HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-10 - Orange Coast PilotYlll 11111• llllY PIPll \1Nl>l\Y ,lt\NlJf\HY 111 l'Hi.> OHAN GE COUN TY. CA llf ORNIA ~o Cl N 1 '> 'f# ,. Medical care for poor: $500 million question • l 1: f:dlk>r't NOC•: TMI u tlw ftr.C iadaUmnt bt o DaUr PUoC ..,..., namhd!IQ u.. f&taltciol dilpMI• crl~ ,,.. UC ,,,.. Aldcol C.,Un m Oroftoe. M0""°11'• arlick ~ deacri,,_ tlw old ttnAdure u.. .,, ultnMMdmt ~: •r raao1:a1ea SCBOEMEBL .................. Before the filaul year ends June 30, about $500 million will be spent by local. state and federal aovernmeot aaencies to provide health care for Oran1e County residents without abllltY to pay. BJ comparlson, that fl1ure is about two-thirds· of the amount, $713 mUllon1 that Oran1e County government will spend an the aame period to finance ita 12,000-employee operation. Who receives this money! The elderly, those who receive federal Medicare benefits, wlll receive about $290 .mllli90. Beyond that, the state, via Medi-Cal, will contribute more tha.n $184 million for health ENVIRONMENT SUFFERS -If drilling muds are allowed to be dumped from oil operations' in federat wattt5. such as care to persona who are defined u medically needy. Finally, Oran1e County 1overnment wlU sj>end about $13. 7 million for eare ol penoaa defined u lndigent -penom wbo either bave no resources or see them exhausted by a ''catutrophic" illneaa or injury. Stanley van den Noort, dean of the UC Irvine College of Medicine, bu estimated that the needy or i~digent population in Oran1e Counb• approa.chea 300,000 -or about one out of every seven residents. But despite the size of. the population and the amount of money that la spent to provide it .with health care, few dependable statistics exist. A few characteristics, of course, are known. The working poor, undocumented residents, persons who think, mistakenly, u many college students do, that they have health insurance, the unemployed -all belong to this large 1roup .....,"-............ O'a.-11 this one o£f Huntington Beach. how will they arrect marine Ure ? State orricials say more research is needed. provides the services then bUb the county on a fee-for-service basis. That relationship bu existed since 191,, when the then-Orange County Medical Centet, was sold to the university to become the; teachlna ~pilal for the UCI medical school. ..~ CARE • It bas been a reiatlon1bip marred bf disagreements; ttie county claimiq that uni venity often provides too much care at to9 great a price. The university maintains ita level of service la both proper and necessary. of people for whom government picks up the health care tab. Until recently, gettln1 care in Orange County at government expense wu not very difficult. lf a person didn't qualify for Medicare or Medi-Cal, care would be provided without much question at county expense. The !eud inten.silied in 1981. Hanh letters were exchanged between both sides. Publle pronouncements or mutual desires to resolve the dispute dissolved into petty .lnfithtlnt. Negotiations occurred, off and on, and off. ' Today, u a result, the warnint sl1ns are evident: medical care for Oran1e 'Countj residents who cannot afford to pay or have no insurance is, and will continue to be.; That care was, and ls, provided at the UC Irvine Medical Center in Orange via !l contract between the university and Orange County government. Under that contract, the university <See INDIGENT, Pase A3> .. General loosens -Polish claIDpdown '. WARSAW, Poland <AP) - Gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski lilted censorship tor foreign correspondents Saturday and met with Roman Catholic Archbishop J01.ef Glemp in what appeared to be dramatic slins the Polish crisis was easing after four weeks of martial law. But the communist regime s aid President Reagan's sanctions made it "still more difficult to overcome the crisis" and terme d the economic situation "fatal." It said Poland's foreign debt had risen to $28.5 billioo and appealed IM M billion in import c..-tta and a Western "bridle for flnancinl." Later, Radio Warsaw said. a separate state of emergency bad been declared in tbe central Plock province, where more titan 1 ,000 people wer~ evacuated after the Wilsa River flooded. No other details were provided. Parliament will meet Jan. 20 to discuss martial law and other issues. · Radio Warsaw, in another sign o r apparent easing or the situation. said theaters, movies, concert halls, art galleries and other .. cultu r al and cultural -ed ucational establishments" will reopen in the capital and Warsaw province Friday. Urban wouJd not elaborate on the meeting between Jartuelski, the martial law chief, pri ... minister and Communist Partj chief, and Glemp, Poland'4 Roman Catholic primate. It apparently was their first m eeting since Jaruzellkl declared martial law D:lec and suspended the indepe union Solidarity. Radio Warsaw said during th meeting "intentions aiming at the normalization of life i,I Poland were expressed" ~ said no more. Bad omen offshore? Relaxation of oil rig dumping rules contested Government press spoknman Jeray Urban said forel1n correspo.ndenta accredited In Waraaw could now file uncensored stories, but only through the telex at the government's foreign press center, which is only open ' during regular busineu hours. It was not known if other transmission facilities for foreign correspondents would be opened soon. By STEVE TRIPOLI Of .. OMyN.tMMt A relaxation of environmental regulations governing offshore oil and gas operations, coming at a Ume when such operations may muJUply off the Orange Coast, bas raised the concern of stale officials. At issue ls whether the new regulations, granted by tbe federal Environmental SUNDAY SPECIAL Protection Agency, provide adequate environmental protection. Officials of the state Department of Fish and Game say they and many other experts aren't sure, and, therefore,· the rules s_bould not be relaxed. The EPA action, scheduled to take effect thia month, will allow the in-sea dumpine ol wastes from d!illinl operations at more than 150 sites between the Mexican border and San Luis Obispo County. Tb~ so-called general permit wiU replace slte-by-_aite permits for dumpln1. EPA officials say the general permit will cut needless red tape and pose no danget' to the environment. The Orange Coast now bas just four oUshore drilling sites, all off Huntington Beach and only two of which are in federal waters under EPA jurisdiction. But an upcoming lease sale will place 30 more federal tracts on the block in an area stretching almost the entire length of the county coastline. The sale is scheduled for June. Combined with the EPA action, it represent.a a pote.nUaJ double-barreled problem ror the area. While local officials have spoken out against the new lease sale as a threat to local beaches, tide pools and tourism because of potential oil spills, Fish and Gaaie bas expressed concern over the new EPA guidelines solely as a threat to possible martne life, including the state's $800 million-a-year fishing industry. '?bough a similar package of tracts attracted UWe interest when fint o~ered for sale ln 1979, the rising cost of crud~ oU bu since added considerable attractlv~ to the leases now for sale, accordin& to one oil company spokesman. The EPA permit,. which sbouJd be issued shortly, will allow the dumping ol several products of drilling operations into the sea. Among them are: 1 -Drilling muds, which are fluids used to cool and lubricate drilling bits and bring drilled materials to the surface. According to the EPA the two basic types or muds are composed of water mixed with clays and a mixture or diesel oil, clay and water. -Drill cuttings, mineral particles <See DalLuNG, Pa1e AZ> Urban told a news conference that foreign correspondents may be allowed to travel outside Warsaw soon, that telephone service will be restored across the country Sunday, and that $2,700 haul trickles down to bandit A d.lasruntJed and iun-tot.ine critic of Jleaganomics decideCI to take the economic theory to a Buena Park bank and came out on the supply side of $2,700. A bandit wearinl sungluaes and a hooded sweatshirt entered' the Bank of America, 7025 Orangetborpe, Friday morning and confronted three tellen with a Ions-barreled bandcun, said police officer Terry Branum. "You can thank Reatan for this. I aot laid off h'om my Job," the man said as he •laced cuh ia a teat.her bag. Branum said the robber left the bank on foot and jumped over a fence, disappeartn1 into an llldustrial section of the dty. ...., ......... .., ..... .._11 RUNG OUT TO ORY? -Lifeguard lower on the "sand" at 10th Street and W. Bay Avenue in Newport Beach was • swamped by the 7.l-£oot high tide al 8 : 11 a.m. Saturday. Also appearing adrift are Newport Center and Saddleback Peak. Federal antitrµst push ove'r BUBBLING BOST -Merv Griffin's talk show bu loet ita vinta1e look, but bis wine ll PLAYOFF P&EVIEW - \be Shoot-out at tbe RivM'fli~ Corral determine lf °"re NEW YORK (AP> -Tbe dismlual of an antitrust suit a1aln1t IBM, coupled wltb a settlement that will break up ATatT, ends an era that saw tbe 1ove.rnment lar1ely f all ln effort.I to restructure major industries. Bettnmnl ln tbe late lllOI, the Justice Department and the Federal Trade ('.oatmlqloa let out to break ap clomlnant flnDI In lndUltri• ranclJll from oU '° breatlast cereals. ••It looked like a very st1niflcant cballen11," aald Harvey Goldaclatnid, a law profeuor at Colugabla u.1 • ..u.y. -~ac!t b..Y tbe •Pl*'IPl treM. liullluoul Dl'lnfa Milia ..,. ftled b, 1mall eompetlkln 't AT&T only challenged firm to be broken up, bigness 'tolerable' a1alnat such dominant companies as International BulU.. MaehlMI Corp., Xeros Corp. and Eatman Kodak Co. Now all the tonrDmfDt'• CHH have been settled or dlamlaled, with the domlaut companies wlnnln1 In e.ery caae except American Telephone ls Telesrapb Co. and aenerally prevallin1 in pri,ate cu••· • 'In terms ol lb• bottom Une. tbae cuee ban pro4ueed a • u 1la11,U.e4.. re Liar&.:' u14- Gol dae bmld after f'rlda~'• aetlom wen announced. At the heart of the cues wu the 1overnment'1 attitude toward domination of an indu1try by one company or a bandtul of compapte1, particularly if that domlftation was acqul...S l•lally. Court dec:tlklnl startlna In the mld-1140. and contfnulDI \broup tbe lllOI Mid tlull a COlnPtft1 wltb monopoly~ could talle fww aetlom to PftUlt _ lbat ~ "'*'•llt r._.. aloulol\be..atnltlawa.· ta--.~·~= ln aJumtnwn, Wtilela had obtained tbrou1h a patented proeeu-&Dd sustained tbrouCb lfftuuq_uee tbat a lower "°'8l't aald were normal bu1ineu praetkea, wu ruled llle1a1. Tlae idea was tbat normal pracu~. 1ueb a1 price euWq or bulldlDI ...-plat.I to meet antlctpeted demand, mlot be reaaouble ID a competitive lllduatl')' but eou.ld be Uled to drl •• competitors out of bu1lneu or keep tbem from ...... lt Uled by. mcmopoly. / a1in1 nicely, thank you. He describes bis new utelllte tranamiaaioo and private label vineyard on Page 1>6. FO&ECASTING 'U - Developer W. Wllllam D. Foote telll why be believes tbe erbiA point ii o•er for sa.tncs and loan lnstllutlon1 and makH other flnanelal predletlou on PateDl. IO,_ allllNO -Wby an die 811& •• '•1tntM19ftl, the offaprlDI of thrH famout eMrta ...,.. ·~., fr'Dm tUt pollUelw from OU.er atatn .....-.. ~ a. • _. ruanla1 for office la N•• ....... Ko4ak ... ...,.., ol ·-= fa..M,--• aa6'& ............ lleslco? Some -and lactl beb1nd UM cam Pl , ... JIONOllOI. Y, •• Al_, ... •~--.car=• told Oil P• Al. • ) ' an all-Callfomla super Features on today's N football 1amea with San at Cincinnati and Dallas mt Francisco start oa Pa,. Bl. IN9D . I l I -- Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 10, 1882 • m ind chill temperatures drop as low as 80 degrees below \, &M Aaeoclat.M Prea1 A blast of "extremely 01erous" AttUc air stunned Midwest with wind chills chin& 80 dearees below zero turday, and loot-deep snows ell on aome cities as the deep h'eeze spread eastward. Cowboys. But in Cincinnati, where the Ben1als will meet Ute San Diego Chargers for the American Co nferenc e ch amplonshlp, the forecaat called for lemperatW'ea of 10 to u decrees with 1 wlnd·chlll factor of 30 below. Elaewhere In Ute WHt, road crew1 were tryln1 to reach the remainder of about 3,000 people who had been stranded a week by • snowfall up to 10 feet dHp in lhe Sierra Nevada aouth ol Lake Tahoe. But autborltlea a bandoned 1 seat'th for • 23.year-old man believed burted by an avalanche in tbe area five days earlier. : "Prepare for the worst," tNa·rned Jack May o r the National Weather Service in Feveland where up to 10 Inches new snow had falh~n as the ercury plummeted. On the bright side, forecasters '9aid there would be sunny skies ln San Francisco for today's ~ational Football Conference Utle game between the San rrancisco 49ers and the Dallas I tBiaze Bamages ~JC condo t~ A two-alarm fire apparently ~used by misuse of a fireplace ~ulted in about $70,000 damage & a San Ju1rn Capis trano c.p n do m ini um Sa t u rd~ y afternoon, county firefighters md. There were notinjuries in the blaze. And in Northern Callfornfa, where 29 people d ied lo last week 's storm t hat loosed devast-Unc mud.slides, another man was killed Friday nl1ht in Scotts Valley when • tractor he was using to clear logs from his property toppled over. On tbe other side of tbe continent, in western New York State, sheritr's deputies uafng snowmobiles, a hellcopter and ·lrtioed do1s searched for a biker who disappeare d just before a powerful.squall dumped 34 inches of snow on Onondaga. County. Across the Midwest, where temperatures Saturday dropped as low as 46 degrees below zero at Embarrass, Minn. with a wind chill factor of 70 below, the intense cold was the main concern. The wind chill factor is a calculaUon weather experts use to describe the combined effects or wind a nd cold temperatures. Gusts of 41 mph in Fargo, N.D .• made the temperature of 19 below feel like 80 below, the Weather Service s aid. Firefighters responded to an alarm at the 32221 Alipaz St. condominium at 5:53 pm. and found the hom e e ntirel y engulfed in flames when they arl'ived, according lo reports. A total of 40 firefighters were on the scene after a second alarm was sounded a short time later, fire officials said. The blaze was brought under control shortly after 6 · 30 p.m OfficiaJs late Saturday said they did not have the name of the condominium's occupants. FROZEN PHONE -Anyone who us ed this pay phone to reach out and touch someone Saturday in Bismarck. N.D .. had to ·endure a wind-chill re ading of 62 degrees below zero There were b1iuard conditions in eastern North Dakota, western Minnesota and most of South Dakota. North Dakota motorists were warned to carry survivaJ kits if they had to brave the open roads. In Wisconsin, temperatures Saturday ranged from 12 below at Milwaukee to 27 below at Superior. From Page A1 DRILLING MUD HAZARDOUS? • • • generated by drilling into s ubs urface geologic formations -Mixtures of oil and water and gas and water produced in drilhng operations, known , as "produced water." . -Drainage from the decks of drill • p1atforms; ln~lmttng alt water resuJting from plaUorm washings, deck washings, tank , cleaning operaµons and runocr from curbs, gutters and drams. -Sanitary wastes. , A 37-page draft of the permit issued b.Y • the EPA says issuance of the generaJ permit came after a "review of all the material • available for a determination of the Issues In this general permit." The draft goes on to address environmental concerns relating lo the permit, saying that the major concern : centers around lhe effects of drilling rtuids in the marine environment. An analysis of those effects, along wi~h , limitations that are part of the permit, , "supports the conclusion that oil and .gas facilities operating under the conditions · of this permit will not cause unreasonable degradation of the marine environment," the · draft states. It is that conclusion that state rish and game officials contest , Department spokesman Jim Steele says tersely that, with the coming of lhe Reagan ·. administration, "the EPA doesn't feel there's I much of a danger in anytbin1J anymore." , Steele cites a shopping list of worries. One concern is with the drilling muds, whose exact compositions are unknown because the formulas are a secret. "There are so many of these things on the market that we don't know what's in them, to be truthful," he said. Studies conduoted in Florida indicate that some drilling muds are highly lode, he said. Other concerns are that oil and gasoline by-products spilled on the decks or drilUng platforms will be washed into the sea, legally, under the new permit, and that some heavy meta.ls may find their way into the .environment through deck washings and drilling muds, Steele said, But the major concern is simply that the re al impact or such dumping is unknown, Steele said. "The EPA decision was based on a lot of industry-sponsored research projects. I'll tell you, you can take any one of them and cul them apart," be said. Studies of offshore drillinl problems on the Ea.st Coast, Steele said, produced two schools ol opinion: those wbo feel "you won ·t have much of a problem ii you don't dump loo much in one spot" and those who say the impact is unknown. "In my mind there hasn't been the clear·cut type of research we'd like to see before they go dumping in the ocean," he said . "We've heard some world-class people say 'hey, we just don't know enough."' Steele's concerns are backed by DFG Environmental Services Supervisor Rolf Mall, who says lhe department finds the studies on which the EPA based its decision "Clawed." "From our perspective, the bottom line is that the problems are really unknown. We think it's a little cavalier for them <EPAI to say that you can do this now,'' Mall aaid. ·'Our conce rn really s tems from ignorance h er e. You could line up 50 scientists conversant with the problem, and 25 would say there will be harm and 25 would say there won't." MaU said that sensitive testin1 on all affected marine life. using materials tbat will be dumped under the conditions of the permit, should be conducted. ody search continues in anta Cruz area, toll at 29 -SANTA CRUZ <'AP) Th( earch For bodies entombed neath a huge mudslide in Ben omond was s u s pended turday whe n geologists eclared the soggy earth unsafe ortly before, another victim as pulled from the mud, sing the death toll to 29. The slide area along Love eek Road was cordoned off fter a team or five geologists eemed the land "unstable," id sheriff's deputy Byron offman. Residents or at lea.st eicht houses along the edge of the slide were advised to leave. Sheriff AJ Noren said he might decide today when the search wou Id continue, based on another report by geolo1ists. Before the suspension, crews found the bodies of three more victims at the site, raising the confirmed death toll to 29 from t he worst Northern California storm in memory. Fifteen or the deaths occurred in Santa Cruz County. The victims, each found tra pp e d l n cru s h e d , mud ·cover ed home.s, we re 09'ANOE COAST · lilly Pilat CIHtlfted ~elftV 11"42-1111 All other departmenta 142-4121 \ identified as Lester Eugene Rumrill, 47 ; Yvonne Renne Blount. 32, and Patricia Nelson, 42, according to sheriff's Lt. Phil Kirkland. ' Meanwhile, Solano County was designated as a federal disaster area, railing tbe number eligible for federaJ aid to six, including San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Marin , Sonoma and Contra Costa countie•. Gov. F.dmund Brown Jr. on Saturday had asked ·lhat Solano and three other counties -San Joaquin, Santa Cleta and Alameda -be added to the federal lilt. Olftcials from the Federa l Emercency Mana1ement A1ency aald the others mitht be added later. At lea.st 2,000 storm victim.a were expected to requeat emer1ency aid, from food to clothln1, lnt~rim hoHlnl to low·lntereat loans, said Alex Cunnln1ham. director of the state Office or Emersency Services. Stricken commun ltiu, 1trunllna to r.conr l.n the face of water 1borlaaea, power problems and heavily burdeoed relief faeWU.. worked -... suany llciel lad 1 forecut ot at least a few more days ol tbe same. . ' • HANDSOME BIRD -A great horned owl being nursed back to normal after an accident is displayed in Antrim, N .H .. by Carol Smith, director of wildlife programs for ..~ ....... the Audubon Society. T he owl smashed into a mail truck this week. Ms. Smith plans to •release the predator after the current cold snap eases. USC to pursue permit for campus at closed CdM schoOl A decision delaying the University o f Sou thern California's plans lo establish a sat e llite campus at vacant Corona del Mar Elementary School bas apparently not put the issue to rest. USC officials reportedly will take the required steps to open the facility, while opponents plan to press a lawsuit and take action before the Newport Beach City Council, The state Coastal Commission ruled Thursday that USC must obtain a development permit to car r y o ut the proposed con version of the school. USC Trench walls collapse, man dies in Brea A 27 -year-old construction worker s lowly suffocated to death when the unsupported dirt walls of a trench he was digging collapsed on him in Brea, police said. The accident happened Friday when Robert Amos Brown of Lake Elsinore was using a backhoe to clear a 12·foot-Oeep trench for waterpipe in the city maintenance yard, said Lt. Bill Lentini. When the machine hit an obstacle. Brown climbed in the backhoe's bucket and a co.worker lowered him into the trench. While down .in the trench, the dirt walls collapsed on him. An employee rushed to push an air tube through the dirt so Brown could breathe, but the earth's weight s ulfocated him about an hour a fter he was buried at 10:30 a .m. Firefighters and Hrown's co-workers from West American Builders a nd Engineering Company Inc. couldn't reach him until about 5: 15 p'.m. They pulled his body from the ditch abo u t 10 :15 p .m ., a ft er supporting the trench walls with planks. 8TOM#1 2224 Newpcwt •vd. Newporthects t'1&-m• Open Delly j officials. who reportedly said lhey will seek the permit, had maintained before the ruling that no permit is needed because the building will continue to be used for education. City councilman Paul Hummel, a USC alumnus and Corona del Mar resident who has been a vocal opponent or the plan, Saturday said opponents remain unsatisfied lhal issues raised by the USC plan were resolved by Thursday's ruling. Among those issues, he said, are the conversion of the former elementary school at 610 Carnation Ave., to night use and the use of all other vacant school buildings in the Ne~port-Mesa Unified School District. "The night time (use of the facility ) is the whole fly in the ointment here," Hummel said . "It's a change in the whole status of the surroundings." USC plans had called for paving part of one athletic field Lo provide 150 spaces of parking. Residents opposed to the move said the prpoposed use as a business school would. cause traffic and parking problems in the neighborhood, and destroy the neighborhood's atmosphere because or the night activity The residents, who have formed a group called Citizens f or Res pon si ble Use of Neighborhood Schools, filed suit challenging the plan. Hummel said the suit also seeks to address the issue of how other vacated schools in the district will be used. He added that the Coastal Co mmission's decision does not resolve that question or what will happen al the Corona del Mar site. Hummel also said the ruling will affed action scheduled at the council's Monday meeting. The board was to consider a list of COf\dilio n s for establishment of the USC site in Corona del Mar, but Hummel said that Acting City Attorney Robert Burnham advised him Saturday the council should not act on the conditions because of the new development. IUIUllHLW5Alt '°"THI NU AG5 Hummel said opponenlB of the move were unhappy with the conditions to be consider ed Monday partly because one was that all sides would agree to drop related legaJ actions. USC officials now must satisfy the Coastal Commission and a nswer the residents' lawsuit . before anything else can happen at the site, Hummel said. Thursday's ruling promoted some USC officials to say they are considering an alternate site for a business school in Orange County, Hummel said. "I give them my blessing if they want to do that," he said. "They exercised pretty poor judgment in deciding to come here in the first place." From PageA1 MONOPOLY Berkey lost most major issues on appeal. Assistant Attorney General William F. Baxter, the head of the antitrust division, cited the Berkey case in dropping the 12·year·old suit against IBM : "You can't bring (the antitrust laws) to bear against a company 1ust because it is large , successfuJ, and captures a very big market share." A major reason for the trend away from the harsh attitude toward monopolies was a feeling that antitrust action was making Amer ican bu s iness l ess competitive in international markets. "It's part of a realization that we can't a fford to hurt our companies anymore," said George C. Thompson, a business professor at Colombia and co-author of a text on antitrust law. "If IBM were severely handicapped, they'd lose out very rapidly to the Japanese. who are already threatening the computer industry." Some think the opposite might be true. and point to studies indicating that most innovations come not from big companies but from smaller entrepreneurs. STORE #2 210~ Mertne Awe. BalbO•ltlind ,n.,,. Open Delly FromPageA1 INDIGENT CARE SUFFERING • • • lncreut.nily dlfftcUlt to obtain. Much ol 't.ht altuatlon la due lo tbe contract dlap&ate. Beyond tbat, tbt 1tatt'1 b&ad11t problems and a tentral reluctance a= doctor1 to treat certain 1ovemmeat·1ubli patltnta are contrlbutln1 to tbt 1rowln1 problem. , Some exam plea: -The OC Board of Rtttnta ln May voted to cancel tbt lnditent health care contract with the county, ettoctlve Jan. l, 1185. -~art of that acUon, the reaentl order4'Cl that paUelns for which the county la nnanclaUy responsible no longer be treated at the uni ver aity-operated l\lorth Orante County Community Clinic in Anaheim. Further, the reaents said the university will pull out ot the laraer and busier Community CUnlc or Orance County located ln Santa Ana oa JulY 1. -The regents further ordered that atepa be taken to end what one official termed the ''Intolerable financial drain" being experienced at the medical center -a drain PATIENT TO EW WITI4 CDIY Of nG PMXfl WHK.H IS SlfMED Off BY fW PATIBfT BJGlllf ANDOITAIHS TIMl'OllARY rnocHS CM PATIBfT PAY FOii TOOAY'S VIS.ft DMty,......,,.... DECISION FLOW -Chart shows s teps an indigent patient must follow witn an eligibility worker < EW > to secure medical services at UC Irvine Medical Center. university officials contend is due to the county's practice of not paying for everything that is billed. To that e nd , the medical center administration established a procedure by which patients who show up at outpatient clinics must prove ability to pay, or have Medi-Cal elig.ibility established before receiving treatment. Those who cannot meet the financial criteria must pay a depo5it before they will be seen by medical personnel. Jn some cases, persons are turned .away because they have no means of payment. -The Medi-Cal progTam, as it currently , operates in Orange County, has evoked criticism from the state, particularly because of a practice of stationing Medi-Cal eligibility workers "on site" at hospitals and thus maJting staie health assistance easier to obtain. The state is threatening to take action to eliminate the program. -On another front, Medi·Cal is in jeopardy because of the fiscal problems facing state go- vernment. Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. has speciricl\llY targeted the $4.7 billion program for budget reductions . His proposals still face action by tbe state Legislature. But. as one ranking state Coastal Hl9ll1 In 70. In 0U"99 C°"nly tO«My, 1-•to& lnlltrlor ... ...,. ten ••PKt lllOM In 1119 70., I-dropplftv 10 ~. Hl9'11 In moum.1111 •to 5', lows In '°'· Hortllem ,,._rt Ill• In 1119 .o.. 1-t In Ille 20t. Soutll9m 0.Mrt lllQl>I 111 70s, I-In Ille - Nortll9rn •1111 Cenlr•I C•lllOf'nle fair tllro119ll Monday •••<•Pl warlebl• Cloucllneu Mollelay ove r norlllw•tl -SMlta Marla ""'· F09 lnw .. leyt Department of Health Services omctal aald, "There'11 '°"" to be a lot leaa money next year, and bl tbt next few yeara." -Evtll if the pro1ram were rollln~ ln money, ~any provider1 of "primary care• - pbyalclana -are refualnc to acctpt new patients covered by Medi-Cal. An ottJclal ot the Oranc• County lledlcal AaaoclaUon sald that fewer than 800 of tbt 2,000 doetora In the county atUJ wlll accept Mecll·Cal support paUenta. WhUt health care for pereona who do not have ability to pay ls beint restricted, the altuatloo bu not reached criala proportions, health aut.horiUea interviewed aaree. . But there la con~m. from local and state health olficlala, the county Human Relationa Com mlsalon. Legal Aid Society and a broad-based oraanisaUon known u the AlUao~ Against Medical Cutbacks, that the future bodes Ul. One leading authority on health care in Orange County, who asked not to be ldenUfied, 11wnrned up the situation thla way, "The university doesn't give a -·, and the COWll)' doesn't gtve a -· about the poor people." Whal la ·particularly disturbing lo moat officials is that, generally, persons who are impoverished have particular medical problems l't!QUiring olber than routine care. If lbe system becomes increasingly selective about who receives care, where wlll they 10? In a still-confidential report, the state Department of Health Ser vices warns of consequences for indigents needing health care should the university and county not be able to develop a workable agreement for the provfsion of that care. The report on the contract dispute, ordered by the state Legislature, said, of putting the differences aside, "It is not an option, but an o bjective that must be met before the consequences become disastrous.'' The university's decision to pull out of its treatment contract with county government and institute the deposit policies were recommended to the UC Board of Regents by officials at the medical center. They look at the situation this way: If the county wants to be selective about what it wi11 pay for, the university will be selective about who is treated. They point out that the selectivity deals onty with persons seeking "elective" health care. Persons with medical emergencies still are treated first, with financial screening done later. Closure of the Anaheim clinic has not placed much pressure on the county because few county-responsible patients were seen there to begin with. But the regents' expressed intent to termmate care for such patients at the Santa Ana clinic will have an effect -both .on the training of medical students and members of the largely Hispanic community who regularly use the center in the Santa Ana barrio. Or. Dennis MuU, director of the family practice program at the medical center, at a June meeting of the state Health Manpower Policy Commission, said closure of the clinic could mean that 30 to 35 medical residents wbo are assigned to the clinic no longer would have a place to work, a~d. according to minutes of the pleeling. '-'th4t community may lose a valuibt~ and cotnmi\ted 1roup of people who have~ handJ>lcked over the• years to work there because they like it and believe ln what they are doing." If the university follows through with its intended action, the facility would revert to the county, which owns it. The county could choose to operate the clinic as the university has. not operate it, or operate it in some other fashion. And, if the clin1c is closed, that would increase activity at the university's other outpatient clinic, located adjacent to the medical center in Orange. That clinic already is feeling stresses. Because of its proximity to the medical center, it is highly utilized. Effective Sept. 1, the university, in another action aimed at "stTiking back" at the county ... .....,. LIOlll ver lable wlncn In ~Ing IMll kl<al nortlwast winds of n lo 20 llllOls In .,..., .,._ canyoM lrom S.nt• Monk• to lllflhw• dkrtM!ne Wlncn .,..,_ -lo--•• to n knots WlllCI ••Ytt 7 to J IHI Westerly 1-1• 7 lo J -· Veri-e 111911 <loo.dine• Exteruled 11 ...... U.S. summary . forecast '·,:~1 A lrlOkl Arctic air mass contl-0 ~ ~ llJ so11111 .. 11ern moYemant ..:r•s Falt wllll • 11111• COOier claYJ, bllt ,,. nation $<M.-y. wllll twllll winch '°"'' •atlY momlno foe or•-clouds ~·•·•" ~'•"••no• <>••1•"•' brlnglne tub·uro ovetnlgllt neir <oHt. Windy el tlmn In JIIIIIIII -•• ::: tempet•I"" ,,_,Ille Plains to,,,. -••IM. In<-' .. •rM•, "'""In ---------------------• HOrlllH Jt. tOI and '-In UllP9t JOI and 409. MHnwNle, wry IWevy -••II ~•In ~ ., to so and lowt In to Ille 'IOUtll -Nit of tM Gr'NI """"'!MN Ind 211&. Jaelllf"'ll• ltaMClly LOU •llCI .... VY 1now ••rnl119J w.re In en.ti In P«t• of lndlana, T Ofllo•nellto\lclll.... emneratures Tllere wM .-or bl-1119 s-T l.flV .... llHla llOdl LOUllYlll• ,........., .. from llM ~ Pl•lnJ lo 1119 G,..t Uket and Ille Ol>lo Valley Into Ille NOf'tlwalC llaln fell lft Ille Pacific NOf'tflWffl -ort Ille lOUlllem tip of Florlela. For tocley, 1119 N•lioftal We-r Service toret ast snow and JM• Jflooiffn In U. GtNI Ullft "'910f1, tlle Ht torn Ofllo V •ll•y allCI 1119 notllMm ACiPatecllleM. l 19111 -•• llf'tClk ted for tllt norlllern llocltlft, 119111 rain was .. pee-In w e.treme Hor1ftwfft '"° ._, ..... -lorecaet fro<n C•lllMnla lo Ille INllwf'll flecltlft Md In tll9Htreme~. TefN'Wllllrft .,_. "'9 nation ti mlHay Setllr'NJ '""'" ,,_ " .. .._ r.we '" lntwneti-t ~ells. MllWI., .... lllM!e!N. AINnv ·~ Ametlllo Alllevllle Atlanta 8 alllmor-e 81rmllltMI llJmatell ltolH '"'°" luffalo CllarlttnWV c-..- Clllc ... CIMl-1 CtewleM CahllftM o.ti.l'tWtll ~ °"~ Cali'omia :.=: ..,, .,,._ Wtq1 N<r•Hlllt Ill S...tlMtn , .. ,.... Ca llfarnla , ... ., • .,,., .. _.. 111111 Hart,_., ._.c._..-..-""'..-.-..,...oiiiiiiiiml...., ______ H~•~I"'~':.., r-~~~~~~~~~ ..... 1!"94~ .... ......... lllATION Mleml t2 IS Mllwaull• MPl•SI P ;: ~~ Nalllvllle u 16 =~.:­;~ ~ Olla Clty .. M OfMlla .. , ... PlllledfH• 1t 1 ...._,. JO It "'ttMwtlll , .... PflaM,#ltt • 12 ........ Ore ........ (11-f ... ·-·14 Ilk~ H J leltl.Alb IS t INttle U t St.L .... t .. " It ... ,.,,.. .t7 JS k ... IMrla I ·12 WailllfltM ,. •. W1CNte ·tt ·• " " CMJNtt••• .... ~.,,....., .. 11 ......,.,.... 41 • ..,.... n n ._.... ., .... ..., 17 ••• , ... PAN AMaltlCMI ac.,1ce .., ........ .,., .......... '.:I~-------------------------------::::: lllf IEPIRT ... .... ........ : ==:..c-iv : o..i... .tw-..i.y: '-"'le CM!llt• .... .. • I • .. ... ... " II .. ,. ...... cw-011 ...... _ ·"·-IC ....... .. 17 ,. .. ,. 47 u ,, u J7 n " '° u '° u I I .. st n IO 11 76 S4 ., JI " 41 70 .. SI .. 7S 41 71 40 " " u n 70 ... ., 11 u • ,. • " as 1t ... 1J n ,. ct 70 • ,. at 1t A ,. • 11 • 71 a , . • .. 11 ,. n 1' " .. •• M 7S .. • 11 • .. 11 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 10, 1982 CARING -Within the UC Irvine Medical Center beset by financial woes is a top-notch because of the contract dispute, instituted the pre-payment andOeposit policy. University officials issued a 14-page document outlining the workings of the new financial screening procedures. Simply stated, if the person does not qualify ror Medi,Cal or the county refuses to agree, in advance, to pay for the treatment, the prospective patient must either pay a deposit, or risk not being treated. William Gonzalez, medical center director, said only about "one to two" percent or the outpatient clinic's business is affected by the deposit policy program. That is a s mall percentage, but one that is troubling to officials at organizations that get complaints from persons caught by the system. Both Rusty Kennedy, executive director of the county Human Relations Commission, and Steve Axelrad, an attorney for the Legal Aid Society, have cited cases about persons who initially were denied care. Both men agree that, under normal circumstances, it takes only a telephone call to cut through the bureaucratic barriers so that people are seen, regardless of their ability to pay a deposit. -Yet, said Kennedy, "There has been a substantial reduction in ser vices for those who cannot afford to pay. The situation is so compUcated, it's hard to remedy." When the deposit policy was instituted, Gonzalez conceded it would cause problems . In a May 19 mem9randum to the medical center staff, he wrote: "I am sure that you share with me the feeling that not beln& able to provide health care services for au patients is a most displeasing position ln which to be. "It is unfortunate that those persons for whom the county is obligated to protect and who have the least ability to pay will be the very individuals most impacted by this action." It is not only the county-university feud that is affecting a prospective patient's access to the system. The state's beleaguered Medi·Cal program also figures prominently in the issue .. In July 1980 , cou nty government in conjunction with the Hospital Council of Southern California, initiated a program whereby workers who determine a prospective patient's Medi·Cal eligibility were stationed at 21 hospitals throughout the county. (Twenty hospitals today are i.nvolved in the program.) Cathy Belkham and William Greenwood. two hospital council employees. said the purpose or the program was to place workers "on site" so that patients could get the eligibility determined without having to go to a central office and, in many instances, en· counter a long wait. Greenwood said the program has been successful. The county likes it because it helps people get on Medi-Cal and, therefore, not become a potential county-responsible patient. Patients like it because they can get Medi-Cal assistance close to home. Hospitals like it because it helps Ulem get business. 1203 to 503 OFF Suits, Sport Coats, and Wash Pants SALE . STARTS~ Tuesda·y January 12th ..... ,.':"- o.lttr ..... "--"" Peilrtllll O'~ obs tetrics-gynecology ward where Nurs.e Kristi Cloud tends to a new arrival But there's an institution that doesn't like the program. the state Department of Health Services, the agency that administers (he Medi-Cal program. "We have reason to be· concerned that the Department "Of Health•. Services is out to stop us,·' said Greenwood. Betsy Lyman, deputy department director, confirmed that the state is not happy with the on-site eligibility worker program. The state, she says, is upset becawie it was not consulted before tne prouam wa.s put into effect. Beyond that, Ms. Lyman added, there la concern that the program may create "confllcta of interest" by "hospitals putting pressures <oo eligibility workers) to make people Medi-Cal eligible.·· "It's unjustified costs that we're concerned about," she said. But one source said what the state actuall~ ' is upset about is its belier that the on-al~ eligibility worker program may coat an additional $8.8 million in Medi-Cal coats lhia year. Hospital ·council officials discount that figure, one calllng it "preposterous." "It assumes that those patients would not have 1otten Medi-Cal" und~r the former system of going to the central office, one orricial ' explained. Ms. Lyman said Medi-Cal administrators are evaluating ways or ending the on-site program. She said legislation may be sought to regulate such programs. Asked if the state would consider withholding funds to counties, litre Oranfe, and Los Angeles, which also is putUnc an on-site eligibility worker program into operation, Ma. Lyman said, "1 would rather not say at tbla point." Said Greenwood, "We agree that the state budget Cfor Medi-Call is in reaJ danter. but we don't believe that cost containment would be done by building barriers between those who , are eligible and the a pplication process." Beyond the eligibility worker program, Medi-Cal, for Orange County citizens, and recipients statewide, is targeted for substantial budget reductions. Gov. Rrown, in presenting his proposed fiscal 19R2 83 budget to the Legislature, said Friday t' l he wants the program cut back. Equt..ly troubling is the fact that fewer and fewer doctors are willing lo take on "new" Medi -Cal patients, that is, persons who are not regular patients of a particular doctor. Jon Gilwee, assistant executive director or the Orange County Medical Association, said fewer than 15 percent or the society's 2,000 active members still accept Medi-Cal patients. "And the number of dodors that won't take on new patients is increasing," he said. The doctors' complaints about the pro1ram are two-fold: Medi-Cal ta~es too lone to reimburse, and when it does, reimbursement does not reflect costs. Sometimes, Gilwee said, reimbursement ls only "40 cents on the dollar." 0- mb -- Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Januarv 10. 1982 Delly Net P-..." Q.wtlt ~ HAPPINESS TRANSLATED -New knowledge brings a smile to Kyoko Watanabe while Doris Ledford explains English to Manuel Sesmas, top right, and Uriel Baracas learns the alphabet with an assist from Farrel Rippetoe. 'EN PRACTICE -Frank Brecht. 94, of Costa Mesa, fills in workbook during class. Now he writes newsy letters to telatives across the country. Escape to S-y D...n Hot Sprillqs • FurQlshed connected In place. 1 BR. Retreat in tirendty :'" adult pet perk with hot pool, clubhouse. etc. Space rent $83.60. Toilet, shower. covered patio, cooler. Ventilated gas heater, kitchen w/retrig. storage. Ready tor senior on Social Security or weekend second home tor couple. Send tor pictures. Owner dtSabled. $4,950. Box 193, • Balboa Island 92661. JANUARY WHITE SALE Ml>WHTER STONEt-ENGE WHTE From Wedgwood Fine ol·wtllt• Enghn •tonew«e in dean contemporary design. Spedol MJvir9 on '5 piece MrVlc• f« 8, (ncludlng 8 each: Dinner, Soup/Cereal, ~1 Cup & Saucer, ond I eoch Open ·Vegetable, Platter, Creamer ond Co11ered Su9ar. Cheese • given to .Lagunans About 500 pounds of cheese 1lven to 100 La1una Beach aenlor ciUzena will be followed by another 9,000 poundJ due for Oran1e County aenlora and needy families this week. The dlstrtbuUon 11 part of a 21,000-pound shipment of aurplua cheese that arrived in Oran1e County last week for distribution lo needy people. MUUona of pounds of cheese are .being stored in warehouses throuehout tbe United States after being purchased by the government lo prop up dairy prices. Faced with either discarding the cheese or giving it away, President Reagan decided to distribute it lo the nation's poor through non ·profit organizations. All seniors who are served lunc h weekday s at the Com munily Presbyterian Church i n Lagun'a were recipients Friday. The lunches a r e sponsored by Transportation, Lunch and Counseling CTLC). Muriel Nelson , project services manager for the Costa Mesa TLC office, said about 250 se nior citizens in both Huntington Beach and Costa Mesa would each receive about five pounds of cheese Monday. She said her organization received a total of 9,000 pounds of cheese for distribution lo its 19 chapters in Orange County. Never too late to read, write Older Americans , immigrants learn English, find jobs and pride By MARY JANE SCARCELLO Of tllle Dally Hel Swtf Frank Brecht of Costa Mesa lived most of his 94 years in a rural, isolated part of North Dakota. He sent six children through college, but he never learned to r ead or write. Th is year he composed a n ewsy Christm a s letter to family members s cattered throughout t he country and proudly read the answers when they wrote back. He has joined the more than 50 students who meet Monday afternoons and evenings at the First United Methodist Church in Costa Mesa for classes in reading and writing English. Some, like Brecht, are native Americans who couldn't or didn 'l learn during childhood years. Others are Vietnamese refugees, Mexican workers or foreign-born wives of American servicemen who need to become familiar with a new language and customs. Grant and Margery Fuller, co-directors of the Orange County Literacy Council, direct the Costa Mesa program. "We use the Frank Laubach system," she says, "developed in 1928 when he was a mis- s ionary lo the Philippines. He traveled all over the world devising alphabets to teach the illiterate, but he left English to last because il 's the most difficult." Foreign-born students at the center outnumber Americans about three to one, she says, partly because they have learned to cov-&P up their Inability to read. "But you have to be able lo read and write to get a driver's license," she points out, "and the st~te requires a high school diploma for licensing in a skilled job." English as a Second Language (ESL) is used to teach new arrivals to America. Real AT OUR objects are used to teach nouns, and students learn to build a basic sentence pattern which ca n be varied with new vocabulary. Success with ESL has brought about a new citizenship class for future Americans to learn about their new country. ··We tr y to work on a one-to-0ne basis with students," Mrs. Fuller says, "so students can ~oat their own pace. "We encourage them to sign up for classes at Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa High and Kaiser Middle School for extra practice, but they're designed as large groups with one teacher, and students can't get much individual attention." The 40 volunteer teachers are kept busy, and Mrs. Fuller says she could use another 20. ''No one ever is turned away here, and I don't believe in waiting lists," she says. "It takes real courage to come in and ask for help, so we double up or call former teachers." She remembers one Laotian family living on welfare and studying English. ''The father was determined to get a job and be self-sufficient and his first job brought him less than his welfare check until he got his first raise. "We're giving students pride and self-esteem." Although many literacy teachers are former school teachers, anyone with a high school diploma can qualify after 30 hours of training, she says, with a lax -deductible expendi~ure of $16 for supplies. "Close relationships develop bet ween students and their teachers," Mrs. Fuller says. "Instructors don't need formal teaching exper ience. We all have something to give." Training classes for teachers will be' held from 7 to 10 p.m. twice a week beginning Jan. 25 at t he church, and Information is avail able by calling Mrs . Fuller at548-~. THE PEANUT BUTTER, WINE AND POPCORN MADE IT TASTIER ••• AND NOW WEIGHT WATCBERSe MAKES IT EASIER! DfTllODVCDIO GOLD CARD from WEIGHT WATCHERS -........: WE_~ REDUCE YOUR WEEKLY FEE TO ONLY ff.OO AVAILABLE ONLY UNTIL JAN. 31. 1982 HaD'•HOW 1. JOIN BEFORE JAN 31 . 1182 AT A REDUCED RATE OF ONLY •11.00 (whh ooupon below). 2. ATTEND 12 CONSECUTIVE WEEKLY MEmNOS AT THE REOU~ FEE OF ONLY H PER WEEK. FROM THEN ON YOU PAY ONLY $3 PEit WHK UNTK. DK. 31, 1m AS LONG AS YOU UTAIN Y<XM SAME IEQSTRATION NUMB. >--,.. .... AU. YOU llAft 10 DO -MO COlft'aACn ftt EXTRA BONUS-IF YOU ACT NOW COUNN,_YOU .... , .-a artrWA'l'CILd .... GllLY ett.OOW-.Mll.at,tW . . - Japanese trio spreads peace BY STEVE MAa8LE ., .. ...., .......... Jenn.lfer Naaae i1 t.be nnt to admit abe wa1 anythlna but a aeuoned aaUor when ab• asr.ect to Join her husband on a four·y•ar VOYll• around the world aboard a homemade ullboat. She'd never been on a boat. "I still eet seasick," the pretty bloade aa)'I, "and there's 3~ years to 10." Jennifer, her husband Hlroaki and their 4·year·old dauahter Erika slipped into Newport Harbor last week. It was their fi.ftb atop on a slow.paced sail down the west coast. They left their hometown ln Japan laat July aboard the 44-foot Erika, na med for their dauihte11. One week Into their around·the·world voyage, their pet cat fell overboard and waa lost. Later, the boat's main mast snapped in a storm and the Erika Umped into Newport, Oregon. "That's where our chief crew member left," explains Jennifer, a native of England. · "He went off to Reno to become a professional «ambler." she says. "He doesn't ·speak English but when you have money in your hands, maybe that doesn't matter.'' She adds, "last I beard he was down $2,000." The family or three set off on its four.year trip haU for the adventure and half with the purpose of delivering peace messages to city leaders around the world. Jennifer says the peace messages urge S HORT STOPOVER -Seiichi Yabuhara. left. is photographing t he four.year voyage world leaders to halt the threat of nuclear proliferation. The peace messages, sh.e admits, were the idea of a Tokyo magaiine that's helping sponsor the trip and has agreed to finance a film of the voyage on the family's return. "The press in Japan has just gone crazy over the trip -stories every week practically," Jennifer says. To help chronicle lbe trip and to nesh out a planned book the sailors intend to write. a photographer, Seilcbi Yabuhara, also is aboard. The crew intends to sail out of Newport Orange Cout DAil Y ptLOT/Sund1y, J1nu1ry 10, 1982 .... ., ............ .., ""~..,. around the world of ffiroaki, Erika and Jenni fer Nagae from N agoya. Japan. Beach Sunday a nd continue Its four-year southward course down Mexico and Central America, throuth the-Panama Canal and back up the East Coast to Maine. From there. The Erlka will be beaded toward Spain then through the Mediterranean Sea to the Suez Canal. The lengthy trip will conclude in Japan after a voyage along the Indian Ocean. "I'm getting·used to the sailing," Jennifer says, adding, "but I still like coming into port the best.·· MADD seek s f e d e ral pai, e l A naUonaJ antl·dnlnkett drivtq rroup bu collected more tban 200,000 1l1nature1 on petitions caJUng for the formaUon ol a special com mlsalon to study the problem ol lnebrlated motori1tl in the U.S. The IJ'09tp, called Mothers A1ainat Drunk Driving, or MADD, baa enll1ted the help or several consressmen ln ill push for the study. MADD, founded by a San Francisco mother whose dauehter was killed by a drunken driver with repeated prior offenses, bu chapters in nine states. The ortanizaUon was successful hi 1981 in getting the state Leaislature to approve tough drunken drivine laws , givtna Call!ornla some of ' the slrictestyenalUes in the nation. LindaiSCbmldt of Laguna Beach, the local representative of MADD, said her 1roup hopes to take advantage of the momentum built up durin&.. the successful Callfomla campaign for tougher sentences. She said President Reagan was recent- 1 y presented with a letter from HADD requesting that be support the grouP.'• effort to for:n a commission, to be charaed with studying the effects of drunken driving and what can be done about it. "More people are killed in the United States by drunken drivers than are murdered," Mrs. Schmidt s aid. "Drunken drivers also Injure more people, and injure them more seriously, than those who commit assault with deadly weapons." Sons ri.sing in New Mexico politics Mrs. Schmidt added that statistics ealhered by her organization show drunken drivers also cause more property darpage in a year than forgers, burglars and robbers combined. She said MADD wants President Reagan to • establish the commission of experts who will study ways to get drunken drivers off the roads. "Our organization feels it is the president's responsibility and duty to take every possible step to protect innocent citizens from drunken drivers," Mrs. Schmidt said. ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. CAP> -Some may call them carpetbaggers, but the sons of Dean Rusk, Stewart Udall and Vance Hartke say they're making their political careers in New Mexico because they love the state. Although David Rusk's political career was sidelined recently when be lost his bid for re-e lection in the Albuquerque mayoral election, the political aspirations of Tom Udall and Jan Hartke are still alive. Hartke, state treasurer and son of former Sen. Vance Hartke of Indiana, and Udall, a Santa Fe attorney who is the son of former Interior Secretary Stewart Udall, are see.king separate congressional seats in the 1982 elections. Many were predicting great things for the 4l·year-old Rusk until he suffered defeat in a bid for re-election last October. What's ahead for the man who used to call himself a "career public servant turned career politician?" "A change of career, certainly, for some considerable pet'iod of time," Rusk says. "l 'rtl going into private business." There were whispers about Rusk's motives in toming to New Mexico. Some charged that the n'1tive Californian selected New Mexico as a place wliere the political pickings would be easy, Rusk says that isn't so. Rusk says be was attracted to the city because or the climate and Its s tature as a growing, bilingual, multi-cultural community. Rusk says there was a point when he saw a need to get out from under his father's shadow. "In my earlier years, I was preparing for a ca reer in international affairs, but I abandoned that when my father was appointed secretary of state," Rusk says. "l didn't think I could make my own way on my own merits, so l shifted my emphasis to domestic concerns. A person has to be measured on his own merits." Jan Hartke says he came to New Mexico because he had to find his own career, away from hi~ famous father. Now he himself is running for Congress, against Rep. Manuel Lujan Jr., R-N.M. Hartke, 35, ClHl'le-1.o Albuquerque in 1971 out of the University of Virginia Law School. "When I first got out of law school my main interest was getting a job," Hartke says. · "My father was in the Senate and the natural inclination is to play on that and go back to Indiana. But I wanted to come out here to the blue skies, a good basketball team and no traffic jams. "I spent the first seven years out here without running for office. I wanted to make a conscious determination that that was the kind of thing I wanted to do," he says. "People might say I came here with the intent of running automatically. Hartke is a household name in Indiana. U you want to talk about ready·made opportunities to run, if I wanted lo make a fast grab at politics, that would have been the way to do it," he says. Hartke says his father encouraged him in bis run for office, ''but I'm sure he would have preferred I stay around in Indiana." Tom Udall believes entering politics in New Mexico is natural since he has roots lo the state. His father a lso served in the House of Threw Ollt T111i11 11i Find Efllilr GM'• glcs!l "Malcfl ond 'IN( 9 • IPll'*" '*'· 'lbll '""' CJll'toCI¥ bl n. wlnnlr of an aclttnQ. new '82 oamaro °'one of CMt 1,300 -. pr1m • .,., .... and lean. p11bma ICI .,oil wouldn19ll)ICt at "'price come ... us nowt SMI,,._.. endl FtbNary 12 ... '"°*• gOiiil "*9 ttoiiPert HOWARilvROlEl eiom.r o1 ao.. n o.,.;i Sra N~IVPC)R,'( BEACH. Yur l111r Powtr It Cll1111 Thi111 You've heard great things abOUt the Yoga Center si~ 1970. I thete busy pressured days don't you owe ydursetf one night ~ week 10 learn how 10 relax and vitalize yoor body at will! Also. you can enable yOUf mind to experience your inner SoperconsctOUS Self with its wisdom and power to change things! "'~ llft" 1Uftl. llLF •• , --... YI f8 A IUTD W 91Mtlnll All -........ 11111'1•.1111'1 ID&. vou·~ be teughl the hlgtier Voges by one of the tew masters in the world today. Ramakrlsnna AnanOa~ le lntematlc>Mlly knov.;n u a masllf not onty of Yoga t:>ut atso of Metaphysics and MystlCltm. A pta<:tlc91. unpt"etentiOus. hUmOrous. Western- bOfn Guru. he transmits enlightening COOSCIOUSne$$ as well as ...___, ,_..., --mar"91ous ~·and techruQueS.. Ourll ol Y09& • ...,_ -....... plly.ca COME TO THE mEE DEMONSTRATION. Tera end Mldhlva FREE wll demenltr•I• the l\llUfll Ind lllY •••cllel of Hethe Yoga end ltlOW you how 20 mlnut• • dly Ql'I Yltlllu yC»t heert. 1unga end br11n..,. down the eQlt'G pt<>C*a. tone and trvn DEMOaTIATIOI '/04ll boctt. and eriet>1e you to melntiin 1 WOt)Oerful..,.. ot 0 OllOW well· being. TultiOn Is ,..,.,_ble and lhe benefit• .,. prloeleU. T • Alie> you wil! i.m the Full 8'Mth -een 8dd YM"I to '/04lfl llte. ..,, Ml lit AT 1 :31 at the YOGA CENTER OF CALIFORNIA . __ !!, non.:1!!£1! edllulloMI /outtdMIOll J 445 E. 171 ITIEET. liVITA mu Plllll 148-1211 ,,,.,_ r11111nwln4MStrwts) Lorraine Sutherland at Newport Beach I .,.· JA•IAIY CLEARA•CE l \ :~wai occumni z ,, I Representatives, and bis uncle is Rep. Morris Udall of Arizona. Although the Udalls are associated with Arizona. the younger Udall says his family "goes back a long way" in New Mexico. .. I have A lot or family out here," says Udall, who lives in Santa Fe. ''I'm a lifelong resident of the Southwest. I used to come out (See SONS, Page A8) • CARBCIRETOR CLEANER d $1.67 'll''ji Your cftoloe, ..., or ·-· ..... ~, ..,. '141017111 --"'J. 12 vott negatl'le ground. Worb qn 642-4321 Direct OT collect. ~~~.~.:~~ . . D_aily Pilat . -~. SPARK GROOP7 OJ[ ALTER $1.97 CAR<¥JEST nm VNtn'Y .MIRROR YOUR CHOICE =--:.$24. OHMMETER Pl..00 WIRE TESTER 99C l·ptece ICA'W 8nd loc:tlet dnYerMl Doublft your turning power. IAK.fX TERMI KIT& TOOL $6.99 Crtmpe~ .......,..AMoft. mentof~ lftdudld. '** .... • ..,., Pl 3 .,eon. glllventzed ...... Nit '"let.ant p1n. #AT21 WIPER BLADES $1~97 - SCISSORS JACK $11.97 ... ~· Orang• Co••t DAIL. y PILOT/Sunday, J1nu1ry 10, 1982 El Toro acquisition flies inf ace of [·ogic As wishful thinking goes, an Orunge County government advisory group's r~commendation that the Marine Corps Air Station El Toro be acquired by the county is world class, in bigness and boldness. It is the thinking of members of the Blue Ribbon Regional Airport Committee that relocation of El Toro's operations \\Ould free up airspace that would be needed should a new regional airport be built. Sites in Santiago Canyon east of Orange and Chino Hills north of Yorba Linda are under consideration It might be nice for airport planning if the Marines would pack up atl their equipment and move away , say to Camp Pendleton or Twentynine Palms or Yuma. where other bases are located But that's not going lo happen. at least not in the near future. The Marines consider El Toro a major base and one that they obviouSI)' would vigorously protect. Beyond the expected resistance from the Marines, the relocation idea is fraught with other problems. among them the obstacles that wou ld be e ncountered in changing existing fe deral law so that money from the sale or the El Toro site could go directly to paying the cost of relocating the base, estimated at $4 billion. Nor is it likely that such an idea could muster the necessary unilateral congressional s upport. For example. Robert Badham. R-Newport Beach, a member or the House Armed Services Committee. doesn 't favor the idea. judging from recently published remarks. Thus, what we are left with is an impractical vision in a time when practical proposals for solving the county's aviation problems are needed Last speech moving Whe n he wants lo. Gov Edmund Brown Jr can be as e loquent as the best of them Perhaps his best s peech was at th e 1980 Democratic con vention in Detroit. a speech that so moved columnis t Mike Rokyo he apologized r-~lling Bro wn "Governor Moon . " Brown's s peech Thu ay to the Legislature has to be a close second. Even some Republicans were laudatory. so it had to be outstanding Admittedly . Brown 's 21 -minute talk was short on s pecifics What it was long on was vision. And if the governor is s mart. ht"ll help d evttlop some ideas that can be conside red by the Legislature · It was the first time in eight t nes that Brown focu sed on eduC'ation. In a proposal bound to bl' debutl'd from Y rek<1 to San Y '\1 d ro. h e called for <1 r e quir e m e nt that every California high school s tudent take at leas t three vears of m a thematics an<i two 1)f science courses Whether ont• helil•\'t•s two years or thret• or four 1s the proper time 1s unimportant. What 1s 1 mportanl is that Brown too late. according Lo Superintendent of Public Instruction Wilson Riles finally brought the prestige or his office to bear on a s tatewide problem. Many of our graduating seniors can't read verv well. And many of those who can read don't understand science or mathematics. And this is hurting us in competing economically with nations such as Japan that are m arshalling their nation's education and technology. West Germany and the Soviet Union also are emphasizing these s ubjects which Brown calls the three "C s" computing. calculating and communicating. True. Brown's off again-on again style of governin'g can be faulted for contributing to our edu cation al malaise and bis program Thursday probably didn't provide e nough financiCJI muscle to meet all the goals . In addition. hi s call for excel lence in scien ce and mathematics comes at a time when surveys s how high schools are losing many teachers in these fields to private industry and e ng ineering schools . Nevertheless. Brown's las t ·state of the State" address to the Legislature was by far his best. If he now rolls up his s leeves and tries to do something about it. it could be r e membered longer than his s hortcomings a s _governor Free minority shrinking 1981 was not a good year for freedom. according to the annual r eport on human rights prepared b y Freedom Hou se. an organization that analvzes the progress of fr eedom on an international basis. During lhe year, almost 325 m1llton people lost their human rights. or saw them diminish. with Poland's dramatic loss of freedom a s the vear e nde d bols te ring the shocking figure by some 36 m1lho n . says the report. The military takeover o r P oland means that ne arly 45 percent of the global population now lives m countries regarded as .. not free ·· Only 36 percent can be classified as free citizens. with the re mainder considered only partially free. . During the year . Poland, Iran . Guatemala a nd South Africa we r e Judged to have m oved from the partially free to the non -free category . while I • humun rights deteriorated in seven other nations in Africa and Central Ame rica. Freedom gained somewhat only in Taiwan. Honduras. Ivon· Coast. Tunisia and Mauritania. · Freedom of the press ~uffered s imilar losses with the news media considered free in only 24 percent of the world's countries. partly free in 20 percent and not free in 56 percent. Newspapers were bombed in half a dozen countries. foreign corres pondents were expelled from nine. 22 journalists were s lain and 14 more assaulted or kidnapped by g u errillas or government forces. All thi s Is difficult to comprehend for those who have li ved their lives in freedom. Unfortunately. the truly free remain a minority on this globe. an d their numbe r s arc not 1ncreas in1?. Oplnior1s expressed in the space above are those of the Dally Piiot. Other views ex- pressed on tn1s page are those ot their authors and artists. Reader comment 1s 1nv11 ed Address The Daily P1101. P 0 . Box I~. Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (114) 641-432 I L.M. Boyd/ Essentials ranked A recount or that list of best·selllng household products now shows the lop 10 in descending order to be: Pampers, Tide, GJad bags, Charmin, Bounty, Reynold's Wrap, GE bulbs, Cheer. Hefty bags and Downy. In any given IOCiety, tbe more the people have rell~ on meat few food. the more dominant the men have been over the wome~. Or so say Uie ORANGE COAST lailyPilai scholars. Any hun~r can tell you the why or that, but rarely do you see meat mentioned to show who's winning the war between the sexes. Q. My 1randma brll1s about her eiderdown quilt. What's an eider? A. A sea duck. Brag she might. Nothing man-made bas a higher warmth-to·welght ratio than bird down. ThorMs P. H•ley Publlst\tr Thomal A. ~ .. IM · Editor BaruraK,..~cft Edltorl•l P~ Edito.- ... OK LEONID ... LET'ERRIP. Brown: Indestructible Medfly LOS ANGELES -Q: Which of the innumerable candidates for the U.S. Senate In California this year is calling for economic growth and defending the conventional wisdom? A : None other than Jerry Brown. who rose to national fame as the no-growth idol or the wine-and-cheese set, making sure to savage the conventional wisdom. whenever possible. This is not merely another exercise of political agility by Gov. Edmund G Brown Jr .. now eyeing Washington after eight years in Sacramento. While most Democrats are sti ll tongue-tied after a year of Ronald Reagan, Brown again has proved his dexterity in formulating a growth-oriented Democratic alternative based on hope, not despair. This course only bolsters the £Uess by California politicians or both parties that Brown's Senate race will not be poisoned by his mishandling or the state's Med.fly crisis last year. Although Brown still trails most Republicans in the polls, it is hard to find a seasoned political Republican operative who in private will pr~ict Brown's defeat. Truly, Jerry Brown 1s the indestructible Medfly. Brown's political res urrection from Medfly burial is attributed by Republicans to their own indiscipline. · An untidy ReJjublican primary in which a half-dozen or more challengers will probably do in eccentric , 75-year-old Republican senator S.l. H_al'._akawa is not designed for victory. But Brown's high hopes also derive ~~r:r 1-,.-.-. -.,-,.-., ~- from his own political skills and analytic talent,.5. His game plan is based on the fact that the Republican president happens to be Ronald Reagan, but Brown's criticjsm of R~agan is n'ot reflexive liberal sniping. Rather. unlike most California Democrats, Brown perceives a dramatic difference b e tween Reagan's records as governor and, so far, as president. ''Reagan is practi cing what he preached in his speeches before he ran for orfice," Brown told us over djnner at Perino's. "As governor. he follow~ the conventional wisdom. As president, he has defied it. He has been a polarizing force, shattering the consensus." But hadn't Jerry Brown made his Long live top actors While the national Conference on Aging was going on in Washington. there was a kind of Festival of Aging taking place in New York. It was unofficial, and hardl y noticed by anyone, but 1t struck me as one or the most extraordinary testimonials to long life. The volatile field of entertainment seems to belong to the young. but not just now. The biggest hit in Manhattan was a doubleheader Katharine SYDNEY HARRIS Hepburn on stage in "West Side Waltz," and on screen in "On Golden Pond." No one needs to be reminded that she was eligible for Social Security a few years back. Among the musicals. Mickey Rooney at 61 was cavorting in "Sugar Babies," Rex Harrison at 73 was just closing in "My Fair Lady," and the most triumphan t shows were Duke Ellington's "Sophisticated Ladies," Fats Waller's "Ain't Misbehavin'," a salute to the 93 -year-old Irving Berlin. "They Say It's Wonde rful," and a s old-out revival of the too.year-old Gilbert & Sullivan operetta, "The Pirates of Penzance." In straight plays, 76 -year -old Claudette Colbert was cutting up in "A Talent for Murder." Lauren Bacall (not old. but no s pring chicken either, as mother would say) was strutting about as "Woman of the Year." and Shaw's 1898 "Candida" was being graced by a mature Joanne Woodward. MY OWN FAVORITE, though, was "The Lady and Her Music,'' a one-woman show with the incomparable Lena Horne. who 1s exactly my age and looks young enough lo be m y daughter. (For those who missed it . the production has been impeccably recorded for posterity on Qwest 2QW 3597, twodiscs .1 In addition. the Broadway roster was adorned with an 18th·century play about Mozart , "Amadeu s," a 19th-century biography of "Barnum," and an evocation of the 1930s in "-42nd Street," among the s hows which have picked up most of the Tony awards in the last year or two This is not to mention the glorious return of Jimmy Cagney, al 82 , in the new film, "Ragtime." and the fact that the unique Fr~ Astaire. at the same age, 1s still emoting, if no longer prancing, on the screen. And perhaps the greatest success of all is the third career of George Burns (who, I didn't know until now, came into the world as Nathan Birnbaum l, still puffing on his cigar at 86. At the same time, as it happens. Carnegie Ha ll was celebrating the 85th birthday or Virgil Thomson with a revival of his opera, "Four Saints in Three Acts." written with Gertrude Stein in 1934, be fore most living Americans were born. So much is said today about the fragility or age, it 1s refreshing to contemplate IL'i durability for a change. l'eputation by defying the conventional wisdom at every opportunity? '' l was establishing the conventional wisdom for the future, not reaching .back for lhe.eorutentional wisdom of the past," he answered. Whatever the authenticity of that nimble reply, he is today the candidate or the dynamic consensus. Attacking Reagan for obsession solely with ec:onomic market forces, Brown approves in principle of deregulation but also s ketche s a government-business-labor consensus. This removes Brown from the pack or Democrats howling for r~uclion or deferral of the Reagan tax cut ("raising taxes during recession," says Brown. "would be Herbert Hoover"). While attacking new tax "loopholes" pass~ last year. he sees the Reagan lax cul combining with "te<:hnological innovations" and government planning for a new outburst of growth. Thus. Brown agrees with the supply -siders that only economic growth can balance the budget ultimately, but disagrees on the route for achjeving it. Growth? Advocated by the American politician most closely associated with sm alter-is-better? "I am convinced," he replied, "that economi c growth is essential" - hastening to add. in deference to the wine·and-cheese set. that it must be done with foolproof environmental safeguards. "l am getting in an optimistic mood," s aid the once -dour prophet of diminishing expectations . Shortly before our conversation, he had pr ev i ewed s natches of his stale·of·lhe-state message during a party he gave for his suppqrters a few blocks down Wilshire Boulevard at the Marquis restaurant. Brown declared that California had survived the depletion of gold after the ea rly rus h by developing a rich agricultural economy. had followed eac h economic setback with a corresponding gain and, he was certain, would rise to the occasion once more. Th e assembled Democrats , accustomed to gloom-and-doom ass aults on Reaga nism, seemed puzzled. Brown himself has not thought it all out t'learly, but he at l east is articulating a fragmentary Democratic alternative to Reaganism that transcends Tip O 'Neill's nostalgic yearning for the New Deal. In essence, Brown wants to combine market forces unleased by tax cuts wilh government planning. "Planning is essential," be said, thereby framing the debate with Reagan. Brown tells anyone who asks that he has no interest in the 198-4 presidential race (though after his dismal 1980 campajgn. nobody asks>. Moreover, bis track record s uggests that his pro-growth, pro-consensus stance may be no more permanent than his opposite positions of the past. Yet, he is making more sense than the tongue-tioo Democrats or Congress in a political career that few Californians are betting will end at age 43. Too soon to awaken froin New Year drea01? I've been looking into my own future and here's the way I see the year ahead for me. -The year will go slowly, not quickly the way 1981 did. -Doctors will discover that being overweight is good for you, bie dishes of Ice cream several limes a week help ward off colds, and a drink of bourbon before dinner keeps the arteries rree and clear of debris. -Ronald Reagan will become the most successful president in hdtory by ending the recession, infiaUon and hJlh interest rates. He wlll also balance the budget and In general make me thoroughly ashamed of myself for not havin1 voted for him. -No one J know or love will die. -The Potes and the Afghans will throw tbe rascals out and restore democracy to their countrtea. -In my part of tht country, \be winter will be crtip and cold with Iota of snow but no mettin& periods and no 1lu1h. Sprint wlll arrive 1uddenly about March 1 with tt mperaturea of 60 de1r._ that wlll hold unUl the end of May. From June thrw1h Labor Day the temperabnl wUI be r1tht around 75 with pen0d9 of heav1 ralD bUt no Proloaled pertoda or dnuJi. -One ~ the networb wtlt ~ up wllb 1 ·~•at new topical humor ' broadcast that will be fun to sit and watch Tuesday or Wednesday night from 8:30 to 9:30. -l will have a large .glass or inexpensive fresh orange juice for breakfast every. morning because Florida will not be hit with any freezing weather for the first time In years. -Crime will diminish dramatically and my wife will stop locking the doors ,-,, . -•• -.,-.,-•• -1,--~,'1 when she leaves the house. AJlbough the police won't recommend it, whenever I pull a car into my driveway I'll leave the keys in the lgn1tlon so l'U know where to find them. -The hair on my head will appe.r lo be aetting lhicler. not thinner. -Nothlng will 10 wrona wlt.h the furnace or any or the 1ppllancea ln the house thls year. There'll be no plu.mblnc pl'Oblem1 and the stove, tbe wullillt maebine, tb• relnpratar Uld the teleYtlkm Mt wW all wort perfeeU1. u bJ., cbanee ............ .. wrong, the serviffmu will co...-and ~ nx it with the tools and parts he carries with him. There will be no charge because whatever went wrong was cover~ by the guarantee. -I will not break a elass, a pair of glasses or a dish. -My wife will announce that she doesn't want to take a trip anywhere. -My watch will continue to keep perfect time, J won't break the crystal. and the electricity in the house Won't go off a single time an year so t.bat I'll only have to reset the clocks lwke for daylilhl and standard time. 1 -l will not miu a slnlle train or plane. I will not get a seat on the ahuWe to Washington that la shared by a mother and father with 1 baby wboM. ears hurt whea.we take oft. -My children will each call home several limes a week with wonderfUI news. -All tbe money -rahlnl or1ani.11Uoos who have my DllDt wUJ lose their lists in a computer diaalter. -My lawn mower w1U start on \be first pull every time. -Even lboqh nont of thtM Wqa happen, my opUmlam wlll remam un- dimlnllbed and next year at tblt time. la 1ptte ol au the nldenee to the contrary, I'll be 1lttlq here •blnlri•1 u. wUJ be the bat ,..... n'ft ...,. bad. · J Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sundey, Jenuery i O. 1982 Iffy Hayden campaign can d isrupt Democr ats 81 CHAJlLES G. BELL Tom Hayden's potential candidacy for the new '4th Assembly District in west Los Angeles County could pose real problems for the Democratic Party ln 1982. Hayden, with his wire Jane Fonda. has built a small but errective left-wing. atate·wide political oreanizatioo -the Campaign tor Economic Oemoerao (CEO).. · The CED which has won control or the city councils in Chico, Santa Cruz. and Santa Monica and backed several dozen CALIFORNIA COMMENTS other local officials throughout the state, claims some 12 ,000 members organized into about 30 locaJ chapters. It is by all odds the strongest grass-roots political organization operating within the Democratic Party. Can Hayden combine his well known name and CED organizationaJ strength into a winning combination? There are both negative and positive answers. Hay den was unable to defeat incumbent Democratic U.S. Sen. John Tu?ney in their 1976 primary fight. have been ln response to tut minute political mailers linking Ha,yden and Fonda to the antl·waate proposition. Jerry Brown's U.S. Senate race may be damaged (in both the primary and lo t~e general election> by his past clote lies to Hayden and Fonda. One or Brown's primary Democratic opponents, State Sen. Paul Carpenter of Orange County, will certainly continue his strong an ti· Hayden· Fonda campaign -linking those two with Brown. Brown's GOP general election opponent will take great pleasure in continuing the issue -no doubt citing Carpenter as source! Tom Bradley. the most likely Democratic nominee for governor, will probably escape any Hayden stigma. One of Bradley's aides. Steve Saltzman, has announced his candidacy against Hayden. And Bradley certainly has had no close ties to Hayden in the past. On balance, Hayden seems to be a good bet to win the Democratic primary in June and on form, to be the winner in November. Whether the Democratic Party gains or loses from Hayden's candidacy as the 1982 elections develop remains to be seen. -- ~AR'S Yores rtJ IHEM-nlAR SLUR.S ~ \~~ And, according to an early 1981 California Poll, Hayden is disliked by those Californians who know him. Of those polled, 27 percent said their opinion of Hayden was ''favorable"; 42 percent said it was "unfavorable." The balance, 31 percent, didn't know anything about him. Hospital short on offices, births On the other hand, while Hayden lost to Tunney in 1976, his 1.2 million votes (37 percent against an incumbent in the primary) shows real strength. Further, the California poll data is based on a cross-section of the state - including Republicans, independents and third party members. They are all more critical of Hayden than are Democrats. In fact, the state's Democrats are slightly more favorably than unfavorably inclined toward Hayden - 54 percent to 46 percent. And 77 percent of those who. call themselves "strong liberals" are favorably impressed by Hayden. Thus, a close analysis of both the 1976 election results and recent California poll data stroogJy i.uggests that Hayden could be a very effective candidate in a liberal "oi>en .. Democratic district. The 44th Assembly district pretty well fits that description. With 57 percent of Us voters registered Democratic it includes much of west Los Angeles City. Santa Monica. the Pacific Palisades and Malibu. The present incumbent, Mel Levine, one of the Assembly 's more environmentally oriented and liberal members, was re-elected in 1980 by 68 per cent of the vote. He is planning on running for Congress in 1982. EquaJly significant, Santa Monica has become a CED bastion due to the rent control issue. Hayden will surely keep "rent control" alive in his Democratic primary campaign. Forty percent of the state's Democrats a re renters; in the west LA-Santa Monica area, that percentage is certainly higher. Hayden, with the highly e ffective CED organization support: with a favorable image among liberals and those Democrats mos.t likely to vote in a primary election, has to be the front· runner in the 44th Assembly District primary. Then what? Will Hayden's negative state -wide image hurt other Democratic Party candidates in November 1982? Republicans will surely capitalize on Hayden's student radical image. For example. West Covina's recent surprising rejection of a ballot measure to ban toxic wastes from the city may To the Editor: The Board of Directors of South Cout Medical Center should be commended for their recent decision to bold off closing the hospital's maternity unit. That decision, which reversed an earlier boa.rd action, was a di!ficuJt one for the Board to make. Yes, we know the embattled maternity unit is not making outlandish profits, as a matter of fact, we know the unit bas been losing money. What can be done to keep the maternity unit within the hospital that touts itself as the "HospitaJ with a MAILBOX Heart? .. To answer that question, one must first look at what bas been happening in the area for the past several year s . The quality of professional care has not declined. What has declined is the number of babies being born to parents who live along the expensive coastline. However, more importanUy, the one major reason for the lack of use or the maternity unit has nothing to do with the care provided or even the number or babies being born in southern Orange County. THE REAL PROBLEM is the lack of reasonably priced office space near the hospital. Doctors -especially those new to the area -look for office space near the hospital they wish to become associated with on a daily basis. At South Coast, finding such space is near impossible. All one has to do to verify this practice is to drive across the bill and look at what is happening around Mission Community Hospital. There are at least four major medical buildio1s offering doctors and other medical professionals a place to work that is close to the hospital. If South Coast reaUy wants to stay • t..etttrs tram,;...,.,,., .. wt•<ornt The rt91't to<anidilnw tet let\ to fie ICN<t or fl"'11Nt• libel '' ,..,.......0 LAttef'• Of JOO .-ioros o.r t.si ••It ot Q1...n p..eter.-nt• AU ••tt•" mutt 1n~ < lvO. ~uainalvrt •nd m••h"9 .tddr..u bUt ,...,,..., ~Y oe w•INMld on fe.QW-)t If wft"•fflt tf!•Wlft tt aoptreftt Poetry ••II nol i. pu1>11.i..o l•ll.,, "'•• De , ... _.. Lo Ml- H•me •nd pl'W;lrw l\Uf"nbtr of the cantffOUtar ""'"bl 91v_, tor ~trtf1<•t1an purpo\of\ competitive in the health care field, perhaps th e board should be encouraging the development of additional office s paces instead of having to consider what unit to close down next. In addition to being recognized as the "Hospital with a Heart," South Coast had better become recognized as the hospital that actively encourages the development or places where its professionals can work. MICHAEL EGGERS 'Taps' misunderstood To the Editor: It's too bad your reviewer of the excellent and thought-provoking movie "Taps" understood so llltle of it (Weekeuder, Jan. l ). Although .. Taps" is about children <and ideals and ideas J, 1t Is not for children. P erhaps the reviewer could be persuaded lo attend .. taps" again. accompanied by an adult who would explain it. ROBERT l.. ARCHIBALD Cure leasehold tiff To the Editor. Can an escalating confrontation between the Irvine Company and its New port Beach leaseholders be prevented? My answer is "yea." The root of the problem lies in the contractual agreement between the Irvine Company and the leaseholders. Originally conceived or in the 1940s and the 1950s, the historical intent or the leases was to promote the growth of Newport Beach while mutually benefiting both the leaseholders and the Irvine Company. The formula utilized in the lease contract <i.e. land leases based on 6 percent or the "fair market value" of the land with rent chanRes ever y 25 years> was undoubtedly predicated on the financial environment and reaJ estate market of the times - i.e. a stable financial environment with stable land valuations and rentaJs, (why else allow 25 years between rehtal changes?). For the first few decades of the leases. the formula obviously worked well and aJJ the parties prospered. Then came the 1970s and with it inflation. Even during the early 1970s , the leasehold concept survived as the Irvine Foundation scrupulously honored the intent or the leases by holdin.g the so-called "fair market vaJuation" well below the actual land valuations. Then in 1977, with the change in ownership of the Irvine Company, there was an accompanying change in philosophy as the new lrvi:oe Company owners chose to play "catch-up" Chow else would one explain the extreme escaJatioo in "fair mark et valuations" by the Irvine Company during the last year -a year in which the reaJ estate market has been at best "flat" or deflated). AN EQUITABLE solution to the problem must then fint acknowledge the tremendous distorting effect that infialion has bad upon the contractuaJ agreement, and must then endeavor to correct that distortion by changing the contract so that it reflects anew its originaJ intent. I would suggest that such a solution should incorporate two main ideas: 1. A fixed relationship ratio between the "leasehold estate" and the land. Example: 2.1 ratio -if the leuebold estate is appraised at a value of $200,000.00, then the land would auton:iatically be valued at $100,000.00; or looked at from another angle, if the entire property is valued at $300,000.00, then the leaseholder's share would be $200,000.00 anJ the Irvine Company's $100,000.00. This ratio, in turn, could be determined from several factors, to include a) the historical ratio between the land and the leasehold estate before "catch-up" sets in, b> the financial input into the property by both the lease- holder and the Irvine Company and c) common sense. 2 . The rentals paid by all the leaseholders (many of the rentals are not up for renewal until the 1990s) s hould be upgraded to reflect the current rentaJ market and should be subject to periodic readjustment. Factors that could be used in determining the upgraded rent could include a) the consumer price index, b) analysis or the Newport Beach rentaJ market, c) the recent leasehold agreement between the City of Newport Wintry refrain: pit t er patter hear Grandpa say. read every day. of lit t l e feats By PAULINE COLEMAN P<JUliM Coleman i3 a relicUm of Huntington Beach. Raindrops hitting the tin roof of our mobile home sound like the beat of a child's toy drum. The tone changes when it slides down the steps onto the cement slab outside that becomes an over-filled platter and spills onto the rocks nearby. A small patch of little grey rocks, 'jagged: uneven, somehow resemble a soiled, wrinkled handkerchief. The f.ew potted plants scattered a~ut are drenched and dripping. Raia: Waabl•I some thla11 away aad DOat'lslda& odten. Rain: Becoming an old refrain to me and pushes my thoughts along the curb• or yesterday. "ll rains on the just and the unjust," I can I /I I 11 "If this rain continues, it will be good for · our crops ." Dad looks out the kitchen window. past the red barn, up toward the hills. where U1e wheat seed lays In the fresh ploughed fields. llow pungent the soup on top of the range, and the bread in the oven below. Soon Mama will go lo the pantry and bring out the pat of homemade butter and the jar of apricot jam. Mama, a silent woman with an Inner glow. • Rain: Fresh and 1entle, the bac1t1round for a llttle «lrl's laughter. How pretty the reflection of the street lights on the wet sidewalks. How cheerful the lights from the windows or the houses as we pass by. Dressed In red raincoat and tiny black boots with her hand tucked lo mine. she says, "After we get the storybook from the 'll'>rary,' Mother. can we get a chocolate soda like we always do when It raJns?" I look down at her rosy cheeks and the raindrops falllng on her turned·UP nose, and say, "Why not1" llalD: Aa&ry rain, beaUaa barsbly a1alaat 1Laa1. A nasb or liChlning, a clap of thunder: Dad pacing the hoepltal wa1Un1 room. A t.U man enters, stlU wearirtt a freen sur1lcal gown, places a bud on Dad'• sbouJder. HJ1 eyts look troubled; his Ups move, but hl1 words are unreal and atJn1 ... Ev·er1tbtn1 poaslble wu done • . . Too weak t.o underso aurae.ry and come out of it . . Sometbtna for •l~ep at lhe desk." We drive through a downpour. The windshield wiper s weeps back and forth, like the pendulum on the piano at home. We are s ilent. watching the road ahead through the rain and our tears. The road leads to the house, ever empty, now that Mama is gone. Rain: Timid? Lazy? "Why do 1 hafta come in ? It's only ~prinkling. See, my hair is ju.en a little wet. You're a bad, bad, Gramma. Mama lets me play in ~he rain." "She does not, Danny." ''She does, she does. She lets me, Dannine." Her dark eyes become stem as she looks • into his defiant blue ones. "You don't talk like lhat to our Grandma, Danny." Rls pout is replaced with a amile. "I sorry, Gram," he says. Mellow nm touching each s hingle on the roof above, steamtn1 bot chocolate in brighl blue mugs, and two small grandchildren spendln1 Ume wlth me. Rain: Eaalng up. Maybe the sun wUI shine. Maybe there will be a rainbow ln the sky. Soon I'll be a great-grandmother Nexl Christmas there wUI be toys t.o b"'Y-Dannlne uya U lt ls a 1lrl, she wlll 1lve her an old-fuhloned name. U It la a boy, aomelhln1 "ateady and •tron• -maybe Jobn ... M~ rain, atud.y no-~n1 on roots ol Ule, &bif\llet and Un, beatJn1 a melody for tbote wbo wUJ U.ten . For those who remember their =--~---own familiar relraln. • I t ... Beach and the·residents of Beacon Bay, and d ) common sense. The above "give and take" .solution would orrer a great deal to both the Irvine Co mpany and to the leaseholders; it would eliminate the considerable anxiety associated with leasehold ownership by establishing a predictable relationship between the Irvine Company and the leaseholders in which both parties would have a fair share in the future; it would give the Irvine Company an updated. fair return on all its leasehold properties; it would be flexible and responsive both to sudden inflationary and deflationary changes, and it would provide a mechanism for continued indefinite usage of the land. In conclusion, l believe Lbat a negotiated. friendly solution to this problem is possible. ANDREW 0 . STEINBERG, M.D. AGON-izing swim? To the Editor· Well, the Treasure Island Polar Bears had a go at it again New Year's Day all reported by the Pilot Pappa Bear Murphine who, it is presumed, kept well-back from the surging, ocean chop pumped up by night-long arctic air bl a sling the s horeline of Southern California. With aJI due respect for the Treasure Island tradition of corull'ming the New Year with a timid touch or the toe to the Pacific. there is no way this quick-dip can qualify for the true Polar Bear purists. There are some who eschew such ersatz imitations of a ll·weather ocean swimming which really can be quite pleasant once one engages nature's defensive reaction and starts the juices flowing AS A SWIMMER hits the water, the body's dive reflex automatically retards the metabolism channeling blood flow to the vital organs but with vigorous exercise or the phys ical swimming stress. a hormone that increases pain (and cold) tolerance at the same time imparts a feeling of well-being experienced by the well-conditioned body and mind. Well known to the ancient Greeks whose philosophy of youth education imposed a harsh regimen of athletics achievement. their tradition of integrating AGON, the hurt. pain and agony of sports training, within the disciplines of academicism engendered amongst Greek children a healthy esteem for the most beautiful of c r eations that was reinforced by placing greut social value upon bodiJy development or young people. Contrast that ideal with the contemporary PE jocks masquerading as physica l ed u cators, their beer-sodden guts nursing pregnant, pepr-shaped images and there a major reason can be attributed to the cause for the lack of immuniJation of today's youth against the sick, blatant con of booze. drugs, tobacco and violence imposed upon the mind and body by greedy advertisers bustling the maximum hype of those product's sales. Genaflectlon at the golden Idol of lbe quick-dip, quick-fix, store-bought, instant-macho, the Miss America glitter and a Hollywood cowboy president. BRUCE HOPPING Editor Murphinc cfid indted ~ w.U back /rom the oceon. Edttor 111111• FacJA1 the New Year la iUte fadnc a new oppooenl -the defenae tbat toot you a year lo learn bu to be 1crapped 11 you p~pare for a.w U'c?b. s.o. ......, ......... _ ....... .,,....... ..... . ........ ,41191' ................ 9 JI .... ,_ ... ~ . ......., .... _.,"""" -- I. I A• Orange Coa1t OAILV PILOT/Sunday, January 10, 1982 .. OCC se ts whale ·tour Whale watchln1 wUI be the order of bualneaa January 23 when Oranae Coast College sPonsors an excursion to view aray whales as they migrate south. The tour Is scheduled to leave from Balboa I ............. SONS RUN • • • <From Pase A5) here for the summers J chose to make t.hla my home. Udall says his father and uncle have pledged their support for hi• campatin and already have made one appearance on bis behalf at a fund-raiser. Udall says name lde nUficat1on should help h&m •l•lnat hll opponent&, Lt. Gov. Roberto Mondraaon and Blll Richardson. ..- "I think my father and uncle bave done very productive things with their lives,'' Udall says. · Pavilion al 9 a.m. and return at noon. Cost of lhe trip, for wblch you must pre.register, Is $8 for adults and $6 for c hildre n under 12 . Further Information m ay be o btained bv telephoning 556-~. ., FAMOUS SONS -David Rusk, Jan Hartke and Tom Udall <Crom left 1 ar e second generation politicians ln Albuquerque. "My name is one that is reco&nlzed. People have a good feeling about the UdaJI name, what It has stood for over time." BUY 3 a SAVE 4-c SAVE23c SECRET MnftlSPIUlfT (4& llZI). DEODOIMT SNAY ... IJ.f;:~UI .. _,..._,.... (I -. UZI) Effective Long Lasting Deodorant Protection. Extra Strength Formula to fight Stains and Deodorize. c14no .. PKC.Of401.09 WD-40 lUOSOL lUlllCMT Gets the "Squeak" out! Cifii%•• 9eLm! 1.39 VIClS VICTORS (BAC OF 30) 01t VICKS BLUE COUGH DIOPS (BAG Of 23) Soothing and Refreshing. •mau•79t PHOTO SPECIAL SUPERPRINT REPRINTS CUSTOMQUAl.m 4 18 llal91UlllTI lT IUUUI lllP9T PllCUl Minimum 10 Reprints •-• Per Order. -• Approximatesize4x '::"~ ~ 6"from35mm . 4xSYi" ......__ __ ~ ~ from 110 . ._. _. -1/31/11. SAVE40c AD PRICES PREVAIL : SUNDAY, JAN. 10th THRU TUESDAY, JAN.12th Klas Size BED PILLOW Luxury-filled wlttl the finest Paradise Polyester Flbefs. Stripe and Print Design. .. tiii#.: •• 6 99 21"1W • ,SAVE90~ PREIDNAILS lllTAllT UILPOUSI IDICMI WAIRIWUVE Safely and Gently Removes Polish In 30 Seconds! DISH CLOTH ssorted Stripes. ::::,99C 12.ffour Continuous Relief PUOf 10 CAPSULE$ 4ifi1Ji·• wcuHEADWAY 1.59 ...................... Dtconotttant. Anllgeslc, and Antlhlatamlnic. 2 I g 40TAIUTS • MCAPIULD • u. WE HONOR YOUR CREDIT! Master Co rd ENGLISH LEATHER mcl DEODGUMT Assorted Formula$ £VDODY ENERGIZER ~BATTERIES ·"D"SIZl2.PU ·"C"SIZE 2.PU ... VOLT"..U SAVE •s.oo llOITIDI IUC1B QUARTZ HEATER Radiant Heat... Heats What It Touches ....................... ., ........... ·n.•••a•m •lliJHlc .... ., ...... , 1 ~°""" .... .,... 2 'ClnJlll ..... ..... ,...... ... Dur pharmacists will be happy \q consult you on ways to combat the discomforts of the cold season. DUR PHAIMACllTI Will IE HAPPY TO COlllULT WITH YOU DI WAYS TO COllAT TIIE DllCOIFORTI OF THE COLD IEAIOI. Botia macranth1: 7.99 I come from Borneo and Sumatra. Peaceful but active In my seerch for fOOd left at the bottom of the aquarium. See me at Aquatic Traplcals where I am on sale under the name .. Clown Loach" for only 7.99. 1510 W. Baker• Co9la Mete 11. -549-1391 •Comer tt.rbor & Beu; · SPECIAL I 100 TAILETS NOITlllM FOLOIN' PRO 1•wan IWIDIYD Big watts of power In a micro-mini size pro- fessional blower/dryer. 11111 10.99 CORICIDIN 'D' DECONGESTAllT Fever Tablets. ,., Cold, Sinus and Hay lii £ _:V. ~n ::.-:::: •lf'tt'• --- ,.:m 1.39 SHAVING CARTRlOGES Twin Blade or Automatic Adjusting. ....... 1 .. Qi"'ij"'M .. _ .. YOUI :::J.09 SEA KELP SUPDSOll. POmNG MIX ~?!Psre ;,~'ting m61.9of I QT. • .. .. .. . . ·-.. SAVE40c Diiiy Piiat . SUNDAY. JAN. 10, 1982 Bruins ruined by Trojans FOR THE RECORD BS at Sports Arena See page 84. Dallas coIDplaints flood Candlestick T.he Sin Francisco 49en ali&hted in Anaheim early tb1s week after neein1 their homeland where the Bay Area, including Candlestick Park, was reported going down three times and coming up twice. "We could not practice up there," says BlU ~alsh, the coach of San Francisco. Everythin1 was under water." SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER particular form of art. Dallas appeared at Candlestick. The Cowboys slogged rather uselessly about the damp earth al Candlestick because they bad brought the wrong sboea. Thia overai1bt was caused by tbe brain trust of Dallas for1etUn1 -or never having learned -that tbe artificial turf bad been removed and Candlestick Park restored to a greensward of natural grass. event ol rain durln1 the 1ame, lbe throwing aide would be lea impaired by the element.a. There will be DUriata acrou the land revivin1 the cry that important NFL occaslou, aucb as conference championship 1ames, be conducted at neutral sites w~ere decent weather condltlona would be assured. Bill Walsh may be telling the truth. On the other band, the entire production may be· a deucedly clever plan to unnerve the Dallas Cowboys who will be the 49ers opponents in the National Football Conference championship game at Candlestick Park today. Dallas, known elsewhere a s "America's team," has already shown signs of coming apart mentally. When it was first reported that houses were sliding down hills in the Bay Area, the management of Dallas commenced screaming that the site or the game should be changed in the interests of the culture and refinement of this The cries of the Cowboys were baaed on the submerged communities bein1 deelared disaster are as. This would compound the fact Candlestick Park has been a djsaster area since the day it was built. This display or incompetence was hardly befitting America's team which loat to San Francisco, 45·14. At a ny rate, this combination of rac:ts contributes to the opinion of a lhnitl'\'I number of authorities who would give the f.9era a chance to knock down the favorite, which is Dallas by 2\.ia points. The reasoning is that a playin1 surface of sticky or slippery mud would be most delrimentaJ lo Dallas which relies quite significanUy on a Obviously, if professional football is to be viewed u an object d' art, it would benefit from the above plan. Natives in NFL communities, however, scream bloody murder at tJ\e mention of such an atroeious su11estlon. In the unclouded view of tht! population of San Fraraclsco, if Dallas ls at a disadvanta1e, so be It.· Similarly, Cincinnati will show lltUe sympathy for San Diego in lbe event of arctic conditions for lbe 'championship game of the Ameri~an Football Conference. So it is, then, Dallas coach Tom Landry and his team fidget. Bill Walsh and bis clods may be laughing up the sleeves of their jacket.a. In the event you are of the opinion America's team is p e rfect as touted and cannot be emotionally disturbed, consider the last time running back named Tony Dorsett. . "I really don't think the field will make that much difference in the outcome," saYt BUI Walab. Generally. the 49ers are regarded as the superior passing team or the two and even in the Then the man either winks or has a nervous· t..litch in his right eye. SD, Bengals to settle AFC Air attacks featured in Cinc'innati CINCINNATI <AP ) -The contrasts between the San Diego Chargers and the Cincinnati Bengals, the opponents in today's American Football Conference championship game, are striking. The Chargers' coach is Don Coryell. He runs a loose ship. He's been known to show up late for his own meetings. The Bengals' coach ls Forrest Gregg. He runs a tight ship, almost military like. Jackets and lies are mandatory on road trips. The Chargers' quarterback is Dan Fouts. His passes are bombs, a "more-is -better" passer. U he doesn't set a record for his numbe.r of throws or their distance, he's had an off day, or an off.year. The Benga.ls' quarterback ls Ken Anderson. He ls precls1on p e rsonified , a tbree·lime passing c hampion in the National Football League including the 1981 season, who also owns the record for the best passing percentage In a game. The Chargers' receivers s p ecialize not so much in yardage as in mileage. Ten AFC receivers gained more than 1,000 yards during the 1981 season. San Diego had three of them (Charlie Joiner, 1,188 yards; Wes Chandler, 1,142, and Kellen Winslow, 1,085). The Bengals bad one rookie Cris Collinsworth, who sneaked in with 1,009 yards. The Chargers, for all their vaunted air superiority, also gained 2,005 yards rushing this season eighth in the conference led by Chuck Muncie's 1,144 yards (second in the AFC> and rookie James Brooks' 525 yards. conference in defense, ahead of o nl y Baltimore . Their league·high 478 points overcame th~ 390 they allowed and helped them finish with a 10-4) record and win the AFC Western Division title. The Bengals' defense was fourth overall in the conference. but only ninth against the pass. It allowed 304 points. But Cincinnati scored 421, enough to give the team a 12-4 record, tbe best in the AFC. The le&ms' met once during the 1981 season and played a game of role-reversal. The Be ngals were the explosive entity as Anderson passed for 444 yards in a 40-17 romp. Gregg said the rout at San D\ego wa s relatively meanineless. "This is what happened: we jumped on them On TV today channel 4 at 10 a.m ., early, got the turnovers and an interception (a 103-yard runback by Louis Breeden) that turned the tide. Otherwise, that game was a lot closer than the score indi cated. I never relaxed during the whole game and the players didn't, either," he said. Each team won an opening-round playoff game lut weekend. UP FOR GRABS -Orange Coast's Greg Krohnfeldt < 20 , duels for possession with Santa Ana's Greg Boettcher during Saturday night's South Coast Conference matchup ~Net ...... .., •k-It ..... at OCC. Krohnf eldt hit a 40-foot shot at the buzzer lo send the game into overtime. To see who won. turn to Page 83. The Bengals were ninth in the AFC in rushing with 1,973 yards. Pete Johnson was their leader with 1,077 yards. Defensively, the Chargers were survivors -barely. They were next-to -last in the Saturday, the Chargers rolled up a 24-0 lead over Miami in the first period but couldn't bold it. The Dolphins ultimately went ahead 38·31 and were drivtn1 toward what might have been a clinching fielct goal or touc hdown with barely four minutes to go when rookie Andra Franklin fumbled. Tbe Chargers regained possession, Fouts tied it in the final .minute of regulation with a 9-yard touchdown pass to Brooks, and San Diego won 41·38 in overtime. Sunday, tbe Ben1als built a 14-0 lead over Buffalo, but the Bills rallied to tie the score 14-14 and later at 21 ·21. After Cincinnati went ahead again on Anderson's 16·yard touchdown pass to Collinsworth with 10:30 to play, Buffalo waa ~DI J abbar seals Lakers' win over Pistons PONTIAC, Mich. (AP> Earvin "Magic" Johnson poured in 40 points a nd Kareem Abdul -J abbar added 31, including two key baskets in the final minute of the game, lo lead the Los Angeles Lakers to a 130-127 National Basketball Association victory over the Detroit Pistons Saturday night. The Lakers bad entered the final quarter trailing Detroit 101·98 after the Pistons' John Long bad poured in 12 of his 36 points in the third quarter. The Lakers then outscored Detroit 13·4 in the first five minutes of tbe tourtb period to t>Ull out to a 11H05 lead. Detroit fou gbt back behind Isiah Thomas to tie the game al 114·114 with 4:30 remaining in the 1ame. After the teams were Ued on \ three occasions, the final one being at 120-120, the Laker• went ahead for 1ood with 2: U remaining on a Jabbar book abot. Detroit climbed back to wit,hln one at J.26.125 cm two fouls 11\ota by Tbomu with 52 seconds remaining, but Jabbar countered wlt.b a hook slM>t 20 aeconda later. Tbomu kept Detroit ln tbe tame wltb 13 ol bh 28 poUltl co .... lnc In~ foor;tb quarter. Potent offenses clash • in San Francisco 1 Four touchdowns may not be enough · to win today's NFC title game SAN FRANCISCO (AP> -Both coaches expect plenty of point.a to be scored in today's National Football Conference championship game between the Dallas Cowboys and San Francisco 49ers. "Both teams have resourceful offenses," said San Francisco Coach Bill Walsh. "I see both teams moving reasonably well, perhaps in the area of 350 yards. Four touchdowns will probably win the game, not leas." Dallas Coach Tom Landry was asked ii he'd be happy with 28 point.a if he could have them right now. Landry thought it over for a moment. "I mlcht sit on that, yeah," be said. Would be lake 24? "Are we in a bidding war?" Landry lau1bed. "I think we've 1ot to score up in lhe twenties to win." W alsb said be lhou&ht both teams would produce plenty of excltemenL •'Our two offenses are amoa1 the moat complex ln the leaaue," he nid. Both teams •tu have backUPI in their 1tarttn1 lineups. For DatJu, defensive tackle John Dutton and offemive &uard Herbert Scott were lilted• q...U.abh by Landry. Dutton auffered a broQn blood veaael in bis lhllh durinC the week and Scott bu a son ankle suffered ln lut Saturday's came a1aln1t Tampa~· Neither bu worked tn C:Uee Ulll . "I 'm not eountiq aw kit oa tMm," aald Landry. Larrr BeU..a repl.e .. Dutton and Glenn Tltenaor mov• ln * Scotl. ··Anytime you lose players of that caliber, it has to hurt you to some extent," said Landry. "It will be a problem, but we have good backups and they'll play well." Walsh said he'd prefer to see Dutton and Scott playing because backups are less predictable than regulars. "You don't know what they'll do," he said. "When you've come this far, you'd On TV today channel 2 at 1 :30 like to a-Jay the best Dallas team Dallas can put oo the field.'· San Franc.isco will be without its leadine rusher, Rickey Patton, who sprained bis knee last Sunday against the New York Giant.a. He wW be replaced by veteran Lenvll Elliot. -. * * * Sonny skies pre~cte~ SAN FRANCISCO <AP> -Today'1 National Football Conference tltJe came between the San Franelaco 4lera and tbe Dallu Cowboys wlll be pla7ed wader IUDJ\Y aid•. t.be National Wtatber Servlee ~~·· The foreeaat calla for falr weaUter t.b.rouab today, with hi1bl ID tbe ~ to . low IOI and llibt, variable w1nflt· Linebacker Keena Turner of the 49ers came down with a mild case of chicken pox Friday, but Walsh said he expected him to play. Landry said he thought that turnovers might be the key to the championship game. · "These are the two top teama in lbe league for forcina turnovers," he aald. "Whether one or the other can conUnue their dominanee will help ctedde whether they can win the game.'' Both teams scored on furnoven in tbe1r first meetln1 back ln October, which wu won by the 49ers, 45-14. Landry doesn't think that blowout will affect today's game. "We're a much better team now than we were then," be aald. "I know we're better at this point ror this championship came than we were for the one acainal' Philadelphia last year." The EaaJes defeated the Cowboys J0..7 ln that contest and went oo to Super Bowl xv. San FraLtl1co quarterback Joe Montana, the 2$-year·old Notn Dame product in h1I ftnt aeuon • a Ml·Ume 1tarter, led tb• NP'C in paulq tbLI aeuoa, wltb the Cowboys' DamJ W'blt.e ranldq aeeond. In tbe rqular aeuon me«lDI o1 tbe t.eam1, Montana wu aacked j9t o.ce IDd t.brew for l'l't yardl. TM pme'1 .- lt.artJlDC ltal&Mk WU t.be _,. D J .. n&1biDI bJ ToaJ DoneU. ....... o.u. aeuoa ...ord wtu. a total o11,• 1ardl. · toward a potential tyin1 s . But a delay-Of.game penalty on fourth down wiped out a completion from Joe Fe.reuaon to Lou Piccone, 1ood enouab for a first down at lbe Ctnclnnatl H·yard line with less than three minutes to play, another fourth-down pus failed and the Ben1als held on for a 28·21 victory. OVERSLEEPING PUYERFINED PORTLAND, Ore. <AP> Reser.e suard Bll.ly Ray Bates WH ftned by the Portland Trail Bla1er1 Saturday for overaleeplnt. The Trail Bluen d.lapatebed Lake O.weao police to BatM' apartment after be f aUed to appear betore Jl'ridaJ'• game aialnat Denver. Batel aald be bad • blld cold ud oYWSlept. Batel arrived at balftlme IDd Ht OD tbe 81-.r 'beDda in IU'tilt clotbw la tbe ,__. balf, ,Th• team ......... to ...... . ·aatea· by w.....,. bee ... u.. ·p111er bed cb::/ed .1111 ......... --Mil DOt told't.be .... ·\ \ -·1 .. U Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 10. 1982 .----------------..... --------~ . lj s • .. " .. ,. .. ,. '· •. T ony Conigliaro suffers heart atta~k Fro• AP dJapatelaet BOSl'ON -Former Bolton Red • Sox outfielder Tony Conlellaro suffered a aerloua heart attack Saturday momlns and was taken t.o lhtsactn~elta General HoepltaJ wbere he was pJaced in the coronary care unit. Hospital spokesman Martin Bander said ConlgUaro was being driven lo Lotan Airport by his brother, Billy. also a former major leaeue baseball player. when he became iJl. "The doctor has talked lo members of bis family several times," Bander said. Conigliaro, who turned 37 on Jan. 1,· played major league ball for 6YJ seasons, mostly with the Red Sox. He has worked as a television sportcaster and has owned a restaurant since he left · baseball for good in 1975. Cottl9UAllO He missed a season and a half ol baseball when he was struck in the head by a pitch from Jack Hamilton of the Angels on Aug. 18, 1967, at Fenway Park. The blow fractured his left cheekbone, dislocated his jaw and damaged bis left retina He later said about his Utjury, "Oealb was constanUy on my mind. I thought I was going lo die." Tony C .• 'the name given t.o him by Boston fans, began his baseball career in 1964 with the Red Sox. The following year. at lbe ace of 20. be slugged 32 home runs, making him lbe youncest player ever to lead the American League in lbat category. Quote of the day 1 "Now there's somebody on the team oldn than me." -Cosmos forward Giorgio CblllagUa, explaining ";'it1y he was happy the club had re-signed veteran defender Carlos Alberto for the indoor season. Neta claims ,.,.. wfn In.Philadelphia Guard aa1 WUlta•t 'aeored a m polott and .._. wuua •• lldded za u Lbe New Jenty Neta 1urprtsed Phlladelph.la, 1•11.3 Saturday nlcbt tn a NaUoaaJ Buketball Alloelatlon 1ame at the Spect rum. The wln wu tbe Ont for the Neta In Phlladelpbla since February, 1977 . . . o..rse Ger'fl• and Ml.Ile Ml&daeU scored • ll apleee as San Antonio led from tbe openlne Upoff ln couUn1 to a 113·100 victory over Kansas Clty ... Led by rookie Jay Vl•ce•t'• 19 point.a. el1bt Dallas players 1eored in double naures .. the Maverieu beat Phoenix, 105· 101 ... Joba Drew tallied a season·hlgb 34 l points to lead Atlanta t.o a l .. 102 ·89 win over New w1&.&.1Mi9 York . . . Comin1 ort the bencb to score 24 points, hrria 8'ori helped Golden St•te wblp Indiana, 115-106 . . . Tom Claamben came off tbe bench t.o score 30 polnta and Jerome "1at&.eMad grabbed 18 rebounds as ' San Diego held off Utah, 125·118 ... Gus Williama poured in a season·high 39 points as Seattle posted an easy 125-110 triumph over Denver. Bouchard. Nordiques stop Boston Strong goaltendlna by Daalel Iii Bouchard and two 108.b and a pa.ir of ' assists by Dalo Hater b~lped the Quebec Non1iques claim a 6-1 rout of Boston in tbe National Hockey Leaeue. Bouchard stopped 23 of 24 shots by the Bruins ... Elsewhere, Way.e Greblly scored bis 54th goal of the sea.son and added four assists in Edmonton's 7·2 triumph over Calgary ... Power-play goals by Clark Gllllea and Bryan TroUler in the final 1:32 of play gave the New York Islanders a 3·1 win over Philadelphia, giving New York two victories over Philadelphia in three days ... Rookie Mark Morrlao• scored his first NHL goal t.o cap a three-goal eoucMUD New York outburst in just over three minutes of the final period J.o give the R a n g e r s a 7 · 5 v i c t o r:y o v e r Chicago . . . Thomas S&eeta and rookie Craig Levie scored 10 seconds apart late in lhe first period to lead Winnipeg past Detroit, 4·2 ... Gii Perreault !\Cored two goals, including !n<.? Jt»mc· win.,,.;, t.o lift Buffalo lo a 3-2 win over Hartford . . . Two goals by RJck MacLeish helped Pittsburgh nip Vancouver, 4.3, Smith, ~raQlova matched lo flnalt Aa.. l•ltll 1taged btr UUrd • u,paet ol the week Saturday, toppliq Weat Germany'• S~tvla ....._ Jn stralcht lelt to advance to Moeda1'1 flull of the Avon Tennis ChamplonsbAPI ln Landover. Md. Smlt.h wlll face Martlu N1¥raW..1 ln tbe champion.ship match. Navratilova, Hedtd second, survived two tle·breakera before downlng Barbara Polter, 7 .. , f-7, 1-3 . . . American Lloyd 8oarme defeated It••• KralevlU, also of lhe UoJted Stata, ln U.. semifinals ot the Berri South Australian tournament. unaware ol an anoQYIDOWI death threat. Bourne, 22, waa Immediately escorted from the court by toumameat otftdala after winnina h11 match. He'll meet ... rrawleJ ln today's final. PoUce later lnt.rvlewed Bourne tor 15 minutes . . . S&.H De.a. and Kena Cure. scored a marathon victory over PNr McNamara and Pa .. McNa ... ot AUBtraUa ln the World Doubles Champloosblp In Birmln1bam, Enaland. They'll face Helaa Guualllardt of Switzerland and 8alaa Tareeay of Hungary in t.oday's championship match. Football coach plans to sue ABC AUSTIN, Texas -A lawyer ·~ representing Brownwood Hi&b Scbool C II• footb'all coach Gordon Wood 1&)'1 he will file sull Monday a1ain1t Amer can Broadcasting Co.. alleaing that ABC· TV damaged Wood's reputation by misidentifying him as the coach roughing up players in a tum clip. Gary Stephens said the suit, to be liled in San Anaelo federal court, stems from Wood's appearance on a September "Good Morning America'' show. ln the fUm clip, Stephens said, a coach "grabbed hold of players' jerseys and slapped them up beside the head ... Program host David Hartman identified the coach in the Tllm as Wood. An ABC executive apologized and said the incident was a "crude attempt t.o ambush" the coach. Hartman also apologized on lbe air. Basketball player punches out coach The removal of St~ Louie • University basketball star Walla~ Robluoa from the team was made after he broke Coach •• Eldttt's DOH and blackened bl5 eyes in a fist fight, according to the St. Louis Post· Dispatch. 1n a copyright story in Sunday's editions, the newspaper said the fight broke out in a hotel room in lndianapolla following the Billlkens' Dee. 30 game •••In• Butler University. The story also said assistant coach Rick StaneckJ, the only other person in the room, was also punched by the junior center when he tried to stop the fight. * • . . near super NFC, AFC finals on tube By HOWAaD L. HANDY °'_°* ........ The pro football season l1 rapidly wlndiiij down with today's AFC aacl NPC ~l'UM championship gamet the prelude to the bit one - Super Bowl XVJ on Jan. 24. In today's acllon, the San Dleco Cbarctts meet the Ben•als l.n Clndnnlll with Cha.Nlel 4 brlnslnl the action live at 10 this mornlnC. Whether the Charaers can puU off anot.btr wta and advance to the NFL ·a Utle match in Detroit, remains to be seen. The BencaJs have walled a tong time t.o advance this far and wUl be UM f1&xorites at home today. -- Whether the San Francisco 4ters can overcome the experience and coachiog abUll)' o1 Tom Landry ln the NFC title matchup la the question uppermost in the minds ol '9er fans. The' game is rated even with Joe Montana lacl.ha • Danny White as rival quarterbaclUI. For the bHketball fan, lhe Laken are in Milwaukee for a 5:20 matchup on Channel 9. Following are the top spe>rts events on TV today. Ratings are: 11 1 I excellent; '' 1 worth watching; I I fair; t forget It. ~ 10 •.m., Ch•nnel 4 ./ ./ ./ ./ lFC CHAMPIONSHIP: san Dleqo at Cincinnati. Announcers-:-Oick Enberg and MffHn Olsen. Whether the San Diego Chargers can dupflcate last week's thrllllno overtime victory or not to gain a Super Bowl berth wlll be determined today. The Chargers won In overtime on a 29-yard field QCMll by Rolf Benlrschke as Oen Fouts set two playoff passtno 1 records. He threw the ball S3 times and completed 33 \. for 433 yards. Cincinnati counters with Ken Anderson '· who completed 14 of 21 for 192 yards last week · Including the winning touchdown pass In a 28-21 win · over Buffalo. The Bengals are favored by 4 points. 1:30 p.m., C~•nnel 2 ./ ./ ./ ./ NFC CHAMPIONSHIP: Dallas at Francisco. Announcers: Vin Scully and Hank Stram. The big question In the Bay Area is whether or not the 49ers can lasso the Cowboys and 9ain1.: entrance Into Super Bowl XVI . New York Giants Coach Ray Perkins picks Dallas to win. "Dallas will Stadler running away from Tucson field win. They are a better football team. ·That's nothing against the 49ers, but the Cowboys have been in this situation before and they are a more experienced team." The oddsmakers have the game at even· money. 49er quarterback Joe Montana had his firstl. 300-yard game passing since he came to the tearn.i: ).. three years ago as San Francisco defeated the Giants, 38-24. Dallas, on the other hand, had an easy \J time in disposing of Tampa Bay, 38--0 with Ed Jones,, Randy White, John Dutton and Harvey Martin rushing the Bue passer into throwing four Interceptions. The 49ers won earner In the year at Candlestick Park, site of today's game, 45-14. "They '•J Jumped on us earlier In the year and we owe them .•l one," running back Tony Dorsett of Dallas says. c.d Danny White directs the Dallas offense with Oorset1 -;i? ~ H e takes a seven-stroke lead into today's final round after Saturday's play 11 , ii TUCSON CAP> -Craig Stadler fired a •·under-par 66 and took a stranglehold 7·Slroke lead Saturday after the third round ol the Tucson Open, the kickoff event on the 10-monlb pro golf tour. His leading margin was the largest third-round lead since Tom Watson bad an 8·shot ed ae 2YJ years ago in the Heritace Classie. Stadler's 54·hole totaJ of 195, 15 under par on the Randolph Park Municipal course, was tbe lowest since Curtis Strange had the same total in the 1980 Houston Open. There's another 18 holes to go, but Stadler's spectacular scoring in the Arizona sunshine has bis opponents all but conceding the title and the $54,000 first prize to the stocky man who, quietly and without fanfare. has established himself as one of the tour's most accomplished players in the last two seasons. "Unless he does something cruy, like break bis putter on lbe first bole tomorrow, we're in trouble," said Jay Haas, the man in second place. "You have to be realistic about it," Haas sa.id. "He eouJd shoot 70 or 71 without playing very well, and I'd have to shoot somethlng like 63 or 64 to catch him." "It's pretty much a one·borse race," acknowledged Greg Powers, one of lhe closest pursuers. "Craig is just so far in front. And he bas a tendency when he gets in front, be just goes further in front. ....... Troup storDl.8 to victo ry o ver W e bb From AP dilpatc:bes Top·seeded Guppy Troup rolled slriJces on eight of his first nine sbots Saturday t.o bold off Wayne Webb and capture pro bowling's Miller High Life classic. Troup, of Jacltsonvllle, Fla., missed a spare lo the tenth frame but still beat Wayne Webb of Indianapolis 243-212 in winning his third car eer Professional Bowlers Association championship. Troup, 31, received $23,000 for the victory, nearly equalling bis total 1981 earnings or $23,130. Webb. fourth-seeded going Into the stepladder finals, bad scored a total 686 in bis first three matches, but Troup said he felt he had the edge going into the title contest in the PBA's opening 1982 tournament at Brunswick Wonderful in Ana· heim. "I felt the lanes would be in my favor beeause after an hour of bowling under the lights of network television, the oil bad been dragged down the lane and the ball wouldn't book u hard at the end. Wayne usually plays the ball to snap book Into the pocket.'' he said. SATISFIED -A smiting Craig Stadler leaves the 18th hole Saturday after taking a seven-stroke lead entering today's final round at the Tucson Open. Troup, who avera1ed 222 for his first 42 games of the tournament. opened a1ainst Webb with three straight strikes and recorded a spare lo lhe fourth frame. Ozzie Snrl.th to settle for less? Padres. that Smith, a two-time Gold Glove winner, would seek a ulary through arbitration lo the ran1e d rroo,ooo. ST. LOUIS (AP> -Short.at.op Onie Smhb, who baa been· aeeklna a $1 mtlllon a year 1alary, probably wW aetUe fOf' leas and natuallJ •lad up wttb r~ the St. Louis Cardinali, the Gottlleb told. the St. Lowa Globe-Pemocrat that be envl•lont no lqal act.loft .tmed at re1tortq Uie elauH which has bekl up Smilb'• trade lo &be Cardinali for 1hortatop Garry Templ«ca. "It we went to arbltratton with lb• Padrm -and woe -tbe Ca rdlnah would la••• to re·evaluate what Oule 11 worth to tbem," Mld Gottlieb. "'l'bey (UM c..tlaall> unnot aet him tor IGS,000 or $450,.000. I'd be cWn1 ID)' cu.at u l.QJmUe.." lnfielder'1 agent ••Y•· .. '#. 8•t Uae u lary Sml\b 11 .. uekta1_,mott lUtelJ wlll be. determ6lled tbl'OQltt ubttratloe., 1a11 Sd Gottlieb . Tb• arbllratMla, H filed tor Ult• montll, •ato••Ueallr woald "6d • 9iMracll cJMe In Smitla'1 coatraet wltb t'4t San DMtro ..To repla It. we'd llav• &oft.le an action for deolaratory reUel ln U .s. Dt1trlet Courl,' • U.e aaeat uMl. "U we cUd, we'd be ~ •••blll ... :.-t -IOIDetllilna I'd rii&W -do. •• Ooc&Meb .... tbt ,......., .. Uader artlltratlon.J a pl.,.r flUhw ....._ the JI ... he ii m.mtlnl or &*• what a club .... "J 'm looking for another good round tomorrow . But unless something unforseen happens to Craig, we're all playing for second place." Stadler. who has won three tournaments and $425,000 m the last two seasons, has led all the •yay. He had a 1-stroke lead after the first round expanded it lo four at the end c)f the second and then ran away from the field in the third round. doing the rushing. 5:20 p.m., Channel 9 ./ ./ ./ NBA BASKETBALL: Lakers at Milwaukee. Announcers: Chick Hearn and Keith Erickson. .~., 1r.n1 ,, . "That's some kind of playing,'" sa.id Johnny Miller, the defending champion and a four-Ume winner oC this event. Miller, winner of golf's first $1 million event last week in southern Africa, bad a third consecutive round of par 70 be.re and was out of tiUe contention at 210, 15 shots back. The Lakers, In the midst of their longest road .>{ trip of the year, have Kareem AbdUl·Jabbar back Into the lineup after his ankle In Jury, but they're having trouble centering their offense around the 7·2 center again. Miiwaukee, leads the Central Division .c.: with a 23-11 record, but the Bucks lost their last ~.: outing, 90-88 to Atlanta Friday night. Former UCLA standout Marques Johnson leads the Bucks. ·~· Haas, winner of an unolficial event in California last week. had a 67 and wu at 202, eight under par. Powers was next at 203 after a 65. I , AJroup at 204. six under par but nine shots back Stadler, included Mike McCullough, Scott Simpson, Bob Eastwood and former PGA champ John Mahaffey. McCullough had 65. Eastwood and Mahaffey 67s and Simpson 70. "It feels pretty comfortable having a 7-sbot lead,·· Stadler said. ·'It's a lot oC fun. 1 OTHER TELEVISION 9: 30 a.m. (4) -NFL '11 -With Bryant Gumbel. "'· 1 p.m. (2) -NFL TODAY -With Brent I . Musburger. (9) -TENNIS -Finals of the .r, Challenge of Champions, taped In Rosemont. 111 . S p.m. (7) -GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS. RADIO .. , "I was just trying t.o get as far in front of lbe field as I could. I was kind of struggliq over lbe first six holes, but nobody was malting a move and that made ll easier." Aa to his plans for today. Stadler just chuckled. Football -San Diego at Cincinnati. 10 a.m., 'J KNX (1070); Dallas at San Francisco, 1:30 p.m.. •:i KNX (1070). "No change in strategy," he said. I'd just like to go out and birdie the first four holes." Basketball -Lakers at Milwaukee, S: 20 p.m. KLAC (570). 'f.1 Hockey -Kings at Buffalo. 3: SO p.m .. KPRZ ( 1150). . College football COLLEGE BOWL ROUNDUP lndeMndence Bowl 1DK.ft••t1•.-c•.u.1 THe•A&MD,Oll-St.1• ' O.fden Stat• 8ow1 CDK.UM._.R........,M.,.I T_ .. Wl_...11 Ho4tdar eow1 IDK.tl• ... ~I e vu •· w....inttoft SI. • c.llfoml• Bowl (DK., ... ,_, To-11,s....-51 U Tanaetine Bowl co.c.tJ .. .,,._..,,..,,, M l-11', ~Mltetut ... 11 Bfue.Gr•r Gem• 10.C.ISet" 8 p,Al&.I • •tue 11, o.ry' Sunlowt co.c.a ... 1 .. -1 &llttlame 40. ~ u Qetcw llowt co.c.• .. .-a.-.1•1 .' .. W111c.ntlM11, A~• t7 . tWI of Fe!M hwt , ..... ., ... 0 ....... ......... 1 .... tt. •-· P9Ktl llowt , ............... 1 WKlV ........ ~ ...... . 81....-nnetBowt ,.._., . .._, Coftot'I Bowl , ..... , ...... , T1us1._~ A99ta Bowl I.ML 1 .. "--1•1 ~sta.utcfO Roee8owt , ..... , .. ,,........1 . . ........, ... _, Orange llowt ................ l'la., ci.m-n. ....,,.,.. 1s Supf Bowl , ........... ~, PlttH,Oewlle• l .... WHt IMM GelM ......... ~ ... , ••t ff, llllt II. ......... .................. W"IK,E•n .... hwt • .... tt ............. Mwtll Al.....,. n. IMMI Al14..,.. JOHNSON A: SON Presents ... -. Pete the "Greek" NFL's Piclce Of The Week SUNDAY MATIOMAL COMFHIMCI ... S.."'-cltco ..... D.._ AMllJCAM .COM ..... CI . c••ill ..... S..D .... New P arts Departmen t H ours Now Open 8 :00 am -1:00 -pm Saturdays ) "IQ •':) . '"'' ''A~ ,..,,.t ( :i.Q I i:'.) lj~, do ~a •il ''" lo oa ·1 4H 1·1~ •uo ,Q ril •· e '"cl '!~ UNDERHAND TRY -Orange Coast's Chris Beasley attempts to somehow flip the ball around the jumping body of Santa Ana's Dlltly ..... ~W•~IC...,._ Greg West during Saturday's game. Pirates fell in overtime. 89·84 ~---~----- Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 10, 1982 OCC gives its best shot But Krohnfeldt's desperation hoop isn't enough in loss • By cuaT SEEDEN o1 .. ..., ......... You would think that a .O·foot desperaUon 1hot at the buuer that toe• ln to send tbe came Into overtime would brl1hteo the mood of any basketball coach. · lo the c:ue ol Oran1e Cout Colleae Coach Tandy GllliJ, you would be thintins wron1. Yet, OCC auard Gre1 Krohnfeldt did Indeed toas up the 1ame-tyto1 buket at the bu11er Saturday night at OCC, but lt only prolon1ed the mastery Santa Ana CoUe1e hu ellerciled over the Pirates fOT the past 10 years. COACH ROLLAND TODD'S Dons, down by 12 at one st.qe ol the game, outscored OCC, 13-8 in overtime lo hand the Pirates thelr second straight South Cout Conference defeat, ,89-84. "That was one of the hardest losses I've ever bad -as a player or a coach," admitted Gillis afterward. "Our kids deserved to win that game." While OCC's 61 -49 advantage with 7: 52 remainin& did seem to Indicate the Pirates were on their game, it wasn't enough lo shake Santa Ana. The Dons, with reserve Grea TorTes tossing In all 10 of his points late in the game, and 6-4 freshman Greg Boettcher contributing eight key points in the waning moments, maintained their hex over Coast. Santa Ana has now won 12 of its last 13 games with the Pirates and holds a 17..t advantage since 1972. Last year, the Dons outscored OCC, 41 -27 in the second half to beat the Pirates by five at OCC and also dumped them 65-60 on their home court. SATURDAY NIGHT, lhe Pirates were within an eyelash or ending that domination - temporarily, at least. with the game notched al 74. Santa Ana, with 27 seconds lo set up the final shot, waited until three seconds were left when the Dons went for the crucial basket. As freshman guard Kendall Walling headed up lhe middle, he was met by OCC's Ronnie Calhoulf. Walling whipped a pass out or bounds, but Calhoun was called for a rout. Walling promptly hit both rree throws to give lhe Dons a 76-74 advantage, and to make ll>•tlers worse, OCC was out or timeouts. The Pirates inbounded the pass lo Greg Krohnfeldt al the center stripe, and the sophomore guard -with two Dons supplying pressure. tossed up his 40-rooter which swished through the basket at the buzzer. A lengthy discussion between the referees and the lime keeper followed -apparently because the time keeper may have been slow at starting the clock. It really didn't matter, however. SANTA ANA'S roaaES and reserve Carl Aaron supplied the dama1e in the flve-minut41 overtime period aa the Dona Improved their South Coast Conference record to 2--0. FOT OCC, the IOIS lell the Pirates at 0.2 and t-t on the year. ft also puts the pressure on OCC witb games against Cerritos and Ml. San Antonio coming up next week. "We can't look back now," noted Gillis. "We've eot to scratch for everytblnl we can get. We'll practice Monday and hope that we can continue with the good defense we bad t.on11bt." Chris Beasley led all scorers on the floor with 27 points before fouling out in the overtime period. Greg Krohnfeldl added 21 while brother Tim chipped in with nine. On the bright side for OCC, the Pirates, who we re only shooting around the 38 percent clip, shot 48 percent from the floor. However, Santa Ana connected on 3S of its 53 Aots for a 66 percent mark, wbJcb didn't help matters for the struggling Pirates. Bernacci wins tourney title Wrestler stays perfect By TERRY WHITE Of .. Datly ~ SCMf Nick Bernacci of Costa Mesa High recorded a 14·4 victory in the 140-pound weight class of the championship finals of the Costa Mesa Invitational Wres tling Tournament highlighting action al Costa Mesa High Saturday night. Costa Mesa Coach Jerry Ternes had this to say about Bemacci's tournament performance. "He's 18-0 .. He 's a champ here at Costa Mesa He was W\Scored upon until the final match (of the tourney),'' he said. Ternes felt Bernacci's victory gave his team a hrt. "I think it was a boost for him and the team" he said. "I think it'll give him a tot or confidence WRESTLING Aaron, Robinson hope first time's the charm for CIF and state coming up." Area schools fared well in the tourney, with Fountain Valley's Steve Mino ( 107 pound-class> and Paul Whitley ( 157 pound-class) placing second in the championship finals. ln the consolation finals, the Barons' Barry Campbell recorded a win in the 140-pound division while Paul Abshire placed fourth in the heavyweight division. Voters expected to add power-hitting duo to Hall of Fame on Wednesday NEW YORK <AP> -In the history of the Hall of Fame, only 11 players have been elected in their ,first year oC eligibility. Come next Wednesday, 1bowever, there's a good chance that two i first-timers will be added to baseball's illustrious , roUcall. Han.It Aaron, the all-lime major league home nm champion, is so certain to be selected that the ·only question is whether he will be voted io unanimously. The other most likely candidate is Frank Robinson, the fourth all-time leading home run · biller and the only man to be named Most Valuable Player in both the National and American leagues. With credentials like that, he loo, appears ticketed for a spot in Cooperstown . perhaps this year. " AARON'S 755 home runs toppled the mark of 714 established -some thought forever -by the great Babe Ruth. In a 23-year-career that began and ended in Milwaukee with a sidelrip to Atlanta, Aaron hit .305, belting at least 30 homers in 15 different seasons. Today, at 47, Aaron is director or minor league operations for the Atlanta Braves. He's been retired the minimum five years required for eligibility lo the Hall of Fame, and is supremely confident that he will receive the necessary 75 Riverside ' sends Gauchos reeling RIVERSIDE -George Turner scored 2i> points but it wasn't enough as the Saddleback College Gauchos dropped a 62·58 Mission Conference basketball decision lo host Riverside Saturday night. The game was close all the way with neither team able lo build up more than a 6-point lead at any time. After trailing by six at halftime, Saddleback came back lo tie the count at 44 with eight minutes remaining but feU behind again and was never able lo catch up again although it was 58-56 with 36 seconds lo play after Turner connected on a pair of field goals. He hit one from the comer, then stole the ball and went in for a layup. However, Kenny Edmond of Rlve111ide connected on a six-footer to make it I0-58 and the Gauchos were forced to foul. Riverside made a pair of free throws in the closing seconds for the final margin. Mark HilJ hit 9 of 13 for Saddfi!back, all from outside, and Tu:meT was 9 of 19 from the field. Dave W'umiewaki bad 12 rebound rebounds In the first ball and 15 for the 1ame. Rlveralde ls now 18-3 for the year while SaddJeback dropped to 11-7. The two teams are favored lo go to the wire in the Mission Conference rac:e this year. ' 'CORRECTION On Page 3 of th• Seara edvertlalng aectton eppe..tne In thla new1paper1 Sunday, January 10th, there la an advert1Mtn9nt for a Rang• tn121. Th• regular prlo• of S4H. ti It correot: II ow ever, th• ••I• price of tall.ti la Incorrect. TM oonect HI• prtce for thla r•ne• la ..... We llncet9fJ ,..,.. thla error. I sears I percent of votes cast by longtime memb.ars of the Baseball Writers of America. "Yeah, I'm expecting my name lo be announced," Aaron said. "U you're going by the record -and that's the only reason a player's supposed to be in the Hall of Fame ... then my record is a Hall of Fame record," said the former outfielder, who called hi.s statistics "second to none." ROBINSON, ALSO A foTmer outfielder and now at 46 manager or the San Francisco Giants. also has exceptional statistics. He hit 586 homers and had 1,812 runs-batted-in during a 21-ye•r career. most or it spent with Cincinnati and Baltimore. But unlike Aaron, Robinson says he hasn't dwelled much on his Hall or Fame chances in his rirst try. "I sincerely have not thought about it. The only time it's brought lo my attention is when somebody asks," he said. "I was told a long Li me ago not to concern m yself with something over which I have no control. I'm trying not to gel too high about it. Then, if I don't make 1t , I won't have a tremendous letdown." .JUDGING FROM PAST years, it seems likely that a few of the 400 or so writers will snub Aaron, who became a national hero as he approached Ruth's 39-year record, breaking it with his first two homers or 1974. Nol even Ty Cobb got a unanimous vote. The first year of voting, in 1936, his name was left off four baJlots. Ruth and Honus Wagner each fell 11 votes short of a total sweep. Cy Young, who won 511 games, didn't even make it on his first bid. Joe DiMaggio needed three tries to get in. Aaron admitted there is no way lo predict how the voting will go, but he leaves no doubt about his own feelings. "I'll tell you point blank. Yes. I think I deserve to be a unanimous choice." he says. THOSE PREVIOUSLY inducted the first time included Ted Williams, Mickey Mantle, Willie Mays, AJ Kaline and Stan Musial. RADIO PAGER *6.1 PER MONTH · For sei;-vices only Unlimited pages and pur- chase your reconditioned pa· ger for only 1100 with 30 days parantffd parts and labor. Be p11ged ln a lour county area, Loa Angeles. Orange, San Bernardino and River· 1kle Counties. 401 8. SANTA FE SANTA ANA CALL 714/835-3305 ORANGE OOUNTY- RADIO TELEPHONE SERVICE Last year, St. Louis Cardinals' pitching great Bob Gibson was voted into the Hall on bis first try, while Juan Maricbal. whose statistics were comparable, was not. Neither was Harmon Killebrew, who hit 573 home runs in 22 seasons. This year. 43 players are on the ballot. Fourteen are newcomers, including Jim Brewer, Tommy Davis, Bill Freehan, Tommy Harper, AJex Johnson. Oeroo Johnson, Cleon Jones, Tony Oliva, Rico Petrocelli, Tony Taylor, Cesar Tovar and Billy Williams. Holdovers from last year include Marichal, Killebrew, Harvey Kuenn. Don Larsen, Roger Maris, Bill Mazeroski, Lindy McDaniel, Dave McNaUy, Thurman Munson, Jim Northrup, Claude Osteen, Jim Perry, Vada Pinson, Red Schoendienst. Sonny Siebert. Hoyt Wilhelm and Maury Wills. Gamecocks hire Bell COLUMBIA, S.C: <AP) -The University of South Carolina football program, badly shaken by Jim Carlen's dismissal las t month as head coach and athletic director, landed a new head coach · Saturday in Richard Bell. • The appointment or Bell. assistant head coach under Carlen for seven years, was announced at a news conference by Athletic Director Bob Marcum, who took just a week in bis new job to make the sel~lion. HJs choice was ratified by South Carolina President James B. Holderman and the school's Board of Trustees on Friday. Teamwise, El Dorado had 170 points, while Fountain Valley (160), Nogales ( 115). El Toro ( 115), and Rowland 011 lh) were the runners-up. In his match Bernacci led all the way. spuned on by the partisan Costa Mesa fans. He scored four takedowns and one nearrall. giving him 10 of his 14 points. The smallest margin be ever held was 2·1 in the first period, and that was when hil opponent received a penalty point to narrow the marfin. Pincay out 3 weeks ARCADIA (AP) -Jockey Laffitt Pincay Jr., hurt in a spill at Santa Anita on Wednesday, wiU be sidelined for up to three weeks with a back injury, it was announced Friday. Pincay was thrown by Dawn Be Quick in the second race Wednesday as his mount stumbled a few s trides out or the starting gate. The JS.year-old native or Panama was examined and released following the s pill, but later consulted sports medicine specialist Dr. Robert Kerlan because or persisting pain. Kerlan's office reported that Pincay suffered transverse process fractures of the third, fourth and fifth vertebra. Pincay, Santa Anita meeting's lop rider for the past three seasons and the second-leading .money winner nationally in 1981, will wear a back brace during bis recuperation. College basketball Monde~g8mH Or-oon St. el steMwd OOlll-O-et E. WKN"Oton ........ <>Ill-St. .c TftM..Arl ........ Tu•w.cw.T-st. Te••• Tecll et T-A&M ........ lreclley et S. 1 lllllO!s Xevlef, ONo et lllller c-. .......... ll!Na 0.1"•111 .-c.....,..,. Or•I 11.-rtl 91 Detroit W. Ve.W9Pty1net1Cent SI Olll•tlome City el I.~•. 111 N,1-•etV ....... etso .... COl'Mll .C Roc:,_Aff 11 .... ltlMcl•I ~ Piii ei 0-,.. WMN,,..... losm11 Golle9t •I Nevy SI. 8-Wlt1we et 11.....,. St. JOfwl'set VII'-• Wllll-& Melry et V~ C--ftll .... ,.~, ... et Solllll ............. N,C.<lw1ottit et Ale . .alrml"tMm ~St.et1"'9Cl-9ell,_..M.,._ 8.,tlllet""'Or"'-C~etl..Olll•IMeTKll Oavldlon•t T_A:....,._.. W. t ttlrwll el EAill CMollM iNrwtt.i E. T-tl. l'tortde et l'toride St. JetMS INCllMf'I et RRIWMM MHudllM!b et Wftl Vwtlftle u t.~•t~--s1. LAl<llS'-Gott. et NW 1. ... i.1- Tuetdat.:.11•me• Noire 0-.e USI< ,....... \MU at kylllr Tuet-Sen Alllonlo •t Ill<• Teusat.._ton ......... M•lntet-..-.. .... Amffkln U. et u Selle Army.iv ... 8oltoft U. et_., Gron lllCllMll.C Nl-..r• UlllOflllt~ G~-~ S1911eett.ellelll-U. St. J ....... '9IWI .... ,.,...edll., St. el N.C.-Mlml ...... ClftclNWt!M~St. l!MryleN el Vl,...le lt'2YW OUANTUM WAGON !> ~5Pd. trans. air cones. leatherette seats, radial tires and morel (Stk. 3Cal). (004796). List ftrice $12,0'5 Dhcam I Sll70 SALIPllCI s I 0 695 SClaOCCO Coupe . 5 ·•P••d trenaml811on. met•I~~ p1lnt, reu wlndo~ wl pertwaaher. alley whMla. IWeo ~ 8nd ,,.,,., ~ 32315). (017785) . SAU PltCI . 5 10 69 \ i I i ? # ; i ! : . ! . ! . ! ! . : . i . . : I . . . I ; I . , . ~I .. . ' i I . .. . . ~ I ' J t I ! l I I.' s J s I ~ 3 a ·I .t d 5 ·r h 1r . n y IO )t 1r 1d V. •r >r •d m :d .n •d o. in I i0t I tg al 's 1la s If c ' • m .. • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 10, 1982 B . . . d ruins r ·u1ne Trojans coast to an easy 86-71 trium.ph f'r•• AP ..... &dllel LOS ANGELES -Forward Maurice WUUama puml*l lo D Polnta and tuard Dwltht Anderson added 15 Saturday n.lcht u Soutbem Cal whipped llth·ranked UCLA M-71 ln a Paclflc·lO bukei6aU same. Southern Cal took command ot t.be contest wlt.b a 1M •eorln& aprw midway t.broqb the nnt baJf. TraW.nc 21·14 wlt.b 11:05 remainlnt int.be balf tJle Trojans rallied to take a SS.IS ltad with 4:40 left. USC wu ahead 42·31 at balltime and kept a comfortable pad ID the second ball, aa the Bruins never aot cloeer than e11bt polnta. The victory raised Southern Cal'• overaJl- record to M and the Trojana are 2·1 in Pac-10 play. The Bruins, losen or three 1tral1ht, are 6·5 and 0·3 in lea1ue play. The conference start ia their worse since UM6. They are on NCAA and Pac·lO probation this year and inelltible for the NCAA tournament or conference cbamplonahlp. North Carolin~ is~ Varglnla 80 CHAPEL HILL, N.C. -James Worthy hit a turnaround ]umpeT that gave North Carolina ill llrst lead in the second half, with less than four minutes to play, and the· top.ranked Tar heels clawed their way lo a 65-60 victory over No. 2 Virginia. Worthy's short jump shot from the left baseline put the Tar Heels ahead s:>-54 with 3:47 to play and capped a comeback that saw undefeated North Carolina erase a nine-point deficit. The teams traded advantqes in the closing minutes until two foul shots by Sam Perkins with 1: 48 to play gave North Carolina the lead for good, · 59·58, and the Tar Heels held on for their 11th victory th.ia season by going into their famed four corners offense. Ralph Sampson, Virginia's 7-4 center, led au scorers with 30 points. .. USF 72, South CaroHna 71 COLUMBIA, S.C. -A conlrover,sjat technical foul call and clutch shooting by reserve guard Eric Slaymaker helped eighth-ranked San Francisco to a 72·71 overtime victory over South Carolina. Slaymaker bit a 10.foot jumper with 20 seconds left in regulation to tie the score at 96-66. He also scored San Francisco's last three points on free throws within the lut 11 seconds of overtime, AS the Dons improved their record to 13-1. One of those free throws followed a technical foul called by official Frank Bucklewicz against the South Carolina team. handed out nlne ualatt u lb• Tltana, whole record ta 7·8, overcame a aecond·ha1f rally by the Liona, who dropped to 2·11. Loyola, clown '2·S5 at t.bt batf, cau1bt lb• Titans at e8 wlth 5:25 to play on a ~-point play by center Leonard Acee. Wood tben blt a pair ot free lhrowa and two bu.ta u J'ulJertoa moved out to a 71·70 advanta••· TM Uou came back to 71.75 on another t.hree·polnt play by A1ee. but Wood responded with lb• next ftve polnta of tht 1ame for an 82·15 lead. Freshman Tony Neal added M points and led Fullerton with l1 rebouada. Waahlnaton St. 51. A~na 53 TUCSON -Wuhl State auard Tyrone Brown sank five of elt · free throws with one second left as the Cou1ars rallied to beat Ariaona, 59·53. Brown went to the line after Arizona Coach Fred Snowden was slapped with three technical fouls and was ejected by officials for protestin1 a call. The win capped a Cougar comeback and raised Wuhinatoo Stat.e's re«>rd to 9-7 overaU and 3·1 in league play. Arizona s\lffered its fifth straight loss and ls now S-8 overall and 0·4 in Pac-10 play. Stanford 97, Oregon 88 STANFOllD -Senior forward Brian Welch scored 21 points and freshman forward Johnny Rogers added 18 lo lead Stanford to a 97·88 victory over Oregon. Stanford, leading 44·41 at the half, held a lead throughout the second half. Center John Revelli helped Stanford with 15 points. Oregon twice moved to within one point of Stanford in the second half -trailing 52·51 with 15:08 remaining and 67·66 with 8:44 remaining. But Stanford took a time out, coming back to score slx straight points, taking advantage of two Oregon turnovers. Oregon St. 74, Callfornla 43 lfERKELEY -Guard Les CoMer scored 23 points in pacing 17th-ranked Oregon State lo a 74.43 thrashing of California. Other Beavers to bit double figures were freshman A.C. Green with 15 and Danny Evans with 14. The win keeps the Beavers undefeated in Pac ·10 play with a 3·0 record. Oregon State is 10·2 for the season. \ California is 2·1 in conference play and 8·4 overall. LOOKING FOR HELP - Former Ocean View High standout Wayne Carla nder < 52 1 of the University of Southern California ,,~ .......... seeks room to operate while UCLA's Mike Sande r s pressur es. Trojans whipped Bruins at the Sp<>rts Arena. 86-71 San Francisco was holding the ball for one shot and South Carolina was in a zone defense when Buckiewicz warned the Gamecocks with 20 seconds left to come out and pressure the ball. Nine seconds later Buckiewicz called a tecnhnical on South Carolina for not forcing the action, and Slaymaker's free throw put the Dons ahead 70-69. West rallies for 26-23 Hula Bowl victory BYU's McMahon hooks up with Baylor's Abercrombie for three TD passes Long Beach St. 80, Pepperdine 78 LONG BEACH -David Johnson hit a pair of free throws with 11 seconds remaining to give Long Beach State just enough pad for an 80·78 non-conference victory over Pepperdine. After Johnson's basket, the Waves' Orlando Phillips scored at the buzzer to make the final margin just two points. Long Beach, with center Dino Gregory scoring 19 points, led most of the way. Gregory also had 11 rebounds for Long Beach. which is now 4·7. Guard Craig Hodges added 17 points for the 49ers. and Craig Lack had 14 points. Long Beach led 40.33 at the intermission. The Waves made it close in the second half, but could never pull even with the 49ers. Cal State Fullerton 18, Loyola n Guard Leon Wood scored 11 of his game·hieb 27 points in the last five minutes as Cal State Fullerton held on for an 86-t7 non·conference victory over Loyola Mary mount. .HONOLULU CAP> -Brigham Young's Jim McMahon teamed with Walter Abercrombie of Baylor for three touchdown pass plays as the West All-stars came Crom behind lo defeat the East 26·23 in the Hula Bowl Saturday. McMahon, the All-American quarterback, passed for 330 yards, a Hula Bowl record, after gelling o(f to a slow start in the fu-st half of the 36th annual college football game. Abe.rcrombie's three TD receptions , another Hula Bowl record, earned him the game's Most Valuable Player title. Behind 23·13, the West was pinned back on its own three-yard line in the final quarter when McMahon began his first bombing attack, passine 12 times in a 97-yard drive that ended with a touchdown pus to Abercrombie. Because of a Hula Bowl rule that gives the trailing team the option of receiving tbe kickoff, McMahon was able to go right back to work Crom the 20-yard line. After six plays, h e hit Abercrombie again for the final score. Wood hit 11 or 12 shots from the floor and _;_ ________________________________________________ _ Toronto topples Kings, 5-3 TORONTO <AP> -Left wing John Anderson beat Los Angeles goaltender Ooul Keans on a breakaway with 5:47 remaining and Rick Vaive added his second goal of the night into an empty net to pace the Toronto Maple Leafs to a 5-3 victory over the Kings in a National Hockey League game Saturday night. Third·period 1oala by Jim Fox and Greg Terrion bad erased • 3· l Toronto lead, but Anderson scored the wtnninl goat on a lead ~ from Valve, allppin1 his 23fd goal or the season under the sliding Keans to spoil the Kings' comeback. The Kings' Larry Murphy, scored the only goal or the first period, but the Leafs look charge with second-period goals by Vaive, with the Leafs 1hortbanded, :Jlm Benning and Terry Martin. Los An1elea Coach Parter Mac Donald lifted starUn1 1oaltender Marlo Le111ard lD favor ot Keana to 1tart t.be tb.lrd period and the Kinp came to life. Fox beat Toronto toaltender Michel Larocque on a 1laPlbot from just imide UM TOl"GDto blue line at 1: • ol t.be third period, and TerrloD made it 3-l with a rl1lD1 wrist shot from 10 feet at l :U . However. Larocque picked up UM Ylctary bJ 1toppl.DI D ol tbe 21 Ilda be faeed, wblfe w.ard ud Keam faeed a total of 23. Tbe •lctor1 lmpro•td tbe Leafe' record to 12·11-11 for • Polata ud ftftb place LD &a.I Nonu DIYllloa, •b•r• roar tea-. qulltJ for pla,.at. Loi ~.wllldatauwae_..,aat NM,_. .. ._. II U·lt-1> ... -of ...... 10, llllf to lJ.11-S cnw&U. CLO• PURIUIT -East quarterback Rick St.ocuUU Cll> from Ji1orida Sta!_e1 tries to elude the grup of West defender Dennll &awudl from USC clurlna Saturday's Eut-W•t SbriDe Game at Stanford Stadium. West won, •·13. . ' The East jumped out to an early lead as Ohio State quarterback Art Schlichter moved tbe team 58 yards in 10 plays before setUing for a 22-yard field goal by Ohio State's Bob Atha. before sneaking over rrom the one. McMahon came right back, leading a 78-yard. 12·play drive that culminated with Abercrombie's first score with 6:55 left in the ftrst quarter. Heisman trophy winner Marcus Allen or Southern California, who became college football 's• first player to rush more than 2,000 yards in a. single season. was held to just 38 yards. Allent shared the game's rushing honors with the East's: Woolfolk as both teams went to the air. • Abercrombie pulled in five passes for 98 yards, while Hawaii's Gary Allen caught seven for 92 yards. Mississippi's John Fourcade then took over for the East and launched a SS.yard drive in five plays. Fourcade finished the drive by sneaking over from the one-yard line for a 10·7 East lead. With Fourcade passing and Butch Woolfolk of Michigan handling much of the ground game, the East then marched 66 yards in 14 plays for another score as Navy's Eddie Meyers pushed over for the touchdown. That put the East up 17-7. "U you're going to be behind, tbls is the game to be behind in," said West Coach La Veil Edwards of BYU, noting the Hula Bowl rule that gave his side repeated chances to be on ofrense. Early in the second half, the East broadened its grip to 20-7 after Atha booted a 33-yard field goal. Edwards said the West bad problems getting( things going in the first half. "Every time we got~ something going. something else would happen."· he said. The West started its comeback efrort with Nevada-Las Vegas quarterback Sam King at the reins . He guided an 80-yard drive in 15 plays East Coach Earl Bruce of Ohio State said it was the Hula Bowl rule that turned the tide against the East. East coach can't 'Bear' to watch West captures Shrine Game, 20-13 • STANFORD <AP> -Brigham Young's Dan Plater put on a great s how In the Shrine East-West Game, and Coach Paul "Bear" Bryant missed half of it. "What happened to the Bear? It didn't look like we were doing very well, so he went home," Michigan's Bo Scbembechler said jokingly when asked why Bryant missed the second half of Saturday's game, which the West WOO 2().13. Alabama's Bryant, who bas a college football record 315 coach1ng victories, was head coach for the East. But he bad a plane to catch for an NCAA meeting in Houston. so be let his assistants, Schembechler and Pitt's J'ackle Sherrill, handle things after halftime. Plater caught a pair of touchdown passes from San Oie10 State quarterback Matt Kofler and totaled nine receptions for the West, whose bead coach was Stanford's Paul WI Hin. • "I would love to play pro ball. It has always been my dream. and I'd like to lblnk that my performance will help me in the draft,'' said Plater, tbe 5-10 wide receiver who cauabt 82 passes in re1ular-aeason play for tbe potent BYU oUenae directed by AJ1·American Jim Mc Mabon. "I'll be playin1 in the Senior Bowl next week wtlb Jim. &th our quarterbacu were Hcellent here. 1 wa fortunate t.bat Matt called m7 number ao often," Plater added. "l wu lmpreued by tbe way thtY lbrew lM bl1J1" Hid Sul Coacb Sberrill. "That BYU kid 11 aceustomed · to this tne -ol attack." Texas kicker John Goodson contributed two field goals for tbe West, from 47 and 48 yards, and averaged 44 yards on eight punts. Good.son's 47-yard fi eld goal, late in the second period, broke a 7·7 tie and sent the West ahead to stay in the college football all-star game played before 75,000 fans at Stanford Stadium. Kofler bit Plater on a 19-yard touchdown pass in the first period and connected with the BYU star on a 20·yard scoring toss in the third quarter. Plater, named the game's outstanding offensive player, was one short of the East-West record with bis nine receptions. He totaled 120 yards. M ichigao running back Stanley Edwards scored two touchdowns for the East, which drew even at 7.7 after be plunged 2 yards to score in the second quarter. Edwards' second touchdown came in the final period when be caught a 4-yard pass from Georgia's Buck Belue. The East balled 17-la after the touchdown pus, but Good.son's second field goal made the martin seven points. Ao East drive late in the game ended at the West 34, where Florida State quarterback Rlck Stocka\ill threw an incomplete pus on fourth down. lo the final minute of the first halt, the Eut blew a •COii.ili oppottunlty let up on a U.yard interception return by Alabama's Jim Bob Harris to the West 11. St~kltUI WU HCktd .for I Jou of 15 yard• by Teua linebacker Bruce Sabolta, and a fumble by Edward• wu recovered b1 Kanau linebacker Kyle Nortoa. . ~ Germans do~nating [ sWllll 01eet t GAINF.SVILLE. Fla. CAP) - Teammates Caren Metschuck , and Ute Geweniger snapped world best marks in the 50-meter freestyle and 200·meter breast stroke Saturday night as East Germany solidified its le-ad in the women's competition at I the U .S . Swimming International swimming meet. I The 18-year-old Metschuck. who won tbe freestyle in 25.28 seconds, erased her old mark of 25.33 and handed Jill Sterkel of tbe United States her first loss in lbe event Sterkel, who finished · in 25.60, was followed by Great Britain's June C roft wbo covered the distance in : 25.94. Geweniger edged American Tracy Caulki n s in the breast stroke with a time or 2:26.17, more than a second better than the 2:27.32 clockine Caulkins achieved in tbia meet a year ago. Caulkins, who dominated the competition in 1981 , finished in 2: 27 .98 and Larisa Belokon of the Soviet Union was tblrd in I 2:29.0S. I Victor Davia of Canada set a 1 new world's beat in the men's I 200-meter breast 1trolte aa the Canadian and United States teams battled for the leadtnhip ~ in the men's compet.lUoo. Davis' time ol 2: 11.S4 ecllpeed the mark ol 2: 12.71 held by the • Soviet Union's Robertas Zulpa. Araen Miskarov of the Soviet Union wu second in Z:l3.• aDd American BUI BarreU wu tnird in 2:ta.n . There will be no world records in thla three-day meet in the University of Florida's O'Connell Center because the racea are belna conducted tn a 25-mtt« pool, which produces more turns and faster tlmea ~ID I 50;'meler pool. .... ·c.. .. , '" ... ... j( • ,'(!;: '\u •O •• lrJ !Jt ;J :: MM ... , .... OOlll••••..c• Laa-. ... tit. oet .. ntutt PM91\la ~ IMO.._ ............... WL n • n II 1t 14 " 14 It ,. ' t• ........ 04 .... ....... .ns -·•1"' ·"' ~ .J16 I _,., ' .21' ,,,... .... A,...... 2211 .-.1 - 0eftwr 17 It ... ' HeliltOft 14" .... . 1.1-... II ti .IM 10 11•11 Wffl ..... .. .. 111 .. ........ !Ml ... ... we~.~:\, tc_W.....,. a t4 , . ll•t -PO AH 22 .... • •* "' .. ~· .... ..I >tt .... Wut -AM•<r•mlll• ' ••n •••"' McMellOn <• ..... 1111111<111 •att -,_ ... I 1"1111(AIM111<•1 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 10, 1982 •• .............. Baseball • executives to ineet NEW YORK <AP> -A •pecial 12·member committee or major league bueball executives wllJ meet in Chicago Tueaday to discuss reatructurtnc. The movement could result In realignment, con1olldatlon of the American and National leagues, ellminaUoP of the two league presldenta and perhap:i a new commlsaloner. accordln& to Saturday's New York Daily News. PETER O'MALLEY of lhe Los Angeles Dodsers is c h airman o f the NL Restructuring Committee. and Roy Eisenhardt of the Oakland A's ls the AL chairman. K-t City 11 22 .m ~ Dell•• • 24 .J1J 1J mMT••" cottP•••IK• A-...C04.,.._ *• • u • .7. -.ns - II Ht -Mtyen I NI (AIM lllClll l!att -PO MN U W.14 -~,..., l'WI (llkk ....... , 11 .. 1 -FG ,. ... JO WHI -A9orcromttte t PU• from McMetlon ~ falladl IT'S COLO OUT -Cincinnati Bengals' quarterback Ken Anderson blows on his 1lands to try lo keep warm during workout Saturday in preparation for today's Af'C championship game against San Diego • None of baseball's top three officials -Commissioner Bowie Kuhn , AL President Lee Mac Ph ail and NL President Chub Feeney -will attend the meeting, the News said . 11 17 14 " , .. c..oov.f oww. Mllw*lk• Al1Mt.a ,...._ ~:r. n 11 u " 17 11 IS It 14 1' Clevel..W 4 27 ....,.-.ac- uun ta.°"""'' 111 Allenta 102. -Yn It N .. ,,.,,., UI. P'llll .... llN• 1 IJ 5afl A.....,. Ill, K-City 100 Dallat ICl5, "'-Ix 101 S.attte 125, UIMI llt Golcltft StMI 11S. Inell.,.. 106 , ........ ~ LAUnetM11--.. ·* • . GI 10 .•12 II A16 -.... ... ' .'41 I .412 • .112 16~ O.trolt n.....,. at Harttord, c-. WH!ll ...... at,.._ YoA Houston at Pw11- Leken 130, Pletone 127 LOI ...... Lill -8r-r 2. Wllll• t•, Jallllat J1, NI-U , E. JoMson 40, McGee '· LanctMlff .. r 0, McA-4, Jorden 1. Mc K-J. 11 ..... 1 •· Tot.els: 5' 1t-2S 1111. D•T•OIT -JOftU "· T•loucll• u . eenson 13, n--21. l.OftQ "· TJter 1, L.ao 2, MokMlll 2. V. Joftflson o, H11110ero o. Tot•l1: •7.:M.-41127. 1c-..,~ LOI,........ 43 JO 2S JJ-1:9) 0.troll JO • D 2' -tt1 Fowled M -NI-. "-.. Tecllnk.al foul -Lao. Tot.at llMlll -L.,. A .... lel •. o.1rol1 l2. A-21.ou COLLEGE Life Coft.ae 74, Chriat Coll. 13 CN•tlT c::6Luo• -Hart"'en 4, T Hansen t , D11e rr IJ, M. Hansen 14, Ekllelbwg:tr t, Dueller 11, Pul• 6, H.,sc.., 0, ll11rln17e1U. Totalt: 2611-11 U. Ltf'E COU.•O• -lr•lft II, Andenon U, Nlckel n. Pwll a. Morrell 1•, M.acMcla 6 Totals: J01'-201'. Halftime: u+e Cot9-. •». Total falll~· Clwllt Coll-21, LI .. Colteoe 11 FoulectOUC:,._,_(U .. Cot .... I. COMMUNITY COLLEGE Senta An• n, Orenae CoHt M IAMTA AMA -Wftt ll , P9tt ... _, 10, walllno I, Boettcll•• It, Torrn 10, WHlll......,. 2. ,..,_ 12, Gustavls 10. T.,._ JS IMStf. o•a .... COAST -llMsloJ 27, lllteJ 7, T l(roflnlelclt t, G. Krollllfeldl 21, c.el-4. TllomH I, _..,. 2, II-In •• Tot.alt: Jt 26-VIM .. Hallllme: Ora119e Co.ail. U ·JO. ll9011fatl0n: 7~1•. To .. 1 -=Sant.a AM». Dr-c-11 CF011tet1 ""'' W.alltno IS.nit Anal, Peller-(Senta AMI. 8offley IDr ..... Coettl. ~ 10rllfl09 Coasll. Rlvenlde 12. Seddl•beck 58 IAD~ -T..,,,... 20, Doyle ll. Hiii 11, wt ...... t 6. AMcl 2, R.W 0, er- 0 T .. •ts: v-..11. llt'tltlSIM -£dmoftd 16. Pooto 11. ICH rta 10, Guy•, Mimer 10. White 2. Tot.all: 216-7 62. Halfllmo: lllw"I*, :W.21. Total foutt: SadO~ll 10, Alffrllde 1•; Fouled DYi: Ooyle (SaodleiMKkl. South Coeat Conference i..._ o...r.9 W L W L S.nteAna Fllfllr1on 111111.S.nAntonla Corri ... Gron...-or.,...Coost San Dlo.., Mew 2 0 u 6 2 0 t I I 0 12 4 I 1 t I 0 1 12 s 0 J t • 0 2 1 ,, Minion Conf•rence AIYIOlde CC s.naer...,dlno s... Dleoocc S.adcll- Sallttwrntenl Cttr111 Palomar i...ae-w L 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 , 0 2 ._...,,. 0.-11:•1 S.clcllotiocll at Sen llernardlno Pal.,,.., at Sout-st•rn "lwnlde •• Serl Ole9o cc cou.EGE WOMEN o--.11 W L 11 J 11 7 • 1 11 1 • • 10 I , 12 UC lrvlM 441, San JoM St. 42 SAM JOI• ITATll -11,_,. 12. T11,_ 0, Gat•••J 6, llolQen 0, T-.-2, GMan.a 14, St._,, 2. JotlMOfl 4, CMw 0. Tot .. t : 20 , .. .,. UC l•YtM• -H.arnllton 7, Randall '· Lewis It, lh.cllenen l, Beller 2, AOJ 4, Simpson 1, Panlltl 2, GorMr 2 Tot.els: 11 lt-1146. Halttlme: Sen J-SI., 1'-1'. Total fllluls: Sall J-. SUie 11, UC 1,.,,IM 11; F...,tedout; J..,_, (SanJ-Stotel. EA.ST-WEST SHRINE WHt20,bet13 le-" OMt1..-. EHi 0 1 0 6 -U Wiii 7 J 7 J -JO Wot -Pl•ter 1t PH• Ir-Kot.., (t;ood-llkkl East -E-* 2 n111 (Stwftp •kkl Wett-FG0-....#1 WHI -Platef It ,... Ir-l(ofter (GaofMnllkkl l!est -Rcfwerds • PIH ,,..... ....,. 01k lllal4eltl West -FG o..IWlt • A-7t.19 Wen -Al>orcro,,.llle U , ,. .. frOITI McMa'-<• tlnllJn lllclLI A -Q,ta2 ,_ ... "'*' .... "'"'-16 . .. _,_,.,.. ·~'" .... M~yardt :m 1tet11rn Ytr'ft 71 PatSH 1•u-t l'unll >-tU F""'l>I" -lolt 2-0 PeNI llos -ytr'ft MI ......... M.allttiu RUSHING -West, M. Alllf'I 11·•, At>•rcromt>te '''°• ttel1011 6·2'. Eau. WMllollt~. ~,.,,, Wytodll t-tt. PASSING -W.SI. McMallon t).S).2-D>. ICll'IO 7·1~1..f2. Eesl, F°"rc-1-1-101, lclllkllllff .. , .. J.114. llECEIVIHG -West, G Alllf'I 7.n . .....,c romllM S.•. M. All.,. 2 .... llllton .. u. Eell, Saltt ,_.., Woolfolk ).It, 8'Jent 2·1l. Moye«l·11. Wom9n'• toum•ment ... '----.*-> ~~ MMUM "611 .... au'°"'a def. a...Mra f'oott9t. 1 .. , .. 7. 7-J; ,.,_ 5"'1111 Ciel. SV!vla Henlu, ...,, .... Au.tleHen Open (at ................. , ................... Lloyd llourne clef. S...,.. ICrvlevHr', S.7, M , .,_.; AOd Fr.awtey clef. Joflll ~·· .. 2. •~. Wond DoubfH Chemp6onehlp ... ...,.I JP I ' • .,.._, .......... Stev• Oent°"'IC1vlft C11r•lf'I def. Petaf M<H.amar•Pwt McN-. ~. U , ._., .. ,, 7-6; HelN ~··&elan Tarouy diet. SMr•CIOd S-art-Ferdl T•Joan, ..... M . M c~ tournament ... .-.. .. _, .................. J-Mc"-diet. tven lefldt, .. 1, 1-4' Jimmy C-. .W. VI'-Oervl.alll1 , ... ._.,1·S. ' ' TuceonOpen Cralt SC-6~1.S JaJ HHS '7 .... 7-IOJ °'" ,._.. ~-... Eas......, ,._.7-47-214 J-~ 11......,-Jllf Seo« si.._ ., .. ,.~.,. Mike McC...IOll9ll ~Jllf ' Keltll F.._ 71 ..... S-JOI JoM JiKIUiall 71**-JOI P9ter Jee..,. ... 1M7-I05 Tom Pul'IUr 6'-6M7-JOI lldlGlldlr ... 71H7-- Hlltlert c;,_ 10-67 ........ .,, ANJy 11... 70-U-7C.-JOI Yanc:1-.... ........_20S Leonard Tllompton .,.....,__JOS MIU Wtlvan ........_. Miiie 0-141 71......_2116 Al Gefl>er'gor .._.._71-• 11111 ICr-11-11~- Alan TapM '7-71-ZO. Loe Al•mlto• IATU•OAY'S RHULT1 , ....................... ......... '1HT llACL J50 v-. T rvly Ot1 If rwr> tt.60 21.20 uo Lo..,.IJ S...... CT,..._..I 10.00 UO S....ntJ 5'noo4'> c Mltcllelll t.20 Aleo raced: Trw -•uo. Easy Sc-. \lalwo Of '#ltdlOft'I, Miu Mloflw CM<t" All O.ndl, Perts Oellp, 511,,.. Gray~ •• Time: 11.17. U •XACTAl7"'l pai0$1,111.00 .. lllC«*D •ACE. MOJ.ardl. Smeotll Dellwort IT,_.,.., UO uo UO LMleTeGo(L.olCllayl >.• UO Sii'-C.,.. lo.tomNI UO I.Ito reull: ICtubM U-v. lllhotl cal Alalflrm, lndl.a" War °""cer, .....,...,, Dfam•llltlM. Cell s-r.. Tlme:17.•. TMt•O IUIC8 .• ,-. CllkMD .. ITr-.1 U ... i..a MO Gr..,.....IGJ«k(Ward) 4.00 UO 1'.a l'~u-.10M1I"'"' 6.11 Alto ,_.., DH-IF.all Fi-. OH·Oucll H AIM, SMdlyl tmeee, 0-Cl\erfOr, lb A _,,,..,• Trv 11--', ll'lll.allon HodVa. OH-DeellNet for """111. Tlm1:IUI. U •XACTA (7 ... ) P9kl SI "-00· POUltTN tUoCtl. di y-. GfftlOrs "'"' l,,_,tlnel 11. .. l.IO I.Al ~FM("8r11 2.60 J.• ......-JrlUdleYI t.11 Alto l'l<•f: Mr Slla•11• 8111, IClteWfttHM. Utot1 ~. Olenkwt. Tl_: .... ti •aACTA 17-4> ...... uua. ""''" ltAC•. 400 J-· Hatlw TM(~) 1D.IO S.40 uo I.Ma HI Owu •.JO uo Dartl Lowtl,.. IT,_,., 2.• I.ISO raced: l!MY Mis Wlnell, Little Vlwl Ga. Galtent T ... StlHlymJlorm, Eartll Oualle l!INI, MIN l!ny Sia, OuHar.,,. Time: JO.It SI llXACT A t:MJ peld MUO. IUU~Ll10Jtrck. Go S.. Him IWardl 11 20 s.• uo NHllvllle lled I LacMyl 1.40 UO Por OW tC-na) 4.20 Also raced. ~. Tortilla Flat, l(lncle SO••dJ , Trl11mpllan1 Warrior. FrHIJ Jt,,. .... r ""'e: 4S.5' HY•NTN llAC•. 400Yafdl Kid •• Heart IT,_..,., 1.20 4 ao l.00 Hurry On -ICrugerl 10 20 s oo Val ... In QllHtlGn IHMU 2JO Allo r •<•d: ""l>J lie, Fortll• La ... oflloneJ, J .. I Like Me, Carried Away, Hempest 0.-, Ml$1 Triple Dial, S-11 Darllr19. Tl"'•: 10 ... U •XACTA ( 1•11 .,.IO llUO. U l'ICll SIX ().1-7.J+IOI .,..., U ,&IUO #llll 14 ~ lkMb (tiff i-..i U Pleil SI• con-loft .,.id $40.40 •1111 S27 wiMlftO 1ic-1tsOow-1. • IONTN ltM:ll. HI Jereb . ~a Olk (llM'dl I 00 • 00 UO ~-(1.MUy) ltO l.40 Cllul1l•,,._. l~rl •JO Alto ra<ed: F...,..y Fut ... r, llookle• Clllek, Sllort Jet, I Low A Sa1111, C-y lllend, Lady WIM, Mia Oe<ka Tim•: 11.11. "UtTN ltACL 170 J.,cll. """ Hatlwo II~ 1T,_..1 16.IO 6 20 4JO T•avtlln "-(,..,..rl >.40 2.IO Hotme&-.t P..,linel uo Also r«ld: Retie• Action, Ill-A11ter. Sevannall One Time, E•vl• Tu, c- watcll Ma. Time· 4S.W U llXACTA lt-71 .,..., W .tO Tll"TH •AC•.WJ-. Lii SPMd'f Si• tMllclwlll IUO 6.40 4.20 OH-M«rlt "-Ill .. (0..,,.11 UO UO DH·W-(Hart) •.20 •.40 Also raced: ~ IClrll, J ... n <>->'-. Jiited °*""*"'· Deneen Ghott. TOlll 0.. 11 Easy, n"' Tn., 1C1 .. c-. DH-~t for llK-. Time: tt.16 ti •XACTA Ct-71 ... Id UA.IO U llXACTA IMI .,..., US 40 Att..-.C. -10,016. S•ntll A.nit. IAT\l•OAY'S •nuLn 11•et1M11y-.......... , flt•ITllACL'l"''°"P· wt _ _. tVelenl.-.J 17.00 UO 4..JO ~ ,._...,, 4.20 i.- (OUftWtor C-y ISibtllel 1.jO Also raced. Hltlfl Earnl~, Att• 9oy llrook, Gartlald Co11n1J, Ho••d1l11, Terresto's SI-. 8ef1otlftl. Timi: 1:0tVS. s•C«*D llAC•. '1w-.. S--Siar VlftCent COll•aresl 4.IO i.-1M Staote PM CMcCarnnl 2.IO 2.aG 1(1119 GOf"O (CAI-) 4 •• Also raceo· C0nc11ulon, J.0 Mason, Aemomt>er My DrMm. Tr<19lc Boll. Tim•: l:ot l/S. U DAILY DOUllL• (._71 .,.to UUO. TNl•D llAC•.' '"''-PrttllOl-l.9CI (H..teyl 1J 20 6.60 t.tle Gr.,.llfl CDel._..ye) I.• 4.JC 0. IA Guen• (McCarr•) l.40 Also r.clel: ,,...,la o.nc.at. Trlllle Wtndl, lleconflrm, In,,,. Rye,°'""""' Gold. To41111 Gold, ll!LkCINly. F.,,.. ot Fl-, llarrlum Tl,...: 1: 10 111 f'OURTH •ACI. >furl .... Hecawlnd C Pt.,cel •.00 Natlvt Tacllct (l•~cCart•I llernt IOel--..,.1 >.40 2.M 4.60 UC UCI AISo raced: Five Star Fllt lll, Prewnt.aUan .. ••• Tlmo: l:Jll2/5. U llXACTA ().41 .,..., IM.00 fll"TM llACa.,Ytl11rlontJI. Mattel's Ta...,n IH.....,.J 17.40 Q.40 IU( Grits -FrltJ (Valentuel•) 7.40 4..X llold !Chat(~) s.oc Also r-: ,.,_, M.aw'1 ,.._ ..... Ho SllrlnU, Vlk"'9 _ti.,, llHr Ploddt,._ Loo•"'"""'· Tim•: 1:1•. ltXTM •AC•. 11116 ""'"· Lind.a'• 8re4fler CSMefftaurl -12 ... 5.00 4A l.00 uo 1.llO WalM' ... CC:.-1 Exllll>lll"-1 Also raced: TM"a Drlw, Flewlfts Gem, SterllllQ Ko, Cha1'9t --· ll11trlq, Finl Larry. Tl,,.•: 1:41/S. lllV•MTM llAC•. 11116mllet. 11-ic IR-i J.00 J.40 UO Turtoul.ICloft (~I UO i...o llotf'lll IV~el S.00 Alto •Keel: """ Dou, ... ,_ sc ......... 8rtnorlc, Deity "-' • Time: 1:4U /5, U •XACTA IMI paid SUIO. U ,.ICK llX 17·11·J ·11·10·0 o•ltt pOl, .. 5.40 wt"1 -WIMl"if ticket bl• llOnatl. S2 "kl! Six -'eti... paid t2'UO wl"1 nt wtMIM tkllett (llwo WIK>. '1 "'<11 SI• tcr•dt c-'MIOll Pltd t110.l0 .. .,, 1M .......... tldlets ·~ ---KrMclll. I IONTH llACI. 1 t11rtong• Solo 0111 I~.,) JO.• 11..10 6M Snlolllte (Haiti U.to t.00 DO-IClnoGoGotO.l.._u.,.1 JM 00 -Finl.,,.,, --· dl-lllled ..... pliKed INrd. Alu rked. S'tftC-I•. I'm Smolll11. Te II Dr Hot. Arf$tocrMl<.al, ~Ill Tlmo: I JO._,!. IUMTN ltAC&. OM MllO. OHi-Ell..ary ISll>lllel 10 20 4 .• J.40 SH Ill• Cca.9-1 UO UO M.aster lllade CBlackl '·'° Also re cad: Pleau lo 0 11 Time, Comp11t1r. Dorl>J•IOlllJWOI\, Str11ttln' GHrto. Trw ltd>. McC..tc-. lloyolly Tr .... Time: 1:» 111. U UACTA tMOI peld U• JO. ""·-··,, .... NHL ~l.L1.~0Nflll111HCI S....,..Dl•lllea W LT OP OA-. Edmonton V8'1C- Celoary 27 • 1 10 "' " 14 21 I 147 161 • 1J It 10 , .. , ... 1( ..... CotoraclO 11 n s "' 20J ,, 10 • • llt ,., )t H-"9~ SI. Louis 111111- Clllc- WIMl- TorOlllO O.troll 20 It • 141 110 .. u 12 u 170 1 .... u , •• 112 I" 41 U 20 I 160 lft • 12 11 11 116 •• u 1J u 6 ,., 111 JO WAL.SS CON fl a llUICI fllllric* DtvtlMa NY 111.-0 U 11 I 1n UO U ,....._...,... t• u 1 160 1'0 .. .. ,~ 1t 17 I I.. 1.. 11 NY Aa'lllff" 11 II I UI 1U 41 Wa'1111'\91011 1t 2t 4 US 171 21 AllMwDlwflM llllffelo lloslon -•reel 0...-.C Har11ord U 11 I 1'J 1'9 54 ,. 12 , 1n ,., SJ 21 10 10 ,... 1U SJ t2 u s 1t1 '" .. 10 22 • 141 112 ,. ~··Sc­T-ntoS,K .... , 'wi .... t-4, Oetrolt 2 Qwlle< 6, 8ollon 1 ........ ,, ....,..,... 2 HY ll.,.n7.0lk-~ E-ton7.~2 NY I~ 1, PNl-IPftla 1 Pit.._.., 4, Vs.c.-r J MonCr'MI J, MIMHOta J SI Louis 1, WatNftgton 4 , ........ ~ IC~ at lluffalo Colo# eclO at PhltadltlON• V•M-II Cllk- Montroet at WIM'- Edmonton •I C.IQ.ar'f Maple L .. fa 5, Klng1 3 ~-......- IFlnloertM 1 0 2-J 0 J ,_, '· LOI AftQelH. Murpfty' IFo•. Stm_.I, 7.04. Pene llles -McGiii. Tor, 1 01 , Sao•nl""· Tor, l :OI. Dlon111. LA. I 11. 8"cllmen, Tor, S·21; T".-i:, LA, 11 ... McGiii, Tor, ,,..jor, 17:W: Mwlwy, I.Jo, ,,..jor, 11·'°· Gibson, Tor, 20:00 '-.... ,,....... 2, T-. Valw U •-son>. 1:44. l , Toronto, 8ennlne5 "·"'•'· 1>:17. 4, Toronto. Merlin 1' (Pa le,,.ent, A"tllnl, 11:57 ,,.,...., ... -MMoney, Tor, 1· .. : Salm...._ Tor,t:27;Mlltwy,LA,-•,,.lnor. u ·>O 1111N,,....... I , LOI ,.,,..let, Faa IS (,,......_), 1:21 '· LOI ... n .. IH, Terrlon '10 (Foal, •. ,. 7. Toronto, ~ U CValv•. Bot<..,,....I, 1': U. I, Toronto, Velv• U ILar..:q.,.I, It: SS. P•naltlas -S.lmlno. Tor. 1: It; Glt>son, Tor, 10:»: h'ffor, LA, n :ot, Pelem1nl. Tor, 1t:U ; T11r111>11ll, LA, ""Mr-4'111COftduct. It: 22. S-s on oiia1 -LOI A,,..IH 11.+l~IS. Toronto ).11-21 Goell .. -LOI Angelet, L.Ksord, K•-· Toronto, Laroe-. A -U,INO, ":=".:& C __ .. 111•1 •IT--wt ... Ciiia ......... ) Cl:I ,. l'f ...... toe--t ....... ldee.TrwrTWMN (Mllllll.aftl,,..S. 107 -Hero11f cFootllllll dee. MtM ( Fount.al<I Valley), J.2. 114 -IWMll98 Ill Oor-1 ol-"°'""' IS... Cl-I, t:!S. 121 -WIW ( ........ ) ,.._.. Karallale& CMltllllalll, J:9t 1• -hl«lw 1.....-.i dee. Alea (El 0or ... 1.w I~ -llrnflY (lell ClefMtllel ot- Stratten (~I. '111, t• -lletMcd IC.. .. Metel dee, lellt IM ...... 1,1.,._ 1'7 -Da•lt INeealffl tlec. 11..,i ... 1 ((nllWl),~J. Coft.ae 11wtmmlft9 ucl1...,....w1t ( ........... ,, ... , 400 lndo -1. O'Gorma!I C..._rdlnel, •: 21 OJ; 2. Feuln6en (CS Nor1llrle19tl, 4:t2.'2, J. ~· (Wiidcat ACI. •:U 54 200 ,,.. -1. -1c.-"""*1. 1·••.n . 2 Devis (Wiidt.at AC.I. 1 45 2', J G-•~ IUC 1,.,,lnel, 1.U • 100 llJ -1. Ar•lne ICS Horlllrldgal, S2. 71, 2. llellleJ IS... 01e9o St.ale), 13.11; I. Scott ICel Poly SLOI, IJ.52 100 Ne'--1. V>iold\ IC.I PolJ, SLOI. SS."; 2. WelnJ CWlld<el ACI. 5' ti, J O'Gor ....... 1~1.,. ... 100 t>rust 1. llMdl• IP-rdlne>. St.t t ; 2. (llel Smltll ICS Nortll•ld.-1. Spengler (Wiide.at ACI, I :OO.U. too''" relay -t. CS Hortllrld119, l:fl.11. 2. Wiidcat Allll,llc Cl"I>· 7·ot.OI; J. UC Irvine, 7: 10 S7. ,.,,.. .... dMno -1 Elllson IMlulon Viejo SCI. 424 IS; 2 51-ICS LOI A_...I, 421.0; J. E,.,.... 1"--rdlnel, '17.60. '""° ''" -1. Pelw...,. ICel PolJ ($l.0), 16.U .12; 2. He~ t"--rdlnel. 16.JO U, I . Thornlon (CS Nartlwld.,el. 1':3'.ICI. 100 tr .. -I. H.,..,,111 (Wiidcat "-lie Clulll. 47 12; 2. Cor-ICS Hortlv1d9e), 41.ICI; J Derwlb (Wlldeet AC). 41.U 200 t>a c ~ I . Jon•• CClarornont~. 1 !4 60, 2 O'Gorman t Peppordln•I, 1 It U , J Donall110 ,_..._....,.,. 2:01 ..... 200 IWUSI -1. Spenoler CWlldcal ACI, J•I0,47; 2 • ._,,.. l..._rdlnel, 2•10 .. ; J Smllll ICS NortlW••I. 2· IJ U 200 tly -1 lleU ICS Nor1tvldoiel. I S1 11. 2 Arwlne ICS Nor·111rl«1911, 1 11 "· J T-1.a lwtldcllt ACI. 1; 17.60. 400 It" ,......, -1 C:.. Stale Horthr1d119, J: 11 61; t. Wiidcat AQuelic Cluet. l: 11 7•, J UC lr•lne, J.1S.tl. Tum K.Oref. I C.I Stal• Norllwlclgt, •OU; 2 WlkkM Aqwllc Ckltl. lOt I J UC I rvl111. JOI, • P•PP•rdln1, Ut. S. ci ... ...-.-.ui. -200 ''"rel., -1. T .. al Tecfl, 1.0 .'2; 2 cs Horttwt•.1: .. o; >.cs Clllco, 1· ... a . fOO lndD -I. l...auQlllln tS.n ~ Sl.alll, 4:0.>t; J. Mu<-fl.Ont 8•1Kll St .. 11. 4;4'.62, J L.anclll cwyomlnol. •·st •1 100 baCIL -I. lllll11CllOW ILOnl 8oKI\ State>. 1·0>.16, 2 L•reckt 1w ,-i..,1. 1.0J.47, J Hyoe CT .. .a, Teclll, 1 :03 41 . lOO tr .. -1. Pal,,.., (San 0"'9o St.ate>. 1:5'.16; J. y._ ISan DIO.., Stat1I, 1:S'1.2', J. Sllume• 11.-BMcll Mat•I. t:.11.5'. 100 t>uett -1 ... 1occl tWall\l"flon Stalal. 1·11'.4'; 2 L•.,ofllln t!Mtn DlotO state I. 1: 10.0I; J. 8-ct ICS OM<ol 100 tty -1. ~II ILono .. IKll Sl.alel. 1:01.n ; 2. J.,..., CS.an Ole9o St.atel. 2 ao ... ; J. st .. .al'1 IW•lfllnoton s .. 1.1. 2: n .M. SO ,,... -t. Scllmaucll I Te~ Tee Ill. 24 2S.JJ, 2. ~aid (U Sen 0'°901. 2SJ1. > Si.nllOll ILono 8e«ll St.a11l, U .49 400 ........., rwlaJ 1. Wesfllneton SI.all • 4.116.11. l. TH .. TKll. 4·0t.•; J. San DlotO Slate, 4. 1'.14. 100 Ir" -1. P•I,,.., ($81'1 0"'9o Stal•I. 54 ... ; 2. ~I I~ llekll S .. 1ol. 54 ••• 1. Jllflll IT ..... Tec111, u ..... t.moter dllflfto -I Serwen (l.oft9 llo«ll Sta11l,., 26; 2. oeH1...,. IUCLAI. JtS.•; J. Girard (UC Irvine>.• U 1,6ICI h'M -1. Pal,,.., IS.n D'-9<> St I. 11· Jt IS. 2. Ha,,.pton ICS Hortll1lcl09I, 17:41.42; J H~ IT .. et Teclll, 17:17.J'I. SO back -1. HJ• (TlllH Tech), 2t '4, 2. Odenwald IU. 01 Sa11 DleooJ. 2t.M. J. Clleyna (Wyoming), :IO.U MO --1. J-(San Dlo9o Slllt•I. J:JI n , 1 • .,_, ICS CN<ol, n.i Ot. , ll11rllft9trN CWMHngton St.I, f · 14 •· SO tly -1. Oontell (Tutt TKlll. 21 21. 2 Stewarl CW .......... SI.I, 111•. l Bottom !Cal Poly (SLOI, 27.IO. 100 IM -1. Dixon (Tues Teclll. 1 02.21. 2. Borloccl IWalhiftQIOft SI.I, 1 01 10, l LallQfllln (San 0'°90 SI I, 1 OJ 94 -,,.. rMaJ -1 ~ 8H<ll Slet1 1:42 24: 2. Sen Oie90 St.al•. J•IJ Jt , C! Horlllrld.,e, J:44.ft. Te.,,. KOrOS: 1. Serl Dll90 Stele, U4. 2 Texa1 Tec:ll, 3'6; l . Waslll,.ton Statt, l11, 4 Lone Ilea ell Stal•. JO I; I Ca l St•I• Nortf\fktge, 2•. Overa ll co,,.t>lnad wlM•r; C•I Sith HortllrldQ9, 654..1. Pro boWtlna --""" uiecr..k ·-· ................... , ........... G._J Tr-def. We.,,_ Wetlb, 14212. IT•tvo wlM w .a . ~ wlftl su.000.1 Mllw•-W•l>tl def. Marsl\all Hot-. 241-111; w..-......... tC ........... :WtMdef. JM Hutd1J-, 241-111 (Ho4ma11 wlM $1,M ; ICllitlPOWlfKS6,too; HU\c.111-wlM U,000.1 Dr1t1lllCl98 ... ~~ ..... -.,, Teo ~uet (lftatcll racal -Slltrto Mvl.--V .... Oon Oarllb. ,...,,.,..,, "" ..... ltt.71 .... Otolete A F-J Cmn -Oii T-Hiii!..,, ,,Oftll H....,., '-1' e.t., n5.4lt "'9fl, A~-1.-. The group is expected to review a Wharton School of Business study completed 12 years ago t hat s uggested baseball con.solidate similar to t h e way pro football has restructured. That would mean one man runnine the game and eliminating the two leagues as they are presently set up. The AL and the NL rejected the proposal at the time because they felt it stripped them of their identities. ONE OF THE major problems facing the sport is rising costs. and realignment would be a way to reduce travel expenses. Any action would have no effect on the 1982 season. O 'Malley a nd oth er conservative owners reportedly halted a movement to oust Kuhn at the winter meetings last month after nine owners signed a letter that they were diss atisfi ed with the way baseball was being run . Those scheduled to meet Tu e sday are Geo'r g e Steinbrenner of the New York Yankees, George Argyros of lhe Seattle Mariners . Haywood Sullivan of the Boston Red Sox, Bud Selig of the Milwaukee Brewers, Jerry Reinsdorf of the Chicago White Sox and Eisenhal'dt for tbe AL, and Bill 8 a rtholomay of the Atlanta Braves, Ballard Smith of the San Diego Padres, Bill Williams of t he Cincinnati Reds, Lou Sussman of the St. Louis Cardinals, Charles Bronfman of the Montreal Expos and O'Malley for the NL. Muldowney captures match race Shirley Muldowney won 2 of 3 races from Don Garlits in a grudge match race for lop fuel dragsters Saturday night at Orange County International Raceway before 7,500 fans. Muldowney posted a 6.25 elapsed time at 192.71 miles per hour in winning the match competition. In the Double A funny car competition, the Chi Town Hustler driven by Frank Hawley posted a 6.13 e.t. and a 235.60 speed to win that division. Kenny Bernstein, a favorite at OCI R, crashed bis runny car during a test run on Friday and was unable to make the show. He was uninjured but the car couldn't be repaired in Ume for Saturday night. He bil the guard rail and skidded 300 feel down lhe track. Others competing included Tom McEwen of Fountain Valley, John Force, Roland Leong, Jim Dunn, Joe Pisano, Dale Pulde and Craig Arfom in bis jet funny car. Longalwt wins at Santa Anita ARCADIA, <AP) -Lonrsboq Solo Guy won an exciting five-way battle in the final strides to capture Saturday's · San Carlos Handicap at Santa Anita. ~ Satur_day's coUege, community·. coUege basketball UCI women 1 beat Spartans Dorothy Lew is aparlted a second-ball comeb•clt by tbe UC lrvlne women '• baaltelball leam Saturda7 nJ&ht u tM · Ant.alAlrl potted • *'42 ,victory over tbe Sao Joae sa.te Spartaoa in ·Crawford Hall. u1e-.ucu.? = "· Ner1Nnl ,.,,_. Ofllt .. ,t6,WIK..itltt w ............ c.._ .. ... c.w... ..... ...... ...... 117S.l..._'1 ........ lt. ......... a. .. ~n.~• "_ ........... Vif'tltole tedl JS, ~ 14 (Ml ~ ... ,., c:.tlMllf'flle .. W ....... 41.eYV4 IC-M.t1, W.1111Mt111 Nerti\ c.NllM t.S, VlftlNe .. ~.,.Oreellll. , ....... ,,. .............. ........ ..,tl.ui.tt•I Witt V.,......U, .... ,._.. .. ,.,.._ ..... _ . c.at ..... 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M lllfl••• ....... u ......... c..a Herv ..... _.,.._..,, ,_ ............ ,. ON .,..,.._n, w..,_tt Cllnll °"'91 ...... ,, "' °"'"' .. ~ ..... ~~ .. ..... It. ...... ,., ........... .......0... ,_..., .. Utlc.e. ,..,......,,~.,..,.,., ~-~••-> ......... ""*8,M&., ( ...... ........ A:. . .......... a.. ·-~ . ""' c.-........... ., (tint) C..t t .. ,., ........... ....___ ... llMI U ltlllf'lfl .-...c .... ONrrn......_.., ....... , ""~ ;::.,~~·(flnll ~llt{Jt,....,..0.-, CalH ... ( ...... , ec. ... ...,e=r .... e....c ...... '°"'It, OrWllll CieMI .. (•I ,, .............. _, .... Can' ..... SM '*tit-.. •1 .... (ill ... 1u_.....cc.a,1 11 1 c11• 1.tt1 oe.., cc w, 011W n .......... ,.. ......... ........ c .. ~SJ.Wlll&At~· ~-.La ...... 11 ...... Owller.t fl. Jefl .. UC 1t!:'.f t:J;':..W:."4 --' Lewi• ran lnto foul trouble early ln the 1ame. piclttn1 up her thlrd la Uae first 10 mlaut.ee. With Lew out of tbt came, Sea JOM State took a M· ll leed at halftime. • ' -\I ' I I I a . ~.,. ~ -i ·-I I I i i . I I I . ! I · I ·1111' ~ " rr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'I ' ... n '. n ..... ,I~ ~11 j~ :M81•~•!••: ( ;~ :8f I}~~~ :~·1·1··~ ii l~ :@g~;Es•••111•~·~··1••:•J I I l !@11;·····; J 11 J~ I~ :~1-~-~·11 s I I ~·~1 iii; l f :88§1 ~ !!~,r~l!i 1;~~~ ;i1!~:~11~ &lillilr~;:t11~ t:itl!I~ S§;I Iii i!litlaal•~l~l~!~ll~•i~il~~ I~~! 1;: ~I lllllli~J~!!~~;~!ll! ~!!l~!,l!tf1 i; .!i,!!~:11i t f iii x ii I= ! ~I! i j Ji ~ , -ii ii Iii I= ---. . . . --. iii ~ t• • :i~ -fi hMI ! d ~ !ui~ ~!1 i.H ~ s a hH E. :a~· ~ 5 ~ ~.i th 2.~ ~ !i H h:i1H~ a -nw · nmm •. !·~~~~:;;; .... I i i . 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(AP> - Nearly half the ~.000 residents of East St. Louis get public aid, and over SO percent of the city.'s budget Is federally funded. Now officials fear Reagan budget cuts may deliver a knockout blow. At risk are projects aimed at turning around the fortunes of Soutbem Illinois ' largest city, where vac ant lots and r amshackle buildings are a sbarp cont r a s t lo the skyscrapers of thriving St. Lollis just across the Mississippi. These days , an estimated quarter of East St. Louis' popUlation Is out of work. There is no chain grocery store or daily newspaper. and sto re closings · have reduc~d the business district to two blocks aroupd City Hall. Of three movie theaters, one is in business - with X-rated films. Already, federal cuts have reduced or wiped out benefits lo hundreds of recipients, says BUI Kreeb, coordinator of a budget cut task force appointed by r,Jayor Carl Officer. And about 1,200 people had their heat cul off as winter c l osed in sinc e w e lfa r e pa y m e n ts alre a d y we r e inadequate and they couldn't pay bills, he said. The federal gove rnme nt provides $3 .9 m i llion in Community Block Grants to East St. Louis, more than half Its $6.9 million budget. The school system, one of the poorest in the state, is the city's largest employer. The $3.9 million in grants will . -be cut by 12 percent under the new federal budget. The money goes to repair s tr ~ets and sidewalks and to re habilitate housing. 81 percent of which is r a t e d sub sta ndard o r deteriorated. Th e p o li ce a nd fir e depal""lments. m e anwhile , depe nd heavily on the sh.aky future or federal r ev enue sharing. The city is trying to shore its coffers, suing 8,000 residents for $3.3 million in overdue sewage Ho-w-to hooks now in political arena By DOUG WILLIS A•r.,..ic.i..-.. SACRAMENTO -The latest do-it.yourself book on the market doesn't tell you how t.O build a co/fee table, a hot tub, or even a grandfather clock. This one tells how to build an election campaign. Bot authors Harvey Yorke, a one·time communications aide to ~onald Reagan. and Liz Dohe rty, a s pec iali s t in organizing political volunteers, take tbe s ame bow.to-do-it approach lo building an election campaign that countless handyman book s take to builcling a barbeque or a rocking chair. Theil' "Candidate's Handbook for Winning Local Elections," just publiabed at $19.95 a copy, offers the first·time candidate a step-by.step guide to organiz.lng a campaign, raising money. recruiting and using volunteers, developina campalan materials and complying with the maze of campaign law. The book Is intended for persons with little OT no political experience who are comldering runoing for local offices such as the tcbool board, city council or other el~ted boards. Both authon are veterans of loc1l e.lktlons themselves - Yorke as a former c ity council.mu in Novato and Ms. Doherty at a eampaien m11aa1er -1nd Yorke baa wo.,ed for tben·Gov. Rea1an ind U.S. Sea. S.I . Hayakawa. amon1 others, ln a 35-year public relat.ioftl Clner. Tllere _.. check bltl on tbe 1pedftc: lteps a candld1te must take at e.ac:h pbau of a ca .. pal1n, from Illini nomination papen to dra.ft.ln& a re•U•tlc: campal1n buda~t. w,rklns Mwa rel ... • ad evea a tocklna the campal1n he,.dquartera with office IU ll-. ueb ol the "Candld1te'1 Haadboc* .. II notbiq more tban COIDIDClll ...._ aad UM otmoua. A n·d tom• aectlon a are ~ ...,.UU.e, .. 11 u.e 'autiaon felt t.blt if I polAt WU -· worth making once, il was worth repeating three or four times. But lhe "C and i date 's Handbook" does e.ffectively give the would-be candidate a r ealistic and comprehensive look at all that is involved in a local race. a valuable guide for the would·be candidate. The book's value for most potential candidates is nob that it o tre rs a new ins ight to campaigning, but rather that it is probably the most complete checklist published describing all lbe detailed actions and decisions required to run a successful campaign. To increase his name recognition in the community, for example, a candidate should attend more c omm unity functions, join service groups and expand his Christmas card list , the book advises. But in addition to that, the prospective candidate should write more brief letters lo the editor, encourage politic al supporters to wr ite followup letters to the editor mentioning and agreeing with bis original l e tter, and possi bly buy advertlslftg space to publish a regular commentary column on local iuues, they advise. In one checklist, Yorke and Ma . Doherty note areas of rupooaibllity a candidate 1hould deleeate, and list 29 dif ferent jobs, titles and reapoa.ibilitles a candid1te might pass out to encourage volunteers. The realjer who wants a 1cholarlY. treatise on the phil090llhf · or meantn1 of the political process will be dlaappolnted with the book. Thlt book la practical, not phJlot0pb.le11. Moat of it.a 151 pal"' are devoted to the nutar and bolts of campal1nln1, much' of It In outline form ind cbeekliata with only the brtef est commentary by the authon. But It MrV.. two important funetiooa. It wam1 the W~·be candldate ol bow mucb won ii IDYolvecl ln r11Dftiq for 1 aoc.t office, ad It telll ldm or her preellelv bow to do It. and trash collection services. "The effect of federal cuts has been catastrophic," says state Rep. Wyvetter Younge. A century ago, the conditions couldn't have been predicted. The city was settled because o f its r ive r lo cation. and r a ilroads later made it the n a t io n's seco n d ·largest switching yard behind Chicago. The meat -packing industry followed. But there were drawbacks. With commerce booming, a corrupt political machine took over . Prostitution flourished in "Th e Va lley ." C h icago gangsters took control of taverns a nd vending machines. And in 1917, t.he city was the site or the nation's firs t major r a ce riot. Nine wh iles and doze ns of blacks -official estimates ranged up to 100 - were killed in fighting attributed to poor working conditions and World War I tens ions. The real decline began around World War JI as trucks took over the transportation business. The railyards stayed, but the meal packing industry left. A third of East St. Louis' residents have left in the past two decades, and the population is 90 percent black. The political machine retained power by diverting federal funds to a padded work force. City property values declined from $161 million In 1970 to $38 million this June as industry fled. ln 1972, then-Mayor J ames E . Williama called a railyard explosion which destroyed 2,500 abandooed homes a "shot in the arm" because the city wouldn't have to tear them down. Mayor Officer. elected in 1978, Is c redited with wiping out corruption. ·'The city of East St. Louis has been living on federal welfare for the past 10 years." he said in paring the work force from 549 to 300. With the budget under control. federal funds we re aimed al attracting investme nt. The "carrot" was a rive rfront project of shopping malh11 parka and a marina planned for 20 acres of land -treed by a $500 million con s olidation of 40 railyards. The raily ard cons olidation continues, but dreams of . a riverfront centerpiece "have now been de-funded," said Artis Tall ey , th e ma yo r 's administrative assistant. Since October. requests for f ood and c lothing have quadrupled the caseload at Catholic Urban Programs to 500 a month, said coordinator Joe Hubbard. "ll kind of frightens me to think about the comlne winter and what migbt happen," be said. And he doubt.. charities can be much help. • "There aren't that many private groups sWI operaUn1.'' he saJd. "M of 20 years aao, there were about 70. Today, there n hMtr or nve. "I doubt that we wlll be able to atopaap the fefteraJ covernment." Agent named . SAN P'RANCllCO (AP> IUebard II. lld>nw ba be1a ................ la~ Of U.. U.S. S1CrC s.n1ee ba S. J'raneltco, tbe Tre11ar11 ...,.,.... .... , _ .... ,,.. 6J ... ClldOMlmeaMhelilllj ....... ~ ..... SI ,...... . , Orange Coast OAJLY PILOT/Sunday, January 10, 1982 Isolation .h11i-ts town Snow removal cost, mine closing spell econom.ic diaaster CALUMET, Mich. (AP> - The pollce chief and vlllaae mana1er ot tl\11 old mlnlna town have juat been latd off, and aome people Hy the economy of the four· by alx·block vlllaae 11 beln1 burled under the 300 or ao Inches of anow It 1et1 each year. "The snow 11 what really kUls us," sald John Verlin, a vlllaae trustee who owns the major store. "Wa have to keep the streets clean for shopper1." Calumet be1an aa a town for shoppers -the commercial district for copper miners who lived a mile away in the village of Laurium. Despite the cold and d ifficult Upper P e n ins ula winte rs, it was a t hriving business and cultural center in the early 1900s. But the last mine closed In 1967 and the miners and their fa milies no longer c ame to Calumet. The population in the Ca lumet Town s hip a r ea plummeted from around 40,000 in the early 1900s to its present 8,000, and 1,018 people now live in Calumet itself. Snow removal is the biggest ite m on the village budget, which officia ls are trying to trim by $40,000 to $50,000 from the $265,613 they intended to spend for 1982. Among the village's few Six cents gas hike predicted WA S HI NGTON <AP 1 - Gasoline prices will rise by nearly 6 cents a gallon in 1982 wh ile U.S. oil imports, down sharply for two years, will begin climbing again, the Energy Department has predicted. The department forecast U.S oil imports totaling 6.21 million bar rels daily this year , a 2 percent increase over 1981. when imports fell by 11 percent. T\is will occur, it said, even though 1982 is expected to be the fourth consec utive ye ar of d ec l~ning U.S. p e tro leum consumption which began with the oil price shocks after the 1979 Iranian revolution. The Energy Department said i mpo r ts w ill rise a s oil companies stop drawing. on their supples and turn more to foreign sources lo meet demand. Even with the rise. imports will come nowhere near the high-level mark posted in 1977, wh e n ro r e ien c rude o il shipments reached 8.8 millJon barrels a day. The department predicted that gasoline, which sold in 1981 for an average price of $1.36 per gallon for all grades, would average $1.42 in 1982. It noted the price rise will trail the country's overall inflation rate by 3 percent this year. The department m ade these o th er p redic ti o n s in Its Short-Term Energy Outlook report : -Residential customer will see a 22 percent increase in their natural gas bills in 1982 as the price rises from $4 .58 to $5.57 per thousand cubic feet. This jump r eflect s the gra dual decontrol ot natural gas under a 19 7 8 l a w . Th e k e agan a dm i nis tra ti o n wants to accelerate this schedule , which would bring even higher price increases. -Fuel oil s upplies will be adequate to meet needs for the rest of the winter. The price, after climbing rapidly the past few years. will increase only 2 cents a gallon. The a verage prire residential customers pay in 1982 will be $1.23, compared with $1.21 in 1981. HARO TIMES Ca lumet . Mith. cit izens are s trnggli ng hecause of town 's recl·s~aon recent purchases was a pickup truck for snow removal. Some residents say Calumet's tiny population is as much to blame as the snow for its fiscal problems . "Berause of our s ize. and because we werer1'l tha t rir h lo begin with, we ha ve suffered b e cause o f t h e n a ti on a l situation. The little guy always get s hurt the wor st ,'' said village trustee Peter Hill. H ill a lso pegs Calumet 's problems partly on officials who "con centra ted too muc h on providing day-to·day services. We spent every penny that came in and didn't do enough capital formation and expenditure." Whatever the cause. the sour economy forced 30-year·old Dan McCormick to lay himself off as village manager in November. He told Town Council members t hey could not afford to pay hJs $16,000 salary. Po lice Ch ief P aul Baroni recently was laid off, and the t treet 1uperintendent, Frank B e 1tty, we nt o n parti a l retlremtot .Many of t hose who have weathe r ed so many b1t1- w l n t ers i n Mi c h l 1an '1 n o rth ernm ost Keewanaw Peninsula believe the vlUage can survive. ·'They said thi•1, town wouJ4 die when the mining companiel left ," village president Jo"f Ellenlch said. "But we're aUU here.'' "We're not rich," Vert.in sald. "But we're paying our bills. Calumet Is going to ~ here." But McCormick s ays the villa ge needs lo put as much aa $3 m illion i n to ca p i tal Im provements over the next three to rive years. As Ca lume t 's f in a ncial sit uation tighte ned the paet deca d e, th o s e n eed e d improvements were delayed and non.essential ser vices were cut. The village also cut road repairs and turned garbage collection over to a private contractor. "So we have a village that • over the la.st 10 to 15 years cut out all the fat,·· McCormick s ays . "ll 's som e t hing t hat evolved; the day of reckoning was just put off." McCormick and some village offi cials believe Calumet s hould be disso l ved into Calumet T o wnsh ip or m erged with, L a ur i um , wh ic h has a population or 2,600. At very least. they say, lhe towns should s ha r e services li ke police, gar bage collectaon a nd snow rem oval But nol a ll La uriu m o r Calumet Township officials are enthusiastic about the idea. "I doubt if you'll see it <a merger) happening," s aid Dave Heinonen. Laur ium 's village manager "Speaking Crom a Laurium standpoint, there's no be n e fi t to t h e vill age o r Laurium. They (Calumet ) are seeking a means of survival." Civic contribution reduces drug terms FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) -Two men have agreed lo contribute $20,000 to a hospital and a police narcotics unit as par t of a negotiated settlement in a marijuana conspiracy case. St. Jude's Children's Hospital in Me mphis, Tenn., a nd the Po mpano Beach. Fla.. police department will receive the m o n ey fro m Willi am F . R e inholt , 33 , a nd J ohn C Dolerrce. '"1(1So known as Joe Bu ck , 3 4 , both o f F o rt Lauderdale. Gall bladders of bears get fore ign buyer WASlU NGTON (AP) -The Ag r iculture Department says it has a foreign buyer for bear gall bladders. A routine "export brief" published by the department's Foreign Agr iculture Se r vice said the prospective buyer wants 100 kilograms -about 220 pounds -of bear gall bladders. "The product must be suitable for ma kin g Chin ese and Japanese medicine," the report said. A n y one w a n t ing mor e information about selling bear gall bl adders can contact . thil agency's export trade services division. The men were to be tried on char ges of conspiring two years ago lo · bring up to five toos ol mar ijuana from the Bahamas lo Florida. They decided to pie~ g u i I ty after negoti ating with prosecutors. Under the plea bargain, Judge Holmes Lash e r sentenced Reinholt to six months in jail and a Sl0,000 fine. The money will go to the children's hospital. Dolence was sentenced to three years in jail and ordered by Lasher to pay Sl0,000 to the narcotics unit. If the money is paid within 15 months. the judge s a id Dol e nc e c a n a s k for probation. The men could have faced up to 15 years in prison. They are free on $25,000 bond. Assistant St ate Atto rney Richard F. Rendina said he thought Lasher's order was fair. "I thought it wa s the ap propriate disposition of the monetary punishment," be said. "This way, their punishmeot will help defray some of the investigative costs incurred by Pompano Beach police." T he donation to St. Jude's was pro p osed by the d e f e nse attorney. Remholl and Dolence were among six people indicted In 1980 by a Broward County grand j ury in connection with an alleged smuggling operation. Two defendants are scheduled for trial this month. llleeingUnke Puule Just try to me.ten.up colored links. 's1 Bounce Fabric Softener Box of 20 sheets for soft clothes. No static cling. Mk:k., llouM© Hot Cycle ~Durable mini-size cycle. Welt DtlMy Production.I. Pkg. 11 oz• Cookie CrMm• Vanilla. Chocolate or Duplex Cookie Creams. Neewt.• ~ 2 For s3 .M"x41" ~ Ruga Throw rugs in multi colors Ea. Rawe® Soft Hair Spray 7 oz• can of regular extra hold or unscented. "Newwt. Kmart® Facial Ttaaue Boa of 200 2 ply llSSUeS Ol.l4"•t• tff"t'OPt\ ... _ -Off .. f.,.... ,_ 1• lllllWU U 1.• 14 • 211o.:.. •1 Choice of Envelopee Regular or security-seal envelopes. s1 Cotton Olah Towela Dishcloth .................. 2 For • 1 s3 Each 20dO Area Ruge Potyes-ter I nylon many styles. SAU F.E.T. 43.97 3 ••• , 49.97 4 I .t7 F71114 S0.97 •2.t7 G7l114 51.97 •4.t7. G7l11S Sl.97 46,fJ H71xlS 54.97 47,fJ l71•1S 60.97 s '·'' ~ ""-'. 2,.s3 I~, PalmoliYe® Olah Soap Giant 32 oz• size softens hands •A. oz. 2ao ... SS 8'8JfrM@ Maxl/Pada Belt less regular. or new super 30 per box. Men'• Flannel Shirt• Boys Shirts.......... .2 For $5 Mexican Luncheon Chili burrito with cheese. Taco. spanish rice. refried beans. sg 1-.-: ............. Mat, rug lid cover. 2 pc. tank set. .=-..:-;;' :::. ~" -·--- '68Mon.-Sat. Diec .... Spec:lel Front only. Many U.S. oars. Lt. trucks, lm- portS more. c.,.,_tFreahe 14 oz. powder deodorizer for rugs. "Neewt. '11KMartPrice '2Fao.Rebate sgYour Net 12SOW Hair Dryer Coet Compact. hanc;i1e folds for travel s1· Your Choice 1 gallon Tam. Sea green. Juniper or Italian Cypress. 11 v s2 Each Twin Size MattrM• Protector Zipper style. Queen/ Full Size ................. •3 ... .... ., =-J~ ............... _ ... ... ~..._. ... '······ ....... -.... .......... ....... -..... -.. -· -54.88 an.t-..... .... .,, Many U.S. cars, light trucks. Top, side term I- na ls. 12-0z. • Gaeollne Treatment For use with gas and dlesel en- gines . ..... C)ut hl,,,_11 10,,.,........,,.,.,_, ........... _.°"_.,,..... ... -...... " ftOI .. .,._ IOI ""' ~ ... fll• IO t"t ""'°'""" ••-C I( ........ .._.,_....°*'°"._.. por ........ _, ___ _ ~I....., ouanMyl IO lie PwtC-M ... Ulepru..........,••-•..,.MI ' YOll • , __ ciuaMy ~•ma!• -·-·-.. ,.,'" s7 Womene Caaual Step-In. Comfortable leather look sport shoe. VlnJI Place Mata Choice of shapes and colors. Juniors. Misses And Full Figure sizes. Save at Kmart. s35 Mon.-Sat Front End 8peclal Many U.S. cars. Disc brakes $10 more. AddMtoNI pef1a. -*-....... ~ •474 RemOt• Control/Color TV Space command 1800 re- mote control and Quartz elec- tronic tuning. SV3927E --- •15 .. AM/FM Port•ble R Ac1oc F . lldio tuning. ult circuitry, slide ... Oran~ Cont DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 10, 1982 Time to travel? Take the train? BY NORA LEHMAN oi*O-. .......... ... . All the talk in Party Wrap about travel to and fl-om Egypt by air made me reflect on older, more staid and traditional Corms or transportation. I wouldn't argue for a moment that despite the flight lime: the wait for luggage; the checking in early: the traffic jams at the airport: the parking problems and the pauses between planes that can sometimes lengthen into days for long distance traveling flying's the only way to go ... to semi-cob> an ad"ertising phrase. But having spent a good period Qf my early days on tbe East Coast where travel by train Is a way or life. I've come to love • them. They were the travel-method·of-choice at one time and would be now if they took me anyplace 1 needed to go. But I haven't traveled by train in this country for years. But I can remember the last day 1 did, vividly! I'd gotten the idea that the children, who'd been born to travel by car or plane, should experience another form of transportation. After aJI , what they regarded as normal traveling methods weren't necessarily shared by a good part of the world. Because there's so much to do in the San Diego area ... the zoo. Sea World, Balboa Park, perhaps lunch on the top of the El Cortez Hotel. we decided that would be our destination. (Note, I've switched to "we." My husband had. by that time, agreed to go along with me in a good-sport manner. even if he considered me slightly mad.> ''We'll take the bus to the zoo, and then I'm sure there'll be one right from the zoo to Sea World, and then ..... J rambled on enthusiastically. Unbeknownst to me he made a reservation for a rental car. We had to leave Santa An a very, but really very early in those days. .l'hat meant that the youngsters had to be routed out of bed much earlier than they.normally would. They grumbled! It was still dark when we left home. but I kept reassuring everyone. including myself that it would be wonderful when we got there. I'd spent two years at school and living in La Jolla and would have sworn J. knew every town between Los Angeles and. San Diego. But while I'd forgotten some of them. the train didn"t. It stopped at ever y one. By the time we arrived, half the morning was over and I. who had been so filled with enthusiasm earli er in the day, was beginning to wonder whether this was all worth the effort. We arrived and off went the sensible father to pick up the rental car. While I'd protested that our exercise in coping wouldn't be valid. I was secretly relieved. The car was gone. AJI the cars were gone. Our train had been so late the rental man. fearful we weren't coming. h~d rented it. By the time we'd found and taken the bus to the zoo it was close to lunch time. I'd planned to feed everyone a hearty breakfast in the dining car. There just ain't no such things on short routes. now. The kids were starving, their Dad was and I was too. So much !or El Cortez Hotel. Hot dogs and hamburgers downed. we wandered that most beautiful of zoos ... I, as always, reluctant to leave. But we had to. or never see Sea World and be there beyond train time . By now. the man in the household had taken over. We arrived at Sea World in a taxi. In order to catch our returning method of transportation we just got out of the four o'clock traffic. Luckily we had seats, because at Del Mar. a race crowd boarded who were. by this time. feeling absolutely no pain. Once the conductor. or-someone litre-him, came through with a basket or bologna sandwiches made on white bread and the kids asked for one. When I gave each one one or these gourmet delights I had some question about what I was doing to their stomachs. The trip home was long. And it was noisy. really noisy. As we stood on the platform getting oriented, our daughter said. looking around, "I can't remember where we put the car when we left yesterday." I thought it was long. She thought it'd been forever. Have we ever done that number again? No, never . Too expensive. COVER: Helen Barrios wears a lipstick red bucaneer blouse, wide of sleeve and broad of shoulder, with a white leather mini skirt and matching blouson jacket all from Jag's spring collection. White pantyhose and red metallic wrap sandals compete the outfit. In the background. boats slipped at the Marina at Peter's Landing in Huntington Beach. All clothes and accessories are from Bullock's/South Coast Plaza. Interior photographs taken at C.J . Fish ·Restaurant, Peter's .Landing, Hllntington Harbour. Helen Barrios photographs by Charles Starr. A Sunday Section of the Orange Coaat DailJI PUot i ..... Thomas A. Murphlne .._ Nora Lehman ..,......, Michael P. Harvey ........ °""'°' ForNewa CaU 642-4321 , Ext. 205 For Adv9fttalng Call 642-4321, Ext. 25j Malnotfloe 330 West Bay Street, Post Office Box 1580, Cotta'Meu, Calif. 929~ , ten Barrios of fashion . He she wears tative. our ~Y bailiwick. Al:>Ove . f the west l BM account represr but the state is her a bneJ ouerview o An . Huntington aeacb. Jag. tnc. Below hves in neer blouse Y a red bu~ca 11ouse. Jag. Inc. coast design Fairly new kids: in town • • • Featured on this week's STYLE cover is a culotte and blouson-Jacketed suit in soft-of-hand leather . worn with a red 100 pe rcent buccaneer blouse to accent the suit's pristine whiteness. Both from the design house. of Jag. l nc . they are the work of Moses Strathern. th(' company's only designer The company e xploded onto the fashion scene only eight years ago. when Rob and Adele Palmer turned out J ag's first collection from their Australian base Success ful from the start. the firm expanded to the United States a year later The company was sold lo Sasson Jeans. Inc. in 1980. In December of '79. Moses Strathern. then with Ann Taylor in New York. was tapped for his present position. Fl ying to Los Angeles for what turned out to be his only interview. he was hired on the s pot. It was a return to the West for this na tive Californian. Born in Riverside and headed for a career in some aspect of the professions. economic problems dealt a blow 10 that aim . As so often happens. it was a happy h appenstance. because the inability to a fford clothes at that point in his life led to his interest in fashion .. Borrowing a sewing machine. he decided to solve the clothing problem by making his own. "Anyone who can walk. can sew." he says now. That may. however. be an oversimplification from someone who. by trial and error. made himself s uch good looking shirts, s lacks and jackets that strangers approached h im to find out where they could buy them. .. A business was thrus t on him He began to produce e nough to s upport himself. a nd gradually his love of fashion grew and developed. He"d found his fi eld. E ventuall y. although tot a ll y s elf ·taught. he felt confident enough to go to the cent ('r of the a pparel indust ry New York a nd knock on doors for a JOb. Ann Taylor hired him. lie maintains that he doesn·t know how to draw and has no idea how to · c ut a pattern. He can sketch. however. and he has an excellent sensl' of fabric. of color and he is articulate. His design m ethods? It's eclectic. he says He sketches his idea. then turns it over to the pattern maker. who develops a paper and a fabric pattern. Once developed in this manner. the piece is subject to its first scrutiny. From there. a fter another review process. which may include David Guez. president of Sasson, perhaps a retailer or two. some key sales people. people in the des ign studio . anyone who would like to take part m this process ... the design is finally COffiillilted to a sample garment. Once it reaches this point. it must carry itself. It has. however . been subject to five or six critiques at that point. Strathern turns out five collections a year . fitting in several trips to Europe and the Far East between them. A talented young man who believes that a love of what one is lloing. plus creativity and an ability to incorporate the people's ideas with whom he works. has contributed tremendously to his s uccess. ... .. Orange Coast OAIL V PILOT/Sunday, January 10, 1982 · ca Helen· Barrios: Ordng·e_· Coast Lady .of Fashion Lut week Helen Barrios took two days awaf from her IBM account repreeentatlve job to serve as a public member on the California State Board of Vocatlonal Nurse and Psychiatric Technician Examiners to which she was appointed by Gov. Jerry Brown. It's something she does every other month, and something she finds interesting if not always ple asant. ''We're often confronted with making the decision to take away their licenses for some ruJes infraction. I don't like playing God ln that manner," she says. "but 1 feel I'm useful in that spot. So many minority women still hold those jobs." Som in LoS Angeles and brought up in . Monte bello, Helen Bar~ios has always been fascinated with politics and political . action. She sees those as ways to improve the lot of her fellow Mexican-American· women. Her degree from Cal State (,ong Beach was awarded in political science with a focus on public administration and her minor was Mexican-American studies. A soft-mannered woman, with vivid coloring and high ener gy. s he has m a naged a career. marriage and a phe nomenal amount of e xtracurricular activity. She is a founding member of Women's Net work Ale rt, and has served a s an -klace and Ld leaf nee f or Id mesh ba9· go nts and blouse . C J LI C sandals. a golk print harem paphotographed at . meta t Dt r's s1 d t>elou>. A-,.,reu> Geller s 1ze Chnsti.an o the suit pict ure nu . accessor ket jrorn . earnnr~ the short ~olJacttngton 11arb0ur warm p~ter's Landtng. un fish. officer on both the county and national chapters or the National Women's Political Caucus ; an officer on the county board of the National Organization for Women; a com missione r , appointed by Supervisor Tom Riley, to the first Commission on the Status of Women. She's been a d elegate to the Nationa l Democratic Party Convention and is presently a m e mbe r of the count y De mocratic Central Committee and the State Steering Committee. After nine years as a Western Airlines flight attendant, s he "knew she'd had enough" the day a passenger yelled at her unnecessarily and her reaction was to confront him with his a buse and then.hang a wet lea bag over his ear with sounds of clapping in the background. "What have l done'?" s he asked her self. "Oh Lord. they'll fi re me .. They didn 'l, but she fell that it was not going to be the policy of the compa ny to promote women from within for some time, tf indeed . ever. She opted for a career change. During those nine years, she fo undt.>d a nd was president of Stewardesses for Women's Rights. During this time it was discovered passe nger air craft wc.·r c carrying radioactive waste m aterial. She s uccessfully tel>tified before the Federal Aviation Administration relative to the r emoval or this material. She was th e n f o und e r a n d pres i de nt o f Stewardesses fo r I-Juman Rights. She's appeared with Michael Jackson, on the Saturday Show on NBC; Ora nge Co unty Poli tics a nd He alth in Our Times. She's not too busy. presently. she says. She 's onl ~ serving on three boards. so considers t his the lightest period she's had for some li me A Lady uf Action becomes our Lady of Fas hion STY LE 1-:d1tor brushes I/el en Barnv.c;" hair back m place m prepora/1011 for the tni•c•r photograph of this weeks STYLE • To c reate a longer /me /le/('11 u>enn sht>e1 red pantyhose u.nt h her rt!d St J11l111 k nit su1t and red leather Amalf1 slzng pumps Accessories red and q11/ri hutto11 earrings gold bracelet and a reri trimmed m qold bag. Diamond drama. In our necklace of I 8 karat yellow gold 83 round diamonds dramot1colly set the scene for o dazzling star of 9 marquise diamo11ds: S8.500. Chriatfan Dior'• red jacket and full pleated skirt are worn with the red arad raavy !ilk top. Acceuori ea : red Cobbie IOtlC:lall, gold e a ·r r i n g ! a n d raecklace. Charge Accounts Invited Bailey Banks& Biddle World Renowned Jeweler., Since 1832 SOUTll COAST PLAZA CO.'ff,.\ \11-;SA Lower l.1•twl .'IJt'ar C"nrousel f 714 1 7.5 I ·5640 AIM •LoiV~"''"'t"-~ , Super Penn Salel You'll be lookin' good in our perfect perms. Nova Perm; reg. 140 now s2 9 SOUTH CO~T PLAZA 540·8888 f tball games on Washer rer.a:ces t>etwend~o:i Neissers. ttuck casseroles at . some of the pO bbi Stabler enJ<>Y "' k Croul and Bo year's parlY· Bob ·s daY at Pot a New Year en Gallander reflect on !he New Year ofter v•C N...i .. ser's NeW the .,.., The hostess of the day. Pat Nmser. chats with Bill Stabler between games on New Year's day~ PreisS haS tier It's nard to tell whll J~~~ she's watching mps or ""' .... nonds on her baCkgommon. .. football or • l. and cat>Ue .. Me issa · . from Howatt. just returning Al I rig ht,· l 982, have at · it!!! NETWORKING! NETWORKING! Re member when a network was CBS. NBC a nd ABC? We ll, that simple definition simply wouldn't do the trick these days. Men may still mean CBS, NBC or ABC. But to a good m a n y women. "networking" is what they have adopted to s upplement that friend-to-friend process men have done since they were born. There are several organizations like this. Some more loosely knit than others i.e. The Women's Network Alert -Les A mies. Among the more structured. Women In Business and Charter 100. Recently, the latter honored several community leaders for a variety of contributions to the world around us. The nod went Politically to Orange Cou nty 2nd District Supervisor Harriet Wieder and Ma yor of Newport Beach. Jackie Heather a nd from business Charlotte Garey of Antiques Exchange and Peggy Eckworth of Avco Financial Services Le asing Ciompany. WELL, YOU GA I N SOME a nd yo u lose som e! Here's a couple o f str a n ge occurcences. I have announcements of two brand new groups in the country In contrast to not hearing from two bid ones. One is The Helms men, a new support group for Goodwill Industries. It launched its initial program a week ago with a home and yacht party hosted by Marty ~nd Amelia Lockney, in New(>Ort Beach. Eighty members attended the dinner and harbor tour party. They are named The Helmsmen after the founder of Goodwill Industries, Dr. Edgar J . Helms. Office r s for the n ewly form e d organization a r e Marty Lock n ey. president : Doy He nley and Patricia Dulion, vice preside nts: Be rt Rus h. secretary: Dick Ing le , treasurer: and George H oo d . assis t ant secretary /treasurer. Serving on the board of directors are Victor C. Alleman. George Hale. David Wellfare. Dr. Annemaria Ballin, Barbara Brown. Betty Cook. Maury Gladman. Claire McNair. Fred Linton and Marion Knott. They plan to have at least four major social functions this year. Phew! The second new group. Sonance <meaning sound>. is supporting the House John Rau shows Mary Lou Furnus where husband, Dr . Dave Furness repaired a badly cut finger. Ear Institute, especiall y its Model Center for the Deaf. The founding members come from all over the L.A. basin and 0 .C. Sally Forbes and Joyce Reaume are two of our reps for this worthy group._ And come Jan~. 27, our own Jorge E .. Luhan, M.D., will do a program on plastic and reconstructive surgery at Mary Skouras' house in Beverly Hills. We'll be hearing more from both these groups. l'm sure. Meanwhile there are two old timers who didn't alert us to their fundraisers and meetings: Big Brothers/ Big Sisters and the Viennese Ball Committee. We'd love to help if you'd let us know what yo u're up to. . NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH: Several weeks ago I wrote t hat it was Otting Christmas card time again and that . ··this year's has a photo of Nancy. Tony and bet ween them. listing a bit to the port. is Hilary." 1 went on to say. "l just had to make a comment. because it's a shame that child has parents who look so unhappy and dis interested in her ... Fortunately Nancy's humor tends to the sardoni c occasionally. like mine. "When l read the column. 1 roared with laughter," she s aid. "but I sup(>Ose if one hadn't seen the picture ... · · · Lucky. too, that she was able to show the picture on the card to her Dover Shores neighbors. two of whom took my remark as an insult and were ready to ambush me. It's a lso ni ce they take s uch exceptional interest in their neighbors that they're willing to fly to their defense We should all be so lucky! TRADITION! IT'S TRADITION: The only way the Pat and Carl Neissers would get out of a New Year's Da y party. now , wou ld be to go away somewhere. Even so I bet a certain number of folk wou ld turn up and be awfully startled to discover Ute doors closed.· Well, this year the doors certainly weren't closed. Mercy me! I don't want to . say that it was noisy but I will mention that I had to resort to reading lips on a couple. of occasions. Edie Walker joined the games <games games, you know . "I'll take Park P.lace .. I type games) a nd Norm watched a little football. Jack and Jeri Dwan left with son Brad to do some belated New Year's Eve celebrating together. They'd gone their separate ways the night before. Melissa ,Gallander, just back from a Christmas visit with cousins in Hawaii admitted she had to be dragged, kicking and screaming onto the plane. (Her Mom, NHAM director Kathleen, had already kicked and screamed, because she had to come home early.) <Coatblaed on Page CS>° Charter 100 honorefl four community 1eaders re~ntlu. Three of the fo14r are: Harriett Wieder, 'Charlotte Garey and Peggy EckToffl. Jackie Heather was unable to be present for the presentation. It was pleasant indeed to see all age groups mixed together. The Ns do that very well. CLEOPATRA COUNTRY: This is the year of the pyramids all riaht ! all right ~ While we were meeting the Scots and Ang los, Molly and Lee Lyon were indulging in a little Egyptology. Next Pat Neisser. Newport's own photojournalist, hit the sands <not white, I hear J. No sooner was she home, then Bob and Ann Anderson took off to see for themselves. Although they had separate reasons for picking Egypt, each ~pie was equally smitten with it -&l!l I loved Ann , Anderson's explana tion that it was her fifth grade social st...tiet teacher. Mrs. Violet Smith. who turned her into an Egyptologist. A two-hour wait in the Addis Ababa, Ethiopia airport f~ a night out lo Nairobi led to lhi·s description: ··Half the fellow traveler s at the airport were Chinese Co111munists in their typical dress . Rammer and sickle decals were on the Airport windows. Everyone smoked. On some signal unbeknownst to us everyone t<>Ok out a knife. peeled an apple and ate it." · FlRDS OF THE LIBRARY are at it again! ariners Branch Library received a spe al Christmas present from the Frien s of the Newport lleach Library. all new lltrniture for their employees· lounge fhe Friends. a non-profit group ol Net.>port Beach residents , support the library by contributing money and item that have not been. or cannot be. funded through the government. The Friends a lso donated $8.000 to City Librarian Judy Clark to purchase shelving for the Corona del Mar branch and a dis play case a nd book return at She Newport Center branch. An additional $200 was given to update and refurbish each of the four children's sections of the libraries. The m e mbe rs responsible fo r coordinating the Marine rs dona-lion ? Friends President Anita Ferguson. Fran Sloper, Bernadine Ullman and Jan e l Jordan. CALLING IN THE MARKERS: Last summer at SCR's Anything Goes Cor was it Everything Goes) Party. the Huntington Valley Guild offered a Christmas cruise and cocktails to the highest bidder. Linda Buffington of Villa Park outbid the crowd and this week collected a cruise on Jim and J anet Hall iday's yacht .. Easy Livin'". Linda and her guests set sail from the home of Laurie and Dean Hi ll in Huntington Beach. The two-hour cruise and party was ,coordinated by Huntington Valley Guild me mbers and their husbands, Laurte and Dean Hill , Liz and Allen Rasmussen. Marilyn and Bob Wright. Mim Helfrich. Kathy Kilgalle'fl . and SCR Guild Governing Board General Chairman De bbie Andrews. J oining Linda were guest s Marlee Parker. Betty Myer. Harry and Margie Vari Bellehem. Mark Maxwell. Margie and Al Susanka. Audrey and Bot> Windsor. and Li nda 's son Phillip. Help at hand at home and away By VIDA DEAN Of -Delly NM S-I had forgotten my makeup kit! It was time to panic. There I was in a hotel getting ready to attend a form al dinner and no time to find a shop for cosmetics. In my haste to get away from home, leaving a million sets of instructions for VD~ the baby sitter, I'd forgotten to put the makeup kit in the car. · That little hotel-size bar of soap and lots of warm water served as my cleanser. The hand cr eam waa my moisturizer . Lipstick mixed with the hand cream added face color and was my blusher, while the soft-lead pencil provided the eye makeup. Substitutions . . . sometimes a woman just has to cope with whatever situation comes her way. • Now, bad I been at home and had to "make do" without the commercial products, the substitutions could have been handled with ease. The kitchen and bathroom are filled with ingredients for emergency situations for makeup. You can find ideas there you may even want to adopt permanently. Did you know you can wse Crisco or cooking oil for a cleanser? Or, that if you have blemished skin. clean it with Milk of Magnesia and mineral oil. Apple cider vinegar or lemon juice on a dampened cotton ball ls a good substitute for f resbener or astrin1ent and will restore your acid mantle. It's possible to mah a large amount of astringent by blendin=• int of apple cider v.inegar· with herbs. 1 u rosemary and sage or mint and lav . ft. Let this mixture lit fbr a couple of days, then strain allll ""1 the remainder with an equal amount~ water. Keep the mixture refrigerated, Md, as you use it. you have a cool p1 cker ·upper a fter cleaning For deep cleaning. there's no end to the list of food for your face. At the lop of the list would ha ve lo be oatmeal. Oatmeal mixed with corn meal and warm water makes an excellent scrub for oil or blemished skin. c I've heard that oatmeal masques were one of Cleopatra's beauty secrets.) Oatmeal masq~es can be made by mixing a handful of oatmeal with water and a little honey. After the masque dries. rinse your face with cool water . Powdered milk also is a good base for a masque. Mixed with pureed avocado. bananas or strawberries. Of course. if you are allergic to any of these foods. you wouldn't want them on your face. either. Other masque ideas from the kitchen are cucumber mixed with egg white and a spoonful of oil or egg yolk combined with a tabl espoon of cottage cheese. With any masque. commercial or your kitchen concoction. do not use in the delicate area around the eyes. Instead. pat oil around the eyes. or if there is puffiness. place a chilled. wet tea bag on the eyes while you relax with your feet up on your slant board. If. for any reason. you can't shampoo. get out the cornmeal again or the talcum and rub it into the hair and scalp. Stand over the lavatory and brush it all out. The hair will feel much cleaner. To perk up "tired hair" you apply warm oil -olive. sesame or corn oil. Wrap your head in plastic or foil. apply a hot. wet towel and leave it on for two hours . Or substitute mayonnaise for the oil. After this conditioninf . not only will you have to use three apphcations of shampoo. but it's best to apply the shampoo to a dry head. It's easier to cut the oil that way. There are also home treatments for the feet. After a cold day. soak your feet in epsom salts. and on a hot day. try mint leaves or mint tea bags In hot water. Soak your feet for 10 minutes. If you're wearing sanqals and will be showing off your feet, soak them first in s trong, ordinary tea water . You 'll be showina off tinted, heqlthy looking heels. Baking soda makes a good substitute for deodorant in an emergency, but eet to a . cosmetics counter as soon as you can. . Liz Rasmussen: Laurie HUI and Marilyn Wright of SCR's Hunt ington Valley Guild hosted a cruise and cocktail party al Christmas time. Th<' 01fect11,es '"Carefree' Perm on sale now at SfA' Our Carefree Perm 1s formulated to "tum itself off" -can't overprocess' Now, the Carefree Perm, plus a shampoo and ~tylmg rexularly '75, /~now /U~t Jl.50. And after your Otrect1ve~ Carefree perm, to keep your hair at its healthiest tal..e home a complimentary 8 OL Directives ~hampoo. (ond1t1oner. Non-Aerowl Hair M ist or Thermal Styling Lorion Call 540-32JJ. and ask for the Beauty Salon -where we are all the things you are' South Coast Plaza. JJJJ Bmtol Street. Costa Mesa ______ __, Style Primrose Bor~er Elegant Fr~h LiMJU . and Domestics for Sophi6Cicot~ Entertaining. we Honor South Coast Plaza M~Mljor 5561\G~A Cred.ll Cardi -vo.ra Lower Level Near Bullodta . • . • . . .. • Daniel s-Sege rstrom First Presbyterian Church. Santa Ana. was the site of the recent \\ edding of Sandy Segerstrom to John W , Da niels The Re\'. Steven Perr~·. associ'ate pastor of Grace Lutheran Church. Huntington Beach. officiated at the cen•mon~· attended by 300 persons . The bride graduated from Santa Ana High School and is a student of music at Cal State Fullerton ~ The bridegroom. the son of Mrs. George Cosmello of Tunkhannock. Pa .. is a music instructor a nd band director in the Whittier Union High School District. After a reception at the Anaheim Marriott Hotel. the newlyweds ~nt to Hawaii. The Santa Ana church also had been the site of the marriage of th<.• bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Segerstrom .Jr of Santa Ana. Car penter-W hitaker Commun1t\ Presb~·terian Church. Laguna Beach. v. as thu ..,Ill' for thl' "edding of ;'l.lancie Whitaker of Laguna Beath and Frank Carpenter II of New port Beach The brick 1s the daught e r of Mr and Mrs . J ohn Whitakl•r of Lug una Beach She graduated from Laguna Beach I Ugh Sc:hool and attended Saddleback College. The hncll•J.!1 oom 1s the son of Stale Sen Dennis Curpcntt•r and Dr. und Mr.Ii: Dudle~· Pfaff of Newport Beach J ((• graduated from Corona del Mur Hi gh School and attenderl l 'SC lie is employed by Ca ne~ Creek Farms The n<.•\\ h \\<.•els are living 111 Welling. Okla Mr. and Mrs. Pfaff ·Pfaff-Hodges · Tivoli Terrace at the Irvine Bowl. Laguna Beach. was the setting for the wedding of Diane Hodges of Los Alamitos to Don Pfaff.of Newport Beach. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Belisle of Los Alamitos and Donald M. Hodges Jr. of South Lake Tahoe. She is employed by The Flower Reminder. Newport Beach. The bridegroom is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Dudley A. Pfaff Jr. of Newport Beach. He graduated from Corona del Mar High School and is employed by The Real Estaters. <;osta Mesa. The newlyweds plan to live in Newport Beach following a trip to St. Thomas. U.S. Virgin Islands. . ~ • ., --- Mrs. Stevenson Mrs. Cirillo Stevenson-Nelson Tracy Nelson and flrad Stt•\'C nson. both of Costa Mes a , have exchanged \\edding \·ov.s 1n Christ Chur<:h ll\ the Sea. Newport Bea<:h The bride. daughter of Dr Curtis ~l·bon of 'l'\\ porl Bea ch. graduated from EstanC'1a lligh Sc:ho01 . Costa Mesa. and is <l senior in tht• School of Busin<.•s .... at Cal State Long Beach. Her husband. t he son of Mr and Mrs William Stevenson of Costa Mesa.graduat<.•d from Estancw lltgh Sch ool. Cost a Mesa I k i:-. t·mpln~·ecl h~ 0 f . Rru<.·e Exterminating The newlyweds plan to II\'<.' 111 C:osta \t c·s~• fol Im\ 11\J.! :1 trip to San Franci!-.co and LiJkl' Tahol' Bunkal l-Storch St. .John \'1ann<.·~· Chureh. Balboa Is land. was tpc s ilt• of the wedding of Sall~· Storch of :'\<.•wport Ht•ach to Richard Bunkall of Laguna Bt-ach The bride. daughter of Mr <1 nd Mrs .John Stor ch of Newport Beuch. graduated from Cornelia Connelly Girb Schbol in Anahe im and attended th<.• UntvNsity of Southe rn California She is an art ist. The bridegroom. son of '.\1r a nd '.\tr .... Robert HuntraH -- of Laguna Beach. graduated from San Clemente I11 gh School and attended Art Center College' of Dl':-.1 gn. Los Angeles. He is an artist and recipient of a grant from th<.• National Endowm e nt for the Arts The newl~'\\'Cds plan lo live in Pas:1dC'na follcm inJ.! a trip to Brazil and Argentina Mrs. Groll Groll-Overby Julie Overby and Brad Groll, both of South Lake Tahoe. were married recently in St. Joachim's Catholic Church, Costa Mesa. The bride is the daughter .of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Overby of Costa Mesa. She graduated from Costa Mesa High School and is employed by CRS Inc. Restaurants. Her husband is the son or Mr. and Mrs. David Groll of New Milford, Conn. He graduated from New Milford High School and Green Mountain College. Poultney. Vt. He is employed by Heavenly Valley Ski Resort and Chart House Rest aurants. The newlyweds plan to live in South Lake Tahoe following a trip to Maul. Hawaii. \ ~-. C iril lo-Cutc•J if f Our Laci~ Quel'n of :\ngt•ls Chur<:h. :"it•\\ port Beuch . was the.• scene of th(• \\C<lding or Kim Cutc·liff of Santa Ana and Michael ('1r1llo of '.'It'\\ port Ret1ch Tht• bruit· 1s the.· claughtt•r ol '.\lr und '.\tr:-. Arthur Cu ldiff of Sant ~1 .-\11;.1 Shl' attended Poothili Hi _gh Sc hool. Tustin. and 1 .... a .... tudent at C.tl Stall' Fullerton The bnrlc.·groom 1s th(• son of Mr . und :\'trs Ri chard Cirillo of Nt•\\port Bl'ath lk gr aduated from l'orona dl'I Mar lf1gh sd10ol <lnd attc.·1Hlecl Cd Stai e Fullerton Foll0\\111).( a trip to lhl\\a11 . the nl'\~l~\\l'ds plan to hH' in S;.1nta .\na M iller-Dole Andrl'a C'a.-la Oak of '.'iewport B<.'iJ<:h und Phillip '.\1 '.V11ll <.'r of Garrlen c;rn,<• \\e re r eccnth mar~l(.'d at St :\~d n•\\ · :-. Pn·sbyt l'l'I an C:hurth 111 >:l'\\ port Bl' a et Th<.' brick. rlaughtl'r of '.\fr:-. .\llen Dale an<l 1h<.' ltitl' :\llt?n Dale of :'\c•,, port lkach. graduat<.•d from ~~wport l1;.1rbor lligh School and alteJ<ll·d 01-.rngc Coa!-.t C•llege 111 Costa Mesci She I!-. t•mployed by thl' \'illi.1 tlO\ a H~h:tur-mtl. ~;tttrl Bt.•acll Thl' brtckgroorn. ::;on of ~tr and-r"'l r~ ~t.n ~11~1· of ~ Gardt•n Gro\'t'. gradtHJll'd from Pi.ltlfi('a High Schoc)i ~n Garckn c;ron• and attencied L'S(' H(' \\orks for Bo~ le Eng111ecnng Corp Fol l<I\\ 1ng a t n p to S;i n FrancisC'O. the newly\\ t'ds plan to hn· 111 Santa \nJ Mr. and Mrs. Andersen Ander se n-Voorhi es Patricia Suzanne Voorhies and Harold Leslie (Andy 1 Andersen. both of Newport Beach. were recently married at the Dover Shores home of the bride's gr andparents. Mr. and Mrs . J a mes D. Germain. A reception followed at the American Legion Hall in Newport Beach. attended by 200 guests. The bride. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J . Voorhies of Irvine. graduated from Pompano High SChool in Florida and attended Hillsdale College in Michigan. She is · a buyer for the family's ~ourmet cookwa re bus iness in Signal Hill The bridegroom. son or Mrs. Mildred Andersen and the late Harold Andersen of Lock Lomond. graduated from USC a nd is a manufacturer's representative. Following a honeymoon· in the Society Islands. the couple plan to makt-their.home Un Balboa. • SUNDAY, JANUARY 10, 1982 STOCKS FEATURES Is the S&L crisis over? Maybe not, but one builder sees better days. ahead BJ &El'lll TUBBa ....,"" .......... As a builder and developer, William D. Foote is acutely aware ol the critical problem.a elagu.Ina the t.brift industry. ''l believe the crisis point la over for the savings and loan.a," aald Foote, president and manalina partner of Cadillac Fairview Homes West of Newport Beach. "That's not entirely right," Foote corrected himself. "But they're much better today than they were four months ago. They J1lll face a dilemma." The Federal Home Loan Bank Board reported that the net worth -useta vs. liabilities - of the country's 3,800 federally insured savings and loan associations fell $636 million in November to $27 .94 billion. November also saw withdrawals exceed deposits by $1.57 billion. S&Ls in California, Arizona and Nevada experienced a net savings outflow or $353 million in November, following an inflow or $789 million in October, the first month All -Savers certificates were available. Lower interest rates have relieved some pressure from savings and Joans, but two problems remain, according to Foote: -Competition against other high yielding instruments, such as money market mutual funds .. -An age-old problem of borrowing for the short term and loaning long term. "First, if savinJs and loans are going to continue to make long-term loans, they must be variable rate loans tied to their cost or money,'' said Foote, who late last year attended a meeting on the future or the thrill industry sponsored by the Federal Reserve Board, and a thrift outlook conference calted by the Federal Home Loan Ban.k Board. "All they have to do is simply pick out a · margin and profit, and float the loan. If their customers won't accept that, then write a fixed-rate loan for a .,..., ............. ~0'0- LOCAL BUILDER -William D. Foote of Cadillac Fairview Homes West stands in front of his Newport Beach omce. shorter period, maybe five or six years." Foote said many at the Fed meeting considered S&Ls poorly managed and uncreative. "The S&L people didn't say that, or course," Foote said. "They said the salvation to their woes was legislation enabling them to compete with banks and securities houses. "I'm not sure I agree. I don't know whether they would be capable of running trus t departments, making commercial loans and getting into securities by selling money market mutual funds and other instruments. "My question, should this happen, is this: If S&IA make car loans and commercial loans, who will serve the housing industry?" Foote, who lives in Newport Beach, once served as vice pre1ident, director and manastni officer of MonarcJl 1 Savine• and Loan AasoclaUon. Be received bil bachelor ol arts de1ree in economics from USC. Foote said the ieneral feellnl at the Fed confe,ence wu to let lar1er aavtn11 and loam, banks, other lar1e companies In non·related flelds, and even forel1n concerns aid ailing S&Ls. Lar1e S&Ls have been doing Just that. In September of last year, the bank board be1an allowing S&Ls that acquire other tbritts to stretch out loan losses over a lenitby period of time instead of putting them on the boots Immediately. Income from payments of the discounted loans, however, can be taken into earnings over ·their life, sometimes as short as six to 12 years. The result is significant paper profits for the first few years Instead of losses stemming from the acquisition of the insolvent institution. "I think this will be a trend " said Foote, citing a number ~ recANit mergers. "If the Reagan administration and Congress really feel that housing is a national priority. they'd offer tax incentives on a permanent basis to those that would invest in lon1-term housing. They can do tb.ia with municipal bond programs or by restructuring All -Savers certificates. "For example," Foote continued, "if AU Savers were structured for 5 th or six years, institutions could make five year fixed commitments on that, matching maturities." As far as bis predicitions for the new year, Foote sees: -U .S . unemployment topping 9 percent; -Consumer Price Index at around the 8 percent level; -A more severe recession than has been forecast, with a correction comin& later than sprin1; -The prime rate "1\aying down a little longer, and coming back slower;" --. Real Gross National Product "wiU probably be Oat." Consumers Union faces layoffs Subscription problems force 46-year-old organization to close three of fices By the Aaaoclated Presa The same economic strains that are forcing individual consumers to tighten their belts are hitting one of the nation's oldest and largest consumer organisations. Consumers Union, which was founded in 1936 and bas a quarter of a million members, ,CONSUMER CLOSE-UP announced recently that It was laying off about 10 percent of its staff, trimmin1 the size or its Consumer Reports magazine and planning to close three regional offices. The moves were blamed on an increase in postal rates and on what spokesman David Berliner called the "disappointin1" results ol a subscription drive for Con.sumer Reports. The monthly magulne is the main source of income for the non-prol1t product-testing and lobbytq organization which bas an annual budget of about $40 million. Berliner said Consumer Reports baa 2 .s · million subscribers and an additional 1.0.0 1,020 100,000 to 200,000 copies are sold at newstands every month. The annual subscription rate is $14. Rhoda Karpatkin, executive director of Consumers Union, said the magazine had "an unprecedented increase in the number of new subscribers" in 1980, with circulation rising 12.2 percent. "The fall.off," she said, "began just as the recession hit." Ms. Karpalkin said she did not think the subscription problem reflected a lack of interest. "People's interest in their well·being as consumers is at an all -time high,'' she said. ''Because of the recesslon bow ever, consumers started cutting back on purchases of au items -including magazines." "The whole thing is ironic," Berliner said. Both he and Ms. Karpatkin said people need more information today than they ever did, because of the troubled economy and because federal budget cuts mean reduced educational effort.a by government. .., ·1 1 's ow o-nes average for 30 ln~ustrlal stocks , I Delly ceo. The impact of the subscription slowdown was compounded by the recent announcement of a rise in postal rates for non-profit mailings. Berliner said the rate increase would boost Consumers Union's estimated postal bill for the current fiscal year from $4 million to $6 mltuon -a 50 percent jump. · For the public, the most visible impact of the Consumers Union budget-cutting moves will be a cut in the size of Consumer Reports -from a current average or about 60 pages a month to 52 pages. Ms. Karpatkin said the cuts would not affect the basic product-test reports -six annual evaluations, plus an automobile review. ·'The major function of Consumers Union ia to provide product information," she said, and that information wiU remain. Consumer Reports does not carry advertising. Berliner said the Idea of accepting ads to raise money has been repeatedly "dlscusaed and discarded" over the years. What wiU go, she said, are "features that are not essential," like record reviews -"nice, but not necesaary" - and a column on actions by law enforcement a1eocies. From now tmW the end of the fiscal year on May 31, 1982, Consumers Union also is reducing by 25 percent the number of sample items it buys for testing. The cutback may affect brands or models or both, Ms. Karpatkin said. The Consumers Union board of directors bas said that lobbying offices lo Waahiniton, San Francisco and Austin, Texas, will be closed unless they can become self-supporting. Ms. Karpatkin said she did not know bow much money would be needed to keep the offices open beca use any budget would depend oo a number of factors, includinl the si&e of the staff. About a dozen people wlll lost thelr Jobs as a result of the closlngs. · · "This is Uae first · time any- t hi a g like this has hap· pened," said Ellen Bi:o•d· man, oounsel for 1overntnent affairs in Washlncton. .. • Additional staff reductions are planned at Consumers Union headquarters in Mount Vernon, N. Y ., where about two doten ol some 240 employees have received layoff notices, Berliner said. \ Winemaker Merv Griffin is bUbbly because his talk show is transmitted by satellite. Page D6 . Dll9y ................. _.. NEVER PAY RETAIL -Co-author Starr Phillips of Newport~ Beach says she paid retail only once -and once is enough. 1 Discount book I cites bargains By STEVE MITCHELL OfllleDelty~S.... Never say never -especially in the title of a new book. Starr Phillips, co-author of the "I Never Pay Retail" book, a guide for Orange County discount shoppers, admits she did indeed pay retail -once. "It nearly killed me," the Newport Beach woman said, Laughing. "I had to buy a party dress for my daughter and she needed it right away." But other than that one occasion, the dedicated discount detective swears she's never paid fuU retail for an item. In fact, the former school teacher bas decorated her home, INTREPRENEUR stocked ber pantry and clothed her family with items that cost at least 20 percent below retail. And, with the publication of the second edition of "I Never Pay Retail," Mrs. Phillips and co-author Sue Lee are agaln sharing their penny-saving tips with county shoppers. Listed inside the 130-page paperback are more than 350 stores and shops which offer 20 percent or better discounts on merchandise. There are also names of shops that do not offer discounts every day, but have frequent or incredible sales. ·'The book lists real discount stores," Mra. Phillipa says, adding that many shops in Orange County boasting bar1ain savings aren't really offer1n1 customers big deals. The second edition includes more than 60 new discount stores, and eliminates 40 that were included in the Oral issue 18 months ago. · ·'The ones that don't appear in the revised edition either went out of business or don't offer discounts or barcains anymore,•' Mrs. Phillips explained. Sue Lee moved to Australia with her family earlier Uaia year. leaving the other half 111 the energetic pair to carry· oo the task of publishing and selllnl the revised book. Mrs. Phillips figures the tw. women put a total of 3,600 milel of travel into the two bootj wbiJe researching potelltial aboi entries. And what appears between the covers are shops the two womee visited, notebooks in badild. throughout Orange County. i '·Nobody knew we wer coming ahead or time, and - certainly didn't accept ant money or merchandise fr~ owners whose shops al-t included in the book," she said. Included in the book are show>' that give discounts fo# carpeting, paint, food, bardw&J"1 goods, appliances, clothif!ll' nurseries and plant stores and a dozen other categories. Some examples: -A Costa Mesa women't apparel shop that gives H percent to 75 percent diacountl on name brand label c~ The cat.ch? The labels have bee9 cut out. -A discount groceq• warehouse in Huntington Beaci where dent9!d cans, cloaed"lt items, foodstuffs with old labelt are sold at 25 percent to • • percent savings. }I -A Fountain Valley fumi~ manufacturer who specializes oak products, all sold for , percent less because there is middleman. ~· -An Army-Navy surpll store in Newport Beach th sells military items at up to a· percent discount. And there are other shops don 't really flt into a category," includin1 9 isco pharmacies, book ator photography shops and e¥ • discowit religious clfts shop .• Mrs. Phllllpa and her nearly silent partner have m ore than 7,000 of t paperbacks to date uain variety ol marketl.q tool• to the word out. Moat of her aalea c through direct mall orders, the ambitious publisher 11dvertlsea in tbe lo nei1hborbood phone book. even 1lvea lectures community 1roue1 ab dlacount 1bopptn1. l'ollo her talk, abe Hila ber audience memben. Tbe ane tbinl abe won't sell ber book tbrou1b atoru. Tbey want too m llDt--+-+--+--+--+--lt--+-+-+--+-+-+__,t--+-+--+-+--ll--l--+-+--+-+--t--ll--~+--+--+-+-:11--+-+--+-+-+--ll--~.+-4--+--+--ll--+--+--+--+--+--41--1----i a cut. abe ,..,., ,. • I A.nd wtth a price tat ot a copy. lhe aa,ya •M barelJ evunow. After all. 1be says ~ smile, ~ book reWJa for • $ • Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 10, 1882 IRllGEUIAITITllll --.: t'• Following ore the $fock market octtuitfes o/ publicly traded Orange County t~ firms for the week ended Friday, January 8. Dato provided by NewpQrt Securities Corp. . '• tll Ii . " ,.: IUlt I '""" •I.Ill au Utll\I AEPt l ::~:=.!::!~\ 110 t ll1,-0r•n1• 0 ... _ft lftl\. I llt "'•l, ht. J .... ,,. .... , •• ~ 19 Coleu" Sy,t. • I' I ZO Cohabh S.w. • 1, Coeeroo. lno. CMlitO I 12 C~roe lu1\ ... ;t,' ~l ~::~:t~•r• ~~;. ., ~i ~:::-.,::.~l•O\ ~~~= -11 O•t•tr-on OT•lf JI Dll,.. 0& 1'1' .. 29 Dovno1 S&v. OSL )0 llCO, IM. EIX ,< JI fl' Micro, ll~M • 1• JZ lldorede Banw IU>l.t •'1 l1 l'Mvl•• Corp IMLt• I ,.. ,, f' l • l•ol\ilt ton Tech -• l~ h1out. l•O. rt I 16 r1r v.11 r1n. rvr ~· ~:~:~ ~:~~:'· ~~ ... ]9 PiUOr'OCAtDon rr&N• •o ror h n •r t,.. r11.-• ,, G•n•r11 Auto. CPU •1 O.ft•rt l ter·•· err t :l ~!::-' v~· ~~" g:=. • ·~ Ha• 1th lnd. • ;....,, •• ff•UonetlOI KJLI i' _, MorlUK• kn• ""Tl' ,i •8 i ..... tron lnc fMHtl -· rtrO"l 't, (flC. • •'' ,0 l yle Ttch. ~tt..t ~· ua. ~l)lt u1 u;u I~' S2 L'"••r 1flttrv Lfllllf ~ SJ Lion CO<lntry o~u ~ 1 Siii 1..01 AheU.01 LAlllC " 5~ Lut~or Hod LIJTMU 56 lloC-• Corp. - •"' ~7 Mer0t.try S.w. M!L I ~· •Uero••lCOft. "4~C• ~ U ::;~·~~:·c!~::=w ;I 61 ltthWHril Id, JNFt' • ... 6a .... ..., h• ULR ._ 6 ] .,...,port. Corp. ,.,._,,.. 61 M•wport lhcl ,.l""VJ 6t) N•WPOrt Ph•r• .. ),, ... 66 .... Wor\1 .. o. ti;('\J'll 61 th.icl••r IW.1. ~ •' 68 O~flt tr• n' n •' 69 O.nl••l1lc1J 1tii:HI 10 Pl<'I flt' Sel•n P~I 11 P•r"rord ,,..,_..POI' 12 '·"'~ ,. .. _,.QI"[ ,,. 1) Piper Hyfr· P'll, 741 Pre•l•Y Co. '! C • lS Pr\n\ronh Pt .. c• 76 911acll '>~r•'1· D ... 11 '•~P•rt IA-tu "'~ 78 •8 ln~1J$l,.I•"' l'ti• 1ii •01--.n••f'" -.,,.., Ill" • 80 ,_.,. 81,. Co,.t: •1to 8t _Sfa,.U;lt 'Hl I I . 82 51 Ut'N\ !t-' su111• A! St h t r"rtt\ J 1.L~ • &ti S.\ I" Int' J. SI I ' I j• I· :· 8~ 5o1,1t'1 "· ftUI-Y'CIJ 86 St 4nder ! L'"'• • ~"'· ' 87 Stan!Jel"J Fit or • 81!1 5t1n4 .,.,...,.... ., .. ':iof 1!19 .5tit1itl v,:.. llf': ~O Sy~t~"'•' , .. .._ 9\ T•4:h~1~•'1 M9!t T.,• ' 92 r.1 .. rn 11 ros-• 91 Tll•P·!! l;, -,,..r Qll Tr•nehr,.a rv T •t 95 t•) ln1·H•, T~ i 96 Ulrr• "'•1 .... ,, 9T Ult r1 •1U••• I :" H h••o Int'• 9tf VTII Carp. 100 w" In~ t 101 WTC. lne. lOl Ve nte• Intl. :; :gl :::~:~;,0;r~. ~;:~· IOS "'••t la ncu 9-• Wl~I 106 VI 111'4 Co. • l07 Wr I Cht tnerc'f llflfW 108 V'ft1n • • lnt'. "" ----,,---,,,1n1-ra~ •• IT1r-.----....,., -..,---, ---,-- n ODUCTl M.UUt h-lo1tPrU o j IPI P/I tfl.lll DD UfDIUI ollT lllC ~t"'°llUTOI' IC>•H IOW 11·11101.0I CUllOI t , rioool • lo IOOO'o ................................................. .............. ........................... .............. ............ .................................. .......................... .............. ... l,Wllllle "'•"•'• ltWln• lit"""' ... e~ ...... ,, ..... ~ ,,.._, ... Ofl•n1• hoort h1ob '•uM•l• Vol I Pllll••tt• (Oil• .... '"-•"•'• lhwpGr\ •••th •n Juaft Ca p A."•"•l• Anah•l• """'port. l ••oh to1te ti••• -i.ftt• Ana M •h•I• °'"'"•• hWPort ltach IM_,port leeoh r~t llf-lO"' kwport l •H" .S.at.• '"• Jr•h.re '"•h••• Co•t.• "4i•• _,.M.• Anl Newpcrt I••""' 11.ullf\ ~M.1 Aiu J,..,". lnah•I• 'tewoor• I••(" :..nta Ana Jr~• n• 4n•h•l• .... ~,, ..... . .,,.P\ ... ,. ~nt• &n• ':'ir•n«• '-Pwport l••~h 1rvtr1• An•,.,•t• N .. vr;orl l••('f'I t..ran.11t• Mis''"" Vh ,0 i..a...,. 1U lh lrYlfte lACUlll tO \ 1111 Loa Ala•ttoa r.01t.1 H1•1 lrvtn• k>Jnt~. 14•c."h ~!'ill Ar a f.,.:ltertol\ "'o•l• "~•• Hevpl)rt 94.IC'P't '""t"• ro .. t• M•t• :...nt• ,.,... lrij•""'-' '"' &-a , ,,, .. fl#•t• 9'••[1 .. rt t-•• ,. ., .1o1 .. 1111 A""•"•l111 • ,1•'1• I• ~ .. ~ .. -k-·•...., ~ ....... "fl• ,,..,.~,. ".-.. ;;,r. ... l .... h 1T"1":.,. ~, ., ,.. fl' tr11r•" A"• frdr:• L,.t ''•• HI I ~ ..... ,"' .. " ... "'~ .... l••ic.' T!.l't Ill &J ...... p4,.. .tkiwf·'\r• "•• ,.. 4t .. ·~·,.·. .,,., ••n ,. "" '"'•"•'!I .... ". .,.,.q (';" 1 .u+Jn• HI 111 ~~·ra:;:l l'~• .. 011 rt•ld o4•1 p. la•kl •• t::~"f nur. • •t•· •r•l•• '''''"' rro1•" to04 pr.O. ~••l ltte\• lft•••t. lilnkh& raet fOOdl Ma1n•'-•• u,. ord•. Nta. Vooe door• .. ftktna Mllchl ne tool• pr4•· .S.•lnU • lo•" Mllttary •Y•• •ntr. Coe.er..-.t •1 left•tn1 "-•l\h eert "I•· Ho•• 'ul ld•r• umao •.oo t .to AH ·'1 ·H t••&O .). . PCH 5.n t . OTC •.oo .... OtC ,,,o ,.oo n u u.n ''·" OTC t .oo t.oo Ol'C •·15 t.n nH •5. t 0,6] •alD&O , 2' . 2' 1&•.&0 t. T5 ). U O'l'C 6.00 6.00 Oft''·" It.Ti ::::g ':z: 'J. OIDtoO .~ .50 OfC 11,00 lt.00 OTC .H .H O'IC t.00 t.00 HIDlO •. ~O •. U ..~~ :ut :::r. US>AO .81 .II aaoao ' t•h· a tran. •aeAO 7. ,. 1. ,. Power IUPPlr ef1.. IA!IDAO llO ~." 1.06 ·'' '·" 1.n '·l• ,,so 1. )I 7. ,o Hlcroproc•••Or •1•· ••IDAO St>-c. t leo. •r•· ••!DAO S.•I nt• 4 loen A31 ll•et. •1•· t ewt t.oh•• AU Htorow••• ool.int•ra a.nuna tlectrOl\IOt Cotlp1.1t•r •f& Mo\Or' Mo.ea ~•ln1• a loan ••~AO 9.00 9.7S OTC 11.00 11.U usao 10.ts 9. 75 OTC .51 .'1 UI '· ll 1.00 nu 10.is 10.11 Tttl• 1n1ur1nc• M&SD&Q 1•.00 tl.00 Heovy ••4r. • oo••t. lllSS 29.H U .so fluoroo•"on ~la1Uoe NUl>AO 1.1J 1. 1) ,.,..eeat eortor•t• W&SDAO • .1, 11. '' "'"~CMPU'•r 1ya. IUS>lO 6.6] 6.)1 Co.01.at.•11"" dhph y t•r. IAIDlO .ea ••• Mobil "OMI Ope r•t• ho1pit.•l• Health ICUll Power Conv • Laaert f.tanktftl l••unodtaenoau Pro4 ror• ...or• Pr41. ,.C' ........ ,.,. •• ,,,.11 s. •• ,. ... ,. •• ~ •• tr'r. StrlJ> Chert fl•oo,.der Wiid ur1 per1r ••c• Traolf UC I . TS t.6) MUDAO 22.00 12.,0 .. ~r& t~~ U1 HSIAO 17.50 IT.,O OS>AO l.ll I.I) O'IC Ill • 20 .. SIAO 10. 75 10. ll OIDMI 1.lS 1.75 WUDAO .63 .6) US>AO I. ZS llO U S>AO 10.so 11.00 lt'trawenout C1t.h1ter NA.3DAO '.00 .1~ ~::.::·:·~o~....... ~~ u~ tr. Sl•l~tt"1Ul"'l r P"dl. OTC ,.~o '·l• ~~:'!~t~;~:::,:~:· ··~~~ ,t: ,;:~i Vooatlonal "0.1 atudy •TSI l~.25 U.61 Dru• DIHo .. ry WUDAO 9.50 9.25 Vt brat ton t:Qutpee nt •AS>AO 20.00 19. ~ ~!:;t~r~•~Yr. lrulr. ::::g ~::~ 2:~i ,.,. Cc•puUr l••l•• l&SUO •.)8 11.11 Ho.tpH•l dt••· 111\t.t lnfl"I P,.oc •••1ng ,rod W.( •• rf !it-1nnef"'I ,,.,. ~,,.tr. 4 IYS • Ot i " O•-. Sole,. Kt at, ... S·n . Hoe• Con•l,.\ICl lOfl ~oap\iit•r pra,.ters •-r•v 1r•t••• ""t''"tt t ,, r•pl •C•.!I flet•, t t'tJ;rnnur• •&SAO J .00 }. I) U !IOIO 11.00 10.50 IUSDAO 10.~S 10.00 lflSl .,.6) 1).15 "&S'&O .81 .1~ NASDAQ !IQ .81 u siao .ee .ea .. ~:~ 1U~ .x:~~ OTC 1.H I.TS u s ao .so ... lflsr s.63 s.~o H""•f! ,..,,,,, t ttp, A5£ l?.00 l2.00 a..ia T•'t1tC"'"ut1 SwH tU.SD&O 18.~ 16.00 t an1 Cat Ott 1.~ 1481 w:r~ lnt•4rU•d '°11'(' llftSDAO 6.88 •••• """"" h-•• &3r •.so ).81 >rt111n~ t ••• • •q. llT3P •s.O -..~o llan•I•• ~•SICO s. ,9 s.1s ~1 1 \t•2 1Y"' .e'-O OTC 6.0') ~.71\ ~·•• ('".,.,..,,.,,..,. llor. M'f3t 10.13 t0.00 ., ••• ,. ,. •• Ot'll 12•• N&.S>AO e. 7W, a. s.o "''' 1a"'rl ,. .... d Prod. NASDAQ 11.00 tl.00 , .. ~~ ... ~ N • softwer~ ,T,.. •.2~ •.1~ Hltl"'•e• t"'C S.-f'"•tt--• WASl60 J.00 ro•pUter oer,Pb. eq,1 • OTC' M4-H<"•1 Tn11tru.•nt1 lll&SD•O f'}S 1 4 ~at •to. 4 dr. MAS>AO "'le enln• 4 Pol t•~ Pr. •A~AO l. l~ .6) o.s6 •. oo 1.6) ... ,..lll:f!' ....... , Vcd •'f "'e11,.•i 1"'•tr O~ .TS 0 .6) •.25 1.81 .6] llO .,.., .t'lf' t"\~·· : .. "tn• '""""'• 1••00,.l ~f'llCP\ ~ar1v·n Crc"• Ou Sn•erinr l Conat 11 o fhl' lOOll • e q. Di4, Ar,.", Phn.I Dt• l re. fltt1ouroe h co•err F,.•lcnt ro,.;w•rdlnf Ot 1 •"d 0..1 U ll>&O 6.1") 6.50 lfUE 19.2~ 16.50 •-!IO&O 1. 31 .U u s ao ·•-.u A5t ~-~O 5.~0 u s •o .22 • 1~ .. t~t 111 :Oaot1t•r o~\f"'ol l•r• •a.S>60 1. '~ 1.00 -,tt•C ,.t 8'•• ., S.•1<nrid'1""\t'lll" ~••tC"el •AS.AO 6.6) 7.6) ....... An• knl\Jn& umao J. 7~ ). 75 r-,__.ntalri .·.a. A•ro.toacel.,..,.1,,e Prod OT( 2.00 2.00 lrli•"P""t b •""r Ot 1 attd ,.,. llfAS>AO «t.00 I , T~ f JJl•T"i.?t Aut~ P•rtJ ' Act'. tfYSI 10.]8 19.~0 • 1. J o.o t.' 1-1•-•• IC lO ... I t·tf-11 llC I.to) -6-10-11 11C I.Of J., 12.)1.to llC .)0 "·' 11.11-10 ~•.o (0,fTI • 11-)1-tO -T.9 ).)6 IC 0,91 IC • J.T 1.16 llC llC o. ,7 llC • ti llC D. 96 : u ~:~~ ~ <~:n, !IC 0.10 llO (0.07 ) -11.) (0.0ll llC o. I• .2.1 t.0) • t.6 2.Ui • 1.8 o.67 -6. l I. )7 -1,9 0.70 _,,.} ·).I 2.76 -1.2 1.67 IC 2 .01 •.6 2.•1 llC • 97 llC I,}) -).8 o.~ llC (0.261 10.) 9·)0-11 9.9 11-11-10 • 12·11-10 l,.. •-J0-1 1 -6·)0-11 '·' 11-)1-10 n . 1 1-1•-•• 16.• ll-ll-10 7.1 l·)0-81 ,.l 10·)1-60 -6-10-1 1 11.• •2-11-80 10.s 9-10-•1 l-)1-•1 -6-J0-61 12.5 12->•-•o J.1 12-l•-•o J.S 12-11-80 1U it~t:~ ,,.. 6-11-11 1. I 9-lO-tO •• I 12·) 1-90 s.-12-)1-10 10, 1 10-31-81 T·' 1.31.11 ).6 12-28-10 1-01-11 6-J0-11 • t.• .SO 17.J S-)1-81 • l . l 1.~1 ... , 9-)0-81 .1so. (0.56) • 12.)1-lo • 2.t 0.11 0 ,9 U-)1-80 llC o.69 25.• 11-Jt-IO llC 110 10.111 • s-11-eo • J.1 O.J6 2e.1 1-Jt-81 llC 2.S2 l. I •l·J•-80 11C 0.09 f.O 9·10-11 •o 10. 1u -12-11-80 • 1 .1 1.16 9.s 12.30.10 -2'.0 (0.02) -6-J0-11 llC 0.6S -.6 12-Jt-IO . 1.1 0.80 s.s 12.31.10 • 1.0 0.11 10.6 9-10-1 1 -•. , 0.1) 11.9 8-l•-•• • 9.6 1.oq 11.1 l -21-11 -•·• 1.ea T.812-11-80 • 2.6 O.OT • li'·ll··O -J .I 1.l9 11.1 1-11-81 .u.1 o.1s 20.0 12-11-ao •IJ.) o. 16 i9,9 -•-l0-1• • S.7 10.111 T-)1-lt •I.) 0.02 • S-Jl-91 -•.~ 0.11 11.8 1-11-11 JI,~ "·"' '°·"' '·"' 0 'l. tla0,000 I), ))6 0 •11, llS ..... •o, 111 •.06t •. U J ·;;:m 11. '°' 6,010 ).Oil n.111 ll,6H 2,slio 51. 756 15.~•l !9.•01 7 ·''° 6,Z•l "·"' Hl ,000 •2,6•• ,0,6]1 l 1,907 10,052 ·~.all 19, )89 111,0~9 •.on, J9s f9, )U l~u~: 1),llO 6),s11 S0,076 I). 9SI 2. )81 10. 707 l,TU ,,6)) S,919 1.96) 1.19~ 1) .816 91 2 ,99T 11.259 T .911 10, 150 ~s.•12 19,2S1 a-6 •S.085 10,U t 10, 762 229 -2.• O.H 19.2 •2-)1-10 • 1 .as• tl,9•l 1 l.071 &2,f81 • 6.0 1.83 7.S •2-26-80 · 1.-0.01 H.0 9·10-91 llO I0. )01 9-l0-80 11C 0.01 • 12.31~0 • 2.1 2.7• J.l 1.31.11 • '·' l.2• 1'.9 l·2T·8t llC 0.09 19.• 1-)1-10 :'~:~ 10:W 2~~0 tl~::: 11C o.n •1.• 9-10-11 .11.J o.•9 31.1 6-10-11 -•6.• --12-1•-10 llC 0.11 •o.~ 9-10-11 -1).1 (.76) -6-J0-11 • 9. 1 ).TJ II. I 12-)1-80 -2.. .66 -•. 2 10.01) -1. J 2. 10 -1.• 1.82 llC I, )1 •".e '"·'~• 7.9 12-)1-80 -10·) 1-80 •.8 12.11-10 •• T 9-l0-80 1.0 l·lO·I• 2-11-81 -•• } 0.)0 9.2 1-1&-~1 -16,0 0.71 .9 9-10-10 ·•S.l O.Ol 21.0 •2-11-&0 • S.9 0.19 21.1 •0-)1-80 -1).J -9-10-10 110 ro. 191 6-10-1 • • • o o.n -9.6 1.11 -)6.Z 10.2~> -6.• o.•1 llC (0.921 -').6 • , . z , .01 .t<c, 1 (0.0--llC • 5T lie o .•• • ~.0 10. Ill -•. l 2. 06 1 9 6-)0-81 -6-J0-11 6.6 12-ll-IO •• , •2-)1-10 -)-)1-1 1 9.s 11-31.10 1,100 •.569 29) •28.~S S2. 118 l,016 ~~:m JI. •OO 20, 117 ~i:m Tl•. 1)0 .. -· 670 111 ,660 2J.HI 32, S91 l,0)9 7. )&7 0,199 6H •.682 l, n• l.997 I~. )28 I08.S78 l1,6H .. ~:m ,. • 1lq n.010 10.6CHi ) • 161 , .l•'\ 11), 718 I, 190 =~:m ~·"' ..:;i: 225.000 2,U f 0 u.~n "' 10) )II ··m -7'0 '77 -ts 6lS 1,519 ])6 •• 711 -601 fSl -6' ... tSI 9.su S,261 150 I ,IOI 1.<M6 -1.no 1.))2 ), IOI •5;:m •.ns 11} -901 1.•ss 2 .101 -s. 126 )10 1.SlS _, l • 762 .. , 11• -7'6 1,216 -7S9 -161 2,'10 .,. 112 ),171 • .o•s -•s• ' ,109 IT9 I. l~9 -ns 97 t .13• '. ll, 1. I~) 1~ -2. 760 -26 'M~t 77 .1.•90 6S2 10,700 619 _, 71• • I .o IS '9,072 1,901 -32 8, •62 1.190 1.\)\ -' • 2TI ~96 -7'8 _,., '.o•• -1S .. ,,, 191 ",900 -~01 )11 -•,ts • I, )6~ ·''' us 19• .q95 7, ~O? ...................... .-............................................................... --·-................... -·--.......... ··-· ......... ----·· ............................ -......... -··--·-·· .................................. ·-....... ... . .. IF T II 'L arr ro ~ITtlVE •EWl'O~T sa:u•lTtt3 co.,.' l'IO•THLY UllSLITTQI •tMf OUllOt count STOU lll'!UT" e• l!<l>Ul~l'IL •Cl'C•TS • Tllf &llOYC CCMl'Ults C&Ll (TU) 9'7-1011 (A31t ro• JEFran L. U Ll'&t11Cll, ,.UIOD TI • I ' IWI H ES Tl!&T JIOOl'O•T S!l:U•ITIU CO•l'O•nto• RU • rolLISIUI> llSl .. CH ROOIT AfUl..llLI 01 TlllS COllPAn bU-"l l'l't f'f(Or'~ al"'• U 4'e to .... _,,r-. l"'t! aCCll,.I Cf t nd tl .. ltnelt Of the data oonlalned In \bit e t..a•lea. whlOh eN b•t•d 0" .tourr•• '3t lte•-!J t l'lt r ,.Jhr>l•. tout eucl'I acc:.1rH"f 1no tt .. lln••• .,., not. c•r&l\\etd and lewport S.ourtttt• •f\d thU ftffl • p•pu-•• ,v-.. .,n \labtl\ty ror an• tn•ccur•ch• or unt.tM 111'1••• of the d1t • fh,l'bll•t't•d fter1 • 119'Ull• Sll'C MDllDoU S> onf fl,....t Ion "O•Ol l•d b• "nn h ncey, ................................. ---·--...................................................................... ·-------·-....................................... -.... -·--· .................................. _ ... -............ ··------·---.............. ·- C6u..CTOa'S CO a NE a I_, NC .... ~.• s;1,,.. Cl U. tt B"y Sell ._. M $412.M , ... $412.• MBA• .-.• U211 • '7Ht, .. 1. s...t11 ~W~~~u .... THE ATTENTION YOU NEED-WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A convenient alternative to hospital emergency rooms for: N SALE \\'ITll ·1111~ ,\(> •7,695 ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough, Professional & Personalized Care ADULTS ANO CHILDREN No Appointment Needed • OPEN: 7 DAYS A WEEK 385 DAYS A YEAR 8 A.M.·11 P.M. (714) 752·6300 EMERGENCY DOCTORS OFFICE S u ~----• T\.S. 11( IC< 1101 111 •1·'4~.1 4030 Birch St., Suite 107 ! I Newport Beach ~ ---l!:· ==== OHNSON &SON INCOLN -MER<' l llff 5630 . THE BEST PAPER NEEDS THE BEST ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES For Real Estate Financing including Private Placements Syn- di<:ations, J-V lnv~tments, Tax Shelters, Blind Pool Syndica- tions, First and Second Trust Deeds. Candidates must be licensed real estate professionals, bondable, and ..wHb. proven track recordt Those selected will enJoy the highest compensation packages In this mar et place, and wl11 work In prestige facllltles. WHO ARE WE? The financial affiliate of a welt-established real estate development com- pany. We enjoy stability and.a superb management reputation. we provide a full range of real estate financing servlces'--lncludlng those listed above and art abSQlutely superior product. The ent ... ..,.. ' C.11 : Mr. Graham Giii or Mr. J•mes Clark -(714) 159-1561 COMMUNfTY ltESOUltCSI f'INANCIAL CORP. IS2tO La P.u ._Md, #'11, LI.-• Hiiia. CeNf. '*I ' .. • • 0 2 2 2 How home bµyers can get cheap mortgages By ROBERT J. BRUSS DEAR BOB: Thank you for "puabl•I" u1 M> buy a home. Several month• a10 my wife and l read your auwer M> another apanmeat dweller eu11uUae she buy a bouee OI' cOIMSo with "teller flaanctac." We read your answer H If It wH written to us. Although It took about six w~ka for our real estate agent to find ua a condo we Uked with seller flnandn1, lbe reauJt 11 we bou&ht for about S.C,500 down payment <1Dcludh11 clotlDg costs> with an astumable first mortgage at 9.ZS percent Interest and a lO percent Interest rate second mon1age carried back by the seller for 1% years. Since we went through bankruptcy In 1980, we thought there was no way we could buy a home, but we were wrong. Thanks for belplnl us buy our flrst borne. -J efrT. DEAR JEFF : Your letter will convince more people than I can that now is a terrific time to buy a home. The .. chea p mortgage financing you and REAL ESTATE llllUG your agent arranged shows that vh;tualty any home buyer can finance a home purchase. As you found out, another major advantage of seller rinancl n g Is no outrageous loan qualifications as you would encounter with a bank, S&L or mortgage broke r. Although mos t lenders won 't arbitrarily disqualify applicants who p reviously declared bankruptcy. it can be a problem. Howeve r , sellers who finance their buyer's purchase know that the real security for the mortgage loan is the property, not the borrower's past credit history. Today's "buyer ·s market" ror ho uses and condominiums means m any sellers are offering excellent finance terms Never before have J seen so m any motivated selle rs anxious to finance the sale of their residences. I suspect this buyer's m arket will last until conventional mortgage interest rates fall. Then buyers will flock to buy homes, thus driving home prices up and causing sellers to demand all cash for their properties again. Watch for pit/ alls ~Stnce 1' liave nevtttiOiigh any real estate before, when I find a seller willing to finance m y purchase of bis house are there ilny pitfalls I should watch for? -Brenda A . DEAR BRENDA : Yes. Work with a good real estate agent to find a nd arrange affordable financing for your purchase The terms of the seller financing are negotiable between you and the seller Insist on ( l ) no balloon payment before at least fi ve years arter your purchase, preferably longer . I 21 no due·<>n-sale clause in the mortgage C so you can sell the property, 1f necessary, without having to pay off the existing mortgage), and (31 no prepayment penalty I in case interest rates drop and you want to r efina nce J. However, a late payment charge is acceptable because you s hould plan to make your monthly mortgage payments on time. Ask your attorney for further details. Checking MLS books DEAR BOB: One method you s uggest Is for home buye rs and investors to borrow their agent's mulllple listing book w study properties, offered. I've encouraged this for years and made many sales as a result, even though it's against MLS rules. There's nothing in those MLS books that serious buyers s houldn't see. It's about time 8omeone 1peab up to make the MLS monopoly U1t1n1s acc"81ble to lhe pubUc . -au~D- DEAR RUTH . Your response 11 welcome but surpriaine. It will s urely draw many nasty critical letters from multiple llstltlg service members desiring to retain the monopoly. In most communities, the local MLS distributes listing information only to its real estate broker a nd sales agent members. Public access is denied. These MLS restrictions are una:ter attack in several pending court cases and Federal Trade Commission investigations. 1 expect major MLS overhaul in the next few years, including public access. As you know, the local weekly MLS book can be a source of bargains because It often thas dozens of home and investment listings which are never advertised in the news papers or other media. Since MLS members can't possibly inform all prospective buyers of all unadvertised MLS listings, smart realty agents let their serious buyers search the MLS book for the best buys . Of course, agents should loan their MLS books only to re putable. honest buyers and all negotiations s hould be handled through the lending MLS agent. Study prospectw closely DEAR 808: My stockbroker has given me a prospedus for a real estate limited partoenblp. where I can invest as llttle as SS,000. How can I llnow lUl'• ~"good deal?" Miriam L. DEAR MIRIAM: Study the sales information a nd prospectus closely Look for the syndicator's track record of success with earlier real estate limited partnerships, the fees he wm earn ... up front," and what incentive he has to do a good management job <such as earning part of the resaJe profit when the property is sold in five to 10 years). Invest only money you won't need for at least 10 years because it can be very di(ftcull t o sell a limited p;.irlnership share. Business news network debuts _,-,. ' ,, ...., L OS ANGELES <AP) -There's a new television network on the air, but you won't find it broadcasting any soap operas. Instead, Financial News Network is aiming al an audience interested in business and the economy. The ne w network, launched last Nov. 30, is programming about 35 hours a week of financially oriented news which it sends by satellite to stations in New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco and other cities. ln Los Angeles, FNN broadcasts over KSCl-TV. Channel 18 on the UHF dial. FNN is the brainchild of two Los Angeles television producers, Glen Taylor. 56. and Karen Tyler, 42, who are also partners in Three Ring Production s, a firm originating children's programming for other companies. Taylor says t h e n ew ne twork , which has 70 full ·time employees. is spending aobout SS00,000 a month on operations In its first month of broadcasting, FNN h as re lied heavily on interviews with local economists. financial advisers. journalists and professors done by its staff. It also features reports on stock and commodity prices. FNN's d aytim e schedule puts H into competition with established TV programs and in Los Angeles. the new network is also running up against a 14·year-0ld financial program broadcast by KWHY-TV. UHF Channel 22. YIU CAI BUY BOID REil ESTATE • .•. WITH "llTHlll Diii" llTEllEIT RATES TOO 111111? •OSSm.E TO llAIE A. HOWS NORTON .......... IOt.t..cn-... ,,__ fxpetf.,., A11lhOI ol llte "HO'W IO Miik• II W,,_.. You;. CH.II />oof"" l«lt/t9 -'-• .. __, .• .._ESTATE ROBERT 0 . ALLEN "-''°'· '--'-Mttl Aulltol ol l"9 bell NH#. .. NOlftfftg 0o-• ,,,_ ,,,,..,,. lot ~ ftNI TEE DAYS? WE'VE liOT lllEAT IEIS FOR Yllll Etl•,. •lllt Ulllt OI .,, No~~-~ While many say, "It can't be done," thQusands who've learned the secrets of ROBERT ALLEN'S "NOTHING DOWN" are NOW buying profitable reel estate with llttle or no money down. Anyone who's lelmed the9e simple C'88tlve financing techniques can safely begin their road to flnanclal lnde- pendenoe .. .avok:llng the wrong propertlee, oostly mlstMes and neQlltlY8 cmh flows. The "~THING DOWN" system of Investing la a complete plan designed for the ncMo8 lnveetor who wants to start wtth llttle °'no money. It's a total syatem that unites you with others for continuous monthly assletanoe In r..chlng your aoele. ThoUa8nda haYe pnMf'I "NOl'HING DOWN" WOft<ll EL ·-)·. "JI . . ~ !J.. I ~ Thia 11 NOT the Old-faahionld .. Ax Up the Dump" method of ll'Mltlng e.uQht by rNny othlf'a. You CAN nWCe money bUying Nn-down ''fllttr~ .. but ft'•. twd 'llWf to do It. NOlHING DOWN" Is a logical, honlet ayatem that lrM>fvM buying eound propertlel. You Cll'I learn the "'NOTHING DOWN" methods In a short period of time and they can lead you to wealth and flnanclal security for fife. Thousands of people hawt leemed these methods and how to prosper during a recession. We want you to know how to llYOld PIYlng too much, how to get 8% lntirest rates when thl blnk wants 18%, how to IYOfd negat!wt cash flowa, etc. Come to the FREE "NOTHING DOWN" ninety-minute semlrw (ablOlutely NO coet °' obllgatlon.) W.'11 te.:h you, step.by· •tlP two of the mc>f9 th9n fifty "NOTHING DOWN" ete1ttw ffn11n- clng techntqu-. . .and •11 ~ 110U the 1tmott, ... v to undlrltllnd r.NOTHING t>OWN'' ~to flnencllil lndepelldenoe. You'll heir the bMlc pttnclplet for ftnlnellil Mlf '911ence-. how to mike MORE THAN 180% INTEREST on your lnveatmenta. . .end "*'Y other II,. chlngfng fl!Ctl. NO CHILDREN UNOlff rO. ,LIA$1. There's NO ooet, NO obligation to learn about the rnoet creatlw, aafe Investment system of the century. "NOTHING DOWN" can molutlon- lze your financial plans. You can be turned from a doubting novice Into a confident expert. These ptaCtlcal, down·to.rth methods haYe been tested, tried and rroved by thou- sands. Surveys o "NOTHING DOWN" graduates all OY9r America prove IT WORKS! Take the time to come to the FREE "NOTHING DOWN" Mminar '8beolutety NO coet Of obllglltlon~ It's a b1me11dous leemlng experience oonductfld by • 1ucoeaalt11 •'iiOCI.,. of AobfK1 NIM end Holli• Norton.tt you're EVER going to get on the roed to flnanc'll lndlp9ndencle, the time to atwt It NOWI • , Jl -_,, JllMJ 11 .. SOOTH ~T Pl.NA HOTEl 688 Mton Blvd. (l...WS. Bristol ••It) CoataMMa I P Jl -TW81J, JllMJ 1M MWtEJM MallOTT HOTEL ' 700 w. Convention Way (off w .. t St.. acroee from Coml9ntlon Ctr) Anat.lm .,. _ _.,, ... LONG o:H tOJMY ,,... I 2UO L•k•wood lhd. (1 -401, Hawthorne~ alt) Long lucb 'It blNnd TO'*er • • • to, 1882 - • ·1 I I .· AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE CWOJATIOl9 llKWH flAOU .. , .. , .... \'OH ........ ,. PACJPI(, , .. IOtl"Oll, ouaon .... CYKOIUfl noc• I KCllAltOU UO lllllOITIO t'f Tiii NAtO HD llltttl .. T • Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Januuy 10, 1982 •••• Never ~pit in a well you might drink from DEAR ANN LAND&RS: J, like mu1 f0Wlt 0 women, Ud 1 cblld out of wtdloek. l bad only dat· M UM ~ mu twice ud blamed mynll more than blm for wbat bap,.aed. So, I decldM to ac· eept fU.l1 re1poutbWty for my dautbttr'• 1upport. Ht muat reaUae DOW lb.at I cou.ld have taken b1m to court for cblld 1uPPQrt, b&ood telta, tte. He WHD't muriM, IO J coUkt ... DO ftUOD wby be would d4m.)' bll own dau1bw. · Sbe II my Joy. He 11 mlulnc out on a lot, but tbe problem II abe 11, too. What do you teU a child about not bavlnc a fatbe.r7 Do you feel that I 1houJd take all the blame? -SMOLDERING IN HEGEWJSCH DUil SMOLDE&ING: Y• teU &lie clllld lier fal.Hr wu ..t able to aarry Y• for ,.. • .., JM .... r wtml ... -&laat M wu a .... au ud JM are ..,. lie wMld love lter If lie bew r.er bee HM Ille la tn1)' .......... Ne,.._ la plu&1a1 Medi ol lla&e. Y• w..W 111a wwl:a ud It Cffld cna&e ..-ceuuJ prob· tem1 fw elllld. Se pou a U&Ue oU • &lie troalaMd wa&ua. YM•U be II•• yoa dJ4. P.8. &e•emher &laat old .. ,.., -"Never 1plt la a well. Y• mp& hn to 4rtllk from ta." DEAR ANN LANDERS: Tb1s note ls In re· aarda to "Connivin1 lo Cullman, Ala." You say you've been married for seven weeks? Well my husband and I have been married Aries: Be good listener Monday, Jan. 11 ARIF.s (March 21 -April 19): Young person, perhaps an offspring, confides personal problem. Be an attentive listener, be diplomatic and avoid arguing about money. Pleasant surprise is also part of scenario and gift could be "on the way." Watch Llbra ! •• ·1 TAURUS (April 20-May 20 ): You gain information concerning property values, safety measures and long-range transaction. Emphasis HIRllCIPI on security, basic issues, tasks which had been delayed or ignored. Wish will be fulfllled in most unusual manner. A Piscean figures promineoUy. GEMINI (May 21:June 20): Your natural abilities surge to forefront; persons who previously were indifferent may now sing your praises. Emphasis on versatility, humor and the practical application of "bright ideas." Cancer, Capricorn natives play key roles. 'Allll WIDllS for two ye an. The flnt day we met l lloew be waa an avid bowler. I never cared for the came and was punk at it. He used to take me alona with him "to watch" unW l couldn't ataod it anymore. lt was every Saturday mornlnl, Monday nJght and Tuesday nJ1bt. Friday waa leape nlabt. 1 was bored out of my mind. U you don't want to atay houie, ask if you can go alone and watch. Maybe you'll enjoy it. Just because I didn't doesn't mean you won't -or co to a movie or visit friends or family. Have you con- sidered volunteer work? Right now you are newlyweds. I know you don't want to be away from him very lone, Dut what is a few boura a week alone compared to the rest of your llYe"e together. Do you.trust him? Then prove it! -BOWLING WIDOW AND TRUSTING WIFE DEAR WIFE: Coulda'& bave doae better my.elf. Tltub for weartns my Ila& &oday. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Will you pleaae run thl1 General Moton ad? Jt could make a bit dU· fereooe to a creat number ol people. I never 1ave the 1ubJect a thou1ht until I waa vlctlml1ed. Perbapt U I bad read tb.ll ad two monthl a10, I could bave aaved myself a lot of money and ac· 1ra\lat.lon. -A PEDESTRIAN lN CLEVELA~D DEA& PED: I wW tadeed. ftub for paNlal ....... BOW TO FOIL A CA& TBIEJ' ' Tiie umben are •hlltda,. Every IT .ee.da a car la 8*olea aomewbere la*'" U.8. tll•& .... •P lo al....a ...... can a year. Ba& 1• cu do aome&ldae to keep you car from bece•lal a 1tatlltk. Avolcl tbeH foar eommoa paJ'klal •II· takes. Tbe •• .lu& for 1 lllaa&e'' 8y .. reae -Wlln yoa leave ycMU' car, e•ea ll I&'• "J-* fer a •laa&e, '' be aare &o lock all &be doon u4 tab you lrey1. la fact, about oee oa& of enry ftve can Molea •H left uat&eDded wltJa lrey1 ta &lie lplUoa. Keep driver'• license and welllcle reOatra&loa cara .. you wallet or pane. U a car dalef ftlMla U1ete doeameata ta tile slove box, M cu lmperM9a&:e yoa lf Mopped by tJae police. Tbe IJOlated LocaUoe -It'• Hfea& to park la a locked 1arage, bat lf yoa eu'&, cloa't leave JOlll' car m a dark, Otlt-ef·tM·•a1 •po& ......... lrJ te 1 park • a buy, •tll·u.Med ltr'Mt. Tide••_ ~1' awa1 m. ta•perial WU. a Hr lf tMre II 1 MP· rl1k Gf beta• •'**'"· n. .,._.ay Caae -n.er.•1 MCh••• ..... •·I vlttaa &o a tilet' &Ila.a espeaalve l&em1 I) ... la ,.., car, ta plata 1lpt. U 1oa lock aa.e.. be•• la U.. &.-.air or ..... boa, &laere'1 leM l.meeaUn fetr a 1 a.tet &o W.ak la. Alto, wa.. ,_ pan a. a eMa· merdal W or 1ara1e, be caadea. Leek ,..., nlaa.._ t. tlM &nualr. Lene ..a1 tlle lpM._ u1 wt8'&11ieaUellclaa&. TM S,.ce a& Ute l!:ad of die Block -la Nee•t. 1eare. prefeu ... al car·ta.eft o,era&lou aia.e bteo .. u laereula1 proMe•. Vallke aaalftn, &tie pNtuiOll... are Dot ea.Uy deterred. Can ~ parked at dile etld el a W-11 an prime tarseu fer , &lie prot-a.aJ Wei •1&11 a low tnelr. Se, It'• Met ,to pan la.-•lcldle of tllle block. Be aue to tan , you_r l&eerlal "beel allarplJ to OM aide or &lie ~er. Tlaa& 1d1J lock &lie aeertq ~ ... aa4 ,... • veat· tlM ear lro• belal towed from &lie rear. Vafortaa&ety, dleN II • .aacll &1a1a1 u a .. tJaeft-preol'' eu. B•t at Geeeral Moton, we're ' eqalppla1 enry tar-we bllllcl wltll .aatl-t~ft 1 feataree. We waa& &o help yoa make It H dllftcaJt H pou1Me for any Wef -amateur or profe11t.al -&o a&eal yoa.r car. Cards available rt beach• phone 675.0150 1 Custom Sale. ~-I 40% off CANCEJl (June 21.July 22>: You'U be rid of "losing proposition" and could embark on road to greater financial security. You could also locate an article that has been lost, missing or stolen. ,.._ .... ,..,.....,._.. A custom decor gives your house more home-appeal. Cycle moves up, major breakthrough is on horizon. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22 >: Focus on fresh starts. meetings with "important people" and aura of romance. Lunar cycle at peak -you make correct decisions, timing is on target and intuitlori lS honed to razor sharpness. Some persons will say. "You look like a new person!" VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22 ): Cat is out of b~g - you gain ac~ss to confidential data, you learn secret and y r position is strengthened. Family member rela es good news, you engage ln civic activity and could celebrate a victory. Keep eye on Aquarius! LIBRA <Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Emphasis on hopes, wishes, exchanges of ideas and news concerning travel and a n exciting social affair. Key is versatility, ability to laugh al your own foibles and realization that aspirations will be fulfilled. Keep eye on Gemini! SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21>: Obstacle serves 1 as challenge which eventually beco~es · steppingstone to progress. Focus on prestige, honor, career and special commendation from professional superior. Aquarius, Leo and another Scorpio figure prominenUy. SAGnTARJUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Be ready for loog·distance communication which could relate to travel, publishing or an educational project. You're able to detect trends and many claim you can actually for~ast future. Means your sense of perception is heightened. . CAPIUOO&N (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Open dialogue with family member on subject of budget, investments and income potential. Mltjor domestic adjustment is highlighted. Taurus, Libra, Scorpio persons figure prominently. One close to you seems Intent on rearranging furniture. AQUAIUVS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Maintain low profile. Do more Ustening than asserting; bide your time. Accent on patience, preparation and ability to steer clear of self-deception. Be aware of legal requirements, special rights and permissions. Watch Pisces! PISCES (Feb. 19-Marcb 20): You are carryln1 unnecessary burden. Know it, do aomethin1 about it, and be sure to get credit for complelinl important tut. Someone ta ''pla)'lns politic•" at your ex~nae. Direct confrontation may be necessary -if so, you'll win. Deity ~ ......... HOLDING COURT -The old county courthouse in Santa Ana was the scene this week for filming of Jessica Lange's new movie. "Francis." It is tttt? story of Francis Farmer. slated to be release this summer featuring (from l eft> Dik Bohaycheck. Dave Eisen and Tom McConnell Toastnristresses to 1neet TOASTMISTRESS CLU B of Huntington Beach meets Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in Mercury Savings and Loan, 7812 Edinger Ave., Huntington Beach. For more information call 846-8155. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION of Retired Persons, Huntington Beach Clll CllEIDIR Chapter, meets Tuesday at 12:30 p . m . in the Murdy Recreation Center, 7000 Norma Drive , Huntington Beach. For more information caU 963-9106. COSTA MESA Women's Club meets Friday at 11:30 a.m. in the Clubhouse, 610 W. 18th St., Costa Mesa. For more information call 557-9666., . SMITH COLLEGE CLUB of Orange County meets at 6 p.m . Thursday in Clubhouse 1 of Leisure World. For more information caU 951·7260. QUILTERS GUILD of Orange County meets Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the P~ralta Junior High School of Orange. For more ~nformation call I ~·3082, WOMAN'S CLUB of Huntington Beach meets Tue.sday at noon in the cl ubhouse, 420 Tenth St., Huntington Beach. For more information caU 842-4211 . SIMCHA CHAPTE R of B 'nai B'rith Women meets noon Thurs- day in Columbia Savings and Loan, Harbor Blvd. at Wilson Ave., Costa Mesa. For more information call 960-3383. SADDLEBACK VALLEY ~udy Center of the Theosophical Society in America meets at 7:30 p.m. Monday in Laguna Federal Savings and Loan, 24301 Paseo de Valencia, Laguna Hills. For more information call 493-8341. AMERICAN SEWI NG GUILD meets Thursday at 9: 30 a.m. in the Tustin Public Library. 345 E. Main St., Tustin. For more information call 645-2177. NEWPORT HARBOR Lawn Bowling Club meets daily for play e x cept Sunda ys. For more information call 759-9966. CHAPTER TWO, IRVINE GUILD of the Orange County Music Center, meets Thursday for lunch at the Los Angeles Music Center. For more information call 552·0694. Get A Suntan in Jan·uary! The Latest in European Technology • Immediate Results • Safer than the sunl • U.V.A. Sunbeds • Recommended by Oootors & NutrltiolMttt Worldwide • All system8 are Certified Medical Oevtc8I by the F.O.A. 30% off Stylish window coverings. Save energy, enjOy 'f04IT view and at• have your privacy by aelectlng window coverings thet are faatlloned for yCfJf ~teatyle Woven woods. vem;al bWlds aod aunsctMn Shedea ere el on Nie now Save 40% Stan wittl ouatom drapes, casement treatmentl end bedspteada. Choose from 25 best sellng fabrica ooen w...,,.., -'bQUe utina . .,_.., textures end delnaelt end heY9 lhem fashioned by our •JtPerta into • custom look. Unino & tabor Included tnstallllbon at no eictra c:hllrge 30% off Addltlonal llM febfica Helletll• In our ''°"· one Inch Horizon blinds. These ve<Satile blinds are llVdeble in 64 decorator colcn IOd would enllanCe 1111)1 wr.dow In '*"°'' "'1Y room. Save nowt 30% off Upholstery fabrics. Modernize OM of your lavorit• upholatered plece9 by Mlecttno lllbric lrom our fuhion·tmlr1 h . • Labor at OVf reoular. low coet.. · • ~---............ _.., --..,._..,., ,..,. """ .. l. .... , .. l ,._.,...,.._.._..,....,....... ..... 1.. ..... u . ,_..,.,...__ ......... ...__ ................. . Save gas .•. save time. f\co~i Call for a free in-home appointment! j ·, ,'.!J..; Newport 644-2313 \··" Huntlnnton Beach 892-7771 ~·l 1:f• • · tY,,) Laguna Beach 581"7700 ~~~· JCPenney ~~-· · I l. f I . Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday. January 10, 1982 TALKING WITH DRACULA -Merv 'Griffin. veteran talk shO\\ host, has a chuckle with AP...._.. a rubber mask of horror actor Bela Lugosi \\hi ch sits on his office shelf in Hollywood. Merv's wine is aging nicely - By JERRY BUCK ,.,. Telf'lkMll Writer • LOS ANGELES -Merv Griffin's talk show has lost its vintage look, but his wine is aging nicely, thank you. Griffin's streamlined one·hour sho"', cut down from 90 minutes, is now coming at you only days -and sometimes only hours -after taping. Prior to the first of the year it took 24 days to get a show on the air. ··we can acknowledge the things going on in t he world." says Griffin. "We can be in the mainstream of television again thanks to the satellite. "lf something happens. now we can get a guest on the same day and have it out to the stations I have felt for the past seven years that I've been on the fringe. It's been driving me crazy because I love the topical aspects or these shows. That's when they're exciting. "Up to now we haven't been able t o acknowledge, for instance, that the hostages were taken H you watched my show you'd never know that we had a hostage in J ra'n." "The Merv Gra rrin Show" went to satellite transmiss ion al the beginning of the new year. The five weekday shows are taped over a three-day period and sent out immediately by satellite for telecast by more than 100 stations. Griffin spends only three or four days a week 1n Los Angeles . where he also runs an entertainment e mpire of game shows , a production company, radio s tations ,' com munications facilities and a closed-circuit television system at 80 race tracks across the country It was NBC which first put Griffin into the game show business as compensation for canceling his a fternoon talk show on the network. The rest of the time he's at his ranch on the No comment on movie HOLLYWOOD <AP> -Paramount Pictures declined comment on Francis Ford Coppol.a's move to preview "One From the Heart" without consultation with Paramount, the film 's distributor. Coppola took a full page ad in Wednesday's New York Times to announce the preview at Radio City Music Hall m New York on Friday, Jan. 15. The advertisement and the preview date came as a surprise to -Paramount, which had planned to open the movie in New York and other cities on Feb. 10. 1 Gordon Weaver . senior vice president for marketing for Paramount. declined comment on the move by Coppola. Coppola and the spokesman for his Zoetrope Studios. Max Bercult, were in New York and not available for immediate comment. The S25 million romantic musical stars Teri Garr, Grederic F~rrest. Nastassia Kinski, Raul Julia, Lame Kazan and Harry Dean Stanton. Winter Fun in Fountain Valley This winter the Fountain Valley Recreation Dept. has classes with something for everyone. You may choose from art. dance. exercise. sport and special interest classes. Art Acrylic Painting Calligraphy Drawing Tiny Tots Arts. & Crafts D..c:e Ballet & Tap Belly Dancing Country Western Jazz f Exercise Night Club Square Dancing Tap for Boys Aerobic Dancing Co-ed Exercise Jazz & Exercise Mommy&Me Play Exercise S,•dlllW.etf Baton Glasses & Teams Cake Decorating ·Children's Cooking ·Guitar Movie Making I Ti ny Tots s,.ts Bowling Gymnastics Ice Skating Karate Racquetball Swim Team Tumbling Monterey Peninsula, where he raises grapes and bottles his own brand of wine. "When I was in France," be says. ''someone said to me one day, 'merveilleyx!' I thought they were doing a build-up on my name. But I learned that's French for marvelous. And 'merveille' m ean s marvel. So I call my wine 'Mont MerveiUe.' " Television talk shows are changing. Griffin needed topicality to keep the show from going stale with celebrity interviews and other dated material. Mike Douglas. faced with competition from not only the national shows but 466 local talk shows, converted his 9()-minute talk show Into a one-hour variety show. The granddaddy of them all, NBC's "Tonight Show," recently cul back to one hour at the request or host Johnny Carson. "The hour-and-a-half format has had it," says Griffin. "For years our most successful markets wer e taking only the hour version. The last half-hour to me always seemed to just poop out. You didn't want anything to happen then for fear the hour markets would miss it." NOW PLAYING •llWAllOl ICMITM CO.UT ,w.t llW... -•• Sou<" Co>l.t """ ~ M& '°'9T .. fAUll m:lllD ~'6 711 I ·-\I..., 13' I !JOO '-• S ... • &t Dw •CMMll!t °''"9< 6.J• ~~) ~O:N llF Ill &':.:.-~,~~· IOo9 9-'-'llMl!Mr OWMll auouuc:a •·WAY Jt llllfft.• (I r .. , ~I ~llO W°""""''" l tl 369J •ACADGIY ..-. Your catd wlll ecimit you encl • OUHI to •ny perlorm•nce ~=;:==~-=~==-~ Jbuth Coast Repertory The 81-82 Season ..,,_.,,...,. A quaint castle on the ltehan Riviera 1s the locale f0< this witty exPose of the theatre. This leugn+mlnute romp, full of frivolity and r1beld repartee. Is .... comedy for theatr.iovers. .-....: MOW Pl.A YIM«i ~ .-12ttwMg11F9b.14 Mainstage Curtain Times: T uesday~Saturday at 8 p. m. Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Sat. and Sun. Matinees at 2:30 p.m. Limited Seating Still Available 655 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 For tld<et Information or reservations. call (71<4) 957-4033 A public service presentation of the lllJ 1'1111 Local. county. state. nationq.l . and international r events come to your doorstep in the bright. light and lively lilly Pilat NBC moves up to second place NEW YORK <AP> -The pro football playoffs prlme-Ume runover, Miami va. San Die10. 29.8 or 11nd the Rose Bowl on New Year's Day dominated 24.2 mUHon, NBC; "Dallas," 29.3 or 24 million, and the week 's Top 10 In prime-time, and NBC -for "Allee," 27.8 or 22.8 million, both CBS; AFC the first time this season -wat a prlmary po1t-1ame show. 28 .1 or 21.4 mllllon, NBC; beneficiary, figures from the A.C. Nielsen Co. "M-A-S-H;" 25.8 or 21.1 million and "The showed Jeffersons." 25.S or 20.9 milllon, both CBS, and Fohowin1 are the 'rop 10. Rose Bowl prime-time runover, NBC, and "Dukes NBC playoff prime-time runover . San of Hazzard " CBS bot Francisco vs. New York Giants with a rating of ,....!J~~k~A~nd.&.-~~~~.!!:l!.:.L.lil!!...Ji~UMUM!AL,__ __ _, ~S .9 representin& 27 .8 m illion homes, "60 aC erson oa•11y p•11at Minutes," 33.3 or 27.3 million, and NFC post-game I •reveals in the show, 29.7 or 24.3 mlllion, aJl CBS: AFC playoff GHOST STORY • R THE REGISTRY tlOTEL pr.en AN AFll.RNOON Of £L£GANCl lllDAL fAll -FASHION SHOW ~.~17.1982 ~-~ Doors Open I 2 noon f .uNon Show ... 2:00pm ·rau ADMJSSION THE REGISTRY HOTEL 18800 MatArthur Bl•d lrv1~. C..llforrua 9271) REDS IPGI At 12:30 4 :30 1:30 NoEcoromy~ NoP-. ~EIFRml HEAVDelPOI 1 100 3:1 $ 5 :30 7:45 10:00 714·7)18777 r -----11 NOW SHOWING i-I --- MOYIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE n.. ~-o1 .,.,.,,.,,. •to -__ ... _"°"'!'"' ""'"'_...._,,..,...,,or ._. .. Clwld,.,, fi;] ALL AOU AOt.OtTTEO ~ 0....al """~· rii;:;J AU MKS AOMITTEO l!:.!:!J .. _ o.. ...... "'""teO ,..,,.,.,_y cine-Fl """"°''-"'--VowAM_,...... .. .,.. ......... 11,,..AM -*'° ..ith •"--y -Ion, llf . .,.. .. ,,_-_..... .. T'Tmo_t~y Hutton TMSIPGI Cannonball Run IPGI John 8alulh1 NEJGl•DMIRI Tim• aanclltl (l"Q) NeP'' c~:.;,•ln ....EIM (PG) Nine To f in IPGI ® llO OHE UhOER 11 AOMITTtO '~:" c!.t":~:.'Y ,------:1111--c:· Lult ValcMz' All Ill m AHO l1!l Fili.is REc ••vc ZOOT IUfT 1R1 THE SE.Al. Cl n<E MOTION PICTIJ'll Boulevard Nlehtl IRI C00£ 06 stV REGUl>TION RAIDEflS OF TitE LOST ARK (POI & "'"" Qordon (l"Q) Dl'lve-ln1 <>I*' t :30 NIGHTLY Under12FREEUni..Noted COSTA lllDA El. TORO IR\llNE 8mfol ~ Wooclwtdgo !J40 7444 !>Ill !i8ll() !!bl 06M MEA COSTA M£5'\ RlUfT~ VMJEV ORANGE MoM B<a PIM.t ~c-F.....-v...., °'Mlll' M.11 '.>29 S.13'1 <A111n 97'14141 8J9 1500 1137 llJ40 <M1ANGE UAC<1yC1.,..,.,..,bJ4 J911 ORANGE '>t .. t.omDr In ••l'lk7711 W£SnllN5TDI UA 0.-.. 11'>3 ~ WATERGATE CONSPIRATOR Actor Robert Conrad portrays unrepentant Watergat e conspirator G. Gordon Liddy in NBC's ··Will : <;;. Gordon Liddy" at 9 p.m. on Channel 4. 'Four Friends' a view of '60s By BOB 1110MAS AMKla ... ,,_.Wntw FOUR FKIENDS is an idiosyncratic view of the American 1960s as seen by writer Steve Tesich ("Breaking Away") and director Arthur Penn ("Bonnie and Clyde"). Like Tesich, Danilo Proior (Craig Wasson) is a Yugoslav immigrant who grows up in a Midwestern steel town. Danilo's closest friends are a jock (Jim Metzler) and a fat boy (Michael Huddleston), and aJI are in love with an uninhibited girl (Jodi Thelen>. The story carries them through high school and into an unsettling era of assassinations, protests and disillusion. Tesicb wisely skirts dogma to focus on the human stories. which are funny. touching and unpredictable. Penn deserves h.igh marks ror dr awing remarkable performances from the unseasoned cast. Rated R for sex, language and one startling1lct or violence. Motion Pictures Association of America rating definitions: G -General audiences. All ages admitted. PG -Parental guidance suggested. Some. material may not be suitable for children. R -Restricted. Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian. X -No one under 17 admitted. ' ... .,. .. ,. ~A srea& Ion 11tor7 ... " w-.-DATrT4 ... UWUWW DCAJm DA'l'ON REDS ~ .. ,-, .. "' ...... ._,_ 4f AISEICE OF ... ~ ---· 'm&PJ:.if ,..,,.,,.. ~DOCICl.AS TE ~ llAUCE "NEIGHBORS' ·==· ~ML II (It) HAMtlON '°"° ..... ~· ........... ,,. a AM '9CWWI .. = -:r-....... • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 10, 1982 D1 Liddy pleased with 'Will' movie By Y ADENA AllAR ._....,,_....., BURBANK -Wateraate fl(ture G. Gordon Llddy said that while he la pleased with the TV verafon ol his auU>bloarapby, he feels obll1ated to warn former President Richard Nixon about an NBC addition U> the film . The offending alteration was the insertion at the very end of the two-hour mm of a simulated excerpt from a Water1ate tape In which an actor impersonating Nixon's voice reads from the transcript about "stonewalling." "It I had had control over It. that would not have been there," said Liddy, interviewed over break.fast at the NBC commissary lhe morning after viewing "Will, G. Gordon Llddy," which stars Robert Conrad and is scheduled to be broadcast Sunday night. Liddy's objections to the Nixon simulation were twofold: "I thought, a , it was in terms of a film anticlimactic, because the movie's over then. And secondly J thought It was gratuitous." The message he sent to Nixon, through a mutual friend, was "Hey, NBC did it. I didn't do it, Bobby Conrad didn't do it, producer John Ashley didn't do it, director Bob Lieberman didn't do it. I don't know who at NBC took that NOW PLAYING A.MC OM.U MAU MA• lllU 'llll UA Cln CHll.Ml 0rlf'IO' 637 0340 Btn 529 5339 0raooe 634 391 1 •mwlllDI UDO Ul Cl•.u EDWlllOI WOOOllUOOl Newport llNch 673 8350 WISlmrlSt., 193 0546 k•int 17141551 0655 f.DWMOS &CMITII cOuT 'lAll TOWll COITta c1•u 1 Co$1~ ~ (71CI 751 4114 ~ ... ...,'-.,,..,.....,. ... .,..,.. ...... "".,._.] HOlllA.111.I ACet.fttfD .... ~~ ,~ .... ~...._....,.. ...... __ '0A'"•t'90A0t»Ut• OOll'O&AnOH • • ~~la ) AU. RIGHTS HSCRVtD :. , .:_-] Thie w.-you can ... REDS et theM theltl'ff: • lllWlllOS .,.,...., lllWAllN WIEJO TW• • C._ Ntwpor18e&ll &44 07&0 lillsslOfl Voeio 830 6990 Oril!Ot 634 2S53 lllWUlll cmllA WllT UA llOYIU Wes111WlS1er 891 393S Bf&a 990 4022 •=.:::;~~1•.:=:..::=::•IO_, llO MlilD MIOIJl"fft--,._........, ,.. ,...._,.. \,'_";·~, J•==·· RU. 1:30, 1:30, 10:30 SAT/MIN. 12:30, 2:30, 4:IO 1:30, 1:30, 10:30 SHARKYS MACHlNE ,..,..."" .. ,_..,<1:11. ...l';•,t-(11) ..,,.IOMPCMID ~ .. ,. lud1ment, I thou1ht It was a poor Jud1ment." Apart from the volceover, Liddy aaid he Is pleased with the mm, which traces hit progression from a fearful chlldbQOd ln a well-to-do New Jeney family U> hi1 emeraence from prison after servlnc 5' month.I of a 20-year conviction ln connection with the 1972 bur,alarlea at the Democratic National Headquartel'I ln Washlqton, D.C. A frequent visitor to the set, Liddy wal<'hed some of the filming "but I wa1 Ju1t to impressed when I saw the finished product on the screen and it was like a seamless 1arment. It's just ma,ical, the way they do that. And I still don't know how they do it." But be Intends to find out. havln1 just formed a production company with screenwriter Robert Dellintter to work on a series, the contenu or which "I have been asked by all involved not to discuss." "I've been s uccessful in maguines. I've been successful now in both fiction and non.fiction, and it's time to grow a lltUe bit," Liddy said. "I'm going to go into television." Negotiations are a lso underway for a film version or Liddy's 1979 thriller. "Out or Control"; another thriller is in the works. "ONE OF THE YEAR'S TEN BEST." "Penni.es FROm Heaven" ~ '" '4J ,. ... ~· MOM I!\ ;;;;;;;;.,.... ..... ---··. v. NOW PLAYING COITA 111111 El TOIO IMfTlll8TOM IUCtl OUIGI Cinema Center SaddleOack C«iema Clnedome 979 4141 581 5880 8•8 0388 634-2553 COITA MEii South Coast Plaza Town Cen1e< (714) 751 4184 l!!O• ..... "@irin-.... , ......... il ~Ni-I ..... 'EMS 04('VY()W( •A ..._a loft "-7-• . .._ ..... ""a.-_ ... _ REDS ~. ' IWIMtON PON> ~., WA&.f_.,. fllll.lnt twnfl Cl~f!.gfA ..,_,.,.,..*'. "' ...... .. ,. ..... ,. "*""' "''-' .. "'9:. HIAYIN" ........ .., .. --fllll.~1t .,,.., ..... .. ,_..,,_ .. ,.,.., ..... .. , •. , .. .__ n.o:=: "'°"" 911• .... DAN AY•UM>YD :=..c~ IN TAPS '•IGHIM>RI' "=-W'!'• Liddy bu also formed a security firm - •·not stock• a nd bonds, the other kind of security. Wltb.ln 30 days we'll have lh.l'ff offices in CalltomJa alone." Liddy never cooperated with Wateraate lnvesUaaU>rs and wrote repeatedly ln hia book of hie dledain for public oplnion. But he admit• the flnanclal Inducements were not hlJ only reason ror the sale or the television rt1bu to hi• life story. "I don't care what other people think, in terms ol their opinion of me," he said. "But I'm an educated man, I'm a student of history, and I understand my obligatioru1 as what historian.a call a primary source. And quite frankly, there's been an awful lot of bull written about Watergate and about me, and I did welcome the opportunity U> straighten some of it out." Llddy's wife Ftan said she enjoyed the film "very much, more so than J thought J was going to. So much of the events that they portray were ones that were really unhappy events in my personal life. Waving goodbye to him as he went off to prison. was not a high point in my life. "So it was a series of memories, but they were well portrayed, and J thought Bob did a marvelous job of doing Gordon." * B AGAIN MATINEES • Monday thru Saturday All Pertormences before 5:00 PM (Except Special Engagements ind Holidays) L.& MlllAOA MAll M11odo 01 lotec10"' LA MIRADA WALK ·IN 994·2400 -c . ..n·---''TAPS'' -·----- ·--·-.i.•-.o "1.HU•C£ OF MAL.IC£" -·----- LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK·IN --· • 'IMAAKIY'I MACH .... 111 ·-·--· ... - -C.-·-~ ''TAPS"" ·----··· LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WALK IH f-.lky Al °'*' Nr.o 211/6J4.t211 --·--""AIOUll OF THE LOST ARK" -...... 1:11.._, ...... ---·-·-"NDGH80ftl" 1111 . .,. ........ --.·----· "IHARICY'S llACHINI!" .., ·--·--- faculty QI CQndle•oOd 213/531·9510 =---:t:;::::.:. "': __ ..., ______ _ -.,.. "REOl" INI ·-·----·---"ltAIOUll Of' T .. LOST ARK" .-. ... , __ _ TW-----OPTW-"ltAGTI•" -·---- -----·I "CMAIUOU Of' '1M.·· -,,,, ___ ,,,.. I· ("8UOOY, 8UOOY" Pll ·-···-"PAURNITY" -·-·- t,0.GUNA so. COAST WALK·IN Soutll Coo11 Hl•oy QI ltood•oy 494-1514 "lftARKY'I llllACHINl" 1111 · _,,.. .. ,, __ _ --"'· "THf ~T SANTINf" ----MT.--_ ,,,, __ ..___... ..... aftlmft "NElQHe<>ftS" t111 -·---.. , ______ _ ,ACIFIC THUlllU Dllt¥E·IN SWA, MfOS sr•OC• •-l lK0 -1 .... ••l OAT &I HAlllOll llYD OlltYf·IN 6 OllANGf OlllYl·IN 1 •• ro 1,. u t-• 1 Ju-• .. ,, ___ .. "_ .. ,_ IMPORTAMT MOTICE! ctm OREM UtlOER n FREl! M .. Mo ... W••-"'°" IM• f ,. 5 30. S.I S•• •tis 4 30,. Cllf.A-·'IOIJll AM CAii ~ 1$ 'IOIJll ~ If llO AM CAii ~ Wf1l< 9'1'00 JIClll1(lll'f l'QSnOO --""IO!llMU o•llU ~ OIWf"9IS CJD 00. UI ~ ANAHllM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN J1e .. Of fl OI le"'°" SI 179·9150 --·CMGL~ "THE FOUR SEASONS" --"ENDLESS LOV£"9e (R) CM 11 SOUllO BufNA PAlll BUFNA PARK DRIVE -IN Unc-A-•••I OI •non 121-4070 ~' i "4i.A PA'Jt LINCOLN DRIVE·IN ............. LA HABRA Dl<IV( IN .. "' ................... ..... "ABSENCE OF MALtCE" (PG) -"STIR CRAZY" fl'! . Cl~!'-~ --- ~.-·.--• "MANIAC MANSION" 1111 -·•LtVING NIGHTlolARE" I'll C•Mt JI~ --· ••MODERN "'°9l.ElllS"'"' -"NlNETOl'lW".-, ._...._Mil CO. TO.,.,. ne TAU "GHOST STORY" 1111 -"THE CHANGeUNG" 1111 -c.-n·-~ "TAl'S .. _ "'"' ._,.. _. _ ... t ..., .. -"THI CANNONllALL RUN" - 17MM2 ---...... ORANGE 0'11V( IN "'"'°"""'"" •Stote Cone~ 551·7022 ..... ' .. , MISSION (1Q1Vf IN . . WA'1NE '1 (\l/IVf IN --·--"THI f'OUf' IU90HS"' .. -.. • .. ~ .. &.OW"'llll Orange Coaet OAIL Y PILOT/Sunday, January 10, 1982 Menacing characters fill · 'Flag for Sunrise' . llST SfllllS A rt.AG f'O& SllNIUSE. B,y &eM11 S&Me. Kaopf. '31 P•I"· .II.ti. U you read only one book thla year, conatder "A Flaa tor Sunrlae" by NaUonal Book Award wllmer Robert Stont. It la a crlpplft1 aad PoW rfU.UJ mov101 novel. HP.MUSIC Best·selllng records of the ~k besed on Cashbox m agazine's na t ionwide survey : '1. "Physical," Olivia Newton.John 2. "Wait ing for a Glr l Lib You," Foreigner , 3 . "Let's Groove," Earth, Wind & Fire ~."I Can't Go for That," Hall & Oates S. "Young Turks," Rod Stewart 6. "Oh No," Commodores 7. "Why Do Fools Fall In Love?" Diana Ross 8. "Don't Stop Bellevin' ," Journey 9. "Harden M y Heart," Quarterflash 10. "Trouble," Lindsey Buckingham COUNTlr I WISTE IN Best-selling country-Western records of the week based on Cashbox magazine's nationwide survey: 1. "Love in the First Degr ee," Alabama 2. "Fourteen Carat M i nd," Gene Watson 3. "The Woman in Me," Crystal Gayle 4. "All Roads Lead to You," Steve Warner s. "I Wouldn't Have M issed It for the World," Ronnie Milsap 6 . "Red Neckin' Love Makin'," Conway Twitty 7. "You're My Fa vorit e Star ,'' Bellamy Brothers 8. "What Are We Doin' Lonesome," Larry Gatlin 9. "Headed for a Heartache," Gary Morris 10. "Year s Ago," The Statler Bros. The story la aet ln the small Central American country of Tecan. Revolution le brewlna. The U.S. 1overnment knows about It, and wants t.o·know more. Frani Holllwetl l• an American anthropolosiat who cooperated with the CIA durlQC U.. Vietnam War. When HoUlwell la lnvluMt to lecture ln a country borderlnt Tecan, be la uked by an old lrtend to dig up some lnlormaUoo. Initially, HolUweU refuses. But he ta 1ucked etead1Jy cloa,r abd closer lnto the center of the action, and .0 ta everyone else ln t.bls book. It ta dJttlcuJt to decide wblch character ls the moet l uclnaUn1. There ls Pablo Tabor, a U.S. Coast Guard dt-opout wbo Uves on speed and wbo is a sell·atyled soldier of fortune. He si1ns o~ board a boat that. ls smu11llng weapons into Tecan. Lieutenant Campos is a Tecanecan mlUtary officer. He murders a young woman, puts her body in a food freezer and then calls oo an American pnest. Fatbn Eaan. to get rid ol the frozen cadaver. Sister Justin Feeney works with Father Egan. Thelr church has ordered lts mission in Tecan closed, bllt Sister Feeney, searching tor a larger purpose ln life, agrees to help the Tecanecan revolutionaries. She is first seduced, then betrayed , by Holliwell, and then compromised. ··A Flag for Sunrise'' is filled with sinister e vents and menacing characters . The revolution ·is• brief -but the aftershocks are devastating. All of the characters seem twisted and turned. All seem unable to escape their fate, which Is not a pleasant one. "A Flag for Sunrise" reaches a level or quality and excellence in story·t.elling that few recent novels have been able to attain. 1 Carol Deegan Auoclated Press Draw line DIPLOMATIC IMM\;NIT\'. By Tad Sullc. Slmoa Ii Schwiter. 4t5 Pa1ee. Jl4.t5. Tad Siulc'11 recipe tor a successful first novel is deceptively simple: t.o equal amounts of political fhtrlgue and the author's knowledge of Latln·American &Uaira, add a beautiful protagonist, a dash or romance and a twist ot CIA skull-dusgery. "Diplomatic Immunity" has all this. Its protagonist is Julia Savage. a 36-year-old staff member of the National Security Council and proteae of the vice president. When she Is named ambassador to Malagua, she is thrust into a Central American country on the verae or a civil war. Her obstacles are many -Juan Ferrer, the cruel dictator whose lather and grandfather BOOK llVllW - preceded him in that role through the help or the United States; the rebel group, whose ideological support is diverse; her own State Department, which doesn't want "another Cuba," and the CIA, which ha& more at stake than the mere status quo. Ambassador Savage doesn't use normal channels in handling the crises that arise in the final days of the corrupt Ferrer regime. The personal consequences she faces are painful, including the CIA sabotaging her mission. If "Diplomatic Immunity" has a weakness. 1l is in its cast of characters. Too many -such as the Malaguan rebels -remain mere voices in the book . But that is a s mall drawback in a novel marked by a fast-paced senes or events and an understanding of the Central Ame rican situation. Scott M. Bushnell Associated Press (AP> -An average per.cit, 7-inches long, can draw a line 35 miles long. The "lead" in pencils used today isn't lead at a l l , it's graphite . Americans buy more than 2 billion pencils ' annually. I. Geaorge C . Scott In "TAPS" (PG) "TIME BANDITS" (PG) II. Ill. Ptua "heartbeeps" "ARTHUR" Plua ·'ONLY WHEN I LAUGH" (RI FICTION 1. ,, An Indecent ObHSlkMt," COllHn McCullough 2. "CuJo," Stephen King 3. ''Noble House," James Cfevell -4. "The Hote l N ew Hampsttlre," John Irving s. "Masquerade," Kit Willia m s 6. "No T im e for Te~rs," Cynthia Freeman 7. "Rem embrance," Danielle Steel 8. "Gorky Parll,'' Martin Cruz Smith 9. "God E mperor Of Dune," Frank Herbert 10. "The Cardi nal Sins," Andrew M. Greeley NON· FICTION 1. "A L ight In the Attic," Shel Silverstein 2. "Cosmos," Carl Sagan 3. "The Lord God Made Them All," James Herriot 4. "Never-Say-D ie1 Book," Richard Simmons S. "A F ew M i nutes W ith Andy Rooney," Andrew A. Rooney 6. "The Walk West," Peter & Barbara Jenkins 7. "Pathfinders," Gall Sheehy 8. "Miss Piggy's Guide to Life," M iss Piggy with Henry Beard 9. "M icrowa ve Cookbook," Betty Crocker 10. "Presidential Anecdotes," Paul F. Boller Jr. Courtesy of Time, the weekly news magazine. TDDAT'S CIDSSIDID PVIZLI THE PORT THEATRE 1173-b2bfl ACROSS Gump's wtle 136 Small Inlet 73 Seasoning 139 Tapestry 1 VISltC>f 74 Hive sound 1'1 USHA gnd. 7 Gangster's 76 Earn 142 Shade of gal 78 Three: Mus. gr_.., tor 11 LI Douce 79 Pure short 15C«emony 81 French 143 Flltl 21 Ry a jet porcelain dellcacy , 22 S-shaped 83 Secret 144 Ravage moktlng 65 Make 14 7 One oHl'le 23 CIOle by emends Colet 24 Pep 860baeulon 149 - 25 French 87 Car~ unit PfONndll article 88 Btemlsh 150 Planet 26 Otf\ce 89 Ganges 152 P.ce holde<I boat 153 Smooth 27 Change 91 Card game 154 AgrMmtlflt 29Gosht 93 Flapper'• 156 KJte 30 Metr1c auto t57 Dueling ~re 96 Indeed. sword 31 Let's call -In Ireland t58 Beech light -day 97 Fluorescent 159 Moon 33 Poignant dye goddess 35 Philippine 99 -Abner DOWN dwarl 100 Futena 1 Cotton doth 36 Yellow gem MCurely 2 Incarnation 38 Boundry: 101 C111pllke fllh 3Chlnese Comb. form 102 Bunting bird mite 39 SIMYeless 104 Maritime 4 Medieval garment t06 Daydream tale 41 Cadmus' 108 Fountain 5 Sk:ittan dauoriter ordel' volcWlo 42 Exh-1ed t09 Smudge 6~ 44 Electrlcel 11 I Licit 7 Saying unit t 13 Per1alnlng 6 Mon1t81' 45 Monkshood to.attn 9 Meadow· 4a Full IOd 114 Punitive land clMr 115 Having two to Del.ware 48 Worlcshop sides lndlan 50 Variety of 1 tS School 11 WlthoUI language coocer1. llmli. 52 Addltlona pemapa 12 Auto, of • 54 Concoml· 120 Aocommo-yont tent dated 13 Local store 56 Rhythm t23 Tell egeln 14 Knight 59 RalMd ltrlp 125 White ant ..., 81 Potential 129 MalaybOlt 15 Roylll energy t30 Nothing tr8PC)lng9 62 Old playing 132 Weit on 16 0onJu811'1 card t33 Youngat81' mother 68 French 134 Beltlcole 17 Golf beg "friend'" god . Item 67 Egg dishes 135 Peed\ Med 18 Lot's birth- 69 Ventilated t38 Under-place 71 Nevada city ground 19 M'*'t'oom 72 Andy WOl'1<« fUngus • 20 Writ., ot 90 Old Teata• IOngSor ment poems objects 28 Stone p111ar1 91 Atrtc:an cat 32 Philippine 92 Knight's tltle v<*:ano 93 Dewy 34 Oecefye 94 Icelandic 37 M•chant writing 38 Denoting 95 Genuine origin 98 CNsader'• 40 Publlc foe storehouse 100 Basque cap 42 Thell« 103 Ups ptattonn 105Roman 43 Four. to gods Plato 107 Captain 45 Holy place Memo'• 47 Jap-~O< herb 108 Alabama 4a Befuddle city 49 System 110 Outfit 51 Bwbecue 112 Cut buttlnlkl 114 Golf acore 53 Fem.ie 116 Relaxing rutlve 117 Asiatic 55 Noatrlla lemur S6 Peck down 119 Infectious 57 Oeeert dlseue prince t20 Contend 58 Tiny against facsimile t21 Nuptial 60 Righteous 122 Plfttlng 83 A memory aree &4 Extreordl· 124 Grape n11fYpenon preMf'Vft 65 CMI Wl'C>ng t26 Wrath 67 Judgment t27 TlAue oord 68Aggteo-te 128 Ancient 70Command ~le 73 ShaWI'• 131 Window .au cout6n t33 General 75 Streekect tendency 77 Leec>lng 138 Additional amphibians 137 Hervest 80Sautt-139 Solar dist< Miiiie 140 Ration_, 81 Author 143 Sprint Yutang 145 Compete 82Tlbeten t48 Actr ... guelle G111dner 84 Strqth t4a unttt. In ee Brigtltty cd-poetry Ol'ed bird 151 Chtneee 88 l.ondon pagoda tawy9f t55 Helm 89 Mocculn• position - EVERY MONDAY ALL SEATS $2.00 "Humor and eroticism in a tender and entertaining wori< :' )>Mt ~tn. NEW YORK TIMb • .......... O.-• ... ~'1> a.aia -A[P.~ Ul'o'l CINOU. c -i-c-eo..-....xi •• ,,. f (.()AC, T ~1,·,' I \,_ ,~ , ..... :,t L .... ; .. ,. Nobody leans on Sharky's Machine. • . THREE SUNDAY EVENINGS, 7:30 P.M. January 10, 1982 MUSIC FOR GREAT LOVERS The Pacific Symphony turns to thoughts of love In a program of music Inspired by history's greatest lovers, highlighted by a rare performance of Schoenberg·s Romantic masterpiece. Pelleas and Melisande. The concert opens with the classical beauty of Gluck and Includes Ravel's popular ballet suite. February 28, 1982 LILI KRAUS, PIANO Lill Kraus, whose Mozart performances are legend the world over, makes a rare Southland appearance. The all·Vlennese program in· eludes 20th century classics by Webern and Berg and the monumental Bruckner Ninth. March 28, 1982 . A STRAVINSKY CELEBRATION A festive concert celebrating the 100th birthday of Igor Stravinsky, ranging from his witty Circus Polka (written for a young elephant!) to the 20th century masterpiece, The Rite of Spring. Pacific Symphony prlnclpal players are featurecf soloists In Baroque works of Monteve:dl and Bach. Order all three at special discount prices. Sec. B $21 .00 Sec. C $15 .00 CONCERTS ARE AT KNOTT'S THEATRE BUENA PARK A Public Service S nsorsl1i of the Ora e Coast Dad Pilot NEW! Fish Sandwich Platter 8 1 .. 99 · You'll love our crispy North Atlantic fish fillet on a warm bakery bun with shredded lettuce! Complete with fresh coleslaw and golden fryes. It's great For lunch or anytimel Try our Chicken Sandwich Platter, tool .......... .-.s-... ........... ,......, ...._ ... .... I ' --------- TRIVll Doing China on bike Friendly people treat tourists with dignity By STAN DELAPLANE SHANGHAI, China -"Well man, here we are In Shanghai. Eleven million Chinese. From my window In the JlnJiana Hotel, ll could be Brooklyn on a smoggy day. Monotonous any buildings of uninspiring architecture. "It's three hotels around a garden of trees and cobblestones in ~he old French Concession. The help bu little English but I've been able to shoot the breeze · 1n French with the room boy and the doorman. The hotel doesn't give you a key so you can't lock your door." We've got a rePorter on a two-week tour of China. This Is the way he saw It. "There are 22 of us. We arrived last nlght on CAAC, the People's Republic airline now Oylng to San Franc1sco and New York twice a week. "Very no·nonsense night. Stewardesses wear baggy blue pant-suits and are not h.ip swingers. Booze Is downplayed. They push orange and tomato juices. "In the morning 1 got up at 5:30 to see the city. <It looked grim last night. No street lights. Bikes 1 without headlights.> ! "Outside the gate about 30 people were bending arms and twisting h.ips at commands of a : group leader. Joggers came pounding by. The 1 exercise is caJled Tai ji quan. The scene ln the gray morning was like an outtake of the cult movie, "Night of the Living Dead." "Big news this day was China's victory over Japan in the women's world cup volleyball. The dining room played · the game over radio throughout dinner. "O ut~ide , the city was going crazy. Firecrackers banging. Cheers. Packs of people. An American who'd been at the Bund and Nanking Road said be was pressed to the wall by crowds so Barge through Europe Armchair travelers can barge through Europe with Orange Coast College's travelogue series called Armchair Adventure. Hotel Barges in Europe will open the series at 8 p.m. Jan. 22 presented by lecturer Kenard Lawrence in the college auditorium. He will take ·viewers down the Thames River in England as well as lo the canals or France and · Holland. Stops at castles, marketplaces, vineyards, caves, ractories, cathedrals, windmills. pubs and rortresses are included in the tour. Tickets ror the program are $3, with senior citizens admitted for $2. Tickets are avaUable from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday at the· OCC Ticket Office located in the Administration Building. Call 556-5527 for information. heavy he reared for bis life. A policeman escorted him away. "Americans are a curiosity. You aren't buaUed by a jewelry at.ore owner or somebody who wants to find you "numbah one slrl." They will approach you to practice End.lab. People -who don't know English and probably never will - stand around just to watch. ·'There are some buses. Bicycles are the main traffic. It's bard to rent ooe. I borrowed a bike from a Friendhahip Store, saying I mi1ht buy. There are two and a hair million bUtes here. "Chinese bikes have only one speed. They can be hazardous t.o your health u they don't use lights or reflectors at night. The rear brake didn't grip bard enough on the one I rode. ·'They carry freight on a three-wheeler with a platform, and they've developed a bike Ure that will stand up to 500 Pounds. "Bikes are priced at 168 yuan ($100 ). A Chinese saves for six months t.o two years to buy one. ''On the street I met an American who speaks Mandarin and we soon ran into a Chinese who took us to a cafe for won ton and dumplings. "Turned out he wanted to give me Chinese money for the foreign e~change certificates we gel here and are expected to spend. The Friendship Stores take nothing else. "He said if he used the foreign certificates he would be given a bike of top quality -much better than if he used local currency. We each gave him $30 worth of certificates for SO·yuan bills. "Th.is tour costs $2,275. (They say it's the cheapest. A brochure can be obtained by writing · Travis Pacific Corp., 210 Post, San Francisco. California 94108) Takes you to Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Wuxi, Nanking and Peking. "You don't find out until you get to China where you will •lay. What you will eat or what you will see. We did well. You get a guide. If you like you can wander around town on your own. "Tourists are t.realed with dignity. People are friendly." "If there's a problem, It's not being able to meet Chinese people because you can't speak the language. You wind up knowing more about people on your tour than you do about the people of the People's Republic. "Found a good restaurant: The Lubolang, just outside the exit of the Yu Yuan Gardens. Terrific little dragon dumplings and bean curd in crab sauce. "Most people in blue Mao Tse·tung jackets . Buttons and four pockets. But a block up Nanking Road from the Peace Hotel, there's a coffee shop. Local dudes in dark suits, cigarettes in mouths. "Saw two sexy Chinese girls. wavy hair, tight pants. But what can you say, dear. after you say "hello"? And you can't even say that in Chinese." NOW EXPERIENCE THE ROMANCE OFTHE MEXICAN RIVIERA FORLESS ON A SITMAR 10OR11-DAY CRUISE. There's no better time than now to plan a winter or spring cruise to the Mexican Riviera. You'll not only er· ricnce the excitement an romance that comes from Mexico's unique blend of Spanish and Aztec cultures, but you'll see Mexico in ics prime: lush, verdant, and warm. And there's no bener dme to go because you'll save $400 a couple with our spc· cial discount on our 10 or I I-day cruises. (That means you can sail for 10 or It-days and pay less than other's 7-day cruises). Besides th( savings, you'll enjoy the best ports along the Meiican Riviera. And a longer cruise means you'll have mott time In port and mote dme to experience Ilk at eea. Prices reduced $400ro~p1e on these Mexico sailings: February 13 .... (I I-day) February 24 .... (lo.day) April 17 ....... (I I-day) April 28 ....... (10-day) Dllcounl applies only 10 the nm 2 penona pu c.bln Our 10 & 1 I-day cru~' visit Puerto Vallarta, Mazat~ Ian and Caho San Lucas, along wirh fabuloos Acapulco and the secluded fishing villa~ of Zlhuatanejo and "'carby lxtapa. The 11-day crubei give you a day and a half In Acapulco-more time than with any other cru~ line. Next, the Uberian· registered T.S.S. Falnea aailt round trip right from Los Angeles, which means you don't have to fly. Aboard ship, you'll enjoy the most spacious ship cruising the Mexican Rivi· era. You'll find the ambiance Italian, the cuisine conci- nental and extraordinary. The service 1 Our Europe'Ul staff is thoughtfully, gradously there. Taking pride in pamper· ing you 24 hours a day. The Skmar Experience ls sold exclusively by profes· sional ua~I agents. Consult yours today. 'IheSitmar ·. Experience Ceribtan & South Amt:rica • Mexico P9nalnl c.ntl • c..Nlde & Ah1.U Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT/Sunday, January 10, 1882 •• BUSY STREET -Traffic in the streets of Shanghai is mainly bicycles. There is a bike for one of every four of Shanghai's 11 million people. Three bicycle factories turn out one-s peed bikes, three-wheelers for freight and the "ever-lasting" model for export. Travelexpertseesvastchange By llEIDl'NOLTE . A.tMc ..... ,.....wnw NEW YORK -John Mason didn't lake h.is firs t long trip until be was 14 years old. But the 73·year-old British travel expert bas more than made up for h.is late start, having been in the travel business for the past 54 years .. He now serves as archivist for the Thomas Cook Travel Co., which is celebrating its 15()th anniversary this year. . Vast changes have taken place in the industry since the first organized tour -to a Temperance Rally in Britain -was arranged in 1841, Mason pointed out on a recent visit to New York . James Mason Cook, the son of the man who founded the company in Enghand, was "the pioneer of organized vacation travel," Mason said. "He always had the vision of people, the masses. going by the new railways. He tried to bring reality to dreams and fancies, to send people at prices they could afford to places they'd only read about.'" And vacation travel in its early stages did just that. he added. The artisan class, the manual laborers, did most of the local leisure traveling, their trips affordable because excursions in Britain were only for short distances. But at the same time horizons were widening for the better educated and the class with more THE HOLIDAY'S HAVE BEEN HELD OVER IN LAS VEGAS .HALF PRICE HOLIDAY ROOM RATES AT THE MAXIM HOTEL AND CASINO .ALL ROOMS $2250* . SUNDAY THURSDAY DURING JANUARY The holidays don't have to end. at least not at the Maxim Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. We're still celebrating by extending our special half price holiday room rates through January. All of our beautiful rooms are still just $22.50 a night. Sunday through Thursday. That's half off our regular rate of $45.00 a night. ·"Subject to avaflablllty. Does not apply to groups, convent.Ions or r~ m~ · by tnrV'el agents. CAU..DIRECT TOU.. FREE: 800-634·6987 money t.o do these things," to travel outside of Britain to places such as Switzerland he explained. ' Jemima Ml>rrell was one such upper-class traveler. Together with her brother and six friends, she joined 130 others in 1883 in what was known as the Junior Alpine Club. "That was the very first organized trip t.o · Switzerland from Britain," Mason said. And the interesting thing about them was the way that they dressed for the hazardous and lengthy tour -in petticoats, he pointed out. There were more women than men on the early excursions, he noted. Climbing windy, snow· laden trails through the Alps, . scallnc pyramid walls on the Nile, disguising portable lavatories in bonnet boxes on the rail cars. "Never put them off for a bit," Mason said. "Then in 1880, there was the Palestine tour where everyone had to go oo horseback and sleep in tents," he said. "These trips could last anywhere from two weeks t.o two months" and were rather extravagant. ·'They had red carpets, bedsteads and a dinin1 tent made quite comfortable with white tablecloth, silverware and pewter candles. All this bad to be dismantled every night and put on the backs ol mules," he added. "So a party of 20 would have about 25 riding horses and:.> mules." HOTllL CA81NO LA8V•GA8 7 .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, J8nuary 10. 1982 ~~----------------....;.--------------------------~------------------------------------------------------""t" ..................... ~~~~~~!!:!:!:!:=-~!!!ll!l=::l=mlllr ........ Popularity of marbles lost PARKERSBURG, W.Va. <AP > -John Mu*t tbl.nu the d1y1 wbee Tom Sawyer and 11lllUou ot real Am•rlcan cbUdrea canitd a prt1ed marble or two ln tbetr poek.U u. over. A trim, elderb' man wltb 1Uvertn1 bait and a trim ~*· Muter. la manaaer of oee ol th• n.aUon • \.l~t marble factori... Aalt him about marbles ~ he'll h1ppUy tallt 1w1y tM afternoon, i.llln• JOU 1bout makln1 cat 6Y•. all reda and Iqua Jewell. "Marbles mean a lot to me," he say a. "They're u random as 1nowttuea." At tbe VUro Agate plant near the Ohlo River, Muten and a amall aroup ol workers turn out mllliona ol marbles that are 1hlpped to toy atores and cblldren around the world. But the tame that once wu played by George Wuhinatoa and Abraham Lincoln and 1eneraUons of American chUdren since bas been all but for1otten ln recent years, Masters says. "Marbles are mainly an outdoor game. You flnd a Oat spot ln the dirt or grass and make your circle." he says. The marbles are put In the center and the players try to knock them out witb their shooters. .. The art of shooting marbles is virtually lost," he says. Once Ulere were dozens or factories in lhe United States turnintr out marbles, Mastera says. Now there are just four factories left that make nothing but marbles, aJI of them in West Virginia, he says. "Mothers seem to object now to children getting down on their bands and knees ln lhe dirt to shoot marbles," Masters says with a si&h. In the factory beyond Master's office, workers stir vats of white bot, molten jtlass In furnaces. fhe marble machines tum flamtn( droes of liquid glass into a revolving pair of steel c;ylinders. The cylinders look like giant, interlocking corkscrews. The drops of glass are caught in the teeth of the revolving cylinders. to be sent ru.shing along the tu~ng vanes. As workmen watch, lhe shapeless droplets are shaped and smoothed into perfect globes that come rolling ofr the machines and clu.oJdq into bins filled wilh lbousands or .deaminl marbles. But marbles don.tt have much attraction to children surrounded by electronic games, television, train sets, stereos and a hundred other toys and amusements. ''( wish more kids played marbles ... " Masters says. "They don't play like lhey used to. There are just so many things available to kids today." Even lhe cheapness and simplicity of marbles seem to work against lhem, Masters says. "There aren't many toys you can buy for under a dollar. But most stores don't even sell lhem anymore. The markup is too low." 11111 IDllCIB $50,000 SMITH due in attack GRAND RAPIDS. Mi c h . (AP ) -Tbe family or a 3-year-old attaeked by a monkey at the city zoo will receive a damage settlement or SS0,000, city officials said. Jason Brown required 250 stitches alter a monkey bolted lhrough an open cage door Aug. 20, and pounced on him, biting repeatedly "like he was a piece of meat," said his molher Calhy. Jason requires more plastic s urgery to remove residual scars and he mus t keep two metal plates in his bead. Also , be s urfers nightmares and bas be e n taunted by neighborhood children. MARY C. SMITH, resident of South Laguna. Ca., passed away on Wednesday. December 30, 1981. She was the wife or Ohn W. Smith, deceased 1972. A former book publisher in Los Angeles, Ca. She was born 1n Steelton, Pennsylvania on May 9. 1901 Prior to her residence in California she worked in Washington. D C She was a past president or the Newport Harbor Lady Anglers in 1968 and she was known ror her fishing ability and caught a record Albacore in 1952 Memorial services will be held at Paciric View Memorial Park. Newport Beach. Ca. on Monday, January 11, 1982 al 2: OOPM Ofrici a ting . Bishop Ed Wri g ht Interment at Pacific V1e11; Memorial Park In heu of £lowers the fam ily requests contributions be made to your favorite charily. She 1s survived by nieces and nephews . Pacific View Mortuary directors. The settlement may . ;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!ilii"miiiiii~=-•nt b ave been lhe 1 argest in . NentiMtP S«>ciety· a damage claim against cH~i-•11••~•' sh Grand Rapids, said City 1 Attorney Philip Balkema. Relic ------t found ............ ·Arthtl8 backed in LA LOS ANGELES (AP> -Ta.ldnl a at.p toward.I makln1 It le11I for artl1ta to Uve and work ln commercial bulldioaa. the Ctty Council has exempted commercial and lndu•trial structures from environmental studles. Aa Iona as lhere are 15 or fewer artlall in a bulldlng it will not be at.abject to a minimum four weeks' worth of environmental clearance normally required when a building chan1ea use, the City Councl'I decided. A plan by Councilman Joel Wachs would allow artist.a to llve and work ln old commercially zoned buildings near the art galleries centered in the eastern portion or the Central City. Sweet • music WORCESTER, Maaa. <AP> -A 391-year-old viola donated to the Performing Arla School of Worcester bas been sold for a record $240,000 lo a professional musician. the school announced. """';........... ""''"·---..... ..,ATUllllfT ..... ITAT11M9"1 "'• .......... ..,_ ef• .... ... ............. ---.,. .... "-'.._•: --=r.i;r••••v••·•U•flHY I 0 K\.AHO•A •NI lteY fllOflaltTlll, •I •8', .. ._., AMOCIAT~=;"' ........ ,.._,CA..._ ilM<fl CA • 00UcM Al K. llUIWt, U11 ~":,~-::,flMv, ....... . •. OU... ........ ._,., CA 'llMt. ...10 C. •110. .... Wlt, .. .. Tlilt ....._.II c~ .... ., • ................. ~ CA ,..,.., Mflll... ........... • • --A OU11191(. ......__ DONNA ... •11•0•1t••Y••· -Tfilt ......... _....,_ ___ "~ ........... ..._ • ._. C-tt a.A flf Or... CM!llt• .. ...,.. • l)ec, "· "'1, flt.... Tiiie *'-• fl ~ 1W I..-.._..I.._ Or .. t...e Diiiy....., .. ,. ....... , ---,,__.._..,.. Dee.•• 11, "'1,JM.J, M, ._ -";' T• .......... -.......... _.., c-flf or-..~-~ O.C.16,tlll. • I flUllV ..... -... ---------~er.. c.-1 O!l!f ..... ":.:.."::-::-o.c ... "· .............. ..... TM .................... ,. ...... • t ---t ._ y ~-I NU 1111( •' ~01.llH /DAMCO IAL•t 1------~~~=--~ ..... ..:.~ :::..~=~ NOTICE OF DEA-THOF A111M11Y N. a...,1t11. u111 ..._ VINKO TOMAZIN AND "•'"''•• 0r1 ... Lae••H .. ,.,..,. 0 F P E T I T I 0 N T 0 Cel'::,.":,... ... via v..-. ADMINISTER ESTATE : ... ~c.-...,..,.. NO. A-111716. 'l on1.i J . , • .,., •• , •• uu1 T o a I I h e I r s , -' =" ~ .. ~ "1111• C..•lfwlll• beneficiaries, creditors 1 1 TMt -.._ .. f...-C'" tty • •nd contingent creditors of ....,..,.._..... VINKO TOMAZIN •nd A.N........ persons who may bei C:::, "t.:':': :-.,:. ... C.:::., ".: otherwise Interested In the ~it,"" will and/or estate. "Wl""9ol0......c-t o.t•~= A petition has been filed ~ I DK.-.f7,ttll,JM.1.10.M1U11-41. by James. E . Helm, Public Administrator, li • ...C mil County of Orange In the ---------= Superior Court of Orange "1CTtTIOU1eus1••• County requesting that ...,...n•ftMa•T James E. Helm, Public Tll• ••11••1"' ,., .... " ••'"' Administrator Count~ of ..,.,_., be ' I t Jl!WIELS 01" THIE KINGDOM. range appo n e as ta~ Mnet. ~AM, CA rsonal representative to mo.. administer the estate of ••cHuo J. coues, •1• w. lnko Tomazin (under the Sleffe, s.... "-· CA ft1t1. I d d n11 ......... I• ,-.c, ... "' aft n e p e n e n t 1tw1w1..... dmlnlstratlon of Estates -1 Tiii• ~ 111.,. .,111 _ Act). The petition Is set for ·• c-ty CNl'I( ..-or-.. c:-..ty .. hearing In Dept, No. 3 at • o.c.11. '"'· 700 Civic Center Drive, · ,._,_ 0r .... CM.t O.:': West, In thf> City of Santa o.c. a . 11• "'1. J-. •· ••. ,. fltlM1 A n a , C a I • f o r n I a o n ~ February 3, 1982 at 9: 30 ' a.m. CLOTHESPINS -Donald Penle.y. owner of Penle~· Corp. in West Paris. Maine, holds some of the millions of clothespins his companv makes. His product. in a manner or speaking. s upports the town and the company worries about cheaper imports from (::fiina. Taiwan and Poland The viola was made by the 16th century Italian instrument builder Gasparo DaSalo. The price waa a record for a DaSalo instrument, trustee president Jeffrf;y C. Woodworth said. The viola was sold through New York music dealer Charles Magby to an American woman who will play the instrument in a quartet. For insurance reasons, the name of the musician was not released. IF YOU OBJECT to the ;ranting of the petition, you should either appear • !t ttle' hearing and state .-our objections or file iNrltten objections with the :ourt before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your 3tlorney. IF YOU ARE A C REDITOR or a :ontlngent credlfor of the jeceased, you mus t file )'our clalm with the court .>r present It to the oersonal representative 3ppolnted by the court Nlthln four months from • Energy-saving efforts make progress in state Law upheld SACRAMENTO <AP> -A Superior Court judge bas upheld the st ate's tightened s tandards tor exposure ol workers to elhylene dibromide, a fumigant used against the Mediterranean fruit fly. ,.,,..., •MOD••• K•ttOALL & MAA•t•TOll Afll I dW.OW .. .... ..,..., ......... .... ......,....,ca ...... ............ Or-. c.... o.tly ... ~ OK. 2'· f7, "'1, JM. a, 10, !tit HDNI. Ule date of first Issuance )f letters as provided In ;ectlon 700 of the probate -::ode of California. The ~ lime for filing claims will _ not expire prior to four months from the date of ~-.s SACRAMENTO (AP) -A Visalia citi1tens' committee encourages home sellers to rate their homes for energy efficiency. San Diego i$sues a free booklet touting the rihancial and health benefits of bicycle riding. U kiah off ers homeowners do· it· yourself kits for energy audits. These are some of tbe increasing efforts of local governments to save energy. as outlined in a state report. The report by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr . 's Office o f Appropriate Technology notes progress since a more limited report in 1980. Brown said in a preface, "In the past Year, cities and counties have stepped up their commitment to Innovative ideas are coming from citizens in every region of California, report says. co mpared to other co ncerns . One-quarter ranked energy high, 48 percent medium, and 26 percent low. Only 20 percent -SS cities and 14 counties -said they had energy policies, with another 15 percent having policies pending. The report said the policies vary according to size and location. Some local governments stress the development or energy 5ources such as wood, geothermal and wind . Others focus on increased energy efficien cy an new building or transportation. The report said 106 cities and 29 counties have energy coordinators of one type or anolher. And 74 cities and 23 counties have NUllla fltC'TtTIOUI eut1t1•U flAM&ITAftMaefT Tl•• fell••lllt ,..,..., h dol,.. _._ .. , "1.AYLAHO A•CAOIE, 70> ....-, ....... c:.tlflwftla 9*1 ~-M. S.....•I. 4J7 WelflOlt Piece, ca.. Mela, c:allfenlle.,.,, Tiiie ""*-II cOfidlKted 11¥ .. lfldlvtdll91 Loll M. SMdwal Tlilt ............. -flled wltll U. eo-ty Clef1l flf Or..... c-.ty °" ~MlllllHS ....... ITAftMaWT Tiie fellOwl ... ,...._. ere CIOlftt Ml-•: .. AVO ... Ol'il•TtlES AHO IHVHTMaNTS OIVOltl, LTO., 1 .. 1 Sll-,-tl Orcle, Suite C. lrvlM, Call ...... ft1U ~ It. ".,.,.,· 1a1 s.ry__. C.lrC'le, S.-C. ll'YIM, c:alltorll&e ft7t4 Al1 J. ~-·· 1eot1 Slly,.f'll Clrcle, W'9 C. ll'\'IM, CalltenMe '2714 -'-.. ~. , .... .,.....,. am. ...... c. lf'Vltw, c:al"-'le ft7t4 Tiiie Ml-Is c....-.<111d "Y e 11mi...,........, UOW9 It. Henly Tiiie ....._ -flied wl"4 W. c:.uotty Oef'll flf Or..... c-.My .. ~""'' 1'11'111 •NOOIS , K••OALL a UlllU ... TCNI Afll I I IW.OWNO .... .... _ . ._ ......... ........... ca. ..... "'*hfwd 0r..., °*" o.llr "'iot. 'OK ... f7, 1'1r.JM. J. it. ,_ WM1. 'he hearing noticed above. · '•• YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. Jf you are Interested In the estate, you may file tr request with the court to • r eceive special notice of the Inventory of estate and of the petitions. accounts ; and reports desa'tbed Section 1200.S of the California Probate Code. '.i Keene& Dion > 3333 W. Coast Hwy, 401 ~· · Newport BeKh, ~. t2'63 '· Ms-40'4 J PubllShed Orange Coast •• .Daily Pilot, Jan. 10, 11 , 17, •; 1982 209-82. ··' .-i ... energy committees, composed , "'""' NOTICE OF DEATH OF ,., mainly of private citizens. "'*..,..Or-.~1>e1""""" 1.-----------E R E o 1 TH F '•' O.C-M."'1 . The 19·member Visalia Citizens OK.Ju7.tt11 • .i-a.tt.MUttMl. PtCTinousav1H1ua HUMPHREY ANO OF •• Energy Committee has, among other ..,....ITATui .. •T E T 1 T I o N T O ~: programs, a voluntary residential NU 1911( ...;-~~.._-... ,,. ADMINISTER ESTATE .; energy efficiency rating. Under it. o. •· EHTE•,.•1us. ""NO. At11"41 . I ~ 9Ul4.,.. !!4:''.,. •-. C-t• Mew. CA T o a II h e I r s . rea estate agents rate home5 on a ..,. ITATSMatn • ..., scale of one to four stars according to Tiie 1e11ew111e ,.., .. ""'"' GLIENN •· eEIELIE•. uNt beneficiaries, c reditors ·! .__.., w..twktl.......,..._CA...sa. and contingent creditors of ·J energy efficiency. Home owners may • 1 c "MA It o • o u,.. a 011•1tv tJ:L.AIH, u1 w. '"" Meredith F Humphrey . • advertis. ea favorable rating IWl'u••-• 09ur\........,. llMdl, MrMt. 0 c ·.c-1oe-...CAt1MZ1. • · c:.i...,,......,. ""' ....._. 11 ~'" • ., • and persons who may be : ~ The report said local governments er-•·"'-'-•.....,., • .-...., .. ,.,..,.._ otherwise interested In the do well in monitoring their own ~'1, ..__.... 11Mc1i, c.11fw!lla T111a ::,::~IE.:.. ..... .._ will and/or estate: energy use. Some 61 percent have TMt ___ .,,~...,aft c-ty ~., 0r-.. ~.., A petition has been flied done energy audits or tbelr own .... ......,.. OK.''""· by Kathleen J . Humphrey , • buildings. About 70 percent regularly TMt .:,.a.~... .... .. .._....arw. CllMt o.i:'= in the Superior Court of -..-iii con ser vation and renewable monitor the energy consumed by c-.ty C*1l flf 0r .... ~ ... o.c.a .11 ..... --.a.te.tta s.wt Orange County requesting ft resources. They have shown that their vehicles and buildings. o.c...--."'1 ,,__ ____ _... ............ __ -that Kath I e en J · innovation ls now coming from About 72 percent have made some ,......Otwllac-tDeM~=· ... .. Humphrey be appointed as ~ c It i z e o s t n e very region of energy-saving changes in lhe interior OK.•"·""·.-. a. te. .. ~. 9fOnU °" =~~r~t~f:e~~~~:ee ~~ _:->l! California." lighting of government buildings. But -• --..-.........,.,un Meredith F. Humphrey .t But local government's efforts only 35 percent have Improved ,._ .. ,~ NOTICE ts HOHY GIVEN (under the Independent •o have been limited. OnJy 35 percent or furnace efficiency. and only 16 .,..,._11••••1-•'"'-l9N!Admlnlstration of Estates fllCTITIOUI llVIHf•• ler MY _...er ~llllft <Mlrat the localities that responded to a percent have invested in passive or _.,... n•TllMll•T tty .,.. ._ ._ myu1t, ., Act). The petition 1$ set for survey had energy policies adopted active solar systems. Tll• '•"••l11t1 ,..,_ 11 "'"' ...... lflll...._ ~armg In Dept. No. 3 at KARACHI, Pakistan or pending. Most oft e e orts were ore t an percent ac iNNOYAT10HS ev uneuo. Kfttlla........_ 1 the 1 of r. h rf M b 80 1 k llYtl-•; 0•'"""••4efotJ_.,, ita. 700 Civic Center Drive, 1 concentrated in a few areas, such as ordinances requiring existing homes 19111 ..... Orde, HllM......., 9MOI, .. IE.,._ A... West, n C ty .-nta (AP> -A Pakistani sodium street lights, bike lanes and to inslall such conservation devices CA.,.._ "'"*•:Ac•._11 Ana, California on Jan. 27• ) I McC~ MOITUARIH Laguna Beach 49'·9'15 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495·1776 HAnOI uw~wr. oun Mortuary• Cemetery Crematory 1025 Gisler Ave . Cosla Mesa 540-5554 ,_Cl •OTitHS ~MOADWAY M09TUdY t10 Broadway Cos11 Mesa 642·9150 IMTZ-•llON tMTH I TVT'HtU WISTCUH CHArtt.. •27 E t 7th St Costa Mesa S.6-9371 villager has round a d 1 bti 1 •OH!n •· une .. q, 19111 ~f21M1 1982. c,48l·year-old sapphire government buil ing ig ngd.i ba1s attitc insu ahtion •. holl·water :::' ~."-•••~CA ..... ~'.~7~ c.tt o.11y IF YOU OBJECT to the necklace in a pile of Few localities have or nances aoke s . weal erstnpp ng, or TM•......_. 11 ~---.... tty ... t------------granting of the petition, rubble left by visiting encouraging or requiring solar setting back furnace thermostats. tlldM.... NU 1911( you should either appear t archaeologists who energy or conservation in homes or But 72 percent are changing street Tllll =.:t~:_ w1111"" at the hearing and state f apparently overlooked vehicles. Few have public education lights to sodium, which use less c-ty c1ert1., 0r.._ °"""'.., let,.. c-.. "~ ,MtcN:t your objections or file 1 l programs. energy; 62 percent are working on o.c.1. "''· ~ .......... ••• •&. written objections with the • 1 t. F th t 11 d "Lo"'al bl I t d 52 t e ,.,,,... ....,........,CA..... court before the hearing. ~ f s a 1m 8 s u 1 tan a. or e repor • ca e ... eye e anes, an percen ar ,......._. 0r...,. c...e o.11, ....._ ,.LA1NT1"'"' c1Tv NA.T•o•At. Your appearance may be .. {i t di r lb EnerovJnitlatives: A Second Look," improving traffic si 0 nal o.c.a .u ."'1,JM.s.11.1teU1M1 MNK,u••,........_-1et.-. 1 cus o an o e a" a DIEP•NCWWT: 1tOe•1tT o. uw1s In person or by your . Moenjadro ruins, said OAT sent surveys to 426 cities and 58 synchronization. NU mnH .u 1tOHfl'T 1.ons..,.. oouHe attorney. ., l the archaeologists failed counties last January and May. New bike lanes include one -·""' L.Law11 ......... 1 F y 0 u AR E A ., to find any relics of Responses were received from 46 between Davis and Sacramento, a fl1CT1nciunu•n••• caae....... c R E o 1 To R 0 r a . ancient civilhatlon countiesand310citles. 22·mile bikeway lo the San Diego u•HTAT•Me•T llOTteatY• ........... na contlngentc.redltorofthe ' during their excavationa They were asked whether energy area. and a bicycle plan of Palm ..!:.:.::,••'"' ,..,_ '' •111• ,... ::. = = := ...... deceased, you must me ~ at the site in Slnd issues rated high, medium or low Springs. • cat.tf'O•••A a"o'"• ·~ ......... .,,. your clalm with the court J . o•v•t.o,.MeNT COMflANY. 111t • or present It to the . province, western l"lllffMte •-.~-...CA .,.,..,......_. .. """" • .,.personal representative Pakistan s k ...a1. ......., ...... ....._,,_......,. · · t "•c1P1c MlltOOYNAMtcs •fK-... ,.,..,..,., .. tMt "'" •'"'" appointed by the court The necklace, which, 1'ray ma es seen s . C•llfert1I• c., •• , ....... lltt ,......, .. ..,,....., .. ,... ....... within four months from dates from 2 -B c t. l"IHllfltle ·-· c;.u ...... CA AVllOI .... .. .... ... f a tf\e date ot first ·fSsuanc.e . •"""' . . . 3 --~ •. ..__ -... --U& 0 n dis p I a y In t b • ,_,. .,. ~ _ .... ue. of letters as provided. In J '.!~..,-..--!!' ,_.._ ~, • --••__.._ .. Section 700 of the Probate .Moenj.clro museum, sh ..... _ -·--__... .._ .aid. • Dab on men sa1·d to turn women on "'8dfteMI••--·""· """' .......... ,Code of Callfornla. The ' A.O.fltla, 11u.e._..-..., .. ~ time for fll'-clalms wlll '-.......,.. .................... ""' .. M • I.-Tiii• .......... -., ... '""' .. 11ae.,1. 1-..ri--• ..... , not expire prlot to four l,1Ullreu VANCOUVER, British Columbia "Just a tiny amount," it says, can c-;:, ca.ni"' °' .. c:-it., • -..................... ...,months from the date of CAP> -A Canadian company has have a "bu"'e effect." DM.' ""· ..,,.. T.:o'T'::~',.t:'~~·~ the hearing noty Iced aboveE. b d d loped th l lal will • ........... Clr .. CliMIDllM¥"9e. u"'•' .. M Ml 1Me9 ,. .... ., t YOU MA EXAMIN a1Ule eve a spray at t c ms C o m P a n Y off i c l a I s s at d ' o.c .. a..,,,...,,,.. a.",.. a1M1 ......,_ ..-. ,... " .., ..... the file keS)t bV the court. ~ do wooden ror men Interested in androst.erooe la found In human skln C': • ...-.. ,. --. 1 f you are Interested In the PEKING (AP) -romance. and b·'-It ,_ al.so present ln m-t ..... . • ~:'.:==: iestate, you m•Y fll• • C ontortion l 1t1, • The company, Bodywlse Product.a, _.._ .. .... · j, .:. ....-. ... a 01111. u.. r-uest wtth the court to d animals. Bodywtseaaid. I #1 ....... ~ .. magleian1, minstrel claims that a two-aecon spray -a ":J::li~":=:r ..,':·=" .. ...::.. _. !trehcel1ve spect 1•1 notf lcetatof • a n d o t be r 1 tree little dab on the hankie, shirt cuff, or World Mediclne magazine aaid lt ls ,,.. ,..,..,.._. "'-,, .,,.. ~ _,..,. • ,......._ e nven ory o es e Cerrormers bave been collar -of their BriUsb-developed used on pigs to 1ttract "dlttlcult" .._.! .-"' .. ,,..., .......... • .ssets and of tM Pttltfofts, aDn.d ID Pe"' ID I male hormone deriva~ve will make sows 1ct1uY1.•• ••1111a1i ,_ ........ wM<• cMMt ,...., 1 accounts and rtports1 • • n•v1ca. ..,, QINla ~ •"'1"'_... "' ....... •••.-. described In Stctlon 1100.s because tbey attract! women want lbe wearer badly for tbe T.be IPf&Y ii "llOl'Jllally odorleu. A ' --.::,::..~~."' _. ·-~•ef•~', of the Clllfornla P,_ ..... ~Jn~~!!;~ bloc~ n~th~r~-:''tua • .. secret :l~~~~ed,0j~:r'~b=:0~1·!~n:.he~! ~ :_~"· .. ~~ ... ~ • "t=!!:.=*~ c°#i11teM s . cuce., ( ' A .. llOlke ~ lnsndlenl," -erone, -of a •-•"-bett ·• th m r ·-- -_, An....., It LeW OM CltY .Pektn1 Dally 1al famlly or cbemloall ealled ;:,0: w-man er. •co P&DY ..,...,.,~,,.....,_ •••r'r' •nL •••u10 llvd .... ,, hit. 1MI, ~ a a 1 on • 1 t a 1 t a plleromone1, wllletl "broedeub • ' I Till9 ......... -,.... .... • •c•••! •· MLoM•, ,,. ra .... , CA tUM; t••· P91'formaDC91 OD powe?ful 1ubcom ... Mnal call to A a.a.ounce can cotts m.95 ud =:·~ :,-.. °' .... ~ • ..,_ , •4 f1 .,:':,; en•> tsJ.11•1. or ~ fAcM women bl the .,., ' tM ..,.._ 1hoaJdlutfor about five maDtba, the ,,..,...arw.c:wt°""~ ·--..-..,--... ~=-c-1._.,..e.t -.. dalma. .~~~:=~·"~~~· ....... ., ..... ,................. ... .... !"\!' ' ~ a a a as as as K a • -------Or COlll DAILY PILOT/SUnday, Januuy . M1dian hacome o/ DaJlu ·"Alot /amW.1 • erceedl $34 ,()(J(J 'O JJeOr. Your Od rfOCltn _. .... ~~••••••• ~.~~ ... ~··· ~.~~••••••• ~.~.':!':. ....... ~.':':'..':!':. ....... ~.":'!..~........ . ...... ':':.~ ....... ~.~~ ....... r ~.~.~ •••••• ~~.":':"..":!:. ••.•.• _. ._... llH ~,.... IOOJ liar.. 1001 •• ,.. 1002 Ga•rtl 1002 laartl lotJ 'iaar.. IOOJ Ota:.. 1002 81artl 100 9•:11 ltu ................. ····•················• ....................... ....•••.•.....•••...... ...••.•........•.•.•... .........•............. ................••••••• ....................••• ......•.•••........... . ..•.........••••....•. .. CAMYOM ""8T CUSTOM A llAL ~ HAUTY Ele1ance & dignity ln this fantastic Georgian Colonial located on the 8th 1reen of golf course. Top quality craftsmanship thruout with finest woods, impqrted marble. crown mOldlngs, 6~ baths, air cond .. 3 wet ban + more. Luxurious mstr suite plus 4 other bedrms with private batm, banquet size OR, fam rm and billiard rm. Call for appt to see or a colored brochure. $2,150,000 including the land. HAllOI YllW llOADMOOR YACAM'f -SH AMY TIME View of ocean, bay & Pavilion lights from this prestigious home with grand entry in Del Piso tile. 4 Br 21h Ba Family Room , 2 Fireplaces. Community Pool and Parks. Ideal f amil_y home in a !rime Corona del -"Mar neighborhoo . Priced to sell $329,000 Leasehold. Owner will help finance. IHI suuu .. WAY s.t/S• 1-5 ..wPOIT IUCH DUPLIX OYn8 WILL NwifCE AT 13% 200' to beach. 4 Bedrooms, 2 baths in upper; 2 Bedrooms in lower. Some view of ocean. Fireplaces. Patios. $279,500. Owner will carry 1st trust deed of $230,000 at 13%. No loan fee. FOi WSE -$1200 MO. New listing. Big Cyn Townhome with exciting golf course view. Unlum. El Dorado Model with 3 bdrms. dining rm & 21h baths. Pool, jacuzzi & tennis. 21 CAMYOH l~HD DR. S• 1-5 WISLIY M. TA YLOI CO., RULTOH 2111 S. ...... H .. Rood MM • .,,'POl._IT_ CIMTEI. IU. 64 .. 49 I 0 ......... ••••••••••••••••••••••• / .-r .. I [us, . I .EQUAL HOUSING I OPPORTUNITY 1 ·-·------., P U1hr'sMotke: 64 -1133 ANYTIM E ILUffS CONDO MUSTSB.L All real estate ad· vertised l o this BeW11paper ii subject to the Federal· Fair Hous· 1111 Act of 19611 which makes it iUe&al to ad· vertiJe "any p~erence, limitation, or dis - crimination baaed on race. color, reliaioo. set, or national origJo. er ao intenlloo to make any aucb preference, limitation, or dis· cri minatioo. " 3 bdrm. new carpets, drapes, stove, paint. Move in cond Call for •Pill-only $133,900. Ud lei.le oplloo.s avail. nm newspaper will not kDowin~ly accept any advertising for real .Ute which ia in viola· ticJDol the law. ',.~~ " I A 'l~t l11tll1tH """' ...._,,. fhd .... Ille .c:-iey atf11 I• •81141 .., ... ,... ..., wlllcll ti-col'tiftlllftt ......... _ ....... ,.... ............. __, ''"If II t llert "' ....... c.l ... LAeel O••tr•••"' at tile DAILY l'ILOT fer • l11f•t••ll•11 .... .... ...., ..... MM321 .... »-·-•O.... ,._ . ....,_ •or ~IAED INDEX Tt .... , .... Cal 642-5671 .. OIS ..... 11 .... ····" ....... ..., ••4 ,.,., •• ,,.,, .......... ftotAILf N.Of_....., ......... ..._ ........ .,,,. ttOUSIS FOi SAU 1112 · llM onm llAl nun 1Jtl ·2'H 19ffAU ,. ....... SJMISS. IMYISTMIMT ..wtCI IMl·NJI AMIGKWS "" lOST&fOUMO HM ,_SOHALS UN SllYICI DlllCTOH .... SCMOOUI IMSTIUCTlott 71 .. JOISWAHTBJ 1f7l HarWAHTBJ 11N MmCHAMINSI ....... ... TO YOU ... , 10.ARIMMM 't:i.MM ....... TUMIPOlf AJIOtt '"''"" MlfOMOIUS ..... ..,. .... . ,,.. ........ •C. ~=-.,_ ..... .... 'r=-"' HISTORIC SOUTff ERN CALIFORNIA MANSION or approx. 5500 s /f plus 1000+ s /f with bowli ng alley plus nearly ~sf( guest houge. All completely restored to the original grace and ele~ance. Hea ted pool & spa . $1 ,250,000, OR completely furnished including fin e antique art, $1,750,000. Immediate occupancy if desi red. Broker co-op. Contact Wm. Crook. Crook International, PO Box 1194 , Redlands, Calif. 92373. Phone <714 > 793·2726. Cele ;);\ Of ........ p .. b L 875-5'51 ~---~ - OPIH HOUSES 1-5 CUSTOM CON DOS · Lovely Tudor styling, cathedral · .:eil1ngs. ISiand kitchens. All in So. ot Hwy locale. Front unit 3 Bdrm $325,000. Rear UQ it 2 Bdrm 1320,000. fll-41 1\'2 Dahlia. CdM NO LEASEHOLD WOR-RIES: Lease has been renovated and is fixed for 25 yrs. Totally re· newed Irvine Terrace 3 Bclnn, 3 Ba home with family room. $349,SOO. 1436 Serenade COU Of dWPORY MAI.TORS 2515 L c-t ltwy. C-delMer V5·5511 Shirtdress in Great Shape PRllnED ~ I =::·1i! 55'-9400 VACANT IM THE ILUFFS Fantastic -terms-<1wner will carry at lJ.5<;. or will consider lease OP· taon ! Highly upgraded Trina model. Oak plank· Ulll and wood shutters. New c ~et ! Only ......... ") r1woci, SI l.500 DOWN lll.21A 10 DIOOAI. •YM <>Mt HOUSI SUtl , ... SI JS.000 NO ON. eqwty share. 1st tJ~ buyers. 3 bd., I ba., only SlM,000. pnn. only call 631~5 Kathy agnt. JIEDIOOM STA.RTER.-o n1y SlJ0.000! Woods and streams surround this charming Costa Mesa garden home. F.nclosed patio. 3 car garage! Sparkling pool. Flexible terms. Just list· ed. Call 67J.~ THE REAL ESTATERS ------~--.. Ow.& ANXIOUS Beautiful. immaculate. rucely landscaped 4 Br home on cul·de ·sac. Spacious rooms View of j gdf course from proper-MEW USTIHG . ty Owne r-assisted Charming old CdM1 financrng Only $139,500. home with pool and view • 1 Call now. 979·S370 on large lot Beam c.-etl· A · Ing. 2 rireplacea. 3 LLS.,.AT~ bdrms each with own _ I,. ~· bath $475,000 I · A~L T~S OPEN l415 Ou• II, CdM JUST LISTED Sun 1·5. oceanfront J IN EASTILUFF bdrm + den Bargain at Beautiful pool home on Sl,250,000. fee I a nd ! Assume $125,000 Isl at s:v.%. 4 large bdrms plus fa mily room. E:xcellent loca· lion! Hurrv. call 673-~ 4726 CortlcMd. CdM Sat & Sun 1·5 4 bdrm. family /dinin g rm. breakfast nook. pnvate beaches. S238.SOO 466 lroadway, C.M. Sun. 1·5 Sharp. clean 3 bdrRl on large fenced lot $159,950. MAUltY STAUFHI SEAUOH RULTY 673-5354 Classified Ads are the amWtt to a successful garage or yard sale! It's a better way to tell more le! THE REAL ESTATERS Rtdlctd SI 00,000 SPYGLASS IYOWMEI Ocean View 1575,000 6 br/4~ ba. 4100 sq ft SOUTHPORT MODEL OWNER FINANCING HIGHLY UPGRADED Offer expires Jan. 31 25 Bodega Bay Ca II owner 759.0737 FRUSTRATED REALTOR? Have you been worki ng hard yet get- ting nowhere? Do you reel that the opportunity for success is just not there for you'> Lu s k Realty may have the answer for you. We will provide lots of opportunity for a few select realtors who want to work hard and make lots of money. We will create new dimensions to your ability to earn and enjoy the practice of real estate. IJf you Wj:lnt to hitch your wagon to a shobting star. then plan to/ attend a lunch eon and hear our plans. By invitation to thirty.five re- altors only. Please call Rich ard Fentlman 675·3411 A•••..., ....... D. Lltk IS• 2111 f•tC..t~w., C..1•IMw . ~ 12"9 PIOIATI SAU! Dalebout Bay&Beach Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 COMI WITH US ••• TO SPY•LASS. l•pre11IH 11911111 n.,, .... 1p1cJom 11N•1 •L ... --..... ,.... .,....... roo& flll~am..WMHt.Two......_ ,,_. flup lien. ,_. Cf/I ,.,.. $971,000 ....... flnt tn.t dtecl W.cr...,_....._ .. ,,. ,..,., ly ••....... Sl,I00,000 or&4 TODAY I to 4:JO COMI WITH US. •• TO DOYB SHOllS. hoffc to.. ~ S.0-. W.terfr011t wlll 20.40 .a. G..-t c..try ltltc ..... H_,. Hnlce arH wltlt Hb•lltubl• c ....... T .. hlt~ 400 EVENING STAI LAME .••• $650,000 COME WITH.US •.. TO UDO ISLE. Co. •.-....Y located. Story -' Wf "°'" °" wW. lot. ,_. a...a DML LAa.;.t patio. Mtarc~ho•t..t....._ II I VIA DIJON • . . • . • • . • . • . • . $495,000 . CDMI WITH us. .. TO CORONA oa MAI, Arif blocfl aboYt 0u.. • .,.Yri Vltw of OCt9I ..t jetty. Two tt.droo••· Two....._ Wood p••ll:MJ ill hillcJ roo& 222 MAIJGOLD •••••••••••.•• $375,000 COME wmt US. .• TO IA YCHST. At. tracfiYt ..... btdrooSll homt. KitcltH ..t f-'J roo:R cotsiplthfy ..,-oded. Oali clllll:tetry. ~ c.tllillcJ, Sliyll9ltts U. liitdlllSl ...t ~ rooa w .. bar. lll5AMTIGUA WAY •••..... $360,000 ~ ~. COME WITH US. •• TO MTU ROCK VISTA. lw re.-.. fow btdroo. ltotsw. Foswll clMlg rooa Great f ... ily loccrtioa. Crc a •Att pool T...it cowts ...-by. Lo•· tly Yitw of..,...., mMI city NC)lih. 23 ROCIY KHOU ••••..•..... S27t,500 COME WITH US .•. TO HAUOR VIEW HOMES. ,.....,. .. C....r' -*L T ...... ~a• ~ rooa N.-CDf1"tillcJ. Copper p I t illlJ. LonfJ p.tio. Fee l9ICI. 1 t JO POil llJSTOL CIRCLI .. $261,500 COME WITH US •.. TO WESTCUFf. Htot .................. S,.iom .. floor pl-. ~ fie 4l1ct ...... brffkfnH.t ill .., rooa FrN tor. flOOI wltlt.,.. I 016 DOVB DllVE .......... $265,000 CO.. WITH US. .• .TO MESA VEIDE. L..w.ty .,-.. d tllKlllf•t ltolM. Few bedroom. ForMal dl•l•CJ roo•. T ••· Pfftl•• UM!lrolld wi. rooa HllC)t feMly rooa Pool a yard. ' 2851 1 .. 01 DllVE . . . . . . . . . . $250,000 COME WITH US ... TO THE ILUFfS. T1ie Mdl t-1' after ''Doiorn'' -*L bd .. ff. MJI t• ...t gn1Slbtlt Yi9w. Nntral IW. .. "'...try. hillcJ "°°"" dlsti119 rOOM ... lrlldle. Tine IMdroolM. c ........ to dool -lhoppillg. 550 VISTA GUMOE ..•.•..... S2l4,500 1617 WISTCUFF DR.. H.1. Ul-7l00 tlW REAL ESTATE llDISEES, IF: YOU need specialized, persona l "How To" training from one or the most successful sales trainers in the business. YOU WANT to work in a plush, well·located office with a group of highly motivated professionals. YOU desire the chance to grow with a rapidly expanding, progressive company. CAIL ME NOW in confidence ..... •• WI 644-HM omces ln Newport Beach, Palm s,,tnaa le Rancbo lllr111 •••• A tantullc ' Bdrm, 2 1tor1 home with a m••nlflceot llvlnc. famllY ana. Fireplace, country kitchen. 12~ llnanclng available. Call for more d etails. 5411-2313 COSTAMISA STAITH Only 1125.000! Assume 181 ,000 i.n I oans at S832 monthly. Owner will carry. Fam ily roo wtt.11 cozy· fir~p I ace ! 3 laree bdrms. Sparkling condition! Hurry, ca 11 673-8550 r1wa1 DISEITED MESAYBDE! Only SlZ7,900 bucaln! Vacant! Owner wants out! Quiet tree·lined street. 3 Bdrm 2 bath, family room, brick fireplace. Walk to all shop ing. Call for more ,j46·2313 ~ COteOS Studios, 1 & 2 bdrma, from $93,000 & up. All have good assumable loans with low down payments. Pool, rec. room. sub ~rking, sauna & jacuzzi, and some with ocean views. MIWPOIT Cast Ocean view 3 bdrm condo on private court. Owner will fumi.sh new carpet $195,000. &IGAHCE ON UDO S bdrm. custom decorated is an excep- tional value. FormaJ dining rRl and family rm. Lite, airy & spacious ' llAUTIAILL Y MAIMTAIMIO 3 bdrm, 2 bath Westclitf home. Close to schools, park and tennis. Room for expansion. Good financing at $185,500. A NEWLY COMPUTED lfTH CENTURY CLASSIC Classic. three story eq~estrian estate, over 6,200 square fee~. si x bedrooms, fi ve and one·half baths, sweeping sohd mahogany staircase, second service staircase ~reatl:tta.king cry~tal and brass chandelier in entry hall: five fireplaces, hbrary. custom gourmet kitchen white marble entry, guest apartment with ow n kitchen plus much more. Panoramic view · lh-acre lot. Custom' pool sp~. decks, and complete landscaping included . Custo~ budt by_ WRE Construction. By appointment. · OFFERED AT $1 ,100,000 COLDWeu BANl(eRC PHONE: ll 1-6500 675-3411 CORONA DB. MAI DUPUX! 2 years new duplex built by owner. "Owners" unit ha s 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, 3 sun decks. skylights. beamed ceilings and 3 car garage. Submit on finan cing $398.500.00. HUIT OF LAGUM.Al You 'll love the location of these rentals! 2 bedroom. 2 bath and 3 bedroom 2 bath. ' CORONA D& MAR! Do you want to li ve in and enjoy a Corona de! Mar home and at the same time collect income from the alwa ys rented un- its . . . plus swim in your own pool. Property is located on a street lined with trees close to ocean, and shops. Please call if you would like to see this home priced at $325,000.00. TWO WAYS TO IUY IM HAUOR VIEW HILLS! You now have the opportunity to buy this outstand- ing Lusk 3 bedroom home at $378,000.00 fee or $299,500.00 ~ (17 years left before renegotiat- ing). This is your chan ce to move to one of Corona de! Mar's finest areas. We guarantee you'll agree with us that this home is indeed W AlTING FOR YOU. IS WTIU"' FOR YOU? Would you and your f a.m.ily enjoy a view of Catalina from your pre· shgK>US 4 bedroom Lusk built home (Plan 0 ) ro~ guests will enjoy the courtyard entry lead- mg into the most popuJar noor plan in one of the most popular areas of Newport Beach. $299,000.00 Ara 1'1~ _,. D. Lm IS.. Jiii c..t ..... ., c.... .. .... .. } ! i ~ I •• .. , :· i~ ·. '• ~ • . . , , :: ,. , ; ·. , ( . · . ~ '· , !• .. . "' THE REAL E STATE:RS THE ~EAL E STA T ERS ----- You've Arrived at ... BIG CANYON Nestled on its own private park. with six bedrooms. this huge custom home offers a large prtvate pool and spa. For the executive family. Priced at $1 .595 million. Owner will carry. Exclusive with William F. Cote. Open Sunday 12 to 4 70 Hillcrest, Big Canyon BIG CANYON Vistas of Paradise! A magnificently decorated ho~ on la.g-e professionally landscaped lot. Exquisite appointments surround crys\81 chandeliers, rich woods and the finest in brass, pewter and marble accents. Four bedrooms and spa. Call Mary Frizzelle Lewis . Priced at $825,000. .. 816 CANYON A two bedroom townhouse with ocean view. Large sunlight room and brick patio. Den and breakfast room. Best buy in Big Canyon. Call Elizabeth Mason. Priced at $449,500. BIG CANYON Three bedroom Monaco, highly upgraded with view of Catalina. $659,000. Exclusive with William F. Cote. Open Sunday 12 to 4 #7 Chateau Royal BIG CANYON Just a chip shot to the green on the 7th fairway. Award winning two bedroom custom home designed for fun filled days and glamorous evenings. Owner will assist with financing. Call Mary Frizzelle Lewis. $1,750,000. Open Sunday 12 to 4 15 Royal St. George BIG CANYON Ideal family home includes fairway view, pool and guest quarters. 4 Bedrooms. Owner will help with financin~. $1.7 million. Exclusive with William F. Cote . Open Sunday 12 to 4 #8 Cypress Point BIG CANYON Large kitchen, formal dining room. pool, spa and s auna ! Three bedroom, 3 bath home, 3450 sq. ft. Great financing ! Exclusive with William F. Cote. $895,000. UOO BAYFROHT Bayfront townhome . Two bedrooms, three baths and den. Pier and slip. OWC. Priced at $.595,000. Exclusive with William F. Cote. flM80R RIOGE Country French estate! Four bedrooms and master suite with grand ocean view. Traditional appointments and subtle colors. SUMy garden and hillside gazebo. OWC -priced at $1,595,000. Call Ann Vaughn Santas. Open Sunday 12 to 4 #7 Trafalgar, Harbor Ridge UDO ISLE Immaculate four bedroom home with pool and spa. Great financing available. Priced at t625,000. Also available for lease or lease option to purchase. Vl1A BUA Available to buy or lease. Two bedroom villa. Assumable $148,000 at 12%. 2nd is available. Call (or information information. Priced at *249,500. William F. Cote. WfSTClff Two bedroom, 2 bath condo. Pool rtaht outside your door. Owner wm oarry 2nd T.D. '129,500 with '80.000 uaumable flnanctni at 12%. to111enJo~ ... M . ._,,...llQCANYON ....... ,. .... MN117 .~ Bhlfa. Luae 09tJon. 2 br . ..W. ldle Item.a •Ith • wide &l'ftftbelt. $139,500. Dally Pilot Cl111ifltd llkr, 844-4134. ...-M ....... eu.;;;;;.a;;:am~. __ _ SIU.II DISPHATI!! On the water. Price slashed $10 000 to $214,900. ONLY 10% DOWN & owner will finance! ! Professionally decorated with gourmet kitchen. 556-7035 JASMI .. CIH:IC ••PUN 4• * Extremely popular 3 Br plan reaturing ma g ndiC'ent · <let-orating. fpk. gourmet as land kitrhen. formal dining. ramily room & in-house laundry. All LI'* & more for only $389,000 FEE. 759· 1501 or 752· 7373 mo DOWN No down payment required on this lovely four bedroom. two bath home with famil y room . Asking $149,900. 556·7035 '* U.S TO HACH• I 0% RMAMCING A Y All.AILE Gorgeous 4 Br detailed home. 1 blk from ocean on FEE land only $299.000. 759-1501 or 752.7373 •WATBROHT HOME* ClliTIVE AMAHCIMG SensalionaJ 4 Br home sma ck on the water!! Featurin~ French door s, frpl. profe ss ional decorations & private sandy beach. Only $265.000 & seller will carry AITD. Leasehold! 759·1501 or 752-7373 OWNH RHAHCIHG Beautifully upgraded executive home with low maintenance backyard, spa & firepit. New microwave. Asking $175,000 with only $30,000 down. 96:W671 • TUITUIOCK • $127' rst MOMTH .••• is all you pay when you take over existing 1st T.D. Spacious 4 Br executive deta c he d ho m e featuring formal dining, family room & frplc . Only $213,SOO FEE. 759-1501 or 752· 7373 100/o DOWN Highly desirable single story end unit with double attached garage. Assume $60,000 loan at 10% interest rate. 963-5671 180" OCEAN & IA Y VIEW ••CUffHAYIH•• Fantastic view from this 3 Br executive home on FEE land! Perfect for entertaining !! ~.000 (exclusive). 759-1501 or 752-7373 4-PUX Prime rental area. $60,000 down & owner will finance at 12%. Try . straight note. $224,900. 963-5671 ' IACI C~Y VIEW •TURTLElOCIC GL.llh 1''abu1ous view from this 3 Br end unit featuring fplc, formal dining, gourmet country kitchen & private courtyard! Only $280,000 FEE. 759-1501or 752.7373 •SB.Lii DISPHA Tl• I 21/J"-Pli(AMCIMe Spacious Rancho San Joaquin townhome w/PANORAMIC GOLF COURSE VIEW!! Featuring 2 Br & den wet bar. fplc, etc. Price slashed for quick sale & seller will help finance. 759-1501or752-7373 MIWPj)IT llACH Off'CI 2670 S. lilplj .,,... c114171f.ISOI t7141112.nn H..nMTOM aACH OMCI 9012.._A.,. C7141 t6N671 17141 H'970ll r ~AMIOH~S See our fabulous remodel $50,000 in the kitchen area alone. Good rinanclng . $29,,000 leuehold. P8IMSUU POINJ ' BR, steps to ocean and bay. $459,000. IDW CONDO 2 BR, 21,\ Ba, next to pool. $ll9,500 DRAMATIC OCIAN Cameo Shores retractable roof. ocean view. $925,000 fee. II• CANYON WSI 2 BR McLain condo $1125 per mo. G&UY6CDlftA STARNES COMPANY UY RO MT AFFORD AILE Of'IHSUM l:JO.S Sttl~l~'?m~!bath, JllGlbooCo•er BOAT SLIP . SANDY hardwood floor home . BEACH . Derk & Patio. Family / living area with L&e. hte ai r heery 3 brirk fireplare. roman· bdrm + den, 2 bath tk apa. 128,000 down ~. Open beam ceil· U.6'.l-intettSt on loa.ns. ing, brick BBQ, 2 car Call Cor more details. garage+ extra parking. :tZJJ3 ' ~~~~:t~~.~~e:; r:t.~lifll I CE flDBll -ILllH CD. OVER 55 YEARS OF SERVICE 1207 SUSSEX LANE WISTCUFf OP94 SUN 1-5 Remodeled . Neutral Tones . Upgraded Cpt. 4 BR 3 Ba Exec. Home On Quiet Street. Pvt Gated C ourtyard Entry . New Landscaping. Owner Will Carry Financing W /20% Down 321 A YBIDA CEllJTOS RUFFS Of'IH SUM 12-4:30 PllMI YIEW! Best Panoramic Front Row View On Back Bay. Highly Upgraded End Unit. Remodeled Kitchen. Wrap Deck . Exquisite ! Let Me Invite You To Inspect. You'll Love It. $36.5, 000. 34 IUSnJMI WINO TUITLEIOCIC YIST A OP84 SUH I 2:lG-4:30 Beautifully Upgraded Spaciou s 4 BR Home In Turtlerock Vista. Rare. Desirable Waldorf Plan. Prof. Decorated. Spa. A Pleasure To Show. Call Us . Priced At $324,500 2067 YISTA DB. ORO ILUffS ' OPIH SUH 1-5 S1MGU uva Lovely View -2 BR, 2 BA End Unit Decorating Wlprs, Drapes -Plantation Shutters -Super Financing -Lrg Assum Low Int l.x>an -Shows Like A Jewel! - $255,000. A "Joy or Newport" Listing. IAYSHOUS Prime Bayfront View. Pier, Dock. Quality 5 BR ln Desirable Gated Comm. Pvt Beach. Beautifully Upgraded. Even If Purchased With Land, $2,076,600 Total Price Is Less Than Equal Locations With Equal Amenities . Only $975,000 If Leasehold . NEW USTING llUffS Spacious 4 BR End Unit On 2 Lovely Greenbelts W /Lrg Pvt Patio Nr Pool. Air Cond. Mint Condition. Xlnt Terms! $26.5,000. HOISi raoran Dramatic Home -Approx. ~ Acres -4 BR -Pool -Spa Remodeled Recently -Park 8 Cars + R. V. -Great Location -Can Keep 3 Horses, Maybe More, On Your Own Property. SUMSITS PlUS VllW Lovely Courtyard Entry -Tile Galore -+bay View -Huge Patio -Potted Plants -Flowing Fountains -Indoor/Outdoor Living -2 BR 2 BA Condo Shows ijetter Than A Model. A "Joy Of Newport" Listing. SUMMYMIAD POUIPlD ATTIMl"tOM IMSTOISl Attractive Spanlab Style 2 BR Furnished 4-plex. No Vacancies. Good Location. South ()( Riverside. Excellent Terms. $139,500. §llTlll§l OPIH TODAY l·S UM19U114 llYINE -Beautiful Bodega model, 2 BR, fplc , enclosed yard, great location. $154,000 fee. See Katie Roberts at 4 Melody Lane. UM19U1 IH HAlfOI YllW -Lowest known price in Harbor View Homes, 2 ·sty, loft for in-laws $335 ,500. See Debbie Bibb at 2012 Port Ramsgate. UNtqUE IN NORTHWOOD -Well designed , 3 BR. fplc, skylight, spa, wetbar, vaulted ceilings. $209,900 fee. See Laraine Shaw at 28 Miners Trail. UNt9U111 IRVINE THRACE -Custom 3 BR, 2 BA, backyard bay view, owner financing . $375,000. See Marian Reedy at 612 Ramona Drive. UNtquE IH llG CAHYOH -Beautiful Broadmoor, 4 BR, pool, spa, guard gates and much more. $685,000. See Bormie Barrington at 6 Winged Foot. UNIQUE IN THE llUFfS -3 BR 2 BA , single story with serene greenbelt location. 2 patios. $160,000 . See Marilyn Rousselot at 1957 San Bruno. UMl9UE IM0 SPYGLASS -5 BR . 3 BA, new carpet, French doors, ocean & city view. assum financing . $695,000 f ee. See Natalie Fogarty at 77 Montecito. UMIQUE IH OLD CORONA DS. MAR - Completely remodeled, l 1h blks to beach. 3 BR. 3 BA. perf eel. $.550,000 fee. See Sarah Sten at 317 Poinsettia. UHl9tJE IM THE llUFfS -Bonus Room & 4 BR. 2'h BA. fplc , air cond .. new rarpet & paint. $275,000. See Barbie Hutchings at 512 Ventaja. UMl(j)UE IN HARIOI VIEW HILLS - Ce nter courty ard fo r great entertaining, 4 BR in Harbor Vie w Hills. $495,000. See Dottie Johnson at 2706 Light House Lane. UHlquE OH IALIOA ISLAMD -Quaint 3 BR & den house w /income unit, view. dock & OWC. $650,000. See Rita Boland at 123 Grand Canal. UNIQUE IN llG CANYOH -Beautiful 3 BR & den , customized Agusta model. $319,000 fee. See Bert Reedy at 18 Canyon Island . UNl(j)UE IN HAllOI YIEW HILLS - Beautiful 4 BR. 2 BA, pool hom e. Location ha s the best meadow/ocean/island views . $449.SOO. See Pat Merry at 3801 Topside. UMl9UE IM IRYIHE TERRACE Overlook the Bay, swim in your own pool, fabulous price. $535,000. See Barbara Riggs at 1715 Ga la tea Terrace. U~l()Uf fi()Mf~ REALTORS,675-6000 2~ ~:ff'thway, c:_orona !kl. Mar z 11 l .-•MAI °"" SUM ••• Newly remodeled. redecorated. TraditfonaJ 3 bdrm, 3 bath home, m1lr bdrm, ocean view $4.25,000 . West Bay Ave. bayfront. SUps for 2 lge boats with th.ls remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath home. $1,200,000. L»O ISU HOMIS 120 YIA qun'O °'.. SUM f ·I Features on Home Tours, lovely traditional 3 bdrm, 3 bath redecorated home. $475,000. I 214 ""' ITHACA °''" SUN 1·5 Newly Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large recreation rm . beam ceilings. $@),000. LH>.A ISi.i I.A YFIOMTS Main chaMel view from 4 bdrm, 5 bath traditional home with pool. $1,49.5,000. Large lagoon view from custom 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom. dark room . den. $1,350,000. C.AIM.ATION COVE Spectacular bayfront harbor view from 4 bdrm. 4 bath, 2 boat slips. s2.~.ooo. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR l I. '"", •t· 'J, , '• :, 0 7) "16 I Cantry Y~ f9Ul1:Y SHA.IE New Cape Cod 2 story J.st ume buyer can a(. bldg on prime streel. ford this home. Prlred at 2llOO sq. f\. + S rar pkg. only 194.000 Kathy, agt Rea1dence/o((ire up· s.s.sms stairs. root tA>P deck, re· -==----- tail downstairs. $3'7S,000. $69,90013 ldrml 0.-Sot/S.. 1·5 9 ~ 3 loan. Prime UC· 4l0 list St, N.I . Ri verside Area No ----=6.:..:1U7~7=-I __ quabJytng. 640-4466 • I• 30 YEAR AXED RATE 13Y3% INT. LOANS ' Whv do people buy townbomes ' during a real estate slowdown?? 11 We think it's our super duper 11 assumable low rate loans. The new residents or ....._ Pn Vlloge tell ' ,, us it's the inherent amenities like the gazebo and ga rd en like recreation area. the Cape Cod environment and the co nvenient goodies that go along with each • I home, and the unique location • (c lose to everything ). Furnis hed 2 ' and 3 bedroom mod els and recreational facilities are open daily between 10:30 a.m. and dusk. Localed on the corner of Fairview Rd at Avocado in Costa Mesa. From $137,950. We 'll welcome your reasons too! ' 111 QQ, ~\i~J)0 Q1b\J~rY , C M Ok ' CdM Ofc 548-2239 675·2311 llAJUJ()H RE.\LT\' YIEW LOT COIOM.A D& MAI No other one like it! Over 1/.1 of an , acre, level and with bay and ocean views. Prime Corona del Mar location. Can be divided into 4 lots. 75% financing available. $1.950,000. WI HAYl61 Of THI IUT UITMS IH TOWM ~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~·I l.AUO.A CONDO Just steps to the beach with a nice view of the bay. Custom 1 bdrm. apartment in a full security building priced to sell by motivated out of town owner at $299,500. Very attractive financing. I 80 DKIH VIEW Charming home on Spyglass Hill. Large lot with lovely pool. 5 Bdrm. 2 story, newly offered at $829,500. t ACllS IM 'AUllOO« Very suitable for Avocado or oiher orchard planting. Great (or tax shelter and priced to sell. owe paper. MOii.i HOMIS Lovely ltvlne Meadows . Priced from $24,000 to ~.ooo. WOODIRIMI Near new condo. Much de~ired single story 2 BR, 2 BA , French doon lovely neutral wall to wa\1 carpetlnt . BeautJful patio. Good financlnt . THE 11.UffS Spacious 4 bdrm. condo in a great location priced at only $299,500 L.H. with terrific financing -10% down. 12 W3 interest. ~years! COST.A MESA SHOPPING CBITll Prime corner location on West 19th Street. 100% occupied shopping center available with attractive owner financing at $411 ,000 L.H. DWLIX COIOMA DIL MAI 3 bdrms. and 2 baths in each deluxe unit. Firepla~es. private garages, carpets, drapes and bit-ins. An excellent duplex investment at $319,000. Owner will finance with 20% down -12~% interest. , 1 IAlW • eg ft ~. 4 Bdr 4 Ba le bu11 ..,. rm. Pier • .Up for lrc boat + smaller ones. ln1pecl lhen olfer 1 yr lease. Maybe after that you'll want to buy It! 6UMITl-lll In Balboa near the bayfronl. Excell. opp'ly. $650,000. JACOBS REAL TY 6714670 Jt" "'.,.... .. 4.. MfW' , ... HOUSES FOR SALE 2 llOIOOM 433Seaward, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $315,000 Sun 1 ·5 4951 Hemlock, univ, Pk, Irvine 644·9060 $179,900 Sun 1-4 700 Lido Park Dr #9, Lido Pen., N. B. 673-7~ $58,000 Sat/Sun 12·6 2502Vista, Bayshores, N.B. 644·9060 $495,000-Fee Sun 1·4 2137 E. Ocean, Peninsula, Npt Bch 631-1400 $338,000 Sun 1 ·5 225 Grand Canal, Balboa Island, NB 673-6900 $595,000 Sat/Sun 12·4 4 Melody Ln (Woodbrdg) Irvine 675-6000 $154,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 1406 Clay, Newport Beach 644·7020 $145,000 Sun 1·4 2 II .... FAM llM w DIN .J~~.~~~~ Balboa Penin Pt._ NB 642-a.IMI ~. 000 Sun 1 ·5 19 Escapade Ct (Nwpt Crest) NB 642·5200 $219,000 Sun 1·5 420 De Sola Terr., Corona del Mar 675-3411 $350,000 Sun 1·5 •2 Maritime, Jasmine Creek, CdM 644-9060 $380,000 Sun 1·5 4521 Tremont, Cameo Shores, CdM 644-9060 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 222 Marigold, Corona del Mar 631·7D> $375,000 Sun 1·4: 30 15 Royal St. George, Big Cyn, NB _ 640.5777 $1,750,000 Sun 12·4 1536Serenade, Irvine Terr. CdM 631·1400 $295,000 Sun 1·4 l llDIOOM 715 Patolita Dr, Irvine Terr, CdM 644-9060 $360,000-Fee Sun 12·4 212Via Eboli, Lldolsle, N.B. 673-7D> $487 ,234 Sat/Sun l ·4 #7 Chateau RoyaJ. Big Canyon, NB 640-5777 $659,000 Sun 12·4 1543SerenadeTerr (Irv. Terr) CdM 644-9060 $350,000.FeeSat/Sun 12·4 411 Dahlia, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $325,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 2944 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach 673-4849 $435,000-fee Sun 1 ·5 1436Serenade, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $349,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 **~Ocean Front, Newport Bch 642-3215 Fee Land Sat/Sun 11·5 , 559 Vista Flora , Newport Beach ~73·8550 $248,800 S/S 12 : 30-4 : 30 **1014 E. Balboa Blvd., Bal. Penin. 644·9060 $995.000 Sun l ·4: 30 30240cean Blvd .. Peninsula. N.B. 631-1400 $1 ,350,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 466 Broadway, Costa Mesa 673-5354 $159,950 Sun l ·5 435 Jasmine, Laguna Beach 494-5057 $288,000 Sat/Sun 10·4 1614 Santaoella (Irv Terr) CdM 552-2000 $299,000 Sun 1·5 •904 Lombard, Costa Mesa 646-7434 $161,900 Sun 12·4 3225 Clay St., Npt Beach 759-1221 $225,000 Sun l ·4 2303 Riverside Dr .. Santa Ana 640-9900 $200,000 Sun 1-4 20091 Spruce, Santa Ana Hgts 631-7370 $137,500 Sun 1·4 612 Ramona (Irv Terr) CdM 675-6000 $375,000-ree Sun 1·4 1957 San Bruno (Bluffs) NB 675-6000 $160,000 Sun 1·5 3 II .... FAM llM w DIN 314 Vista Trueba (Bluffs) NB · 640-6259 $225,000 Sun 1 ·5 1806 Beryl Ln (Hbr Hinds) NB 642-5200 $175,000 Sun 1·5 1000 Grove Lane. Westclifr. NB 642-8235 $540,000 Sun l ·4 3220 Iowa St., Mesa Verde, C. M. 751-5350 $147,000 Sun 1-4 • * 101 N. Bayf ront, Balboa Island 642-823.S •.ooo Sun 1·4 •28 Miners Trail (N/Woods ) Irv. 675-6000 $2091900 Sun 1 ·5 * •3711 Seashore, Newport Bch 644-GlO $820,000 Sun 1 ·5 2050Sh1pway, Baycrest, N.B. 642..am s.J,000 Sun 1·4 317 PoinseUia (Old CdM> CdM 67().6000 $$50,000 Sun 1·5 •27 Ima Loa Crt., Newport Cnst, NB 6'2-1603 ~.ooo Sun 1·4 •4801Camden (CameoShrs) CdM 75&-.1221 $925,000 Sun 12·5 2686 Redlands, Costa Mesa 758-1221 $189,500 Sun 1·5 309 Wake Farell (CoU Pk) CM IOM '129,900 Sun 1·5 11 C.700 Island (Bil Cyn) NB ns.eooo s:m,ooo sua 1.s °'5 Gorham, Cameo Sbn., CdM •lllf "95,000 Sun l·S • •mlSe•bore, Newport Beach tMm ~= Sunl-5 DJ7 Arda, I-I N .8. .,,.. ..,.,. Sull 1·5 Save from Foreclosure: S3900 down. Allume loans. 3 Br, FIR, $106,900. Huntinaton Harbour home on water. Boat dock. $S.S9,000. Owner will trade. $115,000, Nr. Beach. Beaut. expanded home. Aaumt $96,000 WYo ln. Low dn. Newport Buch Duplex. $40,000 dn. Xlnt. summer rental. By beach. M1t •11 ~ UMDllSIOOI Wf!.U 2 Br Z\t Ba condo W/IJ'Ut amenitlet and excellent llnancln1. are, AIUe, •ct 7Sf.l22l. RE/MAX. '6J..Olfl BEST IN BLUFFS We have a beautiful aelectlon of homes at this time. All floor plana. Good views, good financing, good buys. Some lease options. Some including land. Pleue let our experts show them to you. °"" ,_, 407VW. ..... 4 .. . J iii Yw.W. ... .... 4UVW. ... ,Ylew 2007 ..... , ... ' ..... U Jl,000 SJtl.000 $410,000 S20t,IOO HELEN 8. DOWD llALTOIS, IMC. '44-0 I J4 u.t .. ..,~ n. b,.m DIRECTORY I Hp .... ....., 69d.ry w• ,_ .. ....._. • ,_ f' ,._,I M t Al .. lee.._ Mit4 ...... -~ .. .,.... .... ., ., • .., I ........... t.49(1 DA&Y PLOT WANT AH .,..,_ ........................ _....., .... _ ............... , .... _.s..., .... ...,. 5552 Yuba:Westrrunster 963-~l Sat 1·5 * •38 Balboa Coves, Newport Bch 675-7060 ~95,000 Sun 1: 30·5 •2048 Commodore Rd ., Newport Bch 631-(1680 $398,500 Sun 12·5 1226 Polaris, Dover Shores, N. B. 494-1177 Sun 2·4: 30 1515 Cumberland (Westcliff) NB 540-1151 $240,000 Sat/Sun 12·4 1301 Dolphin Terr. Irv. Terr, Cd M 631·7D> $1,200,000 Sat/Sun 1·4:30 • 1016 Dover Dr., Westcliff, N.B. 6Jl·7:lJU $26.5,000 Sun 1·4: 30 3809 Park Green Dr., HVH, CdM 644-9060 $389,000·Fee Sun 1·5 •3479 Windsor Crt. (Wimbledon Vlg}CM 646-7434 $195,000 Sat/Sun 12·4 1930 Port Bristol Cir .. HVH , N. B. 631-7D> $268,500 Sun 1·4:30 1921 Tradewinds Ln., Baycrest. N.B. 631·7D> $325,000 Sat/Sun 1·4:30 •204 Via Eboli, Lido Isle. N.B. 644-9060 Sat/Sun l ·5 1907Tradewinds, Baycrest. NB 644·9060 $325,000 Sun 1·5 1393 Galaxy (Dover Shores) NB 642-5200 ~.000-ree Sat/Sun l ·5 1907 Tradewinds, Baycrest. N. B. 644·9060 $325,000 Sun 1·4 1721 Kings Rd, Cliffhaven. N.B. 759-1501 $650,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 2113Miramar, Penin, N.B. 675-6161 $42.5,000 Sun 1·5 214 Via Ithaca, Lido Isle. N.B. 675-6161 $420,000 Sun 1·5 15521 Sandusky, Westminst~r 963-6767 $181.250 Sa 1·4/Su 12·4 9 Rue Grand Vallee. Big Cyn, NB 644-6200 $649,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 120 Via Quito, Lido Isle, N. B. 675-6161 $475,000 Sun 1-5 4006 Inlet Isle, Corona del Mar 675-3411 $299.500 Sun 1·5 3 Kensington Ct, Hrbr Rd ge, N.B. 759-1078 $575,000 Sun 1 :30·5 • •34150cean Blvd .. CdM 673-5354 $1,250,000 Sun 1-5 l llDIOOM pllll GUEST 324 Morning Canyon, Shorecliff. CdM 644-9060 $590,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2601 Waverly (Bayshores) NB 642·5200 $625,000 Sun 1·5 2211 Waterfront, Corona del Mar 642-8235 ~95.000 Sun 11·4 4 llOIOOM •2616S. Diamond, Classic Hme, SA 979-2390 $175,000 Sun 1·5 •3130S. Timber, Sandpt, SA 979-2390 $148, 750 Sun l ·5 •2340Cynthia Court, C.M. 979-5370 $169,900 Sun l ·5 * **lCanaJCir., NwptShrs, NB ~ $299,000 Sun 12·4 40216th Pl (E/Side) CM 631·3374 $225,000 Sat/Sun 11·4 1315 Bonnie Doone Terr, CdM 644-9674 $329,000.f ee Sun l ·5 18779 Magnolia, Fountain Valley 979-6453 $169,500 Sat/Sun 12·5 1207SussexLn (W.clifO NB 759-9100 $278,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1925 Port Provence, HrbrViewHms, NB 631-1400 $268,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 611 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach 631·5103 $318,000 Sat/Sun l·S #8 Collim Island, Balboa Isld, NB 673-6900 $1,200,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 •2402Vista Nobleza, Bluffs, NB 673-4400 $299,50().L.H. Sun 1·5 4 • ,.. PAM IM • DIM 2991l Running Deer. Laguna Niguel 49'-8595 $215,000 Sun 1·5 210 Via San Remo, Lido Isl, N .B. 673-2556 Sat/Sun 1·5 1521 Tahiti, Laguna Beach ''1·5'54 .-,ooo Sat/Sun 1·5 212>Alter, Calta Mesa 759-1221 $1~.ooo Sat/Sun 1-4 1533 Tahiti, Laiuna Beach 497·5'54 $495.000 Sat/Sun 1.S I034a...nd, 11 .. No:i C.11. . •1• $140,000 :;at/SanlJ-4 ~ sb tr z s s 133 Via Undine, Lido Isle, NB 675-7298 $735,000 Sat/Sun l ·5 310 Aliso, Newport Beach 631-1266 $279,500 Sat/Sun 1·4:30 ••1706 E. Oceanfrnt, Bal Pen., NB 675-8676/675·8444 Sat/Sun 1·5 1906Galaxy Dr. Dover Shores. NB 631-7300$600,000L.H. SIS 1·4:30 1251 Surfline Way, Hrbr Vu, CdM 644-4910 $329,000 Sat/Sun l ·5 223 Via Quito, Lido Isle, N. B. 644·9060 $537,500 Sun 1·5 *"*400 Ev e ning Star Ln , Do verShrs,NB 631·7D> $650,000 Sun 1-4;30 23 Rocky Knoll (TurtleRk Vista) Irv 631·7D> $279,500 Sun J.4·30 111 Via Dijon, Lido Isle. N B. 631· 7300 $495,000 Sun l ·4: 30 2858 lnroz Dr., Mesa Verde. CM 631·7D> $250,000 Sunl-4:30 1315Antigua Way, Baycrest. NB 631· 7300 $360,000 Sun 1-4 : 30 3202 Delaware Pl., Mesa Verde. CM 545-9258 $139,500 Sat/Sun 11·5 • •219 Via Lldo Soud, Lido Isle. NB 642· 823.5 $2 .225' 000 Sat/Sun 12: 30-4: 30 2706 LlghthoUse (HVH ) CdM 675-6000 $495.000 Sat/Sun 12·4 1441 Galaxy Dr., Dover Sh rs, NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun l ·4: 30 40 Vienna, Hrbr Ridge. N.B. 760-8659 $725.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1108 Dana (Plaza del Sol> CM 645-0:n'J $228.000 . SIS l. 30.4: 30 •1776 Panay (Mesa Verde) CM 645-03'13 $375,000 Sun 1·4 •3165 Bermuda (Mesa Verde ) CM 631-1.266 $167 ,500 Sun 1·5 201 Wake Forest, Costa Mesa 751-3191 $124,900 Sun 1·5 14 Sequoia Tree (Univ Pk ) Irv. 642·5200 $157,500 Sun 1·5 320 Vista True ha (Bluffs) NB 640.6259 $269,500 Sun 1·5 •2708 CliffDr., Npt Bch 631·1266 $625.000 Sun 1·4:30 •1810Kings Rd (Cliffhvn> NB 642-5200 $600,000 Sun 1-4. 30 512 Ventaja (Bluf(s) NB 675-6000 $275,000 Sun 1·5 * 1459 Galaxy Dr., Dover Shrs, NB 642·8235 $495,000 Sun l ·4 •6Winged Foot (BigCyn} NB 675-6000 $68.5, 000 Sun l ·4 1909 Lanai (Mesa Verde) CM 963-6767 $345,000 Sun 1·5 •3801 Topside CHVHls) CdM 675-6000 $449,500 Sun l ·5 •1715Galatea Terr. Irv Terr, CdM 675-fiOOO ~35,000 Sun 1-5 • 1818 Port Manleigh, HVH, NB 759-1501 . $.199,000 Sun 12·4 : 30 2012 Port Ramsgate IHVHms1 NB 675-fiOOO $335,500 Sun l ·5 4726 Cortland, CdM 673-5354 $238,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 S llDIOOM #7 Trafalger, Harbor Ridge, NB 640.5777 $1,595,000 Sun 12·4 824 W. Bay, Peninsula, Npt Bch 631·1400 $1.550,000 Sat/Suo 1·5 5 II .... FAM I M or DEM 126 Via Lorca, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7D> $525,000 Sun 1·5 •5250 Honeywood Ln, Anaheim Hills 673-7D> $269,000 Sun 12·4 •17 Muir Beach Cir, Spyglass, CdM 644-9060 Sal/Sun 1 ·5 77 Montecito (Spyglass) CdM 675-6000 ~.ooo Sun l ·5 1956 FlJuningo (Mesa Verde) CM 645-<mJ $21S,OOO Sun 2·5 48 Montecito (Spyglass) CdM 759-1616 $829,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 6 • ,.. F.AM IM er DIM • •70Hillcrest, Big Cyn, NB 640-5777 $1 ,596,000 Sun 12·4 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE IACHaOI 100 Scboh Plul nos Venailla, NB f13.7300 ,•..SOO Sat/Sun 1-4 a a t Orange COiie DAILY PILOT/SYndty, JlftUllY 10.1m .. --ESTATE a. ....................... 4 .. , ....... .. ONMTODAY • #JMOMACO lAlll ... ..-N -~....., Fl.nest offering now presented of this award winning aln1le story ''Jodelle" floor plan 3 Bdrm, study, family room. commanding views of the ocean, coastline and city lights. Further reduced, now $6fl,00 t with s ubltantial owner financing. I •IOOM 1010 MacArthur Blvd #37, S.A. 644·5061 $83,700 Sat/Sun 1-4 #72 Lakepines, The Lake, Irv. 759-1877 $100,000 Sun 1·5 2 lfOIOOM •2067 Vista del Oro (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $255,000 Sun 1·5 2600 block Santa Ana Ave., CM 631-6194 $129.500 Sat/Sun 12·5 300Cagney Ln #101, Versailles, NB 673·7D> $127,000 Sati Sun 1·4 25 Canyon Island Dr, Big Cyn, NB 673-7D> $265,000 Sun 1·4 2277 Pacific Ave., Mesa West. CM 673-7D> $137,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 A voe ado & Fairview, Costa Mesa 548-2239 $134,950 Sat/Sun lla.m. 2 II .... FAM IM or DIM 501 St. Andrews, Newport Beach 673-7JJO $162,500 Sun 1·4 503AvenidaCampana, Bluffs, N.B. 673-7D> $395,000 Sal/Sun 1·4 2143 Vista Enlrada, Bluffs. N.B. 640.5560 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 3 IEDIOOM 2510 Alder Ln .. Costa Mesa 631-7600 $139.900 Sat/Sun 1·4 17 Summer Wind, NwptCrst. NB 673-7D> $195,000 Sun l ·4 550 Vista Grande. Bluffs. N. B. 631·7D> $234,500 Sun 1·4 :30 •321 AvenidaCerritos (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $365,000 Sat/Sun 12·4: 30 14 Land/all, NwptCrest, N.B. 673-7D> $270,000 Sun 1·4 A voe ado at Fairview, C05ta Mesa 548-2239 $154,950 Sat/Sun 11 a.m. 862 Bear Creek. Costa Mesa 675-3411 $143,950 Sat/Sun 1·5 2193Vista Entrada, Blurrs. N.B. 640-5560 $250,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2046 Vista Cajon. Bluffs, N.B. 640-5560 $240,000 Sar/Sun 1·5 501 Ave Largo, Bluffs. N.B. 640-5560 $272.000 Sun l·S #9 Hallowglen (Wdbrg) Irv. 551·3000 $129,500 Sun 1·5 2324 Vista Hogar. Newport Beach 673-8.550 $179,500 Sun 1·5 l II .... FAM IM or DEN #3 Monaco. Harbor Ridge. NB 640.5560 $695,000 Sun l ·5 4 II ,... FAM IM • DIN * 34 Rustling Wind (Trtlrk) Irv. 750-9100 $324 .500 Sun 12: 30.4. 30 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE l IEDIOOM 1013 Nancy Ln., Costa Mesa 645-<003 $129,500 Sun 1·4 l II .... FAM IM w DEN 335 Bordeau <Nwpt Riviera) CM 645-<003 $129,500 Sat/Sun l ·4 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2-1 llOIOOM 1911 Cliff Dr, NptHts, N.B. 631-1400 $325,000 Sun 1·5 3 II ,.. I la * * 123 Grand Canal, Balboa Island 675-6000 $650,000 Sun 1-4 J II ,.. 2 II 315 Larkspur, Corona def Mar 759-1221 $299,500 Sun 1-5 516 Marguerite, Corona del Mar 67S.34U $398.500 Sun 1·5 4 ...... 311 1809'W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. 752·0777 $340,000 Sat/Sun 2·4 6-PLEX FOR SALE 1412SerenadeTer r, Irv. Terr , CdM 644-7211 $365,000 Sun 1·5 REMTAL J••MMIMw_. 1115 &sex "Lane (WestcUI() NB &46-6789 $996/mo Sat/Sun l ·S TOWNHOUSE FOR LEASE J• ... MNIMwDIM 21 Canyon Island Dr, BIC Cyn, NB 6'U910 $00>/llo Sun 1·5 .. SllUI mNCS '1tO AMEi LOCATIONS" 204' YISTA CAJON (Open Sat & Sun). Rare opportunity to acquire one of a very select few 1 story, 3 bdrm, 2 ba homesltes overlooking rt 5 acre span of lush greenbelt & a renection pool. Lovely new interior. Was $265,000 NOW $240,000. I OI AYI . LAI GO <Open Sun). Ele1ance & traditionaJ quality abound in th.ii "just totally redecorat~d & updated" 3 bdrm, 2*h ba . end unit townhome situated on magnificent "tree studded" greenbelt. $272,000. 2143 VISTA IMTIADA (Open Sat-Sun) THE BEST TifERE IS !!! Unequaled quality & location. TotaJly custom. Remodeled Plan ''E" 2 bdrm suites + family rm & massive living rm. Direct front row "bluffs edge" water view. Countless deluxe f ea tu res. $495,000. (Will lse /opt or exch). 21tl VISTA ENTIADA (Opeo Sat & Sun). Former model home. Spacious 3 bd, 21f.t ba split level "Trina" rloor plan accented with decorator reatures & enjoying a wide open vista. $250,000. Pete Barrett Real . presents ./ ./ CHECK LIST ./ ./ /NEWPORT CUST-UU HEW Beautiful end unit. 2 BR., den 2112· ba, 2 decks, avail now. $215.000. 19 &c.,ub Ct, Ml 0,.. S-1·5 I MIWPOIT wtTH WORK SPACE 3 Bdrm, den, 21h bath. low maint. 5 garages, plus storage. $175,000. "°' leryt, .. 0,. s-1-5 I SPAQOUS DOYB SHOlfS High ceilinged 3 Bdrm, den. dining room. Pool sized yard. Fee land. 13'3 G4ay,.. 0,.. S-I ·5 I SUPEI IUY -PllCE UOUCED Convenient 3 Bdrm, 1 lh bath, close to school and shops. $98,500. 2001 Anlold. CM 0,.. S-1·5 tlAUOA PIMMSULA '°INT New Listing Quaint 2 Bdrm Cape Cod. Bonus rm upstairs $325,000. 1706 Mil-··... °'" s. 1·5 llAYSHOUS-fl.ENCH NORMANDY ln authentic setting -3 Bdrm + guest cottage. Excellent terms! 260 I WoYerfr, HI Ope S. 1-5 /CUFf HAYEH-GIEAT YllW 4 Bdrm. dining rm. pool & spa on large lot, fee land. $600,000. 1110 KJ.aa Id. Ml Ope S. 1-4:30 I UMIVllSITY PAIK PATIO HOME 4 Bdrm or 3 and den. country kitchen, detached home. $157,500. 41 S...,.. T,_, ll"f 0,.. S-I .5 /MEW um...._WAU TO HACH 3 Bdrm, 3 bath with xlnt assum loan. Seller will assist. $210,000 I HIW USTHi CAPE SHIES Single story 3 Bdrm. Move in condi· lion. $145,000. l lAUOA ISLAND-IA YFlOHT Super financing -pier and dock 2 + 2 Bdrms. Terms! Let's deal~ /MESA YEIDi-MOYE RIGHT IM Neat 4 Bdrm, family room . quiet street, move right in. $173,750. /THE ILUffS-fllNA PUN On fee land! 3 Bdrms. or 2 & den. Panoramic Back Bay view $310.000. I HAMOI VEW Hl.LS-YltW Spacious 4 Bdrm., family room Broadrnoor Assumable financing. /WIST HEWPOIT OCEAHFIOMT Super view. ocean and sand. 3 Bdrms and 2 Bdrms. $719.500. I HIWPOIT SHOllS OH CAHAL Big lo~ 4 Bdrms, 2*h bath.5, sandy beach, pools & tennis. $250,000. I MISA D& MAI-WILL AHAMCID Excellent 3 Bdrm, fa mily room, large assumable 1st. $135,000. llAUOA-ourLU COMva.cl 2 Bdrms, dining rm. country kitchen + 2 Bdrm unit. $289,500. 12 t.NTS-llMHSUU· POINT 2 Units in Balboa with exceptional (inancing. Good location $339,000. I MIWPOIT WATllllOMT Vacant commercial 30' lot with room for 60' boat. 8650.000. llALIO• COYIS-lOOI ._.., Bayfront with boat slip. Good Cinanc:ina. ~J~• includes land. I D0¥111Hu.n-'/a ACll 3 Bdrma, formal dining rm , family rm, spa and rire pit. $425,000. llMCH con...._...on Cozy home wilh din.ins room. 2 Bdrtm. fireplace. s1ss.ooo. owe. °'"'" Coeet DAIL v PtlOTISundav. JanUllY to, 1•2 CAMEO SHOllS. Fab. Ocean & Coastline View. 3 Br 3 Ba., Formal Din., FamRm., Study, lrg. pool & courtyard, pri. beaches, Bob or Dovie Koop. 759· 1221 UHDA ISLI TIADE Breathtaking bay view, 2 boat docks, room for 4 boats up to 74 ft., 5 Br, 6 Ba., game rm ., formal din., sep guest wing, pool. Seller carry 1st T.D. or trade industrial or off. bldg. $2,000,000. Bob or Dovie Koop 759-1.221 CA.MIO HIGHLANDS Ocean view,' re-decor, & remodel 3 Br, 2 Ba. Formal din. Very lrg. yd . pri. beach. Bob or Dovie Koop 759-1221 • -z• MEWPOIT CllST CONDOS Lrgst models w /bay & ocean views, 4 Br 3 Ba. Fr. wet bar. Outstanding Buys at $210,000. Bob and Dovie Koop 759-l.221 WATaFIONT IEST IMYESTMIHT 4 Br .. 3 Ba., Formal din., fam . rm. lrg kit. Huge master suite w /bay view new carp., 40 ft. boat dock, seller carry 1st. T.D. Bob & Dovie Koop MEWPOIT CllST CONDO 2 Br., 2 Ba , loft , highly upgrade, oak floors, beau. papers, ocean view. $98,000 1st. at 12%. Priced at $170,000 Bob or Dovie Koop 759-1221 TIADE AVOCADO & OIAMGE IAMCH 78 acre Valley center , trade all or part for home in Laguna, Newport. Irvine. El Toro. Bob or Dovie Koop 759-l.221 LAS VEGAS COMM. PllME 5 ac. Dwntwn .. zoned higbrise comm., has small motel & trailer park, plans for apts, must sell . Grt. fin. avail. Bob or Dovie Koop 759-1221 IMUM llG CANYON B.EG..-CE Versailles on Gcs ~O.""<:P 4 BR , 4 BA, maid's qtr. Formal din .. Se• l (Juge" Master suite, jacuzzi, "Supe. $650,000. Bob or Dovie Koop. 759·1221 EXEC. -&OLF ESTA Tl MOW S6 73,000! A price decrease of $25,000 makes this property a SUPER value ! Custom golf estate home, 200' fairway frontage! 5 BR., 4 ""2 BA ., formal din rm .. recreation & hobby rms. 2 frplcs, fam rm, sundeck porch, pool & spa. Panoramic views from most rooms, 3 car gar. Storage galore. Call Bob Licata. 759-l.221 J IEDIOOM CUSTOM I 3"o PllYA Tl LOAM! Quiet cul-de-sac. Parquet entry Brick frpl. Tiled kitchen. Pantry Family rm. Water filter & softener. Spa. Enclosed off-street RV pad .. Giant patio. Storage shed . Fruit trees. $169,000. Bob Licata 759-l.221 ~ COUISI FIOMTA&E Finest address on Mesa Verde C.C . course. Outstanding contemporary custom home. 4bdr., f am. rm., gym area, paddle lOis & more. Excel. financing avail. JACKIE RANDLEMAN 631 ·1266 MIGHT LIGHT YIEW Unique Joe. in the Mesa Verde. 4 bdr., fam. rm., 2 fireplaces. Good financing w /motivated sellers. JACKIE HANDLEMAN 631-1266 TUIT\BOCI Delightful garden home. 2bdr. + den. View of rolling hills . Reduced to $259,900. JACKIE HANDLEMAN 631 ·1.266 MESA YEIDE 2br condo in great location. No need to 9ualify for low int. loan. Sellers will carry 2nd T.D. and are asking only $96,900. Call Anne Mccasland 631-1266 . ... EATAIU TllMS 3br Mesa Verde home on quiet cut-de·sac. Huge back yard is landscaped for max. privacy. Seller will provide new carpets and finance $100K at 11%. Call Anne McCasland 631·1266 FOUNT AIM Y Al.UY Walk to golf course from tb.l$ prime 4bdr. 3 ba home. Assume the loan and ask seller to help finance. $199,900. Call Anne McCasland 131·1266 SNCTACUUI VllW HOMI A magnificent home custom designed for the discriminating buyer. 260 deeree views of oceQn, Catalina, Los Angeles. 8 baths, 5 BR, pool, gym, sauna, spa. Estimated square roOt.age 12,500. Offered in fee $4,300,000. Call Alan Beel for private showing. 551-8700 (P29 > 41• OM UDO UYROMT Mediterranean gracious living. Distinctive architectural details, 4 BR, fam rm, marble, custom Wes. Master suite w/2 fuU baths, & skylight dressing rm. Dock for large boat. $2,250,000 Dona Chichester642-823S (P30) 50' .-HT OM MAIM IAYI 70' pier bead line accom· modating large yachts and a handsome 5BR, 51h bath home w/fam. rm. & formal din. rm. 24 hour security island. $1 ,850,000 Dona Chichester 642-~ (P31) UMOA ISU MIWPOIT llACH Spectacular arcbitec· tural design on a big turning basin. 5 BR including magnificent master suite; walls of glass view all the boating action. Slip for 2 or 3 large boats. Of· f ered at $1,800,000 Leasehold. Seller will assist with financing. Cathy Schweickert (714) 642-8235 UMDA tSU Spacious 5 bedroom, 4 ""2 bath hom e. Formal dining room, sunken living rm, family rm and master suite with views of the bay. Entry patio w/spa. Slip and side tie for large boat. Security gated community. $1 ,600,000 leasehold . Lois Egan. 644 ·6200. (P33) ua OPPOITUMfTY -llG CAMYOM fiOLF COUISE LOT Build your dream home on this prime golf course lot with over 100 feet of frontage on the 14th green. Spectacular views of mountains & night lights. Call for details. $1 ,050,000 Claudia Ding Mueller 644-6200 < P34 ) B.MAMCE -VIEW -SP.A Perfect for formal & in· formal entertaining . . Magnificent view of Big Canyon Golf Course & city lights. This expanded Deauville features 5 BR w/elegant master suite, library & garden kitchen. Marble floors . lg patio w/spa. $995,000 LH LyMe Valentine 644-6200 (P35 ) ISLAND IAYFIOMT Sensational new 3 BR hom e locat ed on the Isle of Balboa. Includes a marvelous master suite w /fireplace & luxurious bath, lg. fam . rm .. and upper deck for entertain· ing. 3 fplcs & slip for ~· boat. $895,000 Jane Paquin 642-8235 tP36) OPEN HOUSE SUN DAY 1·5. 101 N. Bayfront. Balboa Island. PRIV.ATI LOCATIOM WrTH VIEW Desirable corner location w/ultimate in privacy ideal for family & entertaining, lg yard -pool. Beamed ceilings wood paneling french doors & skylights. Ex· pansive view of bay -OC\!an & city lights. $795,000 incl. land Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (P37 ) tt• C.AHYOM -PREMIUM LOCATION Available & ready for occupancy. Superb Monaco near club. Elegant two-story 3 BR 2'h bath all designed around gracious garden patios. High ceilinged en· try & walls of glass framing the surrounding Golf Course. Formal liv rm & din rm, private spa . $.599.000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (P38) RIST OffHJHG OPEN SUND.Al 1·4 1459 Galaxy Drive -Newport Beach. One of Dover Shore's largest lots with 20 x 40 ft. pool & spa. Mediterra- nean with tile floors, oak f rench doors & windows, 4 BR, fam rm. lg din rm. $495,000 LH Cathy Schweickert 642·823.5 ( P39 > PHFICT SUMMER HOME Darlin g 3 BR . 2 BA modernized beach house on prestigious Lido Isle. Southern patio, French doors. warm & cozy living & dining rm. Owner will help with financing . $419,500 Tom Al Linson/Terry Hanes 642-8235 TIADfTIOMAU.Y UDO! Lg 3 BR Lido fam home on lovely street. Convertible den & fam rm. $395,000 Tom Allinson & Terry Hanes 642-8235 (P41 > MIWIAYCllST-COUMTRY CH.ARM Custom fami· ly home on comer lot -used bricks, french doors. spa, basement-wine cellar, fee. Immediate oc cupancy -financing! $3tM>,OOO Beverly Morphy 642·~ (P42 ) OPEN HOUSE Sunday 1·4 · 2050 Shipway · Baycrest . Newport Beach HACH UVIMCi Family home 4 BR -huge bonus rm & den! Atriums & patios add charm. Jog to the ocean. Seller will assist w /financing or possible lease/option. $239,500 Jane Paquin 642·8235 (P43) DCB.LINT UVJMG IM E..ASTkUFf Private courtyard entrance leads to this marvelous home for family living & gracious entertaining. 2 patios, view of Catalina, lg fam rm. breakfast area, 3 BR, 2 fplcs. a value in today's market. Owner will cooperate in financing. $245,000 Leasehold Barbara Aune 642·8'l3.5 (P44) MIWPOIT CHST -CHARMING & Dal(9HTFUL 4 BR, (am rm 21tl BA beautifully decorated & up· graded end unit with partial ocean view. Two decks, . communitx pool , spa & tennis courts. $225,000 incl. land Belle Chase Lee 644-6200 (P45) CAMIC> tfMIHUMOS! Super 4BR home w /pool. A beautiful home w/a very open & airy feeling. Lg rear yard totally enclosed & very private. $225,000. Sharon Smith 644-6200 (P46> IOMrfA Of41.STOIY 11.UFfS Three BR, two baths, condo on greenbelt. N°wly painted, carpeted, wallpapered. Excellent financing. Perfect for small family or retired couple. Community pool near by. $225,000 Jan Young 642-8235 (P47) COLOMY FANTASY! Your dreams come true in lb.ls beautiful 3 BR home w/saWla & wood paneling. A most \Dlique home. Lg fam rm fantastic decor, tile floor: n.ear schools, shopping pool & tennis. Owner will DeJP "/financing. $185,000 Alan Beel 551·8700 1 D ' PATIO HOMI Beautlful brick spa, 2 BR, · den le ~ttacbed 2-car 1ara1e, low maintenance. Landscaping w/wood decking. Good au umab le loan. $138.SCO}erry ThomPIOD 551-8700 (P4t) - ' l'fN SUNOAY 1 ti 4:30 POINSIU PINT -BY BEACH D..,,.... _ _,, IOOfttr....._ .. 2 t.4rw, ,..lo -4 •c.. Aa ... elt lt ••ca., Prbd..,., 11 ...... _. Slll,000. 21 J7 L 0.-. CUFFHAVEN DUPLEX WITH POOL C._.J.._..._ ... .,...ta. ..... 1 .... ,... .............. .. a 0. ..... lot. w.. ... etff ... l ........ ~ loaltloe. tMtd llD SJJS,000. I t i I Clff Orht. IRVINE TERRACE COINER $20,UO C.-... fw tWt .,.. J W.. · + ........ Lo .. ly pool .... ,..... $295,000. 1136 s. ..... ,.,..., BALBOA ISlAHO OPPORTUNITY DNttk ,,tcit re-.C"-• tltk ....... 2 .,.. i.-. Spotltl• .... fw.w.d. I• ..,... lpceHo& $295,000. 117 Merm ........... HARBOR YIEW--8EAUT1FUL Lanp4btd.P.,__..wlHloptt1 bt-. '-ly na. wltt9 firtflect, ......... trffl. w• llD school $2'8,500. I Ul Port ~•act - NEW NEWPORT CONDOS QHllfy •d dttoUlttcJ fH WOlkt•'t btltft -] Utr ,.,.,,. -MC.tty. I J.7 /10/o Wtrest tt..c.. s,.cloa •lh wiHa tllt feel of a pri•ah a.o ... 160 ... •itw of loy & Ou.. Frotll $369,000 to $4Jt,OOO. 209,211 & 215 ltltl St., off ..... I L OCEAN Bl YD. YU-tDM v. locatiott--75' fro.ttlC)t + Earty Newport sw.gled dlw& Ste & et1ioy fHhryffr. Sl,lS0,000. l 0J4 Oct• ... " c--.. w.r. PDINSULA BAYFiONT -FEE a...., & .-Jc-witll fon•tr VU M« pcit cllA. 1-story 5 bed. + ,.... & cr••ry. Alt•.._ to. of Stoo,ooo, S 1,550,000. H:E. Owa. w• H~. 124W.lay ON WATER ~95,000 BAL IS. .... pric.d dtcorator CGtlditiotl 2 btd. + doc.k for 2 lloefs. W., extras. Lo•eff iaal.J2Sfir9dC.... BAYFRONT--IALBOA IS. YU. IHllllM 2-stary wittt wood & "911 oa co,_.,4W +dit..r&a..tsllp& MNI ysd. Mon·la CCMlditioa. Price • ...._ 1-4 Sl,200,000. fl C°"91 Isle, laL It. ***** NEAR NO. BAYFRONT--8Al IS. O•lf 4 ftort H W wlfll .,,..11.9 ithriar. LGrCJ1 4 bed. J b& tio.t + I bed. ... ] ftrati'oc•· c ...... c..,.. lO yter to. fw .,.-OL $250,000 ....... ot I J.75"o o...,. ..tl•ahd. w.lt ~offers. $475,000. DOYER SHORES FORMALITY fftd .... ttWf for priYKy .... MCwity •"9-d for t!INttaWllg wHll dlplty. lt .... M..., wltt9 pool & ltridl petio: l btd. fonMI dilM"& pin fe•.,.. S6tt,OOO. ftt. ON WATER-fULL VU + POOL Starfty, COltU:liHc•, pod •~ bo.t lip ......... 2 btchota. 2 betla co-op a,.tw•I Ill Newport • .All btc.tlYe NfrMf! $215,000. OCEANFIONT-UGUNA Spec._., VIEW from ltlh •It Ill Let-u.. Ste.tty 1 ........... .., floor. ,_ Sl 15,000. AffODABl.E-WGE °"" '"'-emit ............ 2..stery JM4.+ .. C.-.tlllrt,...w. 0...._,lllt.t.SIH.100. 8 lllTS-SAN Cl.EMOOE .,,,, ................... ..., I w.ae..._a...,..A.t-IAlll a....Mtl.000. m COTTACE-CHAlllNC cw,2 .......... o...; .. .. ................. , ... Jk --.seu.too. WATERFRONT HOMES, t«: lf.Al.UTATE Ofl9t HOUSI l·I OfJIM 14 COIOMA •ti.AMIS Completely remodeled 2 B.ft. New kitchen, bath & bay window. .Private gates to beaches. 9815,000. See Craig Kindig At 43.1 SEAWA RD ROAD . OM41tJA~C­ Ex ceptiooal plan 2. Most private location. Professionally landscaped & decorated. Large spa. $380,000. See Edie Olson At 2 MARITIME DRIVE OPIH IH IAYSHOUS A rare gem. Elegance & quality. Comer lot. Not leasehold. You must see this. $4~.ooo. Fee. See Eleanor Bowie At 250'l VISTA DRIVE OPIH IH IA YCUST Charming 3 BR. custom. Excellent value. Ask me how creative owner will be w /fmancing . ..$325,000. See Ka y Parker At 1907 TRADEWINDS Of'IH ON IALIO.A ISi.AMO Quaint Duplex. Super loe&tion w /remodel potential. Good terms! $.125,000. See Suzie Exley At 200 SAPPHIRE OPIH IH UMVllSITY PAU A best buy in Irvine. 2 Bdrms for $179,500. See Kathleen Arciero At 4951 HEMLOCK OPIH IM EASTaUfif Bright, sunny 3 Bdrm home in a super location for $279,900 Fee. See Cora Baldikoski At 806 ALEPPO Of'IH OM SPYCM.ASS HIU Distinguished custom Mediterra- nean Villa. Commanding ocean view. $2,400,000. See Barbara Ballmann At 17 MUIR BEACH CIRCLE OPIH OM UDO ISU I Spacious 4 BR. + Fam Rm on oversized lot. Secluded patio with greenhouse. $.537 ,500. See Cynthia Rumsfeld At 223 VIA QUITO OPIH IM CAMEO SHOllS Ocean view, 2 BR. + den. Lovely large patio w/rm. for pool. $595,000 Fee. See Paula Erd At 4521 TREMONT OP9C IH IHIME THUCI Delightful 3 BR F~mily borne. Tastefully decorated & remodeled. Bright new kitchen. $360,000. See Lucy Rose At 715 PA TO LIT A OP9C OM UDO ISi.i Smashing 3 BR . + den. Atrium POOL. Entertainer's delight. $595,500. See Edie Olson Al 204 VIA EBOLI OP9C IM I.A YSHOUS Distinctive Cape Cod . Beams & shutters. 3 BR. 2 BA. $309,500 LH. See Melinda Marston At 2661 CRESrVIEW DRIVE OP84 tH tWtlOR VIEW •M.U Beamed ceilings, cozy fireplace. 3 Bdrms. with t errific financing. Come by. $389.000. Fee. See Lyleen Ewing At 3809 PARK GREEN Of'IH IN SHOUCUFFS Wooded canyon privacy + ocean view. 3 BR. 4 BA. Guest quarters & spa. Reduced $100,000 to best area buy. $590,000. See Valerie Marshall At 324 MORNING CANYON <>PIH It HADOI VllW HOMH One of the most gorgeous Montegos ever on the market! 4 Bdrms. for $274,900. See Lisa White At 1836 PORT WESTBOURNE OPIN IM TUm.BOCI HILLS 3 BR . Executive home on tOl- street. UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW . Excellent financing. $429,000. See Ginny Anderson At 18851 SAN RUFINO tWtlOl llOM A charming 2 BR. 2 BA. DYNASTY model. Highly upgraded. Terrific location. Guarded community . Pools & tennis courts. $469,500. DPAHDID "I" wmt ..W Two fireplaces. Abundance or patios. Light & cheerful 3 BR. + Fam Rm kitchen eating area + dining ro0m. Newly landscaped. Superb financing in t he Bluffs . $273,500. Fff. THI JASt•• C._ WI Enjoy teMis, pools, lush greenbelts & :U hr. Security. Beautifully de- corated 2 BR. + den with 1talned 11111, plantation ahutten. Van Luit papen & lovely patios. '1351000. I IN Nntl'Olrrc."'81 Oranoe eo..e DAILY PILOT/9und1y January 10, um If I ...... ,.,Wt ....... ..,Wt ....... ,.. .. . ,.,.. ,.. .. !:.. ..................................................................... ·········•·•····•·····• ....................... ...................... ~ . ... _______ ............. ~ ...... ~··.·.!.~ •.. L!: .. ~ •.... ! ............. ~ ... !~ ... ..~ ... !~ ......... ~ ... !!!!! ···,· r - ............ _ .... _______ ,. OCEANFRONT Modlllar .,..... ~-ow"• , ..,, T1-Homu J4 br Cn 1 fJ .·~. rr IY ·•·· • ~r· • • New Cape Cod I 1tory 4 rondo. ..... &.c•... . 1 Of MA•YMAM'S DUAM..... 5 -m GIANT' ml pvt brh *-OD prime 1lrtet. A BEAUTY. Us patio ID Ntwport ... , ... -, ... , ... -.. ~·;(.;. 4 Bdrm "entert1lnor'1 deURhl" wtth • ,..,, C.dar maq.ll. +Scarplla. w/wetbarl Call for CtilfDr Ut.6qN2 bdrm ... lbtl'l..... O' b 0 20 kskAA 16 32 z..,_....,... ...... ,r-:•r: luldtnn/ollte• UP· TllUll. Owner will l~t>. ·..,.., ..... aid ! • ..... \em fMMtaa l wet ar, l X wor 'IVY• X T.W,,...$161,000 tat-.' eiiu' 01j/ ~o ~.\:~:o03· 11.oMcf.PatrltlTmore. dln. iru. lut11tat ,:; .,.._ m, '·~~ pool A s uperb ho me !or tbe most g .••·••t• w/i-i'• · Bay. Lido. Pt11 .. Ocean .,. ·=-:9,,.,~.i!..i. °";91~,~~·v~'r' discriminating buyers. A full wall a new utm ocuo v; ~J htSt M.i. = ~:.C.''~~s~ :.N ~ _.,.,.. lot liatd Cl., w-...11.s..,.., stone lrplc accentuates the atep-dowl) hoot, 4 Bt't •~ Ba, f7UT7t su• '-• .-~ tttt1 aad ....-llvinl room surrounded by ltahan tile r .lt. wi.tua Tahiti. sto.sw . .,...1 lala of,.,., tn111 Oab a Fantastic rlnanclng -'130.000 < 13% > entry. Downstairs master suite ls ODO. • 497·US4 WOULD YOU? 5 BR. 2 1ty, no montY ...., Tl HAUi ....._ '° u.. l lACHI at $10/mo . Full price $100,500. totallv isolated 4 addlt lge bdrms THlllAICH IAY na tOrllfortablt Iivlna down. owe at 12 75,,. z . ,...,.A v... llull •to appretlatel '! · • bet lb la Npt Hat• at a com· fpk' d · ti 4 Bd w /pool. Fu 111 J'lllllmlll Presented by Harold Reynolds upetairs. Walk lo beach. 3 .z· k'tah fam rm, twbleprkt. This ti It. cw..!i~ha'::J ~~J· furnlabtd. tmmtd. Performance Real ~tate979-6453 ,.,..,. ..... _, 14 .. 3119 ~ oe!:n !few'~:: :;:: ·~lr 3 8:· "· IPct nbftld. sza.ooo oi av./~iwl' ~· i 01°: Sll1'"1M ......_ ..... , p(ed,wallltobeach.At· Mlder' •• ~•11 +it !ord take overb1 1.1~ .... 1nt. -·~ 1 n..tA r c °"'9rAlll• tractive flnancln&. DOWI tJU,000. OWC. loan, YI tat.,.,..,mo, 1 \ a.-t.-oedroom 2 14 .:s. J eane Salter, •&t 545-ev163M215 1 • • .... .... Verde .S•li&bt . I w MTED • r!~::l ~~:.:. •::o·~ 1 a• .. tN• CB•!"' ·f"ll ~•mHouue!!.~~ ~•••••••Hou!!~! .:~f!e0r:~ba Pvt pat loOliiDI for larae llw!a1 room,"""• "' ... d "' • TWO SJOIY NIMT ocean view bome. bome.781Mlll2afl.I . _,., ::f:~at~~a~l~~{::a~ :.1J.t .. :fl.~~ DtWtMIM•IMl::'o..1 llVINE +VIEW! ~::·=~1!d'"~:o~~: llAMDMIWUDO .. ,...._... RNplace. Laad1c1ped Own. nn. Open Sat/Qin G~n Valley _ planned community. AS SUMI 9l/2o/• IM1'11ESTI swnable loan and uller CUSTOM HOMI 3BR. ZBA. Pool Owner ~1a&,.1wt1o. alcca•11 mfor' U-4.S:.~J':.'V~f· Spectacular 2 stry 4/5 bedroom. Tastefully decorated 2 Br + den ruwic~,ooo. Call wrllllALLY SOaq. ft. «tradltton~ A .~ ....... ..,._ Beautifully land.sea....,.., professionally · d ·t d 1 evesor 6fl.2'1M »lAID ::f1y":/;. :_~l1!!rst. NEWPORT H1~TedS ~11ttoday ! llVIMITEll. ...-u Irvine en uni con o w/vww . YOUICHOICE thlllfmoret>eopler~ad •bdrm or <abdrm ~ Gateddnve,secuu S Fl"a decorated. Quiet cul -de-sac. Exl'eU~nt finunci n" mdudes a 91:1'i thl• -nth'a National • " Bdnnbome +separate Sla.1.,000 A 1 1 ho W t ften r " TRADE, lie/opt or r..-..:.-aphJc relative to den), 4ba, lrg din rm, mother·1·n.law un1't. 0...--....,..e.d Below mar .. et •. owe Sprink ers, pay use. a er so e • lSt TD +verv flexible owner assist'"• .... ..lf•r for th'• ... _... f m m lndry/1ewlno • • if' d Fresh ·t. "'\ ~ .. 3 anBr "'2,,_" ba .uo••""n ~Harbor' O.C · rma optr .·maid's rm, •3 sae ... 900 Terma. Rbt. tJt TD at 1K. 5 yn! 4 pur 1er, garage oor. opnr. financing with minimal acceptable -.w n ~-.... w.,.... Auumt bl&h balance Bdrm. •I~. fee lud. paint inside. Xlnt !inancang. Veterans: down payment. Call AdrieMe. am. view home offered at dlnkt beyfront proper-frptcs, incl lndacpe " •• Millikee UMJM loao at 12~ Interest! G A RE/ .. AX S .,ic 000 H k "'' ... _ , ··-d'"· ty will akyrocket Call .. I I Pretllflou1 Ne,.port ~1zz1. e, -No down up to l<)o.J, . urry -as 759-1221or975·1060 for details today! 1345.000. rMDI ...... ucrg Jala C.mpbell for appt •P• "· sec. pre·Wlre. • l:\::o"; 8t.acb v .. ames condo. -=-==------· !or Yusef. •ANoc. ...... lo -thl• brand new crpts Open Sat/Sun. • ;,-~ Bachelor bedroom. T•of .. Ton CENTURY 21 962·'4501962·0103 20o/.DH/12%1MT. liltlna of fabulous tt.y. Mpm, 210 Via San Completel1 uparaded I C1uaic 4 bdrm, 3 ba, So 3 br; 2'h ba, fem. rm, ocean vu cat.m home..and R e m,o 8 7 5 · 3 O 4 8 • ., 1 _..:/' ~ Deli1htful clubhouse ofllwy.Arealcharmer. din. rm, db l gar youbetbejudgeoCthis ~· · ra &•torw. wtth nrimmin1 POOL! $335,000 Owner/ Bk r w/~. alained glass, tm,000 pnce which in· HAlllOl llME S6000 down. Beaut ful Adermitemutsee!Call Coop. C:O..Mt'lll 1024c.e.MeM I024 fenced, orean vu. cludeaalargeparcelof ByOwner.Lowestpnce, Newport Crest now! 133·Zll01 ................................................. • ., ..... 1040 llVIMICONDO 49'7·1051 land. best loc. 2bdrm condo, townhome. 4 BR, 2~ba, CDM DUPLEX l'~,000 ,., Price POOL ' SP A ....................... Reduced $5000. Aasuma-IOGll,7R s2~1 I LTY a . 640-~. !~16'1e 1:~. r;;1~.,,::; SIJ4,f00 'l'OOMARGUER ITE .uoe CM, aha~ 1 Br Great entertaining 1/. Ml JO bleloan at $100,000. This HOITHUC.UHA r ~ IAYFIOMT COMDO .princ.ooly.131·3629 ~aradtd 4 bedroom New COD It rue lion. home CID R·2 lo W/DU home, RV atorace. * * 72 • b ablolut.ely your bett Lovely 3 br, 2 ba. 2 Sly &alslJpavail. $475.000 wl'W• ft YOU UH ataide family home Med it. architecture, roof• l car garage. Call Sl4UOO. Bill Kennedy, Dr ll'ff b\o' In Irvine. Be1utiful· Ccuntry French home on OCEA.>4 VU OCEAHFIOMT -that's~ 5 minutes lo 3 bdrm 6 z bdrm , Oat 0 , All 631·121M. S:U.1211 IKMI ly cared for l bdnn end lfe wooded lot; oak & 91"\0L Beaut. home on Pemn. TO OWH A the B HI Cllle yard •.ooo, financinf avail. WtBE CA.N YOU Lowest priced unit in condo with view of hills, f oors. Playhoyae & r-v Pl. Pr1ced at lot value IAYFIOMT with pat,lo. Owner says 0 w It er I B d r : A.._.D Mariner's Cove End un· has it's owo private fenced yard 1de1I for Like new , lrg 4 Br 67~6 675.11«4 COMD07 let'• talk terms! Submit (714)61S-M31. " It " attached carace. 2 .wrwar lo entry, a lov· kids & pets Onl y , w/bonus rm . Only Xlnl financing avail on )'OUl'offernow.Call ----~~=TB~-.-.. C-1-3 Bdr + den + lrg Bdrm. l'h Ba. Ask for ely Uno& room with 1218000' 1421,900. A.uume ll.7'l E!y Owner ! 4BR Plus th'• '-·aut 1,... 2bdrm DLY-""' storage rm. 4 car car+ Bill. fireplace, dininf area OPEN SAT/SUN 10-4 cau Patrick Tenore, •at lbous. 3BA. 3100 Sq rt wide';' JU.st 'is15,000 SIH,ttO Fantastic Buy! Fee 2full8a+xtralrgMstr •VETSA.nM:• $114,900 with view , a l·lile Owner4lM-5057 7a.1221 Auumable Loan Findouthowthisdream ......._ land. Well maintained 4 Bdrw/wllkin cloeet, Fr. ForecJo.... Sale kitchen with eating 1298,SOO. Open Sat & Sun can come true for you . ..,....,.., Bdrm home · New doon, 2 Ira backyards, Mesa Verde Fber [g) area. Uvlng room and tal"SLOOllHG 12·4. 2297 La Linda Call Equity Sharing Great rsaJ uniu. that ~~rps. 644-9674 or :~~~b!f:~~}:let Pri~f!i7}.lfSB1tsrT1 •. 0oo. I ~i ~5•5-l··b!tl,dge ~°f:~k~~o'!~~ ATYOUKJDt... CourtSO.~UB.D0~-6544121 ~~~rt1es today! have been beautifully One and only Ocean more a nd all for .,.,. ...., • -master bdrm bas Natdoort0Bo1ie'1old ~~ i:!f! 1°:~ Front lot on cliff in Stal,500. Remodeled 3 generous walk-in closet. house, this Laguna YIU.AIALIOA :m· from rlbhse beach EXICUTfYEHOME . Corona del Mar. Located yrs . ago.where! 2686 IUY IUY, , •tzeBarraH• Ptiwy,lrvlH Every room ii light and Channer sits on a price· CS. Of' U...I Must see. this house has Sbdrm. 3~ba. tri·level, Heiibll .. Unlncorpo~at· between Porpy and Redlands. For pvt show· Low, low down. Won't 1 . airy and tutefully de-less level loqust 300 yds Youn& people · Pool your it al.I Ownr/atenl. fantrm den sundttk 2 edarea.Callfocappoml· PdnsettlaCal Branden ID" call Jim Davis l·-'••B I th t· .. · h't d from the beach! 3BR resources. Ideal two ll3V1AUNDINE f I ' Id. 1' ment • -· .. r ove y ome on , ... i rt• cora cu an w 1 e an .._._ 1 OP""" SAT/SUN 1 5 rp cs. cu · e-sac, rg '" •2190 ~~!!!berg AC en t. 7a.LZ21.I . I cul-de-sac st. Tue ad· ,. neutrals. Total Sl7,300 2BA. frpl, hdwd/(lr1 6 a ._.....,m villa or your £.l~c 7298 lot. Motivated seller, as ..... ,_, I .. II vantage or buyer's ' ..... D.. 104J downtoasaumable loan b 1 g y Ir d The fint home. Fresh as a VI... sume ' owner •Ill 3707S.8RISTOL I •l ~I~~ market 4r anxious ••••••••••••••••••••••• or seller will conaider pouiblUtiesareendless. da isy. Opens to $145,000 cany.Tooy,owner/agt. SANTAANA ...._.V5"rltmt t'• owner Excell terms BEST BUY . Trinidad 10"4 dn. Call Mona M ,500 with a low in-flagstone patio. $ld,OOO 2 Bdrm. 2 ba. Fa'repla"e m.hml2'l2~ H8·6U3; Ole: Rrmodeled4Bdl>oiM., •• Opn n' s 's '• lald.Primcloc38r3ba: au mable at 12% ' f 1--~ L GO ae al/ un 1·4. owe at 14% int Bkr. CLalthes~1re ~to seSue "da7y2 ,terestlst.lt'aasteal!! •• ~A optJ'oo a·s ava1la· pool, gar. ldry fac11Jly .. ~ .,::::"• IN R.E. '-JM!•·y 5y••n1 2120 A•ter Call now ""'"es n n uc--= ,.....,,_ ~ ""' • · · TomG~tier646·9200 1 ;r~· · IYTHI H bAe.PncedatS:ZG.~ Walk to all shopping, Eastbluff, $245 .000 Remodeled 2 Bd, Ire lot. Matti I. Ul 7Sf.1.22l to.. . 3 RAC schools Close to a 11 4bdrm, 2~ba, lrg yrd. •-------1111,900. Biii Kennedy er.m 1044 CheshireRealty Pampered Vintace *Ct' Re It~ beac hes Pr1 me $2111,000 assumable 13~ I OPIN SAT /SUM 1·5 ....................... 7lii-11T7 Units with I Sweeping 0 e aa.u Newport Heights loc As· lst. 642·5181 ; 640-8107. 1412 Stt1111d1 Tew. Otf..Y $15,000 DN View ol Crescent Bay & Invest ment ~ume long term rinanc CUSTOM DUPL.R" ""-TtrNCt ~~"!. and Seal Rock. A larce 640-5777 111g. Brandon Rosenberg ~ 4 ... '"'-cl MBA VRDE . 0 PllCID LOW... ZBR 2BA w/frpl a.ad 2 644-7028 Great loc ation w1tb ~. licbt and briaht _._ _______ 1 SPECIAL OV INT. $172,000 ternf1c Studios! Just ma1l'J extru, sucb as 1006 ....................... and kt Bri k a Br Bo R 2 Ba Payment.I 1153 pr mo Comparable properties hsted. 915.000. owe as 000 DWN SU VIEW llalian tile noon. oak 11:5,CIOOdotm new 00 m · c ONLY SIOS,000 · + nus m. PITI, 3 Bd 1 ,., Ba ~d ( S 79 900 (1'#C ts't lona term. Lrg ~· c•t wfpanor~mic cabinets, micro wave, duple11.lllt location fro11t. side and rear 3 Br 1 Ba. Priced to seU large yard with koi town home in Wood-have or 1 . . 7H IAYVllW PL. 2-lly beach Jlome. Only vtew Two lrg 3 Bd s + vacuum systems' --~price patiol, hardwood par· now. Unbelievable f:1 Fully financed. brldae. Vacant. No Forthls price you get a OPEN SUNDAY 12·•. 1169,000. Hurry. call den w/form. din rm + rireplace, sundeck. and _,....., ~ floorina thru-0ut n · K th t ' down to quaified • premium location on a • ba •-· 9, ,.. b owner cam. . nanc111g. a y, af qualifylnc necessary. VERYPRIVATE3BR4r ··a a 631·12166 wet r. "-ume ., ., muc more ownerl'7Ml8S eel. location . le11 .w ~erorleueoptionor ldealforlstUmebuyer major greenbe lt. 4 I Ult.FromM39.900w/IOU ANUSTSEE !' than 100 pares from 4 ID av-trade. $244 ,900 3182 or inveatol". Ownr/Ast . bdrm1. 2n ba . ex· Guest Heme on approK ':"'9'1'r.I:\:· ~ ol TERMS. Patrick Owntt's moving out 01 4.211 $Killion dollar bomea. na.a c.ouotry Club Dr. Open tensive upgrades, low VJA , facing The Sea. • :.. ··~ Tenort!la 758-1221 state Assumable or BYOWNER ReaUaticalJy priced at OHLY SI 05,000 Sun 12·4. 645 9777 . ma1nt. landscaping owe $365,000. 1 ·...:11 I will consider all types ol ~ lo So. Bayfront· m.ooo with com bin•· Paint • save OD lhla Owner/Broker. Short Wilk to pool, park 494-755 I • r.1 :\:, :o"; rllWICin~ or. exchance GREAT terms, S70K lion cl assumable and Colta Meu special, no ALL T .. S IM MESA andplAyground ... McC:O...ckU I ,• :.. •·.: Dan'tmissthasone.onJy dwn oner will carry awnerfinancinc. q\ldf)'ina. no loan fees V8DI DOVEi SHOIES I!! $340,000 Call now for balance +lBr re.Dtal c.11... and seller will 1110 For sue.soo Uvlng rm. TUITLE 1-11 Owin&ng 3 bdrm. 2 bath moredetalls 979.5370 apt. $5tl,OOO. Owner 644-721 I cany. May co lease op-.... .:,_ L ~ + guest apt No. end. 1441 Galaxy Drive insert• rule ~ A 675-7104 tloo. Owner wlll take 2Sxt7 ~ .. uurn1g llxlO BY OWNER Emerald Terrace. Walk UDUCm: UDO / LLST'A TE $13.5000 trade. Diana, agt ~\:~l.tt'hen + 3 3br,2ba. Plans. Move-to beach. Assumable 4 Br. Den. Formal Din· WATEl.FIOMT ,,. 2 br + Z fir duplex at 221 in condition Close to loan. Owner will help ing Room, 2 Fireplaces. This home features s I -.R111Ei•••L1..•~111110RS---Ruby. 113.7013, ask for A&ent 556-6Sll part 6 pool. Aasumable •finance S279.SOO. Peg 3 car aarage + large bdrms. 41., baths. h\• . I.any, oner/act. -..C ... MlllfStl! tUWJC . 752·1324 _ I AlleoRJtr,494·1578 Hobby Room. Pool 111fll rtn, formal din. rm. 60'j;;;;;;;;;;;~.-.-.-. -"'~Moun CdM'sFIHlST Hi"'1:y upgnded, thru· 1 TIY JIS OOO . Fanlast.lc buy! 3 bd, 2 ba lot. beaut. landscaped. dock' spect.acular bay CHOICELOCATIOM -'-" -CUstom home Ovls cu! Spac. mstr1wu + 3 , 21 CA ft.. '-• condo. Beam «ii., frpl. Owner will ass11t at view. from every room aUFFS "'I" PL.AH AIMIClllle! ina archltecl~arn:· ,. ________ more Bdrnu. Vaulted Sharplrg Bdrm2i,,Ba. tt5 ~ MPll5w:1 ... dlE palto. clubhouse. pool financing.Only$420,000 flnancing open to your Free standing, 2500 In perfect 1h1pe. Only be•utif .. nu d ed 3' ceils. Frml dining + New Twtlerock condo. Owner carry lo an OpenSat/Sun H :30 offers 12.300.000. home OD Island under s:. 1ibra::~r:!e~t . abdrm~~rp~,dbl f1m rm' Now asking Only Slet,900. ~II for Sl.59,000 PegAllfft,Rllr., Roblmoo:Realtor RalphFllrra&Assoc sq.fl 4 BR. Lowest $300,000. separate studio. S'795,ooo 1229 ooo .ASSUME lou daatls. Patrick Tenore, ONLY m.ooo do ... ·111 buy 4114-7578 541-5647 673-0619 prio;t~umAv 1-5 HZ.1147 fee. lncludes gorgeou.s sarage. ~·elr wc1.ollnads: w/U~ dn 4r OWC. 2nd! I# 51221 tJus 3 Br .. dining rm. -&UlllllO-... --insert!_ rule DIVISTA TRUCHA '134,500 uwu NO QUA LI FY I NG! family rm, pool & spa " designerfumiture. sistinfmancinc. Hurry, take advantace home Reas. monthly SPECIAL ! DIEAMCASTLE ~ 21-i WGeltonltinCo. loJMcC.nlt,IJtr. and call us today ! pymts. Agt . 833 ·8867 Anddowehaveapnzel MEWPOITHGTS •OMUDO• r. //L -r~ m.a::f SS:.1'09 541-7729 W-74.'M eves. BeUina winner here! Localed · OHE OF A KIND Brand MW 3 br rustom f · '/t//t7j,4f3/t C-entury 21 Gold St.!!_ • UTED high above Laguna's Coly and comfy 15 this r eat u ri n i: a II t he '· -• CGililMete 1024 w~·~ ........... 1048 ramed RIVlera COISthne secluded contemporary amerut1es or a m1lhon R E A L T y MESA. VEIDE FlllDOMHOUSE Pvt party look1nR ror ••••••••••••••••••••••• with a VIEW OF. THE 38dfamilybomew/spa . dollar home Great dt' ....................... AT1'1ACTIYE 2STOIY + MODERN APT. Nr bay•, 1385, 000. W /bltn fabulous fin. Save•. IHUALn IJIJt4J4-0ffl SI 15.000 r.IPrice E.side C.M. 2 Br l Ba. hrdwd noon. l car gar. ow-oer-will finance or VA terms. Call Curt II, agt &11-1.116 E.51DE CHAIMEI !!!!!!!!!!!!l!m!!!!•m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Priced to u II now ! Compl remodeled, 1 of a SELL Idle items with a •Ind + financing . Dally Pilot Cla11ified ..:'4g..5116=.::=.:.:K:::.1th="-y"", 1;.oogtc;.;. __ Ad. OWCAT 12% 3Br.18a.largeyard ~.76G-<862aft 6_ WOHDRAIL.. SEABELOW,youllrind You canexpand onthis tail & rrar~sma1~h~p 'llll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!6!!!!4!!!!0-6!!!!!!!!!!!2!!!!5!!!!t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unbelievable terms on ~ODO 6410763 Aft EXECUTIVE HOME ... views,privacy &quiel 1mpo.s1 ne 2 s t o ry lrg lot w/alley aceess used thmug out. a .e 1~ this custom built 3 Bd • · · · · · ,. can be round in this um arrh1lttture w /detailed I Owner's are read) to ad\•antage or a buyer s 2 HOU<rR<r I LOT pool home. Close to ~•ltedl 1040 w/ID"k down OR seller que 3 bdrm, 3 bath & m enor ol wood & ex move and will carry martet & act rast: See ~ 11ntf'courseandon aqwel .__,. will carry at 10~ int OR fa mily room home lem1ve use of ttlass 3 w/25% dwn Lrg as-ing 11 believing this 2asToltedl !::1 ... ••c. Opn H. •e Sun· ••••••••••••••••••••••• low payment plan ava1'l. bdnn ,._ I ed A t v n I~ BR s .. -....-.-... • Sell h I ·th •IUUI" Pan serv1c I sumable lal TO SllO 000 gem g . ir1:i .. l hingled Cottage A•u. Selkrs are Ouible 1--------1 Prime lrvi.ne pnde of fi mlnmaJ ... oooe p WI • by 2 baths, reatures liv al 10.sot". Priced to ~ell. O'Brien, 613-1323. -plus bl. Iott. Rear house ~ •-ftl•f bi lo at·o mane g . ....,, · BEAM ED 1 and creative. Call Diana • -~ owners P c 1 0 • 5'.a LOCATION rm . w I Call to see. Diana. agt --------1 has a yU&hted liv tnn. ,. SPAMISHVILLA =~.'~s!:ia~f: .,::~ Pride of ownership, iW:t~~N~~GREPlfc~ OMIOFAIUMD 2BR.rentablestudioand .. SIOIDOWM all rK (acilitieis. Owner ocanviews.planstoex· FACEDW/STONE&ex-Co mplete remodel· 1ar11e Great invest· >. ~my;Ji;ntSryp~n;ld~ s~ "Sell it". Ken, agt pand. All this + seller t.enaive use of redwood. C\&om everything 48r, ~ment! OWC 5 years. time parlour with 55-MOOotSS2·4368. financing for this 3 We believe this one JBa, Sl29.SOO bdrm, 2 bath quality ~akes "FIRST PRICE " 642-7404 494-7551 MES ... vaDE ma SI iv e (' r I ck Ii n g home $31115 000 $5000 DOW.... ... McC.-d u "' fireplace candlelifht • .r .. CH· oi-LR" while offered at only " ....... Lowe . TAKE OVER $131,.500 at formal dining, cantina -_. ~ S\95.000 FULL PRICE NB condo. OWC paper. I I I ·~ _ ~• • R&"M~ ~! 4 Br 2 Ba, corner kitchen. Wall of glus to Louted in Woods Cove SEE TODAY• GONE ~bm1t all offers. Pnn ~ ._ lot, A·l cond. Owner coclllail patio with huge Low or no down Condo in just 2 short blocks to TOMORROW! ontr. Kathy act 64&·5086 ~NEWPORT may usist. $197.500. sparkllnc swimming Irvine, great assumable serluded beach Each MISSION.REALTY i HORIZONS Bkr. Call now 751-0205 pool. Beautiful atrium. loan. unit h~~ 1 bdrm + ex~ra 98SS Cst Hwy, Laguna S.S TO lliCH j ... REAL TY OLDCDMS5000 Close to beach. Try. Ca11Timagnt966-6535 sleeping area with C714J494-0731 FEEIYTHESEA MEW OM MAllET Elegant 2 Br. 2"'1 Ba . Condo with ocean view. 1221.soo 1n Newport Crest Ca II Delores MUST SIU. I Sharp Mesa Verde 3 BR, Fam rooml on cul·de-sac. Seller will make it1 easy on terms. A super buy a~ $175,000 call today! I REAL ESTATE 111 Ft SlfO MIHIS! Outlt.andine 3 Bdrm 2!ot Ba coodo w /wt&blr 2 car aar + lra Kstr suite w/#rplc , le walk·in closet. P•· llab otrer. ()pa Sat/Sun J_.. mo Alder Lit, Oolta M .. ... .., ... .. • $10,000 down ft'lth 10~ -rtreplace & large dttk. -OWC 1"'" for 10 yrs on G e I be r g · T S L LIASE OPTION iiltertll. HURRY • call Woodbrid&e Collage, un· Room lo expand on trtt a..,........ I 05J th I a 3 B d r beac h B"""" BUY lN NB Propm.aes, 642· 1603. Mowerightlntolhillove· •1010 der market value, shadedlot.Sellerflnanc· ••••••••••0 ••••••••••• bargain Freshly re ...,, ly38r,familyrmhome. Realty World /Beachside $147,SOO. 2bdrm, 2ba1 ing. Price reduced to ..WCUSTOM dooe O~er will con: owner. large~!'!...~ 2ffomts,llot,NwptHts .. 1 bit to beach on a cor· 1-'-....... --~---fam rm, frplc, redwooo 1225.000. • TOWHHOUSE staer' trades and notes. w/ ocean view.~. · +pool, OWCt, Agt. ner lot, mini-vu. Bur. O,p1 twltrr IH2 deck. Assumable loan. ~.. 2200aq. ~. 3 car garaye. Vacant and move in 642-U48or963-322l 642-6100 nawcr tyrlater. Excel . Priced we below Clole to pool• spa. Call 4 ~--goU couneview. Sma 16 now. ~II Diana. art financin1. Call Dlaaa, 1111rket. Owner wants owner: SS2· 1872 or ..,.,,,... l.llit community. ll'lo% 631·12111 .. tGl-Jal fut sale &i wall help 551·0600. Brokers rmanclna ·easy\:uaUfy. nntnce. 3 br l ~ Ba Welcome charmlbg floorplan. · 1te11to.i..._ . Ing. Charlie lwl11, 4 BR 2 Ba, fpk. ued brt. $225,000, lltb Pl 6 1\lstln, 631·3374 bU.coop TIY $8000 DWN ~ 3 Bd, 2~ Ba condo in E.•lde Colla 11-. owe paper. OoJ1 11»,IOO. Joyce Wallie, : . ..' R&"Mtt.X M .. v•. lK down, 3 bdrm, tormer model. 1144 500 owe. Open Sat/Sia 11·5pm. 1157 TaM<lr. Dl·lnO, TIYfll.OOODMI SU, Id tOildo ar. So. cout Plau. Onl1 llU.•. A. • Patrick S133,CI00.7Sl-3ltl Or. dtchd , ~ ac. ~--ca-1 ' Tarbell Realtor •. Turtlerock. views. aMl030. C:.'" •. ~.J,.1'1•1•1~ •. , atriwn, pools. S224.000. 17HJ 494-1177 ....._Vitfo 10'7 &ll.a7'10. • •••••••••••••••••••••• UDOSA.NDS Highly upgraded 3 Br 2 AIAMDOMID 2 STOIY + POOL -$17,500 * *FIUILY PllCI SWHID! Ml Owner says "SELL". H•E! Lovely unit with secure rd parking Near Heisler 4 Bdrml, Z.•ty, lr& ya • f>art with white water l mmtdlate possession! Rmt WI your1. Here it ill 8'f Z.ttory T.H with fcrma livlaa, aourmet k.ltcbn, coc\tall patio ud 1111' malter •uite. Al j9t mieates to mllet ct JJNdal nrf + low down r.•ymenl. No qualify na. HURRY . C.UIC7~00 Caml.ly room, ' more. view. ''It doesn't cost a l llAUforJan thing to look !" NOW ~rw.e IZ50,000. Reale .............. ' 497-1761 --· ~~~,... -,....--"-'-'-~:;..-..-,-•• -4 ___ .;:;•.;;.------...................... . l!!Jt,y Wcrld/Beacblicle WTCHAMCll ~ve 4 Br. ~ Ba. 2 story. family 1 m ., formal dlnlaa rm. IJS.000 down. owe. ' UU,000 . Le11e aJ00/111>. ~~=Uc i... Braker or •Mii llAUIWUL WWOOO Assume hitb balance loan on this lovely Woodbridae TWNHM. Spacioua 2BRtdeft, 2~BA. J.Car ........ wet bar, private beacb aloal ~/pool le lake prl•~•• . ..... llyma Boolll 511 . -. LAD Al.EA Ba borne, steJJI lo the OWC w/$30,oOO dn. 4 Br ocean. Wood open beam + ram rm + pool and ceilings, It a remodeled spa. Sll2.SOO. Open Sun kitchen Jive this home a Jan 10. Call for d1:tail1. very warm feeling. Dianne Crain • Aasoc. Owner will help finance ..:.7.:::.ltf5.1W400-=-'---=-----i Aain& au,oeo. owt9 AMltoUS 5A YS "'SB.I." 5"ttoUI A1ean Helthts 2 Br , 21SO aq fl townhome with utra larl9 family room that could be cooverted lo T1no1 TIO\ \I ~'! \I n /',I I 73 7 0 two larse bdrmt. Tuma --------available oa Wa abarp OC W lnvellmellt. Submit all IAM Yll ..M .t...a.t ... 11.0 l50 OalJ 11»,GIO. 'hke over ""'11'1. ,_._ ' ' .... lou. 3 Br 2\'i ~tz~·4 -~V:itSHALL HEWPOIT STAITEI ·Rare chance to own a comfortable 3BR-2 ba Harbor Vu on fee land for only $224,950 call now ! W AIT1MG.fOlt A IAIGAIH This cozy 3 80. 2 BA + fam. Rm . in Harbor View near comm pool has good assumable loans and ts priced to sell. $237,950. STYLI & SOPHISTICATIOM in this impeccable Spyglass 3 BR, Fam Rm with breathtak ing mountain and city light view . $549,000 Good terms. CUSTOM Ho.. + llMT AL Just Jiated premium quaJlty with two a BR units -bums - fireplacea In Oki Corona del Mar. SeUer will exchange or be creative wttb your lerm• -oltered at $147,S)O. Call us now! ; ·~-,--~----~1--------~-------11!111111--................ , ...... 2.1•2 .... -..........- Orln9f Coul DAILY PILOT/Sunday. Januaty 10, 1982 ,_ .. _,_.. ' ,_Wt ..,....... .....I\ atw a• ........ OlllrM ... •M-••••-••-"•••••••••• ........... --• .. ••••••••••••• ,,, .. ,,M.He•9'H••••• =.y;=•••itti __ .. _ ... ,_......... IMt .... IMt ............ z •• L.. uuu~• .. •••• .,.... J tb ID 1.... 116' ...... JIM'l=C' 1 .... ...................... ......... .. ............ llWS.--~ -I IN • SAM.... m -•••-• ....... N.11e• ................. ...,_ ...... ._ ...... ! -• -,-::::.=~=--1 KfQ••a1 -••c ..... -•-••••••••• .. •• .. •••• DUPLllllll.tlt llLIOS UDO JIL& cb.,.lq 4 ~~ ...... ~ ......... •••••••• 11 •• If mNll -,_ .. __ • ..,.,. ""..,.. OCIAHJIONT Mochal1r Good fflllril bUcla loe., m.1.•~ Wrm. '" bella1 lrS t1'D· • • J A, ttt, Fr' I WATWMT Ocean. ba, and nJ1ht Typt HomH 24 tlr lndMlltOOCI ._..1ow a,,..c:..w... "1P.ltio.C!Glllp1Nl.JU I Ir . ! IMl,!.!-'.J~boat1Up 114 LO ...._., e• 4 Ir. rw tiltlt fortver vrew. J llCUdty. " ml' pvt bcb OWCwt•J,oOodowa. • a.l ~-1 -.. blclr'• ll'lidld. Sl* mo. vur: -a. plai a !-_: dtw,_ ~.oew klttbtn Mrm.1 IM. htory C.pt + flltll.a1 pier. Cedar Jill'llll&, W or trade for IY.!JLOnaody, fJU1'1 net tritated condo. "'9A ar comin .-. tu•~· I c•Uoe, I Cod. P'ee land tm.000 cot.tat• type redwood WALITOllACH 111abMSprojtd Lunrtoua I Br 2ba. 6w4to Nlleiuui ~...:_. ~~ Uvln1 801!~.900wn /A1eat deck, Pool.' 1uarded ---eM 117~02' 7 .~~.~00• Cl '""'*'t I Br. 1 It. frpk, bllm, I ur lar. •·• It"• -. unlll yO&ar ·~ · pen Hou•~ ate adlta only No _....,. --~---•1111111•-· wuo .. boue la Jll1h traffic TeuJt/PoOl/Jac. 1c 1&4Vll'l'ATIUCHA dl~• flab'D pole. J!uillo& • IOO.•·•i• CAPISl'IAMOICH ~llACH c-usCOYI Oil Wlttr, IBr mobile -"Wtltlld• c.ta .... Beeth Ii marlu 6*6llt' -.000. M cub down. Owner <keen view u.nit in H · OCIAMYllW S.:S:.:, e-1..ot •· ..... Ttninc for Anti· att81 a tmo Avail ' 11 11,000 Oaanciq. 4 Br. 3 Ba. Prke lu••ltt41 ctlleetown•r~a ~ual latr.ea0. Lac• oWLD ~"UMl:t,. .. o!!~ Wtlterfroatffoa1.lac que Shop, Accountln& Fetil5:m~ ~ 1 abort block to OC:Hll a MW home. Over 3000 aq. s lloblJ• home• for tale. ., w I JUST RIDUC ID TO view Iott In aubdivlaloo llJ.1400 <I~. Law otnct etc. BR IA , la. Br. 2 Bl'•.in each unit, fUeelud. A 131· lo.1. Adlt Pk . No peta. •120~ down Juat nn.ooo. Bare op· U,500.Byoner. ·Hone Property. 3BR. Jllt partlq. WIU dh· f ,2 • ormd rmil aam1 oceu vi.w. aum· mo-.. 2 _llG.000. pcrtunlly at ux froea. eu.m (Mr Lac > 1BA. Kida • Peta OK C9 remodelhiJ to ault. am room, tmtmo C• R E A T , mtr nat. Owner will OCIAMllOMT •• Lovely borne In Seller muat c ou. · Lrs Ftaced Yrd. teOO A&>Prol. • aq. ft. ta· Undayiu ... i.m help finance. Call for N 1 rl , R d 1 Laauna Beach. 180 ~ rio.ooo dowo and tab DD. Mr Goodman, Day, cludln& the Yard . an.. lJ44 lil•••••••I appt. ~J c•u,11°o:>1e desr•• ocean view .A 11&1 over ulallag loan•. thwt•o...rt. •IBZl.Evea,"7·5278 UOO /mo. 541·5442, ..................... .. WAMT8, FAMILY fo t 0 a ~ c 1 u c, f vc: J..acwia Hills Club Park: REAL Three bedroom cottaae .._,. 2400 3 BR 3 Ba e1.iracoodo. 170-sat. WOODlllDGI ·~--.. -,·-~-·,.-4•14 Br. 2~ Ba.+ Famlb PtoiotuJa Point Xlnt M.u1heet •2111. ••miAI E + Ulree leaal unit1 In .... , .... , ............. Sl150. DottJe Jobnaon, CON.DO·JBr. 2~Ba. I& a 8d tODdo. srouod nr 1~ • rm.6 2car1ar. Oood U · Ownertlna.oclna, Alt • .... _.. aeparate bulldl.na. Cul &le or Trade The Spr· •111&-f'75-a>agt ma 1 t •. r b d rm • Wilt, beaut dffor, Ira llllC•••ri••,MI aumable flnaocl111. 1'7s.7'1181S.arrc» C .,..__ duac. nitte blod:a to illpC.OUntryClub,Palm · w/balcooy dbJ 1ara1e petioatta. 1115/mo. No WllTCLIFJ', IU0,000. Owne:rwillbelp.C.llut • w.1Jroc!tto".;;:ll'4: e.-.z 498-lOtO beach. PRICED FOR Deaert. Lwtury condo,...___ ... _., .. .,, w/f1fl0er, /rpk, central peta Crala/Suun Lovely J Bdr m p1u1 fort.belowdowo FAST 6ALE AND 3000 aq.ft .. oo fairway,,__ -vac,S'750mo.211Zlhple DlG faadty niom, located ln Mt.D $.260,000 &.per 2 Br %ba mobl e. ' E S C R 0 W 8 Y t\nl8hed by pro, ~. ....................... #UI&. Roa t7t·5370 or pratl1lou1 Weatcllff. lilP. a Br. down. OPIMHOUSI 1·4 Reduced to ~.500. See MIATDWl.011 MOTIVATEDSELLER. l)'l.3BR,3Ba,tumte1. ...... 3202 IM-m t. 11.lnutcw to lbe beach. 'ocean view. 2 UOOUMDSJll at'100UdoParkDr#22, SM0.000.1809 W Balboa CALLJOHNTUCKER Mr.Head,at.9661 (714} ....................... BR 28 F K"dl ' Ona' llWOUI and wlU liDaJe car caraau. Live 41132R1ver Ave. n r l he Ca a a er Y Blvd. Open Dally, H . 714434-tJtl lfllAN 1£1.lS Uppers brNe~por!..~~1 3oK.. NoA~.~mN!':iA11~. • 1!elp widl U.. rtnancln&. laoae renttheotber Stft)ltOBeach Restaurant. Ted Hubert Realtor, area. • ., ba, -.,.. ,..._ 1 St Peli u appointment to ~ & C O°lri Sl Wat.erfroot Homes, Inc. 752,qm esec. home. 11,350 2 car •• .S/rr». 115' owa 1'mbome. new 3 br, 3 ba, •· (all5'0-11Sl • rlh• .. .!!8·5007 131·1400 E'si"· ,.. ..... , ...... D •-1.u-OME "MIST au +carport. lit + laat M4-1135. patio, aar. Park. pool. · , .. HERITAGE MO-a2ll v•orl7 1 Hi;b ~u:i!a .P':i ri(),llTY hinmatraultea, superb mo . + aec. (2 13 ) {4e 3 Br condo, 2'iAJ ba, ~"15/mo. SS3·90S7 DOCKSIOILL 1~%.0WC.Newroof/· SPECIALIST view or S1Dta Rou 5'5-2812, for Info/ ap· t•i;,.,•ml yard, frplc. Woodbrld&e Estate UDOPMMSULA paint, Sl!S't,900. Own/Act Mtns. Former mdl, paint.meat I • $875/mo. avail Homt. 4BR. 2'iAJBA, fam 1::;:;:;:;:;;1•~n;;;~;;w-'ll $63,500 BettinalS3-888'7eves. Select from 319 unJts. beaut. decor . tum key. Exchaaae Funding 1/U/82. 8'13·2282, 9 to s nn.diarm,frplr,patios, !I VIEW + YllW 2Br/2Ba in Cannery Terma avaUable to suit E)icJ &ar. w/cart apice. Group lac. Employee wkdp. lake. Pool 6 Tennis .... ------•I Watch lbe suOHt over vw old 1.oalde &ate1 ol Indian Traalfer u.ntt. 53&-2At8. • Clean 1 bdrm duplex. Privileges. 11000 Mo RCALTORS 'BIG CANYON HOME Cala.lina whileaailboats qe. 4rrs w/com· 72 UMrTS youroeedl. Wei.ls C.C. SC. to &C?lf <lfen to leue your 3 or <If Sl pklng. Quiet. $350. ~1327. W~188 Office OP'FmlFAIRWAY raceinthebayfromt.hia mimitypool. S2,l50,000 coone.Pool.Owner will 4 Br. house al fair Nol)etllMl.Zm 75N597 A Deane "Deauville" re· custom 4 bdrm home Price cutto aell fast! ~ · rmance. sm.500. ma~et rent leu 1100 per 1 " 2BR Trailers. 1185 fl.BP --.-lt-.-Turt--le_roc_k-. -4-B-R- aidence w/4 Bdrms,3 Ba that hasaspadouspool S.C"•• 1076 (18)4·pleHt/Sep.loans ('.Cl::D mo. Subject lo ren~al up + USO Sec. No 3ba,3carg1r.2lOOSQft. 1Dd over 3000 aqft.ofliv· and gourmet kitchen.••••• .. •••••••••••••••• 78UMfTS ' ~'-swvey"dllferedmain· Children or Dogs Gardenerandauoc.pd. ID& space. Features in· You be the judge of the NOTHING DOWN SI~ 100,000 'i'f!1:!Wll.1V! 1Jt: tenance. 2 years. Lesser &etl.93 Need quality renter elude a jacuul in the "75,000 price which ln· New large 3 br, ocean ~ a:rant Lessee right to I ood r R & private patio uea, a 3 eludes a lufie parcel of viewM,180./mo. ~9911 8x3t Mobile Home . very X Gross 114 641-0763 ... ~ f b I 2 · 3Bdrm2 Bl 2 car garage w g re 1· ate ~-low t I C M ..,..,.. or su . e.ase. . i ..,,, per ~nth. No pell terrm oegot. 752·S740 :J':Cf9;.~;rfu:Ord: !::t;:! or appoint· OYSTa IAY ~~~;~tsi · · rhn ·'. · ~1~0~~~.AcZ weetsforprocetsan&. (714)15'1-83SS · Woodbridge. 21try, 2BR . aecurity. Owner will IOeaSIEALTY f!n1J11Jculate3BR2~ba, C~I.. ~ 642-6153. RBfTALS 13bdrm, 1"1ba, fam rm, l,,.,BA.Pool,Spa,Tenrus ,. • ..., a 2nd TD One of 67., •111 library, 3 car garage a. ...... I 600 Y••••u.w•ekly-Winler, din rm, den, frplc, 2 car 41 Laite. '6'7S Mo. Lease. ~.,'beat burs · on the ir& cul-de-sac, wide pvt lot: "•"1 ' ._.. w. caar••• 2.~nu. Newport. gar. t875/mo. lst + sec. 7»-0US,'7S.1909 &reen at $695 ,000. close to beach. 2 years ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ .... ,.__ A~=y Desertoffice Beach6Balboa. Avail now. Debbie· l Br + loft on broot, ....... -BIG cu•yoN new. Xlnt long term Cll 1-MS-5656 J"-COIS 1£"-LTY ~ ,.....,..., M fman.Own/Agt 498·2510 HEWPOITllEACH Nur new 4·plu 2 OnlbeGrounds of "' 5A ~/mo.IWlmoveayou C..-· Hi&h visibility. C·3. bdnn, 2 balb earh unit INDIAN WELLS PIOPEITY $dflO cou.a~. 2bdrm, Iba. in. Lindi Harl, agt s...._ <keanview.120fl.fron· withfirepl1ce. enclosed HOTEL MGIS din ing area. gar, 63l·UJll6l•••I 7 =r.3s::~'1e2~d. c .. 1... 1071 !a&e. UaeellisUnc build-rctio. garage. 9~'k lll. S-6173 children ok, no peta.' I Bob HaUey, Rltr. • ...................... mgof4000sq. Ct. or build .;.~~hB.'1\oc~u~:;, a:.= 2600 67 ~~.~~I.clea n . (213) aaa't~ ---644-~~---• AIANDOMED ~~ ~·i:~w~1~7~ Rltr.~161. ....................... .......... J206 ~ to So est Pina A SAD SACK of a once n--• · · · ' FOUR SEASONS OF NW ••••••••••••••••••••••• G b ·It H 3 --------Se:l.I idle items 642·~78 beautiful home! But -It ncaitor. • CCll.OWIU •-cow...... FOUlrW parldile. lltOO/acre. 120 Balboa Island Waterfront reeo r~ ome · 1be Lakes. lBR Lost Con· sil.$ on almost an acre; I llACH Trt..a..us 2yrs new. Make usan of· acres. 10 ml. Spokane, 3 Br. 2 Bs. Yearly ren-BR. 2 ba. Uv •. fkmr DRJ do. Tennis, Pool, Spa, I I .. D~ PRESEHTING THREE OUTSTANllNG PROPERTIES HAHOI RIDGE "Kensington" with.night light view! Beautifully decorated w/many, many extras. Over 3200 sq. ft. with added loft. Assumable loan & owner finan c· ing. $725,000 CAMEO SHORES Custom home w /panoramic ocean view ! Breathtaking sunsets. 3 BR's + large fam rm. Smashing ex · panded, redecorated luxury home south or PCH. $795.000 CORONA DB. MAR Custom home 3 yrs new w /view of ocean from 3 decks & major rooms. 3 BR's. large fam rm. Great owner financing. $875,000 D ...... HHMAH-752-1414 MACNAl-4RVINE REAL TY 4545 CAMPUS DR.. IRVINE I has swim pool, 2 frplrs, Coado••lw/Towa-• San Clemente 'ii4s 000 fer Kathy, agt 646-5096. WA. Xlnt bldg ailet. VJ t.aq1ns. Mo. 770-0.147. car aar. Bnc 'de Sauna. On the Lake. fam ~m and overlooks a....forsalit 1700 1 2'7%down 134Xgross' _Prin.only. mi. paved frontaJe yd.•mo.ll,200 •P· S525. Days 752·8200. 4lb f81.fWay al San Juan ··~···················· 10% usumable loans' 22 new conctos w/93 road. Good hunting, fll· BAYFIONl 9112CamaUon.640-6140 EvesS511-!1581 Hllls golf course. Aban. LeisureWorldCondo. For 0 111 financing. S25K dwn. bin& 6 skiing wilMn 30 Three bedr ooms . 2 Eutside. $500/mo. Huge Univ. Town Center, dolled by elderly folks Sale By Owner 2BR . , wn er w ca r r Y Owner will carry s yrs. min. f1ex terms. Ideal yard. 3 Bd.rms. House brand nu beaut 2 Br 2 and up for grabs Of. 2BA Upgraded carpell. straight note m-ssoo investment pr.operty. ~.O::;:!;. ~:~~· ::b ~repair and cleaning. Ba coodo, 2 car gar. feredatSlS0.000. (Land Great View $85.000 , SEAL BEACH S220000 (5ml)!m-82SS (D1clt). I. Monthly or yrly 9 to 5, 7S2-S040 or 1800/mo. No pets / a1ooeworthth1s.) 714·545-7101, Mon.Fri I ~down.' l3.SX gross: QUALITY 4-PLEX Utah, Cedar City, new Sl400/mo. 49'7·1152 . children/ discrlmina- La.NniloyRHlty S.S.714·770.8331,3-5Pt.!_ ownerw11lcarry7years 3-~·~2CM,veryflexible home. l acre, health Owner/Agt644·9513 2Br.2Ba.2story,comm· tion.213/332-'707 DmaPoilt 661-6441 Greatest patio In alll>'k 2'-iblocks tolhe on terms. Bill Ken· forces sell. NO SMOG. ,._,,.a,jM 3•22 typool... "The Lakes" condos , ... MacArthur Viii. U11· beach nedy,alll631-1266 ~.000 (714 )546--0839 ---W ., PROPERTYHOUSE available.2Br 0$675.1Br I 090 graded 1 br Village 2 .__. ............. ••••·~··•••••••H••;.•••••• 642-3850 642·1010 loft (w/pvt bot-tub) S57S. ••••••••••••••••••••••• J37. Open Sat-Sun 1·4 or SAN CL EM ENT E . -,.... .. 581 PARK DRIVE t Br loft SS$0. C.ll 1)1ve, SHARP 2 Br condo. Best call,Agt.,644·5061 $231.000. 20~ down. &da•" ZIOO Specta arocean view, Vacant. 3Br. 111 re· qtS5Mllll8or13J.519'7 area. No qualifymg. On· BRADFORD PLACE 13.4X gros.s, balanre at I -ni;;··~;:,;.··;·~·e•a•r• 3+ family. formal din· dttorat.ed 6 new cpts. PANORAMIC VIEW I 500. Bkr848-0709 Very ruce 4 bdrm, l''J 11.43 aMual ronstant. 9 old home in ciiirmont Ing, pool/spa. $2000. Huie yd. 17 50 mo. Rancho San Joiquin. or ba yard _, 900 u<> 000 years old. 1250 sq.fl. 31 8d Ba _ _. Wood · 7M>-9333 agt Owner 5'9·2042 '""I 2 b d f 1 · · ..,.,,. '....,, Bdrm 2 bath owners 3 2 couuo. · Will exch1nge for home -"" , r + en. rp c, OlierRHllE:shlh assume lsl. OWC paper bridge. tS'N d wn or condo in Newport 2 Br, frplc . bll·1ns. Mesadel.Mar,1unny3br, IRZS/mo. C.11 Pal Fry, ••••••••••••••••••••••• FanwUc I.st lime buy urut. $132.CD> Atta. Can add cash garage, no pets S72S 1~ ba. lg. fenced yd, 831-6411or831-8304 w..lt"-1 Greenbelt & pool. Blue 3 units. Costa Mesa, 67WM4 6"·7809 bea~ pool/spa. Quiel Woodbridge Townhome. ,_S. llOO Ch ip Properties . LAGUHAllEACH idul forstartt.nginvest· L 3 BR 2.,., Ba. fam rm. f1m1ly nei&hborhood, 3br. 2v.ba. end unit. .. ...... ••••••••••••••• 857·2iMO. 4-ft.0204Y.DoW9 ingportfolio.1167,SOO AKE ARROWHEAD comm pool, spi. tennis. near .schools parks 6 a!arm sys highly up· o.inn/ & OWC at 12o/o 15 units. E.side Cosla AR~A CABIN·IBS,000 ac hr sec. $1500 mo. Call shopping. No pets. lllOO. graded lik~ new lake •EXCITING• UalhS. 1100 JUST RED UCED Mesa, 7S% fin. avail. eq111ty.EXCHANGEfor 759.9173 mo .. lat/last & ISOO. t.ennis.pools '90otmo' rla.....a.... .,..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• 145,000 for fast sale. $720000 OC income property or th -d--secunty. 556-7650. MF Ssi.S4.s4. Dnlft' -Ocean views all units. 3 °QUA1L PLACE Palm Springs Condo 2 Bdrm. 2 ba con o. 1 j B · It • : · With or without furn. 1-...,••w•'l'O•-IT-l•IEA-C•H-1 bloclts to beach. 3 Bdrm PR07!.,~~IES PROG-OPLDERENTIES · ~k to berc~. Wuher. ~~~e te:~l~~~~::i~ ~:;shb5~d. g;B;.ha/.:'8~~ ryer. re rig, 2 car 3lx64 Greenbner Hm in PEE SIMPLE LAND cottage plus 3 legal units --~-Laguna Hills nicest s I It ID sep1rale buildint. T n d I 752.1588 frplc. no pfts, lse $715. Priced be ow m t at L A6'. 758-1067 star pk. $197,000 Seller must Owner must close. Su . y "; HI':* Hlb"d MO CASH IH NPT i-~------- Gtoe .... otrn sell. Short w11lk to shop. mitalloffers. I on"this"rB~M~;:~~r~e Want Choice Newport WoocllrtclcM-Hew! new' kitc hen w ll h g1rage. SUS mo 640-533C or 759-0719. refri&e, all ulils " prdelltt i.ncld. Adull.a, 3 Br 2 ba. So. or PCH. Beautiful 24160 Keywesl ping & beach. I f Co kl b Be h s I H'll 4 2 bdrm + aen Highly Hm · 2Br, 2Ba . This is CJSREALTORS LAG-UNA IUCH ucer upper. u ea BRacho pyg ass 1 h upgrad .... s1·n,,I• story ... _......., · 16 ..___.,_,..L. Slul. Listed 1134.950 I me w I no cas ""'-.... no pets. $S75 /mo . J19,S/mo .. ALSO Ocean 752-1.550. view home al Sl 100 per .,_,... J22~ mo. 673-7197 we..,_, in town. I 1·635-5650 ~ ·~."" --down! Client wiU trade Fu 11 y s h u l l e red ~heclil ! Oreanv1ews.3bloc~slo 2 Dellllle 4 Plexes Side $125.000. equity for raw Fireplace . At r ium 14 3Br. 2\.'JBa, fam rm. •••••••••••••••••••••• Beautiful Belair M.H. I the sand. qwet res1den· By Side 1290.000 and laned. Ranch or invest· Avail now' S97S mo. No w/fmtlt.1l. l.2lll91lv rm. a.c-Property 2000 llal street Assumab.le loans at $200.000 each. ment property in r pets 12110 Mslr Bdrm. Encl •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• loans and owner will . ~1366 Orange. Riverside, or : 951-5166 patio. Nr. Hoag Hosp. carry to give buyer over-San Diego Counties. , Spectacular, brealblak· den. din rm, frplc. p1lio. inc 2 story, isolated c IH 3 bib from ocn. 640-148-4 house. 2 decks ove Beautiful 3 Br 2b1 pool ocean1 SUDO 493-9594. home. wi.th jacuui, new 124.500. c.M. Tea Sltehr I all 10.2% annual rons· .. =• t.I May add ush too! Con· llNT ALS ClASSIC 4-plex. Xlntrinance. tant. Breaks even with 5 z I 00 tact Mike Crow. R.C. 2 Br. I Ba Slot' MOllLI HOME 3CriK. 675-007311·345-4123 30"k down Won't last. Taylor Co. &40-9900 I 2 Br, 2 Ba S850 Fabulous orean view 2 ~. micro oven. tiled Br. <:ondos. Highly up· kitchen etc Walk to gnded, washer/dry~r. beach $1650 SS9·8372. mric. ltturity gated, SALES For sales brochure call ....................... I 3 Br. 2 Bl S850 2706 Harbor.Ste206-A 4-plex in Santa MJna, gd JOHN TUCKER 28, 182 SQ FT ._... · LeRaisor Rltr833·8600 7~ pool, tennis S700 /rno 540.5937 cond. Positive cash. 714-134-UU IND. ILDG Wllllhd ZfOO ...,_._adl 3241 $155,000. (714 )546·59'75. _ o n 1 . S a c . n e a r :::· .. "·1~·1 •••f•••• •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• I br. encl. gar S49S. 2 br. ARI 496-S880. frpk, gar. S6SO Agl. Newly Decorated. Lrg 646-a.!9:S Harbor/Westminster .-n pty """ng or home EANFRONT Modular 1069 MltJpottltclt 106' t .. u.,....hadl 106' ll~.000 w/310K dwn. to buy 00 lease option C Type Homes. 24 yr ---2BR, Lrg Yrd. $650 Mo. OlfoMno J224 l3971 Alcazar Dri ve. •••••••••••••••••••••• "••••••••••••••••••••• OWC 805K al less than (Ba ck Bay .Irvine) security, t.; mi pvt bch inL 6K pr mo. 12 u all !157-6190 + fishing pier. Cedar ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dana Point. 714-496-6804 3 br, 2 b1. elec. kit. dbl AIJ,. rented. C.I R ., agt , OfflctlldgW..ted 4 Cottage type. redwood Maurice R. Murphy IYfttilldlN:h deck. pool. guarded ~ar .. on ~111et cul de sac , .... v.., J23 Mesa l!f'de. S72S/mo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 64&-SC»&. 12,000 lo 15,oofl sq fl . gate. adlls only. No 2 200 lrvme Newport area. I dogs. From $775 mo. + $500 sec. Dys 645-2284, S Br. 2"1 Ba . split·level. 3 eva 986-21!96 cu garage, redec, pool ••••••••••••••••••••••• Con l a ct H o w a r d 1 1_S3ll __ l6_. -----Milz'l'llln 714/540-0500 . view 3 br. frpk, 3 BR. 2 BA" FR dbl.~ar. ~vgs . No pets . eds. lot, solar 20 Imo. 968-9174. PllMELOTS oo PCH. zoned C-3. owe ~per or exchange. ....................... -==°'::.uY1...:::la:Bl;..:;646-.:..::.-=S096=--....... FtN wl9" ..... S'1SOlmo bkr 7Sl .0205 4 BR. 2 BA. adults/no pets temp. rental 3-e mo. On Monrovia St. near HOME FOR RENT 4 Bdrm. Tiburon Condo $750. f enced ya.rd 6 garage. Kids & pets hatdwd nrs. deck. or IOWD/bdl. S 494-6930 . SPICIA& &IQUIDATIOll SA&ll ••••••••••••••••••••••• '4botll..... 1106 VIEW LOT R·2, Pacific Ave. CM. 19th. S550. 151 .()899 3 Br, l Bl, + family rm. welcome. lst. mo +dep. 5'S-2000. A&mt. no fee. 3bdrm, 2ba. Emerald Bay, l story. nr beach. lovely . $1200/mo <213)2116-1471. garqe, lge yard. $600 .... --1Hdi l240 mo. Jstfi wt. 752·2881. Marlon, agt 646·5096 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ean!ront home 2 Br 2 Owner assist. ferrlfic 2 Br 2 Ba winter Ba. Art studio, large ....................... MOBlLE HOME LOT ~ 'til June $900/mo EA.STSJDE cute 1 Br. cot. IS Bib to ocean. Eteaant 2 garden, 1pphances. 2 4 ideal mobile home tncl util. Agt. 8'13..f062 t.aae, yard & water.141S. Br. Family Rm " Den. garqes. AVlil. Feb. Isl vlewlots,nearll.SFrwy L...-ltKll 3141 lat. last+ security. •Mo.Plushcf1>ts,2,,., $1100/mo . Call eves In beautiful Wildomar •• .. ••••••u••••••••••• Sin&le or married COi.i· Ba. Cedar" glass, sun· .-r-6195. Murietta ·area, 1 mi. --------ele, submit on pets. deck , dbl (ar prvNEW --.-~-1-n-vl-ew-.-n-.-.-. from hospital & h i· EXCITING EXCEP· Open House Sat. 1·4 314 &arage, fully ma int. less. architect desi~ned .cbool. 3 mi from SO T I 0 N A. L a n d E. llth. St. 857•2040· yard. Adults, no pets. In· 3 Br 2 Ba f I A t•· qalre at S27 18th St · · rp c · u .... ltortsbopping center. BEAUTIFUL + un· 9m.2br,feoced yd,gar. -.cDl · 113506 +mo. lease. OWNERS SAY SELL THESE PRIME PROPERTIES THIS WEEK Ulll. in. Septic llDk obatnacted VU. C111tom SUW. JJtb St. · eM7Q31 •f7M. area. $27,500·$29,500. home. Total privacy. 848-1145/646.QSS Nr beach, 3bdnn, 2ba, ... O 2S3 dwn. 13 % Int. Deaigaer furnished 4 SBR l~BA , nu cpl, S'750. Gardener incl. No .... 325 I. SPYfK.ASS HU.-A ..... 1121,000 ... Pfl,000 A11• .. ll a..- 14 Monterey Circle, Corona del Mar. Lovely 4 bedroom 3 bath executive home on comer lot of cul de sac street. Room fo r pool and jacuzzi. Call for details. Submit cash bid or terms. P I 16137 "--'-bdrm. Tb I ' t l'Wlf• ..._.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• arce map .,.,.,.. e u Uma e ex· wallpaper·•hllahts· r--· · pna Hills 3Br 2ba. 10 pp 58-75 Rivenide ecut.lve home. 13* per shfnOed ext..frplc·I& rd· ROMF.s FOR RENT Unitlacbed residence Ct y . 4 2 mi from rm. Short term or lease. dbl1ar. @Olmo 731~ 3 Bdrm•. l650-l7SO. lovely yard, apnaklers. Anaheim city limits. w ......... .._, Etalde 2 bdrm Widen, Fenced )'lrds ' central air. $810/mo ~a117l4/~~~~ers or 1J1C. 714/631-1400 frplr new crpts. $590 garaan. Kida & pets 5»-1372,7llMlll09 .. rm;;thiY.673-1734. wekome. lit mo+ dep. ...... 3252 w..t• Dtttrl, ... .._. Dtltft, a br, 1 ~ ba, w /gar. 5'S-2llOO. Aitat. ao,ree.ll ••••••••••••••••••••••• ._....... 2400 ·---"'400 --,mo • ' br 1 ba •. 3 Br. 2'iAJ ba. am y .......... r 3 ~ ___.. ., -• • Call A .. _ -· t• « . ..,.. , ...... am rm, ...... ••••••••••••••••• ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• cute older home ~ rm. •\a..,.. : caraar.vlew.nroc~an. ; 2. DM«APOIMT-A ..... 1171.HO ,__SI II.HO A11• .. l1 a..-$5.5Cl/mo. Both la S.A. afUllMMO. ~. 974-3420. H&la by 0 .C. Airport. Condo. l~BA. 1125 GUEL SHORES·3Br, Olildml. small pets OK. 1111. lit. Last 6 Dep. No .. n . ,,1111 "'·h •-pool la4•lrt : 201018 S W °'"". '791-7633 """"· • e,"" • · RCTaylorCo 1 3.'iml Alcazar, Dana Point. 2 bedroom 2 bath fixer-upper. Near entrance to Dana Point Harbor. Reduced price and fix younelf or ask seller for Sl0,000 allowance. Call for details, submit your cub bid or terms. J. snec w HILi.-...... •••t.ooo '" -SJo•.ooo •11•••• a...- 1 Boclela liay, Corona del Mar. 5 bedroom 4 bath two story Executive home with fabuloul ocean view, pool, Jacuzzi and many other cuatom features. Seller bu tw1aN another and moved to Seattle. Tllla property must be Uquidlted immed.iately to avoid foreclolure! Call for detalll oo fin~cing. Submit cub bid or terms. I IAMCHO..U .. COUMTIY CWI UV.. Perfect for second home or rental -severaJ choice Sunris.e CC . Fairway Homes. 1, 2 & a BR uniu fantuUc terms from $105,000. Call 1·340-4619 P111SM1 LAS PAI.MAS Out.at.anding designer f umiahed 4 BR, Fam Rm, 4 ba with f antaatk moun tain view in sunny Palm Sprinp. $390,000 furnishect Call 1·323-5819 ....... saso mo. '92·6700 or llrtJI St. m.im wk.Dda Exclmlvt 2 B 2~ Ba pl. eel·m& •lft.t wkdp . .,., tnDl1. aec. &ate. ,_O_N_A_R_C_H_S_U_M_M_IT-- 2 bdrm bouae. E/Slde. Oole beach. SBSO. Aft 5 Ocean View, 2 + den, yard• 1ar. '550. Avall. •• pool. 17'1S per mo aoe..... 4 BDRll 2 BAnt, feeced '1S1.a5 OC·RENTALS Jll'd,peUo.STSO/mo •--. ~.,-bd-rm-3-ba-ra-m 1-5 Br'a fnim SZOO up Dap •HNT nn. din rm tw.e. Pri v J»Pl4 14111 ens/wk.ndl •ow comm. Poot aardener lfOPt NDt t.1111 cbarm· JIR.i HUA. Ca rport. •m>.•1101 ~~~·':.uH :..P~~aC~: ~~~ ,_. l2H 1 br r. w/all the mo. Lit. La.at Pl111 Sec. --.... •••••••••• O.,=N w-,. a.f77I · Jbc'. Iba. air, .... frpk eet~t.io 3/yn u:N'l'ALI '1Nlt• I BR 2 Ba. doae to ...... ' t ....:~ - ........... fWJ . .a -· ·----· 119111DILUXI 1m.1.t61111-..n1 "'le J2'7 2 lilir Mra. I~ Ba HUUY I . a b o.lcc ............. .. -J ._ 2~ It •· .:i:... llCMD FOil l lNT .,...._ .... ape. lo. N."'t !'1111!11 ALI TIWll4 J '*-· --Ftt..N!d o.t......... ~IDT , ......... IUcla• MIDIJIAllHAU.. ,._ .,._, tat w + =---· Aftwt, .. .............................................. ~~~ ...... -----~-----~~~·--- Orange Cout DAILY PtLOT/Su"dey, January 10, 1882 ........... u,r ....... '•1it,~ MMit" L" • J!r>•9'11 ,; • .-, I b....._ 'tli 11181........ 'fat ............ ~ 't ub...... Af I 11b..... . ...._. •• .... -··"......... 1411 ............ --···· ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• ................. ......... ............ ·"·········-···· .. •• -··········-··· ...................... . 11'0rri,_1,.t._ *:mt._ U6f -.... ........... **'"~ J16t C..MIN JIJ4 c...... JIJ4 O..W 111 .... ·. M• ltJtf.... Jl6f ..... Jiff . .....,-............... ,. .. ....... , .. '99•••• --. W~dlt I ;,;;.;:.... ••••••u• ................. ,, ... , ......................................... , •••• -.. -... -....................... , .... • ......... -M,I• 1we Pvt" OCJ!Allf 164 Br •NtiBAH Ar, 1't -.per 4·Plt1, OCU!MEW CbaoVlew1Dth.lellaJ M> PUI ~· 6 Coedo rmt29rl8a.v11, Hw ft:'liPIWltt "'""*' u ''''· •H·•lf•: Avail......,., w"1r1yi 1 ='vU.-Ms.:· x..z+u 1c 1put.tvl ar.~New'1decor1l· ,....... Vllba.tall. = r·~~·i: .. I.._ • •llOO a *ty, 4 + Wnu, t 117.ftll ~.m.11 • APAITM9nl •· Adlaonl '•..:t!i. ed. rtfri,.1 dllbw .. her, IJMlll8roktr. • • 1111 fl. efftct. ltturi\1 a.uh, ti up la n wtllAVCRENTAt.a Wul aomelh 1 ura 8'•11tlru1 land1c11•d I bdrm ll't, 1/Slde. Yard ~ ....._ dJspoHl. neatld pool, ~cu Ir. 1 ea. aauae. a•t•, l•t•tto•. llOOO _...,..view. Pltr ud 1111 Juaa 1111.sns. su .,eclal hl 4 2 Br . 11tdaftapta Pool i.Spa. 61ar. '5$0. Aull. oow. lhzt -·It.a. Jt4 ••tor, 1ubttr. prlrna. patio. poat. Adulu, ao •·or poulblt oplton ~p.-pe1mo.Anll. Bl, UH., lnlu· ToinbouH tomplttei, Covered perlllwaa . ...... ...••••••••••••••• .. •• • .Call*.ao&1. peta.M llOl ''H"t.Sta, m.tnS Ml. lBl·SUO 111 .... 1 or f ? .i&o JtO.tm AdUltl,aopetJ. Weattldt SPARKLING ~I bdlm, 2 bilb. 1 Bdrm loft apl f'n>lt St.MZ-ntO tu.mi 'lDu SHORTTUM · ~==HUA = Q.IWHBR,lBA.vu• ~~r,t;~· ,.nae. ltoYe,retn1.d/w,2 6t~i OC-MN...-.. .... Vl ...... E-W-d-e-lu-1-1 -2 •CANYON Ta 1 111 Buch rentala, 2•a l3lE 00 · 84M81I ocean bretitt. I.Jilt nu · . oetan. llt/lut +'iii ut1l. Br. 2 81 deck, yard, N-iiort cutt.n bo.-IWa 'it1I JUI =··"~~~tor mi lab; Ma-08S4 :=~~sf:!'~~~: ~!~t~urio;·;, ~';'ali:UTm. ll ~ sbrJrcku'apleG. AaTaEr .. • sq. ft., 1o1t coum •••n•••••••••••••U ••• · N-v o~COR. Gl.a!0/5'2-t723 Jacuul Sauna pool ~ .... ha:!. rit ~ · " Ylew oa lbt l ll let. ·---BEACHP'RONT 2 BR 2 ..... .. ..~ l I ' II • b 11 • ~ to uoi:ac . ~u Y lllO/mo. or Jeue opt UNO/mo. Marilyn _ _...vr BA wlnitf onl'y l Br. au pd, encl au 28R,lBAaptlnCM.&ocl t!!'ii'!.t~"o ay 1 • bids. refrlie, llove. Adulla, Sunaet Bluff• ktubur, aaeot. NlwportHel lt.fmh6 R ,,.WCIYNW $410/mo llDf\Jn alao ~~~r. '*'·Adults 11prayrd.NrSchool1 ..... _t 0_..·J!~11room. carpet. $350/~. lncldl ea. oo Pacific Ave. --· c:: a ~-:t:· IC• tat lo Cotta ....... --_,.,, CMdttri Welcome. 1450. nun .--... -l.iill. • moa miAlmum at VI ct orl a . c "' NEWEST ~attd JO UrTowllhoute 1t0-m1 18r. w/loft, I\>\ Bl. frplc, 111.am,tt4·Z7t7 lif»...O.~. PAlllONIT APAITMOOS COUMTIY CLUI UVIMelN NIWPOIT llACH LUIUIY IAYflOMf Udo hie a Br. neu Bay. 6g;~,o~TY I,.L,L~G8t Newly decor. 111 pd., 2Br.1~ la. 610 Joann St. pool, 11r11e. $475. Laun· tbdrm view w /frplc l with larae ion 'eltra nr 181 with ho t 11 Beeutifu1 ' nallable. 2~ Ba 1~1.;.,..• "n otr. encl 1ar., '*'· lbwhr. 1 No children. Pet OK. dry facll. nr ahopplna. HOO/mo . Ca II d ys ; deck. 7Si-IM14, 758·1042. An ldult r-001mwilty on A' '11 · ~ 1 p. fJ.2115/a.>. T•im . 1· --014l· · Adulta. 6'2·5073. /mo. 131·2828 M7·CD -~ ._... ev-· ..... 11n 3"· 2 Ba Ste-to .. ·acb the Back Bly Sper· • now ... any Be .... ,ul d pure wtury anitt -,.,..._, ..... •n· -· .,... . ,.., ""' ~mtnllltt. sasoo Mo a..... ui>ara ed' Br. hydro-tum in mute; 2 Br. l Ba Apt 3 Br. I Ba. New paint, ut 2br lbs ocean YU S150/im. utJlt lncld. tacular Spaf '1 swim Brotlt'7$412. l~ Ba. Coodo. F'rplc, swte, forma I dlnlna Nftly decor Oas pd UY T1MHIS carpet, enclld 1ara1e. w/1ar. ~lk tO town; bch. PROPERTY HOUSE minapoolt. 8 i&h~ ten· _______ _, ,..,..,dHarport,paUo, rooma, wood buroln1 SS25/mo , 848-1511 or 1$'1$, 114 High Dr &G:mo 642·1010 ob rowu. bite trails, lMllLUlfS 1• Jacuzal, sauna. fireplacea, micro-wave 8'U853. 411N022. UDO VIEW Gorg. 2 BR, Put t 1 n a 1 re e 0 bdtuf.3 mo.Call772·7317. °"~·fenced paliot 6 udl fp,acb, Bachelors, l and 2 !lpecloua.4 • 3 bath, 4/$ Br. 2 Ba. Family rm.. ~......... Pri"at ...... le1••t MAllMllS WALi( 2 It °'· nr M a1n Beach, 000/mo ""S-6359 bedrooms apartment.a, I•. home. Nf!' pal•t.A Dlnln& rm .. 1 block from ..._ • " ~ .... 3 Br. Townhouse Apt. good llUtbens ut la l I "' and townhouses from carpet. Move in ready N.H. Hl&h School. vln& oo1y lS minutes Yard, single & double • 1 oc' Bl.lboahlandWaterfront ~toSlOOOpermonth .. _ th A rrom Fashion '·land, 7 • ......__ ,.... P75· 4!M.-~ 3 Br. 2 Ba. Yearly ren • ._. ptr mon . gt, I 1oo0 / m 0 . A 1 e n t ~ -• .... 101, op. car 1arage, near Hunt. On Jamboree At •So*. s.1.scm. =to S.C. Plua or and two~ .,at1 Harbour. Children OK. Coty qua et I bdrm. qen tal p!S/mo 7'10-0347 San Joaquin HiJIJ Road BllboalalandWaterfroat Spacio~a house with Newpo~~~~~~e!:.t~~ ::,ni~~~~~~:~~g 8f0.QJ07. ~:!t';-b~P~o ~~~k ~Hoag H~ L1g.bt & 17i 4>e44=1900 3 Br 2 Ba y 10 awim11W11 '*'· 3 Br. 2 San Di,o Frwy. Start· Oakwood also oll8fs 3 Br. 2ba. Lndry. f /p, gar. $700 m>. Peg Allen, Rltr, auy, 2 BR Zba, dining Oceanfront for Winter . . ear.., ren· Ba. Family rm. frplc + in& at 1000 a month. Avajl 1/10, 1590/mo. <IM-7578. rm, laund hkups. gar . Rental1. Furnished & tal. S.Mo.'170·ln47. 2 additional utility 631·5439, 24'13 Orange 'AllUUllllttPlld Lila,1Mcr848·0709 @S/mo.&U·M2ll umum.Broker.67~12 SPY~WS b d r m 1 . N i c e I y Ave., Co1U Mesa. 'lmmedlMe 4BR, BA ' ~. Pool, ten· Ml wport leocll 31 3 ~ 2 bo Ocean 6 ni&hl view, tai:idscaped, auto ~ .... .,.... 3600 ~ rus&iPla11round. Kids •••11•••••••••••••••••• 2 blocbtobeach.Patao. Ot4THllAY! 4bdrm, tam rm, 3 car sprinklers. Sl2SO/mo. in· ~ • S1 Milllon In OK. No peu. S62S Mo. l Br yrly rental, steps to 1875 rm 673 3728 1ar. $2200/mo Eves: dds ~ardener & pool •••••••••••••••••••••11 Rec:reetion SJl·ZMS. bch , gar parking · · --One of a kind luxury Bl7~ .. -~~~n~:~s9~'. o~· ~~.c~&tii::;· Fo~~~~~~ ~,o:e;,,., 2 Br. patio, 1ar .. new ~1~~~0 . 673·3958. ~era~Yi:!~::;-2 BR i::ic!ibdih~~Yba~r:'! .. s......,...,.3Brup, I br rm.S'8·7Z:W c.rpt&. redtt. S450/mo. ,,. •• 6180or,,.••3139 rrom•'"·R-•ben E L .... down, 3 ba Kitchen Upper Bay BluUs Condo, 2 bdrm b ,..,.,. time ModelsOC>Mda1ly SS.5016, <213)691-7040 Versailles 2bdrm. 2ba, .,.... ....,. Just ur~m~deled wlth DOClk suoo 844-2'0'1 3 Bdrm 2V1 Ba Front I a. gar. ,,.,...,. 9amto6pm AOOnsonly frplc, clubhouae, sec Newport Hgta 2 BR 1 Ba , . d . ' Row View. Day '& N1te Abo I ~rm 1 ba. $525. CLOSE TO BEACH. t '150 5571997 no kitchen $400 mo new carpeting, rapes, Newport adult townhouse Light.s. SllSO/Mo. Year· 427\Ai Ins St. gs5.9999 no pels Bachelor. stove & refrig. ga e. · · · ~or646-JlS9 kitchen cabinets & ap w~ pvt spa, 2 BR + den, ly Le a se Br 0 k er days 642·8719 eves/ Qakwood All utils paid P2S/mo. Exclusive Clilfhaven I ---p!Jancea This upstairs 2~ BA 2 car gar, near 759>l22l wknds SJ&.7979 bdrm apt with spec· 3 Br 2 Ba w/ocean vu. unit includes a fireplat'e, Hoag Hosp. S800/mo Garden APertments tacular view. S600 per avail. immed S7SO/mo mirrored bdrm closet 64l>«l27 , HcriMlr-V• H-Af• tw• ,.,...ed Newport ee.eti/No. Soocloa 211 mo. Av all Feb 1, 1982 da >:rlr lse. Agt 673·3355 doors ' a spacious deck SEAVlEW, 4 br, 2\'J ba. 4 BDR M EX E C •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• 880 Irvine Kids OK. Patio, gar S405 832-3400, ev642·7264 Partly furn bachelor, overlooking the bay. +f.rm,bestoceanview. RESIDENCE I n ltlaool"-d l706 C1t16lh) mo Isl, last. lHOl Bay view. yea rly, avail immed S38S mo Sll!OOrmnth Utilities1n- pool1tennis/aec. Sl.600. Seawind. Fabulous •••••••11•••••••••••••• (7'4)645-1~ Kee I 1 0 0 v 1 c beautiful 4 Br S9SO yrly "' blk to bearh eluded For ai>i>t. call (213)430-3629 VJew! Amenities galore! f\im. 2 Br. l Ba Apt Beach/Slater. 831·9303 Broker64S-J683 A .673-3355 m4>67s.8000. Includes f ardener. ~l,rm. WUlter lease. NewPOrt Beach/So. <X'962-3837 1'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~~ 3 Br. 2 Ba. or 2 Br. 2 Ba. Util 111 Id 673-6900 1700 16111 St Lux Villa Balboa condo, Avail Im med. Vaulted I~ Den. Steps to beach, 6o;'m. poo & tennis. Bayf r · · (Oover1116th) Li.I Brln·plex,frontun· pool, sec. 2br, 2ba, Ce1hng. Stps to Bch ,5 cte..te frplc. S79S/mo. 67• "°"O 67S 7698 Loe~ BaLic.he11or. Great (7W) M2·51t3 mit, 1new0 1 l!abrpel l!11ndrdapess · $79S/mo. ~·08S3. Garage Door operator • 3176 "'PROPERTY HOUSE .rvo• • · atJoo. Lt e Island Lrg 2BR SS9S yrly ..................... .. ea.3850 642·1010 I n2brw/gar. patiofncd. P50mo 675-7285 Slater/Beach, $400. Qlaet spotless lrg 2bdrm, 642.3490 NICE 2 Br l\IJ Ba. laun ~ Water •-gas pd 891 7490 2ba lower duplex, 403 dry beamed "e1nog No 3BR., 2BA Pvt Loe 2 ~&SS9S STEPS TO Bi\Y l Br Ocean Front Duplex 1 "'p · · 38th St Newport Isl. Brand" New Deluxe. IBR J>et.5. s.50 " · Pools, frige, W/D. NB. ·R ALS 750-3314 great paUo. frplc, gar JBR, 28A. Blt·ins & ! aft.G::kl M S6SO/mo Open House Co ndo for lease . CLEAN2Br I Ba laun llOO 1st, Lut, Se<: Dep 2 Br 1 Ba beach cottage. 1425 WI NTER. Open Frplc Monthly or 3br. 1"'2ba condo. SSSO. held Sunday Jan 10th, cpt/drps, rp, encl gar dry, garage No pel$ 641-6312 76().903Seves new carpet, oo pets 3281,A,Sapphire.-644--0954. Lease. 675-4283 01 Pool. Randy S94-4663· IJ.2: m. (714)626.0~7. w/ elecopener, storage. 1 S425 Newport Crest Condo. SSOO/mo y r~. Call 111aoap ...... 3707 67s-4630 964 7 149 ; wk : poolltjacuzzi.S6SO/mo, . 49J.Z710. Febt,3BR,3BA,fp,pvt Lloyd, Jacobs Rily •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• MEWPOITIUCH C213l857-4418. WATBFIONT 11t + last + dep -. ------ dbl gar, part ocean vu 675-6670 Deluxe 2 Br, 2 Ba, frpk, 2 II 2 Br I ba. new thru-0ut IACHELOR 67J..6112or8'0-28S3 S. .._ USO I mo H9 80 5 3. 3 Bedroom, Den, Pool yearly 28th & Balboa / ew r r 1 , 7794 Newman S4SO. Ready to go, move ID lo· 2 br, 1 ba. f11>k. gar z Capittreo 3171 548-4013orRuss9S7-6026 ~per CoodJt100 Lease t65()rm 645-6956. w vi · um, irpace lit/wt+de 642..:~ ~ 5mo.61S·9S22_ blks to beach. Yrly ••••••••••••••••••••••• Harbor View Home . 7FJ:9S1I00100/prMo. Broker 620~. Clubh.ou.se Av . ':i"s:.=::~ce Johnson Db21drw!, I lo EASTBLUFF spacious SOOO/mo.673·~ Duplex 2 BR.gar.fp,wet· &lper4 Br 2"1 Ba Close _. Studio apt uUls tncl PvL. --1 mile to Beach wtrpc, lbr. pool. patio, xlnl Winter rental. Large 2 bar, adults, no pets M2S to park & pool .,. n...u....Ba~ t yard, prkg Nons~ltr OCEAN FRONT 1 Br dishwasher. smoke view Single adult. no bdrm, Beach across St (2~)~®126315 Via 11300/mo. including 11111.... ran Open Uus wk.odor phone large. delux.,garage Ne ~ mo S48·S44Z. Sharp l BR, lots of wood alarm. sep gar. balcony. ~ SS2S/mo 644-4767 Furn or unfurn. 5304 California..,. ~B~ gardener 640-1635 j Three bed ooms, 2 LA wkdys, (213)939·8397. =i No~~~une IS & wallpaper. 1385 mo Adlts $46S. Berore 8 PM Newport Crest Condo 3 Seashore. 851·8070 ROOIM 4000 2Br 2 Ba ~ blk bch dbl I baths, sandy beach. (2l3)934-367S. mo. · ~CORDOVA Asldor Bill. 631-1.266 900-4614 __ _ BR 2+ bath $890/mo New Ocean View 2 bdrm •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• gar, f~plc, RV /boat Excel location. Avail W'Ult.er,lroom &BAS300. ~-2 br,2ba,lgepatio Spacious E. Side Apts 2bdrm, 2ba, garden apt, Burr White Realtor 2 ~ ba. ga r S7SO Largemasterbdrm,pnv storage, renc. yard S700. Feb L Monthly or yearl)' ~ bl from b(h, lndry 0 looking Nwpt Bay t)ict gar, patio dshwshr 2 MEWPOb lbT HGTSh fresh as new, 1 encl gar 67s.QI 646-58001Ev645-2682 ba and entrance. S230 4ll01River.846-3S67 S1400/mo. m932S Pool & sauna Short 01 & stove Most util Cree r, 1"1 a, lwn se S4llS --------rmlst&lut 842-2032 Owner/Agent644·9Sl3 long -term rental Nopets s t yle, 1 gar , w/d . Across rrom Bch Year· I~ apt., stov~. rng, _ . . 2BR Condo. Adult Small I Br. rum or un· JUm/mo.Ph.646·6350 BDR . hookups.Adults.nopets., Dee __ ~6608 ly: Bachelor S285. I plung. On Peninsula. Nice hght roo.m with Complex. 2BA Nr Hoag. 3 Br. 2 Ba. beach house. rurn. Stove. rerrige, • -1 ml ~Iden Ave c:io Avail 119 SSOO mo 1 & 3 BR rentals availa· Br+den $450 encl gar. $400. 675-0612 art 5 some lt1tch pnv S200 162SMo. lst, Last& Dep. S825/mo. yearly. Avajl crpts. drapes. S38S ~ lwllh 642.760.') ~9279 · ble. near beach, HB & ~ C..11_640.5078 __ East.bluff 2 Br 2,, Ba Gd loc. yard S48 5998 NoDop.768-7&33 Feb 1st Newport 67~ u.fwli.Md ---------Newport 536 1435 or ---lsd gar ,"""'· frplr .Q!_ ---Harbor Vu Homes. 4BR , Shores.8'0-8208Ageol Deluxe 3 BR, 2 BA rum ...................... , • 2 Br I Ba. Mesa Verde Qwet I Br I Ba New 5J6.670l When you need eJ1pert .... ~ """ Room ID nice 4 BR HB 2BA Sl07S A II J 3 BR 3 Ba BluHs condo C b h 146oal"-d 3106 upper No pets/child crpts & drps Good service or repairs, turn .,/mo 64o.S296_ home M F It ' · vs an s .,, Do i J h · apt. steps rom eac · •••••11•••••••••••••••• Newdecor.$475 833·8974 Eastside loc. Mature 3BR. 28A. Frplc. At to the Service Directory Large Bach. apt Pnvate 1 • non·smo e 17th.644-41S7/760-9312 11"". ll e o nson, ocean & bay view from Balboa Island Water---Adults only . ..,U\/mo •~bed 2 nar. 2 yrs new Pool , spa $190 /mo 7~1966-67S6000agt 1 d ......,., ,_ ' lD Classiried to solve &q~et.nopets.S350 in Harbor View Homes 2 · sun deck, avai imme front 3 Br 2 Ba Yearly Lart Cottdot 147 E.18lh St.14. C M Ruth 673-8550, 160-1334 our problem I t'lud uUl.6312299 ..;;.842-.;;;;..;:;258~1 -__ Br. Den, frplc, large H. V Knolls 3 bdrm. 2 . lsUrlut. 675·5204 rental W1Slmo. 770-0347 Pool and spa 1n old 1 Br. Condo frplc marro . y • • =- sw;mmmg pool, ja~111zi. bath c on~o 2 car eorc.. .. M .. J722•...a.--p.-.1-.._._ 11IOJ Corona~el Mar lbdrm, 2cargarigewiopener' ••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 car ~arage, pn vate garage, poo • spa, ten· ••••••••••••••••••• •• --~ Orean view Also 2 and 3 pool & i 5575 · . • l~.s!t1on . lin c ld s f.!!12ro19 mo.64().S324or 2 bdrm. Iba, car;,rt •••••••;•::;=•O•:;;•••• bdrm.673-3271.!.!J __ ~:nJacuzz imo • 8 DAY WEEK SPECIAL g..,""'ner, poo service. ,,.,...,, . drapes and carpet Near oc'""'""' "' I -• Av a 1 I Feb I s t DOVB SHOIES Oc S600 673'.3983 Yearly lease unfurn. 2 Rent I>!' lean SS2S/mo !Sharp 2 Br 1"2 Ba patio • • $HOO/mo 771).63.47 e.an · · bdrm 2 Ba blto N No kids. Near S C I & garage No pets e • , .4 Br. family rm. im Availablenow. · · s. ew Plaza. 496-1174, 831·1231 $475/mo.546-9950 e 8 Days • 3 Lines • 8 Dollars F.astbhJffs 4 br, family ma c u I ate home pallll carpet . ~rapes. I btwS.llPM I • room, lge yard. 642-5161 Circular drive noor to CothaMHa 3724 S&'IO mo. Call Linda or • · -2 Br I Ba 2248 Canyon • CX'640-8107 celtng bookc~ses. Lge ••••••••••••••••••••••• Art. 675-7060 -! Poolside ~ Hideaway I Or. upstairs. No pet5 I Its easy lo place your 8·0ay Week Class1f1ed by mall and ti • Bluffs Condo J BR . separate mstr suite CASA DE ORO New 3BR. 2BA . View I Br Avail. Adults. no BS/mo Sierra Mgmt • COSIS JUSt $8 -that Sonly a dollar a day' To Qualify for this • 2\'.IBA. New Crpt /Paint $1795 'mo . Barbara AILUTJLITIESPAID Jae. S985 . Yr ly · pets. S32S/mo Agent Co.64H 324 -• special offer. you must be a non-commerc1al user offering 2 car Gar Frpk. $980. Callihan,Agt1642-8235. 213 ·737·7272, Days 548-482'7'731·6829· 3Br, 2Ba, bonus rm. end • Wkdys. 732-3383. Eves Compare before you 213 -986 1602 Eves. j2 Br. 2 Ba. Townhome, patio. rrplr. service • merchandise for sale UP to $800 per ad. and the price must Wlmds 64().8836 S.a..t• 3276 rent. Cu11om design Wlmds. 1 yard, laundry Adults, porch, int & ext redone , · be 1n your ad The cost stays the same whether your ad e •GCAHYOH LSE ••••••••••••••••••••••• feat~res Pool, BBQ. Small bachelor 1325 yrly DO • $450. 8'1S-8074. no pets Cass 17 14 ) • needs eight days selling time or JUSI one • 2 BR McLain Condo OCEANFRONT cov rd garage, sur· Util. pd. Ocean side 201 Bachelor unit w/balh & ~66 --• Sll25 per mo. Call Gerry LUXURY CONDOS rounde~ with plu.sh E. Balboa Bl. 675·9562 & pvt ent. Pvt home S350 2 BR, golf course view , • mnst or 7so.1397 adult only, 2 Br 2"4 ea . l~aping Adult hv· 752~ wlutil.631·3847 S450rm. No pets. Ask ror e Use one word in each box About 4 woros make one e --------· ren room pool ,·ac mg at lls best No pets --0 ·•1 631 ,_., I f d I f I M d 3 I Pl t Qiffbaven . newly dee 3 ' . . '. I Br rum from M65 New 1 " den. I house Easlslde 2 Br I Ba $455 OU ' .,_ --• c ass1 1e 1ne 0 ype 1nimum a IS 1nes ease pnn Br?ba. RV boat storage ~ c~':\.~ecu~ 2 Br ·rum from SSSO from beach. s & r . uhls ~den. apt E 2 Br. l ba, encl. gar Pvt 1 plainly e '950/mo 673-8457 -r~~1078 4~~1435 36SW.Wilson, 6'2·1971 paid.SS9S/mo.673·~ -631·11L __ rocd patio. Avail I 16 • • R~ 0th _.£!:.!!--~-SJSO!mo MObile home 1 S350 Util Pd lBR. 2 Br Adult, beamed ceil S410rm.6.40 7l!04 • r------------------------------, JGL 2 Ni 2B 2Ba h Br xbit cond Adult! Duplex 417 E Bay Ave Ulgs, serve bar. rernge. 2 bdrm duplea, Iba. gar. • 2 Br 21>. adult t'Oodo. ice r, ome. or . -· BalboaS47·1155,S42·0190 lots ol wood No pets ldrynnSS2Smo • I I Pool,frpk.2pvtpallos. b(h Xlnt loc. perm. quiet, sec ure 1991 . 22.S&MapleSt $4 20/mo 5411.4932 I • ground level. 16SO+dep. 4lM-8727 aft 7PM Newport Blvd. 646-8373 ~fJ,e +A~~ 'ki~. r~m!; 548-7356, 673·8803. . tic 2 II 1-.;-• I • 7»17&3 or631·12S8 W•st d'" 3291 Clean1 ~r. furn.dcoll tage. yearly Util incl short ~··-g clea.n 2 Br 1''· A ....... • • SSOO • I I LOVELY WESTCLIFF· .. -very pnvate. a u ls OD· -b WI v~ ~.DO pets. mo I I • · ••••••••••••••••••••••• I pets S4JS · Ids all walk to beach & ay · $490 Fenced, utils 6Z2 Hamilton CM • 3 ~ 2ba. rtr + sml ofc. Immaculate 3 Br 2 ~-ii1b° S48~ me Balboa Pt. 675·5538 paid. Refrige. 2 small 5411 .. 0417 I $ 8.00 I • N1~e yrd New cpts/· new carpets, & pamt, . . . C def M 1122 clu.ldrtnOK. no pets. • I I paint, no pets. S995. Ph : renced yard gardener Homey Apt. Furn & Uhl. ClrOM w l960Wallace 642-490S Fireplace, pool. pvt 10 60 • 64U789 631·2177 . Id '""""/ . l t I t S300 mo ro r Working ••••••••••••••••••••••• patio, dishwasher. on • I • • UK' ~ mo. s as STEP TO OCEAN Most Easts de 3 B 2 8 r I • PARK SETTING + st(Urity. 8'2·4'140 Adult. S48-7S76 cbarmu1,g ln old Q,rona. like i:ew. ~. a rp c' ::::.; ::,1~ ;;~~ ~ • I Twnhs. qwet end unit. Cc da id 1 llwlla9a.leecli J740 2 !J'· 2 Ba. frplc, ocean PROPERTY HOUSE SSH.Ml. \ 13.20 • Master bdrm w/2 ad~. r.wl-.ct 3400 ....................... v 1 ew from de c k . 642-3850 642·1010 • I 15 80 • \ bdrm. 2~ ba Crplc. blt·m .. ••••••••••••••••••••• HI, fll>..IEST SllOO/mo. Call Anthony D-PoW 3126 • • patio, 1ar. car.port. No Patio Rome 3 BR, Fam •. • I " . . 1 days 642·5757, eves & <NU> WELCOME-•••••••••••••••••••••• I • pets S67S monthly room. 1885 sq ft . up-~Estate~IVlng . wknds63Hi630. 2Br.crpt.s,drapes,laun-OCEA .. VIEW e I Add$2.60for.eachaddltlonalllnefor8tlmes 644-9514 graded, clean, air, sec. Bea~ul park·like sur-SPF.cTACULAR OCEAN drr. pool. Water. gas From Dana Point mos! • • Cliff Drive 3 Br. 2 Ba . gate, lake, pool & spa. roundings Terraced &CITY LIGHTS VIEW: paid. S.500. scenic bluff like newi I F.R. 2 fp, built· ms. N So. Coa.st Plaza area pool. ~nken gas ~· From every room, large l~ E.18th. 645-2708. Be the fant occupant 1 • I • pee.a. 11000/mo + dep. 1850/mo Star R. E sparkling rountllnS. I Br. S63S/mo. Anthony ~.Br 2ba, bltlns, drapes, Only 4 units 2 Br. . I Publish my ad for 8 days starting • 642-5722 831-111111 Spacious .room s dayscaU642-S7S7 wknds pvt patio, townhouse. /f I •-2 B. /d I. Separate dirunc area • • rp c. • r w . en ~ • ll!ge 4 BR. 3 BA, beach Wa I k · i o ct o sets 631~· carport, laund nn. pool. Hurry for the best view! 'e I Classification close duplex, year lease, Ulfwwithd 3425 homelike kitchen & 2BR. 2BA Condo. Stps tc Util pd. l child ok. 1625 to S67S. Adults. no --------------------• tat & last. water •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• ubinets. Walk to' Huot· Bd1. Frplc. F.ncl Gar $480/mo. lst/last + dep. pets. Days 643·0212 .• I Name • garbage pajd, S900. 1Vail OUSE end uo.it. U\lllOll ~nter. Adulta. mo 760-8290 ~~ ~.~~ 1~lie 5g: Wknds 661-6441. I Feb (2131376·4509 or like new. 2BR 2BA. din· l Bdnn·fum. $485 1 bdrm, newly decorated. Apt 1 orT. ant Ad Results 642.5678 .. I Address e (213).!6·8086 in&. lg patio, balcony. Adults only . No pets -• J..uxurious3Br2Ba,deo, A/C, trpl, sell-clean Adulta,nopeta. ISOOtno.UUJ.pd lluli19011leeda 3140 llwlla9••-' ll40 I City Zip Phone e panoramic; front vu oven, drapes. Sec. gate, Utilities Freel ~Wkdaya .............................................. • I • Catalina, rea.r vu park. 2 J>O?I. clubhse. sauna, • Ch k M Q I d 0 frplcs, eltt. door gar, ~et. nr Fwys 1670. No LA QUINTA HERMOSA OU> CDM • k I ec Or · · enc 0$0 •. wknd• 646·7334 , dys 775-2580 751-0196 16211 Partslde Lo, l bllt 3bdrm, 2baduplex with Kennybun port? • I 213/1138 ·7271 eves ~,,-----W.olBeach.3blksS. or fireplace, open bean I Charge my ad to: • 213/C4956 -FAinger ceilings. patio, gar. dis· f~;n't that the boat • Pool ID 1pa In old 147•5441 hwa.sber. Avail Feb I. ·• I 0 .. tt E • W•to•.clt ~delMar.1 bdrm, S825 mo. Rel required. that won 'flle America's Cup in 757 I L. ,,. xp. • 3 bdrm, 2 bi, enclOled Ocean View. Also 2 and 3 WlFFLE TREE AP'I'S C.ontac'l Barbara R,eily ('\("\~ . sund«ll, Cl.replace. 2 car bdnn. '1).317111·5 I BR furn., iym, sauna. M a 6'2-4142 eQ)1 fV~"' ...v • '1 0 • # E • gar. •per mo 142-1139 2. Br. 2~ Ba. t•cuul. volley ball. lBR P1111 Lanai. ~le. 2 If )'OIJ're not sure who (CK What) Klfln)tunlq>ort • xp. ----:.,1Ca~I I n~ .,:,.cnho!!~eE•.•,td•idb~ a::s~ ball • tUAil. ABlblltrFlkbh.l~tbr ::alls. was. don't feel tllld-)'O\J'rf not alone.. • L------------------------------• .... nyon ove y .,..,an --. • ,.. " e " • .,., Keo~ is one of 14 Olstlnctiwly • built Dover model. l up, , apa. Upgraded ...... IHclt l741 lncldl 011. 675·2$28 .......... ----.., Seilwl Vi • r·--·--·-:)· WE 'LL PAY THE POSTAGE ·-------·---·, story,2Br.2Ba.Dfning int. uttaee.$750/mo. · ....................... LnveM.,1fe. ... .. .,.... .. ~t • .....,,,,_ .. at nO Dage 1 t • Rm. or Den. (Approx TSLM mt. 142-1803 Luxury studio, apa, TV , iacbelor-So Hwy la rm ln~9'1ch.SeNnOVillageisaresult • I 11111 NO POSTAGE t •• 18 sq ft) outside unit. lba, air. pool., rec maid service, phonu. •ba decll 'view min· o(totaty personalzedptofessional planmng. • t NECESSARY 1 =mo. 64'·5742, rac..,1«.g1les.Nopet.s. smn.•m7 ctutli.MU128' Thtklndofatttottoo)'OIJOeserve. t lrMAILEO : .; ~· . P.P. 988-3'52. ........... l7't .... 3124 A per""1 blend or ~re aocl IMng-• ~ IN THE ~ • ........ , .... ., . 3 B~_}IYJS~ Ba100' Br. 2~ Ba. Newport ............ ••••••••••• _ ..... ••••••••••••• nestled_, a fonst witti-lng brOoks aocl quiet • ! UNITED STATES !: n:~~.h~-0~ =ecf°:itii ~~~tfi l~~~~lto a Br. 2~Twnhae. ~~:=c:npoots~~.: • I ~ !, 2:.llltoa...d patio. stovel di•· ,1111119, ·a . sas mo. iaso 1q. ft. ot iuaury, aconwn1entmt1onnear5hqlpngancs e ! BUSINESS REPLY LABEL ., 2Bdnn.lba,tr,lclnllv :.;;:h~.::Jtne~ Utll Inc. No pe t•. frplc. bl& dble 1ar., empkJymel'taodyou\otgoup&act~WOUtd F1 •ST CLASHOM1THO u.c~Ta~n•.CAL1Fo1uua • rm. Oar•H· SW/mo. s-i 6 J N 1 _.. 5tl-ll!, f71.1144 yard. Pet OK. Adultt. proucty clll home.(~ KennytMllqlofU) • g • ,.,., l'lailable. Coated .. 50/mo ~o ~.r.i;· Bllboa Bey Club, lbarm. SIS/mo. One arid t bd'oom. Ind two bath • ~ llOSTAGE WU IE PAC> l 'f AOOA(SSEE Mu. Bndy. Bua :. Avail. lnlmed. ai.iu7 bl.Y view, rn. or un· !lS-D SO..,. adult~~~ ' <C OranpCottt Dilly Piiot · e JD/f/0:7JS7, ror ftn. f150!.•ta. ~::..-.a bdrm e .. llil p•11t CUTI 2 llDROOll -.. Wry adlta.1 J I • C.Cuat U:r ...... • ..'!·~·on J~, WJNTD lJ2 IStll St. !!,.. iNiti 1 • • 1'1llbn ....... S1SI ts mo 'f!°r:~ r~' ... C.UMMlM IJUNMJNO larat I 6 2 ll • ftlUltit n llr .. '7• ii.II ' 9 Ir, I Be. Oari9ta Apt. a ;,,.1 1 Lill\ •: ... dlrhnlliM J I~) 919 W. • • IN "9111 t:::.t:.·ia.. •= ....... Y .. !: to ...... ._by e J30W.11r• . ., .. ,. ...., ..,.. •. r..a, :;r.• ..... = e, Cott1MIN,CA12e2e : .......... ,J.., '~':.r.."'.::. .,,,r.~11ter • ••• •••••• a e o • sacs 2 2 2 2 2 13 2 3 ss ;~ n ................. _... ..... ............ .... ..... ... ~ '1 E ' ill•......... 71M 111 1 1111uent u ••u• •U ttllnHUHHHHH ....,._,.............. ..........1 & · llM re: / -· .. --••••••••• ........... , ........... • i.---. ...... MY--=11 '' "IO*lk,1 ...... "l.Wut ... -. .. , .... LlltJ \ A .... W.1 I Aputrm11tlllaaa1er,u·I-~---~-.... • .... Pldn• c.ul OONTACT: o., ~. ,,. ... ,.,, ''· ,.._... ..... *"·'· . rrs IASlll ·-.............. O,.'tOfi~lJ =.-...... malurelal ~.; IAMllM• s...._IApe• ltacra. IWl/,..lllwYlttla •t•.f!H!l . .....~ .... YOU ' •••-•• llff 7da111wH11 l• aut. • ,;,...-u,...,. ...._,..tor • Wi*lJ.., Kitt~ lo. Cal. G.l .C. NJIACSIAY AlllA-1m•Off1CB• '""'" ...................... , • Oor1eou• 1lrl1 to ~\0C::::, AJ.'~· rmrt tMa J.t ~r I .... •liter . '""r to* .. , .... ,,_ 1.-lo l• ... THINK AU .,,.., prol P'lddler c=r you. Jacuul, tallry/boolll ... 2.•toT job, «mider I Cutef r, dl6W ... W-1¥&. 4 br 1111.ll. DA.MC.· fl~IUSUIJ.f\. Ko to ... b 1 • Accomp. tor your . Lotilll u wtil H wUb HI Wt art lo· llDoa lu .•••P cmdo.,...t.euil,etc. clo•-amkrSUl/mo. ltaHrtq1Jred. Adj. °"iJ""::.'*'· partlu, recpt ., touri1h Bank ltrvlawlo~ forth WlllJ.IUtlilt•aette. P.MMlJINwr ...._ ~ w . 21TJ Du· :weu:almoit'a: blrthd1y·1nm1, etc. Amerlc1rd, Muter AJPe&.•I toUowin1P01 tlona: ~~·IIM!• llt'Ulft'.,... flan 1pt poat.calJAll.m.m:s. 111 Red Q QWckprlnt _,WI Olarae. American Ex· ltAnlilljlon llHcb Rro-~ ~ rw.t. All~ •bdlCdll ftmno•mo. llOn'l.LAOUNA: Ira D1C•ft'llV1 eea&.tlDthtU.S and H•tlllrJS preu, Dlaer1 all pett1 .. e1amaaium111tmelonut• '1~ Id I Id 111 )lriv. 'fl/D, Lake PoOI. aa . m.11a Pam home, dlll&lcal mule, v • n we'N pWuWll l.50 new ~ welcome. 714/MS·UU divJUAJ wt~ miolmu;,, po'•'uc:n .. c•e T 1: al t.DU. All~l . tno, M/r ._.. .... .. • D 00 • • m k r · •a 2 5 · SUITIS CllUl'I tJWi year. Takt AllSIEI$ 2U2Harbor Bl. CM z wean tx""'r In com· Mertlarial 1klll• aod ~.,_.... ·•·-r,oo,..._, ua·.rr..-. IN f ' ""' h ~--· 11'1 +,•mol.Del. utll. Dl d r 1 • ~"•I 1dvuta1t o our '' ~I lnl 1 Lonely Tonitbl? Need pulerhed .Payables 01 uperluce ID Hu11 fu r o room Aft•.~?!U vorce 11111 • .,5, ,,_,,,. yeanoperieQce. Orow nu an -Company!CaJIMonlca. 1yatema.Ablllt1tofunc· dralllu report.I u well w/priute taluaca • 11 t W N empl, 6 CoUtl• atudeot PLAZA wtth 111. IXCLUSJVI r a -Hymnal -915.J..l822 U0n In a team environ· u llahl •tallttleal typ. be.U..oldoattapace. aure omao on· wlrt 11cban1e llfht Newhaauryalflce•f•ce A.REASLOCALLYAND Wllllin -8eal•n-~ot. Good ut•ry_ + Inc. Sbortbaad or To 1la1lt pertoD, no ~rff.!oc.rir~~ ho1111-wrk for llv a& 111 lrvln'• bu Ht NATIONALLY. Cub ANJlllTATlON 00.:0S·Would Lovt To bcoefltt. Contact Nike 1pudwrltl11~l1 rt kJkbm . ..,.M0-*5 11..o1 10,;...,... quarten. NHltl. aft. cem.ert bay P'twy ac· lerllllred.•.OOO.whkh Ambikdiedandwentlo Party wllh You! Call lhyer 557551 for in· ~~.!.. dlamct~~l oe U · ...-en ·-•· ~ e. Avail now • Call INCLUDES workln1 mlnllbeaven.Forbelna Lull• or Sylvia .-a•-·~ ..... Roocn •ad bath. rem. Prot to Sbr ZBR JBA ford.tau. · · eepltal. Total Inv eat· NCh a &ood mlnk he wae Arl,ytime.161·8034 . ........, M •a O O I m 0 · II • n Y QDI HM. t blk rr Bc:h. F 'M to tllr 2Br, lBa apt, UI I H i '4M1H ment .. low u MUOO. I allowed anythlna be Salary, suoo ~me aaalllea. fMS..UW evea, Prd. sst-6311, 67S.lllt 810mo. lltA lut + aec:. • with floaactn1 ror waated. He requested a L:...&.. & Vlaat''S Experitnce Nee Muat .,_,.dl! eve dep. Avail 2/1/a . Steve lnM STlllT qualified lndlvld111l1 co1 t made of AN W IWU be able t.o attend Train· llMU:r'·tt18A.Poo~1t611JPForallR,28A,f le:, 7Si.mtaJUPll COSTAMISA Complete packa1e lo IllJTATlONrur. d SCOITS• ~School Jan lllh ~7ofi's£ ~d214 ec~~ Deck, Gar. NII. SIZS to. &ommate: l"me affl Zor3room olflcuullt1. r~~h·o~te~~!~e~ l.M&"-d H OO BACKlBE'M'ER .=..:IMt:<.:.:.,_. -----1 ~$105 1 · lat, hat. (David) IZZ5+V.uUl+depoait A/C,~tyolprka.UW meat•-· Four Weeki ... ••••••••• .. ••••••••• 111ArO.:VER! 24HRs --------•I 831-412$ days 973.z:m 857 ... 13 lad. vall. now. Call Tralo1nl • EQ·"pment • 66'..0207 ATTIMTIOM: Nitt fu.ml.ahed room ill Eves. Ralonom.lc:a 67$-tlOO P'tanchl t"' (OutcaJI) Ambitious boy• and private home, C.11. Call ll/Foeededfor2BR, lBA ...... Shatt 2 olc •Iii'" In pre· P'taoc '" ee • Ad· FOUND ADS g1rle 1~13 years old. to aftartpm. 54M8t2 La1una Beach House. far..., 4l50 lll11ouulrport~rea. 375 vertlalni Fund • Ac wort one or two even· Waterfront 3bdrm. 3ba, 1375 pr mo. lJIU1 Last Pl ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• IQ. ·n. For details call c:ounCU'!' ;.1~0::n~~~ lD( flEE ~r~~~ ~=~~1!!le:~: in as a week aettio& aaady beach, pool, jac. S'IS Diep Call 49'"4427 G~~l!},nmoCorona del 8Sl-62216. ,. newspaper aubscrlp· $.100/ (7 4) 840-808'1 -...., • S«urity Deposit ea11. ly Q>Ved lo area desires tion1. Transportation mo. 1 · after7.30 · 110-Ci.'.w1 ax> aq. rt. Mesa Verde andtasurance.•Now14 .: tomeelsame.Reply to. and constant adult c ....... ........ We arc lo<*oi111 for • re- liable individual capable d operattog a JO.key by touclt, •ccurate typlng1 aec~arial bad11rouna ud the ability to work and•pendeatl y . Keypunch or data pro CtsllQJ experience pre rerred, but will train motivated applicant Min 1 year banking eJI· Jl"rience a must. Room COii, oice priv M/F t.o lhr 3 br. 3 ba . area. offlc:cs thro111hout the uz 5671 Midwesterner, P.O. Box su~erv111on provided. duplex to prof., resp., house, Laguna Beach, -.S •1111le gar, safe ' ~-023 U.S. toHrVeyou. ., • ~.El Toro, CA. 92630. ~113to5:30PM , ask for Our enthus1ulle staff quiet, II, refa. hn nrbeach .499·5177 ~m!:,kw. 18lh St CAUCOWCT Andrea, 6'2·4321, ut. enjoys an excellent pdvUeaea. SZSO/mo. aft Lmu.rypenthouse,oc:ean · · · BAYFRONT tJllt lJa.JOJO Australian Shepherd, Plewwwws..kers 3'3 salary and com 8Pmfl40.7MS •bay view, Villa Eastaide, Costa lleu, Primeolflce.7ll0-94t0. S -............ male, 2 yrs, tricolored. lnviteyourfrlend1toseel•••••••1!!!!!!!!1I prehensive benefits wm'CLIFFAREA Balboa, 2 bt, 2 ba, pref lOxl0124. $75/mo. 180 a.ta Mesa, 250 sq. Ct. ... • .._.._... weanng Hospital ID exooc lingene, love po. AUTOMOTIVE package 1nclud 1ng Room W/private bath nr prof. fem. $450 + .... 21st. St. Days 646-US2, ... ~. $175/mo UU!s ID· •ulTelfne 631-1030 lions, creams " party rAITS ~~~~·.ze.:,ar1e paid .... JI IUllllEI ........ Columbia Savi•••· a leedl•afluoclal or· 1mh1&a. 1a IHllaa a oroleuloul to iuaan Its beautiful re.iloaal fadllt.y ID Lake rorttt. &eltdtcl tucHdate wlU be rwpoulble f« bu l· ... deveiopmtDl atalf 1upervl110fl, cuaiomer rtlatlooa and branch C()IVQI, Thia poaltlon re- q u Ir e a raceat mau1erial ex,.rieoce ln the uvl.aa• and loan tndwtr)' ud ablUty lo participate lD public re· lallou and m1rkeUa1 adlviUet. Oaly qualified applicanta alloukl apply. 1blt la &a outatalldln1 careu opportunity of· fering ao n c ellea t ulary and beaeflt1 pacti11e. For coafiden· tlal consideration , please call or 1ubmit re- 1ume with 1alary bill.Or)' to Pat Connera; Peraoo- nel Director. c ..... s.. ... and Loan Auoc:lation PO.Box~P Anaheim, CA t2*M Hoaa Koepital. Mature. ulils. John Macaluso Eves,Wbdl64.s-9$43. cld. 779 W. 19th. St 14005J7-7070 Racerbike round in C.M ~~:e!ni~x~~j;g h~;:::~ COUMTllMAM prc:l, rmte, non-smoker, 540-6565 (8·S); 631·75611 Hnt& Beach garage, MO 851~. VIDEO .. AMES _Call. 545·4382 (MUSI party by LADY J. Call Dealership or foreign $275. evs/wknda mo. St.oraae Only. Ask u.t.om executive office SALES LEASING (dentl!y.l ___ for your early party auto parts experience (714) 776-7101 Apply Mon-Fri lOto t2or E.O.E. M/F 2 to 4 or call: Personnel I•••••••• Dept (714) 760-6000 &42-6Ml,leavemess1. Housemate wanted. forKeith,962·4471 400sq. ft. Pvt bath with Newarcadeloc. avail LO.t Oob Sh h d date 1768-4'41 Sales pref~. Call Glen for Laguna Beach, newly Family atmosphere in OHke._... 4400 shower. Balboa Penin 957-0131 Bick. Ma~f a~l P~~ needed ana~YlC~VH dtt., everythina Cum. N.B. Nr community pool ••••••••••••••••••••••• S300m:>. 642-4623. LOSING LEASE, quit· dianapolul ' Alabama F O R T H E IOLlS IOYCE Nr bualiae. 49'-6176 &r beaches, $300 per mo Ung t>ualneu, selling out S 0 PH IS TIC AT E D Bdnn, den, Pvt BA, Kitch Covers all but food ' HIWPOIT So. °'-Comtw ALL II and r· 96CHJ834. , 'DY Loti AMD IMW long distance calls. '81HSUU Space avan In stynsh supp es II· ...,, • 01\1, potions. 640-6444 priv, Pool, tennis. NB. 58--0780 SpaciOUJ executive of· law stile for c:ompatible tures includln&: Lost: Blk Umbrella. Gold II n g er i e . b e droom $t00. 14$--5846 1 ·rices acrou from City ll'oant. Includes recep-Display he~. Bwaitlng Hand le. Engraved games and toys H06tess A\fl'OMOTIVE Room for rent on Agate, ROOMMATE WANTED! Hall.Alhervlceuvaila· tionist, answer ing room c 11rs, eauty Joaeph A Stanko. Sen· a run filled home party PshCo•ttn1aa &lboa Island. 12SO/mo. El T~ Condo, clos~ to ble. 'optional'. From 225 service, janitorial and Salon hairdryers and limental Attachment. Ladies only 770·5162 ._, DriYer 673-26811. Mall s • s hopp1!'g liq.ft. up, at reasonable m1.1Chmore.Cal1Cornne hydr~~1c cha001ra,1 mir· Davenport Island. Hunt· P~ Automotive expenence 1 6~ attractiv'" room, center. Pool, patio, 1 N 1 (714)9Sl-355S ron, ... e veta pants. lngtoo Harbour. (213) Financially secure single preferred. 5 day wee.k. F.oE ..... 6e " . view. 2 bdrm, 2 ba. Jim re~ta 1· 0 ease r e· Also, make-up, shampoo 582-15.16 Salary commensurate to I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stead.Uy employed. With 1155-28.13 aft m qwred. Call 673-3002 ...... ._... 4450 and hair products. male, mid JO's, seeking experience Ca 11 Greg or whbout kit c h · · l'Wfi . COM d Call _ Loll: whiu M Lab/Ret r1nanc1ally secure ""··"'·n/Parts Diepl at -------- privdeges S23S without Resp m/roommate for "' ce LD • 2n story :,:~···cr••fi•••••••••••fl•• S3l···~ or w/eo&d markings, .. Lef· re ma le 25 so ObJect San""""'ciuemente Ford Bankin& with. 979-9856 ' Balboa Pen apt. 673·1807 walk up,~asy acces~. 7~~m1:~50sq t. I aftere, 898-6809 ly" Hurry home your vmatnmony,? Send bner 4tl-,___ rACIA~H/ aft 6 and wkncb. ~lflldl. apes, pane · esa ~-tlZJ a ! SCHOOLS brother "Righty" mis resume & photo Box •_y_ UMOaWlfTll Part Newport Twnhse to ing. 450sq. ft . c M I d ses you. Joe 642·0795, 11944, Daily Pilot, PO Automotive VERY BUSY loan omce Hohh.Mohk 410C shr wlprol person. ten· 675-54-44 Stcreleueforsale.320sq ' ~~&s ~::i :r"o.cer~ 548-111123 &>x~.CM 92626_._ W~Ci.ttl Ill local Newport Beach · lball I h ~1 ft. Iona term lease, · T~ Sav•nac ' Loan, is seek· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ms. ra.cque · bea l ns;;nirv T .. -auti·rully d'"Aorat'"d, MM2117. Ul5t 1/1/82 bet Baker & Strong prol man desires ..._ •nt,a.• "-II MOTB. rte 640-7499 ..... ~ .. 1 "··"~ h f ""' "" .. Fairview, and Adams &r "'"""ty sensual lady 18·35 Fil.mg, light typing, good ing experienced loan _...,. · · .,...,....,u.ve ..... i""'" aso · NBarea. TAYLORSOFTSERVE Harbor· l 1 ~:.~· . .,,..,,...,., with figures a mus t. pac kagers & un· Wkly rmtala now avail. Mature Woman. Non fices available nr O.C. 832-6202. Machine, model 118756. . . pr eyeg asses u.t}'S/rutes 7~v...,,,__ s&larr open, automotive derwriters for conven· $105 tr up. Color TV. Smkr. Wanted lo Shr Airport, rrom$36Sw/full , Full pressure. Incl. m brown ease w/Bette Refined Genlleman. 45 expenence helpful Con tional real estate loans. M/F Banking Wma1 In A Balk Are you an experienced AsS1sta11t Cashier, Consumer Loan Offlcer, Utility" New Accounts Rep, rroof Operator, Tener or hold any other Stair or Officer position? tr you would like to work in one of ou r Orange County offices, we would like to meet you! Satlrday Interviews Jluy 1&~ Phones in room. 2274 Beautiful Home in HB service available. Call service & warranty engraved on lens. Call Ad venturer Libra tact BrendBEt Salary commensurate Newport Blvd CM w/2women 964-6763 now ror 1 month free. llTAILSPACE $3700 dn, $12.SOO rull 919-5380,ans.ph.24hrs AvDJllo~cortlravehng 'NA R~ With expenence. Ex- 646-74'5 Rmmte t.o shr •BR 3BA walll3-9976. on Harbor Blvd. 1280 sq price. 2 yr pay-0rf. no l..olll 1-8, Gry /blk strps F Lady through March '82 cellent growth polenlial You won't have to take MllD A flUCE7 ., apt on Bal ls. S22S + util D.~ ti ft.+ storaJe. 3S< sq. ft. add ons Ca II Dic k cat med-long hair. blk Rel Ava.!1_1213 1716 7700 CAOILI.-/\ ~ with a~gress1ve com-tune off work. Just call Rea.s. Weekly Rates M(F 21-35, non-amkr, DI ron Realo110011c1 675-6700 673-2fHO 'lJI 2pm (closed nea l'ollar 4 mos VIC T .. 5450 /t.U:l lt otl•• AA.it =~~t:se call for ap-carol Tbuyns, 830-8800, Kitchenettes-Phones Brian or John 675-6762 <:rfice s ace. isO sq ft . Mon. &r Tues.> Anaheim & Center CM Nl'I c '"'·' ""'"' r,.io, ltUO Ms. n -nny Pans1a ape! arrange a Saturday ~ d I ""-Offi 3 631-6533 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ""' inten-lew. Come and ex-"Z" Channel Movies Male ZJ.29 to shr CdM 2 .-,permo. lstan asl .-..un: or ce. rms. Al•cWr.t.er 2 foly ror pnce or 11 PA ~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~· 71'"645-6505 pl o r e ca r eer op . SandpiJl"r, 1967 Newport Br. Iba, frplc. S237 Contact John 61s-9007. ~-:,C~o~alrJ!~ Wanted by Developer Found. Wallet. call to Ca.apons l3 Countnes' BABVSITIER -For in-MEWPOIT IALIOA port un i lies w it b Bl. Cost.a Meu 6'5-9137 Avail immed. 640-2715 eves960-t72S S46-Z277 for 2 proposed Condo identify S40 63_1:~ rant. srhool days Feb SAYINGS & LOAM Ddorado Bank Uve on Npt Bch $90/wk Harbor Ridge, Attorney I MO RH Developments in So Cal , 646-5194 Wanted Female <.:om pa June. nr S C Plaza llOOlrvine Ave . NB r PineK.notMotel.6302 W will share with pro· Mtwporlc..t.r C nrcW Each investment fOUnd:EJderly~raydog, ruonTnptoDallas Cal SS6-a'll9_ E.O.E. M/F We o f er t of pay, PCH,NB~0440 fessional or bus. man. JV$t clus . full service ..... 4475 Secured by firal Trust M/poodle o r pdl m1• Sueat545-?t23 Babys itter Wanted. =~ ~ew~~ n!i;0~; Yearly, on the beach, lu•ury condo, $600 EXEC. offices, includes ••••••••••••••••••••••• Deed. $350,000, S7SO.OOO Npt Hts 644 3656., Prefer Colle~e Student --------•I the fastest growing & Hotel rooms. kitchenette + 752.9442 days, 640-2434 all ame nlttes. From C-1ry Y~ Needed. High Potential 545-5886 -L I .t & Tues .Sat 8 3 o t o successful independent &r bath. S280 up monthly eves, weekends. Bob /roo.6"·7189 New2000aq. ft Includes Return. Pr1n Only Found. Lab New J:;:'otiCMI l2·:.>AM .63l·OlJO banks in Southern + S280 security depo11t. r. active lady to shr NE ED A Bus. AD 2 bdrm residence + 1000 714-720-ltJO r o u n d I a n d m 1 x , •••••••••••••• ••••• •••• Rabys1tter , f Or Ad Actiln California & are look mg 2306 W Oceanfront, nice 3 br home w/same, DR~! Answering , IQ. n. office. Secunty Australian Shrpherd. Schook & Loving lady to care for 6 Call ror employees who want New po r l Be a c h szoo. 1st, la.st Call art. 6 mail service. conference cate, intercom. 12000 -------Dob1 e m 1 x. Vi si I a , IMtnicffolt 7005 rm. old baby rrom 8am 1 a «>share ia our success. .,---1--'~ 425"' Bdrm, Study Priv. BA, $100/mo 714-833--0692. m.6776. mix, English Setter. $3190 WEEK Christian fn 1n COM home. Rers. IW ~ 673-0S4 orwtmd, 751-0508. room. Adj OC Airport m:>. or po1sible option 'Jbaelllllll''d:si= Spaniel mix. Golden Lab ....................... to lO or llam. Mon thru = Pi'at mJDBMI( ~ ""'°" ---. " ............... Terrier mix. Irvine Pre School. 320 E 18th non-smoker673 ~ ISOR ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pool. Tennis. NB. $400 NEWPORTOFFICE _,~ ...... 4500 Animal Care Center St Costa Mesa Special OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br. ~5846 Prime bayfroot locatioa ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jout v11 s..s,,,_ IJtok.M. 7~3734 ram 646-~23 __ --,· .. -,•s•me---•I ~J2·56J8 E.O.E. Avail. Winter. Weekly/ Fem. 23+ yrs to shr lg .deal C I f l 4,000 If, Sl.320. mo 1+u,....,.,..uprrr11V-w U't Manth!y. 673-7873. • ... NB wi" .. same . ......, 1 or aw !rm. D· sprinklers • loading 111tt..Mm~-o-Found loog black/white Jabt W..ted, 1075 Pel'IOll needed to meet ..... •u _...., suranc:e or acct g. SJ.SO ........ ..1r. -1 it..u ...... .,.. ....... ~ora mal Cat Vin ~ 6/yrol<l girlaflerschool, Clallified Adi. your oae-PalmSpringsarea (Mon ~3377 pr sq ft incl jaoiloT uu.i,uuJcespaceava1 . ,...._, ..,...., e , •••••••••••••••••••• "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IJt..!~!.!!!!21!~~!!!~-l--CC) condo 3 BR 21--'-'-------1 ,.a~ (71,)831.cM09 ~ Ba er/Harbor North l ung marri e d man I:~ 1.0 approx 2 4~P('\-:: ltopaboppin&c:enter. -~J .....,......, Alo.....,_._ • .-O.UMesa.6420!00. wouldlJkeoddJobseves everyday, Mon F r11 llll•••••••••••••• .. Ba. furn. w/atrium. N.B .• :tr7S Birch. 8860 sq. I ~,...,-~Ul<Wio •---& wkends Can do a MUST BE DE PEN .IJ Golf, tennis. Daily, KolC..ter ft.orless.MlAzone,50'• UO.<XXJ,_;owfow,,-~:Red lnsh Setter f . variety of handyman OABLE. MUST live weekly & moolhly rates Newport Beach. View or per sq. ft. Agen t I '//.,lw/pu!f""°'/,..,_ Spade. 11.<)Yrs old Jobs. 972·9525 eves: ask wilhln walking d1stanc avail. 71'·558·8001 Rmmt. M. Nonsmkr fices f)ill service Law 541·5032. 1:,ltolttb.l"'/fmotol/• Answer s to Zholt1 for Bill. to school Stonecreek i-SPM,askforMark 25-3Syrs.$2SOmo.Jsl ' SUite.Comp.lawlibrary COSTA MESA """'1rf"':':'0",,__ 89'7·l'l38REWARD!' AIHouseC lt-;.ninglady,I Elementary. Wood- No_Tahoe condo, 4 Br. s ~77S8~.;!r ~~~au and man Y ex 1ra5 1200 sq Ct Lite 1n 17141 IHl11 LaU: sm. bm bedraggled all work by the Job. have ~~ra~f~~-TM6r;ft·:· IIW\ to North.star $450 ' · 7S2-0al2 dllltriaJ. 673-5340 U. Ir..·~ dog, New Hope It Ed· worked in the best or wk.Tom857-1668 M/Fl.Oshr2br,2ba con-2 !rfices. S62S Mo. Ap _,... 1nger , F V Reward homes. Have xlnt ref.l•S!!!!.30pm-•.!!!!!!l!•••!!!!!!!!!!!!I do. N.B. Xlnl toe on proximate SOO sq' Ct se...,. 4550 8:11-4981 Call arter 5 30pm till -= 4!e Big Bear cabin. pool Pen $350/mo Eric Utilities Included. Op •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• ---9 ~· 541-2434 :-•_ .. ------• tbt, color tv, 2 frplcs, SS8-0844,67s.1793 Llonal Warehouse space Storace-R v trailer-REWARD Lost female HOUSEKEEPER Prer Ba11a1ng sips 1'. ~16 Avlllable Immediately boat. C.M S35/mo. Kirk black Lab Vic W t9th live in Exper, xlnl ref. Mammoth condo, 2 bdrm, Cheerrul Pr1 me OC 11314!00. St on or about Dec lSlh neat, sober, plea sant. SAVINGS 2 ba. Kitch equip'd, col PROMONTORY POINT Airport Locataon. Call Senior Cit11en needs ~2980.:. -positive. reliable, loves REPS ored TV and Jae. Reas Nonsmir. lux. 2 br apt JeanneatS4S·0636 40x.50' outside storage Found: Terrier Tan M. <·h1ldren. Do dnve Call • rates.Forreservations w/Crplc, ~ + 1, ul1I FASHJON ISLAND spa~ for comm ~us &r Bassett Hound, Tri M bef'Q00!!631·2427 P..+-TI../ 175-38308-5 Mon-Fri ~91534n52.3507 Prestigious lst noor van '!lelec avail. On "• ,.,_, ~ "'" Hus ky , G r e y. f' Http W..ted 7100 30 lln per wk. HAWAII M/F Bl Balboa Penn. OCEAN VIEW premises pm., sec ? Australian Shepherd ••••••••••••••••••••••• Brentwood Savings and P · Be h 3BR f)irn. Must be resp.· '>CN\to7000sq rt. ~ Mw"--TNtt Mix, Blk 'Tan. F Short Loan·, a nice place to vis· 01pu ac . Ka uai. ._,.., "r!'r.. H M I Wht M I Beach front Condo, 1 Br. $l!SO Pl \A.. ulll. 673-SISJ Dior Commercial Inc Mltc...._s Deiclii 50l5 air· ost Y • · ACCOUMTS it your money A great ...., · htl Pl d · F Shr Lux 38R, 3BA, 714/667·2118or97,·321 l I__._._ 4650 ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• Lab Mix. Brown •. M · IECSYAILE 1 r,1ace lo work An ex cit· ... .._.. .. _.......,_ f)im Lag Bch. Ocean ..__._.,..•""'CH ••••••••••••••••••••••• _.":".,. " . .., =-. ..!11ct. !.;. w~.s ••. ....... .. ........_M&.. Co. Newport Beach Animal ClElltl I no opportumty to learn Front. Condo, $300. Con· N,_"~1'!'1• .,_b . Wllller Ratal: N.B. Ot-n All types of real estate I Shelter.6"-JSS6 Rapidly growing lnt'I and grow. Sii TO UFTS do. Mr Goodman, Day, ew qua I .Y UStness fna, 38T, 2.Ba, furn apt. Investments since l!M9. F~: Dobie Jan 2nd , co!"pany ~eeking ~e· burrently we have open· Coodo, Part City, Utah, ~21628. Eves, 497.5275 and prol office bldg 625 Adlts 110 pets wknd ~ZlldcWTO••g i. lndianapol11 &r Bushard 1 I~ ii ed or ten I e d 1 n lngs for energetic. self. Discount $99 nightly land.sc:aped. Tiled decks. k'>-S275 pos1ltoo 1n our accounts who . . m slopes. 2 Br. 31 Ba. F Rmmt to Sbr Mission to 3, 700 sq . ft. Well 873·3.476, wkdy (602 I HB. 964-7780 I d1v~d.ual .ror entry level motivated Individuals 4fl&.WJS · Viejo Hse. S300 incl util. Controlled free parking MJ.2171 145-061 I Found : Y 0 uni F receivable dept Must tl\J~Y working with · Rill Pvt. Mike. 546·1200, 5 d 1 · I L t to ~./I ~/ Siberian. Blk &r Wht lY"" 60 wpm accurate· l.heJl'!blic . LA.KE ARROWHEAD 170-19211 a1aru ona · ayou -...... Amber Eyes. Vic Gisler lytO k'"' by' touch Ac· Previous cashiering, Home. slpe 8, children Fem. o~mat6 to shr 7Y~950r 1re~~~rdements A.Ke Earn 16~ 011 Balboa ,Harbor.64.s-5498 cOOnt.s ~~eivable ·up. bankorsavingsandloan <*. no pets, nonsmkrs ...,.,.,. ... .,.,.. . w.,... a. • .. •••••••••••••••••••• llland uu.t deeds. Over helpful. outatanding expenei;ice will be a de- onl.y. Wknds/wkly. lrg3Br rurn.house,CM 53>&572sq.fl .S1.00per ...... 503equily.Shortor long Found: Large black ":om"""•at1'on&"'-ner1·ts f1niteplus. aru S48-S812 ft 397 B' h N B """' t__.t 5005 w/tan shepherd type ~ ,..._ ~ 640-9734/556·6389 · sq. .. S 1rr .• . LJP a W t term. $.'5000 minimum. R d 11 in a pleasant working Tahoe, 3bdrm w/lake Yearly Oce~nfront A&ent541·5032. ....................... •tt.•tty,lltr ~~-e co ar. environment Contact view, lrg frplc, close to BaJboa. Luxunous a.t· Newport Beach, S04 N. Collnetics, facials, body '75-28'6 Pat Mills, AMF Scien- skiiaa. Comp I rurn ~e w/panoram1c Newport Blvd. 350 sq. ft w~aps. NB area. Lr& Found: Cockattel. Mesa tific Drillin& Intern a· US /day, SSOO/wk . View. 675-2798 loi.l01Q.Ct.Avail.at8S< climtele.SJZ..6202 VerdeCC.JanS.Calllo lional. 18012 Mitc hell 549-0012. Lady to shne mobile a sq. Ct. Sierra Mgml Restaurant/Bar, C.M., ~:/Re ~~~:K r:P~ idenUfy. 557-0258 :,r,lrviJJeM.7/:·557·9'151 MAUI, HAWAll·lBr. sips home, reaa. rent, nice Co.6'1·1324. est. 30 yrs. Illness forces No Credit. / No penally · 4, lux, $50. dy. (7l4> for retired lady Huntington Beach, us sale. Gross S700K yr Dmni.aonAaeoc.673•7311 hn•• 5350 ,.,..,LYST 6T.Ml210,eves673-2'93 497.2004 Main St. 380 sq. rt l30K baad.lel. Agt. Sam ....................... w -F h d I .. .,.., Si Mg t Zl'rke 2!3/385-8300 Arrange now for For total -la" at Ion w1"th Long Hard Work for So· .... toS... 4300 Ml to• are. u1 .-.mo. erra m .. _ ult I .... ,. meone Unusuall y _ _._Br 2•L Ba lux Co 6'1·1324 WHY numr:eq y oans a professional massage. Skilled Possess1·ng a c)N·i~~~;i~·t0·;~;;·1 ~';;'Pt co"(.do, .pool: . -n ~~~'::~". Stevet0-6 548·2817 Thorough Knowledge of br apt. pvt ba. N B., lst JIC .• 2 Crplc s. •2661 EXEC•--. STE. GAMBLE.I fut, friendly service. Security Investments. If after6 v11•1> this Isn't You. Please 6last.&a·t376 · Luxurious suites avail. A·l Vendini route 8'7-9641 OPPOITUMITY Call Your Bri11htest for sub-lease in one ot av a i I a be . ''BI C" Branch Manager Under Utilized MBA l'llAlMlll S©\\~~ a~ ~C.· .... N rta I . f Product.. Good steady JUDI FRANTZ knocks often when you Friend & Tell them ,,11111 -J;J(.I' ~ ... , ' ewpo exc ua1ve o CIT ""'-. IS i... .... ult getting Dally l4ito4 ~CLAY L '®ell flee complexes. Airport income, 1hort hours, ... rwanc11 vc :r '""" About Ibis Ad Con'I· We offer an allrart1ve salary and benefit package, a great futbre with a growing company and a warm and rriendly environment To discuss your future career 1n banking, please call: Peggy O'Qwnn (714) 531-6560 BRENTWOOD SAVINGS &LO·AH -----clole. lncludes: local company. Caab re· 187 Beach Bl Pilot Cl1.11sifitd Ads to pensation to 60,000 o•-•""91 .... 6 "'0'"blod ·~/phOfte quired. 13475 teeured by Huntington Beach l'U(h the Orange Coast Dollars. Plus Benefits. IC lSS.SS Brookhurat St . .....,-;::,,:io-,,,:: .;:!~ ~ •UtiliUes •Jailitorial suppliea. DYNAMIC Loana,aecuredby nwrk~e6'2·Sf7S you're the best, please Westminster,Ca.92683 _...., ~. ,,,,. o1 _.. •lOOfreecoples/mo. PRODUCTS, P.O. Box acomblnationor replY In Confidence to Anequal opportunlty Banking mlSTANT OPERATIONS MANAGER •Supervisory experience required TEllER • Minimum 1 Yr exp. NEW ACCOUNTS •Minimum 1 Yr exp. R/E LOAN PROCESSOR • Experienced CORPflATE SECRETARY • 80 WPM typing • 80 WPM shorthand • Dictaphone exp. • Banking background preferable CORPflATE ACCOUH1S PAYROLL • Bookkeeping exp. required Challenging & rewarding opportunities located 1n elegant Newport Financial Center. Excellent salwy, outstanding benefits & profit ahtrlng. F0< 1ntwrv11W, photie &40-5100 Jacille EK VP •Ample parkin4 Z1'13, Palm Desert, Calif. rul Is penonal Mr. Charles. PO Box employer mtr d<itchen •Sect y serv. mst. ercperty, DIO. CdM . 92625 l•••lill•••'!'"f.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- available . ~& W...& W...& Sdieak& EMYSIT 11 I I 11 I J TAFNNI I I I' I t I FARO DE I I I' I I I MANHLY I ........ ,__...r__..,1,.....,r ...... 1--1 ml~t'::.~-:. a~ w:11~: ..... ...._~ .............. __.__. IUcil. good mini! he Wll ! l u M ff I s 1 •llowed anything h• ~1;;_.,..1 .....,...1 -,rr-.r-t wanted. Ht requHtad a coet made of ---lur. '--"'-.£-...._-.. .............. Call,Roxanne97S-0'1'0 .... ,.._ 7005 ........ 7001 Wa._ 7001 Wa"-7005 .... ....................... ...... .............................................................. . Offices.I .. Leue 380 •f In Fountain Valley Bank office bllild· ia1-Utilil.iet • janit.ori al ten'ictS included. Coo· tad: Wally Slark, ('710 B7Zi0 sotmf CO~T BANK WE l4AVE THE ANSWER! YOCJC1-ln the Morning! · I• Tension • Whole Body Approach I • Peace of mlnd • Toning ' • Healthy Body • Deep Relaxation • Breathing • Meditation ... DIMC*ITIATIOM Tw. M111 I I IO A.M. Ja 12• a.. ............ ., Ja 1•1119'.JO A.M. Y05ACa.TER . otc:Ai• 44i& 11ii11. ~ TUlltn & IMM St) ATTENTION : WOMEN & MEN If you want an opportunity that comu rarely In a pel"50ll's liletlmr. then you owe 11 to yourself to investJgate l. If you are above average/CAREER-MINDED 2. Neat Appearan(•e/HIGHLY MOTIVATED 3. Aggressive with outgoing personality 4. Oyer 25 (or mature)/SELF-SfARTER 5. High School Graduate mini mu[ll with working experience or t'Ollege <legree. 6. Can be out of town 5 nights per week . I Home most weekends.) OLAN MILLS PORTRAIT STUDIOS 11 .. lm,,_dlai. .... for l'llllur.. proleulonal 11lt1-orttllted womtn and men Ulat .....,.. to eam $11.000.00 1od up per 11•. ••""' "'"* wMlt "'= -'tit rmttl •• , car allowllll't Md . '-"Ill. ,_ illltn'lew ufi'1:n C. Hall 1'0U. ;:Jg at 1-..SO.M • 1a 50m1. Monday tbrouab .,,..,.._ -. ... , .• a.a 11 •• , .... 1.0 .£. .. ,, . • .-~~lftipii~-~·MM.;, .... ~~~ ~ 'mechtctl · H•hm ...... . If ndl e' I ~ ......,~ Tit ......... ... .............. ~··············· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·····'················· ............................................. ~-;~;;: ••••••••••••••• A ••••••• ~;;r.~~ ..••..... ···nLf:···sr···ti:ED··· f9b'lll OMld Cert, (ullUme, Ptl· Shampoo 6 tltam tleaa El.F;CTRICIAN pri(fd Carpentry ' Muonry HAUUNO Houtecleanln b ex •ABC MOVING·E•P PLASTER PATC'lllNG • IN A «"9AL tbo(mt, drop· IOI, fttW Color brllhttner•( wht ratrt· lree 'ltl'jtlmab tt on ~n11t ·8Plumbln1 Q\ick:cltan up yd able ~utrt a1ft: prof. low ratft. Quick: Restucros lnl/l'.llt 30 R~! Klnd.s ~~~~~1 JJ.&1 ._ llf, rna • up ~42·'U l <>rpts • 10 min. b uch Ull'llt ur tm.t o •· D~..L.~!/ tucro · Tne Freottt Kril 831 Off3 r .11147 T n ca ul a rvke sst·oU!. J_rs. Neal. Paul S4H977 ----rll CM, 111111. Uv/dln. rnu $15 e. 1~1 673·0359 ·~ J 8. 6'§9990 lelc 83 ' . --• h & Cualom Tilt f1oora at'tALL youp Y 0.C.C AREA 11v1 room f7 50: e~h RESIO/COMM1:."' -GmeralMalntafoant'e • Aquarlua CleaAlo~. Call ,......, Neat pate C!i trxtur1::1 Real Uffd br1C'k 9avtn. ao~c:~aad Lovln1 nfother will S10;chr$$ Ouar eUm ~yraex#! Do my own Repairs6DeconUng ~t~~g,m:a~rl~· dl{l, ~"fi,f.'spr=.e,Ex ....................... "°". "t. Hl~IOt Mrx tilt1,tt<' Yourttlt baby11t,fullt1me frodorCrptrtpalr. ~Urd.1'4§:!!16 • lit•R 840-5144 Jritrph . .n.e r · · ----F\oepafollnabyRlrhatd ....... oroun~'85lZ __ ln l ~ S yrs exf. Do work UC'DELECTRICIAN HOMEIMPROVEMENT · · W.DSY Sinor. Lar, Ina. 13 yn or ....................... Cu.stomCeram1rT1lt OAILY ..... f!ll'!tll. Re s:..$31·0101 Qu111. work · Re.as. rates a~palr·Malntenance iruuNC tudent baa ....................... h1~~0<'11l rustomers OrlUls cleared from $10 Prompt 11erv. fo'rte eat. PeLOT C1 c...t/C..C,... ~est 83~2Toni Huhn& rarpenlry ~k. Loweet rate. JtRICK WORK · Small Th ou. 831-4410 Plumblnlft"f.tr~ r hurk61S l40jl mvtc1 ;;•;u·;~·;;;J;~·k~~~ ....................... Frwti Doon --· e1~. Ule · Free est No ~~~~~& tti.t· Ntwport. ~o~t• c..t.. ,.HM--ftreHt:..M M 2 ~33 - OtltlCTOIY about bankruptcy, call THOMPSON'S ....................... too small 545·2811 • -·-~~ri5 rvine. e 8 zs yn exp Uc 40!941 ,0tshw11Shcr. d1•11osc1l<i TrM Str¥kt OO ITNOW! 7H/IM9182 CONCRE:J'ECONSTR •FRENCHDOORS• H1•tdl ... , -· Bonded Ins Refs Color toilet& & fauu~ts, rt-...................... . Atli.., S.... ...-.. t-I Lie. #393383 6'2·848~ 10 panta inttalled 8. I bld alljobl, lae/sml ••••••••••••• ••••••••• All Types Maaonry ~rt. 963·09ll Dil·k pa1rt'd or reµlal'l'<I t 1 • .. :xpt•rt Trte Pruning• YOW' Dal"· Pilot __ , ""!'W" • CH COMCRm slidet"""nl~ S7SO co' m-Quality, exper, Ue'd. COSTA MESA, Very reas, Uc, boode<I. L J B PA-INTING t~ ex~r Jim lilt t.1~ l'nmmrrrial Landwcape "'·-·I ., ...................... "Y"; • D '81M 97 Bob 7650 9906 . . . S..'I Vll'l!ll 957 8388 _.-y ceDlrectory NalbbyClarinda •80' r ll rt • J!Llunp1&mt )64o.t~-IV".~· 98 I HIWPOIT,IRVIME SPECIAL'INT/EXT. P,opttiyM91GCJemnt __: · R~tatJve Manicures pedkurtS Brick sf:k~S9C>z7 h•li•11 European Craftsman. All Wondtrful Rdtrencta CUilom Brielt Masonry W}wall. Larry 6"$ 11383 ..................... • •t:•Pt·rt Tree Pru nine• 641-71, ut 322 nail ir. 'u? ' c.nllllk Tl&. -•••••••••'••••••••••••• ~~4BJL o~~:· Call Call Sioux ffo~~I P~~~d l:~~t:u~ C L~anfun Pll~tini; 'ROrH TY ~~:1c1al Lan~c:rs &~ ·~ lllldlr.t ••••••••••••••••••••••· TREES PROFESS. 0 83S-9306 encl01ures. Loe1I rers. Cu.it wor l.1(' #J62.478 MAH~GEMEHT -.i ........... ••••••••••• atE.l!!ESTI TE Topped/removed cleirn I NAL WantaREALLYCLEAN 6'5·8512 f!!!_Frl•eest 731·828t Orani;t' to urr•.i l~• yr' ........... •••••••••••• n.-WIC" & SO... nu;5 MA S """· fent'es r~a'ired & HANDYMAN AT HOUSE? Call Gingham Cov tbat -t-71h All Paintinu · int $450 ext l'.11pcn1•n1·1· <'lill for mto • •EXPllT• * PLR Qtrliea, W2s Fin. w1a " " st> 640·2062 ..... ~talled 15 SSNSIBLE PRICES Gt'rl Fr ....... t .. & &123 tr concre e WJ ..,ct1 N "• I :ind rates TIH s-VIC f Stmls Complete Set·UP Builders Since l!M1 HallSt!n's Ceram1r T1la ms . 1 6 . "" .... .,...,.,, brick! Patios, dn ves, _,., eat "' l'Omp tt~ ICJllL 6 Serv Reas 5*5&34 Addrtlons . remodeling F1 "' Garderung Wantl'd --97~ --ROBLN'SCLEANING walls, etc. 5'8·8136 Fr~est_ R.£~ 851 72?2 963·8182 • •4U·2220 tH~ ~ -~~. ~'e"td:s~.sh/a~~io ~an~':j°~2~I~s Mowing, edging. raking. ~~.el lae~:,•r c{ua~;:>~y c~a~t~: thor~~7 You save! Bnck, block, ~~J~'£tTR ~~} R""°defh19/Repoir • • * * * • • ....................... Lie. #310!M2 549·2}70 c:a.tracton GMet"ol s wee P 1 n g Fr e c Only.S4S·290l Qu-llt k d d cement. By Job-day-hr LOW RATF.S • ;.~·;t;~ .. h~~j;1:;,·.,·:·,·1; JAfL'TRL:E c!'iiE Driveways, parklne lot ROBTSTEINBRONER ••••••••••••~••••• ... •• estimates 645.4372 or HcrdwoodAoors -bt!. ier:0call ?ae~ ~ Aro:siieiob.¢ll·l8~ NU BROOK S4S 1hs roodt'hnJ;. maw'l ll' Co111pl~tt> ~~nh'e and repairs, s~alco.ating , GEN'LCONTRACTOR .-., R~r 64.S-5737· --••••••••••••••••••••••• BobDwi ht. 71f!·70l2 Mo•ilg NFI "~NS PAJNTl"l,. 1>11ir!I, h1111hn1t Slt'\ 1 )!Ul'llt .:nndmi: 10 ) rs rooflll& repam. Lir'd. La ,.......... ., •• .,. "'ii ft.... WHY NOT ONE OF HARDWOOD FLOORS ••••••••••••••••••••••• , ...:7\J " C73 ll l00 9~" s.rs Asphalt 631-4l99 r. ~ .,..,, . .,..55 " .,.uues. he. ndell, THE BEST ' Simmons Expertise Housekeeping Int •Ext Re~1d1Cumm l~J> 1· Ju\ G40 ''"" ... '""'ATE p •v1NG ec.n..e... exper. Fret est & ad\ ll'e Garde'l!.!!i.r. ~-6684 BeautiruJly cleaned Supplies furnish~ • A· I MOVIHG. Aroust11: 1·e1hng) Rcrs n l' m111l t' I k 1 l ' h ,. II T...J-t -le• ~· " r-AllenConst(M1ke> --.---llndwaxed. 832·4881 Trustworth 957800.1 Top Quall~. Sµel'1al lic'd Freet!St 8372637 1·11b111l't), ruu11l1•r' 1r"':l.ff'r" .. Sealcoaung . Striplno ••••••••••••••••••••••• 497·S322t"99·4863 Gardening wanted, by ex ' _:__ h 2 ' r ••••••••• ••••• • • •• ••••• Repain1Comm./Resid. FINEF!NISHWORK ~-, --~er hortic ulturis t ........_ WestCoaslMaintenam·e c·orem an ng. 5 yrs PAINTERNEEDS .~~~~,c1i nJhh·r,itt·~.l)pin~'.IOO wpm1w;it& Lie. J397362 645·8181 Remodehng/Doors hung Custom Woodworial119 Specializes in plants & ::-::::7•••••••••••••••• 25'h om New Yr $pN·1al exp. Competitive rates WORK 30} rs exp Int "'"' '~ .u·1·ur.i1t· 1..0~ rateb 20 Randy 720-1260 CdM ....................... i:. a r d e n m a 1 n t llaul, deanup. c:oncrete on House Cleaning! No overtime 730 1353 1ext Atousllc tt11hn#:$ Roofil!CJ , ~ 1 , :c II 5 J 6 6 3 4 5 ~ CHAR RENOVATING Crown mo u I<! 1 n g . Greenhouses. Vegetabll' removaJ Dump Truck 631·29m/64-0 ~ _ STAR YING COLLEGE D;ms Pajntmg 847 51116 ...................... K<li lbl2 tJ:.kror (; Jtl I •••••••••••••••••••••• Compl mt ext & rust mab'!lles. wall units. gardening, orrh1ds & Qwck serv 642·1~ Qualified hskpr avail STUDENTS MOVING PaptrilMJ ltEl'.\IRS F'OR I ~:ss I AGGRESSIVE legal cabinets 25.,ITL645_3749 ~~•.nets Hardwood other exot1 t· plants ,•DUMP JOBS ()epend English speak CO.Llc.IT124·436 ••••••••••••••••••••••· Sh111i,:I,·:., fl.it_ :i.o )I ' IWtndowCltanlll<J fr"r~entation, law of. Carpet Str'tlct bfe:on~t t~;ood pro 7 1".:_497-~8 . & Small Moving Jobs Rer ~~7-6t9S__ w~i-(1;'if1urd ~~~, HANmNG s10/RO l.L t-i111 !''rec c~t 7 iO 2725 .. ,. .................... . !ces.24 hra.S4S-8422 ....................... Dry--· K&DLndspng/Maml C.11Jil11K~646·1_3~1-CONNIE'SCLEANING Di~l' on paper Stn11 H11of1111? fa,1 S1·1\11·1" ,LHt.JwSUn~h11.wln ,..._ ittl We CareCrpt Cleaner:. wal Rl'SldlComm Clean up HAULING & OUM p QUALITY WORK SrARVING COLLEGE fill!.&. SeotJJi~S 9~ XJnt ltd:. th.-t.,1 .l Jll StJu,l.1111· \\ lll<.1011. .~............ Steam clean & uphols "oRYWALL°ACOUSTiC' Ll Hauling_ 548-~!9 JO~. ask for Randy, 962-<YT68 81-'6D~1;T~~~~G UC PAPF.R HANG ER 49.l 9SIG! l kanin11, l.tcl '..UC H8SJ 8abr.1t, our CM homes. l Tl'U<'k mount unit 14 yrs exp FUiiy he'd & ~ Set"ticts 641 8427 WEEKEND/WF.EK DAY Insured. 641-8-427 Bonded & guar No JOb R~AIRS OHLY! ,,, :'\f;~~uiio:1.:,~L; ~I~ rr~up,anytune. Workguar.__filJ716 insured 532·5549 .......... ~ ........... , HAULJNG&DUMP HOUSECLEANING _WATCHUSGRO_W_!_ too sma ll ortoolari:t· Allf)pt.-~.fi4111i41i:1 l !\.,1;.<'hn,!JS7·••w" · 642·8482,646·5759 NoSLeam /NoShampoo -.-Tree Tr1mm1ng & JOBS,askforRandy, 551·6443 fh-eesl TQny898 2728 ·• """" Will Babysit in My Home Stain Spec1aHst Fast Draftil!CJ StrYicei Remo\'al at Reasonable 641 -8427 If you need a hOusekeeper STARVING ACTORS W11llp11per Conlral'lor ~ALUOA ROOl'IN<: < 'O l'rnl W1ndo11. l'leJ11111~ roe Working Mothers B{ dry. Free est. 839-1582 ....................... Pn<'es Hauling. Odd a,r~;::; -as russy as you are, i·all MOVING CO MPANY Gary Gompf l.11· 328240 fht onl~ rooliui: '11 11. uti Fri••·,.,, 11udl wn the Week Lrg Yrd. Re Steam Clean-;;;;-[he F. M Design & l"he1·k Jo bs . <.:I ea n u II s TOEAl"'I UP YOUR ACT 67" oant\. Xlnt ra(• Fust & Careful Lowest LaEYJla 20Yrs 4!l.S 1366 con~trut·tt011 r .. h.111•\ 'I\ U.11· 1;;5 tl'J~ I Ava.I 540 5933 Hol.d , B Pa c: k a\' n " s H 760-91115 6739043 DAY ' Yard/garage ...._, .. ~ Rates Law Allows M1C 1>73-6743 6/Jll22'J • 1 · 0 r 1 ars est rates for MT L p ,. H ~ r v e · = ----, dn up ell' l lon truck Quality Housecl0 11n1ni Visa. Llctlns 673 0853 Plashr/Repoir ' 1 ·i.-.u\1'·~ Winiloll' SS7-4144 t he big dates' Call · '-y ) Selhng anything th · ~ UulJerRoorini:alli~ri•~ Xh1l"'"''"" fr1•1·•·bl · · Hurd·1son 545·3701 . . w. 1 a -""'! 1993 (24 hrs.i ..,;th a Personal Tour ••••••••••••••• • • • •• • •• N •w I k ,,.~ 4733 Dail Pilot Cl ( ed ~ "" ".J w• s t rcnl\'l'r 1 l'I' ~ Kt•11 1;;:1 •,to IK F\nd what you want in ,,...,. ------"-. Y . ass1' Ad . -Betb~-9156_ EU. idle items with a ED'S PLASTF.RING LH· #4lll!02 5\11 !li:l l O!iJ,y PilotClassifie<ls. Classified Ads Have something to sell' IS a simple matter F\nd what you want in Daily Pilot Classified Alf Types Int or t::xt find what you w;int '" 642-5678 Classified ads do 11 well_ just call642-5678 Daily Pilot Classifieds. Sell 1dleilems 642-5678 Ad. ~11258 Rl'sturr~ Nani Ad_Result~ 642 567tl Dady Pilot~!!~irieoch ~.!~ ..... !!.~~ ~~!~ ..... !!~~,~!~ ..... !!~~ ~~.~·:.~ ..... !!~~I~~~ ..... !!.~~ ~~:'!'!':.~ ..... ?!.~~ ~~~t~ ••••• ?!.~ ~~~ ..... !!.~~1~~~ ..... !!.~~ He4p Wmtf--;;-71 00 Banking looUte I I r 0 u n t er he Ip r n r ' Gr::neral G..1 Ofc to StOO JEWRH Med1ral oll1n: nlJ nJj!t'I .... ~.~~~~~·IS·;·· .. CLMIUITaL~.· c~ llCJ Clerks sandwich shop '" Costa Bectr0ttk ATTENTION Informal almosnhere Must be qua!J(1ed 1n all '°' M 1). ;\ewport Jrt•a .,..u-ll::llll 1501 ... vr...TOIY Mesa. 18 or O\ er, Mon 1 1:...f t" ..;, "ed 1 .. u RWEF WORK Newport Beach . Chief For N w pt Be a r h " m F 10 4 c I I -•ltn awaits the conrenul 1n 1matts of ~nrhwork m "' •<·a vuW<' <'~!> r .. 41 Teller or Senior Teller' Restaurant Ca II for ap COUNTERS ~ \nn. ask f ;' M arv~n j Salary mi JO's EOE TOO JOUNG dlYl<fual sought for daily d uding stone sell mg, re T) PlnR 60W PM <: n"d pt''' 11 l i· 0 r 1 t· n 1 l' ti with supervisory ex ' pointment. 646-0201. ask Spcl·1al l <fa) ass11ln -~ Degreoe requ1,red . 5-10 vaned duties inl'luding prurs & labnralwn Xlnt pay & benefit::. Sl'ntl j phMm.n·isl nl'l.'dt-d lo perience. Some i,; day Cor M r. or bookkeeper ment, Jan 13th, Wed CIEDIT I ~ C'lirs expe,ri e nl'e ·~ FOR ·I light typing Bent Icy lcx·al ref's a must II vou ty)X.od letter. salttr) hb work in our Lah f orest Sat s a I a r y (' 0 m --~.<IS a m to 10 a.m. No COLLECTIONS I hea vr d I g 1 ta I 7 5•·, Hayes & Assoc 1570 are a mature, respons1 tory & r es u !,"E' t n ' store l'\t'r) ot~l'r Sa.• meosurate with ex IOOTHATIIEHDAHT e.xperienl·e required Growing Manne elec thg1t::1 & 25r~ analog AJRUN£S1 Brookhollow Dr. 11114 . bit' professional l·all Clas.s1hedAd 11917 l>d1I) 9-5pm ~ a 1>trmanin1 peneoce. Assertive pe rson (allToday tromcs manufacturinR I Mustha\ehands-0nex I d . ·r ol SA S49-262S Personnel 1714 1556-4047 for 1n Pilot PO Bo1 t560 ba."~ C<1llform1t-r\le11. . Newp ort Ar c h es 557-0045 C'ompany needs perbon ptrienl'e in m1<'rO· s~a';;gu~.t~~,:r~_~:o sen1ces 100~,free ten1ew Coru1Mesa92626 0!M10 I apTHµ·1 EGUILDDRUG TB.LHS I Manna Call btwn 9AM expenenC'ed in credil &I processing background l I US I JOBlNf'ORM TION Modt!ls. a<'tors f'il111 • PAIT TIME . & ~PM, 642·4644, Mon r-n.. Lfr-\.".""8 collections We deal with Todoconceptualdes1gn, rove major .• c1 ics HAIDWAIE A ' xt rns Xlnl opp n1·~' 17141855 8 797 1Stposition ·30hoursperl·ft1.. ask for Judy or LI ,. II ,-O\'er l.OOOan·ounls,bulh lroobleshoot , l'll' Work ~~~o~~=sb~•:i~~~~ Lag~a Beach full time U~E~:;~~~(;1~15de r 3 c es 1 1 pl', p · week including i., day Harvey -domeslH' & ovt>rseas '"I< in clos e ha1son with group Transportation rtt a1 I sales. Coast t9 00 Call 602 252 0979 213·6S9 7860 LANT CAR.E Sat.Lighltyping Co W • !IMl'OPAllVl'lllSONNHSllMC1S WouJd consider retiree! other R&D engineers r N Hardware,497-4403 Mod I & E Full time. expr d or 2nd position . .., day Sal rHr_1 OMDll s 3723 l lrch Sttt.t who would hke to rt-l~ocal l'Ompan~, •'X. ~~~ary ~xpee ~s~sead · OP 527 · ell si·ort~ f't•m h!>rlllUlturc bacl.~ruund Ughttyp1ng. As .. st.t Hewport~och main art1vt1 ~e Nµort <~llenl bene~its Su~mit , vanceddunng21wkpa1d Housecltaning 1 day per Open7daJs Cini> Top SS . i l>fl'f Musi hav1• i:nod part 11 me l.1 Ith I E 0.E ' Beach area Please ad resumes. <.:10 . (,arr 1ra1n1ng No pa •offs week. 4 hrs per day. Ladies wanted to bt' l'lm· 642 48521\ft 12 I !lrivmg n'('rlr!I ~4~ 62$2 CaU Lynn tor appoint bousekeep1ne. &ome clress rt-sum e & rt• Rll'e.CoastalPl'rsonne. Must be 18 or >over. i1t~Ph~.~l~~;iJOor sultantslortht:most ex Modeb Unlimit td l l'l~llL' ment, 673-3130. meal preparation shop Q.ERK TYPIST ferances to p 0 Ho-. Z790 Harbor Bl . 11201. single. well·groumed. & l'1Ung exotic home party :-;ecds tall .illrJ..t I\' MOLDING IMPBIALS&L ~~e~~~-ldry I Small. gro~in~ rom 1?06 Ne11.porl Bt•a1h C'ostaMesa freeLostart1mmed For HOUSEKEEPER plan sweep1n1: thl· men women for ai:tn•\ MACHIHE EOE, m/rth ' --pany nel'Ch competent tahf 92663 intcr\'iew rail Cathy al southland LADY J re~ assignments !'>"8 7ili2 .--------1 Carpeedt drlecamng hMelpt:r person for r1hng & l)p D"'T .. .,...TRY I ~IPMEMT 835 3051 or apply '" English spuk1ng. 5 emoarnrcupullloos:ISr pPfr h~·aolrl Nunmo ... 0 or PkB!~lloOsl~ l u OIAHGE COUNTY OFFtCES Experienced Only •HtwAccomh ltprest.+ati¥ts ne e I osta esa mg Accuralt 55 wpm re "' "'icn person at Rama<fo Inn. d I ri "' .. " ' ' area. w1 I tram, over 18, q'd Duties mdude l) P lmmed1att> openings for M HAMIC Ill Santa Ana. Mon & Tues w:ik~~d:. ~~el'. 0 :~ ~ l!llre into 768 4441 HUltSES AIDE I home ., ave on g a~ well groo~d 5-48 9374 '"B letter~ & in\ okr::. cla111 entry. µerson on I SI ,548·S 1,881 /MO. onl> IOam.6pm Return cleaner Non smoker. 1 _... t----'" ExPt'r·d all ~hill:. <'on\ Oµemni;s ex 1st on all CosllNr~ostHs Part-time tvenings, ap ply Ill person at: Two Guy's From Italy . 2267 Fllmew Rd , C.M. r.ting&enlenngdatain IRM S)stem 34 w11h guaranteed _.,-~nnory I HO!iµ Nwpt Bth llnng shirt ~ ror eicper'd or lo Apple l'Omput er $900 ~ewport Beal·h CPA F:duut1on & upenenre --non~nnker 64.2 114~3 or Newport Bt1 a i·h ,\ t ~our sm1h• & Jtt1n u', tra1nC't· lnJetllon \fold m> f'lrm lO Ke) Stouch and or at least 2 y rs (;{'fleral 6423396 torne\•. 1nlcresl1ni: ~TI.>e mJr ~d rfrnt,11 '"!! .\larhmt' Opt'ralnr) HPsSYSTEMS INC bookkeeping knowledi:t' I JOUmeymJn level Ex· IMM EOI ATF: general prar111•t• 5 yr~ & life ins Call Gl2 l<044 I Xlnl lit'ner1 ts indu1fr 645.9~2 • hl'lprul f1t>x1ble hour~ l'ellent shop fo r1ht1es for OPENINGS ffowiekeeper ~r Ell~· 1151 17JJ_ O C 11111d maJor med1r al. may be arranged. Ex I someone interested m GetLi b k ' h b Full time Housekeenor LICENSE FFI E dental & lire msuranrt· CLERKTYPIST <'e llent Sala r y and ·. ·k d ng, ac. into t t'JO .. ~ Sharp alert .l!•rl ..:oo;f plJ"'S, proritshanno p T help needed ror benefil!I Ap11I> m person 11or ing on a w1 e vane· market. wanted in NB Mature IMSPECTOR '"' ~ " bU-)) rlectronics sales at Coleman and Grant IJ or City eqwpmenl •Sttretane:. Eng I rs h SP ea k Ing I ""I th nu m hr r, CIMCQ CASHIER urrice .in In ine 10 assist 5020 ca m Pu 5 Dr ·! ~rh as. Autos, trucks •General Ofrlre I Person Pref 12·8PM Sl,46S-SI ,781 /mo. MacGregor Y;H·hti. t63t I Part/time. Call Barbara Sl'l'retar; 1 year oHite Nc!"J)Qrt Beat•h I i:~aders, fire cni.:ines, •Daaa Entry Mon·ft1 S800 mo. Send ~!centia .. ~M ~ 4460 for appt, 540.3280_ exp. required T vpc --· . (>.tCkers, etc Exrellenl •Lile Pal·kini: Resume to Sue PO Box r\s:.1st m enforcement of I ftl.A.STICS MIXER/ --· mm. so wpm Hrs Ii 30 Dental HyaiNist I rnnge benefits. For de· •Assembly "C" Dow.!!.Y_9024 l City business license re· 'ART TIME 1 OPEIATOR CASHIEI lo 4.JOpm Mon Fri Con Newport Bea ell Area I' J t:11ls & apphcat1on. Con • Warehouse --gulatJuns & ordinances, Execut_•~e Sttretan for r1~ Jdh""I\ f' & l·oat1n a HOUSEWAIESAUS ta<'t Jeanette Hall da)s 642·6880. 6i3·3403 tactthepersonneloHire. VICTOI HonetcfffMllCJ& I &ass1stingm1n,es11ga Bid t F'I ~ "' ,. FUii or if/tune. Apply m.14311 C\ &_wkends I Ctt> or Newport Beach. TemporaryServu·e Childc_... taon & debt collc1'lion g ontrat:tor, e"<• mli: To mu. resins. Crown ardware. 161• 1 ,_-.----------3300 Newport Bh·d . 556.8520 Bof lS&Girlll L1ve·1n Requires Hioh School ble hrs ,\\erai:t-4 hr Idler" pigments & , """"" Ph 640 210 d ., d a> Sa I a r > l' om J ' 1' l ~ 3 ~ San Miguel, (Harbor DENTAL HELP ~~ one, Ml /F ---W1 I Pay Top SS For gra + al leasl 2 vrs m· n~nsurall• 11. Ith abihtv 1 a• J ) s l ~ ·• ' For interviews ca II View) NB. •CUltK • I cv"' Right Person 640·7772 ' l"reasmgly respo.ns1ble Corona del M Jr art•a Mon.ro\la, !'I B Carol 'J'.huyns.~0-8800 CLERICA L Fu ll ~•me TYPIST .OFFICE.MANAGER . E"<erul111' Serreta.r y ~ERAlOFFtCE da)'S E\es S46 2718 _ I den ral work mrludml! 8330498 r tun.·. idJ\S :?hr' llc11 Bring th.is ad with you & position a\·ail for person Fast pared Real f.stat1• f.\penenu•d Are YO L Bookk eepPr rur l';ew requares some arct'g ex u~..£. / 1 A R expencnre. & C\ I> \ \1 dt'h\t'r) L 1\ take advantage or th w,rlencal skills to wk m Offil'e ne1.•<b sharp. 11. ell Loolung for a Reward Pr 1 vat l' St' h o o I pe ri enc e 1 n post .--eeper A dt I perienl e in ml' l'llnR TlmP' SJOO wk L.1i:una oneimoth'sbonus olr ol med lab. nr Hoait ur~amzed Gal. 75 11.·pm '"!!Career Opporlunll~ Shorthand T\ p1n1? & ing bank recon<'1hat1on 5 days!l lndight. 6male general pubhc· Pos111on 'ART· TIM E fk.1d1 1~.i K-1~; Hosp.NB Mon-Fri 9·6 t~p1ng. dn·aaphont>, with 11.llh Ext'l'llcnt Potcnt1<1I Spelling Sk.1lls "musl be l't<' Good telephone & wscm1 inva' 64 0424 rcqwrei. held work & GIFTWARE DEPT. [ffiJMf«El.OORADO Noexpernec W11ltra1n 1!oodS<'nNanalsk11ls for Personal Growth & superb typmg skills nr1·cssa'J eekendsO!,!\eS -1 some weekend work Maturr. µn~un.itit" PTfTIME ASST Re1·ogn1t1 un' Our •966~.,u... f bus I !Ho SA k ( t Fo d""al & I d l 'lalct!l'h.!r.l(•'l(alFr1dc1.• 548-5S82. Modem Proi:re~S•H or ; • ~".""" or ;y rea estate o u .. ee per o r r '" 1 s apµ 1ra I l'flerl?l'llc person nl'l' 1•1 Contal1 Pet:t>.833·2900 I rn~e Seeks YOeR Ex EX f.Cl:TIV E rice Referen<'es re person. lave in. P' t lJon. l'Ofltart the person 11.1lh art1sll• ab1ht~ to firti;ht l!uud 'aba I CLERICAL Grubb Elhs pl'rt•~etoCompleml·ot a SECRETARY qwred. 640·9900 for in , room & bath. T v . nel 0H1ce. Ccl} url l'Tll'rrhand•s•' t. tlhpl.•> ~~\~~ IW~~;~t>?1~a'<llbrl'd EO.E Generalofrlce.arcurate Highly Mot1\alcd & Professional With xlnt terv!,!!~---Englis h s p ea king I Ne11.port Be:u·h. 3301T g1flwarcinour:-.1·11.1111rl l'osla Meu Ask r .. r llAUTICIAHS typist,goodw1thf1gures Skilled Team Ex <'elll!nl ~horthand & typing 67J.1879 Newport Blvd. 921>63 I Beat:h store. Mn11 Fri ~u Jmmed. openings ror Rours,8:JO.S. 14.00!f.1° Cook/Baker Benefit PackaJ?e 1n uh1llt1cs net1ded for General Office Hskp~-ror working Cpl. I Phone.640-2t01 9-3pm . JNi:,6421~- c osme tol og is t 5 1 n start. Warner Ha bor l' I u des M e d 1 <'a I Newport Beach Real DON'T LET YOUR Live in Exp R e(-s 1 ~OE -M F THE GUILD DRUG Newport Beach salon fp'~?a!!~f45·0137· for CAFE.TERI A lnsuranre00Plus a Per ~s t ate In' est mbenkl SKIUS 673 2584___ _ 'i Liquor stohr~ clerk. beal·h 1 1 1610San M1~~"1 Ohr PUBLIC Guar. salary + rom 't'nl of Pr ul'llon $1600 r ,rm AC<'oun11ng ac GET RUSTY INSIDES"' US & Taroepa. ~1ag elss. exApepprl ... ne,cn e~rt ~al' RElA TIOMS mission up to 60'k. Ca ll --------• COOK If Qualified Hunl1ni:ton grounll a definite plus " ~ g1 , p Ti S 1 Th i · · CLlllCAL &·d~h 847 6044 Call_s.htrn 54_9.:_2988_,_ Cust. Ser'tlct Spnr 1 person. Holiday House!' art me at:' , c Arlie n Comµ.tnie~ ormterv1ew. 646-7451 Keep your skills ln shape Take charge person Lo Liquor. 2937 ~: Coasl Heed Xtro Moftty7 I on Lldt• .1re interv1ewini: BEAUTY $800-900. D 0. E SS.34-6.63 / Dental AHistont I ~;ic P . I 1 C' qua II r i e d with temporary assign· assume responsibilities H CdM Pos1tJons u' o1lablc de mdl\ illuals who want It Genenll omce near 0 C .. _ •• _ C hallen~1n~ Posil 11111 massage techn1c1an. lull ments throu"h Kelly or order de• k and ., ---monstratme produlls m Th1rU. & Grn11. R1c:h FM ~ E..t--ailport, various duties ,_,-I I time for pro( o"1ce Call "· " " u ANAGE't "NT I I II •-Call: Janine. S40-605~. WiU prepare main dis A,. a 1 a 1• r or ex fc .:xrvices, Your rree to customtr servire for '" " ~. groreof) stores in \Our pe~11 intt-n 1r~ 'a Looking ddtoour hes,bakepaslnes.sen·e per1en1•td Mature. S482817orappt. workwbereyouv,.ant & manneelectromcs mlg Joinouraeam, P 1T.larea S4 perhr +bonu!\ fii32002 staff, a manirurist, ~astJ!r'~~~s~~~~~,1;g~. food in large quantities Energelll' Assistant ror as long us you Coordinate order pro· serious only appl) 1714 1~3107 -------- clieotele not necessary EOE andperformotherrelat· Top Pa> ror Righi AUMGClERK want ... l day to month <'essing work loa d 831·3838 _ 1 PART(TIME Real&tatt SolH , ~~~~nou:,et~ee:::~ll!!!!!!!!!!•!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!l!!!I eddutles. ~~so~~5ays Non Electronic distributor We have immediat e among your starr. MANAGER 'omc-e girl, ~tudcnt OK Prt·~11g1ous La guna Center br., tlewport --------. .f. _ _:_ needs mature person for openings. monitor paper work Ct n Ir a I K I t ch e n j Hours 8am·noon M f ' Be<lt'h Rf'al &\latr Of Beach ~~aifpl} at Room DENT AL/ Assistant filing dept Excellent op flow. oversee custSoome r Man ager needed b) CM /NB area. 64S iwlo fu:e nel'd~ 2 saJ,•sperloon' x.aoy Lab I portun1ty & Company serv1<'e process me Huntington Bearh Cll)' -I for gt>ner.ll Re;il E'tall' lllPR/f!I ClllWCJ! Expenence helpful. bul j benefits. Ca ll Elsa, CUlllS knowle~ge or ma rlne School Dist. 10/mo posl-'Ex per pr er La gun<• Join an Orange Co. not nee. Newport Beal·h SS6·3880 UCEPTIOMISTS electronics a plus, but lion. S1099·S1367/mo de· 'AITTIME I Shores Reell) Cu leader offerin~ xlnt ad area 76()..2554 TYPISTS nol req. Salary com· pending on exper Apply &9pm Expandm11 ~nuah Prc11ler Rltr vlll()emeot to 1odividual --FOOO SllVICE SECRETARIES m~~surate w/expr & 735 14th St H B counseling r1rm h.i~ 494.01.ui with public accounting Dtwtal Assist. I WOID ability Send resume or SJ6.~I · openings for 3 s sharp • experience. Bentley Experienced Ortho O C CW~h~"ren's ,.,.C•SSOIS apply at Newmar, 1020 -I outgoin~ mature people t<l'all:AtateSale~ Rayes. 1570 Broolthollow r hairside. EHellent ""' .. w: 17th St. Costa Mesa. Marketing to motivate amb111ous I Htw Or Dr, IH14, S.A. 549·2625. wage & benefits. RDA or f:~_rp:./hR~:~!sr6!~: CA Y~ Me11 & Womt1t 10 13 yr olds. c..11 2 5pm bpHitactd Penoonel services 100'* N 1 u MID c!Jg.NB., 640·0121. plication rrom Coast Insurance administrative IS.:23 P,....,.,..d 642-4321, txt 343 M-kfur free, DEMTAL ASSIST. Community Colleges. Come in today. rall or ll06itlon available Plush UHllPEMENT Andrea · DClllG Pat 10251 Yorktown Avr RDA exp or preven 1370 Aclams. C.M 92626 rome by. olfices near John Wayne MMa -I SClll J.. CGpbtrOftO N'!!!11!~l ~~a I estate investment fl de- velopment firm. Mutt have minimum 3 yeara experieoce. Ptefer real estate related lbrou&h financial tlatt menta. Excellent worli:lnf con dlt lons . S art Sta/imnUI. Call Sharoe 114· 152-HM HOWARD1 ~0WARD6 . BARNIU\01 INC. .~t".Jru~nce 1f91C1 ._., r.,J)Oflfl· bJt person to handle ~ ledser. rtcon· aAt -* ttatementa • prepare prollt 6 Iott 1t1ttmeat1.Salar7 com· &mlllll'lll wlt.ll aper. '-:~ c&ll Debi.le at rm . ..-. All JOBS FREE HunttngtonBeach. tauve. quality oHice ~.5947 & submit by IEL[~·r.1.1· Airport. Exf not POSITIONS PAYROLL •Top Profess1onal Off1rl' CA 92646 rrr. Spm.Jan 19tb. :vw• necessary. W1I train. SU,EaVISOI I •Hl1ihl'omm1ss1on~ Clerical (714 ) 964 3~ 752 L120 E o E M /F /H Must ~ able to lype OPEN ....., •Rt.·st Location GBBA&. OFACE D"nta-l ,-F-ul-1-r--11 me, · · · •"''"·•cec; 50wpm Interesting .-Restaurant l'h;11n 1•or •Greal Walktnbu'lnl''' Beautiful airport eq_ual oppty .. G&lEIAL OFflCE work w/great oppl'r for $14 400 porate oU.rc "' lr,1111• •Awum w1nnmi: based rotnpany ueks employtrm/f/h rh11rs1de. RDA, Ortho GICU Has Immediate Zl02 Business Center stH·starter Sa ary Per'·car ne eds exper pa) roll ' i.<f\l•rtmnJ? attrarllve Individual COOK -exp re\' fring e opening. Hrs 8.30·5:30. Dr • 1208, Irvine, open 714··83H066lor in 'Y super\lsor to tA kf' •Membt'r orall with li&ht typing who benefits, N 642·69117 Full Benefit Pkg. Exp 833-1441 (Nr MacArthur tervltw appt. No experience charge or re~tauranl realty boards will train on Telex. FUii lime, must know Dnlg Store Ca.rte Pref, but not nee. Con· Bl. & ~ Frwy) Hrs. 9.5 net·essary payroll. Knowin g com •lntemational referral,; Lot!of,.,......rdkeepioi diets. ~n val esrent l yrmm.exper.Salary lact Erika, or Amy or 27951 Cabot Rd., IMSUIAHCE 171 "'._5473_ puterpayroll 1samust •Slrongmanager a.. li'lln·,-, a-s well 11 Hospltal, approx 9S pa· commensurate with ex· ~3110 Laguna Niguel, 831·0542 Personal Lln'es Un-Cood co benefits. salary suppon • Uenls. Cheerful & de-h (Crown Valley Prkwy derwrlter. Exptrienced, MATURE commensurate ~ 11 h other general omct dlcated. Free maJor t~rgu~ot~~i 1!0 J: GIMEIAL OfffCE exit) Hrt. 9.3 or rail near 0C Airport. Z1ltgltt WO ..._. ablhl,}'.. CaJ!.. 549 9322 _ du t I ea . XI n I medical. dental It life Dre~us. 768.3784 , Electronics llrm in 847-3498, Huntington &Wri(bt,7S2·90SS MA..... PIX a d v a n r e m e n t Int. Call: 64Z.8044, Mrs. 7.,,. ~~Mesa seeks person Beach. v tied h N t 8 h potential 4i startl11g Dl.Y ""' · with ~al oHire & D4SUIAMCI a ours. WI> <' COMMUNICATIONS I -· 100 c " . El t I R . M I . b b It location. No exp Ol!C E II t p itl r .... ~.w:..:. a : COSMITICIAM Tee<:~n~~l~nr w1!f,'e'/ :~\acloo.i::p~nc~ou~~ Equ~~,~~~nlty ll~Y ;;:copt~~~~= i~ willtraln.642,9955 nidt~ :!1 ur'P~ntoo~ PtaUafoua drui store needed for Ira. rorp Pl)'able • arcounts rt· ,./J /H Anaheim, Loog Burb' MECHANIC AMI Full or part time 7SMJOI located In Newport Hourly •••• com · ceivable. Permanent m Monteofflttt. lnald• MarsrecorV1rht1. vll'itd work. 'Pay open Buch is teekin& an ex· rnensurate.flt/e~j)tr. For position requires rella· 11le1, ito prot]ltetllaa. p while trainin&·TUJtin. Pt r . cot m e lies ~p't call : 557·1690. blepenon.Call: ~ • motoro dt .,,. lSfl lartntia,C.M. C.JI Jack.838·5361 11teu>traon. Must be ~O.E. VALOR ELECTRONICS CMMmAL.OfflCIE per. belplul. Ath·aetlvt MIDIC ... ~CPT. farnllar wltb aellins all Our r1pldly u paoctina --• •· 1 r "' rr1ochJae llnu . Xlnt I 540:12114 lntemaUontl Company .... .,,.. commiaa on, r· Gftlf'ral pra Ice. Hant· PllSOMMIL IWttAI 11!ary + com &lCTIOMIC ncH. GtneraUldp la aeekl n t 1 n en . lnit benefits parkace. lnaton Sch. Expr. re· COUMSll.01 mlaalon. Call for In· ASSIMIL•S Moalb' Erre d.I, Help In lh1.11l11tk aelf·•t•rtlng For a'lr call Debbie al qi.ired. Salary negotla Natlontl temporary t«vlew •9.1ft: WMttd fol PRO AUDIO Office & Home· Oc · indlviclual for a 1eneral FGS: 14 MMllOt. ble. Xlnl l)t>portunlty for pmonnel service ro. 11 Por information rail w•,.~9" •TARBELL• "Slllct I t2'" Amerira's Largest _ _...J ..... ndt ndMI THIMl.D DIUG iuf• ~h. 2 1n eip.. cuaional TrH tl, Hours e•iYOfl ln our ....._~ l~ ri&ht peraon. Call lookl•s tor ptnonnel 1 )J M ot equiyalent pref. n eslble Must have own dt partmul . SALIS 114(!4.2 OMS ~lor Ptevlout ••· .:.:..:.:.=~~==- some troubltahootlna. 1 car. Be Reliable • t1 , phones • MQt be cttaUtt Stlf • ...CALM.a. MD per1erict In ttmporary COUMlll..., Allemblmnp.htlpruJ.1 493-2'7'4 flll n1 r eq u i red . ~n~.FtexlbteHr•. Seeks P IT, F'rnt ofc per1onntl a muat Caftttt la •'1 1• •Ill train, a ppl1 ln l OENERALLABOR Outltuidlq rompeu•· Will train . 498·214t, ht~. gxPE~ MEO Salary commensurate re1taarant Ir lnl11e. pencil • f r lion ' XID& company ...... 1.... 0 .... I .. with u-rience. Send Racqltlb• /Hu ltb OscAUOto Lita m • aat berMG&.I. ,......t wort· N!JU'"'' "::tJil 0'' p .. one, rwumetO: Clauified M Cub. De1 • ••t btt. ma Placatl• An . CM 715 ff.1@ • CiM. lq ...,.__,,, Coa· l'!CJ!!ll 1 1111 011•.. PU P o f'IW.f'941p!, MS-IMO tart, Pat MJlll, AllP IP'OU lledkaJ 11mc'ueD"eo.u°''11eia !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!{ GllOUD~ ,.,..n!t';=:..eoplt ScMlt1fk Drtllaf ru .. :·-=e~•r: == 01/GYN nMdl f"'.. ·,~~;::;;;;;;;~~: P-!!l!!!J~~:._jJ;.~ ,...,~_.. DAILYPW>T ~u •Hehl 10& fa ·~~ Dail1 r'raot ...,.:=..::= • ~ 2 wtlfll1Cl11 ?M mMCI Dll!Cl'OIY u•· .., ..... IO a I 'CW lectMI • • • -Call A..-Ai ....... 114 .. f ........ .~ ......... I O !Q&QU ¥ w cs _,.._ ____ =!==---~ . ..." ~ ...... ?!~ ... ·~!.~ ..... !~ ... ~..... 1111-..-..... ,........... ,... 11 .. ,.. .. ,. • ... \t_O 5 l-:0 f ' ~·••••• .. •u•••• ~ ............ , ... 9"J., ... , ... , ...... ,.. .._ .. ,,,, .. _, .......... ,,,,,.,, _ .. ,, .. ,,,, ...... . llf .. ... ICTITJ'91t4H HCRITAJlV Ft•i lt AutuUu Twl1 btcla, HW .. ,. ~!.L.'! t. .... •• h~~~· ... TMOUll "-lu._tu.1 flr• O.Wal dutl11 lotlud• 1emurY ,A creat ve uman eaqurcea · ~ snat rrubl• U'tMI ... ._llM· ti..._,.._. _. 'l:l bttint•' tAM W ....,·11~11 qu1Ufled =· TWXlna, teleco-.ffUI 1 Manacer will have the opportunJty to =-=~ a•U• di .. '"'· 'J:.'oiu. larlr ~~.., ft&. ,.~ Wf ,:S-:/.-.d' ...:'.... r'tt!'S:~:? :!:: tlc 1e~:a:':1f11~~ .xn1~I establish • retultJ-orlented depart~ '1 ..._ y.,~· old AU ~~.~ai~ ~.1 ·~ ""'•a wJ !Tihla . 1lct. R1yH, lS10 &IAIJed' a atlt 1t1rttr I IV( ment aimed at meeting employees Xlot •mall watcbdoi ble typewriter. us. rooG1 cblrt, •11t1 dlttdlGil. C.11 for la· Jo4A tbt Loe ~0Jelt1 ..,_bolloW Dr, •rn1 TypelOtoSS "Pm Word needs. Skllls ln merit compensation houMbrobn '-aJ com'. MMIUI. laJoa ltal1'rJ•n •acl •--'-..... 1111111 Clmal1Uoa ,....,, S.A. 141-ml. Penonnt Pf'OCtUOr lklllt dttlra· be fl · i l r.......b l d' • w, ~e ~. •lr· _ .. __ .... 1~:1 ' •dapt yo11r wort Nnlt'etlCIOfAfrM. ble. XJnt lrvln1 loc1tloa SEC any ne ti, oreanuat ono U'C' av or an paalon, all 1hot1 .. IHI ......... w•udpl.u&a. acbedult to 1oar St1mitreu In tallo tor W11tern re1tona1 M communication woul~ be helpful. &TJ•t0. • ...................... Allo.•a ... ampoo ~. Couatry Club I llftltyle. Work s/hn 1 &bop m1.11t do fattln ar u1eao1nceoflar1e eler StHZ.lttO/ Progrmlve, dynamic company needs Adorable abaodootd IDll&.ar ucta. NI Mella tull tl1111 " dl>' IA• Tirou Clrtula. croWri Cleanera Tal~r troolca M•nt.1.f1ct11rer ~ a t•ke·charge, humanisUc leader. !!~old male 8beplmd o.s.-tAAt.lilllM WhH Ca Ol.f714or etpt. Mlllt burtittilttt, UOll 11111 otllce II Hr Shop n w,mer Ave F.atabH•bed Co . Com· ll.inUnJtoo Buch Union Pt nd d 1 •ml oetd1 •d lovlnf s.ae Atthltectural Pct an.re,.,.. dMeffu& • Pl'Ottulonal. >'OW home• have more H..8. Me.1311. " pellvo ulary " lint Hl1h School District ~ase se ~esume an 58 ary re· hotat. T5l·ml. 1talntd lt1dtd alui 12 a.,..ca .. 111 lhal AblltJ to f11adi. 1wltc Ume foe your family, Sec beoeflta for Iona t,erm atetunuperiencedex· Qllll'.ementg to. 11 1 HIO doors' •lndow, room Gounntt Potl&O Olalpe ::fi~ • pod lYf11n1 ~~· .§' lelturt ly Ol~ay/Order Deak. ~~rlH~~ ~:1,<;,• 11 erutlvt Hcretary to . Box 1002 :!.! .. ~ ... ._ ............ d I v Id e r , ma n y Fdellvtred, __, · .,_• J&::J': a · lire m...r pay hourly Typini, Phone SkllJJ 10 ~ ~ perform bl1hly complex Daily Pilot * * I BUY * * hollowcore In terior .ClUM.L.UM DI our1 com ona. l(ej. Small 8111 Of.Ile ..--:retary. Type, dicta· iktail work on behalf of ,,..,__ M door1, rd 01k table, ·nvror· ane l.06ANOELES' Tiii""'' oc ' Alr~ort y Are:-lion, minor bookkeep. the Ex. etullve Board of \AJSl& esa, Ca. 92626 , Good UHd 1\irnlturt Is part.nera dealt, many llCln/SIC'Y l37SSunho A CM S700-'800. Pfot Benefits: ~Small Financial Tr u ,teu and .the • Appllancea--OR J will mlar book•. artifacu, Litt trpln& rt1101 540-~l ve, as1..-. _.m-9900 ::penntendent. Select · Merch••M MllorS!LLforY® fr11111d pie., br~ lltH 1-~---""'.""'------ ae1er1 office duties'. f.QualOppty Employer SICllT ... •y ·-~~~~~e ~17101 have rff'arTAIJ •••••••• .. ••• .. •••••••• MASTllSAUCTIOM ~~1!111 .. IOOI. 1S39 w,!b_~utb .. 11onl"'waat1t·a~ Hr1: 9am•4pm. Apply --- --SICllTAIY ..,.,. & s1ui.. o1 wpm &Wltl ........ 1001 .. ,.1. •1.•1. 1••t6JS --ataN.Bcb. ,~ • ui at : bllarlle'a Chill, SAUS/tMSIDI F1nanclaJ & en1ineerin1 Ty Ind shortll1J1d .•kllla of ... -... • --· •~ meot f150. ortlco Ool'DorateOfnce, 717 W. Industry leader offers ronsultant1 aee.k pe?Owpm, lOlley •d· llO wpm: P0stllon re· *•rtlt•• ....................... microwave UTS. J :J ~ Witabt~::e·· ~:~e!11~po~:::~!11:~ ~f.{~:: :e~~~~=~l:t :~:rrt:~.i:l£,0~e:n ~~;,:nt1~~:pd~~~ro~1 This b ID excellent op ~~~~~· Arla~!~ct~~T~ ~~t.~~~r:.·~.~:; ~:.1~: ~:!ch:~ri~. ~!'°bo~ ~ lOam·U>m. &41·2»4. with pluUra. txpertise. background " report CPA fLrm. CM. 7~.1C:G°' ma lune sltlll~. Allen· PGrtWlity to uUhze your priced. Some ltem1 cost btenUMd, offer 535·57¥ imrel 1~. Sat •Sun .._5517 ..-.-=..;z.::::;.;.:::=.:=:.:......-1 Salary -+ commlasion. writln1 exper. Must ~ance at eve01111 r:ntel· secretarlal back11round plua lK. Jan 12th to Furniture, bouubold, ...;..;;;;'-=:;.;...... ____ _ Call Beotley-Haye1 " have 2/yrs exper. on.,_ mp requlred. Salary ts In tbia cballengln& posi· lath, ll·S. Country Liv· llUYllUIHITUll mile, 11312 Sierra Inez Euhwve TUluy Club BEPTllNIST AlllOC mo Brookhollow WANG 20 or equal ....,.;Mary commensurate with tlon In our pluah cor· Ina AnUquea, 417 3lat La 957-8133 lrvtne (Sierra u11 m· membenhlp. No duet. "br l°il4 SA .... 9.M..., WOO/mo.(114)170.13S3. Permanent Part·tlme. abilltyandexperience. porate headquarters in St., NB , Cannery ztatu New w Lov· ~}JMSat.SUn l.'I price. UT·UH , ... .,._ • • · .,. ~--. ll> hrs pr wttk F1ex1ble Newport Beach. Vall.ae 873 ...... · ' ....,. -· cN•""") Penonnel services 1003 SICllTA.IY hrs Reward i ng It Applications will be ac· ... ' . ..._ eaeat• $88. Sleepers, Movl.111 Sale · maoy ----~~;.._ ____ _ The qualified candldat free. For front office or fast· Divers1ned Positon. PR ceptecl until January 13. Ideal undid ate w Ill Wanttd, Birdseye Maple Slle. PAC1'0RYt5T·S708 t.bioo m111t 10 lnrhadl111 O*e lfad!JDe · Uaed ·ID Mil be resPoMlble f SAUS paced adv agency. Typ. Dept. Mardan School Please-apply at Room poueu u c e l I en t cheat 6 Be dst u d KJNG INNERSPRING '111'ram Am. Jaa 9t.b 6 wortiJll' order. '50/blt Dlmeulon Sys tern Orange Co's leading 1 n g 6 s w p m , 71~ IJlorcall· attretarial 1k1lla and S41-1Jl77 EX1'RA FIRM mattress 10th, tam·7pm . 283221-clr_?eo.15 __ .... JJ ____ _ Switchboard, telephon custom ringmalrer is shorthand/speed wnt· have experience in American Oak Curio set, never used. worth P11eo Corrales, San Stamp Collect Iona maioleoance, telepbon looting for high froduc· ing a plus. Oppty to ad· dnlllng reports aa well cabinet. 1475, Pore. s.ui, sac. SU&del. Never JUlllCa@llrano. parchaud by Dave dlrect':J update, an 1ng professlona sales vance. Sal~ negol1a· •SICllTAlllS• as li~at[Jtiral typ pitcher-wash basin 1120, used queen sz. worth 1V, bikes, rum. Sat Ir Cooper. secreta al 1upJ:rl t person. Must have 2 yrs ble.CallCaro ,SS7·0642 ~~~:.~·~/:::~· ~·ling re:~r~d.s'd~ Oriental vase S15 , $.1111.~uh only, 1218del. Sun., 9.4pm 4604 *9507 ~nt~Tyervp~!~ wpepma.rt ex pr. Position orrers SRl"IET ... •Y T70Dict. R.E 119.200 taphone experience a 631 S879 Usual!¥ home, 7~·7350 Seuhore Dr., N.B. '55 Pepsi Machine Work· 0 benefits. tof comm & -. -Exp.Consultant Ours must. ANTIQUE CLO CKS : Babyf\lm,Crib,Caraeat ~ .. clr rnsl (3 yrs old ) ~ w/Drinkina Follll· Candidate must be de :!:;fror~aplpt.riu9._1~~n· WorcMtrocnMINJ/ Liz Rtinders Agy, Inc. , Our success 10 the in· Chime $500, Strike or ftChangi.na Table. S2S to S3 50, r rig s 15 , t Ir Coin Box. $300 pend able and have __ .. _ Ca f ultr Troi.Md 4000 Birch Eat '64EOE c dustty allows us to pro· spring IZSO. 631·5979 $125. 55M5n Grandmothers clock~. 080. 97s.<m8. 9-4PM ple\sant telephon SalesPart·Tlme Newport Beach Tour Newport/833·8190/Free "'""'° videhighly competitive Afpl-.cn 'IOIO Dinaetw/4chalrs.Sl.SO., recllner12S, Gd child'• Custom 300 Gallon Salt voice. The hours will ts EHJOY VISIT Co m Pan Y needs a 10251 Yorktown Ave. salaries and benefits In-•••• .. ••••••••••••••••• dbl bed $100 .. reclor 12S.. clothes 1or.~. r rockpot Water Aqua r I um . from8am·4pm, s days W/WASHtNGTOH special person with ex SICllTAIY Huntington Beac h, eluding Medical, Dental, HARBOR AREA bunk bed ses .. sofa bed S7,Gu BBQJ60,S49·7608 Complete wt cabinet, week , Mon-Fri. For Im Unroln & Hamilton & cellent typing/word· Mortgage company in CA92640 paidvacationandmore. APPUANCESERVICE $100.549·2520 Abandoned household. Filter System. UV mediate consideration, other people you will see processing skills. Sma 11 Newport Be a ch h 8 5 (714 l 964-3339 We buy uae<hppllanc;~t,. Lady Englander queen 1V, Ski&, Radios, King Sterlllier. Dec~ratioo1 & ple.ase call or apply I oo the money you can ~fire I asct pared in operung for a Secret,,ary Apply' Mon· Fri IOto 12 or -W.esel~. t'dar. brus bed , xlnt rond. size bedroom set, 2 cof· Flab. Must~-973--0838, person to: make aa a Los Angeles ti:i~Tr~vef "~~rvi::~:; with good organiuiion equal oppty ~ f{1r:~1~~onnel awllances. ~9·3077 med· Ii rm ma l. SS45 lee tables, books, law i-M-.-.. ______ _ Times cirtulallon dept. ft 1 s 1 skillJ, eye for accurar( employerm/f/b llUY ,..PPLl ...... CES 64.S-7578 books, computer. pr_o· Metal. pictu.re frame ....._ Mno field rep. Many people a er year· a a ry & attention to detal . "" """ g amln tori h tA:-n It d ff t I 1714tt7S.160t on the p/t circulatton based on qualifications. N k Les 957-8133 r g, a es m JS· mo-t ereo co. PONDJSA H•ES calas pro~am earn Cal1Jean7S9-01SS. ono·smo er, salary ....... DJ ( KA.ICHS tory , paiotlng1. 992 onofvelvetllners.25to • "' 11.1 0 Call : Katie. SECRETARIES ~ """ng, rost free, clean. Ii 0 Camati s t l&th Su ~/ftf73.so.3 rmre than 00 a week SECllTA.IY 640-i3SO ~ works good. USO. Magni 1cent ining Set! oo. • · n · for working just a few For Costa Mesa CPA ~ Bank 548 8513 54&-448.S Will Seat 18. Must ~e to 17th. !M. 640-6140 Sem Zipag sew mclul Dl2 Busioeu Center Dr. Irvine, CA. 9271$ Sulte200 hours each day signing Finn. Need person with SI002·Sl20 :i f' · ' Appreciate! $8500 OBO. Swap Meet at 0.C. Fair· dropleaf table 2 chalra: UJ> new Times Subsrrip· general ornce skills, Secretary ~ 0 Dryer. gu, clean. woru Carolee, &U-1340 Daya grounds has many new laflettrder1541-72S3 t1on1 In their com. self-starter, good typing NB To-114.400 1 Hunungton Beach Union l\k.10\\'port good. 185. S48·8Sl3 or ~10 Eve aft 6. seller spaces avail Sais Newport Beach Teuia mtll)ities. We pay hourly a~t. (7141641·0125 This new to the area I HJgh School D1stnct has S48-44l5 Fn.dlLon Seat ' Suns. Thouunda .or Club. Family mem· '!~~.e1.ons+ .gle(nye0rouushacvoem 8 -company offers the openings for entry-level ..,A a1n.· E Washer, clean, works Ci-a l900. Beauu·rully r~ormaersu.onS46. ·2522 for in· benhip. MCA, Pb&1'7·S4A ,......, EC '.Y/ RECEP -chancetotravel &learn secretaries Requires ....,.u "'l'pty mplM /f' good. 19$. $48 -8513. " -~-f.Qual Opportuaity neat appear an re & ~alleng1ng opportumty l the1r com put.er & all I typing 45 wpm and 548-441!5 Hand Carved Frame . . SAFE. 2 door upri&bt 4 £mployer M /F knack for t,.lking with with bus)' Laguna Hills they ask ror 1! a go-shorthand 7owpm w/Beige Upbl . Matehing Pn1J11tive Pille rC¥J.od _tbl S*ition combo 6XOO', ll'!!!!!!!!!m•••!!m~!!!!!!!!!f people tallt to us about Law orl1ce Top pay• getter w1lh good typing. SECllT AllES Washer I Dryer Good Set. S1lSO 080. Carolee. wt 3 ch11rs + Captain• sacrif. ~-957-0131 = lhll areat p/ttm bmefiu..830-6660 JO they ran train you to ' Pl 1 R Work temporary Jobs Cond SIOO 641·1340 Daya. 64CH910 rhw. S32:5 Cherry cof· . . .... ------9" .. e op-... _ ease app Y at oom •--831,S'fll ""·es •K snu fee. tbl S.W .. rlothln1. •n· Rdr:i& dhL. dr • ...like new l)Oltunity Call Mon-Fri uiar system. Heavy In IJlorc·all c.,,_.tohome .i:.v Nl r111 "'"' .. ,_ .__.., 1.1. INYESTMIHT 11.57-2.361, ext 1204 • SECRET ... •y temauonal phone calls I VICKI HESTON Refrigerator. Whirlpool. 11que cranberry glass ::-~· ...... , II water ~. Earn while ./ou learn. Sales """ It's a 9.5 day & great &~IATES FF Side by side. Harvest SOFA: Cream, L shape. lamp S20 . piano stool 6 ,....,.118().9508 HINVE"'RSTIMENAT G 1E1 ..,.,._.510.,..,..L Opetni!'g fo.r a benefits. S40-0400 Gold. Like New. SJSO. ml.M~9.,2870 kt~. tbl .. ~/eaj. ma1ny Far Sale, Irvine Coast "' w1 '""""nw """ secre aria I pos1t1on 080 .. ,,. rru.sc anuques, ewe ry, C.C. membenbip, class teach you c reative TB.StHONESA.LES shorthand required, SECIET · &31-1$08 Sf\greensectional.Good childrens items. books. A. I financl n&, 1031 Ex· Proven oil closers only. must type 75+ wpm , AIY/IXEC. quality, like new SlSO. etc. 61S-SS38 Sun only 5$2-9021 cha11&es, Investor de· SJ00,000 yrly potential. hours: 8-5 PM. Salary Personnel I Advertising Ref rig 5200. Freezer 1200. Aft 61 551.3540 10-4125 G St, Balboa velopment & counseling. Up to 2$~ comm. paid negotiable. References Dept. has opening per Wshr/dryer 1125 ea. . Juke Box, szoo. Pin Anti· Exper. counselors re· wkly. Qualified write-in & rerommendations re-expansion Nwpt Brh D/WS100. 646·S848 Sectional Sofas. S2$0. Ld.s d furn, toys, stereo que PinBall Machine. ~eJve 100% comm. This leads. Plush Nwpl Brh quired. Write Classified F\nanl'ial services rlrm. Whlrlpool F /F refng, 22 Swivel Rocker, Sl50. rmrey. T. V. radios lent S2CIO. FooebaU t.able, $40. isanunusualoppty for location. Major incen-Ad 11982, Daily Pilot. N•UNIO Goodtyp1ng,shorthand. cu n. xlnl cond , sarr Orbestoffers 642-9804 bilre.l!iOOWarwickN.B. Freezer, S200. 831·8613, right person. Confiden· live plans: new car. P.O. Box 1560, Costa exper req . Non.smoker Honea 1060. 673-0168 tlal int'erview. Co II Hawaiian vacation, yrly Mesa, 92626·0560 14211 Yorba St., Tustin 10251 Yorktown Ave Call 640·0123 between $32S. 557-4639 aft. 6. %:~~.;~~ LMiiaetc~!~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Aq...;..;;;uanc..=';;.;;;um--85-g-al-, -,-re_s_h Vince, 546-5880 bonuses. Ken Brown, 731·7711 Huntington Beat'h, ~2. Imperial Refrigerator 20 SlOO. Two Rattan Bar ,,, Arab Mare. 8 yrs. water, complete, operat· llSTAUIAMT =S PERSONS Posili~~'ri1b1e for 4500Ca~~-~~gr .. N 8 17~~~~ SERVICE STATION AT ~~·~~:de. good ~!:~~1~e~~t~~1:d~ r~hb~~~~rider. ~~'. ~:·S1~. !:1~~~ E:lperieoced fish cook. Exciting opportunity for Legal Secretary SC SELL idle items with a equaloppty TENDANT P/t1me. Ap K enmo re . Lr g Sl00.631·1.508 Portable co rral. Santa CM dy1 545-2655, eves l parl/tlme, 6 day person who enjoys the Plaza Area Expenence Daily Pilot Class1fled employermlf/h plySbeUSlation 17lh & lceMaker $yrs old Fabuloosoakoffire furn Ana Hei ghts a rea, ...;;;55&-87Zl.:;.;...;"-=------ 1 hosteu/bookkeeper, freedom & unlimited lllred. Call 641-9024 Ad. lrvioe, NB. $2SO. &73-2162'7 60 " ro 11 t 0 p de 5 k atx2.4,'. s· high, will de-Univ. Club Mmbrsbp. i.; M~·1'ri. 333 Bayside earnings outside sales 'pping clerk need;d w/rhair. Lawyer'sj liver.$42.S.SS7·1837 ctr llkina price $500 + Drive. )hmt Bch. c a n p r o v i d e N o e x p e r I e n r ~ SI g n al u re UP r I g h t book r as es . ( i I i n g Beaut F1uhy $ yr old. trans fee. 644-Q48 o ..... _.,_ $$00/WEEK VERY " freezer. SIOO. Ma gic .............. · OlftSSary but an eye for oier stove. eler While, cabinets. antique -bench Thoroughbred. Chestnut Balboa Bay Club Mem· Ptr i>eli btln needed REALISTIC CO M d ... ·'I 1· b'l't t k and uphol chairs etc Stal'· l"''-H R .. _ hi 11100 t ~all ...__~·· .. "11 A.... • an~ION. simple pro· ........ a I I )' 0 wor xlnt cond, 1150 64~Sl6S . . uOD ...... • ace or ...,ra p . + ran .. ...,...,, r .. at 1 fast pacf is re · Wholesale prices or best Show. SllOOO Mr. Good· fee. S.01 gram-nsy saJes No qiared. f\iU or part time IMlt in Waste King dis· lifer. 64().5798 man. Day, 5$8-2621 . 9155-2028 special training or ex-starting at Sol.SO Books hwasher. excellent cond. E 497 $276 I ..... S.S perlence required . On Tape, Inc .. 711.c w Harvest gold. $IOO . Bentwood Rocker. dark. ves, · Billiard Table. Concord L a 1 u 11 a 'Be a c h Woman encouraged to Area Supervilorl, Unit Managers, 17th St. C ~1.963 beaut c on d ! S7 s Purebred Ar ab i a o cu.tom. Delta BiWards. hardwar& lull lime apply. Call for appoint· A-a...tant u .... --l, osta Mesa I Sl&-6104 af\6 Stallion, Arramus son, LA 1 PC Slate.~ .. X CoutRanh•ve ~nt. Mon-Wed before ~ ~-vvwo 548-~ llAlligw.e.rilff I025 broke, grand It rl!ffrved 42Vt" X 82 " Dis· 4t7...o3. 2.Julia,667-077'7 Shippin•/Rer eiving ••••••••••••••••••••••• lmportedReproRegenry 'champ. halter classes. assembled. $6$0. The Good Eanh is the newest multi-unit operating dlVISIOO • A · u 2s p For nto all 960-6271 Sales SALES REP for new at· ol the Ge1141111 Mills Reli.urtnt Gtoup With 5 units Clerk. progreu1ve NOW25</FT rrnoire : ine 1 c """7sz."'"""'Z"'"73~----- *llJDALSHOP• torney computer currently undaf constructJOn, this tull MrilCe restaurant medical devlre mf11 Red,wlonood · 2x6 ~erklng., ~~~~kn~~.e:.O.S~; ltam•oldtioodsl0'5Mtc•••a.s service, full or part· concept has al1eedv PIA into gear a n1t100Wlde el(J>al'ISIOO 3194 "C" Airport Loop 4-ll> g. also redwood ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wtmhd IOI I f\ill & JMirt time . Will time, comm + exp. Send program Which w10 e11c1te any food seN1ce manager Of Dr.,C.M. __ fencing Lowest price NEVER US ED : Queen Old fashioned rlaw·foot •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• t.rain.Pref.exp.lnretail Resume t_o : Brad areasupe!VISOf Student or P/T1me guar Jim or Ken bdrm $$40, bunks 1200, balhtub,goodcond SW .i-m-------• clothing sales. C.M Nelson, Receivable D~ta employed, room & board anytime, 646-9885. I sofa/l~veseat SJOO. glass Days 675·8172. Eves WANTID 55&9333 54s,1821 System,,, Wells Manne Ourexpans1on willtakeustromaba5eol7companyowned +salaryinext'hangefor 1 HP Compressor. paint ! top dtnette $225, Mat· 964·337$ I I/.,_ •-Sales Bldg.. 3190 Pullman Ln units today to 1¥941 OYfJI 100 1n 1ust a Jew sMrt yelf'S afternoon housework & pot hosesef)uns tressa/box springs: Qn l...-•-7 ... IU•H·-... SSS Costa Mesa,Ca.92626. Company owned restaurants are currently open 1n rhlld r are Newport . o ' c•~·2'"S M . run $90, tv.·in S80 Exclusive Fine China. A.JrC:a•~,...IOt" ..-""'1""" Cahlom11, Utah and Phoenix Those io1ning us will enioy an Bch R f M C h 1 . ...., '" MORE Crysta I, FI a I ware. Part or full /time sales. Sal aboYe average compensa11on package plus unprecedented · e 5 rs. 0 we 1 ---! 770.090l Manufacturer Pnces to ·536-132 All natural, 100% nutri· es promott0n oppo11un1tles 544·2507 or 760-2S90 C..ras & TWOTWI you. S300 to S800 Brides I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!~~~ tional sunt~n tablets. Up REAL ESTATE Sales TEA CH ER-I n rant Eqiil,._llf IOlO XI t d N BEDS Register your Patterns WANTED: Two to Four to 1003 comm. John B!fsorlnow.Tryanew llyouhaveah1storyotslab4eemployment1nloodserv1ce Development Program ... •••••••••••••••••••• n con · S60 earh. wilhme&redeveFree 22S /75·1S or HR78·15 MarseUa,759-8076. held, ·Energy, Ex· managemenl and are tree to relocate several ttmes to Ptt1me . Mem ber oi Must sell ! 4x5 speed S44-20'26wknds/evs. Gf c ·---' · · d d · pending company on advanceyourcaree<,thenrvshyourresumealoogw1thyour transd1Sriplinary team.' grafir. flash . film Must sacrifice: Couch & its all Mon-Thur """"Ures 10 g coo · SALES(INTDESlGt:J Lido inter viewing salary history and a bnef letter ot introdUC1ion to Special ed. & Spanish holders, film pack. loveseat. like new . 8AMtol2Noon 642·6929· Also Motortycle Jacket ~ mouvated, rrealtve bri&bt, aggressive peo-R1ehard J Maglio. The Good Earth, PO Box 68, M11t1an<1, important Call Jackie ~ler 23C Enlarger, 2 S48-0428 home, 549·4834. JeW9lry 1070 siu~il 646-4629 indiv-, for outside sales. pie. For personal in· Florida 32751 Don't delay We w1H be intflf'liewing in your popp, 546-$760 lens. Yash1ra mat 124 & ext. »T ....................... --~~;;.;:...;=--M1m t opp terview, call 673·2902. area"""" soon case Cop t d · 1 W-'"'-Ri "'-I h ~...a 498-1461 ·-• TEA.CHB·DAYCA.IE dark roo~ eq' ~op . -.'!1r!:~ Sma II English Oa It ••uu.mg ng ...... t wt -Jlaill Pilat .. · · .. · · .. · · .. ·· · · .... , ~ Advertm Sates • E1per. newapap;;-c!h~ay salesperson to : handle key accounts for Orange Coast Daily Pilot Salery, commission and excellent benefits. Growth opportunities for peraon with career ambitions. Send complete rl'sumt 10 t.fuji Fendel, PO :;ox UW, ~osta Mesa C:A.'92826. No phonl calls. please An Equal Oppor tunity Employer ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT 330.W. BAY ST. •COSTA MHA CA. 92t2t AH EOUAl OPP011tUH1tv EMPi.ovu .:a..._·--················ ................ .-.!~ paily Pilal ············ :······ .. , : Sa1- 'nl1a hllhlY ~ful local nhlpaper baa u openioc for a trainee in the circulation· department. Buie 1kl111 will entail 1upen1Uan al JO to 14 year old boy and 1lrl : home dlllwry carrien. Are .. of aupervlllon 1 : will be delivery <'Ollectlom and 11le1. • Selected appllcent 'Will receive llbtral .. : ~ l&Wy, ruutart1 ldaeduled ralltt, : "9•-9'"rtunlflea and maay frlnre : .....,.. Mil 11 eolli.PMI paid dllltal aid • ~wr-' lift lmuruce, vuaUo" • Com ny vtblcft 11' lurnl•htd during ....... ~-fl&I mull bt °"' 18, lll•• •. Joocl ,..... 1ftd be ont 1ppearlll1. lfours 11 All to 9PM\ llcmday Utni . lkalO¥trtlllt ll 1vaJ11blt. I "9 '"m•Utl4 P4 latert1ted In, : .. ..._ coatact tilt : . ... ,.&r •. C..C. .... Wore : . ...., r•dall7· • AMtcr Dim ..... orhtOoddud. E ,.,.. Expenen~e preferred Pr· .... '"ex ., .... 9008.... Dresser. S12S. Large Diamonds. appraised lwluwww.ts IOll An qual .,,,pottllfllly AN11m111W1 Achon Employer MIF/HI\! 00-04ll -w• . .,.... Oak Dr es 5 er. 1190. SID>. Take $450. 493.3115. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ( l 14NTID ( {,--""'!!<CS ____ ) ) 'tf ewsp<iper Carriers for foutes in Huntington Beach, Fountain ;Valley & Newport Beach • • Tel. Adv. Sales Toy sports programs localed adJ.,John Wayne Airport. Growing firm ~ 4 reliable people Interested in making money Good future. steady employment SS7 7660. THERAPIST -Infant Development. Program. P /tlme. Member of Lransdiariplinary team. NDT & feeding bkgrnd. necessar1. Spanish l:lelp1ul. Call : Jackie Popp, ~S'/60. TUYaAtiENCY MA.NA.~U Well established Sabre office: All phases of travel. South Ora nae Co mn~ weekdays. •11ters/Waitresses, over 18/yrs. Apply in person: El Matador , 17U Newport Blvd., C.M. Wtfftr/Weitrtll Graveyafd shifts. Apply at: Charlie's Chill, Q)rporate dfire. 767 W. lSlhSt. Costa Mesa, Wed . thru Fri bttWttA lOlm · tern. 548-2:214. WMTllSSIS Exper. 3/("· min. 'f/Un aval. Apply In pertelll, Joll1 ft<>1er, 400 So. Cout Hwy, Lap11 Buch. ' w .......... Need Hilltd operator with allC. command of . tramllar forma ttlaJ. 1 WU1 tn1ll oo Burroqlaa Minolta X E7 w /wide Large Copper Lamp . Ge!uine BruiUan Aqua Vibraphone. 3 Spds. 3 Oc- angle lens. auto ex· S.W.64.>7313 Marines only szo per laves. Good Coad. SSOO poaure, perf. cond. PP. MOVING: Must sell, gold stone! 840-8688 080. W-98'13 . ~l. velvet rooch 6 loveaeat, Cllrittma ~ & Gibson 1co11st1c J ·45 WANTED: Used photo· game table 6 chairs Sertkn I07' fultar '7$, (d cond. KSC graplur lighting eqw p· mapje dresser" desk i, ••••••••••••••••••••••• PIO. S?S.8021 me n t . 1 tr ob e s . 4-poater dble bed frame. * •FVIS• * ELECTRIC GUITAR, 2 photoflood reflectol'il, Xlntcond. 642..ao7 I Sa 11 000 pict11111 li ke new S140 rtfleclar umbrellaa etc X ve · or more on LH 1405• e &7S.4Sl2 Call 7st.ooeo eveniys . 30 60 oak desk w /dbl Fine f\lrs shown an your _.,.... __ .... _v ____ _ ----------· -1 lateral oak file; 2 twin own home by Darrell OMc.-• & Cats I035 box springs w/frames; Saunders IMl-4017. Call NL Gt ....................... 16X42 colonial desk; SPM for App't Will ... ,..,. 1015 Persian KJtteo. Beaut. Danish wa.11 unit, ConsiderTrades. · '"•••••••••••••••••••• Chlnrhilla w /are en $38.7104. Comp11ter : lmul 9090. eyea. Fem, papers S17S, Din tbl, 2 leaves & s ••••-IOIO Di&ltal system• disc ~ chairs 165. 540-2720 aft s ••••••••••••••••••••••• drives, Hazellieoe UOO 2 Ped. Neut. Burmeae ~ . Sacrifice! 2 Belmont CRT, decwriter LAH Cats. 1 male, l fem. nd ll'lnn SI•• Box Spn'ng •· Hydrolic Stylin• Chairs. dpriAler. Not I toy, a fully dd ho Su 631 """" "'""6 ""' .. u d • ocumeoted complete • me. san . ......., Mattress, S60 Ea . se 6 Month•, SlOO 1y1tem w/softwur . Persians, 6 Month. M, Frame. $25. Fantastic Each. Drop .Leaf •000 $175. 2 Adult F. ~Ea . Cond. 642·1306 Wkdys, KI t Ch e n Tab I e ..,, .5S7·M7Z. 54&-9116S ~rSPM Wlbutrher Block Top. 2 yellow Chain, 4 months Dop I040 aa.itled Ada old1 po. 968-0713 ••••••••••••••••••••••• KE&'UIOND Pups. AKC .. ,,....,~,..__,,....,~...__,,._...~,..__,,._...'llllllij,.._.,,._....__..,.._.,,..,_.. Champ sire. M /F. Pet Ir sho w . P vt ply 2131•'1-134511\ 6 pm. SHIH TZU pups, AKC, SZlhnd up. Caah only ..... COMMELL CHEVROLET •,"'" ol I • •' ,...... " ,, . 541>-I 200 For Your Ca r! J0MMsoM I SOM u.c• M'Tt!7. 21826 Harbor Blv . Colu Maa 540-5630 Premium prices paid f« l.QY 111ed car (lamp or domestic> In good coodiUon. . s.uanl"ltt p E c '82 RABBIT CONVERTIBLE list PrlCf Our Discount Loaoeo with s speeo. AM/FM stereo. metallic paint. SPOfC wheel White SIOe wall tires & more• '11165 870 I A L SALE PRICE s10,295 Ust Price our Discount '11,590 1,595 SALE PRICE s10.195 '81 RABBIT CONVERTIBLE 59995 On ll Auto .. w. s. w. ttres. SPOrtS seats & wnetl. stereo cassette, vm tow mttes. wtllte too .... '82 VW $CIROCCO s sOfeJ. n1etalllc paint. rear wlllOOw wasner & wiper, a110~ AM/FM sttreo CUStttf pin strloes & more• SALE PRICE s10,695 '81 DASHER WACON DIESEL fQu1ppeo wttn air, sun roof wnltt side wall tires. leatherette sutt stereo oreo & m(J(t• '10870 1'75 '81 2 DR. RABBIT s5495 4 soeed. air, AM/FM stereo. teatherette seats P. E c I '82 QUANTUM WACON Fully eQutpped wtUI Air, 5 speed, leatherette seats. raora1 tires & morel USt Prlet our Discount '1JOIS 1:510 SALE PRICE s10,&95 '81 VW JETTA loaoeo wttn s sPHO. ~ StfffO Or'fO list Price . 59055 our Discount 1oeo s A L E SALE PRICE s7995 s '81 VW $CIROCCO S loaded wtffl alloy wneelS, rear wtnaow Wasllef & wtoer. s SC>H<I. stereo cauent, SO«U seats & mor.1 Ust Pr1Ct 'M10 our Discount 1075 SALE PRICE s9395 '81 2 DR. LS RABBIT DIESEL 57495 Air, stereo cassette, IOw mites. leatherette seats & ~! '81 VW P/U. Loaoeo with HID ~g., stereo. prep, tlnteo gtass. 4 speed, radial tns, custom vakle ~g. & morel Ust~ OUr Discount '7210 1075 '80 DASHER DIESEL WACON 57495 .. .. Air cones.. sunroof. am-fmstere0. OflnQI Coat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Janwwy 10, 1812 -.;H11W ..,,,... ! .., • .w ..._., • .w ~be.,.... ... ....__ u-....i .......... u...a ~u..-. .pt .... _ ................ -............. ...................... ...................... ...... -. -... -• -'' ....................................................... , ................................. .. ~--............ ~ .......... ~ .... !?.. . ................. !?~ ~!!!'!~ .. ~ .... !?!.~ !e .. -........ !?!.~ ·c:a.nilllt ,;z, _.. "• al ••• '''' .. ,. ••••• ,,eo .. , ............. 'MPOllCMltlt 'llNICtlOCCO l lYOl.YO .. IM --................ ,~~r=····~ .. ~ ..................... .. l ·tud .• rlun, •Maa•a Jet bleek b111t1 la ~ platlH• J INOIAHOICOUNTYI •CHPIOUT ec....1•.0rt1,:r.T 'Tt C14tla11 Supreme ~!!II:~!!!!.,....~ l _ .. ,.. fabllo.1 coadltloa • ....., -.e w/fatt0t1 _ MIW ltll anlTer.111 v ... Auto. 8touall1m, 2 dr, dot• '721 ~~--. .. , (--) ilr • turoof. u ,oot W&•YICI MOMllCAILO P .4M-aM tlru. alnt. con . 1 ''jillll!lo--•••••••••••••• a.,.t. llaUH ol llD· llftl •II u . LI kt a e w. --~ WSI... ~.o¥111 'Tl Ford rl•tl, dtao, own t r , $ 4 • 4 0 0 . 'JIMOMIA porttDh'fttltUtaadlO ... MAIMO l--) OVlllUAJl)llJV!RY AJM.lrw.,wcood. + lllOd coed. New tlm t ...:.m;..::;4=1:...:'1:.:;*::.:.----.i ACCOIO 'mot. 1e1tlble 11mt1. ¥GLDW.-.e SNtl QPUTS mur otlllr utraa t tiirb. lCIO. •uu. '71 Clll.lul, v.a, air, 11uf, -.a al t t 0 I I I I l o r 1lfU ltd llwd. ... MAllNO -~I <•>· 'f1 r11rtut, Sood cood, all power, pm/hD, 5'300, -· r ureo 1\4/llDCIDU II IU u••• OMLT S76tl 5U-031'7 ~dtuS~llJPR> cr'fu-.-19=UM YOLllWAW .,...... ,,.., DIUlt MU, f7'0 or1-=~"-----1 ny ,_ -'7UOISC•tlit 1171lltadlllvd. VOLVO HOWMDa... ...... beltolter.M1·2500 tt57 a.eMAllMO '71M•llJJI Dynutltt 1.0 Utrt. I J... lMHarborBlvd. Nj;'~l'f~r.tCH •a P1koo. lood CMd l ........... , ......... .. '°'8WA... -..... •Pffd •YWSCllOCCO 008TAIU!SA -Mut Me l Make otfer FOISA&.I *111tach81vd 1Aob6clrf••llkuew. Shup: :~-::· .~:l:i ~ brull broase 646-tJH 4o.t467 IJMI '-..!!:!15.1 ' 11' Pinto hatc hback , MO (1199) (OlnJJQ> lllOlt ~·Low mllet, ,4 Valvo. Xlot Cond. •US IFllST! arordSt1UonW1n. clean,4•Pff<l,newtlres1 !.. ..... --...z.;i.~ ,._l!!!OI0=---1 Sl6'1 W4tl al(~.;J,_r..•>peed, 1uaroof. llult S.Criflce. Wt bavea lood eelectlon Xlnl runnlna cond. I uu • ee rack , g ooa n -.. MAIMO ... MAllMO _ of NE w 6 us E o . 073..019 trwport1tion car. 11200 .. *·~·air am/fm, YOLllWAelM YOLUWA•IM S7'H Mf.Ulllloninaa. GAMESHOWWl.NNER ODO. su.moJ•ff c · 8'15·1545 trm •acb Blvd. 1171 Be ch Bl d * MAllMO ...._ Mtw flOO Brand new '82 Elcort, " · -'1rtd4.clr Clvlc.12K ml, I ~ .... •JMOv · YOl.ISWA•B4 ............. •••••••••• met.We aray 3·door 4. 631·7797 Mana •dialtalAM/FM cu1 -· ll7U8tachBlvd. o.l.MAAM 1pd, never drlv~n . V8Pinto Hatchback. Was ~ S7000~4f.7SZ1 lf7U•C•IS ,. ~ tll SC. llee 142-Jfff CJIRYSLER/PLYllOUTt 100. flrm.846~ in wreck. Body and •ACCORD DO llll'f, window, aUJeathtr Jt'a a abort rreeway ride .._......... frame damaee. All elte ~ 4clr,IO,ll5ml, .... ~5 4 ·door , iedan . PT'• lmmacal1te. •• VW left• risbt -.. tt4S OK -V8,(47,000origml), •• b 'l90Mf.mz ~ -,_.,, door HI\ to Or1oce county's _ ... _._Ca 1 Snrf C •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• tr •. di t t . 54f.21.10/131·0AI rowa/t10 Becker -· ·~.a• . -olde1t Chrysler / '1"'~~ ro. • r. '17 Mark V. Burrundy, new anJ"' ra a or , 11 Civic. Air, AM /FM AM/Fiii. power br•h•, ''8 tlJ r... eedl. W•tem atyle wbl Plymouth dealer for the \IWOCI" t II u.I d H 000 pump, very good whls' ~ Xlnt on4 21000 power ltettinl, alr COD· lad. Updated wlUI aU rta» for &aper Beetle BEST DEAL ~o your . 5..23'73 c!i1!1,eqr :~~tr, xlnt tires, no broten glass. Call67S·41M dWcmln1 (lic.OIZPZB) the extr11. LOOKS @ea.541-1744 NEW 'llor'82Cbry1ler/ i.1 lmpa11, very clean, cond. 5. 759·1206 Interior rood.• R eda SMO'B.ACI IMW 1v avail. A great deal tor 'tr Accord. Silver, 5 sp, Lur.I NEW 1 Home 79 YW IAlllT PlytDDuUlproducll! new brakes, new tires. '17 Mark V Design mdle rmchank or parts salea .A!C, am/rm ster cass, ll 1·2MO 49Mt49 m.2211 Wort STS-1410 Dynamite custom 2 door 0.1. HA.AH mo. 963-UIS F.L. anrl, ·top cond $6200 Mu.at sell au together. lMP9'·780-IT19 lt75MllCmlS '7Stl4. Blue. Xlot Cood. 4 •t;ed· Xtn clean. CHIYS&.8/ft.YM. '80 Chevette. 2 dr Ev7SJ.3.W7 $700, make ofr. Call ltltttONDA. 4SOSLC ... UD-.&> IDU: 1.1tsL .. S.A. Hltchb;ack. Auto tr11u, u--ttSO 1118-S844 aft 7:30 m. I ·th __.. I th •90f7 · f"H 541..4471 2SK nu. $3500 548-9321 ..__, •73 p t W I t ACCOID SON vory "' ~ ea er .IN MAllMO Days. M2·8780 Wknda ....................... 10 0 g n · 11 11 S.mpeed, AM/FM stereo Ulterior, bu all pou1ble '77 IUS Coupe. Xlnt -77 Monarch Ghia 4dr transportation. new Blaunpunkt. PS, PB, options and Is In Ccnd.$1S,M.PvtPty. VOUSWA.• .. W.-UMd '6TOlevMllibu327Good amallV-8,auto,u~.P/S'. brakes&ridU1tor.SlOOO lritt wheels, 1 owner, abeolute mutt condition, !!4;~,!~!.., b. o me : 18'711 Be1cb Blvd. ••••••••••••••••••••••• transportation SlSO P/B, P/W. stereo. 62K flllJl. Aft. 6, caJI 833·34U. aand er 23 ,000 mi this i11must1eecar!!I _..._ -142-JOOO Cmllet "'5 CallSd-7808 m1 $2,895 . PP '74Pinto.2dr,4spd,good Slic.lAOt.1993> SADDl.BACI IMW aACI llAUTY '71Beetle,64,000 mi, dot ....................... i.1 Malibu sedan, a uto, (114l67J.IJ22 transportation. S850 $7311 131·2040 495-4949 "16 tll 82.7, Blaupuokt abape, '2500 or best of· COMT'IMPl.ATIH'i air, x.lnt cond. Sl.000 ~ Montego. Family car, firm.67J..583$ 0.1. HAAH 'a> MB 3000, 4dr. mett. stereo. lealh Int, auto, rer. __,1 CADIUAC? •1·7480 alt. 8.30 PM. 46,lm 11\l, clean, gd cond 72 '1MTO CJDlYSLER /PLYMOUTf brown, alloys, sunrool, snrf, lo ml , ukin& 71VWSCllOCCO We apedllitt in leases ,....._._ ttJS ~·71421118/wknds Xlnt cond. 4 spd S995 or 2020 E. 1st St .. s A loaded. 19,000 mi. Im· $18,SOO. 780-21810 "'-amlte aport "Oupe ror the busineu ex· -1--.............. ttSJ ..._. olf ciC.1!6146 SZ2 SOO M2 2052 ""111 .. ecutlve & proresslonal. ••••••••••••••••••• •• •• _..., _...,._._er_..wo-_____ , 541·4471 mac., · · · '79 t:M, xlnt cond! 32K, w/only 55,000 miles. 4 '81 Cordoba, Has all the ........ ¥ ............. '76 Pinto Wagon V6, auto. '11 lvOf)',4-dr Accord 5. '70 MBZ 280SL. Xlnl 1beige/ dk brn int. speed, atereo, air. l.wcJtSeltctlOll Xtraa. Priced at i800 78 Muit..an&. T-Top. AC. AM /FM, n e w tlr~s. speed, Blpknt stereo .. 7K cond. $18,800. Pb $11,lm.8:50-004 (678SPG) Oflt.w IHI Below Bluebook. $9650 New Trs, Rblt Trans, silver&.re.d, P /S. $1700. mi, f?,985. 645·0515 714/446·2060, 714·640-7690 74 91 I s Ponce.. S4tt5 C.•1c1 <l' Sett Offer. 54S·~ S4000 080. 842·9'63 RJK 67S· 1S79, 675-0073 ..... 9730 '79 300SD Turbo. Ant. Comp restored, mint JIMMAllMO How .. Stock! AfterS:30 6C'YL68M.XLUSTNTACNOGND.· ~ 9960 Tniks, Vans & 4X4s We're yoor Ram TOC1£11 Tri.Ck c.enter! '10 CHIVROUT PICICUf' t1Tm•1 57297 'IOTOYOTA P'ICICUf' 11Y'lllOll 54997 '7t FO.ID RAHCHEIO ,,_,, '7f DOOCH PICICUP ,,.,JllUI 55497 snn a /C SOK d ......,.. ~ $4000/080 893-S720 ••••••••••••••~•••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Gray, w/Parch. int lthr, cood. SC narea. Air VOLISWA•EM NABE~ ~ •• ~s C6ctor's Co . . m m cass, • con . Pwr windows, 18711 Beach Blvd. ••••••••••••••••••••••• . '79 Volare stauon wgn, lll:ol••I tm XJ& J 'cooc:t mi. $23,900. Also 80 sorf, elect mirrors, 142-JOOO CADILLA lt79DODAE '68 Muatana. needs work, wood·grain sides. xlot aguar. 300TB Stat. Wgn, blk ie.tbtt, alarm. Kr. Hill ., d S800 7'"'9284 ccmd. New llres, brakes, w/aaddle int. Sruf, 3rd ?SZ.l400ext2S34 '72 VW &&per Beetle, xlnt 11..001~ .. 1 .... 1;11v11 CHAUINGEI rum g • · ...,. cood, $3900. 979·9789 DIDO. 642·7614 Paul back seat, am/fm cass. cood, 1 owner, complete C1~1.1 h-\-..1 >W •1100 AM /FM stereo, 2-tone evsj BM-2'79l dys Nice Car for sale Cheap! Save Sl0,000! New in '80. 3lK ml. S23.500. Eves: "19128. mint cond! under reblt mt ('76), new int. pa.int, mag wheels. 5. '611 Classic, ~lnt. cond, '78 f\ary Sport Coupe. Series m. 18K mi Wht 7«Mi2BS. 5GOO v.:· PP Call 1255?• Contact Dave Late '78Seville Elegante,-speed. PB, UNDER V..S. 302. A/C, P/B, P/S, radio, heater. auto wired int. SLS,000 Mr '72 22.0, mint cond, orig. eves. llM-0236. ! low mi, all options. 14,lml1ll (lic.1CME486 > call: Jelf,&44·2341 ~~· p~r strndg. pw1r1 Goodman Da) • 558·2628 owner, full service re· ~914 Porsche, air, rims, 71 VW IAlllT me~c broDle, perfect $5595 '66 Mustana V-8 auto, .,...,.es, air con • sma Eves,49'7·5276 rords, dk creeo. t.an int, reblt 2.0 xlnt. S6SOO obo Dynamite custom 2 cood.itioo. Sl0,000. Call: 0.1. HAAH stock , 2 nd m a tu r e VB gd mileage. looks Lmdo 9736 new radials, S.5600. Dys M>98S4 door. 4 speed, stereo wee.k.daya, 759·9109, or YSLER/PLYMOUTH owner Great rond ! good. runs good Sl999 or •••••••••••••••••••••••! 9156-21648· eve 7SIMl644 '72 914 Poncbe psru or cassette . Xtra sharp! weeteod.s, 340-2263 2020 E. ut St .. s A S3750. 846-LS42 ~ 752 0687 days '78 Lancia Beta 1800. 'S2 MBZ 190, good eng. whole. New '74 2.0 reblt. (5'10UJ0) '79 Eldorado. F iremist 541..4471 '6S Mustana. pnced to Stu 1 eves. ask for Brown w i lea th 1nlr. stueo, Klcbelin tiru. Webers. many extras. $3195 SYr w/IC)' lthr lD1. im· •a Dart 2DR. 6CV Auto .sell. Call wknds only 65,000 mi. Air 645 0670 needs aome body work, Tud 6(2,.401.2 JIMMAllHO mac. Altro roof, stereo Air, Runs Great' S89S. 644-ml ,-.,._ 9965 $!3:50. Sl950.Sat/Su.n 644-9573. DC '80. 13K mi, loaded. VOUSWAGEM ~/CB, sec. system, 4 ~7578 Olda•blt "55 G~~·~;;~;·~s;·[.~·~~·n•5• Mllde 9731. Mil JIO SI l.5 Beat oiler. Dys 732-7771. lm1 Beach Blvd. nu Ura-11900.494-0202 tt40 ••••••••••••••••••••••• sedan. runs super. good ....... ••••••••••••••••I ,...., llodel. Superb ·x· ev sztall 14• ·2000 '78 Seville must sell very "T1 OL.a) OMEGA 6 cyl 1 ....... , -..u. 968 9207 ......, " , SC h . .,. ' ..... •••••••••••••• •••• . . :• uuoung, ~· . '81 RX7 GS I ample o( this rare car. 78 911 . Leal int r . "Tl VWSq b k Good cheap, $31195, &ood cond. '7S FORD LTD WAGON automatic trans., air 642-0al8 Ster, A/C, suorf, c/c, Coad MU:: te~1 i $950 -.6.'W8 . v.a. automatic trans : cond., AM /FM stereo. n..dttt.Wd In lllMACULATE con· showroom. cood. 121,500. OBO. u" _,. Cad. ,79 Diesel SevUJe, air c:Ood., power ~teer· Gold exterior, tan in-~··••••••••••••••.•••••• diUon with a s speed '80 MB '80 SL. Cham· ..... 7• .. 1 _...,... " t · ( 1B1 °1 l 3) .,... T Bird _.., mt "Int .....,. "" must sell. Mint cood. ing & brakes. Great erior I "' · ·""" • " tr1n1., air conditioning, pagne. Leather. Cass. '79 Porcshe. 930 Turbo. 77 VW IAlllT Low mileaae. Mon-Fri farnlly car. (107MVE> (0071Al 12795. Theodore C<'llditionSl,SOO. ~=~ :~J'lt s1~'c;, Alloys. SS8·S1Z7 Blkon Blk. Lo Mi. Mint. Dynamite 2 door with 8:00to5851·9388 Sl98&. Theodore Robins Robins Ford 2060 <714>8Jl-0409 miles! Must sell; ONLY "8 Im. 213-341-4651 IUDnlOI • • apeed. Low 1986 Cad coov. 54,000 mi Ford. 2060 Harbor Blvd., Harbor Blvdb, Costa '63 TB. Orig 57M. auto SU.Im/offer. Pleaserall milel,aharp! (tlSRXE) Sl~ Qista Mesa. 642·0010 or Mesa . 642· 010 or $2950; '68 TB 76M, auto. -•-9756 Slffl 5"11·7682 S.0..82ll ~!L -Sl350.li46-0389 I ~~!'J~~!!~!f!~ evQIU,ga. .. MM MAllMO 1...; 559-1373 VOl.ISWA•B4 C:-0 9t17 Aaltot.N,w HOO Alltoa,Htw ', 187U Beach Blvd. 142-JOOO "10 VW Pop Top Camper. Good tlllioe, DU clutch, 11e.-:.1D-CNlll $1908050-*5 -l(,l()o ,,..,..,._ • '79Ba'li.Detta. Y·8. T-Top. Air, Tape, a>K mi. Best Offer. 67S. 4562 CLOSID SUHOAYS !>. ..,., vw Duber Woody sta. Wan. anrf, roof wecyl. auto, good condl· Bek, air, am/fm, new tim, 11.295. ••••••••••••••••••••••• M.9 f 76J \ir9 6 batt., like Df'W. 6C2·81M ATTltfTIOM ... •••••••••••••••••••• SMM. 1-44·0141 ; Wk: u.a. 11 GL wagon, u4, ell ITTOt'lf.57341. 11k for Qww1 .. -opts. lo mi, beaut! llaat Bea. ·-•••••••••••••••••••• ro:=JVER aell! $74100/olr49'J.1JOO '7S BUG IOod coodltJoo. '7S Impala Wa.o. cln. Ftu MG'a, '71-'ll T.,. t7' =s°~~~ it, :jfi' ~it!i'i,~~l~, :r:: Never used, $75 ...... ••••••••••••••••• 6'73-1'113 MariaS31·77t'7 lvemse '79 TOYOTA CORO A. '71&1,re-bullttrecel~u. --------I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Automatic tra . per{ paint, body Ir int. 'ts Biscayne, sta wgn, W.1 4f t73t Clean 79 MG Midget, 1 economical 4 cy . $2350.•1..-z 42H cyl, runs good! ........ ,•••••••••••1 •• ownr,S4100.Call engioe,silver exteriorlr '78 Sclrocco, lmmac. tl>O/OB0.642-7702 OR.ANG~ 962-8229 SHARP.! (375308). ccnd, must see. ~300 Alttos,Uaed COUNTY S Priced ngbt at 1399s. rum. Call631·3527. ••••••••••••••••••••••• EXCLUSIVE MGI t744 Theodore Robins Ford, ••••••••••••••••••••••• m>Harbor Blvd., Costa VolYo t77Z •••••••If! MASERATI '79MGI Mes a . 6•2-0010 or ••••••••••••••••••••••• CAIJIUJC DEALERSHIP! Dynamite ·e· rdstr. S4().B2ll '75 VOLVO ft'e'U deliver anywhere w /only 21,000 miles. "le Celica, 5 speed, air, 245DL WA.e<>H c EARANC mtheworld!Seeusa\ stereo.wl re wheels.Top amtrm. tape. 1 owner. Automatic, air, 72K. L E 9EACH IMPORTS condition. C477613> $312.S.M.S-5916 Xtraclean. c158TJD> 848DoveStreet,N.B $4tt5 ,....._.. 9761 SlttS SALE! 752-0900 JIMMAllHO ·-.-JIMMAllMO · ._Harbor Blvd .. c ... VOLISW"" '-lb.I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... '" ,..,"" •'76 TR7. 12K ml. On '77 VOUSWA&EM 6l I ·7170 187~4~zc:0~vd. Eng. New Clutch, brta, 18711 Beadr Blvd. ·~•a '740 :g~~~Xtras. 142-JOOO t}••••••••••••••••••••• t741 -1979 Volvo 284 CLE. lMl Mercedes Turbo ••••••••••••••••••••••• '73.StaCag ~onvt . New Blackwithgrey illlerior. l>i-1 Wgn, 6 mo new, '78 S04 _Diesel. auto, paint. pn eng. 22mpg, Loaded w / 1 II ac · ~ trade or finance stereo. Ill', etc, new en&. .,. «.ate. cmories. S750. 545-9579 u ,ooo 768·3186 . a>,lm ml. clean. SS400. V•••J• 9770 _Aft_s _____ _ -. . ~9049 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '61 Volvo Round l:lac.k Glt70300SEL. 72 000 -._........_ 9750 '72SQUAREBACK Cl111ic. All primed ... It u 1 • d ,.._ Xlnt cood 4 pd bit Great body. Nol run· .. ea. -~at con ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' 1 • re nine ssoo F l rm 720-oa> '77 Porsche 924 lo en1. fm stereo caaa, 497"'473 Mercedes Benz 380SL, mileage, AC, A~to. Sll00.•11.36 ---·-----tic» ml. Silver with blue AM /FM . Red /black VW Kit Cat. Have to See! '72 V~vo lM, A/C, sun· tat. chrome w h Is , xJnt cond. $7800. RJK '700. 342 Hanover Dr. roof, All/Fii tape, auto. 500. 67W617 PP 67S.1519167S-0073 CM. ~S _,, Dap •4283. ~~ m~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ...................... . ....................••.••.....•.............. ······················~ ~ HOME OF THE IFFORDABLE LEASE PLAN!!. lt76 CADILLAC BJ>OIADO COHVllTllU (357PPM) 58995 lt7t CADIUAC COUPIDIVUI (885WOV) s1795 lt71 CADILLAC . RllTWOOO •ou.tt.AM (823Ul.A) S8995 lttO CADILLAC COWIDmW (TTTVJ) sn,995 ltlO CADILLAC COUPI DIVIW . (353129) Sl0,995 J8IMYI WA•ON I cyt-. tlr, P.S., P.8., power windows, AMIFM -.o. tinted glaa, tilt wheel, LOW MILEAGE. Stk. No. 5183 (lie. 180Qle.1) s 699 lf76UNCOLN MAUn VI, auto!Ntlc, tlr, full power, A~FM l\«90. MUST 8££1 Stk. No. 5.233. (lie. 433PAN) '3999 I f7t a.BCUIY 07 V8, 1lr, power steering, power windows. NNFM at•eo. wire wheels, tinted gtaaa. Stk. No. 4728. (lie. 5&4XUB) s4599 ltlOt.BCUIY CAPll e cyl., eutomatlc. llr. power ateertng, power ~. tinted gleas. Stk. No 52". Ole. 195ZER) s4999 lf7tY.W. IAllfT 4 cyl., 1utomtdc:. PoW« s1Mring. MUil•. S1k. No. 5212. (lie. SOVZU) '3999 1m1U1C1 •AL V8. automatic, flciory elr, AM/FM 1ttrt0. S!k. No. 5142. (fie. 247408) '2899 ltlOIUICI ..... VS, autometlc, fllc1ory air, f.ncll, power windows. tlnr.d ~ ltndlu top. S1lc.. No. 5231. (lie. 051ZLC) '9399 jF IT: WERBi'r F~Mf,VOO "'aJDGE <l<l<l WHO JS IT? &E RIGHT WITH YOU I ,. •I WINTER! MINE, TOO·-IT'S ON~ OF MY-' -THE: ONLY TIME j ~rcd~FAVORITE " . -you-~eT ~~ASONS! FR~E 1 . ; SNOW. I I LIKE WINTER BeCAUSS' l..OTS OF SNOW ,ASSURl:S A Hl~H W,ATER 7ABLE· NEEXT SUMMER. · -·-- - -Wfi LIKi= _IT BSC,AU$E ~ · . W~ DOl'f1T • " ... _..,., , · HAVfa"TO :~~~,, DR.AW FE:ET .1 l·/0 ' ' . .. "' . ~..., c-..:.. ........ __ , ~.1. ,, -· ~ I WAl'f A MINOTlii l li'\ >JOT' FINl~ED! . ' l .. . . . . . • .. . , . . TAI" .,.... A __, .. ""' Ii "-....... Mew. COMect HMI ,,_ 1 .. 2 " ~ etc:. to complete .sew . . . nJohnston NOMaee .. I PIAIC?r!!!r:W_G 'TIJ. 'AFTER AIAPT!MEr • .. ... • . . • • . . ' . ·. . . . . . . .. ~: .. ... . . ..,,:. Gus Arriola . . . Baily Pilat FOR BAY BUCHANAN, Treasurer of the Unit.d States . W-.0 ............. ....,.. of ....., prtntM .-ch ,..r? lln't 08I' c:omtly In .... of ..... .., 1 r1 theeooeomy wtlh our..,__. iKI"••• la the P'Wilii of cm-wy? -M.L, De hre, Wis. e While the Treasury Department llt· eraJly prints currency, the amount of the total money supply aeated, tndudlng Money ooming QUt of our eon? deposits and C\ll'mlCY. Is determined by the Federal Reserve. Congra1 has as- signed raponslbllJty to the Federal Re· serve to regulate the quantity of money In the economy. In the past we have fl •• nanced our deficit spending by Increasing the supply of money, but the result has been too much money chasing too few goods, the basic formula for Infla- tion. The President Is calling for sJow, steady growth.in the money supply. FOR MIKE WAUACE, co-editor of TV's 60 Mlnuta Who are the two moet lmprClll.,,,. peoipM ,aa've Inter· vlnled? How hM ~ role changed elnce the ~ when you began? -M.F., c.amdm, N . .J. • Our most Impressive tntmnews were with Frank Lloyd 'Might and Anwar Sadat. Each was candid and happy to take any question. My role was the same In the SO's, when I began, as now. It's always been up to . the int~ to be In search of light, not heat. FOR GERI JEWEU.., entertainer on United Cerebral Palsy Tei.thon. Jan. 16-17 How did.,.. .-cted wtth ~ pillv .. yo. car._? -H.L., Bangor. Maine • Comedy has improved my self-conftdenc:e, but If I hadn't accepted my dlsabillly, I wouldn't be a comk. The dlslbled have been tnvlstie tn the arts or por- trayed as pitiful sufferers until now. By performing, we 'prow dulf a dlMbtllty doesn't have to be.• handicap. FOR l£WIS GOObKIN, realtor/MCWtty analyst la ti bctt• to buv • hOUM durlnt boom din• or daring• recml1>n? -K.H., SwaJl. Ga. . • Now js really an exceptional time to buy becaUM th~ real estate1ndustry and builders are anxious to dis- pose of housing units. If you can get a ~ loan with affordable rates for the next two to 8ve years, thcra's no MTwe in waiting. There's no quesdon In my mind that housing prices wiJJ·contlnue to escalate. THSTl ---YOURSELF FROM 'DIE •ASK'" EDrTOR U you're Jldde 0.-.jl and you're browsing for a bunch of 6Qvelly birthday gtfts for a "21-year-old going on 6" (her son, John), what do yoq get? Chicken and parrot caps, a muscle-man mug, a ptggy bank, sip sticl<s to take to football games. That's what they wrapped up for her recently at New York's Serendipity. when she and a distinguished-lool<lng escort -both brandishing Ice cream cones -popped in to do their shopping .... Keith Rk:hardl. 37, lead guitarist for the Rolling Stones. who just finished a 42-city concert tour. wants to know: "Why is everyone making such a big deal about a bunch of middle-aged madmen going on tour?" . .James ClawU, author of Nobel House. does not . relish peT'SOnal appearances. lectures or conventions because there's too much handshaking. usually by mocho guys who delight In pumping away. He com- plains one of them almost disk>Cated his wrist .... .lerany Irons, co-star of The French Lieutenant's \4.bman, Insists success has not changed him . His life 1ty&e has not changed one whit. He still has an over- drawn check1ng account. What's the most dangerous passageway In the· world? Ac.cording to Milo O'Shea, who plays a priat tn Broadway's Mcm Appeal, it's the one leading &om any church e:xlt, after Mass .... Pope -'oho Paul D has a ne.w toy, a C.B. rad.to , said to be one of the most elebolete sets ever made. His code name Is "Vatican John" .... ,....., ~36, whose bedroom actMtJes helped rock the Government In the big sa tcandal of 1963, Is in ed In the position of ~ of Ablrdeen University. announcing her tn~. she said; '1 shouJd appeal to the student Irons • body, don't you thlnkr' . In his new film, Buddy Buddy, .ledt Lemmon plays a wouJd-be suldde vk:tim, threatening to leap out of a hoM1 window. The actor Is supposed to make the jump while suspended by wire. But the method does •not ~ rtght with Lemmon . "l do think that, being over SO, rm a bit old to be trytng the Peter Pan route for the h tme" .... Oddly eno~. there Is no offldal frm S•uta Fan Oub, but there .-e ~ caled Sinelra Music Societies In Belgtum, England, Australia and In tome u .s. dtles. CON The R•. Tom A. Wllams. Emmanuel ~ Qurch, Abbingllon, Va. The courts have said that a local community standard may be used to dctmnlne what Is considered obscene. No one penon shouJd be allowed to dktate what the com- munlly Dndard Is or what should or should not be rad In a pubiic lit.my. The most democratic method of deteu11b1tng the dalvta,.. publk: refer.Mum or by havb)g a · ... _ ............. .-& • .,. ••• ...., ..... .................... ,_ ... ..,, .............. td dlredfy by the people. Such a could <teter- mlne what books should be In the tax-supported hmy . Hew · Reagan can be succeuful, CDJJUO this Pull12er Prfze-tolnnfng historian, only t_ he truly undentands the roota of his conaervatlve mandate• and i. able to balance the demanda of hla uneGIY coalition. 8y Arthur Schlealnger Jr. No lntelectual phenomenon has been more surprising in recent years than the revival In the Unled Slates of conseivatism as a respectable social philosophy. For decades liberalism seemed to have everything Its way. The bright young men were always liberals; the thoughtful professors were generaDy ~-But In the tast year or two, it has all seemed to change. Fashionable k1&ellectual drdes now dlsm1ss Jibenslsm 1115 naive, rttualstic. sentimental, shallow. With a whoop and a roar, a number ol oonservadve prophets have materialized out of the wi1demess. exhuming conservatism. revisiting It. revttalUJng it. preaching it. Today. we are told. the bright young men are conservattws: the thoughtful professors are conservatives; even a few lberals, in their own cycle of despair, are beginning to avow themselves conservatives. The pan19aph above ts true enough, I guess, In this winter of 1981-82. It was just as true when I 6rst wrote It for The Reporta more than a quarter of a century ago In the spring of 1955. It wouJd have been equally true had It been wr1tten In the SU~ of 1925. These were au times when conservatism was In Intellectual vogue. The "New Era" theorists of the 1920's and the .. New Conseivatlves" of the 1950's were enttreJy c:onftdent, jwt as the .. Neo-<:onservadves" are to- day. that 1i>era11sm was finished and conlel'Vaallm t.e-to stay. . The fact that we are having a third wave of lnhi!Jlectual conservatism In 60 years suggests that the earlier con· ller'Vatiws considerably ovcrnlted tho staying power. Do the new conser· vattves of the 1980'1 haw a better chance of making conservatism ltk:k? They have. It must be said, &e. of an electoral mandate. The 50.8 per· cent of the popular vote President Reagan rece1Yed In 1980 agairllt a • • FAtrlll'f wttKlY. Jenuwy 10, 1ta notably unpopular Demoaatic can- didate faDs far behind Harding's 60.4 percent aga1rut Governor James M. Cox of Ohio In 1920. a Eisenhower's 55.l percent against Governor AdJal Stevenson of Illinois in 1952. Still this Is by Itself not too Impor- tant. Mandates develop In response not to promiles but to performance. Franklin Roosevelt came In on an anti-Hoover vote in 1932. He re· oelYed not a mandate but an oppor- tunity. h was what F.D.R. did vJith his opportunly aim 1932 that outed a new liberal coalition in a new lbnl era. In the same way President Reagan came In on an anti-Carter YOte In 1980. That eJedion gave him not a maradate but an opportunity. What President Reagan does wtlh that opportunity wt! determine more than anything else the staying power of the new conservatism. But President Reagan has some ad· vantages over his conservative predeoe9ors. He Is much man kSeologicaly earnest about tus conser- vatism. The affable Harding cared lit- tle about dodrtnc; the pradical- minded Bsenhov.ier mistrusted doc- trinues. Mr. Reagan has, for better or worse. a coherent theory of American society and an evident determination to cany that theory out. Moreover, he Is a popular and ad- mln!d leader.not least foe the c:oobleSI and courage he displayed when a deranged young man Bred a buBet in· to his body. And. In the )argon of the day. he Is a great .. communicator." considerably men eloquent and ef- fective In getdng his rracage aaoss than Hading. Eisenhower and other conservative predeceaors. If conser· vatism does not WOfk under this set of propitious conditions. It ls hard to Im· agtne that It wll1 ever WOfk. 'The new conservatism of the 1980's rests on two propositions. 'The *Fninldin Rooeeodt came In on an antl-Hoooer oote In 1932. He receloed not a mandate but on opportunity •••• In the ..,.e &DOY R,eagma came In on an anti-Cart« DOie. What Reagan doa &Olth that opportunity ""'' determine the 9laylng potllet' o/ the WW ...... L,, . . ftrst Is that gouemment is the root of all ~ufl. As Pradent Reagan said in his Inaugural address. "Govemment is not the solution to out problem; government Is the problem." The se- cond II that ona!. we get gooemment off our bocb, our ~ml wm begin to toW thetnlelva. From these two propolltlons flow the economic pOu- des of the Ragan Administration. and on the sua:ess of these polida depends the futw'e of the new conser- vatism. If the Reagan economic remedies wad<. If by 1984 Inflation. Interest rates and unemployment are all sharPY reduced, If state governments meanwhile are discharging with reasonable effidency the Federal responli>i8des heaped on them by Washington. the new conservatism will be vtndkated. If. however. the economic mess deepens. the new conterVatism wilt be In troub&e. Prediction Is hazardous in a Reid like economk:s. wtlCT'e the specialists dlemMJves are In fteroe oontentk>n. But there Is room for doubt that a pollcy of tnaeued military spending c:ombNd with tax Ndudlon will nec• llmily bwr Wiidon and In .. rllta; and f ~aldtnt Ragan. like some al hit snc*e.,.., ,_,,. to ... I I "'inordertocombat~. he wtl not ..,...., the • lpml of ClOOMfVlltlW goverriment. , • I ... Conser-vatism: Will n last? And there Is surely no room for doubt that the Reagan pobcies fall with bitter and discriminatory force upon those Americans most depen- dent on public services -schools. food stamps. job training, mass tran- sit. famUy assistance. Medicaid. public housing. equal opportunity enforce- ment -that Is, on people who are already living on the thin edge of sub- sistence. Cutting taxes for the rich and social programs for the poor may not be the best way to unite the nation behind a conservative philosophy. In the meantime. President Reagan faces potential splits within the conser- vative coalltion. I am not referring here to the debates Inside the Ad- ministration. heated though they may be. between the monetarists, the supply-siders and the old-fashioned budget-balancers. An administration can absorb a multitude of quarrels ameng its economis1s and still pros- per. as F D.R.'s New Deal demon- strated half a century ago. The more serious split arises rather from the hybrid character of Mr. Reagan's fol- lowing. For Reagan Is the leader of a disparate army. Marching behind him are the neo-conservative theorists - George GUder. Irving Knstol and so on -and their allies ln the bJJ.slness community. But behind him also are the massed battalions of Jeny Falweu·s Moral Majority. Here again the conservative wave of the 1980's resembles the conservative waves of the 1920's and 1950's. The Moral Majority's effort to dictate people's pri- vate ~or had Its counterpart 60 years ago when fundamentalists Im- posed Prohibition on a hapless coun- try and tried to stop the teaching of evolution . Nor should It be forgotten that the next moralistk: outburst came during the next conservative period - in the 1950's, when Norman Vincent Pe.ale and Billy Graham appointed themselves the nation's moral arbiters. But economic conservatism and evangelical moralism have always been uneasy partners. They have dif. ferent fish to fry. The economic con- servatives want only to reduce government regulation and taxes. The social reactionaries want to ban Uberated women. abortion. ~ukery. pot. sexual candor and ~n: to restore authority to the male and prayer to the public school. One group wants to get government off our backs. The other wants to put government in our beds. One group ·rather enjoys the permls&ive society. The other wants to abolish it. Just as big businessmen and their Intellectual apologists In the 1920's re- jected Prohibition and accepted evolution. so sophisticated conser- vatives today regard the indignations of the Moral Majority as distasteful and divisive. The more militant the Moral Majority becomes, the more it threatens to divide the conservative coalition. Only economic success will hold the coalition together. But will conser· vatfve policies work better this time than they have worked in the past? For basic Ideas -trickle--down economics, deregulation. govern- ment economy, ba1anclng the budget. dumping Federal r~siblltties on the states -are precisely the ideas of conservatism In the 1920's and the 1950's. The recurrence of such old reliables in every generation must re- mind u!I of an inherent rhythm ln our public affairs, of the alternation throughout our history between epochs of movement and epochs of repose. " T he two parties which divide the state." Emerson once wrote. "the party of Conser- vatism and that of Innovation. are very old, and have dispu~d the possession of the world ever since it was made." As a people, we Americans go through periods of ac- tion, passion. ideal1sm and reform un- til we get tired and our energies languish. Then we long for a break and I.apse Into periods of withdrawal. drift, hed'onlsm and cynicism -times when we dream that somewhere over the rainbow lies an automatic stabilizer that will take care of our troubles for us. So In the first two decades of this century two demanding Presidents, Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, led the American people on crusades -first to democratize our polltical and economic Institutions and then to make the world safe for democracy. After 20 years of ac· tivism , the people were emot!onaUy exhausted. We longed for "nonnalcy .. and got Warren G. Har- ding. The politics of pwpose gave way to the politics of laissez-faire . After the drifting 1920' s came a new burst of Innovation. of action, passion and reform -Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal. the Se· cond World War. Harry Truman and the Fair Deal -and once again two activist decades wore the nation out. The Eisenhower luD In the 1950's pro- vided a needed interlude of repose amidst the recurrent storms of the 20th century. Yet once more. as time passed, Amerlc.ans felt the need to get their country moving again. The 1960's saw a new rush of tbmmltment - Kennedy and the New Frontier, Johnson and the Great Society. the racial revolution and the war against poverty. Thls time shocking events - the assassination In Dallas, the war In Vietnam -gave activism a sinister tum. Passions bol1ed over. wtth riots In the cities, turmoil on the campuses. J I i F11/we// Kristof "Marching behind Reagan are the n~~tlue theorl.tt like Irving Kristol. But ~Ind him oi.o are the moued battallon11 of Jerry Fahoetrs Moral Majority.,, , two more awful assassinations, drugs and violence. So much trauma in so shon a period -followed soon after by Watergate and the fall of a Presi- dent -produced national exhaustion In less than the usual two decades. By the 1970's the United States became. as It had been In the 1950's and the 1920's, a spent nation. looking once again for that automatic: pilot. The new wave of conservatism will recede, as the others have receded in the past. For two things happen dur- ing conservative epochs. On the one hand. rest recharges our batteries and restores our energies. On the other. the problems neglected In the years of drift become acute, threaten to become unmanageable and demand remedy. If the consetVative formula of getting government off our backs cures our troubles. then indeed this conservative epoch will have a long run . But If our troubles tum .9UI n~ to be amenable to soluti6n by '\n emasculated national government under the thumb of an unregulated business community, then we will enter rathei qu1d<ly into a new politlGal mood , comparable to the moods at the start of the century. in the 1930's and ln the 1960's. The American people will once again af. firm a belief. In the words of Franklin Roosevelt. In '1he ability of man to control what he has created." But that new Uberalism will not go on forever either. It will flourish for a season until the Republlc has had all the dynamism, the innovation and the\ crusading It can take -and then. perhaps at the end of the 20th cen· tury, we will relapse into a new time of e.xluiustion. lull, conservative revival. And someone will again be ~ed to write an article entftled "1ne New Conservatism: WUI It Last?" The conclusion Is obvious: Both conservattves and liberals have their essential roles In the drama of our politics. A functioning society requites both engine and brake. However much each may complain of the other, the Uberal and the consetVative are Indissoluble partners In the great adventure of democracy. Emerson made the point long ago when he wrote: "It may be safely affirmed of these two metaphysical entllgOnlsts. that each Is a good haJf. but an lm- posslb&e whole. Each exposes the abusa of the other, but In a true socle· ty, In a true man. both must ""' comblne." IAJ FAMILY WEEKLY. J~ IO. 1912 a $ J BriglW1t yo1U corn•r as"'" sltow o./I '°"' colJ~ctibhs Three pmry den call. to dilplay a whoW col- lection of your fa•oritc rllUri ..... photos. plaab, ~. etc. Perfect to spark a hard-c.c>- clcconle comer. Cnfted with aullleadc Early d American llllir. JI bu' .,accful tuned lfl(aclle dividcn aad taob1; mellow hoft•Y·lftaple ftn.i11\, iM-i• hi. H•nr. riap. Why Elmet Eatns F's While m1chael makes A's By Norman m. Lobaenz • Not long ago a Californian named Terrill Willlams went to court and had his name legally changed to "God." "A few people think I'm tak· ing the Lord's name In vain." he said, "but I believe J am praising the Lord by taking his name." • A Los Angeles woman re· cently changed her first name from Deborah to Debbie. "I believe that people take on the Image their names imply." she explained ... I didn't li,ke the im- age of 'Deborah.' It sounded stuffy and staid. 'Debbie' has a young. lively sound. and that's how I feel now." What's in a name?" Shakespeare asked. The answer, experts report. is "Plenty!" Psychologists believe that names can help or hinder the development of a confident self· image. make others form Incorrect judgments of your character. and even affect your success in school or at work. For example. psychologist Herbert Harari found that children with un· usual first names are not only teased by classmates but may be discrimi- nated against by teachers. He asked a group of teachers to grade essays that were equal In quallty; the only dtf · f erence was the name of the writer. The result: Essays written by "Michael" and "David'' were rated a full mark higher than those written by "Elmer" and "Hubert." Those written by "Karen" and "Lisa" scored higher than those by "Adelle" and "Bertha." In another study. psychologist S . Gray Garwood asked college st\ldents to vote for a campus beauty queen. He showed them photos of six equal· ly pretty girls. The pictures labeled "Kathy." "Jennifer" and "Christine" got four times as many votes as "Ethel," "Harriet" and "Gertrude." lndeed. most people seem to have a speclflc Image of the personaUty that goes with a name. Jn The Name Game, author Christopher And~ surveyed several studies of popular reactions to first names. He found that men with short names -Cwt. Bart, Kent -were considered decisive and mMCUline. A5 for women, "Sybd" was viewed as smart. .. Amanda" sophisticated, and "Loretta." .. Dawn" and "Beverly" as sexy. •• FAMILY WEEKLY, Jenuiwy 10, 11182 Perhaps because we now recognize the Impact names have, a growing number of Americans are changing their names. The reasons include the need to: • escape a name hard to speU or pronounce. • return ·to ethnic roots. For in· stance. author Irving Wallace's son David has reclaimed the family name of Wallec.hinsky. • get rid of sexually ambiguous names such as Leslie. Sidney. Robin. • avoid negative Implications. During the Watergate scandal. an at· tomey named John Dean took another name to avoid being confused with Nixon's legal counselor. Entertainers. of course. have often given up their original names for more euphonious and easily remembered ones. Lauren Bacall was originally Betty Perske. Michael Landon was Eugene Orowitz and Cary Grant was born An::hibald Leach. But court records show that each year thou· sands of ordinary folks take advan- tage of the legal right to choose new names. Los Angeles Court Commis- sioner Bertrand Mouron approves about 50 name-change petitions a week. "Anyone can change his or her name. either with or without going through the legal process. so long as it Is not done to deceive others or to commit fraud," Mouron says. The legal process Is simple. One files a petition and advertises notice of the name change In a newspaper for four weeks. Total cost: about $125. It's more If you use a lawyer. but legal help. says Mouron. Is not really necessary. According to the American Name Society; the most popular names for boy babies today are simple ones: Michael. Jason. Matthew. Brian , Davld. Those for girls are fancier: Jennifer. Michelle, Kimberly. 1111 Heather and Amy. 1&J z ~ :::> I Q 0 UJ a: f2 Cl) SAVE 20~ on any size Vaselinl Intensive Carl Lotion TO llnMlll: CIW$tOtOUQll·l'll'IO I lllC PO 8o• 1000 Clt~lOll IA ~273.& .,,. •1t"lb"''lt IOU CIMIOll •M lllVi IC OIOw'4ltC 'fOli '°"""' -~~ l"tM ltf"'S Co..OC<'" llO'll•ll'Slt•lllll MCI -~ YOio Qot 10 --At OIOGl.<1 ~Cl\Ut SU-1)111 01 ff Ol'1r'lf0 :l\t0li9, 19t"(lel llf*" Of Olllet ftCft tt'flol dis t~o•s OI ow mt•CNllCl!lf "'*" ,__, .W.rad Irr "' Couoon 11 -~ •M s P'OlllOllH •UlnGUO II' !IMO COUOOft llH no v••ut •~llOlll -1tnous PlllCllMt \JmJ O'Ml COM-Pf' P<llCN'lt ~a.:~ •. ttll. Doesn't it strike you as strange that somebody as down-to.arth as yourseff would think that it you close your eyes to ser.iou1 questions. they will go away? · . Yet there are plenty of people who spend thetr , lives IUdding themselves about the things that really matter. What thinga? Weal, religion for one. For many. religion is like electricity. They know what it Is until you Mk them. And even when they can ·define religion. they don't see it as the most basic relationship of their lives. . If religion up until now has meant little or notf\ing to you. Isn't it time you stopped kiddi~g yoursetf? "It's all mak&-befieve;' you say. But what if it isn't? Write for our free pamphlet: "Religion Means God and Me:· No one will call. --FREE-Mail Coupon Todayf ---------- 1 P#Ms• und FrH hmphMt •ntiu.d · I -R.ilglon MHn• God •nd Me• ,..,.. 11 I Tiw.oH•. li!M..i IO-., .. ~ I ,, ~ ----------------- ' Addr------------- ' City -------State -----ZiP--- 1, , CATMOUC tNFORMATION SE9'V'ICl . i KftlGlllS OF COLU••us • L._"_.o_._.,_._1111. ~-"~~-eon-"_· oes __ 21 _______ ·_· ___ \ Crochet Flatterv , Usilycrochetedfrom4-ply~mCr8't611hei fun dlr«tions. s..&$1.00eo......_,......._..._... ....... ~ F..., ..... ~ .. P.O...... A-174 MWteMtS......., N ..• N.~ 10011 , ........................ "", ... •"4 """ ........... 1~ \ibr-~•I-'~" .W ..._,tu I All About Herpes Simplex ey fBke Oppenheim. mo. cesaran Is ordered. Hope far dw f1l8lre: Ex- cept foe the oommon cold, no human afructton has spawned so many useless cures. Herpes sores have been painted with and>iotics, iodJne. antileptlcs, ether. &q- uid nitrogen and various brightly colored dyes. They've been irradiated by Infrared and ukravk>let light. In an effort to prevent recur- rences. patients have been lmmunizied with a9ents such as smalpox vacdne, polio vacxinc and even a sped8c heq>es vaccine developed lri Germany. When tested 9Ciel ld6caDy. aD have failed to O ver the past decade a new plague has IUiept Kn* the country, tlrildng 111 many as 500,000 new people each year. mak- ing victims m1selabie and puzzling doctors. h is usually, ~ not always, lpUd by sexual Intercourse, and ts probably the molt ex>mmon vencr~ disease in the Unltlld States. &s name ts herpes. Men and women are ef- fected in the Mine way. A victim flnt Mell a vague tin- gling or itchtng on « near the genitals. lntdally nodllng is vislb&e, but wtthJn a day or t\folO the tingling turns into frank pain and one, two, or up to a haV-Oozen blister-like sores appear In the area. They are lhallow ulcers, a quarter to a hal·lnch In dia- meter. A ge:nDI herpes lnfec:Uon. known as herpes simplex type It, is generally not sertous -except during pregnancy, when tt can spread to the newborn dur· Ing birth, causing ct.th or deformity (It may alto In· aease' the dlk of cervical cancer among female suf • ferers). H.,,a. always goes away wtthra two to three weeks. But this Is c:.old com· fort to the sufferer. Ourtng an attack the sores may bum Ilka fire, making sex tmpotli· ble. urination dlfftcuJt and the simplest · mowment a tor· ment. Furthermore, a mtnortty of vlcdms haw recwrent at- tacks that may not ewn be re&uea to MX. Herpes can 6are up after any local rub- ting or injUJy, during a minor IDness, around a woman's menslNa1 period, or even after emotional sb'as. Herpes limplex Is a virus -a tiny organism one thou· I • l"AMl\.Y W&KLY. JMMty tO. 1112 sand times smaDer than a germ. A virus II a cell para-*· Ourtng a herpes attack the virus multiplies Inside Its holt. kilt It, then spreads to nel!jlboring cells and grows inside them, killng them. As sudden),; as the attack began It llqJll, generally wlhtn a day or twO. Healing oocun owr the next few weeks. There are actuaJly at least 70 types of herpes virula. Some .. hmmlea; ochers apparently caute a variety of medical problems, lndudhtg chicken pox and mononu- Except /or the common cold, no human ql/lldlon hoa ~ ao many 1111elea cures. deosls. CloseJy related to genital herpes Is herpes simplex type I. which causes those painful, Irritating canker and cold sores of ttMt mouth. "°"toy,... ........ Abell: No medication w\11 ..,.ed. healing, but there are many ways to mab the pain tolaable.. l.odons that dry and cool are ~for both herpes simplex type I and type ll. You might try Basm, Campho-Phenique, Un- guentlne or calamine lotion. If such treatment is not enough. UJe an over-the· counter aeam that oontatm a local anathetk such as ArnertcUlc, benzocalne or Lanacane. Experts . ailo recommend c:.old c:ompwa wMh an aluminum acetat. tolutlon (check with your druggtstl . If an attack ts. partlcu1arty bed. tee your doctor. He will probably pr-=rtbe a pain medbtk>n or a NovocUl ointment, which wal com· pletely numb the IONS. Ex- pectant mothers who suffer &om genital herpes should be obeerwd by their doctors ~ dn pregnan- da. and In 10me c:aMS a work (though many are still being promoted enthuMl- ticaly). 'There are, however, t\folO enoouragtng developments. Sc:ientim In .wral parts °' the countJy have been treat· Ing herpes wtd'I "9er beam1 and are optlmlltlc about the resulls. AccordJng to Dr. Michael s. BaQWl. profes1m of obatl lcs and gynecology at the Untvenlty of Connec- ticut, ti an attack Is nated wtthJn 4a houn, "we seem- ingly can eliminate the disease or at leall prod\oe a prolonged remllak>n." EY8n more e>edtlng II e new antthefpes drug ca8-d acydoW: a topical medica- tion that~ pain and the chance of infecting t0me0ne elee. It has been tated for wveral years, and tt 'MY soon be available to the aver- age doctor. So, while no dramatic cure exists for this modem plague, there ts hope for the future. Until new devek>pments ar· rtve on the acene. victims .should follow the Instructions · abow and comfort them· •Iva with ttw thought that no herpes aa.:k lasts ._ wry long. .... ( Genuine Leather Why Pay'49:93-Why Pay~ • Handsome. Oout>ie-strtch ~•hn& • Cobbler-Crafted • American Made • Concealed Sturdy Inner Zipper e Smooth, Buttet·SOft leather • lonl·wearing Coml)OSltion Sole and Heel Saw• $1.76! 2 prs. $31.00 ...,_•the towf'I bOOI ol the r.nge-ndlng w....,,., rugged, IM'ldU!Wed. no-ro-•. No wonder._"*' ol ~ "-adae*d ti fiof IM veru1111.., ol ... ' The bokl. ~ dMMlnggoee W.-Wlfl IP0'19dC#iel Ind .... and .. 9'Mll. IMI\ dMlgrt gNe9 a . Wllt't ti' look IO IN~ IUlt. ... "*~ .• ~ .... Y04J'I ... lheM boob~ dey, 9¥91')'-.e. They re twd IObMI lor c:omb1 The ... ....,., twMlf'9a and .. "91 "'-" ~ ..... Sidi~ ... YQ11 tip rt on and olf •~•a lolillef Mmn-m8dl .-and heel rea1y 9&lnd up _, ... and .... Don I mu the c:f\MCe IO get bl MUOn 9 belt boclC buy1 -.·. ---.: 7~. 8. 8"2. 9. 9"'1. 10, 10~1. 11, 12 ~ C. D. E c.len.: Cordolan Brown, 8ledl crtllf)llPIUIT~ .......... Atntl TRY THEM AT OUR RISK! •llWll WIClll• 14 o.,s ror ...., I-* ( ......... , .... ). •----------SATISJflCTIOfl GUMIMTUOl lllAIL COUf'Ofl T~Yl ·---------~ TME IMft.OllMT .... htlt~M·Jlll, Mt ...... St.,"-·,_ l7lJl Pltase rush _ pn. of lilt Gttlu111t le•llltf "Wi11&·T1p lfotW''(S) tot llM •llW•llC low poce tf )ult Slt II"·""' $UO ,.., ... 11111 llM-NllO' N&Ml -------- dlll!I Ill! fllll ....,~ .......... . o saw _, °'"' two ,.1,~ for 14151 sn oo AOOMSS --------- ""' $5.00 1*1111 11111 llMdtlllf °" Utllt CITY ~.,...,.. --------~ ___,,._ liae• IM2719'11J Sla/Widtll..- --"1. ·-(M27l9991) Slit/Wldtll-- a!Mm "' O AllllricMt [lpress O Oillen' Clllll 0 Clrtt Ii.die Ci YISA 0 ~ Acc't No,--------- (Jp. Datt ---C.Cklltd It '---- STATt -----z., __ _ ._ ________________ .......... ..-. ·-~----------------- Sexual Fantasies: Wiii They Rlake You1 love life Fantastic? Studfa lndkate that a rich. varied fantaay lffe la an lmportOnt rerource for a healthy Individual. 8y John E. Qbaon 11lUE OR FALSE? 1. It's perfectly normal to entertain pleasurable fantasies -unless the practice Is carried to such an extreme that it's dJfficuJt for you to detenmne just where your fantasie:s ave off and the real wortd begins. l. If your fanl&slrs in boring or un- pleasant rather than entertaining or enjoyab&e • you are probably struggling with a serious inner conflict. 3. Fantasizing Increases your abmry to think aeative!y. • 4. The more sexual fantasies you have, the more pie~ and satis- fying your love life Is likely to be. 5. Sexual fantasies among women are rare. 6. The kinds of fantasies you most frequendy experience reveal how sus- ceptible you are to persuasion. ANSWERS 1. True. University of Oregon stud· ies Indicate that peop&e who occasion· ally pemrit their fantasies a loose rein, while st1D keeping them within reason- able bounds, are better adjusted men- tally and emotionally than thole who experience llnle or no fantasy llf e. And It Is emphasized that personality confkts can involve .. a severe disrup- tion of the rich, varied fantasy life that COfllUtuta an Important raource for healthy Individuals," slnc:c fantasies usually Ml'W to fuJflD a need praendy not grattfted tn the real world. l. True. Stuci)es at the University of Michigan and ehewhere cite findings sbowtng that bortng fantasies tsnd to go hmid In hand with a dcpraled emotional state, and that lack of a fan· tasy life II allOdated with Inner con- ftlct. Unpleasant fantasia are Inter· pmed as si!Jls of arudet\'· Inner tur· l--· 10 • lfAMllY WEIEKlY J.,,,_., 10. ltl2 - moil and pasimism. 3 . True. But this Is so only for highly aeative people: for others lt has the oppostte effect. Research at the Uni· versity of ManJtoba on fantasiling's ef- fects on aeatJve ability shows that highly aeative lndMduals become , more ae.adve when they fantasii.e . People wMh low aeativtty. however. become even less aeat!Ve as a result of fantasy. 4 . Fa'-. In a University of Cincin· natl study of the relationship between sexual fantasies and satisfying love relationships In real llf e . subjects were administered questionnUes which re· vealed that a satisfying love life was ll90Ciated with a low sexual-fantasy frequency. Conversely. a physical relationship lacking ln satisfaction .. was associated with a high frequency of sexual fantasies ... 5. False. A team of British specialtm ln the psychiatry department at Man- chester's Wlthlngton Onie surveyed women from various walks of life. aged 18 to 50 years, Via conftdential questionnaires. (Results are compar- able to those reported ln Americao studies.) More than 60 percent report- ed sexual fantasia, most commonly Involving a previous romantic: Inter- lude or Intimate scenes relating to lo~ and romance of a wished-for v~. 6. True. Studies at St. John's University on the relationship" be· tween fantasy and susceptibility to persuasion explored the fantasy worlds of 100 undergraduates, who were then given tt!sU designed to show thetr degree of susceptibility to suggestion. The overall results In· dicate that individuals who report frequent fantasies tefledtng depend· ency (total emotional surrender or reliance on another penon for com- fort, guidance and decision) are more · suggatlb&e than others. more suscep- tible to persuasion. and more 1911 radlly hypnotized. ., After 60-Yrs.-U.S. Gov't .. Scientists did it! ·Scientists Create Super-Thriving Sha& Tnae That Equals an . 18-Yr. old OGk for Size . And leautY-ln 3 summersl . · Hailed fro~ Coast-to-Coast as virtually the Fastest Growing· Sliade Tree Known to Man! ...................... ,. • ..,.,_,......_yew ...._ .._,__.,.. ...... .......,. 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ANYTIME WITHIN THE NEXT VIAR ,,Oft FREE RE~CEMENTI ~ oould be......,, ORDER NOW -RISK FREE OUR SUPPLIES ARE UMITED .... .5lx Tlines the Growth Yield of other Trees ... " The ....... 1 Aft ............. Millafl IP'U'• of -wr ,. .... . THE DEMAND IS GREAT -ontarlo Mlnlltry of Natural hlource. More heat thM OM, MAJ'd OR NICKOftVI HOW TO GET YOUR TREES - die Lri1'1 .,.._.,. -MESTO ..0"1WI GIOANTEU8. n-FOR LESS THAN A CAN OF COFFEEI woMet tr-. -eo .-y te plaltl diet -1 a8'ld-. do ltl T1wt'1 ritMI Thoueh .-. "'IY lhillll. _, ~ eo • ._ • .,_ Theee trw lww ,,,__ ...._.,_ frwn rodly • .-.coe1 mine wtdl.,. kiftcl of ........ -...,_ 9"' ~.,. ...._ .. ...... tM llM. llurnid ...... of h OIM ............ lltlaef. Jl'9C hat to lite Up I llive. .............. you'd lite"-""• .... _,......I i-11t1m1ait ..-... of c-a.. n-..... . . eouroadlDaltolheU.a . Golt't.. ......,,..._,AM..,..,..,_. •• _ ........ _ _._. ............ ...___..___.__, *°""' tHe pullll iadun. 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Alla. ...... ~ °'*' 44190 I --.~ ""° rnrlhls~bell.UIA. MST~ I sNdr ~ ltlr flllfSTO POfU.U5 ~ I l6ldel'!Und trwr" rm nor~~ 1may"1l.lnlf'ellftS~'IO~o~ al rttf ~ pnce ftm pasrq aid ~ or lltr ~ ~ rnr ll'IP ruTltlef al llftS ~ noucaoo DftDW llml wn ~ ri« t1rnu1y I 0 l Tftl b ~SS. 95 pU SI 20 pagq aid hll'dng 0 5 T~ b ~ S7 80 pU Sl.65 pomgr ¥10 Nnc1r9 00 Tlte b ~Sil SO I:*.& Sl 00 pimq ¥10 ~ ~--OCW\ ctwc1lor moriryORJer ~chKla ~tr:>~~ T~I o en.gr rttf a ~ CNtQr 0 \llSol\ ~----------Eicp dllt ---- TOQI amounr endOlied Oho~~ 5111 s*5 ca Sooy. no C ao Oldefs &'CfS*'O ~-------~-~----~--.....;.. __ ~ ---------------~--~ ccy ________ $lar _21p __ .._ o..u,_nw_ ....... ...,.-.u.s.AA. .-. l ~-. •,.. ,...., .. , ..... M&. ,_.....,.•.._I 'c-:!~--------------J Ira a gift any woman will IOYe -and our most aensatloAal handbag ~rgaln ever. A genuine Ultimate S.g at an unheard-of price. YOY not only get the stunning ~o -you get 8 aeces· 1 aorlei. too. And they aH flt In speelal places Inside to keep you «oanlzed. alwaya. Quality· etafted in our richi>ralned. wipe-cte.n Madrid Vlnyl. Personalized with your 3 custom em- broidered lnlllals. A great value at OYr oriplnal price·-at this special Christmas Sale price It's an unbMtable ~rgainl COMES WITH: t Ballpoint Pen 2 Wallet/Organizer 3 Cosmetic Case 4 Chante Purse 5 Key Rina 6 Key Ring 7 Address 'eoo.t 8 Memo Pad @ Special pocket holds your glasses or sunglasses. @ Snap-in/Snap-out Change Purse holds bills and small change in separate com- partments. @ Removable Wallet Organizer fits in special pocket. Puts money, credit cards, check- book at your fingertips. @ Cosmetic Purse with 8" zipper tits In Its. special pocket in your bag. Holds make-. up.beautifully. © © ® Two lnsta-find Key Rings snap into bag near the top where they're easy to find. Full Length Pocket holds store discount coupons, trading stamps and other valu- able papers. Lift flap on full length pocket and you'll find your personal memo pad. your personal address book and your ball· point pen all in separate pockets. rrs a·s20.23 value' ------------------------------------------------------.......... Dlpt. ua·n 711 .-;.. lf:Aa:J • T-... .,.. 15212 S~':L I Rush 1ne ( ~.) u11om.ete 889• tor only $12.118 IOf -· _.... _ a.• frOtl\ the " regi.iler price (Buy 2 tor U4 96 end ..-.1.00 MOM: buy 3 tor $38 94 end -a.• ~II I underatend I cen u .. my purcf\e .. lor 30 deys. ll~n •elurn ii tor full refund II not totally deflgh'8d Check Method 01 Payment 0 My check enclosed !_prefer to charge purchase: 0 Viaa 0 Master Charge 1 0 American Expreu I I F-1: f: et:· I '---,.,-.-........ --.. ---.-1 .... -... -,.,-... -°"'-... -.-...... 2R0038 s ........... s I oo .._ __ _ s I AddfHI ·-----· C1tr- s .... A>lrona realclent1 add SalH Tu --~----''P ______________ ., January la a time Jor eGIY home-cooked Jood mjoye;f Ullth jamlly and jrfmda, a time Jor an a- hllmotb19 outdoor picnic qfta 8'cllng, or a time to •hare a choeen recfpe at a covaed-dlllh .upper. T here is a place where the wide-open blue sky meets the pine and snow-capped moun· taln peaks. A p~ of rugged beaufy and spilt-rail fences, where wild flowers blaze In sum- mer, the golden aspen glow In fall and sparkling white snow blankets everything In winter. & Is In the majestic state of Colo- rado. On a recent visit to Colorado Springs, I had the pleasure of meeting a warm, outgoing cou- ple, Miriam and Ortn Loo, who love Colorado life. Miriam. the author of 14 cookbooks, In- cluding Budget Rectpe&, has ad· vice for family cooks. Miriam confides, "When our sons were growing up, we dldn 't have much money to spend on food, and I think almost all famUles are In the same position today. I always tried to use as many fresh fruits and vegetables as 1 could-and relied on less-expensive cuts of meat. I ~aned upon recipes I learned at our church penny dinners when I was growing up In Kansas ." "At penny dinners," she ex- plains, .. every woman brought her f a\/orle dish and churchfolk paid 1 cent for every spoonful they ate. That was durtng the Depnlslon, you know,"~ says, la~ •.. and you'd be (CIOflllnued Oft ,,.. J •> . ' , I 'AMl&.Y WUKLY, J-, 10, 192 8 1$ A beautiful way to say "I love you" ... without any words at all The Victorian Valentine Pendant In fine porcelain, embellished with pure 24 karat gold. Just $30. For Valentine's Day gift-giving. .vour order must be postmarked by January 20, 1982. A tiny moss'rose whis~n. I Cortfrss My Low. & Mint. insists the four-leued dovu licupt MyOrootiun, urgestheclusterofhoneysuddtt. My Fll.ithfid Loot, mUTmur the dainty violets. lilll Air MAiys In My Thovghts, procWmS the zinnia. This mch&nting pendant is a V~entine's Day gift w'U cherish for Its unique dHign ... its dricate beauty ... and the seem mes,.ge that !hr two ol you alone will~~. Thto pritt is just SJO, rompk>te with n«kchaln, &nd a special UttJe folder telling her all about the secret message of e~ Rower. llw VictoN.n Valmtine Pendant is av&ilable adusivdy from Franklin Porcelain. Franklin Center, PA. And to recein youn in time for ValentiM's Day gilt·givtng. the onltt form ~w must~ postm.Arkcfby j&nuary 20th. ;--------------------------ORDER FOAM ---------------------'--.~ ! n-tE VICTORIAN VALE~E PENDANT I .·:. I fr•N.lon f'oh<'l.ton fqr '4tlfftlint'I Dey gi/t·Jfufrtl, fr•hllon ( ~nt"1 """nwlv•n .. Nf)UI '"'f"' ,.,.,_rtnt lly flrttMtry 10. 19'1. 1 I w1"' to ltf'dtoT Thr \~1to.t.wwn \•lt·nttn. P1-nd.an1 m 1 I lirw ,.. ......... " _ ........ ,...., .... h I"'~ 24 L•r•I ~ \tr I I •nd •U•J".'f><lt'<I """' • :4 ""'•' fl''ld ..1.-ctn•pi.u..i Mr-: 1 ""'~""'" Ill' k•n11 Tw f't'nJ•nt "111 ~ "'""" rnr ""'" ...... _ •• "..... 1 ! on• SP"UI 11•11 bm "''"'"!'"......, k • ,:111 uF\l :: I ~Irr t" ro-• •• Ioli....• OIRfCTl \ I.,.,..,._''" r....un.m"" ol ~lO • .\d.lrt"~----------- 1 CREDIT CARD Attn •hopmenl, boll SJO' lu ftH : : I 1 Am.·rt••n hpr.-• I 1 Dinn• Club (.ol\ ___________ _ I ' I ........ ~..... • I \I~ ... I i\r' ,:".' "''' ~t••·· ''r . '""" .,. •• .., ...... ....._ f .. • c CAu TOlL raa 2• ..._,.,. ;,.1~~ 1 I ..,,...._.~ .. .....,...,....._., .. I S.P'tltw• ,_,,r.,.141 tl1411 TOLL ran M0046l•tml.1 : ______ :_:~:::_:·_·:_:=:~--·-----------------------4----·JJ!t._J WINTER PICNICS {continued from page 13) surprised what a big meal you could eat for 30 or 35 cents." Reminiscing further, Miriam recalls, "We also had picnics by the river. pie· • nlcs that J remember as being so re· !axed and happy." This month some of the Loo family will be off enjoying a ski picnic In the mountains. attending the ever·popu· lar American custom of covered-dish suppers or enjoying lazy evenings and good home cooking around their own hearth. Come join us now with these low- cost. easy-to-make foods and dis·· cover some of the Loo famUy's favo· rite recipes. HAWAIIAN FRANKS WITH RICE l cu (15\4 on.) plnappM chunlu, .,, juke l lb. franldunere 1 tablapoon bun..-or m.artuiM 1 Juve tvNn pqpa:. cut Ill 1-mdl .....,.. 1 large red pepper, cut In l ·lnch ........ (X 14 cup chopped plmie:nto 'h cup onion, sliced lcngthwtH (from root to tip end) 1 cJov. 9atlk. minced o.h ground glotCf 1 cup bftf broth or bo.ill&on 1 c.blapoon brown 1ugar 2 tablftpooM c:on111arch 4 to 6 ~ hoc c:ook«d rte« 1. Drain pineapple; 1aerve juice 2. Slice frankfurten in half lertgthwise. then diagonally Into l ·lnch pieces. S. In a lO·lnch skillet over medium heat. saute frankfurten lrt butter or margarine . for 7 to 10 minu_tes or unttl llghtly browned. 4. Add green pepper. red pepper. onlon. garlic and ginger: cook. stirring for 1 minute. Repiove from heat. 5. Stir in pineapple chunks. broth and brown sugar: mix well. 6. In a small bowl. mbc reserved pine· apple juice and cornstarch until smooth. Gradually stir mbUure Into sKlllet. Cook OYer medium heat. stirring until mixture boUs. BoU gently for 1 minute. Serve hot over rice. 7. To bring to picnic. $J><>On Hawaiian Franks Into wide-mouth vacuum contain· er. cover and~. Spoon hot cooked rice Into ieparate wlde·mouth vacuum con· talner. cover and seal. 8. To bring to a covered-dish supper. place hot Hawaiian Franks mixture into a wlde·mouth ·canning jar: cover tightl9. Place hot cooked rice In aeparat• hot cas· sere* dish; C(Wef. Wrap both contalnas wen with newspapers and place In box to carry to supper. Pour Hawaiian Franks mixture over t1c:e In c&SMrole befor• serv· ing. Nola 4 to 6 Mnllngs COLONIAL BREAD ~ cup pellow comm-' •n cup JMIC.k«d brown •Ufa' ·~Mia 2 cupe boWnt wat..- 1/e cup Mllld vegetable lhonm!na 2 pltga. acdve dry ~-· •;, cup very wum water (no•.us0F.) ~ cup 11irred whole-hut tlour lfi cup tlirred rye Gour 41/e 10 41n c:upe uMified alJ..purpoac now 1. Grease two 81/2 x 4'/2 x 2112-lnch loaf pan5 and spnnkle each with l table$J><>On cornmeal · 2. In a large bowl. thoroughly combine remaining cornmeal. brown sugar. salt. 2 cups boiling water and shortening Let cool to lukewarm. about 30 minutes. 3. Soften yeast In 1/2 cup very warm water: stir into cornmeal mixture Add whole-wheat and rye flours: mix well. Snr In enough all-purpose flour to make a modenstely mff dough 4. Tum dough o ut onto a floured board and knead untll smooth. 6 to 8 minutes Return dough JO a greased bowl. cover. set in a wazm place and let nse unnl doubled m bulk. 50 to 60 minutes 5. Divide dough in half. let rest 5 mm· utes Shape dough into 2 loaves Place into prepared loaf pans Cover and let rise for about 30 to 40 minutes 6. Bake in a preheated 3750f oven for 45 minutes or until loaves sound "hol· low·· when rapped with a spoon Tum out of pans. cool on rack. Makes 2 looves Note: For sttrred flour. stir the flour gently with a spoon to lighten before measuring This bread is a Loo family favonte recipe AU SEASONS GRJllED SAUSAGES wrrH ONION AND PEPPERS 3 Juve Spulah OGAoaa. allced a-* Into •n..wb-thldi 1t11pe 4 grwn pcppen, coced. Meded and cut lnto lfi-lnch •CrlPt 1.-\ cvp vetetaW. oU 1 tulpOOft drted «4lpno &.awe. c:n.hed VI tH9POOn salt 'A a.mpoon fr•hlv pound ix coane..,tnd Weck ,.,,.,., I talbh1p a°'" wine vtMpr 1 lb. "Iv cooked 1lllOMll Polltb-ltyk K....._.._... {condnued on pogc 16) ?3 WINTER PICNICS (continued Jrom ~ 14} l I>. Wv cooked smoked l&aJ&an..ay&t ._.... 1 lb. Wv cooked .molLed ~or rr..ldmten A.ortedm-.... C1"1191y hearth-«We~ 1. In large skillet, saute' onion rings and green pepper str1>s in hot oil, stirring until vegcaibles are tender and just beginning to brown. 2. Stlr In oregano. salt. pepper and wtne vinegar; set Mide. cover. keep warm 3. Using a sharp chefs knife. score sausages In 1/•·lnch-deep diagonal cuts from one side to the other making a small wkf or aonhatch pattern. Cut each sa11111ge front and back In the same way. I 4. Rub scored sausages lightly with oil. Place on broiler rack and broil about 4 inches from source of heat. about J to 5 minutes per side or until browned. 5. Heat sauteed onion and pepper combination until hot. Tum mixture Into large shallow casserole or au gratln pan. Place grilled sausages on top. Serve at once with mustards and austy bread. 6. For p icnic preparation: Prepare onion-pepper com· blnatlon and spoon into wide· mouth vacuum containers. cover and MAI. Grill assorted tcored sausages at picnic site over moderate-high charcoal fire. turning as needed. Ma/cu 6 to 8 servings EASY CASSOUlEf 1 alp dked canot. c:ut In IA-inch~ I ~ ~ cut a 'A4M:h llk:a 4 cam (16-oa. lid) navy. red M pinto beaflll ! i.,.. tomat<lft, peeled, concl. Meded and c:omMlv chopped« 1 ta. (16-.) toma .......... d 1 ..,... --· chopped "' ~ chopped ,.,.a.y 1 ..,... c:low .... ..mc.d 1 .... npaa•......,or ....... l •tlh"alltl tSWltliWt o1 1 II .JFDDft Mk It• "AMILY WEEKLY, J__., ,; ,.a Ye teaipOO«I freehly tround Wedi,.,,... 'i4 .....,a1>11PlllP'lla .,. ~ drted thvmc Suva. ~ 1,4 'tlllp DIM ~ -*joraln .... crwhed o.h ..... ci-. 1 w•hrpa1111 ti.aw or .......... I cM&.paon~~ ~ lb . ...,, cooked •molted link ....... ~cutln V.~halicel Y. lb ... .,, cooMcl fr...wwt.n, ~ •• ., cut 1111 V.-inch ... l. ln llNlll saucepan, place car- rots and celety and cover With water. Bring to bolling. reduce heat and stmmcr. covered. about 3 minutes until crisp· tender. Drain and place in la1"9C (3-quart) saucepan. 2. Drain 1 can of beans. Pi.c. In blander container; c:o~ and · puree. Add to saucepan wtth carrots, celety and remaining 3 cans of beans, undrained. 3. In large skillet over medium· high heat saute tomatoes, onion. parsley and garlic in but- ter and oU until tender, about 7 minutes. Add to large saucepan with bean mixture. 4. Stir in sah ~ pepper. paprika, thyme. marjoram aAd doVfl Heat mixture to boiling. reduce heat and simmer. uncovered. for 15 minutes. 5. In a large skillet. heat butter and oU until hot. but not smok· Ing. Add sausage and frank· furter slices and saute. stirring constantly until lightly browned 6. Pour hot bean mixture into 2-quart C4S5er0ie; stir In half of sausage ant! frankfurters. Top with remaining sausage and frankfurters. Serve Immediately or cover. refrigerate and reheat. uncovered, In 3500f. oven for 1 hour or until bubbly and heated throllghoul. 7. To bring to picnic or covere4,;. dish supper. wrap hot covefed amerole in newspaper and place In close-fitting box. Molces 6 to 8 servings SPAGHETll PIE 8 -· thJn apaghettl °" wnnlceW tens \4 o.p tr•ted P-..n ct- 1,'i cup cho9ped .,._ ~ •n cup chopped onJon 2 tablespoom butttt or marprine 1 cup aour cram 1 lb. llalan..ayk MUM94!· .... °' hot, CMfntt rwmowd l cup water 1 can (6 oa.) tomato paste 4 on. moa,amia chHH, ahrotclded 1. Break spaghetti In half and cook In boiling sahed water according to package directions until just tender: drain. 2. In medium bowl. beat eggs and cheese; add warm. drained spaghetti and tou to mix. lJne a greased 10-inch pie pan with spaghetti mbcture. forming a "crust"; Ml aside. 3. In large sklllet, saute green pepper and onion In butter for 5 minutes or until onion is tender but not brown. sttr in sour aeam Spoon mixture into spaghetti au.st. 4. In 3-quart saucepan over medium heat. cook sausage un· tll no longer pink. breaking It up with spoon as It cooks. Drain off fat. 5. Add water and tomato paste to sausage; mix well. Heat to boiling. reduce .heat and slm· mer, uncovered. for 10 minutes fcontJnued on~ 19) . -r • ________ ,.. ______ , v-. ~ -the FREE une Bryllftt"""' order C.t.109. : Print ,...,,. -- I I I I --------Af:IC· • - -I I CHy ------State Zip I S·82·30H I lendeouponto Ml ..... SizM 14-24 : Lane Bryant Hett sa.12y,.,34l\ 1 Dept. A Women'1&a..31-to I lnclwlpole. In. 48201 ShoM. IM-13EEE I ~ ''°*VellMOftW.,......,CMf, I , lt:..J OIUM.,........_. . -----------------------~ . . Regular: 8 mg .. t1r;'0.6 mg nicotint-Menthol: 9 mg'"11r;· 0.7 mg nicotine av. perciptne. FTC Ripon M•'.81 .. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. • WINTER P-ICNICS fcontlnved from~ 16) until Slightly thickened: stir once or twice Spoon over sour cream mixture. Cover pie with foll and bake in preheated 350°F oven. for 25 minutes. 6. Remove foU and sprinkle cheese over sausage: bake for 3 to 5 minutes longer or until cheese mehs. Allow to "set" for 5 minutes before cutting so filling firms up a llnle. 7. To bnng to a plcmc or a covered-dish supper. wrap the whole dlSh with heavy· duty foU. closing top-side up with double fold. Wrap in newspaper and place in box or insuloted container. Makes 6servings Note: "This is reaJJy·a fun dish to make, and just great to bring to covered-dish suppers ... says Miriam Loo. SPECIAL HOT DOGS Franldurtcr• M111tard Sweet ~ reftah American m-alkea. cut lnto 14.tndl ltripa Siad becon mtpa Frankfurter bUM, optjonal 1. Slit each frankfurter lengthW1.5e and spread inside with mustard. Add a tea spoon or two of pickle rehsh and a strip of American cheese 2. Wrap each filled frankfurter with a strip of bacon. spiral fashion, fastening each end with a wooden pick. Plac.e on broiler pan rac:M BroJ 4 Inches from source of heat. until bacon is crisp. turning once 3. Serve In heated or toasted frankfurter buns if desired. 4. Frankfurters may be prepared ahead. wrapped In foil and gr!Ded over e slow charcoal fire at picnic site. tum as needed Moke.s as many as you wish CHIU DOGS S ... leu ground bed 2 ...._ oNoea. dtowed ! doYa earlk. mkKled 21h Q1P9 tCHMtO Juk:« i ~ (16 oia.) toauuoea 2 cam(~ ti&n) tomato aauce ·~ cup chill powda 2~ .. -2 ,..., a Qolll dried oregano i.-.. crwhed. l 'h trMpoone eround cumln Mtd ! CUI (15-o&. •e) ch!M bant ln chill ITMIY 10 coolled lranldvnen 10 hnldunu roUa, heated 1. ln a large skillet or Dutch oven over medhun·high heat. cook and stir beef. onion and garlic until meat Is browned and broken up and onion Is tendllr; drain off fat . 2. Stir in tomato julc.e. tomatoa. tomato Qluce. chill powder. salt. oregano and cumin. Heat mixture to rapid boll over high heal. Reduce heat and simmer, un· coveted. for l hour. stlning occasionally. 3. Stir in beans. simmer 1 hour longer over very low heal 4. Have hot cooked frankfurters ready Oust plam bolled are fine). along with heated or loasted rolls Place frankfurters in rolls and spoon on chili gmerously 5. For picnic service. spoon hot ch1h into wide·mouth vacuum container. cover and seal Grill frankfurters and toast buns lightly over a hot charcoal fire at picnic site. Malen lOMrvmgs Note: This Is Miriam Loo's favorite chili recipe. The Loos love their chili served with all kinds of condiments. So when the family hes a "chih party Rocky Mountain style ... they set out a big casserole of chili. cider vinegar. grated Cheddar cheese, shredded lettuce and. of an things. grape ,e.lly and aaclutrs to go along with the steaming hot bowls VEGETABLE-SAUSAGE SOUP l lb. _. 1Wian4tyte ---.. cul in 'It-Inch ,__ l catileari oon ~ oO 1 CAn (16 on.) ai«wed tomatoes 2 CAM (8-ois. AH) tonutto tauc« l cup water 2 tc...,_ beef bouUlon granules 2 teatpOOM augar 1 cupal&&d~ 1 cui» ~ and thinJy alked onion 1 cup alk:ed cekry 1 cup ~ ncchlnl 'i4 aip mlnc«I pu9'ey 1h teMpOOll dried Italian herb awUit Grated Parmeaan chft:M. opttonaJ I . ln e large saucepan over medium-high heat._.pook sausage In oil until brown Remove sausage: set aside. Drain off fat 2. Place tomatoes. tomato sauce. water. boudlon and sugar in large ~ucepan. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Add carrots. onion. celery. zucchini. parsley and herb seasoning Return to a boil, re· duce heat to low and simmer for 10 min· UtH 3. Add sausoge ancf simmer 10 to 15 minutes longer. stirring occasionally. Serve In large bowls or mugs with chffse. '· To bnng to a picnic. ladle hot soup Into wide·mouth vacuum container. cover and seal. Serve In large mugs or paper cups at picnic site Molen 6 to 8 tcn1lngs . 'AMILY WEfl(LY, JAi\~ '(), 1982 • It lt won't _?o oldage. N Becauw. then-is no •uch diieue. And sorM of t1v most ~ad°l-d afflictions now tUing thousands of bves uch yev rN)' be prmmtt.d or tk"1yttl ~ including heut disease, colon anctt. ulcm>. pmi.icious al\e'ft\Y, ;and emp"hysem.a. TI\al's the hearterung message in a special. 45-page rt'pon now being distributed Ntionwide. To l"fC'e!Vt' a copy ol this arefuUy·researched booklet, frtt. you nffd only join over 2,JSO,CXX) other Americ:ans who subscribe to Pnwnticm~ Hl'ft''t how: 1iy a money-saving. b1al subscription to ~lion-with the promise that it will cost you nothing if you're not com.ple1t'ly satisfied. 'JO Wap To Grow Bealtllier Aa Yo• Grow Older." Tm ways?. Dozens of w.ys aught be more like it! For. sn the ten c:Nptt'rS of this solnt'timn controversial. illways stimulating frft report you'll di.5rover a tmuury ol ~Wied. sp«ilk inlonnation you can tum to and wt. Here are just a '-exampln: • T1tt rommon substana uiludt. rrstJJrdtns btlkw. (nlly 514t't off 11111COSC' 1~rns • T1tt wWhly dtbatttl •ti[r--S11r11ng suppWinit• dmtlopttl (ollowing tht dl5aK'"1a ~ two Nobtl pnu--winnt"rS • T1tt simpk program tltal 1f'5tortd potmcy to sornt mm wlwM 1a I~ smM1 oon • T1tt nvlrimts thal may toun up agru.nst ~ bilitating pol/ubon • Plus infonnation from ~tific sourm throughout tht 11Rlion about tn'Oiding Jwrt dlSl!.GSt. coWn arnar. ulms. llMmta, trnphy- stmll, and much, mudt mmt Free. Here you'll find more than wgue theories. .. And you U'On'I find hard·tc>-follow do's and don'ts. LIU Prrmttiott itwlf. this report aims to put you back in touch with 50me ol the basic sowus ol better heMth-nd to alert you to the important new discoveries that may make a big diff'wmct' in your tile. if you lcttow llbout thnn .. ,.,,.,,.,.,,.. f'!8ll1 llelpiaa tte-.&e like ro-7 H it weren't helping people rig/rt 1111w . Pr~111on couldn't be the fastest-grow· ing hHlth magazine 1n Americ.a. Yet 11 is ~ If it hadn't helped pt'Oplc tll't'r thr ~~ · years. Prt'Mltio11 couldn't have be· e"" come the largest·cim&labon ~ _,,. m.aga~me of its kind in ~...t;;;;::,... ~--.._ America. Today. mott ~,......... than 2.350,000 men "' and women read it ~ . every month for a widl• ~· rangl? of health idHs and guid- a~: on menopause. insomnia, depres ion, backaches, dieting, and allergies, among many others. lNt's why Wt'' re so sUtt that you will bmiftt from thl!toHer: 4 tne exa.laadoa copy- ... die frff .-cpore. w~ send you the curttnl issue o( />rrwntion to examine-togflher with your personal ropy o( "10 Ways To Grow Healthlt>r M You Grow Older." If you don't think it's for vou. just tell us. You'll owe nothing-and you keep both the issue aad the ttpon. Otherw&M?, you'll enjoy the advantage ot a sPKial introd1tctory short-tenn oifez: on1y $6.37 for sewn monthly issues. This is Prnftnllon's first short-term o/Ju in ynn -it's ou1 way of trying to hefp yOll battlt> inftltion """ till not miU tlu. u.nlque opportunJty to get to know PnwntlOtt. Mail the coupon today. And out how much ~althk>r your lift' rNY be! r-------' Prevention· I Tht ·Fttt Btttit' MA GZiN .. ....... ::I; P\Nw wnd IM. frft, YOUT 45- 1 page tePOrt on "10 W•r s To Grow Healthier Ai You Crow Older." ind mk'r my ~u.~rip-1 tion to Prrt'tllllON m1gai1nl" 11 I tM sptdll. short· tl"rm tntroduc· tory rail' of 56. 37 for ~even I mol\Ull • 1n ues. If not 111ti~fled. I I'll marl< "c1n<'t'I" on thf hm subscription mvosC\', tttum 11. I and OWl' no4h.lng. The first l8!!UC I -and tM frtt report-•,. mine I to kttJ' wtthout Oblig•tion 1111"~1 '™ I L~--~---~--J for Stlt Wit-Petet Cook, It's a Jolly GOod Show Who~ serving up deUdous comedy on prime time thla season? The answer la most cleftnltely "the butler did it,,. In thlB case played by ID(I~ WOlldoful Engllahman Peter Cook. codous daughter. was mulling over the pos..ibiltty of getting an American I agent, when a friend called and told him producer Charlie Hauck wanted him to take a shot at a The British butler Jeeves, dispensing high tea, warm aumpets and Icy wttticisms, Is among the most delightful and dw-able comae Images. Born to the manor as surely as the bubbling duke and bat-brained duchess he serves, his design Is to reassure an ·audience . that the kingdom of wit and wisdom Is profoundly democratic. Still. one doesn't e>q>ed to ftnd this elegmlt and learned creature keeping a stJff upper bp on prtm~time teJevislon .• Cast In the role of the daughter Is Dana Hill, an extremely talented young actress. Her mother, a local talk-show host. Is played with fetching fecklessness by Mimi Kennedy. who earned her spurs In improvisational theater and thus can deal with a co- median like Cook, who loves to Im· provise and catch some actors off guard. As Peter says: "I am, shall we say, an Idiosyncratic actor, but I've never been able to upset her aplomb with my JtttJe tricks. She always responds In kind." pik>t epl9ode for a proposed TV On TVs The Two of Us Cook plays Mimi comedy show. Cook allowed Kennedy's mad dog English butler. Not until now, one didn't. But a somewhat dismal new TV season has nonetheless brought forth this Arthur Treacheresque figure In ~ Two of Us. a CBS situation comedy that gleams like polished silver (though. unfortunately, it's not shining In the ratings).~ He would be Brentwood, of c.ourse, as rendered by Peter Cook, 44, the engaging, ekmgated mad dog of an Englishman whose sarated wit over the past two 9ecade:s has cut sharply Into virtuaBy every pomp and circumstance on either side of the l\tlantic . The extraordinary thing Is that Cook has gracefully Introduced this cbdl reJlc of a bygone aristocracy Into the most pedesb1an of television situations: the household of a di- vorced working mother and her pre· .. ld.losynaatic" barely begins to c:lesat>e Peter Cook's patented brand of br1ttle. deadpan comedy, forged ln revue work during his post-Cam- bridge University days and buffed to a diamond surface In his years on stZlge and screen with actor Dudley Moore. Indeed, as Cook puts It, "I don't really think of mysetf as an actor. Take Robert De Niro, putting on SO pounds to play In Raging Bun. Why? Why do It?" Cook's talents are many, and he is by turns writer. satirist. comedlan and even impressario. Above all, he is Brmsh to the bone, and Is therefore amused to find htmsetf indentured to CBS and l..o6 Angeles for the dura- tion of The Two of (/s (lronkally deriv- ed, like All In th~ Family and Maude before it, from a Bntish show-Two's Company. h aU came about quite by accident. Cook was vacationing In Los Angeles last lping. He had a television ap- pearance lo make with Moore. and that his friend was "quite mad," but cwiosity and the promise of ready money got the best of him: "When I asked what the chances were of the pik>t going, I was told. 'nU.' So I took it. When the series made It, I didn't know if I was pleased or appalled." So Cook has been uprooted from his comfortable home ln Hampstead. a pleasant Lon· don subwb where he lives with his second wife, fonner actress Judy Huxtable, and his two teen-age daughters, Lucy and Daisy (from his first marriage to fellow Cambridge stu· dent Wendy Snowden). But. says Cook. "I don't really mind series work. The hours are reasonable enough. One can get slighdy punchy. but It's fairly relaxed. Besides, this Is the sort of show that, the faster we do It, the funnier It will be. And I'm not the sort who needs any kind of moti· vation. I just come on and do It." People who can just "come on and do it .. are those whO are born to It, and It Is surely Cook's considerable natural talents thet account for his casualness In such matters. Just so, his variety of Interests permits him to entertain himself anywhere. But long- time &iend Moore limply cannot fathom Peter's enthuSlasm for Ameri- cai sports. "It's al nonsense that we can't understand American football or bMebell," Cook says, .. or, for that matter, that Americans can't under- stand aidcet. They're Just not that dif • • ftcult." The son of a colonlaJ officer ~ ran out of colonies," Cook planned at one point to become a diplomat ln Her Majesty's Fonlgn Offtce, like his fMhcr befON him. Before Cambridge he attended Radley, an English public IChool (cqu!vmnt to an Amertcan PNP IChool) where h1s ~ mistaMnJy ~ him tnto fUfPI. ... once feD on a looee bell, .. he says, "and. throudl ignorance and fear, held on daplteit 6ace pwn.meltng. It took me months to convince my teammates I was a coward." He also began making contributions to Punch, the celebrated British humor magazine, at the absurdly precocious age of 10. In the ear.ly 60's Cook teamed up with Moore, then an Oxford music student. and two other young men to write and perform in Beyond the Fringe. the marvelously mad revue that won them a Tony when trans· ported from the London stage to Broadway. He and Moore later cap- tured another Tony for Good Even· ing, a series of sketches that tnduded Cook as a sympathetic casting direc· tor reminding one-legged Dudley that, as prospects for the role of Tar· zan go, he was .. deficient ln the leg division. To the tune of one." Sandwiched between these rewes were two Bntish Emmys for Cook and Moore, as well as a pretty outrageous fUm version of the Faust legend called &atmkd (with Raquel Welch star· ring appropriately as Lust). ln which author Cook hit upon the lngen1ous notion of depicting Ludf er as a tacky neighborhood prankster. As if aD this ~n't enough to keep Cook suffl. dendy occupied, he opened a Soho revue club called The E.stabllshment and began a magazine, Prlucu Eye. which has swpassed Punch in circula- tion In Britain. Even wtth all their commitments, It ls llJcety that Cook and Moore will eventually paJr up again in 90me sort of caustic enterprise. The swift popu- larity of The Two of Us, with Cook biting off words IIke "taco" the way R .A. F. pi.lots once said .. Stukka." sug·' gests that this most versatile of Bntish cousins will be using h1s green card for quite some time. Coming right down to It, Amertcan tclevWon 5'alts Peter Cook's life goals exq ullltely. "I have Simple motiva- tions," he Mys. ~ and ,. fame. I want to be very rtch.'' ~ PHILCOWHS FACE VALUE ...... . .._,..,....,. __ HERB ALPf.RT MAOICMAN • 4-- , lMIHI• *-"'.....,. 1--.i ....... -.... Yes. you c:an go on a shopping spree and get any 11 ol your favorite albums all at oocel AM you have to do ia mall the applicatlOn. with your check 01 money order tor S1 86 as payment (that's 1 c for your f1'Sl 11 sete C1IOi'IS l)ltJS $1 85 tor shipping and handling) tn exchange. you agree to buy 8 more tapes or rec01da (at regular Club pnces) m the next three years-and you may cancet your membefst'lip at any Cln'9 after doing so. How the Club operates. fJY9(y four weeks (13 twnes a year) XoU'h recerye the Club's mUllC magazine. which ctescribes the Selection of the Month IOI each muscat interest plus hundreds of alternates from every faeld of f'l'USIC In addrtion. up to six brnes a year you may reeetve offers Of Special SeMtctions usually at a dis- count olf regular Club pnces for a total of up to 19 buy- ing OOPOrtunlt!es "you wlSh to rec:etYe the Selection of V1l8 Month °' the Special SelectlOfl you need do nolh1ng-1t will be shipped a11tomatteally tt you prefer an atternate selec- liOn. OI none at au, simply flll 1n the response catd always prO\'ICllld and mlJI II by the date specmed You will always have at least 10 days in which to make your decision. tt you IMlf receM! any SelecilOn Without having had at least tO days tn which to decide you may return It at pur expense The tapes and records you acler duoDg 'JOUI mem- berstup w1N be malled and billed at regular Club pnces. which currently are $7.98 to S9_98-plus snippng and handling (Mult~nit sets and Double Seleclions may be somewhat higher ) And If you declOe to continue as a member aft91' compiebng your enrollment agreement, you n be eligible for our money.saYWlg bonus plan 10-0al Ffff That:we'll Mnd detailS ot the CkJb'a opera- llOl'I with your introductory ltlipment tt yow are not sat- isfied for any reuon whal'IOellef. rust retum ~ing w11tun 10 days tor a lull refund and you wtll have no fur· ther obltgatton So you rllk notnmg by ec1lng rtOW' --.... -~ - ~-~":".-: Send my_._ II\ Vlt1 lyP9 Lf319J OhKOfdlflg (lie tvnt 10 -one) 0 8-TrKk Clrtrldgel = Reef Tapes :::: Tape CUtenes = Rec.o<ds r My m111t1 m.nk:81 lntertsl It (d\ec:ll one) I (BUT I am lll•ays,,.."' CllOO~ /f0f'l 41ft~ u~oryi ' O Easy Llllen•nv 2 D 1"ll .,..,, 7 o Olasateat , I C Country 5 (no rffl tapes) :l Jau 4 (no reel ta:>es) I Q•· I = ..... ..._ __________________________ ~. I iPi..wflMl1 I I I I I lHI- More selections and complete details on preceding pages J• TAM"''l'W'l'Nl:nE 'NCORE )101111• ·- C-..... "9ccw'd6 Tape Club, ~O. loa 1130 ................ C711t ' • Y". I c:I illle to "try out tne Clut>-IO I m encioling Check or n\oney Ofoef lor $'1 00 (trial's tc ror my 6 introduclOfY MleC> tJonS plin 99C tor shopotng rtandling) Please 11ecei:it "'ff tri. mtmC>ef'Shlc> app11anon unOet ine tenns outtoned 11 the ngl'lt 1 agtff to buy tour more setectiona (81 regular Clue Pf'CAll) Our· ing tne coming thrff years-1nc:11 mav candl my memoenhlQ Id any time llttlf oc.ig 10 • ..... -. ...... _,.. __ l__ ___ _. Send my ""'9<:1t-1n "'I• type l..E1 /~ of record1n9 "(lie IUl'9 to di.at one) 0 8-Ttadl c.tnogel 0 ~ ~ a Tape CllMttes o RKorm My......, mu*-1lnl«nt19 (~ -t .1 (&ii I em~ lrw II> ctloo891romM1y~J o Easy IAtefWlg 2 a r..n Hiii 1 a~ 1 I a Country s <no,... t1P91> a Jaz24 <no rMI U!PMJ I 8:... I OMIM I ,,,,.._,.,.,,,, ,,,.,,_,,. ,,,,_ l&SI-I MdrM91 ____________ ""' Mo I I Cllr---------------.1 ..... Codi'----I If you preftH, you may take a special trial membership and receive ANY6FOR~S:: ft you .. 1utt .,, occa9ior'IM record w tllpe buyw If you prefer not to obligate yourse" to purchase eight IT\Ol'e selectlOf\S °' 11 you cannot hnd 1 1 setec1JOns you want rtght now-here's a perfect opportunity to "try our the Club on a special trlaf.membe<sh1p base' °"*NI In h ~ "~ ~eelon" • h 6eft-and we'll send you ANY 6 r&COl'OS Of tapes- ALL for only it, plus shipping and handling In e.kchange you Sll'l'lpfy agtee to buy as lew at fOOf selee· oons (at reQutar Club ~) during the coming three years Think of it-only lour selections and you haye thrM w~ yHrs 1n wt11ch to buy them' And that'• a# mere is to tfl Al • trt8I memw, you·n ef'llOY a# Of~ benefits Of reg- ular membership as delcfibed on the preceding page-- bot wtthOUt any lengthy commitment _you may ~ at any tme alter buying 1ust lour mote selec1IOl1S So II you'd prefer to enroll now under this special .. ~ acqualt'lted" offer-ma~ the special applic:atlon todl'J. togettlerwlttl on1ys1 OO(thar11t10< your6 intrOductory selections, plus 99¢ tor shipping and handling). Read the advertisement tor details on how the Club w0<ks ~· _ ........ ,... ... c...... ...__ ........ ,...., a Oo ........ 1 1 I If NI•? (a.d&-)0 YU 0 NO IW• ry,Ta;;Ciiiiiiiii:iii;;4iii;··-~i;i0ij~;;;;ii;iiji;4•·~ :0..::::-0.:.::~-:,:=:::.!"9..::""-""-I I L .-.-::'::'...,..., • ._, .--. ... ....,., __ _ I __,......_. ~e1 S3 t1 '"* -------' I <::: .. 'f':.i!."::::::.'"'......, I -LH/2' I I U'111K • ~ L -------------------~ J01Ut2. ·-~ --... _....,.., .... --... ·---~· ... _ MAAlY ROBBINS ENCORE STAM ON LOHGPUV GINO VANNELLI NIGHTWALl<ER NEil OIAMONO SERENAOl 04-• ruc. .. -GAl_AfUT•tl YCS OAAMA Out, Out Darn Spotl Sy Roaolyn Abrevaya or paper towel being used to apply the ~agent ao that you're always ~ with a dean surface. E spedaJly when entertaining, we can all use expert advice for taking care of spills and stains caused by party food and drinks. ·GeneraBy, stains set as they age, 1<> If possi>le, tackle them as soon as they occur. If the fabric is washable, it's It's best to wodt &om the center out to the edges of the stain. so a ring doesn't form. Never rub back and forth repeatedly with the same part of the doth against the stain. Wipe once or twice In one dlredk>n, then tum the cloth and Wipe In another ~ectlon. · recommended that you immedJately treat the stain with the sudl made from mixing a liquid detergent solu- tion with water -rather than using When using deantng fluids, be sure you're in a weU-ventllated room. Also, because deaning fluids are often flammable. treated fabrics shouJdn 't be put In the washer. Launder them by hand. the solution dlredly. · The nastiest stains are caused by grease, and the best treatment is to apply a dry-cle.aning solvent (available at hardWare· stores) to nonWMhables and the suds of a mild detegent solu- tion to washables. Place a wad of white paper towels or white doth under the fabric to abeorb the ~ stain as you rub In the cleaner (gendy for dellc:ate fabrics). If the underside is not accessi>Je (such as for an uphol- stery stain), frequently tum the cloth An~e tackling any staln-re-mcwal job, test the deaning agent on a of the fabric (or on a sam- ple piece may have saved). This Is doubly Important wtth synthetics. Some chemk:al tolwnts may affect dyes or even dllsotve such fabrics. The following chart lists some com- mon fabric stains and suggests 1'911 how to treat them. w.6' Stain 8-val Clllrt trvtt. Juice&. wine Sponge with cool water, holding absorbent towel behind stain. Blot dry, and next treat with . dry-<:INnlng fluid or detergent suds. depending on the fa.bric. blood,9111 Sponge or scrape off excess, then IOAk In cool water. Wash with wann suds If applicable and use ammonia on the stain If It persists. . coffee.tee. Blot qulctdy with clean paper towel. If fabric '°"~ can take tt, pour bolling water through stain. If not, treat with warm auda or dry-cleaning fluld, depending on fabric. •lcallollc ......... Blot up exceaa, then rinse promptly In cold water. Sponge with solution of 1 part vinegar to 8 parts water, then launder If applicable. coemetlce Sponge with dry-cleanlng fluid, holding abeor· bent paper towels or cloth beneath. Launder wtth warm suds If apptlcable: o11. ...... Sponge with grease aotvent or dry-cteanlng fluid, holding absorbent cloth beneath. Launder If appllcable. ... Dab with rubbing aleohol and then blot lmmedt- ately with dry cloth. Sponge with suds of llquld detergent If apptlcable. ~ ... Scrape off, excess wax. Place stained portion between paper towels and preaa with a warm Iron. Sponge with a dry-cleaning fluid If stain r• ma.Ina. dWa~ .... . Scrape off exceu. Rub 'area with Ice to harden gum. Sc,..,. off again. Then sponge with dry- cleaning flutd. . FAMILY WfftlL'r, J~ IO. 192 • 25 • I I I I I t ' fltf I ClAmM. llllll IUCf. &-~·· , ... mrllll Sil!.• ..... ~-Sp«in. --0 ........ .... -.... ____ spe( In• -- Aatusts 10 s"'91t °' d..,llle sir 'llCI "1Y l<llQlll vou w1n1 Adverh~on rv IMS2000 ----/ ..._ a 1.-..r a NllT ... IOl'l ~ "'''h CllOoe:t • .... .... OICKICIOUUI--- CJ W .... C*ll .. ,_ o ..... • I!-..... ..,. g=-5;:- ..n flfTM A ....... MJ«> •flMllll•io ... llttl.l.Y.1- 1 em l'MPC)ndlng within tn. time limit to Poole's Fifth A~nue 0 1.-ct to th• Public Sale. P ..... Mnd me the Items checked ~ In the quentlt ... end 9P9(llflcatlon1 lndlcet.d. (Note: ProteaionaJ dealeta end whofeUlef'I must enc:lole Pfoper Sta• ,..... ftYmbera). I undentend thlt If I em not com- pletely deliahted with my purch .... (s). I may return eYery· thing tor tull l"tlfund of the money I h•ve peld ( .... Fl,..t CIUa Pottege end Hendliftg, of ~f'Mt. If 0<dering by chlrgecard, d*:tl 0 VISA 0 MeRlfCard e.p. 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I Oft CHARGa O ,_.«<Mel Accl • Eao Oltle l I I PAINT NAr.-E I I ADDRESS I I CITY STATE ZIP I ......._,.,. 6-3 w«'I<$ I-'• ""-'II A.ID -aan;<1n 'l!Mn NW1 "'11 I"'-~ l'llll MSI W,lluw <lrrwr Pit. 19m0 Adven1H ment Original U.S. Morgan Silver Dollars Available O nly Until Midnig ht, Tonight Philadelphia. Janu· ary 1982. IMM announc- ed today the release for sale of a small cache of less than I 0,000 origj- nal U.S. Government Morgan Silver Dollan. Estumed by collectors worldwide. Morgan Sil- ver Dollars are among the last . 900 fine silver dollars to have been struck for circulation by the U.S. Govern- ment and have become extremely scarce in recent yean. International Monetary Mint is re- leasin& for sale these rare Morgan Dollan in very fine condition at the Special Investor Opportunity price of onJy $35 each. Investors who re- spond from this publication by mid- night, toni&ht, may pun:hase from l to 10 individual coins at this price. Because of the limited number avail- able, all orders will be filled on a first~e. first-served basis with a strict limit of 10 coins per customer. This announcement will° only be repeated in the unlikely event that c:cins from this ~ are still avail- able beyond the deadline published here. The Morgan Silver Dollar was authorized by an Act of the United States Con- gress in 1878 and was struck for circulation from l 8=78-1904. Due to a bul- lion shortage. ~inage WM Sl&Spended tniJ J 921, when Morgans were once again minted for a single year. During World War I it is esti- mated that over 270 million silver dollars were melted down for bullion and as a result. all surviving Morgan Dollars are in short supply. The speci- mens in ~s otTering are all In very · fine condition and to protect your in- vestment each coin will be accom- panied by a Certificate of Authen- ticity to that eff ecL Toqualifyforthisoffering. call Lee Collins toll free 1-800-345-8502 (in Pennsylvania call ooi Special Opera- tor at 1-800-662-5 180), Dept. MDl.r 2505. Orders will be accepted on ~r credit cards only. An addi- tion~ $2.75 is requested to cover insurance, poatqe and special hand-- ling per order. If not completely satisfied, you may return your U.S. Morgan Silver Dollan in their ori&- inal ccndition within 30 days for a full refund. ~,,., 1MM. ..._ Shott Can Be Sensational By Roberta Adama W hat are your chances of looking really fashionable if you 're 5 feet 4 Inches o r under? .. Never bener." ac· cording to Allison Kyle Leopold. co· author wnh Anne Marie Cloutier of Shol'f Chic (Rawson. Wade). a unique fashion guide for the short woman. "There are more than 20 million Amer- ican women in this height category,·· says Leopold. ··and they've been largely ignored.·· The key purpose of the authors. who are 5 feet 3 inches and 5 feet 2 inches respectively. is to help smaU women enhance their looks - • by suggesting not only how to look taller. but also how not to dimi· msh the precious ln· ches they have "short women can wear layers and in· dulge In pattern mixing." You can dress In layers I/ the f abncs are thin and If the shades are in the same color family. You can wear a mix of pat· terned clothing successfully if you select scaled-down. classic panems such as multicolor tweeds. mlniher- ringbone tweeds and houndstooth checks. paisleys and slim stripes. "But never use more than three or fow coordlnat· ing colors at a time or you might end up look· Ing as if you dressed on your way out of a bum· ing building." she od- vises. How to buy the basics? A vest can be of real value in adding plmlZZ to separates or a dress. If you're short· wolsted. wear one that falls an inch below the natural waist. If you"re long-waisted. choose a longish straight vest. When selecting ""Most shon women want to look as great as they can.·· says Leopold. "and that's achieved through be- ing aware of the scale of a garment and how it relates to your fig- ure's proportion." You 7/ look ~at In clothes that are ~/I-proportioned and seem to odd height. pants. never buy a pair with cuffs They aeai,R a bad honzontal line that tends to shorten the figure. Several rules of thumb: The wider tbe pants leg, the In fashion tenns, scale of a garment refers not only to good fit but also to details and how they work to enhance the short woman's body proportions. For example. a jacket may be weU scaled, but if it has overly large but· tons or too-wide lapels, these could overpower the short woman . The authors, who conducted an In- depth survey of 1,500 short women. believe that many such women have more assets than they might realize. Are you narrow hipped? You prob- ably look great ln pants, which can elongate the figure. A long neck makes you appear taller. And if your knee-to-ankle proportion Is long. you'll find It a snap to wear many skirt lengths. Leopold offers some do 's and don'ts for "shon chic" dressing and tips foe se&ecting basic articles of cloth· ing -such as a vest. pants. jacket and coat. "Contrary to myth," she says, R~a Adami ls o fr-lottcc W1'111r apcdaltMg In /a.hlon roplca. softer the fabric should be: the wider • the pants. the longer the pants length should be. Jackets should be a perlect fit at the shoulders. with no excess fabric and just enough detailing to be interesting. leopold's basic jacket-length rule: When worn over a skirt or dress. Its musurement from neck to hem should be shoner than (or at least equal to) the visible length of the skirt . As for coats. go for a single rather than a double-breasted coat. Choose a style with a small collar, slash pockets and soft fobric. What of the ''petlte·stze'' woman? Leopold reports thot not every shon woman wears petJte-size clothes. This woman ls usually 85 to 120 pounds, is between 4 feet 8 Inches and 5 feet 4 inches tall and requires clothing pro· portioned narrowly across shoulders and bust. a shorter waistline. shorter sleeves and shorter overall length. "The petite-size woman Is lucky ... says Leopokt. "More and more design- ers are offering petite lines. and stores across the country are o pening rlll up special departments for her." llLI \ YET TAKES UP ONLY 4 ,,. x S ' IPACll - -,..,•495 """"~-------------------------~ Aocl'tu~--------------------------C.ry Stt1P :o _____ _ L--··-···-••••••••••·-·-·---------·•••••••-••••••••••··-~ ~UTHENTIC COMMANDERS C Who Else Wants ~: This Authentic I / Cap of America's Astronauts and~.._ ... :);.- WW II Naval ,//er~ Commanders? Smart. crisp authentic military styling featuring the traditional gold braid. embroidered pattern and button in yow choice of four bright colors· R'°. White. Blue and Black. Functional. attractive design with generous visor will protect your eyes and skin ftom glare of sun . _..,__. AJr ventsensure yow comfort. r;----------- - Adjushlble tab offen ~ed I ~~.:._~~·. ~~675 Rt regardless of your head Size. I v ... I v.-ould blot to°""' th• Alllhenll< c-....... c.. w•h ........ ""'-tall'° WearitwhlledrMng onthegolf I '".ii ~..t .... , PIMM Nt10""' ....,_..,. ~"""'· """"'~ -k9U"''""-tfno• • dtllghlOd course. beach. boat. ball field. I eo.. ~ c.. ~ gsden. hlklng trail . . . every-I e;:. II h where. Order Now. I l'!.c1ow i2 W~IOr po-. ftl'.;;af.lllj I SAVIJ Two lo< ~ '5 49 pluo SI SO'"' .,......,. • 11...i:.ng ORDER TODAVf I SAW~Fou•loo SIO!o'Jplu1"50Ulorpoo1••~ ft I: ~ om>t:aS ol 4 or more w MASTf.RCAlll> VISll Perfect for Men and Women I c.ro. ~--o.. 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And overnight Frank Fontaines beautiful voice made him a singing sensation . His very first album won him a gold record award and stayed on the best seller list for 53 weeks in a row! Now here are all the Frank Fontaine favorites in one fabulous collection: LET ME CALL YOU SWEETHEART ... ARE YOU LONESOME TONIGHT ... HEART OF MY HEA~T ... DADDY'S LITTLE GIRL ... and 16' more! Discover one of the most unforgettable listening experiences of your life. Check the list of songs on the left. Every song is one you know and love. And Frank Fontaine makes every one sound more beautiful than you 've ever heard it before. OFFER WILL NOT BE REPEATED If you don't play this beautiful al- bum more than any you've ever owned . . . and enjoy it more ... it won't cost you a penny. But please order yours now. It's not sold in stores at any price and we do not plan to repeat this advertisement in this publication. Mail the no-risk coupon today. MAIL TODAY• NOT IN STORES ---------------------------Suffolk Marketing, Inc., Dept. F0-19 360 Lexington Avenue New York, N.Y.10017 Please rush me the FRANK FONTAINE. album on your unconditional guarantee that it must be the most beautiful album I've ever heard or you will refund my purchase price. 0 I enclose $7.98. Send Record Album. 0 I enclose $9.98. Send 8· Track Tape. 0 I enctose $9.98. Send Cassette Tape. 1 Name. ___________ I I I I City _____ State. __ Zip , I ---------------------------- I When you die you mwt leave behind everything '"'which you M¥9 WOttled and Nwd. The question la, "TO WHOM?" If you have a wlll. you have alrMdy Instructed the State. at1omeya and Judges to act according to YOUR w1sheS. but II ,ou don't hatt• • will the s,.,. will """'11.'I dlalribu,. rour ••t•,. •cCOl'dlng to ,._. Without a Wiii you let the State determine the disposition or your auets,. the welfare of your spouse and the guardianship of your children. Probate coats, taxes and fen increase. wrw·s WorM, you rob yourself of the privilege of continuing stewatdship through ... designated gifts. DON'T MAKE THE MISTAKE OF THINKING: • only wealthy people need a will • that drawing a wlll la too complicated • or that It la too exP901lve Take the flra1 step toward doing something about that which you own .. for your PMCe of mind and ben9flt of thole you hold ctew. F01 a FREE ............ boddlit 9boul ....... ....S ~ ...... OI cm1 Tai F,_ 1 -eoo.~-4000 ---------------------------The s.lvation Annv Planned Glfla Conaultant 30MO Hawthorne BM1., Aancno PaJoa Verdes. CA 90274 1 want 10 till• lhe 1tr1111ep 1-•rd conlrolltng Ille d111nou1oon of my ttsla1e Ple9M 1enc1 me w•lllOul cosl or oblog.tttOn your OOOillet on Wills NAME ADDRESS _______ _ CfTY _________ STATE. ______ ZIP __ _ PHOHE NO. BIRTH DATE. _____ ... AMAZING AOLLEAI '*"" ..... !>•1>9• Piii> ...... 01'1 ••Ill, 1•1> nca, tum~ tu .. In ....... ..... letKt lrOfl't _, 100 Oeeltfll G•t COfOI ..... 1141~ ~= m-. Diiie g_.-.... -= 1111-..1 M>l.LDWAU. ~.o ... 1'11 °""' 'W·tl ........... _, YOU CAM CIEATE A IDT HM•. mlTES1 JUST INSERT THE MANE STYLER ~::.~:~~I" ) b9cll of your heed. (Sll1llght. wavy or ~1 layered Nill) ... or I ' . ~ CtMtea ~ ~ ' cucadlng I~ \=;:.~e' I\ or atyte your " I hlllr In meny Iott.ways. \1 ~ THE MANE '(/; £, -~ ~ STYLER i1 , •. "For short. shoulder lengltl or long hair." FREE ec>Mut: 12·page tloo'tlet to show you, ~. how to •rtte your hlif ... In 20 dittnnt ... 1MAU 1• 1tyter. LA"Q E f " • 14.15 ppd. For 81yler:..,.ppd. children or tllln Forthlellormed. Nilr. Cleat color llalr. Clear, tor· only. 2f••• '°i::r.W:t"· IOTll fOl •Y tt .... uw .. 11 _,.. MOii eeMIMltrft KM'OCHICICO.. MO*'t' ~TO 19/lME-sm.a tMIMY ... Sf,MW...,._ .... ..:~IL VISAMll.......C...llololrw .. C81 TOU "'ff.., 0t l'llaflt ~°"'""alO .............. r...Clllllltll WIGS by Paula Dept m . Brockton, MA 02403 Send FRl:I: Catalog to Nanw.._ _______ _ AddlttSL-------- Ctty_ ________ _ State z,,.,._ __ _ "J"· \' "' .. ~"*" ... , ... • llNIQ o" .. ~ o•4 -'•l-.G-.c-. WJ O•·' O't The Quattty AltarnattYe to High-Cost ... ,,. .... Boals! Why pay l800. 51000 or _, more tor an tnllalable Doll? See Eagi. pD Sl!\111 ... lot ~-·encl COii 11$ $110 IO $$40 For lakes ""9f'S POtlds be'f$ \ and -oceMt ~r1 'I Ft&ntng. camping rr.et· running. yacht le<ldtng ) SN Eagles 91\'9 you more tun lot ¥OUt money C.noes dinghies ana motot· mou<!I l:>Oatl e Wi''1e lot FREE btocnule Se• E-ole Dept FA18, SI James NV 11780 Or phone 516-72'-8900 ~fr• 8~30DmEST If you want •.. •top~·e~lt famous labels-many ' In hard to ftnd stzes ... •IDlllV ...... •petite •half shoes iENDll NOW • .. OUll SPRING CATALOG A: acc:elSOiia . . . _.11£CDVE A • ~ eriec:tion ol Sl BONUS DISCOUNT atyiaend... ,_,. ,.., ... perdlMe n r.·------------------------' I I OU> PUDLO T1IADE8S. °""" P8l . ... ~ ...... W-l'Jla.T-""-•ni : : EndoMd .. --ICMck"' .......... "'°"'': :~AME : • ,pi;;;; pnnl 1 • I I 9AOOAb~ ---1 I CrtY ST ZIP I I s.H .._ ,..,_ fll0 flf£Y &AC« GVAAA#TU I -...-----------------------~ Wtt.n You Ol'tMt From AdntflNrs In F•mlly WH~ly. Please allow lour to six weeks for delivery Since our advertisers often receive thousands of qrders from all over the country. occa· s1onally un1nter1tonat delays OC· cur ti they do. Family Weekly wants to assist you as much as pos111>1e Just send the details ot you• order to. Linda Mount. Family Weekly. 6.4 t Lexmgton Avenue. New York. NY 10022 .., ~ -. : I " I :., HITCRCOC& aaoa. me. ~· t IA • Hin«twn. MA 02043 - A NEW PLAY MAKES TV HISTORY In his 69 years, John Cheever has written four novels, hundreds of short stories and won both the Puhtzer Pri1.e and National Book Award. One thing he's never done before, though, is write for television. That long drought ends this Tuesday when his original teleplay, The Shady Hiii Kidnapping, airs, kicking off PBS's prom1sing 25-week Ployhowe series. Cheevcir's satiric tale, starr- ing George Grizzard, Polly Holliday, Paul Dooley and Celeste Hohn, focuses on the dlsappearance of a young boy fTom his small suburban town. But over the course of the hour, Cheever unravels layers of loneliness. lunacy and love In the Uves of his characters. Cheever told us he did a pUot script for CBS eight yea.rs ago that never aired, and he declined to try again -until now. "You do something with intelligence. and some pro- ducer or sponsor comes in and says. 'change that.' or 'drop that.· I was never granted the freedom I find impera- tive . Otherwise, why write?" He was forced to modify his lnbicate style of dialogue for the 1V medium, but Cheever notes that in one scene Polly Holliday talks for several minutes without interrup- tion. "I left that one long speech In," he laughs. "It must be the 6nt Jong speech on 1V since Paddy Chayevsky died." RmQN OF T•RROR $ In many nations, omnlpres-1 ent organizations like Iran's SAVAMA. Chile's CNI, South Africa's BOSS and Russia's KGB Intimidate. "Indefinitely detain." torture. even kill so- called .. enemies of the state.'' l...argely through Interviews with exiles from these countries, husband-wife tHm Thomas Plate and Andrea Oarvt reveal much on the abuses In their new book, Secret Police. Many exiles simply refused to talk, says Darvl, adding. 'The ones who did thoroughly ··$ Interrogated me first, and they 'really know about lntenoga- tion." One exile she Inter- viewed was later murdered. As for others, Darvi nota, "While there have been no reprisals against theJr f amilles that we know of. It's feared there could be.'' In some countries, like Cuba. Haiti and Syria. the secret J - J$ pob have become so~-ful that the nation's ruler has I ' llpp()tnted a ameltr; more secret po8cc foroe to spy -on the main MCret police. "In Egypt, Sadat didn't do that," says OaM. "Perhaps II he-had, he would have known about dislen9'on In the ranks and be alive today." TIDDLYTALLY Squidges, squopplng, grumps and piddles are neither cousins of TV's Lenny and Squiggy nor new weapons for bacterial warfare. They 're part of the jargon of tiddlywinks. an English game that's under- going somewhat of a reviv- al around the campuses of colleges like Cornell and M.l.T. The game, once described as "a cross be- tween chas and brain surgery." ls now extremely popular among computer science and math majors, reports winker Ken Moraff. a Cornell Junior. "It requJres strategy. concentration, pa- tience and Intelligence," he notes. The top teams from around the U.S. wlD gather In Boston next month for the annual North American 'Tiddlywinks Champion- ship, a competition that for these eggheads Is nothing to wink at. 1"-N•'llll>f.,,_f ,,,~,,_ 1'1 Ln"'flOll A,..._ /ff#~ N.Y. 100n ~9"1~ ~l=~PUblllher ~~Mor- Ellecutlft EdltOf, Atthur Cooper r:,'l:P'u~·~~ ==: POISON PUZ" • A January outbreak of severe food poisoning In several people located hundreds of miles apart had scientists stumped. For one, the offending bacterium, a strain of salmonella, usually causes problems In summer. No com· mon food source could be found but, as reported recentJy In Scienc.e News, Investigators discovered that more than half the adult food-poisoning victims were marijuana smokers, and two-thirds of the chlldren affected came from homes in which pot was used. Marijuana was ob- tafned from the victims and found to be heavily con· taminated with the salmonella. It's now thought the bacteria came from manure added to the marijuana to In· crease its weight before shipping and that adults ingested small amounts of salmonella as they handled the mari- juana. while children picked up the bacteria from ashtrays. UWPUTIAN HUCULBS Joe Cunha is a UttJe man but he has big dreams. Cunha (pronounced "coon-ya'') stands only 4 feet 4 inches taD and weighs 114 pounds, yet recendy squat-lifted a world record 535 pounds. Although he's been l.lfting just one year, Cunha, 22, is alre.ady ranked third In the world over- all in his weight class (behind Chuckle Dunbar, also a dwarf, and the champ, Japan's Hldeakl Inaba), and Is weU on his way to becoming the first person ever to lift five times his body weight. When the fans ftrst see him walk up to the bar, says Cunha, .. It blows · their minds. but i realty puts them on ~ my side." The Fre-I mont, Calif., native 7 admits that It's tough for him to find a steady job, and he's worked variously as a warehouse labor- er, gas Station athm · dant, 'bartender, roofer and wood- cutter. But he re· mains undaunted. "My goaJs arc simple," he says. "I want to be number 1 nex1 year and do a beer commercial like another tough little guy, Bdly Martin." BIRTHDAYS (Al Qptx:m) 5'nlily Rod s.w.t :rl; Ray Bolger 78 . .., -Rod Ta,b 52. ~ -Olllies Ne9ocl Rely 51; Gwen Ver- don 57; Robert Stack 63. nu.div -Faye~ 41. ~ -Lbyd ericbis 69; Margaret O'Brien 4S. 51it. wdlw -ElheJ Melman 73. .. The· marks of a g~af encvc10 225 : Give your-children The . Britannica Advantage.~ •• : and help them succeed in · a -coaw.etitive WDAd~ I rs a toup.worW out dtett. . , Thafs why )'OU s~Jd live your child all the advantaps you can. E.r,,,ciall)· 1"' IO<Jli'jw SUC'C'n3. (That's what a parmfs love and responsibility an: all about.) Cenainly there's no better 1<1c>I for improvina sc:hool aradcs and assqrina future achievement than The New Encyclopaedia Britanruca. Good thiaojust seem IO happen when Britannica 3 arrives in the home. Ifs sodeai/.v written and so weff.~izcd that youna minds find it lbe perfect homcwor1' helper. The ol~r child wilt expl0tt · _ _. "rn\ects. Ertjoy a competi-rca l is a H~ Leamin1 !will use Britannica 3 Britannica 3 filled ics to home ealth to reli&ion. .~ SELF-STICK METALIZED WELS '°' pe11111nent iclentilicttion tor lishlflll rods. golf dubs. skis. IDOis, cassettes, IU9Q191. owenhoes. ere. Silver metalized mylar i.bels stidt ttght 11 1 loudl. lll1me can't bt crossed out or changed. Flexible. ~M x ~M. 3 lines. 33 lett111 ucll. P9041 100 My!M Ube6s ... •2.H P'SJ•P-c°"' TOILET TIWll YOUR CATI hw IYltlftl really wotkll T11nsfw cat'• in-stincts from littm box to toilet. lo more messy, expensive litter Sci111t11ic J'f'llm uses adjustable plastic fOfm and SIJICial herbs to train cat. Alttr 8 days, remove fOfm -cat automatically uses toilet! F5187 Tabby Toilet T,.,.,., ... '"·" EllD RU._DOMI HEELS llloiseleu. llOIH!lltallic lleel tap.s keep stloa lleeta looltinq new for lllOflths-ave on ti· pensive repeirs. Attldl usily to most men's. wome1t'a, children's shoes. Set includes 8 tips and Mipply of tldls. Won't 1111111 floou. Fe143 HMI Tape. Mt of e .... $1.00 1Wosets. .........•.• 11.79 STRETCH NYLON SEAT COVERS Fit stffdafd and COlljltct Clfl-tushlons, ... becb, budltt 111rs. Sttltdly, foem- blcUd nyloft molds to all llltt. Wlsllabll. ataift resiatlllt. Won't ali9 or wrillkll. ,.._.... ,..._ ...... H220I .._ 112212 Blue 112210 lllct H22138i.t 1122118'-H221••-.... ......s.. "2215 lllut . H2211 ... H2218 lttc:t 112211 lttc:t ll2217 ._ IC2220 "°""' H .Heech. BucMt ..... H .H pt. 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Choose beipe card with deep brown printin~ & twin· band border. or mist green with forest green. 5 lines, 35 letters 11nd spacts each. No designs. Please print. P4041 200 GrMn Cards ... S2.98 P4049 200 Beig• Carda ... S2.91 '40. l"Ml'.lllY.IUOI II. JOlll'IOll '11t.H,.._t ... _,.._........,. ... ~ .. ---- SELF-STICK RETURI ADDRESS LABELS ere the perfect way to persof)- elize your letters, Identify valuable records, books. cameras, tools. etc. Self· stick. they cling at a touch. Your name. address and rip code, up to 4 lines. 22 letters & spaces per line. Pfinled in black on glossy white labels. 2" x ~·: P6030 250 White Gloss Lebelt $ 1.98 RAISED-LmER STATIONERY Your name and return address in elegant raised lt1ters and a distinctive twin· stripe accent this handsome stationery. Choose dffp blue on soft blue or rust on ivory. 50 personalized sheets, 25 plain, 7% x 10", SO envelopes. Gift-boud. P1035 Pera. 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Just .,... 11'1111 ill IWOilctar. tum Oft llMp ''"' 80-w. bulbJ. Cftit fof Mtterteinment, lee· tura. etc. 1r a 4~" a r : 5~ft. cord. F5154 Amutng Protector ... 114.H D 260 •tf-11111 111111 1••11 LAIELI $1 S.H-ttlck leblll 111 the -.t, MIY wey.to l*IOl'llin 1ttter1. Mm,MC.NffnlM, ......... 11111zipcadlupto411--..i- Wy llritltM II Midi on die ....... lltf-ttict !Mel ,.. ,.r MilMll. Hf' lone. BoxN. ._ ........... ., .................... .,... .. ............... ,.,_ ... , TREPtmf SOUllD AMPUFIO low you Clfl lie¥ every wanl End tht elllblf· rassnient of utint callers to reput them- selm, ,_, O\llf shop. office or llOllle noises. Attldln easily to any standard phone. Fir.- gertip wtume control. lightwtillllt, tcllllS*f. Ustt 1 ~ volt "II" beftlfY, i11c:fuded. Bleck. 85111 Telephone ~lfier .. 118.H ~2.fT. a UT. POSTEii Send in 1ny pictUf1. documlnt, cttliflc1t1. inerrltet license, black end white or color 1111psho1 lno negetiml ... or • 35mm color slide ... end hav1 it 111ler~ into • giant 2·ft. a 3-11 bleck end wh1t1 wtll poller. Comes rolled In • m•lllnt lube to PflYlnt amino. Pluse print your neme Ind address on beck 111 orlgl111I for 11fe return. N301 OJent Photo .•.•. ..$1:ff U .H 2 .m.11'110.ll 3 .W.:Wl1 SEW HEAVY MATHtALS ProlessiOftll type awl lets you sew '"tlllf, c.nvas. etc. with slrOlllJ lodl stttcll. Fil ahoel, tents, tw111119s, uphofsflfY youfMll, quickly and eeonomlcally. Save on repair bills. Kit includes awl, 2 needles, hetvy wutd thre~jj)usl11ltd insuuttiOAS. H3087 l..Mther Awf .•.•..••• 12.H ,.,. rA~$ .....Ill ·EMIUIY~ ill'/" - LOOSE ..U FIT mTUllf End ~ sllwina of rlftp. stop dano• of loss wifll these easy·fHW ld1usl•s. Just snip cleer vinyl bind to ht inside rinv. and slip it In. Speci1I design Slays in pi.ct uslly. Givn you custom fit. Set of 5 binds to fit .,,, nnv. 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Midi In Sterling Silver Pattern Matching Service We have your ~tteml Sterling and Silterplate 1,166 JH1tUnu bl 011r N•lts tiff' J11y tllu 1111 ,.,.., prrp11nJ •Rrp1-u lost or""""'~" piru1 •Complet«' J'O#r """"Mt !At/ti '""';"K pirus We have more than 2.000 sterling and ACTIVE, silverplate pauems in our vaults- INACTIVE, active. inactive and o bsolete. Many OBSOLETE cannot be bought in retail stores at any PATTERNS price. We specialize in inactive and ..._ ____ _. obiolete patterns. and we have a huge selection or active patterns. too. Most are offered at tremendous savings over retail prices. Just tell us your pattern nam• and manu- EASY TO facrurcr. We will send you a list of the ORDER pieces in stock in your pattern and the .._ ____ _. price for each. Then. you can order just what you want. We will put your name In our Silver R~iscer so we can notify you as $00n as we have additional pteees you might want. No obligation, of course. :IO-day rcrum privilege on all silver you buy from Walter Drake Silver Exchange. Jr you arc not sure of the panem name. ask for our free Pauem h.lentification Booklet. WE Buy We pa)' cash for 1111 sterling and for silvel"' plarc 1n good condition. tr you want to SILVER, sell such items quick.ly, safely and oon· TOO ~-enicntly. &end tbe coupon today. Or for ..._ ____ _. fastest service. caJJ our toll-free number. We buy and sell silVff CVt'1')' day. so our SE ND THE inventory changes every day. The sooner COUPON you send the coupon. the sooner you'll TODAY! get the pieces you want. First come. -----· ... first served. We keep our prices as low as we can, bu1 innation affects the pnce of silver. too. It probably costs less to &et the silver y<'IU wan1 now than it ever will again. so don'\ delay. Send the coupon roday. HUNDREDS MORE PATTERNS THAN THOSE SHOWN Walter Drake is the nation·s largest silver pattem·matchin~ service. If the pattern you want is av.ulable anywhere. ii will be at Walter Drake. Even if your pattern is not shown or listed. send the coupon today. Walter Drale i.s the place to get those hard-to-find pieces. those unusual patterns-current patterns, too-most ...._ ____ _. at big savings. PHONE TOLL-<FREE ,...,..... • .,. _____ l_"r•• 1-800-525-9128 1-800-525-9827 c-... ........ ~ , •• ,.. ..... n._..., .. ,_ , ......... CLIP AND MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! Walter Drake Silver Exchange 5116 Drake Building, Colorado Springs. CO 80940 r wAmR'DRAK'eSiLVER excHA"NG'E...,I I 6119 Or1IM Buoldlno.. Colcndo fklnnea. 00 IOIMO YOut~ I 1--.. I I ~ ......... "' :::: ~ :: S4llil'I 0 Si.tiftg I.. .......... , 1 ~· I::::::::.."'::. .... ..__, ___ -.. j L..~~~------ REMOVE UllWMTED HAIR safely a PROTECT HAIRDO AS YOU SLEEP Miiiy with "Touch of Velvet• disc. llo mes· Wake up beauty shop-fresh when you w111 ay c1N1111 or wans. llo painful twtllino. llo this bonnet. Comf01tebft but firm net edjusts llicb Of acreptt. Liglltly rub apecielly tlHt· to 1ny a>iffut1 to keep it fresh, neat end Id pu11lc:e disc over lliln. Unsightly hllr Is YllCnlSlled-mn If lOll toss 1nd turnl Vel· -., ... er without i11i11tion. Lents face, cro· doswl holds bonnet snugly, comf0f1ebly. Inn, legs soft & smooth. In handy compact Help llpenslVI .. ,. IHt longer. Wnhlble. N2053 "Touch of~ .. Dile '2.99 N50l3 SIMp C.p ........... U .99 Ill' rim AJll EAR HAii IAHl.Y! Good grooming demands that unsightly hair in nostrils and tars be removed-and now you can clip it out safely! Why risk infection by plucking, or by nicking with ICiaors? Tiny multi- bltde rotaiy shear is seft. gentle. effective. Finest surgical stainless steel. F411 KHpette• ......••...... U .H Fttl btt11f. too, with Posture Br1. Colwf0f1· Mlle ellSfic beet IUPPOf1 aentJy holds your llleulclera. helps you stenil atriigl!ter. You looll sli1111111r, younger. White lat11 on cotton ~. Elestic ltTIPS. suit a bottom panels. Order by bf1 aizt: 11085 (3481 I0-088134CI N1091 140CI 111088 t3881 111089 138CI 11109313801 11108713881 111090138CJ N1094 13801 ELECTRIC CAUUI EWER Erases uelY callutn, COfns, dtld llcln-lelves feet amooth H silk from hnl 10 lot. light· wti1tn. es 11sy 10 use as en electric shiver. Safe, gentle vibfeting IC'lion SlllOOths rough, scr1tdly skin tllet loob so Ullptaaent end ""II' nylons. Tough white plastic; 5\; ~cord. N894 Electric C.llus EntHf .. U .99 MOW YOU CAI USE YOUR ~=-= LOGIC SUM MO n.1HM1 pat btl!Y? Put it in its plaul Wlisl Belt ali1111 you up Ille moment you put 11 on. lnstant-gtlp Velcro· clos111e mikes 11 easy 10 pul on, tek1 off. 6" wide. 1d1us1s from 26" to.SO" Elasticized cotton toe easy wesll ·n· w11r Helps reli8¥1 blck flligue, 1001 for men. women N2044 Waist Bell:. . . . . . . . . 15.99 VACUUM TAKES OUT IUCIHEADS Don't aquMle end Injure skin -let Vecutn r11110V1 bleckheed• gently. Jutt put the tio on the bleckhtld, pras the little pui11p-bl~ IS gone! 6tn11e VICllUfll dots the Irick! This is the ~int Ylcutu, nor to be confllsecl with imltetocs. Guel111teed. F25t Vecutex .•...••.•.••.• 11.11 ' FULL PAGE MAIMFfER • M'9"i!Y an en1i11 Plllt with this 81;'' • l1" 1111gnif1er It's 1 delu•e 4X-bnnos print up to 4 times its 1111! You, don't lose your place • becluse you magnify so lwge an 1re1. Waf11· thin so it can be kept In • book. Plestic with vinyl hind grip on OM side 53082 Full Peoe M-vn1t1er .. U.:.99 PHI. llU PAYM EIVELOP£1 wi,, ICtllllblt,.,, tMlotlts It bill ""'"'° 1imt, or bl'Nlt oi"~ 1t1tioneiy sets? Send your checks. • ttc. In lhttt criap, white BY( lfMioptS designed jllU '°' this jolll Return lft upptl' t.lt corner shows yGUf 111111e, lddms tnd zip codt In rich bltdt print Plett of 76. P3003 76 Enwetopel.. •..... '1.H LIFETIME IOCIALSECUllTY Pl.ATE YOU! nwnt end Socltl Security ...... r peng. neatly 1ng1evtd on rich-lo«*lng solid brass pltte. 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Pe128 250 Gold Foil lJlbelt $1.98 Pf129 250 Sliver Foll lJlbets 11.tl RAISED-LETTER MOTEi t.ture your"'"" in kMty ra!Md sai$1t, ser off 11¥ a Sllllft, slim bofdef. looks like cosllJ 911111vi119 Perfect for 1hank·ycM1'1, quid llOtes~ invit1tions. ~" 1 4~" folded Set of SO CllS9 while nolts with 111Y1lopes. The perfeci gilt. Print 1111111 wented. P5074 SO Informal NcMIM ... •2.H Ill Pllt•llZlll PILIA ., IEI• Red I wtlite polka dot canisters filled with personalized memo sheets! 800 crisp white sheets feature your name in red and a bright red apple design. Metal YOUll STATE- RETURI ADOMSS WELS Yow llOlll8 st111 silhouette, its nickname and JOllf 1\11111 and lddlns prinred in ncl1 bloe hlllhliaht these extra l11ge 2~" x ~" whtt• aelf·st1ck labels. Up to 3 lines, 28 letters and spaces eattr. All 50 sl11es mlTeble. plus O.C. Ind Pueno Rico. Set of 250 labels. N117 Pwa. ltae L.Mels ... 12.11 canister, about 4" square, makes a luting gift. P6325 Polka Dot Set $6.99 N330 800 Pers. Refills . . . . . . . . . . . $4.99 -, __ . E•D MUSSED CLOTHIM REMOTE COllHOl IWITCH WEIMNI &REASE WASHES OFFI HlllVlf Aids keep even aplClng between Extend yout ruch 15 f111 auoss the room. frypeo-Kleen worts WOlldlfs on dil'tl blldl· tianpers. so oermtnts c•'t ~Ith or bunch up StlY in ~ COlf bid or comfy chlir to rum oft cruslld pot and Piii bottOlllS. bsiest ·~ to eg11nst udl Olfltr. Keep y()U( clothes frail-TV. 1ed10. 111119-just flict tllis switdil Plug eleen electric ltilltb, waffle •rona. Miii, looking longer; saw on UlllllC8Ull'f prating eppliences into this unit. unit into well plug prilla. Sift on etuminum. chrome. pore.a.in, bill• Btight golden finish. Fits eny size rod. Thlrs arr 11\ef• is to ill A luaury fOf yooo«lt, ll'Oll. Just-..ny on, 41t rt wort. buff wittr • slides nslly. Set of 8 llolcls 38 llanglfi so nice for tlle bedridden. UL listed JCOUting ped. So myl Hs.45 H~ Aids. .•.• · .•. , . U .49 H3321 Remote Control Switch '5.tt Kt20 Frypen-f(leen 15-ol e111J •• 12." ~----------------~ I Walter Drake MAIL ORDER FORM I I 4118 Dr•• ••••111. Color• Sprillp, Colo. IOMO I IATBfACTmllllMIY&Dllt .... _,UCI . I •=-NAM . I Charge to my: --ADDRESS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I lllot.C.•~---CITY & STATE ZIP I I ............. _ .... ,..c.. I I YIU"'----I '-_ ... __ CMlft....... ,,_ I AUT.-zet ___,_ ,_, • ..,. ..... ...,, I I 1 PlWI--~...., I .. ......... I ·~.":-..=.-Mu M m.11.m.•-Mn2.11 I Wt•• 1.11-a.iu1.a 11u1 •m.11-MUUI IUUl•SIUl-MIU.11 ... m.•-MISUI --J _______________________ _..I:------------------a"