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1981-12-29 - Orange Coast Pilot
~an's e¥J>eriment doesn't Work as .UCI suffers first, defeat <See Sports, Pace cu DUNGI COAST TUESDAY. DECEMBER 29. 1981 ·-----------------~ __ ._...,._ --- on (See story below) • * * • * • YOUR HDllTDWI llltY~PAPfR OA ANGf: C OUN r "f C Al If ORNlA 25 CENTS 'Justice takes strange twist for doctor SAN JOSE CAP > -A physician who was attacked and robbed by two men allegedly hired by his estr anged wife must pay her $1,500 a month because s he has no other means of support, a judge has ruled. "I guess I'd better stick to medicine because I sure don 't un derstand the judicial system," Dr. Dudley 0 . Scott Jr. 's lawyer quoted him as saying Monday when the ruling was issued. The lawyer. Willian Dubbin. said he was considering aJl appeal. Scott. 46, was ordered by Santa Clara County Superior Judge Read Ambler to make temporary support payments beginning J a n . 1 until his divorce from Lidija Scott is final. Mrs . Scott. 45, faces trial Feb. 1 on a charge of soliciting the commission or a felony. She had asked for $10,000 in temporary support for herself and their two children. The judge, while calling Mrs. Scot t 's a ll eged c onduct "outrageous." said she has no other means of support since she was a homemaker for much or ,the couple's 22-year marriage. Under California law, marital fault is not a factor in setting support. Ambler added. Dubbin s aid that "from a layman's point of view, I think it's unfair It doesn't make sense .. .. But the Jud ge did the best he could ... with the existing statutes and prior cases . . The judge was confronted wath a situation that to my knowledge has not arisen in California before," he said Mrs Scott allegedly went to a San Jose bar where she met a man who agreed lo arrange a •contract assault for $1 ,500 , according to police. Scott had been separated from his wife when he was attacked and robbed in his office parking lot Oct 26. He escaped serious injury Upset that her husband's inJu ri es "we re not sever e enough,·· Mrs. Scott refused to pay the assailants, police said. One man then telephoned Scott and offered to name the source of the contract. The man led Scott and police to another man who alle&edJJ set up the contract. That mu made a tape-recorded lelepbcme call to a woman whose voice Scott identified as that of bb wife. police said. A 24-year-old man also waa charged an the case, but no charges were filed against the informers U.S. food aid tO Poles blasted Schmitz loses chair • SACRAMENTO CAP> -State Sen . Joh n Sc hmitz , a n arch-conservative from Corona del Mar who delights in outraging liberal colleagues, has been stripped of a committee chairmanship for religious and sexual slurs against supporters of abortion rights. After Democrats on the Senate Rules Committee t ook the extraordinary action in a closed door hearing Monday, Schmitz said be didn't regret anything he bad said. "They will rue the day they SCHMfTZ STAA TEGY ANAL VZED -Page A3 did this because they just turned m e l oose from three time-consuming j obs to campaign for U.S. Senate," Schmitz said in an interviwew. Besides his chairmanship of the Senate Constitutional ,Amendments Committee, the 'Republican Schmitz was aJso 'removed as vice chairman of the Senate Industrial Relations Committee and as Senate del egate to the s tate Commission on the Status of Women. He said bis only "crime " was ."to use the word 'Jewish' in a .,ress release." and he has no :apologies. · He was referring to a news release last week in which be a aid be had looked out on "a sea of hard, Jewish and (arguably> female faces" of abortion-rights ~upporters at a bearing. Schmitz, a John Birch Society member who was the American Independent Pa.rt,y candidate for president in 1972, takes the role of a conservative 1adfly, teemingly relishinl the storm.a bls remarks cause. . He questioned the loyalty and aexuaJ habits of the late Martin Luther King in one Senate debate, and more recently said aa a U.S. Senate candidate that (See SCHMITZ, Pase AU ADMONISHED -Sen. John Schmitz has found that critical remarks of a week ago have proven costly. Marine guilty in death of teen skater El Toro Marine Robert Keith Martin has been found guilty of vehicular manslaughter for an April 11 incldent in which his van struc k and killed a lS·year·old girl roller skating along an EJ Toro street. The Orange County Superior Court jury also said Martin was guilty of driving under the influence of alcohol. The jury, which deliberated about four hours Monday, found Martin not guilty of hit-and-run driving in relation to the incident. · Caryn Dilorto, a roller abler and an honor student al El Toro Hilb School, died at the scene of the accident al A venida da La Carlota. Her mother, Barbara Horton, who sat through the five-week-lon1 trial, eaid she boj>es publicity from tbe tttaJ •will affeCt pubUc drlvln1 habits. (See GVILTY, Pa1e AJ) * * * Reagan to block Russ sale By Tbe A.asoclated Press President Reagan, moving to punish the Soviet Union for the military crackdown in Poland. will block the sale of equipment for a pipeline that would carry natural gas from Siberia to Western Europe, well ·placed admini s tration and congressional officials say. After revi e wing recomm e ndatio n s by a high-level task force , Reagan also decided to halt exports of high technology to the Soviet Union. including computers. and suspend maritime rights under which Soviet ships use U.S. ports and aviation rights under which Soviet airliners operate within U.S. boundaries. An aide who asked not to be id e ntifi e d desc ribe d the program being purs ued by Reagan a s ·'tighte ning the screws." It marks the first step taken by the administration against the Soviet s. who m Reagan blame s fo r the imposition of m artial law in Poland. A source in Washington, who said congressional leaders were being briefed on the economic sanctions today. confirmed the substance of the administration report. Reagan. spending a week·long holiday in Ca lifo rn ia , was expected to announ ce the decisions this a fternoon alter receiving the recommendations Monday of the administration's Special Situation Group. The group met 2.., hours Monday while Reagan was on his way by helicopter to an afternoon of manual labor at his ranch about 100 miles north of here. The recommendations were relayed by telephone by Vice President George Bush, Edwin M eese Ill , the presidential counselor, and Adm. James Nance. acting national security adviser. The president will confer later ln the week with Secretary of (See POLAND, Page AZ> .~ ........ MOTHER WORRIES Colette Marquis shows photos of daughters Micki. left. and Krist en whom she claims are stranded with her former husband John H arrison on Palmyra Atoll in the P acific Ocran Sailor may save ~hipwrecked family LOS ANGELES <AP) -A Canadian man a nd his two d•ughters, living on raw fish ind coconuts for three weeks after their shipwreck on a South Pacific atoll, may find a private yachtsman offering the rescue 1overn{1lent offi cial won't arrange. U.S. Coast Guard officials said • man bas saile d from Christmas Island to retrieve John Harrison , a 39-year-old industrial designer from Vancouver, and daughters Mickl, 3>, and Kristen, 13, from Palmyra At.oU, about 990 miles southwest bf Honolulu. ; "The man, known to us only •s Larry. has left Christmas Island 500 miles south of Palmyra on his yacht Friendly aod couJd be with them within 24 hours," Coast Guard Chief Bob Baeten s aid in Honolulu on Monday. "It's up to them to decide whether they want to accept but I don't think it will be a difficult decision after being stuck there for three weeks." The Harrisons were sailin1 their 40 -fool trimaran "Sisyphus" to Australia when a typhoon hit Dec. 8. The $200 ooo craft was dismasted by 40-toot waves. . A Coast Guard rescue plane aw ·their nares and dropped oup fuel for the trimaran to ate eo miles to the atoll. Two ya alter it wrecked on a reef beH, island caretaker Ray drum spotted the craft and elped Harrison contact il'elati•es via short wave radio. Refugee • assist urged BADGASI'EIM, Au.atria CAP) -Chancellor Bruno Kreiaky hu criticized a U.S. offer of food aid to Polish refugees in Austria, saying Washington should instead offer to let more Poles emigrate to the United States. . "We have enough flour, sucar -and rice," Kreisky said in aa interview published today in Vienna's Die Presse newspaper, •'The Americans should take more refugees instead." The c hancellor's commenu foll owed President Rea1an'1 offer last week to send food to Austria to help the country C!8"' for ,the estimated 50,000 Poles who have fled their country' la recent months . Many are ~ in refugee camps and private 1uesl houses at government expense. ~ Most hope to emigrate to ~ustralia, Canada or the United Stales. However , they have been delayed because those coun&riel say they already have fllled' immigration quotas. ' Kreisky was interviewed in. thi s mountainous ski resort south of Salzburg, where be bu been spending the Christmu holidays .. But be declined to make predictions about the future of Poland. where U.. communis t government declared martial law Dec. 13. · ·'We must realize what happens in the political realm ill Poland does not happen atainlt \ the will or the Soviet Union." Kreisky was quoted as saY'lnl. Austrian officials in Vt~ have complained for moaU. they were not receiv_in& IMIP. from other Western countriel a. coping with the fiood ol retua- th at have arrived in 1tudll1 increasing numbers throulbout the year. rllllll CUil IURS- Low clouds earl1 Wednesday mornin&, Huntington trio guilty on 79 counts Tbe Siaypbua' former owner, ucio Marampon of Victoria, d boat repairers an planniq n., to the atoll to make the Eherwise variable bl&b oudiness. Lowa t.oal&bt alOlll cout, '2 inland. Highs Wednesday 12 at beaches, 87 inland. llllDI TDIAY Sentences could exceed 200 years for kidnap, rape, robbery of 4 women :-. Tbr•• men accused of t=:•pplq, rap&nc and robblD& 81111===== fouac1 lultJ ol 11 countl MoedQ lD Oraa1e County Superior Co.rt. . ft• dl!P ... retuned to Oraa ... 00uat1 Jail to await ...._..., ..... Or~• Coaat1 D•••t7 • latlft,l Attor•e1 alelaard step-brothers II, ... 1'ol9lrt ol DDwM}', ,.. ~---- 1••n •.. Eacb waa found 1ullty Monda7 of one count of llldaapptq for robbert1, two eouata o1 kldnapplnc, tllree cou.ata ol robbery 11 eOUlltl ol fordb&e npe, ~ 1' couat1 ol toirdlll tbe womeo to commit uotbereaad. Tb• th(rd defendant, John 11, allO ot l>ow.e,. .... f 1ullt1 of 11 Hau1l on . Toobey sald .Krom w.a1 aceued ol parUel,..... ta ..aJ ••• of tbe tbree lael•••ta considered by the jury. The flrat two incldent1 occurred lut February. In the ftnt, Toohey aaid, two men olhnd a ride t.o a woman wbOH cu-bad broken down lD LoqBMcb. ID tla• aecond Incident, a kantialtGD Beech woman wboM autb Md brollen down OD Paciftc Coast e1g::a1 accepted .. wrre two men ID a plcnptnc:k. Ill b9da baddmq, Toob~ said, MM •a-..,.tat•tow ~aa7oa aoar lrea, raped repeatedly al knlfepoint and ~bbed. ' In tbe third lncldeot, which occurred last June, two H ·year-old Hunlin&ton Beach &1rls bitchhlkin1 on Pacific Ooaat Hli!tway accepted a ride from three men In a 1lmllar truck. ' Toohey. 11Jd the teen-a1er1 ••r• abdUct..s IDcl taken J.O tbe tame ..-.i loeetiolt ud wen ,.,..,.......,. n..· tiareedefendanta were an 1111• lD JalJ b7 Run~ .... pake. I\ 'I aft seaworthy. Marampon Id H1rrilon 1tlll owea him .ooo OD t.be trimaran, whleb ~:=.11'urtaon•s former wlfe and the 1lrl1' mother, lchelle Colette Jamea, mplalned Monday that "at 11 polnt, there la DO reacue ml11lon that ii beln1 or1anlled," by U.S. or Canadlan official11. "We had been informed several limn tbat there would be from the Coaat Guard lo Honolulu and tMa I s-lie 1ovef'ft8Mfttl beHme bt1"0lwd," Mr1. James. 31. sald. (8" ATOIL. P ... AJ) 1'"-dlftfnll por1 ii MC a optnfng oa hdfvid••I ll•UrenM1d Acco•ttl ht, 'nllltn, --.,., to acort tt. ,.. Pt,.;. ..u. 11111 ,(i I= I: r :: ;Ir ... &.-. ·--• I ' ~· • • • • • • Orange CoHt DAILY fltLOTfTuesday, December 29. 1981 SYMBOL OF SUPPORT Rep. Don Ritte r . R-Pa .. lights a candle on the podium at a Congressional panel studying Poland and its A~ ......... new military governmen~. President ~eag3:n had asked Americans to hght candles m their wi ndows to show support for Polish people. From PageA1 POLAND STRATEGY READIED. • • State AJexander Haig in Palm Springs. deputy White House press secretary Larry Speakes said. Haig was speaking in San Francisco today Although Reaga n's aides have said he would consult with the Western allies about any steps taken 1n connection with the developments in Poland, those likely to be announced today could be pursued without allied cooperation. Meanwhile. defiant Polis h workers arc producing automobile parts that don't fit together •nd engaging in other acts of industrial s abotage. according to uncensored reports reaching the West But P o land 's military government claims work is returning to normal as the last s trikes against martial law are dropped. Warsaw Radio quoted the Ministry of Minin~ and Industry as saying 939 miners at the Piast m int.• in S1les1a would return to work today aft(•r ending their 13 day occupation t he last lan~c ·sca l e protest agains t martial law T he radio ... aid today that 12 ··rin gleaders o r the protest action have been arrested by the military pro!>ecutor·s office .. Thi· arrest!> came despite earlier government hroadcasts assuring then· would be no reprisals 1f the miners qui t the prote s t voluntanl) Earlier. offi cial Polish media reports said the 2,300 miners who abandoned their strike last week al the nearby Ziemow1l Newport firm gets charge amended By KEITll~VBER o.lty ..... ._.. ._ The state Department of Real Estate bas filed an amended accusation against American Home Mortgage Corp., at the same lime dropping charges it bad filed earlier tbis year Those c h arges , fil ed in October, included allegations of fraud. misappropriation or diversion ol investor funds for its own henefit, commingling ,trust funds wilh its own money. misrepresentati o n and ,conspiracy to deceive investors. T he amended a c cus ation states that the Newport Beach mortgage firm advanced funds to borrowe rs from its tr ust accounts against a line or credit, 'thereby reducing the balance in ltbe accounts lo an amount which lwas less than the aggregate liability of American Home. l The company admits it did use ' this funding procedure. The amended accusation alleges that 1this procedure constitut ed negligence and a failure to .exercise reasonable supervision 1o v e r th e a c t i v i t y of , sa~espenons. Aa a result, the Department of Real Estate has revoked American Home's license rights. 'ttiougb the company can 1 continue to do business .under a restricted real estate broker : license. n.. restrictions. which ahould •impair tbe company's ~bility -. di l>usiness, warn the fcomp~YNJ16m.t: icks continue ATLANTA (AP ) 1·Q•e1Uonlng of prospective 11uron for the murder trial or l Wayne B. Williams resumed 1 today with defense lawyers 1 ~Ulina oo racial prejudice and 1 e pu&lielty stirred up by a I triDI 0( 28 killincs around 1AUu~ ~·,, Tne intenuonat making 01 false, misleading or deceptive statements, written or oral, to the public. the press or clients regarding the nature of the investigations. audits. findings, conclusions or actions taken by the department in connection with the allegations: -Violating provis ions of California real es tate law. -The company must submit a quarterly trust fund position s tatement to the Real Estate ·Dep artment co ntaining comple t e accou nt and transaction information A similar decis ion was handed down to American Home office• Mary Katherine Zvonek, who was also named in the accusations. A s pok esma n for the Department of Real E state declined to comment on the t:harges and the decision. "What happened was this." explained company President J ohn G. Rinaldo. ··We had loans <totaling $300,000) that we were going to give borrowers on April 1 On March 31. we rr.conciled our check register , even though we knew the checks weren't going to go out until the following day. We contacted our bank that it was possible we might need a line of credit to cover the loans. which it turned out we didn't need . ·'That started and ended the whole thing." Rinaldo said the matter, now resolved, affected not only1 busines but the psychological well-being of his family. ''The effect on our Investors was minimal, but t he human factor was jus t terrible," Rinaldo said. ··People just didn 'l understand that we weren't charged with something criminal. People thought we stole money. It affected my wife and children. :·fCtds would come up to my chtldren and ask if I was in jail. It was terrible. "I'm just glad It's over." ORANOIE COASf D.aily Pilat Cla11lfled advertising 714'842·5611 All other departments 142-4321 Thomas P. H81ey ~-a.le-,.. Olllcs Rober1 N. W9ed ,.,....... Thom• A Murpt11ne f- MlchHI P Hervey ,_._.... °""""' l. Kay Scholtz Dw...rfl~ Kenndt N. Godd8tO Jr c-.... L..., .Ch ~:...~ • MAIN OFflCE QO Wttl a.,, SI . Cotta ~M. CA Mall -loll 1WO, C•I• ~M, C4. fttat COllY<ltM 1 .. 1 Ortn90 tMll PV!Mltlllnt ~. No ,,.wt tlorlet. lll11t•rol .... S, tdltOflol m4ltter., Mo v•r11M"*IU ~eill m.y M r~N """'*" tt'Klol _..,tu_ Of,..,,.,-· ' coal mane res umed digging Monday, and that full product~on resumed at the Hula Katowice steelworks -where security forces had routed protesters. Thl· Britis h Broadcasting Corp . in a report from Warsaw, said. "The military are said to havl' effectively secured the country " But British newspapers s aid todav that thousands of workers ha v~ been fired for refusing to r es 1 gn (rom tho. s uspended indepen d e nt labor union Solidarity Uncensored reports reaching the t;nited States from sources in Warsaw on Monday night painted a picture of defiance in Poland. under martial law since Dec. 13. From Page A1 SCHMITZ. • • a military coup might b·e neecie<i if President Reagan's policies are thwarted by Congress. But the state m e nts that brought retaliation from Senate leaders came in Schmitz's role as chairman of the Con s titutional Ame ndments Committee. a panel created by the Senate thjs year Schmitz recently held committee hearings around the state on his SCA29, a state cons titutional amendment to ban abortions. Last week he issued a news release on committee letterhead saying he had survived t he "attack of the bulldykes" in those hearings. He s aid the committee had fa ce d "pre -organize d infestations of imported lesbians from anti-male and pro.abortion queer groups in San Francisco and othe r ce nt e r s o f decadence .. In Los Angeles. Sc hmitz wrote. he looked out on "a sea of hard, Jewis h and <arguably> female faces ... He called his oppon e nts "murderous marauders." and s ingled o ut feminist lawye r Gloria Allred of Los Angeles as a "slick butch lawyeress " Ms Allred had a n gered Schmitz by dumping a chastity bell on hjs table as a purported gift for his wife. a regular adversary of hers on a Los Angeles television show Senate President Pro Tern David Roberti, D·Los Angeles. announced the actions against Schmitz after a lhree·hour Rules Committee hearing that Schmitz did not attend. .. Anti-Semitism has no place in the state Senate," Roberti said. He said Schmitz's "sexual stereotyping of a n e ntire audience is offensive,'' as was bis attack on Ms. Allred. Roberti said the votes were 3·0 to re move Schmitz as chairman of t h e Co n stit utional Amendments Committee and de legate lo the Commission on the Status of Women, and 3·1 t o dump him as vice chairman of the Industrial Relations Committee. The votes agains t Schmitz w ere cast by Democrats Robe r ti, Nicholas Petris 'of Oakland and Barry Keene of Mendocino. The only Republican present, Ray Johnson of Chico, refused. to vole against Schmitz, though R oberti quoted Johnson as saying Schmitz "had abused hla poalUon." Rus8 flag burned NASHVILLE, Tenn. <AP) -. Sevenl former Mabanl cilhens were part of 1 crowd of IO demonstrators that burned a Soviet fl a1 on the second annlveraary or the Soviet Uruon'a lnvuion of Aflhan.lat.an. • ------------- Firearms ban upheld Sale, possession outlawed in Chicago suburb CHICAGO (AP) -A fedtraJ Judae tod•y upheld the rl1ht of a suburban vlllaae to ban the safe and IJ')SSesslon ot handauns. U .$. District Judge Bernard Decker said tbo Morton Grove ordinance is vaJld and does not Infringe upon the individual rights provided by the Jlllnols and United States constitutions. A ltorneys for o ne or the 1roups or citizens opposing the ordinance said they wlll appeal the ruling. Martin Ashman, Morton Grove village attorney, called Decker's ruling .. a landmark decision." The village board voled 4·2 June 8 to ban the sale and possession or handguns by Morton Grove's 24 ,000 residents. The ordinance, a mong the most • stringent enacted ln the United States, was immediately c h a llenged in court as an in fr ing e m e nt on th e constitutional right lo bear arms. Jn a 35-page decision, Decker said, "reasonable people can. in good conscience, oppose what Morton Grove has done, while From Page A1 GUILTY. • • .. It w~ senseless slaughter,'' s he said. Deputy District Attorney Mike Maguire said he was happy with the conviction, which could send Martin to prison for as long as three years and eight months. He added that the not guilty verdict on the hit-and-run count was understandable because Martin did check the scene momentarily after the 10c1denl, a nd drove o nl y anothe r quarter·mile down t he road before stopping. '"He didn't fulfi ll the legal requirem~nts . . .but 1 t~ink the jury was JUSt1f1ed 10 r.nd1~~ him not guilty on that count. saJd Maguire. equally reasonable people can fuUy aupport this ordln~nct " He Hid the Morton Grove trustees "mu1t have been awaru of the deep·seated conviction or a number of ill citizens that they shou ld be permitted to retain handguns ror the protection or peraon and property. •'The t rustees concfuded , however, that the public interest outweighed the c la imed p e r sonal interest of th e opponents of this legislation. The ultimate settlement of this troublesome political question must be returned to the citizens o f Morton Grove where it properly belongs rather than in the court.'' Decker also said his ruling lifted a stay blocking enforcement of the handgun ordinance. After the decision. Ashman told reporters. "maybe if other communities implement s uch ordinances around the country. From Page Al there could be a lot or American lives save<! " Mike Null, an attorney for some of the opponents, said, "I think lbe law is unconsUtutionaJ. J think it should have been held that way by the jud1e. In the m eantime, Morton Grove is going to divest its citizens or guns " Null said he will appeal to the federal appeals court and expects the case ultimately to be 1dec1ded by the U S Supreme ~ourt. ;; • D~cier said the ordinance does not violate the U.S . Constitution's guarantee of a citizen'• right to bear arms. He also ult It falls within the state .constitution's provision granting the right lo have guns except where government is exercising its police powers -the state's obligation lo protect the general health and welfare of its people. ATOLL INCIDENT. • • • Coast Guard planes can't land on the atoll's World War JI airstrip and will not get involved unless life 1s threate ned, she said The Canad1un government. m eantime. 1s balking a l ci rescue's pncetag. ~ Officials 1n Ottawa scuttled a 'mission planned last week by the Ca nadian Cons ul in San Francisco when they learned 1l would coi.t bet ween S7 .000 and $12,500. she i,a1d .. They !th (' Ca n adian gove rnment1 ha ve a C'ertiun budget that they allow each year for rescues of Canadian c1l1zen!> from an y type ''' danger in an) part of the world. said ~rs Janes. "However. they tell U!> that this I rescue m1c;'>H1n 1 would ea1 up one-twe lfth or the entire budget a nd that 1s too much Basically what tl bo1b down to I'> that they would like the U.S. government to pay for half or it .. Canadian officials also ruled a boat rescue too costly at 21 days for the round trip. but Mrs Jam es l>a 1d Kris t en is too frighll·ncd to get in another boat Although "no l)ne is in any physica l dange r " d espite !>leep1ng tn the open. ··they are ver~ traumatized, · she said Mr., J ame'> sa id she doesn't have th!· mnney to hire a private plane 111 n·sC'u<: the trio, and the governmt·nt!> haven t accepted Harri~on.., pledge to pay for 1l once h1·.., oH the 1l>land I n f or tunat e ly the g11\ 1·rnments felt that this 1fl<arr1'on., word1 wasn 't going to ht· a<lequale and wanted s1Jml.'one outside 1 the atoll> to put uµ tht• bond.·· s he said CRASH KILLS TWO Two were killed a nd 23 iniured after brakes on ski chair iift at Val Venosta. Italy, s ki resort failed. sending Arw...,.... s kiers hurtling intc) <i ·talion at the bottom of the lift. Portion. of c hair lies un g round after Monda~· mishap. nus WATERFORD CLASSIC IS OURS AWNE. Ught a crystal fire with our "Tiffany style .. crystal lamp by Waterford. Blown and cut entirely by han~ in Ireland, It's ours exclusively. Approximately 22" high. $950. §LAVICK'S F1M JMill«'I Since 1917 Where the best surprises begm. F~ ltllnel (714) 844·1380 • ~ 8-h ,.. c;r.w Loi~. Sii'\ Dlilgo. La~ . ' AP ...... BEACH STROLL West German Chancellor Helmut Sch midt and his wife, Hannelor e. walk along the beach on Sanibel Is land in Florida. Schimdt, his wife. and daughter. Susanne. will vacation in Florida until Januar\' 4, when they will m ake an unofficial ''isit to Washington. D.C Phillips d e nies rumors of rift with Princess A nne Despite reports that he was having an affair, Capt. Mark Phillips says he and his wire, Pr incess Anne, are "close enough " that they never doubted one another . Phillips, 33, married lo the only daughter o r Queen Ellubetb II, denied in an interview published Monday A million-dollar deal for a biogr aphy or slain ex-Beatie J ohn Len non by Albe r t Go ldm an, a uth o r o f a controversial biogr aphy or E lvis Presley, h as fallen t h rough, The New York Times reported. The agreement collapsed because or a disagreement between Goldman's agent, J ohn Hawkins, and Avon Books over whether Avon could publish the paperback that his marriage was on the rocks, as news paper reports said. Some r eports c l ai med Phillips developed a close r elationship with Aagela Rippon, 36, the first fem ale news reader for the Britis h Broadcasting Corp. She was writing a book about horses with Phillips. version before a British edition comes out, the Times said. An agr eement among Avon. William Morrow & Co. and Hawkins called ror an advance of about $1 million, but a contract was not signed. "Elvis." Goldman's scathin g biography o f Presley. angered many ot the late singer's fans. 'l'luf C•••to' of t he ~l• •9'~ Brtttn bl1ot a fter Wit•• A•trlcan t1l1vl1hlea'1 Ardaft Bunker wu paUeraed aaya he '• rellrin1 bis character for IO()d. The reuoo: with Brttaln'a ConMrvatlve PA(ty in power, ~e H~, Ute lt be1l~ln1 to •mltate art. "He Just lln't ·runny any more -aot w&tb Prlme Mlniater Mar,ant Tlta&claer in office," says author lollHy 8pet.W, 58. Spet1bt brought Alf Garnett -the vul1ar, anary workinf ·Class bloke from London s East End -to British television in the '80s with the Independent Television show ·'Till Death Do Us Part." Sen. Naacy L a a d o a K aa1ebeua was mailed an unusual holiday greeting by Willia• Gtbbou, the trustee overseeing bankruptcy proceedings of t he Rock Island Railroad. Al a recent hearing, Mrs. Ka sse baum , a Kans as R epublican, e xpressed frustration over Gibbon s' apparent reluctance to sell portions of Rock Island track so other c arriers can continue service on the line, which goes through her stale. •'There are limes one would like to fashion a dart board with his picture," the sen ator said. Gibbons saw the com ment In a newspaper a.nd sent hor a l e tter, e nclosing his photogren. "[· SUlfeSl Ulat you atrix it t o your dart board and practice," Gibbons wrote. "Who knows? You may even bec ome proficient. Best wis h es for a pleasant holiday." A computer programmer is crusading lo make s ure her father is remembered ror crealin·g Rudo1ph the R ed-Nosed Reindeer , a Christmas fantasy set to music which has sold more than 140 million records. "I 'm Rudolph 's older siste r," said Barbara Lewi.I of San Francisco, adding that the deer with the lighlbulb nose -an ugly duckling with antlers who became Santa's indispensable helper -was conceived by her father, the late Robert L. May. Mrs . Lewis wants her fath e r to receive proper credit for twaneing generations of heartstrings with the creation initially intended as a promotion for Mo ntgomer y Wa rd. where May worked as an ad man. Fair weather on tap Coastal· Mostly 110111 vetlable w inds tllrouOfl toniof>I uce9' wffterw a to t4 llnoh ltlls eftetnoon. wutetty s-11 I to 2 feet. Fair t11'°"911 toctey witfl •etla!IM hlQlll c-. tncr..slno clo\id• tonlQM. v.s. California L..i9M teill ..... -• ... cllo • San J -IC"'9s CMIYOfl llM ..,, 10flf9111 -a Chenca of "-n 0¥ff the re ma lncMt of Ille state by Wecllftftdey. S-leWI be-J ... and 4_ .._.In IN~ Aftd <...,ttel "'°""\alM to MO feel lfl ttle -.ltl. Ex tended , .... ~ summary forecast .......... ~· -lell -muc11 of the inm n --...•..... , .. n ~S).'·· .... ()lllo end mld·Mlululppl velleys, Som• 1110111 end mornlno low .... ~d.a: ••stern ,..,u of ttw central Plelns cioudlnns in Ille coH tel erees. ~ ,. end pem of Wa$111"91on, wftll lle••Y Varl•b .. tW9f\ cklud,nit.1.1 with ou,ih '"•••" 1•••1••9'• Outw41e4 NAflONAI WIA U U I VICI -ln c..,tr .. tlllnoiton-y. winds In the mournalM In coettal lllDm ---s:a •••• ,. hlohS ill. ... 6lb ~ In ... MOAA U S 0••• •f (••••tt:! In , ... -·· Sll'9s t>eOen CIHrtno _, --40L -••in lllQM 0 efter _.._ llonns that dumpecl to SS w ith tow. ts lo lS El Paso u • s...oi..., .. up to 2 IHI ol snow acron Ille FelrbenU ·II ·• Sen Frefl SS Aoci.lu, bloct.tno 111011ways end Hertfotd • 2S Se•ftl• • tflutllno clown ~I resorts Tem pera tures Helene II ... St L..OOllS J2 StttlnoOeld, 111 , 901 s 1nc11es 01 ' Honolulu IO u SIP·T-,. -Monday In Ille lourtll winier HO•tSIOf'I 70 61 St Ste-le • storm In two -ks. and up lo S NATION llldn--1~ M " Spellene 2S ln<lles of "'°"" creeled hererdOUs Ml L..e Je<llt.11•11• u ,. Tuite 11 drl•lno c~ltlons lrom soutllern Albany 3' 21 JUMAU 12 07 Wellllr>91n 4i Ml<llloen .c"'" _.111ern 1111no1s •nd AllHHllH' .. 20 Kens City 21 13 Wl<hlte 2' 1nc11 .... 1nn0hlo Atnetlllo .. ,. L..es Ve98S SS 11 C.A&.1..c)tl NI A AMIM>teQt 01 ·•2 L..lttle Reck " ,, "' A winter storm warnlno wet In 6 ,,...11 .. 4J J2 '-""' ..... .. ,. AtlPleV1lley u effect _.,.Y lo< ,,_. ol centre! Atlenla ... 1' L..eulsvllle 4S J2 .... .,~'""' ,. llllnols. Tr .. elers advisories were Atlenlc (ty u " Memphis ,, a .. mow M IHU.0 lo< ftOrtl>ern llllnols. nortt>ern Baltimore 44 ,. Mi.1111 11 _n •"""'°"' M lnctlene. central --.ttwm '--8 1tmlnolW'fl ,. ,, Mllw~ 2S ., .•.. ., SJ Mlclli9MI. -1IMm Ofllo •"" wesllm lllsmatck 03 ·II Mt>t•St.P II to .I.._ SS l"ef!MYl•8ftle. wftll uP le 4 eddltleMI 8o1M ll ti Nl tllvllle ,. .. . ..,_ ., Inc .... of---· llMton )4 JI NewOt-., " ClllY« City M llelft lfld _,. c-lllued -Ille llr-nsvlle u 61 ..... v-.. n ~llrftl st state Of WHN,..,, with some llea•Y 8ufl•lo :i. J t Norf9111 JI ,. ,,_ SS -In -soutllHltern pert ol Ille ClwlrlstnSC Sl 4S Ollie City «I • UIOIUIW M state. c:1'1¥htn WI/ SS 11 OmaM ,. IO L..8ftl 9Ndl M L..lelll snow fell In tlle northern CIMy....,. tl °' ~, ..... • ., L•A,...._ .. PlllM lfMI ecl'OM ~Maine. Chic-2' ta ........... u " .......... .. P'oe Mel •wte prevallect •IOftO ttw CIMl-1 J1 24 f'hoenl,. .. 41 Mt,Wll-S7 "Gulf, mid-encl lOlllller'n Atlentlc Clevelend )4 " Pl~ «I u ........ ., CNtl, with scettet9CI .-ers •ftd ce11im-• • "'I lftcl. ,,,. » n ....-111M<ll " tlMHlde~ -AllberN end Del-Ft -SI • Ptt-.~ .. 11 ()ell~ • _...,.,, Mlsalsl""" Deft vet ,, • ll~Cll'Y 20 n OM«lo '2 tcy •Ir wtueCI over Ille north Des -IS M ,._ 0 14 Pel"'~ ., central pett of the netlo" with Detroit ,. 1A It I< llftlolld 47 • p~ '2 ~ ~ •-tet"O frOft> Dulutfl °' CM S.ltL..ellt JJ 17 p_ ....... ff Monten• to M nnesoll, wltl'I • == • f'Mfllifle ,.... " 1J __...... .,.. •I ,. ........ -. • CMV S1 ey Uftlretlt, P'Of1 M,en.. Fie., !IN ..... tS 1t1 ••,.,...,. OK. • wttll .. -., .... SU I f IE Pm ... ,.,_, ft .,.. a. ... e o..tn. u. .. ..., •rec-... .....,....,. • "· .... , ... 1 ., Tefft..,._. 81'~ tM 111tlleft at ...... .. 2 P·"'· I.ST ....... ,...... t lie-,_ . , t. .. P<t-*-u et Wlllllllaft, N.0., tt Ille M .. l"WI 7 ~ • --~· n .. "'"' IW9Y. --i.rec•tt In.,. 1-1 ... .... .......... ............ u Greet I.AMI -· "" ._., Otlle tefttaCna St Vetley 11111 Ntw It....-. with -9MCll ... -PW """' ..... .., '"'-" In "" -1Nnl ..,. ~al l11ma 2 , II I t ... ........ .. lttc.11'811 M ltecl!IM --~ Rein SMU -.Ke I I II I I w T-..v-.., q ..... ,. -lwecetl "' Mt1Mf'll .. ....,, 2 • " I • w Clffter1)48 .... Ille ~ ~"le Sen oi.etC--.Cy 2 ' tJ t , w ,_..,... n ,...,.,_ ., ,C,..e "'--· °"1._ tor """"'*Y' Uttle Cl\lllOe. vu-71 ._.. V• J . . We re Li~enlng ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot! Rat ..,..l JOQ I.lb ? Call the nu mber below and JOUr m...;. wW be Ncol'dld, -~t£=-· ............. ·:r= ..,.,.... ....... transcribed and delivered to the a ......... -.,. ' The same 2'-hour an1w.n., ~may ..... to _. Mt· tera t6 the editor on ADJ ..._ • ....._ ~ •• ._.. ... their· name and telephoftt numw for .~. Mo dmd.O. callt, Dlease. • · T~ us what'• on your mind. SJ .. J:I • u " ,. JI n .. L..e 24 • 41 ,. 24 » 41 • 44 u ,. • to .. J7 J1 u .., ,. 42 q • • «I 0 2' .. ., 41 S3 .. .. .. «I .. .. ,, • • .. tS - Orange Coast DAILY PtLOTffueaday. December 29. 1981 s EYES HAVE IT lchic1 lshigam1. a Japanes e a m ateur photographl'r. took this st riking st udy in contrast and cntl'red 1t in :.i Tokyo .~ . ...,.... photograph~· contest The contrast makes onl~· the c~·(·s ,,f the girl und cut stand out Creation • science ruling due LITTLE ROCK, Ark < API - A federal judge is expected Lo wait until arter New Year's Day t o issue his r uling o n the constitutionality of Arkansas' creatio n -sc ience law . his secretary said. Shirley Bowling. secretary to U.S . District Judge William Overton . s a id Mo nday he worked over the Chris tmas holidays on his ruling but didn't finish it. She said Overton began he arin g a th ree-d ay trial Monday on redistricting, and it would be Jan. 4 or later before a creationism ruJing is issued Overton has been wading through hundreds or pages of testimony and exhibits from a nine·day t rial that attr acted national attention Wh e n the trial ended earlier this month. Overton said he hoped to have a ruling before the end of the year The 1981 slate law, called the Ba l a n ced Treatment for C r ea t ion -Scie n ce and Evolution-Science. says public schools that teach evolution mu st t each creat i o n . Evolutionis t s hold that life developed slow ly through millions of years. Creationists generally believe that ltfe was created s udd enly a f ew thousands years ago If upheld by the court. the law would take effect m September Overton has said the sole issue is the law's constitutionality. not the validity of the Bible or the theory or evolution. The American Ci vil Liberties Union filed suit against the law in May, saying it was vague and represented the establishment of religion by the government. Arkansas Attorney General Steve Clark defended the law in court. He drew some criticism from the Creation-Science Legal De fense Fund and religious funda m entalists such as the Rev. Jerry Falwell or Moral Majority, who said he did not lake advantage or the defense fund. The t reasurer of t he legal defense fund said Sunday his group has raised more than $50,000 in do nations s ince forming eight months ago Ex-PO W's due special car plates SACRAMENTO (A P > Beginn ing Jan. l , former prisoners o( war in California will be eligible for s pecial a u tomobile license plates, featurlng the initials "POW" 'followed by four dtglts. Tbe plates, which will coi>t $25 lnltialty and $10 annually to renew, will only be issued to thoae who have "proof ... of for mer POW status." said Gary Nilhlt.o ol the stale Department ot Motor Vehicles. Nlabito, who serves as the .department's rellstraUon chief1 ·Hid Pf'OCeeds from the sale °' t he plates will 10 to a state e n vironmental fund . He estimated Utat from the lut t bree wara up to 10,000 Callfomians may be eH1tble for the plates. By FREDERICK SCHOEMEllL 0 1 the O•lly Pilol Si.ff Wh~· i~ s tate Sen .John Schmitz so hradllr'\l' hungr~ ' There·s one rl'ason and one n ·ason onl~ Schmitz. Corona del Mar n.•!-t icknt. Manne Corps Rrsrr\'e colonel. .John RirC'h So<'ict~ membt·r . \\ants to t·aµture the Rl·puhlican nominat10n for lhl· L S SL·nat<' ~t·:.it nov. held b~ S 1 lla~ak<rna . SC' h mi t z 1 s a mo n g s t•,. t· n t· 11 n tend c r s for the Rc>publlcan nomination :\ little mon• than 14 percent of th l' \Ott.' \\11Uld tak • tht• nomin<1t1on Schmitz bt•lie,·<.·s th at 1f t•\·ennnt• n.•m <11ns in the running. his t•ad~'l' of hard nire nght v. ing<.'r!-t ''ill put him O\'<•r thl' top lie pomts. at('Uratcl~. It> the fact he garnl'red 20 pt:ret·nt of the Repuhlit:.in vote \\ hl·n he snug ht the Sen:.tll' nomination l \\O 'l'ars ;.igo SCHMITZ WANTS 10 do betll'r this t1m~ around To that e nd . ht· ha!> unleashed broadside t.1ftt>r hroads1dt' scMOEME"'- Whe n several Republican part> leader s dismissed his candidacy. Schmitz rcl<.'a!-ted a thrct'-page s tatement entitled "The Attack of the Plutoeral1<· Pupp<.'te<•rs ·· He termed them "agmg bourgeois oligarchs ... In an inlcr vi(•w wi th a :'\'ewport Reach newspaper and a subsequent intcrviev. v. 1th a Los Angeles telcvi~ion station. Schmitz suggested a militar~ coup might be in order s hould President Reagan's economic poliC'ies fall. Most recently. he latx.>lcd feminists who obJeet ed to h1~ proposed a nti-abortion state const 1tution amendment stand as ·n111ld\'kc.s" ;rnd saHl tht' prolt1!-tt<.·1·s at a h<'aring reµres('nted .. ;1 sea of hard .. J(•wish anti 1 a rguably I fem a It' fun•s .. BECAliSE Ht-: has t•hosen to trearl a s no political figun· has dared to. Sdimitz has drawn massin' media CO\<.' 1·age Ills nanw has hl'en bounct>d thrnughuut thl' state. from Eun•ka to Encinit as. Imm Downey to Death \'alley Tht• s t:Jtl'ments have built n:.ime id entification and have kt thl· h;ir<l-con• right wing('rs knm' that he is their guy ;ind 1n th(• running . On<.' wnndcrs how much fart her 11 can go Members of hi s part~ c on sid<'r Schmitz an cmbarrassm r nt Democrat:-<lcsp1s e. nay. detest. him Bother Schmitz'' Not in the least. says Bra d Evans. who "ields the pen for much or Sc·hmit1' campaign matrrwl "SCHMITZ LOOKS <i t this thing I the Senate campaign > as a craps hoot a beerhall challenge.'' said Evans. Schmitz 's strat egist. during an inte rview in September at the Torch Club. a bar across the s treet from the Sacramento bus s tation. But for the time being. Schmitz does not a ppear to be riding high. despite an ything he or Evans might say. The Senate Rules Committee stripped Schmitz of the chairmanship of the Senate Committee on Constitutional Amendments The committee also took away his vice c hairma ns hip on the Senate Industrial Re lations Committee and booted him from the Commission on the Status of Wom en. State Sen. Alan Sieroty, who represents a heavily J ewish district in Lo Angeles, wants Schmitz out of the Senate. Period The combined Sunday edition of the San Francisco Chronicle und Examiner contained an editorial urgin& the Senate to censure Schmitz. Will Schmitz weather the current storm and be successful in his candidacy? Eva ns think so. Why? "Because he comes right out. He cuts through all the bul l. You don't get all the bull, the unending deluge of bull. When people vote for hlm. they know exacll wbal. they're votinR for .. s Ora"ge Coast DAILY PILOTfTuesday, December 29, 1981 .. .. Tris-ban hill passes Sleepwear manufacturer s may now sue for losses APW ......... WAS HINGTON <AP> - Former Members of Congress have their own club now, duly recognized by Congress. That would not seem to be a topic of g reat interest to the people who make children's pajamas. But it is. It could be worth about $50 million to them . That's because the Senate amended a bill recognizing the organizatio n called Former Members of Congress lo tack on a long-disputed measure that would let s l ee pwear m a nufa c tu rers s ue the government for what they lost whe n the che mical Tris was banned. The Tris bill had passed the Senate three limes before, but the only time the House also approved it, former President Carter vetoed the measure. I l was introduced again this year. languished in the House, and finally was revived by Sen. Stro m Thurmond, R-S.C., in a h ectic session j ust be fore Congress adjourned until 1982. Fl!llfflUIATM>N METHOD -Dr Howard W Jones Jr. explains the vitro fe rtilization proc~ during a news conference at Norfolk General Hos pital in Norfolk. Va .. Mondav. Jones announced the birth of Elizabeth Car=r. Amenca·s first tesllube babv. More than 20 s uc h babies hav<.• been born ·in England and Australia Mrs . Carr. 28. had had three abnormal prc~nanc1es which nccl•ss1t a led thl' re moval of hN Fallopian tubt•s The measure stems from a Tris ban imposed b y the Con s umer Product Safely Commission April 8, 1977. Tris is a c hildren 's fir e -r elardenl chemical that had been used to treat children's sleepwear in order to co mpl y with government reg u l a t ions on fl ammability Rundown shack replaced by home 200 Arizonans contribute ai d to farm l aborer's f am ily in yule effort GUADELUPE, Ariz. <AP> - When John and Josephine Rivas discovered their home of 13 years had vanished, Mrs. Rivas cried for joy. Gone was their rundown , one-room. 10-by· lO·fool shack. In its platt stood a 24·by-24-b>t, two-bedreom fr ame home painted beige and brown. T h e s hack , with s plintered walls and a tar·papered roof, la c ked runnin g wate r . electrit'ily and heal. The new home h ad all three a nd air conditioning lo boot. along with six silver-dollar eucalyptus trees outside where only dust had fl ourished. "This new home will change our lives a lot." Ri vas. a 47-yeai·-old farm labore r, said when the couple returned "At last, we have something lo take care of , to come home to More seeking 'personal aid ANN ARBOR. Mich. I AP> - The per centage of Americans seeking professional help for peuonal proble111s has nearly doubled in the past two decades. according lo University of Michigan researchers A report from the university's Institute for Socia l Research attr ibutes t h e i n c r e ase to greater availability and r educed co!tl c:lf such he lp, as well as wider pu blic acceptance or professional mental he alth treatment "The stigma has decreased," t h e r esea rchers said in a recently published book. "tven people who do not personally expect lo consult a mer\lal health professional themselves see that a s a r e a sonable alternative for persons facing an unmanageable cnsis ... Before. we had no plac(;' to sleep. cook, stretch a round Now , after working 10 or 12 hours 1n the fi elds. I can come home to a hot shower There's nolhrng like a hot shower when you re s weaty and dustv .. More °than 200 Phoenix area businesses and individuals con t ributed ti me. l abor . materials and monev T he home was furnished. complete with a Chris tmas tree and dozens or gifts . through Salvataon Army donations. .. I owe all of them thanks:· Mrs Rivas said. wiping the t ears fr om her c h eek "Someday, if I ever Rel rich. I want to help them. too " Ken Arrand. a partner in AMA Development Inc , a Phoenix contr actrng firm, coordinated the construction of the home. which he says 1s worth $34,000 He got the idea to build 1t from a story that appeared Dec 9 as part of a series the Arizona Re public runs 1n con1unct1on with its Chris tmas fund lie said he received m ore than 300 call s from people interested tn contributing to the house It look JUSl a few minutes for Brother lvo Toned of Our Lady of Guadelupe Church, to level the shack with h1!> backhoe. and cockroaches scur ried from the dust) pile that once v. as their home as the cracked boards collapsed. "I r s a disgrace lhc.1l anyone should have lo live in a place like this," he said .. M y work is with the youngsters in this community. 1 think if you can give them a sense of identity. of self-respect. then they will never put up with living in shacks like this ... While their homl' wa!> being replaced, the Rivascs and four of their children .John Jr .. 13. Bobby, 11 . Jose. 9; and Maria, 7 s pent the holiday free of charge at a Scottsdale motel Daughter Carol, 16, and her . 3 month old son. Gilbert. staved lwh1nd with Josephine's mother, \\ho 11 ves next door II \\asn't cle:.ir how Ri vas. who I'• paid a mrn1mum wage and receives food s tamps, will pay for upkeep of the new home. but the SI .235 water hookup charge was taken care of through donat ions Catastrophe force urged by Proxmire WASlllNGTON I AP l Sen. William Proxmire, D-W1s .. says the· United Stales should lake the lead in de velo ping an international force to deal with the artt.'rmath of a nuclear explo::.1on "It is grueso me l o contl'mplate. but the truth is the tntNnational C"ommunity is not prl•pared to respond to a nuclear catastropht' ... Proxmire said in a nt'\\S release Monday. '(;1vcn the poss1b1ll ly that a nuclear explosion will occur soml•v.hcre. so m eti m e . the indu~tnalizcd nations should be p rc·par1ng today f or the com plleate<I procl'Ss of clean-up, mc<11cal care c.1nd humanitarian ass1::.t a nee ... Al·cus1ng the R eaga n administration or "half-hearted attempts to llm1l the spread of nuclear v..eapons. ·· Proxmire ~aid the l'.nitcd Stat es should convent' a n international t•tinftorcncc on proliferation ~ Tht• confert•nt'l'. h e s aid. s h o u I d 1 ck n I 1 f y r e s l r i c le d products and create an 1nt t'rnat1 o nal c;ys tem o f enforcement 'The grcalt'Sl threat to mankind is rc•ady access to nuc lear weapon~ technology, and the United Stales simply is not doing enough to slop it,·· Proxmire said 11 l' said I ntcrnat1ona I Atomic Energy Agency safeguards are inadequate to pre v e nt the clandestine transfer of nuclear t echnology a nd s hould be overhauled. The United Slates s hould "gel tough" with allies who he said are quietly s hipping nuclear technology lo in t e r ested countries. Proxmire said. "Switz e rland a nd West Ge rman y are he l ping Argentina... he said. "Italy is helping Iraq. And countless s mall s h ipments of c ritical technology are occurring from France. Switzerland. It aly and West Germany which, in total. r e present a he m orrhage o f nuclear technology .. The Reagan adm1n1 slration. meanwhile. should withhold s hipments of advanced tactical aircraft lo Pakistan until it is assured that Pakistan will not develop a nu c le ar bomb. P roxmire said Project sh e lved LAS VEGAS, Nev t APl The Golden Nugget's plans for a 2,800· room Strip resort have been shelved because the pro· ject would have cost about $100 million more than was planned, a s pokesman said. Golden Nug- get chairman Steve Wynn s aid the bottom line on the Victoria Bay project was about $400 million OCTDwill plan your bus We•re newty opened. We're • cluslc saloon. We're •fun menu with 1 touch of gourmet. We're nostalgia. We•re a sidewalk caf e. We're a grut place for hollday funl I ~--:::,';;~ Yw'1 Eve I J,Mftdl floOffl 11 rOO u n. IOO D. ,._port Center Or. ..., fr'CMft SIOO p.m. "--1*1 leech a...&...,. In Fnl\lon ll&and trij?for 0 -=- No matter where you want to go in Orange County, we'll make it easy for you to get there on an OCTD bus. Just call us at 636-RIDE. We'll tell you the exact routes and times. And if you need schedules and Ride Guides, we'll send. them free. &give us a call. You'll find the bus is your easy-to-use ticket to work, school, --~=k:;~~ shopping and entertainment in ~ Orange County. 636-lllDE-==:.-,, 11• AlllYlll enactment m 1978, but Carter vetoed it o n grounds the government 11houldn't have to pay off for lmposjng regulations Those requirem ents were first he called fully justlCied . imposed in 1971, but four years '·The government could be later, researchers came up with placed in the position in the evide nce that the c he mical future of having to pay industry might be a cancer risk. each time new information So It was banned by another arises which s hows that a d · d product used to meet regulatory regulation an the tn ustry was s tandards is hazardous," he f o r ced to r e purcha se Tris -treated s leepwear il said . "This would be wrong. already had sold. Producers and retailers have a The textile and s leepwear bas ic responsibility fo r insuring people complained they had run the safety of the consumer goods f t f f d 1 1 · they market." ' a ou o one e era regu at1on But Cart.er Is gone, and the while lrying to meet another one -and got stuck with the bill for Republican adminis tration is both determined lo curb the federal Thurmond s aid they were regulatory process Thurmond, right in complaining that they now chairman of the Judiciary h a d b een wronged a nd Committee in a Republican introduced the legisla tion. He Senate, argued that the Tris bill said the American Apparel is iJ proper remedy for an ill M a nufactur e r s Association inflictc.>d by federa l regulators. figured the toss came to about , . The D e P a rt m e n t o f $50.1 mHlion that the apparel Com m e rce on the one hand makers should be able to sue lo required the industry to use a gel back. chemical like Tris 1n sleepwear und when, an good faith. the The bill woul d let the industry did so. the Consumer companies go lo court to make Product Safety Commission their C'laims. The U.S. Court of ban n e d th e Tris -tr eat e d Claims would hear their cases sleepwear." he said when the •and determine whether they Scmalc approved the bill e arlier should recover and how much. thii:. year ··T his is JUSl one "T his legis lation is not a I f I f I f bailout:· Thurmond s aid when examp e 0 ayer 0 regu a ion being placed upon layer of the Senate passed it June 18 and regulation .. sent it lo the House for a fourth That was six months ago. He time d idn't repeat the arguments Saying the measure got .. s tuck when he brought it up again in the H ouse J udiciary Dec l fi !fr didn't have to . the Com mattee, .. Thurmond revived measure passed with no debate 11 again JUSl before Congress and no dissent quit for the year by amending So nov. the till(;' of the bill 1s a the F orme r M embe r s of mouthful Congre~s bill ·A bill to recognize the Since that bill origin ated m the organization known as Former llouse. the Senate amendment M cm bers of Congress and to sends 1l back to the !louse for µrovid e for the payment of fin a l action a fter Co n gress lo~ses incurred as a result of the reconvenes ban on the use of the chemical The Tris bill cam_c_c_·l_o_se_s_t_l_o ___ T_n:.;;;.!> ____ _ - APWI,.._ HEAVY SECURITY Wavm· Wilham~. center. 1s hea\'ih· guarded as he leaves Putton Count~· .Jail 1n Atlanta for the first da~· of his trial on Monda~ \\'llltam:-. 1s r har,ged in the deaths of two young Atlanta black~ ----------~ MANAGERS SAVE TIME! Increase Your Productivity With Our Desktop Business Computer 48K 2-Dlak TRS-80 Model m $2495 Our Mott Affordeble BualnHI Computer for ... • Flnancl•I Plennlng • Electronlc Filing • f orecaatlng • Word Proceufng And M•lllno uatt (OptloNll Printer) • fnveatmentt end Penon11I F1n11nc. TM Modet m la the ldHI computer to uve time end money, end to otg9nt• the lobe every men11ger fee:" dally. Come n today for• demonltratton of our outt•ndlno Model m menegement aoftwllN. llad1e /ha ek SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK A DIVISION Of' TANOV COAPOAATION COMPUTER CENTER, STORE. OR PARTICIPATING DEALER PRICES MAY VARY AT INOl\/IOUAl STOA!$ ANO 0£Al-£F\S l GREETINGS FROM IRS Pos tal clerk Sterling Bennion sorts through thousands of income tax packets b~ing sent to California ............. residents b~· the regional Internal Revenue Service processing eenter in Fresno Refugees seeking free tuition Five Asians ask classification. as legal residents SAN FRANCISCO <A P 1 - Five Asian refugees seeking tuition-free education at state college has asked a state Court of Appeal to order them class ified as legal residents or California Th e refugees want a preliminary injun c tion blocking enforcement or a state Education Code section which bans refugees from free tuition al state colleges and universities until they have obtained a green card from the Immigration and Naturalization Service. They have filed suit in San Francisco Superior Court lo have the law declared invalid Superior Court Judge Ira Brown on Nov. 16 denied the inJunction sought by the refugees. Citizens and aliens who have green cards are e ligible for resident tuition afte r ltving in California for a year Resident stud ents pay no tuition for attending the state's colleges and universities. The plaintiffs. along with the Center for Southeast As ian Refugee Settlement and Pamela Von Wiegand as taxpayers, brought the action Aug . 27 against a group of stale and community college officials The refugees said they have lawfully lived in the state more than one year and are attending or would be attending the schools except for the law, which they claim violates their rights of equal protecllon and due process. Thev want the Education Code sec.lion de c lared unconstitutional Refugees now have lo pay nonresident tuition of $94 .50 per unit or $1 ,417 for a full 15 units to attend a school li k e San Francisco State University. Blind boy aided by actor's gift BEVERLY HILLS !AP> Actor Charlton Heston gave a sophisticated night vision device Monday lo a 12·year·old Georgia boy who suffers Crom blinding retinitis pigmentosa Todd Cantrell beamed and his parents. Betty and Kyle Cantrell of Dalton, Ga., looked on as the boy was given the device. which has long lenses like a telescope. Heston said the device, designed by Litton Industries, is similar to a night sniper's scope used by American soldiers in Vietnam. "It is interesting how a tool or war can become a panacea for disease." said Heston. who has just completed filming of "Mother Lode," a Western which Heston also directed. Heston. national honorary chairman of the Retinitis Pigmentosa Foundation for the past eight years, said he took a coffee break from cutting the film to make the presentation. "A cutting room is a dark place, and it gives you some idea or what it's like to have retinitis pigmentosa," Heston s aid. Actor David Doyle, who starred as Bosley on the ABC·TV series "Charlie's Angels," also gave the boy a pair of Corning sunglasses lo filter out rays that, according to one theory, promote the degenerative disease. Visits to Disneyland and Universal Studios are planned for today and the family plans to head back lo Georgia on Wednesday. Mayor Tom Bradley also s poke to the gathering al the Beverly Wilshire Hotel and gave a proclamation from the city to the fifth grader. who returned from Russia a week before Christmas after undergoing a series of injections designed to stop the degeneration or the retina of his eyes. "It is important that further work be done on retinitis pigmentosa," Bradley said, noting that Todd's t rip to Russia helped to focus wor.td attention on lbe disease. "We can use this courageous effort to further education about what has to be done," Bradley said. Todd's mother insists the vision in his right eye is improving, although American s peci alists in retinitis pigmentosa are skeptical about the Soviet treatment. The therapy is reported to consist of Injections of ribonucleic acid, but it has been variously described in medical literature as coming from yeast or as being synlheslied. "I think It's worthless," said Dr. Alan Laties. a specialist In the disease at the Universit y of Pennsylvania, although he noted that the Soviets "don't claim that they've got any great panacea - they isay they're trying something." Dr . E liot Berson , who d irect s the Berman-Gund Laboratory for the Study of Retinal Degenerations at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, said he has e xamined seven patient! before and after they visited the Helmholtz Institute ln Moscow. "We found no beneficial effect," he eald . "Three of the patients we've evaluated have contlnued to progress <worsened> despite the t rial " The pct1t1on says many refugee:. l'annot aHord to pay the tuition and are forced lo f orego higher education . Further. 1t said. inability to go to college prevents them ftom successfull > resettling and gaining eco nomic sclf·sucr1c1cncy and forces some to depend upon welfare It s<Jid that the law 1s discriminatory and that there is no compelling slate interest for such d1scr1 minat1on Defendants include Glenn S. Dumke as Chancellor of the California State n1vcrs ity and Colleges System. the system's trustees , the board of governors of Cal1forn 1a Community Colleges . President Paul Romberg of San Francisco Stale University . President James Wyatt or Skyline College and the San Mateo County Community College District trustees. • Orange Coast DAILY PILOTfTuesday, December 29, 1981 5 From riches to denim Brink's robbery suspect 'lived the good life' By the Auocla&ed Pre•• f'or 15 months, Investigators say, George Bosque lived the good life : lobste r and champagne, Mercedes-Benz cars and Lear jets, $400·8·day hotel suites. But when the 26-year-old Miami an was arrested in November for the second·largest cash robbery in U.S. history, he had only $100 left in his pocket. Bosque, who headed the FBl's most wanted list for 15 months, faces trial J an. 18 for the August 1980 robbery of $1 .85 million from a Brink 's armored truck in San Francisco. During the months he was at I arge, investigators say, Bosque posed as "J .R . Lewis," a mysterious millionaire who rubbed elbows with jet-setters and politicians at rich r estaurants, nightclubs and hotels from New York to Denver. J . R. Lewis, the investigators say. was also a philanthropist who doled out tens of thousands of dollars to help needy people or make political contributions. But now, from behind bars in his San Francisco cell, Bosque says he is glad he is no longer J .R. Lewis. · · 1 · m very relieved about a lot of things," he told The Miami Herald in an interview published Monday. ''You get lo the point where you hurl so much inside. And you're at odds with yourself as to what you're doing with your life -and what you've done -that you want to end it." Living as J .R. Lewis taught him that m oney ··buys vou Settlement reached MERCED (AP > -Merced Union High School district tru s tees have reached a settlement with Superintendent Robert Maxwell on the last two years of his contract Max well a nnounced Dec 2 that he would resign effective next June. Trustees issued a statement which said ttley have reached an agreement which "forms the basis for Maxwell's resignation." Max well will be paid the salary of a prin<.'ipal for the 1982·83 and 1983-84 school years. • BEHIND BARS George Bosque says he 1s ··relieved about a lot of things" since he is no longer living the role of ··J . R . Lewis ... noth1n~." Bosque said. · · 1 have found out that 1( you have your health and someone to love, you have everything." B os qu e had a good upbringing a striN family, a private Catholic elementary school and <J military academy For his ll•adership ab1ht1es. the you ng M1amian was recommended for West Point by a retired Army general He wa:. recommended to Oude County's police department as a young man of "sterling charact.tlr" But ror 11 monlh!'J before the Brink's robbery , he suffered from epileptic lak e seizures . Nobody knew, except his lover, and that destroyed their relationship After dropping out of the Miami policy academy, Bosque moved to Washington, then to San Francisco. In August 1976, he became a police patrol "s pecial ," a uniformed oCCicer who provides additional protection to businesses. To make ends meet, he look a part·t1me job as an armored truc k driver with Brink's . His growing health problems and the isolation he fell as a homosexual ahenated him from hi s family and friends, he now say!> On Aug. 14 . 1980, Bosque a11d h is partner went lo San Francisco airport to pick up more than $8 million in cash shi pped to the mainland by Hawaiian banks Accordinit to the FBI, Bosque tricked his partner into getting out of the truck and s ped off with the money San Francisco police say Bosque then commandeered <' woman·::. car at gunpoint, and took two sacks loaded w1lh money Busque lived as J .R. Lewis so opcnl) that he even took some people to court. filing civil suits, that he won. said his lawyer , Steve Perlson. But the openness was h1 :. undoing. A "friend" turm•d him 1n to collect the $50.000 reward for his capture Lawsuit answered SACRAMENTO 1AP1 -thorium-coated mantles for the An s werin g a $300 million Coleman lanterns are unsafe laws uit. the Cole man Co. has and have caused cancer and denied that thorium treated birth defects He asked the court mantles for 1ts outdoor lanterns lO order the firm lo use warning cause cancer labels and pay S.:JOO million to all The outdoor t'Quipment firm m antic purchaser:. That i!. the asked in its document filed amount or the-firm 's 1980 worldwide :.ales Monday in U S. Di strict Court M <Jntles arc white knit !.leeves that a JUry trial be hdd. No trial d 1 k k ui.e 1 e ..., 1c s on camping date has h<>_sm s et lanterns fueled b) white gas Walter Wagner. who llvt'S in Thorium 1s a radioactive Walnut Creek and is a health element u.'ied also in electronic phy:.1c1st for the Veterans equipment and as a nuclear fuel A d m 1 n i s l r a t 1 on 1 n Sa n The mantles are treated with Francisco. filed the suit Nov 9 thorium lo makt' them burn with H l' c I a 1 m e d t h a t l h e ~right . white light __ _ SFA's 14K Gold Jewelry Safe! 28% to 46% Off Original Prices Originally s50 to s410; now s35 to s210. • The jewelry: precious bracelets, necklaces and earrings. • The selection: herringbone bracelets, rope bracelets, link bracelets; herringbone necklaces, rope nec:klaces; pave diamond earrings. • The place: the 14K Gold Boutique, Fashion Jewelry Collections -where we are all the things you are. South Ca1sr P"za.. lllJ Briuol Street Costa M~~ Monday throu1h Fri<hy from 10 am to 9:JO PITt s.turmy 'til 6 pm; Sundly 12 noon to 5 pm. • ------- Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT!Tuuday. December 29, 1981 Marine copter base /acing new dilemma ~ is the case with so many other growth issues artect lng Orange County, a compromise is needed in the conmct now arising' between Irvine Company developers and the Marines of the Tustin military helicopter base. As is a lso the case with those conflicts. one side is going to have to give a little more than the other in the compromise. In this case, it's the Irvine Company that will have to be the most accommodating both because it is the side with the options here and because it is the right thing to do. The Marines are on the horns of a dilemma: The land under the last major flight route into and out of the base that does not have a large amount of development under it C and the n oise complainls that come with such development1 is now slated for residential development by the Irvine Company. Developments have grown up under five other major flight routes. and the predictable p atte rn of noise complaints followed. The result is that the last remaining uncluttered route. known as the Browning Route. now accommodates about 80 percent of all flights into and out of the base. Marine pilots simply stopped usmg the other routes because o f th e v o lume o f complaints that even legitimate uses generated. Ma rine officials sa y that res idential development under the Browning Route will leave the m no place to rty that wi ll not a rouse t he wrath of nearby res idents . It will be a public relations disaster for them that could jeopardize the entire Tustin ope ration. they say. and they have repeatedly told the Irvine Company as much. The Marines proposed a band of industria l /commercial development under the route that would ease the problem, but they say Irvine Company officials told them such plans would cost $42 million to implement and that the price is too high. Irvine Company spokesmen also say that development of' that type is contrary to the general plans of the cities of Tustin and Irvine for that area. Admitte dl y the b ase has little to o ffe r in exctfang e for a compromise . Th e establishment of other flight routes is a virtual impossibility because of development around the base and the fact that a ny new routes would have difficulty passing the required six-year probationary period So the Irvine Company - perhaps with some help from the cities of Tustin and Irvine -will have lo respond. He lping the Marines. who a fter all have been here a good deal longer than mos t of those living around them. would be a good way for the company to demonstrate that its interests lie in helping build a cohesive community. and not JUSt building up the land it owns. The two cities can help by relaxing their general plans for the area to aJlow some kind or development that would be more compatible with preservation or the Browning Route. As for the Ma rines. they s hould continue searching for something of value that can be exc h a n ged for s uch com· promises. Fortunately. the planned development will take place over the next three to 10 years. so there is time to work out a solution before the problem takes on a pressing immediacy. All sides should get to work on that solution now. Fee hike untimely We note in passing that fees c harged by Oran ge Count y government for building permits will soon be increased b y 12 percent. The hi g h er f ees were approved by the county Board of Supervisors last week as a means for making up a de fi cit in the s upposedly self-s upporting building and s afety operation. The increase is expected to raise $317.000 by the end of the fi scal • year. In theor y. the county operation pays its own way by taking in enough in permit fees to cover its operation and salaries of its administrators. inspectors a nd the like. However. because i nte r est rates are hig h a nd construction activity is low. there aren't enough fees coming in to meet expenses Along with highe r fees. some of the workers in the division are b e ing r eassigned to other pos itions <1 nd other cost-cutting measures a ls o arc planned. ad m inislrators say. It see m s unfo rtunate , however , that at a time when the construction industry 1s already so crippled by economic factors it should be.required to carry yet another burd e n IC th e government service is designed to meet the d e mand in the private sector. perhaps a second look should be given to ways of• making th at servi ce m ore- flexibl e. 'Ticket speedup working An initial report on the effectiveness of a pilot program designed to s peed the handling of traffic tickets indicates it is working well. The program was launched in October in Sacramento and Yolo counties and will continue until July 1984, when the Legislature will decide whether to expand it to the entire state. To date. l ,500 people have ~en 'heir tickets to Traffic Adjudication Boards in the two counties. There their cases are heard by civil service hearing officers. half of whom are non-lawyers. Drivers dissatisfied with the outcome still may appeal their convktions in court. But so far, 85 percent or those who pleaded" iftmceftt and lost their Cuel•~Vt .-icl OM, found tbe proc..; t.bo1 ~ with 33 per~ of *-who loat in court • The initial survey indicates the experimental program saves both time and money. It takes 24 days to process a tick e t . compared to 42 days in court: drivers spend an average of five minutes waiting for a hearing, compared to 41 minutes in court; and the cost of processing a ticket has averaged $12 compared to $18 in court. There have bee n a few hitches. notably an objection from police that o ptional "summary" hearings which let drivers defend their cases without the police officer in attendance are unfair. These probably will be abolished. But on the whole, the program is promising and apparently could do a great deal to help clear up backlogs or minor court cases. Opinions bprMMd In tM "*'above ere thOtt. of the Dally Pilot. Other views ex- pressed on this pa~ are thotie ot their authors and attlsts. Reader comrt\en1 Is lnvlt· ed. Addreu Tht Dally Piiot. P.O. Boll 1$60. Costa Mes., CA 9262•. Phone (7U) ... 2 ... 321 . ORANGE COAST llilJPilat ,,_...........,., ............. .... • c-. ....... ~-'91':0¥0 . u .... ,.-.,c;...--._CA--. .. ~ Thomas P. H•l•Y Pub II sher T...._. A._,.,.., .. Editor 8•rNr• Kretltkll Edltorl•I P-oe Editor . 'Tut P~RTY SAYS ·m :·' Guatemala terrorism grows W ASIUNGTON -While the Reagan administration has trained its Central American rhetorical artillery on the violence in El Salvador, little has been said about an even worse situation in neighboring Guatemala. The killings and repression in that unbap,y country have reached the proportions of a blood bath in recent months. And while it is al least arguable that the ruling junta in El Salvador is oot directly responsible ror the terrorism that is tearing the country apart, no such case can be made for the right-wing regime of Maj. Gen. Romeo Fernando Lucas Garcia in Guatemala. IMPARTIAL GROU PS such as Amnesty International and the Organization of American States have asserted that the violence in Guatemala can be traced directly to the highest level of the government. As Amnesty International concluded recently. "the selection of targets for detention and murder, and the deployment of official if extra legal operations can be pinpointed . . . to secret offices . . . under the direct control of the president of the Republic.'· Reports of atrocities -suc h as destruction of entire villages by government t roops -have caused serious concern among members of both parties in Congress. The Guatemalan government, as one source told my associate Lucette Lagnado, has bee n "killing 10,000 to get 10 Communists." What bothers the lawmakers is evidence that the administration is planning lo send a modest amount of military aid to Lucas Carcia -about $2 million worth of helicopter spare parts. Under the Arms Export Control Act, military aid amounting to less than S7 G. -J1-c1-11-1-11-1a-1 -~ million can be dis patched without congressional approval; all that's necessary is for the administration to notify Congress after the fact. This has led some members of Congress -both Republicans and Democrats -to suspect that the White House will delay its declsion on the Guatemalan arms package until Congress adjourns for the holidays. This would avoid any Immediate outcry from Capitol Hill if the administration's decision is to go ahead with the sale. Co ngress io nal s ources r e po r t that State Department officials have secretly visited key legislators in the House and Senate to test their reactions to the proposed military aid. Among those who have reportedly been called on are Sens. Charles Percy. R-111.. chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee. and Edward Zorinsky , D·Neb .. ranking minority member of the Latin American subcommittet!; Reps Mic hael Barnes , D·Md ., chairman of the House Inter-American Affairs s ubcommittee, and Stephen Solan, D-N. Y According to Capitol Hill sources, the State Department emissaries have met almost universal negative responses in their visits to Congress. But at lea.st some of the legis lators got the impression that the administration was not deterred by their objections. Zorinsky, a vocal critic of the Guatemalan regime, hopes to prevent an end run around Congress during the holiday recess. He has insisted that - whatever the actual amount involved - any military aid to Guatemala s hould have the concurrence of Congress. in advance. ZORINSKY'S CONCERN prompted Percy to promise on the Senate floor that "I wi ll request that tbe State Department consult with the (Foreign Relations> Committee prior to any and every increment of military assistance, including private sales, to Guatemala." Percy also promised to oppose any such assistance until lhe committee has had a chance to review the proposals. Zorinsky later wrote a private "Dear Chuck" letter to Percy, pointedly reminding h1m of his pledge. And Reps. Barnes and Solan have introduced legislation designed to prohibit military sales to the Guatemalan dictatorship. State may spur methanol fuel use (Today's column is by Mr. Wat.:rs' . auociate. Phil Jordan) Many Americans first learned of methanol's potential as a vehicle fuel earlier this year when "60 Minutes" featured the activities of a California firm, Future Fuels of America. The Sacramento-based FFA converts "Detroit" vehicles to methanol use, and is going into the methanol station c as opposed to gasoline station> business, with one already in operation in Sepulveda, more of an anticipated chain of 40 or so due to open early next year. GIVEN THE amount of lime "60 Minutes" spent in Sacramento on the story, it's too bad the producers didn't visit the state capitol, across the street from FFA's offices, and the California Energy Commission offices in the same capital city. The t.elevision producers and, through them, the American people could have learned the State of California has plans to go into the methanol business in a big way, perhaps as well as force some of the state's vehicle fleet owners to use the fuel as a substitute for high-priced imported petroleum fuels. Substitution of methanol for gasoline in California's vehicles would go a long way toward solving the slate's smog problems, but its introduction in a big way is held up by a "chicken and e~1f' problem. because supplies of methanol fu el are n't assured, American auto manufacturers won't produce cars that can run on it as they come from the factory; because there aren't enough c ars that can burn it, there is no I -•• -l-11__.Tl ....... RS--~ incentive for methanol producers to turn it out in the quantities that would make it price ·competitive with gasoline. And price 1s an important factor - since methanol has only half the heat potential of gasoline, it must sell for half lhe price of the rival fuel to deliver the same dollar-for·dollar mileage. Two influential Californians. state Sen. Dan Boatwright, D·Concord, and CEC Chairman Russell L. "Rusty" Schweickart, the Apollo IX civilian astronaut. have come up with a pair of plans they hope will brea k the impasse, he lp speed the availability of both methanol fuel and vehicles to run on il. Boatwright is s tudying possible legislation lo require California state and local government vehicle neets to convert to methanol use within the next f e w yea r s, with privatel y owned trans portation fleets perhaps to be included as well. Sc hweickart proposes an additional ste p, use of the s tate's purchasing power to cut costs through volume buying. He would have California acting as a super-car dealer, buying methanol-burning vehicles not onJy for this state but for all those interested - local governments and private fleet operators here and in other states and. 1f they are interested, even other states. CHUCK STONE, FFA president, says this would get Detroit into methanol vehicle manufacturing but end his firm's conversion business: that, Stone says, would be a small price for him to pay for the success of methanol as a gasoline substitute . For one thing, Stone predicts, mass production of engines designed to bum methanol will enable that fuel to deliver some 90 pe r cent of the power of gasoline. • For another. FFA has plans to go i,nto large-scale methanol production by 1985 , turning California's agricultural and forest wastes into vehicle fuel at a number of small plants around the state. The pump price, he predicts, will be no more than 75 cents -in today's dollars and the OPEC nations can sell their petroleum elsewhere. Grown children can accept parents' faults A reader In f1orida wants to know, as others have also inquired. "Why don't you write aboul your children any more?" Simply because my children are now grown-up people -my "baby'' is a sophomore at Harvard -and you IYllO 111111 Insult their d lfntly If you keep on writing about them beyond a certain 11e. INDEED, when they reach that certain age, they tre probably more competent to write about their parenta than tb9 other way around. Our vision ii blurred by noRa.11la: we have a bard Ume separatln1 what they btve become from what they were u little chlJclren. In fact. OW' riew ot them wlU be colored foreftl' by U.O.. early yun. Tbey, bownu. bet-la to '" U.etr parenll m a IOCDeWhal dllf ..-tllbt. Ju.at u loYlJ\llJ. we ma7 hope, but more realistically; more critically, but also more compassionately. They see that we are not as great as they thought, but not as awful and unreasonable, either ; they begin to unders tand our excesses, our deflclenciH, and, most of all, lhe fact that our s tandards and altitudes were 1htped by our limes, as much as theirs have been. Parents who want their children to love them as uncritically as when they were lllUe are really, whether they know It or not, yearnJng to ~rd thelr children's development as independent adulta T his fall. m)' younger dauehter selected and edited flve years ol my columns, for a new book to be published ln the aprtna. She wu object.Ive about them u I could never be -~jecUac some, quesllonln1 olhera. su.,estlne cban1a ln a rew. And almost always rlaht. WITH THE pa11lon1te honut,y of youth ( wbkb unfortU111tely teoda to desert us u we 1et older), she can '" far more cJtarlJ lnt.o me than l lnto her. She la aUlJ sro•lnt and chanslnl Htto the person she will eventually bffome; her father h as become nearly everything he ls going to be, stuck with himself ln most esaentlala. It ls lnslructlve to write about our children when they are younc; ll ls an Impertinence when they reach the time of departure. We may know more about the world, but they know more about u.s. and lf we are unW'llllng to listen, It ls our loss as much 11 theirs. ltmY• u alcobOI bu become such 1 10Clal problem, why don't tbeJ Jut atop makln• lht stuff' <Th•t'll be UMdQI) FRlSClO B&LL& ~ ==:5-:----.................. , ,..._..~ ..... I ..... ,_. """. ... ..... ,.., ~ j , APWIN•te SCORPION QUEEN R1111 Su tomu. sell ck sC'rihed "()Ut'l'n of lht• Scorpions." 1s coH•rt•d \\1th hunclrt.>ds of thl· poisonous little creatures du ring a n·c·t•nt stunt to n 11 sl' mom·~ for I ndotu.•s ia Mothers Oay in Semarang bland of .J a\·a Sht• "as not stung ---1 '111 pl.11 I'~ OU! W.1111 \fl ('all 642-5678 Avocados go I to the dogs !---- Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Tuesday, December 29, 1981 WOmen pick 10 watchable men • LOS ANGELES <AP) -One is a rootball player, one is a boxer, one is a singer and many are actors But all of them are sexy and talented, says Suzy Mallery, president of Man Watchers Inc. and orginator or its annual list of the "Te n Most Watchable Men " This year's list is dominated by actors, with James Garner and Tom Selleck making the grade for the second consecutive year. "We think all me n are 'watchable," Ms. M alle ry sa id. "But these 10 are special. They're handsome, sexy. appealing and. importantly, they are all ver y talented , too What more could a man wa tcher ask?" · Also on this year's list are college football star Marcus Allen . actor Stuart Damon of TV's "Ge ner al llosp1tal, .. actor Richard Dreyfuss. singer Andy Gibb, TV s portscaster Frank Gifford, actor Gregory Harris on of the TV series "Trapper John M.D .. " a ctor Paul Newman and former heavyweight boxing c hampion Ken Norton. This year Ms Malle ry m ade the final selections based on a Man Watchers questionnaire on the perfect man of the 1980s as well as her own opinions. Ms. M<.illery i.tartcd the list in 1976. The group, which s ays it has 5,000 members, passes out Man Watchers cardi. to any man considered worthy. The quest1onna1re was sent to the organization's members Lawyer test changed WASHI NGTON CAP1 The nation's law schools ha ve unveiled a revised admission test tha t scraps ques tions on English syntax and geom etry in favor of puzzlers about logic and reasoning The new Law School Admission Test will be of· fercd for the firs t time 1n June. The last test under the old format will be given Feb. 20 The Law School Admission Council also is dis· carding the 200·10·800 score scale used since the lest 's inception m 1948 and re P,lacing it with a con· dcnsed IU·lo·50 scale TOPS LIST James Garner STAR, TOO Marcus Allen JOINS LIST Richard Dreyfuaa • L1m1 ted.Seat ing American Legion on the Bay 215 15th St., Newport Beach For Reservations Call 6 73-5070 ESCONDIDO (J\P1 J\ year ago, avocados were being sold for $1 a piece Thi:;, year . a bumper crop has forced the price down to 15 et·nl:;, and the growers' partial solution for lhe embarrassment of riches is selling the dark green delicacy as pe t food. Warning · The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. The Californi:J Avocado Commission says the rich fruit could be used as noun shmR supplement for dog or cat diets, and vetennanans agree avocado oil is great fo r dogs· coats . What's more. dogs :.cem to enJOY avocados. which humans use. among other things, fo r guacamole dip . .. , have several avocado addict!> as patients ... s ays Dr. E.A. Adkins, a veterinarian ... These dogs all h ave s hiny coats -and they're uniformly fat " Dr. Henry Van Wyk. who:.e vetcnnanan office in Valley Center 1s s urrounded by avocado groves. s ays some of his canine patie nts eat three to four avocados a day . The re are about 350 calorie:;, man average size avoc<.1do. Alan Myers. executive vice president of the California Avocado Commission. said that when he lived in Vista. he had a dog which picked up ripe avocados that fell _fro m the trees and "he JUSt bit 'em in half and scooped 'em out with his tongue Acknowledging his grower financed promotion group is "always looking for new users," Myers sa id news r e l eases m ay go o ut soo n recommending <.ivoca dos as an occasiona l side dish lo store bought dog or cal food Adkins said dogs li ving around avocado groves generally are overweight They grow clever. too. he s aid. with some pic king avocados when they're still rock hard and burying them until they're hungrier and the fruit is ripe A muzzle is the only cure for such grove dogs. s aid Adkins. although he con:;,1ders avocado meals fine "m moderation " "We gel a lot of dogs who arc hooked on avocados ... said Dr Daniel C1Jtlm. a vetennanan in Vista. He believes cats eat them as \.\Cll . although generally not 10 view of humans. Van Wyk knows of dogs who have accidentally s wallowed the a vocado pits. res ul ting 1n an obstruction. but says ... Most of my patients seem to be pretty smart they s hell 'em a nd leave the pit. .. Goats. however . will even eat the leaves, which are poisonous. Van Wyk warns Gil Henry. owner of the Henry Avocado Co , lets his sleek black Labrador retriever munch from the packing bins because "animals really love avocados and. of course, they'r e nutritious." And Henry is n't worried about Bowser's weight. adding · "Animals know when to stop eating." _______ __J NEXT SEMESTER TAKE A 25,000 MILE FIELD TRIP ~DY ADAMS .............. "It's a real good academic program and I probob~y studied harder than I dtd at school " Join the 12,000 other college stu- dents from over 500 colleges and universities who have experienced this f uUy accredited university pro- gram. The spring '82 semester sails on March 4th for the around the world tour. For More lnformetlon Cell (714) 771-6590 Semester At Sea P.O. Box 1527, Or•nte• Cllllf. 92888 As Heerd On KEZY AM/FM, KWI Z AM /FM -- II I If 0 {~" • I l C Winston 1'11.TERl-I .... ~ore . 46~~ VANTAGE Low Tor 9mo CIC ~RfTT l S - ith 5¢ off the cart urchoice NOW SOFT PACK rlLTER, MfNl 1mL l mq "tar", 0.1 mg nicotine. NOW SOFT PACK FILTER lOU's MENTHOL IOO's, 2 mg "tar" 0 2 mq mcoune DORAL II FlllER. MENTHOL 4 mg. "ta(. 0.4 mg. rncoune. SALEM ULTRA. ULTRA 100's. VANTAGf ULTRA LIGHTS 5 mg "tar"" 0 4 mg. mcoune. WINSTON ULTRA llGllTS. ULTRA LIGHTS lOO's. VANTAGE ULTRA LIGHTS lOO's 5 mg. "tar'', 0.5 mg. nteoone, MORE LIGHTS lOO's Fil TER. MENTliOl. CAMEL LIGIHS HARO PACK, 8 mg. "tar". 0.7 mg. nicoune. CAMEL LIGHTS: 8 mq. "tar". 0.8 mg. mcoune. SALEM LIGHTS· 9 mg. "tar", 0.7 mg. nicotine, VANTAGE FILTER. MENTllOL. FlllfR lOO's· 9 mg. "tar". 0.8 mg. mcoune. SALEM LIGHTS IOO's. 10 mg. "tar". 0.8 mg. nitoune. WINSTON LIGHTS 11 mg. "tar". 0.9 mg. n1cottne, WINSTON lOO's, 15 mg. "lar", 1.0 mg. nico11ne. WINSTON KING. SALEM KING 15 mq. "tar". I.I mg n1co11ne. CAMEL Fil TEAS: 15 mg. "tar". 1.3 mq mcoune, SALEM lOO's 16 mg. "tar". 13 mg n1co11ne. WINSTON BOX, 17 mg. "tar", 1.2 mg. ntco11ne, MORf Flt TER, 17 mg. "rat". 1.3 mg. mcouno. MORE MfNTHOL, fl mg. "tar".1.5 mg. n1coune. CAMEL REGULAR: 20 mg. "tar". 1.4 mg. mcoune. av. per cigarette by FTC method: CAMEL LIGHTS lOO's: 12 mg. "111", 1.0 mg. mcoune. WINSTON LIGHTS lOO's 13 mg. "tar" 1.0 mg mco11ne. av. per c1garene. FTC Repo11 MAY ·01. - ,_ - ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ._ ..... ___ _ ' • Orange Coast DAILY PILOT{Tueaday, December 29, 1981 Competitiow 'fierce·' in bid for IRA accounts LINING UP • Thl' Individual Retirement Account is appealing to people f rom all walks of life but deciding where lo open such acC'ounts isn't always easy Shooting range eyed SONORA <AP) A shooting range that would be the second largest of its kind in the nation is being planned in the Red Hills area west of Sonora in Tuolumne county. A non-profit group, Red Hill Sportsmen Association Inc .. hus been founded by nine sportsmen to develop the shooting center . It represents gun clubs in San Joaquin. Stanislaus. Merced and Tuolumne counties The chairman. Thomas Rinehart of Tuolumne County. said the group hopes to get the county to buy 1,140 acres from the Bureau of Land Management and lease the ac rea~c to the gun Aroup. @fC\ido By Tbe A..111odat.ed PttH Opening an Individual Rell rement Account Is easy. Deciding where to open It isn't. The competltloo for the billions ot dollars which wUI be deposited in the new accounts is fierce. You can open an IRA at any financial lnsUtuUon. Simply make a deposit and sign 1 trustee or custodial agreement ldentlrytng the account as an IRA. The institution whl-ch acts as the manager of your account will give you aJI the necessary forms. Here are some questions and answers about lbe major types of Investments available: Q. Wbat do you meaa by a flaanclal luUtutlon? A. A bank, a thrrrt lnstitution like a mutual savings bank or a savings and loan association, a credit union, a brokerage house, a mutual fund or an insurance company. Q. What bappeDB to lbe money once I deposit it? A . Thal depends on the institution. Banks, thrifts and credit unions generally will · inve st your money in a certificate of deposit or a regular "Savings account. 1l will earn whatever the usual interest rate is on the type of Investment you select. Federal regulators also have authorized banks, thrifts and credit unions to offer a new type ()f certificate· for I RA accounts only. There ls no Umlt on the amount of Interest which can be paid so the new investment ls often called a "wild·card" certirlcate. The interest rate may be fixed for the entire term of the certificate or It may fluctuate up and down. The wild·card certificates orfered by banks and thrifts have a minimum maturity or 18 month8; there ls no mlnlmu_m term for credit unions . Q. What are tome of my o&lller optlou? A. The blg brokerage houses are offering two basic types of IRAs -the self.directed account and the professionally managed one. A selC·direcled arcount allows you to control ClllUMIR your investment, buying and selli~ filocks and bonds, reaJ estate, etc. The money in a professionaJly managed account goes into a pa ckage of preselected investments. A typical package would include a money-market fund and several types or stocks funds and bond funds. Mutual fund groups like the Fidelity Corp. of Boston and T. Rowe Price of Baltimore have similar Investment packages called "mutual-fund families." Q . Wbat d o Insurance companies seU? A . insurance co1D panl11 provide Individual Retirement Annulllet which 1uar1ntee you a certain amowit of Income every year after you retire. The payout per $1 ,000 Invested la ba se d on averaee life expectancies and the yield on the investments purchased with your premium money. Q . What are some of Ute advantages and dlaadvaata•es or tbe different ty pea of account.? A. All IRAs at banks, thrifts and credit unions are insured by the federal government for up to $100.000 each. JRAs at other financial institutions are not insured, but you may be able to earn a higher yield and you have more flexibility since you usually can switch your money from one investment to another with a telephone call . If you have an IRA linked lo a savings· certificate, there will be a penalty if you want to move your m oney into something else before the certificate reaches m aturity. You should shop around to ftnd the best interest rate. Ask how o ft en i nt eres t will be • compounded. A slightly lower rate. compounded daily, may be better than a higher rate, compounded annually. Q. How much does lt cost to open an IRA? A It varies from institution to lutltut.ton. Tho bank•. t.ktfta and credit• unloM have tbe lowest fen; you m•r not have to pay anythinf at al to o~ an IRA. Wlth. Hlr·dJrected lllA at a brokerage house. you wUl have lo pay a ree to open the account -probably $30 or leas, plus annual maintenance charaea ol up to $15() and commlsaiona on sales or purcha1e1 . Profeaaionally managed accounts at brokerage houses and IRAs at mutual fund groups generally have lower fees. Q. A.re lltere aay llmlta at all on the types or 1Dve11&meau for IRAs? ' A. Yes. Starting in January. you caMot invest in what are (Second of two arttclH) known as "collectibles" -gold or silver, coins, stamps, art, etc. If you have an e,clsting IRA invested in collectibles you can keep it but you cannot add lo it. NOTE: You should not use an IRA for something which already has a tax exempUoo or deferment. It does not make sense, for example. to put your IRA investment into a tax-free All Savers Certificate or tax-exempt municipal bonds. Next M ore Rules and Regulations Serving you fine cuisine and superb wines, now also features a FULL COCKTAIL BAR. Make your reservations for New Year's Eve and we are open New Year 's Day. They're 39. Lundi ii~ Monday-f nday 11 00. 3.00 675·2968 Dinn" ii~: Monday-Thursday S:00.11 00 Friday and Saturday S·00;12·00 •• ptriMg .t 2900 M.wp«t lt¥cl (at 29th Street) Mewpert leeclll ~ With a Hickory Farms··pafty tray, you don't have to lift a finger until it's time to eat. Hickory farms OF OHIO • FASHION ISLAND Newport leach 640-6030 WESTCUFF PLAZA 17th & lnlM, M.wport hoch 642-0972 --------- FIND YOUR NAME WIN 4 TICKETS WORTH $18 MT • .IAN. I tlana SlJN. MN. le Hundreds of Sports & Vocation Displays RVs & Accessories • fishing Oinics • Comping • Travel film Festival • HOURS: 2-10 pm Dally Noon-tO pm Set. Noon.a pm Sun. • Dall= ~;.urlng "The Boxing l<angatoo" • MIMIJICMDIT9mTD • 'w .... C41ffMHI 9 Winners In Today's Oa11ifledsl IT'S EASY! Find your name and address In today's c&llelfled section. then call 642·5878 E><t. 272 to claim ye>ur tickets. Winners each ...... ..._. dlV. so check the classifieds In the . . • ....,., rm& They're opening IRA Plans. They could be millionaires before they're 65. Assume both spouses work. And that each contributes $2000 to his or her Firs t Interstate IRA Plan. And that the present inte rest rate prevails (13~% annually, compounded daily). By age 65, their accounts should total $1,079,718.68. Very nice! Anytime between ages 59 V2 and 701/z. you can take out all or part of your money without penalty, when your tax bracket may possibly be lower than it is now. And there's more. Any couple under age 70V2, with a combined income in ::~~~:---...... _j 1982 of $50,000, would save $~?60 on their '82 Federal income tax. And under similar conditions, continue saving taxes as long Other First Interstate ex- tras: you can choose from four different investment options, with minimum deposits as low as $100. We. do not charge a fee for opening or maintaining your IRA . And you and your spouse as they contribute to their IRA Plans. If you're a wage earner, single or mar- ried, you 're eligible for First Interstate 's IRA Plan, even if you 're already covered by your company's pension plan. Both your annual contribution and the interest it earns are free of Federal taxes until you start withdrawing. I are each insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for up to $100,000. Th get started on your first million, visit your nearest First Interstate branch starting January 4th and open your IRA Plan. Q,..,, t111 ..... Bank . • \ Peanut man landmark to Cleve landers CLEVELAND <AP > -The time-wQrn face and hunched form of the old man leaning against the downtown library are as much a landmark to downtown Clevelanders as the Terminal Tower and the monuments on Public Square. Sol Spivak, the ··Peanut Man," pulls up the lapels of his overcoat against the December wind as hundreds of office workers hustle by on their lunch hour. Spivak, 74 . doesn't talk much. least of a ll about himself. But he wi ll chat for a moment if spoken to. especially to r~gular customers who s top by to spend a quarte r on a bag of peanuts. . Dr. Robert Berris. an optometrist whose office is across the s treet from the libr a ry, says Spivak has been selling his wares on that particular corner for at leas t 15 years. and probably longer. "Every body likes him." says Marge Stockdale. manager of the Davis Bakery Shop ... A lot of people stop in to buy him a cup or coffee or a donut and tell us to give it to him when he comes in next " Most of the time. though, he just leans against the gray stone buildings a long Superior Avenue. eithe r in front of the library or across the street in front of the bakery. his basket of peanuts in his lap. He is always there. rain or shine, in s ummer·s heat and when Lake Erie's winter winds whip through the city. - Daily Pilat TU ESOAY, DEC. 29, 1981 CAVALCADE STOCKS l"ELEVISION 82-3 BS 88 Erm.a Bombeck has her own set of tips regarding the winter fireplace. See 82. 0 D ............. 'BIG BUSINESS' -A businessman in Cleveland makes purchase of bag of peanuts from Sol Spivak, known for years in the Ohio city a s the .. peanut man ." Other Clevelanders hurry by on their lunch break . c; ~ Hogs give ~ Florida • • city pain 11 •t TALLAHASSEE, Fla. <AP>~ F eral hogs -those orneri beasts that tear up state ~ -are n 't cooperating wit Florida's pilot roundu program. "We're not satisfied with the number or hogs we're catchln1," says James Cook, chief or park operations for the Department of Natural Resources. Apparently. wild hogs prefer· to eat acorns rather than the corn used as bait in an experimental hog.removal campaign at Lake Kissimmee State Park, in central Florida. ''We've had a pleoUluJ •corfl crop , so the hogs aren't as e-.. trapped," said Cook. J Park rangers don't like fer hogs because they root thr'Olll!b picnic areas, nature trails road shoulders. In addition, prolific porkers compete r food with native creatures s as deer, turkeys, squirrela wood ducks. And if that's not enough, fer hogs also prey upon snakes and salamanders, according to anti-hog memo from the Fl · Division or Rec reation a Parks. PEANUT PEDDLER -Sol Spivak, his face creased from cold winters. has been peddling peanuts nearly everyday for the past 15 years. He is a common sight in Cleveland but little is known about him. DAY'S END His day·s work finis he d. Spivak packs his peanut baskets and crosses the street t old hotel he calls home. Since the offensive began late October, volunteer hunte and staffers at Lake Kissim park have spent more than l , hours catching and trans · some 40 wild pigs , says . Cha rlie Matthews . asslsta park superintendent ... TllADI -Spivak'• wriMled hand holds only meav. or hl1 llvellhood, a bag of peanuts. He sells them in the sheJI for a quarter per bag. Toll booth job opportunity C9llector likes chance for new friendships NEWARK, N.J . (AP> -They s tand all day, inhaling car fumes and running the risk or getting cursed at, thrown al or even spit at. They work in s mall booths that are hot In the summer, without air conditioning, and cold in the winter, because the windows are always open. They are not allowed to read when work gets slow, and sound from the radios they are allowed to play often is drowned out by en1lnes or anrry motorista. They are the toll collectors on the New Jersey Turnpike. And for those who think they have one of the worst and most bortn1 Jobs in the atate, turnpike otficlals recommend a talk with Richard Scott. Scott ls a veteran toll collector who says the Job always Is tolerable and often fasclnatih1. "Believe it or not, you can make a lot of friends in this kind or work.'' says Scott, •2. "There are a lot ol thln11 to keep your Interest up, mOltly the people. The only Ume it 1et.1 borin1 la when there la no tramc, maybe on one of the real late·n11ht •hlfta." Scott 11)'1 he stumbled lnto tbe Job when be Col out ol the Air Force, tblnkln1 he would be a tolJ collector until be found work as an airline mechanic. He started at t he bluest crossroads on the turnpike, Interchange 18E, with 24 lanes at the Uncoln Ttumel. He says he "handled" as many as 1,800 cars in one eight-hour shift. And he "loved" it. "People are fascinating," he says . '"Ibis job involves meeting the public, not Just cars and trucks." And although the encounters don't permit much time for con versallon, Scott says the collectors learn to make the m<>1t ot them. "Some of the youn1er IUYS make quite a few dates wblle they're on the 'ob," be says. "You 1et to call some ol the people by name alter awhile," he adds. "And sometimes they'll say, 'What lane arei you in• tomorrow?' and make a point ol comlnc throu,b where you're aoln1 to be. t'• the start ol friendship." Scott lnallts the friendly motoriltl and ~llectol'l ve in the maJorttJ, but ad.mtb tbere are 1ome wbo are Juat too 1rumpy to laat as coUecten, Ud that ther. an IOID• motGrlltl wbo can ruin •Yea the beat dQ. .............. pnttJ lood arlQllMllll, Mt nner •1 ftlbta between driven and con~ ... says Scott, a lifelong resident of Jersey City. "But I have seen some truck drivers finish up something that started on the road by jumping out near the booth and start going at it." He also says he bas seen "different degrees or nudity," scores of drunks, ci1arette and dope smugglers •·with the stuff banging out of the trunk," and even a chimpanzee one driver put in charge of handling the toll transaction. Any trouble can be remedied by a quick caJl lo the state pollce, whose officers always are nearby -a well-known fact which has helped protect the toll collectors from robberies. Scott says other probl•ms, such as beinl cursed at and even spit at by angry motorista, can ~ handled best If you Just "yes ···-"·" 1~ow a 1upervl1or t r ainin1 collectors ln a new aystem for recordin1 transactions, Scott uy1 he 1eta the feeliA1 m<>1t ol th• mort than eoo collecton .... bappy wtU. the Joba that at.art at SS.• an hour and 10 up to a top houri)' w.,. ol '8.'71 after four yean. . Altlloueb they mllht not all M aa clMery u seett. be ..,, tbeJ. could be. The hunters are members the Florida Wildlife Federa or the Hog Hunters Assoc:ia They offered to help remo feral hogs from parks so an i m a Is could be buote elsewhere. At Lake Kissimmee par about half the hogs have caught with hunt doss and r est h a ve b een trapped. Matthews said. One hog, a 3l>O·pound boar tblll couldn 'l be trapped or caud&1 with dogs, was shot. Parlr Superlntendenf Dave Randall· told The Lakeland Ledger tba the meat was donated to • nearby convaJescent center. . Most of th~ beuta -21 ...,.. and 20 pl1leta -.... ~ave beei moved to a wildlife m.-n•lemeit area near Avon Park, w.._.. they can be bunted. : When wild bot• are caupt al the park, they're put ID a ~ pen wblle alflcultu:re Ina check for p11udo-rable1 brucellosis. :i wild boan. Dlaeued bop Randall "1S It's DOt 1 obtain blood aamplea from been sold to a alaulbteno.e Bartow for a few .,....._ pound, COot 1ay1. "If you know nact11 bow W prepare a bol. It doeu't ...... if lt'I cliaeuect," Coot Hid. • Next month, parll ollldall II Tallahutee plan to IWcl1,...... ol tile lAh IOMbnm• Pl'Qleet and determl•• wbet••t votuea.r bot ................... Hilt into otber pub. If park ... ...,. e•llllli that .... ......,.._ ...... llow, ea.,. ID6IM 1111p111 ..., methoda of remGHI. -~ Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Tue1day. December 29, 1981 • •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMBECK •HY GARDNER ',. .......... TOUGH SLEDDING With barely a ground cover of snow Allison Hall. 10, of Morganton. N .C .. found it difficult pulling her friend Ashley Mc Falls on a birthday ride last week. *" * * 96"1, 1j ---\\o\\lO~\o.-\ -----I ----- ! $[99;::·;~99=.1$7.49F; o.. Good IOI Ihm pittts of ~Y golden blown I Good loi -poetn ol ~cy. eotdtn llnlwn I R....,. lllls QIUllOft tor • Carry Pld..... g :> Ktllludy fned Chicken pju\ s'"91e semng: I h nfijt'Y fued Chicken wrth IOlll rolls. a I wiCh lrllet11 pttUI ol iutCJ. goldtll llfo"" (3 8 ol cole slaw mas/led potatoes and gruy hKgt colt slaw. a l11ge mashed polalots h nlijdy fried Clltcten llftlil two offers z I and a roll Luml two alters per purthas' 1nd 1 med111m grawy lumt two olfeis pt• ptrpurchtse CouponooodonlylotcOmlh· 1 Coupon good only lor cornbm111on whrle/ I pu1ch1st Coupon good only IOI COlllbtnltJOtl I n1tion wllit1/d11t otdtts Custo!Nr P•Y1 dltk orders Cus1ome1 pay~ 111 •oohtabl' wh1lt/d11\ Oldets Customer PfY11ll 1ppl1 1ll apphc1bl1 salts 111 I 11lu tu I cable sites tu I Oflt• t •OVH Jan~, 10 t98? I Olltr f•P ,~, ,.• •••·• ·u • .~ ltt ~·II'•• J• u~'' • tQo/ Pncts may ••IJ ti Pfl1te1p1ttng loutions • I Pr11:n may w11y 11 p1111c1pet1ng locations I Coupon good 011IY 1n Sovlhern C1llf0<111a I '~ Coupon good only rn Southern Cah101n11 • • ---·--COUPON __ .. ______ _ entucky Fried Chicken . llAnAG •••VJ Du~WASBIBS •umber One • in long life • fewest repairs • in lowest service costs There is a Maytag washer just right for your needs. your budget. ~~~Ian OD llAJ!AG 0 JnolllD'. DllBWAIBIU Nobody gets your dishes cleaner! Low energy cycle for everyday toads. Energy saver drying cycte . Exclusive self-cleaning Micro-Mesh "" Filter. Three leveJ Jetwash System. Commercially proven in self-service . laundries. Gentle energy-efficient drying for permanent press and all of today's fabrics. Porcelain enamel top. What blood tests tell DEAR ANN LANDERS: Someone very close to me had a child out of wedlock. Tbe man she has been aoing with for three years claims the child is not his. . "Mary" is very upset over this for two reasons. First, she desperately needs financial help to raise this child. Second. the rat is trying to make her out to be loose morally by suggesting that she ran around with other men when they were supposed to be engaged. I heard recently there are blood tests that can determine, for sure, whether a man is the father of a child. Please find out for me if this is true. lf so, what are these tests like and where can they be made? - SEEKER OF TRUTH IN BAKERSFIELD DEAR SEEKER : Accordlag to Dr. Park S. Gerald, clalef of tile Cllalcal Genetics Division of Clalldren's lloapltal and professor of pe41latric1 at Harvard Medical School, blood tests are available to determine II certala laherUed f actora are present la the blood of a chlld ud pareats. If a child possesses a blood fact.or Uaat ls NOT present la eltlaer pardat, lt ls almost certala that one or both "pareats" are not the biological pareats of the cblld. Dr. Gerald says U la m11cla more dlf flcult to prove the reverse. If some very rare blood factors are fomcl la the f atller and those same blood factors are preaeat in the cblld's blood, It la UKELY U.at tile Individual ls the parent. Thia method, however, is not ABSOLUTE proof of parentage. Any physlctan can arrange for a blood test. DEAR ANN LANDERS: A while back you printed a letter about people who steal things from hotels like bath mats. pictures a nd bedspread s and consider them .. souvenirs." That letter was discussed at lunch in the office cafeteria this morning. Suddenly 1 felt my face get hot. I knew I was blushing and excused myself for fear my red face might be interpreted as a sign of guilt. l have never stolen a thing in my life. ' and don't understand why I reacted as I did. ~ This sort of thing bas happened to me before. Can you explain why a person who is perfectly innocent should react like that? -F ALSE SYMPTOMS IN LEXINGTON DEAR LEX: Blushing· does not aec:;l,!~lly mean you are guilty of som . It ls just a sip that you are aac...tortaMe. For example, If tbe subject u.ader discussion is extramarital sex·, you may blus h because the topic ls embarrasslag to you even though you are aot guilty of cheating on your spouse. Get lt? DEAR ANN LANDERS: Several months ago our son married a lovely young woman whom we had met only once. We don't know her very well. but we like her very much and feel that our son has made a wonderful choice. Should we ask her nol to call us .. Mr . and Mrs. Smith," or wait until she decides on her own t o choose a more personal title" -VIRGINIA QUANDARY DEAR VIRGINIA: "Mr. and Mrs . Smith" sounds pretty stuffy. Suggest that she caU you Mother and Dad Smith or by your first names. If she lapses back Into Mr and Mrs., don't be too unhappy. Vou should bear what some people call their ba·laws. · Planning a wedding? What'• right? Wlaat'a wong? AM LaltdeTI' complddy new "Tlw Britk's Gukk" 1Dill reHeve Wol'' cm.ridJI. To recrioe o COPlf, •end a doUGT, pliu a lottg, wlf-«Jdreiml, lfomp«l noe• f ll cntl po$tageJ to Ann Landers, P.O. Boz ll995, C1d.coQo, Ill 60611 . Fired up for ~ter Editor·s Note: Erma Bombeck is on vacation. Here is a reprint of one of her most requested columm. This winter. a lot of you people out there are going to be using your fireplace a lot. As some of you may or may not have already discovered. there is an art to starting a fire. Here are some observations that might prove helpful. Do not count on a careless smoker lo start your fire. There is never a careless smoker around when you need one. I've seen them on television a million times and so have you. The s moker who simply flips a cigarette butt into a field and seconds la ter ~.000 acres of forest are ablaze. All it would take to start your fire ls one careless cigarette. but it'll never happen. OLD NEWSPAPERS NEVE& burn. You can feed your fire 50 to 60 pounds of ,newspapers that are taking up space in your garage, but they won't burn. The only paper that will catch on at all is the one just delivered which no one has read and which still has a rubber band on it. Cereal boxes , milk cartons and cracker boxes are excellent fire starters. but you lose momentum when you have to stop and wait until the kids eat up their contents. Everyone in lhe room watching you struggle to build the fire will know that your wood is unseasoned but you. The builder of the fire is always the last to know. Half ·or the people in the room • llMA IOMIKI AT WIT'S ENO watching you struggle to build the fire will know that you are giving the fire too much oxygen. thus creating a draft and blowing it out. The other half of the people in the room watching you struggle to build the fire will know that you are not giving it enough oxygen. thus smothering it and blowing it out. DO NOT BE PROUD WHEN members of the family offer old rulers. yardsticks. shoe supports. wooden hangers. birdhouses and Popsicle sticks. Every little bit of kindling helps. Do not assault people who say they installed a gas conversion burner for under $14, use the prepared logs at the store for 98 cents, or who sit a round all summer having the kids roll logs out of old newspaper that burn for 30 hours . Never spurn the help of an 8-year-old Scout who once built a fire out of wet wood by rubbing two Boy Scout leaders togethe r. Never go to bed on a fireplace of darkened ashes. The moment you turn your back and say. "It's too late for a fire anyw&¥." flames will leap out toward the screen, wood will crackl e and pop and you'll have smoking embers for l hree days . Young for romance Q. AayUalac to *'e talk tlaa\ Jolla Travolta ••d Brooke S•lel•• were seriously coulderlag marrta1e! -LC., St. Louie A: No. Their romance never reached a fever pitch. "We're very fond of each other," Travolta says. "Al)d I dated her a lot during the summer. But." adds the Idol of the teeny·boppers, "there's quite a bit of a ge difference between ws." <Gosh, we Mover thought of that. Of COW'le, he's aJI -of 27 and she's only 16! > Q: TIMre uve beft feeleft rr.. u .. to time ._,. tM yean te .. If Walter Cr111d&e ..... M...,.. Ii I =fw p•blk omee. Lma rea•,.. u A •'• moat t..-ed &elevlalea ... ..., •a• lte ever really ..... pelMlet.., ~! -0.arlle a.,.....,-~, N.I . A: · • mual adml1, ·' uJd Candle IOIDe years back. "I've seen myeelf u aemator. J see It ln a very romantic way, JouaUnc ror Justice and that IOlt ol tldal. an tlM ftoor ol the Senate. But I don't lmow bow effedlve I'd be ln the polltleal lnftlbtia1. And l think we for1et bow bard puMJc tervAda work.'' "Wben you see them ha aetloe lD •' PllSOIAlln Q.&A. BY MARILYN ANO HY GARDNER Washington, you appreciate that they work awfully hard, long and tough hours. It must al.so be the most frustrating job in the worldj spinning wheels as they do so much of the time. I really wouldn't want to undertake au of that," said the veteran newsman. "hr less would I ever want to be president. Even if I were temperamentally s uited for the job, which I'm not, I wouldn't re1ard mytelf as qualified -except perhaps by load Intentions." l'or Our Jote ol the Week <from Henny Y.ouVt>: .::I bave a very fine doclof~ 1l JOU e 't afford the OP:'fatlon. he toucbes Uj)tbeX·r~!'' - • -------- -------...... '9Y PHI'=. INTERLANOI of Laguna.Beach .. ... . • t N9t itching 'I to return "I don't ltke to diaa,ree with the admlnistraUon but a trickle won't do It for me. I need more RJGJrr, PUNSTERS, the ne w Moscone convention center s tarted from sc r~atc h with t he 7000-strong derm a tologist s· con vention. who are leaving town with a r ash of comments . Says a skin doc from Ne w York · ··Everybody in San Fr~pcisco is really nice. Wanted you to ~now. l expected to find nothing but ba r barians. but this is a verv ci vilized p lace" ... Not so pleased : MaJor Ricardo M . .Mondojana. M.D .. of the Wa lter Reed Med Center Derma tology Service. At 2 : 15 p, fYl .. he was arr ested at Stockton and like a downpour:• · • T JOUI . HfAl Tll OR. PETER J: STEINCROHN Headaches migraine? DEAR DOCrOR: Is it possible I may be suffering from ml*raine? I get headaches as often as three to rour times a week. I thought migraine attacked only once or twice a year. -MR.F. DEAR MR . F .: Dura tio n a n d frequency of migr aine headaches vary. In some patients the headaches last only a day ; in others days ot longer. But in seve re cases some pa tients have these headaches three or four times weekly. At le ast 10 million Americans suffe r. from migraine -m ore wom en than men. Reason for the onset or headache is not always kno wn . But some , commo n preci pitating factors are stf'ess. smoking . drinking a nd allergic reactions . Better leave the diagnos is and t reatment to your doctor, Mr . F . DEAR DO CTOR : d · llra,w that depression Is now ~ .. g .. rea~ed as a serious medJcal problem. I bave a dear friend who ls terribly depressed, although stlll ln ber 30s. She seemingly has everxtb ~Jto IJve for: a loving husband, t~ a an.a ~tile ~eY.t!'lfr'I •ver ae<f. ~aa't ,.,.._dbly "ndetUand wby su an apparenUy fortunate woman sbouM leel so low. -MRS. T. ' -' DEAR MRS. T .: The whe res a nd why for s of d epression a re not a lways e a s ily disco v ered . Is it a simple d epression? A phase of manic-depression disease, unipolar or bipala r t ype? It's impo rta nt t o dis t inguish between a neurotic a nd psychotic depression. T reatment will depend upan diagnosis : p sych ot h e r a p y , t r ea tm e n t w i th antidepressants s uc h as tricyclics. lithium carbonate in the m anic depres.sive lorm of illness and conside ra tion of the need for e 1 e ctr o con v u l s i v e t h e r a p y. ( s h oc k treatment>. I hope your frie nd is being treated medically inste ad of hoping she'll pull out of it in time. The earlier the treatme nt the less the suffer ing and complications. Especially if 4 the re's a history of similar depressions in he r immediate family. Dr. Steincrohn welcomes questions from readers. He cannot aMWer all individually but will include those of general i nterest in this column. Send your que3tions to him in care of the Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa 92626 . · Geary', pat~searched . handcuffed. thrown in~o a P,a dpy wagon and taken to Central Station. where ~ was held for an hour and ". 1~ h~lf., ~s c~in;ie : ~a lking ag_ainst a r ed lj~~{, wh!CO. ,he claim s. he didn't notict• bec;aµ~e 1t was obscured by construction work al the Neim a n·Marcus s ite lie doesn·t care if he ever comes back. Ah yes. it's a whole new wo rld . At lht• opening of All an Allman's Computcrland ' store tn Burlingame this month. the winnt'I" 1 of. a dpiwiJt_g was picked at random by an $1.800 0Sb6q1e computer that was itselr t he , priie. lt th'ep announced. in its s~·nthesi zecl vok e. the ntttne of its new owner. Herbert W. 'Huebner of Burlingame. !• ' YOU NEVF.R KNOW where.you"ll pi('k u p a scoop · Arian na St assinopoulos. attracti ve young a uthor of the r(•cent best-seller on Maria Callas. was at the Wash Sq. Barngrill the other night being fawned over bv Sandv Walker . Bob Bell. Cla ude Rouas and Bill.llamilton . She I~ c 1,1rrently at work on a biog of Picasso, she announced . whereupon Ha milton. who had lunched recently with Paloma Picasso. told Arianna something she hadn't discovered ··Picasso. the original beach bum. couldn"t swim ' ·11e faked it.· P aloma told him. 'fl ailing his arms around as he hopµc•d along in shallow water on one foot · · · ,.t NOW THEN: Cudd led up in a booth at lL"Et9.ile : A Far Eastern milliona ire and a 1 buxd'tn t>f\Jhetle wtw was formerly the nde of · ttie butler in a note d Nob H ill e 94.a hl is hm e nt. T he wond e rs of mode rn surger y have turned this chap into a fairly comely number . . Heartfelt pl"ea from a lad in love : ··Who's t he gor_neous brunette who zi ps around in a br1gtit blue Fiat t hat says ·Lam borghini· on its side and a lwa~·s has opera music bla s\ing "?" My mother Next question MISCASTING or the vear: Laid·ba('k Kris Krist offerson as a· wheeler·dealc r financier in ··Rollover."· and J ane Fonda as a richbitch widow. If you don·t belie\'t' she is really j ust plain Jane . ask Claude St olle r . t he Be rkelev arc hitect who d esigned her Workout fitness salon in M aide n La n c here. Before t hei r firs t m eeting in his offi ce. he got a phone call ··ffi . this is J ane."· she ~aid Tm at the· BART st<.it ion in Bt•rkcle,· which bus do I ~ake lo get to your offi ce:, .. P r· SHOTS BY 'ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT THANK GOD FOR MAKING REALITY, AND FOR G IVIN G US M E ANS OF E $CAPiNG F ROM IT. 1 Aries _g~~s ~.~~~ts BySYDNEYOMARJtM • l ~ c ' ~~.-------- Wednesday Dec. 30 ~RIES <March 2l ·April .19>.: You gain valuable ins ights conce=nin upcoming year. Someone coofjde9' . · n\i~ d ata. You'll feel more secure as r It: llOIOSCOPE av SIDNEY OMARA TAURUS <Aptil 20·May 20) · P eople " rally to your cause -you can set policy, a r.e right for dec}aration of love . Emphasis set .pace and. .do ple.n.ly U>-maka.....w ishes on pleasure princ iple. variety. creative. beco me realities. Long.range plans come e;Q d ea','ors. s i gnific a nt c h a nges and lrito focus. · 1 ctiildfen. GEMINI <May 21-JW\e 20): New start enables you to mak~ career adva nce. Superior is impressed ," mh~es '\cnown intention to r eward initi~tive. f SAGITTARIUS C Nov. 22 Dec. 21 l · Decisions can be m ade r egar ding property. ·· home: securtty 1 and the improvem ent of b a s ic t ec h n i q u e s . s erv ices . CANCER (J u n e 2 1 ·J~l y 2 2 >: Communications related to.famUt affairs ... CAPRICORN-< Oet?, 22·J an. 19) · Some dominate scenarid. ';JfiPfi8$iS1 on t r avel. ~atives.fnay appear heavy·handed key LEO <July 23-Auc. 22>: Dop,'t t ake too. 'la •to be versatile . flexible and· to displa y muc h for 1ranted whete m o ney is senn of Otaess, humor. concerned. People wbo claim to be experts • ,,,~11 ,, ' • • • may actua lly be rank amateurs. 1MtUARltJS (Ian . 20·Feb. 18>: Obtai n 1 h int by stud~ing'Cuprlcorn message. Focus VlaGO <Aug. 23·Sept. 22>: Details on investments , income potential. locating unravel ln conbeciton 'wHh 'l e gal ·lost 4trticltS1'a nd ~ompleting longst anding m a neuvers, put;lfct r ~llaitorl$ a nd 1n1Rifnmenl. · • 1 1et·te>1ether wlth those whose view~ may « • · 1 ' no\. coincide l"ltb your o~n . rl PUCES <Feb. t9•March 2C)): Vitality . 11et.urns, you m a ke ne w sta r ts. new UBllA <Sept. Zl·Oct. 22 1: Surprise Is ~oni.ots and you get to heart of m atters. due -u.e you aideid in PQl are ready to , 1cntn7 11 on urgel, circumstances turn in 111 •favor~ -'"'it tt-"8~ P ~outtne task your avor and your Judgment proves lliiftma a 1ll'IJ«W tof 1' ~1. cOl'tect .. Aries •• Leo. Aqua riut per sons evo.PIO <Oct. 23·Nov. 2U : ~dltloos fl1 ure promlnently . Orange Coast DAILY PILOTfTuesday, December 29, 1981 ARMS FULL Carl and Loretta Pa rker need both of their arms to hold their new a rrivals . T ht· quac.frupft•l!-t . weighin g bl't WC'c•n -t pounds ·~ .'""""" 7 ounces and 5 pounds 3 ounces. were born last Tuesday at Fort Worth's Harris Hospital. RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY ....... ff-4~• 1'22 HAlllO• ILVO. COSTA.MESA -541·1156 Do you have the Credentials for a Ken and Bob Company Listenership? Are you a trend setter in your neighborhood? Do you have leadership potential? Are you an optimist who believes "Everyth ing is going to be OK?" Do you want to be informed, involved , entertained? If you answered yes to all, D yes D yes D yes D yes or most, or any, or if you didn't bother to answer these questions, then you may be ready for a Ken and Bob Company Listenership 1n your area on KUC TALKRADIO 79~ ~ ~.07' To be Considered Yes I want to apply for a Listenership in the Ken and Bob Company, 5-9 am , Monday through Friday on KUC TAI.KRUii() 79 0 Fill out coupon and return to: KABC T ALKRADIO 79 Adams Post Off ice, P.O. Box 78079 Los Angeles, California 90016 Name I I I • I I I I I I I I I --------------------· . ~ ~, I I I ;M • OrangeCoalt DAILY PILOT/Tuelday. December 29, 1911 rn rn~orn~~~· A'F&T proposal aid .on distance calls • 'I W ASRl.NO'l'ON (AP> -The A merle_Jn T•l ephone 6 Tele1rapft Co. baa a propoeal tbat means tome lon1·dlatance caU.rt C!OUld 11ve money when they "reach out and touch reomeone." lenl\b. Undw the new plan, lt won't make any difference when ~ call la dialed. If It 1pan1 two rate periods, both ratH will be applied. Thu• the bill tor a 15-minute call that betln• at 4:55 p .m . wtll have a flve·minute charge at the hl&her daytime rate and 10 minutes al the tower evening rate. Newport financial firm. names president T b e plan , flied with the Fed eral Communications Co mmJuion, calla for precise billing ol long-distance based on each rate period durlnt a call. If tbe FCC approves, AT&T wants to make the switch Aprtl 1. It la a major departure from Bell'a tradition or billing an Interstate lont·distance call aolely on the basis ot when il befina. AT6T bu three long-distance rate periods. Between 8 a.m. a nd 5 p.m ., the com pany cbar1es the standard rate. From 5 p.m. to 11 p.m., the rates drop 35 percent, and they fall 60 percent on weekends and weekdays between 11 p.m. and 8 a .m. In computing the cost of a call, AT&T now measures the length and the rate period in which the call was initialed. So an interstate call someone dials at 7 : SS a . m . is billed al the *cheapest rate, no matter bow long it lasts. Conversely. a call at 4: SS p. m. is billed at the highest rate r egardless of COU.SCTOlt'S COit••• ..... ,..., .... C .... Qlll.JI MtwrCL S7." • .,. 5ell ~~·-Mil.• M ii.• ~Hiit .. u. ...,..,. ""Sii-.... ~= 11':: --=.::.: ..... The new plan is expected to cost AT&T an estimated $3 million In revenue lo 1982, AT&T spokesman Pie Wagner said, not including the cost or aearing up for the change. Wagner said the proposal resulted from an FCC rulinl tbia year that made it possible for AT&T customers to shirt! or resell their phone service. Many hotels. for example, are expected to ex plore the possibility of allowing guests to place long-distance phone calls on their WATS line and levying their own fee. "We're afraid that if we don't do this. now that resale and sharing is permitted, resellers could encourage customers to place a call 'just before the rate period changed and keep the line to their switchboard i n a particular city open throughout tbe d ay a t the lower rate,'' Wagner 'said. Gerald E. Hortoa has bffn named president of Newport Beach-based Western Paclfic Financial Corp., a wholly owned mortgage banking subsidiary ol Shearaon/ American Expresa. Horton, who Ii ves in Ml salon Viejo, had been executive vice president and secretary since 1974. * Robert L. Hobba bas been named se n ior vice president/finance and administration and Robert II. Cartla vice president/research and development engineerinc ol Irvine-based Shiley lnc. Hobbs lives in Irvine. • Felicia M. Nlcaalo has been promoted to operations officer in the cor porate banking de partment at Union Bank's headquarters banking office. She lives in Fountain Valley. At Union's Bank South Orange County regional office, Irvine resident Carole A~ McKlue7 was promoted to vice president /operations administration department; Kenneth M. Flacber of Irvine promoted to assistant vice presid~nl in the priority banking 1rs NOT YET TOO LATE! FOR INDIVIDUALS AND /OR CORPORATIONS EXCELLENT TAX SHELTERED INVESTMENTS! Time Share Condo -6:1 Write Off 1981 Invest $2900 can get $17 ,000 deduction ')A ~:LEME~TE: CA ·-=~'"A•'"' do Or la f ,.,.,..110 • Record Master l ease -~: 1 -No notes Beatles or Frank Sinatra or Blood, Sweat & Tears or? 1981 Invest $41 ,000 can get $31,000 deduction + $100,000 ITC. Other Top Name Artists availat:>le at lesser tease cost. 1981 Invest $10,750 can get $9000 deduction + $17,500 ITC. ~THE JUUU.'S P\.o.elNO•l!IA TiftG -·--.... St l•< 111M : ' f>•1v<A ,...,.s,,..,, •'.°"'Door tC.-SIOfe .,_.,n1 '"°"Ate.ti COSTA ... 641·1289 IUI...__ ···-~95-0401 -~~···~ 00..,. ~ ., • ...,, ,._, I Personal Appointments Available -Sun .• Mon.,Tues. 9-6 Call Daltan. Haynes. & V•ce llC. 7141141·37&1 lnile Brokers, Financial Advisors call too. FIXED RATE MORTGAGES Fully Amortized Second Trust Deeds CALL (71.4) 7 54-1801 .. For Current Rates Ask For: JEN NI FER HEBNER Loan Operations ManCICJer ® ·--LENOER 1700 ADAMS AVE. COSTA MESA Haitage Banrorp Boanl Of Directors announced on December 16, 1981 a 2 for I stock split , effective to shareholders of record January 16, 1982 aDd~ble ~1~1982. department, and A•• Marte Sllaw ol M!aaion Viejo advanced to assatant vice president ln the operations. department. • Robert D. Deaa of Laguna Niguel has been elected a senior vice president of Wells Fargo Bank. He ls senior credit officer ot the bank's commercial banking group. Davld D. HaUaday has joined the bank as assistant vice president and trust officer, personal services division, Newport Beach District trust office. Halladay is a member or the Newport Estate Planning Council. * Jean Gemayel of Newport Beach has been appointed assistant to the president of Trend Motor Imports Inc. of Newport Beach. * Jules Rosenblatt of El Toro OVER THE COUNTER MUTUAL FUND has been elected a direct.or ol the Aasociat.ion of Independent Colleges and Scboola. Roeenblatt Is president of Newport Beach-based National Education Corp. * Kenneth J . Verae•so of M is s \o n V i e j o h as been appointed a district manager ol First American Title Insurance Co., Santa Ana . Previously, Vernengo was ow ner -manager or Sun Graphics Advertising Co., Costa Mes a. • James Gavin has been promoted to senior vice president and senior credit officer on the corporate staff at American Stale Bank, Newport Beach. * • Jack Wireman, formerly vice president/engineering at Tire NASO LISTINGS Equipment Dlviaion, baa been promoted to vice presiden.t/en1ineerin1 for Scientific DrUllnc International, an AMF d lvialon located in Irvine. ' * Pete Crate has been promoted to direct.or of product marll::etine for Irvine-baaed Printronix Inc .'s "P-series" and "MVP" models or matrix impact line printers. * Linda Gudka, mana1er of Lloyds Bank California's South Coast office,· has been promoted io vice president. • Dou1Jas A. S&oae bas been appointed branch manager of the Wes t Coast of Newport Beach-based Ronstan Marine Inc . He lives in Huntineton Beach. DOMtS • c'\. . .... . '"' . .. + .... + .... + "" • 1\lt • \lo + 1\lt 0 .... . ... . "" . "" . "' + 1 + I . .... + I + I + ' 0 "" + ,. .. + \lo + \4 Pc1 • Up 10.t Up 10.1 Up a.t Up 1LI Up 1U Up U.l Up IU UP It.I Up IU Up 11.l Up MA Up IO.t Up t .S Up a.J Up u Up U Up l.J Up 7.7 Up 1.S Up 7.S Up 1.4 Up 7.4 Up 1..1 Up 7.1 UP 7.1 I.Mt Ole P<I. ,..., -1 Off 21.2 7.. -·~ °" 11.f J\I> -111 Oft 1U "" -"" Oft '" ?'--.. °" n.s 2 -"' Oft "·' 4 -"" Off 11.1 2 -\lo Oft II.I 45"--, .... Oft .... Jiit .. °" 10.J '"' .... Oft 10.I 2\lo ... Oft , ... J\lt .. Off t .1 ,..,. .. Off u , .. ""°" t.J 1\'9 .... Off •.• ~ .. Off '·' ,.... -... Off t .1 j \lo .... Off a.1 '"' \lo °" 1.7 7 _,... Off ... 1 _,.,. Oft ... , .... -"" °" l.l , .... -14 Off Ll Jiii. -"' Oft Ll ' 1. I I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tuelday. December 29, 1981 .. OMPO ITE TRAN ACTIONS ltlW IOHON, OITI Olf AlllD COICcllliMATI tTOCll ,,,.. 31~. u • ~ i.; -· ~ n~ ,,. RB1nd 24'> RCA »"-RCApf 1'"7 + Y> RCA pl ill'>• \lo RCA pf 1Pf, lolo RCA pf !Pot• I<. RLC 1A\o ., ... JIY>- H .. I '"°'-' N•t ,. I "f\ C~ CPIO ....... i ,, .. ~ 'f &~::· .... !•: ~~= "'~!f I !M- y :t .,~ ;: Ir'-· It:;:•· '5 f :, .. . ye. .... u '" !.,!-Liii ..... t 10 <T"W• rec •.•.. Jt u~-'~r-:n·· . . ~ t:"': rtEG 1~ • ttl I • rf! ,,, I I I rl11 •. P. r· ..... , : ~ ~: IM Ull I I -., f!d ~ 7 JIS ,...._ ~~ ·..u • ... 11111+ ":u :.IO : .t ~ tETel U• J 20 ~ - E pl ·1 ·• 11lc0~J Pac 2 1 1u ~· Ry 4 1 1' fJ + m., .. fAO • 2 10Yt-Vl\Ce 1 ... • l1 wt -11..-IM I 61• IO -lloy .CM• IM HYl-m~kpltl!le • I 1: : -: ... A lrt 12 I .. ~-9"1 I I IO I 111 11 -wFllll • 1 11 t•lllo. •'"°"' .• • ,. 1~IG•• 1.11 t l6 ll4- w1E'11r 11 .• IJ 14 II ..... wtPS I.JO 1 ti 12fto• rift AO I ill I~ IPll Jf 11' 21~ • 5"f'ry l.t'J 1 SIJ U~ $t>rf "11.l 1.M 12 I ~ • Sclt.terO 1.14 7 1167 27 '• ~ I.» 14 J1D JJ~. 11•1111• .11111 1 40 i4M-ll~~. : l 14j Hv.+ ~ ldMot 1 t U ...... SIOllCI U.40 I 7S. 42 -StOllld UO ll»'I Sllllo .... i\O()()ft , .., s .. ·~IP.c:Cp .10 1 lllO 10\lo • '°""" .,.. • u IJ~ . ~W~ .11 I '°' 1~rett 11 11' ..... MS. 1.1.. •• IO WY.• fCll 1.» : ., tt -~I ·~~ I ,, 1~" . $trl8cp .n I J ,.._ SterlOQ I ti IJS n11o. ~l:."w"': • ::: lei •11: i~ ~ .... StOllVC 1.41 t 107 JO •I SlkVC pl I d'° I ll> .. StMW 11 .0. 1 m -~$10ftCft I M I 11 '""'· ... StopSftp t,J1 • • 221'> .... SIOf'TK 11 7j0 Hllo-ll.Of'9r .n" JOI 27\'t- i.. s::.i::.:' ~ ! : m:.: 5'>11PrG UO • '1 JO ~ St.tlle lr • .JJ 2'l 201 I~ S..ftlk ft I 1 UO 11"7, SullCll • 41 S 10 U... . m1o ... 41 0 """ . 27\lo- ~------------------... • • mreVIew It. wu an actJon-packed year ln t.M bualneu world. Here were aome or the top stories or 1181: -Standard OU of Ohio, nuah wlt.h A.lukan crude oil, put $1.8 billion on the table to scoop up Kennecott. t.he nation's lareest. copper producer. -Du Pont. already No. 1 In the chemical Indus try, emerged victorious In a three-way battle for Conoco, the nation's ninth larceat o~I company. It was the biggest takeover in U.S. busanea history: $7.5 billion. Seagram, one of the ruonerupe.L. dJdn't come out too badly: lt now OWN 20 percent' of Du Pont, the seventh lar1esl company in Amertca. Mobil, the other runnerup, then pursued MaraUlOO Oil and got. into a shouUna match with U.S. St.eel, which has finally tired of the steel business. -General Foods got out or the rast·food buaineas by selllng off it.a Burger Chef chain but went into t.he packaged wiener and bologna business by acquirinC Oscar Mayer ror $460 million. -Prudential Insurance, world's tar1eat Insurance company. bought Bache, one of the oat.ion's largest stockbrokers. , -Nol to be outmaneuve.red. American Express bought another large stockbroker, Shearson Loeb Rhoades. -And also not be left at the cub register. Sears. Roebuck t>ought still another large stockbroker, Dean Witter Reynolds. -Merrill Lynch and E.F . Hutton didn't sell out lo anyone. . -Nabisco, the cookie and cracker maker, Joined forces with Standard Brands, a food and liquor purveyor, to create a new lllJll co mpany , Nabisco Brands . It's ranked fourth in the food industry. -In 1976, when Roy Ash, former head of Litton Industries and former top Nixon and Ford aide, took over the company formerly known as Addressograph ·Mulligraph -it 's now AM International -he mov~ the headquarters from Cleveland to Los Angeles, where he happens to live. In 1981, Ash was ousted, and a Chicagoan, Richard B. Black, took command of the company loslng a lot or money . So now AM lntemational's headquarters have been moved again -to Chicago or course. Also moving across the country from Los Angeles, where he bad been president of Atlantic RichfieJd, was Thorton Bradshaw, who look over as lhe new chief at RCA in New York. One of the fll'St to leave after Bradshaw's arrival was NBC chief Fred Silverman, who, having held the top program spot at all three networks, now had no place to go. WHAT STOCKS DID HEW YORIC (API 0.C. 2' P,..v. TooNy -~ Ad,,en<ed ,., Oe<ll...., tOS •II UMllenood "' .. ToCel 1-, ... '"' New ltltM ., 11 Hew lo~ 1t " AMERICAN LEADERS GOLD COINS Pel. U11 11.0 U• U VII U Ufl 6.7 U• '-' Up l.S Up 6.4 Up U Up 6.1 Up S.1 Up U Up S.S Up U Up U VP U Up S.J Pct Off 1U Off u.o OH 10.0 g:: ::: g:; tt Off 7.A Off 7 •. 4 Off 7.1 Oft 7,1 Off 11 OH 1.1 °" u Off .., OH &.1 OH U N£W voi.it ,,.,., -,.,,, .. ••to W....._. .. tifld Ctlftl. <~Mid - TWMe'(I _,ICI .,...,,...... 1 trov w . '42t.OO, et1 u.rs. ........ , .,..., .............. u.u. Melllall ....... u ,,.., ....... , .. -,,,,. .. ........ ,..(,...... -"9Yeir . ..a.JS, ... p ... ~l.o.111·,_,..,. -TAM£1Cl)I() HEW YORIC fAP) 0« 2' """· AdveftUd TolMly J07 ";i. Dec:11...., 17• :no u~ 21' m T.Ul l-m 741 .... " .... • > H•• 10M 21 11 METALS ..... y C•"9r ,.,._ .. unu • po.,,.d, U.S.. dHtln.U... L-JI cetltl e ..,._, Z1M G-44 c-. • ---· .-ilverld T• CIOMCI ~s W-c....,_it• 11> Al-'-' 11>n c-~· .......s. N.Y Mettwf Mll0.00 "' f ·-· .... .._.. S.0.CID troy 01 .• N. Y SILVER _..y New Yori! tl,22, -l cenlS- GOLD QUOTATIONS......, ~: _...1,.. "••no...,. eo ... p eo '--:<'-,..,..,< ..... ,.,....,.,<lo-. ltwtcll: Le ......... <foMO '402.00 ..,..., M.-YA"-:cio.ct. •...-.n:c ........ • ......,..:cloMG. SYMBOLS ..... _.. ........... _., ...... UNm ---. -ti._.. -...... ~ ................ ..... • -W •-MWMlell "'""' • -==:.cc-: 1114 ~ ...... ...-.--.!:. :tw....---............. ~ 0..i.M ., .... ,,. ,-... It _.... ................... -....... ................................. ........... -....... -..~ ............... --.... ----...-............. ~. ...... ,,_. .. -r: .... ...... ..._...,,_;..,......,-.,,_ -.................. ~-····~.....-.,...........-:=.. i..w. _..._. ___ ·-· = ........... _.._._ -II •.&~-.................... . ........l ... , ..... _,.,... __ ,....... ....................... ... ' l l ... \ Orange Co11t OA.ILY PILOTtrUHday. December 29, 198i 'Roots' star visits Africa ~eVar Burton says trip was 'emotio1'al experience'. and not what he expected BY JERRV BUCK AJlT ... Y .... Wmtf I LOS ANGELES -LeVar Burton, who played th~ young warrior Kun ta Kinte in ABC's "Roots," r6ceoUy made his flrst trip to Africa on behalf of a famine relief a&ency. Borton, with Dick Van Patten, Patty Duke AJlin and the Rev. Ellwood Keiser of Paulist ProducUons, traveled to Muritanla. Kenya and Djibouti on behalf of the Catholic Relief Service. "It was such an emotional experience in that we saw a Lot or suffering," said Burton. "I had never seen poverty like that on any level. 1 felt, why should people have to live like this? I kept hoping to see the Africa or my visions or the way I had supposed Africa should be. "Mauritania, where we started. was desert and no! what I expected. Djibouti was on the coast and not what I expected. Not until we got lo Kenya did I see any signs of tri bat life," the actor said. "So the big lesson I learned is that Africa is a big place. There are a lot of different languages, a lot of different cultures." Burton starred in the record·setting ABC miniseries. based on Alex Haley's book, nearly four years ago. He played the young warrior taken captive and brou~ht to America as a slave. The group was accompanied by Jack Perkins Jlnrl lln NBC camer a crew. and the visit was recounted in a segment on "NBC Magazine." NOW PLAYING AMC OMllGE MALL MA• MU l'UZA UA CITY CllEMA <lfanoe 637 0340 Brea 529 5339 · (lfilnQe 634 3911 tEDWAllDS UDO UA ClllEMA AllANllM DlllYE-111 Newport Beach 673 8350 Westm1ns111 893 0546 Ananeom 879 9850 •ACADEl"Y MEMBERS YOUt C&IO w1U MJmtl yoo ancl yoo• gun 110 any P9fl0tmanca Monday T~u•S<lly at Ina theatres 1nooca1eo abo•• A lf.\llVEru AL PICTU RE c ..-""" ""t~AA m m , .. ~.,. REISIPGI At 12:30 4:30 8:30 NoE~~ No~ ~IESFRml HEAYB(PGI 1:003:155:30 7:45 10:00 I NEIGlllDMIRI 12:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 8 :00 10:00 No P1un c::::==::::=::> I AISF'K'EOF MALICE (PG) 12:15 2:45 5:15 7:4510:10 ~ SIHARKY"S llACHtNE IR I 12.:JOJ:OO S:•e.• 10:• llO ICOllOlfY _,.,.... RAIDEM OF THE LOST ARK (PGI At 12:002::1>5:007::1>~ ,..'°"" Timothy Hulton TAPSIPGl Cannonb1ll Run (PGI I' C~~seon ,..,._BIS IPGI Nine To Five f PGI I Lu•s Valdu' ZOOT SUIT IA I 8oulev1rd N19ht1 (RI c====::::ait.. RAIDEM OF THE LOST ARit fPGI & Time Bend1ts IPGI Walt 01sney'1 CINDERELLA (GI & Sw1sa Family Robinson IGI Tt\• most 9l"Otk: thing 1 In flMtlr wortd WQSmoMy. ROLWVRR Another comera crew took film for the travelers to uae on TV talk shows. Mrs. Astln was on NBC's "Today" show and planned to aepear on several local talk 11howts around the country. Van Patten was on "The John Davidson Show." Kieser visited three talk shows In New York and was scheduled to be on "The Merv Grifnn Show" in January. Kieser, who is the producer of "lnsieht," said the purpose of the visit was to "inform the American people of the problem and hopefully to mobilize support for its solution." Immediately arter his first trip. B\arton returned to Africa again. this time for a ran trip down the Zambezi River in Zimbabwe and Zambia for "American Sportsman " On his first trip, he said many people thought he was an African until he spoke. "They responded to Patty," he said. "They thought she was a doctor or a nun. I don't think they could really figure out what I was. In Kenya l spent 20 minutes trying to explain to a young man that I didn't know what tribe I came from." Concerning the famine, Burton said: "I think a lot of Americans don't know this goes on That there are mothers who don't know if their children will live or die. In Turkana in Kenya, 40 percent of the children contracting measles die. About 10,000 have died of starvation there in the last 18 months. A dollar in relief aid feeds a child for a week." NOW PLAYING . EDWARDS ltEWl'DRT Newpbrt Beach 644 0760 EDWAllDS WllJO TWiii ClllEDOME M1SSIOl1 Vll!IO 830 6990 Orange 634 ?553 EDWARDS UA MOYIES PACl#IC $ • ClllEMA WIST West1111nste< 891 3935 llle<i 990 402? NI-WAY lt DltlYE·lll WtStm111~tet 891 3693 110 PAULI ACCPTlO fOll IK" OOOAODHlfl JOHN BELUSHI DANAYKROYD Neiglfurs A Com.lc-N~tmatt 1111 OAIU l:JO, J!JO, l :JO, 1:JO t :IO AT SAOCM IMC« ._a W..EIACl PWA T~°i:Lo ,:., 581-5880 STEVE MARTIN "Pennies ' FROm Heaven"00 . ) I GEORGE C. SCOTT TIMOTHY HUPrON TAPS 1' .-A''l-i • >'ii .,.,.,, ~~OQv. 0 f• ,,. _,,., ....... ~ QO ~ '"" CHEVY CHASE NOOfRN PRoBLEMS PAn l DARBANVlllE·MARY KAY PlACE """" • • • " •• ,.. ·~" ,.•11• -[DABNEYC~] t •1t'v'"e ~•odvre• DOUC.l AS C KlNNEY Ptodvced bv Al AN (,~[1$MAN O'ld 11/"( ><Ah SMAM8(11C. W<>Hen bv ~£N ~MAPlllr) & TOM SHE RO HMAll & ARTHUR SH lEllS OAIU 1:00, 1:16 5:45, 1·15, 10-• '"°' edwards CINEMA WEST .~. 891-3935 edwards SWOI COAST PLAZA ~:s;::.-· 546-2711 ROLLOVER GHOST STORY C:O-ttn' AT IAllCll UACK "IMIOOY, llUOOY" OAll\' 1:41 .... 1:11 ..... 10:41 AT av. llALL • l Orange Coaat DAIL V PILOTfruesday, December 291 1981 'Roots' star visits Africa LeVar Burton says trip was 'emotio1'al experience'. and not what he expected ~1~=~CK ...... . LOS ANGELES -LeVar Burton, who played the younri warrior Kunla Kiote in ABC's "Roots," r~cently made his first trip to Africa on behalf of a famine relief agency. Burton, with Dick Van Patten, Patty Duke A'tin and the Rev. Ellwood Keiser of P aullst t'toductlons, traveled to Muritania. Kenya and Djibouti on behalf of the Catholic Relier Service. "It was such an e motional experience in that we saw a lot or surrering," said Burton. "I had never seen poverty like that on any level. I felt, why should people have to live like this? l kept hoping to see t he Africa of my visions or the way I had supposed Africa should be. "Mauritania, where we started. was desert and no.t what 1 expected. Djibouti was on the coast aod not what I expected. Not until we got to Kenya did I see any signs of tribal life," the actor said. ·'So the big lesson l learned is that Africa is a big place. There are a lot of different languages. a lot of different cultures." Burton starred in the record-setting ABC miniseries, based on Alex Haley's book, nearly four years ago. He played the young warrior taken captive and brou~ht to America as a slave. The group was accompanied by Jack Perkins ftnfl fi n NBC. cam era c rew, and the visit was recounted in a segment on "NBC Magazine." NOW PLAYING AMC OIUlllE MALL MA8"11 MU f'llZl UA CITY ClltUU Oranile 637 0340 Bru 529 5339 O!;inoe 634 3911 tlDWAllOS UOO UA ClltDU AllAHllM ORIVE-llf Ne#porl Beach 673 8350 Wesun111s1er 893 0546 'na11e1m 879 9850 •ACADE~Y MEMBERS Your c1ro w1t1 1om11 you ano you• QUISI lo any p;irtormance Monday Tnu1103y 11 the t~.iru 1no1c1ttt<1 at><we REDS(PGI At 12:30 4·30 8:30 No EClll'IDfT1V Slllr4i No"- PEMlllES FRml HEAVDll IPGI 1 :003:15 5:30 7:45 10:00 ABSE"CEOF ll*UCE IPG I 12: 15 2:455:15 7:45 10:10 SHAAKY'S llACtttNE I RI U·JO J :OO S:JOe·• tO:JO llO lco.oet't .... ,... RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK (PG) At 12:00 2::1>5:00 7::1>9:66 -"°"' Timothy Hulton TM'SIPGI C1nnonb1l1 Run (PGI I' c~=-·n f'RC*.a.IPGI Nine To f •ve IPGI I Luis Valdez' ZOOT IUIT (RI Boulevard Nights IRI c::::::=== RAID£RI OF THE LOST ARit IPGI Iii T11ne lbnd111 IPGI Walt D11ney's CINDERELLA IGI & Swiss f1m1ly Rob1n~n IGI Ori'!'•·1n1 Open 6:30 NIGHTLY Under 12FREEUnleuNottld T~ most ero1k: fhin9 In dwlr world wosmon.y. Another camera crew took mm for the travelers to use on TV talk shows. Mrs. Astin was on NBC's "Today" show and planned to a,ppear on several local talk shows around the country. Van Patten was on "The John Davidson Show." Kieser visited three talk shows in New York and was scheduled to be on "The Merv Grifnn Show" in January. Kieser, who Is the producer of "Insight." said the purpose of the visit was to "inform the American people or the problem and hoperully to mobilize support ror Its solution." Immediate ly after his rlrsl trip. Burton returned to Africa again, this time for a raft trip down the Zambezi River in Zimbabwe and Zambia for ·•American Sportsman." On his first tr ip. he said many people thought he was an African until he s poke. "They responded to Pally," he said. "They thought she was a doctor or a nun. I don't think they could really figure out what I was. In Kenya I s pent 20 minutes tr ying to explain to a young m an that I didn't know what tribe I came from.'' Concerning the Carnine. Burton said : "1 think a lot of Americans don't know this goes on. That there are mothers who don't know if their children will live or die. In Turkana in Kenya. 40 percent of the children contracting m easles die. About 10,000 have died of s tarvation there in the las t 18 months. A dollar in relief aid reeds a child for a week ." NOW PLAYING . EOWAllOS ltEWf'OllT Newpo<t Beach 644 0760 EDWAROI YllJO TWllt ClltlOOlll Mission Vitto 830 6990 Orange 634 2~~3 EDWARDS UA MOYIES PACll lC s • CINEMA WIST Wes1m1ns1er 891 3935 Brea 990 4022 HI-WAY ll DlllWE·llt Wes1ro1nster 891 3693 llO P.u6u M:CIJ''TlO FOtl THI& (HQAQUIOl1 JOHN BEWSHI DAN AYKROYD Ne@mqrs A Comk-N~tmatt t"l DAILY l:JO, 3:JO, l:JO, 7:JO t:JO AT IADOlOAal "Pennies ' FROm Heaven" 00 ~hasthe , ..... thB Holid-v S.uon · the fUrWest ..,.,, ......... \ • .,~!!.•.••· . .-~"' ._ ..... , •• ," ..... •0 1 1.v CHEVY CHASE -w.c:>DERN AAGaLEMS PAnl DARBANVllLE MARY KAY Pt.ACE .,. ••· · • 1 ..v<••• •lh• ""''I• -DABNEY COLEMAN) be'"'" l'•vduC\" OOUCL AS ( l<(NN£Y Produced b• Al AN (,II( •WAN and ~I ( HAf SHAM8fA0 ~· 11en tw 1<£N SHAPlll•) & TO'-' SHfllOHMAll & AlllHUR SHlUIS D·'"' led b, f fli SnAP11tO M \• b• OOMIM C FllONI ERE DAILY 1 :00, :t!1$ 5.41, I: I I, 10,JO tl'OI edwanls CINEMA WEST .:-=, 891-3935 edwards sam COAST PUZJ ~:s:~:..-· 545-2711 ROLLOVER C:O.fflT AT IA"Ol lllAC« "IMIODY, MIDDY" DAIU 1:ll0, 3:1', 1<•, e:to 10:3D AT HUNTIMGTOM ednds HUNTINGTON -CH--·~· 11311 AT&ul ...0-U DAILY 1:10, )!JO, 1:50, 1<1l 10oJO AT IAOOI HI.QI GHOST STORY FRID MELVYN AST AIRE IX>UGlAS l)()UOLAS JOHN FAJRRANK~ JR HOUSEMAN DAILY 1:JO, 1·41,1. ... , l:U 18'•AT~ edwards NEWPORT ~:-::,~.~:.. 144-17511 -·-- OAILV 1:u.•·oo.e:~ t:•, 10:41 AT M.'I. MALL " Orange Coast DAILY PILOTfTuelday. December 29. 1981 • DireCtor defends film 'Absence of ·Malice' I .. • a., llOB ,,.MAS ·•11111 .......... l " HOLL YWOOO -Hb lbe preu ovtr·reacwel ia erttJeiam ol how ntw1papen are portrayed ln -.... current movie, "Abaence ol Malice!" Sydney Pollack lhlnkl ao, but tben, he'a the director ol the Paul Newman-Sally Field fUm . Somewhat dued by the inJUal blull from preu erlUea be nota bapplly that ot.ben are "comlnt out "ii the elotet" ln defenae of "AbHnce of i!_•llce." He cited ftvorable articlea and ,..vmmenta by Nat Heatoff, Earl Caldwell, Jeff Greenfleid and Nlck Tlmmhch. "Absence of Malice" concern. a 34-year-old Miami reporter -Mlsa Field -who is duped by an ortanized crime lnvestlsator into prinlint a atory that an innocent man -Newman -waa a aU1ped ln the disappearance of a labor leader. The reporter then writes an alibi story that cauaea the man's friend -Melinda Dillon -to commit auJcide. Thia reviewer found fault that < 1) lbe reporter would not reach the accused man for a comment before the story was prJnted; (2) that she printed the alibi story without the woman's conaent, knowlnt the demage it would cause, (3) that the newapaper refused to retract even when the reporter's stories were found to be based on tainted information. "Everything she printed was true -or I should say 'accurate,' " says Pollack in defense. "It was based on the evidence that she had ...._thered. It just happened that she was being used by an unscrupulous government official Thal has *BARGAIN MATINBBS * Mond1y tllru S1turd1y All Perf0fmance1 before 5:00 PM (~ .... (ftp ......... HtllDys). l A a.,t1g',A[ A ........ M11000 0 1 10 .. crona LA MIRADA WAlk IN 994-2400 _ .. _. ___ ''TAN" -----. ---............. -:::--............ ..,_-,::_.:.... ''AIOI"" ·-·----·-.&.•--"A~ Ofl lllAUCS"""' ----- LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi< I~ --· ''9HAIUClrY'I MAatlNe" 1111 ..... --. .... - ........--.--· "MtOlltt 0, THE LOST A"I(" ... ·---"--... -.--..... ._... ••NEIQt90RI .. ... ·--------· "IHAlllC'l'l IMCI• ...... ·------ f aculty o t Conctlewooo 213/H~·9UO . ...,. ..... .-.. .. 1::1 :,.-:, .. .,_ NY .. flilATMn a --C.-·--lllmOll --·--''TA"" ... ""-"Ol!"I Of' TME LOST AAK" ----··· ·------.... -.... -. LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WALi( IN ·----I -~·----·"CMAAtOT• Of'....... ... I "•UDOY 9UDDY'' ... • ,,..____ I ·-~---- 1 -5011;~ J 494-1514 ---· "IHAMY'I lllACttl•" 1111 . --""- _______ , __ "~.:J- 111.,0RTAMT NOTICE! Clfll OREN UNDE" 12 f"U! ""., oM • ., ... •• 1'11 fn 6·30· Sal S.. ,.... 4:30,. Clef.fl S1M9 •'IOIJll Ml CUI MllG IS .,.._ ......... If t1D 1111 CUI MOIO Wl!lt OllllDll llCC!UOllT ,.,,.. _ ... "" 'llllllLl 1•11L.1. ~ .......... Ml ... Af-4 A.Hf l.A ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN ,_ ., ol l•""'" l l 17'-MIO 8 '·" ; • "' BU~ NA PARK 01111/E IN 1-0lfl ,. .. Wetl OI Crootl 121·4070 -C!!..!'~--- nm ____ _ "AA'TMUlt'' ... -. ...,...DUMIT"_... Clllt·H-_ .. __,. ___ ''TAl'I" ... -"THE CANMOl-...U MIW" ... ____ ,.tlLl."'9f .. "GHOST Sl'OR't'' 1111 -''T .. CHA..-U..0" flt --· ''flllOOPM .... DW'""' -"M•TOl'fW""' __ '" __ __ ........... -. ._ICAN ,_ M.CATMZ'" C..·AIOllliO..__ __ ......__._ .... "Mmia °',... LOl'f .... -.. ....... -1¥1,. ..... C.·PI ---·--"•-aM '• 'WI •-CMIMJ W:i&fM'' .. ...,.._,..., •*-c-.. 111·7012 -~·.--........ ~..um-· .. ''nllamAlllDP-.,_ u .... IN 'MAUC!' -Paul Newman <left > i s directed in 'Absence of Malice' by Sydney Pollack. certainly bappeoed before." ln fact, be claimed that all of t.be plot point.a of "Absence of Malice" had been tboroushly researched and found to have occurred at various newspapen throutbout the country. He admitted that for dramatic purposea, the bappeainp were combined in the misdeeds ol a aiqle reporter . Because ol the research, Pollack didn't anticipate the reaction. ''I wu almply doin1 the picture •• dram~1 never tbln!dn1 about what the preu reactloa wuaa be," aald tbe lndlana·bom director. "When I ftnt showed the picture to the prtll, I discovered they fell offended, vlctlmiaed and boltUe. I never thou1ht 1 was makln1 an aoti-preu movie. I wanted to make a rum wltbout any villains at all. I don 'l like to do vUJalU. Aa Paul eaya at the end of the film: everyone lD lbla room ls amart, everyone lhou1bt be wu doin1 the rtabt thlnf. ... 'My tb.lnklnc was that the power and the •ttumortnd eroddlmlnaeender- tnd .......... worit~ ...... Mlolln. HEW 'taK TIMES BJW • ---lo~---·-UNI~ ~---~-- reapooalbWty of the preu la too often taken for ====== 1ranted. Tbe preu la the lar1est unre1ulated body affectina American Ufe. JI any move were made to re1ulate tbe press, I would be flrat on the , : ... ., •I barricades to fight lt. But J do think that press reaponalbWty la worth taklnt a look at. r------------------------STEVE----MARTIN~~-~-----1 . . "I have asked media people lf they would be aa incenaed lf 'Abeence of Malice' had been about poUUciana or cops or business executives. Their answer ls no." Pollack said the casting or Sally Field was crucial to "Absence of Malice:" "If I had cast a youn1 Bette Davia, someone who was tou1b and bard, the picture wouldn 'l have been as effective. It bad to be someone with Sally's innocence and sincerity to allow hersell to be used." Still on the defensive, Pollack concluded: "The press ia the conscience of America. I believe in it. I ended 'T hree Days of the Condor' with Robert Redford standing in front of The New York Times, ready lo reveal secrets or CIA corruption." "INNOJATM. AUDACIOUS AND MAGICAL EVERYTHING A MOVIE OUGHT TO BE." Pono~ "'8C "' NOW PLAYING COITA MlU ll TOIM) -n•T• IEACll OUIM Cinema Cente1 Saddleback ~ Clliedome 979 4141 581 5880 848 0388 6JU SS3 [ .. ___. ...... ~--:i eSlr Fron1. • .. . I I I 11 . l 1 I • J • , l : i ! I ' . !' ' I • ,. : . , i I I: l I I . I - 0r-.eoaat DAILY PfLOT/Tuetday, December 29, 1111 M01·· HIWI ' OHAMa'e ANGIL.I ,..... .. HUNT T'HmMUl'Nn OuMt: Cheryl L.od. ....................... • lfl'n*dW.W.....-. I . ..., ....... ~ .. ,.,.,..... a.now .. ~. IAe ~ ,..,.,... "°"' & "°'" .,, eoowalM ........ ., ..... ~ Of TIMI Jun. ............ of""' ... .._. avbzttDn .., Ill tN ....... of C..nl ~ .......... Q • Tt9 OOWT'IMI OOWW't "~Ill r1on: TM lelelld Time '°'tot" C:.,teln ..... COUllMu ~ .. -...,.,. Ole lllMOfY, lnllebltanta and ne!Wel eclenot of C:11p,,.,to11 leltnd, • _., atoll off "" OOtlt of Mmoo.(1111) Cl) T'HmWAOCY WOM.o fW.aoNATHNf .. ,_ au-1: Rober'1 FUlet. ,. ..... 9 TOO Cl.OM flOR w • HAWAII AY5.o MoOetrr.tt goee aft« • ...... who IWIU'der.cl flw women, IMIMQ Mell _..,. • blotlde wig with tMlt f-pletlly made i ...... WORT oeoKCAWTT GUMt: MaxJmltlen Schell. (PW'l 2 of 21 OH NOi -Chachi makes an appointment with the doctor his mother is dating unaware that the man is a gynecologist, on "Happy Days" at 8 tonight over KABC (7 ). Scott Baio is Chachi and E llen Travolta guest stars as h is mother. Mul1'I ~ ttlal .... (c).:;·I"> **'Al "HcMI Pwadleo" ( 111MI Olne Lolobf1olde. Alec OW-. A F'9nClll lotherlo a ttempt• to .,.,.,. • ~ ttyllt In • hotel wltl'I hll nalgh- bot'• wlte. ~== §NKNIM (C)WOV-. * *'~ "Newslronl" Biii Hunter, Ovla Heywood. Two rlvel ,_ compenlM '"empt to edge NCh other out In• rece far 1111 Auetrlllien ,_. ,,.._. In the '409. 'PG' .llNW>ETTI N'TEN .. OONCP'T Bemadelte Pet.... per. fonna • veriety of llOll09 M --.. '* l8mOUa banana dence. -=-. 8UUMYE • ILOWWC:V Luc:y extenda an Invitation lo the dence by throwing -herMll Ill Van Johneotl. • ICCET..-AT • ••IEll8AEPORT (l)QINEWS 9 MANEY MtlilA A de1perat• citizen •"'-'-to blow 111mM11 and the precinct M!y high. (8)MCME * ''Roller Boogie" ( t979) Linda BIAW. Jim Bray. A talented end '1d' rnu*8I atudenl aet• out to win a roller lltlllng boogie con- leat before' r-.imlng he< mullcal lludlea. 'PG' (l)WOMING Berry Boetwlek, Eiieen Brennan and Ja,,_ Taytot -among Ille many atvs IMl\Ked In lhla ~. be-' on hundrecn of lnleMewl conducted by joumal .. I I 11,1111<>< Sluds Terkel. 7:00 9 <*NEWS 8 .CHEWS • HAPPY DAVI ACWN ~ .. lorcad lnlo 1 box· Ing me1et1 with 1 toolbalt bruleer OYW lhe 1ttec1lona ol • pnitty glt1. 8 MCNEWS G YOU ASKED FOR IT FMtuted· "T~ Roclt .... In Japan" end "Ne. Mr. Ametic:a .. • ntE JEFRMOH8 Allan, lhe "wNte ihea9" of Ille Wllll1 farnll)'. retume llama. (PW'! 2) • JOt<IR'8 WILD • OY8'fA8Y au.t: Maxine Sullivan (R) iD MACNEIL/ LEHRER fEl'ORT Cl) TIC T /IC, DOUGH 9 INTPTAIHMEHT TOHIQHT An Interview with Debbie Reynold&. a,,. MUPPET'S ~: MeUssa M~ ..... cm THE WAY IT WAS "11157 • '58 NBA Cham- plonlNps; Boeton Ceff tca Va. SI. Louil Hawkll" 0 TIN FOR ntE T1Tl.E A IOoll bed! .. lalcen II Ille ~I Ian beal IMma whO will compete In the NFL pleyoffa to detennlna ltlll )'Mt'• Super Bowt c;ont- lanta. 7:$0 8 2 ON THE TOWN F••lured: Ill• RlghlOUI Btolhw• lalk about Old tlmea. a reunion and Ille lutwe; a look at a group 111•1 helpe mother• cope with chUdren'a bad h1blla: 1 ""-who cen10t1 I*" IOtWIMnd llcenae pialM I QI FAMll. Y ~UO LAVEWE & SHIN.EV &COMPANY When Lenny and Squlggy OIMc>PMt, Ille Qlrla Ir- them lo 1 dtcua. 8 ~ONL..A Fealured· vlall San Farnan· do V1tley Juveritle Hatt; offbeat cartc>otllst Gahan wu.on Cl MATCH GAME • M•A•&•H Frenk decldea to maka money by auctioning oft Ille came> garbege wNle H11Wk9Y9'• love Ille IUl16tS ·~••llack. I TIC T /IC, DOUGH MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT ll9 NEWS Cl) P.M. MAOAlJHE A sc:hool IOf nannlea 1n Engl1nd, • proleulonat lnYenlor ([I YOU ASKS> FOR IT Featured· "Miiking The Oeaclly Black M1tnb1" Ind "P1rrot ltnperaonatora " ~NBA M8KET'8AU. Los Ar1Q11et Lai.eta ..., Ullll Jau (Z)MO\llE * * * * "Beckel" ( 11164) RtcherO Burton. Pater O'Toole King Henry II ol England cl..,_ wllh Ille Areht>i.hop of Can1«J>ury ~Ille 12111 century too. Cl) 8fMON & 8IMOH A.J and Rlcll -hired lo ln\IMtlgal• the OMth of an animal trainer who wu klHed by. llon. D at LITTLE HOU8E a.. TMEPMIM Mrs Ole 1on'1 newly aOopled dlUghlW Mtl OUI to become the Slit of 1111 achoo4 tnllvaJ. (P•rt 2) (R) ~MOYIE • • • "l onely Are The Br•ve" t 111&21 KJOt Oouo· tu . Watler Matlhau. A "-111 and Illa PoeM try to Ira<* dOwn I cowboy who neaped from Jail and tlHded for the rnountaJna. 8 9 HAPPY DAYS D IHllOEaW This r91iglow P<ogtam. relallng to Ille GMlte of mlltlona in Chine lat re41G- lo<J1 freedom. cMlcflbea 1 cruMde 10 garn. tunda to purchue blblas for d~lfl bullon 10 Ct1t1sllanl In Chi- na. ID P.M. MAGAZJNE A achoo4 for nann1et In England. • P<ofaalonal Inventor. Chef Tall Pf• CHANNEL LISTINGS 8 KNXT <CBS> 0 On TV fl) KNBC (N0 Cl l Z·TV 8 KTLA (Incl I .. HBO • KABC (ABC> e <C1nem,H) Q KFM B <CBSI ' (WO RI NY N Y f) ICHJ ·TV (Ind I 11) !WTBS> G KCS T <ABC> t IESPN) • KTTV llnd > $ I Showtorne I e KCO P· TV !Ind I " Spall10lll 1• KCET (PBS> • !Cable New\ Networ-) 8> ICOCE IPBS> parea tlUuc:inl: PIWll Nel· eon on ""1-mlnut• tu deductlona. • caDMTETHI CHILDMN Hugh Dawna hOlll Ihle en11r1..,_,1 ~ with gueata Ed A.,_, Denny Kaya. Jo hnny Mathia, s.ti• end Crotts. and David Hartman held to benefit UNICEF. • THE COUITUU OOY88IY "Cllpperton· The llland Time Forgot" Capllln JacqUM CoulleMI and Ilia et-explore the hlttOty, tnhebl11n11 and naturat actenc• ot Cllpperto n llland. a c:otal atOll oft the COMI of Meidco. (R) ll1) N(Yl/A "Anatomy Of A Volcano" An lnternatlonet tewn of geolOQllta lludiM Mt. SI He6af\I In an efl0t1 to uncover <*IM which wlll Md 10 more ICCUl'ate s>r• dlctlona of erupllOn• In the Mure. (R)O (C)MOYIE * * "Sleaplng Car Mur· der" ( 1966) Simona SIQ- nor el. YvH Montlnd. Occupenla of 1 train com- partment are tatgeta for death 11 the hands of 1 detenged killer <l)aaAME John B~ .,_ you lhinga lltaoget 11\an tr\lth. latget '""' .... and unlet thin anything you'va --· OMOVIE * * "Thi Altic" ( 1979) C:..na Snodl)r-. Ray MI- iand. A libratlen 11-In Iha paal with'* rnamoriea of • love who ~· 'R' l:t08(11 LAWMl6 ltM..EY ~"' and ~ help l..viy end Squ6ggy i.unctl theW talent eoancy. (A)O • AU. .. nta fM&.Y Alf\lldy~,_._ Atc:Ne Into llgr*'O kif coetty ~ lldlrlg 10 ~._..__ ®~ • • • ''The ~ Mern.d Col4* In ""*1ce" ( ,..,) a.oroe Segal. Natalie WOOd. A Mpplly rnwrted c:ouplll beglll IO wonder haw hllCIPllY "*'*' tl'9lf really .... ..,., eeelng .. of thelf ftlandl' manlagea and U(> In lhe dlYot'oa coun 'R' ~TltON A comedian llOe'I end four comic cont•tanll who compall 1geln1t ona another •• teatured In 1hle UllCalllOl ed comady Gll'nl sllOw. t:OO 8 Cl) MOVIE "Incident At Creatrldge" (Pr..,.,e) Ellean 8-lnan. Pernell Roberts. A _, ~ IOt and wine alectlon .. lherttf In a Ctuude aoairiat the pollll- cal comiptlon of • wnell WMWntown. Da!MOYIE • * * "From Here To Elamlty" (Part 3) ( 111711) Natllli. Wood, Wtllt1m Devane. •a ntME'a COt/W'Nf't LMTy t• • wtllt• lie about Jaell'1 to... Nia that ..._ Jade lutloue end T em ambarr~. (R)O • a.JJMN: n4I WON.D'S MOST fA8ULOU9~ DMl'l~~the (D)MOv. ** "lOCIPf"*" (1M1) Albef't Finney, Merlin ~. T ane1on 1>u11c1e to 1 ahatteffng dllMx ~ tfll ~ of a gang wtlo -plilnnlne to -c.ne an elabotat• bank robbery from the -• below Ille atNlll of ~ don. 'PG' (l)MCWll * * * 141 "Being There" (111711) Peter Sellen, ...._ vyn OouglM.. A ~ minded, mlddl• aged men. wtloM only ~ of Ill• OUtl ld• world II ttvougfl ~. ,..,.. lr.,,,.ndou1 feme and ~ by unwittingly con- W1dng t)'COOtll end polltio- c:iana that lie la • genlw. 'PG' 10:001•••• .-we (II HNt1' TO HMT The Het)l lllt• off on • lkt tnp to va1 ....,.. ""'Y...,,, llWrl -of their tr1andl mey be plannlng to murder 1'111 wife on the llopel. (RI ·~ * *'~ "Stardust ~ riM" ( 1980) Woody Allen. CNrtotte Rampling. A euc;... ceulul "Olredat ,_ • per-aonal crllll .. he ,.,.. to malt• eome major d«J.. lllOtll In Illa Ille. 'PG' (Z)MOW ••• 'Al "The Knack Ntd How To Get"" (1N5) Nia TuaNlig!Wn. R.y 8'ooU. A young man attempta to ~ popMt w41h the ladlM by atudylng hll be91 friend'• method8. tO:"®..,~ ~.JN#AJNrf ~QOfftlca .,.,.,., s..., end Anna ...... ~ .. -... ~ MCI eportl --OOllllllO to Homa .,. OlllCe ... .-..y. -•x••w ..,.,.. .... ·U-lM ....... "GfwgoryP9dc" eoov ... ........ Lofda Of The .Nn- ........... of tlle dMllc M.,.n ct.• ..... ..., In the ....... of Centtel ~-.......... Q tt••••<1>aa .... ·M~Y.-.r Hoet: "-d 11111 I nen. o.-t: AMdy Newmen. •co.• .. ~ "ECAC Holiday Feat ...... ~·· • THI--~· EIENSICOt919jS " Napolecwl and Llncc*I can do "· Oeorge .,..._ he can too. • IAM'OM> NtlJ 80N Fred buya helf OWi......, of • profeaalonal """"' . who Clln't llQht. • DOCCAVETT Oueat: Mulmlllan Schell. ( Pll't 2 of 2) ®MOVIE * * * ~ "The Ctlina Syn-drome" ( 19711) Jec:it Lem· mon. J-Fonda, Mtdlell OoUQIH. An •mbltlOUI 1"9vlalon repot19' per- auldu 1 coneclence- ltndten ~ ecr 8'd her In her effofte to bNell a mejor lltOty on en 9Cd- d9rlt at • llUdMr ~ Ii plant. 'PG' tt=-e (J) NCAA MIGlMU. Mwytend at UClA 81BTONl8HT Hoat: JC>Mny .car.on .• Incident' heads for series NEW YORK -CBS' movie "Incident Al eatridee" tonight ls the perfect prototype for a ture series. It lakes a star from the CBS stable, ta her in an unconventional 9ituatJon and then ekes it all fluffy and ente.rt.ainin1, altboulb not 1ood tbat it will bold up to too much scruUny. • •bow a.in at 9 p.m . OD KNXT (2). But lt doesn't have to. U it happens, it'll only a netwon series. as.. arennan la the star and, lookinl at the y turwa ber "Private Be!Uamln" ta ta.kins, abe's dy fGr a new weekly vehicle. Tbe unusual uatiall 11 that Ma. Brennan moves to Creatrid1e, o., md becomes sheriff of tbe town that II to Mil'l"llllnt It ,ives clean air a bad Dame. 111. Brennan h aympatbetle In Ua• beUevable role of the do-1ooder wbo aweepe up e of Ulla ratty town's dirt, bat not __,b to pede fllbare story U.ea. TodaJ'i series have become too Callfomla· Nfl'lf York-oriented, aJIYWQ. What' network nMCll la a modem drama ln WJomlDI. nen II morie WU Rimed ln Utah and anJ Ml't• II) tiM abot ln Hollywood. Sara Davit and her buabud arrlH ID ' J•t In Ume. to be nm olf tbe road by "'11 wt.o bave t«cbed ane oft.be town'• three ........ parlon. Sara calla tbe police and ftre department, and fiber ol Crwtridl• II N8dib' apparent wbeD old._. atroUe ou& el* ear IDd ..._ a cm • tbe pound. lo muda f~aw and Ti. MD tMaadle &Ml -l&ra'1 ._.of oecww ID U.. dJMr. Two r 1 lll1et mJMn • ..rough up an elderly couple becauae tbey wouJcln't &Ive up their seats. Tbla ia aome touP town. and It [£urns out that the look-the-other·w~ ma7or, 1beriff and mob auy, who owm one of tbe rlnl massage parlors, are all in coboota lOletber. Sara baa bad enough. Sbe deddee to run for aberiff. Reaidency requirement.a and aucb bulc lawman details aa familiarity with IUDI apparently don't matter. Sara says abe'a a sooct administrator, and ahe deserves to wear a wblte bat, Wted radically to the left: She even suaeeta Ltbat maybe they stve m .. .,_ in the muaaae parlor. The town's major newspaper, alto on the take, endorses tbe current dO·DotblDI aberUf. Fortunately, tbJ.111 a two-...,.,.. towD, and the small, atruulinl newapaper F• tbe tnllla. Sara wlnl aad bu to deal wttb Mnral rtttralf deputJe1. One wean b1a wdform lbl.rta opm to the oneJ. Another le\I IMD·.,.. .,_. a.d MdUtCM tbem. Sara weedl out tbe t.rMb and oNerl • ....,. parlors Olff .,lllDKI to ber clePIU•· Ille U11iB 1eta '9lOH 1DGMJ from I.be~ bJ ...... oat tbat bll penau1 .....-• ....... tlMm ber 111epartmmt•1 IMdot ........ tlae ,.,.el el .... deputiet and ffeD leM111 llOw to lboat a .. la OH easy leaeoa. It all leads to a recall-.. wb6da tlae m.,_ "•··but not before ........ ber ·~ a1alnst t.boM l"e9p0alible fer tbe m.-.. pvlor lln . "l Juet mat IM bea;• Sara Wll Mr auppOl'tera. Sure, in a "'1el aboQt a WOIDU llMIUf. CMcll , local lllt1np tar pa.rtlwlan. TIM -*WOl'k wW M .cu. UBE" TOPPERS fXTLK e 8:00 -••Lonely are the 18rave.' • Penetratln1 atudy of ·• rebellloua cowboy e.capinc from Jail and punued by a posse. ~HJ e 8: 00 -"Inside China." A crusade to gather f undl to purchase Blblea for distribution in China is described. ~KCOP • 8 :00 -•'Celebrate the , Chlldren." Special to benefll UNICEF is hosted by Hugh Downs. Ed As ner, ·Johnny Mathis and Danny Kaye are among guests. · %NXT 9 9 :00 -"Incid ent at Crestridge.' · Movie premiere. A wom an runs for sheriff in a small Western town. . See story below. Ouela; ,,_ St.wt, p.._1ert1ut11. e9 MCHIWI ~ • IMMONOI .. THm llCY Thie epeoiel ct.-wfftl the "'"'*' that the -~ hM rMde on~·._ _,wtlele.(P..U~) -~ A vtitaran polloe ofllcer la lltled ttytng to iw-t a ro«lbary and Denko la blamed by the men·a pert· ner. I !COIT ...,._,.T CAl'nONID NIC NIWI (C)MOllll **"Ole laughing" (IMO) Robby Beneon, CherlM Duming. A -lgWl'ltlng cab dtNer la aided by • _, mot*~ In ptOlllng hlmMlf ~I of e mutdet dlarge. 'PO' • cm wov-. • • "Emmanualla ti: Thi Jor9 Of A Woman" ( 1975) SyMa Krlatel, Umberto Oralnl. A ~lful Mduc- tr-IMng wlt1I lier riu.. band In the Fat Eallt lnlll- etea a ~woman lnto her coterie of pleuure ...... t 1M (I) WOMlllG 8any Boetwlcil, Eiieen Brennen and "-T8)'1<>t ere among the many ....... IMlured In lhll epadal, baaed on hundfedl of lnteMewl c:ondoc1ed by 'jouma11at I author Siuda Teru&. CZlMOllll **°" "HI. Moml" (1970) RoMrt 0. Nlto, Jannl1- Salt. A Vietnam ¥elar1111 ratunw home to New Yortl City and becotnM ~ In Ille pomogrlfliry lndul- lry. 'A' -MllDff- tHO. IHA MA NA au.t: Connie s--.. • 9 FNITMY lllAND A"*'~b9c*ln time to the lulty 09y9 of Ille 1 ltto oentury. and • gin ,..._ the '-'1fytng night of her ll'IOUllF'I dMtt\. (R) • CONrall DftMV HIAl.TH-- "How S... la Our FOOd?" ."'°"" *. ..l.agiand °' The Sea • WOl/t'' ( t975) ~ C:O... "°" 8artler'8 Bad\. 8-1 on • llOty by Jam London. A Wl1tar la kldNpped by the CA1W of I .... hunllng aNp and made first mate by tha 1hlp'1 llery· temper9d ~'PG' tJ::IO. al TOMOMOW ~ .,.....,.., Peter Allen; "'-"" author Jl.lell. eandr ~. pll't 2 IMCMI **'4 ''T ... Of TerTor" ( tM2) ~ Price. Pwler LorN. nw.. alor1M by Edgal' Alan Poe: • lllldow- ... "'91 wllll lntNdiM on 1111 ~ mantegr. a dr\lnUrd -brtdtl and rn«i. to put an end 10 1111 ..... lllfalr; • _.. -1iypnoe1a to ~ • OOIMOU' .__ .... and dlillll. ..... w NllWOMNIM t•• MCW9 ....... "The luety ...., .. (tK2) S-Hayward, ,..,._. Mltdlum. A oow- bOy doea -ttNng 10 DeoolM •rodeo llM. • MOY-. ** "StanlleV" (1972) Alea Aooco, awte AoCllr'9on. A tlltlelnall• ~ • Vletn.tm wteran'1 per-. el WMIPOf'I of r~ .... mankind. t:OI CID MOY-. ** * "lnllde MO¥M " (tMOI~ Savage, O.wtc! Mo<JA -to lhe gtoup of ~ at an Oakland .,., fMy hOld the key to making Iha ber1en. det"•~Cllf~• pro l!Metball ~ • ...itty. 'PG' 1:10 • M0\111 • • • "The Vltgln ~ dlera" (11170) Lynn Re0gra¥1, NIOef Petricl&. A Ql'OUC> of Miwally "81'4 Britllh rectulte learn the flCte of .... and -when they -eent to beml In Mateyllla. t:tl!= * ·~ "The Worfllng Glttl" n-glt'8 llnd no job 100 herd to handle end w111 cSo anything IOt manly. 'R' (Z)YOYll •• "o..ttl G.M" ( 1977) Soncln lodte, 8eynM>Ut c-el. wtllle 1111 wife II way, • man lmlltM two •"racti.... ~ glt'8 Into hie ,_ kif Iha nlgllt. later dleco-:ng thet the young bewllea -llofN. cldal maolace. 'A' I t:aol .-we . ..-EDOIGl..M Cohoet: Dorn 0.l.ulM. au.ta: Bobbie Genlty. Rhonda Batea, "'911 Haley, J9ll a.tier. Mike tlllng . (C)MOVIS **~ ··.....,,on1'' 8111 Hunter, Ctwi9 Heywood. Two r1vW -compllllal allempl 10 edge each °"* out In • ,_ lat .,. AulCr...., -,,......,,. In the '40a. 'PG' .YOYll * • 'h "The Formut1" ( 1980) Matton 8'ando, Oeorga c. Scott. WNle ""'-tigetlng Iha murder of • coleegiue •• ......,.,, cop unco,,.,a • con19ltacy lnvoMng Iha ~...,., of • eiyntllettc "* formula by the ol compenlea. 'A' t:G>8 INTEMM .. IT TOMCIHT An lnteMaw wlttl Debbie ~ l:Oll:. * ..... ~ ..... (11161) Cary Onnt, Ingrid &erg- men. A rictl Amertcan and • Eurc:ipaM --,.. In ~ ""'°'91 lie dMne to be martted. t:ao·= * * ~ "CurM Of The JOHN DARLING 0 UndeM'' ( ,..., ftto AMI-................... _ ................. ,,...,.......theW• • "°"" •• "~ Ar.d AM· low" (tN7) Mt111N loon, --COogln. ......... l:AI CI) CHAN.IS~ "TlleP~•· ... CJl)HeO~ llM'MW.JNIAJNrf Hu•ll•ldoend ... oon*'8 .,.,.,., 811Met Ind Anna ~ lnVOdYoe Ult - ... ~ and. IPO"ll _,, coming to Home Boa ()fb In Jat'NM'f. Cl)~TltON A comedian hOet and IOUf comlC con••tant• """° 001t1pe1e egetn•t one lllOther -llNtured In Ihle -eel OOIMdy ra-anow. ,_(J)MOYW ** ** "l(ramet Va IC.I-" ( 1979) Dualln Hoffman. Meryl Streap. A man ba"lel with his 8X• ...... fat cuatody of their young Ion afler ..... walk• out on them. 'PG' l:IO(C)MOYE • * * • "l ove And Death" (11175) Woody Allen, Dllna KMIM (8)81&PINGou'f:THE DaOl Tl QN)W UIJ Thia ~ to the popular apeclal "Who Ate The ~ Atld Where Diel The y Get 19 Kldl7" updal• the llOty of the 8lllraot0inaty family which now lnCludM 20 ~ ~ ChlWSran Cl) ntE OLDEN DAVI COAT A young girl learn• IO bel· ler 9'1P'eclal• '"' aprlt of Clvt1trnu aner lhll la tl'lftlPOtled beca In time tr.'..=" blue coat. • • • • "Ordlnery P-. pie" ( 1980) Mary Tyler MoOta, Donald Sut""1end 4:00 I:::: TfllB( • • • • ··Ju11u1 c-·· ( 1953) Marton Br1ndo, .i-Mason 4:10. MOYE • • * · • Y eHowne ck .. (11155) Un McCarthy. St• phen Counla'gh 4:I0(8)MCME * * * ''The Lael Married CQ41P1a In America'' ( 1980} Georg• Segal. N1tall1 Wood. Wed11e•dat1'• Dat11i~e M_o!'le• -MORl•tG- HIO CC) * * "The lady Van-..,_ .. (1979) Elliott Gould, Cvt>llf Sheph«d. An Inno- cent man and a rie.itilut --awec>t Into 1 OMOly aeplonage C.apet aboard 1 Europa1n ••P'"' train !raveling thtough Pt••ar Nazj Ger· many. 'PG' .,_ • * * "Bluea ewtera" ( 1950) 8-y Boys. Craig St-a. One of the Boys ~.11ng1ng ...... Uon ... r.ul1 of • lonall- tactomy tO:OO Cll •••• "AeMKrec- llon" ( 1980) Etten Burstyn, Sam Shepard. Alter 1 neat lllal auto accident, • wom- an llnda that .,,. haa the abHl1y to heal otherw but ,. petMCUled becauM Of hit refuaal to Clalm • divine 1nnuanc.. 'PG' tO:IO • * ~ "Sagectueh Trail" ( 1833) John Wtyne. Nancy Shubert. A oowboy un)ull· ty lmprlaoned for mUtder eacapea to llunl down Ille ,.., ~ and ll'OWI 1111 -~--'°" ••• "Snowball Expreu" (11172) DHn Jonea. Nancy Ollon. A Haw Yorfl accountant Ira· V'lla -1 to the Rock..._ In • "'~'°"'*""''*'• •.-rrart 1111 r.eort N ~·o· oa•**"~A._. _...~bl" 11 ... , °""' Alldr .......... ,.,.. IAMI. A~_. 1 11•••P•P•r pubtlefter •'-"'PC to dllllrow Die toeurllQy of olroutl'ttt .. u.i ~' (C) .......... , .. lla yer" (1Ht) Jeoll Paienot, Jofwt Teny, An ~ youl'f -.... ... aldof•Mnd of ..non to..,.,.'* ... uncle, the -'Orct wflO klllad 1111 f--and .. hOldtrlg .,, aooe. IOt ,_ -"· 12:00 ••• ••fhe lnc:redlble R«*y Mouneelll Aaoe'' (1977) Qwtl Connelly, F0t· r• TUCMr. In~ ettempl to .-.. the town of It. Jo, Ml-.wi. tM town tattwa eponaor • ,,_,,. llunl tecelo~. . ..... ~.._.., Ctlallce" (1966) P• ,._.. man. Virginia fool¥. A young 0r.-....,,. ... L.aal &lpper cftalloe. <Z>**** "Kr-Va. Kr-" ( 1979) Ou•tln Hoffman. Meryl SVMP. A man bat1Jee With Illa •· ...... IOt cuetoOy of ..., young Ion ..,., ......... out on them. 'PO' 12:80 •• * "Legend Of Thi 8M Wollf'' (1975) OU* eonr-t. Barbata 8edl. 8aead on a IC<Ny by Jedi London. A -<•er le kJd. nlC>Ped by Ille Cl-of I -I hunting Miit> and "'*'-flret mate by the ship.. fiery-tempered CllP- laln. 'PG' 1:00 CC) 'h "Steel" ( 1980) Laa Major•. Jennltet o· ..... A beautiful woman la......,. ed by • tough COtlMNCdoll ,_ In running .. oomplny .,,. Inherit• .,.., her father'• euapldoue, "accldeMW" oeath. 'PG' (I) * * * "Forbidden Planet" (195e) Welter Pido geon, AttM Franaa. 11.ed on Shakeapeere'a ''The Tempeat " An outer ~ ,,,...,,, ii ~ to loc:llte a ptof-wfMI hM '-' IMnO tor • number of ~onadla~l~of the lutura. 2:00 CH)*• "llanadu" (tOIOI OIMe NewtOft..John, 0.- Kelt)I. A young artllC. a heavanty -and • ltnl.1-mental m itllonalre Join forcel to open 141 a tuge roller~ pelace 'PG' .., ··~"Rough <Alt" (1980).,..,,, ~. i.- tey·Anne Down. A 8tttllfl eoc:iaMt• ....... "' ln1eml-Uonel jeW thief out • at retirement to help her Ilea! $30,000,000 In dlamoncll. 'PG' ~ (%) **'Al "The 39 Stec-" ( 1978) John ....... D.wld Warner. A man ~ I.he quarry of botll the police and • MCr.i G'OUC> of lorelgn agenll operllllng In England wMn lie la frwned for a asranoer'• mlKder. 'PG' 1:30 G • • * "Afl(lell In The Ou11tetd" (1951) Peul OougtH. Janet Leigh. Ce!Mllal torcea ....-the Ptttat>utgll F'tf atea on en unusual winning llttMk (I) • * ~ "The Cat From I Outer ~" ( 1979) Kart I Berry. Sandy Duncan. An e •tra1err11trlel tomcat crull lend• on-'"· ·o· 4:00 .., • * "Hangar 18" ( 1980) o.rran Mc:Gavin. Robert Vaughn ~ ers at a aacrat 00-.-1 lnalllllllon ln-llgat• the ~ of ... , ...... auci.. den oaetructoon 'PO' CZ) ••• "The Uttil Prince" ( 1974) Rk:hatd Kltey. G-Wl!Olt An air· tine pllot •trancled In the daaerl e ncounter• a strange lltt1a boy fl'om • dl1t1nt pt1ne1 wllo ta ~tor Ille~ of hlau~ .. CC) •• "Hawtt The Steyer" (111811 J,ack P•ance, John Tarry. by Armstrong & Batluk l ~v LOVE ¥1!l~~WP~:;;;hrau; I ~INGWTH r------., ~~ I ~FJt:!:i ~ NOWPLAYlNO celTI ... Edward's~ S40.7U4 ceau ..... Ellwlnfs Cinema Center 97f..414 t a.~ &lwlld's ~ ~I ·steo --w.... 530-4401 -°""" .... 137.0340 1------1 ·un PICTURE, BEST DIRECTOR OPTlmYUll ••• NOTHING COllDS CLOSE.'* -111,.._ ,._ .... , LA lll!ADD Nobody leans on Sharky's Machine . IC'.' I '"''~A ~?.1rll .. ' Daily Pilat ' TUESDAY, OEC. 29, 1981 LEGALS CLASSIFIED C6 C7 Wichita St. almost shocked ·by Titans. C2 . Anteaters get licked ~y ASU Special to the DaUy PUot MILWA U KEE -Coach Bill Mulli1an·s grand experiment proved to be a fatal disaster here in the openina round of the Milwaukee Classic Monday night. Mulligan's experiment centered around 6·8 p ow er forward Ben' McDonald. Tiie UC Irvine coach was hopine McDonald would be able to handle the duties at point guard. Well, the experiment lasted exactly five minutes, but that was enough to help the Arizona State Sun Devils band the Anteaters their first Joss of the season, an 88·73 decision be fore approximately 4,500 fans. The defeat placed the Anteaters, 9·1, into tonight's (5 o'clock > consolation game against East Tennessee State, 3-4, a 96·84 loser to host Marquette. Tonight's contest can be heard on KWVE, FM·l08. McDonald, a sophomore, never could get into the now or his new position as he turned the ball over four times in the first five minutes. The Sun Devils. 5·3. subsequently built a 15 ·8 lead that was rarely threatened. "So far it hasn't worked," said a disgusted Mulligan after the game of the experiment. "I'm going to have to re·evaluate what we're going to do McDonald doesn't seem to have enough confidence to play the position yet." McDonald wasn't the Ant.eaters' only problem, however. ASU, with a sagging 3·2 zone defense, held All·America Kevin Magee to a season·low 16 points. He went Into the game with a 30.2 average. ll was Mulligan's anticipation or such an occurrence which prompted ham to try the experiment. '·People are going to pack us all year like that," explained Mulligan. "We're going to see a ll types of (sagging) defenses throughout the season." • McDonald and Rainer Wulf cut the gap to 59·50. By moving McDonald to the point, Mulligan was counting on h is sophomore connecting on a few outside shots which would relax the zone and force it to come out. But that never happened Monday nigbl a.a the open shots were missed or not taken at all. The Sun Devils, who essentially played. the game with rive players (a sixth came in during the last two minutes>. got 22 points apiece from Warren Everett and Paul Williams, and 21 each from Lafayette Lever and Walt Stone. The Anteaters were trailing 76·68 when Magee fouled out with 2:47 left to play. UCI got as close as 78·73 with 1: 18 rem aining before the Sun Devils outscored their opponent. 12·2, down the stretch, including eight free throws. "We played well between th e lO·minute and 5·minute mark or the second half, but then we let it go again," said Mulligan. "They <the Sun Devils) have some good athJ etes and they were well prepared." UC Irvine was l ed by R a ndy Whieldon's 19 points. Magee had 13 rebounds to go with his 16 points. The Sun Devils extended their lead to 35·22 late in the first half before settling for a 42·32 advantage at halftlme. The Sun Devils, who came into the game shooting 45 percent as a team. connected on 35 of 57 shots for a 61 percent showing, their best mark of the season. NOT PLEASED Co(jth Alli Mulligan W<t!-> not p(('l.ISl'U \\1th tht• "a' hi~ Antcakr!-. pla~t·cl :\t11i1da~ night 1n ~1 1 I\\ ;H1k(•t· ASU then increased its margin to 57 .44 before baskets by WhieJdon, UCJ, on the other hand, shot only SI perce2t (33 of 64). The Anteaters came in wiUI a 62 percent figure. Mesa gets a • tip Strayer reveals how to beat Marina By cuaT SEEDEN Of ... D.itJ..._.S_ Costa Mesa Hlgh basketball coach Tim Parsel says he doesn't punish a player who fails to show up for a practice. Instead, he rewards those who do show up. So, when starting center John Strayer missed a shoot around because of a s hort. excused Christmas vacation. he found himself on the bench when the Mustangs tangled with Marina Monday night in the second round or the Orange Optimist basketball Invitational. STRAYER WASN'T ON the bench too long, however. In fact he was on the court three minutes into the game. He was also on the court in the final 14 seconds when he tipped in the winning basket and added a free throw on the same play to give the Mustangs a 52·50 victory over the Vikings at Chapman College. "He just missed a little practice time," noted Parsel afte r the contest. "He wasn't being punished. I just like to reward the guys who do make tt to practice. They're all good kids, though." Strayer was pretty good Tuesday night. So we re teammates Ke n Bardsley and Dave Palm blade, among others. PALMBIADE PUMPED home a game·high 17 points, Bardlsey added 12 a nd Strayer converted bis clutch tip to send the Mustangs into the championship semifinals of the 17th annual tournament tonight (6) against a tough Lakewood squad. And the Mustangs have to be just a little bit surprised they're still in the running for the tourney championship. Marina held a 50-49 lead with 40 seconds remaining and the Vikings had the ball, yet they couldn't boJd off the stubborn Mustangs. thought we threw some good shots up there, but 1t was just one of those things." Palmblade, a 6·2 Ju nior, pumped home 11 of his 17 points in the first half as the Mustangs held a precarious 29·27 advantage Manna forged ahead early in the third quarter behind four points by 6·0 point guard Scott Filipek. In other Orange tournament action. Mater Del 60, Foothill 45 Coach Bill Alexander's Monarchs didn't let the high.scoring duo of Rich Thomas and Brian Bailard scare them off. and the result was a ticket into tonight's championship semifinal game with Orange (8J. Thomas was held to 24 points by the Monarchs, while Bailard, who scored 50 points in his last outing, managed just seven Monday night for the Knights "We pretty much dominated them on the boards tonight," admitted Alexander. "I think that really made the difference." Fountain Valley 68, Hawthorne 62 All·league guard Jeff Hughes. who missed the Barons· opening round defeat to Mater Oei, recovered from the flu and responded with a game-high 26 points in a consolation bracket game. Fountain Valley held a 36-32 halftime advantage and expanded that margin to 50·45 after three periods The Barons also survived the hot shooting of Hawthrone's senior guard Marvin Epps who scored 23 points. Estancia 57, Chaffey 51 The Eagles bounced back after suffering their only defeat of the season Saturday <a S0-47 setback to Servite>. as a tno of Eagles hit in double figures. COVERED -Valencia High guard Brad Xavier looks for a place to go as he is · closely defended by University's Yong Choi during first round action of the Canyon o.11, .............. ~ICM'Y Classic basketball tournament Monday night. University advanced to the second round with a 59.44 victory over the Tigers For story. see page C3. Even when Costa Mesa's Jim Pelichowski missed a short jump shot and the Vikings took possession with 28 seconds remaining, Marina still couldn't pull out a victory. "WE JUST THREW the ball away twice." conceded Marina Coach Steve Popovich. "I Senior guard Jeff Gardner led Estancia with 17 points. forward Randy Tift chipped in 14 and Chris Ma ydole added 10 The win improved Estancia's record to 8·1. Lakewood 67, Newport Harbor 57 The high.fl ying Lancers outscored the Sailors 20·8 in the second quarter and then held off a lat~ <See MUSTANGS, Page C3) Razorbacks fall shor t • m fog N orth Carolina holds on for Gator Bowl win JACKSONVILLE, Fla. <APJ -Shrouded in obscurity by a dense fog and a potent North Carolina offense in the second half. Arkansas appeared ready to hand the llth·ranked Tar Heels an easy Gator Bowl victory. But the Razorbacks. led by eternal optimist Lou Holtz, s t aged a fourt h ·quarter comeback and forced the North Carolina defense to come up with the key plays in a 31·27 victory. "I'm sure a lot of people thought the game was over early in the fourth quarter, but I never felt tbat way," Holtz said. "We managed to recover an onside kick and then .eot a lift from a co•ple ol big pua plays.•· Junior tailback Kelvin Bryant rushed (or 148 yards on 27 carries and one touchdown, while freshman Ethan Horton, switched from quarterback to tatlbact when Bryant and backup Tyrone Anlh01'Y were hurt in mld-seuon, ran for 14' yard• and two scores on 27 carries. Comblned with a l ·yard sneak' by quarterback Rod Elkins, North Carolina ran up a 31·10 lead with 7:29 left, enough to bav~ s~nt some o f tbe Raiorback faithful out into a night so thick with fog that the publlc addreaa anoounur 1u11eated that the offlclaJI woufd 1wltcb rrom whistles to fo1boma. J;le\ wit.h Ute. aid of penalties ,and pa1111 by freshman F-erbact Brad Taylor. marched bac~ down and te0rM with s~• n•alnllla oa a l·1ard nm bl 'Jeule Clark. A two.point convers ion pass closed the Razorback deficit to 31·18. Bruce Lahay's ons ide kick was recovered by Ed Jackson and the Razorbacks parlayed the strategy into a 7-yard scoring pass from Taylor to D arryl M aso ~ with 2 .44 remaining. Suddenly, the rout was a contest at 31 ·25 "I was a little nervous." Brya nt said, fearing that his game·high performance would come in a losing effort. "I'm just glad the defense came throufo?h in the clutch." 1# ....... WIODINO Bel.LS -Los A•lel~ Dod1ers pitchfftg sensation Fem ando -.iemuela Is saown wlth his flance. Liada BUC'IOS, 19, sltOl1f alt~ .b• ttrrived • Merida. Medco Monday. Valenzuela, t~alional LMctae's ty Young and flookle of ~ \'nt, m arry th~ school teacher today. I I Artists' Berry h i ll • A l l-C IF lS Senior receives All-CIF first team laurels By ROGER CAR~N LB Adam Whitam, Claremont 6·2 190 Sr Of .. D..., ...... S_ LB Jimmy Baion. Rubidoux 6·3 215 Sr. Damon Berryhill. a one·man wrecking crew DB Robert Wolf. Rosemead 5·10 165 Sr at Laguna Beach High School, bas been chosen OB Billy Hart, Victor Va lley 6·1 170 Sr. for the AH ·CIF Division HI football team by the DB Jerome Tyler. Rubidoux 6·1 175 Sr First Interstate Bank foundation board. DB Vince Lopez. La Quinta 6·1 170 Sr. The 5·10, 190·pound senior, who was the key DB Mark Hodges, Arlington 5·11 158 Sr ingredient to the Artists' team as a running p Jerry Sepulveda, Schurr 5 11 175 Sr. back and linebacker, was named to the second team defense as a linebacket. Player of the year laurels go to Arlington Second Team Offense High's Ralph Wilson, an offensive lineman who paved the way toward a 13·1 season. TE Dan Blanck, Laguna Hills 6·0 200 Sr. Three players from Mission Viejo High's WR Mark Real, Montebello 5.9 155 Sr. CIF Central Confe rence champions earned WR -George Thomas. Indio 5·10 150 Sr . spots on the team, in addition to two Capistrano T Dave Cullity. La Serna 6·8 230 Sr . Valley and one Laguna Hills athlete. T -Ted Haus, South Hills 6·1 210 Sr . First team honors went to Mission Viejo's T -Scott Smith, Ganesha 6-3 220 Sr . defensive tackle, Chris Gahagan, and tight end G -Augie Vega, Rubidoux 6·1 210 Sr . Jack Kazmierowicz. c -Don Mitchell. Bellflower 6·1 210 Sr. All-CIF Dlvldea 111 B John Carroll. Mi ssion Viejo 5.9 160 Sr. FlntTeam oneue B -Tony Bell, Capistrano Valley5·10 180 Sr . PM. Player, sellool Ht. Wt. Yr. B -Doug Stevens. Nogales 6·1 1T5 Sr. TE-Jack Kazmierowica, MV 6-1 185 Sr. B -Kitrick Taylor. Pomona 6-0 170 Sr. WR-Cornelius Reddick, Pius X 6-0 170 Sr. B Ricky Calhoun. North (Riv.) 5.S 176 Sr . WR-Jan Cespedes. St, Genevieve 6-0 170 Jr. B -Frank Ortiz, Pius X 5.9 165 Sr . T -Chris Bakke, Brea·OUnda 6·3 215 Sr. K -Dan Hilscher. St. Bernard 5.9 150 Sr. T -Bruce Parka, Chaffey 6·6 260 Sr. . G -Ralph WUson, Arlington 8·1 210 Sr. G -Dan Sauter, Damien 8-3 240 Sr. Second Team Defense c -Greg MlchalJki, Norco 6·2 175 Sr. DL-Bela Lestar, Apple Valley 6·5 210 Sr. B -Al Walls. lndJo 5·10 160 Sr. DL-Joe Trajillo, Arlington 6·1 205 Jr. B -Brian Mullen, Ganesha 5·10 170 Jr. DL-Steve Holiday , Artesia 6·2 195 Sr. B -Sean Sterle, St. Genevieve 5·11 160 Jr . DL-Mike Hurley, Ran Alamitos 6-2 228 Sr. B -Allan J ackson, Rubidoux 5-11 185 Sr. DL-Ron Paulsen, Artesia 6·5 23.5 Sr . B -Tony McCord, Bellfiower 6·1 195 Sr. LB-Damoe BerryhUI, Lag Beaclll 5-11 ... Sr . B -Paul Jones, Claremont 5·11 1as Sr. LB-BUI Cudney, San Dimas 5·11 180 Sr. K -Max Zendejas, Don Luro 5·11 175 Sr. LB-Earl Betancourt, Rosemead 5-10 175 Sr. F.,... Tea• Defaee LB-Ken Kettler, Indio 5.9 155 Sr. DL-nm O'Kfffe, St. Bernard 6·1 230 s,. LB-Thad Jefferson, Ontario 5·11 190 Sr. DL-Art Cbavea, Schurr 6~2 180 Sr. DB-Martin Nolan, Los Amigos 5·10 165 Sr. DL-Cb.r\1 Gaba1en, Miaslon Viejo W 230 Sr. DB-Jeff Mahlstede, Santa Ft 6-0 170 Sr. DL-Steve Garten, Valencia 64 240 Sr. DB-Mucus Gloa1ow. San Dlmq 6·1 1as Sr . DL-Jlm McC\a.Uoqb, Htmel 6_. 245 Sr. DB-Chris Stevena. Claremont S·ll 1as Sr. t~Gerald Tat_.m, Ganelba 5·~ 1as fr: 0 Joe Martinea, Arroyo 5.9 150 Sr . B-Nmt Kumpbreya, R'&al Ou 6·1 180 p -Jeff Wells, Claremont 6.0 200 Sr. LB-Oeof_. Rosenb.um, ap Val 5-11 180 Sr. Player or the Veu: Wiison (Arllnaton). \. l Fan hopes to erase a bitter memory From AP clls patcbes HOUSTON Construction [i] worker Preston Riley has a llllle c. t more al stake in the playoffs than most San Francisco 49ers fans -he's looking tor a lilUe vicarious revenge Riley. 34, who played three seasons as a wide receiver with the 49ers in the early 70's, left a piece of his heart in San Francisco when he muffed an onside kick in a 1972 playoff game with the Dallas Cowboys. "The ball was on the g.-ound, s pinning toward me, and I thought l had it in my hands," Riley said. "But it hit my shoulder pad . . . and by the time I realized what had happened, Dallas players we re all around the ball. "After the game, I don't reme.mber what I Bid. It was probably as bad as I've ever felt in my life." The Cowboys took advantage of that break lo s core the winning touchdown. Quote of the day T ampa Ray Buccaa.e_ers ...head coach John McKay : "Last week. on my TV talk s how. l s aid to some fan. ·You don't know foot ball from a banana.· The next day I got a crate of bananas sent to m e. Next wee k I'm going to tell som eone he doesn't know football from a Mercedes." Sikma's jumper wins it for Seattle Center J ack Slkma's baseline m jumper with 30 seconds left broke a tie game and helped lift Seattle past Golden State, 104-100, to highlight NBA action Monday night. The victory was Seattle's ninth straight at home, one s hy of the club record set in 1979-80. Sikma and teammate Gus WUllams s hared game scoring honors with 26 points each. World Free led the Warriors with 25 points ... Elsewhere, George Johnson led a fourth-quarter rally with 11 points to lead Indiana to a 103·95 win over New Jersey . . Boston forward Larry Bird, whose totals showed 59 pomts and 22 rebounds in two Celtic victories last week, was named the NBA P layer of the Week. Starr receives two-year .pact GREEN BAY, Wis Co11ch [i] Bart Storr. whose 0 reen Bay •• t Packers won 111x or their last elaht National Footbftll Lea1&ue iiames this seuon. wu!.i given a new two.year contract Monday, ending speculation that he m ight be fired Judl(e Robert J . Parlns. the P11ckers' chlt'f executive olflcer, uid the club's seven-member executive committee unanJmously decided on the new pact at'ter carefully weighing both failures and the rece nt successes of Starr's reglmf'. The Packers flnished the 1981 season 8·8 as the result or the second-half turnaround afte r a 2·6 start 'They missed the NFL playotrs by a game when they lost 28·3 to the New York J ets in the regular-season finale Dec. 20. Starr's record in seven years as couch is 39·65·2. l Propp propels Flyers past Calgary Left wing Brian Propp scored ~ three goals while Ken Unesman and ' Behn Wiison each added a pair to powe r Philade lphia to a 7·4 victory over Calgary to hi~hlight NHL action Monday night . . In the only other game played, Minnesota overcame a two-goal deficit on third-period goals by Brad Maxwell and Al MacAdam lo tie visiting Colorado, 4·4 ... Wayne Gretzky, the center for Edmonton who appears ready lo make a shambles or the NHL scoring records, was na med the NHL Player of the Week. It was the second week in a row and the fourth time that Gretzky has won the award. ln the Oilers' last two games he has scored five goals and had four assists. Blue Jays get Powell from Twins The Toronto Blue Jays acquired • outfielder llosken Powell from the M 1nnt•sota Tw i n s Mo n da y cind shipped minor lea gue pitcher Paul Mirabella to the Chicago Cubs . To get Powell , the Blue Jays agreed to give the Twins a player to be named later . In the Mirabella trade, the Blue Jays will receive a player to be named later A touch or Lhc flu has slowed-aown Heisman Trophy winner Marcus Allen during USC's first few practit•t• sessions for the Fiesta llowl. Television. radio TV: Basket ball St John's U.S. Villanova in the ECAC Holiday fest ival, taped at Madison Sc1ua n • Gardt•n in New York. II pm . Channel 9. M:.iryland v!> CCI.A. taped at l..os Angele!>, 11 30 p m . Channel 2. RADIO: UC Irvine vs. East Te nnessee Stale at Milwaukee Classic, S p.m , KWVE (108 FM>. Maryland at UCLA, 8:30 p.m., KMPC '710). Cal State c F'ullerton 1 vs North Carolin<i St an the R ainbm' Cla,s1t', 4 30 p m .. KWH'M t 15801 Utah at LakL•r .... 7 20pm.Kl.AC15701 HB, Vikings, Mesa win Chargers, Eagles suffer one-point losses in girls basketball There's a definite Sunset League fl avor to the semifinals of the Marina High girls basketball tournament as Huntington Beach and hos t Marina both notched victories Monday night. Only Edison railed to make it a complete s weep as the Chargers lost a narrow decision to Foothill. Costa Mesa. meanwhile. advanced to the s econd round o r the Estancia tournament, although the host Eagles s uffered a tough overtime loss to Pius X. Here's what lrappened. Huntl~on Beech 42, lrvlne 35 Seruor Tammy Buckels scored 16 points and teammate Betty Mendoza added eight points and 13 rebounds as t he Oilers used a second quarter spurt to down the Va queros After a s low s tart which saw both teams score only seven first-quarter points. the Oilers outscored their opponent, 18-8, during the next e ight-minute stanza to grab the lead for good. .. Both teams played rather poorly an the first half," admitted Huntington Beach Coach Joanne Kellogg. "We played better in the second. "We couldn't get much going after that although we won." Irvine was led by Kim Oden's 16 points. Huntington Beach will meet Foothill in one of the semifinal games (6 p.m. l at Marina High. ' Merine 51 , Ocean Vie· J8 The host Vikings ". participate in the other semifinal contes t against Fountain Valley <7:45 p.m .) thanks to s ome fine play from senior center Yvette Howard and a tenacious defense which a llowed the Seahawks only one point in the second quarter. H oward scored a game-high 18 points and grabbed 10 rebounds as the Vikings turned a six-point first quarter deficit into a seven-point halftime advantage. Teammate Sandy Corbett, a junior guard. added 14 points, while Arlene Anderson had only t wo points. but contributed 11 rebounds. Foothill 44. Edison 43 The Chargers. 7-3, let a lS·point first quarter lead slip away as the Knights avenged a 17-point dereat handed to them by Edjson last week. "We started out strong, but we kinda relaxed a little and they came out strong in the second half," summed up losing Coach Dave White. "Foothlll outplayed us in the second half. They deserved it." Edison, whic h still led by 13 at the ball. was outscored 28·14 during the final two quarters of play. Foothill, 7·2. was led by Ann Dean's 21 points. Pruitt to leave UCLA l"OS ANGELES (AP) -UCLA Coach Larry Farmer announced Mondoy tbat junior forward Cliff Pruitt had left the Bruins' basketball team "for personal reasons." tn making the announcement, Farmer said Pruht'• leaving "was not as 1 result of any personality confiict, but rather tbe forward's bellef that hll career would be enhanced by a transfer to anoLbu school.·• Pna1U. a 8-1, t8C).poundt r, started tbe final 11 11me1 ol the 1980-31 season. White playln1 ln 27 camn a year ago. be averaaed 8.9 polnu and 4.2 re,bounda. Tbe year before, 11 a freshman, Pruitt averqed 1.2 point. and 3.0 rebounds while playinc lD 31 came1 fOT lbe Bruins. . Pruitt wu lneUclble for the lint four 11mes of U..e year and didn't pl11 ln UCtA's mo.t recent ouUD1. aa 81-1e victory over Louisiana State al th~ Ne,r Orleal Supe.rdome lut Wednesctay DilJlt. The Chargers got 20 points from senior Tina Oen II eyer Costa Mesa 48, Rowland 42 The Mustangs hammered Rowland on the boards to post their fourth win in rive outings Senior Nor a Seager had 13 points and 20 rebounds , Angie ·Garc ia, Shelly Neal ar.d Nance Lux all ha uled in 10 rebounds each Over a ll. Costa Mesa out-r e bounded its opponent. 66·28. Plus X SS, Estancia 53 T he Eagles couldn't hang on to a nine-point fou rth quarter le ad as Yvette Perrodin scored 10 of her game-high 19 poi nts to tie the game at 49-all in regula tion The Eagles, 4·2. had a chance to win the game with nine seconds remaining but couldn't get a s hot off. In overt ime. P ius X Jumped out to a quick four-point lead before Estancia closed the gap in the final seconds . Again, the Eagles had a chance to score in the waning moments as Pius X missed the front end of a one-plus-one with six seconds to play. but they couldn't gel a good shot at the ba s ket. Debbie Hughes led the Eagles with 18 points. while teammate Amy Hathcoc~ added 16 Basketball scores co::Pe C•I ... U of San 01~ to Monte,.. ... UC S4111•• BerlMlr•" UC RIYl'•\lllt 11, Havw•rd SI SJ C•I POiy SLO 10. C•' Bec>ll•I W To to• S'I H•wall·P4Klllc tt Cel St. PfOrtll<'ldGt '3. Sonome SI ~ 8YU·HftWftll 10. Ptclllc H lll•d11" ld•IW> St 7•. L-Bff<ll SI /1 Nev.ode (Reno I 1CIO, Hvmlloldl St. ~ S.ffl G•or91e ». <>-vt• h ell O Ft• Sou\-n'll, Slene IS T•nn C ll•t••11009• ••. l llftn -M•r11n '2 -Oe Pevt 1'. llllnols SI SI C 111< lnnau u . Color-16 Detroit U, Ovq.--61 TOUltNAMIENTS •-r1reca. .. 1c M llt ovr l •S. use SI (clMlmplon~I At•.·81rmlnQllem TJ, Mlclllven 11 C<Of\totetlont ....... c .... 1c Wlclllle St 7>. Cel SI Fulter1on 70 H C••OllNSt •7,Mlclll98"SI '6 .. ,M.....,Cleuk M llON ... Mantene St 5' Min-• 7', Army J7 MW< City,...,....._. VellOtlrlliH TS, AUtllft PHY SS Al•MI• AllCllOf'egil 63, Drexel H ·~City Ca..lc 11111\ok ,., &owltnv GrMft SI T9lo00'9, v ..... ............ cliHlk AletMme M, o.te•e,. •1 MelM '°· ..... H-slllro .. ....,._ HOVJton f'. Pw1lue • LSU 70, W•• Forttt .. ICAC ........ "••vel SI. J efwl•t a , IC-t IJ Vfflel\OY•U.lllCll-S' "......,a-le h • •• ""M 71. MIMl'll U N•••d•·l.e t Vet•• tJ, \.OYolA M.try-t l l C.... Car Ci.etlC HOtlll CerollneJ6, "'9ftll SI. to $411\te C1¥11 11, TCU U .......,a-k Nter.U t.i. Air lt~e 41 N 1 .. e It, CetMll 7'0 .......... $ounl Al....,.. ti, Orll!lelllftt .. Am9'~ U. 10, N.C:.•Wllmlfle .... " , .... a... Cl 1 p ..... ..... 11.C>NeMl..i.ft ~ ... ....._ .. c ,,,., -- u .. 111 11, ,_It ., T.-...", WIK-llt•t Clik91••11•••• Al<ltll•,..,....t 'I. °"'9fl Tedi lol9'rw 0.... CCMIU U, WNtt• .. Point L"""' tS. C•I Lvlhuan 7 • Cllko SL II, LA 8.ot••t t i Community college TOUlllNAMIENTS "'"'"-S-UAN S•nt• Manlt• 13, Seddleb•O &6 Olxl• (Ule/1113, S41nt• AM 7' ,_ L°"9 -llM, G-lt ~1 P•woenel1,CuH141 7' S...0 .... IMMI Mou (A•lt 110. lrnc-•111 Vl lloy •' Rlo HondD S'l,SD~w•t GroumoM II. S<ottldel• •I 8 •11•otleld ••. Soutn..,.~om •~ 0evf1He11NY Glonoate. Arlt T• Tr-hell " CorrltM "· c-PoncH•'°" 1J 11 oO Rlver•IOe ll, VentUte •~ 0Htr1 7•, c;.,111oo, CenMI• SI High school T0UltNAMI NT$ CIWl ............ 0.n.rllMh Cotta MHe SJ,_..,, IO M•t•• ~ .0. F-111 4J Or •noe i•. S.Nlt• Sol L•U-tl, N•WP0'1 HarbO• H c....-o-,.tt1M11 Fovn1411nVellov ... Ha•~ .... , Est-" SI, Cllalfrt St La Ollln141 S1. II -'° Santa Cl.,•~. o-Hiiis '1 VIMI ,.,. ~'--Notre o..n. I~ 04111•1 to L•vun• l..NC 11 IO S.111• ,.,_.SI. Compton U (Off Le H-• "J, 91Slleel ~'-'Y .. $1 Jolwl loKO 70, VIII• Peril. c-.,.. 1tam111...-u"'""°"'" ,., ... .._, ... Le\ A""-IO, GeftVOfl 41 ltlord811 tSefl l'r-IKOI ... 80IY G•eftCl!eM (ypt .. , ,., '"'lne., C--Clt'f ,.,.. .... lfl-74, C."M'I Cl\Y 4' Women ....... ICMOCM. T..,...11•outt ,........ .... Cll l ,., ... _.,..,. ...... Met lM t1, OW.. Vlnr • ,....,......,,._., ,_'"' v•i.r .._ ..,,_,...,.,. "llfl'""""' 9Mcll42, lt•"'9 aJ Cr1•w ..... , ....... I.Ml'•"· c.,,._ .ca le•-A, WKlll\lfltllf 1t .,,_.,,_.u ~Del s:a. 0... .,1111 .. ....... "'"' .... , .... ...,. .... .,.._«I ,. ...... .._.tac•• • Near-shocking outcome Wichita St . barely survives Cal St . Fullerton scare •'rom AP dlspatc:heit HONOLULU Tony Martin converted rour The Ben,aals made 62 percenl ot tht.l.r field aoal utlempt.s compared to only l'7 for UM 4ten. rrce throws ln the Clnal 24 seconds to prHerve No. 2 ranked Wichita Slate's lead as the Shockera de fealtl<i Cal State Fullerton, 70·67, in an openlna round game or the 18th annual Rainbow Classic Monduy night. North CuoHne se, Penn St. 50 SANTA CLARA -Center Sam Perklna bit two free throws In the last 11ix secondl lo five the top-ranked North Carolina Tar Heeb a bard ro~1hl 56·50 overtime victory over PeM Slate In Ult Cable Car Classic. The ll~htly regarded but touah Titans 1ave the undef eat ed S hocke r s a scare be fore being subdued The undefe ated Tar Heela, led by hl&h·scorer Perkins with 23 points and six rebounds, held off 1 strong defe ns ive e ffort by Penn State and outscored the Lions 8·2 in overt.lme. With Tony Ma rtin, Aubrey Sherrod and Antoine Carr each scoring six points, the Shockers fo rged a 32·26 halftime le11d and increased It to 14 points after five minutes or the second half. Penn State, bringing North Carolina as near to defeat as the Tar Hefti!, have been lhJe seuoo, was led by Mike Edelman with 10 points. Ctnter Mike Lane had four points and nine rebounds. But the Titans failed to fold and behind the ::.coring erforts or Ricky Mixon, who had 20 points, anti Leon Wood a nd Tony Neal who had 18 points each. Fullerton pulled lo within two points on a Mixon Jumper with I :52 remaining The Lions' Cr<1 i1it Hurrie scored a 12·foot baseline jumper with seven seconds remainln1 In regulation time to knot the score at 48. Mluourl 65, USC 58 LOS ANGELES Center Steve Stipanovicb Montana 64, UC Santa Barbera 61 scored IS pomts and grabbed eight rebounds, ll•ciding a ba l<i nced Missouri attack as the seventh r anke d Tige rs downed host Southern California 65·58 in the championship game of the Winston Tire lloliday Tournament. SANTA BARBARA -Forward Derrick Pope scored 26 points and grabbed nine rebounds, le ading Montana to a 6"·61 non-conference victory over UC Santa Barbara. Pope, a 6·7 junior. made 11 of his 13 field 1oal ' atte mpts as the GriziHes raised their record to 6-5. Guard J on Sundvold , who was selected as the tournament's m ost valuable player, added 14 points and had six rebounds for the Tigers, who raised their record to 8·0. Guard Doug Selvig added 12 points for Montana , making six or his seven field goal atte mpts The Grizzlies made a season-high 66.0 pe rcent of their rtoor shots . Forward Ricky Fra zier. who was ejected from the game with fi ve seconds remaining in the first half for throwan~ a punch at one of the Trojans, added 12 points for Missouri. f Center Richard Anderson paced UCSB, which fell to 3·7, with 19 points and seven rebounds. Forward Wayne Davis and guard Michael Russell added 17 and 14 points. respectively , for the Gauchos. Fresno St. 48, New Mexico St. 41 FRESNO Fresno State hit seven of 11 free throws in the final 1 42 Monday to defeat New Mexico State, 48-41, in a non-conference game. VIiianova 63, Indiana 59 NEW YORK Aaron Howard hH a jumper to Bobby Da vis had 15 points, 13 of them in the second half. and Rod Higgins added 11 points and seven rebounds for Fresno J aime Pena's 13 points were high for the Aggies. snap a 59·59 tie, and .Ste wart Granger polished off V1llanova's stunning upset with a slam dunk as the Wild cats defeated 11th-ranked Indiana. 63·59, in the firs t round of the E CAC Holiday Festival. The game wa.s tied seven times and the lead changC'!I hand:. l'l~ht times but the Bulldogs' tight-fisted defense allowed the Aggies only two points in lhe fi na l three minutes as the free throws gave Fresno a winning m a rgin. Villanova, 19th·ranked nationally, will meet St. J ohn's tonight for the tournament title. St. J ohn's edged Ka ns as 76-75 in the opening game. Afte r Howard's j ump shot broke the tie, Villa nova chewed up m ore than l lh minutes with a delayed, four-corne r s pread offense. But the Wildcats nearly let it s lip away with poor foul shooting Idaho St. 79, Long Beach St. 72 POCATELLO, ldaho -Senior guard Robert Tate hit his first nine shots of the game en route to a 29 point performance as he led Idaho State to a 79 72 non-conference victory over Long Beach State. Tht· "111 wai. ISL:':. eighth an 10 games, giving tht.• OC'n~<ils of the Big Sky conference their best start since 1974. whe n they were 7·2 in their first nt nc outings. .John Pinone. Gary McLain and Granger each missed the first shot of one-and-0ne rree throws down the ~tretch. and Indiana had a final chance to tie with 15 seconds left. Lon2 Beach State of the PCAA dropped to 2·6. An aµpare nt game-tying basket by Steve Bouchie was n ullified, however, when ofricials ruled that Indiana guard Randy Wittman had stl'!pped on the e nd line before passing to Bouchie. WINNERS Har r ~ L t'1gh 1abon·•. 111 Ed1:-.on High s h n ' s l l' a m J rHI .J o a 1111 t • Kl'ilnf.!).! ot till' lluntinglon lk ~· C' h g 1 r I:-. :-. q 11 .1 cl . '' t· n · 1>01 h w1 nrwr~ '.\loncl a~ Chargers win, but LB, Gauchos lose Edison High didn't need any ru c k w h e n t h e C h a r g e r bas k etball team crossed the border into Nevada Monday, but Saddleback College could use a little luck thes e days. The Chargers routed host Carson City 74-48 Monday night in the first round or the Carson City Classic and will now tangle with Reed High tonight at 8·30. Meanwhile, on the community college front, Saddlebac k. hurt by the absence of two key starters, was routed by Santa Monica CC 83·66 in first -round action of the Santa Ana Holiday Tournament. In another high school game, La~una Beach was stopped by Notre Dame or Sherman 03.ks 70·60 in the first round or the Villa Park Tournament. At C ar son C ity , Ri c k DiBernardo scored 21 points and added nine rebounds, and Mark Goudge c hipped in with 20 points as the Chargers had little difficult with an outclassed Carson City squad. Tim Smith scored just three points for the Chargers, but be dished off 10 assis ts, while Chris Millard cam~ off the bench to score 14 points The Chargers Jumped out to a 44 · 16 halftime advantage and it was clear sailing the rest of the way In a no the r hi g h s chool tourna m e nt game, Laguna Bea c h High s aw its overall record drop to 6·5 after t he Artists were handed a setback by Notre Dame. Ne il Riddell pumped home 35 points for the Artists. but the rest of his te ammates could muster j us t 15 points. 10 coming from 6·2 forward Rudy Dvorak. The Artists were down by just three points early in the fourth q uarte r , but the Knights connected on 10 of 14 free t hrows in that period to put lhe game out of reach College football JOHNSON & SON Presents ... COLLEGE BOWL ROUNDUP Independence Bowl IOK. lht Mlnve,.rt, u I Garden State Bowl IDK U •l IEHI 111-w•. Iii J I Holldey Bowl ( o.c 11 .. s.i 0'-1 8 YU • WetNl>Qlon !>I lt California Bowl I OM. 1' .. ,,_, Toled011, S.n Jo.. SC lS Tangerine Bowl COM. tf•OoteMe. "IA.I M is-I tt , So<ll-n MIU IMIPOi II Bl11 ... 0tey Game (Of(, tUI MMltee-r)', Ale.I 81v•21,Garyt Sun Bowl tOec. It ft II "••I 0 11 l•llOIN .0, Hou~ton IA Gator Bowl fOK .• ,.JK-•lli.I Hortll (MOllM ll Ar~an"' 17 Uberty Bowl 1o.c ................. , Ohio State t•l·OI vs. Nevy (7·J II. ,...,,.. .. '' .. j ...... tt.11 of ,.,,,. Bowl (0.C. J1 .............. 111, Me.I Mh slnl"I Sl•I• '1·•., ... 1t ...... t•Ml,o-ttet lla.m Peach Bowl (OM JI .. AtlMt.I Wot Vlr91nt• ••Ml ., FIOrtO.I 17 ~I. CIWlnntl t .i ._,, Btu.bonnet Bowl (OK.Jt•H-•1 UCL .. 11 >II Yl Ml<lllQ•n II ) 01 Cll•nn•t • '' Sp m Cotton Bowl IJM.t•Oellttl Alebeme ( .. I II ¥1. Teut (t.t ti, CIWI,,,... Z•I ti •.m. ~eta Bowl (JM.' .. "-"4•1 use tf.2.01,,, "-M s1.1e 1 .. 1.01, c1w1,,,..1 ••I 1o·aoe.m RoM80wl (_, .. ,.....,.., 10.,a ll·l •Ol ••· ~eSllll\Olon I' t.01, ,,,.,,,..,, .. t P m. Oran• 8owt 1.-. t .. Ml-i, Pie.I H•brHlle 1 .. 1.0) "'· Ci.mtOft lllM>, CMMet4et Sp m Sugarlowt (JM,, ...... ~, Georola '"'"°' "' l'ltttlKI..., 110-1-01. c,,.,,...,, .. Spm. EHt·WHI Shrine Oeme (,,_t .... ll .. All&I (Ht Alt·•'-",,_ ~I All•\!..-&, CM ..... 1•1- Hula lowt ,,,.,, .. __., £Ht All-41en ,,_ W.it All·tl-a.-, ........ . Pete the "Greek'~ NFL's Pic.k8 Of The Week SATUIDAY Mall aa .. C •f .. ettee w.. .... ,~.., ~c fww• ...... .... =•v .,.. ..... ..... M.Y ....... '•n4i=• C1 hrw• CIK ...... .... ..... New Parts J)epartment Hour Now Open 8:00 am • 1:00 pm Saturdays JOHNSON&SON L 1 ~ L N 2626 Harbor BouJ~~a.rd. M E R C U oat.a Meaa (714) 54().;6630 R y - r.---------------------------- NBA WUTERN COH .. EllENCE l'aclfl( DM,i.., LMlfft S.allla Golci.n Sl•I• Porll•M p.....,,,,~ S.l\DI- W L '°<l. u ' ,., 01 ,, • "'' J•, 1• II SU Sir, 16 ll S9l S' I • IS 16 11 Sii 6 20 '31 Mle,....1 01•1> .... S.l\Anlonlo O.nv•r Ho11n011 K•nsatClly Ulal\ o.11u 11 ' •S.0 u ,. ... • .. ,, 16 •2~ • tO II JIO I •• tO 11 )10 , .... 6 u ,,. 11 £ASTERN CONl'ftENCE AU..,llC: Dl•ltlofl Bos Ion PllllaMlphia New York WHl\11\Qlon New Jeney )t ,,. 10 6 169 ,, .. ,, ... , ,,,., IJ 11 .... 11 tS O J 10 11 lSI c ... tral Dl•ltlon Mllwauloee IMl•na Del roll Atlanta Cllluoo Clevel•lld 1q • 16 I] IS tS 11 11 tJ 11 " • _.,.,k_ lll<ll•na 103, N•w JerH• •s S.atu• Hl4, Golden Stale 100 Tenl9"''' GA<ftft Ulall •1 l.Mltn MllweukM otl lna>•"a Detroit •t Wa>hlnoton ~" Dle90•1 ~n Antoni() N•w York •1 Cn1c- Kensa~C11y al Dalla• All•nla al Hov\lon 8oslol\ •I ~•tr Pllll•dell>'lf• at Got~n Sl<11e 704 SSl • ._... &'fa 0 ) 11, •14 I )'U I]'> COLLEGE Arizona St. 88, UCI 73 UC lllVINI Tllornton 4, Wulf 14 M•OH 14. M<Donaio 10. W111e1oon " 8arltey2,JOIW>son6. Fulle'1 IOI•" )JI 11 I]. ARIZONA STATE Slone 21. Everttt n l.ever 71, Wiiiiams 12 HOlltO.ty l De1nu O Total• »• .. n• Halltlme· Ari10N S1a1t, '1 31 Totel fouls UC 1rv1,,. 10 Arllona Slale 14; l'ouleO out M•~•• IUC tr••nel Tecllnlca ls. M•Off IUC lrvlftt) SION' I Ar Iron• Sletel AP top 20 Tnt ToP r....,.,. 1Hm\ on Th~ A•W>C••llHI Pr .. , ColltOt b<>•'tlball poll w1111 flrst-OI~~ VOff'\ In P•rtnU'lif'~~ W41\0tt \ recoro ancl tolal "'""'' 1 NorlllCMol1nal50J 2 Wlc1llU1 SI 111 l lllrgl11141 4 KMluCky s Ar,anW$' 1) 6. S•n F ranets<O 1 M 1uourt I De PM11 '· '"""-. 10 lo• .. 11 lnOIMW 12. Al•b.tma U Tul .. 1•. LOV1'vlll• IS. Ort90nSI 16 UCLA 11 Georgetown DC II Houjlon 19. V1l1anov• 20 Norlll Carolina SI 6-0 I.OH 10 ... 1 0 •SI 6 1 °' 1-0 I .. 100 ns I 0 ... 1 t ~ S t S50 6 1 UI o 1 SOI '0 4'J I I .. , '' m 6 t )l.J s 1 361 8, ,.. 11 IU I t 101 I 0 SI COMMUNITY COLLEGE Santa Monica 83, Saddleback 66 SANTA MC*ICA Can I , Gerrwn 6, HOOOff 11, J.c,_, 4. Wa.-. 20, WM•tle l. RICll IS, w-. Totals. JO 2H6 ll SADDLEBACK Ground 1 OutQ~• • Hiii 20, Reio 14, FU!IC ....... w 1snl'!W$01 •• 11..0 S, Doyle• Total• 76 1-.216t Halltlme: Sant• Moniu, '.ll·lO To••I t~\. S,.nla MOl\t(d tff S~le-Ga<• I', Fouled 0111 GrounO IS•OOl•bacltl, Gerren tS.111a Monica>. Jachon 1Sanl• Monie •I; Tecllnl<•I• SadOlt.,.ck bencll From Page C1 HIGH SCHOOL Uni St, Valene!• 44 UNIVlallTY Ratclltf• 2. M•Y•r> 10, C~ I, llouw 1' )lolr9f1 4, Own U Ttlla1' hi US' VAl.INCIA J•n .... 1. Cllambert • Xa•l•r It, H...,y •, l(ri...r J, l\ti.ill•• J'. ~rby 4 TOlal• 1'6 1H4 w ... .,.o.. ..... UnlYtr>ll'I' 1J 14 I• ,._,. Valtn<I• 6 6 I• ,._.. tolal l'ou1' Uniw•r\lly I•. Valen( la 10 CypreH 511, lrvlne 37 IMVINI Ake" 10, JOl\I\\ 6, NNI J. u,,.,, •. CM••r •. eui.r •. &•0•0•1(11 t T ol•I• 11 1 It l1 CYl'lllU AIYl11ar !, S<ll11t~r 4, Smltllw• •. Field> •. ,...,,"° t R-r• •• G•lloway 1, Tllbbo 4, Mofr•I >. 5,....,_, ~. Hartnon2 lotal> UU}Jj9 S<-bY0...m l"t lrvlnt • • • 11 ,, C YPrtU 11 14 14 lt-M To1a1 "°"'' 1rv1ne to, C'l'Prt'-> 11, l'oui.ct 0..1 Aker~ C lrvl11t1 Notre Dame 60, lag. Beach 50 NOTal DAMI -Erick_, 1, J•Oton 10, Morrow t, Suppa It, T •m1>er9 12, Ol•on 1, Gorham t, Ill•-10 l(ordek 4, TroulOlte s To1•" n ,._,,"° LAGUNA IEACH RklOell JS, 5'IOt1 J, Dvorak 10, Wlklrue> o. Fortune 1. Hot>lfl 0, McGralllO, MAN>O TOlals. 111 11 SO Seen by °"9""" Noire oa.... I] IS 11 11....0 Lavun• 8HCll " lj 11 ll-so T 01•1 lovl• Noire Da"'4t II, Lavuna tit.ell II. t Kllnlcal IOVI S"°'1 c L•euna 8•acn1 Edison 74, Ceraon City 48 E DISOH Slepnen, 10. Gou09e t 1, Smlllt 3, Luvey S. Dl811naroo >t, Milla rd 14, BlnHlllO, Fabl•nO Tot•I• lll IS 14 CARSOtl CITY Oooleo 2. S.va1111 Grat o 8utlt'r • JO'"''°'' l p,,.,1.-v n Berfte, 10, Dlelllell t tOl•I•,, .... Sc-by °"""•"' EO•>on 7J 11 1' U 14 c .,,on City 10 • 1l 1'--41 Tot•• foul• Ealson ll, '"""' City IS Foutt>tJ oul 0dtnf''\ t(tH\On cuv• Trchn11 Jt •uuh Fdb1ftn tCar~on (1tyt Costa Mesa 52, Marina SO MAllllNA Filipek 10 Berry ti ~Ill\ 1• l(lu•SINM\ 4. Cl•Om1' It Tolal\ lO t0-11 )0 CO STA MES A Baro•••• "· P•lt< nows~llO P•lmblacM II. Str•v•r •. Rt>Mbar~r . G Flt•a o. J FltlO 0 Total• 111 I H $cort llY O....rta" M•r1n• 1l 14 ti 12 SO C0'1• Mew .. IS 12 11-S1 I 0111 fOVI\ Marti\• •. C<KI• M•sa " Sanla Clara 63, Dana Hills 47 SANTA CL.\RA Tnoma • 27. Cv1j4nov1<1t 0 800 1'. rorrn S, Maqellann • OrJP\u!t • ~"'• • P•rlli\ • H•r1 l. LautMc rwr o lot••• 2• 1\.11 •l DANA Hll.LS AtntroP I S14PlttOll I . Rr.orer l Sw•rht>auQh tO, P1vtov1cri •, Sct\wtnc" 11 ~.,,., t Ve;rbe<9'. 1 Tot•I' t• 9 11 ., kort by OW rte" Santi <:11r1 tO 11 It 1' 63 D•llA H 11" ~ 9 9 1l ... 1 Tol•r tout\ ~nta C••r• U O•n• Hiit\ 1' Ft. Valley 68, Hawthorne 62 "AWTHO•NE Ccxw 6, H•ne• 10. El>O\ ll. Bu9\by S Brao•oro 7 H•rr•~ 11. Paoan • TOl61\ 1610146' FOUNTAIN VALLEY Ko.iy '· li•rter ,. J•<ob\ • V111•n~"'" 10 Huohe\ 1•. Wh•l•n•1r 8 8rown 7. Kubo ) Tot•I\ 18 IJ 16 61 Sore llf OU.Ort•" Hawtnorno 14 11 tJ 11 -67 Fovnt•tn v.11~.,. ti 11 I• 11 .e 1 ol•' tou•t. t-i•wthorne l•, Fount•tn v.11,., ,.. Fou .... cJ Out Coo• l H•wlhof'MJ, '"4uqru1·~ t Fount•1n V•llP'¥J Estancia 57, Chaffey 51 C"Al'll'EY l'orl It Htlbert t1 .AO.mo 14 l ~mllh 4, S.nOQul" •, Co• • C•rlc n 1 Tol•I• 1l S'6 SI ESTANCIA l(ral\• o, G.,Ontr 11. MOOOlt 10 MIOl•lld I . Tiit 14. M<C.11111 7 Tolal\ ,. 15-11 SI $<.,. by °"""•" (nallt y 16 16 10 t SI Eilene•• 11 I• I ,. 57 Tol•I lovl• CNll•Y It E\~ncl• 9 Lakewood 67. Newport 57 fllEWPOllT HAll8011 Ball 75. S.•Qtr l Llnu •· P•llet1er t. folk o S.tby • Br•ncll I Tol•I> H 1110SI LA I( E WOOD Murpny 1J Po" J Corbitt ti B.,,., I), Ntel>en u . w 1111am_, ~ O'Or1rn l Tolal• 7~ ti 7H I $cert"' Ouar1•" N~"P0'1 Harbor 14 t 11 11 H I a'•wood 10 10 10 II •1 Tolel loul• Newl>Or1 Harbor t~. Lehwooo 11 MUSTANGS TOP VIKINGS e Meler Oel eo, Foothlll 45 llOOT"ll.l. ll•ll•rO I, 011ltha< •. CiOf• J, L.u \, ~IYW••lt l , ,.....,.,., J4 lol•I• IS uno M ATI• D&I Coe-1 h fOtll H JeOMn I, 0..-.-rt U. J .... r I , l'tr•lll• I I ltkMf O, Sou .. t, Ma9>1llana\ t No ... 111 0, M..,11"-' 0 Total' H 111060 k-bYO.""" feot"111 11 10 11 U A) Atleltr D•I 14 .. t) I>-60 To1tl IOU1• 'OOlllOI .. M•ltt 0.1 JO HIGH SCHOOL WOMEN Huntington Beach 42, Irvine 35 t•VINI Sl•Hll\All S MO<\ .. 4, 00.n 16, Pr11el1 J, Tf.,,,mell 4. !Sower I. , ''"" O. RolllniOfl 0 Tot•1' 14 HI,, HUNTINOTOH l l ACH Ca tt 6 C-• 4, M•ndOt• e. lluO.tl• 16, Cllnll.el\bearO •· Coroo .. o Town"""' o Total\ ,. , '' 41 le-.. , °"•"•" lrvll\e I 9 t U U H11nt11\@lon Bta<ll I 11 • 11 41 Tolal '°"'' lrYCM It HUl\t111111on 8ta(ll " Cott• MeH 48. Rowland 42 ROWLAND O•rl•l'I' It, Gon1,lt> U, Chaney•. 5<0110 1, Brook• •, IC ••PP o, P1yne 1, Stnlll\ 0 Tolal• 116 11 •1 COSTA MCM L.,• I, L•m•• I, NHI 0 s.av•• IJ, G•r<la ), Arm•ncJ•rlr •• M(Al-o. lll•l1t~r9111 10 Tol•I• 11 6 1S 41. S<..-...., 0..•r1•n Rowla""' 11 10 tO 10 41 C~la MeMI 14 10 14 10 -411 Tot'1 foul\ Rowlaoo 11, Co>I• Mew 1) icoo~~~d~~I Sc 0110 t RowlanOI, Stao-r Plus X 55, Estancia 53 "IUS X l(u•lw 10 P•r1'.er 9 Ptrrootn 1'. Dully 6, Wtngen • Foo1nC1,..l•r ) 1 ot•I\ 11 lt-11 S> l.STANCIA lbu\111 4, Ca•penler S, V•lcMr O. ~IOll-I. ~CMllllan O. Scol•• O CllrlUman 1 H•lhcoo 1' t-tuone\ 11 lot al• n 9·1H3 $<-by°"'"""" Plu> X 4 I) 9 21 4 U E•t•nc•• 1• 11 10 11 • " lole l I0\11\ P1u> X t•. Etlancta H. Foule<I ou1 Hollano C E\l•ncl•l. Mac Miiiian IE>ttn<lal, Kuslle (Plu• XI Foothill 44, Edl1on 43 l'OOT"ll.l. B•IOdeau 9, Ow••, 0.Atl 11, Doanll• 2 J Owr t Tolal• " 10 H 44 EDISON M.ru&>lla •. TrtOI • Tana~ 9 0.nHeyer 20, Bitt,..r • UchuorK> J t ot111I\ 11 1 l •l ScwebyO....rltr> FOOllt•ll • 11 11 9 44 EdlM>n 19 10 10 • -4J Toltl lovl\ Foolhlll S, EOl\Gn ti Fovle<I ®t M. •UOI<• I Edl•onl Marina 51 , Ocean View 38 OCEAN VIEW Webb 11 C,1116. Stm•t..8, W"11~1.CllaW') lol•I\ 16• tS'.11 MA• INA Sm•llwoOO 1 Lontd 17 HO•••O 11. W bell 14 LO'l't • .A~rM>n 2 Arm"ron(IO Total> 1) SI SI Scare llV O...rton Ocun \/1tw 1~ 1 11 tO • M•ttn• 9 14 18 10 )t • fot•I foul\-Oce•n Vutw 10 M•tin• u GATOR BOWL N Carolina 31 , Arkansas 27 score by o ... ,,.,, Ar111:anw\ Nor lh Caro1tno15 ' J 0 11 2• J I I• I JI UNC FG 8 <1rw"' JI A t • HOUOW;ty .f) O•\'\ trom 11.•llO,IC•I UN( 8rv4lnt t run f Httyf'l\..,.•t "1 Ar~ FG L•MV 11 UNC tio11on' run •H•YP'\ •t<kl U N( e-1 .. 1n\ t run (H•Vtt\.,.c•q UNC. Hor1on f run f Hil'YI'\ • tt Id At i-. t.t•r-J run •l'"'" Ott\\ l•'flOJ I l•Om Ark ~\On W PA\\ ftom r-..,tor (Ldhd'f' ••OI Ar~ w••tv f Nn,.,n l ..ttohn• oun1 ... , H•Y~ aetiber••••v r~ CNt 01 ,.NJ tOf'W"t A 11,00'I ... ~ UNC f .rst Gown' ,. 1t Ru\ht'\·<;MO\ JR 89 '5 ltl P •\\tnc) Y.,.Q\, )01 SJ Atturn v..trch )6 • p .. , ... , 14 ~I ' 1'-0 s • .-. by I I> I ti Punh ~ )(> .... , FutnblH-to\1 , t J' PtnAlft•,,.Y•tO\ l •• 1-S\ T 1m"' ot P~~uton l• s. Hiit 1.W1Yi41owl Slatl\llC. R USHING Ar•"n\a\ (t•" 10 -40 TolOPrt S 21 Af'\Otrwr, 1 ti North (Mol1A.1t Bry•,.121141, HO<I"" 7/ , .. PA'>SING Ark .. M.lS lawlor U ~I J07 Norlll C•rOllNI. e i.in, 1 11-0 ~J R(CEIVING A••<tn\<O\ Ano-'"'" ~8~ Hollowway .. 111 NOtln (drolm111 8••4'nt) 14 q •< "'" dson > u • Newport s urge l o advance to tonig ht 's cha mpionship semifinal contest with Costa Mesa. Santa Clara 63, Dana Hiiis 47 Down 40·22 after two quarters, the Sailors managed to outscore the Lancers 17-10 in the t hird quarter behind junior fo rward Byron Ball's hot shooting. The Dolphins Just couldn't rind the basket in their consolation bracket contest with Santa Clara Ball fin ished the night with 25 points Dana llills was held to just six points in the firs t quarte r and could m uster only JS at halrlime. Santa Clara, meanwhile. received 22 points from g uard Don Thomas and 16 from 6-10 center Roger Bock as the Saints moved out to a 49·24 lead after three periods. The defeat dropped the Tars' record to 4·3 on the young season. College basketball Tonight's games .. ,, Meryl-•I UCL.A P•clll< •t waslllnot011 S.•111e Palll< •t SlallforO 5"111 1n01 ..... se at E. ICenhKl<Y Noire 0..... at IC".)luOy 1110.·Pur-al Nlcliolh SI Ml-.W•fl Wuhlf191ot> SI. 11 Otuo SI Sewl-14 Pr•trleVlewalW Ttu\SI AnOflO SI. al UTE P Eui SI. Pei er'> at Vermonl USIU •tUtk• TOURNAMENTS ,,,,,...,_, ~C .. Hk M••"'•" vs. New Me•lco Pel\11 "' F-orlll\am ••-tff C .. JJI< flll"f .. •"' Uletl Georeetowll ••· Columbl• IE-wlll• Hel ... J Clan le £. 1 lllnol• ¥\ Murray SI Eval\tvlllev,, T-MM Tech o. .. , ..... r ... , t9(fl"' J ak-.vlllt 8o•IOtl Coll-"'· Vlr9lnla Tt<ri Rk hmoftd Ttme•-Dh••-" Tewrney Jam,.s M4td1\0n "' Va Commonw@11l,, Vircun1.t IJ\ R•ctwl'lond C-llClll Mut ... 1 Ci.ul< South F'IOl'•oa ¥\ La ~ttt- (onnttt. tu.ut v\ St Bon~ven•ure Albr14!111 l11wllall.,..I l •ll•cin •\ 0.rlmo<Jln M10dlPl>Ur"'r •• AlbrlQlll 1nclu•1•1•1 Nellon•I CIU tl< Ma\~acnuc.c-lh Y\ NOfO'lwe\tetn Provtdfnc.• vs N•vy DaytOft lnvllall..,.1 N C Chdrlolle v> Flodd<I SI t•o,\t•d v\ Davton Pac""-'., Clauk '"corr• SI Y\ N In•> St SE LOUl\1Ana v\ NE L®lll•n• ~OA C .. u l< S•n J~t SI •• <ion••CIA SI Fren<I\ N V •• E MonMNI CHrilleClaul< Ftor•OA v\ T•mol• 801or •• SM D1~ SI lr9'1 OUllt Ciani< Ouk••\ 0.-vlO.On A11t>Vm "' Wiiiiam " Marv OtlotrT.-""'""' f"ln•I• of P1ll\Dury M11\I( City, 81.0.·Gtau CllY, Bhl Holl~•. Mllw•u'"· 5110., Bowl, ECAC HOlkMty liOl><Mv. c.blt Ctr. All C..11-, F-a r Wn t N Iowa liOllaay, Senior 80wl, Semlltnal• ol l\•l,,bOw OUTSTANDINC VALUES! /CHECK THESE OUT! 5645 FACTORY RBA Tl OMAUYW DIESEL PICKUPS (t•t t Of«. YI U.4.MPU: 1911 YW DIES& PICKUP J..X. I Jruity ~-" '""" ..... .., preQ 5 ~,,..,,.,,_., (31$31(<Jrf1 lOI l .. """" --Our 0.tcOu'll -11811 . .._.. -114$. Sal• f'rlOO ~ -5525 FACTOllY IHATI OMAUYW DllS& CARS (1181 t <W..Yl IXAMf'U: ltll YW Dllsa IAlllT L ,.,.. ...--. ..... -.... 4 ..,._,_, .,, ~~.:~=~ Orange Coast DAILY PILOTfruosday, December 29, 1981 cs Lo• Alamlto1 MONDAY'' •U ULU 1'1tl .. ,......... ·---t"'I , 1 RIT a AC•. 3SO yatd> RtQ\lt\h Jet Cf'lorHI • IO , "° , 60 Porten! IW••Ol J.. 160 l<lletma ILA<kt~I J 40 AIW rat.cl. llurnaooc t.o rroub•• M•n, f urn To Go. 111u1no Rewaro. L1dy Reca""1 A Win Sunny Ooo. Too MOfwQan llm• 1e n U EJIACTA IS•I o.tlO 0 1 00 SECOND RACE 400 •••d• Hemp 8 .. 18.,01 11.IO 11 00 6 00 Hook.a 0Ho I 81evln•I 4 10 ) 60 11 .. 1 Cl•Uy ( ROUCjfll > 60 Also rac:eo Golorttl>. E .. y Cllrhll..,, COOyl P°'9, Tiie 8UQ1"r, I( IPl'I' \/Ille, Butnlr19 Sun\Mne, lrt.,.14H:IV\lf\•n '""" 10 .. THl•D llACli. -YftO\ OuH••• I 81001<\I • 10 J oo 1 40 lfa dO• Bt A (Mrger I Ptlkonlonl , lO > 00 Cllareer lo AM IH••tl t 60 Aho rM.0 A Slle<ky Mee ... A E•eteh Renevr•<le. 8 EHY A11w11 Ann Aul>y\ AnO Rl<lle> Kan Be R10 .AnQtl F .. 1, Aoll On Rocky A <ouplecl 8 COUl>ltKI rime lP .. U E XACTA C1 I I PAIO ~? 60 l'OURTH RACI.. 400y•rd\ Arrow (Mreer 1Cru091 I 6 00 3 AO J AO )onaoo-.1Tttawre1 7 20 , .. l •O t o Go I l.ackevl • .o Aho racecl My EH• ~-. Al•lflrnt, Ktrry fe DHIMn Hom• Covnlry Pl\ICM, Ounrov1n S4>ec••I L-1 Bui> tom• 10)1 U EXACTA (~ IJ paid \10 lO l'1 l'TH RACE 3IO yatd\ A Ttet\f'()r RtbfHarl) •ltO )00 1 . .0 EwtReb lLatUyJ S lO 300 DU\IW\ Duo!wn1»r9 IM11cllt>111 4 10 •••o raceo A DuPllC•I~ Tahofl. l lny I r1p, P.t9A11\ Prtde Oan<e,. Gllo>I, Ll!tle 8a1a1e Go 1<1p10 A•l>•t~. 81v Lt•vue O•n<•r Time 1109 U E XACTA f1 II iMIO '16 00 SIXT" RACE 3S0ver0> A P•u Em Boy ITre•>u••I 9 .0 • 00 14'0 Or•tlllA0.1rJ J 40 1 IO ~1111tn 5,. I 0.IOM.,.J 4 10 41\0 r.ced A Go• ti•\ Sh•''· P~r1e<t Mark, Go.r P•\t, T® Inten t A tOYpf.O l 1me 11 OJ SEVENTH RACE lSOv•rO• lOOm Dfo<,(IUrOJ •60 JltO 140 Rou110-Jel 10orn11'9.,.,l 11 oo •IO Sumpln 8rown tTre-a,.._,,., l IO .t.IM> ract<J IHI Your W•ll•I, WoulO•I Oft Se>•fttre, Suri !u>l•\h M •O••nd A•b•t Slr•lOhl Fl""' Au l•m• 1e 10 U EXACTA 1 .. IJ PAICl1/17 .ii U ,.IC• SIJI 11 7 • 1 1 61 p,o1a U,. IO wlltt S1 w1nn1no1«,•h 111ve 110<.,.>I U Pt" S•• co ... ol•lion iw•a \11 40 .... ~ 171 wlnnlno t•c t.f't\ ctour hotW \I E tGHT" RACE 150 Y••O• l•'•FtvrloolM1l•"""1 •ioo 1•10 100 J•I Ful I B.traJ S IO • 00 (n.,rro \ Roc:~t-1 1..,.•n • 1 .0 Al\O f.Ctd A 8ri\I~ Rover A 01Qlt•I, A\\Uff'd To Win Pt•¥ Tuff 8am•OOO Roc.k On Bull A couple<! I om• II OS U E XACTA (I •I IM•O l lll 00 NINTH RACE ])Oy•rO\ (l~vu Poll<V f8rOohJ 4 IO I 00 4 4(1 Mii (111( l(rHOtrl 11 00 1100 l 0Ht4! 8o (Trf'•\Yff'I t .t() Al\.O r«-•d J~t.t>lun lt•h•n Pr~tlf'f, Ir"" llOOt"' loo ltch l,1001 SttO* (OUf"tWt, Mrl\ M t" Qoo.4' T d' Hf•M T •1nllur Tom• ti ll U E XACTA 1111 pa•d ... 40 Att~nddrKf' ) 'nJ NHL _,.,k ..... Mlnnnot• • Cotorado 4 Phll-lpNa 1 C•'O•ry 4 T ........ ,o-. c ri1u90a1 QI*,,..( Monlrt•l •1 NY 1 ••• ,,.,.,. Hartforo at SI l oul\ 80\ton at V#IC.ouv•r Hlah IChOOIBOCCer HV .. T!NOloN ICACH TOU•NAMaNT """·-Hu1111noton Be.ch 1 Ar•11•I• O H11n l1n111on 8 t A\11 uor1r.9 \wll lo., V••Qu•r O<Nn v .. w 1. 8vtw(,r•not 0 D<U I\ View 0<o<ll\O Durbin •. Mulla lly t. frOU\tAkl• 00.t ".,... ·M•rl11a 1, T 11tll" 0 Maler 0.1 • 8ellf1ooA1t• O Bell <i•ro.n• 1, (.y-" 1 Founl•ln V•lltv 1, FOUllllll O k• Oulnle 1, E\l•n<•• O •oranve o Alom""Y o 'l.tu ll-0 WO\tm1n•ltr 0 ·s.ooleba(lo. 0. SI Paul 0 Kalello7, Valtn<lt O <ia•Hft O•oY• > St Jonn 11o ... o 1 £1 Oor.00 I l A11U"A Hiii> 0 • Ml"lon VltlO 0. C..•ltr 0 C•Ol'1t•t1U V-ll•v 2 '>ervllo 1 IC•nntelv l . NOt"w•I., 1 s.c-111 ...... 1<1•• ..... '-"•"•' HunllnQlon B•acll l Et Dor-1 HunllnQIOll Be.ch "°''"II Hut 1 latlltr Oc••n v ..... , M t\\.oft VMl'IO 0 Oce•n Vww \Cor•nq frov"•"*' "•''"" Ollter><ore• ·M•rlnoO Maler De•O • F'o..nta1n Va lley l BCMw C.••nd• 1 L• Ou1n1• I Oranoo: 0 LeUllnQl!r l . s .. oa•elM<k 0 • 1(•1•11a 0 G•rClen C.rO•• 0 ICtn,..ov 1 (a1H\lranova1100 Sac-• ..,,,., lconMlll .. ~I l u\lln J, 8ellt1ower 0 Foo111111 I Cv1><en O E1ot•n<la • •ttm•nv 2 SI p..,1 • We\lmon\1•• o v alenci.. 1 SI Jann 80" o 1 L •oun• Hiit\) Att•\I• I G al\• 4 801..,c,r.,.-o S.f•ll• 1 Norw•i. 0 • f e•m •Ov•n< P\ hy vu hH• ul mnrt; e>en•ll• lo.1<11.> • Australlan Open l•I_,_,.,.., ThlrtlR..,,,..S"'9M• GullltnnoVlluOef L•rryStt1•nk1,6 1 ... 1 t. •. • .. HM\11. Pf1\lH d•t t<f •n\ Stmont.)On •·1, •·O, 4 1, Jol'tn Aleunaer Clef Tl>ltrrv l ul•~ . ....,., • t .,_, Ct1lf Letcrwr def ''"' 0.1•11ey 7•. I• 4 4 l-6, 6.. P•ul IC rono O•I Ptttr Rennen, 1.f>,. I 6·] Orange Bowl championships l•IMl...,11 BOYS'" OIYISION s1.., ... ,,,...,,, stOberto Ar~ho • •rqipnt•ndJ Oftf Rf'"1ltO Joaqulf'I t8ra1111 • l. • t GIRL..S '"DIVISION s1,...., .. ,,,.., P "'rtn y B•tQ t M 1 .. nll~ Ot"f H•n• Fu"•'"o"• <C1Kh0\lov•._1a • 4 1 t. l Monday's transaclions IASE8ALL Arn«IUll l.e .. ue TORONTO BLUE JAYS .A(QUottO HO\"•" Poweu, outfl•ld,., trorn the- M1ruw\Ot• t win' tor • DltlY•' to Of ,...."'"' ••••,-St-nt P MJI Mir•Delld p1te-h.-r, to 1rw Ch1ca90 Cub\ tor" player 10 bit' n•rnt>d lettr HahoMIL•- Sl\N F RANCISCO GIANTS AnnOvnceo r•tirt-m•nt ot Frank 8t>r9on1t, ''•"'""~ s.ecret~ryi l'OOT8ALL N•-1 FootlNll L ...... G REE N BAY PACKE RS Sig n.a 8~'1 St•rr, h•.id<o.<.'1, to• two.ve•r <ontr•tt HOC.KEY N•l-1 HoOo L ...... COLORADO ROCK I ES Calll'O UD Rio LtF~rr1ert, OO'JI'-Iron• fC>tt w ort" of trwi c ... 1ra1 Hockey L•- COLLEGE ELO N COLL E GE Announcoo re.lonallon OI Jtnv Toll.,y l\UO •oollMll coach KE NtUCl<Y Name<1Jonn Dtvhn. Jtrry Ef,•m•n. J•tl.e ._.•Hum Tttrrv Stro(k •nO Roo snarpteu ••<1>1<1n1 10011Ml1 coau"'' AetainH 8111 Gt•w• d\\•\tant tootN lt <o•ch Guess who won? -Uni Hy RICHARD DUNN Of-Dally l'tMCS\9H The Uruversaty High TroJans, :11rn rkc!d by the play of Brad (iuess, blew out V81encia in the f1 r:<t half, then had to hold on to overcome a late comeback by the Tigers lo win, 59·44, in first round act11m or the Canyon ha~k ctball tournament Monday night at Canyon lligh School. In othl·r action, Irvine had s hooting vroblems and never ca me C'IOSl' an its 59-37 loss to Cyprl'ss The Vaqueros. who scored only 12 points in the first half. shot a dismal 29 percent from the n()f)r Herc's what happened : Uni 59, Valencle 44 Guess was the main man for the TroJans as he poured in 25 points and blocked 10 shots The G 7 sen10r had n o tro ubl e i.h11ol1n g over lhc Valencia defense Guess had seven or his blocked shots in the first hair, in whlth lhe Tigers scored only 12 po1nh Tht· turnovers were even in tht• ~:.ime 15 apiece, but good d<.·fensc hy Guess a nd Ron HatC'l1ffe. llhree steals1 was the dt'<.01d1ng fa c·tor "Ddt•ns1vely we were great, , t•s11l•<·1ally 1n· the first hair." Trojan Co<Jch Jdf Cunningham ':.i1d W(' shut the m down real good . hut we t·ame out in the 'iecontl h Jtr "'1th a lack of llll<.'n'>ll\ c; r;.11g lt1111se 17 points. made l'tght of 11 shots from lhe noor, with most ,,r them coming from 10 feet and hevond Rrad Xavi'er was the high scorl·r for the Tigers as he fHIUf'Cd In 19 J}OlnlS The win improves the Trojans record lt> 5 :J as they will now fact.> Los Amigos tonight 18 ·001 1n the semifinals Cypress 59, Irvine 37 Dav<.' Rogers was the bi g story for the C'entunons a s he scored l fi points ..ind µulled down 18 rt•bounds t•1 lead Cypress to a dt•t• 1 s1 n· "'in 11vcr Irvine Thl' Va4u<.•rns attempted 11 free thro1A.s. but tould only sink one Tht•1r µour outs ide shooting prnv<'d to br the diffe r en ce Ho l><.·rl Akers v.as the onl y hri,ght spot for t he Vaqueros as he c,con'<l 111 points. followed by John naxll'r's 9 I rvin<' did grab 37 rebounds, but mo..,t of lhosc were off its ow n missed shols · Wt-thrcv. up a lot or shots, and were too intimidated to go up stron~ on the boards," Irvine <:oaeh Al Jl ernng said . "We hu s tlt>d and tried to run things, but we w ere p h ysica lly over-matched · · Hog(•r<; was a one man gang as hC' als(I blocked s ix shots He scort•d l 7 of his points in the first half COLLEGE BASKETBALL DUTLDDK'82 UC Irvine vs. MILWAUKEE CLASSIC TONIGHT 5:00 p.m. K-WAVE FM-108 Presented By: Anheuser·Busch, Toyoto, Republic Insurance Brokers, Tiny Noylor's, Irvine Conditioning ond Injury Center .., __ An Engleb...cht Company ~roduction __ _. ~J Daily Piiat Classifieds ~~ ·r.~ f\'1'!~11 :111~ '~~~n1n\ I l11 t1' (11\!,f\l\C t.\ f ti\ "''"'"' t11f. \nl\nW!< "I 1 \'~' c\l!f ~ tc\ l!l\(J ......... \0 "0 ..,,,<\ ~ ~ . •\ (\)fl" "~ & \ • .Ant\ 'I' '" ra' ~9l'i vvv-~ ,,.Sold thru Piiot In 2 days. Ran 1 week In L.A. Times with no re•utt1. Very lmpre11edt ,, ~~~1 @ 642-5678 charge It ~-by phone From South Laguna & North County call 540·1~0 toll-free. Coming Thursday What's the job outlook for next year? Will the Orange Coast's economy get better or worse - and what effect will that have on home prices. school programs. and city services? Find out _ Thursday, Dec. 31 in "Outtook '82 ... a review of 1981 advances and a forecast of expected growth in 1982. Look for this special pull-out section in your Daily Pilot Thursday, or call to start home delivery. tRVINE NEWPORT BEACH cosTJ\ MESA Ll\GUNA BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH rouNT J\IN Vl\LLE Y OUTL00K'82 ... , ... . . ,, .......... - laiJJPilat . ,.,. ......... ..., ••• 642-4121 _, I . ~ . ' Orange Coast DAILY PILOTfTuesday, Decembet 29. 1981 THE t't\MIL'' flRCl'S by 811 Keane "Why don't we hafta write thank yov letters to Santa Claus?" Jl.\RJl.\Dl.Kt: by Brad Anderson "Whew! For a minute I was afraid she wanted to exchange HIM!" Jl'D6E P.\RKER G\Rt·n :1.o (JAR~IELP ! VOO C.AN'T EAT THAT CANDV. IT'S TOO FATTENINC:t ACROSS 49 In the dlree-UNITED FMturt Syndicate 1 Poll• lland non of Monday'• Puzzle Solved 5 SpouM 53 8«1in hit: 9 Arcn.lc 2 wordl 14 French river 57 Meeker 15Slept1111• -58 Actor Greene 18 AuttM>f Loos 59 Elevator men F.+'f~ 11 zeue · • e 1 Atrlcen lend belOWd 82 EmllMt'; 18 ~ e3 UndreeMd ~ 64Ptrlodt 11 rowen 15 Abylllnlen 20 0. alnt '. wife COin• " .i. ee BlrrlCUd• 22 Mull 87 El«ltrtc un1t1 ~~· 2 .. Aemlllrl Moft: 2 won11 DOWN 2t A"'IY I Europeena 27 W..wn llllt 2 Kin of lln't 2t v~ city 3 Allan nation 30 AocOunt 4 Prepertd C'ubl 45 AMdjulta a3 Ullfll btfofeflllld 21 Dlwllon• 41 ~ 37 "lnnnt 5 Son ot. Scot. 30 Aomafl dr.. Plant 31 •• e Comic !Ono 31 Eoo on '' Erect: • Pllt 7 -pole 32 Dull one 2 wetdt 40 ._ I~ S3 Allowance 50 Low· 11 41 Qrlfted: Her. I~ 34 N1¥1d1 dty 51 °"9enfr 41 Pondlf 10 F1Mrtrll 36 Inns" Pf9f 52 w-. 44 o..ty 1 t ..... 0t< M Hoe_,: Lew 53 Tel II 46 ....., •• bird 121.At It..... 37 Ice: 54 Theet• bolt BIG GEORGE by Vlrg1I Partch (VIP) ''I've got a splitting headache. and my feet are killing me." Hank Ketchum by Harold le Doux Y()U'l::f TREATIN(J ME LIK£ l'M l\N '°'LCOHOLIC ~ 50METHIN'' l'M NOT! l JU~T HAD A L-ITTLE DRINK AN' I FEEL TEMll.">Lf' by Jim Davis ~ow MANV C.ALOR1Ee, C.AN rr ~AVE FO~ 59 CENTS? ...... .. ..... , 2""'8 55 Practtc. _____ _... 47 o..-.• 2t ,_ 40 ~ H Border ._ .. .,.,.._..,wtwt eo~ P&\Nl:TS YOO LEFT VOOR CLOSET LIG~H ON ALL NIGHT ... Tl' M BLE" EEDS SHOE SLUGGO 15 PAINTING HIS BEDROOM TODAY GORDO l 1M OfJL'l 001~ ~flE:.E ~ .. oo::~, 1'0 !11 •1" E>l~Tf 1--1 -mJl.16~1' i caJLO ~ 1'1"! /J.-19 by Charles M Schulz ,, YOU'LL CARE WHEN It V00 6ET VP SOME MOfCNIN6 AND CAN'T f STAAT YOUR CLOSET I -_...::::::::.-- WHAT'S 1HE. BESI 'THING OtJ YOUR MENO ? DID HE CHOOSE A RESTFUL COLOR? ANY COLOR IS RESTFUL TO SLUGGO 1!> rr NN W~! M\./ WOf<JJ/ WAAT'OI.> ~ cAJ.J ro 10 A ~ llJ~5 PA-le. 15 LJNP~ AeLE:f ~~-....;.;;....;....;:iii-.-...-.-~'1-1 by Tom K Ryan by Jeff MacNelly by Gus Arriola Fl'~K l ' "INIU::R BE" N by Tom Bat1uk w1 •• i .. wltlo~l•e -WN£5 FOR 'THE HOUOOCJ5- CJNCltJNATI ft~EBALL 1qia1- A OELEPTIVB..Cy) ENCAANTING OOME5TIC WINE 1J.4Ar 15 51JR~151N&l4 IN£XPEN51VE . fOll BETTER OR ro• •••Mt: IHE.'{RE. GOI~ o · AWfl'{ FOK Tu>O I • WHO.E W~EKS. 0 ff /5N'T UNTIL t.,.Ct.l'VE HAD IHE. Ft~T DRINK 1HAI c,tx) ~LL(( Bt61N iO ~ ~ Ii! by Kevin Fagan f ' Orange Coast DAILY PILOTfTuesday, December 29, 1981 Ca • ' Latest Research Results Conclusive: · E]{tensive smoker survey proves MERIT taste key to switch from fiigher . tar brands. The botto m line : taste. Tha t's the result of the la test wave of research with · smo ke rs who have switched from highe r tar cigarettes to · MERIT. ·MERIT Takes Taste Honors. N ationwide survey reveals over 903 of MERIT smokers : who switched from higher tar : are glad they did. In fact , ' 1 : 943 don 't even mis s their ! former brands . I Further Evidence: 9 o ut of 1 10 former higher tar smokers report M·ERIT an easy switch, that they did f\'t give up tast e in switching, and that MERIT is the best ... tasting lo w tar they've ever tried . Warning : The Surgeon General Ha~ Determined 1 That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. MERIT Beats Toughest Competitors. Further, exten sive unmarked pack tests confirm that MERIT delivers a winning combina-- tion of taste qnd low tar when compared with higher tar leaders. Confirmed: The overwhelm- ing majority of sn1okers reported MERIT taste equal to-or better than-leading higher tar qrands. Confirmed: When tar levels were revealed, 2 out of 3 chose the MERIT combination of low tar and good taste. Year after year, in study after study, MERIT rernains unbeaten. The proven taste alternative to higher tar smoking-is MERIT. 0 ''""' Monti Jne.. 1911 Reg: 8 mg "tar:· 0.6 mg.nicotine-Man: 7 mg "tar:· 0.6 mg nicotina-100's Reg: 9 mg "tar:' 0.7 mg nicotine-HXl's M111: 10 mg ·'ta(.· 0.8 mg nicotine av. per cigerane. FTC Ripon Mw:e1 . . MERIT MERIT Menthol Filter • j , f ' . ____ ,...._..... Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT/Tuesday. Oec:ember 29, Ua~1 1 HALL OF FAME -M r-; Ralph I Marion i De Palmc.i. \\ldo\\ of tht• late racing driver ; who liH·s in Cost,1 :Vtesa, accepts a plaque ·· from .John \\' H11r~ess. De Palma was recently enshrined in the Racing Hall of Fame in Flemington F airgrounds. New .Jersey . , De Palma: I One o f the greats Record holding. auto racer inducted into Hall of F.ame t<.1tµll I)(• [',!Ima was one of the most revered ; and rN•l>t.'<:tf•d .rnt11mobtlc nu~ing drivers of his tim e 11wlud111i: H..irnl'\ <Hdf1 eld and the fo rmer lnd1anap1ihs chJm1l1o n 11915 1 was recently . h o n o r t' 11 b v I h t· tl.1 c 1 n g II a II of Fa m e a t , Fl1•minJ,!lon Va1rground~ 1n New Jersey. from 1008 lhrough 1926 and ls the only driver to race 27 consecutive years . In 1919 he drove a Packard car at a speed of 149.87 miles per hour. The air speed record at that tim e was 126 mph, making De Palma the fastest man on earth or in the sky. • J o hn \\' 011rg1•ss director a nd manager of the He still holds records for four bill climb races including one to Mt. Wilson from Pasadena in 1924, a race that is no longer contested. , Briggs <"unningham automotive museum pre 1 sented fw !'alma ..., "1clow, Manon. of Costa Mesa · wllh a pl,1ri111 t•mbJ .. •natic of his enshrinement In 1980, De Palma still held the record for the mos t laps leading the Indy 500, 613. Active drivers Al Unser and A. J . Foyt were both less than 100 laps behind hjm at the time. Ac c ordmg 10 1 hL· record:>. De Palma won 2,557 trace!> out of 2.~9 he entered He won 36 100-mile . champwnship racec; 10 all parts of the country :OllTH NOTICfS rm "· 111rn '111 • 11111 .... \li\ T1IH'\l,flfll(\lll , ........ 111 ill t ,.,1.1 :\h•,,1 l " l',1•.•l'd :J\\,I\ "II D•-<•1111111 •. ,, l'IXI c;11, 1• ur ' 1 • d II\ h1·1 h11:-h 11111 l\h I ...,, I\ IC t ,\ tll b ,. h 1· I ti "n \l 11 n 11 .1 ' P1·nntl1•·1!X 1~1>-J.111 1.111>111 l a\\ n '\l r111no 1al l'h ,1p1•I Scn·wC's 1111d1·r th• <1111•1I11111 t>f liar l1t11 L.1"11 \l11unl llhq· J.1 ortu;11' <•I (",, la \l•·sa s m-s:;~1 \01.t-.R · lH\'l!Sli \ \Ull'\ \DI.EH r esident ol \\1 ·~tm111' .. tt·r <':r Pas,rrl a'~·" 1111 ll1•1·1·mh1 1 j\!4. l!ml lk IS 'u1\1H•!I I)\ )us ~"" J ;I\ ,.l,tf'I., ~·tort nc(. J{enard .11111 ,\11111 U111 1w1t. brnt~l·r-. l.0111~. l lan' a111I 0 a' 111 \If I 1· 1 ! ; r ;1' " ... u t t· > l' r \ 11' t' li \\ I' I I' h I• I ti 11 ll Sunll,o' p, trnlu r •, 1•111t )I 11 tlll \ '1 .it ll :irl1n1 ULT? IHGHOH SMITH & TUTHllL WHTCLlfF CHA,fl •U i: 17th ~1 Coslll M .. ..,,, l>4h <H7 I rllEICIE H OTHH S SMITHS' MOUUAU 627 Main St HuntmQ1on S.•>1<.li !'>36-65.Yl ,.4Clf.fC VIEW MIMOllAl l"Al IC "O"m!llf',.,. Mor lu.Jl'V Chal)1!1·Crematorv 3500 Pac11tc Voew 01 1w NewPOrt Beach 6«·:>700 McCObetCIC MOITU.UllES LMtuna BeaC/I 494.941~ laquna H11t5 768·0933 ' San Juan Capsslrano •95 1776 HA.HOil LAWl'6-MT, OUVI Mo rv • Cemet'"' Ctttre IOl'f 16"S G11ter """ Costa M•ta 5405~ rtaet•On41H llU..0.4~WAT MOITUAIY 'to Bro.tet...,•v CO 18 Mf'•a M2·9t50 l .. "'" \l1111n1 Oll\P \l•·mun,il '>l'r\ 11·1•,, \\l'rt' hc•l d on !';11 I. !'-1•1 \il• 1111dt'1 th1· \111nr1a\ l>N·l·ml>cr 28. 1981 <l11•1 t1 11n or 11 .i rhur al 11 311;\\I a t llrllc rcst l.J\\11 :\lount llll\L' Mort11an M c m n r 1 a 1 P u r k , ol I ,,,1;1 .\l<''J 5411 55~l-I Bake rs f1C'ld . l'a Scn·1C'CS (' \~·rnR undc•r the• d1re<'l~>n of ll~1ltz H• •~E C.\:"TtlH rc·"'l1•nt Rer~c·ron Sm 1th & T uthill 11 I t; .1rd1• n (;rove <:a We~tclifT Chapel Mortuary J•oi.., •·ti ,1\\,1\ 1111 ll1·cc•mbc•r of Co:-.lJ .\k:-.~1 646·9371 :!5 l!JKI She· Ii. :o.llr\'l\'Ccl b\ S('lll.EV h 1· 1 d 11ui:hte1 Ma rte I tn.c· CODY SCllLEY. resident t '11nt1.1l'l .rl'lo of Garden of Santa Ana. Ca. P assed \.111\ '" <·a Final 1n\crmt'nl a" ay oo Dec-ember 24 . 1981. s1nH·1·'"'lllx•hl•ldatlhc llc is :o.u r v1ved by his f ;r m i I ,. p Io 1 <• t 0 I ti parent:. Paul and Carolynne. ~1 ont t'fwrc Ccmctl·ry. LonR brot ht'n. Aaron and Byron hi.mil ~<'\\ Ynrk Serv1ecs SC'hlcy Graveside services u11tlt•r the d1rl'<'t1o n of will bc held on T uesday . Jldtlior 1.JY.n .\1ounl Oll\·c OeC'emlx'r 29. 1981 al Holy .\1111 \uan <11 Costa Mesa Scpukhcr Cemetery with SW !l5S4 M sgr Daniel Brennan or St. GO~ZAl.1-:S Jo hn the Bap\is t Catholic t (; \ RCll\ 1 \IA YRA Rlt'O Church orrlC'latlng. Services G<>'Z \LES resident of under the direction o ( Baltz 4'J nta Ana. CJ l'.~sed ~1" a) Bergeron·Sm1lh & Tuthill on llt•rcmber 25. 19!\I Sht• J' Wl'slcllff Chapel Mortuary -.11 1' "1•11 h~ hi•r pa rt•nt!'> of <.:ost;1 Ml'sa 646·9371. <; ,1 n 1 1 •II.! o ~• n cl Ca r m " n UTT c;;i111.1 (;r.t\l'~ldl M'r\IC'l'' :\l.\X t:l>DY UTT. passed rm \lumlil\ l>t•i·t•mhl·r .!I! 3\\ a.' on f)(>ccmber 27. 1981 l'lMI al :1 •-•!':\! llarhor I.a\\ n an 'lt''' purl Heach. Ca . He is :\lc1n1111al Park Y.1lh Rt'\ snr\'i\l'<l II\ h1!> '"fe. Bonnie F.11tw1 l{<1fdt•I l.ul'v<1n11 of.J<'an l'tt , a da UR hte r S t .l11.1c·h1m·, C<1lhol11· V1rg1n1a Stockton or Laguna Hills. Ca .. and a son, Dr Roge1 L Utt or Chicago. l llino1s. Also he leaves 4 grandrhildren and his s ister. M r s D L Dars ie o r Glendale, Ca Mr Uu was associated with the law firm o f Gibso n . Dunn and Crutcher for mo"re than ~ yeari. and was a retired partn(•r at the time of his death lie was a Trustee or the Los Angeles County Law l.ibrarv from 1947 to 1956 and took an active part In plannm.: the present library bu1ld1ng H e was past president of Town Hall ol California and Friends of Claremont Colleges and of Sout h ern C alifo rnia Pr es b y terian Ho m es. Private graveside s~rvices will be held at Forest Lawn, Glendale with Klerer a nd Eyenck Mortuary in chuge. To friends wis hing to make memorial contributions. the family s uggest s gifts to Hoag Memorial tmpital or St Andrew's Presbyterian Chur<'h in Newport Beach Chu1d1 0Hit'1:ll111J.! Senk<'' u 1\tl c r l h c• 1111 e 1· t 1 on o f ll.11 hur LaY.n Mount Oii\'<' Mortuury of Costa ~h-sa 5·1fl·f>55'1 JEl.l.IS ltt'Tll,;-.r J ELi.iS, ag<' 87. re 1denl of Ohta Mesa. Ca Pas'>l'd <A"a) on Ottember Redskins' g a m ble co uld b e co s tly 25. Hl81 She ";1!> a resident of Orange t°l)Unty for 60 ~ eur~ Sun 1vC'd by h er h11-;hand Uav11I. 3 St!lters Ell1.1 1.e"l' of Yakima . \\ J~h1111t t nn . Mui lcl MnntllOtnvry of lluntmgtun B1·.1ch. Cu usl ll GN>qliu llur\'t'.) or Pa lmdale. Ca She wu!l a mem ber of the Ffrst United Me thodist Chur~h of Cos\.3 Mesa, Ca Uur1al hy Ncpt."ne Society JONF.S ANNA MAI-.: JONES. rei.ltknt of Col!ta M~. Ca ror the past 7 years a nd rts•dml ot 8nkersneld area for 30_yc3n1, Pas cd aw•r on 0 ccmhcr 23, J:l81 Sbo Ill sur1> lved tiy Mt di.uahtcr 8 1ll1c Mccurdy or Co ti. .M t•,11 , ('a . filers ldna E zell of Wllmlnaton. Co . GrorAla Gland~r110,. of N •wixwt Beach, C• • M.iic Kfl'H·:11 ~h of ll unll n&t nn uth 1 C'tt i nd Ruby •t11nC'hard of Stthla Ana. <;.1 brother'.\ W")'n e Walk n." d Lc>ft1 ~arh. Cu antt Jo <' W&t 1t ln$ o r WASHINGTON (AP) -The Waabln1ton Redskins' gamble to allow Joe Tbelamann to play out his opt.ion may cost the team more tban Just the mooey It needed to sign him ln September. In the final year of his current contract, Theismann will become a free agent on Feb. 1, free to negotiate with any team in the National Football League. "l want to continue playtnc in Wuhbllton but my first love is football. I want to play focilball, U not here, then somewhere elae," Tbel1mann said Friday. "1\ may have been a mlatake not sipln1 Joe al lhe beelnnhJI or the year,'' Redlkinl General Manaaer Jlobby Beatbard said. "But we •anted to see what kind or year he would have befon alp.ln1 blm to lbOtbeT contract.'' Entertnt bi.J ei1htb year In Wublaston. Tbeismann .and the itedlkinl failed to COIM to term• on a new contract prtor to the ltart of UM 1981 Ma.on. At the Redlkina' lnalltenc., ta1b were 1u.spended pendln1 lM conclutklD of tM current campaip. IW aa h )nalon an d 6 ~-.:..;,;,---------· prandcbil~rvn Or•v Ide W\th one 11me remaJnlna lD Ute rqular season, Thei1mann la Just II yafda ally of btcomln« only the tblrd ca••rt•r•aek la Wuhin1ton lllatory (Norm Saud ucl SoanJ Juraenaen are the otben) to Uarow tor 1,000 Jardl lo a •lncle teNOG. NU- MOTIC• Of' UL.I Ofl GM.UT•llM. av ncu••• "u" UOH •.MIU.•it c/9 .._.,TeM(lwl~ ..... _A_ ~111 llNdt,CAf'llMT i .. IOH••• TAJC.-OUTCOlt~llATION •tt•cM~A-LM ........ CA-NO~ICS II H•lllaY 01\llN 11\M .. .,.,.,.., .._,.._ ....... •Ill M .... .. .. .. -=·•I . "*k _.... .... ...._ •1 11• ....... J--.i "'"' ..... Ill.. .. o. .... M. llfMeNll. '"'·· .. ..._, CeAW Ot .... lulte 1111 ..._.,. IMcll, CellflenWa ..... ~•Illa S.Cwity ..,.__. ...., ._, 1*" ••· 1m. lfl ..wc11 ... w•st1••• .. _... .... __... ,..-ty. eM .._ I . Mlllw i. ..._. • .....,, ..i....., ..... Ill -.WC ....., ........ ..-... Tiie~ .......... Ml fefttlM"a ..... "A", .._,....,,...._ Tiie ..... lllltct*"-~ .... y .. ,......_ ............ •S.CIMll .... IM CM ...... c-roetc.11, .. ~---fll•,.._.,,._.....,... .... , ... el Wt1' flW -,_A.-..... I,._ .... <ll6t9M IA ... -at 11 ..... Ill Nlflll,,_1el1.tM .......... ..,_, .......... -1. ta .. .._.., ...... et ......... ,1 ... 11 .. -• .,.., .................... w ..... -af 11 ......... e(ClllNlle ... CM& el -..... '111 1 • 111 aM tot l.tM ,..,_, fW en...,...., .. ,. .... _. fW ·~· -.., f'l*k MKtiM _.1c...., • ._. .... ...., .... lflc-liafttllef9w191. OAT£0~1WI. 1'91. MltON "AIAHTI -JUDV A. P'AZAHTI • .......... ..,.... . a.,1 OAVIDM.ZIMaattOl'F,lllW-Ny .a "-t Gatllar Ori.,., lwlla ltt ......,, IMctl, CellfOnlle HMt (714)llMM:I ........... 0r-.. C-1 Delly ....... 09<;. "· '"' "1-•aaTA«aOUT U.HI IT•M • IOHLV 10HLY IOHLY I IONLY U IOHLY ,. t7 I LOT II 1 OHL 'I' It 1 OHLY 10 21 U 1 0HlY 1t 1 ONLY :It I OfilLY Jl IOHLY S2 IOHLY U IOHLY )I llOT J$ IOffLY '1 IOHLY KM•DVUl"A" OHCal"1'1C* ICALa MOSTUIO: CtWllllClftMDclel ..... ,.-.T 111911 column ,.1a1torm type , ae111'"" wllll ISO.IHUC ""'"'etwre c-nM4ed ...... aN NII Marlfte "'"'-....,...... wl .. • c...-lt'r"' • Ill. I ~Ill. l'lflltMil In .irt resKteM wflnll .. peiM, l'11rnllftM wllll -(I) 11 .. vy duty ~ ....._ 9e111l-4 wttfl ...,.. W Mavy *it'\' c..-n. twl.,.. . ., .... AOOINO MM*INa: VlcW MMtl a 1a-2$4 wllll eH 11M>derd ec-.a1 rw11l-lly meowfec:-. l'IL• CAalNaT: Cola Model •SO..»-L. -(ll drewer legel style ftle wllll locll •lld •II lteftMnl accH--. es lwnltlwd &y m-fecturer. PLOOlt IAl'a: Olellold Model • llJtJ Nullle comper.,,_ wlttl ~ "E" raclftt_ Ulllt wlUI ll•Y c11e,... <~loll. unll lnstetlad .. -~ 1ry -ral contrector WAt.lt·l .. /llaACK·IN •aA1o••ATott: Elt49rt c11llom pr•f•brlcelad M<tl~I walll·MI c-. Appro•lmelely 7'0" • t'O" • t'O" 111911 (..,.._dim.I cooler lO .. f~ lftelell.cl ., ulltlflt _,..., tletl. Walls ~-wl9' 1telf\WM t.i ..... AH fromlnt el -lll.J11 cool., Mle<t • 1 -.in •IN dollolet nr .,_r1y _.,. a11c1 lltaced eN1 .., fremlno ........., '-> lie mols111ra ret111afL '-ler cevered wllll prlmo oomo1tlc menllfecl..,. .MO ....,._ mll flnWI '""'° omllcKMcl al11mlftum metal llonclecl ~ preuure lo molclacl DOIYllY'---4 ....,IY wltll • "K" feet« of .n at 75 ft. ........ 11.11 ,.. 11'11<11. •lld ly119 $C .......... 11 ... rtec" _,.., wltr. atwnlftum H ellove. EJ(twlar well sllrleca llwll wlll be lclleont lo .............. 11 fltllsf'lecl """ 14" trllckMH metlN ,.,... ......- lrealOd ID be mo111we '"111e111 wllll .,, -owd t'rpa p_tl.,.. Cooler t11n1l111ect wllll -I II fhdlt ,.._... swllcll -pllot 11(11'11 ,.............,,_ swllell -......_, to l11terlor well &Ide only lot "9ctrkel C-1""' lry otllffs. Llelll ........ .-tllell lie Klllert< -!Woof lloM flatllr9 -"'911 lie ,,,...nlH by ffedrlei.tl. 80• lo lie fwnt.-wlltl-( 11 H <f'I "EHac" CDflltNClecl JO" a 71" •• ,._, .... welk·ln Ooor. wllfl 1111.,IOt elld emri« flnflll ttf .- 1t11cco •-alumlnum ~to lnwlelloll wllll epoav ~ ... Door 9e1lllppect -Oelron cem 1111 hlnon. 11ll·closln9. cllrom• l'l•l•d m .. Mllc comtM<Clel I.,... ~et, e ........, _., cllrome plated br1u --loct.l"f -..tee. 0... t I) "Ellec" 20" 1 •O" M>lld r1acf'l·ln door furnl\f'lecl wllh 1lumln11m coved ba .. ...., dlel llltrmomeltr. Full P41rlmtl•r clos11re _, lo celllno . INCLUDED IN ITEM •12 WAt.lt·IN c:oot..a• MtaLVlltG: E.....-. , ........ metal c-..tl.....,.... Miid alwmln...m -Yffte twe (2) M<llons. One (II teellon 6'0" a U" wlcl9, IOow (41 tier "'Of'I. o.. 111 1eeuon 6'0" a 1r· •'*· iwo 1a.. 111911 m--o .. r d\IOan *•"' pan. 1.-1ec1 u per plan. CMIClt• .. OUI .... ,..., £111tr's CYI_, metal conslrucllon, slu e11d sll•P• •• per pla11. AH<o••me1e1y S'6" ..,,. • ,, .. wlcle • r · -.:.. Construdacl 'A'lll\ bKll eM llfl -1Pleltl wllfl rolled "9et Oii ,..,,. end fr• <OllStfllCled of 16 oe<191 ...va11lted lnml wlltl -plkllecl ,., *el"""' 111 l\eevy dllty .,, .. Olf•tecl clnln. L.efl -of ..WI __ ........... ,11'1_,le __ _ , ... , .... f'OaTAIM.a .. AN ltAClt: CCHICKEHl -EISler'I c1111om matM t.llde cer1 for 11" x 2'" --Eecft sllde '-> ...... 14'' tone ...... _.,. .._,.. lllcle ID pttYtlll pen from Slldlftt °"'· Mowltecl on S" I 19tn IMevyduly.wivelc•~rs Walk·ln cOOl~-•nci-'" ''""' • u lluclt·ln cooler -Incl-In Item •IS. P'OltTAaLE MOT ~LATa: Wells _, •H·J:I _, pleta, ~. llS voH. F11rnl1Nd .... ~ p1119 ...., e11 ,._..., ec:uuerlet. .,. ,........ by me...,fac't- WOltlt TAat.e: El1'9r'ICY1lom""'t••~1on. sire end Mape es par plan. A_..111mataly t'O" """ II ?'0" dNll. Mouftttd .. pipe I... Wllfl NfliWy M J111llllle ..... F11mlshecl wltf'I -I 11 M - 91lve11lred u-rlf'llll Uftll Siied le Ill -· reecll-ln Ooor es flld~ "" ...-. ,,.....,._ •"" ..... , llaACM·IN l'llaaza•: Traul-._.clel Mall9I •GLT 2'1111 H UT wllf'l I• --cen--.... a11tometk defros1 • ....., .. ,,... .. ,Y ,. CWlk '-l FurftllNd .,.,. enodlnd ai-.111-........... -and Nell, ----•"""'-.__ ---(II rlfMMNtllfntH _ __,M ..... _ Cll r19"tllandlll"9M1,_,..ln_•..,.., .... ..._ Wlf<IOlllll ,.,. I Ht type 111119". ,,....,,._ ..... 6" IM•Y'r duly 190' -II• 161 ,,,,_ p1...i _,wire JNIYH. D /1•1..0. CA .. OP'a .. Ett: ECllunCI •2 _,.,. ""_. ,_ -11111 *"IC• H lllCfft1lecl on Elsler's ot-. POT 11,.lt: Ellttr's cwstom motel=ll•11. a,,.,011-ly 4'0" loflo I l't" wld9, C wtlfl two 121 1r' a 1r• 1 ,,.. dMo slnkt wllfl •ever •etMs ...., •-m 1r · a 1r· e1ta1--. Enll.-. unit c .... truclecl In a<<onleftc• - _ .. -lfk at'°"', "*""" on tllllulat 1.,... .... wltll wnlterv •!MIUilll• '"'· Fllnll111ect wltf'I llack -llf111e11c1 -.,...,,_." lndluteci °"pl-. IHaLI' WITH P'OT MOOltl: Elater's CllJtom _ .. , COllSl,.llCIJOll, atlllfOKlmolely 4'0" IOftO I 1'0" wide, COll~nlCted of II ....... l'rP9 J02 stain .... SIMI. Well m-*d .-e sink es llldiCllecl Oii ~ ,,.,_ rail at -..,...... wtlfl slelnlHs 11M1 ooe "°'*t _ _.on 4" ~....,.....,..to -f le,.,,.,._ (II llllltrM ~I. Shelf lnlf•led encl -led ID .. n 11 ........... 11 .. K WAt.L l'UMtUfO: l:ltltr's c ....... ,,_... co11t1rwctr.n, -oalrnet.ly 4'0'' ...... Fl•sfllll9 INll M ~ frWft -of 111111 '-1•111 .. -, Mcie of pol ...... (1"'91 #JI), flellll"I C..tNCtfdttf :tO tavte 11Mnlfts ••• alW ••led to ,,.,., ...., _. 1 ...... Mnn -"*Pal llftll .. A .. O ftta• •XTl .. eUllM•tt: Kidde llMdel • SA•CS, div cllemlca1 wllll mou11t1111 llrecMt, fMWllacl •-EllMr's plOll. TIM• CLOClt ANO c.t.•o MOt.0111: L.etllem Model • us ....... iNfl9I, ..... ._, ............ 111 ti•-u .... Mowftled -lllllelled .. flW I .. ILOT ., I OHL\' • IOOHLV SI 1 LOT ts !ONLY i6 I Of4L \' 51 I OfilLY .0 I ONLY ISET 20NL\' 62 IONLY tl ?ONLY M I ONL'I' .. 10NLV H IOHL'I' 70 lOHLY n IONLY 73 10HLV IS IOHLY 7• I OHLY n !ONLY ,. 10NLY IO 10NLV ., I LOT 40HL'f 21 OHL'\' 1t VAROS 20NL'I' lwA&.L. f'l.AIMINe A•O CAP't 11.w'I ,_..,.. ONlel t~ollf .................. .... _ ..... ..,....,,_6 .............. ., .... wall. Pwnl.,... wKll -111 M ..... ..,.. • .................. , ....................... ... .... all f,.,.., ..... ,.,_I well...,..,., ..... UCTf .. OUllMI ... IVIYaM: ..... lllln MMel •A• .... M .. ,.., ClltMIUI 011t1•1•:: •Y ............. ,. ............ ~ ..... r-t. all~....,, ~I_....,...... .. ,_,lel04y IMtell ay-. CleleMld ........ lnt&ellff W llMNar 9M Me<trklMI. TIMaa11 -•J-1·19-M wllft a_._ lllM C'PCll af llftMj\ (II) Mlflil*t wffll ....... (t• 'M<Ollcldlal...,I,,__ llS ...... , .. C'r(ll,.,..... ...... l"1 ... ledlnll-rllaldat1et l~M~ WALL lllLAIMl .. e t llllar't cul--t•I c.on.Cr11ellan, te -aM wall fratn _.,,, U.. el ...... •• 6 ........ f ..... ' CMIClta .. WA•Ma•: lltler'I Cldl--1•1 c4'4'slr11<llon, sin -.,,.,. •• ,.., ...... u..i1 c.on1i.11<tec1 ttf 30 telltt ......... , tl•I. UM! ..... 0.Clo, Sii. .. 10 -tr• I 2''' -pMt. ~ wllll •'9M 191 T·ReJ Molltl •H·too t-a ~ IM•I •-"" rece way wllll Ital"'-.._. 11taca1b. Elllln ""'' lftstellecl •• 1,....,11 ,..,t werk lell6t (lleftl •"I f11rlll1Nd wllfl eltfhl Ill <ullOfft OW'-......... 'llk kell f'IOldlllll Kr-. al• _,. .. .,... ...... cll!K. lhr• CJI SfloW cwd lloldln. IMll .......,. Md ...... _ llOlcllrt • aAOOINO PU UO ICttla .. : Keetl"I ....... frencll fry wwmlno oc.-. OlllY. tor -I ·~· ltOL.L WA•Mla: Genare l E laclrl' M ... I •Cl'0-11, 11ww Clr-r Ila! food .. ,.,,.,, ,...,.._ slHI ••l•rlor. removellle drawtn, ,....,... .. ,., removatlllt .,._, -and all ~rd a«-* al f11rnl.-11¥ ~ec:\urer alld IM fallOwfne: Model •CX·Jll 4'' lldJin~ 1talnlft1 •IMI J!I! SIUcl lO rtl Modit1 • CF~I -r. ,,__, • cx,:145 adePI., rec:u .. CONDIM•NT CA81NaT: EISltr'• c11tl0191 wood/l!WUI ~Nellon, MH Md~ .. -...... alld elevelfon. Colldlmtftt <•blnel lo lie WMd C-INdlon wllll all tl.potlM ... rfecet <--' lol 1t1911 11reu11r• 1amln1ttd plesllc . T" ta M c0flllr11<tec1o1 •toeuoe. r.,....,, .. ,,......-..- c 11louh tor irlfleh fry tcrffll ( • SJI _.. two 121 lnl09ra1 "V" slob tor lloldlnO of fr-II fry Mp. KIAT LAMP': T·Aay IWWIOlno type wa,.,,,..., MMtl • H..fOO wllll ~ _._, l11rftlsMd wlVI ........ btec:-tt awen.1uvon Otto•• WM••u: 0... Cl) T-A&odal .,._. ••II lluno wtlll slirt-tt•> c11111. o... 111 ....,..... It" modal wit.II cll111. DISP'LAY DIVIOtt:ltS: Elller's c ustom mirror con1tr11Cllon to ffl dl.,.iey c-•• lndlc#ted., ....,,._ •11'•1oa1tATEO DISl't.AV CAI•: TrM!IMfl Spt<lll Model •GHT J .J2 N P UT with 1ppro1lm1lely SO et•blc fHI of display araa. S.11-conlelnecl lOP "'°""!eel ,_._,""""""" wlllt two 121 .... , r..c:ll-111 _,.on <...-'• &Ide 1 and two IJI IOlkl reecll-111 ci-n on c-• 1191. ~ Cllaf'I ... ~ lo be 111"9acl lAfl H lndiUIMcl Oii pie r>. f..,lot ...., fnlerlOt ol -••ad e......i- wllll 1paclal told frame around 9lan -"· Furnlsfleel _... Mll<IOslne·<emllfl type "'"'"-a" lleevy _,, ~ -Sia t•I SIHI wire ~ pl1leel ~-115 Wiii, 60 CYCie, 1lnole ...-. COl'l'tt:li MA«li•: 8rewmelfc Modal •81tPC compact -IW CUI cup eutornetlc lnllle .._... flllers, funlltfwCI with 1-UI -ltloMI ......... elements"" top And -111 Mrvlne ~. 115 "°''· ,,,.. ....-. P'A .. aa CUP' Ol~aNSlltS; Liiy lullp 1111 1'1'119. 11111111 Into c-M<Vlct c-l•r 0... 111 -•?EC•lld-lll-1 •JEC TUlt .. OYllt OISl'LAT: Prln<• Castoe Medel • 06 hol •-warmer wllll Modtl • 04.)0 lllMl99uenl WAITING CMAl•I: Holly-Model eJ:MJP colClflfel ,_ ,....,. wllll sttp ... ,, U.,...._ N Ck end Wei wllh tl•IYAry llrOIU• ,..,..,._ Upf'IOI•-'" OKor • oc ... ...-erln --· Fremasol 1-,.,, ...... COl'l'•tt: MAltllt SMllLD: Eisler'• CUiiom -<-!Nellon. lftllellad IO (-let 10 CMIC- coffff m-. ICI MAC.MINE: Rou T..,.p -I •RC·J».SC wllfl Ice ...,... ~Uy ol -oalmn.ty 2'11 - pet day Seli<Clflteinecl <-. -on 1 ... DISPLAY CARD MOLOE•: Aeacllno -· •I IJF. n-· • 21", ull" cllrOma, slnole ... m _ ,,. ....-..... ILICtt:•: 1Mtm11-.1 "9e 1001 lik e r _, • Ma·?SO (NSF!, -tecl 1luml"""' 11111"', l lS -· sinolt ptlMe l'•li'"4-MATIC: W.....,,.r -· • .... llll'atOallATION IYITIMI: Inc-. all mils, com~ lullllflo. Mnlc• val.,.., Miid vetws. freon oes, oil. vlbtatlon e llmlfta'°"-flttlflal, etten.. s.olenold .,.._, "'""'" •nd ... ~ _,. _ •-to complete Ille retnoarellon lnstol.._,of Ula follow Int: SYSTllM A: One I ll only wellr·ln c-. 1 H.P. condansl119 unit -met<lllne -coo All rlfr\tW•lon s.,,u.nt h.lmlshecl -.,.._ In K cordenc• -h Ellt.,..1 ..,_,91 _,lfkel ....... Comptu--. ..,_,,eel •NI l11sle lla4ll ., ,.., .. llldlcetad on Ehler's plan. F11rnl1Me wltll -compre-c...., end -r wutN,,....., .......... lncludH ltMl·llP and to dey ,.,.,,k• Oii ,...,... •IYllem, r11«"4n fr .. iet, retr1oetatec1 ell......, c-. anel k • .....mllll. AOOITION TO KM•OUL.a "A" 24'' I ... I , ...... S.E llllle IDCIS C-WI 1119" prusu.-. Ooml,..tM pl .. Uc, lot>t cOflOPfe .. wllfl conellmelll receu. •lSJO lMlltt v~ wllll porul1in "X" llMe - tlleMtlColumn. t••• • lf" 1 IW' S.E ~ 1DC1S c-lft lllOfl ,.,.....,,.........,_pl•tlk •SSU ._ _, wlltl por<.eleln "X" -...., eMMtlcol-. Holly--· •JSUP mated cllaln wltll tllp 1 .. tt.. UllllOIU.ncl M<k end Sffl Wilfl ~ bronH ,..lltlHCh. UpftOllltnd In Oetot • OC4-I .,.....,., ... Of' ... FremHOI ,,.,..,_""'""' HWO-flOOr "COOMC" to Inc-all 1.-W '"""1el end trim. ---to (Om ..... ,., IM .... ..OTtt: This II M td-o1 YWdaf9 M Ila ~ In h evt11l I-.,..llollal .,.......,. Is,...._,~ eor'"' .......... 1c1 ............ _...,. ...... IMlallalloll .._ .. IN -rna ._ .,.,.. -II ..... c-... lot In llllJ ...... . "'" ~ Top n ....... tr•"' rac.-i.. ,_.. • SC·I~ •1111or...-11ete esld wlllle fot>, Elttff't ......_ c;..,. .......,. wltll IM c...-Cll'\' o1 tt I <•rd•'" ...... r-........... -!Mt.tied .. -• Ml llllCl E1tler'111AM. l------------.. IOHLY 40 IOHl.Y aAnEttY OF TWO " IOHl.Y eATTattv OF TWO G 40Hl.Y f.ll IOHLY .. l~.Y " ·~v un••v O#TWO IOHLY ... '°""-" OIL lllU.'Rll: 0..... Ml<t9-1'a MMal •~ft-41 flller meclll11a f11rt1ltlled wllll all llaOMlarcl ace--..,.,.'""""'.__...._ CMICltaM lllavaat: l'r"rmUlet Madal • l.M.1..JS.Sll"O wllll lll.elllfau MMI ,.C• _. llaan, lllaf\ llmK ~Md --1lftt ....... l'ryen -lllM Oii ceslan 111 tiettery •f -tu -.. .......... .... ~ CMfCK•M PaY••t: Frymu1ar Madel •IMJ..JS.UIOO wltfl .... n'"5 , .... ,_., .......... lllafl llmlt cenln!S Mii t9" CenMCll"I IWlpL ..,..,.,.. '-lllM .. CMtert Ill tlettary Of lwa Cll ... ..................... ITATaMaMT 01' WITMOaAWAL l'llOM .. AaTNaalMI" OP••A TIMe UNHll ll'ICTtnOUS ltUM .. IU NAM• Tf'le ... "'"""' ~-..... ,..,._ •• • t•nerel parl11ar fram Ille pa•llleflfllll' -.ar•llllt w-r Ille flclltlow Wll-,,._ ttf aAOIO CONTltOU..O HOealES et 41A W. ""'"'* c.a...., cm........, Tlla lldllla111 llHlllHI 11a .... Nt--fWIM-'M,..,_ w• ,.._, ..... r '· ... "' .. c-... .. °' .... f'wl ·--A .. , .. , el tM ...,_ ........... , Let,., lltfl Olllft, nl "A" ....... Mnet. c....-..,c.1...,....., /al l#fy Ven o.tll Tiiis.....,,... _ ........ .. C-'" '"""' .. cw ...... c:e-t'r. Dtc. .. "''· ----- -----------------------"" ... - Orange Caul DAILY PILOT/Tuelday, December 29, 1981 -• ...----------------ir--------------~1'-·-------------1 PIU Illa P1U 11111 Ill.I .. .. ~H~-----------~.-------------------------~------------~1---------~--------------------------~--OTIC• O" D•ATH 01' ""taOflHWlll'UAu ll'tenWW.• llll<'Ytnounut1 .. • 111cnvwww-.e•w commi•lioned MARIAN (. HALL AND .._. • ..._ ... TWnP ...._ITATUl .. T MAMllYAT9111 .. T ' UMelTA.,....,., 0 ,. .. I! T I T I 0 H T 0 OH JAMU.UV ''· ..... t11• ...::.. ... .:-.. --.,. ..... , ............ ~ .,. ..... ,.. fell-I .. ·'"-...... ADMINISTIR IESTATI! A.All. CAL.llllOltltlA I.ANO TITL.• tOATMAlt/OUUCHl 10 .......... ; ......... , Na~._. ........ No ,.,,,,....,. COMlllAMY, .. ...,...,.....f,,.._ "ltOllleltTt ... ae INr9' A-lt fL.IAIL.I M~HAHCI L.IWll CL.IANlltl, _. lefi • ~ ~· llMllf llM...,.... "0.. lit ft1.C Wte I 1,..,.;.~ft1t4 • "*"ANV, •LI , Ot-.., Ml-• Awiwe, ..._...... .._,., T o • I I ht I r s , e-11tMtrMA1t•OJ1tt.t ..... J1t., 1t10.ui c IOATMAN *"' ca...... c.iiw• It. Ula,, eoa ol llr. _. Mrs. Robert T. Ull7 ol .201 DutmouLb Pia~. Co1ta Meta, a.u bMa com m111loaed . UJ»OD 1raduadcD from om~ Candidate Scbool d Newport. R.I. bentflcl•rles, creditors :n~':t.':'N~=~.':':'o~ =-.:;;,~:_-.'11111. •· 1;.1 .... .c ... ~:::1~11::r:.~~:l:!;,';~9 ~~ .... ~·,~~-;:,~,.... and contlngtntcredllor$Of OIPINIO llNlllllT, ·.et aAV II'. OlMICHllO 0141•( •-1~.0.....Q..... Tllltt......... .. .. M • r I 1 n C . Ha t I • n d a-tlclrt. -.. ..., """ '"'·.,. .,._,,.., "-· irvi .... Cellftf'1tl• a-..uw • .,....., 1..c. .,,........_ persons who may be _... • ,...,_,,... -.. '*'"· Oo\v1oc.,a1111tv, ICMIMIT-....._ otherwise Interested Int .... ,,_u,tt11 ... 0Mc1e1a_. ..... Tiii• ._._ 11 c...-ctH •'I', .........,.. TMt .......... -..._..,.. .. , ..... le. .. tM Cllollllf .. _.......,., .. ~ TNt ......,_ -lllM el .. ._ '~ Ow1i .. ..._ ,_ .. Wiil •nd/orestet.: 0r.,... ~' ..... ;~c";,;;,... _..,..,,..,...._ c-•• c1er11 .. °'.,. CewMy "'~"·'.;,,---n A ,,.tltlon NI bffn filed WILL. MU. Af f'Uk&C AUCTION TJllt !!":"'..j-=-:.: wttfl ... Ot<fflllllt I. "'1. 111""9 by Charles H, H•ll In the ~.:::~:::= ;::,~0 c-ev c._ .. 0r.,. c_, ... · ''"* ~~~':,"' 0r.,.. ewe Olifly ........ Superior Court of Orenge CMIC'lt c..-.. • 1-. " .... "' '*· 14• 1"'· P'111t11t11M Of'llfl .. CNtl oeu, · · ' "· ""·,,.. • .... ..,., Countr re~estln~ th•t llllOM _,. UIMIM~ •U IN :a':.: .... ·'!.!..-I( I. 0 A"" a .. 1 ... O.C.Jt.1Wl,J ... S, IJ, tt, _.,. - C h I THt Loe8't' Oft CAUroltltlA 1.Al'IO ·-1'11 W'MI ~ .. ,_ •res • Ha be T1TL.1 C:OMPA111v '"' .. oarH Ar1r1111111'--c.r.-.... ~-------------appointed as r•rsonal MAIM S'T•••T SAIJITA ANA ..... IC • .-........... I -· -. rlCTl710UIMll'MIM repre sent a Iv t to CALlflO'llNIA "10i · ......,.._..,CA,... ""'" ,._ ,.""" •~tTATl•MT d I IM M Ill tllM !Ille Mf ~ 0r..,.. C..M o.11, ftlM4 -------------------Tll• lellewlllt ..,...,, irt fel"t • m nlster the est•t• of .... '~ "'"-119 ...... 11 Dec, 1'. t•t,J ... J, 11, It, tta .... i tTATIMUfT OP' WITHOltAWA&. ... ., ...... ; M•rlan C.' Hall (under ~ .. ~ ... et Trvt1 1" t11• rAOM TAAVIL 01s10"'· usu A lt70 •raduat• of Coata II•• Hip !;eboOll and a 11'74 sradu•&. .. f! UC Irvine, be joined Ulll 'Nny in March. th 1 Ind e pend t n t s. • .:.U...,.., . ..,. c-.tv..,. r.x 191a """T••UM1P 0P•••T1•• ~A-.TW1t111,ce1......,.e Administration of Est•tes All ._. _.. ,_ ,.._.... 111 1111 u•oH lllH-u)Y«" 11rc11uT10N, •NC .. ..... "'~ c-.. Or PIC1'tnout 9'.lllNlll ........ • Ce llf•t11le cer•eretl .... 1UU Act). The petition Is set for citv ., ......,. 9Mdl ~ ..,....... 111i<'!'mout au11•H• T ... ........,.. ,_,_ ,_ .,.__ 1t11111et Q . i....-N~. Cat...,,... hearing In Dept. No. 3 at ,.._,; • f •• NAMe ITATllMNT ......... el 11er111er lrem Ille ft61) 700 Civic Center Drive, PA1tce1.1: "" te11ew1110 ,.,.o,. h ••'"' ,.,tnen111, ._.,.11,., 11nftr 111e T1111 w.1-I• tet1dlll(tff 1tY e W t I t .. ~ Cl s '" ",,... 1111 I Celldtm ....._"; lklll._ INlllletl MIN., R.C.H .... ,.,~et!Gft. NW6in NOTIC. 01' D•ATH OIP' LOIS CAROL ... OAS au LOii ... OAS, ak1 £.011 C . REGAS AND 011 PETITION TO ADMINISTER l!ITATa NO. A-111•. A es 'c"11f'"" tv of ant• Ultll Ho. M ( .. !.u:H") "= ..KllHLtltlNTEllNATIONAL,601 ~u *· 1'111 Slr .. t, (Olll ...... ,., • ..._llecreetlefl,111(, na, a qrnla on Jan. 20, "'"",,. ~1111_ ,ie., '~" ... '-• ,..,. °"""· "'"" J.I!, Ntw,.... c.i1'°'111eta.27. W11111mc . ..,.,.., 1982 at 9;30 a .m . "~111t.t1'' ftt•lw ~I .. Tree! 9-C",C..~ Tiie llctlllo111 ll11tlllUt 11eme ,.,._,,. IF YOU OBJECT to the Mo.ttM1''l.C-'1'.,0rt11t1J,Sl•ef • .._.I!. IC!ellter, tot l'-l>•rll ttetitlMflt..,.,.,._...,.,,111M Tll•• ....,._. -m.-w1111111e ti Celllemle , .. "llllM''I rec.,... .,. twt11e, klM •• • .......,.., kec". c.. . .,. Mey t, "11111 IM C-y Of Or ..... c_,, Ci.rt " Ofe1191 (.Nftty .,, gran rlQ Of ~he petition, Jlllf It, tt1't, et~ N•. tf6te, ftMol fyll N1me •1111 A .. rfft .. the Oe<lf'IW ... IWI. you sh<>Old either appear "' ._ ,.._ , .... 16 ..,eutfl m. Tiii• IMIMtl 1, •OftdlKlect .., .,. ...,..,,'MIMt_.,.., ""• at the hearing and state 1M11111w, ., Ofl•c1e1 ••·-., .... , .... ......, ._. Cre'9 w1111en11, ., .. £. ~1-0r.,.. Qni Detty f'ltt4. Your ob1·ections or ftle °'.,...'-,,wMct1,......na111.1e ,...,,,1(......, "•-AldNno, .....,....,, ce•._..• e>e<.e.u .tt.Jt,"" SMMt ltt lflel .._,. fetcri-... Tract lfe. Tillt .....,_ -lllell •1111 Ifie '*1 To all heirs·, beneficiaries, crtdlto(I and contingent creditors 6' Lois Carol Regas, aka Lois Regas, aka Lois c. Rtois and persons who may-._ otherwise Interested In the wlll and or estate; wr en Objections w ith the ttH'1. ,_.. 111 .._ .... ,._ , '-" ctet11 .. Or•~ c ...... 1y ... '" R-lf c. w1111tm1 ..X 1111( court before the hearing. 1111011911 • et Ml"•"•-• M•o-, ~-u. '"" T111t ••~ •• ll1ect o.. •. '"' , _________________ _ y ..CIM'OUIUlfOrtlltlJC-'t flt1'11U Wl"'IMOr .... c..untyClerll. our appearance may be """CIL2: . f'wllllllwll er..,.. c .. tt oe11y ""°' 111tt1ai llllCTITIOUt•Ulf••M In person or by your A11 ...,..,...,oettt,_,.,.11111.,._, 0et..J'l,1•1.J.,,,s,12.1t.1t12u21 .. 1 P~lllltdOr111goeo.a10.11yP11o1 .. ..,....,ATUlllWT attorney. '" .... t• .. °"""-Arw• .. __ ~. 1, u.12. "· 1111 ~; Tll• 1e11ew111e ,.,..., 11 .. 1"' I F Y 0 U ARE A elllld9flftNen""PI•: NU 1111( ..,.._.,, CR E 0 IT 0 R 0 r a £XC£11'T •II tll, t•• •"II l'OTllANOM*IM"°".!:i= . "ydrourllen -.toft<fl lltftMlll • NU 1111( Go«Mrf Mfwl. Unit 0, H A petition has been flied by Chris P. Regas In fhe Superior Court of Crane. County requesting that Ch ri s P . Regas b• appointed as personal re p resent at I v e t'O administer the estate of Lois Carol Regas of Coslp Mesa, California (under the Independent. Administration of Est•tH Act). The petition Is set for' hearing In Dept. No. 3 e1 700 Civic Center Orlv• West, Santa Ana, Ca. 92'70t oo January.13, 1982 at 9:30 a.m . contingent creditor of the .. ,,, .. ,. ,_. ,,.,, ""wr1ece., lll1CTrTtOUJ•uM••11 1M<11, Cll...,_.,.., deceased, you must file .. 1c11-e1111 .. r1t111.,....., __ .., •AMeSTAT..._ .. , 111e111 o. oeereei .... 1uu ... 500f9"f Tiie lelleWlltf --••rt .. 1,.. PICTITIOUtauMMla __. .. .,. ~. ~ a..cti, your claim with the court tell~ ..... :::."'::'~~~:' ..... : 11wMtut: u111uT•T•M.,.T ce1...,..t21M1 0 r present It t 0 th t c-....v • .,. ............ -. Ill I... sovu•1~ SAILS, w w. ,_ ....!.'!:.::•,••lltO Hr Mii ,, cltlltt Tiii• ......... It ~'" ..., .. p ersonal representative a... •«.ordtll lfl ._ '*· P ... • s~1~':J"+~~~· •i.c.. uooc, fro .. •ta s-. c1rc11. lllfly ..... ~o ~ appointed· by the court .. ~'~~~;-· -. sov111e1Gl'I SA1Ls, • c.1110N11e c~~·~~r-. •• """' T"1e _...-.,. -"*' •"" "" within four months from An uc1us1w •i.M -_"""' 10 <.,,...ellon, \ONO Boetman A....,.ue, c1rc11, Cotte MtM, c.. "'*' c-ty cten. of 0r..,.. c-t'f "' the date of first Issuance .,.. t11e ..._,,,A,........_ .. ,. stM•,CA..... '"'' ........., 11 c~ -. .,. DKemw 11• 1"'· Of letters as provided In ., IN ,.., • llel119 ~I to"" c.::!:e~""' It <Ollducl .. Illy e 1""".._.~ II • .,_ ,.,,,., P'l*IMlcl Or .... c.elf o.lly ,.,.., DK. IS, tt. "· ltl'I. Jlfl. S, t• Wlt .. I Section 700 of the Probate ~~itcEu. ...,......,._.., 1..c. T1111 ......_. -111e11 w1111 .. Code of California. The "" '*""'"" rlgllC -,_,.. ...._c. 0.-.111. c_.., Cllft .. °'.,.. c-. .,. Ille ,,_, SolC.e ..... .__ \'lee~ DKlfftW !1, Hit. -ti> -time for filing Claims Wiii llM .. ---tecl., Tiiie ~ -tll4d wltll W. Pl,_. ..._ ._,~ U. ll4M" ,_.,.. 5"<• No. ~tt1. ,..,.. ..... Or ,_ ....._. 1111 --------------not explr~ prior to four Tll• stru t ••llreu and et11er c_,, Clef'll of °'""' c-ty ... .,.. -.-• -'\. ,.. months from the date of '°"'"'°" ,. .. .,......,, 11 "''I'· of ,,. o.. t4• ttet. o.c. n. "· "''· J•. s, "· •• n .. , the hearing noticed above r .. i properly fetcrllled •!Ion 1• "*!ltA.I 0r.,... coe11 oeu~'= Ml 1111( YOU MAY EXAMINE :"~".°'':'E111w•~::_~0::vA 't=E OM.tt,ttl'l,J.,,.J, n ,tt, 1912 ,_., .------------ the file kept by the court. CA1.1F011N1A . • If you are interested In the THE UNOERSIGNro TltUSTE£ 015Cl.AIM$ AHV l.IAllllTV FOlt estate, you may file a INCORlll.CT INFORMA TION PICTITiout•USt••u request with the cour1 to l'URNISHEO NAMe ITATUU!NT receive special notice of THAT ..to Ml• It medl wlt11ou1 T111 te11ow1119 p1rso" 1t '''"' the/inventory of estate <-..-"' • .,,_, r_.it• ui1e. ~ ... , ---or ell<-llM ... or e•... AMIAICAN OPPOltTUNITY assets and of the petitions, lftwreDtuty o11111e. P\ltLISHllM '95 .,,_, A.,..."' accounts and reports THE lof•• _, 01 1,. -Id s..1ieF,ir...,...,.ve11ey,cAn,ae. · described in Section 1200 s balenu of .... otlll91tloM ,__ JAM IS w A IN w RIGHT of the California Probat'e "'1"' ectvan< .. , ...., Htlmeteo , ... FLANAGAN. 1122 Nimrod Drive, •lld .. ...,,_, It t.M,to).14. H1111llf\9t11n 8Mcll, CA '2M7. Code. 1HAT "•ti<• ol l>ruc" ot ••If Tiii• 1D111if1H1 •• ,_,.., by 4111 H u r w I t z R e m e r o1>11ee11on '"" •'-<11oft t• .. 11 ,...1 ll\Cltv1c1 .... 1. MacDonald ' & Mude: :.~~·:~:S.~':"~':.9: Tiiis ;.--=..:. ~ ,.11,,.,.. Attorney at Law, 660 0111c1e1 ..__ '" 1i. ottl<• .. 1,. ic-"'' C!ef11 of o..,. c°"'"'' °" Newport Center Drive c-1, 1te<-r o1 0r.,. County, IDt<-u .1wi. S U I t e 1 SSS, N t WP Ort ~~~":"',; C9l\dllctl"' .... . Pv1>11-0r..,.. coe.i oe11~'= Beach,CA92'60. CALIFORNIA I.ANO TI TLE bee.it 1WI J .... It lt.1"2 SJl:Ml l"\iMllllM OrMte C-0.11, Piiot, COMPANV ' ' ' ' Dec. tt, JO. ltll, JM. S, 1912 ut7 .. t .. UNl\ll!'RSAl CITY PLAZA UHl\ll!'RSAl.CITV, CA tltOI ATTN: FORIClOSURE OEPT. Tll: IJU) no.t100 llllCTITIOUS aUSINllM Oeteo: Otc:enll>tr I•."" NAMa STAT•MllNT ly: Cellloml• Lallf Tht lollo•lng persoft It •01119 Tll9c:..m,...y _.,..UH' lyGlnnll\lt..._.... PERSONAi. AET l11£MENT F_..._Offlur MANAGEMENT, -Wtsteriy Pl.C., P'vl>lllllld Or .... Coe~ Dally Pllol s..lll 100, N-1 .. ~. C.. 92660 Otc. n, 2t, "'1, J.,,. s. 1w1 \'42-tl lrya" Ro.,.rt w1111amt, ou rJ,....Ol\I ~. G..-•1 Mat. Ce. tttlS T"ls 111111'*1 It C-..Ci.11 Dy en llldlvl<k;el, .. , ... PICTITIOUI 9'.lllNUI MMleSTAT .... MT Tiit foliewllle ,_,...,,ere fo1ftt ....,_ .. : ALL MASONS HEATING A AIR CONDITIONI NG, tt7 l rHdwey . C..MeM,Cll ......... "'27 P'eter Merte1t P•lly Jr .. 1•1 ar .. fw1y, C:.to Mew, C•llt•rftle nm Tiiie ..._, It <-..clM 11Y Mt ..... IY'-. ,._M. ... HyJr. Thlt -w" lllecl wlltl" IN c-ty Cltf1i .. ~ .... C:-y .,. Otc•m-II. IWI. Fl111J7 l'vl>llttllllll Or-.. CMS! Deity Pltee, o.. u .12. Jt. ~. J ... s. 1t12 SMM1 P1CT1nous auStN•u- NAMm ITATllM•NT Tiie tollowlftt P••IOll It ...... llwlMttet: ORl\llNG FOR DISTANCE, IWl-0 Adami.. Calle MeM, Cellfor"'• .,... l . H. 5'e<lelllft, IWl-0 Ada,..., c.osu ~ Cl&llfoml• .-. Tlllt lllal...U Is <Ol\dlllc1ell Dy ... INll•I_.. L.orM L Hen Tiiis ......_. we1 1114d wlll\ IN c-t• c11111 ot Ora1191 Cou"'' °" Otcemw •. ttlt. Pl11ft'1 l'ICTITIOUI MISINHA NAllM STATeMllNT Tllo fOllOWlllt IHl"On Is dOlllt l>llSIMHet: COltlNTHIAN CLASSIC$ VIDEO, 121n G.....,. Grew 8"'4., s..1w •. G•r0.11 ~. Ce!Hornl• ttMJ 11~1 J. PHrlOI\, Jlt JICkMn Slrffl, Setita AM. Celllomle tt701 Tlllt -1""1 II <ondll<tell 11y ..., ..... 1 ... 1-1. ·-J . .....,_ Tllll .U...,_ -llled wllll u. Covftly Cieri! of Ora11119 Coilftly 111 No--····· PODM P111>1I""° Orenge C.0.SI O.lly Plle4. O,C. I, IS, 22, Jt, 1Wt SUMI P1CT1nous •USIN•U ~STATIEM•ffT TIM lolleWlftt P•r&ol\ h d ..... ............. : Nl!WPOllT GAS • WASH, *2' W P1clfl c Co.ttt Hltllwey, N••IHl•I llffc II, Cel ......... t2MO Jem.-A. FerOOQUff, 1110 H. lll•ce11t1a A•tn111, F11ll1rlo11, Calltorfti•~ Tiiis l>utinftt It Conll<Kted Dy .,. ,,,..,¥._. . J1n1-A. Fer ...... Tlllt .....,_ -filed wltll U. Covn ly Cleni of OrMtO Co..tnly °" DKem!aw4, ttlt. 111111• l'utllllllell Or ..... Coest 0•11' PllOt, DK. I , IJ, 2t, Jt. tt11 ,....., NOTIC• TOCReOl~llS OP MIUC Tlt.-..W•A C11cL 1111-6• u.c.c.1 8ryM R. Wllllamt Tiii& Slai.n-t W9$ tlllao wltll Ula CHiiiy Clerk of Ora119t C_,,1, °" l'ul>ll.-0r"'ll CO.st O.tll, Piiot., t----------------- Notice ls'-'"'"',.,,..., 10 creollor1 of IM e ltllifl ,,_ trlfl-.rOI ... , a Dulk tr~ It -. te be mecle ..., 0.C. I, IS, tt. Jt, ltll u..11 Otcem-lA, 1"'1. ---------------1'11ttS1 ~1111111-Or-Coell Oelly Pllol DK n. 1'11, J ... S, It, It, tm Wl,_.I personal •roptrty "eretnelter 1--------------dncrlMcl. Tl\t --l>lltlftfft -n• of l ... Intended lre11 ... r01 .,., HUNG t----------------SUP llM. 211S "'""'°'1 Blvd .. Cotito MeN.Ce.ftW. TM IOUIUOI\ In Celllornle of !tie clllel uec1111 .... oltlce or prl11<lpe1 lll111lnut olll<• ol I"• lnl•ftllell lrtMl•ror b : ..,,. .. ...,,.. All otll., ll11tl11Hs "emes e11c1 ........ , ..... Illy Ille 1 .. , ...... trMSltror w~ -.,..,. lnl Pelt H fer H kllOwn lo Ille lnten .. d lrlftllff'Mwe' N-. Tl'le neme -11111111\tsl -•t DI IN lit...., Ir ......... 11: SUN GUN LEE, 117S -..ornitvcl., CotU -· Ce. '2'21. Tllet ... -"' ,.... ...... , ..... '°IS det<rl-Ill 91nerel •t: • .., stet*' 1>11sl111n .,.. h l1<1te4 el: 21rs NewPO<t 8""'·· coa .. Mete. Ce. ttw. TIM lluslneu.....,. -Illy -Mid tr.t111feror el Mid locellon Is. KEN'S AUTO REPAIR Tllel selcl lllulll tr ....... ls lnteftdtll '9 N conwmmeted •I rh• ottlce of: 1.ANTA AHA £SCllOW, 116 S. Me111 SI., s.ftto "-· Cefffoml• tt1tt, eit ., .... r J-v u.1•. Tlllt lllllk l•lftsftr Is tYllltcl lo c.tllorllla u ... 1 .. m Commerclel c- !«11on tlOlo. Tiie --ec1c1reM of W. ""°" wllll •llam clel-mey be llled I• SANTA AHA £SCllOW, 116 S. Me111 $4., S.llto ..... c.. '"''· _ ... .... ... , for """' ,....,, by -< .... lb 111•11 ... J_, •. '"'· wlll<ll 11 , ... ~-dly lllolOre Ult (OftWmmellOI\ dete spec Iliad ..... D•tod o.c.mller 11, 1'11 5'.tflGWll Lee I....,_ Tr_ .. , .. SMUAM•ec .... ,. ............ ..... A-. Ca..,,., ....... 0r-.. c.tll 0.-, , .... DK. Jt, 1tlt PICTITIOUS MlllNllS "AMI STATIIMSNT s-..1 Tiie lollowlnt peno11 It clolnt lllilslMties: LAUltl!TTE P'llOOUC TS, 14'1 •• ., Sl., Suite '· c .... llllWM, Ce. .. ,. Lorttte MOtrl-....... tt. ten (l~A ..... C-. ...... c. .... 'fllll ~ It c.-.C ... Dy .,. ............ ~Morrb ........ tt Tll14 _.....,.. WM fl .... wltll ... c-tr c-of °'.,,.. c-1, ... o.c-w• 1•1. Mlllll A IOll COUltT OP CM.fNtl•tA COUtfTY OP llllOllTtl 1t• V •a..ca---....... c.-......, PL.AINTtff': ltOS IT A e NICOLAIDES Dll'ENOAMT: lt09£1tT C. LfWIS, JA .. eNI OOll:S I ._,....... \I, lftCIW ... MIWMllll CAM NUMll9A , ... NOTtal 'I'• ..... .,._ --. 'ftl _...., ........... _ ....... ................. _,..... ...................... _. ...... ,, .,... """ . -"" ~ .... .n.n.ey "' ... .......,, .,... ._... .. M ,,..,._.,Y .. "''' -wrln.111--------------,.._, 11.,,. _., .. , ....... .._. AYllOI 111111 ..... tt" t 11 . ................ ..,~tH. 11• 111141'-ie I -· ... Ull. ,...... ........... Lee .. ................ SI u .... --. Mlklter •I <.,.•lo .. WO ....... II\ .... -Ill, -rle 11ec.,1e l1tmedletem•"le, ,. •lie _,,, w,......... tKrlto, 11 .... ....... ,...._rtlthtr ... e t....,.. t. TO THI. Oll'EltOA#T: A clYll ,_,lllllC -. ...... fli.4 ., t ... ............ __ .,.,... ... .. ................ _ ....... .... ·-~..._..,,_ .. _.... ... .,...,n11 ....... t_,e ..... ,....... ... ~~- l'ICTITIOUI aUllNH.S Mt.Ma STAT&MaHT Th• lollowlng "r'e" 11 c1ol111 1111111,...•n: GWS LIMITED, ls.2 Myr1 .. No. J, T11ttln, Celltomll ftleO George Wllllem ~. ti.t Myrtle Mo. l. Tlllll11, CellfOrnle tHaO Tlllt lllfttMU II C9nduetlcl llY ell , .... 1 ... 1-1. 0-.. w. Soul_,,, Tiiis ~ w• llltd wlitl ._ c-nty Cleft of Or-C-ty Oft Oe<•m-•· 11111 "'~ PuflllsMll 0r"'9t C.0.tl Oelly PllM, DK. I, U, t2. Jt, ltl'I »Jt.11 ••• .,... ........... 1 .. -.... ~-- ...... 1«< ..... ........,.., .... W. c:ewt 1---~----------y eMH. ,...,_ ........ """" tllt ....................... ~. Wlll<tl ~ ........ lit.....,..._,, .. ............ _.,., .... ~.,., •Iller rell•f •••11etle• '" Ill• ,........,.. OATl.0: "-Y t._ mot .. ,,...A.~. ow. .. teNt M. ScM.11. o.,..ty MLAlltO, MAlll9aL v, ••Tl•••• a MOM &r1 I Ml alC.W.W .... .............. P.O .... • ........ ~ ... T•hC-•NM ......... Or.., (MM o.lly ,. .... Ole.. II. I\ ""· -'-9. S. U, 1t02 UIMI rtCTtnou1auM•111 tlMMITA,.. .. NT ~'°' .. ~"to --· ...... ,,. ALL HAS0MS HEATING A Allt CO HO ITIONING, tt 7 lrH .. 1y, c.e ..... C...........tllW "•t•r _, .. ,. ll'elly Jr .. 1•1 lrN-••Y, CMtl MoM, Cell ..... le ttdf Tlllt --.. la ~ .... ..., 111 ·1 ........... ~M....,lyJr. Tiiie ...,._. -lllef wltll .. c-ty CllR .. OfMtt C-. "' OK-w ti,'"'· lllKTIT10UI IUllN .. NAMe STATIMIMT T"• fellewl11t HrM1t It clol1tt bflltlfteuM: Tltl<ITY Cl.EANIMG HllVICli, 1•1 Mvl.......e •••• .. s.. m . 1:1 T-.~--ltklwNA. ar_,, 2•1 Mu~ = .. s.. "'· e1 T-. ce111.,.,,. Tlllt ....... 11 <...-WC .... tty 111 1 ............ . ltldllrf A ... ... Tltk ......_ -ft .... •"" ._ c-•• c . ..,. " o.-.,... ~ .. DK_.....,11,"'1. """" ,..,.., ... Or ..... c.... Ollly ..... DK. U, 12. Jt, \'91, JM. S, t• J.llr1 .. I llllCTIT10Ut llUMNaa MAM9 ITATUletn' Tiit l1lleel1te HrM41 It .. ,.,, ...,_ .. , COllN£A PL.AU, l TO., ltttt Sleter A-. S111te 111, l'-Wllt v.....,.~.,,. TIHW A. 5-, t0tt1 M-.. Wtt IU .......... V .... y. Get ........ ..,.. Tlll•......_ltc--.11y.,. -··~. T ... 5-.......... Tlllt ......_ -........ ._ c-ty Cllft .. Or ..... ~ .., ~''·'"' IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should either •PPMr at the hearing and staW. your objections or flit written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be Jn person or by yoir attorney. IF YOU ARI: A CREDITOR or. contingent creditor of tM deceased, you must flle your claim with the court or present It to the personal re presentative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first Issuance of letters as provided In Section 700 of the Probat• Code of California. The time for filing claim s wltt not expire prior to four months from ~ date of the hearing noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the couH. If you are interested In the estate1 you may file a request with the court to receive special notice o' the inventory of estate assets and of the petitions, accounts and repol'ts descr ibed in Section 1200 of the Califomla Probate Code . G~ry Leibowitz, Esq., HS T.own Center Drive, Suite •· C.U Meu, C'fh '2626; 'ft: (714) S4CM262 ""*~ Or-.. CMtl 0..ly .... Oe<. u , n. "· "" JJIMt llllCTIT10UI ......... NMllll ITATUlellfT Tiie ..,_.... __ ,ere ..... _. __ : MAl.COl.M A OALV I.AW tlENTEA ASSO(IATlh, f7m L.11• ·--Suite-· ......... ""'°· c.. . ,..., Tlltm•• II. Melulm, HH MKA.-9Ml, ..._.., .. _, C&. -..., . c. 0. °""· ... ~ ........... ... • ..-t1111c11.ee.~ 01-.,,N.~,4-~ .. .............. e..o. CA. -.a Alc ... rcl It ........ !7JIS L.11• AlfMlel, 5'lllle-. ..-Ylljo, C&. .... o-N W. Gii-. mes Ult 11........,s... •• ....-v ..... ca. ,,.., fllla .......... It <-~ W I 19Mrel_... ..... c.o.o..y Tlllt......__lltell_..._ C-ty Clltll .. °'Mte ~ .,. o.cemw n. ""· ",.. ........... Or ... c.-Delff ..... Otc. n. ,.._~.JM. s. 11. .--..... ll'ICftW .. I 1• ..._ITA,..,... Tiie lettowt ... ,.,_ 11 ...... ........... : Tat llWT1lltHt-•t W. 91 ....... c....-..~ T-. ...... k~. -.... .--.c:--...~ ..., Tiii• ........ _......,_ .......... .,... ..... 11, ... ., ™' ........ -:. .... c:-ty ~ .. 0.-.. ~,. ~--· ......... Or-..c......,~ o.t.ll:A. ... ,-.. ..... -.... lo Orange Co11t DAIL. V PIL.OT/Tu11d1y, Oeotmber 29, 1M1 . The marketplace on the Orange Coast ... 64 2-5678 UMQUI .. OLOC .. R·2, .s· lot. South of hicll .. y. 3 BR, Senst· tional t.t.nns. $it00,000. U~IOOf t1()Mf l Balton. 875.eooi NEW BUSINESSMEN ContKt the DAILY 'llO.,.. for Information rt91rdln1 tt.e OMftcY rt_ ................. . Pldtloul •• , ......... . MHlltDT.m mE IBDlll ILlllS CD. OVER 57 YEARS OF SERVICE M1W WOOOlllDGI LISTING • Exceptional 3 BR Choice Corner Lot. Grt Location. Beautiful Area Nr Park. Comm Pool. Mstr BR Ste W /Mirrored Wardrobes. Select Landscaping. $172,000. (!) ·--..... ,.~·· AESIOENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERYICO OM1HllAY The most exclusive condominium building on the bay is where this lovely 2 BR. 2 Ba. Condo ls located. You have your own private sauna· and the use of a pool, spa and recreation area. Within steps of the finest designer 1bops, restaurants and markets. $598,500. llllC & RNlt AN HONOR S C 0 E B E Z A C I R R 0 0 W P X N R A E P 0 0 C J X H A E U Y E X l 0 K 0 G 0 K R M I W A R J Z V Z 0 W I C E A H J A A K l S A C E I I X B T P P R R J W l W T 0 C T k K R R 0 A A A S W T A I W E R S l R I P P H R Y l l W A A H A K R 0 A P l l N M 0 R N A M E N T 0 C E X P Y A E J P C Z T U J l E M I 0 S A W H 0 B J E E R T M C A S P C W R K R Y Y 0 I C 0 ~ H E I U I E M l 0 N H R ZH SIC ROOKESE Y P R 0 E 0 J P S Y E W l H A l A N 0 T H 0 R R T P G L 0 R Y A T R U R C E M I N P A N S N T W E R E P 0 S H R T T R I 0 E N C 0 T R I A T I W 0 A ...... ""· i-i Of dlllDNllY. ,;:: end bok ,, 1n: .. I' Glory Dlltlnctioft ~ ., Cl'adk ~t T•y " ,.,,. ~-'*" t "-d O...eloft I.Mel ~ NoW ,.,.. lltcaf Tomorrow: Wit .... .... M edkln mcome o/ D<JjlM Pilot /omUw1 · ezceedi 134 ,000 a 11ear. Your ad r1cu:lw1 the county'! mo!t alfl~t bu~no au· dience /Jn NIGEL UAIL[Y Ii. ASSOCIATES FUUOCUHVU U r 2ba. S.C C)Clh. Euc •""9 szn.ooo 675-1 771 1--1 ASSUMEAITD l!l91_11111!_ HIAVINOMUOO You'll lovetbil 1parlou1 ly remodeled 3 bdrm ~ on thit extra wide lot Sunny p1t10 ' jacuul. Only 107. down OWC!! $50.000 under IP pralsal Ji ''"' a.tFf HA VB4 YU Easy romrort. ramil~ h\'mg on qwet Kings Road Unobstructed \'1ew of bay and ocean 4 &inns. ram1l) room & d1n1ng room N1ct' enclosed swimming pool and spa orrered at l'J00.000. including land 642-5200 j PETE ' BARRETT ··. REALTY I 90.000 at only 12'1 in terest. There's plenty or country charm in this neWly de<.<orated 4 Bdrm home located on a quiet street in Mesa del Mar Btlterhurry! 751·3191 C::. C.,( I I ( T Mt scport •octt I 069 °"'9' lNI &tat. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -t"' P~~( H'I HT I~<, *** U Gredi._ 118 Via Lorca Newport Beach You are the winner or four fttt tickets <SIS 00) value to the Sports. Y ocatkNI -'lYSltow ANAHEIM NEWUSTIMG! Spac~ 4 Br wlbonus room & OCEAN VU . c'tm POOL. SPi\ & I Gazebo. Beauttrul home with many nice up grades Only $429.000 Patrick Tenore, agt 758·1221 c~~~!!0~10 i OCEAMFROMT To claim tickets. rall '1 IY OWMEI 6'2·5678. ext. 272 New cust bit 2 st). Tickets must be claimed fhncb Normandy 3 BR by January 8, 1982 & den home Can be * * * split. -95.000. owe 3711 0 W N E R W I L L Seashott. 673~78 CONS! DER CAR DO¥a SHOH S RYING BALANCE with EXEC. HOME nice size down! Ranrh Med. stylerourtyard. style Mesa Verde home Pool, jacun1 Overlooks bouts 3 bedrooms, 2\'f bay Cala•y Or Formal baths. dining room . re· din rm. 2fl'l>ks. 1695.000 luing family room. and fee. hearty f ire p I ace. 642·~10/&46·4848 Fabulous assumable VA loan! $229,500 Call for ---..... ~~~I financing details! MIWPOIT HllGHTS m.ao 3 Bdrm borne, flrepl1 ce. TARBELL, REALTORS double garage, choice location. Near Cliff and $10,000 DOWN, $1900 mo. n--... 187 LN\ ocean vu. 3 BR 2i,, ba ......... • . .-.. condo. 213-582·41M .., ~ lbtr. owt•WILL SACllACI ! ~ new l~ll.ry townhouse c.cndol. ) bdrms, 3 ba BELOW BUILDER ·s COST. $135 ,000 ea m-4313 ...WCI AT I 2% WWI 15._., down for 10 yean. 3 Bdrm, 2 bath. areal condition with n111 extras. AtC. WIMfw ..... ~ !ncloMd patio, corner -~~~~---1 lot wfth RV acceu. Aak· Wl'llllALLY Inc $117,500. For an •P· ANAIO pointmenl to 1ee, call that tf mort people read •us1 lhls month'• Na t1on11 ! • HEHITAGE Gqraphk relative to Newport Harbor • 0 C ~ce ba.yrront proper 1 ..... l!!!!ll!!!!•!t ly. wtll •Yl'O(ht. Call 1-:: Jcim Campbell ror appt to tee thia brand new tilt.ln1 of '•'*lout bay· Ol'tWI vu ntm home and ~[Al lOR!-i ~ 11t ta. judc• °' Ulla Im.GOO prite •'6dl ta· C .... I lifll pattel of ..... --. 1a1m11ALn 111\1 l,"' •MJll!I 6n;.aJI I frln za:;.,Wll1 .. Ad ... ? 11 00 . .....•...............• OCEANFRONT Modular Type Homes, 24 hr security, 17 mt pvt bl'h + fishing pier Cedar cottage type. red wood deck. pool. guarded gate. adlts onl> ~o 169.900 _ 499·38!L -..rrop.r+y 2000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• INCOME PROPERn SPECIALIST Select rrom 3·19 units Terms available to suit your needs jX! NEI&5ER · QJI J Q tlH 1 \2 II C · 7 1~ ~I Hifll 2925 l'Olll'i:t' ,\\I' ('u~I i.l \lt•'u l' \, APPLE YAWY TaSWht' Near new 4 plex 2 bdrm, 2 balh each un11 with rireplace. enclosed patio, garage 9a. ,., 1st Pos cash flow Now $159.~ Bill Grund). Rltr, 675-6181. l UMITSC.M. Pnce jl&Sl rHIK'td, nor new.call now TSL lnvstmnt~ 642· 1603 14UMTSC.M. Euts\de with pool . owner anxious , •rut flnancuia at 10"' ~.1'!.v~t!'lnll 642-1603 19&8SIH,MO Locattd m Costa M fH lWID 2 8drm 2 Bl IAlllt• art ire•t rmtalJ Tbty haw patlo5 • «ar•a" Allumt l5k ltt loan and owcw. '• , L1 Orange Coast DAILY PILOTrruesday. December 29, t981 ... -.F----11 :k¥cr M.l ••••••••••••••.•••••••• fi'or all you ne~ lo know SPECIAL •bout bunkrupll·y. r .. 11 tl 67 Pt D m iws1112 Th;t'a ALL ~OU !1y Wa..n ror. 30day 1d lnthe DAILY PtlOT SllVICI DlllCTOIY DO IT NOW • ..... s.... Your D11ly Pilot Service D1rtctory C.,..Senke Qrywtl ~5-nlcet ..... Mll.y ,.._. · M "J ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• We <Are C.:rpl Clean1m1 DRYWAU. ACOUSTIC r r 't Tr 1 m nll n i; & llAUUNG ' OUM p \tuonry our spec11lty C.t.. ,~ l>ra111.clt1red from SIU Stum clean Ir \.lphol11 H yruxp ~\Illy h(''d a. ~roov11I •t Reasonublt JOAS. uk for Randy, c.iean. quick. ~e1>t1nd1· ~ yrs exp Lie. 4ol94 i ""'Plumb111M~.~e::21~33 Trurk mount unit lnlured S32 5549 Prices. H11uhng. Odd _ _!41 84Z7 ble Wedo any me Job! Bonded Ina Reis Color rieet'St Wor~&uar 6453'716 ~Senlc -Jobs. fll'an up~ TREESISHRUBTRIM __ •63120CM• _ ~ rtll631»1l0ick Ot.~hwuher. d1spoi1;11\ mpoo & steam clun ~;:::::? ••••••• ~•••••• 7&0911~.6'139043 Gange,YdCleun ups AllTy~11 M11onry lNTJlo:XTPAINTINCi 101le1~ & C11u1·r1~. rt' ~rpl~ b~l~t~t'r~i.,.~~t f: M Oe111in &t Check ~· ftee est. 557 ml Very rt1u. lk. bonded. u c'd ~f11 Free cat p111rt'<l fl replaced 11 Hall. liv /dln rms sis. p. ck• it in g I s H ••••••••••••••••••••••• a.IAHUPYOUIACT BobS41176$0/S36·9906 ••6461087 •• Yl'i!,llptr J1m631666ti ava room S'1 ~. couch MTl..t PCB Harvey Carpentry Muonry TODAY ' y di ~ I'm Smail M~ pnrl'~ llropertyM••i••at .,0 hr .. G _HardJ.son._545·3701 Rootln~ · PlumbinK · ar aarage .._ • ..., I C •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• •• • c "" uar. ehm Drywall Stucco Tile cln-up, etc. 1 ton trut•k ••••••••••••••••••••••• are smal ' 'd . NB & rtoPllTY pet odor Crpt repair lldrtc.. fterrodel J B 646·9990 .63U9'J3~hrs> •ABC MOVING Exp . Irv Exp'd Ron673 IW77 uu..u.Gir..1 ... 1111 . ..ty IS yrs exp. Do work ••••••••••••••••••••••• --~ ----JOH.N'S 8 ''K R d prol .. low rates. Qwck. G L M J> t ..-n,.. V"U""O -m ...... ell Ref 531 0101 f:l.ECJ'RICIAN pn"-.. General Ma111111m1tu•e . A.... ! 0 Y careful service. SS2·0410 angun ain .~nl( Orimjie Co. arta IS > r:. 1.-''"" Repairs & Decoralin" for hauling. Efficient, ------Cust. work Lt1• #362478 l'Kpenrm•1• C11ll for info )tear.1 Clean for the right. rree est1matr on * •li11.! R!}'.640.St44 reas Stlldent w lge •A-I MOVING• Im f)'ffl!!il 7:SI 8281 1rndrat~ Holidays ! Best rates for lar~oramallJobs llOtiEIMPROVEMI::NT trurk Thank you . Top Quality Special t\11 Pa111ting int $4~ rxl 9634 112 the big diites• C'all l..lc~I 673~9 . 7~1976 cArein handllng.25yrs t;.50 Neal & l.'omplell' ~733 Elet'lnc our Specialty Repatr·Maintenaore j HA-ULING exp Co11111etit1vt rates Freeeiit Rt'fs 1151 7292 .._~/l.,a'r ~ r,.. s.r.a . .................. 1 •.. • tllpe,, Trft Pna.ai11. ~rcial Ludtcape tSrrv icn 115 7'&38tl G1Jbfrf1 Ttec Spet Trcn11hrubf uputl)' pruned P'rtt ut bi~fl3!9----~ THE T1H PIO'U l'ro work, 11U tree• C.11 now' lm-<637 M hrs ••DPllT•• TUISBVICI ••4tJ..Z220•• ••••••• Reprtttnt1tive '4.t.5671, elf JU C..-llt/CO..Cr.t. ~ean. Quick ' del)tnda ~:;i·~~:· ~~~p;::itr~o c nrutmasTrees SIO Noovertune.73013,13 _~.,.n.g ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• e We Do An) Site Job• ,JOb 'too small 64S 21111 l''teeest Kns631 09S3, STARVlNGCOLLEGE ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'ustom building. I" !~~~••••~••• THOMPSON'S -*_631 2004• I CM N1ck6Jl-<M6S STUDEN. TS MOVING HANGING SIO/ftoLL ITl)dellnll. mi11n1 . rt TYPING CONCRE.'Tt.:CONSTR 1£L.E<.:TRIC'I AN L.lr -CO Lie l!T124 436 Qualll Al 1 pu1r~. h.1uhnic Slt•H' ~c #ll3:113 642._11482 233l~·C 10 Smull Jobs I b1dallJobs. lge/ll'!'I Ito •KM .. , IMured. &41·8427 Free~ Sc:l~~~f~g 1>738100 ' rROOFREAOINO CONCRETE Mall\l&rep.11rs 548S203 Qu11hty.eitpt'r,hcd ••••••••••••••••••••••• WATCHUSGROW' .-loofing T1anslatlng EnalJJh. ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Driveways. parking lot rep11rs, sealroating. S&S Asphalt 631-4199 Uc -----AUSTATE PAVING Sealcoating, Stripine. Rep:11rs Comm /Res •lt'T_:J62~8_1 __ *~persq ft• 1 -·~ Davt-l-B94·9~8 W~S~~i~~vG7;g~z~ STARVING ACTORS_ ~~~~E:u~~NJ;,FJ~b ....................... r~~;:r~~ .. CSo~:,~~~~ Bnck&Bl<>s_k 675·9027 ....................... ~dwoodAoon Gtrl.Freeesl &45-5123 Move with us 1n too small or 100 large REPAIRSF"OIU,,.:ss 1 di:nC'e. manuscripts, re eo..tn.don, Gtltffol Garden Muintenann~ ••••••••••••··~··•••••• ---December & we wtll Free est To"1_S98 2728 Shingle~ flat 30 > '' ~umes Ex~nenced, at' u•••••••••••••••••••••J Resld,CQmm Indus HARDWOOD• LOORS ROBlN'SCLEANING donate I toy lo a needy ---exp. Free est 770.212.ri rurale. reliable CANAAN LAND Cir an ups & Tree Trim ReautlCufly cleanrd & Service-a thoroughly child. l..lc'd. ins. 673-0853 ,._.., fltpcdr Roofing fast Ser' m" • •496-0339• • C:O.Strwctioll Co. I ll40-ISIS . l'\l'S 1146 4947 waxed ~ rudy for the clean house S40 ~7 -,.••••••••••••••••••••• XI R f " Master Bldrs Custom i-~Udays 8324881 lLORRAINE'SSERVICE '~ PLA.STERPATt'HIN<.; nl es f!'tt>e ~1 WlndowC ..... quality. room addiuons TREES Horre /8w11. 1Reh11ble ••••••••••••••••••••• •• Reslurcos Int /cxl 30 .j9-l 9S82 1 ·•••••••••••••••••• •••' uc'd Larry Wendell. Topped irelTl)ved. dean ~ Re/sffrans 962 OSl.Q. F\ne painl111g by Richard I_rs. Neat Pa!'I ~ 2977 na. •R~IDENTIAL• (213)921 6541 tp, lawn rl'llO\ 7Sl 3476 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sinor. Lie. lllS l3 yrs oC Neat palrhes & textures ••••••••••••••••••••••• /\~g I sty SJO; av& 2 SI) llbysitt9c) •••••••••••••••••••••• 9.abys1t. our CM homes. 1 yr & up, anytune • •t>t~ .r.1u •• Ccwptt Seni,e 1213 l!M4 1468 Haul, cleanup. l'onerele ........., happy local customers. "'"ett. 193•14 39 TIU: INST t\1,1,t;I) 1 SIS f'hns 957-8388 "-wal----Gardenini: Wante<1 relTl)val. llump 'fruck ••••••••••••••••••••••• T.!!_ank ou. 631·441Q_ All Kinds Guaranlet'd 1 Pmf Window Cleanml( _642 8482, 646·Slli__ ~w Yr's Eve. newborns only, by RN. Corona del Mar Npt Bch. 673·6887 ·••••·••·····•···•··•·· NoSh•am -.:u Shampoo ""J Mowmg edgin~ rakin.: _ ~ck serv ~1_:7638 SRICKWORK Sma II PA I NT ER NEEDS lnl!Ext Pla5ter1n~ Refs John ~93 llilii ~rt.'t!l':>l ,qual serv •••••••••••••••• •• ••• •• ' · f' ' Low llohday R ale~ T R 67S-494 I Stam Siit•11;111,1 Fast ~ f-'rt-..· nl llJ9· l~2 DRYWALL. TAPING 5 wee P 1 n i: r (I l' I DUMP JOBS Jobs. Newport. Costa WORK 30 yrs exp, int SELL ttlll' item~ with ;1 ~ ae · Alllextures&taoousllc estimates 645 4372 or &SmallMov1ngJobs Mesa. Irvine Rers 1ext.Acous11cce1hngs Fr~esl 6458258 Oatly Pilot Clai.,1f1t••t ' WANTACTION? Free est. Kevin 67s-9088 OO·S737..: 1 Call~t~1': ~1!:~91 !7~3j~ __ Davis Painlln..l_ 847 S186 W,!l!!.~ds ~l! 642 S678 Ad q~1fed Ads 6'2·5678 Housn Unfurnished Ho.Ms u.mr..i,._td Hoe.Ml Uttf11mished Apartintnh fv"'ir.htd • Apaf tMttts u..fwa. Apat IMt1th ......_ Apartlnenta u.fwL .,..._..., Uwfum. VacatiOll l ... tih 4250. ;:;~;;,;; ............. ~;~~::: ....... i;·;~ ;:;:·i;;.:·;· .. ·3~;; ;;:;;;;:::; .. ·;;~~IL:;:c:;;:;.··· .. 3;41 ~~·~::;··;·;;; ~·;;;~ ........ 3ii.4 ;;;,;;;;; ........ ;~;·, ;;:;;,+·i;;i. ... 0ii6i oc~r·R0Ni·2·&·:·9;· £....,.._ 2IOO •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••I••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••i Avail Wtnter. Weekly .... ....._,... I d TV • * * Monthly 673-7873 . ••••••••••••••••••••••• Clean 1 llH ~: .• ~b 1Je ll•n Cozy Housl' Lovdy Wl'sld1rr 3 llr 2 I.la I .UXUI') SIU 10. ~"a . . DIJt I 2B b r I 2 Br Hi Ba 610 Joann St <Xeanrn~w 2 Br 2 Ba ron v L H "SPllNGS" Rm l'atm &. sinall Yrd l'loseto !leach I horn> + sml oHtt·t· Rlfl maid Sl'n·1t·e. pholll'!>. ~ r 2 a. rJl '"no No childnm Pet OK do. W o. j.IOOI tennis · CMMMI PalmSpnngs area (Mon Luxury Condo ~Im• l!J~· i;.i5 6266 12l31S40 ~~-)ard $1075 1 .. 11. tiill!! or 1 SttSwk 499 2221 f.':ia:<' incl Jll ulil s:n.2626___ St't gale. encl ~ar. $600 ~llwitipn'.!r11vn'U':~~ terey CC) condo 3 BR 2 Ran E !I-I 'Mi 6312177 "'*---6429772 "' Ila. furn w/atrillm t·ho Mirage. 3 Br. J _,es,'-(C, Lagi.aNig.I 32521. . ·--r-rtlHch 376' ~Mffa 3124 Roomy 3 Br Townhouse You are the Wllllll'' ul Golf. tennis Dally Ba . $120,000 equity Elegant ''l'll d>ntln. 3 nR ••••••••••••••••••••••• tl.tffhaven 11it•lll\' tfe1•or ••••••••••••••••••••••• apt 111 qwel adult com 2 Br Apt Near ot·ean four free tickeh tSll! 001 Pref er sm I rom m 'I 2•, ba 1 "11111 Si95 mo Exe1: 4br, 3ha. Carn rm J 2Rr Iba. l>Jl 111, l'at in OCt::ANFRONT 2 & 4 Br ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ex Newly de<'orated. view, cl1•an bJ kuny. 1 alue lo lht' v.eekly & monthly rates Ir t I klt('h.on1·ln•J1 nm~., i\\l~tl Wint"r WuoLly NIM11LYDECOR g \ I .1vail 714 ·S58 ·8001 vine , ren a prop 213 592 11111 tar gar. 11l'w, nr •>t·l'an , .. ~"" "" ~ ~ ''" u "'" pd 1 ireplace enclsd patio & a rage 1 1 at now c.-.... Vocation PM k r M k Newpo rt. Laguna SlJOO_ .9743-120 nopets fi.424!1:11 Monthly 6737873 I or. gas . enc gar · fi610252 ..,,..... •• , llS J as or ar · 1t.-._ .... _ c d · --diwasher pool "dulls garage /\dulls only Clltd lY Show ' T hoe do c B • Owner Bkr. 1.,.l;;U5••1""" O~ o MissiollY!.jo 3267 St-:A\'IEW. I h1 21• ba . Want someth1ni: xlra 642-~3 · " Sc>rey. no pets ~50 Mo l ~o..ltodi 384(1 NAllEIM '0 a Nconhsl ~ 1714)347.0108 2."'r111 ! ":' prgar ••••••••••••••••••••••• +r rm.bes10(can1•1ew . ~pe r1al in a 2 Br ----~llllrallbtwn9S3Q :::'..':':: ••••••••••••••• t'ONVENTIO~ nun lo ort u . ~mi -..ll4 1"'1 I HOMt:S POR RENT pool tenni~ ~ei· Sl.1.400 Townhouse. ('Ompletely Newl2 B~·:.:a "t . d I Beautiful landsC'aped I Lotrge 3 h<lrm 2 halh Cf.NTF.R Jan 2 Ill "k Tom8S7·l66S ledafs • <.:fl'Jll t l11h111 duplex 3 &~ Bdrms S650-S07S I !2131 430-362!1 fum'$89S Mo 7609117 encl ~are~~l '~\P . 1 gardenaplS Pool&Spa rrpk. l':tlio i!.trJl!l' To rlaim til'kt'l!\ i;ill Furn Rental Indian ••••••••••••••••••••••• lXrStpk1111 ~Utl'l $350 F rnt'l'd \ards &13Br2 Ba or :!Hr 21:1a IA1.IOAl.4TCUll \dlts64i.scn3· ~ v.r Covered park1ni: XJnt'67S91J2 642511711 ext 2il \\dLsSandpiperVillas Ha.nfwWshed , :-;op..•t,~114~1.I l(arages Kid!' & pels Uen ('ommtq>ool S795 Bah A (.)(' 'u -Adults.nopels f'unn~ht'<l &Unrurn 12 :1 1 1'tt·ke~mu~t '>:"1:1.11m1 1I 640-_SS48 ___ _ •••••••••••••••••••••••12br2•;h.1111nd11 11l'W. welrome lstmo +dt•p PROPf.R'l:Y lloUS~; J~lsl~l~;n view 3BrTownhou~l' 1 tBR $43S lidrm i\pl!> (;)m h)Janual)lll~l\2 l'afm[)('sert.2Br.ava1I Htwporl ltoch 3169 xJnt ~'ill l'Jt John 5'\.5-2000 Agl'ol. no rer 642 3850 fi42 1010 ' -· Newly deror gas I'd . 2 UR I BA ..,~2 ~~ Jai·uui SaunJ. pool * * * "'k or mo $600 mo Xlnt •••••••••••••••• ••••• •• L" i11!1f1 .111 '"'"'' -3 B 2 Ra· 2 R 2 B· encl gar ,,. .. ,, dswhr I 161 E 18th '" """" IU! 714 673 8821 UDO ISLE charming 4 .,.... '~" Ntwportltoclt 3269 r or r a ·,..,. • · lt'n111 ~. \ollt·~h.tll. Ea~11Jlurr 2 Hr 2 ll.1 -· ---- bdrm 211 bath lrg sun 0.0 Point 3226 ....................... Den Slt>IJ!( tu ht•J t'h. ~dull~ 642 5073 1~1skethall. 11.am1• room r1n•µl:u•t• pool. "11rd1 Meeelttey CC ny pait0. compietely up ....................... WXU.YIAYFRONT ''f.'~o~~n'.J~~ llOUSF Spac1ous2 Br. I Ra $395 M'estfield llunt lkh 11460619 "'""' S62.S ;201111 il'almSpnngsl 2bdrm graded $1700 mo Year tBeaut I Br .!. ha, f' R. 3 Br 2 Ba with boat shµ 6'1.2 ~I -. 2• 10·10 3 Br. 11' Ba $425 L;iun -13 Ur t•ondo in lllng <:ont I 3 Ur 2 Ba 1'tel)!> tu hf'.11·h .'! ba l-omp furn Rent or ~II Grundy. 67S.6161 I Criik. gar lnrd > ard, A I a ii now Ma n) ti4 I <!.11' rac . pool S48 9~ . F~LY APTS. l'l'I palln \lo ~toral(l! mo Int ut1ls 1nd<1 ,l'fl fi7S.0~ - Luxunous 2 Br~TB A I ~1~ S72.'i 'lit:! 2t!l4 amt:nit1es SJSOO Mo ~iums ~Mo 2 Ur. I Ra Apt I Sparkling clean largt' !>hed & l'arl'orl Kid' l'ROPEllTY llOl 'SF IHOIAN WEUS home m Big Canyon. j£--a...i.. Val'-y 3234 !!_roker6~4912 1 Unfwwslted 3425 Garage. washer d11er. apt.s for ramihes v. 1or2 OK. no pt'ls SS2S mu t.'2 :115(1 M2 u1111 ~-· "" II mull s II h Id I duldren Nr park lleat 7S2 2197.11 s M ,.. COMDO beaullfully & completely ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~······················· a ·lnS ma (' I d N t Balbou blantf WJll'rlronl r le d furn1Shed for short let of HOM r r< 1n I! F::-ZT THE ILUFFS OWNl!Ot:s~. l·n'1 u111t , YEAR· ROUND FUN OK. no pets Only 1 vrar pat 0 pe s ss25 -. 3 Br 2 Ha ''t'Jrl~ Mt 2 Bi 3 Ba um. w n 4 mo~ $3000/mo . 1st & 4 Bdrm S";tMI Fenl'ed Spac1ou.~ 4 bdrm. 3 bwlh. like new 2RR 2Bi\ din """·'' "' '"11°e• "' old Call ror appl i:~.2:1~n 631 ·S583 tal Wi5 rro ;10 0:11; v. k I\ mo Ow 0 et last I ~ecuritydeposit& )ard & ~.HJ~I Kid~ & ram home Nev. pamt& 1111(" I~ µutan halrnn) .................. ulltl.1~ TSLMGMT 642 1603 'llwpl II"'~ 2 br mc11u11 ~•IJHIU rers req. 759 0664 or ...,.,. '41•ltu11~ 1.-1 mo + ca""'l Mo1e m read\ j ' <.: drrµI '"1.·lr dean Ii•'"' 11 • l•Rth • S1'.INNING lar0 e t & 2 Sparlclmg l'lean 2 Br 1 '• "' Re.et~ to u~ 4300 ,,_..., ~ " ·r . 0 I I I ,., ... I ... S4"" F' d ut I• adult~. nu l)t'IS, ss.~o "''' ~ .--... 700.9100 dt.>p ~5 !IOI \grnt. no $1200 per month Agt. Vl'rt, raPt·~ t•t' Ra l'. I 11 ,,., • '" ""'" Br. 2 Ba C.ard{'n A1>1 n:.i "" ent•r • '~ Ultl.· inrl 1,. ..... 1•1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---ree 64().5560 j.IOOI, l'lubh~t· 'auna. GREAT RECREATION Pool 710 w 18th St I p.ud Refni:e 2 \ma II • I & .. BA P, •• ApO\ • .... .. "'... ,, F roomates lO Sharl! -Q\Jll'l nr "'"" $6711 o r,.," • 1 •·•'I""'''" • rh1ldren OK. no pet~ ..... '• ~ "K• I Hr. )l'.Hf) n·nlal '"°I" 11111111. m CdM $225 tsl Homes~ ~on ~och 3240 I pt>lS ns 2SKIJ i~I Iii!}!, I '\. p!t ~''" • • TIH. VICTORIA. New l960Wallare 642 4!l05 \ •• -lu ltt•h 1;,,raj!l' p.11 klllf 1 .. ,1 l'all 760-8620 •• .. ••••••••••••• ••• ••• ........ , ••• ••• • • •••. •• Balboa Island°" alerlront JB 2 1 N . I H"d"' r 1u11s •5au11d ly de<'Or 2 Br w l(ar . • ·• l• • • .. . s440 mi ljlJ 39511 lalioa lslallcl 3206 Lux 2 Br ! Ua Pool 3 Br 2 Ba Yearly rl'n ' r 11111 • V.lll ft>rr;u•i• • 11v<1•om•"••9t • new crpls & drapl'S, hit 1 • 1uQ • "" • 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• spa. 11,1111 ,ecunty tal S97S Mo no.~7 <.:oo<Jo ll11?hh up1:ru1h·d s .. mm.11g , r.u11 iru.. pallo Adulb Call m4!Sti8.AIJ ~ I Pmmsul.i I Br 111.1 ·'"' Balboa Island Waterfront i:ah• Wallo. tu 111•.st•h afl5 -" sma 11 PJl 111 3tO\ e · I 1' ••011 H~ngp betwttn 1-SPM. 636 4120 I l'llf pd Yt•arl) S.l25 111" 3 Br 2 Ba. Yearly ren SPYGLASS d1shwashl·r. v. :"her & , BEAUTIFUL APTS 667 "G" v111ona $470 APARTMIHTS b751&12 ~~5 Mo. 770.0347 !162 13:~ ()('ean & ntj?hl Vll'W . dner Community POOi. I s'""'"~ I & J Aeo l:Wau11ru1 garden apls l Balhoa ftJ\ Cluh '.! rm 4BR. 0.1 & • l'ool. lennis 4bdrm. ram rm. 3 car sauna & Ja e :\o pets •uvm• • rurn••htll USTSIDE Patios del'ks Pool & I rm to m.i lo nlt'mht·r· BayCront pier &t Cloat, for & PIJ~j.!r11u111I Kids Ok gar S2200 mo E11es t650Jtm. No le~t' Avail f. u .. 1111,,.Yt«J •AOu11 $415 2 Br l Ba Poob1de Spa. heat po1<1 J\c1ults. $~_ &lO ~ sunning. beach. 2 Br 2 No P• t> ShiS mo 7~00C!I Jan 1 liJJ.131i for appl l•••ng •Nu Pe11o • Apt. l..aundry room l no pets 1 RR. luxul)· Condo Villa Ba • S 1 4 0 0 Y r 1 Y 531·~1!'> \.IX 1'•1~ Bluffs Coodo J Br up, 1 br .J!l~ ~'~?~'' 00"" oa"v child OK. no pet~ Ca ll SAl'H s:IKO $:111~' f't1t•1h1·:a. pool JJ1•u111 3 bdrwl, 2 ba 2J.!'478·3S77 Nr bl'at·h. llnlrm 2ba. down. 3 ba Kitc h en l..marl Condos ror appt beforr its gonr I BR $435 ll'nn1s 't'l Ufl l) n I l>plx 2 bllwks tn h1-.11 h lai)oo PtMHtila )207 S750 r.Jr>I• w1 int·I No nook $1300. 644 2607 Pool and ~llJ 111 ultl ! Oakwood TSL Mgnt 642 1603 I 2 BR 11 dJA ssos 1)(•ean. ~ S:lli 052X rauo S700 mo •173 :ti!>' •••••••••••• ••••••••••• peb !Jli~ Mt>:r.• Spac 3 BR 211 ba 1 t'ry Corona del M :ir t hrlrm. 1 Garden Apartment• 1 2250 Van~uard ~40 9626 .. e 1 r Hunt 1 n .: t 111 n ..,_.,.nh F11mished New twnhome 2 BR. 2 ba * • * rlean townhse P~I. JOI: Ckean vie"' 1\ho 2 unJ 3 1 . Newport Buch H WESTLAKE VILLAGE llarboor 211H s.szs or Uftfw1iisMd 3900 2 car. lg patio. decks M~ .. M1n' rf gmg, etc S750 mo Ai..'1 bdnn 673l2'il ti ~ 680 ••,M• •'''" lmmed occupancy C.1ean2Br 1 Ra laund11 x~ 1:1611 1·•••••••••••••••••••••• S850 VteW499·48~ .. ~.1440 iT _._ (7 14164S 1104 Adult only complex far No !)('ls $3115 Mo I S E AW f ..i 0 2\t!I, .11l,1e1• C ~...:.. -I ~W H1wport811chS. Pool.spa, laundry room , 27 1 B ~; .l6lh l'I Spa1· 2,Rr Iha kttb.uk 1""11 CoroftodtlMar 3222 cu~l.1~ll·"1 llarborVUhomes.4 RR. Uieflrnishtd 35251 •"00•61hSI. ......... pal1osordeclcs No pels 1"404S2 P.alm .:.ir $4U5 1 .~111 VILLAGE ••••••••••••••••••••••• You an• lhl' winner or 2 RA. fam rm . $1200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• (71 41642·5113 Garages avail Kel'bllll :\r llt•.i1 h I 2Br. l!Jrage, frplc. util in four rn••· 111 l.••ts !SIS 001 a' a 1 I J an l Ii th IE ONE OF I Ba rh S360 2 Rr w ~ar S415 Nt•wl) Slatt•r 962 3113'i Nf•w 1&2 bdrm hmm eluded $750 mo Call value lo lh(• ~-4157 7~·9312 THE LUCKY FEW I I Br. $4-05 S41 5 del.'oralt>tl new apts .• • --•-och 38481 adult apt~ in 11 plan' I Jim Davis 759·1221 Spori V ati 1 t 2176 Pl ta --r---Adrm rrom $190. :! bdrm s, oc °" Newnnrt lle1"hls J hr Rent in ro,1.1 M1•'a !> ,.._ Fr 0 2 Br S47S S41l5 "' r IX aren 1· · ••••••••••••••••••••••• IC'I 1 1 BR h th -.,,, .. ~._ Oflf px L' I rrom $570 Tov. nhnt"'' c.oegan omew1 edRVShow fml) rm. hrdwd Cfrs . Nt::WF.ST 11.1te1I 20 FUm Jbdrm :!bd hit TSl.Mgmt 64S8122 1 ~· Ot't'an\'wv. Oetux1•1&2 fmmS640 + poul.,. i,·n spectarularbay&ocean ,\:\\11~.1.\I Crpk. Sl:ISO. dnve bv 41H ,Townhomt' \tLl.,\(j ~; ms. r1rrphwr Monthlv NEWBREF:DAl'TS Callbetl S!'M 6364120 I Br Apti. N1•wl)d1·<·ora1 ms. waterfalls l)(>n'1,' view 2nd BR o\•er cu:-;q''TI0:'-1 Sti\ndl'{'ws.642-9666 COM~1llNl1' 2&31\r Ol')l'arl~&15 i!'l7J · BACH lBR w I.OFT We~lstdl' (osla Mesa. l'\l.refn.:e.d1shv.asht>r C..isfor t'ookint.:&.h i'.•l gar. avail 1mmed n:i'TEH Jan 2 10 -21, Ha 1600 lllOlh•1 fl uf from s350 f'rpk . rH dpb. u1'5lJ1rs. 21\r I Ra 1 d1spo~JI. hl'aled pn11I 1 in.: p.iiJ From SJ 11 year L~. 11800 833·2623 To rlaim 1 , kf'lc;. rail llG CANYON pure tuxur~ lidrai:r~. llG CANYON room . pool. iai·urn. gas I U!nlral heal. reCnl( & l.'le1ator suhter prknl( Diego Frw~ dnn• :>.onh ~e,s.67S·l250 __ 642 Sf.ill ,.,I 27 2 Guard gate comm hydrn tul!l> 1n masll'r , Delti:htfol 2 bdrm, 2 ba &waterpaid Adults. no ~tovr. enl'losed ga rage S850&uv Call4!H 11()113 on Bearh lO Mr~'o•ltft·n Costa Mna 1224 Tickl'h mu't h1· C'la1med Spacious 2 bdrm ram sulle. CormJ I ti in in lo! tondo Part1all) Curn pet.s 393 Ham1l1on. t'M ' Quiet & saCt> No kuls w I BR. 'it•v. 'rnlraf ht•at lht'fl Wrst on Md'm1d1•1 by JanuJI'\ l! 141t! rm Deane llome Sl~O rooms '4 01111 burnmi: ~unl) gate RISO + ser 6454411 I petS S4SO mo ~ S-442. ss.511rro to Seav.1nd \ill.ii:,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Bdr executive home w/pool & spa Family rm. rormal dining. 21: Ba. Excellent condition $1200 mcl. gardener & pool service. 7Sl·3191 or 5'\.5-644S Agt. Avail Dec 30 * • * rm 640-8S82 979 9 C1replace!>, in1c ro waH' rm to rro 759 tS!l4 I 2 8--C d S r TI0.5629 49•1 !13114 rn411193 5l!IK llOM L ,., II !If.NT -. ·41_.l_ ' o11en~. renc·t·d p<111os & Balbo Ha t'I I 2 BR 2 • r .on o nr fo'S Ide 2 B R. New I B f . • r. r l ' 3 Bdr. &t famil) room. 2 yard<; Pmutc• del(ant a ) u J. Plaza. SA Pqol, Spa. •• 2 r un urn Yll·tor1a ROOIM 4000 3 Bdrm ~ .. ~ Fenced Ba. bit IJIS. garage. va ll\tnll onl~ l~ m 1nutl.'~ Ra .6 rm lea~l'. Tennis SS80 Adult~ no Carpets Lndi;'. P1t10 Beach f'rplC' derks ' yard & i:..r JI!•· Kids & cant Sl:ISO. from Fashion lslancl, i 640 960S I pets . ~~~No Pets $5SO j O<'ean \ll'W, n~Wf) ,r;. I ~~~·;;;;·::t~h Mt:;;r·~;,: • pet:. wekornc· b l mo t JACOBS REALTY nunult>s lo S 1· Plu1a or 4 Rr 2Ba Steps to beach 64H460~r6-46 4911 _ -mxleled S7~ mo <.:all 985 No l'arthl' l"o·1q '~-r-M Newpori Bhd & so or PROPERTYllO Sf: pal.lo. gar, laundry No unit w1s1ngle car Northl.aguna2bdrmapl Omiy, Wrekly. ll.11<h1·n dep ~~:!<~lit \,:ent. no PRO•ERTY GRS OCA1rport .lusl t•aslof S850 . 2 Br garden apt Pvt 2BR rederorated Ouplext da15_~536Sor 499 2J<111 I' Hv.~. La~unJ Hc .i;·i1 3 BR 3 R.1 lpl1 1len. sun 615-617 3 San 1>1ego f'rw~ StJrt I ~ ~ _ 642 101!1_ ........ 1 sml t•hild ok $450, .&_era e. · 559-5001 oo tht' Ot·ran m Hoat (';i al'B1lable Lov. v. rnlc•r Close to SC Plaza Green d k "I bl · .... ~ ec . du 1;.ir • tns. Newport Beach . Villa mg al SIOOO " month S46-9950 AVAIL NOW! nyon In neat 4 unit hid~ 1 ra~es 494 S294 ~~1~";!~3 ~~'.2 ::c· O/W K1<1r. (... pets OK Balboa I Rr Iba 1050 sq 631 S439. 24i3 OrJn~e ~!Its Bachelor $325/mo. 2864 Large 1 Br carport pool Ldl') far1ht11.'~. unit has Balboa Inn S90 & up yard. 2 car gar .. $850/mo ~ 960 :ifitK rt. loP nr Ternr1c vu /\\e ·Costa Mt•s.i ~fw 11illltd Lasalle CM Ir laundry Adults. no pnv deck Ava ti ~ 1 112 weekly K1ll'henn1•11 ,. SlSOOdep. 992Carnat1on 4 bdrm lu"11huuse l'• pnvacy $800 mo + sN· l•___._..nts f11mlshed ••••••••••••••••••••••• 957-Z740aft6 pets. S41S + S26Sdepos1t S 8 SO m 0 ( a 1 11 oc·eanrronl 6i5117~11 b I I t d Pp97217l71 ' .....,...,,,_ .......... _I_..__. 3106 931 W "'"St 92 7141S2 5040, 1!!51 nr , 64<H>l40 a.enc 11J 111 ~ecuri y ~p . \msg •••••••••••••••••••••··--PALMM~AAPTS .1 ........ ~·04 __ e718S2 ,Working men C'omp 3 BR. 1 BA. ram room . SO m i 9'!H·'>t9 lalloe lllaltd 3706 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1561 M 0 2 Br. 2 Bl. newer apt air. -, J furn All race~ welr1>in1· f Ht •• t'--+on • • * j••••••••••••••• •••••••• 8 a 1 b 0 a 1 5 1 a n d 1 B r mes!..,1· t Br garage Adults, no ""ls 1 bdrm. Ot•can "11•v. · 2 llunt lkh 53611544 gar.ll75/mo,.lst +sec ~ 3242 244 Costa MesaSt $650.U.•_.., Yearly rental S97S Mo. fums.oc>.2 Br unfum .64S-4837 St 1upp1•r l IZ lJ I l'roless1onal m.i ll' CM.ired or working rlean 111.111. 5S ~ yrs, to shr 3 lir 2 ba apt. C M . for 111.tht ma int as part rent .I() 2245 JllR IBA Hse l rm avail \m ~mkr, lrg yrd CM 6-IS 3466 Eves "\ Step. to Bch, M F 1:1 25 10 shr JBR Apt ~lh St SZSO_ 67S· 1041 ~ Fto,hr2BR. Laguna llt•Jl'h Ilse Must Be \1·.i1 & Resp. S37S mo l~t & La~t + Dep Ca II I!~ -$ol27 --- ft•m shr 2 br apt. nr II('( r M Rers Im 11wll1alel) S2SO 1n rl ut1b s.io 3233 ext 288 lll1rothy1 ___ _ H•••mmJle wanted. open rmnrled to shr rurn 3 br hc~e. spa. view. Laii '\1g . S350 Rll·s-4!9_ \1 f J BR Balbo J 1'1•ninsula F\Jm. Must be lll"P 57:-,.5262 eves. S2SO • I I Utll Wanlt•d re ma le room mall' to share 3 bdrm. J ba rondo in Newport Bea~h $295 + ulll Con tact Lou or Randy 8-5 at 1714 I S23·~90. art er 5 I ii 4 I 64S·422JI 'Ill Oreanrront S23S mo Ma1ure resp rema le non 'n¥>ker S48-1667 l1ti.1ingu1s hed itentle man. references. former tPa C'her s hare your homeC M orH B Eves &i2·60lll din. room. den. p. 2 car _., JoM G•s Waterfront 3 Br 2 Ra r. un. u · -'· · .. ~ bills Bearh 271 I.a lln"' I avail Jan 1st Debbie •••••••••• .. ••••••••••• Costa Mesa 1 !II lia) rront I bdrm gar 1 ca11 n0-0347 . "25 Adult.s only Call • 2 Br. 1 Bl Mesa Verde ~7936 arternuon. 1.,.(.,. remale wirum I~ room 540--0702 SHAAE IM PROFtT You are lhe winner of apt, \'lew. patio. park ------9-4. S46-9860. upper. No children or --I with ba & k1trh 1H 11 ~ C-1 Property 2 Br. 1 Ba L.ease lu~111'\ 2 Or 2 Ba four Cree tirkcts <Sl8 001 1ng · From J 1111 15 lai)ooP.-.Mlla 3107 Beaut 1 br. carpets. ~ . 833-8974 M.wport ltoch 3169 l.ol'el\· Nrwporl homo· for "" 4350 =eor'~~i~~de'C:~:~ ~a~io s~~~;'~~o frs~~ va1ue1olhe ~~ ~6~ s s 11 s o r K;;;;;j·0;·:;,·,~i;·&· 1~~r,s·.:t:~s~'t":; 2p:[;~~~noho~e1.1lroeo~. ··p·~;;·N··EW····PO···R·T···· ~~r~~1d~1,~~1Jr~.\ ;;·;;;~;·~~ .. c~;~~~ .. ;l:i ·r· r A Sports. YoccrtiOft ---· I beam ce1hngs $82S yrly _, ~ "'" I rro. u11l 1nrl'tl Slllll d1••1 ~lar ~ mo Mesa Tem1c or nt1 re~atetl40L'ft8 .ctlVShow lai)ooPfMiwla 3707 64().57l9&S36l441 ~-adults only $475 COUMTIYCLUI 760-84'42 ' noOJ.47 que Shop. Accounting lnilw 3244 ANAHEIM ••••••••••••••••••••••• &v-BR B '•Hk m.S425,63!.2177 -U -J - OH1ce. Law Office. etc "ONVENTION I mom apt. S300 Y u. 2 · 1 A. gar. T-• ·~ ~~ .. 1ous garden apt. 2 YING Room & Ra Prt'st11:111u> Office................ 4400 Xln ....,,_ Wiii d' ••••••••••••••••••••••• \.. no n.wc adult.& $600 /mo ...,, ... ,. ..,,,.~ Rachelors l&.2 bedroo d .....,,... l para.mg is· TwnhoJTW• nrv.:Jhr,J IH1. CENTERJan 210 V S-517!__ w1tm6.37t;hms73.8276 Br.l"t Ba.1tarage'.qu1et ·· m ad resswpoof.Jlll' h'll ••••••••••••••••• ... •••• cuss relB)dellng to suit palio. f.!at Park. pool. To rla1m 11ckets, call ,._._ ""-----6& PARK ORI ECM Easlstde. adults. no apts&townhouses rus SJOO 644 7667 1617 Westcurr N B Want Approx 900 sq ft . ex ·ac w;:; mo tm 90S7 642 5678. ext 27 2 ......,. ... ~ 3724 OCUNFIONT Bachelor and one bdrm ,.....,_$4_7S.642·046l f'toms;»StOOO ~4 1900 ~-u ........ L. 4100 financial inst 7000s r eluding the yard . Tlrkets must bel.'la1mc>d ••••••••••••••••••••••• Yearly lease unrum 2 apt.s All idults and no C""'"'. Dlc>leJ1, upstairs 2 Ar. I nuRU,~ ls!_O~.A ent541·S032 SSOO /mo . 548 ·S442. New condo. 2 UR. 2 BA byJanuary8, t982 S37S/mo Mature adult~. bdrm. 2 Ra. bltns New pets Pool. RBQ and USTSIDE Bo. Crplc. garage Nl'ar ••••••••••••••••••••••• 170.5629. Palm. Nr f'11rk. I< Pool. * * • no pets. Quiet & ~ecure. paint . cag:it -dra~s la room. 1 bdrm. pool, ldi;·. bal. Udo shopping area SOOO SUWIC MOTEL EXECUTIVE C-OND0·3Br. 2' .. Ba . lg Noagts Gi5 964tieves 1991 Newpllrl Blvd _,, II L' d cpts, drps Stove, (no yrar lease Adults, no Wkly rrntal& now i'l\a1I SUmS ,.. SSIO Lr0 I RR. Cull 646-8373 '!"""rt Amo.67~7060'" a or '* '* * "I S105 & C I T\ m 1 s t e r b d r m . RENTALS security" Amenitie•. -----'"-~ ___ c.ee..-. M. W.'1,lly av11I Wtr, gas pd. SJ'IS pets Must have ref's up our IN w/bekony, dbl garage 1 B 1 b S650 ~ Newly decor I Br. dplx. 1~ E 18th Dr i v e by 6 1 4 •2 Phones in mom 2274 tBITAGE -/nnner. rrpl", "entral r, a ..,00 63 1 5237, 64S 6242. sep by gur Quiel 4! 1 Br, yrly. w/garage. 611LidoPark Dr 7A 64.H7~ ClubhouseA\•e 4916303 Newport Bhd CM .. -r· .. .. 2 Br. Iba :.;,CJ\ 213 4.J0.31•5 d steps lo beach $425 Newport Beach 1 · 1'1461...s_ PU1A ~ vac, $750 mo. 2182 Maple 3 Br. I'• ba """"' ------Emplyd 3 ult over 3S 64S-Wi2 You are the winner or LAm.v COlldot NO PEE' Apt & Condo New luxury office .,ace 1105. Ron 979·S370 or 3Br.2ba $900furn HarborView Monaco ~ $330 ~-1021 ----rourrreeti(kets 1$18.00) Pool ind sp11. Ill old rentals. Villa Rental~ MBA PLACE? 1n Irvine 's bu•ltSI flN·DIS Le Ra1~or Rily R33.s600 3 br. 2 ba. gardener. new ~Oft •ach 37 40 ~ 2~~~c~1~m r•::in value to the Corona del Mar 1 bdrm. 6'15-4912 ~roker Reas Wttkly Rllles t~ter! Elsy Ftwy-a1: 3Bll 2BA. Fam rm. Kids Orangetrt'I' Co ndo 2 ~$l02.5 1144·4728 ••••••••••••••••••••••• v ii 6'15--0124 c--a.. Vecatfo. Ocean view AIJo 2 and 3 Oceanfront Cor Winter Kitcht'neucs Phones cess Avail. now! Call OK. No pets. No singles Bdrms on sl rum BLUFFS 3 bdrm. 3 ba. H.l.'s FINEST a 1 ~iv Sltow bdnn. 673 m t ll·S Rentals Furnished & "Z" Channel Mo\ 1<':. for details. ms1mo. 1754 Iowa St. SS7Slmo Ac1ults only fam rm. Pvt spa. Sl.000 Spanish ~late Uvin1t ' ear.a dtl Mer 1122 ANAHEIM F.ast.slde 3 Br 2 Ba frplr, un!um Broker 675'912 Sandpi!>fr, 1967 Newport 551·12J I 64M210 644-1836 Rec. f:\ril s~1 -4 i96. rroS44-Z!OO Beaullful park like sur ••••••••••••••••••••••• CONVENTION libntw ~. FASTBLUFF lbr . pool, RI ~~ta Mesa 645 9137 •Dl&.UXIOMCtl• 2 Br New carpet. ftffhly 8511311 Br 2 ba condo Im roundin1u Terraced STEP TO OCEAN Most CENTER Jin. 2 10 PROPERTY HOUSE QI.let aru. single adult. IJve on Npl Brh S90 wk if painted. 11r11e. yard & Wood brt d 11~ Est a I e maculate s12001mo . pool. Sunken iias bbq. ~h:~2inlai.nf~c~o~~::~ To claim tkltets. cell 642-3850 542.1010 no ~/mo.1144 4767 Pinc Knot Motel 6302 W ~~ ~ !0~4 a.i ~\ petio eoc>Jmo. 19M "/\" Homr 4RH. 2• 18A. tam 1st/last & security re sparkling rountains view r r 0 m deck 642 5678, ext 27 2. --p-.1...& ll2" Steps to the be;ch 2 &3 PCH, NB&cs.-0440 lease required .• AdJ S&..Open da1ly nn.d.lnrm.frplc.p1t1os. qlired640-Sn7 Spacious r oo ms II h 1'ctetsmustbecla1med --•Brr I I I Yearly. on the bearh. A l lake. Pool Ir Tennis EWPORT HEIGHTS. 3 Separate dinm11 area. IBOO/rm. Ca Ant ony by Janu1ry 8 1982 ••••••••••••••••••••••• . rp rs, year y, m Hotel rooms. k1tchcneth• irporter nn. 2111 Ou· ·=·serv •grdnr Priv1leg1·~ SIOOO Mo. BRIBa,fplc ,liteyard. Walk 1n r loHts. ~542·~· evu ' **'* 20:R;,;1:.An~is~warapa~ct!'. :_~te 9650 ' ms. &bath S280upmonthh ~t.CallAM .m..m.1 S .,.,.. l!Mll327 ~6188 -a"'1220 bomtllke k1t Ch~n Ir 6.'ll· P ~ "'"' + SZllO S«Unl" dt'pos1t 17TH_..._ Incl mo. 1....., sec -'""-~ k -BR _..._....,.__ -cabmet.s Wolk to llunl 1SPECTACULAR OCEAN MISIDICOMFOIT avail J an. call Roirer OCEAN VIF.W deluxe 2 2306 W Occ'anfront. .,._, ~79 Beaut Turtleroc 4 Broad more Sr11v1tw 2 tnitonCenter , lCJTY LIGHTS VIEW Lar' lBr upst.airs with 8S7·t.3l0 __ Br. 2 Ba deck, yard. N twp 0 r 1 14 ear h COSTA~~ Ni..... dun 2 Br I B• 3ba.3car113r 2100sqrt. story. 4 Br. 3 Ba. view l ed r ..... I"'" rvroom la DA t d I Ill 2Br 1 D a lsd brick frplc . 11ar . i or:troom otrlttr,...u ;;ced yard. 1ara&c. Gardrllt'r 111\11 11uoc pd Sl700/mo. 4 Br 21~ Ba 1 rm· um._,,, l's~ a fmo. Anlh~~y ~ ~ r:al~~y. r':-:1~: 6 yard.,. C: ol s;;::ae Sf.CU R G A T E IJ3-4l~ AFC. i>ltnly ol P\'ta. \Jt1I _.. u rpet 6 p1l.nt. No Need qua 11 ty rtntrr story 11400/rno Guard Adult.a. no pets I dayscall 64H757. wltnds dlhwshr 'urport 147$ liOO. 33$42 Blue Lantern I lllO/mo or leallt opt e.tt ..._ 4150 Ul<'I Avail now. ell( lllU 25440ran1e. House wt&ood refs Rate & ~·w. pool 6 tf'nni~. Im Utilitits Free' 1 e:ll.-.>. _ mo. 498-m4or498-92.10 Adult.s. Sunset Blurrs on •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• RtaJonocnica ""'100 r'E"' 1$25 +security tcrmlnt ot 752-57~ me~~e avall1blllty •2BR.2BACondo. Stpe lo Sl*loulblchwithpatlo P1clflr Ave C M Sptdal Ca~ lor sper11I sha~2olt .~lt-,;;,.. MJ.ZT1I ytmelttd lZ41 ~ ~QUINTAHt:RMOSA • Bd1. fti>lc. Encl Gar $9$1111.Adults.nopet.s. l.Ql.).N40,'42·81109 ddtrty ladiu Plusant MiOouialtportarV,111 ..,.__ Vtrde 4 Br. 2 Bl ....................... Br z 81 Beautiful 16211 Pam1de Ln. 1 blk I mo7~ a.'!OHarl• 54t-2447. OCUM VtlW I with larct Iott. Htra ho~ atrnoaphert by tq I\, ror dllallr"t11l -h'· ocra..UFRONT Mod I d b w o( 0-h blk s t I I . From Dana Polnl rnosl dedt. 758 0414 75t·IOU dedicated aerlatri(' 151.Qa b k . Ira yard, '"IC ... """', u ar ( 0 n near a y . ucac • 3 5 0 Zbdnn 2 b1 view o( Bay l br, ~ bl w /ahwrLutila ~ bhtf, Uh new! .:..;J -nurae m 1058 n $ --=------- c•n•re• ••lcome. ~~~~O:~~·P!t~h ::~n~>. Avail. now rdinae,r,,,7.5441 : Refri '. • .• ~b!!.:,dryer: pd.13!.t~llh.,oci11.,11C •the rlnt oc~'*fl•nt ! t ... 10u:eary ~' • or ':..ICI· ft .... ~·"* h · C#d "' · _._ IJN. -rumulon, • Oftly 4 uni ta, 2 Br '100/"" 3 Br. 2 Ra . Apt. --.... '' + na "' pier ar 11.JQU've never pieced• WIFFLETREF.APl'S C.M.9'5-1111 .-...... • 2 Br widen. up1taln , view. bel<-0111, -41H Wl-Clll CcllUp type, redwood a.illld ld,you're In Smell 1tlldlo apt near , .. .-.......... llin ........ _ ........... ••••••••• dttll, pool. auuded IMlllMloritJ!'TrJ ltoece l BR f\lro .• om. uuna, Bttldl. •mo. I br. l bt. trple, rtfrta ...,, forlbt belt vltw' .... _ ~ 11. en~ ~ ltaeb, 2 8R 2 Bl. ~~=:.==~""":".'':"I= adlta onlJ. No ••llawquh:klY JOU j1cunl, volle1 bill. 1'75-12$7 .. Ind uoJa. no pet.a. D to Im. Adiah.a, no ~·block to beech. on cwl 1 bit to beh _.:rom STU mo . •l rtnlt1. Pflont =ball ' lennl1. 0..uledAdl MZ·M'll :.::.mlttoa IA, C.111. =.:.. 0111 tO·OIU. TiiJl;mt. .a.• =..u. ft\O nt 1111 ' °''"91 Coaat DAIL V PILOTffueaday, December 29. 1981 •••••••••••••••••••••• 710 ....,w.w , .... ....................... ,., ,.,, ... , .... , ... ,... ,.,.,,,., .......... ~ .... ~,... ••• !!:U:("TRONIC'S School s and Instruction This variety of fine schools could Introduce Sc .................. 6riect.y SALESr EISON ~.JlpenenC'ed elect ronlr Nmponl'nl sllll'~puaon n<"rdt•d for l'll'<'I ronr<' ml.: r1•µ 1·11mpunv Vt'ry 1Jll.'d\1t10l of11t'r Com ml\Mun hi"" Pltast l'Ull lor upµt 7l4 894 7~7 ..... 0. .... 2721 Sin t:uc H Ln ec.ta Meta you to a ne w tomorrow Call 642-5678 You att-the winner of rour frtt llrket.t 1S18 00) v a hae to I.ht Louise Griffi"' Ext. 311 ~·--...tlV•• ANAH EIM CONVENTION f'nantt 111rl. hlt' ufr work for ltt-JI ~.,t.1te de CENTER Ja.n 2· 10 * ATIOOION WRITERS!! * SCHOOL FOR I AS IC OFRCE SklllS Clouts fonnir19 to lw9fn January 11 WORD PROCESSING SCHOOL l ••arn How lo u:,c IBM OS6 I!. 01splaywr1ter Xerox 860 ,1PAGE SCHOOL ~OF COSTA MESA I velo11N 111 II l'urt lure I ~ Mon Jo'ri Must hd' c dt·µt•ndJ bit' r llr ti'IH725 To claim tickets, call 642·S678 , U l . 272 TlckeU must be claimed by January a, 1982 ••• I Ex1'l' :>l.'l'l Jd111111 u:.s1st. I & rnnf1cl!inl 1n "lt•"port MIK ..... lh Growtn Wllh Honor-72nd Year ·-•• (l•ntr Lon.: hr, hJrd LeedPotiffoe 8eg1n111n.: 1;, l'l:I> ~h•11 lh;111d Shorthand llru'h up" It 111", 111111111 T) ptng Ill'\ 1"'"' Call (714) 556-6604 AGE 2 THRU GRADE 8 ~· ENROLLMENT NOW IN PROGRESS "'""" & , hJlll.'11.:1111: fur Laser mfa fi rm seeks ""n•·on•· 111n1,u.d ly machinists for pro · hnl!ht & \k1ll1•ol Ir th" totype/ IJghl production. llOIA> lol r, .. lh1• ~ h•1·tl<•llll I do Iii 11111 f1l1111: RUil'' Condensed Tratrunt ~ lssistJ!a Doys • htnln9s • Satwdcrys UR~ MORE MONEY .~ REASONABLE RA TES ·., 1 NON SECTARIAN "" t '"" ph'd'l' t all Mui s yrs exper 1n pre· 1 11 u r 'm ,, r1, 't u 11 l'ISIOO ma ch111111g using , h .1II 1• 111: 1· cl u n cl ,. r I nulling machine, lithe, utal111 .. 1 fr11:11cl & tt•ll • gnnder, etc POflRY ACTION JOURNALISM •lllllMIKIAl A1'19TIOI m·.A.t, •SMAUCUl9 -1· •IOCIU ~ ': •SIO«f1.ol'lll.O TWI °'(N '"IVATI SWMI l'OOt ..,,,II THIU th1·111 :11111111 1 hi\ .td We are a division of t'omp111,Jl1on t o Johnson &Johnson and 5:'1 ouo , ti1·11drh If as such offer an ex· Coll for Clan Schedult 17141 6 41-0678 3400 lnine A•t., Stt 207 H.B. B1•r 0me a Word Processing Spec1al1st Excellent Career Oppor1unt11es •NOT WllCMU -4UU Y ACC:ttomO SAT \oU'f•• 1h1• ho•\I plt'asc rellenl benefit packaae. 494-1003· V'tOPI Pfl{l('f SSING ANO INfOAMA T ION 'l'Sl"M" t lO AM TO Int vouonon follllly t 30 r M n·1>I> 111 1 1111l1d1•11t'l' lo Ca 11 or a p p I Y a l ~tr l h.trlt'!> l' o BoA Laakmann Eltctro Op· ~.CdM !126~ tics Inc. 330S2 Callt A\•1ador, San Juan t 271 Gl a.HEYRE U 57 * UGUHA HACH 92651 t?J:! '> l 811.,11.1 S~•IH 1t~ (ir1h1 Anu Ca ')2107 4 Ue .1•' 'I •••<U"f "~ •• t,,,.,, ......... a.. AUHGCLERK Capistrano <Off Aero Pue~_ (714) 493.6624 I "-iMss Mori~s. Tniit ~.~.~~~ ••••• ~~~~ •••••••• ...... 4450 Opportunity 5005' Dt~s so I' ~~!.~.~~ ...... ~:.~~ ~.~~·~ ..... ~!.~~ ··~············ •...•••.....••.......•........................ Costa Mesa. 250 sq fl or O(f1C\\ 1350 sq rt \II' r tit HI 'Ill I ho I 11 r\. t~ , r Ir~ 11lut •t\ "' ,.,,, 11 .. ,, .• 1 d Jll ·~!I l•<l1t \ I' t I I I 'I. I \ ~ I f .1 \ ''""'' h'll~ < 111'1 llU'I uf I: 1· '"111 14!!17 ~~.~~~ ..... ~!.~~1 ~.~.~·~.~ ..... ~!.~~: i\'\.'ilST\1'1' \1 A:-0 \Gt;n l'tl(kt.:111 Wa11r1•" F T & 'of.I\, J•N ,.1•1k 111 ,1d1Jll I' T <!XJ>t•nl'n< o·ol \pJ1h .111Jnn11.•n1, b1•;11·h Jrt'.1 I rn1i.:r~unal. Thi· llt•J•h H .. 11 r11n11· J1Mnbutor!>' ra~'\b trlillUrl' Jlt'r\110 for f1hnt.: do•pl E \C'l'lll'lll oµ µorlunrl• & ('omµan) hr1wf1h (.;ill ~;hJ MAID Part/lime Experienre preferred N.B 642·3030 st.Dte Sl7S rro Ut1ls 111 Mesa Verde Area • • • ~i 3>lllO Manager /C le r k Hallmark cards & girls. -~t-8928_ 11~ W l~th St S4Hi;i Ar.id Marrow --Xlnl shop loc. on Bu lbou »19 Nestnll ~.Jfll l• ' 11 11.1 I I r,l.11111 trll'•I "''"d, 11 ~I t'CIUll' 'ih11f.,ll•• tt•rm ~,i1tt 111 n1 .r1 Acds Rttt ivable & 21:J 5'12 157:1 l.luuw lfr~t.1ur;111t Ii l!I h.ot1 Man,iger Sli·t·µ\ lfollu" I ,1111 \1.mdt:(•r Fo<ld ~l.'n It'<' e.!P· pref. 640-7373 Models. actors, Film xlras. Xlnt opp. new races / t ypes Costa Mesa orllre w1lh Pen., all root & auto lrar Laguna Bcat•h ocean \'iew Hecepl1on fir to lhe Balboa Ferry You are the w111nt'r 1,f area -t-2 offices 644 sq passes rn rronl Great lour fr<'\' tu·kets 1$11111111 fl Avail immediately place for book store. art vulut'lothc S425 ~r ~1 9000 shop, orrice. elr S600 Sports, Vacation E. I 7ftt STIED 11'11 673-2943· 673.3930 and RV Show 3100 sq rt for lease $loregt 4550 ANAHEIM Plent y of parking 1'2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CON\'F.NTION blol'k lo Wtstcl1fr arage for r e nt on CENTER JJn 2 lit Custom tnlenor design Balboa Pen next to F'un To rla1m lll kt'I' 1·Jll Ready to rrove rn1 Com Z.one 001.,·x20121. $150 6H 56711 , •·'Ct 27:.' pell11ve tates. call Rob. ~3 29:'.1.3, 673·3930_ 1't('ket!> rnusl tit' 1·la1rnt'1I 631 EB9ll _ Storage or Business C 1. 1 by Janual) 8. t982 Custom executl\e orfil·e. llOOsq rt .$3801nrl uttls • • • 400 ~q fl Pvt bath "'ith 443 Hamilton al), \ M f'ARTHER WANTED shower Balboa Penm ~-7184 I r' S300rro 642 4623 -1gure salon Oul~IJrttl ---IMsiMt /I t/ mg opportuml\ ~rnJ II Hpt Ptttinsllla c.._•..: ft'l'H IO\t'Slllll'nl needl·il .11111 G r ound floo r offH' • ,..._,..e I a desire lu ht-a '"111r11 r t '••····················· i7062lll ?IJ 9 . . fronting Newport Blvd ~ 1 or~ 4 II .!1•·11 All new inter ior 1nrl I ~ 5005 Mort-s. Tru$t open beam rt1hng w I ~ "'-?~ 5035 I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ln.isses. skyhghls. ~00< LOSING LEASE quit ••••••••••••••••••••••• parllay nnng & i·pts 944 ting business sell0111g out Satffer Mt C ...q rt A C heal Sl200 mo · CJ. o. BiU Horduty, RJtr 675-2866 * • * ~Y Hoffrn.>n 1111:!: l\uk111 I t1 II ,, .. 11, \• 1. II \ ... , ·' 1: ~ta·" tf•I r.~ .. rr11 I ~·' Sl .. •• .11u, 1111/i, Sport\, Vacatiun and RV Show '' \II t l \I ('"'') '1111' t'f' 1111 I •I• f ,, 1 l.11111 111 "r I \~ ll ~ . ,, I , k• ,, , I•\ .I 11 11.1 I ' • • • Amol.t\ctmt nh , Ptn0nah.1 Lost & Fo1m d '" I"'' 1111~ \\hi I 1·111 ~ I I I .I ol ' I o 'II' I \A.,.,, ,, ...... nnrt· [Ir \ H lol o>.11 l)ro111 1 • llHI It • 1•1 I'll' I >.i \' , l h I'"• • \ • "~ n•I lo,;,; 1. 1, .. 1 I \! I' 'I lo• lol<•ndt• ' "''I•• ml\ I 1 r 1 " I• It I \ \It.. I II· I j ~· I I t 1 1111).' lroni I " ' ~ I 11 ' 1, u I• n \I I t11lt r I 111•111• I I " I \I ' .. 11 • '''" .\. ~ I l I II ,\ J t '' .,_, II 11 I ( ' 'H11 ~>tu,)" II I JI, ~ ' . ' 11 '" I " I ti I I I I \ lo.II ,\ I I I 11, I i ... t1 I • \I I I W IHI> I II 673-fi600 &42 3663 r AU. supplies and hx All type~ or real l.''l.1lt tlll'b tncluchng lfl\ est men~ ,incl~ 1~ 1•1 •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ u 1 '.. ., 2 orfll't'!> + bathroom & Otspla) l'ast•s, wa11 rni: Specialiliftg ht I 1tl ,,, ···~· I \I Lost & Fow!d S300 c;t.orage. 375 fl S280 mo I room chairs. Beaul) 2ftdTD ~-334.5, 494 3803 Salon ha1rd ryt'rs and s ·····•········ ········ -HEWPOIT hydrauhr chairs. m1r 642-21 7 1 545-061 1 ,.......,1 ... SU' .. rors. shelves and plants 1 Moditttf Rab MfCJ. ICl"'I " """" i\Jso, make·up, shampoo Sl:'oll't' EARLY 1910 !)par1ous exerutn I' • or and hair produrt:. '. · • . hces arross from C 1l' C 11631 97S4 0 l.sl & 2nd 1'ru5t l>t•C1b Hall \II sen 1tes II\ a1la ~er6 89s ~ OWNER "ON (IW\ 1' II ble, ·opuonal' F'rom 225 , -• · -I lhru 4 unit' sq fl up al n ·asonablr No n<'ed to travl'I ;ill over Peler l>ohh, llrokl•r -1 'N 1 • to~11 lo look for j!;iragi: 7!1().6827 "'" 1~ 1 renta s o _ ease rl' sales •ou'll find them quired Call6133002 nght here rn t'IJ~.,1r1ed ;\lakt• \our 'h"l'I""~ FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: 042 ~ ~ 78 HJ\t: ~umethrnl! 10 M' I' o p aCl' your g.traj?I.' ra.\lt'r, >~ U\lllj.\ '' "'' Dail •• l'il••I • , ",1111 ,1. I T I I t th 11 I h nl ""·' '"" "'.i 1 ( ·1a,~1f1ed ad~ dri 11 well sale ad, rall 642 5678 Prlot_ l_la~s1(1t'<I A11' ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ' 8-DA Y WEEK SPECI AL •• • 8 Days 3 Lines • 8 Oollars II~ easy to place your 8-Day Week Classtf1ed by m<.11! rlll. I osts 1ust $8 -thats only a dollar a day' To QuJI Iv I , " special offer you must be a non-commercial u~•'' d•1 1 merchandise for salP up to $800 per ad and tt1f> ,,. be 1n your ad The cost stays the same wht-1r1 · needs eight days selling time or JUSI one Use one word 1n each box About 4 class1 f1ed line of type Minimum ad is 3 plainly WUIJ'J 'T.t•• lint>'> p "•' ,, r -----------------------------, I I I I I I I I I I s 8.00 10.60 13.20 .= I I l • • hi' '"·' I I SCRAM-LETS ANSW£RS It I I • '" I J ,,,., H L1~• "' l lfl'<.1; I' I I ' . , ... '" " . !-'It • 1 t \1 th d111 1,1~ l11v.r Ir• 11,1 .\ .. " HI t l,. ~h 11 t I >tll•1I I 11' '" '•II'' ', I I I " \l ~-...~I "' .... 1 '# 5350 •···········•··••·••··· .1 I I I I 11 t". \ I Id \1 ! It ' ( 1 I.: • ,., I ,. I' I I " I \II \' I I I I \\ 1 ·, Ill 1 I'• I 1~ ,I \I • \\ )\4jl _. GRAND OPEl'41NG ESC ORTS OORAORD INARE I "'' I I I I rt I I ,, \ • 'I th• 669-0207 A Touch of Clou I \ \!.,,I, I J ,'f~ •1 1 Acc:h f'CIJable 1-wo 1.rnr--. Nr:t:11r 11 ll.1111111· ,111 •fl"ldtf, Hui.) 1 r1•.1I t ,1 .. 11• ,1n11uul1ni: 11H111 lh h fl'll u1 ro•rl \\ .11) 1111 m1• d K l' I .t) lor (·ti, h40 !f'10(1 A~l•trotin AH~stant !ht' Nat11H1 s l1'.11l1nl( 1•1t'\1 roo1<· dist n but or rt' 4u1rel> an \d m1n1~tr.it1ve Ai.~"laot ATTIHllOH: .\1nh1t1ou' 1t11p anti ~lrl• II} 13 "'·'r' 11ltJ. to ""'k lllt' or '"" n1·11 IOI-'' ,I "l'•'k .:1•tlll1j! IH'IA>'l>•lllt'I \UIJ"•rtp t11111' Tr.1n,r11irt.111u11 .1 rt d t 1111' l .111 I J rl II II UIJt'f\ l'lllrt I>"" 1111·1( l .111 :1 '" ·' .Jol'\1 a~k 1111 Antlrcd lrli! 1:121. "'I .~ Io r ou r Gr n t• r a I \uto Cl.1~' lnstJllt•r Ex \1;,nai:t·r Re1t10ndl J>t'nt'll<t~l 111 \II l'h:i,1•, Urrector Lor.it••d al 10 hr. lh11111111,'t11u llrh 1170 Pullman t'oqa :.Jlit1J61 \111·r~, '"'"~.112: "1 e~d Mu ~l bl' a • "•lfstanl!r und v. ork rn ' lbokkt•t'per l1•µt•ndenll) \';1ried Off1('{' M.in • .t)!t•r :-.111· •lut11·' Somt• PJ) roll ~ork1ng ( ond11.ron• 11.U l'eNinnel .,.,0 rk l'"P <1uttd Hou",&· f r:ni:i: 1lt·~1r.iblt' ·\rrurale Bt'nt'frh Xlnt I a• 'l•t'lling ,1ncJ l) p ing Wnt~ Rt>:.UffH' lo PO 11(1~ ~l>l'-'tl.' of W lo Ill 't\ p Ill ~~ . Lagun.1 ~"1rh (';1 \IJth JJ•llt11<l" d must . :».S2 All11 Ju111· 'i·p l"t'"''' 1·.111 llamrlton twit ~ lt·1·tro Salt·' 1;.c 1 11150 tu IURGUJl ALARM ;,r1.1ni:t· lur "" in TECHHICIAH lt-n 1'''" t.;JI J.ih5 it~I JN!5 \I flt_<, .. IJ, ii lht ft·ttll fll•-t1l I. ,J 10 11, Ur 11 \ \ t'' \ )' '"••Jiii .1 .I•• l I 1Up111 v.,., . .,,•ntt'-uni\ hJt .t",.·l.1 ~II \toh• ''" h..r1d \\I !\h•ll ltt II I Y. 1•••k1·111I I' \1 !'oh 1 ll I ~t lo• l l ;lO "wl<> p11rl \111.1 11a•1 1111.111.1 \II \\ Olll\11111. t't • uflo•r., l11~h • ••fill )'lu· • ·"h hu:JU''' h••nt•l1I lu fll.t'ltr• , .. -.01 It ( I \ ,9 \h ,,, " Ill o1roll1·" qt f 'J'"11 lt'C It• IA fll• 4; S H111,t \rn• n,.,.,, t ut111 t II l ~ Bu'.\ t1'•1 fl \ .,.. • Jt1111 1, 11'1 \1.1 h.i•• .,., ··r . .i "''"" 111,, I t''f"'"' r1 •·•I \t, .. t1.t1111 ti ·'"''lttlol1·1 1111 ·' 1.1"·1 rnl.,: I rrm .....1o1. I llfl ,, ol l11'ltl '""' ,., •·r I r..f,·r 11••1 "' .lft ' tllll'llllt "' Juhthun ~ .l11hno,11n ~ml "' '"'It oolfrr ,111 ,., 1111··111IH11d1t p.1rk,1 1•1• :-O·rul r1·••i1no• .. r ·'l'I h •I I ,1.11. m,on11 ~ h•1·1 rn I ~•lit' l.11 l.~1:1:1 l'.11 1" \\t,111111 ..,,1n .tu,11. c .1p '1r.1n• .. rr \1 r• 11 1t•Mu 1 f.:OF \I F II NOTICE II"" ) l,111\ !'tint I 1,,,, 111111 .1d' dt pl.11 lh1•rr II•' .Ip >llllo l1•~tl11ht\ I 111111,111 1111r 111• 'A• Ht 1 f'ulJtf to "•J\ rt 1111 ~"' r1•,11lh l'hnrw CAREER OPPORTUNITY \p• 'uu look 1111· for ·' •OmJl.IO~ .... ht•n•}OU•.111 f, 111 If( ,t n I'\ I' I' I I 1 111 I '11tur1•' II ""' 1r1 "1 1<>1111111 hkt' l11 I .11~ lo' 11u p,,.,,roorn ~ .. , .. 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Y.rill· H•"Ulllt' ht r•o llox --------- lfr.! 1 ~11:1111.1 tk.11·11 Ca 'AITTIME COOKS ~.,, ... , 11•1111•d dlltlll't t uu" .: .,,, ti I ~• \ It.. 111· 111 I 1 I \ 1111 h 111 IJl'Nm .lull\ It 111:• r. tll(I s 1·"·"' ""' IJl!Ull.t llt>.idl Customrr Ser•ict Sl2UO tnlt ~ I) () ~. :1 I 'r-'''l'r 11 r .. 110 .. 111 ~ I 11 tu,ln.ll unl.r •·nit\ tu 111111.il & 1!twun .. ·11t.• t 11u1 t'\ pr rl'•I ( · .1 I I (j Jn '.it) 11f6.'> ('11J,t.d l't·r,1111 nt'I 27'U 1Lorh•ir Ill =211o I \I '•·11•1J11·1 k II~. llt•lt \l•n 1••'1'"" par1 t.n~ Ill .1111 tor, pm:!., tlJ\ "'"'k M:? 1111~; Dti•try Drhrr llwr 21 i:uod dn \ rng ro· '0111 linlll! \1 \ n l't"I .. \11 , .. lllu1·pr1111 lt.'11 11.ltl'llllJ I \I Dental Auistont l'hJIJt•n.:1111: l'u '"'' \' .11 I .olil < I 11 r " ' 111•r11•111 ··•I \1 alurt• ~rw1i:t'lr• ''"'l.inl , , ,, '"" I" r I( I.: I r f't•r"1u 1 cf.h, '\un 'imkr l>l 1 tl'>'15 Dental Hyqitt1iit I "' ~ ~JI J "~ l .. t I M1 .... 1 1..11 12.~ <f.>i.1:! \1111 Juru :'-It·µ 6 9pm. Expanding youth 1110,. rounselrng firm has operung.s ror 3-S sharp Full 1•1 I' ·1 • 11u11h·~ & rn outgoing mature people '"' fur hu""''·'~ or )Our I lo rrolivale ambitious """ IA~ ,,1 \m"J) dist J().IJ yr ol<b Call 2·Spm 1r.11n' '"U for su111·r oµµ 642-43:21, ext 343. Ask for I 'h11111 .,:-,; 'll(of. Andrea. I ;,.,II' r .1 I I M µ I 1111!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1 \111~111 Fri .ind:-llt·lp rn I 111111, & ll•1m1• Or • t .~1ur1,1I Tr JH•I !lours ~, 1•\ll1lt• \Ill'( hJ \ t' 0 .. n I '"" lit· H1•l1ahlo 1•i:1 -.: l-1 1,. m·r 1l l..1IM1r 111111 ~'"' JJ:1· I' T . pn\JI<· 11111111r1 l'lub 1 I ,tll 1>11 illlJ K :lO.im I ·~ 111 I 111 !\Jl HIGH SCHOOL STUDa.TS IJ .111in1-"''"' 111mpan) It L' UIH'llllfl.' rur l'\pr'd .ind 1111"'lH tl'll'phunt- '11lu 1tur. Y.1• 1ra111 ll•11rh omm • l'"'U.' \\or~ S 111 11 µm \!1111 lhru Fri Jilli 'I lo 3 Jllll SJI l'l••ot"' 1 .tl l art I ;,7711 111)1 I k f, r .ltm Ill flt ,, HOSTESS 1;111,(u 1.11 ~ Hu\:>ldt' lh ''"fJOM Ht.-.11h HOST /HOSTESS \,~.,.1•·•1 .!i •l.1'' p1•r "'•·ek . PAIT TIME Sat & Sun mornings de· livering the Daily Pi lot to raniers Hourly wage + rruteage Reqwres a large wagon, van or small pickup with shell R.eqwres ability lo hfl 40 lbs and a good dnv1ng rerord Ca II 642·432 l Ask for Don W1lhams_. _ Plant Serv1<.'e Looking for Person 1n Southern Orange County With Some Experience 10 have work subcootrati Pd lo th'm Approx SlO 00 ~r -~ S022 P'lastk1Mlnr t.o rrux ~1~e~oal1ngs and s'alents 1537 ~oorovia ~ B__ _ Pnntmg Dtnfol • • • n 1111•, \ I' I' I, , n ,, · 1•·r.1•n .loll\ R11i:1·r ~00 Camera plateroom as s1stant Mon.Tues Frr Sa t Will work vertical l'Ommercral camera Knowlege or P MT pro l'e\S helprul, expenenre preferred. bul w1ll lrarn Apply tn person. 1660 Plare!!_l!a A_ve . C M "K'pt1oni't fh11am11 • I ti " l '"1'1 ""' l.J.,:una 1 ),:(NM \I\ t I Jh • Jtc•ilt ti pit• w .. 11 , ,1.1hl••h•·•I hu..•\ 1 rn,.n .1nol t.r uli:• • l ~H•1•1 l1'.1111·r, >1 ~;1 hr '" IOt """I ~ \ "'" 111 ~ ·1 ~ I' ·1 ,I\ ;11l.1hl1· t .1fr1·r •IPJMlrl1111tl \ '"' ·,111 ~Iii~ nmt 1' .ti' ol 111· 1 '"" ,,,I.tr\ .,, •. ,, I\ 1•11111~ 71..lf l~l; 1 t!J\" t.>!f .d l I 111~ I \In~~ H\ Sl I'~ II\ l~llH ll•1ti.,l'K1·1·1"·r f111 1·11up l1· 2 "·'" "'''kl ' \IJtun· J• I'• " b la~h •ll".lk I Ii~ • IA> 11 I r J 11 ~ p frl4) 7~.~~I \.-~lo·d lor 111111 """I' 11111 ..;1-I\~ If'~ n for 1· .. 11 1111·1 \1111 '·"·'" .tilt rh l.11h muh11t· .1111, ht nd rh 1111 I 11 IH•IO< .1 hr' S.1.'ill hr 'ur .1111 , .. 11111 ''<'k µ.11 1 ,,1, !l-lttl \ppil llt•1 ··rh \1 annr .}M)\ 111on.1 1 ··"t.1 \It''" IECEPTIOHIST Full time Mon .f'r1 . must IX' personable. well i:roomed & en1oy meet 1n~ poblrr Require< i.tood spelhng & pen manship No typing. phone exp pref erred full company benerus Apply: Pennysaver. 1660 P1£1£_1?11tla Ave ,C.M DISPATCHER f or <'r,1111• & l1urk1111 1'01111'·"'' 111 ml f1t·hl 1011 ' I t u • I 1 1111 ,\ 11 ' "' 1 r 1t•h•phu111·~ & r.ul111\, ell palt·h nw·n li!!hl 11ap1•r work i JO ~ :111 11 11 .Jrt'.I '.l.'if> lliJ.I DNCJ StO+"f Cieri& I ) r rnrn rxp('r ~al.in 1nmm •11,urJt1· .. 11h ,., po•r Ill h 3t1 Ill hr' t.11:un.1 11 111• :ll t I> r 1• ) f u ' 7 Ii~ :1 7 W I II'' •1 ' ,. \1 ,, 11 ,1 ~ ' r ...,u 1w n 1s1• T ,. ,. "' 1 n Nll'llt•r hl2 K3KO IHSUUHCE IECEPT /TYPIST Assist wilh rereption1s1 duties T y ping ISS WP M l, f iling . ~eneral orrice Good company IX'nef1ts & ad 'ancement. Ca II lor appt Merrill Lynrh Relocation Frankie 152 cncn f:O.E M/f ~ \l•1·n1·n1 o•d '1l 1 oun1s ,, "" t.1 n I f n r r om 111•r11.11 h11t'' .. 11 h mJ ior 111,111 ", ,. hrrik1•rJl!t' firm 111 '' "l'"rt llt-Jl'h S.cl.1n • 11n1111l·rl'•UrJtl' 1<>1lh 1·q11•r11•n<" For : .1pp1 I 111 I j l 110-!4 552:? ml!!!'ll!!!!lll!!!!!!!!!ll!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I• IHSURAHCE Restaurant Wait ress. days and night s l.urns(•tl mar1111• un-George's Camelot • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 15.80 J • • • • • • • • • • • • • \It ---------' 7fo(J.~3.'>.1 ch·N nlt•r Fr JM'r \' ac-ht I 67J.32.33 rii,urann· tii5 52ti:? ----- Add S2.60 for each additional line for 8 times -• • I • I • mpoymr~& • Preparat1oft ....•..............•••. • Scllools & • I • Publish my ad for 8 days starting _: 1; 1 ·~· \H n. 1 hri-ii.111 • Classif1cat1on 1 • ..... h •• 1 ,.,. ~ 11H1. • IMtructiOft ...•••••.•..•.......... 7005 I 'I I 11 ! \h •,I !\I 11 1.ol e Name •· ""' '"' .. 1 ... , ·• I • Job. Want~. 7 075 • Address -1 • ...................... . e City Zip Ph one I e • I e Check or M.O. enclosed D I • • 1• Cha rge my ad to: 1 e • -E1p I e • o~ # '• e 0. # Exp I I . ~. • L------------------------------• r········· WE'LL PAY THE POSTAGE ·-------·----: e "'t( If ':-!>AH I • : 1r Milll < 0 : • * • • Cindy ICtck .Ut.!:>SJOM1,1 l'I I t1,t,1 '11·,,1 ' 11 •It' lht• .. rn1wr 11f .ur lri·t· t11 ht• 1s111 00 1 • 1111. l11 ll11• Sport,, Voc:atiOft and RV Show M.JAll F:I M ('0:'-1\' ENT ror-. 1·~;11;T~'RJ.111 ~tu 11 1 l.11ni t1rkl•t1, r ;ill '" ;! .11\ 7 M . t' \ l 2 7 2 I 1'1t k1•t-mu~l tw rl111mt·1I h• I.mu.in II. l'fl\2 • • * l~~A'll ~:TAtlY w1ll tnp<' (..; l\p1· 11r1::1n11ation ol nunult., 84'1 5032 EXECUTIVE SECRETAR Y BIG 8 CPA FIRM LOCATED IN FASHION ISLAND Big 8 CPA firm located in Fashion Island is seeking a profess io nal secretary . Typing 75 wpm. s horthand 100 wpm , capable of working independently. well orga nized and versatile Competiti ve ~l(.lrting salary and excellent hcnefils. CAU. FOR APPOINY'MENT (714) 640-9200 EXT.247 EOUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER • :, I I NO P()C,T A1,f :, •• • I IN TH[ • ! 0 : i BUS INESS REPL y LABEL ~ """' 0 """ ; r::~~~T~;J! Daily Pilat . . . . .. . . I .... ; • uJ ,,AST Cl•S~PEAMIT !fO•l(OSTAM[SloC.L1FOll11jl & CLERK I; . • g .. • I nw Joi!\ Roger Inc halt : Advertisine Sales I .?! POSTAGE Wll.~ l:U PAO 8~ AQOR(<;.c;(t o • 110 \ I' dt'nrul PfNllOn : 1:wt•1 llt'~Wllllt'r tlt\~11) ,,,ll''l>l''""' ln • m for 11n 1ndu~tr111u~ 1n · (.' 1 ~ Or1ngt Cottt Daily Piiot • dl\ulual (~t·n'I orr andt ~ h.rnc'lh• ltr\ ll('l'tlllnh l11r Or.ini:e Uol!\t • II • "' ~ 1 11,111) P1lnt Suhtr). 1·nni m1"1011 ;11111 : .. 0.. I a1·1, P1·1 11 fl> • ur ,J('ln1'1t rxpr pref 10 : l''l((t'llC'nl hl'nl'lil11 1:ro1<>lh 1111po1lullllll'!\ ... 5 kc) t'"Pr Xlnt bnns & ' for per .. un ~•th t·art'l'r :imhltton!I S.•ntl i • wotlunc (1)0!1 Appl) In 1'11mnl1•tr rP•llm•• 1 .. y ,,,, ""''"'''' 11n flt~ al Rox 1560. Co~ta Mr'a CA 'l'll\26 No phonr f B 1ic&I\ • TheJolly R011r rlnr "alts , pll'll'lt' An t:qu ul Oµµor • I 01 ~ • 17042GHl!llk Av ' • I~!.~ t:rnp1~r!r • 1 330 W. 81y St. l~inr S48 0331 ~ . . • 1 1 Co1t1 Mt11, CA 92628 : •• ll•~t you rod today's ,: ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT I I Clualfil'd Alb? If not. " 330 w BAV ST •• COSTA MISA, CA. tMM : Sl-.1 I 1 th 11 • n1• " I It • I\ • n n 1 I p t' r , 11 n ll.111\ l'rlnl I l.1"1111•11 "''l·kd,1\\ IJm :?pni \d I ~·~1 5-\llll ( l..._ __ C\...;;;=;;;;;-'.) _ _.,.i) ) \V4NTED C (----c-(::>-,--) ) ROOFERS All types. 7 yrs exper needed. Must bl' resp & dependable Ca ll Mtke, 642·-'-'7222=--- Newspaper Carriers tor routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • • Good E.amin9s Super Trips • Great Prizes CALL CI RCULATION QEPARTMENT llailJl'llt· 642 ... 321 .... • • • -you 'rt mtsaina lhe btll ·" lll'llOVALO,JllOlllUNtfY[Mll\.O•lll • ~ ·······-·~····-··~··········~····~b~1r£a~ln1~t.ntoMl~!=tl!!i·i.:-~--:ii;·;;;· .. :=·":::··::;:··~:::·•::::··:::···:::~"=:'':::''·=·"=·..:.-~======:i=:=========d ' ,_ Orange Coast DAILY PILOTfTueld1y, O.Cembtt 29, ttet ~--)I W.W 7111 INI t•11tm1• IMO._,. ttlO ._.., UICI ~W..W HM ~ ... 1.W ~ ... .,._ ~.._. .,. . ........ , ....................................................................................................................................................................................... .. ~ creathe Humaa esources =~~.~r,::~~ *•AU.OOHS t ._• *,!-. WAIOMSAUI J•a..L• .._ tJJt... ,, .. ,.._.. .. ff41 ·= wW bave dlie OHOrtunitv to •Iii o •. '.:.' • t Y . ~~ .. •ift "'1E ... ~st·•• .•,o.,!,.ONGTra Ldts11 A, N_.8 -r. _. _fi ... 2 •• 1•1••2••11•••••••• *·:.:d.~Tiiioi·;;.. • .. .. •••••••••••• Illa a NIWtl-orinted dep~rt· · ... ~• ra. -~1\::1'· "~t':MHi ev~;),1uon:vallaabl:'.'i Pill V9ft. •Nee w/ne• ment aimed at .....O.S employees' .;:JU .~=·~~.c, •JtowO!N!!J!Or! You are tbe winner ot must aee llc . .SOZBW forVourClr f 106 1· n.•mJ 100.'ftO. nteda. SkUla .. llWtt t'GmJ>HHlion, ~-10111 cblu "Vu rowtrtetk ll:m <n8.00l 1755. JOtltSOMISOM ,_.. f7 beaeftt.a, or1anl11t&onal behavior 1nd doim''. '°' 1, 0,..1°" vaJ.-t.otbe '1'9 CAPRlCE WA GON, l.9c• ... "8'Y • com•unicat' Id ••Ploe Llael AllC "°"· .-.. Noel s,.ta. Yee..._ loaded. btautlhll dark a Harbor Blvd: + w . • mo. 0.1.L. o-.-.. . IOft WOU bt helpful. Ooldlll R.triever hr· ...,m-• '3S mlY Aow brwn wllh saddle In· a.ta lltM S40-~ Cap. Cott NM4. RH. • ,.,.,_s1ve. dynamic COfnpany needs pl11. J1a1t luutlru 1 ANAH~IM terior Only~ mllcs. v1lut '2411.IZ. Total a lake-charge, human•tic leader. Grtll hnoo1Utlt1! 1 A WANTBD. •°'• Bowl CONVENTION 1«.l277CXS. Premium price1 pmta. ~Ot u . Coat Ple.e send resume IQd ulary re· Moat Appreciated Tlclleta. 7H ·l41·7U3 Cf!NTERJtn 210 '1J lllAUBU WAGON. paidlora01 11Mdcar luae S4ot.• to tallf qui.Nmenls to: a.riltm11Qlft! ••1 ~· H.,,1 Ne• 1'o claim tickets, call extra nice mld·1lu (fOftilnordolllealid DlliYlry. Order Youn ~ ttH na~ .-C lri1b Setter Pup-eerl '42·5818 . ext . 272 1~aaonU. ~w•FllKth.~~2f· lnloodcood1Uot1. Today.! .· -··••••••••••• ~ -'*-· Show ft Pd Avail. ATAIJ • lO Oame1. 1170. T1cketa must ~claimed IOOS. ""'" · ......... "See Us Flntl •t D£AUR 111 U $ • 1'C...ar Daily pjlof Shota. IU5 to USO. A1UorDouc. byJanuary8.1982 WLC .. YIOUT " • ·"· llA.KIOl'PER Costa Mesa, Ca~92Q6 a1.m:z MO-SlOOorltO-IMI * • * 900So Coast Hwy ~ m .INJ ~~!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!li!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bt11le puppy, male, 12 Weld. eqlip. one IOcu. ft. ~.W .._1 ~guna Bea~.9967 i4 eo.w. loeded. air, ... $old W/ ahots, AKC OIY eyl S71 10 cu ft Ml poweor, atereo. nry J'l'llSS!S Appiy ln /olr.84M4al attt.~1: m6oee.0cu' tolO w.,u/ .. ~"'lr#CIM~ .Ql-Zltl PIOl'ISSIOMA&. ..... !I Matador Mn· GRl>aM F. Pawn. AKC. ft. "8 . Pratetile tank 'm5a·et;.·.;;:toi~;;··1 ClilMICt 9520 ~~~~ I' t "52 Ta .. IOMISA&.IS klnlllllt.17•Newport lYr.SlOOorGoodHome · Muat ull. ....................... ---------1 -.f.•••••••••••••• ::.:. ~rt~*::e:tt~: •vaW~ • ,.._ F 968-139 Oaltem 300 Oalloc> Salt tm) 8411·2987 PUTTllST llttut wl\itt wllll ~d W C.v. lacellent r1"/'d. U to IS" ~m. paid ,.,._51~ .. "" ox Terrier pupe, 4 Water Aquarl um , SEXTANT: Freiberger 'S7T-lllD ....._, Silvfl' Shadow ,_, l•t. Seit o er . • Qu.aliried •rite-In run ti•. espenenc~ m»nU., AKC. l300ea. Complete w /cabinet, Yacbtman with use IMTOWM! WI IUY G.OGOml. l'UOO . . ~ Nwpt Bell only,~. apply in (714)SZl-OZM filler system : UV Mint condll1on $300 llSTOFfltt! USEDCARSltTRUCKS "4·*7 ttH klcaUon. Major lttcen· pet'IOn, Jolly 1loger. 400 to Y• I045 ~U:u'st~~t~:.:. 714~ Ev!s __ 005lTKZJ COME IN OR r.,.._ •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• ~:Ji~~na : neiw car, S. ~Hwy ., Laguna •••••d•••ho .. ••••••••••••• M lelh.Power 9040 CALLFOR iic;lic~ .. 0;.••1i(t;;;;~ ~r:t'=d~ 4J:e ..,, vacat on, yrly o g me . Lab mix •56 o..-11111 ..... -e. Wor ... ••••• .. ••.••••••••••• .. • FE APPIAISAL _., · A c .. •1•3 =~·· Ken lrown, WIUJNGTOWOllK• P'C>Pits, 2 fem , 5 mos ,_ • ~W d-':~ • 11'7624 SKlPJACK Connitr·DeUllo -mi, / • sttrfi)/ 111>. • ~ .. • .,,.,._ L I ., I! "' R E .A T 634-7034, U4·76S4 Cindy u•J I , ...... , roan· T I c~UT eus, muat sell, 8/0 'IO Cutlaa. Like New. " v . _ t.ain • Coln Boi. $300 w n 6 c y I Vo Iv o nullllv 2'140or966-9131 Lo PB PS .1.. SANDWICH SHOP ltftAJU~1 IOH OBO.m.G131.9·4PM ~·under 200 hrs. l.8211BEACHBLVD. lnYMc. llli. · ·• OOUNTER/KITCHEN Sail ~t is loolung .. ••••••••••••••••••••• Bea· .. it··' 7 .. Bl f ru I elertronlcs, flush · HUNTINGTON 8EACH Y•...-'770 WiMowl. 640-7797 111 ftryou!Weoffer antx· -ui. ue ox rods. holders. outrig u7.1.-7 '76DATSUN710WAGON •• .. ••••••••••••• .. ••••..... 9957 n per day. Costa cdlmt PllY plan, Demo * * I BUY * * Scarf. Like New Only cers. dual bait tanks ' Tndis 9560 -•-or 4 cyl., automatir trana.: ·eo.·~ VW left ' ncbt •••-·•-•••••••••••• ...... uoo and lnsuran« benefits Good used Furniture ' 714.QS-7279 many xtru. Special •••••••••••••••••• .. ••• s4t.JJJI fa ctory air cond door, '73 left door S50 SICllTMY and are wilUn& to tram Appliancn--OR 1 will t.o.e lllH•• Am. trlr rated 12.500 lbs, '59 Ford 1• ton PU, POISCHES AM/FM stereo, lucgag~ earb. West.em style whl ASllSTAMT I.he ncht person ror this sell or SELL for You Helium Bouquets de-W/6 wbls. 2 yn1 old. Boat camper shell. $450 WANTED rack. (841SEU) (~lAI rims for Swper Beetle MAMAaa. ... ,.W.. Call Fred MASTBS AUCTION livered. Perfect for never len in water. In 496-0523 12599 Theodore Robins. ta. 5419744 ..._ -or'nllytclday tof1ndout 646 161 ... 13,,_.625 every Occasion. Great xlnt rond. Must see •75 Datsun P U Run) Dir . Harbor Blvd., 15VWBUG.111good con· •urbuaydeslcnup-190r •f4·1131 o r •• ~ • (714)848-2887 s c:aita Mesa.642-00lOor dihon.MUSTSELL'.! holltery company hi ' I 1UY•-..-• 1orNewYean! great. ome dentb ec.ta 11... Top sit Illa rv""' •vii 873-4419 TAX DfDUC TIOMS I 00, 0 0 O m 1 . SI 7 SO , 540-82_!_1. BfSJ' OF'FEll. 1187-8'79 requi...S. If.Ult be in 11. Les 957-8133 MIK•••-Donate your t:.oat 847 ~-_ ~i.V:.'~..'.!~ ~'nn '78 8210. xtra rlean, gotta VW bus encine, dual port. creulve" well Or· Wn ....... Mlc) 2010fas New .•. Lov· W..ted IOI Deadlinel>ee31st '81FORDFL50P/U 302 Set it ! $4000 Dys lllllO. laabed Individual. Top N~ skilled operator eseats $88. Sleepers, ••••••••••••••••••••••! Calllollfrttror1nro VS. Auto. Trans ' 0 D . Student needj sml gd 7S2.-8200,evs~·9S81 644-6307 __ _ e-f fortlle richt person. with lllnt. rommand or $199. FACfORY 957-5708 Buying World war II l·ll00/592·5909__ PS. PB. Ing whl base, trans car IBO(f'.$1000 '75 8210. New Ene. tra. fdYe 9772 CallSO.IMOO. gram 1 ... r formatting. KING INNERSPRING Souvenirs. Cash Paid. * * * dual tanks. slide win· 646-6218,673-0048 Good Cond. 12100 OBO ...................... .. ----••y WtltrtinonBurroughs EXTRAFIRMmattress t Espedally want -----Lo-e dOw.stepbumper.AM. -497-4$15 #lvOLYOD••LH ._,_ Rldadron. f/f t r~ n-ti ,_...._ • Radial tires. 18K m1 I • -fort.he Vitt President ol noon o set, never used, worth ~ ... n nc ct) SSl-4464 17121 Hagut Ln ST Alllot., ... orted 71 2llO Z. ,,awleu Auto, lNOllANGE COUNTY! a • II .. edi I I a PM Res11me1 to: 18012 &.10. $IC. IMS del. Never lluntin" ... n-h ~6w<ner MXU s ELL I ••••••••••••••••••••••• air. stereo. 9)0 ma ca e ec Sky p~ Circle. Irvine, ~ queen sz. worth e•oo """ac ... oo ( 483001 PP trcnlca Co nr Ocean. 1 927U. Attefttlon : Pl9 cash only .,18 del WANT9 You are the winner or ~1286 AHaa-o 9705 63Hltl SAUS.•YtclE &lr1 office with full Co Batbsr • ·... · I 'I .. •-four free ticlitts ($18.00> ~Chev ,., ton pirk up •••••••••••••••••••••••Alt t721 £Nn LIA!.ING &enefita. Quallfic1llons a. U~uallyhome,754-7350 .;c,•7~ valuet.ot.he Lone bed S950 Will MIWIUSID ........................ ovm~EIJVl:RY iadllde: recent uper N ER USED: Glass U6-fl ~ fecatiolt th ALFAIOMIEOll ltlt FtAT EXPERTS mdorpniution1labili-MtrcDc 8 t top dinette $225. sec· 132 ...tlYSfllow orJ_;_;;, in r ampn Orange .County 's oldest l SPIDll2000 ty. Jr illlerated call Jill •••• -................ t 1r~1a I s 0 ( ·~· 5QO . ANAHEIM I & leading dealership. Champagne edition. All IAIU m ~ .w..,.. too so a oveseat . n ~ • CONVENTION Y-9570 8 er o r e yo u buy ...... ions, stilJ under raft · Yot.YO ... _ Bdrm ~. bunks 1200. th ... 10131 CENTER Jan 2 10 ••••••••••••••••••••••• anyw .... ~ ""' & s ...,.... ' l966Harbor Blvd SICllTAIY •••• .. •••••••••• Mattress1box . g · --'78 GMC S RfER v N ,,..,,. wme'" ee tor)' warranty. A MUST . 1 L W Twn spnn s. •••••••••••-•••••••••• To claim tickets rail i\ us .&LheGTV625 &the SEEll995 C06TAMf:SA .::,,_A YER Good ... • $80. fu,,11 S90. Qn Ibanez Iceman tier 1 642-5678. ext '212 vs. automallr Iran~. Sp1derVeloce1 • ... ..... 9l03S4At467 -...., req1.1red, but not l*rt lew n:i>. MORE. 770.0901 guitar, $300. Peavey Tickets must be rla1med power td1sc· I brakes. I . A MUST SEE CAR ' ....,. "" leaal upr. Mr. Myers: lla01 EurUd Ave. Large Recliner chair. amp. 80 watt, Sl SO by January 8 1982 • lugh-back bucket seats. BEACH IMPORTS SADOLEIACI IMW lff4 Y•• IJ2S -.10 1 Garden Grove vmyl, ucellent condi· •MS-7641 evs I * ; • ra&Sed whJte leuer tire!t 848 °7svz ~90rtt0t. N.B lll-2040 49$.4949 Good trans. N~s wort --------i' You are ':he wmner or LIOD . &t6·~ ~ Vibraphone, 3 spds 3 OC· 1 -. -----& mags. rustom paint. • .._. OB096S-9140 •SICllT••llES• four fl'ft Ucktts ISIS.001 6 Pecan sidt chairs like laves gd cood .ou:,.1b 1 14 Alum Sea Nym 9 91 rarpet paneling, port I l911& Harbor Blvd., C M. '727 · ----< ComtT7om 200 valuetothe new for dming table $50 5J6.91173Randy..,..., 5 · Evin. w/trlr Gd cond holes & more tlM421891 631 -7170 ..................... .. ""·-nd Ba .h9 208 s,.ts,. YecllHOll O B'o eafth Cash only GIBSON ' -. 700-3815 I P 4 8 7 2 T I S s 4 9 9 IMW 9712 VISIT YOUI ~•~••••••••••• .,.......,, r... • •IY ._.__ · · ~ · · a.ea Paul Stan--Theodore Robins. Dir . T70Diet.NBSlS,80I . •m•uE-IMw 6_46-7512 or548-6900 dard. mint! Brown ~/ llarbor Bl\d . Co,ta ••••••••••••••••••••••• OIAMGECOAST AlllC 9ttl Exp.CoasultantOars I ~tu~~ . L.-.-.1..1-., _ _. w/darlt trim, SOS -.......-9050 Mesa 642 0010 o r IH2MODRS HO ..... D"' ... •••••••••••••••••••• llilleindersAfy Inc I ~110N ~-••--w/rase 559.58211 •••••••••••••••••••••• 540-S21l 1""111 A 63 Rambler Classic 41121>8itth&t'MEOE. j ER Jan. 2-10 Circa 1900. Beautifully 1 Custom 42 rt yarht ---· I HBE HEADQUAITEIS Wagon. VS, gd cond. Newportf133.8l90/Free To claim tickets. call hand carved frame w l Office,..,....•& Chri s mas Parade . 1975 GMC I ton \Jll. MOW!!! TODAY!!! Orig owner saoo 642-5678, ext 212. beige uphl Matching r.p1,...t IOHI wt.lewatch111g panies bums reg lo(as white I for the best deals in 1._.IVEISITT -.~ Tidleu must be rla1med set. $1350 OBO Carolee ••••••••••••••••••••••• etc:. best rates646 ~ · Must seU Southern Califom1a ~ ............ SICllTAllES by lanuary&.1982 641·1340 days. 640-4910 * '* '* I 1978 GMC '' ton van. ComeSeeUs Today• SALES &SERVICE -9910 Wort temporary 1·obs * * * evesalt6PM ..... W 906 white. xlnt rond Must """-LM'llllLE ••-••••••••••••••••••• . --"'--ceU.. •••••••••••••••••••••• sell. <1141848·2987 I $' -...--74MdApole clole~"f:moN Am. OU _cano rab, 1475. IAl6ES 184.S Monrovia Ave. I WIMOSUIHI 14" Dod -v-A 1 HOMIA va. air. new brakes. Por~l11n p1tr her-wsh Magnirirtnt dining set Costa Mesa Uled . 646·I089 ML c gt' ~nt A~o f"M.o GiMC TIUCIS bresC!IOO. Ml-645-4 at ASSOCIATES 'bum $120 Onental vase WiU seat 18. Must see to You are the w111ner or -l2700 ~f~7; · I 28SOHar~ Blvd. ---- 540-<MOO $75.631-5979 appreciate. S1500 OBO. four free tickets ($18.00 J ... Slips/ --5•DDL£l•,.t1 COSTA MESA Ceclloc ttl5 SICllTAIYJUIEC. Clock·rluming ssoo. Wall Carolee 641 ·1340 da. value wthe Docks 9070 ~ w~ 9590 I "" ""'-" 540..9640 -••••••••••••••••••••••• Persocuiel/Advtrtislng Spring clock $250 641>-49l0evaft 6 Spotts. Yec.ticNt ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• IMW COMT'B4PUTIM6 Dept ..... opuia& per 113l·Sf'19 Oak table w 14 chairs, ... IV 5Mw BOAT SUPS ·~R ~ENT WE NEB> YOUI 28402 Marguerite Pkwy 79 ACCOID CADILLAC? I N 8 .. ..__ ,.,,~.. AN•u .. Npt 8CH. 20 25 30 M1Ss1on Viejo 2 dr, 5 spd, air am/fm. ., .._,,:ali eql&DI on • Pl Co. • Rectaroll• tuke-box. .."""""-''1ons. S3SO. CONVnnEI. 35'~ 9.5 PM · · GOOD USID CAI! Avery pkwy off 1·5 very clean. 675-3545 "' "~' ·u ia leases ftnanclal serYices firm. barber r h1irs. piano, 968-2750 ENTION -----Anything consider<>d . lll-2040 495-4949 -for the business tx· Good lypiQc, shorthand, many ftDrt. 971-9172 For·SaJe, corktall ta bit. CENTER Jan. 2·10 1 ...... ~ 9090 l!r17lhru 1980 ...,_ t7Jt tNivd prolessional. :i::t.::'z~moker. ~UIS~~;:::~~~! ~~ ~a~·: U~~ ~!~~~:~e~~i2E~ ,.···;·;~;~·~~···· ~ &c~Sundays ·:c·~:~~;.~~=· ~tT •SICllTAIY• whiltle, alerting ~ilver Lge solid mahoga ny b)'Januai!·~912 1 Monthly boat & RV • k . , rood New ti~. brakes. M.w .. Stod! Fllt paced Realestate 00.642-9840 d~sk. Nds rerin $100. -: storage for any Sile. 24 I I s.mo 642•7614 Pau!._ NABER~ Clfi~Dteds shafl), well Antique_Titrany Lamp 75~-l~aft 5orwknds Fw:Ma..offict 1 hr se.c urlly , fre e 111 i..or-.cc-ty tc.-(i;We 9714 orpniaed Gal. 75wpm . W1rm, ISO() Twin utr• long mil· UKE NEW. Side arm I launching at washing 2925 Harbor Bhd . c:ADILl.,A .> with &ood Secretarial 9'5-lBGl/548·6390 tress. box springs and c~a1rs, swivel rbalrs. I privileges. Newport COSTA MESA l'llr'llB ·-l<i<XH1."••• tll\,t lllills. Appia~" IO IO btd rrames. $75. 833-1661 side chairs, executive Dunes. 1131 Bark Bay 97 """' ContKt Pecgy: W-Z!llO ·•-••••••••••••••••• n--s. 1055 desk (mrLal and wood >. Dr Newport Beach. • TM u ••• ..,,8 ...... "'A -..,. s t r re t 1 r y d e 1 It . , ~10 Grubb" Ellis nftftov n.nc. ••••••••••••••••••••••• rredenzas (m. et1l ind ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I: APPUANCESERVICE F\1!11· Hsthld rtems " wood I. Call Steve or Lm· ".: Security ~~~~g_'~~~~~s ~~~~~r 9AM. da (1141751m1 Tr I ,, .. ... 6ATISUAID appliwes. 549.3077 Pwts 1017 ...................... . For privale community , .. .., ... -1 ...... CES Hone I060 ......... •••••••••••••• Airawft 91 l 0 La.cu111 Beach area: _, ,,.,..,...,""" ••••••••••••••••••••••• YOWll Zebra Finches $10 .. ••••••••••••••••••••• Relief ahift w·u t . Les 957-8133 pr. New bamboo cages ........ W..t.d Call ror App'1t. ~~~: Refrig. 1200. Freezer HOISIFOI LIASIE reas. 549-7S6S _ '771'210. loaded, oc: AP Thun 4M-8S71 SDI. Washer/Dryer $135 Owner would Uke lo Conure blue crown SOOhrs m111. Call Paul or , · · ea. D/W$100646-5848 lease bis thoroucbbred . · h · JI 11• 7c2 2266 Sec y, U.5pm. Typing, -. horse to an experienred wtwroug t iron rage. m. ... ,, . or min. boc*keeplng, fil· 1 yr old G1blon de-luxe rider Long at short $125 OBO . Sell sep. 213-629·5Cl21 inc, billing,--Non-smkr. gu dryer, uaed only 6 term.· Pvt party. Eves. ~ Mllwcydes/ C.11. 751-s.m. rms. S200/0BOS46·7363 Kathy 642-~; Richard "-I er,-lffO Scoahn ti SO Service St1tioo Allen· Rdrig, frost r~. dean. 968-3310. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• dlat. f\.lll Time. Days. works cood . SlSO . An.tique Sm ypri&ht 450 Honda. new paint, ExperieD(ed.968-6505 541-&'13,548-4485 11 ••otdGooodsl0'5 P11no. Bent Co nd ! new top end. tires. batt SERVICE STATION AT Washer clean works Tuned Stool. $750. 11174, 17~. 960-8168 TENDANT. P/limt. A~ cood. '195 _ 5'8·8513. ••••••~;:.;;~·•••••• 8C7-5672 . . i2 350 Lo Mi -Xlnt Cond ply SbtU Slllioo 17th " Sfl"* Stainless Steel Water· Ran rlass1r 7 Au.stnan I SOOO. lrVine, NB. , cas, clean. wons less. Gift . Bra~d New Grand Beaut. butttmut 631-1093 SWtt.heNewYear right! pod. as. 548·15l3 or Still in Box .• ., orr. S225. . reas. ll42·99ll8,MH960 TNllen, y,..... ti 70 Pay otr bills with money 548-4415 • •848-6995• • •••••• .. •••••••••••. ••• tromyour-own P/f bust· ftidce. Grttn Side by ..., 1070 SMALL UPRIGHT TINTnAILH neu. Comp. train inc tide. . Good Cond. •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• PlANO. CONSOLE Ulte new, SACRIFICE prov.,foraept.SS7·5675 "lSl Ge nuine Columbia n Model. with bench. MUSTSELL.997·8679 I EMER ALDS y Tuned & In good condi· Sfl • 11• CM 020 ! 0 u r tion. 1799. Call 675·0898 ~ S.-.lce, P.ts We need fu.IJ time clerks ................. ...... ~ S20 per stone eves' weekends. I Acceuerit1 9400 to work in o ur *** -•••••••••••••••••••• Sp1rfllt._. ao94l-------1 atockroom. Prete r or· M. Lenk Corfler . 1ani1ed aelC starters .r ln1et Isle Or. Be a u ti f u I I ad I es who· tll)oy paperwotll. c.otou dti Mar diamond It cold watch. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ATTBilTIOM eootrolflng parts dis· You ~ tbe winntr of $3.750 080 Carolee trituicm. Shipping/ re-four free tickets ($11.001 &41-1340 da 640-4910 ev Proline Cyclone JI com· W. pound bow. xlnt cond. OWMBS ceivln&-Minimum 2·3 valueLOthe ...;:;aft~6._..... ____ _ »45 lb6, f7S. 144.SOOO TONNEAU COVER ma MG's, ·11 '81 Nevtt uaed. S75 llariaGl·Tm Ive msg ynprelerredd-. · · , ~ ,...... 0.119-a•lfh a ... ._. ltaf•Mf,l"I We att a 1v1s1on o .... S..w S.'!lim"ril!il.a .lciDloo 6 Jobnaoo and --AJIAllELll ricitt 107t ..................... .. u aucb orter an fJ· COMYINTION •••• .. •••••-•••••••••• LOSING LEASE, quit· etleat benefit packace. ctNft!R Jan. 2-10 *•RIIS** line bwiness, selling out Smd ~me• or apply To ca.ta ticket.I, rail Save Sl.000 or more on ALL supplies and fl•· a&: Lukmann Electro H2·H18, ut. 272. Flnef\lrs showninyour llnslndlading: o,tia Inc. 3311152 C.lle 'ndllts .-t be claimed own home by Darrell Display cases. wa ilin& A•lador. Su Jun t.,Jl8lllllrJl.lll2 Sal.Widen. 84MOl7. C.11 room cbairs, Beauty 'IS VW BUG SHELL with 2 straight doors and stnl&ht pan. Will sell romplett or separate Call 675-3017. Caplatrano. (off Aero • • * 5PIUor App·t SaJOC'I hairdryer• and P\lerto) , hydraulic chairs. mlr· ..._ fw S. tOEllJr tH 1 Cll'aiHI Tour II. ~ ' H• lllG n:n.tbel•es~pluu ... _ ................. . lbttl '!t_~ack. _ ................... Aleo. •:;,z.abampoo lMPO,RTANT Sal Ml .... ~· If~ -9, sell LOSING LEASE, qtlil· and~ ucta. NOTlCETO Pill• S·ll aliUt 6 M1Sl:I!!!!-UltabuaiMN,aellin1out CIUQJ.f™or READERSAND •hd1. Wiii train. Uei .. ltJI All •:ripUes and fill· allerS,....,. ADVERTISERS --........ t:.;_lnc IMltna : ,...,...ff The price ol items .,..._ ..t.t!J y cues, waltlnc ,., __ ,.~ ....... wall ad..-tlled by vehicle ,..,,., ..-room cbalra. Beauty ~ ,,._ '" dealen lo the vehicle TWIOPllATOI ... _. 11111 .In~; Sala. balrd1"1trt and .tt, otnce ult.t. etc. clU1ifiecl advertl1in1 Giid ~t for TWX ta' ~ iill9 Ntlwooa b)'dm&lic: chairs, mlr· 111 h o fl er. Take colwn• does not In· •dlll& Will\ratl. I•· ,_.,, lAftlt pric• ran,.....,.MClplub. Delivery ln .January. dlldt any appllcabl• ... _._, ,~. 1ur lta or Ken ~~e.•mpoo KlRX JIWEL&U .. lD4t. lictDM, trensrer ;: __ -..... mm1. Call: ardm·-.-, lftdhait Hattier• Colla Mttta. rw. n.uce charcea. & C Gt·t'l'Mor ..... ,_roralrpollutlon con· ~~~~~~1!!!1~=::~ ttJO afttrt "in..,_ trol devite certlllcatloat ... 1 or dtaler dotumeatary •••••••••• • • • -•ff•••ff•A•=• pttplntiae tbarps llD ,.._I It ...... Btaalilul Color TV. 2 yr a. «.blrwlte specified '-le oulllt, 11.h 251DNewport Blvd. wmty. ftH dellttry~ bJ&headvertiffr. WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR USED CARS ALAHMAGHOM PONTIAC/SUlilU 24IK> Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA l 549.43~ 549.1457 WEIUY CLEAMCARS AND TRUCKS CONMRL CHEVROLET ~ 11.irt••f 111"1 ' I " I \ ,, ~ ·" \ 54~1200 tl6HIUUI Top dollars for Sports Cars. BuJ.s. Ca mpers. 914's, Audi 's Ask ror U/C MGR JIMMAllMO V()U(SWA•IH lf7U Beach Blvd. RUNTINGTON BEACH 14J..JOOO WIMllD YOUllXOTIC &•mSHCAIS -... . 3100 W. Coa~t Hwy. Newport Beach IGMIS Y• a~11:;:_r of SUl•t• _., Hit -,,.. tid.eU (ISt.00) lmwold turntlllt • .., __ .............. •••llJ ,...tou.t rtt. w/apeaken, aqt I fll.mMAIT9S ~·..... aalM.•TMl. ~I COMl•t• _. .. ._ STOPU I .,_&llAIM AkAHll• ...... .... .. .......... 9'ICI CIN,..OIJll •• M:.• .. , .. r:.i:.. ~~E1:~ .:.-;_T:."1:1' .. Tt *'8 lkMU, eatl • ll =A TA.NKOP Ut·••H. u&. au. !!!'. ,,-,,. ••'° •.,...,car .. ..w.._ ........ -· Cl • .. , llr'-71,• a11d'lllll Mo,._ II CALLMOW t•• •" • All•t•A OUNGE COUNTY'S & Sales-Service· Leasing IDYCARVER fOJ.5 IOCE·BMW '76 zw.?, red. am/fm . al· ·loy wbls. l6500 firm Call aft. 4, 548-8196 lt717lll White/red leather "in· t.erior. hu all options. THIS CAR IS LIKE NEW · MUST SEE!! (lk.932VAA) SAODLRACI IMW ll 1·2040 4tMt49 tt7'200J MttaWc Fjord.lblue. air condlllonlngh stereo cauette1 Ilg t 1110)' wbffla, tully recondl· \iaatd, new l1ru MUST SE!CAll! SADDLaACI IMW IJI~ 4t5-4t4t lt7tJJ• Renna/black, •unroof. air condlllOl'lln1. tltreo cauette.ll&bl alloy wbttb. fos llctiu. CALL TODAY ' 9741 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... ..,....,.. .... ~ to•MW -r*L9etM1 ; Compare Hou.st of Im I poru Direct lease and 60 mos sensible pymta Dial 213 o r 714/MERCEDES is 213 or 7141637 ·'2333 l972MBCIDH 250 4·d oo r , s edan . brown /tan Becker AM/F'M. power brakes. power steerinc. air ron· chtiorung. 01c.012FZB I UDOLBACI IMW ll l-2040 4tS-4t4' ·~!.,c._· COMNh.L CHfVROlfT ' 'l l If'•• I "\\I"-· SU-1200 '* • • I. T1ell 21'6Thunn •B Cost• Mesa You are the winner or four free tickets tS18.00l valuetotht ~, ...... ... IY!ltew ANAHEIM CONVENTION CDM'ER Jan. 2· 10 To rlaim tickets. rall 1142·S8711 , ut. 272 . 1'rltets must be cl1imed by January 8. 19112 lt7S MllCIDES * * * 4SOS&.C .• Biscalnt, Sll wen. Ivory with ttd ltau.tr 421-t cyl,runt good! intenor. has 111 poaslblt tOBOMZ·TfOZ opl1o ns and i~. in 1980 El Cimino Con a~utt mint rond1t:~ qubta. va. auto. all u · this1Samuststecar... tras. Top. 10,700 mi SADOLllACI IMW Sl.780. lll-2040 495-494, 5'9·2585 '80 MB 450 SL. Cham 'Tf MOIU Carlo. loa<hd. pagne, luthtr. cassette air, fl.Ill power. stertO. Call $69--SlZl ct.. , al.ml '76 450 SL. Sllvtr/bU ,..... "JI leath. polished alloys -••• .. ••••••••••• tow nu 642-.. , &42· lMO .. t74J ...... ,. _ ... ,................ Sacnnc1m1 ·11 Doc11e AMI .... lat EditiM. ... 1 1irla -Pa1-off lea-~ #OISALI 71 ' Pinto hatchbark. dlM. 4 speed. new tires. l•cc•ce rar t ,good ~ioncar 11200 080. ~L570Jefl 13l·Tm Maria W Pilllo Hachback. Wa.s in wrttk. Body and frame dam.ace. All else Ok· VI. (47,0llOori4 ml>. new trans ' rad11tor, fUIDP, very eood whls ' tifta. no broken glus. l•terlor cood. Reda avlil. A creat deal for •di.Ink or parts sales. lllst sell all tocetber. S100. make orr Call •*4aft7:30pm. .... "-Melo 2UITburin Q>lt1Mes1 Y• are the winner of four rrte licttts <SJ&.001 value to ca s,..fl. Yecatiott ....... ANAHEJM CONVENT I ON CENTER Jan. 2 10 To claim tickets. call a.J.Sl78. ext 272 . Tichts must be claimed "by January a. 1.982 ••• '73 Purte. 1 owner. low ml, ireal mech cond. ID>/bst .Cr. 497-4924 "J4 Pt.to Hatr hback, Cl>Od tend thruout 2nd owner Asking Sl.350 Or best offer 960·2U6, or ~.,. '75 PlNTO SQ UIRE WAOON. Tiais one will mlM Ole perfect 2nd car . lee t od a y. 171 4UMX > S1999. ~ Robins. Dir .. llarbor Bl•d., Cost a Men. 142-0010 or NMZll. ,.,. '974 ....................... '1' Ve1a Wagon. New Utw Hds ma. 1200 Call 538-Gll8 btf ore 3. a rt 6 People who ntoed People Tb at 's what the OAJLY PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY __ lS all.::.abou=t::...'-- ....................... CAllLLAC CLEAIANCE SALE! lt7' CAIML.UC SIVLU (1AKZ762) Sl0,995 1919 CADILLAC S8AMHYILLE 1314WOXI s1995 1 '79 CADILLAC COWi llVn.u (8116W0V) s1795 I '11 CAllUAC PlaTWOOO •ouettAM (e23Ul.A) s1995 1tltCADILUC COWi DEVILLE (3S3129) Jl0,995 t .. tCADILLAC &.DOllAlllTI ($116761 'M,995 · "76 CAIMI.UC UOIADO COMt•t .. CJl1"PM) '• Clft.r il90d t hr U ,,.......,., 12-ll.al Orange Coalt DAILY PtLOT/Tuelday, Oecamber 29, 1981 ~---~-- ••• Equipped with: • Factory Air Cond. • Automatic Trans. • Power Steering • Power Disc Brakes • White Sidewall Tires OR 5195 Down Plus EXAMPLE: SER.# 111714 • Low M ileage • Choice of 4 Cyl. or 6 Cyl. • Fro nt Wheel Drive • AM Radio • Deluxe Wheel Covers Tax, Licew & Doc .... 11tary Fee • Body Side Moldings CHOOSE FROM 2 DOOR COUPE OR 5 DOOR HATCHBACK AND •LY SALi NICI "495.H ........ lk. & Dec. is... $HI.GO D•-r:.:. $Ito.ft .... $1U.H 0.M.Y. ~ ~ -UO he-es ,_ hr • ..... ef $1427.tt 0.-,.....,.., c• .. w .,.., .-ii $14UJ s::.:::: .... " ........ $JJlt.IO ... ..c. c ...... Al.a. H.JJ%. ,.,.... pric. $IO,Jt7.70 .. .,,.. ..... cN41t. ·suggested retell Drlce may hav• dealer fn1talled •~uori•s All Cars Sold On Approved Credit. All Cara Plus Tax & License & Doc. FM. All Cara Sut>Mct to Prior Sale. Prloea ~ Thru Mond~y, Januery 4, 1981 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! ,. ' ~ ' • I I i -----------. • • • • • r DRAIGI COAST YOUR HOMITDWI llllY PIPll TUESDAY. DECEMBER 29 1901 ORANGE COUNTY . C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS I •. Schmitz: ousters free up campaign time Corona del Mar Republican striwed of 3.CJSsignments by Rules Committee 1y STEVE MITCHELL ADMONISHED -Sen. John Schmitz h as found that critical remarks of a week ago have proved costly. ....... ~ ......... State Sen. John Schmitz says the loss of his chairmanship of o n e co mmitt ee, vice-chairmanship or another and ouster from a third panel means he'll have more time to devote to his campaign for U.S. Senate. Th e Co r o n a del Mar Republican was s tripped of three committee positions late Monday in a closed-door hearing of the Senate Rules Committee. "They (the committee) will rue the day they did this because t hey just turned me loose from three time-consuming jobs to campaign for the U.S. Senate," Schmitz said . (See related column Page A3.) Last week Schmitz released a newsletter entitled ''Attack of the Bulldykes," in whi'ch be assailed abortion r ights advocates in derogatory terms. The lawma ker said four recent hearings on his pro-life a mendment "were infested by a sea o f hard , Jewish and < arguabJy) fe male faces," and termed feminists as "murderous marauders of the pro-abort.ion encampment." The stat e m ent angered feminist groups, legislators and othe rs and led to Monday's closed door session of the Rules Committee to consid e r the Schmitz ousters. The five-member committee, headed by Sen. David Roberti of West Los Ange les, d 11mped Schmitz as chairman of the Con stitutiona l Amendments Committee, vice chairman of the Industrial Relations (labor) Screws tightened Reagan to block pipeline sales to Soviets •Y Tbe A.ssocla&ed Press . ~ President Reagan. moving to -.Punish the Soviet Union for the anilitary crackdown in Poland, will block the sale of equipment '-or a pipeline that would carry natural gas from Siberia to ~Western Europe, well-placed •a d m i n i s t r a t i o n a n d ·congressional officials say. A f te r reviewing re co mm e nda tio n s by a high-level task force, Reagan also decided to halt exports or high technology to the Soviet Union, including com puters. and suspend maritime rights under which Soviet ships use U.S. ports and aviation rights under which Soviet airliners oper ate within U.S. boundaries. . An aide who asked not to be identified desc ribed the progr am being pursu ed by R eagan as "tightening the screws." It marks the first step t a ke n by t he administration against the Soviets. whom R eaga n blam es for th e imposition of martial law in Poland. A source in Washington. who sajd congressional leaders were Jwtice takes strange twist for doctor SAN JOS E CAP J -A physician who was attacked and robbed by two men a ll egedly hired by his estranged wire must p ay her $1,500 a month because s he has no other means of support. a judge has ruled. "I guess I'd better stick to medicine because I sure don't unde r sta nd t h e judicial system," Dr. Dudley 0 . Scott Jr. 's lawyer quoted him as saying Monday when the ruling was issued. The lawyer. Willian Dubbin. said be was considering an appeal. Scott, 46, was ordered by Santa Clara County Superior Judge Read Ambler to make temporary support payments beginning Jan. 1 until his divorce from Lidija Scott is final. Mrs. Scott, 45, faces trial Feb. 1 on a charge of solicit.Wll th~ commission of a felony. She bad asked for $10,000 in temporary support for herself and their two children. <See DOCTOR, Pa1e AZ> ORINGI COAST 11111111 ~L o w c loud s early ednesday morn f n g, berwise variable high oudlness. Lows tonight along coast, 42 Inland. igbs Wednesday 62 at beaches, 67 inland. INSIDI TODAY UC l1vtne•1 unbeoren 1rreok ii ooer '11 bailcdboU. Tmdoht rlae Anteot•" tr) ro 1aloao• third place fn o tount0nwftt. SH,,. Cl . INDll -.:: ... .. .._ M E---~ •.. -.. ....... .. ... =~ .. :, being briefed on the econonuc sanctions today. confirmed the s ubstance of the administration report. Reagan. spending a week-long holiday in Californi a . was expected to announ ce the decisions this after noon after receiving the recommendations Monday of the administration's Special Situation Group. T he gr oup met 21h hours ,Monday while Reagan was on Other punitive moves planned to aid Poles. I his way by helicopter lo a n afternoon of manual labor at his ranch about 100 miles north of here . Tbe recommendations were relayed by telephone by Vice President George Bus h. Edwin Meese IJJ . the pres idential counselor. ~nd Adm . J a mes Nan ce. acting national security adviser. The president will confer later in the week with Secretary of State Alexander Haig in Palin Springs, deputy White Hause press secretary Larry Speakes said. Haig was speaking in San Francisco today. Although Reagan's aides have said he would consult with the Western allies about any steps taken in connection with the developments in Poland. those likely to be announced today could be pursued without allied cooperation. Meanwhile. defiant Polish workers are producing automobile parts that don't fit together and engaging in other acts of industrial sabotage, accordjng lo uncensored reports reaching the West. But Poland 's mi li tary government c laims work is returning to normal as the last strikes against martial law are .dropped Warsaw Radio quoted the Ministry of Mining and Industry as saying 939 miners at the Piast mine in Silesia would return to work today after ending their 13-day occupation -the last l arge -scale protest against martial law. . ... ...._ MOTHER WORRIES -Colette Marquis shows photos of daughters Micki, le ft, and Kristen whom she claims are stranded with her former husband John Harrison on Palmyra Atoll in the P acific Ocean. Sailor may save shipwrecked family J i.LOS ANGELES <AP) -A anadian man and bis two uabters, living on raw fish d coconut.a for three weeka er tbelr abJpwreck on a South adftc atoll, may find a private acbtaman offerin1 the r.eue o•ernmenl ofllclal won•t Vl'ange. U.S. Coast Guard offtclala aaid man baa aalled from bri1tm.. bland to retrieve bn Hairlton, a 3t·1eas:-old 4ta1&rla' dHl•ner from aneouver, and dau•htera kt,•. m K.rtltea, 13. from mpa MAii, about llO miles Wiit iii llanolulu . 'l'fbe ma, known to UI oaly LarrJ, bu left Clariltmu litd 500 mllH 1outb of allllJ'f* OD bll yacht Frimdly ' lild could be wttb them wWdn II ._., •• eout Guard Cblef Bob IBaeten s aid in Honolulu on !Monday. t "H's up to them to decide "Whet.her they want to accept but 1-don't t.binlt It will be a difficult dedaion after bein1 stuck there for three weeks." Tbe Harrlaons were 1ailln1 tbe lr 40 -f oot trimaran "Slayphua" to AuatraUa when a t)'pbooo bit Dee. 9. Tbe '200 000 craft was dlsmasted by 40-ioot waves. A Coast Guard rescue plane w 'tbelr narea and drQPPed up fuel for the trimaran to ake 80 mll• to the atoU. Two 1 after It wrecked on a f'flfJf ece, t1land caretaker Ray .... IMll'Ulft spotUld the craft ud elp'ed Harrhon cont.ct attt. .ta Mort wave radio . ne SllJpbua' form« o'WIMI'. (8" ATOU.. .... Al> ,J, committee and took him off the advisory 17-seat Commission on the Status of Women. Reached in Sacramento an hour after the rare committee action, Roberti said it was "tragic the whole action had to senator refe rred to femlnlat Gloria Allred in such terms. ''That comes close to makin1 r efer ence to a p erson as a lesbian, and she's not," Roberti said . "Sh e s ho u ld not be s ubjected to that kind o f ''They just turned me loose from three time-consuming jobs to campaign.'' come toUUs. "Schmitz' comme nts were anti-Semitic , improper, they castigated a whole audience with sexually deprecating language, specifically referring to on e wo man as a butch lawyeress," Roberti said . In Schmitz' r e le a se, the language from a legislator." ·'Schmitz made a point of people making nasty comments about him," Roberti continued. ··But a higher s t a ndard Is ex pected of so meone representing people." But Schmitz denies he made any derog~tory commenta about J ews. and termed hi• ouster ·'shows American citizen.a the double s tandard or llberaliam." "I didn't say antttitn1 bad about Jews (in tbe reJeaae)" Schmitz said ln a telepboo• interview. "I jual uaed tbe WOfd Jewish. People can blaal . Germans ail they want, but jUlt use the word Jew in a news release a nd you're anti-Semitic." ''It's prepos terous, it'a ridiculous, and it's exposed U.. left wing of t he Amerlcaa political system for the pboni• they really are." Regardin1 the committee action Monday, Schmitz said ~ cri me he committed waa attempting to defend bimaell after being attacked verbally by pro-abortion forces at recent <See SCHMJT'Z, Pa1e A2) · SYMBOL OF SUPPORT Rep. Don Riller, R-Pa .. lights a candle on the podium at a Congressional panel studying Poland and its ............ new military government. .President Reagan had asked Americans to light candles in their windows to show s upport for Polish people. Refugee food aid criticized Austrian chancellor says U.S. should take in Poles I BAOGASTEIM, Austria (AP> -Chancellor Bruno Kreisky has criticized a U.S. offer of food aid to Polish refugees in Austria, saying Washington s hould instead offer to let more Poles emigrate to the United States. I "We have enough fl our, sugar 1lnd rice." Kreisky said in an 1nterview published today in Vienna's Die Presse newspaper. "The Americans shou ld take more refugees inc;tead. · · The chancellor's comments followed President Reagan's offe r last week to send food to Austria to help the country care Prosecutor named in Donovan case WASHINGTON CAP ) -A three-judge court today named Leon Silverman. a New York attorney and former Justice Department official, as special p rosecutor lo inves tigate whether Labor Secretar y R aymond J . D o n o van sanctioned illegal payoffs 'as a private businessman in 1977. Silverman, appointed by a panel composed of three U.S. court or appeals judges. is the first special prosecutor to be n a m ed ln the R eagan administration. He will examine allegaUona that Donovan, while an executive or a New Jeraey const.ruc\lon firm, wu pre1ent wben another officer or the company banded an enveJope conlalnlnt 12,000 to the head ol L ocal 29 of the Laborers' International Union. Tbe charee came from Mario Montuoro, a former orflclal of Local 29. Donovan at the time was necut1ve vtce president ol \be Schiavone Construction Co. of Secaucus, N.J . Donovan lut wHk called a nt•• cocaference to denounce ll011tuoro • a "damnabl• and contemptible Uar.'' for the estimated 50,000 Poles who have fled their country in recent months. Many are housed in refugee camps and private guest houses at government expense. i Most hop e to e migrate to /Australja, Canada or the United States. However, they have been delayed because those countries say they already have fi lled immigration quotas. Kreisky was Interviewed in this mountainous ski resort south of Salzburg, where he bas been spending the Christmas holidays . But he declined to m ake predictions about the future of Poland, where lbe commun ist gover nment declared martial law Dec. 13. ··w e mus t r ealize wha.l happens in the political realm iJl P oland does not happen a1ainst the will of the Soviet U~on," Kreisky was quoted as sayin1. Austrian officials in VieMa ba ve complained for months they wer e not receiving help from other Western countries iJl coping with the flood of refugees that have arrived in steadily increasing numbers throughout the year. Charge amended for Newport firm · By KEITH TtJBEll .,. ............. ..., The state Department of Real Estate bas filed an amended accusation against American Home Mortgage Corp., al the s ame time dropplng cbar1es it bid filed earlier this year. Tboae charaes, .flied in October, includ~ alletalloas of fraud, miaapproprlatlon or divenioa Of investor funds for ita own benefit, commln&llnl tru•t funds with lta own money. m la representatlon and couP!fm_to ~ecelve invest.on. -Tlie amenaed accuaalion atatea tbat the Newport Beech mortc• firm advanced f\IDda to borrowers from lt• truat accow:U acalnat a Un• of credit, t.bereb)' reduclnS the balanc. ln ,tbe a~ to u amount wblcb w.. less than tbe aure1ate UabUIQ' ot Americu Home. t cc8pany admits ll did ... Ulla fUncllD• procedure. The amended accusation alle1• tbal tbl• procedure conatltuted n•~!f:.nce and a f allure to n ,....,....,.. supe1 <i1IAoD otel' tla e actlvlty of ··=:: .. o.part-ot «••I .,tat• bH re•olled a..·auteme......._ ~· compaa1 eaa ., . .,. ... _ --. . re-al .. tale ...... ~ license. Tbe restrictions, whlcb should not impair the comP8ft)''I ability to do buaineu, warn tbe 'company qa.lnat: -The intenUonaJ mlklQI 'QI false, miaJead.iq or deceptift atate menta, written or oral. to the public, the preu or diellU re1ardin1 the nature of lbe 'invesU,alioaa, aud.lta, fig conch.aaklrw or uliona tak• the department in conn -1th the alle1alions; • · -Vlolatln1 provialona o( Callfonaa real •tate law; .. ....._. -Tbe CODlPaft7 muat ·~ a quaJ'W'ty tnaat fWMI P!Md• statement to the Real ~ ;D epartme-n t contal a fa l~~pl•t ~-account ·~a transaction laformaUoa._ ~ almllar •eelatoa wu la~ down to Amatcan Hop1e ~ ~ary ltal.beriDe Z"8et, • ·" •• •••e ••••d .. tll• teem II •. ·· "' 1 A 1 po• •a ID a n for ta•e e~art-.at of Real Batate :csecllned to commeDt n 1l:bar,.. and tM Md1iOll. I ...... ...,, ••• WU .•:r:_alaed~ Pree11 ... •• 0 . t ··w• .... • <teua ltlPO.•>tUt .. ~1· fli" a.row••_. L r lluda 11, we reeciMllel :=-~.._. ,, ---·.,_--------~------~~~-~~-t:. . Al ••••• 2'f'oeC011t DAILY PILOT/l'uesday. December 29, 1981 Judge upholds village right to ban handguns CHICAGO (AP> -A ,._e& Jud1•~~--tt1Mtla 1uburbu .tUqe to M8 a. aaJt and P"M'tlCID 0U1• .. -. U.S. DUUlct JQdll ......... Decker aal4I the .. ..._ Oro¥. ordinance la val.kt ........ =rinse upon tile lacltYNual I btl provided b1 U1e 1J11M6a I dU.UiMaa...~-- A ttorneya for one ef ,•tte 1rou~-' ~ clt11ena °"*.., tbe OrdinllllCe IM41 tMy win -...aJ the ruUnc. '' Martin AallmMlf· •orton ' Grove .Ul... 111Uol'9ey, Jailed FromPapA1 AMERICAN. • • 'fll tbe cbeeb • .,..t .-nc • go out ultlltlle feiMrtna 4-1.: ~ ~ ... .,... diet it ...... paMlbM •• empt need • tine ot credit to eover the k>as, •bicb it tUfDeel out 'W'e didn't peed. . .'"TbM;~ UHi ended tb• .Wbole t.Mnf:'' : 1 Rillaldo N6d tlae •attel', new reaolvttd. affected · aot only1 businea but tM PtfcbolOllc:al weU·bein.c·of hi.I famlly. I ,. "The elfect tn our lavelton was mhlimal, but tbe human tac tor was juat terrible," IUnaJdo1U.. 1 ''Peoplej9t~'t~: that. we w..r\ ...,.... wtlb , aomethiq erl•la.,. P...ae ihou1tat •• •tole jllo .. •. 1t 1iffectea iitiWileanct"""clllwrm. .; •Kida 1l9lild come wP • DlY cbildr• ... uk if r .... in jail. It was tentbk. "I'm juat glad it's onr." I I From P!R8 A1 iDOCTOR •.• ! The Judie, wllile callinc Mrs. i Scott· a alleged c1uduc:t r "outrageous,.. said • hu II() Deeker'• rullna ·•a landmark chellion." Tbe vllla.1e board voteCt 4·2 .Junt 8 to ban tbe 11le and IHltHlon of band1un1 by llorion Grove's 24,000 re.ldenta. 1 The ordinance, amona the rnott 1trtn1ent enacted In the United States, waa i mmediately eballen1ed In court aa an lnfr l naement on tbe eon1tltutlonal right to bear arms. In a JS.pace decision, Decker 1ald, ••reuonable people can, in 1ood conscience, oppose what Morton Grove has done, while equally reasonable people can tu.Uy support this ordinance." He Hid the Morton Grove tru1tea "must have been aware of the deep.seated conviction of a number of its citizens that they should be permllled to retain hand1uoa for the protection of per1on and property. "The trustees concfuded , however. that the public interest outweighed th e claimed p e rsonal Interes t of the opponent.a of th.is legislation. The ultimate settlement of this troublesome political qtiesUon must be returned to the cil\zens of Morton Grove where it properly be.tones rather than in the court." Dec"er also said his rulinl llft ed a atay blockln1 enforcement or the hand1un ordinance. After the decision. Ashman told reporters, "maybe if other communJties implement such ordinances around the country, there could be a lot or American lives saved . . " Mike Null, an attorney for some of the opponents , said, "I think the law is unconstitutional. I th.ink it should have been held that way by the Judie. ln the meantime, Morton Grove la foln1 to divest lt.3 citizens of 1uns." Null said he will appeal lo the federal appeals court and expect.a the case ulti mately to be decided by the U.S. Supreme pourt. t Decker Hid the ordinance don aot viol.ate the U.S . ,Coa1Ut.utlon'a guarantee of a elthea'• rl1bt to bear arm1. Re alao .. it falls within tbe at.ate 'comtitution 's proviaion grant.in1 the rtibt to have 1una except where government is exercising .. Police powers -the 1tatc'1 'ObU1ation to~ tbe aeneral ~ealth and welfare of Ill people. Tbe nrst c:hallenae of tbe vllla1e ordlna6ce bad come from Vlctor QuiUI, an attorney and sun owner. Three other 1uita followed. All but oae were con10Udated at the federal level. The ordinance abo est.abliabed a face-off between the NaUoo.al Coalition to Ban H and1uns. wblch baa provided Morton Grove with legal services, and the National Rine Aa.soclatioo, backers of the opposition. Confusion muddles jet noise decision A long-awaited decision on w~uld have led to ~at figure," whether John Wayne Airport said Ken Hall, an aide to County s hould be allowed to continue Supervisor Thomas Riley. exceeding state noise standards Neher's exact decision said has produced co nfusion in that t he noise impact area Orange County . described. by the. 1981 70-~ecibel Administrative Law Judge Community Noise Equivalent Robert Neher said the airport Level should be reduced by 20 should be granted a one·year per cent. noise variance on the condition Bill Martin, the airport's noise it decrease the area impacted by abatement officer, said that 1981 severejet noise by20percent. n o ise contour hasn 't been But the state Department of established yet. Transportation, which has veto Riley's assistant Hall said the power on whether or not to grant county is still comm itted to the variance, has not accepted reducing airport jet noise by 7.5 Neher's decision. decibels. Instead, Caltrans has asked But county officials said it is lawyers for s even diHerent not yet known what sort of parties with interests in the case decibel reduction would have to to comment on whether the 20 be made to meet the 20 percent percent reduction is realistic. reduction fi gure. Caltrans reported it will then make a final decision on the variance itself. It has never From Page A 1 d enied an ai r port a nois e variance. SCHMITZ Neher's decision was based on • • • 10 days of testimony taken over a three-month period earlier this year in Costa Mesa. hearings on h is proposed amendment to the state constitution that would recog· nize life a s b e ginn ing at conception. other means ol ~ ttate lbe I was a holnemaker fw mueb of I the couple's 22.,..,. ._ri-.a I Under CaUforala law, marttal fault is not a flM?t« in tettin1 • support, Ambler -.c:t. CRASH KILLS TWO -T wo were kil!ed and 23 iniured after brakes on ski chair lift at Val Venos.t.a, Italy. ski r esort failed, sending ............ s kiers hurtling into a station at the bottom of the lift. Portion of c hair lies on ground after Monday mishap. Ray !kola , a n attorney repr esenting Newport Beach - a critic of loud jet noise -said Neher's decision "isn't as severe as we wanted but still strong. ·'The judge seems to be saying ·we're no longer telling you how to reduce noise, we're j ust telling you to do it'," lkola expl ained. At one point in the hearings, he noted, feminist Allred tossed a chastity belt at the senator "meant for my wife." I Dubbia 18'd th&t "fnim a layman's point of view, 1 tbink f it's unfair. It doesn't make 1 ·aense." Catastrophe force urged lkola said he will meet witb the Newport City Council m January before m aking comments to Caltrans. "That's my grievous crime a nd they st r ip my chairmanship," he said. Then. contrasting his situation to that of Sen. Al an Robbins, who was charged with sex crimes last y ear , Schmitz said, "You commit crimes agains t your girls -especially if you're a Jewish senator . and you get a committee chairmanship." i "But the judge did the best be could . . . w'U• tlte •lli•ti•I i statutes alMI prior c.a ... The ! judge was coafreetM wltb a ' sltuati<ln tbat to my kaowl ... e : bas not aria• in CaUfonlia 1 before," he aaicl. Mrs. Stolt ..... edly wmt to a San Jose ~ wlMre she met a man wtio .,.... to wrmi.1• a contract asnllt tor Sl,580, according to poliee. Scott bM llleen 1e1>arated fl'Olll his wife ·~-was attMftd and robbed -effice ,.rtlne lot Oct. *· e' ~ pnec. WASHINGTON (AP> -Sen. William Proxmire, D· Wis .. says tbe United States should take the lead in dev e l o p i n g an international torce to deal with the aftermath of a nuc lear explosion. ''It Is gruesome to contemplate, but the truth is the international community ls not prepared to respond to a nuclear catastrophe," Proxmire said in a news release Monday. "Given the possibility that a From Page A1 nuclear explosion will occur s1>mewher e , 'som etime, the industrialized nations should be preparing today for the complicated process of clean·up, medical care and humanitarian assistance." Accu s ing the R eaga n administration of "half-hearted atte mpts to limit the spread of nuclear weapons,.. Proxmire said the United States should convene an in ter n a tio n a l conference on proliferation. I injury. ·~ .. , Upset that ber '4tnand's . injuries "were n•t •••ere enough," Mn. Stott N:e.1nd to ATOLL INCIDENT .•• • pay the asaaitaru, peU~ Mid. · One man U.eri twlepbOMd Scott and offered to ft8TIM tie IOUtte 1 of the contr•. The man led Seott ..a police I to another man· who allqedly ' set up the .. 'Mt. n.t mu , made a laPl"ftWde4 te.lepMine • call to a W01D.a wllee, Yake 'Scott identifte4 .as 1'al of bb 1 wife, police uld. i A 24·1ear.. tnu aiao wu charged in the catc, ~ no • charges were filed against me Informers. !Taiwan man may ~ not be extradited LOS AHGELSS (AP> -Lea I Angeles ~ lwwe .o pl .. to J extradite ••l.11aeton P. O..C. I the vktl• of a M.• million : burglary wtlo "6Pet a~ t aay is ..... w ,._. -.See 1 Jnvolvinl .UU.. of dotrm.. ! "We hne•jd,entlfte_. W.P. t! Cbent la Lei Aate•~-Md W.P . tbent from.Tai...., asp~ being the ..... penoa," Los f Angelea .,eMce Capt. Dou1 J Watton said Mo•••1'· "9'at , Taiwan baa• jartldletiee tn tk ' United States ... •• Mft DO f jurlsdicUon our MJ erlee1 I alle1ed to ltave O«'\l~ in Taiwu. I haft hem latl IDM t.bat we a.ave ao extreMion I treaty, IO lt .... M bNrillc OD our In~ ... Lucio Marampon of Victoria, eeid boat repairers are planning to fiy to the atoll to make the craft seaworthy . Marampon said Harrison still owes him "24.000 on the trimaran, which ~•s::riSQD denies. . Meantime, Harrison's former wife and the girls ' mother, ichelle Co l ette James , ~m plained Monday that "at 1s point, ther e is no rescue m issio n t h at i s being organized," by U.S. or Canadian officials. "We had bee n inrormed several times that there wouJd be from the Coas t Guard in Honolulu and then I guess the governments became involved." ·Mrs. James. 37, said. Coast Guard planes can't land on the atoll's World War II Jir1trip and will not get involved Onless life is threatened, she 1aid. TIM! Canadian government, m eantime, is balking at a fescue's pricetag. · t Officials ln Ottawa scuttled a lDission planned last week by Ille Canadian Consul in San J'rancisco when they learned it would cost between S7 ,000 and 1t12,soo, she said. ~-: ' Th e y ( t h e C a n a di a n .aovernment) have a certain 1bud1et that they allow each year 'lor rescues of Canadian citiiens from any type of danger In any ,art of the world." sajd Mrs. anes. "However, they tell us that this (rescue mission) would ~at up one-twelfth or the entire bud1et and that is Loo much. I tii~l'illl ca.a.._ ~Mtt 7141142·M11 AM..._., dep91'1m9nta 142-4321 • MAIN~E ........ k .C..UMeM,GA .... __, ._ ,,..,C.,aMeM, CA.tMa Basically what it boils down to is that they would like the U.S. government to pay for half or it.'' Canad.tan officials also ruled a boat rescue too costly at 21 days for the round trip, but Mrs. J a m e s said Kristen is too frightened to gel in a nother boat. Although "no one is in any phys ical danger" despite sleeping in the open, "they are very traumatized." s he said. Mrs James said she doesn 't have the money to hire a private plane to rescue the trio, and the governments haven't accepted Harrison's pledge to pay for it once he's off the island. "Unfortunate l y the gov e rnments felt t hat this (Harrison's word> wasn't going to be adequate and wanted someone outside (the atoll) to put up the bond," she said. Lawyers out in Sadat case CAIRO <AP) -Lawyers for the 24 Moslem fundamentalists ac c used of a ssa ssinating Pcesident Anwar Sadat withdrew from the case today, protesting the military court's rejection of their demands. Attorney Abdel Haleem Ramadan, who said he had been represe nting th e main defendant, Lt. Kbaled Ahmed Shawki e l-lalambouly. told reporter& all defense attorneys bad withdrawn. About 20 ol the lawyers attended a news conference conducted b y Ramadan. "The team protests the court's refusal ol all lta basic demands Including lU refusal to admit defense witneasea Into the court," Ramadan read from a prepared statement. Saudi role eyed JERUSALEM (AP) -Sen. Charles Percy and Israel'• deputy foreign minister dllftrtd 1 today on tbe role of Saudi Arabia in arransln1 an Jlraell ceaae·rlre with Palt1tlnian au•rrlll• ln ''llY I larael recUo reported. ' T he conference , he said. should identify res tricted produ c t s a nd c r ea t e a n international s ys t em o f enforcement. ·'The greatest threat to mankind is ready access to nuclear weapons technology, and lhe United States simply is not doing enough to stop it," Proxmire said. He said lnternational Atomic Energy Agency safeguards are i n adequate l o prevent the clandestine transfer of nuclear technology and s hould be overhauled. The United States should "get tough" with allies who he said are quietly shipping nuclear technology to inter ested countries, Proxmire said. ··Switzer l a nd and West Germany flre h e lp i ng Argentina," he said. "Italy ls helping Iraq. And countless s mall s hipme nts of critical technology are occurring from France, Switzerland, Italy and West Germany which, in total, re present a hemorrhage of nuclear technology.·· ' The Reagan administration, m eanwhile , should withhold shipments of advanced tactical aircraft lo P akistan until it is assured that Pakistan will not d eve lop a nuc l ear bomb, Proxmire said. County offi cials, though, expressed some confusi.on with Neher's proposed decision. Several said they are unsure how or why Neher came up with the 20 percent figure. Neher could not be reached to elaborate on his decision. "I don't believe there was a nything in the hearing that · Opossum act rwt violation PORTLAND. Ore. (AP > - Fed eral investigators h ave found no criminal wrongdoing by two policemen who admitted dumping dead opossums in front of a black-owned restaurant. a U.S . J u s ti c e Department spokesman said. ·'There was ins uffic ient evidence or violations of federal criminal civil rights laws," John Wil s on . the Ju stic e Department ·s assistant director of public affairs, said Monday. The opossums. which had been run over by patrol cars . were placed in front of the Burger Barn in north Portl a nd on March L2 by officers Craig C. Ward and James E. Galloway. the investigation showed. THIS WATERFORD CLASSIC IS OURS ALONE. Robbins was acquitted of the charges earlier t his year. Schmitz was also critical of the Rules Committee failure to notify him of t he closed -door session until it was too late for him to appear in his own defense. "l get a Mailgram an hour after the last plane leaves for Sacramento." he said, adding his Newport Beach start didn't find the Mailgram announcing the meeting until they opened the offi ce Monday morning. "I wasn't even able to defend myself." he said. "I'm glad no Republican voted on this." Democrats Roberti, Barry Keene of Eureka, and Nicholas Petris of OaJcland. s upported the stripping of Schmitz' various committee roles. Republi can Ray J ohnson abs tained on two votes. and opposed Schmitz' removal from the Status of Women panel. The only other Republican, William Craven of Vista, was ill and did not attend Monday's session. Ughta crystal flre with our 'Tiffany style"crystal lamp by Waterford. Blown and cut entirely by hand In Ireland. It's ours exclusively. Approximately 22" high. $950. SLAVICK·s Flnt ~ 5'rlCe 1117 W'Nre r~ bt.sr .surpris(.s begin. ,. ....... lllMd (114) 644-1380. ~ '-" Mio Or..-1M ~•SM 0..00•1..-Vlgltl ' ' AllW....,_ BEACH STROLL West Ge rman Chanct'llor Helmut Schi:nidt and his wife. H<Jnnelore. walk <Jlong the beach on Sani bel Island in Florida . Schimdt, h is wife. a nd d aughter. Susanne. will \'acation in Florida until J anuar\' 4, when they will makt• an unofficial \'1s 1t to Washington. D.C. Phillips denies run1ors of rift with Princess Anne Despite reports that he was having an affair, Capt. Mark Phillips says he and his wife. Princess Anne, are "close enou gh" t h at they n ever doubted one another. Phillips. 33, married to the only daughter or Queen Elizabeth II, denied in an interview published Monday A million·dollar deal for a biography of shun ex Bealle J ohn Lennon by Albert Goldman, a utho r o f a controversial biography of Elvis Presley, has fallen through , The New York Times reported The agreement collapsed because of a disagreement between Goldman's agent. John Hawkins, and Avon Books over whether Avon could publish the paperback lhal his marriage was on the rocks, as newspaper reports said. Some reports claimed Phillips developed a close r elations hip with Angela Rippon, 36, the first female news reader for the British Broadcasting Corp. She was writing a book about horses with Phillips. version before a British ed1llon comes out. the Times said. An agr eeme nt among Avon. Will iam Morrow & Co. and Hawkms called for an advance of about $1 million, but a contra ct was not signed. "Elvis," Goldm a n 's scathi ng biography or Presley, angered many of the late singer's rans. Coastal Extended forecast Low c touO\ e•rl y WtcJn•~d•• mornin9, otherwl\~ v•t ••bt• "'O" cloudlneu C041Sl•I -50 lnl•nd •f CO<l•l•I 1'1'1111 61, lnl-•I W•l•r 60 EIMwhlre , tlOht v•r••blt' wind\ e xtept ... H•rly I lo 14 wnol\ Westerly \Vllflllfll 1 to 1 ffft tnc re-•t.1r'9 clouds toni91\t V.S. sunimary More snow tell over mucn ol ""' Onlo and mid M1n ln loo1 ••"••• e•,••rn _.,, ot the centt•I P•••n' .,,., puu of wasninoton, with n..i•Y -'" centr•I 1111nors on -•v In Ille Wftt, J-IH ~n CIH ""ll •lier ......_..,., stor-,,.., dl>m~d wp to 2 feet ot snow •c.ro\s '"' Rocklo , bloOl"O hlqnwav• and Sllwttl1>9-n •kl rHOr'I• • Sprlnfflekl, Ill., 901 S onclle• of snow Mond.ty In Ille lour1n winter storm In two --·· ar>d up to S Inches of snow cr .. 1..:1 nHarOOu• drfvlnQ condition" trom IOUttwrn Mlclll~ ecrou nortllern t lllnois and 11ndleM Into Olllo A winter storm ••rnlnt was In effect Mondey lor ..-1 of centrel llllnols. Trefflers •d•IM>•les were luued for ,,.,.._n llllMh, ,..,,......,. lndl.,,., central *"' _.,,...,. 1..-.r Ml<11'9MI. not1hem Olllo •ftd Wfftern Pen111ytvenl•, with "P to~ addltloMI Inches ol snow POSSlble. Rein --c.ont--Uw st•te of Wallllnglon, wflll -llehy .,._ In Ille -.tl'INtwm ~rt of Ille U•te. Ll9hl snow fell In the nonnern Pi.1111-across nontwm MlllM. SOUTH E RN CALIFOR .. 14' COASTAL A .. 0 MOUNTAIN AREAS !tom• night and mornlno low <toudlnfi\ tn lh• co•~t•t •rr•s Varo•b,. hlQfl <louOtnH\ wltll II"''' w1nd\ 1n tfte "'°"""11n\. In coastal •••••. n~ In "'" 60s .__, In IM u-r JO> and 00\ Mounl••n 11w;in. •S to H w1lll IOW\ 1S lo lS T e mpe ratures A ....... AlbWQu. 11merl110 An<llOr- Alllnllle Atl•nte Atlante Cly Belllmon 8 1rmlnontn 8tim•rc.' 8olM 8CKton 8rown\YUf' Butteoo C11erl>ln SC C,..rt\lnWV ClleY- Cllk -Cln<lnn.CI Clevel.,.., Cotv,,,_ O.l·Ft Wiii Denver DHMo"- Ottrolt ow1ut11 El Peso Felrbe'*J Ml Le Pre Jt lO Of .. 10 4 I IS , . 0 )6 .. •1 0 l1 .. lS St • I II 31 .. ,. l1 IJ ~ 36 1'I SI SO SS l2 n n ll I )I lJ ,. ,. l6 ZI 5' ,. JI U 11 0 ,. tl 1• 0 u ,, 11 J1 Hartford H•l~n.a 11 Honolulu 01 Hou11on lndnepl~ °' J<tc,..,, .... 03 Jun~•u Kan. City 10 LnV- Ltttle Rock l1 Loul>••lle 10 M•mplll\ OS Miami Mllweuk• Gt follpls-St.P 10 Nelllvlllt 1'I N""OrlNns 10 Ntw Y- NC>r'lolk 0t.1e Cltr Om•h• 11 Orl•lldo Pl\lladptta. P'-"1• Pltlsb\lf"On Tb c c •e" tor o f th e bt1·m outhed Brltlah bt1ot after whom American te leviaion'a Archie Bunker waa patterned says he's retlr ini hia char•cter for cooct. The reason: with Britain's Conservative Party in Power, be 11ys, llfe 11 be1h1nln1 t.o !f mltlte art. "He Just Isn't funny any more -not with Prime Minister Mar1aret Thatcher in office," aays author Jokaay Spel1ht, 58. S p eiaht brought Alf Garnett -the vulgar, angry working-class bloke rtom London 's East End -to British television in tbe '60s with the Indepe ndent Television show "Tlll Death Do Us Part." Sen . Nancy Landon Kaaaebaum was mailed an unusual holiday greeting by Wiiiiam Gibbons, the trustee overseeing bankruptcy proceedings or the Rock Island Railroad . At a recent hearing, Mrs. K assebaum , a Ka n sas R e publican , ex pressed frustration over Gibbons' apparent reluctance to sell portions or Rock Island track so other carriers can continue service on the line, which goes through her state. ·'There are ti m es one would like to fashion a dart board with his picture," the senator said. Gibbons saw the comment in a newspaper and sent hor a letter, enc losing his photograph. ··I suggest that you affix it to your dart board and practice," Gibbons wrote. .. Who knows? You may even become proficient. Best wi s hes for a pleasant holiday." A computer programmer is crusading to make sure her father is remembered for c r e a ti n g R u d o1 p h t b e R ed -Nosed R ei ndeer. a Ch ristmas fantasy set to music which has sold more than 140 miltion records. .. , . m Rudolph's older sister." said Barbara Lewb of San Francisco, adding that the deer with the lightbulb nose -an ugly duckling with antlers who became Santa's indispensable helper -was conceived by her rather, the Tate Robert L. May. Mrs. Lewis wants her father to receive proper credit f o r twanging generations or heartstrings with the creation initially intended as a promotion for Montgomery Ward, where May worked u an ad man. NOA.A V \ 0. .... <-••h ll JI ti -11 IO 10 10 Sol ,. u u ~ U I lO s SS lS Sl 1S 0 >O n 21 It IS 2S • I) •• St l2 .. O? u OS 11 SS n .. ,. " ·~ ·°' .0 .. 10 It to •S 0 31 .. .., 40 " u Ptlend Me lf 21 n Ptl•"Cl.Ort .. l3 01 R•Pld Cltv 10 2 Rtno •S ,. S.11 L~t n 11 Se•ttl• ,. ll °' St LOUI\ n • . 01 S\P.Tem~ ,. 51 St Sit fol••~ )0 s °" Sc>oll•ne n " Of Tul\e ,. " We•llln91n •• J1 Wl<lllle » .. CALl .. C>l'NIA l8ertlleld SI a ,.,,..... SJ ., Frttn0 SS Jll Lan<Hle( 64 Jt L•A...... .. JO ........ ,.., Se SI .._... ., J1 0.IMd ,. u ~-....... St• .......... ,. . ........ c.., S1 ., S.CretMmD St Jt California ~ c.Mtorni. wlll be fair aftd wllldy _,, wltl\ 9000 w -Illy. H cept tor -coni.1 toe end •-clo<.lds. ........ ;;,.;, ...... -~~-Rf_RIP_DR_T s...o.... .. u S... "'~!Ko SS 411 Saftt••..,...· u .. StKktDn Se '1 Tllan'ftal 11 "° 19"-M 41 ...... SJ ,. ...... u ,. l.tllt..... ... • The N.Cleftet w.-r Sank e H'" tempera""°" •I ttw ~ tMulCI II• lft the low•• 601. •"" ••l•r , .... ,.,.,,.._,. Ill L• ~ ttw M1!f> wlll ,_,. tMmld..e.. V•l .. y r1lfleM wlll ll••t l\lfltt nur ... MwtlYlll -n -·~-.. Ila.,. .... .._.. 111.,. cfoliid(-•nd wlflft, wltll ..._ ,,.., JO -19WJ 111 ...... T,.. detarU wlll M lelr, wltll Ctftlld•rMM• h .. h ctoudlM ....... wl .... It• l'flllfl. HltM wMI rt.Cl\ M "'""' ...... ~-1'1n ll\e l ... ~ . -.., .... .........,. .......... ===.~ II '°" .... ...,. i.... 1W6aQp111~.-,,,1 --.... --.. -~ ;:::-... ~,,~dol>OI ~ ~ _, oo::--= ......... Cli ~ '=-= ,..'f::::fi t11y • MMUI ....... nliftf1911 ... " .,,,.... ... =--:: ~~ . ·-..... ,_ -,.., ,.., 11 -..... --- ...... ,...... S1 p • • • • 57 S1 S1 " INMWle .. •t .... _, IMcll •l S2 Tides TOOAY Se<ONI -s· u p.m. .o J WIDttHOAY "'"' "''111'1 t2: tl • m >I Flr~t 1-4:-0 a m 2.6 Sac-1\19'1 10:«1 e .m. U Sacond -6:0S p.m. 0.0 Sw11 ttt• ' n o .m , rls•• we-.-•:••m.. Moen uh l .U p.m , r l•u WedMMl.ly 10:0? •.m We're Ll~ienlng ~ ~ •. What do you like about lhe Dally Piiot! Wbat don't you like? Call the number btlow and your me1Ja'le wU' be "-corded lranscrlbed •nd delivered to the approprfatt editor. t I • • the same 24·hour answfrin& aervlce may be .eCt \o ~ let- tera t6 lhe editor on any tpPtc. Mailbox contribu\ora must t:Dt8* their· namt and telephope numbtl' tor vertnc:auon. No clteuhGan olls,Me~ ~ Te us what'• on your mind. . • . - -84~..-.. .""t , ' I ___ .._.__ - . l! ' I Orange Coast DAILY PILOT!Tueaday, December 29. 1981 H /F EYES HAVE IT l chiei lshigami. a Japanese a m ateur photographer. took thi s striking study in contras t and entered it in a Tokyo .. , . ...,..... photograph~· contes t The contrast m<:1kes onl~· the eyes of the girl anc1 ettl ..,land out Creation • science ruling due LITTLE ROCK. Ark. CAP> - A federal judge is expected to wait until after New Year's Day to issue his ruling on the constitutionality of Arkansas' c reat ion-scien ce law , his secretary said. Shirley Bowling, secretary to U.S. Dis trict Judge William Overton , said Mo nd ay he worked over the Christmas holidays on his ruling but didn't finis h it. She said Overton began hearing a three·day trial Monday on redistricting, and it would be Jan. 4 or later before a creationism ruling is issued. Overton h as been wading through hundreds of pages of testimony and exhi bits from a nine·day trial that attr acted national attention . When the trial ended earlier this month, Overton said he hoped lo have a ruling before the end of the year The 1981 state law, called the Balan ced Treatment fo r C r eation -Sc i e n ce and Evolution.Science, says public schools that teach evolution must leac h creation . Evolutionists hold that life developed s lowly through millions of years. Creationists generally believe that life was created s uddenl y a fe w thousands years ago. If upheld by the court, the law would lake effect in September. Overton has said the sole issue is the law's cons titutionality, not the validity of the Bible or the theory of evolution. The American Civil Liberties Union filed suit agains t the law in May, saying it was vague and represented the establishment of religion by the government. Arkansas Attorney General Steve Clark defended the law in court. He drew some criticism from the Creation-Science Legal Defense Fund and r e ligious funda mentalists such as the Rev. Jerry Falwe ll of Moral Majority, who said he did not take advantage of the defense fund. The treasurer of the legal defense fund said Sunday his group bas raised more than $50,000 in do nations s ince forming eight months ago. Ex-PO W's due Bpecial car plate8 SACRAMENTO (AP> - Beginning Jan. 1, former prisoners of war in California will be eligible for s pecial automobile license plates, featuring the initials "POW'' !followed by l'our digtts. The plates, wbkh will cost $25 lnlttally and $10 annually to renew, wlll only be issued to thoae who have ·'proof . . . of former POW status," said Gary Niahlto ot the state Department of Motor Vehicles. Nishito, wbo ser ves as the .department's reatstraUon chi~. ••Id proceedi from the •ale ot the r'•tes will go to a ltate env ronmental fund . He esUmated that from tbt lut three war• up to 10,000 Californians may be ellrlble foe the plales . By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of llM Oalty Ill• Slaff Why 1s state Sen. John Schmitz so headhnl' hungr~ ., There·s one reason <ind one reason only Schmitz. Corona de l Mar r esident. Marine Corps fl eo;C'n e colonel. J ohn Birch Society member . wants t o c :..iptur~ the Republican nomination for the C S. Sen<:1tl' S<.'at n<"' held by S.I. Hayakawa. Schmitz is a m ong seven c.·o nt end(·r~ for thl· Republican nomination. A Jillie mor e than J.t percent uf t he vote would take the nomination Schmitz beli eves that 1f ever\'onc remains in the running. hi s cadi·e of hard-core right wi ngers Y.111 put him over the top. He points. aceurately. to the fact he garnered 20 percent of the Republican vote whe n he sought the Senate nomination two years ago. CHMITZ WANTS to do beltl'r th1:. time around. To that end . he h as unle ashed broadside after broadside scHoEMEHL When several Republican party leaders <lt!:imisscd his candidacy, Schmitz released a threc·pagl' statement entitled "The Attack of the Plutocratic· Puppeteers .. He termed them .. aging bourgeois oligar chs ... ln an inter view with a Newport Beach newspaper and a subsequent interview with a Los Angeles te levision station. Schmitz suggested a military coup might bt· in order s hould Preside nt Reagan 's economic policies fail. Most recently. he labeled feminists who objected to his proposed anti-abor tion st a te constitution a me ndment sta nd as "bulldykes· a nd s aid tht.> protl'St l'r~ at a hl•;.m ng represented "a sea of hard. J e wi sh and <arguably l female faces." BECAUSE HE has chosen to trea d as no polttit·al figure has dared to. Schmitz has drawn m <:1ss1vt· media coverage. His name has been bounced throughout the stall'. from Eureka to Encinitas. from Downey to Death Valle~· The statem ents have built na me identification and hav(' let the hard·core right wingers know that he is their guy -and in the running. One wonders how much farther it can go. Members of his party cons ider Schmitz an emba rrassment Democrats despise. nay, detest. him. Bother Schmitz? Not in the least. says Brad Evans. who wields the pen for much of Schmitz' campaign material. "SCHMITZ LOOKS at thi s thi ng I the Senate campaign ) a s a craps hool a beerhall challenge,'· said Evans. Schmitz's strategist. during an interview in Septem ber at the Torch Club. a bar across the street from the Sacramento bus station. . . But ~or the ti~e being, ~hmitz does not appear to be r1d1ng hi gh. despite anything he or Evans might say. The Senate Rules Committee stripped Schmitz of the chairmanship of the Senate Committee on Constitutional Amendments. The committee also took away his vice chairmanship on the Senate Industrial Relations Committee and booted him from the Commission on the Status of Wome n. State Sen. Alan Sieroty, who represents a heavily Jewish district in Los Angeles. wants Schmitz out of the Senate. Period . The combined Sunday edition of the San Francisco 'Chronicle and Examiner contained an editorial urging t he Senate to censure Schmitz. Will Schmitz weather the curre nt storm end be su ccessful in hls candidacy? Evans thinks so. Why"> "Because he comes rlaht out. He cuts throuah all the bull . You don't 1et au the bull. lhe uneodina deluce of bull. When people vote for him, they know Hllctly what they're voUng for ... ' A4 H/F Orange Coaat DAILY PILOTfTueaday. December 29, 1981 millTI~rn~ Terrorist takes big stride Armed party move feared with abduction of general ROME (AP > -Premier Giovanni Spadollnl said today Julian t e rrorism look a "quantum leap" with the Red Brl1adea' kidnapping of U.S. Brig. Gen. James L. Ooder, the first foreign official they have abducted. He also s aid al a news conlerence that the government. with U.S. support, will maintain "inflexible firmness" and refuse to negotiat e with the ur ban terrorists . The Red Brigades,, who released a picture or Dozier on Sunday, have not made any demands for th e NATO general's release. Spadolini said : "We are certainly faced with a quantum leap in which the terrorists are trying to transfor m their armed movement into an armed party ... The explicit attack on NATO, the connection with the attack in Germany against the U .S . Europe a n f orces commander who miraculously escaped, demonstrates that in the new strategy of terrorism there i s a prevailing lnternational objective.'' He said the West German RAF terrorist gang - implicated In numerous attacks on U.S. military installations ln West Germ a ny -h as been mentioned in the Red Brigades' communiques on Dozier and that investigators are looking for connections bet ween the groups. About 100 police. wearing bullet·proor vests and assisted by police dogs, today searc~ed ho u ses and stopped cars in Ponte Alto, outside Trento, after receiving what was described as a tip that Dozier was being held there. No details about the tip were given. Judith Dozier. the wife or the general, identified the man in the picture as her husband and said it raised her hopes, NATO officials at Dozie r 's base in Verona said. Dozier. the h ighest-ranking U.S . Army oUicial in NATO's Southern Eur opean Com m a nd , wa s kidnapped from his Verona Economy indica#Jor index falls again WASHJNGTON (AP> -The government's Index or Leading Economic Indicators fell for the fourth straight month 1n November. but the decline slowed to just 0 3 percent, the Commerce Department reported today. The index. which is designed to show future trends of the U.S. economy, had fallen 0.8 , 2.1 and 1.6 percent. respectively. in the previous three months. November 's modest decline, while hardly good news for the weak economy, seemed to indicate the current recession m ay also begin losing strength before long, a development that would be in line with most analysts' forecasts. Iranian official killed by g unmen BEIRUT. Lebanon (AP> - Gunmen in I ran killed a Parliament d e puty, firing squads executed three accused born be rs and c itizens were warned to beware of s pies. according to official reports of the Tehran government's latest struggles with its enemies. Mohammad Taki Behsharat, a loyal follower of Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, was killed Monday by gunfire from a passing car in Tehran. the official Pars news agency said. Cemetery protests to budge t cuts WASHINGTON CAP> -A mock cemetery or more than 500 wooden crosses stands across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House as a sym bolic protest agai ns t President Reagan's budget cuts in social services. The Community for Creative Non-Violence, a loc al social action group that is sponsoring the demonstration. said Monday . the phony graves mark the deaths or homeless persons around the country who have been v1ct1 ms of "exposure. hunger and neglect .. Traffic deaths down/or holidays By The Associated Press Good weather and a lousy economy might have helped keep the Christmas traffic death toll below estimates made before the three-day holiday weekend, a National Safety Council official says. During the holiday period, 320 traffic deaths were reported on the nation's hig hways, well below the 450 to 550 deaths the council projected would occur. Ex-Polish envoy urges cutoffs WASHINGTON (AP) -The former Polish ambassador to Japan who renoun ced his position lo protest the Warsaw regime says the United States should cut off all trade with his · homeland and the Soviet Union. "Do not give a single penny to the perfidious Polish junta." Zdzislaw Rurarz told th e Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Food stamps autlwrity cut WASHINGTON (AP J -The Agriculture Department has revoked authority o f 2.300 wholes al e rs to accept and redeem food stamps in a move the agency said is aimed at reducing fraud Ass i s tant Agric ulture Secretar y Mary Jarratt said Monday that from now on. the department will authorize only certain wholesalers to act as food stamp redemption centers for specific purposes. apartment Dec. 17. Experts al the Interior Ministry in Ro m e were examining the photo, found in a tr ash can in Milan on Sunday, to determine if it is a montage. An anony mous call e r tOld the Italian news agen cy :.\NSA where lo find the picture and a short communique Police had no immediate explanation why the terrorists might have made a montage, but a Communist senator and several newspapers suggested it wa s an indication that the 50-year-old general was refusing to cooperate with his capttlrs. ··The simplest hypothesis . . is that the general resisted and continues t o resist , also ·physicall y," said Sen. Franco Calamandrei. The picture shows Dozier holding a placard covered with anli·American s logans under a ba nner bearing a fi ve-pointed star and symbol o f the Red Brigades. Police said they b e lieve th e plac ard was superimposed on the photo. ·'The Red Brigades have never given out a photo of a kidnap victim when the hostage was dead ... said a high-ranking police orri cial who asked to remain anonymous "Seeing what we have so far, I would say he is still alive.'· Italian newspapers said the general's expression -a wry smile appeared lo show that he had not been broken by hjs captors Withdrawal of ·savings hurts economy WA S HINGT ON <AP J October's rlood or deposits IO the nation's troubled savings and loan associations dried up in November as interest in the new tax ·exempt All S a ve r s Certificates waned, the latest government report shows. Savers withdrew $1 6 billion more than they deposited in the bel e aguered S&L 's in November, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board said Monday That made November the eighth month in the past nine with more withdrawals than deposits. with October's net deposit gain caused only by the rush to buy the new certificates when they were introduced Oct 1. For the s avings and loan associations, November was the l llh straight month their net worth dropped, omcials said. with a decline or $636 million to about $27.9 billion The new r epo rt s aid the slowdown in the growth of All Saver s balances -from October's $16.5 billion gain to $2 5 billion 1n November reflected lower November interest rates on the certificates and the fact that the initial rush to purchase them may have used up a large portion of the potential market. Yields on short term Treasury securities rose 1n Monday's au c t io n s. co n tinuing a mo nth long genera l upward trend. officials said About $4.9 billion tn six-month bills were sold at an average discount rate of 12 448 percent, up from the 11.838 percent or one week earlier Al'WI ......... IT'S SNOW FUN Five men needed all the stn.•ngth they eould muster to move small car from snow~· parkm~ spot in Aspen. Colo Snowfall, m easuring up to t wo f eet in some spots. has hit the Rocky Mountain area Skiers love the snow but 1t 's hazardou~ Test-tube birth 'day of hope' Feat hailed accomplishment for treating infertility NO RFOLK , Va <APJ -The birth. the first test-tube baby in Ameri c a , con ceived in a laboratory dish. was a "day of h ope" f or treatment of infertility, says the physician who conducted the procedure. Eltzabeth Jordan Carr, who is l day old today, is .. perfe<:Uy normal." said Dr. Fred Wirth. the pediatrician attending the d elivery by Caesarean section Monday morning at Norfolk General Hospital Judith Carr, a school teacher from Westminster. Mass., had h a d thr ee a bnormal pregnanc i es. fo r ci ng the removaJ or her Fallopian tubes that are necessary for normal fertilization. "This conditio n made it ·~-........ 'EVERYTIME IT RAINS .. : Pennies. 23.450 of them . ar e counted by Sgt Bob Mayfield of the Oregon State Police. after they \\ere found in m etal box on rural road near Central Point. Or e Jose Zamora. a coin collector. says the box of pennies. a Christmas gift. had fallen from his truck early Monday . completely impo!>~tble for Mrs Carr to become prel;(nanl except by the prcJ<:e ss of 1n vitro fertilization." i;aid Or Howard J ones, who runs the in vitro clinic here with ht!> wire, Dr Georgeanna Jonl'~ In vitro "in glass' ml'ans 1<,ol ated from the li vmg organis m ··what a wonderful Christmas pre s ent for th em ," sai d Jacqueline Bac hm an , who moved mto the Carr.., former home three weeks ago when th ey moved to an other neighborhood Mrs Carr, 28, is a school teacher and her husband, Rog e r , 30. 1s a mechanical engineer Since Ors. Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards pioneered the process in England with the birth of Louise Bro .... n tn July 1978, about 20 test tube babies have been born 1n England and Austra li a. includtng one to an Ame rican couple 1n England earlier this year "I think -the s1g01f1 cance of this day lies in the fact that we have demonstrate d that the lech01que Of IO Vitro fertihzat1on 1s applicable in the hands of others 1 think lh1c; IS a dav or hope ... Jones said - Five women trt«Jled at the Norfolk clinic arc pr<•gnant. and there are lhou~ands on the waiting list Jones said there 1s a pool of about 21'.! milhon mvoluntanlv infertile people .... ho could be helped by in \"ll ro rcrtthzation Th e p-r oce ss invo lves re movmg a mature egg from the motht'r s ovar). fc rt1 1Jz1ng 1t with the father's :.perm in a small g la ss di s h i n the laboratory and transferring it to the mothe r's uterus hours later. If l he embryo success full> implants itself. the pregnancy proceeds normally Dr Mason Andrews. who p e rformed the Caes arean section on Mrs Carr, s aid that had nothing to do wi th the method of fert1lizat1on Jones said the \\ork done to improve in nt ro f ert1hzat1on. used on women who~e Fallopian tubes are m1ssmg or irreparably blocked. could lead to better treatmen t of othl'r t ypes of infertili ty OCTDwill plan your bus Increase Your Productivity With Our Desktop Business Computer ... • We're newly opened. We're a classic saloon. We're a fun menu with a touch of gourmet. We're nostalgia. We're a sldewalk cafe. We're a great place for holiday fun! I Taklntl ,_.....,. '"' -v..,.. e .. J 644-1237 t..und'tfrom ll:OOe.m. 6000.l'ffwportCenterDr. otnn« from 5t00 p.m. f'tewport BeKh CloMd lundll19 In 'uhloft lllMd triJ?for 6 ~00° A-. ___ ,,, No matter where you want to go in Orange County, we'll make it easy for you to get there on an OCTD bus. Just call us at 636-RIDE. We'll tell you the exact routes and times. And if you need schedules and Ride Guides, we'll send th em free. ~give us a call. You'lJ find the bus is your easy-to-use ticket to work, school, ...,~::S:~~ shopping and entertainment in -Orange County. 636-lllDE .:::::.-- 48K 2-Dlak TRS-80 Model ID s2495 Our Moet Affordebte BuelnH• Computer for . _ . • Flnenclel Plennlng • Electronic Filing • ForecHtlng •Word ProceHlng And M•lllno Uetl (Optk>MI Prtnter) • Investments end Perlonel Finance c I f,0 •1 11 I I I ' ' ' t. ~ !l -: :• -1-• • . . . . ~ -.... ,The Model ID le the ldHI computer to Nve Ume •nd money, end to orgenla the Jobi ev.ry menager fKff dilly. Come ln lodey for• demonlntlon of our outttlndtng Model m menagemen1 IOftwwe. llad1e/haek A 04\llSION OF TANDY COAPOAATION SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK COMPUTER CENTEAbSTORE, OR PARTICIPATING EAlER PRICES MAY VARY AT INOMOUAL ST'OAES AHO DEAl.ERS ~ .I ••• J Ghirardelli Square sold SAN FRANCISCO CAP) - GhirardelH Sguare, the s hopping and restaurant center that has become one of San Francisco's most famed touris t attractions, bas been sold to two insurance companies. basis of race and that white peo pl e w ere f avore d I n appointment to positions Northwestern Mutua l Lire Jnsurance Co. of Milwaukee, Wisc., and Real Property West Jn c . of Br it ain b o ug ht the 2 .1 ·acr e SQ l!Jl re fro m Mrs William P Roth and her son, Willi am Matson Roth for an undisclosed amount. Diabl.o plant ready by swnmer? Jury deliberating fate of Bonin SAN FRANCISCO IAP) Di a blo Canyon nuc lea r power p lant should be operational for t he summe r peak e lectrical demand and a seismic review of th e facil ity is progressing without problem, a uti lity spokesman says LOS ANGELES IA P > -After a graphic 10-week trial in which they saw photogra phs o r bloody bodies and heard grisly details of homosexual murders, j urors in the Freeway Killer tr ial now must decide whether to convict William Bonin in the deaths of 12 young men and boys. Pacifi c Gas and Elect ric Co., owner and operator or the plant near San Luis Obispo, submitted its fourth status re por t on the seismic review program to the fed eral Nuclear Regulator y Com mission. Body found Th e t wice -pa r o l e d sex offender, 34, could be sentenced to d ie m the gas chamber if the p a n e l decides he k i lled the victims. whose nude bodies were found dum ped along Southern Cali forni a freeways. at botwm of cliff Judgment vacated in college suit LOS ANGEL ES IAP > -A 20 ) ear -old Woodl a nd Hil ls woman last seen Christmas Day apparently fell to ber death from a cliff in Malibu Creek State Park. but sher iff's deputies said h omicide d etectives were investigating SAN F RA NCISCO (AP> -The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals h as vacated a civil rights judgme nt which favor ed the Black Faculty Association of Mesa College 10 San Diego County. A departmen t h elicop ter located Janet Ahlert's body at the bottom of a 50-foot cliff along, Goat Butte. a popular hiking trail, on Monday, Lt. John Love said The judges fou nd ··ctearly erroneous·· the trial court's acceptance of a claim that the association had m ore than two m e mbers, a ltho ug h no others were listed at trial Pob:' s bid nixed The s u it. against the San Di ego Communit y College District. alleged that there were discrim inatory practices on SAN YS IDRO I A P l -A P o lish woman 's req uest for political asylum in the United States has been rejected because her case wasn't cons idered '"co mpel ling .·· d espite her assertion that s he bad been jailed in Poland. immigration officials say. Cheese giveaway going slowly SACRAMENTO (AP> -Only about 5 percent or the 3.3 million pounds or free cheese available to California poor has been distributed, but the giveaway program is expanding, state officials say. OHicials Mond ay said they were hoping som eone might donate the services of an airplane to h elp t ransport some of the cheese Crom Northern California warehouses lo Southe rn California , where the bulk of the state's poor live. The cheese was ordered released last week by Presid ent Reagan following r equests from consume r groups and organizations representing the poor . Some 168,000 pounds of the c heese, in fi ve-pound blocks. was distributed to a~ut l~ charitable or ganizations in Northern California before Christmas day. But Monday the re were 660.000 pounds in sto rage in Oakland, 1.2 million pounds in Union City, 700,000 pounds in San Francisco and just over 600,000 pounds in Modesto, sai~ De borah Zermeno of the State and Consumer Services Agency. "We 're hoping to get someone with an airplane so we can fl y some or the cheese down south." said Ms. Zermeno "We gave away all that we had." said Don .Cava n at San Francisco's St. Anthony's Dining Room where 744 of the fi ve-pound blocks we re distributed. ··or course, we didn't h ave enough for ever ybody,·· he added "We must have had 2,100 people here.·· He said the center has been told it will be getting more cheese to distribute later in the week. J esse Orta, a member or the governor's Inner-City Task Force which is coordinating the distribution of the cheese , s aid the food is expected to r e a ch Southe rn California by today or Wednesday. SeveraJ states have applied for authoriialion to distribute the cheese, but California is the first to ship the food to the poor, Orta said. Another 19 million pounds -in 40-pound chunks and large drums -may be made available for r elease in California if Reagan gives the word, Orta said. · Orta said it will cost $1,200 per volunteer truckload to deliver the cheese from Northern California to Los Angeles . There was no estimate or the air transport cost. Because of the expense, Orta said he hopes to pers uade service clubs , businesses and the military to voluntarily assis t in passing out more cheese b1 New Year's Day. Police suits costly LOS ANGELES (AP> -P olice-r elated litigation has coet the city ol Loi Ancelet fl.8 mllUon in settlement.a over the lut nine years, the cily attorney's office aays. TM total wu calculated by the clt.y att.omey'a office at the request or the City Council, wbkb wanted to know what the city lid doM "to make sure t.be police a.re act1n1 In a raponalble,.ay." 1'be sum inclvdes all Utlt"tkJG -tnehadlftf alle1ed .... ult, ratae arrtlt, falH imprisonment and abootlnp -ucept trafftc acddilnt.I. .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOTrruesday. Decem ber 29, 1981 H/F ·~-.......... Dinosaur plwtograph to get aid LOS ANGELES IAP> An at>rospace firm wi ll ust: ispec1al processing to try to enhance u "severely underexposed " photograph said to have been taken of a dinosaur like creature in an il:.olated African lake, a s1mkcsman said HUNT BEGINS D <.ivc Fisse. 37, w aves as he a nd voluntt.•cr Davt• Ourkland head out to sea in search of the ~reat white s hark that killed a sur fer near Mo nterey last wet·k The picture was a m ong 23 rolb of film exposed by Herman and Kia Regusters during two months i n the J un gle Spokesman J ohn Sack said Monday that when tlie picture failed to turn out , 1t was sent to a tos Angeles ae r ospa ce co m pany wher e special processing will try to restore lhf" images He declined to release the name of tht: firm "for security reasons · The Regusters returned th1$ month from their expedition to the Congo Republic The group, wh i ch i n c l uded seve r a l Congolese offtc1als and wildlife ex perts. was sea rching for M o k ele·Mbem b c, a hu ge creatur<' reported sporadically for two centuries by natives and occasional visitors Which killer: Inan or shark? • IS Hunter on 'reconnaissance dive' saved from icy waters MONTEHEY <AP 1 A 37 year-old man vowing lo calch Mon terey Bay's killer great w hite shark "ir it takl•s me the res t of my l i fe " t ook a "reconnaissance dive' without a wetsuit and had to bt• rescued from the icy waters Davirt F1sse came down with hypothermia a fter his 20 minute dip in SO-degree ~alcrs Monday A boat chartered by news media c e1 me to his rt·sc.ue when his eompanion couldn't start the motor on lhc1r HI.foot aluminum launch to n•ach F1sse • • 1 d1dn 't realtze the waters were as cold as thl:'y are:· the San Bruno man said T hl' clLlo havt• attracted con s 1derahlt• publ1 c·1t~ and p rovoked -;kl·pt1c1sm among officials ··Th1l> I'.'! st upid I mean ser ious!\· folki>. · sa id John Mccosker, cl 1rl'ctur or the S t einhart ,\qu<1r1um in San Fra ncisco '"Whal chance has t h is man of r1nd1ng the individual shark or any shark"" '"I don l expect them to get the s har k: I just hope the s har k doesn't get them ... said Patrol § Lt Ken Boett cher of the Department of Fish and Game in Monterey. fo~isse and 20-year·old Dave Burkland of Cupertino came to Montere.> to hunt a great whllt' s hark lhe1t killed a surfer Dt'c. 19 fo'isse·s motive retr1but1on for Lewis Buren 's death His weapons a h1g h·powerl'd rifle and a 38-caliber bang st ick designed to stun the shark. ll1s hunting dog Natasha 1s along, and Burkland has a large hunting knife T he shark has been estimated al more than 20 feet long by experts who exam ined the bite taken out of Boren·s s urfboard rlSSt•, who dl'SCribes himself as a ~old 111 os1w<'tor . amateur diver and hunt1•r . :.:.11d he hopes to ta kt• Lht· sh Jr k ,tll\t:, lraµµing 1t ind l'ag1.· when he and Burkland fuul it... ·nest · Md'oskt't doulttN1 tlw pair tould 1d1•nt1h "h11'11 '.'!h.11 k killed lhe :-.urfer• '"I' 11fortun.1tl·h shJ rks don't "'ear uniform:-·.ind 1 lwr1• ' no way of tl'lllng "'h11·h 1101• 1l was," hl· said M o 11 t ('rt'' h .i rho r m il s I er Brook.. B11\\ltJ' "aid llw Y.hole generJI atlllu<il' h1•rt• I)> 11rnt U1e whok plan •l> 111 1·11n1·t·I\ 1•d The allatudt• I)> 111· II rwn·r find the shark and that 1f ht• d111· ... hl''ll be 1n big t roulilt· The couple told a skeptical news conference they and others on the exped1t1on spotted lhl' creature tn swampy Lake Tele on several occasions The only µ1cture. however. w.is taken by Mr., lfrgustcrs on ~ov 28, ~hen she said ... , saw a largf', serµent like head and neck pop out of the water a bout 100 fCE·t av. a' t{logusters hcid said t he picture "as taken tn deep shade Suck reported that the lab thal origrnally processed the him s aid the underexposure ma~ have t~cn caused by mo1stun• that seeped tnlo the camera d a maged the batteries and caused the light meter l" m:ilfuncuon Grades • issuance restored CLOVIS (AP> Clovis West High School will drop a 4-year-old policy of withholding report ca rds because of unpaid student fees on the basis of an advisor y opinion from the attorney general's office. The opinion was sought after Don Greelev demanded the report card of his 15-year -old daughter, Dawn, when school officials kept it because she owed S7 .50 on an overdue library book After the report -card issue was resolved , Greeley said he did not object to returning the book SFA's 14K Gold Jewelry Sale! 28% to 46% Off Original Prices Originally $50 to $470; now $35 to $270. • The jewelry: precious bracelets, necklaces and earrings. • The selection: herringbone bracelets, rope bracelets, link bracelets; herringbone necklaces, rope necklaces; pave diamond earrings. • The place: the 14K Cold Boutique, Fashion Jewelry Collections-w here we are all the things you are. \... South Ca.st Pina. JJJJ 8r1Jtol Street Cost• M~.Open Monday through Friday from 10 am to 9·JO pn\ Saturda y 'til 6 pm. Surdy l 1 noon to 5 pm. '• 1111)111111 TUESDAY, DEC. 29, 1981 CAVALCADE lllJlllTll lllll/flllllll llllll f1~~~~SION Three face long tenns Trio convicted on 79 counts in coast rapes Tile .dlree were retW"Ded to °'anc•.· County Jail to await 1t11t ....... Jan.IS. • ·oran1e County Deput7 l>latrtc~ Attorney Rlcbard Toobe1• aald 1tep·brotber1 ao..N ltuuell, •• and Robert 'l'Uftn:~•. both ol Downey, flM!e -~ that could exceect IDO J'!~~U fO'!_Dd CUl~ty lloiaay of one count of kidnaJ>piDg for robbery, two eouata of. kldnappln1. tbree ~ ol n>bbery. 11 cOUllU of fottlble rape, and 14 cowm of torclq the women to commit another sex act. • . J • h • h h l Tlii -Chlrd crerenaaiit, TQlii unior ig sc o~ tf:!:..':;.~ "!,~-:~·.::i ontions get hearing LJ::~~~:1p~~U:..=; J:' ;De of the three lncldent1 ~jdend by the Jury: . -- Should the Fountain Valley School Distr ict break up its present kindergarten th.rough eighth grade structure to create separate elementary and junior high school campuses? The workshops, all belinnini The firat two lncidentl at 7 : 3 o p . m . , b a v e bee 0 ~curred last February. scheduled as follows~ Jan. 18 at In the ftrst. Toohey Hid, two Moiola School, Jan. 20 at Fulton men oftered a ride to a woman School, Jan. 218 at Talbert School wbo .. car bad broken down in and Jan. 28 at Masuda School. Lona Beach. The grade level oraanbation In the second . incident, a 82-3 BS 88 Erma Bambeck has her own set of tips r egarding the winter fireplace. See 82. a 0 ..., .............. The question, wbir.b bas stirred debate amoni parents, will be the subject of four public meetings in January scheduled by a district committee studying grade level reorganization options. study committee, made up of Buntiolbln Beach woman wboee p a r e n t s , t e a c b e r s an d autt> bad broken down on Pacitlc administrators, will consider Coast High~ay accept!d the comments made at these uaiJtance from two men in • workshops in preparinc its pickup ~ck: BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT -Huntington Beach residents and businesses have donated more than $19,000 to develop area overlooking Bolsa Chica State Beach into ~ blufftop park. Junior high advocates say grouping larger numbers of sixth, seventh and eighth grade 1tudents together on one campus will permit more specialized instruction in the basics, more elective courses and smoother transition to high school. But opponents of a j unior high school system · say grouping older students together may foster the earlier emergence of social problems such as drug abuse. Also, a junior high school system might require some stud ent s to attend classes beyond their immediate neighborhood. A flier encouraging community members to voice their opinions on middle schools at the upcoming meetings is being distributed to district parents. recommendations to the board In both 10c1dents, Toohey said, of trustees. the women were taken to Tonner This committee wiU make its ;Canyon near Brea, raped report to the trustees In early repeatedJy at ltnifepoint and F e b r u a r y . A s e p a r a t e robbed. . . . c o m m i t t e e w i I I m a It e In the third incident, which recommendations regarding occurred last June, two school closures. 14-year·old Huntington B~ach Trustee Roger Belgen said -'rls hitcbhikinc on Pacific restructuring and school Cout IBghway accepted a ride closures both are necessary from three men in a similar because of the district's truck._ . • declining enrollment. Toohey said the teen·acers He noted that 1mall groups ol were abducted and taken to the upper level students (grades six same 1eneral location and were through eight) now are rapedrepeatedly. scattered tbrouchout the district Tbe three defendants were with few teachers aaalcned to arrest.a in July by Hunt:ingtoo them at each school. Beacb police. By grouping these s tudents and teachers together at fewer sites, the district would have more flexibility and be able to p rovide more specialized instruction in math, English, science and social studies, Belgen said. Pre-workshop set at GWC Marine found guilty in death of skater Residents planning to enroll in the "Writing the Romance Novel" course at Golden West C oll ege can attend a pre·workshop meeting on Saturday, Jan. 9. The free sesaion will be conducted by television and film writer Richard Perkins at 10 a .m . in Fine Arts Room 222 oo the Huntington Beach campus. El Toro Marine Robert Keith Martin has been found guilty of vehicular manslaughter for an April 11 incident in which bis van stru ck and killed a lS·year-old girl roller skating ~ong an El Toro street. S The Orange County Superior Court jury also said Martin was guilty of driving under the lnfluence of akohol. The jury. which deliberated about four hours Monday, found Martin not guilty of bit·and·run driving in relation to the incident. quarter·mile down tbe road before stopping. "He didn't fulfill the legal· requirements ... bul I think the jury was juatilied in ftndin& bim not guilty on that count," said Maauire. Robert Chatterton, s tandiq in for Martin's recuJar attorne:y, Marshall Shulman, asked Judae Everett Dickey for enouch time before sentencing for a complete probationary report on Martin. Dickey set sentencing for Feb. 1. The main s peaker will be Linda Wisdom, a Huntington Beach r esident and former Golden West student whd haa- j ust sold her sixth romance novel. Also speaking wlll be literary agent Pal Teal of Fullerton. ~' ~,~~ Public access pushed/or Laguna coves Two of the Orange Coast's quiet coves are under increasing pressure to be opened to the public. The Orange County Board of Supervisors has taken action to improve public access to Thousand Steps Beach in South Laguna and Emerald Bay in Laguna Beach. The supervisors agreed to appeal an Orange County Superior Court ruling that the sandy beach above the mean high tide line al Thousand Steps belongs to adjacent property owners. The appeal to the 4th District Court of Appeal in San Bernardino will seek to void Judie Bruce Sumner's rullaC. Edward Duran, deputy county counsel, said because no mean high tide line exists, Sumner's order barring trespass by the public seem s an "idle and useless act.•• County o ffi cials have periodically negotiated with the Laguoa Coves Association, a local homeowners' group, on ways of establishing joint use of the beach. HB donations pass $19,000 for park More than $19,000 has been donated by Huntington Beacb residents and businesses to develop a blufftop park overlooking Bolaa Chica State Beach. Mike Multari, city planner, says the money was received from more than 300 donors. AminoU USA Inc., the major oil producer in the city, offered last summer to match park donations up to $25,000 that were received before the end of this year. UC Irvine gets 8218,000 grant A $218,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Education has been awarded to UC Irvine to enhance the retention and success of minority graduate students. Tbe money will be used to grant research positions on campus to minority students in an effort to help the students develop and sharpe n their research techniques and skills as they work toward graduate degrees. "It's been gnti!ying that so many people hav e made contributions," Multari said today. "I wouldn't be surpriled If we make it to $25,000 by the end of this week." Multarl says ii the city 1eta the full matching grant, the $50,000 would purchase 75 treea, 150 shrubs and an irrl1atlon system for the one·mile·lon1 blufftop north of 11th Street Oil the ocean side of Pacific Coast Highway. MuJtarl said it doesn't appear. that the city funds can le1ally bei used to develop the par~ because it is part of the BolN Chica State Beach operated by" the California Department ol Parks and R~reatioo. State recreation officials ban agreed to maintain any park development on the bluff1. Multarl said more money would be needed from yet undetermined sources to plant grass and for new top soil. .Presently. the blufftop ian'tr landscaped and is used for oil pipelines and pumps. 1 .' Inquiries to the Blufftop P~ Fund may be made by c S36·5511. · Caryn Dilorio, a roller skater and an honor student at El Toro High School, died at the scene ol the accident at A venida d.a La Carlota. Martin's van had just paued another car when it swened back into the outside lane and struck the curb and then the victim as she skated on the asphalt next to the cutter, according to testimony. Shops and "banks out to zap you Her mother, Barbara Horton, £. ho sat through the ve·week·long trial, said she opes publicity from the triaJ ~m affect public driving habits. t 'ii:i'lt waa senseless slaughter," 'be . i . eputy Diatrlct Attorney Mike Maguire said be was happy with the convi~on. which could amd .If art.in to prison for as long aa three years and eight mooU... lie added that the not guilt y ·verdict on the bit·and·run count waa understandable because Martin did check the scene momentarily after the incident, and drove only another A blood test taken sligbUy more than an hour after the incident indicated Martin's alcohol level lo bi.a blood waa 0.21 percent, said Maeu,ire. A level ol 0.10 is considered the legal level for drunkennesa. Martin was allowed to remain v free on bis own recognlzance by Dickey, but bis driver's license was withheld. Ma1ulre noted that Martin al10 is facina prosecution in Central OrUle County lluniclpal Court on a separate charge of drunken drivlna. Pharmacy accused · of illegals~ A Corona del llar pb&nD8CJ llle1ally IOld more t.bu n.a addictive Codeine tabletl ID tbe put lb moot.bl, • caatlaallll police lav11t11atlon ltu. rnealed. Newport Beach pol.lee Hid a ,...Ullllury aadJt ol tile rwww• at Jail'• Plaannacy, .. S . Coast Hlallwa1 also aMwl quantltfea oi Demerol ampltetamlaea. cocaln• aad morpM.IM were 1old •tu.oat ~. Pelke, no latd tMJ'" llfted Ua ..... ab ...... of Ndll. at die druc atan, report tbe Ylclladcm could date Mell .... 1ean. PllarmacJ OWDll" ..... Jack'' o.an.c. ... ,...,. .......... . " ..... f I 0111, -a.ft Mia o.._.,-,o10......_ .. tNe••.•WJ .... .... .,....... Dee. 11 • .... doe GI coHplracy to sell morplalM. Tbel.r arrai_..meat baa beell Ml forJaa.5. But police, wbo ban been wlatlld ID tbe 1Qy91tisattae bJ tit• ... Board ol PUrmac1 and tbe federal Dru1 S•forcemeot Admlal1tratloD, DOW ~ tbe)''ft ........ ap Ill ··-lit ..,.rate Ttol.U.. Ill tbe cora.adel llar drul ...._ lanl&S.a&ort aat• dlleJ wW ult t.be Or ... Ca -D111rkt Atlor••1'1 office to flle acldltkmml daarl• .. alalt ... ~......... . -o.--.. rndaed todQ Ill ... pbarmaey, said Ile Cftt••t COIDllMllt • tbe ~ II tMI Ume. Be IMMd, "'"''• *Mt P•lt•lcltJ OYH t'e fOJloe Jaw.atcaUoe ua't n.rt Ma ........ ''If AllJtbl•C," ... HJ•, 11bu11-Ma.,....., • .. HOLIDAY R EFLECTIONS & SUCH : Some dour·mouthed economists were predicting nobody would be buying anything for this Christmas season and personally, I don't know where those guys were hiding. Since nobody was going to be out shopping , I decided to •fl follow my usual ~\ procedure, which is to -------m,.... do all the gift buying on Jll IUIPllllf~ ~ Dec. 24, and give a little -last·moment lift to the 1s a g g i n g bus i n es s 1community. The only things I found sagging were my knees and shopping bags. One head clerk at a major department store at South Coast Plaza summed up the situation this way: "We may not be setting any records, but we're mak.ing money ... " I DON'T KNOW if the stores were futl or shoppers or not, but they sure were full of elbows. I've got the bruised ribs to prove it. I s uffered more cheap shots than a Ram quarterback who was behind 51 to 6. Which most of them were this last season. ••• If the economy does have the hiccups, one thin& that might help wOUld be if the banks would be faster in cou1blng up money to the customen. Have you ever noticed that when the bank line ii clear out to the cigar store, they have one teUer at the windows and 17 employees shuffiln1 paper ln the back1rou.nd? When the bank lobby ll vacant, they have elght tellers at the windows. YOU CREEP FOaWAaD in the line and finally aet to the window, where the teller tells you : "You're ln the wrona line, air. You should be ln the tooi one over the.re, where the •lin 1aya Notes." Maybe that's why they call them tellen. Tbey tell you you. re la the wrona line. At one bank up ln Santa Ana ,_ we'll call lt Flnt American U.Ueu -every empAoy• in UM place ... meet to be oozin1 around ln slow-madla. Yoa inquire If tbeN'• a problem! • ''Oh yes sir." the teller says brightly. "Our BUMRAP computer is down. .. PLEASE NOTE THAT bank computers never break, malfunction or short-circuit. They always "go down:· Later they may come up. But right now they're down. You might find it refreshing some day to have a bank person blurt out at you, "The bloody BUMRAP is busted again." * * * Let's race it. the computer age is upon us. even to all .the video games that were snatched up by the populace "I we tM md o/ ,,.. bank UM"°'°• GfOf'Qf. G«orrlt' ,..,.,_, .. for Christmas presents. If you don't bave a video same at home, you can always go to one of the game arcades or quickie markets. Young people are absolutely addicted to this nonsense, pumpang an endless stream of coins lnto the aadgets. ONE AllCADE OPENED ln Laruna Beach ~ once there was a nice Jlttl~ tobacco sbop. Tbat'• '" ~pplng ooe kind of addict.ican for anot.heT. You walk into that hoie·ln·tbe:waU arcade and the place soundl Uk• a rock concert tape belnl ptayed at double normal apeed. YOU don't t.blnk tl '1 all addldlon? lJatm. beNIMI tM clerk'• counter at tbe Lquna video arcade, tMN'1 a llar1e nadce that proelalml, "ll Sneaky Smltb COIDll 111 Here. Ooo•t Let Hlm Play ... Call Illa f'1tbtr at Once!•• Oaly t.be name wu cbU19d to protect the IUlftr. .HOMll. I, • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tuesday, December 29, 1981 H /F •• NY E COMPO I TE T RAN ACTIONS QUOtAllC*t llt<l\101 f lllAO•t 0 111 fMI .... YO•• MIOWllT, l'A(ll'I(, l'IW IOITO-. 01 t•O• f ••• C••(UUIATI noc• al!CM41f911 ANO ll"°UIO l'I' Tltl NASO AlllO "IST11111 T .... • • m reVIew ll wu an action-packed year In the butlneN world. Here were some of the Lop 1toriee of 1•1: -Slandard Oil or Oblo, nu.ab with AJaallan crude oil, put $1.8 biUion on the table to ICOO'P up Kenoeeott, the nation'a larcest copper producer. -Du Pont, already No. 1 in t.be chemical industry, emeried victorious ln a three-way baWe for Conoco, t.be nation's nlnt.b lar1est oil company. ll was the bluest takeover ln U.S. bmineaa hllt.ory: $7.5 billion. Seagram, one of the ru.nnerupa1: didn't come out too badly: it -now owu 20 percent" of Du Pont, the aevent.b laraeal company in America. Mobil, lbe other runnerup, then pursued Maral.bon Oil and aot into a shoutina match with U.S. Steel, which has finally tired oft.be steel business. -General Foods got out of the fut-food bualneaa by selling off Its Burger Chef chain but went into t.be packaged wiener and bologna business by acqulrln1 Oscar Mayer for $460 million. -Prudential Ins urance, world 's lareesl Insurance company, bought Bache, one of lbe nation's largest stockbrokers. -Not lo be outmaneuvered, American Express bought another large stockbroker, Sheanon Loeb Rhoades. : -And also not be left at the cash register, Sears, Roe buck bought stiJI another large stockbroker, Dean Willer Reynolds. -Merrill Lynch and E.F. Hutt.on didn't seU out to anyone. -Nabisco, the cookie and cracker maker, joined f orces with Standard Brands, a rood a nd liquor pur veyor , to cr eate a new company , Nabi s co Brands . It's ranked fourth in the rood industry. -In 1976, when Roy Ash, former head of Litt.on Industries and former top Nixon and Ford aide, took ove r the co mpan y f o r m e rly known as Addressograph-Mulligraph -it's now AM International -he moved the headquarters from Cleveland to Los Angeles, where he happerui to Uve. In 1981, Ash was ousted, and a Chicagoan, Richard B. Black, took command of the company losing a lot of money. So now AM lntemational's headquarters have been moved again -to Chicago or course. Also moving across the country from Los Angeles, where he had been president or Atlantic Richfield, was Thorton Bradshaw, who took over as the new chief al RCA in New York. One of the first to leave after Bradshaw's arrival was NBC chief Fred Silverman, who, having held t.be top progum spot at all three networks, now had no place to go. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGIS"" HEW YOfU((API FINI Oow.J-.,,.._ I« Moflclrf, OK. 21. AMERICAN LEADERS ~ STOCKI JO '"" °11TA ::r'cw ~ ~~ ~ 20 '"' •n J12.ti 11•.n m.-t.u • II'> IS Ull lOt.tS 110.16 !09.Jt 10t.tl • o.• -~ .S Sit.. Ja# MU4 MSA S..'11-U2 ...... .... .. . .. .. . 2.lCZ.- Ttefl Ui,tOO • "' utlls m.a • '-.S Sn. . . .. . . .. . . . . •• ..,.. •• WHAT STOCKS DID Hl!W YORK (AP) 0ec: :it Prw Actvencecl Todoey ,., a,t Oec:llMCI '115 "' u flCMftOl(I 471 .. T'c.Cel l-..... 1"2 .. _ """' n 11 ,.. __ 2' ,, WMAl AMUOO NEW YORll IAP) 0ec: 11 p,....,_ Todey ~ A4ver><ecl 201 Oec:ll-J76 210 UM~ m D9 ,.,._ m 74$ "'-"""' I l ...... ._ 11 " METALS...-, <•~r ,.._,, <•"" • pow...,, U.$ dHl!ftetklN. Le .. ,,._ • ...-, UK Oo4f <-•pound, dellvw .... T .. CloM MIUISW .... <-1te lb. a...e-1 ... 11 c:...Cs • poo.ind, H. Y. M9ttwy ........... . l"U..._..SO.OOtroyo1 .. N.Y. SILVER_.,, GOLD QUOTATIONS ~:,,...... ...... '*·"' ofll1.7S. U...: ....,_ llai,. ..,., ••. ofl UAI P .... : .-.., off U.Jt. Pr....i.t: 11'1.AI, oft U.tl. ~ LAllt nai,. PIMI. * .., iio ........... . "...., . __ , ,,..,, ... ,, ...... N'S .......... . ........ , .... , ... ,, _._, '*M. .. ... u . ........ , (Oflly .... ,., ...... , ~ ... 14.7S,,.IO.J6 SYMBOLS ' Read the Orange Coast newspaper that keeH ~OU In --the informative 1842-4321 . .111111 ~----?---=-~----------..--_,.. ........ ...._~="""""-______ .._ ____ ..., ________________________ 11191 __ ............................... -..i .. . ----·-----··---- Orange CoHt OAJLV PILOT/Tuelday, December 29, 1981 '~ EviNiNG..;:;;.;. ~ ...... NIW9 ! ' OtAMJl'I~ TMAMIMHUNT THIMUPNTI 011Mt: Clllryl Ladd . ,...... °' '°"°""' °"*"" , In Tl*d WOIW~. e.-.v ..... Ou.•-= ...., l'WflnOtOll 0.-.. Llbet-. Lee Ac1r AMIN, ~ I "°Ct-•· • OCMlll't' "Meye L.ont. Of The Jun. gle'' "-9lne of the GIMM ~ ... oMlutlOll -. 11'1 the JutlO'M Of c.ritn.1 AIMftoa.,.. tMllnlMd. Q • '"'ooueTIAU OD'fW'f "~on: The llielld Tl~ Foroot" Cap1eln ~~W IW cnw ~ t"t hletory, lnllebltent• M4 natur• I Cile nce ol Cllpperton llland. • eor• •toll off IM COMI Of M9aloo. (R) (I) TMI WN:J/IC't --..0 OflJOMnwf WWTW au.t: Ao«>et1 Fulliw. HO• Ill TOO Q.oel "°" ~ • HAWAlll'M-0 Mc01t11ell llOM elt1< • attenglet wno murdltld tM women, IM\ltng MCt> -1no • b6orldl wto with thel1 •-g11lahly maoe i II lllNEU M POftT DICK CAVETT Gu.I, Maalmllill> Sc;MU. [£S OH NO! Chachi makes an appointment with the doctor his mother is dating unaware that the man is a gynecologist, on "Happy Days" at 8 tonight over KA BC (7 ). Scott Baio is Chachi and E ll en Travolta guest stars as his mother. Mutlel ~ 111111 .,,. ~l (A) * *'141 "Hof• PeredlM>" ( 1"6) Gina LOllOl>rigid1. Alec Gui~. A Frenc:h Lotherlo 1111mp11 lo ltlangl. -*'gflll liy9t In a hOtll wlttl "" nelQh· bOf" •wife * * ~ "Newalronl" Biii Hunt•. Ctvla Heywood. Two rlvll ,_. compan- ellempt 10 edge Heh olhe< out In 1 rece lot the Aullrlllln ,,_ viewefa In 1111 '40&. "PG' • eENW>€TT'E ~IN OONCER'T 81rnld1111 Peter• 1>4tf· lorma • ver1e1y or aongs as well u her lllTIOUa blnen• dence e:ao. eutLIEYt • 1 LOYE LUC't' Lucy .. tends In lnvltlllOn lo lhl d1nc1 by throwing hltMlf 11 VIII JOMIOll • KCET NEWUEAT I!) II ISINHS REPORT Cll8NEW8 (JJ ltAANEY MIU.EA A deapera11 citizen thr11tena lo blow hlmsell Ind lhl pt8Clncl U!y high ( MOVIE • "Roll« Boogie" ( 1979) Linde Biik, Jim Brey A lllenled Ind rleh muS1C1I Sludent MIS out IO Win • roll« 1kltltlg boogie con- , .. , belor• reeurn•no "« mualcal etudlel 'PG' (S)WOAKINO Berry Bostwick, EllMn Brennen and James T1ylor are emono the many &tars INlured In lhil special. bued on hundreds ol lntllVlews conducted by jou1n1llS1 I author Studs Terkel 7:00 8 C88 HEWS D NeCNEW8 9 HAPPYOAYSAOAIH R1lph II lotced Into • box· Ing metch wolh 1 lootball brul-over the atlecllOna ol • ptllly glrl • AllCNEW8 8 YOU ASKED FOR IT F'•lured· .. ,_, Roehrs In Jepan" and "New Mr Ametic1." • THE JSffMON8 Allen, the "wNt• sneep" or lhl Wlll11 lemlly, returns homl.CP8r12) ., JOKER'S Wll.D SI OVEAEASY OUMI: Moine Sulllven. (R) i> MACNEll. I L.a4RE1' AIEPOAT Cl) TIC TAC DOUGH ®) ENTERTAINMENT TOHIOHT An ln1-wllh Debbie Reynolds_ Q! THE MUPf'£T8 GUM!. Mellsae M1nchlS- ler. W: THE WAY IT WM "1957 • "S8 NBA Chem- pionthipa· 8ol1on Celtles Vt St, LOUIS Hewka" 0 TEN FOR THE TTT\.E A look beck II taken II the yMl'e ten beat 111m1 who wlH compete In lrwt NFL pllyoffa to detetmlne this Y91r'1 Super Bowl cont .... '"'''· 1:.30 8 2 ON THE TOWN F11turld lrwt Righlout Brot""• talk lboul Old u,._, • reunion Ind thl future, • look at • g1oup lllat helps mo•,.,_• cope with chlldren·s bed h1b<te; •woman who censors per. tOnlllzed lic«IM plllea a a FAMll y FEUD 9 LAV1:AHE I ~LEY &COMP.AM' Wrwtn Lenny and Squlggy diSlpPNf. lhe girts lrac;e lhem lo a circut 8 EYE ON l..A. F111urld vialt San Fernan- do Valley Juvenile Hen. ollbelt Cllrtoonlll Gll'tan Wilson IJ MATa.GAME 8) M'A'8•H Frenk decides to meka money by auctlonlno oH the CllT1p Qllblge wl'>lfe H1w1t1ye·1 love Hie su1fer1 8 _.IOUS a111cii I TIC TAC DOUGH MACNEt. I LEHRER REPORT '1!) HEWS Cl) P.M. MAGAZJNE A SChOol 10< nann-In England. 1 profllSIOnll •nvent<>< (Ii YOU ASKED FOR IT FHlurea· "Mllklng The Dlldty Black Mamba" Ind "P11ro1 lmpersc>nllora ·· ©'NM 8A8t<ETBAU. Loa Angeles Luers "' Utll't JIU <llMOVIE • • • • "Becki!" ( 1964) Richard Burton. P1t11 O'Toole King Henry II 'of England CIUhes with the Arcllblst>op ol Canterbury du<i~ lhl 12th century 8:00 fJ llJ SIMON & SIMON A J Ind Rlck -hi1ed lo lnvesllg.111 1111 death of en lnlmll 118,,_ wllo WU klUecl by • lion D Q! UTTLE HOUSE ON THEPRA#W Mrs. Oleson's newly ldoplld deughter Mis OUI to becOllll 1111 star or the IChool 1 .. uv1I (Part 2) (A) ~MOVIE • * * "Lonely Are Thi Brave" ( 1962) Kirt. Oouo· lu, Walle< Mlllhau A .,,.,'" end hll posse try 10 trecll down 8 COWbOy who ""'*' lrom 1•11 encl heeded lot thl mountains G (II HAPPY DAYS D INltDE~ Thlt religlous progrem, r ... tlng to thl dftir• of minions In Chine tor relig- lous freedom, oesGrlbeS • c.rutlde to Qll'-funds lo purcllue blblee lot dlatll- butlorl 10 Cfl<llller>I tn Chi- ne GI P.M. MAGAZINE A SCllOol IOI n1nnlel In England; a ptOlesaionll Inventor; Chi! Tell pr• CHANNEL LISTINGS fJ KNXT CCBS> 0 KNBC INBCI 9 KTLA (Ind ) • KABC (ABCl Cl KFMB fCRSI 0 KHJ·TV (Ind I ID KCST tABCI tD KTTV (Ind I • KCOP· TV t Ind ) fD KCET t PBS> '•KOCE IPBSl 0 On TV l l ·TV "' HBO C IC•ne""aM I • (WO~I NY , N '(' 1T IWTBSI f t ESPNI S (Showlome) 0 Spolltqhl 8 I Cable New \ Nelwork l Pit .. llllucinl: PIUll NII· eon on lul-minull tex deduc11on9 ., caaMTE THE a...DMN Hugh Oowna hol11 11\11 enter1alnmen1 fj)9Clll wtlh guesll Ed Aln4ll. 01nny K1y1, Johnny Mathia , Sell• end Crol11, and Dlvld Hiiimen held to benllll UNICEF. ll) THE COUSTEAU OOYllEY '"Cllpperton· Tiie lll•nd Time Forgot'" Capllln JecquM Couttaau end hi• Cl-explore Liii llillory, lnheblt•nll and nelurel science ol Cllpperton 1111nd. 1 coral 1tOll olt th• COHI ol M1x1Go (R) m> HIOYA '"Anllotny 01 A Volclno" An ln1.,n11lonal 111m ol geo1<>g1111 lludles Ml St. Helena In In ellot1 lo uncovet cklll wlllcll wlll llld 10 mor1 eccur111 pr• dlctoona of eruption• on 1111 lulure (R)Q (~MOYIE • • '"Sleeping Car Mur- Cle<'" ( 11168) Simone Sig· norel, Yv11 Monllnd Occupenll ol a lreln COM· partment ere t11tget1 tor Olllh at 1111 hendl of a derenged killer (S)eczAME John Bynet lhOws you 1toonga alranger thin lrulh. llrger than Ille. and unter lh11> enylhlng you·,., --· 0MOV1E * * "'The Allie" ( 111711) C11r11 Snodgresa. Rly Mll- lltld A t1br1t1an 11\lel In Ille put With,_ memorlll ol • lovl wflO dlupC)llted 'R' l:30 8 aJ LAWAHE & 8HW..EY L•-ltld Shifley help Lenny and Squlggy leunCh their 1ellnl egericy (RIO • AU. IN THI FAMILY A ahldy tllffman huallel Arehie Into 9i11ntng tor coatly llun\lnUm aiding to P'-• ,_, lou, CID MOVIE ... * • "The LUI M11tried Couple In Ametlu'" ( 11180) Geo1g1 Segel, N•t•ll• Wood. A hlPClifY mar11ed couple blgWI 10 wonder 11ow lleppoly mettled lhly •Hlly ere alter Mllng •» of their l1llnd1' marrleges 1n<1 up In 1111 divorce c:our1 'R' l.AFF-A.-THOH A comedian hotl ltld four com•c con1111an11 wl'>o comp111 1geln11 one enolhlr -f111urld In thlt unoeMOfld comedy g- ShoW t:«> 8 (I) MOYIE '"Incident Al C111trldgl'" ( Pllf'llllr•) Elllln 8rlMl!'I, p.,n91 Roberti. A woman cempelgnl tor and wln1 -.cllon u "*'" In • CNl8dl egalNt the polltl- Gll ClOlr\IPtlon ()( • tmeN WMterntown. O Q!MOVIE *** "Flom H•e To Eternity" (Perl •3) (111711) Helelie Wood. Wllllam 0•¥•n• 8 0 THAIEFS OOMfl>All't L.llty ..... wl'>il• ... lbc>Ut Ject.-1 love lite ltlll 111- JICll lultout end T1tl1 emberlllMed. (R) Q D C*.DMN: THE WOM.1>'8 MOIT FMULOUI M80UAaE OMt'I "-d*'-the cmuovw • • "'LoophOle" ( 108 t) Albeit Finney, Merlin si-. Tention builOe lo I etllttettnQ cllmu wnong 1111 metnbln ()( • 981'11 WllO ere pllnnlng lo •1<• cul• en ellbOtlll blnlC rot>bery lrom 1111 _. 1>110W 1111 1t1•t1 ol Lon- don "PG" (S)MOYIE • • • ~ ··&11no Thlt•" ( 111711) Peter Seller-. Mel- vyn Oouo!M· A ~ ml"'*'. mlddll-8Qld man, wl\OM only knowledge ()( th• outeld• wo1ld 11 through ·~. Qllne tremendout le me end power by unwtnlnQ!y C<lfl· vlnelnQ tycoon• ltld polltl· c._ 111111 he 11 • ~ "PG" tO:OO····· .we 0 HART TO HART The H1111 llltl off one sltJ trip to Veil whet! th.v INrn thll one of lhllr friend• mey be pllMlng to """'* hl1 wife on the eloQls. (R) • PMSEHn OMOVIE * * '-' "SllldUtl Memo- ri.s·· (IMO) Woody Allen, Chlr\olle Rempljng. A IUC· °'""" "di<eclor ,_ • pert0nal crilMI U hi tr1M 10 mue '°"" major c:feci. llons In his 1111. 'PG' (?)WOVE * * * ~ "Tiii Kneel< And How To Get II" ( 11145) Rite T Ulhingh1m. Rly Bl'ookl. A young man allempla lo blComl l)Ot>Ulll' with thl lldies by l luct)'lng his blel lriend'• methods tO: 11 OD.., SNEAK PMWW:JA*JMY Hulblnd·ltld·wife comk:a Jerry Stlllet end Anne M-• Introduce lhl mew· .... ~· ltld mport• _,u coming to Home Boll OtllQI In .J--v tO:iO. IHOIP9«llNT NETWOMNIWI • IUPEMTM PAOFU "Gregoty Pecll .. • 00\'WV "Ml)'ll Lorda Of TM Juo . gle" Rem11111 of thl Cllllle M1yen cMllullon OM(> In lhl ~ ()( Central Atnlticl -eomlned. Q 11.ooeeewoa NIWI • ltAT\JfllDAY....,. Hoel: Howltd ~. au.I: Randy~ • c:ou.ecae IAIKETMLL '"-............ st. .Jtlwl'• vt . VILLANOVA fflH •t•y) eTH1J&+CtlOC4 tt HIC)Clleon end Uncoll'I c.ndo It, Ge«ge ~ hi c.n too • IANR>fllD llMIO 80N Fred buys 11811 OWMr8"19 01 • ptof...ion.I fight« WllO c;en ., flgnl. • DOC CAVETT au.I: MaalmMlen Schell (Per12ol2) ®MOYIE • • • ~ "Tiii Chine Syn- dlOIM" ( 111711) Jedi Lem- mon, J-Fonda,~ Oouglu. An embllloua lellVl9ion I~ per- 1u1d1a a cont CiienCi•· 11rloken ~ lo eld ,_ In ,_ effot1• 10 b<Mll 1 ""'°' 11ory on .,., IC!Ci- dent el 1 ~~ pClnl. 'PG' n:IO 8 (I) NCAA MllCETML.L Maryl•M .. UCLA ,._ MleY) D8TCNGHT Incident' heads for series l FaEO aOTHENBE BG A T........_w..tltw NEW YORK -CBS' movie "Incident At restrid&e" tonight is lbe perfect prototype for a ture aeries. It takes a star from the CBS stable, ts her in an unconventional situation and then akes it all fiuffy and entertaining, although not eood that it will hold up to too much scrutiny. e show airs at 9 p.m. on KNXT (2). But it doesn't have to. 11 lt happens, it'll only a network series. Eileen Brennan is the star and, lookinf at the Wy turn her "Private Benja.mln" is taking, she's ady for a new weekly vehicle. The unusual ltuaUoa it that Ma. Brennan moves to Crestrtd1e. 70., md becomes sheriff of tbe town that 11 IO pt il lives clean air a bad name. lh. Brennan ls sympathe tic in the believable role of the cto-cooder wbo aweepa up e ol um ratty town'• dirt, but not enoqb to pede fUture story lines. Todq'a aeries have beeome too Callfomla· ud New York-oriented, anyway. Wla.t network needl I.I a modem drama in Wromlnl, even lf tbit mcme was fllmed in Utah and aQJ aeries lt, to be abot ln Hollywood. San Davie and ber bubaad arrhe In trl4lt juat ln time to be nm olf lbe f'09d by d 1\111 wbo have torched oae ol the town'• three ..... f per'lorl. . San cal.la tbe poUce and ft,. department, and Ober ol Crestrtdce it rudl.ly apparent wben old ......, •trolls out ol bla ear aad touea • r can on the around. So much for "t.aw and er. TM .-.t altueiloo tbat ~ 8ara'1 ..... of ... ,. occun ID tile d.1Mr4 'hro redDeet adMft f rough up an elderly couple because they wouldn't give up their seata. This is some touch town, and it turns out that the look-the-other-way mayor, sheriff and mob guy, who owns one ol the rival massage parlors, are all ln coboota t.ogetber. Sara has had enough. Sbe decides to run for sheriff. Residency requirementa and aucb basic l a wma n detai ls as fa miliarity wltll guna apparently don't matter. Sara eays she's a good administrator, and she deserves to wear a white bat, tilted radically to the left: She even su11esta that· maybe they glve maaaages in the maua1e parlor. The town's major newspaper, also oo the take, endorses the cur rent do-notblDI aberiff. Fortunately, thlt it a two-Mnpaper town. and tbe amall, struUUnt newspaper ptlnta tbe ~· Sara wins and bu to deal with aeveraJ rlffralf deputies. One wean b1a unllorm ablrtl opea to tbe navel. Another 1eta teen-a,.,. drunk ud aedueea them . Sara weeds out tbe trash and ~ •UHC• parlon off-llmita ~ her =•· Sbe tbm 1.u more money ftom tbe com ler' bJ pobltlDc out tbat bla penoD&I HpenMS _.. 1.....,. ~ Mr department'• budcet. Sbt wtm tbe reepect of her deputi• and even le.ma how to tboot a laD ID OM easy leuon. lt all leada to a ~all vote., which UM ~ rtcsr but DOt before Sara pta bv lDdletm•ta acaiut u.e reapoulble for Ute ..... .,. parlor fire. ..I Ju1t mar be back," _..,. tell• Ja•r tupporten. Sure. la a MM about a womu lberift. a..ct local UP•np fOr partlaalan. Tbe Detwarl wW 1M CBS. \ -- f UBE TOPPERS KTLA e 8:00 -"Lonely are t he Brave .·· Pene tra llnc 1tudy of a rebellloua cowboy escaplna from jail and pursued by a posse. "KHJ e 8:00 -"Inside China ." A crusade to gather funds to purchase Bibles for dlst rlbuUon in China Is described. 'KCO P e 8 :00 -"Celebr ate t he Children." Special t o benefit UNICEF is ,hosted by Hugh Downs . Ed Asner. Johnny Mathis and Danny Kaye are among r uests. KN XT 9 9 :00 -"In cid e nt at Crestridge." Movle premiere. A woman r uns for sheriff in a small Western town. . See story below. Hoat: Johnny Carton GUMtt. Jen.-St-111, Pet• BllbulU. 8 0 AllCNIWS NIGHTUNI -~IH THe IKY Thie fj)9Clel dNla wtltl lhl ltnj)aCt lhet Ille ellpl- hu mede on people'• """ -"'"'*"· (Piila 3-4) • M>OKa A ,,...,.,., police onic:.t .. killed trylno to prevent • robbery Ind Danko la blllnld by lhl man·• pen. net. I Ken NlwueAT ON'TlONED AllC NEW8 ~MOVIE •• "Ole Llugl\lng"' ( 11180) Robby Beneon, Chlllle Durning. A songwriting C10 dr...., 11 lldld by • am1t1 "'°'*"' In ptoW>g hllnMll lnnocenl ol • murder charge ·PG' (Q)MOVIE ••"Emmi~ II Thi Joya Ot A Women" ( 11175) SyMI Ktlllel, Umberto Orlinl A belu1ltul ~ ,,... living wllll he< llut- blnd In lhl F11 Eul lnlll- 8111 • young wom111 Into her coletll ol pleuure ..... .,. '1 :46 (I) WON<JNQ B11iy 8oe1wtck, EllMn Btennen end J-Taylor are emong lhl meny 11111 IN1urld In !Illa S91Ciel, bald on llundr'lda 01 Interviews eondueled by )oumallll I IUlhor Stud• Tltllet (Z)MOVIE • * '-' "HI, Moml" ( 11170) RotM1r1 DI Niro, Jennll1t Sall A VlelllllTI Viti< an returna nome to Hew Yono City end b1cotnM lnvol\lld In the pornogrephy lndul· try. 'R' -flmllGHT- 12:.«> • IHA NA NA BUMI: Connie St_,. 8 111 FNITA8Y lllAHO A men joumeya bedt In IJtM lo IN lualy deya or Ille 19th century, ltld 1 Q1f1 ,..._ 1111 horrtfying night of,_ mother's dlllh (R) • OONT&IPOfWIY ..-Al TH ll8W8 "'How Sele It Our Food?"" .MOYll • • ''legend Of The s.. WoH" (11175) Chuck Con· nors. Bllt>er• eacn &1MC1 on • etory by JICk London A writer 11 kldneppld by the Ct-of ..... IM'lllng ~ end midi nm ""'' by lh• thlp's ll11y- lernpered ceptein. 'PG' 12:10 a a rOMOMOW Gu.ta: entertlinet Peter Allen: ~ llUlhor Allll· ~ SoliNnltayn, pen 2 (R) • MOY!! ••'141 "Telll Of T.,ror" (11182) Vlnoenl Prloe, Peter Lone. Tlww etor!M by Edger Min Poe: a widow- .,. 1 llrlt wife lntrudle on hll ~ """1egl; • c:trunkMd -brick• end mortlt to put en end 10 hie ....... .n.ir;. ~ -hypnoel9 to IUlplnd • collMgul ~ Ille end dlllh. ..... IOIHT NETWOMNIWI 1•• MOYIE * ..... "The LUlly Men" ( 1952) Susan Heyw11d. R00ert Mitchum. A COW· boy dOM ~hlno to becoml 1 rOO.O ater • MOYIE * * "SllnMy"' ( 19721 All• Rooc;o, Chrla RoblntOn. A l•llleln•k• becotnll • Vlelnlm V1l1t1n'1 pett0n· 11 -epon or revenoe ~lmlllltlnd 1;0I (8) MOYIE • • • "'ln1ld1 Moves" ( llltO) John Sevege. Oev1d MorM. A -to 1111 91oup m regullla et .,, Olllland bar may llOld the kly 10 meatlng lhl berten- •:•~of becoming • ptO bllkelbalt play« I rHllty 'PG' 1:108 MOVIE • * * "Thi Vlfgon Sol- d le rt" (11170) Lynn Redgt 8\fl, Nigel P1trlek. A ll'OU9 ol .. INllly nllVI 8rl11111 recrullt iewn lhl lllCI• ol Iii• and war when ,....., .,.. _,, 10 blllll In Melly9il. 1:11!= • '141 "Thi Wotllltlg Glrla"' TM91 glrta lind no job loo held 10 hlndll and w111 do anything IOI money 'R' (Z)MOWE * * "OMlll 0-" (11177) Sondra Lodt•. 54tymour CuMI. While 1111 wife la away, a man lnvll11 !WO 1nrectlvl teeo..ege glrfl lnlo hll hOuM tor lhl night. ..... diacoYlr1ng lhet 1111 )'OUnO bllullll .... l'>Oml- cld .. mlOllCI 'A' 1:308 NIWI • .-EDOIWMAI Cohoe1· Dorn DILulM. 0.-ta· Bobble Gentry, Rflonda Bit ... All• Hiie)'. Jeff Bltber. Miki 1111"0 (C)MOVIE • • 'A "Hewalronr· 8111 Hunter, Chrie Hay.oocl Two rlvll ,_. cornplnlea 1nwnp1 10 edge Md\ other out In a r-tor Ille .t.u.lllllen -..,.._. In the '40t. 'PG" .MOW • • ~ .. The Formula" (11180) Marton Brendo, George C. Sootl. While 1n-ug11lng thl mu1der ol • colMlegul, ........ an cop uncoVlta • conll)lrecy lnvoMng '"' aupptlUion of • •ynlllltic fuel lormull ~ lhl oll ~ 'R' l:OO D ENTERTANoen TOMOHT An Interview with Dlbble rn t:Ot8 MOYIE • • • "lndlecrllt" ( 11158) City Grant, Ingrid 8erv- men. A rlcl'I Americln end 1 European ect1-tal In love llUIOugtl hi delnle 10 bl mltrled. t:aO·= • • 'A "Cura• 01 The JOHN DARLING NOWPLAY1NO COITAMUA EdwJrd"s ens1o1 540·1444 COITA•U Edwllll's Cinema Cent• 9711 414t UTDM Edward's Saddteback 581 SHO -IMft Wtslllrooll 530 4401 -OrlflVl Mllll &37·0340 r;;;:;;:-------... -........,,---.1 .. BEST PICTURE, BEST DIRE OF THE YEAR ••• NOTHING COMES CLOSE." -Myroa JlelHI, LA RUDD "'*-' , , ... , EllO Ftam. Int. ~ , ... A 11em. .. OUNMll IC)tMOe ... ror IN°"lf'Oul Ille W .. I • MCMI • • "(lgM-I.ltd An•· lout" ( tM7) MWINI Scoll, Jldlle Cooget!. l:AO .... ...... (%) ~ CtWlllJN "The P-*'Op• ••CH>.., INfAK ,....,..l JNaJNltt ~-wtr. oomic1 .Wry Sllliet 11\d AMI a..-e lnlloduce lhl mov· .... ..,.cllil anCI ~ _,,, COMlt>g to HOMI Bo• OHloe In Rtnulty Cl) LAl'P-At-THOH A comedian h<>ll end tour COl'nic contH11n11 wm> ~omp111 1ge1na1 one anothlt Ill INIUted In lhlt UllCll'lllOrld comedy gatnt ahow. l!Ol (I)MOW * *** "Kr1m1r Vt KrllTI.,.. ( 1117111 Ou111n HollmM, Mef'yt Stteec> A man blni.s with hi• ... wlfl lor CUllody of their young IOI\ eltlt Ille walk• OUI on ll>lm 'PO' t..'30 (CJ MOYIE * * * • "Love And DHth" (11176) Woody Allen, DI-K-•on (ID 8TEPPtNO OUT: THE DHOU 'I GNJW UP Thia aequet to !hi popollr ll)IClll "Who Are TM Oe8olU And Where OoO They 0 11 111 Kida?' updalff 1111 story ol the ••lraotdlnery l1Jnlly wl'>k:h now Includes 20 ph)'9lell- 'Y:!'end1C8P941d. clllld1en (S) THE OlOEH DAYS COAT A young gorl IH1n1 to bet· ter apprec1111 the sporll ol CllrltlmH altar she 11 trlntporfld beck "1 llrne 1,1, •.=al blue COii * * • * '"Orcllnaty Peo- ple" ( 11180) Mary Tyler Moore. Oonlid Sullllllllllld •;OO!=TMJ( • * * • "JulklS CMlll" ( 11153) Marton Brando, J1mea MHon 4: 10 8) MOVIE • • • "Yello•nock .. I 11155) Un McCarthy, St• Ol'>en Coun lllQll 4:30 (ID MOV'IE • * * '"Thi LHI Meffied Couple In AmerlU" ( 1980) George Segal. Natalll Wood 1t'ed1te-sday'• Dayll•e Mo.,lr• -MORNltG- t:00 ~ * * "Thi Ledy Ven- lshM" ( 111711) Elliott GOUid, Cybil Shepherd. An Inno- cent men end • beeulllul women .,., swept Into • dudly eaplonege caper lboerd • Eu1op1en ea~ trllfn 1ra .. e11ng lftrough J)rl•Wll NazJ Ger· meny. 'PG' t:ao m • * '"Blula 8usl«s" (!1150) 8-y Boys. CrelQ sie-ia. One of the Boyt beComll • 11ng1ng .., ... 11on u • reaun or • tonSll- ilctomy 10:00 CS) • • • • "R4Mir1ec- llon" ( 11180) Ellen Bu<styn, SIM Shlpltd Al18f a near flt .. 11.110 ~ldlnl. I WOM· In hnds lhel Sftl lies ll>e eblloly to heal others but is peraeculed because or her rlfulll to Clllm a d1¥tne. onllulnc!e 'PG' t0:ao. *Yo "Slgebrusll T11M'" ( !1133) John Weyne, Mency Shul>ltt A COWbOy unjust· ly lmprltOnld tor murder escepn lo llunl down ll>e rlll kill« end prove hla CIWni"'-ICI ••• "Snowblll EaprNa" ( 11172) 0Hn J~. Heney Olaon A New YOik ecc:ounlant Ire. velS -· 10 Ille Rockies In 1r1 .. ....,.... to modemla • ditltpldetecl 11111 relOft he .,.,..,lttld. ·o· HIGO. • • "8ey0ft4 A fllM. Mlftable 00uOI" (11M) Oll'lll "'*-· ~ ,_ telne A nowllet Md 1 n1 we pep11 publl1h1 r ettempt to dllelfove the ecGillDJ 01 $1'-llftllll ~ CC)•• "H ..... The Sleyer" 11911) Jac;k P~. ~ t.,ry An ed-11urOllS ~ men enlllt• Ille lld m • bMd of wwnc>r• to flgnl Ille eoAI UllCM, the -IOtd wflO killed !lit '""* end .. hOkllnO an ·~ '°' ,.,,_ _, 12:00 ••• "Tl>l lncrldlble Aoc*y Mounleln ~ .. ( 1977) CM1 Connelly, FOi· ,_ Tudl•. In an 8lllf'llC>I 10 .. ..,. thl town ol St Jo. Ml1eour1, the town telhlt'I f90l\llOr a tr_,. hvnl r-to Celltotnle ., * * * "Thi SllYlr Chellce" ( 111$5) p .... Hew· Min, Virginie Mayo A young Or"" deelg,,. Ille LMI Supper c;llellee (%)•***"Kt-Vt. Krem.,.. ( 111711) Outlln Hollman, Mef'yt S1r119 A man 11111111 with hit 111· wole tor cuatody of ''*' young ton eller lf'I wellle out on 111em 'PG' 12:30 0 * • "Legend Of TM SN Wolf" 111175) Chuck Conn«e. Befl>ll• BKto. 8.-l on a llory by Jo London A writer la kkl- nepl*S by the et-ol 1 Hal llunllnjl t111p ltld mede lirel mlll by lhl t11+p'1 1'411y·1emperld CAP· leln PG" 1:00 IC) '"' "'Sleet" ( 11180) Lee MajOlt. Jenrnl1< O"Heltl A belulllUl women ,. ...,.,. Id by e IOUQll coro11ruc:tlon loternen In runnono tftl COfTl9lil'Y llhl lnheroll 8'* her lathe<"s aueplcloue, "eccldlnt1f" death 'PG' Cl) • * * "Forbidden Pllnet" ( 1956) Wllt1t PIO- geon, Anne Frenclt 8flMd on Shlk..,..,•'• "The T ltl'IPlll " An outer 11P11C1 mlttlon is lllH!Ched to 1oe111 • prolaaor .no hu ~ Mlltng IOI • numbe< °' ~ on 1 dtltent p4ene1 ol the Mure 2:00 CID • • "lCanedu" (IMO) Ollvll H_.on-JOlln, Gene Kelly A youog llftlll, e '-\'Inly muM 11¥1 a ... u. ~Ill momonllre loin fofc. 10 °'*' "" • huge roller-dllco pel-'PG' Cl **'II "Rough Cut" ( I llao) Burt Reynoldt, L.ee- ley·Anne Down A Brilietl aocllllt• lures 1n ln1eme- tlonel )ew'll 1,,_. out of re1lr-1 lo help h« slut $30,000,000 1n diamonds 'PG' 2:01 Cl)**·~ "Tt>e 39 Step1" ( 11178) JOhn Miis. ()awl W#net A men~ 1111 qwrry of bOltl "" polk;e and • secret group or 1or11gn agent• °'*"''ltlQ In Engllnd when hi la trlmld tor 1 11rengiw'a murder. 'PG" 9:30 0 *<I: • "Angels In The Oullleld.. ( 1951) Peul OouglH, Jenet Leigh. Celeallll IOICIS tpUI lhe Poltlburgfl Plralll on an unuM.111 wlnntng sir_. l.S., •*'II "Thi Cel From , Outer ~ .. C 11179) Ken ' Berry. Sindy Duncan. An ••tr11err111r111 1omcet crUfl lends on 111th ·o• 4:000 • • "'Hangw 18 ( 1ll801 Oltren McGaVlll Rob111 Veughn "'-'c;n. er1 11 a teefel go .. ernmenl in11e11111on lnveS11o•t• Ille CIUM OI a 11111~11'1 IUd· den dlSlruction 'PG' (1J * * * "Tiii Wiiie PrlnQI'" ( 1974) RICllerd Kiiey. G-Wilder An IN· Hne pllol ttranded In lhl d1ser1 encounters 1 strange 111tle bOy lrom • doatent p41ne1 wno 11 -Ching for the e«i .. of h .. U!lh•wlness 4::30 ct) * * "Hlwl< The Steyer" ( 1118 1) Jeck PllenQe. John T1try by Annstrong & Batluk .. Nobody leans on Sharky's Machine . -~ ·:S 1111.~1~~~~' ~ ~ H" Orange Coast DAILY PILOTfTuesdev. December 29. 1981 ..... ---------------------~ " \ Fan hopes to erase a bitter memory trom AP cU11patcbe1 HOUSTON -Construction [!] worker Preston Riley has a little 4. t more at stake ln the playoffs than most San Francisco 49ers fans -he's looking for t• little vicarious revenge. Riley, 34, who played three seasons as a wide receiver with lhe 49ers in the early 70's, left a piece of his heart in San Francisco when he muffed an onside kick in a 1972 playoff game with the Dallas Cowboys. •'The ball was on the ground, spinning toward me, and I thought I had it in my hands," Riley said . "But It hit my shoulder pad ... and by the time I reaUzed what had happened, Dallas players were all around the ball. "After the game, l don't reme.mber what I lid: It was probably as bad as I've ever felt In ifty life." · The Cowboys took advantage of that break to score the winning touchdown. Quote of the day Tampa Bay Buccaneers head coach John McKay: "Last week. on my TV talk show, l said to some fan, ·vou don't know football from a banana.· The next day l got a crate of bananas sent to me. Next week I'm going to tell someone he doesn't know football from a Mercedes." . Sikma's jumper wins 1t for Seattle Center Jack Slkma's baseline m jumper with 30 seconds left broke a tie game and helped lift Seattle past Golden State, 104-100, to highlight NBA action Monday night. The victory was Seattle's ninth straight at home, one shy of the club record set in 1979-80. Sikma and teammate Gus WIUlams shared game scoring honors with 26 points each World Free led the Warriors with 25 points ... Elsewhere. George Jobasoo led a fourth-quarter rally with 11 points to lead Indiana to a 103-95 win over New Jersey ... Boston forward Larry Bird, whose totals showed 59 points and 22 rebounds in two Celtic victories last week, was named the NBA Player of the Week. Starr receives tw~year ,pact Bart Starr, whose Green Bay ••• GREEN BAY, Wis -Coach [!] Packen woo six of their last el1ht NaUonaJ Football Leaauu aames this season, was given a new two-year cont.racl Monday. endlna speculation that he might be fired. Jud1 Robert J. Parlna, the Packers' chief executive omcer, said the club's seven·member executive committee unanimously decided on the new pact after carefully wel1hlng both failures ond the recent successes of St1&rr's regime. The Packers finished the 1981 season 8·8 as the result or thu second-half turnaround after a 2·6 start. They mlssw the NFL playotrs by 1 game when they lost 28·3 to the New York Jets in the regular-season finale Oec. 20. St.arr's record ln seven years as coach is 39-65·2. Propp propels Flyers past Calgary Left wing Brian Propp scored ~· three goals while Ken Uaesmaa and ' Behn Wl1soD each added a pair to power Philadelphia to a 7·4 victory over Calgary to highlight NHL action Monday night . . . In the only other game played, Minnesota overcame a two-goal deficit on third·perlod goals by Brad Maxwell and A.I MacAdam to tie visiting Colorado, 4-4 ... Wayne Gretlky, the center for Edmonton who appears ready to make a shambles or the NHL scoring records. was named the NHL Player or the Week. It was the second week in a row and the fourth time that Gretzky has won the award. In the Oilers' last two games he has scored fi ve goals and had four assists. Blue Jays get Powell from Twins The Toronto Blue Jays acquired • outfielder Hosken Powell from the Minnesota Twins Monday and shipped minor league pitcher Paul Mirabella to the Chicago Cubs. To get Powell, the Blue Jays agreed to give the Twins a player to be named later In the Mirabella trade, the Blue Jays will receive a player to be named later .. A touch of the flu has slowed down Heisman Trophy winner Marcus Allen during USC's first few practice sessions for the 1'~iesta Howl Television. radio TV. Basketball -St. John's vs. Villanova in the ECAC Holiday fes tival. taped al Madison Square Garden in New York, 11 p.m .• Channel 9: Maryland vs UCLA. taped at Los Angeles. 1L30 pm . Channel 2. RADIO: UC Irvine vs. East Tennessee State at Milwaukee Classic, 5 p m .. KWVE (108 FM >; Mar yland at UCLA, 8 30 p.m .. KMPC (710), Cal Stale 1 Fullerton> vs North Carolina St m the Rainbow Classic. 4.30 p.m .. KWR'M Cl580 t; Utah at Lakers, 7:20 p.m .. KLAC 1570) HB, Vikings, Mesa win Chargers, Eagles suffer one-point losses in girls basketball There's a definite Sunset League navor lo the semifinals of the Marina High girls basketball tournament as Huntington Beach and host Marina both notched victories Monday night. Only Edison failed to make it a complete sweep as the Chargers lost a narrow decision to Foothill. Costa Mesa. meanwhile, advanced to the second round of the Estancia tournament, although the hos t Ea'gles suffered a tough overtime loss to Pius X. Here's what happened: Huntl~on Beach 42, lrvlne 35 Seruor Tammy Buckels scored 16 points and teammate Betty Mendoza added eight points and 13 rebounds as the Oilers used a second quarter s purt lo down the Vaqueros. After a slow start which saw both teams score only seven first-quarter points. the Oilers Marina 51, Ocean View 38 The host Vikings will participate in the other semifinal contest against Fountain Valley (7:45 p.m ) thanks to some Cine play from senior center Yvette Howard and a tenacious defense which allowed the Seahawks only one point in the second quarter. Howard scored a game-high 18 points and grabbed 10 rebounds as the Vikings turned a six-point first quarter deficit lnto a seven-point halftime advantage. Teammate Sandy Corbett. a junior guard, added 14 points, while Arlene Anderson had only two potnts. but contributed 11 rebounds. Foothlll 44. Edison 43 T he Chargers, 7-3, let a 15-point first quarter lead slip away as the Knights avenged a 17-point defe at handed to them by Edison last week outscored their opponent~ 18-8, during the next "We started out strong, but we kinda relaxed a eight-minute stanza to grab the lead for good. ..-little and they came out strong in the second half," "Both teams played rather poorly in the first summed up losing Coach Dave White "Foothill half," admitted Huntington Beach Coach Joanne outplayed us in tne second half. They deserved it." Kellogg. "We played better in the second. Edison. which still led by 13 at the half. was "We couldn't get much going after that outscored 28·14 during the final two quarters of although we won." play Irvine was led by Kim Odeo's 16 points. Huntington Beach will meet Foothill in one of Foothill, 7-2, was led by Ann Dean's 21 points the semifinal games (6 p.m.) at Marina High. The Chargers got 20 points from senior Tina Basketball scores c°!1!P-c., ... U of S.... D'-91>60 MOfll.,.. M, UC S..te B•ber• •I UC Al-sldtn,H•Y••rdSI u Cel PolY·SLO 70, Cet 8~1111 ~ Teytor st, HltW•ll·Pac:lfl(" C.I St Norolt'loi.t 6.J, ~ SI ,. 8VU·H-ell 70. Pac:Hk .. ....... I deho St 7', l-hiKh St 12 Nev-C Aono) too. Humlloklt St S4 -G-Vle So),°"" ... Tt<h 41 Fl• ~'°.SleNJS T•nn.•C.h•lt•noooe ce T ... n.-MM11n0 M...,_. 0.P•ul 74, llllftolt St. SI Cll\<lnnatl u, C--1' O.trolt 65. 0--•I ToUllNAMl!Nn W ....... T .... CleM6c M l ttou rl ''·US C St tc!Wmplon.....,l Ale .. 81rmltlgfoem Tl. W<hloeft n tcontol•l..,.l ...... CleN Wlclllte St. 1J, CAii SI. F.iler10fl 70 N. CerollN St.,, M ICl'MO.,, SI. 4' ~~ Arlt.,.. '4. Mon4.eM St. ff Ml-1'. Army l1 ..... City·--Y• ......... 1S, Aut411\ .... y !.$ Al•lll..VC'--t3, Dre••I JS 1.....-c...,~ 1111,,...M.towNntGrMf'tSI TtMOt ... Y•te .. ......... ,C'"* .............. o.ie-.t MelMIO, Hew H......,,.ll"f ... ...., .... HOUtlOll,,, ~· LSU10,W•eF•.UM aCAC......,. p__,.,111 SIJIM'sts,IC-n Vlll-..,,IMI_,. Tuet~-:t'IA= Ne•••• L•t V•o•• tt. L_,...1Maw11 ...... 1S C*ICWC.._. N-~M,,._,SL• SefltA 0.... 1'. TCU .a .......,a-k N--.U,Alt~«4' N 1-ll. c:wi.tl 10 ......... s-ttlA~'1.G,_"'9 .. A-k.91 U 1', N,C.•Wlln1 ....... " ........ a..tt Cl ,, ....... , ..... ''· °""""' ..... ,. or..... ......... .. c 111 ----"'''·'-.... T-1'.~•I c-. ...... ,.. A~ e.i. Or'ftllM\ Ttcll a ' •"'9o.M(ClllH.l I•· WMtlw .. Polnl LOflWI lS, C•l lutl\er.,, 11 C-lco SI f1, LA 8apthh7 " Communtty college TOUllNAMINTS F-11-S. .... AM ~"'• Monk• ll. s.odleOIKk .. Dl1le IUlllll) '3. S-1• ,.,.. 1• ,_ LOl\9 Beedl M, G-1• S7 Pu•Olne n. c.-.te" S-0-..MeM M•H l.ltrlr.l 70, •mcierl•I Y•ll•Y" It to HondD s•. SD ~ 4' Grou""'"' "· S<otttdele '1 Boer.ilelCI ... Soutl\WHtern U Dewn" ..... ' Glendale. Arlr, H , Trede Tecll II c errlloo 1'1, Cemp Pendlet.,.. 71 U Otl Al ... rr.ldl'IJ. 1191\t\H'e •• Dewr1 74, (Ari-. c...-S7 Htgh echool TOUaNAMSNTS c.. u,o.,....,_., Cette -SJ, Mer~ SO M• .. , Del tO, l'-111 45 o ...... "·Servile S4 L.Alteweod '7, Newport H•rbor H c--~" F-l•ln VtlleY ... Hawe-n. •t htencla SJ, C'*'9'f St La QwtnU f1. Et--...~ s.fl~ CIM•tJ. D-Hllll 47 v•hf11 ............ Not,. 0eMot I~ Oel.tl 60. l ...... • lffoelllO Sffte ,._ S1, c ........ )J Cot) Le Hw• fl, .,,,_ MontOofner• • St JOlll\ ltotco 70, VIII• P•rk • <.--""'·-v111 .. n1ty "· v~ie • LM .......... C-,... •I lllerUn IS.. l"r-ltcol ... IOIM Or .... ,. CY•r•M It, lrYWJI ~a., ,.. ..... E"'-74, C.-Clt'f • women "' ... ~ .,_ .......... c• a o , a s -lli4'ftaz• MerlN ti, 0C.... View• .............. .._., ,._ .. v....., ... •"'""4M" """',..._..,. .. .,, '" .... u C1m•(C• ......... •ll L-••t ,C-0 s...-.._ ..... , ... ," EIT ...... T1118!1• ...., Oii A, 0... HHlt 46 . ... .......... c:.t ............. ., ~Ma&OMM .. »I•) f Den Heyer. The Mustangs hammered Rowland on the boards to post their fourth win in five outings. Senjor Nora Seager had 13 points and 2Q rebounds. Angie Garcia, Shelly Neal ard Nance Lux all hauled in 10 rebounds each. Overall . Costa Mesa out-rebounded ils opponent. 66-28. Plus X 55, Estancia 53 The Eagles couldn't hang on to a nine-point fourth quarter lead as Yvette Perrodin scored 10 or her game-high l9 points to tie the game at 49-all in regulation. The Eagles. 4-2, had a chance lo win the game with nine seconds remaining but couldn't get a shot off ln o~ertime, Pius X jumped out to a quick four-point lead before Estancia closed the gap in the final seconds. Again. the Eagles had a chance to score in the waning moments as Pius X missed the front. end of a one-plus-one with six seconds t-0 play. but they couldn't get a good shot al the basket. Debbie Hughes led the Eagles with 18 points . while teammate Amy Hathcock added 16. Pruitt to leave UCLA LOS ANGELES CAP> -UCLA Coach Larry !>'armer announced Monday that junior forward Clllt Pruitt had left the Bruins' basketball team "for personal reasons." Jn making the announcement, Farmer sald Pruitt's leaving "was not as a result of any peraonallt.y conflict, but rather the forward's belief that his career would be enhanced by a transfer to another school." · Pruitt, a 6'1, l90·pounder, started the flnal 11 games of the 19'0-31 season. While playin1 In 27 games a year aao. he avera1ed 8.9 polnll and 4.2 rebounds. The year before1 at a freshman, Pruitt averaaed 6.2 polot.s ana 3.0 rtbounds wtllle pla.yinl ln 81 1ames for the Bruin1. Pruitt WN lneUalble fort.he fu'at four aame!l of the year and dldn't play ln UCLA's mos\ recftlt outJa1. an 8.\-'N vtclOrJ over Louisiana State al the New Orleana Superdome lut Wednesday nJcb Near-shocking ~utcome Wichita St. barely survives Cal St. Fullerton scare l'·ronl Al' dJspatcbn HONOLULU Tony Martln converted four The -Bencals made 82 percent of tbelr nelcl Roal attempts comoarod to onJy :n for the •ten free throws lo the final 24 »econdl to preserve No 2 runkl'd Wichita State's lead u t.be Shockers defeated Cal State f'uUerton, 70~. ln an o~nin1 round aame of the 18th aMual Rainbow Cluaic Monday nlgbt. North Carottna !Se, Penn St. 50 SANTA CLARA Center Sam Perkins hit two free-throws in the last six aeeonda to alve U\e top.ranked North Carolina Tar Heel• a bard foo&hl 56 50 overtlme victory over Penn State In tt.. CabJe Car Classic. The lightly reaarded but touah Titus cave lhe undefeuted Shocke rs a scare before being subdued The undefeated Tar Heels, Jed by high·acorer Perkins with 23 points and six rebounds, held off a stron g defensive e ffort by Penn State and outscored the Lions 8-2 In overtime. With Tony Martin, Aubrey Sherrod and Antoine Carr euch scoring six points, the Shockers forged a 32-26 hulrtime lead and lncrea.sed it to 14 points alter five minutes of lhe second ball. Penn State, bnnging North Carolina as near to d~ut. as the Tar Heels have been this season, was le by Mike Edelman with 10 points. C~ter Mike L ne had four points and nlne rebounds. But the Titans failed to fold and behind the llcor lng efforts of Ricky Mixon, who bad 20 points, and Leon Wood and Tony Neal who had 18 points each. Fullerton pulled io within two points on a Mixon jumper with l : 52 remaining. The Lions' Craig Bume scored a 12-foot baseline jumper with seven seconds remalnln1 ln regulation time to knot the score at 48. MIHourl 65, USC 58 LOS ANGELES -Center Steve Stipanovich scored 15 points and grabbed eight rebounds, l eading a balanced Missouri attack as the seventh-ranked Tigers downed host Southern California 65-58 in the championship lijlme of the Winston Tire Holiday Tournament. Montana 64. UC Santa Barbara 61 SANTA BARBARA -Forward Derrick Pope scored 26 points and grabbed nine rebounds, leading Montana to a 64-61 non-conference victory over UC Santa Barbara. Pope. a 6-7 junior, made 11 or his 13 field 1oal attempts as the Grizzlies raised their record to 6-5. Guard Jon Sundvold. who was selected as the tournament's most valuable player, added 14 points and had six rebounds for the Tigers, who raised their record to 8-0. Guard Doug Selvig added 12 points for Montana, making six of his seven field goal attempts. The Grizzlies made a season-high 66.0 percent of their floor shots. Forward Ricky Frazier, who was ejected from the game with five seconds remaining in the first half for throwin~ a punch at one of the Trojans, added 12 points for Missouri. Center Richard Anderson paced UCSB, which (ell to 3-7, with 19 points and seven rebounds. Forward Wayne Davis and guard Michael Russell added 17 and 14 points. respectively, for the Gauchos. Fresno St. 48, New Mexico St. 41 FRESNO Fresno State hit seven of 11 free throws in the final 1: 42 Monday to defeat New Mexico State, 48·41, in a non-conference game. VIilanova 63, Indiana 59 NEW YORK -Aaron Howard hlt a jumper to s nap a 59·59 lie. and Stewart Granger polished off Villanova's stunning upset with a slam dunk as the Wildcats defeated 11th-ranked Indiana, 63-59, in the first round or the ECAC Holiday Festrval. Bobby Davis had 15 points, 13 of them in the second half, and Rod Higgins added 11 points and seven rebounds for Fresno. Jaime Pena's 13 points were high for the Aggies. The game was lied seven times and the lead c hanged hands eight times but the Bulldogs' tight-fisted defense allowed the Aggies only two points in the final three m inutes as the free throws gave Fresno a winning margin. Villanova. 19th-ranked nationally, will meet St. John's tonight for the tournament title. St. John's edged Kansas 76-75 in the opening game. Idaho St. 79, Long Beach St. 72 POCATELLO, Idaho -Senior guard Robert Tale hit his first nine shots of the game en route to a 29-point performance as he led Idaho State to a 79·72 non-conference victory over Long Beach State. After Howard's jump s hot broke the tie, Villanova chewed up more than J th minutes with a delayed, four·corner spread offense. But the Wildcats nearly let it slip away with poor foul shooting John Pinone, Gary McLain and Granger each missed the first shot of one·and-one free throws down the stretch, and Indiana bad a final chance to tie with 15 seconds left. The win was ISU ·s eighth in 10 games. giving the Bengals of the Big Sky conference their best s tart smce 1974, when they were 7·2 in their first nine outings. An apparent game-tying basket by Steve Bouchie was nullified, however .. when officials ruled that Indiana guard Randy Wittman had stepped on the end line before passing to Bouchie. Lon51: Beach State of the PCAA dropped to 2-6. WINNER C:ouc h Joanne Kellogg's lluntington Beach High Oilers defeated Irvine. 42-35. in second round pla~ of tht• Mtir1nC:1 Edi son tournev Chargers win, but LB, Gauchos lose Edison High didn't need any 1 ·u c k w h e n t h e C h a r g e r basketball team c rossed the border into Nevada Monday, but Saddleback College could use a little luck these days. The Cha rgers routed host Carson City 74-48 Monday night in the first round of the Carson City Classic and will now tangle with Reed High tonight at 8:30. Meanwhile, on the community college front, Saddleback. hurt b y the absence of two key starters, was routed by Santa Monica CC 83-66 in first-round action of the Santa Ana Holiday Tournament. In another high school game. Laguna Beach was stopped by Notre Dame of Sherman OaJts 70-60 in the first round of the Villa Park Tournament. At Carson City, Rick Di Bernardo scored 21 points and added nine reDounds, and Mark Goudge chipped in with 2Q points as the Chargers had little difficulty with an outclassed Carson City squad. Tim Smith scored just three poants for the4Chargers, but he dished off 10 assists, while Chris Millard came off lhe bench to score 14 points. The Chargers Jumped out to a 44 ·16 halftime advantage and it was clear sailing the rest of the way ln another high sc hool tournament game, Laguna Beach High saw its overall record drop to 6-5 aft.er the Artists were handed a setback by Notre Dame Neil Riddell pumped home l5 points for the Artists. but the res t of his teammates could muster JUSt 15 points, 10 coming from 6-2 forward Rudy Dvorak. The Artists were down by just three points early in the fourth quarter, but the Knights connected on 10 of 14 free throws in that period to put the game out of reach College football JOHNSON & SON Presents ... COLLEGE BOWL ROUNDUP Independence Bowl IDec. net Morot..._,, u .1 Gerden State Bowl 10.C. IJ .. llm ·--· N.J) T •l'ne~-ll. Wlscon•ln 21 Holldey Bowl (Dec. ""'-l>Mee> &YU a . Weshl .... OI\ SI )ft C•llfornl• Bowl 10.C.1• .... _, Tol-11,S...J-St.H Tanoef1n• Bowl CDK. 1f .ot Ort ..... l'I• I Mluourl It, Soutnern MlulnlPl)I 17 Bl~·Gtay G•m• CO.C:,U•t.._ ... o:Ary. A&a ) 8t11eJl,G•yt Sun Bowl (OK.,. ... ,, •• , 0111• ....... 40, WOU\IOfl 14 Gator Bowl 10.C .... J•lt-•111•1 No~lh c;erahna ~t • .ltrUn\ .. V Liberty Bowl IOK •• M ....... al 01\lo St•t• lt•J•Ol Vl N•vy 11.J·ll. ClleM•I " •I $ p,n1 Heft of ,.IM llowt Co.it. JUI ltn I • I"'• AIA.I M IUIHl,_1 Slelt 17·'"01 'fl ICelltH c•HI. a.ei-1t1t 111.m. Peach Bowl (Dec. JI .. Al .... tel WUI Vlrolnle ( .. Ml ,., FlorldA 11 ~~). Cn.Mtllal,_ Bluebonnet Bowl (Dec.JI .. _) \JCL.lt (7.J-1) ., M lchlo•n l l 1 Ol Cn.Mel • •t S p.m Cotton Bo"I C,,_, 1 .. 0.llMI Al•.,_ C .. t t) •t TeaH (t.f.t). CM,.,.. ? •t II a.m . Fl••t• Bowt ,,,..,, ........... USC 1 .. 1.01 ""-l"tM S.et• l .. J.Ol. Che- c ., 10 JO•"'· Ro .. eowt ,,,..., ............. , tow• , .. , .. , ••· wuhlnotel\ Ct·»•>. Cn.M•I C.otJp m Of•ngeBoWt ,.,... ' .. ,._., ...... Nebr .. -. CM.01 ,., Cle"'Hfl 111-l. c,,._1 ot Sp.m Suger8owl ,,,..,1 .. -0.....) a .. rol• (t.1.01 ••. PlllllM>,..., CIO·l.01. E•et·W•IC Shrln• Game ,,,.,, ............ , E•ll All •Wf's "' 'lllfoil All,..lerJ. Clle.....i t•t- Hula llowt ,-. ........... , En t All-tW'l ft. ~I All'tt ...... C- , .. t """ S.nlof Bowl ~AIM_..,,., ~A,._,.., Pete the "Greek'' NFL's Picks Of The Week SA'TVIDAY Mall• .. c ....... D.-. ....... T .... .., ._...c ....... ...... ...... =·~ -"'-·--....... M.Y ...... 4 1 utc. Cwfwowwwe CIK ...... ..... MMe New Parts Department Hours Now Open 8:00 am -1:00 pm Saturdays I ti 0 H N S 0 N & S 0 N I L I ~ c 0 L N -?vi E R ·,C u R y 2626 Barbor Boulevard, Co ta Me.a (714) G-40-8630 ---· .... - Orange C~t DAILY PILOTfTuelday, Dtctmber 29, 1881 HALL OF FAME -Mrs. Ralph < Marion i De Palma, widow or the lat e racing driver who lives in Costa Mesa. accepts a plaque from J ohn W. Burgess. De Palma was ~ recently enshr ined in the Racing Hall of Fa m e in Flem ington Fairgrounds. New J ersey. De Palm a: One o f th e grea ts Record holding. auto racer inducted into Hall of Eame H.aJph De Palma was one of the most revered . and respected automobile racing drivers of bis time including Barney Oldfield and the former Indianapolis cha mpion (1915) was recently ho nored by t h e Racing Hall of Fame at Flemington Fairgrounds in New Jersey. . J ohn W. Burgess, director and manager of the Briggs Cunningha m automotive museum pre· sented De Palma's widow, Marion, of Costa Mesa with a plaque emblematic of his enshrinement. According to the records, De Palma won 2,557 races out of 2,889 he entered. He won 36 100-mile cha mpionship r aces in all parts of the country · lflTH llDTICll SWANSON August 1, 1918 in Brooklyn, R E I NHO L D I RI NK l New York. Survived by his S WA NSON, r es iden t or wife LucUle, son Wiiiiam M. Corona del Ma r , Ca. Passed Angell of Mission Viejo, Ca. away on December 27. 1981. and grandson Brian. Mr. Survived by his wife Mary An g e ll wa s a. P ublic .Lou. 1 son Floyd Swanson of Accountant in Newport E verett. Wa shing t on, l Beach (Of' 30 years. He was daughter J ean e Todd of the past State President or 'Escondido, Ca ., 1 sis ter t he Society of California KJarla Brick of Pleasanton, Accountants and was a 'Ca., 5 grandchildren a nd 1 m e mbe r o f St . J a m es greal-grandchjld. Services Episcopal Church.~Newport wUI be held on Wednesday, Bea ch. Funeral se ices will D ecembe r 30, 1981 at b e h e ld o n T b r s d a y . ll:OOAM al Pacific View D ecerllb ~r 31 , 1981 at Chapel with Rev. l)onald 3:00PM al Pacific View Kut& officiating. lnler ment Mortuary Chapel. Interment 'lll P acific View Me moriaJ al P acific View Memorial Par lt . P actrl c Vie w Park, Newpor t Beac h. Mortuarydireetors. P a c ific View Mo r t ua r y ANGELL directors. E. MALCOLM ANGELL, MacDONALD 'r esident of Costa Mesa. Ca. E R N E S T C . ·P,.assed away on December MacDONALD, resident or '28, 1981. He was born on Anaheim, Ca. Passed away · on December 27. 1981. He is -., survived by his son Manny, .,.---------o;;:.· daughter Joy Malmquist of IAl.ntUGHOH SMITH & tuTHILL WISTCLlff CHA,IL 427 E 17th SI Costa Mesa 646-9371 Naea•onas 5MITMI' MOlrTUA& Y 627 Main St ~nt1nQton &ac11 536-6539 PACIAC Yl(W ...., .. Al,Aal CefT'etery Mortuarv Qiapel-Qematory 3500 Pec1f1c View Drove Nllwe>cl't BH Cl'l 84-t-2700 Garden Grove, Ca., sister Ma ry Allred of Longdale, c a.. 3 grandchildren and 5 g r e at ·grandc b il d reo . Graveside services will be h e ld o n We dn esd ay , December 30, 1981 at 12:00 noon at Ha rbo r Lawn Memorial Parlt with Rev. John MacLau&hlln, Flr sl PrH byterlao Church of Garden Grove officiating. Servtc ... under the direction of Harbor Lawn·Mou.nl Olive Mortuary or Cost a Mesa. 540-~. MOBLEY LOI S PATRI C IA MOBLEY, resident of lhe area ror th• put 30 years altttt movlq here from San ,Jerll•rdloo. Ca . Passed way tn Oeeember 21, 1111. Ille la 1urvind by ber a..NDd ~amln Mobley, Jr., ton Jam•. daufbler Jady Ann Yanes of Costa 11 .... ea .. s f enckbl.&clren, J 1l1\er1 an l brotbers. Pr•~~ tem* will be held :.,~~~~.!!; Lawa llemortal Cha I with lntermtnt Imme attly followtq. lervt~.. uder tbe dlrecUoo of arbor Law•·llowlt Otive ~orwery oleo.ta ...... M0-SN4. from 1908 through 1926 and is the only drlver to race rr consecutive years. In 1919 he drove a Packard car at a speed of 1(9.87 miles per hour. The air speed record at tbat time was 126 mph, makin& De Palma the futest man on earth or in the sky. He still bolds reeorda tor four bill climb races including one to Ill. Wllaoa from PaMClena in 1924, a race tbat UI no l~er contested. In 1980, De Palma sWl held the rerord for the most laps leading the Indy 500, 613. Active drivers Al Unser and A. J . Foyt were both less tb&n 100 laps behind him at the time. DEATHS ELSEWH.ERE P A R I S I A P 1 Dutch·born painte r Bram v an Ve ld e, 8 6 , who illustrated works by Irish playwright and close friend S am uel Beckett. d il'd Monday SACRAMENTO <AP> Marlt Rodman , 63, a manufacturer or political buttons who scored big with his .. happy face.. button. wed Sunday. ROME CAP> Ercole Gra:dadri. 81, a lawyer who represented a number or fa m ous people Including Salvador DaU and the late Ch a r lie Chaplin. d ied Monday. MEXICO CITY IAP > Albe rw Terrones Benllea. 94. longtime senator a nd a m e m b e r or Mexico• s cons t itutional assembly wh i c h d re w up a con s titution a fter the bloody revolution or 1910, has died. E NC INITAS CAP> Belt!Q H. Dyer, 95, who wrot e more th a n 400 children's stories ln boots a nd ia41aiane a r ticles under the pen name Helen Gordon Boyd, died SUnday. SAN ANTONIO, Texas t AP> -Lutlaer Harri• Eva••, 79, a fo rmtr d tr ector -ge neral or t he U n it ed N a t io n s EducaUooal, Sclenutlc and Cultu ra l O r1a n luUon <UNESOOI. died. DENTON, Texu (AP> - E•1e•e CoaleJ, 13, a rormer lead tenor or the Metropolltan Opera, dJed P'r1day. MEt.DOU'RNEJ... Australia (AP) -Sir •~ll•ald A•MU. 72, • major figure tn developlDJ Au1tralla'1 civil avlaUon, tran1P,Orl, tourl1 .. abd c om · 111anl callon1 lndu1trtea. died. AT L ANT A 1A P 1 - Newell Edenfield, 70, a U.S. District Judge in northern Georgia s ince 1967. died Saturday. He was a former president of the Georgia a nd A tlanta ba r associations CHARLCYITE. N.C. tAPI K.C. "Nlck'0 Loughlin, 76. a former Celanese Corp. president who helped bring sy nth e t ic f ibe r m a nufa ctu ring t o t he cotto n growing South. died Saturday ALFRED. N Y. tAPI - Dr. Howard R. Nev Ille, SS, former president or AUred University, wed Thursday. He was forme r president of the University of Ma ine and Cl a re m ont Men 's College in California. NEW YORK <AP>~ Dr S amuel Kountit, 51. a leading transplant s urgeon, died Wednesday. NASHVILLE, Tenn. CAP> -St ate Rep. Palma L. lloblnSO«I, 60, wJlo helped establis h a m e dical college In East Tennessee, died Thursday. SAN F RANCISCO (AP I -J. Enlld>ert Duaplay, a f ioneerlng surgeon who o u n ded a n ation a lly acclaimed trauma center at San Francisco General Hospital. died Friday. COLUMBIA, S.C. <AP1 - Dr. John Patrick DolH, 58, a Unive rsity of Squth Carolina history protee.sor, a uthor a nd edltor of a critically acclaimed hiflory or the Christian church, died Frid~. Dplan wrote 1$ boolt1 In En1ll•H. French and German and edJled a 10-volurne "WMOry of tfle Church." HARTFORD. CoM . (AP> -WIWam P. Gwtu T4, a former chairman ot Onl~ Al ·craft Corp .. the predec eu or of Unit ed Technolo1tes Corp., died Friday. RICtDIONO, Va. CAP) - Vice Adm. •••Hll &. w .... Tl. Wbo oace hudecl .. I "•°" .... 11.4.tllt MOTIC.8 Ott S.U.8 Ott COL.UT•llM. eYMC:V•aePMtn ·~ ....... T...O.. ClllC-"" "•-•-........... ....._,CAftW7 ~CNtHlll TAICa.GUT COlll~ATIOfll ..... ct...._ .. _ U...._...CA_ NOTICa II ......... 01\laN .............. _, ............. . .... " .. w•:=• .. • .-.k _... • • ._.. .. 11• P.M.., J-'J ""' ... ... .. • .. O.wlf ... ~ ......... "-1 C.* on.-.. .....,. .,,, ~9MCll, CelllenlN ..... ~ ..... ..,..,,...,_, ..... ...... $1 ........ ,., •• lfl ........... ., •• , ........... _... """"'· ........ Mil.., .. ~ .. --· .... ..-r ... "' ..... ..., .... .., ...... . , ... ~ ........ 1 .... ..,,_ ................ ~ ...... . TM...,_._,.._ ~y l'll•Y .. ,....___...IKU..'911 U. C.INerftle ~ ... C..,.,. __,., U. _., M,l•M, llJlllll '-fll ., .. ,.. "tllt ..... -,_ ...... Jlf\, '"'· ...... -,...,... , ...... -of tttt.•. Ill 11111111.-1 ef ............. 11M1t-a* .... "-· t. ... ·~ .. .,.. ...,_ ··--. .... twlw .......... ........, willl .. -IJf 11.-... • 9">U1W1111.-com " • --"""'' i., 9N ,... 111e '9Y-t tw MHllltiftl Mr ........ -.., ._., ............ le _.. .... -'k lltlM• .......... , ........ 141 ,_,_ ............ . OATIO~ llWI, 1'11. MM* "AIANTI •MJUOV A. "AZAHTI, ----~. ~: OAYIO M. ZIMelllOl'I', tt111r ...,_y -~~ Oflw , S..lt.1111 ~ ....... c.lltontl• .... ,, .. ,~ "lllllltlllM Ol'Mllt C-0.lly Piiot, Dec. Jt, 1•1 )T•M on. IOHL.Y t IONLV IONLY IOrtLY U IOHl.V 11 I LOT II IOHlY It 1 OffLY 10 21 U IOHLY l l 12 • f1 .. .. 41 G a ~· 4S • 1-• tl1 1 OffLY l OHLV I OHLY IOHLY l()HLV 1 LOT IOHL.V 10..1.v IOHl.V IOHL.Y e4TillllV 0 " TWO I OHLV IAT1'1llltY OFnr<> •ONLY JC*LV IONLV '°"" .... IATl••v OP TWO l'*'-Y I ONLY Plot!lllllTA••OVT ICMllMIL.a "A" oa1e11t11•T1011 IC:AL.I AMOITMO: Cllelllle!IMedel •e,...1>-•T 111111 coh1m11 plelform type, ''"lppeel •II" IS0-.1Hlk -..,.elw e toll,_.t\tMell ...... ..., N II lle.,1111 .. ..._. ~ •ltfl • ~llY f/f * Ill .• Yr Ill. FlfllltMll Ill dirt rn ltl-wrlllllle ........ f'llffll"*I wltfl -(0 lllNWY dwty _,... ,.._ -I-" wllll llur 14) 11 .. wy _.,. c.-., twlwel ly,.. AOOINO MACMINl1 Vklor "'°*I U t-2M •"" •N tt•ll4ard e<<-•• •• hw11INIH 11, """"'•-· l'IL.I CA81NIT: Coi. Model •*-~L • ._ Ill drewer .... I style Hie wlltl IO<ll end •II 1-..ci t<CH IOl'IH" '"'"'"*" bY m•11ufec1 .. rer. l'L.OOa SAl'I: OlellOld MOClel • 12Jo7 dO\lllla compertnwnt wllll doutlle "E" r•llft9. Unit with key <Nft91 c.omblllatlon, UnH lnJt•lled •• -p1.,., by ..... ,.1 C011trector. WALIC·INl•IACH•IN aE .. 11110a11tATO•: Elder'• c111tom P••·l•brlceted M<ll011el welk·lll <OOI•'· Appro•lmetely 1'0" • f'O" • l 'O'' 1119" Coull* 4'1m.I cOOler to De llootl"6 IMl•llecl Oii ••l-'1119 c-rete llell. W•ll• .,.c11ortc1 wlWI •1•111'"6 st.eel piM. All frem11111 ol -111.111 coot•r .. le<t •I lllM .,.._ dO<lol•• fir ,,,_,1y •Pe<eG ...., 11recec1 ..., •II treml119 trwted lo lie moisture resit..,., IMarlor CO••t•d wltll prime dOmelllC m•ftllfe<IW• .IMO ...... m11 11111111 stucco emoo-•l""'iltllm mtt.i "°"""' ......,.. ,..._,. to moldecl poty•y,_ -"°""" cleMllY wlltl • '"I('" fector ol .tJ 91 75 I'. 1111111e11o11 1" 1111ci. and lfpe s c £nertor ••II avn ecn <_,.,, wlltl ""'"l""m H ---· ~..,.. wall 1Wfece NI will 111t adjac .... t IO ~ -11 flllllhed -14•· ltlk k""' m.,.I,,. 1.,.. ...,_ tf••lecl te be moist..,.. retltlalll wllll .,. --type p_..._ C-1..,..,1,_ wltll -111 """' m-twlt.cll -ptlot 119"1 <-- twlt<ll -_....., lo Inter!« ••II sl4a Ollly for electrlcel ~tloll by olMrt Llt"I lurnltllecl ll\all lie Klll•rt< w.,,. ~ 1'9ftl lltrlvre --I be -•ed bl' ele<ttkleft. aoa 1o 1>e lvn\klled wlUl-t 11 H Cll "Elle<" ~IN<led W ' I 71'' 0'F..,,,IM" walll·lll -· wit" I_.., -•-riot linltll of .CMO llucto •~ •lvmln""" llOlldecl IO I~ •1111 •llO•Y .ii-Ive. OoM equl_.s wfffl Oetroe c am 1111 Ill"'"· H ll·<loal"ll· cllroma pl•l•d m1911allc _,_clel type getllel. a ......., dUly c11,ome 111•1ec1 "''" ,,_ Mc1 1o<klno ..... kl. o... 111 .. Ellec" 20" -40" •otld reeci.-111 ooor ~urnltl\acl •llh •luml"""' cowed NM -dlel lllermomeler. Full pet1m•l•r <101 .. ra penel to u111ne. IHCl.UDEO IN ITEM •'2 WAL.IC·IM COOi.ea SHIL.YING: El1-1 CUiton\ mel•I centll......., toilet •lumlnum •N lwl"I lwo 121 Mtllons. Olle Ill Mtlloll •'O'' • U"' wldt, four 14) tier hlgl>. One Ill aectloll 6'0" • It" wloe. -Iler 111911 mounted o\lltr c111e11 ... clreln pan. lnsblled .. par pl•n CHICKEN OaAtM l'AN: Elller·s cvstom mel91 co11•trut llon, alae a nd •ll•P• •• 11•• Pl•n. •1111ro•1,,,...1, s·• .. ._ • 24"' •Ide • , .. -... Collltr..c\ecl wltft lle<ll -latt efld .., .. .,, wldl rolled .,..., Oii ritM "'°' lrOlll, <OMlnKled el 1' -..lwe11l1ecl lrwl wlltl llOnom pllcM<I fw _.,..... IO ...... , """' ..,.. ....... clr•l11. Left ... ol ...... _..., Oii •" leQI wlltl -'le -,,_,.,.., °" 11"199•· ..O•TAeli l'.IUll RACll: ICMIC.ICENI -EK*ar'1 c.ntom m.tet lllOI ce,, for 11"' a i.·· --Eac.11 tlld9 to l\ew 14" '°"9 ...... -141ed ....... Ilka IO ..,...., ... , -'""" tllcllnl out ,,,__ ... Oii S" a 1w· ,. .. .,, _., IWIWI usten. Walk·lll ceolet door lllCluclltd In Item • U. .. OaTAka llOT ,.LATE: Welh -I •H·J:I llOWe< ..-. ~. llS volt. """''-with ,..,., -4119 ....... I S ....... cl CcetM<l«t as lumltlled ~ m•1111l•ct.,,...., woac TAat.I: E11-s cvstom metal cOllltnKtloll, tire •ncl "'-•• -plan. ._ .. lmetely f'O'' lOllC • 2'0" detP. Moun!M Oii 114119 •-wltll winlW, M j.,lleble leet. '"'"''-wllll -I II 16 ...._. t•lw•nlr9G ullelenllell. U11ll 1l1ecl to flt -· reec;.,.1,, c1oor 11 llldlc•lecl °" p1e11. r..,......-with *•••r. aaACM·IN "lllt:azla: TreulMft 1pe<lel ~ •GLT 2..22 H UT wllll tap --c--•utom•tk Otfrott . .,,.,_•lmel•IY so <vllic feel l'ur11l"'9cl wlltl enodl&ed •l1Hnl11vm all!Mlor lronl encb • ..., IN<k, _._ ....... 1 ....... llltHkll' ..... _ 10 rteM -""'9ed reec:i.-111 _, Oii aide - - I II rlpl _,,.... rMCh-111-°" ""'· .... ltll Mff..c;lolllle Ufft "" tv,e hi ...... ,..,.,......, ..,.. ... lleewy chlty ,_...., 111 (6) c...._ ll>l•ted .-1 wire -1 ..... •1121t-1..o. CAN Ol'INI•: Edt\lllCI •t ,,_led Oii ~ ...... Moo111t1111-k • as llldl<elecl on £1• .. r'l P6eft. ..OT SIMlt: Eider's cwlom mee.1 <orwtNc1loll. _..1_,. •'O" IOnl a l't'" wide,<...,,.... - two m w· • w· • 1..-...., """ ....-.. •"" ,.,,., ...... .,.. iw. 111 1r· 11 tt" *..........._ E11llre 111111 c-t.acl 111 ecc..-nc:e -..,....1 -"le .................. Oii .,...., type .... trfVI Mlllt•ry .....,.._. Itel. 1'11ml-wlUI "-ti - left llend-IPIMllnM lftdk•-Oft P4M. SMIL." .. TM POT MOOCI: Elster't c-,...,.. c:-tructlell. .,....,,.,...1., , • .,. loftt • 1'0'0 '"'*· C-nidltd f/f It ...... 1.,.. Jtt ti.lllleu -· Well -...... aJM as llldketecl Oii plM. F....C ,.., ., ......................... u -pot ....... tH<ed ... 4'' ~ ............. ..,.., .. ..,.,,, _ Ill 111 ....... Wlllt. SNll 11111talled ....t ....... ID w•h f .......... . SINK WAU. l'L.Atltl ... : El~'s t-,,,.... c011atr11<tlOft, ...,...1rne1ely •'O" !Ont. ,...,,..,. alll.>11 lie ......... from.of'""'~-...... M4lle of pot IMff I 1'"91 •m. l'IHll!t11 <..an.tied f/f ............................. 1ec110111111-- tlltlla to,_ -1.....,. .. Ufllt. MAMO ..... aXTIMOUllMI•: Kidde Mollel • SAICI , dry c"9mlcel wltll mov1111111 twcllet, llllt.Mled --......... p!M. TIMI CLOCK ANO CAlllD MOLOaa: La"""' -· • tlS ....... "*""' .... ,._ -IMlollil '" ................ --................. ..., ...._., p6M. CllN ~ wlal ttw ~It\' flf IJ Cafdt Ille~ r•. MewftlM -............ ..., • ............. OIL. "'-ftR: de.i Mk f'IMIO -I •NW-Ml' .. fllt" MaclllM lllfllltM-•1111 ell 1tell4er4 ~ .......... -' .... P•Y K•ee•I: lpaclel ,.,_, fry "'9<.U ,_ '~ ,..,_ ......... 1 ... ...., .,_ wllllwK"M.,....,..._...,_.., :;AN DI EGO CAP) Gerald v ..... ard. 13. a marine b lolo1lat who Mrved rront le. lo 1980 a1 southwest ,..Jooal dlrectOr of the Natfoaal Marine rtaberln Servlcea, died Dee 18. atl eo.t Guard foreft a , . Ule P•clnc, dttd 11onc1.,,. I • . ... • ILOT .. IC*LY • IOONl.V SI 1 I.Of U IONLV I" IOHl.V S1 I OHLY '° I OHLV I SET 20..LY •1 IONLV t2 I OHLV tJ 20HLY M I ONLV .. I ONl.Y ff IONLV 10 20 NLV n l()HLY 7J 70HLY )5 I OHLY ,. IONLY 11 I OHLY " IONLV eo I OHLY ., I LOT •ONLY •ONLY 4 0 NLV 4 Offl. Y J70NL.V 20NLV ,,,_ ___ w - WALL. PL.AAMI .. A•• CAl'I lltW'I QMeM -\II (.~ .................... _. ... , _ .. I ........................ ~ .... .. well I'~ wltll -Ill It ...... twie • .................. ~ .. ....-.1 ........ .. .................. ~-· .... ~ .. ,., •• 8JlTIMUINO .. IYtT•M1 ..... l'ir. -..1 •••~•-"' WY c ... 111101 ••I ......... ll'Atftt .... ,. • ..._.. ............. w-- ·-·· ... -. -· ......,191 -,.,...... .. c-•1.tely llltl•ll •l'tlem 1~1• ... ...,.,. lfltt .. IH lt'f Pl~.,.. ei.ctr1e1 ... 1 . TIMaat: -• J.-.M Wll wl1tl • -"'-' u-cy<le f/f 1'"9tf\ tit> 1111 ....... wl., 1"-CISI 1 M(_Ofllll .ie1 .ivtalaN. I IS ...it, to t 't'(le, W..... ....... ltbltllff '""-' -· H IMlcet .. 9111 ..... WALL. l'L.AIMIN•1 lltl•t't cvele"' "'"'' c-1r11et•. lo ~· "'4 •"I ltetll ""9lf' .-" "Md to ••·-•-· WOlllll TAel.9: "L" all• .... tilt H -,.._ ._,oall'llMaly 1roi· 11 •'•" M"* e11--. "L" ....,._ ""*"""' ,.,, ..... .., n" ... -r~·,.... Oii t'O'' .... Entire t-~ruct94 f/f It .... 1y.,. M2 tl9l11ln 1 tlffl °" 1-., lleell -aWe t411•*"-'· Mol#lled .... l•MllH ......... wit1' .. lw•11lad ......,.,. ... u-•rvcflK• of._.,...., wllll llOJI -·· .... , ........... --·....., lllo16en H rM\llred. \. CNICCIN WA8MI•: llltler'a c vtwm metel co11t1r11e1111\. tile Miid ....._. •• per """ Ulltt C0111lr11<'9cl flf 1' ..... 1e.ltll•t 1\MI. Ufllt ...... cM<ll, 111• ....... II" • 2'" w.. .,.,,.. ~ wllll ei.M Ill T·ll•Y -•H·• ...,U ......... .... , I•,,,.. Oii rece w•y wlUI M•l111"6 Re9I ....... llre<UIA-Ellllre ""11 lntt.llecl at Int ... ...., .. ......... 11-. • Solo) ........ .-wllll •loM Ill c ........ ,,,,_ ,._. <"k l<"' lloldlflo K•-. tla ord9reN -...... CllPI, Int• UI .-,.,d llO-rt .... ~ - ...... ,. IMMdt<A. aAOOIMG l'.IUll MtO 1Caa1M: Ke .. 1111 -ett4 Ir•""' lry wennl"' Kr-. Ollly. lor "'°*I •2>LO·. 80L.L. WA8Mla: Ge11era1 Electrlc M•••I •CFO.JI, llW• Or-llol I-..,.,..., •"""- 1tu l ••tHlor. re mowebl• drewan , <Ot'11411•WIY remow.-.. •-• -elld e11 alaftdllnl -'et u l11r11l.,,.. lly manvfe<lure• and IN fOllOWllll: M-1 •CX·3'1 4" aclJ .. 1t.ble •lalnleu •-1e91 t lled to IM Modll •CFO-JI Mrver . ~I •CX·"59dec11H tt<kl. CONDIM•MT c•••NllT• E l•l•r "I cuuom •oodl,,..._I cOM1ruc:tl011, tire and tl\e"9 .. per P4M •11d elew•llon C011dlme111 c•lllM I lo be woed conttr..ctloll wllll 941 •llPOWCI M1r1e<tt caw-lfl 111111 p reuure l•ml,.•ted ptullc. Top to be c .. atruct.acl Of 16 9'U9f, Type :I02 •lalnteu tWI wltll cuto..11 tor trencll try "''"" I • S71 --121 lnt.11ral "V" tlott lor 110lcll119 of trenc:ll fry beft. MIAT L.AMI': T·ll•I' -.Olno type .,.,,....., _. •H..00 wllll _,,, ei-t h•rnlllNd wltll lloldlno billtUt •••II, llS volt oaOl!lll -llU: One Ill T-Model •16-, wall 11-wltll tlrt.., (1., <Iii>' 0... 111 ~ IT' m -lwlth <llP' Dlll'LAY 01\llDt:aS: Eltter'• <vslom mlrnr COll~lrlK1lon IO Ill dltPl•Y <-et IM k -Oii llUns. all'•IOl!•ATllO OISl'LAV CAlll: Tra .. IMll S pecl•I Medel •GHT 2·U H P U T wltll •PP•o•ltnel•IY so , .. bl< ..... ol dltpley ..... S.11-cOlll•lrwd lap ......,,, .. c-euor. F""""'9cl wllll two 121 oi.u rM<1>-l11 doo" on,.,,,_, aide •lld two 121 IOllCI reec ... ln doo" on c...,., tide. lloCll ,,...., aide -. to tie lllftled. L.alt " llld!UIMd on Ill•"· E....,lor -Inter-ol anodized '"""'"""' w llll spe<l•I 90ld l rame ero .. nd 11au tSoora. F11r11llhed •1111 Mlf-c'°'I"' comllll type lllft9H, t" N•YY ..... ., ~ -.i. <•I •l•I wire --Pl•led •Nives. IU volt, 60 cycle. •in9le pl\IM. COFl'llE MAICEllt: Brewmlll< M-1 •SRPC. comp.ct._..,. 1111 .,.,., ... 1omellc uslllQ .,.....,... llllera, fl.ftmflecl wllll lwo UI -lllonal werm1111 e1eme11b Oii IOP""" -Ill sarvlnv di<_,.. IU WOii, Slf>919 pf\eM l'AI'•@ CUP OISl'ENMH: Liiy tllllp llf'I ""'9. 1111111 111to cus-r Mrwlce counter OM 111 -· • 2EC. and -( 11 -I • JEC. TUaMOVEa Dlll'LAY: Prince Castle -I •41t 1101 l oocl w.,mer wllll Modal •426·>0 "'"'""''d WAITING CMAlllS: Holtywoocl -•lSUP <olOlll•I -d ••ln wttll tllp sa•b U......-.0 beck and wet wllll •l•I""' brOllH nalll>Hft . Upl\015-Ill Oe<OI' • OC-44 m-.nn --· Fram•• of lnM-llllltl\. CO""ll MAltla SJUEL.D: Elller'a cvstom -,---· ,,.. .... .., 10 ,_t ... _ ... collffm- ICI MACHIMI: llOH Tomp -· ••c...za.sc wllfl Ice °"""" <-lty Of _ .. lmatety HI la ,.., d•y S.ll<ont.IMcl compre•---Oii 191111 DIS,.LAY CAaO MOLDEllt: 11 .. c11no -I • llJF, tt" •Jr', Wllll <lvome. •lft9le -""'°' II rOllftdbe.M • SL.ICE•: 1-... llOllet .... tool tlkM -I • MB·UO INSFI. enodl~ecl elumt"""" 11111111, IU -· sh•t l•pMle l'aEMM>MATIC: W.-ver -· ·-· aE"alOl.ltATION SYSTEMS: lllC._ d celll, comprH-a. ....,.., wrvke w"""· -., .. ,,.,, I-.. ., oil, wlt>rallOll •llmlftetora. lllt""" clrlera. '°'"'old welwes, wmlb •""all nee:•._.., l*tl.,. 1-r to u 11nplet• Ille r.ir19erell011 IMUHl9lloll of tlle IOllowl119: SYSTllM A: One (ti Ollly walll·ln <-. I H.P. <OlldeflUllt 111111 -m•tt111no 01-t0t1. All rafrlgitr.Clon IYtl•mt luml•--llllUllH In ecc-• with Elt..,..1 ...,... .. -Nlc.ttlklilL Compre1~ mo..ntH elld t111talled Oii ,_ n lncllc •l•d Oft Elaler's •1•11. ,.,,,.1.,... wltll lcom...-c- -otll« -·~--.., lllCI-• tl•,,"'9 -'° clay sanlce Oii r-<tYtltm, ,.....,..,. lrMar, reftleer•tM ..._..., ,_ •l'WI k • mecl>l119. AOOlTION TOICNIOULa ••••• 24'' • ... • IW' S.E. ~ "'" ,_ ., "'9111 pr••MI•• lomlnaled P4Htlc, lotK c_..._ wttll cOlldllneM rKeU. •SS»._ v-wllll _.calal" "X'" - -enamel colutnll U" • W ' a IY>'' S.E. 1-111C>t c-Ill ...... ,..... ...... !Mnlnated p!Htk •ssn ._ -w1111 _.ce1.u1lft "X" .,_. - -I < ....... Hou.,-_. •JSUP ,,.._ e11e1n wlltl "'- wets. U""°'sterecl lle<ll --1 ••Ill __., 11.-tt N I-U ...... terecl lfl Decor •DC ... mender1ll ......... Fr-•I Fniltweod 1111111\. H"9' Floer .. COVNC" to lllC-ell I-_,.. ~trim • .,.._,. to comptetely l!Ktell. NOT£: Tllla b ., tMll'llele of I'.,..._ to lie ..._ 111 tfte eWeftt that Mdllloftet • ., ..... It ~Ind,~ .. .... to ..., for .. 1c1 eddillOllel ,.,. ...... Wt lnst.llelleft --""" -rele per,.,.,.• Is llel119 c...._ for In 11111...-. FrM Dnip Top 2J ... loll tr•atl re<~lft Modllt • SC·Hl wltll ., .... .,_ elld ...... top. llllll IEICl/lllTI ClllT FBI probing Laguna Beach jail death Laguna Beach police officiala bave confirmed the FBI baa begun an investigation into the jailhouse death o f Robert Wardman last July. Wardman, 37, a Laguna Beach spa salesman, was accidentally dropped on bis head by a police officer in back of the station while being removed while drunk from a patrol car. He dled hours later in his cell. An in-house investigation and a probe by the county district attorney's office s howed no evidence of criminal activity. But th e U .S . Ju s tice Department, acting on a com- 3guilty • mrapes on coast ~'?br'•e m,n a cc u s ed of kldnapplnc., raping and robbing ~r YOUllC ,,omen -three from Uuntiqt.on Beach -have been t;.md piJty of 79 counts MODQy i~ Oran1e County Superior Qourt. :,,._ne_~ ~ere return_ed to Oranl6 County Jail to await ~tendlll Jan. 25. ~.praa1e County De puty ertct Attorney Richard ey said step-brothers d ltuaseu', 26, and Robert Tlnln •. a. bolll of J>owney_Jace m1~_that could exceeo.::mo ~an ~ -~~b was fo und guilty oncf aj'" 0 f 0 n e c 0 u n t -0 f dna_p_pins for robber y, two I of. kidnappin1. three _ol. robbery, 11 counta al e nrpe, and 14 coWILs of alq the women to comm.it tber sex aci. · Tbe third defendant, John 19, also of l>owney, wu guilty of 17 sexual litj Toohey s aid Krom w.as ;aecued ol participatin1 in only · 1>ne of the three incidents ~by the jury. . -· l ·-Tbe-Wlrst two in cidents hc_eurre.t last February. • In die first, Toohey said, two •en ottered a ride to a woman ~ car bad broken down in 18tf .. cb. plaint from city activilt John Gab.riels, b as ·initiated an investigation of po11ible civil rights violations, police officials confirmed. · Gabriela said he asked the Justice Department to conduct its own probe several mootba ago. He said be was not satisfied with the internal inveaU1ation or the results of the district attorney's investication. "I just don't want to be in a similar s ituation where I'm tpken to jail and dropped on my bead, then left unattended in a cell,'• Gabriel.s said. Acting Police Chief Neil Purcell said he is cooperating t.o the best of his ability in the federal probe. "If 1 bad my way, I'd turn over the entire internal affairs investigation (results) to the FBI and the Department of Justice," be said. "But I'm not at liberty to do t h a t beca use of pending litigation (by the dead man's family) and the fact that the internal affairs investigation i.s in the bands of the attorneys representing the city." Services for Mr. Utt scheduled Private services are to be held i n G lenda le this week for Newport Bea ch resident and longtime attorney Max Eddy Utt who dled Sunday. Mr. Utt, a second cOUJin to tbe late Orange C o unty congreuman J amea B. Utt. was associated with the Newport Beach law firm of Gibeoo, Dunn and Crutcher for more than 50 years. He was a retired partner in that firm at the time of his death. Mr. Utt wu a trustee ol the Los Angeles County Lrw ,Ubrary from 1947 to 1956 ancf was a ctive in planning the present library bwldin1. He was a past president ol Town Hall of CaWornia, Friends of the Claremont Colleges and of S o uth e rn C al i f o rnia ·Presbyte.rian Homes. Mr. Utt is survived by bis wife, Bonnie Jean; a daughter, Virginia Stockton of Laguna Rills and a son, Dr. Roger Utt of Chicago. H e al so leave s four -grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. D.L. Darsie of Glendale. The family bas sulgested m e m ori a l g ifts t o Hoag Memorial Hospital or to St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach. Pharmacy accused of illegal sales "-- A Corona del Mar pharmaey Illegally sold more than 27,000 addictive Codeine tablets in the past six months, a cootinuinC police i nves ti g a tion bas revealed. Newpollt Beach police aakt a preliminary audit of the ree01dl at Jack's Pharmacy, 3025 E . Coast Hil~~ay, also shows quantities of Demerol , amphetamines, cocai ne and morphine were sold without prescriptions. . Police, who said they've sifted tbroup iix months of records at tbe ctru1 store, report tlMI violations coul4 date back HftD ye an. Pharmacy owner Jobn "Jaek" Geannc. a •yur-old i....-. N'-uel reudAt. and clerk Aalta Gabler, 42, tA Dana Polnt, an tree on SIS,000 ball alter b1111s arnsted Dec. 11 oo suspkbl Ol conspiracy to sell morpblne. Tbelr arraipment bas beeD Ml for Jan.~. But police, who have been ualated lD tbe lnvesUcaUoD bJ tile ttate Board of Pbarmac7 . U C.l .s!'ta grant A"211.000 srut from tlMI U.S. •Department ot Sduutloo bu '.... atrarded to vc lniDe to .. allaace tb• reteatloa a•d MC~.., of mlnorltJ 1rllftate• I and the federal Dru1 Enforcement Admi nistration, now report they've turned up at least 100 separate violatiooa al the Corona del Mar druc at.ore. Investigators said they will ask the Oranie County Diatrict Attorney's office to file additional cbarses a1ainat the pair this week. Geart.na. reached today at the pharmacy, said be couldn't comment on the cbar1es at thla time. He noted, tbou1b, that pu.blicity over the police investi1ation hasn't burt bis businea. "If anytbln1," be said, ''bualnesa bas Increased. I'm 1ettlnl Iota ol calls from peop&e who s~ they want to help and aupportme." Police contend the pbarmaey aold dnap wtu.out .,._mlltlinM to "dnll abuser lJpe•·r-Ud "re1ular cUllomen." Undercover poliee asents, It WU reported, purcbaMd dr1IP from the pharmacy on five. occuloal. "We just walked up to tbe eoullter," OM lDY•U,ator Mid, ''aDd uked f°' eome ~ and we sot It." Tl\• arrest eam• after undercover a1eat1 r•PortedlJ purcbued a quantity of mOI ...-. and mon Ulan l,oel ............ , .... llllJPlllt TUESDAY, oec. 29, 1991 CAVALCADE STOCKS TELEVISION 82-3 85 88 THE LINE'S BUSY Looking like a s cene from a familiar Alfred Hitchcock movie. these blackbirds line up wing to wing on telephone lin es on Golden West Street near Ellis Erma Bombeck has her own set of tips regarding the winter fireplace. See 82. D 0 ' !Wly ........ ..,o-y ....... Avenue in Huntington Beach It's what yo u might call a party line. Marine guilty in teen-ager's car death El Toro man's wn struck skater, 15; jury iays driver under alcohol influence El Toro Marine Robert Keith Martin bas been found guilty of vebicwar mansla ughter for an April 11 incident in which his van s truc k and k i lle d a 15-year-old girl roller skating along an El Toro street. •, The Orange County Superior Court jury also said Marlin was 1uilty of dri ving under the ln!luence of alcohol. The jury, which deli berated about four hours Monday. found Martin not guilty of hit-and-run driving in relation lo the incident. · Caryn Dilorio, a roller skater and an honor student at El Toro High School, died at the scene of the accident at A venida da Ls Carlota. Her mother, Barbara Horton, wh o sat t hr o u g h. t h e five-week-long trial, said she hopes publicity from the trial will affect public driving habits. "It was senseless slaughter," she said. Deputy District Attorney Milte Maguire said he was happy with the conviction, which could send Martin t.o prison for as long as three years and eight months. He added that the not 1uUty verdict on the hit-and-run count was unde r standable because Martin did check the scene momentarily after the incident. and 'dro v e onl y a nother quarter-mile down the road before slopping. "He didn't fulfill the legal requirements . . . but I think the jury w as just.ified in finding bim not guilty on that count," said Macuire. Robert Chatterton. standing in for Martin's regular attorney, Marshall Shulman, asked Judge E verett Dickey for enough time more than an hour after th incident indicated Marlin' alcohol level in his blood w 0.21 percent, said Maguire. .hopes publicity will . affect : dri'l?ing habits befoKsentencing for a complete probationary report on Martin. Dickey set sentencing for Feb. 1. Martin's van had just passed a nother car when it swerved back into the outside lane and struck the curb and then the victim as she skated on the asphalt next to the gutter , according to testimony. A blood test taken slightly level of 0.10 is considered the le~al level for drunkenness. Martln was allowed to remain free on his OWn recognizance by: Dickey, but his driver's license. was withheld. Maguire n~ that Ma rtin a lso is facin,:' prosecution in Central Oranc« County Municipal Court on Ii separate ch arge of drunke~ driving. 1 Shops and "banks ou/, to zap you HOLIDAY REFLECTIONS & S UCH : Som e dour-mouthed economis ts were predicting nobody would b e buying anythin g for t his Christmas season a nd personally, I don't know where those guys were hiding. Since nobody was g o in g t o b e o u t shopping, I decided to foll o w m y u s ual r..\ procedure, which is to -/-: do au the gift buying on JDI MURPHllf ~ ~ Dec. 24, and give a little ----------'--.... ..,._ last-moment lift to the saggin g bu s in ess community. The only things I found sagging were my knees and shopping bags. One head cler k at a major department store at South Coast Plaza summed up the situation this way : "We m ay not be setting any records, but we're ma king money ... " . I DON'T KNOW if the stores were full of shoppers or not, but they sure were full of elbows . I've got the bruised ri bs to prove it. I suffered more cheap shots than a Ram quarterback who was behind Sl to 6. Which most of them were this last sea son. ••• If the economy does have the hiccups, one thing that might help would be if the banks would be faster in coughing up money to the customers. Have _you e ver noticed that when the bank line ls clear out to the cigar 1to re, they have one teller at the windows and l7 employees shuffling paper in the background? When the bank lobby is vacant, they have eight 'tellers at the windows. ./ YOU CREEP FORWARD in Ute line and finally 1et to the window, where the teller tells you: "You're in tbe w rong line, sir. You should be in the Iona one over there. whe re the sign says Notes." Maybe that's why they call them telJers. They tell you you're in the wron1 llne. · At one bank up in Santa Ana -we'll caJl lt First American Listless -every employee lo the place seemed '/,4 be oozin1 around ln slow-motion. You lftqulre lf there's t problem? "Oh yes sir ... the teller says brightly "Our BU M RAP computer is down ... " PLEASE NOTE THAT bank computers never break. m a lfunction or s hort-circuit. They always .. go down ... Later they may come up. But right now they're down . You might fi nd it refreshing some day to have a bank person blurt out at you. "T he bloody BU MRAP is busted again ... * • * Let's face it , the compute r age is upon us, even to all the video games that were snatched up by the populace "I I U the md of the bank 1iM "'*1, ~. ~ l'tof'f91" for Christmas presents . If you don't have a video game at home, you can always go to one of the 1ame arcades or quickie markets. Young people a r e a bsolutely addicted to this nonsense, pumping an endless stream of coins .into the gadgets . ONE ARCADE OPENED in La1una Beach whett once the r e was a nice little tobacco shop. That's aw,.pping one kind of addictiQD for another. You walk Into that hole·in•t.be·wall arcade and the place sounds like a rock concert tape bein1 played at double normal speed. You don't think it's an addJcUon? Uaten. behind tbe clerk's counte.r at the Lacuna video arcade, there'• a · 1ar1e notice that proclaimt, .. ., Sneaky Smltb Comes lD Here, Don't Let Him Play ... Call HU Father at Oneel " Only the name waa chaqed to prcact the l\lllty. Honest . :=====---~=;;;;,;;;=:::.::::;::;;;;;,;;.~.;;.::;;;.::.;:;:....,;:._---1 ' •I . . 111111 Hospital 'war' still hot for Irvine facility By BICHA&D GREEN Of .. ~HlllS... Irvine's so-called hospital "war" is still going strone. State Health Department &pok.eswoman Mildred Mulder said Tu s tin Community Hospital, the Chatsworth-based Health Wes t Foundation. 3 guilty • mrapes on coast *="'~~~wa s f o und guilty n •¥ of o ne count of 1 naj>_ptng for robbery, two e of. kidnapping, three of robbery, 11 counts of e rape, and 14 counts ol ng the women to commit •nother sex act. The third defenoant, John om, 19, also of l>owney, was ·and guilty of 17 sexual Wes tern Medical Center lo Santa Ana and the Tennessee -based Hospital Affiliates International haven't withdrawn their formal letters of intent to build bospjtals ln Irvine. M eanwhile, s ome local officials are sayin1 privately that the latest 'hospital proposal bas the greatest chance for s uccess because it inte1rates several factions of the local medical, business, political and education communities. This lates t proposal, made public last week , calls for attorney Dave Baker, an Irvine resi dent, and B ec kman Instruments Chairman Arnold 0 . Beckman to form a non-profit corporation under the name Irvine Medical Center to build the city's first hospital. The pro posa l bas been endorsed by an Irvine Health Car e Committee which includes Baker, Beckman, Irvine Mayor David Sills ; George Hoag II, chairman of the Board of Hoag Me morial Hospital ; Robert Lombardi , c han cel lor of Saddleback Community College, and UC Irvine Chancellor Daniel Aldrich. People f o r an Irvine Community Hospital, a citizens group with the goal of ensuring local people have a voice in health care planning, presided over the formation of that committee. Baker, a former candidate for Irvine City Council and bead ol PICH, said that, given the various fa c tions that are supporting the Irvine Medical Center proposal, it baa some obvious advanta1ea over the other proposals on file. . ooh.ey s aid Kro m w.as However, spokesman for Western Medical Center and the accused of participating in only · Health West or1anhatlon, say 1>oe of the three · incidents the latest propoaal baan't ,iOmldereCI by the jury·. -· i i d d t. 'Jhe.flrst two incid ents int m ate lbem Into ...:.__ •• ___.1ast February. withdrawing their propo1ala. MOJLtf.-1•~ Health care offtclala U.J tbat lo the fint, Toohey said, two competition ls intense to build men oftered a ride to a woman 1 1 • first i..~ ttal ...__ ol .W'bose car bad broken down in rv ne s • ..,..p Qlll'll;auae the city's rapid &rowtb and its (Beach. relatively affluent citbeoa, most the second incident, a o f whom have medical ua.tmcton Beach woman whose insurance plana. .bad broken down on Pacific Mayor Sills says Irvine ia the alt 'Highway accepted biggest city in the state with no -...~ t.Stance from· two men in a hospital within its borders. !,MCQJ) truck. e women were taken to Tonner p harma CY a_n~on near Brea , raped ~• 'In both incidents, Toohey said. _ epeatedly at ltnifepoint and d { . bbed. accuse o t. n the third incident, which • curred las t June two illegal sale -year-old Huntington 1Beach rls hitchhiking o n Pacific U('Bigbway accepted a ride A Corona del Mar pharmacy om three men in a similar illegally sold more than 27,000 ~c~ __ addictive Codeine tablets in tbe Y said the teen-agers past ·six months, a continuing ere .~ and taken to the police investigation baa am al location and were revealed. a atedly. Newport Beach police aald a • ee defendants were preliminary audit of the records w.-i_..._.,,ln July by Huntington at Jack's Pharmacy, 3025 E . Bl!J1a.!j•ttollce. Coast Highway, also s bowa Services set for Mrs. Utt of Newport quantities o f Demerol, amphetamines, cocaine and morphine were sold without prescriptions. Police, who said they've ailted throueh six months of records at the drug store, report the violations could date back seven yeara. Pharmacy owner Jobn "Jack" Gearing, a »-year-old Lquna Nieuel resickllt, and clerk Anita Gabler, 42, ol Dana Point, are free on 925,000 ball after beUll arrested Dec:. 18 on suapictoo ol cooaplracy to sell morpbble. Tbelr arratsnment bu bff9 aet for Jan. 5. But police, wbo have been as1i1ted in the inveet11attoa. by the state Board of Pharmacy and tbe federal Drvt Enforcement Admlnlatratlon, now report they've turned up at least 100 separate vlolat.Jona at tbe Corona del llar dnat 1tore. lnveeti1aton aaid they will ask the Oraqe County Diltriet Attorney'• office to Ille addJUonaJ char1ee a1a1Dat tbe pair tbll week. Oeutns, reaeHd todQ at tbe pbarmacy, aald be eoulda't comment oo the ebars• at tldl time. He noted, tboqb1 tUt pu bllclty over the police ln•••t11atioD baaa't burt Ma buala-. .. II aaytbln1:· JI• •~ld, · 'bu1lDN1 bu Jaereued. I'm 1ettlq loU ol calla from ,.,.. 1tbc> IQ ~ •ut to ......... aupponme.' _ Diiiy Nit ~ TUESDAY, D DEC. 29, 1981 Erma Bombeck has her D CAVALCADE 82-3 own set of tips regarding STOCKS BS TELEVISION 88 the winter fireplace. See 82. ' . ~;;.=--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.J..6~ Deity ...... ~ ......... ~-: THE LINE'S BUSY Looking like a scene Crom a familiar Avenue in Huntington Beach. It's what you might call a ~ Alfred Hitchcock movie. these blackbirds line up wing to party line. ~ wing on telephone lines on Golden West Street near Ellis ·· ~~....:::....~~__::..._~~~~..:._-=-:...:...:;..:...:..:._:_...:..::..~;..:.;,...::..;;..;;..=::.=~:.:..:..:-=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:: •j ·1 :1 Marine guilty in teen-ager's car death '.i El Toro man's wn struck skater, 15; jury $ays driver under alcohol influence .: a nother car when 1t swerved! back into the outside lane and~ struck the curb a nd then the t victim as she s kated on the: a s phalt next to the g utter, l El Toro Marine Robert Keith Martin bas been found guilty of vehicular manslaughter for an April 11 incident in which his van stru ck and killed a 15-year-old girl roller skating along an El Toro street. five-week-long trial, said she hopes publicity from the trial ·will affect public driving habits. "It was senseless slaughter," abe said. Deputy District Attorney Mike Maguire said be was happy with quarter-mile down the road before stopping. "He didn't fulfi II the legal requirements ... but I think the jury was justified in finding him not guilty on that count,'· said Maguire. according to testimony. --+ . . t The Orange County Superior Court jury also said Martin was 1uilty of driving under the influence of alcohol. The jury, which delibe rated about four hours Monday, found Martin not 1uilty of bit-and-run driving in relation to the inc\dent. .hopes publicity will . affect driving habits A blood test talten slightly more than an hour after the . inc ident indic ated Martin's alcohol level in his blood was· 0.21 percent. said Ma1uire. A · level of 0.10 is considered the le~~l level for drunkenness. · Caryn Diiorio, a roller skater and an honor student a t El Toro High School, died at the scene of the accident at Avenida da La Carlota Her mother. Barbara Horton, wh o sat t hr o u g h the the conviction, which could send .Martin to prison for as long as three years and eight months. He added that the not guilty verdict on the bit-and-run count was understandable because Martin did check the scene .momentarily after the incident, a nd drove onl y a n o the r Robert Chatterton, standing in for Martin's regular attorney, "Marshall Shulman, asked J udge Everett Dickey for enough time before sentencing for a complete probationary report on Martin. Dickey set sentencing for Feb . 1. Martin's van had just passed M artm was allowed to remaur free on 'bis own recognizance by Dickey, but bis driver's license. was withheld. Maguire noted that Martin also is facin( prose.cution in Central Oran&: County Municipal Court on s eparate charge of drunke driving. ' Shops and "banks oul to zap you HOLIDAY REFLECTIONS & SUCH : Som e dour-mout hed economists were predicting nobody would be buying any thing for this Christmas season and personally. I don't know where those guys were. hiding. Since nobody was g o ing to be o ut shopping, I decided t o foll ow m y u s u a l I"-'\ procedure, which is to --------~~ do all the gilt buying on TIM MURPHlll ,~ ~ Pa~~:~·~~~t g~r~ ~i~~! 1 sagging bus iness community. The only things 1 found sagging were m y knees and shopping bags. One head clerk at a major department store at South Coast Plaza summed up the situation this way: "We may not be setting any records. but we're making money ... " I DON'T KNOW if the s tores were full of shoppers or not. but they sure were full of elbows. I've got the bruised ribs to prove it. I s uffered more cheap shots than a Ram quarterback who was behind 51 to 6. Which most of them were this last season. ••• If the econom y does have tbe hiccups, one thing that might help would be if the banks would be faster in coughing up money to the customers. Have you ever 'noticed tha~ when the bank line la clear out to the cigar store. they have one teller at the wlndows and 17 ~mployees shuffling paper in the backarqund? When the bank lobby is vacant, they ha,.ve eight lellers at the windows. YOU CREEP FORWARD in the line and flnau, &et to 'the window, where the teller teU. you: ''You're in the iwron1 line, sir. You should be ln tbe tone one over there, •where U1e sign says Notes." ~ Maybe that's why they call them tellers. Tbey tell )'OU y90're in the wrong line."" "Oh yes s ir." the teller says brightly. "Our BUMRAP computer is down ..... PLEASE NOTE THAT bank computers never break, malfunction or short-c ircuit. They always "go down." Later they may come up. But right now they're down. You might find it refreshing some day to have a bank person blurt out at you. "The bloody BUMRAP is busted again." • • • Let's face it. the computer age is upon us. even to all the video games that were snatched up by the populace "I ue the end of the bank liM ftOIO, ~. G~7 Feorpe~ .. for Christmas presents. If you don't have a video game at home, you can always go to one of the 1ame arcades or quickie markets. Young people are a bsolute ly addicted to this nonsense, pumping an endless stream of coins into the aadgets. ONE ARCADE OPENED ln Laauna Beach where once there was a nice little tobacco shop. That'a 1· .. applfta one kind of addictiQll for another: You walk into that hole-in-the-wall arcade and the place sounds like a rock concert tape belnl pla1e4 at double normal apeed. · You don't think it's an addiction? 1!li5 tbe clerk's counter at the Lquna v~ .._..,a tarce notice tbat proclalm1, • • U 8DHkj, Oa•• m Here, Don't Let Him Play . . . Call 1111 t'atber at_.!•• PoUee COD&..cl ... ...,..., IOld .,... wltlilout f.HHrl---' to "clnaa abuHr tv,.9;r-Ud •• ,..,.._~ .• r -· • l one bank up ln Santa Ana -we'll call lt First American Uatless -every employee lD the place seemed lo be oozing around in slow·'moUan. You inquire ll there'• I Problem? Only ·the name wu chanced to prated ~ juUty. 1Honest. , ' . . 1111111:1111 A. . 1rport ~ssue ' of e xpansion up to court · By GLENN SCOTr Of ... D.ity "" ..... Orange County Superior Court Judee Bruce Sumner was left today lo deci de whether en vi ronmenlal studies of expansion pl ans tor John Wayne Airport were sufficiently lacking to caus e airport improvements lo be s uspended. · Attorneys for Newport Beach contended Mo nday during Irvine hospital war stays By lllCHAJlD GREEN Of .. Delly ..... S- 1 r vine' S so-called hospital ··war" is still going strong. !)tale Health Department spokeswoman Mildred Mulder said Tustin Community Hospital, the Chatsworth-based H e alth Wes t F o undation. Wes t e rn Medic al Center in Santa Ana and th e T ennessee-based Hospital Affiliates International haven't withdrawn their formal letters of intent to build hospitals in Irvine. Meanwhile , som e local officials are saying privately that the latest hospital proposal has the greatest chance for success because it integrates several factions of the local medical, business. political and education communities. This latest propos al, made public las t week , c alls for attorney Dave Baker, an Irvine re s ident , and B e ckman Instruments Chairman Arnold 0. Beckman to form a non-profit corporation unde r the name Irvine Medical Center to build the city's first hospital. The proposal has been endorsed by an Irvine Health Care Committee . Health care officials say that competition is intense to build Irvine's first hospita l . · closing arguments ln their case a gainst the Orange County G o vernment tbat tbe environmental impact reports are inadequate. Los Angeles-based attorney Pie rce O'Donnell said the reports paint such a rosy picture of the pending $75· million improvement project that they are more like "a sales and promotional brochure" lban documents intended to give bard facts on lhe consequences of expansion. However, the county's lawyer, Michael Gatzke, claimed today that attorneys for Newport Beach and Stop Polluting Our Newport (SPON> bad failed to prove the reports don't measure up to legal guidelines. He told Sumner the reports conform to lhe California Environmental Qua lily Acl be caus e lbey describe how the improvements would affect surrounding areas. O'Donnell and SPON attorney E . Clement Shute of San Francisco are asking Sumner to rule that lhe reports are in c omplete , meaning improve ments a pproved in February by the County Board of Supervisors cannot proceed. Sumner is expected to issue his ruling within the next few weeks, lawyers say. Although Shute and O'Donnell s pent several hours Monday detailing why they believe environmental reports are inadequate, a recurring theme was that the studies don't discuss further expansion of the county airport. According to the supervisors' mas ter plan, the airport terminal, runway and parking facilities will be expanded to allow average daily commercial jet fligbta to increase from the current 41 to 55 by the year 3000. The Oigbt increase, however, depends on use of jets with quieter engines and modified takeoff procedures ao overall jet noise will be reduced. 0 ·Donnell and Sbute claimed county officials are abortsilbted lo believe that the airport will not eventually be expanded again to handle even more than tbe 6 .l ·million annual passengers in the master plan. Pharmacy accused of illegal sales -- A Corona del Mar pharmacy illegally sold more than 27 000 addictive Codeine tablets in 'the past six months, a continuing police inves tigation bas revealed. Newport Beach police said a preliminary audit of the records at Jack's Pharmacy, 3025 E. Coast Highway, also shows quantiti es of Demerol, amphetamines. cocaine and Services set for Mrs. U tt of N ewport Private services are lo be held in Glendale th is week for Newport Beach resident and lon,ume attorney Max Eddy Utt wbo died Sunday. • Mr. Utt, a second cousin to the .J •a l e 0 r a n g e C o u n t y ~n1ressman James B. Utt, wu ,!J•ociated with the Newport ;,.each law firm of Gibsqn, Dunn llltad Crutcher for more than 50 'jears. t~ He wu a retired partner in Mat firm al the time of hi• death. Mr. Utl wu a trustee of the ~· Angeles County L•w IJilJltley from 1t.1 to 1156 andl ,was acllve In plannlnc tbe resent library buUdtng. He wu a past president ol . Hall ol Calllorn.ia, Friends tbe Claremont C0Ue1ea and ol outbera California bytertan Homes. llr. Utt ls survived by hll Ue, Boanle Jean; a daulbter, · lr1lala Stockton of Lafuna md a IOft, Or. Roter Utt ol UfO. He also leavea four UMlddktrwa md a titter, Mn. .L. DuW ol Ga.dale. T._• famU1 b H 1u11 .. ted '•9'1.or lal 1Ut1 to Hoa1 HiorlaJ Hospital or to St. bnr1 Pnlb)'tertan Cbureb · Newport &.Kb. morphine were sold without prescriptions. Police, who said they've sifted through six months of records at the drug store, report the violations could date back seven years. Pharmacy owner John "Jack" Gearing, a 59-year-old Laguna Niguel residebt, and clerk Anita Gabler, 42, of Dana Point, are free on $25,000 bail after being arrested Dec. 18 on smpicioo of conspiracy to sell morphine . Their arraignment has been set for Jan. 5. But police, who have been assisted in the invesUgaUon by lhe slate Board of Pharmacy and the federal Drue Enforcement Administration, now report they've turned up at least 100 separate violations at the Corona del Mar dru1 store. Investigators said they will ask the Orange County District Attorney's office to file additional charges againat the pair this week. Gearing, reached today at the pharmacy, said be couldn't comment on the charges at Ulla time. He noted, thou1b. that publicity over the police investi1ation hasn't hurt bis business. "If anything," he said, "business bas increased. I'm get~ lots of calls from people who aay they want to help and support me." Police contend tbe pbarmaey aold cl.nap without preac~ to ''drug abuser types' and "re1uJar customers." · Undercover police a1enta, it was reported, pprchued drup from the pbannacy on five oeeuM>m. "We ~UJt wallted up to the tounter, • one lDv..U,ator ..W, ·'and asked for aom• Codeine and•• Sot it." Tb• arrest came a ftu undercover a1ent1 reported.11 purebaaed a quanUtJ of morpblne and IDON tllu 1.000 dru1tablet.t. Diiiy Piiat TUESDAY, DEC. 29, 1981 CAVALCADE STOCKS TELEVISION B2-3 BS BS THE LINE'S BUSY Looking like a scene from a fa miliar Alfred Hitchcock movie. these bl ackbirds line up wing to wing on telephone lines on Golden West Street near Ellis Erma Bombeck has her own set of tips regarding the 'Winter fireplace. See 82. a a r -·-· .• I - o.llY " ......... "'Gery.__ Avenue in Huntington Beach tt•s what ~·ou mi ght call a · party line Marine guilty in teen-ager's car death El Toro man's van struck skater, 15; jury says driver under alcohol influence El Toro Marine Robert Keith Martin has been found guilty of vehicular manslaughter for an April 11 incident in which his va n s truc k a nd k i ll e d a lS·year-old girl roller skating along an El Toro street. fi ve-week-long trial, said she hopes publicity from the trial ·will affect public driving habits. "It was senseless -s!aughter." s he said. Deputy District Attorney Mike Maguire said he was happy with qua rter .mile down th e road before stopping. "He didn't fulfill the legal requirements ... but I think the jury was justified in find ing hi m not guilty on that count,'· srud Maguire. another car when 1t swerved back into the outside lane and struck the curb a nd then the i · vi cli m as she sk ated on the I asphalt next to th e gutter,, according to testi m~ny. .:J The Orange County Superior Court jury also said Martin was guilty of d riving under the influence of alcohol. The jury, which deliber ated a bout four hours Monday. found Martin not guilty of hit-and-run driving in relation to the incident. .hopes publicity will . affect driving habits A blood lest ta ken slightly more than an hour after the incident indicated Martin's alcohol level in his blood was 0.21 percent, said Maguire. A level of 0.10 is considered the legal level for drunkenness. · Caryn Diiorio, a roller skater and an honor student at El Toro High School. died at the scene of the accident at Avenida da La Carlota. Her mother, Barbara Horton. wh o s at th ro u g h th e the conviction, wbicb could send Martin to prison for as long as three years and eight months. He added that the not guilty verdict on the hit-and-r un count was understandable because Ma rtin did c heck t he scene momentarily after the incident. and drove onl y a n oth e r Robert Chatterton, standing in for Martin's regular attorney, Marshall Shulman, asked Judge Everett Dickey for enough lime before sentencing for a complete probationary report on Martin. Dickey set sentencing for Feb. 1. Martin's van had JUSl passed M artm was allowed to remam free on his own recognizance by Dickey, but his driver's license was withheld. Maguire noted that Martin also is facinc prosecution in Central Orange County Municipal Co.urt on a sep a rate charge o f drunkeq driving. Shops and banks ou1 to zap you HOLi DAY REFLECTIONS & SUCH : So me dour·mouthed economists were predicting nobod y would be buying anything for this Christmas season and personall y. I don't know where those guys were hiding. . ~ /:'a\ TOM MURPHlll ~If. Since nobody was going t o b e o ut shopping, I decided to follow m y u s u a l procedure, which is to do all the gift buying on Dec. 24, and give a little last-moment lift to the sagging bu s iness community. The onl y things l found sagging were my knees and shopping bags. One head clerk at a major department store at South Coast Plaza summed up the situation this way: "We may not be setting any records. but we're making money .. :· I DON'T KNOW if the stores were full of shoppers or not . but they sure were full of elbows. I've got the bruised ribs to prove it. I suffered more cheap shots than a Ram quarterback who was behind 51 to 6. Which most of them were this last season. • *. If the economy does have the hiccups, one thing that might help would be if the banks would be faster in coughing up money to the customers. Have you ever noticed tha~ wheQ the bank line is clear out to the cigar store, they have one teller at the windows and 17 employees shuffling paper in the background? When the bank lobby Is vacant. they have eight tellers at the windows. YOU CREEP FORWARD in the line and nnally gel to the window, where the teller tells you : ··vou're ln the wrong line, sir. You should be ln the long one over there. where the &ign says Notes." Maybe that's why they can them tellers. They tell you you're in the wrong line. At. one bank up in Santa Ana -we·u call It Ftrst American Listless -every employee in the place seemed .to be oozing around in slow·motioa. You Inquire lf there'• •problem? "Oh yes sir:· the tell er s ays brightly. ··o ur BUM RAP computer is down. ·· PLEASE NOTE THAT bank computers never. break. malfunction or short-circuit. They always "go down ... Late r they may come up. But right now they're down . You might find il refreshing some day to have a bank person blurt out al you. "The bloody BUMRAP is busted again.·· * * • Let's face it. the computer age is upon us . even to all the video games that were snatched up by the populace ''I aee tM md of tM bank UM"°'°· G«Jrge. G~~,. for Christmas presents. If you don't have a video game at home, you can always go to one of the game arcades or quickie markets . Young people are absolutely addicted to this nonsense. pumping an endless stream of coins lnto the gadgets. ONE ARCADE OPENED In Laguna Beach where once there was a nice little tobacco s hop. That's a• applng one kind of addictiQr\for another. You walk into that hole·in·the·wall arcade and the place sounds like a rock concert tape beint played at double normal speed. You don't think lt's an addict.ion? Llaten. behind tbe clerk'a counter al the Laguna video areade, there'• a lar1e nol1ce that proclaims, "U Sneaky Sml&h 'Com• ln Hefe, Don't Let Him Play ... Call His FaUMfr Once!" Only the name was chanted to p...._ jullty . Honest. .1 ,, . . Orange Cout OAJLY PtLOTfTueeday, O.Cemb« 29, 1981 Dow Jones Final Off 2.09 cloelng•.21 • • ID reVIew It was an acti.oo-packed year ln the bualneH world. Here were some or the top stories ot 1•1: -Standard OU or Ohio, nu.sh wlth Alaalr:an crude oil, put $1.8 biUloo on the table to scoop up Keoneeott, the nation's largest copper producer. -Du Pont, already No. 1 ln the chemical industry, emeried victorious in a three-way battle for Conoco, the nation's ninth largest oU company. It was the biggest takeover in U.S. bualneu blatory: $7.5 billioo. Seagram, one ol tbe runnerup1, didn't come out too badly: it now owns 20 percent ol Du Pont, the seventh largest company ln America. Jifobil, the other runnerup, then pursued Maratbon Oil and got Into a shouting match with U.S. Steel. which has rinaUy tired or the steel business. -General Foods got out or the rut-tood business by selling off its Burger Chef chain but went into the packaged wiener and bologna business by acquirinl Oscar Mayer for $460 million. -Prudential Insurance, world 's laraeat insurance company, bought Bache, one or the nation's largest stockbrokers. -Not to be outmaneuvered, American Express bought another large stockbroker, Shea.non Loeb Rhoades. I -And also not be left at the cash register, Sears, Roebuck bought still another lirrge stockbroker, Dean Witter Reynolds. -Merrill Lynch and E.F. Hutton didn't seU out lo anyone. -Nabisco, the cookie and cracker maker, joined for ces with Standard ~ Brands, a food a n d I i q u o r ~~ o purveyor, to -----------·)-I.~ ~r:~eP ~ :~~ 11011 •mnz ?''.:+ Nabisco ~--Brands . It's ranked fourth in the food industry. -In 1976, when Roy Ash. former bead of IJtton Industries and former top Nixon and Ford aide, took over the com pany formerly known aa Addressograpb -Multigraph -it's now AM International -he moved the headquarters from Cleveland to Los Angeles, where be bappem to live. In 1981, Ash was ousted, and a Chicacoan, Richard B. Black, took command or the company losine a lot ol money. So now AM lntemati.onal's headquarters have been moved again -to Chicago of course. Al so moving across the country from Loa Angeles, where he had been president of AUantic Richfield, was Thorton Bradshaw, who toot over aa the new chief at RCA in New York. One or the first to leave after Bradshaw's arrival wu NBC chief Fred Silverman, who, having held the top procram spot at all three networks. now bad no place to 10. STOCKS IN THE SPORIGHT AMEllCAN LEADEIS UPS AND DOWNS MaW VC.C IA~ -~ ._ ..... , ......... ~--~· ..... =, .... ,.,.., ... .., ........ ..... . ...,,.,...,.w .......... ., .• ........ • .... . I e,.., .. ~ tM.7'. fl/I .... ....... CNMl,. ... 1""'•~ ....... ... l'.a. fCW'fONllN')-----..... --~ ...... ------~---...... -..--- 1. II I~=~ . :.:·~ " . Ii METALS c .. ~ 7t~ .. I <•"h e "",_.· U.S. -~ ~D:-MC..-e,....... ZlllC a ... _.--. • .._... TlaS7.-~WeM1-*tt.. A......_7~nc.-.e ....... N.Y . ..,_., .. ., .. _ ..... . ~NM.•tnoret., N.'f. SILVER "~&.._,., .. _,...,_ GOLD QUOTATIONS (