HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-05 - Orange Coast Pilot• • • • • • YOUR HOMETOWN DAllY PAPll TUESDAY JANUARY "> Pl82 ORANGE COUNTY C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS .t. n B11rglars hit new Laguna hank \ f. u • Judge nullifies creation law in Arkansas LI'M'LE ROCK, Ark. CAP> - A federal judge struck down Arkansas' creationism law today, ruling that it violates the constitutional separation of church and st.ate. U.S. District Judge Willlam Overton declared that the purpose of the legislation was to advance religion in violation ot q1e First Amendment prohibition against lawa that advance or inhibit relllion. The law, which wu to take effect next faJI, required public schools that teach tbe theory of evotution to give balanced treatment to the theory known as creation science. . Oyuton's 40-paae decision said that even though the law Aerospace layoff iri NB seen says the legislative purpose is not to advance religion, the only inference that can be drawn from~ the circumstances -under whicn the law was drafted and passed is that the purpose is religious. ••It was simply and purely an effort to introduce the biblical version of creation into the public school curricula," Overton said. Evolutionists say life developed slowly over millions of years. Creatloniatt aay a supernatural force formed tbe world suddenly and relatively recenUy. The law forbids tbe UM of religioua wdtin11 Ja U.e claasn)Om. Overt.mi ruled iD a Mil...._ by the Amertean a.u ~ Union cballeqlq U. a.w. State Sen-. Jim Hol1ted1 D-North little Rock "IM llftG the creatiaoiam l;sb.iatioa • tM Senate early in 1111. The federal court trial of tbe ACLU's lawsuit ended Dec. 17. The ACLU flied ill lawsuit in May on bebalf of 23 plaiDWfa, including rellgloua leaders, D e c 1 i n in g o r d e rs for scientists and educaton.' Sidewinder and Chap_ar:_ral During the nine-day trlal. missiles will result in the layoff ACLU attorneys argued that the · of 175 prodl\Ction workers at law is too vague, violates the Ford Aero s Pa ce and constitutional separation of Co mmunication s Corp. 's church and state and infringes NAeronutBeronhic Division i n on academic freedom. ewport ac . Louis Heilig ice prestdenf The Balanced Treatment for and general ~anager of the C r e at_ ion ·Sc i e n c e and division, said "The Army 4D<Lfivoluhoo-Sclence Act -w as the Air Fotte1 don't have money approved with little debate to buy the missiles they want to during the final days of the 1981 buy.._ leglslati~on. G~ank "The growth that we had White signed the bill into law in troped for In tactical and March and later said he bad not deployable forces and missiles read it. to fill out jnventory is not The ACLU said the law is an coming at the rate _forecast by attempt by fundamentalists to the Army, Navy, All' ~?rce. ~ force a literal interpretation of Department of Defense, Heilig Genesis into the public schools said. , as science. The state aa~ there On Friday, 100 workers wlll be is scientific evidence to support · laid off, with the balance creationism. receiving their notices within The state bad said that if it the ne~ ~W,O months. For~ laid lost, it probably would appeal to off 80 division employees an the the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of past two months. Appeals in St. Louis. Malavasi ousts 4 assistant coaches By TM Aleeela&ed Preu Four Uliltant coaches with the Loa An1eles Rama have been ued followiq the team's diamal 1111 1eason and two otbera may be on their way out, the Lo1 An1elea Herald Examtner reported today. Offm1lve coordinator lJoneJ Taylor coaftnned Monday that Coach Ray llalavul uked for hla re1l1natlon. Tb• Herald Examinlr uld tbe otben ftred by llalavaal are defenalee coordinator Bu• Carson, off ea1lve baelrfleld eoaeb ae,.,nu ow. and defenalve line coaeb ,.,.... Lauterbur. ''I talked to llay and I d8flnltMJ won't be back.'' uid Taylar. "Ray uld It wu ~aUH al a ebanse ID pbdoloplay. It'• JUlt part of the pme. t bave DCJthlftl .. alnlt ..,, He'•. •oocl coeeb ud I r11111 et Ida cleetaloD. '' Tb••:c-•.W ....... ... tbe ••iatutl ... uaa vallabl• •••day for eom...-. LOI A....... oeee virtually owned the Western Division of the National Football Conference, waa 8-10 in 1981 and did not mate the playoffs. It wu the National FootbalJ Lea1ue club's wont record since 1965. However, on New Year's Eve Ram owner Georgia Frontier. 1a ve llalavaal a vote of confldeace for next season. Carson, 50, and Taylor, 45, came to the Rama from the Pllt1bur1b Steelers. Canon, wiU. the Rama four years, baa been cWemlve coordlnator for tbe l• three after one year M defen••v• backfield eoaeb. Taylor bM been the off..tve ooardinator for the Ram1 the lut two yean after =•· three .... OM eoHIUq WW. "*•lwn. Dixon. '1, .... .,._ Wltll tbe Ram1 for two Ha1ota1 alter aervlnl u atbJ«je dlreet«: IDd football coecb It a bllla iei.oGI ID Oakland. Lauterbur, ~t • eoaelMd UM dtf...aft UDe wa "., lltM :c ............... ftMH .. .......... ~ 4 .,.,...,.... TREACHEROUS TIMES -An elderly man is assisted across fast moving water by a Valle.io police offi cer during flooding Monday that devastated Northern California than eight inches or rain fell in 12 hour~ M01 t• Mudslide traps 3 children Rain-created muck crushes home atop second house By Tiie Associated Press A huge, rain-swollen mudslide plowed through a Pacifica home amt dumped its second story atop another house, crushing it and trapping three children in it under tons of mud, authorities said today. "I don't see how they could have survived," said Pacifica Fire Chief Cal Hinton. Rescuers bathed in spotlights dug frantically with shovels and heavy equipment today to find Billy Velez, 9, and his sisters, Michele, 14, and Melissa, 4, after the slide swept into the home on Oddstad Boulevard in the Linda Mar District at the southern end of Pacifica shortly after 11 p.m. Monday. Hinton said fire crews ripped off the root of the house and saw only mud. · The trapped children were identified by a neighbor, Leslie Braun, as bulldozers attempted to above a mountain of mud away from the scene. "The last Ume I saw them was Chrlatmas," she said. * * * ...... MARIN COUNTY -Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. was expected to declare a state or e mergen cy in Marin County today aft er rains washed homes off hills ides. Arrow shows where children were trapped. The slide, fueled by three days of rain, fiooded the street with a sea of mud &> to .60 yards long * * *' and sent rivers up to three feet d eep thr-ough the Linda Mar District. A 60-yard sectiol'I of one boulevard wa$ washed out by the rushing water and mud. "It's a grim situation." said Deputy Fire Chief Gary Stofan The rather of the children. William Velez, was staying with neighbors and made period appearances at the scene. Authorities said the death toll from the storm had risen to 13. including the three children Meanwhile, authorities sought dis aste r relie f today after several thousand people were nooded Crom their homes when one of the wors t storms on record in Northern California derailed trains and forced the closing of schools and hi~hways Al least five deaths were blamed on the storm, according lo authorities. One unidentified person died when a house s lid oft Its foundation in Tiburon. More than 101h Inches or rAln fell in 24 hours in Kentfield in Marln Countv. (See NORTH, Page-AZ) ... * * Heavier rain/ all due in area Syst~m moving toward coast along· with gu~ty wi~ds lb PIDL SNEIDERMAN ... ...., ........ 'Reatber forecaste rs are adri1lq residents to keep their umbrel1aa handy tonight· and 'Redneaday · becau se of contlnuinf rainy cond.itfons. • I Altboulb the-atol"pl that be~an affeetln1 Soutber,a Call(ornla ' Monday afternoon wac relatively mild overnltht, fOl'ffalMln laid a new ayatem mcmaa lD "-1 th• ocean would brlDI heavier rala lbrou1b WedMldQ afternoon. , QrMI• Oout ,..ldenta wen lotd to -..et .._., rain, Pl• gusty aoutbtrly wmda at 15 to 20 mph, becoming westerly Wednesday. For boaters, a small craft advisory was in effect off the , coast throu&h t.onlR}tt. One fatal traffic accident and nu m eroua fendeT·bender colllsiona were reported on Oran1e -County' a rain-allcked streets and lllahway1. • Tbe California Hl1hway PatroJ reported that Fraaela McDerlbOtl. •. Of i.o.na Unda w u kllled In a bro•d1lde colllaloa • 5:• p.m. lhllllla, oa the Rlfttitde ..,...,.,, mear Anabetmfltll. Tb• *"" fll tM other .-. Vernon Ja,cobs, 26. of Placentia, WH ~to Anaheim Memorial He>spital for treatment of moderate injuries. Police in Costa Mesa rep<>rted that minor inJurtes occurred in two ol lS traffic accidents durin1 . the storm lltonday ntght. Some fioodlnl was reported today on Balboa lsla11d. the Balboa ~naula and on Paclllc Coast Hiehway near tbe Newport Boulevard overpass. La1una Canyon 1toad, whlch i• often plaaued b,v nooctina. wu reported open to traffic early today. altbou1h police were warnln1 motorists to drive 1lowlv. Thieves take $25~000 By JOHN NEEDHAM Of lM Dally ...... Matt At least two thieves -one small in stature -;--broke into th4t newly opened Laguna Natioml Bank and Trust Co. in Lapna Beach sometime during the New Year's weekend, stealln1 a~ $25,000 in cash, accordinl to J>Qlice. Detective Alex Jimenes~ Lagu na Beach Polle Department said the theft w discovered by bank emplo Monday morning when it ror business. He said the bent " had been closed s ince l;fs >' Thursday • Jimenez s aid the bur1l ' entered the two-story ban buildi n g, localed at u•· Broadway, by jimmyin1 the lock on a door which leads to a crawlhole on the roof of the' structure· . Once over the bank vault, t.b.r thieves used high speed 4lrillk · and sa.ws to cut a 14 by 18-incll hole in the steel encasem•t. Jimenez said. He said once the bole wu cut. one of the burglars who must have been small because ol the size of the access hole, dfOPPed intd the vault and scooped up $25.000 in cash from tellers' cub drawers. '• Jimenez said none of tbe bank's safe deposit boxes were , touched and some cash was left behind. When the thieves left, thej tried to conceal the hole they h a d m a d e i n t h e v a u I tr, accordrng to Jimenez, and at.o carefully picked up all their tools. • J imenez said the bur1lara apparently were familiar wttli the layout of the recentlJ renovated bank, which opelMMI for business Dec. 1. ·'Though the1 knew their WAf around inside, they apparenUJ weren't as familiar with the workings of the bank, aine there wasn't much money int» vault." Jimenez said. He said the alarm system at the bank failed to function during the burglary. Wbetbei' the thieves disconnected it or nae has not been determined. J. Jimenez said alarm syltelll personnel would be examiainl the bank's burglar alarm toda.t to determine if it had beea. tampered with, or bad simply~ fai led to work. .• He said local police and acenta of the FBI were checkinl _. workers who might have b .. <See THEFT, Pa1e .U> DRINGI CUil IUllll·.~ ,: Showers heavy t.ooltbt. Chance of rain decreulq· .• l o 6 0 p e r c e n t b y· Wednesday nt1ht. Gu.ty' southerly winds ts to • mph becominl wuterlJ Wednesday. Toai1bt'1 lows in 40s. Hl1b1 Wednesday ln upper IOI. 111111 TlllY 11111 \ ...... o. Bnilm ''· ls .. ..... ttate ol re? I a 'la ..... Centy ar. Hid WU?l .. Ward, lOOlll m.....,. .,,. .. state fice ol S-.mtf 9tnlees kl Qncont. 'hi aetlon clean tbe • y , •• ,, ·-~=-f« Uleral ••••....., to the ar-. _ _people cited ad etunc to eadl • other u tbeJ lt:ruded cold and wet int.o Clolenl Gt lemporlJ')' shelten eltabJlsh.t by relief agenclee. al6il Pat &...,.. el the Red Crou. <:eatral Md NlftMlil CU11orn1a, all of Utab, ..u. ... t Wyomlq aad tbl Oolorlde Rockl•. Tbt mow cloMd actaools ln two nortbtra Arlaona cltlM today and many bt1hway1 were uowpacked and Icy, lneludilla about 100 mil• ol Inttnta&e 40 on both 1lde1 of Fl111taff. Schooll were cl~ ln Flapwf and WIWama. Acroea the country Monday, ' wines. were fterce. Windl reached 90 mph at the top of tM Cleveland Blectrlc Ulumlnatlna Co. bulldln• ln Cl•vtlaa•, 85 mph on a mountala rt.lie at Park Clt,y Mi resort wat 'c){SaJt Lake City and · eo mpl) in ,.,.u of tlllnola and Wlaeonlin. ''Tbll mlaerable wind'• been blowlq llDce Sunday momln.f,'' Caribou CountY. CommlS11oder One of Oran1e Co'4nty'a resulted from information tbat a lon1e1t runnift& criminal cues QDt ·time crime ,partner of ca}Jle to an abrupt bait ltOftday • ' Crano'• was set to testify when ~onvlcted killer Jlobert a1aln.1t b1m. Edward Crane unexpectedly According to defense lawyer pleaded 1wlty' to first-de1ree James Brustman, t.he potential murder cbartes tor the shotgun witness, identified as David 1layln1 of an ex-convict in Owena of Lone Beach, bad Huntiniton Beach four years 1poken with Crane on the ago. December. 1977, evening that Crane, 32, a reputed leader of Cochran ~as killed. . the Aryan Brotherhood prison Owens lS currently an J nmate 11ng, entered bi! surprise plea at a federal prison in Marion, before Orange County Superior Ill., where he-waa aent after Court Judge James K. Turner, being. convicted of robbin1 a who immediately sentenced him bank m the San Fernando Valley to life imprisonment wit.bout In ~ 977 .. Crane was also. possibility of parole. convicted m µiat robbery of a The chanee in plea from Bank of _Amenca ~ra.lch. Innocent to guilty in the slaying Crane s change m plea, though of KeMetb Wl)'De Cochran 29 . unexpected, meant that he no whose body wu found at Dols~ longer faced ·the possibility of Cbica State Beach, apparently being sent to San Quentin's Robert Andenon Hld Mond.ay nl1ht after snow blown by ~ mph Ju•t• closed road• In ctntr and aout.bern Idaho. Jn Seattle, wbtre snow 11 r!:i the 1&.eep4et 1tnell were el Monday becauae of 2 lncbt1 ol anow and a sheet of lee. Three tornadoes touched do~ Monday ln North Carolina ind another hit Canton, Ga., deatroylnc an airplane han1ar. D~ath Row if convicted by a jury In Cochran's slaying. · The former prison parolee, whose court appearances were always characterized by extremely ti1ht courtroom securitY., bad previously been convicted in the early 1978 slayina of Huntington Harbour jeweler Wayne Golin. Crane was give n a life sentence without possibility of parole in that cue also . During that trial, it was alleged that Crane was planning a series of armed robberies in the Orange Coun,ty-Los Angeles County areas and that he killed Cochran, a San Jose resident, because of his reputation as an informer. Cochran's body was found dumped along the beach with Doan Laureen, an area mana1er ot Carolina Power 4' Ll•ht Co., Hid one twister that blt Oxford, N.C. "split t.he town rlcbt down the middle and cut a 1w1tb about half a mite wide." No Injuries or major dam11e were reported. At least eight tornadoes touched down in central and northern Alabama and rbers were runninf( above flood level , wounds lo both his kneecap and in bJa back, an execution method favorea by the white supremacist Aryan Brotherhood or1anJaation, the prosecutor · said. · Golin, a 41·year-old father Ot two, waa shot to death durlnc a holdup at bis Jewelry store ID Seal Beach in January, 1978, after he pulled a gun from beneath a counter. Crane's rour years in Orange County Jail were amone the most spent by any inmate at the facility. His case had been delayed three times by the California Supreme Court on legal technica1iti15. Convict.et! with Crane in the killing of Golin was Eddie Tyler Burnett, 31. Monday ln partl of Georjla, South Ca.roUna aDd Ktntucaui. Some parts of New York state were flooded near Lake £rte. which WU puttied above Oood 1ta1• by hip wlndJ durina an Ice 1tonn MOQday. Roads in eutero and central New Vortt· were etrewn with dented and abandoned car• Monday mQrnln1 ai frffzint rain ftolted toada. N E W NSA -D e puty Secretary of State ' William P . Clark is the nation's new national security adviser. replacing Richard V Allen. "We don't know bow many we're ~ for, • et least a thous.-~ ~ .-.. Monday bight as die ltOrm ,_in a bowl ~ 1'11 gaJe-foree winds. . l loti"J'm wre this storm wilL ,.,_.ove to equal ~r exceed records Ofdr 24·hour raiof all period," said bfrelth Ewlna, chief forecaster ()A>r the .National Weather ~ized boat pot case 'mother ship'? Clark gets NSC post; Allen out Ship taken off coast of Malibu in Huntington Harbour marijuana case Service in Su Fr ..... -o. "21 But relief ••• •head "&\:cordial . to th• 1htionaf i4teatber Semce, wbid\ forecast <"~ltat the ralna woW4 taper off ''Pues day and Wednesday, ·leaving •bowen aeattered around Northern Calllwnia. Repairs were expected to cast millions of dollars In Marin, Sonoma. SiDta Crua and other counties in Ute San Francisco area, offtdab-nid. Tf'avel temained difficult with wany roads and bridges cjosed ./P water or mudslides, including f>Vretches of the scenic eoast&I u\JJghw~ r.at Ri,inr.y 101, the o flain coastal arte'ry. • Marin officials said more than ~ schools would be closed. A 67 -foot fishing boat seized off the coast of Malibu was described by U.S. Coast Guard officials as the s uspected "mother ship" in a marijuana sm uggling operation that allegedly unloaded $15 million worth of pot at Huntington Harbour. The crew of the Cout Guard cutter Point Bridge and tWo Los Angeles poll~ officers boarded the ~brimp boat Sunburst at about"'9:45 p.m. Monday as it la,y at anchor a quarter -mile on Paradise Cove near Malibu Pier, Coast Guard Chier Peter 1'llen said. A Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy spotted the ship from shore earlier Monday. Allen said a federal warrant had been issued ror its seizure. "That particular ship was the one we were lookine for," he said. On Sunday. a uthorities seized four 24.-foot cru iser s 1lnd Colombian marijuana valued at $15 million during a raid at a Los Aneeles warehouse. Six Colombians and three U.S. citizens were arrested in what officials d escribed as a "sigpificant dent". in Southern CaJltorn.ia drug smuggling. Officials beli eve the marijuana was packed on a ship in Colombia and transferred to smaller boats of! the California coast. The s maller cruisers came in at Huntington Harbour and were loaded on trailers wilh the drugs still aboard at a dock o.n Warner Avenue east of Pacific Coast Highway, authorities said. OncE: at t.he warehouse. the mairl~l!.na was purportedly loaded mt.o vans for distribution, officials said. Allen said the Sunburst's lone occupant s urr endered peac e fully . H e wasn 't immediately identified. •'Residue and the odor of marijuana was found In all compartments," of the boat, although no quantities of the drug were aboard, All~n said. The Point Bridge was taking the Sunburst to Terminal Island where it was to be turned over to U .S. Customs agents today. A l len said the s hip was com m ercially owned a nd registered in Astoria, Ore. Los Angeles police offic1aJs say the arrests c ulminated a s ix·month investigation that included police, cu~toms agents. Coast Guard officials and fede r al Drug Enforcement Agency authorities. Coast Guard officials say that th e a lleged s mug gle r s apparently chose to enter at Huntington Harbour because it is somewhat secluded. Officials say they also could have chosen to enter at three other local harbors -Long Beach, Dana Point and Newport. WASHINGTON (AP > President Reagan. opting for a national security adviser with more authority tha n he gave deposed Richard V. Allen, is turning lo a long-time confidante with little experience ln roreign arfa1rs The president carried out the rirsl major personnel shakeup or his administration Monday by naming Deputy Secretary of State William P~ Clark Jr. to replace Allen. whose resignation was ··mutually agreed upon." Al the same time, Reagan said Clark. 50, would be given dally access to the Oval Office, something Allen lacked. J ' It was the fourth day of rain ce New Year's Eve when an rlier storm s tranded usands of skim in Sierra v ada •DOW whU dampln1 'l~in along tbe coast. Schmitz censure vote due for Senate? Allen reported to Reagan th rough presidential counselor K.dwin M eese 11r. who coordinates domes ttc and foreign policy. ~. As many as 100,000 llqmes , ere wi~ ~ at •ariGus mes, utility ottidala reperted. A pair of Ulen eat leese fr'9m an enclosare on a prt•ate La Ronda estate in San Mateo '1ounty, autboritia said. One ger was quietly c811(.ured, but ts 175-pouDd lll'ate eluded searchers. • ' "Dot1•t • Hk •• llow tbat bap~~ sbertfrs s,t. ~frim ~ll_!pry. ..we•re still ~~21•&~-·' ~~; .. llliaccest to ti 1!1'-W .. ...., }6 which rwmer~!'M ... aa ... ·lkutomoblle ~·it n. · tq)uildl., 1'19 • lllilc}iiit. ·"WO ~ a' . ...,, ·lllJim ... ...: . • .-- '1d . The' New .-........i bfl>ur••* 1'11t :Iii '-«Bank ·....u.r 110 to a plate in ll 11Lacua11 a.ty 10 yean l'lago. . · I a Over tile wee&.S of Man:b 24-27, tm.. a sttUed le am of ?urglanPdrilled. ~luted ..ct hipped tu way lllto the VJult of I the llourda aa, Branch of '! United Celiloraia Bant, now First lnUn&ate Bank. : An eetteated $1 million in I cash, Jeweill. rare eotns and oetoflabl'i. ••cd•Ues were , taken. 'The case ftl rated the biccest bank burllarY in u.s. history. Several Ohio residents suMeq\.lelllUJ were arrested in connecu .. wUla the crime, I convMllll _. .. , to federal priso&. S ACRAMENTO (AP > - Critics of st.le Sen. John Schmitz' attack on abortion ·rights advocates are planning to ask the Senate to formally censure the conservative Orange County Republican. Senate President Pro Tem David Roberti and Sen. Alan Sieroly, both Los Angeles Democrats, said Monday tbat a censure resolution would be introduced, but that it had not been decided when the move would be made or who the author would be. "I would think it's safe to say there's going to be a resolution," said Roberti, addins that be would support the measure. Sieroty said Schmitz' critics were discussine "who the most appropriate author would be." If approved , the censure motion would constitute an official reprimand of Schmitz. Legislative officials did they were not aware of any senator ever having been censured in California history. Sch mitz was remove a as chairman of the ConslitutiQnal Amendmen\s Committee and from two other Senate posts last · month after he issued a press .release attacking abortion rights supporters, Solidarity leaders facing expulsion By T1'e Aueclated Press Martial law chief Gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski indicated he might expel Solidarity leaders from Poland ·and said be would "have no objection" if Weste rn countries took them in, diplomatic sources said today. Jaruzelsld , meeting with 10 Common Market ambassadors Monday in Warsaw, dld not indicate whether Solidartty leader Lech Walesa might be among those expelled, according to diplomatic s ources in Brussels, Belgium, The sources refused to be identified. Wales a bas been under house arrest since martial law was imposed Dec. 13 and tbe independent labor federation bu been l\lllN!D(led. J aruaelski alao told tbe Common Market envoys be was 1radu11ly releaain1 som e intern~ea who bad signed "guarantee• they would no tonier take i>art In subv~ve activit.Jes," l.he sources said. The French newspaper Le Malin quoted a Polish Catbolic pries t, identified only as a Solidarity supporter and a friend of Walesa, as saying Walesa's quarters are changed every two or three da¥S for fear he may try to escape. The paper quoted Walesa's wife as saying he was in good health but eats little because he fears being drugged. L e Matin also s aid the military r eg ime r·efused Walesa's CQnditions for talks, which inc lude having jailed Solidarity m ember& and Ar c hbishop J ozef Glemp, Poland's primate, attend the talks. None of the reports could be lndependenUy confirmed. The Polish government bas acknowledged that 5,SOO Poles have been detained under martial law, but Western sources say the number could be u high as 50,000. Qeeallecl .,......_ 11...U-M'71 All.....,, ........... M2-tn1 Jaru&elstl mel for two hours witb the ambassadors as Common M arket foreign m inisters convened in an emer1ency aeulon in Bruuell to consider the PoUJb cri•i•. Radio Warsaw 1ald Jaruaelskl dr ew the amb1s11dors' "attention to the lmport.ance of the economic and trade eJtcban1es between East and Weal for the conaoUdatton of, European peace." Meanwhile, Yu1oslavla'11 1overnment newspaper Borba reported from Warsaw tba~ Poland'• leaden were~ Communltt Party ranlia, -ana that many party memben were turniq in their party card.I ID protHt over the mllltary tdMVW aad M of --~ that tbe ,.ty b8d IOlt UM fllAtb OIPolee. The release, describing ~ aeries of bearings Schmitz held on an anti-abortion measure. r e ferred to the m easure's opponents .as "buU dykes" and '·murderous marauders" and called feminist attorney Gloria Allre d "a s l ick but c h lawyeress." At a Los Angeles hearing, Schmitz said he looked out on a .. sea of hard. J e wis h and <arguably) female faces." Critics said the remarks . amounted to anti-Semitism. and the Democratic majority on the Senate Rules -Committee voted to r e move Schmitz from t.he Constitutional Amendments Committee chairmanship, the vice c hairman s hip o f the Industrial Relations Committee and as the Se nat e's representative on the Commission on the Status of Women. Sieroty said the additional step of censuring Schmitz was necessary because "it's very important that t.he Senate make clear that this kind of statement a nd attitude i s jus t not acceptable in American politics. "I don't think Utis is a Jewish . issue because i n Ame rican society we have stron& feelings that our country is made up of many minorities an<l that's one of its great strengths," said Sieroty, who is.Jewish. ''To begin to attitck one or m or e of these minorities. to separate them out as Senator Schmitz is doing. really begins lo follow the pattern that we saw in Germany (before World War II). ''It's important that non-Jews who didn't recognize it in Germany recognize it now as not acceptable and not being within the democratic tradition," he added. Sieroty said he thought that Schmitz, who also drew cri t icism for an ea rlier statement that a military coup might be.needed if Reagan economic programs failed, was trying to line up right-wing support for bis U.S. Senate campaign. "I think he wants to be the l ea der of this extreme right-wing group that he sees emerging in this country,·· Sieroty said. ~-···· ~~ . ..,,,,,,,~ Mil .... "''~ ciir lo ftt """ M0'6t ,.,.,... . d.ocw dw "'" ..,. """ ,,,,,.. Clark, a former California Supreme Court justice, was Reagan·s chier or starf when Reagan was governor of California and is one or the most se ni or memb ers o f the president's inner circle. He began work today in the same White House basement ofhce Allen used. White House spokesm;m Larry Speakes said Clark took part in briefing Reagan before the president's meeting with Wes t German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt. Clark later also took part in the session with Schmidt, as did Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr and the German foreign m inister, H ans ·Di e tri c h Genscher. The president, in accepting Alle n's resig nation, said no evidence of wrongdoing had been found in Ju s tice Department and White House probes or the former national security adViser's conduct. Clark brings only a year's experience in foreign policy to his White House post. .35 F;aahlon laland ~ \ . Newport· Beach 1 • . . • '1 . I • l ,.,...._... BABY GOES HOME -Judith Carr holds her week-old daughter Elizabeth -America's first "test-tube" baby as s he leaves Norfolk General Hospital in Norfolk. Va. for home in Westminster. Mass. Boy to keep bike won with help A 12-year-old boy can keep a prize bicycle for turning in the most cans in a metal r ecycling contest. even though his father s upplied cans from the bottling plant wher,e he works. Officials said they knew of the help Eric Dibrlndi~ of Florence. Mass .. received before the contest ended. They awarded a second bike to runn e r up Rachel Burlingame, 7, or Florence. Eric's father. a Coca-Cola Bottling Co. driver, trucked three quarters of a ton or Coke cans to the contest headquarters and credited the loads to his son, contest officials said. ll '1 been n~1trly eltbl montbl since t~ 1unny day · in Rome's St. Peter's Square when Ana Odre was felled by gunfire which also wounded Pope Job Pul IJ. Since then, th.e Qt-year-old woman has undergone four operations and has quit ber Job in Buffalo as a r e c e p ti o.n i s t f o r h e r son·ln -law, Or. Tbomaa K'eajarskl. be cause of injuries. She was shot in the chest in the attack. She kiddingly refers to lhe scars len on her abdomen by lt)e operations aa the "Burma Road." Lt. Col. Gary Nelsoa is a fighter pilot who says "thers is nothing else I'd rather do. He c.-tainly has done a lot of it. Nelson, 41, has put in 4,410 h o u rs f I y i n g_ th e F · 4 D Phantom 11 righter bomber in his 19 years of military service. That works out to half a year of non-stop. 24-hours-a .day flying. According lo Lt. Kevin Crelger, a public affairs spokesman at MacDill Air Force Base in Florida. Nelson has flown more than any other pilot in that type of airplane. When Nelson is on the ground. he commands the 63rd Squadron, one of four• righter sq uadrons at Mac Dill. A motion for a new trial in the nearly nine-year -old Cbad Everett· P.aternity suit was denied, but the attorney for the child or the woman suing Everett says she sill appeal. third time a court had so ruled. Ms. Scott claimed Everett fathered Dale Everett, now 8, on Aug. 16, 1972. when the actor visited her i~er apartment. Two m onths ago, a Superior Court jury decided that Everett, 45, was not the father of lh~8-year·old son or actress Sheila Scott the 8,ut Everett denied under oath ever having intercourse with Ms. Scott who was an extra on TV's ··Medical Center" series when Everett had the starring role. """GO-GO-GO -As tronaut Joe Engle cheers as he watches Clemson and Nebraska clash in the Orange Bowl in Mi'3mi. .... ·coastal Rain bKoml119 llHvy lod•Y wlln Rain. will remain Pl•t••u tf\rou9h Wllcon1ln •nd nortMrn Ml(N-1n lite jOo '""' .o. from th• wuthotr" Pl•tns to the "°""'*'n All-I< c;o. ... tn lhe 10. In touthern Flor~ •no \Oi.lt~m T~x•s. 411'<1 In the JO> ;tf'd 00. elW!•Mr• showers <onl lnulno ton10111 •nd ----------- Wedn•sd•Y War~ t~m0treturet, T 1on'9111. LOW\ lonlQM from 0 lo SO emperatureS Hlolts tc1dey -wocs,,...,.y ss to .o Gusty ""11h to '°"'lhUSI w ind$ U lo mATION Umph U.S. summary •yTIM-let.M ..... s A wr!H ol ''°""' ,,.,,. proctuo:ed flood\ -1~ In IN South, 1..-S -muchllOH In C.hlornla. Icy ,,_ In Mew EnQland .,,., mo-. snow In lhe RocklK, Nor'l-.•I and Midwest A storm roll1119 ashore from the Paclllc c auud lloodlng and mudslidH Monday 11111 \lranoed trroutand' of peopte In San Fr•t1chco•s nor1hern suburbs Several holnH sllO oown sofl-d hlllslcles. TM C--RocklK , where 6!1> Ifft of ~ elrudy covered tlte oround, -e blested by 1 bllnard wllll wind VUt11nQ "Cl lo as mph. •nd wlno.drlftft srow Kcumulated 2 IHt clHp ""'°" Ille mountains Of Or- and ldeho. S-alto -Kr<IU WIKOMlll, Kenws, 1-.. Mls-..1, Illinois .,,., MIC hi~ Mllw-• was vir1.,.lly '1tul .,_n under f-4eep .,_ In IN wonl snowstorm tllere lrt JS vean Cleveland was hll with to mph wind, rein and lwtll, -ll91tln1119 kno<ked out _., to eboul ... ooo homes ano buslne~. Mk hloen got u mPfl wlndaMuoloef_ ol ....._ In the~ulh, where a doren aornedoes hit lete Sundo, lll•H twflteo loucllOd cl0•1n Moncley In North Cerollna and another 1111 Centon, Ga . dHl,oylno an airplane r.enoer. Showers end thundtrtlorms eat-frem nor1flern Florlcle lo ~ m~tt..,.lc Coesl ttatn - ocross "°"""'*.,,. Olllo. ano riven wreeci fAWn IMlr -. In Geo,91a. Kef'tucky Md IN Cerollnti. S11ow and freulno ••In Iced •11w1nv Albuque Am•rUlo Ancllor- AU'tevilf~ Allenta Allenlc CJv Ba1nmort Blrmln91>m Blsmero Boise Botton 8rowntvlf• Buffalo C""ritln SC C""rlStnWV crwv.,,.,. ChiC"90 Ctn<1nn;ttl Clenlencl Columbus Oel·Ft Witt Denver Des Moines 0.lroll Duluth EIPHO Felrlwlnl" Heriford Hel .... H-lulu Houston lndnapll• JeOsnvll~ Juneau IC ans City l asV- Lltlle lloct< LOUllYlll• Memphis Mleml Miiwaukee Mpls-St.P NHltvllle H-Or.._ N-YeMI Norlolk Okla Chy o ........ HI LO ., 19 .. H 10 S4 SI SJ SS SS -07 A7 SS 10 ,. 641 ., 31 l1 so S1 SI 60 0 II 0 11 10 ,. ·02 ., AS :.. ., .. 10 1) )() '8 Orlenclo lA Phil•clPhlf .. P,_nl• " PltrsburQh 1• Pll•nd ~ n Pllel'd Ore 14 ll•plcl C•IY 21 ll~no 1'1 J!lchmono JS S;all Leke ll S.allle °' SI Lou•• 1' SI P·Ta,._ 00 SI Sle-i. •1 10 Sookane OJ .OJ Tulu S2 1t w .. 1t1ng1.n : ~ Wlchlle •l so )7 ,. 14 M APCllt Velley n oo Be".,'"*'" 21 11 B.,stow ~ JA Beaumont so :n Bio Bur .. 31 BlslloO Q JS Blyllw IO 7S Catalln;t >O U Culver Cllv 16 OS Eureke S2 l7 Lan<Hter ~ SA l~O Btkll 51 :II lotAngel.s 6' 60 Maryl•llle " V Monlabello 10 00 Monterey 641 Ml.Wit_, lS NffcllH 36 Newpo1'1 Bff<h JA Oeklend U Ona.rio 1' Pas-... ,. Peso RoCllK 32 II lverslcle •Red Bruit 11 Redwood City 11 R- 71 S.C:ramento 61 S.llnes u 70 36 28 tt 71 27 16 so SI 0 11 S.n BerNtdino ll S.n Gebrtel 1S S.n Dleooi> Jt Sen Fr encisc;o 14 SanJ- SOnl• AM S011t• 8•blt•a HI Le Senta Merlo St 24 Santa Monico SS 0 SlloOtan " n TNrm;a1 4l JO Torr aftC9 41 1' Yuma 31 20 M JO !: !; AmllerClan\ 41 u AtNns 51 u Banoll°' SI J9 Beirut ... '""" : :; ... 11 .. 61 • :=,. se " B'Alr.s SLOUL AO SS M Sl " SS St SI 36 " u •I so J2 SS St S4 S3 ,. S3 S4 ,. • " w . ., HI Le .. 4t ... . " n .. . " ,. • a ... '° 56 " ..... llloflw•'f• In Ul>llele N-York and ,..,--------------------Now EftQlend, clotlno lluMreos of Cairo c.races c-"~ n •· ., Ml K-IS. TomtlOf'....,... around IN netlon •I -PST ral90 ""°"' e tow Of t7 .,.,_ ioro ot CllttNN!k, MonL, to a "'Ill ota.e v_ .._,,,,. •. For todlrf, -.... ~-• fTom ttw G ..... 911111 "'-" CM colllrel llodlltt 81111 ftOr1llom Ar'-. ocrOM the ~ PlelM Into I"" OrHt Lei!" ,...eeit, Md owr lnlafld N- Yetk Md New '°""Md. Ralf\ wn fert<od -l"WCtl Of COllfornlo, •1111 """"' ...... _ .... SoulNo•t HltfltlNmJWO~llle-...,.. 'rod"lcto• from 11ortlleutor11 MeMW t. .,.,11 ... ,•rn Mw.toto; Ill Ille ...... Md 1119 ,,_ ttlO llOrtMnl .., ... ......,. ............ , OU4111n SURF RIPORT Valkl to 6P m. todey. l4trt .... s..t ._. ....... Ma ""' z..... 2 • Sent• Monka J • • N-port 2 4 • San Olo9D C-y J ~ 6 OutloOll torWNnnrsay: 1nc.._1,.. wlthwlfldcllop. .... , ......... ........ ow > 4 .s J 4 SW > 4 s , s We're Listening ••• Fraftlltun ~a Ha••M Holtlnlll ""9 KOlll .. lrst ....... First low Second """ Soc-- J7 ,. S1 d '° a .. . .. " 14 u 10 " TOOAY S:••·"'-U:tt,,m, •:17p.m. n:n ... m. What do you like aboufllhe Dally Pilot? What don't you Uke? Call the number below and your me•saae will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to lhe appropriate editor. The same 24-hour answering service may be used to record let· lers to the editor on any topic. Mallbo~ contributors must Include their name and telephone number for verification. No circulaUoe calls, please. Tell us what's op your mind. •• I Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Tuesday. January 5, 1982 GO BACK, OR ELSE Motorist:. traveling northbound on Interstate 5 from California to Oregon arc being gr<.•t!ted h) thi~ none-too-friendly s ign al tht.· border. about 15 ... ....... w miles south of Ashland. Ore. An unidentified man puts the finishing touches to the sign, • hundreds of motorists were stranded on t~ route by a snowst~m . "• ., 26 killed on California roads •. New Year's weekend toll lowest in more than 20 years h 1. SACRAMENTO IA P 1 Twenty-six persons were kiUed on California roads during the New Year's weekend. the lowest total in more than 20 years, the Highway Patrol said today. The. CHP originally reported 27 deaths, but spokesman Dan Parker said that total included one person who was in an accident before the start of the holiday period. New laws toughenin g penalties for drunken dri vmg took effed Jan. 1. during the 3 1~ -day holiday period. but Parker said there is no way to tell what effect they had on drivers. ··Probably the new laws had some influence. but I'm not sure how much," Parker s aid. He said it would take about a year under the new laws to tell whether they were discouraging drunken driving and r educing the number of traffic deaths involving alcohol. about hair or all fatal crashes. The holiday wee~end ofhcia11y started al 6 p.m . Thursday and ended at midnight Sunday. Parker said the CHP made 1,497 arrests for drunken driving on the major roads it patrols during the holiday period He said that was slightly less than expected, but more than the 1,262 arrest s during th e Christm~ weekend, which was the same length. The statewide fatality figures were the lowest in any 3'•-day holiday in California s ince Memorial Day 1960. and the lowest for a New Year 's weekend of that length since 1959, Parker said Last year. when the Ne"' Year's weekend was a day _longer, 7~ people were killed . Parker said. In the last 31, day New Year's, 1978, there 'wen! 47 deaths. With a below -normal Chris tmas weekend death toll of UCI g~ts grant A $218,000 granl from the U.S. Department of Education has been awarded to UC Irvine to e nhance the retention and success of minority graduate students. 31 , "hopdully this is the beginning or a trend." Parker said li e ~ai d th~rc were 5,002 trarr1c deaths in California during 1,981. nearly 500 below the 1980 total .,· The n<.'\\ state laws impos e :-.t1frt•r penaltie~ for drunken dr1v1ng a nd m<Jk e it more difficult to reduce the charge to a lc•sscr offense. •• One new law mak:ea it Ulem.l to drive with a blood-aleobOJ content of 0.10 percent -•bo¥t rour drinks. Previously, a Q.40 percent reading ooJy presu• drunkenness and could ~e rebutted in court. /.. The other laws increase penalties, require impcMUtdm~t or cars at owners' ellpen.se fpr up to 30 days and require ~ to s pecify why charges are reduced or dismissed. .. Coastal bloochnohile sets January schedule · Th<.· American Red Cross bloodmobile will be at the following locations this month for Orange Coast residents wanting lo donate blood: Jan 12 from 2 45 to 7:30 p m <.tl lhe Fountain Valley Elks Lod~e. 10480 Talbert Ave. For an appointment call 835·5381 Ext 315 Registration deadline set for mo-peds t. Jan I was the deadline for regis tering all mo.peds in the s tal l'. <J cco rd1ng to th e De partment of Motor Vehicles. i\ n<•w stat(• la" requires all mo pcds purchased before July I. 19RI lo b<., registered for the ne" H'ar ~cw mo peds bought aflt•r that d ate must be registered within five days of purchase. The one-time registration fee ;s SS , and oWh~rs recefve a license plate and identification card ·Application for a transfer of o wners hip is a l so $5. Duplicate ID cards and license plates cost $3 each. A OMV spokesman said there is no penalty for late registration and no provision lo ci t e owners of unregistered mo pcd s. becau se the registration is primarily a ser vice to mo-ped owners. -Jan 18 from 2:15 to 7 p.tD. at the Community Unit~ Methodist Church, 6862 Heil Ave .. Huntington Beach . For lin appointment call 847·975&. . -Jan. 22 from 1: 45 lo 6:-90 p.m . at South Coast Plaza Hotel, 666 Ant.on Ave., Costa Mesa. For an appointment eaJI 540·2500 Ext. 141 . / -Jan. 25 from 11 :4.5 a.m . to 4:30 p.m. at the South County Service Center. 27324 Camino Capistrano, Laguna Niguel. Por an appointment call 135-5381 Ext. 315. Marine Co,.P. sets auction Surplus equipment ranging rro m de ntal equipment 'to s leeping bags and fool k>dters will be offered at an auction at Camp Pendleton Jan. 28, the • Marine Corps announced. The items will be on d.laplay for inspection weekdays st.sting Jan. 19, rrom 8 a .m . to 3 p.m ., at Building 2241 , Camp Pendleto(l. Tbe sale wiJI start at 9 a..m. Jan. 26 lo the same building. Registration will start at 8 a.m. that day. Bidders must be physi c ally present and registered to bid . Items purchased may be removed on the sale date, provided full payment is made. For further details call 725-4331 .' C7'A'e. r:r/nu1nCrm r:!Jt?m ~cel?1/ ~a~ °lh1,7e~I C/fr,k.) anrl ctJ~~norh Mary Barr Certified Gemoloelst Takes pleasure in announcing the reappointment for 1982 of thE! following: Donna Blackman Certified Gemologist Rick McElvalne Certlned Gemolo1lst ., Claudia Dea Registered Jeweler These professional titles are awarded to those select Jewelers who can rightfully be called experts in their Jndustry. The title is given when. they have completed a formal gemological education and when they have pro•en .their business ethi~s above reproach. An AGS title is an annu,1 appointment and must be re-won by yearly examination . -These title holden are on the start ot CHARLES H. BARR, JEWEL~RS Localed In Weslclirl Plaza 11th and Irvine. Newport Beach ( I ... " l ., s Orange Co11t DAll-V PILOT/Tue1day. January 6, 1982 Three.week state of emergency ·could last unfil spring in Poland, 8J TllOllAS W. NE'ITEB ·~ ...... .,..., WARSAW, Poland -Steep price bites for food, lowered meat rations and an uncertain 1qood amon1 workers makes it u nlikely that martial law, lml>C>Md three weeks ago, will be lifted soon. Observen here believe the autboriUes will retain the state ol emergency, declared Dee. 13, until the spring -or unW they are sure Poles have calmed and will obey orders. During that lime, the martial law regime must estabHsh a long-awaited restructuring of consumer prices, which were frosen by social protests and rioting in 1970 and 1976. Scores of people were killed in the 1970 riots in Gdansk. The authorities may be t.aldng ~is historic factor into account in their scheduling of lifting martial law, aware that pnce --·· bUi:H before tbe Ind ependent trad e union Solidarity ., .. au.~ would bave resulted in, at the very least, loud verbal protests. Last Aui\llt, one year alter Solidarity was formed on a wave of protests in Gdansk, tens ol thousands marched in the streeta to protest a one-pound reduction in t he 7,7-pound monthly meal allotment for each Pole. Premier Wojciech J aruze.lakl, a 1eneral who heads the anny and the Communist Party, said in his Christmas Eve address that martial law would last "not an hour tonier than necessary." But it appears now that martial law wUJ be needed for some lime because of the critical food situation, which may worsen if other Western nations join the United states•in curtailing economic aid. Jn addition, some observers say a cutback in Western aid to financially-strapped Poland will increase ita dependence on the Soviet Union, which "as already pro~l~ed ma11ive aid to the country while facln1 food and ptoducUm problem• of its own. The proposed list or price hikes was published here last week and discuaaed by trade official!} over the weekend . The increases range between 200 percent and 300 percent. The proposals come monlba after lhe government raised prices for bread, flab, some other basic foods and ci1arettes. There were no riots. At the newly announced official exchange rate of 80 zlotys to the dollar, the proposed price rise equivalents, in dollars and pounds, include: Sugar, fr'ofll 5 cents per pound lo 25 cents per pound ; butter, from 76 cents a pound to $2. 72 a pound; cheese, from 28 cents a pound to $1.07 a pound; pork, from SO cents a pound to $2.04 a pound; beef, from 16 cents a "' pound to 56 cents a pound; ham, from $1.02 a pound to $3.12 a pound; chicken, from 30 cents a pound to 73 cents a pound and sausage, a Polish diet mainstay, from 25 cents a pound to $1.07 a pound. 1 The Sta\e Price Commluion also propos~d a 144 perc,nt increase in electricity rates, a 122 percent hike in the cost ol 'cooking gu, a 186 percent bike in the cost of central beatlna and 'a 233 percent increase for hot water. These prices will be borne by Poles who rllake an average salary equivalent to about t87.SO a month, bised on the new exchange rate. Pensions and retirement rahges between the equivalents or1 $31 .SO a month to $250 a month. Price reform, as such price hik"es are called here, was also sought by Solidarity prior to the crackdown, but the union insisted that such increases s hould be submitted lo the public for approval. The authorities say the proposed price hikes will not be imposed until after public discussion, which will probably involve primarily public airing of the increases before they are put into effect. Red Brigades tactics go internatioOOl • ROME <AP) -After a decade of bloody attacks on strictly Italian targets , the Red Brigad es have gone international with the kidnapping of James L. Dozier -a U.S. general and NATO commander. Italian Premier Giovanni Spadolini called the Dec. 17 abduction of Dozier frofll his Verona apartment a "quantum leap" in the Red Brigades' tactics and an attempt to destabilize the North Atlantic l'reiltY Organization. So far, the Red Brigades have made no demands for releasing the 50-year -old brigadier general, the top-rankjng American Army officer at NATO headquarters in Verona. In stead , they said in a communique that bis "proletarian trial" had begun. In the past, they have limited their attacks to Italians and their demands have been purely domestic : the closing of a maximum security prison or the release of their jailed comrades, for example. Now, holding their first non -Italian hos tage , the terrorists' propaganda bas taken on an international flavor. Their latest communique calls NATO "America's stru c ture of military occupation" and says the United States is attempting to "impose its hege mony on the entire planet." The com_muniq.ue~ found in Milan along with a photo of Dozier last week, claims the general is th e "effective commander" of NATO Land Forces in Southern Europe and is the r efore in charge of preparing "plan s of occupation'' agains t the Europeah people. It claims that the neutron bomb is part of President Reagan's plan to have a limited nuclear w~r in Europe. It calls for the first time, for •·international unity with all people who are combattlng imperialism," particularly with imprutoned members or West Germ"1y's Red Army Faction and Northern Ireland's Irish Republican Army . • Soviets add troops· in Afghanistan ~ NEW DELHI, India <AP) - The Soviet Union bas sent more than 20,000 additional troops into Afghanistan in recent weeks in a continuing buildup that is expected to increase the Soviet contingent there to 150,000 men by spring, a report from Kabul bas said. The report, from a source wbo has been accurate in the past, quoted a n Afghan military source in Kabul. It supported earlier Western diplomatic and intelligence accounts that the So:viets had bogged down in their fight to queH Moslem resistance to the pro-Moscow Afghan government. The report, made public Monday but which could not be independenUy verified, said only Kabul is considered securely in government hands. Beyond the capital, authority falls off fast and there are guerrilla am bushes on major roJds, including the one leading to the Soviet Union, the report said. The report said MiG jets and helicopter gunships have been aaunchi.ng cross-border raids on northern Afghau provinces from their bases inside the Soviet Union during the past four weeks. It said Afghan insurgents struck several times across the Oxus River that divides the two countries, raiding the Soviet town or Termez and torching several villages around it. The Mujabede~n . or "holy warriors" as lhe Moslem insurgents call themselves, wanted to show that they are "not sitting idle and can fight" "BARE TRAPS• t!f'Mhlon Boota. baolonl v ......... O..t ol °"' T Of hthlen II••••• o..ne--..... ... e.-y ""' -llov• In HOCIL Sow 1141 °" Todo!I' ...... f-'-' ~ .. ~ •• 111 ... A h111• H locllon ._.,_ oolil °'-.... c...in.. the continuing Soviet presence in their country, the report said. · It said the Soviet military buildup began in mid-December after remaininf ~t a~J!ll tbe 85,000-man leve since moscow Intervened in its Asian neighbor lo the south in De<:em~r 1979. The report estimated there now are 110,000 to 120,000 Soviet1 troops in Afghanistan, and quoted a military source in the capital as saying it would increase to 150,000 "within three or four months." (}'~' !/~ Jt'~~t!m4 Introductory Offe' •17.00 Reg. t60.00 Certton Hair CALL I MILY 171·1111 louth Coeet Pm• VMlege llftte Afte It CARE PAYS OFF -Shy. a German shepherd, used to be just that but not anymore. She gives her adopted master Susan King a wet kiss. Shy was found by Susan and her husband Douglas after having been dumped along their farm in Polk County, Ore. The dog feared humans until the Kings nursed , him back to mental health. I f it floats, ch ances are you'll rea d about it ·i n the Daily Pilat 642-4321 COLLECTORS Y•End lilld Jewelry Sale 20% OFF our regular low prices on jewelry in stock and ordered. Coins not included c 0 R E R Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Tuesday, January 5, 1982 s ~·· • . 5 diamond e:xecutives, accused . Officials.allegedly created ~artificial ~mond market,' manipulated prices SAN RAFAEL <A.P) -A Mluourl lfand Jury baa accuaed top offtclals of a Marin County company of creattn1 an ·• artlficlal diamond market," ma.nlpu.laUn1 diamond prices and violaUna securities laws. Five executive• of International Diamond Company, based ln San R.tael, are named in the iocUctment banded down Dec. 22 by the Jackson County Grand Jury. Four of them appeared Thursday durinJ an extradition bearing in "Marin Municipal Court, a bearing continued unW Feb. 24. The 12-count indictment accuses IDC of security fraud, selling unregistered securities, employing unregistered aeents to aelJ securities and 1tealln1. diamonda by buytng and aellina ••We dlsa1ree wlth every them to clients altabove-market count in the indictment and our p r i c ea an d c <ii le c tin I a position is t.b1a ls retaliatory, oot commission on theaalea. brou1ht in 1ood faith and a It claims IDC creatM "u reaction to our federal suit" artificial diamond martet ... a1alnst Missouri officials, aald by paylna orilinal IDC dialllODd IDC attorney Jonathan investors Inflated price• for Stejnman. their diamonds with monies Thomas Lewaander, president gained through the sale of t.boae or the company• claimed last d i a mo n d s to 1 u b 1 e q u en t week that be has document.a to investors." prove that he rejected a $5,000 A cord1 ... i di t t bribe demand by a Missouri c ng to .. ,e n c men • IDC misrepresented the value ol official who threatened to diamonds to purchasers and accuse IDC or violating Missouri misrepresented the skills of its security laws. J 1 I DC, which buys and sells sa es personne · diamonds as inj.estments, saya • Missouri also claims that IOC it has 10,000 representatives in should have registered with the 400 offices worldwide. state under securities laws The indictment accuses IDC of because its "diamond banking" creating an artificial market in systems Is essentially the same U.S. loses round • in lawsuit Man was killed by lightning during 1975 p ark outing SAN FRANCISCO <AP> -A federal appeals court has reversed a decision by a U.S. judge who had ruled in favor or the government In a laws uit brought by the family of a man killed by lightning in 1975 while visiting a national park. U.S. District Judge Spencer Williams of San Francisco had granted the government a decision without a trial in the $1 .6 million suit filed by the family o( Lawrence Brady. 31, a South San Francisco resident struck by lightning during an outlnK at Sequola-Kinls Can:von National Park on Aug.-20, 1975. But the 9th U.S. Circuit Court or Appeals ruled Monday that evidence in the case, when viewed most favorably to the plaintiff -"could rationally s upport a verdict" for Carole Brady, wife or the deceased. It said inferences different from those advanced by Williams could be drawn from racts..elied upon by the Brady family . The appellate court sent the case back to district court for further action, which could include a full trial or a verdict favoring the family. Device said to . cut birth problems LOS ANGELES (AP) -A new device .that allowS' diabetic expectant mothers to monitor their bloe>d sugar levels at home can reduce the risk of complicated deliveries and birth defects , according to researchers who developed it. By helping the women avoid extended hospital stays, the new equipment also reduces the cost or their care, the Los Angeles Times re1>0rted. Dr. Charles M. Peterson of New York 's Rockefeller University said studies have s hown diabetic expectant mothers have a 21 percent risk or infant mortality. Their babies are also more likely to have birth defects, breathing difficulty and heart or kidney problems than childre.n or non-diabetic women. Short of hospitalization for most of their pregnancy, diabetic women previously bad no way to tell when their bodies needed insulin. Peterson said. The device. about the size of a small book, 1'eads blood sugar levels from a drop of blood inserted in it on a slick. A woman can tell from the readings how much insulin she needs. The suit aJleged the N ationaJ Park Service 'knew or should have known or an extreme hazard posed by ligbtnif\g at Moro Rock in the park and was negligent in fai!ing to provide warnings, supervision or safety devices to guard against lightning haiards. Williams held the park service did not know and reasonably could not have known lilhlning would strike Moro Rock, Thus. he ruled, the government was neither under a duty to warn or supervise Brady regarding the danger posed nor under a duty to construct and maintain devices to reduce the danger or lightning in the park. Moro Rock is a grounded granite outcropping that projects from a ridge overlooking the Kaweah River Valley in the park. A trail was carved into granite and there are ·metal railings where it moves along the side of vertical drops. The appeal court noted the Park Service had placed no sign at the start.of the trail warning visitors not to climb up the trail and out on the summit of Moro Rock iD a thunderstorm. Arter encountering rain and then hail, the Brady family and others reached a point about 186 feet up the trail from the parking lot, but not yet at the beginning of Moro Rock. Although they decided to return, Brady went over to the granite wall and was s truck by lightning. as selling stocks and bonds. A federal court 1ranted an Injunction a1alnst Missouri in Marcb and the company since has filed an $80 million ault a1alnat the state. Company officials also have filed a SS. 7 million su,it a1ainst the publisher or Gem Market Reporter over a low r~tinc liven the company, a $50 rrullion Ubel suit against the Chicago Tribune and a $20 million libel suit af alnat the president of D amoncf Source Inc. or Los Angeles, which H claims distributed a copy of t.be Tribune story. Na med in the indictment, along with Lewsandea:. 38, are Bernhard Dohrman, 33, bead of corporate planning ; George Kessler, 68, national sales director; John Hodge, 46, vice president of international operations, and Steven Greenbaum, executive vice president. All live In Marin, except for Greenbaum, who lives in San Clemente and is expected to be arraigned In Southern California. Court records show that Kessler was convicted in 1971 ot transporting marijuana and that Dohrman was convicted in 1974 of securities violations involving sale of railroad cars. Af'Wl,...... SHE LOVES PHILLY Hostess of the West Coast Mummers Picnic m Carmel "'a~ I larriet Brodsky of Pebble Beach. who shm.,s that "hl' has affection for Philadelphia. Group sued for $5.1 7 million P.air contend they were physically, mentally. abused WASHINGTON <AP> -A •·person al growth ·· group headquartered in San Rafael, Calif .. has been hit with a $5.17 million lawsuit by two District of Columbia residents who contend they were physically and mentally abused during the program. Mary Roe and John Doe, pseudonyms for Ule plaintiffs, filed suit Thur~day in U.S. District Court in Washington against Lifespring Inc .. its president and 10 employees. Ms. Roe sued for $2.6 million and Doe for the remainder: both claiming they suffered severe emotional trauma and psychological injury. A San Rafael -based corporation. Lifes pring has omces in Washington and other locations. Efforts to reach the defendants by telephone were unsucc.ful. Llfespring, according to the .suJl, tells applicants it wants lo help them better understand themselve s and th eir relationships with ·others. help them communicate. stimulate personal growth and experience a m o r e rulrill1ng lire by modifying thejr self awareness. Th e s uit cla im ed th e or gani zation employs people called "trainers .. who ph) s1cally beat participants and make them perform such degrading acts as acting "hk e a dog or a pig while drooling and snortinl! Seniors to hear h ealth specialist The monthly general meeting of the Laguna Beach Senior Citizens Club will be held Jan. 11 at 1 p.m. at the senior center, 384 Legion St. The guest speaker will be R o berta Al1 tt. a health specialist, who will present a film on home health care and distribute materials on that subject. For more information call the senior center at 497-2441. hke an animal." Mary Roe claims she was fo rced to lie on a floor smeared with dog excrement, and Doe contends he had to go to a departme nt store with other ma le trainees, who had to pretend they were homosexuaJs al the women's makeup counter. Both say they reared physicaJ harm if they tried to leave the program or resist the tactics. Ms Roe says she enrolled in the program in May 1979 and paid Lirespring $920, while Doe said he entered in December 1980 and paid $1,100. "In general. the entire presentation o r Lifes pring programs as 'human -relations training' or 'personal growth' ex per iences is one grand deceit," the suit said. "In truth and in fact . the Lifespring programs are designed and carried out primarily for the p urpose of identi(ying and inducting susceptible individuals into a cult under the guise of ·personaJ growth trainings.· " ·t.uth Coast Pla:za .V~Ilase malized engraving 1e y0u wait. y Glass & Crystal you need to visit. te selection will impress you! '. I . Visit Our Unique Stores And · Take Advantage Of The Great Reductio('ls At T~se And Other Participating Stores! . Sunflower and Bear Streets Sa nta Ana, CA 92704 (71 4) 751-6595 '"' I Or1nge Coaat OAILV PILOT/Tuesday, J1nu1ry 5, 1982 THE F"MILt' CIRCt8 "In the olden days people were named after their jobs, like Mr. Baker, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Carpenter .... " "What about Mr. Bombeck?" MARMADt:KE by Brad Anderson "I learned how to tie bows today!" 010 l EV(R T£LL YOU A60UT MV WEIR(;> UNCLE PDV? HE HA(7 A SPE.~IE.S C.HANGE. OPERATION. HE HAP HIMSELF' C.HANGEO 10 A OOC:r I s ACAOSS 4t S.. Fr. 50 Cettte genus 10...... 51TOIMd 5 Trott.'1 kin 53 Bu1dlnd 10 I.Ming 55 Pr°"°"'1 p191:. SI Alnt• 1Ulflene 81 lrWI klnga' 15" ... tri.lbMI home __ .. 1tNr. Prwf. 17Mell: I 3wotdt 1IOl*t 208treldlout 21~ 22 ..... 23,.,., 2tc-lddll 29 ..... ,.... 30Perbmed 31 Nllfty M "ft""" -_ .. 82Dry MBaitc• 95 Soc:l flDrlc 810\wtly 87 Soft meMel lil4oti6o6 .. ..__ .w .. DOWH 1An.nda'loe :~ 4 ....... BIGGIEORGE by Vtrg tl Partch (VIP) "I think there's someone at the door.'' DE1\~IS THE MENACE Hank Ketchum ~ 1HEAfS ~&JO'r' m tf PT flt, ~· STIJFF WAT O\NT 'tAJJC by Harord Le Ooux MAYeE YOVRE RIEIHT, ULORIA! TRY TO F.EACH 1.INOA MAY C,REER' 1 WAS ~~ED TO MEET HER FOR I.UNCH' by Jim Davis HE CHASED HIM6ELF TO 0.EATH ------ PfANl:TI rwe RULER ? YES, MA1A/I\, TME RULEl IS A VEf« USEFVL INSTKUMENT TtMBLEttEED8 SHOE ----- IT CAN SE USED TO MEASlJr(E WIDTH, AND ME16MT ... o----- MINV' IF I ASK YOlJ A K'IC1-10- Klt7 QVES"flON? by Tom K. Ryan E:VER HAVE V'A'6 WHE:l\J YOU POIV'"fFE:~L.l..IKf::~E: WAVf OF lHE: FlrTURE? ~ Vf:CiT~AN ~ ~ '!Jl£~'( 1~ ·su~ AND~_., GORDO BRABBLE DILSMOCk by Ernie Bushm1ller CAN YOU STAND ON YOUR HANDS? SURE-- JUST \VATCH I'vE ALW'AY.9 ".;::.::~il. ME 'v..ONDERED WHAT COLOR YOUR EYES ARE ~cL.L, '{01.J'~E ~A eE:).s;l; ON ~lo-.1! nus "1l4E WA~ 1}le;'/ AR£ ~ fWTl-E 00"" m.Jf • ~~> I NS1"'ESAP OF l?OC,..O~ IOOL-S, IHA-r" e>AG ACIUAt...L..Y CON1"AINS A SAL.AMI SANPWICH, A CUP OF YO<SU~I ANP A 1"'WINKU~ .' CQ.1E ~ Ellt.ABEfH ... }HEYRe.1GOKE ~. by Tom 8at1uk by Kevin Fagan OON'"f &I.AME ME If ~ o~o·~ " Cl~Et\Vsl(A'fE. ! by George Lemont by Lynn Johnston / I Orange Coast DAil V PILOT/Tueaday, January 5, 1982 Shyness lifelong trait? . Timidity in children may be inherited, study finds W ASHlNGTON (AP) - Shyneaa seems to be a llfelonc charactertsUo that, at leut ln so m e cues, ls probably 1enetlcally predetermined, a reaearcher said. Of the man~ qualities that infanta display, shyness seema to last longer than moet tralta, said Jerome K;ag4n of Harvard ~ Unive~ity. · A bout one-third o f all · extremely inhibited children seem lo have a 1enetic predisposition to ahyneu, timidity and fear of stran1ers, Kagan said in a report presented Monday at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Adv,ancement of Science. Parents can help their children overcome s hyness, Kagan said, but it is harder to help children whose timidity seems to have a genetic basis. His research has shown that those children ••are more likely to remain inhibited over Ume," Extremely shy children can be identified by measurina their heart rate when they are confronted with aomethlnc unexpected, Katan aald. Tbelr pulses rise all1btly and then remains stable, which aray indicate that they M'e trying and failing to understand what they are confronting, he explained. That change in heart rate means there may be some genetic difference in the nervous system of the infants, some unknown factor which makes them predisposed toward shyness, he postulated. The nervous system ~gins to develop in the fifth or sixth week of pregnancy. Kagan said, and illness, infection, or maternal stress can alter its genetic makeup. Studies with twins have shown Educated women said to drink more Epidemiology at the University of North Carolina, is intended to examine the influence o f education, social status and diet on blood cholesterol and heart disease. that lden~al twins are more likely to share tbe same de,ree of sbyneu, or what Katan calla "inhibition to the unexpeeted," than are fraternal twins. That's another reaaon tor thinking that 11\ynesa 11 partly genetically determined, h e Hplalned. One study shows that shyness might ~rsist for many years beyond childhood a nd adolescen ce and o n into adulthood, he told the meeting. In the study, seven extremely inhibited boys from a group of 36 were observed until they were a dults. T hey t~nded not to choose traditional masculine vocations and were not as good at athletics, he said. While he cautioned against giving too mucb importance to the study, he suggested that it might indicate that shyness or timidity can continue until adulthood. Because parents usually want their children to be uninhibited, many shy children later become much less inhibited, Kagan said. However. uninhibited kids seldom become inhibited adults. he added. Poles aided CHAPEL HJLL, N.C. CAP) - The more educated the woman, the more alcohol she is likely to drink, according to a study financed by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. . The 10-year study also found that the more educated the man. the less he u likely to drink·. The study, being conducted by the Department of In general, people with more education tended to eat a more healthy diet, according to Dr. Suzanne Haynes, an assistant professor of epidemiology . ANSONIA, Conn. (AP> -At least $18,000 for a Polish relief fund was raised in a nine-hour marathon rad.lo broadcast from the Ansonia Mall. "Tbouaands and thousands'' of people contribute d to the drive, coordinator Dean Pepin sald. FAR FROM IRAN . Rick Kupke. former rranian hostage. scoots over the snow at his parents' hom e near Francesville. northern I ndian a . H e bo u g ht th e . · RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY ..... iiter ..ct s.r. 1922 HAllOI ILVD: COST~MfSA -541-l llt 8l'Y 'E!\1 SELL 'E~1 TRADE 'E)t R ENT 'EM To place your ad m lh1s column call 642 -5678 DAILY PILOT Antique Show/Sale Today thru Sun .. Jan. 10 at the Huntington C.nter mall. Outstanding collections from 50 dealen. Also free evaluation clinic. 405 fwy and Beach Blvd., H.B. NEXT SEMESTER TAKE A 25,000 MILE FIELD TRIP .. You stud11 everything, the politics, the people. and the religion.·' Join the 12,000 other college stu- dents from over 500 colleges and universities who have experienced \ this fully accredited university pro· gram. The spring '82 semester sails on March 4th for the around the world tour. For More Information Call (714) n1-1590 Semester At Sea P.O. Box 1s21, 9r•noe. C.Nf. t2MI As Heard On KEZY AM/FM, KWIZ AM/FM • .. R d our newspaper, and , er· money. ea nd How's this for a good answ . iscount coupons. food news a ash in on advertised va\ues. d money every single week. c t an save you consumer reports ·~ha c ich is important for busy ~o.~~n W also save you time. Wh other respons1b1ht1es . e hi\dren and many managing a home. c? We cover weekend enter- \A the market tor tun . around town. TV and tainmen,t and sp~cia\ events h bbie~. a whole package of movies. Rec reation, sports. o to give you a \itt~ Whenever nd features . \ interesting news a 'f u've been fee\ing a htt e t·me So 1 yo you have the I . ome he\p. Get the paper. shopworn \ate\y , get s . . What'• In It tor you?. !h; anawer appear• on every pag DailJPilat 642-4321 ,.,.........,. snowmobile for his parents for Christmas. He is there on a visit Later he will go to Thailand as a \'isa Consular Offi cer . f .. ~------~------- ---~-- l. OrangtCoalt DAILY PILOT/Tundl)', January 5, 1982 • ounty waging war n welfare cheaters The word ls 1otna out that ran1e County ha.a become a hot pot for weltare cheaters. In a single week last month. he dlatrlct attorney's office nnounced Jhat 13 persons had eeo arrested on charges of elfare fraud involving $15,684. nd, the omce reports. judges re heeding prosecutors ' equesta that those convicted of uch fraud be given· Jail entences In addition to being rdered to give back welfare oney they have received. The crackdown is part of a raud detection program that as initiated last March and is stimated to have saved up to S.S illion in taxpayers' money. Welfare applicants are arefully interviewed by ligibility workers after they omplete their application forms. f the interviewer detects any iscrepancy between information upplied on the form and that btained in the interview. the ase is referred to an nvestigator who proceeds to heck it out. This involves erif ying addresses <sometimes onexistent >. visiting th e esidence and questioning eighbors . If some minor fraud is uncovered at , th ls point, the a(>pllcant ls permitted to withdraw the welfare claim without charges. but seriously false information can lead to prosecution for perjury even if no money has been obtained. If money actually has been collected fraudulently . the punishment becomes more severe. In a typical case, a young woman sought help Crom the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program, claiming she had two children to support at home. When investigators discovered the children were living elsewhere with their father and the· woman was using the AFDC money for herself she was sentenced to serve time in jail and repay more than $4,000. The fraud team also checks into falsified claims for food stamps and Medi·Cal aid. With the Reagan Administration cutting back federal fund s for social programs. it is particularly important that the money available go only to those genuinely in need. The county's crackdown on welfare cheats is timely and necessary. Freeing the cheese Once in a rare while the people speak. and someone listens. So.it was early in December when a consumer group in Northern Californi-a, incensed by the thought of millions of pounds of surplus cheese molding io government warehouses .. petitioned President Reagan to release part of the supply for distribution to the needy . Amazingly. the wheels of government turned. and now at least part of the cheese is on its way to worthy destinations. Department of Agriculture bureaucrats -one of whom reportedly suggested it would be cheaper to dump the cheese in the ocean than to go on storing it -came up with all sorts of roadblocks. But reason won out. Some 33 million pounds of the cheese will be distributed in California, about 20,000 pounds in Orange County through the Co mmunity Development Council's food bank which serves 65 non-profit agencies. The cheese, of course is part of the massive inventory of surplus dairy products purchased by the government under the dairy price support program and stored throughout the nation at a cost of a million dollars a day. The price support program prohibits free distribution of surplus products if this would adversely affect market prices. But it's fairly obvious that the poor are not going to be buying cheese at today's inflated prices. Now that th'e president has taken a small step in the right direction. it would be timely for Congress to take its courage in both hands, face up to the howls of the dairy lobby and move more of this valuable food out of the warehouses and onto the tables of the needy. Head Start worth saving California Sen. Alan Cranston is correctly urging Congress to reject Budget Director David Stock.man's proposal to slas h funds for Head Start by $130 million and bundle it into a block grant program -which effectively would dismantle it. Of all the many social programs initiated in recent years. the Head Start program for disadvantaged preschool youngsters may be the most cost effective. Through Head Start, small children from poor families. many with language deficiencies. are given a chance to catch up with the more advantaged children they will meet when they enter kindergarten. They are helped to overcome Uleir fear of separation from their families, to communicate. to socialize with other children. to accept discipline and to acquire many of the behavior patterns most youngsters learn in the home. • Additionally. the program enables Head Start workers. many of them volunteers. to identify vision. hearing and other health problems that can be corrected or treated before the regular school year starts. Tests have shown that Head Start graduates go on to score higher on reading a nd math achievement tests than youngsters who have not had the early learning experience, and that they have r~wer educational and health problems that need remedial attention. Last year. Pres ident Reagan's Commission on Head Start in the 1980s estimated that when the program's costs are weighed against its benefits in projected lifetime earnings and the high cost of special services for non-Head Start children. the benefits outweigh costs by 236 percent. Surely statistics like this should have an impact on Congress, if not on Budget Director Stockman. ~In Ions expi9ssed In the jpace a~ are those of tl'Mt Dally Piiot. Other views ex-.Sressed on this page are thOse 61 ttlelf •uth0rs·an4 ar'tfsts. Read« com~ent ts tnvit-1 ed. Address' The Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa,. CA 92626. PhoM (714) "642·4~1 . · L.M: Boyd/Oldaters know •••••lY·fh• P.UceDt of tll• P.oPulatiml would baft DO ... bolr .U 6l tt lt JOU •aid you'd oeee liroken roar arm trJlnc to Rut your ~· . J Q ._. ,Wbo was tbe fiflt tla1 ~ M ''Your llajelty?'' A . ..,., Vlll ol ~aad. Earlier ORANGE COAST llllJPilat kln11 were 1ddre11ed H "Yo~r Grace," "Your Sxcellent Grace," "Your HlCb and lll&bt1 Prlnet" and t.tie old fa.mlllar "Your Hl1tmeu.'' Q. Sir, where cm m;y body la my pbiltrum? l A. ID the mlddJe ol your upper Up •. Jt'• that vertical IJ'OOYe. ... Thomas P. Haa.y Pubtlstiitr : T....,_ A. Mllljhl .. Edltor . I .. •• ,..,.. ""''*" Edltori•I P-ee Editor t1 •• The medical roller coaster The growing troubles of Medi·Cal, stemming partly from mismaniement and fraud, has caused State Health Director Beverlee Myers to warn health care providers that {he state may have to reduce claims by 10 percent lo avoid a shortfall in the $5 billion budgeted to carry the program through June 30. Myers· other alternatives would be to bait approval for elective surgery and an even more drastic move of eliminating some 400,000 medically indigent adults off the state proiram. This latter move would throw those eliminated lo the county governments ASIDE FROM the aspects of the Medi·Cal program which could and should be corrected , the mi s management and fraud, the program is being placed in jeopardy by soaring hospital and medical costs. The outrageous and incredible bills being handed hospitalized patients have created a situation where only the truly rich can pay for their care. Where huge medical bills were once termed "catastrophic illnesses" today's costs make an:t illness calaslroJ?hic for most people including those who have good health insurance coverage. Like the question or which came first the chicken or the egg it is dilftcult to say whether the advent or health insurance and the later emergence of Medi-Care and Medi·Cal have caused the skyrocketing rise of medical care but the fact is that if YJoae programs didn't exi•t there is oP""Way the doctors and hospitals could level the charges IAll WATlll ,~· (; c::, -"I'"' ~ now being made. People just couldn't begin to pay the bills. Certainly it would be hard to deny that \he insurance companies themselves have contributed to the high medical bills. First off it was the heavy losses sufferred on the stock market by some insurance companies that prompted them to ~eate the medical malpractice panic by boosting their insurance premiums to the doctors. The natural reaction of the doctors was to protect themselves by taking every precaution against malpractice suits. As a result there has been an overutilization of laboratory and clinical tests as well as the x-rays. And the introduction of specialists into every case has become common practice in even the simplest of medical cases where once the family doctor adequately provided the total physician ca re for patients with ordinary ailments, fear of malpractice suits has m a de the tests and consulting specialists standard practice The over·utilizalion of tests and consulting specialists which make the medical bills outrageous is made possible by the fact the health Insurers never question covered charges. They don't ask a specialist wby it was necessary for both him and the regular physician to make daily hospital calls throughout the period or hospitalization. They don't ask why all of the tests were necessary. THE PATIENT, having most"of the bill paid by the insurer doesn't question it either. When he is no longer able to pay the bills, •e applies for Medi-Cal and that program takes over, still without asking the providers to justify their services. By now it should be obvious to most that even with best health insurance coverage the public is headed down the road to socialized medicine wflether it be through a reimbursement program such as Medi-Cal or an outright full coverage plan · such as Kaiser for at today's costs less than 5 percent of the population can escape becoming medical indigents when illness strikes. People give marriage a had name I aee (you see, we all see) where Elizabeth Taylor and her husband, Sen. John Warner, are separatini. She's been married seven times and be'a been married twice. This is the sort of thing• that elves marriage a bad name. How can anyone take marriage vows seriously ii they can be broken that easily that often! Why didn't they just sl~p together for as many nights u it amused them to and then IO their own ways without making a public affair of what ~Y chose.to call marriaae? To tell you the trutb, I tboulht this one might last because she's about u good an actress as be is a senator. ll ian't lasting, though, and news reports say that she ls seeing a lot of a producer named Zev Bufman. Lots of luck, Zev. THERE'S NOTHING wrong with divorce if two people find they really don't llJce each other, and there aren't many married couplet wbo haven't considered It. But woew times? It could happen once and pogaJbly twice, but anyone wbo marries and divorces three times ought to recopbe that marriqe ia something they aren't very tood at and probably shouldn't do a1atn. Tbete's something about marriate that they don't understand. It ian't a diah of ice cream, a walk in the park or a late movie. Marriage is something you have to decide to slick to even when you don't feel like it because you know it's a good thing. • The UnitO States bas the-highest divorce rate in the world, and if it makes you proltd to know we're -,~~' -All-Y-Rll-11-Y -~ leading, you ought to be puu.led by the fact that Russia bas the second hiabest divorce rate. What do you make of that! Last year more than 50 people were. divorced in the United States for every 100 married. The divorce statistics include, of course, people who were married in previous years. In 1979 there were 2,400,000 marriaies and 1,170,000 divorces. l'M NOi' VEaY iood at figures b~ that sounds to me as if we'll eventually end up without many married people. The fauJt in the atati&Uc, I guess, la that it doesn't take into account that people Old days were not so good ln terms of comfort and convenience, while it was far better to be rich a century or more ago than it ts today, it Is far better to be middle-class or even working-clus today than it "u then. And since there are many more of the. latter classes than of the former, it seems pointless to bemoan the loss of those good old days. Reading a new bio1raphy ol Charles Darwin, who inherited a considerable IYlllY 111111 sum and earned even more, we can only envy bia style of llvtn1 In the lflOI. On hla larce estate at Down Route, be employed well over a donn aervanta, indoor and out, wbo lived on tbe lfOUDdl. There wu a cook, • boulekeeper, a buUtr, a footman, ·a cfoom, a 1a.rdener, aDd a balf-dolen ma.ldl IDd boys to help .-ltb the odd Jc*. Tbeir •= •aae pa tbe ........ of • • ,. • room _. board. And Darwin •• aot ..... amoq tlM truly rlcb ot Vlctortaa •a1t1D11. W¥1e tW9 WU DO bltllroom M Down House, nor any hot water, except in the kitchen, notes his biographer, "there were plenty of hands to run about with the big balh·<:ans, to lay and Ugbt tbe fires, scrub the floors, &lack the grates, polish the silver and the brass, dust the mantelpieces, wash the clothes and mend them, clear the windows, ran1e the china, wax the woodworks. catry the dishes ..... SCARCELY THE richest families ln America nowadays employ such a full-time staff. who wouJd cost many thousands a week, and could not be found for the work, anyway. But ln those days, even Karl Marx, "starvinc" in a rented London flat, couJd somehow afford a hOU1ekeeper. Of coune, nobody had a telephone, a radio, a television, a waahinl ma.chine or diahwa.aber. . If you were .m ordlnary worklnc·clau or even lower mldd.a.clus familJ. the only "help" yOU bad were your own two hand•, for the rat of your Ult. The novel• of Dicken• dramatlae these Uv•, but they do not uaaerate. It l• tbe rich today who ha" ...,.... to ltve without the lavl1b am.au. ol tbelr forebean, and tbe nil o1 \II hen wbo live wltb comfort.a no duke could '-la••• contemplated wben David JCopperfttld WM a lad. " like Eliubeth Taylor who are married and divorced more than once. Jf you're divorced once. statistics indicate that your chances of getting divorced again are better than they were the first lime, and if you're divorced three times. I'm sure your chances or being divorced. four are excellent. Practice, practice. practice. 1 It's a funny thing that people who get married seem to like being married even though they specifically disillle the person they're married to. Jf a woman is married and then divorced before s he's 25 years old, the chances are 99 out of 100 that she'll be married again. I guess they're just the marrying kind. More people who have been divorced iet married than those who have never been married al all. Is that clear? Am I unnecessarily fascinated by these statistics? I fmd them amazing. After tbe United States and Russia. the highest divorce rates are in Denmark, East Germany, Czechoslovakia and Sweden. The divorce rates in Mexico, Ecuador and Greece are low. I don't understand tb.ia . I doubt that Mexican men and women get along in marriage any better than Danes. Maybe they don't have as much money to hire lawyers. I SHOULD THINK it would bother clergymen to ask a couple to vow to love and honor each other In sickness and in health for richer or for poorer until death do them part when so many of lbocse marriages are endi.nc. not in death but divorce. Reliaioua weddinc rituaJs ought to be rewritten to take divorce into account if couples aren't colng to take their oaths seriously. Do they mean those promises or don't they? Is the wedding just a UWe bit of theater? , Mickey Rooney baa been married elabt times now. I haven't beard bow he's lettfnc alOai with hla current wlle, but I think be and Elisabeth Taylor would make a nice youna couple. With 15 marrtaces between them, It would be a marrlate made aomewbere other than ln heaven. . Jerry Brown'• epJtapb wlU be: "I Deftl" met a compet.9t. 1tral1bt.. whit. male who wu aualltled to be appcMted to aay ol1ke.'1 • a.c.s. .... .,,. ... '. Orange Colet DAILY PtLOTfruffday, J~nuary S.! 1~ . • paµns helped , • WASHJNGTON <AP) -Tt.. l'ood ID4 ~ ,\d•lnlatratloa b•• approvecl a dru1 for tre•ttnc anllna, tb• cbe1t ,._ which occur wbea tbe beart muacle rec eh•• too llttlel oxy1en-bearl.QI blood. FDA Commhiilone Arthur Hull Hayes Jr. said Monday the dru1, nifedipblne, ii ••a staniflcant medical advance for patients who cannot tolerate or are not helped by other dru1s." I . Nifedlplne is the .second calcium blocker FDA baa approved for DOOMED BOAT -A blazing yacht is towed out of a Clearwater, Fla ., yacht club to the Gulf of Mexico after it caught fire at its AP ...... slip. The blaze could not be contained and the boat, owned by Teddy Emerson, is taken to open sea. this use and the first available 1n oral form. Ano t be r ca l_c \um blocker, verapamO, waa approved tut year for use as an injectable treatment 1n emergency rooms. Nifedlplne will be Lettuce prices near new high • marketed under the trade name Procardla by 'tbe Pfizer ·p b a r m a c e u t i c a 1 company. Dr l Hayes said it wlll not be available ln drul stores . Insect-caused ~sease hits Imperial Valley crop · EL CENTRO (AP> -A leaf-yellowing cq.,ease caused by insects bu belPed drive up the price ol lettuce in the Imperial, Valley, where half the nation's crop is grown, to the highest level since a 1979 farm workers strike. th e white fl y , is 1>artly respons4ble for what is the lowest lettuce acreage in 27 years -28,988 acres, s ays Imperial County Agriculture Commissioner Claude Finnell. As a result, g rowers who normally get 250 to 275 cartons per acre are producing only 50 to 60 boxes, Finnell said_ '·We need a series of cold nights to -kill off the plants that carry the disease," Finnell said in an interview. , Shoppers have complained about the small site of a bead of lettuce in produce sections ol their local markets. for several weeks. Se vet' al b und re~ thousand Americans suffer from angina but I is not clear bow many o them would be helped b nifedipine. I I sv.2%· 1· fromthem I I I I I I I I I So what\ your money doing over here? . Don't settle for the 5¥.2% return you get from all the major savfngs and loons (or the even smaller 5 %% the banks give). At Western Thrift and Loon Association we give 8Y.l% on our passbook accounts. (Thars a 9% annual yield.) Interest Is com pounded dolly and credited monthly. There's a minimum bo~ once. And you con withdraw your money at anytime ... with no notice and no penalty. WESTERN Although prices ranged from 49 cents to 99 cents at El Centro supermarkets, ,a bead of lettuce cost up to S2 a bead elsewhere in the natioo. Cartons of 24 bead! sold in. New York · City last weekend for $25, equal .to $1 per bead. Visitors returning from Hawaii reported beads costing · up to S2 in the ISlancb. ''It's unbelievable what the whitefly has caused," Deputy Commissioner Tom Kurupas said, noting that no pattern can be found in the ~spread of the disease. Imperial Valley growers shipped 540,000 cartons in the weekend ended Dec . 29. Shipments in the same period las t year exceeded a million cartons. Hayes said nifediplne\ ma be particularly useful for angina caused by a sudden contraction or spasm of the heart that may strike resting or sleeping people.. It also may be effective in more common angina cases when the heart muscle cannot get enough blood through clogged arteries. THRIFT & LOAN ASS061ATION l "Squash leaf curl," a ellowi.DR disease roduced by · Des pit e squash lear curl, Kurupas said about half of local growers reported fair lettuce production. Besides the Imperial Valley east or San Diego, major lettuce producing areas are in western Arizona, the Palo Verde Valley of southeast California, and lower Rio Grande Valley. Orange Long Beach 4501 Poe. Coast Hwy. Costa Mesa 2000 Harbor Blvd. (714) 645-3153 1111 E. Kotello Ave. (714) 997·1300 (213) 491·3301 ~ ii Assets ~ 140 milk>n wttn mor~ than a auarter ot a century serW1g Callfc>rn&a. AvaNablt to caMornla residents ontv. • N It's that time again ... don't miss it t • .. ......... -I .. ......... - Women's Fine, Fine Quality Shoes Sharply Reduced Not All Sizes In Every Style HOWARD FOX, AMAtFI, FRANK CARDONE AID MASERATI . A Select Group Qf Fall Colors Values from 84.00 to 105.00 4915115915 AIULFI, PAPPAIALLO I HUG811S OWi Some Evening Shoes Plus fd Fashions Values from 56.00 to 7 4.00 1HAT'SU• lllAl--TOcmllSE ~ MYmY. All JOU reallJ need ID know Is: 14.50% high yield gaanteed for1811D1liii lllSlnd safetr, no tns. ~ • I Ualngowounent1~ · rete, here'a whet~ lllA lnvealntem w .._ • .,.... ,... 20 25 30 35 40 45 ~ , 50 55 eo ·----------. ----- I co••AmTAl.118 · I -.,._.. EIPEH1'S. I w.·11 help you l8lect the t>est p1an tor you. I Just ftll In the applk:ation and retum r come In. I •. NAMl . I S1IEET CITY '-! I ,, 1 ·1 ') I I .... _ --~------ ------= ------~.::_ I ~ OrangeCout DAILY P9LOT/TU;91dey. January I, ~882 Wednesday, Janu'ary 6th. \ FASHION ISLAND · STORE ONLY - ~q.ae1111 ... Ulllffecl To Stock On Hmcl "'8n' s Ski Style Jackets Men's Dress Slacks Black-Brown-Tan Orig. '20" Now SCJ99 Bobbie Brooks Coonlnates Winter White-Black Slacks & Blazers Orig. 'J7"-'50" . Now SJ7'9-2499 ladies' Robes Asst. styles. Asst. colors fleece. velour, poodle Orig. '26-'56 Mow Sl'J!9 .Boys' :rewneck Sweaters Assorted Stripes 50%0FF <:eling Fans & Accessory · ~Kits Zip Off Sleeves Orig. 15000 Now .51999 Men's Tri-Blend Belted Slacks CameJ-Brown-Gray Orig. sis• Now s1250 Misses & Juniors Selected All Weather Coats Orig. •1.- Now S3899 · Ladies' Shirt Tales Robes Orlf. •2r Now s1399 Boys' Fashion Jeans Orig. .... . wS699 Spoi IL g 4ha• · 50%0Ff Seleded Sweat CA>ordinates Men's & Women's o,lg. 1 If"• '25f"' Slze8 Now <Mt-'14-'lf" S:_999 ~Sl'J!119 Mow s-,oo_s'B"~ . ~allic look Velcro . Wcillets Qutch PurNe. Tri-fold Ol:lt-•11• ' ~·-W17!' . s4,,_s7'!1 Now 5499 Men's Jogging Suit Fashion Styles Orig.'40" Now s19" Misses' Carina Blouses Long sleeve. with tie OrkJ. .,, Now 5799 Newborn Terry Diaper Sets Orig. •4• Boys' Velour Shirts Pieced look Styles Orig. '20- Now SCJ99 Orig. • .,.. . Now 52'9 lacles' Cover-Upt Allt. Stytes & Cok>ra ertg.•'r'· 'Zr Men's Fashion Jean Western Style Mow S899 Misses' <:orduroy . Group Blazer. skirt. pants OrkJ. IJ I •'66 Mow51499-524 Infant BOy 2 pc. Dressy Set ~·14• Bciys' Sv'9Gfer Shirt Prtp Stap Stytes Sizes 14-22 Now s599 ladies' Timex® Mesh band mechanical watch Orig. 'J4" Ortt-'12" Now 55" Men's Valour Shirt Sflort Sleeve Style ong. •2r Now s1099 ladies' loungewear ~w 51099 Pre-School Size~x Assorted Print Dresses Orig. • .,.. Mow S'J!9 Boys' Novelty Shirts Cartoon Characters Sizes 4-7 Orig. •14• Yardage Cotton/Polyester Prints Orig. '2" yd. Save50% Sll1dld Women's · Shoes ~ow '699-SJ200 . $tore· Opeqs 11 .A.M. ·women's Ski Jackets Orig. 13900-14200 , Now S] 899 Men's -fashion Shirts Short Sleeve Style ladies' Floor Length Nylon Gowns Orig. 'I 1• . Button Down Sweater Vests Girls Size 7-14 Orig. •14• Boys' Velour Shirts Long sleeve V-neck Sizes 4-7 Orig. •11• Gift sets by Revlon Charlie °"'" 11 J.126 Mow 5650-'1300 ·- Men's Casual Spor1shirts Orig..,,. ;Mow S7'19_ Jr .... ~ Short Sleeve Velours Orig. '14-' Mow s599 White Pointella Sweaters , Girls Size 7-14 an.. •1 4• 75% Off Selected Lawn Mowers (11 only) Orig. si7t"-'J2"' Now 99'5-12499 ~.&. . Intimate c:olog~ Jontue °"'" ··-• 14• Or1iJ. ..-.sir-• Now ~475-5 1 ()00 Mow 5250-5700 Save50% American Tourister 6500Series o.tg. •71-.• 121• Now s37so_S62S0 Bean Bag . °"*•· I CAVALCADE BUSINESS TELEVISION r James Brolin plays defense lawyer in TV's "The Ambush Murders " .BS. 0 0 Crews liv:e dailgerorisly • ID offshore oil fields ABOARD THE PLATFORM Gl-43AA, Gulf of Mexico (AP) - John f"isher's salary affords him tbe eJttra comforts of life. But to earn it, be must live with more dancer than most encounter in a lifetime. Fisher is a roustabouti toiling 200 feet above the shark· nfested &ulfwatets on this platform 20 miles off the Louisiana shore. He swines from roges, rides . for hours aboard a rickety work boat Oil choppy seas, lives with 10 others in cramped quarters aboard this winding labyrinth ot metal and c limbs around repairing awkward·looking machinery Conoco Inc. uses lo separate crude oil and natural 1aa pumped from 10,000 feet below the earth's surface. The work is dangerous and often fooe!y, but Fisher says the money is too good to pass up. He works 26 weeks -taking every other week off -and makes about $26,000 a year, not counting overtime. "That's the reason I came out here, and I enjoy having seven straight days off," s ays the tall, lanky and soft.spoken Fisher. He and his wife live in northern Louisiana, where they own two cars and a home and are in the process of building a second house. But Fisher -like many co-workers from Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida -endures a seven-hour drive to Grand Isle, south of New Orleans, where he catches a boat that shuttles him to work. "That's the sacrifice we have to make," he says. "I wouldn't want to have to move, and working offshore aJlows me and my wife to have the kind of lifestyle we're accustomed to." The price they pay for Uaese comforts takes its loll, however. The Tulane School of Public Health, in a recent study of deaths of Louisiana's oil field workers from 1973 lo 1978, rated tbe danger of offshore work 20 times greater than jobs of the a_veraee Ameri-can and four times as hazardous as high·risk construction jobs. Beyond the physical dangers, the crew aboard 43AA say there are emotional hazards for the men and women who abandon rand to J.lve and work offshore in an isolated community. Here, leaving strained or broken relations with those on shore is commonplace. "If a guy or a girl comes out here, leaving a husband or wife by themselves lo tend to the house, chances are pretty high that it won't last long," says Bill Colie, a maintenance foreman who was divorced after taking the job and has since remarried. "After a guy has worked offshore for a week, a bout the only thing he wants to do )Vhen be goes home is stay home. But it's just the opposite for the wife, HIGH ABOVE THE GULF -This Conoco platform 200 feet above the waters of the Gulf of Mexico· is home for some 70 rous tabouts who do the dangerous work of extracting oil from deposits b<'lo" lucrative. who's been cooped up all week," Colie says. Cotle and the others aboard the 43AA ~ew what they were getting.iinto when they signed on. Each was required to pass tests compiled by the American oii the side of a mountain in Denver, Colo .. " s ays Drew Willia ms , fi e ld produc tion 'foreman. Safety zules in L-hls oft-en hosti l e e nv ir onm e nt are stringent, and the use of alcohol "If. a guy or girl comes out here, leaving .a husband or wife by themselves to tend the house, chances. are high it won't last long .'' Petroleum Institute lo measure ability to interpret mechanical skills and concepts "so the company won't be peeling them and illegal drugs forbidden. The 43AA crew has racked up m o r e than 2 million work hours s ince 1969 without a "lost-time" accident. Each day begins before dawn whe n the overnight crewman flips on the room light and boilers, "It's 5 o'clock." After a hearty breakfast of grits, eggs, bacon, sausage and muffins, half the crew is shipped out to work the 12-hour shift on one of more than two dozen satellite platforms around_J,be 4-3AA tte-ta while the others remain on th e m other rig c hec king pressure charts. changing valves and performing other miscellaneous chores. Meanwhile, the galley hands pick up baskets of laundry that line the halls outside the riving quarters. make . up the beds and prepare a light luncti and dinner of seafood, steaks or barbecue. But while li fe aboard an offshore platform may seem pa mpered to the casual obser ver, Cheryl Cunningham. one of three women who work on 43AA , in s ists s h ari ng a ,104-by-65-foot area with as many as 80 others is not luxury. ··Everybody is always saying what great conditions we live in, how easy we have it," says the 27-year-old Ms. Cunningham. "The whole day i s so controlled -that's the problem. There's no place t o go to unwind." Ms. Cunningham savs. LONG SHIFT -An open mesh p latform above s ha rk-mfestecl Gulf of M exic-o waters is where these two roustabouts spend their da~ A 12-hour work shift which be~ins with a 5 a m wakl• up call 1s both physically dangerous a:, \\Cll as t•motionally hazardous I -----------------· Orano• Cout OAfL Y PtLOT/Tuelday, January 5, 1etp •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMBECK •HY GARDNER BR-R..,._.SK RUN -Chilly temperatures and high winds Saturday didn't keep a few hardy souls from climbing rocks and running alon~ --~ ................... I( .... the beach below Ocean Boufevard in Corona del Mar. TOP SIRLOIN BllAK OFFER GOOD THROUGH JANUARY 17, 1982. SERVED 3TO10 P.AI. DAILY Oetlclous Top Slrfoln StHk cooked the way you like It. Served with soup, salad. $8 4 I potato, gamlsh, fresh roll and butter. e The Daily Pilot has special help for woman with problems al home or work Maintaining a household while pursuing a career isn't easy. T<t help today's women with those challenges the Daily Pilot offers a wealth of resources. Sylvia Porter advises on finance, Ann Landers helps with domestic pro- blems and Sunday's You/Your Money section focuses on area business trends and opportunities. Other Daily Pilot money savers for women include the Supermarket Shop- per column, advertised values, coupon savings and tasty recipes in Wed: nesday 'sf ood pages. And the Slim Gourmet helps women k eep those food values off the f amity's waistlines. Women also save gas with the Daily Pilot by finding their needs close to home in Orange Coast classified ads Meanwhile, the Ad Sitter telephone answering service frees women from staying home while their Daily Pilot classified ad works selling household items or by finding a babysitter. Consumer advice and help with problems come in the Daily Pilot's Al Your Service column. Informative,· in-depth features on neighborhood people, places and trends are found on the Featuring pages. Every day. all along the Orange Coast, women's lives are made easier by information and advice found only in the Daily Pilot. Subscribe today by calling 642-4321 or by mailing the coupon to Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., P.O. Box 1560 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 . and local advertisements. • __L_ ~?!/JU. ~-------------., Help me at home and work I r Send my Daily Pilot Subscription today I For a month's subscription mail $4.00 and coupon to Daily Pilot·330 W. Bay St .. I Box ,1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 I ST'REET------------ an _______ z.tp __ _ PHOW'------~------- I I I I I I I •• _________ :_ ___ J . . . ......... ....... ' ·.Eye contact 'unhealthy' DEAR ANN LANDERS: It took me a long time to find a doctor I could put my faith ln. I shopped around for a year and now that I have discovered this terrific person, I have a real problem. It's bis eyes. This man has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen in my entire life. The minute I wall( into bis office and he says, ••Hello," I forget what I went in for. I keep seeing his eyes for weeks after the visit. I am a married woman, middle-aged with grown children, and I don't fool around. Please tell me why I go completely off my rocker when this man looks at me. What can I do about it? -EYE-YI lN NEW ROCHELLE DEAR YI: Half the problem ls YOUR eyes. Keep them off bis. Try to thl.nk about your husband's eyes wbea you are ID tbe doctor's presence. Or look at h.la diplomas on the wall. If he bas any pictures on bl.I desk of his wife,. try lookln« at HER eyes. If there are any children, look at THEIR eyes. U nothing works, close youn. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am a fireman. Today I saw three children and their father die in a house fire. I have seen death before, but it always hurts more when children are involved. My worst fear is not of being burned or trapped in a cave-in, but.-coming face to face with a burned child or an adult and realizing that I am minutes too late . But enough about me . Imagine yourself the sole survivor of your family, standing outside your flame-engulfed home, knowing your wife and children are in there and you can't do anything to save them. Our burn centers are filled with victims who can tell you there is no greater pain than being burned alive. As you read this paper. pause and look at your loved ones..-JUit for a moment imagine them -trapped in a smoke-filled room with temperatures so hot their bedding and clothes could bur~t into flames. Imagine the fear in a child's heart as be or she looks for a hiding place to escape the smoke. Put the paper down, take your family and rehearse a fire drill. Teach your children the quickest way to get out of the house from very room. Teach them bow to stop, drop and roll if their clothing should catch on fire. Establish a point outside your home where everybody should meet in case of a fire. Often a parent re-enters a burnin_g nouse ln search of a missing child who has escaped. but the parent doesn't know it. Is the telephone number of the fire department taped to every phone in the house? If it isn't, it should be. Visit your local fire department and ask questions about what to do to make your home fireproof. Investigate smoke detectors and fire extinguishers. Arm, this is not your routine letter. I am not asking for advice, I'm asking for . your help. It is my hope that a columnist like you and a firefighter like me ca.n combine our efforts and keep someone, somewhere, alive mid keep someone from ever having to know the anguish of being t he sole s urvivor. -FIREFIGHTERS EV ER YWHERE <Pendleton. Ore.> DEAR PEN: Many thanks from the hundreds <possibly thousands> of people whose Uves yop may have saved because you took the time to write one letter. Parents. what should you do if your teenager is having sexual relations? Ann Land.era' new booklet. "High School Sn cmd- How to Deal With It -A Guide for Teens and Their Parenti," give no-nomen.se advice on how to handle thia delicate situation. For each booklet. send SO cents plus a tong. stamped. ul/-Oddre11ed envelope to ..Ann Landers. P.O. Box 11995, Chicago. Ill. 60611. Her snoring collared I J like to think of snoring as a masculine trait, yet in my heart I know there are possibly two or three women out there who inhale loud enough in their sleep to make cattle restless within a 50-mile radius. A doctor in Los Angeles has not only come up with a cure for women's snoring, he has established a breakthrough on how to get women to admit they snore. The cure : a mink collar studded with rhinestones. For a mink colla r s tudded with rhinestones. I'd admit to being a cat burglar in my sleep. The theor.v behind the mink collar is that it forces closure of the mouth. preventing mouth breathing' which ultimately causes snoring. WHAT A SHAME MEN can't dress up for snoring. For some of us it's like climbing into a bed every night on the San Andreas fault, knowing that within minutes there will be a rumble, the bed will shake a nd the Richter scale will go crazy. Changing beds was suggested for men who snored. The only time that worked for me was when he slept in a bed in Orlando an<! ~ .slept ii) a bed in Dayton. Rolling them over on their sides was sugg.ested. This gives substance to the theory that as long as you're awake. you might as well move something. A pillow stretched tightly over the face flMA IOMli(r ATWIT'S END has merit -as soon as they work out a few bugs. Personally, J like the proverbial knee on the throat while you shake them senseless and tell them to wake up and hear themselves snore. "Do J snqre?" J asked my hus band the other night. -"I don't think so. Why?" he asked. "WELL, J UST BECAUSE you can't hear me doesn't mean I don't. And if I thought I was robbing you of a minute's sleep, I couldn't sleep a wink." "What are you driving at?" "Marj bought herself a Persian lamb collar yesterday to s leep in to keep her from snoring." ··You're kidding. That makes no sense at all." , "Our dog has a collar and you've never heard him snore." "So try a flea collar." "All I know is it w-0rkied for Marj,'' b insisted. I didn't have the heart to tell him the reason it worked is that she didn't sleep a wink all night for fear someone would steal the collar. Love scored with fans Q: What ls your J~nout oplaloa of Jolla McEaroe brla ... I &lorY a. tile U.S. by ......, die Davll Cup a1a•1 -Carl G., Mempllia, Teaa. • A: The Terrorist of Tennis. who ga-roers-legitimate ransom by b is conquests on the courts, doesn't even do himself honor. His tantrums deserve hisses more than kisses seems to be the consensus. . Q: llDw •Hll did Mlllwa•" All eara la Illa aUemft to wta tile ltea•1welalat cro .. f• a ~ Ume! -AnlMlr N_., ...... ~. A: In the same edltloo ol the Miami News (on 1>1Ce 1, 1ectioll B>. All aakl be earned more than t.1 million; while OD pa1e 58, 1ame day the promoter wu quoted aa aaymc be paid Ali '2 mlWOD. In __, nmt, while_~>' ntlrtel oal)' pt a watch for their 1on1 .enorta. All sot the wbole worb . PllSOllAlln a:&A. BY MARILYN ANO HY GARONER • A: De Naro a pent some time in Italy OD a atri<.1ly pasta diet and 1ained JO pounds. Then be went on a diet to look like Rohen De Niro acain. l t , I ~~..L-~' "See what you do lo me? I think my skis are on upside-down." · HOIOSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA Sagittarius: Watch diet \\'ednesday,Jap.6 By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES (Marc h 21-April 191 : New enterprise leads to profi t shake off fears. Inhibitions. You'll receive direct proof pf your own worth. TAURUS I Ap r i l 20 ·May 20 > · Circumstances favor vour e fforts liming, judg me nt a nd intuition are on target. .GEMINI CMay 21-June 20 1· Look behind scenes for answers. Ele ment of luck rides with you -important contacts resul t from social affair. CANCER <J une 21-J uly 22 > · Some of your aspirations are closer to fu lfillment tha n orig ina ll y a nticipat ed. Surprises dominate. LEO (July 23-Aug . 221: Delineate trends, subtle clues someone is trying to tell you something. Emphasis on prestige. Authority. abilit» to read between lines. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22>: You're not aware of all facts -money could change hands in unoffi cia l manner LIBRA !Sept. 23-0ct. 22 1 · By waiting. you gain advantage. Decisions connected with loans. interest rates a nd investments r equire review SCORPIO <Oct. 23-Nov. 211 · Exchange of ideas. goods. products will be featured. Emphasis also on public response to efforts. contract s. pa rtne r s hips a nd ma rital status. SAGITTARIUS <Nov. 22-Dec 211" Assignment is completed -basic chores are attended to in effective manner . Check for medica l-dental appointments and keep resolutions concerning diet. nutrition. Aries. Leo, Libra pe rsons play significant roles. CAPRICORN C Dec. 22-Jan. 19> Good lunar aspect coincides now with creativity, change, variet y. new starts and possible r o m antic. liaison. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fe b. 18): Accent o n t e rritory, sec urity, do m esti c environment. Follow through on hunch : you regain sense of direetion. PISCES c F e b . 19 -Ma r c h 201 : Communica tions com e fro m m a n y directions, sources. You'll be a ctive. energy leve l will be high. intellectual curiosity will be s timulated. N~es,jobs Coincidence? Hello: Atty. Andrew D'Anneo forwards 1.he fronLpage of the Weekly Calistogan, which f eatu.res a photo of a lad named Deflo Swindlehurst at the Calistoga fair.grOWtds. Even the late W.C. Fields could not have devised a name as honorable as Deflo Swindlehurst, who appears to be an excellent, clear.eyed chap. At Marin Center, it is possible to procure a· marriage license from a clerk named May Day Card. Does this make your other otherwise drab day? It made Al Pross' ... Finally, John DeCock discovers that Judy Staple-Smith sells office s upplies for Schw a bac he r -Frey. Rig ht. John Decock. 1'10RE NEWS IN a moment: l don't know whether it was a landmark, but it was unique, eyen in this town, and now it's gone . That would be The Trapp, the gay black ba r on Eddy nr. Mason. which has been razed to c l ear the way for a 1,000-room Ramada Inn. opening in '84. The Ramadans we re not interested in preserving The Trapp or even creating a Topp 'o the Trapp. PRFS51NG ON: If you're looking for an exciting ele vator ride. Laurie Crane r ecommends the lift t o the left in Embarcadero I, which goes first to a spot between the first fl oor and the base ment. where the door opens on a blank wall, and then zooms nonstop to the 29th floor. Uke something out of "Alien" ... This is 1982: The seeretary got t WO weeks. pay and a dismissal notice. The la wyer got a year-end bonus . That's what happened in that big law offi ce near the Pyramid after The Bosses found out he and she were s1eeping together. · SATELUTEM: Steve Schwartz hips us to a book with an intriguing title: "Guide to Hazardous Bars." Unfortunately or otherwise, it's publis hed by the Coast Guard and covers the coasts of Oregon a nd Washington. He re, you cruise at your own risk. "DEV," KIP The riot says to m e. "everything you have Written about Chico is true : I went into an eating place there and the menu said ·Root Beer Float - Ingredients Vanilla Ice Cream a nd 7-Up' " ... Howe ver! TaJk about class a group from Chico State left for two wks. of skiing at Chamonix in the French Alps , and took along copious quantities o f /romage de Chico "Depending on the-response to our age·dated sliced Velveeta, we will shorten or extend our stay,·· says Dean Ralph Meuler. "lf there is any good cheese in France we may bring some back to Chico. but frankly, I am ske ptical ... EVERYBODY LOVES an "Awww" story: Standing with her three-yr-old grandson, Covey, a s the first star appeared the other evening, Marietta Lindner of Redwood City intoned "Star light, star bright." etc .. and t~en asked : .. What did you wis h for?.. ··More s tars ... ·replied Covey ... Well . Maybe not EVERYBODY loves an "Awww" story. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT ~OR ME, EVEWt' DAV IS A TURNl~G POINT: !HAT'S WHY MY COURSE IS SO E RRAT IC. F 8cial tic painful . . DEAR DOCTOR: A few weeks after my 5Znd blrtbday I began to suffer -and I mean suffer ,_ terrible shooting and stabbing pains In my right lower jaw. They would last °')Jy 15 to 29 seconds but were aJmo.t unbearable. la tbe begbuUDg rd treat myseU with asplrla. bat when Its effects began. to wear off, I decided to vlalt my doctor. He has dla1nosed my condition as trigemlnal neuralgia, sometimes called tic doalotareU. · H~ bu pat me on Mme pieclldae ancl I get fewer attacks aa41 tbey're not so· se•ere. He tells me tbe condition la a stubborn one and may last for some time. Can you explain? -MRS. J. DEAR MRS. J .; Attacks may begin in patients who are around 50. These pains occur along the course of the triaeminal (Stb) cranial nerve. Qtten they are trt11~red by a 1li1ht drall or cold water · toucldq the sensitive area. AbiMnt'e of symptoms (remiasiolll> may laat for weeks or months. 1n most cases we do not know what cauaes these paroxysms of f aclal pain. As ln your cue, aaplrtn I I T JOUI HfAlTH OR. PETER J. STEINCROHN becomes ineffective. Initially, doctors prescribe such m e dications as carbamazepine or pheoytoin sodium, Relief usually follows, but if there are complaints like drowsiness and Ughtheadedness and other side effects -and return of pain -operation may be necessary to control the pain. According to a report by Drs. Rand VoorlUes and Russel E. Patterson ol the Departrpent of Neurosurgery, The New , York Hospital, Cornell Medical Center, N. Y. 29 of 32 patients who underwent a surglcal procedure called microsuraical decompressio.n had good to excellent results. TRIO SHARES BIRTH DATE New Yc::ir".; Day not only i s a holiday celebr.tl1on in Roge>r and Sally Palme1"s Las Vegas home. 1t now,..., a lime for a t ripl e b1rthda~ celebrat10)1 .,, ....... ti T1ffa11\· ,ti l•·ll ".1 th1 l1r'\t C'hi ld born in La. \'L'ga:, ill 1!1s1 .11\ol lwr hl'Othcr Scott repeate t tw :11·1·•111.pl1 I 1111•111 , '·•l·tl .' ont• year later.: l(ng1·1 \\ .i 11111 1 1111 .I .111 I IH-19 Paid Political Advert1semtnt The Committe e of.4 000 is holding a mee ting for all Leaseholders an d frie nds. Sunday, Janua ry 1 0, 1982 7:30 p.m . Marriott Hotel (B all Room) Fashion Island, Newport Beach Vote on leaseholder Strategy fo r 1982! Crack into a plate of hot. stl',1nH11~, 1.11' lt l!' 1, 1 t.:1 • ·• t '"" ... l'rving of our new spiced cold boiled ... hnmr l )r '1ur t.11 •• ' n I""\ n ... hnmp And then do it again! · lt 's all you can eat. Every J.,y oft hl· Wl'd Each special is served with your dmlll' nl ,1 .11•1 "'"'>{" I .... l,1,l m cole slaw, baked potato or rice pil.1t .• md .lll• '' 11<0r l.i ll nt11,lc111gh hread. All you can eat. All week-long. Alaskan Snow Crab Legs All you can eat. ~· s 11.95 PopconfShrimp All you can eat . . . . . s7.50 New Spiced Cold Boiled Shrimp ---1 All you can eat . . . . . . . . . . . '8.95 RedfObsftr· &r the seafood lover in you: 7801 Beach Blvd., Bu 'n11 Parl. "9·HH1 16811 Beach Blvd Hunbnj.!ton &-. ti. Kit~·I", 1 11.10 a.m Iv:('() J'l.m Sun ··Thu~ 11.30 11 m. I LOO p 01 Fri &. Sat Orenge Cout DAILY PtLOT/TUHday, Januery 5, 1812 .,.............. : .......... ....,... ...... ... • ! .... ~ ....... diaeo ..... tM&r Clatrfmiil lllirM at tbe tut ... . ... ..... u..i-. MlldaJ .... .. ..... ,,.. ....... T~e •••• patterll baa bHa ,., ..................... ,..,._ 11M1,... waltjq u kleC u pwt~ IMl7 auutmu ,...._.. to ... wlaat . INI OD We. Tbey WMted 10 Olll tbla year. bowtver, wltb kl ....... 1• IWlploym•t UMI ...,_Ina ... eeuaon. tbat lDduttry watcbert · W9Nll1i&UUQWYOUI. l11t-bUID ... durtn1 Cbristmu weell .. tM days immediately after Ute MlidQ wu evea better than tome ol the retaJ.len bad been bopinc for. · · Pederated Department Stores, for lllltance. pmted a 25 percent sales ·n1ala for the week ended Dec. 21 u com..-with tbe 1ame t• period, t:i aeeordiq to preliminary reports ·11 comDlled by lloa.roe Greemtelo. a ,. ,retail anal71t with the New York 1eeuritiel ft.rm ot Bear, Stearns Ill Co. -CincinnaU-bued Federated, the .n:!f:~'s lar1ear depa"'ment store c ~ Bloommcdale's in ~ew York and Abraham & Straus -both of which have an upper· to . upper-middle-clau clleotele. John Bovine, senior vice preaident at Federated, wu pleased with the end-of-the-month sales iocre._ae. "1 Federated showed an 8 pereent sales lt 1ain foe . the preceding three-week period compared with the 1980 'weeks. 1 But Hoving acknowledged the 4l'crowded stores would not do much 7 for retailers' fourth-quarter profits 11 becauae ol the way shoppers were enticed to buy. Stores have been marking down rt ltem1 by -40 percent or more since • t.• early November because of slow "1ale1 -much earlier and much t> steeper than in the past, retailers and n analysts have said. "Our sales in December were . _ . Child care subsidize.d Pacific Mutual Lile Insurance of ,..Newport Beach will provide ;:aubaldi.led child care for its Orange "~ounty employees, effective this .. month, according to a company ~.release. ,, The company is introducing a pilot program in conjunction with Kinder-Care Learning Centers Inc., which operates 17 child care facilities , throughout Oran1e County. All ~;Pacific Mutual employees are ~ ~eli-1ble for a 20 percent discount on ·,.tuition C08ts, lo be financed through r : ~authorized payroll deductions. : ~ Pacific Mutual is the fll'St company •1in Orange County, and possibly the ~~state, lo provide reduced cost child 1 'care to its employees in off-site : ,independently contracted centers, ·• according lo the release. L "We're offering this program lo ' , •our employee s in an effort to minimize the inconvenience and ; anguish 'of locating quality, g professional and affordable child care," explained Ed Lehman, second vice president of Human Resourca. ''Because we employ a bigb percentage of women, many ol whom are working mothen, we believe this program will better allow our employees lo concentrate cm their work, and not worry about where their cbild.ren are, and what klnd ol supervisioo they're receivina." Children ages 6 months throulh 2 years are cared for in some cent.en. In all centers, care is pnmded for children 2 • S, -kiDdeqarten la offered. After-school care for children lo age 12 is provided. ''Combined with our nu-time scheduling, th1a procram abDWd .belp our penonnel meet tbe dee.+ ol being both a parent and an employee," J,damaa Jakl. Pacific Mutual laas assets exceedin1 $2.t bllllon, aad life insurance in force ii over S1I blllloll. The company markets life, bealth, and peo.aioo plans and, tbrou1b subsidiaries, provides investment management aervica. !Security firm signs lease ' : Time s Mirror Security ~Communications Inc., a newly : formed and wholly owned subsidiary . of Times Mirror Cable Television ~...Inc ., baa signed a 10-year lease : tvalued at nearly $2 million in the new •·Mason 5 Building in the Irvine l !Industrial Complex-Eut. ~ • The long-term accord encompasses ~ •lS,800 square feet, or more than half {/..of the· newly completed structure. : The facility will serve u corporate 1 _headquarters for the firm which I specializes in commercial and residential security systems. l :, OCCUPAIJCY of the building is slated 1lor mid'tolate February. 11 Cushman & W altefield associates ,, Tom Taillon of the realty firm's Anaheim office and Gary Escbenroeder of C&W, Newport Beach, represented the project developer in the transaction. The Mason 5 Building, which wu specificaUy designed for use in corporate applications and lo research and development, la located on a 1.S acre site at the nortbeut corner of Muirlancb Boulevard and Mason Avenue. According lo Taillon, the 28,300 square foot, two-story structure occupies one of the· most bilhly visible locations within the first phase of the Irvine· Industrial Com ex-East. BIG NEWSf PQET c.PUTER NEW LOW PRICE! Wa 229.95 s 15'995 In cm. RSC-8 • U.. Ae • Clllouliellf, Or Proef9m For Compeex PnlblllM • UM .. Oft.ell9" In Relll l!lllllle, Engln11rtng, ...., 111 • . . TM TNMO oompuW-goee ...... rcR1 got .... powo ertul, yet ....... to ... t1w1 a~a.loul1tcw. Md one of our........,.. (lllo II w low prtoeel) Md en · aptlallllrwoonWindyouwt ... our11t1a1Mof~ · INUll Hiii ................... illl1 In Mlle, teo. -•Ywxftxfte•-put OM lft '°"' paat111 tDdllrt ' ---------·-- -- ----- • TheYreSO. " They've opened IRA Plans. They've · cut ' I I I . f lb JomN C\JNNIPP .,........... . \ NSW YORK -U you wen an executive beln1 Dlaaaed 1mo retirement you would belln worltln1 '··~r boun tac-weelt um year, and probably r.wer dQI •xt )•at, before leavll\I tbe work force &ltol.U-. You would, In otrect, be acceptinl demotion. TM procedure ,..m• &o be wlnnina adbetenta amoq aa.a1en, at leut lft preference to the more common practice of· fuU-Ume ot departure, an AMA : t urvey indicates. AMA ln lhla instance is the Aro eTican Mana1ement Assoelations, which analyzed 1,267 responses to a s urvey of 6,000 membert. It found there were "compelling grounds" to ·experiment with phased retirement. "A majority of the respondents, including tbote past age 80, see this as _,, attractive option, even when it means a loss of status," the AMA reported. Responses dJffered from some earlier aurv~ and the AMA concludes that the rise of Inna , which sometimes makes retirement riskier than it used to be, probably brought about the change. Jn Jaban. for example, worker• at •I• N may be moved to a 1ubaldlary ol the company and HJume new rol . They remaln active mtmben of tbe work force, but in movtnc they open tbe way for YO\lnter employees. lo many lnttancet, th• phaaeout may mean • reducUon In status. The AMA aurvey found mott respondents wUllng to accept leas authority and responalblllty, a nndlne that is ln aceotd with an earlier study among Denmark'• 150 lar1eat companies. The AMA found one response in the Danith study especially alfnlficant, and probably' representatJve of a widespread feeling. "I know a lot or mana1ers who want to reduce their responsibilities but they are afraid to brine tt up to their employees," the demotee said, addln1: . "They rear the company will think them weaklinp or even sack lbem. They worry about what their families and friends wUl say. If they could find an easy way to let go, they would." While the maj_ority of AMA respondents said they would accept fewer hours and leu responsibility, they put their foot down about accepting lower pay, prompting the AMA lo Issue the caveat that "Salary is likely to become a sensitive issue in any phased retirement program." An idea that seemed lo have extensive support 0,.nge CoMt DAIL V PILOTfTutlday. Januiry 5, 1982 , ll job tplittiq, ln wblcb two executives b&DdJ• the work prevlOU1ly performed by on...-But other varletJ• of pbueout1 lffm poulb.1* too, th• AMA lndlcated, olUna re1poue1 that 1une1ted a preference for part-Um• cooaultin1 or, to name one otbtr1 ~ th•. uae of 1tnlor1 on taall force u1l1nmeqw. R .. ard1e11 of what form retirement takes, maa .. ement mu.at contend wltb It. The AMA report blClnl wltb the reminder that "American mana,_. are arowtna older." Jn fact, the entire • populaUoo ll 1ettln1 older. "At present," states Robert Jud. the Interpreter of reaponsea, "rou1h1Y 50 million people . . . are 50 yean of a1e or older, and by the turn o( the century, that number will swell to 75 million." Ch1n1in1 attitudes. be says, demand attention from companies and employees. "American manacere. •• be writ.ea, are more rec!epUve to "more nexible ways of retirioi," and it seems to mean "drawint a less rleid line between working years and retirement years." But remember that caveat: Demotion, but no cut in pay. That could be a problem. Says Jud, a vice president of William Mercer Inc .. an international employee benefits conaultant: "When managers look toward retirement years, the money issue still weighs heavier in the decision-making process than any other factor." EASY DOES IT -Installers gently set Pacific National Bank's new 6.500-pound vault door in place using rollers and levers . The bank is located at Campus Drive and M acArthur Boulevard in Newport Bea<'h a nd is scheduled to open this month. The pbued retirement concept had never before won wide acceptance in the United States. althoulh it bu been practiced ln several other lndu~trial nations, such as Japan, Sweden, Denmark and France. . Newport exec promoted to Metromedia post An Answer Paoe beeper IS hke pun1ng Ille pllQOe in your pocket. You'll lle'ier miss 1n important phone call aoam1 • World's largest computerized pao1ng agent • lnexPtllsive-tess than a dollar a~ • Wide-area cowrage-15,000 square miles • Direct dial KCeSS. • A. location near you. plus hekl representa~ at your bed! and can. • 24-hour seMCe We.newr steep • ff8e unlim11ed beeping, deltvery and-lub maintena.nce • Quantity discounts. • Cl/I today for literature and a free demonstration, With Answer Paoe. you may be out of reach. but you ·11 ntYer be out Of touch I @) ~~SWEA ffilJE . 731-7777 • 953-5782 C.O•""l-N t'6> o. ... -..... _,... __ ,.. 642-5678 Put a few words 10 work for you in the Daily Pilat The A/Hance to SaYe Energy h~ prepared a brochure thet contalllS 12 smple. inexpenSJve messur6$ to talce whtCh can cur down your home f1Mf0 use by 25% That m rum can cut down the amount of money you pay fol home energy. (For example Ord you know that Mlctncal outi8ts "leak" hplM? The broehure wrl leK )"OlJ how to prfMJflt If iJr>d S8V9 ) The brochure will also tell you about easy I/lings fO dO to chimneys and flues, to P'PBS an<1 flt.Jets, to showfJr '*1ds. to 8'ectncal out· lets. to washing mac/W>8S. to doots Bfld WJO· '10Ws. to W8f9(' hMM. Do them all. an<1 cut your M8ffJY use. by 25% The brochure. Patrick D. Pattison has been named vice president and director of advertisine and promotion for television s tation W'rTG , Metromedia 5. . PatUson, a native of Newport Beach, has been director of advertising and promotion at the Washington, D.C. station since November, 1980. He s tarted with Metromedia Television in January, 1979, as advertising man ager for KTTV Channel 11 in Los Angeles. Prior to that Pattison owned and operated Afte rmarket Advertising, a full-service advertising agency in Newport Beach. Pattison attended Orange Coast Co ll ege an d the University of Redla nds. f'ATTtSOH • Anthony Daly has joined Jansen Associates Inc .. Newport Beach, as a public relations account executive. • Daly, forme rl senior writer /a ccount ~ .. THE EARL'S 11'\.~•HfATIMG ...... _..._. • !.• .l ""fi~· ~1"1C"• ,...._St-"' •t •our OOCM ICM 5,w-_,-,fiM•lf'\t YOVt Ar••I COSTAIKU841•1289 ... ..__. ..... IC)tl w..o495-0401 -ca-ca,.. ..... llo• °'"9o f"'J • .._......, ,.._, I Antique Show Huntington Center in.it today fhru Jin. 10 contains accurate diagrams and easy to follow dlfections Take our advtce Send for our tree brocllure. "The 25% SolutlOf'I." It can save you plenty of money . The Al##a fo Save EMfV1 Box 51200, w.h#nglon, O.C. 20031 Pleases~meyour.,-,ergy·saVlflfl mof'IBy·SBWltJbrOCbure NA~E. C1f'f" srATC /IP .TH! ALLIANCE~ SAVE ENEllG,Y executive LeAnce Public Relations of Newport * Chris Mine r has joi~ed Media Systems Beach, has 10 years experience. He bolds a master or fine arts degree in creative writing from UC I and a bachelor's degree in literature/creative writing from UC Santa Cruz. • Sbe ryl L . Marls&a n bas been appointed loan officer with the Newport Beach branch office of Granite Home Loans, Ltd. OALY Technology as the company's first director or finance and administration. Based at MST corporate and marketing headquarter s in Irvine, Miner will direct day-to.day capital expenditures and devel~ long-term financial strategies for the firm a expanding line of commercial and industrial diskette processing equipment. * E.M. <Ned) Van ReD.Sselaer or Newport Beach Ms. Maristan has been in the real estate lending business for S~ years. Prior to joining Granite she was with Pacific Plan and earlier with Allstate Thrift. has been named president or Athena Securities I nc., a Palo Alto-based broker /dealer firm specializing in research and e development limited partnetships.·He is in charge of Athena's office in Newport Beach. AclYllfKecl .................. . Oecll,_ ............... .. UMl\aftgecl ................ . Total I-.............. . _ .. ..,.. ............ .. --................... . TOlal Mita .................. .. ·MUTUAL FUND u" J:,'' .fft. I • "° . . .... 2V. • l>-16 J • "' , . "" 2 I·" • 14 ..... + ~ l<RI. • , .. IV, + , •V. ...... ~ +I 214 + 14 .,.._ + I .... + ..... ~ + ... .v. • , ,_ + v. ~ + .... , .... + lit ,.... + v. s • .... 2'"' + 14 I • ..... , ......... ,~ ..... 2~ + 14 DOWWS Pct. UP -._, UP U.J Up u.a Up , \A"J Up 14.J Up Id Up IU Up IJ_. Up 11S Up 1U VP 1U Up lt.t Up JJ.J Up IU Up IU Up lt.O Up ti.I Up II.I Up IU Up II.I Up II.I Up II.I Up II.I UP tt.J Up M.e Up 10.t Up I0,0 Y\I Clla Pel. ,..... -'-Ott 11.s 1i. '-Oft ISO ~ = ~ g:: l!J ,..,, -.. Off no ..... ~ Oft 12 ~ 16 -2 Oft 11 I U -1..... Off 11 I 3 -:i-.0tt111 10.... -l llo Off 10.t I V. ~l Off IOA IS -'""" Off ft.• 21H -"' Off 10.0 H • -"' Off IOO t\C. -I Oft t.I ~~ -: 'g:: ::: ,...,_140ft ti , .. -"' Off &.1 114 --Off &.J 2~ -14 Off ..., 11\!t -I Off 1.2 1114 -I Off U 2._ -14 Off LO ,._ -.... 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IA , • .... " 1 .., it'-:: · .,14: 1~ ..-*1 ... , m• -. 1 • •• ~ ,.,,..._." ~ .... ,4 ui , • ....,_ "" s1111k111 2 ~.,, ., -" WI(• u• , "• 25 ... "' 1'0 1 6Z ~+ Ya Ott _. t i t•lllt q 11~ rJ;····· t:' mt: II ,. .. ..,,c: 1.10 S f04 2~ ..... SMV<kt 1,;10 I U '5W.-'6 Wac111t1 1) ,.. 1-.+ " US lft lit+ 14 Oet if 1 " + 1 '!J1f 6 ~ t1 · 1 ~ ... P11nA II t4 1 6 ,,_ 'A iApC)ll M 11 !It tit; .,_ We<ltl!I .O IO t . It_.,.,.. • -t "' 01-" u s 1 .. "' r.Ji ·t l•"-~ · M -It. ~Am ta OH ~ t • 1.10 ' tu • e-w11110<o .14 .:..t. no " -" " I It+ ~ oEra UJ' 1 ! .. n • • • I • , m• .. f"PenfllC 2 •• 141 M9-+ It ~.I .. If MM 11 + '-WI~ .Uw m ~ ..... 11 '= !114 ..... o.t pr t.• :: Ii + = , .JS • ~ J&"-t ,_ ~~ 1 nl I I'::• " ~" 1 t.• 1 tt lttlt-14 ~a. 1~ t d Jm: ti. ••itr, 2 I 21 \f'l···\t "'"·1';;111t!'~ -~I~ t J• M+ tl't ttf ~~ t"'.J~' J •I : la f.=i!i I.IA': jj 1:,...".. 8f,rid.i°:: 'f 1•~;~ wo1~''.f~ n 1'::1111 1:..ii Em:~ 1:1t1ui"? t[::~ ·~·1 ... J ;~·~ fi;i' iJ m:~~ ::::::·:!J : ~ ~ er:r1:•AI~: j ;t~:~ ==~I~ .. :; tej\4: ! I ... tt -t ~ , .. 1:. ·-" -• ""' ~9'Jel'I 11! • Vt t t llf ,,, , WMOll 1 It,,.., t " fl J .. 14 ... ,, -s UtJ ,,_-il 1 + ._ + \lo ""'"'' It i ._.. w. l I 111'1-' W1nwt. 1 • .0 .. 41t -..,... Ml I,~ 4 .,.._.,. 1 .... ::•ii, -....... ---=M• 1 • ~ l,Jat 4 9'tt+"' Wl!'.'!!2M t •l• \\+" II , t=-"' ... " .... =r • • , -• "I !&.>..... "'"' I, ~"' ... , m ..._. ~ •:::W\•1·• 6,... •I , Small firms vs. big academia In the American pantheoo of UCl'Olanct values, small bu.slne11 rankl up t~ with Mom and ap.,Je pie . We're naturally 1uJplclou1 of lar1e organlz1aUOOJ. We bav.• Jawa on t.h• booka to protec?t small companies from being run over bf mootler cof'poratlons . We have a Small Butlneaa Adminlstratlon lo help small companlea get the financlng they need. Given that partiality, there's an. intereatlni confrontation · shaping up thia year between small bu11iness and big universities. At issue is this question: Who should carry out the basic research funded by the federal 1ovemment? Many people feel that small companies are better than large corporations ln coming up with fresh ideas for new processes and products. The theory here Is that the small company 111 more flexible and therefore more Innovative. Acting on this · impulse. the Senate ~ last month passed a bi II that would set ;~ ~ aside some federal __________ \ t research money for lllTll IRlllnzl!t...'-11~; small business The ~~ bill sponsored by freshman Sen . Warren Rudman <R·N.H.> specifies that all federal agencies with research and development budgets or $100 billion or more a year reserve at leasi 1 percent of tbose grants Cor small companies doing innovative research. The measure or senatorial confidence ln small business was reflected in the final vote on the bill: 90 LO 0. The Rudman bill was supported by President Reagan and the Federation of American Scientists A House science committee will begin hearings on similar legislation this month. The chier . opposition to the bill divefting research funds to s mall business will come not from the General Electrics of the world but from our noble and large universities. They are aghast at a proposal that would reduce their federal research grants. The Association or American Universities and the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges have orficially come out against the legislation. Donald Kennedy , president of Stanford University and former head of the l'.'ood & Drug Administration, will be one or the university leaders who will go to Waaftington to testify against the bill. Stanford"s stake in this aree is high. The university currently bas more than 1,000 research contracts worth aboat $1.20 mlllton, 00-j>ercent of which is supported by federal grants .. Since the legislation setting aside 1 percent of government monies for sm all business does not call for any additional outlays, this could impact Stanford by Sl million or more. Stanrord will try to make the point before Congress that small businesses are. certainly not capable or doing basic research in such areas as high energy physics. As a result. says tbe university, if the set·aside program takes away money from basic research in high energy physics, that will just be a total loss. If the bill passes Congress, some $75 million of research funds would be earmarked for small businesses in the first year. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORk IAPl -S.ln, Mon<Uy Of'l<e -.... d\Al9 of ti. filtMn "'°'' """'" -Y-Stock Ea~11An119 11-•, l<fflng notiOnell v at more tJwn SI IBM m,l/llO st\4 +1-EuOll I .. ,100 ~ -111 So•rs,._ $19,400 16* + -"' Ill Pow« ... ~ -14 Pflll1 El« 412, eoo u.-i. + ~ Glnos Inc 411,.SOO "" • Yr A..,.r Tl.T 177.SOO st'h -14 SOllr .Cor"P *· t00 """ , + " SldOllOll ~2.700 40\ro -~ Moelll s D ,100 24Vt + ._ . AmSoullcp " 330,SOO ,,.,., + "-• Oon MotGn m .100 ~ +1\111 C-• Edis l1UOO 1014 • .. 0-lnSI s 320,.00 .S + >ti. ,......, I 31',300 JS + 11(1 AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORJ< lAP). S.let., 4 p M. prke -Ml G~ tfle laf\ -oulvo ;£' Ea~ lsSUB, t Mt• .i m«• !twin "· •• ' .m.400 Jh • \It HouOllTr 112,200 IC>'-+I Wing II 114,JOO J4 + "' OoeMIPtr1 • 1a,soo 11y, -14 Sut>ronEnt t 101,200 II'-' -1Vt !fllogEng n 10.600 4 Rtil!OttOll ... 100 l!'°t .... ii; AZL ft" •1.JOO ~ -"' g=~ llt: :~ .--~ UPS AND OdWNS NEW YORK(API Fl,,.t Dow-J-•-. '"' -·· JAn 4 STOCICS , ~ Hlllll lAw Cloto a. JO tnd *7U1 a f.v 111 .. m SJ• 7.52 20 Tl"ll •.1' Ja.J:I »•.am.-0.62 U UU 10t.!11102• IOl.71 IOUI+ U1 U Si. Je.22 UI • 3'S • MAO+ l.IO ·-· ,,,.. .. ~~n~ ::::: : ··: . :::::: U Stlk .... .. .• . .. .. . . • .. S,MO,tOO WHAT ·sroCKS DID NEW YORK It.Pl JAn • AclVonucl Do<t"'°" UncllAnged TOIAI Is~ New lllgM New loWS !M4ATAMEJCOO Toclttv ,.. sn Ml , ... ' 10 HEW YORK It.Pl JAn. 4 AclV•Med Oo<tl-Uncll•ft9!0CI Tot•l It~ New 111111'& Now lows METALS T-~ 220 15' m • $ co•,..-,. ..... c:e1111 • po11no, u .s clHtlnlltON. LIM at-.a.coms • ~. I .• ~ao'lb' ,..._, _._, T• '7.._.IM\ll, Weoll <-It. Ill A_._.1.._n <onb• _..i. H, Y. Mw<wY $41S.00 D9f' llMil. P,..._SllUOtroyoi.,H Y. SILVER -, GOLD QUOTATIONS · •• , flllO ~ ..... ,.,.. S.IKttf ~ 90tc1 orkft MondA'I' I L..._! ~R11W1t'4k•. -.1Ut P-:.-.a.upU ... P.-...:Gloeed • M•MY .. "·~-•: Oflly .... ., euot• ..., I."' up ..... ••P•llllc MeU••ll ••••• $401 00, 1111<1\Allflld •• SYMBOLS .......................... llWI. Ul'lll9 ....... ,...., -" ...... -......... I M ..... 911.M • .,._.,1 .... ,, .. .......,....... .......... .......... ~·==·,...... _....._ ~-..... _,.._ .,..... ... I ....... 0.-. It .... W. ............ ti --., I .-........_.. ................... . ...... ,.., ........................ . ..._ .... ...__ ..... ~ ., ,.. -,.,, ........ I ...... ---·--;z::~· ............................. wi.t•-· ....... ,~-w~ ................ ... ···---~~ ...... --•Mi.............. ·. ~. _.._ 4119trltHlt9cl ......... ______ ........,._ ........... ...... ,,._.. ...... ::;;: ..... .. ~-····--· I .. .. \~ ................ . .. .........._. ~1 6 • *4 -t ~ l~ i : ~ !i!lw 1tij : f J f 1jt~ 'l:! i ~=t : ~ .,:;: : 111:•1• Ji"'• W UIJ ~'=mu :t " tt 1·.. Ult-4 1 •l~~I ~ 4 ~ t mt+" ii' J ff ~.~=I :211 0 ...:. _. ~.. . ' • .. fl ., t • -• •.• 1 ., "' •• •1 •:t-.J!t • .. + ~ · J 1 )ll, , • ' ... ' • , ! • iitl " lli:C ~ r' fl. "' 'I:: ~ , M ; j,, -·JI ::... ·-;j " 'l..l = 1m:n.11."B"i . ··~ ~ iH ::~• ;11 t ii ~~·ti 1 ~·i lfs;1t ~1 1~~~;~ .i~ ~ ~: ~ -:;.~l ~ ~~!·i··~ ,1 .• ,..: ~ tt 1' ~1 .. ) .J. fi .!":-; ... r :i It:~ ·· ... 11 .. :1i 1i-.a. .; .• U·*t '., J-li-)1, .,. .... .. .., .. -· 16 ""' • '~·,,:I~-'- •:W.ftftll ................. _,.....local .... produdiGDI pt tM MW ~ar off ........... tllll ............ fourtll .... ...... Waeu "ttl lucllat 1ctn11. IGMduled OIMldDI a WMk, to Jan. &Me& Plajtaouae'• .. .U.•l Street" alts Brenda Merriam wbo playa the eeatral role, wu bolpUallsed. btNd.or PbU de I a r r o 1 1 a y 1 a Q _....._ ....... ..-...·--~~iiiiiii4 , UDdenWd)t wW open lnJ~ tb• role ti MHllU'Y. •. Tbe tint new lbow ot ltll h the world_ ... ____ ...... premten ot "Wba.t Are • You DoinC ln My Ufe?" wblch opeoa too11bt at Sebaatlan'1 Weat Dinner Playhouae. Vivian ("Guya and Dolli'') Blalne,take1 t.M leadln1 role la tu adult comedy by J'ruk Taalt.lin • Psformwet wlll be llYe ~ except II at varym, cW'taln 6me1 l'eb. 1' at':!Tnner theater, 1.0 Ave. Plco, San lemente. Call •·.O for reaervat.lou. Bowlnt tn Friday at tb• Weatmtnater Community Tbeater le a revival ot Oeor1e Axelrod'• popular eomedy "'nae Seven Year lteb" under the dlrectlon of Clark Buraon. AlH Schnelder and Laurie Sooctaa take tbe 1tellar roles. Others ln the catt are Bart Mullin, Jody Jareu CbrU Dutrelne, Art Wlulow, Lorraine McWllllams, Woody Joo .. , N•oml Myers and Claudia Holt. Curtain time la l :IO Frlda71 and Saturday• at tbe theater, 7271 Maple St .. Wutminater, wttb rese"atioal at tlMllJ. The Garden Orove Community Tbeater, Cu,rling up to a .good ~ovie bo.ok · Reading uiay to pass long winter evening ., 808 TllOllAS '••'M+M"-..... HOLLYWOOD -For those Ions winter days ahead, bow about a movie book! Lota of them this season. Bil ones, little ones, coffee-table be>Qka, sensation-packed bto1rapbles, •e~y inemoirs, you name It. Musical boob are this year's stars. Tbe fattest ia "The Hollywood Musical" by Ted Sennett, from Abrama at $:50. It's a splashy, colorful job wtlb Iota · of nostalata. U lbe price la too steep. you mt1ht try "The Hollywood Musical" by Clive Hlracbborn (Crown), $30. It's leu splashy but may contain more information. "The Movies" by Riehm Griffith and Arthur Mayer, both now deceased, was lbe tranddaddy of lar1e-fonnat film books. First publisbed ln 195'7, it baa been updated by Eileen Bowser and republished by Simon amt Scb'uster at a reaaonable price for such a biC boot, $24.95. Other recent offerin1s: .. Together Again!." <DOubleday, ·12•.ts}-·15·-· Garson Kanin's survey of movie teams, from Greta Garbo-John Gilbert to Woody Alln-Dlane' Keaton. Included are longtime teams Astaire-Rogers, Hope-Cros~y, as weh as a one-time team, Pickford-Fairhlinks: For those who like lists, show-bis enthusiast Gabe Easoe bas compiled "The 8oolt of Movie: Lista" and "The Book of TV Lista" <Arlineton House, $8.95 apiece> which are bolb informative fii'1 u_,,~ ... ~ ...... \"" a--fll ..... HEAVa(ft91 lho-llt 7:111:20 I .... WIAI lhowse1 AU.~IJI /IMO lll#l.MSMCENE 7·00 t ·OO ""::1"1==MAi.==~Ol==l'ME==MOTION====f'ICTUN====~1·11!!!!No~=;==~·~,.ll!i~ -CODI Ol IEU MGULATIOIL rol lerskates • walker~ Loys •wagons•••• ................ . scooters*hot rocts•coupes• trailers*hard tops• convert· ibles*motor homes* lawn mowers* limos •corporate · headquarters •garden carts Model A's•••• •typingtables wheelbarrows• recreational vehicles* golf carts*model tralns*bikes *pianos•cars refrigerators *skates•••••• If it's-got- wheels, you'll move It faster in a Daily Pilot classified ad.Call 642-5678 and a friendly ad- viser will help you turn your wheels Into Ca$h. -'~~ • ....__., ! i. I;\ f 11' ti"'~· .... , :__~::~1·,~, lli:?i- and fun. "Ann-Mar1ret" (Deillah-Putllam, $24.~) by Neal Peters and David Smltb contains everything you need to know about the atar who bas sustained a lively career despite lbe handicap of no last name. ~·cwt Movies" <Delta, $13.95) by Danny Peary invesU1ates "the classics, the aleepera, the weird, and the wonderful" amon1 the films cberiahed by cultiJsUI. Steve Allen has written bis 24th book (when does he have time for anythiq else?). It's called "Funny People" (Stein & Day, $12.95) and he_ analy1es bis fellow comics, from Woody Allen to Jonathan Winters. "The Films of Alan Ladd" (Citadel, S16.95) ii the latest ln the long and valuable aeries. Marilyn Henry and Ron DeSourdia do a thoroulh job on the much-liked l:acJd. "Dream Palaces"· (Vikinl, $19.95) by Charles • l.4ckwood...i.s__a _well-researcbed book about the pleasure. domes built by movie people during the 1920s and 1930s. Rare photogapbs. Lawrence Welk ba·J collaborated with Bernice McGeehan once more with feeling. The new book is "You're Never Too Young" <Prentice-Hall, $9.95), and be should know. "Bob Hope, Portrait of a Superstar" tSt. Martin, $9.95) by Charles Thompson is a new look at the ageless comedian. EVERY MoNDAY iii SEATS 12.00 -~and erotidmt ina __. .. and~ work!' _....,. ........ HEY 'iOlbC TIMES I I •cm-°""" Q4..1111 --••111 Ill 11""'9 (714) $$1-0AI Nobody leans on Sharky·s Machine . Orange Coat DAILY PILOT{Tuffd1y, J1nuary 5, 1882 , ~[OJ NOW PLAYING .. ~ . ·--llWl'OllT lOWAMIWILltTWtl •Ct-~ llllcfl 144 0710 Mtsslon VlejO 830-4990 Or111gt '34-2553 .... c.llA WOT Ill MOttU i:'fty. Nm-ti .,.,..,.., 191·3935 Ira 990 4022 Wesll'lllftSttf 191 303 l'=:.':,,:::..~==--=z=· ... 1 =-~ *BARGAIN MATlltE•a * Monday thru Saturday All PerformencH before 5:00 PM {Ercept S,.ciel Ellfltllllttltl IM Holidays) IA liti.4 W.AL /4. MA11 o M11oc:10 01 t oaecrona LA MIRADA WALk ·IH 994·2400 -• . ..n·---..TAPS .. -·-·-... -- ...... __,, • IMU.Y MUI .. ABHNCE Of' MALICI!'" -................. LAKEWOOD CENTER WALl<·IN --· ··SHARKEY'S MACHINE""" ................. ,_ -c.~~-.....­··TAPS" -·----··· LAKEWOOD CENTER ~OUT H WAlk , .. --·--··RAIOEAS Of THE LOST A .. l< .. ----·-·-NEIGH80f\S'" '°' .. ........ _, __ _,.._ .. 'SHARKY'I MACHI~'" '°' ., .. 1: ............ . ,ocvny 01 Collc:llewood 213/531·951<> --.--~­..--··flAOTI...--....... ,,..._ --··--.. -... UOOY tuoov·· fll -----""CHAIUOTI MAM" 1N1 ........ -...; ... ,1.M • .... _ ... __ _ I ---· ·•IHAftl(Y'I lllACHtHI"' 1111 __ ,, ... _ ___ , __ .....,. "nemhbors" 1111 -···--- IM,ORTHT NOTICE! CllJI nRHI UMOER tz FREU ........................ fl! .,.30. hi s... ..... •·30rtf CllWI SOUlll • 'IOUll Ml Ull Ml*) IS 'IOUll SlllTIDI .. IOI) all CITll ~ Wllll IMTllll ~ IOSll1lll _...,..,.. ..-Li•au Clllf'I ~ m ••Mae .......... ~ ... ANAHEIM tH~IVf •N f--.yfloti.e-SI 179-9150 PAUl.. ...... •UiU.•~ ABSENCE Of MAUCr CPO) ··STIR CAAZY'' ... Cllll·fl~ ---------.---· -· ----··----... ____ _ ··HaAVY METAL ,., -"DAAOC*llAY£1t" -~ .,. '°""° • • • •• ,., ... t BUENA PARK [JRl~f IN ··TARZAN THE,,,,._ MAN 1111 _ .. SOFINE'" ,.._ "A CHANGE Of MASONS'" 1111 °"'-.. loOUllll -C~·~~ "TAPS"'--. 'THI! CANNONaAU .. uw· - .,.._ __ 'l'OM.l'l10l•M.I ··GHOIT STORY" '°' -.. THE CHANQIUNO .. 11111 _..,_. -~ .. N ""°9l.IMI"' """ -'"NINI! TO AYI'" 1111 .... EOS"' --··IJPINl(ll()l(I'"• Clllt fl SOUllO --- -..... --."'· I ·-ftl --·-M&a _ flloo '1'AIDe"S Of TitE Lotf MK"' ··----.. --... . -.... .__"'::..--11111 ·•PQNYr "9 c.. " IOUllD C!llf " IOUllD \ 4: .... I A HABRA·''''' ., ---·-·-"'N«IG'=" ... .,..., _,....,. -1 - -·•CffaA, ot:CttCTIVI ... 17HM2 . -----....... ·' OR ANGE 0111\.'t I N Sanlo AIWI flW'f as1o .. co-.. 151-7022 r ~l • / . " I !-mi••.;;;;;.;.,' ·.-1u:_~ I NHL HOCllm'I .... ~ Klfttt"" llM-.... ~ • 1HI..,,,..,.. ~;--~ eNAWMllMM '••11••~ llClllGAWYT W9 .... MC ... ~ .-r•a•UT ••n•tMPORT ..... aMNIY..-.L.M W9NIW8 ~-­~DAV8MAllt I M/CNIW9 1H1 & I WSIQMI • ........ WILD OYIRIMY au.I: Helen ~I. (R) i.MMMI./~ lilPOM Cl) TIC TAC OOurlM 9 IN'fWITANllNT TOMaHT An .,,......, wtth Aretha Fl'Mlklln. 81"1~ Guell: Gene Ktllly. (C)WOYll •• "The 1..-dy "...,_ .. (1179) Elllott ~·Cybill ' SMphWd. An tnnoc:.tll men end a bMutlful wom- an .,. '°""' lntO a daedly ~ c:..-lbOerd. Eutopew1 aXpr98 I.rain trawillng lhl'ouQll Pf-Nal Germen)'. 'PO' (D)MOYIE 'A "Skatalown U.S.A." (1070) Scott a.kl, Greg Bradford. A hendlOma young llultar '* In io... at the IOclll rollar-dlaco rtnll, .... ha .. challenged by • ..,... g9llO .... In a cha"'plonthlp conlffl. 'PG' Cl) INCTACULAA EV89IG *CAIRO Bally dllnCarS. jugglers, and danClng bot.-are ~the~ In""' -nlng ol entertainment ... luring c.thy l• Croe- by with Jim r>.ry and fl(). • naGordon. 7:IO 9 I OH THE TOWN FMturecl: a ptoflla ol flt· -k~ Jeck LaLanna: • IOdl al • men Mio who .... autogr..,,.. • MQ- ment 0( "Jul!• 8o11.'' I 8 FAMILY mJ0 L.AY&Wtl&~ a COta>Alt'f A Aring ..,._ Is about I to pop Iha quattlon to '-"-; .,.,,., 8 .WOHL.A. • w·A·a·H A ,_ ltlel Iha 4077111 i. oolno to "bug-out" ~ groMl/'t ~­ ated untll It i. balwad 11\at Iha antll'a °'*-.,.,.,.,, II attacking Iha camp. (Part 2) I TIC TAC DOUGH MM:N!ll. / LIHMR IWPORT • NIM CJ) p .M. MAGAZINE The r•·•marganca ol barter • a ,,_. of com- marc.~ • t~ tamale karatamMlar. 9 YOU AllCID ll'Oft rT (8).->INIAK PMVIEW: J/t#JAlf'( ~comlc9 Jerry Stlllar lllld Anne ~ lnlrodum Iha mov- LOVI! AND PRtl!NDSHtlt -Lenny falls In love with a pa'leontologist and his friendship with Squiggy is jeopardized on t-Laverne & Shirley" at 8:30 tonight on KABC <7>. • .... tpeCllilll and eporta ~ta COfNnO to Homa Boll Oflloe In January. f:41 CZ) lllOYll •• *. '"TM Gatdan Of Tiie ~ .. (fll71) lino~ Doml- Nql'9 8enda. Dhcted by Vll1orio De Sica. Anu.a.-ltram grlldually and po1ao- noua1y lnYadae .. .,,,.. of two ....... ,..... Mno Ill Mal1 baforw WOltd War ... e:oo e Cl> llMON a llMON A latter ffom • deed man pnimpts A.J. and Rica to ~a murder whlctl ooc:wred 22,...,.. _....,, . •• ,.,...llia#HY ' An eldaf1Y, ...... ClrtfW cMll'na thlll he .. 8" orpMn • ---hie parenta -dead end lnalalt on being adrnllted to Iha Gold Hiii adlool. • MOYIE * * * "Francia Gary Pow-era; The True Story 8alMd ,,.. U-2 Spy lnddanl" (1878) L. ~. Nehem- iah Parwoff. An American rac:onnalMance pilot 11 lflOt down -ScMat ... ~In a.t.y. 1INIO. e 111 HA#Y DAYS • llt.M. MAGAZINE · The ra-amaroanca of batter•• -of com--. ..-...., M.m- La~. the~ boy ''°"' ''ut9a l'b.-On "The Pnlria... .no .. .., • vldilo,.,.,. ~;Lin­ d• Hflffll vllllta Olton, Francia; Chef T al haa a c;tieap ~ tot lflal. IOtl. • MOVIE "Win, Placa Or Steal" ( t975) Mct.-n S'-. Allllc Karraa. • NOT .. A 1MOUIAND Y'i!AM An aumlnatlOn of Iha "'~ ••Ion In Zimbabwe ... tuna an lntamaw by AnltllOny lewis of Iha Ml#ty ino. penc:lant Atflc8n oountty'I Prima Mlnletw RoOMt Muoeba· • N!tNA "A Touct> Of SanallMtf' Haw ..-at llndlngl on ltla ~°" .. end pay-~~of toudl In our ._ .,. - mlnad.(R)Q (B)MOYIE * * * ~ "Ooc:1or ZJW1igo" (toe&) 0..-&.1f. Ger• dine Chapllrl. TWo ICNet9 •truQOla amldat Iha 8'lltl1 and ~ of Iha Aw- "8n ~Ion (!) 9IZNN JM John Byner .,_ you lhlnga ltfMOer thM truth, ..,,., tMn .... and ~ than~you·va...­ aa-11nu-_..~ antallona lrOn'I Iha Show- llma 8lun'e llbraly. .MOVIE * *•At "Ttla Formul•" (1HO) Mark>n ltllndo. oaoroe c. Soott. wt1Ma ... 111'0Mln9 the --of ·~··......,,oop uOC0119B • coneplfecy lnvoMnt the aupt)llMIOn of • •ltWUc 1\181 formula l!r_ the ol eott'4*...._ 'R' uo• 9 &.A~& ...UV Shlrtay convlnCM C.mlna to ... down ltia ..... with har.Q • AU*TMR"PNAY At Gaoroa .,,..,.,.. to °'*' 1111 third dMnlrlt ~the,,..,.,_ -to an upeMlva EaaUllda ~ * * "Th• Hollywood KniOhlt" (1INIO) Rotlart WuN, Tony DenU. On H8'- iow-i -In 1N5, a r~ high ICl'loOI 118"9 -..U ~ID a.-1y Hlll9 to -. Iha cloM'9 of their llange>Ul by the toca1 botna owners aeaod- atlon. 'R' e:at (D) ROl.1.8' IKATt NYUI t:OO. CJ) MOYIE "The AmbuM Murden" (Pramlar8l ,,_ 8'olin, Oor1An Harewood. The true 11ory ol • blacll actlvltt acc:uaad of gunning down two wM• polloa offlcarw and of the attorney """'° defended him le drama- ttnd:*" 8 Cit MET MAVINCK ... ~ laaf'tll tt\at .. llorM ha won In • poker game .. not onty stolen bul .., balof'O' to eonor- man Teddy Rooawall 8lll1M&'a ~Alf'( Jadl Vlaa to win a South- am bale ""' by -anao- lng lier under lier ~. but 1tw wrono ""1 .,_ up to thank him IOf' the attarltlon.Q G YOU A8KID llOf' ff ~; "ltnldlenl c.,.. ture World'• largHI Snail•" and .. ~ Of Oktobel'teM. .. . ..,,,,..,,.. "Uta EJrtenalOf\" GuNts: Did Pewton. Dr. Dunner Oancllla, Richard HocNc:tllld. Seu! Kant. • OCWWY .. We Are ......,.u" A amall lnd!M tnoa IMne In • ramola MCtlon ol the A.tnazon "'-8Mif\ .. ttudlad.Q • 'NW>OX OM 12MD ITllBT Allthcn ptllllp Sia•• and Dr. t.eMe ThotMa ptO¥lda the_,,_lary lor •doe- umanlaty '°'* at inCIMdu- ~ and Americ8'I _._ .iy 1-turinO the anony- -peaaanby on • Nftt Ycwtc City tlteat. (t)lllOYll ....... ,., ~Of!>-. CHANllL LISTINGS '• alon" ( 1978) Ellan 8un1yfl, M8llr\a M«oowt. A woman who klllad lier c:Nldf'an and attwnplad auldda after her hl.-band left lier mMtl an actr-who CS-'t ,...._ where acting andt and ..,. baglna In a Gr.-ptllon. 8 KNXT IC8S) D KN8C !NBC> e KTLA (Ind.I e KABC (ABCl DKFMB ICBSl fJ KHJ·TV (Ind.) • KCST (ABC) • KTT\I (Ind.) • kCOP· TV C lfld.l 1• KCET (PBS) J ·l(~E (PBS, CO) On·TV CJ) Z·TV (HJ HBO CCl <Cinemax) (fJ (WORI NY • N Y «lJ (WT8SI Ct l IESPNI CS) IS!lowtlmel • Sciottlgfll • ICablt Nt.s Network) 'R' (D)MCMI ** ''Saacl Of~·· ( IOIO) 'Tlnl Wead, Mary C8nnon A young un-' c:oup6a tlaCOma vlcllmtmd by alrnoet ~. when Iha girt baCOfnM pregnant. 'R' t:IO 8 lll TOO Cl.OM FOR ~ Hanrv rMCll to Iha - ......... ••ti m••• )• ... a s '5-.. -· l.=r"' •• "&a ...... &.Mt" ( tt701 ................. ....... ...... ,.,..,., .. owo MldlMIT)f_.,.... .. ... ,...,.._ .... Wt111M ,,.., MCI LAN '""9 ,_ Cw* .,. "'IMld mllllfll~. ...... NMT10HNWT .... ~·~· .... ..... .. ., --.. .. ........... ---. ............... ..... crf*lilflcjOtdQ ... ,"' ''Thltlk 90d Arttd ,... ...,. .,...., .. ,_ panlolpllUOn -~~ ... ... Utno ........... . poet.,....,.,..... .... INnld. <mMCMS ··~N..._ ... ......,.. (1MO) Wallet MattMl.I, JI.Ille ,.,,..._, ._, on "" OMloft ~ ,wy. AONft,-.tNOI._.· 11·1 ... II IUmlld *'°""'° wtien ha 80CllPll • ..,_. old '"°"'* .. • ,,..., tot a racing bel. 'PG' .MCMI * * * * • "8ayonar•" (1t67) Martori •ando. "8d BultOM. M AIMrtCan 1M -hM a poignant .,,.., wlttl Iha • .., performer of • famed JapaneM acting COl"'*"Y· *80. INDW •aNT NETWOM .... -~ $1(1 ICHOOl. "lntr~lon And Tl-. Olagonal 8tricla" (R) • COnlEY "Wa Alfi Mahlnaku" A amall 1nd181\ tribe IMno In • remote MCtlon ol Iha Amazon RMlr 8alln .. atudlad.Q (D)CMDUIONG 11:00 ••• Cl> 0 Cit NIWI • IAT\#IDAY NIGHT Hoet: Strother Martin. C.U.ta::Tha~ G llt~HOGAN .THl.8'EMONI Gaoroe r.ortt 10 playing • dlr1y trtca to aacwa the ~ of • large CC»- tunia compeny. • IAWOM> ANO 80H LMiont lak• Fred out l<>t a n1gt11 OI) Iha town for hie 6Slh~. • DICK CAVETT ·~MOYIE * * * * "The Lion In Win· tar" (1N7) ~ O'Toda, KattwtM Hapburft. ~ 18nd'I KlftO Hanry 11 lac:iaa _ ..,.lbtng' dadalorl - llil-Mha- tamplat• hie ttormy """' rlaga to Iha ttronQ llo1tlad Eleanor of AQUltelna. ·~· (D)MOYE *"' ··~ CQUPM'' (tOIO) Oen1a11a Trogar, Guy RoY9f. A llulband Mak• axdl-' with Illa Ml:r...,... wNla hie ..... conaoled by lier Mandt after boredom creapa Into their 10..yeat marrl8ga. 'R' 11:1' (%) MOYIE * * \\ "Blood Feud" (IMO) Sopille Lotan • ...,. cello~. A wtdow i. aided by an ~ lliWY9' 9wJ I ..,..,,. genoMr In ..... ~ cruHd• •o•lntt th• maAoao who lllllad her hu8C>aNI. 'Fl' 11::IO • CJ) AUCa ~ Ao'• moblla home .. at •• aha ,,_ In with Allee and Tomrrft. (R) ea~ Host: Johnny Careon. Guaeta: Dom OalulM, ~Hall. Nell Carter . eGI M/CNIM NIGHTUNE 1 ..,.0/F~ THI 000 COUlltl.E Whan Oec•t'• mother ...,. tor~ _ .. eodlll MM. Felix flnda him an ~­ f81hionad Gtaalc glf1. • llllOOe<& ~.,.,,.·, coualn can't ftnd • IOt> ..,., raNrnW10 fl-om Vleln•m and 11 vary embittered. I KCeT'~T CAPTICIHID~ NIWI (8)MOYE **'At "The O\lllldar" ( 1978) SlefllnO Heydal\, CrlilO W-. A ~ ldaallll travall IO Nor1Nm lralancl to join Iha atruvgla lor lndapeodanoa. 'R' 11:41 (I) MCME • * * "Tha EJac:tr1cl Hor-. men" ( 1070) Aobatt Aad- lord. J-Fondll. A Lal vaoaa oow1>oy ...-as 12 mllllon lhoroughbrwd horM to .. ..,. him "°"' 1111 eltl)loltatlvl _... 'PO' KTLAe&:OO -"Gary Francia Powers: The True Story_ Behind the U·2 Spy I.Incident." Lee Majors stars in this lt78 TV movie . i<NXT 9 9 :00 -"The Ambush Murders." Jomes Brolin stars In loremler of made-for·TV movle. See 1etory below. · !KNBC e 9:00 -.. Bret Maverick." LMaverlck learns the horse he won in a poker 1ame 'fa& stolen from Congressman Ted<J,Y Roosevelt. ',KABC 8 10 :00 ~ "Ha~t to Hart." .Jonathan stumbles acrosa a wrecked :yacht containing a cache of stolen gold . -MlllOHT-I 1a.e 1HANANA o..at: 9ob Hope. I e lll ,NffNIY t1l.AHO An _..,. "'* .......,.. "" lil\lfftala .... . and two 0tdl(i1ry glrl1 bKoma 1tunnlnQ and WNlttl)' IM· -~ * 1' * "BriOMm Young" (11MO) Tyr-Poww, Uo- d• Oarnlll. A ~ 1Nd1 IM Mormon people actOU Iha trontlw to Iha new, PMClllful land now called Salt lak• City. • MIQ OOUQlA8 Guaata: The 8eac:h Bo)'I, Ron Howvd, ~ George Atl)'Olhl, Andy Bumatal, lailaal8 Hain• . JuetlnUala • CONTIWORARY ~TH-­"Proepertty And Pollutlon: M4ltl Thay Go TOQatllar?" 1~. CJ) MOC& ouo 1t::ao G 8 TOMOMOW , Guatt•: com•dlann• l.Mllllna "'-"'8n; Illa Fan- t..; Factory Puppatr. Cer· ly Simon: Norr~ McWhlr1ar. adlfor of IM "Gulnnaaa Boole of World Racordl." (R) .MCM! "Mlulon To P•radiN" Klaron' Moore. J enell Scott • INDEPENOSIT NETWON< NEWS OMOVWE *** ''™ llland" (1080) MlohHI C•lna, David Warner. WIMla "'-11gat- lng • rMh of ltlip dlup- pearancaa In the Bermuda Tr_IMOla, a jou<nalltt atum-btN IJCl'c.a an ~. 400-~-0lcl colon)' of plrataa. 'R' 12:46 CZ) MOYE •• "Er~" (1078) John N8nc.. Chatlotl• Stewtn Af\ar gMno blr1ti 10 • monttar child, a weird youno woman lea-Iha baby tor Iha lather 10 ralaa ... In wtlal-llllhlon hacr-. 1.ooe MOYIE *** "AC-Of Rapa" ( 107 4) Blnbalh Monlgom- aN. Ronny Cox. eMCME * ..... "The lMt o.y. Of PQmClllil" (1HQl St..,_ ,..._, CMatlna Kalf· mann. 1:10·~ * * \\ "The Gana Krup8 Story" (1080) Sal Mtnao. ,,_ oanen. TN 1amoua jllD ctrummar tlU • Ufa lul of high end low polntl. ~~= * * "Hawk The 818yar'' (1ot1) Jack Palanca. Jonn Terry An ed¥111turou1 young man anti.ti Iha aid of • band of wwrlor'I 10 floht his eYlf uncle, Iha owrlOrd who klllad hl• lather and .. ~ .., ~torraneom 1 :41 Cl) MOVIE • • ** "Kramer Vt. Kr-" (1070) Out11n Hottman. Maf'tl Streac> A man batilM with 1111 •11· "'l'fa tor c;uatod)' of thalf young eon after Iha walk9 out on ltlarn. 'PO' .. • INTIM'A.WMIHT TONIGHT An lqlarvlaw with AtalM Fran6lln 1= *•'At "The Formula" ( 1980) Marlon Btando, George C Scott. Whlla ln-lgatlno the murder of a eollaagua, • wteran cop u~rt 1 con1pltacy lnvoMno Iha 8UP9faaalon ot 1 eynlhatlc fuel formula by Iha oil~· 'R' 2:158 Nlwt I c:z> MOYIE ***'At ''The E~lttt I M811" (1080) John Hutt, Anlhon)' Hoplllna. A dedi- cated phyelclan 11kff under hit wing a horribly deformed man whoM llta tlll UWln had baarl "*'' In cheap lraall axhlblflona. 'PO' 2:a0G NEWS • MOVll **'~ "Splendor" (1035) Mirl•m Hopkin•. Joel ~-. ouow * * "The Game For v..-. tur••" ( 1071) Rlchatd Harrll, Rlct\¥0 Roundtree. A NlhlaM maroanary who 9mugolat American hall· c:op1•• Into Atrlc8 eluting a 1ar1orlat -II pitted 8g9intl a llarca freedom l:AOi1~ l:IO MOVll * * "The Giii On The Lala. Late Stlow'' (1974) Oon Mutray, La11lna ,819911aN a:ea• MOYIE *'At "The Uneatlhly" ( 10571 John Carradine, Alllaon HayH a:ao ctl MOYIE **~"A Dr-1> Of Pu- alon" ( 1071) Ellan Buntyn, Malina Marcourl. A woman .no klllael her dllldran and atler'nC*d IUk:6da after her tlutband left her ,,_., an act<_ who doeln't r..UZ. whaor• acting andl and lite baglr'8 In • Graalc priaon. 'R· (l)~llHTME ICITCHa WITH .W. ..... lllOYll *. "Outlaw Of Rad Riv- .,.. ( 1088) George Mont· oomary. A reformed out- llw anoountaB bitter ,_.. tlllty "°"' .,, ~ Mexican noblarn8n. (]f)MOVll **'Al "Uttla MIA Mittler'' ( 1080) Waller Matthau, Julla ~ 88Md on the Demon Runyon atory. A orun, ltlngy t030a boc*· la'• lite It turned around wmar. ha accepta • ~­ ojc:f moppet .. • merkar l0t a tadng bat. 'PO' (.l)MOYllE * ** "The i..t Tlme I s-Peria" ( 10$4) Elza. bath Taytor. Van JohNon. Baaed on a 1tory by F. Scott FltzgarMd. Broken rornanma and 11\attarad JOHN DAR~ING 1t'8•n.r•w'• ·····.ae••ete. l:OO (]I) * •• "lnaicle .._ .. ( 1NO) Jolln 8e¥1ga, 08vld Motte. A~ to the group "' regu11r1 at an Orallland bat "'*'I hold Iha key to maldno the baf1an. def'• '*-of bacominO • IWO Daalcatbal player a really. 'PG' (I) *.'At .. AIFt Number Can Ae)"' ( 19401 Cl8l'k Gable, Ala•• Smith. An ~ ancl car-.. gam- tllar'• ... .. ti.et wlttl • --oftr8g9dla ••*** ''200t:A Spec. ~.. (1088) Keir Oullaa, Gary Loe*· wood. Aatronaull ~ to find ltia lllan Int..,._ raac>OI ialb'8 tor • pu:nllno lunW "'°"°'"" muat -t8nd with .,, on-Oowd computer !flat .. ttytno 10 18ik• oontrol of IMlr --'· •M. * * "8-y To Bag-dtld" ( 1965) a-y .... Jowl 8hellllla. A Q9l"8 a. ..... tlOlll of ptoblama lor Iha Boyl and ~· lham on• "trip." (CJ * * '-4 •• Alk AIFt Girt" (10611) SNrtay Mad.Alna, 08vld NhW\. Job and hua- bend-huntlng occupy Iha time of • girt Ml#ty arTf¥ed In New York City. IO:OO (8) • * * * "Blc:ttat" ( 1084) Richard l!klr1on, ~ O'TOOll. King Hanry II of Engl8nd dMflM wlttl Iha Ai~ of Ce'lllr· bur)' dul'lnO Iha , 211'1 oan- Jwy, Cl) '* 1'"' "The Formula" ( tNO) Marton 8'811do. 6-oe c. Scol1. WNta ~ lM murder of • colMgUa •• Yllaran cop unco-• a eoneplfac:y lnvoMnt Iha euppraaalon of • l)'l'lttlatlc fuel tormu&a btlllaoll~ 'R' *80 •• * ''W.t Of TlMt Divide" ( 1033) John Wayne, Gabby ......... A cowboy aau out 10 • ..,.,,,. hll felllar'• murder end find hll brottlar MIO hal bean mlaalng tor many ~· • ***"Coal Miner'• OlugMar" ( 1080) SiMy Spa cek. Tommy Laa JonM. ~ on LoratW lynn'1 autoblog<ipfty. A young glf1 from • poor twnlly In rwal Kantumy marrtM • much older loCal boy who anoir--...., ,.... 10 atardom In Iha mualc: lnduafjy. 'PG. n:00 D * *,.. ''The Pt.cs Piper" (1042) Monty Wodt- lay, AnM Baxter. An Engllllwnan .-to tall• two dlldran tfOn'I --tom Francia. but they PfOYa 10 be onty the baglnnlno. 11:ao CC> ..... "The HcM.a Of The s-........ (1060) Robert Taylor. Linda Chriatlan. W'*1 • ~ oar i. tOIN dead on 1111 1hlp, • charier boat tltlppar dl1covara • ................ . .-.-...... -t! ..... , .. ~°'""" . ..... ,..,, ..... ..... .,.,,., . a.wt~ ... .... ... ................. .. .. .... ....... •.. " ..... ~ (ttl1) V... DI o.te. .....,_ o·.,._,..., ....... --... .,....... .. . ---.,., . ,,_ ........... ""' law and_._. to .... CZ)**" "lbMi ,..... ( 1M0t lopNa UllWI. ..... ...... ,,.,.. .... ,. ...... ta ...., IW "' ....._ ~-·~ __.,1n ............ 0'11Hd1 •t•lnll the IMllo8o ""° .... lier llUllMnd •• ,.. 1 .. CC> * * "o.ltl c.r On ThaFf-t' I Cll••'Al "M'/~ Can ....,.. (1..., a.rti °'*'· Aaellla $mlltl. "" I flOn9C and ---oern-• ... Illa .. 11..e ...... I ..,...°'~......, , ,. (JD * * ... '"SftowW I ' l!•pr-" ( ttJI) 0e9ll ->-. Nancy Olaon. A ""' Yortr ---,,._ ...... --to ... Aodciaa In .,, altampt to modal'llllla a ~-l~hl wwtted. ·o· CZ) * * • "Ho 5'' (MIO) ~ Fonde, Delly Pwtort. Thr" WC>ft!lnt women rebel egalnat "*' lllbjl.t- oatlon by·--~ boaa. 'PO' 2:00 e * * "From~ r-. Thr"" ( 1077) Chal1el Btonaon, Jtl Ireland. A Orlflar II ~ Into • ~ rotllllty .... t:o0 (C) **'At "uttla Orbit, TM Atlro Oog" AnlrllMad. A C8r""8 ..,_ ~ and .. two llUl'nan fl1andl lltparterd many udllng ad\llntura. l::IO 8 **'Al "The Oacw" 11M11 s~ Boyd, au ~.An~nomi­ nea'• rlM 10 tema 11 rac:allad by hie lrianda and '°'"* fl1anda. (JD *. * "lnlkta ..._ .. (IMO) JoM 8e¥1ga. DIYld Morla. A~ to Iha group of regulars 8t an Oellland bar "'*'I hdd the key 10 malling Iha bat11n- dar'I draMI of~ a pro baallatbal pleyer a raally. 'PO' Cl)* *'At "Fr9al!y Friday'' ( 1977) Jodie FoaW. Bar· bet• Han'll. The world .. IUmad •iplld9-down tot • ITIOCtlar and daughter who CNgleally IWftc:tl bodlea -tatalul dey. 'G' CZ) *-*-"lAO nw I.Ml" (1070) Marcelo Maattolan- nl. a.. Whllll9W. .... **•'Al "lllaBlac* Stallion" ( 1070) Kally Reno. Mickey Rooney. Attar being r.-:uad ll'On'I Illa ~ on wtlldl It"¥ --~togat~ • • • young boy and • hOrM bac::orna 111\00f\oed In Iha r-of Iha wntury. 'G' 4:111~***"NoNultea" (totO) JacklOf' 8'-. Croaby. Sii.. & Null. FooUQe ol a _.. of ant'- nlldaar PoW9f conoartl held In .... Yorll City duf • I lftt Setltember, 1en. IHturtno th• Ooobla 8'othar9. CWty Simon. • ,,_ Taytor and 8Nca SC>Moataan. le comC)llad In IHI ~tary. 'PG' I: 18 {%) * * • "A lft1la Romance" I t070) Lau· ranee OIMar. ~ L.Mw. M ~ con artllt iOln9 two youno ,..,,_. In iow on a med dM> ..,aea Iha EuropMn ~ with Iha chlldtan'• parent• and the pollca In hOt p<K. IUit. 'PG' &:ao CID * * ·~ "Plnchdlll Grand Prin" Animated. Attar hill car daalgtl i. 11o11n by an •• c attr ir•. 1 brllllanl mechanic daddaa 10 build .., - batter radng mac'*'-and compat' wilf'I "" nemaalt. 'G' t'Amhush MUrders' is gritty sensation ·Television movie is gripping lesson in abuse· of law. and justi~e Seijes of plays scheduled B7TOMIO&Y .................. NEW YORK -Tb ere Ls a tritty, <l •·am Street Blues" feel lo "Tbe Ambush Murders'' -a aenaatlon lrig1ered, perhaps, by the often bumorleu josblng that goes on du.ring roll call In the police squad.room. For both the acclaimed NBC aeries and CBS' made·for·TV moYie -to be broadcast at 9 \onlabt OD KNXT (2) - be1in in that 1ettin1, a locale tbat aeem1~way1to1us1nttroubleabead. TBS UlAftONSBIP between the lwo TV shows ends there, however, and "The Ambuab Murders," baled OD a real-llfe story, qutcklJ becomet a snp,U., leuon in •bule ol tbe law and Justice. "Just ,tve me a oonvletloa," UM "'9tl'iet MtorDt1 ..... -~ tD • plf-eourM ~ tUt ..... tbe tone fot tbe movl•. '11M PMPl• of tJadero llN demandlnl tt." . "You meaa 1our re-•l•ctloD la demmdlill -,·· tM pr0MeUtor says. "It wauMlil't burt your career el~,'' U.e D.A. Npliet. "TIM Am._.. Murden'' ll ta. tlGrJ of Ray &U1wortb, a black actt•t.t accuHd of kllUDf two cops la an ambatb tM ...... ol April U. mi. 1t .,...... -.,... ............ -wltla Ellsworth, played by Dorian Harewood. facing a tblrd trlaJ . BIS WIFE, Kariha Alire Woodard, finds a young, white lawyer, Paul Marshall (James Brolln> willing to take the cue, but Ellaworth lan't sure t.e•s ready to accept "plain wblte bread." Marshall uaures EUswortb that bt's prepar-ed to commit btmielf to the accused killer's defense. "We were both lD the Marines,'' be aaya, aeu-cblnc for some common around· "Well, be'a aell·rl1bteou1, anvy, taoatlle and UTOlaDL." Maraball telll hi• ,,Ue that evening, describlnl bis reluctant client, "but be aeems like a nice l\i'y." AllDOlt at coce, the bearded lawy• be1lm to uncover the weaknetHI tD the 1ovemment'1 cue qainat Bllawortb -u .. , balf.trutha, pressured Jallboule ttat.menta. .. n WM notbln1 personal." one ot lb• k., wttneMel a11lDlt &lltworth llYI, "I me.a, tbeJ k9pt -.U.. me ~ pldUN ol l\Q. •wu IM there!' I Hid, 'Y.U.' I ... tiler pt all uae .-..... .,..... bffauae al me. Moetndoa for tbe ~· ~ of l:lllwariJl ............ cl,ear. ,,.. oop la ._,. ol &ate &a..u.au.. pla,td b1 LOail Otambal11Q, .,., be nothing more than a bigot. But why t.be prosecuting attorney, Barnes <Robert Denison), pera~ with the Oimsy case is a m.ystery. Even after charees a1alnst other suspecta have been dropped -ahd ~ boss has been re-elected -Barnes insists oa another trial for Ellsworth. "You're not their best shot," · Marsh.all tells bis c11ent .. You're Just the bluest flab.'' • IN 11IE END, the case bln1es oa the testtmony of a black tranttexual pressured by police to polnt the flnpr . at-ZUsworth, and a cop who admlta be was determined to ltlll a black the n11ht of the ambush. "We'.e all been butnlUated here," . Mar•ball tell.I the juey in bis clotln1 ar1umeet. "It b our lbam• tbat when tbe cue belaa, •• didn•t fol4l up our briele._ and IO home .... " • •Tbe A111bu1b 'Murders" -a compelll~ 1tory well told -waa adape.d fnJm a~ bf ,...ner BeD Bradht Jr .. baaed on the ambulti-ldlllq of two Policemen ln lllHn&cle, Calif., ln lfU, aad lbe ••bl...-proeeeuU. of Oal'J w. LawtGD ...... LawtoD ... aequltUd j ....... ,.....1 ........... &bird tnal, the cue w• cloMd. l , Original screenplay to air next week lb n:aav auca. A~T .......... ..._ LOS ANGELES -"American Playhouse" will betin a weekly series ol plays for PBS with Jobn · Cheever's first orilinal screen~ for televislon, "The SbaclY mu Kidnapinc.'' · The play, wblcb will be teleeut on Tuesday, Jan. 12, stars Polly Holliday, Geor1e Grluard, Paul Dooley and Celeste Holm .. Tb' proeram aeries wu ouWned at a news coaference beld netaU7 by The American Playboul9 at KCET-TV, David ... o •• r •. president ol the Playboae, lli4 more t.b8D $17 millloa wu .,.t on JS week• of orltlnal abowa reatunna storl• about Am.-tca. He taJd Cheever, 1 Ptl!ltnr Priie·wlDIUnl author 1 lpeM I kit of t.lme wateblq ~l•vblco btloN Wl"ltlq t.be terlpt. "lie ~ 'Tbe 8M4J HiU ltlta ..... ' u w .. tdMIMI' OountJ'• ...... '° ·oau-,· .. Davll 1a6d. "He ..,. ta. ptebd ll up from wMdUI tel ......... PtD Ulm ID tM eom•ll'da11. You ab,ould 1M Celeste Holm ln tb• C!O.!!---··· CLASSIFIED C6 1 P~ul Bro~ His sliadow · i; still the~e · ' '' WD..L GRIMSLEY A"l.-clalCliu I U t No matter who wins Super Bowl XVI Jan. 24, there will be no escaping the Imposing shadow of Paul E. Brown. Thia 70-year-old coaching aenius and football revolutionary built from scratch and now serves as general man ager of tbe emerging Bengals team that will play San Diego Sunday in Cincinnati for the NaUonal Football League's AFC Championship. BIS ONE-DME proteee, Bill W alsb, will coach the 49ers in their NFC title game in San Francisco against the Dallas Cowboys. Conceivably, it could be a Paul Brown Super Bowl -the 4~rs vs. the Bengals. pupil vs . master, a_ long-deserved honor for a man who bas produced champions and brought a scientific approach to the game. E~'en should the se two conference title games go the other way, the Paul Brown influence will be present. It was Brown wh o taught Walsh his widely acclaimed quarterbacking strategy and Walsh who--passed it along-to- tbree of the passing wizards in pro football's semifinals -Ken Anderson of the Bengals, Dan Fouts of tbe San Diego Chargers and Joe Montana of his 49ers. Only Dallas' Danny White, of the four, has not fallen under bis wings. "I lea.med almost everything from Paui Brown," said Walsh, speaking from San Francisco the day after bis 49ers carved the New York Giants into suf>misSion-38:24 ..... He was like a professor, insistent on detail.and execution. I am sure Paul recognizes his ha ndiwork in 'eve ry offensive move we 1make." I l BROWN, WHOSE Bengals beat the Buffalo Bills 28-21 , was difficult to reach Monday. ''He is over at the stadium looking at some films with I Coach Forrest Gregg," said bis · secretary. "I just don't know I when he will be available." The Hall of Fame coach was ,caught just as he prepared lo 'leave his office for a quick ,1unch. He obligingly stopped llong enough to talk about a former student and an old !friend. _ "Needless to say, 1 am very proud,'' Brown said. "When I watched San Francisco on TV, I recognized things we had done together. After all, he still bas our quarterback-teaching films. I could anticipate every play." BROWN RECALLED how Walsh, an intense, ailver-haired man of so, bad become a member of his original staff at Cincinnati. "He came to us from th,e San Jose Apaches, a team that watt bankrupt," he said. "I knew little about him but I bad beard good things of bis work. I put him in charge of the offense. Be showed a quick aptitude. He did a good job. "He was with us from the beginning. We . built· from scratch. I think his experience with us helped him at San COMMENTARY Francisco. He . virtually bad to build from scratch there, too." Brown's coaching career is legend, beginning with Severn Prep in Mary land, later Massillon High <Ohio), Ohio State, Great Lakes Navy and finally the Cleveland Browns for 17 years before moving to the Bengals in 1968, first as a coach and then as executive. ff E COACHED the great Rrowr}S teams of Otto Graham and 'Marion Motley in the old All-America Conference, which -won -tour straigbt AAFc-uues and, with Jim Brown, won three NFL titles after the merger in 1950. ._ His Browns met the champion • Philadelphia Eagles in the opening game of the 1950 season, most fans expecting a rout for the Eagles. The Browns won 35-10, using a dizzying passing attack and provoking this acidic comment from the Eagles' Coach Greasy Neale: ''Tb al guy ought to be coacbin1 basketball." A stickler for detail who gave h is players class r oo m intelligence tests and used gadgets to c h ec k. the ir peripheral vision and reflexes, Brown is credited with many original technique"S , including the now commonly used "draw." "IT WAS an accident," Brown recalls. "Otto Graham was supposed to fake to Motley, then sneak. Instead, by gome misunderstanding, both were left there, Graham still holding the ball. Otto quickly banded the ball to Motley and said, 'Run!' We picked up good yardage. We put it in our play book, naming it the 'draw."' Aasessing next Sunday's quarterback duels, Brown said, "Fouts has a style all his own, so tall (6-3) he can see over everybody's head, a very quick release. Montana and Anderson are strorui:er and better runners. I've onl)' seen White on TV." Walsh called Anderson "the beat passer in football today," FRQM BOOTH ,TO BENCH -The Los Angeles Lakers' Pal Riley, who went from being Chick Hearn's sidekick to Paul We sthead's, now calls his own shots as the team 's head coach. Riley, who repl ac~d Westhead early in the season. has helped propel the Lakers to a 24-8 record and u four-game cushion over Seattle In th~ NBA 's Pacific Di vision. Anderson, Walsh ~ab NFL awards ,.Bengals' quarterback named MVP · 49ers' coach an easy winner I CINCINNATI (AP) - Quarterback Ken Anderson, one 1 of pro football's most accurate I passers, accepted a coveted • honor in the same low-key , I manner in which he guided the ! Cincinnati Bengals l<' their finest season. "It means a lot because your team is winning," said Anderson, who was chosen by a panel of Associated Press aportswriten and broadcuten aa the National Foot~all League'• Most Valuable Player for 1981. ··Leading the lea1ue in pautna and· bavlna 1ood atatiatlca ia alee. But tbe ultimate ii wianlq. Tbat'a .wbat makea the award special.'~ DlsplaYtnl tbe a«uracy that made him oae of the moet f.-eci quarterback• ln mld-19701, Anderson shattered several personal pa11in1 records in ~ .... Lbe Benlala to & 1M re1ular aeuon mark ~ American Conltrnce Central title ln Jtll. Tbe 11-year veteran from Au1u1tana Collete la llHnoll threw for 1,15' yards aad 2t touclldown1·. completed 12.1 percent of bl• paHH (bl• HCOIMl·belt caner maitt>, WM ~ jult 10 Um• tD tM rtlUlar MalOD, Re W--'U I», ~raked~ la tM Nf'L. His precise passing earned him a spot on tbe AU-Pro team for the fourth time in bis career and put tbe Bengals in their first AFC title game. After suffering through two injury-plagued seasons, the 32-year-old Anderson w.as benched for his .poor performance in the first quarter of the 1981 season opener a1alnst- the Seattle Seabawka. But Coach Forrest Greu started AQdenoo the next week, lauDchln1 the quarterback's record-breakinJ season. ••He came . back like a champion," said Upt end Dan Rosa , who led Bengals receivers with n fe&ular-aeuoo catches. Gre111 who thou1ht about bencbln1 Anderson for the Ben1als' second 1am, asalmt tbe New York Jeta but decided to stick with the veteran, concurred with th6 )(VP choice. "He 11.d a lo& to overeome,'' Gre11 aald llanday. "lie wu aort ot the lecond cba6ce of tlM rana "bo preferred (y~r b1ellup) Jaek Tbom~:, ·n·• t.oulh to be plqlnl ln your"hiMDe 1tadlmn, you're lntrodue.t as the 1tartin1 qaarterbHk lllld yoa_ beu tbe IMmetowa fus bOOIDI· 'l'lllt .... to deet ., player , partlculaJIJ 1 •ua~. Valenzuela loses, 4-1 NAVOJOA, Mexico (AP> - Loa AnlelM Dod1ers pitcbJng 1tar Fernando Valenzuela went the diltance and wu the losme pitcber Sunday as the Hermoeillo Narllljeroe beat his NavoJoa Mayor 4-1 tn a .Mexican Lea1ue Kame. It wu bis f<Mlrtb start since JoiniDI the Mexican Leque for a winter bitch after hi• rookie season In tbe majors. The 21-year-old lelt·haader bu a 1·2 record aJnce retw'Dln1 to bi• .. u\l'e state of Sonora. V aleosuela, Winner of the Cy Youq Awll"d u tbe National LealUll pMcber of tbe 1ear, went alae""wt'IP far IM fttlt. Ume. He 11w • four bltl, ltruek out , 11 Udwelbdft••· NEW YORK <AP) -Bill Walsh, who in just three seasons changed t he San Francisco Football League's losineest team to its winningest, was named today The Associated Press Coach of the Year. Walsh was the overwhelming choice or a nationwide panel of sports writers and broadcasters, named oh 61 ~ of tbe 84 ballots cast. Forrest Grege, who performed a "worst-to-first" feat with the Cincinnati Benaals. was a distant second with lSIAa votes. Don Shula or the Miami Dolphlna received three votes, Tom Landry of the Dallas Cowboys 1ot two and Dan Reeves of the Denver Broncos and Walt Michaels of the New York Jets received one vote apiece. The 50-year-old Walsh, who doubles as general manaaer of the 40ers, piloted the te1m to a 13·3 record, the best in the NFL, in ltel. When he took control ol the club before the 1111 aeuon, lt had won Just 11 Of tu pn!vloua 81 11me1 and waa comlnt off a z.14 season. · San ,..anc!llco went t-14 81UD in •19, then Improved \o 1·10 the followtna year before •tonnlD& . to ta fll'lt wtnnlns ....-.._ lt7t aod Us ftr1t National Conference Weatern Dlvtstan championship since 1972. The redevelopment of the 49ers into an NFL power was achieved in two basic steps. First Walsh put .together a potent pass-oriented offense, but one which often couldn't survive the team's defense. Then, in the 1981 draft and in major acquisitions after that, he built a defense into the second best i n th e conference. Amona the players he drafted bla first year were Joe Montana and Dwight Clark, the NFC's leading passer and receiver of the year. And in 1981 be .used three of his first four selections to draft Ronnie Lott, Eric Wrl1bt and Carlton Willlamaon, thr ee-quarters of San Francisc:o's defensive backfield. tben picked up a pair of defen11tve stars with contract problem• -pass-~usbln1 end Fred Dean from San Dle•o and llnebacker Jack "Hacltahaw" Reynolds from Loa Ansel& Laat year the 49era' deleDH was tbe se~ond-worat in the • lee1ue. This seaaon it was aecond-beat. Walab served bl• apprentlceabip la tbe NPL 1t1rU111. in ttee aa offensive backfteld coach for the OaklUd Raiden. t.ben few ~e Hal illM yea.r,J. •Jr -ca•eb of ti•• qua~andrecel•.,..GftlM ClnclnnaU Beglil. " Area stars All-CIF water polo Five Newport Harbor High water polo stars dot the All -CIF 4-A s elections by coaches including three on the first tea~ for the finalists. _Bob Taylor-. J .R. ·salvatore and ?dichael Howell were placed on the first team. while second team berths went lo Chris Woolfolk and Jim Bennan. Also accorded rirst team honors from the Orange Coast area were Dave lmbemino and Larry Jacobs of Corona del Mar and Phil Castillo of Costa Mesa. Player of the year ht>nors 10 to Doug Bolicek of champion Long Beach Wilson. Rick Jones, who guided Wilson lo the title and snapped Newport Harbor's four -year domination. was named Coach of the Year. First Team Dan Kennedy (LB Wilson>: Doug Bolicek <LB Wilson); Randy Reed <LB Wilson >; Bob Ta-ylot (Newport Harbor>: J .R. Salvatore (Newport Harbor); Michael Howell <Newport Harbor>; Jeff McKellar (Sunny Hill s)~ Eric Kough <Sun~y Hills); Dave Isnbemino.(Corona del Mar) i Larry J acobs CCOrona del Mar>: Phil Castillo <Costa M4;S &); Ed Jovellanos (Downey). Secoad Team Mike Carter <Esperanza); Tony J a ramello <Hacienda Heights Wilson); Kevin Laidlaw <El Dorado); Sean Browning (Aviation); Jim Pelegrlno <LB Wil son >; Eric Elder <LB Wil s o n ); Jon Yamada (Downey >; Chris Harding (Sa nt a Barbara); Chris Wo olfolk (Newport Harbor); Jim Bennan <Newport Harbor>; John Kopecky (Sunny Hills). This time Jackson loses bidding war PHOEN IX CAP > -A Texas-sized bkl of $550,000 for' a cuatom-built Corvette proved too much for New York Yankee slugger Reglfe JacklQll durtna an auto auction here. Milton Verret of Beaumont, Texa~Lwas the succeasfw bidder Sunda&' for the gr.ay-ancl-blaek turbine-enclne Corvette built by Vince Granatelll, eoa ol radq great Andy Granatelli. Jackaon made tbe s~cond-hlShaat bid, "3$,000, OD the top attractloo of the Southwestern loternaUoaal , , • CoUedlOr CM' Sbow ... AMtioL ,. I . . .. l'n•AP.._.&eMt COLUMBIA, S .C . -Pam m Panona re1ipect Monday hom her · pott aa bead coach of the Unlvenity of South Carolina'• women's buketbaU team - tad, thLI time, her s tatement wu read. Tbe acbool announced Friday that Parsons bad reaiped for health reasons, but sbe called The A.uociated Preu and denied tbat she bad quit, addint that her health wu fine. Panona ~aid she bad no Idea why s uch a - atatement would be made by tbe university. In her reslgnaUon statement read Monday by Bill Goldstein, a friend, Parsons sald she believed that women should r un their own atbletic programs at the university level but that "it bu become obvious that neither the administration nor the atbletic department of the University or South Carolina agree with me pbiloaophlcally. "As a result of the events or the last few days, I no longer have a desire to coach at USC. Therefore, I herewith submit my resignation as bead women's bas ketball coach at the University of South Carolina," she said in the letter dated Jan. 4, 1982, and tendered fo the university at3:4S p.m. Goldstein said Monday's resignation was . the odly one the coach of the second-ranked Lady Gamecocks bas made. The Sall f'r..UHI ... , ..... to practJe. llODdQ llieewt of tbt violent rainstorm '°"= NenMrD CaUfornla, ~ :.c,i:::e. the ,.,.t of the wMk at the Ra1n1• faclllty lD. Anaheim •.• • w.-UM mut#IDlnd olthe Chra' drive to a d1vlalon title, II the 8portlna. Newa' choice u tbe NJ'L C!Ofth ot the ytU'. Clncinnall'1 FOl'l'ftt Onq wu lec:ood .•. Medical teata on Iowa football Coach Ha1._ rry were PoeiPoHCI bMauee ot poor road tondlUona folio~ a mUw' l60Wltonn in Iowa Citf ... Booklet ..... a.9. 0..,. ..... ud Lawre.ce Ta7a.. ha~ a SsiartlDI Nen aU·NFL team Mltded bJ cor~ta for the WMtty publlcatlon. The only a11a1 to matt the team were Nel ... Cnmw.U (11tety) ·and l.ea.1 lrvl• '<punt returner) . . .... c..d NeMI Ar•..,_. of tbe Cblcaio Bean wu ftred att.r a meet.inc wlth tb,s owner, Geerp llalu ... Gary Tr ... .W, • former aulatut coacb at tbe U.S . Navel Academy, WU cboMD to replaff Geor1e Welall d be.cl footbal) c:oacb . . , .... Had.MD, ottemlvt backfteld c:oac:h at UCLA, will join Not.re Dame's 1tatt u an ualstant. football coach. Islanders easily handle Canucks, 4-1 , Aadera Kall•r'• sbortbanded ~ goal sparked a three.goal flnt period ' as the N,ew York Island~n drubbed Vancouver, 4·1, in the only Nill. c:ootest llenday night. The loss was Vancouver's el&hth in a row on the road . . . In other news, Tbe Kines announced they have si1ned a free a1ent defens~man·forward. Ala• llaqllMela to a NFL contract a nd recalled ri1ht wing Pave Morrlsoa. Hangsleben, 28, appeared in 71 iamea with the Washin1ton Capitals htat season scoring rive goals and rec:ordlnl 19 aaststs. ID n ·games this season, be bad Ol,le &oal and one assist ... Center Wayae Greully of Edmonton earned another NHL Pl~yer-of-tbe·weet award, but this time be had to share the honor with. Pittsburgh rC?Okie Dou& SIMMeL . Quote of the day "TIM>' are DNlty roqb. One ldd ali.ut f •or 'J yean old came up to m~ ud Hid, 'Gmlnatl, )'OU ltlnk.' Tbat really blew my mind." -•Ille G•l••lll of the New Jeney Neta , oa th• auppoMd ''bome·court advantaae" at th• aew lhadowl1nd1 Arena. Gervin receives NBA honor San Antonio'• 0Mr1• Genia, • who aYeTaced '2 points a came lut • week in leedinl the Spun to three vletoritl, bat been named ti. NBA's Player ot the WMk ... J'rabmu forward Troy Carmn. aldellned 111net preaeuon practice becaute ot an lnjW'y, baa declded to leave tbe Colorado State balketM!l PfOll'am. Carmen, a Lons Beach Poly HUit tradl cited hll reaaou for leavina as peraoaal prob ems and homesickness . . . ...... G ..... of UC Santa Barbara was named the PCAA'a Player of the Week. Gaines, a s-10' auard, scored a total of '1 points in the Gaucboe' two victories Jut week . . . Atlanta Hawb auard C.ulle Crtu, tbe amaJlesl {5-8> player in the NBA, hu uked to be traded because b1I playing time bu been limited. Television, radio F°'lowlng a,.e the top SPOrts events on TV tonight. Ratings are: ./ ./ ./ ./ e>ecellent; ' ' ' worthwatchlng; ·1·1 tarr; "foroet It. .a p.m., Channel 9 ./ ./ ./ NHL HOCKEY: Kings at Phlladelphla. Announcers: Bob Miiier and Nick Nickson. . The Kings are currently In fourth place In the Campbell Conference's Smythe Division, three points behind Calgary. The Flyers. meanwhlle, trail the NY Islanders by two points In the Wales Conference's Patrick Division. RADIO Basketball -Cal State (Fullerton> at Pepperdlne, 7:30 p.m., KWRM (1370). Hockey -Kings at Philadelphia, 6 p m KPRZ (1150). . ., • • ·Mesa· loses -happily? Edison can't dampen spirit JSy &OGER CARL80N OflMCNIW,.... • ..., Hls team had Just lost an 82-75 llOl'l·leape basketball decision to Orange County's No. l ranked team, vlsltin1 Edison, but Costa Mesa Coach Tim J>arsel wasn't wearing tbe face ot a loser -and his team looked like a pack of wtMert Monday night. ''J tblnk we're ready to go lnt.o leaiue," aald Parsel, who takes his Mustangs into Sea View· League action Wednesday night on the road at University High. ALTHOUGH THE MUSTANGS abeorbed their fourth loss in nine starts, Costa Mesa•• early-season reputation proved correct -the Mustangs are solid contenders for the league Litle after ext.ending talented Edison through two periods, then drawing lo within 79-73 after trailing by as many as 13. . "I think we're due to play well and I woukln't trade my team for1lny," said Parse!. · .. Ken Bardsley equaled his season high wjth 25 points and Jim Pelichowsld scored a seaaoo bigb 16 points Lo lead Mesa, although it wun't quite enough lo offset the Chargers. As for the winners -well, Edison Coach Barry Leigh took the victory in stride -the 12th in 13 decisions for the winners. "WE HAD A FUN week in Carson City and just one day or practice," \aid Leigh. ·'This u still preseason for us,'' he continued while explaining his relaxed attitude despite the (al times> nose-to-nose duel with the Mustangs. Costa Mesa's last lead was 20-19, but the Mustangs were still within range with 3 :20 left in the third quarter as Steve Cook hit a 16 footer to narrow the Edison lead to 43-42 . .Bruins hit· another divot fu tlie road A spurt at that point for Edison put it bas.ically out of reach (S7·44 ) in the next 2: is of playing lime. however, to quiet the crowd. "No, I wasn't worried at halftime " said Leigh. "But I'm sure I'll be scared at halftime n~xt week regardless or the score <when Sunset League play begins).·· UCLA loses to Washington ; USO, meanwhile, beats Washington State in overtime · Rick Di.Bernardo and Jeff Stepneni. e~ch scored 25 points Cseason bests) for Edison to lead l~e winners, as Richard Chjlllg played well below his potential, scorink 16 points in bitting 6 of ~ Crom the field. From AP dllpatcbes SEATTLE -Steve Burks scored nine points in the Cinal 1 Yi minutes Monday night as Washington raJlied to upset> No.>t6 UCbA 54Mi0 in college basketball. Jlurk.s broke loose for a lay in with l : 29 to play, and after be was fouled by UCLA's Kenny Fields, added a free throw to give the Huskies a 48-46 lead. UCLA, which had a 42-37 lead with nine minutes to go after Fields scored on a rebound, went nearly 41h minutes without.scoring. Burks, who scored seven of his ftnal nine points at the foul line as UCLA tried to catch up by fouling, finished with a game-high 17 points. Forward Brad Watson added 12 for the Huskies. UCLA was paced by Fields and gua,rd Rod Foster with 10 points each. USC S7, Washington St. 56 'PULLMAN, Wash. -Southern Califomja's Cedric BaiJey hit a jump shot inside the key With 22 secoods remaining in overtime to lift the Southern California Trojans to a S7·S6 Pacific-IO Conference win over Washington State. Washington State's Aaron Haskins grabbed a ~ebound. and launci ed an unsuccessful Callaway Jumper m the final seconds of a losing effort. Southern California, 7-4 on the season and l·l in conference play, led in regulation 52-48, but saw the lead slip away when WSU's Tyrone Brown and Craig Eblo hit both ends of one-and-one free throw situations in the last 43 seconds. In overtime. with the score lied at 52-all Bailey hit the front end of a one-and-one to give th~ Trojans a one-point advantage. WSU's Brad Ness drove the baseline and scored, but the Trojans countered with two free throws by J acque Hill following a foul by Haskins. Oregon St. 68, Arizona 55 CORVALLIS, Ore. -Rob Holbrook came off the bench to score a career-high 18 points and lead 15th-ranked Oregon State to a 68-55 victory over Arizona. The Wildcats took a 9-0 lead m the first 90 seconds of the game and ran off seven straight CO' .... I SJ. Col99te • For-mn, YeteSI Hof tire 74, MMISI N Le Set..,.., Noire De-61 Loyole, Md. It, St. Fr•ncls, Pe. 67 Melrie 66. Ullce 51 Pitt 60, T-le ff ""'een•s. -H-l>lre s1 S.IOl'I HAii '6, Pnrtklenco '5 ~ &ell St.~ Butler St Jlredleoy7t, 1~ .... St. n notsl T ulerie 60, Clnclnf\1111 SI I lllnol.s St. st, 0.-elle .., W. llllnolt 100, E. Kentucky M Kenaes St.12. UHLV ~ OePeul '6, SI._.,,, n , Mlddle T-. '9, Xevler, Olllo 41 1 Olllo SI. 67, Syrec.,,. 57 Wl<lllte SI. ta, USIU 61 ~ Beylo< 61, ~m ff TUIN IO, Cnlofllon SS H0utlon63, Rice 61 H-Mexico St. 75, W. Tues SI. 66 H. h ut St.17, P ... Anwrtunta Te11u·Arlln;ton 77, Tu11s-S•n Al'ltOftlo .. TOU•AMalilTS ....,a-IC Stot_ ... ~Sl.61 COtLEGE BASKETBALL points to build an 18·8 margin with 14:20 left in the half. · The Beavers, 9-2, with Holbrook, Lester Conner and Charlie Sitton hitting two field 1oais aRie<:e. put together a 12-2 spurt to pull into a ~20 tie with 8:21 left in the half. Oregon State out.scored the WUdcats 18-10 in the final 10 minutes to pull away for the victory. Holbrook scored ei&hl pf.lints during the late burst. Fresno St. 56, Lamar 36 FRESNO -Rod Higgins and Bernard Thompson each scored 14 points to pace Fresno State to a 56-36 non-conference victory over previously undefeated Lamar at Sellands Arena. The Bulldogs, who shot just 40 pel'ceot from the field, hit 18 of 20 free throws while the · Pro tour gels new look,$$ TUCSON (AP> -The 44-eveot, 10-mont.b-pro g.olf tour gets underway this week (Tucson Open> with a decidedly new~ook and a record $14 million up for grabs. The Tour has a new name (the TPA Tour), a new formal for qualifying and some new faces holding the dominant roles in the competition that runs through October. And, said Tour Commissioner Deal')e Beman, there's ~ new ·challenge. · That challen1e involves an attempt al expansion of interest in the 1ame. "WE MUST MAKE golf more competitive with other sports," Beman said. "We must make it attractive to people other than golfers. Where would football or baseball be today it they appealed only to those who participate in the sport?" The pro tour, renamed the To.urnament Players Association. is laking steps to achieve those ends. There's a new television contract in effect, new and . more aguessive marketing, a heavily-emphasized youth program and the introduction of stadium golf, a concept Beman wants to expand. Thal will take place at the Players' Club in Ponte Vedra, Fla. The new course, with the greens nestled into man-made amphitheaters, is owned by the TPA and will serve as the permanent site for the Tournament Players Championship, an event • that Is gaining in prestige on an annual basis and• now appears ready to challenge for a place in the select roll of lhe~orld's major tournaments along with the Masters, U.S. Open and BriUsh Open. THE TOURNAMENT this year wlll offer $500,000 in totaJ prtJe money with $90,000 going to the winner . "-~D,~7' Edl-12.Hl~,:=S Servi .. n. v.-.ci. ~ •'This is the only one ol the majors that we • control," Beman said. "We want Lo make it an event that sets the standards tor all other tournaments." Women c:oua•• CelSt•F....,_.1,Heflresk .. 7 lllfl'lelhSUS,UC\.A62 " .... ~ MeOM!le 61, LOI Am .... JI EmSon ranked ·Beman said the TPA is actively ne1otiaUog for the purchaae of courses in three tour dUes with an eye toward con verUn1 them to the spectator--0rieated stadium 1011 concept. No. I · • ID ~ounty · Pomona. The Charcers have picked up two tournament cbampfonsblp at VaJenc:la and Carson City. POI. Ta•. 1. t!!dllon 2. Ocean View I . Fo...t.tnV"aJley 4. Bru-Otinda ' 5. Sintle 8.leiaa--. 7.Mli&er'Del I. &lteda t .i,....HWI p 10. (tle)o.taM .. oar.aw Mar Cardinals managed just four or eight from the line. Fresno State, which entered the game with the nation's best defense -a 45.4 point a game average -improved its season record Lo 10-1. Lamar slipped to 9-1. KanHa St. 82, UNLV 85 MANHATTAN, Kan. -Tyrone Adams and Ed Nealf' scored 20 points apiece to lead Kansas State to an 82~ victory over Nevada-Las Vegas. The Wildcats, 8-2, ran past Nevada-Las Vegas early in the first half, outscoring the Rebels 10-2 during a five·minute span Lo take a 23·12 lead. Kansas State stayed on top the rest of the way. Kansas State held a 40-29 halftime lead. and the Rebels never got closer than nine points the rest of the game. N. C•roNn• 14, WUUam & •ry 40 CHAPEL HILL, N.C. -Sam Perkins and Michael J ordan scored 13 j)Oints each. and James Worthy added 12 u top.ranked North Carolina muscled JSut William & Mary, 64-40. It was uobeatea North Carolina's ninth straight victory while William & Mary dropped lo 8-2. The Indians frustrated the Tar Reels by employing a tight 2-3 tone ln the first ball. While that defense slowed Worthy and Perkins, Jordan found the range from out.side and scored 11 points. North Carolina broke to a 17·8 lead after Worthy scored on a reverse layup midway through the period. The lead later grew to 31 ·16 on a pair of Perkins' free throws wlth 2:24 remaining. Loul1vHle 79, Florld• St. 57 LOUISVILLE, Ky. -Forward Derek Smith scored 22 PQint.s to lead No. 14 Louisville lo a 79-57 vietory over Florida Slate. Louisville improved its over all record to 8-2, whlle the Seminoles ten to 4-7. After falJing behind 4--0 in the first minute of play, 1he Cah:linals scored lS straight points over the next three minutes to take a 15-4 lead and never looked back. Florida Slate, with guar-d Mitchell Wiggins scoring 10 of his came-high 31 points, rallied to trail by only 3.S-32 at the half. . "A CHEST INFECTION has really been bothering Richard, explained Leigh. "He's with it, then he's not with it. I just hope we can get things straightened soon." Although Di8ernardo's offensive spark and bo'ard strength was a dominant factor. it was Edison's guards, Stephens and Mark Goudge, who were the difference in Monday's game. The guards, amidst Edison's press, helped force seven second quarter Costa Mesa turnovers after the Mustangs jumped to a 14-9 lead early in the contest. and when it came to the point where Mesa's only hope was lo foul, the guards again were a sore spot at the line for the opposition. Goudge entered with an 88 percent ratio at the line during the season and Stephens was at 80 percent. Edison's ability to connect on 20 of 26 from the line Monday (76.9 percent> was in keeping with the average Edison output. FROM THE FIELD the Chargers were tough, loo. Des pite Chang's cold streak the winners hit 31 of 56 (55.4) percent) against first a tone, later man-to-man tactics. Costa Mesa was firing away, too, as the Mus tangs connected on 3S of 63 C 55.6 percent) against Edison 's man defense. USC women at GWC The Un ive rs it y of Southern California women's basketball team, ranked fourth in the nation, will host Illinois St.ate Wednesday night (7:30) al Golden West College. The Trojans have a pair of former area standouts -Kathy Doyle of Huntington Beach High and Timi Pitzer of Golden West College - on the roster. Prices for the game are $3 for adults, $2 for students and $1 for children. USC and Golden West students are admitted free. For more information. phone 892-ml. COilege f ootbaU JOHNSON • SON Presents ... COLl.EGE BOWL ROUNDUP l~ldefte* •owl 1D1La1-., ..... UI.) Teu1 A&M •• ()lit...,.. M. " Gerden State Bowl CDlc.Ullhlt ........... M.J.I T-·Wl-Mltl HoHder 11ow1 .............. ) ' avu 1t. ...... ,...,..,. Cetffomla Bowt ,.,._,. .... _, Te!Mo7J, SM.i-St.15 • ..., .... CD1c.a11•1 .. _1 bit ......... ..,..... ... . Geeot•owt . '-.............. , N.nll~Jl,A,._11 ~ ,• . -.... of, .......... .......... I el11111,Me.I I •••• 'llJI ............ . P9ac" Bowl • !DIC. It 11t ,..._..,, w..tV.,.....'6;ff1ettM• Btu.bonnet Bowl (DK.JI« ....... , Mk ltl09ft D, UCLA '4 Cotton Bowl , ...... , . .,.. .. , Tua11~A1-12 Fleeta lowl (JM. 1 .. ""'-btl P-st. ». u" 10 AoMBOWI , .. , ........... ) We~21.t-•0 Orange Bowl c-., .. ,._., l'le.1 ~za.,....-.u . Sutaf Bowl (.Na,t ..... OrtMMI Pill, .. o-9•. 1.-.Wfft ltwtne O.me ,,.., .. ~·-· • •I llMt All49n vs. *-st "'Mien., C'--., _. _ Huta lowl --................ , ... Eelt ~ ,,,,_ W.St All-aten, ~ 1ett •• M. ... Pete the .. Greek" NFL's Pick• Of The Week SUNDAY MATIOMA&. GOM ..... CI s.. ..... -. ..... Dllet A .... CAM COMNl .. CI Clwa' • ANTEATERS IN ACTION LT lrrnw's Kevin Magee t left photo 1 and Ranch· Wh1cldon c n ght 1 return to action \\ ednt'scla~ night "h<'n thl' ,\ntcatcrs take on Drury .,.~·---- Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tuesday, January 5, 1982 College at UCI's Crawford Hall. Coach Bill M~lligan's L'Cl team has rolled to a 10-1 record thus far. Chang keeps • lead sconng E di son standout aveTagi ng 23.2 Edison Hi&h'a Richard Chang, Al'Mllll, II T.,o despite mining a came and Ayret,H~llHctl .., .. ~ acorlnJ only 16 points twice in 1He ........ ,llTWO the last four starts, continues to CMVor,l!WM OI-. C.W.e l .._, bold down the top spot In the .,, ....... lfVtM Orange Coast area acoring NHl\lrvi.. derby for high school basketb,tl. Oot4lef • C.-Clel MM LarMfl,Ulll_..lly , ... ,,.,.,c:.u-.a Chang, a 6-6 All-CIF 4·A IACIMcll,~ll ltkllter,llT-selection as a junior, has been •••let'~IN .... hampered by an Infection in his Wl ... Woodlw .... chest, but his previous efforts -Orem1, w.tmiflatow Ji-...~vltw nine straight efforts in th& 20s --.~llMcll maintains his scoring average al .... ..._.CllM Carroll, OtOM View 23.2, a couple of notches ahead HM111, i.AIUflo llMcfl of Laguna Beach's Nell Riddell. Wllllemt, Oce41n View _, ....... _ . ., .... , l"•tll•. w..t,.,.,..., 5'1yeler. l!I Toro Aal.A SC:OalMO s .. 1 .... UtllV9nlty lro-ldl, INllW l't.ayer,~ • ......... ..1-•.MIW0.1 Cllong. Eclltofl 12 Ut 112 It Olldlo. w..ntlllter Riddell, L....-_.._ JI,.. ......... Uttery, lrvN U1nllch, OcNn View 12 2M 21.7 JO l"Olll.N-1H.,_ G"tsl. UnlWf'llly 10 lti 1t.2 t1 T Oftdy, Mor'l1111 Huotte1, FOU11t.aln Volley 10 ,., IU SS JocolM,......,.. Velley Bell,N'-1Hll'bor • 1n It.I JI Selby, N....-irt HoAor Berc111ey, Colla MHe ,-, .. 1e.• ts O'LoUOMlft. ~II Forl11ger, -...109e " ltJ 11.J • ,_stro, _.....,. llNcll Ol8er1111rc10, EllllMlfl um 11.1 H W01mo11.~ O.ve11"'1. Secldl-k . "' 1"0 21 Sol•vo. HuMillllon 1e«11 Lynell, Corono del Mor 1 "" "' ti Br•llClt. '"-1 "-Flllpek,-lno 11 "' U.I • A11~.0ceonv1ew Tl>omp~. Hunllnoton 8HCll 11 156 14.1 • M<Allllter, SocldleNc:ll Ctot.~11 I IOI 13.S is AIPluncl, Unlw~ty R-, Uni-Illy 10 IM ll.4 M v.,,.,Unl""'11Hy Goucloe. Ecllton ., 114 IU 21 CllOmlll,-IN Sn! 1111. """"" 10 1J2 IU " ·-.~-Terbell. JMtat Del 10 IJ2 IU It Brown. F-Votley Akers, lrwlne • " IS. I is Kotly. F-..!11 Valley Kluum..,. -IN! II l)t IU is Honer. H~ lle«ll Moyclole. 1-..CI• 10 Its 11.J " Nlcolol, w.stml,...r lng1enor1. El Toro ' 60 u..o 22 llllHlll, Ecll1m1 G•r-r. E1Ullcle 10 117 11.7 22 R-ro. Unlwrllty 8 ... ry,MorlM 11 127 11.S " Rti", Oceon View He11 .... F-'oln Vellrt 11 ns 11.J 1• K.,M,F-....,Votley St•"'*'-· EcllMlll U 14S 11,1 ts Moti,.1, ,,........... Volley Oowfts, WHlmlnlter 10 '" 11 1 IS ....... lftt. -Del 51\ocklefonl, Hllflt. BffCll 10 110 11.0 is J. EcllW91.,., Fiii. Velley Eeslln, WHlln!M4er • • 11.0 t2 Bun, F-.inVetley Polmb1-. Colto -• " MU• G ... 11.~Vlew Pelleller, ,._., Harbor • .. 10.6 • Me09fler. ~ Del Vlllanuevo. FOU11leln Voll•Y " 115 10.4 21 Mlllercl, Ecll1or1 ca ' • 41 1.t .. II • 1.1 U I If 1J u .. 1 SI 1.J 11 • 4 7.1 " ' 1 .. 1.t 11 • d 1.t .. • ., 1.1 ti 1 41 "1 " I 1 41 "1 .f1 • • p "' 14 • • ... 1 1 • '-S • . " u 11 11 7f .., " • • ... 21 It 1S u 1J • • u .. ' JI .. , " 12 n U 111 12 n .... 12 , u "' • II M u .. 10 • u II ' u u II It t6 "' u • M u " IJ .. u II 10 SI S.1 :: .1 . . , .. ... • •s s.o ' 1 M u " 11 .. ..... II • IS .. , • , II u ' 11 " u It • M .., " " " 4.1 • • D 41 11 12 M u • 1 ,. .... IO I • ••• 4 1 4 ... 4 11 42 u 11 II ., u • 10 • u 10 ' " u • 10 11 u " ' M a.1 • fl " a.s • • ti u • 2 1 J.S 4 10 M 14 • s 17 M • 12 40 u • • ,, u ' J 10 u 4 J IO u • u 1' J.2 11 s " u 14 Estancia given a slight edge MY•"· Unlvenlly 10 104 10.4 21 Burll.e, Weoclbrldgt • " JI • Rac1ovckl1, WOOclbrlfl99 " 114 10.2 JI Geru, Soadlallecll • tA u • Mlcllencl, E1tenc:la 10 IOZ 10.2 .. Berry, <>c.Oll View ' IS 10 • Foul>, El Toro J • 10.0 14 ""''°"· ............ • 11 u • Oe8rou-, Oceen v-11 lllt " IS Seki....,., "-1 Herbof • 17 u s Werner. oc .. 11 V-n 114 ., .. ¥cCofllll, Ettoncle s u u • But Sea View League raceiwhich begins Wednesday) is.a wide open.affair Tiii. Eltollcle 10 " 9,j 14 LHvrt.Ell»ll 1 " J.1 ' Miiis, Hunllngton leach 4 • 9.S 14 Mohoic, Hurotlnglorl Bee<ll • 21 u 1 Pellcllowtlr.I. Colt• Mew • ., • •• .. Bucll,0<...,Vlew s IJ u -4 8) ROGElt ('ARI.SO N 01 I .. • O•ily PJlol Sl•fl H an~ onl' thinks he or she kno\\ s 111st ho\\ the Sea View Le.1,gue bi.tskcthall race is going lo end, pl~'<ISl' send 1n your formula hN'ausc from what has 1 ransp1n•fl during December in non·l<.'agut· and tournament al·t1on and \\tth "'hat e<1ch of ri\ c lt am.., p<•SSl'SS('<; on paper. II <. ,1Jmo'>t ,1., d1ffleult to h~ure 1 he three playnff' representatives us 1t is the f;1\orite C'ost;i \1t'sa has perhaps its best team sin<·l• 1966, ~orona del Mar 1s thl' rl<•fPndmg Cir 3 A r hamp1on l'.:st rn c1a is 8·2 \\1th ,\II Cl F pla' <:r Jtff Gardner lc~ciing the way llniver'i1ty has th<' hcsl gu.mb in the school's h1s11Jn ·met \;t·\\ µ<Jrt Harbor 1s making ·1 11101·k1 n of a 5 4 11•('nql as 1s l nsla ~1esa Each of lhuw fh c lt:ams ha.'> a lc·l.!1l1m atc l'la1 m to a playoff 111'11 h anfl even the tlllc as the 1•ampaign open'> Wl'dnesday Herc's 1 look ,1t each 1n the 11rrtPr th1•\ f1f.!11rt• 1"' to finish I. 1-... 1ane1a 01·21. ThP ~agles ~1·1 lht-t-•11.!t' hecausc of their ;1 h11!t\ to \\111 the• close t111f's ;111d th1:. 1 i.!01nl-! to be om· of th1,. .... kind 111 '>f•asons -...1th <J\ l'rl tm<' i.!a11ws common C' ;1 I' I) n t• r I '> t \' p I C <I l 0 f F> .. tilnua"' ult-a of winning h" H~erugcs almost CIS man y ass ists a'> hl· does points G.;1 dncr has an 1L7 scoring a \<'ragt· arn1 hi.Inds out 10 assists pN gam<> Dt·sp1tl' th1· lack of height lht·n· 1:; quahh balance with 6·4 ll1 tan ~11dla11<I. G 3 Randy Tift, Chris Maydnll• .;nd Steve Kra1ss Al so of( th{' b('nch is football t .1r Jim McCah1ll Coarh J..irr \ <;un derman's E a g l c s h ,1 ·, c w o n t w o tournaments and Gardner was the MVP m each. Ranked No. 8 in Orange County, Estancia owns a 53·51 win over No. 4 Brea Ohnda, which has lost only two of 14 decisions. 2. Corona del Mar. (5·3) Chris Lvnch and Mike Hess fonn the best guard combination in the league and the Sea Kings of \'Ctcran coach Jack Errton boa.st height 16·8 Hank Goebel) and scoring balance. This is another team known for its abilHy to wm the close !>ncs Ly nch leads the Sea Kings w1lh a 15 5 scoring average whi IC' the other four sta rters are hi lling from 6.7 lo 8 0 points a J!amc It s a team you can't gang up on and it's a. team which stifles the o pposJlio n with its man-lo m an de fense. holding mo~l under their usual output. 3. Costa Mesa (5·4). The Mus tangs have a potential Player of the Year C6·4 Ken Bards leyl a nd superior depth - enough lo win the title. Th1!> amount or talent isn't new. however, there have been some big expectaltons in the last few years and the Mustangs have bf:.'cn unable to put up, Questionable future HIGH POINT, N.C CAPI - Runnin!f back Ted Brown of the Minnesota V1kmgs still has a bullet lodged in his thigh and octors said Monday it may be wo month~ ht•fore his football f1 ture is known. Police r eports s aid the sh oting occurred last week Br >wn1 a former North Carolina State star. said he accidenLally shot himself a n lice have ruled the shoqUft'g 1dental. ·Dr H. Si's d e Howell s aid Brown, 24 , was in s table condition and would be released fro m Hi gh Point Memorial HospitaJ later this week. Mike Lynn, Vikmgs' general manager, said team officials also talked to doctors Monday. "Whal we learned ls lhal \he healing process will lake from six to eight weeks. which means Ted cannot work out for that period or time," Lynn said. Brown s aid the accident occurred when be attempted lo move a Magnum revolver to a safe place at his parents.' ttome. According to Brown. the gun fell out of a holster lo the floor and discharged. The bullet hit a chair, struck Brown in the back of the upper thigh and proceeded up into the pelvic muscle, Howell said. As for Brown's future with the National Football League team. Howell was optimistic. "It's hard to tell right now. It will probably take six to eight ' weeks to determine," Howell said . "Right now, it looks oromising." Oilers, FV i n a c tion Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley are on the road tonight in non-league hilh schoot basketball -the Oilera of HB at Mater Dei and Foantain Valley meeting Verbum Dei at Compton Campo '82 College. Hont.ln&ton Beach (6·5) Is led by 1·1 junior Billy ~mp on, while Mater Dei (8·5) features Matt Beeuvnaer\, who bu scored at an avera1e of 19.1 point" per game. It's sellor 7:30. fo'ountain Valley (8-3) •SP•~ by Jeff Hulbes (19 2 wcorina averag~). Thi• one ii acbeduleCI to bealn at 7. railing to earn a CIF playoffs berth for 16 years in a row. So until it's done, the Mus tangs will have to be considered No. 3 -but there's little doubt Coach Tim Panel has the kind of talent (John Risbebarger, Dave Palmblade, John Strayer and Jim Pelicbowsk.i) to do it. 4. Newport Harbor. (5·4). No team has the front line of the Sailors -Coach Jerry DeBusk has 6-7 Byron Ball and 6-7 Joe Seager up front, and he bas some first-line players working around the duo <Scott Liner, Brian Folk, Steve Pelletier and Greg Selby, Cor instance). But l}-js is a young team in terms of experi ence and although the Sailors have shown the ability to stay with the talent of undefeated Lakewood, it's an up-and-down type. A certain playoff contender, title hopes rest with consistency. 5. University (1-4). Coach Jeff Cunningham's Trojans gained the CIF playoffs a year aeo and there's no reason for any s lipping -not with 6·6 Brad Guess (19.2 average I and 6-3 Craig Rouse ( 13.4 average) in the fold. Too, Randy Mye r s, the quarterback-receiver on the football team, gives the Trojans true strength at guard. Myers has averaged 10.4 points a game and assures the Trojans of a solid ball-handling game. With the exception of sophomore Norm Stolzoff. a 6-3 talent, the majority of the Trojans are seniors. 6. El Toro 0 ·6). There are three teams in this league who are going to find a playoffs berth a very tough assignment to accomplish. El Toro's six losses have been by an average of 11 points, but there appears lo be some .improvement with tt\e addition of 5 ·10 Junior guard Todd lnglehart, who has averaged 12.0 points a game in the last five st.arts. Jeff Arnold, a 6-7 sophomore, gives El Toro some f'lture thoughts. 7. Saddle back <Z·I). The Roadrunners could do better 8. T rlc~ett. El Toro 3 21 t.l " RodrleWz. &lollcle ·1 • u • S.-r.H-1Harbor •• 12 l't.I .. T911Per, ~ 6e<oc11 )~ 2J u • Rlin.borger, Colla Mew • " • •• 21 CllOI. Unl--.lty " u ' Liner, N-1 HMbol' • 11 ..... 11 vons~.CdM 4 10 u • J ec ~ '°"· Meler Del u 114 .., 1S z .. mDo, <><-View 2 ' LS 4 Cotn.,.. O<e41n View 2 11 u • Patel,W~er I .. u 4 Harrloon. H-8aocll , u u 10 Morelolld. Woodbrldoe ' ,. u ' Heu. Corano def M¥ 1 S6 1.0 1J Weklrup, ~ llNcll 12 ts LI • MonlnMft. El Toro 1 S6 ••• ,, Mone rlef, Sodclle4lecll 1 IS 2.1 • Holllnos~ll. CdM • .. 1.0 1S ..... MerlllO • 1J ,,, • Sllort. ~ 8aocll n " '·' 12 G. Field. Colte MHe • 12 u s • o .. or .... L..-IMocll 12 .. 1.1 '' Baoue. MMIM 2 4 LO 4 Kreiss, lstanc:lo 10 ,. 1.1 11 E119IOlld, "'-'Harbor 2 • LO • GWC, Cougars • vie than this (they beat El Toro. 46-45). but for the most part they figure to be spoilers. Rustler s bid for win No . 14 Saddleback took Troy into four overtimes before falling. last season, 15-14, so it's obvious Coach Pat Quinn know~ how to slow things down. Lack of h e ight burls Saddleback. Larry Davenp,<>rt. a 5·11 senior, leads the way with a 16.0 scoring average. Football star Todd Cage is consls~ent with a 13.S average. 8. Irvine (0..6). The Vaqueros have been hurt badly with two straight losses in three sepal'.ale tournaments killing what could have been additional expe rienee with as many as 11 games. ' But if balance means anyth1M -these Vaqs, too. could tum°" league upside down with an upset or two. Robert Akers has a 13. l scoring average -while six others score from 5.1 to 7. t points per game. The average loss in those six starts has been by a margin of 22.6 points.. · By CURT SEEDEN Of ... Doltt' l'IMI MoH Golden West College, after posting an impressive 13·2 non·conference mark, hosts LA Southwest tonight (7:30 ) in the Southern California Conference basketball opener for botb teams. The upstart Rustlers are coming off a determined 99-83 victory over San Diego Mesa, despite the absence of two key players. Both Murphy Davis and Art King, two sophomores Coach Jim Greenfield will count on h eavily this season, missed Saturday night's victory over Mesa when heavy flooding kept them from returning from their Sacramento-area homes where they were visiting for t he holidays. It didn't seem to matter too much, however. With guard •Truiell Hatton and forward Darin Bowen accounting for 47 College basketball points, the Rustlers breezed to another high-scoring victory. Tonight, LA South west counters with a trio of potential high scorers. most notably 6-1 freshman guard Derelt Powers, out of Detroit. The Cougars of Coach Leon Henry also boast the talents of 6-6 freshman Johnny Williams and sophomore guard Rod Jordan, wbo consistently scored in double figures during the Cougars' three contests in the. Miles Eaton I n vitational at Orange Coast Coll ege in December. Meanwhile, Greenfield found a pleasant surprise in freshman Corey Everhardt who chipped in 16 points against San Diego Mesa. T h e 6 ·3 freshman from Newport Harbor High had scored just 17 points in five· games before h is solid contribution against the Olympians. -------- OUTSTANDING VALUES! ru•ed•cg•m•• c .. St-Cl.Al al Loyoto, Col ~ .. I 8oito11 College al Vlll-va Coloel9 ot eoMOll I.>. Fo11 Hoys St. .. THe .. EI Peto Ulall SI ., w. T•xo• SI. HIW ltlZYW 9UAMTUMWA~ 4 Door. Optfone Include cloth ..ta. radial ti,. and motel (Stk. 3079) Col Slele Fllllef10ll al PeppercllM Whltwor1tl .. ~ $o11 JoM 5'. ol USF ...... TnosA&MetTCU THOI Tedi ot THM Mo.-Rlllle el ArlloftSOs SI. ..... T-. .(:Mtto11oo9a ot .,..loc:lllOll SI. E. T-st. 01 1""""°11 Hordlll-~ot~ Wo*"• l..ooMIMo TKll BvffalO SI. et N.C.·Wllll\lllllOll K9t'l1""'y SI ... SoutN"' BuffalO SI ... SW \AUt.I.,. T•--'SI ... -.olll SI. .... RPI et Army MeuocllulMts al Oortmouth Fe111ieldel PrlllC-5"llCI"""""°" Uflltlll WldeMr .. It .... lliofld Oowllnt "SI. "9ter1 we.,...otSletwl Mlfttftl Florida M.M el 111 • ..Qlk ... Clrw Wedneedey'• gamH .... Orvry .. UC IMM " Wllltmen ot Pw11-SE Loulllollo et USIU .... .. AllOome el MIMI .... SI. Awbllnl el K-k'f CllMtl ot o-tl• SI. Cl.mto11 ot ~· Te<ll Rtit .. rUI~ Wllll-& Nwy ot l!ul Corellne GewtlO•"-lde o-.. ~ ..... CorollllO LSUOIV....,,... Tt•e .. s.i N*rio et MC-St. T-etMltllM .. S. Ml ....... ot N.C.<llerlo«e Not,. o.N M Vt'9111lo Joflll1 ~1111 OI Welle l<ortM Hew Hemc-111,. ot 8~ T•mpleet luc-11 C-UCut OI Syroc:llM 0-otSI . ...,.._.., • 0_0--.. SI. Jotlll'I Hehir•. w. CllelW St. Wltllllo 5'. ot 1-Lafeyette ot St. J~'• St. l'ranc:t.. N.Y. ot LOllO lllend U. VMI otMOIM Nortll CMollllo al Meryt..ci Nl .... oot~11 U 110 el v.rnlOf'll ......,. Aust111....., ot Ml-I H . llllllOIU18oll SI. B-llno 0r ... 01 Ol\lo u . C•"lrel Mkfll9ell •I Kent SI Clncllll'IOll al OeytOll Marl .. IO M Ctevel-SI. Wm. P9twl flt E. llllllOll £.M~otW.Mk1119ef1 Ev•NV111•et"-N.1-otl-St. MorqwtteolK-5(. TottllOolMlorni Socramitlllo sl. o1 Nwotlt• ....... SMUelAtllMltOI H. TnotSl.ol Umill' lt«ll ... w 11 .. ,..,..._ et Col«• Thunda.J,;: .. '". Pep-cll11ellt Fr-SI. ~ Wlt.-G'"" Boy ol Butler S 111•-it ot Creltllltoll llllllol• .. Nort!Meslffll llldlono ol MIClll-St. ........... ,_ WIKOllSlll .. Mkll'9efl MlllMMU el OlllO St. Wm. Pwwl ol W. llllllolt . ... Wl-olOeltwort ...... FllnnOll M A#al«llloll St. Allr.., tt Middle T--_..,.,,._ .. Oevktsoll ... n91..,51-o1 Go. Soutflenl HouslOll ..... IM ol NE U...111.,.. St. "'°"" ol LOUl11tllle w. Ktntuclly .. Morefleod SI. W. V 1!1llllO Toc:fl ot Fl k""'°'lcl R~Morrllet~ BUf..-St. ol TUI-Navy el a.IM TOUltMAMI MTI Blolo, ._,,.eclll( ot PolM Lomo S.1110 Cloro ot l'eclfk · Clertmolll·Miocld M Weltem W•lllllWIOll ... ... ..... SI. .. '"""""'Atl- B YU .. c.i.r ... 54. INfle•~C"-1 Utaflol~ ........ S.mf.,.. ot Attl·Uftle ltecll 5W M1-1 It, et A,._.. St. Mo.~"°'""-"' S-ttlMal!IMN .. ~ (003501) . u.t Mee Sii.JOi Dllctm t SIJIO SALIPllCI s9 SClaOCCO Cou pe . 5 •P••d trenemleelon. metallic pain •. rH r window wlper/wHher. alloy ....... .....,~ •nd morel (S1k. 3238) (017715) SALi PllCI 5 10 69 0 .... P«Hk ........ w L. ""' •• U I ,JIO ,, 11 ... . " 12 ... ' .. It ... ' 11 IJ .J61 6 , tt .Ml IM ~DI•..._ Sen AftlOftio Oen,,., Ht1111ton KtnlHClty Utell 0.llH 20 ..... -u , .... . 12 t1 ,ot a 11 IO .MS 10 10 • .m~ 1 » .m 1w. •ASTIE•N c:otf,IE.IENCIE A .. lkDl..W. ............. ,. ' .. - 8oston tJ 1 .161 1 N .. Yorll 1.6 J1 WHlllr>Otan U 14 ~· WI Ml 10\I> New J ertey II It ... , u c.Mr .. Dlvl.,_ Mllweullee lndlan. ...... i. Oetroll c111caoo Clevel- n t 16 IS IJ , • 13 ,. 12 lt .no .516 • • 4'1 I .•It t ,., 10 . ,, .200 IS~ ... .,..Sc_ lfo o•mes tdledutecl T .... M'\O- CleV9IMCI et All.U Pllffnbc et,,.._ H-JMwyetWNlll ....... , ............... o.trolt H .. Y-etMllW ...... o.n ... , .. Ctll<ego Sen A-*> et Portlen<I KenSH City .. Sen Olqo Houston et Goldmn St ... NBAleadera ,,,...J ... J, SCOlll ... 0 ,.. "~ A .... Gervlft, SA 26 ,. ltl 151 n.o Oentley, Utell JO Jal n1 '" JO.O Malone. Houston 30 11• toS m 21.1 Enoll•ll, o.n.... JI DI 152 112 2'.2 ErYlno. PNI JO JOO ,. JJI U.J ANl..J-. IAIC«'I » .. 127 M1 au FrH,G-Steee 11 IJ' t~ ... 211 Wllllams, SHltte JO .. Ill ta 21.1 l lrd. •-JO M lllt 6G 22.J KlnQ, 0-St... JO 2M 121 Ut tt.0 •EllOl.INDINO 0 Off Def TM A .. Mal-. Houston JO Ill 2a * 1>.S Slkma, SNtllt 30 " 2t5 * 12.t 8 . Wllllmt,-.., JO m HI ~ UJt TllomPSI'. Pwtl-21 106 t20 l2t 11.6 LIKH, H-Yori. 30 IOI Zit l2e ICU ASSISTS ..... '""-·......... " .. Moor•. Sen Alltoftlo 2' 1U CllHks. PNl ..... pflla 2' U2 Ar<llllMlld, lkKton J7 m Davis, Dalles JO ut FlllLO GOAL ~l•CllNTAff , .. ,.A G lltnOl'e. CNceQIO 1t1no.o-s. ... Dawkin•. PN~ptiia S. Jdln_.., K-City Enolllll, 0..- 20S JU ~ '31 144 , ... US Ul JlO 547 PCAA leedere Scerl99 0 "' " "'-•,UCINlne tt IU M Gr•oorv. u.e 8cll St II • IS WaldrCMI, Paclfk 10 .. •1 Wood, CS Fllller10n I) 12 13 wtllel-, UC I Nine I I 12 16 Hoctees. Liit Sell St. 10 •S. JI Allder ton. UC snt 8r'tlr 12 JS • M<NHly,SenJ-SI. • W D Hl90lnt, F..-St. 10 61 16 CllMl"911M't. ui.11 St. 11 U e T11 214 211 103 m llO 1'2 •• "' , .. 15' ... t .7 '·' t.O .., 1.0 Pct. .m .. ., ·"° .. .m A .. a.s 21.1 JO.J 11.2 , .. , 16.2 IJ.J tS.J 14..1 1'.0 .. Top20 T"' TO!t T-y tHfM '" T"' AiMO<NtM l"reu· coll•t• ltuketbelt 11e11, •It,. llnt·11lec• Yet.a '" 11tre11tlleHt. 11111 ... '°" .• ,._.,. .,.. ............ ""'"'- Oft 20·tt·ll·t7•16'1S·1'·1t·11 · 11-1 ... 7.+J+>M· I. NOrtto Certllfta IMI M 1, 1. 2. Vlf'llNN 121 11.0 I.Gt$ I. Kenllldly .. , .. '· MIHOWI M 9't S. OePHI 11-1 "1 ._MJnNIOUI .. , -1. lowe .. , , .. t. Sen Fr..,.IKO 11•1 ta t . Wl<.lllte St. 14~2 s.3 10 Tulle t -1 Wt II.Ark-.. , SM 12. L0111s .. 111e •·1 m U. Geotoetown, OC 11·2 '°' 14, Houston 10-1 07 IS. N°""CerollneSt 11-1 MS 16.Aleti.me .. , ., 11. Or..,n SI .. 2 212 II. I Ullo II.. lt2 It.UCLA M 1'3 Jq. Sl. JOIWl'S, H. Y .. 1 1 .. HIGH SCHOOL Edlaon 12. Coet• ..... 76 EDISON -Stepllens U, GOlldQe 12. CMftt 1'. Blnnlll t , DI..,_.. U Smltlt 0 LH¥t'l I, Faoi.n 0, Miiierd 0, ~tor 0: Moore 1. Totels: 21 »2'n. . COSTA M411A -8archley U, Poelk-.al 16, Slr•Y'Of •. P91mbledt 10, lt'-rtiff 14. Edlon o. c-2, J. l'lelcl 2. Totals: u S-7 IS. k-. ... 0-....... Edison · 11 n u u-c Cost• Mase " 14 ,. ,._,, Total IOI.tis; Edison 1. Cele MeM 11. Fouled out: Pelmbledt (C.os:le Mftal c:ou...aoc Cal Slela Fullenon fl. ....... ., Women'• top 20 I. Loul1lan. Tech "21 11-0 1,2«1 2. SO<ltllOWollne M t,llO J. Old Dominion ... 1 1,t06 '·USC M 1,0U S. Lono 8Ncl't St M ttS 6. Rutgers .. 1 1116 J.N-C:.·ollnest. ._, •1 I. CIM-.y St. 5-2 JSS t. Ore9oft' M 7«1 10. S. F. A .. tln 1·2 ta 11. Ge«ol• .. , "' 12 Meryt..i M SlS IJ. C--I 1-1 '" "· lt•nlldly 1·2 .o u .. 1111no1s 11>-1 * 16.P-Sl. IM 2'6 11. ArllON St. IM -11.ltensas M 246 It.VIII-• .. 1 IJO 20.Ten-S-S • Ot,,.rs rteelvlno "'°"" Oft at '"''.IO b•llo1s Celpi.abell<•I order): Detroit, Kenws Shllot, MHll,._.. Loe Alen._ MOleMY"a llllttf'.t'I c_.,,........,.....,.. • ......., l"llllSTttACa.•Y--- CleYer Men 114artl HeuF~(~IM) kettle Jet CWat'd) pas .. Also rec.ct; Ar..,.. Jet, v-l!aprwn. HHIS Oedl, Rlnt Adetftt. WMu. Crlllt, Ke ts Wlllp, Dene Int Now. TllM: 21. IS. U eXACTA tNl pelcl _..,IO HCOND •ACI. S50 yenh. Verde TllrM (HWIJ 10.60 UO 4.- T ex Ofl 8-< Frydey> 12AO UO sa., •• Oomtn.torlArmstronol uo Also rec:ed( FamOy Trtu11re. Retllllts Foot, PrtMntetlle. Sterelluc:k, Wltll 1!- Jr., TMSJet Too, 8onHled R-. Time: 11.ft. TIU•O ltACI. «IO Ytrch. GrannY• Grrt <Hert) 4 • .0 2.60 2a TrlPOl•-tl.Ackeyl ) . .0 UO See Tr°'*9 RI.I\ C8etdl l .IO Also raced: ,_.., Vellle, Reciues1 A Jet Jet. F1..._,11. O.Wetron, •~• v-. Retll N .. Polley, "--1 POlky U lx.cTA (7"1pelcl114.IO 'OU•TN •ACE. 3'° yaoh Uno 8eclulno la...ctl 7 . .0 l ,IO UO Sllltt N Time IWerdl J . .O UO Step 8aYVU IE-orchl JM Also rececl: S-In, April One Fool. WM! A llttle _,, Ice C~t, Go For WIMunl, Dano Wltll Hence, Mleftty c .. Ber T,lme·tUI. It •XACTA IU ) pelcUflM. "FTN •ACI. a yenk WlllsU•r Str1c> IOelombal S.00 uo uo Prince C.., CP.,llnel 12.00 6.JO Eesy ._ock .. Sia CC.lrol IL• Also raced: A·Woody Run, A· T e11e It Oii Home. $ofrels ~m. a.au s.ew-. T•l.W .... , 81w Peel, •It SMt ...... A-< ......... TltM: 21.1111. A .,tACTA C~SI peld UUO $1•TM IUICIE. ISO y-. Tiny 8 1m 11.Ackrtl 11 . .0 • . .c> .uo JetwMoo , ...... ,,., •.• uo Olt Attle Te (8..UI 10..0 AIM reced: Smoke Em BY. Rocky v.,,.,, Bardon Hesly Moon, Truly Terrific, ce1-1r., Boy, CN<llJ wr...,.,, &lack Gold 0le9iar. TllM.11.M. s1vaWTM •AC•.,,., yllrft SMiie ltldSNk•CCA-1 IUO sa ,. V ..... (Hartl 6.IO 4.00 J ededlell CTrM..-le> Ut Also reced: Loom Son, Mr C-1 Deck. MoYln Kinde Man, Request A llcl, P9r1ect Mal'll. Time: II.SJ. U IEXACTA IS..> pMI $11.00. U l"ICll SIX 1 .. 7+.+JI pekl 111,D.20 wttfl twe ........ tk-CID .__,. S2 ~lcl SI•~ P9ld 1121.00 wltll 61 ·~ct1w...,...>. ..... "" llAC•. -yW'ft. l"lylfte ~-Cl! .. •Cbl 6UO 1'.IO HM DH-A-4Y11CNck cc.._1 a.IO ue DM·ltedlumlhdtJIC:tl 18.-s> '-ID JM o" .... , Also rececl: A-My ~Icy Mell, Ow TMS. Sir Flh1.ln .-. K-On KMPl"9 0... llHl•r lluH, Mell• Or lreek. More EXCllMI. Time; 20.tO. SJ IEXACTA 11-11 pekUISSAO • SJ .,tACTA Cl-31 pelcl UJ'l.20. NINTM •AC•. G yer~. '\ S.Yff Ac<......,..tff CHer11 32.00 1• . .c> UM Sl!owlH'll Peny ( Peullnel 3 IO , 00 Go Ll9fll T'llt Wey CGN,..11 11.AO Also raced; ~ Moon. NMll Time, Cettlt Or1w, 51\awnee Steel, Oule. Otoes l'lamlno Jet.~ Lew. Time: 21.4 U UtACTA Cl .. I peld 11 ... IO A tt...r.nca ->, '1111. NHL CMIU'alEU. CON,IE •1 .. ca MlnMtota St. Louis Cllk-eo Wlrw11"9 Toronto Delroll ....... °" ..... W l. T OF OA - 2.S • , 233 "' S1 " I"'' 1(3 153 • It 11 9 19 111 D 13 21 ' IM !tO • •2A610SIM 2A -.....~ IS II 12 tt.J IM G ti ,. • ,., ,. ., IS IS t 171 I .. It 13 lt I IU llO M tt II t IM 171 JI 11 D 6 ID 1 .. a WALH CON,a•aNCa ~---ot.tlllll NY lsi.~ U tt S I.. 115 St PlllledeiCIMa tJ 13 I 1• llt 0 P~ 11 1S • ISi 1'0 G NY lllft09" 16 II S 1'0 tSJ 11 WaSfllnQton 12 2A I 1• 1'5 77 .,._DIYlllea 23 10 S IU IP SI 21 11 t 1W 12' • 2' IO t 181 ttt 4t JO IS S 1• 171 U 10 JO • ,. 17, " ..... .,..San NYl~4.V..,._I ~·-­• ...... Pllll••lpllle w......,etQuHK e.11111\.tlMntrMI Ml-at St.~ Color.., at 01to1tY ... ,_odn • Alie CIMIM9CI 4...., S. O-... NtlC a.ft ftl'llldlce ... a.It. -hMt ...,,. ••• --.__ eM ........ .... Netaonet Coll ..... Cle~ , .. .._.._ ... , ....... !Ml lllodney Hermon ($MUI def. Mere.I Pl'HmM CUCL.Al,M ,W . ~ .. ._ Glenn Mlclllbete • ._lcllerd Gelllen , ... ppenllne) *'· Fret(J'M Venlft'·R..ie Ventft' CUCL.All 1_., U , 1·S. Tum Scores: "-Ptletdlne 12, SMU IO, UCL•t..,. WOM•N Sloltlft ,I Ml LoulM Aller! (Trinity) del LYM Wwlt CUCl.AI, .,,, Ml. o..tl•FIMI Allen ltaclllllo~•·F•llcl• Rec111e1ore (Trinity) def. Clule OonlO•l'l·llel'le FrlecMend CFIOrloal, .. ,, 6.). Teem korH: Trinity 1•. UCLA t, S.ntord IYt. Mondey'a treneectlone P'OOT9ALL .............. IU..- CHICAGO 8EA•S -Fired Nelll ArmtlrOftl, Mad CO.Ch. ~ ........ .._ TOAONTO ARGOl\AUTS -Named Frank Ctelr to h ~lfto •laff. ltOCICllY , ........ ...... ,~ LOS ANGELES KINGS -Sl9fted Al., Henosleben, oet.memen·lorwerd. Racellea Dave Momson. rto111 .._,,,,, f rom P e1ert1orouo11 of Ille Of\l•rlo Hockey Auocl•lloft. NEW YORK ISL.ANDERS -Recelled enint Sul19r, -, tr-L•-IOtit of 1fle Wester" ttodley Leaew· Nl!W Y04tlt RANGERS -Aecelled ..... Wellln -Mlllllo ........,_, 1-ard1, from St»irlnofltlcl cf --•cen Hocltey ........ socca• ...,."-'<M lec:cw ~ JACKSONVILLE TEA MEN -Signed Mlclleel Kerl, defender, lo • on•·Y••r GMtrKt. TAMPA BAY ROWDIES -SIQMCI PMr9 de 8rlto, *""-· toi-.,..r con1rec1. cou.ao• GEORGIA TECH -Hemed Dwain "-lntef .. atllsl .. l lootti.11 COKll. • KANSAS -Named Or. Oel Sl\anU I Interim atN9tlc clrector NAVY -Ne.-O.ry Tr-ulll heed ...,...11 ,_,., NOTRI! DAME -N-Ron H-_. Hllltaflt r.ttllall (-II AMOUnC~al T..., •ac1111111" eu111en1 loottiell ~" -'*' IMll be......-. WOACESTER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE -SIQMd 8ob Weist, .... f"tball <oe<ll, to • llv•·Y••• CCMllrecl H1ensl ... Char.gers get wild welcOnte SAN DIEGO <AP> -'i'be San Dteao Cbar1ert' dramauc 41-38 6vertime triumph aaaiDlt Miami ln Lhe American Football Conference aemlflnal1 tet off one or the cily'a wUdnt victory celebraUonl. The lar1est welcome-home party ln the club'• 21-1ear history -an eaUmated 8,000 fans -paid tribute to the Chargers and their wild vlct.ory. staying up to 1reet the team buses at 2:30 a.m. Sunday wbe.n they arrived at San Dieso-Jack Murphy Stadium. Early revelers beaan gathering within an hour after the National Football League playoff game ended In Miami Saturday. warming themselves with a roaring bonfire and victory chants. When the buses arrived, fireworks expl~ded and screaming fans dlmbed atop police cars for a closer look as team members r~hed to their cars. The first of the earl)'·bird arrivals was Dave TerwilliJer, 20, who arrived, a sleeping bag in band, minutes after the came ended. He set up camp in front of the ticket office, waiting for Monday's sale of 2,500 tickets that would have gone on sale tiad Buffalo upset Cincinnati ~~pday. Throughout -Sao Diego, bar business was up as over,Joyea fans turned out to celebrate one of the city's finest moments. ·'Pontiac (Mich.) here we come," a celebrant screamed above the glorious din at TGI Friday's, a busy nightspot near Hotel Circle in Mission Valley. Rams' Hill charged with misdemeanors From AP dlspat.cbes Wide receiver Drew Hill of the Rams was charged Monday by the Orange County district attorney's office with four mi s demeanor counts in connection with a sexu~ assault compl aint brought by a 16·year-old girl. But Lee Staton, deputy district attorney, said his office would not file a rape charge against Hill because "we cannot prove that an act of sexual intercourse took place." Hill was arrested by police on Dec. 21 , several hours after the Rams' final National Football League game of the seasoo. l"ICT1TIOUS ........ u NAMelTATIMll .. T l"tCTITIOU$ 8UMN&U NAMa nATlrMllllfT ..ncaw sv ...... COUltTOPTNE ' e.1M1 FICTIT10US eu11••U NAM« STATaMllNT SU ... llllOll COURT 0, THIE NOTICI TOCRaDITO•S STATE°" CAt.ll'O•NIA 0, euuc TllANll"IE• Tiie 1o11ew1no --s ere dolno Mineo as; Nl!W"OltT l!NE•ov CD. L TO •• , • ....,.,, c:w--Of'IW, __, 9M(:ll, CellNf'll4a '*° P. 0.... Y-, lo11 116, t>nt '•lrw•l or1 .... Marnvlll•, 01110 ..... ··-·· Maurie» l.eyY, 1209 Allt._ Roed, .... "" llMc:ll, C.llfomi. '*° Grel'll E. Argat1rl911t, 16711 ~~:· Huntl""°" 8Mcll. Tllh .,_.,,.., Is t~led DY • ....... ~. Gr• E ............. The fOllowfnt ,..,_s ent Ml"9 bldlnes.sat: $0VEAEIGN SAJLS. 125 W. l6tll SlrMt., N-' 8Mcll, CA..,..,._ SAIL80ATS SOUTHWEST. INC .• dba SOVEAEIGN SAILS.• C.UfcirNe COl'l'Ol'•llon, IOttO 8oetrnen A-... Stenton. CA '2tl0. Tiiis DllllMSS ll Conducted by a c..._..tkln. Sall-b Souttl-. Inc. Linde c Oowft!llQ, Vice Presiden1 This _, was filed wltll o. County Cltrll Of 0r._ County on o.c.u. '"I. Tiiis It*"-! w• flied wltll ttw c-ty c'"' of Or•nt11 c-ty on l"lmJI PllbllllNcl Or ..... Coas1 Delly Pllol, ,,,.... De<. 29, 1•1. Jen. s. 12. tt, 1t12 s-...1 O.C.tnber21, , .. I. Plllllll..., Or.,.. CMlt Delly Piiot, 0ec. tt, 2t, ltll. JM. S, 11. 1'11 Wft .. I "CTITIOU$ eUSINIESS NAMll ITATIMIEMT Tiie lollowlno persons are dolnt businesses: SU-FSIDIE SERVICES AGENCY INC., • Qlllfornl• c~atlon, 1t70 S..te /lllte Aw., Sul• I, Cos'--· CMlf.f*7. t.Jele M . ~ L 1'C2S Saftay Creek, l!I TOt'o, Cellf. -· Anoel• ............ 1'U Merla Ori,,., RlnrslclJ, Calif. t2SOt. JO!ln Atlgtlmo, 7'4J Merla Ori,,., RI VVSlcl9, Cellf. '"°'· Tllls llus!MSS Is conducted by e '°'11CW•llon.. SWttlde Senrkft t\99llC I', IM. LltU M. 8ullltr ,,......... "CTfTtc.n 8U$1NIE$S NAMe ITATEM411fT Tiit followlno perwn1 are dolno -•nessas: UNITED ENTERPRISES, U2 E. ttncl SI., <:osi. MeM. CA f'MtJ. Owlle H .... m. UJ E. 22nel St., Coste Mesi. CA "'27. 8•11Mr• .......... 20 E. t2nd St .• Coste MeM, CAf2't1. F,..a Pelll, JlllO 51er,. Morll)e AY9., Cerl~CA.,.._ A-0.. PeH, Jl20 Siffre Morine A.,. .• Certified, CA noaa. Tiii• butolneas It eonelll<led Dy • 9"'9••• llOr1Mnlllp. Owlle""9Hn Tiiis 11.lllemont w• tiled wltll Ille County ClW1I ol Orenee C9'Mly on Dec. 31, ltll. P11•1 Publllhecl Ore1111t Cont Delly PIJot. Jan. s. 12. It, it., 1"2 ,._., ._..,..,.._. STATSOPCAUPOtUllA SUP•llltoaCOUlllTOPCALll'OttNIA .............. 6-f//f.. l'CMl TMIE COUNTY CCMHfTY Ot' L.GI AH•L•I C.........~C.-. OPOllNtCM 111 .. M1111Wol NOTIQ ts ...... y OIVIN TO 7'1Chtc~Dft... -••GOLIE THI! CltEOITOll$ OP.C AND L w-. ..... AM.CAmtl M"-• · OltUGS, llite., T......,_, tMt e IMft PLAIMTl"t-: JUNG HAE KIM A ._,_ -....,ICI berlered lransfff Is eMllt tt M made lllY AHO TA[YOUNG KIM f,... fr-.tlle ~ _... .... of Tr-fww,"'-bllllnfts...,_ls DEFENDANTS: BRUCE E lllt,.,_Clf~. D» Soutll c-t H ..... ay In 1M City P•lOMC>ftl!, KEN STEINHAUSEN, Altl• ol South U.-. c:-ty Of Of ...... EXECUTIVE CAR LEASING ANO CITATIOtl St• ol Cellfomle, end ell Of -· OOE.S I THROUGH X, l"ICLUSIVE ,.,....._ "'-h-.i otller b\lllfwt9 _, -ackl'"Mt WMMOtlS ~ ... c.trel ~ wltHn 1t1r.-YMn lest past, M CASll NUMe•• nt171 lAeAHOONMENT> '"" H k-'lo Tr-'-. ere: N-. cc llJ I .... Dt111) u .. : AOOP'TIOHI to DONALD e LYNAM, T'rMslff... lfOTICll Y• ............ TM To 8RIAN REX PICKETT -lo ... wllou Dutlneu eddreu Is "' ~ _, 41K* ...... , -_.....,. •rsons clM!Nno to• the let,.. or Glenneyre, In Ille City of Leo11n1 .,_ ....._ ._.... _.... ,.. ,..._. motlier '11 l9lcl ""-..,._,,,, •DO,.. 8eac11, ColHlt'I' Of Oranoe. St.te ot wlW• a_.,...•-................. Mlftlll. C•lllornle, ol IM IOllOWl"9 desc:rt-....... 8y order of tlllt' Court you ••• i»enonel ~rty ol Transferor, lo AYllOI u,... .,. .,_ ............ "'ntbY <ltecl ....., ...,..r Defore tlle wit: , •I tr--.. ..... -.C ..... ~ Ud. ..... PTWklln9 In o.c-tment SI! C All stoelll In trede, 11a111res, sl• enl .. cle • 111e11es 111 .. u-. tt. lllllow _.._Cl_, tocetM at .... .,....... _,.. .... wlll ol a «'1aln ,....... ......... a ..... LH 11 11'711 NonMlll 8111d,, Hclr'W»lll, C.llf., clrUO storw 1-lreta known M Alofle ....,_,._.,_......,.. -f'MI~ tt .... et t:Oll A.M. of 0rvp 11'11 *-et,_. Soutll (OHi II YOll w!\11 to ..... tN advk e of _, NJ, --.... ,. sMw <WM, The loll-Inv -sons ere dolno 111111nessa: eOATMAN /DLM SCHIED P•OPl!RTIES. 2't2 MorM A....,,., ~It• ........... Ctllfornl• '211'. AICHA._0 C. 80ATMAN, Im Morse Avenue. Suite 8 , lrvll'I•. Celllornla '211'. RAY P. OLMSCHIEO. 111•1·C Murphy A ........ lrYln•. Celllorl'll• '2714. This buslMSS Is cono..<teel Dy • .. nerel -1.Mnllip RkMnl C a-man Tllls ......_,, •• llled wltll -C011nly C'"' of Ore1199 County on OK. 2,, ltll. •NOOIE$. KIENOALL & MAlll•INOTON Al"rtll 11 ILew'-ltNa attMec• ................ , .. .._... .... ,CA.... P11'Mt P\1111~ Or .... C-Oelty Pllelt, De<. it,,.,,, Jll\.. s. n. "· tta .ssa .. 1 Hlgftwaf, In .. City pf 5outll ........ attorMy ... 1111s mettier • .,.... tMuk1. II •"'I' l'W 11.,.e, WllY Mid panon C-...ty ol Or ..... St ... ol Cellfomle, so promptly to tllet your wrlll4'1 "'°"ICI not be deeterM ,,... trom Ille -t""1 tM lonVolnt llUlll trenlfer reJPOMe, 11-. mey be llled on lllM. cemrol o1 Ills per...u eccordlno IO l llt wlll lie eons11mm•lacl on or altar SI Uslldde9a'Mllkltara1Clon•Jo• petlllononflleMrtln. -------------! Tllffday Ille 216Wt dey of J-ry. 1"2, un •bo91iao en est• esunlO, dltlerl• TIM .,..ition filed ,,.,.,., I• few -'ICTIT1C!US 8UllN•U tlwOU9fl Etc.-Ho. IU.DMt et IN llaeerlo lnmedlellmtnte, de H ie pwp1199 ol freein9 IN sWle<I clllld lot llAMe ITAT'IMaNT U<row de ... rt,,...,t of tlll Utllnt m-•· W ,...._te eterlte, II lley ~-----· TIM~ per-1 81'11 tlelfll Buell Ofll<'t of S.curlty l"a<lfle ......... Pll8de-reol•tr-• llMt\pe. Oetad: Now.». ltll. llutlnnsu: NalloMI ..... ., Forni A-. In 1. TO TitE 01!,l!NOANTS: A clvll JolWIJ. carc:oren PR~ITE. m ,.,_..A-. Ult City ot Letllftl INecll. C:-y of complalnl lies -n llled by Ille ODurltY Clefl1I s.ttte F, "-1 llH<ll, Cellflnlla Ofafltl, 5ilaM ol CMlforBle. Clalmt of plelnllfn ... Inst VOii. II you wlsfl te By L CalefnM t'M6I credlton ol Tr-'-"'af be llled def.nd tllll 1.....i1, "°" must. wlWn o.utl Wllllem i.otlend ........,, ~ Wllll SKlll"lty "9clfk PNtlonal ean111 et IO deys lfter tllll 'tllmmoM Is •rwd llllclllnl D. 08MN W. OeHntrent, Hewporl l•eell, -edclf'9H Ml lor1'I ....... Tiit lesl Oft yOll, fl•• wltll IN• 'ourt • written 0-City ..._., ....._ •· 1• Callfonlle...., dale for llllnt <redttors• clalms Is ..._ .. lo Ille complelnt. Uni-yo11 Of'11199, QI!...,_.,... O.Vlcl ~ Hltlllft 1~ w. Mondey~ ... ~ •Y., J_.,, 1'12.. do so • .,.. default Wiii Ille ......... 9fl '"41..... 0 e f 11t N j e 11 Clelnw IMll Ille ~ ttl'nlly flied ltlPlketlon ol Ille ... "''"" end tlll• ·~llNd ~ CM.11 Oellf ~IM4.i c:.~:.,.; ewpor H < ' °"'Y If .._,ly rea!Wd., "9 ncrow <ourt .....,. ontw • ,.....,..... ..-!Mt ;lon. J, 12. "~a. tta .,.,._.. TM.I ....._ 11 c...-Cted o,. • -..n-.....,_c.._f/lbldlne11 on "°" for Ille n11i.t clemonded 111 ,.. .....,.,_..... .... Ille •"" ~fled •t• fer flllno umplelnl, wllltll could rH11ll 11'1 flaJC 1111(. 08¥tdK N.e.- elllms. oarnlsllm.nt Of wa .... tekl,,. ef Tiiie ......,.;. -filed wlttl w. OA.TEDDec:emtlerJt,"'1. money or -ly Of' otlMr relief PICTITtOUlaustNaa C-tf C1eftt of Ofelloge County M l'Otll TMI COUNTY l«.6WM1tr U.C.C. Oft otlANOI Noll<• IS ll•••llY ,1 ... " to 1i.e 7'1Chk~Of'I... creditors "' MARTIN GELLMAN • ..., W ... s-te AM, CA ft1't'I ROCHELLE GELLMAN. Tr.,sfffon , PLAINTIFFS JUNG HAE KIM wlloW tlullnen edOrels la .. Wut ANO TAEYOUNG ICIM Yale '"-· City of lrvlM. County of DEFENDANTS BRUCE E. Oranoe.st•ofCel!Wnla-lel>lll~ PREDMORE, KEH STEINHAUSEN, ·tr•Mler lulloul to be ..... to Qwsl 1 EXECUTIVE CAR LEASING ANO lnv .. t,,...,t Corporation, Tr11tslerH DOES I THAOUGH )(,INCLUSIVE whose Duslness lddrns Is 2206 WMMONS Porreres. City ol Mission VleJo, CAM NUMelE• ntl71 CollftlY ol Or-. Stale of C.llfornle CC 11•1• wttll Dt111l T"' pr-"f 10 lie lr'IModld9'1 Is NOTICE! Y• ...... ._ _.,, Tiie -rl-In ~el ff. All stock In <*1'1 _, .... ...,., ,... ........ lrHt, llxtwes, _..,......., end 0000 ,_ ~ ...,.. -.S .,.. ......... wlll of INt "Trawl AQeflCy bllsl-ss wlt111111 • ...,.._ .............. ltNa known ff "HAPPY TllAVELER'' end ...... • louted •t 22Al1 c. El TOt'4 ._NCI., City AVflOI U ...... IN9 ,.....,,_ •• of El Toro, COUl'tty of Or-. St.te of •• V--.. ,.... decldW <M4nt Ud. Calllornle. 11• e11dl1ttela • .., .... 111•• Ud. Tiie •ulll traftthr w lli De ............... de • ......... la CCll'tSIHl'lme'911 Oft Of' efter I,_ flit NY ........,ec._.,_ ...... of Jan ... ,.,, 1"2 et 10:• e .m. et If 'l'Oll...,, to .... IM edYlce Of any Western Mutual Etc row, wllose ettorney In !his matter, you•-do eddren Is,_, So, YortN stntet. SW\• so promptly IO 111•1 yo11r wrtllen 101, Attl'I: Ardltll R\llMll, C.llfornla. l'Hl>OftM, 11.,.,.,, may lie llled on lllM. Tllel t,. lest CIBt• IOr llllno <••Ima In SI Utleddnea Mllklter el conMjo de tll• escrow referred to llereln I• IHI ....... en est• -i.. aetierl• Jal'IWlry 20, ttl2. lleurlo lnMedla1am1l'lt•. de esla 5o fer as Is~ lo -Trandel'ee, meMre. IU -· ttcrti.. II M'f all-·----acldr--•IOUfta, ...... Mr ..... stredl at....... Dy -Tr...,.._ for 1M pest t11rw I TO THE Ol!FENOANTS: A cMI Y••n .,.. -s.me. complell'll ., .. _,, llled by Ille D•IH: ~tt. ttll plalnlllls .,.a!Mt you. If you wlsll to Quest 1 '"vestment ,,.._nd t!Ws I-It. YOll must, wlltlln Corporetloft, • ao lleys _,.., t!Ws sum-11 MrvH Celllon!lt corporetloft on you, Ille with !Ns court• wrnten ly: J-0. w....,.,, rescionM to Ille <Oml»lalnL U"'9u .,.... ,,...,.... ao so, ......-Olf.,lt wlll bl tMff9d Oft tr.,...,_ etltlllcetlCll'I of 1,_ ,...intlfls, ..... IMS PublltNll Or ... c:-t Delly PllOI. <1111'1 may efll« • ,.,..,_. ... ~I Jen. s, 1"2 111.at. you for fflt relltf dlfftafldld 11'1 tM complelnt. wlllcll could n1s111t In O•rl'llSlll'lleftl OI wa .. I , falll1'19 ot money or ~rty or ot"'r rellef "'IYHled In ... <omplell'lt. PICTIT10UI 'eusu1au Tiiis • .._.. -flied wflll tM County Cltfk ol Or•ll99 County on Dec. JI, 1•1. l"I~ PutllltNll Oranee CMst Delly PllOt, Oaneld E. Lyn.am, r9qWlltd In Ult compttlnt. .. .. --·----NT ~ '1 1•1 Tr-Mlw OATEO:Ftl1Nery2t,ltl0. _.,, .. ,_ ' ' MJC •11f '°'*lllW Or.,. Coast Delly PllOI •OSAMN DOOOA._O, TIM ... ._.... .-r-s ere Ml '1nt• ............ Or~ c-Deflf ~ ..... -------------1Jen.S,t"2 ,..,_., ~ _,_a: DATED: FE8RUARY2t, ltl0. MAMlflTATIMCNT AOSAHH GOODARD, Tll• lol-lno parsons are dolno Jan. s. II. It, 2', lta '61MI l"IC'rlTIOUI 9USINIU NAMll ITATaMIENT T"' foflowlno perso11s ere aolno llwl-as: l!NOt.ISH AND ASSOCIAT•S INSU•ANCI! MA-KETING INC., Suite -· 4IOO Me<Air11111r e lwd., ~a.di, c.1"8nlla .... ,.....,. anCI .._...._ ln-ance M• rketln1 Inc., • C•l llor11 I• cerper1U111, Suite JOOO. ooo MecArUIUr e1w., M.wpof'I .. acll, CallferMB ..... Tiiis ..,.._ II COftClllCled Dy e ,.,,.... ...... .,....AMocs. ,_._ Merlletlflt IM, .._.C:...,.Jr .• \Ike ........ Tilll ......... -..... wttlt ... c-~' Cl9ttl Of Ortn99 C-y an ~11,"'1. "CTIT10US •USINUS NAM9STATaMaNT Th• foUowlltt person Is dol"I DuslMISes: ANIMA&..S·'·PETS, UtS W. M< Faddon, s..la Alie, CA~. Jemes Ooneld $pra11oer1, 11 u Pwlarl"' C.taMeu, CAf'M1". This lluSINss I• coeducttd o,. en lnCIMduef. J-Donald s..,..n Tiiis ....,_. -flled wltlt Ille C-ty CJeril ol Orent11 eeunty on Dec. at, "81. ' .. ,,.... Plltlll ..... Or .... Coall Delly PllOt, Jen. S, 11, It, a., t• J61Mt ~ llllsl-as: OOUOLUM. 8JOOTM S AMO DOLLA• l"INANCIAL DOUOL.AIM. eooTH NIEWl"OlllTll• TRAVaL ANO A ...... J•'-ft TOUltS, -.......,, c:..Mr Ortft. Dec. IS, 21. It. "9t • .J-S, 1"2 5'n.a1 A...,_, .. .._ COURT, 1U11llN<ll81¥d .• Sul .. 200, 1• N .......... , ..... m HIHlllft9110n llMdl, Ce. '2641 ,.................... ..... ........... 9Mdl,CA ...... Sena ..... CAft711 Naw.-o•TIElt T•AVIL & SMte ...._CA~ ._on L l.YClerO, m1 Fry Clrc:lt. Tel: C71'1 --H11t1llfltlon 8-'ll, C.. t2M6 PICTtT10US 8USIN•U Publl"'911 Orenoa C.O.st Delly PllOt Dot-N. LUCWO, ,..,, .......... Tel: (1141 ... .., TOU ._,1 INC., • Cellfernle Publl"'911 br.,.. co .. t Dally PllOI <•r11eret .... * N••11trt C•"'"' Jal'I. '· 12, lt, 16, lta t'°"2 °'°'"• S..... Mt, ~ llMdl. CA ...... NA11!!19 ITAT'•M1ElfT Jan. S, 12. It, 216, ltll I~ F-t•ln Velle'f. Ca. ftJGI l'l(:TIT10US MISINU8 NAM.a STA.,._.lfT Tiie tollowl111 PerHn la dolno 11Ut1ness11: \'OU't.l. lOVa AT',.._ST etTI, 71D ldl119ff, Hl#ll~ llH<ll. C., tlMJ All cetln, 1•1 Westlake Cir .• HllfttlflOt .. 8Mcll, ca . ....., Tllll ...... II <MMtM -,. Ill IMIYlcNll, AlC Clttlfl Tllll ,......,,.,.. WM tlled wlll\ .. Countf Clerk of Or411191 C-ty .., o.camw •· 1t11. PU_, ~ .... ,..,..or-. o..t1 Deity ~ Jiii. s. 12, "· .. ,.. ltuf Tiiis ...,.._ Is t...-.CIM tty • c...-rlltlell. Mcw;a• T,..... • T---.111e. ..... iv-. .......... TI* ......_ -,. ... --.. c-ty Ctw1l"' Or .. c-ty ... ,,....,, ' Pt111'17 ....... Or ... c...e o.My ~ ..... Dec. 11. 12. 8 ,, ltt1. JM. s. , ... KP~! •ICTt'TIOUI .,.. ... . llAMll*TAT ... lfT TIM IOI...,... persons ••• doln1 JoMtfllne L Ademe. 11"1 E llllllnnl•: _.,. -Warner A ..... .._..n ven..,, c:.. MONA•CH WAREHOUSE ~1'911K ft1'I l"AJITNLlilS..-'2511 .....,.,. A-, .. 1-------------1 Tiiie ........ IS cMdloctad -,. .,. Oa,_.. ~. Cellfenlle taMS 'IC'nTtout MISINIESS llftlllC~..-•-ieti.. 9'flff tflM CONTAIN 111 SU ft PL Y NAMlllTATllMaNT eN1tNI ...... COM~A'NY, INC., a Cellfornle Tiie , .. _11'19 ""°"'ere Mlfll "*'I. lUcwo C~ltfl; Gefterel ~artner, 1"71 llUSIMIUS: Tiiis -..._. -lllecf w\111 tM WHttrn ol'nnw, Garden GrOYe, ~ & e ACOOVNTING Sl!lllVICl!S, Cwnty Clerl Of Ofent11 COW)tY on c.ittonN taws 1~1......,., c:.. "'" o.c.1nt11er a1. i.e1. Tlll1 ltWIMlt Is ~ted bY e Mti'le M. ~. 1..0 Mew ..,,_ lllft"9d ...,,_..., Clr<le, ~.Ce. t1'a '"'*411Md Or ... CMst OeOy ~let COHT A IN ll 11 SU~ I" LY ean.a """"""°"'' 1 ~. Jen. s. 11. tt, a,.. 1_. 'COMPANY• INC. l,.,lnt, ca. 9f714 ll•rtl. ""'1\ Jr.,~ • 11111 ...,_, Is cllftlNctM r, an NUl'ITIM.•lll, MIU.•lll, llnl11<_,.,81td -ieti.. e .. r tMll CAlllL.IC*a MAaDM.9Y e ~ • A L.eW .-.-......... ......•Amm-... Pten-eut1•1a ~:•.•••,,. ..,.,_ 1• "'"' •n•11 ••c........... MINM.~ tlMiaiii.,....., •llDCIC. L.TO 1'111w9 Circle ....... _,............, .... ,_ Tllll *""-' -flied Wltll .... ~.:.:91'-'•t Mr-le ... ._. c-u ...... c....... · .....,........,CllllnM.... -•v ci.tt et or.,... C-"V °" a: ~ MMt111 .,_t .,...., ,_..,... Tfllt.....,..,. -llled wttll .. DK91Mw•,ltt1. , &..aw11 CL.UNalllS ... letl '1re1e.c:.u.--.c....... c-tf C*" et Or-.. c..r, 111 ,,,..,, ~ ........ ncr•,.. e..c-. Tflll ...._. IS ~ ... 911 DK, f , twt. ........_.Or-. QNtC Dllf'f "91 c;....,... .......... •1'7t'1 Je11.S, lt,tt,ll,... 1.,.. lt-..tl'r~tJaVte ...... ..,_ •• ..,.... ~Or.,_ C.M Oall1 Pl .... 1-------------1 .... t, ntt ...... ~,.. ,:,-=-: :..:. ... c:-.,. ': J911, ,, lt. "· .. ,.. ,..I ml .. ...:..,~---" ...... ., 911 OecAllliW n, t9t. , ic...-T......,,_ ,_ ..... 0r"'911 c:.111 oetw .... TNI ......._. -............. Oec.tt.19,Mt.Jell.S,tt;IW'..,,... (wMy C.... fl/I~ c.Mty •, One *" n. "'1. ~ "91119 Die. ..... ::=.:::. ='.:=t I J ircn11 .. ~•• tr1CT1nout •UM•ua ........ , ...... , MNMITATUll&tlf tM ... .__ ..,_ ef• "'"" Tiit f .. 1••11\t ,.rMll II •e111• ._. __ I tltllM .. •· J •J INTl•PlllHI. ,........... COUNTY CHIMICAI., Ot Ofln , ......_, tMOI, CA'*" • c:.&e ~CA_,,. ,., .. ,,, .. IM\MI, lt4i S.1111... JeCll .,,,_., Q91MiMte, .ot MetMll•1 0.1,.., ..._,~.CA_. OMI• Metil, CA *21 Clel,. leli~ lt•I le,.tle.. Tlllt tl!llMtt It t~Mf II., en Of1w,.......... CAtaMI. IMMWel Tiii• Ml-I• t tl'Mt• -. e11 Jecti w. Oa11..W1• lllCllw~. Tiii• tl~ wea tlltd wllll tN ""*k "91d!Mn C-IJ Clet'll Of Ore"9t c-tY Oft Tllla tl...,._t W.t lllW Wiii\ tlle ~ JI, 1 .. 1. c;..,111y Cletll M Ott11et c:-1, e11 "'"'" --~-- ...-nc• .,..,,,, .... , .. NM!ce .... ,...,. fl"" 11\.. ""' •o•rd of Tt11tlffl •f the (Hit C-M""'9y Cell• OIWlct fll 0rM9t C-ty, c.IJtwtlle, will retel" _ ... ..... "' ...... ,.,,. w.....-y, ,,_,... •• , ....... "wtlllllllt OoNft ....... ti .. 1ct tell ... dh.,kl -~M1*10MlofMA-,c;.,.tt MIN. Cellfol'IM1 el wfll<ll 111'\0 1Mll 11141 wllt .. "'*ICIY-*' MCI r .... '°'" ..... NOTtCI 01' D•ATH OP flLO .. •NC• WANKOWSKt AHO OP Pl!TITION TO AOMIHISTl!R ESTAT• HO. A·11165'. ' 0.C JI, IWI 1"1111411f'N Or.,. CO.ti 0.11., Piiot, '11 ,.,_. J .... S, lt, tt, M, 1 .. 1 ,.t1.e1 To all heirs , beneficiaries, cred itor s ind c:ontlnoent creditors of 1 .. T • 111o11 o,., 1 c • Florence Wankowskl 1nd l'Ull.NISHINOS ,011 OIUNOI persons who mar, be coAn COlLto• eoo•s,011.• I t t All llldUft 11111 II\ oc~e wllll OtherW M ntereSted n he 1111 1i41 ,..,,.,, '"•trvcll•M '"d wlll and/or estate: J,• "114111 ..... OrMtt CMet O•llY PllOt, ------------ Jel', s. lt, "· "· ,... itt'-tl Na.IC Illa COlldlllOftl end l0oc1tlco11ona w111c11 A petition has been filed •r1nowt11111e.wi111ty11tt«1ottMI" bV Gordon Herschel :t,~'!.~e11':k~<'*1"' A"nt of Bradford In tM Superior ;~· ..------.,,.-.-'111'-tr ___ ---------- rftU'f ...... ,.,c:TITIOUI eu11N•• IKll .., l'lllllt lllM\11 •llll 111• court of Orange Countv 11141 • <......,.• <N<k. <ert1111e1 c:11K11. requesting that Gordon (•---~-~~-~---""""ltTATIMllNT trlCTITIOUI eu11•1n Tll• 10110W1no per1otu er• 4otnv •NooUa ITATIMl•T llvtlllftUI: • Tiie touewl•t ............. ,.. L & I. UITl.llPlllSIES. -,,.,._ :!':':~"t'!,tC::.!:'c!:.: Hersc hel Bradford be " boalMU II! Wey, Costa JMw, CA '201 . $HIP $HAPll MAINTIENANCI! CO., Otwld C. Lane, -T,....ton Wty, I I 1J:St l! .. 1 l!cllftOlt AW., ...... Ant, CA C.lt ~CA fttlil 01t1r1ct ... ,. •• '""'"' 111 111 •PPOlnted as per&onal •mo11111 11C11 .... ,...,. "" _" .. ' ""' r e p r e s e n t a t I v e t o I tt70j. Ch#I .. Jo l.Mlg, -T,....ton Woy, 11 ...... y "'-Mcwoan. SM ,.._...,., CO.It -... CA '262'L Of Ille '"'"Oki "• gv.rel't" .,., 1119 d I I t th t t f t114lder wlfl en'ltt ,,.10 1111 ,,~ a m n s er e es a e o Conlroc;t II .... ...... •• ewerWcl lo F I 0 r e n c e w a n k 0 w s k I 111"'. '" 111e •-' °' feu ..... 10 °""' (under the Independent ' Or., c .. te MMe, CA '26216. Tiiis ~lllftJ h conduc:I.., by • Int• well <ontrect, tllt "°''"' of tlle Ad I I t ti f E ta• c11oe11. wm 111 torftt•. 0t in .,. c-m n s ra on o s ~es Ill Tiiis bullllftl la tOfldllClff llY .,, 119Mrel WW~P 111111¥10\NI., 0.¥1CI C. Leng of • ._., 1111 hill'"""' _.., w111"' Act>. The petition Is set for 1ort.111c110tt1e1ct1••••11'1<t hearing In Dept. No. 3 at II etwrty~ Tllli fte.._,t WM flled wit/I IM .. Thia 11Mtmlnl ••• 111.0 w1111 IN C°""'' Cter• ot Ortl\99 COUlllY Of\ Covl\tY ci..-11 of Or•• Covnly on o.c. "· 1"1 0ec JI, ltll 111,_ ,.,,,_ Pvbtl-Onnet Cotst o.tly Piiot. PublllMd Or-Coe•I Dally Piiot. Jen. s. It."·,., 1"3 5623-41 • Jen. S, It, 1•. 11, tt'2 S617 .. 1 1 t'ICTITIOUS eUlfNllSS lllCTITIOUS MISIN•SS NAMa STATtMtNT TPI• lol'-1"0 pert0ns ere doln9 NAMa STATaM••T bu•lftff18': '"• foll owlnv peroon •• doln• V.t.L ENTERPRISES. "° w. Bey -...ineuas: SI Co•t•-CA'2t:l7 W.J. SAUL PROOUCTIC>f4S. M01 Vt rell Almo°" Looei..y, 2046 E No lllelldt• mey wlllldlr-111• blcl .., 00 CI I C t 0 I • ~r1oc1 of ,........f, .. 1451 41,. •II•• v c en er r ve, ttw4tt11e11or111e-n1"'""'"' est, In the Cltv of Santa Tiie ...,.. o1 ,, .. , ... ,_,.,,.. • n a • C a I I f o r n I a on pr1v1119t of ,.1«11ftv ..,, -•II 1>1c11 Februa'"" 3 , ...... at 9· 30 or to wal•• any lrre91111rltltt or ' ' • 70' • lnformallllol In eny bid or In Ille a .m . DiOCllnt IF YOU OBJECT to the NOllMAN E WATSON granting of the petition, ~~~rvs1... vou shoold either appear coe1t commvn11y at the hearing and s tate coo..,.01"'1c' your objections or file J.~"~~1~.,:.,. Coa•t 0 •11Y i~ written Objections with the Wtmer. HllfllinolOll llffeh, Cl 92M1 OCHnlron1, llal11oa. CA 926'1. '" WallAIC• J. S...I 111, t.401 Warner, Vlr9lnle Lock•b•Y, 20" E H11ntlnQton llaocn, Co. '1M7 oceenlronl &ttbot CA 91661 court before the hearing. Your appearance mav be In person or by vour ,.~c~,~~!:::,.•:::S attorney. Tiie lollowlno P•"on Is doll\ll I F Y 0 U A R E A Tllll blnl,,..• 11 conclu<ted by an Tiiis bu~l,,.u 1s' c.onoucteo by en • llldlwte1 ... 1. ltlellvlelu•I. Wtlltce s..iLI 111 V A Loctalley Tiiis atate"*'t wes Ill.., wllll IM Tnls ll•t-t wH llltd wllll Ille _ Covnty Cl•'' of 0r•ft911 Counly on County Clerk of Or•nve County on pecember 24, 1•1 Doc. ll, 1•1 -•nou•" CRE DITOR or a AMERICAN OPPORTUNITY contingent c reditor of the PUBLISHER~. USS w.,,,., Avenw, d d t fll 11179UJ "11"" ; 1 I Pvbllshed Otano-Coo•I Otlly Piiot PuDlltNd Or-Coa•I Oelly Piiot, 11 Dec. 29. 1•1. Jan. S, 12, 1', 1911 SSt>-tl Jen, s, n. "· :ia, 1912 IJ>.tl SulteF,Foun1111nv1111v.cAnroe. ecease vou mus e JAME s w A 1 N w R 1 G H' your c laim w ith the court FLANAGAN, 1112 Nlmro0 Ori••· or present It to the Hunllnvtcwl llM<ll, CA 92M1. rs I se tat i Tiiis buslnes1 '' c-.c1.o by an pe ona repre n ve 1N11w1d ... 1. appolntea bv the court J-w Fl~ within four months from '.: DllTH NOTICES .. Tiiis st11e....,,1 was 111.0 with "" the date of first Issuance Covnty c1.,1 of Oranoe Caunty on WRTON Newport Seai;h. ca. Passed Dot. 24, 1•1. of letters as provided In ARTHUR R. LORTON. a away on January 1. 1982. He 111nue Section 700 of the Probate life-lime resident or Santa 1s s urvived b~· has parents f'vl>li_ Or_ c-'1 O.lly Pt1o1. Code of California. The ., Dec."· 1•1• J ... s. 12• "· 1911 SlU-8• ti f fll" I I ·11 Ana, Ca., passed away on Bradford and Ferris Hovey me or tng c a ms WI January 2,.1982 lie was a IS or Newport Beach. Ca and NIUC M01t( not expire prior to four year e m ployee for lhe s ister Frederika Hovey of months from the date. of FI o w e r E q u 1 pm en l Newport Beach. Ca and f'1CT1T1ouseu11 .. us the hearing noticed above. Company , having b Aen paternal grandmother Mrs """'•STATui1•u YOU MAY EXAMINE "' Tiie t11towln9 person 11 ctolnt th t•I k t b th t retired for the pas t 9•~ Edith S Hovey of Los 1>u~1neu-.. e 1 e ep V e cour · years. He was a member of Angeles. Ca Mr Hovey was T K DESIGN ATEL1E11, 1UJ1 If you are interested In the '• the Teamsters Local lf235 a .uaduate or Newport ~:.~::;::~ ... H"""""'°" 11tocP1, estate, you may file a He is survived by his wife H arbor High School and Yn ut111 Tllomu Kubo. IOJI request w ith the court to Sadie , daughter Roberta UCLA . a nd he was a H1c1.ne110r1 ... H1111Uno1one.oc11, receive special notice of Brown or T~stm. Ca . sons member or Sigma Phi. c.111om14imo the i nventory of estate Arthur R Lorton. Jr of Services will be held o n ,,.:1~11~~1neu Is conouct.o by •n assets and of the petitions, Santa Ana. ca., WilltamtWednesday, J a nuary 6, 1982 ~' K.-accounts and r eports t-, Lorton of Anaheim. C a. and at 3 OOPM at Pacific View n11 •tet-was rn.o w1111 .,.. described in Section 1200.5 Allen Lorton of Fountain Chapel with interment at ~:::.,;.1;~1;1.°'•nve C011111v on of the California Probate Valley, Ca., his sister Allee P acific View Memorial ,.,,... Code. Smith or San Jacinto, Ca . 11 Pa r k .~c if i c View PubllMtd Or-eo.11 Delly Piiot, g r a n d chi Id re n a n d 3 Mo rtuar rectors. Dec. 22· 29· Hll, Jen. s. 12 ,.., M7w1 Darling, Maclin & Day, g re at -g r 0 n d ch 1 1 d re n . JONES 2920 "H" Street, Suite A, Graveside services will be TOLA I .JONES. resident ____ PV_IUC __ •_._Tt_C ____ , Bakersfield, California help on Tuesd;ty, J a nuary 5, or Costa Mesa. Ca Passed ,.lc:TITIOUUUSINHS 93303. (IDS) ~5075. 1982 at 2:00PM al Harbor away on January 1. 1982. NAMalTAT•Ma'•T Published O range Coast Lawn Memorial Park with She was m ember of Mesa Tll• fo11owln9 person I• ct111111 Dally Piiot, Jan. S, b, 12, R ev Aaron Buhler of the Bible Chapel, Costa Mesa. t>usl~•:<':~Y CLEANING suvic£,1 _9_8_2 __ 138-8 __ 2 _______ 1 •1. Har bor Trinity B a ptis t Ca Survived by 2 daughters, 2'001 M<ilr••""' e1vd., Sp. ,.s. £1 Church orriciatmg. ServiceslMy ra Clucas or Santa Ana. Toro,C•llfonliamsl under the direction of Ca and Marian Loeffler and llk,_,,A.ll...,.l.,Mvlr._ 81¥4 .. S.. JH, EJ T-. Cttllorni. T•1m Harbor Lawn.Mount Olive 2 sons Ronald Jones and ,,,._ Tiie 1o.-..."""' ~l'Meke," IM • Mortuary of Costa Mesa. Billie Jones, 1 brother Tom Tiils IMIMW •• ~-.... 11'1 .. wleMtt tf "'*" -"'" tw ,_,, 540·5554. 0 ' Br ien and 2 7 1~""-:it-A.••edY ::'ri!~=~=~ FRIEDMAN grandchildr en and 11 Tiits ~ -fl-•"".,. .,.. lfl "-*••--..-.i M 0 R T I M E R g r e a t . g r a n d ch 1 I d re n . c-ty Cten • 0r..,.. c-., ., tt1o Tttt. • .... ,,,.. ,,....-t., -. FRJEDMAN. res ident or Los Graveside services will be 0oc..,....n,tt11. "'*• J:..:::.:;:",;~,::•st 1" ttw Alamitos. Ca Passed away held on Wednesday, January ,.....1-0...c-Oolly ,....._ ~MrTllOnC• on JaJluary I. 1982 lie IS 6. 1982 at 1o·OOAM at Doc.IS.12.1'.1"1,J-S,lm Qlf1.., .,. YOUll fllllOfllE•TY IS'" J " 11 11 " survived by his ware Jean Fairhaven Memo rial Park -• -":C:.•:c~O:~~',. ~E~~u~ 0Y:~ Funeral services were held with Rev R.B Jacobs of rwaa -nK fllAYMENTS, IT MAY ee SOLO • on Sunday, January :l, 1982 Mes11 Bible C hapel or Costa flllCT1noutevtlUll WITHOVT AMYOOU•T ACTION, -21 a t J ·OOP M at H arbor Mesa omc1aling, Visitation •MMnA.,...llT .,.._,-.. ....... ,..,. .. llr1flt Lawn-Mount Ohve Chapel will be h eld on Tuesday. '"• toll-Int ,., .. " 11 ••n t your K~ 111 aoM •t.IMlftl ll'f " ,..,. ...... ., .,_. "" ... ,..,,_,.. with interment s e rvices January 5, 1982 from 12:00 IM4•nes••: ''"' "'1'11tt• cOlb o.,. ._ immediate ly rollow1ng n 0 0 n l 0 5 00 p M a l COllNEll "LALA, LTD., 10101 ""'°'"..._,,_..,,..,,..,._..lllls F M . p Sloter A-. Sult• 111. P:-U.111 ...ctcofll•Mt-,_.._ Services under the d1rect1on aarhaven emorial ark vai .. y.<:e1"'9mlet2111 Tiiis ·-"' 11 U ,4•,1• .. •• n of Harbor Lawn Mount Ohve Mortuary. 170 2 E ast ~it:·,~~~·;~~~~ Oocom-u, ""· -will lllC- Morluary of Costa Mesa ~a1rhaven Ave .. Santa Ana. me. ':::.':::: ,:C:: :::;".,!w.:'~ 540 Ssc,• r a 1 r h a v e n M o r t u a r y '"'' bw!Mts 111 c-...cl9d by .., .,...111 .-rt• .,, ,_ occ...,.., ....,. . . ..... d 1rector.1 lnd1w1c1 ... 1. ,....... -~ •• •mlMM. G-ONZALF.S l.INDE T-s--1>u1 ,..., _.. ,..Y "'° _, ata_, HENRY A GONZALES. JUL I US E LI ND E , Prelidlnt •"°"° resident or San la An1.1, Ca reside nt of Corona del Mar. c:u"~:, s~ o:::c:y ':: After llW .. ,..... frwn IM dete of 21 Passed away on January 1. Ca . Oeumber 11, i•• /1 recorutkwl of""'_,""'°"' lwllkll 1982 He is s urvived by his P 11 5 s e d a w ~ Y 0 n """• =::.:fu=. -:;e,:."....":c'::i son Augustine of Northridge. Janua.ry I. 1982 Sur vived by Publl-Or-Coos• O•llY Piiot, -pemt1111'°"9ff119rlOll,..,. ,.. .. Ca. Private services will be his ~1fc.'. Ella. 3. daugbters Dec. is, 22, 2t, 1•1. Jen. s, 1ta sa41 only '"• 191111 r11111 10 atop '"• held under the direction or Luc ti le Crosb~ o r L ong PllUC MOneE ~:~~Y~;~:.,::~1•• Harbor Lawn·Mounl Ohve Beach, Ca· Lois Boyer of To 111111 --_, .,... ,,.... ' Mo rtuary or Cos ta Mesa San Pedro. Ca and Belly l'ICTITIOUS•UllNIU pey,orlo __ .. ,.,,_ .... 540_5554 Hoyt of Ma mm?th Lake. NAMRSTAHMENT tNfOf"ec...,..• .... "-""..,..,1, 1 • '" GRIFFITH Ca , 18 grandchildren, 19 ~i':.:~~1.owlno oerson It Clolno ~~:::':...*O::. :...:-::; JI DAVID A GRIFFITH g rcat·grandch1_ldre n and LAURETTE PRODUCTS, t4•1 Aiko o.tlofW wi111-•, iux Loa "d r Se I B h c . brother Orrin Lmde of Los ll•Ut 'it .• 5'1it• J, Cotl• Me\I. Ct MOlll\OI 54,...,, HocloMe H•lelth. n res1 enl o a eac • a Angeles. Ca. and a sister .,.,. ce111onM•'14S. Tel: cnJ>......, Passed away. on December H a l t 1 e R 1 n g e 0 m 0 f Lor•tt• -n'°" •• ,.,,.rt, mt 11 you .....,. •n• ,._,.,.,, '°" 3~. 1981 lie 1s survived by Ridieway. lo\\ a . Mr Linde E11nmereAw. Cotto Mesa, C• .,.,. :::."~d",!;,n~; =~·;,.~• .!: hts wt!e Nada. and his son was a resident o r Newport ,,.:~·~,_, 11 c-uc1.o DY •n lf'lsw.o your-. Henry G ri rr 1th Fin a I Beach a rea since 1923 and a Lomta Mo<Tlson e.n...rt ll•m•ml>tr. You MAY LOSE mlerm~nt services will be member of the Al Malaik.ah T1111 sto1_. w-. 111.0 with t.,. ~!::';.~~;,~~ oo NOT held a l the Winterset Sh.rine f o r 50 years ~~=~.,;';.~1~'1 Or•noe caun1., Oft ..anceOPHt<AULT Cemetery, Winterset. lo"."a Services will be held on 111,_ NOTICE 1s HEllEeY GIVEN: lllot H b L n Mount Ohve First A ...... ic.. '" .. ~"' L• • ar or aw ·. Tuesdav. J anuary 5. 1982 at PuDllSlltel °'-CoMt Oelly Piiot An9e111 • corporell•n. 11 duly M o rtuary or Cos ta Mesa I 00 p M at t h e Lutheran Doc.,.. 1•1.Jen s, 12• 1'· 1911 SS17 .. 1 .,,.,,.,.Cl Trullff un••r •n •II forwarding directors Church or the Mas t er _..,. .1V'C lnclw••·· Duel of .Tr111t ...... HOVEY . ' r9aA tllK Febrw•,., 1, 1•. ••cwt.,. b., v .. BRADFORD p HOVEY Corona del Ma r . lnter~enl Ou•"t Lem H4 L• Kl"' ONnt. · will be at Sunnysid e t<ICTITIOUl8US1••SJ flusb•"d end •If• 01 Trntor, lll.age28,and ares1dentor Memorial Park. Long •AMllSTATIMllU ln Jnor of c11or1u D•••• ,. Beach. Ca. fn lieu or flowers Tll• follow1n1 ptraon II dolno recorded M~ ••• IMI,,,,,,_ ... McCOtlMlC. MORTUARIES Laguna Beach 494·9415 Laguna Hills 768·0933 San J uan Cap1s1rano 495 1776 HAUOtl LAWM-MT. Ollvt Mortuary • Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 "8Cl .. OTHHS llU. .. OADWAY M09TUilT 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 IA&.TXIHOHOH SMITH & TVTHIU WHTCLM CHANL 427 E 171h SI Costa M&6a 646-9311 PIHCI llOTHUI SMmfS' MOITUAaY 627 Main St -1Mu11: , .. ~I. II\ llOoll UIOS, P ... Mt, of l h e r am i I y s u g g es l s DC MA••NE Sl!llVICES. 15611 Ofllcl•I "-... Ille Office .. "* memorial contributions be PrOdvct Leno, No. es, HvnUnttoft COlllllY lier.., ., 0rlfl90 c-rt:Y. L h llH<ll CtllfOml• n.419 Collftr11lo, IOCY•lftf, •m-. •lllof m a d e to the u t er an o~n .. I LM Wll•t-. 1,, ~llmw oot'90t'-1-etl·lftchlllw ,_., tor l C hurch of the Ma st ~~· ,u,,.,c.Mn1,C1t1tom1atllff tlleflll'lllC .... ..nott'1.tm.•uwt.. as Corona del Mar. Ca. Pac1f1c '"'' IMlneSI 11 coMu<teel ll'f .,. MMt1<1t1.....,.. llflllff wc:11 o.od o1 · M N t INllYICl~I Tr111t MCI IM Mll .. lloM M<Wrod View ortua r y, e wpor ~WN1-llle••l»Y ... preMt1t1Y 11e111 • ., ttio Beach, directors. TI'll• .........-wes "1ec1 w1tt1 111e _...,_, -• ~ •· Mii JJ TRICKEY c .... ntv c1o111 of 0re,,.. c....,.1y on dolt1111 "'· t11e lilll1911tloM tor w111c11 • WANDA F'. TRICKEY, a Oec•m-11,1•1 ,,,.,. !<l~,,'!.-:,:_,'=..:,.:~..:: 15.year resident or Costa Pull411Md0r ... CoHt Dally Pll~. mOCIO of: Tiie Nl•Nnwfll .. prlftclpot Mesa, Ca. Passed away on o.c.u ,22.2',1•1.J ... s.1911 sm .. 1 •"d lnttrHt wlllcll l>tcem• •w• Januarv 2, 1982. She was a Novem-IS, "''· ....,. lttt <MfWI •, _.,. .--c ell ..,....._, lf'ls1-tt.....m o1 It member or Eas tern S tar ... _ .... llK rll\Clp•I •IWI lnterHI plws l•t• Laguna Beach Lodge . She is1------------'"°'""' °"...,. , ... .,.... u-. s urvived by her brother flltcTIT1ou1eu11Nes1 If M!f. °"..,._. ,..,. .,_,_,If H Fi r C NAMllSTAT .. llMl•T eny. lllAll lly ···-Ille•"'· Ille H arold . nk 0 osta Tll• followln9 person II deltte 1i1tdortltflM. ,,. .... MIMllcl•ry .. M e-s a • C a . . a n d l 11u11,,.uH 111\dtr 111<11 0oee1 •• ''""· 1111 granddaughter. Private KIEHLEAINTIANATIONAL,tol lllKlllW ----...... ..,. services will be held under L* P-on .... Sutt• 2-£, .. _,_, ••P•1111u Trutt ... • •••tto 900<11 Ct. t2MJ Oo<llf'llUM .,, Ott.loott -0...-the directlpn 'of Harbor £~ E. 1<1t111or. '°' uc1o "•"" 1er tole. w M8 __.... wM..,.. •1 Lawn. Services under the pr1wo. Suite t-E • .._., ... h. c. . .,,, ....--i T,...., ""° 09od • d . . r H b ~ '""" -Ml .__ ......._.._ 1 r e c t 1 on o a r o r Tiii• IMIMtt 11 <~ecl ..., '" _..._..._ •Ind ""'"¥ ... .._ Lawn-Mount Olive Mortuary !Mlvlfiol, #CIWOCI ..,.. ... ...,.. • ..,.. ... or Costa Meaa. 540-5554. Elebl f .IClefllot' -· ---= ·~-.... ' W~ERBACH t:!~:,~:; :-..,:.iw~~ ': ::.-:.::-:.. .. ::...--:_: ,• HELEN WASSERBACH, DKem111ttA,1•1. ~tty .. • .... '° .... ...,,,.. re.ldent of Newp0rt Beach, ,.,,... ... ._...__.....,..., C a . Passed a w a y on fllvMllNd °'.,... eooat o.t1y "'°' o.-o-itMw It.,.,, J l 1982 8 DK, tt, 1 .. 1, J.,,. S, U, It, Ital SAl•I Clllw'-O, ......._ anuary • . orn on AlleltO.*'I...._ July 12., 1923 ln New York. ..X•ta "* .... 0r .... c:--o.11yP11ot. She Is s urvived by her ___________ ,DM.t1.1t,"'9,H11.1,11.1• ,.....1 husband Reuben, son Cliff, PICTIT1GUI eu1t"•• dauahlers Joy~e Simpson MAMaUAHM..,T Pll.l 19111 and Sheri R. W a lker • .....!.':.. .... ~,.,_.,. 991"' ----------- lfandtl\IJdren, Randy Bart. su•tH••• MOMt c1.u•1"0 P~euet•• II W l lt r .. d L • 11•v1ct. eua H•••r• circle, ..,...IT"'.,..."' .. f "' ttJnt~:each • • a e au e.., " ............. ea....., tll• ............ -........ ilmp1on, alto a brother ,,.... K, ,....._, ~ ..._. ....._.i ,IC •• Myron Ratner. Funeral ""tf,'Z*'C::C~ .... ~.,. f'On1Nt010M 1MtrOA:!:l "• services were h e ld on ....-cwc•,..._._,...,c:. ..... rd~lltlM o. H •1 .. Sunday, January 3, 1982 at ~ ..... 11 ~-..., • e.c:~... . .'!:' ....... '6i•t 1 • Pacific V iew Mortuary ._...,..._, =:-... ""'•...., 9-dl. Chapel wtth Interment at ....._,.._ ""' ......_ 11 .......,. .., • Pacific View Meroorlal Tlllt ........ -nMd .-... """11 • Park, Newport Beach. Ca. t:t.:=.:..0r..., c-ttY •" ..... o ...... 11 1" In lieu ~ tlowtn mtmott•I "9e "* ........ -.......... conlribuUona may be made c.-.. ~ c...ey Oofll • ~ c...e. • to the American Cancer·a.:Otc::.,::..·lnd:cu:i_._..:c::.1.1.:g::.:::i.:::_:a.119::•= .. :.:. :::a=.t.:.. onec• ''· ""· ...,.... Sorlet1. Pacltlc Vlew .._11 ... ~ ... ·-... ll\:l·.· ........ .._ca-.._.,.._ , ______ .,.."""!",..'"llorwar,y~. ,,_,,._ -._. Otc.u .. a.1t ..... ,.. ........ II ' QTY. tONLY 10f4LY 1 Of>IL Y !ONLY IOHLY 1 lOT IONLY 10NLY 10f4LY 40f4LY !ONLY 10f4LY tONl.Y 10f4LY ILOT !ONLY I Of>IL Y l()NLY 10f4LY eATTEAY o,rwo I OflLY eAna11Y OfllTWO tOHl.Y !ONLY l«*'-Y IONl.Y Orange Cout DAILY PtLOTfT'u11d1y. January 5, 1882 ..... "'Le AleO tTMtD: Cl\e""9ft -· ..... ,~-.T flltll UIVl'lll\ pletform typo, oqwf,p .. Wllfl ll<HlettK ....,. .. __ ............. .... .. N¥1fta ....... --•'"' • '"'°'lty .,, -Ill. l ¥1 ._, ,lflltMd lfl dirt _..lMI wrtolll• llJlllflt ""'"',,.. wllfl -c II """" ..,., ~ -~ wltll...., W .....,, dllty CeAon, IWlwl t.,,. AOOt•• MACNINa: Vlctw Model .,._15-4 wllll all .. .,,..,,, t«-lff as 111n11'111d..., "'-.tacaww fllL• ca•1t1IT: Celt -I . -.-.i.. -m ctrowtt ..... "Vie 1111 wlll• IOCll t"4 tll Ill~ 11<cu-1el as lwnlsllecl llY ma11<1foct11rer. trLOOll IAlla: Diebold M-1 • 12301 -·• comporll'(IWIC wltll double "E" retl119. Unit -11_, cllAI,... cemlllnotlon. unit lntl•llecl 11 ,... ,._ by 90Mrol cont rector. WALIC·fM/ltlACH·I• ••lllllO•llATCHl: tE•r'1 c11•tom pr•l•btlcttff ~tlonol welk·I" cooler. "9t1ro•lmetety 7'0'" a t'O'' • l'O'' 111111 1-..... ctim,I cooler to be flOotlftS IMttlled t11 H lftllll C411C,.W 1teb. WIHI tnCllOf"ff wilt\ IUll\loU Stal ....... Alt fromll\I e4 walk·ll\ cooler .. Itel • 1 -II" *led ffwtl•• fir ,,_,.., SPOCM eftCI "°'• -ell frtmlftl t....-to be l'l'llllllu•• ••lb-. 1-lor cover.., wltll prime tlofnffllc menvl1Ktun .MO ..vee rrtlt flnllll ft\lc<O tml!OINCI tlllf'!I.,..,,. .... t.ol ......., -,._,. to --POIYllYtw. -,_,1141 lllMllY wllfl • "IC" loctor of .n ti IS t<. ln111lalloft J'' llllCll •nd ,.,,. SC. E111orlor -" ..,rf•<M ,_,.., wltfl alllt'lllllYm H allow. E~lor wall avrtece in.. wlll be ldlac9"t to ..,...,. -ti fll\ltMcl -W." !flick-rMtlM type ptyW90d trHW<I to be "'ohtw• '"IAtftt wltll on_..,.. typo prtMnollve. CoOltt funili,.., wltll -C II fllltl\....-.Oswtticll-Ph~llfliC c~Md tWll<ll DOii ~ to 11\Cerlor well M* ....., tw electrktl ,_lion by otMn. Lltllt flltftl.,.. tfloll be ICllltrto •-IH'OOf lltflt f111111n1 -..... , tit ,,,...,. .... bY e1Kt1kltn. &ox lo lie fw"I-wt91- ( 1) •ocll '"Elt.ec'" ,_t~ JO''.,... ""-"It•·· walll·ll\ -· wltll IMetior -tllterlor flflltll M .041 ShKCO ·-ehHnlnlll'll -to IMWl-wltll epo.., td!IHI... Door equl_.i -Doiron com 1111 111n111. Hlf·clo1ln9, cllrome plated m19Mlk aM'IVMfCltl type llOll<•t. e 11HYy _., ~IVome pUted brOU llonCllt -IOCll!fl9 -..tea. OM c 11 "Ell•<" tO" • 40" solld reocll·tn door "vrnlllloel wllh aluminum covltd MM -dl•I tllormo1'\0ter. '"" 111rlmoter cto111re -• to celllft9. INCLUOEO IN ITEM •ll WALK·I• coot.I• IMILYINO: ~lllW't <-melol CMll)lo'YOrtO tollcl elvml,..m ~llOIY.,. ,_ 121 M<llOM. OM C II -1loll "O'' a IS" wlelo. -C4l Uor 111911. 0... (11 aecUon 6'0'" • 11" wide, -lier 111111 movntecl o..., ctlkhfl .,.Ill 11111. INtalMd as ~ptal\. ~MICltEN OllAIN fllAM: EIJler'e c ldlon\ motal contl111ct10", ,,,. •"d •ll•P• •• P•• plen. 'A.pprulmatety 516" •-• , ... wide a r · -.i. COft1lrllC'9dwlttl bock_,.,._ ......,wllll......,. ... Oft r19M -llGl'I\. CtllAnletecl of t4 ...... ... ,..,.,Jed lrOft wllll Dottorn pltclled for .,,..._ to floewy _., breu plete4 ctr•lfl. Loll olld ol Wiit ~-t11 6" .... wltll ~lo -n-. °" 10' .... fllOllTA.._. fllM llACa: IC.HICICllNI -E~1 cuatom fNtAll aJklil ,.., tor 1r · • M'" 11un -EOCll .............. w-· .......... --....... .,..,,.,., ,.. ....,,, llllllflt eut. -... 5" • l\'I" -y _., 9Wiwt CMten. lle11<11-.lnceoltr-l11Cludff lfl I-•IS. fllOllTA8LI MOT "LATa: W•tlt ""°*' •H..J:J lflOWO' fllltlt. ~.,. I U WOii. ""'"""'*' wtttl CAlt'C. "-'"' -•• ~.._. oc~les • fUrftltflooll..., ,.,, ..... ftc1wef' WOllK TAM.a: El1tw'1<11MOm morttl ~. tlH tl\d "-.. -pill'\. "-'9almately t'O'' IDnt • 1"0'" ..... ~ ............. wllll loWlitary Ujvattble -· Fl.llfth-wit/I OM Cll M ...,.. 9elw1nlred uncltrSllelf. Ul\11 sl1 .. to flt -r retcll.Jft -ei lllllkol.toel on pltn. F--wltfl drawer. ••AC"·'" ,.•••U••: TtaulMn 1pecltt ~I • GL T 2-J2 N UT wttll ICf) -lM c- -outomtll< defrost. """'oalm.tely SO cvllk feet. Furnllfled wlttl _,,.., •lumlnlHl'I •~lor f..- eftd1 •NI •-· anocllztd ellH!'ll"""' Interior wtttl -C II rlQfll llend 111,..S reoc:f>.11\ _, on sklil - - C I I •'9111 llend 11""9CI rwt!Mn 4loof' .., end. -..i wltll Mtf-<losl"9 c ... 1111 ly119 Ill-. F..,.,..~ wltll 6'' fltny My 1191111111 ala C61 <-ptltff _.wire ......... D/110-1 .... CA• 0 ...... 11: e..-U -tied Gl'I WWk .-. ""°""'"'ti ..... ke 11 lfllllctted., Etuer1 ......._ f'OT Sl•a: El1tor'1 c.-om tMttl c-NC11oft. -.roxl"'*'y •'O'' ..... a IT' "'*· ~ -iwo m ,, .. • w· • , ... -.. ...... ....--- , ... , --two m 1r· • 1r· ,,,,._.._ E•tlre _,.. c-""<"ecl "' occ-nco wl9I...,..... -lfk ttloftl. ~ ... ~ twe .... """ a.-ille,., .......,.. ... t. FWftl.-. wllfl lletll - lortt llelld -........ • •lldlCAl-tn 111- .... t.fll WTTN '°°" MOOCI: El_.s NR1m -tot c.wtrutlllfl. _.., .. --.i, •·r· ...,. • ro-• ...... '-"'ru<9ct .,, " ..-.... IYll9 112 ......... .-... •••• M-*d ...... al'* os I~ .. -... plM. ,.,....,. roll of._.. ............ wt91 sltlnltta •-,,.. .,._. ... ....... ~" _ _...., ............... _ C II ln .... 81 llftlt. SN" llltlllllOd ---.. -. .......... . It•• ••LL ,. ....... , ... , E1a .. r1 c-- C6"1tfl00ltft, ~lllM ... IJ 6'0" IOllt-t'IOlfllf\t AMII lie ............ ff'Oln -ol 111141 .... tll • llMlf' II* ..... .-(1 ......... P:ltltllftt ~ ..... "' JI ................ ftw4 ___ ....... --'*° '° tonn -lfttlWret 111\CI. MA•O Piii• l•Tl••Utl"I•: ICI-_, • SA8CS, «y cllemkel "'"' "*-11t1ftl ........ IMtellN 111*' IElllW'I _..,., TIMI CLOC• AND ca•o NOL.O••: ........ ,.,, Mod91 • ns """""' _., ..... 11ow 111111 "'"""9 111 tl•ll&>nl tl"'9 ........................ ..., • • $1 " .. .. 10 n 1S n • ,, ,... .. I OllLY IOONLY HOT lONl.Y IONL'I' I Of>ILY IOf4lY I SET 20NLY !ONLY 1 o+ILY 10NLY I ONLY 10f4LY 10NLY 20NLY I Of'IL Y 70NLY 10f4LY IONLY IOHLY I o+ILY IONLY 11..0T 60 NLY 40NL., J10NLY 1' YAR05 tONl Y 1•8 a•Tl ... UllMI•• 1YSTIM1 ..... lltre M9"4 •All .... .U ffY <Ml!llC,I t-1~ • .,,_ ...... , ........... 111111...-"°'" ...- -·· tll __,, teWr, -1•1 Ofld..,...... te ,_, ..... ., 11\ettll •Ytttm. I..._., ... ,,..,., lftftAllM ll't ,._.., .... tlO<ll'klon). "'flMe•t: ~ ,. .. -1.1t-M •1111 • ,__.,_ tlfM CJ(lt ol lln...11 Cltl fllll!Wt •1111 ..,.._ I UI 'MCIM 4161 lfMt~. IU ¥Ott ... cy<lo,,,..... ....... l1ttWCIOi lfttlmer llol*n ea ltwll<elt4 ell ...... WALL trLAIHINOI 1111••'• cw•••"' ....... . <Mftrvntell. '9 c-r Gfld well frdn\ ~ , ... ol lloed , •• ,. ...... ·- •••• TAeL.a1 "I." sll11ft4, •llt ti W Piii\. Alltl(Ul-y 12'11'' • l't" Ollllkle _..._.,.,., "L" "' ... .._... t'•H .... efl It" ... ~ J'll'' w• .. .,., ..... ,,. ... , ..... ~ ... ., ......... IYM Jet atalfltna 11 .. 1 °" top, llte:k •"" 11• •flll•illl• MOvftlltd ............ , .. plpo .... •"" .. IVeflltld ""°""'81f Vnderll""I.,,. M ttllle ll- -1111 ... -·· -· """ llOl68ft ............... -· •s requlroCI CMICtt•M WA•M••! Ellt•r'• cwetom .... , •• conatrvctl.,, t lte •1111 ill-•• per plll\. Ul\11 Ceftttruclod of 2IO etvte at.lfllMt 11 .. I Unit ....... H<11. ,,,.. 10 ......, 1r· • ,.,. """' _. .. c....- .1111 t ltfll Ill T·ll.., -· •H·• .-U ........... lletl IMftClt t11 race WIY wttll •tallll-lteel IMll4lfto •ea•ta. llMlrt unit IMtellocl •• Int.pet ,.,.. IM _.,, .... ,, ...... m l'llrl\lallecl wtlll •19M Cll c11storn c~ 111-cJllckeft llOldlne sc.-. al• orclerelt9 orclet -4 <II.,._ ttw .. Cll .-cenl -rs. Ml '*"°" -w•·-......... eAOOlltO fllAle ANO K•lllN: ICNtl"I pen -freMll f,., w.,.,,,1,.. ocr-. only, lor -• •2·LO llOLL WAllM••: Generel l!le,lrlc Med•I •CFO-JI, -clrewer llot •-.. ,....,, 1telllloM 1101 ••ltrlor, rtmowaDI• drawen. c°""'lmty temoveble 111-r ...,. -ell 1t1nderd ec~ 01 t11r1•lllloel by monllf'e<tvrer and the fol~· Mtclel •CX·lll 4•• td)Ultlbt• tlolnlo•l 0 .. 1 io9l tll.., to flt -I •CFO-JI Mrver. -I •Clt·2'StdoPler tech CO•DtM•NT CA81M•Tt e1.ier·1 cu«om w_/,,..tel c-1rucllon. sl•• eno alltpe as per plen end •••~•llon Condlmel\t callll\tt lo be wOOCI conatructlon wllll tll ex....-wrfec•• cov-In 111911 preuuro 11mlnetect plestlc. Top to b• cOftllrucled of 16tauve. Type I021totnloU1leel wllll cutoull for f.....cll fry •croon C •'71 -two ltl lnteer•I "V" •!ob lor llOlcllf'l9 OI frtl\Cll fty ~ NaAT LAMfll: T·Rey flan9l"I type we,.,,.,, -I • H-tOO wilt\ _,,, •-I turnltflod wllll -11\o llrocllet. aoowett. t 1S - o•o•• -••u: o... 111 ,_ -1 • ttWH, wall 11""9 wlttl sl•lW<I {161 ell~ OM 111 .......,..,. 12'" modtlwltllcll~ DISllLAY OIVIOllal• Ehter·s cuttom mlr"" conatr11<tlon to Ill dllptt y ,_., lnelkat.O on pt..s 1tafll•IGlllAT•O Olll'LAY CAIE: Tr•wltan Sp•<l tl Model •GHT 2-n N P UT wllh epproalmttely SO cwblc Ifft of dl1pley ••••· lelf-<...Calned tOP ,_.,I.., cornp<etwr Fumt- wltll two C21 91au r..clMn _,..on c11tt_..1 alcM end lwo UI t.Olld retc,,..lfl _,.on,,,...., side. 8otfl cflof's slcle ~to lie lllnoe<I Lett 11 I~ on pion E111orlor -lnt•riOr of -Ired •'""""""' wllll apeclal gold t,.me oround glen doors FwnllMCI with Mll-<losl"I camlltt type 111"91", , •. MIYY cNly cems -,,. 16) ,1 .. 1 wire CIW'omt ., ..... 11111 ..... I IS YOU, '°eye lo. slnolt pnase. CO,.llEI MAIC•ll: llr•wm•ll< M-1 •8RPC compecl lwollw (121 cup automttk using dl-w.1 llllert, f\KflltMO "'"" ,_ 121 eOclltk>NI warming •lemtl\b on !OP -""" 111 .. rv1111 -•· 115 votl, single PlllM .,,• PAPe• CUP DtSftRNSE•S: t.Uy h1~ Off tVPt. t>ultl Into tUltomer Wl"'k• count•• OM 111 -•2fC•nO-lll -1 •lEC. TUllNOVI• OIS,.LAY: Prince Cnlle _, • 426 Plol 1000 we rm•• wllll Model •4U·30 ltlffl1t9 ... rO WAITING C"Allll. Holly--· o:ISUP c04onlel """" cllaln wlln tllp Miii v.-...-tle<t oNI ... 1 with lletuary DtOftH ntlllloock Upllolll...-.cl lfl OKor • OC41 m....iarll\ or1n9t. t<rtmH of INk-flnkll COP~ll· MAICllll IHlllLO. Elsl•,·· c~tom -c-11\ICllOn, 1nsi.11oe1 to c-1~ 10 <~ coffwmtt.er ICll MACMINll: ROH Temp-· •RC-~SC •llfl k t oulp\ll c-lly ol ejlP"O•lmetely 2"' ICos. .,., 4•Y Self-<...C•4-c-•-· -°" ... s. OIS,.LAY CAaO HOLOEll: 11•..,1"41 -· • I UI'. 2'2'" • 21''. wtln <-. •Inell ... '" wlffl ,, rc•••ncl 1141,. SLICatt: lntttntllonal ltd9e lqOI slicer -• • M8·tSO INSFI, onodlr.O •lumln"m flnllll. 11S .oil. ll119le pt-. 11••SH~TIC: Wttrn•r MOclel ·-· 1t•r<••••11.ATU>N IYSTllMS: Incl-•" coils. ,_,,p.rtt9rl. tubing. MNke velvet., "-"d valves. ,,_.. .... oll, vlbr•tlon ellmlnaton. flltlnci>, dr'-"· M49"0id valwt, permit• •nd •II ,,.on•,., P¥1• •nO 1-to c~e tfle refr'9ereh0fl IMllllotlO!l 04 IN lollowlnv: IYSTIM A~ ON Ill only wel•·ln t -r, 1 H P. condlftslftcl llnlt •NI ma1<nlno b10 .. er cou. All •of•l9'tf'ellon ''stems turnlshtd -ln,lall~ In •«orden<• with Eltler's 119,,.ret "'9(11l<.etlon$. Compressoo m_,.., eno Installed Oft root at lndlceteel on EIU••'• plen FurnhPl•d with 1<om11•H-cowr eno otller w .. tMrproot -1119. IMI ..... sttrf"'P •NI '° doy lffYl<e on ........ t • llY•...,.,. reec:Mn 1,..nr. 1efrloeraltd 4111111Y caw encl I<• rnochlne ADOITION TO KHEOULI "A" • J4" • •• • l'h" S..E I.able tocK ,_ in ....., prenvro ltmlntltcl plaltl<. IOOS c-ltte wllll Cooodlmfn4 'ICIU •SUO t-v'°"" with -ultlfl "X" --.,..,,,.,,91umn 24" • , ... \ 1w· S..E. ttble IDPI covered "' l\loh ,,. ....... .....-.o pt.stk •SSn t-_, wltfl poroltlf'I "X" --....,,,.,,ol_ HOUYwood Model •JSUP meleel clltlri ... .,, llip MllS. UpflOtllo ... bock and IHI Wllll -...,ry bronH .... !Med •• Upflotsl•reel In OKor •OC+I .,..,,...,.lflor.,.... Frames of FNltwo9CI flfll~ H .... f'"IOOr "Coenoc" lo iMl\ldt ell I-_,,..I olld trim. llorelw•re to c_..tely lnstafl. NOTE: Tiii• II en nllmete of yardtgt lo be-. '"IN ewel\t -Ncllllontl YorcNoe Is reqvl,..,,, ~Ila• ttfff• .to pay tor ttld tddltl-t yerdege ond tlle IMtelltllon tM.-el Ille -rile per Y-as Is be"'9 <-lecl for 111 lllls °"'°'· ,., .. Df'OP TOP t3 .. llon ltHll ...c;99tacles -· • SC·143 wlttl orenoe lMIM •1141 whit• top. , All Of 1t1t -•Items to be clellver.o -lf'IMlllOd c1vr111111 t1orm11 uyt1me WOfllll\9 llolln, MOft09y • ........,, ,rlclay lflCIWI .... AN p4.,mbifto, eltctrkal -OtMrtl c-llftv ..,.., eltlltt nivof>-ln or flMI c-nom.. to be -by 1191e,... 6fld ,,. Mt lo Ill conllt\IOCI 11 PM1"' llllt contract. cont1 In • llntte ,_, ~ ..,. 1Mle41ed •,.. ...C l91C[ 111~1 ....,.. Ctrd -'°"" ttie c..-11y fll n,------------ l!lllff'I ....... OIL trlLTlll: ONn Mk-fie Me*I •NSF-Ml"• flll•r "'t<llll\t luritllllt• wllll •II 1tefl4ord .cc--..,.. ltoftlfl8....-.. flllCTITIOUI eusc•£U •AMI STATU_. ... T Tiie fOllOW ll\9 jlOrlOI\ " dolno butiMUM. l!I. OOllAOO WINE & SfllllllTS, ?UU El Tore llood, EI Toro, CelllO<ftl.t .... AlllOl\IO J . A•l •s . HSU HHtlltrlN'Mk, El T.,o, Clll~11le .,... Tiii• -.neu 11 cOftlNCtool by Ml lftil"141wtl .......... J."9fM Tl\11 ..,..._. -fllotl Witt! IM C:-ty C"'11 of or-. C:-ty Ofl ~a'·""· '"" $ ·--..c. .... ottlat .. ,U. ......... ~.,,..H­'bc,_ .... ......,. ,.,.., I fllvCMI ... Or .. '-' Delly flll\ot. "'"· '· n. "·".., ,...., ... ' Orange Coast OAILY PILOTITuetdmy, January 8, 1982 ..... -.OTICI Oft NATM 0 M'rtU Oft H"rtll't tA&A MO'rta WT•WTH't ~! CMAltLll DUHAN AN 01t-,~.,.._'~• ... ;•~; .. ._ • ._...._,_.. 0 :1' ~p • T 1t1 o H T ,. 1111 ,...._.., .. ,.. '*..,.._ o" JAHUA•v 11, 1-. ....... ,, ~=U•tlT•R llTAT•. • .,., ...... T..--*" _. ~.~~:::>::::.;:: :~ • NUMa•lt •• ,., .... ~~o:r.,:. :.:::-.:~=-.w .. ---• .,... .. Trwt The marketplace on the Orange Coast '1' ---·-.. -----" Me. tJtt-,_., Ill..._ ltOJI. .... m :.~=:., ~ .. IM.:I=. ·~o:;:y T 0 I I I h t I r s , 11ftf '*'· ~ IMS, •f 01t1c1e1 •• HO•MAN CAltAleT, M.O., beneftclarltt creditors •.c.,... "'~le:•"', .. C°NllY o•"'"•o ,, .. ,,.T, •, •• contingent crtdltors, 1nci ~:~ .. "' d.t-:;..c.:'~~ r. ._,K....,,.,.......,""" , ....... M... ...._..,.. ..._.._Wt ,_Wt ...,_..,_.Wt __ ............... -.................. ...................... .. ................ e ..................... e ... . P.r•o h b r .. '" ....... i....._.. .... -.. • • n s w o m • y t Cetlelt. •"""'",_ .. Mt_... ~a, ""·., 01t1<1e1 •• .,. 1111..,. . ....... IMJ _,.. ltt _,.. Ito 1l1•NI lta ....................... ...................... ... .......................................... . t otherwise lntertSttd In tht ,.,....,., llf ·-.. '"'"' .._.. •ff Ice .. tM C-M'I ltt<er...-.. w111 or tst•t• of: ch,rtes ~':i:1.• !r'=U~~';:'0,:'1~~ 0r.,.. c.uMY ..... • c.1.._.. • Duh•n1 also known 1$, HIOHllT a1ooa1t '0" CA•H WILi. uu. •+ ll'Ul&.IC AUC'rlON • h TO HIOHDT llDOtllt llOlt CA$t4 . C tries Sf9mut"d Duhan. '"'"'• •• 11-of •et• 111 •••"'1 CASHtEft'1 CHIC~°" ceH1lll16 r, A petition has ~en filed :i;::• .~,!:"u:"':'"'5':.:' 0!~,: cHtcte 1...-.. .. ,._ "' .... 111 4 bV Barnev Goldstein In the c-1v ~. _ _. • lllM• ~~1.=::cf.. =~ ~~: Superior Court of Oranoe AM 11..-.,-.-sy-rellreet~ TITL.I! cOMIJANY, m• NOftTH -County requestln~ that .,.. • ..,,SIMA ANI. C.llfllrll .. , •11 111\AIN STltlaT. SANTA AHA. 8 a r n t" G 1 d t b rte11t. 111 .. "'° 1111-•1 c-••" '° c;A1.1,010•1A 11tl"t1 .,1 '""' '"It...-' 0 s • n e .,,. llOW Mid lly It ~ .... 09" .. lfllefHI tM,,.,... .. .,,.. -MW~ " • appointed as personal TNtt 111 u.,,.,,y11twt ... 1n .... 111141., .,141 ~ •• Tr'"' 11, 1 rt Present at Ive to c:-•yMC151•°"<r1 ... •1: itr-..rtY tl1wiled 111 MN c.-v administer the estate of ~~c~ 04 .... , .., ., __ ,, iYl•*t<n ... ••: ... d _..._ t '... ..--· ...... All UWt cen.111 1.,,. alt.,.... 111 .,,. I .... ecWV'l'n . H•ltll• .. Ill ... CllY .. eo.u MtM. M••• of c.a••ni.. COullly Of Or ...... _ Tthhe 1Petftlondrequests ~~~:: ~:',:C, ~·=~: city of NewpM llHdo, O..CrllleCI •• ,.au orty to a mlnlsterp ... noo\1-11-.u1Ma1>1,lnt11t to1::.:~eL.i: ,1 th e estate under the Oftk• ., 11w c-tr Aec:«oet at .. 1d '" a1rnp1e ,111• 10 c:.Momi11111191 I n d e p e n d e n t °'.,,.. Gooirtv. clHCrlllH • louowa untt No. a. 1111e ··u1111"1, •• "-- Adm lnlstration of Estates 11.~::~~~::,Y•111:/:!11!.~; ,•:,~ '-,,_ c..NDmJnlllnl 9tM , ....... A.ct A he I th "C-mlnl..m ,..., .. ~I Of Trect -• ar ng on e MMith••••• u ootwt ,,.,.. 111e ~• No. 10111 .. 1• Counlroior.,.., ,, ... ., l• petition wit I be held on nortMrly comw of .. 1d tot; tl\efl<e, ee111ornle ,.,. "ptlll"I, rKOfWd on January 27 1982 at 9· 30 IOlltheHMfly us.oo r .. i pere11•1 •Ith J111y 12, 1m, .. Dile""*" No. 1s.10, • · Ille 11ort1Westerly llr>e of uld tot, _ a .m . In Department 3, ,11•110 ...,,,,. .. 1.,,., ut.st , .. 1 111 aoo11 111», p._. " • ...,, 111. located at 700 Civic Center ,.,.11 .. wltfl.,,. _.._,..Y 11ne fff :=~~" ~~~ ~ Drive West Santa Ana Mid let: tNnc:• ,_.,,_,., ~ 00 _, p._.ty -.cnbed 111 Trec1 ..._ Callfomia , , , .. , ••r•ttet •1111 ,.,. llOrtMrtH"IY 10Sl1, ,_..., 111 eo... ..,, P .... ' • llM Of Nici tot; I-eout'-'l•rlY tto 11 6 I Ml I M .. IF. YOU OBJECT to the 7.JO 1 .. 1 Pet•ll•I •ltll th• ,~:~:s .. .:ld()r==~~ •••• -granting of the petition ......,, • ...,, 11 ... of .. 1c1 toe; 111ente PA1tCEL2: ,, you should either appear nort11w.stw1v uo.oo .feet ..,.,lei with A11 ~ .oo:u1 ..,.ce111 inierttt .; IM llOtl-ty 11 .. of wld tot to e 1n end to ... ~ ArM.S •• .,._ at the hearing and state P0111t 111.,,. ""'1-1MY ri.. of utd .,.. ... ,._.en_ Pl.,: • your objections or file 101; ti.11Ce ~•tt•r 140.111 '"' E xcePT e 11 •II. ,., •11• written objections with the eto11t aa1c1 nort-t•rtv llrw to \he 11vd•ocer11e11 1u1K .. 11cu bellfftll • ~ t bef th • h i POl111 Of beQlmtne Otpth of SOO ,_. lrOM Ille suf'lec:e of -cour ore e ear ng. EXCEPT lht '°"111usi.r1r 100 f"' Mld lendwtt11nortt11loftun11<•.,,,,, 1 Your appearance n:iay be 111ereo1. e11ow soo twt trom 1IM s4tfec:e oh•'-• 1 n person or by your PARce1.2: 1 ..... •• r•H•v•d by w1111em J . I attorne. An ••-nt I« lno<ets eno eor"' ,.&~., .,, ·-a,,.1ec1 -~ 111 1~ Y • DVer the ~st .. ly to oo l•t of Ille _,... ' -··-.. _.. -• I F Y 0 U . A R E A southwuter1y us 01 1 .. 1 of 111• =•=Ac:;'~~'*• P ..... . C R E D I T 0 R o r a norlh•nterty 1».00 l•I of lot '3 of PARCEL J: , contlnoent creditor of the NewPOf1 Heig111s, in 111e City of Ce>1t• -,An .. ch.11hl• rtoflt end .... ,,,.nt to d . MeH, County or Orange, .Stele or uM ~ ... '°"' "'911.dUlotneted 8-M : eceased, YOU must file t 1lllor11ta, ••per mep rec:ordlHI In ont1Mpt.,e5belne_....,,.11llOlhe · your claim with the court Book •. P•ve u of Mlscellen•""' un11. 0 r p re Sent j t t 0 t he Meps, In Ille Office ol !he Couftty PARCEL.., · I · Ae<orCIH al Wld~Y All .. clllllve r19M --to ,. persona, representative EXCEPT lhal porlle11 Included UM Ille Perlll .. Spece dnltMtect on , appointed by the court •tthln..idP•r<.t 1 111tp1e11esP-l119Spec,.No. P$-JO. within four months from ALSO EXCEPT 111e1 POrtlon 1y11111 Tll• ,,, .. , •ddr•n end oth.r • the date of first Issuance southHsteny or 111e nort11we1t•••v common *tl.,.llClfl. lt 911y, of 1,. 110.00 teet of the IOU1h,..sllrty 1n SI r•el property descrllle<I ebove Is -of letters as provided in , .. , Of u1c1 tot. PMriiort• 111 11e. 500 CAGNEY LANE • Se C t j 0 n 7 0 0 0 f the The slrHt eddr,u •nG oilier • S . N E WP 0 RT 8 E AC H , • Calif j p b t COd common clesioNtlOll. 11 .,,.,, ot the CALIFORNIA orn a r~ a e . e. rut pt-rty det<tlbed IOOve " THE UNDERSIGNED TRUSTEE ~ The time for ft ling claims purP0<1ed IO be 301 Ovl• St . COSIAI OISCL.AIMS ANY UA81LITY ,Oft • will not expire prior to ,... ... CA'262'. INCORRECT INFORMA TION four months trom the _date •11~":' •• ~n;:e:~:r1~:r!',~:!~~ F~~~~SH!~· s.ei. is m..,. •11-1 1 of the hearing noticed 111e n.-.-s -°',_ c-<_...,.,or • .,,_., •eo¥dl111t 11t1e.! above. desJ9N1tlOn, ll 111y. -..... 11. Of' ellCumOrerKft, or •• to ·' YOU MAY EXAMINE Seid ..... 111 be..-..... ,"'"'*'' lllsut~lllVoflll... I covonent or werr1n1y, npreu or THE tot•I -• of IN UllP•kl the file kept by the court. 1mp11e11, r-dt1111 ttll•. pou.sslon, or ... 1e11ee of .. ,d o01l9111om 1eo-U1er • I f y 0 u a re a p e rs 0 n •n<umbrencet. IO pey .... r.melnl119 •llh edvetKH, end llllmtll.., (MIS J Interested in the estate prlnclpet """of,.,. -•"' , • .,,... end••-. l1Mo1,m.1• "' f" • by seld 09ecl of Trust, wru. tnlerftl THAT 110110 of breech of seldi , you may 1le a request ,,.,..,._es_,_ tn .. 1c1 ...... ts,. Mttve11on end e1ec:11cwo 10 Mii •••• with the COllrt to receive -•11ee1, '' eny. -tr.e ••rms of .,.._n., w• recorded es ,,..,_l special notice of the filing wld o-a1 Tn.st, tees, <herllft -Ho. 11• ., ,..,._r 10. , .. ,. ot f th I t f .... n_ of ~ Trustee Ind of the Ofllclel Recor<li Ill Ille oflke of ... O e nven ory o e~tate '"''" crNted by seld o-of Tru11. c .... nty Recorder a1 Or-County, ' aS$elS and Of the petfllOnS, Tiit tolll tmount ol lht unpeld Stele of CeflfOf'nle. I accounts and reports .,.lent• a1 Ille ot111Q111on$ r.e<.urec1 ov Trust•orpenv~ung .. te· 1 described In section 1200 s .... pr-1\1 lO lie sold •nd r .. _.. ... c AL IF ORN I A LAH 0 TITLE , · ••tlmettd cous. eapen1u end COMPANY of the California Probate ..svenu• •• 111e ume of 111e 1nme1 .ouNtVEASALCITY Pt.AZA COde. puDllcellon of, ... Moho of Sele I\ UNIVEASAlCITY,CAti.ol Petitioner Barney ..... m.... ATTtf: FOAECLO$UAEOEPT. • . • The ~lery undor WIG o.ect al Tel: (21J) 7~t100 • Goldstein Trull heretofore .. ,cuteo •110 011ec1: DK•rrtber 14. 1•1 Simon, McK lnsey, • Miller, Zommlck, Sandor ' & Alban, Attorneys for Petitioner, 2750 Betlflower Blvd., Long Beach , Callfornl~ 90815 ~ Published Orange Coast # Daily Pilot, Jan. 5, 6, 12, dell~•red to tht unotrsloned • wr111e11 a,, CAIH«llfe t..end 0.CIMellon of o.feull -O....-Tll• Compilny for Set•. 1no .. wtlllen Notice ol ByCermlne &--. Oefeult end Ele<llOll 10 Sell Tiie ~IOWreOffker undersl9MCI ceu .... said NOii<• of P\IDllSIWd Or-Coe~ Deity Piiot, Otleull end Ele<Oon lo Sell to o. 'OK. 22, 2', 1"1. Jen. s, ne1 s.wi .. 1 re<orcle4 In lht COU<llY wflere the rfff -----------pr-My lS IOC..i.d 01te. o.c..-r n. ••• Economy EKtow Corp. aue•d Trvslee M.l'IEltlCMl COU•T Of' c:AU,OltlllA "1 E Tlltrd St COUNTY Of' MOttTaltaY SRYICES ~-" °'""".,, EMPlOYMENT & PICPUATIOtf ~·-­,..._. .......... ,. .. MEICHAJ18fS£ .. .. l»I 1400 = 1111 *' --1111 -.. ----l'lll -.. JMlt -----ws --mo ----... •t» .. U!O flllO UlO ---Wt -- - EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY t OS t ,,,. twice: All rul eat ate ad. v f'r t h e d I o t b I • newlplper ls 1ubJed to the Federal Fair HOU&· in& Ad al lMI wh.lcb mat• It lUeaaJ to •d· vertile "a.oy preference, limitation , or dis· crimlnaUon baaed on race, color, rell&lon, Ml, or n.atiooal ori1in. «an Intention to make any 1ucb preference, llmllatloo, or dis· crlmination." nm newspaper will not ltnowinf.11 accept any 1dvert 1ln1 for real estate which II In viola· Uonclthelaw. .......... w. ....................... ~ 1003 ••••••••••••••••••••••• PllY ACY PLUS With this• Br, fenced in. pool home on a quiet cul· de-sac in Ea1Ulde Costa Men. A beautiful b1ck ylJ'd. with covered patio 6 a CO&y firepl1ce in the livin1 room. There's more! Asawneble loans and an anaious seller Only $169,900. Call : ~5370. ALLSTATE REALTORS JUSTUSTEI> IM EASTa.Uff &eaw.ful pool home on fee land! Assume $125.000 lat ll 9~%. 4 larst bdrms plus famity room. Ellcelleot loca· boo I Hurry, call m-asso AllCTlll HAm lSlM HMSITE 13 Harbor Island, Newport Beach, Callfomia -Lot with plans for houae and dock will be auctioned at 10:00 A.M. sharp January 20, 1982 at the Conference Room ~First Amerlcan TiUe lnaurarice Company U4 E. 5th Street, Santa Ana, California. Mipimum bid wlll be One Million Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,800,000), with a minimum down payment of Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars ($900,000) cash, with financing not to etceed Nine Hundred Thousand ·Dollars ($900,000), due in eight (8) years with interest at Twelve Percent (12%) per annum, interest only paya· ble monthly. For further infbrmation and bid docu - ments and plans, contact Barbara Weiner at (714 ) 675-2030 or (714) 751-16'2. Five hundred dollar ($500) refundable plan & document deposit required. Dalebout Bay &Beach Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 COME WtTH US •.. TO IA YSHORES. Bayfront Mediterranean Villa. BUilt like a fortress yet loaded with charm and elegance. Regal living room with huge fireplace. Paneled dining room. Wine storage cabinet. Convenient country kitchen. Five bedrooms. Family room. Fabulous view of the bay. Three car garage. Elaborate sound system. $2.100.000. Fee. 1617 WESJCUFf.. .DI.. tU.. 631-UOO le .. ctd SI00,000 SPYGWS IYOWMEI Ocean View $575,000 6br/4~ ba. 4100sq fl SOUI'HPORT MODEL OWNER FINANCING tDGHLY UPGRADED OIJerexpires Jan 31 25 Bodega Bay Call owner 751.(1717 1 . WTSIDE PATIO HOME A separate home on smell lot. 3 Bdrm, 2 bath. brick fireplace. super private and dean. Owner will help finance. $139,500. Ca ll now, 64&-7171 -1982 141·82 Long !Mech. CA '*2 • a.rcll ..,_. ~ 11\Jl '32-MSS ~ ~tMl All>lo_... By W Mor(la" p L. A I N T I F F 1 111 0 S I T A a . -'l•i.M Publl-Or-, .... , D•llY PlloL NICOLAIDES ::i:.= lhllrw• • Dec H. '"'·Jen S. 12, ltG -I OEFEHOAHT A09ERT C.. L£WIS, c-1 .. 6 ~.,,_,.. ~ NOTICE OF DEATH OF J1t .• -00Es1 .,,,_,. r ... ..,,. iom ---~t THE REAL ESTATERS NO DN, equity share. Isl timt bto'ers. 3 bd .• I ba., only 194,000. prin . .only ________ , Call63l~Kalhy!lj,_. tMID People who need people 5houJd always c~k the Service Directory ID lM .J MARIAN c. HALL AND PUIUC •me£ v.lnUUSlve SUMMOM ~'"'°" t2'11%AMAMCiM6 W1ntAdResulls &U·S678 DAILY PILOT 0 F PETIT t 0 N T 0 s..M4 CAM"uMaH1_, ~':,':,"':.ta.. ADMINISTER ESTATE SUPElttOACC:,RTO,CALIFORNIA NOT1ca1 Yw ...... .._--.""I -NO.A11156S. COUNTYO,OltANGf. <Mrt_decJ9 ................. ~C-· T 0 a I I h e i r s • Estel• or· WRAY DONA LO ................... -,...,..,. I.Iv-• beneficiaries, credit ors auRTON,o.c .. -= •--. ._ ............. , .. ~ Q) ---l1f7) W.-Dttptr•• 1-Sp1clo11.1 Rancho San Jo1quln Townhome w/panor1m1 c golr llE . 110111 ILlllS ca. and contingentcreditorsof NOrtcE ~*,;A~~'~4; o F RE•L t1youw1t11to_.,..,....,l<•04• :::::::=v. . .i..i Mar I an c . H a 11 and PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE: et10FMY "'~ ,.,.....,, -tflOutd. =~·:::; persons wh o may b e NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thel H promp\ly IO, ... , y-wrltter ..... ' Otherwise t"nterested t"n the lhe uMe"igne;l, H Aomlnhtretrla of retpOnte,llerry,meJbtllledefttl-. -•O..•"' lht tslele ol Ille •Dove n•m•d AVllOI ~ M ... *rm , A low1• ll0<hi- Will and/or estate: 0e<ec1en1. *'" w11 ., .,..,.,.,. sete '° •• ........, ,... 4KMlr aMr9 u. =-==• ... A petition has been filed , ... hlQllMI -bnl -· upon the 11• .. ,. .. ct .......... Ud s.. b C H · lerms ano con4111ons f>ere1nell•r .......... ....,.. • • ..._ ~ II T~ 'l:....H1Yl.SI....., y harles . Hall tn the menlloned--jKllO <onflrmellell .___,__....,._ Superior Court of Orange by w111 s..p.r..,. eeu.t on J_, n , s1 ':&.':::-.-1e11er •I <M•te• HATS & MA.llM( County requesting that , .. ,. •• '"' "°"' 0111 ooo'ckXk e"'. "" • on"'--•· ....,.r., (111,. ... ["J the ell 1 h 1 eel ll•<erlo l11medleteme111e, d• nt< wv1r• " -----Ml -.., ---- courw view• Featuring 2 Br/den 6 wet bar, fplc. etc. C1ll 759· 1501 or n2·7373. Walker & lee Real f st&fe 1 Sq I SO 1 , C h a r I e s H . H a I I b e :•Y 1 ;~ "; 1" 1111 ~" !!':, :~": :: '7h • menen • .., r--• ncrlte. 11 ...., 1:-u1 ••• appointed as personal under s I 9 n t O SH A II 0 H .....,...,__,elidr-el.._. =::::::.~~: = t-------.,.-------t e p r e Se n t a t i V e t 0 WENTWORTH. Ac1mlllfslr11rt•, <lo 1• TO THI. DEFENDANT A <Ml -. ,_., -,..._ l'lllllK d • • t th t t f MARC S TOVSTEIN ESQ 191J Eett cemplal11I h•t -11 filed ltJ IM -.11 ... °"'"" -~minis er . e es a e o s.v•nt .... 111. suite 2oo. ~n11 AM , PlelMlfl _..... .-. If ,... •'-" te -..su ------------ airlan c. Hall (under C•lllor11I• '1701. •II rl11hl. 1111•, defeftd Wt lewtult, '°" mlllC, ··-t::::t:..~ .. ..ICTIT10U$1Ul111aU h ft I n d e p e n d e n t Interest -HUii• Of ,..,., OK•-· et JO .,..,, .,.., IN• ...... _ ~ --lloo&o.litorq• = HAMI ITATaMaNT dmlnistration of ·Estates ,,.. ume of Ills ~etll. lftCI 111 •lll'lt. °" you, file •llfl tNs <-' • -ltttn nHtHHTaJlllM The 10110••1111 perso11 It doing . . !Ille alld lnteret tnet his tttt.te mey ,_'°a. <""""91nt. ""'"' • " llllllftKVtl II "" u•: Act). T~ petition 1s set for .,..,, ec:ciuirect l>'t _re11on 04 •-. ~ .,. ... ""',....,. w111 .. -... .w..111 ,,.. PERSONAL Af.Tt lllEMENT hearing 1n Dept. No. 3 at ot11trwlM, ""'• 111s dNlll. 1n •llCI 10 ....i+eauon at.::;::::, -unc· • ~~_._ ::: NAG&MEH:J,.Jftt~I• Pi.ce 700 Civic C-enter Drive ,,.. '°''°"'"" itncrt-r•t -rty ~ ~ e ...,_ ~ ,., *-Cidoa.keMtn' •1• ,'::~~~j1~;,.~m W t I th Cit f S / IOUlecl ln tt\o COUlllY of Or.._ Slete -rel,.....,..,... Ill lflt ~. -11,...SU. R<111 tte eS 1 n e . Y 0 anta of Gllllorllle. end levelly dH<rlbect el #llkll ~ ,_.II 1r1 "'""""'-' ;f/11 Tr..i.n,Trnel t11't rom ... I UN, C....... del -r, Ce. Ana, California on Jan. 20, rollo•s: .... s.telllntlof_,«.,,-'•or =~~·i.ru tt• ts 1982 at 9;J() a.m. Loi 71 of Tr«t No '11". e1 per mep Olller relief req,,Hltd Ill Ille UIT-lft£ -T1~1~~s It <-tecl by e11 IF You OBJECT th re<orded In 8oOll ~. Peges 16 to It compi.lllt. ,..,_ to e lllCIUllW of Mloc;ell-MAP$ Ill OATE0:~24.lf1' o-r.i . ......A.Wllllama granting Of the petition, tM office 04 Ille County R.-;-~ of E"*'A..~, ~a ... ,... :: Tiiis -wes 11!90 with Ille You Should either appear tald CoUllly. Clerll ~ ...,.._y..,.,_ -Coullly Cieri! of~ ... Cwnty on 9Y C...... .... Sc1wne11 loorti ..... llod• -Oocemller IA, t•1. ' at the hearing and State Commanlyknowne\li09lJHonwoocl ' •lr...t11><"" -,17ftSJ your objections or f 1 le o~v;: ~~~ Beec:ll, C•lllornl• lllCM.AN:,":',.:,...L.Y, ••T1a•H• & ~1.t : P11D1t1NC1 Drenoe Coe1t D•llv Piiot " written objections with the Bid• .. o11en ere 111v11..i ror sekl ~. 1 A ... 1.ea .. 1 -Dec."· 1"1,J.,. s.12.1•. ,.., sssu1 court before the hearing. percelofpr_.-ty A11wc11111cnm1111 .:....'~~---·-- lie In •r1ll119. -wlll lie re<el-el AITIS, 1111P91T£1 Your appearance may be lllt ollk• of MARC s TOVSTEIN. P.O....... 0-11 ,., l In person or bv you r ESO., 1t1J Eest SewntMnlr. s1r .. 1, ~:.,C::::::'Ml Al•"-o fNI "ICTITIOUl.Uatttass • attorney. s..11e too. s.m. Ane. ce111.,111a t:r101, ,.;.1111..,.. o...,.. ~st Diiiy ~•i.t ~:._Hui., WM ...-... nAtallMHT I F Y 0 U A R E A ~~o~~':;.:,'::;1~;e~~11:~?,~ Dec. 22, 2', ,..,, JM. s. 12. 1ta wwi 111w = Tiie te1i.w1119 ,.,...,, •ro dOl11t C R E D I T 0 R o r a the c .. ,,. a1 lht etiow nemN s-rlor f:::,. ~ ,.,.,~~HEATING 6 All' contingent creditor of the couri, or mey 11e oe1h1tAc1 10 .. 1d Piil.iC llllC( Ook -'111 :oNOITIONING, 161 ....... ,. .:. deceased, you must file j\dml11t11ntrl• perto11et111. •l eny = mt :..-...eetlfiDnhfJ'17 -your claim with the court Um• •It•''"' puot1u11on of this "CTIT1ou1••........ PIM =:: Peter Mergen Pe11., Jr., 161 , notice --· llw m•kln11 of setd ...... -1foM rm lrMd••r. c.u. Mff•. Cellf01"11lej or present It to the ..... •AMalTATu• .. , J.,..:, m. '-Z1 • personal representative TEAMS OF SALE cesh, •aw1u1 ~r~~°!.~'1111 _..,,, .,.. 11e1111 ,_ 1'7:11 TM• ......,... &s c-.c-w 1111' ;. appointed by the court mone.y of IM United Met-,.,.... RIFLE DAii.LiNG COMPANY. ==t• :: Mlvl4luel. lthl f th f eccepteble lo 111• ebOn •11llll•d ljOJ Sovth (Mii on,.., Suite Jll, ..... ,,. .....,M. Petty Jr, w n our '!'O" . s rom S..C-tor Cout1. T..i ~ru111 < 1~1 of C•te ....._ c:.. n.a 11er.-••• fl• Tiiis ........,. -"'" •'""' .,,. { the date of first issuance ,,,. emourtl offond """' ec:c-y Polerls AsttDC.._ -J-w. 11c; t1v :ov11tr c...-oi 0r.,,.. ~ on ·Of letters as provided in· lhe wrlllet1 bid or oller. •nd Ille Truller, ""' , Mene9l110 Oenerel 1101 '1 .. 0.Cemw 11, t•I. S ti 700 of th P b t bete11ce mutt be peld 1111011 Ill• Pertnor, JUI C.......,., lrYlne, Ce. I>':!.,. '1• Fl1t117I ec on e ro a e conllr!ftellClfl of .... .,... .-Id Superl« mu :~ ~llNd o...,.. eoett Deity Pltot. ,, Code of California. Thf' Court OR Ollie< peymenls e<ceptal>le Tiiis busllletl Is <Olld!uCIM tty e ~":! mt Dec."· n.n. Hit, Jen.'·, .. SM41 ti f fill I i ·u to ,,.. -eflttt1ec1 S-•tot c-i t1m1tec1oe-.Nt». ._.,,, ., ~ n::;e e:;,re ':.-1~: ~s f:~r ~:.::.::.,. -_...,,. uwer Tiits :=,.:.. 1:ii~·""" -~"..,ce :5 NU Illa months from the date of oet•d: Olcemllertt. , .. 1 =z~'ri',:. 0r._ c:.w.ty en ~-,,.. ._ _________ _ 4! lhe hNrlno noticed above. SHARON WENTWORTH . . ftl19U ;::,.. = ,ICTITIOUS IUllN•n ~ YOU MAY EXAMINE .. ., .. ::-~"::v .. ~:~~ DK~.~,~~.~N::1J.~~ ~. :::t Tiie ,~:1:":.~:n"r. dol11el ·' the file kept by the court. eu1tTON, o.cmeci ~=·~ :;: 01"!".....!!..:0 SI""' .......... P'"NY, 1,... H you are Interested In the TO'll'TatH a nunu Pia& l9ta .. _,.. _, ......... .. ' estate, you may file a M~~::!.°":1••~-:~· · a-.. AmS. 0 ~·:-~=1~1:u'~., request with the court to ..... flKTtnoutlMJIMtllK · -•Y.c:.teMllM.CA• .. 'It re(elve special notice of ._ .... ,c:a.nmnwtM111 ,,,.....,..,.. ... "' AITIS ISO n1t ...._, '' t...ovnH .. ., •11 :i t .. e Inventory of estate A--.1erA••111•w1• T~• t.ll••l11t ,.,_ •• ••1111 a--i .... '. . ...... •1 ndt'llklNt. lt " PvblltlWd Or~ Cout.O.lly Plto4 Wtt-•· AMC . .. . . . .. .... b ,,.,.. I(, 1(-'1 · assets and of the petitions, J..,, s. •· 12. "c 11...,: Tits ,-Hr.1tP1uJU, as1 *· •• Ntt . • • • • T1t11 ......._ -"'" wttto Witt 10 accounts and reports Mnet,CallaMIM.~...,, CMilla< • ., -•.-ettrtt et°'.,,.. c...My.,, • dflerlbed In Seetlon 1200.S ..X 1111( T.--.-. t<Mffl~ = · ~ . *'· ,..,, ,.,,,.. _ Pf tJM Otllfornla Probate ::;" A."::'-~...., ~: ... .•• : f'W!tllled e>M11 c-st OM" l'11ot. fllll eodt. lllalTIOUI llUlfH• Tllt1 -Is ~ ~ ., C.-tl . . . . . . . . -_.,, S, It, 1', M. ltlt Mlt-tl * H•rwlt1, Remer, ..,...ITAW !MM.._ ~ ·· ·•t------------ n& MacDo..ald a MHde ...!.':... .... ~ ... ~----.. '™'::.~·=----=.::..... ··= flmllml( • AU•r••Y at Law, HO MALC:O\.M • ouv 1.•w c..-ey c.... .. 0r .. ~ .. ~ · ·; ,_, _________ _ Now,.,.15c551MeNr Orlv•,· ~=::..~~~':.':: o.c-w••· ~ 11··· . ,. *' fltC'r1T'tOUIMlll ..... altl =:1._ ewpor ...., . --........ 0r-c....o.t1'" ...... •. . .... • '"• , ..... ,1 llTATlllM•T, ... 1 " YJ119U, Tu"'u",M•IUI"'·•• o.c~al.i9."""~·s,,ttte'saN'i ...... , .. ,, ·····:J. -:.!•w,.,..,_ t....,.111, . :::.. ................ , °'*"" (11911 0..11, Pilot, MtcA,.,., .... ......,. ...... c.. -' . . . . . .. . . I AClt, ....... 11 .... St., CHI• ..... J........ .., ... ..., ' ~.. . ........ ., DfC. \ *.r.c~~ •iw.. I ~ ... : .. ·::: ... ..f:.~ ............ .. " ,_, ""MKAtttW ~:····· ...... 1*"9'..c..IAMIM.C..WW W lllll ...... .......n...:c:a.w ":=.:.:.:i'lft~ .,..,................ Tiii• ....._ '' _..._ .., - --z'rrtl I f 111.J:...-i:.:-.ee:.::..a:.'t.~ ffl• fell-lftl ""'"II "'"'11 0 '-:.c.-- • .. 6119UCATJ091 I ---·! .. .--•-•M .. d._Tlltt ....................... .. '.. 1111uc•YHM9I ~ w. 011-, ,,. Liii ~·:.;~.:"'9" ...... Olftt .. °"""" ~ ... -~ -~ • .. ........ ,, ..... QI, UatlC. ......... 4."'1. jt !l,',I , • la"aftLY A. ~ ...... It 11 f CM~ e C:-W•MW,Cll.-•• ~-,~~ a;~ ... ~-.. t• ...... -'1111«-IA__... W • -----.. .._ r6 ......._.....,... C.I -.__..., ._,., 9 , ..... JM.S.11.t•,1'9._.. "r•w.• ...... ,,. .::'r........... ,.., ..... If................. a.. .. or-..c...,·=aE-....... -.. ,... ... CltN..... "·""· -~~ I ,.... , .... f .. . .t~Cllllf°""= .. "'tt~tl ~.:.~~:m o ----•I OVER 57 YEARS OF SERVICE DUPLU Balboa "Little Island" Waterfront W !Sandy Beach. Full Bay View From Both Units. Upper Wld Make Wonderrul Owner·s Unit. Has 4 BR. Lower Is 3 BR Unit Lrg front Patio. ------·-·· 759-9100 #2 Corpot ate ,.._ ... ,,,... c....,. • TELL MORE PEOPLE ABOUT YOUR SME·• • • • Signs are great to give directions to your garage salf •.. but to lei people know you're havi"9 a sal\t. you should schedule an ad 10 run ln the Classified section of this • newspapet! It's the best way to tell people what .you're selhng. when '•NI how to oet to tht sale. Call today and let us htlp you word your ad. IAl.Y PUT us IG-5171 aNA .... HO .. I Prestiae pool f amity home. Malo cbannel view from beautiful t.raditlon ' bdrm, 5 bath. $1,495,000. Wide lagoon view from spectacular architectural design 6 bdrm, s bath, ~layroom , dark room & den . $1,350,000. WO Ill.I HOMIS Featured on Homes Tours lovely traditional spacious, custom 3 bdrm, 3 bath home, newly redecorated. $475,000. Newly remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath plus lge recreation room & 2 patios. Beam ceilings. Xlnt value at $420,000. CAINATIOM COYI Spectacular harbor view from 4 bdrm, 4 bath bayfront. 2 boat slips. $2,000,000. WIST IAY AVL Remodeled , like new 3 bdrm , 3 bath bayfront. Slips for 2 lge boats. $1,200,000. BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR ) l I r l '( '• f j 1 lJ I ,. • ~,. '' (J J ') f'1 f CllAWUFF UNITS Located on Eastside. C.M .• these units are in excellent condition. 5 very private units, two 2 Bdrm and three 1 Bdr. Assume existing financing and owner will help finance. Full price $349,500. HOUSE+ DWLU Eastside C.M. location, large 2 Bdrm l 'h Ba house with service porch and garage. Two 2 Bdrm 1 Ba units with alley access. Try ~.ooo jlown. As- sume low interest loan. Asking $230,000. Wl-:SI t.Y '\J TAYLOR CO. HF.ALTUHS ...,:1H 1· UHfl llG C.AHYOH "YElSAILLES" Most spectacular Deane Homes model on largest corner lot o"looking Big Cyn ~olf course. Beaut pool. spa & gazebo in huge pri\ ate yard 4 BR . den. rormal DR . 41 :! baths. $950.000. WESLEY H. TAYLOR CO., REALTORS 2111 S. Joaquiit Hills Rood NEWPORT CENTH, M.I . 644·49 I 0 SELL idle items w1lh a Have something you Daily Pilot Clauif1ed want to sell ? Clas11f1ed Ad. 642·5678. ads do 1l well. 642·5678. STAR GA'ZEKfl'-• ----.---.. ll\l" l Pl)ll\,--...... --- 1:). ·-o.l, ...... A, c...df J:). ..tcce,d1fltf 'a '"• S•••• To dt'1tJop "'fU09t for T uf'~O'f rfOd -ch '"''""°"""'9 •o ......-,. of"°"" Zod.oc t.rth ''9" .... ,. ,,_ .. ,..,. .. ..... ''•!fl •o.. .... .. a.. ttO.-t P:::=="-1 :~:,,...,,~, .. _ ''""""' ..... M4UMt .... ,., .... ~~~~=~ ,,,_, n-n•-, .... Ill 8•-"" pc;.:.:..:.:=.~ Jr ......... (. ll•Otil ... ,.._ ...... ,,~... tt .... »St..-u ....... "'OO.• tJ°'4~ ,..""'°t .. ,..., .• K OtMtt. H •r )lutW; ·'*""""" l'W.tfl •'"'°""'" •w"-.. 0\.4' . ..... ~ ....... Ml~t~t ,.O... ,,,.,,..,.. ,, ............... dllf•""t ,, ........ ·>~ ,,....., ···-r.1 • ....., .,.. t\'• ... Olil9"t 1'tWttf'I "°'"' ""°""'~' ...,. rt Mt ... .. , ,...,... ~· ........ ''"'-t' .,,.,. W"t U•~4" U•• tJkr,.. .... .. ..... ooc ... ~--,.~ ~ -~~ .. .. ''0~, ., ... .,.,.._, M....,. MC,..• ,.~ •o ..... •111t1ie111 ....... ~ ~ .. ~GOO$ .o; \J•tf.. ( ,,.,.,, IBK&RNlt GOATS C G N L M 0 II Y K II U C 8 O; I R A 11 $ A II & L 0 II U I I A II T Q T C Y 0 C II T A 1 R A T 0 R R M " J 0 E £ L E I S II W A Y M I 0 J E A I K W S R A A 0 II I LT S G,I HR M I £ Y S £ 11 1 U Y l M Z II 8 T I I E E R L 0 1 y S II L l l M A £ U II K C A U I X U W O I E I C L J X L E 0 II A I C t It A S 11 H L G II 8 t U & T R M II l K I A L £ M ' It EU SK 0 R l EE Y 1CA-II11 M HM LMCVTALllGSfU&lA CASL AQAALWfSRlEHCAlOLAE AIRZAPOUtPPLSOYETCA YPMALTIPLWOCEAllEEl MS S A SA t W II S S £ • l 'C E YI I • THE REAL F 11·1·ATE:RS ----- COSTAMISA STAITB THANKS to all mr sellers & buyers ... for a really 1plcnd1d year! WHBN SELUNC OR UUYlNC1 CALL JOHN GRANATH "the neaL1stor" e S8RVICF. J •• 2 la, "Aipen", AMmbl, 14% l.olill 1164,500 •OldmoOf, J Br, 2 Ba, Sunny Par:ios SIM,,00 Rancho Sift Joaquin, 2 Bt, 2 Ba A Buy 1167,000. 5 •. "ftt.-cott'' Woodbridgc's Finest SJ44,000 TwdcTock Ridte "Moncrcito" VALUE S37S.OOO SU~T YOUR Rul.iuin1 HERE $0,000.00Q IOIA'TYSHAll lit t!nW b1zytr can ar ford OI home Pnced et cmly 114.000 Kathy, •&t ~5'16 WTSIOE S119 500 A.ssuuablt" ?oan at 10~ 3 Bdrm. Spa Ca I I MS9LS1 ' . ODl1 l1J5,•1 Auume 111.IOO ID loam at • ••t•ly. Owner will carry. family room ~ CICll1 fireplace! 3 ... bdnm. Sparklin& coadilioD I Hurry, Cl U m.ao ~~------, UDO PINIHSUU FOR $58,000 Family relocating out of state anc:I need to sell their mobile honH· 2 bedroom, 2 bath. double wide Walk 10 shops and beach. Owners Jrt• \' 1': HY FLEXIBLE!! THE REAL ESTATE RS owt• AMXIOUS Bealll1ful, Immaculate, m• landacaped 4 Br home on cill·de·uc. Spacious rooms. View of ftM ~from proper· ty. Owner~auieted ~·Only $138.SiOO. l.U~, f'lt.5370 A"LLSTA·T~ ·• REALTORS ...__._ , -~ lBIOOM STAITB-0n11 ff30,00C>.TWoods and ltn&ms lllffOWld this cbarmlne Costa lleu aarden home. &lcloled patio. 3 car prqe! Spartline pool. 11mbM terms. Just list· I ed. Call m.8S:iO THE REAL ESTATE~S To place your message belorelhe reading public. pbooe Daily Pilot Classified. 642-56'78 UNDIR CONSTRUCTION OH LIDO Unbelievable but true with S20,tltJO deposit, owner will provide wal11>apl·r and decorating se rvice at rn:-1 nn th1 ~ 3 bedroom gem. The time Lo bu~· 1-; now. UDO ENTERTAIHIHG Lots of warmth and cha rader in t hh charming 4 bedroom homt• on ht ).!l lot. Den ca n be con\'et1l'd 1nto ~llh bedroom. Large landsea1wd p.1t11• GIFT SHOP 2 lots in Canner~ \'ilL1p· C11 1ng business. owners retmng OwnP1' \I. tll carry lSt T.D. Can be purth:i:.t•d \\ 11.h or without inventory. RESK>EHT1Al AEAl ESTATE SERVICES VIEW! VIEW! VIEW! Wood and glass custom home surrounded by flowering gardens. Terraced decks overlook finest bay. beach, harbor & city light view. :Spa, sauna. 3 BR, den & 4 baths.1 Truly a magnifi cent property. $1. 2.50. 000. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 . NEW NEWPORT CONDOS S..atZOt,2111215 lttt.St. HELP!! lnvest.ot's seller m•cds rmrtga1o1t rt'hl'f '!!" townhome vour < for closin g to• t,; J nll brokerage f •'• un h ~9:111 ·A LLSTATE REALTORS ~ENGLISH TUDOR UMIQU!IH I SPY~USS • ~UR, 3 BA. new rarpet. I French doors. Ocean & l'tly view. assum r1nanr mg 8 5.000ffl<' t i"-ll()Ul t1()~fS I Realtors. 675-6000 RCTaylorCo 640 9C)OO Quality and detailing you woul~ n 't believe -3 car garages -security. 13· 7 /8% interest financing. Spa~ious units with the feel of a private home. 360 deg. view of bay and ocean. Priced from $369,000 to $439,000. Charming home ''" ,1 - lovely tree-bned street, CotOM dtt Mar I 022 VIEW -PRIVACY -GREENERY Amongst Million $$ hom es. Cu l·de·sac and courtyard e~try . Panoramic view. Two bdrm, dmmg rm, deck and spa. $595,000 fee l~nd. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. REAL EST A TE Wn. ~ "'°""1Y ~ 2436 W. COM! tiwf 3~ M.1111 Aw ~ BIKh Bllbol 11111111 ., •••• -61Uftl '::' SCC~lA-&~~s·:: -----MIW'r QAf L ~ ................ -.. .... .,....... ..... .................. and pride of ownership ••••••••••••••••••••••• neighborhood. 3 Bdrm. 434 IEGOHIA large walk m cl1>11eh. 2 New elegant 4 Br Vic bath. sunn )' tireJkfost tor1an partia l vu , nook, domed re1lrnged ownr/c<>ntrnctor Cinsn li ving room . loo of a~,000. charm. Only SlOI 900 646-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS orPORTUMITY knocks often "twn hiu use re:sull ieett111.: 11,111\ ' Pilot Clas.<11f1ed \cb lo for Ad Action cau a Daily Pilot AD-VISOR 642-5678 reach the Oran11'· ro.i'" iJl!!!!l!!ll!!!!!!l!!ll!l!!!!!!!!!~!!I! mu1tet. Phone 642 567R Cz SW. idle items with a Daily Pilot Classified Ad. . .. ................ !~.~~ ~~ ........... -~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiF= Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Tuttday. 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Lie. 40!941 213-421·6!'111114·979·721M 4~1Mc.:.·..:c9512='----~~1y 1d )'t•.:-an.rtlme. RemodeUn&/Doorahun11 DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC ..... :................. ble.Wedo1ny1ilejob! Bonded. JOJ. Refs Color .....,/I_.., ' •AHISOMLYI UJ the _ _;;;:::::;,.:=.i...:..84'~·S,;.;:7~:;:,_-i Randy 1'20·121lOCdM ,l!!n~p. fUlly llc'd l Cenenllblntaln1nce Q.IA.M UP YOUI ACT •13HOIM• ex ea.oeu Dlelt , ........ ;(,-;-~......... Al &4t IC DAl.Y ldllll cut uoder 12 mo CHAR RENOVATING u .. ur...... $3HS49 ~n l D«or1lln& TODAY 1 Yard/aaraae All Types Muoney lrJ-8 PAINTIN<i PLASTER PATCHINC PILOT Cl\>' hoCDI lll Cott• Meu. Conll)I. inl/ext l cu.at. ~ Senictt • l • R1y NO Sl« cln-'!•1,!'~ 1 .. ~obn true It. Very rus, lic, bonded. Ratucc<>1 I di/ext JO lie ,._I flbr13MllO cablneta. 25Yrt 645·3'74.9 ;;:;;:;? .. , ............ HOMt:IMPROVEMENT .... ._. <-rt) Bob$41-7a50/SX.9906 SPECIAL! INT/EXT. yn Neat. P1ul54.S·2971 ..................... .. -•"-r~ -E M. 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Y wor · pen " Co I'll t · Serv. 541 .. 1514 lkilders Since 1947 '>'· ee est ~..!.SB_ ToPped re!nl>ved, clean HARDWOOD FLOORS le, refs CaU Pam & N':· mpe 1 ve ra es Quality Also stnpp1ng PIOPllTY ~ Additlons ·ttmodelin' Stum Clean ror the u lawnrt>nov 7513476 Heauulully cleaned & _&bl>wl t.763·7012 overtune.JJ0.1353 FteeestScott6'59325 MANAGEMENT ......-Doon, windows, patio Holidays ' Best rates for G de--W 1 ... ,, waxed. Be ready for the Expertise Housekeeping ~DVEINNGTSCOMLOLVEINGGE UC PAPER HANG ER Orange Co area IS >rs -••••H••••••••••0 •• theb1°dates•Call ar mng ano:u hollda 18324881 Su 1J C hd .. :uv Bonded&guarNOJOb ,.._llr C ••DPEIT•• TIEESllVICl • •4fl-J220• • ........ ALISrATE PAVIN G covers Free est. Reas 646-4133" Mowing, edging. raking. PP es urn1s e CO Llc #Tl24-436 loo small or too large. ~nence ""' or in o S..lco1Un1, Striping, Uc. 1131(8(2 549·2170 s wee PI n g Jo' r e e Hal6lg Trustworthy ~H003 Insured 641 8427 f'reeest. Tony 898·2728 and rates. Willdow Ca..illg ltp1lra. Comm/Res. MocHAUCOMSTR. C-.t/CCMtCrete estimates 645-4372 or .. ••••••••••••••••••••• West Coast Maintenanc.e WATCH USG ROWJ_ 963-1112 •••••••••o•••••••••••• 81312.645-8181 Custom homes, Cram ...................... , 00-5737 Haul,eleanup.concre-te ~·lotr!New YrSpec-1al STARV ING ACTORS HEEDHB.r7· .._dlllNJ/ltpolr •RESIDENTIAL• o.fvew1ys, puking lot ing. remod, French THOMPSON'S WHYNCYTONEOF rermval OumpTruck. on HouseCleanmg! MOVING COMPANY Helpyourselftoa u••••••••••••••o••••• Avg l sty S30, avg 2~ty rep1lr1, aulcoating. doors, skyl.Jght.s & pa ho CONC{tETE CONSTR nu: BEST' Slmmoni. ~ck se_!Y 642·7638 631 218/64()..6681 Fast & Careful Lowest lleapingselectJon of · Custom bu1 ld1ng. re S4S Chns 957-8383 5'S Aaph1lt. 631-4199 covers 848·3652 I.Jc. l:m:JS.1 642.8482 ~rdening,646·661!4 Trade your old stufC ror Qu';hfi~ hskpr-~vail Rates Law Allows M C QuahfiedHopeCuls modeling, maint . re Pro( Window Cleaning Uc. Have something to sell' Find what you want in-Have something to ~ell' new goodies w 11 h a Depend English speak V1Sa. LlcL!_ns_673·0853 _ in the DAILY PILOT pairs. hauling Steve Free est , qual serv IWl Idle ttema 642-5678 OISSified ads do il.!.!!!.:_ Daily Pilot ClasSJfied~ ~ed a~n well ~~_!!!h 642·567!_ Ref ch~k~619S Classified Ads 642__:,567J! HELP -~Affl'j:D ADS 673-8I06 'I} Rae 67~·094! .. For Clauified Ad ACTION Call• Dally Pilot AO-VISOR 64.2-5"18 . EXECUTIVE -·SECRET ARY llG 8 CPA ARM COHHEU CHEVROLET ,.,_,,.Ii 11t111f ,, ' ""f\\lt'-\ 546-1200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •CHIYIOUT ..Wltll MOMT!CAILO LB=T0 0Yll! Auto. trans .. air cood. + many other utru! Gorgeous ! (60ll) . '11 Porsche IUl SC. Elec: '---------• wf. window. all leather 9720 P7's Imma c ulate OM.YS7'tl HOWAUC ... .,roW Dove/Quall Sta. '82 210 2 dr. $106.31 + tu. 48 mo. O.E.L. Cap. coat $4~. Res. value $2481.92. Total pmts. 15409.12. Cost lease 1406.69 to take Deilvery Order Yours Today! • S20,9'0 646-<Ml22 '6tfl2TcrfJG! Red. Updated with all the extras. LOOKS LIKE NEW! Hoau 613-2287 WorU75"410 75 914. Blue Xlnt Cond. ~. ·77 9115 Coupe Xlnt Cond. $16,900. Pvt Pty. 714 -1131·0688 home . NEWPORT BEACH IJJ.0555 SEE US FllST! We have a good selection of NEW &c USED Chevrolet.a! COHHRL CHEVROLET '\. ?\ If .t,.. f !11,f t{ '" ! \ \! ! ' \ 546-1200 ------·-549-2120 Business. 1965Sevtlle Malibu, 3 apd, ltolhloyct 9756 aUck on flr. ~kt seats. •••••••• •• •••• • •• • • • • •. 3ZI eng, ads mm or work •111 DEALfR IN U.$.A~ ~ l5<C) JAl400(1 llO ~C!Hftll i.""°"'VO-llWI~ ClOUO SUNDAYS , runs good $600. ~.Q77 '77 Monte Ca rlo Air. ~. Str, Brk. Perfect Cond. l Owner. 12595 Evu, 642-8874. Daya , (213) 681·21613 '11 Malibu-Cla'ssic S/W. t owner. Great Shape. Eves, '42-887'. Daya, t7 '° 1213) 611-21613 &y l'a&D&a.IC& SCBOE•KHL ., ........... ..., The 'University of Californfa and Orqe County rovernment 1bould renew ne10Uatlou ln earnest to brtnc a reapluUon to the mulU-mllllon dispute over care for Indigents at tbe university-owned medical center ln Orance. And, accordlnl to a state analysis, failure of the two parties to brina the dispute - now ID01"e than five yean old - to a com:lualon could create ~'dl1utrous" con21equencea for. lndlgenta needing health care. llJI ',ll/\Y .11\Nlli\ll> . '"·' The ca1'1 for re~~ ne1oUatiom and the pr ....... __ of what will occur If a compromlse ia not reache4 la outlined In a 45-pafe rePort on the dispute prepared by the state Department of Hnltb Services at the reQ\,lest at tbe state Lectslature. __ L According to a draft con of the report, reviewed todayl tbe current contract by •11lcb indicents are treated at U., UC Irvine Medical Center at ~ expeo.se is boU.l "complex and costly to administer." Further, accordin1 t~ the Laguna bank ' vault sawed; $25,"000 ·haul By JOHN NEEDHAM °' ................... At least two thieves on~ small in stature -broke into the newly opened Laguna National Bank and Trust Co. in Laguna Beach.sometime durine the New Year's weekend, stealing about $25,000 In cash, according to police. Detective Alex Jimenez of the Laguna Beach Police Department said the theft was Creation· law nixed by court Ll:rrLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - A· federal jud1e struck down Arkansas' creationism . law today, ruling that it violates the constitutional separation of church and state. U.S. District Judge William Overton declared that the purpose of the legislation was to advance religion in violation of the First Am e ndment prohibition a1ainst laws that advance or inhibit religion. , The law, which was to take effect next fall, required public schools that teach the theory of evolution to give balanced treatment lo the theory known as creation science. . Overton's 40-page decision said that even though the law says the legislative purpose is not to advance religion, the only inference that can be drawn from the circumstances under which the law was drafted and passed is that the purpose is religious. "It was simply and purely an effort to introduce the biblical version of creation into the public school curricula,•• Overton said. . Evolutionists say life developed slowly over millions of years. Creationists say a supernatural force formed the world suddenly and relatively recently. The law forbids the use of religious writings in the classroom. discovered by bank employees Monday morning when it opened for business. He said the.. bank· had been closed since last Thursday. Jimenez said the burelars entered the two-sfory bank building, located at 310 Broadway, by jimmying tbe lock on a door which leada to a cr awlhole on the roof 9f the structure. Once over the ban.It vault, the thieves used high speed drills and saws to cut a 14 by 16-lnch hole in the sleet encarent, Jimenez said. · He said once the hole cut. one of the burglars who must have been small beca\&14..af \be. site-of the-access bole, dropped into the vault and scooped up $25,000 in cash from tellers' cash drawers. Jimenez said none ~f the bank's safe deposit boxM were touched .and $Orne cash was left behind. When the thieves lef~, they tried to conceal the ho~ they had mad e in the vault , according to Jimenez, aid also carefully picked up aq their tools. '1 Jimenez said the burglars apparently were familiar with the layout of the recently renovated bank, which opened for business Dec. 1. · •'Though they knew their way around inside. they apj)arently weren't as fvniliar with the workings of lthe bank, since• there wasn't much money in the vault," Jimenez said. He said the alarm s13tem at the bank failed to function during the b\Jl'glary. Whether the thieves disconnected it or DQl bas not been determined. J imenez said alarm system personnel would be examining the bank's burglar alarm today to determine if it bad been tampered with, or had simply failed lo WOl'k. He said local police and agents of the FBI were checking with workers who might bave had access to blueprints of the bank, which formerly served ,as an automobile dealership. The building was remodeled about two and a ball months ,ago, Jimenez said. ' draft report, the current praoUce of the ua.lvenlty and county to attempt to relOlve their disputes over more than • m llllon ln bills throutb arbitration la not appropriate. Only one upeet of the dllpute -lnvolvtnc bllla for lnd11ent patlent1 transferred to the me.dlcal center from other boaptt.18 throusbout the county -should remain ln the haodl of an arbitrator, state health olflclala recommended. ThOle olrtciala aald eac:b side ln the dis~ should appoint a single indlvidual lo negotiate a aettlemeot to the mattera Lu.runUy Jn dl&pula aad simultaneously develop a new 11reement coverln1 cue t>I lndit..U for wblcb tbe couatJ la finandally r.ponalble. Aceordlq to the report, thole ne1otiationl abould M eoneluded not Ja&er tb.fn AP~ ao. The recommeadatlona, if employed, "could pan the way for a better relaUomblp between the parties ln the future," the report said. Both the county and tbe university have named representatives to ne1otlate a new contract and attempt to · reaolve other trou__bluome l11uee. But, acccwd1DI to tbe 1 t a t e a n a 1 y 1 la • t b·o 1 e ne1otlation1 have not been productive. ''The preaeot 1ltuaUon coWd be comldereCi a stalemate," tbe report said. State official.a said they found that neeotlatlona bad been substantially -.reduced, that communtcaUons between the two parties have not been poaltlve and that arbitration ~roceedlnp have dealt with only a smau part of the matters ln dhpute. " •. •• Complet resolutloD &brCMllla tMa 911111:.1•ea••lll~...r..i;.r.JJ. la not anticlpatea for tome Umit U at all," tberepartnl4. The len1tby arbttreUoa proc:eedlqa were lallllt91ad la 1979. Of tbe • mlWoa la ...... more than •·• mll!IM laftlfte' amoUllltl tbe county bu rtfm 1 II to pay the unheraUy for treatment of lndJceata. . The couJltY baa yarJoua reaaona for "dlaallowtac" certain billed amoanu. Sometlmea, it believe• U.e services provided wer• <See HEALTH, Pal• AZ> . . \ I • ID slide of ho~e Qtl~N ~Q .-?Wee ·~were fear buried under tons of mud llSide this Pacifica home after it was crushed by a huge JDLleaders pr~ss attack on Schmitz Heavier rains due in coastal area By STEVE MARBLE Of .. ~ ...... swt • Leaders of the Los Angeles chapter of the Jewish Defense League pressed their attack on state Sen. John Sch~ vowing to "shake up his complacent Newport Beach neighborhood until something is done." "We're not going to let up," said Earl Krugel ; a JDL member. "He's a bigot and a racist and no better than a Natl." Members of the JDL demODltrated last Sunday for 90 minutes in fr9Jll of Schmitt' Spyglass Hilf home, wa\'iog placards denouncing the Senator as an anti·Semitic. Irv Ruben, leader of the JDL's Los Angeles arm, said a similar protest rally is scheduled this Sunday. Ruben said his group is aniered by a reference to Jews in a Schmitz press release entitled "Senator Schmitz and his Committee Survive Attack of , the Bulldykes." ••Where does be come off attacking us because he's havin1 trouble with the women's ·movement?" ask~ Krugel. Rvben said be believes (See SciDDTz. Pa1e AZ) By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of .. ~ .......... Weather forecasters are advising residents to keep their umbHllas handy tonight and Wednesday because of continuing rainy conditions. Although the storm that be1an affecting Southern Callfornia Monday afternoon was relatively mild overnight, forecasters said a new sya~m moving in from the ocean would bring heavier raln through Wednesday afternoon. Orange Coast residents were told to expect heavy rain, plus gusty southerly win<l.S at•l.5 to 20 mph , bee.om l ng westerly Wednesday. For boaters, a small craft advisoey was in effect off the coast tbrougb tonic.ht. One fatal traffic accident and nb m eroua fender-be nder collisions were reported on Orange County's rain-slicked streets and highways. • The California Highway Patrol reported that Francis McDermott, 68, of Loma l.Jnda was killed In a bro1dslde collision at 5:30 p.m. Monday on the Riverside Freeway near Anaheim Hills. The driver of the other ~· Vernon Jacobs, 26, of Placentia, was taken to Anaheird Memorial Hospital for treatment of moderate injuries. Police in Costa Mesa reported that minor injuries occurred in two of 15 traffic accidents during the storm Monday night. Some fiooding was reported today on Balboa Island. the Balboa Peninsula and on Pacific Coast Highway near the Newport ~evard overpass. Laguna Canyon Road, which ls. often plagued by fioocliq, wu reported open to traffic earl1 today, although pollce were warning motorists to drive slowly. •'It· rained steadily most ol the oigbt," reported Buptln1ton Beach's amateur meteorololllt J . Sherman Denny. "It wu the klna of rain that soak.a in. '!bat's a pretty valuable kind." Deony sald the rain gaU1e on bls garaga measured three-quarters of JD lncb of rain from Monday afternoon tbrouch 8 a.m. today. • He said be bas meuured 2.13 inches ol rain since the current string of wet days began Dec. 30. Storm deaths set at 13. By Tlie Aaoclated Presa A huge, rain-swollen mudalide plowed tbroueh a Paclflca home. and dumped its second at«y atop another boule, crushlnc ft and trappina three chlldrell in it under tons ol mud. autbortties-·aata today. CPboto Paae AS> "I don't see bow they eouW1 have aurilved," 1ald Paeifiea,.. Fire Chief Cal Hinton. ~ Rescuers bathed ln s~H.,_,, due frantically with abovell ~andf heavy equipment today to ftnd} Bllly Velez, 9, and b.la siaten,, Michele, 14, and llellaaa, 4,f after tbe slide swept Into tbe• home on Oddstaa Boulevard ln~ the Linda Mar District at tbe southern end ol Paeifiea lhol'tlJ after 11 p.m. )londay, Hint.on said fire crews ripped oft the roof ol the bouae and saw onWtnud. The trapJSed children "ere Identified by a oeipbor, 1Mtie Braun, as bulldolers 1ttempted · to above a mountain. of mud away from the scene. ''The last time I saw them wu Christmas," she said. The slide, fueled by three ~ of rain, nooded the street with a sea of mud 50 to eo yarda tana and sent rivers up to three feet deep throu1b the Linda Kar District. A s>-yard section of one boulevard wu washed out by the rusbin& water and mud. "It's a grim situation," said Deputy Fire Chief Gary Stofan. The father of the children, Wllllam Velez, was sta)'lnC with neighbors and made period ·appearances at the scene. Meanwhile, authoriUea aalCI tbe death toll from the mUli•e · rainstorm climbed to at leut lJ today, including the tbree chUdreo and sald another five people were mlsain1 anff presumed dead. F Authorities lo Santa Cru/ County confirmed that alx... bodies were itncovered todQ r. the victims of mudslides ~ falling trees. Official• hr Alameda County said thrtHf people died in storm-related traffic accldenta on raii=lliek' roads late Monday ~nd -early today. 5 Monday, four people wera killed by the storm in mudalldel· and traffic accldentl. One ol- tbose vicUma wu identified atf ~ Eloise Joy Richmond, 51, ol San Mateo, who waa kllled lD a traffic accident durin1 an. lotenae part of the storm. Jn Santa Cruz County, three ol (~ NOaTR. Pa1e AZ> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~rackers to follo:w surplus cheese? . ••1m111U1111 Showen bea~•ot. . Chance af raia ..., .• to .ao pereuat bf . WednddQ nlpt. 0.tJ" . soutbert7 willllll 11 to • · mph beeom.lq ...._b W ednead•Y · "l'oalf lat '1 low• la 401 . II ,-., . W~ID..,_. ... t1•••t ... . 1 nP.11 ,..,... to h •· • UI•,_, ,...... tW a. ,.... 'ea.NS ,,..,,,, ........ c. ,,...,.........,._,.Af .. ---------·--- -···--ather losses · • • { . SACR~MEN'l'O (Ar> - CrUl11 of alal• Sea. John 8ebJ9Jt1• attack on -'">rtlon • • rt1bts advocates are J>la'nninl to b ask the ~nate to formally censul'etbe cooservau~e Orange ~ County Republican. ~ Senate President Pf'O Tem David Roberti 8Qitt Sen. Alu Sieroty, both Loa Anaetes Democrats, said Monday that a censure resolution would be introduced, but tbat it had not been decided when the move would be ma~dwbp the authQr would be. ~ "I would think fe to aar, there's going to "I tesolation, · said Roberti, adifl.ft& · that be ls would support the meaure. llY Sieroty said Schmits' critics 1U were discussing "wbo the most •>t appropriate autb:ioald be." rn lf approved,· e ensure .,., motion would · nstiU&~ an official reprimand oCStiinitz. 1,, Legislative officials said they Jll' were DOl aware or any senator 1< ever having been censured in 21 California history. ,. Schmitz was removed as chairman of the Constitutional Am~ndments Committee and Crom two other Senate posts last · month after he ~sued a pr~ .-f'elease attacking abortion rights supporters. *1 * . From Page A 1 * '" i>chmit~1s a .. Jew hater." Ol ,Brad Evans, Schmitz' press 1,secretary, said the Senator is ~irritated by the remarks from (.'(the JDL but is "delighted'' at the publicity generated by the 01press release. 'i,· "He feels he's on the verge of 0jlocttn:g up=a U:S. ~nal.e ttaf,!" ,<observed Evans. • We couJdn't u have bought the front.page publicity this has created.·• Sc bmit.z, a conservative . Republican, is biddinc for a U.S. !)enate seal "·1 •'The senator hJ a pretty 'tougb·skinned person and he's been called name$ before," &vans continued, adding, "but he's not an anti·Semitic. 31 "It's lJTetty frightening what's 0 . happened by making a simple ?.:remark and an accurate ;.observation," Evans said. ~1 The release described one Los Angeles audience at a meeting ,0 as "a sea or hard, JeWish and ~ .. <arguably) female races." . Jr Evans a~eed the release was "extreme" but not as "extreme s1as the reactioo ... Schmit%' rieighbors' ln Newport ·~Beach, lnterviewed following the ~picketing , described the b gathering Sunday as orderly but 21 "disturbing." !Mi One neighbor. who asked not 11 to be identified, said her family ·ls worne<t "because the JDL·- 11 "has a reputation for violence." Evans said Schmitz ·also is __ worried for the -n /ety or bts :ramily. "He's worried for his wife and l children but not for his own lite : -he's a Marine Corps colonel." ; Newport\ police, who were . s ummoned last Sunday on a : noise complaint, said they will : monitor future demonstrations. : Asked about vioJehce, JDL ; member Krucef fal•. ''We're ~ violently opposed, t4 ~, • Sometimes violeqt.e lf nt*esaary : -espedal.l,r w1th N•'-" j ~ Aid the JOI.'~ ......... *9uld I» btlttll to .. I bloody fUlp, '' 0 ... : Rubeo. wbo described bilnlelf ; as a Republican conaervaUve , who opposes · abortion like : Scb.-U&a. added: • ''8eb61Sa Uves in a beautiful ' • net1bbartaood and we don't want ' to be~But tile people bere are a.Ill IO we have to 10 ID ." ' The release, deacribine a aeries ol beariJlls Schmits held on an anti-abortion meuure, referred to the measure's opponents as "bull dykes" and "murderous. marauders" and called feminist attorney Gloria Allred "a sllck butch lawyeress." At a Los An~~es hearing, Schmitz said he looked out on a • 'sea or hard, J ewish and (arguably) female faces." Critics said the remarks amounted tO anti-Semitism, and the DemocraUc majority on the Senate Rules Committee voted to remove Schmitz from the Constitutional Amendments Committee chairmanship, the vic,e cbaJrm•nshlp of the Industrial Relations Committee an.Ji as the Senate.'a representative on the CommJssion on tbe Status of Women. Sieroty said tbe addition~l step of cenriring Schmitz was necessary because "it's very important that the Senate make clear that this kind of statement aiiad altitude ii · u s t JlQl accept.a6Ieui 'American politics. "I don't think this is a Jewish 4ssue because in Amerrcan society we have $lrong feellnla that our country is made up of many. minorities and-that's-one or il.s great strengths, .. said Sieroty, wbo is Jewish. "To ~ to attack one or more of these minorities, to separate them out as Senator Schmitz is doing, really begins to follow the pattern that we saw In Germany (before World War II). "It's important that non.Jews who didn't recognize it ·~n Germany recognize it how as not acceptable and not being within the democratic tradition," he added. · Sieroty said be thought that Schmitz, who also drew criticism for an earlier statement that a military coup might be needed if Reagan economic progqms failed, was• trying to line up right-wing support for his U.S. Senate campaign. · 'l think he wants lo be the I e a·d er o f this extreme right·wing group that he sees emerging in this country," Sieroty said. Schmitz was not available for comment. ......... fttr'el. Wtndlfre-.CS 90 mpa at the top Of the Cleveland .Electric lllumlutina Co. buUdln• In Cl •••land , 15 mpw on a mount&ln rldae at Park City ui resort west of Salt Lake City and 80 mph lD parts of· UUnoJa and WlleODlln. ''Tbll mlaerable wt-·1 been blowing 1ince Sunday momtne.•· Caribou County Commlaaloner * * * ' FromPageA1 NORTH. • • tbe victims Included Joyce Smith, 33. of Boulder Cr~k. ltilled Monday afternoon In a mudallde; Betsr Morean, '°• killed Monday )n a mudslide eut of her Santa Cruz home Carol Seagrave, 3'4, killed wbe1 a tree fell through her house Aptos tate Monday. In Alameda County , authorities identified the dead as Clarence Hanson, 53 , of Hayward, killed Monday in a traffic accident on California 17; David Glenn, 33, of San Francisco, killed in a traffic accident Monday on Interstate 580; and Haruo To.nita, 67. of Oakland, killed in an accident in Berkeley early Monday. Identification ol ltbe other victims was belnt withheld pending notification of relaUves. .,. Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. is expected to declare a state of ~ergency in Marin County toda)', said William Ward, r~ional manager for th& state Office of Emergency Seryices in Concord. The action clears the way ror a . possible request for federal disaster relief funds lo the areas. People cried and clung to each other as they struegled cold and wet into dozens Of temporary· shelters established by rellel agencies, said Pat Agnew of the ~d Cros!> "We don't know bow many we're caring for, but at least a thousand," she said Monday night as tbe storm rose th a bowl of gale.force winds. . "I'm sure this storm will prove lo equal or exceed records for 24·bour rainfall period," said Keith Ewing, chief Corecuter for the Nation al Weather Service in San Francisco. But relief was a h ead according to the Na"tional Weather Service, which forecast that the rains would taper orr Tu esday and Wednesday, leaving showers scatter ed around Northern California. Repairs were expected to cost millions of dollars in Marin, Sonoma, Santa Cruz and other . counties in the San Francisco area, officials safd. Travel. remained difficult with many roads and bridges closed by water or mudslides, including stretches of the scenic coastal High~y 1 and Highway 101, the mal n coastal artery. · Marin officials said. more. than 25 schools would be closed. It was the fourth day of rain since New Year's Eve when an ear lier s torm strand ed thousands of skiers Rober\ Anderson aai4 II~ nl1ht after tnow blown by '5 rqpb auats cloud roads in central and southern ldaho. · In SeattJe, where anow ll rare, the steepest streets were closed Monday because of 2 lncbes of snow and a tbeet or ice. • Three tornadoes touched down koaday ln North Carolina and a nolher hit Canton, Ga., deatroyina an airplane han1ar. Doae L••nen, ao area m.,. ... of catolina Power• Ll&bt Co., eald on twister that bit Oxford, N1C. "~pllt the town rlJtal Mn the middle and cut a •wath M>o\at half a mlle w&de." No il\turlee or major dama1e were reported. ~ t lea ft eight tornadoes t011cbed down ln central and northern Alabama and rivers were n,&Mlng above flood level WAY TO GO -More than five feet of s now has fallen al higher elevations of the Lake_ Tahoe Basin and for m a~y skiing has been the only means of getting around. Reports indicate even vehicles with chains are having ~ d1ff1cult· - time maneuvering. .. :- Solidarity~ leaders -facing expulsion By Tbe Associated Preas Martial law chief Gen. Wojciech Jaruielski indicated he m ight expel Solidarity leaders from Poland and said he would "have no objection" if Western countries took them ln, diplomatic sources said today. J aruzelski, meeting with 10 Common Market ambassadors Layoffs due at Newport Ford plant Declin i ng orders f or Si dewin~er and C*pai:._ral missiles will result in the layoff of 175 production workers at Ford A erosp a ce and Communications Co rp. 's Aeronutroni c Di vision in .Newport Beach. Monday in Warsaw, did not indicale whether Solidarity leader Lech Walesa might be among those expelled. according to diplomatic sources i n Br1,1ssels, Belglµm. The source~ refused to be id~ntrried. Walesa has been under hou.se arrest since , martial law was imposed Dec. 13 and th~ indeptmdenl labor federation has been suspended. J aruzelskl also told the Common Markel envoys he was gradually r eleasing some inter"llees who had signed ··guarantees they would no longer take part in subversive activities,'' the sources said. The French news pa per Le Matin quoted a t>olish Catholic priest, identified only as a Solidarity supporter and a friend of Walesa, as saying Walesa's quarters are changed every two or three days for fear he may try to escape. The paper quoted Walesa's wj.fe as saying he was in good health but eats little beca\&Se be fears being drugged. Irvine mayor names campaign panel Louis Heilig, vice president and general manager of the division, said, ·'The Army and the Air Force don't have money to buy the missiles they want to buy. . •")'he growth that we had hoped for tn tactical and deployable forces and missiles to fill out inve ntory is not coming at the rate forecast by the Army, Navy, Air Force or Department of "Defense," Heilig said. Le Matin also sa id t he military regim e refused Walesa's conditions for talks, which include having Jailed Solidarity members and Archbishop .J.ozer Glemp, Poland's primae, attend the talks. None of the reports couJd be indepen_clently confirmed . CANDIDATE -Irvine Mayor David Sills may run for the state Senate. ' Irvine Mayor David Sills, who is considering a bid for state Senate, has hired political consultant Robert Nelson and formed a campaign committee includin_g Supervisor Tom Rilley and Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather. The Republican attorney bas said he is "strongly leaning" toward runnning .for the 36th state senatorial district seat now held by John Schmitz, who is trying to win the Republican nomination tor U.S. Senate. Sills said elected officials on bis "exploratory" campaign committee include San Juan Capistrano Mayor Pbil Schwartze, Fountain Valley Mayor Ben Nielsen, Tustin Councilman Don SaJterelli and Gary Hunt ol Corona del Mar1 vice chairman of the Jnaucura.1 Committee for President Reaean. Sills, whose Irvine City Council term doe.an't expire unW 1984, said be la hold.lne olf oo o ffi cially d ec larln• b is candidiacy Until be haa a better idea or what state Senate districts wlll be contested in the June, 1982, prim•r>:. On Friday, 100 workers will be laid off, with the balance Jeceiving their notices within the next two montJts. The popular prediction I.I that candidates will be runnlna in diltridl u they were ~mpriled before peua,. of a DemOCNtk rHpportlonment plan tba\ la · beint c hallenaed b1 the. Republicans. The 31th i tate Senatorial dMtrict ,.,.. ..... ttd by 8elmdta ltnJcMI from Seal &Heb to Oeean1ld• and teehd•• HunUa~aeb, P'oalitaln vau.,. BeHh. w.-a Beach. Coll.a 11 .... tmne lllid .. • pan al'IWUD1 . i h The Polish government has acknowledged that S,sOO Poles have been detained under martial law, but Wes tern sources say the number could be as hiRh as 50.000. Monday ln parts of Oeor1l•1 South CU'OJlna and Kentucky. Some parta of New York ttate were flooded near Lake &rte, wbicb waa pushed above flood sta1e by high wind• dunna· an lee •torm Monday. Roads In eutern and central New York were strewn with dented and abahdoned·cars Monday morning as lreeiiJlg I rain frollted roads 'Clark gets NSC post; Allen out WASHINGTON (AP ) President Reagan, opting for a national s~curlty adviser with more authority than be cave deposed Richard V. Allen, is turning lo a long.time confidante with little experience in foreign affairs. The president carried out the first major personnel shakeup of his administration Monday by naming Deputy Secretary of State William P. Clark Jr. to replace Allen, whose resignation was .. mutually agreed upon.'' At the same time, Reagans.aid Clark, 50, would be given dally access to the Oval Office, something Allen lacked . All en reported lo Reagan through presidential counselor Edwin Meese III , who coordinates domes tic and ·foreign policy. Clark, a forme r California Supre me Court justice, was Reagan's chief of staff when R eagan was governor of California and is one of the most senior m e mb ers of the president's inner circle. He began work today in the s ame White House basement office Allen used. White House spokesman Larry Speakes said Clark took pert in briefing Reagan before the president's meetrng with West German , Chancellor Helmut Schmidt. Clark later also took part in the session with Schmidt. as did Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. and the German foreign mini s ter , Han s -Dietric h Genscher. The president. in accepting Allen's resignation. said no evidence or wrongdoing had been round in Ju s tice Deportment and White House probes . From Page A1 HEALTH. • • ex.cessi ve or not permitted uncfer the 1976 indigent care contract with the university. university. Should the dispute continue, the r eport said, " ... Negotiatio n s and imple mentation of a new or s ubstantially a mended agreement is crucial not only for b o t h p a r ti e s -. b u t fo r t h e recipients of health care in the county It is not an option, but an objective that must be met before the consequences become disastrous." The Department of Health Services report was ordered prepared via language inserted in the state budget bill by Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, D·San Francisco. That language also provides the county will be denied more than $12.7 million in stale health fund s until the dis pute is resolved, or until the two parties agree on a solution . I ,.,. . .,..._ BABY GOES HOME Judith Carr holds her week-0ld daughter Elizabeth -America's first "test-tube" baby - as she leaves Norfolk General Hospital in Norfolk, Va . for home in Westminster. Mass. Boy to keep bike won with help A 12·year-old boy can keep a prize bicycle for turning in the most cans in a metal r ecycling contest, even though his father s upplied cans from the bottling plant where he works. Officials said they knew of the help Erle Dlbrlndlsl of Florence, Mass .. received before the contest ended. A motion for a new trial in the nearly nine.year-old Chad Everett paternity suit was denied, but the attorney for the child of the woman suing Everett says she sill appeal. Two month s ago , a Superior Court jury decided that Everett, 45, was not the father of the 8·year·ol<l son of actress Shella Scott -the They awarded a second bike to runn e r -up Raeb e l Burlingame, 7, of Florence. Eric's father. a Coca-Cola Bottling Co. driver. trucked three quarters of a ton of Coke cans to the contest headquarters and credited the loads to his son, contest officials said. third time a court had so ruled. Ms. Scott clajmed Everett fathered Dale Everett, now 8, on Aug. 16, 1972, when the " actor visited her in her apartment. But Everett denied under oath ever having intercourse with Ms. Scott who was an extra on TV 's ''Medical Center" series when Everett had the starring role. U'• been oearly l bl monlhl alnc• the • •Y · in Rome'• St. Peter'• Square wben AM Odre waa felled by 1unfire which also wounded Pope him Pa.a U. Since then, the 58-year-old woman bu under1one four operationa and hu qul'9 her Job in Buffalo as a receptlonlat f o r h e r son-in-law, Dr .• Tlto•H Keajaralll, because of injuries. She waa shot In the. chest In th~ attack. She kidd101Jy refer• to the scars left on her abdomen by the operations as the ''Burma Road." Lt. Col. Gary NellOll is .a fighter pilot who says "there ls nothin1 else I'd rather do." He certainly has done a lot ol it. Nelson, 41, has put in 4,tto hours flying tbe F ·4D Phantom II fighter bombel' in his 19 years of military service. That works out to half a year of non-stop, 24·hours-a-day flying. According to Lt. Kevin Crelger, a public arfairs spokesman at MacDlll Air Force Base in Florida, Nelson has flown more than any other pilot in that type of air plane. When Nelson is on the ground, he commands the 63rd Squadron, one of four• fight er sq uadron s at Mac Dill. GO·GO-GO -Astronaut Joe Engle cheers as he watches Clemson a nd Nebraska clash in the Orange Bowl in Miami. Slwwers heavy Coast~l Fut th•r e•1t, the d•1ert comm unity of P•im Sprlng1 rtm•lned Ory unllt mldnlgtll w,..n lnt,rml"'"'ll tlQflt r•lns began to tall. T .... WHI-~•u pr.olct..i cloudy 1k1u tllrougll Wednud•Y wllll .......... _., Sllowers h•••Y tonighl Gusty The mounl•ln snow 1e .. 1 wu IO;IU..rly wlncb l..S.y IS to lO mPll n~ltd to 1-r to ne•r s.ooo '"' becoming wutnly Wednesday Dy ••t• today, Dul -~·-.low Chance of r•ln decreulng to •O •• •.000 IHI -re to Qel snow Delore p.rcent Dy ~5d•y nlQlll llM!n Co.sl .. , lnl.lnd IOW\ in 40\ CoHql, Tr•vtl _,,,,..,..._,-re In df~t lor lnl•nd "'°"'In ~ W•ler SJ '°"lhtrn Mono Counly •ncl ,..., Ow~• EIMw .... re. SIYWll craft .Ovlsory V•lley, -.th of 8•1'-4v•lan< ... Point Conctphon lo Potnl Vicente w.,nlnqs -re POiied In Yosemilt •nd S.n Mkor .. 111-South-st 1b N•tionat P- M>Uttw.ast wind$ IS to 25 knoh with ----------... ~ ~.::.:.:. OCCHlon•I 1lron99r ou111. Swell becomlnq C'-Y 1 to 4 IHI R•ln .,....,,no touttM.,.d lo<ll0"1 Extended forecast °>.._C<•• • ~•n• "•"0"• O•tlu••• 8.0 -•Iller prev•lled over most o l the n•llon lod•v. with •no• eape<led In llw RoOles. IM northern Pl•lns --the Hilern Great L•l<H -RO<'lhern A-IKhl•M Only ,,.. Southe•sl could count on aunny skies. Temperatures were ns»cl..S to r each Ille 6o. from the eatrtm• Soutllffst K"'6S l,.. Gull CoHt Into por110ns of ,,,. cemrel Pl•ln1 •no ,,.. deMrt~. Very cold ~r.iure1 _,. "" IJlp tor Iha RM1hern Rockie• •nd northern Plelns •nd lht upper Mlnlul..PI V•lfey, with re.01,. In Iha 40I -90s .cr~s IN centr•I por11oM of IN nellan Into C.Jltorn.• encl In U.2111-JOlel-•. Tempet"ltl"""' •round the ,,.11.,.. Hrly todly ranveci from JI below rtro In Havre. Mom., to J• In l<ey WHl,FI•. California milIIII ~--=== COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS Thursd•y lhrougn Saturday 1M1rlly cloudy Tllur\d•Y with llrC>nQ nort,,.rly wln<ll F•lr Frld•y •nd S11urd•y H10111 TllurSO.y SI lo u In,,.., COffl•I ...... end J2 lo O In Iha ~talns A-.1 10 degreu •••mer Frld•y •nd S•turCS.y. LOW\ JS lo 0 In I .... CO••l•I ••e•s -"-llY In Ille 20s In Ille mount•lns Brownsvlle 8ufl•lo Ch.,hlnSC CllarlSlnWV Cllev•-ChlC•OO Clnclnn•ll Clev•l•nd Columbus D•l·FIWlh O.n"~' Des .VO.Ines Temperatures Albtlny All>uque Am•rlllo Anchor1gip Ashe•lllt All•nl• All•nlc Cty 8•111mon lllrmlng!Vn lllm•rcl< llolM BOiton Ill 41 .. SS 10 S6 SJ SJ n n ~1 41 S5 Detroit Oullllh El Puo F•lrt>anll• H•rtlord I.a Hele,,. lt Honolulu 10 Hovst .... •• lndn.11)11• 02 JKhnvlle 42 June•u o l<•nscnv ,. Las V~oas '2 Llttle 11«>. .. Loulsvlllt ·10 ~"'""'' JJ Ml•ml JO Mllw•ul<ee JO ,. .. u JJ n so 57 S7 '° 0 IJ 4S 11 4J 03 S2 JO a 6l J7 14 11 21 ~ 50 .. 4J IO JO .. Mpl .. St.P :M Nashvllle .. New OrlHm 4 Ne•Y0<k t• Nor1olk n Oki• City 14 Om•h• 21 CALll<ORNIA • { • ..,f, ,. S1 u SI .. SJ 20 OS 17 ~ ,. '° 21 00 19 B•k~rslltkl U 0 04 lS Blythe SI JO lt Eureka 41 41 10 0. FrHno 4t 46 I 04 U L•nuUtr 41 40 U 00 L~A~ 60 47 20 10 M••ovllle so 43 .OJ Mont.rev S9 47 2t NHdlH SS :W 22 O•kl•nd 52 - i.J Pa10 ROO!fl SI 4t S5 SO Rad llvfl ,. 3' ... 14 Rad-City Sl 4J J.03 M S.Cr•m...to 41 42 J.Q oo Salinas so 50 1.10 t1 S.n Dlaoo st SS .03 :w S.n I< r•ncl5<.o S4 46 4.31 n s.n1a l•rbar• s1 .. .tt 31 Slockloft SI 40 u Therm•• st 4.S TS Ut.i.11 46 41 n l•ntow SJ n Bio 8Hr 41 1• llsholl 31 20 . II C•IAllln• SI 46 Tiit Pacific storm b•llerlno Nortl!ern C.llfornle with fl-lnQ -r.,..-------------------rall• and 911fe..lorce winds switched .. coune ~t -,,.. Southl-• • may be "**'the datn199 -Y ""° Jet get • ttlorougl\ _. lno , TM Hall.wl WNI ...... Servkt clll •• , lb raWalt PAdktloM In haH this • r SURf RIPDRT fMntiftl, predktfno an Inell ot r•ln In Cfftlal enn -• maalmum 4 .~iii~ii:iimliiil.__, ______ ..;. __ _ ll)Cllelt11io.;.mounta1n-L I -it n But ,,..... _,_... rllO'l\llnfd In eflecl ._ ...., .. ._....,. s.• , ... ~ ___ ..._.,,. ..... ,, ..... T"• -IWfll'nMI .... of lllO HwntlfllilOn lllufls ,. ..... 14o(n ....,.,, •• ........ .. =.~Tn:'"Z J91tw llNtll ,._ Ralll.a IO mllfl north ot • hn 1.1111 Ol>l1po, 01M111I midway =~Ii = llelwttn LOI Alltetts end Sa11 BtlllM.w.dll FrMC• Rodrplle, L....- L ltllf 1ilowar1 bet a n Ill LOI SINpy Hellew ~-.._. 2 '""· MoMay ..,. T!Mli.Bf'OllU llW ..,._ .. Of 111 lllC" C1owMown SMC..._,,.. l'ler T ... y'1 A"9/Mn. 1.2 1-1 M 1-1 M ,., ,., ,., M J ·-a.. -----' . ----- A.,. ... T ..... ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. S1 S7 S7 ,. II"-• i.w. MllM '° Miits Mlt,I Tref•._. 1,. autlr .... af ._ ~ lll'Oll9M IT·Strwo • 1 ,_ ,. · •flflltlM J• S.n .. rnardlno eftd T_,_.• lion: lilllll: •:11 Pm ; Low: tl:IO p.m.; SWell dlf'ktloll: IU•'"'-' 111¥ S1• P·"'· Lli!M ,. s.ue::= .... -1e1· 1111 St Mlle S.... ~ ~ 8 t1ee•11 '-'11"11 In S.11 Ola .. '"'' OwlMll ,..~H-;i't1·-· • f'9, • '-'· Miiie ,_.,.., .-.... -· ..., ......... _, .......... Long llHCI\ SI Jt Ml Wiiton •O 2' MewPo<t 8Nch SI 41 Oftt•rle S3 :w Pa~ SS M .02 Riverside St :M san ltrMrctlno S2 31 S.n Gallflel U U S... JOM • t SJ 4J 1.1) SMllAI Ane ft Jt $enlAI ,,,..,.. S4 40 Tides TOOAY SecoM lllofl •:21 pm. I.• Se<ClftCI tew '-tt:n p,m . 1.1 Wft*HOAY Flnl"leh S:Sh.m. 6.J Finl 1-I :01 p.m. ~-' Second 11'911 7:2' p.111. a.e S11n 1111 •: U p .rn., r11a1 W~l:,.a.m. ~ .... w.or.tdty J:H e.m., rl ... l :"P·"'- We're Listening ••• Whiat do you like, lboEthe Daily Pilot? What don't you Jlke? • Call the number below d your measaae will be recorded, transcribed and delivered the appropriate editor. The same~4-hour ans 'nc service may be used to record let· ter1 lo l~ editor on any t..,.c. Mailbox contributor• must Include their name and telephone numbe.r for verlftcatlon. No circulation calla, pleue. . Tell us what's on your l\lnd. • Orange CoMt DAILY PILOTrruead1y. January s. 1982 GO BACK, OR ELSE -M9lorisls traveling northbound on Interstate 5 from Caltfornia to Oregon are being greeted by this none-too-friendly sign at the border. about 15 ........... miles south of Ashland. Ore An unidentified man puts the finishing touches to the sign, as hundreds of motorists were stranded on the route by a 'inowstorm 26 killed on New Year's weekend toll lowest in more than 20 years SACRAMENTO <APJ Twenty-six persons were killed on California roads during the New Year's weekend, the lowest total in more than 20 years. the Highway Patrol said today. The CHP originally rePortcd 27 deaths, but sp()kesman Dan Parker said that total included one person who was in an accident before the start of the holiday period. New laws toughening penalties for drunken driving took effect Jan. I, during the 31/•·day holiday period, but Parker said there is no way to tell what effect they had on drivers "Probflbly the new laws had some influence, but I'm not sure how much," Parker said. He said it would· take about a year under the new laws to tell whether they were discouraging drunken driving and reducing the number of traffic death~ Involving alcohol, about half of all fatal crashes. The holiday weekend oHicially started al 6 p.m Thursday and ended at midnight Sunday. Parker said the CHP made 1,497 arrests Cor drunken driving on t he major roads it patrols during the holiday period He said that was slightly less than expected, but more than the 1,262 arrests during the Christmas weekend. which wi:is the same length. The statewide fatality figures were the lowest in any 314-day holiday in California si nce Memorial Day 1960, and the lowes t for a New Year 's weekend of tllat length since 1959. Parker said. Last year. when th~ Ney.r Year's \\Cekend \\-as a day longe r, 72 people were killed. .Parker said. In the last 314 day New Year's, 1978, there were 47 deaths. With a below normal Christmas weekend death toll of UC I g~ts grant A $218,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Education has been awarded to UC Irvine to enhance tbe r etention and success of minority graduate students. 31, "hopefully this is the beginning of a trend," Parker said lie said there were 5,002 traff1C' deaths in California during 1981 , nearly 500 below the 1980 Iota!. The new state laws 1mp()se stifft•r penalties for drunken driving and make it more difficult to reduce the charge to a le:.:.er offense One new law makes it illegal to drive with a blood-alcohol content of 0.10 percent -about four drinks. Previously, a 0.10 percent reading only presumed dr unkenness and could be rebutted in court. The other laws increase penalties, require impoundment of cars at owners' expenae for up to 30 days and require courts to s pecify why charges are reduced or dismissed. Coastal bloodntohile sets January schedule The American Red Cross bloodmobile will be at the following locations this month for Orange Coast residents wanting to donate blood Jan 12 from 2:45 to 7:30 p.m at the Fountam'Valley Elks Lodge. 10480 Talbert Ave. For an appointment call 835-5381 Ext 315. Registration deadline set· for mo-peds Jan 1 was the deadline for reg1stcnng all mo-peds in the s t a t t' . a c c o r d 1 n g t o t h e Department of Motor Vehicles A new stale l<1w requires all mo pt•ds purchased before July I. 1981 , lo be registered for the nc\\ } l'ar Nl'w mo peds bought aft<'r that date must be reg1~tercd within five days of purchase. The one-time registration fee is $5, and owner s receive a license plate and identification card. Application for a transfer of own ership is also SS. Duplicate ID cards and license plates cost S3 each. A OMV SJ>Okesman said there is no penalty for late registration and no provision to cite owners of unregistered mo pcds, because the regis tration 1s primarily a service to mo-ped owners. J an. 18 from 2: 15 to 7 p.m. at the Community United M eth'Odist Church, 6662 Heil Ave . Huntington Beach . For an appointment call 847 ·975&. Jan. 22 from 1:45 lo 6:30 p.m at South Coast Plaza Hotel, 666 Anton Ave , Costa Mesa. For an appointment call 540·2500 Ext. 141. Jan. 25 from 11 :45 a.m. to 4 · 30 p. m. at the South County Service Center, 27324 Camino Capistrano, Laguna Niguel. For an appointment call 835-5381 Ext 315. Marine Corp8 sets auction Surplus equipment ranging from dental equipment to sleeping bags and foot lockers will be offered at an auction at Camp Pendleton Jan. 26, the Marine Corps announced. The items will be on display for inspection weekdays starting Jan. 19, from 8 a.m. lo 3 p.m., at Building 2241 , Camp PendJetoo. The sale will start al 9 a.m . Jan. 26 in the same building. Registratjon will start at 8 a.m . that day. Bidders mus t be physically prese nt and registered to bid . Items purchased may be removed on the sale da te, provided full payment is made. For further d e tails call 725·4331. f7~e • P.fm eNUu1 r;JJem ~cee{y ~ Ue rfh1tu~I r-7/uieJ anrl C?J~~nor/a Mary Barr Certtned Gemoloalst Takes pleasure in announcing the reappointment for 1982 of the following : Donna Blackman Certlrled Gemologist Rick McElvaine Certiried Gemolc)aisl These professional lilies are awarded to those setec.t jewelers who can rightfully be called experts in t heir industry. The title is given when. they have completed a formal gemological education and when they have proven their business ethics above reproach. An AGS title is an annual appointment and must be re-won ·by yearly examination . Thtse Ulle holders are on lbe ataN of ... ' CHARLES H. BARR, JEWELERS Located lri Weslcllff Plan 17th and Irvine, Newport Beadl . ~ . .. . ~--· __ .. Orange Cout DAILY PIL:OT/Tu.tday, January 5, 1882 CAPS CANAVERAL, J'la. (AP) -Ctewl wotklnc oa tbe apace lbuWe Columbia ftnllbed JolniDI lta a!Jo.llke external fuel taakl to twin aoltd·roctet boosters today aa work lll'OSl'elled to ready the craft for lta tblrd teet nJ&bt In March. ! Tit• fuel tank and boosters were United In the giant V~cle A11embly Bulldlnc at tbe ~ Space Center abortly re a.m .• aald apace-center ~•man Rocky Raab. Space center employees teturnect to work llond~, after ~aeatJc>ninf since Christmas. !'hey must also finish rebonding hundreds of the shuttle's tiles that were damaged by the beat of re-entry on the second mission ln November. lmn will ban Luxury imports BEIRUT, Lebanon <AP> Iran's Moslem fundamentalist regime announced today it would stop importing everything but food, medicine and farming and industrial materials ln an effort to save dwindling hard ~urreocy reserves. , "We have banned the import of luxury items," Iranian Labor Jifinister Ahmad Tavakoli said in remarks carried by official Radio Tehran. "We will, from 'ow on, spend our money on oec:essary goods." Bombings probed in El Salvador SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (AP) -Police sald "patrols are out in force" investigating a dozen bombings that seriously injured two people and wrecked several buildings, including two Jess than 100 feet from the U.S. EmbaAsy. The embassy was not daQlaged, but heavily armed police were dispatched to guard ~he building and the badly damaged homes or two Supreme Court justices , who escaped injury. Terrorists flee; ·sovernment hit ROME <AP> -A public outcry arose over the prison escape of four suspected left-wing terrorists and a government spokesman said 90 percent of Italy's prisons are just as vulnerable. Police sources said they had --o;<. -• .,.--- found no ft'iclmce yet to lDClieat. the da~i weH-oraanlHd ..eape y afternoOn from the WOllMD'I priaoo lD Rovi1101 lD northern Italy, wu an attempt by the Red Bria•• terrortata to divert police forces from their bunt in tbe same area for kidnapped U.S. Brl1. Gen. James Dozier. AW ACS deployed over Atlantic · NORFOLK, Va. (AP> -1be ·Navy's 2nd Fleet bas be1un uaibg A WACS, the Air Force's large radar warninc plane, to provide greater protection for , warships ln its Atlantic Ocean operating areas, tbe1 fleet commander says. • Vice Adm. James A. Lyons J r . , c.o m m a n d e r or t h e Norfolk:based 2nd Fleet, also predicted in a weekend interview that the Navy . will increase its presence in the Caribbean, sending two aircraft carriers there from time to time. · South Korean curfew lifted SEOUL, South Korea (AP> - The newly reshuffled Cabinet lifted a curfew that bas existed since the end of World War II today, a reform widely bailed by many South Koreans. "The government bas amply demonstrated its determination in action to set the national life. on a course of liberalization, wiping out restrictive vestiges of the past," t he independent Korea Times said. Delay on Nixon I.apes targeted WASHINGTON <AP> -The archivist of the United States said Monday that ways would be found to prevent a delay in the release of Richard M. Nixon's still-secret White House tape recordings and papers dealing with "presidential abuses of power." Despite plans calling fbr laying off 12 ol t.be 31 people listening to tb"e tapes and cataloging t h e materials, arcbiviSt Robert N. Warner said be would ~·r eview other programs to find qualified persons who could carry on this work that is or such importance and such interest to the people." .~ ........ FUN IN THE SNOW -Snowfall may have caused problems for many Milwaukee area residents but Eric Olson got in a lot of sledding in Cedarburg, Wis. He waits for light to change to green before heading to a favorite hill. Olson and other children got an extended Ctiristmas vacation when over a foot of snow fell Monday . Carmichael funeral turns into_songf est BLOOMINGTON, Ind. CAP> - They played his music, sang his s wing-era songs and quoted Hoagy Carmichael. The Hoosier-born songwriter's final r ites Monday afternoon were more or a concert than a funeral. Born Hoag I and Howard Carmichael Nov. 22, 1899, in Bloomington, th• composer or 135 songs died Dec.~ at Rancho Mirage, Calif., where be lived. The service was postponed more than a week so it could be held at bis alma mater in the room named for him on the Indiana University campus. After. the servtce, be was burled next to his parents in Rose Hill Cemetery. About 400 people came lo Carmichael's funeral .in the grand foyer of the university's Musical Arts Center . Nearly 100 people stood for the 90-minute ser vice for the 1926 IU Law School graduate who donated $100,000 to the center. At the start or the service, six music professors played such Carmichael classics as "Heart and Soul," putting more smiles than tears on the faces in the c rowd. They also played a special piece, "Serenade for Gabriel," written by Carmichael for his own funeral. • President Reagan a nd his wife, Nancy, sent flowers. "BARE TRAPS" -PMhlon Boota" g;~· !/~ JV~" ""4- o...-....... Oii -..,.. -II••• '" ••ocll b<4IN v ...... Oii One ol 0111 To, Fuhlo• lhtt1ch .,WEST' ' Sew .. °" T...S. 11-F ........ llitm ~..,.. 2odlec 9 w-. : . A ...... ••l«llOfl ._ ....... Qold o.....,tw. CMlllll flelt lntroduotorv • Offer · $17.0b Aeg. •50.oO Cartton Half CAU. llOLY 971·1111 N.,W YORK (AP) -Tbetr pladel.W etn"y, the natba'a alrllua have turned to a confualbl eo~blnaUon of fare lncreuei and prtce wars, aloq will\, IDHDttve, ranslns from tree c~ Green Stamps. Alrtina,~dala aay they hope atablU~ wUf prevail in the lndua~ Ip UIZ, but there wu little' lacllcation of lt on the year'a.-firat bualneas day, Monday' 1 • 'J '>ve never 1een such Joekeyinc over fares," United " ·.must be the end ·of ~ the gimmicks.'' . . I AlrHnes apokesman Chuck Novak~~· · In :~ the American airline lnduatryrjost $225 million, the targestdo6a in history, according to Bill 11ackman. of the Alr Transport Association of America,... and "1981 is going to come in• close second." He said the ATA jexpected the major carrier's 1osses will be about $200 miUton for 1981 's last quarter. 'filer three break-even quarters,· Air Florida, in a Cirst lot the airline •inil:f.uatry, said it would offer pasee.ngers free Sperry and Hutcblnsqn Green Stamps for ticket purchases on flights within Florida. Discount fares and hotel packages. "are not enough for Air FloricJla," it said. Effective Jan. 11'1 Air Florida said P•NeDI~· get a certillcate wQr.tb stamps for travel within n · . Spokes en for the larger alrllnes prea"Md amusement at Alr Tiorida's Green Stamp offer. "I thinJC\bat muat be the end of the 1gi/nmicks, •• said David · Lo~b , a spokesman for Adrican Airlines. "I hope this "tear the ibduStry will retU:rn to normalcy," But LOi conceded that 1982 did oat s m to be departing from the rice wars or 1981, when t a irlines were ~eyutated by reduced traffic, biper fuel prices and cut~ from the air traffic controHers •trike.· ou.:. •!~Unes said th.y ]>lanned ~O one-way fare Increases · week, but only on aelecte4 outes. The fierce competition on New York-to-Florida runs showed no sign of abating, with fares reaching as low as $89 one-way between Newark, N .J ., and Florida. "Fares bave sone up and down like a yo-yo;• aald David Venz, di.rector of pubUe affaln from Trana World AlrUoea, whlct\ said It will cut transcontlneotal fare• effective Jan. 22. TWA, aJo0. with the -fare from Newark, ako planned to offer a traveling tam.Uy free use of a rental car for four daya. In addition , It reduced croaa-country fares u ·much aa 41 percent on "Super Saver" Ucketa wbleb must be boupt 1' days in advance. Fares between the Eut and West coasts were. reduced to $158, from a normal coaeh fare of *800. 0th.er cross-country carriers said lbey were studying TWA's move. ~ The major airlines hope the $10 Increases will produce more revenue without discouraging travel. The Florida price war ref.lecta a low level of reaervaUoo.s at what is usually a peak tr•vel period from the snowy North to the balmy South. American said lt will raise its rares along with the other lines except on routes where it competes with Braniff International, which has not raised fares. Delta Air Lines also said it will impose a gener-1 increase, but with many exceptions. Eastern said it will generally ralse fares $10, or $16 on some roundtrip tickets, but not in either its Florida service or its s huttle servicu between New York, WasbinRton and Boston. T-bill yield takes/all .. WASHINGTON (AP> -Yields on s h ort -term Treasury securities have fallen, breaking the upward trend of the previous four weeks, officials said. • About $4.9 billion in six-month bills were sold Monday at an average discount rate of 12.282 percent, down from the 12.448 percent of one week earlier . Jr The government also sold about $4.9. billion in three-month bills at an average rate of 11.658 percent, off the 11.69 percent of last week. The yields were the lowest ·since the Dec. 21 levels of 11.838 percent for six·monlh bills and 11.037 percent for three-month bills. Beginning today, banks and savings and loans may pay as much as 12.532 percent interest on six-month money market certificates. • COLLECTORS > c 20% OFF our regula low prices on jewelry in stock and ordered. Coins not included • 0 R ·------- . . Or•no-Cout DAILY PILOT(Tueeday, January 5, 1982 ,, H/F Aa Douglas denies jet/law ~I P.anel votes to re~ire UC prof essOTi~ to name Jniuate ties LOS ANGELES (AP) - McDoMell Dou1laa Corp. bu denied the posaiblllty of a dealsrf flaw in the DC-10 Jet but confirmed that the company will SACRAMENTO CAP) -Over Unheralty of CatUoraia proteau, a state commluioll ba,a voted to require UC reaeareben to cllacloae flnanolal u.. to private companies tbat 1ubeldbe their research. A S-2 vote MOQday ot the Fair PoUUcal Practlce1 Commlulon wa1 prompted by publicity about 1enetlc ~ companies formed by 1tati-pald UC teachers who made uae of university research they bad conducted into &ene·•Plltttnc. The regulation waa relatively modest, excluding · 1overnment-funded research, which makes up the vast majority of the rese arch projects at the elite univenity. But UC officials said any state re1ulatioo threatened academic freedom. Disclosure "will be uaed aa a tool by those people who want to harass and intimidate professors wbo are doing research that they don't like," aaid university lawyer Gary Morriaoo. He likened criticism of UC researchen for their financial ties to attacks on professors in the 1950s for their alleged subversive connections. But California Rural Legal Assistance, which has represented farm workers in a series of legal actions against the university, said academic Physician 'testifies ill .,-a11rder trial • SANTA BARBARA (AP)·- Frederick G. Roehler was not suffering from hypothermia when be was checked at a hospital after the drowning of his wife and 1tepson a year aco off Santa Cruz Island, a doctor testified Monday. That opinion, which contradicted defens ~ statements, was beard al' prosecution testimony contlnued in tbe trial of the Malibu man charged with murdering his wife, Verna-Jo Johnson Roehler, 36, and s tepson, Douclas Jobnson, 8, ln order to collect $700,000 in life insurance. The trial resumed Monday after an 11-day holiday recess and came just about a year after both died in what originally was reported as a boating accident Jan. 2, 1981. • freedom la not promoted by secrecy. ••lJy 1ettin& a little l,ll.bt lDto the ivory tower, tbe, puW!c can be . . . better aalur'd tbai tax-financed Naearcb 4'ffo"rta are In the P\lbUc ra~r ~ priv•te Interest," CRLA. h•-xer Al Meyerhoff said ld a statement. The comml.as1on la •~\leduled to Vote OD a fin.i form of the new rules around llarcb;' If it follows Monday'• vote, it will subject some university teacben for ~be first ttlme to discloeure standards that· app.ly to government offlc\•1• in California. ' The standards, part. of the post-Watergate Political Reform Act adopted by state voters in 1974, require officials to make public their financial jnteresta that could affect decislops they make for government. UC officials sued unsuccessfully to exempt themselves from the l•w but persuaded the FPPC, in approving rules for university disclosure in 1977, to exclude teachers and researcbeta 90 the grounds that their decisions w e-r e a c a d e m l c: , •n o t governmental. ' But recent revelations about the financial tnvo1veinent of teache~ ln companies r~lated to their research fields bolstered a CRLA campaign to let the TRIAL RESUMES -The trial of Frederick Georg~ Roehler II, 38, charged with killing his wife a nd s t epson . resumed Monday. commiulon to recOD1lder tM uemp&o. ''They hav~ not taken ean ot their own hOUle and .._..., DO reuoo to think they will clO IO ta the future," said Meyerlloft. Last fall, after th• PPPC decided to recontlder the ilaue, UC Pre1ident D•vld Suoa's aclmlniltratlon adppt.ed ita OWD dl1cloaure policy, aayla1 ·it would require reaeareben to make public any "1lddal Ues to private sponaora of reaearcb projects. "We have dealt with tbe primary area ot concern to ~ commtaaion," UC Academic Vice President William Fruer declared llondl&'. He said the univenlty feared that any state re1ulations "could lead to Interfere nce in research decisions.'· But FPPC Chalrman Tom · Houston, an appointee of Gov. Edmund Brown Jr., said the requirements bad to be-.part of state taw ao that the commission c-0ulden{orce them. Trying to calm university fears, Houston accepted a UC proposal limiting d1aclosure to chief researchers on privately funded research who have financial intereSts or consulting contracts with the company sponsoring the research. According to an FPPC report, just over 2 percent of UC research is privately funded. .~ ........... DERAILED -The San Francisco Zephyr. an Amtrak passenger train, stands off the tracks as workmen repair rails at San Pablo. Calif., following a derailment Monday which injured 13 persons. Investigators tentatively blamed a soggy railroad bed. weakened by heavy rams. for the accident meet with DC-10 operators to discuaa a recent aborted takeoff in Mlami. -1 /-. "There ls not a deal1n fiaw ti 11 the DC-10 slat ay1tem. There if not a problem with tbe alata, 'I company spokeswoman Elayne Bendel said Monday. / \ She said she "wouldn't bav.- a.ny information" on a 1tatemen1 ln the trade maculne Bualnea Insurance by an unnatned Federal Aviation Admiulltratloq· official who said, "We know they have some redesign in hand." I I Th~ magulne sald MondaY. the Jan. 14 meeting in Lon~ Beach was called to "discuu problems" with the aircraft'• slats, devices on the wlnp that. increase lift during takeoff and landing. Ms . Bendel said the meeting will focus on results of al\ investl ation of a Se_pt. 2~ mcident ID Miami, in which ad engine disintegrated as an Ail. Florida DC-10 was taking off. 1 She said it was a "very rare'' type of engine failure that thre~ c hunks of metal into ari hydraulic line associated with the slats. · > The pilot was able to stop tht plane before it left. the groundl There were no Injuries. The FAA and McDonnell Douglas have been studying the slat system sine~ the Miami incident, the magazine said. l Rains limit crowd at Capitol ceremony Structure reopens, capping.$68 million restora~ion that took 6 years SACRAMENTO <AP) -Amio the blare of foot-stompioe music. California's eJeami.ngly refurbished Capitol has opened for business, capping a lavish $68 million restoration that took six ye,ars. "It's the most sienificant physical structure in existence in the state of California," declared Assembly Speaker WUlle Brown. "In my opinion, it's the eighth wonder of the world." Yule tree blaze kills boy, 7 ARCADIA <AP> -The efforts of four men were too late to save little Robert Jenkins from the Christmas tree blaze that gutted his home Mond ay, but firefighters credit~ the four with saving his mother and Si.Ster. " John K insey and J oe Eberhardt, both 17 and both from Arcadia, were having dinner about 6:30 p.m. at the El Loco taco stand next to Allison Jenkins' apartment when they beard the 23-year-old woman scream, "Help me somebody! My son~ dying downstairs!" · Cell 'switchr' •aid identified LOS ANGELES CAP> Stanford scientists said they hav e, for the first time, asse mbl e d outs ide a cell everything bacterial DNA needs to reproduce itself and have s witched on the ~ystem of gene replication in a test tube. The work is a major first step toward finally identifying "some of the factors that either turn the switch on or keep it turned off," Nobel laureate Arthur Kornberg said Monday in a telephone interview Brown names press secretary SACRAMENTO <AP> -Gov. Edmund Brown Jr . has appointed his fifth press secretary, Ri chard Steffen, a former reparter who followed his boss. B.T. Collins, into Brown's office. Steffen, 35, who has been Brown's deputy executiv• 'secretary since October, wa• named Monday to succeed Carl Beauchamp, who resigned last fall. I Ticket gift violation probed LOS ANGELES CAP> -A s tate attorney general's investigation will determine whether Santa Monica's mayo~ a nd a c ity planning commissioner lose their jobs fon accepting free airplane tictetS in violation o f California's constitution. • 111tb Coast-Plaza VII-lase--- ~- iaali~ed engraving te you wait. -'Y Glass & Orystal :you need to visit. ~ selection will mpress you! /I isit Our Unique Stores ~ncl Take Advantage Of The Great Reductions At These And Other Participating Stores! Sunflower and Bear Streets S'anta Ana, CA 92704 _ _,,,.....,,..._.._.rrrl'!..,.,.......,,,,..... ............. rnl"l'ln (714) 751-8595 I t Oae of Oran•e 'C;~tY'I'. lanaest rwmtna cnmVia.tt~ eame to• abrupt fitit llondiy when ~vleted killer = Sdward Crane unexpect y .. eadecl l\lilty to firat murder ebartes for the •botcun 1laylo1 of an ex-convict in Runttnctoo Beach four years 110. Crane, 32, a reputed leader ot die Aryan Brotherhood priMn una. entered bis surpriae plea before Oran1e County Superior Court Judge James K. Turner, . bq~edlattly ~otencecl blm o Ult i~rllOIUIHDt wit.bout poaalblllty ot parole. The. change in plea from tuoceet to lullty in tba llaytq 4f Keanetb Wayne Cochran. 29, wboae body was found at Bolla Chlea St.ate Beach, apparently resulted from information that a one-tlme crime .Partner of Crane's was set to testify •lain.st him. Accordln8 to defense lawyer James Bruatman, the ~al witoea,. identified as David Owens of Loni Beach, had a~oken wlth CraH on the December, 1m, evenlftl that Cochran wu kUltd. • Ow• ii cur~y an lnmate at a federal pi'tlOn ,Jn Marion, Ill., wllere be WU isegt afttll' beln• convicted · 9f robbinl a baoli in the San Feraando Valley in U17. Crane was also. eonvicted in that robbery' of a Bank ol America branch. Crane's cbanee ha plea, tbouP' unexpected, meant thit be no. longer faced the possibi\4t.r of b•IAI ielat to Saa Quentin's DeaU...-ltbw lf cOQvtcted by a J~)' la CDebran'a llaylng. Tbe former prison parolee, 1'bOH caart 'appearances were alwa11 cbarae,terhed by ~14.remely tl1bt courtroom security, bad previously been convicrte4 in the early t978. slayinl ~ Huntlniton Harbour · jeweler Wayne Golln. Crane wu given a life sentence without possitiillly of parole in that cue also. Durinc that tr:ia~.. it wa• I· Huntington l,jpins oil pro(est I ' ' "" City to. add voice to Newport Bttcth'h, Laguna Beach on offshor~es -. '\ • • m•nY bf them ri1bl now," 8y PATRICK KENNEDY ., .. ..., ........ Huntington Beach City Council members have indicated they'll join olftdals in Newport Beach llld Lquna Beach to protest the federal proposal lo sell new offshore oil leases. Councilwoman Ruth Balley said she is eoocerned that more clrillin8 platforms off the city's cout would Increase the chance ol an oil spill and would harm coastal scenery. Three of the other six councit members at the Monday meeting agreed that more platforms offshore· ~ould be detrftneotal to the dty~· • There are foor drilllng platforms now in waters off the city's coast -two in state waters within three _ !J?iles of shore and the othtn lllJ federal waters about nine miles off the coast. This month, the federal Department of the Interior is expected lo propose additional lease sales off the California · Coast. Once that prodosal ls r alley box to_uChes off $23,00<>-lilaze A 3·year-0ld Fountain Valley boy playing with ~ ·ci1aretle lighter touched off a fire that . 2 robberies . : . . probed in ·Huntington cauUcl $23,000 worth or d1tmage to bis fanuly's, condominium, fire oltlcials said today. .. Fountain Valley Fire Batta.lion CbJef Paul SCJmmers a~ld 15 firefi1htere from Foaatain Valley, Huntington Bead»_ and Santa Ana quickly 6'ctin;bisbed the noon fire at a two-story home at 15988 Rocky Court. An acljoibing condomltlium at 15974 Rocky Court alao wu damaced in the blue. he aald. officially made, ..city and Kat. o(fjcials will have 60 day& to appeal. The mayors of Newport and Laguna say their eltles ~ the proposed lease sales laflelY beeause or the possjtMlily fl ... oil spill. There aren't any platforma olf the coast or Newport or L~. The platforms in t•~eral waters off the coa'ft 'of Huou.n,too Beac'1 ate tbe only drilling rigs in fedetal waten south of San Pedro, say city officials. There also are five other federal oil tracts otf the coast ol Huntington Beach that were leased in the 1980&. but have not _been (eveloped yet. Mrs. Finley said Monday that if Hunlillgton Beach .. il the only Oraoae Coast city not to protest further federal oU leases, then "there is a possibility that by default we'll get a great deal of oll activity that could be detrimental." She said she'll r~DUQend filing some 'form of appeal to federal a uthorities after the lease proposal is officially made later this month. Councilman John Thomas said he foresees "a monster created in Huhtinttoo BeacJi by more oil platforms. I can't support too CouncUpian Bob Mt.ladle agre!d. QUOHl members Ron Ptt~. Don MacAlll'ater and l a.ak Kelly to~k a more· lllOdent.e approach and aaid lb-* th• eity should tend a letter • :to fede{al official. r~ueating '1uarantees thlt fulur~ oil operatiooa will be as c1ean and 11afe as possible. "Some things are out or the control or the city or Huntlugt.oo Beach and this oil platform thing is one of them_." aaid Kelly. He added, however, that be supports writing a letter ~ federal authorities asking them to "please be careful when they put their oil plalfoTms 1>at there." Councilman Patllnson said additional platforms wouldn't affect the city becauae they are clean operations and only vlsi from shore on extremely cle days. "The way we're talking it • seems you think you'll be able to walk from platform to platform," Pattinson told the council. "That's ridiculous." P a,tijnson ~aid the country needs oil and that offshore drilling provides it. 1 • ....,._aym.g alle1ed that Crane was plannlnl a aeries or armed robberies in the Orange County-Los Angeles County areas and that he killed Cochran, a San Jose resident, because of his reputation as an informer. Cochran's body was found dumped along the beach with wounds in both bl.s kneecap and jn bis back1 an execution method favorea by the white supremacist Aryan Brotherhood organization, the prosecutor said. .. Golln, a 41-year-0ld father two, we.Ji sbot to death dwina . holdup at his jewelry store Seal Beach ln JaD\lary, lt7f afte r he pulled a gun fro · beneath a counter. • Crane's four years in Oranf County Jail were among th most spent by any ln:mate _.t th r acil ily. according to sheriff' lQvestigators. His case had been delay three times by the CaUfomJ Supreme Court on lega technicalities. · • OIL SPILL F~ftS -Huntington Beach City Council members say they'll oppose any more oil leases off the city'~ coastline.because of fears of a spill. Platform Ellen; located 9 miles ofC!hore, is one of four rigs presentl}! operating off city's coast. Huntingt.oq Beach police ~ investigating two ·robberies that took place at local businesSes durine the past two days. At 2:40 p.m. Monday, a man who Uilicated he bad a gun in bis pocket robbed Huntington Savings and Loan, 6967 Warner Ave., oft880, police said. No IJ\juries were reported In the incident. Swbmen said the 3-year-okt w as playing with a lighter when he tgnlted a sofa rn an uJista[n den. Seized boat pot case 'mother ship'? wp,n the fire tMgan spreading lhroush the second floor, the boy'1 baby sitter quickly toot him outside and summoned firef°llbters, Summers s~d. Ship taken off coast of Malibu in Huntington Harbour marijuana case In an unr,lated incident Sunday night, two men anded wltb a revolver and a knife robbed tbe Pina Hut, 17342 Beach Blvd., of $248, police said. No iltjuries were reported in either incident. ' The condominium ts owned by Steven GreMal. The names or the boy and his baby sitter were not immediately available. A 67·foot fishing boat seized off tbe coast or Malibu was described by U.S. Coast Guard offi.clals as the suspected "mother ship" in a marijuana smuggling operation that allegedly unloaded SlS million worth of pot at Huntington Harbour. The crew of the Coast Guard cutter Point Bridge and two Los Angeles police officers boarded the shrimp boat Sunburst at about 9:45 p.m. Monday as It lay spins revOlviµg door RICKY TICKY POlJTIX: Our esteemed governor, Jerry Brown, has now managed lo put all or the political pundits and observers back in the . revolving door once more. This time, Governor Moonbeam did it with a sort of summing up of his administration, as he girds for the U.S. Senate race that he hopes Will paddle him right to the Potomac. So get this : Brown allows now that his administration has done much to follow the policies of Ronald Reagan when Reagan was governor of California. Oh suret .• Jerry says, he' Maped a lot of ire on · Reagan's Cauromia adminiltration in the campaign that placed Jerry in Uae govetnotship ln 1974 . .B~t; what the heck, that's just electioneering. -.. ' TOD.\Yt BROWN SAYS rnu~h that Reagan did in California was sound, ln setting what Brown calls .. an er.a of limits'' A>r govemm,nt in our OORlen State. 1 • Why, you listen t() Govemor Moonbeam and you'd guess be OO.o't bold any erudae ._t alJ over the fact that it was Mr. Jteagan wl\O knocked his own daddy, Pat, ou\ of the aovernor's chm . , Bygones are byro4es in poliUcs, by golly. 1 So today, Gq.v. Jerry Brown IOUDds a lot m'ir( Governor BeUaft~an he "°'9-Gov. Pat B~. u Jerry BroW:.·t:i' \\Po \tlth this "WddY.·buddy : approach . to the f Catifomia admtnnb .,,.., ~ Reagan, the next UMI YoU know, Jerry will be donnlnl a •lO·l•llon ~boy bat, pulUnf on cowboy boota and oJd faded blue Jeans, and 1ettlnl out there on a randl to chop wood over the weekenda. at anchor a quarter -mile off Paradiae C-Ove near Malibu Pier, Coast Guard Chief Peter Allen said. A Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy spotted the ship from shore earlier Monday. Allen said a feder al warrant had been issued for its seizure. "Thal particular ship was the one we were looking for," be said. . On Sunday. authorities selted four 24 ·fool c ruisers and Colombian marijuana valued al Sl5 million during a raid at a Los Angeles warehouse. Six COiombians and three U.S. citizens were arrested in what offi cials d escribed a s a "significant dent" in Southern California drug s muggling. Officia l s b e li e ve the marijuana was packed on a ship in Colombia and transferred to smaller boats off the California coa st. The s maller cruisers came in at Huntington Harbour and were loaded on trailers with the drugs still aboard al a dock on Warner Avenue east 01 Pacific Coa s t Hlgh'tiay , authorities said. OncE: al the warehouse. the m~ir)~'!na was purportedly loaded into vans for dislributlonj oftlcials said. Allen said the Sunburst 's lone o c c u pant s u r r e n d 'e red peacefull y . Planners approve ~rsh plan changes Modifications for development pl ans for the Bola a Chica marshlands. calling for preservation or at least 800 acres of the marsh, were endorsed Monday by the Oranee County Plalllili)g Commission. ' Bank bandit gets 81,415 'I I inFVheist Th e e ndors ement wa: required after the Coun~y Bo or Supervisors voted. on Dec. 1 to approve the de velopme plans, but with some smal: ct\anges. A c cbrding to s tale law. planning commissions mu ratify all modWcations 'to su plans. One or those modificatio was to ensure that at least 600 acres wowd be preserved Former plans Include- provisions for preservation on1 if economically possible. The plan of Signal Landmat Inc . is to develop th marshlands and .bluff~ to -crea a botel. marina, restauranta s, too homes while restorinl m.arsh. Representatives of Amlgoa Bolu Chica told the plam1W11t• commiaaion, however, that plan sun would be too amt;M for the sensitive 1,200 acres tow lands. lo a statement from PN!llde .. Peter G""'1, the Amiaoa that the atate Department Flab and Game bu r·eet...:• Identified 852 acru ''extre1nely producth weUudl" In tb.• marabl Hetlll1llMADJplaodiaat r•ltwe "-''*" eventuallJ be iacoHistnt wlUa t ~ al Aet.. '· ' -:1:;-.;~n-~~' "See what you do to me? I think my skis are on upside-down.." · ·HOIOSCOPf :' BYSID'NEY OMARA I Sagittari.'1s: t Watch diet ' l . \\'ednesday,Jan.6 ARIES C March 21-April 19 l: New enterprise leads to profit -shale off fears, inhibit·ions . You 'll receive direct proof of your own worth. TAURUS (A pril 20 -May 20 >: Circun;istances fa vor your efforts - timing, judgme nt and intuition are on target. , GEMINI C Ma y 2l ·June 20 l : Look behind scenes for answers . Element of luck rides with you -important contacts result from social affair. CANCER <June 21-July 221: Some of your aspirations are closer to fulfillment than originally a nti c ipat~Q. Surprises dominate. · . .. LEO C July 23-AUJi. 221 : Delir1eale trends , s ubtle clues someone is tr ying to tell you something. Emphasis on prestige. Authority, ability to read between lines. . . ··-... -.. ---- VIRGO (Aug . 23-Sept. 22 >: V ~e not a.r.-ar& of aij f•s r.:-~Of\q coul change trands 'in un-0fftci~) manner. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22>: By waiting, you gain advantage. Decisions connected with loans, interest rates and investments require review. SCORPIO < Oct. 23•Nov . 21 l : Exchange of ideas. goods. products will be featured. Emphasis also on public response to efforts , contracts, partners hips and marital status. SAGITTARIUS <Nov . 22 -Dec. 21 >: Assignment is completed basic chores are attended to in effective m anner . Check for medical-dental appointments and keep resolutions 'concerning diet. nutrition. Aries. Leo. Libra persons pla~ siJrn·firant roles. CAPRlcOR N <Dec. 22·Jan. 19 l \-ood luna r aspect coincides now with cre:.ilt\ 11'. cha nge. vatj.ety, new starts an<' nn.;~i I romantic liaison ' AQUARIUS <Jan. 20-Feb. 18>: Accent on t e rrito r y, se curity , domes ti c environment. Follow through on hunch: you regain sense of direction. PISCES <Fe b . 19 -March 2p 1: Co mmunications come from many directions. sources . You 'll b~ active. ener gy level wi ll be high, intellectual curiosity w~ll be st imulated. .. r¥.fll~S, jo!>S eOU:icidence? \~. H~J.lo :,Att~. Andrew D'AnneoJorwards ~ U'Orlt ,page of the Weekly Calistoa.a.J;\. w cti1 telf tt1res a ,photo of a lad named D~fl9~lr\dl~,hurst at the Calistoga fa1rfr..<> <ls. Even the late w.c. Fields cou d n t h av~ devised a name as hQl'}O~ftbJe as Deflo Swindlehurst , who appear~ t'to be an excellent, clear-eyed chap. , , ' ').l ~arin ~enter. \t Is possible to pro~ure ,a·,marriage license from a clerk named May Day Card. Does this ma ke your other otherwise drab day? It made Al Prps,B'., .. Jphn D.eCock di&covers that ~udy ~tAAJe-Smilh sells office supplies for Schwabf\cher-Fr~y . Right. John Decock. ' · .. ~9k~. N~~S IN a moment: I don't koow. ~ether ,at was ·a landmark. but it f'•ff12B.Ue , eyen in this town, a nd now it's gone. -_rpa( would be The Trapp, the gay black bar on Eddy nr. Mason, which has been raz~~ to clear the way for a l ,OOQ-roqJll Ramad a Inn, opening in '84. The .,R,piadans were not interested in preservwg The Trapp or even creating a - Topp 'o µte 'l'rapp. PRl!S51NG ON: If you're looki.qg for an ex~iling elevator ride, Laurie C,fane . recomrhends the lift to the left in Embarc,adero I. which goes first to a spot bet.ween' the first floor and the basement. where the door opens on a blank wall, and then rooms ponstop to the 29th floor. Like somethlhg out of ··Alien". . . This is 1982: The secretary got two weeks' pay and a dismislsal notice. The lawyer got a year-ertd' bonus. Thal 's what happened in that big law office near. the Pyramid after The Bosses found out he and she were sleeping together. ' . slTELUTEM; Stev"e SChwarfz nips us to a bqok with an intriguing title: "Guide to ,Ha,ardous Bars.·· Unfortunately or otherwise, it 's publis hed by the Coast Guard and covers the coasts of Oregon and Washington. Here. you cruise at your own risk. '/HEY," KIP Theriot says to me. "i!IVer"JtbiJ'W you ·he1ve written about Chico is true: I wenl into an eating place there and the menu said 'Root Beer Float - Ingre dients Vanilla I ce Cream and 7-Up' ·· ... However ~ Talk about class -a group from Chico State left for two wks . of s kiing at· Cham<?nix in the French Alps, and lbok a long' copious qua ntities of f roma~ de Chico ··Depending on the response to our age·dated sliced Velveeta. we will shorten or extend our stay.·· says Dean Ralph Meuter. "H there is any good cheese in France we may bring some back to Chico. but frankly. l am skeptical." EVERYBODY LOVES an "Awww" story : Standing with her three-yr-old grandS(>tl, Covey. as the first star appeared the otAter evening, Marietta Lindner of Redwood City intoned "Star Light. star brigbt," etc .. and then asked: "What did you wish for?.. "More stars... replied CQvey ... Well . Maybe not EVERYBODY loves an "Awww" story. POTSHOTS BY ASH(EIGH BRILLIANT FOR ME, EVER~ DAY lS A TURNING POINT: l~AT'S WHY MY couR'sE' 15 .$p . ERRATIC . F acf~I°"iiC ptJ~fW .~. t • j \; .... • • TRIO IHARES llATH DATE -New Year's Day not only ts w hoUday-'cetebratl9n in Roger an-a-sany.Palmer s Las Vegas home. it now is a time for a triple birthday celebration. Tf(f any1 at left., WJlJ the flrstchild born in as Vegas in l98Land~ber broUier Scott-repeated the accomplishment exactly one year later. Roger was born on J an. 1. 1949. Crack into a plate of hot, steaming crab legs. Try a generous serving of our new spiced cold boiled shrimp. Or our famous Popcorn·!> shrimp. And then d o it again! It's all you can eat. Every day of the week. Each special is served with your choice of a crisp tossed salad or cole slaw. oaked potato or rice pilaf, and another favorite. sourdough bread. All }'OU can eat. All week long. Alaskan SnowCrabLegs All you can eat .............. ~11.95 $%::~~~.a:e:'m . .:~ .,, .. T, I -... -.-.. -~,-.-.---.---,-.--.. mean safler -terrible llbootliat and • JOfll_ Hf Al Jll .... :::~~~:~t~~~b:.:;;:,e4_1;!!!~··--··r·'" ~~-~pA. ~ER J:·STEINCAOHN J • PopcontSbrimp . ' · All you can eat ... , ............ 17.50 almost •bearable. . • · ·r. . l• the be.._..I I'd tre-1 •Y-telf with · .----.... ~----. -. --- qplrla. 1M1t """"IM e(f"*' be1-.n .~,.,,ar becomes'tneffective. off, ~.,deddecl to vial& my .~. ,,.. .bas I ·t · 11 d t lb b dlaf809ed my coadltlon -,a triiemtaal n1 aa Y, oc ors prescr e sue nearal&la , s ometimes called Uc med.\~:ttions as carbamazeptne or .._~ pHt!hYfOl'I" tbliurrt. Relief usually follows, • ..._ • .: d ~i.• • b\)f·tf<UM-ei1are,tohl"la1nts like ttrowslness lrf pat JDe on .pate -...d I . ., 1.e• , ~er •l&-eka Hd ' ,~,t , 1 0 ttdd' tigtitflelRlednesit'"bnd other side effects severe. He teO. me UR ....., &a a -and return of pain -operation' may be at11t.bon oae and may tut for some time. necess~to contn;>l th pain. c.,. y 1 09 ezplala? •·A~ o~ g to a report by Drs. Rand ' ... "' J Voottlf 'and Ru~el E . Patterson of the -; ~, ' Depart~t ot Neul'G&urgery, The New tnµR MR$. "J.: ,A\ ~)rlar ~in. tn !,ol'k tlbep~al,~COmell 1.Medlcal Center, patients who are ~Oiind :iu.' -rft"f"'..,,tns l'l'.'V .• '29-·of 32 p$tients who underwent a occur along the course Of the trigemtnal sur«ttal-p~dcedute called mtcroeur•lcal (5th ) cranial ne,ve. Often they are detolfis>\tei•\an bad 'good to excellent . ~e\~ i: :a:r:: -~~~ ~~: w~~er ~~s.ultsjq:a~ b •I .. A~ of aympCO• <~Y rn•Y '·OP~~,... . ..._,....._.. .. ,•" lutrorw-.or~moom.:1.n.-t·caaa .we =~-,:"~,;:£:&=~~~ do not bow Ill o....-~ ~~ma fOllr 91111t1,~~ • ,,.._.,,,.,, .Mae, Pp. of f ~cl*1 p&lji. 11.j' Id ·ydQ? ··~iM:· aspirin Bos UID, Co.tO Jr.~; eodf ...... ~ ~ • New Spiced Cold Boiled Shrimp All you can eat ............. ~8.95 aea~ IU the seai>od kM!r In yw: 7801'!eid\ 81ttf., BueNI Pirie, 99+1241 16811 Beach Blvd., Hundng1on Beach, 848-1956 h:JO a.m. -10:00 p m. Sun.·Thurs. 11:30 a.m.-11:00 p.m. Fri. &. Sat . .. 1 :I I I . . In the America.a p antheon of Hcroea11et vaJuu, amaJl business r1Dq \IP tlMn with Mom and appk ple. We 're oatuaUy naplctoua or h r fe organb:aUons. Wt have laws on the booki to proteet 1mall companlet from belnC run over by mon.ater corporatlona . We have a Small Buslnen Administration to help amall complDlts 1et lbe nnanclna they need. Glveo that parUallly, there'• an lnteresttnl confrontation shaping up this year between small business and bl1 universities. At issue ls tbia qt.leaUon: Who should carry out the bulc research funded by the federal goverrunent1 Many people feel that small companies are better than large corporations in comina up with fresh Ideas for new processes and ~uct.a. The theory here is that the atnall company ls more flexible and ther~fore more innovative. Acting on this impulse, the Senate last month passed a bill that. would set aside some federal --------~ research money for lllJll small business. The bill sponsored by ---------..-..--fr eshma n Sen . Warren Rudman <R·N.H.) speciliea that all federal agencies with research and development budgets of $100 billion or more ·a year reserve at least J percent of those grants for -aroall companies doing innovative research. The measure of senatorial confidence in s mall business was reflected in the final vole on the biU: 90 to 0. . ' 1 he Rudman bill was supported by President . Reagan and the Federation of American Scie!'lisls. A House science committee will begin hearings on similar legislation this month. The chier opposition lo the bill diverting re!earch runds to small business will come not from the General Electrics of the world but from our noble and large universities. They are aghast al a proposal that would reduce their federal research grants. The Association of American Universities and the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges have orficially come out against the legislation. Donald Kennedy , president of Stanford University and former head of the Food & Drug Administration, will be one of the university leaders wbo will go to Washington to testify against the bill. Stanford's· stake in lhis a.rea iJ high. The university currently has more t.hu 1,000 research contracts worth about $120 million, 90 percent ot which is sup~rted by federal grants. Since the legislation setting aside 1 percent or government monies lpr small business does not call for any additional outlays, this could impact Stanford by $1 million or more. Stanford will try to make the point before Congress that small businesses are certainly not capable' of doing basic research in such areas as high energy physics. As a result, says the university. il the set-aside program takes away money from basic research in high energy physics, that will just be a total loss. 1f lh'e bill passes Congress, some $75 million of research funds would be earmarked for small businesses in the first year. STOCKS lN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW .JONES AVERAGES NEW YORK(AP) FIMI Oow..J-. 8'19'· I few MondeY. J ... ._ AMERICAN LWEIS UPS AND OOWKS 1noc111 JO llld 'T::11 :r.-1111~ =· fl » TMI -1' .S.SJ 11 .... m . ..-0.42 15 UU IOt.:12 110.tA 101.71 lot.II• 0.11 t!ot': . ~~.~.'~ ~.Nt·r.-~,: Tran .. . .. .. .. . .. ,,....., UllR . .......... ... .. 1, .. , .. t6 s. ... . ............... s ••• WHAT STOCKS DID MCW YORK IAPl J.,, 4 .. ,..,. TOCl9y ,,.J, Aclll•Mef .... ~,...., sn "' u~ ,., 443 •Tot•l ls-, .. Joo:> -M9"& ' " 'N_....., 10 u ~fMIAQDO· NEW YORK (API J.n. 4 ~ .... A .... _ ... TOCl9J. -m OecllftM m ¥::.'l:! "' ia. m .., N-llltN • 1 N_....., s .,. MElAl.S1-...y (o..-r 7'~ .. 1 conb e P011"41, U S. dKtlN!tloM. r.eM 12..M conb • llOllM· ·-~~._... ... ,,,....... TlaP.l*MltCabWoeltc_,..ti.. Al1111.._,.neot1hO_..,N.Y . ....._., ... ,s.._ ..... ........ SJM.JD'"" o&.. N.Y . , ~1.:i::t~·OUL~Y . No matter wbo wins Super .Bowl ·XVI Jan. 24, there will be no ~hcapin( tli'e imposioa shallow of Paul.&. Brown. Thia 70-year-old coaching g e n i us a n d •f o o t b a 11 revo~onary bunt from scratch and pow serves a s general manaaer of the emer1ing Bu1als .team tbat.>WlU play San Diego Sunday in CiricinnaU for thrNaUorial Football League's ~Fe CbampiOQ&bip. BIS ONE·11MB 'Pt'otege, Bill Walsh, will coach the 49ers in their NFC title game in San Frapcisco against the Dallas Cowboys. Conceivably,. it ·could be a Paul Brown Super Bowl -the 49ers vs. the Bengals, pupU w. rna,ster r a . 1001-deserved honor for a ·man who bas produced champions and brought a scientific apl>roacb to the game. Even should these two conference title games go the other way, the Paul Brown influence will be present. U wils Brown who taught Walsh his widely acclaimed flO-Arte.that.kln~stntegy and· Wal.th who passed it along · to three o1, the passin1 wizards in pro football's semifillal~ -Ken Anderson of the Bengals, Dan Fouts of the Sao Diego Charsers and Joe .Montana ol his 49era. Only Dallas' Danny White, of the foW', has not fallen under his wlnes. "I learned almost everything from Paul Brown," said Walsh, speaking from San Francisco the day after his 49ers carved the New York Giants Into subliiission 38-at."'He was like a professor, insistent on detail and executjon. I am s ure Paul recognizes bis handiwork in ·every offe ns ive move we m~ke." ~ BaOWN, WHOSE Bengals be~t the Buffalo Bills 28·21, was diUicult to reach Monday. "He is over at the stadium looking at some films with Coach Forrest Gregg," said his secretary. "I just don't knbw when be will be available." The Hall of Fame coach was caught just as be prepared to leave his office for a quick lunch. He obligingly stopped long enough to talk about a former student and an old friend. .. ~etdfess to 8~.t 1' em -Jeey . prQUd," Brown said. "When J--walcb~ San Francisco on TV, I recogruzed things we bad done together. After all, he still bu our ciu~rback-teachlng films. l could anticipate every play." j B.llOWN aS~Altl.ED bow Walsh, an inteaiN,.fltver-hai~ man or so, J...S · ~come a ~ member of his original staff at. CinciMllti. uHe came to us from the San Jose Apactles, a team that went bankrupt," be said. "I knew little about him but I bad )leard food tblngs of bis work. I put him in charge of the offeDSe. He showed a quick aptitude. He diet a ioodJob. "He was with us from the begtnning. We built from scratdl. 1 think bis experience with us helped him at San . . - COMMENTA.Rf .J: Francisco. He virtually bad to build from scratch there, too." Brown's. coaching career is legend, beginning with Sevem Prep ln Maryland , ·later Massillon High (Ohio), Ohio State, Great Lakes Navy and finally the Cleveland Browns for 17 years before moving to the Ben&als in 1968, first as a coach and then as executive. RE COACHED the great Browns teams of Otto Graham and Marion Motley in the old All-America Conferen"Ce, which won foar straight AAFC tiUes and, with Jim Brown, .won three NFL titles after the merger in 1950. His Browns met the champion Philadelphia Eagles tn the opening g~e of the 1950 season, most fans expecting a rout for the Eagles. The Browns won 35-10, using a diuying passing attack and provokmg this acidic comment from the Eagles' Coach Greasy Neale: ... Thal guy ou 1bt.. to be • coaching'basketball." A• A stickler for detail wbo gave bis player s c lassroom intelligence tests and used gadgets to check their peripheral vision and reflexes, Brown is credited with many original techniques, including the now commonly used "draw." "IT WAS an accident," Brown recalls. ''Otto Graham was supposed to fake to Motley, then sneak. Instead, by some misunderstanding, both were left there, Graham still holding the ball. Otto quickly handed the ball to Motley and said, 'Run!' We picked up good yardage. We put it in our play book, naming it the. 'draw."' As&essing next Sun4ay's quarterback duels, Brown. said, "Fouts bas a style aJJ hi!I own, so tall (6-3) he can SM over ev~rybody's head, a very quick release. Mont8J\a and An1ferson are slrollRer and beUer runners. I've only seen White on TV.'' Walsh called Anderson "the be.-t passer ln football today.•• • FROM BOOTH TO BENCH The Los Angeles Lakers' Pat Riley, who went rrom being Chick Hearn's sidekick to Paul Westhead's, now calls hi s own shots as the team"s head coach. Riley, who replaced .. Westhead early in the 1season. has helped propel the Lakers to a 24-8 record and a four-game cushion over Seattle in the NBA's Pa~ific Division. Area stars All-CIF water polo Five Newport Harbor High water polo stars dot the All·CIF 4-A selections by coacbea, including three on the first team for the finalists. Bob Taylor, J .R. Salvatore and Michael Howell were placed on the first team, while $econd t eam berths went to Chris WooUolk and Jim Bennan. . A iso accorded first team honors from the Orange Coast area were Dave Imbernino and Larry Jacobs of Corona del Mar and Phil Castillo of Costa Mesa. Player of the year bonon go to Doug Bolicet of champion Loog Beach Wilson. Rick Jones, who fUided Wtlson to tbe tiUe and • snapped Newport Harbor's four-year domination , was named Coach of the Year. FlntTeam Dan Kennedy (LB Wi,lson); Ooug Bolicek CLB Wilson>; Randy Reed (LB Wilson ); Bob Taylor <Newport Harbor); J .R. Salvatore (Newport Harbor); Michael Howell CNewport'- Harbor); Jeff McKellar (Sunny Hills); Eric Kough (Sunny Hills); Dave lmbernlno (Corona del Mar>; Larry Jacobs (Corona del Mar); Pbll Castillo <Costa M~sa ); Ed Jovellanos (Downey>. Second Team :Abd~J9891J, Walsh grab NFL awards Mike Carter ( Esperanu); Tony Jaramello (Hacienda Heights Wilson); Kevin Laidlaw <El Dorado>; Sean Browning (Aviation); Jim Pelegrioo (LB Wilson); Eric Elder (LB W i lson ); Jon Yamada (Downey ); Chris Harding (Santa Barbara ); Chris Woolfolk (Newport Harbor); Jim Bennan (Newport Harbor); John Kopecky (Sunn)' Hills). 1Bengals' quarterJJack named MVP ! C 'i NC I N NA:'t 1 . ( A•P } -His precise passin( e_arned •Quarterback IG?ii ~o. <Jft him ,, 1pot on the All·l'.'"fteam '1 of pro football's most accurate fol'> (be fourth time in hi• career pass,rs, acc4tpted a coveted and put the Bengal_s in their bonot in the s•llle l•tv-k!'ey firST AFC title game. 1 manner in which he guided the After suffering through two 'Cincinnati Bengals t<' their injury-plagued season,s, the finest seuon. 32-year -old Andersor;l, was "It means a. lot because your b e n c b e d f o r h i /5 J\.O o r I team ls w Inning ,'• said performance in the first quarter Andenon who wu chosen by a of the 1881 season opener •:einst •panel oi Auociated Presa the Seattle Seabawka. Sut • sportswriters and 1 broadclllters Forreet Grell started All 1 as' tb'e NaUonal Football the next week, launcbin1 tbe League'• Ma.t Valuable P117er quarterback's record-break.ins fOl'· 1981J• 1 , , 1 season. "LeadiDI the lea1ue ib ''He came back llke a pas'sh\' and bavlbl. tood champion," said ti&ht end, Dan 1~j,~ls(ica la a\ce. But the Roe.a , who led 1'eoa,all ~·f.e ii w1DDf:at. Ttiil'i,wbal receiwn with U ra&ul•..aeuon mQei the aw.a Sf9dal."' · catches. Df'iplfYinl the accura~y Ul•t Grec1. who thou1bt about 11\ade him_. of \flf"me>M fe.,.,, benelaiDI Anderson for tbe qbarterbacts in ifaUl·~fOf.. Ben1all' HCCIDd pme ...-t Aa4•non shatttred ·tev~tai tbe New York J.U but~to 'personal pa11in1 recort• In• stick wltb tbe ve~eran, le~ tbe ._,.... to '"a 12_. concwred with UM MVP cllllke. reP.lar aeuon maf* ud tile' "He bad a lat ~ °'~ " Am4rt~an ~,ace' ~ftttal Gr•a Mad Maeiday: uae •u UUe lb 1111. , aort ot tbe tecaM t9*ce ol UM T-0, ll•JHl'."••lf•U~ , ... 'flbo profftred.:(.-.,. Au1111tana CoU.,r tn JI =H up) lotk ~~ tUt" 11« 1.1N ,... • I to be plQ!DI ta lfMCUf•H, co-.,,a~ .e ata um, ,.u•t.e: la "Ii Nr~t~f JJ• p~••M (lal~ tb• •tart1n1. qu&mrMek Ud _..... ~ .-~"VIL~~ _ yo" bear tM Jaometo1ftt fw ~ Jatt 10 UIMI ;~ ~ bootq. 'lbat bU to afttd 91 re1alar HllOD, 'H• waa ~· player,.,.opa1'tlcuU'tl) • top.r .... ,..._IDlMlfl'L: qa~. I f Valenzuela loses, 4-1 NAVOJOA, Mesico <AP) Los ~1elea Dodaers pltcblnf star· Fernando ValenaueJa went tbe dlatance and was the losin1 pitcher Su11day as the Hermosillo Naranjeros beat his Navojoa Mayor 4•1 iD a lllexican ~aauegame. • It ,ru b1a fourth atilt aince join1n& the Mexican Leap far ' a winter bltch after hla rookie UHOD ID the majora_ Tbe 11-year-o&d left-bander bu a 1·2 tecord alnce r.wmtna to Na native atate of Sclnora. Valimluela, winer of the Cy Youq Award u tbe NatloUL Leque~OltM.year,.,.. aha• tmdnp for &be flnt tlnM. . He .... up·fcilar blta, ttruek aat 11 ad WalUd ll•t. .. 49ers' coach. an easy winner NEW YORK <Af) -BUI champiOMtUp since 1'7{ 1 Walsh, who in just three seaaofis The redevelopment of the changed the San Francisco 49ers into an NFL power was 'Football League's loshlgest achie\)ed in two basle stepl. t e am to its winningest , was First Walsh put.together a potent named today The Associated pass-oriented offense, but one Press Coach of the Year. which often couldn't survive the This thne it's Malavasi wielding axe Wal&h was the overwhelming team's defense. Then, In the 1181 Five asaistant coachea ~ choice of a naUonwid' paael ol dr.a.ft and in major acquisltioDs lbe ·Rams )ave been .r•ed sports writers and broadcaaters; after that, be built a ~fense into foUo...t ..... the team'• diun 1111 named on 61,,., of the 84 ~ the second best in tbe .... ... cast. Forrest. Gregg, who ~oofereoce. ·f:uon and lWQ-othen m~on performed a "wor~t-to-firat" Amooa the players be drafted u!~atday E~~e!:'°:eport:d feat with the Cincinnati 2eMal•, bia first year were. Joe Montana was a distant aecond with, is~. al\~ Dwig~t Clark., t.he NJ'C'a ~f~ive coordinator uoee1l ~<>i~s. ' l~llding pauer and receiver al Tqlor conftrmed llOehJ;a Don Shula of the Mla'ml ~e!C:iu~'!.s~to:1a::C= Coach Ray Malavul bu Dolphins received tl)ree votes, to draft .Ronnie Lott, Eric for hla "'8lCDatiOD. The Tom Landry of tJie Dallas l\'tlc.ht. and Carlton )Villiaml'on, Examtner &aid tbe odaem Cowboys 3i°t two and, Dan three -~uarters . of San b7 Malavaaran defe1tal•e-::;•:a1~ .li:b~:v:r :~~ i r:::c~~::r~1v: b:~~~f ·!it°ern~i.~:t~r.c~~.~.~·::::~. York Jeta received one -.rote defenlive atan with co'nU'act HewrlU Dlxoa, de:f.W" )IM apiece. · bl hlni nc1 coach Frank Lauterbu~ aad The 50·rear-old Wala'i\; p~b fr~;;:-.._ -rr:maa~~•IO ~ offensive Une coach Daa doubles u ceneral muaaer cl Unebactle~ Jack "ltaclt1laaw'' Raaoluwlcb. . the 4hn, pUoted tbe team tb a o --1.:a.. ......,_ • .., t\P'•eles "I t.ated to a., MiiMr ~ 13·1 ?«Ord, the belt ha tbe N~l ~z,t;~~ den' ~ an4 I delbdt.llly WOD't ... 'beck," in 1981. When be ~ ~ ~ WH U.. 1econd-wor1t in Ute Hid TQlor. tbe cl-.b before ~ot1"' ,.,. lea1ue. IJ'llla H&IOn lt WH "llay Mld lt WU bee ... .,. it bacl WOD JUM 11 lt.s'" ~...... • , cMale bi ... ......,. lt'I jmt M IUIMI and WU OOcdlbl I.' Wal 1 ll I et' t d b lt partoft,be..-.:r..a" .... 2·~4.~ ..... ~ went i .1 ... i.. .. = a~JHDtlMaltlp 1a tbe NFL 1•lailllt I.er. ••1 a --.Iii ~-.,._ .... v I • .. , aLirUna ln 1"9 H olfeeet.. Alld I ~tdliHliilL'' la '79, U. lmpro""9to1-10 Nokftlld coacb for lb• OaldmMl ~ ~~-~-11~·=~: t~ yeer hebe......_ ;.llaltlen, ._ fW tM ~ ... ...-t.-~~~·-1 to lta ftnt wliminl H~ ._ ••as•.-••• e-:::J of t~• g Na-U•••I 1111 and lt1 flrat :tt~aaJ turiertaacbud .... ~.. •1111111. '"" "' Conference We1tera D .t1(oe ctaclmMdl ....... · ......... t r Orange Coast DAILY PILOT!Tueaday, J1nu1ry 5, 1982 H I ~ Chang keeps Scoring lead Edison standout averaging 23.2 Edison High'a Richard Chane, despite mlsslne a 1ame and scoring only 16 polnu twice in the last tour starta, continues to hold down the top spot ln the Orange Coast area scoring derby for high school basketball. Chang, a 6·6 All-CIF 4-A selection as a junior, bu been hampered by an infection ln his chest, but his prevlous efforts - nine straight efforts in th& 208 - maintains his scoring averace at 23.2, a couple of notches ahead ·of Laguna Beach's Neil Riddell. Riddell, averaging 25 pointa a game in his last six starts. is second at 21.6. AREA ICOal .. O PNirff.- C~nQ. EdllOn Riddell. U19UN &.«II UMvltcll, Ou4lfl View G .... s. Unlve"lty Hu9lles, F-l<lln Valley Ball, Newpo<1 H•rllor BardSM'f, eo.i. -Fe<lnqer, ~loVa Dl81tt,..rde> Edison Davel\C)Of'l.5.ooleOacll Lynell, Corona del -r Flllpell.Matlna T llOmpsm, HunllllQ\On 8UCll c~. S.-ddl.O.Cll Rouse, Ulllvenlty Goudoe. Edl-Smltll, -1,.. Tarbell, MM.,. Del Allers, Irvine Kluumen, -Ina M•YCIOll, Estlnc:la l"41lehart. El T0<0 . . ..... ... 12 ,,.. !U 2' 21 2't 21.6 H IJ , .. 111.7 10 10 1'2 IU %1 tO tt2 IU JI 9 1n 1t I JI • "' ,._, u It It) 17.S » 1> m 111 1S I 121 16.0 11 1 109 1U 11 It us t'-I 10 11 15t 14.t 11 I tCll IU 2' 10 IM IJ.A • IJ 17• tU ti 10 112 1U 1t tO IH tU 1' • ,, 1J.t :a ti tJt lt.6 :a 10 12S 11.S " S 60 ILO D 1t...-J, It y.,._ AYP'ff, Htlfltl,.._ IMcll ....-,i ......... 1 H~,llTet• C-,ltw. o.-. c:--wt MM' JollM,lnrlM ....... ,,, .... 0...1, C.-"91 MM L•rMll, Unlwnlty s1r • ., .... c.i.-.. LAINKll.~ Rlc!Mr. l!I T- ..... ,. I,,,.,,. WIM,W---Gramt,W ............ J ...... ,Oc-.Vlew MtNtn, L ....... 8Mcll Peter-.CdM C:.rroll, ~ Vltw Hoeln, l...-8Mcll 11111111-.~ ... Wlttteflw, ,._ va11.,. Pd•,~ Sf\fder, l!I Toro StolDfl, Vlllwnity Brou¥1d\ lrvlfw J .... r,MMArDel Olldlo, w-.i....., u....-.,,1rv111e Folla,N_,H_ TA<Wt'I', Matt,.. JIKObs, ~Valley Sell>y,N_,H_ D'L ... hlln, ~II F-llra, ~ 8ffcll Welman.~11 S.l•ya, HunllllllOfl a..c11 lrandt, .._, Hwtlw Antoflopa llot. ~ v-Mc Alll1t1f',~ll Atphlfw•. Vnlwn!ty • Y _,., Ulllwnlty Cl>omlll,MarW R01isll,Willolllr- • 47 " . IO '9 1 JI • 0 7 .. • 41 • 4 7 ., 1 '1 • ta • • 1 • ... 11 10 • • 12 7S ... J 11 IJ 12 " 71 t It 11 .... 10 • • u 10 S4 6 M 1J .. 10 St • JI ' ., 1 M 11 .. I JS I It " 0 I ... II d • u " .. 1 11 I • t • II a 11 a to • t H 10 ,, ' ... 12 ... ca , ... " 1.1 w 7..S • 1.J 11 7.t ,. ,... It 7.t ,. , ... .., ,. .. , t1 ... 14 ... 1 u • u 11 u " u 11 u ,. ... " u " ...... u n ... . u " u 11 u 11 " 1S u " u II S.I 14 s.1 t0 S.I t ... 11 ... It .., t ... ' u " ... ,. .... 4.1 II ... . ••• 10 ..... .... u 11 u • u tO ANTEATERS IN ACTION UC f r\'tnt(s Kevin Magee <left photo> and Randy Whic ldon ( nght> return to action Wednesday night when the Antcuters lake on Drur~· AP.W~ College al UCl's Crawford Hall. Coach Bill Mull1Jwn·s Gar""•'· Esi.n<i. 81f'ry,Mat1 ... Hart••. F-i.lfl vau..., SleP'\em. EdlM!n to 111 111 n 11 lt7 II S II II 1lS II J II IJ Id 11.t U 10 111 11 I IS 10 110 11.0 n • • 11.0 n ' ....... • " 10.• • 11 llS 10.• 11 10 ICM 10.• JI It t" 10.J Jl to ten 10.2 " , lO 10.0 " It 109 9.9 IS 81'9Wn, Founlaln V•lley Kotty, F-..ln Val .. y H•rker, Huntll'lgloft 8eacll Nkol•I, westmlnsttr 11,..Nll,IEdlmn -R-., Uftlwnlty Au,..,ac...v'"' Kubo, F-Velley Maurel, Foun!ain va11..., • 21 2 1 10 M s 17 ... ' S.1 IO ' u • u • u • u • .... I .... . u I UC I team has rolled to a 10-1 record thus far Downs. WHtmlMter 1Sllacklalord, Hunt. B .. cll Eastin, Wulmlnstor P ... 111 .... MolW Del 12 .. • 21 J 10 I to 1J tt s ,. • 1t I 2• s u 4 J. Ec11-u .... Ftn. ve11e, Burt. F-taln va11.,. u ' u • Estancia given a slight edge Palm bl-. COlte Mew Pell.tier, H-1 Hartlor Vtllenueva. F-laln Valll!'f Myer\, Unl~lly A•dovcl<h, W-ldele Mldl•nd, Eltan<la Fo.its, El Toro Oe8ro.i-. Doan View Wtttter,OceenVlew 12 111 tS " 10 ts 's t• G ... 11. 0c-i View Meaqller,,..., Del Mlll•nl, Edl-a .... i.a. Woodlwldgio Garia, s.ddl.-Cll llf'ry. Ocie., View ........... Seddlebeck Sclclmore, H9'lfPOr1 H•"*' Mc Calllll. IElltanc:N • 17 • 17 s " 1 " • 2t u • u 12 u 14 a.t I a.o • a.o • u • t..I s LI ' t.1 s ·But Sea View League race (which begins Wednesday) is.a wide. open.affair Tift. EU-la Mill\, Hum1n91.,., 11e«11 Pe11c11ows111. emu -. B. Trickett, El Toro Seager. N-1 Harbor AllllelNrgier, Costa Me .. LIMr, Newpo<1 Hartlor Jack-.. Met• Oii Cotnlf',OceenVltw Harrl9M1, Hunt lle«ll HH\, Corona del Mar Martlnwn, El Toro Hollln9swortll, t4M Stllort. ~ 8Nch Dvorak, L...-a..th Kraiu. E.un<Ni ' • • s " ' " '' " ' 21 "' 14 ....... .,,Edi-. ¥Attoa, H~ Beacll auci.1 °'.._ vlitw ' u J I u 7 2.a ~ u • u • By ROGER CARLSON Of Ille Dally P.llOI St.ft ' 12 " 14 9 I I t .O 21 • I 71 ~-1 t7 1J 11' 1.7 IS 211 u ,. 3 u .., 10 1 S4 1 0 ,, 7 541.012 .... u 1S 12 ts 1.t u 12 .. 1A 11 10 71 , .. 11 A-19 ... r, Ella'w:la Teoper, U.-BMcll CllPI. u nlwnll'I' V MS'-""'Y9.C4M Zumbo, Oc-. View P•tel,W~ Moreland, WaodbrlO!I' Walck'up, ~ BMcll Moncrief, s.ddlebock Biel, MarlN G. Flald.c:.a.Allew e...,.,M9rl ... E"91anCI, H-1 H- t u 1 11 4 IO 2 s . " ' 20 12 u 7 1S • n • 12 2 •• , . • u ' u • u ' u • u s l.t • l.1 • JI 6 l..I s 1.0 • l.t • .. If anyone thinks he or she knows just bow the Sea View League basketball race is going to e nd, please send in your formula because Crom what has transpired during December in non-league and tournament action and wilh what each of five teams possesses on paper. it's almost as difficult to figure the three playoff representatives as it is the favorite SUNOEIUMN ~Alllll! L DeaUSIC CUHNllfGM4M MUIRINO GWC, Cougars vie Costa Mesa has perhaps its best team smce 1966, Corona del Mar is the defending CIF 3-A champion·. Estancia is 8-2 with All-r lF player J c(( Gardner leading the way, University has the best guards in the school's history and Newport Harbor 1s making a mock e r y of a 5·4 record, as 1s <.:osta Mesa. Each of those fi ve teams has a legitimate claim to a playoff ber th and even the title as the campaign opens Wednes day. Here's a look at each, in the order they figure ( 7 > to finish 1. Estancia (8·2). The Eagles get the edge because of their ability lo win the close ones and this 1s going to be one of those kind of seasons -w1@ overtime games common. Gardner i s typica l o f Estancia's idea of winning -he averages almos t as many assis ts as h e does points Gardner has an 11.7 scoring average and hands out 10 assists per game. Des pite the lack of height - there is quality balance with 6-4 Brian Midland, 6-3 Randy Tift. Chris Maydole and Steve Kraiss. Also, off the bench. is football star Jim Mccahill. Coach La rry Sunderman's Ea g l es ha ve won two tournaments and Gardner was the M'{P in each. Ranked No. 8 in Or a n ge County. Estancia owns a 53-51 win over No. 4 Brea-Ohnda. which has lost only two of 14 dec1s1ons 2. Corona de: Mar. (5-3) Chris Lynch and Mike Hess form the best guard combination in the league and the Sea Kings of veteran coach J ack Errion boast height 16-8 Hank Goebel l and scorinR balance. This is another team known for i ts ability to win the close ones. Lynch leads the Sea Kings with a 15.5 scoring average while the other four starters are tutting from 6 7 to 8.0 points a game H 's a team you can't gang up on and it's a team which stines the oppositio n with its man to-man defense , holding most under their usuaJ output 3 . Costa Mesa CS-4). The Mu s tangs have a potential Player of the Year (6-4 Ken Bardsley> and superior depth - enough to win the title. T his amount of talent isn 't new, however. there have been some big expectations in the last few years and the Mustangs have been unable to put up, falling to earn a CIF playoffs berth for 16 years in a row. So until it 's done , tbe Mus tangs will ha ve t o be considered No 3 -but there's little doubt Coach Tim Parsel has the kind of talent (J ohn Ris hebarger, Dave Palmblade, John Strayer an d Jim Pelichowski > to do it. 4. Newport Harbor (5·4). No team has the front line of the Sailors -Coach Jerry DeBusk haji. 6-7 Byron Ball and 6-7 Joe Se~er up front, and he has some first-line players working around the duo (Scott Liner, Brian Folk. Steve Pell etier and Gr eg Selby, for instance). But th1s 1s a young team in terms o f exp erienc e and although the Sailors have s hown the ability to stay with the talent of undefeated Lakewood. it's an up-and-down type. A certain playoff contender, title hopes rest with cons istency. 5. University (6-4). Coach Jeff Cunningham's Trojans gained the CIF playoffs a year ago and there's no reason for any slipping -not with 6·6 Brad Guess (19 .2 average) and 6-3 Craig Rouse (13.4 average) in the fold. .Gunshot dims future Too, Rand y Myers, the quarterback-receiver on the football team, gives, the Trojans true strength at guard. Myers has averaged 10.4 points a game and assures the Trojans of a solid ball-handling game. HIGH POINT, N.C. <AP) - Running back Ted Brown of the Minnesota Vikings still bas a bullet lodged in his thigh and doctors said Monday it may be two months before his football future is known. Poli ce reports said the s hooting occurred last week Brown, a former North Carolina State star, said he accidentally shot himself and police have ruled the shooting accidental. Dr. H. Slade Howell said Brown, 24 , was in stable condition 'and would be released ,from High Point Memorial Hospital later this week. Mike Lynn, Vikings' eenerat manager, said team officials 1 also talked 'o doctors M-Onday. "What we learned ls that the healing proce~ will take from s ix to eight weeks, which means Ted cannot work out for that per iod of time,·• Lynn said. Bro wn said the accident W ith th e e xceptio n o f sophomore Norm St-0lzofr, a 6-3 talent, the majority of the Trojans are seniors . occurred when he attempted lo 6. El Toro 0 _6>. There are move a Magnum revolver to a th ree teams in this league who safe place at his parents' home. are going to find 3 playoffs berth According to Brown, the gun fell a very tough assignm e nt to 01;1t of a holster to the floor and accomplish. disc ha rged . The b~llet hit a El. Toro's six losses have been chair, struck ~rown m the back b an average of 11 points but of the upper th1gh and proceeded ~ Y ' up into the pelvic muscle, ~here appear~ to be s~me Howell said improvement wtth t.he add1Uon . ot S~lO junior guard Todd As for Brown's future with the lnetebart, who has averaged National FootbaU League team, 12.0 points a game in the last Howell was optimistic. tive starts. "It's hard to tell right now. It wiJI probably take 11ix to eight weeks to determine," Howell said. "Right now, it looks promising." Jeff Arnold, a 6-7 sophomore, gives El Toro some future thoughts. 7. Saddle back U·I). The Roadrunners ,could do better Oilers, FV in action Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley are on _ the road tonight in non-league hllh school bas~etball -the Oilers of HB at Mater Del and Fountain VaUey meeting Vetbum Del at Compton c;ouece. Huntintton Beach (8-5') la led by S.l junior BUiy 'Ibompeon, wbUe Mat« Del (8-$) features Matt Beeuwsaert, wbo baa scored at an average of tt.1 polnta per came. It's aet for 7:30. PountalP Valley (8-3) 11 paced by 'elf Rueb• (11.2-ICOl'lq averaaf>· Thia one la aeheduJecl to ~at7. ' Adm;ssion $4.00 Children S 1. 08 Opens 1 :00 pm weekdays than ttus <they beat El Toro. 46·45 ), but for the most part they figure to be spoilers . Rustlers bid for win No. 14 Saddleback took Troy into four overtimes before falling, last season. 15-14 . so it's obvious Coach Pat Quinn knows how lo slow things down. L ack o f h e i g ht hurts Saddleback. Larry Davenport, a 5· 11 senior. leads the way with a 16.0 scoring average. Football st ar Todd Cage is consistent with a 13.5 average 8. Irvine (0-6). The Vaqueros have been hurt badly with two straight losses in three separate tournaments ki lling what could have been additional experience with as many as 11 games. But if balance means anything these Vaqs, too, could tum the league upside down with an upset or two. Robert Aker s has a 13 1 sco ring average -while sbc others score from 5 1 to 7 .1 points per game . The average loss in those six starts has been by a margin of 22.6 points By CURT SEEDEN Of tlle o.lly ...... SUff Golden West College, after pos ting an impressive 13-2 non-conference mark, hosts LA Southwest tonight (7:30) in the Southern California Conference basketball op e n e r for both team s. The upstart Rustlers are coming off a determined 99-83 victory over San Diego Mesa, despite the absence of two key players. Both Murphy Davis and Art King, two sophomores Coach Jim Greenfield will count on h eavily this season. missed Saturday night's victory over Mesa when heavy flooding kept them from returning from their Sacramento-area homes where they we r e visiting for the holldays. It didn't seem to matter too much, howeve r . With guard T ruiell Hatton and rorward Darin Bowen accounting tor 47 College basketball points. the Rustlers bretted to another high-scoring victory. Tonight, LA Southwest counters with a trio of potential high scorers, most notably 6-1 freshman guard Derek Powers, out of Detroit. The Cougars of Coach Leon Henry also boast the talents of 6-6 freshman Johnny Williams and sophomore guard Rod Jordan, who consistently scored in d ouble figures durine the Cougars' three contests in the. Miles Eaton lnvi_tational at Orange Coas t College in December. Meanwhile, Greenfield found a pleasant surprise in freshman Corey Everhardt who chipped in 16 points against San Diego Mesa. The 6 -3 freshman from Newport Harbor High bad scored just 17 points In five1 ga m es b'efore bis solid contribution against the Olympians. ------- OUTSTANDING VALUES! Tonight's g•mH West Cel Stat• (LAI al Loyola. C•I IHI Boston Cotleqe at VIiienova ColQ•te el Botto,n U Forl Hays SI. .. T•--·EI PalO Utell St. at w. Teus St. MIW ltUYW 9UAMTUM W.AM* 4 Door. Optio"9 lndudi cloth .-., ,_..., tne and morel (Slk. SJ7'1) Cel Stet1 Full.non •t P-rdlne Wllllwof1h et GcH\UOa San Jose SI at USF s-- T .. asMMetTCU T .. asTecll•I Tues Mo.-Rotl• et Ark-S St. 5"lfl Tenn.-0..ttenoooa at A-1.clll•n SI E T•nftft5" SI •t F...-man Hardin-SI.-at Marcet wei..111 •1 lOUlslana Tecll Bulla lo St. Ill N C.·Wllmlnvton Kentuclly St. Ill Soutllltm Bulla lo SC. Ill SW L.oulslana Tennu-·s1. el Norfolk SI. II Ht RPI at A""y M•H•ClluWtt\ •I Oertrnoutl'I Felrfleld et Pr- SutQ.,.._ Ill LelllOll Widener Ill A!lode lllancl Oowllnv et St. Pe1.,.·s W•9"1f' It SleN ~t Florlda A&M Ill 111.<llleago Clrc:M Wedn•lld•Y'• g•mH -Drury at UC INIM Whitman at l"ortl- SE Loul.lionaat USIU S-.11 Al•bem• at MISSIHIPP! SI. A1111Wn9!Ktntucll'1' Clt-1 •t «>-91• SI. Clem-. al ~vi• hell R11t99rs at OUll• Wllllem & "1My a4 l!Mt C-IN Oeorofa91l<lllri0t o-.. ~Ill Swltl C¥ollN LSUatV...,_.lt T ..... s.. Arltelllo at McNHM St • T-111Mlullli1191 Is. Mlllltllppf ot N.C..Cl\ltrlottt Notre o..n. .t Vll'QlnNi .lollM ...-1na at Wale• i«<nt NIOW Ha"'PlNnt et Br-n Temple 411 Bucknell Connec:tkut at Syracuw DUQllftl'tt et St _.....,,..,.. Geor~ Ill SI. JoM's HOlltr• .. w Chesler St Wlcl\lte St at Iona L.•layette et St. Joseph's St. Francis, N.Y. II Lono lll•llCI u. I VMI elMll,. North taroll,.. at -rylancl Nl•O•ra el Nort-\ter11 UtlualVWMOlll M'""' Austin Peer •I M issouri ... llllllOll •t S.11 $t. BowllllQ Gr11n •t Olllo u. Central Mkllloen •I Kent St Cincinnati at 0.vtOr\ Mar let .. et C""9l-St. wm. Ptnn et E 1111nols E. Ml<lllOlll •I W. Ml<lll9Afl E¥entvllle 111 Kansas N. I-• et I-• SI. M•rquetle et ICens. St T olede et Ml..,..I Sa<r-o SI."" H-UU SelllMNtt SMU •t AIUMat H . T•UtSl.lllL.amar ....... Wls.-P..-l<Slclot •I Cetor- Thund~ l•IM• P-dlfte Ill F.-St. S.nt• Clw• at Peclfk ~ Wls.-0,_. 8ay •t llftler S. lllll'olutCroltMon llllno4s•t~ Inell-at Mlclllgen St. Pur-atl- Wl1<onll" 9t MkMeln Ml-et Olllo St. Wm. Ptnn at W. llllllOll •n t Wide,_, et Del-en s..- l'11rm111 at "-'•Ilion St Akron et Mlddle T-- Men1\a41 "Devi.on Herdln-SI-•I 0•. Soutllenl Hou11o11 8-ttt111 Ne ~111ana • St. L-111 lOUl1vlll• W. K~lly at Mor-efl9ad SI. W. Vlrqlftla Tecll .t Rlc-- R obert Mol'Tls •t SWtMll 811fl•lo St • .t T.,._ Nnyat .. 111 TOUaMMHMTI. Biol•, ""-Pacific .. Point Lem• Cl..-.l'llOftl ..... a4 W..t.rft W.-MfllMI\ ....... l olM St. at Hol11Wnt ArllOfW e YU !It c:.IOtlldo SC. l ................. ,"9fw) Ulafla4_..,.... ....... S.mlorcl at Ar11-Ultle Roell SW Ml_. 94. MA...._. St. Mo. SewlMtll 111 ~ .. "*"• ~-AMllllllM llt OtlllMMa ~ . -. LlltPrlccSlhlOI Dllc1 'Sl3IO SAUPllCI s9 . scaocco Coupe . 5 •P••d trantmtulon, metallic paint, rear window w I pertwaaher. alloy wh ..... ...._~ and mor.I -32315) (011'1la PllC• 5 10 695 \ ·. '--'" SHlllt O.ldenSC.1• .. ...,. .. l'ertl- San D• San Antonio Dtnvtr Hou11on ICtntHClty Utell NaA l'•NkOl,..W. W L '°"•I 14 •• 110 1t 11 w • " 12 .• s " n .• s 17 IJ .w • 1 tt 141 1,.,., MNwettOIV ..... 20t .•t0 - 15 1' AM • u " .Alt I 11 10 USIO 10 JO .m llM Delles 1 u .2» 1,.,, IASTIRN CONl'IRINCI A._kDlvkMa PNl.clell'flla 2• • BoslOfl t3 1 Ntw VOf'k " IS WetlllnQIOll 13 1' Htw Jtrwy 11 It ~DI•~ Mllwewll• lndl .... Allen1• Ott roll Clllcqo Clntl- n ' 1' IS IS 1' 13 " ~ " • ....... ,..Sc_ No QtlTWS K -led T ....... tO- Cltvtltnd at All-• P~nl•atl~ Ntw .Jeney •t W•tlllnet- Pllll-pf\I• •t o.trolt Htw V-ti MllWtuk" Dtnver •I Cllkaoo S.n Antonio et Portl- l(aftHt City al Sen 0"90 HOUSIOft et Golden Stett NBA le1der1 ( 'T'11N41111 JN. J I SCOlltlfO 2' IOO - 1'1 I .516 '"' ...... 10V. .Ml ll .710 '" . ...... .41' ' 3'1 10 100 ''"" 0 ,. "Pb. A .... Gervin, SA H J:JI 111 tS1 33.0 Danttey, ui.11 lO 331 m "' JD.o Melon•, Houlton JO 2i. 20S m 21.1 EntllSh, 0...vtr JI DO U2 llJ :16.J Ervlno, Pllll lO JOO 1• 1• tS.J AMl-J-, 1.-. M Ml tl7 M1 >U Free, G-Stele 2t t" 162 M6 23.1 Wllll•ms, Setttlt lO ll4 111 "3 22.1 Bird, Boston lO 2't 11' M:2 22.1 IClnQ, G-SI... JO 2IM 131 '" 22.0 RllOUNOINO ca Off !>et TM A"I Mel-, Houston lO Ill Hl .0. 11.S !.llima. SHUit lO " m .,. 11.J B Wllffrnt, NJ lO 111 251 m ll.6 T llomPlll. Pont-2t i. no ,_ 11 •• LllCH, N-Yorll lO IOI no m 10.t ASSISTS 0 .... A119 J ..... -. LHtn J2 .. t.1 Moore. s... Antonio 26 2U t .4 c11ee111, PN.__.,• n m •.o Arcllllltld, Botton l1 m l.l Oa vlt. Dallas JO Ut 1.0 FllLOOOAL "IRCINTAOI f'O l'OA l'ct. Gii....,., CMceoo 20S tt• .633 1(1119, 0-St• Ho4 01 .•13 Dewklnt, Plllia.l!lfll• 1u tu ·"° S. Johnson, l(enus City IU 2>1 .514 E 119lls11, Oenver UO 147 Sl2 PCM le1dera Sc ...... 0 F9 "t T" A"I M•oe•. UC,,.,.,,. II 125 .. ,,. as Gr990ry, Lftll.8cll St. II a 3S 211 21.1 WaldrDft, Ptcltk 10 " t1 103 10.3' w-. cs FUlltrton 13 12 n 111 11.2 Wllltldon, UC l"'lnt 11 12 It 1to 1'.• Hodofl, Ln0 8<11 St. 10 U >2 1'2 1U Andert«I, UC Snl B-12 7j lll 1• 15.1 McHeoly, Stn JOM Sl t S4 J) 141 11.7 Hl"tn1;Fret110SI. 10 '1 2t 1• 14.I C11nnl119"tm, Ulall St. II S3 .. IS4 l._O Top20 Tiie Ttti ~ _,,,. In Tiie A-leted .. , .. ,. coll•t1• llUkttUll POii, Wllll llrtl·ple<t Yoltt In 11ertnlllttH, 11•1• ffHOn't rtcOf'd tN IOltl r.lnh f'ollllt on tt ·1'·11·11 U ·1 •1'-tj.lf. 11•1°'4+1+~2·1 I. HortllCM'Ollnt IMI H 1,1• 2, Vlrtlnl• C1I 11.0 1,ftS ). 1Ctnl11eky t·I * •.Mluourl M "9 S. DtP•lll 11-1 171 6.MlllMtCM •I -7. lo•• .. , UO •· S.n f'rencl1<0 11-1 .. t. Wlcllltt St. 11>-2 JD 10. Tul" t-1 Sft 11. Ark-I •1 SM IL Loultvlll• •2 m 13. G-vetown. 0C I 1-2 506 U. Houtlon ll>-1 C21 IS. Hort.II CMollnt SI 11-1 MS 16.AI........ .., m 11.0r~SI. ..2 212 11. Idaho 11.0 1'2 It. UCLA 6~ 14' 20 St JOIW'l'i, N . Y .. , 12' HIGH ICHOOL " Edl10n 82, Co1t1 Me11 75 IDISON -SltPMnt 25, Goud90 IJ, Cllane 1', BIMtlll 2. 01e.ni.rc1o ts, Smltll O LHvtY I, ,......, 0, Mllltrd O, Mejor f. Moore t, Tolets: 31 J0.2612. COSTA MllA -B.,~y ts, Ptl~I 1', Slre.,.r 6, Pelmtlladt 10, Rl$Nller9ff i., Edion 0, C-J, J, Flelcl l. Totalt: JS S.7 U Sc_...,O.."-n Edls.c1n 11 n tt u-c Cotta M..-u 14 11 2'-a Total louh Edlton 7, Coste flM" 11 l'oulecl out Plllmbl-IC.ta Mntl Women'• top 20 I, Loultl-Ttcl1 1'21 IHI 1.240 l South Ctro!IM M I, Ito 3. Old Dominion ~1 I, i. 4. use e.o 1,ou S. LOl\9 llMcll SI. M "S '· Ruloert ~1 ,,. 1. NortllCerollnt SI. -.1 a1 I. Cllo-y St $-2 7S.S t. Orevon 7-1 7.0 10. S. F. Austin 1·2 ~ 11. G-OI• •t SS. 12. M•ry1-1·1 SIS · ll. Color-11·1 476 1'. Ktnl11eky 1·2 ~ U. llllnoll 11>-I - 1'. PtM SI. 11-1 2" 17. Arlt-St 11·1 - 11. IC:.-1·> t .. It. VIII-• .. I 1a 10. T..,,._ $-S as Otto•" rtcelvlne votH on ti IHsl 20 balloh l•IPh•~llc•I ordt rl · P~lroll, IC•nSH Slllt, Mlulsslppl. Loi Al•mtt09 MOMDAY'l ••suL n 141 ...................... ....., l'IRITllACa •• yenlL c 1ev .. -l~I HtM F..,_ CP.,llMI ICtttle Jet IWM'd.I , ............ ••• UI ..... I ~- AIM reucl: Ar.-.It\, Vlfts Ea-. HHll Otc.11, lllnQ ~ Wllttt. Clhlt, K•ll Wlllp, O...cl119 N-. Tim•: 21.15. U a XACT A lM I Pllld "'-211. sacowo RACI. HD ytnK. V«ee T"'" 1""11 10,60 6.00 UO Tu Of\ 8«>y I f'rycley) 1UO UO StYtrO«'lllMlor CArrnsltonol uo Alto rtQCI: Femlly Troawro, RMlllt• Foot. ,..........,.., si.rnucll, With E- Jr ., Touti Jet Too, 8onfflM R.-r. Tlmt : 11. ... THIRD RACa. 400 Y•rds. Grennyt Gray (Hart) 4 • .0 2.60 2AO Trlool 1-.. CLMllty) J . .O ).JO s.. TrO<lllle Run tlMdl e.20 Alto rec.cl· ll'rotty V•lw, A-t A Jet Jtl. FlrttpNrll, Ou ... lron, Ila v.,_.., Rebt Htw Polley, Pit-I Polley. U ll'ACTA 17-41 Pllkl II• to. l'DU RTM RACIE. lJO Y•rds Uno lledUlno IB.,dl 7 . .0 J.to UO Shift H Time IW•rdl J . .O UO Step a.you I Edw•rml 7.00 Alto rec.cl: ~ In, Aprll One Fool, -A Lllllt -. le•~. Go FOf' Wlftwm, Dance With N...c•. MIQllty c.. B.,, Tln1t: 11.51. P &XACTA l~I paldUl.00. l'I l'TH RACI. 400 y-. Whittler Strip I DelotntNI S 00 l.60 AGO Prlnu CMn (P.,.lrwl 12.00 6.JO Easy Rotkll Sia CCestrol 11.00 Alto raced: A·WOOcly Rlln, A· Telle II On Homt, Sorrel• aonn.o-tem. B .... ~. Twitter ...... Bl.,. Pool, 81Q SMI Rey. "-<.......,. Time: 21.02. U IE XACTA 14-Sl paid $$2.lO. SI.TH llACIE. l50yordl T"'y Blm lt.eckeyl II .o '.o uo Jtt:Mndoo IPMlntl ,,.. MO Ole Aule Tt C .,_,, Ill.AO Alto raceci: Smoltt e-m by, Rocky v.,,,,.,, Bardon Huly Moon, Truly T•rrlllc, Celebrity Boy, Oll<kl Wll\ner, Bleck Go* Otooer. Time: 11.M. savuTM RACIE. uo yards. Sllekt ICld Sl*ct ICr .. oerJ 1•.60 UO UO V ..... (H-11 6.to '"'° JIOedlell (T....-.1 ut AIMI ramlf• L_,. SC.., Mr CeiWI O.C., Movln l(lnQ9 -· R-1 A Bid, "9rl9ct MUii. Tlmt: lt.S1. U IXACTA IMI peld sn.oo. U PICK llX 1~7_..SI P8k1 111.-.. wm. -......,. tkUts 111 .. __ , a l'kk Sia CoNo!Mloft P8k1 1127.00 wltfl ti wlnnine tlcUts lllw llorwl.I. ..... TM llAC•. • Y.,._ f'lylfl9,_1Edll!flr•> '4.JO IUO l4M D+4..t..OY11CNclL IC ....... I J• •• DH·Redu..., leek Jtc11 (lltooktl •.IO 1M DH----. Alto rtcod· A-My Spky Men, Out T- $lr l'llrtln Around, IC-On l(MO(no Oft, Blatltr 81UH, MOe Or Break, Mort EacuML n-:t0.t0. st tlXACTA l•H !Nici "SS olO. t~ UACTA l•JI Pllkl UJUO. Mi NTH RACI. 400 yaros. Sty .. Ac~•tor 1Hertl n.oo 1' . .0 13.IO Sllow...., Pertv IPtuliMI > • l.00 Go Lltflt Tllo Way ( Cllewll 11.AO AllO rtced: Henetl• Moon, NHll TIMt, C•ttle Drlw. Sllewntt Stael, Ou ... otoet l'lamlno J91, -Lew Time: 21 ct U &ltACTA 11 .... paid SllUO.. Atlondanet -3,901. NHL CAMl"SILLCOMl'IRllK• Edmonton Venc- C .... ry " .... Colorado MlftMI01t SI. LOUIS Cf\keoo WIMlpeo oTOf'-0 Dttroll '--OlvW. W LT 01' GA"- 25 ' 1 m 15' S1 14 It I I~ ID )6 12 It t IH 19' D II 21 • 1" ltO 10 • 14 • 10S 1... 24 Nen'h D.,,.._ 1S 11 IJ 141 IM 42 ti It 4 I .. t• «I 1S 1S ' 111 I.. " 13 It t 1'S Ito M 11 11 ' 164 111 Jl II 2J • ID 161 11 WAUISCDM,•RINC• Petric:ll OM.-HY hlaftdfn t> 11 S 1't US SI Plllledelpflla 2J IJ I ISO 11' .f1 Pllbbut'Qll 11 IS • UI 1 lO 42 HY It.,.... It 11 S 1.0 157 11 we~ u ,. , 1• 16.i v ... 10ft 8ulfelo Montreal QwWc Harttord ..--o ....... u 10 s 161 111 SI 21 11 • 15' IU 50 20 IO t 1to llt .. 20 IS S Ito 111 U 10 20 ' 1• 17' 1' MIMtY'•kMo NY 1~4. Vencouwr I ,..._...o_ IC .... et PlllladttpNa WeNngloneto...tltc 11os .... ,~. M""-"'t et St. Loult COIOredo et Ce..,., "-rolf odd• UC CIMl~•-llflOfete. NJ< S.n ,.,_,_,...Dell•-· l'r-H«rllll'• .. _ .... -..... .... N1tton.t Coltegl1te Cl .. lle (etR*<lllMlf ... I ,.,..... ...... Rodney H•rmon ISMUI cltl. Marett Fr...nen IUCUY,M , ~J. o.Meal'IMI Glenn Mlclllb•l•·Rlclltrd G•lll•n IP•PP9'Cllne) def. Fr...,,... Vtnltr·ltolllllo Vtnltr (UCL.Al. 1~ U , M . Tum Scores~ ,._,Cline IJ, SMu It, UCLA tth. WOMaN ............. LOUIN Al .... CTtlnlly) Cltf. LY"'I LewlS IUCLA), W. M. '**-' ... ' A.Jiil\ Rld1l1tore-Fellcl1 ~.c,.letor• (Trlnllyl del. Clul• Donl9e11-ll.n• Frleell...., IFlor'lcltl, ._., W . Ttam S<oru. Trinity It, UCLA t , SanfOf'CIM. Moncl•Y'• tranuctlona FOOTUU ......,.,_llL...- CHICAGO BEARS -Flrtd Nelll ArmttrOft(I, i.ee1 coec:11. ~ ........... L...- TOROHTO ARGONAUTS -Ham_. ...... ,... c1.ir lo u. 1COUll119 , .... HOOllEY N ....... Hecuy~ LOS AMGELES ICINGS -Sltnld Al., Htftll$ltmn, def_...........,..erd AteelMlid Oevt Mtrrhen, t lgllt w tn1, from Peterborouoh ot th• Onterlo Hochy Ano<lellon. HEW YORK ISLANDERS -Rtc•ll.O llrenl suntr, cent•, fr-Lt~htve of IN Wtstern Hockey~. NEW YORK RANGERS-Rtealleel Pitter W•lllll end Mikko Lal-. t-ard._ fnim Sprlntf .. ld Ol IN AmtrlGtft Hochy L•-· SOCCIR N-"-iCM S.C.. u.e-· JACIC50+IVILL£ TEA MEN -Sloned Mlclleel Kerl, e1tftnc1tr, to • on•·Y•., contrect. TAMPA BAY ROWDIES -SIQMCI Pedro cit Brllo, lorw-. to two-Yffr contrtet. COU.EOIS GEORGIA TECH -Namtd Owtlft P.tnter lft nllst.t foolbell ,oa<ll. KANSAS -Hamtd Or. Oel Sllankel Interim •lllletk dlrtetor. NAVY -!Qmld Gery Tr-ulll llo.0 loottlell (MCI\, NOTRE DAME -Nemld Ron Hucl-., Hthlent lootNll coach. A,,_ctd th"' Tom Bec:kllus, Htlttant 10011>e11 c...cll -u..c11e-. WORCESTER P OLY TE CHN IC INSTITUTE -Slonecl Boll Wein , llUCI foolball coach, 10 • llve·vHr contrtet txtefttllft. Cli&rgers 'get wild welco1ne SAN DIEGO <AP) -the San Dlefo Cb.ar1ers' dramatic 4J·31 overtime trtumpb aaalnst Miami ln t.he American football Conference semlflnala aet off one of the city's wildest victory celebratlons. The largest welcome-home party in the club's 2l•year history -an estimated 8,000 fans -paid tribute to the Charters and their wild victory, staying up to greet the team buses al 2:30 a .m . Sunday when they arrived at San Oieco-Jack Murphy Stadium. Early revelers becan tatbering within an hour after the National Football League playoff game ended in MJami Saturday, warming themselves with a roaring bonfire and victory chants. When the buses arrived, fireworks exploded and screaming fans climbed atop police cars for a closer look as team members rushed to their cars. The first of the earlx·bird arrivals was Dave Terwflliger, 20, w&o 8'nived; • sleeping bag to 'and, minutes aftet the game end~d. He set up camp l.n f'°°t of the ticket office, waltmg for Monday's sale or 2,500 tickets that would have gone on sale had Buffalo upset Cincinnati Sunday. Throughout San Diego, bar business was up as over)oyeo fans turned out to celebrate one of the city's finest moments. "Pontiac CMich.J here we come," a celebrant screamed above the glorious din at TGI Friday's~ a busy nightspot near Hotel Circle in Mission Valley. Rams' Hill charged with misdemea.:iors From AP dispatches Wide receiver Drew Hill of the Rams was charged Monday by the Orange County district attorney's office with four misdeme anor counts i n connection with a sexulll assault · comp laint brought by a 16-year-old girl. • But Lee Staton, deputy district attorney, said his office would not rue a rape charge against Hill because "we cannot prove that an act of sexual intercourse took place." Hill was arrested by pohce on Dec. 21 , several hours after the Rams' final National Football League game of the season. PtCTlTIOUt IUStNalS llAMa tTATIIMSNT Tiie follollr)fll Ptrtont art dolftt llMlll-•: '~·1111••• MAMa Sf ATIMSMT ..oncaw ~~· ................ IUN.mlOll COUltT °" nt• C:.IWI l'tCTITIOUS 8Ul.INass SUNRIOll CQURT Of' THI ITATI OP c:AU l'CMJll/4 14.1 Pl RlOll COUllT OP CAU l'Ot!MIA MAMS ITATWMlllfT STATI OP CAU "°"NIA ~TMaCD411fTY COUWTYOl'l.OSA ... ILIS TIM lt'l:...-tftt _..,,ere Clolne ~nt9CDVlfTY NOYICR TOCltlDITOIU" OI' auuc TllMdl'IR Slc.611t~Mlr u.c .c . NEWl'OftT E.HIERGY CO. LTD .. 1• Newpwt ~ Orlw, HewPOft hecll, c.i.....,.. nwo P. DNll Yoe: ...... lox 12', IUlO ~••'( Drtvt •• ~~Y~•llle, 0 11 Mewrlca Levy, 12ot Rutl-ROM, N_,.,.•IMdl, Celltornle t2'60 Granl E. A•t•llrl911t, 1'711 Grwenvlew 1.Mw, Hunt..,__ llH<.11. '-' lf«nle ftM7 Tiii• llMISIMSS It conoucttel by • teM••• ,.,__._p. Gr-E. Ar ..... lgllt Tlllt ......,_ -lllecl wltll IN County Cltf'k of Or-County - Dec:itrnW t1. 1111. ,,,.., PvblttNd Orange Coast Oelly PllOI, Dec. 22. 2', ltll, J ... '· 12. "'2 Sofft-tl "CTITIOUS 8USIHIESS NAMa STATIMINT Tiie 1e11-1ne ,.,. ..... , •r• dolne llUSlnetS .. : SURFSIOE SERVICES AGENCY lNC., e Cellfornla COf'-ttlOft, 1670 IMte AN Aft,. S..lte I, C.ta Mtu, C.llf. 9JU7, • llfie M. ........ 2'CU ~ c-. llT.,.,Cellf.'261D. Al\091• Atloelmo. 7ttS flMrla Drlw, Alversldlt, Cellf. '2JOt. J°"" ..,..Imo, n.J Marte Orlvo, lll¥trsldlt, Celff. '"°'· Tiiis llutln.u tt conducttd by o corpor allon. Surftldt S.NkH A09ncy, Inc. LloltM. Bulller Pretldlnt Tlllt .._. wes filecl wltll -c ... nty Cltf'k o1 Drtl\09 c-1y on Dec. JI, 1"1. ,,,,_ Tiit lol-lf'll Ptrtont tre Clelf'lt -.nt11ff: SOVEREIGN SAILS, l2J W. 1'4fl SlrHt, Newport llM<tl, CA "'60. SAILllOATS SOUTHWEST, INC., .. SOVEREIGN SAILS, e Cellfwnle c.._ellon, !OMO eo.trnen Avonue, Steft10n, CA ftMO. This buslnost 11 conoucled Oy 1 C-<•llon. s.llbo9U Soutttwttl. Inc Llnele c DowNno. VlceP~ Tlllt ~ -lllod wltll IN Cou111y Cltr11 of Or•ntt County on Dt<. 24. 1"1. '11'211 Pullll-Or ..... Coest D.Cly Pilot, o.c. n . 1"1, Jt11. s, 12. "· 1"7 ""'41 f'ICTITIOUI MISINISS N-1 STAT.MINT Tll• followlllll person• •r• dolne b\1Mnos1•: UNITED ENTERPRISES, 1'2 E. 22nd St .. Colla Mae, CA'2627. 011rllt IWeotm, 20 E. t2nd SI., Cost• Mela, CA '2627. Berber• Heolfm, 2A2 E. 22nd St., Cost•""'"--CA .a.21. Frtd ,...,., JI» Sltrre MOf'll)t Aw .. Carlttled. CA ftOOI. Anne 0.. Pllll, :.JO Sierra Morin• AYe .. C.,lllled, CA '2008. Tlllt l>vtlnnt It conclVcttCI by • 09nera1 -"'9nMp. °"" ........... Thlt ...._ -fll.0 wltll t11o Counly Cltrlt ol Or•ne-c-ty on Oec;, JI, Itel. """" Publlllllel 0'811Q9 Coest Dally PllOt, J•n S, IJ, It, 2', ltlD ~I c-...c «MIC-. NOTIC& IS HIRllV OIVIN TO THI CttlOITORS 01' C AHO L ORUGS, INC.. Tr....,_, .._. e llulk traftllltr II ....,t .. M m•• llY Tr_....,,.._~ ..... sts _. S..... c:.M Hltflwty lft ... City ol Soulll u.-. Coullty of Or ..... . SIAlt• Of Cellfonlle, end all of W""9 OIMr """-...,,,._ -~­....., wltllln llV• YMrt latl PHI, Ml far ask...,... to Tr-,_, en: N-. IO DOH ALO E. LYN~. Tr-. who•• bu•lnus eCldreu It U• Glen11eyre, In Ille City ol La111na BHcll, County of Oton09, State Of C.Clhlrnle. of 111o foll-lftcl de9crl- ptrtonal ...-rtv ol Trtnlffror. to wll: All tlock In lr•d•, llal11re1, "ulpment -good will OI • certalfl d"'9 Slort IMSlnaa k-.. Alolle Onl9s end louWd .. --SelA ~ Hltflw•y, In ll\lt City ol SoYttl "-• C-ty "' 0renoe. Slete o1 c.11totn1e, tN Ille! ll\lt f°"90lno llufk 11 .. tter wlll be c--.metecl on or titer Tuesday tlw 2'111 dey Of J _.,, lta. tllfoup EKrow No. 162'UM9 et tlw Hcrow Clepartmtnt or Ill• Le911na Buc:ll Office ol S.curlty PKlllc NallCNl.t ..... et 111 FOtell A-. In 1119 Clt't ol ~ leecll, c-ty et 0Uft99, a... Of Cellfof'ftle. Clalftu et crecllton of Tr-'-rntY tie llltd wltll Sac\lrlty Pt<lfk H•tloMI 8tnk .. "" add,... -""1'I ...... Tiie ... dtlt fOf' flllnt Creditor.' cl•lm1 It Monday. ti• 254'1 .., of J~. ltl2. Clalms lftall be dMrNcl lllMIY flttd OlllY If kNtlly r-i\leel i.y llW ffCrow ctepartrNnt llefOrt cloM of lluti.ness Ofl tM •boYe ICle<lflff •t• lot llllftt clelms. OATE.D o.cen.tr at, 1•1. OoNfCI E. L JMrn, Tr--.. Pubfllllld OrlrlOI C..tt DellY PllOI 01' CNIAMI Ill IN,..._"' _.._.es· OP O.AJllOa NIChtc C9llllf ortw -RIGGLE BOAT MAN /OLMSC HIED NIClwtc ClelllW Oriw ..... ,_..AN,CAft71t MIMf' PROPIRTIES, Uf2 M9rw A-. • ......... AN.CA'2111 PLAINTIF-1-: JU~G HAE ICIM A perlOft w9'o lllOuld lie 0.Cl6rtel S..ltt I , 1,,,.,.,CtllfWnle'271'. PLAIHTll'FS: JUNG HAE ICIM ANO TAEYOUHG KIM free lrom U. <~ -c.onlrol of RICHAaD C. 80ATMAN, 2''2 AND TAEYOUNG KIM DE,-EHDAHTS: BRUCE E. lllt~w....-., MorH Avenut, Sulle B, lrvlne. OEF£NOANT$: BAUCE E PREDMOltE, l(IN S~INHAUSEH, Al*18 C•llfofnle'2114. PREDMORE, KEN STEINHAUSEN, EXECUTIVE CAR LEASING AHO CITATION AAY P. OLMSCHIED, 11Ul·C EXECUTIVE CAR LEASING AHO DOES I THROUGH X, INCLUSIVE ,,..._ ~ ........... Murplly A-. lrvlne, CalllOf'nla DOES I THROUGH X. INCLUSIVE SUlllUilONI ~ ... c..r.t '271•. SUMMONS <:AH NUllMIR lltl1'7 (AIAHOOHMENTI Tlllt bvtl...ss It c-lt<I llY a CAM NUMllER JM11 IC .,, ... wllll 181111 , ... ADOPT I OH I 09,,...•l -'ntnNp. IC ........... 181111 NOTICll Y• ..... lllell .... 1'119 'ToBRIAHREXPICKETT-to•ll Rlc.lltntC.eo.tMlft NOTICll Ywllne-. .... 1'119 <-1 ""'--'* ..... t YM 11rltllewt pe.--1 c181mlno lo lie tllo fetlltr °" This It-•• 111.0 wltll lllo ~ ~ ~ ..... t -• .._ ,,_ Mlllt !INN --,...__ motller ol ..id""'*' PtrlOftltl atlew County Cltrtl ol Or-County Oft ,,_ ...,. ...,.. -yw ,........ ..... •• *YL ·-....... ..... ,..,,,..,. Ot<. ,., ltll. ..... •• ~ .................. ...... By order of tlllt Courl yev are a H 0 0 I S , " I N D A L L a ..... . AVllOI U.... 119 ......... ' I . eby <ltecl IN -r lletOft tlle HARRl•'n* AVllOI U.. .. .._ ~-···· II ............... -.CNlr , ... ,. u•. JuclQe PAslcltno In Depert!Mftl SE c AP•••• II lfLNCl..-..... II...._ ....... ...,., e.Mra u•. sl• •••IHcl• • ,,..,.., 41 .. u•. t11o..,... 9Mlllecl <ourt lout.cl at °"~"""'"'..-* •I• •••l .. cl• • .,., ... •" ue. ,....... ..... ,.. ... .._ &.-. .. IJ720 H_ .. Blvd., Honiralk, Cell!., ....... leMll.CA.... P11911t .................. a.._ L..at le ....,_.. ~ FelllnWY Zl. 1'9t, •I t .00 A.M.. of "'*ltlWCI Or.,._ CMsl o.lty l'llo4. ......_._ ........ . II 'l'Oll ...... 10 M911 11W 8dvke Of .. -My,.,... end lllore lo"'°""' UV•, Dec. 2', Hit, JM. S, 11. It, 1'92 SJel-tl If 'tOV ...... lo ..... Ille tdVICI Of -ottorney 111 11111 matter. you tllou4CI de 11 •ny YOU llt•e, why "ICI Ptnon ___ ...._ ________ •ttorney ltl !hit rntlter, you .-Id do 10 promptly Ml lh•I your wrltttn t!IOUkl not lie d«latlld fr" from tho -• -to promptly llO 111•1 your wrltttn rnponM, 11 env. rney lie flleel on llme. COftlrol Of Ill•"""" accoreltne to u. ,....,. llllll!IM; l'HllOMt. If.,..,, ,...y De llled on llme. SI Utlted ..... tdkller •• c-jo • ptlltlon onflle lltf'eln. --------------SI Ulttd ........ klw ., c-Jo de -tllOQ8clo en e.tt ewnto, ....... T ... petition flttd lllftln 11 for tlw • l'ICTITIOUI 141MMaSI un •0098d0 M ettl -·· Oee18rla lltcerlo lnmtdl•lemanl•, de, ttl• _,.... ol frMl"9 llW S&>bjact clllld MAM ITATllMSMT hecerlo lnmedl•l•m•nte, dt nt• rnener•. su rttllWl!a tterlt•, ti llay p4tc11fl'9fttfor~. Tiie fol._.,,. ,.,_, are Clol"t ,...,,.,., w r-1te ffCrlta, 11 lley "9uft•,,..... -retll•treelt • tltmpo. 0•1": Nov. JO, ltll. IMltln.ues: •lount. 1•1 ~E 0£-!99'EM rt0r .. •HT! .. ":mc~t·1 I. TO THE OEf'EHOAHTS: A cllfll JalWIJ.CorCAI'., Plt<>-LITE, In • .....,._ A-. o '" r' " ft .. ft "' compla lnt "'' l>Hn flltel by Ille C.-...CIW1l Sul• II', ........, INcll, Cellftnllt compialnl lltt l>Hll llltd Oy II•• plelntllls aoalMI you, II you wltll 10 By t.... Colemon ~ plalntllls CIQMISI Y'OW. If you wltll to Cltfend tlllt 1.....,11, you mwt, wltllln ~Y Wllll-..,leM H.,.._., ~ defend tlllt 1-11. you m11.st, wltllln lO d•Yt ... ., 1111• ·--It M"'9d RkMM D • .,..... w. Ocee11fr ... t, .... ,.rt IHCll, lO deyt ~ 1111• -It Mrveel on you, Ille wttll 1'111 court • wrltttn 0. CllY ~ W.C. Ma."" Cellfornle9*1 on you, Ille wttll tNs court • writ..., '""°",. to a. Qlmllltllll. Ullltu .,... Ortftlt, Ctllfwftla,... o.vw ._..., ....._., ?aw. w ,._,. lo a. c:omp4elnt. u,..... ...., dO .o, y-defeult wtU tie Mlerael Oft (1t4)...... Oceenlrellt Htwport l•acll. Clo so, ,,_ Cl8ftull wlll.,. ..,lered on 8Pl'fl<.ttloft OI IN pltt11tlft1, 8fld Wt 'P\1911 .... Or .... Cotti Dally Pllotj C.Clfwllle M ' ooolktlloll of ti. ptelntlfla. end 1111~ coourt may ..,.., • ,.......,.. ... .,.., .:!!"· s, 12, "~"· I~ Mlwt Tiii• ........., 11 ctllduc-11¥ • court rnev tnter • l~t .... Mt you for IN rellel demendeCI In tllt .,._..,_11 .,. l'Olf fw U. rwllef e.-ldllCI In 1'lt compl1llll, wlllcll could result 111 ....C 1111( O.W-K. N...... compltlllt, wlllcll could reswlt In o•rnltllmenl of •• .. t , ttkl119 ol Tllit ........... -11 ... wttll .. 1ernhllmtftt of wa .. t , t811111t1 ol mono or ,,_rty or otllor rtli.t l'ICTITIOUI iu••"'•• c-tv Clt'9l .. 0r ... c-ey ., moftey or -11Y or ot~ retlef l"IQUfftaCI In U. CGmPl•"'l Nu"• IT'"Tl::: .. T Dec..,,..._ It, twt. recilltttell In thl c.,,..•lftt. DATltD: f'etlNeryn, '"°· Tiie 1o1;i1111 ;.,..;: ... ,. """• OATaD1 Fl!BRUARY2', I•. H ollce Is llerelly QI wen lo lllt: crtdltors at MARTIN GELLMAN end ROCHELLE GELL.MAN, Trensftrort, wllow bullMss eddt'es1 It M WHt Ye .. ~. City of 1 .... 1ne. County of Or•nve. St-. of Cellfornl• tlltt • bulk 1,.ntfer It •bout to be in..-lo Ouesl 1 lnvutment Corll>or•llon, Tren1ler .. wllOH butlneu tddreu II UO• PorrerH , Clly of Min ion Vltlo, County of Or-. Slal•of California Tllo -ty 10. be tr8Mletrid It dttcrlbtd In gorwrtl as: All stock In Ir-. 11,..._, eq.,;-1 encl tooCI wlll of tN1 Tr•WI ~Y llu\l.nffl known ti "HAPPY TAAVELEA" - oc•ttd et 21•1 c El Toro.--.. City of El Toro, Counly of Or-, Sttlt ol r Cellfornle. Tiie ~ulk lron1hr Wiii b• conwmmalltel °" or etttr tho Jin cs., of J•nuarY. 1"2 -al 10.00 o.m. tt Wttlern Mulu•I E1cro11r, wlloH lddrtU It 141111 So. Y...W Street, Sult• 101, Atlll: Ardllll RUSMll, Cellfor'llt8. Tllet ti. la.It Clllte !or 1111119 <1elM$ 111 lb• Hcrow referred lo lltreln Is January 10, 1"2. Solar es It 11-to tllo Trensfff"· •II lluslnese_.,,.....,addr __ llY tlw Tr-'-lor h pet\ lflr" yurs ere tllo Same. DetW. Dtcelnbertt, ltll Oue117 111"9Sllt'9nl COf'llOr•tlon.• C•llfomla '°""'"'''°" BrJ-0.W-, Prnldtnl Trt11....-.. l'llbll"*' 0ronQ8 C:O.st Ollty Piiot, Jllfl. '· ltlD 112~ l'IC'TIT10US aUStNHS It.AMS ITATaM•NT ------------·I Jan. S, ltlD 1~ Pubfltlled Orange Coast Dally PllOt, Ju. s. 1J, It, 26. 1112 5'1M1 ltOSAHNGODDARD, llusl-•: ......_.orai.c.o.tOtffy PIMe. =HOOOOARD, OOUO~IOOTM HEWl'OttTIER TltAVIEL AHO Otc.1S,11,2', ttll,J-S, 'ltC ~ OCMi•LAIM. IOOTM Tiie fOllOwlnt P'•IO!lt •rt ootne tlUllMSt.r. l'ICTITIOUI IUSINIS8 NAMI ITATIEM•NT Tiie followlnt Ptrson1 •rt dtlne 111111-•: e.HGLISt4 AND ASSOCIAT~ INSURANCE MARl(ITIHG INC., Silll• ..,.., 4000 MKArtllur ll•d., ~9Md\.~f*O ......... .., ._ ..... In--· Merket1111 Inc., • Celllornta corp•r•tl•ll~ Slllt• JOOO. 4000 ~Artllllr llvCI •• N-Port laacll, ClllHenlle ... TMt .._._ It c..wlllcteel rt a c:et'P9f .... ...... &MMca. ,_.,_,...,_..Ing Inc. ..... c. ... ~. Ylclt,,,........ Tllll ~ .. 11i.i w$ "" l'ICTITIOUt Mltffel• NAMllTATIIMIMT Tiie tott-•ne "''°"' .,.. dolne llutlntUH' DIWAT, LTD .. a Llmlled P•rt....,,.., t Mlstv Mff*w. lrVIM, CAt27U, RICHAltDT.OAOAMO, ~II Per1rler, t Misty -..W, INlne, CA A .... y .. L.N TOUl'5, '4IO.......,. C...W Orlw, A*"""•'-- l•N--MllllM..,141tt111• S..1 .. 1•.~9Mcll.CA'2t60. -II' -. t•Ntr91MIMM.,SlllttSll SANO DOLLAlt FINANCIAL COURT, 1071 llMcll lllld., Suite 200. Huntl""'°" e..d\, Ce • .,._., Stllta.AM,CA"1tl NEWPORTl!R TRAVIL a ~"9llK ., IMUAM,CAtUll Tef:11141•1117 TOURS, I NC.,• Ca llfernl• T .. 10141_.., Ron E. l.uUf'o, 1121 Fry C1rctt, Hu11t1n9ton 8Mdl, Ce. ""'6 PublltNd 0r.,.. Coesl Delly PllOt cer.,.ratlon, * Newp0rt Center Pubfllltld Orange Coen Delly Piiot Jen. s. 12. "· ». 1t12 1»a2 Orlve, s.... 100, ....,_. IMdl, CA Jtn. s. 1J, It,». ltlD 12'-«I Delorel N, ..._.., 1"21 Ntwlloele. l'ICTITICIUI IUSINHI NAIM ITATIIMll•T Tiie lollowlnt ""on It dOl!til lllltlnt .. es: VOU'LL LOVE AT FIRST llTIE, 1112 •cllftlltr. Hlft....., 8Ndl, ca. """ All C.tlft, lfotl Wt1tl8llt Cir., '*'· Tlllt WllMP It cOllClllcttCI by e c~etlon. N....,_Tr....r& Toun..IM. ~'-· .. ,...... Tlllt ....,_ -fllecl wllll 9'e c-ty c ..... Of OrM(lt CewilCy .. ...... '"'· Huntin9t0ft 119(11, Cl . '2IM) 4""------------Tllls ......_.. Is c411\d11CtM llY "' lflellvlelull. All Oetlll Tllft ,...,_,. -fllecl •11'1 tM Cownly Cl9'11 of Ortll(llt COUfttV Oii December-. ttll Tiie ftll••l111 ,.,.u It •e•111 • Pl,_----: Pwbfl.-. a-11111 c...a Delly, .... c:...:'::'~~o .. •._om., ., .... s, 11.1•.». ,. llMI ....... _.-,. ............. F-t•ln Vtllty, Ce. '210t JAIMplllne L. Ad•,..., 114'1 E W•n>er Aw .. F-lft V.tley, C.. ..,. ,.J-------------This MIMM la ~ w on 'ICTlTIOUI MnfN•M Wlllnc...-... -tetlon et!W4' tNn MAMll ITATtlMaMT a INlrtMnHP. Tiit IOl-1111 --· art """ RMI. L~ -•: Tllll ..._. ... flied Wltll tll9 Ma I ACCIOUHTIMC> llRVICIS.. C-fy Oen et Ortn111 ~ 011 Oe<:•lllW "· '"'· flt,.. '°'*I""" Or.,.. CO.st o.tly Piiot ~ltfl.S,l~lt,216..fC *42 f PIUlllll __ ..._ _________ , NU Illa c1rc11,c...,....,ca, ...a ..a.a -l-"' ~---. __ .__._ .. -- l, Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tuffday, January 5. 1982 H /F Cl Ford accused ~ of violations ~lllVtTI ....... lllatlt• ., .. ,.-. ''"" ""' .... leer• ef TtllU"t •I Ill• C .. lt teOTICI OI' IAUI W C*U.AnllUL eY AC.•I• ,...,..,. KNOXVILLE, Tenn. <A~> -A *1J mUlloo lawault allellnc recrulUn1 vtol1U0na h11 IMft IUtd by two former Tea.n ..... blah 1c:bool athletes a11lnll CltlDIOO football eoacb l>anny Ford and otheta. two newspapers repOrted. NOTIC• 0' D•ATH Oft ft L 0 R I! N C • WANKOWSl<I AND OP PITITtON TO ADMINISTER ESTATB NO. A·1116ff. C:.-.llftlfttY Clll ... Ohlrltl .. Or .... c-c,, c.t•llla, wtll ,.., ......... .-ttll te "•• •.m,. w.-...,y, J•11very 10, \tit .. 1111 l'llrc11et1111 ~~ el IOltll COii ... dltlrkt ........ 1Sl'O MefM A-. C.tt T 0 a I I h • I r I , ...... ea1iw ... •• wt1k11 tJ-• .., beneficiaries c reditors =:~ •111 "' Plllltlety ._..... "" ,...., a nd contingent' creditors of ,lllOMl 1 IA TMl.OUT COAfllOAATION tJtt Ile,.,.,,.•-........... ~-HOTICI II HlltllY OIYllN IMt "'9 ..,._..,-.er-...._ Wiii .. 1 NT a" 1 o tt o ,. , 1 c • Florence Wank°"tkl and ,UANllHINOt f'OA OAANOI persons who may be .... "" ... ~.,.Mlle~ ........... l'.M., J-.y "'"' I'll,"' .. lfllc•., oa ..... M. 11 .... .-.. IM., .. ~ CMIW Oflw, llllle tll, ~ tNdl, C.I...,...._ ..... ~tt-tKWlty ~ ID copyrl1ht •torlt1, tbe Knoxville Newa·Sentlnel ~d the GreenvUle (8.C.) New1 and Pledmont reported that athletes James Cofer and Terry Ml.nor llle1e that "l.lle1al lnducemeou" were ottered on behalf of Clemaon. c'i~1·:~:, ~~=• .1111 otherwise lnteresttd In the Ill• J" Form lt1Uructtoa 111• Wiii and/or estate: llalad ..... .,,,., ,., ..,, '" ""*""" ................ _... " ... -"'1Y, elld '--I . Miiiet' 11 1111,,._ at ....,., MW...._ ..... Ill fllfault CoMt•'-.-.._.,1c.u-. •llktl A petition has been flltd ... , .... ..,.,...,.. .,....,...,. ........ 1 .... faf111 ................ ~ ....... . --e11f11e'"'""' 11eaac....-111 b Go d He h I , ... "'IC• ., "" ""'""ti"' A9tf\I .. Y r on rs c e Tlla .... m.t,.....~-. .. ~....--~-- ,.._,,.1t11t"'11r1c1. Bradford In the SuPtrlor llle c.ll ...... ~i.IC .. ,.,,...-rflf ... _tfM,1a,-. ..... ~ Clemaon al.so reportedly I.I the taraet of an lnveatt1auon by the ~atlonal Colleaiate Athletic Aasocl1Uon. '"" lllcWlr mutt"'*'"• w1t11 "'' Court of Orenot County :'~~':!;.':'~= ~~ rHequesht1n19 8thadt fGodr9~n at lfle , ... ol M1'""' -INm ...... M , "'1, lllM" .... "*""In h wm at u10.•, 111 lllHlll-' flf"" -.~.....,MN..,..........,• ... .................. ...,._,._ ..... ,.,.. ..................... .. -ef .,,..., t11e K<llfftW!ated ntlJ fll IN llMtn ...... Ill _. IW ... Cofer and Mlnor were recnaited by Clemson las\. year and 1l1ned ACC letlen-of•intent but l•ter asked for their releases. They were released ln June but Dr. BUI Atchley, Clenuon president, said the releases were because neither qualified academically. .,,., " "" c..n cetnmun11y eot•• e rs c e r a or .., e DhtrtGt eo.fd of Tru1tM1 '" a11 appointed as personal 61110llnt1111t1tMtM11ll .. ..,_u1"1 represent at l v e to ., 1111 """* • • ,__..,, .. _, 1111 administer the est•te of ,..,_, .., .,......,.. .., ..... "" -.... '"""""' .... ~le -'*' ,,WllUOtll t..,.._ alld l,..t .... In ~!ell""""''"'-OA1'G) ~ 11111, t ... . 111,_, will _, Into tllt ,,.,.._. .. GMtrect 11 tn. """' '' •••rdld io F t o r e n c e W a n k o w s k I 111m. 111 t11e ,...,.t of 1.11 ..... to 911ter (under the I ndependent Into 1UCll <c111trac1, 111e "'oc'"' °' 1111 Administration of Estates ~ wlll 119 fWfe4-, 0t Ill ... c- MlllOH l'AV.NTI .. ,UOY •• l'AZAHTI, .. Se<••~. ly: OAYIO M. ZIMllAOF,., llWlr ..,.,,.y UO H...,...i Cell .. • Orlllt, l<lltt 111 ....,, llNCJI. C:.lltom .. ""'° 01'1 t»KD Of • ..._, '"' f\111tttmthtreOfw111 119 Act). The petition Is set for 10<1ellt4l10Ml•co11999t1111rkt. hearlno In Dept. No. 3 at Pllllfftllell Ot .... C4att O•llY l'llot, O.C. 2t, ltll 11111 NDTICEI DEATHS No 111.-l'NY •l•hdr-Ms bid'°' 00 Civic Center Drive • ,_,1o4 of forty-five 1451 days after . • 111eda•11M1«111e-n11111 ..._,., est. In the City of Santa Tiii 9-d °' Tr~ -.,. n a , Ca 11 for n I a on IlSEWHERE 1>rlv1te11ofreJac:Une.,,Yand allbkfl February 3 1982 at 9:30 or to welv• any frre9111erlllu or ' WA.DE lnformell11 .. In ally bld or In Ille 8 .m . lllddlno IF YOU OBJECT to the JULIA A . WADE. a 35· year resident o f Santa HORMAN e.wATSON granting of the petition =-.::.,1,u1111, you should either appea; Ana, Ca. P assed away on J a nuary 4, 1982. S h e 1s s urvived by he r broth ers Michae l Scruby of Santa Ana, Ca . and Roy Scruby o r San Pedro, Ca .. s ister M ary .MIDDLEBURY. Vt (AP) -J essica Stewart Swift. 110. whose father J o hn S t ewart was a governor, congressman and senator, died Saturday c-teom'"""1ty at the hearin g and s tate cof._01,111c1 your objections or file Pub11.-Or-coe1t Dally Piiot. written objections with the Jan. l, 12, ltl2 1""'2 Scruby of Chicago, Illinois. ,.1cT1T1ounu1tNH1 Ser vices will be h eld on NAMtSTATllM•NT . T hursday' Janua ry 7, 1982 at I A~ O> ~ LTEhVe A1n~"l?:torcoarliafn ~~:~•.ow11111 person '' doing 2·00PM a t H arbor L awn ""' AMERICAN OPPORTUNITY Memorial C hapel with R ev. experimentll wind·energy PU8LtSHl!RS, 'm WarMr .......... Aaron Buhler of the Harbor w i n d m 111 was k i 11 e d 54111•: ::'~t;•n ~a~~",;,«;:!'~':· HT Tnnity Baptist C hurc h , W ed n es d a Y w h i I e FLANAGAN. 1122 Nlmred 0.1 ... Costa M esa, orriciating. a tte mpting to s hut d own HuntlnQton&aatll,CA~. Services under the direction the machine in high winds, Thl1 bullnt"u 1, concklci.d by ... or Harbor Lawn·Mount Olive authorities said. The body ino1t ... ie1~!;,._w Ftanaoan Mortuar y o f Cost a M esa. of Terry Ndlrkan, 34, of n.1, "•""*" ,... 111ec1 w1111 1111 540·5554. Namburg, Pa., was found county .cter• 01 Ol•"99 COUfllY .., HOVEY a t the base o f the 40·fool DK. 24• 1•1· .,1nue BRADFORD P HOVEY. _l_o_w_e_r_·----------1 Publllllld Orange coas1 D•llr PllQt, 111. age 28, and a resident o r Dec. tt. 11111.J ... s. n , "· 1"2 55SMI Newport Beach, Ca. Passed away on January I. 1982 He is s urvived by his pare nts Bradford and Ferris Hovey or Newport Beach. Ca. a nd sister Prederika H ovey o f Newport Beach, Ca. a n d paternal grandmother Mrs 1----------- Ed i lh S H ovey of Los PUil.iC MOTICl Angeles. Cn. Mr. Hovey was 1----------- a grad uate o f Newport ,.~~~~!:~~·::f H arbor H igh School a nd Tll• 1o11ow1no pe"ont .,. dolno U C L A . a n d h e w a s a t>uslnesu~: member of Sigma C hi J 6 J ENTERPRtSEs.1..as.n11aoi> PICTITIOUS IUllNllSS N._. ITATllMllNT Tllo lollowlng Dorson Is dol110 buslneun: T K DESIGN ATELIER. IWI Haclendll on ... H11111ington 81.cll, Callfornle '26ot7 Yaau1111 Tllomu Kubo, 1011 H1cl1ndll 0.1,.., HIHltlf'Olon 1114Kll, c.11-.,rnl1t2W7 Tlllt ~ Is <-.Cl.cl by 111 lndlvldulL Y-T.l(ubo Tlllt ,......,_, wn llled wllll IN c-1y Clffll of Or1n9e c ounty on court before the h earing. Your appearance may be I n person or by your attorney. I F YOU AREA CREDITOR o r a contingent creditor of the deceased you must file your c laim with the cou r t or present It to the pers onal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first Issuance o f letter s a s provided in Sec tion 700 of the Probate Code of Callfornla. The time for fifing c laims will not expire prior to four months from the date of the hearing noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the fife kept by the c ourt. ij. you are interested In the estate, you may file a request with the court to receive special notic e of the inventory o f estate assets and of the petitions. accounts and reports described in Section 1200.5 of the California Probate IS O.cem-21. 1•1. S Drive, N--1 81acll. CA "1t44-e r 11 ices will be held on Fredric Feldm•n . .,., s. .. 111111 W ednesday, January 6. 1982 or1ve,N.WOOt19eac11.CAttt60. Pt.,_. Code. at 3 :00PM at Pacific Vie w Clelr• ""Feldman. •••• hntl•vo C h , I h · Drive, N--1 llaKll. CA "1-. ape wit inte rment a t "'" ""''""' " conduct.cl by an Pac 1 f ie View M emorial' indlvtdual. P a r k . P a c i f i c V i e w l'r.c1r1c Feldman M di t Tllll ........... wes tll.cl Wiii\ Illa ortuary rec ors county Clerk of Or•noo Counlv "" LORTON Dtc. J1. 1•1 • ARTHUR R. LORTON, a rn'94 life·lime resident of San ta Publl•-Or-Coast D•lly Piiot. A C ed Jan. 5. 12, 1+. 1', 1"2 167...,1 na, a .. pass away on January 2, 1982 He was al----Pllll---~------ 15 -year employee of the----------F' I o w e r E q u i p m e n l l'ICTmous •u11Mus Company, h avin g been NAMll STATIEM•NT ret ired for the past 9'1 bU!t':.:s::1,owln11 person '' dol119 years. He was a member of • SHIP S.V.PE MAINTENANCE co .. lhe Teamsters Local #235. 1"1 EHt Edlnotr Aw., Santa M•. CA H e ~s s urvived by his wife "~ .. .,,,,,.,.,,.. _,111n, Sl4 p 1.,_, Sadie. d aughte r Robert a or.,CosteMHa.CA9142' Brown of T ustin. Ca .• sons Tiiis llUSlneu Is condUCl.cl by en Arthur R Lorton, Jr. or 1nc11v1c1va1.. Santa An a, Ca , William nts ,=::n.""::"111ec1 w11t1"" Lorton or Anaheim, Ca .. and County -c1en. of Or•n91 County on Allen Lorton of Fountain DK >•. ,.,, · Valley, Ca , his sister Allee Pu1>11-Or-Coa•I 0111~':, Smith of San Jacinto, Ca • 11 Jen. s. 12. "· i., 1m ,..11 .. 1 grandchildren and 3 great-grandch ildren Graveside services Tuesday.t------------ J anuary s 1982 a l I .OOPM al "'CTITIOU5 •USIMHS • ' 0 · NAMllSTATEMI NT llar bor Lawn.M ount live T~e 1011ow1nv ... rson ts dol11v Memorial Park with R ev bu1IMues: Aaron Buhler of the H arbor COU NTY CHEMI C AL. o• Trin it y Baptis t Chur c h Magnolla, Cmta wsa. CA 91627. . • Jeck "W " Dolltlllll•, ~ "'-">II•. offlc1atmg Services under Cosl• Mesa. CA n•v the direction or H arbor Tiii• """""' ,, COftCIUCt.cl by an Lawn·Mount O h vc Mortuary 1nc11 .. ic1ua1. r Jeck W 0011.nlte 0 Costa Mesa. S40·SS54 Thi$ «at-• WIS flled with Ill« STARK ounty Ctera 01 o,.noo Counly on WALTER G STA RK ,De<.Jt,t•• Pvtllltl'lld 0r.,. Coest Oally Piiot. 0.c. 12 2'. It!. J ... 5, IJ 1"2 S47H I PICTITIOUS IUSINllU N-. STATllMaNT T 111 followl11g porson Is doing butlneues: TRl<ITV CLEANING SERVICE, ?-I Mvlrt.nctt l lvd.. $9. JtS, El Toro, Caflfornle nuD ltk llenl A. er.oy, UOOI Mulrllftdt 11¥11., S.. '95, Ill Toro. C.llfornla ,... Tiiis ~ Is c-..C-by .., llWI ........ ltldw'eA. ltld1 Tiiis ........,. •• flled wltll Ille cou11ty c-of 0r.,,.. County on ~11.1•1. ,,,.,~ ~llfltNd Or ... CoHt Delly Plio., Dec. "· n. 2', ""· J ... .S, lta u.7 .. 1 PICTlnout •UIHl .. 1 llAMelTATa•NT Tiie f111 .. 1.,. "'"II 11 dolnt ..... ._. .. , CORNEA PLAZA, LTD., 10101 Sl•ll• ·-· ~ 211. ,._,,..,, Valley.~'71QI T arall A. S--, 10101 SI-, 5¥1W 211 ~Ill Vaf .. y, Coflfomle '270I • Tlllt ~ II conduc1-0 by -lndlvld\lal. T-S..... Pnsldenl Tiiis ~ wn Ill.cl wftll IN c-ty Clerk Of 0r.._ COUflty on Oecem-11, 1•1 '1m• Publl-Or-Coul Dally Piiot, DK. IS, 22, 2t, 1•1, Jan. 5, "" ,,_., d t r H t . t , 1'17-• res I e n 0 u n tn g on Publl"*1 0r.-Coa•I Dally Pllol ,.ICTITIOUS IUSIMESS Beach. Ca. for 25 years. Jan. 5. n. "· 26, "" ,..,, .. i NAME STATEMENT Pass ed away 00 J anuary 2. . Tiie tollow1n11 person fl doln11 " .. fll' MlnV( b\ISIMU et: 1982 Survived by daughter ~ ... ,... LAURETTE PRODUCTS, , •• , Dorothy Boggess of Fort l •k•• s1 .. Sult• :>. Coste -... c •. B C • t Al' l'ICTITIOUS•USINISS m2t ragg, a .• SIS er ice NAMl!ITATEMl!MT Lorello_,,,....,, Bennett, ,.,, H offman of Del M ar. Ca.. 'fll• 1o11-1r19 oenon• are dolnv EllnmtreAw.,COll•Mew,Ce.mi. gr a ndd aught er, Jeanne 111111n11us· 11111 bu1lrte1J 11 c-ucteci by en Orosco of California and 2 L 6 L ENTERPRISES. "'Trenton llldlvldual. d F I Way, C•ta Mew. CA nnt Lor .. ta Morrison l9'1Mtt g r eat.gran sons unera David c.. u..o. •Trenton way T11t1 at•..,...,.•• 111ec1 w1111 ttie services will be held on cot1e-..CA'2626. county c1er11 o1 Ore1191 county 011 Thursday, J a nuary 7, 1982 al Cllttl11 Jo UllQ, •Trenton wav December 21, 1•1 M P ·f· v· coit1a-..CA'1•21. ,.1"111 11 OOA al aci IC ICW Tiiis IMltlMSS •• conducted by • Publl-Or ..... Coa\I Delly PllOt Chapel. Services under the ge11era1 PW11Wnlllp. QK. n , 1"1,Jan 5.._12. "· "" un .. , d1rect1on of Baltz DavtdCL.anv Bergeron-Smith and Tuthill Tiii• 1ta'-' was 111.c1 with 111a County Cler• or Orango Covnty o Weslclifr Chapel Mortuar y o.c J1. ,.., or Costa Mesa 646·9371 "' ,.,CTITIOUI •UMNllll ------------~ J P~ll~ ~"::, Coatt Dally;;:j Tiie ,:=1~!•::::::~. dolnt McCoaMfCll MORTUARllS Laguna Beacn 494·9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 4951776 ~IOtt L.t.WM--MT. OLIVE Mortuary • Gerrie lery • Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 "laCI llOTHUS llU llOAOWAY MOUUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mes3 642-9150 an. , , ~ , _,,..., .. , Mk •TJC( DC MAlllNE SEllVICES, 1jtll ,.ICTITI.OUS •VSINllSS N~l ITAT•MllMT Tiie rofl-lllO 111rson1 are dolnt 111111nenas: VAL ENTERPRISES, no w. Bo SI., Colle MeM, CA 92627. . Ylrgll AIMOll Lackati.y, ~ E. 0<1anlront, Bal-. CA 92MI Virginie Lockabey, 10•6 e 0<e1111ront. e.tboa. CA '2MI Tlll1 blnlness Is colldu<t.cl by en lncllvldual. II. A. L.otkabey Pr.Wet UM. Ha. es, H""UflPll .. Kii, Ce!Noftlle nMf Da11lel Lii Wll"-r. 716 Sfwlllm.,. ""'"'· COJU ...... Callfoml•..,, Tiiis -'-It .-UC-by .,, llldlwldual. O..wtlli- TlllS ........i was flied wllll IM County CllB of Or-COUflty on Oecem-II, t•t f'11S1• ,.u,lllllld Oranoe Cotst Dally Piiot, DIC IS, 22, Jt, 1•1, J ... 5, 1"2 sa2 .. I Tiiis ..--'"°' fllecl wltll t,. COllllt\' Ctorti of Orar199 County on l------------- OK. J1, 1•1. ,.,,_ Publllllld Or ... c:.est Delly Piiot, Jan .S, U, It, k ltl2 1»-4a PICTITIOUI •UlllllllS NAMllSTATa•NT Tiit lellowl110 Plt'ffn '' dol111 WtifttMM! Kll:HLElt INTERNATIONAL, .01 LI* l'.,.k °'1w, Suite t-1!, Nt'WMft e-11. c.e. 92'61 f ..... E. I(....,., .. , Lld9 l'a,_ =•· ~ M!, N~ 81ac:ll, Ca. . , ... , ......._ •• cOf!Mttd II'( 1111 INl¥1d;iei. IWllll!.ICleftllf' Tlllt ....,._. -fllw wllll "" C-ty Cllfll of Ot ..... county Oft De<emWrtit, ,.,. .. ,,.. Darling, M41clln & Day, 2920 "H" StrMt, SUlte A, Bakers f ield , California 9»0l. (805) l2S.S07S. Published Orange Coast Daily Pilot, Jan. s. 6, 12, 1982 138-82 T·-Tlll fol_.,. copy of ~Holke.'' IN ., ....... of Wflltll ....... tor ·-°" 12·11-4111111'9 office of h rec-• of Or-C--,, Callfomla, It -lo you In as -.. .,, ....,lllatloft of 17 II llw Tiiie te..id Trw1 _.-ty ~ " you may "'"' 111 l11terHt 111 Ille I ,Trv1•'1s.titprea di 41. I Mf"OttT ANT !Mm C:ll I ~ YOUR PROPERTY IS IN tl'OAECLOSUAI! aECAUSE YOU ARIE IEHINO IN YOU R PAYMENTS. IT MAY eE SOLD 20 WITHOUT ANY GOURT ACTIOH, aftd 21 you m•Y """' ...... , '""' to twllle Y"'' a cc-i In 9Md , .. ,..,,no by 1S ..., .... ell"'.,_ ..... -... ,_, plus -mllltd Cotti 11111 ·-wlt!lln ..,._,,_ .... from tlll dett 1f111 -k• of .. -... .--. Tllh emov11t ts n .•ae." as et ,. DKamlllr u. 1"1, -wlll lncr-untll ,,_ account ""-9 cwrenl You mty no4 llew to pay Ille 111tlre -Id ...... of .,_ «~. --.,....... Ml ... .,_ ..... m~. -you must .,.,. tl1I _, llMed above. After tlw• -from Ille dale Of 21 reconNtlon of •Is do<.-Cwlllcll oak of -Ion -en ,..,..,.,, ""'"' tlll Oblf9811on i.tno torecl--permits• lonotr perlOcl, you II•,,. only 1111 leg•I tlQllt to SIOD Ille torec101ure by payln9 Ill• e11llre amount_......., by.,_ <rtdlW. To llncl out 1119 -"'°" must pay, or lo_,.,...'°' peymtnt te slOP tl1I lorlc-., « " YoW Df'_,,Y Is In lorK ....... '°'any -~ ,, COftlKI' o-1" 0.vld Wllllafl>I -.Allee Dari-Wllllem1. IMM Lot ~°i:!!"111a S:~·T:~~~llh. n If you llave any que11l..,1, you allould conta ct a lawyer or tll• "°"'"'-f91"'C'f Wllk:ll rnay ,,..,. lnsur..i yow-. Remember, YOV MAY LOSE LEGAL ltlc;t!TS IF YOV 00 NOT TAl(IE PAOMP'T ACTION. llOTIC•OPD•,.AULT iJ NOTICf IS HEREllY GIVEN: Tlla1 Fl"t A<Nrkan Tltle c:.omp..,y of Lot An1etu a corpot•llo11. Is d11 ly appolnleCI TruatH 11nd•r '" all lncluJlve Deed of Ttu11 deted l'ebru••Y 7. IMO, llllCUtld "" 1111 Ou•nt Lam 111d La Kim ONnt, ,.usba11d and wife 11 Tr11111r • 1 )11 l•vor of Cllarle1 De wld :M record.cl 2·U.eo, •• lnttNrn ... t "°· lfl.(1, In beOk UJOS. D ... HO, •I Ofllel•I "-* Ill IN Office Of Ille C-ly R-*' of°' ..... Cowley, Cellfor11I•, aa<urlnt, •m.._. otMr o&tteall-(-alMflCIVllW Mtel '°' I ""'fll(lflC ....... "' .. , •••• tllel... ,, ....... le ... .....,..,. -IWfl Oeld of Trust -Illa Obll .. Uon1 aa<urH lllartll'I' are ..,.Mntly lllld by Ille Undettl ...... ; t ..... brM<ll Of, ..... l7 default Ill. tN ...._..,. fff wM<ll tuell 0-4 Of Trwt It aacwlty llet ac:curred Ill n.t ....,....... f\et"" bllll made of: "" 11114•11-of ll"lflClpel end lnterut wlllcll becem• d111 Mowmlllr u . 1"1, phis I,.. cftat"llt allCI all MMll-' lllllalllftlflh .. 19 prl11''"' aM l11t•rut 111111 l•t• <Mr91•. Oel.....,.,. ,.., ............ If •fly. °"' ........ f'lfw ,,,__., If ~""· tlMlt tty ..... 11 tlllrHf, '"' 40 UllffrJI~. fll(t ... I Mlllll<lary u11•er llKll Olef af Ttust, llU •..Cllt ......... ,...,... .. Mlddllly ••••Int•• Truttee, • wrltte11 O.C-..1911 .. ~ ... DlfNM r .., &Mt, ............. wltll.... 41 Hy ........ Tf'UlllM, IUCll ,,_. el Trwte "" tll lllC-.tt .,, ..... ..._ ......... _._....,..,, .... .. ............. ..,....., . ..,.. .. . -M(WW """'" l""""fftefy ......................... ......... ..., • ,_ ... trwt 42 p~rty te ........ M41-'Y ffle .......... -~ . QTY, fOHLY IONLV I OHLY IONLV I OffLY t LOT I ONLY !ONLY IOHLY I ONLY IONLY I OfolL V IOHLY I ON LY ILOT I OffLY I ONLY t 0..LY IOHLY IAnEllY 00f'TWO IOHLV eATT6AY O,TWO Plottlllllll TAICI OUT ICMIOULI "A" HICAl"ION tcALll MD ITMO: Cllelllloll Model •IP·IJ.Jl».l 111111 coli.mn pl•llorm type, aqulDD•d wltll ISO..lastk lltn\peretwe c~ tPrlnel Md ..II .. '""9 plnloft ~ wltl\ I CtPl(lty Of 1CIO Ill. a \'a Ml. Flft._ In dirt l'ftltl..,I wrlnll .. paint. Furnl-"'CI wllll -Ill llHvy duly port-11M>d equlll9td wtlll lour (4) lltavy duly c-.ton. 1wl¥1t ty111 ADDING MACHINll: Yklor MoOll • 7'-2.M wllll all slanclerd K<-les •t fUf'nlllled by man<lf«IMAr. "ILi ~alNllT: ~ -· ·--~. two m dttwer '-1 tty .. Ille wltl\ kKll and •II l~d acceuone. .. r..,ntt!Wd by manufacturwr. PLOOA IA"ll: DlellOld Mo .. I • 12107 double comparttnent wltll-. "t!" rat~. UnH wftll llev cl\a1191 combination. Unll ln1talled H -DIMS by 09Mre1 contracl.ot. WALlt·IN/lllACH4M ... ,.AIOllAATOA: t!IPtr'l cu1lom .,, .. rabrlcat..i 11<tlone1 welll·ln ,_., Approalmately 7'0" a t'O" • t'O'• "'°"!-.Ide dim.I cooler to be ltooneu 1Nlall9CI on ••lstlno concrw• •tab. W•llt MC-_..,. stalnleu slael Dint. All fram ing of walk·ln cooler MIKI •I klln drilO doutlas fir pr_..1y -Id and braced -all framing t..aled to be moisture reS11te111. Interior covered wllll prime domestic manufttture .o.o ...... mll Jlllhll Sl.uCCo elftbOINd ........ ._ - boft49ed -P'"Wtw to molded OOIY .. Y'--_. deMlty wltl\ • "'K" fact« of .n et 1S F ln1ulatlorl 7 ' ttilck end IYlll SC. E..,lor wall aurf•as c-red w1111 eluml1111m as ebo .... El!Wrlor well 111rtace lflat wlll be edlttenl to bulldl1111 -11 llnltlltd wltll y.·· llllcllnKJ marh• tnie pl.,_ lnaltd lo bl mohi.we 111\kt-t wlltl .., -- type .,_.,.u .... c.ooa.r '"'""""' wltll -m 1111111m-9CI1wllcll 1nd Dllol llOfll comblnetlon -IWllCll boll ttull09d to lllletlor ••II llde only .... elKtrkat~Uon by O!Jlln. LIOfll tunii-lllall bl Kiii-v-pt"Oof "9111 lhrtu,.. and -.1 be mount..i II'( 11K1rlclen. aoa to bl luml~ wllll- 1 ll aacll "EllK" comlnKlad JO" " 7t" "Fownllto'' wallt.·ln doOf', wllll llllerlor -••t.e•lor '"'""of .-shicco •~ aluminum -.-to IMulelloft wllll •DOllY adlle$1w Door equl_.i wltti Del""' cem 1111 111noe1. sell-closln11i1 cllrome Pl•t•d magnetic comnwrclal type 111~1. a Ilea..., duty ~'"°"" P'eled brau llandll Md 100 1no avlce. Ona ( 11 "Ell•< .. 20" • 40"' IOllCI r•ACll·ln door J'urnl$1Wd wltll •lumlnum coved b111 -Cllel lhtrmom.ter. Full 111rlmeter clowre "nel to ulllng, IHCt.UOED IN ITEM •a WALK·IM COOi.ii" SM•LVINO: Elster'l CUSIOf'll melel <•nlllever.cl Mllld alumlnvm •llllvlne 1-12) Mdlonl. OW I II Mctlon t•O'• w-15" 'Wl49, four 141 llef' 111911. OW (I) Mellon t'O" a It'' wlellt. two Otr II~ mounlld owr clllcl<9'1 drain pan. IMtalled es Ill' plen. CMICICllN OAAIN .. AN: Ehllt'l c..-metal conttrucllon. •h• •nd •"•De •• por plan. A..-•1-ly 5'6" '°"II • Jt"' wide ll t'' ...,. Construdlld Wltll l>Kk •lld left -.-11111 wllli rolled ldOI• on r1ghl -ltonl, con•ttucted of It ll'IUOt ea1v111IHld Iron wltti bonom pllt-~or dralnaet "' Ila''"' duty Drn• p4a1ff drain Left -ot unit mou11led on•" I~ wltll -''• --on 10" 119•. l'OATA•L.ll ..... RACK: !CHICKEN> -E~1'tr'S ctdlom .,... .. stlellt can '°' It'' • tt" -_.,, EKll Jllde te -14'' lont..,... --..... sllclt to Pffv111t _. from 1lldl119 out Mowllld on 5" a ll't" lllavy duty 1wl,... c,asten. W•lk·I" c--Incl-In 111m •IS. .. OATAaLll HOT "LATll: Welll -I •H..J2 power Dl•te, COUlltff, I I{ volt. Fwnllllld wlu. cord, 'lthlO and .. I •-d acceuor .. s es ....... ._ by manulact.....,., WOA K TA.U: El,..,..s custom metal c-...cuon, sire end "-as per plan. A_.o1tlm1tety t'O" lont a ?'0" dJll>. _,.., on pipe I-wlll\ Wllltar' •dlu•I-IMt. Fut11llMd wllll -111 1' -9elvanlud undlrslMll Unit •Ired to Ill -r rea<ll4n -a. lndk.aled on lll•n. F~ wllll drawer A•ACH·IN PllE•ZUt: TtaulMn •IM<ll l -I • GL T 2.J? N UT wltll IOt> mounted c--•utomalk defrost. Aporoalmately 50 cubic leel. Furnl"'9d wltti enodlr.cl •lumlnum elltlf'lor tront end1 and beck.. allOdlted atumlnum Interior wllll - (I) tlOfll l'laftd lllfl99d react>-ln -·on llde -one C 11 rl9lll lland ll"'9Mf reacll-in door on-· -wltti Mlf<toslno cam 1"1 IYlll "'"-· Fumllllld wllll t " llaavy duly 1991 -ti• 161 cllrome Dl•l.cl n..1 w1re .......... 2111J.l»t..a. C.All Ol'llNEA: EdlunCI •2 -I.cl on --·-· Mountlne *"k• .. 1nc11ca1ec1 on Et111r 1 p1 ... l'OT llNIC: IEl1t1r'1 custom metal c-r\Klloll, -o•l-y 6'0'' IOfl9 a l't'' wide. c.,,..... wllll ._ 12) 11" a It'' " 14'' dMp slnU _......, - ;lever ·--two I?) tr' • 1r• cir~. Entire unit construclld In ~ordtnce wtlll -•I 11>1<lllcallont, mounted on tubuter type .._ wllll w111tary ldl~e ... t. Furnls-wllt> l>Klt. - lefl hand -'°'""" .. Indicated on DI .... SHllt.P WITH ..oT MOOl(I: Ehlor's cu1ilom metal conllnoctlon. -o•lrnately 6'0'' lone • l'O" wldt. Cot1Jt~ If II ....... lnae >02 .tlln11$1 s-1. Wall m_....., aeio.. ti'* es Indicated on pier\. FronC roll of _., equlflpeCI wltll 1t.elnleu tlell pot -• l()a(ed Oft .-· Cl<Mn and weldff lo &hllf to torm - Cl) l11l99A1 unit. Siie" 11111a11ec1 and 11111d to -11 11.,,.lng. . 11111( WAU.. P&A ... INO: , ...... , c111wn nwtal cot11h'1><t1111, ~•lmately 6'0'' IOfl9 l'talllllno .... u bl INU!led ,,..., lop of 111111 spits" to ...... llde ol pGt Wlf !I'"" •D). Flatfllllt C-lN<llld Of 20 9Ml9I 1taln1Ks tlael -••led to tlM -_. table to tonn -lntaoraf unit. kANO "lltll •XTINOUllMllA: Kidde _, •~••cs. dry c111m1ce1 wltl\ mou"""' W«u•. ln1talled n Ptr EISier'• plan. CMICltllN Plt'W'llt&: l'rymuter Miiiet •tMJ~ wltll 9telnflHI , ... , poe. • ._, llltfl ""'" '""""' -._ c-tlllf ·~ "..,.,.. Jmw11tM .. caste,. 111 ..... .,, tf -UI -........... ...... ...._.. llltY IC•l•MS! s.e<tel Pl-f lry lilffCft• (ltAlfll ~--~ ........ ,.. ,..., lt-•ltll wec:M_.....,..... llellfltW • .. to " ., ., .. " •• 10 ,, 15 ,. 77 ,. llO IJ I OffLY IOOHLY I LOT I OHLV 1 OffL Y IONLY I ONLY I SET JONLY IONLY I ONLY 10HLY I DNLV I ONLV I ONLY 2 ONLY !ONLY JONLY I OffL Y IONLY I Of'ILY I ONLY !ONLY ILOT •ONLV 11 ONL 'I' ,, 'I' ARDS 20NLY 'WALL PL.AININ• AND CAft1 llltlff"t <llllafft """' , ... ""'*'· eH 11•*'111\t ....... ....., ... _ ~· .. .....,._ ..,..,,. ......... f!Mf .. -., ..... ftll, '""''-"" wllll -Cl) 16 9wte tYN • .u1111 ................. ll'lftfll"-.......... "' .. wan 1111,.,.. ,._lo ,rotKI ••II tur111C1 . Pt•ll llXTl ... UllNIM• IYtTIM. Cl .... Plrt .... I •ARI-... tlrf CMmlUI e•ll,....tllllnt ~ wlW\ .... -·· ... .,...,..,. ........... r ... 1. ... _., ....,, l'Pllleflal .,.. """"' .. c°"'111e1.iy 11111111 '"'""' 1114-ld ... ,,.,.,. lllst.alle<I by,....._ end 111C1tl<l111I "TIMll All Modtl • J ..,. MS.M •1111 • ma1lmum t1m1 cycle of fl1We11 (If) ml-• wltll fff-( lfl • M<tl!CI dlM 411,,.1-. ttS volt, 60 t ycte, .,,,... .,.... lf!UlllM In lln•tr Mlderl .. IMkalM en ...... WALL l'LAIMIN•; lhter'• 'ull•m mllal c-lrlKtlell, IO <ewf end wall from ........ tld9 Of ,...., .......... floet WOAI( TAl l.ll! "L" \ll•Ped. •IH at -~ AH>ro•l"""'IY ll't'' " ..... outside di-•. L" tM,.a ~ ,. .......... ,, ............... ..... °" •'I'' let. EMlf• U1ob11 t-lnKll<I of It ...... . ly ... J07 tltlnl ... ''"' Oii lot>. bacll -,, .. tfll•tlltt. -.cl Oii 11alvenlftd pl111 lttt wltll "'"'"''Id lltldtr-11. U-sttv<lute of 1-llll.ecl wllll llO• -·· _, bot lloldttt •ncl -· ....... llOldlf6 •• .._.,.., CMIC••M WAAMllt: l lJ1or'• cuuo .. m•l•I co11urucllon, •I•• encl tlla111 ea 111• 111 ... U11l1 c..,11tuc...S of 10 -•IAllnlft• tllll Unll doub4e dick. •Ired to llold 11" x t•" bull pan~~ wltll eltfd 191 T·Rty Model 8 M·SOO ~ .,_ llaal l•MPJ on tK• way wllll •l•lnla.• ""' lloldlne braOett Enllr• unit ln'll•ll.cl " Int-al Plr1 OI work tallltt Cl 11m • SSI 1'ur11ISIWCI wllll elOhl 181 <uJ10tn clltonw Dlalad ClllCkell llOICllnQ .er-. •I• orci.rette ora.r -• cllP•. 111r11 Ul -.. <ard no1e1ors, bao ~ -waapa-llolcltt\ •AGO ING l'AN AMO KAllEN: K•etlne pan ..... "' fren<h fry wermlnQ "'""· 0ttly, lo• Moellt •l·LO. lt"Ot.L WAAMlllt : Gener.i El•Clrlc Mod1 I •CFO·ll, llVll cir•-llOf IOOCI -•er, , .... nleH •l••I ulorlor, removebl• drew•"· <omDl•l•IY nmovabll drawer pen end •II 1tane11ro K <fftorlfl •• furnl.-by manuleclurer anCI tllt lo!t-•no· M-1 •CX·3'1 ... edlu•tabl• •IAlln•~· ..... llO> slr•d to flt -I • CFO.JI ....... M-1 • 0t 1'5 edaplot recto.•. CONDIMENT CAllNET . Elster•t <vttom •OOd/metal consttuellon, •Ire •nd 11111111 H per plan ahd et•vetlon. Condlmenr cabinet lo be wood co1111rvcllon wllll au nPCIWd surta<H ,_.., In lll9h preuuro ••m•nallCI pl••ll< TOD lo be con•trvcled of It lll"Qe. Type l02 stainless''°" wllll culoull for lr-h fry 1e.rHn I# 57) and two Ul 1J\110ral "V" $IOU 10< lloldl119 Ol lr-11 fry~. HllAT L.AMI': T·R.., llat\Vlno type warmer. -I a H.fOO wilt> -rtr itl-1 lvrnlt.lled wllll lloldl119 bracUI. toOwatt, llSvoll , ORDER WMl!lll.S: ON Ill TOOC>O -I SltWH well llvflll wlU. tllllftn I ltl dllK One 111 ordere1te 1'" model with c lllK- 0 IS I' LAY DIVIDEllS: El•ler·s custom mlrrdt constru<tton to Ill dlS!Jfn COM •t lnelkat..i on Pl•n• ltEflAIGERAlED Dl5''LAY CASE: Tr•ulsen Specl•I Model •GHT 2·l1 N p Ul w ltll •DP•O•lm•1•1Y 50 <Ubl< fu1 ol Cllsplay .... Sell<ontalrWd '°" mount.cl compreuor. FvmlSlleO wllll two ltl glass reacll·•n -non cu•IOrnert \lcllt end lwo 121 solld re41"cfl.ln dOOt\ on <llllf" •Ide 801t1 chef'• slellt _., to be nlnged. Left " lndtcat.cl on pl•n Elllfflot and 11\lerlor of a.-lred alumlnum wl111 Sl)e<lal 90ld Ira-•rounCI gl~ll dootl. Furnlslled will\ .. H<toslne c•mlltt ty!>* runon. •" blavv duty cam• and •I• <•l 11"1 win "''.,,... plal.-1 ~,_I.,.,. I U voll, ta ocle, slr19le pha<a COl'l'EE MAKER. Brewm•I•< M-1 •BAPC compact _, ... 1111 cvp •utoma11c u•lne c11soos.1 llllers. turnl-wlln •-fl> addlllonel warml119 elemeftts on loP -°"" Ill HrvlnQ de<111ler llS """· •"'9• .,.,_ .. A .. ER CU .. DISPllNSERS Liiy lullp lltt lfpt1, bulll Into custome< .. rv1u counter On« 111 -I •2EC and°"" Ill -· •lEC TUltMDVER DIS .. UY· Ptlnu Castie'-1 ••2' hot food wumu wllll Model •06.JO "'"199uanl WAITING CHAIRS: Holly•ood -I •lSUP cotOftl•t tNtM ch•ir\ ••"' slto H"•U UptWJitner.a beck •nd wal wllll sletu.,y bron1t nelllle.cl• Upllol•lered In cH<or •OC~4 m•nd.,in 0<•11Qe. FramH of lrull-llnl•ll COl'l'EE MAKElt SHIELD· El•let" cu1tom wooo c°"'trucuon. •ns1•11f'd to co,•·ner fO concN.• cofl••m•er ICE MACHINE: Aou Temp -I r AC<DO·SC ...... Ice outpu1 ,_,,, OI "l'P'O•lm•l•IY 250 lb\ ... , d•Y S.lf-contau~d <omp1euor Mounted on I~· DIS .. LAY CARD HOLDElt· RHdlllQ MOOel • llJF, 21" • W ', .. 11nc11rome •lnQle •i.mwllJI 1r round bHt SLICER: 1nternallona1 edge iool 111cer -1 • M8·250 INSFI, _,..., •lum•n""' Onlill, llS voJI •ln91e pflftl I' ltESH-4-MATIC: WHrever Moeltl • 40llO ltEl'lllGEltATIOM SYSTEMS: lncludH •II <Olis. <ompreuot"\• tublni;. loervke valvH, '*"' vetvn lrtton 111•. oll vibration t llmln•IOt•, 11111"9\, dr1trs, solenoid v•IVM. permit• and all M<•swry DOr1• and labor lo complllt Illa rtl•le>tt•llon lnstall••lon Of Ill• lollowlng SYSTEM A· ~Ill 0ttly .... 1~ in< ........ I HP (Oftd~stniQ unfl •nd m•l<P'lin-Q blow•r cou All refrigeration \yslems lurnlllllel -Install.., In •ccordanu with El•IAlr'• 91,,..•I -lfka1~ Comprouoo mounted and ln\lalleel on 1001 " Indicated on Ehler'• Pl•n Furnlslled wllll icomp,.~ cover and otr.r wHlherprOOI hOuSl119 Includes •l•rt·UP and '° d•Y u•vlo on remote ••yllem, reacll In lree1tr, mr199rateC1 dhpley c01e anCI Ice maclllrw ADDITION TOSCHEDUL• "A" 24" • .,.. • ,,.., .. SE lebte ">SK covered in 1119" prouurt lamlnat...i pl .. 11< toP• complete w1t11 concllmtnl rKH• •SS>O l•ble vaw1 wllll porcelain "X" be .. -1n•mel cotvrnn U" • JA" a IW' S.E leblt toot coveted •n 111911 preu ure lam4Nl.cl 111••11< aSS11 I-blws with porulaln ")I" IMIW -enamel,.,..,,.,.., Holly--I llJSUP m•""' cloaln #lit! sllp •Hll. Upllol"••eel beck and 1ul w1111 statuary br0ttH nalllllllds. Upllolater..i In OK.Or • DC4t manderl11 oranoe FtamH of Frv1-llnttr\. Hut• F-"'-"lo Include •11 1-rnelerl .. •lld trim, llerd'#are to complallly Install NOTE Tllll Is .. "llm.t• Of yerda91 to be uwd In lllt ev•nl Uwll eddltlonal y1rda91 Is requl,_.,, pwcJ\111 19reH lo lllY lot "Id eddlltonal yere1a9a -1111 lrtttall•llon .,,.,_, •• '"' -,.,. -yat"CI -11 1>11110 cl\ar9ld for In 11111 orci.r. Fr" DrOt> TOP U gallon ttaSll receptac~ Moclel •SC·•'3wllll0<--•ncl wlllle toe> ' All of t1.e -• llemt to lie 11tllv1rect and lnll•lfecl. dUf'l"9 normal daytime worlllno '-"· MOl\dey lhrGUllll Friday lncluMve All D1um4ll119, alectrk•I - ...,.,., contrtcllnO won., ell,,.. rOUOfl-ln 0< llMI c-tloftl, to Ill -by otlle~ eftd.,.. no110 bl comlrued •• paf1 pf tll~ c.,,.rect. TlllS ltUSIMH ts co11du<ltd ~y '" Ed A. Strvt!wn Tiit. ~ -flltd wllll .... C-ly Cl9rtl ol Ota• c:-ty on ~.31,t"1. ,.,....,,..., ltc.rww lwriffl ..... OMet .. ,,. ......... ~ta71t PllUC tlTICl "ICTIT10US IUllMCllS NAMI! STAT•MEHT Tiit lollowlng person It dot110 IKlilnftSH' £L. OOllAOO WIHa & SPIRIT$, tUH £1 Toro ltoed, El Toro, Calltornl• ,_., Anteolo J . Roi••· 26J62 Htall'llr'11r-. El Toro, C:.lllor11I• .,... T'lllt bllilMs~ II CONIUClod by en lllcllwHNal -J."91• Tiiis ---filed wllll 1M Cou11ty Clertl lllf OreflOI Cq(Nlly tn o.c:. 11, 1"1. ........ ........... ~ ..... ~ .. ,,. .....AM,~tr11t•Ul1 ltc ................ IAL T% llllGHO .. SMITH & TUTHILL WUTCUH' CMAHl 427 E 171h St Costa Mesa 846-9371 ......... Or ..... Ceatl oatty l'llet Dae. It, t .. , .JA S, I), tt,.1"2 5"1 .. 1 DMM~te.*1 • a.... o. Wlllle!M tONl.Y Allcl9D • ...._ ,...,... ,.IMIA NOLDlllt&t •lsltr'I CUiiom tMtel ,,_....., Or~CMtt Otlly Pita«, ~-tNCtlell. Tl.,,., ~· l'MllMt4I ell ... " s • .... .. 1•1.a ••llew9' l1'M 11'"11 •0)1flttMW1t111'-........ JOfl. • 1•• , .. , -· 1 • Pl,... I l'Wlll"""' Or .... Coctlt CHiiiy ...... .1•11 J, It, It, a.. "'2 1»-4:1 PIUCIMO~ ~· MOllTUMY 627 M•ln SI Huntington Beach 53H.S39 Nale 1911( ,.,,...... Or .. c.... CHllY ...... -----------• OK. n, ,., ,..,Jell. t, U, tW ~1 llllCTI'10UI..,... .. • ...,.., •• TUM!., .. r '"' ........... ,..._. .,.. ..... --:r..=IMI ..oMa C:'-IAMIMO lllChhOUl-a ••1tv1c1~~.:.:••r• Ctrcl•, ..._tTAftJlllallT Ptc:nTtOUllUIHtlM ...,...._ ,C..tlMr Tfta fel._I,_. Mr-II ...... ..,....,..n ... •T · J9M It. , -...... ~-l ht .. 11 .. l11t ,.,.,11 11 '''"' Clrdl, II I ze!l ~ C&.-., llO'rtS ANO IOtt l..,..,.f'I. Itta ......... , ......:'k==~~~ ......... ~ """0, .. ~I ~ on.CO'-ASIOCIA'f•&. "" ..., eeaca.~...., , ... , AllMl91mA ... ,~MltM.CA_.,, 'l'MI ......... lie~ W • ll•tlt O, e-1etMe, HHI T,._ J, otf"'9fL~ ............ IMll1 .. l l ......... ~· ........... 1 9Mdl,. ,. ... ,C:.-llillM,CA_,, -.;--..r ~- TJll• ....... " ~ tty Ml Tiiie ......... -.... ... .. ..::.....~ .. ~ ., M IQ ..,.tw ..... .,,._,,~ ~~.or.et~ ..... D.OWIP I Tlllt ....._... -ftMll Wftll .. Ylillt ......... -........ QIMIY an " 0r1111t c.wMy .. -.; ca.~\::: ~ c.-" -.... c:..i..y .. o-. 11, .... 1-11=~1.Cli..:::~=::.:r..:.:t..:."-=.::::::.:.t Ota •• rl, ... ....... ft:MI ww fOll wut 111 .......... .,,..~...,....., Dalty PUat Clalllftedl. OK., .................... .... .. 10..LY '°""'" IATTaAY OP TWO 'ONLY ....1c .... ...,._..,,~ ___ ..x ___ llla ____ _ l'•YIA: ,rymatttr ~I •M.l·U.UPD wltll 1tal111eM ........ "" -.w ... ,.,., "*"'""aft utetnaM ............. ...... By F&EDSIUCK SCBOEMl!:HL of .. OlllW......... . The Univenlty of CaUfomla ana Oranae County 1overnment abould renew ne1otlationa in J earnMt to brlq a resolution to the multi-mUllon dispute over care for indl1enta at the university-owned medical center ln Oranae. ' And, accordin1 to a state analysis, failure of the two partlea to brlnt the dispute - now more than ftve years old - to a coaclusion could create "disastrous" consequences for lndigeota n~g health care. 12 The calla for renewed nesotiatiou and th• predletloa of what wlH oe~ur lf a compromise la not r .. ebed ii outlined ln a U-pqe report oa the dispute prepared by' the state Department of Health Servicea at tbe ~uett ol the state Leeialatw.. Aceontlq to • draft ~ ol the rePort, 1'9fitwed tod.aJ, the current contract by wbicb indlgenla are tNat.ed at the UC lrvine.Jbdlcal Centec. at cowaty expeo.se ls botb "complex and costly to administer." Further. accordinlC to the draft report, the current pracUce of the unlvenlty ad cou•tr. to a(temyt to re.olve tbelr dlapUtel oyer more than • million in bills tbrou1h arbitration la not appropriate. Only one upect of the ~ -lnvolvin& bWa for lndi1ent patients traaaferred to the medical center from other .._..... throuaout tbe county -lboQld remafa in the bands ol an arbitrator, state health offlelala recommended. TboR oftlct .. 1 said tach aide in the d1lpute should appoint a sin1J~ lndlvi~a.l to neptlate a ' settlement to tb• matters curre.ptly in dispute and almuttaneoualy deveaop a new aareement coverlq eare of indlaenta for wtilcb. U.e eount)' I.I financially retponaible. Aceonllnt to tbe report, tboH ne1otladoM should be concluded oot later thu April 30. Tb• recommendatioaa, It empl()t'-9, "could ~ve tbe w~ for a better relationship between the parties in the future," the· report said. Both tbe county and tbe university have named representatives to no1otiate a new contract and attempt to resolve other troublesome l11uea. ,But, accordinl to tlie state analysll, those ne10Uatlona bave not been prod\lctive. ''The pr.ent situation could be conaldered a stalemate," the nportaaid. State olflciaJs said they found that ne1otlations had been substantially reduced, that communications between the two parties have not been poeltive and that arbitration proceedinp have dealt with only a amall part of the matten tn Lag~n:_a bank· - • . vault sawed; $25,000 -haUl By JOHN NEEPHAM Ol .. 0.-., ..... SUff -4l leasl-t..wo thieve• -one small in stature -broke into the newly opened Laguna Ntatiooal Bank ~ Trust Co. irr Laguna Beach sometime during the New Year's weekend, stealing about $25,000 in cash, according to police. Detecl.ive Alex Jimenez of the L a g u n a B e a c h P o•t i c e Department said the theft '*as Creation· law nixed by court Ll1TLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - A federal judge struck down Arkansas' creationism law today, rulinl that it violates the constitutional separation of church and stale. U.S. District Judge William Overton declar_ed, U•ai the purpose of the le-gislaUoli \ha to advance religion in violation of the First Amendment prohibition against laws that advance or inhibit religion. The law, which was t.O take effect .next fall, required public schools that teach the theory of evolution to give balanced treatment to the theory known as creation science. · . Overton's 40-page decision said that even though the law says the legislative purpose is not to advance religion, the only inference that can be drawn from the circumstances under which the law was drafted and passed is that the purpose ls religious. "It was simply and purely an effort to introduce the biblical version of creation into the public school curricula," Overton said. Evolutionists s ay life developed slowly over millions of years. Creationists say a supernatural force formed the world suddenly and relatively recenUy. The law forbids the use of religious writings in the claa_!lroom. discovered by bank employees Monday morning when it opened for business. He sata theDiiik bad been closed 11ince last Thursday. Jimenez s aid the burglars entered the two·story bank building, located at 310 Broadway, by jimmying the lock on a door which leads' to a crawlhole on the roof of the structure. -.,nee over the bank vault, the thieves used high speed drilla and saws to cui a 14 by l&-incb bole in the steel encuement, Jiqienez said. ~ He said once the hole wu cut, one of the burJlan wbo must have-been small bee •• •• size of the accea bole, dr'CllPl*I into the vault and scooped up $25,000 in castt from tellen' eub drawers. ~ ,,, ....... mud.tide ~y·m1ht-: The sli<fe area is ln the background. Jimenez said aoae of tbe bank's safe deposit boxes were touched and some cash was left behind. JDLleaders press attack on Schmitz Heavier rains dUe in coastal· area When the tl\ieves left. they tried to conceal the hole they By.PHIL SNEIDE&llAN had made in the vault, Weather forecasters are according to llmenez, and a1ao Leaders or the Los Aoieles advising residents to keep tbelr BJ STEVE MAaBLE Of .. .,.., ......... o1 .. .,..,,... .... carefully pie~ up all their chapter of the J_ewisb Defense umbrellas bandy tani1ht and tools. Leag\¥ Ptf.l'Sed, ~tr attack on Wednesday because of Jimenez said the burglars state Sen. John Schmitz, vewtng _ contin"'"' .. rainy conditions. apparently were familiar with bait h" l .... ,. the layout of the recently to "s e up is comp acent 4 Although the storm that began renovated bank, which opened Newport Beach nei1hborhood affecting Southern California ror business Dec. 1. until something is done... M 0 n day art er n4 0 D w a I "We're not going to let up," relatively mild overnitbt. •'Though they knew their way L around inside, they apparently said Ear 1 Krug el , a J D forecasters !aid a new 1yatem weren't as fllmtliar with the member. "He's-a brgot and a movine in from the ocean would workinas of lbe bank. since· racist and no better than a bring heavier rain throu1h • Nazl." Wednesday-ernoon. there wasn't much money in the •0 vault," Jimenes aald. ./4 embers of the JD L Orange Coast residents were He said the alarm system at demonstrated last Sunday for 90 told to expect heavy rain, plus the bank failed to function mhiutes in front of Schmitz• gusty southerly wmd.a a( 15 to 20 during the burglary. Whether Spyalass Hlll home, waving mph, becominl westerly · discon cted i placards denouncing the Senator Wednesday. the thieves ne tor not as an anti-Semitic. For boaters, a small craft bas not been determined. Jimenez said alarm system Irv Ruben, lea\ler of the JDL's advisory wu ln effect off the I uld be _,.,.,.,... Los Angeles arq said a similar coast throuMb toD.lthL personne wo exa.............. ~rotest rally is scheduled this One fatal trattic accident and the bank's bur&lar alarm today to determine if it had been u.nday. nu meroua fender -bender tampered with, or bad simply Ruben said his group is collisions were reported on failed to work. aniered by a reference 'to Jews Oran1e County's rain-slicked ln a Schmitz preu reJease streets and highways .• He said local police and agenta entlUed "Senator Schmitz and The California Rl1bway of the FBI were checking with bis Committee Survive Attack ol Patrol reported that Francla workers who mi1ht have bad ,the Bulldykes." ' McDermott. 68, of Loma Unda access to bluepri.nta of the bank1 "Where does he come off was killed in a broabide which formerly served .ai an attacking us because he's collision at 5:30 p.m. Monday on aut.omobile dealership. The havin& trouble with the women's the Riverside Freeway-near building was rtmodeled about ,movement?" asked Krugel. Anaheim Hills. two and a half months ago, .Ruben aald be believes The driver of the other auto, Vernon Jacobs, 26, of Placentia, was taken to Anaheim Memorial Ho_apital for treatment of moderate injuries. Police in Costa Mesa reported that minor Injuries occurred in two of 15 traffic accidents during the storm Monday night. Some flooding was reported today on Balboa Island. the Balboa .Peninaula and OD· Pacific Coast Highw-ay near-the Newport Boulevard overpass. Laguna Canyon Road, which is often plagued by floodin&, was reported open to traffic early today, although police were warning motorists to drive slowly. "It ·rained steadily most of the nieht," reported Hu,ntinfton Beach'• amateur meteon>Sostst J . Sherman Qenny. "It was the- kind of rain that soaks in. That's a pretty valuable kind." Denny said the rain gaure on bis rarage measured tbree~uarters of an inch of rain from Monday afternooo tb.rough 8 a .m. today. He said he· has measured 2.13 inches of rain since. the current string of wet days began Dec. 30. Jimenez said. · (~ 8ciolrrz, Page AZ> --------------------------~ Cra-ckers lo fOlloW surplu8 Cheese? .. •••• dispute. '' ... Complete , ruolutioo throulb UU. pn1• la not anticipated for tome timil If at all," the report said. 1 The len1thy arbltraUo~ proceedincs were lauacW S. 1979. Of the $8 milllon In dllPllf.el more than $6.9 million lnvolftl amounts the county bu ,..,._., to pay the university for treatment of indi1ents. The county baa various . reasons for "disallowia1" certain billed amount9' Sometimes, it believes tilt services provided were <See HEALTH, Pase A!) · • ,. Children . buried ~ in slide SAN RAFAEL (AP> -Tbt death loll from the maaaive Pacific rainstorm that atnaek the Northern California coat climbed to at least 12 today and authorities said another alx people were missint and ~resumed dead. Authorities in Santa Cru~ County confirmed that sill bodies were uncover~ tad~• the victims of mudslides ;;I falling trees. Officials-la Alameda County said tbrett people died in storm-related traffic accidents on raln-allcl( roads late Monday and earl'- today. ~ Monday, three people wen ·killed by the storm ln mudallclea 'and traffic accidents. One ol those victims was identifled a1 Eloise Joy Richmond, 51, ol Saa Mateo, who was killed ln • traffic accident durln1 aa intense part of the storm. 1 Killed in Marin Couat1 OD Monday was Charlotte ~ · ·about 85, of San A.nHlmo. a. died or a heart attack after rescuers moved her from a.. damaged home to a safe ana. Also in Marin, Carol Sue llartla. 39, or San Anselmo, drowned iq six inches of water after bavtnl a seizure during the storm. The 13th victim, wu JQlePb Garlit, 16 or 17, of Daly City, kllled to a traffic accident 1n Sall Francisco. , Authorities in Pacifica, a coytal community south~ Francisco, said three c were buried and presumed following a massive mudallcM that dumped tons of debris Oii their ho-use. Sant~ Cru .. - authorities said at least t~ , other people were misslq lJS their county and a sixth l*'ICll\ was presumed dead in llarid' County. " Three of the dead in ~ Cruz County included J!!.~1, Smith, 33, of Boulder Creek, killed Monday afternoon in ~ mudslide; Betsy Mor1an, .0, • killed Monday in a mudallU'i east ot her Santa Crus bolMJ' Carole Seaerave, 34, killed ~ a tree fell t6rough her boaae b\ Aptos late Monday. , In Alameda County< authorities identified the dead U... Clarence Hanson, 83, o~• ~ Hayward, killed Monday ID a traffic accident on California 11~ David Glenn, 33. of Saa Francisco, killed in a traffic accident Monday on Int~ 580; and Haruo Tomita, f'I, ol <See NORTfl. Pate AZ) IUlll l:IAIT IUTlll t • • • \ · Showers heavy tonllbt. · · .Chance of rain decreaatac:-t o 6 O p e r c e n t b ,. • . Wednesd'Y nJ&bt. Guai7" ' IOUtherly winds 1J to • I .. mph· ~mlDI wMWIJ ( w edneaday. Tonlf bt '• \ lows In 401 . K 11u · Wednelday in qpp8I' ~· I ~-•11111 I I I IJ '" UC RAMENTO 'f-A P> -Ci1'llos of state Sea. J•bn Selimlt1' •ttack Oil ~O.rtlon • · riailts edvocates are planning to I ask the Senate to ,formally > censure the conservative Orange ?. County Republican. J Senate President Pro Tem David Roberti abd Sen.· AJan -Sieroty, both Los Angeles Democrats, said Monday that a censure resolution would be introduced., byt thalJtJIAd not been decided -when ibe move would be made or Who the author would be. "1 would think it's aafe to sar, there's gom, to be a resolution, ' lli said Roberti, -adding Chat be 1 would support the measW'e. ~ Sieroty said Schmitz!.. .critics 'u were discussina "who the most ~appropriate aulhoi: would be." ~ ff approved, t&e. eenaure ~' motion· would cohstitute an official reprimand ot Sdmtitz. :H Legislative offi cials said they '" were not aware of any senator ; ever having been censured in California history. '1'1 Schmitz was removed as chairman of the Constitutional Amendments Committee and from two other Senate posts last ·month a1tel--he issued-a press -reJease attacking abortion rights support.us. * * FromPageA1 n . * :~SCHMITZ ••. Ill ·Schmitz ts a .. J ew haler ." ot Brad Evans, S'<!hmitz' press . 1eecretary, said the Senator i~ ujrritated by the remarks from (~he JDL but is "deil~bted" al the publicity generat'ed by the l'J>ress release. - "' ''He feels he's on the verge of O!locking ~ a U.S Senate seat." i<f>bservec1 £vans. ''We couldn't Ji/lave bought the front-page publicity this has cr eated." Schmitz, a conservative Republican, is bidding for a U.S. : ienate seat. a "The senator is a pretty 'lougb-sklMed person and he's been called names before." Evans continued. adding, "but' he's not an anti-Semitic. 3, "It's pretty frightening what's .,jlappened by making a simple .,11"emark and an accurate 1t;0bservat.loo. "'Evans said. '.JI! The release described one Los Angeles audience at a meeting ·lJJlS "a sea of hard. Jewish and ad arguably) female faces ... Ja Eyans agreed the release was "extreme" but not as "extreme ·' -eris the reaction!' ~ Schmitz' nelgbbors' in Newport ·~Beach, Interviewed tollowtna the ;cJ>i ~keli ng, desert bed the b ,gathefiDC SGodat as 9rderly but ~.,"dist~" nt One bor, w~o asked not 11~ be i ed, said her family •:as wort1tel 'because the JDL 11 "has a repUtation tor violence." Evans said Schmitz also ls .-worried for the safely bf his family. . "He's worried for his wile and children but not for tlis own life -he'& a Marine Corps colonel." Newport police, who were summoned last Sunday on a ndise complaint, said they will · monitor ruttrre demonstrations. Asked about vlolellc'-IDL member krugel said~We're violentlf ~sed to -pel!ftce· SomeUmes \'tolence llJ M~ -especlalb' Vfilh llJads. ' ~ Kru,.l _.. tbe Jl>Lr-.+es ''Null be ~at--to a bloodJ .. 'l • Ru de1cti~Jitdllelt lea codi~ltm 'ft abortJMl llke Cptr81 liiMl-.rn ~. all of UtM, .a.ilhwnt. ~omble and UM Colorldo RoekJ .... Tile IDO.W .._ ldloo&t1a lWG nerU1era A.rtsona clu.. t.oda1 and m••1 hiahwaya wer~ snow pocked and icy, lnc:lud.lDi about 100 mUee of ID.tantate .., on both 1ldea of l'la11talf. Seboola were cloeed ln ner.-r and Williama. Acroaa the country MondlQ', wtad1wnlllftt. Whldl readied 90 oii>b at the top of ~ Cleveland &ltetric UhamJ.ullq Co. luaildiq Jn Cleveland, 86 mpw on a mountain. rldae at Park Clty aJd re.iort wetl ol Salt Lake City and eo mpb lD l*1a of llliGob and Wl~. "Tblt miserable wtnd'1 beeft blo.tnc atnee Sunday mornlAI." Caribou County Commlnloner '* * 'Ii FromPageA1 .,._ • ....., ............... __ ~-.;.:;..;-...-.;.o;.- NORTH. • • ROben Anderson Hid lleday nlpt after anow blown by 45 m1b 1uat1 cloud roada ln ceDlral and aoutbern Idaho. ln Be.Wt, where 1now ii rare, the steepest streets were cloeed Monday because of 2 Inches of snow and a sheet of lee. Three tornadoes touched down llonday ln North Catollna and another hit C~nton , Ga ., deatroyin1 an airplane l\angu. Doaa La~reen , an area maa..., ot Qaro&lna Power • Litbt Co .. 1aid one twltt.r U.at bit Oxford. N.C. ·•spilt. tbt town rl1b'l down the ,rnlddJe and cut a f wath about half a mile wlde." No lnJwies or major dama1e were reported. At leul eJeht tornadoes touched down in central and northern Alabama and rivers were ri,a.nnJ.na above flood l~vel , Monday In parll of Geor1la, South Carolina and Kentucky. Some part.a of New York 1tate were flooded ntar Lake Erie. Which WQ pushed above fiood stage by hl1b wind• durlna' an tee atorm Monday. Roadl ln ea&tfrn and central New York ~ere strewn with dented an~ abandoned cars Monday morl\lnl a9 freezing lraln frosted roach. OaklaQCI. killed iD an accident in • Berk.aey early Monday. Identification of the. other vlcUms waa being wltbheld pendlu notlfJ.eaUon of relatiffa. ·clark ·gets NSC post; Allen out The release, descrlbln1 a series of beartnc1 Schmit.a held on an anti-abortion meMure, r eferred to tbe measu-re's opponents u "bull dylcea" and "murderous marauders" and called feminist attorney Gloria Allred "a slick butch lawyeress." At a Los Angeles bearlna, Schmitz said be looked out on a "sea of l)ard, Jewish and (arguably) female races." Cr-Hies-said the remarks amounted tO anti-Semitism, and the Democratic majority on the Senate Rules Committee voted lo remove Schmitz from the Cons ti tu Hon al kmendme11t Commit~ee chairmanshlp, the vice chairm-anahip of th Industrial Relations Committee and as the Senate's tepresentative on the Commission on the Status of Women. Sieroty said the additional step or censuring Schmitz was necesslll'y because "it's very important that the Senate make clear that this lcind of statement and attitude is just not. acceptabJe in ~merican politics. "I don't th!nk this is a Jewish issue becllUSe in American society we. have strong feelings that our country is inade up of many minoriUes and that's one of its great strengths,'' said Sieroly, who is Jewish. ·'To begin to attack one or more of these minorities, to separate them out as Senator Schmitz is doing, really begins to follow the pattern that we saw in Germany (before W01'ld War 11) . The lhree children buried at Pacifica 1n a mudslide caUMd by the relentleaa rain• we~e presumed dead ,and rescuers said survival .from the 250-foot slide was virtually impossible. "I don't see how they could have survived," said Cal Hinton, Pacifica fire chief. Rescuers bathed in spa,Wehts dug fr&J!.tic~UY_wilb sbov.elJ..aDCL heavy equipment to fi,nd Billy Velez, 9, and his sisters , Michele, 14, and MeJisaa, 4, after the slide swep~ into the home on Oddstad Boulevard in the Linda Mar Dislfict al tile southern end of Pacifica shortly after QJ>.m. Monday. e huge mudsliae waa the latest drama froro a ftorm that beianrSunday -afternoon amt continued without letup until early today. Areas surrounctina the San Francisco Bay Ud the Northern California coaat received rainfall in excess of 13 lnches in some pl&ces, smashing records dating to 189o. Gov. Edmund G: Brown was expected to issue a di!Jaster proclamation for much of lhe area. In Marin County north~ San Francisco, the hardest bit area, mQTe than 80 expensive homes w e re destroyed or beavUy damaged by mudslides. Authorities said at least another 150 homes were flooded, also causing extensive aamge. Destruction will total in the mtlllons of dollars. "I've never seen a storm of this magnitude in 25 years," said San Rafa el Fire Department Battalion Cbter Brian Waterbury. "It's important that non-Jews At times, it seemed as if it who dido 't reco gnize it in would never quit raining. Germany recbfnize it now u not acceptable and not being within "The intensity was lbe wont the democratic tradition," be ln years," said Keith Ewine. a added. forecaster ror the N atlonal Sieroty said be tbouebt tbat Weather Service. "Usually the S c h m i l% , w b o also drew intensity will last from six to c r i ti ci s m for an e ar ll er et1bt hours but th.is one lasted statement that a military coup much longer, particularly ln the might be needed if Reaean North Bay -over 24 hours." economic programs failed, wu• • trying to line up rigbt·wing From 4 f .m. Sunday until s upport for his U.S. Senate early today, the storm dumped campaign. water Of! the Bay area without "l think be wants to be the ~etup. AS of 8 a.m. today, 11.~ I e a de r 0 f th i s e x l r e m e m.c~es bad rallen al the . Mann right-wing group that he sees ~· v1c Center; more than 12 emerging in this country,.. !nches ~as recorded at ~entfield Sieroty said • m Mann and Felton m Santa · Cruz had 13 inches. The county Schmitz was not available for in general averaged more than 8 comment. inches in less than 24 hours. Irvine mayor names campaign panel WAY TO GO -More than five feet of snow has fa llen at higher elevations of tf\e Lake Tahoe Basin and for many skiing has been the only means of getting a round. Reports indicate even vehicles with chains are having a difficult time maneuvering. Solidarity leaders ~-f acirig expiJlsion By Tbe Aaaocla&ed Preas Martial law chief Gen. Wojciech Jannelski indicated be might expel Solidarity leaders from Poland and said be would ''have no objection". if Western countries took them in, diplomatic sources said today. J aruielslti, meeting with 10 Common Markel ambassadors . Monday in Warsaw, did not indicate whether Solidarity leader Lech Walesa might be among those expelled, according t o diplomati c sources in Brussels, Belgium .. The sources refused lo be identifi ed. Walesa bas been under house arrest since martial law was imposed Dec. 13 and the independent labor federation has been suspended. ~ WASHINGTON <AP > President Reagan, opting for a national s~urily -adv1ser with more authority than be cave deposed Richard V. Allen, is turning to a long-lime confidante with little experience in foreien affairs. The president carried out the first major personnel sh akeup of his administration Monday by naming Deputy Secretary of State William P . Clark Jr. to replace Allen, whose resignation was "mutually agreed upon." At the same lime, Reagan said Clark, 50, would be given dally access to the Oval Office, something Allen lacked. Allen r e ported to Reagan through presidential counselor Edwin Mee se Ill , who coordina t es domestic and ·foreign policy. Clark, a former California Supreme Court j ustice, was Reagan's chief of staff when Reagan was g ov ernor of California and is one of the most se n io r m e mbe r s o f the president's inner circle. He began work today an the sam e White House basement office Allen used. White House spokesman Larry Speakes said Clark took part in briefing Reagan before the president's m eeting with West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt. Cla rk later also took part in the session with Schmidt, as did Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. and the German foreign min ister . Ha n s-Di et rich Genscher. T he president, in accepting Allen's res ignation, s aid no evidence of wrongdoing had b een f o und in Ju s tice Department and White House probes . From PageA1 Layoffs due at Newport Ford plant J aruzelski al s o told the Common Markel envoys he was gradually rel e a sing some intetnees who had sign ed "guarant~es they would no HEALTH longer take part in subversive • • • . activities," the souroes said. excessive or not permitted The French news paper Le under the 1976 indigent care Dec Ii n in g order s for Matin quoted a Polis)l Catholic contract with the university. Sid ewinder an!! Ch ap}la:,ral priest, identifled only as a university. missiles will resull in the layoff Solidarity supporter and a friend Should the dispute continue, of 175 production workers at or Walesa, as s~ying Walesa's the report said ," ... F o r d A e r o s p a c e a n d quarters are changed every two N e g o t i a t i o n s a n d Comm unication s Cor p .·~ or three days for rear he may implementation of a new or . Ae ronutronic t>t vis-ion i n try lo escape. The paper quoted s ub s tan ti a 11 y a m e nd e d .Newport Beach. Walesa's wife as saying be was agreement is crucial not only for Louis Heilig, vice president in good health but eats liUle both parties but for the and general manager or the because be fears being drugged. recipients of health care in the divis ion, said, "The Army and L e Matin als o said the county.ll isnotanoption,butan the Air Force don't have money military regime refus ed ob'jeclive that must be met to buy the missiles they want to Walesa's conditions for talks, before the consequences become buy. which include having jailed disastrous." "The growth that we bad Solidarity members a nd The De partment of Health h op ed ror in tactical and Arc-bblshop Joze r Glemp, Services report was ordered deployable forces and missiles Poland's primate , attend the prepared" via language inserted to rill out inventory ls not talks. in the state budget bill by coming at the rate rorecast• by None of the reports could be Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, the Army, Navy Air Force or independently confirmed. D·San Francisco. Department of D~fense," Heilig Th P Ii b h Th t 1 1 d Irvine Mayor David Sills, who said. • e o s government as a anguage a so provi es is considering a bid for state acknowledged that S,500 Poles the county will be denied more CANDIDATI ...:.,_Irvine Mayor David Silla may 'run for the state Senate. On Friday, 100 workers will be have been detain ed under than $12.7 million in state health Senate, bas hired political laid o ff, with the balance martial l aw, but Wes tern funds until the dispute is consultant Robert Nelson and 'receiving their notices within sources s ay the number could be resolved, or until the two parties formed 8 campaign committee the next two months. as ht' 0 h as so 000 agree on a solut1'on. including Supervisor Tom Riley -------------------"'---·--· -------------------ind Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heat.he~. The Republican attorney bu said be is "strongly leaning" toward runnning for the 36tb state senatorial district seat now held by John Schmitz, wbo is trying to win l~e Republican nomination for U.;:,. Senate. Sills said 'elected officials on his ''exploratory" campaign committee include San Juan C Apis lrano Mayor Phil Scl\war'lze, "'Fo~ntain Valley Mayor Ben Nielsen , Tustin Councilman Don Salterelll and Gary Hunt of Corona del Mar, vice cba1nnan of the Inauiural Commltle ror President Reaean. Stlls, whose lrvlne City Council term doesn't expire uaw 19"', said he ii bolcliq aft"'OD officially dechrlnt Illa. c1ndJdac1 unW..be,baa • better Idea of what state Senate dl1trlcta wW be cont.led tn tbe .June, 1982, primary. Tbe popular prediction ii OW. candidates will be nanntnc lD dlatrlttt u tbey were comprtMcl before ..... e of a Democl'lldt reepportloement plea tbat aa beln1 ehalltnted bJ tb1 kepubllcana. • .There also are five other federal oil tracts off the coast of Huptington Beach that were leased in the 1980s, but -ave not been developed yet. °""',....._.,Plllfkll°'o..e Mrs. Finley.said Monday that OIL ~ t=EAftS -=--Huntington Beach City because of rears ot a spill. Platform Ellen, i.f Huntington Beach is the only C 1 be th '11 Orange Coast city not to'protest ounc1 • mem rs say ey. .~ppGSe ~ny ,r located 9 miles offshore, is one of four r igs further federal oil leaset, then more oil lease~ Off the city s -coastline currently operating off city's coast. ., "there is a posaiblllty that 1 by Dial-A-Ride fare increases authorized But county transit district offi~ials hesitant about imple~enting boosts Beach and tbl• olJ plaUe>n11 tbln1 11 one of them,.. 1atd Kelly. He added, however, the& ~t IUpporU 1'ritlnl a letter t0 ederal aut.bmitl• uldDC them o "pleue be caretul wben tbe1 put their oU, platforms out tbere." Councilman Pattln1on said acWltlonal pladorm1 wouldll' affect the city because tbe7 an clean operatiOOJ and only vtalble from ahore ·m extremely clear days. r. "The way we're talkiq it seems you think you'll be able w alt from pla tfarm 1_, ~latform," Pattinson told · JxiWtcil. •'That's ridiculous." · .. Pattlnsop saJd the country needs oil-'and that offshore drllllng provides it. Sus}!ect~~~' boat · seized1 ·off ·Malibu A 67-foot f11b.ing boat seized off the coast of Malibu was described by U.S. Coast Guard officials as the s uspected "mother ,9bip" in a marijuana s muggling operatl~n that aJlegedlf unloaded $15 million worth of pot at Huntin1ton Harbour. The cttw « the-Cout Gum cutter Point Bridge and two Los An1eles police oflicen boarded the sbrlmp boat Sunburst at about 9:'5 p.m. Monday u it lay at anc~or a quarter•mile •off Paradil{e Cove near Malibu Pier, Coast Gua('d Chief Peter AlJen said. A Los Angeles County sherifrs deputy spotted the ship from shore earlier Mooday. Allen said a federal warrant bad been luued for its seizure. ·'That particular sblp ytu the one we were lC>Otlfl\ for," lte said. ' On Suaday, authorities seized four 2•-foot crullers and Colombian marijuana valued at $15 million during a raid at a Los Angeles warehouse. and were loaded OD trallerJS wi the drugs still aboard at a .· on Warner Avenue east o Pacific Coast Hi1bwa1 authorities said. Oncf: at the warehouse, marijuana was purportedlt loaded Into vans fpr distributi officials said. · ;.._ • Allen said the Sunburst's I · o c.c u p a n t s u r r e n d e r e peacefulty . He waan' lmJDediately identified. ••Residue and the odor m-rijuana was found in compartments," of tbe ~ althoup no quantities of drug were aboard, Allen said. · The Point Bridge WU tP:in.t• the Sunburst to Terminal UL-• where it was to be turned oter U.S. Customs agenta toda1 AU en said the ship .•• · commercially owned an re1istered in Astoria, Ort. :: Los Angeles police om say the arrests cwml~·: six-month iovestieatlon· · included police, customs aeeae. Coast Guard officials aa Directors for Orange County's transit system have authoriied incre ased f a res fo r th~ir alter-hours Dial-A-Ride systeln , but said they hope they won't have to implement them. S uqdays. The fare bike a utboriza liop • was issued Monday. · if the after-hours system failed to generate 10 percent of its revenue from fares n requittd by the state. Any increases '\Would not affect the usual o p e ration on the daytime Dial-A-Ride service, wbicb is open to ·au segments of the public. doo't earn 20 percent of their Sb Ciolombians ~three U.S. revenue from fares for 1enenJ t citi•eD;S were arrested ln what services and 10 percent for offlc1als· des cribed 111 a special, restricted services. "significant dent" in Southern. ·federal Drug Enforcemeia A1ency authorities. Coast Guard officials 'ay ~ the alleged smu11let..J apparently chose to enter .t Huntington Harbour because ~ is somewhat secluded. Officials say they also could have choeea to 'enter at three other locltl harbors ~ Long Beach, Dui.a Point and Newport. The cost to ride one of Uie Orange Count y Trans it District's vans currently is $1 for the ~andlcapped and elderly who are allowed to use the s er v ice on even i n gs a nd The district 's Board of Oirectbl"s gav~....,admhmtraton aulhority to rS:rse the (ares as much as SO cen\11 But they said the increases won't be necessary if ridership continues to improve on the one.year-old system. Adminis lra.t.ors s aid the increases would be imposed onJy State-offi cials can withhold grants to transit districts that In a related fmancia\ message to the board, Jamel Reichert, general manager, said OCTD is in better financial shape than most public transit districts to cope with slackening state and federal funding. spins revolving·door RICKY TICKY PQLITIX: Our esteemed governor, J erry Brown. has now managed to put all or the political pundits ·~nd observers back in the revolving door once more. . This time. Governor Moont>Eiam did it with a sort of summing up of his administration, as he girds for the U.S: Senate race that he hopes will paddle him right to the Potomac. ' So get this : Brown allows now that h is administration has done mu c h t o • follow the policies of Ronald Reagan when Reagan was gov e rn o r o f . -'~ . ,~~1 111111111'11111 ~· ' . California. , Oh sure, J erry says, he tltaped a .lot of jre on · Reagan's California adrninistra :lon in the eampaign that placed Jerry"in the govt~~1p in 1974. But what the heck, that's just etedioneerln,. · TODAY, BROWN °SAYS much that Aeagan did in California waa sound, in setting ''t'hat Br9~ calls ·•an era of limits" foo government in our Golden State. ' . ' Why, you listen t.Q Governot·;)(oonbeam and you'& guess be doesn't bold any grudge at aU over the fact that it was Mr. Re.agan who knocked his own daddy, Pat, out of the governor's chair. _Bygones are b_ygo~_jn ppli&es. by goll~• SO today, Gov. J efrY Brown sounds a lot more like -<;ovemor Reagan than he does Go Pat Brown. C If Jerry Btown lee~ ~ with this~OM.td>'-buddy. approach . to the former Calibilla aet~straUon of Rea1an. me ndflbing yob biOw, nrry will lie ·4onnlng a • 10-gallon cowboy bat, pulling on cowboy boots and old faded blue jeans, and «eUina out there on a ranch to cbop wood over the weekends. Who'" Jerry'" real idol? Ez-Goi,. Reaoon -or hia Daddll? , -. shores of the Potomac, having flung off the cowboy boot$ in favor of flowing senatorial robes, Brown might have reversed his fi eJd once again and started cranking ttie -: revolving door counter-clockwise. ... . BROWN COULD TVRN out once again to be on& Of ... ·Reagan's most caustic critics. If be didn't , he might find it awfully uncomfortabte there, sitUnc on the Democr•tic side of the senatorial aisle. Ttle_senior senator from ~alifornia, Alan Cranston, might get a bit cross with the freshman solon from bis own party. The s uspicion in many quarters is, howe\fer, th• 1 Jerry Brown WQUldn't suf.fer great cltscomlott if he was forced to switch his pitdl.1He•a AON!llt before. You remember the Mecllfy menace, don't you? In that one, Brown was dead agalr\st going after the aWful pest with aeriaJ' spray, fearfyl that the insecticide a'lists migbt fog the windshieldS of'sOaae ol his favorite voters in the Santa Clar• Valley. Next thing you know, he was orderinl up the ,pray. · . I BACK IN * EARLIER election, Brown t~ to the stump to defeat Prepoeitioo U, the property tax limitation measure. He aJleged only the telephone company, and others who seldom move real estate, would benefit. AB soon as the winds from the Poll,; bepaitQ.:9d~ ~ U: ~lll U k=· J»io pr,Ucally heavt)t ln Enfa(lw' ICrP~lUOft erry flllld, Y y, • how to ~ a __ .,,,uiait,.-YM& C ~ r Wa)'. California drug amua~. Officials belleve the qiartjuana was pae)ed OD a ship in Colombia and transferred to smaller boats off tbe CaUtornia coast. The smaller cruisers came in at HuntinltOO Hart.our Sl~yer ~confesses, .. draws .life term· jeweler Wayne Golln. Orane was 1iven a IU sentence wit.bout possiblllty parole in that cue also. During that trial, it wa alleged that Crane was plamwu• a eeries of armed robberies the Orange Ceunty-Los Ans County areas and tbll be Cochran, a San JOH real ~ause ol bia reputaUon u informer. :· Laguna crash: ends.fast . police chase .. ,, TUESDAY, -!ANUARY N cih&ka, Vorhauer. annOunce candidacy /or city council . ~ I ~ Unlfted Sebool Dlltrict • Truat• Jokn Nakaoka and bualoeumu Bruce Vorbauer have aanounced Inter.eat ln 1eeldnc electloa to tbe lrvl.ne Clty Council on June a. The council seats of Art Anthony and Lam Asran will be contested. A1ran nyk be .hasn•i decided whether he wiU run. Ant.bony aays he won•~ aeek re-eleetloo. • A !hlJ'd Irvine Clt.J Council seat may be cont•ted -~ year ii Irvine Mayor Dnkl Silla follow• Oirou,ii on p1 ..... to .- elictfoo to the state Senate. The Irvine City CouncU that wtll be in power alter June 9 will bave 1ome tnp 11auea to coasldw, accordlna to PlannlQI CO.•'mteoer Ra3'1Da(al..-o. Be .-.S tbat U. llHt lntDe City ~il will •••.11 cooaider IODin1 approvah lor two new vllla1es that are to. flaDlt Woodbrtdce OD the e.i aad west and .-Id 40,000 new retideata to i;;.:_JU'"-"' ..... ~~~~~----Ca\lilaQO said tbat the next cl~ council will alao have to co~telld with filtat· probleou , ere .. lled by the "ct. that city retail aales tu MYenuea are --HOPEFUL -Businessman Bruce Vorhauer may be an Irvine City Council hopeful in the June 8 election. vowinl slower than expenses , the city lncun as the result ot Vorhauer, who bas hired residential growth. Robert Nelson as a campaign The City Council as presently cons ultant, and Nakaoka are comprised consists of the generally considered as being aainority faction of Agran and a l i g n e d w I t b t h e Mary Ann Gaido, who usually Sllls·Anthooy·Vardo"'1ia faction. ~)d 4t wiltl s iow ·~OW'th ...and ,. . '• - environmental causes, and the While no candidates b_.e-yet majority, ~pro-growth faction of sqrfaced from the slow-growth S i 11 s , A_n t boo y a n d Bi 11 io.Mtle, city 60UJ'Ces indicate jhat 'Vardoulls. Paul Todd, an unsuccessful .1- CANDIDATE -Irvine School Trustee John Nakaoka say he'll seek election to the Irvine City Council. candidate in the last Cif Council election, may be candidate in the June 8 election .. Nakaoka is a markelln specialist with the Xerox Vorhauer ls presldent ~ Me..sa -based VLI , ~bi oengineering firm that i developing a new conlracepti¥ device. OIL SPILL FEARS -Huntington Beach City Council members say they'll oppose any more oil leases off th~ city's coastline Deity,....,......., .. .-.Cll ~ because of fears of a spill. Platform Ellen. located 9 miles offshore. is one of. four rigs currently operating off city's coast. Laguna crash ends fast police chase , A bigh·speed police cbase betinntng in Irvin today at MOther ship in pot operation seized? HB opposes oil lease sales , about 10: 15 a .. m . ended in a t~ree.car c~asb near the Broadway and Fourth Street lnterseeti~ ln Laguna Beach, according to initial p olice reportl .. Council joins fight, saying 1~latforms detrimental An Irvine police spokesman said a man driving a sports car was attempting to break into a home near Orangetree anCI -' Irvine Center Drive in Irvine. By PATRICK KENNEDY Of .. o.119 ...... S&Mf Huntington Beach City Council members have indicated they'll join officials in Newport Beach and Laguna Beach to protest the federal. propos al to sell new offshore oil leases. , Councilwoman Ruth Baney said she is concerned that more drilling platforms orr the city's coast would increase the chance of an oil spill and would harm coastal scenery. Three of the othel-lb council m e mbe rs at t h e Monday meeting· agreed that more platforms offshor e would be detrimental to the city. There are four drilling platforms now in waters off tbe city's coast -two in st ate waters within three miles of shore and the others in federal walers about nine miles off the coast. This month , the federfl Department of tbe lntffior is expected to propose additional lease sales off the Calif9f1Ua Coast. Once that proposal is officially made, city and state officials will have 60 d~ys to appeal. The mayors of Newport anr'. Laguna say their cities oppr.JSe the proposed lease sales largely because or the possibility of an oil spill. The spokesman said police received a call from a neighbor to repprt the attempted break·in, and wben a patrol car arnved on the scene, the man sped away. The chase continued down Laguna Canyon Road at speeds in excess of S> mph, according to police. Irvine police broke off the chase and contacted Laguna Beach Police. ~'· ~\\~~ . ~. Governor spins revOlving door RICKY TICKY POUTIX: Our esteemed governor, Jerry Btown. has now managed to put all of the political pundits · and observers back in lh~ revolving door once more. This time, Governor Moonbeam did it with a sort of summing up of his administration. as he girds for the U.S. Senate race that be hopes will paddle him right to the Potomac. So get t his : Brown allows now that hi s administration has done much to follow the policies of Ronald Reagan when Reagan was governor o r California. Q "'111--1-1-RP-Hll--I ~~ Oh sure. Jerry says ,tie. heaped a lot o( ire on Reagan's California adtnii\istration in the ca~paign that placed Jerry in the JOvern0rshlp in 1974. But what the heck, that's just electioneering.- TODAY. BROWN SAYS much that Reagao did in Calif omia wa sound, in setting what Brown calls( an era of limits'' for government in our Golden State. Why, you listen to GovernQr Moonbeam aqd you'd guess he doe~n't hold any grudge at all over the fact that it was Mr. Reagan who knocked bis own daddy, J>at, out of the governor's chair. · Bygones are bygones ln politics, by golly. J So today, Gov. Jerry Brown sounds a l~ more Uke Governor Reagan thafl he does. Gov. Pat Brco~. If Jerry Brown keeps p with this bwl~·buddy approach to the former California administration of Reagan, the next thing you know, Jerry will be donning a •lO·s allon co . t ~y ... r t , pulling on cowboy boots and old faded blue jeans, and gettlng out there on a ranch to chop :wOQd Qver the weekends. · .. Who ii Jm-g'1 real idol? Er-Ooo. Reap -or"'*' Doddfl? · shores or the Potomac, having flung off the cowboy boots in favor or flowing senatorial robes, Brown might have reversed his fi eld once again and started cranking the revolving door counter·clockwise. A 67 ·foot fishing boat seized off' tbe coast of Malibu was described by U.S. Coast Guard officials as the s us pected "mother ship" ii).-~ marijuana sm ugcliog opet.ation that allegedly unloaded $15 million worth of pot at Huntington Harbour. The crew of the Cout Guard cutter Point Bridge ucf two Loi Angeles police officers boarded the shrimp boat Sunburst al about 9:45 p.m. Monday as It lay . ,t anchor a quarter·mi~e off · Paradise Cove near Malibu Pier, Coast Guard Chief Peter Allen said. A LOS Angeles County sberitrs deputy spotted the sblp from shore earlier Monday. Allen said a federal warrant had been issued for its seizure. "That particular ship ~as one we were looking for," sa~d. On Sunday, authorities se four 24·foot cruisers a Colombian marijuana Nafued - $15 million during a raid at ·. Los Angeles warehouse. Six Colombians and three U .. citizens were arrested in w · officials described as :·- "significant / dent" ln · • California drug smuggling. O ffi cials believe t marijuana was packed OD a s , .in Colombia and transferred _ . smaller boats off the Californ{; coa~t. The smalle r cruis ." came in at Huntington Har · and were loaded on traiJen wi~ the drugs still aboard al a ~ .. .,n Warner Avenue east . P a c if i c Coast Hi g h w a J·. authorities said. ·:; Slayer confesses, draws life term One of Orange County's longest running criminal cases came to an abrupt bait Monday when convicted killer Robert Edward Crane unexpectedly pleaded guilty to fir•t·degree murder charges for the shotgun siayiq of an ex·convlcl in l Huntington Beach four years •10. Crane, 32, a reputed leader -Of the Aryan Brothel'bood prison 1ang, entered his surprlH plea before Orange County SllJ)erior ·court .Judge James K. Tutner, who lmmediatel~aeottnced bhn' to life imprisonment without possiWity of parole. The chance in pl•a from lnnocent to iullty in the al.t,yiq of Kenneth Wayne Cochran,' 29, ) whose body was found at Botg Chica Sta~ Beach, apparenU resulted from information that one·time crime _partner o Crane's was set to testif against him. According to defense la James BI'JJltman, the· potenti witness, identified as Da · Owens of Long Beach, h - spoken with Crane on tb December, 1977, evening tba Cochran was killed. · .. Owens is c\ll'l'enUj an lnma at a federal prison in Mari Ill., where be was sent being convicted of robbing bank in the San Fernando Vall in 1977 . Cran~ was ala convicted ln that robbery of Bank ol America branch. D a City Council clears way for 69-unit development The Colt.a Meta City Councll clea~ed Ute way Monday for develo,..ent of a ,It-unit condominium development on the aite currenUy occupied by Narmco Jlaterla11 Inc. The aedon came only after council members a11ured residents ltvint near the lite th-.t the area would be thorou1hly checked for poulble environmental contamination before final approval ii slvm. The council voted 4-0 to re.me the prwert>' from Bl to Rl lD order to allow hilb deulty develQpment there1,. l11ue a conditional use permit for ~e . development and approve tr.et • maps for the site. All of those actloDI are conllnsent on a determloatioa b; state beallb officlall th't the area i• ate for .ce.a.ldential development , howeyer . Reai'Cfenta li ving near the plastics firm have contended NB,drunk crackdown effective A successful month-long crackdown on drunken driven in Newport Be ach is to be- extended into a year-long program, police officials report. Newport traffic officers said their increased enforcement in th e December crackdown revealed that as drunken drivina arrests increased, the accident rate went down. OIL SALL FEARS -Huntington Beach City Council members say th ey'll oppose any more oil leases off· tie cit y's coastline- .,,..,., """ ,.... ..., ll'all4ca 0'8-ll because of fears of a spill. Platform Ellen, located 9 miles offshore, is one of four rigs currently operating off cit:Y's coast. Police in Newport made 218 drunken driving arreats ih December compared to 123 arrests in lbe same month the year before. Officers calculated that tbil T1 percent increase in arrests resulted in a 17 percent decreue 1Jl traffic accidenta. f!B· oppo,es oil leqse sales •·There seems to be a correlation here," said Capt. Arb CampbelJ, who hHd.I up tbe police department's traffic bureau. "U we continue tbil for an enUre year, we sboald be able to draw some definite conclusions.'' I Council joins fight, saying 1~latforms detrimental By PATRICK KENNEDY Of .. ~ NII M8ff Huntington Beach City Council members have indicated they'll join officials in Newport Beach and Laguna Beach to protest the federal proposal to sell new offshore oiJ leases. Councilwoman Ruth Bailey said she is concerned that more drilling l>lat!orms off the city's coast would increase the chance of an oil spill and would harm coastal scenery. Three ol the other six council m e mbers. at the Monday m eeting · ·agreed that more 1 platforms offshore would be detrimental to the city. There are four drilling platforms DOW in waters orr the city's coast -t wo in s tate waters within three miles of shore and the others in federal waters about nine miles off the coast. ~\. This month, the federal Department or lbe Interior is expected to propose additional lease sales off the California Coast. Once that prooosal is officially made, city and state officials will have 60 days to appeal. The mayors of Newport and Laguna say their cities oppose the proposed lease sales largely because or the possibility of an oil spill. The drunk e n driving crackdown centered aroand a program of placing extra ldice cari on the streets with officers ordered to took out for tipsy m otorists. Campbell saJd he intends to continue putting extra officers on the drunk watch at least three days a week. ,,,~... . ~ Governor spins revolving door RICKY TICKY POLJTIX: Our esteemed governor, Jerry Brown. has now managed to put all of the poJitical pundits 1lnd observers back in the revolvi ng door once more. This time. Governor Moonbeam did it with a sort of summing up of his administration. as he girds for the U.S. Senate race that he hopes will paddle him right to the Potomac. So get this · Brown allows now that h is administration bas d. o n e m u c h t o follow the policies of Ronald Reagan when Reagan was governor o r ~ ill llRPHlll ®" California. , Oh sure. Jerry says, he heaped a lot of i.re on Reagan's California administration in the campaign that placed Jerry in th~ JOvemontdp in 1974. But what the heck, that's just electioneering. • TODAY, BROWN SAYS much that (\eagan did in California was sound, in setting what Brown calls ··an era of limits" for government in our GQlden State. Why, you listen to Governor Moonbeam a od you'd guess he doesn't hold any grudge at au over the fact that lt was Mr. Reagan who knocked his own daddy, Pat. out ot the governor's chair. Bygones are bygone$ in politics, by golly.' So today, Gov. Jerry Brown sounds a lot more li~ Governor Reagan than t)e d015 ~v. Pat Browo. , II Jerry Brown keeps uJ) with this .~y-buddy approach to th• lormw Califomia admlni1uatioa of· Rea1an, the next thing you know, Jerry will be donning a 1l0·1allon cowboy hat, pulling on cowboy boots and old' raded blue jeans, and getting out there on a ranch to chop ·wood over the weekends.· Who 13 JerTy's real idol? Er-Goll., Reap-or Im Doddf/1 ' shores of the Po~omac, h;lVing flung off the cowboy boots in favor of flowin g senatorial robes, Brown might have reversed his field once again and started cranking the revolving door count er-clockwise. BROWN COULD TVRN out once again to be one of Reagan's most caustic'critics. If he didn't, he might find it awfully uncomfortable there, sitting on the Democratk side of the senatorial aisle. · The senior senatbt' from California, Alan Cranston, might get a bit cross with the freshman soloQ from his ownj>arty. .. The suspicion in' many ·quarters is, howevef, that Jerry Brown wouldn't sQffer ll'eat discomfort if be wu· fotced to switch bis pitch .... tJe's done it before. You remember the 1111edf'fy 'menace, don't you? In that one, Brown was dead against going after the awful pest with aerial spray, fear.fµl th•t the insecticide mists · might fog the wtndshields of some of his favorite voters in the SAnta Clara Valley. Nen thing you know, b' was ~ ordering up the spray. • that emluiOOI from the plaJlt and alle1ed disposal of haaardou1 wastes may have contaminated the tround Oll and near the eoo Victoria St. 1tte. Several residents, part ot a 1roup called Chemical Action Neitbbol'hood AalociaUon, came to the meetlnt aeeklnt aaaurance that the t.esta would be conducted. Resident Bert.ha Bantert told tile council 1be bad seen chemlcala dumped onto open rround at the site unW 1979, when the area in quesUon wu paved. 0 l'm living in fear, and I have been for the Jut 15 .to 20 years," abe said. Site uked ~ city to te•t the Narmco 1round.s and soil in surrou.ndlnc areu "for our peace of mind." · Council members agr-eed -tbat- they would have to be satisfied wit.b test results before givina final approval to the de- velopment~ l'u.11 tutin1 cu only ~e place, they aald, after N arm co movee from the 1lte and ita factory ii demolllbed. '!)at may happen u early a1· th1' year. , Councilwoman Norma Hertq told tbe residents, about five of whom attended tbe meetin1, that abe l1 "ver1 concerned that we make sure there aren't ,any problems <• the aite) befOl'e Narmco'1 let otf the book.'' · . A draft environmental lmpact report prepared by the city la November said 26 chemlcali found at the site may be considered lode in certain concentrations. Futur'l! tatiq will determine ti tbe concentrations are hazardous, and if the cbemkala found bi soil at the site differ in type or content from those found in other areas of the city. Mother ship in pot operation seized? ·. A 67-foot fishing boat seized off the coast of Malibu was described by U.S. Cout Guard officials as the s uspected , "mother ship" in a marijuana am uggllng operation that allegedly unloaded S15 million worth of pot at Huntington Harbour. The crew of the Cout Guard eutter Point Briqe and two Loi Angeles police offlcen boarded the shrimp bo~t Sunburst at tbout 9:45 p.m. Monday u it lay at anchor-a quarter-mile off Paradise Cove near Malibu Pier, Coast Guard Chief Peter Allen said. A LOI An1eles Co\lnty sberiff'a deputy s~ted the ship from shore ear er Monday. Aile. bid a federa warrant bad been ilaued for ita seimre. "That particular ship was the: one we were looking for," h~ said. ; Oo Sunday, aulborlUes seUecf four 24-foot cruisers an~ Colombian marijuana valued ~ $15 million during a raJd at s: Los Angeles warebouae. -~ Sir-colomb&ans and three u.s.: citi%en.s were arrested in *bat' o ff i c i a Is d ea c r i bed as ,;· "significant dent" in Southenl'- Califomia drug amunlln1. Offlclall believe the marijuana was packed oo a ship in Colombia and transferred to smaller boats off the Callfornia coast. The s maller cruiser& came in at Huntington Harbout and were loaded on trailen witb the druga at.llJ aboard at a dock '>n ~arner Avenue east of Pacific Coast Highway,. euth1>rities alllld. ··~- Slayer confesses, .draws life term . '• •. One of Oran1e Coun~y'1· longest running crimlnaJ cases came to an abrupt bait 1(09day when coovieted killer Robert Edward Crane unexpectedly pleaded ruUty to first-degree murder charges for the shotgun slaying of an ex-convict in Huntington Beach four years ago. Crane, 3:2, a reputed leader of the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang, entered his surprise plea before <>ranee County Superior Court Judge James K. Tui:ner, who immediately sentenced him· to life imprisonment without possibility of parole. · The change in plea from innocent to guilty in the slaying of Kenneth Wayne Cochran, 29, whose body was found at BoLia · Chica State Beach, apparently resulted from information ihat a one-time c rime _partner of. Crane's was s et to testify' against him. · According to defe119e lawye~ James Brustman, the potenti.i witness. identified as David. Owens of Long B"cb, bad spoken with ef ane on th~ December, ltrrl, evening thaf Cochran was killed. Owens la currenUy an inma~ at a federal prison in Marion, Jll., where be was sent after bein1 convicted of robbinl a bank in the San Fernando Valley in 1977. Crane waa also. convicted in that robbery or a Bank ol America branch. Mesa council split ·on zoning appeal -: ''It's a landmark 4ecla1on fear the state and a lot of cities are looking to us," said Mrs. Schaf• tbis mornln1. "We should exhaust all our remedies." · If the city council should fall to appeal the decision by Monday, the appellate rourt ruling will stand Pair arrested ;in Newport .beating case ... .... ~ ..... j~r~c~~ a ::~~(: ~l • ~ .... ~#\,.. u -... ... . t lit ... 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UIFoS t.129 •• ,. 22 • Yo Suon .os.10 51 • .._ 14 u 4 1r • ll l 1511 n-.-I'll S<llTPlo ..... ., !11111-~ u GWll '·i 1 ~ IE "' Sc.llllU • 410 ~ '-U GY pf I • ~ Sdllmllt .aii1Mt S2 -Nit U Hom . j 1111 klAU .IO» 41J 11¥.-tlo U Ind 2' .. ..,._ V. Scoa ... IOICJ.!Ar>-°"'U~, t "4 2S -~ kOIL..O • St ~+ 14 ~ .lltt'I' ., ... IS~+ 14 $<04Ftl IM I II 29¥. • ~ ts I I.ts S ll"4 ~ SuttP 1 S S11 1'\d. ._ " -t 2 '32 ~ 14 Scotty• 72 , 21 ~ ._ u * 2.40 10 !JS .sw.-1-. ScovHI 1:n • ,. ~· " 8~,~ I~ ' 1t mr. ~ t~IAla 1lr 1': 1~:: UTc!l.r ':11 ;: 1>4 11~ ..... s..ct,fl.a :: u ~" 8~'1rrd. 't•~'': =::"~, S.aetpf t.10 .. • 11'111 ..... tlJni , 7 '1 V. ~ ~ "" .. . ' •• 1 11'1-~ " Un l• SI J1~ IM--~ 81 ~I . it-= w='~ ZJt.:.~ In the American pantheon of aacrosanct values, small busJness rank.a up there with Mom and apple pie. We're naturaJly au1plcloua of larce orga.nb:ationa. We have laws on the boob to protect small companies from belnl run over by monster corporations. We have a Small Business Administration to help email companies get the fin~ing they need. Given that partiality. tbere'a an intere1tin1 confrontation shaping up this year between small business and big universities. At Issue la this question: Who should carry out tbe basic research funded by the federal govemment? Many people feel that small companies are better than large corporations in comin& up with fresh ideas for new processes and product.a. The theory here is that the small company Is more flexible and therefore more innovative. Acting on this impulse, the Senate ~ last month passed a '- bill that would set . r c. aside some federal · / 1 research ~oney for lllJll mllllU ... ,1·~· small business. The '""9 bill sponsored by ------------~ fre s hman Sen . Warren Rudman <R·N.H.) specifies that all federal agencies with research and development budgets of $100 billion or more a year reserve at least 1 percent of those grants for small companies doing innovative research. The measure of senatorial confidence in small business was renected in the final vote on the bill: 90 to O. The Rudman bill was s,Upported by President Reagan and the Federation of American Scientists. A House science committee will begln bearings on similar legislation ltus month . The chief opposition to the bill d.ivertlne resurch funds to small business will come not from the General Electrics of the world but from our noble and large universities. They are aghast at a proposal that would reduce their federal research grants. The Association of American Universities and lhe National Association or State Universities and Land Grant O?Ueges have officially come out against the legislation. Donald Kennedy, president of Stanford University and former head of the Food & Drug Administration, will be one of the university leaders who will go to Washington to testify against the bUJ. Stanford's stake in this area is high. The university currently has more than 1,000 research contract.$ worth about $120 million, 90 percent of which is supported by federal 1rants_ Since the-legistaUon --setting-aside 1 percent or government monies for small business does not call for any additional outlays, this could impact Stanford by Sl million or more. Stanford will try to make the point before Congress that small business(!$ are ttrtainly n~ capabh! of doing basic research ln such areas as high energy physics. As a result, says the university. if the set.aside program takes away money from basic research in high energy physiea, that will just be a total loss. ·-u the· bill passes Con1ress, some $75 million of 'research funds would b~ earmarked for small .businesses in the first year. SILVER .. ..JJO "°" -· 14_,.,. & .. ...._ 1on1v ullrQ .... ). I ' i - I I I I