -The Senate has taken a major step toward a vote to eUminate court- ordcred busing as a means of achie ving racial bala nce in public schools Senators voted 64·35 Thursday to li mit debate on a proposal to prohibit courts from ordering pupils to be bused more than five miles or 15 minutes from home . Opponents of the measure said they would fight lo prevent final Senate approval T he propo.saJ , contained in an amendment l o a Jus tice De partment authorization bill, a lso would bar the department fro m spending money lo seek court orders requiring bus ing for desegregation. T be vote means opponents of l h e b u s i n g a ~~n d m e n t sponsored by Sens J se Helms, R·N.C .. and Benn Johnston, D-La , wouJd have onl y three hours to wand up debate or the busing issue. The vote, regarded as a gauge of Senate senti m e nt on the measure. indicated that passage was likely But Sen Lowell We1cker, R·Conn .. leader or five previous fights this year agains t the busing amendment. has said he will use othe r parliam entary tactics to delay final action. ·'The American people know lo n g .dis t a nce busin g won 't work ... Johns ton s aid. Weicker said if J o hnston and H e lm s want to f ight rourt -ordered bus ing they should propose a const1tullonal amendme n t , the m e tho d provided by the Const1tut1on for revers in g Supre m e Court decisions Twas the ol2bt before Christmas and alf tblOUtb. tile -stores ... ' The shoppers were scurrying and looking tor more ... Vt t a's pink windows were warm with a glow And H•llid.ly's suit racks were running quite low. H•irh11ndltr's clients were holiday bright With tacials and haircuts that 11t up the night. J ean D•hl was 1ust ready to lock all the doors When in walked a qent she a not seen belore A jolly old elt with a half-empty sack And a frustrated took that took her aback. • I've searched the wortd over ... I've walke<J ana I ve run, And 1 ·ve tound all my gilts ... cept a tew special ones "I give g1tts to millions; my 1am1ly's 1ust iour, And those m ust be special ... they mean SO mucn more I've heard about Westclift, 1t~ warmtn anO its <heer And I've tinatlv oec1oeo, tnose Q11ts must t>e here Together they walked through the Plaza that night Amidst costumed carolers and trees twinktung bright Cha ri.s Barr's diamonds we re twinkling too. And Anthony's ShOes made his bOots took like new At L• ~lltri• he touna his wife's dream .. At Hickory Farms there was cheese smooth as cr~am N•ncy Dunn Antiques had tine gilts gatore, White P•oer Unlim ited had caros to explore G1tts tor the Claus kids were easy to tuna. With Mn Amies teenwear that's one-ol ·a ·kind And of course Humpty Dumpty tor baoues ana lots . Ana X•vier's Florist for lorget-me·nots. His best bOot was on when he left Westcltff Shoes And StertllffPtr fashions made big North Pole news . Crown H•rdw•rt had gitts tor his house ana n1s ~le1gn . Doc Elder hao gtassfs to help see his way. One StoP at Dick Y•rnon•s for sportswear so cn1c And S.v-on prescriptions to keep his physique. Wtstclift Corners maoe <.taus meals a gourmet s oe119nt The CINMrs presseo reo suits tor one spec1a1 n1Qnt. Quick as a wink all his shopping was aone ... every gift tor41'\1s fam11y -he m1ssea not a one. Arms piled high with presents he walkeo to hus sleigh Pausinq a moment, ana turn1nQ away . . ' "There·s something I'm missing , 1 cant seem to pta<e ~no as he thought, slowly a sm11e crossea his tace. A quick StoP at M•rk9t BHlc•t, 11na11y t'm through, bgl'lt gallons ot milk ano e1qht loaves 01 breaa too "That'll keep m y oeer happy the rest ot the night, · And I watcl'\eO as the gent van1sheo quickly trom sight I smiled, not teellng the aeepen1ng co10 ~ecause suooenty 1 felt 1ust a trille less 010 Was 1t real? I thOugl'lt. Could 1t be right to say? That all W.Stcllff Merchllnts had saved C.hristmas Uay , For a certain man's family, the g1tts he naa te>Yna \/Vere !'.o verv soec1a1 he'd searched the world rouno, Ana on each little package, the message was bright ... Wt tel n I I ~ .. Orange Coast DAILY PI LOT/Friday. December 11 . 1981 s ,\S Discovery shakes quake forecast - Tr emor clustering could delay repeat of San Franci sco earthquake of 1906 ............... FUTURE CANDIDATE? Richard Mor efield. former U.S. hostage in Iran. switched from Democrat to Republican in San Diego. fueling speculation that he intends to run for Congr ess next year SAN FRANCISCO CAP) -The dlacovery that hundreds of s mall earthquakes are clustertn1 along two Unes east of the silent northern stretch of the San Andreas F'ault means a repeat of the devastating San Francisco Earthquake of 1906, could ~delayed. sc1ent1sts say "lt'l> an extremely interestmg obser vation and it hasn't heen made before," said geophysicist Robert S. Cockerham, who discovered the pattern just a week ago. "The implications are obviously ' important . but it 's brand new. Now we have to figure out what it's telling us." Cockerham, or the U.S. Geological Survey's Menlo Park center. outlined at a meeting of the American Geophy.sical Union this ·week the findings of a 2·year·old network of seis m ic monitors. The results, he said in an interview, "show that. .there are essentially no earthquakes in the Quartet jailed after bad act SAN DI EGO <AP> F'our mus1c1ans who said they play with a rock group called Park Avenue wer e in jail after two music stores were smashed into and about $30,000 worth of instruments hauled orr. police said The burglars broke windows of Thearle's a nd Albert's Music City stores Wednesday and stole guitars. microphones. drum sets and amplifiers. offi cers said A pool of blood. left when one of the burglars cut his hand on a broken window, led police to three young men at Sha rp Memorial Hospital. Another was arrested later. tracked by his wallet left at the scene. police spokesman Bill Robinson said Robinson said $4 ,000 worth of musical equipment stolen in a s imilar wmdow·smashing burglary last Saturday was recovered The fou r. 1a1led for 1n vest1gatton of burglary. were identified by Robinson as Michael Holder , 19. his brother Do na ld . 20 . Anthony Nathaniel Bellamy. 19. and Dwight Bocage. 19 State chambers to be nioved? SACRAMENTO <AP> The te mporary buildings wh ere the Legislature has been meeting since 1976 might be barged down the Sacramento River to San Francisco to house the State Library's Sutro Collection. The s tate Finance Department ha s recommended that dis position of the structures tacked on to the east end of the Capitol annex and used by the lawmakers while the old domed Capitol was being remodeled. With the restoration nearly finished, the old Capitol is scheduled to be reopened in lime for the Legislature's session starting in January·. The Finance Department proposed that the temporary chambers, which cost Sl million and contain 20,000 ~qua re feet of noor space, be moved to San Francisco Sta te University to house the Sutro Coll ection. a ('Ollect1on or about 150,000 books plus manuscr1ptl>, maps. pamphlets and photographs. The coll ection is presently housed in the library of the University of San Francisco, which says it needs the space for other books and asked the state to move the Sutro Collection by July 1. The cor<.' of the collection was amassed by mining engineer Ad olph Sutro. who made a fortune in the Comstock Lode . built a mansion near the Cliff !louse and became one of the world's biggest book collector~ The Robinsons Gift ALL·AMERICAN ACTIVEWEAR, FOR JWR JR'S past two years on the San Andreu Fault north of the San Francisco Bay. "All of the activity now is to the east, in two bands that parallel the San Andreas" along virtually that whole lSO·mile stretch, which broke in the devastating 1906 quake A chart or tremors recorded by the network over the past two years showed virtually none on the a wesome San Andreas, a few scattered about the region and dense clusters along two distinct north-south lines. The first band Is some 20 miles east of the great fault and the other about 15 miles farther inland; Crystal Lake Ues between them. Thar observation, Cockerham said, suggests that "the fault breaks only in great earthquakes like 1906 and right now it's locked and building up for a repeat. "But another way to look at it is that the San Andreas fault is dead and it won't produce another earthqt1ake because all the activity has moved to the east." That possibility, he said, seems very unlikely and, like most other earth scientists, "I expect there will be a repeal of the 1906 earthquake " -~StOiekeepers Monte ~ a nd Todd are wearing aJl-wool sweaters of carefully blended multi-colored· yarns, producing a lustrous heather fini sh in a jacquard weave and stripe. These sweaters are uniquely designed by Boston Traders of New England. A store that offers fine traditional sportswear for men, women and boys. He said th1 eastern banda or faulta, thou1h JUSl discovered. have probably been behavln1 in much the same way for millions of years. Another USGS sclenHst, veteran seismolo&lst J erry Eaton. said litter. "We believe It has an important bearmg on the liming or the next creat Northern California earthquake, although we don't really know how to interpret It.'" He said the continuous small quakes along the two bands, dubbed the Bartlett Springs and Maacama faults. may be bleeding some of the stresses away from the San Andreas "and it's probably increasing the interval betwt;en the very large earthquakes." That does not mean, Eaton s aid, that the interval somewhere around a century or two - is getting progressively longer. Rather. he said, it would always be longer than scientists would have thought before the eastern bands were discovered. The San Andreas 1s the boundary where two great blocks or plates of the earth's crust rub together The plate carrying much or the Pacific Ocean 1s inching northward pas t the North American plate 1028 Irvine. Newport Be.ich. C.1l1f orn1a. Phone 042· 70o I ll's called Stripes And it's a whole new concept in Saturday dressing Pullovers. pants. jackets and tees you put together in any combination you like Here are five of the pieces: Left· 1n red or blue , the ve.lour pant. S3Z and white-striped pullover. 129. Right: 1n red, blue or white.' the zip front jacket. and pant. $23; red. blue or khaki, the tee. S11. Now The ch.01ce 1s yours! All, in cotton/polyester tor S·M·L JWR JR'S, 37. To order. call toll·free 1·800-523-7800. SPECIAL HOLIDAY HOURS. SHOP MONDAY·SATURDAY 10-9:30. 6 ROBINSON'S NEWPORT FASHION ISLAND • (714) 144-2800 i Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, December t t , t 981 Save gas, money and time! ~hop locally at Five- Points Center for all your Christmas gifts. You'll find a variety of stores, all with low overhead dis- count prices!! You couldn't pick a better time to buy than now during this sale! Hurry in today! Wlletewer your pet need•, rou'll flnd th-hete, elOftl wlttl • wide u rlety of Cllrl•tmH pet• for bpltl chlldren ..,d eclulte. Our slrlc" ere low end ••tl•lectlOft le guerenteed Come In tod•r end get eccau•lntedl m A111nup«1~ · · PARAKEET SPECIAL ~ ILUl 011 lllHI PAllAIHT \ I REGULAR $16 95 4NO SI 1 95 NOW SPECIAL CHRISTM4S PRICES PARAKEET. 8"5 & 995 CA&E I SEED A $58 00 VALUE 20°/o OFF UY lln CERTIFICATE itu"CHA• a "Oftl DIC. ta, teat '~et a ''IM'-~-a •"' c.eit1il~M .....-. ,, ... y ~ .. ti tNt .--a "'°"'_.. .. 'K• .. '°'Oft it~ i.te <tt W _.,,.cll t11 9000 '°' *"'"'~t .,.. OM' •tor• e..c-ot IOOQ ll'd tel4 .. ~. "'""' Y0t.t OClf\ I •el'li* 10 ,._,,. O'H& ·~•i' Five Points Pet Shop llS'll MAIN STlllT , HUNTINGTON llACH, CAUF. 1'2·6313 l'tlllSPVI THI MI MOf!Y OP THIS CHllllSTMAS fOlllEVllll. HAVI A Sl'ICIAL l'HOTO MADI THIS SIASONI PROFESSIONAL STUDIO PORTRAIT SPECIAL One 1 I" a I, .. COfftpletely <.-s 2 9 95 1ouched, •proye d ond mounted Plu• lour wolie. • • \IH prtnl\ I-IE PICIJRE OOMIMNY 18S57 MAIN, HUNTINGTON IEACH 147-l l U JET AUTO SUPPLY'S Ill CHRISTMAS COUPOI SALE! 0~·1-<-L·•1;tt'•·-=·~~ ~ ~.h .. ~•1;t-r 1 • __ .!._M-, I ~ rn., couoon '' reoeemaote lo• I~ ~ ~n·s coupc>n "reo .. mal>te lo• ~ I ~ One Pair of Fram ~ •·· One Fram OU Aner ':! t l r, Wl~WlfMt!Retllls .. r.. .... SALEP1111c1 $1 91 ,., 'I ... U lE PRICE s 1.39 " '" • •·I "'" • -JIT AITI IUP'Pl Y ... JIT AUTO 11 .... l, u ~.,, .... ., MUlll•OlOOIHA~M •• •A• IT MUllT•OTOM HACM. ... .,. -.,.,._ ..... --.. °''•toro•'• ore 1• ~"~ l ~ £•00t•~"""o.t*• otc '' •••' I 1 ~~ ::.4....!:=.::::.· _::~::_:' •:_-:."..!f!#!;f!!. f!;!!i'!!!·~·:_~:_~":T~ •:_· _::~1 ~L .. #;f f 1i•,_·~~~ I nos couoon •s reo .. maooe to• I~ II $1 .000FF .. One Fram ~ Extra ute Air Flner .. JITAITlllP'PlY A WOILDOF VALUES IS AWMlllG YOU! At The Goodwill StoH There ere 1011 ol little treeaurea weotong 10 be c:tlscovered by aome 1c:lverturoua 11100· per on our atore You II ltnc:t too grec:te merchenc:t•t• one·ol·1-t.onc:I ,...,,, enc:t ltlte new aemplet el grlllly rec:tucec:t e>r•ceat ~11 ol telln 10< you to become • "''"Y c:trscounter 11 • tome e>lonH r 11111 "''"' 1nc:t •om• gel-up·enc:t-90• -..., -. TH·ALHI TllAll •• fO.f '-• '\iollllO.t•• .... "'""'..._,,. __ ,..,. . .......... ~ Learn how t.o make up your face .. free. Tod1y, Merle Normen Invite• rou to le•m 1'1• d"ten ..,d color• of rour own bMutllul 1ece Our trelned •••uty Adwl•~ wlll teecll yo11 how to Open rour •r•• with color. Stle" your Hp• •oftlr COfttour rour fee• l et °"r aMutr Ad•l•on teecll yow .... ., ... 1 .... GIVE HER A LIFETIME OF BEAUTIFUL MOMENTS Elegant. precise, truly the gift of a l1fet1me An Omega for Chr1s1mas. for a lifetime ol beautiful moments JACK'S JEWELERS 1t :"! t,141N STREE T HUNTINGTON BE4CH 847·5380 • ("ARIUS • 'OltlC't RAILS • CRUISCS • ll()lll & tlSO~lS • ('l(Ot!IO 0' •~D!'(~Dl~CC IOIJltS V11eetion on Nduckd bocha and M>alc up the aun! EnioY • romantic holiday wher• the two of you can ~t 11w•11 from •vuything and r•la•. W•11 M happy to arr•~ all the de>tails of your trip! ALL DOMESTIC & INTERNATION_Al TICKETS Five Points Travel Service, Inc. 1 UH lllA ... ITll~, MUllT ... QTOtl l l lllCM (71 4) 847 ·8944 ------------'ii FREE TRAVEL KIT 0 1 FllEE 1m"Ciu1DAR ii •• , .. °""«<•• "I ~~~I : ----------------------------· OVll "IW ctoiKA_.. ace°""'' o•n ""',.,_.,Ni•• .,.¥""' ""~"'' •o.i ""' & ·' Ofl "°"'' ...,,...,._. ~.,..h c°"" ooiw,.wo """' tot •" a11f'tw•• 1'4'0 OI S • 1' !!! :!"!::~:c.-~;1 :;:;;: ~"a"':;;~ =~:~,..~o1"'~~~·.::z...,_:;~e1>t•tt Ot"-•' 0000 ..... fl ,.. ,. 61 "' °"9f' ,...., .... "..,. oettOl'\•hnMt C'f'le<'\t .,... fltO MnC• c. ...... O•KI '°"'~' OI '°"'' ,. • ...,.....,., c"'K•• ••• ••o ... _.... llAIMOOC tut11•1-c111T•1CATU .,...,..,., _..,. ,_.,..., .. ,.,., --•• u u ...,.,_ FU• 1 FRTON SAVING.fJin What a selection! What low prices' What a way to shop and save for Christmas"' But time's a washn . so hurry on down' FUJI AX-3 I & l O• CASl HIOH PERFORMANCE CAMERA W 50 MM I 60M eREG ngg~ . ·::. :.: .. :.. ..... :: :."'° ·-'";. ...... ·-· •• .., S .. V[ •1J1X t/OWOliL• POLAROID llO AUTO FOCUS THE SUN CAMERA REGUL"R 9500 NOW ONS4LE~('IA 7995 20°/o OFF ILFORD CllACHROME·A II . FILM NOW IN STOCK TRUER "'ORE BRllllANT COlO"lS COMP4RoSON SAMPLES HERE SHARP CALCULATORS 11" 259 95 39.95 -. KODAK =: EKTAFLEX "°~, ·M~.~!~c~ ._,,. r • a• c;.a ( ,..--- UIDHWATER "110' CAMERAS SPECl"L PRICES NOW FROM ONL < 4495 SUNPAK 322 ELECTRONIC FLASH ;~~. 6495 WE HAVE INSTRUCTION CLASSES IN • BASIC PHOTO e STUDIO • DARKROOM • PORTFOLIO ENROLL NOW! IUH M41N STHfJ HUNTINGTON HACH C4 r fUI ta7-&4 11 O•10.uto PERMABONO SUPER GLUE .............. l .... , ... '"'49°""'t ""'"''. ·~·" • •t it 1.49u 40·PIECE SOCltlT SET tC• ..._ ... (0 fltO...-IOOt' V t • ~•••t-C~•~,. 7-.... , ,.,... ...... -.... , ..... , SIJP(l'I 5 99 SPECIAL o ggc 1.29 llTDISIOI COllD • MQoJSE .. txO l"C"'~ "'M .... ~ •PPl•C• .. CE t .•C• tOl\ll t .!I . e e o" i ,... •c 011 •"o""" t.!I &T •lH Hu.&lll IATtl . . A,.0 N~ J(P¥ ~ TT~l T!W( tftw'-'OST c •SU we c•~ "C"V'I" •OU'l Wl"00"' o.-ooc• .,_,,,. "'• •• ..ou•s tl ll1\ AOOOOOfMOUOIC U tM t !~~~ ... ~~z ACE HARDWARE ""'~;g;'ou""lO -~ •8501 MAIN ST HI.JN TING TON BEACH ~:c1o•e~• PHONE: 8 48·9344 --~-----. . . . Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Fnday, December 11 . 1981 GIFT and DRUG I 30 ALL WIDE SHEER OR PLASTIC ~ HUMiDifiER ~ow 119 ONLY ~ 1-GAL gas ~SI ZE 2·GAL 14'' SIZE •W TIY N•I 11 l•POITUTI l(eep )'OUf V1$IOI'\ good With rl!llJlar l!)'t! eum1nat1ons and atas~s 1f nece,; sary Vou may need couechve tenses la< dr1w11 wa1ch1n1 te1t111s100 or read in& . CHLOR· TRIMETON DECONGESTANT 24-TABLETS NOW ONLY 169 ASCRIPTIN . . -~ FOR PAii -·--• 100 TABLETS .... n;:,. NOW ONLY ~~ 188 -=-~..:..::: I ..._:..";;,. EX-LAX CHOC LAXATIVE 18-TABLET SIZE NOW ONLY WORLD FAMOUS OIL DFOLAY ~-~;:: REG SIZE CONTAINER ~~rvv 109 DR. LOUIS J . HASllHLD 811 OPTOMETRIST ..U 11511 MAMllST MUMTMritGTOMal&CKt•7~t2 7t .· ~. t.-~·, -' . '- It'• that time ol the 7ear a1aln J •• Ume cen be• Y9fY trv•ne twne of tf. yei.H let CNt ptofea.aKan•J •ccounten h comou•• ~out fede,91 eftd at.et• te.._. Aela• ,H&R BLOCK THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE HUNTINCJl'ON MACH 147· 1'°7 IUSJMAINST ~ '°"""" )hopp."'9 ,,,..,... COMING SOON TO 5-POINTS 4-0Z SIZE ALLEN Rexall DRUGS VIDEO TAKE 1 FOR ALL YOUR VIDEO NEEDS tlln lllMI ITllU. IHTl•tH IUCI. Wlf. £114l 141·HH PRO'ES.S~ .. L PHARMACY SE.AViCE •us POSTOFnCE SU8$T'4T•ON . PA'f UTlllfV 81LLSH(RC (714) 848-1918 ~JNG PLEASURE SUPlR SPlClll * SALES *RENTALS s11v1ct aoius\ AND * REPAIRS FOR YOUR GUIT AA • RE-STRINGT~N~LEAN * ACCORDION e POLIS~ ,_•OJUSTMENTS • ;;~ULAR $7.50 REPAIRS ALSO ggc; ~~rs FREE ESTIMATE INC\.UOEO 1• EJIPIRESOECEMS ER 19 '981 D ~,~.~.l~!~!.~.~!I Have An Enjoyable Ev~ing With Friends! Join~. group! Chat over drink• end meet people. The atmoephere la comfort able and r .. Hed ... The people are friendly. Come ln-.AelH and enjoy. You'll Ilk• our place. OPUU:Alll TO 2:Alll . 7 DAYI A WHK '!-!'!Jl!!..~ YOOA HOLIDAY GtFT~O STAATS HUIE COME IN AND SEE OOR L.AAOE AAAAY Of: PAE.f'AQ(AOEDWINES a LIQUORS 5 POINTS LIQUORS 11111 .. IT .• M TIMTOll IOCM 147-4113 O'fH 04A-f tAlll' 11.,_ WNOA.'f • ._.. IPM Hollda~ ~ QUICK SERVICE I • Get your ck>1r'IH r••dy n-I<>< th• llolidayt We ll1ve modern equipment which Insures Skilled QUtllty wort! rigllt lier• on Ole premlt .. 1 Your 119r· menlt will look belle< end laat tonQI' with our profHtlonel clH nWl9t lQ5°roIT~Lr~ ~[L~~~~I&~ 11641 NORTH MAIN STRHT, HUNTINGTON 8£ACH. CA. 147·2466 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED 18555 MAIN ST .. HUNTINGTON BEACH 842·4234 ···~ .... , ...... ....,,., .... 11111 ·1 NOW 10°/o OFF 1 ON ALL NAIL ACCESSORIES I WITHCOU~•U~IMS~C€MMR24.1MI I AND NEW SCULPTURED IAllS I 35.00 I OPEN TO BOTH PROFESSION Al & PUBLIC .Q11t1/if1• Bet111f1', S'11pp/y ; ....... CA.··- I I 51 .DO OFF ANY 2 • SUBMARINE SANDWICHES • W1Tt11H•S COVPON •EXPIRES DEC l 1 1 98 \ • tWlt II WWO\.J: ..... o •oe...H • ll S69 MAIN SI HUNTINGTON BEACH 142-9131 WE OFFER TODAYS NATURAL LOOK IN HAIR DESIGN. BODY PERMA· NENTS PLUS LAYER ANO CONTOUR I I I I I ~ HOURS: MON·THUAS 9·8. FA• 9·7. SAT 9 • e • I ?!.~!=~~t!T:!!~!:.. ~!!.!!~~~ ; CUTS COME IN TODAY ~-··-·········-···~ 10% OFF : ANY PURCHASE o~!.A .. s ~~;D? .·.~n~ ,;,o~PuoN I WE CAAAY I ..... P~TlD ANO DO .. Et•S••C 'llE• TS • AND CHEESE • "'"CArEOBHA • 1 · .. . SANDWICHES• P•Sl'11ES• COOKIES ~ .. ~.·- II , Qsolf..~.eegr1r 1 ~ 18561 MAIN ST .. HUNTINGTON BEACH 848-6688 • ~-······ ·····-· PLENTY OF FREE PARKING NO LUGGING PACKAGES A LONG WAY TO THE -CAR; MOST OF THE TIME YOU PARK CLOSE TO · THE STORE! Ft VE POINTS SHOPPING CE.NTER ELLIS AVE . ·I .U . Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Frtd ay. December 11 . 1981 New injection treatment smoo.ths w rinkles I AN PIANCllCO <AP> -A P,1'0- duot \bat beeo"'tt "Uvln1 Uuut ' ln a p1Uent'1 body la beln1 uatd to smooth 1curtd or wrinkled akin, a doctor11y1. Dr. Samue l Stegm a n told the American Academy or Dermatology that the procedure inv<>Kies utjecling collaaen to smooth some age-related wrinkles and repair certain scar depressions reaulling from surgery. l""ury, birth dtftct1 or dlHUt. A San Francl1co •kin doctor . Ste1man described a "1lmple office procedure" ln which lhe phy1ltlan uses a fine needle to Inject the col· lagen Into the distressed area to build it up and "smooth out S<.'a r, wnnkle or defect." The treatment uses a new product named "Zyderm Collagen Implant, .. a purified form of collagen protein, ---....,. th• main 1upportlv1 1ub1tance of akin, tendon, bone, carUla1• and con· ntctlve U11uea. The product, made from cattle hide by the Collaaen Corp. of P alo Alto. a biomedical research and develop· menl company, was cleared by the federal Food and Drug Adm1nistra ll<lO IO July ' ''Chntcal experience has shown that once Zyderm Collagen 'as am planted\ It feel• Ilk• natural n11h" and will not move around under the akin," aald Ste1man. "In 1 matter of week• the Implant la coloniatd by body cell• and blood ve1ael1, by becom ing a llvln1 part or the skin." To return a wrinkle or scar to "nt.>ar normal contou'" lakes about two to MX treatments, s pared two to fo ur weeks apart .• You can Have a Happy C hris tmas This Year 1 Advanced Health Center 1300 Bristol S treet North • Newport Beac h. C A 92660 EXPERIENCE INTELLIVISION ™ Face the challenge. Feel the control. See today's most soph- isticated video game system. Because lntellivision •v is the video game system you get involved with. You select the programs. You direct the action. Just plug a game cartridge into the lntellivision •v Master Component and the whole world of lntellivision '" is at your fingertips in rich, colorful detail with life-like movement~ Pictured cartridges are only a part of a large selection. *When played on color TV. A~ ...... RECORD PRICE An <.tnon~·mous Engli sh collector paid S20l,600 for American artist Washington All ~ton 's "Hermia and Hele na " at Sotheby·~ Galler~ an London. outbidding s e v era I A mt· rie a n m u:-.cu m:-. A I l s ton 1 s reg<1 rded a'> the f1r'>l 1mµorl:rn1 A m erican land ~tape p;.11ntl'I Calendar pose riles C h inese TOKYO I A P1 Japan Air Lines .will reprint ahout 400,000 1982 t alendars because Chinese authorities objected to Miss Fe bruary, a Peking dance student po!.1ng in traditional Chinese dress. Ai rl incl> spokc:,,mcin Geoffrey Tudor said the Chlncst• gave no rt?et !.On ror de manding the I withdrawal of the picture from the-carrier's popular "Women of the World" native costumes l'alendar l>CrtCl> "The picture ll> not sexy. she's a well-dressed, od-looking. modern Chinese mass." Tudor said. ----- N EWPORT ER INN JEWELERS formt'r/11 \1anJ 1':/lsworth 1-'mt' .Jeu:elr11 "flv..t \f'H Cl .. f' -•dli.11Mlnd lNI\ •pa.1':1n u bn(t'al' ., t~ t\et'tt'dt"h.n .. 1m.\ blllU •n .. ""'1 t lrH Olamom nnct tarnnc> e>tn.t ~1•Cftand bnt t"le.\.t wtll lllrlll M<.,. yOl)(I wordJ from 'if'WPOl1,~r lMJ..,,.elen • 1107 Jamboree Roao Newoort Beacn 714-644-0130 Mattel electronics· intelli ision ·---· _,.._. . ~. .. ... All Fedco stores are open seven days a week until Christmas-• FED CO MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES FEOCO lA CIENEGA • • 1 'l I' .i-111 • 3'>3'> ':> l 11... f'nPC:d B••ll l"'-AnQ1'I<'!> 90011' FEOCO YAN NUYS ,•q i'86 68fi t 14Q(>(l R,h •'l'H•r S1rep1 VI'' N1•V' Ql40'> FEOCO PASADENA 2 I J1 449·86l'J )111 E Coioraoo 01~0 P,1..,r111en..i ·~110 ' FEOCO CERRITOS .?11• 86() 7:'" 11s2s So .... 1n StrePI Cc>rr11os 90101 FEOCO COSTA MESA : •4 91q l66n JOJO H..trOOr 81110 Co~l.l M'"'•rt ll.?t-Jtr FEDCO SAN DIEGO • ' ... ,.,,,, 14 I ' 'J41h & EuCll(J San 0PQ q}rO'> FEOCO SAN IERNAROINO 714 'l8R J IRr 'j 70 S Mi l/ernor,A•P :>an Bern 1rc1>rl0 92410 STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS 11 00 AM to 8 00 PM • l A CIENEGA • SAN Bf RNARDINO ANO SAN DIEGO STORES 12 00 NOON 10 9 00 PM• CERRITOS • COSTA MESA• PASADENA AND YAN NUYS STORES SATURDAYS. All STORES to 00 AM to I 00 PM SUNDAYS• All STORES 10 00 AM to 5 00 f'M OPEN TO FEDCO MEMBERS ONLY - Navy, Marines launch battle agains t drugs Ha rd-line policy to be. announced SAN DIEGO IAf>1 The lop two 0Hlc1.1n in the Navy und Marine Corps are planning to get tough on drug abuse In both military services Adm. Thomas 8. lluyward, chief of naval operations, says in a filmed speech drug abuse is a cancer "resid· ing arriong us ," The film . Is being shown to all ch1N petty officers and officers. A public announcement or the hard-line, anl1 drug abuse poli cy will be made t oda y arter all offi cer:,, view the rilm. The San Diego Union r e ported Thur!> day. Hayward !>aid he wants the Nav) to make .. a 180 degree turn from its present stanct: M•vwuo or ind1rrcrenl'l'. passiveness and non rt,)o pons1b,tity Drug abuS<' in tht• :-.: J \') 1~ a serious problem " Manne commandant Gen Robert Barrow told all ~1 Jr1ne Corps officers Polaroid cameras make the ultimate holiday gift. Polaroid's new Sun Camera Autofocus 660. • Bu~1-m tull-ou1put trash fires automa11cally indoors 01 out • Focuses automa~calty DY sound Wiiies • Blends '1atural loghl arid flasli for more reliable, pleasing exoo- sures • Eco,,om1ca1 ,,ever neeos flesn· cars or oane11es • uses ne .. 600 Hogn Soeed Lano h'ri • Sr-oo!s 1nooo•s 2 -14 Wiii' no speoal ens 01 aoiustment out OOC>tl 2 to inf1noty ·-· . I ::,.:-... • Polaroid's new 600 High ~ ~ Speed Land film. """"" -....__; Polaroid's Time-Zero SX-70 Autofocus Model 2. • Automatic focusing by sound wa11es • Neve• neeo::. t>attenes fo,o s f1a1 tor easy carrying • Versa111e 1c1ose-ups to 10 4 with no special lens or ad1ustment extendeo flash range1 • Uses T1me·Zero Supercolor SX·70 f11m ···--------···-····-·- Save 1100 on Polaroid Time-Zero To lN~,,,.. ~ ... --,-·llO Po1!!99yo..oo.. Of!r "'o eo. 2t0t Arc!!Y"'t J!C ~..-.,.,.., ..... , __ .,.." ~~•PQla'OoOT"".-Ze<O""'Q'e~ P- O'OW' •• .._,,.ya.i s• oo c:oi..oona,,,...1oe-eo DyJ~3' 1982 PIMM-IOClaytb~ va.., O"'Y n uSA U-Ofle '* tamoly 0< ~ CouCJor. vod -·· •H lt>CllG Dy '•" C:0.-"'•Y "°' oe tr.,,,,.,,.., INJ mutt KCOmOel'tY 'eQVelill kw tntl ot'• F'Oia'OoO ,...,.,.. "'9 •'VI-I to """' CllM,.,. Dy ...,. OUltfla Cl' com,.,.rc.1 WM'! Not IHQOr\llOI• k>t •"-9· OI• Of "'ICO'"P'$ C:OUoonl -N•rne----------- 4<ICl9"•~--------~ C.iy Stat•--l te>--........ ,.. ...........•............•.. All Fedco stores are open seven days a week until Christmas llDCO I> CllNft.l ftDCO ~All NUU ftOCO CIMJlDS . FED CO MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES ....... t •••• f '''"''• ................... . . . .."""' .. ',·. ,, I•. ,. -....... . ' .. •" '• ····· f "'"• ' " • STORE HOURS Wflll DAYS 11 00 AM to I 00 Pth ll Clll.UiA • SAii llMAllDlllO AllD SAii DIEGO STDllU 12 00 llOOlt lo 9 00 ,_ • CElllllTOS • COSTA •IA • l"AIAOEM AMO VMI NUYS ITOllH SATURDAYS • ALL STOllU 11.• AM ta I.•,. SUNDAYS • All STOIUS 11.• AM 11 s·• N .a 4 ·~· • , ... qJ~'" OPEN TO FEOCO MEMBERS ONLY NEWS . from all over Califor nia is rounded up each day in t he llily Piii ___ ..,. ...... __ .. I I I I I I I I , Orange Coast DAILY PILOT'Friday. December 11 1981 Equali t y drive Programmed Automation rtus Sh..itter·Priority Sof?histication. System Integration. ••• 11 • .. •l 1' I 1 _. • ••• 11 ' ., .. All F edco stores are open seven days a week until Christmas . . FED CO MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMEN T STORES '•I .... STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS 11 00 AM lo a 00 PM. LA CIENEGA • SAN IEAHAADIHO AltD SAit Ol(GO STORES A9 flOCO ClllRllO~ t2 00 HOON to 9 00 PM • CERAllOS • COSlA MESA •PASADENA AHO VAN ICUYS STORU . . .. HOCO ~OS I• llllSA ,, rioco iAN Oll(;O J ' ... ·' '· . -· SATURDAYS • All 6TORES 10 00 AM to 6 00 PM SUH DAYS• All STORES tO OD AM lo 5 00 PM flOtO S•N llHNAHOINO I . • j OPEN TO FEDCO MEMBERS ONLY Celebrating Zenith's 50 Millionth lVI ZENITH SYST&m ~TV'S FEATURING ADVANCED SPACE PHONE N ow place and rec£?1ve phone calls through the TV without leaving your easy chair The CEZANNE• SN2577P F•encn Pro\linC1al sty 1ng Genuine Pt!Co'l , ane~rs ~.ood ano s1mulareo wooo product<. •n Pee.an f1"\•sh Four·Soeai..er Sound Sysa:"" 0AuO•O Control Cen~"' 19" $50 INSTANT REBATE with the purchase of selected 25" or 19' through Dec. 17, 1981 25':. " The PANORAMA 200 • SN2541X .... .•1 '" ~ f t-• r• • • " l 12 CHANNEL CAPABILITY ALL VHF, UHF PLUS 42 CABLE CHANNELS' w1thoul converter 'except scrambled programs) The WATTEAU SN1963W ~·mulaled grained Amer1can Waln ot ltn•sh Nilh dark B·own oedt?Slal base COMPUTER SPACE COMMAND 4000 Remote Control 525 INSTANT REBATE • Quartz-controlled Electronic Tunong • Tn-Focus Picture Tube • Tnple·Plus Chassis • Color Sentry • PAP Circuit Remote Control TV featuring Computer Space Command 3000 s25 1NSTANT REBATE · through Dec. 17. 7981 ' •TRI-FOCUS PICTURE TUBE •TRIPLE-PLUS CHASSIS •COLOR SENTRY • QUARTZ CONTROLLED ELECTRONIC TUNING I . ~\: . ~ . '· , ~ . ,. .. ~-·et!{'-,..,.. r- -~~ ..:--~~-I ~ • I • 112 CHANNEL CAPABILITY All VHF/UHF plus 4 2 Cable Channels without conver1er (e1cept scrambled programs! " 19" The GEMINI 2000 • SN1975P Rece111er M onitor Monitor 111deo cameras 111c1•'0 disc players home video games video cassefle recoriJprc; or nome computers S1mulaled grained Pecan DIRECT AUDIO/VIDEO INPUT for superior P•rlurf' \', lh Video Playback Equ1pmen1 Hl·PERFORMANCE SOUND SYSTEM wot~ seuarJl~ audio ampltlrer and two ellternal soeakers In Canada. 110 Channel Capab1hly mcludino 40 Cable Ch3nnels • PAP (Peak Resolution Picture) CIRCUIT INSTANT REBATES also available on other selected 19 " and 25· di3WQ[lal Zenith SYSTEM 3 TV. The HOLBEIN• SN1961W ';;>1r•1111,1t !'cl qr .t"1• ·fl A ml'roC.ctn Willn11t f1'1•'"' 81.10 Pl'<ll'Sla o ...... 8111')nl'tl ,\1u,.111i111n c 11 • .~er Pn!s All Fedco stores are open seven days a week until Christmas FED CO MEM BERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES HDCO LA CIENEGA 1;>13, 837 4487 3SJ5 5 La Cienega BlvO LOS Angere~ 90016 FEDCO VAN NUYS 12131 786·6863 14920 Raymer Street Van Nuys 91405 fEDCO PASADENA 12131 449 8620 311 1 E Cotoraoo Brvd Pasadena 9110; FEDCD CERl'UTOS 121J1 8607711 11525 South Street Cemlos 90701 FEDCO COSTA MfSA r7141 979·2660 3030 Haroor Blvd Cosla Mesa 92626 FEDCO SAN DIEGO , , 141 262 24 I I S41h & Euclid San Diego 9210!> FEDCO SAN ltMIAflDIMO r7141 888·418 1 570 S 11.41 Vernon Ave San Bernardino 92410 STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS 11:00 AM lo 8:00 PM• LA ClfNEOA • SAN 1£RNAROINO AND SAN DIEGO STORES 12:00 NOON lo t :OO PM• CERRITOS • COSTA MESA • PASADENA AND YAN NUYS STORES SATURDAYS• All STORES 10:00 AM lo 1:00 "9 SUNDAYS• All STORES 10:00 AM 10 5:00 PM OPEN TO FEDCO MEMBERS ONLY AIO Ur .Jl llJt.• CcJJSI DAIL y PILOl /f riday December 11 , 1981 Recoi-ery of legal fees u•urth pursuing Th;tl t I .. · 111 .11q.1• l 'ou11t .' Puhli« l>d(•nd1'l '11ft11·1· pro' 11lt::-. a wort hv.tuh· .111.t m:111\ t1m1·~. C'haritabk ····n 11 ,. L •11· '' 1t li11ut sa.}in~ Thl'L•""''· ~ti·• '"rn" 1111 llw publa<· 1!<-l1•11d1•1 pr11\ 1cl1• l11gh l.' skilled l'f'Jlt 1·-..1·111.11111r1 '" l'l'tm111al def end;111h 111 1t1 i1111t·i p.tl <ind s upt-r•ior c·11urt r .,..,, • .., "1111 1·;11111111 afford 111 hit < ,1 p1 1\ •sit ,111111 tH' of their 0\\ n :'\ot :'UJ pn-.rni.:l' t ht· , ,,...1 lr•t t h i~ sen·in• cl11t"i11 1 1'111111· dH"'I' ll eost~ th1· 11111111' .1lin111 ~I million tc• 11111 <1 t lw p111>lt l' 111· fen·d l'r .... 11p1·r.1.l1•1n \\,htc·h • • inchtde-. .1 1 11r1.., ctl 1t111u1 111 lawyl'r.., \\h1 1 t1;ir11l!1· 111111" th .. 11 30.000 t:<L-..t'~ I ;1dl \t'.lf With thl' II lllt:id :t l'• gl':.it I fying lo "''' li:t1 ':11· ()1 Jn ~L' C'uunt,\ B11 •• rd nl ..;,q .. I I I 111·-.. 1-.. expanding a fee recovery pro gram that was in;.iugurated on a test basis in West Orange County \lunicipal Court in Westminster Tht> pr ogram n ow will in· dud<.' No rth Orange County .\lun1<·1pa l Court in Fullerton. Thl' program requir es tlrnt pl'ople who USl' the public de· tcnckr's staff pay ba<:k at least a pnrt111n of the legal fees they in- rnrn·d. 1f it is at all possible to do II 1s estimalE.•d that the West Cou rl f e(• rt..'('overy program wi II n•..,ult in s a\'lng of about. $20,UOQ l f a pplil'd lo all branch municipal t·1it1rh. thl' s a\·ing <:Ould total '>I 1)11. oou or m on• T he s upervisor!:> s hould keep ('lo:-.t• watch o n this fee r ecovery program and. 1f it m erits, expand at tn <di c·otffts in 1 he county. r Curb 's conj' us ion L t 1.11. \1 11\t t '11 r l1, foo t -m -motdt. 1·.1 rr1p.11cn11'\~ h.1:-. cost him :i ·1111 1.1 -..11pp(jr1 111 wh.1 t for a \\h1lc-.1p1 ,. !'•·d •11 ht· .1 s uref1n· 11111 1.1r !ht· !kp11blJt .111 nominat111n 1111 thv ,.:11\ "l'l1t>r..,t11p Hi-. -ih11f\· •,IJ ,dh .nL· ••1. th• Periphrr .. il l.'.1ri.11 """'w r•1.1~ hi· the la~t ~tr.1\'< Curb m1t1,ilh t .n11· 0111 111 fav111 11t l"uld111L it' I.I 111111• can;.! tli .11 "' 1ild ti·. t'l'I \\,1lt'1 from tl1•• ...,,11·1.11r11 1.1 1 flJ\ •'I .ind carr ~ tt ':.i p111r11111, l.111111 .... 111 Southt•rn 1 '.tl1l11111· 1 "tit 11• 1t \\Jll he :-.or1·1\ t11·• ,! •• .; '•• 11 >1.11 1 Colorado H '1·1 .1 .1· 1 11. "'""" \.\il l ht· 111-,l \11 '\' 111111. '(' h •. II .• ,, I j ' 'I -I • ",, l oppos1t 1rn1 I , 1111 .1 "" ii p1 .. 1·,' 11, :'lio rth1·1 n 1 .1111111 11 :.1 •I••' lie11Lt·ntm! l!I•\ \ rfH I 11.11 l.1 ii .. 11 anci 1k l'!.11t·d 1 • .1 I l'I ,, Ill thl' l~:O.lll' Hut Ii\.; .• 11111• 1,t111 opp1tnt·nt 1,.1:: ,,· •, 1. d "ill 1t11..,h signat un·' I•• 11l:u·1· .. n t.·n·ndum rt:pt:altni.: 1111· ,!1:-111 "'l.1t• \\ at•·1 At·t. \,\ hldt :11.t!1< • J/t''-. I h• I' ..... I on th1·\.l111w l!ll-i'...' 1.t1: .. : 1 trl1 !1.111 d1 •1'Hh-d ht·"" .\ 11<1 \ I .1~.1111 .... \ !ht· l'il!l.tl 'I h d t ti .1 • • ". ' ' I • I " 111 :.! otht•r thing:-••. .:i11 111111 .11np,1ii.,n c o m m 1 t n 1 , • tl r t 1 11 1 n < > 1 :1 n L'. 1 • Count.' tnd11 ... t11.d1'>1 .I H11h1 •rt Fluor, ''h•1 h.1-. Ii• •'t• •• 111111H! ffi <ill\ ...,11utt11 1 !I 1 .1.il11r111a leadt·r:,, l'.•rnp.11~1111 ,..: ,, "1·1, 111 su pport o! , t11 · 1 .111 d I t·11d11 1:.: 1111 1 r •·ii•·:•, l11 •n1• l1e11tenant governor's insistence that he is onlv con cerned about 1 h c.· pole n d a I e o s t of the t>t·riph eral Ca nal , i s hi s aµpmnt ment of a task force to rt• e :\cimine the e ntire project. Its mem bersh ip inc ludes at lt·.i:o;t half a dozen po litical and hu..;1nes~ figures who alread.'' h u \ e \'Oiced stron g o ppos ition to t h L' c a n a I . i n c I u d i n g l'l'prt·scntal1\·es or companit..•s t hat contrihutl'd heavilv to t he 1· a m pa 1 g n to q u a I If y t h e 1·l'ferendum th at would nullifv 1 ht• eanal leg1slat11>n. · There's no doubt s uppart of till' <'ttnal tould cost Curb votes in \nrthern Cal ifornia. l)ut his nppos1t1011 could cost even mor e rntt·:-. 111 the south. des pite the I .t<•I 1 h:.it mu1·h of his $2.5 million < :i rnµaig n war 1·hest was r aised rw1 t> .\nd it's especially s ig njficant that h1~ princ ipal o pponent for t ht..· C<>P guber n atorial n11rn 1t1at111n. Atto rney General < ;l'tll'~l' l>eukmejian . is a vocal :-.upportt•r of lht.• S ta t e Water ProJt:et a:-. approved b y the l.l·g1slature. as 1s De mocratic ('hLtlle n.c,t•r Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bracllt..·.'. with both insisting 11 '" m the bt'st interest of the l'll I I l'l' :-\all' Curb·:-. mabl11ty lo make up ht.., mind on ..;(1 vital :;i !';late issul' clt>t•-. l1tlll' t" im·prnn· hi s l1·adt·rsh1p 1rnagt• Re.-..P<1rrl l c11l.4.; risky 1 h l' I t I .., II• I tl I II I t. l ' h .I 1 l'f I ti rl ' to nit th1 · ft d1·r.1 l111tl ., I 1: 1• 11111)! O\ (1rdt!l· l11i1 111 11111 11.i1 l11·1!1.11· ared. th•· l{··:it: 111. 1d1r1tr.i..,tr;1l11111 is hein!..! -.h1111 ,,1L!ltt•·d 111 11-. propo-;l'tl 11·d111·t 11111 The <1 11111· 11· \l.11,1-l·r..t nt and Budi,:(•l k1-1it 1 ·pt1wd ii• "l' s lash•·-. lfl tlw !1:111h 'rt •' '.,1(11111.tl Ap r 11 n .i 11 t t • r1 d ...; p .i 1 1• Admrn .... t r;1t tc•ll \ \..., \ 11-.1 ·~ 1111 acn111.1ut1< .tl 11-..<·.ir1 h () \' l' I' 1 ; I ' I I .. ~· I I \ ernmc·nl "Jl«fl "' • 1 ... , ,1rd h<1-.. helped \rn1 1 !•·.1 1 ·I .1111 1 l1•:11l in a\ 1.111011 \ 1111·1 •• 11 .11ic-1•;1ft arc p111 l'll<1-.1 d 11\ 1·1111 1H 111·.., acros-.. lh1· ;..:111111 .1 ... t li1 •\ h.1\t· pr 11 rt: d . tn .111 ti I .1 1 ~ • · t 11 1 w su pen or pr 11d1H·t.., But th1. (l\JH \\ 111h <'Uh 1n fiscal l!!X:! 11· ...... 11•h 11111tl" lrnm $29h. m ililon t11 "l'!t\ 111Jllr1H1 .llld even deept·1 1 ··du1 111111 , l11r f1M .d 1983 . lr11m " :1·1p11 · li't\ s:r:1 million lo SJ:\!I tntlltt•fl ;t dl'I l't'.l'I' • 111 m11re than 60 percent F o rmer astronaut :"e1l .\rmstrong. the firs t m a n to walk on thl' moon . t ol d a Ho u se ..,uhenmmittee o n Transportatio n . \nation and M aterials this week . th:..1t m·t•r the last d ecad e. NASA mont-r for aeronautical research ha:-. ~t'n reduced steadily . The n·~u It. ucc·ording to Armstrong: · Europt•an m:..1d e µlanes a r e ~rahbing a lcirger part of the markl•t .. The role of aviation in the worl<l'.., transportation syste m is <·t·rlatn to grow. not s hrink. in the I u t u rt' K e e p i n g A m e r i c a · s :11 rnafl industry s trong is a n1'C'l'Ssary ing redie nt to resto ring tht• domestic economy to vigor ,111d a vital fact o r in national ddt•nse. We d on 't think President RPagan would like to see the domestic aviation indus try hl'eom e second-r ate. a nd we hope tlw administration rethinks the proposed resear ch c uts . Opinion., , • ,,, . presv·d un rn1 1 ed. Addre-.., , '" 64~·-l311 . I ' P•• ' t<IJl)V" rift' 1110.-,e of the Daily Pilot. Otner views e 1t· ,. •• '",,. •Jt lhl:!11 duthors and artists. Reader comment 1s inv1t , , f'1111 µ u Rox l)o0, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (714) L.M. Boyd/Premaritaljitters Th;it rn·n·•111 1·•md1l 1011 kfl0\\11 hv mo~t a.., pn·ni.111t .ii ptlt'f" t an get prl'lt:> "t'n1111· \nd 11 11 ti!)Ps. it bc<·1in11·~ ;111 ,1iln1\'nt 11•1•11gn1Lt.•tl b~· thl• d111·tur:-,,..., t'lll'' ''"I' Sufferer!'> of s amt' v.1n<1 11p 1n l111,111t.11 ... with complainls ;ihuut 111-.11rnnw v.c1~ht loss. hcaclad1t·!'> I 11 l.or11l1111 nnt• l>r 0 I. Ou\ it'" !'>lt1el11•d ."to pal1l.'Ols, m ale and ft·m:i.k. "'h11 \H'l'l' :Hlmttte<I to :.i hnspit;il hc'C'tlll"'<' l)f 1ll'he!'> and ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot t •hi•'~~.,. • ,,,., ; '"• ; •• H .Nfll'\t lt•• >I ( t\fA Ml '" -.~t1' ''f''I• t )•~ "t U • ,, ,,, • ._,. .. ,,., .. I': pains 1hat came on them just before tht>ir srhedull'd marriages. Mostly, 1 hey wer<' anxious. depressed and indecisive. /\nd they hurt. (~ What's the meaning in China of the v.ord "chopsticks"" A. "The quick ones ·· Now then. how ma ny fe athers in a p(•at•ork's tai l" Say 18. Thomas P. Haley Publisher Thomas A. Murphine Edito r Barbara Kreibich • Editorial Pa~ Editor New views of the elderly WASlll:">IGTO'.'I Traveling the rountry for th1• pa!'>t l'ouµle of year!'> I han' asked the s ame question over and over again· ··Who 1s res ponsible for laking l'ar(' of yollr parl'nls in their old :.ige"" T ht· an~wcrs from students tn lthac'a. '.'.: Y . and prof<:"s1>r:; in :"'ew Yor k Cit\. from autoworker!'> in Detroit a nd C s." senator!'> hcrt· . ha\'e almost a lways l)eC'n .. lhl' go\'l'rnment ·· I <:annot recall mon• than a couple of pt•ople who gavl' a different answer :vi a n y p <· fl p l e w l' r e o b \' 1 o u s I ·' unt·omforlalill' \\ hl'n tht•\' s<.11d 1t. but lhl'~' s;i1d 1t Some htl.terly hlamt>d F ranklin D lfoose\'clt and said that s ud1 dependt·m·1.· on government \\a.., ruming .\menc:a. hut their answl'r \\i.I !'> I ht• s.i n11: Thrl·c· students ut C'nrnl'tl t '1tl\'f•r-..1l ~ procla1mPd tl1em .... 1·l,·e., lihl·rtar1;1ns . -..a,·1n g tht•\ fa\'ored ph1l11~11phu·all .'. tllt' 1·l1mrn;1t111n ol all ~"' <.·rnml·nt . 11111 I ht•\ 11111 .,:.i1d tlwt i.I!'> l 11 n t.! a.., r h" n • '' a·.., an ,.\ml' ri ea 11 gc1\'1•rnnH·nt . 11 ''a.., rL'"IHIO!'>thle for old p1·11ple T HOSE ,\:'\S\\'t·:RS \H·re the r..-a ltt\ O\ t:rs hil!IO\\ 111~ the pell,\ and pathe11'c· poltlll'!'> of l:.t!->t \\1 11·k ·.., \\'hlll' lloust• Confrn·nce on Agtng TIH>!'>t' an:.\.\cr!'> and "omt• Ing numl.Jcrs lhr numbers of old pct1pl1· in the l ·n1ted States in J fe\.\ > L'ar~ art' e rl'<Jting an America ver.\' rlifrert•nt from the nne being arguL•d about last week tn the c·apital There an· now 25 S million Amenr an!'> ovrr the a~t· of ti5. 11 3 perc:ent of lhl• populutton. ac:i:ordrng tu the t'ensu" Bureau That ts double the number 11f senior c·1t1zen:-tht·re were in 1950 It 1' ~ -------------,_. ! ,·; .,, RICHARD RllVIS also. ol rour-.{'. ;i II\ tng tnbull' In thl' ml·cl11:al Sl'll'nC:l' or tht• 20th l'Cntur~ Tiil' p e r cc: n tag l' :HJ y ('a r s ago " a.., X I percent. In 1920 11 was 4.7 perrent Ip 20111 11 1s <·<.1kul<:1ted the pt•rt·l·nt~1gc \\ti! tJl' I;! 7 pcn·t•nt Then the I.loom \\Ill hit the babit·s of the ·tiahv boom "di ht·g111 IH'eoming older Am~rt<·a ns 1n ~!1 11 l'L•oplt· horn 1n 19-16""111 he 65 lhal \t'lH Thl· pt•rel'ntagt• \.\Ill tltmh to\.\ard ~II iwrc:Pnt 111' t lit• natwn orye c1ut <11 II\ t· Amt·nl'an~ wtll be 1ild. prohahl~ n11n .produc:ll\ t'. prohuhly s upi.><.irted "' I ht• g1J\'<:rnm<:nt Th1!'> ts fr()lll th1• :'\attonal .Journal of '.'.:o\' 11 "The share of tht• federal go \' er nm l' n t bud g l' t d e\ o t 1• ti lo retiremt·nt and di!'>ahil1t~ \Ult ns<· dramati('ulh· over the next .1'> H·ars In 1960. It amounted lO 18 pe rrenl of lhe budget, cind m 1980. lo 28 perc·cnt Dcivtd G Ma thiasen. deputy assistant diredor l11r hud~t·I ,..., 11·\\ ol 1111., OflH'C· 11f \1;.1 n ;i g • • m 1• 11 I .1 n d H 11 cl ~'." t h ;,.... 1·-,11malt·d 11!:11 11 t'111t ld n·.wh II p1•11·t•nt HI '.lll:J(J THE IMPl.IC ,\TIO:\S •it 1lt11 ,1• numl.Jt.·r!'> an· :-.tuggc·rtni.! f'ht·> ,.,hould toueh on 11r rlH·tatt• almo-..r "' 1·n· domt'!'>tte polllleal d1·1)ah: and pol1n dc('i::.thn lor lht• rt:!'>! or tht• c·cnlur~ The· tut un· of lht· -,uburli=-<.111suhurti .... 1s 11111• !'>ma'll ex<im pll' \!11-;t ,\merwam. now 11, 1.: tn suhurli:-. ll!'>llulh 1n lht• :'\orthl'l.1sl ilfHI \IHI\\ t·st Y•iung p1·11µlt: <in: '°''' 1ng 0111 ol 11111 ... 1· pl;ic·c·, mcl\ HH: -.oulh Jnd I\ c•!'>t But old pl'11plL• <11 1• left IJl'h1nd I>~ t·C'<ir111m11· tr,,n1h and liy t tll'1r t'h ll<ln•n dt•Sflllt• i.111 tho-..t• llll'lllre .... Of r \>I 1 n· OH· n t ' cl I ;,i I! 1 ·-.. 1 n FI 11 n d a an rl Art1.<>0<1 So. th" d..t1Jtt• '"''r mone} f1ir 1h1· eld1·rh ''di "'"'n lll'1·nmt· a n·i.:1onal d<:bat(• :ilre(ld,\ thl• ~l\erag1· :ir..:e of \mt•nt·;in-.. 1s :I<! 1n 1'1·nn.,,1,:.in1 :.i l·om p:.i n •d \.\ tth 2>i an Color <1tlo · That changt· 1n dt·m1>graph1t' .\menr«.1 "111 bl· nnh one amnn ~ man' Tht·re "111 be. in' l.1c·1 ;,i d1ff<'rent ·kind <if ,\menta lh<.'n 11<1\ll'\••r much \H· 111\e to talk ahout rugg(.'d 1ndl\ 1dualt:-.m .rnd Jakmi.: <'are of tm· l:.irnll,\. :.sn Amr·rtn tn <'onsen~us has twt:n n·achl'd that taking t'are of tht· old 1:-. a p11hhl' funl'l1on 11n thl' saml· 11rclt·r i.I!'> cdur:.it1ng c·hilrlrt·n I n a " 1' r k 1 n g rl l' m o <· r <i t· .' 1 h ;.i I l'Onsen:-.us 1:-. th\;' ull1mall' ftO\.\l'r . and the d ec-1sion has hccn made Christ Illas lists can he half the fun In mv famtl\' we hci ve a lot of fun at tht• Thanksgl\.ing dinnN table making up our Cnr1stmas lists We don ·t al" ays. or e\'en usually get what we (lilt on our ltst!'>. but WE' can dn·am One 111 our grown daughters has had · ;i little t ,.d Porsche" on hl·r ltst for nine \'C'a r.., n1rn :md I don·t "ant her to kt111\.\ befon· ('hnstm;,is but Santa Claus 1sn·t going to llnng a t'ar dm\n lhe ch1mne,\ thi s yt•ar. either. I ha\'<• "omt· 1tt·ms on n1\ lt!'>t I kn''"' I won't Ix· .f.!l'llmg ;ig:.i1n 11i1!'> \(.'~Ir l'q: known !'>trll'l' £'arh <'htlrlhorn l that 1f \OU likt• half ttw pr~sent:-. ~ ou gel. 11 ·~ a good Chnstmas Thl' 11ne:-. you.don"! hke ~ o u :Jl'l'l•pt " 1 l h i,!t' nu llH' p I easu re :in.\ way 1ust .it :hl· thou..:ht of havin,g s omeonl· l'ar1• t·nou g h lo ~'''l' you :-nmt•thing Al.MOST ('t:RTAl~I.\' I \\o n t br l:!t•lting lht· 1·1 ghth it1:m c1n m~ lt s l. ":-mall. old trattor ··On the otht•r hand. I ha\ t.' a good chancc of gettrng several of lhl' thml ttem . "pair pigskin glo\'es ... I ;ils11 \I ant ;i Ht•a r<'al scanner racl1n. .Japant·~·· l'ht :-.l'I:-. and c urly or birds e~ e ma pit· hoard~ ·A ne\\ eellar " rs the un likl•ltc·~t thrng on m" Christm<i:-lis t ~'r1t a dwncc for that · Ont• thing we all know is that somL' pc11plt.· are h;1rrl to give to a nd others arc· cas~ There's the feeltng that if a pt>r~o n IHI !'> t•nrlllgh money to buy :inyth111g he or s he want-; thcy·ll be hard lu ~IH lo. but money isn·t what makes the differcnec The diffcrenl'e i:-. in htl\.\ cli\'er sl' <1 person's intere:-.ts are Let's faee it. Juli people who don't ha\'c many interests are tough to· find presents for If the~ .. re women. they end UJ.1 gelltnl! a lot of perfum e. nr ghtgown!'> and um1Jr£•1las . If lhev're men, l hl:!\' i.:ct :-.('ar\'l'S. netkties and-umbrellas · I had thl· misfortune of having a ''"nclt"rfull,,· h:.tppy childhood. so l'\'e nt•\'t:r nt'l'rll'rl a psychiatrist and have ,~,, --# ANDY RDDNIY ~ never been a ble to write a brooding novel with a tragic e nding. Christmas "as atw;iy~ a good pa rt of my good l'hildh•)()(I anrl maybe it's my pleasant memon of 1t 1h:it makes me like this lime nf tht· .\'t~;ir so muth now I brought the fa mily Christmas lists to the office to Xerox today. <Using the Xerox isn 't stealing from the com pan:-" 1s rt ., 1 While I was at the mal·hine. a friend and co·worker came ;ilnng wtlh hl'r brolhl'r·s list lle 's a ncurosurgc•on in :'\orth Carolina and hrs 1s the most rnn .•nti\'C and eclectic 1 I lhtnk thl' word ts 1 Chris tmas lis t I ha\'c l'\'cr re:id. In my hi gh school class there was a real nut of a kid who became a brain s urgeon and the re:-.l of u::. in the c:lciss always jokt•d ahout him later We said th;it \\l0 d ..,url' hat1• 111 h:.t\t' him do somethinj! -.1mpk lrk1• l1x a t1mken leg 11r perfnrrn an appl•1Jdt•t'l11m'. 'but if we lwd soml'lhlltJ! :-t·n11u:-. :incl 1·1,mpltratc•d 11 rong. \H'<I \\Ltlll h1111 lur our d1wt11r I don't kn1m m.' I rtl·nd :-. flr11ther but ht- -,11und~ ltkt• th;it kind"' dort11r lfton· are s11mt• -..t•lp1·1t·tl 1l1·ni.... trnm h1o.; ('hr1 ... 1ma:-. 11:-I !It· '-tart:-out nurm.ilh l'nllu;!h and ~1111 m1ch1 n111 t•XfH'C't ""' h;1d an,11ne 11n11 !'>t1,d 1111 ~0111' hand.. l'apt•r 1·11ttcr . .._ut-.. Btt r11mt·t1•1 . World \lm:111 ,u · Tht'.,l' an· tt~·m:-~11u might ft n<I on m \ Cbrr:-tma-.. 11!'>1. hut look further · S\\ a hilt languag,t.· r1·1 11rrb I larpoon C•mbcn h:tl , ft•lt. 7': Book on Jui.:gllrli.! Cnpa1nlt•tl le;uJ s1>ld1t~r:- Rook:-1111 thl· l''\fll11rat111n of ,\fnt•a Samur;i1 S\\ord :">lo stnpt::-. or c hL·C'k" Sheepskin l11n dt• :-L•;11 ro' l'r Nothrng rt•l<11l'd t•1 lnd1:in.., Reeord:-.. :'>l:.iclam1· Hut1t·rfl~. L<t Boheme. WillH· ;\ebon P1pt• t·an 111g :-.t'l Wagon \\111•1·1~ 11111· pair :lo or :rn tnthc:-. Then· an· do1t·ns cil otlwr Items on the doc·ro1"" ll s l. .ilthnugh he says rn a foot nolL' that lwntt1sc of the state of the l'c·onom.' hl· ha.., pared 1t to the bone If I l'\'('r nn·d llrain "urgery, I think 1"11 put my frtt:nd ·.., brother on m~ l'hn!'>tmas 1.1..,t It's ti1ne to watch out for dangerous toys WASlllNGTON No parent needs to be told that this is the ti me of year when toym a kers promote their new products with an irrepr essible ieal born of anli<'ipaled profits But the playthmf;(s t hat wind up under the Christmas tree Q -J1-c1-11-1-11-11-1 -d may include som e d angerous. even deadly items in innocent guise. It's not that the toym akers haven 't been warned: Last June. a federal court a warded an unprecedented $3.J million jud.g ment a~ain st Fisher Price fo r injuries s uffered by a 14·month-old child who cbok ed on a tiny doll. The manufacturer h as responded not by rem oving the dangerous doll from the market but by removing the word "safe" from the pa c kagi n~. The company has also filed an appeal. F.DWARD M. SWARTZ. a Boston attorney who has written extensi\'ely about uns ure toys \ncludin~ the defln1ttyc book. "Toys Thal Don't tare" ha~ c:omp1led a list or thlt holiday season's 10 mos t dangerous toys. Here they arc: Fishe r Pril'e Play Family Figures I Little People l. It was o ne of these tiny fig u ri n es that s tu c k i n the 14-m onth-o ld's t h roat. causi n g irreparable brain dam age before it was s urgically removed. Dor cy Manufac turing Co ·s Superslick. a skill game with a "magtc wand" that could put out an eye. Li'I Train Spinning Top. a Hong K o n g .m a d e t oy with an easily removable base that reveals a 2.5-inch s poke spike. -Mississippi Steamship. a German toy with a potentially dangerous 8·1nrh fl agpole . The dis tributor, F .A .0 . Sc hwartz. says it h as stoppe d marketing the toy Space Kraft Shooting Star. by Victor Stanzel Co .. is a gun that shoots a flying spaceship. Burk Rogers Oise Pis tol. b y Fleetwood Toys. . Kenne r's Betty Crocker Mini-Wave O\'en. which plugs into househo ld curre nt and bakes with a 100-watt light bulb. -My Baby's Feeding Set. which has easily swallfWed miniature bottle cap~ and nipple~. ~lodcl Tr<.ttrl Srnokt'. h\' L1fe·L1ke Prnducts. a chem1eal for m«><lel trains that 1s potential!~ harmful tf ingested. yet lacks a warning label or ehlldproof rap. Little Snoopy. hy f'1sher Price. which has a strin_g with a shoe hanginf? 11ul its mouth. easily chewed off and swallowed Footnote: M\' assoc1alt' Don Goldberg spoke with ofr'ic1<1ls uf most of the toy firms li sted Thev argued that their produc-ts met all ·appropnatt• 'federal and local standards ·· Gllllllll Those outfits that train market ch eckers should include a vegetable identification course so they don·t have to as k lh1 customer what each one is. J.V. .. . •• il • Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, December 11 , 1981 A 11 Unreleased Beatles $Ongs held &i\ , , ... ( ,.,,., .. Al l PRfJ(,HAM I\ "" \,f1f1h1\U 1•fiolft .,l IC t QftWif1t H'4ft \ i uC.Ui •atlfl ,+,,~•I \1tn,1lt1 lu u,,.1 II\ l•Jltl{Hlhjf '''J'" '' LJhxir .. unrht<tf ,., (4."" .,.uu pm''" I P•' llt' .. " It iHIV l1ut·t 11vfm -N•IP• flttittl (.,,,,, 1•t1Hjlt-nn y1n1t \1.1hp'i I ,,,,d hH lh•' Al J Pt•O<.f.fl\~ tl•j .111 th•' ""q'~ (),, LOS ANGELES <AP> -As many as 12 never·rele1&!l t!d Beatles son1s the le1enduy singing groµp recorded before It brQke up in tbe late '805 are tuck4'd away in vaults in England. a newspaper reported. Ken Townsend, a spokesman for Abbey Road Studios in London. said there are "about 10" such songs i.n a vault at the studio where the Beatles worked from 1962 until John Lennon, Paul McCartney. George Harrison and Ringo Starr dissolved the group. according to the Los Angeles Herald Examiner. Mc(AaTW•Y MAaatlo..· Brian Southall, spokesman for EMI Records in London, said two unreleased tracks were in EMI vaults and that one, "Leave My Kitten Alone" with the late John Lennon on lead vocal, will eventually be released by EMI either in 1982 or 1963. But .that may be the only release. said. "It would appear that we would be cashing in on a tragedy.·· Both EMI and Capitol Records, the Beatles U.S. dis tributors, said they would not issue anything the Beatles did not issue. ··At this moment, no, we are not planning to put out anything more," Southall said. "Kitten," described by Townsend as "probably the best" of the unreleased material. was brought to public attention by a British disc jockey in 1980 and was being considered for release by EMI as a single last Christmas. Those "We wou.ldn't undermine the creative output of the Beatles ," said Capitol spokesman Steve Gelber. even though Capitol did issue a .. Rarities" album or Beatles outtakes -versions that the group never intended to release. ·plans were scrapped when Lennon was killed in New York City in Dece mber 1980, because, as an EMI spokesman "We were satisfying the collector's curiosity wit.fl the 'Rarities' album with tracks that were up to par -that were qu-alitatively blessed by George Martin (lon g time Beatles producer a nd guide ):· saict Gelber. who stressed that even the potential money to be made from "new" Beatles releases is not BLousoN JACKET SPECIAL 7900 Our lightweight wool·nylon blouson jacket has al l the right details. Full shoulders, rib cuffing, slash pockets. Navy with white reverse facing. 5 to 13 sizes. Not all sizes in wrap it for her Christmas gift. Contemporary Collections \ 1. m a g I ! \ l n -... _ I ,_ \ \ n Christmas $hop 1'11day San1a Ana 10 00 to 8 00. South Coas1 Ptala 10 00 10 9 JO Saturday San1a Ana, Sourh Coast Pla1a 10 00 to 6 00 Sundav Santa Ana Noon to 5 00 South Coast Plaza 11 00 to 6 00 FRIDAY & SATURDAY •LYI Enjoy a special holiday presentation or Christmas with the ~dc!fic <Yborale (formerly the Irvine Master Chorale 1 directed by John Alexander An enjoyable evening of classical music and traditional Christmas carols with percussion. brass and organ GOOD SEATS STILL AVAILABLE Box Office Opens 7: 30 p. m Tickets : $12. S8 and S6 S2 discount to senior citizens. students. and children. 8:30 p.m Friday & Saturday December 11 and 12 s uff.icient to warrant the pressing of records. "I don't thin!( Capitol ls interested in re leasing Beatles material for mercenary l)Uf1)0Ses. · · he said. Other songs be.lieved to be in the Abbey R oad vault a r e a Lennon-McCartney number sung by Ringo Starr. "U You've Got Troubles,'' that Beatles buffs say was left off the "Rubber Soul" album. Other tracks include a slower. 1963 version of "One After 909." a Lennon· McCartney song written in the late 1950s that was recorded during the Beatles' "Get Back" sessions and released on their "Let It Be" album in l970. One of the two tracks in the EMI vaults is the old Mitch Murray title, "How Do You Do It," which the Beatles recorded as their first single. Producer Martin pers uaded them instead to release "Please, Please Me." and "How Do You Do It" was turned over to Gerry and the Pacemakers. who made it a top hit. Bootleg copies o( the Beatles version of "How Do You Do It" have been available for years. the paper said. Titles of the remaining songs in the Abbey R oad vau lt were not imm'ediately disclosed, but they were all said to be tunes that were finished and then "put aside." ProgrammeCt Automation Plus ShJtter·Priority Sof?histication Systeni lnte<Jration .... j Ji .. H .... I I L111 I ' • ""'"' •' ., .. ,, ' •'1' .• 11. J1f1 •••• ' • ""4.t• .... f •' ,, • ., •' '""'' 1• I • ,,,, ' • I I • ' •'_1 If''' l1111j1 t 1 ,,, I\,'"• ••.ii .t f n .. Y,l1r f•• 'w4't If ("ll'\' lf 1( •. i \llfJht\ltCJ tvtf (,Hf1••f,1 c tH1ioJltl1• ,I pn1t1•,.'1H1f11tl r1.,utl\, ,lfd I lf1 ti\t• flfl.lll V h l \f ( H•Ull r u wul• •'•Ql1 1-:h•phol•) J titJ /t111t•1 ltifflSI') •I' ~ .. 1 (~, •" r •\J •• w••I '.4 MA •~••t.14 •• '•• •n •) .,.._, 1•·• 1 1 1 ·~-"'Ii.I• Hi>4A .,..,, ,,,...,.,1 1••l" I 11 '11 , 111 ,,, .. 1 't11J , I I •H 11 1 .,, ..... I 'I ( ., I !J .. ''""I ' '" •14 f •• All Fedco stores are open snen days a week until Christmas FEDCO MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES flOCO U Ctlll(OA • • • 'J' "" i" t• • I ... I ,,, fl t A1 ~-,, ''"' 1, STORE HOURS WEU DAYS flDCO V411 llUYS • · ·~· '~'· • , .. J .. 11 h •••• i:' .t••··'i .. •' ,~... 4lJ HOCO PASAOlllA ·" 1 u 11 of.,• \It• f ( !f t'1 (1 f' j• 1 t'h I ••• ffOCO CIRRllOS ,, , ·~ ! "I ' ''1(~• ~,. 1, ,If ,I ._,,..., t" • ' ti ' flOCOCOSl4MU4 ,,, •·"•.·•1 tf1 tr1 •-•·•'IY1• 8 •'1 j •,, ~• 1 •1 l,t' .. noco SAii Oil GO • ' .. •''•'-'·'" ~A·• ~ [ , <: t""' t'u i ,, II DCO SAN 1£RNAllOlllO "• ~-• •• ~t , •• "'·' ""' H ... , JH1. 11 00 AM to 8.00 PM• LA CIENEGA• SAN IERNARDINO AND SAN DIEGO STORES 12 00 NOON to 9·00 PM• CERRITOS • COSTA MESA • PASAOENA ANO VAN NUTS STORES SATURDAYS• All STORES 10.00 AM to HO PM , SUNDAYS• All STORE.$ 10 00 AM to 5.00 PM -OPEN TO FEOCO MEMBERS ONLY ) Just for you: lots of surprises and savings. Have fun shopping the Chrisbnas Collections of Pier I. Save Our rattan trunks from China are gr eat toy chests for kids' rooms. 15x 19x 28" & 20x 23 x 32'.' Store c lothes too. l ike having an extra closet. reg. 49.9939ss 59ss & 69.99 & Stemware for festivities. reg. 1.29 98;. }98 & 2.49 .... 'r & 11 Brass angel candlehold- ers from India. 2 & 4"H. reg. 2.99 J 88 & 3 ss & 4.99 Pier I is the place to buy mugs -and now is the time. Gr eat selection . great prices. Buy fo r gifts, then add to your own collec tion. Mugs reg. 1.99-4.99 ... 30% off lhenew Cozy sox from Afghani- stan are handwoven. No two pairs alike. No more cold feet this winter! Many colors and patterns to choose from. Afg~ani SOX 88 reg . 9.99 ...... 7 pair • Santa Ana High School 520 W. Walnut S~ .. Santa Ana s.Je prices good one week only. collections Or call 542·1790 for more information A Public Service Sponsorship or lhe Orange Coast Daily Pilot .. , .. ANAJiEIM -509 Kalella Avenue, 172-2'72 Z COSTA MESA -2110 Harbor Bouleva.-d. 540. 7337 GAaDEN GaOVE -UOlt Harbor Boulevard, AS-2481 MISSION VIE.10-308 Mission Vlejo Mall. 415-65112 ... Al2 l FBF CHIEF Henry Voss, 49. S t a nislaus County fruit and nut g row e r . i s n ew president o f the Ca liforn ia Farm Bureau Feder ation. def eati n g Fred He ringer -,--,- Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, Decomt>ur 11 , 1981 Ornament warning DEAR READERS : Direct Ma ll Marketing Association Inc reports that its M•il Order Action Line received many complaints last Christmas about a mailing offering tree ornaments. It appears that the same company and mailing are back in business again this season. DMMA says, "This ad is a classic case or the consumer making inrerences about the merchandise without details In the ad to substantiate their impressions. Last year tbe ornaments we received were metallic coated paper and the '"personalization" consisted or the purchaser's name handwritten with a felt tip pen. This year's ornament, ordered rrom the same company, has not yet arrived. However. based on our experience last year. you may want to aJert your readers." The advertisement encl05ed by DMMA shows $1.19 "Personalized Tree Dazzlers," available from Santa 's Workshop, 310 Madison Ave .. New York. N.Y 10017. Dec. 25 ll'\ a day for exchanging gifts, expressing goodwill, me rrymaking and feasting. Part or this feast lncluded raising an evergreen bough lo celebrate the return or the sun. A It h oug h Celts and Sa xons used evergreen trees lo ward off witches, evil spirits and ghosts, fir Christmas trees date back to the English missionary Winirrid a ro und 680-784, who later became St. Boniface Legend says he came upon some Druids who were about to slay a young prince as an offering to their god Thor. Winifrid halted the proceedmgs and cut down the sacred oak tree against whi ch the humirn sacrifice was to have taken place. A young fir tree is said to have sprung up where the oak had stood. The missionary told the Druids to adopt the fir as their new holy tree, saying that it was a tree of peace and of Christ. Yule tree old tradition Ju~ists hit DEAR PAT DUNN : Slue many The custom of decorating the Christmas tree has been traced to the Germans as early as the 1400s or 1500s. The first Christmas tree recorded in American hi story was set up 1n 1804 by sofdiers at Fort Dearborn. 111. SAN FR ANC l SCO Christian symbols were used In ancient _ 1 A p ) _ Th e s t a t e times, I'd like to know If DOD·trad1Uooal trees • <:or a problem·· Then w nte 10 /'at denied the petition of a wben evergreen and fir trees were first used • 'l aw ansu·n s and actwn 11011 need I() I or 1t1ot hard lo surpnse person on your gilt hsr ,;e offer the sohd brass lire gouge Ntfh 1ls owr prv1ec1ive case and 101 lhe moie d•scr.m1not1ny the brass plated gurT' cost-r credit coro 10110 t>Olt ".>I Nr c r con oe per;onohzEio Pr.one oroers occei::,.1eo /111 1196 Y110 del thomas Supreme Cou rt has predate Christianity. Also, cu you teU me ~ llunn /'a l will cul red taf)f' getlmy pit R iver l 0 di a n to celebrate Christmas? • sulilf> meqwtzes m qovernmeril and convicted of taking deer T.G., Costa Mesa ,.., bu.~znes.\ .'Wall yoJr quest ions tri /'at o ut or season , but Egyptians used date palms to celebrate Dunn. At Your Service. Orange Coast f. t d 't· I t di ssenting JUStices the winter solstice as a symbol of life over n c11/,111'1lut. P O Hor 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 As lne rO I 10n0 S Or SWeOr crraittl·c,iz 1 .ed 0 gcollteoagu 0 es 0 ftoer deathbe-_just as the sun is "reborn" in winter many le/Ins a.~ possible will be ans.wered. but phonPd 340(")5 DOHENY PARK RD. and gms to provide more light each day. rnquin1'.~ or letters n111 zn cludmg the reader's full ....., · • h ist 0 r i c a I I y By A.O. 354, when Christianity became name. address and huStriess hnurs phone numhtr recognized .. l ndi a n accepted, church leaders had established cannot t>e considered. CAPISTRANO BEACH PLAZA right.s~.piiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii__J=-iiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiii~:;if=~======~====~==~==~====~============~============JJ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~ . I '"TIME BANDITS" (PG) "KILL OR BE KILLED" (PG) II plus "KILL AND KILL AGAIN' ··ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK" (R) Ill WRIGHT'S HARDWARE Our Christmas Present to ·You V3 OFF ON ALL MERCHANDISE STOREWIDE The ideat titM to buy yoew IMR a Chri1hlla1 preHftt. ONE DAY ONLY SAT., DEC. 12th Antiques Galore Steam Engines. Gas Engines Tools. Housewares. Plumbing, Electrical Wide Selection ol Sur· plus Items Merchandise too Numerous to Men· loon Don t forget- T remendous Savings to You• 126 Rochester. Costa Mesa• 548-7745 Just down the street from The Grant Boys I n Business Since 1932 ~Chrislmas Wis it The Lady Seiko Quartz. Christmas wishes come 1rue with an ultra-thin Lady Seiko Quam watch from jewels by )C>Kph. Come in and Stt one of Sou1hem C alifornia's most complete seleciions of the accura1e and beautiful lady Seiko Quam watche . pric~ from St 10 . • m A ITdtUlklfl uf IT'MJI JtWtLS by JOS[Pll Art in Tune with the Holiday~ ~ ~ ; RWMfli'4L 15Hfi41!-. Rf.6:29.~ f/9.88 ~DO.ST IRON SJ:llfND2611 '1ifJJ. ~Z7.95. li!B GIFT CtffT1'KXTf.S GOOD FOR ANY OOWfR AMOUNT \ "" A Dalgner'a Dream Visions of this 3 pc studio set will dance in any artist's head Create masterpieces or work on hobbies at this ad1ustable draft· Ing table from Plan Hold. A sturdy steel base supports the 30x42" white laminated top Reg. 169 95 198.88. Baked enamel stool in 3 colors sports butcher block look seat. 27" talL Reg. 29.95 Sl9.88. Clamp on flex lamp in assorted colors completes the set. Reg. 28. 95 S 12.88. AU 3 items Reg. 228.85 Aaron Brothen Holiday Special Sl29.88 (AlllGRAPHY ~ G<WMNTf~ If WE 'Pl. OOT Of TrlE SIU 'rt>U NffOJ. PICK A f fl.-1ME Of EOLJAL TER VA.Uf ,Alli; W~'il G-IV~ 'rOO TH!. SAME OOUtfR DISCOUNT AS 711! ADYEffTiSfl> FR"'1l Aaron Brothers Art Marts zm HUNTINGTON BEACH 7470 Edinger Ave.• Open Mon.·Frt. 10.9, Set. I Sun. 10·8 :::,:-~""::-.::"'" COSTA MESA 17'14 Newpo'181¥d. •Open Mon.-Frt. 9-9, Set. I Sun. 10.8 :..~-- EL TOAO 24350 Sw.U Dr.• Open Mon.-Fri. 10·9, Set. 10·8, a Sun. 11 ·8 r""" ~ 11 .. Daily Piiat FRIDAY, DEC. 11, 1981 CAVALCAD E STOCKS GAR DEN High flier thinks small Miniature aircraft star in advent ure movies (>ANVERS. Mas!> (AP 1 Ernie Huber 's creations hover dangerously close to burning s kyscrape rs and s mash into desert clifrs but without costing a single hfe T h ey're m1 n 1at ur es helicopters and a irplanes so realistic that Huber can earn $20,000 to $40,000 to he lp provide special effects for a llollywood spectacular Huber's helicopters a ppeared in the 1973 disaster epic. "The Towering Inferno." in which one rescue heJicopter exploded 1n flames after hitting the edge or a landing pad. He a lso p r ovided fl y ing machines for "Capr icorn One." a 1977 picture in which the stars cs~apc in a biplane. as three pursuing helicopte rs explode in na mes against desert cliffs Huber. a precision machinist from Danvers. began building models as a 12-year-old boy an 19 44 a n d progressed to rad 10-controlled models in the 1950s I n 1969 , he tried rotary-wing models a nd . afte r l\\O years of try ing , made a successrul flight. The models. which hovered by an 80-foot mockup of a burning buildin g for "T o w e r i n g Inferno," <1re about 60 inches long. weigh 12 pound s. and, powered by engines up to 111 horsepower fly about 45 m iles per ho ur. Ear h costs about S4.000. ll cacls turn w he n Huber trans port!. his m1ni-airfleet around town lie tot es the s leek h elicopter!> aboard a shiny. <'U!>t om built traile r towed behind his motorcyde lluber \\Orh on h1!> modt!ls the first t•apablc of rlying upside d ow n . a<'cord an g to the m<1l'h1n1!.t an his basement sho1> lie built nine models fo r ''Inferno" and four Hughes 500·C h e l 1l'111.it er m nd e Is and a m1n1ature Stea rman biplane for ''Caµrit·orn .. No\\ llubc r as ·adding another movat.' to th.t! list of c redits He 's 1Ju1lding three rhoppe rs for a p l :inned Columbia Pictures movie starring Clint Eastwood, called "Rluc Thundf:'r ·· OFF AND ROLLING Ernal' lluhl'I rnll•:-h1:- motor C' h d l'. Io" 1 n c n 11 l' u I Ill' mo cl t• I helicopter!'-to a rw:arl)\ l1t.•ld 10 do :-ome n_, lnl! YoU.\l' proh~hh 'l't'n ha-. ('1'l';1l111n ... an 1 hl· mm rt·s OC n e twork buys family TV s tation POUGHK EEPSI E .NY <AP1 T h e s toc kholders of t he fina nc ially troubled Family Television Inc. have agreed to a pla n to sell Channel 54 to a Ca Ii ror nia-based r el 1g 1ous network. the company president confir med. The s ale of WFTl-TV t o Trinity Broadcasting Network of Santa Ana. has been approved pending the drafting of an ag reement hy legal counsel. accor ding t o Keith llouser . president a nd founder of Family Television. Houser. who controls most of the s tock of the rehgaous-and family-oriented station. said the stockholde rs would \'Ole on a fi na l agreement within 120 days. He did not disclose the s ale price but said the station 1s .. a very valuable property." Stockholders voted 384·4 to approve the sale plan. Houser said. The lone oppone nt was Rita Sappe of Fishkill. who said the proposal was too a mbiguous. The vote came eig ht months after the station went on th~ air as Houser 's alte rn ati ve to co n ve n tional t e l ev is ion progr amming. which he s<11d promotes violence a nd sex. It was the mid·Hudson Valley's fi rst television station Photo• by the Aaaocleted Pr••• \ For one professor, ~ William Faulkner is D almost everything. See a 82-3 Hugh Mulli gan on Page 87 88 B2. FIGHTING FIRE \II\ l' tout. tiO p111111d 111111h-I lwlil'opl t'r lwlp!-o 'l 't'll l'l' :1 hrt•t•t·ht•' 11110' 111 :1 blazing XO 111111 t:ill mo1kl hutlclang 1n 1111-. -.cent from Thl• To\\ t'l'lll).! I 11ft•rno · Thl' \ \ \ .... -.fll ;di ld.11·!.. .lll',I 1111 !ht· 111•11\ I' ,II) t·11~1 11t· 1111111111..: 1:111 haddt•n 1111 l;1t<·r mmld- ln lllr r·1·.1 ... t• lllt• :qqll'.11.1111·1• 111 l't'.il1-.m On Nov 24 c reditors seized m uch or th e s tati o n 's equipme nt. temporarily forcing it off the air. Houser said t he station now broadc asts Mondays through Fridays fro m 3 p.m . until 2 a .m.; Saturdays from 5 p.m . to midnight ; and Sundays fro m 8 a.m. to m idnight. The station's s ignal can be received in an a rea stretching fro m Manhattan to Coxsackie in Green e Cou n ty a n d f rom Wa te rbury. Conn .. on the east to Port Jervis. N. Y .. on the west. CHOPPER SHOP E rnie lluher acl.1u~h the rotor:-; on a 1><1\\ crt.·cl . remote-controllt•d pn•l'is 1on mo<lt.•I of a lkll .kt R:J nt..:l'r helaeopll'l' in h1:- :\lassat.·husells honw In tlw hadtt.:rounn an• a numlwr of other m ockls NO ILLUSION It lht• pt•r-.pt•t·t1\l' o l till' IH•hn1plt•r and 11' pilot 'l'l'llltng -.m :allt•r than till' man 111 thl' h;11·k t.:r11un look:-:-.t ran).!t' 11 ... n·:alh not E r n1t· ll ulwr a:-opt•rat111 t..: 0111· of 111-. rt•mnlt• 1·11ntr11l :i1rc ·rall Tr inity Broadcasting Network run s four UH F statio ns : the flagsh ip KTB N In Or a nge Co u nty ; K PAZ In Phoenix . Ar iz.; KTBO In Oklahoma City; and WHIT in Miami. 8 sente nced SAN OJ EGO I AP l Eight m e n inc lud ing a Mexican fed e r a l agen t h ave been s entenced t o p r iso n a rte r pleading g uilty in the theft of 4,000 cars valued at more tha11 S30 million and taken to Mexico. ·•..--•·.--···---- .Mayor of small town leads national cities group RALEIGH, N.C. !AP> -The town of Scotland Neck m ay have just 2.900 residents and two garbage trucks. but Mayor Ferd Ha rrison says it has plenty lo teach big cities. H is e lection I ast w eek as president of the National League of Cities might mean Scotland Nec k a nd o th e r s mall communities have earned the respect they have long bee n seeking, says Har rison. the first s m all-town mayor to lead the national group. · H ar r ison . 55. r e placed Indianapolis Mayor William Hudnut. The n ationa l league r epresents 15,000 municipalities acr oss the nation . One of its m ain functions is lobbying In Washington. "ll 's a great opportunity and something tha t not ma ny people have had come their way." Harrison said in a telephone Interview. But he noted. "It doesn't fall out of the blue . It's like any political campaign. you've got to gear yourself up to it.·· Har rison began by trying to be a good representative of small t ow ns -attending all the n a tiona l league's meet ings. vo lunteering t o h e lp on com m ittees a n d f or m i n g allia nces with larger c1t1es to meet mutual goals. • Several years ago. he led a successful fight to eliminate the o r gan izatio n 's mi n im um population requirement of 35,000 a nd in 1975 became the first small-town official elected to the league's board of direclors. Then Harrison noticed "this JOb us president was available." and decided to try to "pull off som ethinJll that had never been done before .. T he hard work has paid off. Harrison believes he was elected because "I paid m~ dues. I've been involve~nd done m y ho m ework and 'm,ade m y~elf aware of the problems of big l'lllCS ... llarrison. who became mayor or has hom etown an 1958 at the a1tc of 31. says the problems of h1g c1li<'s are not that fo reign lo him because they'r e only larger versiOns of those he has raced In Scotland Neck. He adds .he has tried t o de m ons t r a t e the s 1mllar.ities to members or the national league who in the past have taken s mall towns for granted -. -' -Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, December 11 . 1981 • ANN LANDERS • HUGH MULLIGAN •HOROSCOPE Stolen time 'golden' ,....._... NOBEL. WINNERS Three winners of the 1981 Nobel J,>rize in Medicine are, left to right, Prof. David H. Hubel, Harvard Medical Sch oor; Dr. Roger ·sperry, California Institute of Technology. and Swedish Prof. Torsten N . Wiesel. also of Harvard Medical School. Cllrl•t•a•· Aloto-X Bllres · Famous Brands at Closeout Prices! . •, t: ""'~,~\. "'t,,G ~4',., ~\ ~ ~O A'l ~q'l .IXPLOIB The high performance motocross -specially de- signed chromoty frame (main tubes) with alloy rims. , alloy hubs-free-wheel rear. MX alloy hand brakes. For the young boys to explore motocross1ng MX alloy stem. MX alloy cranks. MX saddle. padded fun. New and modern frame design with cross bar and frame lop tube. At a realistic price gusseted head -20 wheels with knobby Colors and an0d1zed components sub1ect to the tires. 36 spokes coaster bralle rear hub, thick trend 1--239.95 padded MX type saddle Available 1n red or -..,,. ivory. Bnghtstar as above but with 16 wheels S2 J 595 (smaller version) (l 1m1ted to stock) NOW 1111(111111 Closed MOftdays & THsday1 Throttcjh W iRhr S•aso• 2 I I 6 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, Ca. Holiday SALE Gift Giving With Big SAVINGS! SOFT LEATHERS AND RUGGED BOOCSKINS 300.00 coats NOW 239. 80 250.00 coats NOW 199. 80 200.00 coats NOW 154. 80 Blazers & leisure styles. we stern looks & styled waist length jackets. in soft cabretta & luxurious glazed lamb . Big : 48-54 673-5051 Tall : 42 -5 2 SHOP 'TIL 9 p.m. Dorrntorrn tHI I p.m.; SUN. 11 a.m.-1 p.m. •• VISA MASTER CAID Additional Big Savings Throughout A/112 Eagleson 's Stores Silk N Touch. long sleeve sport shirts. Big: 1XB-3XB. Tall : LT-2XT . . . . . . reg 25.00 NOW 12.10 Fashion right plaid .sport shirts. long sleeve. Big . 1XB-3XB. Tall: LT-2XT .... reg 27.'° NOW 19 ... Poplin zip jacket. p~ellfled , natural, Big : 48-54 , Tall : 44 -52 . . . . . . . ... reg . 85."'NOW 87 ... Classic cord ranch Coat . pile collar/lining , brown . Big: 48-54. Tall : 44-50 . . reg . 85.00 NOW 87." PopliA main coat . 3/1. length. pile lined. Big: 48-54. Tall : 44-50 ............ reg . 8~." NOW 87 ... Tone on tone. "dress-up" western shirts. Big: 1 XB·3XB. Tall. LT-2XT . . ... reg 30." NOW 23." Turtle necks . cot/poly. assorted colors . Big: 1XB-3XB, Tall: LT-2XT . . . ... reg. 18." NOW 14." Pajamas. 100% cot. flannel, solids & fancies, Tall : B·E, Big: 0-H . . . . . . . reg. 20." NOW 18." H04 all atl.S encl C-1 •f' all SICMts lOS MMMLU :!rd 6 59'"'0 l»UA SANTA 4"" 3114 S 8<1$tol S1 -1,,. Tr-"f -.IPO CANOGA...,. 21'29 v-S4 K rOM IN II ,,.,..,, ... .., Co 10)41'f7 n•TlllMSTllll ~ W•11111MI ......... ,...I 10 e..1 -.m ~°" HILU 9alboa •• Oeooft•N•• -.nn COlfl!TOS 111'9 193rd SI. KIOM ,,,. .. ,,.,..,, Seer• .. ,.,. TOMMc:a 2043.t Ha•11'10r,.. 81Yd ,,,.... ,-ULL(lllTOlf H-J Orell(letl'IOrpe IN>Uft O&.tMOA&..f 217 H o..,..,.ie ... , Ht•I lo ~l'llon t Nf.oMt MOffTC\.AHI l'l"1A Nt•I lo GTE Phone Marl ln·717J ..., OllOO :1210 AoMCr•nt fn"l an.nra •mMIM 38611111-.ldt 1>1111a-.- HOUfla: ..... 11w ,ti IO-t.. ea~ L.t.. 104.. .... I0-1, Sooft. 11 .. DEAR ANN LANIH:Rs You \ l' publiRhed many lctll'r:-. in ~·our l'olumn O\'Cr the ~·L'a rs a bout Thl· Othl'r Womun This leta•r 1:-. from The <>thl·r ~irn I am add rt.•ss1p~ m~· remarks to thl· hu~han<I of t ht> woman I love · . . The relutwnshtp I l'llJo~ ''1th ~our \\tit· 1:-. the most pl'l'l'IUU:-. th111 J.! 111 m~ ltf<• Sht• '" a gem But ~omehow ~ ou nl•\ er not 1C'ed llow long did ,\OU think ~ou t•ould 1gnon· he r befon• s ht• felt an t.·mpt1m·:-.:-. in hl'r 1111.• :rnd a n1.·cd to do somt•t hing about ti ·· You C'la1m to hc u "famil~ man but e\·cr~·thing t•lse t'ome~ first bus ine:-.:-. 1~ at the top of ·'·our lis t llm.\ ~ou Ion• !ti t ra \l'I tu mt>ctings and t•o11lt•n·nt·t·:-. Tht•n tht.•rc·:-. gull and hunt111g \\Ith tht· ho~ ... 1 Good for hus ml::'s:- Shc 1:-the Ont' \\ho t•ook:-d1111wr-. lur \our rel;.1t1n·:-and ehaull1.·ur-. tht· kid~ Ill ~II Lht•1r a<·Lt\1t1e:-takt•-. lht•m tn tlt1.· t'ffil'l'.IH·n1.·\ room:-. tn ho~p1t al :-in tht• middle of tht· night and 11~11.·n~ 111 tht·rn "hen tht·~ han' pr111Jl1.·m~ You art' nt•\ er around during a t·ri s1~ Your t 1mtn).! 1-. I >c rfott Tht· real trouble ..,t~1 rtt·d "ht•n ~op t·ould11·1 f1 11 d ti me to 11:-l l'll \\ lwn s h1.· wanted tu tell ~·ou ho'' unhuµp~ :-ht• wa:-It was then that s he l'amt• to mt• a nernilj; · "reek with nobo(I\ to talk to Our friends hip bt•gan hct aus t· I liste ned Within six month~ \H' \H'l'l' 111 lo\ c · I \\OU Id marr~ her in u mmutt'. hut s he sa~·s s hl• JUSl t·oulcln't do that to her fa mil~ 11 wuuld lw too cltsruptlH'. to<i painful to too man~ peoplt• So. we keep s t ea lin g go Iden mom l' n b . "'n cl I a m grateful for t•\·er~ onl' I showed her th1~ lc•ltl•r and :-.he '"''"· ~tall ll tf \'CIU \\<.IOI lo llt"ll n t•\N rt>C:•ogntl.l' h.imsl'll li t· thtnk ·:-ht··~ perft·t·t ·· So hl'l'l' 1t 1:-~kan" hile. I hopt· \OU nl'\l'I' wake up. \ Ull Hhot 11 .\1.F .\ I.OAF I:'\ CHEE:'\WICll OE:\R 11:\Lt' :\ LOAF: )1a,·b.-he won't wake up. but I wouldn't ht> su.rprised if a rew thousand husbands around thf' globe felt a twinge of discomfort when tht>~ read ~·our letter. You ma~ have dont> mort- ~ood toda~· than ~-ou kno". budd~. DEAR A:'\:'\ l.A'."DERS I'm :-un• 1 ·m not the onl~ person with tht~ problem. hut I'm ht•j!mntng lo J.!t't paran<>1c1about11 1·m ,1 "om;,in "ith a ,·er~ rll'l'P 'ottt• I wish I had a clollar for en·n I tml' 1 ·H· ht•t•n callt"I ·~1 1' o n the phone 11 ··:-. reall \ t•mbarrassin g \\ht•n I ..,a, ·I'm a \\Oman. anct thl' other par1.\ :-a\..., \'ou'n• 1ok1n ).! J am t1rNI. ~>f '"·''°L! to :lln·r}t 11 L!1111d nat u rl'd h h t ht•t'l' ;.111' ., u re 1 e ~rl pr1H·l·clun.• that· might ltl.'lp ' t'.\1.1. \IE ~I :\ 0:\~1 E Ut::\R )1.\Di\)1 F.: I kno\\ or no !-.uc-h 'urJ,!en but 1·m m~!'.tified a" to \\h~ \OU an• '° dh.gruntled . :\1an) pf'oplf' find a ~ANN UDIS d e e p t h r o a t ~ re m a I e v o i c e h i g h I ~· intrig uing. I suggest that ~ ou overhaul ~·our thinking and capitalize on what ~·ou haH. I P.S. This nt>xt lettf'r mil(ht make .\OU r("eJ be tter.) DEAR At\:'\ I'm a 27., ear·old male. marrn.>d and the fatht•r of three th1lclren .\I ~ 'rnt·e 1:-. at letls t a n oela\ t' h1ghE:'r than that 111 mo:-.t men It 's \l'r~ t:mba rrassin)! to bt.· l·a llecl ~11s~ .. or ~Ir~ · on the pltom· On mon· than 11nt.· rn·<·a..,ton I ha' t lil'C'l\'a:-.ke<I tu put tn\ molht•r or c1ad on .\I~ \01n· ha...., plagued mt• Jlr m~ lilt· I• l IH'l'l' anything I tan do about 1t '• sec >Tl'SDAl.E SOPR:\~O DEAR S{.OTTI F.: Perha1>s spt'ed1 thna1>Y mi~ht hel1>. But actual!~ ~·our best h<•l is a sense or humor. \'ou'n• managed lo lt•ad 11 normal lift> -marriagt'. children -,., \\hat's the big deal'! DEAR ANN LANDERS: My husband passed away three years ago, and I married a very nice man who lost hi5 wife about the same time. We just returned from a pleasant h on eymoon . We visited my husband's sis ters, met several cousins. nieces and nephews. Everyone was most cordial, bufl have a question to ask. Why do people keep plastic covers on their furniture when they have company? These folks also have cellophane over their lampshades that should have been remov~ when they brought the lamps ~om c from the store. I can understand protectinp, the furniture when young children visit, but we were rather special guests. What's the answer? -MITCHELL, S.D. DEAR S.D.: If I knew the auwer &o that question, I would also know wby 10me women wear bair curlers down&cnna. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT THERE lS ONL-V ONE PAST- BtJT THERE: CAN AL.WAYS Be M~NY D1 FF'ERENT" FUTURES Life's work enriching Al\~ ARBOR. Mich. tAP> What do the following movies have in common" ··Gunga Din ... "To Have and Have Not. .. "God ls !\1y Co-Pilot. .. ··Drums Along the Mo hawk ... ··The Big Sleep ... ··Mildred Pierce ... "T he Left Hand of God." "Land o f the Pharaohs.·· a nd ··Fog 0\'er London." Novelist William Faulkne r was a script writer for a U of the m . nimbly translating to film the tough g uy prose of Ernest He mingway. Ray m ond Chandle r and J a m es M. Cain. Sometimes anonymously. too. since his name often was dropped from the screen credits . Even after he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1949. Faulkner continued to labor in the lotus fields of Hollvwood. Fo r two reasons. basically : he needed the m oney to keep the family farm going back home in Mississippi. and he never could go bac k on a friend. ~~ llowa.rd Hawks . the director. rieeded Faulkner 's deft touc h on dialogue and imaginative plotting for "La nd of the Pharaohs ... Hawks in tougher times for America's premier novelis t had put Faulkne r on the payroll when every other s tudio spurned him as a drunkard. FAULKNER HAD NO illusions about turning out great literature as a script writer. He d escribed "Land o f the Pharaohs ... which took him on location in Egypt. as ·· ·Red River· with cam els ... My authority for all this is Joseph Blotner. the foremost authority on William Faulkne r in the world as well as being a member of the mythical Sopwith Cam el Flying Squadron that called Faulkner "chief ' a nd h ad as its motto "Ad Astra Per Jack Daniels " to the s tars with their favorite sour mash bourbon. Joe. a s he is known to students. faculty and friends at the Unive rsity of Michigan . where he teaches lite rature. has ,s pent most of his adult life living a lmost every minute of William Faulkner's life . His two· volume. m o re than 2 .OOO·page biography of Faulkner. the collected letters. and now what began as a concise. revised life of Faulkner but a lready is approaching the dimensions of the original attest to his scholarly dedication. Joe Blotner probably knows more about what made William Faulkner tick than he knows about his own motivations and inner conflicts. Like James Boswell. who spent his life in servile pursuit of another's greatness. he has no r egrets over ~\;,.l HUGH MUlllGAN ~ MULLIGAN STEW having led what almost amounts lo a double life. ALTHOUGH BLOTSER 1-a:-. been an admirer of Faulkner 's genius sine~ his own student days. they became fri~nds when the novelist cam e to the L'ni versit v of Virginia a s \\Tit er in res idence and pa.ssed many happy casual hours in the offi ce of the English department chatting with Joe a nd thr other faculty friend::, who formed the nucle us of the mythical fl ying club . .. Faulkner. a Biography .'' Blotner·s life work. 1s full o f the most a mazing insights into the a uthor·s life. including the fact that he was born Willia m Falkne r but becamc Faulkner when a printer mistakenly added a "u ·· to the na m e on the title page of "The Ma rble F awn ... his first book. and he decided to slick with 1t There is lrwin Shaw·s poignant portrait of Faulkner in the early Hollywood days . a lonely figure sitting in the lobby or the Beverly-Carlton Hotel. ··1 remember coming down at 9 o'clock in the morning to pick up my mail and finding him sitting there. upright in a c hair. very neat and un·Ho llywoodlike looking a little lost. He s aid he had s ix bottles of beer up in his room and asked m e to join him to knock the m off. Unfortunately. I h ad to leave immediately a nd could not accept his invitation. He sat down again. waiting patiently for somebody else to help him ~ith the beer." THERE IS WILLIAM Faulkner. our most e legiac novelist. being paid $2.000 by Sports tllustrated. plus $100 a day expense and a cha uffered limousine and a $500 bonus "if the piece is as good as we hope it to be.'' for a story on the Ke ntucky Derby. which he delivered in rich. rococco prose that failed to include the name of the winning horse: Swaps in that gr eat duel with Nashua. Joe Blotner·s double life has been enriched and enlivened by all or this. and so have the lives .of we who have spent happy evenings dipping into the pages of this massive biography of his friend and Idol. Giving another the gin of llf e ln a book is worth giving up a life for. I' , •• of Laguna Beach " ' ... .. ;; - ~~ ..... ~r .. · .. ,---;r::. ...... ..,or..-..•7 ~ ........ &"'-C>1•1~"'9 -S..-.I"<-.... -~-' . ll ·11 "Get serious up there, auys." HOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA Aquarius: Burden· lifts Saturday, December 12 ARI ES t Ma rc h 21-April 191: P rac t ical m atters do minate : ~·ou learn a bout costs. re spons ibil ities. poten t ial for promo tion . . TAU"US 1 April 20-Ma~· 20 1: Study Anes mess age for rnluable hint. Put ideas to work b~· m a king inquiries. C'a lls a nd t·reatin g forma ts . GE Ml~I 1 Ma\' 2l ·June 20 1. '.'J ew a p pr o a c h brin gs· p r ofit : a c ('e n l o n pa yme nts. collections . inte rest rates a nd a s a,·ings program . · CANCER <June 21-J uly 22 >: Luna r n · c I e h i g h I i g h t s t i m i n g . .1 u d·g m e n t . intuition a nd ability to put across idea s in g raphiC'. d~·n a m ic m a nne r You 'll be in\'oh·ed in a m in i-drama : ~·ou e mer g e with star qucilit~" LEO 1July 23-Aug . 22 • Re fuse to be tra pped b~· traditio n Create your own patterns . re\'iew pas t p roced u res bu t imprint your own st~·te. VIRGO 1 A ug . 23-Sept. 22 1. You get ~·our wish. hut not 1n m a nner orig m all~· a n t icipated. Emp ha s is on produl't1 o n . mone~· result in g from business o r career \'enture and a b ility to m a ke ke~ c ha nges a r proper time . LIBRA •Sept. 23-0ct 22 1. Domestic a d jus t ment tak es p lace a s r esu lt of bus iness or c a r e er d e m a nd s Taur us. St o rpio a nd a nother Libra pla~ ke~-rotes SCORPIO 10ct. 23-NO\'. 211 Hunch pro\'eS ,·a tict : ~·our ext rascnsor~· per ception '' o r k s o ' e r t i m e . F o (' u s o n m o n e ~ maneu,·ers. long -r a nge pro.1ects . SAGITTAJUliS .1 '.'10,· 22-Dec 21 • You unra\'c l a myster~-. You 'll unde r s tan d r easons for rece nt de lays. postpone ments. ~rnsio'ns F inancial st atus or one close to yo u. including par t n er or m a t e . will be clarifi ed CAPRICOR~ 1De c. 22.J a n. 19 1: You ga in added knowledge regarding legal r ights. pe rmissions . Emphasis a lso on r e la tions hips. p a rtners hips. t'oope ratiH e fforts and m a rita l s ta tus . AQt:ARll'S 1Jan . 20-F eb. 18 1· J ob gets done ~·ou get c redit. you also get rid o f unnecessar~-burden . :\te m ber or op pos ite sex does care d espite appare nt la ck of ('nth us1a s m . PISCES I Feb. 19-Ma r ch 20 >: Aura of g lam our and se ns ua lit y dom inate person al sce nario. Empha s is a lso o n change. t n .l\·et. \'ariet~· and a n un us ua l rela tions hip w ith mem ber of opposit e sex AIT HOPPI THE INNOCENT BYSTANDER Understanding high finance It was a coz,· famih S('l'11l' I took rn ' t wo ado rable· l\'k e~ 'l o r d n•cl a n;I :\1alp h as i a . o n to' m .' lap h l'lo rl' thl· l'r a t:kling fire a nd broke till' flt'\\" to Llw m a~ gcntl~ a !> possible · · Da cl c1,' h a s a -.urpn ... t.• tor ~ cH1. ('h 1ldren ... I sa 1el. g1nng eat·h .1 Im 111c s q ue eze "Dadd y has sold ~ou .. "Into w h 1 t c "I a \' c r .' ·• :\1aIp ha "1 ;.i a sked hopefull~· "01 l'Ourse not. silh :· I S<.IJ d . tou:-.lllH! he r hair "Dadd,· hu:-. so.Id ' ou to l IL\I · .. It fi g u r es."· sairl :\1.onlr<'ll s ulll'11h "On t~ thn .•e mo rt.• \\t.>Ck~ to Chn..,t rna:-. "~OW. ~O ROR ED." I s u1d . ehutkmg him unde r the dun. \OU knc l\\ L>ucl<h lu\ e:-. ~·ou And t o,vro' t.• 1t . Dadd~ 1:-. ll·a:-1n~ \OU a nd :\l alpha:-.ia hat·k lrom IH :\I J :-. "ooii as the sail' goes throu).!h .. "Then why did you sell U!> in the firs t plan····· little .\1alpha:-.1a \Hllllt.'cl tu knm\ ·c:os h . I clo n 't knc l\\ "ht•tllt•r \IHI l·htldn •n <:an und.ers t a nd h ig h frnan1·l'. I s a 1cl . "hut ~our lh1dcl~ haµpt.•n:-to lwn: I ht: ' e r ' a sst.• t s · t ha t l' ,. t· n -. u n · 1.·"" I u I l'Or porat1on 1s look Ill I.! for tllt'"V cl<J\... Ill,..., <h>acl broke a nd on 111" ''a' to 1lw poo r hou:-.e · "Tha t." !,!011<1 '". 111q u 1 rt'<I \I 11 rd rt'<I du b1011:-.h ·(;1i1><I'' .. I sa id It " \\111ld l·rlul Thank:-. to a skillful ir'l\ 1.•:-.tm1.•111 poli l'~ th1:- p~1:-t 't•a1'. D<.1d1h man ag<.'d to c:lt•\ t.•rh ln:-.t• lus s hirt on sow l>l'lh futu re~ .\11d lw ·,,nn·t ha \'e an~· incom e ta'x at a ll lo µu y th rs ~·ear . So h t• doesn 't ne ed ,·nu t \\II 1·1111.· ltttlt.· d1.•dt1('llons . doe~ lw'"' · · .\nd I B:\1 doe:-, .. a:-.kt.•d :\lalpha-.1.1 ··()f:SP E RATF.I.\', .. I S.\ID. Tht·\ rv m:ik1nJ.! mon<·~ ha nd m t.·r 11:-1 Tha r ... ~'It ' t ht.·~ l.IC'Qlll n 'd dos1.• to .;;1 l11l11on 1n 1 a' '' n te off:-lrom Fo rd a nd tht•n r1.·11tl'd tht• 1.·qu1pml'nt ha1.·k \o th ;i t ~111111 ~ aut11m t1h.1.·r \nd \\ hi..1 1 I H:\1 l'i..ln d o tor Font l>;11!1h s aid. ·it can do for Dadd\'.· .. "Goth · D a ddv. v·o u 're a fi nanl'1al w h iz ." said ·M~lphas1 a admir i ng!~· "Oh. everybod~"s doing 1t. dear.·· I ... a u l m<>< le:-.t h · I huld.' a I n·ach --olcl h '' u11111n ml'm her:-h 1p h1:-... a 11.·t' d1.·1111 ... 1t ho' a nd hi" nt•\\ t~ pt.•\\ l'l ll'I' lo Bank \nwr11 .i ('orp .\ncl he m aclt• a \t•n t11h prn111 lrnrn St;1ncla n l Oil o l :'\e\\ .Jt•1"'t'' h•l rnt• 11.•ll 'm1 on I hat <1 p pendt•1.·l nm~ ht· had fa,l .1 uh · \\'a:-tlwt \our h1 i.:i.:1.·--1 d1.•d u l'l1 »ll lladch ., .. a :-.kt>cl .\lorcl rt.•d \n. son." I s a id "You l'l'llll'llllw r "ht•11 :\lom m~ a nd Dadd~ got t lw te1.·n:-.11.'-.t bit sozzle d on the F o urth of J uly a nd burne d down the gazebo·• We ll . that c a s ualty loss w as wor th a prett ~· penn~ to Xerox .. ··GOU .\". 0 .-\00\'. T ll.\T 1 l'm111t1 ... nu ·.· "aid :\lalµha s1a · \\lw r1.• 1-. \lo rn n l\ \\'t• h ;I\ e n 't seen ht•r for a " t.•t•k I I rownecl ... \\:(>II. to tdl \CH I I ht• t l'lll 11 I --aut. ··Dadd~· .... ha\ int: 111:-1 ;1 "l'l' !)It ot t rouhlt• "ith the le;.i:-.1.• had. di\ 1:-11111 111 St.•a r:-. Ro<'bllC'k Hut. \\Ith lud; \lon1111\ --hmild ht' home! ;,i n' cl ;n 1111\\ · Then• wa:-a knoek on till' doo r Oh that ·~ prohilhh tlw m .111 lrom I B\I "h"·, 1·omt.• to !..!t'l _, 1n1. .. I '<11d '\11\\ 'cn• d11lclrt•n r un' pad; a nd l>adch \\Ill hnn:.. 'mi ha l·k homt.' 1ust a:-'oon ;i .... lw I 1111-.hl'' all t hl· ..;t ulf~ old papl'I \\ork I d1dn 1 hl-1• tht• lcH>k Ill :\1ordn·d·-. 1.·H· So I .11ld1·d \ntl 11 '"ll e a11 ·1 in1:-t ,·11ur 11\\ll Dad•h :\lo rcln•cl \\hom 1·a11 \OLI t ni--t " I opt•nt•d t hl' door It \\ :1:-11 I I h1 · 111;111 Imm IB:\l aftpr a ll It \\a:-thl· m :111 lrnrn St•;i "" Rodm('k · < ;1111d lw:I\ t.'ll'· · I , 1 1t·d Yuu'rt• not rt'lurmn:.. m ' \\llt· · :\o. · he :-a HI Slw n11n 1111 1·d u-. '1111 'H'l't' a rt•al losini.: prt1p•"1t11111 S11 'h1· a ccepted ou r tender offer for 51 µt'r eent ol ~nu Rat~' lllSI \\IWn 1·oncl1t 1•>n \n unfr11.·1Hll> t <ih.t.•m 1•1" \n d thanks t11 m ' !Hl\1'1'1' .... 1r1 .. l-.1·11 I ''""hall''·" to l':I'' -.t rt'l'l Special .diet advised DEAR OOCl'O R : My grandson, age l Z, 5 feet, 134 pounds, is active in sports, but f al. His mother's family are all over ZOO pounds, and are short and rat. My son and his wUe say it is baby fat and that he will outgrow it. But one can see that it isn't and he won't. I have take.n my grancl.oa to a doctor. He took him off mDk aDd bread. Is this sufficient a reducing diet for him at . this time? . TIUs summer be bas mowed lawas, be ride• a bike, plays golf, but I'm afraid he'll get 10 Hie that llfe will ~ mllenble for him. Can you offer some advltt and a diet? -MRS. N. DEAR MRS. N.: T his is a common p ro blem trying to ove rcome obesity by waiting for a c hild to grow out or it. He will n eed personalized ad vice and a s pecial die t. Muc h d epends upon what he h as been eating (junk rood, etc .>. Cutting down on s weets a nd rats is, or course, essential. But he will need a family doctor or pediatrician w ho is s upportive a nd unde r s ta nding . Childhood obesity is a frustrating problem l • ..... -.. -. T rou1 HIAt 111 DR. PETER J. STEINCROHN th at requ ires patien ce by all conrerned DEAR DOCTOR: \\'hat ls a good c ure for a bad case ol claustrophobia? The past five years have been te rrible. No way can I ride ln the b.ck seat of a two-door car or be la crowds or sit In a theater <only ln the aisle seat>. It's 1ettla' worse. I'm 14. Is it · too la&e for treatment? -MRS: L. DEAR MRS. L.: Ne w ways ha,·e been devised to tr eat p hobias . Ask your doctor lo r e fer you lo suc h a specialist. It ·s not too late to receive he lp. Dr. Steincrohn welcomes questions f rom readers. He cannot answer all 1ndivk11.flllly but will incla those of general intereat m this column. Send your questions to him . m care of the Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 15'i(). Costa Mesa. Calif.~.· Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Fr1aay Dect•mt>er I t 198 t 83 PERFORMANCE -Presid e nt and Mrs Reagan paid a visit Wednesday to the E a!'.t R oom o f the Wh ite H o u s e duri·n g a " ........... perform antl' h.' the t; S . Na\ a l AC'adem y Glee Cluh Give him the tum it-stick it-hang it- flip it·anywh re ·he- needs-the-light lite. { ~-1 What to get him for Christmas. /,,, Shirt? Tie? Bathrobe? Boring. This year get him the practical gift he can really fall in love with. The Pi votl ite! It's tl}e onl y lamp with a full 360° pi vot and a magnetized base th at gets a grip on any metal lic swiace. It's an auto light. A J plumbing light. A desk · !:,-light. A con truct ion light. 1~ An 1 R. V. light. A closet · : ight. An attic light. A patio •. light. Order it now. It's th e anyw here-he-n·eeds-the-light lite. 11 Order ·in time for Christmas! Strong magn" r RiDUCili CORPORiilOn ------i SA1ISfAC110N 22763 CAV~LIER STREET. WOODLAND HILLS. CA 91364 I ~yN• · Pleue send me _PJVOTLITElsl for I I "" """ 1129.95 each). Please include $2.50 1hlppin11 and handl111g I MONEY IACJ( Payment Ctrtified or Bank Check Money Order I It 30 DAYS Pt!rsonal Check tallow 2·3 weeks for cleamncel I Charge To· VISA IBankAmtricard l MasrerCard I Card No. Exp I >Jtt I Name·------------------® Address ---1 1 1 U. City Si:1tt __ --Z1p __ SlfNlture ________________ _ Phone Bu~ 11"' ---___ I L Calitonua Residents add 6"" sales tax I ------------------------.-------J fiiiiri Order toll·frH 24 houn ad~ 800-522-1500 ext. 869 . . .. .... .. ~· • • J , • ---17--... J . Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday. December 11, 1981 Lunch shows protested Lingerie displays upset citizens SOUTH BEND, Ind. I APJ -Some South Bend families aren't happy with four IO<'al restaurants that have been servtng nimsy hngtin e along with the main course. T he family type resta urants have been featuring lunch hour fashion shows by female m odels In see· through nightwear. The models arc e mployed by Candlelight Fashions Inc .. a chain or lingerie stores wi th a new QUtlel in near by Mishawaka . "The clothes are very seductive, revealing bikinis with G-s trings," State Police Sgt. William J . Soruku said. "They were nude underneath the lingerie." George A. Curts of the Palace Hill s, 11 1.·b •sed C andleliahl Fashions, said the fashion shows are drumming up business ror t he restaurants. ·' ll boils down lo other owners squawking that we're taking their business away," he said. The Indiana Alcoholic Beveraae Commission board is invesUgaling to see il the shows violate slate laws. CRITICAL -Vincent Bug liosi critici zes convicted murdere rs· release. Prison release -flayed Rehabilitation not. always trusted • lllled to be i.t:t free, .. tht' former Los • MIAMI (AP> -Vincent Buahosi, the c hie ( pros&culo r or mass murderer Cha rles Manson, says con· victed murderers shouldn't be re- leased simply because they aive the appearance of being rehabilitated. Bugllosi, who was here promoting his new book "Shadow or Cain," said he believes there is a trend toward freeing those convicted or horrible cr im es because parole orriciala are more preoccupied with rehabilita- tion. ·'It's disturbing to me when you hear the argument made lhal a con- vict who has been rehab1lilaled Is en- Angeles deputy d1 stri<'l attorney said ''T he question 1s, :.hould :.ome peo. pie ever be set free·•" liughos1 asked "It's been said some people are born with a germ, some innate trait , some bad seed that leads them to crime " Bu.gliosi said lht-re are no guaran. lees that murderers like Manson and Sirhan Sirhan, the convicted ki ller of Robe rt F Kennedy who as scheduled for pa role in 1984, will not be freed 1f they prove t hemst:lves "re habilitated." PROSECUTED M a ss murd erer Charles Ma nson was p r o s ecu t ed b) Vinc-enl Buglios i. ~W\-r1., CJ• ,,, Al I PHI>! >'A•/I \ •r-e ' A. Special G ift for 'Special Child"" I The Finest In Reso rt Wear Now In South Coast Plaza Waltah Clarke's South C.Oast Plaza In The Mall By ··· The c.arousel 751-7500 EXHIBIT THRU DECEMBER 24 JUST GRAPHICS II jO(} I 8 E Co.i~I Hwy Cornn.a dt"I M.ar, CA c ......... '"""" 10 " r.-.,., ( 7 14) 675· 1500 ye«/"~ : · TEXTBQ()K . ' ~ \ 1he Case of the }.l • I ~ ...,.,· ! TOPPLED TOPPING ~ \.0. V' ' , or * \ ~ Remember ~ the Ala Mooe ~~ -/ .:/" The Solution , .. tu A quick trip to your ~ cleaning experts We ~ ?-!i hove highly trained /; professionals who ~-·· specia lize in grime '/'~ I .:::;; preven ion ~ _ Cose Closed A WESTCLIFF PLAZA i CLEANERS ~ 1128 l"iM A.n. \~ Next to Mwket losbt ~ , • Wntcliff rtcno ~ ~ Newport leach 646-23~~ .... J~ ~Al\~~~~-- rrOCJrammed Automation Plus srutter·rriority Sof?histication System lntegrahon •I , , I \'I\ . '~ ~ . .. . ,·, All Fedco stores are open seven days a week until Christmas FED CO MEMBERSHIP DE PARTMENT STORES JlDCD lA OU IGA , , • • llDCO vu llUTS ...... I , .. STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS t.& I~ '" '' ~t·• ')•, ..... •d '• .. • • 4 11 00 AM lo 8 00 PM• LA CIEllEGA • SM IERNARDIND AllD SAN DIEGO STORES llDCO 'ASAOlllA • ., , •• i'''( ~·1,.-.R,::; .-, .,.,. t ... • r(OCO ClAllllOS • •• • '',>' .. \I-' • JIDCO COS!& MlSA "• • ",,. flDCD SU 04lCO • • ·, • • •,4H \•.I J _,,. 0-. •••• JI _., ••• 12 00 NOON lo 9 00 PM• CERRITOS · COSTA MESA• PASADENA AllD YAll llUYS STORES SATURDAYS• All STORES 10 00 AM lo 6 00 PM SUNDAYS• All STORES 11) 00 AM to S 00 PM HOCD Ull NllllAllDlllO • •·• ' • • OPEN TO FEOCO MEMBERS ONLY JT)Clckz, in f1nlard>Just for us. th<i.. oof t<z.et calf 5kin 1w.thcz.r, hned with coyot,Q, nimovab1Q. hxd-and. it' e nzvzx:s i b\ o., 44 Fashion Island· Newport Beach· 714, 644-5070 1001 Westwood Blvd.· Westwood Village · 213 208-3273 • C ISTMAS MUSIC FROM Fash ion Island Newport Beach STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR ,. • \"I Draft signup litigation nixed WASlllNGTON IAP> The Justice Depart· m cnl ~wd il decided not lo prosecute young men for huhng to registe r for the draft until the Wh ile tlousf decides whether to recommend ending t he mandatory s ign -up procedure. The.decision was announced Thursday only a day before some U S. attorneys were scheduled to go before grand juries and seek indictments of men who refused to register Justice Department spokesma n John Russell said 161 cases were "in the p1pehne" although only a handful of cuses were to be presented to grand juries today Young men are required to register within 30 days of their 18th birthday. The American Civil Liberties Union and an an· ti-draft organization called .. Draft Action .. put lhe figure or eligible men who have failed to register at 800,000, but i::ovcrnment estimates are lower . • • • • • • Pentagon revit?es reservist proposal WASHINGTON <AP1 The Pentagon is re· viving a proposal, rejected by the Carter ad· m inistration. to build a shrunken pool of trained reser>vists by lengthening the total military obliga · lion of future volunteers . The proposal would add two years lo the timE' a former serviceman or woman would remain in the Individual Ready Reserve -and thus subject to recall in a wa r . The length of active duty obliga· tion wouJd not change. OFFICE HONORED Poul Hartling. N. hig h commissione r • f o r r e fu ~e~s . accepted t he 1981 Nobel Peace Prize on beh alf of h1s offi ee and the 10 m1 llion refugees it cares for around the world MacArthur Blvd. at Main St. SEAFOOD, PRIME RIB (I), CROC Without a draft. the ready reserve is the mam source of "pretrained" manpower available to fill unde rstrength act ive units ear ly in a war . form new outfits and replace battle casualties. 1830 Main, Irvine Since the Vietnam War. this pool has shrunk J!__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:_J from l.6 million to fewer than 400,000 ---- · .. co~u MtSA641 ·1289 ,u ... ~ .. ·• .,,ss'°"' ••uo435-0 40 1 1"11 C.•,_."'° C•et-••l••"'O IS •" 0..99 ,_,.., et ... ,. '"•t I Unique Gifts Select ong1nal arts & cra ft s in the mall and un1Que gifts from the stores at the Great New Mall Huntington Center M9rS ADIDAS TENNIS aOTHES •RO -" . • NIKE l.AoyoR~ER '35.95 ___ , • NIKE • K SW DRUNNER '23 : ~~ts • NEW BA• : ISS '37. 95 . 95 • K·SWISS . CONVERSE _SPEC/At~'l.CE LADIES • TIGER • NEW BALANCE. ~ 1211 f TH 420 3895 • PONY • MUZUNO -RU 1211<tt t n• •EASTON BATS -.. -1 SPORTS SHOES =-SP.M. 3330 E. COA ST HWY .. CORONA D EL MAR • .... 673-4966 Wiii OBIE SPORTS LTD CHRISTMAS SKI PACKAGE s1s900 REGULARLY 9251.90 IRa.UDEI JK>UJmlfG •WAX TYROUA 180 BINDINGS W/B~ SCOTT POLES 2831 PACFICCOASTHWY. CORONA DEL MAR. CA 92825 675-9700 OPEN WEEDIGHTS m. 9 PM Placing a Classified is twice as easy! JUst sey 'bbarge it" you c an use yo ur VI SA o r MASTER CARD t o place a DAILY PILOT Classified over t he tel ephone, i ncludi ng 8-Day week ads . <..a ll ( 714 ) 642-5678 11111111111 The Orange Coast's largest marketplace Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday. December 11 . 1981 There ha1 NEVER been a better time to visit Habb ShacM. SUPllMAIKn Of HOaaY GOODS •1-to llyR/C .......... ...., SCENIC EXPRESS SPECIAL SALE PRICES GOOD THAU 12/17/81 OPERATING HAND CAR 'NGO HO REMOTE ~·""~·-~~,,, .... .:.:;:~~~~~: \~ !Jf s:ITCHES s1J .oo .I ~. '9· '5.99 59.99 LIST ss.2s 52.99 1YaO HO TRACK HO GIAllT CRAllE • 1i!e<j 1/.39 .4;99' SP•n 49 1n, A re1 ''' •Q.1n. Entin• .l t ·.ZS R•d•O l · 4 Cl'tlnne l GREAT FOR THE BEGINNER IN RICI Thew beautiful planes com• from the f~torv fully hand built' All you have to do 11 sever1I hours of -mbly worlc , tn · still the r9d10 and 1n91nt (not included I and you are reldy to llyl No p1intint end a m1n1mum of tools requo NCI. LIST $137.95 599.99 /I I/ 1/ 1 I II I\ //(II/ ' I , I/ I/ • PLAN ES • CARS •BOATS •f "'Yth• ... _,...,... "-../ '109.95 i'a!Me ......,...._•Id .. ~ttol '""'"" St/le-589.99 •l(.)tt 6'Mo~ •1~'"' ... ~·t41 ,,. ..... ............ ,...,..,.{_...,,_,.,,,.... ..... . , ....... ..,,... ...... --~ .................. .__ .,_.~,..·w~ . ...._, F \ JI I N T ,\ ; '• \ •< l l f 'l -' - lt4IO IAMDIUR Cll<lt rOVNIA .. VAW'f. CA"'°' ,, .. , .. , .... 1 l ,\ H 1\fm 1\ -.. .. ---- , ... SO llACM 114¥0 IA MAMA, ca ... ,I 11141"•·1111 111>1 .. , ,,,,. U 41 hlOA llVO Of(•O. ca ">•• ftl>l "S·M1 f~ I '• l P '-., 11) . ~ t!U VAM ~ 14 vtl '""'"'°'·CA ttMJ 111•17'J..,1J S1111 •••Sa Mon -Fri 10 -t Saturday 10 -6 Sunday 10 -S i i: I c i l ' . . .. { -Orange CoHl DAILY PILOTtFr1day. December 11 , 1981 rnrn~~ma~~ Valley-based financial firln to merge By PIOL SN£1DERMAN .. ....., .......... F o unta i n Vall ey·b ased Peoples Federal Savings and Loan Association and San Dieeo Federal Savings and Loan Aasoclalion h av e announced plans lo merge. If approved by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, th e Inflation gain smallest in 3 years WAS HIN GTON (A P ) - Inflation at the wholesale level will register its smallest gain in t hree year s whe n a ll the numbers for 1981 are tallied, prj v ate analysts predict merger is e xpect ed to take effect in spring 1982. P eoples F e d e r a l , which opened its Fountain Valley headquarters opposite City Hall in August 1980, h11s assets or $212 million and eight offices in Orange, Los Angeles and San Diego counties. • It bas a net worth of $2:5. 7 million, wl\ich the firm says ls one of the highest net worth percentages in the savings and loan industry. San Diego Fede ral bas 92 offi ct:s statewide and assets of $2.9 billion. Founded in 1885, it is the oldest federally chartered savings and loan in Calirornla. "We are delighted to have Peoples Federal join with us," said Gordon C. Luce, chairman IC 11111111 and chief executive officer or San Diego Federal, in a written statement. "Peoples Feder al is a very istrong and successful savings a nd loan with an excellent management team that will fit we ll with our association's," Luce said. Charles H. Brinton. chairman and chief executive officer of Peoples Federal. said in an i nter view , ''The princ ip a l a d vantage wi ll b e to our cusJ,omers." He s a id t he mer ger will permit Peoples Federal to offer services It does not now provide. including 24-hour tellers, credit car ds, telephone bt ll paying service and a variety or home improvement and car loans. Sun Diego Federal curTently has several merger proposals await ing federa l t1Pvro va l, inl'ludlng one with Laguna Fe der a l Sav in g~ of Laguna Reach The parent firm soon will c h ~nge its n ame to Great American Federal Savings and Loan Association. It hopes to e x t e n d i ts n et w ork o f California offi ces to 125. with assets or $3.8 billion. The Fountain Valley based association will be known as Peoples Federal. a division of Gre at American Federal. Brinto n will r e ma i n as cha irman and chief executive orricer of the 'Peoples Federal division and will ser ve as a senior executive vice president and board member or Great Amer1c111n Jo'cder al Brinton said cur rent Peoples 1-'t>d~ruJ employees s hould not be uHected by the merger. Although the savings and loan industry experienced d iffi cult ti m es in recent years, Brinton's outlook remains upbeat. "I have to be optim11stic," be said "Certainly, the: interest I NC A EASE NEE OED _ rates have trended downward . . lately,andthat'sagoodsign. Former Ca l1 f o rn1a Gov . "We have been given some ,.--Edmund G Rrown. father of ne w investment powers . We ('ur rt•nt ~ovt·rrwr Edmund won 't be the s mall associations G Brown .Jr , has sai d t he we once were. but I think the ~t<1tl' ··<'an't do the job· it's industry is on thever~e.of some :-.upp<i:>t:'1 tn v.1thout an real e.xpans1on that will increase inc r ease in t axes .·· fie~ is 7i~ra n1c'fa'i0~~~~1~~ti~':i's0"o~ ~~= ~<1lling for hike~ an cigarNH.'. country " hquor and oal ta •. .., "We're in for continuing good news on inflation," said Allen Sinai. vice president and senior economist for Data Resources Inc. in Lexington , Mass. "We will have the lowest inflation rate in wholesale prices since 1977." A nuor Corp. subsidiary bas been aw.irded a contraci of approximately $2 million lo perform a reasibility study for a proposed petrochemical complex in east ern Venezue.la. Petroleos de Venezuela S.A. will utilize Ceedstocks from its existing refineries and gas plants as well as yet-to-be constructed facilities. The Southern California · Division of Fluor Engineer s & Constructors Inc. began studies in mid-Nove mber for the project. Completion will be accomplished in July 1982. facility Cost or the expansion project has not been disclosed. Business plans spending increase He added that inflat ion has fallen lo a "new plateau" that be expects to last well into 1982. • Orange-based Grea&west Hospl&al.s Inc. has agreed to acquire the Santa Fe Community Hospital Cacilities (land and buildings) cur rently leased by it from certain shareholders ror an undisclosed a m ount or cash a nd notes. The transaction is scheduled to close in early January 1982 and is expected to result m in<!reased earrungs per share. WASH I NGTON (AP > Aus1nesses plan to spend more for new plants and equipment in the first half of next year after sluggish spending this year and las t . the go vernment has reported. report. H e and oth e r an a lys t s estimate wholesale inflation, as m easure d b y t h e L a b o r Department's Producer Price Index for finished goods, wHI run around 7 percent for the year as a whole, not far off the 6.9 percent of 1977. It was 11.8 percent last year a nd 12.8 percent in 1979. the Labor Department said. Fluor Corp. also announced that its Daniel International s ubsidiary has been awarded a second contract by Rohm and Haas Texas Inc. for additional services at a chemical plant in Deer P ark. Texas. The new contract is for construction of a unit within the existing Rohm and Haas The .company's planned capital expenditure bud get for its expansion and acquisition program for the next 12 months will be In excess of $30 million. the company also announced . To fund a substantial portion or the expansion program, the company is contemplating a public offering or its common stocks. The advance in the first two q'uarters or next year would kw. up from the s maJ I 0.3 percent increase after adjustment ror inflation -estimated ror this yea r , th e: C o mm erce Depart m e nt s aid i n a new A survey by the Commerce Department in late October and November fou nd busi ness o perato rs estimati n g t heir capital investment in the first half or next year will be at a seasonall y adJusted annual rate of S350.l billion The department said its latest estimate or spending for 1981 was S.122.6 billion, a 9.1 percent ~am. before mrlat1on, over the previous yl'ar. Orange sales curbs hacke~ VISALIA CAP> -Navel ora nge growers defended their controversial saJes restrictions and criticized "half truths and outright lies" reported in the "metropolitan press:· . They responded to continuing efforts by indus try crit ics led by Exeter g rower Carl Pescosolido to remove prorate limits on weekly shipments under a federal marketing order. ''We a s g r o w ers n eed this t y pe of regimentation to keep us from picking all our fruit at one time." said Don Schroeder, chairman of California Citrus Mutual. Jack Heeger, public affairs vice president for Sunkist Growers. explained that many growers would "glut" the market with navel oranges each fall to avoid possible losses from frost later. "That would immediately probably lower prices to consumers. but with disastrous price levels, there probably would be a contraction of the industry and higher prices later,·· be said. La r ge corporatio ns would ha ve other resources to let them stay in the business even if their orange operations were inefficient, be said. •·1t would knock out the small grower who is probably the most efficient," Heeger added. Schroeder said, "I don't think the consumer really wants to knock the family farmer out or business." ICr...-n-~.r. 111 ... Gi.tL• ..., Seti M1US MIS.JS Mtl.• as.• ...... Utt.JI """Sii-.... ., .... S771t.• ,_c-.....,..v..._ 11141,....... "25th year Anniversary ~ come see us at our t -;:..-.. new address . f MES ICSUIMCE .. 44' °"' .....,.,. ...... .._,_..._..,c• Ul-7740 Santa for Your P~rty The real Santa from Hunllngton Center will bring cheer to your home or ofhce ca11 897-2533. HOSPITAL BENEFIT AUCTION, Sun., Dec. 13 Fine Jewelry, Art Objects, Furnishings, Antiques AUCTION STARTS AT 1:00 P.M. HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL RESBYTERIAN, Newport Beach NEWPORT BLVD. AT PACmc COAST HWY. UI0,000.00 Y•luetlon. a.tier le eontrlM!ng entire •pt'OC:Udl of MM to IM ~. P~ br ~. oMck. VIN or.._.., card: .. , ..... tlfta1. LadtH ' Diamond Rings, from .02 c1rat1 to 5, 18 carats Beauche Girod and Lucien Piccard Wrl1tw1tchea. Antique Pearl & o .. mond Necklace .. brring Set. Pearle, Neclllace1, Gold Cheln1, Eerringe, Breceleta. I Queen Anne 1tyle Dining Rm. Ch1ira; late 18th Cent. Ch .. t on Cheat; French vitrine, 63• tall; CarYed Buffet, Mahogany a. 8 ru1 Wine Storage Cabinet; Wurlitzer 01'9an; Lamp1J Tl ble1, Mirror1, Cryetal, Orlental Rug1, Onndfatfler C1ock1, Nepery, Sliver. Sitfted 0 11 Pafntlng1, lfthoer1Ph•: Mu ble, Bronz.e Sculp· tvfM; Porcelain Figurines; Pki1 many o1her decorative •c~torln Md unu1ual collectlble1. Abcwe Is a ,,an1a1 llstlng of near/I/ 200 1rtlc1-a to be euelloned. Preview from noon day ol ul•. Dltao .. •: Exit S.n Di9g0 Fwy. Into Newport Fwy. (66-Newport 8Mch),· continue aouth on N.wport Blvd. 3 mil.a to hotpltel entrance. Avc1lon ~-by DATJDWaaaco. MAX DIUTICH. AUClllllMf ( )(·(~~l n ft·<>n t 1--'ots The fina l 30 oce a n front homesites. A wa lle d af!d ga te d priva te r eside ntia l community in San Cle m t>nte. Priva te beach ttnd private S wim a nd Te nnis Club. From $250.000 t111t•rc'.'>I only /im111 t·t11J.: m ·t11lahle 17 14 ) 498-2830 or 1213> :l77-9.t70. We Make House Calls TEST ~IVE THE CAR 0~ YOUR CHOICE ON 'YOUR LOC!t. STREETS ANO DECIDE FOR 'YOURSEL~ CONSl'RUCTION ' MONEY AVAILABLE AT HERITAGE BANK. • Residential • c.ommercw euumn.: Takeout Comm.icment nquired aiol'8 with lealea. • Land laaN up co one year SO% appnila1. OONTACT: • Jdf .)ohNOn South 0ranae County/ IM~ 714/851-4050 •'IDmW'dc~ Nonh OranF County/ Rivtttide County 714/851-'4126 • John Henh.fdd -~County 714/299-93.30 Herit~e ~n!< <=) m.m Accounu Insur«! to SIOO,OOJ -~·~ G.-.S. .... Pi.ruS$ IMrcEnr i9..!.~ Nl..,icC FeradUI Pell•"' """""' Tr.,.Ea Ne>r<o Britt FICon-11< Pell•"" AO..... Gii"""' Mlrwl-• Orllil _, Pr9UnltO ,,..,_ ACll\ 111 Avtoy8 Oe•Jtn Dl·An Cl . ,,.,o .. T,_,,..,.,. U"S U\I 0.. 11.. • '-•• • • 1 "" ..... 1 ' '"-~ .... •'~ '-11 • l\"t 1 •4 4\it • ,,., •'. ,,, ~ ... I) 11.., 71,. • '"' • 1 ti • 1 , .. ,. . '"' "" ) ·~ . ,, .t'\t • ,., 2"-• • .. ~ . , ... tJ•. , •• ) ,, s .. 1'1 • .... ,,, . 111 • P<I VP '1 I Up J2 0 Up )1 l Vp 117 VP ,._. 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Nl 11114 JU• NL ¥Ulvel ol ~ .,,,, SIP t~ I) 7~ tn.nt I SJ Nl "'°" ., SotcurK!o. Hlll\C IO '° II J1 HI Vld 'ts Nl 1 l•y Fd 10 M Nl Am.. .., .. NL ""'"'"' ,_ 0<ffft • 1• NL 2!•1e~'· IM ., ,... -tll t.IS ti.. lt "'"" 1111 NL JP G'1ll IJ SJ IJ •1 Grw91 S 00 S • (Oii• IJ.!O 1• I Sl•I" A• Feb .... pr (ft M Ollhlclt NI ws ..... D ......... .... Nl JP lnco 1 JO 'D 11\Com .... "" IM Eq .. ,. II I ..... "J7 NL ~ -urK!o. T•F,. 1... l.lO Tl1tlfl t.• Nl JI~ tO SJ Nl h Frt Ln '" Geor: 1J., 14 12 C.. Op 11 0. NL ~-'·.=::·-a ~.~d ~~ ::"~!"=· '1i :~ =,..""n.: :~ ~~ ~1t ~.~ St ~r:: :~ ::-~1 !:r~I ::r: Et ••• ,... ""' -(llHtllUI u.s Nl lftclUJI ,,., NL us Gvt ..... " ..... ,... IS.OJ NL In-..•• t.11 IO.Oe Slrellft• ... 1,61 cr.ar .. I "--•· ,....,.,, F-· lft<em "" Nl Tea Ea .... .,.11 Nal 5'KU'111o. 0pt,, 11 ... to.03 Sire! Git\ ..,...,141 .... ...., ,_ I0.91 II «J '" tr••••tlor\. Kevfmn "'' Nl 811.. IO 01 IO. T ~"" IO u II 10 Allle ~ . .i Nl Grwtll I.ID L5' .... 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NL Twdr Fd II ts Nl Allif'a F 17 fl Nl Cemp Bel &a •.s.J M Well IU7 Nl Ttcl> 11.0 11 • NEll .. I'-IMO 10•7 Nl TtfftC GI 12 • Nl .. ··~T "·" 11. .. Cemp FOi '·" ... FM GWI '. s,., Toe ltl n Z2 IJ. Eqult .. 6S JI .• SIPevl 1...... T...C $a1 .. ZJ Nl A,.,....1<., F-C-OCOl"CI 10.V Nl ,_.,.Gt-. IC•~toM -Grwllt 1•,G 17.. C•ll 16.12 U 07 Tw..C: UI Sot S. IJ A a ll LU 'lO c-ctlcWI Genl. Grw1" t.Jll NL Con 81 11,. t>.• IMom •.44 I0.1' Grw1" IS 01 IS •7 USAA GI II • •l A"'4:P .. 01 6.6l ,_ 11. .. 11.. llKOf'r'I 11• Hl Cvs ., ,..,. 11 " .... Ett • n 12 51 *'' u-,. Nl USAA lfl( •.• Nl A_,., IJ 1 1>'3 1ncom '-• '-S7 1111.-• La. ..., CIK 84 •17 7 SI Tn Ea S.,. , .. Sc.,...,,_ Uflf A<cu s n Nl ::1,.. ':.: 1l~ c::"i,.'!-it~ .;::; FrS:lllfl c;!,! Nl ~: ~; ~ ! ~ '"=r' ,~·NL ~ISt .. U.~ Hl ~::· ... M~-UIS Nl Gn.111 '·" I0.'2 CoMeel G 17,,. Nl AGE J.l) I ff Con 51 1' IS 17 •S G...,d a.11 Nl I,;~ tan :t A<<m ._ .. t M lfl<om L IJ '-" c-111 .. _, ONT( ta.» 1'.J7 Cvs SJ 7.JD 7.11 lltolJ 147 NL 11111 Fd 11.It Nl ..... ..,, 5 " ICA .. ,. '"'°"'"'"' .... Nl GrwWI ,,,. ,. Con54 s ••«J MaMI .... Nl MMB 6.2> Nl c .. G<'ll. .. 1S 2' N ~· '-" 1.61 Ctry C. 14.10 U.JS a.I'°" S.• ••S ,,,,.,.,. 4,)0 U • l'el'tl\ IJ.ts Nl 5"(1 dft foll (Oft ll'IC •Ill 1017 w.i1 Mt 1.• 1.01 0o1-•'9 ~= u111. ...1 •.11 • _-..·~-~11 u 1112 M~-, 0 , ~!."1 NL '.•',. ·" NLH f:i-.c n.te u:" A-Getwrtl. O.C:el U.• 1'.10 lfl<om 1.10 1,D ~ -· ...,..... --SK I F I I IJ 1S I~ Ull.. s.111 ._.. Ool-u .• ,.,,. us Go" .. ,, .... Cp .. II.fl ..... , Inc , " Nl .:.:· ~· 1.. IM;:, .: ...... EMrp l>.75 U.03 Ook lt 6.61 7 21 ca.ii LW U I GHMA 7.GS Nl Hk ltOle 11.17 Nl E""'' .. ts ta MUftl S >t S.5' HI Y141 le t.. h Frt U S s:11 E111tlt S ... •.U G,_ IO.U Hl NE lftTr '., Nl fl\ftS't t S6 10 45 U&I .: .. t.7' ....... 11.. ..... o.tta UI to.Jt Tul'r '·" '·" ltKll 11.11 Nl NE ... Gt ... Nl Ultre 1'.a ,:., v.,.. 1U 7 111' VOlllr 11.• tl.21 Otl"'Fd t.11, ,. ,_, lfl<: TafOI t.• Nl ... waFd t>.• NL. S.t«t• F-V .. S"u SAi Nl CMtt* II.a lt.41 ~ C.. 2.• Nl (l,lfO Lft t.tl l lfo II\\_,..., NY V.... 7.111 I .. Am 5"' ui Nl v .... l ... Fd: E1c1t a.SJ Nl OMCa at 22.• loll , ... Tr -II Llndftt 1J 11 Nl Ntt-. 6.IJ Nl S.I SM 1U I Nl I'-IS.JI Nl ,. ."' ...... n OMC• SI ".. Ml """' LO • 15 ~·· ~· F§1ui Nl So~--~ ....... '" Hl Gl9W M.71 Nl Orea aw U.65 •l GT l'IC .... 12 Nl SC.II 17 .. •l "' 17.57 Ml ar... tUf iJ.1' 1.0• GI 1'.11 NL M... 1'.t1 lt.W Dn¥tltt Gt9: 0. t4.71 NL "'"' If.IS Nl I'd ; N .. tlW 7 ... LW s.f Sit 11.62 Nl ha BM &2' A ...... ft.JI flfl E '6' ft.U NL L.-AM!ltt· tS.e 16..65 U C. 11.11 .. ,, VM<a s..n ~ 4.tt 4..11 ~"' U.Ja 'l&AI E SS l4 t .11 Nl Atrll.. 7 ... LU L• t.11 U" IM 11.• 11... IM-t.ft .... A 0111... 1 " 1M l.o... t7.611'.Ja GOii Sok II.A NL ....... t.• t.• M .. 17.11 IL» Seftt!MI ~ ,_. 1 .. t JS A_,.. 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Decembor 11, 1981 s NYSE (:OMPO SI TE T R ANSAt:TIONS OUOfAfl()tf'l .. (LUOl Y•AOr'O" fMI "I W •O•K jlllll l0WI'' l'A(t•IC l"•w I OHO" OrT801f AllO (1,.(10flU1fl HO(• I &(MA .. 01, A"D •tl'08 fl0 •V fHI "AiO ANO '""''°' f ~ .. •''\'\ 1V Guid~ on top of heaf What 'a lhe most successful magadnt ln America? ll depends, of course, on what you're measuring. But by mol'lt meaaurn the answer • i1 1oln1 lo be TV Guide, the little pocket guide to televiaion proarama that 1ella now for so centa at checkout counters. TV Gulde , published by Trian11e Communications, a company owned by Walter Annenbera. is fint in these cate1orles. 1 .' Total clrculaUon · 18.4 million. The closest competitor here is the Reader's Dieeat, whote circulation is 18 million -and the Pi1est is a monlhly while TV Guide comes out every week. 2. Newsstand circulation: 11.4 mUUon copies. Tai!• runnerups In this category are Woman's Day (1.6 million), Ftmily Circle (7.4 million), National Enquirer (4.5 million) and Penthouse (4.1 million). 3. AMual revenue collected from -newsstand sales: 1238 million. Second to TV Guide here Js Penthouse, which took in $129 million in 1980. 4. AMual advertising revenue: 1239 million. The runnerup here is Time. clocked at 1214 million In 1980 S. Total revenue from all sources : 1613 million. Far behind, in second place, is Time, which garnered a total of $348 million 1n 1980. So this tiny ~ magazine , . which tells you I·, ~ what's on the : -. tube, h as -4'! become a S600 .,.. __ .,_.._.,,. _____ _.. __ ; r io ~ ~ ~ t 0 y ~ lllJll lal•IJZ taking in money at the rate of $11.8 million a week. It stands to reason, I suppose. that a people so addicted to the tube would find their favorite reading matter in such a publication. We hl\ve a good fix on the magazine busineaa thanks to Folio, a remarkable magazine that comes out of New Canaan, Conn. Ever)' year it ranks the top 400 magazines in the country by every conceivable standard. It's a bible for advertisers, who have to decide where lo put their money. Here's the latest ranking of the top 10 magazines based on their revenues from all sources · l. TV Guide: $613 million 2. Time : S346 million a. Reader's Digest : $261 million 4 Newsweek: $256 million S Playboy: $199 million I . People: $188 million 7. Sports Illustrated: l196 mllhon 8. Woman's Day: $163 million 9. Better Homes ai Gardens: $162 million 10. Penthouse: $162 million STOCKS IN THE SPOTUGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES -,~. J ·--"" JGI_ ._ • Strl* ,_ ... ,..,.01.-r • Ll"aQ flA ~:.-=H.. ... ._ It GT" ";:. 11 .... ). lfU..._ IJ G4r111rSc I 14 ~Fil ,,..,..a.. ........... GOLD COINS .Jn . "' ..... -.... -J .... -.... ... .... .J . -... . .. ..... •I -s Pel U• JI J VII IU "' ,,,. U• It.I "' ". 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"' _.,." •• . . ,,. ,.... • • n .__, ._ ~lt:.t ': :;-. , Im~ ~-.. ..... ,..,.._ .. 41 •• , ·-· •• Q 0 - 't ' ( -Orange Coast DAILY PILOTIF'nday, Decembur 11 196 t lEillrnrn~rn ~ mIB Insect battle continues . B1 alCHARD GREEN c.1 .. ...., ...... _ IL's man against 1n s~c t norttieasl of Irvine where scieatists at a research station are ' waging chemical and biological warfare ·--gainst pests threatening agricultural crops. Othe rs at the University or California's South Coast Field Station on Irvine Bouleva rd near Lambe rt Road have placed different varieties of the same pl a nt In h ea d ·t o h ea d competition to see whic h does best in this area 's climate The goal or the field station is to build a r eso u rce of agricultural knowledge from which farmers and ultimate ly the public will be nefit. said station superintendent Randolph Keim. For e xample , r esearc h continues at the fie ld station to determine which varieties or turf do best with the least amount of water. an important thing to know in ihis semi-arid climate. Similar research at the station 10 years ago l e d to th e development of the now widely used hybrid grass. Santa Ana Bermuda. Another feathe r in the cap of the IS-year-old fie ld sta tion was the deve lop m e nt of a special planting system for str awberries that resulted in an incr eased production of from five tons an acre to 25 tons per acre, 'said Keim. noting that wprld·renowned s t rawberry .expert Vi ctor Voth does research at the station. The 200-acre fi eld station contains plots ranging from four to eight acres in size containing vegetation on which research is done. A co m b1nat1on biological/chemical war against pin worms and fruit worms 1s ·~·· -. -. .. . • I ' f . • • 1 being waged on one such plot tontaining tomatoes K eim exp lain e d that researchers arc trying to find out what chemicals can be applied that will kill the pests ~ 1thout thwarting biological pest cont rol agents s uch as _p a rasites whic h feed on the worms Researchers don't have the l uxury or e mployin g both These la rvae exude a sweet honeydew which drips over the leaves, s upporting a fungu s called sooty mold which turns leaves black. plugs pores and r es tri cts phot osynth esis , weakening the tree No chemical agent has been d1scovt-red to control this pest, w h ic h n o w prol iferates throuJ:hout the $35 million o range crop in Saddleback No chemical .agent has been discovered to control this pest, which now proliferates throughout the $35 million orange crop chemical and biological control agent s on the Japa n ese Rayberry Whit e f ly. an archenemy of the citrus grower. K e im said ·the pes t has invaded citrus groves 1n the Saddleback Valley area. laying eggs on citrus leaves. eggs ~ hich hatch into larvae that suck Juices from the leaves Valle} and has been spotted recently in the San Joaquin Valley, Keim said Rl'searcher Mike Rose has gone lo Japan a nd found natural parasites of the whitefl y These parasite~ are now being raised at the station for dr stribut1on to citrus groves. Keim said Research done at the station Gardeners slate Yule party The Irvine Garden Club's annual Christmas Party has been set for Wednesday at IO a.m . at 1 Beach Tree Lane. Irvine. A gift exchange wi ll be held a nd there will be an opportunity for members and g uests to s a m pie various Chr istmas recipes. For more information call Loretta Hastings al 552·8126 THE COSTA Mesa·Bay Cities Branch of the National Fuchsia Society will have a pol luck dinner Monday at 6 30 p m in Colum bia Savings and Loan. corner of Harbor a nd Wilson, Costa Mesa For more information call Bette Bronston at 548-8207 THE NEWPORT Hills Garden C lub will m eet at 11 a .m. Thursday in the home of Mrs. Edmund W Loeffler for their annual Christmas party. 1111111111 CHIClllST Eat·h member will bring a µart of the menu and a gift for donation to Fa1rv1ew Hospital. Mrs Raymond Kurtz and Mrs. Thomas 0 . Mc Kibbon are coordinating refre.shmenlS. For more Information call 644·5944. THE HORTI CULT U RAL Society of Orange County will meet Tuesday at 7:30 pm in the Ca lifo rni a Coo p erative Extension, 1000 S. Harbor Blvd . Anaheim. Orchid hybridizer Joan Brown of Fred Stewart's Nursery will describe her recent trip through Mex ico. durin g whic h she collected orchids and other I C k h plants . • Did you plant any winter co or yet? hec out t e winter Refreshments will be ser ved blOQming annuals at your nursery now and visitors are welcome • Control slugs and snails with bug pell ets. •Container .grown conifers may be placed at the front TUE HARBOR VIEW Hills entrance of your home and decor ated Many varieties are Ca rd en Club will have their available. <'hristmas Party Wednesday at •Check out the ~orfolk Island Pine as a house plant that 1s 3 P m in the home of Mrs ' MONITORING THE CLIMATE Everything from tl'mperature to radiation ll'Vl'I is moniton•d a t the South Coast Field Station so that resea rch er~ ha\'l' a com plete data base rrom which to 1udgl' a \;.lrll'ty of agri(.'ultural ~actors led to the development or a special germ plasm for the fight against another enemy of the citrus grower, quic k decline disease. Keim said Other work in progress at the field station includes . Co mµa ri so n o f drip 1rr1gat1on versus f urrow ir rigation The testing or chemical agents to be used to prune trees 1n and around power hnes The s tud y or various Valencia oran ge tree root !>locks to see which 1s the best and most resistant to disease. Del1Y ............... ,.1c ........... S ummin g up t h e var io us research at the sta tion. Keim said. "If we lose some trees here l tn researchJ it's bette r than the farmer losin~ it in the h eld.·· LOOKING FOR PESTS Randolph Keim. superintendent or the L't South Coast Field Station. look::, for evidence of t'itru:, pests Rcseareh 1~ done at lhl· ~tat11m to control the t rou hlemaking in~ect~ . 11---..-....--iiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii [L] ~~!!!IJ:.~ Give a livi ng gift from Lloyd's. You must see our beautiful selection of poinsettias. indoor plants. Christmas greens. wreaths. garland. plus our large selection of Christmas ornaments and g ifts. Lloyd's Nursery and Landscape Co., Inc. 12021 Newporl lt.d.Ccrt ~~~:~~:~::.:~~~~,.'cCA_j C714164l-7441 s. .. l< .. , ... ,:-.•• --- • u \ ' t (ti RllTMflS SHOPPINCi Looking for a special gift??? (.ome choose from our beout1f ul collect1on of 1mptJrted greeting cords. plants, txJskets, and many other f 1ne, unusual offerings. 2647 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR CA "perfect·· for decoartin~ dunng the holidays as a miniature ~1llard MacAdam or Corona del Christmas tree Of course. you'll ftnd these pines come in many ~tar I tall sizes too. Members and their ~uests are • Protect dish gardrn cacti from winter rains. Move the m urJlcd to attend F or more under an overhang ___ information call 644 5552 __ -+ NEW! ~ --~-Every Sunday RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY .... t 'thr Rd s... lt2J HAHOl ILVO. COST A MESA -541· I 156 O\ildren's Puppet Show Ifs the season to make ktds happy at Huntington Centers Great New Mall Wiit\ the real Santa. caroling and entertainment See the M1tcMll Manonettes 4 shOws daily every Thurs .. Fn . Sat & Sun 111 Christmas Photos With Real Santa Bring the llttte ones to Huntington Center's 1 Gre• New Mell tot • memories they'll never forget with the Mttc:heft Marionette Ctlrtstme1 ~ .. and a visit with the rem s.nta with the rMt beard ,,..,,. S.nt• Photos ~ S2 881 L~-Fr .. h Hollday Lj., GrMnery~ CEDAR GARLANDS ·~· .89 FT . Fragrant, fHtlve garlend1 of fre1h ced1r bought. ALSO ... FrHh WREATHS of Noble Fir. BOUGHS of Fir ind Cedar. POINSETTIA PLANTS Velvety red, long l11tlng bloom1. Beautifully HoUlster Hollday wrapped . ••••••••••••••••••••••• LIVING CHRISTMAS TREES Decor1te now for the holiday•· The be1t v1rletlH to pl1nt liter. ALEPPO PINES•STONE PINES MONTEREY PINES L!.tnt tr ... from 2 ft. to 1 rt. tall. PRICED FROM 3.98 TO 79.00 Pictured la the FTO "Twtn Candle Holfday Glow" 125.00. OM of meny w• can Mnd neerty anywtter• by FTD. Halltmi.s Nursery -Florist 2140 Harbor llvd., Cotto M11a LOT 2 -_, ____ _ 0...1 DAYS A WEB I A.M. to 10 P.M. N DECEM-2•o.gll DECEMIB21st BAY ST. LOT 1 LLOY OS NURSER~ - l ---..,---- ----------1\ Daily Pilat Fountain V. alley basketball team FR I DAY, DEC. 11, 1981 '• COMI CS C9 to face Ocean View in tourney final. C3 . ·-~· ·~-.....­Alt WEIGHS IN '.\1 uhamm a d .\It !nob at l ht• Sl'ale:- after we1gh1ng 1n T hurs<liJ\ 1n :\as~au . Bah•1 ma~ tor toni ~ht 's hout \\Ith C:rnadi;m hl'J\\\\t•1ght c hamp Tn•\111 lkrh1d• Problems beset Ali-Herbick bout Money the primary concern NASSAL:. Rahamas 1AP 1 f ormer heavyweight c ha mpion Muhammad Ali, nearing 40 and the he aviest or his career. 1s sc he dule d to rig ht t o nigh t against Trevor He rbick an a bout plagued by problem s Thur sday. rumors fle w lake the wind which whippe d this i s l a nd a nd dro pp e d th e te rn per ature into the 60s after Berb1ck s aid he hadn't recieved all the monev due him and "it's ~ot to be there. or there won't be a ny show ... B u t Be rb ick 's f1 n a n c 1al p robl e m s a pparently we r e solved . and a source close to the boxer said Thursday ni ght he would fight for $300.000 AT THE WEIGH·IN Thursday morning at which he scaled 218 po unds, Be rbick s aid he had received .. so me pocket money," a bout SI00.000 J a mes Corne lius o f Los Angeles. who as pr esident of Sports Internationa le. Ltd .. of the Bahamas, insist ed the fight would go on. Then. severa l hours la te r. Lionel Schaen. president o f SelecTV . an c h a r ge o f worldwide televis ion sales and d istribution. said. "He has got most or his money, and the rest will b e put i nto pla ce to m orrow.·· TIDE PLAYER ARRESTED T USCALOOSA. Ala. <AP) A University of Alabama football p l aye r w as c h a rged with possession o f marijuana Thursday after orficers who s lopped him on a trarric violation discovered a substance in his car. authorities s aid. Capt. Billy Tinsley said linebacker Thomas Boyd was arrested late Thursday on a felony warrant and booked in the Tuscaloosa jail on S500 bond. A lebama halfback Linnie Patrick was 'ridin1 with Boyd whe n they were slopped by Police. No charges were filed against Patrick. Two olflcers hailed a car driven by Boyd Wednesday night and gave him a ticket ror having an expired license tac. Tinsley said. The officers ' ttpOrt uid they stopped Boyd after he had almost caused a tramc .ilccident near the campus . ·We we re told yesterd ay t Wednesday 1 by new Ame rican investors broug ht 1n the last couple of weeks that all of the fighters will be t aken care or .. T h e r e was a r um o r t hat T homas Hearns . beaten by Sugar Ray Leonard in their welterweight title s howdown, would pull out of his scheduled lO·round middle weight debut against Ernie Si ng letary "The fight is OK with us. We ha\'e a letter or credit," said Emm a nu el S t e wart . ma nager -trainer or !learns. who s aid the fi ghte r 's purse was S.')()() • 000 ALSO SCHEDULED to be on th e card we r e unbeate n heavyweig ht conte nde r Greg Page. Scott Le Doux, who will fight Page. Earnie Shavers, who once fought Ali for the title. and Eddi e Mus \afa Muha mmad . forme r W o rl d Bo x in g Association light heavyweight cha mpion Ali . who will be 40 January 17 . will get $1 million for his first right since he failed to become heavyweight champion a fourth time when he was sto pped after 10 rounds Oct. 2. 1980. by Larry Holmes. World Boxing Council champion. Ali blamed an overdose of thvroid medication a nd the loss of too much weight for the listless performance against Holmes. He weighed 2171"<1 for that fight, but came m at 236"• for what he hopes will be a fight that will earn him a title shot against Mike Weaver, the WBA champion. Ali's previous high we ight was 232 for Mac Foster in 1972. "SIX MONTHS ago, I was retiring ... said Ali. "I was tired of boxing. I was going to get out of it. I lied. ··1 didn't lie:· he added. "I changed m y mind. "Some people can see farther than others, .. said Ali of critics. who say he shouldn't fight again. "Some h ave limited vision, some not. I can see farther than most." The fight is scheduled lo start al 7:20 p.m . PST in an 11,000·seal arena at the Queen Elizabeth Sports Centre and to be televised on pay cable and subscriber television. Schaen said the fight could reach almost five million homes in the United States. • UCl has breather, 116-70 Special lo the Daily Piiot With a crucial game against Nevada Las Vegas facing the UC lrvane basketball team Saturday night, the last thinR Coach Bill Mulligan wante d was a tough . physical contest fro m Hawa 11 Hilo Thursday to have a fun game rather than the f(rtnd or four days of pruC'tare before I N<·vad:t I l.lJ)> Vegas ·The great lhang about this game wa)> t>vcr ybody got to play and everybody got to scor e ... Well . Mulligan got has wash. The Anteaters jumpe d out to a 12·2 lead and poured it on from there as UCI easily disposed of the Vulcans . 116·70, before an ap preciati ve c rowd of 1,472 at Crawford II all The Anteaters were led. as usual. b) All Aml'rara Kevan Magee, who had 28 points Ion 10 of 15 from the noon and 15 rebounds in only 24 minutes of work R andy Wh ieldo n a d ded 18 points 18.for IO J. Hen McDonald had 14, Kevin Fuller came ore the bench to chap 1n 12 t 6 for 6>. Rainer Wulr contributed 11 . whlll' lifJb Thornton <tlso had 11 <t nd 13 rebounds The Vl('tory improved the Anteaters record to 5 0 for the season, the best sta rt for a UCI basketba ll team in the school's h istor y , and added m or e drama to Saturday's encounte r with Coach J erry Tarkanian·s Runnin· Rebels Besides the l'arly !>purt . L'CI ll lso out !>cored the VulC'ans, 15 0 aunng one :.t rt'tch of the far!>l half to increase its lead to 48·21 UC I led by as much as 50 points ·'T his ga m e was m or e fun t h an practicing."' said Mulligan "lt's not bad Cards, Padres make a deal Or do they? SD may get Templeton HOLLYWOOD. Fla IAPJ - Two o f b aseba ll 's b es t shortstops Garry Te mpleton of St. Louis and Ozzie Smith of San Diego may be changing uniforms in the afte rmath or a pu z zling "parti a l trade·· comple t e d at the winte r m eetings. The Card inals and Pad res mad e a I ror -t s wap, with pitcher Steve Mura moving to St. Louis for outfielde r S1xto Lezcano. But the intriguing part or Thursday's trade IS that there 1s a mysterious "player tq be na m ed later " on each side Those players are expected to be the contr oversia l Te mpleton and Smith. St. Louis Gene ral Ma nage r Whitey Herzog said . "It's a partial trade The rest will be m ade in three days, one month, two months or three months " IN ASOTHER MAJOR action T h ursday. the Boston Red Sox re-signe d free a gen t second basem an J e r ry Re m y t o a h ve-vear contract estim ated at $2.8 ·m illion The Sox have an option on a sixth year . Meanwhale, free agent pitcher Ron Guidry appeared ready to sign with his old team . the New York Yankees phone d Guidry a nd his wife. Bonnie. in Lafayette. La .. and expla ined the details or the Yankees· offer:. "They we re asleep and I ga ve them an opportunity to digest il and ta lk about it It's up to Ron By tomorrow m orning ltodayl \Ao t"ll have accepted or re1ected the Ya nkees· offer · Schneide r )>a ad af Guidry accepts the contract at wall not be s igned until next week an New York Ht> :.aad the negotiations \A.ere 1n t h e s pa ra t o f c·ompromase "I feel rt'al good about the propos al," Schne ide r sa id .. Right now all discussio ns with other clubs a re susp~nded We made tre mendous progress with the New York Ya nkees .. Schneider sa id the best way lo des cr ibe the offer was that 1t was very lucra tive Schneide r and Steinbre nner l finished their talks about 2 10 a m today. Gl'IDRV, 31, was seeking a ra\'C year con t r act fo r $7 5 m1ll1on. He played out his o ption arte r four full seasons with Ne.,., York an which he posted an 87 34 record with a 2 73 ERA He won t he Cy Young Award an 1978 G ua dry was selected by 17 teams an the re·e ntry draft . plus the Ya nkees Schneide r said there were about a dozen teams s tall in the bidding for G uidry's services. \Ao llh JU~t undl·r t "'" minute~ lo play l '('I :.hol ·only 55 p<•rc·enl from the flut1r 1 Uit• Anh:att·rs Wl·nt an with a 65 pt•rn·ntag1•' tincf a~ a t(:am. gathned 62 11•ho11ncb A~ for tht· \'ukan~. 1 6. they we re led by [)on Da\ I'> 41nd Jh1 r ryl Williams. who ..,1•11r1·d 15 point:. l'ach Guard Ed Patratk, a lorml'r playt•r for Mulligan at Saddlf'hllC'k ( 'olll'gt• lt:.td l'IJ.(ht J.IOIOt)> t <'I \Ao tll no \Ao lm'U'> at:, attention oo :\!.'\ :.icfa l.J'> \'t'~lJ:. .... h1th. de..,patc h1~1ng Hli 71i tn :"1·vac.la ftl·no Thursda}. i.t1ll ('ttmt•!-t 1nt11 the Anu h cam Con vt.>nt aon <'l•ntl·r IK :mp ,r; 1 rankt·d t5th nationally The~ ri· !>O talenlt'd and they havt• !>uch J grl'al co ach. p r aa ~ed Mulligan ·Tar kanian doesn't get enough crec11t for as good a coach as ht• as " ·~-......- A rter a 2 hour. 55 min ute n egotiating sessio n w ith Ya nk ees o wn e r Georg e Stein bre nne r. attorney J ohn Schneider said he was close to agreement on a contract for Guadrv. .. Ron a nd the New York Yankees are close to reaching agreem ent, .. Schne ider said early today It appears. however. t hat Steinbrenne r and the Yanktts will reach an agreement LEARNING A TRADE Lt l.l•amon Jl all rol'ks his arm 11> Schne ide r s a i d h e t ele· E arl ier . o utrie l de r T om Paciorek. seC'ond·best . hiller an t he American League at 326. CStt BASEBALL. Page C21 pass for the Ft lknning. Ga Dough boys II all v. as ~ standout quartt'rhal·k \\ htlt· <JI West Pelini and hopt•:. to play for tht• Dalla -. Cowbo~·:-. :.tfll·r h1~ fl\ e ~ 1.•;Jr :\rm' tour '' fin1sht·d Rams have plenty of company this season Among other surprise collapses includes Monday night's foe , Atlanta lncredable a s it may seem. the Rams a ren't the only team this season that has performed an "el foldo" a ct Yes Geor gia. your motley crew has company. It almost boggles the mmd to examine this season and see what's happened to som e of 1980's upper echelon. The Rams· story certainly doesn't need to be rehashed. But what of some others? Remember. the following teams were in the playoffs last year HOW DOES ONE explain the seemingly ove rnight demise of teams like Ne w England <2·L2), Cleveland <>9), Houston 16·81. Minnesota <7·7J and Atla.nta <7·7" I Well. you don't ... at least not easily. Look at the Falcons . With all due r espec t to the Rams, Patriots a nd Chargers, Atlanta has to be considered the NFL 's bi""esl mystery. A team that was 12·4 a year ago and s howing nothing but signs of promise jus t does n't turn into a pumpkin overnight . or does it'! • · t really don't know the answe r ," admitted Atlanta offensive tackte Mike Kenn by phone the other day. "Believe me. if I had an answer I wouJd have s aid something a long lime ago." DOES THAT EXCUSE sound familiar? It s hould. Everx player on the Rams has echoed that same phrase al least once lbis season. Somehow. though, it all doesn·t wash. Somebody has got to have an answer som ewhere. "We've just been unfortunate," Kenn continued. "We're j ust not 1etUng the breaks like we cot last year. We've lost five 1ames this year by a total ol lZ points -and the reasons vary. It's been a dropped pus, or a penalty. or a poor call by the rereree, which has been apparent a lot this season. I . . RAMS JOHN SEVANO . : .. -,. . J "We really haven't played that poor ly ·· nfortunatcly . the R a m s. nor t he Char gers. no r the Pat riots, nor the Rrowns. nor the Oilers. nor the Vikings. nor the Raiders can boast the same claim ACTUALLY, TO their credit. at least the Fa lcons 1as are the Chargers. Vikings and Raiders) are still in the hunt for a playoff berth. In fact, if the Falcons can beat the Rams Monday night and then Cincinnati in their finale, and the New York Giants can lose one of their remaining two <against St Louis and Dallas). then AtJanta won't turn out to be that big of a disappointment afte r all "It's very frustrating, but we're still ve ry c o nfident ... add e d Ke nn "Con s ide ring the things that have happened we still hung in there and we·re still in the hunt " The Falcons· stick·to·itiveness is an admirable quality. but that still doesn't explain how they got their wires crossed. "T EAMS HA VE .IUST gotten better and better and the talent fs spread out more." s aid Kenn. in making another attempt to provide an answer. "Loolt at the teams with the best record in the NFL this year. You have two at 11·3 <San Francisco and Dallas> and another at 10.4 (Cincinnati I, then it really drops off. "Sure it's surprising. but by the same token . . Take Sao Francisco, which is leadlna our division, nobody expected that to ~ppen but they 1ot some momentum going and won the bl1 1amf!I when lbey ha~ ,to-, For other teams, it's ~n an up a nd ·down struggle l ht' whole way Football has alwan been m ost Unpre dtCtable. bul lo CX plaan why It happened <.all uf a '>udclcn I don't knO\Ao ' Kenn dot•)>n 't prnres::. lo know about the Rams· situataon. either. but he can J,!uess ho\Ao the\' fr•t•I T hey·n · ul>ed to bl·ang an the playoffs." ~aad Kenn .. En•ry ) ear they're expected to be tht•re :-.:u .... that they're not I'm sure it's a funny rl't•lang for them Just for that reason . I look for the Rams to have a good season nt>xt yt'ar .. BUT THAT'S THE Ra ms. what about the f alcons·• "Unless we're so destroyed we can't get u p emotionally." he sa•d . "I can 't believe at will happen to us. ··You just don't go 12·4 lake we did a year ago and play as well as we did only to fall flat on your face." If at d~s happen. 11 wall be of small comfort to the Falcons to know they·re not alone. • • • FOR THOSE UNFAMILIAR with Kenn. here ·s a tattle background· He was a first round draft pack m 1978 a nd has started every game since, having played in & straight. Last season he went through 16 games without so much as a single _penalty nae. He's had only two this year and five in three years "I've always been an individual who prepare~ell and plays with a lot of inte ns ity and pride, .. said Kenn. who relies o n finesse and technique rather than s trength .. Besides doing well for my t eammates, I, myself, want to do welt If I haven't f'layed t1'e best that I can it's upsettiq lo me. 'Tve always felt if you're goin1 to do (Stt SEVANO, Paie CZ> ..,. .. ~· - _______ ..,. .. ----It l4-'2 Orange Coast DAI L Y PI LOT/Friday, December 11 . 1981 _,.~------....;--------------.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.. l ' \ .. I) J I This 7 -year-old knows the score •·rom AP dispatches HARLINGEN, Texas -Every [!] Thursday night for the past 13 weeks, 4. t uboul 32.000 households have tuned in to hear Omar Guerra .give his pro football predictions on the local CBS affi liate. In a cool. serious manner, Guerra presents his analysis of profess ional gam es for the coming weekend So far. he's been right on 59 percent of bis predictions. What distinguishes Guer r a from other professional prognosticators is that at age 7. he may be the younges t handicapper on the airwaves. But he doesn 't like to watch himself on television. "l gel real nervous and I just walk out or the room and go to bed." said the dimpled. ~rown-eyed YO\Jngster. · Sports director Lance Edwards o f KG BT-TV s aid Omar fit the bill for an e ntertainjog , s ports featµre with a certain degree of seriousness. "Nobody really is that precise ," said Edwards. "We were looking for something .different to do with pro football selections.·· Edwards said the bright-eyed boy draws comments ranging from "He's so cute" to "I can do better than he can." Quote of the day Jud H ea&hrote, Mic h iga n S tate bus kl'tbull coac h , commenttnw on the sltu:ition in whl C'h M~alc J ohnson·~ differences with Paul Westhead led to the ('Oach's faring by the Los Angeles l.akers · 'l' m lndcbttKI to Magic for letting me <·ouch him for two years.'' Trade wouldn't surprise Campbell The Hous ton Oaler:s of the [!] Nut1ona l Football Leuaue ins ist that •. runnan~ b<tek Earl ('amp~U won't t IJI' trath.-cl but lhl' three timl' rushrna dwmpaon !'lays ht"s "experting the woriu " He !tC.lld . "Pro foothall 1s u business and plftyers don't huve u lot to sa y about what gm>s on It's onl' of Uw:se thmgis that I might be dri vmg on "'====-===:-::=========-====:;:_--."~'Y;...;;,:i~n..;cr<thrlitn;,....;rr;y~l~e;t'thtsWTnter and near on l e Lombard i Award goes to Sims • r CJ d 111 . · Hulle t1n , ~ar l flO STON Kenneth Sims, the [!] Campbell hus bee n traded • . · " M1am1 Dolphans inj ured two -time All-Ame ric an • , Co a c h Don S hula was d e fensive tackle from Texas, rec eived the Lombardi Award formully notified Thursday h · · be 11 I hat hl' was fined $1,000 for Thursduy nif(ht liS t e nation s st co ege hl!t <'ondul'I an Miami's 13 10 football linem an for 1981. The 6·foot·6, 270-pound Sims finished ahead vac·t ory over Philadelphia of Billy Ray Smith of Arkansas. Sean Farre ll of Nov 30 lt was widely Pe nn State Jtnd Bob Crable of Notre Dame. report~ that Shula would be The award, a 40 pound UMll'HLL fin e d b ecause ht· we nt block of granite, is given in beyond t he 35 yard line honor of Vince Lombardi, the bounda ry for coach es and players to argue a former G r e en Bay 1tnd t all an I.hat game United Stales District Washington coach who rlied Court Judge Barbara Crabb refused Thursday or cancer in 1970 to 1ssut• an injunctio n which would allow The point tot a l rrom l 'naversity of Wisconsin player Carlt.oD Walker balloting by a committee or to play Sunday 1n the Garden State Bowl when 95 college footba ll coacbe!>. the Badge rs pl ay Tennessee . The NCAA s p 0 rt s w r 1 t e r .li a n d !tent AHC·T V a te legr am "strongly" Objecting s portsc a s t e r l> w a s n ot lo having the ne two rk air allegations of si•o disclosed Cl em~on football recruiting violations during Sims went to the award banquet as the.most the :-.lov 28 Penn Stale· Pittsburgh game decorated of the finalists, having finished as r unner-up lo Nebras ka junior cente r David Rem ington in balloting for the Outland Trophy given to the n ation's outstanding inte rior lineman. Before his season ended with a broken ankle, Sims had 81 unassisted tackles and 10 quarter backs s acks to help the Longhorns. whose defense rank ed second io the nation, win a Collon Bowl berth against Alabam<1. Crable, a 6·3, 265-pound middle lane backer, was the first finahst1n the 12-year history or the a ward not to attend the banquet. He stayed away because. it conflicted with his own team's annual banquet, wh1<'h also was held Thursday night. Bruins feeling the Blues, 3-2 Bernie f'ederko scored on a p·ass from Wayne Babycb with 32 seconds remaimnl! Thursday night, capping a St Louis comeback and lifting the Blues lo a 3-2 National Hockey League triumph over Boston. The Blue~ spotted the Bruins a 2-0 lead in the fir!>l period but struck back to s nap the Bruins' four game winning streak . ~ Derek SmUb and Mike BlaisdeJI fired in a pair of first-period goa Is a nd Detroit posted a 4-1 victory over M mnesota The North Stars. leaders in the Norris 01 vis1on, a rl:' winless in their last five games. showing only a pair of ties. From Page C1 Jazz will have new conductor The Utah Jazz of the National m Rusketball Association fired Coach Tom Nl .. alke and replaced him with GtmcraJ Manager Frank Laydea. The Jaa•, 8·12 for the xeuson. have lost 10 of their last 13 gamt-s and Nissalke wH fired one day after Utuh was blown out, 113 77 by Indiana and two clays after fallinlC to Dallas, 128-103 ... Guard Kyl~ Macy -pour~d in a eareer-1\igh 29 points <tnd Phoenix put together eight straight points rn1c.lwuy through the fourth quarter and went on to defeat Portland, 117 -110 ... Forward Campy llwiaell scored four straight free throws and a basket, while am Cartwrtg .. t added a jumper , to help New York fight ofr Detroit, 106· 101 In overtime . The Pistons sufrered their seventh consecutive dereat 11fter rallying rrom a 19·pomt third quarter deficit. Foul tip causes death of player A 15 year-old Dallas sophomore • was killed Wednesday when he was hll 1n the chest with a baseball during a team practice, officials said. Jose Martin Solis was catching -his position durina the regular season -when he was hit by a foul tip , said Sunset High School coach Cltarles Patton. Although Sherman and a passer ·by a dm1n1 s tere d cardi o pulmonary and m o uth to mouth res u scitation , Solis was pr o n o unced d ea d at a local hospital . Forward Armando Betancourth of fndia n<.i Univer sity was named winner of the H e rm a nn Trophy , emble mati c o f the out stand ing college soccer player in the country Television. radio TV : No events scheduled RADIO: liasketball Cal State Fullerton v~ St Jo~eph 's , Pa. al ~C Sant a BaTbara tournament 7 p m .. K WR M 11370 1. Portland at Lahr~. 7 2<.I p m , KLAC 1570 1 f ootball :\l 1~!t1on VH.•ju \'S Lo!> A m1~os . 7 JO p.m . KSBR t88 5 1-'~1 1 Davis Cup Tennis Reports -U.S vs Ar~enlma. 3:50 a nd 4·50 p.m .. KNX (10701 .Mariners ~·trade :·Paciorek SEV ANO'S COLUMN ••• From Page C1 HOLLYWOOD. Fla. CAP> - Outfielder-rirst baseman Tom 1.Paciorek. who turned down a Jcontract that would have paid him more than $1 million. was !·dealt by the Seattle Mariners to ! the Chicago White Sox today in ('xchange for catcher Jim BASEBALL TRADES. • • F:ssian, shortstop Todd Cruz and ; J)utfielder Rod Allen Paciore k , 35 . the second ~ teadmg batter in the American ·League last year at .326, turned 1 tlown the Mariners' multi-year, h million-dollar offer on Thursday. l'nding months of negotiations. , A member of the 1981 AL · All star team. Paciorek led the :\1 armers with 114 hits. including 59 RBI Essian, 29. batted 308 in just 27 games as a back-up catcher fo r the White Sox. fi e threw out eight or the 14 baserunners who attempted lo ste al against him during the 1981 season. Cruz. 26. didn't appear in a , gam e last season. lie suffered a stra in or the lower back in sprang training which sidelined him for the first half of the year. And after the players· strike, he hroke a bone in his hand while ta king batting practice near his home in Detroit and was out the rest of the season Allen. 22. batted 294 fo r the Sox's Class AAA Edmonton Trappers las t season and was third on the club with 11 home runs and fourth with 53 RBl. Paciorek , who had 1 3 ~a m e ·winnin g hits for the )1 a riners. had as k ed to be trad ed turned down a four year offer by the Seattle Mariners He was traded to the Chicago White Sox tod ay In other business. the National League approved the s ale by the C ar pe nte r f a mil y o f the Philade lphia Phillies for $30.175 million lo a group headed by Bill Giles. the club's executive vice president Also on the adm1nistrat1ve s id e . b o th l eag u es met sepa rately and jointly. a nd the major result was jm Amen can League pronouncement that 11 would like to go with three d1 v1sions in 1983 This y,ould m ean an extra tie r or playoffs. The AL u rg ed the ~ational League to gave the three·davision setup serious consideration The '.'j I. needs a una nimous vote lo approve and at least two te ams arc reported lo disappro ve lhe idea There appeared to be several reasons for the de lay on the re ported Te mpleton-for -Smith portion of the transaction It was learned that the Padres want to examine Te mpleton, who s pent several weeks in a psychiatric hos pital las t s ummer a fter making an obscene gesture to the rans. Also. the contracts of both Te rn pl ct on a nd Sm 1th would NFL standings have lo be renegol1<1 led II these technicalities cannot be worked out to the S<ttrs faC't 1un of both club~. lel>~er pla~ HS could f1 na l1ze the tradt: Templeton 1s l'nlerang the third year or a ~·x year. S4 4 million contract, while S mith earn!> in the $300.000 area Lezcano. 28, acquire d fro m Mi lwaukee last year, hit 266 in 72 g;imc~ last stc·<1son Mura. 26, wal> 5 14 with a 4 27 !::RA at San D1l'g11 a nd as 17 27 1n h is thn.:l' ~car majcir lt•ag ut• eareer T he ~1gn1ng of Rem y clamaxecl m o r e t han s ix m o nths o f ne~oti ations during which the infielder declared free agency · I'm vcn· excited and pleased to be with the Red Sox fur probably lht' rest of my cari.:er,' l>a1d Re m y "ft's a two wa~· tYP<' of deal that's ~ood for both m}st'lf anc.l the ball club " In a t rade anno unced after midn ight. the San Francisco Gia nts aC'quired right-handed µ1t r hers Rich Gale and Bill Laskey from thl' Ka nsas Caty R oyals fnr outr1l'l de r J e rry ~artan Another administra tive move was the election to baseball's E xec ut ive Co un c il o f r Baltimore's Edward Bennett Willia ms and T e xas' Eddie Chiles to the Player Relations Committee ************* : JOHNSON & SON ! ~ATIONAI. CONFERE~C E Western Divis ion AMERICAS {'0:'1/F'E RENCE .. • • • • • • • • Presents ... • • • • •• Western Division \\'LT PF PA "i:rn F ran 11 3 0 308 227 Atlanta i 7 0 382 304 R am s 5 9 0 275 305 New Orle:ins 4 10 0 183 322 Eastern Division Pct. 786 500 .357 .286 Dt:ll\CI' K an~as {'1t\ San Di ego · Oakla nd Se;,ittk \\'LT PF PA 9 5 I) 274 241 8 6 0 326 267 )o( I) II 431 357 7 7 I) 257 ?.97 5 9 0 267 344 Da llas 11 3 o 336 254 786 643 500 500 429 Eastern Division Philadelphia 9 5 O 320 200 N \' Gi ants 7 7 0 262 237 St Louis 7 i 0 305 350 Washington 6 8 0 279 328 Central Division ·ra mpa Ray fl 6 o 272 227 l>etroit 7 7 O 335 295 t;recn Bay 7 7 fl 286 326 Minnesota 7 7 0 312 314 Ch1 rngo 4 HI 0 195 294 571 500 500 500 ™ :\l iam1 9 4 I 312 262 Buffa lo 9 5 0 286 250 :">Y .J et~ 8 5 l 313 271 :'I/cw En~land 2 12 O 291 328 Haltamore I 13 O 222 474 C.-ntra l Division l 111C'innati 10 4 O 374 266 P1tlsburi!h 8 6 0 326 259 Houston fl 8 O 254 307 ('leveland 5 9 O 242 319 ~.-..,·,o- NY J•I\ •1 Ci.w t-IC ... ,,.,.,I • •t t JO• m I MlnM\Ot.. .. Ottrool IC ........ 1 l •1 1 Cl,.,.. I ~Y'tG-8•111..-e •• W••Nnvton Bufl•to at N«w Envt-c iM inNlli •I Poll•IN•Clll GrMn B•y at ..... Ori•""' NY Gl.,b•tSI 1.0U•HC-1 t •I IO • m I !Mn D•..-at T-Bn IC.,._,,..., ••I 10 • In I Ml....,I el I(-(lly Clllc-atO._I_ HO.O\loft at S.0-"•-I.CO ~t.,..i. at 0.lla IChe,..,.l l •I I p m I S.•ftleatO.--··•o-Afl...C• at"-IC-I 1 et 6 P"' l Pct. fi.13 571 571 500 357 679 643 607 143 07 1 714 .571 · 429 357 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Pete the 11Greelc" it • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ti NFL•s Picks of TheWHt& SATURDAY D.troit SUMD4Y D .... . ...... Nadllphia .,... ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Jt it ~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~-· • • • • • • .. t * * * ·* * * .... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ... * * .... • >et.•s Picks af. YOUR 1982. CONTINENTAL : IS HERE MOW! LEASE ! FROM US AND TAKE • IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. : (0 .A.C.) MIWHOUaSI PAITS DEPAITMENT NOW MONDAY . ...... ...... L.A.•-. • • • • • OPIN 1:00 && te 1:00 P.M. SATUIDAYS • • • • • • • • • i ............. . ************•**************•········ som ething be the best or why do it " • • • Of' HIS TWO holdan~ calls this season, Kenn remarked "The first one was questionable but the second ti me r was holding The guy surprised me and beat ml' Q•J1ck. The Y.c>rl>l' thing that can happen to an offons1Vl' linem an 1s to be beaten quac k " ··You must havt' been sta rtled?" I asked. .. , was," he quipped . "that's why f held him." • • • KENN WILL UNE up opposite Cody Jones ~t <inday night. The other three years 1t was Fred l>rycr lie re are his thoughts on the two "Thl:'1r sty lel> of play are quite diffe rent Dr~er wasn·t a~ big so his sty!e stressed speed a nd q u u:kne!>s lie played the run real well bccau~e he knew how to use ha!' leverage Dryer was a g reat defensive end. "Cody 1s still us ing a lot of his old defens ive tackle techniques. He's head-butting, or grabbing and pulling on you He 1s an excellent football pl ayer and was a great de rens1 ve tackl e." Maybe hl• docsn 'l feel at home yet in his new position.·· Kenn stopped s ho rt of saym~ Drver was ORDER TOLL FREE 2' HDUllS A DAY 800-l~HODJ. Ett 169 IN CALIFOllNIA ONLY 1-100·~22·1500. Ett 819 IN ALASKA AND HAWAII ONLY 800·8~·2622. Ex1 869 "-<>M •nc:luOe S2 50 •"'C>Pl'IQ ono l'IOfld°tlnQ Collfornla r•s1dents add(>' sol•• fa• better But I won't Dryer was better Dry er knows it. Cody knows it. Defensive coordinator Rud Carson knows it And Ray Malavasa should know 1t The latter is just too s tubborn Ainge wants to forget BOSTO~ <AP1 Danny Ainge remembers his first major le ague hit with the Toronto Blue Jays. lie hopes he'll soon forget his first basket with the Boston Celtics The 1981 Brigham Young All -America n. who decided to switch pro careers after batting only IKK for Toronto this year. made his National Hasketball Association debut Wednesday night, les~ than two weeks afte r s igning with the Celtics. With veteran guard Nate Archibald sidelined by flu, Ainge got to play 10112 minutes in· Boston's 109-100 victor y over the New Jersey Nets Aft er missing on has first three s hots. and ha\'tng another failure nullified by a whistle, Ainge hll on a 12 foot jump shot lie was given a standing o\•at1on by a c rowd of 15.320 FREE Wlfll MIY CWOlt' Tilt 1911 Consumtr Aeoor1 on inn il'C Olller 111"°"""" lftms iv111M11t ttom l!lt Reclutlf Corpofallon ~o.,.,..,.. ....... , •• ,....,°'""'"'•..._. .. ................ . •• j I ( ~------,~-- DUEL TONIGHT -Foun ta111 \'alll·~ tmsk<•lh.tll coach Davl' Brown t lt·fl • \\ 111 :...t.•11d tu:-. ll·;.im against (kl'an \'ll'\\. pllntt·d h~ .J1111 I larn-.. al 7 ·45 al Fm11Ha111 \'al It•\ Uni wins at buzzer Myers the hero once. again If Un1 vcrs1ty ll1~h'!> Handy Myers l'Ould bottle his act , he C'ould gl't a pn•lly good pnce for it For the sC<·ont.I :-.tra1ght day, the Trojans ' senior guard htl a shot at the buizer. the latest time coming Thurs1lc:1) when Uni versity pulled uut a 58-56 triumph o ver Magnolia in t he Sonora T ournament "(le had less µn·ssurc on him thi!. time t han before becaust• the gam(• was tied today," quipped Uni Coach J eff Cunning ham • The last !.hot came a fter the T ro1ans had worked lht' Cllll'k for lhe ranal minute down to lht' 12-second mark Cunnangtfam then instructed his charJ,!es to call t1ml' out "Thto• laM play was designed to go to 1Brad1 Gue~:. ... l'Xplaincd Cunnini.:ha m 'The weaks1de opened up and Rand~ wa!. all alone so he took th,e shot ·· 1J n1vcrs1ty 1!. st.·hcduled to play Saturday Jl 4:45 agatn!>l llac1cnda lk1ghls Wilson for t he eonsolCJt1on champ1<1nsh1p "We 're gorng Lo need to execute better. · said Cunningham "Wt.·'d like to put ~ome peopll' awa~ We led hy 10 :tl lht· half hut let them get right back mto the gaml· .. In other at:t111n Lynwood 45, Ne wport Harbor 44 Newport llarbor lost a gamt' 1l thought 1l h<.1d won when thl' Sailors ll•l a s1x--pornt lead 111. tht: final minute· gl·t awa) an th<.' semifinals of tht· SCJnta An..i Tournamt·n1 Turno\'ers hurl :"\1t'wpurt 1n the final sec·nnd'. helping I.} nwnod turn the game around Thi· Sailors battll' Lai.:una lh'aC'h fnr third place csl 6 15 tonight "Onn· thl'y starH•d the~ got u!. rallied ... s<11d :"\1cwport Couc·h Jcrr:-Oe Hu:-k "We: would thrn" 1l awav and th\.'\ "ould st'ore Wl' called four l1m" outs "in lhl' final 2 38 ' :-.io" I 2. ~c·wporl lt:cl almost Lhe entire gal!lt' but 1t wasn't enough \\ c did d really good job for 31 manult'S of l"H'l'Utmg and controlling the tempo of the gamt'.' De· Hus k added We d1d n 1 "an1 1t to bt: a tral'k meet and rn the last mrnul<•. 1t "as Santa Ana 62, Laguna Beach 45 · We had the s hots and they dtdn·t fall, · lamented Artists' Coach J erome Karp aflt>r his team was sent into the third-place game of the Santa Ana Tournament a~arnst Newport Harbor :o-;e1l R1ddcll led th<' way for Laguna with lfi points "hill• Boh Short t hippec1inwith12 and Rud' 0\ ornk had 1•1ght "We s tarted out and fell behind by nine points but we m ade somt• adjustments and made a run at ·em an lht• fourth. 11uarter ... !'laid Karp "Hut tht.'\ started gc11ng 1ns1ile and 1t really hurt u1> .. San Clemente 73, Chino 58 San Clemente 1s no~ 5 I after advancing to ton1~ht'~ 8 o'clork '>em ifmal or the Tr itons · own tournaml:'nl with an easy "in over Chino Foothcll will supply lhc oppos1L111n . Senior fory, a rel Dou,g Lemon and senior guard Jamt·s llill \\Cr<• thc onl' two punch. netllnJ! 2R points apiece Lt•mon had 12 potnL'> and 11111 eight in the dec1sl\ e s cC'ond quarter when the winners pulled away to a nrne·po1nt advantage WoodbridQe 49. Maranatha 38 The Warriors s howed their patience in knock1nJ! off ~l aranatha a nd moving lo thf' cons olation semifinals of the El Segundo Tournament The) II pla~ al 5 o'clock tonight aga1n::.t Rio llondo Prc>p Woodbridge il'd 311 25 at halftime when M aranatha s howl•d a wnC' defense at the start of the second half Woodbridge responded by ~oing into a dela\' to trv 111 dr::iw its foe out "There was n11 wa) we were going to attack that with the lc:ad wc had, .. said Woodbridge Coach Aili S h annon 'They c hanged to a man-to-man and we dirl a goix.I joh of moving the ball around " ------------ Orange Coos1 DAILY PILOT1f 11dav Occombur 11 1981 ca The dreaded big gante • 1s on. Fountain Valley vs . Ocean View: Old friends meet in final • Hy EO ZINTEI. 0t , ... o.i•w ,.,~ ".ttt For a Joni.: t11ne , ~&ys Ocean View High hasketl>all l'lltll'h Jim llarris, people have been . confu~mu h1m with his good friend and coaching rival. Ouv1: Br own of Fouotam Valley. . 'l'ht· I w1J do 1n fuct sct•m inseparable . T hey and tlw1r w1 v1•s g1111ul toi.:l'lht.·r often and they look and dress so mud1 alik<', sometimes it seems like a donin~ Jllb But 111n1ghl at the fountain Valley gym. there "Ill ht• 1111 1111stak1r1g llarris for Brown a nd vice vt>rsu 1'ht.•\ ·11 be situated on either side of the 'l'Ort:r's lUblt· a!. tht:) send their teams into the l.'hamp1onsh1p final of the Founta in Valley tournament <:amt.· t1mt.· 1s 7 •15 The rnah·huµ. "h1ch both coaches hoped "oultln't t·urm• about bccausc they ~damantly cltsllkl• l'oa1·h111i.: agarnsl one another. was a result of '' lrl' T hursd:n n1i.:ht tn the semifinals. 1 >t.·l·an \'1t•w. struggling tn the early going, 'lormt·tl hal·k 111 thl• second hair behind 6-9'h l'Pnkr J1rn l 'Sl'Vlll'h to gain a v1ct'ory over a tough S1•rv1lc· ~quad . a nd f''ountarn Valley also came h.11·k aftl'r trailing al thl' half lo win over Alh.1mhr;,i . 1 ll'n' ' h•i\\ 1l .,.. t•nt Ocean View 64, Servite 57 l.'st•\'ltth. :t ~c.:nior . who s pent most of his time las I \ l'ar in tt11· sh <1uow' rJf All Cl F forward Wayne l'ar1:1ndl'r, 1:,, ..,1ar1ing to show that this is his !.l'ason lo sh1n1• lll'ld lCJ 1ust 2 1><11nts 1r1 lhe flrst qucirter . he Caml' <th\l' Ill till' St'('lllld quarter, hitting 4 Of 5 :-.hots to kl.·t11 thl· St::.ihuwk.., dose, 34 31.. L sev11 <'h had JllSl 4 p111nts in the third quarter and Oc·t·:in \'1l'\\ trailed. 50 47 going into the final pt· nod. Thal'' when l:~C\'lll'h went to work as his cldl'll'l\l' oppom•nt. Ii 6 Stt've Krallman. packed up h1'> fourth foul l:Jll' 111 the third quarter l 'se\tll'h hit all four of his s hot attempts as l>C'om1 \'11•\\ "ul-.l·un·d S1·rntt• 16 11 17 7 down the ... 1 rl't1·h 1·, .... ,1l!'h l1n1sht•d with 2fi points and guard "il·ott Dl' Bwu" l'r aclall''' 15 points \r1tl \\llh 1t Ot·t·Jn \'1l·w 16 11 gets the 11pp111 t11111I \ In rne·l'I FountJm \'alle~ m an early n1 .111·hup 111 '1r1111J.! Sun..,.•1 Lea~ul' team<> l 'd ratht·r 'l'l' Alhambra." Harris s aid hetw•·(·n c amt·' · I don't want to see Dave 1 Broy, n ' 111-.1• l,1"Jk at him. llarn ... continued. pointing to ""h1·rt· Hrn" n "''" s 1 anchng ·He wore wingtips 111"ll·ad of 'adtlll• 'hill'' lakl· hoth men often wean to111i.:ht JU~t to tw d1fft•rl'nl " \ft1•1 h.1\111).! pla~·l·d 7 games a lre ady this ~"ar llarr" .l,l'll that his tt•am showed h ints of bt•lrl).! (11'1'<1 \\c· d1d11 1 t•l :I\ \q•ll 11n ch·fens(• but Ser v1te 1s a \1·n w1od 11·.1m a ... ).!c111rl .1!'> any in the county," he -.aid s .. rv1t1 • I~ I • tr;iilt·cl 15 10 a fter the firs t quarli'r trall1•d :.!:I Iii rn the !'le<:ond, then scored 8 .,lra1 ~ht point:. to f1n<1ll\ take the lead The Friars a l">o 'l'lll'l'tl th•· l:.is l h pwnts of t he quarter I''"' 11 r h 1 hl'n I 1111k l'Olltrol of the boards tn the ... t'concl hdll •ht• hat! :l5 rl'bounds for the game ), 01·1•an \'11•w "'llrf'ri 1 he fir'il 8 points or lhe "'t·1111d h.1 1f '" J'"um1· a lt•ad the Sf'ahawks would Tonight's schedule 4 15 pm 'l'IJllSlll:tllllll • Vallt'y' Kt'n l11:1rt<'r t,(•.::rn to rhck, then pulled dost· al 17 4:1 ti St-rv1l l' , . .., ,\lhJ11l li1,1 11t1111l pt,1l'•'• llow1•vl•r llughcs and llarter. alon.c with Rob Wh1ll•h:11r, fort·NI J\lhambr:t lo rush its game, 1·<1ui.ing 1urnovcrs. and the Barons held on. llarl(•r finished with 18, Hughes had 15 and Whlll·hau anti l>n•w Brown each had 10 p<>ints. llartt·1 , 1n udd1taon to bt!1ng the leadmg scorer , had 14 n·hounds to lead both teams. Fountain V;tllt•y ou\n·boundt•d Alhambra, 30-24 . 7 45 Foun1 .. 111 \' ,dl1·\ \' 111'1·.111 \'1•·" 1•h ll rtl f • .11011:0.hlJH not relinquis h. Usevitch scor.ed the rirs t 6 points of "W~· C'ha11~ed things a htlle at halftime," said Brown "We we nt lo a three-quarter-court press and we I rlt'cl to i.:et the ball in lo Harter (a lhe quarter. , "When we s witc hed (6-3 ·rorward Sha wn1 Werner to their point guard {Chesler Chappell I 1t helped a lot," said Harris . ''Their gua rd tandem wasn 't killing us and that helped." lc1rY. ard 1 ' Mike Judge added 8 for the Seahawks-"The tougher Jud~e gets, the tougher we'll get, .. said llarns Wt! ff'lt the .:am e wa!> too ~low in the first half Wt' hoped our guurds would pick it up in the sc:cond half. whic h the.> did " Hro .... n praised llarter, whose job It was to lll'fcnrl ,\lh..imlJra' ... 6 6 center Rob Patrick. A night t·arher 1n a wan over lluntinll!t-On Beach, Patrick Sl'llrl'd :.!'.! But Thuf'da) he could mana~e J_ust 9. Fountain Valley 67, Alhambra 56 The Barons t 3·0 J s hot ho rrendously I 2 of 11 1 in the second quarter, to fall behind. 25·23 In the first half, Fountain Valley was 8 of 27 in shooting while Alhambra was 10 of 19. ·wh1tcha1r and Brown both played nicely. It ""u!> a giJUd wan • The Barons' all-league guard, J eff Hughes. could hit JUSl I of 7 shots and t.he other Founta:n • Valley guard, Alan Villanueva. was I of 5 from thl' field But Uro"n w<1-.n t too c:xc1ted about playing Orcan \'ic•w I Just tlun·1 l1klo to play them:· he said "Jim and I art.· JU!.t l•><> gond ,,f friends Plus Ocean View " r(·all\ 1•1111.!h .. Bui Hughes wcnl to work 1n the third quarter . scoring 6 points a s Fountain Valley s urged ar1to the lead. He scored three straight baskets t o finally J;:ivc the Baron1> the lead 33·30 midw<ty through the quarter . Askf•tl about how h<' olans to rlefend lJsevitch . Br1n~n sa1,I lhirm·tl 1f I kno"' lie gets the ball down in tht•n • CJml 1l '1> d1ff1 cult He lakes care of t ht> ball und <:CJn -;hot>l " Al ham bra ft>ll behind 47 39 a!! f ountain Tht·} shouldn t ha ve any problem filling the gym lon1gj1t Mesa, HB, EdisQn woDlen • Will Newport, MD , Fountain V.alley lose in basketball. action Cos t a Me s a High and Huntingto n Be a c h e n joyed lopsided victories while Edison was a narro w winne r and Newport Harbor. MCJter De1 and F o unta i n Valle y c am e up s horl in women s h1~h school basketball att1on T hu rsda> night The Mustangs had a slow start but outscored l.aguna Hills by 22 in the middle two quarters an winning, 62·36. M t>a nwhi l e . ~ewpo rt H arbo r was no match for Huntington Be ach, losing, 74 17. and Edison got past Long Reach J ordan. 46·4:1 Maler Det fell to Long Beach Poly, 53·48. and Fountain \'alley was beaten on the road by R1v-ersi.de Poly , 78 43 After leading by only one point a l the end of the first period. host Costa Mesa strl'll'hed 1t out m the sel'ond quarll•r a nd went on to 11s sec•1md 'rc·tor'.' "1thout a loss "We slarll'd pla) 1ng some defe nse rn the 1>t'c·ond quarter. cla1 mt>d Costa :vtcsa Coach Paul Kahn ··we Wt>re doing too murh fouling 111 the fi rst quarter · V1c·ky Lamar hod 14 J)<>tnls . while teammall' :"\ora Sl'ager added 16 for Ml'sa while pulling down a ~ame-h1).!h 17 rebounds So phomore A n g i e Ga r c ia chipped in with nine ('aroms M e:rnwhlle. Ka hn laudeu lhl' play of sophomore Shl'lly :-.real. lht• Mus tang!.· top dt'fen:-.1ve µla n·r 'Wl' always a:-.s1~n ht·r t<> our opponent ·s top scnrt<r and 1>hc did a fme JOO tun1ght .. Kahn said of :":eal. Costa Mesa fal'PS a s tiff test nc x t Tucsda~ .,.. hen tl meets :'v1 1ss1on \'ll'jo al 7 o'clock Edison 1s 2 l a fte r winning a narrow dec1s1on from J ordan 1 t was a banner night for Tina Oen II ever. who scored 23 points and p~llcd down 22 rebounds. Tht• lallt>r broke a school record of 20 rebounds, previously held b~ Shannon :'vteyer who set it last !'leason lh·nlleyer. a 6 foot senior, hit 7 11f 10 from the free-throw line anti was 8 o f 16 from the floor. J unior Shf•lly Trepl also scored an douhlt• figures. pouring in 11 points In llun t 1ngtc1 n B ea ch 's unl· s1tkd w 1n over ;"'l;ewport 11 ;,arhor Tracv Clmkenbeatd had 21 points. Ta-mmy Buckels had IG and 12 rebound and Betty ~t enrloza scored 13 points and pullt>d down 11 boards .\1 ater Dc1 1s 3 1 after 1Ls loss to 1'111\ Kathv Gorman had 17 p111n1 .., ·to lead the Monarchs "Chey'• got it a.1.1 ••• f..r y•u" "Chevy's got it all ••• for y u" .. .. ::s 1• I := 1; c-. • • • I= = .... .. .... ~ Cl) • .. ~ ~ ~ 1e I ~ ·I .. --= CA • and • • ARE HERE AND DURING THE MONTH OF DECEMBER .. • YOU CAN ORDER YOURS, INCLUDING • ~ YOUR CHOICE OF OPTIONS AND COLOR ~ AT ~ FACTORY l!~OICE f PLUS 9 0/ doesnotinclud~ : / 0 tax. Ii'-. and doc. ftts. :S Shannon gave t'rcrl1t to Mark fo'oringer for ha ndling the middle of the delay He was a lso pleased with the balanced sconng which featured Foringer 's 14 points and Anthony Radovcich, 8111 Roush and Tom Aorsuk with eight points apiece. '• Woodymell_owed? ~ Not on your life I ~ NEW MANAGEMENT SPECIAL! Come in for a demonstration· ride and take home a • ·FREE case 124 cans I of PEPSI! • • HOUSTON ( Ar I A Hous ton broadcaster said he wa!. threatened Thursday night by former Ohio Stale football coach Woody Hayes when he asked about the Gator Bowl incide nt that led to Hayes' dis missal Alvin Jackson , s ports director for radio station KMJQ. recorded the conversation with Hayes. who was a gul'st speaker at t he 12th annual Lombardi Award banquet Thursday night. Hayes was fir ed s hortly arter he s t ruck Clemson noseguard Charlie Baum an. who h ad inte rcepted a pass that stopped an Ohio Stale drive In the closing minutes of the Dec . 30, 1978, Gator Bowl game Ohio State los t 17-tS. "Get off . gel off of It ," Hayes said just before he threatened to knock J ackson down. 1according to the broadcaster's tape recording. Jackson, a 6-root 4, ~pound former Penn State defensive tackle, said he thought at first that Hayes was just jokm.c. "I thought after all these years he would have mellowed with a1ee. apparently not," said J ackson Hayes was takin g part in the awards ceremonies and was not immediately available for comment.' • • ... ... a ... .. ~ 0 Cl) • .. a ~ .c ~ ... ... "Clae~11'• got f' all ···•eeeza •••• All 1981 Chevrolets instock (except Cor•effesl are beinc) sold at I e o•er f in•oice cost.•"-.... 1c-. .... .._ • • • .. .. a .... .. ~-lkcodt~ . GIAC FINANCING\._-'; AVAILABLE I ~ O.A.C. ~ ~. Mr Ooodwrench works here for 8 ~ 1tnP alter the S~le Sel"YtC'e 1 ~ !lBmil ·~ ~ 900 SO. PACIFIC COAST HWY. LAGUNA BEACH 494-1131 or546-9967 .. SALi HOUIS:~ t OAt.· 7 p• .. Seit. t a.a-S ,.-.. S-.. 10 ..-.-4 ,.-. ... tor •• ~,, "Cltet~g's got It all ••• tor .... ,, a a • ----------- , Orange Coa s t DAILY PILOT/Friday, December 11 . 1981 IHI BUllETll BIARD Rebels upset by Reno Lakers schedule . Home Schedule l>l'I' 11 Portland l>t"' 13 Gulden St.ill'. 2 I'm lk'c 20 l\tlantu. 7 p 01 Dec '.!7 S11n Dll'.1:11, 1 p m l>rt' 29 Utah Jun :I St!utth.'. 7 11 ni J un 20 Nl"~' J t-rSl') Jun :!'.! l>etro11 · Jitn 2fi M11 .... aukt"e. Jan 2K Phoenix ft-b 3 Ne.... \'ork )o'eh 141 San Antonio Fe b 14, Uosto11 141 15 µ m t'eb 16 St.-Jlllt' ~·d1 l!I t:oldc:n ~tult' t-°l•h 23 lh•n\1•r )o'eh 26 Ph1lulld µh1 a l"t•h 2ff <'le\ 1•land. 2 p m March 9 Ku11i.a-. C'1ty . March 12 Ch1c:ai.:o Mun·h 14 l>ulla:1. 7 pm Mart h ;)) San Utl'll" April 2 l'hocnai. \pral 4 Portland, 12 3() I' m Apn l 9 lh-0\ l'r Aµnl 11 Seallle, 7 pm ·\11111 14 L'lah i\pnl lti Golden StlJlt: A II i;aml';,, pluyl'fl :.t t ht· Forum /\II gaml'b al 7 3U p m , unll·i.s no11•1l Ticket Information T1ckl'l:. a n: pnt·t'd at $12 50 SI! !iO and $7 00 for more anform;.tion. t•all 12131 61-1 6000 Running S.l 'U\\. t:I 11111~ \11 StJl1tm ' .!• · .ind ti mill· run,. .11 I hl· 1,.,s.· 111 b•..ndat :\luranl' l'1wp:. l'u\-. 1111 Toh t ;1mp.111tn l'rl'·l'll!l!>tr.;tann 1·11,h Si "1th a T .. hart 54 .... it huial l>a' 01 r.111• l'l·r.:i-.tra111111 '" SH .... 1th 'I 'h1r1 --, \\1lh1111t l'r•1t't'l'th u•1·tl 111 µurt·h<a"' '"''fur 111••·11~ 1 halll n·n llJ\ 111 rJt'l' 1n:1-tr.;1wn hn.:an' .•I 1, 1:, J m Fur nwn· 111f11rm.;1 aon 1 .. 11 5'i!I :!71ii Sports. vacatton show Thl' 17th .1nnu • .i \n.ah1·1n1 "P"r t' \'Jc'.1t1un ;mcl H\ :-h11\\ ~d l11r .J.111 :! 111 ,of ,\11.1ht·1m (.'on' 1•11111111 t 't·rrtt•1 Fi-.hanL! hunt 1nL! 1 a mp1nL! '.•t·.;t I• •nani.: t''h1h1l;,, 'dll'tl11led 1•,wh d.J\ 11\ "llffit ' .11•1 t''h1h1t"r' 1;,,m1·, Jlfll•'' 111111 ... 111<1 ... 1,1i.:1· .. h11\\, "IH'dt1l1~I l loour' .111• 1111•111 to Ill I• m :-..1111rtla\ n1111n 111 K p 111 :O...uud,I\ .111ol \f1.r11J.I\ lhl llUJ,!li ,J"1 l d,1\ '.! Ill JI Ill 1,.•111•1,al :ill 1111 ...... 11111 ....... , ••• ..Kinas .i;chedule Aemelnl09 HOfM kheduJe l>t'<' 12 Vant·ouver. 1 p m Dec :i.3 Colorado J an 2 Call:ary, 7 1.1 m Jan 19 Coloraclu Jun 21 M1nnei.11la Jan 27 Phtht<lt'lµh111 Jan 30 Sl Louis, 2 p.m J an JI Nl'"" York Hanl(l'r~. 7 pm F (' b ~ II a r I fur 1J ~· l'IJ 6 \':.nc·uu,t·r 7 µ m Feh 7 \lontrt•al. 7 p m t '1:b 11 Quehl•t• l"t•b 17 \\'a::ohangtofl f l'b 20 l':.h:al"). 1 µ II\ F eb 24 Oetrml )o't!b 27 Ch1eu110. 7 p m March IO Edmonton ~art•h 1:1 :"lt•" York Islander:., 7 p m )larch 17 Calgtir) :\1art'h ~I f'tlt.~burgh, 7 µ m Man·h 27 Colorado. 7 µ m ~lun·h 211 Edmonlon 7 11 na April :.s \'.mc·ouH·r. :! 11 m ·All i.:uml•S µlu)'l'd !Jt tht· Forum i\11 games <at 7 JO pm . unles~ notl'd Ticket Information Ttt•keL'\ are pri<'ed at Slli 50. S9 and $7 For m or e 1nrorma1 1on p hone 1213 1 674·6000 Los Alamitos racing Lu, ,\lamtto:. (l uarterh11r:.l' rac·1n~ \1onlla~~ thrvugh SutunlJ" through Jdn IH JI -'\ltil K;itl'lla \\t' l.oi. \IJmlto' F1r,1 µml i ~5 11 m Tl'n (tll<irlt'rhur~l'' r:.t'l'' -.c·ht'tlult•cl Crand,tand S<! 25. ('lulihou't' 5.:$ Sii For mor(' mlormatwn. t:ill !:195 l:!J.1 UC Irvine basketball lkr 12 l "" I.a.., \'t'ita' •JI An:.hl•tm Conven1100 l'1•ntt-r •. II :lo µ m lkl' I~ Lo} ol:i ~br~ mount l>t·•· 18 19 at C'hamp1•m 1ll'hd;1) l'la'>:.11· 1 Jl !\l a<;soul ... \I t ' ~•t•1· ?.l! '!9 'JI Mll .... a u kt•l· H:i~l.1" tul; (i:;,s;, J an 6 lJ1 un l'ollt•l(t· .Jan 14 1·s f ulll'rh1r. j ;m It> l'l' 'iJnla Barb:.r:i Jan 21 al l'anf1t· 7 :l.'I p m Ji.n 23 J l l'IJh StJtl .;,m ·~ al I.on~ Bt'arh Slalt· 7 ~ p.m Jan :111 Long BeJc•h Stat<· 1 at Anahl•tm C.:OO\'ent111n Ct'nll'r 1 F e l1 ·I San Jo:-.t• St :.le Feb 1; F resno Stall' ~\·h 11 :it Sa n J1Jw St.itt'. H 0.'1 pm f eh 13 at frt'-.nn State 1-'<·b 18 P J<"1f1c· f eb 20 l'tah State• Feb 15 at C!-. Fullerton f <•b 2f al LT Sanl<a Burb<ara .\II .l(aml~ at 7 30 p m . unlt·~s noted All ~am l•S µlayed at <:ru .... Corri ll:ill o n cam µu'. un le~s no l t'tl F or tu·ket 1nform:it1on. phone 1133·6!185 Tr .. • c~nun AE 1 PROGRAM IS the ~Ch1111t.4ted SLR carrlefa mat's locus- il•od s•ool ,,mole to usc;o• ICS computer b'<lor• 1S lJIOQl.immoo 10 9'"" voo oerloc1 01cturl'S on ar.v lrght even woth flash' Cunct'111ta1 .. otn yo ur wb1ec1 anO let 1ht! Ar I P~OGAAM co all tho• work Or . ~t ,, '/Ourw11 11'1 a sooh1st1ca100 camera w pabl,. o f l)(of..s11una1 rl.'Sulu . d~ ~'• vSit.• ''Cdr \ ftlly CJf'flf f:O W 1(J.,. -.tt'lQ'• IPIP[}t\010 JOC1 I L.Jf' l,...t\~ AUTO PAITS lfnowled1eable, friendly parts people UNLV will take.a 4-1 record .against UC Irvine Saturday •·rom AP dlspatchH LAS VEGAS J unior forward Sum Mosley :st·ort>t.I 23 po i nts Thursday night , leadln~. Nt'vada·Reno to an upset 86-76 win over 15th ranked Nevada-Las Vegas in non.confer ence colle ge baske tball. The WQlrpack. down by as many as six points m the first half, cauj(ht UNLV and led 40·38 at the half The Rebels came to within one point three times in second hulr, but Mos ley's two free throws .... 1th I · JO remaining in the game helpe d pus h ~ev<.1da-Reno lo a 79·74 lead. Nevada-Reno hit 55 percent of its shots from the floor, while Nevada-Las Vegas hit only 38 pt•rcenl. The upset dropped previously unbeaten UNLV to 4 I. while Nevada· Reno better ed its mark to 4·2 T h1.· Rebels meet UC Irvine Saturday Junior forward Ken Green hit 18 pomts for ;'\evada-Reno, while senior guard James Fontt'nt't added 13. The Rebels were led by 6·foot·9 junior forward Sidney Green who canned 18 points and led the losers in rebounds with 14. Junior fo rward Larry \nde rsoµ added 16 points and JUntor g uud ~lichael Burns chipped in 15 Arkansas 84, Wisconsin-Parkside 59 FAYETTEVILLE. •Ark -Scott Hastings SC'o red 21 points and Darrell Walker scored 16 as ~ llh ranked Arkansas breezed to an 84-59 victory O\'t' r Wisconsm . Parkside !tastings hit seven of hts I 1 field goal attempts and l'onverted seven of his eight free throws It .... a~ Walker. however, who tpoj( charge an the ~et·o nd half and allowed the Razorbacks to outM·ore the v1s1tors 26-12 1n the first nine mmute!> of lhl· second period Walker opened the sconng m ttie second half \\1th a dunk Arter Ha:.t1ngs scored on a stuff s hot. Walker htt a three-point play. It was 52·34 in Arkuns as' favor when Walker broke loose with anulhl'r stuff Seronds later . he converted a i.teal into a layup \rkansai. led 67 ·42 with II 11 remaining Keith Peter!>on wa:. the only other Razorback dou hie !>('Orer with 10 pointll San Diego St. 41 . U. of San Diego 36 SA~ DI EGO rres hman Leonard Allen -.<·ored 13 points to lead San Diego State to a slow wm over the l 'n1ver o;ity of San Diego 41 ·36 Tht-Cn1vcrs1ty of San Diego jumped ahead with a 10·2 lead at 13 minutes into the first half, but Sa n Diego Slate scored 1fi pomts in the nexl sax m111 utes to lakt• an 18·12 leat.I Tht> team~ exchanged baskets for much or the n·-.t ur lhe hair tQ m a ke the score 24-20 al halftime \\Ith San Diego Sta te leading · At three m 1nutes into the se cond hair. L'n1vcrsity uf San Di ego tied the score at 26. but an H fofJt Jump s hot by Allen put the Aztecs ahead of lhl• Toreroll for the rest of the game Washington 70, Montana 58 ~1 ISSOl 'LA. Mont Forward Brad Watson :.ind guard Steve Burks slaked Washmgton to a 9 point halftime lead with 12 points each, ant.I the flu!>k1es rode the advantage to a 70-58 victory over :\l ontana Watson went 6 for 6' from the floor and Burks .... as 6 for 8 1n the first half as \\'ashtnRton s last brt•uk lc·ft the Grtultes shorlhuod~d on the tlt·rwujJve end or lhl' court Hurks finished the gamt• with 18 points und W a b.on had 16. · Forward Dan Caldwell wai. the flus k1ei.' ll·adintc scorer with 20 points, 14 1n the se cond half Was hington, whic h s hot a tornd 64 pen•ent on :J:I of 52 field g"1al attempts. raised its record to 3· l Montana fell to 3·2 W11h 6 root l 1 center Craig Lari.en on the bcnc·h with an tnjured ankle, Montana moved 6·6 for .... ard I>ernck Pope mto the pivot Pop(' ~cored 15 points to lead the Gnzzhes. but the Husky dcft'll!>l' gave up !hose poanti; grudgmgly Washmgton's zone defense collapsed around f'oµc, IJla nkct tnJ: tum with d oulJll• and triple <·ov1:ragc San Jose St. 85. Sonoma St. 51 SA~ JOSfo; Sophomore g uard Mike Moore :.toret.I a game high 18 points as Sa n J ose St11te l'loblll'red Sonoma Stale 85·51 Thi:' Spartans used every man on their team after building a 30 H lead with 7 59 left m thl' first half The mad gamt' i.core was 44 19 San J ose State outrebounded the Coo;-.acks 52 32 and outsh1Jt them from the '10<ir, 55 pt·n·1•nt l•> :15 !Jt•r n•nt Fr1::.hmc.tn forward Pa ul Phifer h<1d 1:1 w11ntb and 11 rl'bound~ 10 onh 12 minutes for I hi· Spa rtan~ · S::tn Jost-Slall''ll retord fCJ'>t-to 2 :i .... 11111· S(JnOmd Stale slapped to 1 fi Basketball scores College .... UC lr'ltnt> n • H•••11 t H1101 10 !to C41 Coll-6S, Pomon• Pot,., .0 Nl'v.O• (Rttnol .. U N LV I • 4.iit•ntor• 1' Loyol• ~' vrno...nt I~ Oreqou •s Ahe)dif> l\t.n<J •• S•n Oof'llO St •I ....,. 0-lo S•n J -St II ~·~I )' PwQtl ~ 14 ~t ~r11n '•) H •••11 1' PM.1f1c l utPW-r•" .., C.•I St•l• Nor Up td Q,. fl}' (•• U,1U'\trt1nSAJ A.tw\• PM 1t1< 91 WP•u1t1•r 14 .. ,.., W•De• ~ t l USIU oS Color ~ IS Wy0f'H"4 1) W•)"16qeon 10 Mont•"4 Sil S.1111•-.I A t"4nW \ ... W 1\ P•rlt.\ll()rt )t Nt ... Mr••CO St •2 O•lf•\ 8•011\f IO lfl 4\ ht-eh 101 T•A•\ •r11nqton I• ~ .. VovnQ·\lO•n S.t w. A1iot1n Pt"•J \0 (t-'lffrwry 13 M 1\\1\\•00• tot• •' lpnftf'\"""' lf'Cfto1 l 1t•nt...c.•y60 ,., E LO-.u\•..W 61, lOu•\•M'• '"'" .0 M tOdlt' ,......,.. ..... MottfWMS \t )(f ful•""' f7 frrl•<"4>fl\ ~f *' Community college TOOltfliANlf.NTS -..w"t (1tru\ 10 l__. V•lle\> •) Ft.,tlL .. non a. Gl...-O••~ •• ~ ....... E 1 C •"''"° Cl s-i.~c • J4 ~o~ S..•n "° C•o••" 40 S•n•• B•rn..tr• 4~ Nortn l\l•nd Ncl-..tt Air St•ht::lr' I) ~ D•'"'' I• ~ 0fif'QIO ///IW\4 •) -~ W•\l lo.A S1 M1r.C.~•• ~ ,.._OOtp.tH •t Go•ittl•l'I ... C u•,t• 4J P•f~r .0 High School YOUltNAMENTS ,_l•tft ...... , CIWl ........ l .. P S.m1t1~•I\ 0<,.•n v .. w ... !aittrY•1• )/ ~01.1nl•1n V•''•v &I ,\lh.tm bto ~ , ....... __ , .... " M 1t•(O\t ... (~Al-~1tO\•I S•nl• Arw V•11~.,. 11 t<1"'""'•nQtOfl b••<" ,. •• S..wt~ Ari• c ... ~f'Hp S.m1flft4f\ 5Jlltnl• An• t>7 L•Qvf\41 &-•',. •\ L ¥ w oad 0 Np•port ~"'' r... t H w..ci.-1110 C'1n11t· ... ,,.1 f" ootruu IO Lo'\ Am1QO'"t ti/ S•"" t •••nir-nt,. 11 (rttno ~ S..-• ~ ..... 0....rlfftoM I\ l • '>•rtW 80 c..-i.on ·~ 81•• 011no• &Q L .. H•D'" (•Pl\frdt'IO V•ll~v I~ f:k)1,d •'"'~• un1 .. t1\1,., +116 .Yttq"°i•• \it: H •< 1f'rtO• "1e1ont\ "' "' r ', \.ilv•r l'I• \1 f.I ~ , .... __..,, O...rtff11 ... 1, Ov•rt1 H iii )1 Nf'fit\ 4jQ Avt•tt0n•t, (.,,..rr11n~ SI ,_ .. ,,,., 0...rtffl•"•'' 'hOOdDr•OQf' '' ~'Ml"'"• H J:J10 Hondr,, p,f"O \.I Pr(l..,•'lf>' c"" \iCI Wom•n er....oto.,.. ,_,.., \ •l•n.1 •• )') -un1vt!'f'\1h Jt N.,,_,_ (0\1 • ,.,...., •• , l •Qu~ "tit\ k O•n• •·hll\ ):1 Martf'ld ll l O"'il BU <" Oolt $] ....... ~, D•• •I E.01\01'\ ... l onq EWtt<f\ JorO•r •} Jf,..,., ... o. Pof• ra foun1•1ri .,, .... , 0 Hun t1nQtOt1 QP,1Uf" ,. ~""'°""'' .... ,bo, " IDAYSALE Prices good thru 12-13-81 ••'-t' ,a .,.., ' I .. HOTFBI' ACFltE RllG 'I •'•' ' I ' ' '• I ~ J' I t ., t' '""""' If t .. I • • ... •I•. f 1•' I • ' .. 1 "' I • I ~" I ·~ ~ ,, f ' ,..,, All Fedco stores are open seven days a week until Christmas FED CO MEMBE RSHI P DEPARTMENT STORES H OCO LA tlfttl6' .. j .. ' ·""' HOC:O VAii ltllYS •• , • ·• '"' ., ..... , ... , .. ,h1of·' .... ... , .. "' HOCO PASAOfllA t "• •• ,,, 1 r r Ill' t<1 u '4 .... ti I II r£OC:O a RRITOS ' I k• •• "'.;<· ....... "' ' rcoco cosra llfSA ·' • , • • o<." -fl HDCO SAii OIEGO • • •• : .. 4.,,-~ t_ ,., .. "'"' 1 4 noto SAit IEllM~OlllO ..... J • Y"' /'I#<' • ~.1 ~d 8' "' I STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS 11 00 AM 10 I 00 PM • LA CIUUGA •SM HRllAROl•O AllO SAN DIEGO STORES 12 00 NOON 10 9 00 PM• CERIUTOS •COSTA MESA • PASAOUIA ANO VAN NUYS STORES SATURDAYS. All STORES io·oo AM to. IO PM SUNDAYS• All STORES 10 DO AM to 5 DO PM OPEN TO FEOCO MEMBERS ONLY - --------- FIND YOUR NAME WIN TICKETS WORTH $18 T--.., Dec. JZ -S-.. Dec. 21 AMAHllM COMYIMTIOH C-..TH T..._, D.c. 2t -S-.. J-. l LOHG 11.ACH AUHA 9 Winners In Today's Oassifiedsl IT'S EAS YI Find your name and address in today's clualfled section. then call 642-5878 Ext. 272 to claim your tickets. Winners every ~ ..., day, so check the classifieds in the ..... 1 .._. ~1 .. ~94c• TfP• Ty,. H . P"cP snown is aJ,.average se111ng oroc e ba~ uoon a •ecen1 1ndeoenden1 su.-.ey ot 1,n AC Ot ico 0vt1p1s "' tn•s "''' selected ar random E.teri Ar o .. rco Ouliet •osted belo• 15 ilO 1ndeoenden1 ousoness •no C./\arges .. n•te•e• 1>•1ces •I cnooses tor its 010<Juc1s Prices will ·~I) a,.,o •e •nvote )Ou 10 sn09 .ir<XJn<Jfor l/\e l'leSI puces aualtl~ 11nd !f'Nore you can l111C #29 9-Key 5/64"-J /4" #46 8-Key metric 2mm-10mm s42s .. , 100% lamb's wool seat SK1n Ttd!J Screwdriver I Checlf your ~.Tl tool boJC I * I to malfe sure ~· J S265 H . 129: 11WU·2, 3, 4 tiA 111 Ford Pinto #A 148 Datsun Piclf-up ttA 104 Vollcswagen $99S ea. ~ Tune- Up Kit ....... ,.,,, •( =-·-· ,.,...., ,..,,...,.. IJKFtlDI'. IJKF11DP. Oil Filter For many U.S. Cars, Vans ,,,,A,43,3535 s2~~ llftflOrf & U.S. Auto Parts Specialists COSTA MESA• Sid cmt Alltl SWJINEWPORT BEACH• Ulited Auta PW .• W. Baker at Bristll • 556-2•· • 2902 W. Cast ~iPWIJ • &4&-D3 "PRICES ARE SUGGESTED PRICF S AN O MAY VARY AT PARTICIPATING RFTAIL[r~s :----mll!ll .......................................................................... _. ............ ..-._.. .... __ ._. ____ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--.-~--- Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, December 11 , 1981 CS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------....... ------------------------------) RCA VIDEO REVOLUTION AT GEMCO! VISA TEAMS AVAILABLE UPON APPROVED CREDIT. • • ~i;l_,,,1 .~- •, / ",,1 ....... l::~ >-- PRICE INCLU ES GEMCO'S E)(fENDED PROTECTION PLAN Color'Jtak 19" DIAGONAL COLOR TV ANO VIDEO MONITOR • It's a fully-featured Color Trak receiver for normal TV viewing • It's a h1gh -resolut1on video monitor to accomodate a wide vanety of video equipment .. A ColorTrak TV Receiver Plua a Mulll- Purpose TV monitor ... All In One! non ~l 39824 Join Today ... lor more values hke these• We re commtlled 10 give our members the lowest prrces Come into your ne1ghborh00d Gemco and start saving• A 1tle1tme memt>ersh1p is yours tor 1u" S 1 non~~~ SelectaVlsion · PORTABLE VIDEO C.ASSETTE RECORDER WITH 3 WAY AC/DC OPERATION CAPABILITY • Electronic touch button VHF/UHF tuning • Tape counter with memory switch • 14 day electronic programmer 105924 non~l SelectaVision - INFRAREo REMOTE CONTROL 6 HOUR VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER • Full function infrared wireless remote control • Up to 6 hours recording on a single cassette • 14 day electronic programmer with timer memory back-up Automatic tape rewind • Picture Search plus variable speed special effects 118382 ncn ~t.J RCA 6 HOUR VHS VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDING TAPE 14'!:! non~l LIGHTWEIGHT VIDEO CAMERA FOR BOTH PORTABLE ANO INDOOR USE • r 1 8-8: 1 power zoom lens • Electronic v1ewf1nder • Built-in boom microphone • Automatic tns • Automatic white balance system • Macro focus Our Everyday low Pricf! 925.20 Instant Rebate• -50.00 Save sso 87520 After Rebate 'NO WAITING -REBATE COMES RIGHT OFF YOUR SALES INVOICE W PRICE INCLUDES GEM CO'S EXTENDED PROTECTION PLAN t ,. F~~~~~ non ~t) XL·100 CHANNELOCK REMOTE CONTROL 25" DIAGONAL CONSOLE COLOR TV • Automatic Contrast/Color tracking • Automatic color control and fleshtone I .J correction • Super Accul1ne picture tube • RCA's advanced Xtendedl1fe chassis • Channelock remote control • Free deltvery and normal installallon w1th1n trading area 579 80 J ncn~l 12" DIAGONAL PORTABLE BLACK ANO WHITE TV • Simulated walnut cabinet • Ideal gift for the student in the dorm sgoo I.--;! ~:i' PRICE @ INCLUDES ~ GEMCO'S EXTENDED PROTECTION ~ \._ PLAN ./ ~:-. _4 11 -J ii -~- MEMBERS ENJOY OUR EXTENDED PROTECTION PLAN 1 YEAR PROTECTION 3 YEARS PROTECTION all Parts and Ser111ce on all on all Picture Tut>es · Tele111s1on and Console SterPo ·1nslat1a11on costs not included on 2nd and 3rd year America's Finest Membership Department Stores with Supermarkets. ~,, P''"'• Protetl1on ~•cw ov•r•l'\tfll'S t"'"4' Pf1C• to 0t e1tec1~• frtdl't 0.C~Ot• • l '~'" lnu,1Cltv O.C•"'M' 2• tM1 t j I ' ~------- Orange Coas t DAILY PILOT/Friday. December 11 . 1981 More icing for G WC poloists With four straight state crowns, Rustlers have lost once in 100 games • WINNING HABIT -Golden West College wate r polo coach Tom He rmstad just led his Rustlers to a fourth straight state championship. Pirates open tournament · SAN FRANCISCO Coa ch Tandy Gillis· O r ange Coa s t Colleg e Pira t e s. w ith on e t o urname nt c h a mpions hip s afely tuc ked a way . go for another tonight in the first round of the S k y l i n e bas k e tba ll tourna ment at City College of San Francisco The Bucs. who won the ir own Miles Eaton In vitatio nal last week with consecutive victories over Marin. LA Southwest and Mt. San Antonio. will ta ng le with . Skyline tonight in their opener. .. As Car a s I know. S ky line is unbe aten this s eason ,·· Gillis says . Others participating in the two-day tournament are host CC of S an Fran cisco a nd Sac rame n to Sta t e 's J Un io r vars ity squad The Pirates carry a 5-2 record into the tournam ent. Whe n you've won four straight state l'humpionships , you have a tendency to be just a tad ove rconfide nt -unless you're Golde n West College water Polo coach Tom H,ermstad. lle rnistad's wate r polo teams have compiled a 99-1 record over the past four years . taking the state tournament each year. This season the Rustlers finjshed at 28·0. topping t he campaign last Saturday with an 11-10 victory over West Valley for the state title. AS IS THE CASE ever y year. the state championship is just icing on the cake as far as Hermstad is concerned "I tell my guys at the s tart o( the season tha t the most imPortant thing is to do as we ll as they can," Hermstad explains. "The ne xt impQrtant thing is lo try and win our conference. Anything aft er tha t is the frosting on the cake." T he Rustler water Polo tea m appears to be on a steady diet of fros ting. lle rmstad faced a difficult tas k coming into the season. He had lost all seven of his starte rs through graduation. He also lost his top three substitutes from the 1980 team that finished with just one loss before taking care of the state c hampionship. B ut th~ collection of polo is ts d id everything Herms ta d asked and then ::.ome "THJS WAS A VERV innovative group of kids. They could do m o re than any other t eam I've had," Herms tad admits . "And they never dis appointed me " .. This has been a fun group to coach. They listened as we ll as they could listen. T hey offe red a lot of ideas and they had p le nty of suggestions. T h ey also offered to t ry d ifferent things." Hermstad says. If Hermst ad sounds like he's offering a testimonial to his kids, it's because he is. The GWC coa ch is downnght impressed w ith t he way his t ea m dis posed of opponent after oppQne nt. And whjle he'll tell you that ne xt year's s quud will be as ked only to do the bes t at c an and to forge t about any s tate cha mpionships until the proper lime, he knows that only thre e of his players - Ala n Chacon, Guy Baker a nd Bob Tho mas a re graduating . In short. Her mstad has a water Polo gold ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- PROGRAM Pro<Jrammed Automation P1us ShJtter·Priority SoP,histicatioh Systeni Integration .... , j' .. •!i• •''• ' ' ~ ~ I ·~ l ' .. T•,. CJ11ur I\[ l PROGRAM 15 th~· ~upt 1~tn .1rt"1 SL f~ "'-'"tt-·r.1 1hJ t''I k1Cus· dhd sth11'1 s1rnph• t< u v·• I t~ c.ump1-'1er Ordlf IS ,J .. <-lf.Jm nh.oitJ IU JIVP YfJU '>f''f~t U•' C•J''""S ,, ·•'•v l1lll t .. y ... , With ftJsh• CanCt'f tt,Ht' ,., ye vt i,ul)1•4<.t Jnrt li.-1 thl' Al i Pfil ll,HAl..1 j Jll 11> .. W< ,. O• •,t t f1 , J,~,I~ 1• ~ J ~'ft IS\IL.-111"'{1 1rr1' I u ,#Jt ·• t I ,, t1 \\11.JllJI r~1.1tl\, 1f'll ._.,, 1'>'· f"l••J ' I / I t • • C ,,.,,n f D ~nU• J ' _]11 :••••r t t tf 1 I '"' It·"~ • .., •<Nl"l ......... 1.1 h "•' '•' •,t,., ••I ti I U •I ..,. 1 ! 1 ~I• ' ) ··.c ... 1 1 • '~" ,, ...... ,I I ,, .. f 1 .t'-• 1, 't ,., ,. • ••• i '•l'''". I I I , \i'" I I All Fedco stores are open seven days a week until Christmas FED CO MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES flOCO LA ClfN!GA ,, I , i ,..\ f. ,• o ,. .. ., STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS flOCO PASAO(llA 11 ••• t'''. •! •1 fl DC_D Cf AllllOS • I • I y n oco COSTA MISA ' •••••• I • t rt 0 ' 'o •Jo f o I 0 1 noco s111 oi1c;o , · ffOCO SAN IUlllAA0•-0 , ·•• ,._. V4 •• Of'" d • ~ .i• 11 00 AM lo I 00 PM • LA CIENEGA • SAN IERNARDIND AND SAN DIEGO STORES 12 00 HOOH to 9 00 PM• CtRRITOS • COSTA MESA • PASAOENA AND YAN NUYS STORES SATURDAYS.All STORES 1~00 AM lo 6 DO PM SUNDAYS. All STORES 10:DO AM lo s·oo PM OPEN TO FEOCO MEMBERS ONLY KARATE SELF-DEFENSE INTRODUCTORY COURSE 3 * PRIVATE lESSONS COMMUNITY C-OlL[GES CURT SEED EN mine unless four y ear schools lure some of lus talent away ··<Carl I Salyer is a freshman but I could lose him Ther e are numerous four-year s chools that would like to have him. And the s a me goes for <Brett> DelValle ,'" Hermstad admits . The Golden West coach says he isn't that ups et whe n his fre s hme n opt fo r a four -year school. "They've always been up front w1lh me in what they 're doing and wha t they're thinking If lht'y can play at t hat level then the y c an go to wha tever ::.c hool lh..:y want lo. I'd love to have them back, but I'm JUSl plea sed to have had t hem for one year ," he sa ys. Salyer . the Rustlers' hole man. s imply dominated every team he faced, his coach boasts "And to use the word 'dominate' 1n wate r Polo . . shows that he is one of the top J C players a round, .. Hermstad adds "CHACON AND BAK E R g a ve us le ctders hjp which we dearly needed they helped everything fall into place on this team ... he continued . Chacon, who went to Costa Mesa Hi gh. played u year at Lo ng Bearh State before r e turnin g to the area to play his -;oph omor c <'am p aign for llc r'm s tad Uakt-r wa::. u mem l>er of the UC Sa nta Barbara team which t·a plurt'(I lhl· NC'AI\ r hamp1on:.h1p 111 J9ff(I ti e r m :. l a d I a IH· h. 0 t' I V a 11 i-' u n explo s i ve ty p(• pla ye r " who alway s s print~ for the ball a nd got has goul:. Along wtlh Ocl Valle, llermstad h a~ Seo ll Lund hack for 1982 Lund wai. u s ubstitute mos t of tht! season but came off t he--benc h late in thl' year "and pl ayed JU!.t a s m an y m in ute:; as s o mt> or o u r rcgulurs ." llc rmsl ad s ays "H e a nd Hob H a mllton s ubs t itute d nicely for us lh1:. yt!ar ·· lla milton im d Lund will be back, along \\-It h Tom Gr all, Scoll Nady a nd goalie J im Ross "lf they'rl' Ma rtini{ next year for us \\-l' II be 1n pretty good shape," llc:rmMlJd add s ,. . . EVl-:N IF llERMSTAD went out on a li mb and s aid has team could win the ~tatt· cha mpionship next year. he'll probahly never !(Cl a chance to follow through There as a very good chance that :-.tale pla yoffs. tourna me nt!> and champ1ons h1ps w ill be eliminated on th e community colll'ge level. 1f the s la te community c·olleg~ Committee on Athletic'> vote:. that wa~ th1::.\lo eek Sc:hool:-. up north a pparently ca n't come up with the fund~ nel'd ed to !>Cnd team'> to s tate compet1t111n. wha c·h i:-. undl·r~tandabk thl'SC da~·s At any ratc:. lhl' com m itt cc •~ m<•('ting th1~ Wl'Ck 1n Burhn~ame Diablos gun for football title u nbeaten Mission V1eJO High puts 1ts 12·0 · 1 record on the line tonight at Orange Coast College as 9-4 Lo:. Am igos battles the Oiablos for the Cl F Central Conference footba ll championship. Kickoff is set for 7: 30. de fe nsive tackl e Chris J a ha l(an and linebackers Jeff Oien and Mike Holla'> Los Amigos . whtc h "as 2 3 durin~ n o n league pl ay. h a s dra mat1 c·a ll ~ improved with :-.even vH:tones in the la)it e ight weeks. ineluding last week's 22 16 overtime victor~ O\'t•r Capistrano Valle y, a wee k after s hutting down :'\o I .,N,'dl'd P ius X Coach Dave Selph s Lobos are pa<:ed by the same item that ha!> kept Mas ... wn \'1e10 atop defe nse M 1ssion V1eJo. unde r Coach Bill Cr ow. has compiled one of the more impressive d e fensive r eco r d s in r ecen t years. a llo wi ng 13 foe s a tot al of s eve n touchdowns Seven team s have been shut out by Mission VieJo's de fense. led hy ~~~~ ~-"-~~~~~~~-- .,. .. ••• HIGHWAY ••• CITY ••• SHOWROOM Vanguards win third straight PO M ONA Sou th e rn l'ahforn••• ('ollt!gc !I hasketball tea m \1.1111 1t<> third s t raig ht game Thur:o.dJ )' night a ll on the rf)ad hut un injury to top rebounder Dan Morte nson put a damper on the t'l•IE:b rat1ng. Mc1rH•nson s r)fa1ncd his a nkle Y-1t h two minutes rcmuin1ng in !,C C 's 65 60 vic to r y ove r l'om una P1t11·r h ur tin g himse lf altt•r ~lipping 1111 a we t '>Pol on th I! fl nor 'It s on ic e right now and \H' 11 l<.1k1· anotht·r look Jt 1t 1n l hl• murnani.:. ..aid Van~uards ' a''''tant eoa('h .frff M alstead. 11 would he a ha g los::. for us S a t u r cl a ... " h <· n w c p I a y Ila'>' a11 111111 ·· Mortenson had 14 points a nd was lt'a d1n g th e s qu a d 1n n•h1rnnding IA-h<.·n ht· wa~ forced to n·llre from tht• t·onte:.t S<T took a :16 :!X haUt1m e lead. but tht ho:-.tc., -.t·ort-d the first Cl~ht po1nh uf lht• '>CCond half lo Ill' the :-.c·•1rt· Th•· Vanguards rP1 oven·d to J '>:O.Urn1· a thret-to :-.1.\ p111n1 l1·ad th1 · n ·m a1 ndt·r of thl' t·ontt--..t "Wl' got hat"k into our pas'>ing gaml' <.tl th(• c.,tart of t hl· '>t'l'llnO ha lf.· -..J1CI \lahtc:a <I II t· l pin f.?. t h t· \'a n g u <t r d s rn a1 ntain thi·ir ll·<Jd '>'as Rick Porro~. \I.ho l('d all ::.cnrc:r~ ~ilh ~n po int!> '.\1 1k(• Rob..:rts. '>'ho had JI .tnd Brad ('ar.,on '>'ho c·1mtrihul!'Cl Ill !-.1111ttwrn <'al r ·11llt•gl' "ill host "''" .1i1 !hi•• SJ tu rd<.t ) night at I :in 1rt t~1t• \",1ng11;.ird ~· f1r~t h11 rn1• g <J111t· 111 fi\t' outi ng ~ I l.1\\ Jll ll1J11 lo-..t ·t11 I 't' lr·;int- 1 hun.d,n 11 1)!hl 111, 70 ~{'(" ,..., aho 111 J c·t1•1n n••xt 'I hur-.da~ nil.!ht ho-..t1ng l'ac1 f1l· ('hn-..t1Jn SELLING SMALL TRUCK LINE IN AMERICA * Gift Certificate* Available Private lessons are very imPOr· tant to beginning students. We feet that 1 private lesson is I worth 3 or 4 hrs. of mass group 1 instruction. OH Learn setf·defense from Cham- pion Black Belt Instructors. Bob and B'irbara White have been teaching Karate in Orange County · for over 13 Years to men, women and chll· dren of all ages. Get into good shape and learn self-defense at the same time. • SHCIAL OffH fOI NOVIMIH-OICIMIH 2 PIOPLI Iott THI NICI Of ONI. BOB WHITE'S KARATE STUDIO . 645-0337 ••1o4a11ufachHT1 s ~ "'t~I ptU with C.lllotlll.t ~<nKslons ~ulptMnl °"M'' «t1al rruii ~ ..,.., ... " PrM.~ ~ l'Ol Include'"' i1tC'ftW ttlMt)OJUltloll. Of ot>tloNI ~I -OGG a >nt- ti .. -..... -------- Or8ngo Coast DAILY PILOT/Frtday. December 11 , 1981 lite beer took a different approach This Ad campaign sought .'nonractors who were macho guys' such.as 'Marvelous Marv' By LA&RV SIDDONS NEW YORK t AP) ll was 1973. and Bob Lenz wus looking ror "non·a ctors who were macho guys" lo he lp sell a new client for his advertising aee ncy. Riding a buii up Madison Avenue, he spotted a poster of Matt Snell , the New York Je ts' rullback who was an all-star on the field but decidedly non-glamorous away rrom foot ball. ''That gave me the idea for type of guy we nee ded for the campaign:" Lenz said. recalling the birth of what has turned out to be one of the most successful episodes in the long relationship among spor ts. television and beer. THE PRODUCT BEING pushed by Lenz was Lile, then a recent addition to the Miller Brewing Co. line. It has grown into the third-largest selling beer in the nation. thanks in large pa rt to the SPORTS ON TJ' • serie s o f com m ercials featuring ~ne ·l ine rs delivered by former pro athletes who never will be confused with matinee idols lri 1973, Miller bought the "Late" trademark from Meister Brau, a regional brewery in the Midwest. "Lite was a ver y feminine beer at that tame." s aid Lenz, vice president and creative director of Bec ke r and Spielvogel. "It was a diet beer . and its market was mostly women t beer 1 drinkers who wanted to save calories. "The philosophy at Miller was to m ake this beer a bi g success. We had to find a way to sell it. T h e a g e n cy l w a s w o rk i n g f o r th e n r McCann·Erickson J had the product a bout six months before we round Matt Snell. Before the <comme rcia l I cam paign started , sale s we re virt ua lly nothing." SNELL WAS THE F IRST "Lite Beer All-Star," a label since shared with such sports sta rs as baseball's Boog Powell. football's Bubba Smith and Dick Butkus. bowling's Don Carte r, hockey's. Boom Boom Geoffnon and basketball 's Red Auerbach. There also are three celebrities whose fame comes from are as other than sports : comedian Rodney Dangerfield. myste ry writer Mickey Spillane and actress Lee Meredit h. lhe buxom blonde who appears on several of Spilla ne's spots. But many products, including other beers. have uti lized All· Pros a nd entertainers to make their pitches wit h much less success. "WE ARE USING non-actors who are macho guys, .. he said last week when the All-St ars g a thered for the annual "Lite Beer Alumni Dinn.e r·· in New York. "IC we were to go out and use the same faces you see in other spots. or more glamorous athletes . the effect just would not be the same " Take the case of Marv Throneber ry. T he epitome of the original New York Mets. "Ma rvelous Marv" was hardly a supe rstar on the fi eld As a first basem an. he was awkward: as a hitter. he had power but displayed at infrequently. AS A PITCHMA N for Late beer, however, T hroneberry as a Triple Crown wanner . and he has parla yed has appe al an the 6().second spots into fi nancial security "The commercials have brought me back into the public eye," s aid Throneberry, now baJd 1ng and portly with a thick Southern drawl. "You get a way from baseball a nd you fade out. E ven George Washington faded out. although you hear about him nov. and then " * * * * • .. Saturday's TV, radio TELEVISION 9 a.m. (4) -NFL '81 -With Bryant Gumbel. 0 . J . Simpson interviews USC's record-breaking Heisman Trophy wiAJler Marcus Allen. 9:30 a.m. (4J -NFL FOOTBALL -The New York J ets vs. the Browns in Cleveland. 10:30 a.m. (7) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL - The Division l·AA semifinals with E aster n Kentucky at Boise State. 11 :30 a .m . (2) -NFL REVIEW AND PREVIEW. 12:30 p.m. C2> -NFL TODAY -With Brent Musburger . A profile of Detroit Lions QB Eric Hipple, who took over the starting job midway throug h t he s easo n . (4) -WESTE&N OUTDOORSMAN. 1 p.m . <2 > -NFL FOOTBALL -The Minnesota Vikings at the Detroit Lions. 2 p.m . C9> -BOXING. 4 p.m. (2) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL - USC at Long Beach State. 5 p.m. (7) -WIDE WOllLD OF SPORTS - The North Ame ri c an a m a t e ur b o x i n g cham pionships, taped at Shreveport, La. (9) - INDEPENDENCE BOWL -Oklahoma Slate C7·4) vs. Texas A&M (6-5) at Shreveport, La. 11 p.m. (5) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL - Boston University at UCLA. Taped. RADIO Basketball -USC at Long Beach State, 4 p.m ., KDAY (1580) and KLON (88 FM>; Boston U. at UCLA,8 p.m ., KM PC (710); Nevada-Las.Vegas vs . UC Irvine at Anaheim Convention Center , 8:30 p. m ., KWVE ( 108 FM l : Cal State (Fullerton l at Santa Barbara tournament. 7 or 9 p.m., KWRM (1370). Hockey -Vancouver at KJngs. 6:SO p.m., KPRZ (11S0). Davis Cup Reports -U.S. vs. Argentina from CinciMati, 8:SO a .m. and 4:SO p.m .. KNX <1070 ) Sunday's TV. radio TELEVISION 9:30 a.m . <2> -NFL TODAY -With Brent Musburger. An examination of the charges and countercharges in the Philadelphia Ea&les·Dallas Cowboys rivalry. (4) -Nn. 'll -With Bryant Gumbel. An exam ination into the possibilities or a football strike next year , 10 a .m . (2) -NFL FOOl'BAU. -New York Giants a t Sl. Louis. (4) -Nn. FOOTBALL -San Diego at Ta mpa Bay. 1 p.m. <2> -NFL FOOTBALL -Philadelphia at Dallas. (9) -GA&DEN STATE BOWL - Wisconsin <7-4) vs. Tennessee (7-4), taped at East Rutherford, N.J . 4 p .m . (7) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL ALL·AllE&ICA SHOW -A profile of the lMl Football Writers Assoc iation of America All-American team lnc ludin1 Jim McMahon (BYU), Marcus Allen (USC) and Henchel Walker (Georlia >. 4 :30 p.m. (7 ) -GaEATEST 8POaTS LSGZND8. g p.m. (2) -Pao FOOTBALL WllAP. RADIO Football -San Die10 at Tampa Bay, 10 a .m., ltSDO (1130); Chica10 at Oakland, 1 p.m ., KNX (1070). Bultetball -Goldn State al Laken, 1: 50 p m .. ICLAC (5'10). Throneberry wu1. manaJCing un insulated &lass ploint in Memphtb. Tenn , when Late signed him for t'OO'I merc1als 111 1975 lit' now works solely for Maller, mak i n g an uverage of two public appearances a month around the country "I enjoy it thoroughly," he said. "Fin anc ially , I'm making more now from the comme rcials than J ever made an baseball " ANOTHE R FORMER first basema n featured an the Lite commerc-ials is Boog Powell, who won the American Lea gue Most Valuable Player Award with the Baltimore Orioles In 1970. "I contacted t he m about doing it." said Powell. who hus 11dded considera ble weight since his playing days, · · 1 wrate them a letter and said , ·1 want to be in a Lile beer commercial.' The y told me to come to New YcJrk for an audition and that did it. .. Q·llUMSPOT ~FLOOD LIGHT BRINKMAN · 12 Volt DC plugs 1n10 cigore"e lighter 800· 1303-0 >ANCa WlllDSHllLD WIPER BLADES SINGL.£ llADE 2!! GAIGUAllD DUPONT· Gos dryer & on11.freete Helpj stop stollo,,g. Get quicker starts 12 0 1 #S6 l 6 W111DSHllLD WASHIR 49c DUPONT Co,,centroted detergent 99 H>lution cleons '" ony weather 14 C 01. #4013 DIGllll ITART DUPONT • Fost ttorts for cold enginet. Jutt tproy onto oir cleaner intake. 10.4 01. #SS 13 The blond hu1r1.'d Powell . who run~ a manna an l"l<m da, sau.I he wa)> 1nsp1red b) Throneberry's s uccess "Seeing Marv on ha s eommerc·u•IS got me to than kan', 'Thul ol' hoy's got u good idea'," Powell s aid Powell's s alary as u player wus a ~c)(KJ deal more tha n 'fhroneherry 'i;, so the I.ate beer money as less of u windfa ll. "It's nowhere near what I made pl aym' ball," Powell said of the rommercaal pa y, "but it's ~ood , a nd it sure helps." T he com mercials a lso provide fo r Powell som ething many ex-:,thletes find they miss m r etirement· the spotli11tht. ''I'm not your typical Los ·Angeles Oodger-lype of ballplayer,'· the burly Powell said ·-rm not t he kind or guy with has own TV show For me, this is JUSt enough exposure " SPARK PLUG )~f ~. R~~~~g!~ge& obrosive grit Eoty to dJMrote ~ on~lrue13,on•o"p<K8888563 ~ SET PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH WEDNESDAY, OEC. 16r 1981 THlllMOITAT FIRE IX1lllGUISHIR RED CAP · TRU· TEMP For mou cors & trud" Worm up e'191ne quoek .. With pressure gouge ond safety handle For cor, home, boot or camper. llJlOR 109 HEADLAMPS 12 Volt Westinghouse 114000 Lo·Beom I 98 Round HeodloMp EACH 1160142 lomp 219 Aovnd System , EACH WATER PUMPS CHEVROLET 6 Cylinder, 1955-1976 230· 235-2.SO (bcept 1975· 1976 with 250 Engine) CHEVROLEl 8 Cylinder 1955-1968 265· 283-307-327 (Eacept H1·Perlormon<el FORD 6 C;l1nder 1960-1974 aaa 170-200 EXCH CHEVROLET 8 Cylinder 1969 1979 262·267 307 327 3.SO & 400 with 2 8lH Corburetor' 1488 ~EXCH ADO BIARRIT'l Sta1nlc•!>!> sled roof. Ca1l11l;ir ware wheel c·n \N'> & t\M fM :-.tere11 with cu .. .,ctk \ape pl a ~t·r l lHlll':Olli l :s 16,995 Cat.hllac. Vali.1 !'rOlt'• llQPl Sr rnicf A11r"'"'"\I AU!iilabl# AU Ca,.,...,..., ro PtWr .IW All -,..,..<T., 6 U<- [!lf!it!f.~ I f(J~~T.:v.u:: :: ::~NG. NABERS DILLAC 2600 Ha rbo' Blvd . Costa Mesa (714) 540·1860 •• 112. ~ 7!!· ~ ~---------------..~ ZINK S1muloted sheep'~'" f1ts both be,,ch o,,d buclte1 .. oh Worm '" the winter ond cool '" the summer iiSB9 TEXTURA TWIN MATS RUBBER QUEEN UntYertol cor mot With lrommoble edgu lo• ••OC1 fit TWIN BACK 1164S7Nt6293 TWIN FRONT 116292 CAMPBELL Type P non·reonforced Regular h1ghwoy SW'loce cho1ns 6.00· 12 to 18SnOR15 #1206, 1207, 12 10, 1217, 1230 LIM IT 12 GAL PRESTONE II · Anti-Freeze, Ant•· Boil All year Concentrate. lfAF542,552 I -·-- Oranqe Coust DAILY PILO t IF11oa y December 11 , 1981 ~ > . NBA WHTllllN CON"UllE MCIE P'«lfkDhl'"" LMen o. ..... ~ .. ""-"'• ,.....,._ s .. 111. s.n 01._o W L P'CI ,. . ,,, 11 I W 11 1 '31 11 • MlO II I S1' • n m Miftftl 01•111911 14 I I l l G• 1 • 1 ' J J I • S...Ant- Denv-er Ul•ll Kenw1 Cltv HOVI Ion O•llH • 11 411 • 111 tOO•·· I 11 Joi 1 ' 14 ll'I • • .. 100 10•' aASTIEllN CON~ElllENCIE AU..,tic OIY11IM Pl\ll-IP'INI It l Botton I• 4 New Y0<1t WUl\I,.._ N•w J•rwy 10 • • t1 s 14 C:...tr1t 01•111911 tf1 IOO SJ• • w •~, 1'l ti MllW-M lr•cll- Alt ... C.. (Ilk .... 0.lroll Clne1111t1 13 .... It • )IO I •O • 11 • 11 ) .. ,_....,.1k ..... New Yorlt IOI>, OetrOtl 101 Pl\Oeni. 111. Por11....i 110 T ....... 1Gemft Po••'-••uun AUanta vi~ Bolton•• H•rttOf'a O.rw•• el,.._ .nr .. v Cle ... .-M Phol-tOl'loo Houlton el Oti<•QO ~n AntoNo II 0 1111\ llleli .... II MilWIUkt+ K.,,IH Cltv •I Ut1h W1\l\or'91on 1t S.n o._ COLLEGE UCI 116, Hewail·Hllo 70 MAWAll·HILO -0 ••0\ t~. Wllllt m\ I) Ell S. Petre~ I. C""'V •. !Mtnt.,., 0 Nun"' 1 Cl\ri\I..,_, 4, Pe'• 0 A\Ney 4 "'"'"" 1 Zl,...llM 1 Toltl• 1'I t1 .. 10 UC lllYINIE W~ll ti M<OON IO 14 -... Jt, .-_, •.Wl\ot tOO" 18 F.illtt 11 8•r•e-, 1, T •vkH' •, l hMnfon I' ~o•nn 1 Cle« lo S, Crouley 2. To1••• •• 1& 1' ti. Hlllll-· UC ln1ine, ~JI Tole l fouls H•wlll·Hlto 10, UC I"'"'"' 11 Fovlt'd ovt "''"'•• f H•w•., Hiio• Tt<hnl<l lS - SoCel Col. 65, Pomona-Pitzer 60 SOUTHIEllN CAL COLLIEGIE Roe.rt\ tl, Porr•' 10 .. Plu,mtr ), C•'\gn lO Mortentof'I u , Aoiaen •; Hohm•nn • f ot•I\ 16 1~11 4S l'OMOflA-r tnlE• (4mou• 1 Pt"°"' •, P•yM 10. Mc~U 14 O•M•,.,, 1(.1 ..,.,.,,,\ J, ro•\I • w.1..... • Jonn~n , r ol•I\ 1• a-17 611 H•llllme SoC•t Coll-JO 21 To111 lout\ SoC41 1~. Pomona Pott~• lo l'tM.lled °"' ~. T1<11n1u l toul\ noM COMMUNITY COLLEGE El Cemlno 40, Saddleback 39 llL CAMINO ~YI\ I) Bt•\I•• t1 Coot<• I, Gritton l , C04t m •n 1. HllD•tlll 1 SAOOLl!IACK Turner 14, Wl\n1ow.,._, I. Hiii s. Mll<twll •. Fusclttf • Oovte 1. Foro , Hlllllme ~-k. J).tl Tote! louts Et C•m•no H . ~it!).10 •l l'out4Hl out Col+mtn I ECI HIGH SCHOOL Oceen View 64. Servlte 57 SllllYITE -E.r1n1 1. Maru11cll t Kr•llmen I), o.9DQC1 11. '""-" ll Jo•hn J, OuC,,.,,.... I. 8.-chete 0. Beuot1••n 0 To1•h 11 ~1•17 OCEAN VllEW (.,roll J Wtrner • U• .. ll<h Jt. AntOftOPOVIO• I, 0..8rouw., I) J~ I . 8utk 1. C•"'°" O. S.."V 0 To101s 1• 11 .... Suro lty 0..rl•n S.n"tt tO 1• I• I \I O<t.,, v .. w 1$ I& to II _. T otet touts Sifr..,1tf' 11 O<e•n V••• .ta l'tM.114Hl OUt - Ftn. Velley 67, Alhambra 56 ALMAM8 11A Ne l.-tO ~num•~•• • Sco"ll,Pe-.111 P•lrc \.• Total\ 111•11 S4 ,OU NTAIN YALLIEY Ko\ly • H•rt•r 11. v 111 ........ 1 HUQ.,., 11 w'"'t""" 10. KullO 2, 8 ro-n tO, J«Ob• 0 Tot•I~ l6 t~ 1~11 t l kw••• Oow,,•n At11emt>r1 1J 11 tt 10 ~ FCMi'"t•lf'\ V•Utt '1 '1 '' lt •I Tot .. fouh A.Uwm bf• u Fount••" V••••., 1•. Fouled out Ptt•t fAl"•mb,•• Tecf\ntcel\ Alh.lmbr• W nch University 58, Magnolia 56 UNIYllllSITY Guon I) Rou•• IS Stol1oft U L•rMn J (hOt J Romero 4 Myeo 1 Tot.ii 1t 1 .. 11 541 MAGNO\.IA Altt nw n l Oor•o 10, Wt•W 11, Kt1t"'"' 1t . Kit •" 1l F1UQl"ttf~ t P1tmore 2 To1at• 13 10 11 >t k-.., 0.0.rl•n Univer\lty ti ti I •• .,. ~"· ti Ill& .. S6 Tot•I touts Unt~rs••Y tJ M.t9"0h• 11 Foul" out nonr Te<h.,•<•I fouh ~ Lynwood 45, Npt. Harbor 44 L Y .. WOOO 8rooh •· Allon I (•rler I W•l11 11. (Mn.-•. Sano.r' 1. St•••"-Ot' I JenlliM S Totll\ 10 i It 41 N llWrotlT HAlllOll 8011 tO Se•~r • Llrw • a. Petl+ti.t a. Foti.•. Seib•• Br•""' • S<idmon O Tolll\ ti t&.Jt u k -.., °"',,.,.. L ynwOOcl • ti ' I II •> N•woo11 H.,bo< 10 11 1 a +< TOlll '"""~ LY"-I• N•woort H••Do• •. F°"tedout ncww TKhn•<••s ,..,,_. Sent• An• 62, Laguna Beach 45 LAGUNA 8EACH !.11cir1 12 Fortunp 0 Ovonlt •. -o. Rl<Mlt " Wtll"O 0 T-r •. _,. 3, Guvt• 0 O••I 0 U•OH •d 0, Wllle.-0 0 TOlll\ ti ti ti •I SANTA ANA 8r-n ti Jell<r\on • L..CH 11, Sl\Mlt• •. Mii~• 1 Storl•"O 10 J-Min1 T~I\ H U H U s.. ....... -,,." L19une a..11 1 10 •• 11 o S.nle AN ' 11 II 11 •1 Tol•t louh L-8H<h 11, SoM• ...... U . F.ut4tdout norw 1K"n•c•• tout\ norw Sen Clemente 73, Chino 58 CMINO s..nc ... 1 tt, Ol.t\4fl• 11 t •••"'• l •• 10 "•'~ 1 t ·~'lit" 1 C,on1•••' • I ot•l1 1• 14> It \I 'AN CLllMllNTt t"lt II I ••tlOft It M OtM I ~on.. 4 ._h,.ut1>1;t • ~4IK"t\f';""'91m o Oouo-n o \toa•• o 14"~" U t ot•I\ II II 14 11 "'"" "' o.w,,." l lltno 10 t1 IQ I• \I ~•f' C letuent• l t J• t I •• ll Toto• 10.,1, '"'"" II ....,, ( ... Ol•nl• II '°"'•a°""' ~,_., t(.h1nok lett'lntt•f\ non<' Woodbridge 49, Maranalha 38 MAllANATMA Lund ) (••90• 1 t enOe rrn•n 14, AnO••w \ U . C.umr>f' • AO•l"l1 1 TOl•h I) 11 I• ll WOOD•lltOOIE ~Ofl"9ftt 14 A-•\'(11 I A°"'" I 8ot"" I w1w • !111•~• • < -t I 01•1• n > 10 •i kw• l>V 0.0.,,ot\ M•••noll\o tJ ,, • ~ • WOOclbt!Ogl' 11 I• I 4 4~ TOl•I loul\ M.1•.,.otN 11 WOO<lb"-11 Fou•tOout none fHnn1ct1t tou1s '~ Newport Christian 52. Webb 47 w E •• Hvwn 1 l yQt\ XI HOOQ•nb• , •• ~·"man 4, Hlnrt( n & Ut.tmon \. Oti, .... V • I OIOll 11 ~ 16 41 HllWl'OllT CHlllSTIAN Ho ... ro 1) 9'.1fpi1Ut1Ck 10 F tynn 1 Fteot"rtt''°" 1t !><,,,..,.r > S1..ort t lot•" 11 t4-JO u Scot••• Qu.lrten Webb J tt 14 U •I N•.,.PDrl (11,,,l•<on I\ 10 II 11 11 T 01•1 touh w~~b 11 N t:'W UUrt Cnt1U1•n ti Fou1eo OYl L vun t100Q~oq~ IW, f•c"n1c.t1 fout'\ no,..,, HIGH SCHOOL WOMEN Costa Meta 62. Lag. Hiiis 36 LAGUNA MILU Sllttn.tn '· """•n J Mell\O tt< IS, l<<1w601 S ,,,.,n 0. Robin'°" 1 Au\l1n 1 To1111 14 i 11 JO COSTA MESA Lu• I Lltnor 14 Nu1 • ~~·,. t• G•ro•) Attne-n<Mt11 ~ Mc A.f._ 1 Pt1<• 0 R1\l'leb6tQIPt 0 C.•ellnQ ' )11t0w1< I G••O• 0 IOI•" 1• t~lO •l s< .... t.y 0..1'1on l 19un• Holt\ 11 I ~ tO J& (0\11 Me w tJ '9 16 11 •1 tor•• tau.is l "'Ourw ._.111\ 17 Co\t• Mew 10 Fouf.ed wt KMf\4n tlH ' ~•\MtM'Oll'' l(MI ff(.f\n1<ctl fOvl\ notw Htn. Beach 74, Npt Hatbor 17 NIE WP'OllT HAlllOll 0 000\ • OeLuc.v l Jur\.ovo< • 81ooi. 1 •'-"'""'°" 4 Pl1tfool 0 10111\ •4-t\" H U NT INGTON llACH C1rr • CCH oov• a 1 own\.eno • H~\lf'f • l#t noo1• 13 8u<llf'U, 1• {t1M '"nbr•ra ti p.._,,.o 0 Tot1I\ ?Q ll>·n I~ k-b• 0..•rt•n Nf'woort Haroor 4 'l 8 ,J H Hul\,1n9ton 9.ei.c.h 18 14 n 10 14 fo t 4 I t ouf\ N l'•OOtl H•tOOt tO ... unhnqton Bfo.c:" 1) ~OUlf'O OYt "\Of'W TKnn•C•I\ "°""" Edison 46, LB Jordan 43 LOHG •IEACM JOllOAN ""''"•'"' ti Mt M•<"••f u Rtth•rO'\On , l1QOn J B•rton 1, P•ll•t•f"f 0 C~r • Jont'' O fotfl\ lO W IJ E DISOfl Kr~• J Hou• t La'>••w 1 T dl'\tlOf" 6 °'1iHt y ... , )J ft t-PI 1 I 81ttnf't 0 Jarttl\ 1111.n 46 Scor• by O...rto" Lo"Q b•.ten Jordan I• • •0 I l 0 EO•wrl ! I It tJ 11 4t lo••• roul'\ lonq IW•t n Jotcs..tn '• £0•-.on 1J Foultaout not\'" ffl<h"•<dl\ ~ LB Poly SJ. "1ater Del 48 LONG 8 1EACH P.OLY Adom\ • tt~h\•to 11 HIH 10 L vf,th .. W•llt•m, 8. Rf'..td • 1 H~ll ~ bt'•N 10 totdl\ 11 It 7t>\J MATEll OEI ll•~•r J ~dn\n ~ C,,Ot l"t' •n 11 G~ 1 ••-"uti'°n l Puoo ' Ju\t1c,. 1 \1'4 fl\(0 1J Jot••\ 1& 1e. lA t& Scon "' au.,, .... LonqB•.t<nl'o1• • ll 14 lJ \J MAl~t 0.t 1J 10 1) '1 .48 T otAI toul\ LOt"IQ b'"M n PO•Y 1• M•tf'r Lif"I 1 J • ()vlf'O (lul <N1U1•m\ I lOnQ t>f>M h Polw Papp Mo.tit' Oto• r ~(f\n1f .ti\ Lono B•o< n P04 y "°"'<111 Riv. Poly 78, Fin. Valley 43 l'OUN~AtN VALL EY Hulf\Clltn•Ot 1 Puth•I~• 10 (,1n~'q U 0Av•' 17 N1\hi 1 Su, c n I Wh1t~rn ' T Ol4 1\ 11 ~ ,. ,3 lllVIEllStOE POLY M"lor lA O~non i (. ,..4mtwo1"\ ~ (l•r• • f •~oft ) UD-\0 ~ HA\f"l~t(I 4 Hunt} fQt•9' )I I& )1 'tt Sco•tt.r ~,,.,.. ~ountd•n Va llt'lJi & tO 8 ti 4J R,..,.,,,dP Pol¥ J1 H 11 I 18 loT•I ICMJI'\ fQunf.ttf\ Vi:ttlf''f l8 l"ll~tJt\tCW Poi,. ti J:-ouh~d out U1n\bPtQ ~ v , H•\f'lf'tq 'RPJ Los Alamitos THUllSOAY'S lllESUL H 1111" 14 ~ .. ...,i _,..,,,...,.. .. moe41.,.1 1'1 llST llACE 000 .. ,o, Yctndy\ Poh<v \8'~'' E•\Y r H hnQ •lM 001•1 -\n lf'y l •nn IP.ulil'W'I Al\0 r•c.e"O Tru<.i.,.,, JO• F-lttt Po•t• Ad Y•nt.f' C,•I Vf'OO ftm" 10 ., \t EllACTA t~•l IM•d Ui 10 SECOND llACIE 000 '"'°' O•\ll•nQI• l(MOOt•I 1 lCI l tO 1111 P••cn P1<k•r C ()ion\1f'\<lWll • )U 1 90 (l1r>~t Flulf\l tH<tr1J 1 40 At'° f .C.t"O rrv l(.t"'9f''"nd •mo"Q r~ Sttl'' f hf P"m• Oof\f"a Prompt VPt01(I E •\Y J.tllOW Ynooth S..•.-<t·Of" f tm'" 14i11 THl llD llACE fCO .. ,d, Dou.,, H OQr t 8lf'w1n"l1 Sonrw tf'WI' 8 ulf tl.itr t CJ•Q\ •(rr~r \'Al 1 -.0 l ro J 90 1 IC 110 Al'\O t1l<f'<11 A 106\f L•O• """""on ~o '0 Jtt ._ tatu,,.d fn• ft,.-.f',ttor• lou"'f''~ r,,,.,., 10 n U EXACTA t1 t. IM"l)t8 10 l'OUllTH llACE .OO•a•O\ H~\tl•n<j E .. \V tC.rt-rl .. 10 1110 ti 40 ,.,. 61•<~ AH••ntf' IHMU r 80 1.0 P•1nt~ qfl'f:ltl (.trOOtiltl ~IO A l'O r.c~ R•bfl"t P~'\'U() lh.totl llk'.ly C>•,,, Aq.,1n Ju<SQf" l\n1qM M f'1•nt noh· M1't'•' ''"'"' 100.. U E X ACTA tlll N•c:t ~)'100 l'll'THllACIE OOO•MO\ C"tn\on C6Clrll.oc; t H••ll o 10 \ 10 l?O Sp,..d I• 1(¥001• "40 160 S•flff~t~ty IA.C'.M1t) •00 At\O •lK<'<I FOQll• rooov ~ .. C.ount Hie (.t\h, Mon\•Nt L• Rut' lni• E•\Y Af't), Mf\tt" Touth 50MI CUSTOMHS SAY lhat we re tops in meeling deliveries and in Quality control Some say nothmg 1us1 keep sending orders for old and new items WHIT ... you're the vocal or silenl tvoe. 11 m1gh1 1ust pay you to call us 7 l•J~•" .tfldn (~300T)-.9foedd D #'pf ACCEHT ,.LASTICS IMC foullertOft CA 714-171-1787 MIWPORT HAllOI CHllSTMAS PAUDI Starts Dec 17-23. 6:30 P M.-9:30 P M ~ ;~~ Enjoy one of the most beautiful n i~hts or l h e ye a r ab o a r.d one of Ya <' ht i n g Consultants charter boats. Parties from 8· 150 people. avail. Phone !714 1 675-2960. N.B. full caterin~ Lido Villat?e. Y AC"""'6 CONSULT ANTS "-, ..... fdmttr ......... , I 1mo /0 tO U l llACTA It •t O.•O \9)..., ttA T~ !!A~· G ¥•td• 1)•01> o4 llr-y IC.etllO••I 11 40 (.,1r'I'"' \filly ( ~ .... hM ) f llltt \.ut fhiatt1 \ 1CI I Ill •OU 140 110 A htt '•t. ell t .,, I~ •01t1on l ttM Uvw" at.,.htQI\. f .,, t O• t ••tut• l+mt 10 •J )( V lNTH llA(l .UU ••'"' t ••lln 1(•tdo1i11t1 "'~ \(II..> l JO lmtl l ut ky C.Uitt• I ().'Q1t1(Mit I 10 • )0 '\o Ow t(""1wr. WhCI I M ttc n.111 l .0 Al\O ••f.O U1c.•nfenn1•I titt• t iwt~ D•Y fao l:t• hf> M.ln O"C#lyO(I M1fk.4'"' M •'\.U\ t 1( •t• J M ~tvt\0.f\ I l•\h f lfYUit 10 4-4 n IEllACTA 't /I u••O M>• .0 U 1'1(1( \IX ll l •I• It oo•O ltJ tll •>lh 11 #lrtfiUlQ tH.l.•h t f11't1t f\iOfV \I \) 6>t(.l St .. ''"\Ol•f.ot"I Q.AIO ,., 40 •I th U\ ••nl'•AO t1,~•h ltQiVt n.HW'f \J P1(i. \h \i(t•tO~ ~cmwl•IKM'I $Mid \10 ., ..... ,n I ~ WINUf'NJ \14..'.•h Ot\t..-1-Ut\M\ WV w:r•l<h Ut lWl.I PlOt ,.,.two ~t•tc tw'f EIGHTH llACE JW ••'"' /1W1 l OflJ t(.••001•1 I 40 I tO I t4I At\Qfll'l\Pol1of ~I H•1t1 JOO JllO Ot\C o Hu\Ut" t A04u I l 40 AIW tM.f'\J So11t41ty l•t N•tut•I W•wfl t'f•ll• R•t»tl,.. V1tiii 1no \ uuv 'wu 000 Moon ~v...-11; '::.•• c h1ti.. /II l •U•t' R•' n 1 ime-ti eO U E ll ACTA t) I•°""' \10 IO N tN t H RACE G V•Hh lf1pc>i Uonu\ I L.C:'-"'' \ *i Plt'10Ant Pot1<y tM11t.hPllt Set' f ruubhr RVf'I l 6 At01 •1\.0 •«td V1nleQ-W l••IJ M w Jolt•O (ha"""Ofl l om• 10 SJ U lXACTAt t 11 IMocl U •ei.. Att~"°""'~ ) )61 I 10 1 40 •/U /IQ JOO M 111 J.-1r-fl> Oel Mar THUllSOAY'\ lllE\ULU c11tt.oof ,...., --.. ,.. .. u,..1 f!llST llACE. 0... mol•IM<" H•OPV ,,,. Hool!•• I Wltllon1'H .0 ) IO l 40 G•onop.o A0< h y t Sm11111 • JO • .o G111i Frosl CH0411 4 JCI At\O r.c:ed •noel• K.ay, Go14tm C.Md Pu ... H•ll S.turn Stun.,•f\q (.,"'' HO'WO\o S<ott l 1m• 1 OS1 I U e JI ACTA ~fl °'"'°'"' '10 SllCOND llACIE O.W mot•°'"' o riv1nQ Ton•• •-OouQ•l111& 00 I IO / IO S11nn18H <h 1VollM1d•llQll•,.,t • 60 1.., CtM.lntr y Jiii><• t looc:tl 1 IO Al\O r•<eo Swe.t SVf' Anoy \ b .. ton. 0Utt'tuck f •m• l CW l \ THlllD llACIE On•m•l•IM<• Anoy 'Ubol IC.OU•o•te1 11 ll(J t1 llCJ l lO l'OO<ll1t 18.tktr I ) IO l 10 Fl••• Gun lll•llnc!NlrJ•I 1 f() Aho r..::ea Howdy X •fnO M t\\ 1-iyf\l~f L.•'e•u Oottor qo,.,, T 1m• 1 01 • ) U IE llACTA ! .. II 0.0•0 '''110 l'OUllTH RACIE On• rn•l• 11<00 vu "'~' t'>ltetlll & 4(1 J 111 > 10 i!Od Scl•I I TOOCll 1 IO 1 40 Ctur N•IJl'I !Grundy) 1 40 •&\O r-•t;t'O 8uund I Of' C,-o'r. lnu,,d&f'\lo,.m Cf'l••t0411 '"'H•no"'"' S•rt c,1.,nvJ~it f ''"" , 0, • ~ l'll'TH llACE ~ mdo p.oC• P•••1nQ \Auo1n1 1010 4 )() JeO D•m•ntf ... .,..,~, I Ot\OtTH~·· I J •tn•\. Hon:>o t t(Wbtf'r I Al\O r4tffl C)p.Pg _..,000\ Sl_.d~ ... .tMf"'f'ltr P•\'\.clb~f J M) 100 ~IO So,.., ' 8t'\t '''"' l 00•) U E llACTA 17 11 Pd•O ~1 10 SIXTH llACIE 0.W m••• IM<• LOfO Ppt.., •Gf'Uf'CSVI • 10 Bt:_,Hly 8t0f"f\IK O(Ul'Oll'f I O•yh;f\t E•-Pff U t Aub•nJ J IO 1IO )IO llO ) 10 Aho r«.O Mount Lobttl, OouOlt \t•lk~f c- SE VENTI4 llACE Ono m,1, l•Ot Ltt Ot~oon Anth4" tGtunclt• s .0 l 00 , )0 Dfo•r ~It 1"-'tif'f"f'n4n) ) JO 110 8010 Stt"•' tW1\"1ttO• 110 A.l\O f"lltt~O Ru\t•\. 'f c1n•·•e P •t •tor Gam• W•"'••ld A,mo,.o /41• P<X kPt f •m• 1 G4 t ~ U E llACTA • t )1 0.•0 \W IO !EIGHTH llACIE ~m•l•N<o 0 4\h Ott By~ Bv• Coud'"'~h• f •lhm•nto t t<otn1QJ "'• ROVt"' l Too<U I Iii 160 110 JlO ) 40 uo. Aho r ace<! f •ll A1on9, Ow•1cw111 JO'ln " c~-S"600" a.. .. f 1m,. 1 Ot l \ U IEllACTA u-.1 IM•<I lll JO NINTH llACIE Onom•l•peu EI 1 O'•nto I s1 .. 1ni j 40 ')tAr (MO ~•ll Hon6'> M.,._.,.,., c C..r"'OO' ... 1 .0 1 10 J10 I to )llO A 1\0 r 6'C.ttd 6-r•u q"'Q" A If k f l;ttt'C1 W••comf' tmo 9, .. , \Soi/ ,,,,,. 1 011 s U EllACTAl• lt 0.0•0 )1110 "''•""""<~ 9?0 Hollywood Parle THUiSOAY'S llUULTS UJIMI oof J1-4ey _.......,..,. mw tt.,.1 l'tllST llACE • IU<IOnQs 11•"' l .. O 1°'1..;al l IJ 00 • 40 ) .0 1 Oth l .oQt• • M<H•or-1 • 00 ) 00 8"'-• \ 8•by iH••••w• l IO Al\O r..cf'd S..t•f\ \ tt•<~ R.nc•t F--.• ._..,,. OtOt( (tw>,tnnt' E•ot• El f 1n.1 ltl'r' F l1001n 8111 P.,.1m111,. f,,.,.. A'"'0' 'St.Af Acttn1t•I '•""fl' t •2' \ SllCO ND llACE o•u••O"'l' Mt Rt1U l0" t O.••nch.1\\tl•fl"• • bO J 00 ) l'O I 0..\ n OI ~ I ("mp.o\I l llO 1 80 l •bctt•c tl1otwm1 l 00 Al\4 t..U-0 0.0tf't ••tion L~l \ 9,. .... OO't' Sor1n9 Stf'•I futl Authority C.•tltn C,unM r pP.qq:y \ l d ~., 01 8r •ortron O•,.. M.,,., NOhOI"'"" Prt"C., f•mf' l 114 S U OAILY OOUILE tb-.1• l>ol•O ~ 10 THlllD llACE """'°""' Jfll Tr•vf'I tH•nwn J (olm•n t0nh¥f'f"1"1 SlO J 40 l 40 ti 40 • .0 1 .0 N J:lw '#clf'\f Co.t'f J•m M•n fMCH•tO\o'fl Aho ,.tl<•d P"r N•l tYfl S~y ,_,,,...., '"""' 1 11 U IE llACTA IM I NIO "0 .00 l'OU RTH llACE • turtonQ\ 8oun<•"9 N•hw• I VAtf'ntw l•I • &O • 00 ) '° ••m• O•o-.J • PflidtOt•• •.:. a 10 Soo' t1n9 ~''' H1tnv n) s., Al\O '"°'"° 8•l1~1n 1 a 8• Prouo. f1,..., Lu(.-. Mlfl\CW'lf A°"°'"O•ntQ f0f.1d., 'wom~ rn•r ~J A...a °"°''" ~ ......... " l 1m• 1 t) 'IFTHR•CE t e tn1lf'\onturl B<tlu m t L•ph.lm IJ 00 I 00 l .O L••OinQ D4tn<•' 1 OPl..-.Ou\\ .. v•) 1\ 60 i 10 Sdl•iHT't41 I Ptf!fCt"i , 60 At\Q r.cf<I Am 01H'lt 6fll• Rt-•~" to Ao 0 041•f''<f'n<• ~Pf<l"'d OuP,.,, 8u"t ot ~no l t.-o ,,,. Ftoot l om" I IO 1 ) U E XACTA l•l• "'"a \,Ill IO Sill TH llACIE • •u•IO"Q\ Alltt<I tn•.tor,. t O•IA"°"'-"'YPI 10 10 • .0 , "" 2060 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA NEW '11 MUSTANG CONVOTILE ... 642-0010 540-8211 Ntv•h t M h"' U, -'l-""'0411 \ )Q J )0 I)() u ... (.•.._" ....... ,_, l .O DU 01-1111.0 ••om ••ond lo 1n.,d Aho t•c:ttd L•t•m•• C.•tt"" t•11w Jtn\en 'Ptuv • M.tt \ t..••"m I 1m• I l(U ) i lYllNTM llACt ttwl-• p .. , .. ~ ....... , ..... _ .. , 9 80 1 .0 110 -.... """'° ,, .......... ,., • 00 • 60 M 1\'l•{on<hil t Mc (111rw1J JC> Al\O 'M9'd (,Ut • tM -.y, lOvOt•" 'U\.#1 H•~fMn \N\irW t ''"• • 10 ... U IE llACTA U II ... ,o '"" W n l'1c11 six • t 1 11 ••11 .,.,a '" n~ '° •ltn w vttn 'llfHW'llfM4 t1{~•h h•• ""''""'• U '"' • ~" (Ofl\<llftlOn !MIO lUI Ml •tlh 'll ••nn1n9 tW-IP.•h lftv• hOf\.9\I ~t P14 ., \I• \C.t 11tlU't tOAt<M•,•On 04'10 U t\ 00 11111tth ti "'' t\l'llnQ Hllt.•h flout hot W\ Ot• ~( t •• , "' IE IGHTM C( • ,,..,,_, J ........ t .......... , /I tO • .0 ~"' Any , ,_ P..i ! P1nu v1 • 00 HO C. •• ol LH t G•llllt"OI • 00 Alt,O ••<•d ~ •ndtn 9 Lt14ly 0 'tt'\•rfll\ l •0• WuW 8t1tMWH• f .,.,. 1 ,. , ) U llllACTA t•41 po10 U l1 W NINTM llA<;ll I I 14m11.- I ••••mon IC-.1 ..... .-111 .. oo I• llJ • 40 .... Riek IW1nl-I • tQ J 00 At:l.ttt1"® I 11•1 .... IU"l•I 1 00 Aho , -..a Pl•\hC • •nt11t\fl\ "'~'t.•ICW lnd1•n lOfe M•'\t•• tMn,.m.n (•M •wtV\ f •f'fl• I "'1 $ u IE llACTA , .... """'\II• 'I() "11•nd6t>lo ti >M NHL CAMl'IELL COtil,IEllllNCIE \imytM Ot•l~1M EdmontClf'I 't/ .. NOUVl'f C••O.t'• 1(11>9• Coto, ado W L T 0' GA l'b. II I & Iii t It •1 tl ti I 11)11 91 JI ~ ,.. • It' '"' 1• 10 10 t It t t lio 11 4 19 I 6' 141 I> M1nn.t:~ht c "" •90 W tfl'1•0f"9 \1 LOU1~ 0.lrOtt toronlo Nlf"f•t 0 1•tttM tl I 9 IJt t I I I 111 ti 11 s tO'I II t) tOS 9 IS IOI I 1) I It I '3 l3 JO " t1• 1b tu 111 111 1J 171 11 WALIES COfll'IEllU•CIE Pn1l40.lph1• N V l\lt1~t' Pitt\burQh N V R:•'\Qf''\ W•,ninQton P.tri<ll 0 1v1u-. 11 •O 1 t\ • • ll II • 10 I\ ) • 11 1 Ad•m \ OtVlllOft 111'1 10) JI tt) ., 31 tOJ tOJ lO ~l 1H 1l tOt tl) t8 8ull.t10 80\101'1 IS • I tf)Y ... JI lJ .... bo< M Ol'\Ct,.41 H•tttoro '• I • II t 88 lt ·~ " • h t 1)4 )4 11 ' • ,,. It J1 1 11 e ~i 101 n TIMln41y • Scorfl \I l °"''' l Bo\ton ) D~tro1t ' "''"~'!llOt• 1 ~-.... •G1tn1• fQronto ••·~•\hlnqton Mon1rl'•I •• W•M•c.q Ski co~itions LltN ft P•,_ no t•Pofl ,.,,,., fo-.;t to\•• 1nc-n.-, M "" c•w tt.-l6 •n(fW\ ma<"'"" oroomf'd •ovr l"-••t\ o ... ,.., Siii ...... ~ ""'"""'' S... .... , 'l'Vf'-f\ lo t'•ON inc.,_.~ M •. 1) It 11'\t.h t»w potlif'Ot', •nd &:Wt • ta powdef IWO(~ll\ S-...r .... 11 1n(fvr.\ M W )6 4.1 tn(n b•\f oo-.oer •n.ct o a<llt.PO C>O•dtr tcx.t OOwblt" t h.itt\ M'<) "~ T •Mie DMMr no tf'oort flforttt St• no , .. pew t Atpi .. Me-~w\ t Qur tnCn.to\ ~\!It If 4'8 inch caw "'4t<h1~ 41roomed .41nd P«lt.fet OOwe)tr f1W Ci'WH' •no two,uf14KI' h ll\ ".,.,....., ""' lf'-O()rl S.w~w v .. ur, t. 100 rour ff'¥"f'I < toWd tout 1nUW'\ rw1111t •U '"'"n O•\tt o•t lti.l'O oowdu c•tM• < •r •nG n•,... < na1r' T•hoe~l .. wl "°'ePof"t He1v•1tly V41t11 y Fout 1nC M !t ntw• n.1tur11 •~ '' 1N ,...., m •nrnctOt on 3'-40 inch °"'"* P«llf'G pio'flrdipr n1~ C f\.11r\ S'-1 ltKIM no t•PQt"I Mt .... tour to ..._. 1nchf"\ nf'• )t.SI in< n t»•'~ m•Ou-w Qroom•a ana frf\tt piowdf'f a.no w1ncJOl()111tn oowd ,.r one ''•O•• ~.,, ancJ ont' OOUbtf' c hdit Ec .. oWNTMt no't~1 s .. ,,, \111.1 Al'f'I<" hwf' 1n(nf'\ f'\ew u .. ., l'Mw oowot' •nG rn..cn1rte" a ,oorneo ':':'" ~~"~ tUf'lllWOOd tour 1ntnr~ nrw JO.SA 1ncn bill~ OOWO.t •f'CI p.rt( •--O PGW<lef ."' tutt OCM!'r•hon Mt. .... Httno 10 fOY,. 1nU'1'\ M Wlf 10--4 inc" b•~ o.k.llf"d DO•CWt tr'\rtt c h.t•n Boys soccer HIGH SCHOOL So" Ctemo,,.. s. c .. 11 -u l Co\tf ~'-" \CO'•MQ S1n1n\t .. n tt O•n111 S.tn Clen'IH\lf' \CO••nQ W•lll•m' • G •rt p l •t'9fll 14 flt-411"' MW~ t EO•\Ot'I \l(Of'IN) At(f\.tfd\On 0 l •ll•PJ..tn .. High tef\OOI I Chldule CIP. ~INAU IT ....... ,,., ... ,., ... , .... _. (.otlon I u II •• \I ll1u1 'IJ 01 ., An•"'911n ~t..o•Uf"Y\ c..w .. c-... _. M l\\fOft V..-,o t 1J 0 I) If'"! ~ 0\ A UHQO\ 1 • •t ., o •• ,,~ c.0.-1 <.CJ'•• ll••-c-• .. -· Ar11nvt...,, 01 u "' Nub•OUV• nJ-0) •1 v niwtt\lft Of A,.g1.,.,, __ ....,c--• bu"°'""" ""'.,.'"' C 10 JI et .&n•••VC)I> Y•ll•V t\l)t ~ .. ..,...., ........... (,on ..... t It I It •I ll\010 I It l) o.-t -•• ,. C••~-· M ttal•\'4t Ct J) V\ Verbum 0•1 I tt )t •I A•oono<i ><•(Ill , .. _ca.• ... -· o .... ,, 1 •0.1 h •t l•hatt\•&H I I.Of ~ ........ l•I ,.,._,.. s.-11mt c..not c-1 ... -. lOf\Q b.-.CP\ t:.to1y t 1G-1) •\ \.f'ilA MQn1f • 110 1 11 >o m _......, ...... _. EI MOO.IW C 10 )J Y\ fOOCf\tll t '1 1J • p '" Wrestling HIGH SCHOOL W_..,. tO, D•M H1lh JJ ... 1 ••fat t OH1 •on o., 1..,,..1 ... 1 tO> L.tt'iOn •W} .....onlly t0ttt"1t tn .K•U•\t WJ won I)~ fOf'I••• 11, C.•CllH tWI wonO\flOtff lt ll' AnOfrwn 1 0>1 1 ponrwo OllO" J •1 lll S.tlet tWJ c:HI( L..tt wOOO ti l U S ~llo I UH1 dtt (u•lm_,. 111 1~i Ruttf't t W• omn~ 81"41• • lt t•I 801~ t ()H1 P1nnf"O P•nt••f<I J 4e J .. 18\ P•t.c:o0 tWI ,.,,,,...., Gont•i"' t 11 100 Nl(OI (Wt ponn.O C.OOll t J) ~•wt Stott•I 1 OH• p 1nf'1f'CJ k o\npy / JJ Deep sea ftshtnq NEWPORT IA,,'1 UflO• ... t H onQ'•" 1) ba\\ 131 ~~•tt"I 9 ro iJ •UO l0•·•~' Le< Iler I 14' •nqll'r\ ~ r0<, ~ ' oo ow tOCI LO NG •EACH 10-•fl \ W~•tlt J• t1n9t~r\ 1 y•tio-•••• lSO<.'(ll1tO W'' ~IEAL l lEACM J0d"(ll~" 1t0 '0<• rt>O AVtLA 8AY lPort S.." LWl\I IC, ttOQlt"''-110 tO< .. (()(1 Thursday s 1ransac1loos •ASIE•ALL Nelleft.ll Le ...... CIN(INNA !I RE OS '·~o•o 10~ ._.,,.Q•n 01tcht'' to tnfl' Vri1••t>"•Ph ~ Ph1llt•\ IOt Otl...-00 ·W • .. \ Oulf1fllOtt •ASKETIALL N•._._..t ... .._.....,, AttiOC:••l•Of" (H l(A GO 8ULLS W•••.,d Ff>uQr• 8un1 mttn QUd'd UTA ... JAll J.-u''"<I 1om ""•\\.thti l"lir.U t o.<.h N•~ ~ tdnlo: LA'f~n .,,..4t0 Otilt t-1 FOOTBALL Nll-•1 F-11 U ... .,. &A l TIMOAE COL. T\ Pl•t PO Kim ~ncJ•t\on corn~rb•c • on "'' ,.,~, .. o r•~f._.e 1111 S1QOed Stfv• HPt"lt 'r dttHt\1v..- ,f>ljt a. Sl LOUIS ( AkOINALS 1>1..,.0 C>o .. F ..-10 . ltl'WCW<.~f"' 4 t"IO l(f'n l 1tnt' 1•t Ii It-Orti '"~ •nfUtPd ff \of''"" lt\f Ac' , .. Atf'O ,,. ,,o .. (tt1iw e 11 Ott•"''"'• eno !.•\lnt'O O••f' M •r•n•m ottM\•'tlf' l!~mdn WAS HING I O N IH 0'>• '"'> P1a1•t1 Nt-ttt On1pw t( t l•nt'bdf '"'' i,,,, I~,. 1n1urM.'1 ,,.,,., y,. ,,,, HOCKE 'I' flf4'1..,..I Hotlli:•y L•••..,. P HILAOEt..PHfA F l t'ERS """•114"0 R•t AIH-.on. "Qt\' •tnQ •roo Md•~ o• ,,.. Amt-t1C•n HOltl~'t' LP~Uf WASHINGl 0 N CAPITAL) l~rm•rwt<O lf\t' (~1ra(1 Of Al•n HdnQ'l.lttbt-n ,,.., Wit'\(! SOCCIEll H-,.,,_l<t fl S.C<H Lt ... W CHICAGO STING S•Q"MI '"90 ~ .. , m 1dt1t-IOH 10 • muJtt.,.•f <°"t'M t ')aid tf'f contr•ct ot Jur91Pn Rorbtr M•Of•f'•O,., to NOtltnC}Nm FOf"f"\l °'OW E:f'Qil\l'I L•~U'I' FOR l L AVOEP OALE \l k 1 ~E1>S P u,<h•""' O.w1d Str1t» O.tt-notor ftCJr?\ '""" Mtn~SOI~ IC10'\ TAM PA 8 t ~ RD..,.OtES '>•Qn•o l ~Quln"• t ot w~ro s:tu".n•\~O 1.Hu torw.HO flOM S..OPth.110 ot '"''° Eh•t•l•dl' l f'6Q~ COLLEGE Schools want pact voide d llKl.l\ltt>M/\ C'ITY I Al'J ,\tl11rn\•\'> 1111 llw l 't1tver~1ty or Okl.1h11rna .11111 lht• l1n1 \t.'r~1ly or 1;1·111 ~1 .J ha v1· ui.kcd a h'Clt-r:jl l'Ollrl l WIJ.!(' 111 Ok I ;_1 holfi a C'1ly to ''"" t h 1· "1;;_1IL 011al ('oll egrnte ,\tlil1•t11· '""'II 1~t t<rn 'i. S263 5 Ill I I I I tJ II i' IJ I I l· J.! (.• r 0 f) l b a 11 tf'lt•\ 1-.11111 l>i.1l'k<1g 1• with AH<.: a nd <'HS ·1 111• t 1111t1·11t111r1 that the NCAA JIJ 1· t 'hould tw v1111lt•d ca me to li~hl Th11r-.d;1 ~ 1luring a hean ng hl'lort• l ~ ll 1str1('l Judgt: Lui h••r .. :utw 11k' on a request 1 h at ~.!1 rrH·rnlJt'r~ hr the .Colle~e l-'1111111.111 "'"•11·1alt•>n be allowt!d 111 11i1n in ,1 -.u11 <.1ga1n :-it the \ t '.\ 1\ m 1·1 th1· t 1•lev1!!>1o n n ghts l•:11lia11k~ dt•l a) NI a rulln~ on thJt 1 c-qut·'>t . gl\ ing attorneys 0111· \l,f•t•k '" fil l· finding~ ()r rar1 aricl 1·1111du,t<JO <, of law bul .11ldt'1I I hit v1· 1111 he!.1l <.inC'y at :ill If \ht•\ 1t h l' <Jlhcr C F A 111 1• rrl h •· 1 " c· 11 rn c· 1 n an rl 111t 1·n1·rw to ~IVl' thl· .,ame 111111 t •t t tcm t11 lhl•ffi f 'I·,\ '>lllffl·r' 1n Uouhfrr <'olo \\l·11· lill'>) 1•all1ng all C'FA 111 " 111 111• r " 1 o n 11 t tf v t h c m Thur ,cl :I\ t h:.it a Judge h<.id pt 11rn1...i·tl jtrnlt·<.•t 1on from NCAA ..,,1111 t1111" 111 ;ill thal r/.'<jUt 'i t 1l ,\r11 r a hl'JrtnJ.! 1n OC'tober. l·~u lHin k" t:-.,Ul'd a lf·mpc1 r<iry 11·-.1 rJtrlln,l! or<lt·r ba r ring thP \1 \ \ from making Jll\ lhrt•als "' 1,1k111,g disc q.1l1nan a l'tum .iJ.!.i ir1-.1 <>kla hon1a and c;1•t11 gw \\ htlt · 1h1•1r .,IJll ,., fll'OdtnJ.! Tht· ... 111t : .... k.., f<ir a rultng ·on '' h•• o"""' tht· pr11rwrt~ rightl> to f\•lc•\ Lw•I 1·11l lt-g1· footba ll game~ II u l">t1 wt·I..-. p ri1t1·ct10n 1f tht• I f' \ .., ,, h II II h tit-(' l d l' I 0 g (J llirou ~h \\Ith a foo tba ll l1•h\1,1t1n :1mlrutt 1A.1lh '\BC \n1h C'ttob of Oklahom a Cttv ,Jll ,1 1f11rrw~ for Oklahoma and <:1 ·111 J.t1,1 ....... 111 tht• das~ artwn 11•q111•.,1 ti gr:intt·rl. would g1vt' t h 1· 'It htr -.(·ho11h lhl' '>a m e ''""" t IJttn j 'o thJt Jlrlt\ 1dt:d ti~ 1 b t c uur1 111 th1· "><·h1111b he t • p1 1•-.111i... G olf tourney to b e n e fit c hildre n (;olfl'r'> are 1n,1t e d t o fl<Jrt11·11rnll-in the IOth a nnual T c1 ~ " F 11 r c 1-· a 1 r ,. 1 e "" g o I f 1011rnJmt·nt <.it lhl' Costa Mes a l i 11lf Jnd C11untn t'lub Salurdav Jlld !'!1111dc1\ Dec; 19 and 20 . I h1• •·Ill~\ fl'l' 1:-. SS c1nd an UlllA. rappt•d to\ for the children .it F .J1r\H'" St<1te llosp1 tal "'hil'h '" <JdJal 1•nt 10 the Cl)urse Th<• 5 1-. S3 1,._,.., th:.in t he regular "'t•1•k l•nrl Jffl't•n (,.,. JCcordtng to eha 11 m<1n .l•H· (''•Ste ll<> with g111'1•r-. .i:-.kt·d t11 brin~ the ir un1A. t .JJ>J>l'd lfl\ 111 lhe enurse on tlw OJ\ thi·~ pl,1~ \ c 1111n "'111 lw 011 the longer (.u., l,,1J!o~ t·o ur '>(' buth days. C 11lf1·r-. e<Jn µl<J~ 1•1the r Saturday 11r Su nd a\ 1A.1t h a r ound 30 11111•111n~-. .l\uil;,h l e to Lh e i.:1·1lt'r.tl puliltt· Jl the p resent I lrll t • '\\ • wanl 111 g1·t the field filled · t" Sund .1\. 1f p 11-.-.1tJlc . l'ostello ....... \ .... F11r f11rthl•r 1nformat1on . call 1 '.11 h' \\ ilhur :ii the course at :l40 751~1 tr, makl• a reser\'al1on In tht· nrnl' pn ·v1ous year s . the l'oo.,t ,j :'-1<'!'.J me n " d u h has rat-.t'<I mun· th<i n s.io.ooo an c ash .1 n d I ti \ t1 11 11 J I I U n S r 0 r l h e h11,111tal · statistics OUTSTANDING VALUES! LE \l>11'(~ f'ASSt.:RS \1 ortnn. l>t•n \nd c•r-.on l 'tn Fout~ S[I I' (I Wh1t1· f):if \1 ontana. !'F Br.1d,ha" l111h H.1rtk\\-,k \II l'odd. :'\\.I Z11r11 . S1•a K1 a 1111•1, :\1 11111 P:\ PC Yds TO :1:!:1 ~102 2.91i:J 19 ICI I :?fi I :I 240 25 ~>'.IJ :!13 4.2°.t'I :l l :12s t89 2.1;:w 19 152 ~ :1.255 lfi :rn1 201 :!.892 22 Ii 1 269 :t.5-li :!!l 1:16 249 V~25 2! :w7 2:u; 2 7BX 1 :1 !°"> t :~ 2AA :1.580 2!"> l.E \OI"; p ,\SS Rt:CF.l\'ERS C'l ark , S.rn F r:1n Bro" tl , ~1111 11 \\'111slo"'. SD \rulrews. i\tl S1·n~rr. ~ltnn l.oflor1, c;recn Ba\' Largent. S\·titlle · Lewis. Buffalo Hos:-. C111<: ,frnktns. /\lla nta PC' \'d~ Avg. TU 7!f 1.1>49 13 :1 :1 i 9 SH I >! fi 2 77 !J82 12 8 10 jJ i i fill fifi 65 65 f>4 683 9 4 2 93 1 13 I 7 1,215 18 4 7 1,072 16.2 7 1.160 17 8 4 R36 12 9 5 l ,26.5 19 8 13 l.EAOIN(i S('OR E RS M unC'ie, San Diego k Se plten. D::illa~ k Lowery. Kunsas C 1I.' k ~t urnl\, Octrott k Leahv: NY J ets k kicker Pts. 114 114 110 107 107 1.E.\UI:'\(, Rl'SllE RS i ; (( ttJ.!l'r~. 'l:C I c ·.,m phdl 1!1111 .. S im ... lll'lrn11 :'11 o ntcmn 1'111 l \nd(•r-.110 °'I I. 11,t\ 1110 {'hll',IL;H \ndr 1'\\.., \ti l.l<·l~tllt'\ }\I' \111n111· S i l T C \'d-. ..\\ ~ T U 2!1-1 I !"106 5 1 I .122 I 497 .i Ii Jfl '1:10 I 3Cli 4 o 21; I 1.251 ·I 7 :!~l·i 1 .~:t7 i ~ 2~11 H~ I I :11 :1 I :I:! :1 II 2 IH I 123 1 5 ~2H 1 tl!IX I II :!:!Ii 1 O:l:l I 7 LE\UI'(, Pt ~Tt:R!' :'11 <'I n,ll ly. \ ·1111· Sk I .HI .111~ l>l't C;u~. Oakla nd .fr11n1ng:-., :'l:Y(; (';1111anllu . '.\ E tH! l'11lq111tt. Pttt.., 'o. \'d~ \\ J!. ti I :U~t9 1ti I 5!1 2.~00 .i:i 9 x~ :1. 734 -13 9 >!ti 3. i20 13 :J .18 l.f>41i ·1:1 :I 7:! 3. lf'.4 13 3 u : \DIN(i Pt '~T RETl'R~ERS ln •ln. Ram.., Brooks. San IJH·J!n .I 1-'tshcr. C'h1 (; rul h. '.'-°l'" Orlc•Jn~ :"'l•lm-.. \\'~1sh ~o. Yds :\v~. to 252 14.2 19 252 13 3 39 4Rt t2 3 ;!'t 344 II 9 .~IH ta5 11 I JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN-ISUZU 1 18711 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH CALL 842·20®t EXECUTIVE SPECIALS! 1981 VW RAlllT DIESEL 2 DOOR S speeo 1ransm1ss1on "" on01tion1ng & AM FM stereo 13 1~31t09453Jl SA.LE PRICE ONLY 56995 1980 VW DASHER DIESB. WA.GOH Oor1ons include air cond•t•on•ng sunrool & AM·FM stereo (319411187598) SALE PRICE ONLY s7495 1980 vw ,.27 CAMrER 4 speed lrans butane stove refrigerator and many extras• Immaculate' (C 124931 SALE PRICE OMLY 'I 0,995 THE t 'AMIL l ' CIRClS by 8 11 Keane \\Can we go on tha~ ride, Mommy?" ,.,\R,..\Dl'IU·: by Brad Anderson l 12·11 "Our disagreement wasn't THAT serious!" -..\R•·1•:1.D M/NBE JON'S RIGHT. MAYBE. I AM 100 C.YNICAL. MA'V8E T~f: WORLD 15N'1' AS 5i'UPIO AS I THINK _1 /2. I/ ACROSS I Trifles 5 Room Fr 10 Zodiac slgo I• Cloque 15 Wrinkles 18 Bnstle 17 Cetus star 111 Onnk to 19 Span1s11 (1\19( 20 Jewels nGredat1on 2' Pledge 25 Furrows 27 Ego1tt1C 29 Bulcttball's 59 A Hamsoo 60 AuthOf BagllOld 62 Give up 65 Gnaws 67 lnMrt mark 69 Blblial weed ~~ ..... 4; ... ~~~ 70 Wddcry 71 Toughen 72 UI ah natives l::-F.-41:'+.t:~ 73 Strike 5~--~~ 7• Crjppled 75 BencheS granda.ddy 3 Hlfl98's-on 32 Oown·Undef Hntengles 23 Toll 51$tytus' ~ 5 Perent&I 26 Zeno follower r .... lw 33 SCJap order 28 Travel cost 53 Get MCOfld BHi Gt:ORGE by V1r9 1I Partch (VIP) I 1 " "Ou1ck ! Get me lhe patch kit!" Hank Ketchum ==ftl:Zl~~ .. ·-,_"'""-""' ~- by Jim Davis A '<VJ 0 0 by Ferd & Tom Johnson J1LL MAkt: IT A SUNSET. .M Puff up 2 t#OfdS 29 Sllndll'd wind. ..,_.+-+- 38 MMnil'tQ 6 flurry 30 Sector 2 words 40 Strew 7 MeldowS 31 Rich people 5• P\JISytoot 42 Ditcolored 8 EllQures 35 Coulll 55 CUI 4' Silkworm 9 Repute pneoorne111 56 GIOrify •5 Stone WOf11er 10 Aevolutiomst 37 lllumlnate 57 Ac>olo'• 47 c.c>ltUlated -Guevlf'I .38 Commend .... At Ants It Rlllglous 39 TrlCllble -It Tomtom 80 Soft ~ IMOer ' I Amtno ICld 113 CUitivated 52 P"1 . 12 8utnot -•3 Went S. Heedl9ncl 5' SWindled 13 Soup 41 MM M AeguMtt 5e ~ ·21 Tr• P4W1 '8 Fruit 818efcn Orange Coast DAILY PILOT Friday December 11 1981 ('t P t:AN l 'TS 1 D0~1T KNOW Wl.tATTO 6ET '<00 FO£ CMRISTMAS (,_- SHO E ----- !'VE.lCa£L' Mvsaf M i.l~th . .l FEEL. !.IK~ A REAL.N~ I '\.\~c·,· THAT'S PETE THE MUSIC COMING PANHANDLER (-;y J J (h_,,c;:c ~LTH rH.4N A-V'f ,4N/,\ tA... ._"f' .ctA VT E:y.J.:crr AIAY8E THE ~"'11-V ~ At4V.' fj -· ~· ~'~k.. EAR:'-'~ -Ii.:! '"-THE 8 tLU0A.l.::f l'JE Pe:JNC& Ak."R£ W~LO l\IEALTl-i .,.H4~~L01 :5• !. l/E IC. °" .?.-...laA.11.'.vD 'l.'IVE::'-,:.J~l8. VE::'.' ... ~-, I ~E. THAI A ~ JU5T Pullf.D uP WrTH A ~·J'YW.J MAC.HINE IN51DE ! !I LOOKS L.1 l<f fHE END I~ NEAR ,Bl.l'T Ju5T REJV'IE/fl&R ..• l 00-l, f .. 1'~1(.l( .. i't.l(.l'f l 5'f1lL 14M€.N'.'T ~O:JNQ ~ Hey, GANG, we'Re HAVIN ' ee&..L.Y PANCf""' L.l!SSONS IN 1'He AUPt1"0RIUM FOR AL.L. YOU I NNleS AN P OU1"1"1 e S .' O H, ou-r-r1es. eR1 N G )"OUR OWN GL.OES FOr:t 1"HOSe RHINESS1"0NeS.' l'll.ESf..141' ~ o .. o ... -,,. ............ ....... --......------, H E SAYS HE1LL COLLECT MORE IF HE HAS A FLOO R SHOW .., .,. ... OF COURSE 1 '~ PICKING-ON 1-\IM ~ by Charles M Schul z I CAN ALWAlfS USE MORE TRACK. FOR MV HH TRK TRAIN by Tom K Ryan oy ~rn1e Bushm1ller by Gus Arriola by Tom Bat1uk ..... .__ ... -•. by Kev1ri Fagan oJll~f 00 ~o\J <.E. 'f ~o~ ill£: M~ 11,)4( I~'> NO'flllNI.. ~ by Lynn Johnston I WOOl.00'1° eoftt::f\ \f I D1~\ lt-t~ HE HAO fbTENiiRL .. ~ ;IL t u \ ('10 ~11,111q1 CcMsl DAIL Y PILOTtFrtday December 11 1981 • • AP Wi,. ... to PROUD PARENTS \I thl· l l,111... 1°1111'1• Tarnp.1 ... Hu •• It 1 •• 11 11••1 lht•ll 111•\\111111\ •111 !11 lj It ,111.i l\ud '1.1r ... ot i 1111111 ll "'liu\\ ;11 •1 t· l1111d.1 .1.1 .. ,i·nt I 111'1 1(1111 · l ~l.d1wl... 'l'lh• h1 r1 h of t lw hollll'·llllM' d11lpl11n 1·a 11u· a~ .1 ... u r pn ... v Ill Klall)e k. \\hu d1 cf11 1 k110\\ :\111'11 \\ ,1.., l'\Pl't'l llH! Zion liquor license refused Comm ission denies request of food services firm S 'I c; l·:OH<.V dt \I' '( h t' \\ I 11 t II "' I • ti I ( '11n11111 ... -1• •11 • .. • 111 • I ' ,111 I ii It • I I I I t 111 Z11111 \. . .t 111 ti 1'. .. ·1 h t I 11, I .,,., I' 1 'I" t''" ti tnnc·t·rn that minor~ '""tltl h.1\l' .ll'l't...,.., t o ll•ftnver \ltlll' I• dd•·I 1 ,,,1,11m•tl lhl' ·wr~ 1tc • I .Id 1 .. 'tmtlac Ill rw \ ... \\me , r . 1, 1 111 I\ r ' 1· l' C • a n \ 11 n '· 11 .. 11 l'.trk a ltout liH m tlc!-t markt•d llll'rl'il "C In r11rc 1g n tuuri-.b \\ho ,.,.,11 t he 1rn t k Wh1tne~ rt·p hl•d t hat TWA :.ind lour p:.i<·ka,l!l'r " -.h o u ltJ inform p r o:-.µt·ttl \l' \l :>l t or., ali•1u t l 't a h 's rc•..,tnl'll\l' liq uor hm s ,,,1·1., t11fZ1on \\'h1ln c_\. 1 01 n t·fl b.\ .11.;1111 llh S1•1\111 ''· Id"'°' jt "L'I'\ 11 I' 'ii I' 111 ... 111 t' th• ' ·' !-,ll\lf h\\I ,f l l.d T \\' \ ..... I • j SI I'\ I' I I ii"' lnlt'l •'"l \\ ,, "ttl\ llllllt•I tll<' l1n lo" .1h11 \\11uld h.1\ 111 1111 1111 •• 1 I' If 1 .ol JI ,I I • '·' I I \\ "'' 1·.111 hl· purt'l1a-.l'<I lht•r e 11111\ "1th tht t•\ t•n111).! meal al : 111 l11d;.:t· .ind ldtO\ t·r wine m u} 110; 11•• 1.1k1·11 off the p n•m1s es 1 •1 11 ,,,,,.,., "' 1•1 :! t \ t•ar-. of _, 1•1\ 1 t lw \\ 1n1· .in1.i't ht•\ a r c 1 • 1 11/1" 1,1,. lur d1-.p11..,tn).( o·r thl· ••''1 I 1 d d1·1 ..... id ('omm1!-ts1o n1·r Kur l Yo ung 1n turni n g doY.n tht· rcqut·:-.l. s u gge st ed t11uns t !-t p:_1tronizc a !-tlate liq uor .,tore t wo mtlcs from the l o d ~t· 1n Spr1ngd a lt• Com m1!>-.1nn ('harrman J t:rr v Ley. 1s voled for lht> rt•Quest · jj, ,,11 1 lhl' l1tt·n..,1· for Zion ('uu.1::1''" 1 .1 1,~·· , ....... ar" lit•t .ttl.,l' of the T WA Y.as advt:-.t•d 11 C'ou ld s l1ll a pply to the !-tlall' l.1qu1ir Control C'om m 1ss1on for the h cen:-.e Mu bara lr says it with flowers Boy g·ets ·who's w ho) of a utographs llAM Mt>\. ti In! I' V•M T 111 m ;:ison . C hic a go Mayor J a n e H:. ml' forme r Sec r etary o f State il•·nr~ K1ss1nger. B ritish Prime \11111 '>tr·r ~(argaret T h at<'her. Vice I· r.: -1d t.'nt Geo rge Bush 's wife , HarharJ. Is raeli Prim e M inis ter \l 1•nache m Begi n a nd a h a ndfui of 1·ntertam e rs. K o:-.nt•r v. h 111111111 .. 1.1:: l'h11r..,,l.1\ "J. l ook ing fo ~ JuT•,).(rJ,dl'-!•If ht:-. collect1on "h •1 "" •·nt t1:tr l'THI /\ ,1h 1nv1ldt111n:-. 1 1 1. ... :1! ol ,i .1!1 .inc1 e ntcrta1nt·r .., \\.'h;,l ht• ~11 f111 i',:_:'.fl(iln Prl•:-.1t.lent 111,:.111 \1 u 1.11'.H "" '' .t floral a r rangt•mt·nt .tr l ·'' .iJ111l.i1• \ f or 1101 hl'Jnt' ;d11" .. t •·r.tJ Bul :\fubara k . wh o bec ame ;1n•!-t1dc nt whe n A nwar Sadat was .i<.:-.uss1naled . was the o nly one. .. 1·11<hng a gift Saturd ay·., 1·1 n·m11n~ · I d1cl n t th111k I present ""IJt't 1J l.\ 1'41 d )!i'I .I , .11 -.•m1l'trrll' Scott ~aid he wa!) h o m e alone when lhe dehn·ry man b ro u g ht the gift ~1ond ay j \\h 1te teddy bear and a tu~ Jeep s u r rounde d by flo \o\e rs \lo hO "a-.n' ( •OH fl 1:-. from I •Jll.tn II gr<tdl·r al lb .11"1 \;orth1 rn lnil1.11 ;1 ' .. ttl "' 11ll ·.1. r1u .1r1! I" •• ,,.,•·nth I \( h)lfl\ tJ( Sr oll '1·n' n\ l.1!1• •• H e s a id h(• w as s urpris e d and impresse d per!inn.... -.;11<1 1.1!> 11111 •1,.r .1h•111t 75 s .. i1t!rd E zzeldjn S hawk at. press secre tary uf the Egyp ti an Embassy in W a!-thJO~ton . told The H a mmond Ti mes t hat t his i s n ot the firs t )!t.':-.ture of its kind by Muba rak. Koo.,ncr lie !)a11l h1· "'''' "'' ''"P" l t•• r1·1 1 1~1· s ig ned n·pli<"• •ti 11 ~1 l'I t'• add "' h1!-t autograph roll1·c·tt"n lie g<1l ;1ut11~r .• ,.h .. fr111. R eaJ!an , 111111°11 DIATH NOTICES IHt\ \' 11111\1\ \', ..._tin ••I fo-I\\•',., Hn .111 .1rul Jt 11 HAR'IOR LAW"'"-"'T 0L YE ',I P'IU CE IROTl-4U~ I Ell IROAOW A Y MO RTUARY I.AL T'l & IERGEROM SMITH & T\JlHlll WfSTCLIFF o u .ru .. r f I "~ J'i 1''-ld<. Ill J.i ml''- n u t he s aid t h e Eg yptian pres ident clf/t'sn 'l want publicity II 1 I.• 111111: \111111•·"11.1 \11·,J Four ~1uart• Churl'h, \ , ., I••• .111 1 .1 r I' 11tl1t 1.111111: lnl1•rml•nl "111 bC' , r If, 1 I I • n .J ,. ti 111 <; 1111cl ~h1·ph1·rcl Ct•nwlcr) ,. ollo. \liltl.1n \1.11C.m\ llunttOl!lllO Bt'.tt•h . \;i I , 11111t \l1111w"1t.1 .. ncl l'1t•r1 ,. B r 111h l·ri. R ell 1 111 "' 11' nf \I 11111,....,1tJ H 1 o ,, ct \\ ~1 \ M 11 r t u " r ' I f,. \\,I 1fltl1,1f1•tl \\ llh dit l'l'lllf' l>.\2 !lf:il) •1 •. 11 .. 1 l'ht Iii '~·"in O\\'H>SON \1.,111• <'1"1>' 111 J ':--.E T 11 n n w :-..: ,\ 11 \l1o\111~· 111 11 \ \'l l>"(l'-rt·,tdt·nl uf -.11 , . 1 111 ,luh •it 1 • ..... 1.1 \lo·,,t, Ca fnr m ·cr JO h• 11o 11•11·.I 1 HT .11111 , •·Jr' 1'.t i>'>l't1 a w a \' o n ,,, • •! 11. ,., 1 n1H·r ... 11' r1t·n·mtw1 !l. '1!181 S he wa!> I 1111 .. 1111 ' lune ffr.I( h .t n I'm p I I)~ l ' l' 0 r II 0 a J( ,., -.11\11111 II\ 111' "th· \l t•mur1a l ll o s p1 l a l . ti lh1 (.inul• h1!;nc I Prt•-.b) l t'rtitn, ~l'" po rt : 1 ... '·' .1;1, Bnan J r )lpa1·h. \·a for the pas l 10 .., 111 ll11·J.:11 C .1 . Z \l',tr' Sh<• "as affllaa l C'd 1 1111.t ltlP" ,11 ·'"'lr\'l\t·tl 1\ 11h t h l' t'nn)!rega 1111nal ' 1 1,,.,1111 1 .1111111 F Hnan Chu rrh of Corona del :\t a r •I I d111.1 '11111w ... :11J .onil .t ~h<• 1' ~ur\'l\l l'd b \ h er 1 • 1\1.11 g.11t'f11.ia hofSan hro lht•r U a v 1d o r' N t•w \l.1111111 I ',1 .ti'" 'urv1vm1: J 1• r "' \', ~i s I c r R a r h e I 111 • 1 • r.d 111t·1·c, .ind :\l :11·Nt•;1 ur t'n.'lta Mes a . Ca .. r11 rih• "' II<· "·" a l"' a n t•11ht•wi.. James MacNell mt 1111111 011 1h1 \:1•\•port Jntl C'amphcll Da vidson both I '"' I 11111 ·""' l'o·ntn .. ul.l or l'<>!>l il ~lt''a. Ca a nd J o hn l"•P1I J:,. 11 ll'lt1to llJ\ICbon of S a <.'r ameoto . \II\,,._ ( .1 • dlt\O ... Ur\'l \'e d by a REGRE TS Egy ptian Pres ident Hosni Mubarak ~ent a fl or a l g if t t u lndianu bo~ ru1uc MOncE "'tlll t10V) llU"NL'l>'l> "AMI. 'l>IAltMlNY I 1w ••1•lu•••""" tJ•t\UO\ ,,,,., uc.un.,. Uu\llu \\ .1\ ur: ,:~I:;; ~1~"~~~'1':1~ \.';~::)~.tll• ~uuUt••\l.,,f"I hAfH,Utp lrh •• C. •lit\;' O•• "'"' '-"" •'-vt• '""I bu'\ln•\\ "'•hlW (JffW .,, fW .,,,......, '-..A '1/n) l~I\ bU\lh4''\ '' \.UllOW\.hU D'r 4 <OIJ;Vl4lt01 'Miu'""""'''•' n h•fK "' "· uu. J(lt'.I' ') (..••H1U1. Jr I tu\ ,,,..,.,..,.._..,.11 ..., .. , •llMJ ... rn '°" LCIUf'll'f Llf'f., Uf V1"'"'-"' l.vvn•'t' Wl ~UY t•, •lftlll C.•1trtU & •• .. ttn Allotfteys 111t u-. 10tt llu.,,.. .. t 111te• Ot1>1 $Molt 200 lt~tnt, C..•1torni• •u •) t ''°' ti t•I &JJ J6Z2 F l/Ulo t·utJll,t...u U dl't"*' \..4Jd\I U d11., ~·•u•. NVv /U /I lA"l f 11 ,._., )U'• I I FtCTtTtOVS I USINESS MAMIE STATEMENT fht to11ow1n9 H t \ori' .,-, ooino :>u\•n•\•4\ PRINTIN G CO NSUL TANI S INIERNAllONAL. Jl'M H•1h C1rtle CoU• Mew C.•totorn1a 91•1• W 1ll••m A flii/Wyc,,, Pt~taent •net cn1~t E u!<ut1we Ottu .• , lt'l.t H•tt• C 1rt1f'. CO\t• ~ ..... (4111to1n1.1 9262• Ld1 .tn Ann Ward M •vrr, E ••< utlve Vitt! Plf'\IMnt )1'1.t H•1t1 C1tt•• C~•· MwW1 C.ttllfOf#lld ,,.,. ll\4 Ann Mil,Vfr. l•CJ• H•1t1 C•rtle. Cost• MtW ( •hfOI n•• 97U• r h 1\ bu\tM\\ •'Ii t onouct~o by 4 ~M• •• 0¥tnf'r\n10 w11t1•mA M•••' 'hi~ \t•lf'nl'l'f'll .... "'"° ••lh thtr :ovnt,.. (Ir,.~ o r O r 4t'1Qr Cot.inly 0..t•Mbtl 1 1'1111 ' Fl11UJ Publi\hrf'O 0r•"Of (CW\I 0 41ly P1IOI Ou •. 11 ti, JS 1 .. 1 n .. .-1 NU NOTICE ~TAH:.Ml:."T 0 ,_ A8AN00NMl:.NT OFU)l:.OF ,.l<.TlllOU~ bUSIM:)S NAMI:. I "" IUllOw •nQ Ul'f\On), "•"fl: dDUf!G011l'<J ln.e U'\.(' 1)1 1'\r t-If. hlt()U\ bu\• n• \~ "'4dntil' ')~t.ll Alll-t MU~t<.. tout t'i•Ht'fltl6 An ~&>\Id Ml-'td l.,P. '11011 lht-I 1<.t•t•Oi..\ ttu'lolnt"\\ ~•m~ "t'lt't 'IPO IO •DOve W4\ h lt"O 1n Ut.tnoir <.ounlv °" All(l!J\I 10 l'illt Ahtt' MtC..•UUU1 ,,, " l.0•),l "•Qn•~Y ~t'wr.flt,>rt bt'tKh \.A, ~1tl6J Mttt ._ f.J• f'IO\On II• ... d Hl•-.'' "lt • l.O.,t.t M~w l A"""'' I001WI01Jdl Allt.i-Mc.<..auun• I nl\ \Ldh.·•11o••1tt -.o•, •H~U .-.iltn 11\t: lount, LhO• 01 urttnc.,.• 1,.vy11t; on f'liU'f It) I tt l ~t(llllOV'l> 9U'l>INL'S NAML U Alt.Ml.NT I th' t vllV•ll\Q .,.-r 'WO\ ., W Q{Hf'\i W\tt~4t\\ •\ Al tMlk llJMl"Al't' L II.I IUU htt..,Q{H I +. •nt•t "' • "" )utttr JOV ,..••&JoUr t bwM.1'1 \-•Ht~rn+• "''"""' M •'•«Miltttll Alw••tt• 11 ••u1n1 lOtn• lJfPltii C,w1ut141 Q .. t M<1t t.•h ll,;t n. .... i.L> Mon•"''"'•<I M•1• Al•l-"• JI ..,01nt lu•n• lJn•-= \.Urun111 U..tl Met ~·llfUtn14 lf"lt.b AIUl'l .. Al.-t•rw ) bCM,lt .... b •, toron. <Sito• M.J• C..•••'f.i''"• Viti) Mo n•rm1tt1•U ~.,., At•••n•. 11 t-'01nt L(;H .. l.JttV~ \.-(HUf\d Ck'i M ••. <.•11tu1rn• "tJbJ) N•u '" A1to1onu l ti4'\)•nn1ou'H 1) Mont"'""" IHltl \.4'tUf'h:• <WI M•,-t..P "'"I_) t Ill\ o""""'\'-1-. 1 v11uu1 1;.o ,,,. d Q_.11 .. •111• J,M•ll1MVhP M~t otlit.iflM1I Al1t11tf~ I"" \'4tt.,.nWt'1 wa\ •••t"O -uln tn.. t..uuf\l• \..hlf ll. OI U••OQil l..Qi,,rth "" .... f.iwHllt)itf t/ l~I HUNT Ek & YO~~ ..... ,, ........ H /Ull t-f-•"'"''° Or w ilt tM PO lie• I"// 1 ....... c.. •Jiil h,10li..,_,+O l.e Ol'\4Jt' \,.IJ4i\t Ll•~•t ii"'1IOl "O• IU, JI ~ JA II IYWI 111111 •t NlllC MOTlCE Ft(TITIOVS aUSINESS Fl(lt TtOV' IU .. NlU NAMl Sl4TIMINl I rt~ tollowinnQ Pfl• 't.m '' Otllf\i.a 1>4.1\llU•\\ ., lkl Nl H(.QAI I ANIA\11 ... ll'M>I tl•ud• l1n tt t i •u•v, L•tifutn.11 ou1 Mu "• .. t Mm""'" 11._,.1 ' 1.w .. l •rt I• t I foto I •hf(.tt "'• V1•AJ I h1\ tiu\1h.,-\\ I\ H.tllO\M tr-0 (1t .tn lnGl\'IO'UI Mtt r. l.t ' ""1ttJ•V.fl 1 lh\ 4-t•h fOI UI ....... f1lt"(J .,...,,,, lf\lt (u1i1nl'f' l ttt., v i Ur 1n~ (c,"111 , v-• Nuv /4 t,.I F llUJI l•1i11,)ll\1WO Ot•m{lr <..w\t ,,.II'/ tJllUf .. v• II ,,.., 4 11 I• 1'411 \IAl •1 P'UlllC NOTlCE H t.I 1110\I' llUS1Nt 'l>'l> HAMl \lATLMtNT 'ht ,UllUllfttllJ &.U f\U" i U HI~ IJU\lflt'\\ d' 1H t 't'Ahl' lt1ft ti k\1f. I 1~1~ If.Al• I• Mtr.,1 • ""'''' M. .Jt l A Utl' LJ.tt111·1 _.ht.~Mrt.1 J!JA,j 4 /Ii M•tfll'f l u ,( ,1 M1 ._ I A ,,., • f t W 4>olf .. '\'t I\ ~ f•lhf• h 0 l#'f ... , l1J1•t1Jw.t l1tffu• I .;111 Ul-·••• tt I hi' .I.th"" 111 w t l11rool fllt1H' If•• \ 1.!•1ttl t J•t.. .Jf tJfftr•Qtt I .1Wlll f 11 t·uu 1 .t .. a u •tnOt J..c.d t l11+1 , • ••tJt '"'""' Iii JI l,At 4 H I 191 NH •i PVIUC NOTICE NOTI CE OF NON•ll E\PON\llllll 'Y t11011 t ,, h .. r~ny Q•"'"" tn.-t th• Uf'ldi!',..IQN!'d wdl UOI ()tf r•\C>Qn\tOh lt>f ,-tCTtTIOVS ll.tSIHl.Sl tnv c:t•b4\ o, 11.,.1>11111•' ,o,,oi.1 ~t1 Oy NA#fitf\l STATl:Ml.fllT d"yont uOw1 1n.v .,,.,...,u on Of •fhr fht fOllO••nq Pll''\Ort I\ no1n9 ltn ... ,,,., ... C>u'•"•'' •\ o .. t•iJ th1• ,.., tn nit, .,., (JN ~mr.-1 E NCOl4E PllOOU( I ION\ 7~10 1"81 Gt•<• c H (&\I• M e\• Cehtorn1• .-. .. r trf'I U ko•,.1 '1•1• .,_,, A IHI ~ liltOll Scotl "•nd•tt "•••\On tll ,.. cu .. t•Ml"\d (. ... lf1&11 AtVff\10. A\tt<nf,,1111' N•wl'(;tt e .... , n "t.iWI f...-(j 0 .. .nQt ( 04\I o .... , J#ilC,1 .. •lllornt• '1..0 l1•1 IV t u tlftt \JiM 1 1 '"•' tlu\•M\'\ ' co.nauc.te-o Dy •n j' nid1•10U4t ~Ott O•v1wn f n•\ \l•tt "W'nt Wt.t\ 111"0 w1tn 1n.. :.o..,nty t••,-~ ol UrdnQt" (ount~ on Dt<fmC.r 1 l~t P'UIUC NOTICE ( llM NOTICE OF ~ALE OF REAL PllOl'EIHY AT PlllYATE ~ALE NAME STATUtlENT l hf' •011ow1n9 J)•rion\ drr D\i\11\f>\rt 4t\ Fl11221 Publt\hl!O Or4lnot (O..\t 01111)' P11<H <JOtn~ 0..f ' 11 18. JS 1 .. 1 )}•9 8 1 No A·IOi.u I an 1h« ~r1or Covn Of "'" \Wt• ol C•hfor,,1•, •• , tM (fK'"IY ot Or""' .. I H E C.REAT AMER IC AN MOIORCY(lE ~HOW'> 11H EO•s1 8•1b0• 80\lltv•1d Nl'•POrt B••t n C•lllorn1• 91...i C.1rtil Am•tit•n Mt0 1• •nc. 4 J (•ttforn•• c.01po1•t1on 1?1) ~•st 8•100• ltoul~v•tO Nti•porl 8l'•.:.h C•l•to1n1•.,.._, l P'l1\ Du\•n•u •\ tonou< tt•o by • corpottthon Crr••I Anwrte: Ml Med•• Inc. Cif!QfQ\ K.oh~~·'-o"' Prtto<Mnt J n l\ \t.ate"'""t ••\ lllf'O w 1lh tne County C~uk ot Or•n~ Counh on NO• l•, "" All ... a .... Ft.n AtlttrR•Jt •I Uw -MoKAr1--•uro ~tltl10 New .. 1'1 BM<ll. CA '1- 1'11•1M Pubh\"°"' Otet19t (O.O\t 0•1lw PtlOI, 0.< • II tt H 1'191 S1'"41 PVILIC NOTICE ruu NOncE In ''"" M•ll.., ..,, ff\P. t \.t.tl .. "' Ft ~ r H --------------hl.H1 HE:~kOh '°'I\ fCr11.,.,..,,.1p flCltllOU>llUS•"l S~ NO'" l ., Hf ~th• C,1vlt. """ hAMt: ~tAtt.Mt..N t 1P\f u'"•)I • •'""' 1 • t"I •' ..,,, •• ,~ I t•t tt.ftU •t11~ LJt, u,, , 4Jw•h\;J Wft" 10 In. f yt,. • 1tt\O Gt '' bo.>Ot>r ou~•f\e\'>'lf\ \Ubl .. , t tCI ' , t , "·di '"" ''' \d•J t1AN ')AM •M ,,,,.,,,...MA ... ~ I ' SY0¥••0' '""''' "''' ,,, •• , ... '~ 1•'0 ,, •• ~r\t ''''' ,,,, •• , ., .. ,,d ,~1,11 OtJr <lt C>P1rmr.-1 "'' ttt~•C>tl1<wr,,t Ldit101n1• ~Jl~J W•ltt>' *"' hur • 1..-~ '' h Jr., l L "r ~UfiQ NIN•fl tt.-11 A1 \. 11 ,, 1 , .,11., ~M(JQkE: C.,,Ut l Nbr flt,.. 6 l VMAt4 \_411h.u111.-1t'" 171\1\ "1awtrY..1•h h11~hvttrtl, ')i..1~1 .4~ ln1-. rx.+<t1fl•"~\ , .. t~llU"\hU 11, ,.,, 1 f (,,l,,dn(I f<Jhtt1•t1•t 11J)UJ <.crnnt9 01 tndl'lt<JU"I l l O'\ A'lQto>h•"" .11-lt' t;I ( ,,t1tr;;tnu1 iHI ~:Wut"V t"•Wrtfl '"•" ,,..~ , 1qn1 11t h .. no •fllf'ft"\I gt \Old 1n1\ \l.Jlt'f\'•'"' •J \ 111 .. u --.en uw. 1..,..,.,,,\fO d1 fh1 ,.,, • ,,, <.1r-nln dfll.l a ll C...11unty l.lt"f~ ..,, V 'oflQl \.u1.;111 , r,1 f~ ''O"' l11h ·>•"1 1t11tn•\f tn.,t 1f'lt' ,..Ov •• 11;bl I ;.>\1_.ttt-of '410 ()t>rt "·~ tJ '•d .. OI Qu•, .. 0 t'rOfHi•M•I t.W-tOw ~..,W•l•\ by 'Oor•..at ,,,,. f.Jf ltt.N ,,, ,,H. ,..,., t u ttw, ~.,, OttK• be• 11).11 thdn 01 n ..,t1d1t1•1' 11 fr;,,.1 -41 \d 10 ~4ftLI AN, UhfOf'.W~ t2/ll 1).4al O•t 1 "V 1 •t I~ Iott• 1ot 0h'tl' or n"d l::.\00'* No 110.iJl·M J.-to 111 .,,. , .. ,,,." , • .,, "'" '"' "' tfuutt"() ~ l/•lOO ..-ut>ll.,,,._.O v••r\9l 4,..0•"' Lr•''• , ••<1t ri-.ow .-u JI lA-t. ' 11 •~I '\ ,J ., 1r• th., (. t, ,,f L t~ut.,. t11fi\ ! 1_,,,,-.1" Of o, .... ,. ,,,,, o• t. t ,, ,, d P•''"" ·'''" O•"' , ,,_.tl , t l•l•..._ 10 ••f • E XHflltl A PA MC El 1 0 .-.., ll1ru~ l..1"11 I ( n 8uita1nq No µw ,., "''" t " t ''II'"°...," Fl(TITIOVS8USINESS F (Ttl lOVS llUStNESS on 1n~1 <"•laon tonourron•u"• "'"" NAME STAT EMENT NAME STATEMENT •ll••ntd t" ""' rot•<>' • "°'" of 1...,1 Int-toUow+no Pt1t~ona. •rt-00109 1 'H •0110 ... mo Pf ''on"' or..-Oo1f\Q , ·"ftd1t• (h . 1,., ~•·o" Qf ro ~tn.tf\h bu'lint'\\ d \ Ou\1nt:'\\ d"' ( ond1llon\ ofCI i,,,.,,, •< tiOf'I'\ , fH ..,,.Ot'O h l W POFfl (.J11LDRE:N ~ vi./l.l ""UI l/AL,tf t titil Ju~,.iti 11f/f'l1nhuo• H/l '"-'ttQt-1/>c t l N flk /fJ1Jl (.ye.He\\, S.Ot'llct Ano Pdtiil1·nht u, •• ,. ')Utll 1.vo '>•'"'"' ot Qtt .. 101~•'lfc:''"'1n tn.• ,,,.,, .. o• tn• .. h.•iqtih tA.V'llOI An4 LAVJIV~ (oun1v Rt'(Cl'Ot' +.i-• CJrdnQf" lovflft' ,_;,u~I~,~~ o ~:":~ ,'-~: Udd~:~~~ A•~'n:~"~: •• ~,..~~~~1~";d;!; 8j7~:" <.•l•f~;:;:~ :~;;::~~~°" f ~~: 1~:"'5°"'~ ~n~;;:9:~~".,~~.,'; • '1 ?',.u~~~;,·~;: ,. .,, .. n M Wton\Otl /81 f-4111\ Avtin~. Av .. nUt ~I'" JUJ ru\t•n \,.A V/MllJ I i;').C~ ·~LOI 1 (;I ''"'IN ,.. !' , .. 0-t Au l•fl\.dn t=-"11\ 1cunow11 LUMA Vl'llA A A d C.•l•forn14 Mtll)\ ff'(Of'QitlO .,, ... ,,,, ... j i-.. Qt', ll ' rtJll.IC NGOC£ I I"'' th1\1flt"' '"' lOnOutft'O t>'fl '0'POt<itlton kl ht,.tt'nt•' Ottwt> ~no Pl .tnd ,, ~· '4'1 '-dQ--.tnt11' ---------------1no1-.1ow1 1 ttw~nc>& 'hilt• s";':,!OU~~~:·\:"; ~:n~~~~ .. o o, 4 ;~:'u;,,"17. t)tt ':n.. t ~;,:'·"~"~"'"' FIC.THIOU~._U\t,.t.S~ I ~·:,~l:;MLl=~tl qt"nf'cll p.trtMrV\10 ,,..o,...n ctnt1a.-••-Cl.t• trn r A f"'d , "~ ·=~~IQS. '.~Tr ~~~" .. 1,.,_ >•on,.o QPfOH llV' th1\ "'" o~., OI Lif,J'1trtCIU • t:_q,,uh•' , (\n '""" dbU .... ''"1, ,,.,, • ',,.." ,. ...,ff ~~ " ao.no I fllolo ..,..,n ti' f '""'' NotcH • J.lvOhl 1u, j ._ '4""-l t c,h'1 Pi.tn OU)int-\\.0\ ~'""""''~''' [1 t.t-J.t 1,.., fHtJ.flJ"r.JM dn f .. A~ "'t::>J '""'t--f AJr>.v Ll.tA~1•0•norr~~;';:;~~n;.:.:·~:::n••1" ln1\ \td1 ... m .. n1 ~ri' 111"1J -.;It 1n. oo1t.onot L'-'tArJi .... •<J ''•·f t~<r ll\..&& A')')lll A,#lf..IN l•Utl/ 4..dllt" Or 14 lh•~ \1dl"""• I ti (.ounl• (.tt n 11 (..l'dnC)t' l. jH•t, ,,,, Al')t.. (i (tl T "'4'·'ffJlr \"•O LOt\1 ... ldt .. ..._.~ ..... N1lh t..01itc.rn1• 't/Cf)J t. I ~ ...... , I ro 'f'Wifn ,,_.. ,..ov l• '~' ot T, dt ,, ~..,.., '''HJ .. 1J .. I Qd' 011 ')OU11Mtr\1t:1u t'htllHHO inc. 4 '~1 ,,.:~"~~ ~ ",'ti. 0' Otclt'\9'4 <..ounl., on R k 0 0 E S . M. E N O A L l & n .. or<.1< 1r0<1n\ "''" .. ''"' .,no orn .. , bu\1nt-\\ Untt't lHH•f' -/W trv•f'lt'.'. . 'llfJ f 1l'7ll HARRINGTON 'ub\fdn<.,., 1.., nq D .. lu-.. , d'"'Ofh ot L•11'0'"1• 'i// I) PuDl•\N-0 Or dnQf' l Oia\t U•i•v J.l•lot, A Prof•\\olon.tf l.Aw C.CM'por•hon 1 ~00 00 h ··-wt ,,,.,,,hl)1.;1 tn~ r~Q"' 10 f.O:Pn~:d~~lflt"\\ I \ L-UllO""l ll<'O b f d Nov ]11..Hot_' '' lb,l~I )lh'f hl !!," .. MPO•r1c~~~CMllr,&ow,.,, .. toy•·n·,o •. ,~~~10) !tontM..,pUnth4: "'"''"l •OP \uO\uddC.f'OI ~ V lJ I M V. t ~ I E:. k ,.. F 11'13' tf'Pf tor "'"' ~ ""'OJ' ... ""~'~""·, d\ I " V'll'• • ,._ thf' p•ll~rt 1 ... rxJw• 11 ,,. pt n ot SOO 00 bAN\.Uk.._ '"""-PUlltC tlJJI( Pubh\ntoa <.>tltnQt l_W \1 l.Jd•I• ._.•lot 'f'-••'vt>n ,,., t;i•_.J 1, J,I,... 0,o l Jonn ~ ur1t111f\ J• "''~"" Nov 'I• C>t><. <1 II Ht lflbl >111l lSI P ARCEl.1 ,.,un ••llU\••~ -..\.fomt>nl\ ~'fl'\IOttnl to. "Q'• ,, •"'1 'Q ...... ouDl1< UI• 1t1 .. \ 1 n1\ \t•l~t Wlld't hi~ •fin tM I NOTtCfTOCREOITOAS PUlllC NOTICE v;....,,., ,n111', ""''~' nt101trn.u h o"•mcw' 1' ,.._, fSe< t 101 .. 101UC C.t lrP ".J' .. ,, "'' 1 t1r ,-,\t11 ••ion ll.01.;nty C..lrril. 01 ur•nqt l.ount.,. ~n OF I ULK T•ANSFEA · tN-, .. tt ,.., 10.r<; bul riot ,,n-.•...o 10 I N ot•<••\ ri,,,..b\' q1v•n to tn~I hOTICE.O~J A\ISTE£.\\Al..E "t.d rrT,.,,I '•0·•' m••"tl'nd"''"" ( .. Nt.J&I(~ ('f'd •IOt\ O I !) ,... M AP Lt flif LOdo h o 1001\)/1 'JD"''dt 'd"ll\JY •• ,,,,._,. .. \.rr <,.' Aa.rM1t•tUw E""'t E APAl~ES tN ( d C.•htorn1a I 'l' N o •l1cJ ..a , .. , 'dDI ..... H,Ow 4 "°' '10 ... w -ttii°' c:tf'IO =~~''"-..,On•• <OtOOr•t1on f f•f"l\frro,. •P'lo\e-f Ul.l SlkV l(.l 1,,..<.. OO-'• Of\Oo•t\ -'•t"f ,,_ 1 110"''"9 o.-.. ,,,Oe"CI bu\tn#\\ dOdtn\ I\ 11\ Vt<tOft•. (lh •POO•t\IPO lru"lott ... Unot:' 1n. IOllC11111o ·tlg l.tnO ,,..,.,..,~""'~'',.. 11Hl IU-~ ,.,,.w i-'uo11,rwo Orttf\C)t:" LO•l\I lJ«t1ty f"'llOI. 1'o> 10, ll i-•. II. IYW1 )llJOI it ' f't(TI 110U) 8USINl:.SS NAMl.l>lATl:.Ml:. .. 1 I"'' to11ow1nc.i Pf"r \On t\ 001nq ~,,,..,,~ LEE EN IREPRENl:.UR 1~) N•wport 8ou'*"'"'0 -oJ Lo\I• -w. C•hlorno• 91ti11 LOt\ Dal-L.... JlO l'tp..,port Bou•t••r O, .: •l <..o,ta Mes•# C•llto•n•• "ht11 1n1\ °"''~' "c....,,nouc1ra by •" 1na1•1ow• l..Oo> lJ Ltt I rH\ \ttttwti«n1 ...,,., 111N *''" tnc c..ovnh <..1t:r• o, V•ctnQt' t.o""nt)' on NOVf'ffl~f •ff. l"'l)I oi (O\t• MltW (ounh Of 0,.~ S.tttle M \lttbf'O OP+O ol tri..\I 'f\IL\. ')lLL PARCEi.. A All,_,, Int l•r•a o ... ~,.~ of C•llfor ..... INt. butls ,,.,,~~,I\ Al PUbl ll. ~U(flU"" 1V t nt "Pdtt•I ' ut fh•I .. ,, •• n [Jt-.. 0 •obOUIUNI Tto ,~r:i,!,o~·!~,o.ebEUR\l'-A,, H IVHE.~l B1CJ(Jt:k •U"' l.A'!th ''"(l)•d...., J,.l"IV~f'I' .. 197J ,,. t:ior.i-• -·· • '!:CT -·-·--1 oa abl •t t n of •I n 1 1 1(1),M f..11tQ1>' M) (If V " ',,.1 A.-.t no1-. ,, ~d'f''U 1\ m1 A•oe• Avf'n uit Vtv oi mo:r-. ~·1,... ~n:~...a .,,,:tt.'~~·,.1, :.~n~ tt111 oHi<" 01 ,,,.. Cuunlf A-c;Ol'Ofot o• Encino. Count; ot l04> A"CMle\ S••tf 1•11tt .-no in1 .. ,,.,, c <H'I"! 'ft'O 10 .-rno no.,... \.t•O Covnh of C••itorn•• htld 0~ 11 v~' .,...,0 Utto of y,V"\1 ml PAACEl e 'lf A ot rr.t<t No 1&11 r htl pt()Pfrty to OIP 1r4n\ff'"f'0 i\ lhif prop.-r ,,, hi•11·1,\oltt r Of"\( r1bt>O d., O#f M..,p , •. 'CH l)f"f.1 '" Boo• )(>(I ditM flbfd '" ~,.., .. d\ A U 'S'toc• '" 1 f-f U~ I Of. hl-"l:. f.CL tr ME:t-.uu ... n P.tQ ... \ 4\1 rtna \c n, M,,,,11 ...... ou, M dtK. h40t. f1atvr1t-\, fll'QU•OfT\t-nl •no 9000 unnittrritO """O"'•" .. no <..LA VlJf; 1n t"P oft 1• ,,,., ur-,t .. R~orot-'0' "''II ot tr'wl Pf\d1""''" l>Y\HW'-\ 'no""'n LAf. l f:_ k dn ufmtArr"' o n1an \ctiid (Ou"'• d\(~TAME~A MEOl(AL(ENTER l>l "l>t(t l'I.~ H.1LL.t l.l1.;1, PARCEL( "'A ,, lr4<1 "'v /897 PHAAMA(l' dnO •oc•••o •• llS ~A"INl,,~A"'-lJLOAt .. A~~C.I AJt(..,t>. d'-Pf'' ""'"l ,..,,_.,010 ,.. tl?'l• JC;& V1(fOrt• (1h Of (0\14' M#W (.OUnlf' ot • <O"KitdhOf'I P.,t()t-'* J~ t+nd Jol)t t ,.,,,...,,. t> 14r"'°"'" M•o~ Orl'nqe-$t•ttt OI (.~flforn1a s:4fc.Orat-~ Jd'\Udl., lfJ 1~1 d\ n\tr '" Inf'""'',.. • II'\. l \lwn p f.t ... fl,,0." ot 1 hf> -t>vl'-1,.•n'\ttr ••II b~ "°'0 10414 1n oor;,e. J ... te CM!Qit-l.Jl& o t \..t•Ol.OY"h ton\vmm.1tfl<l on0t att4"<11W'l0th 04Y O U1t1•I kf'C.010\ u" IM Otlic.f' o t lhr ~ P ARCEL 0 I 1,.A b ,.,..,(ot r,.tt• o• Ot<•m bltr 1411 d i 10 00 • m •• kt<O•Of'r 04 Urdnq..> (.OUf1tt' ,,jhQ ~..a ~o 18•'"' " "r ""tP '""0'°""0 "'a Wt\l t.f'n Af\u1.,..1 f\(tO.., (Ofp Attn ot flU\1 04"\\t ·Or Uh IOHO••nq l )10 P.to:Jt ,, • 0. 'l• M '"o(fit••rt.-°'-'\ •rd1 ln Au\~11 whoY. •OO,f \\ •\ 14 1 p1og~rh M•PC. , ... rn ... tit• .. ' l"l .. Cou,..•-. Soutn Vo1bt1 Su1lt' 10t lu4>t 1n PAR(~l. a L..of.t()o• Jr61 t,.o /'Ml R-.•o•o .. ro•,,.•O(ounh C•t•torru.t 1n 1rw t.1ty ot '""'"* l.ov nt , ot (J,-dl'IQP I PAR Cf L E ""' A to J •nc1u,1iwt-O' Thrtl lMl•4>f CJ.afftor h l1n9 t.l•tm\1n Stdtf ot C.dl1I01n141 d\ tJf'r 'lldP lr~,,N(I !);)ti 1•(Jt•t MdptK0'CW01r ,,, .. P\trow , ..... ,, .. d to ner t1n ,, ff'(OrOtiO 1n 000 ... Jfl Pd~'J 11 to/) I aoo-JOEi Pi1Qf\ q ,,, •• 1,,Clu,,, .. ot OPctmbftr " '~' 1nch1•d\l'fl M•"-Ct·ll«t,....°'-'\ Mdfi' '"Int M14o(fl>lldnPOU .. MdP .. 1n ·~ QtffH 01 trw.- F'1t19I So t'"•t\•\•"'C)'#ntOlhf' J rt1n\l~r•f' o""•t' ot tf't' '°""" r.-;.ur0t-1 0' \c.ttO (u..,nt, J:(""'orOi' tw1o(r.-untv ~ub•1Y1ito V'••nQl-, C..Od~I lJJ1ly ..-1101, all bu\1t'llP'\\ n.ctmf'\ .Jno aoorf"\~\ vW'c:J , ount., I P ARC.£ l F l r.1-. A iln<J h of f, ftl' 1 No h uv JfJ JI.~ .. 11•1--1 )1l\1i ll b y ·~ 1t4f'l\ff'r()I f()f' th~p·~· tP'l,-~P" E..lf.(lPf fHtk t•kVMdil01I 011 18IO'ei "'DP''M_.o,1•f\)tOfll 1ntJO<t1o.J1l •t•r1' ,,,., M41r11n P t\.trrf\d<•f'\, tnc '"•QP\h f"n•f\~tfll\ n11 fu•1t111 '1Qtll\ I PaQt'~ <II t_tno 4& oJf ""''"'""-'"""°"''MU>' NU~( O•t~O DfottmOlJ'r t 'R"'olbt•I A O"•ftl n•tur61 Qd' , qnt~ d"O (1 tf\"' 1n t,,._ ort•{r ~ '"' rounty ~~'""'Of',_ ot ... ,. h'ratoc •toon~ Dt ,,,.n.tl\Of'~•, ,,on' \a•O Count., Publt\l'WO 0rittnQP (Ooa\I O ctfly Plfol a now,, fhdl tTht't' bt -.1tn·n ur u~r PARCEL G lOh A dnO 8 o• J,-0i..1 t•1,; .... c1 1t10U~ •uSl,,.E.$.S ~( \1 , .. , Sl/9-11 'W•O •.:.no fCJ91f,__, ,.,,h ltw ~'Ot'l'-"4f 8CMH .... g.>r ,.,.~~ 'f'•Of0"'0 tf'I boo• )7' fltAME SlATl:.Ml:hT r19P'll ot Or1tt1nq u.1n..nq t>•OIO,.nq dncJ P~' .4~ •NJ S(1 'M 1\(•ll•t\f'OU .. M •O' 0v~.~~:~•0~1nQ o~r 'on 1\ ao•no ~ lllJIE ~::::::: :;::'~,' .. •,';°.,,,'':,:Q,::a~: ~:.~,,~~~~;: n• •~ (OYnh ~~.,,~, ot ... ,..t AH1 k~N 1AL~ ltJ/1 .... •n• otr.("f lfllnd 1"4.IV01nQthf•''""' to PARCEL H lOt ·~ lrct<l "IO I08o HPr mc>')4 AH• l •'fUtkt h tQut'I. (.A ,,.OT I(( OF TAl.tS1 EE S SA~E •n1p\IOC" 0' 01t..-~ t•on•li.-O"tl .tr'CJ "' P""' MdC' '' • r01tO ·n bOQ'°' l72 ")•II 1 S No ~,_,.. muw lr<Hn lone>\ o'""'°' tn..n \.o_J.10 1,1no PdQ,,., t dnO J ,,, A/q""' Pltitl"M·OU\ Nao\ J 4 l -. A YtltmM\. J•J-11 l• "'"rm ow, lit N L • l(IAl. MA,..AG E:M E.Nl 011 or q,.t\ .,,._.,,, 1unf'llll"I dno \rwtth 1n trit ri••1<too1 tP'I• lOlJ"h Ji(r<ordN ot I A•t' l_tl~N t'lt1QUtt L A V2•11 (OR PORA J ION Of AM E RIC.A d\ into ""ouqf\ CM f+<.'O'\' ttw-'M.l~urld<t' ...aid Countv tn• .. °"-'\''°"'\\ '' Dt<'1nQ tonou<tt'O o y <hlly dPPO•nlf'O 1,u).tf>t' u noer th~ 01 \~•O 149~0 •n<J 10 bolton \ut n PARCEL I Loh A 10 H 1n,1u-.•'ll• ot 1,o•t-u•oc;;~o~"~~1tman ~~,~~·~':~~~ =·~~"~~~·~~ ::,\\'t%~:"o'd!'~~;~~~~:,q~~~ I ~:!~' J~~ ~8!~~ .. ~r~~ ~~o+;.:~~:.~" ~~ 1.,,•.n,.','. "t",'."',',"'",,: "'ud•,.'n'.~.~o .. u~•"• 1110~ H ICH E~l BtCIDlR FOR (A~H 1>en~~lt> or IJj>•QOiO I"<' ••IP"O' ''""'' M l\CPll<t"'""'' M.l<I\ 1n I"" ofl •c,. ot ... ... ,. ._ .... .. •• 1 payablf> dt ti mt o, 4141f' 1n l•wlul thitreot dnG to''""' 111 't."luf'lnt>I t"OV•Q I ,,,,,. Covnty f.tt-c o,o,., 01 \d•O Counl" J h u. +• 1~• mo~y Of tht un11-o St"'l\"'\i ..tll q9hl "'•1ntA1n rrp.,11r °"*Pt"" dncl u0t.•,tth .. • PARCEL J lOh 4 ano h ot ftM.f No F11t1tl t1t1~ a no 1rttt'rr\I <on1il'eyM 10 .tno no ... dnv \utn wtlh 0t m1rw\ .__1lnit;ut tn~ I 8.1 '4; .t\ oM M"-•o ,...,..o,<k"<J ,,, 8~ l'1 ..,ub11,nit-o V M\ql" \..O•nt IJO••r P11ot ~10 bv 1t ut'Ck't ~10 OffO ot T1U\t 1n '•Qhl to or111 "''"--'*to't' f,splou• ano PdOf>~ 11 oi"'CJ 1111 o• M•w,..o•'"""ou' M•o' 1 "'o .. '" " ~ ' I I 1'41 >l~•I ,,.. prQPPr-h "'°'f•ndffpt Of'~ rib(td Ol>f'l •lf' Huouqf\ tf\t. 'ul'f4l<"" ot ,,,... '" lhr-off• ,. o• 1rw> '°""'" R~o'~' ot --------------- 1 f M\JSlOFI Jll f t-H b ORE.W u oorr ~lttl Cll tn• '"CKUrf.t(f"Of \dlO ~10 Counh tit:.hl.f-1(.IAHY 8ENE.F-ICIAL l•nO d~ t\<tt •""t:(J O; In.-1rv1nt-PA•CEL K lot A ~ hMI No 1111.n F-IN A...,C.t t00f (,,t.5COEN (,r.t0 VE: (ompttn t f W fl'\t \i •'Q 1n1t1 Pfl''M•g rt"(OrOfi"O•"~ J11 Pa~' ---------------R#lot MCS Df'<f'mo.r tl 1•11 ·~ t.orp or41 .. on 1n Gt t-0 rr~ o , a~o l• .,no)\ t M1'\(*"''•"""c...t\ M•P\ •" 1nr SUl'E•tOtt COV•T 01' CALtFO•NtAI on\h No t)O.O on boo• U~ P<I~ IS7• No•rmbl'r 1• 1•/l •n Doo~ 10'>01 o.>q,> Olh(f' 01 I""' C""nt. o.,otc>"• o< ''"0 COUNTY OF O•ANGE 01 CJll1< ••I 11 ... 0<d• on Ow oftou• of '"" S11 Ollo<o<9t llK0tO• (ouf'h l•C••kCeifttHOrtWWfft R°f'to1Mrot0t.-nQll!'(.OUnty \t110 att-0 PAR(ll 1 A non f'•(lu,1vf' PAA(EL l. lf'lh AIOO ·~tu\•"• of -0 •••.. o t tfU\t Of',\Hbf'\ I n t tqtlo••nQ dppu,tf'odn t f'd\ftrtt>nt IO• int I Tr41Cl"°'o ~ ,.-.C)l:r MAiOPl'COt0...01n ~A ... ,C••1m '"DPt''h ourp0.,., d\ ~•forth 1n ttno ovt>t ow 800 • Jt~ PttQt-\ JJ .,,a l t ot P•••nfllf LOI •• <it 'f Ill ' No 7•\), d~ Pf'f mao i•ntl Qf''4,.t1Df'G •n Atto h. " ')itl'( t1on I M•'< P11dn-s<>U\. M-'O' .,, , ...... OHtt. ot IM GA AY L MOORE AN O r ttcorUli'O ,,.. bOOk \00 P«t9l'' 14 lo 1J o t tn.;t t t'tt4tf1 (J1tliHAf1on 01 ,(ount\'Afll(ore)it,Of\oll1f'l (.ourtl., JENNIFEA E MOORE IM(IU\IWf' ot M1\(.f'lld,...OU\ MdO\ in (O lf POr:tUf\ ton<1tt 1on\ dnO PAACEl.M LOf\A fl An.t;t( Of ''A<f O•fenottnt trw ott1< .. ot tht U>u.ntf rt><. or net 01 k#'ltr u 11on\ f'f'\.O<ctfid M4~ JCJ Ifft I 1n No 8()41 d\ ~~ M*'P r~ordl"d '" Booti. EOWAAOLEE 8Al0flrol ANO ~10lount\' l>Oc)-. qbA/ 0.)Qt;' l81 Oll1t1a1 .,Pt11rO\ I 110 P•Q,..\ '1 to H 1ncfu\1v .. ot CYNl H IA LYNN B~lO"". 1J/I (olQ.Jh• .. ,,, (Q"\t6 M•'"'d (A a od ot\ 1mPO\t'O tJW Ne>11t • u l M 1,(ftlld,.."01J .. M d0,1nf,,....Oft1f POlfhP WA.l f f::AS l(ING ~1,Jb \.o v• ndn t ' tona1t1CJr1\ ••no (ovnl• A"'-o,,,_tOi .... 10Counr.- WALTEA S te.tNG ~AS~IAT£S ,11 •t ,,,..,, dlJOtfl\'t or '-ummon Mt -.ltuflon\ tt-\.Ordtd J .. nu-t'" Jl PAACEL N l nt\Artnc:18 ollr.c.t N o •C•ltfornt•CorPDf'•hon df~19n•t1on •' \f\O•n .-bo ... t'. no 10/J '" ~ tU,J/ Pt'~ JI Ufln•dl 80Q8 tt\oP'Md0'""0'0f"d 1n R~ JJ1 PEC.Gv ~AENCH ..... ,,•ntv '' v.•wf'n tt\ 10 If'\ l"'•'u•a' Pct9"' 1 to ' 1n<lu\ "'"' o t QUA il. PL.ACE REALTY tomo•tt..,..\'or tCHrf'(t,,.\~) I c)01 A•f..,.l "'>t h ¥1n• c..• "'''• M 1\<,.lldr'llPQU'-MAC>-'" IN olltt-ot ,,,. • C•htorn+• (or-pcw•tlOn th• bPIWfl(••'• ""'""1 U•O °"'o ot 111 • \lrtt1 •OO'fl°" V' tomtuon Cou"h APfO'OI-' ot .._.,o (Ckolnh SA' ECO Till£ INSURANCE (0 I""' br tP.non OI • brU<ll ot Ml•ull t<lf\1Qnet1on '' '"o"n •bo•• no PAll(U. 0 Loh A B r dlWI Ci o• •C•llfOrN•CorPorttt~. 1n tnP GOt•~hon\ '\f'<U'"' ,,,..,.o,. t'"'"', •nt• I\ QIYf'n 4 .. t o d\ t 11•<1 No,, .. ~ .,,Of', M•O•f'(Ofl'td•n •nd DOES 1 tM-OUQh10 P'MPrttloforl' •~f't."1f'O ..w1CI oe11 ... ~rf'd 10 1tomotflf'nf'\\OJ \Of,KtN>\S.I 800" )JI P"qr' tff to 1• 1n<fu\•~•. o• thrf' \U\Of't\~ ct Wttltfln ln<t•r•1•on 11\t' bt'Mtt<.•••t unor1 MtO ~ ot Mi\(rtl•""'Ou' M~ 1n ttw otttc• of 11'• SUMMOflllS ot Of'••vlt M"1 Oen\M\G tor s..1 .... •no T ru\I b• rt41'0"l ot fl b'f'1tt'1: 0t at>tavll tounh Rf'CorOP1 or ~·o Coun1, Fl•STAME .. 01:0 .. ,.,..f\ftOCl(.eOf Df"t'«h•no o r•IKhOf'I 1n .... ObhCf•l•O"'\ '\t l Uff'O ,,,~rpC)y PA•CEl P, LOI A ot ff.ct No 11SI c...........-U4i4J to <•uw Uw unGet\tQnf'G 10 Stll w 10 lnf'rftotOt• t"•f"tvtf'O ano df'hv"'"° to •' Df'' M•P ,,.tora"d 1n 80011 Jct NOTICE I v .. .....,. ......... T ... Proo••• to Wh \t., W tO 001tg,at1oft\. thf' vndN\•Qt'f'G tt wwt1tten 0tot1ar 111t•on p~,.,, 1'1.c.tf\O 10~"' M•'<-.. ll•M at,n Mao., <Mr1 .,,.,, tflfc:* .... _. yev • ....._. t1no th•rtt•ftf'f ,,... unclf'r\'9'W'<1 c•u'W'G ot Oeteufl M1d ~n'dn<I tor ~le. ano 1n th• ott•<" o• tt. tounh fh<ord'' o• ywr Mlftt _,.. --..,. ,.._. ""o nohu of btff<ll ,.,,., ot e•t<ltOf' 10 lwrotttn nohtf of btPdth aoo 01 •I"''"" t ,.,o Covniv wl"'I" • oMw~ •-.. _ _._ ~ Rotor.-Moirch $, 1981 ••·•n\I• 1to <•u..., I"" ""°""'11"<'0 to"" ""o PAR CEL O l ot\ A 8 •nc> <. o< Tr.-:t ....... "°'0 1)4\ In bOOtl '~" PttoP , .. of WtO pro~tr ly IO '411\h WIO obl1Qd110n\, No 91SQ d' Pf'' M"o ff'<Or<M'O tn 80<* u you wl\h 10 .,..._ tN M'Vi<• Of •n Off1<1a1 Rf!llord's •nd '-"'l"tf?aft•r ow u.ndff t.1Qneo t •uvci J•O PaOt"\ ... 10 ~o •n<lu\1v t , ot •t10tl"•Y \f\ "''' nMU•t , 1°" Utoutct 00 S.•O ,.... wlll «» ~ but wtthou1 $tt10 nol •(f' ot Dr••cn .no Of f'ltthon IV M1~(•ll•nt0V\ M J\O'-1n ,,.. Olh(t of trw- so oromptly '° ,,,., -.our "'''lt•n tov•n•nt or ••rr•~fy. •,11pr•\'\ or bl' Rf'<ordt<a A09u\t 11. I'll .,'"'" Countv Rf"torOtr of s.110 Counlt r•\OOMI, if.,,.,, nwy i. fttecl on u,.,. omphecl, r-oonQ htl•, l>D''leSS<On. or No 1~1 "' -1'tl> ,..9" 191• of l'A•CEL II lN A 01 lr.oc I No t!>A AV1$0t u.e.it M .................. f'n<.Ymbr""Cn to NY '""° t"'1•1nH-.g S..10 Otfl'C••• lh <orO\ ,u Pf' M.tp rl'(Ordfod 1n Boo .. 3•• Et ~*-' _. _..... <-• u ... pront•P<tl wm 01 '"' not•l~I wcuroo !Mid w•• *'""",,.,..,,. t>ut •ttno..1 Po190 1 MWS •"' M1•oll•""""' M•os t ltt aw•te•cta • "'eAet 41•• U•. by W tO Oft!d of l "at ¥ttt,, 1n:t.,..'1 •\ C0\tttn•n1 Or .,...,,.nh f'•l)ff't.\ 01 1n IP\~ ot1•t~ Oft,_. (ounh A"ofdft ot ,,.......... ...,.. • • .._.._ Le• a. •n wea note pr-o.tOlfd • .O•M<es. ,, .,.,. 1mpu.o ,,..,...o.n.o hllf . P0\1"#ut0n o' w10 Counh P'IHC E IROTHElS SMITHS' MORTUARY r:J, ~\I ... ~ H ,nl f"\t,J~ r \t! t .. , ;ti , ., ' • •,111 '\I.-\ \1 \11\\I". a~l' gr ,m d nt•ph<'" Btll Da vidson • ')lil•·ttt •I c ·.,,1,, \le'J '" Sa<.' r a m <' n t o. Ca I'"''• •I .1 °" .1 ' 11 n (;r.ivc•:.1dl· "en 1<.'es will be I 111·'""' 111•11•mt,.•r I\, 19111 hl'ld on "'rrclav Decem ber I I I t, ,. 11 1 I' t "I (' ,, r l' 11 I !ll'll (It ii OO A M al 1 r \ ti• 'rt•nf tlttnh' :\Ir Jla rb1ir L ,1w n Me m or i al \d .1111 .. It.HI 111•\'ll .t . µ1p1• P n rk Wtlh rtt•v Don Kutz or 1111 .. 1 f111 m11n· t han 211 \t':tr .. lht• Cnn1tre1tal1onal Church ''"' .1i. .. ,1 nwrnh••r 11( lht• or <:ost u Mes a officiating \I.""'"' l.o•li:t• 111 l>t•t•r St•r vtct'' under th e direction ( I 1•1•1.. 111111.1 11.1 lfrl11n·1l or Bnllz Rergcron Smith & 1.1th<'r 111 l,.ritnl.lin D Ad a m i. Tuthill W es tch rt C hape l •1f 1l1 t•)!1111 .111<1 l.o\Nla A M o rtu an or Costa Me s a \ld1llt11111f\\J,han1tton.a bo 64f> 93 7.1 T h e f a mi l y ,11n I\ 1-cl h\ ;, ~rJnrtch1ldren noquesL~ no n o we rs. ,....,._ ... _..,_, _, '"' ltf'l'Mo< w..s Dff<lot Trwsl, t nc:umbr-n 10 p.ay lM ,.m••nu'!Q l'A•CEL s 1.01 Aot1r .. 1 No •~•• SI UU..S-Mllocil•• et c-io• ltt>. <Mr.,n •nd <'•l>'!nso 01 '"" 11t1n<tpat wm OI ow -•ISi '"uroo ""' M•o ,.,..,,.,... .n Boo~) .. P"9" 1 Utt ....... f"" ... •sunto, *-tla ""-'''"'" •net Of ""' 1ru\1\ c.r N 1fl'O b'f by W•O ONG~ 1 h•\1 ••ti\ 1n(tf"•\t .n •f\O 1 ~ M 1Wfl'UAnf'OU\ M•O'\ •n tM ••lo l11fl'wellat.,,,_le. o. esta m-ra, Wod O...i OI h usl !Mj<J W .. will bl' 1n u 1d no4t .,.....,.,,.. adw•nos, 1f •nt. olfttP ot ""' (ounh Rt<oro.< Of W •O ----------------1su re~ .. ncrlla, ti .,.., ·~· ,..,., on ,.,..,.., 0.C•mo.r 1t, "" •I ullekr ti. tt<m• ol wHI o..cl ot I tust. tountv ~ wr r'91!olr.O. a llltmcoo. 1 00 P /VI •t 1i. (l\apm•n Annw teo. ,,,.,.,., .ono ••l>'!n•o or tn• '""''' cc1m.._1, ~no•• •• l •9"'N HJ<' :\k C11mh 11f < 'ahfom1J Ha I! .in l.t·t~h \I !'(.'um b of Caltr•1rnr,t ~I hro1h1•r ... Lt·r11' \\'1ll1am \J 1·('o mb o·r l'<1hfornra . EJrl (; :\1t:Cnm h r1f t'ahforrn;1 and (;a n LN· \ld.•1m h nf l'lah. a ·~•~lcr :\1 :i r ita n ·l \tarsi.' Wood o f l'altf11rn1:1. ;1 )!ran1kh1ltln •n ""' "a:. ,, S t .11..1· l'n·.,1dl'nC\ of th1· l'hur<·h nf .fr~u:. Chr1s1 or l.al lt•r cl,t\ s.11 n l'> l)f Cu r on.1 111·1 \I Jr Ward S1•n 1t l'' "111 IH• ht'ld at the " I' " Jl ti r I Ht• .1 ,. h s l a k (' Ct>nt c r . Hii l U rl\·f'r Dr ~l'" po r l lkarh . l' .t un Frida' IK-t•t•mht•r 11 19111 at I I .OOA M \ 1 .. 1t<1l10~ "'tll bt• at Wt•stmins lt'r Mc morwl 1';.1 rk M n r tu J r\' o n T h u r sd a y , f>t•cemh~·r 10. 1981 frnm ~ OOP:\1 lo (I 1101':\t and t h e fa mily wtll be present to :ir<·<'pl \'1s1l11rs from 7 IHIP :\1 l<t 9 Oo PM B unal will be at t•orcsl Law n lloll~"ood H1 t b Ci:m e l C'r~ WC's l m1ns ler ~t c m11rtal P.1rk Mo rlu:ir \' d irectors K9.1 2.121 · PACIFIC VIEW MIMOllAl P'AI K ('p nt 1tpf) V .. '' l , Chapel·Cn>ma101v .3600 P.1 I • "I ) ,, /111· ... l~•" l ... t ' I 4.S McCOll.._,OC MORTUAlllS l ,hJt.JI I l" t 1 4 •4 •l.s ' l ·ltl••"'' ti ll>t\ O'lJ 1 San J1i.1" r ilP1 ,,,,, 49~ "'b I f lt'ncl "'·" r.111 ..il P1cr<'t' Mc<'OMB ll111thir' 1\1•11 f.troad"J) ll O W A HO O t.;l''FI N \l11r1u.1n 1111 Thurs rta y . :\l c Cl)~R . r e s ide n t o f II• 1 o•mlt"r 111 1911 1 from Balboa 11oland, Ca Passed 1 tUI P\1 111 11 tHtl':\1 whn l' a wa) on Dece mber R, 1981 111111 r .ii .. ,.n 1rt'' w111 hr lie 1s survived by his wire l 11nfl 11l'l1'cl on t•r 11tay , Ma rian . 4 doughtets Karen n 1-. <•m lH·r I I . 198 1 at ll a m1ll11n nf Ma ry land, ., llOl'M With Ii{'\-Hobert B ('J&udla t-:laine McComb or , I ,r •th" 1w~t11r of th" (:n<il !l 8dlboa Island. C'1 .• Shannon II you hne fual !lied yout new flcllllou1 8u11ne .. H•m• end h••• nol y11 eubmlnect 11 lor ~·· 1lo11, !Me•M don't lor911 thel ,... Mmltetlon 11 30 d•y• ''°"' ctM• of tlllftt. The DAILY "ILOT wlll pubfl•ll yovt 1111•-"' '°' '40.00. Our dtc..ietloft Include• II•• enllre Or111 .. CoHI 11re1 lllld let•I nciec.t 11PP911r In all edltk>n• In orO.r to aub- 11111 yollf a11te-111 lor publlcellon 11nd •P· ,ro1ut111 COPJ end • clltcll to THt OAllV '1&.0T, '-0 aoa u ... C11111 ...... CA, IK2t. We'll'• tf'9 rnt. for In- ,.._._ ...._,. ..... ad· 11tJlltl11I , ..... cell ...,~ ... m . I TO ni£ Ot!F£NOANT A <i•tl entranu lo lht Clvo< (Anter 8u1ldtng, Trusltt -ol ti. truits trt'•too bv Htll\ Uti,..,. Wo•ld Ulltl No 1·( (o..,ptetnl llH """ flled by '"• JOO East C""PnWln A ......... on'"" (tty WtO OHCI ol '"'"' S.10 WI•"'" bt 8ulldlnQ No .)m l •OuN Hiii\ CA. ptai1ttlff a96oMI .,... ti '°" ,.._11 to Of Or•-· (A l\t'tcl on f-r~v. 0.Cemt.• 1•. "'' •I Tt•m• o< ••I•<••" 1n l•wfut mono clefencl ttlls '-wll, '°" must. wllllln At llw Ii-ot Ille 1n1ll•I l>Wl•Uhon I 00 P M •I llw (N pm•n Awt'nUP ot tll• unoll'CI Slat•• on tOnl1tm•t1on of • clayt .,.... lllb -Is ,.,_ ol Ill•• llOll«. ti. tot•I •mount of Ille entr•M• IO tM C.ivlt C.tnter 8UtldlnQ, u l• or p.,t <••fl •110 ll•l•M • onya.i,fllewllllllllt~ourtawrol1et1unp••o N lanu ot ,,,. 01Jt19alio11 JOO EotC"'"""*'A-.1n1i..(1tv .. v1d•,,<to o• not• s•<wr•d DY ••-w•lfW t~nl.Unleuya.i >e<u•M ll¥1fW •bo .. dllt\<rl--ot OfOr•ng1P.CA Morl9eqe or Tru•I Duo on lllt 00 so ,.__._will M ..,.,,..,on trust -Hl1mettc1 cost\, .. .,.., .. ,., At Ille,....,. ot uw lntll•l 11ubll<atu1n prop•rty ,0 sold Ttn l>'!•U nl ot .-k•t-ol IN pi.lfttlff, -tlMt •11<1 ec1va110• " •0,071 St To ot ""' llOli<•. tlw IGl•t • ..-nt ot t,,. •movntblcl tOWCl<tPD"'ecl wotlllllcl ,_, lfta'P -• I~ ... Inst.,. .. ,,,.,,,. IM ~•"G bid, vou c•n unp11cl llal•nu ot Ille 01>t19•1ton llld'\ or oft.,, to a."' '""''"9 •f'IO •OU fet ... ,.1 .. 1 --,., 11Mut1 11 .. 1•JI..... HCU••<111¥11W-WCltK"""-°' wlll bt •w< .. ...,tl!IW•lar•w..S•""• comptalnl, wlltt ll co.,ld ruutt In D•t• ..._.,. "· 1•1 t'"'' •f'IO "'-"° <~h. Hllf<''"'· •I •"• l•"W •t1f'r ,,.. torst """'4•ut-oarntsllmellt.•I .... ,, 101,.. t f 8 l H ~ ~ 1 ( 1 A l ano aclw1n<n u •tll.•O• •• lo rwr.at•ftdl»torPc&.ll•of wtt ,,.,0 ,..0 or .. _r1, ., °',,., r1iti4if MAHAOEMUotT otttf'mo-.tlW_.,."G....,,.,...m••<•ll Oat•d '"" •111 o., of 0.C•mbt• •-tHl1tllle t ...... ailll (OflPORAltON O~ llUI •JI-"" O•tecl Qll 16, t•t A.ME•1CA 0 •1• ~ t• , .. , ..... A •r-11 M , ..... T-. ~u:;~s:,:~E IN(. C~ eyl O SE•Yt(E &• T 0 SERYl(l 8yH-.cyw..,.._ COMPAHV • ~y ~ COMPANY,_.,, 1Mo111111--. ._a"_.._ •• Palrt< .. • 14-.n, 8• \.On .. -"· ,..., MkAl1lillr ...._ Auos1.,.1 SK••l•t• AUil..,., Se<rottery !tt 0... (tly l!oulewarO 1111••1, OfW CJl't ~••rO "~I. n-., ~ttnl ~ ...... CA '1MI ~-.CA.,... OHi ,.,..., tll•I ~ 41141 UW19 f'lllllltNe ()y-CN.i40Mty Ptlel,l P"btt"'°" C>-C...>I 0..1ty PtlOI, Pwllll-Cit .... (M>t 0.tly l•1lol, O.c •• II,, .. u. , .. , ,,..., NO. H, o.c • It , .. , SU141 ~ow "·DK •. I'· ... , ~tU-4• Wallt• R 8u<\lo Jr Allor'l'OfV for Cor ... ,...,.,, of ti"' l \lal• Ol W..S ,_,, ..... ••1•r •• ..,.,, ,, BU•llLIY, MOC>ttl. O•llNBUtG IL YMAN tUISlt ...... .,. ............ hlft4t8 ~ .... -•. c..-P..i>i .. _ o.....,... Cont Oatty Pti.1 o.c 11 .. " , .. , u..11 Orange Coast DAILY PILOl/Friday. December 11 1981 (; 11 "CTlflOUS eu1u111n MAMlltTAfl ... M't 'II• 1•11••1"' ..... " ..... 1 ... .._1,..n•• THC OAlt lll&f, tlU It-Or. Hltllll~ a.-11. CelH .,... J e mH Oev10 G •mMoftley, tlU It-• Or .• _ti,__ a..<PI, Cellf .,.. Tllh M&IMS~ I\ cOll4\ICIH llf •.ft llldl•14111<11 J-o. o ....... on1t' Tllh .ie-•M lll4cl wllll Ille Co..n1y Cit•~ Of Or•._ (ovnly on ,o.t 1, 1•1 ~111121 P\ll>ll"*I 0.-c;,..,1 0 •11• Pllol, Ot< •. II, 11, H , "" ,_., PllllC tll'CE FICTITIOU• IU51!oUS N4Mf. UATllMf.ffT lha tollowinQ Ot•'O" l~ OOtnQ l>U\tM\\ ., . MOkC.•N t:"'H:kl-l<l)t ), •u• Vnt• C.,t •"d•, N v •OOtl b ••t.h "•1otort11• .,,_ Jol\n .J MotQ!fJ\, ~ V•\til c,,1•no•, fllt•w(NN"t ~.Ch. "-•t1101n1• .,,...., 1 ftf\ CliUS•"""' •'-t.unout.t~ Ov •" lt'tOIVICh~•· ~J M0•9'1" t hi• \t• .. n•nt """' hi"° '*''" tnit C.OVnty <.terlt. ot Uf•noe t...ounty vn !oO••ml»r II, 1'1111 PuDllMwid Ot_,. l.04\ol l.Je11y .. 1101, NO• 10,ll.~ •.ll,19'1 )Ill.I 'ICTITIOUI llUIUllU l&MIW ITAT ..... T TM ,.._, ... __ , ... M lftt ..... _ ... AITlll !>PECIAUlll. HH1 V1'4a 0.1 ,_.,_ catli•I•-.. a<ll, c;.11~~-,. ltk ...,ol I 0-• .... »1U Ville O.I M.,, (MM.er-9Mcll, c.ilt9rrw• .,.,. Met\ ....... O.vl4, »IU Vi.ta 1>91 Mar, CN l•lr_,o .. ecll. c a111., .. 1e .,.,. flll• 9\#tlfteu 1, ,_< ... '' • .. ,. ••• ...n_....... 1t1t~o,.o ........ Tllll --• ••• 11141d wltll Ille CO\l"'Y C ... tl ol 0.e .... COllftlY Oft DK '· ltll ,,,..._,, Ofaneit Coe•• Delly Piiot. De< 11,1&.U,J#/lfl 1,ltl'J WJ .. 1.1 -------~------ PtlllC tlTICE ~ICTITIOU$ e U51NllU N-ll tTAHMlffT Tl\t IOllO•ll'Q P••\On\ ••• do1n11 .,..,,,,\.,, ., CA~ L.AGUN•. HIO So.Ill\ Coe•t Hl9•n••¥. L•CJUn.t &e.c.h, C•htort'ua tJUI CoU1\0"' P•'" \ '""•'tmentt., • C•llfornl• corpora hoft, JSIO !Ml"'" Coe\I HoQllw•y. 1.•11 un• B••<ll, C•lltotn1• •ltSI St••• PArU, Inc •• C•lllO•nl• corpor•llon 1SIO Soul" C..0••1 "''""'•'· \.~nA Be.ch~ C•hfotn•• tt.SI ,.CTITIOUI llUM••M •Nill ITAT&MA•T ,.,. follo•l"11 Mr-• ••• 001..., llUll....... . C t. C EffTERPRIH5. lllt Oe- '--• .._, '"'"· c;.1119rftl• tJMO ........ l '°'"' .... lllt o. ... L-.._, IH<1I caflfw11la tJMt ilare11 H cot,.;..,, 111t Oe•.,. L.-. .._. eeatll, Cf1'*11le ·-Tlllt -'-• ll <~led ., ell ...... ~ 11-11. Cecllr• Tllll ..,...,,_, •a\ 11141d wllll Ille C°""ly C•••" of Of•,... County on Ot< •. , .. , 'UllUC NOflCI ff•llUOIW .. -· lllt P>Ovttlon\ol W<llOnl )011 •lld >On ef I,_ (Ml t -Of T"" \tal•of CeltfOfftle tn •tt.0t49nt• wUft 0• ,,, • .,.,1or" ot WCllO"' )011 -)On Of lllt (1•11 (.- of I ... \l .. •ol C•llfOlftle, I ... IOllOWl"t ll•tod vtlllCle\ wlll lie •OIO •I 1'"1111< Aw<UOll al IO 00 am Ot<•tnllt• 1•11 . IMI •I llt E W•llWI SI Sanl• An e. Ca lllo•'ll• l•I• """'r<"'Y 2 0". 'IO Mlllf\ I IC OAK to,, I 0 UAe)HS-» e..."".,_'•G••-'"' llt fi Wel"'°I !\I "'°"'•AN, CA., 101 L lttlPIOl<lfr Publlt""1 Or-Co••• O••IY Pllol 0.< II 1•1 )-II "CTITIOUI •USINEH ff-ll STATIMl."T Jll• IOllOWl"9 P•••On• .... dotnQ J 1(.ll tlOU' IV""lr. ~\ "AMI "a fU•U•f t f\4' fOllV#lflQ 6)(H\On '' o -..iuy OV:.1"4'\\ •\ Al< I •I l<AMt. <..•lll lf•l ~ Hlllll Ad•"'' •ve H..,nun.uton u•.c.h \.A ., .. , M 1'-h4¥l ¥ll il;)ey, i\!Y • •wf•11ny ~·-· • M•w l.A ~/tit t "'" Qv\1ntt-\\ ., c.onutl\teu OY en lf\01\'IOW.•I Mn.1 ... 1 w IO*W I n1\ \14lt'flWfH llllll'e\ t1i.U •1lt't O'W '-0\f"f~ \l .. tt. ul U1 •f'\Y, lVvr'll, Qr NO• II IWI ... Ubh\n.G t••IH\111" l4H"' lhtll.,. •·•t4ilf Nov IU "· u... •. , , tiff! l\JW .. , "CTITIOUS eUSllH $.S •.&Ml IT ATE Mil NT T II• tollow1ng P•"o" " cl•lllQ OUtilM•• •\ TAMI'S HOuH:c1..EAff l NC. H 11\f ICE. 11? CCKI• ~·· SlrHI, Co•I• Mt .. , C.lltornl• '7UI T t mer• l '" G•o '°"· '12 c ... 1. Mt\a , ....... , ..... -... C•llfornl• .,.,, TPll• ~' I\ conou<IH D• •11 ndl•I0...1 ,...,.,.c,, .. ..,,. T11•• •ta-• .... 111.., ...... ,,,. :oynty C .. rk ot Oranve County on °"' l, , .. , rueuc elfl:l CJtY CCMlltl<IL Rl~UTIOll ltO t M'4 " AlltOLl.ITION OF fHI CllY COUllGIL Ct IHll ClfY Of lllVtNti OROllRINO AN AOJUSTM ... f l O II MAOl 1 .. fHI ~IU f'.Oll ..... 0~ llNE f'IT ..0 F n 1 Al &UAat..1$MIO I V CITY COUlfCll RUOL.UllO.. NO ..... ltl()ltTH lllVINll TllArll'tC 'IC»IAI. 01n1t1CT WHEllt!M, MDMM .... IM ........... --........ '9 .. , .... .,..ie • H Cllpar<el, ...... l11t!•hllllt"l "ellat ____ ...... ...,,.,_, - WHEll£A$, wiO f--• ...... -..... _ ... <-I-Cfti .. .... ,000.-WHEllE•'· tr•lftt """"tclp•I C-, S.Cll .. VI H Ill ......... let "'"'tmem of Ille -"f'l<" ,..., •Of>ecl '"''-•• -r-lro 11\t ••tlm•I" <001 .. Ille ..,......, <•tMtal ,,.,......_,. n ·--'" ,,,. <-umtt 11<1<• 1,... •. -WHIMEM, Ille c-"~' ,,k e I-• -Inc.--\ln<t -....,.,., of I"°' ( .. I\ C ...... aole 10 Ille Nrte .. wll-Ille -.. -Ill NOW, THt"EFOlllE, Illa Clly C.-M fl ... CltY of trvl-"°"fine, CM'lermt,.., or-...0 , ..... u IOll°'*' l lCflOM I '"' m.t!llOCI purwMll 10 """" 1lle <Mtt '-Ille ce"'trll<ll_. .. IM ••••-Id 1mpr_m..,1> II••• .,..., _.._ • .._ tlle ....... , perceh •11111" Ar .. Of 8-fll No F II J •11d Ille por1111n 111e .... <-tHblt lta -II '"'" J>••<.•I .,. "' I0111\ In t alllblt "(." •IU(rwd .,.,.,,..,.. llY tlllt rf'fertnC• IM0•-11"" twrelft •• t-.n wt ,0,,,. et \tft91PI 51lCTIOlf I. Tiie Cllt Cit,. ,,.,•llY I\ •lll-11.0 -Olr0Cle41 to Oh• M ike of Illa eel!IOllOfl of 11'1\ Reoollllton by flWlllM'llnt • < .. 1 ,,..,.., '" • ,..._ Of ..... ,.1 clr<"4olll'°" fllA>ll•-""o ,,1rott11 .. 11111 .. Illa City, -Dy maltlllt <tPi•• t,.,eof to Ille _,.of 11\t pr_,,., lllolll ,,. •• ,... P>'••ie...ly M IO lht (l .. r .. \ locel.,, Wll"4n Are• DI 8en.ltl NO ' II ) •I Ille foltlW-• -"Oft IN •••I eq.,.11,., •~w•vntfll roll, OI •• lllt .....,. •••-•wk_,, lo 1"9 CH• C:ter-. l&CTION l Fr-•NI •llor ll'MI •11.,.11•• ... , ... lillll llt\Cllvtl_., roo ......... ,,,_, .,..II bo -mtll.., on •II' 1-0«.i• w11111 .. """of ..-11 NO F·17•J .,,,,., end °"'Ill 11\e cner119\ •Piii><-to -Pl I-•• nt.oDll-lly 11111 RHOlvtlon lot •~Ille wm• "'•~ I» .....__,11, •I"''°" ... .........-It Y i<I Sa<tlafl VI N·llll l\e•e -petd or ""Ill OrOvl\IOll OOI W<ll M Y,,_t .... _,, mtdt to Ille ..Cl\la<tl., Of llW C.lly Me-• P•UEO AffO AOOPlEO 11• ,,,. CllY C-11 Of Ille Cl!' Of lt'<llM olll • r911ul•r ,,.,..11"0 M IO on'"" 14111 Oet ol "o-1•1 OAlllOG Sill!> MAYOR OF l'1E. Cl r. o~ 1AVIN( •TlEST IONA I. OGlESBY, DEPUTY L.•"Y Cotlt\Of\ tn< • • Callfornt• c oroor•Hon, 1~ 10 Soutn Co•'' Htohw•y. L-OUN &e•<". C•11to,.n1e ""-Pvb•I-Or-Coe\! Dally Piiot, P••ltle•\. OK 11, 11, u. '"'· J., 1. 1m uu~1 :; .. ~~':'"'• '"'""'.''°'' F117U• ""'" Pul>ll\Nd Or-Coe•I D••I• Polol Publ"lwd 0r""9" CN •t l.J•"• 1<1101, De<.•. 11, 1t, n 1t11 n~1 ."'O• 11 ()« •• ''· 11.19111 Sl~ll --------------- CITY ClEA1t O F IHE c ir• o~ 1Av1NE STATE OFCALll'ORNIAI tt•St • JUOy O H~ COUNTY OF OA•NC.E t SS Sle .. P•rt.\, Jo.S Sen A•mo L•QU"" c,n, .. FoMftt .. I 0 11Ktr PVIUC MOTlCl CITY OF IRlllNE I f1CTITIOU$ euSUoiU N4Mf. UAlEME!ol 1 nt IOUOWlftQ P•• \On I\ OO•nQ bu-'1ne~\•t B•u,.,n1s1 ,,..., blUI~\~ I\ <Ond1i1tt•O oy • ·--------------- Qtn,r•I ~rlMt\lltO Slt•t P•'l'~• FICTITIOUS IVSINEU N-E i TATEMIEltll In•• ,,.,.,,.,.,,1 .. es Ill"" w11n '"" (.oun1r (..lerk 01 Of•n~ Cwnh Oft ._.ovttn•O.r 1•. '"' F t7t7U ORDl•A•C• .. lt·D A• o•o••AMC& w Tiii CITY C041111CIL. W T•I I, NA,.CY C AOWL.ANO, Coty (.It•' Of tlw Coly ol '"''"'· HEREBY 00 CE RTIFY INtl ltle lor-nv Anolllllon ... .,.,.y-tlCI••·-... .._" .. of tllt City C:0.-11 ol llW Clly 01 ''''"'·""°on,,,. Urd d•• Of June, '"' "' Ille ro11-ino roll <ell volt AYES S COUNCILMf.MBEAS A9r.n Miiion• Geooo. llar-1\ .,,0 SHI• NOES 0 COUNCll..MEM8EAS ...... IMAGt.S Wt.!>1 , lOO t..•-Y '-"""' P'1. I. ,.~ bu~n I.A •IM J kob~rt W itham U Orn••••s. JI.IV (.._y ~. i'H •. N•wporl bHlll. ~A 92 .. ) t hi\ bu).tnft\. t~ COf'\Oul Itta O't •n tnGIVldU4f A. O'Orn.11•; ftU\ \t•tflnltf\t •a\ tllttcl With ll'te Counh Clerk 01 0••"96 Counly on 0.<emtwr J 19111 1'171119 Publtll'ooO Or•nQP CCMl\I O.ity Pllol, Dec •. 11. ti, H. 19111 S>Ol<lt PUIUC tlTICE 1 ne to11ow1n9 per\.On\ •'• cJOlnQ OU\tftf'\\ •\> I.A SIERAA1MAGNOLIA C.ENl ER. 1090 Pullm•n Str .. I, Co ... Me••• ~•l1totn•• 92•». Trw R-r1 P. W•tmtnQIOn l.O A C•toto•n•• COrP0<•1ton, JOQO Pullm41!l SlrHI, (,~t• ,..,.H, CAlllorno• llJU•. t1utton A\MK1•t•• A C•li totnt• Corpor•tlon. 1'10 E. 11tll SlrHI. !>.Int• t "'' st•wnWtl ... , lihllQ wnn inw C.ounly I.le" 01 O••"<lt' Lounlv on .. o •.••• 1'111 """" STATEMENT OF A .... C.•ltlorn1•'7IOI Publl\l'WO '6.inQe LCM~I U•tlf t-1101, AI AffOO .. ME"T OF Th" bu•lneu ti conOuCl•O b~ • No•. JO, JI,~. 4, 11. 1"111 >011.~1 USE OF FICTITIOUS ~neral PMt...,r>1>1p, IUSINESS NAME I,,_ R-1 P Mlle tlTICE 'n~ fOllOWlf'\q pet\On~ n•"" W•rfN~Of\(.O ~b•nooneo ttw 1i1se ot IM fie ht1ou~ ~iltl.m J PtUtnitl\ "CTITIOUI I USINUS •.&Mil lfATEMllNT OO\lnei\ ~ Se<.rrt.vy The tollow1n9 O•r\On I\ dO•nO llu•lneu •• QUALllV ASSIOMllL'r JOI• A I n" \lel~I ,. .. l1lt1C1 """"IM H•U•G•'fl. S.W•t• An«t C•htorn1d lilJ/0) Cou"ty tl•rk ol Ot•no-C.ountv on t hr htht10U\ bu\•ne \\ n4lttle" Nov 24, t'Mt fU•1• w It BURKE M~O ... ssoc••TES. 1021 lusl...s• ,..,,., O• . • 113, Irvine CA t171S r~t., r..o to ttb0¥l' """" t1lf'O 1n Urangt> Put»!•~ 0r.t"91' (.Gait D•••f ~•IOt. lOun1, on Auq 18. 1"61 ,.0, 11. De< 4, 11 11, 19111 Sle.-tl Honw Earth ~•tt0n\ o• Amt>f•<• Wlllla m R tcll••O Bu•••. t oo Cllrlsllnt Or , Huntt"QIOfl a. .. Pl, CA .,,.. Tiii• -MU " conou<1..i bY •" lndl•-· W A 8"r9.e Tiii~ si.....-1 w•• lllHI '""" 11\e Covnty Clt•k ol O••nve County on NO• ll. 19111 Ft7 ... Pllbll>IW<I 0rat9 C~•I O•oly PolOI. Otc •. l I, ti, J~. 19111 S?n-11 SUMMARYO' l"R~DCHIOt•A•Cll A ,,,_... wdiftan<• I• K-ltlCI for •41011110" e l lllt ••Qute r City C-11 nwetiflll Of Oeurnber 11 . 1•1. M lflll Onl!NM• .. , ... , ........ '"' d•l•s of eaplra tlo" ot Ple nn1n11 Commiu lo,,.r term• ot ot11ce to confOf'"' to Ille eltellon oa1e cNn .. .............. ·~· ,, .. , .. iremtftl Tll• 11111 •••• Of .... propOHO -lro•ftC• mey be ,..., In 11\e Clf'r Cltr\'• Offlu at 11 Fe tr Orl•t . L0\1• Mew. ll ..... ......., CMyCltn Clt'l .. C.U- P .. bll-0.-CM" 0•11• PllOI, DK It, 1 .. 1 SJn .. I SUMMA RT 0' l"llCWOl«D OROl•A•Cll Int , JOi.A '1•11fOO. S•nl• An•. t e1ttorn1• 9110S 1 ht\ bu\1~~ ""•~ c.~tf'O Oy a COtOOl•ttOn HOME. E.AH I H SI A I ION~ 0~ •MIOl<l(A INI. ~nn keynolO\ t hi\ 1.l•t.-n9"\t . .,... .. , tilecl w•ll'l t"4' C.ounh {lf'H Of O'•"~ (.ount, on Novtm~ ?" '"' F·l .. 711 Pubh\fW'O ()rM'M)f' (.,04\t O ia1h Pilot, Nov 11 Cit'< •.II II, IQ&I Sl•9 .. I FttTI TIOV~ I U'>INl:h ff•Ml !tT•ltME.!ol 'n'" 1ottow1no Ptr 'ori , .. 0 01n9 Ou\IOt'\\ 4) 1A1 -.Mii;)~ A!>!><K.IA.11:!>, 1b1 !>t; A!>HUI< t Ut'>ll.>N, Jl/o l'ullrr1.in ')lr t~I ~u1I• llU, L0~14 M t".,.d, C.•11torn1e >1lo1& Jonn Ur1,,1tn Amir~. >lb !o-iUt111no Ott"e ,_,.•woort 8e•<n , L•litorn1• ., .. , f t'll\ bU\•M~\\ l'!l C.Unclu\.'f'O o..-dn 1no1"1tJl.#.t• JOM C.,,t1fhtn Amt~\ I ni-. ~tolf'l"f\t'f\t ••l l•l..O ••tn ttw \.Ountv L it-ti>. o• (Jranve '-..Oun1, on h o"""'Df'' I• 1Qt1 Fl1't" ... uoln1~0 <>•rlqlt" (...CN\I ll•••Y t'llOI, rr.ow IU I I Urf" ' 1 t 1 .. , >1 '""'l • 0,_... w-...c• •• w-•..s ~1c.T 1 1tous1vs1,.t» for •'l.OllllOro at tll• re9ul., City ,..,...., SlATtMf.!ol CoufKif '""'i"' Of Ole.-",..,.., 11, t•1. In• '0Ho .,1nQ Qer-.on\ flt~ OO•nt,; •lfte 0,.._,.t ll·U . emendi"11 Tltl'e D""""' •• XIII of Ill• M wftl(lp•I Cod•. to l> ~ .. ')tkY•tl: l.tNl t;N, 11•. lfttor-• ........ -1.1 '°"'"" "•*PD" bl•O Lost._,., I.A .,.11 d I' tr I c t, P 0 II· UC I 111 • n n t 0 ll•n1~1 LtDyD """U. ZJ().J t: b•tl 0tve1-1 llt•ldeflll•I U•De" -,_w .. ,...~.m. t •"' •l- C"'t.,1 n.e ,.... •-•Ill 11ermll U'""" 1.. """'" IJiJ• I: D•ll ~ 1lCI rH-tlal ---raftQlflll tram An•n~1m.1..01t1 "1iluo • \o 5t "l•lt•.., at,.. ~dlnefl<t I I U 1 nl\ l>u••nns " tonOllCIHI DY • at10 a"'e"dt U1e d••t'IOOml'nt llrntteo J)ilftrwr\.htD 1tanC1a rdt o• the othtr Pl •"n•O u..,-.1et L ..,,,nett 0.••toptnt'ftt Ae,kMntt•I IOM\ D'f 1 "'\ \ldlW1lot"nl ..,., ... fllt'O flll'l\n the d•l•tt"t ttt• •·t.n• con••'•t•" <...ountv <.1e,11, ot Vt•nQoP 4..ot.1nl• on .._ •• ...-. NO• ••. 1 ... 1 T ........... to 91 .. Ordl,._,U ll·JS Fll•llS ""' •••1111 , .. r1ea 11>y 111t lol-1"11 t-uo1,.,..o V.inQt' '-""" u"'" .. ,101. roll cell ¥Ote Council Mtmbe" -i.ov /U, II ~ • II, 1"111 >OJI •I :_~~!~.!~"t·~o~;"· J~~~·::~· 1 PIU ll1tE A~SllE•"~ .. 1':"':a1 01 ln• propoud ,,-------------- FICTITIOUS I USINt'' !oAMl 'lATEMf."1 I nt-tollow 1nq oert;.Ol'I\ ., ~ ao1n9 OU\lnt'U .,, Nt "" ... t.~I 1-Alf l !<ol;H), llV "'-••port (..f'nle-f Ln . h~wOOtl bt'.C.f\ t A •l..U f"ff'• 'fte\I v~nlur .. -. t n<. , • t •htorn1111 t.0t00f'•t•Ot\, lltO hewPott LMltr Or , ,.twpc>rl b.ecn. '-" •IMo<I 1 n1\ ou.\1ntu. ·~ conefu< 1~0 Oir' • um1tto c»rlnt1\l'HO flttw ~ttl 'it ntut tt\ •·mH•1a10C)f't f't •\•Of'f\l t h1\ \f~~nl ••.\ tHeo ¥ttdP\ lf\t' (.ounh l.lertt ot vr•noe ~ount y on fllo" Ii , l'*\ .., ... ousneo UfttnQll t..o.a~• lJO•I• t-'•IOt, ... ov lO. 21. !At.•. II. I""' )10. •I Fl(.TITIOV~ llU~l!olS~ !o•Mt nAltMt Nl In~ tol•Ow1nQ Oe f\Of'l •ti OOtnQ C>u\•nt-)\ -~ H\Ui s l.llt· .. tl:. ~Hv..-tU> ~ .. Im Avf' 8 i lbCN, \.-tillt "lMI '1d0.. M ..,fhllHQ, "•' Nt•tM'f\4t lit . bilOO•, \..iitltt V) .. l I hi\ DU"\(t'W'\~ I\ tonGu<l.O OV •" tnG•••ou.6• h1lcw M ""'"''9 I ht) \1•t~I ••\ t1lf0 ... 11n tnt \.Ounty 4..l~t~ Of vr•nQW <.ouJtl'f o,, h ov 4 , ... , ... UDh \IWO vr .. nQe ~Oil\I ll•llY ... flOl, ~o~ ,g '' f..lre<. ... lt. ,._, ,.,., •• FICTITIOUS IUSt11Eis ffAMI STATEMENT 1 n• tollowtnQ o•r)on '' 001n9 butiM\\•~ LOllE. PAK PAOOUt TS, I~ t: Mo••or.O•-.t •'l'l .. 7 Carol o l'ummono •lO• E M•ylatt, Or-. CA '1 .. 1 l f\1\ °"'•nft4l.\ I\ concsuc. t.o by •n in01\110u•I C..r<M o H•mmono 1 tut \tittt1"t"ltnl ..,., r11eo ww1tn ow Count~ CIPrk ol OranC)f Counh on NO• 1•. , ... Pubto .. Wd 0.-CCM•I 0Ally PtlOI, NO• 11, 0« 4, II. 18, 1141 ~ltJ II f tUITIOUi IU51fff.H ffAMll 5TATUUNT f llt tollowlnQ PffSOn• •rt OOtnQ bu\H\~ns tli\ MtSA l RAllEL AGE NC.V, 21qo H•rbor 81"11 , P 0 Boa nl~ tosl• -··· C.•ltl 'l'ltll> 12)) .,_t1l1•m lwon Mt(ltm•nl, 24•2S Dori• Aw 1 M•n•on V1efO, C•ht 9'241H Muriel Joytt M<Cl~m•l't, 1 .. H Doro• A ... Ml\\lon v .. 10. C.itlol .,.., L IOyd• l .. M< Collu"'" J¥2• tlO• 11 l\IA Oro .. , lO\I• -... C•lll ~o?o J41c.qu«-llnit M•ri• Mc.Collurfl, 1114 60. Vl\t• Of1't't, (O\Ut Mtw. (•hi .,.,. Th" bu\1nes\ 1\ tonow<l•a by • Q•twr•t ~rt1Wr\n1p Wtlll.,., I.yon MtCl....,..nl fht\ \t•t~t w•s h l.O •1tn tfl.e' Counh (ltr' o• 0r•n9f C.ount1 on NO• 14, , ... Ft7'1J1 Pwo11\l\f0 OrM\Qf (a.\t Oa1tr P1lo1, NO• 11 0e< •. 11 II, 1 .. 1 SIU II 'ICTlflOUS eull•IS5 lliAMa STATllMl•T flit fotlOwlflll "''°n• •rt 001n9 .,.. ......... FLOWEllS BV MAASHELI., M Fa ir Or , Colt. MHa, C• ., •• Ca "" A/Wt_,,,., ~t Pl,...,....., Coot• -..a, CA.,,. SlwlleY .,.,.. TIKlll.,. ll>O S E llrl\lol an. s.nte Ana, CA t')101 flll~ lxlMftftl I• COndllCltd by a ....,.,., __ .. 11111 Cerol A.Martin Tiii\ 'llat-1 w• flleo wltll Ille CovnlV Cl ... Of ~-Covftly Oii !oo• 10. 1"1 ,t1SIU Publl._ Or-Coe\t O•llY Piiot, Dec 11, II, u , •••, -Jen •. •"1 ~ICTITlOUS auM•IU __..TATl .... •T ~·· flte fot-1"9 "'"""' ere Oolnt buM,...,AS Ca l TOCX SH•Clt. (DI J AMF I 1111c • ms --••"". eo.i. Mew. c• mn Melff I. Nftlr_,_.t, lllO lr•iM Avo , ff-1 ~.CA.,"° OjMar ...,_.._I .. Sllltfll, IU3 Rldte•ll'f Or., G-•· CA ttlG Tl\h .,.,,;,..., h coroductect llY • CO<-al ... Tool Sl\a<k J-llM Amrl_..-1,M I .....,..... CITY 0' COSTA ... ... CALI 'OR•tA, CM ......... Tiii lOtlt .. O' A f'OttTl•CW LOT IU, fltACT •• 'llOM ccw•TY •• TO CITY .. T11E CITY COUNCii. OF THE CITY OF C05TA MESA DOES HEllEBY ORDAIN M F~LOWS lllCTIOM 1. "-•• IS llertbY pieced -Inc-In tM RJ ·-· •II \NI /eat property lleetted et U.1 S.nt• "'"•A-tta ""· T ... Nort-wrty IJJ -ot Illa ffort-...rty M fWI .. Loi IU of TrK1 lOO, '"Ille c-itv .. OrMl)lt. Sift• of Callfoorftla , et per '""'II rwcot-'" loolt I•, PeoH 11 -12 Of Mltctll•-M-, lft Ille olfke el Ille C-IY Rteor- of w ld C-.C., EXCEl"T "'9 --etltrt, .. l•t "ll·t l AUtUO• Parc t l N umber &Jt·1114' illCflmtl l. P\orwatlf 10 Ille pr°"t'i-al Soetll.il 1).1' .. IM M""i<llNI c-of 111e CJIY al coota Mew, o .. 1r1c1 lit\# c;.s of,,_ Clly of eo.u. -· COii• Of •lllCll I• .. Ille In tlle olflct Of Illa Pl-"'9 Ol•llll<lrl, I•,..,_.., .,,_ by lllt ecMlll.., --Of lftt 112 •'" OftUI-In S.C U.. t ,,., .. , ilCTIOM a. Tiii• Onflnani:• \NII t•• tftllcl -lie'" NII~· t11ln1 !JO) oen from - -Ille_ .... tllertof, -........... •llPl••llon Of llf•n I ISi O•Y• from lb .. ~-,,.. ..... .....,,.,.... oroc• ...... ORANGE CO•Sl OAll. '\' Pll.OT, •,...._..,of 119"9r el clrclllat...,,, prll'lle41 -.,....,_In 111t CJty of C.C.t. -w . lro Illa al\of-lvt, Ille CllY Clt'1I. mey r..., .. Ito be po;bll\-• -y of "''' OnllM ntt -• cer11fted ,_. ol -.. ., Of 1111\ OnllNntt "'911 be pOICed !ft ,,,. olfl<t ol -Oty Cltrt. flvt 01 .... , •flt• edOlll-. Ille Cll't Cltrti .... II ceu .. to be 11'14111-. -_........,_ wmm•'Y -""'" pool '" Ille olfk t el Ille O ty Otrti • ctrtll'" c..,. Of tl\I• OrOINnce ..... Iller will\ IM namtl al Ille_, of -O IV C.-11 -lnQ lor .,,., _ ... ,, uw ...... P ASSED ANO •OOPTE 0 111•• lln ttey of O«e,,,_ '"' Ar1Mw 5c:Ml9< Ma"°rol tl\eCllY Ofeosta-.. ATTllST: El ... n P. Pll._Y. <.ttYC_ef_ CllyofC•ta- ST•TE OF CALIFORNl•l COUNTYOFORANGE I CITYOF COSTAMESA I I, E•l.EEff P PHINNEY, City Cit"'•"" t•-«flclo CltO of -C.Hy COUftCll of tlw City of C•te Mt ... ,,.,.by cwllly 11\el t,,. •to•• -for-lnQ QrOlftent• NO 11·23 ... tmroductel -c __ .., Mtllon bl' -uon •I • reQ\jta r ..-ino ol wlO City c-11 ,,.IO., Ille lttll .. y Of ........ -. 1"1. •nd Ille--Md eftCI ............. e -4'I a ......... .._u,. of Y IO CouM II llelO.,. ttw 1tll clay .. Ooct mtoer. 1"1. b't Ille fof-1"11 rOll call voi. AYES COU .. Cll.MEjljllERS S<llal ... Htll, H•rt•OI. ,_.<F•··-· Jollntofl NOES COUNCll..M£M8ERS. ff- •BSEffT COUNCIUlllEMIERS ff-IN WIT!oESS WHEllEOF, I" .............. ,,...,......, -enlaed .... S.•I Of Ille Clly Of C.0.t. Mew lnl• 111' O•y of Doc-. 1•1 Ell_.. P Ptll-.y CllY Ci..ti -ta«flclO Cten .. llleCllyC.-11 ol tlle Clf'r Of COJte Mew Utf .. I Clf" COU•CIL lllllOt.UTtOll .0. lt·lll A llE50t..UTI~ OF THE CITY COUfltCll. OF THE CITY OF lllVlffE OltOEltlfotG 4ff AOJUS°TME!oT lO IE MAO£ IN THE FEIES FOii AllEA OF BENEFIT NO. F.n .1 AS ESTAILISHEO ev CITY COUNCii. RESOl.UTIO.. HO ..,, lllVlffE llANCH -eRYAff DRAINAGE: OISTltlCT WHEREM, II_ ...... .., ffl_.I_ tM ,_. .... c-_.-to tadl M•ctl--1" EllNllll ''1" altatMoll ,.._.,. ..... •NM...-. - WHElllEA.5, Yid ... , -••Ila--.., --~lrYC-c.CKI of '1>.•11.011, -WHEREAS, 1,.1,,o -lclpal C-. Sa<tl_, Vl.N·tll .,-evl<ln for •111sl,,_,t of Ille ..._, wllk ll ,..., •-1 Inc.-•• ._,_ In Ille ffll,...1_, C•I ol -~ <atlllal ...... -ti H ,_, .. lft -'°"-prlu I-·· -WHERIEA.5, llw ,_ .. ,,.,., prk • -· -lnctM-sine• .................. -COit~ cN<119aC11e to -ctlt wlllll" lM -•of __.It. Tl\I• ,........,.. """ lllad with lllt Covnty Cltr' of 0.-C°""ty °" De< •• 1"1 '1111t1 Publl.,_, 0.-CM•I ()ally Piiot, Dec ti, •a. JS.•••. Jan I, t"1 NOW, THEREFORE. tlle City COUN;ll ol .. City .. lrvlne -flftd, -erml .... --•"" ,_. ...... ,~ r SICTIC* I . Tiie met-~ to wlllc" Ille COii> for Ille COMlnKll_. of ............. ,.,..,_...u ...... -_, __ "'" ...... s ~ ... Wltfllro ..... of BeMflt ffo F·11-1 -Ille tl0<1""' --<...,.._ .. -Pl IUCll per<:otl .,t wt lw1'\ '" E•l\ll>lt "C" attac-llereto -by 11115 , ... ,. .. u ~· --·-.... 1,. • l'*'llf\ •I for111 •I ....... llCTIOM l. TllaClty Cltrk-Y l1aul .... lre4_4ll ___ tot1wrwckt ordlNft<e may be •Md In Ille City Cior••s ()tflce at 11 Felr Ori ... C°'I• Mew. "CTITlOUS eU1t•EH •AMll STATllMllNT F 11'11' Publ••nod Ord~ Coe'I O•oh PtlOI, 'ICTITIOUI euSl•IH •.&MllSTATU•«•f .. IN adDClllOfl .. tfll• AHOluUon bY 11U41ilt111119 a r.apy II•,_ !ft a -S r r .. -••I ctrculatlon pwbll.--prl-wttllffl Ille O ty, -Illy ,....,.,,. °""'' , ...... ,. Tiie °"' ... "of -,,_, ... ---.,......., ,... _ cM•-~ wttl\lro A,.. Of ..,.,11 ... F·n ·I .,.,.,. ___ .,,.,. ll ..... ,. _ _, City<*" c.., .. ca .. -,....,11_ Or-C~•I O•lly PllOt, Ot<. II, 1 .. 1 S1ft .. I ......,. llOTIUCW 9UL.a faAJn,llR I~"'' -6ttr U.<.<.I TO WHOM IT MAY CONCEllff •otlco '' lltr•l>Y Qlve" to tllt """'tonafONE HOUR Cl.EAffEll!>, 1•C .. T•-'-lt l, -bl/M,,_., ••••u I• •1J1 8 e rraroca. lrvlnt, c-tr al 0r..,... Sllll• al c.1110rrwa, .,._, a bulll ,,...,..., 1$ ·-IO tie ..... 9D JIN 500 HA -JUNG EUN MA, Tr-1..-.. 1.. -·• l>v•I~• -••U It lJll Elm Ave,. .. , l..OftQ 9M<ll, (.ounty al lJK A .... le\. Stett of CM119rftla. Tlla ~ to t. tramhrfred '' lec:atff Ill J~IO MoullOft Per-•••· Uftll 8 , L•t"ne Hlllt, •nO 150 1 Tr•t"co Roa41. S"ltt e . El Toro, c-ty .. Of_,.., SI• Of Calltcwnle. Tiie followin9 ptr•on 11 001n11 .,.. ...... s .. AUSVENT. JIOO Alrwey ISullt 10.1. CKt. ~. C•lll«nia •a:i. J tu E DI,.... tcorp A\l\l••IHlan .,.,.,,.,. c a11•orn1• corpot •hon. 2tH Zt ll Drive 1.a9una B•ull. Callfornlat»SI Tiii• tlvsiMS• t\ <OndvetHI by a cor-•11on ....,..,.,.,..,. v ... ,..,." J e'' E 0 1 n ~~, Sa<,.terY-T- Tll" .c111..--lllM wltll tlle Covftly Cltrti of ~-c-ty °" Oe<t mo...•.t .. I ,,nars P"bll-Or-(.oMt [)a41f PllOt ()I'( 11, II, lS. J.., I, ltla ~I "CTITIOUS eusi•llU •.&Mil STATllMll•T T lie tollowlftll P•••oro h doln11 bll\lM U .. M·C SEllVICES. 21m &r-'1 NO• 11. Vet • II, 11 l'itl )ll S-11 FICTITIOUS eul!NllH N.&Mll STATllM«•T l rt• foatow•ne pert.on •fl. 001n9 >U-Slne"St •1 COME INTO MV PAAl.OA, I~ E••I lttll Streel, Co•I• M••·· =•litorn•• ,,.17 S"4t•on 8 0--. ISll S...t1e90 Orlv•. N~woort 8t•<f't Ce lttorl'lt• nwo Ttu" bu,.,,.,_,, 1\ (OftCS\KtM by •n 1ndfvidu.al ~one OIA>row Tiii\ "41ternenl ... lil4oel will\ Ille Covnty · ':ltrl< 01 <><•,. Co\lnty on Oeumbe< 1, 19111 ""m Publl....., Or-C~•I Dally PllOI. OH 4 11 II, U . 1 .. 1 SHl .. 1 St , Ul\11 SIS. Hunlln91on Buch ,_IC.llllOV$eUSl!otU Tiit 101-11111 ""'"'" are do1n11 °"'''""'~ ., GEffE114TIO!o llEAl.TY, 110. Herl>or e1 .... SUI• JO'l, Cotta -w. CAmit Herry H W•M•" Ill, .. Alo'° • .,.,..,.. CoJt. -· c• m v Tllh "'81,,...t " C-..CI .. D¥ t n lncll•l-1 H•rt~ H Wtnt.,, Tl\I\ II.a ...... , ••• llltlCI ...... , ... c-ty Clerk of O.•n90 C°""1"' o" ()I'( •• 1"1 JOl&l"M R. DAVIS JAMii M. l"tCMllTTll .. ......,.. .. u. 2"t M.,._ --.. ""'9 JU c ......... u .. ''"m P ... 11-0.-Coa•I Oall~ Piiot, OK 11, 1a. U, 1•1. J.,., I, ltla u.41 'ICTITIOUS euSl•llss ,._. SfAfll-•T ._, eq.,.ll'Hll .. _ _. rd l, or .. Illa -... .,_...,. -ta -Oty CIDrll. SECTIOM J. F,_, and eft..-Illa -tlvt ...... 1111• 11 ........... 11D _,....,.._ -11 •-min• .. ..,Y --• __ ,., .. ., _., ... F-n-t ""*' -""'" Ille ... , ... eottflcal>6t .. -11,_a_._.._1W •k RftOfvt ..... IW ft Ille -may lie ...... tty .. , .. _,..,_.... to Wlcl Section Ill ..... "' --,.... .. ""Ill_ ......... _,. .......... --.. ,,... to .. ,..lslacll., .. Ille CllY -....., P•SSEO AHO •OOPTEO by Ille City C-11 Of Ille Oty of Ir-at • ,....,,., ,,_, ... -.. tlle 1 .. llclay of-· 1•1 OAlllOG SILLS MAYOll OF THE CITY OF lllVINE An EST IONA L OGLESBY. DEPUTY CITY ClERlt OF THE CITY 0, lllVl"E STATE OF CALIF()flltllAI COUffTV OF OllANGE I U CITY OF IRVlffE I I, NAMCY C AOWU'NO, Clh Cltrti Of ... Clh of '"'',..· HEREBY 00 CEllTIFV--'°"'9Dl"I llHOlvtlon _....,...,...,Me,...,.., ,._11"11 of Ille City C-11 of -City of lrvl,.., lleN., Ille J .. 11 ... y ...... _, .... 1"1 D1 Ille ICll_..,. rOll r.all - AYE:S: SC:OUNCll.MEMIERS ........ Aro-•· G-. vv4oull•-Slllt "OES: O COUNCIL.MEMeE ll!o ff- A8SEffT · OCOVNCIUlllEMeE 115 - IOffA L ~E:SIY. OE'1JTY CITY Cl.EllKOF THE CllYOF lllVlffE ARE A OF eEfflFIT HO. F,71.1 •BSENT OCOUNCILMEMBEAS N- IONA l OGl.l SBY OEPUfY CITY CL ERlt O F THE Ctl Y 01' lllVl"E HO F 11 J E llHtlill A Ttelll< '~" -._.,.,.,....,, eciuopm..,I '"'" lroltrM<lloM i. ln•i.lltlCI •I IN lollowln\) l Cu.•~ Or•.,..•' lrlif'IM 8ou•e-wfllrO 1 CUI .. , Ortw •I B"•n Avel'ue 3 Veit.,.,..,. ... ,,,,.,,.. Bou1 .. .,o Y•I• .. ,..,. .. al er .. n .... .,.,. 'l'•tt•.-n .. at T"tbu<O A0.0 Jt ff,.y Ro.o at 1rv1,.. Boul••••O Jeff'9Y R-et 8ryan A••nuo J.tfrwy II-•I Tr-.Co Ro.a Tr•lfk Sl-11.W.r<onrw<I s,,,..., Mestw Controller Modu•~ AREA OF BENEFIT No F 7 7 2 EXHl31T •9• Ell'1181l C Tr.. or•llm4nMY Ht•m•te Of t.O\t fOf' ,,,. lfnCl+"OVwntinh W't for1~ '" E •PHbil .,. Ii Mt•.D n. ccm w111 bt \Ort.a on • ,,, .. O"', e<~•91 Oi1Hl1 ••<h.:l•nv W.• ronow •ng non<"-'91•~~ •t••\ 1 Brvan ~'' Per• J Spt<i.I uw•t .. IE• Srwll \l•ltonl .... , ..... _ .... _f_ TM ,,.,,..,.. In trw CC>ft\umer on<t •nG•• trom Sell'.,.. ... 19111" M .,.._ ..... CO\I Pt• ecr• I\ Mil" Pu\111-Or-(M\I O••l r Ptlol O« 11 1t11 JOA<,... J ......... l'JM,..-• 1,10000 use oo A<,.. 1'11 '""°""'" PUIUC ieoncc PUILIC MOTICl CITY COUN<ll RlllOLUTI°" ltO ei.111 A AESOl.UTION OF l ... E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 1A\llN( OllOElllNG AN •OJUSTMENT TO IE -OE IN THE FEES FOA •AEA OF BENEFIT HO F l/.J •S ESTA8LIS'1EO BY CITY COUNCIL AESOLUTION NO. 70., YAl.E AVENUE/I·~ l'AEEWAY OVEACROSSINC. OISTAICT WHEAEM. AHOlvtlon No 10. f'\loODl l"*' 11\e .... lo be <llM-blt to tkll perul -'" E alllbtl B' •n•-,..,..to--•pert""'"'· -WHEREAS, .. ,d I"" wt•t twwo \ll)lln en t\lomated co"'lru<11Clft <<Kl ol ,1,"8,000.-W ... EAEA$, lr•tM Col• Mu•,.<ttMl l C-. Se<.11°" VI N·lll Pf""I°" '°" M fu-1ttne1"¥C of ,,. '"" •"•(.ft "'•• , .. ,., it'KrM.M't Ot dt<,-eieM"l In .,. ttllm •ted cool of ttw propowcl cep1i.1 1morow-I\ •• , .. lt<.ttlCI '" ,,,. CMSUn'M'f' prtCf •ftdta, '.nc! WHEREM, ,,. r.onwmt• prltt ·-· """1ncreawo ""'", ... ~Ion of -c.011• c.,..rveeble to Ille oarc•I• '"""'" -.,.. of -flt NOW. THEAEFOAE, 11\e CtlY Cout1<ll of Ille C.llv ol ,,,.,,,. _.. llna, dittttm•ne, cwder •ncl rtiiQIV• ., fOHOW\ SECTIOll I Tiie rne1-po;r.ll•nl lo wftkll Ille <0\1\ IW Ille co,,.lnKtlClft of Illa alorewld 1mprow ,.,.,." ,.__. -" _,_•-Ille•••-• -uh wltllin .,.,.. of eentlll No F 11 > -Ille -11on 1-tof ,,..,,.._ 10 .-<II wc:PI perc ... ,. w4 lortll '" E•lllbll 'C" ·--1wmo -bY 1111• , ... ,_, lt1eorpc"--•In .. t-..i> WI ror 1t1 at lenQ!tl SlCTIC* I. Tiie City Clef'\ llartOy It evt-11 .. -Ol-la<I lo 9lw -K• of -...... o1 WI!\ AHOh .. I_. DY pUbll ....... a '°"' Iller ... lfl • ..... -of ....,.,., clrcvl .. _ pUbll,,_ -,,_,,,_ wlllllft Ille City. -D• melllnQ <Ollie\ --IO tlle _,.Of lfttt dr*''tlt• -NW root prt•-ly paid IN cller .. • IOUted wltllln .,.. of &.neht ffo F-n ·J at tM --_,, Clft lllt IMt -lltM •--rd l, or •• Ille.-.,. .. ,..,_, • ..__., IG IN City Cltr\ MCTIGI >. F..-. -afttr llw •-tlw ..... of "'" llHOlvtlOll, no _....,_-.fl be ........,111.0 Oft eny •--.Ultad wllllfft .., .. el -II No F-71..J -... ""'" -cl\er .. , at>OI~ 11 _,,I-.. fflMll-bf thl• •-<•a -.....,. may .,. ~tty .. .-...,,_,,. to Y •d Sot<tlon Vl.,..1111 ,,. .. _., pa10 or unlll -1~.., or.Kii oe.,..,.m --n m-to"'9MtlsfactMlfloltfle Ctty Ma-PASSEO AHO ADOPTED by IN City C:0.-11 OI ... Ci"' o4 1,,,1,.. •t • rf9"1ar ,._,,.. llelcl on llW 1'11\ Oh of No•-. 1 .. 1 OAVIOG SILLS MAYOll OF THE CIT V OF lltVl"E ATTEST IONA l 0GlES8Y. OE PUT'\' CIT'I' Cl.Eltl(OF THECtTV OF oAlllNE STATE OFCALIFOANIAI COUNTY OF OR•NGE CITY OF IRVlffE I I SS I, "AMCY C ROWl.ANO, cu, Cltr' Of -OIV ol lrvl.,., HEllEIY 00 '-'41 pr-f1Y I\ dtKrl-In -ral u All op•n •11111111u , 11a 1 .. ro , _I...,... -....., •Ill DI ,,,., •Y ct••"'"• b111ln••• •roown •• WtLLOWTltEE CLEANERS a ft41 fRA8UCO Cl.EAffERS -~atM at J010 MoullOfl Per-wey, Ut1ll 8 , L....,.. Hiit' -1~1 Tt-o •• .. $ulM 8 , El Toro, Counh .. °'-· SU'9 .. caflt9f'N• Celllomla.,._ !oAME U ATtMl"T Cyntlll• Marie M<L•""°"· 1un 1 nr 1011ow1nq p~r\on " oo•n' 8•--St .. Uroll SIS, H""li"91on .,.. .. ,, .. ,., Tiie lollowlroQ ptrHro I• dolnQ l>Utl,,_.s .. \ ' -:-'· \ ,,. CERTIFY~, ... 10tf9>1"11 Ao otutton -· cMIY --ad ........... .._ ... of tllt CllY c-11 of -City o1 lr•tn., -.., ,,.. »nt O•Y Of June.'"'· bY lllt fol'-lnO roll c•ll <tOt. 8.a<Pl,cafltof'nla~ I.UN I ONl;N I Al.. t.LI: I.. I I< l l Tiiis _,,...., fl cond\lcl..t bY ... l..UM l-AN~ 1.llll l:Ul l.IW\ll•ul. ~u•lf iM1-.•~t U, '>tlnliet An.e, L.4ifllorn1.t -.1101 Cyntllla M<l~n HM"" l0!1XH•l•0". a l •ltlOrn" Tiii• ·-I .... llled ..... IM <O•pO••••on. I.IOI l:•\I l hot•lnul, )ll•lt C-ly Cl-of o .. nve Covnty 01'1 l>, ~.,, •• AN, l.•ltlorn•• 9//VI 0.<•mt.f' •. 1W1 t n.,. t>u~•nt\\ ·~ tonouc.tro Cy • ""IM corpor•l•on Pvbll-Or-Coe\! Delly Piiot ""'"" l..orOO<~•·on DK ti,"· u. 19111 J ... '· ,.., ~' "'"'' H '"''"' ... rH.iOff\I 1 n1s ~'41WfTMtnl w•\ httO w•t" ow &..OU.,h \..tUI\ Of t.>r•"9f \..Ounty Of\ \Kl Tiit l>\11\ tra n•le r w t ll bt c-matod .., °' en., 111e lht ... Y ti o.c-. 1 .. 1. -claim• may be lllM et WELLS FAllGO &•Nit. ffA • 1.K•-o.art,,_., lie E \Crow No ......... ,.._, C...t., Or , Svllt tut ....... ,, 8••<11, c-"" 01 1---------------"· ·~·· "llJ7M 0r ...... St.-.. CAl110rftle Alt clelfttl """' be r.c:tl-•I lllh ~ ..., ... 11111 .. , of Ot<•"*r. "''· --s , ... 911" " ......... .. lftc"'"' .. I,_ ... Of 19-< II<-. 111 wlll<ll ~. a ll Clel"'• "'"'' .. rwcel-pr'IW M ....... on wfllCPI -,...., • ._ ,, lr_ ....... ""' - 0. .. '1-.. Alc ... 11< .. ,,.,_ Caftt'91. te fllf a a-lo Ille tr-,.,...1•1. ... ...,.._...,,_ ........ _ .. - .., Tr_..._,,, for -·-.,..,, --t. If -,,_, ""' ...... -· ,.", ... cie-·~ ,, .. s.M• All• C•Y"' 11-. A_I,,., Ca . l •ll• ,_, C-... uatl ,_...,,-., El '-· C:.; ctr• ...... c-"' ... A...clet• ·-· ..... Ce ; All• C•••11.,t, 2MM Allele Pa•ti••r. L..-e Hlllt. C:.; Tr-.o c:•-n . nat Tr.._....., 11 ,.,._Co Wte •: ••••• , •••• c .......... ,,, t•"•llU, t"'IM , Ca , Hetrt-·1 'ICTITIOUS eus••llU •.&Ma STATll .. •T t-ublJ....O Or-\.CMl>I ll•tly •"IOI, TPlt IOl'-1"9 ..,..,., ert oolnt NO• XI, 11 ~ 4, ti, 1 ... 1 )4/41 II 11on1 ....... DANI'S ~T•TIONEllY, IUJI Gel .. ,._ WntmlM'*r. C.llfOrnl• .,.., 1-~~~~~~~~~~- ,KTITIOUI eusi••U •AMalTATl ..... T JM-F Sml9', -Bofta ... Cl H ............. IHdl, cal-Ma .... G•••t• w s ... 1111 II I, 1 t t•I ••ftelrt Cl H11ntl,.9ton •••tll ca111 .. n1a- T11u 11utnu I• c....-t .. .., ell IMl•l-..i -F~ltll Tiits .-.... llltcl wolll 1:M C-ly c ... , of o....., c-•· ... o.c •. ltll ,,,,.. ...... 1-°' .... Caa'1 Dail'!' ,., ... 0.C. II. If. IS, 1•1, J ... I, 1'9'1 ~I The foflowlfl9 __ , .,. del,_. .,.,,,,....,., COA, 1'2Q Mce>urmatt A ........ S..11• E. 1,..,,;r,e, Ca lllomla .,71< Rol>trl Fr•tun O"l<er•\I, 11 E,. ....... -• ., ....... c.a1--...iat111• ROllttrt E-J•k-, t1 Herw Si.tit. llOffl,. Hll" E"•ttt. Cetltemll Tll" _,,,... ,, CD ___ .., • llmllH~.,,._ 11-'1 ". OWl!Mtlll TlltJ .. ..,._. -mw •• 111e COVftty Cterll M Of-c-My t11 o.ce"'-'· ••• "11111 '" .. 1.-Of ... C•st Oally l"ltec, \llST!< llEROE M081lEHOME SITES, 11.i ...,._ A•-. Cotta -w. c•m21 J e l'l'IU Clle rlu Wooo., 11•1 Pomotla •-a 2S, C°'te Mow. CA m11 Tiii• 11\111,...., I• tondu<led b• •" lftCll•ldwl J-0..rlHW_, Tll" .,.,__,. WM 11100 wltll lht c ... n,., c ..,11 of o.a,... '°""'Y °" DKtm-•,t .. I ,,'"" P'*'I-Or_,.. CO.fl Oell'f Pllo1, O.< 11,11,JS.IWl.-Jan 1.l'et 'ICTlflOUS BUll•EU ..... ITAT&M«•f ~· T lie felle•lf\9 "rseft h 41•11\t Wtl_ .. : ltC IJNOfllWATEll Y•CHT SEllVICl , 121 Ml St.-..1. _..., BM<ll.CA..., lt•llfl o. c.iw10 , •n S.lffll, lrvl-,CAW7W Tiii• Minetf IS <--llf .,_ "'41•'-4 •-o. (;ohotca Tllft --" ... .-fttl -C-'Y Clefl .. cw...-'-"'l' ., DK• ..... •.IWI ,,,,.. ,.,........ or..., C.ll o.11, ,.. ... , Ot<. ti, la. JS, "9t • ..-J .... t, 1"2 ,,...., / ... 1 .- .... u llXNtalT "C" FEI OISTRl(T COMl"UTATI0-1 AYES s COUNCIL.MEM8EAS A9r..,, Mlllony, GelOO, lleroo ... 11. and Siii• NOES OCOUNCll.MEM8ERS N- •BSENT 0 COUNCll.MEMBE AS N- IONA l OGlESBY. OE.PUl'I' CITY ClERlt OF THE CITY OF lllVINE AllE• OF IE!oEFll F·71 l EXHIBIT "A' '"" dlJlrKI wlll -·· ........... __.. 10 .... clotl .. -c-lrv<llClft Of. bteycte pNIHtrlafttvtlllc te o,,.rcroMlnQ of Ille lntt"t•tt > IS.,.I• •11•1 Fr-•y Clft -~ ,.. .. •11 .. rntnl Of Yale A-. Thll wlll ll"Mde • ,_1ei. -'<"4., --••Y Dlt'Y<ltl,....•'-' feclllty ,,_, Tr~o 111- 10 Welfl<ll •-II I\ to 111<1-all ,..,.,. ., ••Y -.._. --atciultltlon. -OIKll t-•rnenl•. l>r .... U I,........., ... 1 .... l"CC -lk, cu~ -..,. .... ·-o \tr IOI,,., -~. •-Ille. '""'I"' •i.,t, ttc • 19Hl9" -contttu<ll"" -',....""11 •"° ...,,...,~ --.1ro1.1ratloro <Ml\ --· ll'C • 1117 s.. ....... tilM.e ..... CPJ H.m-'t lllM ~. IJl1 1. "'""ous eusi•an llAMa ITATEMUlT Dec.•. 11, 1t. H. "81 u .... 1. I. G--••e!Met-• 1.-1c . • ........ s.Me AM, Cit! \fl"• OM °*Y (-t, ,,. ...,.., .... '"'-· c.e: H.,.,._,, Mw!M, 111e .... '°" OI .......... C-tw, 1111 ._..,., a,_ ...... S-.,...., Ce ftlM; tllM<fWMIC......... ...... ,_ •• Ulltt ,.,..., C.. •M: ......., OM ._ (~ ... .......,Or., Mii Oteea. Ce .,lit ; AllM C.reell Ofte-M-r (.._,,, ,,. ... ,., ••• U9olM ........ Co OtlM:~, ...... JIMIOO- JUlllGWN14A ,,....,.. ftu.t, .... UM..•A ------....... ~.,~ ..... , .. .......... ~--......... er-. c.t4 OM"' ,.,..., Oec. u.,.., Tll• lol-1"11 ,.,...,, ••• ool"t wtineu'": II l"llO,ESSIONAL. l"AllAl.KAI. 5'£1tlflCE.S, tff(.., 11 tHE LEGAL ITAFF, INC., eta l11E LEQAL !otAFF, 2'C.nca.-tt, Irv,,...., c.fll'e<flla t211•. 1(•1111_, l . Cllodlty, :IO Crota.tl, ....... <.•Ill•"'• '111• '\'•Cl",.. P (.,....,_.,, Jtll W Wll'°" '''"'· • 0110, C•t• -· c.11 ....... .,.,, f lll\ l\"'IMn I\ t-IH by • .......... --'1\ip !CA-I. (.N41ey Tiii\ ·-' ......... wilfl""' L-lr C....,. .. Qr-C.-1\' 9'I Oll "· 19111 f'l"1M l"..eMt-Or-GN•t 0..ly 1"1!041, fie• tr.~ •. 11, '' 1•1 )I .... ' .. PIH .. l'tCflfl°"' autt•IM •-S ITAf'IMa.-T f 11• tollowlroe "'"" It Oolne 1M111,..u~ CU5fEll Cl.E4"1ffG CO . ))0 P e"l.,ll'O, ... JOf. Ce1t• Me1•. ~·1 ... ,,,. • .,.,. o ... " 1.-. :uo , .......... . ...,.., c.u ..... (Alltllff\M.,.. Tiii• _._ It ~-'' .,. ....... .- ~·FL .. 11111 \t .. _, .... 11 .... •"" - (WftlY (.ter• Of Of ..... C.-1t .,. ...... -, ..... 1 ,,,.,., PVOll""'° C>-(.M\I OellY l"ltltl. '"" 11. Oo!c .. 11, , ..... 1 ··~' '1CTITMUa ......... ..... naTI•" Tlla ............ , .... le Ml ... -'-•! COSTA •ISA •IOICAL Cl•Tlla '"4!11UMCY, fU Yktarlll ce.t• ..... Clo..,, R•••t A, 0.-h•t, ,.,, Al41ea A-, bl-CA tdl6 Tlltt ...._ It c...-c• •Y .. ~. ............. flllt ...... -fltM .......... C.-t'I' C_. .. cw .... <..-tr .. ~ ..... ,.,.,,.,. ~er-. C.-.. OeOy "'*'. O.C II,,. 1'. ""·J.-t, ... UIP_., l. T .... ~ ......... ,«ltfli., .............. J.fet•...--· ....... ·-.-..aey .. ,,,,... ,.,.,, ._,.._ .......... < .. I ....... °" ... ,.... TOTM..COITTO'"'At•ACH , •• OllTlttCT AIU .... MT IMIT-...UI'°" . ._...... ........... ,....,_,,__.....,..1wc,_., C:,...... lllr~ itMt• ................... _ ... Acft ,..,.., ,...._..._,..... .... 0.---..-..... .... ·----~--.. .,-,,__.,,..,., .......... I*''"""~ _< ____ . M_...lw.,.....,_ ..,..,__.._._,....._ °"" .............. '"'-J-..~Cllul°""' ,, .. DK ti,.,.., u ..... ,. l.Jl•Ac ....... .....,. .. , .... . ..... iJHI U1t , .. , ... , EXHIBIT"B• EKMte tT "C" fM~el~-ca' tw -ltlr"1 ..... a-c"' __ ... ll ... ._.... .... _. "A" 11 tt,tttl. TM Cir., c----441 ,_ ... cee4 ..... •• ....... It tta tm.e.t Tift ._. wlfl .. _......,.., ec,,_.. --TM -_....... -"' .,. ...,.In IS ti.• t ec,..., n.i. --.,,,_ ~ .,. 1tec..-c-. --Wllfl ,.....,. f11ecM1..,ec .. •t1,._a n. •-·-(-"'1c• -"-~· ,.,., .............. _ ... _, "'' ---~ n.--· ........ ms_ .. ,......... Or .... c-tl o.41¥ ~.DIC II,"" Cl2 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, December 11 , 1981 · I Wake up with friends. Ronni Richards & Ed Nix/5:30-10 A.M. Have lunch with a friend. Ride home with a friend. John lov1k /3-l P.M. Spend an evening with a friend. Patty lartinez1111.1 .• 3 r.1. , Stay up with a friend . Steve Gonzal111111.-1:311.1. ·~~" "[~~ ... -. ,. ... I A friend in traffic. .. Spider l1cLe1n C1ser Piotrowskil l P.•.-•11. (. A friend with news. A friend who knows the score. R1l11h l1rti1 Bud Tucker For your Orange County music, news, weather and traffic, turn to a friend ••• at KWIZ. ·' KWIZ CARES ABOUT ORANGE COUNTY • ~--::" .... ...,. ___________________________ .,__,_,'"""!' _ _._., _ _.,,.___,---=--,.~r--~~ --.-... Daily Pilat FRIDAY, oec. 11 , 1981 Furniture is bought and sold every day with a classification 8050 ad. / CLASSIFIED INDEX w ...... Ho.!Mt Fors. HcM.Mt For s• I HMM• For s. I Hovi•• for s. ...... for s• I HousH For s• MousH For s• HouMt For s• ·~····················: ~;;.;;.:;··········io~i ~·;:.;;;,;··········~;o~ ;;;;,;;;s··········ioo"i ~;.;··········io~i ~··········io~2 ~;;.;~:.;··········;~·~; ~~;;.;··········;o~i ~;;;~··········;0-02 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Tl Place Yeur Ad. Call 642-5678 HOUSES FOt SALE ~.,.. ... , "''""'"'••d "'4ft1Vof Pfftll'l\Ul4 t •Phll•f'V kt>•it) 4. oron. dfl \1" \ V'll• "~)Ut ll•At1 P(NM t.I T•rn •uw.t••" \ •llf\ H..nUnt'un fk.t1fh h\lf'W· W&uM tW.rh L.a•n• thlh W&\ln• \1ie1iH"I )11.uwn \••~ ~:ri:1~~;·,, Sift Ju1n l'•Phlf o11\o1 S..n\• Alt• su 111 .. cn ~hl.t.l.IRtl It\ t>lm1nMf'f 'tobtl• Hom'' !\•I" REAL ESTATE Arrtl(t' for ~ .. 1~ Ap1r,mtnl.\ tor ~•I~ 81u rh t'roprrt\ BU)lnt"'.\--Propc:rt ~ tu~ ...... :~:~ EQUAL HOUSING :: OPPORTUNITY -~· "-" l: ~re;l 1 1 J!~~:: a d ::::,: v e r t 1 s e d 1 n t h 1 s ,..., newspaper 1s subject to ::; the Federal Fair Hous -------- '"" mg Act o( 1968 which I•-------• :~;~ ~k.es .~t illegal to ad FAMIL y HOME , :::; 1 ~~?teat~~~~r~~red1f:· sh Bdrm 3 Ba spacious I ::::; criminatlon based on ome Beautiful pool I 11"' race color rel igion a.nd sepa r ate s p a sex. or natl~nal origin: Situated near schools 1.v1 or an intention to ma ke I a~d shopping. Owner I 11" any such preferenl'e. "1llhelp finance Asking frrJW,tn U;t .. lr\fll• Comnwrt1 .. 1 Pru~rl \ l ondum1n1um't !\.-I .. IJuplf'H t l\ll\ ~ .. It Houlft to tw \10 .. f'd :t~: li m1tat1o n . o r d •s I sm.000. :~:: criminallon." .. ,;, .. :!~ This newspaper will not I -'"' knowingly accept any I ~:;:: adve rtising for real , • ., estate which is m viola· Jrw.on\f f'rnPt'n\ Jnd1.1~tr1otl f'ru~rh lAhfOt!\.tll' \lubilf' Hmt' Trlr ..,,11, .. \IOU,ntA. bfifrt lh ·,l•ft Or ·n~t: l·u Prop Uut uf 4.'ount \ Prop (lul iJ/ Sl>tr Pr•~ Rtt.nrhn f•tm, t.ru, .... Rt'•I U.t•tt E \1 h•nlt' Rral ul•I• V. •ntf<I RENTALS Hou~" f'Urru~hf'd lk)u~ l nfurt1.1,ht"U llOU>t> f'urn or I nt f0ftdomu\n1im' turn londomuuum' l nl To-.~•·"'" To ... nhov~ l "' Dup!t>\h Furn O\i.plf\Hlnl Apt.< t'l.rn Apt.' l nfurn Aph Pv.rn or l "' Room, llaom4t 8 .. rd Hottl. :.iol•h Cvnt Homrt ~mmtr Ht<n,41 .. \ •U llOn kt:Ot•lti Rtnt.t.o. to ~rt• G4t•Ctt '°' Rrflf Offlrt Rt-n&al 8u,tnn> Remill lnd~t.n.1) R•nlt11! Stotll:f' ~tft(ot. 11 •olt<I Ml\t Mtn141l BUSINESS, INYEST•I MENT. FINANCE :~:: tJonofthelaw._ TR,\DIT 10\.\l. RL\IT' 631-7370 =~,..--------1 !:w --------~ EUOIS: Adnrtiun 'i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i ._.. clleck tt..ir od1 11 ~~ ==di~ Tr; ~~ DAILY rlLOT 01..-11 i..<w hWlty for the fint I f: h1correct i111ertl011 I ~~ fllitt. CoroM def Mor ~ .:;; -View-$)45,000 I ·"""' I With ocean and eanyon j Miti view and pnvate beach :;~ ...... for S• sits this 3 Bdrm 2 bath I l~"'l.11 •••••••·••••••••••••••••1 home Wi t h Fr ent•h J :;:: I 002 doo r :.. b eaut If u 11 100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• hardwood floor$. n e~ I &••11 ''-"' S 15,000 Pdtnt. new rarpets and '~" DOW._.1 secluded master bdrm ' ' . "· swte Moti\·ated seller ~:1 Owner will carry (mane· 759 1616 mg'. Super sharp J Bdrm • 2 bath townhome con· do -pool. sauna. 11nd SIO 000 DOW ... a..,,,,.., tippon• •··~ 1 spa Great terms' G real • " e...1-. v.an1r<1 <ti• , Plus closin g eosts buys {:~:::::~a~~;~· '"Ill bargain ! C all now. you Easts 1de Co sta 11-) ••I.Aun ~ S*-Z3l3 Mesa 2 BR 2 Ba Seller Mont) ~ .. nttd• ~I ............. t G t r 111or11•1 ... rn , ~ 1 ......,,pera e. rea or in· ANNOUNCEMENTS, vestor s o r bri ng a partner with $5.000 ea. PERSONALS & Ba r b a r a R i g .Rs~ LOST & FOUND 675·6000 '499-3819 . ~ ......... m•n•· .... JUST LISTID! L'NIQUE HOM ES , . ., Pool >:-.i Large Corona del Mar 0 I Ltc•• ~ ... c.. """ · duplex JUSl 8 years old 3 12 l/4 Vo I p,, .. ,. .. i.. ,,,, bdrms. in each unit' 20'" OCEAN VU Park ....,. •• found ...... I ~·::,~·, • ...,. .::'~;1 down w i lh 12 •,•·1 A fantastic 4 Bdrm. 21 SERVICES rmrtgage Pn red rtl(ht s l o r" h o m e w Ith ,,..,,..,. o.mior1 '''" al S319.000 ma g ii 1 f 1 c e n t I 1 v . CMPl.OYMENT & PIEPHATION Srhoub lftflnKtton Joo \4.-ntfit• Http 11 ant..i M 4 r MERCHANDISE AnU41un Appl14l.ntt\ AuttlOft :~11~:: M.1 .. n.1, l'•l'Mro 6 [qu1pm•nt r .. b .,.... ~1o,·ou F\,rntlur~ ""'·~S..lt l911tl ···~ 17141 673-4400 =~ .\ l>t\ 1'11111 "' ...... ll.1rhor 111\l"'lml·lll ro "11 ~~) '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ 1ng f a mil y a re a I Firepla ce . rountry l kitchen. many extras. owe fin an c in g a l 12 ~'. P ri c e d a t SH9,900. Bargain. rail now. 346-2313 THE REAL ESTAT&:RS =~~ $12,000 -------1 :: NEWPORT ICH! W I· s I. L Y '\ TAYLOR CO. HEAi TUI\~ .... 1111 ,. l~Ht> llG CAMYOM COIJMDY CLUI GIEA T GO&.F COUISE VIEW Dalebout Bay &Beach Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 COME WITH US ... TO NEWPORT ISLAND. Thirty f et'l on wakrf'ronl with pier and doek. Corne r lot. T wo spacious bedrooms. Cozy firepla ce Covered patio with brick barbetue. LINDA ISLE HOMES l'rPsl1 g1· pool li1mily hom t• .\l:ttn ehun11d \It•\\ from ht·aut1lul tr ad1t1on I txlra11. 5 hath 'il.1!15 .IWHI Wadt• lagoon <•rt hil!'<'l 11r:il pl<J\ fl)(llll . s1.3!.o.1H10 'II'\\ lrom 'lpt•t·taculur d11!\tgll Ii lJdr lll . j b<.1lh. 1la1k room ,.., dt•n UDO ISLE HOMES Fc·at u t 1•d 1111 ll11nws Tours lo\ l'I\' lrad1tw11:.il s p:u•111tts. ru~t<>lll 3 btl rm . ·:3 Ii a l h ho m t • n 1 • \\ h n · d Pt· o r a t t' d CALL FOR COLOR IROCHUIE Magnifk ent lo rntion o'looking lith green of golf tourst• Call today for appt. to set' this luxurious Ueorg 1:111 1 Colonia l tustom hv owner hutldt•r 5 Bdrms. lge formal° dini ng rm. ram ily rm, billiard rm. rC'fngNat<.·d \\ nw rm I S18.5,000. $4 i 5. ll(l(). . . ,'\: 61 :! baths. Lois of rnarllk , f'uu•,-;t wood paneling ,~ t·ustom mold111 g. gre;1t slorag<.•. 2 stuirwa~·s. air·l'Ontl . built·in rarnurn svsll'rn + m :rny olht'r rnstom featun•s · S2.150.000 m(·ludin.i::. tht' l:.ind. Y WESLEY M. TAYLOR CO., REALTORS 2111 San Jooquill Hillt Road NEWPORT CENTER. M.I . 644-4910 CALL ELSA GUGETTA TODAY (Beat Inf lation--Buy Properties) (;l't ht.•nl'fits of .\CHS I h•p1'1•r1;1t 1on ,\ Et·onomi1· Hl'1·11\1·n· \d of l!IXI lrt\ 1•slmt·111 ,\ F111.11w 1.1 I t't111!\t1 ll.1111 Elsa C; ugl'I I a By :\ppt I ln l,\ NO ON. e<1wt~ shan•. 1st l11n.' buyers. 3 bd . I ba . only S!M.000 pnn only 9JJl§31·4!45 J5athy ai nt j.) I :11 !11 \ll.\ 111111· •U.S.VETUAMS FRl-:E LIST or HOM ES ~O!:ld ~· E. 556· 771i 1 1617 WESTCLIFJ DR., M.I. 63 1·7300 ~~-- REALTORS 67§.551 1 OWHEl'S PRIDE Matwal d.corotor wood paneliltc) & ....t~s inakt this 3 ltdrooM & dell •it OM of~ most •ique ill old CdM t o I ldnll retttol. A.II for $384,500. COLE OF NEWPORT REALTORS 2515 E. Coast Hwy., Corono d~I Mar 675-5511 :\\•wl.\ r1•1nodf'll'd :l lulrm. 2 twth plus l~t· n·rr1·:1t1011 1·11111n I\: :! p<1tws fl p:11n 1'(1Jllng:-:\!111 \ .d1u• .11 S·1211.000 CARNATION COVE Spi·t·tat·11l:tr h:1rhor 'H \\ from ·I bd rm . I h:llh l1 ,l\lro11t 2 hoal !\lt p -. ,'2.11511,IHJ() WEST BAY AVE. HPrn11dt'lt·tl . hkt• IH'\\ :i lidrm . :l hath h:i~ fr11nt Sl111!\ ftJr :! l).!t• boa t !\ Sl.200.IH)(I BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\1de Or111e N B 675 61 61 OFACE BLDG. Costa Mtsa/M~wport NU NU HU NU NU uas~ Option Think or anythlnl! y.1u or Sal~ 1 SPECIAL SPYGLASS HOME ExpanSl\'t' Vll'WS & ,., 1·ept1 ona l f1n a nr1ni.:' l>on't miss 1h1s ~pariuus 5 HR homl' $695.fKltl (NTier rtl<l}' n 1n,11kr a trade ,\,k for ('\;ataht• Fogarty. 6iS 6000 or 673-6.571 aft ~ould build 111 \our 51Wltu4tlllCh ffor h·as .. all • dream tiomt' 1.ornt~·d tn , SI t••SI 25 1nt·~11l1ahl1·1 l'orooa del Mar nn" lw ndll'UIOlL'> & pnrl' It It''' than4f.,K Ca ll Tim :.i:t toda) Prtn onl) 6:11 1266 or 720· 1263 IU$10fNf!Al R(AI f <;!Alf SrllVICfS RAVISHING "ROBERTA" Dix ' r urr11·1• " lull, MO DWH IN COM J:.lnituncil and xlnt park Ye~ ~ou n in mo\e Ill 1n~ Pn·~ttj!t11u' 1111 .il11111 Cd:'ll tridll~ Call me Jl 230 E lith St ('\I .iboul the QUlt'l lncallon S .\I. 1-. I' H I l' ~. St & lht> ~upcr terms of th is \lilht111 .\Int ll'rm,. I horrll' ~1th frplc + 2 t ar i;?arage. Tim Rhone. al(I t' Jll rllr llctaal' tiJI 12fi6 or 720 1263 Wm I:: IJouclCo ii~ l;i3 l61 kl For an Ad in W~n·s World All-Ways Wonderful! Beautiful Blazer HonH •~d e...,.. J.,.flr) U,\HtOC'il Mo1dUMr) M1srfil1JWOU1 ~ Beautiful upgraded 2 ... :1 Bdrm 2 bath condo ::':.~ Vaulted ceilinged hvmg .... room. bright sunny :;:1 k it c hen Atta c hed """: garage. Bargain cash ::; 1 out price. Call for more ~~r~~:d 1 ----~:----------------~~-:"""'t \'t•n rarl' :1 lldnn tr1ll'\\'l 111 '.'orth Hluil\ 011l :-t.111d111i.: \II'" ol l11nl s:111t·t 11;1 n :, I >m 1·r Sh11n ·:-1-:nd 11 1111 111 qu1t'I ""' dt' .... it· \II 111'\\ < ·111:-and somt.• applia nc·1·~ .\hsolutt•ly moH'·tn t•o111 lil 1011 and 'l'r.' dtt!\1r~1 bk fi nancing $:31:1.trn lilutd lantOU> '4 ""'"" \lu~1raJ IM\r-i.untnl\ OffK't furn• ~:quip Pto ~1th 2 buildings. 1100 sq ft. & 360 sq ft. Only $245.000 with so me terms toqua1Jf1ed buyer f'l-6 1JrCt M S...tntllarh1M> Spln111f Cood• Slort.Rnu unn\ b•r ,..,,.. details. ~2313 '".tr\ CORONA PACIFIC REALTORS 644-1567 ~·r~io.Htfr Stf'tM BOATS & MARINE EDUIPMENI C-•I 8oatJ !Wa1n& Mr" I~ fto•U lif•fiM [qi,Up llc>a1>.P ... tr lloal> Rtnt Ch•rttr &•1>~11 lloal>.51tP" °"'""' Ro1c.~6 Slu -..Stor•r• TUHSrom TION Airtnt't Camptrs Sil• R~n1 Eltttnc Can lklar Cy<ln. S«>olttl • Motor Hm• s..l• R<nl Tra.lf:n Tn .. t• t'r&Jlitn lhhl' AIA.O Stn H't P•rh AUTOMOBILE Gf'Ckf•I A.nuqu~ (,.'I •i!·W ~ Rttrt"1iVtl \ ~h1c1 ... Sputh Rat t. R,od~ '•'nff'l lJn ~ t' ft\M!l(J> \'•lb A1otlt1~•>1n~ -"'u«b W t ntrd AUTOS, IMPORTED ll'11t'r•I \ih feunwtJ \11111 \iu11n Ht.&11') llllW l°llll)n OU.. Coll ""'""'I\ t t:rr.n .... , lh ..... 1.t J•.!Y•' J1lf\)1(fl f\•rm.nn ••h1• 1.Ambllrf!wll ..... , ..... \ll"fl..-ln ~11/ '"· \ll.b '""' f •fllt"• .. P:t>"~' '" l"ur~\ n, tt .. n.1111 K•Jf•,kv>•" .... \,., S.•h Sl.O ~bttrw ro1v1• rnumpll \vaui-•f f'D \ohu AITIS, NEW AUTOS. USED t.n.,..r•I \Ill -~ l •d111 .. r .. ,. .. n, l!W•"""" \.1'1~ •I.ft """'"' l<MllM1'l•I \•WU1lr \..ClllW•I IM.• ..... 1 • ..,.,,4. '-""' ... ll.t\f'f'•. ~ .. "'' .......... '""""""""' ....... 1•11--.... _ .,...,.. ...... \~ ~ ... Mo ;:: t "''' ....,, ·•'4 '1111 •.m !fili ' ... ·•&:. ..:; ...... Y•ll f<lll ,,Jlj '"" '"' .,..; , .. ; '""-"' '•lJ ,.,. . ..._.: • PfopW who nttd Ptoplf , That's whlllhf DAILY PILOT S£JtVIC£ DIRECTORY ·-~-=--- THE REAL ESTATERS HARBOR RIDGE LOUIS XIV Me w 2-story lftOftor house w ith '-dcrafted quality i1t 4 bed, library, fa... rm., game ""· top room; lt1· door/.tdtoor spa. Etevotor PanorCllftic ocean views. Within security gates. Sl .995,000 ftt. LIVE ON WATER S595,000 Lowest priced waterfroftt hom~ Oft lalloo lsloML Totally remodeltd hotM with 2 bed & dock for two 18' boots. SCMlfh patio w /to.toift. GounMt kite heft + MCMy HfrOS. Very SpKiol ilt U fll ..., 673-6900. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC RlAf CST~TE -.,,,.!'_,, R •• ,,,,, Pmrw1f1w M1tf'<tl}P~nl 2436 v.: (<>dSI H ..... II~ Ma11rw Av~ !1.sltw .... 1..iand Newport Buch Ul-1400 SlllC & FINlf '7Ut00 MEASUREMENT Of SPACE C 0 C N I G H 0 'S 0 I 0 C U W H U A K S W X W W A T 0 U 0 P Y E A R K B R S E A 8 I A S N P A C K E 0 W T S R H J R E M X P G T K l l L T A A N R W l T 8 H 0 R S Y I E R l S E L I E 0 E R H L S H T 0 l M I l E A M E C M E N l P E G R 0 0 Z E U S H H 8 0 N E H A Y P K 0 R M A Z T A l E U 8 H R R A T A A M H E W N C E K l S W I M O U T Y E U R T V E W 0 R C H V E C S E S N I N 0 E 0 E T H C L E Y V Q T E R A 0 I l R H B T A 0 R l P A R l N G M E T t N G U A 0 M E A I U G H T E T A I s w c N o·s R I " E l v c R 0 0 C U L 8 l H E J M T N I C l H E H E • Hlddln _. ""°" ~ '-11. beck· .-d. 119, doM'I °' dilfONltv. FINI Md\ .-bo1 ft In. ; Aclt """'9d Buthtl .: " c... ltilONNf l'ttk Ii u ~ Pint 8 Inell lltlOllllM Ou111 -~Unit Y•d T~:Emt our Gift Train and sell your Handmade items. It's so easy Just call 642-5678 and ask for your Daily Pilot Christmas Ad-Visor ' ·, y A " R J I i I met I woman Who H id Ml I I' I I • husband w1s tost It su 1 tal<I _ _ _ _ ~ ti must 111.e been 1 ttmbte ...__ ............ __...__. SIOfm SM said, "No. ht tntt • l~ ..... C-l ... l...,..F_E..,_l..,.,..-tl l)lon<lf on in ocu n -: I Is I I 1· • Coo-p.... .... <11•.c\le ""°""' -• - --by ltlliolt ·~ .... Ill'~ -d .._.._ ___ _.. __ '°" dnelop "°"" ... No 3 bebo sca•ModTSAM""' a •••• 1M6 IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 CE BIDBBE ELlllS CD. OVER 55 YEARS OF SERVICE . . PRIME BA YFROMT VIEW Pit•r ,;: l>1wk ()11 :al1t .\ :'i H H In Oe~1r :.i h lt.• (;alt'CI Comm P \·t Ht':.r l'h Hl'aulllull ~ l'pg raded llomt• Eq•n I I P 11 rrh;1:-t•d Wit h Land. s:!.:!itUi1~1 T11t.1I Pn"'' Is l.<•s:- Than Equal l.11ca l11111-. \\1th Equal 1\0ll'llll lt'S 759-9100 :; 2 Corpot ate Plata Mtwporl Ceftttt SACRIFICE NEWPORT IEACH This prestigious res1denre on 80 de grees of bay frontage in beautiful bayshores is located three doors from John Wa yne·s former home. The home features a master suite that o,·erlooks the bay & His & Hers bath. galleria sunroom w a breathtaking water view, fi replace in li v rm & den . 3 BR suites & an oHice wtattachcd bath. 1Sx20 heated pool w'de<'k · i n g in entr y j?ard e n . LEASEHOLD ESTATE S800.000 Barbara Aune 642-8235 ( N 11) TUllU IOCI Fila 4 BR Broad· moor detached home on fee land priced at only Sl99.000. One levei near park & schools. Anx- ious owner wi ll help finance. Lor- raine Reid s.51·8700 (N l2l I 11 s1 tn1A6a B~ ... ,. ,.. . •IAYFIOM'T * IOATSLIP $545,000 WOW' Lowebt priced ba) front hnml' ON BALROA rov t:s L&rge 1 4 hdrm, 3 b11th. <Joubl(' firl'placu. co,•ererl palm. I pill.'> murh mo re' Will AITD or sell su•:. 75' , or lea~e opt iun ' lob>o loy Prop. Rtolton •675.:7060• LWE0'110 .. SI0,000. I Chllrmmg 3 BR Condu 2 I stones. end un1l, pool & spa <.:all Ruth or Ste\ e I@ SEACOVE . 1 PROPERTIES I 714·631·6990 PRIVACY PLUS With this 4 Br. fl'nr ed in pool home on a qwet l·ul de ~at m f:a sts1de Coi.la :'llesa A beaullful back 1 }<ird. with l'Overed patio I & a cozy hrl'place in the ll\ing room There 's rrore1 A~~uma ble loans and an llnxious St'llt'r Only Sl69.9(JtJ rail 979 5310 OWNER AHXIOUSJ Bt'<JUllful 1mma cu la ti'. ntl'el} land~caped ~ l! R home on rut de ~ar Spar1ou:. rOOm!> \·1t'" of I gulf l'our~t· from proper l) O"nH a~~•!.ted I finann ng Onl} 51~.5(.l(J Call now. 979 53iU Selefo loll!JM At1other 3 Br ~ family room ' lotated on cul ·de sa~ Seller ~•II l'a rl) lg 2nd $175.LOO RCTaylorCo ( ,.l(I C)<)()O --OH..~ RHLT ORS lie) Co"Yo" c.a-.Hom I A rnuntn rrenl·h ex et·ut1\e hc)me on tht> .i:olf ' roursl' "llh " l<H i:h ne~ 4 Rr Jnd den "1Lh ~ large pn' ate t'nurt ~a rd l'nlf! for enlertarnrni:: Th!~ •~ trul~ orw of tbl· ht''I rustom hunw' pr1· wnth on lht• mJ rlo.t•t tl\l n,:r ~111 1·Jrn "llh S.'>~;, 111111 dn" n ·fur 5 ' " a r ~ I' r 1 < 1• ti J I SI !15'•.llllCI D.M. Marsholl Rlty 760.0835 552-75'00 cars'bikes' 'skateboards· trucks"baby carriages•tea carts 'trikes rol lersk~tes • walkers .oys ·wagons .... scooters· hot rods· coupes· tr ailers'hard tops· convert- ibles' motor homes"lawn m owers'limos ·corporate headquarters ·garden carts M odel A's•··· • typingtables wheelbarrows· recreational vehicles· If it's got wheels, you'll move it faster in a Daily Pilot classified ad .Call 6'2·5678 and a friendly ad· viser will help you turn your wheels into cash. ...... Orange Coast.DAILY PILOT/Friday, December 11 , 1981 JULIE HAS CHANGED -.l ulll· \ldkr ".di..' ;it ll'll \\It h l.a\\rt•IH"\' \\di.. \dl\'ll "lll•\\.1' \1 1..,.., ('h;1mp:ii..:1w l11wll\ 111 1!171 \I 11 ..:ltt 1-.. .Jul11· ·~-I ..... """ .1 ... 1111· 'I'\\ ... 1.1r •>I F.ih11!11u-. F11lll1·, 111 I .. I ' \ 1"-.1' .... 11 1· h 111°111'... 11ll'l111111ll'd 1•11 .I 11111 "' l'l.1\ '"'' ' \1111 I l•'.tllll\ "" H111,1tl\\ .1\ Welk to 'Annie Fannj?' Sexy blonde, once a Welk singer, eyes Broadway LAS VEGAS. Nev CAP> Oon·t look now. Lawrence Welk. but little J ulie Mill e r 1 r e m embe r. ~l1!.i. Champagne rro m Wenatc hee·• I is being C hi.1mp1 oncd a s t h e -girl -moi.t likely s h ould Playboy take Annie Fanny to Broadwav The sexy blonde from central \\'a shington dreamed or a career o f ··a o ne and ah two ing·· when she won the Champagne title in 1974. Thol>e dreams were das hed when Welk decreed she s wung to a decidedly d ifferent beat. raucous c·artoon ch <1rac1c r ~tis:. Mill e r 's m ana g cr . Crc g Thompson. s ays Play buv hai- talked or taking Annie Fann~ lo Broadwav and he believes his {'l1e nl IS perfect for lhe lead Lawrence Welk l o Annie Fanny·• Is nothing sacred'' , Tak ing a breather during a recent perform ance 1n I.as \'eg<is the lates t s top on tht' Follies· agend<i :\t1ss ~tiller retraced the cheeker ed route s he hopes is leading her to s ta rdom ... 1ng a t thl' World'!-. F air sho"'. lhl'n later o n his s how in St·attle · Six anx1ou:. months passed bdorc s he heard from Welk ag ain T his time 11 was a plane t1t kct t o Los 1\ng eles for tc lcv1!-.111n tapings in O<'lober 1974 I\ reJu,·enated Julie . 35 JJ<>Unds lighte r <ind \\l lh a more prore=-~1onal air. took We lk b v s urprise . she !-iays Ill' balked "'htt'h she tnl'd lo put a little swing into her number . ..'. He didn't want her to look "s lick:· but r ather likl' a new discovery ··1usl off the farm:· s he <1dds. i\ ftcr four s hows . Thompson Saddleback auditions set for "Grease' S ingers. dunccrs and actoni are neede d for S addleback College 's productio n. o f the popular Broadway musical "Grease." Open auditions are scheduled on the college's South Campus in Mission Viejo Dec. 15 from 4 p .m . to 7 p.m .. and Dec. 16 from 7 p.m . to 10 p.m . In the Green Room, located in the Fine Arts Complex. Those trying out should come with one prepared song, their own s heet music in the correct key and in clothing appropriate for dance. Rehearsals for the production begin Jan. 4. w ith the show opening in lhl· campus· Main Theater F eb 19 F o r m o r e informa tio n c all 831 4763. Information may be obtained from director P<itrick J Fennell. al 831·4768 . Group helps adults cope with life Emotion~ Anonymous. :.i non·prof1l org<1nizat1on to aid adults in coµing with life. meets Thursdays i.lnd Sundays in San Juan Capistrano The organization 1s patternt•d arter Alcohohc=-Anonym ous. but is adapted for people with e motional problems encounter<'d in daily living The 12 s teps or Alcoholics Anonym ous ar e used lo work lhrouj!h the problems or thos e atten ding E,:mot1 on s Anonymous Meet\ngs <in: each Thursday a t 8 p m <ind eac h Sunday al 4 p.m in Old M1si.1on School in the rear o f M iSl>IOn San Ju<in Capis trano . Ortega llighway a nd Camino Cap1!-i trano. San Juan Capistrano. There are no dues or fees. Fur rurther information telephone 496·7475. .. ....... ,.,Wt ....... ,.,Wt ...... ,.,Wt ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _ _.-IMJ. ..... 1114 INdl IMI .............•.•....... .... ......................................... . COIOMA•MAI OffOITUMrTY Qwality Wit duplea .by owner /bllllder, only 2 yt&ra old. Owners unit bu a Bdrm, 3 bath, 3 duka . 1kyll1ht1, beamed «llln&• and a car 1ara1t. Owner fluncln1 available. ••• ~\ MtMP IASTSIDI '"° OMl.T I"'-DOWN Owner will finance to q1iallfltd buyer. Well locn.d, aood lookln1 I w11ta + ' car 1ara1e + ample pukJA1. Below 11 lltnH (l'Qll. c•T*w . . '44o7ZH WATllWATll MIYWl•I Spectacular views, 1prawlln1 • bdrm. 3 btlbl, Z frp lca, WET BAR, beamed celhn1, fqi. nn.. lit kltcbtn, b111t 11111t.er aultt. Ea· panaive patio 6 pool area w /rock rimmed apa •waterfal l. • li?JOOO . •ISSION REALTY -..am CWSK (~) CREALrY OCEAN VIEW FIXER l17SK aum lOOK at 1014~ ptua owe. SOxlO --------• lot. 3 BR, l" BA. Beat NEWPORT HGTS '71-1411 lBr. 2Ba bo\iae +duplu 1·------·1 w1•10 income . owe. .-------•I 1Z v, '1. . B )'co I n c UMl9UllM SIAYllW M-1251 J •+DIM I.SIDI 2 Ba. fr. doors, 4 car aar. lfl>. uUI. rm, nu ahakt root, Span. tilt kltcb., noon ' counters, prof landlcaptd w /covered patio, lr& frpk All for $19,IOO • owner may carry at 10% For pvt ahowiil& call Jim Davia. l!o' ! 0oet a1-41a a111t. LIA YI THI CA.lw .. at home • walk to t.ht beach from this 3 bdrm bomt t~lled away 00 a qliet atrM't. Hardwood floor, deck • brick patio with mature fruit treea. G~at potential. Owner will help with financin& ms.ooo. PIJMIDUPLU Located in Woods Covt juat 2 ahort block• to attludtd beach. Each unit hu 1 bdrm + utra 1Lupln& area with fireplace l lar&t dtck . Room to npand on trtt 3 BR Hampton modtl wlatrium, fam ily room, rommWlity pool. spa ' tttm:s. 1.115,000. "A.rte•..,._ .. -&haded lot. Selltr f1nanc· inc. ms.ooo Iyo...,. U,_.l()Uf. tlf)~fl Reiltora, m.eooo M•a Verde. 3 bdrm, 2 flrtP.lacts. RV acceu Fr11t ll"ffl. 1rape arbor ..... ,....... I 007 Interior nqwalttly re· I••••••••••••••••••••••• ·ll'l><leled. Low down, I S· ALL NEW INSIDE l sumablt mort1a1t and Ol!J'! Comt see it at 2113 ttrms lO fit your needs .... North tnd location Walk to the beach from this neat l tid¥ 2 bdrm. I levtl. own -your-own un· 1t On the ocean side or the hifhway l offered at an a fordable price S140.000 Miramar. SU5.000 1134,900. Pnnc1pals only 556.BJ0111J.4226 754-MM I 't~,..r ;\~telatk:~ . w ........... V~ Q.•et' 8)' owner. l20,000 dn. IS· • sume 12a,r,; or will 2 bdrm. ba + den 2 carry back paper at fireplaces 2nd story 133 2 Br 2ba 1179 . .SOO deck. 2 car gar $340.000 tall 75&·8903 •tal"'-----..c. -· 17141494.1177 9&3-93&4 -1 l~MMJ-t 1052 WY...OMIY 1•••• .. ••••••••••••••• .. PIMMSUU! E Costa Mtu 3Br. 2Ba. GielfC.......tte.. HIWUSTIM4i frplc, lg yd 1160.000 French influence. OM Capt' Cod-3 Bdrm 10"'. down or less Owner customized and · prof 1 home-wtll priced atl w1ll make ll easy landsrape4bdrm.3 ba. $3:15,000 Call for further' ~5(116 I fam rm Xlnl vrew I dttails. S39S.OOO Q.,.•ner Agl 642-5200 . 493·37'5 I JMASTll sums TopMei--.orttooct J PETE I CONDO· l 'SIDI I Beautiful fiome -large ' BARRETI ·.. REALTY ,__, SI 17,500 spill level · funct1.>nal US.1771 for blay families 4 Br 3 1~----f!J!R ... --~~ L_,..YHl-..1.L I bath 1232,500. C... .. Mw IOZZ 4'7·17,1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mt.,.rt .. _. IOH lndt·ed s he d11l. and today s h e• sizz l e =-as the s 1n g 1ng-danc1 ng :-,tar of the · · f''abulous Follie=-. · displayin~ a sexy style that 1:-, a:. unlike We lk a s the Rolling Stones headlining a gospd s ing .a long. She e ntered the M i ss Cha mpagne contest as a pert. p rim 18-ycar-old fres h from Wenatchee (pop lfi.9 li!J As lht' winne r. she was told s he would aµpear with Welk al the World's Fair in Spokane She learned "appearing" m eant handing Welk the key to the city. not pe rforming. ••••••••••••••••••••••• says, Wl'lk came lo him a nd said Firemen wanted Julie just was n 't Champagne 4l411GOMIA stvlc for So th L Ntw elegant 4 Br Vic· OCEANFIOMT "·1 don "t think she 'll be happy U aguna torian partial vu . IYOWNEI -y I f ownr/contractor finan N bl Critics see her a!> a rock Dolly P a rton with the abandon or Be lle Midler and the raw energy of Blond1e·s Deborah llarry Her sexy kind or innocence aod her strik ing beaut) have people likening her to Pl ayboy's "I w<is so upset ... she rt>ca lb · · 1 remember his surprise when he learned I wa!-i supposed to s in g on his show He agreed to let me s ing while we rode from the a irport to the hotel lie mus t have hked it because he let me d oing JUSl one song a week... o unteer 1rcmen are being avail. ?S ooo. • tw cust t 2 sty. Thompson re<.' alls Welk sa ying sought for South Lag una by the I 02'1 Frmch Normandy 3 BR "lie said s he was more of a 0 ran ge Cou nt y F' 1 re CDMDUPLIX .. ••••••••••••••••••••• "dtn home Can be s how lady. He kept calling her a Departme nt. IEDUCED $701!! OP81SAT/SUM IZ~4 ~·~~~C 3711 s how I adv .. R esidents of South La~una are Hurry ·just reduced I >-Bil I Ba. 0tt•• view. '"I was heart-broken.·· s he urgedtoservethecommun1tyas Won't last at S26S.OOO thousands belo.,., ne..,I DOYBSHOllS Try IZ5.00&dwn Assumt phut Owntr must stll DIC. HOME sa y:-, of being banis hed from the fire s uppress ion volunteers For 13~ long ttrm Finance or luat option 246" Med stylt rourtyard W c I k fa m II ~ information. call 538-3551 I unbelievably. prictd Ir M~g Star Ln Dana Pool. Jacum Overlooks -----------------------------------------------stnactund to sell. J am Point VIP. Jan Conn.1 bay Galaxy Dr Formal 1 4113-9:111 I din rm. 2 frplC'S $71S,000 Up to 20% off. On fine art posters. Ask about our 50% off framing specials. Rrtlmages Free hair care classes. Includes hair care, hair cunin~ & styling, ~ke-up & sJCin care, nutritJon. New ~ New "'u1l .lalal 2 for the price of 1. Delicious, fresh French bread. El~see 15%off. On butcher block tables and Cuisinart food processors. • 20%off. On aft Italian inlaid musk boxes. Collector's discount on all men:handise. <.~··< ~ l~ FREE crab~, calamari, salmon. Every night from 5 to 7 p.m. in the cocktail lounge. .czHMU~ • • I 3 BR 2', ba. white water ftt ocean view SU9.SOO As 642-2SIO 646-4848 RVMt\X ~~l Jan Conn. agt I MEWPOIT SHOllS c.e.w... IOZ4 .......... ~ .. 1040 WATBFIOMT ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 0eeor0 at0or perfecth, • hB1r f EA.SY LIVING! an.: no tn .,.·ner 1g Y H 2 STOIY qualifying! Fantast ic I rmtJvaled Wrll finance •~tec1 · th M di poolbomefinest area Ai Priced al S279 .000 """a 111 e tsa t jo ·, k i Agffll Mar area, dose. to ytoown. 1126.000 B r 646-1044or64S·2805 l schools and shopprn' _IMB-07~_CJI ___ _ This S Bdrm beauty 1s TH IS IS QUALITY just right for a larct Ranch style 4 bdrm nr family. Covered patio water SP.arkhng pool and trees. New on the No qualifying. Cedar martet at Sl65,000 Ca 11 closets. 1179.000 Make S4B-US1 offer. Bkr 141.0709 lr"ft.e 1044 · :_» HERITAGE ••••••••••••••••••••••• REALTORS ---- OCIAMYllW 121'1"'• interest: AS$11ma bit loan The .mo sl beautiful view awa11s )'OU 1n this 3 bdrm ~real Dtrorated 1n the finest taste Pnced at rno.ooo. Rt·1 l f ~,: l c-i-<' Rt ·.1lt\ I 1 , 111 OPPOITVHITT knocks ofttn whtn you u.w mult-cetting Daily Pilot Classified Ads to reach tht Orange Coast artet. Phone 642-5678 1024C.... ..... llJ4 5 % O a·wn-12-7/8%* New $115,000 Colidos 355 Avail * ~litJ 11i1 "- Sia lfficl -11·5 Ill lilJ lnUrs 111u11 131• ... __________ -.... Orange Coast DAILY PILO I r ft <l.ty £)1>< 1•111b1•1 11 1'lH1 • U:J MleMthtWt ....... ....... ................. HMMtu.fw~ ..... tUaftnltlwd A.f 'ti.tllh'11n1fth d AporiM•11hUwfwn. ~~':'.'!'.':.·~.~; .... ~':'.'.~·.'.~ ... . ........................ •••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • ........., le .. )140 ............ ''" /T••• °""'"~ c:..w... lJJ4..... lJ44 ..,......... 326t ........ ec:.. 3741 Cottew.to )124 ~~~~ ....... !..2.~ ........ ~ ... ~~ ....... ••••1•9•••••••••••••••• ..... t.r Mli 1701 • •*"•' ziuro ''"'•••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• •••• •••• ••••• •• ••••••••••• ••••••• ••' •• •••••••••• • ••• •' • •• • •• • -I n m •• 4 8d h 'l'Wllbome new 3 br 3 ba I 1 1 f'\ d J. \'> l'il11t-'>c1111" • 111 I 111111>• ••h 1t111ll1111 "' '"'" ---••••.•••••••••••••••• ........ ••••••••••••••• r c1erut1ve omt ' ' , Spiic 3 RR 2•1 b.l, \ltt) mury ~ uc io, '>VII AIESI E COMFOR'T ,· . I.·~ , S.ltM• '" 14 ll•li 111 '·' Ii 11 ..,._""'1Mlt6MTS New Sui>tr uecullve OJAICA wtpool' 1pa Family paoo. ltr Putt, pool, cll'1mtuw111bl' Pool.Jo.: rrw11J ~t'r\IC'l'. 11ho111•' I lki· ni·v. 1 llr uii ~11!"\1111 ~j11 ''\~ 1 111,.1 , ,11 "''" ,,1 3 Hdrm home. fir11phwc, rondo 3 BR , h t r y 2 Ac:rn + rm, formal d1ntnJ 2~ ~_JWlS/mu 833 9057 am11. l't<' $1$0 mo A.it lll!> v.k 4!19 2227 ~ 1.tlhi,.lr,tlc1,111,11, l'J' ' '' 1111 I" ' ' 1'' .;',11: :.~~!i 1C~~!~11tllt~1~~<l fi~~ Upicraded Xlnt Ruutir~·O:ou nt ain .~~::~~ta~=n~:on.; CJ~~e':s1~y ~:rlt, ~rv~r~I! ,:;~:~vu hon~s. 4 Bk. 1~1t·h111~~~0i1·1~\Lt1i" ::.:t.:,~11 'i~Jt•l"~1:.: '111\:q j 1:::, "1~'.~ut 1:11t',' ,~:·: "~'; 1111 \•I tit """ ltro.\ld Slll'J,500. O.,StO.OO•! Views Ideal ror Horse pool service. 7513191 or Ava l I J11 n S750 2 HA. tum rm . s1 wo term 1"1 ~so49'1 t7lll &i 1:.ir;11tc• m ,,,1111111 I \\ 11 •• ~ .t-IX'l!ill• ;;;;.ii:;~,', lefMcC..,lltr. Pvtprt)'.541·7060 LonnWllllt!ll ~of lU ~Alt Avall.Otc 7.,,.8!!0_ av111I J an J6th10tuullfully rurn w111· ()\Jlt't Atlulb \'111'~·1~ 1 Ii.It~"' 111.i 1111 541-7729 Sl•.OWMIT Aues. Below Markel Wood8r1d1e Sp1.r1ous 6444lS7 r760i312 2br, 2ba ~pJ, 'Juci,t r rum S4 ilf 1111 \!•'·' ulull •iutl'I 1,,,1,11 lafJ"'Oleoch 1141 Sl21DMlll/,,._I t Valut By Owner C!OletoSCPlu1 GrHn· tBR. 2~BA F11m rm, Nt!v.portl'restl'ondo~.3 Satellite TV mind -.H l'rnn !h.111 ll.11 1.1 I 1..i,t;!l.x ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hut > 1 2_~5473456·864& bli~ .... ~.-fam'3BrmR'.ieen~· din rm, patios, Lake. 48R llOOln~rno<'ull IJOOOrro4~22Z7 .~J.lti ·"".'Ii., 1~11111 1111 n 1.111 \1e"' 111 111,. It(.' Wl•TCLI-.--.......... • \lllJ • lenn1S pool pnv SIOOll 631 046() 2 II 2 "' l \ r , t "1" Ill \pt \1·\o\ '' 11• • ut .11 ~ rr W• 12% _...... yard 2 r u II a r MIH.JiJ.~188 Offil't', Mtwportleod1 3769 r 1 '0111 0 1 • 11 It"" • 1111 • .,1 r..iri.-. tll,IJv.,,,111 r Clole to everythinl( ltnd El Toro 1 2 lldl•91 2100 Sl60./mo $1500 dep' 7~ 28R. 2BA. frplr. 1tttr, nu ...................... 1'1.ua ~ml J•11 '"' 1~111 1111 c \I ,,.c1 .. 11• '" '''''""·" hi ,,,,.11 1,.,111 neat as a pin 2 bdrm, 2 BR 2 BA 2 Y:1T~ nt:et ......... •••••••••••••• 640-C140 --• . pets -•:nd unil Watt·r OC•.:ANFRON'J' 2 & 4 fir Adh' ~2:> hi & • ,., 1~·" ~·· 11111 s111w1 , In ,tlw 11111,.1 pi I.in· bath cj>ndo Pool rtl(hl wtd h~k·~P 111• \11 ·Trouble Selling Your 3 bdrm condo North -So W 0 0 ~ B R ! .o G t: Paid. ~s G73 n:n Av111I. W1n1t-r Wct•kl\ K.'t! 17Gil ,1·1· il1·p 1 ,,, ~1:1 1, t,1, I 9\.)1•\\' 111 t 11 1,11 xmn outside your door d/ rt' · " Property? Trade 1l with C l Pl 0·bl . 2 ESTATES Bluffs 4en 2BA 2 end Monthly 673 71173 ~~:w lil!U:11 \l''I ~ D p . t 182, ' '1 Owner will t·1:1rry 2nd w,carpo ,on 11reen tht Great American 5 ua. e 1ar <Washington > 3 BR 212 • llAl'll "'ilh 1.111"1 $.illl mta 01n o iht'.111 11 11111 lt11 rt· Vl!fy anxious Pn«ed to b e 1 t • 0 w n ' r Trade Co. We have hun· story. • m~. Owner / ba, ram rm & den . pal.Ill!! Ltkl! Brund ~1:w Wider l...tols fo'rplr n•• ,.,11111 1,,.111 ••••••••••• •• • • • • .. •• • • 1 m11l1·t .. 1 ·•l'l 1111 n &. ~llat$129,SOO 846-46Slt8Si-0637 dreds ol Exc:hlnJ.nble A&l8arbanR111s bl!aut '"973·2040 (dayst. ~5~020m~ k4~7 ~.2 1~· 0rl'unfronl 2&311drm J•H'U/ll l:J' ~ ... it• 1 OCEAN VIEW unlurn ~1111 111 )Kt111 Newport Be~rh, Bil Ca Properties in Cahfomia 675-ecl00/499-al9 673-0263 (~fort, 8PM I Stutlds s OI 111 y Bay v1e11. 2 Hr~ Ila • i.iaid Adull, 1111111 1, rt 1 f"l,.111 [IJu.1 1'111111 """' !!:I .~I • I 111 ii I I'll 11 l!I t Cote Realty 11Yon. Md.11J1 adult Con· ThroU&hout California 2 Br. 1 Ba. ~75/mo lst 1825 ll'l> ~ 6~.1 111.o llJrn11t11rr l \I "1~. 11 11 11·1111 1111.11 "~' t11·" u ,.,,111r.out •• t ""' ~ 11.i,., & Investment do, 2 BR, 2 BA, pool, ll!n· Call Now. last+ atturity • ---IU .. o· I Bhlrb upgraded 3 ljr 2•, I f.· ( I. ··Hit 111 \ t I~· 1111 I r'I ,, t ''" 1ri1 • l'r Ill t 1111 ''"'I \ .11 .• rus, secured .parking & 675-37$1 5411.3227 ..,_,,_ Ba. fam rm. IJOOI, $1 IOO 1tf. hwllh .:ih "'' · 1 11 1tn•1 1 u 11.t • II 1 "' i. 11 1t1, 1 .. 1111, 640-5777 o lhtr a mtn itles Easts'de Condo 2 Brli;; L&38R2storyhome.lg 700.~or675-5930 1 u.tw.i.i..d "'oob \u '11 , >I.'. ,.1,l•ii A. 111 .. .i,1, 1.,11h~l lo\1titlill• 111.,11, 1111!!!!•!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!•~·1 S'l~.ooo. owe W/ 20'A "'SPIMS.. Ba I f rp lr garaf e I yard, 2~~ ba, AiC $950 Largt' 4 bdrm 3 lJa Hll'lll11······················· ll)I JI 115' 111.rn ,, lht 11 .. -r \II" I 11 ,., •'I l h I' •• I' h ~.Owner/A nt833·7~ Luxury Condo S6SO/mo . Ca ll lie,~ Pf!r!l'l>. . for family anden1~rta111 lallool.a.d 3106 " 1 J 'i~'· 111 51;7 t \d11 l1• 1111 ':llhi ,,., :-.~I •11 1 pl 11n•I •• ... •,.• •• •-•1•1a•a•1•-ls.nta Ana Htlghls, "1 Ranrho Mira&e. 3 ~r. 3 Stl·3:561. 752.QS9l ~ves,75211llda in11 in pre stig1ou~1••••••••••••••••••••••• 'lol~ ruuplc· to n1o111.11'" '"'' 1111 'I' 11!1' o,111 ~;~·• 1•1 "ll1 "-""' -o.wntrs h i p res Ba , $120,000 equity I asldorRtch Nt'wport Beach Arl'J Balb oa I sl:.. ud smallJl).11tr111 i11mp1 .. , \H1t1 '' "' UtellMAllrlT partner 2BR .;. den ~. Pr~ftr s ml com m ·11 *~._Y .. wCCMMlo 2BR. Spar1ous. great Owner645 7202all:>l'M Waterfront J Ar 2 H.t li4-l~J;,7 7bo~:m • 111 '"' \,., 111 ,.11, 1~·:1::,1t '~ ,11t'1'.1",;,·":/' 3 Bdrm, 3 bath, VIEW BA atirhl!d 2 rar ~., lrv1nt, rntal prop ~· 2hSOBa. frp31Pc. SP.r'· Views. Pvt Golf Course· 1Lldo Sand.\ JBR 2H1\ 2 YHrly rental $!;75 \111 ,1c in c1,1, ... t ·•' ' ' ' i1 " 11111111 ti ,,, townhome '1 th '1 ... Newport La 0 una ··-+ . 224 ar1 It' pool NoP"" ... ..,.mo • ' . . catl770M•7 · n e pre poo • spa & s auna Ownt /Bit · " "B"l06 CM 548.8475 · ""' _,,., · t:11rGar \rly "'" I '" flt·t , • 1111 •.. , 11 •. 111, 1'. ,• .uho stigious pr1V11tl! com S5CXW>/negotratedn. Your ~7l4tr347-0108 Lux 3 B.r c~do Closed -~2 640-3121 I ti42 36QJ Nev. lrg 2bdrm l':bJ .! lfeSl:iBllU 1•1 li.c :. • '"'" 1•1, 111..~ murtnit y · w1 ll h dten n IS mo Ip a y . $6 s O. pp 1 · , !3 BR 2 Ba, sngl story llousl· for renl 3 hd•m ? prkg bpare), adult n11 • RT E...,TS 11 1111 1 >"' , , 1 .,1 111lt" ,1111 .. 111 111 t, coo i poo s an spas. 754·0600, 543-5392 or TIADI ter gar. Nr So Cst twnhseonparlthke sel I b· r , 1: d -1 .,..ts.~mo 67595115 ArA M,.... "'' . 1 , m•tl \\,olk 1 .. 1 .. "" ,( Xlnt inancingw/lgeas· ~0604 Plau.Clost tosrhls & 1 2 . . a irep art• I) r:~ fll'au1iro1 (,,1111 .. q 11•1I \111111 , 111 ~ .•• , ~umt1bleloan. Pnced ror ....... _, 2000 1~,P~L~A~~~ 2 pa~. 9625/lse 549.0259 rt:1Jiare. ~:: p!t~~-11£0 I ~~~l~er Upst a ir~ jlilllooP .... .-. 3107 14.mk·u a111, 1.'.ilit1 11t · 1111 · 11.t ·11 .. 1 r.11• t :; ~:1 ~'t:·11,'.''.' ••;::;;' '~·:: 1mrned.salea~S480,000 -,..,.,., B 2 Ba S3000oo G If Benue,962·9311Allan. mo 97 s 1262 d s , ....................... ik1·k, Pool & s11.1 11 • .,,1, •1111 h,,11, <.1, 1 )'I 1.,, 111.,., IOGBS llALTY ....................... ! ~ for lib 'rondo~ E.side 2 Bdr 21/J Ba at· 7S9-9386 evs y. · 1 Btg l':111yu11 JdUh l'ondc1.1K111gs1ie ~ Hr w rq1k I & 111.rnl .\cli..11, "'' Ju·I• 1'4.1,;i•i1 I ,, """' ~.~.· ·~t US.2311 MAKES SENSE gated comm of R anch~ tractivt ntw condo. 1-•LS 2 HR, 2 11.~. pool •:;nn1~.1 ::~l~e~IJ~\~ 'r' 11\1 II ~1111 ~"'' l~qton l eoch 3840 " 'lu•I •• \l.111 Sh&rorourple1,assuma Mira&I! Palm Dtsert patio. spa, frpl r. D"01"' ::.erurt• PJ_r t 1ni: 1r.n ~1:1 .. ...i111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ble loan + lrg owe lncbanWtllsorLa Qwn: tr.5fmo. Joyce Waltll!, 2Br28a S650 I $950 mo 11 33 di.Ill or Ccro.odtfMw 3122 :!HH I 'II \ ~\•I)>•'' I~ ... n ~1::.. 1\ 1 • I 11 Breaks e.vu w /25~ ta Owntr Wr Ill! to Re/Mu 1 63H266 3 Br2 Ba 1875 1857 21126 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~' \ .im•u,1 rd • 111 ''··'· THE WHIFFLE TREE 111 I 1·~1 ·1H1t "'-· OCIAMYllW dwn. $192,500. Du n Or°awtr 44 Po Box 2000 Ntar new 2 Bdr fenc 3Br2Ba SOOOfurn Nrv.1>0n llt'111h1~ :1 hr STEP TO Ot:t:AK .'111'1 1.1,1.1, \•ht 11.1 it Hf!wportBeach 3869 ••r $100,000down ...... l'li'ii Co<0no d•I Mu. CA yud l"'I' ,j,,, 10 48•3 0. . $875 fml) .m. h•d«I ""· •h"m'"' m olH"'"" lllK l'o It I '"'' I''''·" ' '" '•· '"""''"'"'"""'' per mo . Owner w1l I 91!6?5 h • I! & ·h Le RalJOr Rlt,Y 833·11600 rfllk . Sli'IO dmt• ll> .\IK 2 Rr 2 Ha frplc-, urt'an :! llll :! ll,\ :i-1.•1 111 \\ • 11 ,J, • 1 111 I PARK NEWPORT ca'!'>'.Watcbthe puadt • • ~ :' sMO :?~~.f~ng, HOMF.FORRt;NT I St. Andrt>w~.6-12!1ii66 vit•w rrum d\'(·k !tll\W W1h1•1. 1.J1 ,,1c:1 t1l1r111"1 ,.,. l'I"• 11lil of lights from your own r ...... .s e, -:--' 3 Bdrm'. $700 J.'encl!d 3 Br 2 tta or 2 Hr Z tla $!0l iro call :\11thcu1\ ... 1I•11n. i 11,.i I '·• .. , I PARTMENTS ~k. Agt. John Elhot. Wmhcl 2900 5::.! ~~: 2i::m \!ii: yard & garage Kids & 1 Den Stt>p~ 111 ht'a1·h •lay~ 642 57:-,7 t'H'' & 11·'1" ,i., 11'11 ' 11•1 • A :1111631-4321 COYING TOMS ••••••••••••••••••••••• . , rpN 6 PETS pets welcome tst mo + rrpk Sll(JO mo "'knlb &.'II 6hJ<I a&~· Id ~,,,.,, Ii. I I•· " ,t,1 ~1 TopO.C.location,pncl!d w~ •nc,:m.548·'680. I dep 54>2000 A~l!nl nu t'HO l1t:llTYlll.'~'SF srt:<-•~rl'l .. AH.o\'Jo ... \\' ••~&.1le ~~.it'.,': .... I l ________ , from S2SO OOO·S32S 000 Lalld lO bwld 4 lo 12 Un· CUte E Side 2B --is-~ b42 :ilSO ti.1;/ IVICI & (IT\ U<,ffTS \ n \\ FAMILY APTS. ~· ~ ,. ILKLAMCI Assuma bie loans + its, local area. Ag~nt u oo · 1 r.1 •· 11 _ ..._ L 3248 Lido 5 fldr s19541 11111 1111 l-'r111111'"'~ r11tirn l.1rc1• SpJrkhni: d t•Jn I· .1111 ftlo.IUDO 67~8170 .., mo . s t. asl ....,....-•• 1 1 1 fir Sb:IS mo \nth11111 ror IJm•llt ... 1 11r llt lu"' I•"" "" owe. Dean Sttwart, . 642·9682elt6PM. • ...................... l!On l':i~t· 11u .. i.t lJ ,. I· . 111;.1·1 ~75• l<r I d11ldrt-11 ,, I .1rl. • 1• 'I I 5 bedroom rustom de· agt. 631-1266. Spa . bd h --Large t bdrm duplt>x . Owrwr "'111 rmanc·1• \1!1 1 :J}~ ~ .i -· '·"' 11 ·" 1.• • " -"' corated is an uctp· .... r~ I rm ouse ocean \'1ew frplc ulll Wt•llb &l!'t-tl'J50.h-lt>-~~1t1 bJl tiliJIJ 1>11 '1o11t•"h ili.1,ru • ·11' t1onal value. For ma I ••••••••••••••••••••••• Westcliff Area. ,_., blk to l>SO ~i ~~ 5 7 m ~t'"'" dl'1">rJll'd ~ Hr I ~ 111:!11..t. ~· ,. \11lh 1111 1•1·1 dinin& room & family ...._.,_.,1ae4 shopping ctnttr & bus. :;;'It d. · P . llG CANYON llJ ;\duh~ uni) no 11,.h ;fllj \\ \\1l"•t 1.:1. .,~ •I 'I.it,' roo~. Lite. ai ry & .......... ••••••••••••• MSG mo. Mature adlts. ex~ _w n s '1.uar1l i:a tr 111 m m 9i.Jll mo 4!16 7~4 • 11 , 11•1 , 'I•'' :i;•t ........ ._.. 1106 no pl!ts Call E lite •3 Br. 2"2 ba 2 1·ar gar Spanou~ :! lJdrm rJm \Ill I.I ., llr hf'C 'I I• .. ,. •11 1" "'' ltf' \\ ,, I~.,. 1----------....... := .......... 752-1920, 9.4 wkdlA -Orean view No pets rm r>i.•an llumt• $12.'>0 South of Hwy C'l'thnl!' '"'' .. 1 A .... 1 l'""t ~ i ~~·· ,, ~· 'i INCOME 'Charming tbdrm cot· 2 BR, ntw carpel, gar. Sl200 mo to 11'1() Ai:t im 2 bdrm. I ba S650 1Zi" :wn in11 llJt ~"' 11'' I 1111 I • Rc·. l h ii [ d-i.p Rt'.1ltv PIOPEITY taee. 2 car car, matutl! tnr.. yard, no pets 4!H-28!M ~o~.979 ~l!ll Ins ttM99'J!ldJ~~ '" fl"I ' ~~'it """' SPECIAL rpl prtf. Rd's req . $47S/mo Avail immtd. I Outstanding view 4 Br J Harbor Vil'"' flm. Jt>t:lrm 2 bdrm 2 bu. 1 ll'" 11f BJ 1 ~ ;;15ti uri.;J 11110•1 "" ' • •' '"' t "'"" SPECIALIST Wanter. (2l.J>4311-CY760. 542.7927 , 'Ba . decking. dtntnl! 2ha ,1\1111 Jan i.t Tu11 Rernl( 11.;i~ht·r, cln1;1 • 'l Br t'unil11 nr :-.1 m 11 '•u' • 1 " "' f I I I I ,I II l 3 BR 1 BA r area. dshwshr. stovt'. l'fM'lrl 5>1511 mo !HO Klil 1 gar $RSl11\.16 llWl1 1'1;11.1 :-. \ 1'•1<•1 SpJ IJ.C' 1 •1 ~ • 1 I ... Nl!vil.le/Olmstud Design : Select rron:i 3·l9 units ......... _. 3141 . • · am room, mini blinds thru out 1>'"75 6101 1\)(1 :'liu pl'l~ 1.i 1 1 ;i.11111 1,.,,,t "t .. 1. •• ~.: H CANYON Ttrms available to suit •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• din. room. den, fp. 2 rar Garage 51050 Isl & lasl S ma 11 ~tu ti 111 ;1 II I 1,u; 1911 1 ... 1 ,, 1,,,0, 1 .. n '34 lnvtml!Ss. Complett· your nttds. ~· ;~:~:llv ~~i~ pdi ~~ir,s~~ls:sb~~~~e [ ;;~11red 964 1661 ah 5-Mf leach 3211 ~~~r;;~.hr~~f32~~'"'" Hlrl 11.t nu , it 1• .111 .'fi ll I II', ,11 '''·• .IY rtdes1gned & re· 1 d l!c:lt s. p vt y rd , 540-0702 ____ . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ru510m ZUR II\ i:.ir i::ar J1lull,11nll "' 1111• ol..;• ... p•I \1 111 •1 m>dell!d 4bdrm. mastl!r • ~~ washtr 1d r ye r . dis. 4 br 2 ba house nu pamt I Clean 2bdrm house 1n Walerfro'll ., br I 'onl1u lit-Jut Stor.•!!•' l.ndn ~1 1m :!.!I \\ \\ 1-.,, II ti ~ \I, f J ,j I• I• Sllll!, forma l din rm. 3, Nt.J.&C'CD hwasher, linens & er-Pu. dfl)S . r;.p1c Xlnt Village, children pels U\l'rlookmi: llarbou r & P\1 1•ntr) Patio t'11t I ll'l.51111:1 \•Iii • •;x·I-'l~n ..... frplcs. dtn w wt tbar.1 ITTJR~ utmsilia mt'I. SIOO/mo c:ond Avail Jan 8 ok $750 49 7 31198. OC't'Jn t ten111• pool & Sndk SpJrkhnl( d .. Jn ~ llr 1 , 111111111,h"d •• ·' 111 nl!W lndscpg. Sl.325.ooo.1 'f=w (, udil lune 30th. 494.7334 S725t.:00. incl gardtner I ~_:2576_ bt'at'h \\ail .IJn :m l/1Jahr1t'(l \dull JJn 1:1 HJ ~ll'I Fc·111·t·1l 1·11•, A.SPEH PACIFIC ~nHouse, ll·4· Fri &1 i ll &UtJ763 or~'74.2. Nrfairview.751·9606 l.apMMMJ-1 32521 SliOO m • i>Jto:J60J ,•q •, S.~>llO~rl) fi750'i60 l'Jlll fMr!t.:<' :! '"'"II 1213 1596-7202 CR E PROPERTIES I l92SColli>ge..\\(• Mt portltecla 316t 1 ••••••••••••••u•••••••To~ CostoMHa 3824 i·hildr~n Ol\.nupt•I \ht •11.tr•n ,,d 1,tt ;).•Ill' ... 644-4553 rn~lll ~1esa. CA ... :.................. IASTSl~Eh Exec. 4br, Jba. ram rm. 3 URiwwi~d 3 525 ....................... 1960\\;11l.1t1• i;.1~ 1·~··· I' It' 1~1111 .ir.1.'• '" UDO ISLE charnuni 4 Lrg 2 Bdrm ti;, a ouse car gar, \•1ew nr 111·ean ••••••••••••••••••••••• HEWl y DECOR '.! kr tlo\ 11h,c· l.1' f( 111 1 •. 1 ,17 ,.t-,, SACRIFICE! bdrm, 2..., balh, lrg sun· w/yhd-.!,arp~g~ se;;k , 1!!.111. 974 3420. . IE ONE OF 1 Rr l!.1' ptl. enl'I · i:,ir l>1n1n~ .1r1·.1 k11 ii , 11 3Mwluxurytownhoust 9UMITSCM f1Ypatio.rompltttlyup-f:c,._... 0 ...... Viejo 3267.i THELUCKYFEW rf11.J,hi•r J.llxil \ilult ... rrplc· trJ''1 "' ... tit MAR IHERSWALK ao£tg~ 3:~~roi~~S' ~ew +refurbished· un· ~ $1700 mo. Ytar·I orJtm.631·737 -• ....................... Rent in co,ta \l(',.J' frl''~ril 11.1111 .ill<ich•"I .. "·~· h I .,.,, ··• COST $135.ooo ea Its. xlnl owntr ~nanc· ~Gr.llldY,675~161 .,_,... 32261 HOMES FOR RENT :"\F.WEST 1!.tt1•d :!II ~· " J>Cllll ).HUI/I .. •111" \,I I . .• \ 67 ... ....., Ill&. $46S,OOO. Don t wait. Want somtthing xtra ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 & 4 Bdrm:. S6SO S700 Tnwnhome \ 11.L.\G E 2 Ir. I lo Ap t l,11 111111ro111·r1' \•t .~ ... •I 1.~ • •. "' ,_, • ............ OeanStewart 63l·l266 s ptrial in a 2 Br. ForRent 2br.p¥t.yard, F t n red yards & C:U~Oll''\;ITY l&31\r :"\!'"'" dt•t·or (,,,,pol 1~1 111.•1, .\1J'.I rnirn .. 1 '''"' fi1n 11.1.'"'I• W. AM I 010 Townbousl!, compltltly gar. SliOO. 33911 Diana •2 garagts Kids & pel$ 21, & 160o 111oo "<I ft md i:ar pool 1.hh" r ~1 rr.· 1o.11 1 •x I 1 r .• ( Ir• 11 "' '1111,,11 ....................... fwn?Pll6.Mo.1&0-9117. Open.493-0467 welrome.lsl mo +dep. olnun•luxul) l;<1r:.)!c1>. ,\clulL'\ti-1~5117:1 ~;."'''tk. 11tt11n1 p1 1 l .. 11L1 t l11l1 t•• h.1 111 UICIPllVACY? Spar. 3 BR 3 Ba Bluffs IWilarJ•lttlCil 3240 ~-~.Age~l~noJe.! I h}dro tub<; 1n m;i ,,l1·r llrTowlllMMise •·r~d ~ •. er 'rtl '12• tth• l rpl •'·II 11 • Thu th is Stlect ~~do.d ope, n "1 h ght. ·······················1Ml•,,.rt•ec:• 3269 SUlll' rorrn1lhcl111tn)! ~1· ... 1~ derm l!<i" pll 54!H~l:J:1 \111. townhomeisamusl Sl!I! Am.IYAWY -.1111! c:p, c:~ lo mcLaC..t. ••••••••••••••••••••••• rooms lo\OOt urnmi: (•fldl(Jr j)Oul ,f, .. hr 2 fir l'Jrrlt•fl .qll I'll 1}111 (I I It Sttludl!d 2 Br 2 Ba has pool. $1150. D. Johnson, 4 bdrm 2 b r I fireplart'~ m11·ru .... J \ ,. ,\d It f>.1? 51r;3 p.il 111 c.11 Jllrl•I f\ ,, ti. ,, I ' II ,, lt I d ff ' d Ntar new 4·pltx 2 5Ul&lioc67s.t000 . , a. JV rm., O\ens renn•d palw:. & u s -• l)l·L• I''"' h11•l •• ...i .11 vau ll! ct in gs. an bdrm, 2 bath earh unrt f~n:uly room. form~ I I H CANYON yards I'm Jlt' elel(ant Spar1t1U.' 2 Hr I H.i s:r.1~ w, 'f•'\I• tarth!OOl!decorating 1A wi~rireplart.encloud u___u_f ...1-a......1 dining, bonus rm. 2-i Luxurious Thrte hvtnl? onb 15 minull'' J Hr.t' n.. Sl2S l,.11111 t 0 11111_ Il k I II\! SUPf!r startu at on Y patio. garage. 9'<.~ Jst .._ W9il&wcu car gar. 3000 sq ft S9SO bedrooms Two baths rnim FJ,hiun I-land 7 iln fol' JKiol ).;I< 9551, :: fir " ~.11 ~11 • '' 11 It 1. I • '" I '""I 11, ,, 1. 193,900. 751-3191 "'-· Sl.59 SOO B·111 Grun .. ••••••••••••••••••••• Call Jim 0·~hl)' de~orat0d u uted • • I I • • .1""'l "·'"'' 1•.l'll "' 11 1••·1 ,,., II t ,...,... • · · 4--....1 320 ...,.. c...,0 1 ru, ' ' "' nunul1'S to ~ l • .11a ur ~II \lo " fir I f!J \pl · • dyl Rltr, 675·6161 -.,,., ...... ---tones 3000 square reel I () c A1111Ur( .lu~l l'.l'l of (' . I •• " h. I • r: l'l,11 1·1111.1 1i:11, I·-I ... 1·1 11 ... II ~.J<t'' ....................... HOMES FOR RENT ' Overlooks 10th tee or s . ( .arJ.I(( lo\··~ Ir I n I r I ;.l'\I Iii 11.. I lo iol 'If\ I " Non1?1ativt . S9.000. down •--LS I oil S2 90 h · l'lo\port Hl\(1 & ~." " Jl1tiu111111, Sm.di c•lltltl 4 pin. Principals only '°" 1 A 3 &. 4 Bdrm S67S.S700 1 . g course 1 mont I San 01eJ!t1 Fr"'~ :st:1r1 (Ill. 110 l't'h noi. 1 \\'Jr .\pr u11lum I 111 .,1 ,,, •"I· 1 ... 1: • '\" ....::~======~-1 Jot.i~7660Agt. Yurly·Wtekty.Wintu. Ftnctd yar d s & Yearly lea~t' :J1 ~ur mg JI Stuoo a month ol!lC:allforJpJ>I 1'11,1.1 \li•-.,1 t.i• 11111 •1_ •. ; •• Try I°"• Doww! 2,3,4, Bdrms. gara1n Kids & Pf!lS Grand Valtt Open ~n 631 ~Y.I 217:1 tlranl(r n;1. \H;\IT .;.i2 1111n .tll< r 21'\1 Hll 1 le\ , • SC Plaza Area 3BR. C.M. UlD ucoes IE "'LTY wekolDI!. 1st mo + dtp day I 5 To see (a II M~. l"(l,l:I \h·~J . I • 111 • 1310 000 xlnt fin Ml4 A ~ml Agtnl no fl!I! I 631-7300, Ru ltor ,, 1 ~'Tl:-. \l:'lot. IJrl!•· I & ~ ;-;h;1r11 I Ill! 1111' t 14111 •! 2BA, frplc. dbl gar. Xlnl 67>-0inJ ·1 J.t.S..4123 PIOPEITT MGIS _ ,,.._, _ .•l'"" ~pal' mu 11 11·1 el Br 2 HJ C:Jnltm \µI d. ... a1111.,1'•'r ~IX '"' , 11· cond.Jl37,S00.8Sl·9020 • · 675-6l73 Lux. 2 Br. 21, Ba Pool. I UXUI y-o~ llo\nh~•· 1 RH 2 hu Pml ltu\\ I/Ith s1 \.,k r .. r ll1 I 01 l:!lf· ,.., 1,1 • 11 .. ,1, .. ; Jlllclcmcltes spa. tennis. serurily L YIA"' "' den,tud~. rpt puul TIIF\'lt'TOHI\:» ~ "llH 11 '" .. 1 ,, 1., 11 •It T CH..-.111...-fTC ..... hlmd 1206 galt.Walklobeath -aft5 J8r.2Ba with boal shp. Jae clhh• i:.1r S7~0 1 ~ , 11 ' ''" • ·I?" tllur" \•• ,,1, --962 ·-A I .. 67< 7<''" \ .. !'\Or • r " i;.11 ,., .... cpl s.l,111 in11 n • ••••••• .. •••••••• .. •••• P•=·.... . ..... ••••••••••••••••• --. v a i. no w ,., an YI " '"" ni<"' t'll!I!' $i drap1•' loll l11r Hill ,;:11 l:!t•'' ..:~, .~ -...... .._, -· 10 7 .. 000 Balboa Island Waterfront * * * amenities $3500 ~lo , • . 111, l'J'"' \dulb r.tll , ,,1 ForS. 1100 Pri;;"' R' h M 3 Br. 2 Ba Yurly rtn·I IOI "'•at••y Broller67S-4912. l"f lnwtth fvnush~d l(11.n 1r,1,11141:!11 l..H'1l' I 111 up : • ' 1• ~ ....................... Agt , IC tytr tal. p!S. Mo. 770-0347. - -....................... ~ r \ 1 s.i· pout \llulh L.11.1.d1, • 11 • ti >.ti 100 ' 0 C E AN FR 0 NT 714-754-7655 ..... h1ll1uf1 3207 814~Blaylock NEWPOITHGHTS lallooPfftiRwla 3707 ' • It' unJ • ,o "''"' IJrj111n :>It' n • "~'" LAGUNA BCH. ntw 31.-5 C... li!ntington Bearh L'"· •••••••••••••••••••••.. t.il Uul \.t ... 1 1 ' 111 from $29.900. rent $400 Pn · ed d . , bedroo 2 b h r 1 ""'•' J rm. u11 1111 .. ~Jt·1(\\h 1 1,.1 m "' ,,, """''': ,, , r 4119-31116 Cl! JUSt r IK'I! . nur two ftte tic:hts tS18.00 m, at . orma ~to $.100 "l~t,.hlf \t• .1 ' ~ , ' ' r I -.· -· . •••••-••••••••••••••••1 You att the wlnntr of "''new. custom bwll 3 "~It bd 1 1 .. ' · lll!W. call now. PIOPllTY vall.ll!l lothe j dirung room home Eal· .,-.. rn.... n.. 1 "' ··" By owner. Adlts. Irvine. TSLlnvstmnls 642·1603 M .a.u.a.e............ ICIFOLLllS & ing area rn k1tt·hen. Uay I -• "'" """" 't~•P11111~ t t'nlt r ,1,, l•u• ' •""' J.I ''"' ' Sec:Gd.1584sqfl.2 br.2 • ...-"'""'Wlillll""' \llewSISOOmonthYeJr '620 '2 Clubhou ~t· \\t' ID1 m1 \l.1 l1tr1 .11111 l•'••n· ,ltil\,, ,, 11, ba, bonus rm. Wt tbar 14u"'1SC.M. sue••·WIMTll HOUDAYOt41CE ly 1'ease 631 .7300 I Handsome ~lullrn apt • ,.~ • "" Pt'h t'.tll I 11 1 .. $1;:. :..;lh 1:1.:1 OOOSS2·U92 Easts.Ide with pool. YIAILY·COMM'L ANAHEIM Realtor ·1 beam ce1 hn1:. u11ht11·~ t ll'~ ~ 75'l 192o :t 1-..1.,1.1 owntr anxious. grut CONVENTION · pvt yrd . prkf ~pact>. Your i l.AHl; ~. ~ ll\\' 1 JI , D1W.1SlhSt.Sp49.N.B, r. • tl""' CENTER k c· I lmmed occupancy, '74 iUUlllCmga u ·r. HarborViewHomes non sm r a l'\l'' priu11· pJl1u I 'hi. I Dbl Skyline M H 2Br. TSLlnvstmnls 642·1603 Dtt.23-2Sor SBR.3BA.3 rarGar. 12131934 36H or ~c·1• items 011. s.t!ll1 flll 1:111;11;1 w l ind in pk rtnl. Pool. 8.Costa Mesa Units.8 LONG BEACH AR ENA Cul·De·Sac. $1400 mo y,.'kJlds ,\,ail Jan 10th \.. c.J •t:,\<\T<\llH. l.f\ l\I, • _..... J N--" h 2 • °'-IA'1 d• Ott. 29-Jan. 2 I E ,.__ 37 -.....: b · ..... .,. on y """ ras . .....-... xl!S. stp. ""'· ..,. To c:l•im liclttls, calf --_!l!S, 760 0607 1-dtf Mor 22 .,. • p SQffieCn P, $ ~. I BR $175 mu Srncl•· maktofr.675-3160 eds. noln . 10 x mkt 642.5678 ut 272 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••"I 1 2RR ~~·mu I l'h11'1 0 c EA N r R 0 N T rmts.llOKd.p. ...,.,... Tktl!tsmUslbl!claimed IWfCCMIClo . I ~\Jm 38r. 28J \'fl'\\ apt. Christmas ~h·-h d..l'l1•J11 11\; .';o'i MOBILE. Marvin Ross Bkr Luxurious2br.2ba c:on· hvl>tt.22,1981 Lrg 2BR, 2BA.t le\e S~rro ~l Bay~1<11·1 '>e-..1>41rl 111·11.?lll~ ·"'"' Tl"l!asurt Island. $28,000. 645-5000 do. Xtra lrg liv rm. ovtr· -1 * * * Lrg Patio. Great Lnra-1 Qr .!,Utr644 5154 • Sell them like• nr" • llH duplc, Lu\ •I! 1111 .1 fi, .1 11 1 1 .. , h.1r I rj1li I , I • ' I t.r.t~\ 1,ft \UU'• ~ .\\ II h~.ll• .I< I' • ·" \ 1, I ' II Ii A Jh~\ I ,,,. • ";' ; I' ~. '151>1 _II.II>" 111\ '11·1• 11111 -111 I ' .1 l\li I +l'lh ,..,, \\I I+ , \\ 1-1 •\11 ·t.I 1.1\,11 .1r ' I ii •I I t '~I (I I. 15.000 dwn. Space rent I ~~Nl,I, ~inc bay.dSec. :!d!. 2 Br. I Ba. l bk to brh. ~n~lnt Cond S92S '1eostoMno 3724 \llultJ> Y~~lmn .. 111 11.7•• S72S ll'l>. Steps to pvt 2100 v1Ner1roun par in,.. l500. 212 lllh St. H B -----••••••••••••••••••••••• Wllh an ad ' ~Jnl:i .\nJ ... t l'I fl' b e a r h & $> i ' r .... ~ .................... Adults. '850 mo. 675-6775 •sm CASA DE ORO 1 Hr .11lull • 1"i'r .111 1 1 714..-.2586 M.ini·warehoust silt. San ,._ ..... _ 3222 THE ILUFFS . • . d h 1 1 'I 1 1 ·1 1 on1I l·•l \ ..;.;..;...::c;;__;;=='-----i n...mardtn' o nr Norton - -Beawful S Br.+ Dl!n 3 Spa • bd 3 bath ,\LLl TILITIES PAID lJO er f e l'J 1" 110" i"t '' 11 .. ••••••••-•I DIC' · • ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ' <"K>US • rm. · • 1 t!J" ..-. .• ,, hl \ •1 ••I COUNTRY CLUB LIVING I~ NEWPORT BEACH \11 .1olul1 • • •11111 1111111 \ ''" • ,, !111 k 11 .• \ '"''I' I"'' ul.1' "II•« , 'lo\ 1111 n11i;~ l•••I >i 1ch11•11 1t·r1 11 .. • uiH1' 111~1' II .Ul' r• , t 1 1 1 ; , 1 , , 1 II J I It "'" ' I ... IHI 't lw•'r·~•lll:-Jft.irl lllt'llh .Jll1.t ,It\\ ''tl•llt't•' r runl ~.1111i. '!1••• 1•1 t 11111111h "" Jjm1>11r11· \t '·'" J11.tqu111 11111, R11.1d ; 11 •..t I 1'••11 I •uph \ 11p•l.i1r .! Hr I 1.., 1:i11 ~ .. 1 .. 1:• '"Jr I j1lu 'h•1l1)oti:._ ~Ht' I ~"'-' , . .,, '• .• • \1h1h-1111 I~'\ \l..•t ll,1\t' I d I• 1 , <' I \ 1, I I I li.tlht•fl\l \ \ ~ I!! I t,,jllJ • ~ 1·,111rr1•11t 1·11 \\ 1n11•1 1( .. 111.cl• I u rn1,h,•tl l\ ,1 l II t ill 11!.1 r ", l" I:! \• • ~ ~ ~ \ I .\ t 11r11J., 'II "' \ t I 1(1 n\ J • l'•I. II· ~· I ~ "·'I J\1 I r~ 11•1 1•1111 •'•J••' .1rL .l u,._ • ,11'Ull lld}•'f ... s.~-· Olt• I' l li t,; \ "' .11 h'' I 11: t11 1'1·11 lht'lht' ~ t11 :.! fo,1 ,, .111 OHTHEBAYI t ••,, t•' .t ll J,tt IU\J r \ . •,t... 111h ru : It 1'h .1(11 • 1h· I : ' ... If ,I\ U ... 'I ,, II • I Ht .1~ I ~ I •'t 1.,.• 1 r 1 ,t 1 t, ~ It •. , .:111 1111 • dr.qn ~oli 11•'1 I 1lot11' I' t\ .qi ,,, ·'"' • ' I lo1 '"' \ ,jfl • . . 1n· l1111t "I I t 111..tc I •''H' f t! t1,ff r. ,,,,,,• • r' ,\ J '.'1111 tit Ill' tS1•1 ~ •I r • u~inL lht h.1> ... .._,, 1·1,ntf I • u•·•·"' 1r1 1~h"! I· " ,1J111 • .tll -u . -;, 111 •• \\~:~Tl l.l rt -Ill ll.1 f.,\lllh• I " \olu'' I .. ,\ n I I I "+I \\1 -_' l.t I' 1! l .1 '" Ii. .1. II •• 1;1• f • 111 11• : 11. 'I I •I ' fl ft..... f ..411' '1 .. , ••• , I~ 1m• l ,• 1\ II o1 •11,c "'i .! I \ •r I l'\1 I~·!. 'I• I .j \\ ,., rlrulll I' ,~,. ' • .• • ,, I \I • I ·'I l I~ .. 111 111 • I I 11 '""" ,, l'..hf•I" I "'t or I I ti~ 1.1rd .,1 111 • 11 .. ''•'!'" I 11•1 1•1 loo,f I .l.t!l l I' tJ '''" \ I .1 I\ .tltl. -11 ,, •:•;; •11 h1rth•• .... *EXCITING* ~?·..}.~f'!;!U:r ~i!~ 3!~~~":· :i::t"rr!o ~~~i~~~orly. ~1~~'1~ I ~~':°":o~e~nP~~~td~ '1 Co mt pat~e themrorr ~ uu Daily Pilot .,,71r~.: '" c.. . 1~ ·1'; lease w/option to buy Call Barbar~67S·JOl7 . bl!adl, school & shops J1200 ptr month Al!\. rren, u~ 1': 1' .. ,:R17:1 Ht••rn1 I fir I''" ,1 ... 1. • \\ 'I ;., I i 1 I r ' It 11 .... s. NeilorRoos.5-6020 •1mo .ea11968·4021. ~5560 ea ~res Ot•. , •• Gift Gu1·de .Ip!'" ''"'"I ,,,"'' ·m , • With or w i thout BeachUving.largt3Br. Blks ---· CO\' rd i.:aral!t'. "ur pl··~ ;-..,,.,, .1,.t111 ,,,,, I• 11 furniture Z4x64 Green· Loh for S. 2 20 2 Bl. garagl!, patio. $850. S to ~ean. Ele~anl 2 rc1untl1•rl \\ 11 h fl J u,h , 11r1•pl.1t, .. 11• 1"t 1.,1t " \ • ·' • 1'• • 1 •' I .. 1111 b . "'°"" . L ••••••••••••••••••••••• 607 Iris. 634-1535 " Br. Family Rm & Oen Balboa Island Watrrfronl land!>•'JPin.: \i!uh 111 1 ,; t 1 , ~· \ii 11 ., • , " ner in aguna 4 acre ol land Newport 177.2233. 950 Mo. Plush rrpts. 212 3 Br 2 &. Yuri~ ren mg al 11~ bt.'~l ~'' pcb C II 642 5678 ~" n t , 1., I• ,, ,\ ,, 1 • , Hills ntCl!Sl 5 star park Beach. OK for Condos. MOVE IN NOW a.. Cedar ' &lass. sun-I ~Pl5_ Mo 110·~1 I I Br fum from ~f).~ a -f..I.\ :lJ>c I l Jll Iii" II 'I I \ • I .\ Ml: .. rtlteclt ClficeorMedical Bldg. dtc:ll, dbl car prv 2Brfum froms.5511 indl~for tlle ,, ,,, Btawful Belair Mobile 641-0lG Agent. FREE~~~JAhN 61 caragt, fully maint. Newport HticJlth ~W Wil~on 642 l!lil ~°"Beach 3840 •. 1 Homt wffront kit. t2xtt• ' -Walk 3 uw.s to vc•c yard. Ad·uJts. no pets In· 4brt3ba on qwet cul·de -. ' Christmas ••••••••••••••••••••••• '·" Uv Rm. 12·110· Maslt r HARBOR Rl~E nartet. II 2900 sq n. qwtt al 527 18th St. sac. Walk to schools STIJNNI:-.<. larj?t' I fir I Bdrm Enclosed patio Sl.000,000. lot·Wlll J.V. 3BR2~BA. dm. fam rm M>G31 fGds olt. s1200rmo. Refs. Garden Apt Pool & Re\' A~Visor ~---- Near. Hoag Hoapital. OOOneedH.759·0481 w/frplc,lgdlnin1,prh. . . ~9334Da s 646·2017 _!_rea.7JOW llllhSt I Kenn\_'l>unk1><>rl'.' msoo tt ••&>nert. patio, master bdrm 3Br.2Ba.Condoi.n .lllnt ----$375 mo Mature adult~. I . CL. &er.•-•--240 w/frplc: 'tile tub, 2 car loc. All a me n it 1es. SPYGLASS no ""ts Qwet & securi• Isn't that th:.. l""'' --__... e1K'I gar. Sl,200. mo . $'700/mo. Aull now. Ocun ' night view. 19sl Nt>wporl HI\'(! WTSIDE I 'I "' "'"· - MOIUHONI j:1•t:i•s;ri·;;;••M7•700 m.at. ~ 4bdrm. ram rm. 3 car 646-83'73 M152 Br 1 lt<i l'ool~1elc 1 that won The A'Tlenc,i ~ C ,~ /j? SAW furnished on Golf Club Dllplex 3 Br 2ba. deck ~.3 BR.2Vt BA.2story aar. 12200/mo Evu Ntwly dttar I Br dpl~. f\pt Laundr) room I "-. f\. '\ . / .._ 2706Harbor.Stt206·A Dr. 714 ·320-9544 or w/omview.Gar. Deluxe! f~ roam, enc yard, 7-..n. -sep by aar Quu·t <'hlld OK. no pt>ls C1ll __. I\. S .... 5937 •31&3 A property. S92S. Work kidl OK. Alla 964-1618. Emplyd adu1l oiw JS for appt hefore 11!1 gont' Yf>'J 'P r.r· ,J • .... • '· • ' •'' ·t - Ownel'Fin1ntin1 --54049,bomeMO-tzlt lftla'MNO •CAHYON No_pets S350 54111021 TSLMgnt 4'12 11;113 "'o1' :1<1 •• ,., r., , . • .• ._.,,..,.,., 1350 T 2..,,_Dowa 2 bdrm house w it h4BR,Bl6 ~.Pool:tennis Beautiful 3 Bedroomf\;m.barhelor apt~ hv WESTlAIEYILLAGE K11rhyltt1r kwt ,, .. 1 ., .. , ........ ••••••••••••••• Walr~brilliant sunset rourtyardAskforlohn 6Pt•ysrouncf. Kids Ok. homeont~1olf rour~t. day, wetk or month I lmmed orrupanq n1fferentap.tr1f!Pr'11t~ '••1• , ... ~ :. '.• shimmerin• throuch 573-11.51 No ptls. SUS mo All amenities · with 642-1334 Adult only rompln I 1n H"n'1nnto1 f\arr •'<l\ot W .a. __ ...,. , ot • • S'1·2M5541·ll05 s«urity galt 12500 per ----I p I I d , " ., "' .. , .. "'""' PIM trees while s1tt1ng c.MNIM J224 b :runlh Call Wilha m IW d•lfec:lt 3740 00 .llpa. uun r) room.' of rot<1 1yper<.ond :··:,,· •, IOCI MftAT HSI rozily in. front of your -•• .... •••••••••••• Nr buGc_ll..:.....3bdrmln. l2 Na. "' .. -r~ .... 1.115 ••••••;i;'•••••••••••••••' P,'ll1us or dtrlt~ '111 1wh 1 Kaneotf::WHawar i warm hr~platl!. P1r £.lidt~led4 Bdr 11511 ... -ner c . o ..-c ... ua Garaf(esa1·a1I Tri•r1iniJ <>f •"•·r ·i.· •" ·Kaneoht Yarht Club turnqut moutaln w/familJ rm .... pr ...... *Cote Realty H.l.'1AMEST Barh S3tlO A IJ'?rfM bP!ll 1 111.11 -i1 , am 1 IC're zoned for 4 rttrul offtrs you a •· .... mcwa you le. --.•p I •Dr . Sl>anlsh Ellale Ll\'lng• I Br S4~ MIS nestler! 1r ,. fwf>9 w1" '•tMih .. , • •'Y.'o• 1 ! ; , • llomrs w uislini 3 hr clwft to relu aSld en· '8r._. a:'/SS:7ids "•I & lnvt'5tmtnt Beautiful p;irlt-ulte sur , 2 Rr s.ns WI~ I' pooqs coo ,..1 ~ ,1111• 1 o. ,.d "'ll bay' mountain vu joy life. 2 bedrooms. •OK o.;,:;S.2M2 I 640-5777 rpoolound!~gj. Terraced TSL. Mgml. 642 1603 It.at ler •\Court~. w•""'T ''•Hi , ;; t yr, 12'"t. fin. 1595.000. open beamed reihni · .,..nken icas ~bt1. t'ir11pl11cc, pool . '"' I II t" I 4 ,\ ,·. ,, •• 1 u.• I I I ,. 1d 1h IP ,. ! ,, '•• ...... ' I II I 1•1 II• • • r \ \ \I ~~ tl1 "'' Iii ll.1 I• >. 1.1111 t. t 1 • ~ I 1 '' , ~ ,, r ' ~.I I ff t, \ I ~ ~' 11v •r • •'""'' ni1' \1 11l• '""' l 1\11111 1·11 I' , • I • \ , I \I • I 411 '•1 l ' I 1,. 11l.~1t"- " 'I> I ti • lull A • \Ir,, •'• 1011 llLI ~ ~"' 1 r\1111 'ftH I I'\ "' 1 l'.1 rl. I It 14 ... ''" 111 h••l'l•lll( •11111 I "'·II•·~.: mnh'''•'~ t 11<1111, •"111111 1 •.• ,,..,. 1'.1 1u /\J11d ~. • run •.u '1"' .. • , I ,cr \II 'I h , I, I ... 11 r. ~· 1.11 ill ol ,, t.l·-'~· ,, :1 '11.,111 ., Ill .1•l.11t n• ]II h t l:J ~ J1,1h '' ~1 _, 1.11, II 1'1 Owntr. lhrou«hout. solar heat· ~ J244j. ut...... F/R ..... ssparklilntt fount ain ~ patio. d1 5h\\'illlht'r, onl d CUf\vt'l'lf'•I lfl(,jfl l' '"''' I • m.71'71957 IW lnll. Dttorated in wood _.•••••••••• .. •••• I -+ , nume P ac o u s ro om~ t:i~idC' all in x Ir~ 1 fir employment dnrl yn. , .. JO' .ii' d< .. .i· ,, , "'' , : and earth lOMS Ntslltd IMbdde ZI• I IA 1 H r ,._ t'IMo. 2 BR 2 BA 1 •/POOi, 2 ~ot.2 'i'· Separate d1nin~ area gantrn' :.ipb From S..V.U prOUCllV c.ill l'orr lfW>i l<iw ,t>,'•P'... ~fllC 11111.111 "'11h II , ..... tJw trees Oft IP· pr ftwed fd. Peta • ,... Nr Part ' Pool. Weltcliff. /rrro . 0 w a 111 · In rl 0 HI s. ~7 21Ml I o~ .ind 'W() Ot'<Hml' I • I ~ .,,. I "' \ •• rit \, .... , •• r1 11. 11 ht .. proaiawtcly 33 acr~s .. • • ., fB. ... HH I .•Ziii homellh k1t rhen & 1 1.1 1•m , C1 rdll ._., ldythrlW Co• lli*OK. .,_ lllO. i __,.Coftdo. 3 Br lap I br ~. Walk to Hunt 2 Br. l''I ba 610 Jo:inn M.I .tO.Jr c11»nme<. ~ 'f¢" S4~1 11 •H c ·'" II.I\ \" 14 '111111 .. '"tllls l~IJ fO•'ll E• ~..-fYa UliY.,.. 2 Ir 2 Ba. dowa J Ila K1tt hen inalonCenltr C.M Norhlldren Sm.ill Se d ! i.1r111 ~ "·' '"''11 1•• lo.t tlle rlu~ freall 5 8dnn 3 Bl ... t "l/· t6 ... r llvl•• ""·: .... . -~ l Bdrm·fum. $485 clogolt WiO 63! 262« aw1n I """· 9'0fM'I ftlOI MIWPOITllACH ll'IHmtainair.mi.t Plilll. wall lo Klloola, CUM~• 2 rir llr·; ToiwnbouH-unfum.~ Ru utUul I bd. I ha :11 1 .. , 11111 lll1la •l1lbilllJ. C·J , ............ " a....i Mir .... , •. _,cNb.fldl . ..,.. 1SZ·$14G,,~MlpJlrl Zba,dupper stoYI!, l'8f1K'lll. dr;ipf•11 I \7.,f:.!:l• ' 1 ' I lftlllvifw 121ft fron· •• "!!-W!:!L ----Mloopyt,1»·12Zl. . , -1. oo , ·f•r eaer Adult.l.nopeb Q u It' l n r c :1 • l'l IU ,.u.1nn .!h.1 1•.11111 !111~, l U .of exi11t1111 WhM a Wcindertul World ... Iba no.._• SGS lltlllliflllZBr.211. ''TM• Mn. fura. llM/mo Ulilitlts Pree• 1213>•678hrS97 0956 111 I" h $i ~1 mio \ rh ~ H of ~·•· ri•llt 11 • • -· · TtrnN" Uli• Part ' S6a12 -w;., -tq. " °' ,_,. (l8«tl1ipi1 ~"'Y· IU Vl ctori •. 14· hJk ...... 'tttill1' SP.AVl!W 4 BR • f1a1 l..AQUINTAm:RMOSA l1a ~1hrd th :It\' lht' . 11 '"'Pl411 "'" 1 s..c.... 1176 ~II ~~;;·"·r:::: ~~JT:~ •tla. .,,;,,;,.~pr ... ..W na. ... Ortn V6ew. "211 Parbide Lii. I bit lllll•f'r to ;i 'Ul'<'l,.,ful frum111tS-"U~ Ir~,,.,, • •· rir '"'"' • ..................... .. 711.fft. Ul-UH. ,.., Id t 1li Mf·MT• 'hMt J'Oll' oN sttlf '°' ~· Aull. ll·ll . ....,u,., .... Stturi· • aflluch, 3blbS ol .,,....,or ylArth.ill·' ll'' ~ Mcf~· thf(1-.tS?CY l.f(f , .... 1.1 .,.,,...n.I \ .,;q. JI Mt•I :!ht "l h.i hltlf"ll 111 _..iltiOalaUWA4· ~·.l~lta willl I~ snt/•. Alt. t1 ...... lftlil ..... ,,_.., abetterwa)toll'llmiin· F11rncsti~N1~·~1JJv lO ~\I ·' "_J1 hrh 111,·1o1n \~, IJun v-.-.1oa ~-.MNfll . m .... 1474441 .. peopit' ---.. fanl WiCl mu ltlt 11142 : ---\ -1 ....... .. .. ....................... Orange Ooa.st DAIL V PILOT'Fnday, December 11 , 1981 ~!!'!°!'.~.~ .... ~~~.~ .. ~?.~tOHlce._.. 440-e.h11 LM6.._. HOOPll11••' UIOMllpW..e.4 7100tw.WlllM 71H .... W..tt4 7IOOHtt,W..W 7100 S. Cl , ·• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Q::l..._L t hf 1015 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• ••• ••• ~~~T ................... ••••••••••••••••• •• •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• Jl76 Jem only, 19 .. uv•r. Ullta Meta 2$C) aq rt .... ,l .. , .. ,,.......... IOOflllS ••••••••••••••••••••••• o c •a n Id e C d M 1111tt1 SIT~/~ Util~ in -.........C A t ' II R GIMIUL OfflCI I Ntn. ocn "'""'· 2 HK 1 mo rm 11ar 11p Quirt ctd 119 w 19 h s NEt:D XTRAINCOME" F• US ...... ,.,_, c rea 1ve um an esou.r ces Hftl'p1tont1t . ty p1~1 All t >.JM'~ 1 >r" '''P llA 1C1.1r lndf) v. .ii._ tu art.~ 673 6.117 IL'll fml 1 t Distnbutonhlps 1va1I Etcortl Mana1ter will have the opport uruty to ictnrral oUt te du tin net'ded.11rut Pill It xtrw 'hop' nu ""'' S4~o NH prol Kl'ntl will iharl' m r Le Z :J~~~:o~~[J,t::1; Hf fl(( atttn '410180 establis h a results orient~d depttrt 'lewport lk11rh l<H·.11111n ~ib. ront1u1 Mikt· «i :mo bout ho~ w M •· ft 1~11.:i'&lt'~~~ 1~·~ '4Htm ,. C.•/Cla.cb ment Utml'<l at meet in~ l!mplo)'C{'!> · Lu r><.tt"y, 64~ CHOO 7722 T_. lltO ovfrJO s:ns 760 Ull02 Complex • -Cll~ A•lbp/MC/ViM needs. Skills in m(•nt l'Oln1Je nsat1on, HAJIDllSSllS! Sult" o.hJ4M S•• •••••••••••••••••••••••Stir he tu~ home w1prot S49 31162 MIMyto&.o. SOJS 641-5671 bc11ef1ts organilatlonul liehaviur and lk~oth for r~nt S7S \'t>r) l'1-'11t1on o"'"n '''"'""tr W ' I Al I 1 pt'r.•on W l~t liul & •••• .... ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• .. t ho 54111311 "' " t1/n;wd~~"'f:,p1,'.1.11~~1. dep96till4711 ·' · Ctll\tu Mt:iia orRr1rt w_lth Ven~ure,c~~!tal for h1"h LO PSYCHIC-ESP <·ommun.ic·ation would bl' h t.>lpfu11. ltl.'I}~ :IP adcr lid 11dvt<rtt~1n~ 10 rimlllir' so~ mu Ouna f't l.url(t' 28 H. ornn """' crtptwn tee ...,,1wart'. 11110 , ST Cream r olored R•:AOINGSby Progress1~e. dynuma· l'Omptt ny rH'l'I h ll"''S"'''Lf.ANL'.RS 111 loclll mt'n·hon\\'" a ~!" MZ KIO 2HA Kl'I Wht M ., .. 0 .. Mn!ll + 2 utr1res 644 aQ fQUIP!'lent lui11n1¢ & CorktrSlinl M lyr rtd AuANOA " luke t:h a r'"' humanisti•· lnadcr "' ""' ,._ lc1·h~d lurllor> .x I ..... r ft A\'lUI 1mmcd11ttrly financmlf~·*3 colla.r. "JEE:Pt.:RS" Vil' ... .. ""' • ~ " $:>hr p T l'.ir 64S $12l t•ellent ('Omm1,\lon l. W......,ter lite 1 11111". Ii.I & lui.t fU!lpermo II.SI 9000 Meli T Woodbrid&r . 12 Oi! Sff11dinD11ll)' PlcuM' send rl'sunH.' and salary n· bonus progrum' .:ood ...................... ~0087 1.17 ... STIHT Dlf~"· ,..., 5035 R~in! MllLS49 Pllot'IV Loa.Dec 11 I qusrl'menlsto: Hox 1002 Ho•.+ofdH~ l'O bl'nrr11, A11PI> .i1 SJI~ 1 Hr rph llrps 2Udrm 2Ra . Wood "' Found F' bl k L 67l-0136 O .1 l Nr bus Nted rtf. mu't The Penn)'S.l\tr lhlill \tll\t Nr .i.ho~ 1,.1+ bnd~e.lr\ S27S+'1utll 3100 sq,rt ror leue ....................... IC ab,alsu ••••••••••••••• u1y l'1 0l hkt'kld.\andpt't~ 14 25 f'lllrt'nllu,C M d•p ~:Hs r~r lilllll Straight M ~9 0324 Plenty uf parking It S.etlerMf9. Co. M bmtwht Corgi, " f P.O. Box 1560. hr 76().ll'.!06or631 21~1 114136fi0 U;ana Pt condo, '• m1 ~~~ t~te~ie:~~!'!' AJI types or rllal c~talt• ~'*~3A~~11\t~ft~~ "="It:.'! Costa Mc:rn. Ca. 92626 lnrnrnc Tax l'repDM SM.000 ~!~1~ he•furi· ~-lwllh Fll"'l.a..d ~ro'r 1:a~bo~rroo?a1th. Ready to mov: an ' C~,;:· inv~n~s~~ ~9<19 ~~ '67.0767 ~~.~~}~~,~~~~l~I;· c·~~ Ch r1 i. l mn :,.,up H oru.fwwithd 3900 JO . pa ve pe(Jlive rates, call Rob. -r-' ~ last M Roxer. 4 yrs old , Al.LM11JorCrl!<lllC!rds AT TENT I o N CASHIEI db l'ongen1al orru·n ~u~~f:;~h~lti~:"~&t 0000•••••••00•00•••••• msg_ 631.e90 2.MT1h fawnw1 wht markings.I WR ITE RS! Winier l'nn.,l'Sl¥bllsh~<'h'1n S E AW I M D 1-~':o~mt~.t 2~3R6s 2~:· -;;.,---.;11 -64~l 71 _J4S-06l l ~~wI.fo1 o ... a ~ .. e J ,,..... 5450 Workshups Available ~~o~f ti:! ~~~~)S lele Stan ~l(innini: of fy~~ar!,h~2~:·,u~1~~;:J VILLAGE i•:i1I im . d 67S 87$8 . Addreu? Medler'tt A.ts Mha. w4 4...,1 or ••••··~·-.·~··•••••••••• with Terry Kennedy of Crown I ard-.are 1024 J .in II 8 Ar l' ·' 17141645 fiO't!O me Answ I SlNCEtARLYIMl 9511$81 n.YtH•.t:•PanAm2I LA1'1mu 8ostonGlol>e I tW t l ff SU lil41"411 6U70 , New 1&2 bdrm luxu11 M f rmmte. 2BR 18/\. servir!"c~Cear~~cemr~I lst &2nd. Trust Deeds I found M»le Springer for I coupon), 13 <'OUO· & New York Quarterly rvine e_! r 1 1 • ' S.S/M•-•11119•••••.t adultapts inl4 plans 1 Bal Penn.furn ~to AcijOrg.CoAi""'rt 1100 OWNER·NONOWNF.R Sparuel,l31yrsold,Vir trie~ llav.a11 $4 0 Poetry , F 1ttlon CHJLOC/\RE• KINlJEK<;Al<TE '\ Nutnuont.:o lookrn)(fur Bdrm from S4ll0. 2 bdrm '!l1' c in. S22S mu art er rro 113J.0692 ·"" 1 lthru 4 units • c:otdenwest & Warner, s;ll·l6iD Journalism. For Details Business at honl4! ncedb /\101': 11nmed lull 11m1· i.ur <'hb one n I t·rl 1 n Crom SS70, Townhou~e RooCall 1:v1:s 673 6731 -' ----I Peter Dobbs, Broker •!8~847 t201 Ive mess Need Helv to ume to Wnte. Newstories In<' ~~:::~r~o~f ~~~!d;~~~ employm .. nt . t•x Ill' r d1111duals who dt•b1rl' Jn from 1640 + pools. h:n mmate Wanted Near bee.tin Offic•t 76lMi827 646·60!6 Found Gold Rct !'ti un I Oakland Del' 22nd or 1278 Glenneyre No 2S7 PM S da)'s a Wt.'t'k Ker, pnf l"or 111 f o 1· a II above averag1r 1nrum1• nis v.·alerlalb. pond~' Sooth <.:oast t>luu Sl9S Uruque, romplett' v.•1th I -----Par1fi<' l'bl lfw) .. N 8 23rd Hack to NB l>et· L.a(unll_~!} 9~_t Pll'ase_ Call 357 4214 ~9 :.177 for lhe1r efrort~ l°Jll fur Gas for <'OOk1ng & he.11 rm ~-1217 recept1on'trlephone. full Earn 16"' o Balb 7li0-818S 7S4 1193 27th or 28th Wi ll pa) all L~Go\l.S~:l'Ht:'f/\K \ ;ippl No phonl' in ing paul From SJn .\I F' to shr lge modern 3 serretanal ser vices. 1 1 < d n °8 --CL e ~pens es Nev. Autotootive CLERK Super 1hooi:h1ro1 bo)~ ten1ews ~1 r l>o\ 1' 1 71~ Diegof'twydnvl'North b ~B ronferenceroom Ideal sandt!"Sl eeds.Over FOUMO:,.UGPUP Automobile C J ll IOOIKHPH o nct:d' expu1enn·dl !&-8'198 on llea<'h to Mrf ddden r • .. a!'· orean 'u. 1.r lor ated ('ente r I tscr, ~Short or long Woodbridge 754 3740 I 644-7097 An• aft ernoon Expenenred auto.mobile rugi.tore. IS hri. Pl'f ·r .ikl' Char-1e 1.e"t.I "·I~ then Wesl on ~kFa<ldl'n \tl'ps lo ~arh. S2SO mo • I erm . ......,.,minimum ---J ... __ .. k C d k week. Moo· Fri !l:v.11t ... " ,.,.. "~ ,. uuls biS 1041 Airport South <.:oa)t •ia 1.1-..a... ~ IUtr Found · Small parrol lVPt' I or evening I """" eeper ar es ~~~·~ !'> l' l' re t" r) " 11 h Heed Xtra M0tt•y7 to Seaw1n<1 \ 11131(1' Hmmll• v.anted , M I-' Plaza areu BAKER -......--• , 1 bird. Sal l>el' s. \It' ·bel I expenence helpful ,40 k1io11ll'C:l~e of t'OfJH>r:atl' Poeutions 111111111111,. tfr t714 1~3·S19H aµt pool. jal'UZll, own CENTER 666 Baker St I 675-21 6 I Beach & Newland llB fltP:tyW.t & hoorb per week· t:x & ht1gatton law Sal:.iry rn>nslratinl( 1>rodul·l~ 111 mi & bath ':lir ewe. ti HI tnL..!!_nstol) 979·2161 t 1denl1()' SS6 6991 fir ,.,..ticNt cellent tnnge benefits CREDIT l'Omll¥'nsuralt' w1lh l'\ I i:rocer; !>lOrt'' Ill ) OUI Room 400( no pels non smoke <Yfire Space Pnrf'd to!WIDOW HAS US for 9..41PM ....................... including retiremenl Publishing firm lot·alecf Vt'nenrecafl 644 21><14 <irea S4 j)t'r hr, b11110' ....... ,............... $225 mo 11.is Sll!l7 Ive' lease Qwr kly Se('ond I TD's RE loans. IOK up F,,..ov1 · • JalK W..tecl. 107S plan 1 n house t·om near J W Airports secki. l~ ILi' t714l963 3107 Laguna Bearh Motor Inn. msu floor Sutlf' Reception No credit • ·NO penalty I ...... ~ Lrg Col he mu<.,....................... put er Cont a r t St an a bnght 1nd1\1dual to di> svAL s"' ... ·y -911.S ~o. Par1f1t· Cuai.l .. -DerusooAssoc 54111~2 apx 4 yrs, M \Ir lntelhgent female with Mash1ta at Ci L...igunalhll;, Rerent{'AISales Part Tune Hv.), Laguna 81.'Jl'h Roommate to shari> 3 ~cr~t~'? ar:a 31-----I Yorktov.n .\t a1n xlnt ar<'ounllng rook '-TABER~ m t reditMan:.gerv.llh probate ex11i>r1t>n<t> 9UOYVISIT Oa1ly, Wt'ekl~ K1tl'hen bdrm. 2 ba duplu Old en:;:n~e ·R~tr~~a~ 6 llh/ ~4593-111g, deaning & hostes:. ! ~ .. '-~~~~~5& '{t:1~ra~:~ neressar~ t:xndlcnl WfWASHIHGTOM Jva1 lable Lo" v.1nter CoronadelMar SJSO mn roffee B Ide If ;a•c-: FoundblondLab.\lrV1c 111gab1Lt11esseekshve·1n (';\()f( ( ;\ ~ didale should have a l)ptni: & s horthand &Linroln&lfa11111lon& ra~es494-~ +12 u11I Male.female, s mal l a;~s inaes~r ~:'~ tona&MyerCMOv.ner employmen1w1th single • /•t)in ... ~,1~, • pleasant phone voit•e skills reqoirl'd Call otherpeuple)ou1i1lllH•e Bui boa In~ S90 & uv OOO·Smuker Agf' 25·3S 7_14~~---....................... '!l~t 1d~n_tJfy 646·6397 ~le or s1nicle ma le with ~;I '"'' .. 111 'llAI U('l'Urate typing & a will ~11"5. Wlo~lo" ror Jr•pl, on lhl' mooe\ \llU (an v.eckly l\1t chennl'lll' 7~·1572 . cxr -r • I Lost Sl/\MESt: CAT school ¥gt-1·hlldren 111gness to learn l::itp fl.17 t~ -make as a .;,~ ·,\n~ele~ oi.eanfront 67S 87-10 F roommate to share 2 ~emospaBarelbooar lslelaansde. •a•c ... .ts SI 001 11 '23 Hunt Rc·h w or' 67S 166(), ~7 7282 wkdys, 1 ----J preferred. but w1ll 1ra1n Med bark off1l't' 1tss1st I '!)mes c1n·ulal111n dt-111 --' BR h Cd ....,., ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' . Chnst ., b I b I f .. for v.oman nev.I> dl' • ouse in M 67>l7l9 I Beach Bl Sml rat It ' . ina oa ys1lter . re 1a e Contact Mrs Eve:. Exper a must Xlnt bl'n 1eld rep .nan} ~>eofllt· roratedpmateroom& Flrl'plue. v.Hhtr ,v ---. -1rream rlr.l·hoc points 'a oung mJrrit.'d m<tn WOl1lllnfor6mooldbo) 549-4834 & sal H 8 art.'a on lhe pt ('1r1·ulot1on bath frplc S28S '"·Id~ dr)er Rent 1275 ind ""r desk spare. a('l111e Reward 839 s9~ v.ould hke odd Jobi. eve~ l''T. Mes.t \'erdr .ircc1 !Mi 377t salei. program t•Hn uul; Eal>lsiJe c' ~l ~Ill ~k SS8·2023, Hm R ~· invest ok. Nwpt & wkend~ t:an do a ~9190 rmre than $200 a V.t.'t>k &4S-0108 159-1165 Ask for Linda In\ est Counselors. Paul lraidH Gold \'afll't)' or hc1nd \man I DECIHAMD /COOi MB>ICAL for v.orking JUl>t a r .. " t'hr• l a·n to sh ,. B or0oog,7S~·~ 1.-.-1.....& I u.h.. 9729525 eve;, :.isk l"'IYor~ nl'eded for Mexican houn. each da} )IKnlnl! 1..rn room v.1th jl\'t l'n o) I r .• ._....... ,.,.,., "' ~· l!Pl I 2 h b •lltlltlsT· .. T T "··b lr~nce. balh furn ''I moh1h• home quiet IAYFIONTOFFtCI Small gold hearts duwn f~81ll Person needed to meet l'n.Dl>l' mo, ntJ i. ei:in p .. C~I ~ t "'d"x R u,p ne1i1 trttlt'hs ·""' ~l'rtll quiet non :.mkr n1111 area S250 646 1365 Offire spare in Newport the cenln l.n:.l y11· Maturl' f:Jtc•· ~•"). ex nin ic e:.ir 'Y <tnuar) r... 1m1 e ay iu ns in e1r rcim drinker 53011 mo 5913523 Beach approx 250 sq fl. Balboa l)lt.' or pt I penent·1.'<1 in all offlt·c Ii yr 1 old Jttrl afler l Reliable 70' lonl( runiie cert1f1ration Gd pay. mun1ues We pay huu11\ ~·" ""'" .. , F" rmmte to •hr _ .. ur •i/tl\ mo. 1st •. last •·on· ~nter ~ 9"92 funrtions. d.·. t.'sires p T :.2c~ • 1 SS tdo ap~rox en.use boat carr) ini: a1> With rhanre for ;,dvan I wa)o!e ~ generou:. 1•0111 .,..,,"'""' ''' ~ 'o """ "' " 197996 ...,pm every ay .. non ' prux 6 pass and hr d t-emenl. Call 752·63000r IT\l\Smns If you hd\l' J f\Jm rm&balh )OUOl 2ba. '\pt Br h Wurk t~c t John 6iS 9007. Found D1ngh ) i n cm_p 2t F'r1 MLIST Bl::Dt:PEN 1·aptain ~1ale or fem l !IS.S0143 neat appearance & empl M,refsL~g~ii.! 97t~!l orbome64S6068 1 9!i'tL~ Give yourself a 'Newport llarbor l';ill ttttpW..t.d 7100 DA BLE Stoneneek O K Please n 11l knarkfor1alkin11,v.1th {1Mmol114i495!1637 3brLai,:Bchhouse.3blks Professtonal Attorney's Christmas bonus after:6.Pm6739~ •••••00•••00••00•••oo•• Elementar). Wood 71 4 6 4 0 93 06 o r Ml'diralAssistant peopletalktou:.Jbout I-~;; ocnf~~'" trpll' from bt'arh non·Smkr, orr1 re SUllf' 1n South I -sell unneeded sc11u 'ETS Aidt'. r tl~t' Cur 11re bndKt'. In Int' Ref :. 213 357 6031. !I lo Spm IO Ex nent•ed ()fft('e Girl this great p time op .. s r ryr, P\l al .,_ bl 1lems1nthe 1il4l .. 274!14 s ~"'m hi "'' "' "•1""" 21 .. h d . b' h 1275 rm "97301i Orange Count)' IS Sel'k l IUll"L )Chool inlninc Pll.'aser.illS520461after , ruml!!h information .ind 11Bpe'""er6P ... 9644391 portunll) C31l ~Ion Fri f37Srro 67S·J703 MF lo shr 2 br (lv.n ba ing compat1 e pro ANSWERS ..., ""l' voss1 e arrangr in u I S . ""' '""'I.ext t M -----. . Cess1onaltenantssurhas 0 ·1 P'I t I ll'rv1ev. .n \'( er). exper as I -c· XTRA LARGE ROUM ~101. teni11s. $220 mo attorneys, CPA al'Coun 31 Y I 0 Amidst Youth A DE mu~l Ins b11lg . xlnt a es person ;i,h1H ~\llllable in Ea:.ls1dt I t>il I~_ ---tants. U\Suram·e broker.I Rainy F1t·kll' Sutliutute b1hn)!ual a1dl· Flankinu Oeb\'er & ass1:.l 1n flol'l't lien & sat H 8 area .\1anneHdw stvre ( :'11 for female to rent Lad)'loshrmob1lehome. 1nvestmenl coun selor Gift Guide CRLllSE "11h fluen<') in t:nl!h,,h " ~hop. part or r llmt• M7'3771 CallSS,D-iS lill Many amenities 1ndud reas rent . nice Cor re phys1ologls1. recruiter' Call 642-56 78 1 ITl:!t a v.oman v. ho ~atll & f Jr' 1 rl'q u 1 r c d JB.LER 5.SI> 1744 · MODELS/ESCOITS Sales 1ng. pn\Jte bath. en 1tuedladv.497 200l Full serv1re s uite + her husband v.a,, lo:.l al ~tt'ded U) Hunttnittcrn DISPATCHIMG Alln F'ema,esonl) TtlcphCNM Soles trance, ht#!h beam t·e1l 1GGr-s -an.!rulles. athlellt' club .ct odi for o sea I said 11 mu,,l ha\ e 8ea<'h Cit) S<'hool D1s1 i:t 'LL TIM t: F'o r p Io m b 1 n I! ,. " 953 097_1 :"llo1i1 acrepllnit apphn · ing:. W D & ktll:ht-! I forl...t 43SO Free parking Call Cor I C h r i s t "' a s been a ternble 'torm 3 hrs per day S.S 11 hr p,..,.1tion a\·ailable in our Knowleditf' of 1>lomb1n11 I l1oru. for an as~erl1' e pn\ 1285 mo &12 ~s . i ••••••••••••oo••••oo••• nnt 951-JSSS A~Visor She said :-lo hl' nwl a , Appl) 735 14th St . H 8 Sooth Coibt Plaza off1t'c 1 n \'en lo r} he 111 r u I 1 Pers 'l n v. 11 h P" s I al~er6P~ _ 1Eastside, Costa ~esa 2-offices. S62Simo . ap blondt' on an ot·ean 53&-811.SI E~penenre requirl'll I "least"appl) 333 E 17th PAlTTIME telephone e~p F T or $17S melds ut11s :-<ev.port G Jr a g..,. 1ox 1ox24 pmx. soo sq ft , utils ind, I ~UISE · I\ n ~ we ri n K st' n it· e l'onlal1 St •3. Costa ¥e:.a b 9pm Expand in)! ~out h P T sales pu" l 1on,, Beach. Back Bay area S7S 'mo 180 2 lst St opt. warehouse. avail. PtnGM!h 53SO Telephone Operator for Kathy Am bu rice} Do mes t 1 r ~ e e de d i•oun~el.1n I! firm ~ "' open Appl) in Pt'r~on. Fema le. non smoker ~ _ ~ Jan. I. Cheerful. pnme 'MEWYlAl'SlVE 0000•••••00•••••••••••• J.11sh1ft Manybenef1b 7145404066 , maturch\·e1n Nann~ for openmits f ,r J·S ~harp 1.6~~ Pla<'entiu A\1' 646-~_ _ 30' dbl drive deres~ OC Airport lor Jeanne PAlTY EXECUTIVE 362 3rd St Suite <: infant and todd ll'r So outgoing mature Pt'OPle 1 ~· ~um rm. lg house nr drywall finish SiS mO 54.S--0636, l,.ois_~7S4$ l' AN c ELL I\ TI() s . • su1-= • Laguna Bearh CAUFOINIA I Lagu na Ref m d 11 I to moll\ Ult' amb1t1ou' ~1·retc1r)', 2 dJ)' pt-r oear OCC. for respon I 82 840-4152, 846-9501 ti---. ... ...._.._. 44SOI lb\·e optnmg. pvt dut;. "' "-"r •• .].~ORTS AP a r l mt' n t Kl' I• l' I dator; Begin Jan s2 1 Iv IJ yr old!. Call 2 Spm lill't'k Laguna IWal h \l' I ed r I I -------._.. arrommodates up to 2501 ,,. '""' •""" fED(BIL 997 7~ ~642·4321, exl 343 A)k for l'OOllllng offlre PO Box ~~>uul :~~-~oo m Offic•lewhll 4400100••00•••••••••••••••••1 ~ .. S: ~ sS7 7234 ~~~1122 MCJVl~A Manaice~~~~7i. av.i•ek s.-,-';_'t.,_ 1 1\ndrt'a ~ l.agun.i Ueach ...... M..-_--41oc 1 i;:;w;;t'ci~r°rN·a ·w;~; llTAILSPACt leMtv !COEos.woul<l Love to •ASSOCIATE• msTow~nterDm•e 1 &crowOffiur I - ...... ; ................ hnanc1al in.st . 7000s r t.280 sq. fl. Harbor Blvd _,, I p~t>blth yo~ Call Sue With SIS.~0 l''JSh to Costa Mesa. 92626 ~t'W bank has openinj! f'LANT CAIE --·or-or-·.·n .. c:-·,-- l.1ve on Newport ~arh 1st .!!~r Agent 5:41·5032 +storage, ssoo mo t..eantl or 1;~~/~me manage loc:al busme)s Equal Opportumt> ror a mature. 1·ffil•1ent I PHSOM .._. -$90 v.k Pine Knot MEWPOIT Realonomirs 675-6700 ~95 • .,· ~usl be hardworkH Employer esr ofrr Comp 1·om l'areeronentl'd.fllmt>. Starting ~alat~ Motel. 6302 W PCH. ~B "'fl".&•.& NEED CREOIT~ with .:ood busine ~' mensorate ~ t•xper I expcr d onl) Wa11c~ Sl2.l8 St392 mo OOE 645414() rEMIMSUU SloreorOrflre 1350 ft Ta I en l opt 1 o n a I Get \'isa or Masll'r Card arul'l'll'n We're in our Call Laguna ~atl Hank 1 basl"d on t'Xpl•r G1H1d Exrellenl op purl unit) ------. Spacious exeru11ve of M V de A sq I Professional modehng I with no rred;t Cherk 3rd year & expandmlo( I.AR MAID , &Tr Co .&97 2245 I dnl'ln~ rerord S-IS 62S:? for sharp errt't.ir) de SEA&.Altll MOTll fires across . from City esa ~4~a .ulCl talent Judges GL'ARANTF.lm Write Start immtd1Jtel• at Part tune. fo r sport~ Plumhers sinng stable emplo~ Wkly rentals now a\ ail Hall All serv1ees a\a1la . --6U·3463. 642 3050 to DPI P<> Box .irs , bar Good rllentele mmt v.·1th chan<'l' for .id SUl5 & up Color T~ ble,'u1>llonar from 22S PllMEIEMTAL IC ,.ool 5150 La.s\'egas.11'\ 89106 '· S!IOlpmn ti67 7902 eAt W6taMesa646!!!)3S FACTORY DIAIHMEH 1anrement En\lron Phones m room 221 4 sqrt up at reasonable SPACE • --45 Hl'aoty TRAINEES 1 Wantt'd for t>xlremt•h ml'nlal Jj!en1' 1~ Nev.port Bl \ d CM rentals No lease re· H h -b'I 1 1 00•••••••••••••••0000" GIAHDO,.EHIHG F • 1 1 f 11 . I Maturr v.omen pref I l>u.-.• ~hop ,\lu~t hc1\t' ~1n1? .ipp1Jran1-1i11th ~144S <twred.!l·all6!3·JOO? o ~R c~s~s'.' y";r)'all:J~I Commulln i! fr o m ESCOITS ATI&ITIOM: ~:~,~ SJal~lll ~:In~,:~ Smallpartsm!rnov. hlr I ?:r~t'J.rub·~,· :~1f tr':i~~ ~~~~~~le~fjH!~eln~~r& MHDAPUCE? EXECUTIVE Newport lll00 lo300ll sq l Norwalk an•a 10 <.:usla EXTIAOIDIMAIE .\mh1l1ou~ boy~ anti need~ I <'X pe r I mg 2&3sh1ft!' I Xlntµa~ 333~: lithSI .'the alnlit) lo t\pt> Reas. Weekly Rate~ SUITES f\ ~va1l 7!4 645 7100 I !'ltesa 1213 1 1164 5461< f o r '!'e rl y L 1 n d a & ~11~~ '•~n~3 J':~~~\,0~d,\.~o ha1rdres~er ~o ta kl· O\\'r I IVEIPAC CORP. 1 113, ro~ta ~le~a 5lrwpm & lake shorth'.ond Kitchenettes-Phones llli Reta11Store eho1relora j before4pm 1 v1rk1 s Ba rk with lht' inRS J wt<ek !!Pll1n,: 1'11enlcle Guarantel'd , ~<M5LawsonR1,er 1\\ . .ildll lOO"pm Bent•f11- "Z" Channel ~ov1es HElrT AGE uon by Newport ore an __ I best salary 7JO 6630 1 Fountain \'al !162 !1336 1 . PROFESSIONALS mdude a 3 113, v. t•t•kt:nd Sandp1ptr.1967NeWjXlrt , I front 800sq rt flSOmo '---"'&~ 53001 669-0207 nev.~paTf'l'r :.obst·~tl' uw-icr. ·~ral0ff1re I St.'ektn~ addlliondl In e\l'n. other v.;ek rt'tlrl' Bl Costa Mesa64S9137 Uli ,,.., .. •10< ~J t"OI ._ ,,_ L' I I h ttons ransportJtHHI "r-"1·-~"'"' rome l.tll ~009S I h I h I --· :\tv.lu.-cur;ofhrespat't> 01'!:"'_'!"_,_•11 .. .. ..................... ~ortota reaxJllon.v.11 and constant adult Foll time . mature PAITTIME I mentpan e.;l ct'n Ycxafioftl...tats 42SO in In ine·s busiest Xlnt shop lor on Balboa 'found. Dai'~und \tale I a pro( massa;!e Slt>\'t' supen1s1on pru\lded per,on. pref 1o1 1th Must ha'e Rood phonr P/f Dtfll01tstroton l.ll&hfem~uran•'I' PJIJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• renter' Eas) frw) ac Pen .. all foot & auto traf i Harbor & Ad ams l~ .. 64>1426 I t.:all 3 lo S JOP!'tt . Jsk for .;utoboal dealer t''P personahl)' & hkt• de lmmcd1ale openm~li. ~ \ai a11on :.irk ll'J' t' A. OCEAl'ffRONT 2 & ~ Br ress Avail no"• c Jll r1r to the Balboa Ferry NalJ!e~Qs~ar~ S56 9660 Give yoori.tlr ., treat for I Andre.i 642 U21. l'\I Call V.t't'kduy mornml!~ tailed v.ork Juu•e Trrl'. hr Storto~ in ~our Jrl':.i hohdar'' Apply PN~on Avail. Wmter Weekly fordetatls passes m front CreatlSellthinAs fast "•thlbih Chnstma s A s.J11sf)m1: J.&.1 on1>'6i5871t 121$1 l1 onurl'h :,1 1 l·arnel·es~al) S-ll 1171K nt>I •l f\Ct', 1011.i~ t lhs ~Jonthly_fil~Jl!J3 _ 5S I· l2l I 640•4uo pla<'e for book store. art 1 Pilot Want :\<b massaje Pl'lr 494 41171 a~t1f£aEI 1 Garden Grove. 891 4425 t21311!7i 113S AH · ~ ountam \~lie>. KaJlua. Kona lfav.au -------shop. offlre. etr S600 * """"" .,... • Ct\ 92"i08 1 il~1!>4V 29W •DB.UXE o--ES • rro __ 673·_2943_ • 67_3 3930 •• e e e •• e e e e e e e e. e e ...... e e e e e • A P, I\ R. payroll. rlail> Ge•r• Offiu lteal &tote Stoff F: \I E ~I F 2wuu.earh slef'p:.4 & rn... v.urk sh~ts Some ex Permanant part 1imt' for elel!anl estalr• ton1 645-4<!2J.~bi:orhure 1.2 3 room. ~o lease re ......,;a1 ....... 4S001 e penenre ner Mon. t'n person desired 10 Jnin tu lime shJrt' Rl'~Ort In I.Jg 81g8eart•ab1n Poul ~red AdJ Airpnrler •00••00••••00•••••••••• • 8-DAY WEEK SPECIAL e ~ppl) In person The proless1onalgroup,todo d10 Preft>r onl~ l'\per table. l'Olor T\' 2 frpll's el 8;13 3223._9·l2 Co6ta Mesa new 2300 sq e \1lla~e Inn. 121 ~1annr llltht l)1ling. f1hng & re lo,ur~ propert> .ind ~ IU71~_>54S-QH6_ I 7TH STIHT ft lndustnal + offlre e 8 Days • 3 linH • 8 Dollars • ''' . Ba l~a lsla!!_d l'rpuoo Call 494 65-11 l'11entele Ri>sum<' o1nd Palm Spnngs area I ~ton COSTA MESA l~alyt100S709r5r tlmaorborG ;e4a0St 1 • e ••1t•t1f•ory COOi( ask for Diane l•1\er lellt-r Bo\ = 1003 .,.. .. 11 ... f>a'>" 10 oiac•· \0 111 8 Od~ WPe• C as~.t1e11 th rr.i1t .inll ,, e ..__ ~ -· o o" I P 1 t 330 ... tere) CC) condo J RR 2 2or 3 room omre s uites. "'-wy J D Property • ' F ti~. ex""r onl)' /\p ~-..El"'L OFFtCE ~ ... ., Sut1.> p()1 0Ho , 1;',,0 B f rr I lO\I'> 1u~t S8 -lt1<1l '> 0111~ d !t)ll.ir d 1d~ T 1,; 1 lhil I\ 101 ow., """ r-W'llll"I "' "", ~ .,,, a. urn w atrium AC.plentyofprkg L'lll ~mt751·2787 '"P"11110ffp1 Vlh1m11stllt'clll(1n i1mmer.1,1tu'>l''Oflpr 1111.1 e flly inpersunafter 2pm ~o PTpos1twnsa\a1l. L'oSla~1esa!l2626 Golf tennis. Dail~ tncl .\1ail.now Ca ll W :j-· 1• e Jollv Ho•er. 400 So "lpm •·t6pm.mustbn 1 ""kl •· monlhl te R I · 57< 6700 ant..., App rox 1000 ~1 mercndn<!•~·· l(lt s,Ht> •lfl lo $80(1 rpr JO a110 t'"t> Ot•(t> rr "' " " ,,. "' • "'" \.. ) rJ ' ea onom1rs ., · I e Coasl llv.v. L-'"8 abletol."""979 lill Ret•ept1onist .nail 714 SS& RO tll Sh --, --fl for s mall v.el OE',,, yOoH II fno> ''' ~1.1v~ '"' -.,1.,.,e v.'if't'"' \ u1 .d e ' -r 9-SPM .ll!>k Cor \J Jrk are 2 o r swte in pre established Auto Com • nl?('(l.., ('10111 n,1y!. -.Pll•'XJ' •.-v· i ..... 1 • .,e • I •1 p•1at Tnd of Sittiea _ · · __ sl1gious airport area 37S pany CM /\ru Allan • I : II y I · · · · • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · "·:. ..... al Deyf MAMMOTH CO:'\ DO ~ n For details rall ~17 e :i>ot enou~h lunt• for wn I br •· Ion al Chair 1• ~~16226 ----e use on" "' ,, n f'.1 " N"• Ai:-vv' 4 .... or 1 'Tl.t~e oie "' . ., .,.., e 1 & exerr1s.-• Ste\ t' ,. _!!t;!_erve n.p1i1·_6!3·937i 600 sq rt ~lesa \'erde .... 4SSO • tlas~1l1P>I 1inp of ti;oe I\/ •11m11m d:l !> 3 ll'le,. P1t>d~,:> l'f•'1: CMa1l.tn~ I:> nov. h1nng lt.twhlhto ~en oo area (;";;~·;;··r;;·;~·~;·~·n· • pla•nlv .• Advertisin~ Sales vuunic people ror a hJnd ...................... -_S4S~4.!23 -I Balboa Pen next to Fun • r------------------------------, I ('J( 1o1 ashin;t SHiii'(' e ~;\11t•1 Ot·1i1~p.1p.·r '"'" .1~ •.ol1••1, .. r,1111 l11 Wash Ferran·:.. Kolb Condo for rent Female WESTCLIFfAlEA l.one 110•.,'K201t'>. SISO • e I I h,1111111• kt•\ ,11·1·1111111-lor tl1.tni.:•· \11 .... 1 Hooyc·es. Merl:e de'. & Xlnt H B are3 l:Waot. iOOsq ft retail shop nov. I rm 673-294!._673 3930 , • 1 I e 11.1111 l'1l11t ~ • .i.11·1 1 u111111i-.11111 .on.I Porsches v.•htlc• \OU ~oak rum Pool tenm~ S250 a\a.tl High trafflr 10<' I I • 1'\1t•ll"n1 hl·1w11h 1;1111o1th "''1-111u111lh'' op the ~B son . FT or SECRETAR't' Xlot opportun1t~ for h1ghl~ ~killed Proft>Ss1onal Senel•n v.1th ~oun~ 01\ us1ht'd L'ompan) in :"l'"Pllrl Beach Startmg Salar) $1200 Mo l'all 11.Sl tli44 SECRET Alt Y f.\r tdlenl oppon unit) for h1Ah PO" l'rt'd 1n dJqdual v.11h to1p t~p1n1t & shorthand •kill' \lu!>t bt> dl(1tre~s111• -dr ~la11er & ahle to .. ,,Uml' rt'~p o n s1l11 l1t\ C:u11j!t"111al :"t•v.11ort BrJ<'h 1•ommt•rll.;I liruker Jiit' vfflt t' 9&18029eH!> ~k_nd Agt 851~-· --...U/l••Ht/ • I I ., lo•I l'l'l'llll \\Ith lolll't'I .unlnll•llb '•'llCI r T p11:-1 t10n'> d\Jil Shr 2br, 2bd apt non .. 1 • .,..IT •iR• .... e S I 00 I lVffiOll'11· l'l''mn1• 111 \I om F.·111lo'I 1•11 f J ll 631 t)9()• C:onl.1<1 Pt')tl!~ ~mkr ref:. nr SC Pla1a "' lllrV "' """ ....................... 1. I . • It.I\ 1;,i.11 l· .. ,l.1 '"''·' r \ .,_,,_,, '" 1'hu111 833 2'90I ~-dee_ iS4·7028 ~'.!!J>~x .. ~41~~q ft lmlilltu e '1 10.IO II e 1 l'J lh pll'.1~\· \n h1111I 011po1 I HP~~ulr1~~ •.• 1unll'r hAlp -----~-I __ _ I .,.. •. 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Onveways parka., It ---SIO. t'hrSS Guar ehm •••••••••••••••••••••••i•••••••••••••••••••••••' rernJ\on1 2 1>541. .•esa, r v1111.'. e .i. · • • . 963-8 182 1 -• ..._.., . 1 n,, 0 MecHALlCOHSTR. petodor Crptre11a11 DRYWALL AC'O STll' carpentry Mason!) tto..c . 6iS.3175 d~wall l..trry1>4593113 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl'S11~~phsa~~ c;3 1 1 1 ~~=9 Custom homes. fram 15 yrs exp Do "'ork 14 vrs exp Fully h<''rl & I Roofing Plum bin~ !•••••••~••••••••• .\la~1111f) our ,Pt't'1.ilt\ l:\'T •:XT PAINTl~l; RoofilM) I.et lheSunsh1~e In Lir. Ing. remod . Frenl•h ml's~l! _Refs S310101 1~ured ~~9 Drywall Stocru Till' WantaRt:Al.l.YCl.t:A!li Cll'an. qwtk 11 .. µl•ndu Lu"d Kl'f~ Jo'rl.'•'"'' ••••••••··~·~·····~~···• .c .. 11Suni.hme~1ndn" AUSTATE p VISG doors. skylights & patio NuSteam No Shampoo Renpc,!~ J B &169990 1 ftOUSE• Call Gin1th.itn 1 bit• Wed11an1 ~Ill' Job' .. 641i !Olli •• HF.PAIRS Hiil U .ss l ll•aning, Ltd~ Wi 885~ s I · ~ ' ~rs 848·~t. 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I l}c •J!l6621 67_3 113S9 HOME IMPROVE!\! tNT Hate lo l'lt•an. r or ,, Mo•llMJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Oran11.e l 11u11l~ ' ulcll''l 6-42 ~9 &IS i9i2 DIVORCE.SUPPOKT ••••••••••••••••••••••• Elet·tni· our Sperialty I REPAIR. PLl1MHING . Pl.'rsonJ! t o ur h .•.J.11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ul' l'APEH 11,\;-..1;1-:11 I hl<'all~ u.~n1·1.t Bu~i:.1,11 • . . . -• lnrrt'ase decruse. a<'· ~ THOMPSON'S Clean. Qwck' de~nda heat111g.carpentry.t'li'r. b737814 1-.ve or ~lto t>UK •Alll' ~IU\l:-0.C 1-:~11 I tlrimlt'd & g11Jr \o '"" 1~1Jrm lo 'il'll, UtJ't •Rf.SIOl::N~l~L2 , cidenlS. bankruplC)' J 11!'-".<u. ~c~ CONCRETE CONSTR , blr Wl'l>o Any Size Job' tile Free est :-.i.o JUb tuu d " } s (J I.I J I 1 l ~ 11mr lo~ rntt·~ t/uH·k. too srnu II ur tw ldrp.!t' !)t't·un\). 2'.'Kll "'c"pon /\\j~ ! ~1~ S3A>. aq: sty _JSl-3938_ 833 0220 ki~ •349892 __ ]10-~4 ~~· ·=!9~ 642 8482 I •63! 2004 • sm;iJI ~2811 01 ltuu.wdt'aning 1-.udul )t-f\'lrt' SS:! w 111 I Free l'!>l Ton~ Ir.Ill :!7:!'1 ~lvd C ~1 i;.i2 3490 S45 t:hn:. _957 83811 ...... W..ted 7100 ... W..ted 7100 "flpl•cn 10 I olAKHo. IO I $.hp 1040 ,_..... 1050 ....................... ·······················1·······················!······················· ·················~······ '•·.···················~· WUEHOUSEr/T Refngerator. very rlean.1 1Adc>rable White .~ema le •10 i:m.wh l sofa ~00 l •SlClfTUIES• Gt>ncral w.irehouSl' autodefrost SI.SS PUBLIC FURNITURE Toy Poodle,AKC. S.180 gm rhr~ S75 t>ZJ 2S 1• r Sh90 Pres Sl8.000 "ork 2 artt>rnoons per ~·90f!9 -I *llll'JION * 7~·1626 Aman a relr•I? SJOti ·~,....., , • ,,_II ~ Dlarrond Bar RE St9.200 , week. ideal ror sturlent Gas stove. rhromt> top. """ Oarhshund Puppies 7 6J:Mi8SO T70LaJuna B Sl~.200 ' or retired per~on HB blark front. good cond. r.-.. 7:30PM "'t't'lts Adorablt>' AKC Beds 2 IWI~ beds " hm :L ~:.-1 .. ~,. Ti:am . d Pror. SIJ.200 area,347 3563 l!OO 5411-7896 642 7370 Storai:l' lots. nire new & 4,t~ 1 .. M. J200 644 1183 springs $2$ Ea l'h t L11 Reinders AID'. lnr. ---w h -1 • · k used bt>droum su1lt's. UIC ~in :>Ill' bed " ~pnnl! .w.!() BirrhF.st'641-:0E ~.. as er r ean. wor s dmmie rm tbls & i·hri. Pit 11111 tl5 963.8071) Newport •8J3 .. 8J90 Frrt' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Rood' S85 . dryer, ieas. Sora and loveseats. 5 remales. 3 mall's Sl50 NEVER 'USED Hunb { , lll!!!!!!l!mi!!l!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!•!!!l!!ll!I! ....... , 1005 ~~g';·13~~r~ f,:f 175 rorkers, cradles . 1m ea 962 ~12 S200. sofa loveseat $31111 "'crl"RfT"•tES '•••••••••••••••••••••• ported Chnstmas R1rts Llasa Apsu pupptt'~ 1~ bd u .• 0 1 1 W -k -b IG ENT LEM ANS Refng . frost free. 'tint! PU:SLOTS MORE AKC $250& ...,.. rm..,..· "Cl' 111na r~tot~ri:::rm JO 51 DRESSER Amer rood' S250 $4118.m or U.VESAVESAVE 54sl 1 f82 ~· ~~r=·~j1 1:. VICKIHESTO!\" I OaJc lrgbeveledf!urror S48-4485 We -honor BofA. MC. Golden Retnt\er l'up!>, Qn St31J \I OI<~. &A.5SOCIATES $795 W. 640 sa.o II. Refng .. frost fr~. q~een. Cashier's Checks It AKC Champs lluq· 77~0001 $4().()40() 766-~. _ _ works l(ood S:!OO Cash NO PERSONAL parents ~00 ~ 492S N O k II t i., ----""-"""'-'-Unu.~ual antique organ. ~851Jor$411-448S CHt:CKS PLEASF.' Bla~k&Taol'orker F 5 SeJw50 aOB~ 11~j~;,·;,I! SlC'YJIECUT. c1n·a 1880. perl .:ontl . Wh1rlpuol refng. l'hor 1 Food ava1lablt-Item.> yrs old l.o\t'S kid.> ~ dre ~-,er 5350 0 1111 Rap 1 d I y gr ti "' 1 n g ·tg'iO. 673 597(_) _ ~'Tl. s1de·bY side. gd subJl'<'t lo presale 644 !M.S7 I 640 ~ • \ pension adm1ni~lr.111on , Midlip A..ticlMs l°O!)d_,_~ &&S 3041 el's MASTllS AUCTION t.olci;n Rt>lnt>l't'r l'u11~ Mllhoi( o<llt'l' \'hJ1r •l' tl•I ,SJt • un Steri'u tu}'· J Families. Sat Sun 9 4 Skis. po I es d 1 n gh} firm located .111 lnmt'I Friday Sat 10 ~ 4311 Must s e l ~' Maytag' 207S11 Ne'Wl)Ort BlvdCM AKC. M F. Jll ~hot~ ll . .>"l\el sl)ll.'1 $2.J11 01io l'hn.,tma' CJrage Suh· btkt· rl11thcs,1t11'1 :!lli-12 Wide \ll nt>I\ of 11,uocb "oar1 11.lj! household ste k,1ng d}n a mic . Pnnreton, Costa \lt>sa I wasber. l)r S300 Eler · 833·962S 646·8686,, "-et.>k.s II.SO 893 211111 oak drei.:.er "111irr11r Jt(Juahl} l>et.i11tnl(.40'i l\anakCJJIHl man} ne". iot~ of £11'1d 1terru. !~Opal.Bl Sat res~nsible per5on for Anll(!Ue> rollert1blt's tnr dryer. S95 $59·0857 ! C--.YJ $4500806464005 JISISt ,:'\ H S.at&Sun ',Rt•friurrator. I:! SJil nt'~ or n1\t<r "urn on~ Secy Recept Sa Ian . • . . · · or857·Sl53 10 .. 0• Codwr ..,._....... "' l.Jh •· 2 commensurate" exper mt' m () r a bl 11 a . -----d-' -mcydH A AKC Broken hearted. Natural WtCkl.'r ti II uphl Hoat. ruy!> ('lt1thlf11( ('tvl In)! . .>l \I IU "' l DriYtway s• Sm>llers need not appl) glass" are, lamps. p1r "'.ards hv.y Ut) washer & •••••••••••••••••••••••' m~t sell. butr rnlored ' sofa. hke nt·" $.\:t.'i UBll J 1· ST \1 A I{ R I ~: 0 S.Jt 9 '* 13113:! :'ti .iri:l'nl' Qde lt-ather~ :.k• hoot~ s.lw* .c..--'- C-Ontatt Lont. gs1.1264 Wres, light l1xlures. de gas dryl'~ ~~ rond. SCHWlNN Vanuty, g1rlJ Great with kids Proven 1 64>~!6 liarag~ S;ite. Ur<' 12th Orl'll! Irvine hamster raiee. fish tank.1 An ~ -~ corators delt•ht ~ .,, ... _ tOspttd '74 I d • Id b .,h o.~.. ......... 1 o n I y . 8 5 . T V · s Io-' • 1 r srhuul desk seat. ltte liq~. ens. 1 '' , -----" -. ------• . stu l:ou f' ... ow t .,., ... "' .... ~. maµ e. l'Jr how;ehold. Xmas ~ifb n.1r11a1n' re n11 "'" fral'lll'd P'"' IJmJh ""~ t o ) ~ . t o o s . SIC Y~~EPT. , Brass National (as h New Hotpo1nt Dis · ----1~~-Dul( To see. 1s to 10\e ly amer . bkr;1~e ht•J1I 38 Oxford lr\ine. nr ma1·h ru ~n l111th!'' 1 & used p.;iierhiHk & nTmm1b1ha lnrludeus ror 3 man omce nr II c Rt>g1ste r. Oldie SSOO hwuht>r S125. Dix J wcl'r Boy's Murray Cruiser. 1 S200 terms 1 "gn w hl' e 1 r1 SH r u 1 \ ... r C., m P u , l'.t1• Sat ~un 111 3 ~ 15 hardbound bc10k!> 10111 o~ )our "eek.end Saran Auport S4~0909 f.'irm. OO·~!L .~S. qJI 7R3488 _ red. auto 2spd. like nl'w 642·~ I ~-8778 RJ3.Z2!12 ( ~ mph u r ~ t -.: H \':ille\ For~l' Or 11 H \\ere nl.'ar Harbor Hi SICY/llCEPT Child 's rodcers. 1890. Washer' Oryl'f, nevl'f _l~67S.01~. -. 'Qx:k;r-Spa~1tl. Alff. I 3-Ptere St-11ional s11111. L"..a~tbluHs_i iGle'n ~l ar t r;H·t al Srhoool at 2227 16th St (e. wicker, xlnt . Sl75 Hard been used. ~ Range. Gtrl s St-hwmn Stingray. yr, golden. ftm S7~ Tabll'S SIS $30 "imu GA.RAGE SALE Yorkto"n Bri111khur~1 ' ~<'".pon lk>at~ Personab e, mature " !lX'k m:u>le.~0,~·8892 JfilS.~·8289 __ ---yellow. xlnt rood For E'esorwkn<i,64$ 4749 R:5 t'lothes ~ S4ll Od;h llt!".;~'~1 · s lt)i;ira,Kf' Sale ('I··· ... ~. rurntturt• ·•1, •. sh'' u ,. J. ,. '. IR ~I SJ1 sun 9 ~ Girt items. good telephont Prl' French Ar moire dble Coldspot Upnght free1tr Olnstmas gmng Best & Ends 759 1626 Jl "<"" ll)' ela• In!( .aoi uuiD u " • ol I rl nod Sl'n~e Shorthand & doors. beveled ~irrors. $250. a(prox 3 )'rs old offer ~·723S 'AKC lnsh. Setter Pup · list St . ~ ll SJt &. Sun ht'' 1.'h' Sat Sun !I J t ~Pl'~ rt tt•r 111.i..i 1·r lub !~hi g s .... , If I r -...... •· r t A I 1935SabnnJ Terr l'd\1 rlt'l' hr:ilt>r l'lt-• lln,•r 9lOl t°dJr _Pl,C M moewra ron ° r ex per ~tct cond 7$9·0'719 64}921 --Girls 10 speed almost I pies """'w.. r ~at 'Km!( s1 ma lire~!' & 1>4,, · ~lpful. but n~t 1.'S~en CHRIST~As-S~l\·er Wmlwr,D ttSSO new Sears. yeilow 26 ... Sh1ots Sl25 lo SJSO spnngs & Cram•'. UM'd Rab> 11em~ and olht'r Cant mis~ SSS Stuclt'nt1 .inl14u<'> lu1n11ur1• ~l1111n1tSale refng, lo\ t1 a l. Salar) tom Heirloomtea54!rv .Spr~ ""'-'~_'"11 ~·~. S8 ·8JZ2 • Simmon~ twaul) Rl''' hmL'<eholrl mi M· lll.'ms dr:1k, ~. rurn u11 1111 ).!a me s & pu11 l1•> "'l'Jt, "1cker rouch, !llfnsurate"'ellf,l'r \I ,,yl~ --Fu ll Blooded G rm n l t ?SM!l~I t966 Port Wn ·br1dl!l' SSO unusual 1lt'tn' doth1nj! m''' 110:. di:ur &bookcase.b1kl'1>. tr .... II r . I G or ham pall • .oc-Po1nt Heavy Duty1,WA NTf.O 2nd hand I "'h h d I' il7 1 \I.' msg NB .. I s I() I 2« S25 Jt'u uir' T11"n" ... \I li~'.!t•:l.1\4 JnltQUt' dresser. rofrl't' a ... 1ve.sma o 1c·een "Plymouth " Ret:i il • . 1 "ntpll'r pupp1t's . . . ,.am pm.a n~ ., "' , ", , -v1ronment in Ne" port Washer, $300. Match in~ lll!§pd, must be in x nt I weeks 96$ 2 Blk F I Blk 8 l'OIK'h "" 5 ht\ 1.'St•.it Kill·h L'abmt't~. d~h•shr '& ~ r't1 9 6. Sat !t 4 I Sal 115 t.1ble li!'l.lk . pla.nts \'W ~nter For •~tl'n .," !18.IXX> Sac $6.SOO r r ~rlr. Sl7~ HWves I cond Will pa)' rash " sabie runt Hab Shots rhOt'olate bro" n. 1(<'1'11 \lerl frp Ir IMO 2 .i I im2 \'1stJ l'dJ•>n ' R )tt)\'l 'l:C ~Jlt> Furn ~~II mnre sa; Su n _IO·S call640-~ 1 151-0250 '60.lT~~~r=>Jf~. ryer.I JiJHS43,673-S261_ I M1!ml c:ond,$15064530-il t'\\ J q u a r i1ld i o k e 11n the lllurr-. .n·ro>' !Aldle5 11fi:1ll'll•turr ~117 -.IB lhlh 11 l ~1 SERVICE STATIO'I/ AT Oak Armo1re Sil$. 2 Oak -~'~* Girl's 26" lspdAMJo'b1ke. Poodle p ps AKL' tan Beaut i ' md arN ru11 ffiJ t'hinr. Or ma1·hmt· from Cd~ lllgh Srh11ol 1 ~m~s.PI '\ H II i.pm 1).11;~51;.1 •••• TEN OANT PT chairs S3S & SSS ea "-&:-1015 boy's 26" tOspd bike "• d uU f A · :. t ·I bm~ & rusts. 5tSO i;i."' mmm frt-t'7t'r ulcl rurr1 Garilal' Blcx·k ~ale ' HoJt . I n .m . ski '""'II> t"I•. & \HJ\ I~(,~. \LE_ e\en small Vl!'tonan IOl'l'Seat ---&41 1065 u a r . In rh nd I(' DR ' I ,., ru ,.,u " , •. hi ... r Su 8 lngs & wknds neat ap• S300 t h' d ••••••••••••••••••••••• -I h I o o d I 1 n l' s I a e 1 r. or 'n n k1hh r.JOj?t' SI Oil t1• household. r Jmp1ni: !(am.>~. mi~i· SJt 9Jm ... ~ n um at n pearanre & handv.nl ·Ml\r·.:a ch1~g sr'r: llll'TIQNll 11932 Srhw1nn bear h til4>7601S28 . FiS 9631932 55tll l!\-IS i\n.iht·•m \pt •tt-rn~ ltl:l.1 Paloma ,r>r, to 3pm l-l•l!4 Pns11ll.1 ~111r~~ln ~nl' llSI l~IQ Ing Apply al 2590 ~ble S27 . ~ ~l'rtcd,:k """ •• r rwst'r. mirror bla<'k. L.......fc;'y 8045'Ne" lull 51lt'lk>d. RIJll " l!l' Ii' \rt 31'M 5414 4~(19 l osla ~1l>sa II blk ~.a,, A~t' :'\B Ol'Jr lfltnt' t\ GARAGESALf. New rt Bl C M .-,· h I llYOWHUI red pin stripe w Ian n..-ir Oii box spnnj?s. 1611 l'.11111 nri;i5:!3t!l o( ln1ne ,\\e 1 l\at Jnd Do\·er · ~IJm1lles Sat Sam . -.,.,, qw t c tna 11. ass sea II"""' Must sac $250 ••••••••••••••••••••••• r tt1~' "SO ... .,., " 9 • . ..,.,, c· II D C \1 Se-tlmg Marh Operators toys. dolls. much m1sr Autos. horse ranr h. &M Q96 . Ct S 8 iro old female <.;ermlln um ·~ -N 1 .,...,.. \I mo ~ l n t'" h 11 \ ' .. un " ,. , n 1 a IC e l I 111 h 1 n i.: ::....... o l'!l' r, · Uldustnal exp prererrt>d 17S6 lo" a St. !ti e~J Antiqul'S. an. Jewell'). -·3 pm Shtpht'rrl to good family I'm Moving. I nt-l'd hul'k' Sth"1nn S:.prl (.'ru1srr Sat onl~ 9 .i pool t :ihll' household it!'m~. ".ishrr timllQUt' art & Rilraj!t bikinis Call &157il2 Verdt. Sat Sun 92 rJIO '7111.otu.5 ~pnt S2 . '71 Schwtnn Varsity. his It wilhlr.u:rd $48·922i & I 'm rlt>s pt•ralt• ne~ frplt 't·rn n lrl( desl<s. mi.sr rum 20111 &goodi~Sun 8 JOJ62t ~.1le t'ri & Sat. !!Jpm orshine Men·edes 63 Litre. '77 hers matched near ntw 2 ·Id Sh h d Beautiful Dinin!? R0<1m 1lt•sk. ~lt'l'µH ,ofJ . l'halaropt>Ct \.'M Marguente l'l'~I irnr 191!41 Pro\1drnt·e Ln. s.w-, C>Dtroton Exper. prer Apply m pen.on at 2760 S Harbor Bl1•d . •C. S ,\ 7am-4 m_ WAJTRESSES l nter v1e"1ng Waitresst's t::x pentnred in the Sen •<'e cl Frem:h Cwsine In tervll'wing Sat 12 12 IOAM till IP~ Onl) MalSOO Geraud 1164 SC Hwy Laguna Be .ich 13rd Flood. -~-M -"-300 D II SIOO · yr 0 rp l'r mix I k Th k' h I"· h I :I k LI u Amencan Oak Curios 1 er,~,, · a op ea I malt Does tn('ks set. I e ne" · 11· r ' " ~ ~t· 011 < t·~ . Nortak1 China. 12 plan', ner4th & :.t:irgu1•r1tP• < u Cabinet. s475 Porr lions All m111t rond 2 S49·3S32 ~-~arterS Glass Top on :.lurd} i:1rl s hike Yamaha 17~ settinl(. made in "" \tirro"aH' Xlnt l'Ond MOVING SALE! Wash Bas'"·Pitrher set r\c.:re horse ranrh. Cull Custom BM X Ra1·1no --1· hr om e r r a m ,. f}itJuro l".t nnd.ir mo' rupiod Japan S'llH "' · bl "' ~"-"I k ··• " ' · ~ 0 ood' hJrd ""'""ld rorl..l'r r\er\lh1ng must Go' $7• Onental \'ase. 175 horse rar1ht1es, rust t1 Cru1sor. mus t sell ......,.a.,e 11tens IO Rill"' matrhinorhrnme frdffil' it proierlor SJt Sun. llut h ..,,,.... Rirl~ .... 1 .. " k f ~ I ._ __ "-·.. d " l ..,.,.,. ' ""' ,~her rum & h,ld 1l"m' s.'Jt 1>nl\ -,-,3 l'on°r0 s• 631_.,..,,, home Antique oa urn. ll.ltraTnrk 675·3140 ,,.,.,r ,u•n•.Sl'lraine rha1rs v.1th lo\·el~ bro"n Ztl51n.i.PI .l ' M Surfboa d -1 •• " • ...... • """' h h h Id -M59S2 -r · .. ,. rrtl(t' dothtn.: &. hooh l'\1 C \I ;::a,;::. 10 IC Many ot er ouse o &ys' r rwsl'r. girls' 20", I ---. I \t'll'tl suts & h;u·k~ '(;ar.age Sale. ('hri~lmas d r a rt 1 n g IH•"ll r II Sat Sun 9 s 24~ l\no" SI ....,.,...-.... and dee.orator items All men's 10 spd. ladies' 3 r.ucltat 1050 Eastl) wonh S700 Ol'"9 Boutique SJt Son t li~ rameras. oak di>~~ & Rt<')<'l l'l> ,:iris 20 bovs ••••••••••••••••••••••• TO BE AUCTION ED snA e'l<-.•<-s.48·"878 •••••••••••••••••••••••! Ju.<1t $375 Dave llS7 866ll I l'hJrll>ston St . l' ~I rha1r & tnys Sal • un . CM ibt't SA & Oranl?t Iii . ho1 s 211· blk ., HARBOR,\REA Ol'F TO HI GEST RIO·~~~ --T-U T-IBUY HELP' I t Nr Paular1n c• 234/\lbl' C~I A\e . ('fir WP<otmm,lt:i "l\ltepi;rtn &stand. APPLIA:"ICE SERVICE DER ' Der 11. 12. 13 10 S Stationary bike, N * * * * Coffee t~ble lt>ather tup F'a1rvit>w} rg, . & Koo~ 1 rha1r •lot ht'• lo)~ Sat Wfbtzyusedapphanrt>s PM~M1tchel1St.La TURI ERGOMETER.I Goodused •'um1ture&j S50 Maho~ OR ldble. GARAG~SAl.t: Clt>anrd hou~e S1l1l'r rn.>anlt!lUt''m.rn~1 ol uni-20332 Ba\\tl'W -We sell rl'rond • gua r S1 er ra 1 I m 1 from exer sport modt'I S54~ Appliances OR I will pecan ran. 6 chair:. 3 E "'SnLUFF bikes. ch aid, bunk' le<11bl~ tm' doll~. \ 111 \\t' ~A llt>1&ht~ · I IUY APPLIAHCES. 1714J 687-086S or 1714 1 LadJes 26'' AMF brand. MASTBS AUCTION 'Di.run';, St>t -Beaut t•o11 ~ 12 13. 9am ~unk to itern~· S.it 10-~. ~ R.11n l'loth1nJ!. mul h mt>1. r; \R,\<:I·: s \I t: Sat Les 957 8133 7JS.sal6 ' w infant carnt'r, :itlnt .&...u....A.1..1.1.. Ill f .... 25 .. . . lrt'asurt'l>. a~ is. ('ash nn bo" F' a 11 ~. Ir\' n ,. ~ drnie~ a hnt•' 1;s1 Dl.'l· 12\h 9Jm Jpm Ont ~apces S4?-J0771 Norro) Further 1nro ' ftl~ -sellorSELLforYou ll'es $150 673·59i0 "' l'lothes . lo)!'. • nu ta11e hat ~. ,hot'' & ---· -----~Mustsell!848812J I ~ • • • -1 temporary ti pr dmini: I> Decorator eod 9S5l768TurtleRo(•k lo"'ll St. \11·~.1 \rrrlr Shnp ltnrd IJ? ~•it --------------------------"Ill· , ----FUI ITUIE set solid walnut , tahlrs, IJmp~. \t>het ..._ ... GES L .. 1 • Su 9 1 I rl k Boys Schwinn 10 spd. llUY M Lea~es palls s225. ~"•vet rhair<o ruies & .. _A A a;, I ~t n ;it;11n 11rs11111• all''' Jd <' t•t neHr goodrond ~. Les 9SL8133 stereo ronsole sso pad. bookuse~ Nstl)' Sat Sun. bed. apr1hllnl'e~1 Bunk brds. tn~' ~urf be!'n "'orn d1,hu. { l ___ c.c __ :s_~ __ ) ) aNTBD < {---o----> > ·Newspaper Carriers tor routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & NeWP.ort Beach • Good Em nings Super Trips • • Great Prizes • • CALL CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT lllilJPlat 642·4321 --67$-~--3l sofas New M Lov -7S1·3488 Cal's sz 12 16 dothes & 11\lsr 6ti01 Lakt>\ll'" llR board. 'l'"" m,11·h & t.11• ~ll•~t~~: rt·;J~~I~~~ l ...... M.teriah10251 tseats S88. Slerpers. -1 i ll shoes CuMom hRhl YUDSAU! more Sat 1'' :i li e Jqu3num.~flhi1<1hplosh •••••••••••••••••••••••1 l.19!!· FACTORY 95Hlot MUST SELL! t'd as Rose quanz ma kr C..n' as roof rark 4'1:4 ft 'l:ighlha"k, In ine l'l\dt"d.ile hor..t books. MOW 36• /FT P\'t Sale. Retiring. Sell Walnut mirror. larj?e up m 1 rror . fl t 9011 paintm~s ~hrll Jt°"" I'll'\ MEW TONICA TOYS pi)l,1ro1d t•amera. rraf\ Redwood 2x6 &ecking, 1ng al most completl' ~ab~1~dr~~~~rs,~m~~'! Chestnut Pl an• 1orf boxt>s . hand'.11 .1~" lAts 10 chmhc frum ''"'"~ hlH k ~hill' 4-3l'long :alsort>dw~!qu~l1ty h se hld l yellow girl 's dresser Jamboree & B1~on 1 afJ?hans. toy~. pm~~ l'ht'a Sat9~ Sun111 ~'h.1nllm.1dt' quilt dnd fencing • Lowest price I rurrunshtngs. SI oo w a In u t db 1 t' N 8 I camrras and '!11~~ ~JI 3641 ~amilton In 11ther Enod1es 2142 B guar Jim o r Ken _ _!_!.9!-1·~·· dres~er s100. bro"n Garage 'air S.ic 9am C!ll.>'220116thS1 ,:rn $$20402 OrJnlll' .\\e l'o la am1)me.H6M _ IKING INNERSPRING vinyl lol'eseat Sl 2S Grab bag st)le s.ill'.1 2 t"amily Spt'(1al . )le<t,.1>15~ C-& EXTRAF1RM mattress ~lt46 el'ery th1ng fr ll m FrtSat 9 " 1968 \'istal S"ID!l0 Sl't 511111 ~lot> I~,. .. IOlO set. never usedi worth --------rlothing to toys 4041 Caudal EastbluH i'\ B irore IW32 .\ St 11 ll ..,,...., Golott! --P• s.u>.sac S248de . Never Mnhecri'ict! , Seton Rd Univ Park. -'"'--I near Wamn & llt•arh Sal 91 2668 Bu:.wood •••• •••••••••••••••••• _.. h . I j 'I f AA ·d ~ •.• •""II I "'7 Q ... VMtar 220 SL.· complete us .... queen n . wort Ruat Herr ulon qutenl I • •"' ass1 '""" s "1 ' "'" .,. -<!.!'!" ~ewpon Beach w/clolt-up len.s set. auto Piii. cash only . 1'218 del. hide-a·bed. ~rlect rond I elec auto 2 X tele con Usuall,ybome.154·73§.0_ S2SO. 2 wicker htad·j l'ert ' tele lens. like MUST SELL nice tweed boards SJO Marble top new S21 s o , s o fabnc sofa ' lovesut. for dm rm tablt> S300 MG-xMs. WiU sell at utremt ly rt· _,,~=-:lt46==---- " . . . . . . 642-5678 • • • ' ' • • 1 • ~ ' • ~u M32 Stroke G~ ~a~~~~~S4~~~*a~n.ln~e.==~~~-~~========================== Condition S400 after6PM. mahog bghl. SlOO. pecan ...... aoso1....... IOHIHnuflotdGoods 1065 Jtwttry 8070 ~.4 199 Htadboa d ..,, 2 h cr~~nza Bassl't Sl2S ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• j•oo• .. •••••••••••••• .. • ---r ..... mtr 11 OUld s rhnt or drn•ers 'Queen sleeper couch & 'Appaloosa Pony 1 yt'ar) I COOIWUE! Heau11ru1 141\ prndant ""'-1040 ruaht·stands 1150 Coffee wlnurror $7S. All ID ex 1 h I t I 12 Hands nt.... J"u·~·nna ,, ...... •· 13 ~ ta&le S'1S 2s-akers 12.5 ...... malr 10 11., O\'f sea · spi "" StainleS!' )trel. ",ll1'r "...... ~ · '""" • ....................... · ,..... · _ttli..:..,Wfld. 963·4090 bl.ick It While '3bn1· PX> _ 960 0398 lt'Sl> Cftft Rrand n"" dwrunds M ~· 640 8112 KEESHON O Pups AKC. ~$1$.~·~--Kins n Mtd1terranunl " rhrome t ri m Gd 1Quartertlorse Rrg1stt>red still ID tht' 00\ 11 nrr t:,rrllent 2•, l't men11 Olamp St~ M' f Pet ft I Sora. 4 easy chairs, Om. btd w/hdbrd. frame. 21 t'Ond nire for hohday s yra old Good "1th s:zzs I hltJt• ~;apph1rt' 0\ al l'UI s b Ow · Pv t P l Y set. 3 TV. Eltt. Broom night stands, armolre &1 it\.ll'Sl.\. S2SO set 675·089f children $1000 S4~ 1192.'.I 841! &J9S ~l'm stone 14K "hll<' 2l3/111'1·]34.Saft 6 m. -1 .D-1 · ln ple dresser "'' mir 1 eves •wknds Have Muslanf? hit\l' ~old~et ~·ormalli1 A¥p SlilH TZU pups . AKC. Miit S.Crtfiu! ror s XI n t <'on d 'n;;~ful ne•· wtrbd Qua r l' rh o' r' P . RED·KING Sl~t: P"".il oHr SJtlOO l250and~.Cash ooly I aft fnltwood.dinin1 ta· 11@1 bstotr.645-4245 I rm'mg must sell szsol Registered S yr.• old I Al/~~i~°Si~~~·t:R I c;l"fJt 1ufl' Will ,ftl or · I bltw/1 m1tchiD1cbairs Transferred Must ull t'm_plt Mt S 30960·6839 Good with c hildren ('raf\.sm1ntommNcaJI tradl' pp 86S49A30t Gmn. short hair ~ale 11.000. Lu ther win1 Bo ut 2S" Color TV .NOVi:-iG Hot p(,,n1 Jt~.~-~ ''thpO:l.Wlp . 1 1111\ h•llo• Ciold !44 an.i< ~ 4 mo. Ex Bid. Lints ' chair. Sl7S. 70 inrhts S'le. Cofttemp o•lt 6 pr Rtfri g $200 AnUquel WH. ITE PONY rart rblt w rt>l't'lfll' Rolr' l'rts11frnt1al M_C a!IJllQllJU-4411_: IOtid cherry table ll50. bdrm set. WO. Sf!t kd wood de~k. la rite . $75 I II hands. lovable. m o $200 1).46 4fi.>ll Wall'h Cost tt7011 S(ll. B Dobmnan Pupa. AKC. j Wal 1er ret•ri1I deal!. Glass din set. Riviera 9151-3114 ~l·03311 , st111W\ or Rfa~t oUrr U. Bred for ~ality. l200 Exec aw1vtl arm Sofa btd w/matrh sofa. ~ --• ' O~apenr' ~,old Int rn 1il3 f ll50 ..011 l daair S7S 4'S.4SIS '"ft lovuut. Orig. 11900 Btd Complete Calif :1t 1•t1• .... 10H (Md ~ l<1rp('t 1.1kr ' ' ,\.,, '-----1 wluldl Ser tll50, E~iant peun Kina. box, apr1n~ 'i••••••••••••••••••••••• Nfw' All $.1C) 6.11 56~S ROl.~:XSl'KMAKI N~:" 'Grut Cbrlatmu 1ift u ff et • t n d t b 1 s l:s~· w ~r:;,6 A ten 1c..,,.u. On1lnal Ro) al Gcctlam Strln~ Mt'il11·1 ~~~1~ ~"':~~:~,~ F• M Acti11 Clla ,.,. 142·5111 ll td 'a old faablontd w/matcb wa ll 11nlt1 -~. ""r r -, Sar111l. t Ptrs u n 32 pcs. 642 71H or 97'9·4311! · arhool dtallt. PS/ea, .,Alal COlld. No J llDll. Babr, urn · u rn · M1trh1n1 runner 100'. •cn40 u . •szto dothin&. toys Sat 9-S Wool. CrTat Cond S7ooo .._..... 1070 ltfe • . I ...._.. t ~uct SAH I Or •-st Off•r v ___ , ...................... . • Dreu tn·cblldren s 4 1 pc -room ~ · quttn -..... • ... fry "*••••••••••••••••••••• 10 d ll ll 1 *""· szs. • drawt r slit btid. alat <'OfMI $3.SO -.. • Lartr Kenstan Ptrs1an o.a,,..,nd Sft in 14K Gokt 'P • f . • r u . drtutr Formica top 7 Vtry IOOd COftd. 9IS C.1'1'fl' Matcb1n1 Run e..t Appt·$1300 Asll 191..!.~ 1 2 1 1 ft 1 • 1 ' • ......... 112 5'41 wr VffT Good Cond ,... l se 4711 • ·-1' ~I 2 roll •••1 ..,_ • ~ 1amt ta --..:._ -"°" Or Bu t Offer ~ .. ..L btdl. Coa.11al Ca--J$ I ' Jlald 10f1. wuhed bit/ c lulr se t . by Std. sofa. N it • brn. '1)-IIR Gfn111nt Elll £RALDS OHM Oar\niom .... • Yihtt,... Herltaae lint t400, aim tuld, mo. 142-t514 Your dloittonly IZO per Tai*. lhn F11n1 • e. •12'1 W.l!_ttA.dl Cil\'42·~78 a :..••-~~-----\ ( •• •• a s 0 S OS ---~--·-----------· • Orang e Coast DAILY PILOT IF riday. December 11 . 1981 ..._.... ""~"•• tto0 ..._Mt• ,. .. .....,.... "" tt11t•1rr1 eo11c:a.w-16Hh& w1u1a.,.. • ...... a .. aoeo &o.-. lffO -.r.-.r tu1 ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• ••••••••••••• Serrlcn 1079 ....................................................... ;.·.r.·········· ...................... . 1........... .1111 "*>-tiU.r,Shp,llltenew' ..... , ................. llO''Boyathopptrbkycle L..Ptl••• Thom•• or11an . 11ood SPORT t'ISHt:KMAN 111JO ~rtbo1rd, H1lmbrldge MO Stereo Component He 11 u m B 0 u q u r 1 5 r on d 1 wood r 11 Ii Jo'or ule by ownrr. fly • I $'11" Tn·ftn Tbru1ttr cabuwt. M5 Ca ll 1her 6 Dela vered Jo'u n for 1225 1080 Ill& bnd&t!, 81min1 top I I J1~ 4%30 2.m 710.1'12 Ghnstmall 1142 4 IOlf dual rontrol , '113 llunter WE'RE HARD To FIND ain.e..1Mt I Chnstmas G11\1 New 5x1 LOSING LEASE, quit J73 4419 7• Muo n 11 um 11 n lll. Twin Crvndt'r 270 ' s..lut 107t Playhous e ror your tlllC buslnes1. atlhna out 1n.o.t11lled 111 low hr\. 4h ..... •••••••••••••••••• rhilds delight $250 ALL supplit!ll und hx Lovely dble quilt 1200, Wu I nut Relina'h"d Onan. tt-~k l'otkptl d\·t~ I I turet11nt'l!Ml1n11 iv()t)' rhan;a for 8 plus 8t;AlTTlt'UI.' Vllf . CR AM It IH EASY To DEAL' • ' HANDMADE baby I Display bum. ::1l1ng ~ut~~=~ 1~'l1S:.~.~r .. 675mo.. r:etrv.~jj'~j~~~lt•~~1~' , arcbans ' blankets; s'!'r:::. ~a~:d~yers a~~~ or tv $1.50 Cub only Wur~~S~~~~lut·k ,:?..n[" 6' bow plu;k, 1n I I ' $7·$SO. Great gifts hydtauhr <'hiurs. mir Shorewood C:1rde boord ball tunlt, 2 l11(hl • M2·~ --ron,shelvesandplants ~~aa":!5 Magnoha, 118 o~~:t:,362 Hold· IOI( t'hatr!t, outnl(gt'r!> ~~ter, Royal eler Alao. make up. shampoo ~ -IMt · it.wrp 1 .~Y outboard kill i.ark . I I Medallion I wtrase, Cul r and hair products O\ristmas Gift. New un-ip ~ :'15 ::.i•:9ir1 un portable bail rt't'l'IY(I( ~.SU0.64$·~ Call631·97S4or used Crartsman 10" 11\ISu-n · Long range 3~ gal~ a.rt T an~r6.-.896·~ Deluxe Power M Iler S.W._MectllHt 10'2 fuel 10 4 lank:.. 14!0 gal~ 1982 Mode' Is In Stoek·Now ~n ..... ,...., Stert'O l'On solc $1 50 Saw S24Sretail 1st $185 .•••• ;~: •••••••••••••••• water in 2 tank!. L1v10i: I I J _. --842·4385 l..amb/minkjarkel$t75 ~JJ~r7P~ _ Kenrrore ~ wcKMI t·ab . ab~ard: 2 relrig ~. Christmas Boutique Compact rolltop desk ~ 11 bl b . r xlnt cond. ~ butane s tove w ovt-n, Sal. Dec. 12. 894-0arrell $1.SO. Polaroid 4so+ut Cob ~Pt51 . e 9~".~56'J,0.~ _ m.6i33 rmnomat11· head. lal)e St. CM. Homemade t~ .:n ns.mas. • x • dec:·k,sw1m step.board I Se' 11• ng Mazda's seve~ dacrs a week! I Your ooe stop shoppino cenrerl dolls trains ornaments ~ L By 2in. IOc eat'h. Sft ........ C.oodt 10t4 ~n ladder Slt'eps 6 t.. • • • a•LLOO .... S Christma s tree gd ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ' f()( g1fl items To place m etc.S48-66SS__ * A .... ualJl lS 642·3379. 3 pairs skis . various rty eqwpped 3 rire I GLC'S·626's·RX7's·B200 Pick Ups 1 ad '" this column call c~~~~·edb~ou~q~how' V:t~~~n,:~3~~~rt Aqs~s1T-L EA c-u.: ::irhs W' binding~ S7s ~:~~1W~~:ei:.t / b:I!! d I 1 64?5678 and ask for ll'E toys dolls tree orna'. aMJV cali64S6445 · T HRI FT SH 0 P 556 8000 pumps s1 2.ooo CASll goo se ection of used cars! Christmas Ad Visor n.!nts' etc. Dec 11 . 9.4 ~J>I N WP211 Chnstmas Sale, SO''I orr Ladles raber skt boots 1-lRM Call llO~IAer ild 7171 Blue Sails II B Doll House accessones & ~"!!!~sNSaBt 10·2PM, Only used onct' Size 71, 0~~,;~ h h I I ----·Ml-9921 Mini co llert 1bles .......,~~ ·-·-. -~.9792749 ~ c."'wort as your "Last Minutt'" Shop~rs • -" Handmade 1 01 s 1 o Sears best 10'' radial arm . CHRISTMAS girt read) HWDAY BOUTIQUE Busyexet we 11 ~irt 5ho~ .-.19!12 saw. many access. $210 Wa ve T o 0 I b 7 8 24"Ta1wan bwll Trl111o ler Sat'Su g c D 1314 4 U exc lus i v el y "'!"'! G ·ls'b ... "Ah · St Surfboard Orunge and th L"VERYTlll ... G. I I n ..... er Roadrunnt'r S erv Must sell Penny Zig Zag ir i .. e~ winn in wtute $125 Call e\t'~ wt "" •' HOME OF THE FREE LOAN CARS. IOZ3?K!lk!ll.H.B. 661.7028 St'Wlng mach used 2x·s gray SZS Kia 10.spd $40 67q 344 LoOO hke a real lbland ...... · .. · Xlntcs>nd.~7371 ot:-girl Pirre redured to a.rit ... t lolllt .. 1 COLLECTABLES · udut rarry ca)~, as .. ing --. Surfboard, hke nev •. 6'6 $16.SOO C;,11 Man ja1w • Free Wrapping. Sat on 42Jl.32nd St. Nwpt Bch I SlOO Cluna, 8 pie set ling. Custom 3•00 g a 1 sa ll wmged pm. SliS E1slie 673 9330 · L1d1J I anatlEm ma-I ly. g.5 PM. 394 Magnolia li7Hl70 ask1n1'25,6311823 watuaquanum C~mpl 6"6·l9'J7 Anchora e -&-a St Colla Mesa -----Baby rumiture playpen v. cabinet, r1lter system. . !1! -#I .. -=-=------Mitc1l•109I 1010 & high t•hair hkl' new UV stenhzer. 4et'ora Store, l•1t_..t1 81 Newport Elt-t'lrn .,. .. _ _._ f\lr Jacket, nal blue. fox . uuunu•:u•uueuo1 ~bo(h 644 4·144 · lions & fish Must ~ee 1er 1095 r acket Hardtop $13.500 I I sz L, "'"'" nt'ver 11.orn. Beautiful Full Length 1 -9J~~·4!!!!1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 79 Boston Whaler 15 601 S ANAHEIM BLVD 95"1820 $450 hrm. was Sl200 Mank Coat Latest Style ~IEATGIFT m. b comm'l icemaker, LOSING i..1-:ASt:. quit 1 ":rlr Loaded $5500 20ft t U-~7·3299 _ Dark. Ric h Br.o wn for lhnstma~ Parrot xlnl<'ond ~ l1J1g bus10ess.3ell10gou1 F orm~l3 302 f ord trlr I • I ASPICIALGIFT Tramme d 1n S able I 11.i th t age. oran~e w:ni: _.97.3-~,J:.4.JVll _ AtL supphe~ and file Xlnt $8500 St·hock .- -...... ----• tLlttleCrumbt Brown Fox Medium Amazon S200 fi45 7.103 ·~Pepsi machine work· l~tnl'ludmg BoalS ... ' By Joan Pino Stze $2SOO Or Be~l OH er evrs & weekn!fs mg W/dnnkmg rounla1n Display case•. walling I u 67J 2050 .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A rolorlul children's ~~37~ . ~Rcta1l&o~h3ngch. & ~ ~x ~ OBO r~m chair•. Beaut y ~··~ C:hn) Crart S~a • s t o r y b ook abo ut New w_ome n s d1 0 v1ng bla<·k.dre~s.swl&panl !U~·<D,9·~-S~lon hairdryer) and ~ktrf With Newport Newport's Bark Bay 11., wetsuit, baby t rib .I $35.6754150 700 pl··t'c 7X9"bnders h)drauhl· chair). m1r Sllp~64S·419!1 'SOMETHING DIFFERENT! • u-..al Can. Clonict, A.tiq!IH. lac.e, & 0. of a kiftd! 00 BELOW* INVOICE on all 2 Wheel Drive Trucks in Inventory 4x4 Trucks Completely Discounted Prices so low we dare not mention! *Prices are $1.00 below factory Invoice plus Dealer adclecl accessories, If any. 41 MOS. (WI Wt« ill" Se!H If• U.7 U CHll -IJft Uno 0.1 UIH It LK t9t '11 Flt1 Cle l)ISJ It All'lt 111' o.1 -U616Aon-llel ... trllltl luslrated by Clyde j stro41er. s wing. ell''lDalJ Ell"hmg Signed & 1~11 . 1 & rors,shelves andplanl~ OWM Sac 'f' Geronimi an original ele<-. ~room. 642·9264 numbered. S1H· S29S me a 7ff s. PI ~s II Also. make-up, shaml'OO :II rt Pal':make~ ,'~~art I Walt Ois~t'Y animator INonlakl' 9~p c S3 50 S3S·~5 ~Jlr5 12 Xea8~~ rec~pe andh~irproducls tabin modt'I Newport First Editlonsi Auto ~a~~avox Ste re $100 1 Royce 23 Channel CB dn•1ders w1plasl1c labs. Call6Jl 9754 or moorinl! Owner wi ll graphed. Send S79S + 8 •95 S kil S llw S7!> IUid10 and llu~ller an 1 50< ea or $300 a ll arter_6~898 6809 1 r1m1nce ortrade9689922 SI 25 tax & handling to I 64S-10 tenna S80 OBO M2·l9110or848 1959 Misc store fixtures & d!s lc;1· 28' ~ 11 -Back Hay Books. Dt>pl Child's playhouse. good ~ size ""aler bed : ---play cases. c·ash rel!). a~~i r . • 0 le re) "A" po Box 1396 rood 3 wmdow~ Elt•1· L-Omplt'te set up s1so Mitc1l•1Mt office equip Fri unly ~r'~ "tfft,8 mooridg Newi>ort Beach. CA : 1JghlS 1n oul szSOOIW Mu:.t11ell 1964403!l W..e.d 1011 WI0-3CoNewport Sk1 ~0~ ror '2nd trust ~~e~r~r~ 921663or645-4900 &W !1839 Specimen f>lanl!o. Wh lse ••••••••••••••••••••••• . asl Hw~ NII rear 545·1!114 I pr1i·e~. pror ma 10 Buying World War II doQr _ Atltos, H~w 9100 Allto,, Hew 9100 tamed 2 patio lounges Souvemrs. Cash Paid TV loclo {.1\Ilstmas Special 23 & •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• tl7S,i•it·760!»40 1.Es p er1a l l_y v.a nl l HtR,shreo I09I 20 f or?'ula . loaded "Pamlml( l'aul Blame Ger~n Reh~sl ~1~64 •••••••••••••••••••••••1 trlr etc .\'! ake oHe r lle n rir · ll ome to Wanted ~rn & Whal Zeruth 21 ' walnut cab I 67533(Y.!.673 3434~ - lf76MGMmGO CONWlmlU ........ ~"4i" ANt FNo-~.­ "'"' .,.., "'l'fY .... toc•I """"' , ..... sc t • ,...11 ....nuttatonh 1971DATSUN Ec~•u~!~.,1 ent•M ...,.omtl+c lt•M IV•~ NA 'M ''''"° I fflM'._ '""I r.O.•l IHH •ncl "'°"' <lffftl llOIUA(', 1979DODGI 0... 014 MATC.....Cl • MIMd ,,, lO"Cf .,..._ '"" ,~~ ~ 11.11 '•tin .,._..,~UJVA81 1971 CHIVIOln CAIUIOCOWI VI _,... trlftl t.c:tior. .. ,. cD"d ,....,.. ..... "" ...... f/lft1 lfft'nf"ll ..,. h'1't .. .....,,. S..r':k"t ~ •tfh t1Ud. tf'Mf• o< ltllVLGI 1976fOID MUtlAHla n fASTUCll Vt, tufCWNfK, • ., (Of'ld _,1 ........ 1 • .., •• , tirt, .. tlMtd 9•tn, r1tln Wf\lt.1 Y•"ft "" .~nl {ond .. ,. ... l ' 1979VOlVO 1"1A 4 ol . MlfrO .,.,. ,_, -.. --.... 14M-F¥ _... c:.M> '11-.-c ................ , llqH[W•111"AVI 1 ttl CADILLAC lmW """-lfl(wtll- ·---· A/#.F¥ ·-·-.-1 .... ,WIA _.~-­,.., ""' ....... llllVl-1 ...,._ .. __ .. ..,. lf71 PlTMOUnf a.ow•T • G,..1 tt°""'"' tar •tttt ..,. '"'""' • o ™'Ort ~ ttnt S\llftOtr~rt."°" IJiA-fM rlOIO l t1Mt0 tin> ! .. IWCO• 1979fOID f utMOHT 4 DI. • ('fl • Mltfd ~' OOOf •oo.i ,..,.. 11r" "'-m;tf~ CVl"4ff 1'0001 Gt HI f(onolf'l't• U' 1mwov 1977TOYOTA CUICA • (fl ) WJINCI "'~ ,,, tO"ld ~ br.-_f't buOf'f tt•h 14.M '"'" JlrtotWO ,,,,,., mil hl'tftidt&.tu & ..,...._ t '1(t. E.ctllitt'tt <.Ol'O't'°"' 1 .. •llVYt 1910 PONTIAC ll'MOIMl.11 • DI. 4'1tt~ Ctnd o.t" )fr & Dt.-n .-n tm UM Ith '"'"' ""'' .. cvttom il'lflt-,. ,.,,,..., f. C°"'°"'1' 11-POl•ll 1911 CAMAlO v .. AH cOf"d • flWf lfft1°1"9 & llt•l.n .......... "" -1. rail,,.-" 11\IWU!Gtl 1979VOLVO M211A • <YI. -........... ... "•dltcllr-llU< IWl-AJ1o.F¥-c..n . Wft"W, ( ....... Wit . .. _ ..... ,, ... .. Jt1'WGYI 1979MAZOA 01•COW1 ...... -.w .... ·-..... ...,.,.,,,_ ..... "'""'-•Ille ---·~·-· _ ............ Ii_ .-.1-.-.. ,- • vlml -1 ... Xl"l 1976DATSUN 12!0 Ee~•· • n .. ,.., ""' -·-"-~FM rediO wl'!''tYI too "'"t.,.. mote' W.r ,.., rNIMM1 ll•IP0¥ 1971 fOID ll'INTO • <--• At•om.tl( "°""ft \tH~'fl!iq ,,,, '"''° Utt '""''' ."'"' 111'1,td '''" IO•M11f-\ ~JV/V 1971TOTOTA COllOUA ''~"ttUlfOI' ••t Condf ..... ,. ,..,.. .,.., If\ '~ C.l"Pl.oi"llf1 ur f'Vaut"""1' C~W~CI 1 tlO CHIYIOUT MONTICAILO Vt ~ lr.,-.s .. ,. I~ '"' .. t.t•n. t.cfron •• , AM FNo -eo l"n a 9-.U htt <.NIM AICttt ... , •• bilwit ~"' .. """'" ""°"'' CIAl't~~I 19IOTOTOTA cnlCA ll'1'VICll ~k .,.,... ••• , t'On Clllioftlnt. -·-Int. -· d!1C ......... ·-rldlo. Yl#WI lf'ltff'Of', • •IHmlnl '"""' 9ilft -tnfef'IOf' &. "'°"'' llMl'Ull~I 1911 DOOGI amt"ll~ .. Alt, .-W tt·r & IW9'ft, -QM' 1111. <M• coM,.. •••• , ..... ----11.-""'" 11 IJVMI lflOVOlVO 1"ts • <VI , 4 YMd, -'' GOftd -dl1c Or-, ..,,.FNo tt . ,,. ... l'llllKltl (...,, .... 1_, .. ,.._, tit ... ' llAHV..ll V-I~"°"""' Ne11o•porl .. 2hS8 inc nots for sma ll c·ons!gn good tond Slllll Class ic "S8 Cen l u r) frame $475??64s 2963 me nl s ho p 1n <.:M 9621523 Ra , en 22 l u xury 631·51!31 or art 5 642·6266 lo s...i bo·,t "" rorward 2rlr refng St2S lamp S2S . ~ Roadstur CJr Stere o ..,, . a Mink stole $300 548 4324 I Women's ski clothes 10 1 Cas:. & rM 60 ""aus cabin \ 8 ma hog 10 bel 12 aft~ l'M ~ cond. s izes. 4 6. & Also 2 JenS-On Tn ,\xle board Looks & runs ', . 8 Pvt Party 67S·Ol05 1 """'rs ~oo 548 0601 grut Does 30 knots John \\a)nt' Tenn1lo l lub1RALPH'S p -d 151 ._ ~ ~11rh1gan boat. romes rno~~·n.h1p $1200 ISS 153 nzr ~e~O SO · 11 n t l' It r a t t.' d a m P w lrlr & 4 ne11o tires A 646 -I-II.II! or 496 3941 493-0774 rt:. P 61 matchmg am rm tuner stealfor ~ 556·9082 lo I "· h ·1· II 2J . ·3 · er pm n-el to rttl tapt' rt-l• & ---t•r'~ ·;;3~·111~0r: Ht'd blra long twin beds.I turn table S400.ofr ForS.orTrode Xlnl l'Ond ,125 545 3838 I l:omplete . Mus t be 1n 67S·3l.15 48: ·71 Pace Sportr1sher, 01 [)Cl ~W FOOT BATll \ery good cond1t1nn 5) I' a n i <i 25 . L' ol o r I lollded. electronic. re· T·l, R ·'5,. f u .• h 963-2187 I Console w remoll• Go<Xl ady to ft:.h $140,000 or . , I " 1te . • al . d ' l R trade r o r l llrge r m amel Want lo moH• 1l Minic Con S2 5 O < 0 rtf h p Pt 11ul u( l(araj(t.', Ot'ed l..Strw..ts 8013 847-7271 I~ l~le~O·~~ y room Make~ a 011·1· c-on ••••••••••••:•••••••••• Early '60 St-r burj! :.lerco I -' --\l'r..a11on pl('l'l' Or USl' MXR .f.'HASE SHIF'TF:R Jukebox . xlnt c•o nd BavhnerV1ctona74Twin fur real SIOO bsl orrrr , .. 100 dual r ontroJs lo<1 d e d "" rt't'or d:. I \'olvos \'Hf. RDr Bail 712»1 Newl y re buill. $15 $1,<XX>_bst nlr 645 4245 Tank $12 S00.581·29Sl liilrl'us Berrv Pre.amp I " ----l':.t'tl l'atJ>t•I:. I mo old ~ \714) 751 .. 8516 . Sanyo rolur \'Iden r l' c•rH FOR BOATS dr k h1•11(t'. p lu i.h · · -rorder and tune r L1kr M 9721RW f'ENDERR_HOl>ES ne11o• l'omplet 1• 11o 1th • 536-tHI I l bl , ELECTRIC PIANO tapes $SOO OB0 6iS3733 - -.l\1ng room J t-~·1 Brandnt'w 4947456 rrrd1ter xlnl rnnd $75 2~1t~INWAY G R A~DS --~ lltlt/ Hammond Organ $50 Elel' gwlar & Fender ' Knabe Louis IX GrJ nd _., . Call aft~r6pm IMIHM7S Champ amp. used 3 I alsoquahl) upnl(hb 1 Ca..t.r 9050 tl'l>"'hs $300 644-8189 11·1 ~ b u I d n n • ••••••••••••••••••••• • • Slroll~ Deluio:e rerhn1ng ·~ • · ' 1 1 "' " Charter the fabulous ss· t·arsea1 Siii lledstt'm S i Iv t' r l 0 n e Du a 1 Refinishu~ic • Ya1·ht "Knot Bad" boat lnr)cle $1!i I.I! v.ondl'r ~cyboar:a OrJ?an f50 Oqilittr..o rorthe Parade orL1ghts horst· SIU l.1ke nu t tttnc ss $75 rac 9.0-1155 harborrrwst's or an' oc. 675 91~ ~~!_\mp. RO, 646-3518 c·as1un ~~ • Ra<·ktrac-t1onequ1pmt•n1 L-Onn allosaxaphone. loah&M.-. Custo 4l rt- -ht ........ 4Lll5 5 .. 5-t637 I xlnt rood v. accessont's E.,-..-wt . m ) a<' ._w . .,... · .. P20 842.9936 •••••••••••••• • • •. •• • •• t h ra :. m d • P a r a de St:,\.'\ONEU t"IREWOOI> GRF.AT Chnsl .. G n I I 11.hale 11o atrh10g. pan1es FOR SAU: t>eliH•red II t" • hon A mts '1 t ' ('IC best ral~ 646·40QS lll' I( I( 111 hR b i'OOd.$1.SOOB0 49S·~-I \<ll'hl for llll \OUr hoh Call fo:d5Jll~I .ptp e <'OUSlc.'<n 0 ElejCanl nev.50'p11or b al ut,1· u,. u I ent!l J d ID rums , Ro I! e r s. 5 Pr ': ••· . I d' a ·' "n t e r t'a I n I n g a ur -.oa,.nr,eru~e I brand O('W , nr,e r $l00,~2 ~ I played S400 orlrade for 1 l'aradt' or Light & Lot(< abm quill s $3$0 & sailboat. 675·8i38 morns I"" ha I" "' a l r h In I! up Nt'wqn •l1l' · --6i3 4860,~7-32i3 546 31112 Arp synlhes1ier, brand 1chanl'r 28' Sporthsher ne11o . w casr . saoo or Skat S k' 'Spellbound". dail~. H u..c-..dStorOC)e '~t ofrer Bnan644·0390 e . s IS . people.run~ equ1 p'd.10 A•tioft !t"l'nder Jaguar Guitar Sleds . SOOWmObile sured. bc·en~ed. rxper'd Sat. Dec. 12, S3SO Tenor Banio SSO Agt l714l.673·~10 9:30.. Kay Mandolin S3S Old Sell your used Charter Schooner Gold <'<·nlur~· Mu,·10 11 & f ender Reverb S35 l::a1Cle' for Chnstma:< Storai.:1•. 15272 llolsa 6423379 items IO OUr exr11e m e nl ,\J!l l1l1rJ lld llB 1405 frwy Offke hnitw • & I l714)673 2810 Jt G G fr11oy 130:1tora1te ~,_ .. 1015 Daily Pilot Sail 'aull•. or a II I• pu•. & •••••••••••••• • • •• • • • • • 1 J ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• !ol~ll'~ or fur~: JP MilloltaCo.U-c1·tt Gu1·de j ' Catalina i6 Xlnl phann>:>. rol T \ ~.II\ f.P JlO Assu';i;;· low lOnd Loaded P\l Pt\ JOI! _rm :.eL~. ,pa1nt1ng~. monthly payments or : Call 642-5678 7.}~ 1219 . toob. piano. ~ome anl1 make rash offer R L' I N l "" R A B B I T 4ut.'S inl'lud older & in Elholt Corp 8·5 30 :'.Inn CMd H k for a SAi LBOAR D lacl on ll're.!ltlnl! J urn1 shanp F'rt Chri,hfto' A•Vilor dlrl'l' onh S64!l romp PLL S 100 ~ of bo\t'!I. 9Si 1166 &16 89.'I barrrls. trunk~ & rrale~ !'lease note. JO c·ast' ol OFffCE FUlH. 14 Engl R.i cer. .&?la's hea'> ram. sale "111 bel Dl!sks. rha1rs. lables. or ~ 90 I 0 hull wood j!la~" del k postponed to next da~ I fi«' equip . sht'l\·es. etc ••••••••••••••••••••••• v.ood ma st. 3 ~ails. trlr Su nday P e r ~o n a l 96J.781i6,848·0944 13· KONA KAY<\t\ hke $rJ(X) 0 80 64S.i533 rhe<'k!I anepled ~ubiert Ml.Sr. stort' rixtures & dis llt'llo Stt to apprrc Sli5 l..tdo H s ~JO to SJOOO 76 l?oor appro\al Sartain play cases. r ash rej!'s. 863T?v.ne C :0.1646 2i52 Ranj?t'r 26 13 •a ll ~ Co Auctioneers 1 ofrtce eqwp fn onh ~o Kayaks SIOO e.ar h or \lff Xlnt Sl6.000 Sll n Royal Med3lhon elet'l 10.3 Newport Ski co be5tofrer lllna 23 Demo Loaded 1 por1 typewriter. nev. z;oo' w Coast H;, ~R. I 979:.8997 ask for Darren 1 ~8.900 Srhork Bo Jt~ rood Aulo retum.m3n>I reardoor. · 1 9'SPORTROAT 5,320541 I rx.lras Sl40 n s h ISobd -Waln-Ut. Exec· Oe~k I ;\ch1lles mfl SJS.I rm:ny u :,t: ofbhc•rt 411 I 646-00IS 'S200 Firm Walnut I -64224~ ~av.I-"" NB moor.1111t Sanyo rotor ndeo rt' I Colored Credenza. $80 ·79 Open Sk1p)ark 24 · I Bwlt 1~ Rhode' dt'l'IRtl I rorder and t1mcr. Like ~7·fial8 01t'Sel. well equip Plank 1 3 paj?r:-ur t'1uip ,\s nrw r om81 e t e w 1l h sC~t-Coronl'l super 12 t ower Br lo 1 o rr l' r I ~~ 1 ~m·l' 1'gg;.51~/ tapes.~ 80675·3733 ty.,..wnler wtlg lvpe & 968-0292 I I ,. II D -,... .· pu~ monra nl( .. a e <'orato r lie 111 n g mrovable cartndge, as TAX DEOUCTIOHS 011o11eqil4 19H 8962 I bl'autirul leat her lop fl('V.'j2_0Q.JM2 1980 Donate~ourboal ... _.._,, · . I d 11 · & game table 4 lt'alher ' ,,...,.,., ne11o sat · 0 ~ ! c hairs s6so OBO hh 1017 l>tadlineDerJlst l'O\t'r. r<'t1n 11.ooil. 67S j.,33 ••••••••••••••• •• •••••• Call toll free for mfo PK! OHO 6i3 11196 I · 7 baby bunnies 1Dv.arf1 l:D!.5925909 55.HIMoori"?i New St'aly Postureped1r G 1 ant Lops H o Id 1-.:.. ... -t-_ firm double bed. SISO. Chri s tma ~ S2S ea -::::.i--.. Pnme loc·.it1on ln1·ude~ Stereo bookshelf unit I ~H209 .,...,_ 9030 25 rt ~Jalbo.at SIJ 500 $!5. 642.J057 ----·~····················· i2} 6231 , 941 Jlil BACK SWI NG G ,. t IPl-i & °"J-s 1090 9 innatablt> din..:h~ l'S 14 rt Omt•n.a iodtlho<1l ,.._ ra 1 ) !~~;~;;••••••••••••••••• made. 2 seal~ mo tor "' I ""'emser Helpforback Story & Clark ronsole rmunt f450S48 0s2S lrJ1lrr s ,111~ .~11rttl , f;;~<ll'lt $400. sell S2SO piano Mlobo._ LIVE BAIT TA~t\ 1:ooct S~Wl ~a~f~:""' --_ ~1~287J size f1~rglas~ hnr d Art Collector St'_lling Maple Wurhtzer orjCan & il(64Q.9306.9to~ 26'C .. hr Sloop onganal Lewis I cart I benrh dbl ke)board. 197St!'Chenboat Dini?' I Xlnl rond. "" °""'P' Lero) Nt'tman All l nare '~540-8419 M 11 · rroonn,.a~kin11 S22.sm ~~r~s Many other H-;.~m o nd Co n sol e Ql4~~~~iil I ''.J l'I il' ~'!1 1 ""J 1 675·3733 I Organ Xlnt Cond SlSOO c-1. • 1-·' Jrh~. 64S 2261 -64().8367 rwH-...... SABOT. rar1ni.: llnl ~placinit l!ood Maxim 2-Si'EtNWAY GRANDS I a1~ ronchtmner l S<'d .on make 3 ,31b . t~iq•r ,101 1 HJ3 water 1TI.1lter w RO 1 48 Partmaker t.~ I i-ond $1 195 1;4i; 11:.:i I ~ype for greater capar1 Knabto t..oui5 IX Grand ~ll~l rond1llon :0.1 ak1• • · ty Will sell HJJ Call alsoquaht~· UP!"'tthts afer Pnvalt' Pt\ s...~ bid ' 7 14 I 6 4 0 9 3 0 6 o r Rebuilding. Ref1n1shin1t • 1_588·1821, 840·37~ A.'ls. ""l'w'rt "· 1!11\.t 2Ut L2Ul3S1·60::n ... t:}9m ~str'-o 283 Che', t'I a i?~ h 1 p (~lachatnr Au\ ,1 .. ,111 r F 9060 Pinball ma c hi n e ll&OOHamtllonA,·e HR nunne en~ine & trnn~ ~12 l"H Sc.•1• .'°''"''.I ut 1baseballl Xlnt <'Ond1 1 _ 714l~<HJSS Nevt'r run smt·e 1·11mpl l>;ina 1'111nl Ship '.ml lion · 1918 Uprigh t Steinb11c·k rblt $1100 Or tradt• for l>c•t• Ill thrnui.:h llllh 645-~16 lllOor best off tr ma r 1 n e s 11 p p I 1 ,. , ~·alt-d h11l otx•nml! 2 I' \I 1 YIAI, 11,• •• • am cmua . • ML ·IB CAISlll .SeMce COl*llCI....,.....,., drlW •Ill~. CICdllt .,_,., t:ae .. , _..., flaf.........,. ...... llMfll'I I elr CIDlld. Mil -..... 1;pwllilll# IOt ""1lllr....,. p Tl bl--I t -d • 615 7870 54111 4798 l)\'1' Ill 19111 .11 oHln of :?rut! ~~·xpoo "i~j:P.ano. antique. s mall lo.h.Power 9040 ~outh l'oa_,~ ~l.ar~nc· table 1iiht SIOO Quttn I f}lg upright. xlnt c·ond ••••••••••••••••••••• •• ~r.1 c·~on. ~131 ~"''' Zntl "'t w ..;~ ~ Beaut burl walnut St Alna.!Ht•.1c•h\,\!llJMIJ3 ~a~~~~-rri I finis h Sarrarir t' $7511 l!ri624'SKll'JM 'I\ Hid mui1t ht• .1l'1·om ·'Lt.' -~·-1 M7-~ Twin 6 ryl \'ol\11 pan11od v.1th munr~ or • .... IC $ALI• --· . engines. undt r 200 hrll dt-r of t ';illhll'r ' l'ht•t·k CAMC&L8 Rare t'lass1r 7 Auslnan run t lertron1r,, flush p;mablc• JOlnlf\ tu Jttn 1 .,_ D CdM I Grand. -•utHul Rut mds, holdtrll. uutra l! l'r l t'r' anc) l'1'11•r -t. tt IZ. It I lemUl1M2·-..... dual .. _ t t .. ' ,.....__ r Elem ~ for S<'hool• -·-,_ ~ ""•· IHll an .. :1 , ...... n1) 1n .1m11unt u (umitlft twelOM held PIAN() $600 many xtras Sptt1.il Ill'. '" ti.ct. l\ll.1n1·r .c.t ••..u.dlttJ orbit°'' 144.41,. Am trtr ratf'd 12.!IC>O lb$, hMt dw 1n 10 1la~i. t.a m.-u.____ ----· -· W 6Whls, Z1rs old ltoat \t'lopo ft\Ul\I :.t:.ait• , Tn•eo.,.&er. IA•el 2 Thomu Elect or•an. IW'\'tt ~ 1n •·1ter. an 1SHlfd btdl o"'"'"' re Lal UIM I 1r old. Ori& dal C'Oad1 Z b y boards. xlat <'Oftd Must '"'• .n-. "'"'to rt (U!lt .inY ~!!J.l.~_t41.:llZJ _ \!'4} tu-m 1 onll bedl · • ·--~-----------------------.......:,! ------------ lll't •• It? le1 llet .~ •IUdY llHs! Me bia\itiful sby btllg yout llldlted musrcat inStrllftel\t 1n t111 Dai~ P1klt lft llilll -- 117' DOOel COlT Srtreo t3!>f custom wheets and much more• • 114 NOZ 1171 DATSUN 20011 Has air stereo rape custom 1nrenor runs ore3t1 low mites • 154 ZOii'! Extras Include oower sree nno stereo tape custom'wnttts even has air• • uz WRI( 6597 4297 4997 4997 ~~~ .......... ...,~ ............. WHOL!SALES 1171 O\Ol DllTA M Otltll FUllV l~~d -POWtr Wlndow1 I IOcks. ster~ tllt wtlHI. crvtse l>OWl'r SOllt Seti(' more• • '8UM6 11?1 CtflW CAMAIO Has PoWer WlnOoWS. tllt wnee1 air custom wtlHts & mo<e' •001 XHX 1171 POID 'lllTA Raato. •speed m~s 1 more• • 156 uoc 1171 IUtC• 11.iaM Vlnvt toP. SOllt stats, POWtr IOC.,_ ster'° tlPf, custom Wftffts, auto. air l mor~1 • tCEU1CJ -· 4900 4800 2550 4875 ------------., OrangeCoastDAILYPILOT/Fr1dav.December 11, 1981 • • 13·500 DOWNI WITH YOUI GOOD CIEDIT DRIVES AWAY ANY ONI OF OUI llLOW umo WHOUSALE VALUESI tr Jr.:.-....... ...,~ ...... SPICIAL: p:; ....... .,~~~ .... ~A 1982 WINDJAMME VAN CONVERSION Fully equipped with custom paint. custom wneels. carpet & panelling, snack tray & engine cover, captain's chill's & morel • 100152 58982 UNClUDIS tSOO FACTOlrt' REIATU All cars suolf(t to orlOf salt Tall 11cense I aoc fte Prtces ooqcHl'tru 12111111 i t MG Midget, grt Niild Am Fm rad , heaf"er driv101 Its .. m1Uen .J!&OO 997. 7645 ~ ....... ..,...,""""' ...... ~~~~ TRUCKS & VANS 1llO CMIW ~l·UP Power steer1no stereo uoe tilt W11HI cunom wheels and tires Hanks alf auto l more•• IT71768 Ster'° air cami>er Sheu & more• •IT71168 POWer wtndo~ sour oower su es & toctts stereo uoe lift wneet custom Wllttts & oa1nt cruise camoer Shell I more• • IV20706 1t71TO't'OTAHS LCHIGllD ~Cl·U, Has stereo raoe custom wheels & ttres air ano Shell • tNS3466 7597 5497 7497 4997 ,,, ....... lllP.~~ ......... ~~~ FAMILY r~:.--.. 11r.~~.-.. -.~~. 1t77 IUICI HYlAll Auto oower neerino l orakes stereo taoe • 128 RXA 1t71 CMIYY CA"ICI T11t wneet raa10 all' auto oower steen119 & brakes • 103 vec 1t?t CMIVf llOVA 6 cvt raot0. oower steering auto air & more• • 858 wc.c 111' OlDI CUTUH Futtv loaded with oower tons stereo tilt wneet custam tu·tont oa1nr cruise custom wnee1s & more• • 26• xu ,., IUKI nw Still ur)(lfr factorv warranty• less tl'tan !> ooo mites Also nas stereo uoe arr & more• • lOOAHO 3297 4997 4397 5595 7675 E -._... Orange Coast DAILY PILOT tF riday. December 1,1 , 1981 ~UH4 WM, i.,.,tect Allto•. l•,•rlM ,..,, 1.,orted Alltot, l...,ort.d W.., l•••rted ·····~·············· ........•.................•.......................................... •··········•·•····•···· ...................... . ........ U .. d A.tfto~Hd !j CAILLAC CWUNCE . ~ ALE! 1tn CADILLAC &IVW ~1AKZ762) S1Q,995 ltH CADtLUC UOIADO (163WOT) . 11'1,995 It" CA.DILi.AC COWIDEVILU (895WOV) '9295 lt71 CADILLAC COUPEDEVILU (945WGS) s7995 lt7. CADILLAC HYJLLI (817WOT) '9895 I t71 CADILLAC SEVILLE (490793) '8995 I t76 CADILLAC &DORADO COHVBTllU (357PPM) SALE PRICED Offer good lhru Monda~. 12· I~ 81 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• t744 T ..... ' tUS ¥•..... 9770 Y•wetN t770 ¥•• t77J C1 .. 1c tt 15 f.ord tt40 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '1tM•I lt1tTOYOTA 'IOVWSCllOCCO '79Sc1rort•o lm1dtd' air. #IYOlYODULH CONTIM"-ATIMG ·79 t'AIRMONT t'utur11 l>)'n11m1l~ ·u· rihlr CIUCAUmACI U)'Tt1m1te s 1>1)d t'l>t' ~· •m~rm r11si. aulo. INORANGEt'O N'fY' CA.DILLACl TTop 6t')I ;,uto hu· w uni) ~1.1100 mdr' Ss~ trans fr AM 1t'M ~1r cond . sttreu, mag:., Soir1Jr1r .. ~ 675·2'34 We 1>Pt'fto1htt 111 lr.i'r' tot) tur AM 1-'M ~lf'tro Strrfo, l'lr\'" rop t•urtd Mf'rt'O IS79XZTI S879S btouuttfulruod f4SOZSR I '61 Hua. rbll en11 'Iran' SALIS. SllYICE for thl" bu:.1nto l'X Th I\ I ... n I l l' 14n8131 llACHIMPOITS SHH "M ', iitrl patnt, tnt ~lliSINC9 l'('Ullve frpro(h)ton.1I I ont· 1TIHllZ1 SUUlll S4ttS 1911 lharbor Bh'd JIM MillMO $1950 IAll ~ O\'t-:RSF.'ASl>nlVT.11 Y L s...ctao.. Thl'Qdore l<obtn,, lllr JIM MillMO <'OSTA MESA VOUCSWAGEt4 '70 IUG SllOO EXP t;RTS Of*'t_ ti llarbur Uh d <'n't .i YOUSWAGEt4 U 1·7170 lll11l lte81·h Hlvd or ~st nffrr 006 I~ .-w I Z Mo 11 ti 12 ou IO 11 r llf711llt>lll'h111\cl '71TOYOTA. 14J·ZOOO ·~ vw BufC Outsland1n11 E~~~l C.dilect ~8211 141-2000 COIOLU COUPE •74 vw SCllOCCO I Little ~ar A l>lt'lll at 1968 ll:arbor 111\ll Mow"' Stock! '7t Ford Fi.sta • ·--utlful lew • MC:H '711. mini t•und . I spd . lllereo rassrttt' Jl'lbla<·k~auly hpd Sl'/?9C:all~S2Q9 COSTAM~:SA Ni\Bl~R~ AM f'M t'UM•t'lll'~h·rt'u. • ... • H h ,. .... Xtrarlean lS16Ul'T> atr,stereo,xtruSh~rp ' '79 Hlijt Conv . blu blk, ui..UOJS40°t467 ... J " n1n15401212 1981 nu~ vrn. '""·600 m1. S2ttS t799NRSl d nt rood' dru sharp! "~ ( '1\f )II I \ ' "'' I • • ::'?.~1 .. ~~~· 1'tl'rl'O 1'1.$00 JIM M .... , ... o SlttS Sll80010 8U pp673 4630nr '64 PutOO Coupt, JO mp!( , J J I • n (iftANA DA v II • ....,...,,., - " !n~·""'5 cc:uoomy w ('lasi.1r I• u it1 .1 • tt• •' ;,ulo "Wr !>I & brakl'~ • • 9741 ¥0UCSWAGIM JIM MillMO l·n"o;: nu ltres brukl's ill:l"6S?850 644·~ I · 1.1 '"""' '.111 ·1••1 vinyl' ~oof Tl1t1' t:ur ;~j Cl 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ul'71lBeuchBlvd VOUCSWAGEM 1 1ooh'& runs xln1 i .... ~u--...1 pnn'CJ.n!(hl l~>l!OLLl.11 • ' OSl•OU • '711 ~. 19,llOO mt, hkl· 14J·ZOOO 18711 Beach Blvd f(l5Q L0-60 491:0490 . -· MU • --$299(1 lht•odort• H11tm1~. • • new. s unroof, auto. '7tTOYOTA 14l·2000 '70 Squareb:ac:k n tw •••••••••••••••••••••••1 •CADILLAC 'II Dir . ll:irbor Hl'd 1 claret,~·759.9379 SUPU 'fi0.'6S vw left & nght rootor, paint, rad1ul$.,Wck '9101 SEVILLE! ~~~~1M11·sa li42flfllll nr1 •LEFT "YERSI· Elegant luxu r e s door. '73 left door ~o clean AM FM, $1 ,600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IAturled' A beaut} "''th """"°' -V Pandw 9750 spd sunroo? Ltaded each Wt'l>lero. )l)le whl 8:i2·26ll REGAL . luw m1l1-i.1 llAOY3!16 J 066 MustdOI: l'IJ~~11 nl'w • • ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sharl>19SOX IM.> nms for Super llel'th,• '70 Squarebark. looks &I ONLY $17 995 tires. battt:r).' I" ph ••••••••••••••••••••••••. 'HPOHCHE91 I S7tt5 S@ta ~·111'(4 nms great ' New du1t·h HOWilDCi.; S2~963B405 1 • eB d N '81 Ch ia'~ul~~~ndb~~u3~Stt~ JIMMillMO •71vwsciaocco I Si!l9S ~1'9669 CLEARANCE Dove Qua11s~:oi.• '79 LTD Wi\GO~ \' ll • ran ew evy • S5tt5 VOLISWAGEt4 Brazil. bronze bea~l>'. 4 '76 Sclrocco NF:Wr'ORT BEACll auto fot'lOr) air µwr • Two-Door C~v~! • JIM M .... IMO l8711 Bearh Blvd spd . air. ~terl'o. i lean. Mull eond Champagne lll-0555 & b k '1 L"I -~barp . 0111\ I OK F.d $3600 9795278 ~• r:a "" '" '" VNr •ao o "" N l'I 1in1eo • VOUCSWA.GEM _l4kU90_ llDtll5961 I SALE '76 Seville lmmar l'Jr 'ltrt'O Thr:.l'ar1,pr1t'l'd • 'Jlc)~~ BU 1.q11r .. '"" No s4499 18'711BearhBhd "i9TOYOTA COROLLA $4t95 '51VWYA.M fully eqptd,Jlll'let· Set· nghl 1114131 1 S31lKll • 9•87&9JO • l41·l.000 4 ryl engine. automullr JIM MillMO Ne .. l'nJ( needs patnl 10 .ippren:all• $!>ZOU 'lllrodorr RotJin ,. Ulr Ho• o..ly trans Super ~ronom}I VOUCSWA.GEM $1400060~4~68 and lj9'1!WZJ harbor 111\d ('u,1 -1 1 • • '16 POISCHE ti 4 transportahon 13753081 18711 Bearh Bl d 7:l).7~ 1981 REGALS ~I "" a Ii 12 uo 1 o 11 r • • •••• ••• ••••• ••• •••••••• D}nam11e 2 l11re Sl988 Theodore Robins. ' 70 8 I . ,, '7tAHtwood 540-8211 • B du '81 Ch • Red blark Top ('Ond Dir . Harbor Bhd 142-lOOO . ug. '~II rnnu nu 1 Eqwpped lllth l'rU1'l' • I I • ran .... ew evy . 1l4SPQP1 Costa Mesa 642,0010 or i'9Rabb1t AM FMl'a:.' brukri.. µainl & '"1 <'Ofltrol.~phbeah s port Brou).?bam ZG,VUO mi 'i'!I F,11rm11111 Jc rJcho • • S69'5 ~llZ.lL -S39'JS !l.~ ~96" I ie rt'J I s 1995 I wheels.'"' l'Ond1ltOOllll( Sunroof Sharp. (;' \ Sl!W or lll'"I offt•r ~Ju,, I Four-Door C~v~e! I '""., t't!llent t•ond Mu:.t S:i1 II i73 .,..,, I • • JIM MillMO '77 TOYOTA. I 644 93Jti 1 ,,. L' b AM FM :.tereu. I'"' r :.t• l.i ""'"'' \. h '"rU410n-l'amper u:.. Wtndow~ lilt t •t•rin" lle~t 11fft·r ll\l•r $9000 'i'9 f'tJRU ITD w ./'/tn HO ,00 "1 IJJO $5198 VOUCSWA.GEM ery s arp Corolla 79 VW SCllOCCO ruru. ieOOd' S9SO ti~J 0259 't .. l'hm·k Pl'rn 9)6 l:llll. ' · ..11tun • Ill! Nnl tint.ea QldSS E'IC • 18711 BearhBl\d 1 Dt-luxe wagon 4 sp<l . I l>)llamitt' 4 spd :.port ! l.11'97311376• 1 I wht'd & V6 t'n1?1Jlt' F k d \II auto fJt'lon .111 No 2::141 •~.~ 141·1000 1 Si.~ ."!ties Xira dean epe, Oni: Cobalt blur .7., VW ''orivdrtibl .. n~au Wholl~Ull! blud>o41~ "'tlh ·'~' ~ 11 ~ IWCJ 52811 I>"'' st & br:ik,·~ 't;rt·dl • Mow o..i., • • 1912S(a > fi h Sh 046061 ., " ~ ' O<.' I lh!!.t'qlllp~nt $111125 "79 t1l'l'lWnod Hrciui?hrn ror a la r j:l' fa m il~ '78 Porsrhe 911 SC 1-:lec $2995 I ims • arp t 1 t·ond White• l'hampaj!nr t\rll~ l(latlt·d Xlnt rnntl 1 1 0 i)I t: \ t s2 1 !J 9 •• ••• ••••• ••• ••••• ••••••• • • snrf. wmdw. all le..ilhl'r $4395 1':d1tron 495 1536 ~1 II I •B d i..J '81 Ch P7 'i. Im ma l' u I J 11• JIM MillMO JIM MillMO ., .... ., SALE $1161.•I. U'l :.e 962 i 44U 'lllt'oclon· Hohm~. lllr • ran ..... ew evy • SlQ.~ VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN w O 9772: •71; t:I Dorach1 l'on11:r,t , llarbur Hf\d , ('11,lo H If t LUV p• k I 646 0!!22 18711 Bearb Bini 18711 Beach llh d ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wht rt'll 11tl Bt•:iu11ru1' Mo ;i ti .t 2 110 111 u r • a • On IC Up. • '11'11 s 842-2090 ,...,_.,000 '75 VOLVO l'IJ:O.~IC <!Zk ffil 661 o.m !>-10 8211 I ,,. • 245DL w GOH • W•\tl 110 CID t>nC) "'"BU • snrl. A l', ;\M FM t·as~ ·7~ Toyota Ceh<·a GT II Super Bug. sunrf. rhll A. PRICE ('lu.,Sll' 'I.ill C'JCI t:ldura<lu 7!1 FOllU LTll 1.anct..iu 1 ql•h '"'"'" •n rrors $5ft8. SIS.950 Mus1set•' Coupe, Sspd, air. l'a)~ l'ng. good rood $2300 Auto , :atr. 72.oou 011 S!llltl or ht•:.1 11rf1·r \'II.auto lrJn~ f.Hl•ir~ • Pl No 'Jl t7b30'.:i \714J SS98689 ded(. perf cond Dy:. 080 Dys,673 .t22'7 J1n1 Xlr.idean •758TJ lli 4!Jfi7ti35 .11r pwr ,t hrJkt•, <1. How Only • '66 912 \0 r' "l •a • )57~,e\eS 6400355 I • Sl995 ·;3~·"·'"n cit· \tilt· "urnl wtntfow:c; t1ltwht•t·I "Jn 1 ••••••••••.,,••••••••••••••• am rm "tt'1 a'/n ~ 'Iii Celtca. 5 spd. am rm. 79v SCllOCCO JIM MillMO t•n~~~.~ $11(11> .. roor 11J:rnu1 I 1~9~ • I • 1Qm.OP054S 915!1 J l' :!3K m1 blue met 0 >namitt' 11111 mond VOLICSWA.GEM $1995 11331197!l Tht,id•iri· Hubin,, lllr •Brand New 81 Chevy bs•o' fr <<7 °,;,... wkd•s · silver sport l'l)t' 4 ~pd 111711 °" h Ill ·' • • '68 PORSCHE 912 . ', ~""-~ £ faC10ry ;,1r, ~l\'rt'o \ t•n 1 D<'al' 'u '71! Sdn l>t•Ju\ tllt' h•·Ju ll:irhur HI\ •I t·.,,1 o l Se" eng. clean. SiOOO t«l corolla. air. am rm sha11> i738WWll i · 142-2000 h f t\ H·llow .tll ,tr," .\I l'~ J t.i ~ 111' 1 u "r • 4-Door Chev~e Sedan! • nrnfier 6429682 ~lereo.pb.autotransm . S5995 ?ito 006t' rom \\htlt· ·111t1211 I ........ d 1969 VOLVO lhe\ last Uri ie llW n r s:.51111 .,. w '" • ' .. J ·J ,,, ii, ·77 Porsthe 924 . ~Int ~ grrat super run JIMM .... 1 ... 0 . 0.34SS-I • • ai 700 II "' u ~ """" ... "'" ,.,A I 9917 Spurt I OU""· d.t''" 2 • 1!:12· I), J • a...a.. I 9756 ''-~ " & ,\ M f :.1 , I 1• r 1• u ~ •••••••••••• • ••• •• • • ••. tlr JUtu 'ml \ K I'!'> I' k ow ..,..., cond air. lape. 38K I ~~.95tatOBg<3> :. .. -.~891136l'ali:\~l'· V"'" "'SW-... G" ...... 142S SEDAM ~ CoMaro '63 FAIRL.AME .0'1} : ' ... ~ .... rr 'iu s5298 I ~... ra SSI 3333 I ""'S' l8ill BeJt'h Bl\d 4 'Pl"-"" Iran~ air rune le-· ... H ......, -oyu rn·,-... 97 67 •42·2000 tt ~?<T\I I' <;dwnd "7i5 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••• -....... tJ~M· I'''~" ,, '76CHEVY ... N(\JBER I *l OEAL[R IN U.S.A ••••••CL~SSIC000•••• ~oo'·~,1~:n~~k~·o1~~i°1~~ si:~cH IMrORTS CA.MA.RO •Tran,;~::n S:!~··· e •Brand New '81 ~h~vy e C .. "" ILi \~ i2 TR 6. rebuilt en)!. bwld rN.'t'IPh lfrJd\ Ill 1900 UJrbor 111\d "' "'0 ·-. c_.,, l>~llJOllll' dt•Jcl . ,h .. qi ti!! font \\ Jj!llO " trlr • 2-Door-H-Ba-L Citation! • ~ .,· , (Of CARVER DI f .~I . B O o \ H 11\SlJll & l.!tl $.'Jll<l ORO COST\ \I t:S \ 292S llilrbor HI\ 11 "Vt' '" SHl~t \lt'rt'lt ~ Jll ~ ... \I I h111·h run' ••cl ~;;,,.Ifill TY'l 1 C ~ I $3.000 Ca II C b rt5 &U i4l7 631-7170 l'OSTA ~I t:S \ \trJ' u't It· "'"n " • "' • 2600HARBOR BL\'() N J U .. .Sl"'-.Jl~L:. 63l54J'i '7!! 9 pa»en1tt·r , .u1 \ir ~tl'l'~" Uncc*I 9945 t .~~ .. ;'n.';.;:~., ~·;:~ "91: 56398 COSTA MESA .. ,, ..... • ..,,., .• '. 1958TRJ. beaut rt'~lort'cl rood. ~lt'rt'(1. \Int rond '71VOLVO145S 979·2500 $3895 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • "' ~1 ., • y .. •' '8'• • 540-1860 ··~C .. 10;!0 "o· ... -= \lust sell $55t)CJ Mu~• ~fl' iJ I :!ti I J l nr Wd!:OO .. ::.pd Jlr JIM MARINO i'I l.1n1 uln \I Jrk \ How°""' • ~UN "" l2l3J 9;~ 7.,17 ~ 3368 de.in 109;1.(;,\' ·;-; 1-:lt'<'l~a Lid 1511. m1 VOLWSW "'G'"'... • • · I -" " $1995 hlat•k "' ltlat·k '1·l1111r " .,. "'" \l1.111n '""' \Int • und •• •••• • • •• ••••• •••••••• •• ~!!!!!!!!'!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!'Toyota 9765 'loikswOC)ttt 9770 ·511 tiaJa Hui: 1 .. ~, than JI Rl ... O mi SJ.)Uf> ;s!f 1124~ 1ir.1111t·Jt'h llh11 :.~ r.;·, e •Brand ..._.ew '81 Chevy e : ! .. ••••••••••••••• .. •• .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 20IJU m1 on ·h111t·r 1·111: M MA. " 842 2000 1"1111 '*>Supra loaded ~lakt-·oo b~ run~ good net'd~ :'>lew patnl nm~. llrt·~ & VOLICSWA.GEM ii! Ht'J,:al. rulh lo:111t•1I • Ma•mclt 9 947 • Camaro Sport Coupe' • ~b'-.~r tfu "'?nt. in I offer & assumc $199 mt> work: $950 )4S 7667 . shocks. am f m , ... .,,, lll'ill llt>;11·h Ill\ ti ,l?OCICl.-ond. 1971 Ca Maro ....................... 1 • --Ol assi ieds I JsilSI.' 8:11 3926 bel"'e\'n9;im & 2pm ~, l)U064S 666!1 142-2000 l'all Trrr) &12 <In.I I 11 QI \ir. ,tt·rt·o. ni'"' ill """'nrk hti; '' auto. • w.1h a • rond 1 nteo • ....... ,. T I S.I -HI IH'W hr:il.n ••arh • 1•a~~ I I "'"' 'dl•y SJJ98. ••uc.i_.:.~•••••••!~~~ ~.~~·.~.'.~•••••••!~P.~ ~-~~·.~.'.--: ....... !~.~~ ~"!.~~·.~:.": ••••••• !~.~~ ~"!.~~·.~:.~ ••••••• !~.~~·~"!.~~·.~.e.--: ••••••• !~~~ g~~/1~,71t;•mc .d 1~~l~·~f'1mp lift'' ~!l:i • 'Nhl5 o>lc No 25900617 • Chen·oa.f 992C,Oldi bile 9955 How Owly BHutilully equipped wi1h power slHrtng, Ciotti NII$. body Side moldln1t1. pe>wer front di9c br-.S. Ser 208062.1 Stk. 0784 "'' Great Truck f1aturu e eyt. tCOftOlft-, 3 tpd. lr•.,.llon,...,. ............ f1CIO G Y.W. pack•c•. .... .,. ...... .-... 9lk. 11IMt '75 FOID aUMADA 4 Ooot Auto!Ntlc 52999 lfltl$., pwr. Stelf· 1ng. Landau top & morel l,580l LL~ 76 PONTIAC IOMMlft.LI wind., AM.fM lt9'90, rally ~ Yl tilt. crurw. pwr st. & '' whHla. low miles & 1 ~' OM*'. (991Nl.C~ Yl t.ct. air c:ond.. powet st.efing. AM·FM st4reo & root r9Ck. (1 14131i 7t TOYOTA COltou.A .,..,, radlO & thtt one la,,. 4 Door. 4 cyl .. eutometic 53999 11tcellent c ondition: C375308~ All ~le-... ""' .. Pf'°' ..... All ,1u1 tu. llctnM, doe & llNQ ..... ()fin .. 1.t1'11. ....................... ,,., .......................... . '711\IO'l:TFl'\HIO \'II ,•••••••••••••••••••••••, au~ll (J(1.0I"\ .JI~ II"' r .t)hl Oelt<i 88 Dl!'M'I ''!,' • •Brand M ·ew '81 Chevy • "'""'. \~I Jo'~! 'lt'rt'll l!l.C~~ ml $31MI .1111. S!!l>-1 c· . 2 D ua k' • lllr,tt•k ralln .. hi ' nn .1argulU!l .l ll.l •• 1tataOft • OOf',,_ aC • \tn~I rour tll'TP7151 1979CUTLA.SS '• N•narcor· . I • 98. W.1!1 Tht'lldun• ll11b111,. SUf'REMEIROUGHM • ~· .. e· "; 6 567 • Ulr llJrbor llh ,J l>it-:.f'I 1.t>alht•r mlt-rior "'"' e•::. N .: ~"' 1 lAlst:a Me:.J t>l~UOlll or nnl} 17 .000 ortl!•nul • Mo•°"'' • ~8211 nirll'' .,,•r ~1:~>< ' ••••••• • •••••••• •••••••• • SH us FIRST! '1l'!'>'TSt:U'\H • eBrand Mew '81 Chevy • WehJ\t',lj!l)Otht•lt•tl111n SA.DDLHA.CICIMW •M rb 4 D Spt Sect 1• uf ~ f. w & l st: 1' 831-2040 495.4949 • a I U • Oor • an. I l'll<'H'Olets' 'j'j l'UtlJ:>' llr11ua:h.1m ~\J:;:l • ",':~ 11 .J.:~ i:s' 56898. COHMEll CHE VIOLET lo:tdt'd n t•\\ Itri·' .\,. """" l'•u• ..• "IC • brJk.... \lu-1 wll s:11· .. ,, ~rJ ,,83~ ,..0w Only I OHO>l~.!:1.1~ •••••••• , •••••••••••••••••• ~~ ............. !?.5.~ ••Brand New '81 Chevy • ""'lbr br1r kl ;,J • lt\T .\ '¥! t_..,.\ 546-1200 14 Mah hu l'IJs:.1r. ,.up1•r dran I ow nt•r SIS!Ht b";J !r.!51 '6.~ l'ht·• II I dr. tt 1·• I aulo. I ow JI 51>25 I t\45 ;5;11 1910 CORVETTE '79 FORD PINTO ~1~1 auln :!llr \t•n 'harp r11111t '"'""' &. out oJ:l911n t $2995 JIM MARINO VOLISW A.GEM 18i 11 Beal'h llh d 142-2000 Rl'l'I tan. T 1t1p. <ill 11p • l1oni. Unh 11 .0011 orii:tnal mill-~ 1.11\E i\l l'l'.\'l'O:llll~ir l«I 1 !l:EW Ml'STSt:t-; l'r\H ' 'il''t-<l tr.cn:-iJl'lof' J1r SA.DOLHA.CK IMW 11111<1 Xln1 ,·rnn111n11 .d •31 2040 495 4949 I r :in 'p 11 r I .1 t 1 11 JI • • I !I~ I \\' Q \' s :1 :'.'I 'I Con~ 9932 Th~,·odurl' Rohio~ lllr ••••••••••••••••••••••• llJrbur Bhtl ru ... tJ Sam sa)s ·dn• e J hlll<'. ~It'" a b ~ '.! ctit 111 u r sa•e a lot. on Ol'W HI ~18211 Cont'ttt'll •8ronzt' \ T 1 1t~96-l • -<. laret. AT 1106/llJ 1 -<.:Jart>t. 1wo tone t IC1i31l1 •Stl\er. 4 ~pd 1108691 • •Drk Hlue. AT. ll~il6• FOR SA.LE i i l'tnln halt hhJt k dran 4 'J>t'l'l1 nt'w t rrt-' I u )! ,: a )! t' r J 1· k !<! 11 o ti trJn.'JlllrtJllun t'Jr l:?t~t I Jtt() &12 15111 J..rr 631 i'i9i .\!Jrt,1 •El Camino Sedan Pickup! • • Y,. l"' f~ ' .'w'"'--1µ '-J•t • • wl';J ~ .. nr1:1 ~.; .. ~<.' SJ 198• • 0748bd91 Mow Owly • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••Brand Mew '81 Chevy • e 4-Whl. Drive LUV Pickup! e • vv.•n l , .. ,.,,,, , •• c.. ~,l • • ~ ~ ~ ; .. ":; : : < ~·~o 57398. • .'.' t ~5 li888 Mow Owly • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •Brand N .ew '81 Chevy :Monte Carlo Sport Coupe!: 'vV lf"['Jt.f 1.>P'"•' • ~;~~e< :~I',,,,,•.,. "''!. ll 57598. • 5139 ~~19 Ho• Oitfy • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •Brand Mew '81 Chevy : Impala Four-Door Sedan! : W tl' a1• C01'1 'i1::1 0 I~ 9960 e ~-:~1:.-~1 ·'",,·:·' ·~·: SJ698e ••••••• •• •••' • • • •• • • • • • • ~503 6~ i 4 How o..ty • 401 S El Camtno Real '71 rLYMOu:TH •• ••• •• • • • • •• •• •• • • • ••• ••• • OeSANFIS CHEVROLET HORllOH '81 Ch B;Jl~nClenwn1:28St~t , RJ10r ~h.1rp ~~·tl~n 1 1 ·•Brand Ne~ • evy • ~ '71 CHEVY I ~prl . air.sl~~9~.:i:ow I • X-11 Sport Citation H-Back. I coavmE I JIM MARINO • 'l ooc• """" ·''' ono • ""-T L cl I owr S'"P' "l 'Jur l\t'l< SJftl .,, .. amtle lop oa cc VOLICSWA.GEM ellPrt•Cl : •c\ "' No w nil :<tras. & JU~l hk•' 18711 Beal'h Hl\d I. 679~~'i28 How Oitfy • ne>A f62!1YQA > , 8 2 2000 • Sltt5 4 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• JIM MillMO '71 rty Sapporo I e •Brand New '81 Chevy e VOUSWAGEM ) ~pd f:m•lknl rnn1l fou Wh ID • 81 I 18711 Beach 81\'cl j!3!\ m1lea1?l' :'olu~t 'I'll • .... tt rave azer. • 673 5901 With S1lve1 aoo oo 1_42-2000 • toon S2300 oll ~l•Cker s 12 Ma• i2 Ouster. :aulo \ l. C:.,.-ttlJ I'S. ·\M reh.ihlt• S.'iOtt • ~~;~ 0 ~~ O.ty I • ••••• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $.'Iii ~o 11 5 '' r • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • '72 Couiiar. xlnt roncl. Ti \'olare blue "' "'hi green " "h1te top. ., ~ <KXI ml $l9SO 646 4326 'm~ I top. ftne con cl _HI\ .:=:c-... m1. p~ r seats . l'rut't' Dodp ttl51 ennlr. P S. ·\:'-I n1 •••••••••••••••••••••••1,terl'o "' lapt' S21150 '72 DodRe Dari Runs 548 SJSi Grtat Perfect l~ond 1 .66 \'II'. ~ cloor .• iulo S2KOng7Mi Sl350 HW ne .. lirt'~. hallt•r•. ~.6 5-4233 brake~ & drum Sll5ct !~ ............. !!.~~ j~~:m. Sta Wdj?On . 1971 Ford I.TD. ~ood Al', PH. rs. H H. ~:1:-.11 lransportattoo. !st S2SO I 5Si 17i3 ~~tS'_494·~3, 5Sl-3273 PCllltiec tt6S '79 FAIRMONT Futura 4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ryl . 4 s pd . AM n1 -------• stereo rass .. sunroof •65 TIMPIST For run in the sun, rhrek 1 this OM. CJll67.AJI 1 54599 1 Ru~ l(ood. musl ~ell tm 'Thtodore Robins, Dir , I m!dtately. Ml ur he:.t Harbor 81\d . Costa otrer 6'2·~eve~ Mui 642 00 10 nr1 1 $41).1211 i3 Gran Am Cla. !\) <t d r •• -F. I -2 d g I burket sts. ron~olc• full • ron r · «') ·I pr $1295 8411 07M auto, ong owner S47S I · 080 ... ~ ,.. •1rMtd tt70 112 11ti~ SCMA of th. Airport. "'°" MecArtlw, J1 ... DF'ff, lrbtol GM QUALITY SE'1VX:E ~ I I '• ·----.. ---------- •Dec. 11 -Dec . 7• ORANC;E t :OAST'S MOST COMPLETE TELEVISION MAGAZINE Ann Ji llian of · Making a Living.' There is a movie in your life Movie guide, Page 28 Tom Snyder loses fight to Letterman Inside l"V, Page 8 Ann Jillian: She's 'Making.a Living' now on weekly television sitcom By JOEL C. DON Of .. Deltf "-..... If you can't judge a book by its cover, then Ann Jillian is confident that television and movie producers don't cast actors for appearance alone. She's blonde and sexy and armed with such credentials, could find herself \>ying for nondes cript roles with other Marilyn Monroe look·alikes. In fact, the actress negotiated for the part o f t he late movie star in an ABC movie-for-television. <Catherine Hicks eventually played the life of the sex symbol. l But Jillian, who appears as waitress Cassie Cranston on ABC's Saturday evening sitcom. "Making a Living," made sure she wasn't just a pretty face; a series fixture without much to say save for a few pointed one-liners. She asked for scripts that would give her the chance to be more than a just cute stage prop. "I always considered Cassie to be an acting role. but not too many people think that in a sitcom one acts ," the actress said, in an interview recently at KOCE Channel SO studios in Huntington Beach. ''I'm nothing like Cassie so that does take some acting to do. "So there is an entirely different side to this girl Ann Jillian who plays Cassie in 'Making a Living.· She's a strong character because she almost tends to be very much a caricature at times." The "different s ide" includes a Broadway show , appearances as guest star on a hos t of television series and occasional spots on TV talk shows, where Jillian dazzles audiences with her singing talents. Jillian made her theatrical debut of sorts at age 4. Her parents. who fled Soviet-occupied Lithuania, were attending an ethnic function in Cambridge, Mass. and her daughter had to be yanked off the stage. On a whim. he r mother decided the family should move· to Hollywood. She was a stage mother bound to discipline. and Jillian found he rself enrolled. in voice lessons and acting classes. Her first professiona l role came six years later as Little Bo Peep in Walt Disney's .. Babes in Toy land ... A year later s he was cast in .. Gypsy .. a s Natalie Wood 's younger sister. Dainty June. in a 1962 film or the tire of stripper Gypsy Rose Lee. With the dark cloud of Wood's recent death still lingering. J ill ian added her own memories to the list of those who knew the film star .. She was a ma rvel<>us actress and a very good person. she was everything I would have loved to ha\'C' bccn ... sau1 the 31-ycar·old Jillian "I also .'\1•1· \1111 ./1/111111 l'mw r: Steve Edwards on TV journalism Televlews, Page 2 . ; -. • I ' I --~___J t ~.Channel listings g ...J > I--0 a.. Teleu1eu"; On the Cnct'r lf1gh/1yh/.\ Sports l11s1de T\' Leite rs \\"nrd Came T\' Puzzle na1/y Grids l'rime-Ttme Details Tube TopJX>r.<; Cable Subscriptwn Daytime Drama .\lot11t' (;wdc Paye 2 Paye 2 Pa!JI? .'! Page 7 f 'age ,f Page H Page H l'age x />age W Pagt> JO ]'w.Jt' I I f'nqt' /,\ />uq1• 'li ./'aye· :!X Program information is provided by the networks 'and stations and is subject to change ,without notice. Index 8KNXT <CBS> 6121 W SWlSet Bl vd .. Los Angeles. Ca. II KNBC INBC> 3000 W Alameda Ave .. Burbank. Ca. 0 KTLA llnd.> 5800 W SW\Set Blvd . Los Angeles. Ca fJ KABC IABC) 4151 Prospect Ave , Los Angeles. Ca 18) KFMB !CBS> 7677 Engineer Rd , San Diego, Ca. 8 KHJ·TV dild.) 551~ Melrose Ave : Los Angeles, Ca. I 10> KCST c ABCI 8330 Engineer Rd .. San Diego. Ca. • KTTV Clnd.) 5746 W. Sunset Blvd .. Los Ange les. Ca e KCOP.TV I Ind.> 915 N . La Brea Ave . Los Angeles. Ca lJ KCET t PBS I 1'101 Sun:-.l•t Rh d . l.o:-.-\ngt•lt·~. C\1 ~ KOCE I PRS > 15744 Golden West St , Hul)tington Beach ©)On-TV 1139 Grand Central Ave. Glendale. Ca CZ) Z-TV 2939 Nebraska Ave . Santa Monica. C:i HllO Time l.1fe Bldf! .. RockefellerCeriter. N.Y., N.Y ~ Cin emaxl Time LifeAldg. Rot'kefellerCenter.N Y ,NY f)1WOR1 N.Y . N.Y @ 1WTBS1 Atlanta.Ga ([) < ESPN1 (1) 1Showt1me> hla<:k 1S 1 Sµutltghl '8 1Cable News Network > Daily Pilat MAIN OFFICE 330 West Bay St., Costa Mesa, Ca. Mail address: Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Ca., 91626 Telephone: M2-'321 Televiews '2 on the Town'--any town By MICHAEi. DOt'GAN Of ,.,. 0 .. 1, ,., ... si.tt . In lhc beginning. there wa~ the a ccess rule, which bcgat a half·hour of post -news prime lime in lhc lc>l'al arrihaCes' houses. And. lo. there cam e around us ·Famll) Feud ." "lloJ(an's llcroc!>" and "M·A S·ll" re.runs . with which tho~e affiliate!> did t·hoos e to fill the slut And schlock wa:-. e\'erywhere and. \'erily. \l.C were bored. But at Channel 2 there was a light that shone .• and they had an idea and it was "2 o n the Town." And they hired four times 10 to do it and sent them forth to film. And at the other stations there was laug hter , and they said that they were crazy And they were wrong. Boy. were they wronl( . .. When they put it on the boards and ~aid let 's do it a lot of people talked like the) were crazy," re('alled Steve Edwards. co·hos t of Ule nation 's firs t locally-generated nig htl y videom<1g "But it worked so well. everybody wants to do 1t The) for):!et ho" crazy 1t secm1:d bark then " Indeed. "2 on thl• Town" constituted a hold programming 'enture al its inception as a weekly program :-c' era I years ago. and enn more so when it wt:nt to five nights a week some 15 months hack J\!-> Ed" ards noted. there arc t'hcaper and cqu<ill) prof1t<ible wa)s to fill the 7:30 pm act'e~s !>lot imposed on the !or al stat1C>n!> by the FCC "You plug 1n the g ame stlows and you sit back." he-said "You don't have any manpower lo worry about If you have a suct'esful s how like ·Family Feud' your business is all take n C'art· of. You dfJn't have lo worry about 40 people. £'quipmcnt breaking down and making deadlines. But it ·s not as much fun ." And fun . to Edwards. 1s what "2 on the T?wn" 1s about. though he tackles the project with earnest intent. "2 on the Town" 1s an often·lightweight but generally enJo_vable collection of vignettes on the life and time:-of the people of Southern Cal1fom1a J\nd Tok)o And New York And Belfast "We !>a) ·2 un the Town. but \\e. never did ~ay what to\\n 1t was." sa id Edwards who. along with M host Melody Rogers. does a fair amount of glohe hopping in his work Rut he l'la1ml'd the program remains mostly local in its oricntalton "If you lo<Jk al 'Ahal "e do, abm~t 88 percent or our ~h'l"s a rc a ll lot'al." said Ed'Aards "It's JU't thal \\hl•n we ~o on the road 1t has such an 1mp:.it·t ,\-,ho\\ that you do from Tokyo ~tavs 1n IJ('Opl C' ~ minU' more than 14 'hO\I. s that \ ou·\e cl11nt· 111 Whittier. P<1sadena and West Lo!> 1\ngl'lc~ The impact 1s the re .. What·., more. said Edwards. Los Angele~ 1 • 1 say Lo:-Angeles: I mean lrnne as well"> 1:-. s u<·h a cosmopolitan m1heu that practically any :-.tory donc anywhcrl' will have relevance for !>omc st•i::mcnt of the \'1ewing audience "Los Angeles 1s s ut'h an international area ... he said "If we were in Des Moines. 1t \\C1uld he hard to jus tify going to Tokyo. But m this area, it's amazing how many viewer s come from Japan or their relatives come from Japan or lht•y have some kind of interest in Japan. "We did a week of s hows from Mexico; we rnuld have done 12 weeks of shows from Mexico lwrauM' 10 a t'erta in extent. Mexico 1s who we art' So much of our culture. our lirestyle. our h1~tory . our destiny. is tied up with the fact that Mexico !> down there It \I.as the Spanish culture thut hrou~ht u~ California .. f:d'A arcls sa1cl a recent segment in which he returned to his ho) hood haunts in New York City brought a record amount o f mail into the studio. "l think 1t struck a universal chord within everyone." he explained ··1 think people who grew up on farms related to going back and seeing how it looked a little different. But what I was ~tounded by was how many people we re from my neighborhood or went to m y \ A PRETTY GOOD MIXTURE ~1t·\1· ~:d\\a nl-, \\1111 10 ho-,1.., :! 1111 lltt· T1mn \\ 1111 \kl111I 1!11 _t'I "\'I' 111111 '1 II I' ,I 111 1 111l •1 1•1 II 111'1 ..,,,11,illl I .1 11 •1 it1lll l1.ol ,• ~t·hool A:-I s aid. I don't think \'OU ran do that in De!. Moines .. · In fal'l. Edwards said people in his viewing area sometimes relate to far-away locales m ore eas ily than other parts of the Southland. 'If our show ha:, at'complished anything, aside from fet.'<i1ng a lot of us. it's given a slight !.ense of <'Ommunily lo an area that r eally lac ks 1t." he cla1m('d "You know. how do people who h\'c in Fountain \'alley relate to the people who II\ c in Sy I mar·• They're seperate universes. almost . l'Xt'cpt ""' reall) all do live in the same big lo\l.n .. Tht• bo~ 1:-.hl\ handsome Edwards. who was in lluntmg111n Bt•a ch t11 promotl' KOCE Channel 50'., lalt':-.1 lund ra1,.i ng fe..,tl\ al. began his hroa<kasting t'art•cr 1n llouston while studying for ;i do<"tot alt• 1n P".' c·holog) sc\ eral years ago · I t1w'k J lt•aH' of absence and got a job at ~'" F;\I r;Hho '>lat111n and JUs l fell so in lo\'e with the· "hoh• pro1 , • .,., nf hroa<Jf'a~tin~ that I never "'1•111 hatk tu -.t·hool a ft1·r that.· he rct·alled .\ftt-r ho~lin~ a radio \Jlk she,..., m Texas ''hilt.• :-.1multam·ously am·hnnnl! !he loc·al CRS nt'\\S l>rnad1·a:-.t . f-:1h,arcb moved to Chicago to do a morning t;tlk sho" a nd a Fnda) night program about the cntcrt:unmcnt scene That led to gigs on "2" and a regular s pot re"iewing rno,·1cs on that s tation's t•vening news show 1 which he hantkd O\'t•r ''' Gan· Franklin when "2" went nig htl.' 1 • Edwards is t.' p1t'al of the new breed of faces appearing on tele\'ls1on in that his precise role evades dcfin1llon With no tormal news training. but good in!itinct~ancl lime logged at the anchor dc:-.k . 11 1s difficult to tag him as a JOurnaltst. Yet. h1 :-. afflliat1on \\Ith the news department and the 1nformat1vt· nature of "2" take Edwards a '>ll'P hl•y ond hc1ng a mNe lele\'ision 'pt•r..;onahty " lit'" a\\ arc of the dilemma I u:-.l•d to have trouble \I.Ith that one. in def in mi:: It for ut hl'r people. · s aid Edwards Ha!m·all) I tell them I am me It means that I tra11wd JOUrnahst1 cally. I \\a~ a newsman for a Ion.: time When I am involved m something that in vol\'l•s news Judgments . JOurnahs t1c dcC'ision makin,::. t'rcdib1hty and the ethics of Journalism. I hopc to t:od that I am carrying all thos e out "tr I'm doing a pu~cc that's basically very fluffy a nd s illy. I still want to be very honest S1•p ';/, Pa(Jt-' 17 .~ •------··-= ---------·----; Highlights· for .the Weell Friday Pf·c.1als OECEMBEA 11 1981 MORNING 5 -0 0 JOAN RIVERS -.OMEDY nOUR " fl ''-' t-r I 11 I fl•"-11,...fr--t:t N jf1J lf,t" ... ft ''"''~:,,. BMc1 ... ' i.. 1,,..ilnu ? 00 C A MOVIE STARS vAlJGHTER f I u" ( .J"••~' t ih.! lr A • H.1J•J st .• H r rn -,tvr. l 1 I t;-•t-(1 • ._,~._ c; ri "'d f I• ... C """0 ':-. HJdtH' r • COn t•) !...-._ -r 00pu1 H ' ... f • \:, C.id\Sm.1tP~ lt~d t.,rner ~ 1 1no ... t ,r JI 10 30 0 TULSA COUNTRY MUSIC FESTIVAL 1 L ... "" J,m • t11u •• •.•. ) •nit" 0 •• HhJ .e b , Je ~•G~ ... :Jnt~ l) r ,,fh1'''> J'0 t SunJ•- '· '' ,._.J 1n ~n H .. •·n•ti•J , , • , "'~ .J •( AFiEANOON '2 30 ID A VERY MERRY CRICKET ..tlt•a A•:,• ,_, ( "tf'l"\J~ • • p.p .. , ... :. ',,.,.A-'~'" c. ,, ·o~ ... ,-ti. rt,t.i. s !'.l ~l•·r •o J • r •C> •'I i;, •Y S '"' t "< <J~ t w1l'1 t1$ wings 3 00 C A MOVIE STARS DAUGHTER nt~C"•t.'f5e•"<' Ah,3rado sla" .., th14j ~• r, ct " ll'i!n-ag.-g111 ,,, " neN 5ChOOI wno ,u,lt)Pnly Lf':"C 'nt_l\ ~upt"r·POPUld' .. 1•~1 ,..._., t..•rt>S""'d'._.' r, • u! fJPt 1.}1h.-.< a ~ '" 3 30 S TRILOGY. THREE CLASSIC TALES 1't P rf' 1.g1c .-;,f C':ltm1tinr n ~ ... •tirta.e tht or.-n 'S 'O ' r:S t ft R1~ Vin /, .,.."'.._. 1o.. 1·e Pr,,. a•\d M 1r11r •,,p L bh 1 r 5 00 H THE HORSE WITH THE FL YING TAIL ' fVFN NG ~ -r"' "' 1" ~ r , L ' • ~ ,, t 'XI H REl.4EMBER WP1i"!'< . ., !\ • 'J' i. .. u11101•1o.o.. .... l 1 00 0 ;QAN H V; r..5 ''•'MrF'IV "''.JUfi '. ''" f r, ·• ..J'. 1 05 H Ttif CANDID CANDID CAMERA 2 30 S BOTT0MS UP j I lw\ • 1 I '.' J ;tO H vFATr1WAlC>< $11 W'1') Ni" T 1~ AF".[ANOON '.lO 0 PEEGE A ,., • f'Jl1) ,.. •f" 1.1' ·1 ,, .. 1 'arn ,, "ut a t _..1 ~ 10.. J £,rt">' f • ( ....... ,.. v 1 ... ~ .. n .J'fl.d '2 00 (!!) CHRISTMAS HERITAGE · .1 ,.' J ~ ,.,_ Jh1t..•r J~'l .. ~r, '+A c A11c;1d1r ,.(!' ut U 5:, " tAOmd l 1 • .J' ,.., ,,,., :j\ (\ ~ I ,, I,,,,.. J ~t 3 ()() ED PICASSO ,, . • • r .. i 1 ~ Ar Art •" •._ r ti.• •. ~ • 't • drv 'i ' H·-0 t' ...... ., ~t••rt :1' 0 /••I+ Vf 1r l:: I .... ..~·ti •t·O .... :. f• ••• ,, ..... "(di+• \.1 .. t,"". ri t'CP .,-111 .,, EVENING CHRISTMAS IN CANADA I h1· -..oph1 .... 111 ,11 ('d l~11h nn it 1• I >ornt 11' ll.1rndl. .1 lt:.!llrt• .... i...11111:.! • h 1mp1011 and ~nld nwrl.tl ,\lfHll'I 11 th1 \\'11111·r <>hrn11t" 11!,.1•171, 1•1111 .... 1!11-.1 1'1'11\ 1·111110" 111-. 111·\\1''' 4 00 S THE PASStON OF DRACULA A ,,,,,LI~ ... O·"-'CI ~·· ., f " l () ll'\ ''• ' J ... r t' t1 .c:;~tpr nc '" •t Jt r II ft!J H1fol 1fr1Cdl "'' 1, r ,n 1..r,·r ''"' <-,, '·''" r >J 11vot ,.~life,,, NY 8 00 I) 8 WALT DISNEY ONE MAN S DREAM ·he .re dnO .,er: e .... men~s t _rPat1-.ie geo•u> '1/1..s' f ~ P'f dre c.nror 1 leO M . ,,._ ..... , ldl'!d1Jn tHl)-1~ arid .. ~ µ+<..,1.ince~ h~ M.ic Dav· ~ 01,k "~" C»~.. Cai• ~' "•:'1' M ..,.,a C.J''(Sr.n1 i.. -1 .fl4.tpr Ctor• ·..-d• ... , rl; .1 a"o ,,.. Gftl ft aTurt!d hnl1d .1\ 'Pt'C'l.d. 1'1 11' I 1111111.., F t 1·1H h f · 111.1tl1.111 1 ·1~1t-.1111,1 .... Sal 11r<lcl\ ;11 !fl I' 111 ••ll \IH. I h 7 • t e rT d'.IA •..,t j i, '-'t4' C'J .. t:=tl rr.11e"' 200 ., .... if!> • Amcf'1t ,,, comm\ltr j 1-tm • fr 1m ft t• ''-1' / t U•Jl ~~ftOd ft t 1qr1 tr.d J, ,._ SS4 C1ll100 If J .J I· 1 8 00 0 JIM NABORS CHRISTMAS IN HAWAII ( ,, E1 r1·" T r-•Ht 1t .l ~u -,r /'r tor•• ~ 1 n • 'h t·''""t ' ,, ... , rr .. r ~ l ' ._4 ~,. • ;J. t J 8 THE CHRISTM4S RACCOONS • .._ t ' . ,, .. ,• ;\."l .. LJ.I ' U' i <.: ,.,., 'd' StoiOy.. .,....,, • 1n<1 I<<:~ <,mother, ve tt "e'J u, t;;Jf!r3! fJ,1ttr '• ,. l,(lr"fl~(h rwv.c:omtits .lt lh .... Ho:r., in O!t Ano~1P kt Jf , • .,.t.,. ''<f t •t,n 8 30 8 THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTl.4AS ,,, ,. ,. ,1 ( !i-f"lh ''" ; ,..f •" I Al'~ .. ( •" '· ( f 'l 00 0 rOU ANO YOUR MONEY .. ' ,. J I· •' 'i.14'. "G H.i•rl'llH ..... "• ._,., • ,. n1 ••• ,, ~ ,,, 9 30 0 SPECTACULAR LONDON <;u4 Jnne S()mt-rr, •.J ... PS ... > • dciZllonq Ir t ,,, l f ~ l r ~)~I "' !. t1H •1' • ~ h(.; C"I .... 1r J ftr-'·'"' l .11 Ser• IC, 00 0 J9' A TRIBUTE TO Mil fON BEALE Sa turday specials DECEMBER 12 1981 MORNING ' lO C THE CHRISTM.45 MESSENGER ., ... H"' j 1.-t; t";t' r I f ! H f \"/ "1~ ''"'' ( j ,,. ,., '' t't<!•' :;.r .. • !«.. 't. ,,_ ... ,. ,,, ~()()ED P•C:ASSO t ,p "I ,t.• "''' ...... t.' ~ ~ I ' •, .... '• .... . . .. ID JULIE ANDREWS SPECIAL Vµrr-. C"'r· 1Md /til.t ... .,.,,.,, l .... f\.tf" ,, q1\. ( '·•' h• ~.,. '· l<1Ul ~1n 11 t'C ;,., ~ _,, 9is,• .. , JO·t rJ , ,. • •J 12 t ,_,, t A~t-• q JO (!!) INSIDE STORY SPE:C .. IAL F.or•10N ..... t • ' . • THE FOUR SEASO S (Allen Alda) • AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON • DOGS OF WAR (Christopher Walker) •REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE IHatalieWood) • WEST SIDE STORY (Natalie WoodJ •CAN'T STOP THE MUSIC (Valerie Perrine) • THE GREAT ESCAPE l Steve Mc Queen) • CLASH OF THE TIT ANS (Laurence Oliver) • TAKE THIS JOB & SHOVE IT!(Robert Hays • SUDDEN TERROR (Susan G e orge) Video Cassette Rentals 1884-B HARBOR BL VD. • HA WAii (Julie Andrews) VISA' COSTA MESA • 646-8928 = • No club to ioin, no nwmbfl-ship feH • I OOO's of movi~s available, all ratinCJS 0 -i < .0 CX> l I 4¥ UP ------------~ ..-------- Si HiahliJ!hts fOr the Weell ----------- poor '1t~ uoy 11 00 a a A BING CROSBY CHRISTMAS Clops hum Bmg Crosby s pa't C.hrostmJs •how' lf'ulurong mt'mur4ol(! p1., IOl,,,.,r\ and ~ongs art1 lt!dlutt'O 111 1111~ C1111stma) S"8C••I hOstetJ oy Katruyn C.rosoy ano Ge,. .. Ko;t11 tR Ro1 t..ldtk Jim SlotrorO Mel' l 1t11s Tlltl Oak R•OQ• Boys George Jones Don W111t1ms and Joe Sun arr lt1alured 1n an evening ot tou1-s1on101ng rm.soc > It) u I.. u. -0 ~ F rom />t1tJ1. .I well u 1"9 Co1>1thon lor Beller Telev1s1on are bringing upon network P'oO'ammers leaturrng an 1nlt!fv1ew wotll Rev Donald W11<1mon of tile National FIKl6'81ton Of Decency 11:00 D AMERICA'S TOP TEN CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Top must<: slafS 1orn 10 salute some of the grea1es1 Ctmstmas h•IS 01 all ••me. including White ChliSt· mas" and · Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer fl) INSIDE STORY SPECIAL EDITION Eye 0 1 The Beholder" HO<ld•ng Carter focuses on tile pressures lhat groups such u the CoeNtlOtl lor Beller Telev11lon are b11n91ng upon network programm.:rs. lealurrng an 1ntll(ll-w111l Rev Donald Woldmon of tile National Federa1oon of Decency 10:00 B (I) CBS RE~TS Biii Moyeu visi1s wrth a group ot Vietnam ve1erans ...no ierved togetner and reviews l~r eape<renc:es 15 returne<l veleta.ns 11 l!IJ PERRY COMO'S FRENCH-CANADIAN CHRISTMAS Debby Boone l>ofothy Hamill and Canadian pe<- lormers s1nget O.ane T etl ptl"'St Andre Gagnon and tile St Joseph's Boys Choor 101n P1Hry Como lor • celebratoon ol Christmu WHAT'S UP AMERICA Featured tile 8th annual lrtsbee champlonSh1p 11 lhe Rose Bowt e merce- nary convention 11:00 !ID BIZAARE John Byner snows you things s1ranger then 1ru1h. l&rQef than Ille. and ca111er than an)1111ng you've ever seen 5:00 Sunday specials DECEMBER 13. 111111 MOAHINO BIZARRE John Byne. ShOWS you thongs Slrenger lhllfl lfulh large. lhan hie a.nd zanret 11\an an)1ll1ng you ve eve< seen 5:30 WHArS UP AMERICA Featuted kids who grow up wtlh traveling carnivals the annual tnsbee cllam- P•onshrp at the Rose Bowl a mercenary conventoon 8:00 QI WAIT TILL WE'RE 85 The importance 01 undet· 618nd1ng Jhe aging process and the a1111udes toward tile aging are examined 8:00 ($)TRILOGY: THREE CLASSIC TALES The magic of clayma11on brings three children s sto- fles lo hie •• "A.Ip \/en Win· kle The little P11nce" Ind Manin Tl1e Cobblef " 8·30 't1 STEPP1NO OUT: THE DE80L TS OAOW Uf' Tnos sequel lo the populat soeo•l Who Are The DeBotts And Where Old Tiiey Get 19 Kids?' updates the story 01 the e•trao<01nary lamtly wtllcl1 now inc1uoes 20 pf'lysoatl- ly-n.indrc<JIX)e<I Children AFTERNOON I 30 I!) TOHV ANO LENA Tony Bennell and Leoa Horne pettorm meny att- llme tavorllff In thetr hrSI 5'>8Q81 logttllef flil CHIUSTMAS HERITAGE Edwa1d Rowe 0 1tve1 Jen sen Leo Wood Ahs1aor Cookto and Stoll Moma· day IOOll et Chrostrnas cus- toms in the US (RI ~SPECIAL TREAT Sunsrune s On Tl>e way A leen-age a~1s1an1 at a ret11ement home per- suades me newest arrival a 1a11 lrombon1s1 10 org&· ntze nos le.now residents into a band (RI 2:30 @) A VERY MERRY CRICKET Anomaled At cne height 01 the Chttstma.s shopping season. the en111e popula- 11on ot New York City SIOPS in its tracks 10 1ts1en to a C11Cilet play Siient Nrgl1t" wrth 11s wrngs RICH LITTLE'S CHRISTMAs CAROL The mas1e1 1mpresStOn1s1 plays a mullllude ot roles. 1nclud1ng Et>enezer Scrooge and Bob CralCM, rn an unusual ve<soon ol the Chatles O.Ckens holi- day ClassK; 3.00 f8 WAIT TILL WE'RE 65 The ompo<tanoe of unde<- stat>d1ng •he aging orocess and lhe a1111udes toward the aging are e.amoned 3:30 II YOUNG PEOPLE'S SPECIAL My Spectal World Tile world ot 1 V 15 seen lhrough the eyes ot a cnrtd 513' 4:00 ~ JAMES WATT'S ENVIRONMENT. THE PROMISED LANO Tne dispute t>etween Pres· ldenl Reagan's Secrelary ot the lntet10< James Wall and environmentalists ove1 Arner tea· s last untouched land is 1nves1igated 5:00 STEPPING OUT: THE DE80l TS GROW UP This sequel 10 tile popular special 'Who Are Tile OeBolts And Where Otd They Gel 19 Kids? upeates Ille story of tile eKlraordrnary tamoty ...nicto now onclu<les 20 ptlysocal- 't:!'anctocapped children U CIRCUS VEGAS Ame<ica s lavorote CIOWT'I Emmett Kelly Jr llOSIS this evening of c1tcus excolernent comedy thritts and l!f1terta1nrnent tape<! love at Ille Aladdin Theatre on Las Vegas EVENING 8:00 II Oil: MEXICO'S GOLD A repo<t on Mekico· s newly 1ounowea1111 ti) THEBASTARO Upon tiea11ng that the la1her of her llleg11tma11: son •S dyrng, Mane Char· boneau allempls 10 meet wllh Ille Engtrsll nobleman and insure her son 01 hos rlQhlful lnherotanGe The Chart>oneaus meet w1lll re51stance. llOwever from Ille Duke's legal wile and son. and escape 10 Lon· don (Pan I ot 21 7:00 a a THROUGH THE MAGIC PVRAMIO An 1 I-year -old t>oy WhO was Ir anSP0<1ed back 1n hme 10 &neletll Egypt bat- ttes Ille tMI general wllO ll8S kidnapped King Tut tp8f1 2) • TOT All Y HEAL THY Tll!S KCET -produced spe- cial eKam•nes deveto(>tng and maintaining pl1ys.cal. emollonal 1nd mentll "well..-s" lhrOUOfl pr0\)8< diet and exercise 1!00 8 (I) AU..sT AA PARTY F~ 9UAT AEYNOl.06 Variety Clubs lnlernalion•I presents a speclal c:elebrl· ty tribute to entertaine< Burt Reynolds: appearan<:- 2:00 D WAIT TILL WE'RE 86 The tmpor! 1nc:e ot un<lef. 118f>Chn0 Ille 9glng ptC>CeU an<I tlle e1111u<Ms tOW91'd 111e ao1no 11e e•aml'*2. 4·. .. -~i.~a· 1-• • • t • 11 30 S BOTTOMS UP A r HrOr odult~·Onlt ' ''" c<ly rl!vu;t •S pr~httl 10 00 D ~MAC DAVIS CHRISTMAS SPECIAL M >C DJvlS """ hlS gue~I!> tnf' Cumm0dort1s Arl(Jr~e Crouch and the P01nlt1 S1sle1) o;;rrorm a mo.ture ol contompotory and trad1- 11 I Ch11s1mas music m A STMAS CARO A RD'S THEATRE A special prO<luc 11on ot ttie Cn;irle5 Dickens classic tale 1s t>roadcasr trom the hoSIOilC Ford $ Tnea1re on WaShrnglon D C IRl Tuesday spec ials DECEMBER 15, lllSt EVENING 8:00 t1 TWO AGAINST THE ARCTIC A wolf Wednesday specials DECEMBER 18, 1981 EV~ING 7 00 s WHA rs UP AMERICA Felture<I ~ids who grow up wotrl travet1ng carmvats Ille annual t11st>ee cnam p•onShrp at the Rose Bowl a merc;enary conven11on e·oo II How THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS Ar11ma1e<1 A miserly gronch Ines to erase Chnstmu lrom 1ne minds ot the res1- den1s ol Who11llle by steaj· ong all ol the material sym· bols ot the season (R) ti) THEREBELS RUDOLPH AGAIN Burl I , c:. a:-. t Ill' , 01<''' of Sam th<.• Sno\\ man. telb thL· ston ol R~dol ph . an unh aµp~· litllt• n'1 mlt·c..·r "ith ;1 hng ht rL•d nosc..· ''ho "i<-tH''I (_'hnstma::-In lcact 111~ tlw \\41 ~ for lht• n:st ot Sitnla ·.., r .t·1 ndc..•c..·r::-on t he.· a n1rnat l'd S JH'l't al Rudolph th(• Ht•d :'\o:-.t•d R l'llldt·l ·t :\londa~ al 8 pm on CHS •Ch 2· wo"1e11ne ana a Pota1 t>edr are encoun- tered oy two Eskimo Chol· dren durong lheor g(ruggle tor survival on me ArCllC Corer. 1Part 11 8:30 D HUGHIE Jason Robards and Jach. Dodson star 1n mis one-act play al>Oul lwo men from opposore worlds who share me ionehness ot the big C1ly Aller being serrously wounded on battle. Pt11hp ~en1 senies down 10 civ~- 1an lite as a printer and a lamrty man tn hos new- lound country (Part 2 ol :i'! @, THEWATEA COHTROllERSY 0-*Sl•ons suttounlj1ng the curren1 de1>a1e over lhe proposed Perrp/\«al canal are e•amoned 1n lh1S dOCu· men1ary wlloeh lraces tilt! nostor> ol 'Walet oevelOQ· "'4lnl 1n Caltlornra 8 30 II Cll 'TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS Animated The c111zens ol a small town learn ll'tat San- 1a s reehngs have been nu<t by an anonymous 1e1- 1er 10 the local paper denouncing n1m as a mylh IRI es by Loni Anderson Dom OeLu1M1 Kris Kri51ofle<- son Jack Lemmon and othe<s a<e featured ffi)STANOING ROOM ()filly Red Skellon Presena Freddy The Freeloaoer s Cllrrstmas OtMet" Vrncent PrtGe and Imogene Coca are IOlne<I t>y Ametrea s lavor•te Clown as he ~ns a l\oloday meat 9-00 8 CIRCUS Of THE STARS Twenty·lhree 1e1ev1SJon screen and st1911 stars pertOtm a variety 01 daring ana humorous circus acts l 1nda Evans E"'°" Gou4<1 Bob Newhart end Btook11 Shields are r'"'llmaster- hOsts 11 30 tJ COME LOVE THE CHILDREN Hosts Art L1nktetter and CarOI Lawrenoe tocus on Ille 1>099s. dreams 1nd survival ot the world's cllll· dren Guesls include Hugh Downs Bob H099 and Henry Fonda 1·15 (HJ STEPPING OUT: THE OEBOL TS GROW UP This sequel 10 the poputar special Who Are The OeBolts And Whefe Old They Get 19 Kids? updates the story of the e1uraord1nary lam11y Whoc;ll now 1nctudtt 20 OhV$1Gal- ly handocnpped cl11ldren Monday spec ials DECEMBER 14, 198 I EVENING 8:30 EMMET OTTER'S JUG..8AHO CHNSTMAS Filly MW M~IS Ari Introduced In a lleart- wermlng atory about lfle 1ove t>et-..n an otter mother and Ile( son 7:30 8 THE CHMTMAS RACCOONS Anlmettd. Tl1ree r11CCoons ana a oog '11!4P save ano prolecl Christmas trees lrom a crazed lumt>er baron ljj THE TROLLS ANO THE CHRISTMAS EXPRESS An.mated San1a·s village IS tal<en Ovt!f t>y SIA trolls d•$9Ulsed as elves. wno noe>e to s.abOtage Christ· mas 8:00 II (I) RUDOLPH THE REO..NOSED REJNDEER Animated A re1n<Jl!l!f wrlh a 011ght shiny nose oecomes d8Pfes580 over au lhe l(>t<es at>out n1s unu w al leature an<I runs away 'Nllh a m1st11 ell fRl a a CASP£R'S FIRST CHRISTMAS An1ma1ed Casper lhe friendly ghost s rotten COUSln Hairy Sc:arey lrM?S lo ruin Cnt1stmas w11h nls troells fRI Q) THE BASTARD P1>1t11oe. wl1o 11as lle<I 10 the COionies and Changed hos name lo Ph11tp Kenl 1orns a band 01 revolullon- anes While ltghtlng the Crown forces. he nas a 1Jrut81 conl1on1a1ron with h•s hall-brother com· manoer of an Engllsn reg• men! on Boston IPart 2 ol 2) 7·00 1H. REMEMBER WHEN .. The Image Makers· Diet< Cavel! reviews 200 years of Amer1Can commerct&I· ism •• lrom the early colo- nial oe<10<1 through today s $54 btthon industry 1:00 II Cl) LITTLE LOAD FAUNTLEROY Ricky Schro<Jer •nd Alec Guinness star in the story of an 1mpoverrshe<I young· Sier Who rs swept from the tenemenrs 01 19111-century New Y0<h. 10 the Enghsll estate ot ll1s grandlatller fRI 9) THEREBELS The advenrurou• sequel 10 Tne Bastard by JOhn Jakes os se1 1n t 775 as Pn11op Kent rtSkS hos hie as a "11pta1n 1n the COioniai Army dur1119 me RevOlu- toonary War 1Par1 I 0121 S BIZARRE John 8)nel shows you 1h1ngs stranger than truth. larger lllen Ille and ran1er lh8n anything you ve ever -n 8:30 ( $) LAFF-A-THON A comedian host !Ind lour comic contes1an1s who compote a9a1nsl one another are lea1ure<1 1n this uncensored comedy game Sh<>w 9:00 l$) THE WACKY WOALO Of JONATHAN WINTEAS Guest 0.Ck Martin 10;00 II A SPECIAL B a•ry Bostwick Eileen KENNYROOERS Brennan and James Taylor Ray C1>1r1es the Oa~ ~WORKING 10:00 m UFE CAN BE FROZEN George f aket narrates an •n·depth toolo. at the mechanics and uses ot cryobtology t~ science ot preserving hie at low tem· pe<alures 10 15 :H' STANDING AOOM Of!IL y Red Skelton Presents Fr e<ld y T Ile Fr eeloa<ler s Chrisrmas Otnne<" Vincent Priu and Imogene Coca are JOlned t>y AmerlCa s favorite clOwn as Ile plans a holl(Jay meat 10:30 8i) LIFE CAN 8E m<lZEN George TaJ.eo narrates an 1n-dep1ll looi.. al the mec:1>an1CS ana uses ot t •Yobl()l()gy 1ne scienoe ot prt!Sefv1ng Ille a1 IOw tem- peraturtli m THE FESTIVE BACH The ch'Orale and orchestra lrom tl'le IO!h annual u .... verStty ot Ofegon Summer Festovat ol Musre perform Baell s Magmf1cat In D 11:30 0 MADAME IN MANHATTAN Woyland Flowers and Madame are 1orned by Henry Youngman In lh•s evening ot risque 11umor THURSDAY'S SPECIALS DECEMBER 17, 11181 EVENING are among lhe a R•dQt! Boys and Dottie m ny stars 8:00 -THE sr-r~ERS teatured on this special West JOln Kenny Roge<s ., ~ baseil on hundre<ls 01 lor an hour ot counlry and Abraham Kent reluses 10 1n1ervrews conducted by contemporary muStC IRI llCGepl tile respoosiblhty ol 1ournatost / aulllOI StU<ls (H Ofll LOCATION Ille Kent dynasty and T e<ket Tile S1•lh Anfl\.Utl Young lealffl Boston to seelt lits 0 HUGHIE Comec"8ns Snow · Tom fortune 1n the Nor1hwes1 Jason RoDaids and Jack end O.C1t Smo11>ers ire T.,rrtory !Part I 01 21 Dodson star rn lhtS one-act JOlned by several talef11ed • HANUKKAH play at>oul two men frorn comedy newcornefS 11 !he Ell Asner eaplaons tile SIQ· oppo511e worlds w1'0 snare Roxy rn Loa Angetes tor lln nrticance 01 the retrg.ous the IOneli t 1•-""' tvtnlng ot tun l\oli<lay ness o ,..., .,.,, • 11:00 -·OTTO "''S city 10:30 THE FESTIVE BACH "<"""' .., • • ~ 1:30 8 QI A CHtPMUNt< The cll()ll .. and orclleslre CHRISTMAS CAAOl. CHRISTMAS lrorn the 10th 1noo81 Uni-The inaste< irn9<esslontst Ani!Nlled Atvin. foolllng verlily of O<egon Summer plays a mullllude ol roles forward 10 playing a Festrval of Music perlorm including Ebeneze; Chrtstmas Eve harmonlCI Bach's "Magnlflc:lll In O " Scrooge end Bob Cretct111. IOlo at Carnegoe Hall, gives 12:00 0 TULIA COUNTRY In an unusoa1 version of ti 1 .l}l!m ewe to 1 MUSIO FESTIVAL Ille Cllartes Dickens holl· , •• *t., , . _. da C:IMBIC.. -~~~~~7.==21~~ . l I I I I .l -·- •· m ~ ------. ---------~-- ATLANTIC MUSIC IS YOUR AUDIO AllD VIDEO GIFT CENTER TDK T-120 SUPER AVIL YN VHS ... Video Tape EXCB.L.W COLOI AHO SHAIP DIT AIL FOi ALL ~~ .. s1399 $26.00 Hell llllff IOwitllc..,_. · ·--ff ANT'oi- PERMOSTAT STATIC BJMIMATOt FOil AU. YOUI a.P's ~·s1300 $19.95 MAXRL UDXL II C90 THI IMDUSTIY STAMDAD CASSETTE IN A HIGH-alAS tO Q.EANER MINUTE CASSITTI WITH FLUID 1;;" S2!.~ s591 llllff I Z witll c..,_. . _.. £ '-............................. _.._.. .... .lril.1.-.. -=.- MO LE FIDELITY Origind Master Recoe•~ AMY SIM6l.I ALIUM OI CASSITTI .. Mftj.Ust s1391 Price To Sit.SO NCll Wt4witllc..,_ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MATCHEDRSIERAM-FM :ATLANTIC MUSIC'S: CONTROL THIS TECHNICS. CASSEi IE MUSIC SYSTEM: CHRISTMAS : This perfectly matched system from : COURTESYS : AUDIO SYSTEM FROM YOUR MOST COMFORT ABli USTENING POSITION!!! FISHER includes an AM-FM stereo • • rece.iver with .20 watts ~r channel. a ! Extended Hours ! sem1-automat1c belt drive turntable • For y St = • w i t h m a g n et i c cart r i d g e . a : our .0 \. • The wireless remote gives you full control ,.._ Ii • over the 40 watt per ch . .amplifier. 17 preset metal-capable cassette tape deck • '-41ii11111Ve•enc:e : station tuner. automatic turntable with with Dolby. two-way speaker systems : Open hery Day Of TH Week • cueing. Grado cartridge and full function wit~ 8 " woofers and pa s.si ve : Thna Christ.as he . • m_etal cassette deck._ You can _even recor.d radiators . plus a beautiful .• FreeTwntable·-~ : w1ththeremoteand1t works~1th the rac_k s easy-to-assemble, component : We install the cartrldge Tnd balance the • glass door closed._ ~atch~ng Tech n,1cs cabinet with glass door and casters. • tonearm on your new turntable with the ! speakers complete this incredible system. COtiiil'LITI : most accurate instruments available. : co...s.m •-' • .. -- FOi ONLY • Free ~er Wire • FOi s54non : With eve_ry home stereo music system and • s 149;o .7--• every pair of home speakers! : ._.,., Ust • Extended Rehwft Privilec)es • Mf'J. u.t $169.70 ! Our 10 day return/exchange Policy is ex-: su_oo.oo • tended. Now you have thro ugh Saturaay, • ! January 9th. 1982 to return or exchange any • • purchase. Just keep your receipt and : • packaging. • ! Ffte Htadphones ! ~ : Ffte Cassette Head Cleaners : · · : Ffte AIMns : • Certain purchases qualify you for free gifts • • from Atlantic M usic. Please be sure to_ ask! ~ t l 1 • I 5 " 0 -~ < r 0 IO "Tl ""\ ci Qi < ' 0 11> " .11) 3 er 11> ""\ -...... ' ...... -D Q) - , I i I I . L '-LL. O'I 0· ...J > .... -0 a. AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST· AMC-JEEP-REHAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 SADDLEBACK BMW 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER BMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640-6444 BOB McLARENS BMW At Beach Blvd. & Whittier La Habra -522-5333 CREV.IER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC • • . NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-9100 .ALLEN CADILLAC-OLDS GMC-DeLOREAN . 28332 Camino Capistrano Laguna Niguel -831-0800 CHEVROLET COHHEl.1. _<;HEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 -~~--- - - -. --i - ----... ----£ __ 1__ ------·----- CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833-1300 TARGET DATSUN 13731 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -554-9000 LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 SANTA ANA LINCOLN-MERCURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-0511 FRANK PROTO LINCOLN-MERCURY 16800 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 848-7739 MAZDA MIRACLE MAZDA 1 425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 ANAHEIM MAZDA 601 S. Anahe im Blvd . Anaheim -956-1820 .. PEUGEOT BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 PONTIAC BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI BILL VAN PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 rHarbor Blvd. Garden Grove -636-~!33 SAAB - BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 . MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Hunti~gton Beach 847-~j5$ VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO-VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd .. Huntington Beach 842-2000 VOLVO EARLE IKE VOLVO ·~ 1966 Harbor Blvd. C-osta Mesa -646-9303 • ~-4 I ·I I I .. --~-··,_ ~~----·------------... -------~ -F PPDMilUlll "' FRIDAY'S SPORTS DECEMBER 11, 1981 EVENING 7:00 Jt) INSIDE THE NFL Hosts Len Dawson and Nick Buon1con11 pr1!$ent h1ghhghls of crrt1ca1 games. analr.i1s and pre. d1Ct•OOS Of upcoming con- tests in the NFL Sa turday sports DECEMBER 12. 1981 MORNING 9:000 Q!NFL '81 9:30 0 a NFL FOOTBALL New York Jets at Cleve· land Browns 10:30 IJ ~ NCAA FOOTBALL (Time tentaltve) 11:30 IJ NFL REVIEW AND PREVIEW AFTERNOON 12:308 (1) NFL TOOAY 1:00 8 Cl) NFL FOOTBALL Minnesota Vikings at Oetroll Lions 2:00 • FIGHT OF THE WEEK 4:00 NCAA BASKETBALL Wake Forest at Marquette Cl) NCAA 8A8KIETBAU use at Long Beach State 4:30·· 80CCQ MADE IN GEAMAHY Brazil vs. Germany 5:00 8 WIDE WOM.D OF SPORTS NOfth Ameriean Amateur Boxing Championships (from Shreveport, Le.): National Championship Air Raoes (from ~o. Nev.). D COLL.EOE FOOTBALL "Independence Bowl" Oklahoma State vs. Texas Qt COLLEGE FOOTBALL "Independence Bowl" Oklahoma State vs Texas A&M tJ)) OLYMPIAD "Jesse Owens Returns To Berlin · Jesse Owens recalls how hts tour gOld medal VlCtones at the t936 Berlin games stole tne spou1gn1 5:30 ~ WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS North AtneflC4n Amateur Boung Champ1cnsn1ps ttrom Shreveport. La J. Nauonal Champ1onsh1p A11 Races (from Reno Nev ) EVENING 7.00 rt!J BOXING live coverage of the t5- round wee leatherwe1ghl title light betwi!en Salva- dor Sanchez and Pat Cowdell 7:30 6i) SOCCER MADE IN OEAMANY Brazil vs. Germany 8:00 ©.)COLLEGE BASKETBALL Boston vs. UCLA 10:00 I RAMS WEEK 11:00 COLLEGE BASKETBALL Boston vs. UCLA 11:30 o:I NFL REVIEW ANO PAEVIEW Sunday sports · DECEM8EJI 13, 1981 MOANING . t:30 • Cl) NFl TODA y 88Nfl'l1 (8) IN8IDE THE NFL Hosts Len Dawson and . Nick Buon1contl present highlights of crHlcal games. analysis a.nd pre- dictions ot upcoming d1v1- s1onaJ contests 1n the NFL 10:00 8 Cl) NFL FOOTBALL Green Bay Packers at New Orleans Saints 0 (.1! NFL FOOTBALL San Diego Cha1gers at Tampa Bay Buccaneers 10:30@) COLLEGE FOOTBALL ·Garden State Bowl" Ten- nessee vs Wisconsin AFTERNOON 1:00 8 CIJ NFL FOOTBALL Phfladetprua Eag1es at Da1- 1as Cowboys l1J COLLEGE FOOTBALL "Golden State eowr· Ten- nessee vs Wisconsin 3:30 IJ WEEKEND HEROES -··Don Meredith" 4:00 8 1981 COLLEGE FOOTBALL ALL· AMERICA TEAM The na11on's foremost t981 collegiate lootball players. as S<!lected by tne Football Writers Associa- tion of America. 41re spot- '!2.Med. 4:30 II GAEA TEST SPORTS LEO ENDS EV£HIHO &.-00 8 P9'0 FOOT8AU WRAP 11:00 I SPORTS SHACK 11:30 SPORTS FINAL Monday sports DECEMBER 14, 1981 EVENNO 8:00 8 9 NFl FOOTBALL Atlanta Fllk:ons at Los A Rams ) CIRCUS OF STARS \t art~· Allen 1 to p from le ft 1. Jamie L~·nn Bader and Elliott c;ould : Catht-rtnl' But·h : Brooke Shields and William Shatner: 1 bottom from le ft ' Tab Hunter <.incl Ste,·en F'ord: Da\'id '.'ie lson . .J amie Farr ;met \t art~· Allen are among the eelt.>bnties who will appt.>ar on "The Sixth :\nnual C1n·us of the Stars" Sunda~· at 9 p m . on CBS 1 Ch 2 • 9:00 9 DOH CORYELL Tuesday sport s DEOEM8Ell 15, 1981 EVENING 8:00 0 NHL HOCt<EY Buffalo Sabres vs. Los Angele$ Kings Thursday sports DECEMBER 17, 1981 EVENING 7:00D LYNNSHAKLEfOAO 1::20 D N8A 8A8KIET8AU GOiden State Warriors vs. Los Angelea Lalters 7:30 (8) INSIDE THE NFl. Hosts Lan Dawson and Nlct< Buonicontl pr-I highlights o f crltlcal garMS. analysis and pr• doctions of upoomlng dlvi· ~contests In the NFL. Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities "Serving All Faiths" .. Harbor Lawn· Mount Olive Men1orial Park· Mortuary· Mausoleums Burial In Any Cemetery Shipment Cremation. Plans Available 1625 Gisler Ave. Costa Mesa (Gisler Ave. at Harbor Blvd.) Ph. 540-5554 . atl and put cash in your Pocket! ' DAY WEEK Special flat rate for non-commercial users offering merchan- dise priced in the ad for $800 or less. Cost is the same for 8 days or one. Minimum three lines. Extra lines jus t $2 .60 for 8 days. 7 a. QI < ..., -0 co 9 • ~---------------nL,. _________________ _,ii -jdflflfi.lj•1i(!.;-2 a :.InsldeTV - ' g .J > I--0 -------------------~ - Tom Snyder loses battle DISNEY'S DREAM -Michael Landon and The Seven Dwarfs are featured in a big production number in "Walt Disney ... One Man's Dream," t o be telecast on CB.5 (Ch. 2) Saturday at 8 p.m. By JEFF PARKER Of llM o.tly ~-5UH NBC will r eplace Tom Snyder and h is ··Tomorrow" s how with ··The David Letterman Show·· beginning Feb 1. ~AC president Brandon TartikoH rec·enll) announcl"d ··Le tterma n is one of the sharpest young rom cdy talents in th1!-> countr~. · Tart1koH pointed out, .. And we l>elieve he 1~ ~omg to become a TV superstar ·· Letterman. a native of lnd1anapo li!t. has gained recognition of latl· as a guest host on Johnny Carson·s ··Tonight Sho" ·· and through numerous television appearances. He 1~ abo a t\.\o-time Emmy Award winner once as a sho\.\ host and once as a writer . One way to understa nd the far reat:hing influence of Walt Dio;ney i~ lo take a look at the ~uests st.'l to appear on .. Walt Disney . . 011 c Man's Dream ... a CBS s pecial set for Saturday. Dec. 12 Among the guests to appear in tribute arc Andy Warhol. Wa lte r Cronkite . Burkminster Fuller. Beverly Sills. Mikhail Raryshnikov and Julie Andrews Michael Landon will host the special, whir h a lso s tars Ben Vereen. Mane Os mond Carl Reiner and Dick Van Dyke Host Donny Osmond. and Les Brown and his 8<J nd of Renown . Mickey Gilley and the Urban Cowooy Band with J ohnny Lee. and the Pointer Sisters will be among the entertainers who will cclebrate the new year on CMS' ··Happy New Year America:· holiday s1>ec1al to be broad1:ast Nev. Year·s Eve from 11 30 p.m Add1t1onal pcrformers <i rt' vet to be announc·ed . : ·fame ... a new one-hour ~eriei. hased on the Making of 'Star Trek II' begins TR EK STOP -''then• goin~ to be a 'lt'quel to th•· mo ... ie "Star Trt>k"7 H i.o, when will the) be m aking it? ·Star Trek 11 rs c:urn·ntl) m the works. but Pdrumount P1 C'lure!t has not vet decided whether it will he a TV movie or <l feature film . Nicholas Me, er who directed the film ··Time after Time." 1s ·h elming the lates t Jou rney of the U.S.S Enterpn se. RIG HT 'P LACE' -Whatever became of Dt>nise Miller, who played the younger girl on "Fis h"? She "'as also ve ry good in the TV show "Soonf"r or Laler" with Rex Smith. Is she still acting? If Hm lune in to .. Arc hie Bunker's Place." you can sec Miss Miller as yet another of Archie's displaced nieces TV puzzle Sl'J>~R )llSTAKt: -Pleast' settle a dinner be t for me. I bet that Christopher Reeve and Geor ge Ree,·es <T\''s "Superman") are related. Although many people ha' e mJdc the same mistake. Christopher Ree\C and the latt· George Reeves arc not related WRITING REEVf: -Pleast-print an addrf"'i~ for Chrh topher Reeve. Reeve. who drops his Superman cape m the upcoming film vers io11 of the play .. Deathtrap." can be reac hed thrO\.gh the Hesseltine-Baker Agency. 119 West 57th St . New York. NY 10019. CLASH SMASH -What mini-sules did "Clash of the Titans" star Harry Hamlin appear In a rew years back? Wa~ it ·•Rich Man, Poor Man"? ··Rich :\1an. Poor Ma n·· launched the careers or Nick Nolt'-' and Pell'r Strauss. while Hamlin got his firs t bii:: br<'ak in the T V VC'rsion of "Studs Lon1gan ·· ACROSS 1,5 Shown. daytime 32 -Hope 1alk·show hos1 35 -King Cole 12 -Nardasy 36 tcl<y one 13 -Magazine 37 Rici.. or Ron 14 Mis:. ~utherford s 38 Lady ol Spain tor shotl srgn-oll 41 Ruby or Sandra 15 Worshipped 42 Cures lodd1u 18 Inspector General (ab.) lor storaae 19 Miss Rich's handbag 10 411 Molecule un11s 20 Harder lo llnd 46 Mr. Waggoner's ins1gne 21 -Make a Deal 47 Truth -Consequences 23 Mr Buttons 48 Surrounded by 25 Jaw away 49 Mr. Allen's hanky decor 26 Yore, of yore 50 See 39 Down 27 -Bancroft or Te•as 53 -Guinness 29 cannery _.:.. 55 Pink Panther star 30 Lets up 56 J . Arthur - ()()WM t movie or the same name. will premie re on NBC Jan. 7, starring three or the movie's performers . Lee Curren. Gene Anthony Ray and Albert Hague The s how will foc us on the trials and tribulations of the young students trying to get into the: l'Crform1nJ: arts Ned Heall} \.\Ill M-~tar with Wilham Hurt and Sall~ Field 1n "'All the Way flome,' a telev1s1on movie hascd on the Pulitter Prize-winning play by T<Jd '.\losel B('att). \.\ho has a ppcared in .. Uehverance ... · !':t!lwork." · :-\ai.h\'ille . ·· Friendl) Fire·· and ~Core!.> or Other film~ and television mO\'leS. Wiii pla~ Ralph Folh.·t. the loudmouth brother of Jay Folle t tllurt1. whose death in an automobile a cddent trauma tize~ his dose-knit Tennessee famil:. Th(' s peC'1al a1r1' Uec 21 ··A Bing Crosby ChristmU!t Like the Ones We l 'sl-'<l to Kn :·\.\Ill !>C reen ~onday . Dec 14 at 9 v m and a lthough he s hov. has ~e(l broadcast onn•. )OU may \.\ant l t·a ·h Hing·~ renditions of ··Wh ite t'hristmal\ ... · Winter Wonderla nd."' ·Do You Hear Wha t I lkar" :· ·Silver He lls ,·· "We .Thn·l' Kings,"' ·· 1>rum mt•r Ho).' · The First Noel·· and ··s1lrnt Night J\BC \.\Ill take a hdrd look at the poss1biht) of the So\·1<.•ts usin~ IJ10C'hem1cal poison~ to condut:t \.\a r in· v<Jr ious 1>arts of the world in ··Rain of Terror." ~et for Ol·c ~I , In this sho\\, the ,\R(' ne\.\S team \.\Ill conduct See Snyd€r. Page 21 , Word game FILL 11-J ii.4E M1c;S1NG L.£rTES?S lt.J IHe ''IV V..IORDS' 6ELOl..v. [I NI I ISi I 181 IEI M ,__~~W-1 IRJ l t>I~ I I ~ I I IV~I LAIMI IRI I ~ MU I 3 -Which We Serve 4 Producer Norman - 5 Siar ol Ten 6 -Easy 7 Beatty or Romero 8 -Acl of Murder 9 Slangy gree11ng 10 Module 11 Quiche base 16 Laraine or Doris 17 Feast - -lamlne 21 -Nolan 22 Actor Asner 24 Many·tlme Oscar winner 26 Misdo 28 Fllppered performers 31 Piggery 41 Comedian Johnson 44 Part ol USA 45 TV headliner 48 -of Consent 51 -C1<l 52 MO s nc1Qhbor 54 -Wanda Page 33 TV ratings name ,.?• n~ri~ ··~a.-. __..._~E!!!:'dlJl!!I" 1 FOR SAFETY ... SECURITY ... CONVENIENCE Automatic Garage Door Operators by Stanley LOWEST PRICES IN ORANGE COUNT'1 "We Are Never Undersold' -ii'\ FREE extra transmitter w ith garage door opener Stanley Digital "High Security" ~~ Radio controls -three signals ===---::~ --~-~-_. ~ ./,..-+ "' 1 Yv STANLEY ' ~ ?· -c ~ ~~ --"~ ~ _,) -~·~ ---. - - -Day or Night Prompt covrteous - consc1ent1 ous service -~~ •. ~~ Sprin9s • Hcrdware • Gara9e Doors • Repairs "Leading Installer o f Automatic Door Open,ers In Orange County' ~ IRVINE DOOR COMP ANY Sales & Service ~su<ed B:Med & !~~: ~o~<I N! 312361 4!= P/V,1 P~IERFl(l0 ( , '°"' ... t-4'»1\l4iflt Westclitf Chiropractic Office :m ROOfRl" 8"0GfR LISTEN TO YOUR BODY • 'tT .. J. • ... ' RU COHSUl TA TIOH HOW ACCEPTING HEW PA T IEHTS ---~\-.----~"~ s45.5300 I 2043 Westclolf Sr Sulfe 108 Newport Beach • .-,., At I f ~ t " •" ,,.-, .. ,-Q~ .... ~•o•Q•Q11PQ-o•o•Q11Po-o•o-o-o~o-o-o•o-.:i•o•o•o•o~~-o-0~•0•0•0•0C'Q~ .... .,..~~-...._..._. ......... v-o•o•o .... •0C'Q9"1•oc; • • • i YOU BETTER I I for the Daily Pilot I • • i Gift Train J J , ' . j in the Classified Advertising Section j J Wednesday, Dec. 16 and Saturday, Dec. 19 I J J J ... -?" ___ -ia-_· !1tere's ~till ti'!"' to order rour ad J , ~ ,.. .-;-r. ';) (9' f.) ,.) ~ • _ .• 1n tlte Gift Train . . . Call 642-5678 , L __ _: ____ ~-----------!."!..~ .. !! ... !.~~'!!!~~!~!!.l .. , ~ . "",;1,.~··,'·.. ,.r.:1";1: r .~LJ _, ~·:::t 9 "U 0 - 0 l'D ,..., l'D 3 O" ~ ., r I I I 10 . frlday Grid . ..... ..... g ...J > I--0 a. . AM 7: a: 9: to: 11: PM 12: 1: 2: 3: 4: ·~ 5: 6: 7: 00 830 9: . 10: 11: 12: KNXT tJ &.-....... Wikel.Ip Morning News .. .. .. .. OneDay AIA rime Allee .. The Pfice ts Righi .. UC> To The UllMe Young And TheAlsltMI KNXT tJ &.--..... .. .. As The World Tums S-ctiF« Tomorrow Guiding Llgtlt .. .. Rockford Flies .. Birney M .... News .. News .. .. News .. C8SMews 20n The Town The~• OfHm:wd .. Diiis .. Fllcon Crest .. News Behind Thi~ C8SMO'M "The Uncnly" KNBC KTLA D It &.-....... a.....- Todey 700 ., Club .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Leeve It .. ToBuver Regis Riclllrd Philbin Simmons Block· LllYelt busters To Women WMllOf Big Fortune V*'t Battlesl8r$ .. .. Pluword 8onanU PU .. The .. Doctors .. KHBC KTLA D " a..·...-a.....- o.ysOI Twilight Owl.Ms Zone .. Trigflt .. Zone Another HolK World ~ .. " .. Texas JoM .. o.wlson .. .. .. .. Oonfte .. .. .. .. F-Troop " " Bob Siii NI Na· Nlwhlrt ,, Enis-Sha NI NI talnment .. News LJnle .. Holae .. OnTht .. Pl'*ll ..... Clwte's .. Angela .. .. .. N8CNews ~Days .. Apr! r-..., Llvernl& Ftud 1Sf*1ey NBC MIMI: ~ ''The Fii' Horizons'' .. .. MeOllrl's .. I.ft .. .. .. .. .. Tribute News To~on .. a.ta .. " .. News SalurdlY .. ~ T~t .. .. BICllatage .. Pm SCTV Movie Nltwottl 90 .. KA8C KFMB KHJ D II 0 &.-....... ...... &.-....... Good Morning The Morning News Froozles America .. Thete Is .. .. AW1y .. Sunue> Ja .. SanOiego LI Linne ~ .. .hm .. .. Bakkll A.M. One Day " let Al A Time .. Angeles Alice Midmorning .. L.A. Love ThePra .. Boal Is Right .. .. .. .. .. .. Farnil'f Young And Mo-lie. Ftud The Restless "High Rywl'a .. Country ~ .. Calling" KA8C KFMB KHJ D II 0 a.....-...... a.....-. All My News .. Chlldren .. .. .. As The .. .. World .. One Ute Tums News Tolm .. .. " Search f()( Ironside " Tomorrow " General Guiding " Holptll light " .. Kotlli .. .. .. Edge Of John .. Night Dlvidson " People's .. MQyie· Court .. "The News .. SWiil" .. .. .. .. MA.SH .. .. .. .. News News .. .. .. .. A9CNews .. Carter " .. Country News C8SNews TrelSUfe .. .. Hunt .. News ~ .. .. A9CNews Tic TIC y~ Asked .. Dough For 11 Thll's PM Miieti Hollvwood lt.t-me Game 8'Moll Chrlstmll Jim Nabors .. Rlccoorls Christmas Bosom Hight Before In Hawlli Buddies Christmas .. Dlruoom Dllas Y~And .. .. Your Money .. .. Pwt2 .. .. .. Strike Falcon News F«oe Cf est .. .. .. Youth & .. .. Thelslues News News PIUI .. .. Hogln ABCNews BetMnd Best Of I Nlahtlinl Tilt Screen Groudlo Fridays C8SM<Me McMe" .. "The "The .. uncanny•· SWiii" .. .. KCST KTTV KCOP m • al ....... a.....-&.-Mfllle Today <:.ioon Bogs Town Bunny .. .. Kettoon .. .. Karnrval .. Flipper .. .. .. .. Gentte Popeye Ben Donahue I Love Romper .. Lucy Room .. Sewltehed Movie. .. .. "No Holes RICll8fd I Dream Of Blrred' Simmons Jeannie .. Ba111es1ars Ghos1 And Movie: .. Mrs.Mulf "Wtsl'ffard PISSWOld Super Ho" Plus Pay Cards .. The News INNNews Docton .. " KCST KTTV KCOP m m al ....... u.-... &.-....... OaysOf Movie: Movie: Ow lives "Don't "Sepefate .. RllMThe Tables" .. Bridge, .. Another Lower The .. World Arter" .. .. " .. .. .. .. Texas Open Superman .. Line .. .. A VflfY Merry Popeye .. Cridtel All In The The Bogs Family AintstOtlll Bunny MlryTyW Buga Sc:ootJy Moore &Pony Ooo Bob Tom& KM1oon Newtllr1 _., Klrnivll The Budy .. Muppets Bundi .. News lncrtd1ble Scooby .. tilJlk Ooo .. .. Good .. .. nm. N9CNews The Htwlii .. Muwets FiYe-0 News Welcome .. .. Baell. Koner .. The M.A.S.H Jok•'s Muppels .. Wiid Farnil'f MAS.H Tic:TIC Feud .. Oouah NBC PM MoM: M~ MlglZlne "The All In The FOfceOn .. Flmlly TilurlOw McClarn's Merv Mountlin" Law Grttlln .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ Tribute News News To Milon .. .. Berte .. INNNews .. .. .. News The Benny .. Jellertons Hiii Tonl!!!11 Odd Sanford CouPie &Son .. t.Qe The .. Douglas Rookies SCTV .. .. NelWOf1c 90 .. .. KCET Em a.....- llulineu Report YogaF« Helltll Big Blue Marble Vtlll Allllll'e Sesame Slleet " .. Clas$room TV .. .. Elec1.nc Company MacHeil Lehrer KCET fD &.-....... Didi Cavett °* Easy Qawoom TV .. .. .. " .. .. Home Interiors Home Interiors VIia Alegre Misltr Rooers Sesame Street .. .. Business Aepor1 News .. °* Easy MacNeil Lehrer LA Week WIShlngton Wtel! w .. Street Week Califomll w.- Ent~ Ben Wattenbera Dick Cavett News .. KOCE ~ II • IP ..... Oil P11ntlng °" P1111tlOQ 800y Buddies MISlll Rooers StudlO See Electnc Company Pe.ts .. Educational Pr ~ .. .. .. .. KOCE ~ .... Educational Proc;it llTllTllng .. .. . . .. .. Guten Tag As We Stell Sesame Street .. " MacHell Lenrer Rainbow'$ End OnceUpon A Classic 0.... Easy Oiclt CaYltt Bu*1Ma Report MICHed Lehrer WalStreel Week Wuhlngton Week California Week Voter's Ptpeline Enterprise .. Ben Wittenberg John Cllawav 1n1em.ws .. Captioned ABCNews Fridays. Details FRIDAY EVEHINO 7:00 U HAPPY DAYS AGAIH The Cunnlnghams decide to t>ulld a ta1n1ry t>omb Shelter and try to keep It a secret D YOU ASKED FOA IT Featured · Croal<e< Col· leQe" and "The Rubik's CubeEape1t • M•A•S•H Hawi.eye 119hts to keep a wou"ded solooer alive wh•te an incessant b111age ~son near the 4077th Iii) OVER EASY Guest Jack Paar o @l ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An 1nten1oew with Susan St James (B THE MUPPETS Guest Tony Randall. (C}MOVIE • * * Somebody Up Thefe L•kes Me" ( t9S61 Paul Newman. Pier Angel• @ MOVIE • • • · Coal Miner s Daughter" f 1980) Sissy Spacek. Tom my Lee Jones (L MOVIE * * * 'Why Would I Ue?' (1980) Treat Wlltlams l.Jsa EichhO<n 7:30 8 2 OH THE TOWN Featured a v1Slt to "The Body SllOI>. an amat11U< stnp ShOw: 1 man whO designs and carves auto- mobile l>u"'C>e'I. a k>ok al va11ous stereos being ottered IOI Christmas U LAVERNE & SHIRLEY &COMPANY Shirley bl&tne$ Lavefne tor the dl~arance nl her SICtc canary • w·A·s·H Hawkeye flees to the front with an 1rc11enemy to avOtd a "MirPftSC!' borlh· day party ti!) WALL STREET WEEK .. More B11lhah Tn1n Most? · Guest Josec>h J McAltnden. president end chief executive officer Argus Research Corpora- uon Cl) P.M. MAGAZINE A 9·)'Nf-old Pee Wee Rodeo cowboy, a car that's part mln1-a1rp41ne. part mot0tcycle and part snowmobile III YOU ASKED FOR IT Featured. "Bedhme FOi Penguins" and "Mua1 Warrl0ts:· (B THAT'S HOU. YWOOD "Soaps And Sobs'• 8:00 8 THE DUKES Of HAZZARD Cletus r111s In lo-.. woth D1t1y 9nd gets ltrec:I by Boss Hogg IOI letting his hoped-IOI •n·llWS. Bo Ind Luka, escape trom 1111 9 MOVIE • • ·~ "Far Horozons" (1955) Chattton Heston. Fred MacMurray 8 9 BENSON Benson's new g1rllroend turns out to be a IObbyist .'iee F'rrday·!l . Pa~H' I I INTRODUCING ... I~ ---· -----· ----. NATIONALLY KNOWN, AWARD WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER BrinJ!,ing In Coron11 de/ /\f,1r & NewpfJr/ B e,1fh "('ret1li1 ·e [/egt1 11c1: i11 Fine J eu ·eh J ORIGINAL DESIGNING • CUSTOM RESTYLING & RESETTING A DESIGNER COLLECTION OF GOLD & PLATINUM JEWELRY • DIAMONDS • PEARLS • FINE COLORED GEMSTONES (714 ) 760-6766 , PAClflC QO~JJ:tVJY. •CORONA DEL MAR:CA., 92625 d/,t.;;, tn if(~l.J/J/I Crc.ll I\\' .Jrm.:l1:r'. In~-. • ~FRIDAY & SATURDAY · OllLYI Enjoy a special holiday presentation of Christmas with tbe ~ac!fic <Ybora/e (formerly the Irvine Master Chor ale > directed by J ohn Alexander An enjoyabl e evening of classical music a nd t raditiona l Christmas carols with percussion, brass a nd or gan. GOOD SEATS STILL AVAILABLE Box Offi ce Opens 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $12. $8 and $6 $2 discount to senior citizens. students. a nd children. 8:30 p .m . Friday & Saturday December 11 and 12 Santa Ana Hi gh School 520 W. Wa lnut St., Santa An a Or call 542-1790 for more information. A Public Service Sponsorship of the Orange Coast ·naily Pilot ... --------·-... ·-- Tube Toppers KHJ IJ 8:00 ··J im Nabors· Christmas in Hawaii. .. Carol Burnett is among guests celebratinJ! holida ~·s in the Hawaiian Island!) KTLA 0 8 . 00 ·-Far Horizons · · Charlton Heston st<.i rs in beautifull y photographed monc about Lewis and Clark cxµt'dit1on KllJ 0 9:00 · You :md Your ~one~ ·· Featured is ;.in in depth look at 1982 tax laws KNBC e 10:00 "A Tnbute le~ :\1i lton Berle." Celebrit ies pay trihute to ··Mr Tele,·ision. · · Mi lton Berl~. Fridays Details From Page 10 for a ,....._1a1e projec1 being eonlldered by Ille 11a1e ~atur• Q • .MINAllOM' CHNITMAI IN HAWAII CatOI But net I, Tom S.itecll and S-Antone join Jim .. he celebrates the hQlj. day 1e1son on tile Hawaiian lalandf • P.M. MAGAZINE A 9-yeat-old P• Wee Rodeo cowboy. vlSll the company 111a1 manutac- hHes Iha most oulra- geoully elegMI wallelf !land-made of aMlgator 11<ln; discount snopping wltll JuOy Je!nudd; Joan Emt>ety on arlihc;111 zoo envlronmenll • MOVIE * * .. The Force .On T nun· clef Mountain" ( 19771 ()) THE CHRISTMAS RACCOONS An•ITM!led Three raccoons and 1 dog Mlp NYI end protec1 Cnostmu trees lrom a crazed lumber b.,()(I ON LOCA T!Of4 The S•lllh Annual Young Comedians Sllow Tom and o.ci. Smothers 1te fOU'ICI by _., 1a1e<11ee1 comedy newcomers at Ille Roxy lf1 Los Angeles tor an even1ngotlun MOVIE * * ''7 "Scaveno-Hunt ( 1979) Ri<:nard Ben1am1n, James Coco OMOVIE * * * ·~ "Glon1" I 1980) Gena Rowlands, Jolln Adames 8:30 8 9 BOSOM BU004f!S Kip and Henry Onel them· selves at Ille me<cy of the Secret Service because of a pr8ChC81 joke lhlt b.Ck· lorlel • All IN TWE f'AMIL Y A mldntQlll argument 11 1ne Jetfefton• tpllls over Into Ille Bun!ler l'IOuMN>ICI ()) THE NIGHT IEFOM CHMTMA8 The I rue t lOfy of hO'flr Ciem.nt Clatli Moore nep.. pened 10 -··· llff popular poem Is lolel With ~ Mlectlont perlormed by Ille Horman lut>off Choir 1;45 CZl Mew: * * "Jusl A Gigolo" ttGO • ()) DAU.AS Mu Elle~ 111411 J R. nu put Ewing Oii on Ille bfinlt of llnenQal d!IM- ter, and Bobby IMtnl Ille truth~ Krletln'f b9by • 8 MCa AIN'I LAW T-~ rebben • .-, lll'llnuMy from prOMCUlion In return tor tMlf cooper• llon In ...._ c.-., ~ to 1erron...., wet....._ ··~ A ~ ......,.,.. .,_ . ......,. doers lhal ~ to lite. and a Sllclt husllef tangles wttll the magic of an old Cajun woman. G YOU ANO YOUR MONEY Hathatl Roberts and Rusty Rostwl<I lake an 1ne1ee111 loolt 11 the ,_ 1982 Tu lawS and o"-S09G81flons tor taking advantage of vanoua tu lhelters IPart 2) • Maw GM'F1H au.ta: Andy K111.1tman. Ronnie L-. H«mlone Glngold • WALL fTREET WUK "Conglomeretes And Ta1<10W<s" ~I: CarOI P. Neves, \llCe president. Merrill lynch. Pierce. Fenner and Smitll, Inc. • VOTER'S PfP£UHE Jim Cooper conducts en eacluSlve interview with Wilson Riles, Cal1to.nia Super1nten<lenl of Public tnslrucio0n. concerning Ille state of education today and what It betng dOne 10 lfT'lprcwe pul>IOC education "' Ca111orn1a. (C)MOVIE * *' • The Grasshoppe<'' I 1970) Jac:que11ne Bisset. Jtm8rown 9:30. ENT£APAISE ~Man's Mullinational" A jOumey willl shoe m~ fac1uret Tom Bala acrOS$ 111s spraWkng empire ott11s a loolt at Ille $GOC>4I of one multinational operauon MOVIE • • "Hangar t8" (1980) Darren McGavtn, Robel't vauonn (0) SPECTACULAR LONOON Suzanne Somers takes us on a dazzling tour of Lon· don 10 see Ille sights and sounds of sono. Plcadltfy Circus and Ille T~ of London 10:00 8 ()) FALCON a.EST A last-11\ltng pilot wt1o lalled 10 i-wade CNM 10 ~ llis bu"'- p.-Cne< conYlnces Angle 10 help lllnl In Ilia 9d*M to run CllaM out of Ille wine c:ountry. 8 8 A TimUTE TO ... TONIEN..E Celet>rltles Including ~ ny c.r.on. BOC> Hope, Frat* Slnlltra. Gregory Peck and Gene Kelly pey trl«>ute to "Mr. T~ ... entert._ Milton a.rte. (R) •• ITN(lf'aa Murpf!y go. 8ftet an --'*" .,.,. down wflO .. IMklng atfa - eyby .... ~-­~on-lldeand l.80on .. -... .. , .. ,. ''One Man'•~· -·- THE LOFT ANTiQUES * SPECIALIZING IN : • Professional Appraisals • Repair, Restore your f umiture • Estates Bought and Sold • Management of Estate Sales on Commission • Liquidation 3321 Eaat Coan HighWOtl Corona Ml Mor. CA t2f2S ' (114) 675-llJll Wart howt Locotiorl 23192 Verdugo Driw "C' Laguna Hills, 9215.53 HIWPOltT HAI~ CHllSTMAS rAIADI Starts Dec. 17-23. 6:30 P.M.-9:30 P.M. ~~ E njoy one of the m ost beautiful nights of t h e yea r aboar d one of Yachtin g Consultants charte r boats. Par ties from 8·150 people. full catering avail. Phone < 714 ) 675-2960. Lido Vi llage, N.B. YACHTIMG COHSUl.TAMTS n-,..... • c.....,_--"c.t TM l11awry of di.-;.s ~the Venatlity,and coisu.,liee1e11 of blinds LOUVER DRAPES THE NEWEST CONCEPT IN DRAPERIES Yll •Y IOU IAft Tl Ill IUPOIES MAii • MINI BLINDS • SHADES • TRANSPARENT SHADES • WINDOW TINTING CHAPMAN BROS. 893-0022 OR 891-1221 •a;t~ CAU ~q&.UCf •n an .. wnmam --# , . --- 1t > ~ 'O '-u. Ol 0 ...J > ...... -0 a.. • ~ 7: s: 9: 00 1030 11: PM 12: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: s: 9: 10: 11: 12: KNXT KNBC KTL.A KABC KFMB KHJ KCST f) D e D 0 0 ffi loe ....... Loe ..... Loe ..... &.a,... s.o-.o Loe ..... Seti IMgo Dusty's The 819 8kle Rlcllle Inter-Davey& The Treenouse F~nts1ooes Matble Rich natt0nal Gohath Flintstones Mat lo Smurfs Dr Scooby Hour " Smurfs .. .. Souggtes Ooo .. Popeye .. Tile Fonz Popeye MoYte .. Rlfleman Laverne& "The Time Tanan Spider-Man Rat Shjrtey Tanan 01 Their Kid Lone .. Patrol Lone Lives· Super Ranger NFL '81 VoylgCI Rlchle ~ NFL 81 " To The Rich Bugs Fool ball Bottom Of Scooby Bugs Movie Footbatt 8uM) Clevetano The Sea Ooo Bunny "Whtie Cleveland Rold &owns OweAod Super Road Zombie Bi owns Runner Vs Har net Fun Hour Runner Vs New YO<k Amenca's Footblll .. New YO<ll " Jets Top Ten .. Jets Tanan " .. Wrld WOl1d .. .. " 01 Animals NFL ~view .. " Blackstar Wild & Preview .. .. Wiid KNXT KNBC KTL.A KABC KFMB K~J KCST IJ D 0 fJ 0 0 ~ Loe ..... Loe ..... l• ..... Loe ....... a.o-.o Loe.,.._ Saft IMgo Lost In .. T1ollk1ns West SPiCt! NFL Today western NFL Today MOYie Mo~ie Outdoo1sman 'Red "Dragon Football MeelicaJ Toys For Football Mountain Seed Detroit Center Tots Detr0t1 lions LIOOS Vs .. Vs Minnesota At One .. Weekend M1nneso1a Fight Ot V1k1ngs .. Special V1~1ngs The Weel Arnenun Bandstand AqflCUftU(8 Movie .. USA . Tile E~e Oaydleamer MOYie LawrenGe " .. "ASS19nment Wet~ Basltelball .. I(" Basketball l(Ojak Long Beach long Be.lCh State State News Vs " Vs USC Free Star Wide use Foor ban t~ 'AN Trek W0t1d0f lndepend-Bowt News Sports enc.e " .. Bowl CBS News NBC News MoV18 Foght . .. "Guys AnCI Bacl News Enter· Dolls" News News .. tainment .. " lnSeatch TlllS Week Where In Search Ot .. 'liflle You? Ot Dence LOQll om111 Omnt F'9¥8f At Us .. .. Walt Batbara " OpeoAH Watt Movie Batbata Disney Mlndrell& N!gtlt Oisney "Murders Mandrell & Mandrell .. Malung lo The Rue Mandrell ·. .. S1sten " A Living " Morgue·· Sisters .. Harper America's LOYe " Harper V*f Top Ten Boat .. Valley " LeWis Chnstmas .. .. . Lewts " & Cllrlt .. .. &Clark CBS T eleYisiol1 News Petty CBS MOYie TelfMstOn Reports lllSlde .. Coma's Reports 'The Inside And Ou1 .. Canadian .. Macal1811S And Out .. .. .. ChnStmas " .. .. News News Basllt1ball News News News .. Boston Simi by Saturday Vs. ABCNews MOYie Satu1day Jones Nlgh1 UC!..' Movie-"Btlllon .. Night .. lMI .. "The Tom Dollar .. lM! .. .. .. Cunwi 8'&11l" MOYie M<MI' .. .. "Blacula .. "El OO<ado" .. .. .. .. - EUROPEAN SHOPPl_NG, DINING ·~~-S.. S... ~ IZ:J0.5:00 For P'ldwe T .... . '!'.i . } KTIV KCOP m. m toe ..... L• ..... - Turn· Public about Atta1r& Elementary News MOVte 'UF 0 Target Eatlh Villa Aleg1e Churcn In The Home Portrait Of To Be A legend Announced Were .. MOV111 Soul Show My Train People " Nashville MUSIC KTIV KCOP -m m Loe~ Loe ..... Movie Adam·!? Tne For1une Adam·12 Cookie Movie Tile #est Pooni Story Movie Romeo & Jobe• Moo/Ml fnsoect0< General .. MOV1e Soito The Gold Paper Chase MoVMI True G111 " .. La .. rence Welk • Jolie Battle Andrews fO< The Chl'lStmas Bulge Special Christian AUS11SbC Servw:es Cllikkens Spec1at Telethon " .. Rams Wee« . -News " .. .. MAS H .. .. .. MOVte " "The .. Paper .. Chase" .. .. .. KCET m 1.oe..- Yoga F0t Health Human Behavt0t To Be Announced .. Survival Tins Old House Woodwnght s Shop COOllll\Q Mexican W0ttdOf COOlctng KCET m Loe ..... . Ou•lhf19 Pho lo Show P0<tra.ts tn Pastel Nova "Twins GIOna Steinem To Be Announced Mundo Real Presente' Soccl!f Maoe111 Germany Once Upon AOasste Cosmos Rambhn Odyssey loSide Story Spectaf Ed4tt0n Moll Fllnelers .. .. Molt Flanders .. KOCE m .. rt' " t ...... Votl!f s P1Pllf1ne PO<tratts In Pastel American Skyline Pocasso KOCE m .......... , ._ .. -Home Gar~ Home Gardene< Wrt1mgf0< A Reason Wntmg FOi A Reason Christmas Heo13QE Persona• F1r>ance Personal F111ance The Ans The Arts Up And Coming From JumP5treet Matinee At The 81,ou "The Gonna Soccer Made In Germany lnSlde Story Spet\31 Ed1tt0n Nasllv10e MuSIC Aus1in City Umits .. Sound stage Saturdays Details DECEMBER 12, 1981 EVE NINO 7.00 I) IN SEARCH OF King Solomon s Mone~ «D•LAWREHCE WELK Songs lnsp"ed By G1C<11 Ctassocs·· ED RAMBLIN' Sam Aozzetta 1 Alan Fr~ man @) YOU ASKED FOR IT Fealured A Funny Fune< al Dttector and Army Ant~ 7·30 I) DANCE FEVER Celeb,.ty iudges Doc~ Pat Nets. Jommr and ll1ncen1 \Ian Patten Guest T errt Gregory ,C; MOlltE • • • Quo vaaos" (195 11 Aooett Taylo• Oet>otal'l Korr 8:00 I) (]) WALT 04SNEY .• ONE M.\N'S DREAM Tne Ille ano achtevements of crea11,e genius w ait Dosne; are chronoc1eo Mochaet l anoon l'losts and appearances t>y Mac Dav· ·s Dick Van Oylce Carl Aeon.:r M1kl'la1I Baryshno kO• Walter Cronkole Bev. "rly Sills and omers a•e 1ea1ureo D ~BARBARA MANDRELL AND THE MANDRELL SISTERS GuE'Sls Roy R09ers Dale Evans • h'! Sons of tne Poor>ee<s U <!:1 OPEN Al l NIGHT Gordon discovers a u•c ture ol Greicllen '" d g.r11e maoazone 0 MOVIE • • Murders In Tne fl.;e Mo•q;e 119711 JaSOl'I Rooaros l •"• Patmer «D JULIE ANDREWS SPECIAL Merry Chrislmas W11h Love Jomm) Stewarl :>teve L.Jwrence Joel C.•t:; Se•910 Francr11 Carl A!'oner Roch Lottie and Allee Gnoslley 101n Juhe in an observance ol Chtosl· m.Js on America ED ODYSSEY 8'>n.:; Moll A look •S tak- en at Ben Tnrest>e< s moll on rural VerMO<'lt one ot the lew wate<·PQWeted wooo- wOrkong mtlls left on tho\t CO\lnlry ::,J $'MOVIE • • , The Formula 119801 Marlon Brando Geo•ge C Scott 0 MOVIE • • • 1ns1oe Moves ( 1980) John Savage Oavoo Morse 8:15(l 'MOVIE • • ·~ The Foend1sn Plot Of D< Fu Manchu ( 1980) Peter SeOe<s. Std Cae53r 8:30 U @) MAKINO A LIVING Sonny s t>rott>e< s bt!autolul toancee ma~es a pass •• Sonny C!) INSIDE STORY SPECIAL E.OfTION Eye 01 Tl>e Benotder HO<ld•ng Caner focuses on the pressures that groups ."i1·1• Srl tflrrlu u ' f'uur· 11 & ENTERTAINMENT CENTER Dec. I 2th, 2 p.111. Chri1flfta1 f'•ad• Mab Yow RnerYaticMls How! NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE ., ... ..• ,.... ....... Dec. Jl1t I ,_.1:30 a'" G11 ••1.d ~.~~~q.qO H. I ............. , . ........ . ......... · " \ Your advertising dollars will ~i go miles with the . \ 1 Daily Pilot Gift Train; appearing December 16 & 19 Your ad Wiii reach over 86.000 adult readers Call 642-5678 Ask for your Christmas Ad-Visor •• • .. .. • ·~\J;'t\ . ,_ Tube Toppers K~XT fJ 8 oo )Ian 's l>n•am -.h O\\ dll'Olltl'ltng 1)1 .... nt"' \\'alt T>tsnt·~ < hll' .\l11·hal'I l.:.indon husb. .1t'l11t•\ t·nll'nls ol \\'.tit KTT\' 0) H 1111 .J 11lll· \ndrt•\\' Spt·t·1al · c;ut''" 1111·l~1d111g .. llmm.' Stt:\\.irl H 1d1 l.11 111· <111d < ,11l lh-11wr 111rn .J11l1t 110 h11ltd;f\ .... p1 ·1·1.d KTI. \ 0 !I oo \1111•1'11'.1 .., Top Tt·11 ('hn,tm.1..., '-'pl•1·1td .\1 11~11 .... 1:1rs ~:i1111t· :-.11tlll' <>f tht· g n ·.ilt''-1 hol111J~ l11h K ,\ IH' f1 Io oo P t•t'f'\ l '11m11.' Frt>nch l·:1nad1an ('hris t111:1:-1 ;111·~1 .... 11-it ludt· lkbll\ Bnoiw D1m1lh\ 11 <1111111 and tlit· St .los1•ph ..., Bo." 1'111111 Satunlay~ Details From J>mw J:! such as Ille Co;ilotion tu• Setter TeleY1110" ~"' o"ng1ng upon ne1wot1< programmen teatur1119 •" mtetvie"" w1tn Rev DonJIO W110mon ol the Nat1ona1 Fede<ahon ol O«etiey H MOVIE • • Snc. ... oa 1 Expres\ t 19n Oed" JO"e~ N,mcy Otson 9•00 Q ~HARPER VALLEY Ftnra Rt•"• r><ts tne '°"' wneo sne ie.irn~ Stella nu ~ given ii 101> .. ~ a receptionist .It C•tv Hall 0 AMERICA'S TOP TEN CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Top mu5oC 51815 JO"' to ~lvte 'AClme rt 1t1e Q'l'illeil Cn,.stma£ '"'' ot nil t•ITl<l 1nctodonq wrut" Cnrttl mas and ·Rudolph T ht' Red-Nosed Remdeet U @l LOVE BOAT An emot.anaoy GOid wom· an falls tor a f'>OI l>IOO<led Romeo a wodo., mee1:1 an anract•ve denhsl and V1cll1 turns onto an elf1c1encv treai.. r; fim INSIDE STORY SPECIAL EDITION f I" Ot The Bel\olOl!f .-?<lo.rq C;111e< locu~f!'\ on .,,, P'~SU'*'"~ "131 Qroup~ .-Cl' as the C03ht>O<' ' ·r f:l.~ttet 1.,. ~VIS On lf,.. lJOf"IQH U u(\~n n••twQH, ~«ograrr.mer\ ff' .. turonQ an ·ntervol!'fll ~Un P.,v Oona•a N•ld,.,,e>n ot ""' N<111on .. 1 Fe(l<>rall('n of Dec' ency 10-00 IJ CBS l'IEPORTS Adi Moyers v1s1ts #1th d group of l/iem:im veterans wnn servea 109etMr and reviews their uperoenc~ u returned veterans a a Taevis10N. INSIDE ANO OUT Featured an interview with Richard Dreyfuss a looll et the recent w0tk of ac1or ' produce< Ron Hownrd 8 (ti PERRY COMO'S FRENCH-CANADIAN ~RISTMAS Debby 8oone Oorotlly Hamill and Canadian per. IOtme<S s.nger Ota~ Teti. ptan1S1 Andra GagflOn and the St Joseph's Boys ChOot totn Peay Como IO< • celet><ahon ot cn111tmas D MOVIE * * ·~ The Macahans 119761 J.,.,.s Atneu. ha MB1ie S1mt • MOLL FLAH0£1'S Betty 11a1er known u Molt) ,,,_,,_ the llrst of he< rnany nust>andl • AUSTIN CITY LIMITS "Tony Joe ~hlle I Gary Stewar1' (O)MOVlE * * * 'Inside MoYes" ( 19801 Jonn SaYaga, David Morw. lrosoee ~namoron!h•P at tne Rose Bowl a merce- nar) c:onvenhon f1)MOVIE * * * • Kramer V! Krame1 11979) Ouston Holtman Ml"yf Street> 1oos z MOVIE • • 81hl1S PS ·11 Pall! 0 A•L .. llVllM) Mor.a KnS• te->..en 1030 C MOVIE • • * • S1n91n 111 lhe Aaon t 19S2• Gen" K"'llY OellO•I' Reynotas H MOVIE • * • , Suoe•ma" 119781 ::111•~hJPflc1 fi....-vt: M~r901 K10der 11:oo m M'A·s·H Kt1ng<1r gro"'s de~P4!' ah: ttJ rervrn tiome 'tllllt1eo .,Ui ettnrt to tirong To•,.OfJ I'> tne """ 1a11s tl) MOLL Fl.ANDERS Belly leains !he appall\"!) 1a1 t mat her th1td husband is also ne< 1><01ne. '1!) SOUNOST AGE V•ttCJr Borge ·· Comedy In Mu\•C In" master mus.c1an / comedian is ciptured 1n per!atmance at C"ieaqo s Drury l 'lne Wol!et Tower Thea!e< and M1twau1iee ~ W.a~n1ngtrJn P.i•• 1A1:., $ BIZARRE J"nO ~"f:f 5f>v#S \OU """CJS stranger rna" trutr 1argf'C ·,.,"" 11te • aoo za,,ier t11.1n a!lytnorlCJ yau ve e-.er V""• Gorshin in soap opera :'\F.W yC)RK 1AP 1 ('11 m 1.•dtan F ra nk (;ors h1n "ill Jntn lhe ea::.t of A BC'!> daytime ::.t.'rtal ·'The I::dg e of ~1 g ht" irr January a s a <·<1n art1-.t a nd master or disgUl!>C. r.ors hm. who played The Riddler m the old ··Batman·· T\' series. "111 appear on ·Edge of ~1f.(ht" over a 16 \.\eek period bcgmning Jan 4. the scric!l · execut1v1.•' produc e r . Er\.\1n N icholson. said. Dudley M oor e and Mary Tyler Moore star tn the contemporary love storv ··Six Weeks·· for PolyGram Pictures. .. I.. + ~\ot.O c;~t. ncn SelectaVision VFT 650 6·Hr Video Cass1>1tt-Ro1..urdtH 14 D.iy Electronic Programmer s I 079°0 --·- ncn SelectaVision VFT 450 6-Hr Video Casse11e Recorder w11n P1t1ure Searcn. Stop A ction & t 4 day Electronic Programmer s95900 .... __ ..---~---..,;;;;;--- --VF P 170 SelectaVision Convertible VCR System •Pc, •I"' e ti"''"" •\tfoflo Re""'',., • f 1J""•' T "'I~ V J •• t. • i..lo •o• <1t,,v1\ '81:)10•1\q •pr. I ir• S••' r • f lt-t,,,, , l'W f I 1)1' • Alf10'' ,,,,, f.,;...h-1 nu ... MOOEL8310 '49999 ,...._ ATARI VIDEO GAM E TAPE SAL£ MlllJ\l'\IOI'\ '"--- • ·-'139" TOK T-120 f1 ... ttel EIKlrO<tl« ~ . \139~KO .. .... ..,, '239" MtO AMlllCA CASIS ICA TAN VII HO SIUt . VHS & NT A S2.H OU•• £•Dor•• 11 1• 111 FREE ONE YEAl MIMIEISHIP IM THE IUDGET VIDEO CLUI WITH THE PURCHASE OF AMY VIDEO IECOIDEI 01 CAMERA NEWEST RELEASES: NOWIN STOCK •llMA LA DOUCE •ADYEHTUIES OF 1091H HOOD •TAIE THIS JOI AHO SHOVE IT •MAICH 01 DIE •LOGAHS IUH •FOUi SIASOHS .. ,.,. • an ....., •1os. .,._ _......., __ .. _._. ____ _ a.---•u1 ...... r.,-.·-•u•••• Cl) WHArS UP AM£AICA Futured lhe 8th annuel The film also stars ne w~omer K atherine. H ealy David Seltzer wr ote the scr eenplay. baserl on the novel by Fred Mustard ~tewart. L.-------------------.1 15 I '· I N .... --·--__ .,._. -•• .......,. '""' ...... r .... ' .... . .... - -.2 a.. 7: a: 9: 10: 11: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 1: a: 10: 11: 12: KNXT • Todlr'• AlllgiOtl ui.. ..... Sundey ~ .. .. NF\. TodlY Foodlll GIWIS., Pldln Vs. .._ONIN Seirltl .. KNXT • ......... FOOlblll Ollll Cowbort Vs. Pflillt. dllpllil ~ 2Will You lntlrlec:e Mlwlmlltn F8CIThe Nliliorl FOOlblll Wrtp ..... eo Minlllll .. Al-SIM Plrty For.., ..... CBSMews Spts. Anll Aoc*ford Alea Mowie .. • ..... .>. KN8C D ~Md The AaelOC -II TheUll ~ ..... Conlnnce .....Thi Pr-. Nfl 'l1 .. Foodlll Stl\°"90 ~ Vs. TlmCJIBey auc.:..... .. .. KNBC D ......... ~ TlltA.bcM Plc1ur9 Wiii T1I We're 65 On c...,. Yng. Plople'e N8CMews ...... .. ~ 8"* ~ ThlMllllC ~ CHiPs .. N8CM<Me: "lnSWdl OfHleb1c ..... ..... .. N8CM<Me: "Mlty And ~ A Story Of Flitt!" .~ ... : KTLA •• ~ Mdtle Frllnde .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " Mowle; "The ~· .. " .. .. KTLA " ......... lol1 In 8-- The Munl1lrs l.IMll To e.... Gllgen's llllnd ag.n·s llllrld McMe: "Sorrowful JOtlll'' , .. Sw Tiiie McMe: ...... Owillln ~ .. ..,. couaeeu Wiid ~ WOtldOf ~ ..... PIC89ltt«I 700 CM> •• :.t/.,. KA8C • It II Wrtnln Vllllpailt On~ "'1onll DllMnlialw Todlr'• BltWOllWI VIII ~ It .. c.i Widen*' KldlAre I P900ll Too .. Tlil,Week Wllfl KA8C • ... ...... OM! Bril*tly OI: Mexico's Gold onctions Mowle. .. l" w.lltnd ""°" 1911 College Fooftlll Sports ..... Plople'a Cour1 Code Aid Todey's FBI A.BCMowle: ''Thi Goktlr'I Rlidlrl" Hews ABCNtws M<Me: "Queen oc The S11rdlat Bllroom" Complete E•teriOI' Res1den1tal Services •Painting •Masonry •Landscaping 141r.IM:p•f Srrlce ..... .... ....... T~e Handyman 642-4603 .,, .... KFMB II Sundly Woning Ml.ooks Ati..Mlg LltThn Bel.Jghl F.nly Lltl Ortl AoOlrts NF\. :.oclly Fooctlll GIW\Bey PICUrs Vs. ,...~ ~ .. .. KFM8 II ...... Footblll Dela Cowboys Ve. Pllila- delpflil ~ Mr. Miiin Ill'*'- Joumll M.A.S.H Wtlcomt 8"*, l(oftlr ~ 8"* ..... .. eo t.t1nutee Al-SI&< Plrty FOtlM'I Hews FeoeThe NlliOn Mcwle KIMllltl CoplllnO .. .. Uoyd Ogllwil ~ Time Ortl AoOlrta Dly()f Olll::cMry Hnld Of Trutfl Rober1 SdllAler .. .. Terry Coll Whmlll• KHJ " ......... Seerdl Amlric:ln Footbll Garden SIMI Bowl TlnMltll Vs. Wilcolllin Mo¥il'. ··.-.c11r1 lnThe Rue ~ .. Hardy Boys, Mincy er.. You Alkld fOt" Aetn1mel ~ Ills Wrtnen WOtld Tomorrow Dr. °'° 8r9llll OfUtl Emll1 Mg/ti/ S90ttt StlO WOtld Vilion CtUlfldt KCST ~ -Sundly .... ThlWOtld Tomorrow Ala Hurftberd Know Your 8iOil .. .. Hfl ·11 .. Fooebll Sltl Diego Cllwgera Vs. TlmCJIBey euc:an.s .. " KCST w ...... Miii The p,., ......... w. SunsNne's On The Wwy Wlil Tlil w.·,. 65 M<Me: "Thi Siltncers'' NBCNlws ..... .. Tlwougll TheMeglc ~ CHIPs .. NBCM<Me: "In Seerdl Of Hiltotic .,. .. ..... KTTV •· DlyOf Olll::cMry ~ .. .. E\llr 'iru--.i Flilll .. WOtld Tomorrow Ala Hul!IOlrd ~ Fllwlll .. .. Olurdl In Thlltoml KTTV • ......... McMe: "Whiltlng In The Dn" McMe: "The Clni.Mle Gllolt" McMe: ''Romeo AtvJ Jullll''. M<Me: "B Cid" Pitt 1 McMe: "The Piii* O.." ...... ~ F ..... McMe: "Romeo And Juliet" - KCOP • c.toone .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. .. ~ "Thi ""'*"" Generel" KOOP • ... ...... Adlm-12 Adlm-12 .. MM: "JK!t London St M<Me: ''ASUUll OnA ~ .. Thi Blllsd Pitt 1 .. Sold Gold HM Hew INNMewl Jimmy T•OfThl \Jnlltpecttd The Aooldes KCET • YC191F0t ..... ..... Roalts Ellctric ~ Ellctric COINlllW Seumt Stre91 .. .. The ~ Open Mind MM11 'piloa T"'*9 "e..dl Sillaon" KCET • '-...... The~ Of Dukl S1rMt Mur~ MOl1 ~ Cbrie1mee Hlf1tage Amlric:ln 5qlne LA.Wiik lnRl¥W Wll..,_ Wiik Wllhlngton Welk Firing lilt a...Zooe OfTheWOtld Gt.-Ptrb Of TheWOttd TOllly lttllltly Averu 21 Nova ··~ OnSllum" M1111 pleQe T"'*9 "e..d& Snllk ,,,....... The~ Of Duke Strlll KOCE~r•••n­ m Oil hinling Oil Pllntina Wlllfinglon Week Wll..,_ Wiik KOCE G I ::c <>c.u Ocenis HUllllfl 8thMor ..... llltlMlr Amlrtcln ao.. ...... , Aflllricln .--watt's EnW°""*'1: Thi Promilld Land Vlc1ory Glrden -Old ttcMI WOtldOf Cookftg ThePllOto StlOW Firing lilt Mllterpilc» Thellre ••Edlllfd& Mowle: "ASC. ta Born" McMt: "Down Arglntlne Wwy" Beta••· -------- ~11,1tl1 Eve.G 1~. '9ntAOUGH THE MAOCl P\'MIM) An 11·~~ boy wflo wut~~ln time to enclenl E9Ys1t bat· , ... lht ...,.. uen-• who hM lddn~ King Tul. CPwt21 e g OOOEND Owlny la trapped In a lllU• Ing building with gang memt>en ~ for Mttlng • --of llrea. • YOU-AIKED '°" fT Faatured: "frencfl Bo•· Ing" and "The Woftd'I &naleal HotM. •• • TOTAUY HEALTHY Thia KCET -tlfoduc:.s epe.. clel ..amin. ••oping and tNlntMllng ~. emotional and ~nlal • ._.,_. .. ttwough "'°'* dtet and ... die . • C08MOI "Tht PwlilliMCI Of Men\· ory" Or. Carl Sagan obMf"'9 IN lltlellgeltee of lht ~ whele and .......... ""°""' lht human btaln end ,,., • vous system. (A) 0 ~MOYIE ••• "f OfblOdan Planet" ( t9MI w.iter Pidgeon. AnM Francis. (IJ)MOYIE * • • • "Kramer Va Kr_.. C 1979) Ouahn Holtman, Meryl Snep. 1:00. Cl) AU-ITAA PARTY '°"...,. MYNOlDI Vatiety ~ tntemellonal Pf-I• a IP9d8i <*ebrl- ty trlbul• to tntenalntr Burl Aeynolde; eppeerenc- .. by Loni Andanon. Dom DM.ulat. Krl9 Krielott.r- aon. Jedi Lemmon and others •• feetured. 8 8CtWI Jon and Pond! 1n-1ioa11 I 9Cheme 10 lkim l)f'ofitS lrom the 8UGtlon of rare ltllique lllrtoa. • UNDfMEA WOALO ~ JAOQCJQ COtM'TEAU ''5-ch In The Deep" The llland of Europe, in tht Moumblqut Ch1nnel ~Africa Ind....,.. gMCar. .. the fofemosl breeding ground of lht ~-turttt. •9 T~Y'lf91 Hie* tiecom. loo ln¥Olved In • ~ and 1t1r11 hl'aulng 1 man hi ~ to be r.eponslble lor a~oer . • MOV9E ** * "The Peper CheM" 419741 Timothy Bottoms, lJndNy Wegrw. • tolJOGOl.D Host Andy Gibb Conost Merilyn M(iCoo. GtASta· Rod s1-111. Au Smith. Gledys Kntght & tt1e Ptp1. The 8ell1my Brothera. Mett>• Moore. ChittlWIOk. The Plasrnatlcs -~A Resolution On Saturn" The beauty 1nd ,_ my,. See Sunda1(s. l'OCJI' IS FM 103J STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR . 111aa. F ash1on Island Newport Beach ----.. ISONDIO ~ L tCQoSIO L•••ILITY IN• cMazfin 1 Janifozia/ cSe1vice W INDOW Cl.ltANING CAlll'l[T STEA .. I NO F LOOR STltll'l'ING WAKING • POl.llHINO S HAMl'OO SPECIALIZI NG COMMERCIAL a I NDUSTRIA L B UILDING HO JO• TOO l .. ALI. 011 TOO •1G 8701 MARINA WAY CALL MARK . !53•.0728 G Al'tQl[N GllOVC CA 9 2&•• 24 H OUR SE1tv1c• ~ T-shirt, 11~ -A cute mini-j A teotard- -A "PAN ~'c.iE 10-s.30 221 Marine. Balboa Island &73-1110 Where to go this weekend? .~ Pllot\Veellenda ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE New loolcl New e&nl Every Frtd•yl F« home .... .,, • Cllll 142-4321 -----\. t • '• ' ~ iJI ,. o , ,1-JA '{ ' ~ I I ,~ KNXT 8 s·oo ··All s tar Part.'·· for Rurl Revnold s ·· <;ut·~ts indude Loni Anderson. Kns Kns toffl'rson a nd J at·k l.l•mmon K TTV Q) 8:00 ··Ttu· l'apt•r Cha~t.· . J ohn Houseman 1~ oubtan<t1ng 111 role ol professor w h 1<.·h ht.· rcpt.·a t l'cl 111 s ubscqut•nt T\" 'it'nt•s K :\XT 8 9·00 t'1n·u..., <1f the Star!-> Brooke Shields ~111d Hoh ~('\\·hart an• ring masters us T\· . ..,tagl' anti film siar" Pl'rform c·1n·u:-al'l" KOCE W !1:00 · .\Start!-> Horn 'Th1!-> is tht" or igin:.il 1!13i mo\·1t· .;tarrllll! F'rl'drie '.\larl'h a ncl .J arwt < ia.' nor Sunday~ Details F rum J>aqe 1-l tetle$ d1scoveted DV VOy· aget 1 are seen in tne most dramatic or the poc:tu•l!'J sent ttome nod computet an1metloos tAJQ I!) MASTERPIECE THEATRE E°"'ard And Mrs Somp· son·· Oeterm1n00 to m~•ry Mrs Simpson tne 1<1ng tells hos mothe• •nd ,.s1er ol ,.,stove lo< he< 1Pa11 51 ST AHOING ROOM ONLY Red Si..etton Pres~nts Freddy The Freeloadl'< s Chns1mas Ou>ner" Vincent Prial and I~ Cou are rooned by Ametica a lavo<1te ctown as ne plans a hOllday meal (S)MOVIE •It It ' Why Would I lte?' f 1980) Treat W1lhams Lisa ~lehhol'n . O MOVIE -• *'"' "Star Tr• -lhe -"Motion Poc:ture" ( 1979) William Shatner. Leonatd Nmoy. f?)MOYIE • * • "Aga1ha ( 19791 Oust1n Hottm.,, Vaneue Redgtave. t:OO 9 Cl) CIACUS ~THE STA RS Twenly-three lelev1S1on scr-' ane st~ atats petf°'m a vatlety ol dai1119 and humorous cwc:us acts. Londa Ev&M. ElliOtl Gould, Bot> Newhart and Broolie Shoel<ls are rtnomastet- hosts G Q!MOVIE * '' "In Sea.ch Of HoSt()(IC- Jesus" ( 1979) John Rvt>on- 11e1n. Nehemiah P~tf • WILD KINGDOM "'Net11119 A Jaguar" Merlin Perluns stOPs tne most dengerous of all animals from raiding Me•icen live- stock. (R) 8 9 MOW * * ·~ "The Goldef\ Raid-.,, .. ( 1979) Roger Moore. Oevld Hr.en. • H&HAW GIMSh OeVtCI FrtZZell & Shelly West. The ShOpe>e. Million Dollar Band • MAST£RPIECE THEATRE "Edward And Mrs Simp- son" Determined to marry Mrs Simpson tne K1rl9 1e11s his mother and lister ol his IOve I°' tie< (Pert 51 ., MOVIE • • * • A St&r Is Born' ( 19371 Fre<lt1C M arch. J-tGayl'l<>f (C)MOVIE *•·~··Hart 9"1' (IMO) Mictt Nolle. Sissy Sp9Cell CH)MOVIE • • • •• ApocalypM Now" ( 1971) Metloft lkendo. M8l1ln ~ ow.cted by 0 MOVIE * • ·~ '$¥181 ( 19801 Mar- lin MUM. T.-Oay W84d i:45 !J) MOVIE It* * ""Why WO\.ltd I Ue?' (19801 Treat Wiiiiams Lisa Eoc:hho<n.. ' 10:00. JOHN CALLAWAY INTERVIEWS FBI•• Aohatyn tM man r.sponsible '°' S8Y1n9 New Yo<ll City lrom Dankruptcy, d1SCUSS6$ the world of munl()tpai and corporal• hlQll finance and his e>e<- sonal bfe MOVIE • * • • · Kramer Vs Kramer (1979) Dustin Hollman Meryt Streec> 10:30 6!) MOVIE * • ·oown Argenllne Way" t 19~0) Belly Grab~. OonAmecne (Q:. MOVIE • • •·~ Juha (1977) Jane Fonda Vanessa Rqrave 8 MOVIE * * "The Alto<: t 1979) Came Snoesgress. Ray w.. land 11:00• SNEAK~ ROQ4!< Eber1 and Gene S.tiiel r&Y-"Reds," "My Dinner Wrth Andre · and 'Montenegro " (CJMOVIE • • "Zero To Sllfly" Dar· ren McGav1n, Denise No<:k· erson Wallace joins Today NEW YORK 1AP 1 NBC News correspon- dent Chris Wallace will Joi n Bryant Gumbel as new additions to NBC's '"T od ay '" S ho w. the net work says. Wallace. a correspon- dent since 1975 . will s erve a s co-anch o r based in Washint[ton for lhc early morning news progr a m . 1t wa ~ an nounced The t wo join J ane Pauley. \\ho rontmues us co-anchor. Wallace u nrl Gum bel replace Tom Brokaw. who wall lt:a\'c '"Todav·· Dec IH l() bccome l'O·anchor of NAC's "Nightly News· 1A1th Roger ~udd in Aprtl. W allace 's fa th e r , Mike. is the long-ttme correspor)dent for ces· "60 Minutes ... Chris Wal l a ce fo rm.e rl y repo r te d for N,B C's . . ~ ~ .. HAVE YOU BEEM INJURED? •AUTO ACCIDENTS •CONSTRUCTION ACCIDENTS •PERSONAL ACCIDENTS The Law Offices of R. Steven Peters Emphasizes in the Handling of Personal Injury Claims that may be the Result of Accidents. We will Make S ure That you Obtain all That. you are Legally Entitled. Call for a FREE Consultation and Determine What Rights you Have agai n st all Part ies. In c ludi ng Insurance Companies. Housecalls or hospital visits can be arranged. Law Offices of 834-0133 24 .. S R .. STEVEN PETERS, INC. 601 M. ,._. C...... Dr .. s-t. AINI EURIKA AUTO REPAIR Foreign & Domestic Ope• 7Da,sWHk ISat. & S-. Too!t la.atollp.a 15112 loha Ciika H•tiltgtOll IHdl ltS-1192 Mowfs.._ ...... _.. SAVE MONEY!!! Replace your old inefficent furnace with a modern ... YME Hl~H EFACl&fCY AllHACE. SA VE I 0°/o on the 1nstat1ahon of a new furnace with this ad HEATING SPECIAi.!!! z 00/o off -_, ..... 1c. c.11. WI SIAYICI M..L MAlllS.. s... "" 15 ,, 0 ,... ~ < r i8 ' A•• KNXT KN8C Kn.A KA8C KFMB KHJ • D •• • m tJ ~ AJ.T.I. &a .... ~ ....... &a .... &a .... ....... &a .... 1: WllttUp Today 700 Good Morning The Ck.lb Morning ~ froozles Morning .. .. America .. There ls ,... .. .. .. .. AWwt s: .. .. .. .. Sunup Jack .. .. .. .. Sin~ La Linne .. .. LllYe It .. Jtm .. To Bea* .. Balck er 9: One Day Regis Richard A.M OoeOay .. At A Tome Philbin Simmons Los At A Time Allee Blodt-Leave It Angeles Allee Mldmornmg .. busters To Women LA 10: The Prtee Wheel OI Big Love The Price Is Right Fo<tune Valley Boat lsR~~t Battlestars -0 .. CL 11: Up l o The Password Bonanza Fanuly Young And Movie Minute Plus Feud l ne Res11ess Thal Young Arid Tile Ryan·s TennPS$~ The Restless Doctors Hope Be.ii KNXT KNBC KTLA KABC KFMB KHJ Pi\1 U -0 D --Q ro D - Loe~ LoeA,..i.. l oeA1'9 .... Loe A~ SM\ Oievo l ot An9elM 12: Oays 01 r ... 111q111 A!I My Ne~ 0111 La.e; Zone Choldri>n As I 'le T ... :ltg~I I A rt fiO'l(J Zone J,r J 1: Turns Anothe< HOUl' One _.tP T ~ .. r • Nf:I>• World Magaime To l •e Seatctl For .. Search Fer lron~de TomorrO'# Tomorro .. 2: Guodmg Tei as Jonn Genera! Gu1d1ng Light Davidson Hosp1t&J Ughl .. .. .. Ko1ak .. 3: Rockford Donahue ,. Eclge Of John Flies .. Nrgftt Oavtdson .. .. F·Troop Peoote's .. Movie .. .. Court "Go For 4: Barney Bob Erner.~ News 8'oke Mlllef Newtlaf1 .. News Enter-.. " MA SH .. ttlnment .. .. .. 5: News News little News News .. House .. .. OnThe ABCNews .. Cart,, .. .. Prllrie .. .. Country s: News News Charlie's football CBSNews Treasure .. .. ~ Atlanta .. Hunt .. .. fllcons News Bulseye .. .. .. Vs .. .. " 1: C8SNews N8CNews Happy Otys Los Angeles ric Tac You Aslted .. Aglirl Rams Dough ' Forti Chrlstma flfnlly Laverne& .. PM Maleh Rlccoofll FNI Sl*tev MICllllfl9 Game a: Audolpll c.p.'s McMe: .. Rodolpll Movie Thi Clwiltmtt "Heddi" .. The "Shlnertd'' Atd-Nottd Chipmunk .. .. Red-Noted .. Atlrldts antmas .. Te.4 Rewldtw .. 00 M.AS.H Bing .. That's MAS H .. , 930 CrOlby .. lncrtdlblt .. .. Hollll Clwlstma .. .. House .. Call .. .. .. Clls .. 10: Lou MacOIYis News McMe: Lou News Grant Christmas .. "Wondet Gr1111 .. ~ .. Woman" .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11: News News SatiK~ .. News PIUI .. .. Night .. .. .. Hogan ~ The Best News Quincy The Best Of Carson .. .. Of Grouch<> 12: .. .. Sha Na Na ABC News .. Movie: .. .. N91tbnt .. "Go For Banacek TomOtTow Gene t.bte Banac:e4t Broke" .. " Autry .. .. .. Cooking School MONDAY 7 Schedule J~ 10-~~·· __ ..... ~ ·December ~ & 14 m "ii January l , ..... ~·. . ~·,__ K .~, 2111 E . Cout lfilbway Conlna del Mar, CA 12125 ..... ...._. .... , .... .,,...., .... ·--i . ~ ... , ........ ,.,,,,,...., ~9'.· -'•-. ,.!-..... -"' -·-~""'~·-· . t KCST KTTV KCOP D • • .. .... &a .... &a .... Today Cll'loon Bugs Town 8l.lnny .. .. l(artoon .. .. Karnlvll .. FllPP?,' .. .. Gentle Poc>eye Ben Donative I l ove Romper .. Lucy Room Bewitched Movie 'Pans Richard I Dream Of Playboys . Simmons Jeannie Batttestars Ghost A.nd MOYie Mr\ Muir Froritoef Pass ... O<d Su~· Hor zons Pius Pa; Cards Tne News INNNt;w\ OOG1<irs - KCST KTTV KCOP (Ii) m m Sell Oievo l ... ,........ los&...,.i.. Dav' 01 M •"' Mr1>1.- Our L"r' l ,, &ar•11rq :."(ii; s.." - A•\ o,... '<'•1)•10 Te,,s .,::,..-r Su~IT'an l ,.~ The Popeye Jetsoos A~ In The The Bugs Famity Fl.ntstones Bunny Mary Tyler Bugs Scooby Moore & PO<l<y Ooo Bob Tom& Kartoon Newnan Jerry Karrwal Tile 8'ady .. Muppe1s Bunch News tncred1ble Scooby Hulk Ooo .. .. Good .. .. Times NBC~ The Hawaii .. ~s Frve-0 News Web>lne .. .. BICK. Kott• .. The MA.SH Joker's Muppets .. Wiid family M A.SH Tic Tac FM! .. Cloldl Casper's PM The Christmas Mlglline Bastard Chlprnunli Al In The Part2 Chnst!TllS Fttnily .. Bing M9'v .. Cta.by Griffin .. Christmas .. .. .. .. .. Mac Divis News News Chnstmas .. .. Special .. INNNews .. .. .. News The Benny .. Jelfersons Hil The Best Odd Sanford Of Carson Couple &Son .. Mike The Douglas Rookies Tomorrow .. .. .. .. .. TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 8 1 ...., ·nw ,.-..,. Ma.ii .. • So...ti>C-9 11 -"fa.I S..W. 10-·Aoo,rr food .... ,.,.,..,,.. ,.._ow..-"'""'--l'h\olia 114a. ..... 15 C~NI\• 16 II -"f'1e S..W. -GIFT wtlAI" ow--· ,,.........,,..,_ 11o.,..--. ,_ 1,........, • KioaffaM .......... ...._ CAU.W ~ .. ll.41&ATU9 muMY ICS c:aSAll c..-.... ..... .......... -.... ' "'>.-· ,,,,.~ ...... - KCET KOCE • • &a .... I -=-~ Butiness Otl Repot1 Plintlng Yoga For Otl .....h P111111ng Mister Body Rogers Boddie$ Villa Mister AleQre Rogers Sesame Studio Street See Electnc: Company Clawoom Educa1oona1 TV Progr ..mm1ng Eiettr< Cc;moan~ MacN~·I Lfh•e• KCET KOCE fD Eli) ~"" Ah9Mt l'uMJ,.i-.... ~ s. ~ I E•1. C.J.r'l p, . ' "'··· <;1 ... £~c .. 4,1 I 11 I Mondays Details OECEM.BER 14, 1N 1 EVENING 7:008 HAPPYDAYSAOAIH Rtehle and Arlene split up only to discover that ot's too late to llne up other dates 1or the Pfom G YOU ASKED FOA IT Fea1ured M;nd Over Muscle and Indian Who Wresties Alligators • M•A•S•H ~a.M.eye tangles woth a toogn A• my co1onc1 and B J helps a G1 who s ro!<;f'tvPC 3 Oear John 1et11•1 ED C"VER EASY t 1,: •tr • <, THE MUPPETS 1.40VIE . . .. . t1 ' • ' I ti• I 1'f'1 h • ,_,C 1F .. " U<l l<t ' ~ •I')· t ' ~·~I fH f t,l, .... • '0 t) THE CHRIS TMA!; ~cr:ooNs ;. .. ". llC:l I• I ,__ ,,r 1 \...as Q,. rr .;-l I ·~ ' l Ht 'rT.r U~I-•,, T'J ~t ,.,. ,... : . " ' " '~lP(J lumtt>• ;:,LM b.w lJ'~' 0 LAVERNE & SHIRLE't Mc&tt>-'- Gi.:e< & COMPANY L.IVO< n<; and Sh••ley are Tag lr,ro•d to aCI Qu1c1o.ly when The Am La•erne's tatf\4lr arranges .-. marnage IOI '"' daugt:· Pec-sonil Se\llN! ter F1nar.ce S11ee1 GI M•A•S•H Of Ear1h A no-nonsenMt cotonet vis Al)d Man 111 me 4071tl'l during an V~la Mlcf~I outl><eak Of Aprtf Fools AJeqre Leiner Day pranks Mister Nova ~ niESHAKESPEARE PLAYS Rooers •. Resolutlon 0 1 · Timon Athens ~ On Saturn" Jonalhan Pryce portrays a Street . weallny Athenian not>te-.. Over man wno squanders "'' .. Easy tonune on hrs ltellle friends Bosiness Didi 1n Jor•alhan M11ter·s tetev1· Ae9ort Ca"9tt sion Pfoc:IUCtlOn of WWham Shakespeare·s play News Busllels (I) P .M. MAGAZINE .. Report Behind the sc;eries ol • Over Mac:Heil movie In which Marie Easy Lehrer Osmond plays lief mothef . Mac-ThtS/1111• an at1emp1 at the Lehrer sptlfl · Asteroids· play Ing ThtShak• Plays record "Tmon THE TROllS AND 9'111'• THE CHRISTMAS PliyS ' OfAtnens" EX~ ·-rrnon Santa's \llllage Ano mated Of Athlns" .. 11 taken over by SI• trolls . .. .. d1sgu1sed as elves, wh<> .. .. hoe>e to sabotaoe Christ-.. .. mu .. ACllrlstmas 8:00 8 (I) RUOOLPt1 THE .. Carol At ~ED REINDEER Cllrisfmas Ford's An.mated A retnd-wolh a bright sruny nose Snows Theatre beeOn'\eS depressed over Oidt .. all the fOketo about nos unu· Cawtt .. sYal feature and runs away News Captioned W1th a mosht err (RI .. ABCNews D a! CASPER'S FlRST Everyboctfs O.RISTMAS 8uslfllSS Animated Casper tne lnendly ghost s rollen cous.n He&ry Scarey tr•M .'\t't' .\Torula.t( s J>m11 Ii THURSDAY FRIDAY SATU RDAY 10 II ..-., 12 ... ,-n ... , ...... ,... .. ..-...... .--. ie -~-c ..... · Kar..5l.tl1 ,,.....,...,_')'. ,,...-:o.,_~ 2,..s-·.10...• ~v-s-i.--Iott c-Moloe. 0... 17 18 19 Tel Santa Your Liat h In z -c~o.- Our Gift Registry!!! -OloMlil .. Ille ...... w.no ~· ........ -a--. .. _ . ...__~" ..... ...... ...... ,'F ,.....,. a-. . . It ' ' • :1 • • • Ann jillian - f 'rom 1'09f' I fo ll a kmd of kinship because she was Russian li er mother would come to the set and my mother and her mother would s peak Russian quite often. "She gave me a little bracelet (after the film was completed1 that had a charm on one side that said Dainty June and on the other side it s aid Love Nata lie and the date . It just seemed unusual for a ) oung \looman to be consider ate and thoughtful enough to do something like that At that age \Ounf:! people are into them:.ch e~ .. Jillian's c·arecr continued \\ith guest shots on :.ho\\ s ::.ul'h as ··Twilight Zone ... ··Ben Casey" and a ~cm 1 r egular appcaranc·<· as the IO\'es1ck teen age secretary in the 'llatel" TV series. lier s uccesses as a child ~tar. however, were short·llvt•d If she was n 't too )Oung, she was too tall lier httle girl image got in the way of more dramatic roles. "I \\as neithe r here nor there ... she recalled "Thl·y couldn't hire me as a ll'ading lady because l neit her had the e xperience or the know-how of it a ll · · 1 .,., a::. not as soµh1~til·atcd as many young kid!> today And I .,.,ao; rejected on a inter\'iew ::.amply because I was too tall I star ted taking things personally .. She g ave up acting and atte nded Pierce Coliei;?e. With a background in psychology and int e rior design. J illian found herself s elli ng drapt-nes and taking bedspread measurements al Bullock's WC"stwood. In the !>tockroom . ~he was s in~1n g a nd dancing She felt tht-&how busine!>S itch once again '11 ''" , •. ,. ['11!1 • • .'2 on the Town' /-'111111 /'tlt/f' 2 But \\e do a lot of thin~s to don t require much 1n\'Cst1 gat1\'C work. thing::. that just happen. sort IJll'('('S "I gu('ss honestly I'm kind of a mix between a per::.onahty and a Journalist. but then that ·s a foolish thing to S<iy bt-causc I don't know one Journalist .,., ho's on T V who isn't a personality ... And therein hes .,., hat many see as one of the basic naws 10 tele\ ISIOn JOUrnalis m when the reporters become as important as their &ton es. the act of reporting may be relegated a set·ondary priority. Is that a real problem·· .. Yean. I think so." Edwards replied. There are people out there in Los Angeles tel evis i o n w h o are ver y s u ccessful communicators who are doing news who are not necessarily terrific Jou rnalists. They don't even get pushed to be terrifi c journalists. They've got to s it there a nd look m the camera a nd tell you the news and you have lo accept it What does that mean" I don't know I don't have an answer. A lot of the best peop~ are street re .. rten who do not have the access that the aDChors have. do not have the money tky have, and are e ither frustrated by it or DOt ; I don't know." • Edwards found his owa .,.erietlc:e as anew man k!sa daaa satiafying. "I .. yed it YI the belinning until I got it down, mMI ea.ea I got frankly bored sitting there readint ~Y every night." M said. "lt·s a skill to 9'e .... te do it we ll. You do Med to know whllt's IOilll on to stay oa top of it, or the fool in you wW come out." Although Edwards enjoys doing "2 • the T o wn." he hinted that h is heart belongs elsewhere. "Again. being frank. I m iss doing a tall< show." he noted. "I like going out there for a hair hour. an hour. 90 m inutes every day with no sc ript and talking to people discussing the issues, being very se rious , being s illy , whatever's in the human experience that you can put into tha t kind or s ituation. I miss that; I miss the red light going on." But he believes "2 on the Town." Channel 2'!> own Great Experiment. has proven its value a~ a new genre . .. , have a feehn~ that this form of program 1~ here to s tay:· said Edwards "Ten years from no ..... the re'll be a ·2 on the Town· or som ethini;{ lik~. t.~~t.. ~.1ke the news. It 'II be a .,ta pie c TY", , .. , • • ·• • · • ··" .... ~, KN XT fJ 7 :m ·Thl' ( 'hri:--t rn a:-- H a<·t·oon~ .... X111nlall·d ll•alUl'l' in \dud1 lhrl.'l' ra (·t·oon ~ a nd ;,1 dog prott•t'I { 'hristma:--t n.•t•:-fro m a n ;,11t•d lurnlll'r l>aron t\~B(' 0 8 :10 .\ ('h1prn 11 n k ( 'hri~t ma:-... \I\ 111 lu11l-.1nL! Inn' a1 cl lo plil\1ng <1 "nlu a l C'.1nw g1t• 11;111 t.!I\•'' a\\ a~ 111:-h;,1nnonil·a 111 a poor ~1d; ho \ K:'\BC 0 ~ oo .\ H111g ('rn-.h ' Chn -.t ma:-.. Kathn n < 'ro-.11\ ho ... i--... 1111\\ 111 t·lud1ng dip" ·rrom 1i1 n ).!' p:i-.t Chr1 ~tma~ sho\\~ K :" HC 0 TO 00 .. '.\1 a<" l><I\ 1~ Chn~t 111;1:-. Spl' l' la I · · '.\1<1 t· and g ut·-.t-.,. 1ndud111g Po1ntt•r S1 stt•r:-.. Pl'l'lnrrn Chn-.1 ma-. 111ll ... ll' Mondays Details /''rnm l'mw /Ii to ruin Chrislmas with hts tricks !Al D MOVIE * • * ', 'Hedda' 11975) Glenda Jackson. Timothy West Q MOVIE • • r Sha11ere<1 119731 Peter F1ncn Sne11ev Winters Ga P M. MAClAZJNE Bt-111no •he scenes of a movui m which Matte Osmond plays l'ler mother an attempt at the Astl!101<1s playing record ltnda Harris ••·v1vw5 ner trip to Spain, Chet Tell on ma11nat1ng meal ., THE BASTARD Pntlhpe wtio has lied to the Colo11'8S and Changed n1S name 10 Ph1lop l(e<it ,orns a oand ol revolution· arteS WMe hgn11ng lhe C.cr.n le><ces he has a brutal cont10flta11on With h•\ half-Drotner com- mande< 01 an E/w)hsn reo1· ment 1n BostOfl !Pari 2 ol 7) tll THESHAKESPEARE PLAYS Timon 0 1 Athens Jonathan Pryce por1rays a we1Jlhy Atheman no~ man wflO squanders his f0<tune on hlS fickle lrlends wi Jonathen t.Wler's ,.....,_ "°'1 l)fOdUclion of William --..-.~ uaau..,...-.o coca• ..... ::;rn. Snakespeare's ptay 1H MOVIE • • ·, Tom Horn ( 1980) Sti.ve McOueen Richard Fumswortn $ WORl(INQ Barty Bos1w1ck E11Mn Brennan and James Ta\llOr are among the many stars ll!aturl'd rn llllS special, base<! on nunoreds ol 1n1er.-s conducted by 1ourna11s1 1 author Studs Terkel @ HUGHIE Jason Robards and Jack Dodson Siar 1n 1n1s ooe-act play about two men from oppo511e worlds wno snare the lonehness of lhe big C1ly e·os z MOOE * * • Cut·De·Sac 11968) Donald P1easence Franco.se Oorleac 8 30 0 ~A CHIPMUNK CHRISTMAS A"'mated Alvin ~1ng forward •o playing • Chrostmas EYil narmontea solo at Carnegte HaH gives n1s nermon1Ga away to • poor Stcit boy • ALL IN THE FAMILY ArChMI tries to get lr- Le><enzo a ,ob H a book· keepe< 11 his plant 9:00 8 (1) M0 A·S0 H Kllnge<, standing court merllal on charges of °""9 the camp tlMI 8fld feeing pr150ft. IC°"'9 .... , _ ..... ,_ naa• --..... COLUCT'l2J ANO SAVE ON YOUR GAS BILLS TOO' SAVE •11 °" tUCTaOHtC IGHITIOM c...,.....,- SAVE •42• oe AUTOMATIC SIT·IACKTHHMOSTAT ... J,......_., .. .... .,,_...., .. .... CAil fOI NKTlB l...OIMATIOH 545-5542 97'-1770 LEARN DOG GROOMING LIA .. AN INTlnSTING ANO NOfn Aal NoflSSION AS A OUALl .. ID & Dl"NDAllll ALL MUD DOG OllOOMI• "8 ... he added. "I , rm't know that 'd be.,~·· there ICJI;, .. .,..._.,. ..... ..,...._ __ ,... ______ '-----~~ 0 -~ < r 2 .,, .. ' ..... ..... >- It) 'O ~ u.. Ol 0 ....J > I--0 \ SONY'S KP-5040 SAYE '.111'1 II WllE SCIEEI TV's Will-IClll llllt S141i) llldicrJll--SllMIS t"" s 19711) _,Dlllr, ....... .,...tlllt 1131111 c:. .... ,.. •12r S...$11 '"" $11911) =-~11, •ar '12" '1!4 PEROAY .~., .. ,_ _..,. ,.u«M~. u.llCll c:ot.ST JO QlilSJ Cable Subscrigtion Ser•ice • Cable Topper s ON-TV (0 ), OLYMPIAD .ll'':O.l' ()\\l'l):O. l't'l'dll' lt11\\ hi:-lot11 ~11ld 11H'd.il \ ll'lllrll'"' .11 tht.• rn:iG lkrltn f.!:i nll'' .... toll-tlll' 'Putlt~ht HOME BOX OFFICE (H), BOXING I .1' l' 1·11\ l't .t l-:l' "I I Ii I' l."1 l'fl!Jtld \\'IH . lt.•alht•r·\\l'i).!lll 11tk ftl.!ht lil'l\H'l'll S;d\ ad1111• '-,;111d11·1 .u1d I. ;1 t I 'II\\ tit 11 SPOTLIGHT (S). JOAN RIVERS COMEDY HOUR I It~ t \ I' 11111 I" 11 II llf lit• l'llll'I l<ttllllll'lll lt•.tlllt t'' 1'Llj1pl'11•(•t H;1rd.i\ Sli.i\\ .111d tlw 1'1 tipll ,111.t I J,tfll'l'I.., m (':'\ :-; © Cmt.•max cu ES P:\ CID Jlf~) On Select ShO\\ l tnW g Spotlig ht CZJ 7. Channel (!) WI I H < :-.; \' • :\ Y I @ WTBS 1 .\tl;.1nta. G;,i 1 DECEMBER 11, 1981 FRIDAY EVENING . 7:00 I 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 I 10:30 8 I rttmiO l!too• h Sl.lflrl' N•"Ae,< h'.' CC) ,.. . ' \ '"'•r..J1 J. IM<r l1•• 11• " '. ..-'d'\N/ii-•' ([) !ioc•er Cunt d I ~!>Oft> (t ntt• . lt'nr., .. 04, (~p ~rt"'~ I 1nal' CID ln~d• I h• NH On loollfln M .~ H•"t-' I~ cm ~l't'>t" f,(l• II ro• i 0• 'l"I!• Ir Int. h ~t· Jli' l llll 1• I~ .. CS) 1o1,,, ()°' HI". (O•! :I ,.,,, ' Sc ••• r~·1 ttt.rt ~· .. 0 ~•teCuM\I "'°'•'" l..l<'fld t,1.,j •n1• tn Mdr n~ll ·" CZ) Mci·it V.hr W~ud II••' Mq.,, kt,I A f. ;~1.; I 11.c.. (!) llil'f 0'1 NJ I t11 n Nl' f.f•". Ho Mith Mo • .-Pw,t\Q @ Nfws Al• Ir f i!T!°'I Mo•t B•u•oul J,. .. DECEMBER 12, 1981 SATURDAY EVENING 7:00 I 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 I 9:30 10:00 10:30 8 Nt#l ~~··~ Pt•.~. fr~anllf\l'"l' rin 5111• CC) Movot Contd 1~ ... ()iln V.td<\ Mo.,. ([) Bnittl>aiJ c~·• d ~P'l't\ Ctnlt• 8'~db4 ~•1M Y\ las Yt(IS fn.O•'Di ® Boung Mo.If Sn.1wt14J [ •D<•S\ 114v,,,. cm Movie Coot o &slttC.JI Boston Vs UCLA M<l•lf ln!>ldt """t\ (I) Mom Colli d MoWit !ht F01m111a W~I Up A""'"' • MoYlf CloN Cont d Mo•it tn~Mo•n Mo..e "-t~n"~ \'\ jt.,f.~Fr CZ) MoV!e rm AA R11ht Cont d Movit ·r itnd<S/I Plot 01 Or Fu Mar1< hu Ma .. , 8'1111\ (J) BasAetbill I ~ Rego<j P1ul Hocin RJC1J11 Wrffi~nc Mo•it !ht Witch @ ""5 Mone !ht lhrtt liLIY.tlettS Mo•lf 5.iboltu1 DECEMBER 13, 1981 SUNDAY EVENING 7:00 I 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 • ""5 Sports ll¥sHless r•e lwo ""5 Se> Rt001l CC) lilotlt 'f Ofbdcltfl Pla"'I' MoWit "Hurt Bui'· Cl) ltMIS Dtvl$ C1111 Coflt'd $jlorts Ctnter I tnM Dam C1111 SHl(les f tnMs CID ._ "MM's RIO'. CM'd $tMdtne ROOlll Only Mott "Apoulypst Mow" CD> ... ~-Vs ~--. ~·''SefW' Cl> ._ CoM'd illlo'llt. ''WI!' Wollld 1 ltt?" Mo"' "ltr-vs Krlmtf .. • .. "Spece..,.,," C.fd lllo..: "SI• Tttl Tiie Mobon l'ldllft" ... CZ) .. Colt'• ......... ....... , Wotllll I l•'" (!) ---~ I ,........, (NMfl Al !lit lllplo• lloft: "A llllSlft 111 Ille Son" ~, ~,\'.' .. l7l -..__ ...... .. -· . fJJ.•A'A'11f.'Jn.\\a-.....tA'w.-\~ r~~~ . . . . ·-. •, r s ~ I d 5 t. h n l l\ ( L .1 Cl h sl t~ :i m DECEMBER 14, 1981 MONDAY EVENING 7:00 I 7:30 8:00 8:30 9;00 9:30 10:00 I 10:30 m r ,.tn ;r R•Doll )U I Nc•l.dr I v. QJ\I Prµ f rv._. r N 1•'" CC) M<J... S·.J••'~" Hunt Mrim· Lu" AnJ llfo" [,,.,I• (1) Sor .. · ~•r"'' II• "' ro.1 .J Aul~ R;t 1•1 •l'llrl\ C•nlP• llu11nR 101• R•nl CID l mm•t 011., I •m., f ·~'·· J , I!• A""Y""' •"1 MO'f'lt' 1~1 ... h1 l ttlt'\ cm Mo>1t On 1,,,dt &~» ll Arnn loutr•1 Mot1t l~• Bl. • \IJ111on Cl) M<l•lf Hall(d' I~ Ccnl d W1111i1n,; &11.,m,IJt 0 lkv • H• •• ~r t•• CMt d HJ~n • ,..,,,, Q1d••·· I Pl'llP'• (1) MJ,~ I.oil M r,1 Cut o M·-" r "' 0.. d• M<J,. 'Ml WOU•O I(••' C!l c ., •• 111 re, .o Cor I j iii-• I H· M .... ct Mo•k' Ir• ~ur·v• 1 I•'" @ I N1 .. . A4 ln rim1ly Mo·. 9 II.,"" 111 Rim• DECEMBER 15, 1981 TUESDAY EVENING 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 m r'r""t"'. p .. ""1rt .j)t•l Nf~sl w Col\t Rro P"OOl!'Now ~ "'°"' Sit•' Mo•ot Int Ha10 Wa; Movi« (£) 8ishlbJll foM d Wtt• kl NBA Spori.C~I<' NH ~m• S.>t OI lttt Nfl Soorts Fo1um CID Rememb4'1 V.h•n Movt• X1n•du Or• lOC.dlton cm MoYlt Brubil., e11f11y a ... " Movt• lro ~nd tor•• Cl) Mov1t Gkl11~ Cont~ Biwr• .. l•tl Alhon I W1ntn~ Mo .. ., Si.;vrncei Hun! 0 Hu&M Contd ""'"" 110<1•; Mowlf P11;1IJ• y,,,. CZ) "'°"'Coat d M<1••t s""'''' ..-~lion M.J .. e ~ .. , Ht S.od' Mo•tt (!) 8a\lttb.lll Lal•n NY ~n1H1n M;;ck llacmg Mo•lt Swm, W•41her @ Ntw\ All Inf 1md1 Mo"e Sl>u11~•'11 Ruom """" DECEMBER 16, 1981 WEDNESDAY EVENING 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 I 10:30 m frttman R"OG!IS Spott\ I+! .. ~ 'II Co.J,t·Pt0 P'f'O'• No• CC) Move Contd Mo·~ A P;~ln lht A Mo•tl' Ill!-)0<1; StillrU\t Cl) Sti.11t Conl d PO"'ft Boil R.K1ng Spotts C~l., SiJo1h hJI :.o<Ctl ISM Senoa< 8o.t CID Movot Contd Mo•1t 'lht Rost I SI!() cm Movot · Inside Mown Movtt ·How To Beat lht Hl&ll Cosl ol liw•nc Cl) Wllal'\ Up Amttoca Movie "loucllt1! By lo•t Mo"' 11\f Wurk1nc Cul~ • *"" "~Hmf' Cont d Mo•lf ltetnd Of lht Sea Wolf "'°'"' Cont lo Coast CZ> Mo,.., "Wiiy Would t lat' Contd Mov1t 'l oo-Bad In Ange( Mcmt 8Jlltts (!) e.strtblll Metl l.Uyors Benny Hill Maudt Movie "lilt Hunchback 01 Notre Dame · tm News Al1lnf1111dy Movit trr's Daner" DECEMBER 17, 1981 THURSDAY EVENING 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:l0 . 9:00 9:30 10:00 I 10:30 • fr-111Repom Sports '--~ W Coast Rep PlOjllt Now CC) MtMt tontd Mom • tttrwstTonf" ... Lott And Outll- (I) 8011,. lop II~ Confd Sports Ccnlt< Nfl St0<y W!8 In Ntl Sporn foru111 I Allto llacJlll CID ... Cont'd ""'* lht Nfl ._ •• Apoulyp:w ~·· cm ...... ~-·· ............ Cl) ..,.,.. ''OM vac11s·· Cont'd llo'flt ··Tiit formula'" llot1t .. fists OI fwy" • .... ~-"Cont'd • .... flit lllllt llpn" lllovte "C-for Mwu·· CJ) lllMCoM'd llD'fll:"f111M11W1tJecr· Mot11: . ......,111 Cool'" <B ... ,... ---....... ., LllM!tc "Gfpsy WiWtlt" ~ .... -· .~.11 't' "("~ • ..,."' ,..;--• -fr'"tlt,-~·,• i· • '·"' .. ·.•·.i.·1 ....... ff .............. . . . . t -. . I ------------------------------------------. STARRING CITIZENS FORUM Programming That Gets You Right Where You Live! HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO QUESTION AND COMMUMCATE WITH CITY OFFICIALS ON ISSUES THAT EFFECT YOU AND YOUR CITY! < rl 11.f·. \~ FOl<l :\l 111f1·r-. \ott lilt' oppnr 111111 1' 111 h1 ,1 pa r1 111 t In.., .1ud 11·m 1· f>J rt l<"i µc111011 ..,IJo\\ ho ... tc'Cl 1" "\1"\\'(J<>n ·:--:\ 1.1~·rn: Jacki<· I km her: Ern h mon I h 1 ht· Mayor and her ~Ur"h n:pn· ... .., r '11·11 'H'\\'!-> 011 a dl0..,<'11 tnpk \\ h 111· you. a ... a m1·111lx·r ol 111<' ">llHlio autht·ncc. ""k qi 1e..,1 '""" .111d 1·xpn·!'..., opl n ton .., o f n111 r O\nL Th<' Nt'.\I l opw h •·WATEI<" l>atc: Ike. 17 FOR AUDIENCE RESERVATIONS CALL: '642-5797 CITIZENS FORUM MAY ..BE VIEWED MONDAYS 7:30 PM aJtema1in~ with LIVE Newport Beach City (' o u n c II C'Ovt' rage WEDNESDAYS 7:30 PM ON CABLE CHANNEL 24 or K PROGRAIOONG- .. IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST" TEI EPROMP I ER NEWPORT B EACH 19 .,, 0 -~ < r 0 tO .., a. Qi < -0 Cl:> , • ..... ~. ' - g -' > I--0 a.. ,!W -- AM 7: s: 9: 10: 1i: KNXT I) IM ..... Wake Up Morning News Ont Day At A Ttme Allee The Price Is Right Up To The Minute Young And The Reslless KNXT I) l~ ..... World 00 Turos 130 Sear~For Tomorrow 300 30 Aoc*.lord F.lles 700 C8S~ 30 20n The Town 00 liltlt 8 Lord 30 Fllllltleroy KNBC D l• ..... Tooay .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Regis PNl1>4n Block· busters Wheel Of Fortune Batttestars PassWOld Plus The Ooctou KNBC D t ....... Days Of Our LNM Anolller W0tld Texas Bob Newl\1111 Enter- tainment NBC News Fanwy Feud Tomorrw KTLA a L• ..... 700 C:-..b .. .. .. .. Leave 11 To Beaver Richltd Sttnmons Leave It To women Big Valley .. Bonanza .. KTLA a l• ..... TWlbgllt Zone Twihgnt Zone Hour Magazine John Davidson F-Troop Emetgericy Lfllle House On Tne Prllne . KABC fJ IM ..... Good Morntng Ametica .. AM LO$ Angeles Love Boat Family Feud Ryan's tiope KABC IJ IM ..... Al My Children Ont Lile To live General Hospital Edge Of Nignt Peoples Coun News News ABC News Eye On LA KFMB e Sellllileo Mofn1no News .. Sunup San Otego Ont Day At A Time Allee Tiie Price IS Roght Young And The Restle$$ As The World Turns Searcn For Tomorrow Gu1<11ng l.Jghl Jo/In Davidson MASH TIC Tac Dough PM KHJ a loll ..... The Frooztes Tllete Is A Way Jaelc La Lanne Jim Bakker Mi<ln'l0fnm9 L A Movie "AC101 VIOience KHJ a Lot Mfll99 News Ironside K.01811 Mo11ie Zula HOCltey BuffalO Sabres Vs LOS Angeles Kings ....... KCST I SenDiefo Today .. Donahue Ricnard Simmons Bantesrars Password Plus Tne 0oclOfS KCST ffi ..,, Dileo Days Of Our L1\'l!S Another World Te~as All In The Family MaryTytef Moore NBCNews Tomorrow KTTV m l ....... Cartoon Town FkpQef Genlle Ben llo•e Lucy BewtlcheO tOteamOI Jeanrue Gnos1 Ano Mrs Muir Super Pay Cards News KTTV m l ....... Movie lrt1Je Women ' Open Ltne The Jet sons The F~ntstooes Bugs & POfky Tom& Jerry Brady Bunch Incredible Hulk The Muppels Welcome Bid!, Koller MA.S H M.A SH PM MagGine Alln The f KCOP Q) IMNlfelll BclOS Bunny KW1oon Karni~al POJ)e'1e Romper Room MOVM!' Pnva1e Eyes .. Movie 'Lawless Frontll!f .. INNNews . KCOP Q) IMMfll99 Movie 'Ot EhrllCll 9 Mag1t Bullet Superman p~ Btigs 8uMy Scoooy Ooo K111oon Karntvll Stooby Ooo Good rimes Jolter' a Wild TicTIC KCET m l ....... Business Report Yoga F0< Heann M1$18f R<>Qers Villa Alegre Sesame Street CtasStoom TV Electnc Company Mac:Neil Lehrer KCET m L•Mfll99 Dick Cavett Over Easy Classroom TV GroW10g Years Voyage V1Ua Alegre Mister KOCE '1!) Mt1•n• A . -- Oii Painhng ()ti Painhng Body Buddies M1Sltf ROQtfS Studio See Electric Comoany Eduea11ona1 Programming KOCE '1!) " ........... ... .. The New VOMle R1ghleous Apples Educ.ational Programming Les Gammas Human Beha1110f Sesame Street MacNe41 Lehrer Home Gilt<!eoer YOIJ And The law Over Easy MacNlll Lehrer News Tuesdays Details DECEMBER 15. 188 I EVENING 7:00 0 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN fonzie digs into r11s Mlle btaci. book to come up "'tth an 1ns1a111 dale 10< Al tD M •A•S•H Hawkeye lights to ~eep a NOundeo soldier alive wn11e an incessant barrage goej on neat tne •077tn ~ OVEREASY Gues1s t>luegran mus1- coans Doc and Merle Wat- son:..,.. l!J) ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An '"'~ Wlttl F'r&a Astaore la THE MUPPET$ Gues1 Glenda Jackson C MOVIE • S1ee1 ( 1980) Lee MC110<s Jenn1ler 0 Neill H REMEMBER WHEN ... r11e Image Muws .. OiCll Cavel! rev_, 200 yeafS ot American c~c.1al- 1sm -· lrom the early cofo. nial pe<10d througn today s SS• Diiiion 1n<1ustry ,o,MOvrE *. . 8hJb8ke< (19801 Robert Re<tlord. Yaphet Kollo 7 15 'Z MOVIE * • * Spec.1&1 Section 11975) Louis Seogne1 Michel Lonsoa1e 7308 2 0 NTMETOWN Featureo a prollle 01 Buck minster Bucky Fuller archotect, aumor und er191neer observe the F1ngerna11 Lady as she paints portratts and scenes on rier chen1s nails 0 LAVERNE 4 SHIRLEY &COMPANY Snirley starts spending time w•th a wealttly sophos11ca1ed Older man fJ EYEON L A. Featured a 1001< al 111actie1 altotuces on se• a r~t on now womsn are SOCCeed•ng 1n a man s WO<ld. the new Oelorffn car tD M·11·s·H Happily marroeo B J taus 10< a ~aulllul war c0<r11- spondent !Susan St James> Cl) P.M. MAGAZINE A VISll With Kids 01 San ~ dJ YOU ASKED FOR IT Featured. ·s1rengest -..cuter"' and "Bird· ,,..,, Of London . Ht. Cl) UTILE LOf'O 'MMTUftOY Rldry Sc:MoOer and Alec G.--..., "' ..... l'IOl"f of"'~ youno- .... who is awec>• from the tenementa of 1~century New Yorlt to the EnglW\ ...... of his gr Wldlather ;8 FATMP MUN'tfT A teeche< ~s en o1tw of state hnand8I aid lot IN IClnool. 11'4n learnt It muns that Flt'* Mutl)lly and Moses must go o St•e TuesdaJ(S l'nt1e :! I all and put cash in your pocket! DAY WEEK Special fl at rall' for non-commercial users offering merchan- dise priced in the ad for S800 or less. Cost is the sa m e for 8 duys or one. Min imum three lines. Extra lines j us t.S2.60 for 8 da~·s. 8Days 3 Lines For an EXTRA day, call today 642·5678 f>ol~~'.>.:~. 11' MW ~!!~.t!>°Y ~k· tU 0 Clossifred _.,,...., Pl.lli),r ., ,1 l. ft" )I I l I l . • • • Snyder loses FromPage8 KNXT fJ 8 :00 .. Lil t ie L o r d interviews in Cambodia. where soldie rs claim to ha ve been poisoned by Soviet planes using · "Ye llow Raio." The "Yellow Rain " is a biologically produced toxin which contaminates water and crops and soaks into the skin or its victims -paralyzing and sometimes killing. F a uhtl ero'. ·· T he s t Or \' o f a n i mpo\'eris hed youngster who · as swept from the tenem ents of 19th centur~ ~e'' Yo r k tn h is grandfat her's English e~l atl' Treaties between the U.S. and the USSR have banned the use and development or biological weapons since 1925, but nu merous officials and som e alleged victims wi ll testify to the use of s uch poisons in war . . KCOP tP 8:00 .. The Rebds .. P art onl' of :-.equel to "The B ustard·· 1~ "l't in 1775 KC: ET 2J 8-C>O a nd KOl'E 50 to II() The "Today" s how will ce lebr ate three decades on NBC J an 14 with a two-ho ur r etrosµet'live s1a·cial Guests include former regular:-!-'rank Blair John Chancellor. Phil DonahUl', llugh Down::.. Hetty Fur ness. J oe G aral;!iola. D<I\ e c; arm" ay. Jim llartL. Florence llendc~on .. Jm·k L11M·uulie. Lee Mert\H~ther and Barhara \\'•tit er!> .. E n cydopl'dia Galaelll'<l ·· D r . <'arl S a g a ll l' :-.. a m 1 n l' :-. r l' p o r t ., o I e·\lratl•t'l"l"·>lria l \ 1-.1tors In E ar•th K:'\ XT f} 111 oo ,\ Spl'(·1ttl K1..•1rn \ Ht1 g l'r:-. Ha~ ('h.irll'"· thl· Oak Httl:.:•· Ho'' and 1>0 11 11· \\"t::o-1 Jl"I' ).!lit'"'' Tht• P11p1.· ha!> reported!~ l!i.,.cn ht~ !>tJmp of app1 m <11 111 .1 rn•H tl' J bout himself ·from a F<i r ('11111111 ~ Pcqw .John P aul 11 folio\\-1nA a '('rt't•11111).! of tht• it·lc1, l'hH'l mm ll' lo ht 'l'rt>t'm ·d l>t'l ~I. a J1•1J1.d -.pok\·,man '><Jiii Iii... lloltn""' h l!1.t1 .. ru1 fllr .tll 1,1n11 .. trorb 1n 1h1-. pr<•Jt'<·t Jnd htopl' that 1t \\ill IH' 11t.-.1-.1nJ? 111 till' ~t·nt·r,11 publi<· 111d fostl•t I ht• g 1 t•Jt t"<llhl' of humJn cltgnfl' I .urrl <11· .. 111· Proclul•f101h 11111• of tlw fllrn .. '"Jl•iri-;ur-.. 11ri1hah'' \\<IUl<..I "'lllt• tor a IH ,han• Tuesdays Details .\:-. lhl' \\0 1 l<I Turn' '"'" .tdded thrt•f' a·gul •• r~ 111 its l«.1s t KJ.lh\ ~11·'\t•1I ltohin 'I hu11l:i' ;.ind '.\1 arshJll \\ at..1111 \tc-:\l•il "111 µla~ Karen llJIOC'>. .J l·ulltge i.tU<ll•rtl ·1 h11mJ:-"'" µlay l>r M:ttl llutl(•r, a p:.yt·hialrrst. and Walsl)n ~lll 1il<1 y Ernie Ro:-s . a s tot·kl)o1, · The Elcph;mt ~l.111 · "111 dtr .Jan 4 on i\ f$C This IJl't'S<:'nlation I!> not the movie version. hut rather a taped \'t'r'\1on of the long running sta.:e play. Kevin Con" ay stars as the surgeon and .Philip Anglim stars as the deformed John Merrick. whose hfe becomei-a symbol of shame, inhumanity and eventually triumph Roger Moore and Telly Savalas lead a band of archaeologists. entertainers a nd patriots tn a brazen r aid on a Nazi-held fortress that hides a fortune in gold in .. The Golden Raiders" Sunday. Dec 13. The movie. released theatrically as .. E scape to Athena." also stars Stefanie Powers. David Niven, Claudia Cardinale and Sonny Bono • e . Ann Jillian I r11111 1'11<1• !• 0 MOVIE • <t • C. • lt'lr u fol I 19b~ t-. ltO H,. ,I ' M,-twtmlli~f\ 'thdl 0 l9i HAPPY DAYS J~'~ •• u.J h.l(h• II , I 1Pt ,,, .. ,.,_,. "-~'d [ \JQt.,.'- 8P.h· '" lo rt>~ Jt-'1ny f.'1c.c.c. torn,,t ,.a.,~ .. ID P M M~GAZJNE A r1<1.-1n r1ASA s "•:•tjl 1 tt:.'!.~t,es~ '\1mula11ur· mJCh1nr lh~ S.t nry of Kall•) M·lt.,, s re'O'"'> lrom a 10-week coma Chet Tell pr eparf:s a lane) tosn 01sh Paula Neeson tetl s now couples cen 9e1 the most ou1 ol 1wo pay· checlcs 9) THE REBELS The adventurous sequel to "The Bastard" by JQhn Jalles 1s set In 1775 as Philip Kenl 11Slos hos hie as a captain on the Colon,al Army during the ReVOIU- Uonary War (Par1 1 of 2) • COSMOS Encyclopedia Gllacoca Or Cart Segan eaem1nes the pe<sistent reports ol e-lf•t•rrMtroal llisllOfs to Earth at\d ShOWS that no c-0rw1nc1ng 11111~ e .. sts Fro 111 / 'flt.W /; tor such a v1111 •• past Of PftlSl'Jfll (A) 0 Jillia n joined up with a woman actress a nd fl!> NOVA toured with a nightdub act. And he r theatrical · Reso1ut1on °" Saturn hiatus ended with a scholarship with the Los The beauty and new mys. Angeles Civic Light Opera Association and guest tflflflS discovered t>y Voy- roles on TV series. ~ 1 are_,'" the most Jillian went on the road with .. Sammy Cahn's dramatic 01 the pk;tures sent h-Ome at\d compute< Words and Music." .. Anniversary Waltz" and "I animations (Alo Love My Wife." While in Chicago with "Words and ®MOVIE Music." she met her hus band. Andy Murcia, a city • • "Xanadu" 119801 Of/. policeman moonlighting as security director for via NewtO<'l·John Gene the Ambassador East Hotel. (l)1~RAE "It was quick We we re friends first which was John Bynef ShOwS you nice. Then five m inutes later we were married ," thongs strellgef then trU1h. she laughed. t111ger than 11111. and zenie. She played the intellectual s tripper in a than anything you·.,. - production of "Goodnight Ladies" with Mickey DMOvtE Rooney as lead. When Rooney was approached to * * .,, ·11o1kes" 11gso1 do the burlesque ... Sugar Babies ... he asked the Roger Moore. James 5-foot-8 Jillian to join the cast That s how went on Mason to Broadway a nd catapulted Jillian's career. 8:308 9 LAVEAHEANO SHU.LEY Her manager. the late Joyce Selzn ick. brought Laverne mistakes the kind her to Hollywood to be groomed as a potential ness of actor Charles Gro- network star at ABC She was cast with Louise din to t>e an ar<1en11n1erest Lasser. Gail Edwa rds. Barrie Youngfellow a nd 1n her rJ Marian Me rcer in "ll's a Living" last season. • ALLINTHEFAMILY Gloria IS thrown Into a (After a title shume. the show became "Making a 11111 01 complete shod. Living" this season.) w11en Mll\e unveils h•s With recent appear ances on "Love Boat." future p11n1 tor the Su-..c "Fantasy Island," TV specials and the talk-s how fam11y. circ uit and other projects in the offing. Jillian reels L..AFF..A-THOH · I ·A eomedi8n hOSI end lour her career 1s. at ast, o n track. comic contestenta who Though live theater gave Jillian a comeback. compete 1ge1nst one s he has no thoughts of leaving her new home on anottw 11e leatUfed in this the TV screen. unoentored come<ly game "I'm not anxious lo get back lo live .theater ," .-UlflETMAWNQ< she s aid. "l love the feeling of the immediate Wounded gunsllflOer 8illy response you get from an audience. It's a the Kid, tollo'4fild by • wonderful training ground for the actor . But lhe . lone-'time enemy,~ t.o 0 10 lHREE S COMPANY j ~ '" ·•·::. 111 cont .lP••ce f• t (lt°!l-'J .... ,,., I • ~ t ,t il:Jt..t.lt' )t,1 , ,., h·m t,r111 fittlf g ht•Hh•t IJJ IJl 1 \Jt k u V'h P••\J se .......... 0 YOU ASl(.EO FOR IT t J,U,l'\) f 'I\,~ lJ1.1-lf~, d d ~ ,.1 t [J ~s. -~ t •h ID MERV GRIFFIN C, .. ests )!'rf\ \I "' n~·· M•~,. Lo•e Joa11 Co11u1~ Bru1.e P.,nndll till ODYSSEY 1.•a•o;,.,e1 Meao rai..1ng Note M .1rga1et Mea:l who n.is 1.1een largely re>j)Oi\S•ble '°' p00ula11z· ong ao1nropo1ogy 1n r\mef1 CB •S proflled :; ~COSMOS Enqcloped.a Gatacl~ Or Carl Saoa,n uan11"ei Ille persistent reports or erlraterrestroat v1s1t0fs lo Eatth and snows that oo co"v1nc1ng evidence 11x1s1s tor such ii VISll -· past Of present (R) O f'C)MOVIE • * • i The Hard Wey" 11g80) Patroci. McGoOhen Lee \Ian C ltlef ({)THE WACKY WORLD OF JONA THAN WIHTI:RS Guest Ock. Menon 8:10 (%)MOVIE * * •,, · 0Drlllfl. He Saod" ( 1972) Willlam Tepper. Karen Biid< 8:30 8 9 TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT Henry and Muriel seGTe1ty plen to ltlUk oft to e romantic h1d1awey tor lheir 25th ennlversary, unawere the girts ere plOll· Ing a surprise per1y II home (Q)MOVIE * 'h "le<> And Loree .. 11980) Donny Most Und1 Pull MOVIE ••·~ .. Sc.veneer Hunt" I 1979) RIChard 8en1am1n Jl1TlflS C()()C) 10:00 8 (I) A S~L KENNY ROGERS Rey Cherles. lhe Oek Rodge Boys end Dollle West io•n Kenny Rogers tor an hour ol country and contemporary musrc (R) D al FLAMINGO ROAD Constance reveats that she 11 et>M to walk, and Mike ash Constance to help him Change Flekl'a mind about oppos1og hts pro- pOMd 91"'bling r-1 8 9 HART TO HART Amldat en at~e or d1nger end Intrigue. Jonathan end Jennltw0 • pttred lfl-Oroughbred, J J Hert. malles 11111 debut et IM1rlldl.Q • PNIENTE .. ,..._ Approaefl.. To ._.Mlon'' big 'but' i.s lhe bi1 buck and you·~ not going to get b•t:C••• '° ~ it oll &ta@... -------~--__:._.. ___ -~~ ... :~----- (B) ON LOCAT10N Low Back Pain? There Really Is An Answer CALL 645-SJOO For Co111pli.e•t• 'f C•lllltatiott WiSTCLIFF CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE Dr. loa.eri A. a...,.r 2043 W•stcliff Dr .. Suite IOI .,. •wporl leocJI 1,..._ Coco'• OOI t 7• ...t 9"-.I Most tnsu·rances A ccepted GREAT GIFT IDEA Wa1e1co1ors ano Pastel Portraits from any suo1ec1 you desore by proless•onat artist Call for more 1nlormat1on MARCIA COX SOLBERG ILLUSTRATORIOEStGNEA 5052 BOXWOOD IAVINE CA 92i 15 (714) 857·9499 PEOPLE TtJRN TO CLASSIFIED BECAUSE TREY KNOW 01 B.EK PfXJPLE ARE SELJ..nWG. S.ll1nlf rvf'rv1h1n1t from mol'><<'V<'ln ,.,~,_Ir··~ n&I Uff' o/ propif' fO d1 ... ard old ~an<11akr Upnf'W °""" r,.. fam1lini to mov• and arow And I~ -~Chai t"M'K"ir WTVf'd • twm -11 ou1l1n llw-11 .,, .. -r .. 1 ..... Thal•~ .... -· lor you w~n rhanjlQ In vour II~ 11"ttM111Mr a purrt>er or ,.., CIM'rk ri.o...wn..ct- 11 may makt rhotr .-han~alllfk mott alloodabk • \J O · - -I I I .-. l s tt \\1ritm1dllyGdd ... g ...J > I-... 0 a. ~ 7: a: 9: 10: 11: ~ 12: 00 130 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 00 730 a: 9: 10: 11: 12: KNXT IJ ~......- W"1..eUp Mornlng News .. .. .. .. One Day AtA Tme Alice .. ThePnce lsRf1!~1 .. Up To The Minute Young And The Restless KNXT IJ Lee.,... .. As The World Tums Search For Tomonow Guiding Light .. Rocle ford ftles Barney Mtllef News .. News .. .. .. News .. C8S News 20n The Town Grindl Slote Christmas Nigfll Bef0te CMAm. C8SMM: "ISlbll's Ctlolce" .. .. .. .. .. News WKRP ln Cinclnnlli CBS MO'lie "OneMln" KNBC KTLA D " l• ........ .... ~ Today 700 .. Club .. .. .. .. .. .. .. L•veh .. To S..vt!f Regis Richatd Phtil Simmons Blodl-LNYth busters To Women Wlllel Qt Big For1Une Valley Battlestars .. .. .. Password Bonanza Plus .. The .. Oocl~ .. KNBC KT.LA D IJ l.9 ..... l.9 ....... DlysOt Twilight Ou<LM$ Zone .. Twtltghl .. Zone AnoUtef Hout Wano Maganne .. .. .. Tei.at John .. Da'lidson .. .. .. Donahue .. .. " .. F-Troop .. .. Bob &ner.~ NewNr1 Enter-.. lllnment .. News Little .. Houll .. On The .. Prlirie News Chlnie's .. Angels .. .. .. NBCNews ~Days .. ~ Fwnty 1.k.Wne& Ftud Shll1ey Reel M<Mt· People "Clptaln .. Newman. .. M.0.'' TheFICIS .. OIUle .. LCJlle. .. Siclney Quincy News .. .. .. .. .. News Saturday .. Nigllt Ton~t .. .. ShaNaNa .. " Tomorrow MO'lle .. .. I KABC KFMB KHJ D Q 0 ~~ lellOlaeo ~M911M Good Momtng Thi Morntng News F1002les Arnet.ca .. There Is .. .. A Way Sunup Jack .. San~ La Lanne u Jim .. Bakker AM One Day LO$ AIA Time .. ~ Abee Mldmornmg .. LA Love The Prtce .. Boal Is Al!!!'' .. .. .. Family Young Md Mcvie Feud rite Rest less HThe Ryan's .. Moorval!C!! Hope -KABC KFMB KHJ u Q 0 Lee ..... S811Diato l•.,... ANMy News .. Children .. As The .. Wand Onelrle Turns News To Live .. .. Seatch F0t lronsidt Tomorrow General Guiding .. H~tll l.lglll .. .. .. K*".-• .. Alter school John .. Special OM1$on .. .. .. McMe' .. .. "Reunion News .. In France" .. .. M.AS.H .. " News News .. .. .. .. .. . . Certer .. Country News CBS News Trll9Ure .. .. Hunl News Mteye .. " ASCNews Tic Tac You Asiled .. Oougll For ti EyeOn PM Match LA. MIQ&line Game The GmcllStolt Movie: Gfeltest Cllristmls "Wlloever Americln Night Before Slew Hlro CMstmas Auntie The C8SMCMI: AooT' fal "ISlbel'• .. Guy QIOice'' .. .. .. .. Dynllly .. News .. .. .. .. .. .. .. News News PU .. .. ~ ABCNews WKRP In Best Of HiQhth Clnannah Gfoucho love C8SM<MI M<Me: Boll "One Man" ''Reunion .. .. In France" .. .. .. KCST KTTV KCOP Bl m m ... 0,... L• ....... ........... Tod,, Clfloon Bugs Town Bunny .. .. Klfloon .. Klfl\IVal .. Fltpper .. .. .. Gentle Popeye Ben oan.hue I Love Romper .. Lucy Room .. Bewitched Movie: . . "Smuoale<s Alcl'lltd IOrNmOt CoYe" Simmons Jeannte .. Bat Ila tars GhOst And Movie. .. Mrs MUlr "Blue PlSSWOfd Super Steel'' Plus PayCatds .. The News INNNews Ooclors .. .. KCST KTTV KCOP ~ m m S..Diata Lee.,... ........... OeysOf MOYie· M<Me Our L.ms "The Heros .. Courage Island" .. Qt L8SSl8" .. Anothel .. WOtld .. .. .. " .. .. Tetas Opeo Supefman Line The Popeye Jetsons All In The The Bugs Fllfllty Fbntstones &my Mary Tyler Bugs Scooby Moore & Porky Ooo Bob Tom& KMloon Newtllrt Jerry Klmlvll The Brady .. Mucoets 81.wlch .. ..... Incredible Scooby .. Hulk Ooo .. .. Good .. .. Times NBCNews The HIWlii .. ~ F...O News Welcome .. " Ba, Kotter .. The M.A_SH Joker's Mupoels .. Wild Family M.A.S.H re: Tac Feud .. Oouall Reel PM The People MlglZlne Rebels Al In The Pwt2 " Flmlly .. The FICIS Merl .. Of Life Glfffin .. Love, .. .. Sidney .. .. Quincy News News .. .. .. .. . . INNNews .. .. News The Benny .. Jeller1ons Hill T~I Odd Sanford Couple &Son .. Mike The Douol&S Aoc*Jes Tomorrow .. .. .. .. KCET EI!) Lee ..... 8llsllless Report Yoga for ~ Mister Rogers Vtlla Alegre Saame St reel .. Classroom TV .. Electnc Company MlcNe!I Lell<er KCET EI!) Lee .... Oicll Cavett Over Easy Classloom TV .. .. Personal Finance Of Earth Md Man Vila Aleg!e Mister Rooers Sesame Street . . . . Business Rep«1 News .. Oyer Easy Mac:Nell lelller l.lYe From The Me1 .. Rigoletto .. .. .. .. .. .. Ute Can Be Frozen Dick Cl't'ttt News .. Everybody's Buswl89is KOCE ml ............ _ .. Oil Painting °" Pulllf'IO Body Bu<ldies MIS1er Roa«s StUdtO See Bec:1nc Company Ed'uciuonal Prog'.~m1ng .. .. Big Blue Marble KOCE ml " ....... ..... Pearls .. Here·s To Your Health Oncellpon AClasslc Educlhonal Pr...,..-.• Tomorrow's Flllnilles The Ans Sesame Street .. .. MacHell Lehref ~ .. .. °* Easv Dick Ca¥ett 8uWIM$ Report MacHtll llllrer l.lYeFrom ThtMll "Rigoletto" .. .. . . .. .. .. TheFtlt!Ye 8ldl Cosmos ''Encydc> pedla Galacticl" Captioned ABCNews Wednesdays Details OEGEM8ER 16. 1881 EVENING 7:00 8 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN R1cr11e's ed,,ce on r11s newspapei column a1mos1 b•ongs an eno 10 Pots" and Ralph s lrieodSh•ll 0 YOU ASKED FOR IT Featured 'Tauco Ar1os1 ano Sakl'tolon Chomps • M•A•S•H When Hawkeye $ paren1~ are no111oeo 111a1 f\e s dead he hnds •t no easy mall~• 10 es1aol1Sh that he s allve fJi) OVER EASY ~ues1 ~·~r Vt<. o.,,. .. ne @J ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An 1n1erv-wotn Conn·~ Sel~ca (3 THE MUPPETS Guest Lorena Swot to_ MOVIE * * • tnsoOll Moves ( 1980) JOM Savage oa-.d Morse $).WHAr S UP AMERICA Featured k•ds ""ho Q•'>A up wtlh 1ralleling carnival~ the annual lrost>ee Cham· p1onshlp a1 the Rose Bowl a me<cenary CO<Wfll'lloOn 7:30 8 2 OH THE TOWN Featured a boot camp 101 cheerleaders: a day willl o group or Jap&nese Sumo Wfestlefs touring Soull'le<n Cahlorn11. a voail w1t11 a man wl10 resto•es and Miis clusac cars trom tf\e t9SOs ano &>s 8 LAV£ANE & SHIRLEY &COMPANY La,,.,ne gets a 01tno dalt ""'th M11wau1<ee s Man 01 the Year D ~ONLA. Featured a V\Slt to Laguna Be.en; an interv-w11n Ken and Bob. a IOOk 81 Ille 11ves of nuoe models • w•A•S'H Angefed by the wey c•v1i- lan doctors sta1es.oe are prol1t1ng from 1ne war. Hawkeye presen1s the Army with a b•ff f()( hos medk:al servic:el f19 L.M F1'0M THE MET .. R1goltt10 Chrosuan'! E<la·Pll!fre. Stierull M••nes and Luciano Pavarom are featured on a l)(oduetion 01 Ve<dt s mast8fpl9Ce taped at the Metropo1111n Ope<a House. James Levine con· ducts Cll P.M. MAGAZIHE A security company that bulletproofs cats and their o-s. a nou-te wno hOlds a dance lltneu ctass 111 diSco . di YOU A8t<ED f<>f' IT Featured. ..Crocodile Man .. Ind "Dragon In The Sand." MOVll • • • A Pain In The A ( 19731 Jacques Bret, Lrno Ventura 8:00 8 Cll HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHMTMAS Antmated A miM!fty gnnch lroes to Mase Cnrislmas See \\'<.'dnt'sda11 ' I•,,,,,. 'I 1031 FM ---~---- ¥ \\·hat is The Bottorn Linc? Dear Ht'aders The Bottom Lme 1s yuur health. Thert' are time:; m our lives when we forget that and worry about thmgs that are11't nearly as 1m· portant When you have your physical and mental health . you have the buil.dmg blocks with which to face all the attendant problems of lwmg a full. challenging and rewarding life Please remember th.fit every day and thank God for 1t We believed m this itka so much that we started our own bu31ness de· dicated to health and named 1t The Bottom Line The Bottom tme 1s an einc1se salon where each mdundual receives personalized alien· t1on Our goal 1s for each person to develop to their fullest potential mentally and physical· ly. Our aerobic e.rercite classes are conve· niently olfered 6 times per day. and last /or one hour Our classes are cksigned to btold strength . flerib1l1ty and endurance We would like to invite you· to a compl1men· tary class to see what The Bottom I.me real· ·1y IS '7itr 'fl7 7Cw £ inr __ 1_11_4_, _159-_14_sa_ 1550 ~ys1de Or. • CAHONI Oet MM. CA 92625 I' r ... f ive-string banjo-o-o-os. four· wheel-drives, \nree ·bedroom homes, two ·wheel bikes, And apartments In the citY·Y· Y·y/ Tube Toppers KARC fJ 7:30 .. Eye on I..:\ ... A \'ISlt to Laguna Beach is featured. K~XT 8 8:00 "How the Grim·h Stole Christmas." Repeat of uni mated ('artoon about the miser!~· Grinch KNXT fJ 8:30 ·· 'Twas the Ni ght Before Christmus .. Resid ents of a s mall town learn Santa ·s feeling:-. ha,·e been hurt. K~XT fJ 9:00 "Isabel's ChoiC'e. ·· J ean Stapleton anct Rtt·harcl Kiley star in mo,·ie µremiere rrom Page 22 trom ttle minds of tM reti· dent• of w~ by .. ..,. Ing Ill of tM me141ri.I tym- boll of 1M MnOt\. (R) • 8 MM. PEOl'l£ Futured. 1 toy mMUllC· 1urer'1 eonwnuon, llcat• boarding In tnOW; I IChoOI for SantM; tM "''"°' ot "TM Preppie Handt>ook " • MCM( ***'A "CIPllln New· rNn. M.D." ( 19631 Gregoty Pede. Tony Cortlt • THE OAEATUT MENCANHEAO Raiptl, with hll dau on I ~ tnp In lhe mc>Ufl· tlins. di~• 1 t>oobY· trapped mine filled wltll lfMoviE * * "WhO Slew Auntie Roo?" ( 19721 Sl!elley Winter•. MMtl Leiter. • P.M. MAGAZINE Dr Judltll Welker ~ ,,., IC>9Cial tech- nique to ellmlna&e Ill form• ot chronic pain.· 1 ~ ..... """'> llolds. den<» Ill· ,__OM$ It I dlaco. MllW 'SMf9r visits I CUI· Ing egency; Dr. Granlctl on the "~ge" eetlnO r:.-u Alter being 1erlou1ty wounded In tMlt111, PlliMp Kent llt1* dOwn to c:MI· Ian lite • a printer and a family man in 1111 -· found country. (Pitt 2 of 2) • LIVI FftOM THE MET "Rogotelto" Chri1ll1na Eda-Pierre. Sherrll ....,_ end Luciano Paverotti we teetured In a prOduetlon of Verdi's """'.,..,._ tllPICf It the Metroe>Olltan Oper1 HOuM; J-Levine eon· ducts.. 0 THEWAT£ft ~ ~ *KroundtnQ tM c:urrwit ~e over the propoeed PerlPllerll canal ere ealmlned In this dow· mentwy wtllctl ,,_ the Nstaty of water deYelop- mant In Calllo<nla (li)MOW • • • "The Rose" ( 19791 Bette Midler, Alan Bltn (l)MOVIE * * * "TOUCNKI By LOYI ( 1980) Oebor11! Rallln, OianeL-.MOVIE • * "Legend Ot The See Woll" ( 19751 Chuck Con· nors. Barber a Bach 8.'30 8 Cl) 'TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS Antmlted The Ctlizen5 011 smell town leatn th<tt Sin· te's teeltngs 111ve been l!IKI by en 1nonymous Ill· ter to the l<Ket Pl'* deOOunclng him H 1 myth (R) • AU. IN THE f'AMll Y Tile utullly punctual Archie is hours overdue It I lodge COllVWlllOn In Buf. fato. end no one lloowt whit'• happened to him. (Per1 II (%)MOVIE • • "Look Back In Anger" ( 1959) Cl41ite Bloom. Rlch- wd 8ut1on . 9:00. (I) MCM( "lubel'1 Choloe" CPr- lere) Jeen Staplelon. Rlch- wd Kiley. e 8THEf'ACTI~ LIFE N1tM tl!inks her weelcand la ruined wtlef1 her grand· mother pays e IWPffM vis.- It to her at tehOOI. 8 9 THEf'AU.OUY Colt and Howle 111"81 10 Haweli to pic;lk up hwO W- jumplng moonshiner•. (t)MOVWE * • ·~ "The SpKel s ...... ~ .. (19771 Jecquelinl Blnll, Christopher PlumlMr {Q)MOVIE • • \'; "How To Beet The High Cott 01 Living" (1979) s-s.nt J-. ~Unge. t-.30 8 8 lOYE. 8IONEY Vlttuoso -.nollnist ltzhlk Perlman otters to give Pet- ti vlOlln llUMI. .MCM( ** ··eo..1 To eoe.1" 11990) Dyan Cennon, Rob· er1 Bleke. 10:00 •• QUICY Quincy Is asked to coune11 e crttlcally Ml patient """° retue. treetmenl. e 9 OVNAITY Fiiion 11ts out to hive an 1ttalr with Hid! Toeeanl, Blelle ICCI049 l*P trom IM mob In a~ deal, end Alull lleml ttlet Ktystll is Pf911Nf11. • lH CAN• FROlBf Geofge Telle! narrat• en In-depth 10011 11 the rnedlanlca end -of c:ryoOiology. the ICience of pr_.mg life 11 low tem- perlturea. (l)MCM! * 'h "The Wortclng Oitlt" 10: 10 (%) MOVIE • • "IMltls" ( 19n1 Patti D' Arbenlltlll. Mona Kris- tenten 10: 15 (II) ST AHOINO AOOM ONLY "Red Skelton Pre11nts Freddy TM Freeloeder't Christmas Oitlner" Vincent Pric:e end Imogene Coca ere ~ned by America's l1VO<lte clown u lie plans a holld1y meel 10:30. LIFE CAN 8E FftOZEH George Tait .. narr1tes an 1n-deptll look et 1111 mecllan+G$ end uses ol cryoblology. the science ol pr~ hte 11 low tern· peratures • THE FESTIVE BACH lhe chorlle end orefleStr• from the 10!11 ennulll Uni· Ylrslly of Oregon Summer Festlvll ol Music perlorm 8ec;tl' 1 "Magnlllcmt In D " 1 1:00 • SATUN>AY NeQH'T Host. Frenk Zeppe. Gueets· Freken and o.wil- • THE JEfRMC*I 15 Wl1MEN · LAllES · GALS GOOD TIME MAMAS . . . Tuesday nites are yours at the bmous (un-) COVERED WAGON SALOON ._ llottftt _. • can lac.at. AM .... lllcllr. wi--. wll ectu., wrestle ia Wty 0 I! 55~2077. WE BA VE A GOOD SELECTION OF NEW AND USED CARS FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVER FOR LEASE OR SALE CONNELL CHEVROLET Servillg Coda Mao for ZJ .,ears. 2828 Harbor Blvd., Co8ta Mesa ~ .............. ------------------..-.;.._~~ 0 - ---' - . ..... KNXT tJ KNBC D KTLA u KABC u KFMB e KHJ 0 KCST m KTIV m KCOP m KCET m KOCE ~ M1111ti !l't La ..... la.,... .. ~ Loe ..... Loe.,,..... ""'*--LAI ..... LAI ...... la ...... _ .. ~ ~l::====!:::::==================~======~====~==========================~============::::=J E ~ u cii -0 -0 Q. 1: Wake Up Today 700 Club Mom1ng New$ .. .. s: .. .. Leave u ·• To Bea'/i!f 9: One Day Regts Richard Al A Time Pllllbm Slfnmons AliCe Btocil· Leave II .. t>us1ers To women 10: The Prite WhwlOI Big Is Righi FO<tune • Valley Sattlestars 11 : Up To The Password Bonanza Mmule Plus Young And The The Restless OcoetOfS KNXT KNBC KTLA PM tJ D u Loe ..... Loe ...... Loi.,,..... 12: OaysOf TWiiight Our LNes Zone As Tiii Twilqlt Wor'ld ZOM 00' Turns Another Hour 130 Wol1d Magazme Searcn FOf Tomorrow 2: GUIO.ng Tei <r.. Jc.M L.ghl Davidson 3: Roeilord Oonat>ue files f. Troop 4: Birney 8ob Emet~y Mufef Newhat1 News Etlt8f"· ' 1ainment 5: New$ News L!ltfe House On The .. Prairte 6: News News Charlie ' Angels 1: CBS~ NBC News Happy Days Aoain 2 Or-Fam.ty Lamne& Tne Town •eucs Stllrley s: Mag<!l.lm CH1Ps ~MMe' p The Brshop·s W1~ 9: !(nots ()(If rl"'ll ~ Strole es Grmme A Break 10: Nurse H1H News Stree1 Blues .. .. 11: News News Salurdty .. Night Quincy Tonight 12: .. Sha Na Na .. The Tomorrow M<Me Saint -" ' MINI BLINDS 50°/o Off DISCOUNTS ON Good Morning Amenca .. A.M LOS AngeleS Love Boal Family Feuo Ryans Hope KABC u · Loe.,,..... AI My '-,. Chlldren " One l~e Toi.Ne General Hosp.1a1 Ecge OI N.g!lt People s Court News •· News .. " News ABC New> E1POn L A Morlt; Ane M1fldy 8est 01 The West Barney Miller T.t• 20 ·20 .. News ABCNews Nlghthoe Vega~ .. CAIPETIMCi Dll_APERIES Morning The T O<lay Canooo Bugs News FrOOlles T0'4011 Bunny .. Thefels KatlOOfl A Way Kar111val Sunup Jack F~ppe< .. San 01ego Ulanne Jt/Tl Gentle Popeye Bakkef Ben OneOay .. Donahue I Love Romper Al A Time Locy Room AllOe Midmorning 8ew11cl\ed Movie· L A .. "Spook The Price Roc:l'lard I Qfeam Ol Suste<s Is Right Simmons Jeannie .. 8att~t3•S Ghost Ano Mo'Ae Mrs MUtr Lawless Young Afld MOYie Passw<l'd Super Range ' The Restless Ma•t Plu Pay Cards Oroe. fll(l llews INN News .. Bride" OOc!Of< KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV KCOP e 0 ~ m m ... °"'° L•.,,..... SMDiego Loe ..... Loe ..... . News " Days Of MOvie: Movie " OurLrws "YellQlll Gyp~· As Tile . Submaline World " Turns News A"Olhe< Hood Searth FOi 1ron5l<le Tomorrow Gooding • t'la~ Oi:.oen Svperrnan L•gtit line 1<01a• The P~e JelSOfCS John J.1' Ir ?i'te T~ 8vgs OaV?Clson f'O/rl (f Fl ntstones Bunnt Movie Mary T~K.r Bugs Scoot>y The MO<lfe & P0<1t;y Ooo Sca<tace Boo Torn & Kattoon " Mob ' Newnan Jerry J'i8fl'lfVaJ MA SH Thf Brady Muppets Bunch News .. News Incredible Scooby .. Hulk Ooo Carter ~ " Country .. Times CBS Hellos Treasure NBC I~'; ·11e Haw1111 Hunt Myppets Frve.o News BYflseye New$ Wtltorne Baell. Kottet TIC fac Lynn The MA S H Jolte<'s Oougl> Shaclllef ord Mupoe•s Wld PM Basketball family M A SH Tic Tac Magazine Golden Felld DoYqh ~agnum Stale CH·~ PM The Pl Wamors M19U1ne Seeflers Vs Alf In The Pan t Los Anoetes Famaty Knots Lakers CM 1"'11 MtfV Landing .. Strokes Gdfln Gimme A Brea~ " tirurse News Hill News News Stree1 BIUes INNNews .. .. News Plll.lf News Tlle Benny .. Hogan .. Jeffenons HUI Ouinct Best Of Tonegnt Odd Slnlord GrouehO Couple 6 Son Mov111· ~·· The .. 'The Douglas Roollies The Scar1ace Tomorrow .. Saint Mob' H .. .. The E. S. Carpenter Co. Certified Public Accountant Full service accounting, tax planning and return preparation for 1nd1v1duals and businesses Mow is the...._ for 1981 Tax Pla1111hH). J•11ary 111ay be too late. Call for appoillhft•11t today. 2100 W. C...t Hwy .. We 211 • .._,.,. ...... CA IMAll.-..aSQuA.Ht BuSIOllSS ~ RePor• P11n1tng Yoga For Otl Health Pi 1nlUlCJ Mister BO<ly Rog«s Buddies V1lfa Misler Al99re Rogers Sesame Studio Street See .. Eleetnc Company Classroom Educat10t1al TV Programming Why In Tile W°'ld' MacNeit Lehrer KCET KOCE m ml L.fe ........ ......... ...... Dtci! GED C"'91t Aead1rig Over PllOtcr Easy g1aphy CJassrOOfl1 Eduutt0na1 TV Programming .. .. Hablamas Espano4 Human Benav1or Grc. .. .ng Sesame Years Street VO'/lqe Villa MacNe<I At.gre Lehre< Miste< Home Rogers Ga1dffiE!f Seume You And Street Tiie Law Over Easy Business Dd Report Cav~tt ~ Bus.<leSS Aepon O•et MacNed Easy Lell<er MacNeil kt'IOS Lellter Hdruk~a~ snm Previews Snea~ Portraits P•e-e-.ws In P..stel Wh) :n .Mas1e•p1ece Tl'teWOfld Ttleatre P•esente' Ed*ard & Simpson" us News Cllronclle .. To Be Tlie Anounced Lawmallel'S Oictr lllS!de Cavett WISlllnglon News Caphooed .. ABC News "*"h ... NOtlST ... D Detail$ DECEMBER 17. 11181 EVENING 7 00 0 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN RK;Ot8 tS SllOClte<I 10 learn 111a1 Joanie s l1rs1 !lute •s w•tt. Sp.»e a p1n1 ~·zoo r~ftCl!I or"'' Uncle r on11e CD M 'A'S'H Tt.11 401711> turns u11 .. s:c• t1e1tcopler o lo! wh o doesn 1 want to qu11 ana a 11111t&·woundeo ul wno ooea fID OVEREASY Gue•! ()(;rotPI~ HJmMer Sle•n wife ot me .ate-1~"­ c.1~! Oscar Hitmmerste•n 11 @i ENTERTAIN ... ENT TONIGKT An 1n1etv-w1tn Douglas f.tlfDdn~s Jr J! THE MUPPETS Guest Mac Oa 11s Q MOVIE • • • APOGalyps.e Now t 19791 M3r1on Brando Martin Sheen Otrecte<I by Francl6 F0td Copp01a 7'20 1. MOVIE • • • * Im All Righi Jae~ t 19601 Ian Carmi· chlh!I Peter Seiters 7 30 IJ 2 ON THE TOWN Fedtured d woman l)r.i.on- er '" a Rul!S1en prison and hOW '°'1>8 Soume"' Cah l01n.ans •llCIUO•nQ .ane Fo"llil are S'.IOOOrllnlJ M r a 100~ 11110 ·n~ts a.s a poss101e 1000 source d took 111 lhl' flour1sn111g md• ~fl or specvlat •l hovsr· Duy1ng 0 LAVERNE & SHIRLEY &COMPANY S t.trll''Y oec:ories ccn •H>C80 Illa! She w.o~ 3d0(11 ed 0 EYEON L.A. Featured a rt:port on tne Nor~ Oodg8fs Stevl' vagei and Ste11e (;a"'&)' oo wun tne lland1c1ppe0 1nle<· v•~ wilh Burt Reyn d1ds ond Lee Maio•s CD M'A'S'H A Clumsy SOlO•er tfl>, II» 40~~th ' 'Otr•I' r .. t Ct .Po1tcr r~n ••"S Jr.._, " t"'(# OUMP~ a p M MAGA.Z ·~e /4. 1,·.,4!..l' l'\IO r '•o · inter"·"""~ ui I' r , ~ ph ~unlPH('lt; {.. r ,.,1-• t'\"l an '*"CJ h APl>AlllCI-••• I <l' ~ vou ASl<EO FOP 11 ;; ... .Jtv•fl'd M (\'/ ~ '" •-: Ar.1mAI~ ond •, .._ 't , Worl.<J ); S'•t"M J"Jll !Vo" 8.00 IJ l MAGNlJ._. P 1 A 1op tu l'1r <j'l.(j'"' ntres Ma<l,.. .·n -· r·~lf'C..' het ..nen <)ti@ I ,.... i W(, partne<s 1n • ctolr.•111') ,,..., IS murdered D 8CHtPS Two unaeru1•t" or1e..1 " who -e OOC" mrrrtw>•• ol Poncn s Ar9-os ar• assign«I to 1nvesttqate l"e t lay•ng Of a QIQOIO g MOVIE • * • Tilt! B1snap s W•te I 1948) Cary Granl lurena Young .\1•1• Tlwrsdw1 " / 1111/1' .!.i TUNE UP SPECIAL! 12 WEEKS OHLY!t s25 + ,.ns *''~'9RC•r• Wll repair yow car ot yow ...._, IMKM11 or ••c•tl••· Mlttor or ....... IHIDHtble basic ...... $22.SO;tw. + SIO Walter's Draperies & Carpetin1 714-671-6743 752-5615 ............. .,, .,,u TRIPLE C 11nac• co.,11.,ty ..,,... ,... tr.di! 645-9735 ~------------------------~- REAL ESTATE tlCENSING SCHOOLS • for Brokers and Salesmen • Night and weekend classes CT-&Weo N•IH-1-tOpmo • Texts. Practice Exams • C.Ollege level Broker !Aialification C.Ourses Phone 761-9255 Ueyd ~"' tar .,-ci.I fell prices LLOYD SHOEMAKER REAL ESTATE SCHOOL INC. lt07 w-"._..... ...... CWed U H . IW' -a.... CA LE PETIT CAFE& BAKERY • Patio Dining • All Food Available For Takeout BREAKFAST• LUNCH (Pastry Baked Daily) * ALL OCCASION Cllll• * 675-6835 514 W. Balboa Blvd. Balboa Peninsula Who to see. this weekend? Tube Toppers KTL:\ 0 8 00 ·Thl· B1shup·:-. \\'1fl' .. Ch 1'1 '>l ma.... I an I a :-~ o l a '>ll;.t \ l' a ngl·I <·om tng to l':Jrth to lwlp ttw ln:-.hop ;md 111:-. wifl• rai'>L' 1110111.·~ for c.1 rw\\ t hun·h KCET ~8 8 Oil "ll;,1nukkah .. Thl· srgn ifi tanel' or lhl!> n.'llgiou .... holrda.\' ,.., l'Xplainl•d Ed .\s nl·r h<>'>l:-. KOCE 50 8:00 ancl KC'E'r 28 H :io · · Sneak P r· t• ,. i L' w s · Rt•,. i L' '' .., of ·· Absem·e of :\l <1lrtt'. ·· Rollo' l'I.. and .. Iludd~· Budd~ .. KCET 28 w·oo "lll!>l<ll• :\la:\1murn Sl•t·unt\ .... Jr m l.ehn·r look'> at thl· l1l l' ol pnsom:r.., in Colorado and thc.•1r transfrr to a Ill'\\ pri:-.1rn 'Thursdays Details /-"rim1 /'Ot/l' .!.J U ®l MORK ANO MINDY Mork and Mondy enter schOOl-hatet Me<tn on Orio- Prep Q) P.M. MAGAZINE A t2·year ·Old 1ourna11s1 1n1erv1ews Geral<I Ford a pl11lan1nrop1c moun1a1n men w ho helps 001 Appalachia s poor Or W•SGO on a ne. me<llCBI a<lvance tor nead 1n1ur.es Susan w,ssers1eon on col- tectong old toys ti) THE SEEKERS Abraham Kent refuses 10 accept the resp0ns1b1hty 01 the Kent dynasty and ieaves Boston 10 ~k rils fortune on 1ne Northwest Tern1ory tPar1 I or 21 &;) HANUKKAH Ed Asner explaons the Sig· nolocance ot the relHJIOos hoto<lay CD SNEAK PMVIEWS Roger Eberl an<I G- Soskel re,,_ "Abl«lc:e 01 Malice. "Roll~·· and "Buddy Buddy." (C)MOVIE • •'> · Newstront" Biii Hunler. C11r1s Haywood (.$)MOVIE • • '• The Formula' ( 19801 Marlon Brando. George C Sco11. fit M OVIE * • • "The Bk>e Ulgoon" ( t980) Brooke Shoelds. Chtlsto¢1e' Atkins 1:30 . III BEST Of THE WEST Elvira decides 10 leaV11 Sam alle< he -some une•pec1ed ,_.,d mon.y 10 buy a new horM • All IN THE FAMILY Corwentoon·t>ound Arcille is miss.ng lor almost 24 hours. and lhe family is g.asplng for a._ to his Whereabouts (Part 2) fill) SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Eberl an<1 G- S1Skel revle-w Absence Of MetoGB," • Rotloll8f ' and "Buddy. Buddy" <Hl MOVIE • • • · Apocalypse Now ( 19791 Marlon Brando. Marton Sheen Oorectecl l>y Frenc1s Ford Coppola 9:00 a a OIFF'RENT STROK Un e that his health has I potocy of r ecial scr1mina11on. Mr Orum· ond aslll Wiiiis and OJl BARNEY MILLEA The t 2111 precinct .. llood- ad wi'lh hOrMless people who are forced 10 remaln lh«e b4lcauM of a hOliday M810n blizzard_ 0 -~ tells hos motner and sister 01 nos love tor ne• tpa11 5) :; -9 05 l_ MOVIE • • • Medium Cool C 19691 Robert Forster VfH- na Bloom 9·30 0 3 GIMME A BREAK l(at.e Qt"IS Juli<! nom1nale<1 tor memtietsn11> on ner soro111y U ®l TAXI Elaine led up wotn Louie s i;onslanl insults, goes 10 a women s group tor nelp ana winds up vemng ll'le <11$1>.ltCher ftred '; m PRESENTE Seeds or Lobetly Q MOVIE • • Roadie ( t9801 Meat loal Kako Hunter 10'00 f) ~ NURSE A male nurse is assigne<I lo Mary's <1epar1men1 and Or Rose Ines 10 persuade an ag109 doctor 10 retlfe from surgery 8 ~Hill STREET BLUES A 1ug11tve who once saved Renko s hie becomes the obrect of a loe<i;e <lebate and Fays lianc:e unexpec1- edly expires fl) U.S. CHROfollCLE Inside Maximum Secuf>. IY Jim Lel'I•• looh at the 11te of prisoners In the stale ot Colorado and their transl• 10 a MW prtsOn totlowtng a suit agaJnst lhe 51ate tor etuel and inhu- man treatment ~MOVIE • • • • "Love And Death · ( 1975) Woody Allen Doane Keaton ~MOVIE * * "FISIS 01 Fury" I 1973) Brue. Lee Matla Y1 0 MOVIE * * "Th<! Game For Vo.ii· lures" ( 1978) Richerd H11tr1S. Ricnard Roundtree 10:30 8l) INTERVIEW WITii WILSOH RILES C81'1orn1a Stale Super1n- 1en<1en1 ol Publle Instruc- tion CD niE LAWMAKERS Correspon<lents Lindi Wertheimer and Cokle Roberts toin Paul Dulce tor an up.10-1roe-m1nu1e sum- mary ol Congress1on1I act1vflle1 11:00 • SA TUN>AY NIGHT Host Broderick Crawtord. Guest. Of. John • THE JEFnRSONS 090fge s sudden generos- ity IOolcs lll(e jull I ploy IO beat out 1 compelllor tor .,,_d • IEHNYHIU. Benny plays a honeymoon- er C8\JgM in 11'1 ArneriCan Ind Ruteian tone dl19ule. • DeCK CAVETT . lJ=.w4f .. rU;>-:=~ eon" o.termlned to "*'Y Mrs. ~. the King ':~"ib.~,-~ . CHM'TMAeCMOL DAVIS IROWM'S HEW LOW rttlCE .t~~'· s74ass ---SONYl4-DAYPROGRAMMABLf-- BETAMAX VIDEO TAPE RECORDER S•y Tiie OH .ct CWy OUa lEG. s199sa s99990 MOW _.... .................... ------------------~~- "U 0 --i < r 0 '° ' .,, a. Qi < .. .. 16 ' ... ' > IO 'O ~ u. ' 3 > I--0 ii ~ ... . "Gdd . AM KNXT KNBC KTLA KABC KFMB KHJ KCST II D a u 0 • cm Lei ..... Lei ..... Lei-.... LAI ..... ...,.... Lei~ ... .,.... 7: Morntng Today 700 Good Morning The Today News Club Motllll1!I News Froozle$ .. Amencl Thertls .. . .. .. .. A Way a: Captain .. .. .. Sunup Jlln .. ~00 .. .. ... San~ .Ball~tr .. " Gilligan's .. .. .. .. .. ISlilnd .. .. .. 9: The LI$ Vegas Big A.M The Donahue JeHtrS011$ Gatnbtl ValleY, Los Jtllersoos .. .. Alice Blodt· A~ Ahce . .. .. busters .. .. 10: ThePnce WhetlOt I Spy Love The Pnce M1dmom1ng WhetlOt Is~\ Fortlllle .. Boat Is Righi LA F0t1une PassWOtd .. .. .. Passvoord ,. Plus .. .. Plus 11: OneOay Card Alchlrd Family Young And .. Card AJA rrne Sharls Simmons Feud The Restless Shar11s S.chfor The Charlie Ryan's .. Movie Mary Tyler Tomorrow Doctors Rose Show Hope " "The Moore 12: Young And OlysOt Donahue AIMy News SeYenth OaysOt The Restless ' Our lNtS .. CIM!dren .. Dawn" Out LIWS .. .. .. Seatch For P1112 .. .. .. .. .. Tomorrow 1: As The Another Hout One Ute As The News Anolllef World World M~ To Live World .. World Turns .. .. Tums The .. .. .. .. .. FBI 2: Guodwig Texas John General Guiding ,, Texas Light .. Davidson H~al light .. .. .. .. lfonSlde .. .. .. .. .. .. 3: Bamey Miich .. Edge Of John .. Movie Miler Game .. Night OaVKlsoo .. "Man Blrnat>y M.-y Tyler Hollywood The World .. Mo¥ll OnA Jones Moote ~-Ot Peoolt .. "Swiss TIQhtrope' 4: • Miry Tyllr 8oNnza News .. F111141y .. Moore .. .. .. Robtnsoo .. News Bob .. .. MA.SH .. .. NewNr1 .. .. .. .. 5: News News 8lolllC News News Yng peopie·s tiolfywood .. WOl!lln .. .. Speaal $qu¥es .. .. .. Wllat's To Tel .. .. -.. .. .. Haooentno The Truth FOCUS ON CHRl$TMAS OPTICAL FASRION CENTER NEWPORT Old fashioned courtesy and sensitivity to your needs Complete line of Victory -Quintessence eye wear available • Owner Operated Under new ownership All New quality custom eye wear All New quality sunglasses All New fair prices All Rx's f111ed accurately 3417 Via Lido, Via Lido Plaza Newport Beach, CA. 673-1883 Open Dally 9:30 • 5:30 ~-------------·-- . KTTV KCOP KCET KOCE m (I) m '1!) Lei ..... LAI ..... LAI ..... " ....... .... Stapleton · stars as Mrs. FDR Bogs Bunny Poflty fl19 Sptet Coaster Tom And Jerry The Alntstones I LC>lle Lucy Btwttched .. I Dream Ot JNnnle Fl/fllty A Haw The Ghost & M~ MUii News .. MoYle "The Man From COloraoo · ,, .. .. " Let's Rap .. MyTtlr• Sons SS0,000 Pyrlf!lld Mike Doualas .. .. .. The!!rtdy Bunch ILOYe LucY YOQI For Health Mighty M1stel' Mouse Roaers Getting To Know Me Popeye V~la . . Aleore ~ Sesame Room Street Calendar . . Dons Educ:alt0nal Day Progr lfllm.tig Room 222 Movie Elettnt "The MCltl Company From Foll\ Utan' Gurtat MoYle Didi "Y oungbloo<l Caven /'f~e" Over EISY .. Educatt0nal .. Programming .. One Stec> .. Beyond .. ~ . .. ,. Mighty You And Mouse Thi Law Popeye You And .. TlltLn Fred Volta Flint stone Alegre ~ MIS!« Rogers Cartoons Sesame .. SttWet Stoot>y .. OOo .. Mac:Netl Letlrtf CNer Easy 8oOy · Buddies Villa Aleole O!uUpon A ClaSSIC El«lnt Company Educatoonal Pr~llTltl'411\J .. .. EducatlOOll Programming .. .. .. Guten Tag, WoeGettt s? TheNtw Voice The Lawmakers Over Easy Mac:Ntri Letwer Writing For A Rellorl ProttCt Urwerse Humln 9eh1Y1()," J ean Stapleton. for nearly a decade Archie Bunker's wife, Edith, 1n C BS ' ··All i n th e Family ," wi ll pla~ Eleanor Roosevelt an a two ·hour dramat ic special. .. First Lady of the World ." now an production for the same network. The story centers on Mr s . Roo seve lt 's emergence as a world leader after the death or her husband. President Franklin 0 Roosevelt in 1945. No air date ha~ been set. Jam e~ Brady. the a uthor and syndicated newspaper columni st, has signed on with New York's WCBS·TV. a nd w ill report daily on prominent personalities in ent e rt ai n ment . politics. art. finance and publishing. .. Romance," pay TV's first daytime serial. is in product ion in Toronto, for S howtime. Paul Klein, the firmer NBC p r ogramming executive, is producing the s how that is scheduled to premiere early next year. Pass the buek. You make the difference. With the United Ylay. Kent still pressuring Lars By LYNDA HIRSCH ALL MY CHJl.DREN: Donna discovers Palmer at Foxy's. but all he can remember of his past 1s that he is still married to Daisy. Daisy grudgingly agrees to go a long with the charade, but all Palmer cares about is his infant daughter Nina Lars tells Kent his dealings with Erira are oH. but Kent continues to pressure her Paying visit to Sara. Kent surprised when s he won't scheme with him. As he is about to leave. Brandon arrives and thinks the two are in cahoots Following a heated argument, Sara and Brandon bed down. but he regrets it in the morning. Pammy decides to d rop out or Yale lo allend Pine Valley University's drama school Mark upset when Ellen seems relieved :.he is not pregnant. ANOTHER WORLD: Although his father opposes it. Pete quits the ('Onstruction job to care for Captain. D1ana·s horse Harry warns Pete never to borrow money from Steven Diana arrives in Bay City. and she and Pete argue over her riding. Sandy gives Cecille his mother's amethyst as an engagement rin g. After interviewing Dr Wagner for Brava, Cecille and she becom e friends. Sandy and Cecille leave for the Dominican Republic Pat feels Cecille leave for the Dominican Republic Pat feels Cecille h as changed for the belier due lo Sandy's mnuence. Mac gives Cecille a fur coal. When Taylor surrers a stroke. Kit and Joey decide to move in with him and help nurse him back to health. Rick ·and Marianne both decide lo hold o(J on divorce. When Sally gets s tuck in an elevator. Steve c limbs down to save her and she is infat uated by him. Rachel decides she cannot leave Bay City. AS THE WORLD T U RNS: David r egains his m emor y and has a violent reaction towards John Although he remembers who he is. David still cares very deeply for Cynthia James is taping Miranda's conversations and later tries to do the same with Stan in orde r to catch them as PCP dealers. but Cliff discovers the tape. Stan and Cliff take boat out and wonder what to do with James In a desperate move. Rick takes PCP to Larry's car and then he has Linda warn police. who get a sear ch warrant and go through Larry's automobile. Erich and Hayley are engaged. Karen goes after J eff Sofia re leased from hospital Kim upset bttause Nick decides to m ake Steve ma nager or Ptaka, 11 job.Kim wanted. DAYS OF OUR LIVES: Count buys a s mall club and has Tris h run it. Under orders from Wyland, Alex lyingly s ays he remembers David s hot him Telling Man e their decision not to sleep together before marnage was a mistake, Alex calls off engagement. A heartbroken Marie wonders if she's fng1d. A man posing as the stra ngler enters Marlena's office. Ju.st as he appears to start his auack, Don rushes 10 and punches the man out. only to learn it is Capt. Roman Brady, who is trying to s how Marlena that she needs police protectJon. Marlena demurs, but later Brady s hows up at her apartment and insists on staying there. Working as a cus todian. Robert literally stumbles upon David. and the two commiser ate over their hard times. All Robert will reveal of his past year is that Dougie 1s in a Swiss boarding school DOCTORS: Aware of Katie's scheming. Mall fires h e r . Mike and M J . have a dinner date Matt grief·stricken over Maggie 's loss of the baby. lfatie m a nages to win back her job. A hold.up takes place at the Medicine Man. Luke steps in to aid his father . is shot in the head and mortally wounded EDGE Of' NIGHT: Bobbi is found dead and Sky claims she was runmng away after stealing his watch Raven plans to buy Sky an 1dent1cal watch and learns one has a lready been purchased. When questioned. Sky claims he kept it a secret because he didn't want Geraldine to know that what she thought was a family heirloom could be so easily replaced. Dee Dee tells Calvin she won't date a married man. Jinx and Nancy become friends Chff asks for a postponement of the trial. GENERAL HOSPITAL: Joe corners Mrs. Grant. who admits she murdered Diana According to Mrs. Grant. Heathe r appeared after Jeff had left the Taylor household. When Mrs Grant saw Heather pointing a gun. at Diana. she yelled at her to stop. Heather froze and Diana ran for her own gun, prepanng to kill Heather. Mrs Grant struggled for t he gun. which went off. killing Diana. As Mrs Grant went to check on P J .. Heather wrote Anne's name in blood and ned To secure his good name. Scotty agrees to defend Mrs Grant: The D.A. feels Heather is still dangerous and insists s he be sentenced for assault with intent to kill. Tiffany and Laura go to New York Tiffany is told her career is over, but Laura is told she has a great futute as a model. ' TROPICAL ROMANCE S h aring a romantic moment am idst the tropical foliage of the Canarx Islands ar e "Guiding Light" young leads John Wesle~· Shipp and Jennifer Cooke as newh·weds Kell\· and M organ Nelson. "Guid.ing Light .: airs weekdays at 2 p.m on CBS (Ch 2> claims he purposely turned Philip against Mike and a sks the child to reconsider his feelings about Mike, a nd Philip agrees to try To slop Nola's probing: Quint decides to make a play for her Tony's interest in Hilary is growing even though she is living with Derek Ross wonders about Carrie's mental rondil1on. Hope 1s angry With Mike for his pursuit or Alan ONE U FE TO LIVE: Nicole stabs Chuck and then takes him to hotel. claiming they a r e going to Pans When Chuck falls asleep, Nicole turns on the gas, IO<"ks the door and nees. Ed finds Chuck In time a nd has him taken to the hospital. Asa lyingly tells Sam Nicole 1s a long.ago lover who came back to blackmail him and did so with Chuck's help As the masquerade ball begins. Nicole arrives in identical costume as Sam. Asa and Sam are seated at table and Nicole prepares to shoot the m Renee and her band of robbers prepare to steal the Kadiz diamond that Asa bought for Sam Tony also attends the party. and although Pat does not know who he is she is dra wn to him RYAN'S HOPE: Seeing Faith dressed as Maril K<tra. Spencer has a fatal heart attack Ari angry when he learns J ill does not know where the Maril Kara shnne 1s located E .J . gets job a.c; extra on the soi.p opera in an attempt to trick Barbara into revealing that she can walk Forced by feds. J oe gets stolen Egyptian goods and sells them to Ari. a man aware that the artifacts are hot but who couldn't care less. J ealous of E.J. and Roger's blooming relallonship. Dee wants to get Roger back and starts her plan by bursting 10 on a romantic interlude between E .J and Roger SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: Sylvie and Zack discover an empty carton and a canister of film instead of the treasure An angry Sylvie vows to kill them all and points a gun at Liza, but Zack steps in. takes the bullet and dies As Sylvie prepares to kill everyone else, suddenly a shot rings out from beh10d and Sylvie Is killed Dane ru11hes to the film canist er and seemin gly destroys the film. At hospital. Travts wonders what Dane 1s doing Dane takes the film. wttich he had not really destroyed, and looks through it. but learns almost all of the frames were destroyed. •l THE GIRLS GYM TOTAL FITNESS FOR WOMEN ONLY LAGUNA 497-5464 NEWPORT 646-8828 ''K:>ME OF niE ENTERTAINF.RS" Win • -far two at ,...., ........... ID Soalla CGlllt Pia.al To become eliaible for our drawing, fill out tM coupon below and list your 3 favorite eoogs. r----------------1 KNOB RADIO P.O. BOX 3159, ANAHEIM, CA 92803 PlcaSC' pnnt NAME ADDRESS Cln __ _STATE _ZIP. PHON£1 -l--__ BIRTHDAY In Of'dtr to bri~ l men ~your favor-· i~ ml"1ounen into 2 your homt, pltaw · list I hrft cl your f~on~~: 3. ---------- 17 ,, 0 --4 < r 0 IO ,, "' -· a. QI < 0 It> " It> 3 r::r ,It> "' ~ "' a> GUIDING UGNT: Alan turns tapes over to Mike, who has a new'l'~6ttf for· Ai an Talking to Philip. Alan TEXAS: Wl)ile Ginny is at the cabin. a stranger named Miles Rendquist shows up, tells her he has been hurt in a car accident and is being hunted down. Ginny agrees to help him. Justin te lls Rena if he gets the oil deal for Ac~High, she has to bed down with him . If he loses. he'll le ave town in six months. Just as Jus tin Is about to lose. Ashley team s, her Aunt Hildy has died. leaving Ashley the guardian of her two children ind S40 million -----------+~!11111----------..~~ ... ~ll!!'ll~~~~- .......................... --------------------~-- ~ I __.. ' 28 ~Movie Guide for the Week \,... QJ ~ E QJ v QJ 0 \,.. LL OI 0 ...J > f--0 Q.. Friday movies DECEMBER 11, 1981 EVENING 11:00 0 • * Coast lo Coast ( 19801 Dyan Cannon Rot:>· er I Blake A runaway h0us.ew1le and a SGrlPPY truck er naullng callle coast to coast become ine target of a w110 cross· country cnue 'PG' 1-00 ,.C • • * 'SomeOOO)' Up Tnere Lili.M Me ( 1956) Paul Newman Pier Angell Rocl<.y Graziano a New York Slum boy rises to lame as .1 champ1onst>1p bO•l!f 0 • • • Coal Miner's O~ugn1er I t980) Sissy Spu~4'• Tommy Lee June~ 6u.,.;O on Loretta Lynn~ ;i..,101>109rapny A yovn9 g11 I lrom a pc.or ram11y "' ural o<en1Uei..1 n,Jrr•es a much older ioca1 bo) wno f'nlJ•~ef'• ~ he/ :i-.e tu .1-ird ,,,. n tne m.,s.tc "'""~"' PG l • • • -tin 1 W v.J I t· 19eo1 Treat w11 11dm~ t 1c;,, f1,n1 ra<u • A m, ulS•>it J• J0Sf!1 \h~ •Jhl-:. 1J1 • -A•ttt tu~ r•JhJ'>d l to )hf(·',., PG 8 00 0 • * t a1 H<>OZ<)(1' 1 1«~· 1 Cr>.irllon HP~lon fr~a foJ.Jc MurtJr rw 1rcr1i. .. rsmt"n survey the Louisiana Terr11ory alt•·• 11~ purthasP Q) • • The Force Ori T"under Mountain 11977) Ahe<> beings 1err0<1l e a yoong ooy and ros lathe: as 1ney c;amp 001 at 1ne t:>OtlOm of Tnunder Moun· ta1n ~ • * , Scavenge< Hunt ( 1979) Richard Sen· 1amtn James Coe<> w nen an eci;entroc m1lhonaire dies lhe con0111ons ol his will send his heirs on a wild search for various articles on a scavenger list the winner being able to claom Ille deceased'~ lortune 'PG 0 •••'•"Gloria ( 1980) G\na Rowlanos JOl'ln Adames A lormer gun moll t>ec;orrutS the pro- tector or an ort>f\ane<I 6- y4!ar-Old Puer1o RIClln tar· geted by 1ne underworld la< tne 1nt0<mation he car- ries in a battered oriel· case PG 8·45 '-Z * • Just A G1g010 9:00(C • ••, "fhe Grasshopper 119701 Jacquehne Bosse!, Jim Bro .. n A bored 19.year- old gorl neaos tor Las Vegas seeking some exc•t-t to spice up her dull ordona')' hie 9 30 (H • • Hangar 18 119801 Darren McGa"'" Rot:>efl Vaugnn Research- ers al a secret government 1nsta1ta11on investigate Ille cause of a satellote s sud· Oen desttuctoon PG 10·00 rs_ • * • 1 Gl0<1a· 119801 Gena Rowlands •Jonn Aoames A la<mer gun moll lleeomes the pro. t• tor or an 0<pl\ane0 6- year-old Puerto Rican ,.,,. geted by the unde<world for lhe 1ntormalion he car· ries in a batte<ed brief· case PG 10:30 (111 * • '• The Formula I 19801 Marlon Brando George c Scott While rnvest.gatong the murde< ot a tolleague a veteun cop uncovers a consplfaCy 1nv011r1ng the suppression of a sytheuc fuel tormula by the orl companies R' (%) * • • "Cul·O.Sac" 119681 Donald Plea~. F~~se ~orteac. The 1i _J • f &-------- SHATTERED BY NEWS \11 ·"' .Jo.111 ('011111-.. 1 t li t h.1 :111111111·1 t·onfrontal1nn \\Ith Kn .,lll· 1 1.indu f-:\,an-.. \\h 11:-1• p11-.111u11 111 tilt' (°;1rnng l on hot1.,d10ld -.hl' 1:-tr~111 ~ to 11.'i lll'JI hut ... tw 1-. dr·;tlt :1 1·ni-.hing lilm\ \\1th l hl· Ill'\\~ that K r~ -.Ill' 1-. P l'l'!.ll.111t 1111 l h 11 .1-.t\ \\ 1·d111 •..,d,1' :11 1111• 111 1111 \IH < '11 hve\ ol a marnPd coople ow.,111ng on an 1sota1eo ·~•and are changed by the amval ot two wounded trool<s 11:00 c_ • • • 1 Cathe<one & Co ( 1973) JMe 61rk1n PalrlCI< Dewae<e A young girl travels 10 Paros to lleeome a t11gh fashion mooet 001 her plans tall triroogh and she opens a highly IUCtallve prost1tut1on oosmess 11:301HI """ Fatso 119801 Dom Deluise Anne Ban croft A portly compulsM! eater finds that notn1ng can dampen h•S dl!Slre le>< tood on111 ne 1a11s rn love 'PG' 12.-00 U • •·• lne Swan ( 1956) Grace Kelly. Alec Guinness To regain ramoly weatth, the proncess ol a ml<l·European royal house plans 10 marry he< daugh· ter to Hungary s Crown Prince Albert wno 1s require<I to select a wile 0 * * ' Cabo61aoco ( 198 II Cnarles Bronson Jason Robards An e••le<J Nazi whO has bought off the 1oca1 pol1Ce oomonates a small Peruvian coastal town du11n9 the 1940s R t2·05 U • * ·' 'The Unt an· ny 119771 Peter Cushing Ray Milland An eccentflc; wnler recounts uvee tales ot the hend1Sh ~1lhngs 01 humans by malevolent let· . mes 1R1 12 30 0 • • * . Stroke Me Pink 119361 Eddie Cantor Ethel Merman Gangsters oesceno upon an amuse- men 1 park prov101ng neaoaci>es ta< •ts meet. ht· tie owner who wants no trooble with anyone C • * • Just fell Me Whal You Want" ( 1980) Ah MacGraw Alan King A -•llhy ooSlness tycoon !honks he has h1a mistress well in hne unhl she demands he pul her In charge ot a recenlly acquired movie 11ud10 'R' @ ••'>"Silent Scream" t 198ll Aeb~ca Ba1d1n9 rvonne Of'Carlo Sever.ii c;ollt>qe 'tuoents take rooms •n J 1oreo0<1on9 010 house where a grisly and s1111 unsotveo mur de< was 'omm1tte<I years earlier R $ • • • The Longest Yd•d 119741 Burt fley nOIOs Edd•e Albert A for mer pro quaneroack doing hme 1n a Sootnern prison is g•ven ine 1ob coaching 11 group ot convicts lor a no- h old S· t:>arr eo football game against the guards l * * . Drive He Saoo t 19721 W1ll1~m Tepper Karen B•ark A lrooble<I young college student tlltempflng to reach malu 11ty through an olhc;1t romar\C.e .;no involvement 1n campus po1o11cs •earns that oe1ng nice .ino unon volved dOPsn I wor • any mor1• R t.00 GI * • ThP Be<llOrd Inc• dent 1 196~1 R1cnaro w1c1 mar• S1dnP1 PoltoP• World ooace nang~ on th1• oec•~·ons J naval com mander must mal.P "ht'<' ne encounti>r s a foreign suomJrone wr>1le on patrol t 30 Q) * * lhe Hostage 119671 Oannv Marttns Don 0 I\ Pll1 A 6 year ·<>l<I bOV hide~ out 1n a mo.ing van unaware Iha! lhe driver os a 1<.olle• on his way 10 pre• UP lhe corpse of hos lalest "1Ufdf't ¥fCt1m 1.35 H • * Bear ISiand ( t980J Donald Sutherland llaness;i Redgrave An Arctic weather research team s mond 1sn t 1ust on the Climate when •IS mem. tiers are forced into a light for their very sunn1tll PG 2:00 0 • • The Game For Vultures 11978) RICllard Hams Rrctlard Roun<11ree A ruthklss mercenary who smuggles AmeriCan heli- copters onto Africa during a terrorosl war is pllte<I against a llefce freedom I hler R' *,.' "T Foend1Sh I l "'· 1>101 Of Dr I u Mane.nu 1 t<J801 Pe1P1 Sellers S•o Ca!'Sd• The FBI and Scot ldna Yard ~ Del Nay1ano Sm1lh pur;ue !hi' 168· year ·Old arch voll.i1n .;s ne searches tor the 1ngreo ient> 1nc:ludong Ille Cro""n Jewels used to make ho~ hie-prolonging el1x11 PG 2:30 0 • • Kentucky Jubt· lee 119511 Jerry Colonna Jean Porter Ganoste•s resort to loul play 1n oroe• to win a race C • • • A Pain In Tr>e A. 119731 Jacques Brei Lino Ventura While an assa~sin conte<>lrales on hos ne .. 1 k1llrng Ile os rudely 1nteuupteo Dy a oombhng la11ure of a man who os attemptong w1clde PG 2.40 U • • • Trie Grass Is Greener 119611 Cary Grant Jean Sommons An Ameru:an m1H1onaire t~ lorct!d onto a duel aller !all •ng tn IO\lt' w11h ,1 Bro11sh Purl s w1le 3 00 m H•dden Homoclde 119591 Gritl11h Jone~ Jame!. Kennedy After .. alung up .. 1th a qun 1n h1~ nano and his cousin <IPad ne•t to him a wfltet wond PrS '' he really coold have murderP•ed h•m Q) • • Thr Terra< 1 t96JJ Boros 1<.ar1011 Jae~ Nocholwn A French othcer trac;i.s down a mysteroous girl 10 an tierie mansion owneo by a 5"d1s11c mad man 4:00 0 • • The Bengal l1ge. t 19721 Documenla ry A pnot09r nph1c e•l)ed1· tioo IOlt~ the proud and Pleganl tiger lrom the fro- zen wM tes or Sll>eroit through the Himalayas 10 the humid 1ungles of India C • * '7 T"e Grasshopper ( 1970) Jacqueline Bisset. Jim Brown A bO•ecJ 19·year old g111 heads ta< Las Vegas seeking some excitement to sp1Ce up ner dull ordinary 11te 0 ft *• ft Pa)ldav --rsrg , s S!W'!f , ·cysrc nc rte 11\17:>1 flip lurrt Anna C.upro A toontry ano west. em ~1nge1 ruthl.,hly nhtkt.1!. ~1~ way to sturdQIT'I b, mar11pu11111ng and dos <.<1rOrtog thos<: uround r11m l • • • Whf WOulO I L .. 119801 T IP31 'r\111 lioms L•sa Eochnorn A compul~"e har ups,..ts tn ... s,t~tu~ Quo w11t1 hes telu..-;dl t..iconlr.:.rm PG 4 25 GI • • Muro"' W•tr•Out Tc.:r; 119!.JJ Cra19 Ste vens Juyc;e HOiden An mve511Qd101 hnCls h1m~ll w1tn J barragi: of murders to->Ot\ilt! 4 30 H • F<u111•1 800!11P 119791 •ndJ Sia" I - B,J, A ta.en1eo aria r.trt rnu\1Cdl ;tuClPf'll sell> out tr;, ... r a rc,llr·r s• i1•"9 t:> <J9•( <.ontest before reium1ng ,,,.., mu<.1c JI stud~ PG Saturday movies DECEMBER n 1981 EVENING 600 0 • • • • G·•;<A I () I' I 1 -41)C. J' 111• C\ • -t " 1 t"' 11 fi,,, m,..r \ :. " ~ M'"•''.;tJ rfJl"t.-..•I\ j lj,1 )'l lo ft ~•J""'[' ... , ft V I .J(' Jf rlhJ"t: jf1(J f1)H trH t m * • • , '" .... r ... ' h r, U ~ J .. •• I r.. • •1 '!/'r Jff .. rt D<ih' L1\1i ~~II lr..-•r Ar .... .t"-"'l1t b H'., r11 ... stic.t' 10 n1.. o w r UH(J' lOOd U . \lo ·l)., wr.1lfo (.(Jr t4:1 Jing ..-..1ir a P' ,, '6 'r'''·J' ult.I girt O~nl Ori r..fi.. rm.r\g f'11rn 0 •• fH-,..,~J=ri(JJ..- 11'1;71 Jo<l1e Fo~le• Bar bJrd HJ•r•S Tti.P \lllt(1rl(1 -. lurneo up$10e down lor a mo1'1e• 1no daughtP• WM mag1ca111 swotcn bOdte'> onP fa!elul day G S • • • , fhe Sh•c~. Sta111on '1979J Kelly Reno Mickey Aooney Altl'• oe1ng rescued from 1ne 1s1and on wtuch 1r>ey w .. re sh1pwrecl.ed togeth· er a young boy and a horse become involved on '"e rac;e ol l"e cenlu•) G 0 • * • ' Gloroa 119801 Gena Rowlands Jonn Aoames A former gun moll becomes the pro IKIO< OI an orphaned 6- yeilr -old Puerto Roc;an tar· QPled by the unde•wa<lo IO< the 1nlorma1ion he car- riPs 1n a baltereo brlel· c;ise PG 8.3f> l • * * • I m All Right J<1~k 1 19601 1a11 Carmi l tloP' Pele' Set PrS In 1ry1ng IO do 3 good 101> IOI hi::. und•' m a factor) a wf't mP.jr1•nq bumblef JC t u~lly UP SPI~ lhP c root.ed !t.<:hemr h1~ uncle has 50 r J•l'tully p1anneo 1 30 C • • • Qui) lladO\ 1l'JS1 Hot>ert r .;11or D+'t:>oran Kerr A Romon aro~rocral (!Bins Neto\ d·s roivor "'"en h<' tau~ 1n lo•e woth a Cnrost1.m q111 8 00 U • • Murder> 1n 'he RuP Morque ( 197 11 Ji\son Robards L1lh Palmer A theatucal company Pl<IY"'9 1n a thP3tre 1n the Aue Morgue 1n Pans •S terror· lled b) a <;ero"S Of l>rul81 murde" S * • , fht' Formula ( 19801 Marton Brando GPOrge C Scon Whole invltSlll)atong tile murder ol a colleague a veteran cop uncovers a conspuaq 1nvOlvong lhe suppression ot a synthetic fuel formula ~the Ott companies R U • • • 'lnsode Moves·· t 19801 Jonn S••aoe Dav•d Morse A newcomt'I 10 the groop or r119ulars at an Oal.tand bat m•y hOld lhP . .. • .. ... t4.,. 10 mai..mg tr1f--bdften dGf Ortttiim ot tA:C.Om1r1c., " pru b.;~ketball player " re~101y PG 8 15 l • • In.-. f 1f'nd•" Ptol 01 O• f u Ma11r t.u 11 J(I01 PHf'r <;.-l'P• Sod (\ (.J•·~ar ft"~~ ' 01 J(1tJ t,, Lt 1;1110 v .. ro ~ 0 .. 1 •1.,,1.,1 <J C S" 11r 1 .,rs..,e 1r.e •68· yttdr 010 tH c.h villain J~ r t:' "~.irtr,.. tr,, th~ mqr~o 1ent' 1nrh.101r1q tr e C.trJiNfl J t•wt:IS, u'\t"O tn md"t. to '''t° t,if()l(lf.q109 .. I I PG 8 30 H * • 511rJAt.dll E ,q,,,....., , ... 12 • CJt:.ir '•nr c, 01 ·n A t~~" t()t" l'f(.fl11.,"1JJfll 1r,1 .. •·lS nJ: .r r ... tt,. J:.t 1otes ,, Jr dlh .. n\Pt IO mr Oetn11.... ., cm tP•dalt-0 ~• r..y" '"'e ''·'·l'' lt"d L 10000 .. 11,., M .iC.3hdr ' 1 ,. .. b) Jd"' ..-~ .ArN•\s E. t Mdne StJ ,., A 1uq••,.10 .. v, mo Jr tdm \t. .+vi ... u~ r-~ oruft+-t s fJn • h .,I ~'•:·C• ,,, lldr \lotfg1'''"' '-\~!Nil' 1 ar • Hit ArT ~'· \.d 1 tr It r 0 .... .. ,...,,, J, P(,, 0 •••• " .. ~~, " Hl ,., ,._. .. 4 J'' H ,ftn"..a• M•_.,., c;,,_._..._.'-;. "J ldlllt="'\ '41lt' ,... wilt• for custr•cJV ot thf''' , uno S<.tn df\t-t ShE-'#t J iir'!. c,uf on ""Cm pr,, 10 05 l • * 611 It~ I 19 7 PcUlt 0 Arbofu,111e M r,n, 1<11st1>n'k·o A young 9or1 - ~·uat a .. ai.en1r1a cYc JrS Ou11ng n<>1 !.la) wot'1 ~ tarr '• froend one summe• A 10 30 C * * * * S•,..g n " The Aaon ( 19521 Gene Kelly Debbie Reyno•ds Duung HO'IY"'VQd s tr ans" 11on 10 tne 1a11<1es a 101> ~.er I star !alls '" love "'I" a wrr1ted newcomer ti • • • , Superman 1 l!li81 Christopl\l"f R1>e•e Marqo1 Kidder Miro. m.innere<I reporter Clari< ti.ena oon5 hos red cape and uses hos superhuman ilO""B<S to lh..,art an arch c:romonal s plot to O~t•o1 1ne West Co•~t "'''" a 91an1 earthQuake PG 1130(D • • • TheP.,pe1 Cnase 119741 T1mot"• Bonoms Lindsay Wagner A younq law student a1temph to 1mp1e5~ a t1rJnn1cJI professor wh1lo un~1Umg1, tah.nq '" 10..,0 ""'" n1s daughl!·• <J • • • Billion Doll.ir Brain • t96~·1 M1cna,. <.,.,m,; F 1 ... ncoo·-e Dorl,.ilC SKre1 .vi.-n1 H.Jrry P ump• b• tom~\ m -..01"-'ed n 111tr1gue JrHl c:Joubte eras~ 1n9 1n rm1and S • * • Tne Slue Laqoon 1 19801 Broo'e sri .. Os Chr,SIOP""' Atk ins l wo ch1IOren t>•PP n{'nre thP PdnQS OI hr$1 IOvP wh1lf' O•s.covering Ille ano each other alter tney arP sh1p ... rec;'e<1 togem.,r on a OeStl!led •~I.ind R 11 35 l • • * An Enemy 0 1 Tn.-Peop1e \ 19771 StPve McOueen Charles Durn 1nq Base<r on Ibsen s p1a, Tht' 'c11,,er-s or a small !Own first applaud lhen persecute a local phys1r1an tor declarong the local hOI 5'>'•ngs unsafe due to PQ4 luloon 0 11-.eS D • • • Torn Curtain ( 19611J Pih.II N-man Juhe Andrews In order to obtain a secret fa<muta necessary la< perleci 1ng a new weaPOn an Amerocan ~·~: "~· !·: ,.T ., :: LOWEST PRICES IN ORANGE COUNTY ~~:::::;:::::.;..: "We Are Never Undersold" ~""~-Day or Night Prompt, courteous -~~:=po .... '=-fij~~=~il'ill conscientious service. SprillCJS • Hardwcre • Garage Doors • Repairs "Leading Installer of Automatic Garage Door .'1A .. -. Openers & Radio ContrOls in Orange County·· -... ............ 8 IRVINE DOOR COMPANY Sales & Service 552-1411 ''= Insured. Bonded & licensed Contr. No. 312361 BEA SPORT! Come join us at the Newport Beach Tennis Clu~. The Newporf. Beach Tennis Club is the site of such prestigious events as the 1977 Davis Cup. the Annual Pacific Southwest Seniors Tournament. the Orange County Adoption Guild Tourna- ment and o thers. Members. however. seldom find themselves waiting for one of the 19 courts. The Club also boasts a Junior Olympic-size pool. 1acuzzi. dining room. and bar. _ Members frequently take advantage of the attractive fac1hties for private parties. wedding receptions. etc Other social activities include bridge. back- gammon and scrabble A limited number of Regular. Corpo- rate. Swim. Associate. and Junior Execu live Memberships ore now ovo1loble. plus our new "ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP" and "JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP" (12"16 yrs.) For more information please coll our Soles Director at 644-0050. Joa1t81,ossEa GABPBTGo. The Oldest Floorcovering Retailer in Southern California Family Owned ~ Serving California \!I) Since 1879 • ::tJraperie~ • ·anJ WooJ Par'luel (OSIA MESA '~.li 2927. SO. BRISTOL ~· (One BIOck So. of Baker) 751-2324 HOU RS: Mon.-Fri. 9-6 Sat. 10~5 "O 0 - .. a ' Movie Gulde for the Week -------------- ~ ~ From Page 28 E physicist pre1end1 10 QI defect to East Germany ~ 12.-00 '1» • • s. .. eoar· c 19901 Q Robert lyon, Randy Weal Two men dress u women and slow away on • p1ee. sure cruise wllOse cr- and passengers are all beaultful wo<nen ·R 0 * • SUllday Lovers" (1981) Gene Wll~. Roger OI MOOre Fout modd fe..age<S .3 men 1n love are IOllowed as lhey pursue lhe1r amorous > advenrures 'R' I-12:15 G • • 1 Btacula (19721 -0 Q. Wiiham Marshall. Vone11a McGee A vampire resur- rected alter 200 years goes 011 '1 k1H11>9 Sl>f88 lhrougr,001 Los Angeles 12:30 II * • • El Ootaao I 19671 John Wayne Rob- er! M11chum A WOUl'lded. drunken sMnff 81\d a rancher who is pa111a11y paralyzed ream up 10 trllCk down a band of rulhle» k•llers (fl * * ''> The B.oge Or The Cross" C 1971) Geo<ge Kennedy, Ric;.tdo ~IJI· ban. The murd« of his ~le drl\les a de1ec1111i1 into a religtOUs Ofder (C> * • * "Let It Be" 11970) The BNtles. Jonn Lennon. Paul McCVlney, George Harrison and Rin- go Starr put-a round of r._uls, rec;ording -· llotw and an lmpromplu eotlC*1. 12::S6 CJD **·~"The Oclagon" (1980) Chucll Notrls. L .. Van C ... I. A -•llhy young woman lllrn a retired martial WU Cham- pion to pr otec1 her from terror1St1 trwied by Ille '!'1S1ericxn Ninja cult. "A' 1:15(1) •• ""Senior•" Denim 0uato A get-rich-quick ldleme II planned by four letllors In college wtio Intend to beat the sys1ern at lh own~ 'R' 1:30 • • • "Piranha. Ptlan- ria·· ( 19721 P9ter Brown. Wttllarn Sm11h. A ruthlna hunter~ to stalk a trio of jungle wlldliM pflo- ~ aphers. • •••~··Top Har" ( 193S) Fred Astlllre. Ginger Roger$ A man has trouble with his girlfriend because She think• 11e·1 married to her beat friend. 1:36 CZ)••• ··eoe1 M1ner·1 Deugllter·· I 1980) Sl11y Spa,ek, Tommy L•• Jones. Baaed on Loretta Lynn'a autoblogn1pny. A young girl from a P<>Ot family in ~ Kentudly marriea a mum older 1oc;.i ~ wtio .,._. her me to Statdom In Iha mualc: lndua1ry. 'PG' 2:00 CC) 'h "SIMI" ( 1MO) L .. Majors. Jennifer O'Neill A beautiful woman la ...,.,_ 9d by • tougfl conetruc:tlon for-In NnOlng Ille compeny Ille lnh«lts after her lather'• IUtPkloua. "IC:Qdental"' deeth. 'PG' 2!30. * * "Decoy FOf Ter· r or·· C 1970) WllllMI l<Jrvln. \Jean CMltopher A lowly young woman acts as a police dec:Oy to trap an art- ist~ of murdering _., of Na former mod-• ••• "a..xtna""C1MO) Dorothy Stratten, A._y saw.iti.. A rotlot le made In tfle. ""9 of a ~ woman wtlO doearft llaw -~·-- TOAN BY DUTY Roger Moore stars as a German officer whose love for his country is at war with his loathing for Adolf Hitlc•r in ·"The Golden Raiders·· Sunday niiiht at 9 on A BC 1 Ch 7 1 mamages end up In the dhl0re9 court "R" 2:46 Cl) • • 'h '"The Formula" ( t980) Marlon Brando, George c Scott. While .,, .... ,1ga11ng the murder of • ool!Ngue. • ¥eteran cop uncovers 1 'on1plracy lnYOllrlng lhe tuWflilon ol a aynthellc Ivel formula b)' Ille oil companlM. 'R' 3:15 • • • • ""Tiie Man From COiorado·· 11~1 Glenn Ford. Wiiiiam Holden A newly appoin1ed federal judge of the Colorado ter- ritory ii sadistic to thOM wflO oppoM hlS 11¥1hnns 3:20. • * "'Jungle Bride'" C 1t38) Anita Page, Chat._ Starret1 A love triangle develops between two men and • gwt. wtien they become lhipwredted on I deMn ISiand. 3:35. * *'h "Hold Baell The Night"' C 195e) JOfln Payne. Mona Fr~. A Marina company retr .. 11 In Iha Korean War to protecl the dlvllion. 3:«1 CZ)** "'l ook 8acic In Anger·· p959) Claire Bloom, Rlc:tlatd Burton 8Med on the play by John Osborne Al Ill• lall moment, a man dlaco¥ws 11181 he IOWS and naadt hit wife. 4:00 CC) * * ~ "Fox .. •• (IMO) Jodie Foster. Salty Keller- man Tiie vlctlma of br<*en hofMs and unc:erlng par- ent•. lour teen-llge g1111 try to IOotlle lheif emotional wounds through drugs and MX.'R' 4:25 CID • • "Sunday Lowrs" (1981) Gene Wilder, Roger MOOfe. Four ~aged men In row are t<lllow9d as they ~ tlleW armc>rous ~tur-.·A' 4:30. * * "'Tiie Vllllor'' C19711 .... ~rer. John Hueeon. An andent from a dlltant galuy c-to EM1tl 10 daetroy an evil &- ~-old girl wtlO ii Clm- ttnact to M tfle rnott. of • AFTEAHOOH l2:00. * * • "Whlsthng 1ro The Dark"" (19411 Red SUiton, Ann Rutherlord A _.,d cult C41Ptur .. • radlO cMtecllve. Cl)** "Z41fo ToSbty'" Datren McGavin. OeniM Nlcic erson. A middle-aged divOfced man, neealng money for alimony pay- ment•. 11 r.ced ""'" repos--.lng a Mafia car con- tlllnlng a dead body .. par1 of Ills ,,_ pannerst11p wtlh • 18-yeer-old glt1 'PG" CZ) * * '" ·"The F'141fldlstl P1ot Of Or Fu Manchu" ( 1980) Pe141f Sellers. Sid Caesar. The FBI and &ot- land Y atd' I Del Naytand Smith pur-the 168- year-Old arch vlllaln as he seerc'-lor lhe ingred· -••. tndud1ng the Clown Jewels, used to mU<e his Ute-pr~ eflxlr "PG" l:Z:..30 CID • • "Breaking Gtus·· (1980) Hazel O"Connor. Ptlll Daniels. A 8flti.tl punk pop star's Ntestyte un.. mai.ty leads 10 tragedy 'PG' 1:00 • • • • • "'l(r-Vs Kramer 11979) Dustin Hoffm11n. Meryl Streep A man bait,.. wllh his H · wtfe '°' custody of ''-young son •f141f Ille ..,.,_ s out on them. 'PG" l:30. * * * "lady L" (1966) Sopnla Loren. Paul l\lellt• man An 80-yew-old wom- an recalls her S9lcY Ille through comical lluh- bacll• • • • • '"The Cantennlle Ghoat" ( 1944) Charles Laughton. Robert Young A mMk man must perform an Kt of eoutage to fr .. hlmMl1 from the ~ of• -dly ancator. CC) * • * "Forbidden ~ .. C195e) Walter PlcJ. geon, ~ Francia. 8-.d on tNlt__.,1 .. The Tempest."' An OU* 1P11C9 sonal eaper~ from h11 days as an oyster pttate up lhrough 1111 work as a field 'orraspondent covering the Boer War Cl) • * * '"Tile Glall Bot· tom Boll" I t9M) Doris Day. Rod Taylor, A pllysl- '"' b«ornes Involved with a glt1 who poses as a mer- ma;d Par1·11me 2":06 CZ) • *. 'Agatl\a"' ft979) Outlln Hoff~. V.,_ Redgflllil It! LondOn lf'I 1926, an American_.. paper reporter "'"'' and be<:-lnv°"'9d with lamed mystery writer ._ Iha Christle. who has left hef unfatlhlul hult>and PG 3:00 e • * ,,,., ·'Sorrowful Jones"" (1949) Bob Hope. LL>Cllle BaN Based on I story by Damon Runyon. A bOOlc le becomes Involved With gangtl41fl and llJ19d races g * • "Joe Palool!a·· ( 1934) Jimmy Durante. Stuan Erwin The GOnlie· strip pnzeftghter llght1 corru pllon bat ween matClles. 3:30 • * * * '"' ""Romeo And Juliet"" ( 1968) Leo,,.rd Wllltlng. Olivia Huaaey. Based on Shalrnpewa·a play Two ata1-crOIMd'lov- er1 meet with tr aged)' -.... .. 01 •laud bet-''*' lamu+es CC) • • * ·'The Fox·· ( 11168) Sandy Dennis, l<elr Dullea 88Md on the story by D.H. La-enc. The relatlonshlp be1-1WO lesblan lovers reacha a critic* point wflerl a llan<l- aorna stranger appears 11 lhelr remote Cenadlen I arm (8) * *'h "Headtn' For Broadway·· C1980) Rex Smftll, Vrvlan Reed Four young, ta11nted and sewed P«lormert go 10 New York City trying to make It big In 111\ow busl· ,,.._•PG' ~.._ .,,. t7AO ® ••• ···~~~~~211•..t1:111~ma~'2~..-.. tJ;;.a~ rled ~ In AIMttce'' ( 1NOJ o.or,. heel. f "'Murders In The p "p971).i- Robar.. L* Pallfter A __...AT f"MPX tMMftCal '°""*"' ~ n•n "••"" 0-" C 19M) Frank Sina- tra, Vlrna Uel A --.n and lier eoh0f11 recondi- tion 1 German submarine to UM In lhelt robbery of the Q.-i Mary Q9 * * * "Tiie Siiencers·· 119661 Dean Maritn. Stella Srevens A sem1-rettred spy IS 15Slgned lhe IUk ol 1ra11tng a aelector and pre venrong him lrom a1sd~s­ '!!i! IOP·secret 1nlormat1on (I}••'> "Rough Cut I 1980) Burt Reynalds lel> ley·AM e Down A B111tSh soc1aJ11e lutes li1l 1n1e111a- t1onal iewel lhtei out or ret11ament to help '"" 5tea1 S30.000 000 in d1amonas "PG 4:15 ZJ • • • Special~· 1ton 119751 louis Se1gne• Michel lonsaale In Pa11~ du11119 Ille Vi<:hy regime a Nazi 1t1al tor Ille muroer or a German na1111t caaet ands on tne 11>ecu11on ol lour 11moc;ent s 5:00 (OJ • • •' Bon voyage Cha!lte Brown ( 19791 An1- ma1ea Dt•ec:lea by 0111 Melendez Snoopy and Woodstock lollow e~change students Ch&rlti! Brown, PepP41rm1nt Pally. Linus and Ma",. on an adventure-ltlled roor of En91and ind France G 5:30 (CJ * * "> "'Mlfell 01 The WOOden Soidlefl'" 119341 Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy Two men find lllemsel\les 1n a fantasy world toy Shop 1:00 e • • 'h "'Hans Br1N141f"' ( t9691 RICllard 88Mhart, Eleanor P81ker In 19th- century Holland. • POOf boy compel .. egainst his nemesis in • sliatlng ,_ with a covet9d pt1n -a 11Wollilv.1Ut• • • • • ··er Cid"' (Pa11 1) (1961) Chartton Heston. Sopllea Loren A great Chriltlan hero 18\191 Spain and Chnstlandorn from lhe attadllng Moors In Iha 11th century. CID •••• "Adam'• Rib"" (1949) Spe~ Tracy. Katharine Hepburn. A murder 1•181 orNtes hevoc In Iha marnage of a wom- 81'1 la...,., and her huS· band, an ISSlstant drstrict altorney Cl)*** Forbidden Planet" ( 195el Wall41f Pkl- geon. Anna Fr anc:is Based on Sh8111119"'e's '"Tiie Tempest ·· An outer 5P8Cle mlUion is launched to locale• profellOf who hu !>Mn living fOf a number of ye.111 on a distanr pl-1 of the fulur•. I: 15 CZ) * * "JuSI A Glg!IO .. 8:30 ct • • '" ··space Movie" C 1979) Documentary. Musk; by Mike Oldfield. A"hlval tum footage Chron+des the triumpl'IS 01 the U S. spec. program. IOCUSHlfl on the dramatic ADOllo 1 t moon landtng 'G" 7:00 CC) • ,, • "Forbtdden Planet" ( 19S6) Wal1er Pid- geon. Anna Francis Based on Shakespure"s "Tiie Tempest •• An outer ~ mlSSton is launc:had 10 loeate • proteeeor who has t>Mr> klllllg for a number of years on a d•stanl plenet of the future. (Q) * • * * "Kram.< VI 1<11m«'" Ct979) Ou11in Hoffman, Meryl StrMP. A man bltttes wltll Illa ex- ..,,. for custody ot tflelf young son after Ille ..,8*s out on''*" ·pa· l.'00. * * * "'The Paper c..s.·1 ttt"4> TIMbthy Bo4toma. LMdNy w....., A iou119 I•• lluct.ftt .................. Lie?"" (1980) TrNt Wll· Uetna. LIM Elctlho<n A comoulllYe her upM11 the s11tus quo with his refusal 10 conform 'PG 0 **'"'"Star Trell ·· The Molton P1C1ure· I 1979) Wilham Shalll8( Leona1d N1moy l he lorrne< GOm· mander of Ille U S S Enterprise 1eassem1>1es his Ola crew and se1s oll on a mission 10 llnd me my51e11· ws vessel responSIDle for Ille aes11uc1ton o! numer- uu~ F eaera11on s1arsn1ps G Z * • • AQ.ilha 119791 Dusttn Hollman VaneS$<l Redgrave In London 1n 1926 an Amer.can ,,....5. paper •et>Oflllf meets ano oecomes 1nvolvea w1m l•meo mystery wrner AQ8· Iha C.n1 tSl•e who has tell her unfa11hlul nusbano PG 9.00 0 at • • In Sear'h 01 H1s1011c Jesus · I t979J Jolin Rub1ns1e1n. Netlem•· ah Persofl H•storic.1 e"'- denc.e •s used 10 PMKe l<>gelher a fk lual narrallve or lhe 1111 of one ol cMhu- 11on s mos• •n fluentual 1na1- v1dua1s O 8 9 * * '" The Golden Raiders· ( t9791 Roger Moore. David Nlwn An assortea group ol ~ band logether durrng W0<1d War U to escatie from • prlson«-<>l-wa1 camp an<! at the same ttme pull off an art "8411. O • ****"A Star Is Born' (1937) Fredr" March, Janet Gaynor Feeling hos own popularity slipping .. hll young ........ car-11 on lhe rise. a big- -stw turns to Ille bot· tie for comlor1 CC> •• 'h "Heart Beat" ( 1980) NJdt Nolte. Sluy S~ The lntes of beat gen.atlon legend• Jacll Kerouac and Carol and ~ CMNdy we ct>r<n- cled. exploring the growth of their ralationtl'llp as rhey spend •-nty restless ~Ifs on tha move. (HJ •• * "ApocelypM Now"' C 1979) Marton Bran· do. Martin S'-1. Oirect9d by Francis Ford Coppola An 1ntelf1gence agent embarks on a mission up rrver lnlO Iha Vietnamese jungle 10 find and kilt • mysletlOlls. AWOL Army officer wtlo has foiled .,I P< evious all empts at "" capture "R" LO.> ••• ,, "Seffal" 11980) Maritn Mull, Tuesdey Weld A happ41y mamecl Marin County couple are spurr9d by their trendy neogt>t>Or1 Into exploring alternative lifestyles. 'R' 1:45 (2) * • * "Why Would I L141?"" 1 t980) Treat Wll· Hams, LIM Elc:Morn. A Compulsive lier upMll lhe atatus quo With his refusal to conform. ·PG· 1C)j)O CIJ * * * * "Kr-Vs Kramer · ( 1979) Ousttn Hoffman, Meryl Streep. A mar\ ball,.. w1111 his ex- Wife IC)( CUSlody of their young son after she walks out on them. 'PG' 10:30 • * * "Down Argentine Way•· I 1940) Betty Grallle, Don AIMChe. A beeullfUI hetreu IOllowa a _,thy South A~ from New YOfk to Argentina (Q) *•*·~"Julia" C 1977) Jane Fond1.. Vaneua Redgfave. Writer Ulllan Hellman •drawn Into Ille main thrwt of wartime reslltanoe efforts wflerl her ~ dllldrlood fr1end ...Sher help • • • "Tiie Attic" ( 1979) Carne Snodv-· ~ Mii- lend. A llbfarian '-In lf\e peatllilttl .. ~ol = =- SEASON'S GREETINGS Ol H <a 1-,. SEl.E(,'IO'.\ • \~I llJL 1'.:S • OIUl;l:'\.\1. Oil. l'.\l'.\rl:\t.!'- • trno~z ~:s • wool><'AR' '"' :s • \\111~. \'\l!IEn t>FI '>lSI \L1;11vrs F OR Ttn: 1..\1>1 ES: \ ISITTH E · :'\F.\\ .. \\'O~U-::'\ S TH.\l>IT IO"\:\I. SEt"l'I O:\ For Those Who Shop For Quality t H U N T l i TG TON H A RBOU R ECEMBER 15TH thru DEC EM BER 23AD ';) CAUi S NIGHTLY 5:30 P.M. TO 8:30 P.M. WA RM CLOTHING -A MUST Donations: Adults $4.00 ~~~'!?ren 52.00 Tickets by Reservation F o< ''IJe g•ovo 1ese•.,,ll•O"' ti1 c .. s ca •141 8~6·92 16 O• •7141 846 J:.80 l':y t'O ' OVI• •ese·-·· O<'S Cl 11 ' 8'0 6209 ,,...... tlcMt lldoi11wl on: (714) '40-t:IOI I"'• "I I ;61~ 5#9•...-to\op OI 1"';,YoMf\' ( ~i"JI" 11i'fs11.) . .... ' : . ..... ROOM ADDITIONS -REMODELING AS LOW AS 596°0 A MONTH• I . ~ ~-::-:;---..... , I _-_; ·-:.-C '"''I I --;.~.... '· A•-- a mp/ EQ and the 7;xr7 together Starling Wl th the AJpine 7307 make quite a syo;tem But lo pre·amp F M AM Cassette Deck, a mplify it even more, add a 3002 you ran't buy a better p11~ce of Pulse Regulated Power sound equipment for your car. Amplifier with so Watts per It's Alpine pure bred te<>hnology, channel with car audio Creatures you Or start with the 7307 and lhe won't find on many home units 3002 Amp It features an yet. auto·remole power-on s ... itr h so Like M us1c Sensor~ and met.JI I it ran be plared out or sight tape capability with lhe push or Next. add the 3003 Pre Amp a button It also has rive station Fl\'e-Band Graph1r F.quali1er , preset. Dolby Noise Reduction which beromt>s the control Alpine's exclusive Cassette Ghde center ror an added 3001 Digi tal and Electronit· Glide EJe<'l. And Time Delay. which frequency response Wllh metal electronir ally delays the siinal tape 1s an incredible· 40 to 18,000 from o lo l.000 milliseconds and H7No~·. to bu1'ld your S"!'lem. add gives you cont'ert ~all a~llt'S .. ,.. in your car. Later 1r you Wish. lhe Alpine 3007 Amp F\ve/Band add a nother 3002 Amp, and more Graphk Equa lizer With IS . power to you! The 7307 is shown Walls per channel power. lhlS ALPINE w ..... ,u • C•stOlll sys.._ ...p 11nd & l•shlllecl by profe1NoHl1 -•sir ._,ow lfe ..... w•r..tr. 5 W.th to 1600 W.th somcl sysh•. FIB T·S .. IT WITH THIS AD -•-h••·· .. ••· ~.. uw Of'IM 1 DA TS A WIB Z I t E. I( .... CIC..... ....... MOH..-Fttl. 11·1 CA SATURDAY 11·7 • • SUMDA Y I 2-5 10 MAJOI amtT CA.IDS ACCIPTID 31 -0 0 - ·••M ,6 R u·~~ 'JI""_, l9n()IW '(Ub<1'J ,molto9 ~· n. ~":'.!,:·~::..'Id" A ~"': tn•o"'' w1I on1101 A 1 , ~ _...... ............. ______ ...... _____ ..........._ ___ ~~ ••• l{C...." ''a.:>hetnA ..i t1quo.:> O..> 1&1)&2 •g•o•O 108(1 r I -.. l l 5t ~·MlWie Guide for the Week .... ..- "" ~ ,..rom Paye .111 E Cl.I v ~ Darren MeGaV111. Oemse Nickenon. A middle-aged dlvo1ced man. needing money l0t alimony pay· meots. •S tac;ed with repos- sestlng a Maha car con-~ ta1ning a dead body as 'O part of his new par1ner1n1p "-with a 16-ye&t·Old girl U. ·PG' OI 0 ...J > I--0 11:30 • * • • • • ''Romeo And Juliet ( 1968) Leonard wn1t1ng. Olivia Hussey . Based on sna11espea1e·~ play Two star-ctoSHO lov- ers meet with tragedy because ol a teud bet- their tamllles (8 * * "M aty And Joseph A StOI)' 01 f'a11n" ( 1980) Blancne Baluw. Jeff East Tne stOf)' of tne early hie ol tne WOf'll&n whO was cnown to t>e the molh., of tne Meulah Is d1amatlzed ••• ,, "Beat ISiand" ( 19801 Donald Sutii.tland, Vanessa Redgrave An A1c1tc weather·tesearch 1eam a mind lsn t just on lhe climate when its mem- bers ate f0tced into • fight l0t thelt very SUNlval ·PG' (.Z) * • • "Medium Cool'' ( 1969) Robert FOtStCll, Ver· na BIOom. A ChicagO TV ~-llnds hdnselt dtawn to a struggling scnooiteacner and'* Ill· lie l>Oy. whO t>ec:om. IOs1 during 1he t968 Oemoctat." le conV91'1hon 11ota. 'R' 11:45 8 * * "MlfY And Joeeph. A Story Of Feith" ( t980) Blanche a.Ice<. J«f East The story of the Mfl't Ille of the wOtNlll whO was ctloMn to be the mother of the Meuiell IS df tmatized. 12:00 8 * * * "0.-Of The Statdult Bllltoom" ( 19751 MaurMn Stapleton. Ch.on Ourntno. A t-t widow becOf'Mt lnvollled wftl'I a metried m**1 11'8 meets at a locet Bton• d-llall Cl)••·~ "Rough Cut" ( 1980) &HI Reynolas, Les· ley-Anne Down. A Bt1ti9'I todaltte lutes an intern. ttonal jewel t'hlef out ol retirement to help her steel $30.000.000 in diamondt 'PG' 12:30 cm * • "Night Of The Jugglet" ( 1980) J- Brolin. Cllfl G«man A for· ,,,., police offlc:et laundlae a desperate search through the streets ol New Y ot1l City f0t his m!Mlng daughter. mistakenly llld· napped by a psychopltllle cnnlnal. 'R' ••• ".-US" ( t979) Brian DMcon. RM!a Hol- man. The 11'9 of the "l(Jng Of Klngl." from Illa ew1y years as the son of a IJOOf c:arpenl411 to his instigation ol the rellglous and IOCial revolution that led to his dellth by crucifixion. la detailed. 'G' 12:.45 0 • • '.'1 "The Vulture" ( 1967) Robert Hutton. Akim T-olt An atomic scientist battles 1 mysteri- ous bird-man crealute t.i{C} •••"The Fox" {19681 Sandy OennlS. Ketr " Ilea Bued QO the SIOI)' by 0 H. La~. The rel&Oonshlp ~ two 1eSb1an lovers reaches a etit~ pom1 whet! a hand· some strenge< appears 11 theH remote Can&dian I arm t:30 CZl • • Just A Gog~o· 2.-00 CS".J • The f'1111'1 FIOor ( 19801 Bo Hopkins. ~anne Hull A young women 11 1ncarce<ated 1n • blulrre mental llOSl>ltll ""-e YIO- lenG• 1nd drug abuse are the order of the day. 'R' 2-$ ••••• "Ofdln8fy Peo918" (t980) Mary Tyler LIFE OF CHRIST John R11binst~in stars as Jes us Christ in the dramatization "In Search of Hi stonc Jesus " tn be telecast Sunday at 9 p.m. on NBC t Ch . .t 1 M00te, Donald Sutherland A guilt-ridden l_,_lger try!tlg to put his Ille blCk togetner an., nil brother's "tleath and his own suicide anernpt reedlea out to his ~I !ether Ind his colct r--...d mother 'R' 3:0Ct(t} * * *'h "Woodstock'' ( t970) Oocument8f)'. Many ol the top ~ groups ol the late 'llOI perl0tm at the ,_,., rocll cone.rt held In Bethel. New Y0111. In 1969 3: 15 CZJ • * • "Why Would I Lie?" ( 1980) Treat Wit· ll&tnl, LIA Elchhom. A compulslye liar upMta the status quo with his refusal to conf0tm. 'PG· 3:30 Cl) •• "The Ultle Dr• gons" A gang ' ol lllds, trained In 11arate, reecue one of their ~ when the police are unable to dO so 'PG' Monday movies ~14,1tl1 ~ 8:00 Cl) * * "Hangar 18" ( 1980) O.ren M<:Gewl. Robert Veugtin. ~Ch· .,. at a IKtel gover,_,t lnlt ... tion Investigate the C&UM ol a satellite'• tud- den destrvc1ion 'PG' • • •'I\ ''Rough Cut" ( 1980) 8ur1 Reynolds. Les.- tey-Anne Down A 81'1119" tociellt• kir• an 1nt•na- tional Jewel thief out or retlremant to help her atNI $30,000,000 In diamonds 'PG' CZJ ***"Coal Miner I Daughter" ( 1980) Sissy Sp1cek. Tommy Lee Jones Based on Lo<etta Lynn· I autot>togr aphy A voung girl lrom a poor family 1n rural Kentucl\y mames a much Older local bOy who eng1.._-s her rtse to stardom tn the mu$ic Industry 'PG' 7:00 C * •' r Scav9f19ef Hunt" ( t979) Richard Ben· 1amtn James Coco When 1n eccentric mllllon111re does, the con<l1ttonS of his wlh send his heir1 on 1 wild -ch IOt venous 8t1lcieS on a scavenger liSI, the winner being able to d .. m the deceased'• lortune 'PG' cm .*. ·on Godl Booll II" ( 19801 GeOtge Burna. Suzanne Plelhette. God relurns to Earth and C:l'IOOMS the young daugh- ter or an advertising exec- uttw to tSWeed hie mes- sage to the world. ·PG' •:00• •••. ,, "Hedda" ( t975) Glenda Jacllson. Timothy West BaMd on the play by Hermie lb_.. Hedda Gall!et matrlea fOt money but then t>ecomel lrustrated fOt want ot tove 9 • •., "Sh111ered" ( i973) Peter f'lnch, Shelley Winters A~ man goes through a perlOd of extreme lllgUISl1 after the death of hit wife. ® • •'h "Tom Horn" (1980) Sleva Mc~. Rlchatd Fatnsworth. In early 20tt.-antury Wyo- ming, a bounty hunter hored by • group ol rand\· e<s to trac:k down rustler• Is ... up for • hanging by hit employer&. 'R' 1:06 CZl ••• "Cul-0.Sac" ( 1968) Donald Pleeter>ee. f'rancoiM Oorteac The b-ol a married couc>te dwelling on an Isolated ltland are ctlanged by the atrivll or two wounded crOOlla t:OO ~ • • • • "Love And Death" (1975) Woody Allen. Dume Keaton. A noted ooward In the Rut- S11n Army ..,.,..tually mat· I MIS his tr\ll love, whO OllWS h+m tnlo I plOt 1nvotv1ng an attempt on lhe hie of empe<or Napoleon 'PG' ©)••*•,"The Blldt Stalhon ( t9791 Kally Reno. M1c:key Rooney Aller being rescvecl from the 1stand on whlCh they we<e snopwrec;kecl 1ogeth· er. a young boy and a l'IOfse t>eeome 1nvotved 1n the rac.e or the century 'G' 9-30 0 • • • • Ordinary ~OPfe 119801 Maty Ty1e1 M~e. Donald Sutl'le<land A. gu11t·rldden tMn·-Ue< trying to put nos ~le beClo together alter hit brother'• death •nd his own su~ attemp1 rNChM out to hts complacent lather and his cold, r-Yed mother. 'R' 10:00 8 • • "Wonder Woman" (1974) Cattty Lee Ctosby. R1c1rdo Montalban A r-kably powar1ul Ama- zon woman become• invotved with U S intell•· ®.• • "The In-Laws" ( t979) Al&11 Arkin, Peter Falk Allet their c:hlldren se1 t'* wedding date. a red41r al agent Involves I denliSt In an espionage plot Involving a Latin Amencan dictatorship 'PG' . CZJ * * * 'Why WOUid I Lie?" (t9801 Treat Wll· llama, Lisa Elehhorn A compultlW liar upMta the S11tUS quo wtlh hit ref'uMJ 10 conform. ·PG' l0:30 CC) * * * "Lal II Be" {11170) The Beatles Jonn Lennon. Paul McCartney. George Harrisor'I and Rlfl.. go Starr PIK-a round of reheatuls. recording tet- slonoa and an impromptu concert 11:00 cm •** 'h -The Chant Of Jimmy Btacllamith" ( 1979) Tommy Lewis. Jack Thompson. A young hall· breed eborlglne deCldel to Mele a plac. In the wtllle man· s world only to run up iioaonst • acasm and 111<>- lence (J) 1t * "Bruce Lee's Deadly Kung f'u" 8rUC41 LI A mar'lial arts matlet bat· ltOt I fiSt·f}Ghtlng mob. 'A' 11:45 • • • • "Kramer Vs. Kramer· ( t979) Dustin Hollman. Meryl Str~ A man battles With his e•· wile IOt custody or ll'lei< VOU"9 son atter She -lks out on th41m 'PG' t2.00 G • • • Go Fot Btolo.e f 195 t) Van Johnson G111n· ne Mena Can11e The hefo1c '442nd Combal Reg· 1~n1 Is comprised of AmerK.ans and Japanese <luring W0tld War II , C • • r Scavenge. Hunt 11979) Richard &Jn- )am.n James Coco Wht>n an eccen111c m1lhonaire C11a ll'lt> cond111ons ol h11 w1H send his neirs on a wild sei11ch for var>OUS article$ oo a scavenger hst, tne winner bet~ble to c111m ll'le d«lease<I s 1or1une 'PG' D • • "Mountain Men' t 1980) Ch111ton Heston. Bnan Keith l'wo rur !rappers en)Oy the free- dom ot 1ne w11de<ness tn the last tew years before the encroachment ol c1v111. 1at1on R 2 * • 81ht1S 11977 I Pa111 O Arbnnv111e. MonJ K11stensen A young g1t1 ~ se•udl awakening occurs t1u11ng ne• stay With a lam• ly lr1end one summer A 12·30 Q • • , The O~tlaws 1~ Coming t t9651 Thre. Stoogts Adam West Fou1 newsoape1men become targets lor gunsi1ngurs when they try to 1100 the slaugllter of butta10 1 30 U • • Btue Montana S~•es 1i 9391 Gene Autry Smiley Burnette A man searcnes 1ne Canadian Northwest tor f11r smug· ~s m •*'•"The Dirty Game c 19661 Henry Fon- da. Roberl Ryan An Amer- ican spy cniet recalls three of the most dar1nQ e•ploots 1nh1sca1eer (Ji}*• HlnQBr 18' ( 19801 Oanen McGevin Rol>ef1 Vaughn Research· ets 1t a aecret governmenl tn$tallation tnvestogate the cause of • satellite's sud· den destruction. PG' 1:35 (%) • • • • • rm All Right. Jacl< ( 1960) Ian c;.,,..._ chael. Peter Sellers In trying 10 do e good JOb lot hos uncle 1n • factory. a well-meaning bumbler actually upsets the crooiled scheme h•S uncle has so C&tetully pl&nn4ICI :i:oo ce; • • • • ·e 112" 11963) Marcello M1stro1annl, c1auc11a Cardtnale Otrect· ed by f'ederoco Felllnl A.n ovenworked film dtrlCIOt learns 10 acoept the obsta- cles 1n hlS car-as wett n 1n 1111 personal Ille * * "HOiiywood High" ( 19761 Marcy Albrecht, Sherry H&tdtn TMn-agers at the famous public hlgli achOol continue their vaca- tion studies In the field ol adolescent human rlla· lions. 'R' ••• 'It "C&boBlaneo" (1981) cnanes Bronson. Jason Robards . An exited Nan who has bought off the tocat police dominates a small Peruvian coulal town du<lng the 19409. 'R' 2:45 8 * lt '.'1 "Man-Trap" (196 t) Jettray Hunter. Oa~ Janller\. A war vet· etan IS badgered by Ills alcohOllc wife and pres- sured Into a violent rob- bery by an Army buddy. 3:20 CZJ * * * "Coal Miner's Daughter" ( 1980) Sissy Spacek. Tommy Lee ~ BaMd on Lortitta Lynn's aut~. A young glt1 from a poor family tn rural Kentucky m&ff 191 • much older local boy wh<> eno~• her n.. to stardom In the mu~ Industry. 'PG' 4:30 CC) * * * "Lei II Be" ( t970) The Beatles Jonn Lennon. Paul McCartney, George Hatr1son and Rin- go Starr pur-a round or 1efle81S111. rec0td1ng aes· slons and an impromptu concer1 Tuesday m ovies DECEMBER 16. t9B 1 EVENING 8:00 $ • • • , OIOna t t980l Gena Rowland' JOhn Adames A lorm<>1 gun motl becomes 11\e l)<O tector ol an 0<phaned 6- ve11-old Puerto Rican tar getld by lhe .undetwotld fOf t"e 1nlormotion ne Cllf· nes 1n a battered bfllf case PG 7:00 ft)'" Stell 11980) Lee Ma)O(S, Jennifer O'Neill ,_ belulllut woman es assoat· ed bv • tough construction l0tem1n 1n running the cornpany she 1nner1ts a11e1 he• latner s SUSl)KIOUS .iccoe1en1a1 death PG O • • • "S<uba~er 119801 Robert Reoto•O v tlPhel KOllO A ret0tm mondecl wa111en uncovers w1desp1e<10 corruption "'""" "" ente<s l'ltS ne .. t~ ,;uogne<I pt1son posing as an onmate A 7 15 l • • • Special Soc· 1ton 11975) Louis Sfl.gner Micllel LonSdale In Pa11s during tne Vichy regime a NII.lo trial '°' the murder ol a German naval cadet ends 1n tne e.ecu11on 01 lour innocents 8.00 D • • • CountetP01n1 ( 1968) Cnatlton Heston Mox1m11tan Scnell An American symphony con· ductor and his 0tc~tr• ate taken prusone<s ov tne Germans dunno a USO IOUt • • "Xanadu" ( 19801 01"'18 Newton-JoM. G- Kelty. A voung arttst. a heavenly muse and a sen11- men111 m1ll1onatre 101n lotces to open up a huge rOltet·dt5CO palace PG g • *'• "lfolkes' (19801 Roger Moore. Jamu Mason A dappe<, woman- hat!tlg frogman os called tn 10 thwart the plans ot e•torttomsts wno nave hl)aclced a 5'.lpply $htp and are threatening to destray tw0 Norin S.. oil rogs. 'PG'. 9:00 (t) •• '!\ "The Hard Way" ( 1980) Patrlelc McGooh&11. Lee Van Cleef. A hlred assassin has to make one more not bef0te he Clll retlr"e. 'R' 9:10 CZJ • * '" .. Orwe. He Said" ( t972) W1ll11m Tepper. Karen B11e~ A troubled young c011898 llude<lt. attempling to reach matu- rity thro~h 1n 1lhc1t romanc:e and tnvOIYement In campus politict, learns that bell'O nice and unin· vOlved doesn't wor-any· more. 'R' 9:30 cm * 'h "Leo And Loree" ( 19801 Donny Most. Linda Purl. Two young people, both determined to suc- cMCI '" the heellc and unpredictable world or lhow ~. tnMI and 1111 ln love. 'PG' Cll • • ·~ "Sc;r.enger Hunt" ( t979) Richard Ben· jamin. J-Coco, When an ec;centrlc millk>nalre dies. the conc:t1ti0na ol his wl" Setld hll ,_. on I w1ICI -di tor venous artleles on a acavenger list, the Mnnet being able IO clelm the dec:MMd'a lortune. 'PG' IO:OO. • • *·~"The Parall&Jt View" (1974) W&tren Beat- ty. Paula Prentiss. An 1nvest1gat1ve reporter attempts to uncOl/lr 1 n111onwl de network ot po11tic.I assaSSins 10:30(t) * * *'~ "ThoM LIPS, Those Eyes" ( 1980) f'rank Langella. Gtynn1s o·eon- n0t A n1mt>oy1nt summer stock ICIOf. whO dreams ol Broadway staroom. defends an 1ncompe1en1. stage-struck prop boy and Promotes his romance with • cnorus g.<1 R 10:40 ,~. • • 'Just A G1g1to 11:15 0 • • ... The Man Who Fell To Earth 11976) Oavtd Bowie Candy Clar~ A rock s1ar lrom a" t1hen planet on 11n tnte<ptane- rnr y ~arCti IOI Wiiier for l'l•S peoole beeom1>s an e•plOlted m111 ... nc11r" on E11nri R 11 30 H • • fne Mirror Crack !l t t980l Et11111><'1n Taylor K.m Novale Ba~ on 8 SIOI)' by Agllth3 Christ~ A ~tra~ mu•dff -; •• , •. \7111'11' I 't11J1. i.J L 'lo • I I I ' . " f f I"" A title on the door ... rates a ~igelow on the floor. Good playing, Maestro! Stringing along with a Bigelow carpet' on the flqor can 't make little Sammy Screech sound like Isaac Stern. But cushioning the .noise of fiddles and footsteps is a job Bigelow takes in stride. along with adding rich harmon~ to any room's decor. Come in today and look over our beautiful Bigelow ca·rpets. You 'll ~ors and styles and patterns galore. all with the lasting good l~ks Bigelow is famous for. .· ·---~'j-; ~- .. .. __._ ............ ----------------------~- 33 --c 00 - . , . ·. -----4 ' MoVie Guide for the Weell 5 L 0 .l. , .. , I '<1111· l.! '' 1200() •••• .: ,,., • ·~" .;jl·•''''°'Y t3 ,,, .,...,. J I ~ ..., '"' .. ,, ~ A ~rt t I tJ11t1!>h { Jf"f"JI '' ,., to ,, ''' , n ,, '' '"''Qnl ;t ft1t)1,.1C.,Jn._,'i \;.·' ( ily ~CHfl(.Hllli 12 JO O • • r •. ,.,. '>r 111 H lwP Mu, 1 f1f3') J t Mc.;Cr~d W .ilt"f A .. ,,n;ir1 A qroui,.. ()f ,o•.1n4 mu<. 1,;.1ttn.,, qath•·r~ -ti u ~·u11 rn,.~,, noust.· 10 «·(')CJI 1• •• 1., I •It nt C ••• Ju\•fµ1 .t.~. .\ r .ti "C)u i.v Jrtt 1c-•0U1 ~ "''cG•!illll< Al.on "•'l!j A ... 1 L!•m • ,.-...Jr Old "1' r ... IJ!t A> t p ~a•cnes lo• 1he 'l<j•~o tf .. M(c; lf1Ch.11J1n; lhfl (,..'( wr JPwe1& us,..'-1 1 mJ-. e h•S I IP. prOIOnlJ ''II "'"" Pr, 1·00 m • • Ac11on In Ar., b•il / 1<:'4<1J C.1l0rge Sar •1 <>rs l/orgin1.1 Bruce Our ng World War 11 ,, ~epo·1~r "'POWS J N!/.l• pl01 I? g.i>r Ar lb suppon 1 10 0 • .. J Ht1ppy 8trl'1 \!.;~ WJn\l J J~llt' I 1'1i 11 Roo S1e1qer Susd111•M1 Y rii., AUt•r t;t.qtit ,~..,, '" tr•e Amazo1 .-. m.1n rf-'t1.,, c. •o n1s w1fri .,.r,r. ,g Jt; u' • r•'~..trt 1 1 15 s ••• 'l "'0 I 20 .. •' 1 4 " .... c; 11J T,.OC•.., I • l H 2 25 t) ••• ·, J• ' .,, ,., ...! •-'t I , ,C'U, .. • ,h ,, Ant:'' .t I J I t-r1• 'l"' t. ~, 1 t ~ .f• f • ·ht" ' r t1 t.,S. A 1o" q '1 r :. J ·~ I" u stnqP Sfdr t.1o-·1 rn~~ .,.,ti, r.t!1,..1: t rn ... tr·•~ ni<, 1r • , h 1nC .. i..1rr·•· 1lJlt'f'"11t m • • l'1f>Ho•I i-'r~t!O 15, H•lC•r l f l'\J(•t} JI ll ( ·i 't-·r VI i1l1( 1~ t:'~µV\"''' 11 Jn Ar• 3 ,\p.J-..'i" lt-'yQlf C *** .1J;L .... 1 •8') v1l,j F"-.Jtjf ... , {)(,,- ,_, .... 11 ,... hlf ,., ft4fJf .... #lo ,(JH t! t r t:"f S J~yrl.:'-<tt :-.,qt-.1 l .. .. " '""" ~ JCh.lf • fl!I ..,_ •..1Ch:S r'1t'ltc 3 JO S • • • r, .. G.stn~r 'Cf , ...... E':l ~\·!•·r •J:1"''' .... ~'Jf)t>ft)n l\:n91 r-to ~h, .. ...t'lS 3m(.i.n9 • , . .-,,p,40r5 •tit: t1n1 1, r J !'f.ng "'"',,, ,.•JI?'\~ 1-ut n ?tc~ .1Pcn ,.,, ~·1 t 1~ _;r 1w n Gltttpr.09 9Jfrit'.!r fr .. a tinol fifim1l1 rt?un•on 0•• P . .., .. ~01 "1t~ l m'> R,..t,crr For 51Pr L.Juren Hullon A bl'Ju 11ful < ~,'-tdf W(H I> Pt 0PC(Jm'4'; mv 1ive<J IA•lt-. d l1oer11 OUI u .. 11,L~•ao pri.,st PG ~ 00 0 * Wa,n., '"'"'Iler C1~c 11a:iat AP91~ • v1me1 Jun., Clyoe Th., J.,Of•• ... t'ld1Jf' '"P•r hands ••Jli Anen tt t?) rt"Ce1ve a c t ~ rr 'U n·.11 onl~ 1crcp ,, -m n cteail Ndh er ,.,.. ' 1l~ 0-J• d Q~O~t dS WFll C <;1....,, 119801 L"~ •.~ 1 '.,. ••nntlPt 0 N~ t ~ t ~.Juhlu AQrr .1n !> ;tSSl"i' ... J b . d ft :..1Qh .._ '''\''ur• n •tr~ me1in • "' .., ,-;..; .,., 0"' '-cfl'\, '),..,"° r '~ •:• P IJ,..,f., S 1,.nf' ..:!~r•.J 4 05 m •• .., ... . ' ~ ... z ••• ... .. ,,, (I,• FROM CHAMP TO LORD I< I I " \ ·'' I : "It' I .11 I l.111111 ti 1111 I 1--l'l'l 1111 flldll• l Ill 'Ill tti11ltn11 Jl11 llltt I Iii t 'h,1111 'l,tf-111 lfi1· t1 t ll· tnk 111 th·· Jlll'{IJ n· m.1!-.1· 111 l.tttlt I. C) ,. d I·" I t 111 I I t , u \ I 'J "l' I 1 I ":Id ( .. ' I I ""~d:1 \ .11 X 11 Ill llll t. H~ t ·11 ., Mf)r ->t A nPwrrJn , .. , ff) tr • gr<iu!J u• •egul.ors .it ,,,, On1.111u t".1' may hold rh .. k e( 1a "1d;,inq fhf' t Uri• 1 Ottt '\ 1ru Im Ot b~r1f1'1u q u "-'' t t!J•Ptt; 111 (jl,j,('' '"·lhl, PC. 7 30 C • • * A ~ ur '" t t1i· /., • ' .J H. J·.1• 1'• t " .... (.) .. .. e 10 z • • I' I ' 1 • l;I J A• •r • .. ' ~e t.f\ f f • I . '· r. .. H HO Jl\1 e, A dJ>'#f')'"°cJ 'l'HdOle·Jyed .. ecr._.,'1,Y is lJul •"' tht-On~1t1· .. m Of lldv .. '1'1 t.; ChOOSt: Ot:IWCt.'r'I m~t'c.t• and a 1rant ... ,, """' '' c C" ·r~. r;1te hd ,, .. c •• '<.J i ._ 0 •• . . t ' I I 0 •• "' .. , .. ., d t.;Ut-' c·' ' ·t t..-, ... ,, '' # oi--,1 "I ,,, 1-... (. I."-J'" ~,, """"" ..,, E'· .. .. • •••• J .. "· .. 1.·00 0 • ,, lj,' 12 15 ~ ••• 14' 10 0 •• £00 ,, .. t;. 0 ••• ' ti <. ,.., J:a ,.,, ',. •. fj ~· '~~(,I br .> Gr ,,~1 r n .. , A1 .. 1r•<. r ,,,rJ Ct't1t(l''""" <·•PP- ,,...,.,_ •. If••· Pdnq r t '''~I o • .-""''''•,. rh~\,,.._.,.,,G ht-.. .U1J ,."I" JJr-i.ir a'l~r ltH''f 1•• '· p "'rµ<.J.'PU ICJQt-ft1twt 1• , th 1•rtfoO 11jf,u10 fi T hur c;da y rnoviE'~ DECEMBER 17 1981 EltENING 0 ••• l •• 8 1l() 0 ••• .. (:) ... •• l'l( r •,._ I.,.• , . ,, . / ..... , .. ' It lt•1 ,,,,, ••' r:H: ;. :v(,• ,, . I•, r;v'i 11!1 •t: '\ ,• .,,, 905 '.'l 30 0 •• ,t,. • I• ~·-..,.... _, 10 00 c • • .. • •t" ... "·5 /, ·. .. ,ft"C ""V'J ,.. tn~ Ru - s. •n Arm1 eYt?rttl.Jd• 1 ,.,..,,, , t-'> t· s rrue '-'"t' wn1 Jf J-N~ him II 10 J tJlr,• 111v•Jh.i.r.q ,..,.. :ttlt:mt,. t 1n 1'l•~ 111,... ol eMp.ett_11 ''dJ:-'_.1.- P(, S • * f (~s 01 Fury 1 l47) Brurt-Lt:-e ,..,,rlf•d A ,,,,,, 1Ja1 arts e "pe" f.nc ur-1,.&;t>C'eO Odnger .,,,.,pr It' Q->"S fC /¥ r'c. m ii 6.Jrll) "'rio, •CiP fdCfO'y R 0 • • Tne Gan.,~ ,, vl~1fur..,~ 1q·5, s; c.r -1• • '""' .rr1s fi,l., aro R0t.:"' l ' ~ A t Jthl~~s ,..,..~ . ..-.nar, ... , -,rr'ly.Qgil,j'j /,.'t Ar :j.-., r~ ( 01,_.t., r:• .:0fr I Jt.f J l··'f"-'" • '· ,r t"t""tJ J'f .a • ..:I '•·•c..._ ,, ·-'.! t .... ;:, '! 00 z ., '1 IQ C • • 0 .. l' t• ,, I " " .. '•1 .• ~ . ,. .. '''.\1'1 0 •• ~ ................... ________________ ..........._~~~. FOR SAFETY ... SECURITY ... CONVENIENCE Automatic Garage Door Operators by SAFEGUARD LOWEST PRICES IN ORANGE COUNTY "We Are Never Undersold" FREE extra transmitter with \ garage door opener \ SAFEGUARD Digital "High Security" __ _.j:l?=i.--===::::-:i.\_:_ Radio contr~ls -three signals = ~ :1 ~ .(/l s~HvJ "' l'--rfy M-..o--Hcl ,-. Day or Night Prompt. courteous - consc1ent1ous service Springs • Hcrdw_.. • G•CICJ• Doon • Repairs ·"Leedlng Installer of Automatic Door Openers In Orange County" IRVINE DOOR COMP ANY Sales & Service • 552-1411 : Insured. Bonded & licensed Contr No 312361 ~ KARATE SELF-DEFENSE INTRODUCTORY COURSE 3 * PRIVATE LESSONS * Gift Certificate * Available Private lessons are very imPOr- tant to beginning students. We feel that 1 private lesson is worth-3 or 4 hrs. of mass group instruction. Learn self-defense from Cham- pion Black-Belt Instructors. Bob and Ba rbara White have been teaching Karate in Orange County · for over 13 years to men, women and chil- dren of all ages. Get into good shape and learn self-defense at the same time. • S'ICIAL OfflR fOR NOVIMllR·DICIMIH 2 PIO'll fOR THI 'RICI Of ONI. BOB WHITE'S KARATE STUDIO 645-0337 ~' • ·' 35 .,, 0 - ---' I 1, I I I I I I I I . I !6 -~ -' --.... .8 E Cl.I ~ ' > IO ~ .... u.. 8' ...J > ~ -0 Cl. ___ ,,-.-......-----.--...,.....,..---:--.------ C'aJWei . AMER ICA 'S f RESH EST ICE CREAM 'l/ DID YOU KNOW 1 C'allVei. started in 1934 Where?? Hartsdale, New York Why?? As young Tom Carvel's dream of manufacturing and supplying super s m o o th, p rem i u m, heavy weight Ice Cream. This dream has become a 4 7-year tradition .... Imitated, but never duplicated. *•BULLETIN•* Latest Reports indicate our third Orange County loca· tion will open Mid-January .. Watch For Details OUR FOUNTAIN CAN OFFER OVER 100 FLAVOR VARIETIES IN CONCOC· TIONS aEYOND YOUR IMAGINATION. Cll'I NEl\ S fllo• your clu b. orpn1i.anon °' offi.:r can ordrr 1.,1t quan111in of a cream from Carvrl at special ducounli No• chat is vrry. very GOOD NE,_,.S! "L AT EST SCOOP " · NOW AT TWO LOCATIONS IN ORANGE COUNTY. HUNTllGTllt BEACH •d SANTA ANA HERE 'S WHERE WE ARE .. CARVEL STORE No. 2187 Alpha a.ta Shopping Center 2131 South Brtltol Sll'Ht at Warner len18 Ana · · Phone 751-4nl CARVEL STORE No. 2200 Lucky'• lupennartlet Center 11571 Bolu Chica Rud at Hell Huntington 8Hch Phone -140-1370 Moat a Ctuma ere mede...,. grenulated aupr. Carvel uaea only fructoee, the natural aweetener. Moat a Cteama UM anlmel fata In their emulaiflera, atabllzera, and flevorlnga, c.rvet doe• not! C"ar\>tl •rolt lht boo" on ict crram no\thirs. Sno-"Jalb. 1oni~. c:ar\rlo1~. n y1n1 ~uctr~. and parfa1h .. )'011 can purchut chew ind" 1duallv or 1n con\t nirn1 ii•-pac"s CAIVll-THl ICE ClllAM fACT<>aY If ~ come Into UIYel thWl- lna you .. •Incl • Mw warielin olkec~ ... COMtandlhalll• ••. hive we aot • surpriM for you! A Cuw .. store k an ice cream futory, a fountain and .,. ke cream ~mnet. We hlwe an array of ke cream ulles, ice cream novelties, lhllles. .,nct.s, banana~ •nd cones in toft and hud t..on. Al the .bowe h ••YI •.a.ble lftd always fNlh. ~ we ...-e "-a aeam at the llore, we NEVEi Nn out!! .. THE ICE CREAM MACHINE COMETH ... c.ntel has its own m•nufect· uring fKility producing much of the equipment used in todAy's norH. This ~nicul•r m•· chine is our custom ~. dou~e heAder ice crHm freez· er. When you come to C•rvel you can see the machine in oper•tion. 8C1u•lly m•king ice FOR INFORMATION REGARDING FRANCHISE ~RTUNITIES . CALL: -------~------ AME: RICA'S FRESHEST t'C E CREAM "1/ America's Freshest· Premium Quality Ice Cream Business Now Kcepting APPliutions for Or•n~ County Fr•nchises. Minimum Investment $150.000. All Ice Crum M•nufactured D•ily on Premises ... Featur· ing 45 ye.,s of Top Quality Fountain Products, Novelties and let Crum Cakes. For Information Call 1714) 545-8111 WHO'S MOM'S NEW BEST FRIEND? Carvel. of course . . . one visit to us And she can stock her freezer with delightful novelties for weeks. ICE CREAM CAKES MADE WITH MEMORIES Remember th•t Honeymoon Cruise, grHt fishing trip or week·end in San Francisco7 CaNel would like to remember it •in for you, on an ice cream cake. Bring your slide of that special memory to CaNel and we cen dupliute it on top of your delicious c.nr.1 ia cream cake . . . it will mekt rememberine •in hard to forget I (714) 546 .. ,,, CAAVEL/OAANGECO \ • December 11. 1981 • ~\ th .JEFF l'\HKEH 01 th• 0•11~ P•IOI Sl•ll 111 tilt· \\11rld 11f <·01111·11111111-.11 ' film fl•\\ Ill'" Pk l'\l'l'l -.111'11 1111 lllt'IH't' on ..... lll;ill\ "' llt•I' p •·11 1d1· ;1-. till' ( 'l;1-...,1ri\'<il tc•ll ;111<1 ILtt 111t> \•l1n1n1 ... 1r.1t 11 111 . \\hn .... t• "l'\t'll llWllllll'r l1<1.11 1I 111 '11•-. t 111· 11111 \ ll' ~0111 :.: h;il11t-. 111 t 111· 1·11111·1· \lll<'f'I• .in pnp1 d ;1t11111 Tlt1 11111\ IP l'ill 111~:-. I ht',\ _I\ l' (; I'(; I~ 111•1 \ -,1 .. 11·11111111 11111 1111h \\II.it •!1111 ... ' ,fllli' .ltl ...,l'I ' .tlltf \Ill if ti1111 -. p.ilt llh I 11 011\< I I 1°11 I l1ild1 l'll (<I "I'\' 11111 ·""" lllf IU1 ·1" 'd ){ I I{ ( ,( )\ 11 11 J : I L ( .! 11 >L I( ) ( )f{. \:\( ,I·. ( ,( )1\S' I [)I\ l.RSI< ):\S Seven people rate movies \ , t -..1 1 u • ,1 I 1 1 I h1 · \ I I f1· i •11, I{ 'I,. 1 • 1oti• , 111 1 ht· I ilm mak1•r .... •I 1.l•·n d " i_ , ...... 111 1111\ 11l f 1l·1• I Ill •I 1tlil)l',Jll(I\ J'l•dt11·1• '• 'll 1.il .111d1• 11t·t· .ind 1'\ V il till· (I I .ti lll L •• II ' Ill !1111;... 111 -.111111 · pro1lt1n•r.., 1·.111 11111111 •111 1• ,1 tllo\ 11 1 1111 ,., l11r t 111:1111·1.tl -.11····· "' Tll1· < 'l:i"1l 11· 1t 1n11 .inti IL1t 111_ - \ti 11 11111 ... 1 I'; 1 t " • 11 (' \ I( \ ll .1-.. 1,,. I :l I ,, I I . d 1.1 -..\1-.t•d ,111d p1 .11 o·d 1111 .I I 11:1· ,I , 1 .. t 11( .\111t·rw.111 111111 1H.d-..111:.. .i11d 111111 ... , '114 . II lllt'llllwr ... 11.1\ .. ,, .... ,,.ti Ill'• d I I I ; 111 111111 fll,lhl I ti I I • H It 11 1 f 111 •I 'I I I' It I -· ., ~ CX> er--~ .... <11 J:) E <11 u <11 0 > It) u ... ~ ... · <11 -0 c <11 ~ C1I <11 ~ .... 0 a. 1 ~ ~" CHRISTMAS BALLET -T ht.• t•ac·iftc; Hallet '"II perform ·:"utt·r;1da·1 Su111" th1-. " ct.•kcnd ' Dance Sugar Plum Fairy to return The Sugar Plum 1-·airy ancl her Nulrra l'ker Prim·c "'ill be among the charaete rs on !>tagc !\tonda~ "'hen Ba llt·t Pac1f1t a launches its 15th sea!>on of ··The Nuttrackcr." Performance:. art• Sl't for 7 au " m UCl' '" through 22 .... ith matinees t'\'e(j· da\ Cxt'ept Oe<· 14 and I(; at Laguna Moulton Pia~ hou-.e. flll6 Laguna Canvon Road. Lag una Beach l'oni.tdt'red to he among thl' most popular Aman folk troupe The acclai m t'd /\m an Interna tional Fo lk Mus ic and Dance Spectacular will perform al 8 p.m . i n Plummer Auditorium of Fullerton tomorrow. The show. which features music. danC'e and song from throughout the world. will be held under the aus pices of t he Professional Art is ts in ba 11 t.·h in tht.· "'urhl The :'\ ul nal·ker · i.lon t'Of')(.'\'1'11:-a httlt.• girl .... ho rel't'l\'C!). a~ a Chn !)tma!> gifl :.i \\01><.ll'n l'luttratktor C'arved to resc.>mblc· a m:.in I n thc magH· of Chrts tmai. C\e, thl' nuu·ra(·kl·r c·omc!> to life a:, a handsome pnncC' "ho take-. the girl o n a long Journey through the l.JtHI of Snu\\ to ht~ Kingdom of ('and \\here !:>ht· nH~t't:. the Su~ar Plum Fair~ For 1nformal1on. tall 494 il71 •• 1n Fullerton He!>ldl•n<:c !>CrtC!> al Cal Stale Fulle rton Tt<.'kcts. priced al S8.50. may be c har ged by cet lhn& 77:! 3371. or lH·kl'ts may be purchased m per ... on al thl• Performing Art:. Center box office o n lht.• CS l F l'etmpu ... from .I I et m to 4 p m "'eekda~.., Parents are constituents for • movie rating board · From Paqe I accused by some studios of favoring the smaller movie maker. They've been called too li beral by som e parents and too conser vative by others. Still othe rs -say what they will about parUcular ratings given agree that the Ratings Board is a necessary buffer bet~een the m ovie-going public a nd t he tastes and techniques of the people who make the movies. As chairman of the Ratings Board. Richard Heffner 1s both the sole pe rmanent member and sole spokesman for the group. He works out of offices lll New York and Los Angeles where he sees nearly 200 films per year -about one third or the total films r ated by the board. He views any film s on which the board cannot agree as to a rating. and any films whic h they consider particularly difficult to j udge. He is formerly a professor or communications and pubhc policy at Rutgers College and his academ1c career leads· back lo Sarah Lawrence. Columbia and the University of California. "Our purpose 1s to try to JUdgc ho\\ mo~t p ar('nts not some parent:, or a few parenb hut rno~l parcnl~ would rat e a gl\ell film." he -;a11I "The only question we put lo our::.el' e::. after seeing a mo,·1e is what will mos t thoul!htful parents fel'I this mm 1c dl'!>en ·e!> G. PG. R or X. Whal c·o ntrols us is our perceptions or what we think parents will perc eive about a given film ... As the eyes and ears of parental America. Hat1ngs Roard m embers see an a\'c•rage of two rnon<'s a day throughout the ye<ir some 500 in <ill A majority ,·ote 1s needed to establish a rating ;inrl an~ c1is putcd or proble m frlms arc \'ie\\e<l b} H cffnl'r to expedite I h(• process ··We'r e not undt'r\\ ntten or ~u~porte<l h~ th1· m aJOr studios " Heffner said ··We rt' a sclf-s ufftc1ent operation not lied to studios of an~ size and we have t-0 be s elf-s ufficient or t he pressure might be inappropriate No one comes into the screening room but us. no one's input is cons idered but our own. No film maker or distributor is treated any better or any wo rst• an\' d1ffercntl\' at all than an\' other film maker or d 1!>trtbutor: big or little. riC'h "or poor There an. no fr1l1nds Or fot·~. no fa\·ontes or un(a\·orite-.. \\he n 1t com e!> to rating films .. Included in the '/\RI\ report that Heffner sends out to movie makers who want information on the r ating system . is a list of the basic prem ise!> of th e r atings. name l) what constitutes the d1Hcrences between class ifications Among other things. this is what the Ratings Board sa ys. about the ratings they ha nd out: "G ratings ar e given to a fi lm which contmns nothing in theme. language. nudity a nd sex. or violence which would. in the view of the Rating Board. be ofCensive to par ents whose younger children \.·iew the film. The G rating is not a ·certificate or approval.. nor ~sit signify a r hildren's film Som r profoundly significanl filmi. ' THE RATER -H11'11arcl (} l lt·tlrH·r 1 ... I h.111111;11i 111 llll' IL1llllL! \d1111111 ... 11 ;1111111111 lh1 \111111111 l'wtun· \ ... -.,w1:111011 ol \nwn1·;1 .1n· 1 alt•tl (; for 1•\ampll' A -'tan For \II St.•aM111-. \'111lenl·e ,.., at a rntn1mum :'\ud1t~ etnd ~ex ~cenes are not prc-.ent · The Part'ntal Guidance Suggt•stt.•d rating tndtr atC!> som e material ma,· not be ~u1table for childrl'n The label pl aml~ states that paren ts m ay cons1dt.'r some m aterial un~u1tablc ror th eir t h1ldn•n. but the parent m ust make this decis ion Then• may be profan1t~ in the~c films. but the harsher c;exually cl<'rl\ed worrl will \'ault a PG rating intn the H C"at<'1H1ry Then • m <1y be \'1olen('!' hut 1t •~not <lel'mt•d so strnnJ? lhett {'\ c ryonc unckr 17 neccl he restricted unlesi.. acn>rnpan1<.'cl b~ a pa n·nt :'\or is lh<'n: t•u m ul al 1 \l' horror nr nolt•n<·<· that may take the film into the H n1tegor~. There is no exphc1t sex o n the screen <1lthou~h there may he sornC' rndi<·at11111 of 'lcxu altt~ Rrtt•f nud1l) ma~ appc·ar in thl' P<; r..itrcl film. hut anythinl? hc·~ond that puts thl' fi lm tnlo n "Ob\iously thl• line 1::. d1fflrult to <Ira" and thl• PG ratc1l film 1s the talcgor~ mo"t "llst·cpt1blc to t·nt1t·1c;m In our 11lural -.m·1et~ 11 I" not cas~ 111 m;,i k c -;u bJcctivc JUOl?ments for more than 21[1 million 1wrsoni. .... 1thout snml' dt~a i:rccmenl "Ttw R rattnl! in<l1C'att.·s an adult film in some of 1t~ as pcets and lrt•til ml·nt so far a!. languaJ!('. '1olcnn'. or nud1t \. !>CXuahtv or other content 1::. c·onl·cm ed. T he parent 1s ad\·1scc1 in ad vance the film contains adult m aterial and he take:. his c·hlldrcn with him with this advisory in mind The langua~e may he rouJ!h. the violence may. be hard. and while• explicit ::.ex 1s not to be found in R rated films. nudity and lovemaking may ht> tnrnlvcd "The X rating is for a patently adult film and no children are allowed to attend The X does not netessarily mean obscene or pornographic in terms of sex or viole nce. Serious films by lauded Jnd skilled film ma kt•rs m ay he ratctl X Thl' I l'a..,11111111 not Jrlrn1111n~ d11ldn·n t" X raft>cl film.., l'Jll rt·l.111• lo lht• :l<'t'llnlUliJlton ur hn1tt1l 01' M·:>. ualh 1·11nnt•c·1t•d langua).!t• 1>r ul c\ plit·11 M'\ or e:-. l't'!>hl\ l' und >-Jd1 -.111· 'iolenn· · l n11l·r-.lantl.1hh -.ul'11 1mpn·t 1-.<· ).!u1dt'11m·-. arc d1f11c·ult for a...,., l'll ml'mlll'I IJJllt'l lo tran:.l.1ll into tht• -.pt.•t·1l11 1 at1ni: ... tlw~ <Ht' tl·qu1n·tl 111 j!l\t' SonH· lJlm.., .in· ... 1•1•111\\n or thn·t• ltmt·" IJt'fort• an :t).!rt•1•11w11t 1:-. rt•:11 hPd ,111d rattni:~ .111· 11ltt·11 dht••ltt·d Ii' tl1•· t1lr11 pr11dun·r ... . 111-.1 ,,h.11.-.111h.1t ;11lmi.-.the"l'f'''"Plt·111 111di.:1· 111111-. on tlw lwh.dt of m1llt11n .. ,,j ·\nl\'fll an 11:.rt'nh · I han• l\\o li.1 ... 11· t l•q111n·n11·11h \\ hl'n I ma kt• linard appo111tml'lll!>. I ll'flm•1 -.tml One·"' that t'' t·r~ m1.•ml)er mu:-.t h,I\ l' h.1d 1111.• pun•nttng l'\Pt'rtt•nc·1· ThC' olht·t '°" lh.1t tltl'' hJ\l' tlti· kind ol I'\('" Jlld h.H·ks1d1.·~ th.11 c Jn \\1tli...1,1nd 10 film-. .1 \\ t•l'k \\1.· h<t\ c orw ancl lhn·c H·ar I< rm-. "htt·h ;ffl' ..,c1111l't1mes e:>.tt'ndl'd Tlw.1dt>a •~to rotah· mt•mbt•r-. to keep frl•..,h l'Onlatt "'1th thl•1r ('IJl1'lllllt'll<'~ tht• p11hhc· ·Si1n11· pt·oplt a1111roa(·h me"' 1th an interest tn !>1•n 111g or1 thl' h<1arcl .md I ha\'e made a 111101111 riwnh 111 I h.11 "a~ Other::. I meet in m y lfi:I\ c•b throughout thl' 1.·ountry The hardest thing fo r u:. to do 111 th1· "'rt'l'lltng room 1s to put our own moral a nti l'Sthc111.· Judgments aside a nd not say would I ll't m,· ch1lrl -.ct• that film.· but ·would m ost J>tircnh iet th1.•1r 1.·htldren see that film · I l'1Hl1l' from an a1·acll'm 1c hfr <1 nd I'm not unfa milt ar \\1th \\hat t ht.• bet:-.tl' d1 matc~ of opinion ha\ t' h1.·c•11 111 th1~ l'OUnt r~ :\lo'>l important ts I et..,:-11m1.· 11 .., my re:-.pon~1h1ltt~. LI!> 11 ,..., "hen I tc·:wh. 11111 111 lt>t m' O\\ n h1 .1s color m' Jll'l"•t•ntatt•Hl. 01 1n thh l'.l!>t' m' dt•t·1~1nn I hun• '" gc•t 1111htdt• 111\ n\\n la,.ll'' and Jlrl'JlHltc·c•-. to a ... k and an"'"'r lhe 4m•-.t111n 11( "h<•I mo-.1 parent... art' going to thm.k ... he -.:i1c1 Mo\'tt• rnak{'r!-1 "ho arc unhapp~ with rating..., l':J n t.'tlhC'r appeal or l'IWn).!C tht• C'Ontc·nt Of their produC't t11 C'on furrn "11 h Hating ... Board dec1s1on.., Some tr~ \ anou-. ml'thmls of exert mg pressure on lhc• board pubhc1t~. 1>lcadrn1?. compannJ! their film!> \\1th othe rs \\htl'h ~ot the desired ratin~ liut I ll'ff1wr 1-.. adam.1nt Jhout ttw hoarcr ... 1mmurut .' lo s ul'h pn·..,surc "\\\•know almo~t nnlh1n~ ~~hm1t a film befon• "t' 'l'l' 1t. .. he saul \\'hat \\l' set.• •~ ''hat WC' Jll<lgl' :\n~ mformatwn about 11 "hat the film makl'r \\ants a!> a ratm,:?. what hi!> fmandal C'onch tinn 1~. \\ h:it m 1i::ht be ndinl? o n a certetm ratm~ are all 1rr<•IC'\'an1 to us I'm !>Ure \\e makl• rn1stakE>s. but those mistakes aren't the function or somebody cm the board interprelin~ a film make r's motl\·at1on When we make mistuke~ the~"rc 1ust errors in what we think most parent!> \\Ould think . Suppose a guy says he w<mts a n R and we bche\'e 1t 's a (~ Whal difft-re nce docs that m ake" We don't care what they want: film makC'r'l a ren 't our ron<11ttuents Par<'nts are .. I Personal I ties : !!l!m!!!!!!!!l!l!!!!!!!!! .. B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!i Harvey Korman: The search for self-esteem [ l'D .., By MICHAEL DOUGAN Of llM O•oly "ilet StMf Harve y Korman . multiple Emmy A" a rd-wanner and zany s1dek1ck to the likes of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway and Mel Brooks. was ha nng a howl doing plugs for Huntington Beach PBS affiliate KOCE's annual fundraising dnve "You're probably wondenng what a dazzling urhan1tc lake me 1s doing here·•" he asked host s_Lcn• Edwards Korman made Edwards laugh Korman madl· tl'icphont-hank volunteers laug-h l'r(•:-.umabh . K11rm;rn had lht• aud1cnee at home m "llll'hl'S H.1l'k,ta~c l1et\\ t·l'n alJpt•ar;rnre.,_ llan t·; ho1 m.in "'-"'ll t fcclan~ \l'f\ funn\ \\'h<it hJ~ hc been up t11 •if lal~.-· Prufe,.,1onall.\ )OU mean ' Korman repl11•d 'nl 11111~ :'1:11! a lhm1;: Tlll'rt-I'll t anythin;1. 1!•1101! 11n • I>on l hc<tl around thl' hu:.h. llanc\ - lllll•I ll'l'll'<I Edward!> "Gt\ e 1l t11 t11m strn1ght." · I \\a:-. :.up110:.t•d to do a picture with Tim C'onw:J.\ ;.ind tht· money fl·ll 1hrough ... Korman 1·on t1nu£'d I unch·r,lanc1 In.\ <.1g1•nt turns thing., d1mn \\llhout ll'lhn).! 1111 " but I'm -.ure that 11 ·., prob.1hl,\ -.tulf I \\ouldn t '' ... nt 111 d11 anywu} I m rJth1·r l1m1ll•ll I 1lcm't "anl tn dn Hro;ed\\,t\ a11rl I don l ".mt to do lt•ll'\ t-.wn unle"' II 'J J,.!OOd 0111\ It.' Ill "'Jn11'lhlnJ.: It ' mo\ It'' ,inti uni\ m11\ ll' ..... th<1t Korman \Hint:-. l11 lllJkl:' But i.:t:tt111g "" 'l'rt•t•n ha., hr·t•n a,, dtlfl{'Ull for him 11 l"l'nlh a~ .,llp1>1ng into Stud111 5" 111 J ll'htlrl' .,ult I m ,.,,n, 1r11·c.'<.l thJl nobod.' ga\l''> :i d amn "h<'thl·r I rlo Jn11th1·r p1c·turt-or not.· Ko rman .,;_11d hlt•akl.' \ ou n •,tlh ha\l' to bcllcn:' in .\ our:-.l'll Hi·in~. as the,\ '<I~ ht•l\\t:t·n µ1t•lun·:-.· d(I<·~ not '>t'I \\dl with tht• man \\ho :-.pl·nt t<i year!-on the lop ri1led -C';,rul Burn<:ll Sho\\ · and n·<·enlh t•o -.turrl'd 1n Tarn Con\\ :J \ s J:.itest . <1nd lca;t fo rtunate. :-.hot <1t <t 'l'rlc:-. · · I got ~µoilcd b\ hcini:: on a weeklv tele\'1s1on "hO\\ for :.O long SO j m JU!>t ~Ort of coming Into I Cl period o f 1nactl\1ty 1 and ti's te rrible." s aid Korman ·1 mentioned ll to my agent ·come on, al leas t get a couple of pictures a yea r or something' and he says don't you ever stop to think about Pacino or Dustin Hoffman.· "Do you remember Dustin Hoffman's last picture? Do you know how many years ago that was'? So what does he do? What does he do? What does Robert Redford do. or Al Pacino or those guys., .. More to the point. what does Ha rvey Korman do? "I play golf and enjoy m y life and m y relationships and my friends and I do as much of this as I can -fundraistngs. s upporting cha r ities," Korman explained. "You've got to do something with yourself, to have some value as a person. You can't just hide." The concept of self-worth creeps often into Korman·s conversation. He readily discusses the idea of ego. a nd how show business can feed it or des troy it. 'I don 't know .any r comedian) who's not quiet, angry , melancholy , depressed , par.anoid , hostile, introverted.' "People say that they don't read t heir reviews or they don't rare. but I c1on't believe that," said Korman. "I think lhe fact ts lhat the ego is us ually in a !.late of disrepair 1n most people who go into this hus tness Th ey're constantly needing reinforcement . they're constantly needing to be tolct -.hown by some outsider that they are good "I think ir you really think you're that good. you don't J?O into this business It's born of a lot of m~ccurity . it's born of a lot of not having enough c.:slcem about yourseH. feehnJ! that you're not good enough." ( _,_.. LAUGHING IT_ UP - Ha r vey Korma n shares a c hortl~ with local television personality Steve Ed wards dur mg a recent fundraising appearance. But. behind the scenes. this comic was not amused. "My experience with most people who become actors ," Korman added. "is that they have very fragile egos. 'Fhey're very introverted people, not people who Hke to go around showing off. T hey've just found a way of using this pain t hat they've had and turning it into something they can sha re with other people who can identify with it." As an example. Korman pointed to Conway. one of America's pre-eminent funnyme n and his good friend. "He's ver y introverted, ver y quiet ," said Korman. "I must tell you that when you're alone with someone like T im Conway. when you're at a party or out lo dinner , he's excruciatingly funny. He kind of has the need more to be funny with his friends than he does when he's working. And I think it romes also from his basic insecurity about himself. that he's not interesting enough. He's not willing to share who he reall y is, he'll only share his brilliance with you. "I think I know every laud able comedian in this business and I don't know anybody who's not quiet. a ngry. melancholy, depressed. pa ranoid. hostile. introverted." With t hat point sound ly established. Korman discussed his most recent fling al television as a regular on Conway's show last season wh ich qu1t•kly went belly up. "People weren't tuning in. they were staying away in droves ... noted Korm an "You know. Con\\ay and I think wt.-re as funny as anybody that 's t'\'Cr been on tele\'ls1on So I really don't know. you can Sa} that the writing was bad or we were llretl or we've done tt before or we're no good anymore or we're too old or wh atever. But the numbers just weren't there and if vou don't have the numb<-rs in tele\'iStOn )'OU don't SUr\ IVC " Korman said one problem 1s that the va riety show format a little song. a little dance. a humorous skit or two has lost its popular a ppeal. When he was a r egular on the Danny Kaye show in the early 60s. Korman said the networks were carrying no fewer Iha~ 19 variety s hows . "I remem ber very well because I counted them in TV Guide," he recalled. "I made a very big to-do at the Acade my that there wasn't a category for variety people. I made a big point about it. that var iety shows were very popular. Well , now there are no variety shows. I think Ba rbara Mandrell has the only one on." Korman added the theory that America_'s television a udience has trouble accepting a player when he or she moves from one format to another. "I left the Burnett s how and then I did two pt lots and neither of them was successful ," he noted. "Lyle Waggoner left. Vicki Lawre nce terr: and nobody has really done anything. "I have to say, quite honestly, that my career. in those terms. has gone down since I ten the Burnett show I've had 13 starving years and 13 very good years and now I'm starting on another phase. I have a feeling that. given lhe nature or our business and the sche me of things as far as human nature is concerned. I'll never really hit it that hot and be on a roll hke that again." In fact. Korman s poke of leaving the enll'rt amment field. "II 'II have to be something e!S('. 1l may not even be s how business." he sa id "You !>Ort of lose your amh1tton and say, well. I've done that al read). I'll be 55 soon. I've got a little money so why go knocking yourself out" It might be teaching. something hkc that " Could Korman rcall~ gave up acting? ·'I'm not that hot to do it any more." he C'laim<'d "I'd like to do ~oo<l pictures and get 1 N·ognit1on from my peers and win an Oscar some day. some thing li ke that But that 'II be fin e if I don 'l." 4 ~~Diversions ----------------------- '-~-PLAYS------- Q.I \,) ~ "A CHRISTMAS CAROL," a stage version of Charles Dickens' classic, Is playing through Dec. 23 at South Coast Repertory, 655 Town >-Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Performances are ~ at 8 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, 2:30 and 8 '-p.m. on Saturday and 2:30 and 7 :30 p.m . ll. Sunday. Call 9S7~033. ~ "GALILEO," Bertolt Brecht's story of the 1:> famed astronomer, is on stage at Orange Coast c: College tonight and Saturday and Dec. 17-19 at ~ 8 p .m . in the Drama Lab Thea ter , GJ Reservations at 566-5527. ~ _ "VISIONS OF SUGAR PLUMS " an o original Christmas musical for childre~, will be presented free at the Huntington Beach Playhouse, Main Street at Yorktown Avenue, Munti(\(Jtnn Reach. Showtimes are 2. 3 and. A · p.m. Saturdays and Sundays through Dec. 20. "THE LITTLE PRINCESS," a children's play, will be .presented by the Fountain Valley Community Theater tonight at 7 and Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at Los Amigos High School, 16566 Newhope, Fountain Valley. Tickets may be ordered at 968-6690. "SIMPLE SIMON," a musical version of the children's nursery rhyme will be staged by 1he Children's Theater Guild at the Newport Theater Arts Center, 2.501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach. Performances will be given Saturdays at 10 a.m . and 2 p.m . and Sundays· at 2 p.m . through Dec. 20. Call 675-31.U for Information. "PAINT YOUR WAGON," a Lerner-Loewe musical set on the western frontier, is on stage through Feb. 1.-at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse, 3503 S. Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana. Curtain times very for Tuesday-through-Sunday performances with reservations and information available at 979-5511. "A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC;" Stephen Sondheim's musical based on an Ingmar Bergman movie, continues at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach through Saturday. Curtain is at 8 p.m . Reservations at .-9.--01.-3. "FUNNY GIRL," the musical biography of Fanny Brice, is now on stage at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse, 1..0 Ave. Pico, San Clemente. Performances are given nightly except Mondays through Jan. 3 at varying curtain times. Call .-92-9950 for ticket information. I <Jhe Jl'tt gaffety * Think Christmas * HO -HO -HO! • Indian Jewelry • Personalized Gifts • Belts • Buckles • Poriraits et .. al. 3426 Via LiOO - . all credit cards .accepted Newport Beach , 214-673~ f'INC ARTS CENT CR "TWELFTH NIGHT," Shakespeare's comedy of romance, closes this weekend at the Newport Harbor Actors' Theater, 390 Monte Vista St., Costa Mesa . Performances are tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2: 30 p.m . Reserv·ations at 631-5110. · -CLASSICAL MUSIC---- IRVINE SUNDAY PLAYHOUS.E will present William Fitzpatrick .of the New York String Quartet in a solo performance aJ 2 p.m. Sunday at the Turtle Rock Community Center in Irvine. Admission is SJ general, Sl senior citizens. OLD MUSIC GALA by Chapman Corlege students will offer instrumental and vocal music from the medi'eval period at 8 tonight. The concert is free and open to the public. Call 997-687'1 for information. CHAPMAN COLLEGE CHAMBER Orchestr a, Concert Choir and College Singers will present a musical program at 8 p.m. Saturday. Tickets are SJ.SO general, S2 students and senior citizens. Call 997-6871 for information. PACIFIC CHORALE will sing tonight and Saturday at 8:30 at the Santa Ana High School .'it't' /)1r('rsiu11.~ l1cwl' .i South Coast Plaza Town Center CAROLING IN THE PARK I I I SUMILOWH Sounl = I I i ~·-1-+YtMIATill CO A.ST PLAli i WMCINTHrAU . OT& SAM .... 0 NllW AT I I I I Befor Slloppin1 or Attendin1 The Theatre Join Us ,,,.. Across From The ·L-1Jbby Of The SOUTH COAST PWA HOTEL FIDAY, DEC. 14 .... ,, llC. 14 TIISDAY, DEC. 15 lllllSDAY, DEC. 17 -Y. DEC. 20 -Y, DEC. 21 7 p.m. Nightly CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH PRAISE .CHOIR (Calv.-y Cbpel) VILLA PAii CHAMBER SINGERS LOS AMIGOS H.S. CONCEIT CHOIR · CORONA DEL MAI H.S. CHOIR PRAISE CHOIR For Good Cheer and Art Stop By The Galerie Andree In Ton c.ter Pait ' Layaways • ~l'DiP~~====l;§!_~~~~~-------...-------------.~--~-~~-l!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!l!!'!!l!!!l!_~ __ ~_-~_:1 Diversions --------------------- 1:J 0 -~ From Paqe -I auditorium, and t icket prices ranoe from $6 to $10. Call 542-1790 for information. Information. perform at 8 tonight In the college auditorium. i Tickets are $1 .SO. · ~ ROGER WAGNER CHORALE will ::i perform at 8 p.m . Sunday at Orange Coast "CHILDREN PERFORMING FOR g. ORANGE COUNTY MASTER CHORALE College. Reserved seats are on sale at $S to CHILDREN" will be offered by the Irvine ,~ will sing at 7:30 p.m . Saturday at the Anaheim $7. Call SS6-SS27. Conservatory of Music at 2 p.m . Sunday at the ~ Hills Community Church. Donation is $6 adults Newport Harbor Art Museum. The concert is ~. and \4 children and seniors. Call 779-1320 for OCC's ALL-COLLEGE CHOIR will See Dwerswns. Paqe 6 g. ~~~, ~·----------------------------------------~--,~ ~~~~· (~' .~ . DPllT ... amll&SPMME . I LAST CIA•CE TO ~ ·~~-I ~ Starts Dec. 17·23. 6:30 P.M .. 9:30 P.M. E nJOY I · . I 3 ' one of the most beautiful nights or the year I SHIP ~ F , Ill I g aboard one or Yachting Consultants charter I I· ~ boats. Parties from 8·150 people. full I I ..... catering avail. • .-~~~~=2:!.c. I AND DELIVERY GUARANTEED I ~ YACHTING CONSULTANTS I I 00 I Your ynr·roueddlart«OttVltt 1 I I ~,.._-&?2t't??%VL,........: 1 We have ·thousands of Gift Packs and 1 ~~~ -I Fruit Baskets for your employees, I 1 customers, relatives or whomever. One ~ suM. 'TIL' 1 ==----= =-==--=~---,,..,,.........-===~' call to the 0 Pros" at Newpor:t Produce w w. 1 1 and your fresh or dried fruit gifts are on ~· ~ 1 I the way. One call does it all. 645-0032. · ·i\1 -= I I ~ .,._. n. II I ~" w~ I I 1 r---·R•l•J:l•Til-----1 r-----«•Pifl•m----,r----i<•IIIil•ID----, 1 I I so GOOD NOW 11 TEXAS RED ,, LARGE SIZE I I I I LARGE 11 JUtCY 11 I I •1 TANGERINES 11 GRAPEFRUIT 11 AvocAoos 11 I ' "ZIPPER SKIN" 11 II I 1~ 11 4 Lbe.$1.00, n 8 For$1.00 u 25c Each : i 11 L~~=· I I w';;:~:On U w~ .1 1 Spend the Holidi\vs with the Stars. I ·---------------~ ·--------------..JL--------------.J I I LAST CHANCE TO SHIP FRUIT I I r----i(•l•J:l•T11-----1 r-----R•I•J;.r1m----,r----i(•I!J;l•IiJ----, I I I SNOW WHITE 11 FOR SHIPPING It 0 JUMBO SIZE I I I I CAULIFLOWER I I GIFT APPLES u PA=-~LL I • 11 .... , 1 A WHOLE eo.x 11 PECANS 1 I 111 THEY'RE GORGEOUS 1111 $19. 95 1'1 $1 99 II I So You Say You Want 10 Make Movies! 29 I I C Lb. 11 II • l'ound I I rrs EASY! All you need is a star like CUNf I I 11 Limit 4 Boxes II Unt 5 Lbs. I I DRIFIWOODorGRETAGUMBO.Adirectorlike 11 W/Coupon 11 W/Coupon II W/Coupon I I GEORGEMl.JC:AS.a\Alliter like WIUJAMPETE.R I •---------------• •--------------..JL.--------------..Ji I BIADDER. Now you can own a studio and make movies. If you happen to own 20Tii CENTURY LOX BROS., you might make ntE EMPIRE GETS EVEN or M.U.S.H.Asyou travel.yc:>u could have cause to stop at the FOLO LOUNGE. where you "rest. have a drink. be seen. and page yourself' But reme mber. you can be worth millions one day and broke the next. You'll neeC: skill and tuck to become a MOVIE STIJOIO MOGUL Naturally you start with a $1,000.000 (doesn't everybody). Great Gift-Packaged in an expensive chic silver foil box. Order in time for Christmas! r -----------~------, I l.M.C. lee., 9255 Suneet Bhid.. •716. I I Loe A ,,,_ CA 90069 · (2131 658-6588 I Please send me MOiiie Studio Mogul gamels) I at $13:88 each or S.S.S at $29 88 each plus I I $2.62 each fot postage and handling I I l'w enclosed S or please charge my I I __ MasterCard __ Visa (Cahfomia Residents I Add 6"1 Sales Talc) I rw-IE I l l'OORESS I CfN !>TATE ____ _ I ZIP CARO I I EXP DATE I I SIGNAnJRE I L------------------J 1.M.C. Inc .. 9U5 !MIMet Blvd .. •716. 1-~ CA 90069 5"'115f'ACTl()fol GUMAH1'CED Ot -""'h"' 14 d ..... lof lul lffl>NI ol ~13 88 Now at 1601 Newport B vd. ,..._ ..... ........,, cl'ornrr of 16th St 1 or SSS S2988 L!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!~~!l!!!!!6 ........................................... .,.\!!!~ .... Y!l~!!:! .. i.t: .... L!!!!~!!!ll!la.e.~~!.. 6 ~Dherslons ...... ...... --------- ~ ~ Frorn />age ,; E op en to !be public at no charge. Q.I CAL STATE FULLERTON _ will f eature ~ award-winning student performers at two 0 concerts tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. Tickets > are $3 or for public and $1 for college students. It) 'O U: -DANCE------ ~ "THE NUTCRACKER" will be presented 'O by Ballet Pacifica at 8 tonight in the Good c Time The-ater at Knott's Berry Farm, Buena ~ Park. Tickets are $4 for adults and S2 for Q.I childr~n under 16. For information, call ~ 523-0351or871-8000, Ext. 252. -o THE AMAN INTERNATIONAL Folk ll. Music and Dance Spectacular will be presented at 8 p.m . Saturday in Plummer Auditorium, 201 E . Chapman Ave., Fullerton. Tickets are $8.50 for the public and $6.SO for Cal State Fullerton student5. THE BALLET PACIFICA will present "The Nutcracker " at 2:30 and 8 p.m . Saturday and 2:30 p.m . Sunday at Golden West College's main theater. Tickets are S4.SO for adults and S3.50 for children under 12. "THE NUTCRACKER" will be presented by Ballet Pacifica a t Laguna M oulton Playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach, Monday through Dec. 22. Matinees are at 3:30 p.m . every day except Dec. 14 and 16. Evening performances are at 7:30 p.m . Tickets are S7 for aduits and S6 for students and senior citizens. -·pop, JAZZ fNo COONTRY MUSIC- "THE SOUNDS OF CHRISTMAS," a concert featur ing traditional c arols in jazz style will be presented av 3 p.m . Sunday in Cypress College Campus Theater. Admission is S2 for adu l t s and Sl for ch ildren . For information! call 826-2220, Ext. 140 or 139. ~~--~--~~-~~-----~-~~---== THE HOLIDAY BOWL Dixieland Jazz Festival opens Thursday in San Diego and continues through Dec. 20. Organized by the Hotel Circl e Dixieland Jazz Society , the festival is held at the Town & Country Hotel and Convention Center. For information, call 234-6151 or write to the Hotel Circle Dixieland Jazz Society, P.O. Box 80098, San Diego 92138. -FILMS------ "A STAR IS BORN," the 1954 version of a Hollywood husband forced to play second fiddle to his wife's car eer, screens at 7:30 p.m. today in Room 415 of the South Sciences Building of the Fullerton College Carryp~s. 3~1 E . Chapman Ave., Fullerton. Adm1ss1on 1s $2.50. -ETC.------ "HANseL AND GRETEL" will be presented ~ •• ,. ,,,,.,.,' 1111' /1111:1· ~ rf oirt Olt4 f17m For The Orangp Coast ITALIAN VILLA NOVA :n :11 \\. Coa!'ll 11"'· f>l:!-7XXO \II major trNtit ·ta rd' I • ·" 1.111 I II' lflt fl \ I I I 1 II' I. If L ,, \\ IMlf I ll.11 I 111101·1 ,,.,\.ti llll!hl h 11111 ii I ,, 111 I '1,11 , ll.11 H.111q111'1 I .11 tl1111 , .STUFT NOODLE :! l:i Rin·r..,idt·. ~ •. ,, µort Ht'aC'h ;; I~ i 11~ 1(,..,1.1111 till \\fll•'I" \\\,lftl \\llllllllL Ht'''·"" .1111 r ... 1 h, p.1!-1 1 \ l .... , MEXICAN TNT TACOS N' TEQUILA JJOO \\. Coast "" y. 5'18-222 1 \II major crPdit card:. I la1.11)\ hnu1 7 days ~ 7 p ni Sunrla\ Orundl 111 :1 \\Ith u1111pltnw111a1 ,\ l'h;1 mpaj.!m• AMERICAN AIRPORTER INN HOTEL :\ll'dite rrane an Room IX7fl0 :\lac.\rthur 81vrl .• ln·int· S11t•t·1ah11n1: in Cont tnE'nt ~•I C'u1,11w ; <la~' a "t'"" Ft•alurmi: Sunda~ Brunch 11 3 ---~1"M~)l)f'~~""~"ltl¥'eptt'd r-tii-~wt'tl""'~ I . _, ,. I '• ,; I j' r 1, 11; ,. ,, I t ,, •I I a q/)~ ~ q/)~ Mediterranean Dining Room Trad1t1onal Turkl'>' Dinnl'r & Other SµL'e1all>· Selt:'tll'd Entrees ('hildrc.·n·s '.\lenu t\\·uila hle ll a.m .tn8pm, . 8')') ., ... -o Resl'rva hons: .,.,. ... ' ' ........ ~· A~ter Inn ~ef 18700 MacArthur Blvd. Irvine. CA 92715 I \ ' f4t Diversions F ro,,, Paqe 6 7 -0 -~ CAESARS PALACE: Dark Dec. 10·25. (702 ) 73<1-4567 . l'D ~ (702) 731-7333. l'D RIVIERA: Liza Minnelli through Dec. 12 ; :,, by the GEM Opera Puppet Theater at 8 tonight, 10 a.m .. and 2:30 p.m . saturday and 2:30 p.m . Sunday at GEM Theater, 12852 Main St., Garden Grove. Admission is $2. For information, call 636-7213. DESERT INN : "Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" through Dec. 19. Dark Dec. 20-25 . (702) 733-4444. Donna Summer, Garry Shandling Dec. 10-13; g. dark Dec. 14-25. (702) 737-1755. ..., SAHARA: Wayland Flowers, Abbe Lane ~ "HOLIDAY IN MUSIC" will be presented at 8 p.m . Tuesday at the Anaheim Convent ion Center. Participating will be the Anaheim Union High School District choruses, a ballet group and a barbershop chorus. Admission is SJ. FLAMINGO: Razzle Dazzle on I ce. through oec. 23. (702) 735-4242. . ci QI STARDUST: Lido de Paris. Indefinite run. -< Indefinite run. (702) 733-3333. -IN VEGAS------ HILTON : Neil Sedaka, David Copperfield through Dec . 15; dark Dec. 16-25 . (702 ) 734-7777. ( 702) 733-6325. 0 "UNION PLAZA: "Flower Orum Song" ~ starring Pat Suzuki through Dec. 13. (702) 3 386-2444. g MGM GRANO: Donna Summer, Garry ALADDIN: Dark Dec. 1~25. (702) 736-0240. Shandling through Dec. 13; dark Dec. 14-25. Set1 [)1rt"rswns l'aqe 19 A great Chri~tmas meal is a Marriott tradition. In our King's Wharf For infonnation and reservation Phone (7 14) 640-4000. Ext 6100 Restaurant you can enjoy an old fashioned Christmas buffet. The Capriccio Cafe offers a turkey d.iMer with all the trimmin~. And in the Pacific Ballroom, you 'II be carving your own turkey, and the leftovers belong to you! ~le.ch ~.,\\arriotf ~Hotel&. TennlsClub 900 Newport Ctnta' Orivt Ntwport Buch, CA 92660 · Make your weekends special w ith a magnificent champagne brunch overlooking Newport Bay. Smorgasbord buffet. only $8.95 ,4 50 under 12l Satwday 11 :00 o.ni. • l :OO P-"• S.., I 0:00--. • l :OO p.& . ;~lBEIJfJUI On th• Wetet1ront In Udo Merine YHlett• ..,,ewport'htleh ••• -------·- =:::::::::s1.;.:t~:ait ~~~-.M&-...~ You loved our $5 Jinners. And when it was time to bring J uwn tht! curta in on our $5 offer, you clamo red for more. Who can resist applause? Not us. So we're bringing the m out again. You can enjoy any one of.these hearty enrrees for just $5. But onl y till December 13. So hurry over. And catch our repeat perfonnance. These speCJt1l entree are served with a m1xeJ green or orange almtmd salad. LONDON BROIL Slices of marinated steak topped with bul).!unJ~ wme sauce. BREAST OF CHICKEN CACCIATORE Sauteed and simmered wuh tomatoes. onions. N-11 pepper and wint'. Served on lingum1. BAKED FlSH Toda\''s selecu,,n bakeJ rt' m,,1st. flaky perfecu,m. \X'ich lemon butter caper sauce. CHICKEN DIVAN CREPE AND RATATOUILLE CREPE One tilled with creamy chicken anJ 1:-nx:c,)li spear. The other with a European blend,,( vegetables. ..., • 8 ~ QJ ~ E Q.I v Q.I 0 1. '·' "' Real Cantonese Food tat htre or take home STAG CHINESE CASINO I I I 21st"-· H~wport l•ach ORioi• 3·9560 ..aOOft lo Midftiqhl Dooly-Wnkl'f!d• Until 1.00 o "' OYlll Jt TlAA\ .. M;>GOe ....... 1 '-folder1 &-W' &jTrl(I ,, GENUINE CHINESE MANDARIN DISHES Sr...,,. J z • 1 ~ r1 ~· t• •. C.0·1.. •. • I 471 s Ch~. ORAl-IGE ion H .... bof' I •d 750 71 7 I • 750-5098 ::osr... MHA tonqurt Focll1tlH ~42-71112 • 631 -9 911 d • IJ!tl al , • Ill 1! 11 I o•d I I I' 1 ~ 'II Jlt,,lr\• ,II •I l• I 1 I r ', •'ti ' •u 1 , 11 I [I •I ' \• . SMORGASBORD RESTAURANT Banquet Facllllles Up To 100 Persons ' ' 536·3033 673·4091 ,, 522 M ain St. At 5th Huntington Beach 3536 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Serving Breakf ast, lunch & Dinner r- 1 Yes! We Cater! l _c_a1_u_s_f_or '!__our N•llt /4. ff air ------· t --- 11 111 I II,, .r II>' 1 llot(ll 11! ti. 111 • 111• r11•1 .. r1·d II ,, , Ill ti•· !J,f\ "' '-irl l'I ,, I~·. I \\, 11 11 ''I ,,, 1 .. ~. I II. "'" ' ' 'I .. ' GOOO TASH A TRADITION .. l J • \ "4 /-1 :"ln '1(' ~ ..... ,.d "ra-• "Early Diner Special" ~-' .,day thr , ::, 0"1, ) nr• ~ Vcrrl'd S~ct•on of E:nlr o ' Join us around 011 Ii <:.plan• m a v.ann. nd11tic;,1 atmosphere overtooking Newport fM)' and rel.ii. 1o1.i th a dehc..ious <up or coffee. real ltali<in espresso "or cappuccino. PASTRIES. MUGS rt-'\POT~ BRLWl"'C.. DEVICES L >\Ll !:.~~ORIE<;; Lido l\\arina V11Llgt> 3448 Via Oporto. Ncwro11 Beach. CA (714) 673 2620 SPECIAL! ll••ntmn thi' Jd f111 Ill uU n n ;ill 1·11llt 1· 111.1 !-1•1' ,, .. .I Movies Good-hearted western By JOEL C. DON Of .. o.lty ..... MMf ··Annie Get Yo ur Gun" Is a rollicking, family mus ical being s taged at Elizabe th Howard's Curtain Call dinner theater in Tustin. It's the s tory of the legendary Annie Oakley <Janet Walker> and he r romance with s harps hooter Frank Buller <Steve Foreman). They ·meet in Buffalo Bill's !Thomas Hunt> wild west show after the tomboyish Oakley bests her love-to-be in a shooting match. What's missing jn the somewhat simplistic stage design is made up by the vocal talents of the cast, especially thos e of Walker and Foreman. Tttis musical features the rousing ··There's No Business Like Show Business," a time-honored favorite of stage and screen. To be sure, "Annie Get Your Gun" is jus t right for the kiddies and adults who don't mind occasional bursts of deafening gunfire during the shooting co m p e titions . Woven into th is mus ical is the lighthearted comedy that makes this production a fun holiday offering. Walker smoothly transforms her character from an innocent country bumpkin. t o th e s omewhat sophisticated star of the Bufralo Bill show. Her heartthrob, Frank, at first accepts the upstart as an assistant, then leaves the s how when Oakley performs a dazzling real to seal their blossoming love. It's just too much injury to a male chauvinist gunslinger. Foreman's commanidng voice and likable chjlracter is only matched by his Gucci cowboy duds. The goodhearted fun will continue at the dinner theater through Jan. 10. • • • Blue Beat Cafe F r 11111 I '<1111· ,, went under , his checks for the rent bounced and Soffer spent some long hours in court regaining control of his property from Muehlberger, who is now serving a sentence at Chino for fraud. .. Sid was re <.il worried that the place not fall into bad hands again.·· said Lewis ... But he was in just today and I thank he's real happy with it. We may be having a Blue Beet nostalgia night soon have Sid cook his fa mous meals and bring back F e lipe to pla y so m t> fl a me nco guitar .. Until then. the Mark and Erik duo will perform Wednesdays through Frid ays: the soft rock band Rapture will play for dancing Saturdays: the Er ic Marie nth al Quarte t will pe rform Sunday afte rnoons and Tuesday nights : and Mondays will be devoted to foot b<.i 11 and dinne r specials. NOTICE LAGUNA CRAFT GUILD CHRISTMAS SHOW DEC 12 & 13. 19Rt IO TO ot·sK VILLAGE FAIR MALL SO UTH COAST HWY. LAGUNA BEACH A KITCHEN SO BEAUTIFUL Your friends will hate it ----~~G} ,.,J DI ·:v ~)8li;~- / = • I ~e At Bootlegger s ! Sidewinder Tues. -Sat. Crossroads Sun & Mon. ---------• • 18528 Beach Blvd. (at Ellis) : Huntington Beach • "ONDA "° NIGHT FOOT 8A LL •• SCREEN • FREE HOT DOG~ Town & Country Sllopptng Center ________________________________ ....... 9 "O 0 - 11 --.. IO ~Music .- ~ ~A 10th anniversary for John Alexander C1I 0 -0 ~ o.lly .,, ... ,._W Cllwtn MMr ON MUSIC -.. Thl' l'l'il!>OO I (•;di II (':-.Otl'rll" I!'> we bring in works the.It nobocl~ hiJ!> t.'n .•r ht•iJrd of J fl'l'l t h at Orangl' Count~ l·iJn iJ<Tl'Pl m on.· sophisticated music .·· By JOEL C. DON Of , .. o.tly ...... Staff In his 10 years with' t he Pacific Chorale. conductor John Alexander has seen the group's calibe r shift from amateur to professional, a budget that has quadrupled and the maturation that comes with fore ign tours and combined engagements with major sym phony orchestras. Perhaps one of the more significant events has been the new name of this 14-0·member chorus. which this year was changed from the Irvine Master ChoraJe So what's in a name"' Plenty. Alexander hopes the change will put a s top to mall and telephone calls directed at UC Irvine , which hasn't been associated with the chorale for 13 years. The group pe rform!> tonight and Saturday evening at the Santa Ana ll1gh School a uditorium. in a Christma s progra m featuring traditional carols as well a~ the works of Norman Delio Joio. Francis Poulenc and Andrea Gabricli. Tickets for the 8 ·30 p m concerts a re $12. S8 and $6, with S2 off for senior c1t1zens and children Delio Joio·s .. To St. Cecilia" and Poulenc's ··Four Motet~ .. may not be as familiar a s ··Silent Night. .. "Hark. the Herald Angels Sing·· and other holiday favontes. The more classical offering is a clue to the focus of the Pacific Chorale. .. We pride ourselves in that we only do c lassical music ." Alexander said. noting the Christmas program exception. "There·s a lwa} s a problem when you're ra ising fundsJor a classical music group such as this More people would come to hear us if we did "Oklahoma" songs than Beethoven .. But we arc proud that we arc averaging 1.000 people per concert and that we have a relatively large :-t•ason tick el holding for Orange Count} · · For exa mple. the chorale will cap its season m \1 ay \\Ith a performance of Beethoven·_._ ··M1 ssa Solemni~ .. "'1th tht• Padic Symphony Orr hestra 1\lexandt:r rc~i.l rcf -; the compos ition as one of the m ost \IK'i.111)> demanding. rcquinng the talents of a profes-.1onal chorus But 1t 's "'1thm means nf tht• ·~roup s ince ha lf .ire "'orking proft·s~1onals Nonl' are paid a.-; m em bers of lhl• chorale And Alexi.lndt·r 1s equally committed to the notion that Ora nge {'ount) aud1ent·es are re.JC1 ) for what ht• t•alls tht• esoteric' work~ uf popular a nd l'Ontemporary rom posers .. Ttw rca~on I call it esoteric 1s we bring in works that nobod) b~s ever heard of.· he 'aid · I fe e l thi.lt Orani;c County can a ccept mo re sophisticated mus1r "There is still a fe eling that lo raise money you cannot be sophis ticated and I disagree with that. Even ifpeople don't understand the music as we do as performers, we are purs uing ways that we can train our a udiences to e njoy the music more such as in dinner previews where we 'd talk about the music befor e a performance "'We ha n.· the folio"' 1ng rule in putting Logelhl'r a season You do something for the uudientc. something for the singers and something for vourself · · · ·The pic ture was quite different when Alcxa ndl•r Look the helm of the chornle in 1971 The group had startt·<l as a n Extension course in 1968 at UC Irvine. It sc pa ralell from the univers ity tu become the non profit I rv1ne Community Chorus. In its second year. it became the Irvine Master Chorale. The group Wi.I S a rJedghng community l'horus . performing at schools. churches and other loC'al runctions. But Alexander sensed that 1t was heading in the direction of more esoteric mu!>1c and a ~rofcssional sta ndard of performan<.·c Alexander had accepted a tearhing position at Cal State Northridge, arter serving as a music ins tructor briefly al Cal State Fullerton lie had worked with the choraJe'before he was offe red the position of mus ic director. "My question when I came down was how serious were they about their goals ... he said. .. Whe n I talked to the board of directors, I found they were very ser ious about them a nd wanted to expand their program ... Indeed. the directors \\ere a mbitious when they hired the then 27-year·old Alexander. who already had attained an international reputation as a c horal conductor. · ON FUNORAISING -Tht.•rl··:-. al\\·'~" ;1 probll•m wht•n ~nu ·n · ra1~ing fund-. l11r a l'la:---..u·al mu~H· g roup m on• pt•oplt• \\ould com e to hear us if we did ·Oklahoma·.·· lie was :-.tucl ying music· at age 4 and four) ears later aud1t1oncd and was arr epted in the Columbus Hoy's Ch<iir of Princeton.NJ. Somewhat of a child prodigy, Alexande r was choirmaster and or~anist al Trin1t\ Prc:.b vt e r1 an Chur ch 1n F o rt l.auderdi.ilc·. Fla ut a~e 13 When he cnrolh:d at Oberlin Collel{e. he wa~ a stude nt t·ondm·tur and went on a L \\O month tour of t h c Sn' I l' l l . n 1 o n s po n" "red by the St at c l>cpartmt'nt Just shy o f c <.1rn10g h1~ 11octurate in mus ic frum the I 'n1 ,·crs1t v of llhno1s . Alexander .1nl'pktl a per manent 1:io-.1t1on al "\urthndge "hen• Ill' curn•nth '"rn•:. a' :i full µrofess11r · Tht· dodur,1ll' 1s im portant in m usH' when _\011 rt' kind of hulltl1ng youro.;elf up hut I ki nt1 of n •acht-tl .1 JIOIOt \\ht·rc it cl11ln t m.1 ller an_\ more :· hi' '>alll I hJrl .1 lot of • ll•ac hinJ.!' offer' around l h l' c ount n Wh t.·n he t1111 k O\f•r lhl' cht>rall'. h e 1rllmcd1<1t<'l.\ :-<'l lht· grou1' '"f::hl5 on pcrformdm·e tours nublClc lht• n1u nlr~ "An yom· can pay their way to ~o lo Europe." and a fourth I!> plannl'd fo r 1983 A 1979 concl'rl 111 Englund Wi.IS held al Wint hcster Cathedral "'1th thl· Londcrn S) mphony Orchest ra The event C'l'lehr~lt•d the 900th anni\ er~ar} of the ~tructur<' Thl' group ill so has pNformcd "'1th the l'asadl·nu Symphony. the R1 ver~ide Symphon}. the San Diego Youth Symphony. the Amentlln Youth Symphon} and thl' San Ou~go Ballet T he Los Angeles Philha rmon1c· has come down to Santa Ana I llgh SC'hool to <HTO mpany the singers and the chor ale has been the resident group at the annual Ojai Music Festival for the past two years "Our goal right no\\ I!> to build our clientele 1n Oran~l' Count\ and sav this 1s what we 've ac.·c.·omph:.ht•d,'". Alexander sa id . referring Lo the group·s at h1 cvcments "We've proved ourselves i.lnd no"' "'e say c·ome and support us and let's do professional music· in Orange County.·· Ale xander looh Coward Lo the completion of thl• Ora nge Count) )1us 1c Center, which will offer I he group a mon· i.1esthet1C'all y pleas ing spot lo pe rform · ·Thl' biggest frus tration 1s we are growrng and \\c don't have an adequate hall,'. he said. Alexandl'r's inc reased use of a paid orchestra in combination with the vocalists has placed m ore demands on the fund-raising efforts of the chorale as well as the need for a hall that offers good a coustics and comfortable seating .. I con:-;ider the visual experien('e ver y important. · s aid Alexander who lives in Los Angele~ · If a hall 1s not beautiful or the seiJls are not co mfortable. }nu t'an't get the emotional impact ·· Pacific Chorale continues its season on Feb 20. 1982, with Bach's "Sineet Dem Herrn <Motet No. 11... Brilhm s· "l.1cheshedt•r Waltzes:; Bnllen·s ·•Jl vmn to St Cecilia·· and Me notti's ··The l'ni.rorn .. The group will be accompanied by the Pal·1f1c Singers . the Ballet Pacifil'a and members of the Irvine Symphony. 11he final performance of the season will be the :\1 ay 22 FkethO\ e n production with the Paci fi r S.\ mphon~ Though Alexander commutes one or m o re times a "'eek to Oran ~e Count y from his Hollywood llills home . he said he still 1s regarded hv some a:-an oul~id er But the conductor believes gcograph1t· -;eparat10n e nhances his univers ity music µrogram s a~ d1stinl'l from his work with the chorale "I am dt'fin1tcl) an Orange Count1an:· he ~•tld ··1 would dl'finitcly like to live in the county But unfortunately Orange C'ounly can't support a µrofcs~Hlnal mu~1c·1an yet I <·annot live on the ..,alary that the Pat 1r1c Cho ra le pa.\s me ·· Alexander as scrtl•d .. My goa l as a condur tor was going and performing in major locations where we were gomg to get reviews that we could bnng back to Orange County. I feel that we are the only g roup in Orange County t hat's exporting itself in a ON POLICY -··You d1l somt•thing for thl· audience. something ror thl' ~inger.., and on three European tours som ething for~ ourself ·· professional way." The group bas· been ... -----._,..... - -------- Plays Hal Landon seeks humanity in Scrooge By JIMMY JOHNSON O.ily ,.lleil l"Ht-New. E41otw Charles Dickens · "A Christmas Carol" is becoming an annual ntual for South Coast Repertory and Ebenezer Scrooge is as much a part of Christma!> as SUJ?arplums. Jolh 01 · St Nick and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindt>er And about this time every year Scrooge becomes an important part of Hal Landon Jr. In fact, Landon becomes Scrooge and has for the past two years. "I love playing Scrooge." Landon said, the twinkle of Santa Claus dancing in his eyes "I would rate it among my favorites. "We had little time to put up the play last year." he added. "We rehearsed for only two weeks. but it succeeded beyond our dreams as an entertaining show. "This year we are trying to get the most out of the show. I'm trying to find more of the character this time. I want to make him as human and as dimensional as possible." As a founding member of SCR. Landon can count a number of parts he calls his favorites, but it seems he always comes back to Ebenezer Scrooge. "As a matter of fact.·· he said with a wry smile. "Just the other. day while I was making the rounds in L.A looking for some televis ion work, someone asked what I was doing now. I told him I was playing Scrooge. And he replied. 'Oh, that's good because you're perfect for that.· . "I never know quite how to take that. .. Landon does not come from a long line of ·e ntertainers. but s how business does go back one generation in his family. His father. Hal Landon Sr .. made a lot of Westerns and war movies during the '40s. However. when the film business hit a slump in the late 1940s Landon Sr. packed up his family and moved to Tucson, Ariz., where he went into business. "We Ii vcd there until 1950." Landon r ecalled "We did a little th e ater w ork I c an recall a production of ·Lo ng Day's Journey Into Night,· in which m y dad played the father. my mom played the mother. a sister was a maid, and I played the young s on." Be fore returning to California. Landon attended the University of Arizona. lie admits to being more interes ted in athletics than acting at the time.• "I was determined I'd make 11 in sports." he said. "I tried out for the freshman b<.1sketball team and made 1t through all but the final cut. I suddenly came to the realization that I was too short. too slow and couldn't jump That's when I changed my major to drama." It was a good decis ion, because the young actor has been blessed with a number of prime parts. Last year he was m a movie. "Scavenger Hunt," in which he played an assistant to Robert Morley. And just recently he did a "Lou Grant" episode that aired about two weeks a~o ··1t was an episode where Lou went back to his home town," Landon remembered "I played a factory· worker and did a couple of scenes with Ed Asner One was essential to the story line. but the other was cut. Still. it was good experience." Landon admits he likes working m telev1s1on. The challe nge there 1s differl'nt from his stage work. It's a medium that 1s int e res ting , competitive and very tough "It':-. a hard bus iness to get any momentum going in.· especially if you arc involved with stage work," he said, ··In fact. I had to turn down fo ur da \'S o f work o n . Bosom Buddies' ·to do Scrooge That·s JUSt one of the t·onnicts that comes up. You must decide which you want most " Landon 1s convin<:cd his dad would have done well in those earlier days of tele\•1sion when the Western was so popular In fact. he sees his dad as somewhat of <.1 hero. which very well could be one of the reasons he '\c•1• S 1·r11ot/t' I '<HI• /11 GHOSTLY NIGHTMARES -llal Lanclon Jr .. as Ebenczc•r Srroog~. lt•ap:-from his hl•<I m a ..,<.'<'Ill' from · :\ Chris\ ma.., Carol"· a s South Coa~t Rl'pertor~ She forsakes NBA for the SCR By JIM~\' JOHSSON O"'ilf Pt~ h•tv,... ... >n EO.IW When M<.1rtha Mc Farland wa~ a wee little lass she "anted to pla~ guard for the Bay Area Warr111rs. hut the rnar of gn.•a-;epamt proved ~tron~l·r than tll(' roar of the crowd That. µlu~ tht· fact 1t has been all but 1mpo:-.:-.1ble for a f<·male to brt::ak into the big leai?:Ul'S nf houm·c hall Th<.' :'I/BJ\ was not ready for thc hhs of Mc l-'..1rl;ind. hut SCR t South Cna<;t Heµertun "a.., ·1 loH' :-port:-.. ..,he ohs1•rvcd "I ')till drive into LA tn :,,f'l• th(• L<1k1·r .... pla)t whenever I can ~1 ~ 'en hr..,t 11111 ''a:,, u...,lwnng al Candle~t1ck Park for the c; 1anb '' ht·n I \HJ'i lfi If I couldn't act. I would w:.int to bl· a Jll('k " Hut th(• multi t.1lt-nted \kFarlan<l c;an act anti )tou (',10 :-.t't' hl·r 1n t"o rules dunni;! SC R's prod11t t11m of Charles Dickens' "A Chris tmas 'Carol .. Shl· pla)t' ~lrs Fcuil.\IA and the Toy Lad)t . through Oec l1 in hetwccn. 1 think th al ·s wonderful "I pla:-·ed lhe 70 year-old my first year with lh<.· <.'ompan~ 10 ·Rin,g Around the ~oon · I did a 17 )t l'ar ol<I in \'anit1l·s· m 1976 You might sa)t this k111<1 of work hasn't aAcd me a bit," McFarlanrl added with a chuckle ,... ~k Farland got her first taste of actmA at San Fr anc·1st·o Statt•. whl'rt' she met Dav1<1 Em mes and ~1 ;,1 rtin Benson. art1st1c ch rectors at SC.R "I "a.., ..,1111 in c·olle~l' when the group "a~ formed." !>ht• ..,,11cl The.·~ a:-.kl·d mt• to J111n I was the bal1~ of lht• g l'Oll IJ Shl· was an Engh..,h major. but fo und \\orking 111 drama an<I al'l111g "orkshop" ex lrt•mel~ n·" artl1ng Sht• :>JJl'lll th<.• -.um mer or 19*'4 in Long lh'<H h "'her l' SC' H produced Thc fto...,t a RC lwforl' 1 l:lurn111g to lhl' Bay Arca to <·omplt'tt• ht•r 1fr~l'l'(' PLAYS TWO ROLES -~fartha ~kfarlanci •~ ~1rs Fezziwig ancl the Toy I.act~ 1n ··,\ Christmas Carol ·· A native of San Francisco and one of the foundmA me mbers of SC R. she has taken on JUSl a bout every kind of role possible "I've been in between 35 and 50 plays," McFarland s aid "I've done everything. I've played a 17-year-old, a 70-year-old and everything · I rl'lurnl'CI to the a rea 1n 1005 · )1c f arland !-.aid . · tx•cau'<' 1 reall~ belle' ed in what they w('rf' doing und wanted to get in on the ground floor " About four year-; later. m 1969, the friendl) act re~~ gave uµ the theater for the hfe of a housewife and moved to Oregon. "God. I was miserable," she said. "I didn't .'i('t' .\lartlia. /'O</t' /9 H ,,, . 0 - ,, 11 ,_. c:o :-Movies I.. ~ J Two tales glibly gelled • 1n Beatty's 'Reds' ~ By JEFF PARKER "0 Of tlM o.ily l"iltl Slaff '-"Rt>ds" is a glib. lightweight, epic-length· ~ romance based on the life of John Reed . the 1..· Am erican journalist and communist who gained a ~ reputation by covering the battles of Poncho Villa c and later wrote about the Russian Revolution of ~ 1917 for the radical magazine. ··The Masses," ~ before going on to serve as a p ro pagandist ror the ~ Communist Party of Russia and dying there in -1920 or ty phus . o .. Reds" runs well over three hours long, and without a sense of wasted time. It's controlled. ~ unc luttered and brilliantly acted by W,flrren Beatty as Reed. Di ane Keaton a s his wife. Louise Bryant a nd J ack Nicholson as Eugene O'Neill. There's no c umulative powe r ~o it eithe r . no inte r nal combustion to warm i( up; it's a still life. . t In the hands of Beatty, who also co-wrote. directed and produced this movie. the re are two widely dis tanced things going on. One is the tumultuous Bolshevik revolt and the rumblings it inspired in this country : the other is a s nappy romance between Reed and Bryant. The two are layered seamlessly. but they don't mesh · at limes you get the feeling you're watching a roma ntir sit-com a bout a boyish but loveable American com m unist writer set against the the backdrop of r evolutiona ry Russia. It's "House Calls" set in Petrograd. · But Beatty and co-writer Trevor Griffiths have scr ipted "Reds" with considerable intelligence and wit. And a m azingly. they've managed to n e ute r the fi lm 's p o litics by showing t he Am erican s agains t whom Reed wor ks a s rapac ious and cunning. while s howing the Russ ian com munlsts for whom he works as ra pacious and cunning loo. The film is peppered with state ments from "witnesses" who knew Reed Henry Miller. <teolonial Best Omelette In Town Jtitcbtn .~a~ ~la.Mn/ ** OPfN 7 IAYS A IHI ** la In Fri. I .. Pl. Sit. & Sii. 111-3 Pl lmlfAST • •T ma & ... SftCll.S FoodToT•o.t ls48-0366] 512 W. ·'1911. Costa Mna eo,.....,,,.,~ ... SIEAK & ALISIWI KllG CRAB LEGS Rebecca West and GeorgC' Jessel a monJ,! tht:m a nd sl'rve lo put Reed into \'anous pcrs pe<:t1vc:- l about1 40 or them1. The "witnesses· serve a:-a k·ind of democratic Gr eek thorus lht:'v react like 40 different audiences to the '>ame movie The political. economic. ethm<' a nd religious coOl·erns of .. Reds" won't offend patriotic Amenl·an:-«I don't think > and they "'on't offend commun1st:- either For all the sound and fury. they'r e not im portant to the movie. But John Reed is. and Beatty has hoth dr<Jwn and acted him beautifully Heed was known as a passionatt: ideaHst. a tir((less writer and orga nizer. a playboy. There was also an air of ineffectiveness about him· he was unable to work w1th1n the framewor k of the Am erican Socialist Party and broke bitterly with them a fter 19 17 to form the Com munist Labor Party an the United Stales He was at first bedazzled and later manipulated by the Soviet Comintern's propaganda ministry. The United St ates refused him as a diplom at and later cha rged him with sed ition . lie was plagued by bad health and died at 33. Beatty. with his whirlwind energy and )(real tale nt for portraying characters who can't afford to doubt the m sel ves. brings an in s t inct ive rh~h tness to Reed. He's quick and light onscreen. energetic a nd boyish. Bealty's Reed always has one foot out the door : he's too busy organizi ng la bor lo or ganize his chaotic apar tmept or his relationship with Louise He's abuzz with adeahs m But Beatty can register self·doubt with minute Crowns and looks downward. and in the key moments of "Reds" he does just that. You get the feeling that Reed will coll apse if he s lows down. a nd when Beatty pauses for those quick ~ats of s elf-awarenes!i. you can see that Reed will Those mome nts bring more to his character tha n all the communist blather combined CMSMIAUllDll- fll(I --If ClllCllEll ltlSw FIHllW.MlwSOU •IAlllMS 1 RUH ~HllUlU 1!1a ~Al '"° COfJ(f ----2.95 _ ...... ,,.._._ 1Q .. ..,...'""' ........... UPIRES •2't!>&t ,,.,,.,.,.. ..... •ti_...~ "" ........ 3.95 --,,. ••111111 4.95 ... __ . __ Keaton :-L11111se 1:-JUSl thl' oi.ipo:.1te She -. t'l'llll·n:1l. fru-.tratcd, appurenl In spite of tht-fal'l thut Loull>l' 1~11 ·1 -.urc 1r :-he':. a µh otograµher o r a writer, a l'aprtahst or a ~·11mmun1st. a conc ub1n1.• CJr a .... 1fo , she':-the cmc \\host: f1rmnes:-or t haral'tl'r ant'hor~ till' film She':-got :.omethfng that Heed hasn't pat 1<•nC't-and Keaton has re pres.,cd her cbull1e11t mannn1sm s to bring tha t c·alm t11 Lou1'it.' Whl:'n Coµµula l'a:-t her a; Ka) tn the "Godfothcr mo\·1c:-. he dad 1t to capitalize on her 1n ab1lit.> lo rcgt:.tcr dl'CIJ e motion1> :-he seemed s hrill. n&H \'l· a nd ~rfcttly ut odcb with the gri m depth!> of Pal·tno's Mtl·hacl liul s he'l> outgrown th<tt ga) sha llowncl>s . s he·:. exploded 1l Iler angcr lx1nJcr:. ragt: 1n · ltt.'d'>.' and it':. not ul>ed ironically, 1t ., real Keaton seems to huvc retracted herself toncentratt·d her feeling:. into her face instead of all over her body. In one !>Cene where s he rehears~s a play for O'Neil l. he tells her to stand still during her monologue : "You're searching for your soul. not an ashtr ay ... Nicholson sna ps In .. Reds" she 's searching for her soul too. and she knows JUSt how to do it She's energetic. innocent but knowin g . t r u s tin g S he 's the mu-.t qu1ntes:.ent1all ~ Americ an actress working 1n mo\'lcS loda\ When s he crack:. a heartfelt <;mile aftcr a b1tte.r fight with Reed. it's as 1f somE·onc opcnl·d a w1nd'1w a nd let tn u morning breeze Reed docsn l know 1t. but she's what the mo\'le 1s all a bout The most lacerating lines in "Reds" g9 to Jack :.licholson a s Eugene o· Neill and he thro"' s them with such a studied s arc·asm you want to put :.omething on to protect yourself lie doesn't '>a) his lanes . ht' aims them :'>11cholson·s voice 1s a weai.ion. and O':.leill's bitterness seems to sh1><1t perfectly from it. Of late. in "The Postman Al"'ay:. Rings Twice" especaall y . :"11cholson seemed to be See · Reds.' Page 17 For A Qu ick Stop An rl Satural L unch I t's • Sand\\·iehcs & Sa lads • Smoothtt's Soups & Chow der s • Shr imp Coc:ktuils • F resh Fruits • \'cgcta hl es • Rce r /.i/111 />flt '/Ir I '11(1.\/ /f 11/ 1111 I Huntington Beach t near PCll & 17th 1 f7141 536-nn <> pe11 /11 .. ; l)mf 11 "FOR YOUR DINING & ENTERTAINMENT PLEASURE" .; ...... _, ,,_, .... -. CURT HAMILTON Sll &Ma GARRISON & BAKER Ta·Sat. ... JI• FOREST AVE. LAGUNA BEACH lffllf'Wl~•dl Ampl(' f•f'C' P.ir~mQ 494.9491 752-8558 Ta tin Sal DENNIS & RONALD GUZIK S..•1111. .... Tl, rw1uGHr DINNERS 1 DAYS A WW( 4 6 P.M. $6.25 <>iwrlookrng Btoutiful l~ F'ort1t 23311 MUIRLANDS AT RIDGE ROUTE El TOfllO n~ • MICHAEL MAFFEI Tues. Tbru Sal SONNY DAVIS S111. and M111. 32I02 COAST HWY. LAGUNA NIGUEL 1Atc ....... v-..,,.,...,., 499-2626 496-SnJ. Intermission 13 \) 0 - 1981 a mixed year for South Coast theater groups. H' fO\JTrll !'-1 oi 1~ O~••) P•lol \1~11 ll \• ' lh•· lw I 11! 111111··· 11 \\:•"'th•·\\"'"'' 111 I 111t '1r.t1 't \ .a,lt t ,.lt11t..! tJ1•· 'tfJtH t•' •••'""'t u. l't~) " 'I, 1 I i.:•11 '"I .illd •ht·,,.,,,, !•11111<! 1111' l1•dd111)' '111• l ' ' • 1 I• I I , . 1, I •''I '>'Ill• d II\ """"' \\, I I tint,. I " Ii. .. 11 '\1 " ,., ,, 1•11 I tt•I I • • 1(1111 ,.,., ti I t d 1 I II \ I ,II I '\ "l. I • f I• .J I \1 If JI• hL'!'1!111 1f1, •l•1tll' 11,.. \ I I " f • •I It. I lllol' 11111 •• .11 • ''': ! • ... h .1, ta .. ,,_ .. ••I''\'·'•' r t'll• \l1• r. J. .. !'l ~ \ ,.,,, .. r,d 1 .... ~r.... .\I" t. I f•,1111cl~d 11,, lln .i•• 1 111 11•·· .. ""' l ~ !J1• H u11,.:, t .. h ~• ri1• \ l)f,!.1n11;st1• 11 1'111 I l.11, 11111 1,tt1 I , tr! , 111111.:i& "I '" f11iloi11 I l°t t fl • '1 ll l""lj" 111111 •ll t:1 ........ . .. ,11 1~·tnrt1 ~., atn1· up 1.1.1th .111111 •I' I l! llr .a t c 11 11111 1111 r1.it·r1· c•I 11 I •.\ I · I , 1' ... 1 • •• II ... •• n· n. • · 1 I• •11lll 't ~ f ...... \ 111• 1111' tlu I 'J/li!ldlliJI lh1•,1ff'I' thl' 1...1).!un.1 • • • • • • • • -·-~ • -~~~r VIDEO ENT ERTAI NMENT NllRAC!.E ON 34TH STREET rE~•~ .... • 'Ve J v\ I' -,/JR· f ( R PR[v t \\, R PtJft'C'-fASf' NEW RELEASES GOING MY WA Y SILENr NIGHT THE NIGHT BEFORE Cf RfSTMAS DOT ANO THE KANGAROO A CHRiS TM4S CAROL ClffTJY r HIT TY BANG BANG A HUGE SELECT ION OF MOVIE HITS '-r '"'•tl..fG N""S IA GIA • .,,,r,1ous . l"><llO'f"J\. •DUii T•~C VCRS •BIG SC.REE N~• COLOR CAMERAS rp('NT ROW CE 114T~R CLUB• VIDEO GAMl'S COLOR TV " • At:CESSORtES ONE STOP FOR All YOUR VIDEO NEEDS • VIDED(il) \l11ul l11n l'lo11 l1111b1· .,,.t lht p.H 1· v.ith 1·l..tx11 Jlt •ta~ 111~·, ol "•• 111u.,11 .ti-Sh1•11,1rlfl11~rh ·ind \ I ill \.n•lrt \lii,11 t.1.11 t , '1111 I f 11 tlw • r.,t 1(1 l' I (lr 11 I ('"Ill I\ \dd:f11111,1o1 th• \) 1.JilHll 11111•r •ol o1 lrt" .,j ·'"''" p•1rro1111•-; ,di lo1,d1•, \I 1l!t"l t•l 11 tflll I! \I th• ·'l1••1 "Iii • 1 11111 "••11 Ll.1 I 1d11 I It ,. • I ' If 1,, .,.,.,,,, I t ,i... .l PG ·- I '• \ll'•ll ttl I • ti l•I I tit t. • NOW PLAYING IOWAROS ~1•1J1~ LUASI PIA/A I 111.,AHO \AUOll 11.• \r t~ 'I uw.,1 1• 0 I OWA"ll' , C"l MA Wt SI • CXl __ , ..._. • t llllllOMI •r:r .. -~ .. -------~ •I l'l,11111111-.1· l'hc· i.:1 "''' tllr·n it,'·pc.irt1·d ti~ pl.i ~ h11u t· Ill \I 1 "''' \ ,., .. """ h1 I 11 ti 1111 lht 1... llhl 11 1.I "' '•l•1 •1i\,t1l1 lll I ,.i.11 .... 1 1 11i11f1l,1•1~· .... 11 ..... :. I II··:. I Ill ,, \I' ... I .tl111 \\ ti!,,,... .. ... - 111 "".111 l f, 111• nl+· "" r1 t• 1 ti 1nl1, ttu 1·,,1 •'1 < 11, ,,,, r 1111 tlw }·•· l• ,11 r• 1111.J Ill l..1 .. ' • I' ,, . Al'iAHI IM BREA . ., .. COST II Ml SA ·~· • , .• ., (l r. 'I 11 • \ NOW PLAYING I OUllT AlN Ht! l t Y Ml~:>IOll ~II IO ORA I0(1I . . IHVIN( ORllNGI-WlST MINS, 11 ,. ~· • • • ~' • • ~ -I',...: ... i Live Glas ~ EDITOR'S NOTE Lwe Gigs 1s a complete £l listmg oj Orange Coast nightclubs offenng live E entertamment Acts are sub1ect 10 change without ~ notice. • AJRPORTER INN ~ 18700 MacArthur Blvd "O Irvine 833·2770 ANCI ENT MARINER 2607 W Coast Highway Newport Beach 646·0201 i... Ente rtainment & Ll. Dancing Nightly BAXTER'S i... 14346 Culv<'r Drive Ql ALISIO'S "O 1670 Newport Blvd. Irvin<' 857·2103 ~ Costa Mesa 642-8293 BAXTER'S STREET 4647 Mal·Arthur Blvd. t Dancing Nighlly ~ -0 THE PORT TH EATRE ') 7 . t;2t· i MON. NITE -ALL SEA TS $2.00 Two Italian Films 11Wifemistress ••• Plus "How Funny Can Sex Be 11 ,., '"Chariot:s of tlre' is a wonderful film. It wiU thrill you and delight you and uery possibly exalt you to tears. A rare film that will surprise you with its beau~ and magnificence of spint ... -Ne ....... JIC*llC.tott "• • • * (Nighest rating) 'Chariots of ftre' li{t.s the spirit to a new high." N•• 'l'Ott. O••') Newt Kain...," C.OOll CHARIOTS OF FIRE \4.l•t u 'f4'l'\""" "-"' '' , .. t "'9C""-A ""10t.\: "'-""" .....,,«l ftl"' CAO'>'>• IA/' CHARI t'IO" · "ICitl llWTllS (lllllYI (Al"IPl!t ll ·AlKCMKlC •<_........,,U.,~YAllOl'll50" OI' '"'I'( rt Hr' !Ofilt R • "l<ll'l l>-Wl'"tl'Of!T • llMD DWI~ ti II K l(,A., ·'II\ llltl., <•II lltl I» IAN llntl'I •PATRIC I\ MMltr ..._ n •··a~•\ 1,, ~ 011"" \\>( l ~ A.,0 ~'""" ~ VAl'KiC.Ll.S Iv-··""•".,..,.,, UUOl IAUOi""l-o•h~,.,-., OA\.t0t'\ltT'"VJ1 ,...., ...... ~ 1100t1 11ooson ~.__.·~---... ~ t:qw.::=J "'PG=-=---==-.-,.--------""'JlU,,..-,,~ • •AOOC:-.--11-.,..,. _..,. _ _.._ .. c-· !_•=::-:--:;:...- EXCLt:SIVE ORANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT edwanls NEWPORT MUI COAST HW'f. a MACAaTHUI nwroar ecmrna 644-0760 T~:f-IW;\~ Ne wport Beach 540·2475 REACllBALL 2116 Ocean Front Newport Beach 673-5ti94 Stan Orlow BEN BROWN'S 31106 S Coast Highway South Laguna .i99·2663 BILBO HAGGINS Mesa Verde Shopping Center Costa Mesa MS 1718 Live Contemporary Rot·k BLACK A~Gl'S 17920 Brookhur:.l St Fountain V Jiil'' 9611 1177 Oant·1ng Ni~hti~ Bl.t' E BEAT c u ·t: 107 2h t Plat'l' '\c" port Bt·at•h fi7!i :1:1:1:1 Entl'rtillllnll'lll :'\1~hth BL(; E PARROT South Coai.t Plata Hotel Costa Mesa M0-2500 Dam·111g ;'1;1t{htly BOARDWALK 1516 S. Coast lf11?h" J \ Glorious.,, is unliJttly thoJ any other AmeriaJn film this )'f!ltlr wiJJ e.xettd 'The French lieuJmanl's Woman."' -<Atw SWt. 'VIC-TY {Today) ~ ~ COSTA MIU um• MISSIOll YIUO OIWIG( wtSTMlllSlOI ,_ EawitO ~ WuodbhOQt Mlssoi Y~"JO M"41 C.neoome ~ W~I 546 3107 551 0655 495 6220 634 ?HJ 891 393\ ac.,....___. "''"' ..,..... . .,,.,. . ..,...., • ..,, • IN9•* ..... """'' 'lol.-.r.,. .. * aARQAIN MATINllS • Mont11y tllru l1turd1y All PetformMC•• before 5:00 PM (&ce,I I .... l11111•11ta IM HlllUyl) LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK IN . .. "MIOIRI °' , .. LOIT AIUC" I --w.=::::=:r.=.-1tottl ... "ONLY WHIN I LAUGH" 1111 ......... _. "MIMI LllCI OLD TIMll" tN11 ...,_ LAKEWOOD C ENTER SOUTH WAl k IN kxully Al Del Nr'tO 211/tM-tHI ....... 'ac11l1V at Candlewooel ZIS/111·9110 "THI "'INCH LllUTtNANTI WOMAN"1111 L .... MI "JULIA""'' •t: ... Ul,1fl'11 'llUPt:PI 'UZZ"' -···-·· "TULlltt· -............. ---··--.. -"IUOOY IUOOY" "'1 • .-... Ht.<:11,e:tl,-- so COAST WALi< IN so11111 Cooer Hlway al lfoaCIWay 494-1514 "~ATIRNtTY" ----f:. ...... ,·--"·--,,.. "900YHIAT'f11 Laguna Beath 19-1 85118 BOB BLRSS :n Fashion lslancl N l'" port lk;1ch tl44 21130 ~I usil' N1ghtl~ 8088\' ~cGEE'S 353 E Coast ll1gh" a~ :-.:c" port Beach tl73 s:JM(l Ui.tncmg :'<lightl~ BOOTLEGGERS 18528 Beac·h Bh d lluntington Beac·h 962·9010 OannnR Nii.:htl~ tn ( 'uuntry ('.\l •. \Bi\Sll 1~\SOISG 179 E 17th St Costa ~le"" 644'! 9855 CAUF()RXIA SL'S 19070 Magnolia St Huntington RcJ ch 963-2078 Countr) R()(•k Danc·ing CA~'.'1 t:RY 30IU Ldfovettt' i\H· ~e"port · &755777 :'\I UM(' ;.,;1ghtl~ Set' c;1qs. l'aqf.' 15 'ACIFIC lHEATAfS OAIWf·lll S•' •UlS \IOflC• fOUl IUCU -Vt•O l•I OAT at HAAIOll llVB OlllWf·lll & OMllGE CNllWf.Jll t.W~OJ ,.IAl-•6 '-' ... , ·-"" ,_" .. -·· ,,_ ·---......... , ,,...,.815 ,. .... 6:00 \ ... , ,, .. .,,.5 111111,0ATAllH NOTIC(' CIUI OAlN UNDER IHRH! KllHI '°" W11"°' MN '"'• '" 5 30. S•I Sot 11"1 4 301'11 oo.t:i• SOUMO • 1M ..,, w 11A1J10 rs rOU11 SllMOI •If HO AM CAii llAOl'l lflWllt Olf1'!0lr ACClSSOll\' f'OSmOll -lllllNC Ml l'QllTMIU 1•AU c.f.fl -...S llD Oii Ml - A.NAM•~ ANAHEIM OllllVE·IN tt-........... ·MU.• ...... "AISENCE Of MALICE"' - I -"TH£ CHINA SYNOllOMI" - CU•t " 50\/llO -----...---.-•• -114---.,.-l"l'IWl--:--.t=··ESCDl~FIRSiiiiaw'f<SQ'7i "IUOOY IUOOY" "'' ~· 4N EYE FOii AN IYI" .. 1 "ALL THI~ ... tlll ,,.,-"THI EXTUlllllNATOR" 1111 c"" II 50Utl0 I t•N•·" - Pl ~ "1 A i A~· BUENA PARK Oll lV! IN "" •.t .... HI WAY 39 IHll ~t II; ' . I -··sntllNI" 1111 -"mR CRAZY'' .. I CIM•lll'°'*I -~·---­"IUDOY IUOOY" .. 1 -"AUTHIMARllUl"1111 c..." *"'° ...... ~ ..... LA HABRA (111"'1 II; -·-·-................ 17MN2 - Ill• ....... -ll'l'M• "KILL 011 H KJLLIO" --"KILL ANO KIU AGAIN" .. ~-·--· "Ul~lll Of' TMI LOST AAIC" -"IUNR l'UZr' .,_ __ . .....,_ "ONLY WHEN I LAUGH" "'' -"IODYHIAT't111 '"'ft ""° So Of GolOtft "'°" ""'"°' 191·H9l ...,_, _ _, . ...,_. "TIMIHNDfTI" .. -"WATIRIH" DOWN" .. _ .... "" __ __ "lllDI" 1"I -"Alll'L.A .... _ C•lof-f< SOU110 --··•Al.--"""'" "IUOOY IUOOY" "'' -"ALL ntE MAPllLH ' 111 ORANGE OlllVf IN IO~to Af'\Q ,,...., • l•o._ co •e• 551·7022 -ll'l'M• ··KILL 011 H KlLLID" --"KIU ANO KILL AGAIN" - Alie I .\fllf •1 ..... MISSION OlllVf IN .... "•. "·' 4 •• WAllNER OlllVf IN "HCA~ 'PIOM NnW VOPIK rai -··AN EYE FOii AN EYE' "'1 -"THE UTEllMINATOll" 1111 -IL PflllSO NO. 9 ·-----LOS 001 A•OOS -CHANOC IN IL FOSO 15 Ltve ·G1gs ~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!l!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ I-' r11 m I 'UtJt · J .J C'RAZ\' IKl RSE I 58-0 Brookhollo" Urn l' Santa An.i 5-t9· ISl2 Tup Countr~ Artist:-. (':\P\"S 114 '.\kFaddl'll Plal·C· :'\t>wpon Ht•;1c·h 675 5i7i )IU!>IC' :'\11!hll~ CROSS RO.\DS 1110511 Rrnokhursl St FuunlUlll \'a Ill·~ 96:1Iii11 b.inrmg :\1ghtl~ CROW~ um ·st: 328U2 ~ l'na~t 1111!h'' u~ l.agunu :'\1i.:m•I I!)\) 2fi:!fi )I US IC' :'\1ghll~ CR \'ST.\L S \l.00~ I iUO Pl.ic·t•nll.1 .\\ l' l'ost a '.\ll•sa ii Iii ;;,; I Danr1n~ :\1gh1I~ to I 'ountn Cl CK<Hl'S '\ t:ST Iii I Plac·t·11t1.1 \\l' ro,,1 a )k,,1 li-15·3A.190 :\ l''' \\'u' (' l'unk Hl'J!l!<tl' ()\~.\TR \HER :111:>0 s ('1,,1.,t l11gll\\ J\ 1>,111;1 Po1111 19'.I 21ill:l UEJ.\ \'l :!2>1.1 :"t''\J•ll I Bhd l'o't a )lt-.,,1 ~1.1 111~1 Hod• ll.11wm:.: 'ighth nt:1, \:\t:\''S 1;:111 l.1d11 I' .111.. 1>11\ •. '<'"port Ht;,. h 1,j·, ·11 1;, 1 lnnt•\ lk··" t'I\ E t'IH I\\ 'S 111-:ST \l K\'T ll'itl l E t '"·"I 111 d1 ,, .1' ( "'"Ii.I dt I \I.ti ;1JI ·1:11 \I.ti' l.11u 11 I ·•.I• 'h41\\ ··~l"lt !°"illh.:.t•f ... I OX lll -.;Tt:lt li'•l7 '.\l.11 \1 thu1 !\ht! Ii\ llll' "" -.7~-- ll.1lll"llh .. '•~h•h \,11111\ f ll E c;\l.U .Y .11711:... 1 .... ,1 1111!11\\,ll ( ll!tl ... 11 lll<1 l\1• II Ji •·• l •:!I.) (,01 IH,' Rt \H 1111o 1 '11,"I 111.ll\\.1. 11111111111:11111 11. ,ll'h d•• 1Ht1,.1 11 \ H Pl H " 111 "t \ '..., • , ....... llt I l'I .1.t .. J>.rn.i l'•11n1 1•1:i "II 1 llOTEl. I. \1.l '\ , ......... ( .... ,1 ll11:h.\.1\ I ,, ._1111.t llt·,11 lo 1''1 11."tl Ill ";R\ rl<.ER :12111 E !'11,"1 I l11:h\\ .11 1·11 .. 1na 1lt·I \l.11 • j; -;:;;;, llUll1' MJllOl.DS PATliNITY PC NOW PLAYING PACIFIC SOUTH COAST Laguna Beacn 494 151 J EDWARDS llUSTOL Cos1a Mesa 540 7444 EDWARDS CINEMA CENTER Costa Mesa 979 4141 EDWARDS VIEJO TWIN M1\~1on Vie1u 830 6990 EDWARDS HUNTINGTON TWIN HunhngtOfl Beacri 848 0388 EDWARDS WOOOBRIOGE ,v.ne 551rm IC II.\ BOD'S l.Jguna lk<tl'h Du1H·mg :'\:1ghlh llunl 111gt11n Bl•<ic·h 848 21;1;2 Nt•wpurt Rc<ich M u"r :'\ightly 675-llA-I 963· 7829 Count r~ Rock :'\1gh1I~ 18582 Hl•at•h llhcl l lun11ng111n lkath 5-tl li331 Jt:Rt:)U.\ll'S J.P. )l.\{"S LAH' STOP · I\'\' llOl'SE STt:.\l\llOl'St: J OSF. ~tl'RPllYS 1111 12 Adam:. AH 2122 Hn:-.lul St. )1 U!'>I(' ~ll!hlh ~ ~ ~ ~ :J a. ~ , 38-1 Fnrl'SI AH• H!IOI \\'arm•rAn• II~ '.\k'l-'addcn Plat·t· llunlington lkad1 -'it'<' <;1qs. Paye Hi ....::_:_.:_;___..:..__..:..__..:.. __________________ ~----~------~·------------~----~~----------------:__ __ :.:_ ____ ~ "Tl r . Go .. cl • r ~ ' ..... "' .. .._, ""'.A,; <~ .... ""· •. .,. '+ ' ( '.'!·• .I\'~: ~HIS ~I)\ KRISll>FFEllS()N R()LI~< )\ ~:R AA IPC F*1"6 Production JANE FONDA KRIS KRISTOFFEASCN 11 Art ALAN J PAKULA F*11 'FO..LOVER" [tl!,I~ CRONYl:!] M.JSiC by MICHAEL SMALL Screen~ by ()6.VO SHASER Sov hy ()6.VI() SHABER <rd H0NAR0 K01N & ()6.VJO WEIR Prodl.Ced by BRUCE Gil.BERT Dm .. "00 by ALAN J PAKULA I "" • ..,\)i/Cit)."'fl'<C..-•-•w '" thil\t._,.,., ••• .,.o • ..,,.c~~ R ••TMCnD --~ _,., .... ,_ .. _ -IT--1- . : -,:: ~ ~&-s.: .. . . '):.. lt!KIJ )i l~ c \ . ·~ )~ ~ 11. so ~.or.r> 8.lx.> tlS.~ , a. QI < 1· I I l , l . ... .8 From Page 15 E Santa Ana -751·7867 " Com edy Stars Nightly v . ~ LAGUNA STAR DISCO 1164 S. Coast Highway >. Laguna Beat'h 494-8564 l'U :2 MARRI01T HOTEi. U: Newport Center Drive Newport Beat'h 640-4000 ... , Entertarnmenl & Oanrmg ~ lllightly • ~ Mt'CONAHA V'S :,t. 725 W Baker St t Costa Mesa -S.W-5061 ~ Disco Dancing . •.. ( llE-... ....... .... _ ·--··--·~•""'' rlii • . ~ .. - McCORlllJCK'S Lo\NDING 3180 Airway Ave Newport &>at'h S46·9880 Rork"n Roll Dancing Nightly MEDLEY'S 18744 Brookhursl St Fountain Valley 963 2366 Dining and Showcase Entertainment 1 niKhts a week MISSOURI COMPROMISE 23020 Lake Forest Dr Laguna Hills SSS·-1248 MOON RAKER l8S42 MacArthur Blvd 111E ••111~--- 11•111B11 ....... Irvine -833·9600 MVLOOONS Laguna Beach 497 5011 OLD WORLD lluntington Beat•h 964-2786 Rock. Reggal'. \'an~·t \ Call for srhedull' 202 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach 640-41111 7561 Center Sl Huntington Beach 897-1470 PLUSH FOX 25192 Cabot Road Laguna Hills 830·8220 R EGISTRY HOTEi. 18800 l\1at·Arthur Bl\ cl MUSTANG RANCH I n ·me 752 8777 <t28 17th St Li\'e Entertainment Nightly RONSTADT'S Dant'ing :'111ghtl~ 719 W 19th St Costa Mesa 631 23:!1 Dancing Nightly Country Rock NEWPORTER INN PANHANDLER 34130 S Coast H1ghwa} Uana Point 661 6688 PLANKHOt.:St; Costa Mesa 642 297:1 L1\ e Country Rock N1ghtl~ QVI ET WOMAS 696 S. Coast Highway RE~DEZVOl'S II H92 Edinger A\"(' I l unllngton lh.·i>tll IH7 -1300 1107 J umboree Road ~ewport &>uch r,-i-1.1100 Dancing Nightly 6060 Warner A\'e Huntington Beach 842-5111 Laguna Bearh ~94-0162 'RED OSIOS RF.t.:BES'S 1555 Adam~ \\e OH BROTHERS PLASKllOt.:SE 2406 Newport 81\'d C:o:-.ta ~le:-.J :HO !lli72 199 N Coast H1ghwu~ 18872 Beach Blvd '.'lll'wµort Bcal'h 675 224-1 .'\t'f:' (;ICJ-" /'O(Jt' Ji "'REDS' IS A BIG, SMART MOVIE, VASTIY AMBITIOUS AND ENTERTAINING. IT COMBINES THE MAJESTIC SWEEP OF 'LAWRENCE OF ARABIA'. AND 'DOCTOR ZHIVAGO' WITH THE RUEFUL COMEDY AND HISTORICAL FATALISM OF 'CITIZEN KANE :" -81clwnel C•Uu, Tllll llMAIJMI "IN THE TRADITION OF 'DR. ZHIVAGO; 'REDS' ISA GREAT LOVE STORY SET AGAINST TUMULTUOUS HlSTOIUCAL EVENTS. FRAUGHT\vml CON- FLICT AND FULL OF PASSION. IT IS MCKED W1TH PLACES. PEO- PLE, IDEAS. FEELINGS, WORDS, HISTORY AND TALENT." -DoriCIAftMn, MSWPRI& llMIUOll "'REDS' RECAPTURES THE SWEEPING GRANDEUR AND THE OLD-FASHIONED SENTI- MENTALITY OF SUCH MSSION- FILLED EPICS AS DAVID LEAN'S 'DOCTOR ZHIVAGO'. It ts full of compelling images. W::men Beatty proves once and tor all. that he ts an astonishingly gifted filmmaket' -llou.ieen Correll, a Y. DA.IU' MIWI "IF 'DOCTOR ZHIVAGO' AND 'CITIZEN KANE' MATED THE RE- SULT MIGHT BE 'REDS'. Tbere's never been another m091e quite like it. Tbere's something for everyone in it. 'Reds' ts that rarity among American epics. 'Reds' ts an ambtuous success:' _,..., •alnet, LOI AJICllLll •lllAA.D ILUUMU ·~ REMARDBLE PIECE OF WORK. The performances are extraordinary We feel in this movie the sheer velocity of his- tory-in-the-mating :· -... ., 8alM•, llADlllOIHLLI "'REDS' ISAN EXTRAORDINARY FILM, A BIG ROMANTIC ADVEN· TURE MOVIE, THE BEST SINCE DAVID LEAN'S 'LAWRENCE OF ARABIK It is a remarka.bly rich. romantic film that dramatizes in away that no other commer- cial movie tn my memory bas ever done-the ezcttement of being young. idealistic and foolish in a time when everything st111 seemed pos- sible. MI. Beatty as Reed, ts full o1 youthful enthu.stasm, arrogance and the ded1ca- tton o1 a convert. Diane I.eaton is nothing less than splendid as Lou1Se Bryant-b9auttful. selttsh. runny and driven. It~ the best work she has done to date. The Ulm~ scenes of epic events are stunning. but so are the mom intimate mo- ments. 'Reds' ts an extremely Une Ulm of great emotional lm ............... .,_.. -~c-.,,aY.n1111 REC6 ·WARREN BEAITY ·DIANE KEATON · EDWARD HERRMANN · JERZY ~INSKI JACK NICHOLSON· PAUL SCXNINO ·MAUREEN STAPLETON· f>tvroGRAPHY BY VlTIORIO STORARO · EmE0 BY DEDE ALLEN · ORlilNAL MusK: BY STEPHEN SONDHEIM Aoarow. M USIC BY DAVE GRUSIN · PRocxx.. TION ~ BY RICHARD SYLBERT COSTuM£ CXSkiN BY SHIRl..EY RUSSELL · WRITT'EN BY WARREN BEATIY AND ~~~~!~R~R~.~'!Y :-:~~~~ I\ ~~ ..... -... ... _... Thia weekend you can ... REDS at theH theatre• at theae times: •ow ........ T ...... C*llA lftlT ...... NA Tw. N_,,.I ·~ iiifay • •n.. NewllOtl 8HCft 6U 0760 WHlm!r!Si• .. , 393S ~ """ 8)0 6990 ll<u 990 •on 0.anQt 631 2~~3 WnlllltllSll' 891 3693 _,,.,"°"' I U "-'T~1 I U ~'""-''toe 0.-. ,700 •400•IOI •t• ~OO •tOO '' t »•I >O '" • >0 •I JO _,, I 1S S.: & S-O ~~Wt • 00 • • •\ •to S.. ' 00 • 4 0 •I 0 SM t 00 • • O • t O 11 JO •• JO • I )0 NO P....S ACC~O ,.,. 11 JO • no •• >O ,.,. • 1 >O •• JO •• >O ... ,..,, I JO ,~ THIS INOAOOll'N' ' >(t j ' d ••• Mixed y~ar f'r11m l't1111· /.i Hearts ." Shakespeare. long a staple of the SCR diet. m ade a comeback in the community theaters during 1981 with "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at the Westminster Community Theater and "Twelfth Night" at the Newport Harbor Actors Theater. ll was the first time the Bard had been performed by local non · Equity houses in 15 years. Only one play was presented more than once during the year -the comedy "Same Time. Next Year," which opened the Harlequin's season and also was done s1multaneously by the Laguna Moulton Playhouse and the Irvi ne Community Theater. The normal hi ghs and lows were encountered by n'rost of the community groups. with theaters in Costa Mesa. Huntington Beach and Westminster all mounting candidates for both the top and bottom 10 in the year-end summary. Showcase Productions in Westminsler neither soared to great hi>ights rior plumbed the depths dunng the year. Next week, this column wiU begin its annual five-part review of theater along the Orange Coast. The professional theaters will be examined Thursday, with the s potlight -swinging to the community playhouses Friday. The following week will see the selection of the top 10 no n -professional productions. the standout performers and the eighth annual man a nd woman of the year in theater . • • • 'Reds' f 'rom Page 12 trying to crant every eye-catching trick he knew into every scene. as if we might forget about him if he wasn't raising a diabolical eyebrow or leering with those menacingly perfect teeth. He's chubbier and calmer in "Reds." and much more intensely focused. Nicholson is a perfect foil for Beally's quickness -he seems almost stationary. his head rotating like a gun turret to fire his lines. then turning back again to a more comfortable position. It's like he's conserving energy. Maybe that's what he needed in his last few movies. He's only onscreen for a few moments in "Reds," bul there's an almost monumental substance to those frames. Nicholson seems like himself again -he's a delight to watch. It's too bad that the performances don't have much to connect with. There's a wandering, atona l kind of pointlessness to "Reds ... It seems to end up not far from where it started. E verything is clean. everything is fair. You can feel Beatty handling the subject matter with kid gloves -a S33 million m ovie about American communis ts isn·r necessarily a box office shoe-in. But kid gloves don't rnave fingerprints , and ·maybe that's what this movie needs. This may be Beatty's movie but you wouldn't know it without the credits -there aren't any identifying signs. It's the most impersonal personal movie I've ever seen. Llw Gigs From Paa!' lti REl:BES E. LEE 151 E. Coast .Ughway Newport Beach 675·~11 Entertainment Nlghtl~ and Sunday SASDPIPER 1183 S Coast High"' ay Laguna Beach 494·469-1 ST t.:DIO C."FE 100 Main St Balboa P eni n s ula 675-7760 SUTTER'S MILL 7891 Warner Ave Huntington 8ea<'h 848-8R60 968-5022 TERRY'S 2901 Harbor Blvd Fountain Valley 754·9963 T.C. PEPPERCORS'S 8t5? Stark St Huntington Beach 842·5535 WAREHOl'Si: 3450 Via Oporto Newport Beach 673·4700 WHISTI,ESTOP 31952 Del Obisp<> San Juan CapLc;trano 493.2227 SWIZZLESrlCX WHITE HOUSE 19022 Brookburst St 340 S. Coast Hl&hway THE GREATEST MOVIE BUDDIES OF Af,f, TIME A.RE BACK! STAATS TODAY 1111.. COSTIMUA COSTA MIU ll TW . .._Wll W WllTWTa ~ Ortve-m Edward's llnstol Edward's Cl*N Center f.dwltd's ~ Wedlrook OrJngt Mall li·Way 39 Orrvt·ln 171-9150 540-~444 979·414t Slt-SllO 530-4401 137.0340 191-3113 Huntin~ Beach ____ .Lag_u.!.8.,~~--4~8088--~--=:-::-::_:::_=-=-=::::.::_==:..=-=--:-==-=======,.._---i,........,.._._ __ 'T-::_=~=~-~;;:3:1o~-~ .. ~.:a~.----.....,~ n .,, 0 - • • I I I I I ----1 I 18 ~The business \.. ----- ~ ~ Local investor · fights the Broadway breaks ~ >-By MICHAEL DOUGAN ~ ·oc 11M ~lly Pile! S\Mf \.. When Newport Be ach resident Rodger Luby u. wandered into New York's famed Studio 54 on \..-Novembe r 17 he wore a bases·loaded-t op - <1> o f-the-ninth smile. -o .. T he First," a Broadway pla) staged with ~ Luby ·s backing, had just opened in the Martin ~ Bel'k theat er Former Brooklyn Dod gers Duke ~ Snider and Red Barbl·r were there. Leo Durocher ~ had flown in fro m Palm Springs for the event. -.. The Firs t.· vou ::.ee . is about base ba ll 0 s pecifically. 1t 1s-the s tor y of how Jackie Robinson a. broke the color barrier in the major leagues. So Stud10 5-t Wa!> done up appropriate ly for the . npt.•n in~ n1 gh.t part) Port ions of the exclusive ·club \\ere made CJ\ e r as hasehall locker room s . Hlt<adwrs wen · 'ot'l up for the gue!>tS. Ve ndors .. old hot dog:-and l·and1ed apples And t her e was JO Y in the heurts of the producers · .. We all thou ght we had a h 1l," Luby t•\plainl'd lladn't the <1ud1 t!nce given a sta nding ova tion after tht· play':-e motional climax·• Apparent!~ .. .Jfra.(lk Rich. thea ter c rit ic for the '.':l'\\ York Ttmc~f ~;,ils not among tho:-.e who leaped 111 tht·i r fet·t Wtwn the -.,:," 18 edition hit the ,t,.t't'h. H1 t h ga\l.' 'The Fir-;t' a Bronx cheer And t·on \·c11t1onal \\ 1sdom d1<:t<Jtcs lhat a bad review frcim the p<m erful Tim e. l'> the kiss of death fo r an~ Broad\.\a~ pro<1uct.111n Worst• yet. :"lt•w York ·:-. other t"'' datl.\ llL'\\ -.,pa pt•r:-ra n the ir o wn. la rgely negat1\·e. re\ 1t•w" · But l hl• th r 1•1• m :1J or d a il1 <:-. e 11ult1 n·t t.1g n ·e on \\hat tht'.\ d1dn t li ke . 1t '!. erazy," -;aid I.uh.\ "We got rave rt'\ lt'\.\S from all the radio 'tat inns Ill ~l-1.\ York and the tclt•\ 1s1on st ations · · H P\ lt'\H~r Rex Rcerl. notunous hit man among theater critic:.. t n·ated the pla) kindly ·T oo bad lht• audience· coulon·t han~ reviewed The First· instea d of the c riti ~ he wrote. 'T he cheer.ing b:iscball fans who tore the Martin Beck apart on ope ning nig ht had a wonderful tim e. and so will vou. -And that, to Luby. 1s the g reat dilemma - w hile the c ritics knocked .. The Fir st :• the a udiences ha ve responded with war m e nthusiasm. Despite poor box office receipts, he's fighting to keep the play open. .. It's a David and Goliath story." said Luby. .. E ver ybody s ays if you don't get a positive New York Times r eview yo u should close down and I can't see that if you have a standing ovation." It's more than pride that motivates Luby. As major investor in the $3 million production, he s aid the a mount he has gambled is "awesome." But there's a personal angle, as well. Luby is of Irish descent<from the clan O'Luby. which he boasts "means cunning in Gaelic "> and to him the Iris h aren't quitters. ;.If I lose I lose. but I don't want to lose whimpering," he explained. ''I want to go down fighting. That's the lrish in me." THE ENTREPENUER -H od ~•·t I 1tl1\ t>I '\,.11111111 lh·~1 1 h !1;1 , p1111n·d .1\\1•,01111· .1m11u111 -111 .1-11 111t 11 lhv B111.1d\\.1\ 11\ti--11 ,d · 1J 11·1·'11 ... J THE PLAY -Oand .\Ian c:n1.•r a :-.J ;H·k ll' Hohtn:-:on 111 "IT IH .. ' fro m I .'uh\·, prrnlul'! 11111 Indeed. Luby's life has been a history of struggling succesrully against the odds. Raised in towns like Oakland and Ontario, Luby entered the world or finance with big dreams and saw them realized. ' ''We took a little company out of San Bernardjno and built it into a major financial source," he bragged. Today, Luby is executive vice-president of the investment banking firm Shearson American Express, vice-chairman or the board or Western Pacific Financial Corporation and president of She arson Wes Pac Realty and Classical music ----------- Development Ct>rporatton And he 's associate producer of a New York play . That's anothe r matter. Compared to Broadway, the s tock market becomes an oasis of logic. .. Broadway shuw business 1s not a business; it·s a g amble.·· !><iid Lub.} 'It's a crap shoot " I. u b .\ w u s d r a w n 1 n t o h 1 s r '' I c a s tht!atcr backer t hrough tht-tnvolvement 11f l11 s w1fr. :-ia:-:-) in :'\1·1~ Y11rk ., Wolf Tr<111 mu1't<' ft-Sll\al · Sass1e , my bride , 1s West Coast chair man for Wolf Trap,., hl' sa id. "Ze f Buffm an was producing Wolf Tmµ And Buffm an was producing this new play that he thought wa!> fabulous a nd I read the rnanuM·ri pt and got involved ·· Lt1lt\ IHT :im•· ti11ok1:d ttp \.\tlh ,-.t;..rt1n C'harmn h ri1·1 .. 1 :1111! d1 n ·t'l<1r 1111 I hl· F1r">t ('harnin ha-, ,1 prm •·n t r,J ek ,.l'('t1rrl. ha\ 111g done the <oam"' t h1ni.! · lor a pl;1\ l all1•1t ,\1ir11l' t It· ;1gr1°l·d \\ 11 h rtH· to kt·l·p th1· pl<n 1:11ing 11011'tl Lull\ ·s,, I m .. ta\ 111).! 1n St.1\ l rlg in m t·art'o fr1•q111 ·11I \.\f'ckt!nd trip" tu 'l " \'od . :'in d ,111 1•\pa n -.1011 of Lttln , ,111 1 .. 111~ 1·or1-.11kr .tldt• 111\ t•,t111t•t)t 111 purl'hase :.111., th;1t \\ 111 hnpt·full\ •·ountt•rJC-t tht• 1m pul'l of th,• t'I 11 ll''o \\'\' o.,t:1 1t1•d dll :.111\1·rlhlOC r1r//cr.1rn ufl \\ 1•11 1w-.d.1 \ t,,.,, \\ L·C k • and I h r· a ud 11·n«1· '' ht1tld111g 1'.1d1 \\t•t•~.' he 1c port£•d · 1 ht• thn ··· \\•Tio.' tit.ti 111,1lt1 1 .1 1c lht.· last lhrt:t• \\t-t•ks 111 ()o·n·tt llwr It \H' 1-.ir1 t rn.rkt• 11 h\ th.11 t11n1• '"' \\on ·1 111;1~1· II .tl ;di - It h1·1·11111t·-. l'lec.1r . afl1·r a while th.ii Luli~ -. t 1•11a1· 11 v t\;1-. yet a not he r 1n1'p1 rat ion h•· ., j.(enuin1•1\ Ill Ion · with the pluy I II he set·mi.: 1t fo r tht> fourth time 1om1Jrri." n1g ht.'l :-;ml Luln l<:1st Thurs<la \ "I've read lht• m.inu!>t ript a hundred t1m l's I have a tape of tht mus it• and I've played 1t a thousand limes. And again . for u membe r of the audie nce, there 's nothmg you wouldn ·t hke ·· But Luby fears the µl uys· underlytng the me of r ac i a l co n f l ic t m ay discourage potentia l theater-goers .. .. It's not a black vs white or white vs. black play ... he s aid .· "I think maybe· some people who were born after that happen ed can't believe blacks were treated that way. The epithet 'nigger' makes you feel unco mfortable , but that was a part of our history. I think you'll see that the white community really liked Jackie Rooseve lt Robinson." And the final s cene . in which ~obinson helps the Brooklyn team win the pennant and is hugged by his . formerly bigoted teammates "is a marve lous, marvelous poignant e nding," c laimed Luby . "It sum s it up for both races. ..You leave the theater and you're crying. It makes you feel good. Rig ht now I just want to be s ure that the public knows it's a great pla y ." 'Future philharmonic' shows surprising maturity By MARY JANE SCARCELLO Of -D.tlty p;1e1 Stalf They 're young, enthusiastic and very good. The Orange County Youth Orchestra began its 19_81 -82 co~cert se r.ies Sunday at Chapman College w ith a light. brig ht program well suited to s howcase its talents . The rut1.size symphony is m ade up of high sc hool musicians who audition each September for the privilege or working . like cra zy on music played just as the com pose r wrote it -nothing simpli fied. lowe red a n octave or omitted. The result is future Philharmonic, and at S2 a ticke t it's one of the best classical mus ic values in . .. _,.. . .._.' .... ·.: Orange County. When conduc t or J ohn Koshak gave the downbeat for Schubert's Overture to Rosamunde. the musicia ns· ne rvous ness showed in a tentative s tart. but within minutes they had gotten down to bus iness. lie led ·the m through three conte mpor a ry pieces -Da nce Rhythms by Wallingford Riegger, Mus ic for Orchestra by Vaclay Nelhybel and Symphony No. 1 in E Minor by Howard Hansen - which were exciting and interesting. As might be expected. the young players got their teeth In to the fast. loud section~ a little more ·- than the slowe r ones. but the overa ll effect of maturity and s kill was surprising · They're not just good considering their ages they re good, period T he or chestra perform1' t•ach of its th ree regulur cont·erts on a weekday before thl' Sundu' perform ance for ctiildren brought in from t•ount) schools. so the las t section of the conce rt was given over lo a Pops Interlude, induding music from 'The J azz Singer .. and a Sondheim piece. Fma le was a m ed ley o t tunes from the l\1 uppets. ending with one from the ir latest mov1t· called .. Movln ' Right Along.·· That's jus t what ·these young musicia ns are doing. • 4 • ••• scrooge F r1m1 I 'ww 11 became an actor. ··When I was a kid growing up." Landon orfercd. "our heroes were the good guys on film -· Buck Jones. Hoot Gibson, Gene Autry and Roy Rogers. I always wanted to own a ranch and be l\ cowboy. "I can remembe r this one film my dad was in with Roy Rogers. In the chmact1t ::.cene this bad guy had the drop on Ro)' and my dad. When the bad guy pulled the trigger my dad jumped in front of Roy, took the bullet and saved Roy Rogers' life. "Ever since then my dad has been my hero," Landon said ... After all. he saved Roy Rogers' life." Landon likes talking about his father. but sooner or later he'll get back to another favorite topic or his .. A Christmas Carol" and Ebenezer Sc rooge. "The interesting thing about this play." he note~. "is the Christmas spirit. You never play to a dead house because the audiences bring that Christmas spirit with them. "It's always there and it's contagious . I remember last year, during the Christmas Eve performance. spirits were running high and I was so caught up in the excitement I tried to vault over a bed post. "I had forgotten I was wearing a long nightgown ... Landon said . "The nightgown caught on the bed post and flipped me on my head I thought I had killed myself. My whole ramily was there watching They thought I had killed myself. too But I got up and went right on .. Which proves one thing The show must go on and it will through Dec. 27 ... Martha Fnn11 Pm)t' I 1 real1Zl' hoy. ra~ht act1n~ "'as for m(• Whtie lt vmg in O regon I aud1t1onerl and was accepted to perform in the Ashland Shakesperean Festival I was happy again. !>O I put two and lY.O together I was ha pp~ when I "as al·tmg and unhapp) when not actin~ and got back lo "'hat I should ha\ e been doing .. There are certain plays s he enJoys doing over and over again .-\mong them are ·Side 8~ Side ... "Sorrows of Federick." "Hot L Baltimore " and "Godspell ... but there are some things she would like to do that she )las never had the opportunity to do. "I'd love to do Lola in ·come Back Little Sheba .' .. she rc\·ealed ''I'd also like to play Mama Rose in ·Gypsy ·" , McFarland did not take part in last season's production of "A Christmas Carol" because she was touring w ith actor J ames Mason in ··A Partridge in a Peartree ... The show originated in Los Angeles. toured in Fl. Lauderdale , Fla.. and Atlanta. Ga .. before winding up m Washington. 0 .C. for a six-week run in Kennedy Center "Thal was a great time to be in Washington ... McFarland poi nted out. "I was able to attend President Reagan 's inauguration and I was there wben the hostages came home from Iran It was a once in a li feti me thing I was very excited ... " ... More excited than playing guard fo r the San Francisco Warriors. Diversions ~SINGLES------ SINGLES ENRICHMENT PROGRAM, co-sponsored by Santa Ana College and the M an-Woman Institute, will feature a dance at 8 p.m . today in Garden Grove. Cost is $8. For information, call 964-5570. PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS Orange Coast chapter will ' attend an Inter-chapter dance at 8:30 p.m. Saturday in Tustin. For information. call 730-7205. • e dward s cinem a s * WHERETHEBESTPICiURE S PL A Y * t·dw.trd'> N r w PORT •• ;, •;,I~~~~"..":!:: =~: .. :.u:,'~vH:' 64'1 -Q l 60 __ ..,.'" _.._.""' ~JE1lt9 "" .. , ... ,. IAT.1• ......... .. -.111:11 •• , ..... _.. a~ DY HEHT I .::~~ -=::. (!) t ,..., ._,. _,,_ I IL"" t:ll •••• ,, .. , \ -"'""" .. ,-••. , 11.11 • .. , .... " u1-t:t1.•·• , ...... -CUHI -..U•OllV&U "TIME BANDITS'' -···-""'-I OI •11-1•.•MIHt "SUPER FUZZ'' ,.. .... ,. ,. ,_ , ...... 1 .. _,_ ..... ··-·-R()tl. ()\EH -!!L. :::=='.: "7ail"' -· "ALIEN" 1·dw.ir<h HARUOR TWIN '•Yo• 631-3501 '"Ul. IOl!WllAlf ...... ,, .. U> "ABSENCE OF MALICE" l'fllt I .... I U. 11 M ... ,,..,.. ''°J U ·~ Ill 1'M (lll MK:ll~-g[MAV .. _JIAl1' ...,_ , ....... .. .......... , ... ,_ ....... ttll PllllllllY ,.. ..... , .... ...-.1.11.1·11.1e: .. ,. .... I .... Mf-1:11,IJl,ll OI "BODY HEAT" ... ... 1111 ... ,_._, ..... , __ _ MLL,_. ...,1:: .. ... ,_ .. I, ..... _ "SUPER FUZZ" ...,.., .... ... ,-.. , .. ,,.., ..... "ABSENCE OF MALICE" ........ l:t l.l•M ...,-.1·•.1ou ....... 11.tl:JllNI "ABSENCE OF MALICE"' ... ., .... ,.._ .,.,_, ...... ......... -... 19· -0 0 4 -~ C't> C't> .,. C't> ;:) ci C't> ~.., 'Tl .., ci QI < - 0 C't> n C't> 3 a-lb ... .., _. .,0 Cl) .. • I .. .. ' • . to -. ~ -' -.... •u{••: .... --,..-~...,.,_......,.....,... .• --·--iilji-~-............ _,, ... y., --------.---~- 103.1 FM STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR ·-F asnion Island Newport Beach ...... IUlll CIAIT YIUR HDMITDWN DAILY PAPER FRIOAV, DECEMBER 11 , 1981 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Scientist says dinosa11r may be roaming jungle C HI C AG O CAP I -A Un iversity of Chicago s cientist has returned from four weeks in the jungles of the Africa Congo with photo gra phs he believes a r e 0. f f O'O l 'P r l n l S 0 f ' a dinosaur -like creature . Biologis t Roy Mac kal has s ear c he d fo r undiscove re d a n i ma Is, in c l u d j n g th e legendary Loch Ness Monster, s inc e 1965. He returned from his second Africa trip Uus week and said . Thursday that he still has not seen the creature that py1mles call mokele mbembe. Such an animal wa s described .by them as be ing reddish brown with a huge neck, snake-like hea~ and tail a nd a body about the size of an elephant. Ma c k a l s aid h e f o und footprints that he does not believe could have been formed by any kno wn animal. "We would have to stay in that jung le for years to expect to see one of the creature s ,'' Mackal said . "In the few weeks we were there, it had to be a hit·or-miss proposition ... Also hunting for the m okele mbe mbe are Herman and Kia Reguste rs o f South Pas adena. Regusters, a former engineer at J e t Propulsio n La boratory , orgina l ly app l ie d to join M ac kal's expedition but decided TURF COMPETITION Ra ndolph Keim. s upe rintendent of CC South Coast Field Station. looks at one of many plots of grass researched at the fa cili ty _ The turf 1s in ~ competition of sorts to see which is the best ,s uited for thf' dimatl' in this area Set• stor:y. Page 88. United Way passes 1981 goal Agency raises $12 ,019 ,785 , 16% more than last year By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of -IMllY ~ SUit More than 600 s upporte rs of the Unite d Way o r Orange County North/South had r eason to cheer Thursday night as the a gen cy 's 1981 fund -r a is ing campaign passed its Sl2 million collection goal. The grand total. unveiled at a victory dinner in the Dis neyland Hote l. was $12.019,785. United Way officials said it was a 16 percent increase over last year's total. Two awards were presented in con n ection with the 1981 campaign. Newport Beach businessman Maury DeWald was lauded for his wo rk as 1981 c ampaign c hairman. He was a sked to plac e his pa lm prints in wet ce m e nt Ho lly wood -st yle lo create a permane nt reminde r of his contribution. A second award was presented to a ctor Robert Walden of the "Lou Grant" television series. Walden appeared in a local U nited Way film e ntitled .. Helping Feels So Good ... Participants at Thursday's v i c t o r y celebration were we lcome d by C arl Karcher, founder of the Carl's Jr. fast food restaurant c hain. Karcher Golf ball.s scaring Newport tenams? Owners of an office building SO feet from the Newport Beach Golf Course are suing the course operators because they say a b11rra1e of errant balls bittin1 their structure scares away prospective tenants. Newport-Irvine Associates are asklnl for $150,000 in dama1es in their lawsuit filed Thunday in Ora.nae County Superior Court. The~ claim in °'f suit lbat ' ' their office building al 3300 Irvine Avenue in Newport Beac.b suffers broken windows and fixtures and other dama1e from 1olf balls launched from the course. The suit seeks a court order forcing the course operators to prevent "driving, tbrowin1. hurling. s lin1ln1, s bootin1, hooking, alicin1. shankln1" ol balls onto their property. was campaign ch airman in 1979 a nd 19tl>. Master of ceremonies was Thurl Ravens c roft. voice of "To ny the Tiger " a nd narrator of the annual Pageant or the Masters in Laguna Beach Presentation of colors was by the Third Marine Aircrart Wing a nd U.S. Marine Corps Color Guard from El Toro. ··You'r e really th e o nes who've made this ye ar's campaign s uch a memor able experience for me." chairman DeWald told the audience. "It's a ll the ge n e ros ity and enthusias m eac h or you has shown that's made me feel so ood .. g Du.ring an interview regarding the wra pup o r the campai1n. OeWald admitted he had some mom ents of unc ertainty on whe ther the S12 million goal could be met. "I was a bit concerned," he said, "because of problems in the economy and their impact on Industry. most _particularly ruJ estate, here in Orange County. "But our experience was that companies recopi&ed this as a challence and met the task." DeWald said donors were aware of the effect fedenl budget cuts have had on soc:ial service programs. "We were very efredive," he said, "In communicatinK our (See. GOAL. PCJe AJ) to finance his own The couple left an early Septem be r and were pla nning to re t urn by Ne w Yea r's . In Oc to be r . they s en t a message to a fri end in Los Ange les, J ohn Sack, saying that t hey and their party had left a p y g m y v ill age a nd we r e pla n n in g to hik e 50 m ile s through swa mpy jungle to the Lake Tele area from whe re most or the mokele mbe mbe reports ha vt' l'manated S a ck ~aad Thurs da y h e recently rc<'l•tvcd a brief cable t·o n firm i n ~ t h at the pa r t y n•ached IL'> dest ination Mackal s aad that n ear the t'ongolesl' village uf Di cke a native hunter led ham to a :.ct of large footprints leading into the l.1kuoala Raver Mar kal sa ad the footprints wcrt' found a bout 16 months ago JUSt a few da ys afll'r they wen~ m a de When they \!. l'rt· 1la-.c·o\1•11•d I h• \ l.1\. an tht' tl t<ld k •11 .1 l\!.11rr11·1c1 wtdt' :,1,1,;ith 11( ll.1tt1 r11·rl ''Ut :O.S H1•t·:.a u-.1· :-0111 t1 1 '\!..Ith 1•11ultl h<• prt1duc·1.-•1I 11nh h\ 1 I .tr~· lwavy tJal ~1 :11·k.cl ·"' tht tru(·ks t•ou lfl not li;1\I• 111'1·0 11f an l'l1·µh:m1 .\ho .111111 h1·1 ..,,., •1f Lra l·k<, ll•a\ tn~· 1111 \\ .111•1 1 .. 11ld not be (1111 ncl d1 ··Jiii ,. t '11· Ir :11•k1·r ·., ITT.J JI \ \1•,11 t \Ill I ll'lll't' 11( I'•'<' Jt '\(.I I , Pd~c· \:!I Expenditures cut Congress slashes $4 billion in funding WASHI N GT ON CAP > Congress , eager t o e nd a tumultuous year of s lashing s pending and laxes, today gave President Reaga n S4 billion an n ew r educ tions an do m est ic expe nditures m ee ting the a d mi n is t rat i o n · s a us te r 1t y d e mands and a void i ng a confrontatfon simila r to the one that brieny halted much of the government last month. O n a vo i c e v o t e , t h e R e publican .controlled Senate s we pt aside a s u ccessio n of Dem ocratic a m end m ents and s e nt the preside nt a h uge. stop-gap bill tha t contains the c ut s a n d wal l ke e p t h e government from running out of money Dec 15. Rut in one las t gas p that see mingly sym bo lized t he ir Ayatollah aide killed in blast BEIRUT. Lebanon <AP> -A pers onal r e pres e nta ti ve of Iranian le ade r A y atollah Ruhollah Khomeini in Shirai and seven or eight companions were kiJled today when a bomb e xploded as they we re he ading t o the cit y's m a in m osque , T e hr a n r adi o an d a re\'Olutionary polic e offic ial said . The prayer leade r. 80-yea r-old A y atoll a h Abdo l -Hoss e in Dastgheib. had taken .. about 100 steps from the house when the bomb exploded ... acco rding to a revolutiona ry polic e spokesman in Shira z who ta lked to The Associated Press in Beirut by tele phone. The s pokes man. who refused to be identified, s aid seven or eight people with Dastgheib aJso die d . T e hran r a d io s a i d an unde termine d numbe r of Das tgheib's companions were killed and others wounded . The broadcast. monitored he re, said the blast in the southern Iranian c i t y was s et off b y . le ft ist Mujahedeen Khalq guerrillas Th e T e h r an gove rnme nt ordered a nationwide day of mourn i ng Saturda y f o r Oas tgheib. who r e presented Khomeini in the so u t h e rn province of Fars and was the prayer le ader of Shiraz. 420 m i l es s o uth o r T e hr a n . according to Ute broadcast 3,000-mile biker 'unfit' KNOXVILLE. Tenn. (AP> A heart trans plant recipient who rode a bicycle 3,000 miles to the West Coast this fall has been told he's not medically fit for a job with lhe U.S. Postal Service, an official says. Knoxville Postmaster Roy Asbury said Thursd<t y, however . that Jim Hayes· appea l of the de cis ion by a postal service medical examiner will be cons idered by the post ofri ce's district office. Hayes, 29. pedaled a bicycle during Septe mber and October from his Knoxville hom e lo Stanford Universit y Medical Cente r in Palo Alto for a checkup -his fifth major annua l phys i ca l s inc e the transplant. U.N. post set BULLETIN UNrrED NAnONS (,\P) - Jnler Peres de Otellar el hn, a former depMy '° me.•ltnt Kart WalAet•, was ••luted today by &k Stttlrtty C...U &o b eceme l~e •eat U.N. aecrelar')'•le9erll. ' y e ar ,l o n lo( f ru s tr at i on . o u tnumb ered D e m ocra ts com plainl'<i tha t the voice \Oli• h a d de prav ed t h e m o f an o pportunity to form a lly note t heir oppo:.allon and de m anded a rt'corded vote Ag ain . th e ml·a s u rt' wa~ a pproved The voll' WCIS fill 3.5 E arlie r . Sen Edwar d M K e nned,, D ,M a ~s . told colleagues on the Senate floor that t he president's program "1 ~ w r e a k i n g h a v o <· w 1 t h t h 1• wt'll being IJf our people " · This rc!>ol uta on m a rk.!> the end of a difficult yc·a r for the Am eric an people ." Kennedy 'ia ad "Thl' pres ident"• progr l!m 1!. no w in pla ce for all Amerat·a to Judge .. T h e llous c t.t JlfHO\'<'d th<· m e a s ure . whH·h fa n a n ct"• ~o\'t·1 11nw111 "I" r .i t 1•1•1., unt il \l ict th '.H 1111 lhur d.•\ H1•p11hlac ;1n-. h.td !wt 11 \I.CH king to at·htl'\•' tlll' •tlh 111 ,t\ntd an11t lw1 1·•11ilr•111t.111 .. n o,u1 h a:. lht• lllH' l.t'I IJl•IJllli Ill \!.htth I! 1 .q: :111 \ , 1 " •• I 1 ... 1 111 ii .1 r (•m1·1).! .. 111 '. lt1I ''"' "'"1' r11nwnt \!.1·nt hr11~.1· l••r , 1 .. .11 d.11 ,1orl t h c• II r 1 1 ti 1 1 • r ti •· r • 11 111111 C' •I'll! I I hlll d o V. II Tia· :-.1•11.111-11.1d "'•111-.•·d until m-.1rh 11 p 111 11 111 d,c\ tn an Jtlc·mpl I•• lr111 h 1111 •111 1'>llrl' unrl ~l·nrl 11 111 11 ... pr• o1dc•11I fo r h1 ., pr11 m1-.c·d 'tf.'rco1• 111 • Hui :-c \ • 1 1 I l•"r, 1'-. Jtd I he \ llC'< tl• ' r• 11• 1 111 t11 pr •·p.ta •' th.' 1 1111•·111 .ind I 111· '\1·11.111 • "' •I • r• d 1 llt'n I I 'll c h-d lht,11 •c.,J,1 Reagan says I Ah y a leader 'a IDenace' w A s H I NG 'I 0 :-.. I A p I Pres ident Reagan. who 1s uri:10J:l Americans to r eturn home from "imminent da nger '' in Libya , sa id t od av he r e ga r ds t hat co untry 's r ad al'a l leade r . Moa m mar Kh a d a f y . a s a menace to global pea ce_ T he president :.aad he hopes tt>e t'Stamated J.S()(J A m eracans an Libya will leave "as qua ekly as possible " Reaga n s po ke b raefl~ with reporte r:. 1n the White llouse O v al Offi ce . durin g a pa c tur<'·taking session wath vasat ing former P resident Ford. who endorsed Rea ga n's decision to an vahdatc C S passpo rt<; for tr av t'I t o L iby a and urge Am ericans lo return home .. , ha ve st rong feelings about Mr. Khadafy." For d said "I think he's a serious menace ~CJ peace. not only in t ha t part o r the world but also on a gl<ibal basis." . He saad he supported · any strong measures" take n by the Reagan ad ministration Re agan. asked 1f he agreed with Ford's characte rization of Khada fy as a "serious menare," • • • n pl11·d 'I ,., I rn ir.~ o,lt \e lllJllt-thJt ,,J.,111 If his a111w.1I 1., '1u <·r ..,,ru1 <ind all A ml'rtt'.in ... 11•,1\ ,. th•· 'llorth \fn1·J1111.1t1 '' H• •J: .in\!, all ha"c ,f\'t•rll·tl lh1 polc•Jlll" r11r tht•m h1·1nc 11"• d ""' ,, ... ,n ... 10 the fc•-.l l'nng d1 ... plll 1· tJf'l\!.t•1•11 I th~:.t ,ind thl· I 1111 1 d -..1. 11, In .tn .q1Jl.1I ··111 • f•·r<·nn to I I' p Cl I I ... ,, I .c "~ an J ... -.a ... ~111 ,11l•1J1 I• 1111 • l'k1ng ltJ k 111 Hht1! 111 11d 111 .. r hagh l ' S 11ff1c-1al =--• r • • 11 ' 11f St:.r te .. \ll0\<H1dc ·1 \1 ll.1 1t1 ,la .,aid an Bru ... o,t·I~ l11d.1' 111.11 \ rrv·rac:.ros \\ t·r•· ordc I •·ol 11,,1 •• 1 '' ,,m L1 h\ a lll'r ,111..,1• 111 It• •1 • • • .1 inc f!.H•I 111 lt·rrt1r1't 11•1\I!\ .i nd to 11roll·t·1 \111• 1 • .11 II\•'' -h11uld tht• o,1tu:.rt11111 d· t• r 1111.1t1· fu rther or ~11ml· of lht· 1&1.11,, that \!.e h.n 1· h<tcl .11 c ''" '" Jtl rhap!.. he (' d r rt t.•d Olli Tn·a~ur.1 "'11•1 r ,.,,,,) IJnnald T R l•g an. \\ho" d••JHHt m e nl ·t n !'l udc~ tilt' ...,, 1 r1 t Sf'nace . rl'fu,l•d lo prtn 11 1• dt'l.11ls of the gfl\'l•rnrnc•nt .., • .i•.t· agains t Lib\ :.t hut ..,,11 cl. V. {• thank \H h;n ·l ' 1.-•orml!h h.inl l'\ 1denn• to J USt af~ th1· ''''P" \!.l' are notA taking .. • • OPEC oil prices to dip $1 a barrel? A BU DHABI . United Arab Emirates <AP1 Oil ministers said today t hat O P E <:: oat prices e)(c ept the benc hmark wt•r e expected to come down by up to Sf a ba rrel and th at Libya asked the oil cartel to ta ke "Joint action " to blac klist U.S oal companies that withd raw from Libya . But confere nce sources sa id tha t no oil e mba rgo against the United Stales wa s requested and tha t joint ac tion by OPEC against l ' S. compa nies was unlikel) The Saudi oil minister , Sheik Ahmed Zaki Ya m ani. sa id that prices of t he Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries we r t' expe c t e d lo drop b y be tween 50 cen ts to Sl pe r 42-gallon barrel for all C'rudes exce pt the benc hma rk Saudi ty pe , now selling for $34 The Unite d Stutes im ports about 900.000 barrels a day of Saudi oil. or roughly one-firth of U.S imports. Ya m ani told re porte rs that OPEC was "about to" reach an agreement on lowering crude prices on "everything except the benchmark... He said the price cuts "var y som etimes SO cents sometimes a dollar" per barrel. H e said he l'Ould not give d et a ils of the ove rall pricing olan until a n OPEC -wide agre e me nt w a s o rriclally a nnounced. ..We don't decide alone We discuss w\lh the others and then \!.(' ha \l' .1 1111111""'11• ... 11in -.aad Yama na D t• t a 1 I .., 11 I 1 h c• p r 1 c e a rlJu-.trnt·nl' .1n• '''Jll't'll'fl to c m t• r J.! l ' t 1 • 1 m 1 h , t' ' 1 n 1 n g ml'<'tang uf lht· •Jl 't-.<' mani-.ters But th1· df•·c·t 11n pric , . .., 111 the l 'n att•d ~t<1 l t" nf V.1m a n1 's Ml l'allc:'fl run f'hra-.l mJ:o. J;!tft" to tht· \\1·-.1 \\ .1 1·\1w1'1l.'<I to be m1n1mal ORANGE COAST WEATHER · \'ara:.c hl•· 1 l1111d -. tonight M o~tl\ «'!nurh -;,aturda\ lligh~· ;;, '" It! <1q·rn1cht lows .ii 111 '>2 INSIDE TODAY A s ma n u a \ 11 doze n n1•uer rrle<ued /lenllt'~ sonqK 11re tuci«'d OIL'OJI m vault., an f :'ngland Hut ttaerP are no plans at pri•wm 111 1.~~UI' thf'nt or mak1• tllt'Pr 1n101/nh/f' '" the pub/1r .'i1·t' l'uq1• ;\ 11 INDEX At Y"• S..•.Ce AH L. M 1.-,4 Alt 1...i..... ,._, c.a11 ...... , jlo) C•ok.-al I c ... .i..... 01 • C9'ftk1 Cl c ..... .,. c• Dt.-119'.Ctt <•• ...... , .,. 111 .. ..ui---· ---I t la"'"91M .... ---· A""l...-n al .... , ... -_.., Mt•••' ............ Mvtvel F-• .. ... ,-., ·-"" ...... 1( ..... u. C .. 11 ""'··-......... Spert• Ct4 °' jlttft<-.. \leOM-8' hlnh-TV ~ ,_, ..... WJ ll *' Wt.tt•t Al Weflllll-M • --~-- • • • • • Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, December 11 t981 City sponsorship of nativity scene still nixed 8 y Tlilt" Ali~l•ted PreH " rederal apJ,lt!als court panel todtiy rl'jerted a request from Pawtuckt!t, R.I , that it overturn u n o rder barring city s ponsors hip or a traditional 1lowntown nativity scene . The Lst U.S <.:lrcuit Court or Appe al s j ud ges . 1n· a one-paragraph decision, said the d ty railed to show it would s ufrer irreparable harm 1f the Nov. 10 order issued by U.S. L>istrict Judge Raymond Pettine remained In erfecl. T he scene has been sold lo a ~Trailer rig ~rolls down . .. ~30-f oot hill ... A tractor trailer rig loaded ~ith r einforcing s teel rolled fr6m its parking place besicfe .Cr own Va 11 e y Park way in Mission Viejo Thursday and plunge d d o wn a JO .foot embankment, coming to rest above two occupied houses. A s p okes man f or th e California Highway patrol said the driver of the truc k, Le wis Ro binson of Bakersfie ld. was as leep in the cab.. when the bra k es appar e ntly f ailed However. he said Ro binson wasn •t injured in the accident, wh ic h occu rred just east of Marguerite Parkway citi zens' grou1> l&nd set up in its usual spot The group planned lo sell the creche back to the city if a slay of the order had bet:n granted. ' But the a ppeals court said the cit y of 71,000 would not be harmed "given the ract that the challe nged Christmas display will remain in much the same l oca tion " a nd giv en the assurance that a full appeal I)( Pcttine's decision will be heard before Christmas 1982. Pettine's decision came on a complaint (iled by the Rhode h1lund aff1hutt• Of lhl· Amencan Civil Liberties n1on The judges su1d they ··do not mean lo imply any pos1t1011 cuncl'rnmg the under lying merits of the controversy ·· Th e di s put e -over th e Pawtucket crechc is similar to bullies over nativity Sl'cnes in th e South Dakota Capitol rotunda und over a creche in Denver While some peo11le sec th e nati v it y sc enes a s n1rn religious symbols of t he holidays, others say they violate the conslltutional separation_!!.!_ church and state The large number of nativity displays on public property Uus yt•ar ·are JUSl the tip of the 1ceherg,'· said Stephen Pevar, who has handled s imilar cases a s regional counsel for lhl' A<'LU"s Mountuin Sla tes office in Denver ·'I think the chur<.'h and stale Issues are going lo be the single mos t important civil rights issues in the '80s,'' he said In Pierre , S.0. a nativity Sl'cne wa~ creeled 111 the Capitol rotunda for the r1rst lime in ..!... .._ memory Ciov Ball Janklow, " Luthe ran whosf' late father was Jt•w1sh. ord(•red the scene put up l a s t month along s id e 14 Chris tmas trees and a S·foot fliturc of Santu Thl· ACLU plans to l\UC the s ta te to force-removal of the n at i vi t y sce n e , ACLU chairwoman Evelyn G riesse s uid. "I think the nativity scene is p;irt of the America n scene," the ~ovc rnor said. "To som e people 1t 's hkc Harb1c dolls " The nallv1lv scene on the s teps uf the City a nd County Building 1n Denver was ruled legal by a federal judge but Is under attack UJlatn by a s uit elaiming st ale laws are bem J( violated . .• In T o wson , Md ., a huge el e c tric menorah u s e d to com mcmorate Ha nukka h will not be put up by county officials this year because the Baltimore .Jewis h Counc il obJe ~l ed lo rell g 1ou~ d1 s µl ays o n public property High officiak nix harboring charges in Hearst case SAN FRANCISCO <API Hi g h Jus tice De partme nt offi cials told prosecutors not to bring char ges against s ports act ivist Jack Scott for alleged ly harboring fugitive Patty Hearst forme r U.S. Attorney James Browning s ays. "They told-me they felt the whole thing had run its course and was now waler over the dam:· s aid Brownin g , who s uccess fuly prosecuted Miss Hears t. now Patty Hearst Shaw, for bank robbery. He r prison senten ce was com muted by President Carter In 1979. Nat iona l Bank Bran c h in C armich ael , a Sa c ramento s uburb, in which Myra Opsahl, 42. was killed. Mrs. Shaw wrote that Emily Harris fired the shot that killed M rs. Opsahl , the pregnant mother of four s mall c hildren. K<.:RA said the wrongful-death s uit filed by Mrs . Op sahl's hus band agains t the bank and unnamed defendants was quietly settled out of court in July , 1978, for more than SJ00.000. Reporter Bill Ha rve)' s aid · · t"wo independent so u rces," who m he d id n ot ide nti fy, reported that ··the He arst family did put up a very substantial por~1on of that s ettlem ent money·· The truck, belonging to Amber S t e e I C.o . o f B a k e r s f i e I d . reportedly rolled about 200 feet do wn Crown Valley Parkway before it jumped the curb and rolled down the e mbankment above the 27500 block of Tossamar at about 4 a.m. The spokes ma n said the truck was stopped by a pine tree about eig ht feet from two homes on Tossamar BATTERED This t r <Jtlur trader loaded with reinforcing steel is som l'\\'hat lhl' worSl' for Detty~ ... , .... .._ wear arter plunging down an cmb<Jnkmcnt In 'liS!'>IOll \"1l'jo :'\o lnJUrit•!-i \H·re r <'ported Bro wning t o l d the San Francisco Chronicle in a story pu blis hed today that he wanted to prosecute Scott for helping Hearst and com panions in the Symbionese Liberation Army hide for several months. The Hearst fa mily could not be reached for comment The Harr1ses. in prison on kidna p char ges. have refused co mme n t o n M r s Sh aw·s charges. The occupants of the houses were e vac uated as O range County fire crews washed down diesel fuel which spilled from the truck The spokesman s aid jus t aft er 11 a .m. thr ee tow \rucks pulled the tractor trailer away from the house~ Jailed ex-newsman due surgery But he said offi cials m the Jus ti ce Departme r1t under CartPr overruled him. Retired from the J ustice De pa rtment, Browning is a dom estic relations counselor in San Mateo County. Charles Bates. who headed the FBI investigation of the SLA. said the office had been unable to develop enough information to prosecute Mrs Sha w for the bank robbery. From Page A1 JUNGLE. • • Form er Ora n ge County news man Thom as A. Bartey. l'Onvicted of the 1979 stabbing death of his wife , is in a San Francisco hos pita l today for tre atment o r complic ations rC'sulting fro m head injuries he s uffered in a prison attack last month He was opcratc:d on for head 1njurws. including u blood clot in h1 ~ brain. und had shown minor impro v e m ent s when tompllc·atl(m:-. S<'t in Harley had ~uffrrcd from .:. prt.•\·111us heart tondit1on ll t• wa ~ tukt•n b) air ambul<inn· to Marin General Hospital Wednesday. and then transferred to Moffett when his l'Ondition worsened . Barley, a for mer Daily Pilot reporter . was convicted in 1!81 of second-degree murder for the death of his wife. Cathe rine, at a Santa Ana shopping center He w:is given a 15·years -to·life state prison term Scott w as n o t at h o m e Thurs day, but his wife, Micki, declined t o comment on the allegations . '"It's a really old story.'· she said . In a noth 2r develo pment. ··v ou ca n ·t p r o sec utu e a n y body on o n e witness. e s p ecial ly wh e n s h e 's a cons pirator." said Bates. tracking a nimals m the Jungle Mackal says that an elephant would e\'entually have had to com e out or the river State prison orflc1als Said Barie\·, who is 1n c ritic a l condition. was taken from Mann General Hospital to Morrett llos pital Thursday He was scheduled to undergo s urgery Checkups hit by auto club Sac ramento television station KCRA reported t h at Mrs S haw·s famil y paid ··a very substanttal" portjon of a SJ00.000 settlement of a suit filed by the family of a woman kill~ in a bank robbe ry in which Mrs S haw admits involvement. Meanwhile . Patricia Hearst Shaw says she's no longer bitter a bout her a bductio n a nd the year and a half she spent with the SLA His recent trip has changed ~lac kal's idea of how the mokcle mbembe hve ··1 thou~ht they li ved in the rivers before this trip." M ackal ~aid. ··But we found no trace of the creatures with our sonar equipment Just millions of fish a nd lots of crocodiles. I now think t he y must li ve 1n the ' uninhabited swamps and that ''they use the river only to move from place lo place. Harley was injured at the Cahforma :\len"s Colony on Nov 19. when ano the r inmat e punc hed him. ca u s ing t he former newspaper re porte r to hit his head on the end of a table Though he refused 1mmed1ate medical treatment, Ba rley was la ter discovered unconscious in his cell and taken to Sierra Vista Hospital in San Luis Obispo. I.OS ANGELES I AP1 Annual au10 em1ss1on 1n s p ec t1 o n s w o uld cos t l'<thformu motorists $350 million ~ear l y but not provide any mt'a~ur;.ihlt• improvement in air qu a l1t ). the A sse mbl y Transporwt11m Comm1ttl.'l' was told J ;.tl'k llarrc•ll, legal counsel for the thrC't• m1ll1on member Automobile Cluh of Southern Cal1forn1a. told the committee T hu rsday that advocates of 'GRANO TOTAL Snow Whitl's pal Grumpy. °' .. Delly ..... """ ..... t hairman M au r ~· D e Wald prepares 10 on loan from Disneyla nd. waits impatient!~· as United Way of Orange County North South announce total raised in 1981 ramp<ii~n OftANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thom• P. Hay . ~-o.11.-0fllcel' Rob«t N. Weed .......... Thoma A. Murptune £- MichMI P. Hwvey ,.......~ L. Kay Sc:huttZ ....... a.--- Kenneth N, Goddard Jr c:.......- Bemant SchultNn c-.. a.tMH.Loos ............ ~t;._Moote ' CIH•lfted edven!Mnt 7141142.517i All ot~ depertnMnta 142-4321 MAIN Off1CE mw .. ..,M .. c--.e.cA. -11.-..:e.1•.c_..llllleY.CA.wa ,..,., ..... ""°' ... c... ,.,....,.. ~-..__...,.... ..................... -.. ... _,.......,. ..... _ .. ,......... ....... _ .. , .,..""....,. .. <..,.rflM-. ... Yule tree too potted NATIONAL CITY <APl Police look a dim vie w of a m a rijua na C hris tmas tree complete with all the trimmings . San Diego County Narcotic Task f'orce agents confiscated the fi ve-fool h igh Yule tide symbol Thurs day , ripping it from Its Uving room stand. They arrested Its owner. "l never expected to impound a Chris tmas tree,'' s aid San Diego Police SRt Anthony Di Cerchlo • a nnual 1n s p ec t1 o n h a d unrealistic hopes for what such a pro~ram could accomplish Ile said annual inspections would cut auto mobile em1ss1ons of hydrocarbons by nine percent and nitrous oxides by s ix per cent. But because there are. othe r sources of these forms of pollution. the total reduction in the atmospher e would only be J .6 percent of hydrocarbons and 2.2 percent or nitrous oxides. From Page A1 In a new book, ··Every Secret Thing."' Mrs. Shaw writes that Scott drove her across the country in 1974 and, with Micki Scott. rented ··safe houses" for herself and SLA fugitives Bill a nd Emily Harris in rural Pennsylvania and New York. Th e g r a nd daug hte r of news paper publis he r William Randolph Hearst also said she drove the getaway car in the 1975 ro bbery of a C roc ker "'I'm over it in te rms of not feeli ng b i tte r abou t what happened.'" Mrs Shaw said on ABC "s ··20.20 " prog r a m Thursday night. ··1 don't waste any time feeling biller · Mr s S h a w , 27 . then unmarried. was abducted Feb. 4. 1974. while a Univers ity of California student. Sh e was arrested Sept. 18. 1975, and convicted the following year of robbing a bank GOAL PASSED BY UNITED WAY. • • ~ needs to the small-to-mc..dium companies that predominate in Orange County. getting them to raise their social consciousness to where they would contnbute to our ~oal ··And the large r corporations ran verv e ffective ca mpa1~ns The percentaJ{<' or people who• part1c1pated was exceptional It's really the em ployees who g('t 1t done . but 1l take s leadership at the top of the corporation to set the tone of the campaign " The United Way of Orange County North 'South. the larger of the two 'nited Way agencies serving the county , currently fund s 86 human s e r vi ce pro ~r ams including YMCAs. Scouting, the Salvat ion Army, heart and lung a ssociations. a nd Cuisinart Sale and Demonstration Services to the Bhnd De Wald acknowledged that t h e U nit ed Wa y could not pronde enough funds to meet all or the::.e 9rganizations' needs. ··eut l "m delighted that we made our goal.·· he said. ··we made s1gnif1cant strides in this c ampaign. produc ing major benef1L<; for ever yone in Orange County ·· c•-.. Food Proceston .... ...,. ......... fffct t.IN..ct ._. ...... Saturday, Dec. 12 -I 0:30 • 4:30 At All J Ston1 List Price DLC I OE ••••••••.••••••• 130.00 DLC IE •••••••••••••••••• 185.00 DLC 7E •••••••••••••••••• 260.00 Ow Price . ''·'' 'IJl.H. '114.tt • FIEE GIFT WRAPPING • • CHRISTMAS LIGHTS & TIEE ST ANDS MOW IM STOCIC • Mc ......... 12·17 .. I AU STOUS OPIM 1 DAYS! c-.. .... ..,.. .... ..,. w ........ . ................ CROW••• AR·DWARE--..,,, WHtcllff ,.._ • 642·11U 17th & Irvine. Newport Beach c.,... .. Mw • 67).ZIOO 3107 E. Coast Hwy H9rttw Ya.w c..._. • '44-11701614 San Miguel Or .. Newport Beach ' . f . . , \ . . .. _1 •• ~ ~~==~--· .... 1,...... .. TWEEDY TWOSOME J oan Kennedy , l'str:m gL·<i "1ft• of Sen. Edward M. K ennedy, and her P-.rorl . Dr C t· r aid Aronoff. won• twc L·d jackets attending il pt·r furmann• .it llar vurd l 'ni Vl'r:-.it ~-'s Loeb Drama Ce ntl1r tn l';imhndgt· Mass. Al'WI ....... PRESIDENTIAL PEN P rc!-1chmt Reaga n loob 11\'l't pt·n ht· pr esented LO H1chard \\'agnl'I". s. of \"an('OU\ ('I" w a ... h I ht• 1982.:\t arc·h of D1ml''> p11-.kr <'hilt! T hl' bo,\ .., falht·1 .J11hn 1 ... <:tl flj.!ht LLJCRr, uif P bicker T ht' /\rnt'rtr un wife or uarl1nc l'nlre1>re nf:'u r Sir •·r.-ddh-L•k.-r a!>k cd Florida n 1urb rur ~·li rnon y, c-h1ld 'U!Jpo rt .J nd J n o rd e r prott•ctin~ tht·ar young son fro m l>t.·in~ ubductcd from ht'r A Rnt"h <·11urt 1s already t•onstd C'ring d suit by Laker for n 1!-.lody of his 3· year-old !-o n Lakt•r a nd his wife ,. o n t 1 n u t• d t h c 1 r p u b Ii c l11t·kc rmg 111 paper:. filed in l>a d1· l 'ounty C1rl'uit Court. In the filing:., tht· couple d 1 s ai.:r t·t• on a lm os t t'\'t'ryth m~ Sht• rnnll'nds he se nt her off to M1an11 to <'Stablish a n •..,.dt•nt'l' and buy a home-. llt• 'J Y' thl· t rap w as ··a t 1•rn µur•.tr) 'oJourn " l lt· .... a y ........ hl· walked off her toh a .... a l\1 1am1 public ri·l .i llCJll' wo rke r for his I uk1•r A1 rw<1 ys Ltd She c·unll'nd..., hl' fired her Sht• :.a~.., her hank accounts J rt· l' m pl) I h.· !.a) s she has pll-nl\ ol monl'} T 1,1. 11 men who co-prOduced lhl' rn u .... 1t·a l · Annie•' pleaded gu il t~ 1n frd eral court in 11u .... 111n to 1·11ns µ1r ac-y c harges lor ltw1r role an an alleged ~:w million phon y tax shelter :-.dll'ffil' · Irwin Meyer , 47, a11d Ste phen Friedman, 47, IJoth of !'\('w York , pleaded guilt\ lw forl' S District I 'ou rt .J utlg(• J oseph L. Tauro t o t h a 1 ges in volv ing '1111!-111r<H') to a!>s1st in the pn'pJrat11111 and filing of IJbl· 1nt'<1111t• tax re turn:.. I' r11'l't'11lllr:. '><lid the two I an· p11...,,il1k 't·n t cn ces of f I \ l' \ l' .1 r... I ll p r I S 0 n ~1·nt1·1111111! , ... "l'hedulcd J an ,., ~ ic hat>I Olm!>lt>ad. the on lv m 11l,h1pma n court·ma rt1aled .11 l ht "•J\al Ac ade m y in alrn11,1 till )<'a r !-, has been l!I\ l'n h 1-. tl egr ee a nd his 1· om m 1..,.., 1 on a s a N a vy ut rll"('I <; r a rl u at i o n d a y for c >tm ... tcoad 1·;1m1• five months l.1t1• and 1t almos t didn't r•11rn 1· a t <ill .\ p;.1fll•I of o ffice r s that "lln\ 1t tl·cl him of involuntary m1t11!-ol au).!hll'r in the dea th of h1' r o nm rn.a t c 1n an ,J IJ t " m 11 h 1 I 1• a c· <' i d e n t 11 1•11111 m1·ncl1 '(I that he be ct1 .... m 1"1·d from the Navv 1!111 \"w 1· \dm William P. I.a~ rt'nl't>, at that t ime .1 1·acl 1·m~ -.upc r1 nlc ndent. II 1• c· 1 <I c· d I h a t 0 I m s t e a d d1 .... 1·n t•tl a "t·cnnrl l'ha nce Ii I' I" a U ' I' II f h I S 1111hh·rn1-.h1·d prior retord a ,1 muf...h1pma:i Cloudy skies seen Con ... t al Extende d forerast V•rt~bl• CIOuO\ IO•tQM MO\lh COAST•t . MOUNTAIN •llE•S cloud'; SJJturdav !>om• cluuct\ ,..,..., tn,.. t o.t\l l~lr '"fl' 1 (_o.a\Utl lnw ., ft'\l1•1H1 '' ( Od\tdl •ncJ ... , .... morntnq "°"'' Ouw-r.,.1\ol'• f'uqn f) 1ntandl/ t.A61f't '" fAtr •net MtlO H1qn '"'MC>irr-th.1'• .. o\ El\•whf'rf' l•Q,,t ••'••bit •""d\ to I\ 1n trw C04\fdl And ••It•• ittl" .. \ n19M •OO morntnQ "Our\ bf'l<OIT\•nq dnO 1n tr.e SO\ 1n thof' rnount•1n-. w•st lo '\OUthwfl'\t•rtv tO to 11 knoh O••rn1qnt tOWrt\ ·O to iS ,,.. '""' coa\iitl S •1urO•Y •ft•r no on W• \I to •no ••lln •rt'•\ •Nt 1S to u .,, fhf' \OUtnwe-..t ,.,.,.It 1 to J tlNI'\ MO\lly mount4'•~ ck>vdy S-aturOcty "'''",. \l1Qru cn .. nc,. o4 \f'O•f'r\O"f'' nort~"' .-.fl .. ,, S111 ofI U.S. ·"""'"'"n· , • "• Atr Ou•tttv M•n•Q~mtnt t e m 0tratutf"\ arOOOf'd bl-lo• ,,, .. 01\lrt<t prechCt\ ~ ••" QUdllh tor frH l lnQ pc:Nt\t tOO.t tllonq ,,,,.. •nlitt ev•ryOf'W' tn the' South Ca.\I •it bit\1,,. £•it C0.\1 ttna hqht U'Ow ctu\l*'O '""' tod•v •nd <d flf'd •ttf'nt10,, tc Norttw•\l flf'••lf<l l~wl\ 01 c •rbOn mono••OP 1,, P•f"ti of Fton~ .,.,,.nit ... •tn • "'' • ., o""' the co•stal •no tr191d co•o ... .,.. o"' 01 <.•n.O• trw• ~lropoht.., •re•s w nt t~pipr•tu'•' Ofll"QtnQ 10 '"" "' AOMO •\s19neo PollYlton 10\ But c1tru\ othc1~I\ \••O '"" St•nO•ro lnottt l PSll ratJnq\ Of 91 frett•wOY~ th•rm t,...<roo for•~~ G,.b,.,.I ~ ... •tt•ys •• ,, r••t11 r\A\n t """" to•o fnouqt-1) tor'""° s,.,, Fer"Wt"OO-S..n t• C••r•t• tor •n., Pl".00 ~ 1,~ to t 41t \# ••llf'v\ &I •or Hw R1vpr\1de S•n m •tor d•m dQf' E rn•tu J.ff~t" B•rn4rO•no •r•• •no SI for '"'° m•n4tC)er of OUbt•< •"•"" .u Florio.a :~~=·:. ar~• ,~,.PSI ot 41 •as Cttfu\ M utUdl W•d too.., • 0 req.011'\ . O'lt> J•<•ti0fWlttf' ~•• 'fQ•'\t,reo n ~~c~:t'M.1 = ~•rts inland Or•nq« dP9ree\ tl tft:oro lo In A t " v. f CCM\l•t 8•nn1nq G• • tM' tt tnOPr•tur# ~1t 11 a ~~:d ~,t,.mf'1 (I\•~• M\d 819 IM•r L•k• IO-"IM CMI• 0 A•in \C>r••d ACtO\\ tru• P•<•ft< NorthwP\t b"nq1n9 \no• to thf' 7• I nor111 .. n lloO y Mount••M ll•1n f:J 111 /Jt':J rn II rt•s o rhl f.O 4)(f 0 \.\ lht ,,..,n\ to th• M i1\ISl•J>P V•ltl'y wn11• '-k•t\ •t't l•lr over trw 'lou111 •lb.Inv Sno* ••~ "'•Olf<f-0 to rPiMf'I frCHTI AIC>UQ~ ~•• EnQ~ to muc" o• Nftw vor" Am1r11to •nd norOwrn .,.nm~1van1• l•ftr 1n A"'*vlllt' the d•y wtulf' IPwo Nortfwrff\t •rom Atl•"t• ~ihi1'\9ton 10 No,..,~,., (•hf~n•• At11ntc C••• W•\ ••Pf(.tPCJ to Qitt rain •lff'I \N)w 8•ll1mOft' ovttt thr rnoont•1n\ T~mprtr•1uf•\ t •rly IOCl•lf r.nO"O from n •n 'ft•uw u W •\ot to ftl •n COf'PU\ CM•\t• 'f' •• , Californifl HI Le Pn: ll 11 &() iS ,, . )) 2) ,_.,., - 8 1rm1nqf\rn 8 1\m•rt• 801\f' 8oit,,n 8rown\vll1 Butt•to Cn•rhtn~ '"•''''" W'\I C,...._..nn• Cruc•qo (1nt1nt"•t• (l@''fl•ltJnd (01umt>u\ 0•1 Fl Win Oflnve-r ~\MOtf"lif'" Ottro11 Duluth El Pa.o H•rtforCI t1tltr'I• Honotu•u HOU\IOf'I Jruin11ph\ J•CtL\nvl1f' .CAf\\ (_,t,- l •\ VPq,.t\ Sout,_..n c. .. 1fo..-n•• ••ti tMo mo\tly C SOvdy ~WO.• ••t" • (,....-.Cf' Of \llOwe n .n ttw "°' t,. r n ITtOuf' t •• n \ 8 Yt t~'fl \f-IG <INr ~ S.U.0•• , ... H•t.oft411 W.M"'r S-0"'•<• Of'f(ftlfl'd Leutlllfl ... ...... ...... ~ . Gu\h ,.,.,,.~,, ••no' ot vo to lO m ph \P\OU IO b low trHO'IOh '"• mouftl•tn\ S•turG•• •nd rt1o h t•mp•r•turei bot h O••' ••It t>e ....,,, •• 1n ll'le lO'I l -\ \-IO tw lrom )0 to 41 s..i...-cwv, coot I'll! io H to 1ss .. ,..,..., TM nor1!wrn _., -""1•1-V•lln will .. to IW windy •nCI \"O<llO Hunhftqlon Btufl\ Hufthftqlon ~ S..-1• An. 111,... J•lh 40lll SI ~ nnos1 ...._, B••--. llO<lipll•.~ s ........ --T11all•8•-· S....Cl•-•PI., T,.le ltJer I ) I ) 1 • l • , . , . I l I ) I ' I J 1,.., .. ., ,.,, ... , , .. , , .. , -~ -, .. ., ---.. H JO ,, H 4) II ,, , . .0 11 XI 0 II ,. 1l \9 )) JI II ,. II I~ )) I• I~ ol )t ~· JI JI 1• 1~ 10 II " 10 )I ll )• H 11 II .., 10 •1 Jl •• SI 1J JS lJ •l "" A YW ... Te-,. , . ~ ,, ,. ,. .0 .0 60 .., II••• 1119ft'\ "'°'llf '" Ille .0. bolll IN, .. "'"" bolll .,..,. '" ..... tOUIM•" mwrtt -c--lllv•r nll•v• IT ·Streell I J ••ir 60 01 1• )\ OJ 01 \..•ti•,. Roe• •i lOu1\'ltltll~ lS M.~mon1' 4] M••m• •• M ol..,•u'H> II M ot\ ~I P.u1 H N4'\t1v 1flf' •1 ""'•• Orlf'Mi\ SI Jitll~• vor• )1 Norfole.. ~ O•l• lllv ... O"'•"• JI Ortaf\OO )) Ph1t11td Drt1d J4 pno-nit ,. P1ttsburQh 2' Pll•nd Ml 36 Ptl•OO Or,. ~ ll•no ~ Rt< hmonc:J " ~It 1.••t •\ s.e..,,._. n St Lou1\ J4 SI P T ""'°" H Cjt St~M,_,.,.,. " SPo~•"" H 1 UI\.• SJ W•'f'11nq1n )I ¥lit1(1"11t1 SI (All FOlllNIA 8U•t\h~ ,. bhfhfl' 11 l 'ltf"ll• ,. f ,,.,no $A l•"c.•\t~ ~ l°' A"\Ql'I~ 10 M•' ¥\•Ill., )1 Tirles TOOAY S.cOftCI tuQll • s•o m SATUlllDAY l6 l • J1 •l I• 1J ,. 40 11 JO 0 ~ JJ 2S 60 21 JI JS ,. 11 l6 )) JO JI 10 n 4S •S 1' Sl 40 0 ,. S1 )1 ·°' 01 It OI °" •l f l'\11-t 4' • m I 1 Fir•I 11'9fl •I»• m 7.1 S#COllO tow • 1• 0 m I • ~cond lllQI\ 10 MO m 4 2 Sun -..\ • .. p m . rltft s.i .. rd.ty • • will be In tlw -· IO!i TOMOllllOWS TIDES Hlqll ' 0. •m l-•"pm s-11 dlr.<llon WHI REPORTING AGENCIES 8111 Sl.,,ll>P•Q SI••• 0.••-M•<l\ffl St•llM-. 0.vld OIP•or•, Gr~ Hul•lt•r • •• • m .• ,• :· Tl•t ••II..,, will ......,. Ill~ from .. to 10 • Dtllly ,._.. 0... .. ~ hC.-•IH4 ¥o"<S:t• f. • 'llY II l'"''' 1 '"~ hllf• WCNI' OIO"' t" ~ )r (\ •' PW'tf ,.,, , ow ~ , "'• r .. ,,., r • ,,,,.it,..~,.. Moon r l .. , •I ) J• p.m . ••ll Soflyrd•ll •18 O'I • m We're Listening ••• What do ~11u hlH• a hout lhl' Da1h Pi lot ~ What don·t vou hke? Call the num h<-r ~111"' an1I \C~ur mcs~Jj.lt' will be r0ecorded. .transc ribed and d dl\c-rc-d to lhe Jppropriatt• l'd 1tor The same 24 hour .rn-;"' t•ran~ w r' 1rt• mav be used to rec-ord let· te r to tht• t•d itor o n an) tup1r Matlho"< contributors must include thl'ir na mt• and tt•lc·phont" numlwr for \ 1'n f1r :i11on No c-arculation call!>, pll'aSl' T1•ll 11s ~ h;rt .., on \ nur mind 642·6086 Oranyu Coa!>t DAI LY PILOl f mlay IJI'< l<rnlwr 1 I 1981 BLUFFTOP SKETCHING l .1 1111.1 l k .11 I .irt1-.1 l>a\\ll :\l1llt·1· 11111).., 11 " 1111 1·.1 .... w1 '" ~"··td1 ;a l"C1;1 .... 1 al ....... Ill' \\II l11n11 11,,. '" "' -II ,,,, :1t1 1p 1111 · I .;1 ~1111.1 Hl1111 ... ,,,.,,. 11,, . ··111.·• .. ----- I II 11 I Ip ,•I 1 II I .. ,, 1•1 11 I I 0•11, PllM Plle'9 r, l'etrid O'o-41 l.111 • .1!11·111111111 ., 111 • 1111 ... 1 \ -.11111 1 • .11 .11 11-.1 ... -.1il11t·1·1 not tn I I .. I ' 11 ' .. . "ti It l '... 111· 1 Ii(' 11)1 'I County doctor :under attack State medical board accuses Yorba Linda physician ,. The Statf:' Board of Medical Quality Assurance as see king to pr e \•e n t a Yorb a Linda ph ys1c 1an fro m pr a ct1c ing m e d1 c 1n e. c la iming he 1s impr o perly pre scribing a co caine derivative to arthnlls v 1c t 1ms and inade q uat e!) Lreatin~ cancer v1ct1ms The board has filed a la wsuit in Orange County Superio r Court re questing that Robert Bingham be barred from practicing. A request for a te m porary r estrain ing orde r forcing Dr Bingham to stop practicing wa:. denit•d in cou rt Wedne'>d:.t\ .\ hearing on the re!-.lramin~ onlc•r \\a~ ..,et for Dec 23 B 1 n g h a m · s I a w ) t• r t; ' a n G1 n:.hurg of Fullcrtun, 'aid Tliursda) he I!'. a ppalled Ii\ thl' slate boa rd a«t1on ·1 have ne \"r seen, in m ) o p1n1 11n . '>U•·h a m1 .... u, .. o f go\ 1:rnml•nt fund-. ~ .11<1 l111.' la w~ t•r !'a rt of the all1.:gut1on-. in the suit invuln· 'urgeries pcdormcd by B1ngh<i m 1,1.hile he workfod at th l' f o r m er E sp l'ra n z a lnl<"rc-nmmun1l) llospllal, now Kids giving gifts tht· St J ude llos p1tal -Yorba I.ind a Ill' wa:. cited 1n on e e xample r11r n ·movJng a tumor from a "''man s leg wit h out first p e rfo rming a biopsy. The c· a n c e r o u s g r o w t r. l a t e r r('ap1.1ea red and her leg was a m p utated , accord ing to reporL'S to aging you11gsters But Gin s burg s aid the !-.1lu at1 o n was muc h more com p hcaled . The patient was a .Jehovah's Watoess who refused lilood transfusions for religious rt·a~nns. and Bing ha m cut as 1frcply a s h e could witbO\lt n·qu mn~ more blood, he said. :\t o rcovl·r. the tumor was inside 1 hl· hunt· so no biopsy could h~ve lil·t·n p<-rformed without making ...1m ll ar ..,ur g1cal <'Uts. :\l t huu~h her l eg was am pul alt'd . the patient was i.a u s f1ed With Bin gh am's won and ha!> ne\'er bee n contacted by B ~t QA investigators. Ginsburg J rguNJ SIOt;X FALLS. S.D I APJ Christmas will be a bit bnghte r for thr ee victims of progeria . a rare . inc ura bl e aging disease. thanks lo about 100 s ixth, s e venth a nd e ighth g rad e science students from T ea. S D M ark G r eguson's s c-1ence students usually trade gifts each Christmas T hey draw n ames , buy s mall girts and give the m to the perso n whos e name they picked a ll in the holiday spirit. But the s tudents have been following the s t or y of t hree c-hildren a rnicted with progena. and t hey decided to forego their annu al girt e x c h ange and instead buy gifts for the less for tunate youngste rs Eight -y e ar-o ld Fra n s 1e G e ringer of Orkn ey. South Afric-a. and 9-yea r-o ld Mac-key Ha ys of Hallsville. Texas. will e ach g e t b a s eball caps, complete with their names on th e front a nd bac-k. El e ven ·y ea r ·o ld Ali c ia Go wans or San Jose. Calif , will get a nec-klace. Frans ie and Mickey m et each othe r for the firs t time earlier th is month at Dis ney land an California The y spent several ifa) "> togt•ther and met \hc1 a a nd 26·)ear·old Ml'J( Case) who 1:-. bclll'\E«l to tw lht: oldl':.t 11 \mg progt'ria ncllm Tht> Snuth fhkota '>tudcnts also bou~ht l'ach of lhl• three young:.ll'r:.. a R u b ik :.. C'ube. whic h 1s a popular puzzle, and t 1,1.n T shirt!>. One ga rment c·11nt C1 1ns 1hc word~ .. Sout h Da kota" on the fron t and the youn g!>ter< na m e!> on thl' hack and the other T shirt t'ar r1es tht· \\ord!\ .. lns idt• thl!\ T !-h1rt l!'. rme l cr nflc kld ·· T he students "'e n • wr appinJ! the presents Thurs<la y Thl· young !'.Clf'nce "tudents f irs t rea d aho u t t h <· t lHC'(' children 1n a sc.·1em·e magazine arllc le . he said .. We have bee n lr)tng lo find out more information about this disease:· Greg uson said ·T hen 1t hit Lht· papers We JU!-1 kept reading and reading ·· T he students then decided to brin~ their O'-' n mone) and ~cnd th e gifts. The~ did not ln\'Oln• th eir par ents and m andgc-0 to c ollect al>out SI 10 <; reguson said ' We"re trying l •I g(•t the ir addr esses to :..etHI th(·m 1Jff.' he sa id T h l' s u 1l a lso includes al lt•ga t 1o n :. Bin gha m was 1n \Ol\'l'd 1n .. wides pread furn1 s h1n g o f c oca ine to nu merou!\ 1nd1\'1duals." The dortor. who runs a c linic-for ar t hral 1!-v1ctims in Desert Hot Spr i ng s . ha s issued pr<'scrapt1ons and had a nurse "'ork with patients from a motel room. which the board deemed .. totally uns uited for researc pu rpost•!- 0 oc-u m e n Ls filed with t 1;1w!-ou1t showed Bingham h ht·1·n 1n tou c h with m edi< rl·~1·arrh board s about ' arthrat1:. trea tment, but has ' rcs <.'arc h p r oposals d en because or a lac-k of "control Although Ginsburg saic r u s h .. o r addictio1 associated with the deriv; the hoard c laims in the su !.Ubs t ance is unapprove arthr itis t reatment. Gin ma1nta 1n e d th at Bingt • "'ork o far has been succe They a re really m ak look Ilk<' he '!> out there s up C'ocaine to a ll the user s 1,1.o rlct.·· !.a id the d o attornt:.'} Wl'YI MOVED *WE'RE OPEN* IM O.UR NEW STORE u ................ . Skiing Is Great I RENTAL SHOP .......... iJ 2500 West Coast Hwy. Newport leach, Ca. 17141 631-3144 NEW STORE 2700 Wnt Coast Hwy. Newport hacla. Ca. 17141 631-3210 t • ,., Orangt• Cu3st p A1L Y PILO T/Friday. Oecembor 11 , 1981 mill u~ rn [(] Reagan campaign funds questioned WASHINGTON (AP> The Federal Election Commission said tod1ty it has u $1 l million bookkeepin..: disagreement with Presi~ent Rea~an's ·campaign committee, but that no harm was done and nobody will be punished. Details or the report released today were obtained in advanct• by The Associated Press The audit showed that the Rea1an Bus h Committee h ad gross receipts or $.12 5 million and total expenditures or $31 6 million, with $865,993 left in the ~k . Qu1ide11~ 's ki11 sei for passport NOSCOW <AP 1 Sovi et .emJgralion officials told Andrei Sakharov 's dauf!hle r in law today she would rc•ce1ve a Soviet passport on Monday to go lo the U nited States and could go to Gorky immediately to set• lhc Nobel Peace Prize winner and his wire. rwcdt>d lo t'lld debate. Thul put an anti busing amendment in pos 1t1on to be attached to u J us tH'l' l>cpartment s ptrndinl( mt•a s urc v;,.,; n~ 's 111other <1ppeals to riote rs <;AI Nl.o:S \'11.LE. t-'la I AP> Tht• rnotht•r uf a black teen·ager ~h o t b } an und e r t'ove r rH..>llC't'man plt•aded with roaming .:ang., of blac k youths to go ho mt' following two days of 'wlt·m·t· th;i l inj ured at least 12 \\hill'~ t-~ a r l} lor1ay. fl re raghte r s doust'd t wc1 bla zes in vacant 1w1gh borhood ho mes , which 1·a usl'd minor damage and no . Injuries Police Lt. Don Dean \,11d th1· blall's a ppeared to have ht•t•n tlcllb.:'ratt.•ly st'l Used car def eel /)il('s veto due . ,. .......... Ehrlichman's book says Nixon thought 'blacks inferior' NEW YORK (AP J Former Pres ident Nixon thought "blacks were ge netically inferior to whites." toyed with the idea of nominating Sprro T . Agnew to the Supreme Court and had doubts about Chier Jus tic e Warren Hur~er·s abilities, sa ys Nixon's top domestic aide. John F.:h1 lu·hrnan also s ays th a t Nixon tho ught He nry K1 ss1nger t•o uldn 't get the <'u nridence or Arab le aders bec·ause he was Jewish and that the re was ·constant friction .. be tween the White House and the Cabinet F.hrl1chman m a k es th e state m ents 1n ··Witness t o Power,'' tus third book, which 1s Sl'hcduled for publication by Simon & Schuster n ext spring M 1ch ael Korda . edito r or the book. sent c-op1e~ of the csdvance uncorrected proors to 22 people the author approved . including fri e nds and r evie we r s The A5soc1ated Press independently obta ined a copy Thursd ay :.tatcmenb what11oevc r about CJOY or lht.•" issues before the «Ourt nor was he importunt.'d 111 any way to my knowledge hy anybody 1n the administration And I've talked to President Nixon about the subject matter und hi!> recolle t·taon is the samt·, lhat ther e w e re n o !>u t·h oc•t·urrences. £hrlichman sa ys in a prefa«•· that the book 1s based largely on notes he took between 1969 and 1973 while he talked with Ni xon. lie s ays the notes were s eized by the governme nt 1mmed1ately arter he wa~ (ired. and he did not gain access tu a ny of the material until 1980. Ehrl1 c h ma n . wh o was convicted 1n connec·t1on with the Wa tergate !>itandal and :.ervcd a prison term 1n pa rt for fabd~ test1fyanA before a grand JUr), d1 v1de!-. ht!\ book antu :.ccl1on., 1n cl ud1ng Cu n g r cs~. thl' Suµre mt.· Court. th~ Cabinet :.tnd domc:-.ta l' affairs. Ehrl1<:hman say~ that .-.:1 xo11 wa~ d et ermine d to (·reJtC a "lunJ( laved strict cono;truct1on1:.t Supn·mt-Court " A U.S. Embassy spok e~man s aid two American diplomats met with Liza Alt•xeyeva to dis cuss em1gratwn for ma hlll'!> as soon as they l earn~d her news. Poland to avoid labor slwudow11? \\ AS lll NGTON I A'P 1 A · ft·dercsl regulation that used car deale rs tell a consumer about dO} known defects in the cars the~ s ell is one s te p t·loser toward a congressional v~to. .\ res ol utio n to veto th e Fl'de r a l Trade Comm i:;srnn rl'gulat1on on used ·ear sales was ... t' n t t '' t h e Se n a t e rl o o r Thur:.d~" I)\ cs 12·4 vote or the Commcrcl' (·omm1ttee MERRY OOMPAH Ont· H·:1r ••Id Ht•x Ci ro~!->man ol Rloomingtnn. Ind . ~t'l'm~ ~omt'"' h <1t pl'rµlt:Xl'd hy thl· .,hl1l'I mus k hr ·s holdi ng , even t huugh nw-.1t flow ... fro im th t• 111tw of u 1:..id~ Sunta ( 'h rist1c· Andt·r ... un. lndw na l 'nl\ t•r:-.11' gradual<· student 111 must<'. part1npatl·:-. in Bloo m 1n gt11r1 .., a n nu al ··Tuba Chris t rnas. wht·1 .. 2:i lo :ltl I l' mt1~ll· ... t udt•11t!'- dn·:-.~ up ltkt• S<.anta~ <.i nd plLJ~ l'hn:-.t ma~ m u"' JC' 1111 th•· "'''I'' 1lf t hl· :\lonnk.' Coun t~ t'11ur thou:-.l· In one section of the book, Ehrli c hman s a y!f Burger discussed a pending Supreme Court desegregation case at a 1970 breakfa:.t m eeting at the Wh i t e H o use with Nixon . th en Attorney G e n e ral J ohn ~1 atc-hell and Ehrlichman The d1 s c u ss1on was impro pe r , anordang to the Code of Judicial Conduct of thl· American B;,ir Association Ehrhchman !>lays that Nixon and Mitchell .. made a constant t.•ffo rt to keep 1n touch with Hurger The president had a notion that Burger 's decisions on <'CJSes ~fore the court were not al wa ys w ork t>d o ut w ith !>Ufhcicnt cl ant\' .. SJWw, s1Ww, more SIWW in Maryland By Tht' Associated Press The mountains of Maryland a nd West Virg1n1a got another s nowy onslaught today on top of the 20 inc hes or s no w that c·ovc red !>Orne a reas and ble"' a cros!> roads 1n 1cv wand~ WARSAW, Pol and IAP 1 Solidanty dug m 1t!> heels today. and ther e was (Jn and1 cat1on that Poland 's Co mmu n i s t government might bf' r eady to pull bac k a little rrom a s howdown with the mdcpendt'nl labor movement E:xplmives cause of miTW disaster? Rabbit slaughter set for Saturday ;"\either Kissinger. the former -.t.'c retary of state a nrl natwnal " c· <' u r 1 t y a d v 1 s e r . n o r E h rl1chman could be located T h u rsday Nixon s pokesman !':1tholas Ruwe s aid the former p n·s ident woula have no c·omment on the Burger report An atte mpt was made to re ach Nixo n for comment on other ite m s an the book. but he could n o t b e r ea che d . Barrett McGurn. a spokesman for the S upreme Court , s a i d the ··1ust1ces d o not respo nd to a llegations.·· Ma r yland State Police Sgt Ric hard Edwards said there was .. snow, snow, s now and more s now." but he said that although dri v1nJ( in som e are a s was hazardous, all roads were open The union 's n a t io n al leaders hip comm1ss1on at a m eeting m Gdansk was t•xp~·ctcd to authorize a n a t1 onw1de gen eral strike ir the government goes ahead with leg1:.lat1on , ur ged by the Communist Pa rty, to g ive it .. ex t raor d 1n an " powers inl'ludang th(• b:.inning uf strikes Forced busi11g overtun1 n earinf{ WASlll:-.JCTO'.\i 1AP1 On a vote or 64-35, the Senatt.· !'-hut ofr one li~ral fi11bu!>tt•r and mewed closer Thursd ay to p a'>s ing legislation aimed at rolling back court-ordered busing 1n school int e gration c a ~es Hut the pro·busing mino rity ~aid 1l still had ways to stall The cloture motion won by ro ur votes m o re th an t h e three· fifths of the ent1 re Sena le TO PMOST , K y 1AP 1 Hla!>t1ng powder tha t appears lo have backfired was probably the t·ause or an explosion half a mile dt•ep in a coal m ine that killed "'i!ht miners . the s tale mines <·ommbsione r says Th<' men died Monday arter h;rnlinJ? explosives 2.5()() reel into thl· Adkins Coal Co ·s No 18 m 1 nt• Th<'} we re a m o ng 24 people killed an three mining at c1 dents m less than a week. Smugglers aithd? ~EW IBERIA. La 1AP1 A forme r Ibe ria P a ris h chie f de puty has been accused by a redNal grand jury of p rov1dm$? vrotl'ct1on t o m a r ij uan a ~mu gg leri.. J im Desormeaux "'css arrested Wednesday night. !>31d She riff Erroll 'R om o .. Ho mero HOI Si':. Idaho 1·A P 1 The Ida ho 1 lumane Society has lost another sk1rm1sh 1n a battle to stop farmt>rs from slaughtering thousands of J<J<'krabb1b that ha vt· <lt·~tro\ cd <HI estimated $.5 millwn an l'l0op~- Orvtn Tw1lcht•ll. chairman of lht• ~1 ud Lake F arme rs Rabbit Com mat tee. :.aid up to 2.()()(J former~ ridrng motorcycles and hor~es plan Saturday to dnve the rabbits into a funnel-sha ped 1r a p :.tretching a quarter mile. then rnto a pen for killing The ca rca sses·w1ll be shipped to '.':1gt'na to he lp feed that co untry <. hungr). he said T \\alc hell ~a id ha s group re JN'led the Objections Of the Hum a n e Soc1e t v during :i Th u r s da} m e eting of the cum mittee . the Idaho Farm Hu r(•a u Ft•de r a tion and the -;talc's chief veterina rian Smu.·kcr I lb l:El·.I :--·11u, ..., 111 1·11 r -..;111'.tt!l -; ... l'l.1111 1;,,url,1.l\\11 :.!111 l hr1 .. , "'PH .1d-. "'ul'ia Ii It· 111> BEFI· <l IU\ ...,\lfll' I I ..... 111, It!•• .~II/ ,,. '•I ""I ..r , ,, ,, \h1-1 .111 I • I•/ ''ll• '" \ "'ll••kt .1, 111 , ... , "·". -; ••/ l h1·1·-.1· • ll.111 111 111 f'111t \\1111 l '1 11 ... 1.l.11'tl\0 ,1 I •I. :-.111 .. 1-. \ '-.: 111l-.1·d I ht I ., li.11 I "11/ 1.11 .,(...,,,, t'I ""' \l1H.i1d. I.ti I "·" \\.1t1·r--.1111! <11 ,,,, h1·n' H· 111 H• '"' \11. ;(~ ~ lf).!I~ \\.it.·;· ... ;,1•d "11 .1,,111·11' I\,'" I\, 111-- \0. IO ~11.!Hol l'lu.., l!lltlf,11111•, d dc •lt\ 1•1 \ ~ h.11~··11 -.l11pp1·d I 'hi-. gu.i1 .i1111·1•d d, II\ 1·1' 1 h.111.i1· 1t ... 111pp1·cl Say "MerrY Christmas!" vith a taste of old-time country goodness. If you 're coming up long on Christmas ~ to give and short on ideas, now you can put your mmd to rest. At Hickory Farms7 we've got over 100 different gifts. With plenty of choices in almost every price range you're after. Our gifts are filled with an incredible variety of tasty delights, including things like our famous Beef Stick " sumn1er sausage, cheeses, jams, jellies, and more. And if you'd like your gifts sent out, we1l gladly handle all the details. So come to Hickory Fanns and discover delicious gifts you'll be happy to give .. That someone else will be even happier to receive. ff ickor1 Ferms - Of ON/() We1J give you a taste of old-time country goodness: .. SOUTH COAST PWA Lower Carousel Mall o,..o..., Tl t P.M. S.. 11 A.M. Tl 6 P.M. 540.6991 It was the st•t·ond l1 m t• an a!> m any da:-s the llumane Society hcsd trn.'<.1 to block the slaughter The Bo1sc·hascd group lost a hid Wednc~d ay fo r a court 1nJ u nl'lion a fter lhc• Idaho allor ne:-~Cn l·r;.il :.aid stale ,. I) II r t s (' u u I d n () l I !> s u l' r1•!:.t r a 1n1ng ord ers a .:;,iins t ;111t1<·1pah'd acts ll u m a ne Society a t torney Ton} H o hn e r sa id th e oq:anization believes the rabbits ~hou l d be killed in anothe r m annt'r Mit c h e ll sa id o n C BS ' .. Eve ning News :· that ··warren Burger . to m y kno wledge and r eco ll t'c t io n . m a d e n o N a t1onal Weather Ser vice meteorologis t Don Harrison at Baltimo r e -Wa s hingt o n Inte rnational Airport. s aid the s now, which has been falling for thret' days. was drifting and blowing an high winds Th e s n o wfa ll p r o m pted 0Hic1ab to close Garrett Countv s c h ool !> W e dn esday and Thursday · Ac ross the borde r 1n Wes t V1rg1ma. Preston County c rews "'e r e al so bus) Thurs da :- c lcanng s now to' c red roads Twas the ol2bt before Christmas and arr tbl'OUth ·the stores ... l he shoppers were scurrying and took.ng tor more ... Veta's pink wtnaows were warm wt th a glow And Halli«Uy's suit racks were running quite low. Hairhandler's clients were holiday bright With tacials and haircuts that 11t up the night Jean Dahl was iust ready to lock all the doors When m walked a qent she a not seen t>etore A JOii y old elt with a halt-empty sack And a trustrated look that took her aback. I've searched the world over ... I ve walkeo a no I ve run. And I've tound all my gilts ... cept a tew special ones ·· 1 g ive gctts to millions , my tam11y·s 1ust tour. And those must be special . . they mean SO m uch more 1 ve heard about WHtcliff, its warm th ana 11s cheer And I've tmall y oec.1ded, those q1tts m ust be he re l ogether they walked through the Plaza that night Amidst costume<l carolers and trees twinkling onght Chules B.lrr's diamonds were twinkling too, And Anthony's Shoes made his t>oots I<><* like new. At La Galleria he found his wile's dream .. At Hickory Farms there was cheese smooth as cream Nancy Dunn Antiques had tine gilts ga1ore. Wt111e Paoer Unlimited had cards to explore Gills tor the Claus k1os were easy to Imo. With Mes Amies teenwear that s one-ol-a-kmd And ot course Humpty Dumpty for babies ano tots, Ano Xav1er·s Florist tor torget-me·nots . His best t>oot was on when he left Westchff Shoes And StorekHper fashions made big North Pole news Crown Hardware had gifts tor his house ano his s1e1gh Doc Elder hao glasses to help'~ his way. One stop at Dick Vernon's tor sportswear so chic And SAv·On prescriptions to keep his physique. Westcliff Corners made C.laus meats a gourmet s oe11gn1 l he Cleaners pressed red suits tor one special n1qh1 Quick as a wink all his s hopping was oone .. tvery gift tor his tam11y -he missed not a one. Arms piled high w ith presents he walkeo to n1s s1e1gn. Pausinq a moment, ano turn1nq away ... "lhere s something 1·m m issing, 1 cant seem 10 place Ano as he thought, Slowly a smile crosseo his 1ace · A Quick stop at Market Basket, tmall y 1 m through, E:ig ht gallons ot m11k ano e1qht loaves 01 breao too 'l hat'll keep my oeer happy the rest ot the night, And 1 watched as the gent van1sheo qu1Cklv trom s1gnt I smiled, not teellng the deepening co10 t;ecause suocsenlv I telt 1ust a tritle 1ess 010. Was 1t real? I thought. t.outo 1t be right to say 7 That all Westchff Merchants hao saveo C.nristm as I.Jay · For a certain mans tam11y, the gilts ne nao louno Were ~ verv soec1a1 ne·a searcneo the world round. And on each ht lie package, the mes.sage was bnghl .. Wtsl<litf h n htl Orange Coast DAIL V PILOT/Friday. December 11 . 1981 H/F 'No craft fail11re' seen • Ill air crash . Prelim.inary probe. also finds. no evidence of external causes or. adverse weather ·~-........ MOVIE RIGHTS SOLD Donnell <1 nd lle lt•n Settles . pa rents o f coll ege athlete Ron Sl•ttlcs. who died June 2 in <1 Signal Hil l jail. 1e ll re port~rs in Los Angeles the" ha \'l' sold tht· rig hts lO their SOn °S st or~· to mo\' le prodUC't'I' George Englund. SAN BERNARDINO (AP) -A preliminary Air Force investigation Into the crash or a 8 ·520 bomber that rr as hed In Colorado Oct. 30 has found no evidence of engine malfuncllons . adverse weallher or external cau:.es. a report says The report, obtained Thursday by the San Bernardino Sun. was romp11t..'<.1 by the SaCety and lnspet'llon Center al Norton Air Force Base There was no instrument failure and no engine fire or explosion before the cr as h. in which all eight C'rew m em her!. died. the report said Desi in 'good conditi"o"'i' I.A JOLI.A I AP I -After a fl areup of an intestinal disorder, actor and television tycoon Des i Arnaz was n.•sting comfortably in "good" condition. a hospital spokeswoman said. Arnaz. 64. wa~ removed Thursday Crom the intensive care unit at Scripps Me monal llospital. whe re he was ke pt as a precautionary meas ure s ince bei ng rushed there by paramedics Monday Crom his homt: in nearby Del Mar, she said No warning in shooting? LO NG BEACll I AP 1 A Cal State Long Ht'ach student ~hot hy a cam pus security guard while pla) m g a game with toy rifles says the po liceman fired at ham without warning Mak e Rt:agan. 19. of Norwalk, also said he did not point tus toy M · 16 rifle , at the guard as was King: Marilyn agreed to move Tennis star says she offered lover $125,000 to leave LOS ANGELES (AP) -In return for an offer of $125,000, Billie J ean King 's former lesbian lover agreed'to move out of a Ma li bu beach house, give back the tennis star's love letters and stir up "no publicity, .. Mrs. King testified. ·'She wo uld get an advance or up to $25,000 and she would get $100.000 whe n she vacated," Mrs. King said on the second day or a trial in which she and her hus band, Larry. are seeking to evict Marily'n Barnett Crom the beach house. estimated to be worth at least $.550,000. Ms. Barnett, a 33-year-old former hairdresser, says she believed the house was hers In addition lo resisting eviction. Ms. Barnett has fi led a "palimony" laws uit seeking the house and li fetim e support. The $125,000 deal fell through and Mrs. King was unable to evict Ms. Barnett from the house. Mrs . King's business manager, J a mes Jorgensen. test ified Thursday in·Superior Court Outside court, Ms. Barnett told reporters: "l am getting tired or people lying and saying I was threatening Billie with m y letters. I kept the letters because I a m sentimental. and I took money because I was vegetating at home and needed leg brace!!> to learn to walk again .. Ms. Barnett. who has brac<>s on her legs and uses a cane. broke her back in a fall from the ba l l·on~ of the house she says Mr~ King bought for hl·r "hilt.• thl'y were lovers. Ms. Barnett and her la\\) e r J nd Lad1n h ave refu!:>ed to discuss published n·port!:> that the young woman's fall was a su1t•1de attempt Mrs King. :11, testifi ed that whl'n she tofd Ms Harnett an 1978 that she planned to sell the house. !\ls Barnl'lt "got vt·ry upset .. · You also told !\h Harnt'lt then that you wen· no longt·r an Ion • with her. didn't you·•" asked l.ad1n. M r :. K111 J('> la wyer Objected, and the questwn was ~trit'k cn Crom the t'ourt record a!. irrele\'anl Mr!. King said -.he first offered ~b Barnett half the profits from the s ale of the house. then switched to the Sl25,000 offt'r In return for the <·ash. Mrs King satd, Ms Barnell would ··gt'l out of my li fe. get out of my house ;ind not be bothersome to me She would g1 ve the letters bat k and have no further claims, no publl l·1ty. no l<1wsuils She ~aid that wo uld be f 111 e " JorJ,!e nscn ~a i d Mrs Kin~ paid $25,000 lo Ms. Ra rnett and thought she was going to return about fiO love lett ers Rut 1n Apnl 1981. he said. Ms Barnett hired Ladrn to rt-present her and s howed the law) e r the lovt• letters Jorgensen said he late r received a t all from Lad1n The Robinsons Gift ALL·AMERICAN ACTIVEWEAR, FOR JWR JR'S alleged by the campua police department. Reagan was s hot Saturday night as ht and a companion were playing a "hide and seek" game in the music com plex Diablo audit canceled SACRAMENTO I AP J Jn a well -publicized confrontation set up by an opponent of nuclear power , t he state Board of Equa lization ha~ ca nceled a financial audit of the troubled Diablo Ctm yon nuclear power plant. But another state agency, the Publll' Utilities Commission, s ays it has already investigated the idle plant's effect on utility rates -s ubJect of the ca nceled audit and found that some cos ts appar e ntly are being legally p assed on to rate payers . Motive claimed in murde rs LOS ANGELES <AP l The d1 s tr1 c t attorney's office says a Hollywood nightclub ow ne r 's bod yguard had a strong motive for ~ Storekeepers Monte ~ and Todd are wearing all-wool sweaters o f carefully blended multi-colored yarns, producing a lustrous hea1her finish in a jacquard weave and stri pe. These sweaters are uniquely desjgned by Boston Traders of New England. A st.ore 1hat offers fine traditional sportswear for men, women and boys. pa rticipating In the murders or tour people last July but there was lnsufticient evidence lo char1e him with a crime Gregory Diles , 33, who had been arrested Tuesday night in Hollywood for 1nvest1gat1on of mur de r in th..: so C'alled Laurel Canyon m urders, was relea:-icd Thursday afternoon Sithan kin luted stabl,e SAN GABRI E L (AP) Sharif Bishara Sirh an. the 48-year old brother of the convicted ass assin of New York Sen. Robert Kennedy, was 11!.t ed in ~table cond1l1on a t County-USC Medical Center afte r what sheriffs deputies said was an apparent suicide attempt Guilty verdict re turne d SANTA MONICA <AP > Frederick J erome Tho m as has been fou nd guilty of murdenng Sarai R1bicoff. niece of the former governor and senator from Connecticut Westcliff PJua 11111 B•nl-Amenca<d•M•sl«_ Ch.rK• 111111 ~ 102~ Irvine. N ew port Beach CJla forn1.:1 Phon<' o4!· -oo I It's called Stripes And 11's a whole new concept in Saturday d ressing Pullovers. pants. 1ackets and tees you put together 1n any combination you hke Here are five of the pieces Left in red or blue. the velour pant, 132, and whlte·stnped pullover. S2t. Right in red. blue or white. the zip front jacket. S34, and pant. $23; red. t:>lue or khaki. the tee. 111. Now The choice 1s yours• All, 1n co11on/polyester for S-M·L JWR JR'S, 37. To order. call IOll·free 1-I00-523-7800. SPECIAL HOLIDAY HOURS. SHOP MONQAY·SATURDAY 10.1:30. ROBINSON'S NEWPORT FASHION ISl.lNO • (714) 844-2800 llily Pilat FRIDAY, DEC. 11 , 1981 For one professor, is lllTlllTll lllCH If 1111111 lllllY CAVALCAD E STOCKS GARDEN 82-3 87 88 William Faulkner almost everything. See Hugh Mulligan on Page B2. D a Citizens' gripes heard; video center denied The Fountain Valley Planning Com mission has denied a permit to open a piua parlor-video game center in a local shopping complex, after hearing concerns from residents and business p eo ple abo ut te e n ·age misbehavior and possible traffic problems. The permit was sought by Edward Moehl enka mp o f Redondo Beach, re presenting Sega Centers. H e ask e d p e rm ission to oper ate a restaurant s erving rood and drinks. including wine and beer. plus operation of amusement games. The proposed site was at l~ Brookhurst St., immediately adjacent to an Albertson's supe rmarket. The Tiburon South condominium complex is located behind the stores, set off by a block wall. Moehlenkamp said Thursday he has not decided yet whether to aooeal the Planning Commission's decis ion to the City Council. . "It looks like most or the community doesn't want to see three teen-agers together an one place,'' he observed . , Moehl e nkamp said the company ope rates a similar facility. J .P. Pizzazz. in West Covina and claims it has had no problem with its patrons . Planning Commissioner Len Santoro. who visited the West Covin a busi ness. said his ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SHELL STROLL -Liz Agee of Long Beach and her daughte r Tina. 2. hunt for shells along the bearh as the lifeguard tower on thC' o.lty ...... -~ca..-tt.T Hunting t o n Bcarh Pier looms 1n the background ..:...:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Huntington pair face charges Suspects captured in three-month spree of robberies Police have a rrest e d two Huntington Beach m e n on s us picion or committing 16 armed robberies or banks and convenience markets with.in the past three months in Huntington Beac h , Costa Mesa a nd Fountain Valley. Suspects George Jay Johnson, 25, and Gary D. Zerbe. 22. both or 8450 All a n ta Ave .. were arrested Thursday in Fountain Valley at 1:30 p.m. as they drove away from Home Bank. on M agnolla Street and Wa rner Avenue. police said. Fountain Valley police say they confiscated a sawed-off shot gun found in the car the suspects were in, which. police said, was stolen. LB coaSt plan OK'd Laguna Beach City Council me mbers have finalized a Local Coastal Plan t.hat provides for a maximum development of 550 more homes on tbe remainiftC vacant hillside land in town. Witb two members opposed, tbe cOWJCll endorsed a plan that establlsbes a maximum density of four units per acre on hillside properties. Kyle Butterwick. the city's auist.ant d1redor of community d eTelopmen t , te rme d the hills ide portion of the LCP a compromise between property owners who wanted higher den sity. and nel1bborbood associations who vied for ·less development on vacant parcels in their communities. Referring to the theoretical development potential of 550 dwelling units on remainin1 vacant parttls. Butterwicll said that figure "actually will be less than that." • t Police were called to the scene by bank employees who said the two men had also been in the bank the previous day and were acting suspiciously. pol ice said. Fountain Valley police say that Johnson h as ad mitted i n volvement in nume r ous robbe ries in the three cities. Hunting ton Beach police investigators s ay J ohnson matches the description of the m an who robbed both the Santa Harbara Savings office. 20981 Magnolia St., on Tuesday. and the Tokai Bank,.1900 Brookhurst St.. on Monday. Total loss in those robberies was $1 ,076. police said. Police say that J ohnson is s uspected or involvement In one robbery in Fountain Valley with the rest allegedly occurring in Huntington Beach a nd Costa Mesa. The two suspects were turned over to Huntington Beach police and are in custody in the city jail. authorities said. co ncern was the proposed location or th e local pizza parlor-game center, not the manner or its operation. · · 1 was very impressed with the.Ir operation," Santoro said. · · 1 would like to see one in our city '1 But the commissioner satd the prox imity to h omes and a d jacent business es . plus potential tramc problems. made the Brookhur s t St reet s ite unsuitable. He noted that the We::.t Covma location was in a free standing building with no reside nces within one·half mile a nd no othe r bus inesses w1th1n 1.000 feet. Sally Blatter: a spokeswoman f or the Tiburon Sou th Homeowne r s Association . presented 300 signatures to the Planning Co mm issio n Wednesday from res idents op p osed to th e piz za parlor·game center She s aid r esidents a r e concerned about incr eased vandalism and burglaries, and an adverse effect on property va lues if the bus iness i s p ermitte d to o pe n at the Brookhurst site Similar concerns regarding te<·n-age patrons were voiced by representat1 ves or the adjacent Al bertson 's· m a rket and a n earby oHice o f Fullerto n Savings and Loan. Geothermal power eyed . Huntington to. apply for $25 ,000 state study grant By PATRICK K ENNED\' Ot U.. o.iay ~-SIMI State officials believe possible geotherm al power underneath Huntington Beach coul d be tapped in conjunction with the city's extensive oil drill ing oper ations. To discover the potenti al of natural hot wate r power an Huntington Beach, city and Orange County officials have agreed to file a preliminary appli cation Monday for a S25,000 geotherma l study gr ant from the California Energy Commission City and county officials s ay they plan to match the pros pective grant to launch a $75,000 study that is earmarked to berome a model for future geothe rmal explo rations 11. Orange County Othe r potential geothermal Aields exist an Seal Beach. La llabra. Fullerton, Placentia and Yo rba Linda , say county oHicials. Paul Raver . Orange County administr ative analyst. s ays state officials believe hot water power could exist underneath nearly the entire s urface or fl u n t1ngton Be ach and the proposed s tudy would judge the feasibility or tapping it for energy . .. T he potential of geothermal power her e is t r e mendous . es p ecia ll y becau se it 's Juxtaposed wi th a h ighly urbanized area a nd could be used for heating homes or for heat processing in industry .. The study would teU· us the water now rate. its depth and temperature.·· he said. Raver said one prospective oil drill ing operation in the west central part of t he city hat nothing but hot water that was gauged at 475 degrees before the we ll was c:apped Caty planner Di ane Border sctys data from 011 companies opl'rat1ng 1n the city would assis t 1n the proposed study ~ s Hordcr says the State Division or Mmes and Geology has idcnt1f1ed lfont ington Beach cts a potential site of peothermal ''The potential of geothermal powe r here is tremendous.'' power and thus qualified for the slate study grants th;it became available in 1980 Some geothermal studies have recently begun an I .os Angeles County ...... but Border says local officials believe the proposed Huntington Beach project would be a first 1n Orange County Mike Sm i th , geothermal s pecialist for the California Energy Commission. explains that geothermal e ne r gy is attained by ha rnessing heat fn)m scalding water that nows. deep beneath the surface tie says that the water. at tc:mperatures greater thctn 400 degrees. usually makes its way c·loser to the surface by pushing through geologic faults . .. Oil drilling operations m the pasl have brought hot fluid to the surface but no one wanted 1t and the energ> was lost as waste heat.·· Smith said He !>aid a mixture or hot water and oil could be separated al the well head and heat from the water co uld be trans rerred into energy UC Irvine mulls clinic, pavilion UC Irvine Chancellor Daniel Aldrich has announced that a 7 ,000-seat sports pa vi lion and an outpatient medical clanac costing $1 0 million each a·rt: being considered for development on the Irvine Campus H e said he will go before the Regents. the governing board for the L'C syste m . J an. 22 in Sa n Fran cisco t o see k pcrm1ssaon lo build the clinjc, which would take three years to build Aldrich said Thursda) he 1s now considering whether or not to em bark on a fund ra1sing c1rive for the sports pavilion. which would be the home of the . CCI basketball team .. I think 1t can be done !the rundraasmg 1. but I have to get s ome idea about interested potential donors.·· Aldrich said at " meeting this morning with members or the news media lJCl "s basketball team now plays 1nost of its home games on campus at Crawford Hall, which ha s about 1.400 seats. and occasionally at tbe Anahei m Com·ent1on Center . HB challenge denied lluntmgton Heach Mayor Ruth Finley said today she"s rel;eved that the 4th District Court of Appeals in San Diego has denied a lawsuit that challenged the validity of the 1980 City Council e lection because of alleged ballot counting errors. Filed immediately after the election b y t hree losing candidates Ed Zschoche, Dan Mahaffey and Bruce Greer t he laws uit was previous ly denied by Or a ng e Count y Supe rior Court judge Bruce Sumner. Council members Jack Kelly. Ron Pattinson and Mrs Finley were elected an the April. 1980. contest. . Zschoche. Mahaffey a nd Greer finished fourth. seventh and eighth in a field of 12 -candidates. ·'The decision 1s a relief for me." said Mayor Finley. "This IS the first lime l"ve been able lO look a t my election plaque without wincing. Now I know I'm officially elected ·· The t-lection plaque given to winning candidates lists the number or votes received. she said The lawsuit contended that afte r tabulation computers broke down on election night that 700 ballots were improperly counted and that numerous b al lots mutilated b y the compute rs we re in accurately duplicated The lawsuit also charged that so m e h a nd ·cou n l in g a nd duphcal1on of ballots wa s done behind dosed doors with the public barred from watching Zschoche testified in Superior Court t hat h e witnessed nume rous ballots tossed into tra s hcan s without being duplicated A s pokesman for the City Attornev ·s office s a id the a ppellate decision announced Wedne!>day s t ated that City Clerk AJi<'aa Wentworth properly supervised the e lection The court"s decision also noted that i f 700 ba llots we r e improperly tallied, the election .., , and 1 n gs w o u·1d n ·1 h ave changed because the third-place r1n1 sher Pattinson was nearly 1.000 votes ahead of fourth-place Zschoche. Caty Clerk Wentworth also was running for re election at the same time she supervised the ballot counting ·-rm disappointed," Zschoche ~a id "But I hope next time the public and candidates will be al lowed to watch t he ballots b<'ang counted And perhaps the c ity s hould get so me new t'ciu1pment !lo count ballots) · Zschoche and Mahaffey have stated they intend to run for City Council again this April. Greer co u ldn 't be reached for c·om ment Mahaffey estimated t h e thr ee s p e nt $30,000 challenging the election .............. LAWSUIT DENIED Losing candidates. Ed Zschoche. Dan Mahaffey and Bruce Greer. left to right. who challen~ed the 1980 Huntington Beach City Council election. had the ir lawsuit denied by the 4th District Court of Appeal in San Dicf?o. ' ' . ---.............. &#' NYSE CO MPOSITE T R ANSACTIONS OUOf AflO..' ... (LUO .. TllAO&,ON fNI .... YO••. MIO••U. l'ACll'I(, ..... 10 \fOlll O• no11 ANO (1111(1111 .. 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I I JIO'A-''I UD•IC.i I IO D 411 > StJ9Ljl> I :W S I I~ UnP~ I IO 14 •7' SI ~ 1 20 ,. ••• u n1roT' ) ,., '-'" • ' t~p J,:,~ J Jr. ff~~ ., ~~:~b ~ t I fl~ ~;: s.n... 00 l't.-"' Unlrlld 40 11 SJ 10'4 • = '.: . :J :::~ •4 ~~;~e· .. · ~ n J ,:f·: =••-10 I I Un£nrg 1'1 • It .,.., I ........ Ulllwm J.7t S 11 ''°"· Mfttlltll~t~ ~ ~: ~ Ulllullf J '7 l Ult •' ~lfld t I J US ,,_ .. ~:::~:: J 1: 1-; ~;,, I:-":. 1,:i! 1t .: ~ • ~ Unlll"" Ill II U .. • ....... • ltlt t • It 0 .... UlllllM t2 J • It.lo E!,,r ,. 7 .. ·~· .... ~::~'!: '''-l = ·~ . -1• It ~· ~ UnPIJMn tt M 1 .. M G ~-'-USF.S 1 12' SI JI,.. = .. I tD II Ullo-USAlr n l ,.. 111<'1 • Ilk II II> S USGy~ 1 tO 1 .. Ml!+• .... I .. I SA7 JI -lit USHom .» I IJI UY> la , 121 11 • "9 USllMI ,. 12' .._ 1 • 14 lttl SJllt-~ USL•.. .. 9 t.J U•~ • . It. l'7 t7 -14 US ltty .. a • IJl4 . 14 10 J --... USSlwl t I ZS • .a M"' • It '°"' . • . USS...t t '411t U... I t 1 .. 1114 ••. UST• t ,e 11 '10 •1tt-n I t ltlo\.-" UllT~fl tA t "' 4.J -I l.D I 41 ""'• Wi l.iT<fl .. J..11 . It SA ts 7 '"'-+ ~ I.IT ell .. t U • lat tt • -• "' unlTel 1,a •-~ r: ' • • '.; ~ Uflllff t 1S It tt$ n;:. I tu r ., Whaat 's the most successf ul ma.a1ine in America'! fl depends , ol course, on what you're meaauriq. But by most measures the aruwer ts goia1 to be TV Gulde, the UttJe pocket 1uide lo ltllt'vision procram• that selL'I now for 50 cents at checkout counters TV Gulde , p ublishe d hy Triangle Communications. a company ow-.4 by Walter Annenbera. la fint in these categortee · 1. Total elreulation: 18.4 million. The closest competitor here ls the J(uder'• Dtcest, · wbose circ ulation Is 18 million and the Di1est Is a monthly while TV Guide comes out every week. 2. Newsstand circulation· 11 .4 million copies. T~~ runnerups in this category are Woman's Day (7.G million>. Family Circle (7.4 miHion>, National Enquirer t4.5 millionJ and Penth~e (4.1 million) . 3. Annual revenue collected rrom newsstand sales: $238 million. Second to TV Gulde .. ere i.s Penthouse, which took in 1129 million in 1980 . 4. Amual advertising revenue: 1231 million. The runnerup here is Time. clocked at 1214 million in 1980. S Total revenue from all sources. $613 million. far behind, in second place, 1s Time, which garnered a total or $346 million' in 1!8> So this liny ~ magazin e . . which tells you !·; o what's on the ' tub e , ha s become a *60C> m i 1 I ion p r o p e rt y . taking in lllTll IUIRRZ money at the rate or $1 1.8 mill.ion a week. It stands lo reason. I suppose, that a people so addicted lo the tube would find their favorite reading matter in such a publication. We have a good fix on the magazine business thanks to Folio, a remarkable magazine that comes out or New Canaan, Conn. Every year it ranks the top 400 magazines if'l the country by every conceivable standa rd. It's a bible for advertisers, who have to decide where to put their money. Hete'a the late5t ranking or the to, JI magazines based on their re~ues from all $0Urce9: 1. TV GQide: tlll million a. nme: SS46 llai.Hiaa I . ft.Heier'• O.Snt: $21151 million 4. Newsweek . $25'6 million S. Playboy: 1199 million 6. People: $198 million 7. Sparta Illustrated: $196 million 8. Womu's Day: $163 million 9. Better Homes & Gardens: $162 million 10. Penthouse: $162 million STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW Y°"ICIAP'I FIN! Dew J-• -tor T--.r. 8a< If AMERICAM WIERS UPS MIO DIWIS NEW Y°"" (Al't -Tile fltlj-1 ... to• _, .. -Y-Ilk• E•<-.. -u---r-• 111911 --.. -------.. ,.,<_4111~ ................. _ ... , .... ,...,. Ne ~_,~-...... tf ... IAc .. ~ *'... ..~, ... .. .,.._ ~ • .,!e _.-. <IMI ... STOClll ·-" '"' U Ull ... .14 -1• "2.1). 111 -1 .... c-a. ..... .ti "1 II ~ 14 • t l• 111AS 19*.0ll II 1.U 112 8-0 11 ..._.._,. till.JI HUI• I .• t::: Trell l,Hlb 16 5111 •• WHAT STOCIS 110 HUW '1'04illt tAP'I Dec 10 .......... (., '~u Decll-141 vnc,,.,,... .. Tot .. I~ ,..., -flleM .. -~ •• -AT-XOO NE• \'~ IAl'I Dec 10 -~ ... ,_ti. DecllneG 297 UncJ\ ...... u. Tot• Is~ .. ....... ..,., tO ,...,_, 10 MflALS ,__,.., •.Ul,ClllO 1.011,..0 STl,tlllD •• 111.• Prft °1r1 llJ "' 1-.:i .. 10 Pr9w 9;J, -~ •1 ' Z2 , .... , 11-..u uno • H und. u S ..-i...-'--ll ~s·-zi.c Q-4'1•·<-.t•...-.-11 .... .., Ti. '1 "'1 --c_..it• • A._._ ,.._c..,11 e .,.._, N Y ~~---"-~ ........ ..,,._. lroy "'·• N 'I' SILVEI .._, & --· • •119r lrov-• ..... 0 ..... ,. ~--- ,._ ~ Olia I'll!. I Ant S + 1la U, ll.l J T )llllt ' S-. I.If 11.S J ,...... """ • 1i. "" 17.J • E l'll90E "9 • • " U, 10 I '~ ""'·~"" lt.4 t o--.. -• Ji.. U11 lt.O 1 Mc lAloelO .. ,_ • ... "" It 0 I GTl'I l .Jt9f , .. • °"' VI' t 1 t ANMi<'tl M-. • 1 U. U It'-II • " VI' 1.6 II N•" !d9J 14\.'I • I... U, I.• 12 us ~ ..... • 1,,., "" 1.4 U o-C.. IO .. 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' I ~ "' lf.,IMI ~ *' • ...-0..11 • • IS 11~. , Vere .. 6 • I ....... , ,, ............ \j, = 111• " '""'• ..... .., ... ' ' " 1=-...1 .f; .... I' .. -------------- Daily Pilat Fountain V. alley basketball team FRIDAY, DEC. 11 , 1981 11/F COMICS C9 to face Ocean View in tourney final . C3 . .... .....,_ ALI WEIGHS IN ~tuh<JmmiJd Ali looks al lht> st·ale:- afler \H•1g h1ng in Thursd a\ 1n :\assau. Bahama .... lor l•)n1~ht·-. hottl "1lh Canadian hl'J\ \ Wl'lj!hl t hamp Tn•\ n1 HC'rhkk Problems beset Ali-Berbick b,out Money the primary concern NASSAU . Rclhamas <AP1 - Former heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali. nearing 40 and the heaviest of his career , is s c heduled to fight tonight agatnsl Trevor Berb1ck in a bout plagued by problems . Thursday, rumors flew like the wtnd whic h whipped this island and d r opped th e tern perature tnto the 60s after Berbick said he hadn't recieved all the money due him and "it's got to be there. or there won't be any show ·· But Be rbick 's f inanc ial prob le m s a ppa r e ntly were solved , and a source close to the boxer s aid Thursday night he would fi~ht for SJ00.000 AT THE WEIGH-IN Thursday morntng at which he scaled 218 pound:.. Berb1ck said he had received "Some pocket money ... about $100,000. James Cornelius of Los Angeles. who IS president or Sports Internationale, Ltd .. of the Bahamas , insisted the fight would go on. Then, several hours late r , Lionel Schaen. president of SelecTV. 1n cha rge of worldwide te levision sales and dis tribution. s aid. "He has got most of his money. and the r est will be pu t int o place tomorrow ... .. We were told yesterday ANGELS ACQUIRE PIRATES' FOLi HOLLYWOOD, Fla. CAP> The Angels acquired shortstop Tim Foli from the Pittsburgh Pirates today for catcher Brian Harper. Foli, 31. balled .247 with no home runs and 20 RBI with the Pirates In 1981. Harper, 22. batted .3SO with 28 homers. 45 doubles and 122 RBI in 134 games with the Angels' Salt Lake City club. Harper, a native of Los Angeles, was signed by the Angels In the June 1977 free a1ent draft. He's batted .323, . 293, .315, .285 and .350 in his five minor league seasons. Foli, who prepped at Notre Dame High in the San Fernando Valley, has a lifetime batting average of .251 .• t We dnesday > by new American investors brought m the last couple' of weeks that all of the fighters will be taken care of." There was a rumor that Thomas Hea rns. beaten by Sugar Ray Leonard 1n their welterweight titl ~ s howdown. would pull out of his scheduled JO -round middleweight debut against Ernie Singletary ·'The fight is OK with us. We have a letter of cn!dit." said Emmanuel Stewart , manager-traine r of Hearns. who s aid the fighter's purse was $500.000 ALSO SCHEDULED to be on the c ard wer e unbeaten heavyweight contender Greg Page. Scott LeDoux, who will fight Page, Earnie Shavers, who once fought Ali for the title. and Eddie Mus tafa Muhammad. former World Boxing Association light he avyweight ch ampion. Ali, who will be 40 January 17. will get Sl million for his first fi ght since he failed to become heavyweight champion a fourth time when he was stopped after 10 rounds Oct. 2. 1980. by Larry Holmes. World Boxing Council champion. Ali blamed an overdose of thyroid medication and the loss of too much weight for the lisUess performance against Holmes . He weighed 217''°" for that fight, but came in at 2361/• for what 'he hopes will be a fight that wlll earn him a title shot against Mike Weaver, the WBA champion. Ali 's previous high weight was 232 for Mac Foster in 1972. "SIX MONTHS ago, I was retiring." said Ali. "I was tired of boxing. I was going to g~ out or it. I lied. ·· 1 didn't lie," he added. "I changed my mind. "Some people can see farther than others," said Ali or critics, who say he shouldn't fight again. "Some have limited vision, some not. I can see farther than most." The fight is scheduled to start at 7:20 p.m. PST in an 11,000-seat arena at the Queen Elizabeth Sports Centre and lo be ~levised on pay cable and subscriber television. Schaen said the fight could reach 9lmost five million homes in the United States. UCI has breather, 116-70 Special to the Dally Piiot With a crucial game against Nevada-La11 Vega s facing the UC Irvine bas ketball team Saturday night, the last thina Coach Bill Mulligan wanted was a to ugh, physical eontes t from Hawaii-Hilo Thursday. to have a fun game rather than the grind of four days or practll'l' IM!fore 'Nevada I I.as Vega~ · ·Tht' great thin~ about this gaml' wai. t•verybody got to play and everybod) got to seore ... Well. Mulligan got his wi s h. The Anteaters jumped out to a 12·2 lead and poured it on from there as UCI easily dis posed of the Vulcans, 116·70, before an appreciative crowd of 1,472 at Crawford lla ll. The Anteateri. we re led, as us ual, b) All-Am erica Kevtn Magee, who had 28 potnls fon 10 of 15 from the noor1 and 15 rebounds in only 24 minutes of work R a ndy Wh1 eldo n added 18 points 18 for.JO). lien Mc Donald had 14, Kevin l"ulle r came off the bench to eh1p in 12 1 6 for-6 1. Ratner Wu lf tontri buted 11 . while Bob Thornton abo had 11 and 13 re hounds The victory improved the Ante aters record to 5·0 for the season. the best start for a UCI bas ke tball team in the school's hi s tory , and added m o r e drama t o Saturda'y's eneounte r with Coach Jerry Tark.anian's Runnin' Rebels. Besid es the. l'arly i.purt. UCI also outscored the Vulcans. 15 0 during one ...,tr1:tch of the first half to 1ncrcase its lead 111 4!1·21 L'Cl lt•d by as much as 50 po1nts ··This game was more fun than pract1eing ... said Mulligan. "It's not bad Cards, Padres make a deal Or do they? SD may get Templeton HOLLYWOOD. Fla. <AP1 - Two of ba se ball 's b es t s hortstops Garry Templeton of St. Louis and Ozzie Smith of San Diego may be changing uniforms in the aftermath of a puzzling ··partial trade" co mplet ed at the winter meetings. The Cardinals and Padres made a l ·for -1 s wap, with pitcher Steve Mura moving to St. touis for outfielder Sixto Lezcano. But the intriguing part of Thursday's wade is that there is a mysterious "player tq be named late r" on each side Those players are expected to be the controversial Templeton and Smith. St. Louis General Manager Whitey He rzog s aid. "lt·s a partial trade. The rest will be made in three days. one month, two months or three months ... JN ANOTHER MAJOR action Thursday, the Boston Red Sox re-s igned free agent second ha seman Jerry Remy t o a fi ve-year contract estimated at $2.8 million The Sox have an option on a sixth year Meanwhile. free agent pitcher Ron Guidry appeared r eady to sign with his old te am. the New York Yankees. phoned Guidry and his wife. Bonnie. in Lafayette. La .. and expl ained the details of the Yankees' offer "They :-"ere asleep and I gave them an opportunity to digest it and talk about 1t It's up to Ron By tomorrow morntng I today 1 we ·11 have <iccepted or rejected lhe Yankees' offer .. Schneider !'l aid if Guidry accepL'\ the contract it will not be signt'<i until ne xt week in New York He said the negotiations w ere 1n the s p iri t of compromise · · 1 feel real good about the proposal , Schne ider s aid 'Right now all discussions with other clubs are s us pended. We made tremendous progress with the :"llew Yor k Yankees ... Schneider said the best way to describe the offer was that 1t was ver y lucrative. Schneider a nd Stein brenner finished their talks about 2: 10 a .m today GUIDRY, 31, was seeking a fi ve-year contra ct for $7 5 million. He played out his option after four·full sea sons with New York in which he posted an 87·34 record w1lh a 2.73 ERA He won the Cy Young Award in 1978 G u1dry was selected by 17 tl'ams in the re·entry draft, plus the Yankees Schneider s aid the re were a bout a dozen teams still in the h1dding for Guidry's services I'(' I '>hill 11111\ .. , I•• I .. Ill rn.m the fl>1or •th\· \1111 ·;111 r · ...... ,.1 111 .... 11h a 65 ll\'rt't•fltJL!•· • .111cl ...... 1 II •• rn l'JllwrNI fi2 r t•lluuncb A:. fur lllC' \'11lc•;111 ... I 1, th•' "t'l t' lt•d liy IJon lh1"" and 11.11" I \lt1l11.1m'.'> who :.i·or1·d 15 point:-1•;H'l1 t:11.ar1t l'.d fi ;tlriC'k, a lornH·r pla~t·r t11r \lult1L!u11 .11 ~<1dd!t·hal·k C'ollt-gl', had t•IJ.(hl 11111111' l ('J \I.il l nu" 1111·u-. 11 .Jltt·nt~on on '\1•\ ada I.a-. \'1 ·~J ' \\ 1111 h •l•·,p1t1· ln'.'>lllg >Hi iti 111 '\t•\ atl.1 lt1·1111 I h111 11.1\ 'till 1•11 m1· .... 1n111 lh1· \11 .il11 1111 I"'" "1111on l'i·nll·r i x :sup 111 1.1111-.• •I I'"' 11.1t1•.11oall~ Tht') ·r1• "" 1;1l1·111t·d o111tl 1111' ti,,,, ,ut·h a grc·;.tl 1·11.11·h p r ""''" \l11l l1~.:1n T:irkanwn dot.·:.n 1 i..:11 ''''"''~·ti 111·d11 for ai. gciod a n1;wll ;..., 111' '" ............. After a 2 ho ur, 55 minute n egotiating sessio n with Yankees owner Geo rge Steinbrenner, attorney John Schneider said he was close to agreement on a contract for Guidry ··Ron and the New York Yankees are close to reaC'hing ag r eeme nt. .. Schneider said early today Schneider s aid he tele- It appe ars. however . that Stetnbrenner a nd the Yankees will reach an agreement. Earlier. outfi e lder T om Paciorek. second·best hitter 1n the American League a l 326. <Stt BASF.BALL. Pag~ C'Z> LEARNING A TRADE I.I l.l'amn n It.di 1·111 •!.. ... ti" .1rm In pas~ for thl' Ft ~knntng. c;;i l>ou~hbu'' II.all "·'' ~1 :-.lando ut quartl'rhar k "hill' al \\'l':-.1 Pn1111 .111t1 ll11p1· .... 111 pla~ fnr lht• Dalla'> (.'11\\ ho~..., alt1·r h1' l1q· '1-.11 \ t Ill\ t1111r I" ftnlSht'd Rams have plenty of company this season Among other surprise collapses includes Monday night's foe , Atlanta lncredlble as it may seem. the Rams aren't the only team this season that has performed an "el foldo" act. Yes Georgia, your motley crew has company. It almost boggles the mind to examine this season and see what's happened lo some of 19fl>'s upper echelon. The Rams' story certainly doesn't need to be rehashed. But what of some others? Remember, the following teams were in the playoffs last year HOW DOES ONE explain the seemingly overnight demise or teams like New England (2·12). Cleveland <S.9>. Houston C6·8J, Minnesota <7·7> and Atlanta 17·7>?. Well. you don't ... at least not easily. Look at the Falcons. With all due res pect to the Rams. Patriots and Chargers. Atlanta has to be considered the NFL 's biggest mystery. A team that was 12·4 a year ago and showing nothing but signs of promise just doesn't tum into a pumpkitl overnight . or does it? "I really don't know the answer." admitted Atlanta offensive tackle Mike Kenn by phone the other day. "Believe me. if I had an answer J would have said something a long time ago." DOES THAT EXCUSE sound familiar? It should. Ever){ player on the Rams has echoed that same phrase at least once this season. Somehow, though, it all doesn't wash. Somebody has got to have an answer somewhere. "We've just been unfortunate," Kenn continued. "We're just not getlin1 tbe breaks like we got last year. We've lost five games this year by a total of 12 points -and the reasons vary. It's been a dropped pass, or a penalty, or a poor call by the referee, which has been apparent a lot this season. JOHN SEVANO r:\ J "We really haven't played that poorly .. Unfortunately. the Rams. nor the C hargers . nor the Patriots. nor the Browns. nor the Oilers. nor the Vikings. nor the Raiders can boast the same claim ACTUALLY, TO their credit. at least the Falcons <as are the Chargers. Vikings and Raiders> are still in the hunt for a playoff berth. In fact. if the Falcons can beat the Rams Monday night and then Cincinnati in their finale , and the New York GianL'i can lose one of their remaining two <against St. Louis and Dallas I. the n Atlanta won't turn out to be that big of a disappointment after all. ··Jt 's very frustrattng, bul we're still very co nfident.·· added Kenn "Considering the things that have happened we still hung in there and we're still in the hunt." The Falcons· stick-to-itiveness is an admirable quality. but that still does n't explain how they got their wires crossed "TEAMS HA VE JUST gotten better and better and the talent is spread out more .·· said KeM, in making another attempt to provide an answer. "Look at the teams with the best record in the NFL this year. You have two at 11·3 <San Francisco and Dallas) and another at 10-4 <Cincinnati>. then it really drops off . "Sure it's surprising, but by the same token . . . Take San F'nncisco. which is leading our division, nobody expected that to happen but they got some momentum going and won the big gam.,, when they had to. For other teams. It's been an • 1111 and do\!.n .... ,r11).!l!, lh1 "h11J. ''·'' Foot hall hJ' .11 .... '" h11•11 most unvn·d1 ct.1 hli-la111 '" •'I t.1111 "h~ it ha ppt•nt'd .ii I 11f .1 .... ut)if, 11 I don't know , Kenn d1w:-n I protn ..... 111 I.nm' .1houl the Hams· s1tuat1011 . 1·1th1·r t.111 ht' 1·.1n guess how tht•\ k<'I Tht')"n · u:.ed tn lw111i..: Ill tht· µl a~orrs," :.aid Kt'nn f-:, 1·n ''"'r tht·\ n· l'Xpected to bl' then· :"o~ th.ii th•·\ 'rt• not I'm s ure 1l ·~ a funm fcl'lln)! for lh1 111 .lu~I for that rl·ason. I lcx>k f11r tht· H ·""' 111 h.I\ 1• J good :.C'ason next ~ t•.ir etrT THAT'S TllE H.im' "hal about tht' Falcons·• "LI nless we· re ~o clt• .... l rm 1·d "t' 1·an t ~el up e motiona lly.· h\· .... 11d l •.int hcheve ti will happen toll" ··You JUSt dnn't ~"I:! I llk1 · "' d11l t1 year a,::o and pla~ a:. "t•ll "' "' rlul 11111\ to fall f1 ;1t on your fat'<' · · H 1t doe!'> haJJlll'll 11 "'ill ht• 11r !>mall comfort ln the F.1lt•1m .... 1111\n"" tin' re not alone • • • FOR TltOSE l ~F \,111 1\R .... 1th Kenn. here·s a lrttle h<H kJ.?r111111d lie was a ft rst rn11n1I d r .di 111t·k 1n 1978 and has started ('\t'r\ i.:.1nw 'inc·1'. having played 1n 6.S st ra1~ht Last season h(' Y.«'111 1h1111Ji,:h 16 games without so much "' ;1 ''"~I<' (lt'nalty flag. He's had onl~· t\lo l• thr-. '' ..ir .ind five in three years "I've always beer • .in 1nd1\ldual who pr epar es well and pl;•" \!.llh a lot of tntensity ancl prtde, .. s:utl Ktnn. who relies on finesse and techni4u1' r uthtr than strength ... Besides do1ni;t Wf'll for my teammates, I. mysc.•lf. wont to do well. If l haven't played th1• h<•Nt that I can it's upsetting to me. "I've always fl'lt 1f you're aoinl to do <Su SF.VANO. Pal(f' C'?> j ('4 II F Orange Coast DAILY PILO T/Friday, December 11 1981 IHI BllllTIN BOARD Rebels upset by Reno Lakers schedtde Home Sclh9Clule l>t·1• 11 l'11rtlar11f Ucc 13 <:uhlt•n Stalt'. :! I• m Pt•t· :!II Atla ntJ . 7 JI m Oe1· ._,., s .111 1>11~1:11 7 JI m IX•\' ~ l 'tah Jan :J ~at lit. 7 v m Jan 20 Nl''4 Jer!>t'Y .Ian 22 IJt•trort Jan ~; M1lw~uk1-.• Jan 28 Phoi'rux Feb 3 Nt•w York Ft'h I:! San Antonio 1-'C'b 14 110:-.11111 12 15 Jl m Fch Iii Sc.11th· l''<'h l~I (iolcJton !'.lJh' I-' l' h 2 :1 U e n \ 1• r I-' f' b ~Ii l'htladdph1.1 Ft·h :!8 ('l••\l'lancl ~ 11 m Man·h !I Ku11M1:. ('1 tv Mart't1 12 · Chicago Mur<·h 14' Dalla~. 7 p Ill M an·h 30 Sun 01t'g11 Aµrrl 2 Ph111•111\ A11r1I I P111 tlan<I 12 J(J µ m A1n 1I !I I l!•n\ 1•r A1ml 11 Se.illlt', 7 µ m \111 rl 11 L'l.ih \µrtl Iii Gulil~·n StJtl' All 1,amt-:-. plll,\l'd Jl tht• Forum \II ganu•' ul 7 :io p m . unlc:.:. ntJlt•d Ttek•t lnform•tlon T11°kl0h drt· J.1n1·1·<l <•t $12 50 Sii JI• Jrtd Si 041 1"111 mon· 111furm..it1on t..ill 1:i 13 674 64100 Runnrng Sl :\0\\ El 111111 \11 "l.1111111,.: Jnd •• mrl1· 1 un... .ii 1 h• "·"' ,;, h··rwfit :\lartrh' < 0111 p" I •I\' 1111 l'ut~ t".1111p,11l!n Pre r<'I!''' r JI 111n • "'" S7 \l II h J T ... 11111 SI \\llhour 11.o\ "' 1.111 11•,.:1 ... tr.1t1rn1 '' $X "1th T ... h11 t s.·, '' llho11I l'n11~t•d, 11 1•d 111 1111r1·h,1...t· 111\' fur 111·.·11\ • hrhli 1•n I l.1\ 111 r.111 r1·1tr...t1.1l11111 h··r.:rn .... 11 •· 1:1 .1 111 I-•1r 011111' lllloll lll,1111111 1 JJI '•:>!I :'';'Ii~ Sports. vacation show I' h l' Ii I h J 111111.il \ 11 .1 Ir<' I rn !'. fu 11 I ' \'..i1·,t111111 .md I<\'"""" ...,., 1111 .J.111 :.: 111 ,11 .\nah1·1111 ('111111·11111111 ('1·n11•r fl,hllll: lflllllllll( I ,lffll'llli,! I ,II .1l lnl1Hll.! l''i:h lhll' ... h1·1l11l.·d 1°.H'h "·" h\ .111111· :~·· l',hlllllllf' !1,1111~·· l'l 1/1'' lllfll'o ,11111 l,1~1· ~ho"'" h.·il11l1~I 1111111"'1 .111· 11•••11 '" '" ,. Ill ..... 1lt11dJ\. nn1111 111 I( I• n1 '>und.1\ .1111! \l1111d.1\ lhr11u .!h 1-'rtd,I\ :.: 111 I• r11 !i11111.tl .1111111 .... rt•ll ,, ... , -... PPOGPtH/l K mgs schedule Aemelnln9 Horne ktledule l>l'l' t2 \'un('OUH·r. 7 1> m Ike i'.:J l'l)l(>ntd<J J~m 2 l'Jlli(JI). 7 11 m J.an 19 ('olor.rclo .I.in 21 M 11\nt'l10t:1 Jun '1:7 l'hilud1•h1l11a Jun 30 St 1,11111'>. 2 p.m Jan J I 'Ill·~ York H alll!l'r 'I 7 pm fo't'h :! lt :tr tf•1rd Fl•h I\ \' dOl'OU\'l'I . 7 11 rn Jo d i i \l•mlt l•..il 7 µ m ... l•h t I </tll'hl'\ feh 17 \\',1i.h111i.:ton F1•l1 211 ('..il1i<..i1 \. 7 pm 1-'t·b 21 ()('111111 Jodi ~7 l'hll'JJ.:0 7 ll Ill March IO Jo:dm1111l •m :\1arrh l:J "ljl'~ York l~lanc.kr~ 7 11 m ;\·IJreh 17 ('ali:ar~ \lan·h 2Ct l'1tt,h11ri:h. 7 pm \1 ar\'11 '£/ ( 'olora;Jo 7 11 111 \larrh ~ Edmonton I I'm .\J.lrrl .I \'.11111111\ t·r :! J• 111 ·,\I I i,!amt•., pla \ 1'<.l a I tl11· ~·11ru111 All i.?aml'" al 7 :10 IJ m . unit"'' 1wt1•d Ticket Information Ttt•keti. arl' µnl·<·d al SHi SU S$ and Si Fur mon· 111l11rrn<Jl111n phon1• 21:J 1 ti7-l fiOl•I Los Alamitos racing 1,.,, Al<Jm1111 ... <111.1rt1•1 ht11,1· ra1•111~ \l1•nll;I\., lhrcrui.:h S.1turcJ.1,., th11111i.:h J.111 IK Jl ·l!Jt>I Kal1·lla \ \\' l.o' \lamrtu' F1r-1 J.111'1 i IS J• m Tt·n 11UJ1 tt·rhur-,,., 1.11 l'' "'hl'olUl•·ll <;randstand S2 25. t 'lulJh11u,1• S:l .~• for mon• 111forma111111 1.111 !1!f~1 12:~1 UC Irvine basketball Dec 12 1 ·:-.; l.:1'> \'1°l!J' Jl ·\n..ih1•1m < 'un' t'nllon < \·nl Pr • K .Ml p m Dt:1· 15 Lu~ CllJ \tan mourrl 1>1·1· IR l!I ..it t'hamp1nn ll1tl1da~ Cl.1"1r r :.ii :\f1ssoula. :\1 t ' 1h·1 ·> ~. "!I "1 \1 II~ auk l' ,. !ia~kl th:.!I • ·; •. !\ ... t'-. .Ian fi llru r.\ <'11!11·1:1.· JJn II ('!'. Fullcrttm .l,111 11, l ( · '-;antJ Rarhar..i Ja11 21 at l 'Jl01f1c 1 :1:. p rn Jan 23 Jt l 't .1h Slllh' Jan :>B ..it I.uni:: Acu\·h Stat('. i l.5 11 rn JJn :111 l.onJ! Bt>al'h St al<· •at .\n<1hl'1m t't>n\ t•nt 11111t't>ntl'r 1 Feb i San Jos<• St.it<• f'l.'b i; 1-"re'>no StJtl' F1•h 11 Jt San Ju:.t• State. R 115 pm Fel1 1:1 at Fn.-.. n•1 St;.ilt• f-'ph IX Pae1f1t Jo l'l,r 20 l l:ih Stale.· Fc.·b 1:1 J t ('~ I-11Jl1·rt11n 1-'eb 27 at l'C . .' Santa Harltar:i All J!llffil'S al i JO J.1 m , unl1·'s nnlt'<l •\II l{aml'., pl<t~•·tl <JI !'r:i•,..forcl ll;,lll un camµu ... 111111•'" 11111 .. 11 F 111 trd .. l'I tnform:1t1on. phun,• l'l:J:l 1;~1W1 - UN L V will take. a 4-1 record against UC Irvine Saturday t'ro m AP dispatcht's LAS VEG AS Junior forward Sam Mosley Sl'•Jl'l•rl 2:l JHll11 t s Thursday night, leading N,•vadu·Rcno to an upset 8'i 76 win over 15th rankNI Nl'vada I.as Vegai. 1n non ·confe r enl'e t•o\lcge bas ketball T he Wolf puc k. down b y as many as six potnth in th" (1rst half, cau~hl UNLV and led 40 38 at the half The Re bels l'ame to within one point three t1m<·b tn set•oruJ ha lf. but Mosley's two free throws \l llh l 30 rcmuintng in the game helped push "\l'' ada Heno to a 79 74 lt>ad Nevada lh •no hit 55 percent of its shots from tht> floor. whtl(• Nevada-Las Vegas hit only 38 rwr \'t'llt Thl• upset dropped previously unbeaten UN LV t11 4 I, whrll' N('vuda R eno bettered its mark to 4 2 Th<· Hcbeb ml•t·t l'C Irvine Saturday .Junior fon~a rd Ken Green hit 18 ixnnts for '\\•\ <1d:.i Heno. while :.cnior guard J ames Fontcnct <uldcd 1:1 The Hl·bcb were led by 6·foot 9 JUnror forward Srdnt') Gr<'l•n who canned 18 points and led the 111 ... n-. in rebound' with 14 Junior forward Larr y l\ncfrr:.on addl'ct 16 points and Junior j!Uard \1 1f'11Jt•I Durnh t·h1ppl'd 1n 15 Arkansas 84, Wisconsin-Parkside 59 FAYETTEVILLE. Ark Scott Hastings :.1·or<:d 21 points and Da rrell Walker scored 16 as I Ith ranked Arkansa!> breczt.•d to an 84·59 victor} o\ 1•r Wt!>Cons in Parkhtde 11 :.i-;tings hll se vl'n of h1<> 11 field goal attemplb and 1·onverted !>even of his c1~ht free throws. It w,1:-. \.\':.ilkt.'I'. however, who tO<>k charge in the ~t·c·ond half and t.1l l11wed the R azorbacks to 11ut!>t•on· the '1s1lr>rS 26 12 1n the first nine minutes of I ht.• wcond pt-nod Walker opcncd the sconng m the second half \l llh a dunk After flasting.!> SC'Orcd on a stuff s hot. Walkt·r hit :i thrN• point play It was 52 34 an Arkan:.as· fa\'or wht·n Walker broke loo:.c with :11111lhcr ,tuff St·c·ond!-. la ter. he converted a steal 111lll LI f<iyup :\rkansas h:d 6i 42 \\1th 11 11 remaining Kt:rth Petl'rson \\as the onl}' othe r Razorba(·k douhll-'ll'Ort•r with ICJ points San Diego St. 41 . U. of San Diego 36 S.\~ DI EGO F reshman Leona rd Allen ...,.,,rc·d '1 point~ to lead San Drcgo State to a s low \\Ill 11\l. the l 'navcrs1l} of San 0 1ego 41 ·36 Tht: L'nrvcr:.it} of S<an 1>1ego jumped ahead with ~1 I0·2 let.1d at 13 minutes tnto the first half. but ~an l~iego St<ite !>tored 16 pornti. in the nexl i.1x mrnuteb to take an 18·12 lc<Jd The lt'am !> t'X<'hanged baskets for mu('h of the rt•;,t of thl' half to make the '>l'Ort· 24 20 at halftime.• \\1th Sun l>1l'go Stull' leading At three minutes into lhe second h<il f. l 'n r vers1ly of San 01C'i.?O tied the S<'Ore at 26. but an 8 fool Jump shot h) Allen put thC' Aztecs ahead of lht• Toreros for tht· re:.t uf the game Washington 70. Montana 58 :\1 ISSOL"L\. :\1on1 Forward Brad Watson and guard SJl'Vl' Burh !.laked Washington to a !I 11<>1nt halftimt• lead with 12 points each. and the llu-.k ll'S rode the ad' a nt age to a 70-58 \'ICtory over ~l •intana. Watson went 6 for Ii from t he· floor and Burks \\ :i.., Ii fur 8 rn thl· first h.ill as Washington i. I ast brt1d'< l1•r1 tht: G ri z:zltes s ho rthande d on tht tlt•frns1vc end of the court Burks finished th e game with HI points :u1d Watson had 16 For~ard Dan Caldwell wu~ the lt us k1es' h·<H.ltng scorer with 20 points. 14 in the second ha lf. . Washington. which shot a tornd 64 percent on :1:1 or 52 field goal etllempts, raised its record to 3 1 Montanu fell to 3·2 With 6 foot 11 cente r Cra ig Larsen on t ht hl'nc·h with an inJurcd ankle. Montana moved 6·6 (orward Derrick Pope into the pivot Pope scored 15 purnti. to le<1d the Gnzzlles. but thP Husky dt.'f1•nse gave up those p<Hnls grudgingly Was hington'!> zone d efense collapsed around l'opl', blanketing him with double and triple 1°0\ 1· rage San Jose St. 85. Sonoma St. 51 SA!'J JOSE Sophom ore guard Mtkt' Moore !-<'ort•d a gum e h1~h 18 pornts as San Jose Stale tlobberc.·d Sonoma Stale 85-51 The Spartan!> used every m an on their team llfll'r building a 30 8 lead w1lh 7 59 ldt an the f1ro;t half The mid game score was 44 19 San Josl' State outrcboundcd the Co~C\ac·ks 52 :i2 :.incl oulbhot the m from the rl oor, 55 perrPnt to 3!'> l~H' n·cnt Fr ~·..,hrna11 forward P<tul Phifer had 1:1 pornt-. and 11 n·bounch 1n Qnl) 12 minute~ for the SµartJnh :.,,.n JuM· St ate·.., record r<i~t· tu 2 J . °"'hrlc• Son11ma Statt· ... 11µµl'd to l 6. Basketball scores College west UC '' "•""' t1$ .,_..wd1i 1..-.1101 IU Sc (•f (Olll"'Qlf ·~ Pon'On" Ptlltf &O "'4e~60• Mf'not i& U N L Y I• St•n.•0td 1'1 l.oyol• M41''r"tlAI"' '' Ortt-qon 't) 'f"'OOt ,,1.n0 •• '>•~ Oooqo St t i ~CJ•-Ill S•o Jow ')I IS """'°"1• .,,, ~1 P\.IQ•t Sound I• SI M4lrtrn \ ·~ •~•••11 ''· P«1f1< L"llWt•" &.i C •I ~t4tl' NOt OHtOQ .. ~1 (Al l uthf't•n )4 /4/u\• P41r1l1<.. '' W'n•tt• .. , I• ....... W•M• Sf 81 V">IV U Co•o•-1~ Wyom•nQ 1l W d\l\1nqlon 70 Mol>t•,_. ~ __ , Araanw\ '4. W1\ P•r"-\ldf ~· NP'ft Mt•ICO 4il 61 0•11•\ 8.tQI•'' \0 r,,.,., ff<n 101 '•>~u ,., •• ~tont• S....ft Vounq\town St titi ""'ttn Pt•1 \0 Ctntff'Wf't' al M 1\'\1\.S•OD• to11 •' T•n"«'.,..,.... Tt<."•1 E !Centuit •Y .0 N (:. l OV1\.I~"' bl LOUl\IM\. 1 •tft .0 M 10dlt '""" M Mc>r•ne.o i,1 s• f ufdlnt 11 ~t<hitJll~ St '' Community college TOUltNAMl.NT\ ~Wttl C..tttU\ 10 L A V•llf'f •) ~ uH~nt>t' .. C:.lenoait •' . ~ ...... ,. f r Cam • ..., tO !>ddo,.t>.to J'I tonqlif'-e<n)O (,P'e><i\<60 ~""'• ft•,o.itr4l ~~ ri-.orth '''o:tno Nd"'4'1 JJr.11 ~lat•on I) ~ .......... 0 ..... 11 It ........ 0 ->Hw 0 -~ WO\I l • \I M•t.teo\I• !IC> MoorNtll •I C.•"•IM'I ... C ut\I• 0 P•I<>""'' 40 High School TOUltN•Ml.HH F-..t_.tftV•llay ,,..,....,,,.pS.m1h11•f\ 0<,.•n Vtf>W Oo1 S.1v1lt" ~I 1 u~"'•'" v.11 .. , &I A•"4mt>'"• 'Hi C-tel .. _ S.m<INWI\ M tr• (0-.1• &ii LO'\ Aj•rt••t°' 61 Sal"lt• •""" Y•ll~• 87 t1~1'\l1nqtor ~"4'.l'I '• ., s.. .. ~ ..... C"-t~fup S.m1f1n•I\ ~4'll• An• o2 L•Qun.t tt ... , ,. 0 L. t• wrrOOCI 4~ ~t"W.pott H.t'OI.' •• ~Ci.me"'• ll"lntlt_,..,, f:: OOl"•ll IO l.O'\ An'\tqlO\ O) ~·"' (1f'miM'\1tt IJ ('l•rtiU >ii S-..• CM,,..._.,,.. O.Wn.rll1Wf\ L• S•rn.1 ID C.Mlvon ·~ 8rfa OhncJd ao L• H•b'•,, C•P•\H•no Y~tli"J It; k•~lw ~,.,,~. Unt•tt\tlt ~ ~l•11t 141 H•<••no• ~f'•9n1 \ ""''''''n ~·"·' "'' ~1 l.I S..--C ... .._,..,, O...rt•rt111•h Qi.;art1 Hill SJ ,..tll~!. SO AYt4f.On •t C.twr'lll'MI<» ~1 C•till&..C..,. O...n•"tirwt\ WOO<fOf•ooP cc; M<A'¥1dlP'I• )II: A •O HonGO Pt_.., 'W S:-ro"''°'-'"'< r t) Women .... -OI ..... , ... , ... , \ •1.-nr •• l\ U"1wr\1h llJ H .. ,_._.,. co,1• 'N\• •1 1..•Qvt\d H •I•\ k O•"• Hill\ S1 MAr1n., l8 LOnQ 6fi.C:h Poh U MalP' (J ... •l f.dt\01'1 .. lonQ ~«" JO#O•r t •••"'\JOit Poi• 11 F0t.inft.t1n 'w'•h•" Hul'\l1nqton fi~•c,., ,. , ... .-11,.n '"'•'bOf ,, Programmed Automation Pk.Js 5n.Jtter-Priority Sof?histication. Systeni lntegrahon. AUTO PARTS knowledgeable, friendly parts people IDAYSALE ... Prices good thrv 12-13-81 ~ I"' • ,.. •I 1' "'' •1• f • 'ui-• 1,1 I 'I I Ailfectco stores are open seven c1ays a week until Christmas HOCO Lio ClllllGA fl OCO VUI ltUTS :1 ••• FEDCO MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES .... . .,,,, ,,.. . ···' ... " .. ' STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS ,, 1• 'I -.1<1•"1' 11 00 AM 10 8 00 PM • LA CIENEGA· SAii IERNARDlllD AND SAii DIEGO STORES J ~ f t'! .. ~ • 1 •• ' •• HDCO CERRITOS H OCO COSr& llllSA .. U I 1·t l •'• •• 12 00 NOON 10 9 00 PM• CERRITOS • COSTA MESA • PASADENA ANO VAii NUYS STORES • C:j • ~ 1 '•' "•' I flOCO SAii 0111;0 • ~' ~ t • • • ffOCO SAii tlRllARDINO I •• • • • "Al .IV ~ ,, I Uo '• .l' SATURDAY S• All STORES 10 00 AM lo I 00 PM SUNDAYS • All STORES 10'00 AM lo 5 00 l'M OPEN TO FEDCO MEMBERS ONLY FIND YOUR NAME WIH TICKETS WORTH $ 18 ~er Medalists Owtstina Regouy and Andrus Salay T11n., DK. 22 -S-... Dec. Z7 AHAHEIM COMVIHTIOH CIHTll T.n., he. 2' -S.,. J-. l LOHG HACH AllHA 9 Winners In Today's Classifieds! IT'S EASY! Ftnd your name and address in today's classified section. then call 642-5678 Ext. 272 to claim vour tickets. Winners every Whl Pillt day, so check the classifieds in the ..... 1 --~----------- llOTFltll' AC. RRE· RING . SPARK~94c• TIP• H . p., e 'no .. n •• ~n a•et.'lg£-se• 1111 c,r1.;:e basl"d ul'O'I a •ecenl ndepf.OnCle'1• SU••ev o• fell 4C Oe•r ' our•e1~ n It"' ~·ea sered !'() a• ranr:lo,.. f a,,, •r 0 .. c.o )ul'~' •s•eo 01"0"' •Sar 1noeoer.,ent t>u\1nes~ .t'l•J ..,.,.,,.,,~~\ wh~tever O'h •. ~~ ~f -:r-+cos~s •or 11s l'•O<luct~ P••ces ,...,., var1 .l"d ... e nvole (Ou ' Sl'IOp .irouno IN tne ~SI oroces ouahly ~n !""'" e ~Ou c.an 1.,,0 Tor~ Setewdriver : d29 9-Key 5164 "-1;4" r::.46 8-Key tMtric 2mm-10mm s42s set JOO % lamb's wool seat SK1n Checlf your tool box to malfe sure [""T' ... 'I One size tits nery style, ltolds firmly, wasu,,,_, s29:~ tzWU-2, J , 4 CLYMEll DO-l'T·YOURSB.F ,,,-. REPAIR MA~~ #A 171 Ford Pinto ttA 148 Datsun Pick-up #A 104 Volkswagen sgss ea. ~ Tune- Up Kit ..... ,,.,,, .,~, ........ ,.,,,,,, CMt. DKF11DP. DKF11DP. Oil Filter For many U.S. Cars, Vans 'HIA,43,3535 . s2~~ Import I U.S. Auto Parts Specialists ;COSTA MESA • Sod Coast Alto SllllQINEWPORT IEACH • lhited Alltl PSts 688 W. Baker at Bristtl • 556-m • 2902 W. Coast ~iPWIY • 646-&3 'PRICES ARE SUGGESTED fRICE S AND MAY VARY AT PARTICIPATING RETAILER S Cle H r: Ornnqt> Coast DAILY PILOT Friday. December 11 1981 Mubara/, says it with flowers Boy gets 'who's who, of autographs HAMMONO. Ind <AP> Scott Kosner , who turned 13 Thursda), was looking for autograph s for h is collection when he sent bar m1tzvah invitations lo he ads of s tate and ente rtainers. What he got fr om Egy ptian Preside nt Hos n 1 Mubarak n oral arrangem en t and an for not b e in g ab l e to Saturday's ceremony. was u apology at t e nd 'fho mp!>on. Chicago Mayor J une Hyrnc . form er Sl'cretary of State Henry Kissinger. Hr1lls h Prime M tnister Margaret Thatl•her. Vice Pre:.1dl•nt George Hus h 's wire. Barbara. Israeli Prime Minister Men al'he m Begin a nd a handful of ente rtainers. ''I didn't think I would get u present especially from somrone who wasn't cominK." s aid Scott, who is fro m Dallon, Ill . and is a seventh grader al the Je w1!>h Al'ademy or Northern Indiana But M ubara k . who became pres ident whe n Anwar Sadat was U!>~a ssinated . was the o nly o n e ~endin~ a gift. Scott said he was hom e alone when the delivery man brought the gift Monday a white teddy bear and a toy J eep s urrounded by flowers ' Scott sent invitations to about 75 persons. said his mothl'r. Sandra Kosner . lie s a1rl he wa!> s urprised a nd 1mprc'>sed He said he merely hoped to rece1 \•t• signed rephe!> of regret lo add to his autograph collection He got autographs R eagan , l llino1s £o;zzelrl1n Shawkat, pres~ se('retary o f the Egyµtian Embassy in W ashinj(ton. told The Hammond Times that this 1s not the hrs t gcsture of 1ls kind by Mubarlk. -A EGRETS Egyptian Pres 1dl·n1 llosn1 Mubarak "<.·nl a fl o r al gill l o Indiana bu\ from Prt·s1dent Go v Jam es But he s aid the Egyptian president doe ... n'l want public1t )' Family o( five • ID tent Unemployed landscaper finds going tough In a mid town canyon surrounded hy $200,000 homes. San Diego pol1C·t• haw !>tumbled on to a sm a ll tent where Barn ' \.\'arfell lives with his wife Donna and three da uiihlt'rs Jill. 5, Shannon. 3. and 7 week-old Cwe ncvcn· Inves tigators who found tht· family T hursday said the Warflolls url' a ht•alth\. mte lltgent family unable lo make 1t finant·iall) right no"" Warfell. 26. a nat1H' o r -;Jn D1t·gu, said he Y.a:-._ working in landst·ap1ng Jround \'uma .ind P arkn. Arb., when the oY. ner of tht• 1 ump<.tn\ Y.tllt nut of bus iness m Sl-ptember With 36.11011 streets of ~ ...... homl'l1•.,.., µt·uplt· wa!ktng thf· \'ork, :\l <l\or F:<l,,.,arrl Kot•h 1~ PllCIS asking churcht·s und ~~ n.1g11c1w' to ..,ht·ltn at lea ... 1 10 vagrants a night The ('ltv. :-.ut·d th1:-. \l'Jr 1111hd1.df11[ lht· l'tl\ '\ home less. SIJ(Ot:d a l'Oi1 .. t•nt !(p1·rl•f' Ill •\ugU:-.l. tu off er overnight .. hl.'ll (•r lo oJfl) llOC' :->l•Pk111g It But on a recent night this week. u ni v 3.178 oeou le c•hecked into the cilv shcltt·rs <'11nd1t111ns thNP are d1rlv, crowded and unsafr. rrit11·-. 1·hari.:1· · The Los .\n~t'h•s TrJn~por tut11111 ("11mm1'\5Hm approved fan• 1ntrt•.1:-t'" '"''ra,.!1ng trom :!5 percent to :18 1w rn·nt for tnrll·1w11d• nt l.1'(1 11\\ ncr.., Tht• at·t111n Thur -.d.t\ Jffi>1 ting I'•" r:Jh drivers, 1A11l takt• df<•t•t 01·,·l \l.1•t·k Farel. Y.111 go up from lht• u1rrt·nt SI J(I frir thr first one eighth mil<· to SI !lit f11r tht· f1r~t nnl' ftftti mile. and from <!O ('l'llh f11r \'Jt 11 •utheq.H·nl on e-fifth mile ti' 211 1•1•nh for P•H h ~ut.-..equt'lll one-seventh mtll' Ne ighboring ~orthumht>rland ( nunl\ t• .. offered a 44·at·rt.> trJ1·1 1t ''" n-. J ' "' n '"' ·1ti 11 -ll· for res1dt.>nt~ of ( entralia. "ht•r• ,, -..rnoftJ .. rir1l , 19-ycar old unckrgrnuncl mini· fir•· ' ~l•1Y.I\ undermining the to\!. n Frank Duff\ 11f tht• l'1·ntr.d1d 11111• 1;:h <"• .. n .l called the otfrr tht· m11-.t p.,-,111" • h1·1~ l~Jt ... happened latl·l~ Tl11· t1·dl•1 al ~,.,,, r•ir11 •11: h"' moved 33 C:c•ntral1a hou-.t•h11ftl, 1i 1f th• m th•• year. The fam1ht•., h:I\ 1• f11un11 n•·Y. t111mt''\ on l\ with difficult~ An elderly Tul are ('ounl\ couµl l' ll'f1 h1Jmt•lcs:-. by a highway at•t•11knt ha\l' tc-mpnrdr~ 111dging and a permanent homt· thank-. to ,10 11utpounnJ! of pnvatt' help T he tra\•el trJllN Fl11\d an I ~.mma ~1arlin we re moving from t:~t'll'r Lo Oro,·ille ""a' rc-rl uced to debris when th1· Y.om.1n loM tllntrnl as a trul'k whooshed hv on l11 ghy, a\ ·~in t re\no. When ·word of t heir plight got drou nd . donations of a neY. tr3\'t·l traile r food ..tothe-; and lllTH NDTICIS 0\\"11)•'4" J \ °" E r II H I 1 \\ ' U . .\\'IUStt' 1c .. 1tlorr1 .. 1 l'uroinJ l'lt•I \l.11 t .1 l1t1 "\"I 3<' \E"t.1r' P:t'-1'•·•1 .t\\ t' '*'' Dcn•mlwr •1 t11x1 "h• ., , JO l'mpJ1111•" nl tfot.IL ~1 1· m" 1 1 ,, I II 1,, 1• • 1 .. M ort'; Jr\• •. , .... l"'•''T\d' '' • ,\. l \, ~tit ~-,,. •t 1 ~.iu .,., .. 1 ···'· l'J I 1,\. t I '. ,, ·' 11••t t 1 ~' ,, 11 1 ,i 1111 n.. "" ' 11 1 JC!o\ 'h1 \,I"· ,dtd1.dttd \\ 't t t •11 ( • ,,, !!t ...... • 1 , .,,, .1 I I ll'Jf •1 4 11f 11fl,t .ft \1 tt ... fl I 1t 1 • I\ f tf ' h I t ' t fl h1' HI\ 11 't ,, I" I .. I.... H t. "I I '1.11 '•·l l _, f ...... , •• ,,, 'd ( ,, ti• ph• ,\.. l,Hll' ... '.Lt• '.:1·11 111.r ' 1·11pl11 !l (I 1· "' 1111 1 .. 11 h 1t f 11 ... l,t \1t• I t '.1 i11tJ ,Jq fH1 l•1\1d·111 •' "'1l' 1nHnlo '.. ·,1 t .,\ • I .1111! lll'f'h• \I l\dl ( l.1\ 111 1111 ,, ' ~ I I J •Ill t 111 ti ( .. It I .I\ t I tl1• .. , I \ It t'' \\ t• I t' I 1 lol •" I 11d , 11. • • 111 !wt money flo<.>dcd 111 tu M&ll Towing Co . which hauled the• Martins' home away after the <t (·t1dc·nt .. !\ f1rt-tn the basement of the '>prawllng , \'Int· l'll\'C r ed II u n tin gt o n ·She ra ton Hotel. a landmark in the Rose Bowl c1l} uf Pasadena. fo rced thl' evacuation o f Sl'Ore!> of gue:,,t~ hut appan.•ntly caused no injuries. f1rcf1ghtc rs said Thl' blaze. which apµarenlly started Thursda) 111 J laundr) room. was qu1l'kly controlled but g.1-. m J -..kt•d f1rcf1 ~hter., st'arched smoke r hokc-d halllAa\'!'> fnr an) add1t w nal sign~ or flaml' <;Jld ~·1n· lh•partml•nt Battalion C.:h1 t>f Jim Largent Hain t'\J)el·tc•d late LO<lay will turn lo ~hOY.t:'r' :...aturriJ~ in lt11: San t'rancisco Ba} .tr(·a ;.ind nurthwt>'>t California. tht:' ~a•1onc1 l \\'e<.tth<·r ~l'r\ tC't' rl·1.1orh Sk ll'S \\Ill bt• s loudv near ~ount Sha.,ta tot! a~. Y. I th ~ho y, t:'rS expel'ted to n1 ~ht and '-;;1turda\ Th< -..noY. IC\'l•I should drop to 1.000 f•·t·t S<tl llrcl~" in ttw ar1•a l>on -'lt'rntt ~a:. s som ebody got tnlo his bl:'aC'h apartment al San Oit>go and ma<ll' off with h1:--.1x 1guunas. twu boa t·onstrictor:., Hurmt•se p~thon ;ind monitur h zurd :\!t>rntt . :!.'>. told polltt· T hur..,day that h e left thl.' bul'k door npl.'n ac1·11ll•ntully l ht· .,f two r.1n• 1.\h1tt• llJ,!tr <'Ub~ born in Oma ha 1,,,, 111•mlh ha-. ll !l•11 . appart>ntl~ of a \lral 111f1·t 111111 Jtl'l liffl('l Jh ..,,.., l.••P "'"n ni11n~. <11 n·c=tor of th<' lll'nn l>oorh Z11••. -..11il I hur-.tla~ lht.: moll' r ub had all the •tJ'l•l'.11 .tilt,..., 11f 1 \ 1·n ac11t1· viral disease. ""ith 'mpt11rn ...... 11nllar l•> th11<,1• -..hown h~ a111mal' '''"' nnc fri m f .. 1111,. !f1-..t1•mµt·r f'"lq• t ·1r' •1f .t f.OUl!'>\illf' 6. -'a\h\illf' lfJI~ lt·1 1 1·!1 1·n •••Ill•· lr•1111 '1obilc-. ·\la . to Pl'nsacola, Fla .. 11111 1 ht•t l '"'' • no 1nJ11ries or leaks .Iii h1 i: •• tt .. .tld ' .11 ~\, t.111' l'r' carr~ 1ng ... odium h .. 11 r• •\ '' \IH• I 1 ' I• 11•1ll, 1111!111·11bk t'o1111-.1 \1· llou1d 1 ~ • .1;11 ·11,1· 1.nl' Y.a'i loadC'.d ~1th i•,q1t• 11rudtH '' Tl11• I 11 .,, ;n 1 1o1' nt n~·t·urro d nc-ar )'lolino, a 111111 'utll rtl .1 1:n1, 11l-railrnt•nt -.ill' and tY.<1 miles north 1,f Y.hl•rt· .i \!17!1 ckrallrnent oecurre<t T lw thdt of mon· ttwr. 1.000 toys turned into a hlt•s.,1ng 1•11 ,, Ka n!'>as ('ity art'a toy-cnlll'Ction program th.1 1 was l1t•h1nd 10 1h <lrmat1nns of l"h ristnrns gifts f11r nt:t'(1~ childn·n Thll'\l'S brnkl· 1nt11 ,, S<'ml tra1l<'r this week a nd c·artl"<I nff to:.., "h1eh "l'r" to be d1.,tn bulC'd h' tht' a rc-a :\!ar11H' Corp-; Ht•,cn l.' to the C'h ildren throui.:h l'harity ori.Utn1 n1! 100., But th1· t heft h<1 -. tngi.:c·ri·cl Y.h.n :'.lartnl· nlf1c1als an· l'all1ng a ~odsend Sint·1· nt•Y.-; 11f tht• theft "at-broad('a:-.t. offlc1ub 'Jiii rt•..,11Jcnt:-. h;l\ r• 1nunllall•d tht• c·cirp<., a nd rollt'C'llfln act"n1·1•·' \\ 11 h tm "· don:1llons and ... upport Pare11ts help school E:-a:T ~:R . It I 1.\P1 T he (; rt'l'O\I. 1l·h Kc1!1ona I Sc·huol 1>1-..tri('t turnt'd to the parl'nh nf l'll'ffil'nlary 'chool Murlents lo t:<t:->C! a shorl<ii.tt• of f;w1al t 1~s ul.', toil<'I papn and µaµt•r lo\\ l'1-> \ houl too 'tudt•nb tw1k homt-note·!> a~k rng fur 111111:11 uin" 11f papl·r procluc·t.. untkr a pl<.tn pr11po-.crl h' l1111H:1pal \rnanda c:ri~gs and approq•d h\' a -.(' hool l!O\ C'l'lll nJ.: l'Om m 1 tlt•e DEATHS ELSEWHERE .... rvauc NOntf • t<.11 lt UU\ llU\1Nl" NAMl \tAILMlNI h,ll1fftllO\f I I Vii Jvolol.J rvauc MOOCC JI(. I I llOV\ 8U\1N tc )' NltMI \TAllMl NI ... ljlj ........ ltu PVILIC NOOCC FIC.Tt llOV\ liU\lotl \\ NAMl \I AH.Ml.Hf • ._. .......... ,(I" .. ,"' f>'•\lfot\I t I 'It I tU\1t •t. 1t oi-11l•1• All M tM •\J#IA.h• t lt1 IW fkl N ttlf.JAI •ANIA)lt ';. 11~1 I •t\i•iu,.. 11 If 4.A 14~ I P-.t tlf\'Vf t L t I hf I ' 11 1IJ1l1 )'1111.J C l•-.Ot I tf h l l•HU C tld1,ft•hl "'""''"""'' ht• I• th .,,._, itll .. '"""'~ut '"'' t (41~1101•1,1 ""-''' .,. JtJ \,41U1t., ... , .•• f~·· .• ,... tV•I • .., .. HU"t Mtf141;(111,,,, J•h ''"'··· MtC ht h I M.td\foUI ,, t . t. ''"' ,. .. 'nltt t ''ht I A.I If otllM ~ ,, ff/ i I l U'"* l I'• l f ,.,. ,, I ''•I• t I 1vr / 1l1l1;t' i.t 4/#\ • f IH l1U ti ·h IW• h !I Ur f \,~l1l·,fff1o1 fJt.l'I ''" 1., ,,, '4Julf\AI ,ft If huH1 I 1 ittf"' l •.1t1H 1lf1 " ..-••• lit ,,a.111 lho'lo \i,4h11 .. 111 t111 1 hH'tl 4,..(J~hl'f 4. u t io HI \Jf,11ty1 ,..", It•,.,.., C.•Pttl• & "'•\O•tt AUof'n•v\ •• \.t• 10•1 liu\Htc"'to\ tMnl•t Ut11ii• s~n· 200 ''"'•"•· C...Jlltorn•.t"l//t) 1 1~ 111~1 UJ·l4U "'II llu ,1.lif "'' M ull,.HHli4ttl H"''' Ah l•htl 11 I ,, t I I~~·.·.·,·.~ 11.'.:',~,:; I \ 111 \.IO• ()I IM.fl \ 1tli1f1f llht "llf.fl 1 M UholfHl•fl aH.I l•l 11• Al• t.tfl .. ,, h4J'"'""'''' ,.,.,, I• h I ••. ,,, f, • .. • • 11 N \lot /4 '"°'' """'''''" ,, ..... fl"" ' I: ~:::~,.111:1~1·;;.,~~11 1vt t 111 u ti.J 1Jt I Mou ~~::'~.·;··~: ~;••,';<", ... f ";'~~: I t-tl•IJ I II f i1l11f ,,,.,,. M~1~:::': t11,'.',•:••·: ~:;~.~';:~·;~.'," ~ '; 1 ---------------#/~/ rveuc NOTICE 1111\ hw\fl!t' 1 I llfl\iUt fl U 11 , t IH•w' fl l'tlf lf!t I .flt~ .. l/•llt I • Mu .;y..Jll-UI Ml"'(,u, .. FtCTtTIO\I\ 8U\tNt\\ NltM[ \lltff M(Off f'YDll f•·U t . ·•'t\;t \ u.1 I •··· 1, ' fhil 'hi \T14ll·fl64 ,., ~II hu ,, ~ '" llu t ... N U.,. Iii I LAI -t f "18 1V• WI ,:,~~:11'.",,"1'",:'°,:~'i t!f,lf1\,f• l ·~Ill, VII _)U\IMf '' ft' rveuc MOncc FICllTIOOS l>UStNCU l<AME StAT(.MENl I h~ totlov.•nQ l)t'.t,un~ .. ," c.Jf1•nt.1 "'''"·'' d\ I•" t N I t N l. (..ON \ u ~ t Ah f \ INllkhAflUNA' l\'t<t tt111t 4 'ti< I u\t& Mf'w '-•''''Hfl•.t<+/r/o IV•ll•<!lf1 A Md• .. ' t 11 ... Clt'f11 .tfttJ ru•t l .H ut """ ( ti ',., ,)t~• ttd1f1 l 1r i._1~ l ""'•Mt ·• c.. •i•t 'n1• ·uo" l t i' Aun ,,,_ .. , l ,.,,.,•~• ( "f'"lUh.,t" Vitt l-1,. 11Jflf\t )\Y4 H11!1 t ''" C..0\1~ ~""4 \ 111 foffll.I il••l• l <1\aAnoAA.tft,.f tt~•••.t•I f•1(h ''"' ht,.,..n, '' ., .)•f· , .... CJltl tl'W"f h•t no•· ha "'' .. • 11)121 Attornen ttl L..tw 1'.00 .. .-1Hft•IO Or ~u1t• 100 .. 0 ..... 1"1/ . "' ,, .. H•1n•. t.4 '111J , .. u tf~ '"'·' ' •• l'. U., H II I ;bl >h.;; •• P'tllllC MOOCC ,,, t // I h•. , R 1".,''1u .. A,,.,.,-, u ulttt.H n1e 'YJMLJ I"'~ bu'\lh,.,, na .... au.tJ ~t.rtl(M<1',(U I P'lt"t \t•h H•nt ........ t 11 1j .. ountv t Ir•• • "•~ ,.-t ( 1,..4 t-ntt#· 1 I t --I '"' t i • H o .. urt, u flCflTtO\IS llU!tlotl'S!t ~ lllU) ... AM( STATt.M£Hl PuOil\rwG f.H1tf'llf# f ••til I Iii•,. I •1 11 Int fot1<1 .... no P"'~""~ •'t-t)OlnQ ~( ' 11 1(1 H '" .tlf hi bu'\1n•\'\ <It\ Iii((,!'([ .. I '"Mt Fll(AN M O I O f<(, vr l ( '>t•CIYlo~ \/~$ ( 6'' ti•tbO• fJOUlt' •«t'U Nt-•""'' f:fr4t n r ... ic•o• n1,. 'nt.t>J '1J8UC MOTICC ''"· ''"'""""' ..... f !..O u ufdt (if'f • ut ,,,_.,,.,.. f.1tP•T Afflt'f1 <th M irf'J1.t In• .t ~I~~~-c ... 11torn1a •Or'1urd1•U(l IJl\ ld'Jf ., u ~ • H•lt>O• bo-ult"cr1uo , .. _.,."",, Ht-.A .. r1 l"; f. H •. 1111 UV\ bV\t" t '»\ ..AMl ~l A 11 Ml lo I 'I w I , J"l'1'1l {ttltt('rn••'flbbJ .,..,,,, ,.,,,,. • N N t, T1' .. Llu••n ... , ,,,,,,.Ju't"fl t;, .. •""' ,.,• t • 't I• (J.+o t'f1 bit I ,~, ... i.,tQj \llt'Q Of tnQI I \)A\1 tJtltl p ''1l(Jf Jot"' 4 I' ,_. 1-, 1~1 \/"'J l;I , .... J\ ,, ' y. •' ... W•I• t 1otJ •• 1 ,.1 ,, .. "I It ti ... , 1. .. . ... ... It 11 1, ~1••h• .. , .. ,, . .. P'tlBuc NOncc H(. Ti flOU~ llU~lht; >> r.AMl\IAfl:M t;N t I I 'ft l•.j 0 • ,;. • hi l •'r• L l•f1 •• .,,.., ... t,. rveuc NOTICE Ft(.TITtOU~ 8U~totE~!t NAMI; SlAlEME NT ~ .,. ~ "' .... It, l" •' .... l t.. ... l ,. 1ii '°'r.1 •• Ar.~. • ., ,,,, c 6 ,, ,,., ,, . Mtr '•'• r.,..," A,1 1•u• ,., ... •••• '''· jQ.tn. &J• M "'I• 1 .. ' o' tall A ..,1·•1~ 4, f I It Ii • I 4•1,1h,, 0 -'• ' Uo.i ti • (,,I '1ut to •l I '# n~J'. Ju' ••u fJdO(J t\ ;. ·'• ..,,,,., ... l M..,....,,, I" .tot N'-M ' ,,,,n, C,11 • J '" '""' It t " ~ .1 11 fit• \W.I l•t.•fo', 1t ),,, wl I Ul,I!\ i ,, liltlfl t• "'11J11 4f t1 A·•·.-1• c,tt1. ol I N\,,,, ,1,1 ~1 .Jett ~ ,1,; I t I tlrcH• ttC t111.•• f,11 tJ ,,. t "" •• 1, , .... , •• J ••wf1.., "'-·t' 111 It , 141 11 ,, u ••• ,._' ••l.il•\,llftt '.Jl•·t +I I i 9"' \lt•ili , .. f.>\j 0 ,.,,., ... •I"' • ,, ;1 .,,oftu1on•I t: >tto-. '),t_f "'' .,\ ...O\I Ullitt' bo" 11)tl \.tnl" Arw, c. .. 11Jorn1"' "'' 11 '~' t.urow "'o 110~11 ,.,,,.,_ ', .. If ... I 1, •If I ,,. rveuc NOncE FtCllltOV\ llU\11;( \\ r..t.MI; \TAlE MENI to I ' ""' .. ' "' . , ,, " . •~. .,, I ( b fl '"-'' l I (.,H I 1-0lJl ,,, .. , ....... r u\. ''' I"•'"• 1 ,J ho I t flf"' I I t t . ' Ito f.fi101 1I 111t 1 f .. , ... ' .t 11 J• r1.1t., L.•• •"' ·• ''• , ·i.n .... , ,,., i "' t' •• • '11 1~1 11, \ h •• I Li•"'n(.f, t.1.u 11, vn , l. 11 ; " ,, .. t ' • l 'bt No. J• ~ 4to) A H 0 ·0 E \ I hu1.,ru..,-. '-' •1h, """"' +flll.,4 ,, I t '"'' Lu'\1 11 , llflllJ, ,,,,,,, ui.t<11 •• ~ I• I I ' .11t• " 'Jf f ~ I t I • ( .. Qrttr • K ~\ICtt,, AMOrft~'' tit U • '~ '"''" k '· ',.,., ~· ... '' ,,, ,,, 10'11 8 U\.tM\\ (.~l•r 011w• ~'"'" 100 tr111n• C•11torn•4 •lit~ H S. .. "'' IU lo.2' f..1hlJI ' 'lt111 I ,,-,. ., ' I • 1. t "'' , t.. • rveuc NOTICE ~•(TtllOV> llU~INl\) hA.Ml: \114fl_Ml""1 I ' • l ._ t t ,.,. ... ' .... t •• t ... • J• h•ACJ'trl hovh~••, • tv\t .. ~• d t!tf._ I 1~1 • f , ~ U'" l• ' • lo ~VI• I~ If•' .,1 1111•• '". ... I' Ltton•fl ... , 1, '• ... 't., I _Jof I fot A\"-'' I t... ""t ,,. "' I lt •' ,, ........ ., 1111 ... ,, FthlH HAIU~tNC.TON 14 PrOfl'\MOl'WI u .. (otpg,e1t1on l'uhll"-h-<1 u ... ,,H.,. \ V.h' LoHl't' ~ ""'' N1. JI U+-1,. t• lk 1·~: ,leJ'tnt '"' M•<Arthur 8oul•wo1rd ~U:•tf' tJS H•WPor't &e.-cn. C•t1to,n1• 11...0 ---------------, F ll•ll• .. ,, r.JBUC NOTICE N OTICE TOCAEOITOA~ OF 8 UU ( TAAN\Fl'R S.t •101 •lOIU( C t " .. , r,.,, Q t .... ,, '" ,, • o • I "• fl/'. A" .... ~ ,~ ' f-~ ~ ,.. '" u ' .. , •• , U•I t • it ff1r.,.-. I r t" ' ~ t r r .,. f (I t r"' ,. ... \ •1•1• ... , \It y,, .., I ~ V ''to•·• r,. I l flt ff" fM"t '""'' ) ••U • ,,.,.,,,,(I I ·•t·•1u1 11 " •""' -'d• IC Rf..iB ff.I· ;,. ) ,,.. ' ,, tf\ .1. , ... ,.. ..... ,.,, .... ou ... r •• lfl'l•t •"I A•Gt-6 A,.; .. n ut (. , .. "'1 t 1'11 l (. ~, It I .. 4f'W).,. .... I 1t.., ·•. •t • ._ ', 1'-lh " • c.-IJ •' :)I·,,. 'd ,. A '\!Ot ~ ,,. 1• '••1.1tt .,tJV ('tt •l"I -1"" 9(1()11 t ,..._,, t•t1Jrr '''t Du•,,..... .. , .. .,,,.,.._, \)\ l I N.f \A Ml C l A" l t 111'11 f E: R I .. ~J.¥A [ r t • i.d••J tf J 'l t • ,f tJ-I •• "I, .,t ""'•Of t -,,,.,.1.1 r • I l.. • t • •" I•• b,.. "'''·""" Jll.t.1"': • uf' tit .. , rn. .;0,,-d<1• •'' l • t·lt ,..., ,_,.., • f'J -t rr cH IY• .,,,.,, y , ''''" l-.. ,,...., t 10 Artr An1·'" ~'''"" • .,,..,,. .... ~,oo,4'1 , uw1 ,,.., If ¥ • I ' ,, 'I l(l 1 t .,",," f '' """'' i..wo11 ~'-d, "''" .-"" , • 11 ... ""' • LI•'( a rveuc NOTICE N011Cl OF TkUSTll \~/.lf '""'"' "• ... rt "> ,,.. ,. ,4, .. f.. 'l \ U t11 •·" n,.._ 1 I ..,, tvr01, t 'II ti 1 ' t' W' f )• \ I 0' l--'Oti• •I, ._,AkllLI ,,, tn1 ._ "' "' ,, , .. , ..... ,, .. ,. ., . " '""" ,, I I • J It•, •• ,,, .. ''",tt11 l,t,111n1•ti••'•1tnq1 run,.,, ~,1 1t h t l ·•••• 11 ,,,, • f f UA ni1r••d 11'.J ,,,,,.,, '\ q C.'<J•J 't.--,.~ ,. t•• •fl,f"lt•• ·"' '""""" , ....... ,..,. •• f • ll••'ttJ \• flt<!, 1 1 ""Kl•' tl'l lflP Tron''"' PP 1ttu, '"'' ·~· ""' ••I•• . "' "'•I P'tllllC MOTICl ~ t( 1oI 10u~ llU~IHI; ~~ loAMt )lAHMlNI [•. . ,,, •h '" .... ..• I' ' " f, I ~ ~ ,. • J 'l·.4••"•• t •• ,. t •! f , .,...., ''"" • '""o ddorf'"\'ll"'\ v.Y.o ' "-b>t "" • r l"lf"\'\tt' 11 '"' It'! .. Ott'.tt thr.-.. !I tf'" ... •• "' 7Ht 1'.\.tr ,,, µr,,..rn,4c1e\ tnc l 1hn ,,..,,.,.°", t '~' ~t)£W-'°'t A Quint r • .,hf-0 °' ·'"'>' < Ud\' Daily µ110 1 C··· , '"'°'' u1q 111 rveuc NOncE r.OTICE OF TllUST El S \AlE ''H """'0 "''''' t , l l t t I ~ t h • I •• "'' f(t If I'"• I \ •• ,,, , I t l "" t J t I Al ¥ l. f". A 1,,. I: "-'~ t_ ... l O ' •• ~ • f '' ' ... kl kAT tv~ If A N'l f.r l(.;. ,, I• ,,...,~I•' ..,, ........ I• f ' I • ""' I• •J t.. t I~. 'll°'1•'1t0 l,1,~ ll"t ut0tf ltlf' • •v-. • o •> "'• t1bt"'<l \Jot-• 'uv 1 v. t l l\l A t:\ h~lt t.lH.11(.)h l,. Ml • • 1 '· . .. •I ... I .... ,, ,. . .. ....... " """It•,._, •it J hllLo tt. flJJ.. t>"o,,H .. ,., .. 0 t .. , .. ·'""'u1 t• t • t 4 I"°' I 1h '• • .. t,~h •ti • qt.I t ••• '""" 1r-l1 ., ,, tun.• •<U If! -''G '''""' "• 1n (l'I> tf uf' .)It t'(f 'tU "' 1• t i• l I I'll ,,..., n. It f of!o r LI• •I • 1t-f1 hu')h. lo,, • t t l •• b l.JWt .,._ I' ,.nf~.,., 1..-pvu OH l"' •'''• \H. ti *Vlf Cl' n,tfiol "I • u~·• to 01,11 ",,,.. 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Cou11h of 0rM'l9" .,, ,,,,.,,,. I ,,., I tilt I U• .. , I I• .. '• •J '" • I • , "'I ,• '• ,, ,1 fr-wt' tt1• , J lo t } • I 1 tJut~I t) I p, ., .. .. ... . ... ,. . ,, , .... ,, "'' .it~ •l't I ti ( '""' "'" ,, ... f"1 t•16f,...,l .,.,,,., ljt I ,1, I ,, ..., • t(,..,. .... u •I 1 • ft. E U1181l A P• Ill f L u, '· '" I• I• I • 1 I I I'\•' '"'' ,, .,.,,,. t ' .. ' P All(ll C ., ·~ . " "*' .. . .• PAJl([l Lr •, !/ H .... PAll(.(L f , .... ·. '•ol • I"" .. ... ... ... t . I ' < fll) I f ' ''\P IA',. u • u" f.•• 1r'l I,,..,,, Of l~f . ' .. ,. '·~"' ~ , • •rt~') J ''" ., ' " ' .• t!"t .. ,.. ...... ,, "' . .,... "',. . .,. _.. I '1 t'' tn.(J t ,,,. •I '· "'' ... ,.. . •• .t;. •• ' • J ... .. .., ... .. ,,, . ' ,. ' . ...... .,., •' /',I ~,,, Q ' .,•·o t.•"·' ·' 1 ... pt~ , f ... , , <1"'' •• . ) , .. , ... ,. . ... ' ~, t .... •• 0 . .. -· J . '•' ft ... ... . , ,.,, .. ' . , l• ll ' ' ' ,. (.•• .. , .. •, k I )o • I 011 • J'ARCfL F I I 1". HU I I,, ., ... ,, . ,, ~,.' '~ I 'I v•t1.· J ' .. • •"1 "-• 'v Mdp• , ... • J PARCElC. .. .. 'I .. P A l>CEL H ,. ,,..,. .. ' t ,) I '• . ",, . .., • .. 01-' I I"• 4 ••.1; 1•-. t '"'"' _;,• ' -tl'\o>.-1')..i "l•P' '· w..- ,, I''• 'O• ' "' '"' "'• j; 1 I \II .. '"' t AO .YdO' '"• P AJl((L I . , .. -·· '• "' ........ o• °Vl11U • (:rt • ('I ... • ••• &..:, ft ' t f1 Q Our·._. PARC l l J I ;. tn •I t f t-t I "4&.< I tu ·~· I &.• t Y •I '• • • 'l t ... M ;.ol'• jJ I , ''"" ·"' • y.,, 1 • ,..,.. °"'Mao •• • nt ""'• 1 w, ..... f'Of'• ,,, .,..f",, P&ll(fLK t A .... , ,, I '•A"-l.t i.. V • t .. \hlJl ~l h v \ol: 1l. n p.•n• .,_., .. ~ ... c; S.. • f tl1 Cl l. t t t" ft t I> I" 1 d'° r ( t P IJ t t I 1 ' l• 1 l • t~ rv lllC NO nc C ,,__,,..,, n .-.n. • '~· SUPlAIOfl COUATOFCAL.IFOAJtittA ,, ••• ~ °MMI II'"'" """U ... lA l\-1t1 ''Hht'n-ltJ-• 0 '.J . ',..... 11 ' couHTVOFOtitAHCE 1 • 11•·• ·• ,,,, ,, ''" •'' u 1 ,,. bn o"·t•ct• M"' t11 '• 700(t¥1(. C.e-t1i.r Ott"• tltt tt ..,..,., ,,. ' •1 •• .. ·~ "'•"'• •••'1 0°.-n • A... l t '°' J.ARC.lL l ,, .. fj 1 •"tf •u''"p ot ~0 80Jl!IJI <I It\, 1 ,,. j,, 1111 f fl °""'" fiQ <-tPflu'l''•••f •I 1 I I~ .... .,. 'J)of ~ci(Jr~•or()t-d r S...nt.1 •~.c••1101 ',,,,h t• .. r ..,, • ~·"" '•o•" •1 dM'1 J4 ol 'P1a1nttH lnll<I-. f I .11tt-. ,.,., •"'"' l•tAJJ ,,,,. 1l'r·•i Mu,,,. In. ot••l• ..:>f•nt (,AR'fl. MU()Plf'l.NlJ '' 1fll"1' r. .. 11> l!oi l••••,1 ,, I J t•1 unt-.t-11 t•to~ '""'111 ( vnh · J(NNffE Pl Mnu~l '''h11o1•• "' M •••1!111••1111' !'>J'..r1•-",• • ""''''•tt•I .. 'J.t• P•ACll M l t\A i"1 *'""''· v• f r(t(I o ... tPnddnl lh• .... ,.. ,, ~,.. .u .. r ,, r. I"'"' th• 1(11 ,,,., ....... I .. , .. ,,. h ,1. ,, .... • ~, M'11 t• 'orf1f-J ,... &no• EOV-.A~DllJ t'A rONANP ... ,,.,, ,,,... c~· "'''I l\}t V\ (Ht.. ··~ ..... ' ,.., .... "'' (V NTHIAlfNNt'Af\,t~ ''-1 1111••1•11 11.1\\1,1 \l•l •H1l1•' •"J>0 1 •1ft '•'' !\' o 1,o••uu•V11 •''""'c •f1o o otftu VwA~ll'1.J lll.lflf(, 111.1•.1•! 1rt1 1t1J 1,.J.,,.,,•11 11• 1tf1v•·I-,. WALflP~ ~tN(.&A~">ll\.llifl\ I I lr1•' •1-1° • 1'' j ""·1.Hl !•••it 1Hlf 1•·1•10111 n ,p, ! PAA((L fl; l"'I• ,\,H "'"h ot1r.J(t NO l dldlltornld(Of'pot ... l11)n Ur Qh1tt111h1 ''"'' ·•H•l'lof' Hl lt\t),, l'ltlil,• Ill~ ........ I' f'1 ~,,,..,,,I ('•rA/101•1•1HJ,.0•'1hOQ•)il Pf (,G't .._~(;NCH ·~''••'1 '• "''If•,,•• t u 11 .. lh .. ._f.HcJ ~ H.)•• 1 t • " iv .. ""' o• OUAILPlAtl"t"\f'r ,,,,,._,i,_.,,...,,, .. ..,,,,""'flnt• .. " •Jll1k~·•,).l 'il ''" 4,A'• ,. ""' ' ..... "i\'.11 ,,.,.,.,,.,LPOf thl d (~lifOrfH.t(orJl()t,U"lf\ fh, btrtt>f1'-'•'''f' U,._,., , .. 110 L>~'1 nt It ct 'lrt•I .1'10•• 1nfl1 "'"''• u ''°'' ••t ,ft'u"'I' rtHCE H O THEllS HLL H OADWAY MOlTUAIY I I 'I'> I I I I .... \ '1 ·'I II 1• I" I I\\ I \It nlul 1,i( I' 11 ~ 1 ·11 HI\ !11111 1\1111 nl !ho, t "rnn.: • ~.1111111,tl l 'h1111 h 111 t ",,.,..,, '"'·' .. tt-.1.11 anc I h•· I .in"' "''II"'"'' nu 1 ln\I o t -_, t \I• 1 lllltl"I 1111" I' \It I \I l ti \ ! ' \\ .1 llo-11•11 1'.111lini.:. , 7 11o11111 I II ... "I I 1 .. 1 I".·" '. ·"'" 1111111 .111 ''-"" .111tl \\tit· 111 ,.,1 .. 1 ·'"' •• 111 I 1111 ... !'.11tl111. ""'" \111u•l.1 l\Aff(Qtlfll1N!:.Uf.t1'N(((4J ''"'lb'f'tt'.rt'l,(lil·1'td brt·dtf"IOrtJMt11ult llt-.. cJt1ttfH•M1 .. r ""'ti.,, "p4q (l l0 I A«• t "'"0 C·o• ;J 1111 ,t\\.trd \\lfll IO)."! d(A11torn1•(f')rOOf'dhOn ,,, ti• ·lOhQ.lf1H• 'H<utP<I th.-rft1~ "'~''"'''" 1 u "'" •,. ,., .,, L•r Modl '"~n,_~0 1, 1 t•lt•\ 1...,1, •tt \\ 1 tlt•t f '\Ill. ttnd OOl: ~ 1 thro~" 10 "'rt to•u,. • "t'C uh""\J ..tn<t Ot-''"""'"° •o ·~ cni,,._,,. , ... , .. , ,., , , '" ""' r1"° "' , \ , ,.~ '" t lt ,,,, 1..,,,_._ 01 110 9,.,,111,,.. " l-<'"l I t.,1,. 1 hJ. ''"" IALn & IHGU Ot-1 SMITH & TUTHILL wtSTCLIFF CHA"El 4}' E I.,, ..... CC1 .. ld M1• I f.4f. 0'.' •I "9HCE llOTHEIS SMITHS' ....OlTUAIY 627 Ma111 <;1 Hun11noton &>dl 11 536 b5JQ ... c11•1c VIEW MIMOllAL ..... CerT'-'tery Mortuilr~ Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1f1c Vtl'w On~•· Newoori &>de" 0.4 ;?700 McCO.Mta ....OITUAllU La<iuna 0Pacn 494 94 15 LaQuna H1•1 768 ()')JJ San Juan Cau1.,1r l"'' . 4% 1776 c ~ 11 I I • 1 I t " fl " I I\ ,t I I I ll··•1..•11111'-m11h ,( !111h11! " •. t. 111: I I IJll'I \1111I11.11 \ HI I ,,, ..... \11 tt. 1 KllKI .... .... It 1">~.I'11 1 '\ I•. IC II II I F .... p .1._,,.t( ·"'·" 1111 Pi n•ntlw1 H 'i \'Ill\'' !'-I 'll \I' \\ 11li.w1 \f \f,1l11nt·. '' ,, 111-I• I nf llt-fltt•' I t i l• .. ......... \\htrt lht ltt<\h 1lo1m 111 1l•·d '-.1t1 I· 1 .1111 1 •" • I·,,' I I.di •II• d "111111.1\ I 't 'CI 111 '-'' 11 1 h 1 1' '1'1 1 I I \ Fl \'\II \ !'· I • t111 .. p11.ol "'"\I\ ··d II\ h1•1 . I '"" 1,11.11•1 110.1111i1 .. r .._,· ... :h < h.11 1,., 11. tt.11111111·11,,111111. I .1i:1111.t 1 • t1.11wh10 1 \1111.1 '11 '1 t•ll\ '11 1•111 \d in "·•' 1\11.1111111 111 1'1 ,tllll l\o':io ol '1t·ololo·d \<Ith pl.1\ llll ·' lo.1·\ I .1 hr11tht•1 ! '" 1111 :-,1.,111,1 "' 1 "I·· 111 11.:111111. 1h1•11111.1110 \1111\ll <;t ,111tlo ,1 1111 I lo\O'l It\ ltltl\lllJ.! ''' !1111-•" c r .t l'I ti 1· h 1Iti1 ,. n ,, n ct I 2''1•'11~1'1 111 t .Ii ""11· I Ill n1t1' I( I t• .11 1: I ,1 II ti I h I I ti I 1• 11 ti tt •d .... ti 1t1 ol.1 I '-t•r \I 1·t•' and h111 1 ~·I "111 ho· twli1 .11 \1111\11 1:r.tntlo'. t'a 1. .. 1 .. .i .11·1 .lllJ!l'ITWlll:; "" H" \ ~ .1m1h \lmtuan 1!11 i~la. ""\-.;so' " \ r 11 1-: n I '\ !-E \I \1 \ ..., \\ \ '\"''' 11•• 11t.•nt •• r I I\ 1111 (',, 1111 II '''"r' l'.I' ·t't( ,I\\ I\ 1111 ()pq lllht•f 1tl 1111!1 -.,ht• I' •UI I I\ o•tl 11\ h1•1 1111'1 t• 'h w 1'1•1·1., "' I 1 \ llli' (' ,1 .11111 1(1 .rrH1 llt'Jlh•'"' .Jcf111·1 l'111.1lt· 'tl\11·1·., \\ t I • h I I 11 II I) ti l' r I h I' dtr11t111n 111 ll ,11 ho1 l..tY. 11 \ln1lOI llli11 \!111111,tn II( ( " 1,t '1t '·' hi ·,:,•I 11<11.I l!-.1 I IC \I' 1-'1 1•11 lt11hn1•rt . ,11 \\ hn l111111tktl lh1• I II\ • 1 (fohtl• 1 I l'.11 " 1l11•ol """"·" w \Siii'\(; l'O" I \I'• J 1• r r , " u r r . 1. :! t h t' rn.J\ 1·n1·k t.1hor lt'.11l1•r "ho h II I 11 t h ,. \ m ,. r I I •• n 1'·1·d1•rall11n 11( St alt• ( 1111111\ .11111 \1 111111·111.11 .. :nw111' t't'' 1nt11 lht· 11,11 ion ' h1 j!j.!l''t l'I \ii ,,.n .1n1 11n11ln cl1rf1 fh111 ,,1,1\ l'OHT n11-~snrn " '1' \I' Rich a rd lfan .. r r. ttl ftr"t.•u• "'" fl"'t votltr•vqn...-s ,, ¥11r.111n l1F-<l.ittdt1on tu-bt-,,.,_f,1 . .,~ J'~' , t I •••I"'' !Y '"""' •J ¥1\0' .r '"" ,.,,,.,.0,,,,,,. \\h••'t." '''''Ill' 1rai l11dr•d SUMMONS lll (;1f._ulldtl'1l.Jiton1MOf"' ~It t.eno lru"t Dl-•t·d.,.•nct..-Oud't~ '''''•• 11 ''J~f\hko .rni,.1l'f...,•..1l.Ovnh \'ttlOt\ 1 "\ I II F•lllST A_¥£NOEO ""'1tt,.nrtfilr"•ot1>n· .. 'U,rf~i'1idC)lt."lt"<.tion •ntht-Gbh'-lo1l•11n '•"''",."'"'• PAttCELP t1I P.,,1 frd(t ,...08Js.I \I I ·' t•,t 1 tt • C~N~)S •S •S •c.. .,tu'-t IN-Uf\O.-r'o<a""'° lo \•If ,,.,o n .. rttotou .. •t"tol~ ttf\C tJtu .. 1•1u I• ~ "4"• M AC,,. O'"Or•t "Aoo., 1•1 Ollf .t\ NOTICE' Y• ................ TM 1Jttl0•th 10 ..... , .... w10 Obt•Q•lion~ tht uno ... , .. ~ .. .,., lh ~ ' .... , •••••• , • ..,, J.-· .. ~· '~ t'tf\tl 2' IM "",.,1.,,,,..ou, M dD' 1 <6Vr1 fn.ly *<• ... tMt yev •f1ft .. t d'10 tnf'r~f4Utr IM untK-r,1~ 4.tO.+~ .)t (J .. t.wlf WM! l w• .-tOO fN "'°' • t~ '""' H ~ "'' '""" >itfth O•c l"t•~tt ~t t · t:"'l It \I.I \ Ill \I' ,.,,, ....,.. fllNrd ""''"' • .., ,..'",.I '°"•HI noh<• ~· DfP•ft"l dflO ct*":< lu>n ro f,..,•ttf'n"" 1 t u• oo·.t· t-""d v' •• , 1)1· • ,1 ( t)u'"'"' II I" J I w 1tfrtlitft •o.t)~ R• ... W... tfllterm•tteft ~ ""'~°"' M.df("' \ IQ9;1 d to in'\tr 1' "'-"""' '"' uno.1 •q•16 I "''' \.•J P14A(l l.O l •A~ -'"U C • ''""' aro 11 30lf'' l\ra( \, )(~ below. fltO l)O•n bioo6 t.J9 llM'Ql>' l.aft Ol"kf•O prupP•I., to ~l"t' otut•U ot f.tfolOt 't ~ '"I'-'-'dn•r-rctMt1 •"8 1 h1 I ,t1 tu·t nt \\tut 1 I It ttl ... l tt ¥Ou w1\f't to ~'-,,,. MJ\111(P o• •n l. •t11 '•' fihoe:0td' .-no tn"' .... ""' ltw uf'~ ... ''Coif,. t Au • ~ r-•o• o t " '"'' .,, .>• ~·1·, ·:.~1~ :1;:·;,··: ;::.: "'·"' '111 " ;::::;!;~~~:-~::~ ;.s:;;,~~ .:.~:::;-::~::;,~ .. ~.~~-: 1:.~::.~~; ~~0":;;;,:.: Ei\~::~ f:i":.' .~ .. ,~. :~-~·[~~ .. -:.·; : ~.:~.;~· ~:: 't • • AYeSO! Utted fti1 ....... m.-44119 M\<urt1or..,-,~ lf' °"" Int tf'f'n•in1riq !Ht10 Ottt<.1•1 A~OfQ\ .. , Pf' Mt4C: ,,.... 0 ,,,,.0 •I) f\o l•• ROl Kl'tlt( r. :-.1..,~ '.\Pl El l•l-1 -........ , ...... u• pr •nt.lp.tl "'"'"'th<>""'"" "'<Ull'O ~·<I ... 1 ...... tw n.-""' ............. .00 .. \ ·""". ,, "''"•''""''""' ... ~ John •.. Kif'ran. R9 al"" ....... ,, ... "' .... , .... U • bYW•d~Ol1,u\I ""''"'•ntf'tf'\l.t\ (OYf'n,Jnt 0' ... ,,.,. •• t'•l.llf'\"t flf "'"f ..... ot fN( .... ,,,,q~ r(J#rQf ~t.'" York Timt.•' 'fJurt' re1,.,... ..,.,, ... • 4.,., Le•, .. '"'4 .. onot,.010"'1°""" dO•a'1<1"\ •••nY '1mo 11.a r(IQat"O•nQt•tlt PO'\"'"'"'" ,, ,,.,ct{ •vN .. .,,t.,m.c ... .-,...., unO.t trw '"""Of ~10 Oft>d ot l,u,t, .-ncumbraf'C:f''\ to NY '"' "n t1f'1nq PA AC f l s l ,1 A,,, r..-. , i-.e as..te ., c·nlunlnt~l .nul p.tnt•h't on S•U\tNO.W•\Otlcit•rf'lton\ll'iooe ,,.., cr+•tOf'\ "''0 •""Pf"nMtt. ot lfut cH1nc•e>At ~ ot 1~ not'"'.,.,""" CW'' M"c ,Pf"""""'" 1,,_,l l"tl PaQt'\, l h l' f a (j 10 4l ll 1 / i..., h 0 ~ lun ·~ •n •Mf' •Wf"ltO cMbfir1A n• 1 tU'\t~• .tno 04 ,,_., lru .. I\ <rP•tt-O O~ Oy 'dtd ~ ot lrv\t .,.•th 1nt.-11•\I ti tnO t c• "'1 '\4.t'•'"'"' '"" • M~P'\ 1n thit> Inf ormal ton 1 •t1':"'"'' d1r-<l .,,o •n,,.,..O••t•nvnt~ m-"''• m •ner• ,, .. a Ut"'flO o• t '""' ~•·o '~•~ *''' tw ,,.. w.•d not• "'o-.•at:o •<httntt•\ '' _,,~ ''"",. nt '" ' "''nw. "'~ "'tU'' ot "' o , ,.., rf'\OVP\ta t"".( riM \• "4V •Jqu,,. M'lll on • rtO.y Or<f>mt», II 1~11 1111f unOf'lt the If• m11t Of• '"-0'1 Uf't·O rd I"''' t \\t'dnt•'(\a\ e>u..-d•~rre9i\lfdOA4t trf'rnOO • 1 00 P M 4il tn• (.~prn19n A~lnU'f" ff'•\ tn._uqtt\ 41n<J """'''""" ''' ttu :'~,·.: romnnn1., .,Otlwj .. .,, ~otcrun• 4·111 1 \4,11 \I' \\ .111 1·~ llorton. ••:1 \\ 1111 l•l't ,11111• 11111• 111 tho• l111t•,( ltl1H'' h.11 lll"lltl •• ,, \ 11,1 .. Ill ltw 1·111111tn 1h11111~ .1 l11n1. m "' •, .1 I •. 11 ,., 1 .i 1 •·ti I 111• .. .t,I\ t f0 lt-4£ OE f E_NOANl A (hotl .. ntr•r'H.fl lo tr'W' l11rtt (..f"Mh11 6vt10tr\(j, ~ ru\IP..-•nd of OW Uu,I'; • "f'llf•d t'l'r ttitt l ri\utr WMtO \.l tht NO l C cornot••nt .,., b'"•n ltl•d b y th• JOOt-•,t l-h.JC)m.M\A•f'nw 1ntn"C.•lf \a10 Off'Got tru\t ~1d\·t~t •1tl lJi Rutlc1inoN1' ~ ldQun•Mlll\ (.A ptauUtff ~tn~U ¥0V It YCK.I "''~"too• Ot111-c> lA. ~Id°"' ,,_,,o., l>r<fn1t.r II t\ltll "' 1 '''"'' 1~1 '"'' ,11,,.. ,,, 1,.., • .,, mo,.,.,, Mfend Ou\ l•WWit 't'Ou mu\t, •Unin At tnfi' ''r.w ot thf" 1n1t1"'1 Dub1t<at1on 1 00 P M •I t~ (.Npm•n Aliit n\t• 1 rtt '"'' '""'M1 \,, .. ,,. .. on 1on•1rr-t6'hon o t 11 oevs attu tt'us \ummon' 1, "'""° 01 '"'" nohc•. tn..• 101.at .tmounl ot '"'~ tintran(f to uw C.•••< C..f'nl .. , t~u1IOH"'I 1 , • .,,. 0 , 0,,.,, '"'~ """ b3t•nt, on vou, •H• wtth thh court• wr1tt.,, unP••O Nt•nc.., ot th• obl•9&tion 100 la\t (h.!pmM1 Av•mu .. •" tn,. \ ''• r111C:U·nttd t1v not r u•curfld by fSOOf''\•tolPW com.,l•tnt U~e\\you \•C-Uff'Ob'ttf\f.tDO..-f"Of\(ftbfddeeoo' ot0r•f\9r .. C.A M or1q.-gr o1 1,u,.t t>•*'d on'"' 00 \O "°"' O.f&VU ..... , t» •nt•r.o on tru\t Ana •'ohmatf'<I <O\h t •prPn\.-\. At tf\P t+nw ~ t,.. 1n11uu pul)htAhon j prOC'll~h \(] ,01n r .. ,.. P•'<•nt o• •oPllC•tiorl Of t~ D4•lntJU •rwl tJ\t' •nU •d-1111.tn,_.\ •\ ,., 011 SI l o ot tJ\1~ nottt~ tn.t tOtAI .tn\-Ot.nl ut '"' •mount b•<lf<'°"'ct-r-''''Mi ••H\C:ud court nowy ..,,., • l\IO;nwnt •o.alntt Otf'lf'f"",.. trw OOt"f'•f'O b•a YN ,.,.,, unoe•d b•ldnf• ot tn• o b 11,ttt1on i" ,,_, •' ,..,..,, h• t• '" ,..,,,1n0 .,.., YOU fOr the rt t .. f dtr~ ~ft the t.alt\1'•)•)1 ~ \AH'''tdthl,.~tk,\vt"(lip'W,t•lAdO..f'dot w iftOfl'rf\f"'vt'f) .. ttPW4tn1_.,,..,QOft•\• 1•1 t l 'I• I< 11"' I ' tomot•tnt, •'-•th ro"ld ,.,'"" '" ""'*• ~o'¥•mbtr 9' ·~· hu"I •net f'\t1m1tt~et '"'" f'•V"'f'!tof'.. "' "'"" ''"""' .-u .. , '"' .. ,,, Ch11)f1f.tt•on \ p •h.t .tr t 4tft ·,,•n , o•r~"f"lme,..t o• waQ•\ t.t'•"4 ot bl ftrt t:; ; t l 'Al •tfHJ ttdv•n<"' '' 'ttl U.14 •• In "'., .. o••N-1t-fMf itllt•,,t·f '\Jt~ ••• L•lt•f ,.J rU.ftt •f ~"l 1111111• 1h.111 ,11 H1•.11h1,, '""\' .. 1111 l111h11 lltt' "'"I' 1 II ol \ \l.t rr I t1 t \fl ...,,. '"1"' d11'fl '-il!ltl.1\ t 111' \ C ,1 I \I' I ho Ht ' J11,1•ph I l'km•hu1• 7t, ,1 l.1h1u .•· It\ 1'1 I"• ,1 •1 1' ol \lu111i t\ -,. • • ,. t rnonf'• Of' orooer'y or o thttr rttO•f MA~.&UlME~f '"'"ll,..Owoprn•nob•d Uh•'"•~ , .. 11 l)4tr(t ""'' UP. d,_.\ ,, O•<•m.,_, r-ov.•ll'O tn l,_<_.•1411 l.Ol<PORli\JtOl;Cll ,1 u 1 •11.oio.. '"' O•l•d 0.1 i. I'll ltM( RI( A ll•I• r.ov,.mtwr I• 1"'111 l.MA l'.\rlW"(f'I 41\WKJ fl U\t"" t-ULl~lH\/H .. 1:1 ... t. Ci.o Bt I D ~Qjllt t((. ~' '4•0 l<u\I"" A'tN-•W•-lUM"Al'c~ 8~ t ll C,~k~t(.t; Oooul• -· tOMPltN~ _,.., ......-•. .-... a A•-"'"" 8• P<llrtt.,, A """""" B• lo.,,. Wom•o 1"SJ MM.A,..., •tff A\•u,t.nt ~·~14,, A\\f\tMt Sl>c.ttlo8t., •• ,., One (th 8ou•••f0 ...... ,, ""'-" ( ••• Bou•••fd ...... ,, "'"'•·C-••llU 0.-<.1''1... 0.-<.A~ 111•1,Sl ... .tt 111 .... 1~.... 1/111'1~•- C-ubh\"""' °'M'IO' '°"''' rJ.tlh P1tot Pwt>t•\.IWO C>AnQll' Cot'' CM··· .~,,o, P"blt\fWrrO {1rl~ l''-"' \J .. 11• t •'Gt O.t .. tt \I 1\ 1tlt ,, .. I t ,_.u_. II UP\ 4 11 IOlll -,1\1 I \ "u., JI brit • t .... '"II\) I ' . -. .. ~ . 'WAltfll A H•t "'"'• Jr 4111 rNI 'I,,,, ( or'IV rY•tM .,. t,... £ \l.ttfl' ot \A•O (OF'Vrv .. t"" w.1 ............ " aU1'1(L£'Y. M001'£ G• IE u ca1E•G. l VllollAlo IUUH1.,......, ...... ,._ S..ff4W , ..... ,,0 (.&-., Publt\~ t)r~ 'N't O•••Y Pi_. t• '• 11 1""1 \W4• PICllflOUt eUMM&U MAMa ITA11-lllT T 11• 1011owl11 e P••H11 I• t101n11 91111 ... Ua• l HI O"li. 1111111 , tlU IC_. Ot • H'"'""'"°' 9Mcll, Caul .,_, J.,""' Oevlo Oe mmo111ey, tUJ ....... 0. , _,......., 9"<11, Colll QM 1111\ W•'-'• I\ , __ by .., lndlvlcllOM J-0 c;_ .. , Tiii\ .-.-w• """' wllll , ... C011nly Ci.t ll 01 Or.,,.. C.°"nly Oft o.. 2 ..... '"""' Pvltll"'90 0r.,. , .. " Da lly PllOI, Dot •. II, II, U . '"' S~I •teTITIOUt •UtUllU ........ , ....... T flla ,.., .. lftt ,.,_, e to .. ine w..i ....... AS1'1!• S .. l(IALTll,, 1UU Vl~a 0.1 Mat, C..l\lt-a.ecll, CMI .. ,..._._.,_ "l<Mttl S.. 0-t ...... ,q Vl\i. 0.1 MM, c....it1r-.... II, c.11-nlo .,.,. M-Al .... Oaw'-, IVSI VI"' o.I Mer, C•h lr.,,• 9oMll CalllO<nlo tt.t• Tiii\ -...1 ... u •• ,_, ..... , • -••I...,_.,.,.. ·k-dLGM.otet Tiii\ ---•6' "'" ..... , ... (°"nly Clerk ol Of ..... (-y Oft 00< t, 1•1 .._... .... ()t1119 C.00\1 Oally Pl .. 1. O.c 11. 11. u, Jot1. 1, 1"2 w1 .. 1 -------------- PICT II IOUS aus1•u: SS N""" .. SlAlEMUH • "'' to1tow•nQ pe1,on ., ou10Q (M,.ltMf\) •\ MOkuA,. tN 11:;10•1<1>L > •11• "1\1• ltt•noe. ~e-•PO• t b1t•«-n ~•htorn.• tt/M£1 .IOOft J WllQ.tft,..,.,. '¥1\I• ._,,.,,...., .... ,_.••port ~"· Uhtotn•• 'ii...., t hi\ bitil\tfts\\ t\ '-OftOUU~ O)' tflt tOQl\110\Mlt .JONI J Mot 9<0n •ICTITIOUS aU51'91H NAME $TATIMENT f nt fOffOw•nv "' wn' •r• do Int bu••n•'' ., CA~ l.J'GUNA, UIO !.oulh Co•nl H19nwoy, L09Uno 8H<ll. C•l1IOt1'1t• '1•$1 Cot11\0nl P•r•' •n••\lmenh • C•hfo.t n1• co1oor •uon, 1S 10 !>ov1" Co••I H19llway L•9Yna 8•u". (alllornl•t?t)I t "'' ''"'••n•nl wt1\ tiiw ••tn ttw C.ownty llett. 01 (Jrt1n~ l.01r;ntr oo hO•wn1twr tllli, IWt Ste'i• P•rll.\, Inc • .-C•lifOt "I• H''1" corpor•l10n BIO SoYlll Coa\I Puo11vwo C:...df\9f c,..o,,,, Lldlly ..-,1ut, H19h•••· l •QMtW 8t.Cl't. C•h tornt• No• JU,Jl,&Joo< •,II,.._, )111il 926~1 Piil.iC llllCl •ICTITIOUt eu11••U NAMaSTaT•M&•T Tiie totlOwJ"9 pertolll are .. ifte. ltll\I .... , •• ( ~ C ENTIRPRIHS, 1111 O.v ... L-. "-I lffc". c.i-..1a ,_ R-1 L C«lw.,., 1111 Oe- L-..._, heOI CAlttoml• , ... .(or.., H Coe..:..,, 1111 0. ...... L-, ........, lleacll,.Gal...,...a t1MI Tllh lllltillft\ 1, <-_ _,, by a11 ............ R-1 L Ct<flfotl T"I\ ,....,,_,WM Ill ... wllll Ille Co""'' Ci.tit. ol Oral\90 C-h on Do< '· "" l'ltJlt'I PYbll\-°'-Coa\I 0•11• Piiot. 0.c •. 11. It, 2$, "'' '14t 11 H UQtfO dfld PUlllC llOTIE L•rry Colh\On In< , • C•Uforn•• torpor•l•on, HIO Soutll Coo>I H1Qhwav, L•Qurwt tt.-.a<.h, C•Utorn1• 91.SI Pl71m Pyblhl..i O.anot CM\I Dally Piiot. Paqn""· 00< 11, 11.H.1•1,JOft.1.1"7USM1 • t •l1t0tn1• coroc>r•11on 8y Par l'IC'llTIOU!oaU~IHUS B:~:~· :;:;~· 20U !><In Remo. L•ll""" NIUC •111 '"" ,:~!.~!";~,':':n"~, 00,119 ""' bys1nen "<OnOU<leO oy • ·-------------- l>u\•nt" e> 9eneral ~~·~:rt.\ FICTITIOUS aUSINISS IMAvl:> w t;:.I. J/JIJ l..•9"~• L .. nr Tiii\ ''""'"'"'" ... ""'° """' .... HAME ~lAlEMINT .,." •. h~t bt•'-n <..A "' .. J County ''"'' ot Or•nQlt County on 'n«> touo••"CI per\On\ •r• oo1no kOCI••• Wtllt•m ..., UtO~tl<o, JUU lnc~"•ber, 1911 DV\lnt!\\4\ l..•Qney '--· l'H • ,. • .,, ... ,, l><'•<n 1'1'7Ue LA SllO liliA MAC. .. OLIA(E .. ll:li, (.A ~1.W Pybll\ht<I Or-Ccw\I O••ly Pilot, lO'O Pyllmon Sir.el. Co\I• M•>•, 1 nl\ OU\HW'\\ t\ '-U-flOU'-leG bv .tn 0.< 4 11, '' 7S, , .. 1 llOt-lt ~flhforn•• m,,. 1nG1w1du4tl t,,,... ~Obift P W•rmm9ton to A k lJ Uf'rwllft-\ C.alirotn1a Cor-por•cion. lOtO PullmMt f ht\ 't.Ctmt!'nl w i0\ hh-0 ••In lf•f' PUltlC lllJI( Strfft, Ca.W Mew, C•htorn•• lf1•.2• (.01.1tH¥ (.ierlti t.it Or•n~ Lountr on HuUOn A\\i0<1•t~\ • A t 11llforn1• No• 11, 1'191 Cors>0r•llon. 1120 E.. 11111 ~lrffl, S..nt• ,,,, •• ~ STA f EMENT Of' ... n ... C.•l1l0tn11197101 Pubh\ntO <..r.n0tt \..OdM l.JdHY f--llot, •BAtrrfOONMENT OF 'th\ Ou\1n~~~ " conducteo b'f at .. ov 10, 11, Ue< 4, 11, l~•I ~OJI •I USE Of' FICTITIOUS QrMrdlP<ttlner\n1p BUSINESS NAME 1"" RC>Qrtl I' l " .. •0110...,,no Pl"t\on\ "'"'e Wttrmi~onco. •Wn<IOMd t~ U\.t' ot IM t1lt•l•OU\ ~llll•m J Pt11f'T\O" PICflTIOUS a USINESS NAME STATEMEN~ ou-.me\) f\4,r'fW ~rvtMy QU ... LI I'\' A~!>lM&L 'r )01•·" 1111> ~l•lt'fnenl wa. h ied w1lll ti. Tfle to1to-.1n9 person J\ do1nq bvSIMU•• t-t .. tt.tOdY s..nt• And <..•hlorn1• 9'710> c.ounty t t.-rt. ot Or•n9t C.ounly on f n..-t Ht 1•10~\ bu .. tnt-\) f\omtt Nov 14 lfilll FU•7Jt <# A BUAIO.E ANO AS.SOCIA JES. 1021 BYi<~• (Anter Dr , = 11l, lrv•M , CAt211S rt-ff'tr("O 10 41QOvv """' t.I~ tn (Jr4nge PuOh\IW'G OtM\Ot (N-'I (Ja1lf PtkU, \UVn~vo~/'r!~~ ~~:-. Of Amt'tltd No• ,, '-4, II "· "" SI.._ •• Inc • JOt•A H~t'fiit0.0'f' ~df\ld An• Wiiiiam R1c naro B"r-•. i0'1 c1111111ne Dr , H""tlnqton Buell, CA .,_ Thi\ bu-Sift•'\S I\ <oncJu<l•d O't .n llldlvio ... 1 W A e .. ri.e Tiii\ \i.te,,,.,,1 w•s 111eo •111'1 tn. Coynty Clerk ol OranOl' County on Nov 1J, 1te1 • Ft1- Pybfi\lled 0 .. 09 Ccw~I D••IY Pllol, o.c " 11 11, u, '"' u .. _., WMMA•TOP "~OCMIOIMAMCI A ....... W'*-'<e " K -1.0 tor ado•llo11 01 tlle re9.,1ar C•tr c-11 -""of o.c-r 21, '"'· e.1"9 °'111Nnce IO-H', Clla"!li"V Ila delu 01 ••Pir a lion ol P l•nnlno Commlu lo,..r term\ ol o!llu 10 c ... to<m to "" -•lofl elate c'-91 -_.,,. • rftlclotncr r-1remen1 Tllo lvll tut ol Ill• propo ud -•t1•nce may i. read In Ila City C,.rll't Offlu .i 71 Folr Onvo, CCKto Mew 1 ..... --.., c"' a.ft Otyelc:-to- P_I_ Or-C..11 D•llY Pilot o.c . 11 .... 1 ~· WMMAaYOF .. ~DCMIDtNANCE l.•llforrud 97/0) \ nt) lN\HW\' Wet' loncJU( l..O CJ) d co,por•11on H(iMt. lAl<IH !>I All(i .. !> 0~ AMlktC.1' 1,.,t JOdh" H1•i;"4JIQ\ l n1'» \tdll'n'\t.nt Wd' t .1to ..,,,,.. tn. lounh C.t~,-._ o~ 0 fonQtt <.ouuty on '"Ovtmt>e• 14, 1'111 F·l.,111 Pubh,hl."G Or 1tn~ l.Od\I l>•.tv PtlOI, ,.O• JI Ott • 11 18 l'ltil S149·111 Fl( Tl llOUS llUSl,.ES~ NAME ST Al l:ME,.1 • "~ toflo¥t1nq Pt-r~or. ... ao.11v OU\1flit'\\ •\ IAI AMI~~ & 4~1All~. lbl !>t:A>nUkl: Ul::OI\, .. , Jiit l'yllm.,, ~lrf'el )ud• IJU LO\I• Me-\11, <.1111torn10 "7•1.ft Jonn Lr 1tr.th Ami~\. >1• Yltiun. L1r1vtr, ~ .. wporl b••tn, (.a111orn•• 'lltataJ 1 hi\ °"''n'-"'i-.... <.ottauclt"O o~ an 1no1v10u...t• Jot'Wt l>ttfhtn Al)\1n I n1\ \l•l\ofllo\."f"ll Wd\ ltl-..0 •10\ '""' t.ounty llrtai. 01 Ur•nor '-.O\lni., on Nov~n,~, •• IWI A.,. __ or~•'' tc....,..,.., F1CT111ousaus1,.t.s~ for eO .. tlon at '"• r~9ylot Ctty H"""E SlAT EMEHl COUIK.11 meett"9 f/11 O.C,•mo.r 21. t••. In'-" 101•ow •nQ Pt"r"11on., ., .. 001n~ llel"9 0""-'<o tl·tl. •nwndi"9 T1ti. ""''""" 6' 11111 ol II•• Mynlcipal Cod~, lo u .. ,.. >f:t<v•C.tc 1..l:Nlt;k, 11v, lnc:orpotate • nnt rntoentt•f ron'rwa r-.ewPOrl b1vo <..°''•""-•'•~\..A"'''-' d I st t I c I, P 0 II · UC. C PI an ne 0 Uanitl L•uvo I" •re.•, /~J t li•ll Oewolot1..-I Aetlclotnllol -Urban -7.111 A"""°'""· <..i1o1 '<lb Cenlofl. Tlw ,..,. ,_ will oe<mlt !J1dntl t. ""'"'• JJUJ I: b•ll • 2l'J rHkliett•Let or..~ r~•ni; frarf'I An•nt.:•'1l L.•••• vJb » .. M Yftit.1 _.. ec.re Ofelt~ .. 11·JS l 1\1\ t>u\•nf'\\ I\ t-onoutl~ t>y _. ••so •met\CI\ tf\e d••••opment 11m11eo .,_,•nt•\l\U> ~t•ttdard1 o t th• ot"•' P••nned Udrl1f'1 L • nnc.t- O•v•lotWftil"ftt Aetid4tf'\1al IOIW\ b'f l '11\ ~l•h'"~I ,,,..,,.\ Ill~ """'"' JM O•••HttQ '"• ""• c onver•o• C..ownr. \.ffrt. 01 v'•n9" c.ovntv on ._Ir•-.. o ••• '""I llle ,.... ..... 10 .... Oro•-u 11-H Fll•IU Ur1t , • ...,.. <•tied by UW tof9owtf't0 ~~0•1""°0 V onQr C..o.e\I lJ4 1ty .-1•01 toll coll *•· Council -rnl>e•• -.. o. IU II """ • 11 lw l '°"'•I "YES Scllole~ Holl Horlt oQ,I M c Farland WOES Jolln•on ABSENT ..... I Tiie fyll , .. , of Ille proposed --------------- Ofdlnanc:• mav t. r Nd •n ,,,. C•I• c1 ... -·, Offk e at 11 Fair Orlvo. Coot• Mew FICTITIOUS aUSINESS NAME STATEMENT '"' toHowino o•r\on '' dolno l ..... P.-, .,..,,,..., .. C"' 0... AUSVENl , )100 Atrw•y i!>Yll• Off el C.-.. -10.1. CCKte ~.Cal Horn••••• Pllltll\lled Or-Coatl D•Hy Polol, Jou E °'"'" (C .. P Aysfr•tas•an OK 11, 1"1 U9'2~1 Vefttur•1. C•l1forn1• corpor •hon NS..- lltOTICI cw auuc TaANSPE• CS.CL 6'91 -6"1 U.C.C.I TO WHOM IT MAY C~CERN Nelle• h llereby 9 lw•n to Ille CrMI'°" of OfjE HOUR CLEANERS, INC., Tr_._C\I, ..-Dutl~• adclreu I• •'11 Batre,.co. Irvine, c-ty of 0r-.. Slet• ol Calltornia, ltlet o Dutll lr.,iffr I\ •-I 10 t. -lo JIN 500 HA -JUNG EUH t4A, Tr-l0t•U I wllo\e i...sine .. -rou h ll3I Elm Avon .. , L0"9 9Ncll, C-y of LO\ A09IO\, Stale of CallfOll'nla TN pr-1'f to bot lt-N<ted It ••t9d at 1010 _,..., Perkwoy, U111l B, Lo9.,no Hlllt, e ncl JS.JI Tre111tco Roact. Suite B. El Toro, c-ty of 0r..,.., SI_ of c.ac~. S.lopr~l·-r~lft -ral u All open tvppllu , llalyro. _.......... -tlDOd wHI of lll91 dry c1oen ln9 ""''"•" llnown •t WILLOWTREE CLEANERS end 12•H l•ll Dri ve. 1.a9uno Beocfl, Calllcwnla'26SI Tiii• -.nns " cofldvc l..i bJ a COll'-•llon Aultrala.!an v..,h,..H J •t.I E O t ,,•t., ~r•t•rt·T,_.. T"l.l ,. .. _, w .. flied wlln IM Counly ci.n of Or ..... C°""lv on OO<•m-t,l"I Ptn as Publl-0r.._ Coast Oallv Piiot. OK. 11, 11, n , J.., 1, 1"7 $:W..11 PICTITIOUS aUSUIEU NA.Ma nATEMEMT T "• follo•1no "''on ., do, no _, ........ M·C SEllVICES, ?ll'n 8'_11..,•I St • Uftlt HS, HyntlnQIO" B••<". c.in1orn .. .,.... Cy11lflla Marlo ""<Lennon, 11ln B•--• SI , Unit $IS, H""lifttton 8-11, (.al_,.. • .,.. Tllh bu\lnttl Is <-led Dy .., lllCIM<Nol Cynllll• M<L...,,.,n PUlllC llJlCE FtCHHOUS 8USINI:» .. _ .. SloAl EMEHl Ou'liHl•h If\ "t "' "'t~I l'A'<l .. lk>. 110 ,...tt•Wrl ~It• LI• • fllt'•Pofl b4!111tn, C.A~; .. (I •nc.. • • C.•11torn,4 tOIPQf.tthOn, ltw "'••PG'' Li!nlff Ur ... wporl ~th 1..AVJMU I"'" C>u\1n~'' 1\ conout..h:·o by • 11m1lttOpr.Attnt>,\t110 h~-. ~ttt \1''11turt>\ f 1m n•101,., J.iff''\.f~ft& 1 ,,,, '\t•WJHtflt ...., .. , towo •1tn lne lovn1y (.ltr~ o• Vr•nocr \.Owotv oo how 1a, ••I f'116J91 t-'Ubh~ 0rMlQlt V'U\I l.>4)11'( ..,tlOl. .. 0. 20, II, IA< •. II, 19'11 )l()e,•I FICllllOU~ llUStHESS HAMI: SIAttMlNl I f\t" follOw HlQ pet ~on 1\ 001n9 1no1"1ou.1 t11IO. M ht'IWiltQ I Mt\ \t-4ll~I •4'\ tilro wrutn inc 4..0Ul'h 4..1"'" Of Vtanqip lo ... nt..,. Of" NOif t, l"'fl ..,-uOl1~Q Vr'•f'MJI' '-G.i\l lJdltY ... ,.01, ,.o, ;U ii. LNt • 11, 1'191 >U~1 bl FICllTIOUS aUSINESS HAM£ UAlEMENl 1 h(" tot10•1l'IQ otr\Ot\ 1\ oo•nQ Du'\tn.>H•'S LOVE PAI( P AOOUC !!.. llllo> t. M•ylaor 0r.,. C.A 97 .. 1 C.oro1 D H•mmono, llO• E Mor•" OrMl>Qt CA "1 .. 1 Th1\ bu\;t~\ 1\ <.onouc.1eo D'r 4n tnGl'llOUdt C.••o< o H•mmono 1 ni\ u..t~t w.o t•lf'O w ith trw (o..,ntv (. .. ,, Of Oran919 Counly on h ov 1• IQ81 FHU1' P.,bll\hfocl Or-lo.o>I Oath• P1lol. Nov 71 lJt< • II, It iQfl $11),81 _________ ...._ ____ _ FICTITIOUS iUMMESS NAMIE STATIMENT l "f' touowf"Q o•r\On " Oo•no >U\iftrtS\ ., COME INTO MY PARLOR, l:M E••t 10111 Strtol, Co•I• Mru, ;.111orn1a .,.,7 s ........ 8 ~ 1$11 Santl- Or•v•. Nt wPOrt Be•t h, C•htorn1• n..o 1111\ bY•lMU " Condutl..i by an 1ndtvidu•I Sn., on 8 OVl>f'ow Tiii\ \l•lo,,...,,I ,. .. lilecl wllll Ille C-ownh' C"°'" o• 0r"•"9' Coun11 on Oe<•mbf:r 1, '"' 1'177US P""'"""' <>ranee Coe•• Dally Piiot, De< • II, If. U . 1 .. 1 S2•1 .. 1 FICltllOUS auSIHESS N-1. STATEMEHl Du\tn•\\ "' t.IJ N ll,.,l: .. IAL lLl:i..ll<H .. LVM..,Aflt¥ 1.&11 kd\t C..M\lnut, ~tlf l.J ~nt.tt _.,..., ...._,.11torn1• 'lfl/U1 t-tM~ lurPOt4110tt, a l.••••orn1a toroorcthon, 1J01 t:•\f f...M\tnut, ~1tt Lt. unta A~. l.•llfOH'U• 'fJ/U1 T•ABUCO CL~ANEllS -IOC•ltlG et 2010 MaullOfl Parllwoy, Unit B. "'-• Hlllt -?SOI lr-o Ad , Sulto B, El IOfO, C-IY of Or-. st.• of Callloml• Tiie bYllt. tra11\l•r w lll De c-....eed Oft °' ef10t tht list MV of Dec.....,, "91, -clalmt may bot llted et WELLS FARGO 8AN1t, NA , Tiiis ttaMnont .... llled wltll Illa County C~lt. of Oro09 C°"ntv on OO<em.., '· 1'11 I n1\ bu\IM\\ I\ (.Of'Ou<-lt'O Dt d FtntDt \.OtPof'tthOI' Publltlwd Or-Coa•t Dally Pllol, MM"" t0<PC>••l•un 0.C 11 11, U, 1 .. 1 J .. I, 1"7 UJ::)-tl M•tVy H Mytt uu-o..rt,._t, Ae· EK,,,.. No MJC 9T1C( .......... """"-\ c,..,1., o. , S..U• t--------------nH, N••"'' •••<II, Co""'' el ~ ...... ~ .. C.lltornl•. •tCTITIOUS eus1•ESS ·-· STATIMINT .,.rn1utnt I h1) \t.ll~t W4\ ht~ tlflltln tr'liP '"'-0... 1ly l.lt•• OI (Jiren9f' LW"ly c>t1 Vt t ,, 1 ... 1 f>'ubh\IWO CJrM19f \.O.\I Lt••ty ..... 1ot, JUOy 0 HOljotn (f\ntt ., 1Nn'••I Ot•u .. et f ru\ \Wl•rne-nl ••\ f1lecJ Wttf\ tl'lt' lounty (.IH~ ol Or•t>Qe Counll on Nov•n1.,,_, t• 1911 FllSIU l'uDUVIOO Or-C.oa>t Daily 1>11o1, Nov' 11 0.C •, 11 1•. 1'1111 )192 ~I ~~~.....-~~~~~- ,ICTITIOUS •ustNESS NAME STATEMENT the-tollo•lnQ o-ri.on\ •re ao1ng 1N\1ne\\•\ Mt5A lR"\/lL AvEN<.Y, 21~0 Harbor 81•0 , P 0 bO• 2'3), (O•la Mt\a, (allf '°'•,..123$ Wdt1•m Lyon MtC.l•nlt•nt. 2••1) Dori• Ave. M•~''°" ""''Oi C•••• il?t>91 Mur 1e1 Joy<" M t(lf'men1. 2t 6/S Oor•• A~. M t\\tOn "wto. (.•ltt 91••• LIOyOo Ltt M<(.OllYrn. 21'4 l>O• "t\14i Or1w, ~til MtW, C•tit V1•1• J4iCQU'f'hnit M•t•e Mt.Cottun•. 111• e .. v .... °''""· c. ..... -.... t.•1tf 97•1• l "•\ bU\1ne,~ 1\ <.Onduc..t•o by • Q~ner•I p.Mftwr!tl'HO Wlll1•m I.yon McC.l•m.,nt T f'H'\ \t•tffl'lif'"' wh tllt'O •10t UM co .. nly (.l•r~ ol Or•nQt> C.ounty on .. 0. "· '"' F1't,l1 P.,bll•ho!cl 0r""9t' C.cw,1 llo•ty P1101, .. ov 11, 0tc •.II 11, 1"61 Slllll 81 ~~~~~~~~~- PICTITIOUS aUMNISS lllAMa STAlEM•NT Tiie lo110wlnt "''°"' are Ooln9 l>Y~IMu ._. FLOWERS BY MARSHELL. • Felr Ot , C.la Mna, CA mi. Ca to! -M«tln, JUI PIMD<-. COiia -·CA ma Slwll.., ...... Tltclll•, 1l30 S E Brnlol • n, s.te Ano. CA '!'>101 l"I\ -1-t ll COnclt.Klecl by a -r•I --r\l\lp. CMol A. Maf'tlll Tlllt st .......... Wot flied wll" Ille COUf\ly Cl.,.,, ol o..,... C°""'' .on How 10, ••• P11UU Pul>ll,,_, Or.._ CoHI Dally Piiot 0.< 1 •. 11. U. '"'· -Jen •. 1"1 S~t NU 9Ta ~~~~~~~~~- PICTITIOUS aUllNISS ...-.. STATIMlllT T,.. I0110w"'9 "''°"' er• 001n9 bU-U "'I'S' .,, 1•1 TOOL S..ACtt. l b) JAMFI 1Hc • nss _.,. 111v<1 , c-1a -... CA '1611 M•lff I Amlr911aNtl, llJO ltVIM Avo , Nowpott S..h. (A '1..0 Ojafar ...... W.11111 Slllelll, ISJ:I A~w•y Or., G-1•, CA t11GJ Tiii\ _1,..., h condY<I*" b• • <orporatlofl Toet SI>«• J ...... l In< Amr19..-1, M I ~ ,,.,, "".....,,.,... tN\ ftled •l'th uw County Clefll ol Of•-C°""'V on 00< •. '"' P111911 P .. 1111.,... 0r.,. Coen 0.11, Piiot. O.< 11. 11. n. '"' J an 1. ,.., PICTITIOUS aUSINEH NAME STATIMEllT ~1 T lie lollowl1>9 "''°"' or• 001n9 l>Y•IMOM G EHERAllON REALTY. 110. Horbor Blvd , Swti. 102, COiia -... CA n.11 Horry H w ... 1 .. , 111, 10Ge All>o ........... c.i. Mna, (.A ~27 T l'tt\ ~rwu n <oncN<tf'd b't •n l""i•l-1 H•rrv H Wtntf'f\ Tiii\ St.ltt,._t wos 111.0 wllll Ille (°""IY Clerll Of 0r....-COUftl• on OK 9. 1"1 l'tnm JOSl .. N a. OAY1$ JAMI SM. .. ICNETIE ............ w.. !1'e ........ ..w., ,.. .. JI) C-.MeM,CA•• Pvbll.-Or-CAie•! OOlly Piiot. 00< 11. 11, JS, , .. , J ... 1. 1"7 PICTITIOUS aUSlllESS ..-.naTU•ENT Ula-ti Tiie lo110 .. 1n9 ""on I\ 001n9 llv_llMUM VISTA VEROE MOlllLEHOME SITES, 1741 """-Av..,.., Costa Mow. CA m21 J o mu Cll•rlo Woodt, 11;, PomOlla A-• U. COiia -... CA .,.,, T"I' boltl-• h <-ucled by •" lncllvldwl J~c11ari..w_, T"I\ --WM lllecl Wltll .... '°""'' Cler1o of Otan90 County on O.C•m-'· 1'11 "''"" Pullll"°"" C>-CMll OOlly Piiot. O.<. 11, 11, U . '"'· -Jen I l'ltl u, .... All <laiml rNel lie ro<IH-at lllU -... .., .. JOWi dey of 0.C•-r. , .. ,, ltfllft\ , ... ~" " ... , ..... .. T"~ lollo•l"9 "''°"' ara llvsi-UM ooinQ l>tov 10.11.u.r.. •II 1'1111 ~111 f--------------- lnc:ludft .. tr_ ... of''-Ii•-. 111 wllk ll c-. all <111lrns mvtt lie -··"" .... to --""wfllcll ... ''-lie-Is ,,_..,,.., .., IN O.port-..1 of Alcetleli~ .. .,.,_ CMt1'91. S. lar • lr.-te-lr--Csl, ........ -~---·..,.,­.., Tl_..._,,. for -tllr• , ..... i..t -•. II...,.._ from tM tlMvo. -c.11y.,. cie-n , SJM s...1a M• CMlyOll R-. ANllelll'I. Ce. Lelle Fw"t a...n., JClll _,_, El Tore, ea . .,_..._ c-n. • A•se<laled R-. •r•a, Ce ; AllM Cleaflert, IMM AllCIO Pe••••Y. L..-.. """-C.; Tr-.C• c .. -n. HOl Tt-• -..., II l0<e, Ca iltlto •; ••••• , •••• Cleaners, 0~1 OANl 'S STATIONERY, ISUl GellMn-. ~tmlMler, c.tlletnla '1M.J JH""' F 5mltll, 1-lklftolre Cl Hu11llt191on a.-, C..Clfonlla •-G toret w Smllll 11 1, 1000 Bona ln Cl HYnllnoton •••<II Celllornl•.,.., Tllh bu\llle" I\ C-led.., an lndlv,_I ._F Smltll Tllk -w .. lll<lclwlttlllle c-1y ci.n. oi o..,,.. c-y .,, 00< '· 1"1 Pl,,_ P"4111,,_. Or ..... C-DallT Pllel OK. 11, 11, U, IWl , J., 1, IWI sm.41 •• ,,.fl( .......... C.; HatrlMfl . ~.· "~~ .!;. ~~111'7 ~ PIUITIOUS aUMNISS NAMl ITAYEME .. T -.ill, 5-11• ~ C..: VIII ... 0.. 0.y The 101iow11111 oenona a re dol119 "CTITIOUS aUSIMESS MAMa STATl-NT The loll0wl"9 "''°"' a re 001"9 l>u\tMUot COA. llt41 M<Ovtmott AW<> ... S..llo f , Irv-, Callloml• '1714 Roberl Franie> Ow•ars-1, 11 En-no Mil, lrv"'O. Call-• .,,u R-rl E._ Jae II ton, 11 H..- S'9hl. Rolll"9 Hiii\ h tate\, C.ollfef'llla Tiii\ -•llttt Is <...-.CtH ltY a llmllH ,...._..,.... R-rt ,_ OvllM "'' Tlli\ ..... ,,_,, -111 ... wHtl .. C01111ly C,.rll. ol Of-C-ty .,, OO<emWr 2. '"' Pll'1Dt PvOll-Or ... CM \I Oally .. llol, 00<. 4, 11. 11. u. 11111 n..,. PIUlllll Ci.e-1. 1,.. ..... , ....... ,,.,, .... , DllllM\\a.l C.. "-"''-'• -.tM, lftC .... S... I) "ROf E,$SIOHAL P"RAlUiAL ---------- 01 ... -lllt CMtet, J71I ~· SERVICES. INC , JI THE LEGAL PICllTIOUteUllNEb At'OM ....._,SM 0ie9t, Ca ftllt, STAf'F, INC , dlH THE LEGAL MAM91TATaMe11tT teM9cr.-~ cnt .__., F IO c 11 1 COi tor Illa l "• lollowlnt "''°" I• de1n9 ~""''.C.."7M;......,,O..-SlA F, ft< .. t. .-.-. • -.,..,,,,. .... c-...n. .. ......., Or.,,_ Otetit • .,~·:,_ L Clltd .. ,, 10 CrkUll, CUSTER CLEAN INC, co . \SO C. '1111, Allte Cttt-OllO·HAllt !twine, (alifoln••OJll• P•v•att~e. 11 ·101, CO\ la M•••• C~ ,,_ lA Per IN-.~ vv...,. p C~-1. J'9 V. V.1l.-. (alttornla"-1' ........ (&o.c-t J, t111l Slrffl, •0110 Gaola -.... C.alotOttlla (ir09 F'. L-. Ut P~1ar1no, 6-JIMtoOHA ~~I\_,,,._" I\ <Oftclv<l..i llY a IC ::~c=:j,c:=~:: 611 JUNG IU" HA -rel ... '"-""P lf\O••'°""' T,....._. ,,._,,I.. C.llocltet c;r....., ,-L-.. LUPAaM .... , 11..A. flll\ ,_, • .,. 111eo •1111 -'"'' .... ..,_, w .. lilto •1t11 tto. •-• 9 I t.°""'' c i.r11 of Or•._ C-tv °"Oct '°""'' C.ler• oi O.a11 .. C°""ty on .. ...,... .. -~ .... ,.. l't. 1 .. 1 HO•ttl'IDH t•. 1 .. 1 ...._...--.aa.... 11114* ,.,,.,,, ~ o .... ~ Oailr .. u... PYlllli\Noll Or-(Ott\I 0.11• Pllnt, PYllll• ... Or-c-.. D .... P11ot. OK 11, "91 J1tl-tl Nov 11 0... 4, 11, 11, '"' t1-1 Nov 11 0.. 4, 11 111 1•1 l1>1M1 •ICTITIOUS aUSIMIU -.STAT•MeNT Tll• 1•11•••11· INr>On ,, dOlftQ -'""•• IC C UNDERWATER YACH T SE•YICE, m 10tll Street, -porl 9Ncll.C.A_, Kol"' O C: .. wlo, •n S.l~m. lnrl,., CA tt71• Tiii> -· I\ <~eel by an ....iv'-IC el .. O.~ TM• --,., ... "'"' ~ ,_,., Clerll of o..,,.. c-,., ... o.c.-•.IW1 .-.nm ,..,..._Or .... C-•l Oelly ....... 0.C 11, ti, U , 1 .. 1, .... JM 1, 1"2 ~1 ·~autetl•• ..... ITATS••T TM ... ,_1,.. "r-la ...... ...._.! (0$TA lllllESA lllllOICAL CE .. TI• ,.._CllMA(Y, Jtj Ytc•la. Cett•MeM,CA*lJ •o•rt A Ckll.,1, Jott Alffe A-.~ .... (A tlJIO Tiii• ..._ It <--led .., a11 ........... ...,, .. ~ Tlla......__, __ _ C-ty Cler1I .,, o..-..... c-tt ... ~ ..... "'117» .._..I_°' .... CMtt Dolly ~ ..... 0e< II. If. ti. 1..,, Hilo I. ltat ,..,,., Orange Coast DAIL V PILOT /Frtday December ,.. . 1981 II I Cl I ~U.LIC NOllCC Nol•nol wte ~, ow provh.1an\ of we UOM >011 .. ,d ton Of 111e C1v11 f oclo or 1 IW ~·•I• of C•lllOtNO I In •«•dolnc• Wllll '"" P<OVIS•Ollt o• W<llOll\ 1011-•n of I.,. CIVIi Coekl 01 Ille St•• of c.i1t0t"'•· Ille tollo•"'9 1 .. 100 v"11<i.• '"'" tlt •9'o at PuOll< AuctlOtl al 10 llO a m Oet.tmC>ot 1•11. , .. , al 111 E Wol""t \t i...nta Alla, Ca lllor1110 ltl• ~(ll'f 1 011 IO MIM I.It O"oto0) I 0 •M'llH~ 0...W ... -\(,., ... Int 111 E Wlllnul ~I Mnl<I Ant, (A ~/01 L1MN>lclotr P11blltlle'CI Oran0t C.O<l\I l)a1ly P1lol, 0.t 11 1•1 u .. It "ICllllOUS IUilNIU NAM& STATI MIENl rvtuc 11ocl "'' lllOU• auilHl:U NAM .. )IAT•M .. Hf In. tUUO•H•9 Pt''"o ,, Oo1nq °"'\'""'"''' AW I • I l<AMl l."l Lt '< I k>, 11111)/ AU•m\ A.'IW' ,.,liil•~htliQt0r1 U•<M.h, \.A 'fl••I ""''"••I ~ •tw'f \!Kl I ttuf•• mv t.0\1 o -.. LA ~l•l• Ith\ Ov'\~fi•'\\ •'t (01l(ht•tri Ot .,. •nG•WtOy4I Mot ..... 1"' ... , I ht\ \••tff•l4"fH _.,.._. 11111'\) .-ien ,,_. \.$vnty \ 1.,1 • Ot Vt•nQlil \ount-. Of N~• II 1 ... 1 f lltlll ~VOh\l"--0 Vt~ \04~1 "•ltY •·1101 .. O• Iii, II,~ 4 11 1 ... 1 W.IU I I O•DIMAMC• MO, ll·D All O•DINAMCa OP TltE CITY COUlfCILOP TN• CITY 0" COITA lll&SA, CALIPO•NtA, CMA••n .. TME 1.0MIMG OP A ..c)llTIGl CW L~~:;~·-~c,'0~~~ fHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COSTA MISA DOE$ H£11EB'I' ORDAIH A$ FOt.LOWS S•CTIOM I. Tllero I• llerebt PIKeO -ln<lwttod In Ille A2 10fto. •II lllal ru l pr~y --al 1,S.12 Santo Ano•-to wll , Tiie ~--llOrlv IJ2 '"1 of -Not1-terl., JOO 1 .. 1 of Loi 113 ot Trett :IOO, Int .. C-., ol 0tar19r, St.ie of C~ifo<',,;e, M POf' m.., r.c.or-In 8ooll U , p_, 11 encl II o1 Mltcall•-• M-. In IN Office ol IN Covntp Racwdlor oiwldC-y E llCU•T t11t -.... ceny .. 1 .. 1. 1'11·11 AtHUOr P a r<-tl Humotr Ut-111-02 s•CT•• l. Pvrw...c to..,.. .,..,,1_ of Section 1).li of 111e _....,, C-of 11W CJIT of G•ta Mna, Olslrl<t N1a9 <;..S ot IN City of C.u -· ~°"' ol •Ilk " I• on Iii. Ill Ille OlftO oi "" Pl-.... Olvil'on, " ....... .., -"' Ille a<NlllOft _...,,,,tr. R7 ., .. dH<M-lft S.tlell 1 _ .. . SICTIGl 1 llll\ Or<t~e \NII l••-t-lie lft 11141 lwce t111rty 1•1 HJ\ 1"''" -....,. ,,.. -wee 111e.-. -prior 1o ,,. e..iro11en o1 111-n 11$1 d•" lrom Ill ,..,_ ............... ~ ~· In ... OllANGE COAST OAILT PILOT,. --r ...... r .. clrculal-, P<1"4ed -publl-'" Ille City ol C.ta Mna w , In Ille Ollema41M. l"9 Cit\> Cltrll mar CaYW lo Do pulllhlled a ---, of tllh Ordlnonc:e -• cwtlhed c..., of Ille ten o1 '"" OfOIM ,'IU -II Do po•ad In -otll<e ol ... CllY Clerll rive UI clays allu actoc1llon. tllo City Cle•-,,,.11 c-to bo .....,.1-. IN .. .......,. .. _ wmmary Of\cl "'°" po\I 1n IN ""lc•.M ,,.. City Clerll • cwtlllH COPY of'"" Orolnanco 1C19elNr wltll Ila """'"'of IM memoor\ ol "'"City Council ¥01in9 tor •nd ~'n't tfW wwne PASSED AND AOOPlEO lnl\ ""clay ot 0.Ce-. 1•1 A TI UT· Ell .. nP -·· CllY CIOftol- OtyofC.ta- STATE OF CALll'OAHIA) COUHTY~FOA"NGE 1 » CITY OF COSTA M ESA t Arl-Sc:llaler MaY<>r ol ,,,. Cit• of C01taMow I, E ILEEN P PHIHNEY, CllY c ...... -u -l<lo (IOf'k ot Ille City Coun<ll ol -City of c.i. -w. llerfl>y cwttty lllat Ille olleve -lor-lrlt O•dlnanc:e No 11.13 •• lnlroduc*" -c _ _..., -•-"' -•Ion al • •011Yl•r ,,_,,. OI wld Cit• COW><ll lwld on.,. '6111 ctar of N.,.,em-. 1t11. -IN••----'""""" -a -.. a rt91'1ar '""11"9 ol M lcl Co..nc II -on IN 7111 .. , of Ok...,ller. 1•1. i.y ,,.. lot-lfte roll call ,,,. .. AYES COUHCILMEMBERS, Sc:llaler, Hall, H•r1109. MacFor1-. Jotln-. NOES CO\JNCIL.MEMBEAS. H- "BSENT COUNCIL.MEMBERS - I .. WITNESS WHEREOF. I ...... loe...., _.my,,_ -olflaed Ille SHI oi Illa City of c.aoi. -.. 11111 llfl d•Y oi O.C-. 1'111 111 .... p Pfll-y (lty C ..... -oa-t<IO' Clortl of Ille City C.-11 "' , .. CllY ol C.•la - PUlllC tlO~l (fl T COUllCIL 111 IOLUTIGN NO 11•116 A lllUOlUllON OF fH( CltV C.OUN<:IL 01' THI CITY OJ 1•v .. 1I O•OERINO AN AOJU\TMI Hl TO II MAOl IN fHE FlU JO'I Aal .A OJ •I NIFIT ~ F 11 t Ai HTA8LISH•O av CITY t()UM(IL RHOLUflON NO .... NC>ttlH lllVIN[ lllAll'F" SIONAL Ol"•1CT WHE.ll!AS, ·--Ho ...... 911_ IN I .. \• lie<_..,.... .. te<ll PO•Ul t.._,. Ill Er!flllNI ··9·• •II•----· IN'I .. rMI. Oftd WHEllEAS. "610 '--· ..... --' etllm. .. o ~ ....... t."4 et ........ -WH[ll(A\. ltvln• MvlllCIO•I (-'-<.It_, \/I N Ill "'ev1 ... , ler atlfY\lmafll ol Ille , .. , """"<II may r~1 lfltt.w. er -r-In Ille ftllrna ... cc..;J ol Ille,,_ __ ••!MUI --1\ a\ reflt<t .. '"I ... ,..,..,...., PftC• I-•. - WHEREAS, Ille •--r Pfl<e •-• -lflU-\lfle.e --..-.. , ... ,., .. ·-...-. ...... _ ........ -.... -of-··· NOW, THEAEFO•I . -Clly C-11 tf -Clly of ,,,,,,,. -lllWI, -...,,,,,,., .,..,.. MMt ,._,.,. ., touo.w, taC-YIGI 1, l lle "'-'"°" Pll"••anl lo -" h '°''' ._ lflO <t"'lirV<l!oft Of lllt aforewl<I 1mpr_..,..,,, Ila•• """' _,._ • ....,,. tla ••rleon -••h '"'"''" ArM Of .-.....111 No F 111 encl Ila_,,.,. INr"' <IW•• .. •llf• IO-" WC.II patetf ore W'I 10t1" Ill Eolllbll "t •• •llac-llerelo -lly "''' ,..,.,_. ln(Ot-•ecl lleroln a\ •"°1191' ta• 1on11 •I let\glll til!(TION J, flw Clly (lerlt. ,..ret>J I\ autllOlllM-dlre<-1• th• M lk• ti u.. aCllllj)Ciiifl OI llln Rn11lul1CW1 by PllDl•\Mnv • '°"' '"°reol In • ,,.•-llOr OI 9fneral <lr<V4"4'°" -••noo ano lif•nl*cl •llllltl Ille Clly, -11, molllft9 .... ., titer .... lo .... 0-t\ ol .... p-... , \llel ..... "°' "''·-·· ..... ... <l\Or90110c:.iad wl01u1 Are• ot fHtwlll HO P 1/.1 •1 ---· -... 1n. last eq.,.llted •uttvn.,,t rou o-., ,,,. wmo aro _,...1 .. k-n lo tlle c111 C .. rlt. S•CTIGN J, f rom •nd •li.r trw otto<11ve Mlt Of ""' lltHO ... lon, no lle••IOp"*" -bot -m111.o.., any l>ONI ..,. .. .., ••lllln At•• el llaftofll ,.o F-n ·2 .... leH -..nlll 1,._ <"-•llt> •OC>lt<--ID_ .. I-•• e\l.ON-Dy 1111• llHOIUllon '"'••IN wme ma. DO ...-11, ao1 ... 1M11ur-n1 • w 1d Section VIN 1111 llaw -pa10 O< """I -¥1\-IO< 04'<11 NJ-I Ila\ -n m-to ,,,. wu••«llOft o1 ,.,. C••• ""•"-' PASSED AHO AOOPIED bJ IP• Cllt <..ountil of -City of,,..,,.. <14 • , .. \ilte r ,... .. ,,. M"' °"tr. 14t" O•• Of Nov~ 1•1 OAVIO G. SILL\ MAYOR OF H<l Cl r 1 OF IRVI HE AITEST IONA l OGLESBY, OEPUl'1' CITY ClfAI( Of fHE (ITV Of lli\/tNE STATE OF (AlifORNIAI COUNTY Of ORANGE CITY Of IAVINE 1 I SS I ... NC'I' C llOWl..A .. D. C•h Cler• ut -<.1ly ot IMtln•, HEAEB'r' 00 CERl If Y lllal -lor-1"1) Ae>0luliOI) *°" °"'' --el e r09Ylar "'*''""' oi 1"-Coty (.°""'11 ol In. (.1ty OI 1t•1 ..... ""'°on ltw Uro O•t of J""•· ltll, Cit ,,,. 1041ow1nv r041 call ¥Ole AYES $C0UN(iLM£MitEAS A91an, ""'"°"' C..100 \/ard0utl\ en4 S1ll\ NOES OCOUNCILMEMBERS Nono ABSENT OC.OU .. CILMEM8EAS - •ONA I. OGLESBY OEPUfV CITY CLt:lilC Of IME (llV OJ lllVINE ,.o f n, EllHIBI f .. ,. lr•ffk. \~t\ end·~''"''"' rqu1pment •n•trwcllons t Culfff Ori" •t •r1i;•nf' &o1i1t•_,•rO 1 (t.14"'9f Ot1w Al 8rv•n Av•"""' ) ...... A¥f'f'H• •I Irvin. boul•vetO • Y •le Awnu9 •t Br v•n Awn~ \ Y •I• Awnw •• tr abu<.o Ao.ea • Jettr.y q~ •t , ,,,,,.. 8outev•ra 1 Jt"ff,..f A~•• Br'•" Avenw I Jett .. , lloC •• Tr40u\O Ao.a Tr•fftc S..9'\el lft\~rtontW• t SY\1•"1 ~,.,. Contr1>1•t• ¥00vt• EAHl81' "C r ... C>t•Uff'Mi~ f'\Hm•tf' of (O\t '°' ,,.. lmc>f"OW.,,.....h .... torth In E atMDO .... I\ '61 ... mlO TN C0\1 •111 bf' i.or•..0 on I ,,, .. f#'1 .,..,.. bn1, •11<h1Ch"9 "'4' $.JM-.01. I loOow11"t9~PW1r91•b4f' .,.,., ' Bryan~ .... p .. ~ 10 ,..,,... l A<rn nA<.,... CITY COUNCIL ··~VTIOlt lllO. tl-IU A RESOl..UTl()ff OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THI CIT-Y OF IRVINE OllOERING AH AOJUSlMEHT TO IE MAOE IN THE FEES FOR "AEA OF BENEFIT NO. l'·TM AS ESTABLISHED BY CITY COUNCIL 11£SOl.UTION NO. 6'3. IRlllNE RANCH -llAYAN DRAINAGE 01$TRICl WHEREAS, R-...lon No. 6tl ett•ll,,_. IM lwt • lie c ............ ID •«" p0rcol -1n E•lllbCt "B" onac __ .,... -• 1Nr1 ,,....,, - ' WHEREAS, Mic! l•t -r• baiecl -M ... ,,... c ... ~trvcU.. CHI 01 ti .•11.0lt.- WHEAEAS. lr•lne MYnlc1pal C-. S..:11 ... VI H·lll prevldH lor actj11Sl,,....I oi -~ wfll<I\ may raflo<I l11e..-or _,_ In Ila etllmoted cml ot ttw ~ <apital 1....,.._tl H r-1.0 In Ille con-price•-•. encl WHEREAS. -conwmor prlu •-• -Inc:--Wice tr.....,._ of ,,. coo" C-9'-• to _,,.., wltllln llW .,... ol -11 NOW, THEREFORE. Ille City '-'tit of h Oty o1 lrvl,_ _, llftd, oet•ml,_, -I and rftol ... M IOI-. SICTIGI t. 0. met-P<K-to _II Ille <-•I\ lor IM CeMINct-o1 .. •l•l'Wid ,.....,_ftb ,,.,,. -.. -1--""varlclor\ -colt wlttlln AIH of .._,it No f'.n .1 -II• -1lofl --<har9NllM ID _,, IUCll "°""'ate WI ,_"' E•llll>ll "C" --la""° -bY 11111 ret.rwK• •o,,,..ralecl lletein • 1"°"911 wt I-at ........ S•CTIOll I. l ite CllY CIOrto lleretiy I• -Ired -dlre<led lo ltlve ... ko tf Ille ~lofl of 911• Rtto•ut-Cly e>ulll!Sllift9 a COC>'f t,._r9of 111 a -- -' ..,..rel clrc..iatoon pu1111.--prlnled wltllln Ila CllY. -.., ....i11nt1 a.le• ,,,.,..,. lo llW _,.." oi ttw .,._. ... -llA•• -prev..._.y ,..... "" CM rtn IOCatecl Wtltllf\ Arff ol e...1r1 No. F-n .1 .. ----.. ""' IMI ~ ... 11100 .. .,.,._. roll, or •• tM -ore .. ,.,,,.,.,,_ to llW City Clerk SICTIGI J. F""" -otter t11e __,,,.. Mio el 9'1\ Rote!vtlon, ne ._.,.,_......-II bot PWmtn.o on M1Y ._ IOUtOll wltlllft -. .. el -It l\lo F.n .1 unleu -....,,, Ila cllar9" •PPI..__ .. -II ,_ .. ...__ lly ~·· lle1'0tutl0rl I • M --ma y .. -.-"' 11111 ...... ""'-"' lo Wld Se<llon VI N·lllJ --~or"""'-'' ...... well payment --" -lo tllt Wlll"achon of Ila City --P ASSEO ANO AOOPTEO ""' IM Clt1 C:-11 ol tllt (I,., of lr•IM al o ...... lor ,,_1"9 lleld on IM 2•11ctay of N-. 1•1 OAVID G SILLS ATTEST MAYOR OF THE CITY OF IAVINE IONA L OGLESBY. DEPUTY CITY Cl.EllK OF THE CITY OF IRVIHE STATE OF CALll'OANIAI COUHTYOFOAAHGE I u CIT\' OF IAVINE I I, NANCY C. AO'IYLAHO, Clly Ciarlo of ... City 01 lrrlM , HEAEllV 00 CERllFY-h ~"9 llnotvt'°" -dllly adoCIC.Oat o r99Y1at mtoHnt of Ille City C-11o1Ille City01 tnrlnt, ,...., on flle ?•11 IMy of l\lov-r 1"1. by I"-IOI ....... roll Coll - AY ES SCOUNCILMEMaERS Aer..,, °'""-Y.Galoo. Vat-1\-SOI• HOES OCOUNCILMEM•ERSN-• ABSENT OCOUNCIL.MEMBEAS - IONA L OG4..£SIY, OEPUlY Cl TY CLERIC OF THE CITY OF IRV INE AllEA OF BENEFIT i l 1·. 1·- 1 • ' HO F-[}·I E.llHlalT "C" FEE OIST RICT COllllPVlATIONS 1,0,...-··---I Tele! t•tt•OI~ lacllltlft ............... J , .... """"' .. ..-...... ·-....... °"., , ,,,.,,. C•••I l"WtlMll ............. c.t •ltMACl'Y-'1 ....... l0-YM.CO$T TOC>ltAl .. JllOI PllE OtST•ICt AIM .... llTINITltt_,.ICNI ._..... ...... ",.. ~,-..... ......,Soor<lw .. c ..... .., a.-. S..C• ,....... ....... , .. ~lltllM"' ...,..,P .............. Ac ..... 1'" 0.-."'9c»M ..... "" ,_ ... _!Wk • '-•fr---.. "" ...................... " .. °' _, ............... . M ..... IC ..... ,_ ..._, .... ...._N.,....._ °'9".._•M.__,.. ~i....Or .... C-tO..IT .. ,,,..,Dot II, "'1 '..,.. ' U .. Ac tJ,tte.t1' l,t14Ac 6.MUll •.wr~• ...... . ,__., ~ UH ,..,, i.•n 2 SPK .. 1 Uw Aro• l E• Slwll \la1ton1 N•lt_a<,_ Ac,._1. TfM tMreaw "' ow <~"""''" pnt • •not>J1: ''arn 5-e>t-botr 1•1 .. ~ ., .... Ntw '°'' ""' •crt "tal .. PYb41-°'-C.oa>I D•••• P1lol, Do< II l"I ro .. 1 I 10000 sue oo ""',. •• ,, --II PUlllC MOTlCE PUIUC MOTlCE CITY.COUNCIL llESOLUTION NO. 11>111 A AESOL.UTION OF IHE (llY COU,.C.•L OF THE CITY OF lllVl~E ORDERING AN AOJUSIMENI 10 8E MAOE IH IHE FEES FOA AREA OF BENEFIT HO F /1 J AS ESIABLISHED BY CITY COIJ,.CI L AESOLUll()N HO l'o. YALE AllEHUEd ~ l'REEWAY OVERCAOSSIHG 01STlllCT WH.EAEAS, AHOIVI-No IOt HI_.,.,.,... Ille f"' ID bot <llar .. •a.. ., oacll parcel.-,, In E•"lbU B •"•'-... "10 Of\cl -• Mrl lar-- WHEREAS, w icl I-woro 0...0 ._, an ttti,.,.,..i <-O'-l•U<llofl <CKI of '1 .... ,000.- WHEREM Ir.in• C•tp Mun•t•Pll CoOP. Sec:tt0n \ti .... 11' 0tov1dln Pot' adj•Htn»nf of ttw fflf"\ •h1tft m•-,i rMlf!C.1 tnct"N"M'\ or die<~ tn ,.., o\tlmalect COii oi IM PtOPoW'cl UP•l•I ,,,._o._u ., r ..... ,.., In Illa <Oftt.um"' onu '"°"• M\G WHEREAS. Ille·--· Pflt• ,,,.,.. -inc ... ..., Mnco I ... odoCJtlon ol tM <oth cJWlrOIM(Mt 10 uw perc•h ••tf\tf'I ttw •re•°' benefit HOW. THEREFORE, ,,,. Cth• Council ol O>o CllY ol lrvlno "-l 1•"4, determlM . on:ter •nd rf'\Otv• ., follow\ SECTION 1 IN rn.t-pvn.,•nl lo -II !flt '°'"'• I ... co~lnKllon of ,,. •for.w~ i~OYe-r'nf'nt\ "••• -.4"1 40PO•"Uorwro •"'°"'9 the •M"kMI\ ,..n et1 ,.,Ulln ArH ol 8".111 .. 0 F 11 l •"4 Ila -110f1 I-CNf9Hlllt lo ea<" •uc" p0rco1 a,-.,.. tortll •n E•lllllol C •ltKIWd llemo -by 911• r.,.,_ 1ncorpor-.CS hl'f••rt M tftcM4" w• fOf"~ •1 ~ SICTIOM I . Tiit C•fY Cit" n.rtb• 11 ..,.._._ _ dl,_locl to 91vo-tet oi -acllCIP'lon ol ""' AHOlutlon ov PllDll""nt • ,..., t,..r.,. In • .......__ of ~rel clr<Yl .. oon ....cit•~ """ 0<1nle<l w1t111n Ille OIY. -lrf ,.,..11n9 <oPt.s ,._,...,.to m. -ntr• ol ,.,. _,,,., tn"4 llav• -prev~ly oe•d ,,,. ,,,.,..., touled wtlNn Area of e....ht No F.n.J .i ----n ... uw ••~• eQU.ltHd Mtiin~t rou , Of ., Ow 1MTW •r• oftwrwl• lll"IOWft to ow (lh '"'' SECTIGI 1 From -~ter In. e1'«1twe Ml• o1 tlllt llffOlytlon, no .,..,......,_ -II i. permltltO on •nv •-IO<a-wllNn -. .. ol .....,II Ho f .n .J ..., .... -...,II lho cllat 9f• ellf>fk•llN lo_,,•-.. OllMN-Dy 1111• AHO!"'*' C• ~ , ... ~· m•• bot ..--,11y 1111111\led pyr-"4 to WIO Section VLN·ttO llave -Ptl•O 0< ""'" Pf'O•l\lan tor -M ym---" m-lo Ille Y'lltl«llon of Ille Cllv Mo,._r PAUEO ANO AOOPTED llY IM City C.oun<ll ol Ille City of ltvlne OI e fO<JYIOr ..-1,,......, on , .. l otn d0y oi Hov..-. ,.., OAVIO C SILLS -YOA OF lHE CITY OF lllVIHE AITEST IONA L OGLESBY OEPUfY CIT Y CLEAlt OF THE CITY OF IAVINE STATE OF CALIFOANl"I COUNTYOFOAANGE '" CITY OF IRVIHE I I NANCY C ROWL.ANO C••• Ct•ro ol ... Cit\> of lntlM , HEAEllY 00 CElillf'Y 111<14 tllt l .. O<JO•nq Attohltlon -• 0..1, _eo at a -tor ,,_"'9 ol Ille City Council ol llW Clly of lrvlM , -on Ille ::lrd N • of J"'• 1'tl, Dv ''-fol10.tN) roll < .. , wotf' AYES $ COUNCILMEMBEllS A9r1n At>ll'lont G•-V•rOOul" •no Stll\ NOES OCOUHCILMEMBEA!> N..,. ABSENI OCOU,.CILMEMBEllS,._ IONA L OGLESBY, OEPUlV CITY CLEAi< OF THE CITYOF lli\/INE AllE" OF BENEf'IT F -11·) EXHIBIT A T"'' 4•\Cttct '"" Pf'Ovt~ t1nenc:1•I ""'PPQl"1 to"'-.,.".,..-<Cll"f'\truc:t.., of • Dl<Y<I• ~\trlan """'C'• owo•<•Oli"'9 ol lfle lnlental• S !Santo Allal F•-•Y on Ille..--,,.,. ... .,......., OI .... •-Thk wtll ..... ,,.. o ....,.,.,.. "°"klllar -iw.woy lllCY<lo/~rlan 1•1111., ,...., Tr-o 11- to wa1""' ,.,_ 11 '' to '"''""' •II r19M ol w•y -.-. .....- «O<ll•lllon, --"•-•mo"''· ..,.,,..01. -" _1,,., PCC •lllew••' t Yrb •"" 91111 ... r-o '"1p1"9, 1>ar1.-. 1..,.1"9, 119M1,.. ilpt, 01<. 0."9" .... <Gmlru<llan _,,,..,.nq •nd _.,..,...., --lnh.,.ilofl COii\ EllHl•IT "C-™-"""-•"11M-Of <-M ... tN lft•&*l-t• ... -1111 .... I 'A- h t t ...... T1lt Cir. <.,.ftlllM"'"' •Ill r-.Ce --to .. •• ........ 11 '8 ... '" ""'~·will ...................... Mtk. "'° -,_........ -· !fl ... dhfrl<t I\ 114' I •-Tiiis ....... ..._ ,,.,__ ......... CIW • ...-.. "'911 Qetlell TN <"I -«,.Is 111 ... . T .. lfle-1111M ,_ prlu ·-~"-.~II ttn ...,._,... l ca1•1-1'9\ _..IL•""-Tllt -<•I -ecrek U h ... • ~OY .... CA;a\t Delly PU.., 0tc II, I.., ,..., 'l I llllll 1111:1/llUTI ClllT Earth ·tapping urged as power so11rce By PATRICK KENNEDY Of .. OeHy ,.... "'-" State officials believe possible geothermal power underneath Huntington Be a ch could be tapped in conjunction with the c ity 's e xte ns i ve o il d rilling operations. · To discover the potential or natural hot wate r power in Huntingto n Beach , city and Orange County officials have agreed to file a pre liminary Citrus park pushed St a t e pa r ks off1t1als are plannini:: to de\ eloµ a new park f eaturing his to ri c al cll ru !> g rove!>. and Oranl(e Count y leaders are lobbying for the site to be in lrvinto• T h <' c u u n t \ B o a r d o f Super visors a re urging s tate Park s Dire c tor P e te Dangermond to select a 600-acre grove at Sand Canyon Road south of the Santa Ana Freeway Super\'1sor Thuma!> Riley s1:11d t he s ite s til l 1n c l ucks t he well·known East Irvine gene ral store. a post ofrtce. blacksmith shop and a pat:king s hed The locat wn also was the s ite of the or igina l l rnm• fa m1I\ home Th e ~upe n 1sor s qu ic k ly passed a r esolution T uesday urgin,g the Irvine sit because Dangermond was attending the m eeting to discuss development plans for Crysta l Cove State Park. Among t he points madt• in the resolution was the ract that the county ha s a lo n g herit aJ?e connected to the c itrus industn evidenced by its na me However. state parks officials a lso a re examining s ites in Riverside and San Bt'rnardmo counties ror the proposed park. whic h has bt•t•n recommended b~ the s lc.1 t l· P ark s 'a nd Recreatwn Comm1!>s1on for fu nding rrom the t980 Parklands Fund passed b~ \Oler:. lust year Count\ off ll·ials s av th e Moc king.b ir d ReH nn1r site propos~d h~ R 1 \·ers1de County m ay ha\'e a n ed~e because Da ngermond formerly was the county's parks ancl r ecreation director Othe r s it e.., under ('Ons1deralton in <>ran~e County are a 200-ant' i::rove JU~t cast of the Cohnas bluffs in San Juan Capistrano and a 300 acre gron• in Santa Ana Ca n~ on \'IStbl<' from thf' Ri\'ers1rlc Free•\\ ay application Monday for a $25,000 geothermal study grant from the California Energy Commission. City and county officia ls say th ey p l an t o m a t c h th e prospective grant to launch a $75,000 study that is earmarked to become a model for future geothe rma l explorations ir. Orange County Other potential geothermal fi elds exist in Se-al Beach. La Habra, Fullerton, Placentia and Yo rba Li n d a , s ay count y officials Paul Raver, Ora nge County ad m inistrati vc ana lyst , say~ st ate ofricials believe hot water power could exist unde rneath nearly t he entire surface of Hunting to n Bea<·h a nd t he proposed study would Judge the feasibility or tapping it for ener gy ·'The pote ntial of geothermal power he r e is tre m e ndous . es p ec ial l y bec a u s e i t 's j u x t a posed w ith a hi g hly urbanized area and could be used for heating homes or for heat processing in industry .. T he s tudy would tell us the wate r now rate, 1ls d epth and te mperature ... he sa id. Raver said one prospective oi l drilling opera t ion in the west ce ntral pa rt of the city hit nothing but hot water that was gauged at 475 degrees before the well was capped City planne r Diane Borde r s ays data from oil companll'?S o perating in the city would assist in the proposed s tudy. Ms . Border says the State Division of Mines a nd Geology has identified Huntington Beach as a potential s ite of geothermal power and thus qualified for lhe state study gr ants tha t became available in 1980 Some geothe rmal studies have r ecently begun in Los Angeles County, but Borde r says local "'fficials believe the proposed Huntingt on Beach project would be a first in Orange County. Mik e Sm i th. g e othe rma l s pecia list for the California E ne r gy Comm1ss1on, explains t h a t geothe rmal energy is attained by harnessin g heat from scalding wate r that n ows deep beneath the surface He says that the wat er, at temperatures greater than 400 degrees. us ually m akes its way closer to the surface by pushin£ through geolog ic faults . · ·Oi I drilling operations in tl'l e pas t have brought hot fluid to the s urface but no one wanted 1t and the energy was lost as waste heat.·· Smith said He said a mixture of hot wate r a nd oil could be separated at the well head and heat from the water could b e tra ns fe rred into ene rgy Coast pair held in holdups string P o l ice have arre s ted two Huntington Beach m e n o n s u s picion of committ ing 16 armed robberies of banks and convenience markets within the past three months in Huntington Condominium plans nixed in Newport Plan s to con s tru c t a r e s ort-s t y led time-s har e c ondo minium project o n Newport Beach's Via Lido were unanimously denied Thursday eveni n g b y c ity pla nn in g com mi~ioners. Applicant R V. Hogan. Newport's former community development director. had asked permission to level an existing office building at 3336 Via Lldo and co n s truc t a 20-unit condominium project in its place. It was the second time in little more than a year t\at the com mission h as r ejec ted a time-share project. The Cirst one would have been located in Balboa. Condominiums in time-share projects are sold on a weekly basis. Each condominium can have up lo S2 owners. Applicants for the Via Udo project now ca n appeal the commission's denial to the City Council, which has the finaJ say. Beac h . Costa M e s a and Fountain Valley Suspects George Jay Johnson. 25. and Gar y D Zerbe. 22, both of 8450 Atla nta Ave , wer e a rrested Thursday in Fountain Valley at l :30 p.m as they drove a way from llom e Ba nk . on ~tagnolia Street a nd Warner Avenue, police said F ountain Valley police say t hey confiscate d a sa wed -off shot gun found in the car the s uspects were in, which. police s aid . was stolen. Pohce were called to the scene by bank em ployees who said the two men had also been in the bank the previous d ay and wer e acting suspiciously. police s aid Fountain Valley police say_ that J o hnson has admitted i n vol ve m e nt in numer ous robberies in the three cities. Huntington Beac h polic e investigators say J ohnson matches the description or the man who robbed both the Santa Barbara Savings .office. 20981 Magnolia St .. on Tuesday, and the Tokai Bank, 1900 Brookhurst St.. on Monday. Total loss in those robberies was SI ,076, police said. l'ohce say that Johnson is sus pected of Involvement in one robbery in Fountain Valley with the r est a llegedly occurring in Huntington Beach and Cos ta Mesa. The two s uspects were turned over to Huntington Beach police and are In custody in the city jail, authorities s aid. Dilly Pilat F RIDAY, DEC. 11 , 1981 For one professor, CA VA LCADE STOCKS GARDEN B2·3 87 RR is William Faulkner almost everything. See Hugh Mulligan on Page B2. 0 0 HOLY WALLBANGER Dr Jt>rr\ Tanke r s le,-, pas tor o f th t• l'omm1in11\ Presbyte n :1n l'h url'h of I .aguna Bc•<Jch . t a h;~ a s ledgehammer to :.i sanc·tuar~ \\all s1ud C hurch m e m bers a tte nded a "\\allbreak mg cere n:10n~ · · T hur sday to <"l'l<·hr;il 1· h£>gmninc uf Sl milh1m rt>s loral1on J>fllll'l'I ;.1t lht• Fon:..,l .\\ t•nut• <·hurd 1 To dJlt• lh1· <·hurc·h h:.i:- r.11sNl .~700,0041 111 <'a'>h . pl1·d J!•'" .111d pn1pl'l'I \ Hir l ht• ·· Ht·slon• tht· Spknd111 prnJtTI . \\ hwh 1:-l''-l>t'l'tl•d to ht.• n1mµktl'<I Ill rnx:1 x 1 Burglars hit five ,times in Laguna Laguna Reach police recorded f1\'e burglarie~ Thursday . with r£>s 1dl'nts r erwirt1n g a total of more than St2,000 in \ ;iluables stolen The biggest loss was ... urrered hy res1dc•nts of a house in the t9oo block of 'alalina StrcC'l They reported SI0,000 10 1ewelry missing S tereo equipment valued b~ tht• own('r at Sl .680 was taken from a hOUSl' in the t200 block Of Temple lhlls Drive, a nd $700 tn belonJ.langs were reported stolen from a house 1n the 2000 block of Glenne) re Street ,\ re:.1dent on Cress Str eet said valuablC's worth S237 were take n from that address and a Chff D rive burgl a ry nett l•d the thieves $150 in cash Pol1cc don 't bel ieve the bur~laril'S were rela ted Basketball • sign up deadline due The last <la ) tn St£n up fnr H1ddy Baskl'lhall through lhc: l.agun;,1 Fkac·h Bo~ ·l'> C'luh 1s l>e<· 11 ;.ind 1h1• lca l!Ut'" arP filling ra ... l League pla) hcg1ns Jan s for ho\'S ancl girls in the fifth and s ix t h gradt•s \\ho µla~ on Tue s <l a~ and Thur..,day C\'COIOj.?<., Sel·nnd. thircl and fourth grade rs pl;.1y on Thurs da y nights and Saturday mornings Cost 1:. Slll for club members and St!> for non member.., and each part1c1pant i::ets a T ..,h1rt in a ddition to 1>l a~ 1n g in 15 gaml's r or more information. r all tht• c I u b at 49'i· 2535 holiday maaic T h e Saddleba c k l'ol lege Chamber SinJiers will Jlltn the Riverside Colle~c ConcC'rt Chmr a nd Chamber S1n~e rs in a p r ogram or hollda~ mus ic Saturrla) o t 8 p m T he event wall take plar<' m the Saddlebark Colle~e Fine Arts T heat e r on t he Sou th Cam pus 10 M1ss1on V1t•Jo ----- Sperry Univac plant closing in-Irvine Ttlt' :100 t•mfJIO) t•e S1.H·rry I · n 'i \' 3 t m 1 n 1 c· 11 m p u I e r manufal'turing pl<1nt 10 lrvinl' 1,1,Jll be dosed next ~ummcr. a <·ompany spokesman !.aid toda~ T11m Yam. controller of the I r\ inc fa c 1l1t,·, s aid 2011 non skillt>d 1,1,orkers at the plant \l 111 tK· M go !\'!any of the other 200 techn1c·al i;tarr mcmbl'rs and 100 ad m1n1 s tra tors will he offered JOhs at Sperry l 'n1 vac s Salt Lake Ctt\ manufacturing plant . hl' said · Yam said the phase-out of the I rnne manufacturing plant and the tran:.fer or the o per ation lo Su It Lake City wall take pl act• over the next seven months and no la)offs will take place until the end Of nt'Xt ~tarch T h e c l o s ur e o f t h e man ufacturing plant at 2722 :\11chelson Drive won't affC'ct the l'o m pan) s markl'ting a nd rl'!tearc.·h and developme nt opera tion. which employ!> 600 people at 161i142 \'on Karman A \'e . I rv1nc • Yam !><lid company off1c1als d('cided to phast.• out the Irvine manufacturing oper ation in an attem pt to s ave manuractunng costs o n minicompute r:; lie t'x pl:ci tned that 11 1:-. lhoughl J!rt<itl·r 1•fr1 c 11•nc·~ t'an h e a<•h1e ved hv con~111tdat1ng the 1 16 .fJIJO ,quart' (1111 ! lr\'lnl' opl·ral1o n into the >l5fl .OfJO <.,q uart• foot manufac·tunni.: r.1c1ltl) 1n Salt l.<tkl' l'tl\ The• phast• out of thl' I rvinc 11JH'rat111 n w ii I bl' ma 11 t· as 1H11nle~~ ds t111ss1 blt· for the cm plo) et•s. <.,aid Yam llC' '>a id the compan) opted for the slow phase-out rather than an abrupt mo\'e so that empl•1yee~ 1,1,ould haH· llm•• to fmrl nt'"' Jobs T he tom pan) ts tr) 1ni:.? to he lp the t.•mplo)et•s "'1th 1nh scart·h~s. he l'><Hd The ln·1nt· manufac turing u pt•ral 1nn "'ah purchased by P h 1 I ad c·I ph1a · bas l·d Sperry l ·n1 va t· 1n t977 from Palo :\Ito ba,..t•d \';inun A:.~oc1ates , ... a id Yam. noting tht• nperal1on has quaclrupl\·d tn volume ... ince th•• acqu1s1t1on lie "a11l lhl· d<'t'l.,11111 to move thf' I rnnt• 11pNat111n 111 Salt Lake Cit) had nothtng to tlo with the probh•ms or high <'OSt hOU!>lng al')d traff1t·. two fal'tnrs wh ich h.1vl' lx•t•n hlaml•d rt•cently for indusln nm'i1denng moving out of 0 r JOI!<' Count\ $5 parking fee slated for colleges StudenL'i who park in Orange Coast. Golden West or Coastlme college lols will be required lo pay a $5 fee for the spring se m este r. a charge that may JU m p to $10 an the fall Currently , the three colleges ofJer free parkinf'. Coa s t Communit y College District trustees. who approved th e pa rking fee con cept in Septem ber, voted on the amount of the fee Wednesd ay night. Dis tric t adminis tra t o r s suggested either a SS or SlO spring parking fee. The higher fiRure dre w c ritlc1 11 m Wednesday from stude nts and teachers who contended SlO is excessive The trus tees also were told that OranRe Coast Colle ge already has printed its spnng catalog listing a SS parking fee ·I don 't think a SS fee is su fficient. but I don't think SIO ~hou ld be im posed until the rail." sa id tr ustee Robert L. Humphreys The trustees agreed to vote only on the spring se mester fee. The SS charge was a pproved 4 to 1 Trustee George Rodda. who cast the lone opposing vote, said t oday, "I belie v e it is d iscr i mina tor y. a nd I don't be lit>ve at will raise as much money as has been projected because or the cost of putting it into effect and enforcing it.·· When the trustees considered the parkin g fee con cept in September, a preliminary report indlCSlted a SS fee would produce a substantia l s urplus Arts post • • interview slated LJ~UnJ Bt•a t h l'O un c 1I 111 l' 111 h •· r.., "' 1 11 1 n t e r v 1 c w Jppltc·:.ots l11r an unexpired s1>at "" the t·1t~ 's Art~ Comm1s:.1on .I a 11 5. and candidates s hould f1 It· a resume by Dec :u t'omm1:-.s111n member Lee < 'hildrt·!>:-. 1~ stepping down from tht• ;irh µ<incl lwc·ausc or othl'r c· 11 m m 1 l m t· n I ~ . a n d h e r u n l' x 111 n ·rl ...i•c.11 run.. l h rough .Jul~. t98-'I Tia• \rt ~ l '11mrn1.,s1on at·ts 1n .111 u1h1..,.ir\ c.111<J1·1t\ 10 the Cit\ «11u11nl 1i1 m,1tlt'rs i1t•rta10inl! le> ,1r t1.;111· aml 1·111l11rtJI a ~pel'ts ol Jh t• I'll\ Till' ·nint· nH:ml1l'r n1mm1s.,111n int'"'' lht· ... 1·1·11nd .:rnd fuurt h '.\1onda.\" 111 llw month. l':Od'l'J.Jt :.um ml:'rt1me l.a g unan ' lf\tl'rl•s terJ 1n J tiJlh 111g for thl· pos l s h,wld l•l'l'"l'nt a rt·~umt· to the Cit) Clt•rk s off1t·t· h~ 5 p rn Del' J t Tht• lt•ltt•r '>hould t'fl\'t·r work t· \ JH' r 1 t•n1·1• ;i nrl c' per 1 e nc-l' "h1th rel~1H·.., 111 the pos1t1on. th~ rt• a so n ~ f '' r u p p I \ 1 n g a n d int 1· rests for m 11rt• 1nformat1on. t·all \'t•rna R11llinl!t•r at 497 33t I l'>.I 209 Good job means cash reward Laguna Bl•ach cit) em ployees wh o clu an exceptional JOb might rel·C·ivc more• than JUSt a pat on the back m the future. follow101o: Cit ~ Counc-tl action An except ional performa nce pay plan. worked out earlier this \ear bv 'mt·mbers o f three ~mplo~e·e as<,oc1at1onr. and city Jd m in1stra1ors . "'111 see good workers rewarded with ca!>h Council members this week app ropriat e d $5 ,378 10 an11c·1µat1on of a number of cit) t·mplo~t.'l'!-t lx-ing rewarded with 1·.1..,h bem use!'> or step increases l h t· plan 1,1,o uld r e ward l'mJ,lloyct·~ 1,1,hose performa nce 1s ..,upt'nor bc yonrl the norma l l'" Jll'l'tat10n:. 11r 1 he pos1t 1on t-:mployel·s to be rewarded \\ho are hl'low the top step or l h1•tr JOb C'lass1f1cat1on m 1ght he Pl1g1 hle for an) t•a r l) s le p ach a ncemcnt Those at the top or the scale w1111ld rec·e1vt• a 5 percent bonus ha<.,c:d o n exc·epl1onal pt.•rforman('C Firm chosen for report on project l.Jgu na Bt•a ('h cr1 unc·1I m 1• m her., and l h c I r \ 1 n c «11rnpan~ ha\t' :-.ell•t·ted a firm 1•1 1·11mplt•lt• an l'nv1ronmental 1 m p ;.11'1 rcport for a ·HI un11 111 111t•1 t inland of In IOl' Cmt> rht• Jn inc C.:11\ t' adrl1t 1110 I' ro p11s t•cl th he Inc· a I l•d on 2fi a1·n ·s on tht• inland "Irl e of :'\Orth ( 'o;....,t ll tJ.!h"' a) r equires an l'O\ 1rnnml·nt ul stud ~ tnuncll m1•ml~rs hu\'e flekrmined Thl' pant'I sekl'led Ph1lhps. Brandl and Hcdd1ck. of lr\'IOe to rnmplett' the report at a cost of Stfi.HOO 'I ht• t•ompany "'as one or ooh lh n•t• 1·1msult1ng firm!. to n ·tl1rn hub for the proJect iind t lw prH·c range r ell in bet ween 1\\1) otht•r eompany nfferings Tht• In me Com pan) will p1rk u 11 1 h l' lo l a I c: o s I •> f t h e t•n\ 1ronmcntal stud~ LB basktball league slated I .a~una Beach youngsters can put some "magic '" 1n their laves b~ partic ipating in the cit y's Junior Ba skC'tball League which l!ets under way J an. 9 R <'~istration for the league. which is open to boys 1n the !\e\'enth a nd eighth grades. is open until Friday. Games will be played at La guna Beach High SC'hool on Saturday mornin gs T here is a $25 fee for the program and voluntttr coaches u rc net>ded For information. r a il t hl' c it y's r ec r e ation department at 497·3311, ext 201 I, --------- Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/FmJay, Decembor l 1. 1981 L --------------------------------------------------, NYSE (:OMPOSITE l~RAN 'A~l,IONS OU0l6TIC*\ llfCLUOL I 1160,\ 0" fM( "'"' ¥0•• ¥10•f \I 1'6C .. I( l'llw 110\ION Of I 1011 AlfO t IN(1""ati \IOC• I &(MAlllOI• 61110 Ill PO• lf 0 I \I I Ml lfA\0 61f 0 111\1 llfl I \•If'\ Npl \4ffl'\ N .. I "41.--,,..,, "'411"" ,..,., .,. ... , to' ( "'°' \.. .. ~ ( "'Q ... I f\d\ ( IOW ( ~ a• l tMh f ~""° (' r.Q V t M \ ltJY ""' t I •HI ' 0..0 1 • I 1 ... 1 • " ._..,. I .. II .. tt'"-~·' .. I) 14 Ill• P•<Pw 2 •• I •I It Sletl'• I .. I M II 0..Jft t 92 zt It U " ........ I 6011 1 ... it 1 ............ 'I. II /11 1)', ''> ~:tr, J ~IO ! n~:: ~. =-~ '; : '4: »._ .... 0r..... .. IO ., '"•• ... -~ I .. 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D 1 , • -t - , " • ,..,. ~ .... ~ us~, -" u > n-. •'"" 1 • ' • ...._ ' U It ,._. ==:!..1 -12 ID IS _,_,, '-' 111 5' .._ "-E? t ... I M ..,.. °' UtffelM .... .. '"-._.ft .tt»-MI '6 , .. IH 11 • ~--~ ·.-6 -.· iAt ...,.... lllS 6 .. '1 ........ C)lof ! •I td,. ~.~---...;. 1!•11,!! ti-. ... · u .. ~L 210 f 11• ..... l""WIGI t,a 1 1 ,,_. t.1' t IM 1"t-" _.,... 1 -'1' tt 1'~, u. LIU:t 1 " • ,_ ,.,.._ '°' ~, 9 ' ~ •• -,_ ~ .... Ull'L flf 2.a t It PtUG ,,. • ,. n • ,, ,. .,.._ ·-= • ,.. 1'1"" .. LIL,.. • ... • -I Owef>( I a H .,.. ~ lllC,. r.• • m •1~ .... Ut~l" I.. " • • .. G -•1 1 1' -lwt .,..,_, ,., • . lll ... IC ta dlO S1 -.......111 I •• - -• .._ ... II -11'-• '-ut•L -1~ 1 1•-• 9-11\..,l.Jl i 10 1n., •, 1f.i t 'ti 1,_• filfWfl 1.911 . I 11-. + It Lil IN US Jt ~~-'-o;;fi -''JI 'I ii' """" , ... " I.a "'" • ... ~ .., :' .,_,, _ -eo-o.•' 1' t U ~· • a Dll;-OollOI a.a • 1111 11'-•• • LILl/#T llt M .. 0-lll .. ~ 1 ~,. ~t .. t '1 ft " ,,, C. 14 1 U •I--._,., M 11 "' ~· .. "' ,,... °""""" ,,. ., , ....... Lil,,. t.O , ,. -"' -...._. -= ' .... ,,... v ..... JJ 1 1JI ~.I "-" ... 1 11) 1~-A ,. 1_\I;-°"". fll.. 1 ffi: • l\11 Ul .-0 l '7 • 16" ll'ti~ .. M ~ ~ , 91 It 7 S1I " ,, ... Jiii .O • IS "'-'"'-""2 4 11 )1~ .. • Ill ""·".. ~ 1 • "1 1 tllO " ' i..o.or ft 11 M ,..._ t 1 -I U fllll. .. "-111 ... • • ,__ .... V .. Of'ft I 11 I J lJ .. er¥111W I lilt ii J1t Jl/141 • I .W •• tft f1i.-"' _...,._ 1Jlt 6 ..S ~ .... Lar8' n .. 1" ~ t i-t ... 141 .... • .. 11911Q I • t toll '5'--1,_ y~" • 11 Joi 1• t .. ,,, • t • • ,._... i . H ,__ '-~ ... '°' ........ l.AGeftl t a 6 Ut I~ PSA ... t .. -... IT t fJ'I 1 I ~ ~ Vert-S1 JIJ JI • ._., -J 1 tl'I U "' 14'-._ -M-et -~ 1 • I • *""-" •ecA$ I ~ tr ... OM • S rs '"-,,_ 411 t .. I ._.," I It t ,.._. I tt '9 ~ '-....., 1 U • -111 Y"9c •" ,. Jt • "' i-ecOI. 1..11 • 1• "' -..o fll,lS w .._ + " v-. 10 u tS l)o'I. • ... , ... !..Ji • 1H .._ l 1 IH ~"' ._... l.JO•I J 1"-• 141 ~ In 6 .. ...._ ~~ .. "' 1 t1 a"1,s '! ~ ...0 fll,a .. I U ~ 1.J • .... l_tal I d t .. ta 1l at~""' ...... n 11 n.... ....._. 1 • 6 a.JI 21111., rwo.. ., ·• y ~ ,1VGuide on top of heap Wh•t 's the moi.t s uccessful ma1aaine in Ameru.:a'! It depends, of course, on wh•t you're measuring Rut by mos t measures t.he answer fa going to be TV Guide, the little pocket guide to television programs thul sells now for 50 cents 1t checkout counters TV Guid e, puhl1 s hed by Triangle Communications , u company owned by Walter Annenberg. 1s first in these categories: 1 Tot&I circulation· 18.4 milUon. Tbe closest competitor here is the Reader's Digest, who&e c1rc ulallon is 18 m1lhon and the Dl1est is a monthly while TV Guide comes out every week. 2. Newsst"nd circulation 11.4 million copies. Tbe runnerups in lhis C¥legory are Woman's Day <7'6 million). f'amily Ci r cle (7 4 million>. National Enquirer (4.S milhon 1 and Pentho~ (4.1 mtJlion). 3. Annual revenue collected from llHtsstand sales: $238 million Second t.o TV Guade here is Penthouse, which took in $129 million lfl 191110. 4 Annual advertis ing revenue: IU9 million. The runnerup here 1s Time, clocked at 9214 million in 1980. . 5. Total revenue from all sources· Ml3 million. f"ar be•und, in second place, 1s TiRM. which iarnered a total ol 1346 million in 1980. So this tiny ~ magazine, ·- which tells you 1;, ~ what's on the tube . htt s becom e a S600 > m i I I i o 11 propert y . taking in money at the rate of S 11.8 million a Wffk. It stands to reason. I suppose. that a people so addicted to the tube would find lheir favorite readbag matter in such a publication. We have a good fix on lhe magHi.fte business thanks to Folio, a rem a rkable magazine that comes out of New Canaan, Conn Every year it ranks the top 400 magazines in the country by every conceivable s tandard. rrs a bible for advertisers. who have to decide whe re lo put their money. Here's lhe latest ranking of the top 10 magazines based on their revenues from all sources 1. TV Guide S613 million 2. Time· $346 million 3. Reader's Digest $261 million 4. Newsweek : $256 million 5. Playboy: $199 million 6. People: $198 million 7. Sports Illustrated· $196 million 8. Woman ·s Day: Slfil milbon 9. Better llomes & Gardens $162 million 10. Penthouse . $162 million STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW VOllKCAP) Fiiiet Qow.,,_, ••Ill' tor T ....,_,, 09< II AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS HEW Voi.tC (A~) -TN lol-1119 1111 _, "'9 ,... V•• Sloe' Eac-. 1110<•1 ----· INl ..... -... ow ,..., -._ tlle mott Detld Clft 119rcM1 of ~ •~nll&• of vol...,. !or T,.,,_, ... _,.,. , ......... _ u ••• "'<~ -· - --caotf-<""'9t• ..... tit'--._ .. or••-clo"119 prlU-~lP'k• -I Merle1r1 I Jlled .......... JGlnot IM • Str•• ""' s -rtlO ,_.., 6 l"EC:.~· ,._ I G.e'°" 7 . .. , ... IOGTl't ... 11 9-'\ ..... ltU.,._Mlt u CO.WSl.1 "~"" " ._,... Gel ,._....,, "" last Che l"<I S • ~ Up JI J .. ... ~ Up •• , 11 ..• ,... Up 11.0 ,.,.. .. Up 10, 22"> • 1 Up It• 14"' , 11, Up IO 0 7~ " UP 10.0 •'9 • '• Up • 1 ,.... 1 Up I I 11 .. UP l.6 "' t • 11 ... Up I.' J:1'" 1 .... Up I.• tO "-Up I I "'" • '• Up 1.0 11''1 • I~ Up 1 t lV, • '" Up II JO • 1 UD II OOWMS la~ Che II -,y, 11\lo I .. .. .... -1 ...... -1\~ ""' 1'1. } YI "' -"" 47 -' Ullo 114 ..... -'" G\lo -f4lt --... " -"' ..... "" It'll I ....,_ .. P<I °" 110 °" " I Ott 11.0 °'' 106 Ott " Oft " Ott u Oii I.I Oft I,• °" 1.J Oii • s Oft ., Oft ... Oft u Orf ., Oft i.I GOLD COINS NEW YOttlt (AP) P<l<•t !tit T .... .._y of 90ld <liM, <"'-'" wllfl -..Uy"• prlc• ........... 1 """"'. "'11 u. off "" ......... I~ or , .. 21JS,oft11 IS.. Me•~•-· 11 ,,..,or . U162.S, ltlf -u JS ........ 100 <-..., ,,..., 01 • "'°' Gii off t i.IS STOCKS ••no cw,,~.~.~~.~ a Trn Jiii• "7.JI •1 11 JtS.14 + 1.2• 0 Ull 112• tU• 111U111»-O11 ti SI• a• .... llWJt lnl•• •.• ·~ •.n1,• ,,_ 1,011,eGO Ulllt S71,ta0 '5 Siii t ,171,!IOO WHAT STOCKS DID HEW VOllK IA~ DK IO ... ... --<• o.<11-unc ....... hlall~ ,. .... ,. ..... -· WH•I AMO OIO "9:/J "' ... 1'1 •• ,, NEW VOllll. IAPI Ok 10 °n1 111 47) I..., " •o Pm T"";/, ~h METALS 1'1 t» IDt 10 10 -m IOI ' 12 C•P"' 11-.,1.> <tnl> • po,.nd, U S .,.,, ...... _ lHf)I<_•......., 1111< '14''. <-•. -· .,. .... ,..., Tiii ti tWt -•It -comPo'1lc JD A ..... _,...,<..,h•-·" V' Mere_.. loGO 00 PP' 11- Ptat-,,_ OO I"'• 01 N V SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS .. l .............. 11 .......... 00, ... d!O ~ .,,.,,,_,,, .. 119._.,.,IS,"p" 7' ~ark· lo'll .. off • IS ,, __ .... 00 ..... ... J.wtcll ~at• lllU"I ... 00 Dod lllJ' tJ 00 .. II 00 ... .., " .... , & ""-· c ... 1, o .. ,, Q\#Olfl ...,. I) "°" 1) E ......... IClftly a.•ly -'•I ~ 1S WC> .. J) .,...._ lonly 0.1ly Quat•I taD<iutoo .-J0 1• ....... { I . • I ' .. .... L Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, December 11 , 1981 .----------------------------------.r ~,,_---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I , , ~ > . NBA .. .,,.,. «*l'laaNca fl'•Nl(OMMell W L l'<l ,. . ,,, GI ........... o.1*1'\Ule ...... 1111 fl'wtl ..... s .. 111e s...oi..o 11 I U l 11.> 12 I ..,J J•> tl • tOO l 11 1 sn ,. , • IJ llJ I ~Ohl.._, 14 s Ill S...Alll- 0.nver UIMI KAllMt(;tly HWtlOll 011t1t I ti O t • • 11 -• ..., I 11 M I I 14 l» I • t• )00 tO•r IAnlaN CC>tll'IAl:NCE A"-tk OM ti.. PtllllOetllftl• •• l aotlon " • llfew Ytt• to t ,.., - IOO '1 ,,. . . .,,.,...... . ., New JttMy S U llJ •• ' 1tJ ti ~ttDl•ltl• Mllwtlllltt t11c11- AllMCA Cl>k ... Oelroll , .. .,.,_ I) .... " ' 5)(1 • 10 • 11 • tJ s .. ,_.,.., •• 1c_ Ntw York 1a., 0.lrott tO> ,. .... Ill."'· "°'11-110 , ......... o.- fl'trlt-ti LAllln All•e n. lkllton el Ht rtfo<d Oenvtt •I Hew Jtrwv , ..... ._el 1'1111..,.lpfll• K911t ... el Clll<- $a11AMOlllo11 Diii .. llWllMt el MllWAUkM 1(111 .. t Cir, .ot Olt~ Wet1'"'-on ti S... OltQO COLLEGE UCI 111, H•w•ll·Hllo 70 , .. . .,., ) I S I • NAWAll ... ILO -Otvl1 I). Wltl1•m• ti lll ), fl'llrlc• I, C-y •. S...cn'1 0, Nu,., 1 C"'ltt9'\IOtl •. Pe't 0, A•ntey • Vt•'*' 1. lerrte-• I Tott h 2' tJ. t• 10 UC ••VtNI -Wulf "· McOON IO •• ~ 11. -IOtl •.wn111oon II, Fulfer t?, l ••-•Y J. Tavtor •. Tlw>tntOI\ tt, Spinn t. Cl•«IO s. Croutty, Toi••• ..... ,.I •• Mt llll,..... UC l"'lne, M-Jt • Tolt l IOUI\ Htwtll·Hllo 10, UC Intl,,. ti Fowlect out ~tllley IH•w•lt·Hllol '"""k•t\ - loCel Cot. 15. Pomon•·Pltur 60 ~TMIAN CAL CO...LIGE -•ooo,,, 11, fl'arru JO, P t"'"'" 1, Ct rton to IM,,..._ 14, •oeo" 4, Hottm"'" • Tole•• .,. t)..11.S. fl'OMOMA."tnl• -C.emou• l "9ndrt •• PeyM 10, Mc:0-.CI U, 0.Mt" 10, H•"'' I. Honl •. 1111111-I, Jollnton 1 Tot•h 1t a.11t0. Htlfll"lt: 5oCal Collt9f, Jt.M Total f11Ut1 Soeat IS. Pomone·PllN• t• F-'telewt. -; TecMICtt fou" ....... COMMUNITY COLLEGE El Cemlno 40, Sedd1eb1ck 39 IL CAMINO -Ml.,..t tl, .. n l•Y 11 C-t a. Gtlffln J. Coltmel\ J. Hllbr.,h l MOM.aaAClt -Tu,,.., 14, Wlilllt"""' •• Kiii '· Mll<Nlt 4, Fw.c-•. Ooylt J. Fo<o 2 Hat,_ ~·.J~ll r .... '°"'' 1 1 Clf'lllrt0 •s. Seoc1•e1>e<• •l l'autoOOlll c ....... .,, (ECI HIGH SCHOOL Oce•n vi.w 14. Servlt• 57 1alYITI -Evt nt J. Merw•l<n I, Krellf'llAll II. a....., II. CN-11 IJ, JMlln 2. O\tCllerme I, 8ue<llelt 0, 84utrlt•rt 0 Tolltl! n ... tOI ocaaN 1111w -c.,,oi1 1. w.,,,., •. UMVltCll ». A~tot '· 0.Brouwtt ti JUC19e I, 8..ck 1, CMt""' O, 114,,y O Toi•" It U·IU• k-ltyQIM,, .... Se"'tlt 10 H 1• 1-11 Ocean II.._ tS •• •• 11 -+o Telel IO&ih Sonllt 11, Ouan Vttw II FoulM °"' - ftn. Valley 17, Alh•mbr• 51 ALNAM9aA -,..,_, 10, Scnumour •· Son 11, Penr II, Pl\t10 t Tolol\ Jt U U "' ,OUNTAIN 'IALLaY -Ko'1Y •. H•n tt 11. v111.,...,,. •. H...,.., IS, w~n•""'" 10 lh1M J, 8,_ 10, Jt<ol>• 0 Toltl\ U 11 U·ll •1. "-"ou,, .... ............. t l tl " 10 s. Foolftleln Vallev n 11 '• 11-•1 T•lll '°"" AINmt>t• u . Four11a1n Vtllt• i.. feultd out Ptrtr t Atne mD••I. Ttcllfll<t lt Alllembtt -h University 51, Magnoll1 56 llNl'llAllTV -GutH tl , Roule IS Stolroft IS, LtrMn J. C.hol ? Aom.,o • MT«t 1 Tolllt JI ,._JI St MA8lf0t.IA -Allo"son •. Ooroo 10 WI-1'. 1(1-14, l(ttln H FIU9ftOIO t PellftOte 1. Tolth 2J 11).IS $6 le-.., Olla,.,.. Ufllftttlty 11 ti • ,.._ St Mepollt " I) •• ,. s. To111 Nutt. Ulliw ,.ltv U , Mtgnotte II f°"fffeul. ,_, TKM l<et IOUlt l\Ont L~nwood 45, Npt. H•r bor 44 L 'YNWOOO -l roolts •. Alltl\ I C•rler t. Wtllt IJ, Cltrltort 4, s..rtde" 2, S1 .. onW' I >tlllllflt S Tolelt lO S-11 0 NIWll'CNtT MAIM>• -Bell to Set9t• • l iner e. ,...let.., I Folk•, S.IDy •. o ronol • Sc~ 0 Tot_,t IS t•Jt .. k-.., °""" .... LY__,. • I• t ti ~s ...... _, HM110r 10 tl 1 ,,_.. T ... I loult l V'I-14 NfW()O•I HtrDor t ; ........ out-. TKhn•~tlt noM Sent• An• 12, L•aun1 BHch 45 L.A8UU ••ACM -~ 11 1'0tlunt O 0¥ore-I. ""-0, RIO.II I•, Wtl(rtO 0, T.,._r •. -J, Gu.-r 0, 0111 0, U'911•0 0, WllttnlO. Toltl• II tt·ttO IAMTA ANA -8r-n 11. Jtll•••an •. 1.KH II, S/\en41t t, Ma-y l, Sltfllno tO Joftn-2. Totatt H •2·2S tl. k-.., 0-rWn l.eewrt• -~ 1 10 •• tJ .. , Seflla Arte t 11 IS )> U T.otet ~ L..--n ••. Sattlt ..,,. U; f..,ttdeul _,., Tt<Mlcal IO<lh "°"' Sen Clement• 73, Chino 51 (NINO ~llel It, 0.....ne 11, ~••<lilt •. Lt• 10, Halen l t.oMe•l•n 1 C,oniatn • Tt>lt l• U tO It ~ l AN c1.1¥aNTI H111 " l •"'@f'I n _,._I M<l1-4 t1..,rt1N1 t We( ... _1m o Ow~n 0 Stoll" 0 Rl\h 0 lvl••• Jt ti 14 ll "•• •Y °"'"'"' "'""° 10 I) 10 ,. ... !,en (10,....ni. It l t ll It ll l otot •"'11~ c1uno I) ~ <.•"'•"'• tt ftultO Olll ~net ICl\lftOI lt(ftl\l{tl• """' Woodbridge 49. M1t8r1etha 3t MAAANATKA luftO l (••to• J. L •nottmt n !<, Al\Ottw• tJ c;.,...,.,. • Ad•m• 1 Tol•h u ti It » wooo1a100E ~"''""' "· R•oo•<t<h e. Rou\I\ •. lor'klt. t, w1 ... • Bw•t.• • c- t lotol• n S.>O•• k•• •v °"'"'" M•1onat,,. tJ >) t ) .. WOOC1Df'°91 11 It I • .. Tottl IOU .. _ • .,, •• n. 11 WOCIObt1clQ9 II Fowt•Oout none TecruH(•t '°"''' ~ Newp0rt Chrl1t11n 52, Webb 47 wa '' H""' 1 l yon 10 .,_.., ... ,, • ... u m •'-• ..._'"'*"' • &e•mon \ CJ•,••¥ • loteis 1tS.t••I Nl!WIOO•T CN•tUtAN Huwa•d 1J K1lpott10 10 Flynn J Fr-ttct.•on tt. ~l\r•O•r s S11.1o1n t IOt•I• •• I• )Cl n kou •Y O..Ot1on WtbO ) It 14 IJ •I N••()0'1 Cnnf11111 ts 10 I\ tl 11 Tot•t f OIJI\ W•bb ,. N•..,potf CMl\tton ti Fout.a out '-•"" "OOO•lllllj• fWI Jttf'lntc•I toul\ non. HIGH SCHOOL WOMEN COii• Mesa 62, Lag. Hiii• 36 l.AGUNA HILlS s... ... n' Ke.-..n > Mttl>ell.,. ti, .... ..,. S (M in 0 Robln\OA 1 "'u•t•n 1 Toltls t• • 11 ~ COSTA MISA lua I, Lt•n•r It NH I 4 \it~"' ••.Gar<•• 2 Armana.ru ~ McAtNt ) Pr1u 0 Rt ..... ber9111 0 c .. t11no. ~··10•11 ) C.roOy 0 folol• l• 1~10 t l Sou lty O...t1•n l •11uno Hills 11 1 ~ to .1ti CO•lt MtW I) 19 18 11 •l To141 lou•• l eown. Hitt• ti co"• ..._ .. 20 r;;ou1ee1 out l<.....nen i t HI w.,~tMrQitr !CMI TKMtC•l IOUh ,,.,,,., Hin. Beach 74, Npt. H•rbor 17 NIWIOO•T Ma•ao11 O<rclO•. O•luo l Jur~O'llC _., BltiPW! 1 AO tt'I~ .. PlaUOCI 0 Iott !\ 4 ~1S ti HUNTINGTON ll!ACH Cett • Corcto"'• I To•n~ncJ • Htm\lt• • Mend01' 1) 8 u<t.tt• " CJ1n .. noeero h P•c11oo O 1 ot••• :ro ,._n ,. "'-•• °"""'" NtW()Otl HtrllOt 4 I t I II Hwnltl\Qton 8-e<n •• I• 17 JO 14 Tot•f toul1 Wc-W'OOH H•tOO' tO """'1"0'°" Be•<n ll F ou1eo 0 .. 1 none TKMlcel• l\Otlf Edison 46, LB Jordan 43 LONG IEACN JO•OAN ll\j111tem\ ••. McMtcn•e• ,.. R1c 1t•rchan 1 L1Qon l, B•eton l Pelllht ' O Cooo.r ' Jone' o fO(t l• 10 ~1'3 l Otl()ltj "''"""'• l "°"" t l oS•no 1 f•"•IM'. Oef'IH•.,•' l) f rft)I 11 61ct"er 0 lotel\ ti I) 11 .. "'-•• o...n. .. l.OftQ hH Ctt --14 t 10 t) 4J (C11\0n II ti tJ I) .. T Oltl IOUI\ LonQ S.•t n JorOoln to EOl\on ll F°"'"° out ~ t f'Cf'U'U<•h notW LB Poly 53, Miter Del 48 t.ONG IEACK POLY •oom•. B•n ••d IJ Hiii 10, l •ncll •. W"ll•m• • Ruov l H•I• 1 S.ano 10 !ot•t• lt t M• U MATE • Dlt 8•••• 3 11.onu• >. Gormon II. c:;-t J•ml .. on ), P-• Ju\t•Ct l V•flSCO U Tot•h "t .. i.." kon bf 0..•'1•,.. lOllQ B•1<1' Poly • t) 14 ll » M•ttr Ot • tJ 10 tJ 11 • Tot•I to.it\ l otlq 8-1<1' PolY 14 M•ttt Ot1 1l Fou1eo out W1111•m' 11...ono kt<" p 0,., 1 Pooo Mitter 0.1• l •<'"'"<•lt La""IJ 8 otcn Pot,~" l Riv Poly 78. Ftn. Valley 43 l'OUNTAtN VALLli V Hvffithmt01 l PU<l\tl"-1 10 (j1n\ber9 ti Ot •I• U Nl>l\I 1. Bure~ I w ....... m t T ot•I• • , ••• ., lltVE•SIOE ll'OL y Mtllt• • o ... n.,.. 8 C n•mbt•• •. C•••' • h'"colt > Ot>o\O • .,.,.,.,v • Hunt 1 tot•h J1 ,._,1 11 keubyQwt1en F-ountA1n \/•lf•v I 10 I 11 4J RIYtt\IOt PolY IJ IS ll I II Tot •• tout\ Fount•1n V•ll•Y 11, A1vtrw0t Poly 11 Fot.1tf'O Out C,11\U)ftQ I F VI H•Mlt rg tAP I LOI Al1mlto1 THU•SOAv·s al:SUl" 111111 .. ,., .. ""' " ... ....--............ . Piil' llACE .OOyerO• Va ndy• Polley I 8root.\1 Eo'Y FffllnQ ICt•clOt•I A\,~l•y l.v,_, t P~hfW 1 UCI •IO lllO 1 ..o no •IO p.,, s .... .. ,,, .. ,, ••to r•ceo True•''' Jo., Flttl Pot .. ACI••'><~ C.t l l/fOO lime >O ti n £ XACT• • >-41""'°ua10 SlCONO •ACI. «JO •••0• Oo ll•r>9ty IC..-OOlOI 1 lO l 40 l 1U Pu<~ Pt< t.er I 00''""0"'" • lO 1 to CllOIM'' FltQllt !Hartl l tO Also tl<..0 l lW KrW91rtncl •m0"9 '"" \t•n Thi Prt~ Ootln• Promot V•l"dl<t Euy Fellow s...-1~ S..l"toe>n l •m• •• ,, TNtf,0 A.aCE 400 ., .. o. Dolly\ '10Qf 1 B~v1n\l $oMy TM Bull I "••I G•Q• !Crt-•I I 00 I IO l 10 j IO 1 IQ 1 lO Al \o r.cto 4 f04HI to J tt i-t•turto l •O• Spe.o o,, SPIH O f P\• T•m••He»r Covnter Mow Tome IO 11 \I E llACTA 11 "0.10 lt8 411 l'OUI T" ••CE «JO •••O• f<w•ll•no E•w ICtt-rt .. N 11 10 ••Cl T"'f'8l•Cl Alt1t n<•' ... •"l I to 1.0 P•lnt~d Af'Or'I t(•tdot•J 'IO Aho '«*<I Rebrl\ P•nvp Ou•' \AO\> o.,., •o••"' JvO~ IC.n•Qf'\I Mtt•n\P\OIY Mhtr•\ Time 10 04 U lXACTA 11 •t ... 10 ~J<I 00 f'll'TK •ACE. 400'ft•O\ C 11m•ot1 Cecltllec • ><•ro ' 10 ) lO > 10 Sou<I Tt •c.aroo••I •• .o 1 llO ~WHIMl<ltly (Adair I • 00 ••so ·~ea F099, Fo09w I>• (o..nt Tno C•1rt Mott't.ur l t AIM Im• (4\'t' AR M•\lt f\ Touch IO.,. CUSTOMllS SAY lhat we re tops 1n meeting deliveries and in Quality control Some say nothing tuet keep sending orders lor old and new items WHIT ... you're the vocal or silent type 11 might tust PIY you to call us 1 l•J~t• MWn (&0-300TJ•.tloedd D f"pl ACCINT PL.Ames IMC F.ll«tOft CA 714471-1717 MIWPOltT HARIOR CHRISTMAS ,AUDI Starts Dec. 17-23. 6:30 P.M.·9·30 P.M full ca\erin~ Lado VillaJ.?e . TAC"""6 CONSULTANTS "-,_,, ........ ....ic.t Ttmt 10 10 ti I XACTA tt •I ~IO •fl.,._ •ill TM IACI 400 u •O• O••o ti,,_..., 1C.,4IQ1t l Ot"Ot" ~Illy IPauttnal Tltl• (..,t IHt tll •1 oO ) ,. u o •00 )tO 1 JO Aho •t (•cl ,._. l •tOlt1on, [ .. t on Oowft Alemlloo "••Y I alt I .. ,.,,, I""' '° 4:1 , • ..,,NTK ••c• • .,.,.,, f•t11n ILttdl>J•I •IO Im• .... <•• (Otn t 0.Ml .. \Dal YO\ol l(nowWhOt Mll<t\1-10 )00 110 I l(j t 20 1.0 Ll .. 11"" ..... ,.,, AhO J6Ced ¥1,enl•M l•I b ar On Too ltt 8o M•ft 0..01- Met tu\.• tt••• J« t'llilf*'' Jt•i.h ''"'• 10 ... 0 l •ACTAtl )I H •ll .. 1.cl IJ "Cit \t.ll I) l I I • ti P•tO Ill .0 •1(h 1• wlM"~ 11<\tl\ Ill .. PIOf\U f \I l•t(~ ~. con•ole t-pa1e1 \tl 40 "'''n UI *'"'""' H< .. •h t•ou' "Ofw 'I U P6'." ~11 'Wr •tcn (OnM)ltllOn Pt•O 110 4() •tlh t .. ,.IMlf\O ,,, .... tlhftt "°'"''· o"' l<•••<" o• t...i "°"•' two tC.r•lttw\I E tO"Ti. RACI JlO UIU• l•oo /oro IC1roo1•• t 4() I 4() I Ml AftOOI• Poll< y t Herl I ) 00 1 llO Ot\( 0 Hw\llt I AOalr I ) Cl Al\.O t .C.t'O \OIU11r y ''' "le lutel W•~• Pr•llY R•n.11t v "'"0 <.oo. I •o Ovt Moon S.wnl'f' Su."-'"'"' A lUtlP R1ct1 ',,.,e ti Ill U t.llACTA t!.)I Ot•O UO_, N1i.u1 ••er t00 •••o• t Upol 8onu\ f lM ~f'f Pl••\•11\t Po4ttf I M itt ,,_Ill s. .. l fouoli• Run I U•td) 'tlO no 1-0 410 I IO I 00 Ml\ f tr• Al\O 14'Ct0 VH'lloQt fllO My J 11100 c,,.mo,.,, lime 10 SJ U E XACT& t I •1 Qe•ll U• 1111 Alt•nctll\C~ \,lU Del Mar THU•SOAV'S •ESVL H .,. ......... y ... ,_ .. -""'' l'IA-ST •ACa °"'molt llO<t J., H•POY Ille _,, IWlllltM\I) 40 ) IO C.••ncto• AoOtY t!.m11n1 • 10 (j19I Fro\I tHOIU • tO • 10 ~I'° t .CH Anotl• «tt Ptnit H au S.tvrf" !.lt..MlnQ xou "°'°"" (¥0 C.~tt HOwOY T1mt 1 0)1 I W E XACT• t~•l w 10 '1tt Cl SECOND •ACE. 0..... m"• o.KI Flytno ,.,..,. 1Mt<"°"9•1111HIO Sun\et 84.C.h (V•llM"O•"'O'°'•"'' ''° llO t t0 I _, Country Jar11u tloodl Aho •t <tO )w"t Quitt..O. ao Sue Ano., • 6 ••011. l •"'• , on ~ TN t • D IACl °"' Mii• otu •no• \ UDll IGoul•tltl 17 tO 11 .0 J 10 POO< hit I 8.iur1 S 10 ) lO ~••rt Gun CV•ll~tnl J 40 Al\.O raitecl Howd" I)( _,,,O Ml\~ Hun1...-L•t••u Doc. tor Aou 11m• 1 en • s ~EXACT& l._tl pe1d i "l 10 l'OU•T" •ACE °"' m11~oau· Y••lrt•• tStwtt>t • 40 I 10 1 IO ~"° So11 I l-1 > 10 2 tO Ctur NIQlll IC."'""'' 2 40 4'1so r •,t d 8ot.1rio tor G tory Tnunat n.torm (h•HO•I ._.,non ·t Bert C.lenv•lt Ttm P 2 01 • \ Ftl'TH •ACE.°"' nul•Pfct P•rl1nQ l Aut>ln, JO JO 4 10 J.O J.O JOO ~IO SP•t \ Ba\t OlmaM • HM'IOY9' t 0.\ctn•rJ J•m•) Honao 't<.WOltr I Al~O '•<•d OIHp WOOO\ Sl~ru•l'IV'ntr P•u .Ote ltmt 1 00 • ) U EJI ACTA tJ It oe10 M l 10 SIXTH •ACE Ontm1l1 poc• Lord Pet., t G•untl•I t 10 8tv•rty 8re>n'* (KtAC>lf'fl 0 0 119111 E.cJ> .. u IAwbonl J 80 JIO llO l lO ) 10 c;.e. Also •~eel MOUnt t.oi.11 Double Sta l-tr SE VI NTN •ACI! ~"Ill• trot l•t Oro_, Annie IGrunclyl S 40 J 00 l 10 Ou • Sir tAOtrman1 J 10 110 Bold StrNk IWl~fttrdl 110 At\O r•<•d Awtfl( .... n .... P •t klO, Gt m• Wi,,..eld .Armcwo Alt Pot••• Tim• l ()c I ~ U aXACTA •I ii OtlCI i lt IO EtOKTK •AC.E One m tlt Po\• Oo 110 ttB1t6Ye c;.....,, .... , f •lllm•nto • KOl.f'ttQt Su Aower ,,_, tOO l lO ~Ml )10 )10 ) 4() A"o •t<tcl F•ll AIOf\O Oweroeit JO""• ~. S-• O.w uo Ttmt 1 01 t.S U Ill.ACTA f._.l Otl<l iJ• 30 Nt-.TK IACE. One m tto oe<t Et Tore nlo 1Mttlhl l 40 St•r Clltck C.-1\1 Honoo Mnl.,• C.C.•-•t l 40 I to ) 10 )110 1 IO Al\O r.c.t<t 81.-u ReQI\ Jt1<llw U1t•<1 We•come 1mo. Br.i, SOY Time l .07 t•S U IXACTA t •ll Pt•O i t110 • 11. f\OtllG• "° Hollywood P•rk TKUISOAV'S IUULTS IUMef JJ4ty -~ .. ,.. .. 11119) Ftlt\T •ACE • lutlonQi ll•m Two (Ort-I 1100 • tO J tO LOHY Et9'• • M<H•·-· • 00 J 00 Buo • 8t ll't IHawley1 l IO A.lt.0 rec.eo S.t1n s Be<lli. R•,<•• Fee• Hoh Oreltr CN¥tnnt E•o•• EI ,,,,,. .... Ftu>cun 8 111, P•tm•fl• (,rt, Armo' \~r Adml,.•I lime t 111 I SECOND •a.ca. t lw•IO"cl• Mr R .. ctor I Otl••l'ollnt •• •Ml ) 00 l 10 l o..c " of Good t (tmpt \I J IO l ID L.eDoro< lllllf'O"'I l 00 ••t.0 rerc..o Dlor•<••hon Ut' 8• H•OO•. SpnnQ Sh•' Turi AuCho,.ty G •t11n C.unnt• "-Y • Eo. St•• Of Bt19'1ton °"" M•itt r, ~lf'nre Prtnc• T•m• ttt•S IJ DAILY OOU&LE t• h PtlCI UO 10 T"1ao ••CE .,,.._, Jel Tr•v•t tH•n;«n l Co1m1n fOno.-.rosJ Jam Mtft tM<Ht•~I llO JtO l .0 "'° •«> , .., 4 1\0 "•<•d Al\llt IN N•t•vt SNJOv C.•reit• Time 1 11 ~I •. Wt\I CCM\1 U EXACU tM I N 141 \IH00 FOU•Ti. ••Cl .. urlong\ Bounc•no Nt tiw.- '"••~nu•••) • .o • Q) J .eo lrm• Org. t "90ro,.t • 10 I 10 SOO,Ctf\Q Sprtt • 11•r"MnJ i IO A l\O tM;:.O 8 •1tlun t n k Proud EIM• \ LY(' H11t~H "b\Ofb1nc) TOO••\~~ <tt•S! 11 APO Ooot• \ J•--11 Time t tJ FIFTH AACI I .m1lftOf\tUtt Boliam I 1.tll"Of'll t J 00 I 00 l .0 LU Oln9 Otnc•• 'O.•-un ... ' IS tO I 10 Sele m• ( Plerctl 1 tO A.I'° r«.O AmblMt S.lf• At•\Dn to M.t, OottH Ctfl<t. s-Quo n Bwr\( ol W"cl, Lee d th• Ftoot l1mt I !02 ~ U l.llACTA I& JI PolCI ~It IC StllT" ••Cl t lu•IOf\O\ ~111..a Inv.arr- '0.11nou,uyo1 10 lO • '° 1 .0 2060 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA ............... , .. ,_., ) lO J. no o .. ~II IWlfllencll >. 00 ... _llflecll•em--•··""• .... ••Oct ... ,.,,,,. C•lll•h , ..... '""~•" •,.,Int•,_,. • OIH m 11me t t0J1t •1111 NTN AACI • IYt lott{j• Pt tky 'f tf!Cy IHt-111 t to ) Ml UO Me• .. •"""4 CCttttntoeit) • 00 • .0 Miu l a C.en<,,_ I M<C.M•.,1 I tO •1'41 re<tcl OGI • HOf>oy 1.0 .. nteu !,.,.., HtOO-ft , .. .., .. time t tO••I U I lACTA U )I i;.10 "" lO U "tea tlX t t J ti •• 11 patO U •.nt lO •II" w~n wlMl"u ht9'-1• hf,. hotWt•) U Pio \It con••••1'l'I Ot•CI ,,., .0 •Ill\ ,., "'"'""' tkt.th lllw -.. •l U l't<• \l• •<'t l<h COll•tlt tltll Ot •O "" 00 •fin ti WIMln9 lteltth (io..,t "Cl<•\ .... \Ctet(l\I l lOKTK Cl •'• '"''~' J ...... n (HtllHlll It .0 Any I trnt Pal t Pincer• l e•Ol l tt tC.tlllt•fl•U Aho ••<•d Ll ndlno l •OY l •OY Rule 6•1141Ntt• t1m1 1 t•11> U IX.ACTA t••1 j)410 \)tt IO NINfK AAC& t t ttrn1le\ ~.o 120 •OO 100 • 00 Dvt\•roh '•'••mt11 ((.,ltf\Wtl ... w ,. 10 • 40 S.• AtOt I Wint-I • t0 JOO AO.ll•llO<I t Val.,,lutrl•I ) 00 Al\.O r-..o Ple\••t ... nt•\t•l R•\(•IOt tnd1•n Lot• M l\lH ~ri11m1n (•"'•"'"" I lmt t 44 I I u l:llACTA ••• ,CHIO n u )I) Atl•l\dentt I) >M NHL CAMll'llt.LCC*l'E•l!NCI Eamottton Y•ncovvtr t••o•r, Kl ... 1 (OIOt•OU Mtnne'°" Cn1ca110 ~tnntl>"'Q SI lOul\ 0.ltOlt f oron10 lm'ftllt Olwltltll W L T GF GA f'U 1• I • l/S >tt tl I) ti S 10' 'It It • ,. • '" .... 1• 10 I• I I II tlll l I ' .. \ •• ttl I) ,..,.,,, Dtwllt• IJ I Ill '1 JJ tt • tJI t I) JO It 11 lot IJI )I II 1) 10' 11• Z. 'I 11 IOI t?I l3 I tl I 11/ Ill )t WAl lSCONPl•E NCE P1'1l•Otl0t'I•• N 'r h t•not'" P1n\bvron ,_.., A•,._n W4u un9ton tttJtt•lo 8 0\101\ Outbt< ,. .. ,,0 0 .. 1.i .. II 10 I 10' IOS )) II I • II l •1 )4 '' It 4 IOJ IQ) JO 10 I\ J '3 II) l J • " , 101 11) " --••mt o ..... _ IS • I tO' _. JI '• • • 'f1 • lit ti I) t 141 134 l4 tl I I t)'O 11 31 I 12 J •l 101 11 T """"'' I Sot" St l °"'' ). Bo\ ton 1 0ttH011 4 M 1nn.t0t• l Tt1'4tfll" G•mo Toronto tt,W••nl"ll'o" Montr .. I •• W1M IP19 Sid condltlon1 u, ... ,._ ,..,._, ••••• tour to, •• '"'nf'' ,...., e.."' ,.._,. Int.hot•. m.c:ru .... QfOOif'Y\.0, fOUJ ( ""'"' oe.-Sitt •-II no rt()Ot"1 SMf ........ \tYtfl 10 OIOf\I 11\(1\t\ M*, IJ·I· 1ncn IMM 00-1 •nd Po<ktcl ()OW- two Cf\•IM S-• _, 11 •n<n.• n•w ~ .. 1rcn t>•t e, QOwder •M O•(,ed oowcJe r, fOut 001.10lt (M ir' -"o trtim T •-0-. no ••-t "-"-..... _, .... ,.. .......... •ovr 1n<.Ms "•• Q.. .. ln<f'i D•W. m.<f'llM 9raom.O •nCI c>«~ oowoer. , • .,. cl\ol1r\ •no two wrt.c• litb """' ...... l'M)r•00t• S.w•• v.u., 'l'OO toot ,,.,..,1 c•owo towr t~<"-' nt w •0 1ntn 04\f' o•clleO CJO•O•r <.ot•<•f And "',.. C1'•t'~ T•-MI•-· no•e-1 He••••l't V•11•Y Fowr 1t•<n..' ,......,, n.thut l encl ti ,,._,., mt nm•Ot on 3'--.0 •nc."- tMiM, O«'"° oowo., "'""'en••" "' 1..c111W no ••Pott ¥t •-tour tO -'• •nc tttt M •, Jt-~ ln<.h O•\t, m•ctUtM 9rOOtnff 1no lr•'h oowOt t *"' w•~own oo•O•r one frlotc '"•" eno °"' ooub•• cn.tlr l<lle S--1 .... •tpott S..,,. Sia• lltMC" ,,..,. 1ntl'\f'' new 11 ""' ~ h.tw oo.ott •no m~ l'\tnf' qrOQtnitJO f1Y! f f)l•'J •U,_.._.. lowt 1M~t ,,,..., JO..., 1ndt b9M oiowoi.• •f'CI o.< le-() oowoet 11n full oper•Uon Mt .... trvw 10 touf 1n<"*' ,...., )O...al u'c.f't btM pecl.O DOWOrt tf'1tff <"'-••'' Boye· soccer "IGM SCKOOl s..c-•.cai.M•u> Co,t• "'-W KOrt~ S..nin\terr• 0 •1'1•11 S•n , .. ,,.,.,,._ \COrtnQ W llltetn\ 1 G•"l.Jt. lot!-J, •t1tt ... Klllt 1 E.01'°n w.or•no AltP\.eroto'\ 0 C•H•"-"" High echoOI KhedUI• C" "INAU .,.....,.,, .. ) ... ,. .... , __ . (OltOft I U II •• \I P1.,1 t 11 01 •I Aftt M lm \i.Gllltl'I C-tlC:--· ¥1U IOfl V .. jt ttJ 0.11 •• l O• Am'O(), It •1 •• O••-c-• ,.,,.., a.-c-... -• Atttn91Q11 t IJ II •• """'°""• ( t) 01 •I Un•••""' ti Aao•-• ----~-· lwt 1°"9fli. Q.,roan~ I 10.)J •I Anttt- Vt lley 11111 ._.--~-· Ot l\t .... Ill I It •I l"CllO 111 71 ~..._... ... c..• .. -· M lr•l•,t• , ... JI tf' V•tOUm 0 •1 f U Jt •t AtOOl'IOO Ht(lll '"'-C•• .. -• o, .. ,, ttl).I 11 •• .. ,,.,h•o• t 11~1 wtw•r ttt.--111 SlMl~"'l C-•i.• c-.__. ~01\Q tlet<h Poly 11011 .. Sen••~··· 1 tot ti 111 m ~c .......... E I M~ 110-l• "' FootJUll 11/ 1) • 0 m WrHtllng HtGH SCHoOt. w..-. ....... o .... Ntlh Jl 1"1 f •YIOf' t ()H1 '"'°"by f0tf•·I 10) L•rti0n CWJ WOfJ Cy tort••• t 1J tt11le\, IY.:J ..on DW f0tf~1t .,, c .01..-1 w• wt•Htr •o' •••' 1 JI Ano-r"°" ()t• 1 01n'W'fJ Ovun .) •1 U I SttJI•' W Oet l •fw('IOO u J U\ ~l1u OH i OH. ( vrtm,U'I I\ j US RuH•r 4W P•M""" 1fi1ndl'f 4 )1 ,., 8011'"'\M\ 'OH 1 P t'1f"t'd "•f'lt••~ .. l •• 11\ Pa1.c io t W1 p1nn..o Gonu t•' 1 11 IW NI~''' tWI OtM"° C.ooo I I\ •~wt Stohl'l t Ot~> 01nneo RoV~• 1 JO Deep sea llshlog NIWIOO•T (At1't U"'•"91 IJ •"ll'"'' tl ot\\ 1)1 ~h•rf'I 9 r(lt_-. c.oo fO.tte; • Le< .. •t. ,.. •nQIPr\. 148 rOC" • (00, ) f Q..- <OCI LONG IEAC.N l <Ntt" 1 "'~•rll ?• •rlQl•r\ 1 ~•liOWti•I tj() t•t~(O 0.\\ SlAL IEACN JO •r>Qlt•\ /10 re><> coo AVtlA BAV I Po,,S.n U.l\t tO on111.,, 1/0 •00 (Qd Thuract1z 1 tran1actlona AHIALl ... _ .... _ CIN C.I NNAll REOS rtt d•O Jo. t(trn9en oit<h•r to ,.,. Ph11•ot1on1• PMl llt~ fOf Or-t•noo lw 11t outH••~r IA!iKETIAll N•l-t a.IU\Mitl A>-lt tl.., l Hll .. GO 6U ll!. ........ a Roo•• 8 ut•m •n O\HrO UT A.-. JAll Fir.a fOM ,._,,,.,.,, n..i lO•<" N•tne<t ,:-,•"' l.•rGef\ ,,..0 r C»t f'I FOOTIALL Ntt-.1 f..-11 l e .. ~ 8AL ltMORE COL IS P••<~fJ ~ m Anotr\on 'orn•ro.et • Ol't! th• r1w'"t'O ,,, .. , •• Hit \4Qt"'f'O St~•t ,.,...",, oefM'I\ "'• Ot<• \T t.OVIS C.•ROtNlllS i •••O 11ne-W<••r •no l(tn t u·ne, l•t ••t on Ut~ 1n 1ur.-O f"•Mr"* 11\t Ac livAlfll(I "'''0" (Jt\W•tl O•ftn\1Vt tnct Su,rt•d O•le M•'•"•m. otf.,n\1w• IH'Wm •n WA5HINC.TO ... REOS!Ct ... s Pl•cod N•tl Oti.t•tel IHWJo.<.''' Of\ '"' '"'"""° ,.,.,v. 11\t i.O<:K E Y ... ,._.. Nt<hy LU- PH tL AOE LPHIA l'LYER!> R ..... ..., A • ., Ath\Of\ r1Q11t •t,,_0 fro"'"' ,_..,,,_ of Ir. Am tr •<.,, totOC ,tv L•"Vv« 'hASttlf!rifG TON (A Pt T Al~ l•trn1f\tleO '""° tOf'tt'_.I O' Al•n H•r"'QSltblfl'! t..tt ••"Q !iOCCla N.,,.. ,.,,,..,,.,.Sou ., 1,, .. .,. CHl(AC.0 Sl '"" S•0-0 lnqo P.t .. m1dt1•IOu to • mu1t1 ve•r contr.te 1 S.010 Int <Ontr•cl Of JUf Ql't"I qotMf m10f1f'f0ofor to No111nQtwM Forf'\t Of l'1t EnQh\P'I l.ei9QUlf l'OPI LAUOERO .. l E ~T Rl~ER\ Puf"O,•MO O•vtd ~lfldt Offh'""*' '"°"" tf\t Mtn~tot• 1(101\ TAMPA BAY ROw O•l~ ~·on•O Zt Qu1nh• torw•rO Purcn•u·O f e lv •ot••'d •rom S..00.u•o of tn• 8t•t•ll•n '"-••91.1t C0Ll €GE Schools want pact voided O K 1.AllO MA 'JTY I API Attorney~ Cur tht University or Oklahoma :.nd th1• t:nivcrs1ty or 1;1·or 1<1a h11vt• a~k1•cl a Ccderal 1·1111rt Juihw 1n Oklahom;.i C.:1ty to \ 0111 1 ht• :'liatwnul Colleg1utt: Athlt•1tt' A~~IH'llltion !> $263 5 m 1 11111 n 1· 11 I I e ~ r ( o o t b a 11 H·IL'VISIOn parkal-(l• with ABC and <'BS Thi· c·11nt1·nt11m that t~e N<.;AA µuc·t ~hould li1· vcndl•d came to l11<ht Thur,flu, rl11r1n~ Cl heunng IH·l 11n l' 'i U1str1<·t Judge l.11th1•1 fo:ubunk-. on a request th<1t 5!1 rr1t·rr1h..r' of the College Fnot bull .h ... 1H·1al 11111 be allowed to J•Hn 111 a ... u11 &gu1n~t the " ,\,\(I\ 1·r tht· \clcv11.1on nghts E11l1ank' ckh•Y'"' a ruling on thut rt·qul"~t . ~1 v1n~ attorneys 001• "'1·<'k l•> fllt: findings <Jf fact ,1nd n1nl'l u~111n ~ o f ll:lw , but addt-d I ha Vt' no hesitancy at .Ill 1( tht•\ 1 the <ithcr C.:F A 111 1• rn 1, " r ., 1 c q m l' 1 n a n d 1n lt·r \1•ri.· to j.(IV(' t h t· '>ame p1 ol••l'lwn to them c·v A '>luffl'r~ 1n Uoultlt·r . ('ulo . \.\1•rL' hu'' call1n~ ull <'FA Ill I'm lJ t• I ' I II I\() l 1 r) I hem I h11r-.du\ that J 1udge had p r om1-.. .. d JJrotert1on from 1'l'AA ... uw111111-.. to C:tll thC:tt r.cquest 11 ,\ft1•1 a he.Hing 1n October. ~;uhank' 1:-. ... ut'd " temporl:lry n·:.t ra1r11ni.: 11n lc r . bC:trring the '\C'Ai\ from making ;iny th reat s •11 t ak1n1:t d1!>l'1µl1nar> action .1j.!a11l:>t Oklah11tnC1 l:lnd Gt:org1a "'h1h· their '>Ult" µending l'hl' 'ult <.t'k' for a ruling on '' h11 •>v. n!> lhl· property rights to l<·ll•\ 1wd t·ul 11.'gl" foot ball gam es 11 ah11 'eek-. 1>rotcruon 1r the ('F ,\ "hool-. d1:c1 d e to go through \\Ith a f oot ba l l ll'll·\ 1:-.1on 1·1m tr;:1r t with :"RC Artd) ('f>ab or Oklahoma City, .in att.orrw' for Oklahom a and 1:l•org1:1 . ,·at<I lht· etas~ C1ct1on r •'IJllt'"t. 11 grantt'd, would ~1ve I t11.' ol her '><·ho11l!> thl• .. a m e 111 ()\Pt·t ion "' 1 h<.tt prov1dt·d L) tht· t•ourt t•i 1hl· '>C'hools he I l' 111 t'-.C'llh Golf tourney to benefit children Goiters are 1n v 1ted t o part1c1pate 1n the 10th a nnual T 0 ) ~ 1-· 0 r e r a I r \' I e w g 0 I r tuurnament at the Costa ~esa C o tr and Country Club Saturday .1n<l Sunda'. OeC' 19 and 20 Tht• Pnt~\ kt• 1~ S5 and an 1111" rapped l<>~ for the children JI Fa1rv1e" State Hospital whic h " ad1un•nt to the course ThL' S5 1:. SJ less than the r e gular wee kend green fee acco rding to l·ha1 r man Joe Coste llo w ith golfers asked to b ring their unwrappt.-d to~ to the course on the da> the~ plC:t} Act1.in "'II be on the longer l.o' Lago!\ cour'c bo th days Cotrcr:. l'an pla' e ither Saturday or "undav \\.tth aroun d 30 o µ 1· n 1 n ~ ~ · a v a t I a h I e t o t he J:!t•nerc;I pubhl· at the present llm(• "\\'e want to get the field filled •h\ Sunday. 1f pu:.s tblt•." Costello "J \ .. l"o r funht>r information . call C'.1thy Wilbur at the course at ~o 7500 to makt• a res e r va tion. In the nine pr evious years. the rosta ~l es a m e n 's c lub has ra"t.>d more than $40.000 in c ash and toy do natio n s for the hospital ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NFL • • statistics OUTSTANDING VALUES! u:A Dl ~G PASSERS '.\torton, Den .\nderson. Cin Fouls . SO I> \\'hit(' D..il '.\l ontana. SF Hrarhha". Ptth R;.irtk...,-;k, Atl Todrl :'\VJ Zorn. Sea KrJml'r. '.\1 1nn PA re Y.ds TD 323 202 2.963 l!l 41)1 261 3,240 25 533 313 4 229 31 328 189 2.634 19 152 284 3.255 16 :170 201 2,H92 22 \74 269 3.547 29 ~31i 249 2.825 21 397 236 2.788 1:1 513 288 3.580 2!> l.t:ADI~<; PASS R EC E IVERS PC \'ds Avg. TO Clark . San Fran Uro" n. '.\llnn Win~low. SU Andrews. Atl Senser . Minn Lofton. Green Bay LC1rgent, Seattle Lewi~. Ruffa lo Ross, Cine Jenkins. Atlanta 79 1.049 13 3 3 681 8 6 2 982 12 8 Ill 683 94 2 931 13 I 7 7!J 77 7:l 71 66 66 /.)5 65 64 1.215 18 4 7 1.072 16 2 7 1,160 17 8 4 8.16 12.9 s 1.265 19.8 13 Lf.ADl~G ~CO RE RS ~tiin1'1e. San Dleli(o k ·Scptien. Dalla!> ' k Lowery. Kansas City k )f11rra\'. Oetro1t k Leah\: "ff .Jets k kicker Pts. 114 114 110 107 107 l.F.ADl~G Rl'SllF.RS l>1•r:.l'll !>.tit • .., 1: 1-t .. 1.wr'. :"O CJ m pb..t I llou:. Sim' lktr111t \t ontgmr~ l'h1l \11dt·r~on. St I. l'a~ ton. <.'htt•agn Anrirt•w-.. \ll lh•lam·~ KC ' \lunn1• SI> T (' Vd!t Avl( TO 2!! I 1.50h 5 1 4 :122 I 49';' I Ii 10 3311 t.:J"7 4 0 9 2fl-~ 1 251 4 7 12 <!51i 1 2C!i I Ii 7 2tl11.l!rJ41 9 :H3 1.132 3 Ii 6 :WI 1.123 l 5 R 228 1 09A ·l II 3 2:W l.ll33 " 'j 19 u:,\ot~G Pl' ~TERS \tdn.illy. <'rnt Sk laclan\ l>c1 (;ll\. ();.i.kl.cnll .ll'nn•nJ.:~. ;\ n: Cam:mllo '.\ En.I! ('olqullt. 1'1tb ~o. \'ds \\ ~. Ii I 2.!H9 Iii I 5!1 2 S~J 43 9 RS 3.7~ 43 9 8fi 3 720 43 3 38 1.f)4t; i:l :l 7:1 3. lFrl ,13 3 1.F:ADl~G Pl':'llT RETl'RNF.RS Irvin. R ams Amok,, San Diego .J F is her. Chi c:roth. 'IJl'" Orlean:-. ~elm ,, Was h :'lio. \'ds i\vg. 40 568 14.Z 19 252 13 3 :.19 481 12 3 29 :J44 11 9 3$1 435 11 4 JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN-ISUZU 1 18711 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGJON IEACH CALL 842·2000 l EXECUTIVE SPECIALS! 1911 VW RAlllT DllESR. 2 DOOR 5 speed transmission atr cond1t1on1n9 & AM FM stereo 13193) 1094531 I SAL..E PRICE OHLY 56995 1980 VW DASHER DIESR WAGO,_. Qpl1ons include a•r cood11toning sunroof & AM·FM stereo (3194) 1187598) SAL..E PRICE OHLY s7495 1910 vw P27 CAMPll ' speed trans Outane stove relrigera1or and many extras' Immaculate• 0 12493) SALE PRICE ONLY 'I 0, 995 --------- -- --- -----------~------------------- • • • 111111 CUil YOUR HOMITDWN DAILY PAPER FRIDAY. DECEMBER 11 . 1981 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 2S CENTS Scientist says dinosaur may be roaming jungle C H l C A G 0 ( A P ) -A· University of Chicago scientist has returned from four weeks ln the jungles of the Africa Conao with photogr aphs he be lieves a r e o f f ootpr i nt s o f a dinosaur-like creature. Bfologist Roy Mac k a l bas searche d for undiscovered a nimals, in c lud i ng th e legendary Loch Ness Monster, since 1965. He returned from his second Africa trip this week and said Thursday that be still has not seen the creature that py1mies call mokele mbembe. Such an animal was described by them as being reddish brown with a huge neck, snake-like head and tail and a body about the size of an elephant. M ac kal said b e found footprints that be does not believe could have been formed by an y known animal. "We would have lo stay in that jl,Ulgle ror years to expect to see one ol the creatures," Mackel said. "In the few weeks we we re there. it had to be a hit -or-miss proposition." Also hunting for the mokele mbembe are Herman and Kia Regusters or South P asadena. Regusters. a former engineer at J et Pro puls ion Labo r a t ory. o r g ina lly a pplied t o join Mackal's expedition but dedded to finance his own. The couple left in early Septembe r and were pla nning to r e turn by New Year's. ln October . th e y s e nt a messa~e to a friend in Los Angeles, J ohn Sack, saying that they and their party had left a p yg m y vi l lage a nd w e re p la nn i n g t o bike SO miles through swampy Jungle to the La ke Tele area from where m06t of the mokele mbembe reports have e manated. Sack s aid Thurs da y h£' recently received a brier rablc- eon r 1rm1 n g th<1t the party reached it!. destination M ackal s1ud that nea r th1• Congolese village or .Oz.eke a native hunter led ht m to· a 1.el of large footpnnts leading into the L1kuoale1 River. Mackal said the foolpnnL'i were found about 16 months ago JUSt a few days arter they were made Wh en the}' .,., 1'1 •' "'"'"' ,.,. .. 11 t lw~ 1.1y u\ the rn1ddt. nf 1 1.,.," rnl'lt·r wide .. .,., ,, 1 h "r rr . , 11 ,. ,,. 11 ..: r e1 ~ s . B1·c·a11-.1· 111 ti ,1 .,., 1th 1·ould be p1111lun·cJ 0111, It' ,J l.1r~e heavy 1.111 'Vl .11 lo..11 ,1,, the tracks ('11Ultt flH\ Ii l\f ltf•t•(l ()f an t•lc·pl1 J11I \ho ,111111111 1 -.. l 11f trJcks h·,1\'ing Ill• ·' ,1l• 1 • 1111141 not be fount! •I•• p1l• 11 • 11 ,11 ker's m I II\ \ • Ir ,. 'I • I 11 II ( l' of (~t'(' Jl "'·' I . f'.oll \ZI .Expenditures c ut Congress slashes $4 billion in f unding TURF COMPETITION Ra ndolph Ke im. superintendent of UC South Coast Field Station. looks at one of many plots or grass researched at the facility. T he turf is in a c ompetition or sorts to s ee which is the best -s uited for the climate in this area. See story. Page 88. United Way passes 1981 goal Agency raises $12,019,185, 16% more than last year By PHIL SNEIDERMAN °' .. Deity ~ s.... More than 600 supporters of the United Way of Orange County North/South had reason to c heer Thursday night as the a genc y 's 1981 fund -rais ing campaign passed its $12 million collection goal. The grand total. unveiled at a victory dinner in the Disneyland Hotel. was $12,019,78S. United Way officials s aid It was a 16 percent increase over last year's · total. T wo awa rds wer~ presented in connecti on wi t~ th e 1981 campaign. Newport Beach businessman Maury OeWald was lauded for his work as 1981 campaign ch a irman. He was asked lo place bis palm prints in wet c em ent Hollywood-s t yle to create a permanent reminder of his contribution. A second award was presented to act.or Robert Walden ol the "Lou Grant" television series. Walden appeared in a local United Way film entitled "Helping Feels So Good." Participants at Thursday's vi c tory cele bration were welcome d by Carl Karcher, founder ol the Carl's Jr. fast food restaurant chain. Karcher Golf ball.s scaring Newport tenanJ,s? Owners of an office buildinl 50 feet from the Newport Beach Goll Coune ~ suln1 the course operators because they aay a barraae of errant balls hlttin& their structure scares awa,y prospec:Uve tenanu . Newport-Irvine Auoclates are u llln& for suo,ooo ln damaces in tbelr lawsuit filed Tbunday ln Oranse County Superior Court. They claim In the ault that their office buildln1 at 3300 Irvine Avenue ln Newport BMch suffers broken wlndowa and fixtures and other dama,. from aolf balls launched from tbe coune. Tbe auit seeks a ~rt order forcina the course operators to prevent "drlvin&, tbrow1n&, burlin&. slin&in&, abooUn&, bootln&. alicln&, ahanldn&" ol balls onto tbelr property. · was campaign cha irman in l!r79 and 1980. Maste r of ceremonies was T hurl Ra venscroft, voice of ·'Tony the Tiger '' and narrator of the annual Page ant of the Masters ln Laguna Beach. Presentation of colors was by the Third Marine Aircraft Wing and U.S. Marine Corps Color Guard from El Toro. "You'r e r eally the ones wh o 've made this ye ar's campaign such a memorable experience for me," chairman DeWald told the audience. "It's a ll th e g e ner os it y and enthus iasm each of you has shown that's made me feel so good." During an interview regarding the wnpup of the campaign, DeWaid ad{Dilled be had aome moments of uncertainty on whether the $12 million goal could be met. . "I wu a bit concerned," he said, "because of problems in the economy and their impact on industry, moet particularly real estate, here in Oran&e County. "But our experleace wu that companies rft'OIDlaed this aa a cballence and met the task." DeWald said donors were aware of the effect federal bud&et cuts have bad on aodai service Pl'Olfam&. "We were very effective," be 11ld, "ln communicatin& our tsff GOAL. Pase .U> W ASHING T ON (A P > Congress. eager t o e nd a tumultuous year of s lashing spending and taxes, today gave President Reagan $4 billion in 'le w reductions in dom estic e xpenditures meeting the ad m inistralion 's auster ity d e m a nds a n d a v o i d i n g a confrontation similar to t he one '\hat briefly halted much of the government last month . O n a voi ce vote , t h e R e publican-cont rolled Senate s we pt aside a s u ccession of De m ocrati<' amend ments and sent the p residen t a h uge. sto p-gap bill that contains the c u ts a n d will k eep t h e government from running out or money De<:. 15. But in one last gasp that seem ingly symbolized t heir Ayatollah aide ki.lled ,I in blast BEIRUT, Lebanon c APJ A p e r sona l r e presen tative o f I r a ni an lea d er Ayatoll a h Ruhollah Khomeini in Shiraz and seven or eight companions were killed today when a bomb exploded as they were heading to the city's main mosque. T e hr a n ra d io a nd a re volution ary police 0H ic1al said. The prayer leader , 80-year-old A yat ol l a h Abdo l -Hossein Dastgheib. had taken "about 100 s teps from the house when the bomb exploded," according to a revolutionar y police s pokesman in Shiraz who talked to The Associated Press in Beirut by telephone. The spokesman, who refused to be identified, sa id seven or eight people with Dast gheib also died. T e hr a n r a d io said an und etermi ne d n u mber of Dastgheib's com panions were killed and others wounded The broadcast, monitored here. said the blast in the southern Iranian city was set off by leftist Mujahedeen Khalq guerrillas The T e hr a n government orde red a nationwide day of m ou rn i n g Satur day for Das tgheib. who represented Kho m e ini i n t he southern province of Fars and was the prayer leade r of Shiraz. 420 m i l es south o r T e hr a n . according to~ broadcast. Accident kill.s Sin Chicago CHICAG O (AP> -A cable snapped on a metal basket hoisting workers at. a downtown construction site today and at least five people were killed wt)en they plunged into an underground pit, a uthorities said. It was not immediately clear how many workers were in the basket whe n the accide nt occurred. A spokesman at Henrotin Hospital said four workers were reported dead on arrival. A flf'lh person was confirmed dead and another was reported in serious condition al No rthwestern hospital, a spokes man said. Ma yor Jane Byrne and Gov . .James R . Thompson rushed t.o 1he accident scene. U.N. poat set BULLETIN UNrrED NAftONS (AP) - JHlel' Perea tie CMtlar el Pen. a termer ._, .. •H•-..& ll•n Wal6el•, wu ...... _. ... a, .., ... Senrl&J Ceadl .. ~ec••• U1e •e•t U.N . IMrM&l'J·peenl. --_________ , yea r -long fru s trat ion . outnumbered Demo c ra t!> complained that the voice vote h a d d e priv e d th em o f an opportunity lo formally note their opposition and demanded a recorded vote. Again . the m ea1.ure wa ~ approved The vote was 60-35 Ear lier. Sen. Edward M K e nn e d y, D ·Ma ss .. t old colleagues on the Senatt> floor that the president's program "1i. wreaking havoc w1lh the· we ll-being or our people .. "Thts resolution m ark~ the: end of a difficult year for lhe American people .·· Kennedy sa id "The president's program 1s now in place for all Amen<'a lo Judge ... The House approve d th e m eas ure , which finan cl's j!ll\'1•1 n n11•f1l '"" r .i1111n" UOltl M art'h :11 1111 I h11r tl.1~ H<•pul1l1t'.1n• h.1rl ht1·r1 working 111 adn1·\,. 1111· r·u t'> to avoid ;inolhl•r c·1111fr11111.1111rn su<'h as th1.· 11r11· i 1•.1 month 1n which I{( :q.:an \ ··l•11·d J "tmi lar l'ml•t i.:1 m' t rll th.-go' ernment v.t·nt llr•1lo.1• f,,, .1 t1.ilf dC1v and l h ,. I• r • 1 ol ' 11 I ,, rd t r e d nun t·-.' 1 111 , .• i ... 1 · r ' 11· t• <. s h u l r1o"" II I ht.• "''llJlt· h<tcl v.•1rk ed until m•a rh 11 1• 1 r Thur .,d<t~ m an Jtlt· m pt t11 f 11w .. t1 th•· measure and st.•n<l 11 I• th1· 1ir1•-,1d('nl for h1" prom1-.cd -.1,l!r .. 1t un· But s1·\•·r.,i lh 111•1rr<tls s aid the-. nc1·11t·tl m•1 rt· ti me to JJrl'flan !ht" .tlrl• r11lrnc-nts and thl· ·scnJlt• 1 1111.,1d 1 rt>d , then rl'Jl'Clt•<l ~h•·n1 It rl.i\ Reagan says ldbya leader 'a nienace' W AS HI NGTON (AP 1 President Reagan. who is urging Amer icans lo return hom e from ··jm minent danger" in Libya said toda y he r egards that co untry 's radi c al leader. Moammar Kh adafy . a s a menace to global peace The president said he hopes tt>e estimated 1.500 Ame ricani. in Libya will leave ··a~ qwckly a s possible · Reagan spoke briefly with re porters in the White House Oval Office . dur i n g a p i cture -laking s ess ion with visiting former President Ford. who endorsed Reagan's dec1s1on lo invalidate U.S. pass ports for t r avel to Libya a n d urge Americans to return home. "I have strong feelings about Mr. Khadafy." Ford said. ·· 1 thi nk he's a serious menace to peace. not only in that part of the world but a lso on a global basis." He said he supported "any strong measures" taken by the Reagan administration Re agan, asked if he agreed with Ford's C'haracterization of Khadafy as a ··serious mena<'e." • * • rE'pl tc<l '1· I 1h1 nk we've mad<.• that i-1 '"' If 111-. app• .i. i-. 'lH·t·es~ful and Jll \11wr u·.,:-1~ h .1, ,. the ~Orth ,\frlC'Jn !lJl111n H1·ai.:Jn v.tli have a\1•rtt•d tlw poti-ntial for them bern.I( 11-.1·d ·1-. JI 1v.n" m the f<•,ll•rini.• rl1-.1.>11t1 hH v. een L1bva and lht> t nir .. d ~1 .. 11-. · In an ,1f1111n •11 •t•11•ren<'e lo r<'J.11>11 ~ 111 <i Liby a n a~._a..,-.111.1t1n11 I• .1m 'eekmg to kill R<·a j!an .Jfl<t nth•·r high C .S. of£1 r 1.Jf-. ...,,., '' 1.ir \ of State ;\lt-xandt·r ~1 II.HJ. ir said in Bru!>"f'f., i.111,1." 111 11 ·\menc:ms ""'l'rt> 11rd1•1 • d lt•m, from Libya h1'(';1u .... 11f ttw 11 • 1 • a ... 1ng level of 11•1 r1111 ' .1 "' 1t \ and. to lffllt ••l'I \m••r11 111 lr\f•s should th1· 'ill uJllor1 rh•tt-r1111 Jlt' further or -;ornP c1f thl' plans that we ha\'t' hacl ;11·1•t•-.., to perhaps be n 1 rrit'tl oul T r,.astin "•'< 1 •·l .H \' Donald T. R<.·gan. ""h" • l•·partment 1ndudt• .. th•· ~. • r ct ~r rv1ce, rdu'><:d to pr11' rd" d1•t ails of the ~'" t•run11·nt '::-. • ·'"<' against l.1b\ a hut -. •• rd We think WE ha,-«· t•nouch h.11 I t'\ 1den<'e to JU'illh 1111 11 P" v.l' arc now laktnl! • OPEC prices to dip 20 to 7 Oc a b arrel A BU DHABI. United Arab E mirates 1AP1 O PEC agreed today to reduce the pri<'e of so m e low-qu ality crude oil between 20 cents and 70 cents a barrel. the cartel's pr esident announced Industry analysts ... said the cuts would have little effect on what U.S. consumers pay for gasoline. Con f ere n ce so urc es . meanwhile. said the 13-nalion O r ganization of Petr oleum E xporting Countries was split over a Libyan demand for joint action agai n s t U .S oil co m panie s taking the ir employees out of Libya at the White House·s request. OPEC president. Oil Minister Mana Saeed Oteiba of the United Ar ab Emirates. said that the price reduct ions. designed to counter a 2-million-barrel-a-day oil elut will eo into effect J an. 1 The reductions announced for a 42-gallon barr e l w ill not c h a n ge the price o f Saudi Arabian oil known as "marker crude," which costs $34 a barrel. T he United States imports a bout 90 000 barrels a day of Saudi oil, o r' roughly on e-fifth of \J.S. imports. The oil ministers. however , agre ed to set up a unified diHerenlial s tructure. or the a m ount above or below the $34 price m embe r n ations can c h a r ge for a b a r rel. T he diffe rentials are based on the ' qua lity of the oil and proidmity t.o market. Olt•thJ -.,11d llll' ctrrft•rt•nllal for th e lo"''"' q11.t1 1t\ ruel - ehar~l'd In "l'Vt•ral r't•rs1 an Gulf nation-. for mcd111m ,tnd heavy crutlt• "a-. 11roppt•cl from $33 to a r ang<· ctf S.12 JO to S.12 80 T h t• n rl o r I' I. 1-: r k . <' h 1 e f 1·co n11m1"t for S\Jndard Oil India na -.a1cl 111 a telephone inten tl'" frnrn l hH·a~o that lbe 1mp1H'l nf thl• 11·1iuruons would be mm1 m:il in tht• l 'mtcd States ORANGE COAST WEATHIR \ arr.1hlt 1•lo1ul., tonight Mostl.> 1·l11111h SJturday. llt ~h" i'1 I • >-.~ l)verm~ht l~w-. '12tn 'l'' INSIDE TOD AY As man11 cu a dozen never rPkascd Bealle' wngs are tucked away an oou.ICs 1n Enqland Rut lherr are no plan$ at prf•unt 111 1.true them or mokt tlit"m al)01lal>le to the p14f>l1r .'\('t' Poq,. Al 1 'INOIX Al Y .. t W-..IC• Alt L.M. ae-,. Alt ........ .., c~· ., ca""tc-u , CleulflM 014 C-k• Ct c ... ,..,. c~ De••'"*" Cit ......... AIO IMH'\at.....,.1 -· -·-., . ............ ----· -~ ., ""'''"' ...,.._., Me•lf't •••• ......... , ...... Nat_ .. _ M ..... -CW.II .... u. ..... . , l-"' (14 Or,....,_ U ~---11 feMWk ... T'VU9 T-ten W tt a ··-u •Hill -.. --------------------------------------_a__ --- Orange Coast DAILY PILOTtFrtday December 11 , 1981 'No craft failure' seen air crash • ID . P r eli11Unar y pr obe. also f inds. no evidence of external causes or. adv erse weather .... .,.,.... MOVIE RIGHTS SOLD Donnell and Helen Settles. parents of C'o llcge athlete Ron Settles. who died June 2 111 a S1gnijl Hill Jail. tell re porters in Los Angele~ tht•~ ha\'l' sold tht: rights to their ~on ':-stor~ to mo\'H.' prodUC't:'r George Englund . SAN BERNARDINO <AP) -A prelim inary Air Force Investigation Into the crash of a 8 ·520 bomber that crashed In Colorado Ocl JO has found no evidence of en gine malfunctions. adverse weather or e"tcrnal causes, a report says T he report. obt a1nt•d Thursday by the San Bernardino Sun, was compiled by the Saft!ty and Inspecl1on Cenler at Norton Air Force Base. The re was no instrument raalurc and no engine rare or explosion before the crash, In which all eight crew mem bcrs died, the rn1><>rt said De si in 'good cont!-i tiony' LA JOLLA I APJ A!tPr a flareup of an intestinal disorder. actor and television tycoon Des i Arnaz was resting comfortably m "good" condition, a hospital spokeswoman s aid Arnaz, 64, was removed Thursday from the intensive care unit at Scripps Memonal llospalal. where he was kept a !> a precautionary m easure since being rushed there by paramedics Monday from his home an nearby Del Mar. she said No u a rni11 g in sh ooti n g? LONG H£ACll I A P 1 A Cal State Long Beach studt•nt s hot by a campus security guard while pla} ang a game w1lh toy rirles says the poltcl'man fared at him without warning M 1ke Reagan. 19. of Norwalk. also said he did not 1->01nt ht~ toy M 16 rifle at the• guard as was King ~ins round in court Judge says lover ha d n ~ contract with te nnis star LOS ANGELES I AP> A judge ruled toda} that Billie Jean King never intended to give a Malibu beach house to her onetime woman lover. Marilyn Barnett. s aying that Ms. Barnett failed to pr ove she had a ny contract with the tennis star "The weight or the e vidence does not justify the court making a Judgment that the agreement took place," said Supe rior Court Judge Juhus Tille in a preliminary ruling 1n the case He said he 1s convinced :\trs Kang told Ms . Barnett lo "go buy yourself a beach house" whale they were love rs but said he believes the· tennis star intended only for Ms . Barnett to hve an the house until she was· given contrary instructions later. The ruling an Mrs Kang·s s uit to evict Ms Barne tt from the house came s hortly after testimony concluded an the case with Mrs. Kang's business manager, James Jorgensen. testifying that Ms . Barnett had s aid she could "hurt her and hurl her a lot. .. J orgensen testified that Marilyn Barnett a lso told him la ter that s he had "tried to commit suicide ... He said he concluded she was "unstable" and advised Mrs Kang to pay what he considered blackmatl monc) to keep Ms Harnett from going lo the press He said the firs t confrontation wtth Ms Barnett came after Mrs Kang told the woman s he _ ... __ wa!. planning to <;!'II u 1\1 alt bu bt'al'h house which :\b lfarnetl had OC't'uptt'll -.int·t-1974 ··In the s ummer or 1979, did Ms. Barnett cxpres:-. a thre<i l lo Mrs King through you·•" asked attornev I>tmn1s Wassn · Ye~. !>atd Joq!cn!.cn ·Marilyn said. 'Why would Utllte Jt!an \.\ant to hurt me this wa' ., I've ne,er hurt Btlltc Jean. but I t•ould hurt h.er and hurt her <i lot · llO\.\CH'r. Jorgt·n!>en contradt('l<'d himself. saying hrst that he knl'w 1n 1979 that Ms Barnett had a ('JC'hc ''' love ll'ttcrs from :\t rs Kan g But latt•r . ht: .... a td ht• did not know or the letter!> until 1981 , Y.hl'n l\h lfarn<:tl filed a "palimony suit" against ~tr~ King Jurgcn'il'n saacl Mr~ King reluctantly agreed to a de<.tl to pay M~ Barnett hair the profits from any sail' of the housl• or $125,000 because "she w<1nted to g1;•t Marilyn out or her 1tre ·· lie said Mrs King "was afraid of Marilyn, that 11 would ruin h(.•r car('cr The reason I gave the advicl' to pay the money is I relt ar Marilyn we nt to thl' press, tl would cost Aillte J ean over a million dollars " Jori.wn:-.en wa!. followed to the witness stand by Mrs King's hu!>band, Larry, who said his wire conrtdt·<l in late 1977 or 1978 "that Mari lyn was ll\·ang 1n an unreal world. that s he didn't appreciate the ltfl'style sh~·as hvan~-- The Robinsons Gift ALL·AMERICAN ACTIVEWEAR, FOR JWR JR'S alleged by the campus pollce department. Reaaan was s hot Saturday nl1ht as he and a companion were playing a "hide and seek" game an the music complex Diablo a udit ca11cel e d SACRAM ENTO (AP) In a well publicized confrontation set up by an opponent of nuclear power, the state Board of Equalization ha s canceled a rinuncaal audit or the troubled Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant. But a nother stale agency, the Public Utilities Commission. says ll has already investigated the idle plant's effect on utility rates subject or the canceled audit a nd found that some costs apparently are being legally pass ed on to r atepayers Motive claime d in murders LOS ANGELES I AP I -Th e dis.tract a ttorney's office says a Hollywood nightclub o wner 's bodyguard h ad a s trong motive for ~ Storekeepers Monte ~ and Todd are· wearing all-wool sweaters of carefully blended multi-colored yarns. producing a lustrous heather finish in a jacquard weave and stripe. These sweaters are uniquely designed by BoslOn Traders of New England. A ~iore that offers fine traditional spomwear for men, women and boys. ,, . part1c1patin1 1n the murders of four people last July but there was 1nsu((iclent evidence to charge him with a crime Gregory Diie!>, 33. who had been arrested Tue!>day naght an llolly wooc.I for mvesUgalion of murder in th,• i.o·called Laurel Canyon murders, was released Thur!>day afternoon Sirhan k in li.ste d stab/,e SAN GA BIU £1. I AP J Sharif Bishara Sirhan. the 48 yt•ar old brothe r or the convicted assassin or New York Sen Robert Kennedy . was listed an s table condalton al Counly·U·sc Medical Center after what sherarf'!. deputies said was an apparent suicide attempt Guilty verdict re turne d SANTA MONICA I AP I Frederick Jerome Thomas has been found guilty of murdering Sarai Rabt<'off. niece or the former governor and senator fro m Connt!cl1cul . Banl..Amencard1Mc1ster ChcH~<' m_, Westcl.Jlf Plaza 102t't lrvmc. Newport Betlch. C.1l1forn1J. Phon<' 0 42 -7061 It's called Stripes And it's a whole new concept 1n Saturday dressing. Pullovers. pants. 1ackets and tees you put together in any combination you like Here are five of the pieces. Left in red or blue. the velour pant. S32, and whlle·str1ped pullover. $21. Righi' in red. blue or while. the zip front jacket. S34, and pant. S23; red. blue or khaki. the tee. S11. Now The choice Is yours! All . in cotton/polyester lor S·M·L JWA JR'S, 37. To order. call toll-free 1-800-5~7800. SPECIAL HOLIDAY HOURS. SHOP MONDAY·SATUROAY 1C..1:30. ROBINSON 'S NEWPORT FASHION ISLAND• (714) 144-2900 111111 Students talk on VCI life By IUCllAllD GREEN .... Delly ........... Students in a UC Irvine program described as unique in the state will venture into the Irvine community starting in January to give s hort talks on life at UCI, it was announced Thursday. Janice McGaugh, coordinator of the Student Speakers Forum, said that 24 students will give speeches on topics ranging from student research on •·s udden Infant Death Syndro m e" to campus life as a student leader . She said s he a ntici p a t es requests for speeches will come from civic groups such as the Rotary Club and the Kiwanis Club. Other requests m ay come from high school and junior high school classes, she said. The d a u g htrer o r UC I Executi ve Vice Chancellor J a mes L. McGaugh said the · program was created to further relati ons betw ee n the community and the university, t o prov ide c ultural a n d intellectual e nric hment for secondary schools and to help UCJ stude nts develop speaking skills. She said that s he learned through a telephone survey that no other university in the state offers a s peaking program of this kind. Students participating in the prog ram do so for the benefit of themselves and others and won't receive any course credit or monetary compensation. s aid UCI spokeswoman Hilary Kaye. The student speakers. selected during the first part of the fall qua rter, spent the last half of the quarter refining speaking skills and organizing mater ial to be presented, she s aid. To be eligible for the program, the students wer e required to have a 3.2 grade point average and be active in campus life. The topics to be presented by tbe student speakers, who a re each to deliver three speeches per quarter, are to include : -Resear ch on a drug that may be used in conjunction with r a d iation therapy to he lp counteract r a d iation s ide effects. -The sociahzatson of the Chicano in the United States. .-An analys is of negotiations in which individual s use computers to bargain. -An explanation of how the human brain processes music . A brochure describing the various topics will be available late r this month. Those needing further information ~ay call 833-5588. Water board chief resigns · Wayne A. Clark, president of the Board of Directors of the Irvine Ranch Water District, has resigned his post on the water utility to coordinate a campaign in support of the Peripheral Canal. H e is to lead t he Or~nge County Citizens fo r Water, a regional division of a statewide organization seeking vote r a pproval for the State Water Act Referendum on the June. 1982. ba llot. The remaining four Irvine Ranch Water District directors are to selec t someone to replace Clark until June 25, 1982, when his term was to end. Dilly Pilat FRIDAY, DEC. 11 , 1981 CAVALCADE STOCKS GARDEN 82-3 87 BS HIGH-TIDE MARK Streets in ('Cntra l :'<lewport Beach got a tast e of today's 8:21 a . m . high tide when ocean water flooded into residential areas s uch as this intersection at 35th Street a nd !\1arcus Avenue Lifeguards o.1.., Pllll --..., PatrlO 0'0-11 an :"Jewport measured the tide at 7 9 ft'l'l. which means water traveled that far arn1\'(1 tht• mean low water mark. )\ normal ht~h tide. lifegu<.irds say. is around 4 fet•t Geothermal power use probed in llB By PATRICK KENNEDY Of .. Deity Pltll Matt State officials believe possible geothermal power underneath Hunting ton Beach could be tapped in conjunction with the city's extensive oil drilling ope rations. To discover the potential or natural hot wate r power in Huntington Beach. city and Orange County officials have agreed to file a preliminary application Monday for a $25,000 geothermal study gr ant from the California Energy Commission. City and county officials say they plan t o m a t ch the prospective grant to launch a $75.000 study that is earmarked to become a model for future geotherm al explorations ir. Orange County. Other potential geothermal fields exist in Seal Beach, La Habra, Fullerton. Placentia and Yorba Linda . say officiaJs. Paul Raver . Orange County admin istrative a nalyst. says. state officials believe hot water power could exist underneath . nearly t he e ntire surface of Huntington Beach and the orooosed studv would iud2e the feasibility of tapping it for energy. ·'The potential of geothermal po wer he re is tremendous, es p ecially b ec au se it's juxt a posed with a hig hly urbanized area and could be used for heating homes or for he at processing in industry. "The study would tell us the water flow rate. its depth and temperature."' he s aid. Raver said one pros pective oil drilling operation in the west centra l part of the city hit nothing but hot water that was gauged at 475 degrees before the well was capped. City planner Diane Border says data from oil comparues oper ating in t he city would assist in the proposed study. Ms. Border says the State Division of Mines and Geology has identified Huntington Beach as a potential site of geothermal power and thus qualified for the state study grants that became available in 1980. Some geothermal studies have recently begun in Los Angeles County, but Border says local officials believe the proposed Huntin'gton Beach project would be a first in Orange County. Mike S mith, geoth erm a l s pecialist for the California Ene r gy Comm)ssion. explains th a t geotherma l ene rgy is attained by harnessing heat from scalding water that flows deep beneath the surface. He sa ys that the wate r, at tem peratures greater than 400 degrees, usually makes its way closer to the surface by pushin2 through geologic faults ··on drillmg operallons in the past have brought hot fluid to the surface but no one wanted it ahd the energy was lost as waste heat ... Sm 1th said He said a mixture. of hot v. ater and oil could be separated at the well. Condominium plans nixed in N e wport Plan s to co n s tru ct a re sort -s tyled ti m e s hare c o nd o minium p r oject on Newport Beach's Via Lido were unanimously denied Thursday eve ning by city planning com m1ss1oners. Appl icant R V Hogan. Newport's former community development director, had asked permission to level an existing office building at 3336 Via Lido and con s tru ct a 20 -unat condom1n1um project 10 its place It was the second tsm~ in little more than a year t h at the co m m1 ss1on ha s r ejected a time-share pro1ect The first one would have been located in Balboa Condominiums in time-share projecL'i are sold on. ~ weekly basis. Each condominium can have up·lO 52 owne rs . Appli cants for the Via Lido prcject now can appeal t_he commission's denial to the City Council, which has the fina l say. Pair seize d • m c oas t ·holdup s pree Police have arres t ed two Huntington Beach men on s u spicion of comm itting 16 armed robberies of banks anit convenience markets within the past three months in Huntington Bea c h , Cos ta M esa a nd Fountain Valley. Suspects George J ay Jo hnson, 25. a nd Gary 0 . Zer be, 22, both o f 8450 Atlanta Ave . were arrested Thursday in Fountain Valley at 1 ·JO pm. as they drove away from Hom e Bank , on Magnolia Street and Warner Avenue. police said Fountain Valley police s ay thfy confiscated a sawed-orr shotgun found in the car the su:.pects were in. which. police said. was stolen Police were called to the scene by bank employees who said the two men had also been in the bank the previous day and were acting suspiciously. police said Fountain Valley police say that Joh n son has admitted invol vement i n num erous robberies in the three cities. Huntington Beach police investigators say J o hnson matches the description of the man who robbed both the Santa Barbara Savings office, 20981 Magnolia St., on Tuesday, and the Tokai Bank, 1900 Brookhurst St.. on Monday Total loss in those robberies was Sl.076, police said. P olice say that Johnson is s uspected of involvement in one robbery in Fountain Valley with the rest allegedly occurring in Huntington Beach and Costa :\1esa. The two suspects were turned over to Huntington Beach police and are in custody in the city Jail . authorities said. Parking f ees for col.Lege studems OK'd Students who pa rk in Orange Coast, Golden West or CoasUine college lots will be required to pay a $5 fee for the spring sem ester, a c harge that may jump to SlO in the fall. Currently. the three colleges offer free parking. Coast Communi ty College District trustees. who approved the parking fee concept in September, voted on the amount of the fee Wednesday night. Distric t administrators s uggested either a $5 or SlO spring parking fee. The higher figur e drew criticism Wednesday from students and teachers who contended SlO is excessive. The trustees also were told that Orange Coast College already has printed iu spring catalog listing a $5 parking fee. "I don't t hin k a S5 ree is sufficient, but I don't thlnll $10 should be imposed until t he fall." said trus tee Robert L. Humphreys . NEW Y DIRECTORS Orange Coas t Y'.\1CA directors for 1982 are. fro m lert. back row. Rollie Brousard. of Newport Beach . Dan• Oberbeck and Dan Beals . both of l rnne. Front row. from left. arl' Ou\"l' Tosh . of ..., .......... ""9ee Coron a del Mar. J ennifer Wilson a nd :\like As he . both or ~('\\port Rcarh . A~hc Will he c·hairman for the i!n>llp The Oran~e Coas t \' s<!r\'es :'llcwport. Cost a :\tesa :ind In lnl' When the lnlstees considered the parkin1 ree concept in September, a prelimlnary report indicated a $5 fee would produce a substantial surplus professor, Fo r one Wi l liam Faulkner D 0 is al most everythi ng. See Hugh Mulligan on Page B2. Irvine to lose Spen·y Univac manufacturing The 500-employee Sperry U niva c mini co mputer manufacturing plant in Irvine will be closed next summer, a company spokesman said today. Tom Yam. controller of the Ir vine f a c ility . said 200 non skilled workers at the plant will be let go. Many of the other 200 technical staff member!> and 100 adminis trators will be offered jobs at Sperry Univac's Salt Lake City manufacturing plant, he said. Yam s aid the phase-out of the Irvine manufacturing plant and t he transfer or the operation to Salt Lake City will take place over the next seven m onths and no layoffs will take place until the end of next Mar<·h Th e clo s ure of t h e .manuracturing plant at 2722 Michelson Drive won't affect the company's marReting and researc h and development operation. which employs fiOO people at 16842 Von Karman Ave . Irvine Yam said company officials decided to phase out the Irvine manufacturing operation in an attempt to save manufactunng cos ts on minicomputers He e xplained that st is t hought greater e i i 1c1 e n cy can ·be achieved by consolidating the 146 .000 -s quar e -foot Irvine o p e ration into t h e 850 ,000 s quare foot manufacturing fac ility in Salt Lake City The pha~e out of the Irvine operation will be made a s painless as possible for the e mployees, ~aid Yam. He said the company opted for the slow phase-out rather thap an abrupt r.iove so that e mployees would have time to find new jobs. The company is trying to help the employees with job searches. he said. T he Irvine m a nufacturing oprration was purchased by Philadelphia-based Sperry U nivac an 1977 from Palo Alto-based Varian Associates. said Yam. noting the opeqation has quadrupled in volume since the acquisition He said the dec1s1on to move the Irvine operation to Salt Lake City had nothing to do with the problems of high-cost housing and lrdff1c. two factors which have been blamed recently for indus try considering moving out of Orange County Coastal plan OK'd for Laguna Beach Laguna Beach City Council members have fina lized a Local Coastal Plan that provides for a maximum development Of S50 more homes on the remaining vacant hillside land in town. With two members opposed. the council endorsed a plan that establishes a maximum density of four units per acre on hillside properties. Kyle Bullerwick. the city's assistant director of community d evelo pment. term ed the hillside portion of the LCP a compromise between property ow n e r s who wanted higher de nsity, a nd neighborhood associations who vied for less development on vacant parcels sn their communities. Referring to the theoretical developme nt potential or 550 dwelling units on rem aining vacant parcels. Butterwick said • that fi gure "actually will be less than that." He said deve lopers will J>ave to be responsive to restraints identified on individual parcels. s uc h as geologic hazards. the degree of slop e, hy drology co n ce rn s and traffic considerations The formula approved by tbe council majority T uesday caJls for a maximum of four units per acre on land that includes slopes of between zero and 5 per cent. On the other e nd of the scale. parcels in excess of SO percent or steeper, could receive credit for only 1 unit per acre, or one dwelling unit for a 10-acre lot. And while the council split on the hillside density issue. they we re unanimous in calling for completion or a modified local coastal plan. • ..., .......... a..~ SHELL STROLL Liz Agee or Long Beach and her daughter. Tina. 2. hunt for shells along the beach as the lireguard tower on the Huntington Beach Pier looms background. I 111111 l:UIT ...... ,..... ........... MIFFED? -Newport Beach city coun cilman Paul Hummel, a USC alumnus. says he has strong concerns about his alma mate r moving into his Corona del Mar neighborhood. Spe,.,.Y "leaving Irvine The 500-employ e e Sperr y Univac mini c omputer manufacturing plant in Irvine will be closed next summer, a company spokesman said today. Tom Yam, controller of the Irvine fa c ility , sa id 200 non-skilled workers at the plant will be let go. Many of the other 200 technicaJ staff members and 100 administrators will be offered jobs at Sperry Univac 's Salt Lake City manufacturing plant, be said. Yam said the phase-out of the Irvine manufacturing plant and the \ransfer of the operation to Salt Lake City will take place over the next seven months and no layoffs will take place until the end of next March. The clo s ur e o f the manufacturing plant at 2722 Michelson Drive won't affect the compan y's marke ting a nd research and de ve lo pment oper ation, which employs 600 people at 16842 Von Karma n Ave., Irvine. Yam said company officials decided to phase out the Irvine manufacturing oper ation in an attempt to save manufacturing cost s on minicomputers . He explained that it is thought greater e fficiency can be achieved by consolidating the 146,000-s quare -foot Irvine ope r ation int o the 850 ,000 -s quar e -f oo t manufacturing facility in Salt Lake City. The p}iase-out of the Irvine operati'o n will be made as .painless as possible for the employees, sajd Yam . He said the company opted for the slow phase-out rather than an abrupt r.iove so that employees would have time to find new jobs. The company is trying to help the employees with job searches, he said. He said the decision to move the Irvine operation to Salt Lake City had nothing to do with the problems of high-cost housing and traffic, two factors which have been blamed recently for industry considering moving out of Orange County. .............. ILICTED -William E . Kettler of Huntington Beach baa been elected president of tbe Coast Community Colle1e District Board of Trustees, which governs Oran1e Coast, Golden West and Coastline colleges. l Illy 1'1111 FRIDAY, oec. 11 , 1911 CAVALCADE STOCKS GARDEN 82-3 87 88 For one professor, is William Faulkner .almost everything. See Hugh Mulligan· O?t Page 82. USC plans for Newport school opposed Ex-Trojan Hummel worriecLabout traffic, parking problems.at Corona del Mar facility • • By STEVE MARBLE o( .. Deify NII S&llft A Unive r sity of Southern Ca lifo rnia alumnus, now a ~ewport Beach city councilman, is a Utile miffed that his alma mater is moving into hls Corona L ast month, USC signed a fi ve-year lease with the school dis trict for the property .. Officials at USC said the former elementa ry school is to be used as a g raduat e bu s iness allo ws a sc hool dis trict to override certain city rules on a four -fifths major ity vote of trustees. The seven -m e mbe r school bo ard has called a sp ecial del Mar neighborhood. Paul Hummel s a ys already-approved plans to lease vacant Cor o na del Mar Elementary Sc hool to the university has caught residents by surprise. "I'm going to show up because that may be my only chance to get in my $ay." He maintains that USC and administration school. the owners of the five-acre c ampus, the Newport-Mes a Unified School District, haven't told neighborhood residents what's happening. And Newport Beach Planning Director Jim Hewicker says the school district failed to get a use permit from the city before cementing the deal with USC. The result is that USC may find itself in the middle of a legal battle that wasn't on Its schedule. Hewi c ke r s ays bec ause a college campus is different from an elementary school, the school district must get a use permit. And that means public hearings and possible delays. Because USC officials hope to open the campus early next year m time for the second semester. school district trustees have com e up with a counter move. School officials say state law meeting for noon Monday for that reason. S c hool trus t ees. in San F r an cisco a tte n di n g a n educ ationa l conference, could not be reached for comment. "I'm gomg to show up at that m eeting ," s a id Humme l , .. because that may well be my only chance to get in my say." Rea Middle School in Costa Mes a , another school district campus that has been closed, was leased to the city this year HIGH-TIDE MARK -Streets in centra l Newport Beach got a t aste of today's 8:21 a.m. high tide when ocean water flooded into residential areas such as this intersection a t 35th Street a nd Marcus Avenue. Lifegua rds Delly ............ "'-· O'o-et in Newport meas ured the tide at 7.9 feet. wh ich means water traveled that far above the mean low water mark. A normal high tide . lifeguards say. is around 4 feet. Coast pair held in holdups string Police have arres ted two Huntington Beach m en on s us pic ion of committing 16 armed robberies of banks and convenience markets within the past three months in Huntington Beac h , Cos ta Me sa and Fountain Valley. Suspects George Jay Johnson, 25, and Gary D. Zerbe, 22, both of 8450 Ktlanta Ave., were arrested Thursday in Fountain Valley at 1 :30 p.m . as they drove a way from Ho m e Bank. on Magnolia Street and Warner Avenue. poli ce said. Fountain Valley police say the y confiscated a sawed-off shotgun found in the car the suspects were in. which, police said, was stolen. Police were called to the scene by bank employees who s aid the two men had also been in the bank the previous day and were acting suspiciously, police said. SA Heights man held in shooting A Santa Ana Heights man was a rre s ted on sus pi c ion of atte mpte d murder today following an early morning shooting incident in his home that left a Santa Monica man with serious abdominal injuries. Reported in serious condition Wagons sought forYwork The Orange Coast YMCA is seekinc the donation of six and nine-passenger station •aeons to be used for transporting students enrolled in the Y's youth programs. J im de Boom, executive director of the YllCA, bid, because of an increased enrollment in youtb prolJ'ams, the Y does not have enouch vehicles to take younasten on field trip&. • at Fountain Valley Community Hospital was George Fassell, • age unknown, who underwent surgery this morning. Or ange County Sheriff's Lt. Wyatt Hart sajd Jimmy Doyle Regian. 45. at whose home the shooting occurred , was taken into custody and booked into the UC Irvine Medical Center jail ward following t h e 2 a .m . altercation at his Mesa Drive home. Regian s uffered gunshot injuries to his band. According to officers, Regian, Fassell and another man bad met at a Costa Mesa bar earlier in the evening. Hart sajd Regian invited the other men to his home, where an argument appaftntly broke out between Fusell and Recian. Reglan, officers sajd, ordered the two men from bis house, then produced a handcun and fired one round into the ceilina. Lido condo time-share plans nixed Plan s lo c on st ruct a r esort -s tyle d ti me -s h are c ond o minium projec t o n Newport Beach's Via Lido were unanimously denied Thursday evening b y c it y planning commissioners. Applic ant R .V. Hogan , Newport's former community development director, had asked permission to level an existing office builrung at 3336 Via Lido a nd con s tru c t a 20 -unit co ndominium pro j ect in its place. It was the second tim~ in little m o re than a year tbat the com mission .has rejected a time-share project. The first one would have be en loc ated in Balboa. Condominiums in time-share projects are sold on a weekly basis. Each condominium can have up t-0. 52 owners. without a ny need for a use permit. As required' by law, the school di s tric t hel d co mmuni t y meetings to discuss the future of both the Re a and Corona del Mar campuses to get a feel for what residents wanted at the schools. During thes e comm unit y meeting. it was not known that USC was interes ted in the Corona del Mar property. Hummel. who claims to be an avid TroJan supporter , says he worr ies a college campus might c au se parking a nd tra ffic problems. Ray Schnie r e r , b u s ine ss manager for the school district, says he doubts it. He says things should get better rather than worse. He points out that 241 parking spots will be carved into the campus . P art of an existing pl ay ing field. he says, will be paved over tor a parking lot. .. There has never been any parking oo that campus before," he noted. Anthony Lazzaro, USC's vice p re sident of business affairs, said his school intends to spend up t o $100,000 getting the elementary campus groomed for college types. Fewer than 400 students will be enrolled at the campus . Hummel s uggests that the loss or part or a playing fi eld is much the same as paving ove r part of a park. He says parkland is at a prem ium in Corona del Mar. "They IUSC> e\'.Pn called me bec ause I'm an alumnus and asked if I would ~upport this plan," remarked Hummel, "and they were a little surprised, I think. when I told them I had ~Qme strong concerns ." He says he w.ould have felt the s ame way had it been UCLA. North Mesa's residents plan development By JODI CADENHEAD OI -o.I" " ... ~ N o rth Cos ta M es a homeowners , who led a 1978 .initi a ti v e t o bl oc k the deve lopment of more than 650 ho m es a nd apartments , have been meeting with one owner of the property involved to discuss pla n s fo r a comm e r c i a l development. Dave Leighton , president of th e No r t h Cos t a Mesa Homecwners Association. said a s sociation bo ard m e mbers have been mee ting for the past m onth with re pres e nta tives from South Coast Plaza. owners of 13 of the 68 acres rezoned unde r the irutiative Last week the 4th District Court of Appeal declared invalid t he i n i ti ati ve rezon in g the property from medium density to single family residential. The decision clea rs the way for Amel Development ·Co .. owner of 50 acres bounded by South Coast Plaza and the San Diego Freeway. to go ahead with the construction of 537 apartments and 127 homes . Whe n homeowne rs began circulating a petition to rezone Arnel's 50 acres slated for the 664 homes and apartments, the adjacent 13-a cre Segerstro m property and 5-acre Roberts parcel got lumped in, Leighton said. Costa Mesa City Council members are expected to decide by Dec. 21 whether or not to a ppeal the appe llate court 's ruling. City Attorney Tom Wood said he is preparing a petition that would keep open the option of appeal to the State Supreme Court . Meanwhile , re prese ntatives from South Coast Plaza, owners or 13 of the acres bounded by Sunflower Avenue, Bear Street and the San Diego Freeway, h a v e b een m ee ting wit h h om e owners to discuss the future of that site. Last Saturday association board me mbers revie wed a master plan submitted by South Coast Plaza that in cluded a commercial offi ce builwng and a restaurant at the corner of Be ar Street and South Coast Road, Leighton s aid. "We're just opening the door at the Segerstrom invitation, .. s aid Leighton. "We have to see more of the plans. but we would recommend to the council in favor of it." Even if the city decides to appe al the decision. Leighton s a id , ho m eo wne r s would c o n ti nu e to me e t with Segerstrom representatives. A spokesman for South Coast Pl aza {Onf i rmed tha t r e pr es e nta ti ves from the development company have met with homeowners. "We try to work closely with our ne ig hbo r s .·· s aid the s pokesman. "'What eve ryone is hopini;: for is that the land is developed in a compatible way." A spokesman for Arnet said no d e cision has been m a d e regarding the development of t he 50 acres near South Coast Plaza. Arnel representatives haven 't m e t recently with homeowners. The entire 68 a c res were rezoned in Mar ch. 1978, when Costa Mesa voter s narrowly passed the initiative over the obj ections of cit y officials and landowners. A rnel and South Coast Plaza then contested that decision in Orange County Superior Court anri lost. The Court of Appeals then inv alidate d th e r e z o ning ord i na n c e . But the s tate Supreme Court overturned the appe llate ruling on the grounds that th e o rd i nan c e was legislative in nature and was a proper subject for initiative. The case was then returned to t he Court of Appeals for further conside ration. The court then ruled the initiative ordinance wa s in va l i d b ec aus e it d is c rimina t e d ag ainst the developer. As things now stand, the 50 acres owned by Amel are stiU zo n e d f o r pla nn ed de velopment-residential low de nsity, s aid City Attorney Wood. ' ................. He said donon can take a 100 percent tu deduct.ion by livlna old station •aeons to the YllCA. For furtber information, call de Boom at M2-..,. The <>ranee Coast YllCA serves Newport Beach, Costa llesa and Irvine. Hart said the s uspect then allegedly pointed the 1un at Fassell and fired, hittlna him in the stomach. Dwin1 a stnaQJe that ensued between the t.brft men, the l\ID fired atain, hittine Retlan in the band, accorclinc to investigators. NEW Y DIRECTORS Orange Coast YMCA directors for 1982 are. from lert. back row. 'Rollie Brousard. of Newport Beach. D~H'c Oberbeck and Dnn Beals. both of Irvin e Front row. from left. a re Dave Tosh. or Corona del Mar. Jennifer Wilson and Mike As he. both of Newport Beach. Ashe will be cha irman for the group. The Orange Coast Y serves Newport . Costa Mesa and Irvine ----------------------- Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Frtday, December 11 , 1981 c Dow Jones Final Off 5.61 Cloalfti 111.42 ~ ,1VGuide on top of heap . What's lh~ m os t s uccessf u l m•t•dne ln America? It depends, of course, on wh•t you're measuring. But by most measures the answer • IOlog to be TV Guide, the UtUe pocket tuide tO television programs that sells now for ~ cents at • checkout counters. 1: " TV G u ide , publi s h e d by Tri •ng l e Communications, a company owned by Walter Annenberg, is first in these cateaories: 1. Tot.al circufation: 18.4 million. The closest competitor here is the Reader's Oi1est, whose circulation is 18 million -and the Digest is • monthly while TV Guide comes out every week. 2. Newsstand circulation · 11.4 million copies. The runnerups in this category are Woman's Day (7.6 million ), Family Circle (7.4 million), National Enquirer 14 S million) a nd Penthouse (4.1 million). 3. Annual revenue collected from newsstand sales: $238 m illion. Second to TV Guide here is Penthouse. which took in Sl29 million ln 1980. 4. Annual advertising revenue· $239 million. The runnerup here is Time, clocked at $214 million io 1980 S. Total revenue from all sources: $613 million. Far behind, in second place. is Time , which garnered a total of S.'46 million in 19tkl. So this tiny maga zine. which tells you what's on the tube , ha s become a $600 m i I I i o n property , taking in lllTBI l l lllllTZ money at the rate of Sl 1.8 million a w~k. It stands to reason, I suppose. that a people so addicted to the tube would find their fa vorite reading matter in such a publication. We ha.ve a good fix on the magazine business thanks to Folio. a remarkable magazine that comes out of New Canaan. Conn Every year it ranb the top. 400 m agazines in the country by every conceivable - standard. It's a bible for advertisers, who have lo decide where to ut their mone . = !.°:: ~ ~ ... ac;:"'...'!:'<;'cn..,~ ~ ..... ., .. ""O ft6t!Of\atty •• ""10J• ....,, .. ~Inc nooo 12 OliftSVC. Hl,100 ~ . , .. Ml*l t 510,100 2~ .. b-• SJUOO JI" '• llM 412, ICIO W\'r Ille-o•.JOO JO'> Four"'-.,, 100 Jt .. •I VS S...I •• 100 )Ii.. "' Mo!Wo4• 4.Jl.000 ., .. )"' t( ,._, )ti.JOO ,,.., \.Wl'e1 1'0.000 11 .. , Pee G4« ... 200 '°" .. T...., I nuoo »'-.. Pfl ... lll,100 "'• . . ~'"' J03,COO " "• UPS MID DOWNS o«• Y<* lllPI -n.. '-no "-' .,_ ... _,,_.._~ ...... ---__ ..,. _____ 119_ -:'.:.:W ..:.~ir=.-.:..:.,~ .,... ...,...._ Cheftc,,:1e ,,,. dt"9t~ ----( Pf ... .,,.,_, --UPI ...... LMI a.q P(I I F-~ 1''~ • I UP 11) l !tOI C." ••1t • ·~ Up 11' J Trko s ,, ... , .. Up 11 s ..... ..._ 1'., • .. 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