HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-12 - Orange Coast Pilot• • • • • • ------IWHH. CUil _ Ylll HlllTIWI BlllY PIPll ORANGE C OUNT V C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS I• 1 ( Deity .............. eery ....... -MAY START IN MONTH -Legal challengers may contest the issuance Monday of a low-power li cense to Southern California Edison Co. for early operation or Unit 2 r eactor (leftl at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Onofre foes Pondering appeal Federal board issues unit 2 test license ·to coastal plant By DAVID KUTZMANN Of .. ~ .......... 0 pponents of the newly expanded San Onofre Nuclear Generating S t a tio n we r e copsidering today whether to appeal a federal panel's decision which permits issuance or a low-power test license for early operation of San Onofre's Unit 2 reactor. The U.S. Atomic Safety and ·Licensing Board issued a 240- page decision Monday which cleared the way for federal nu c lear o U ici al s to issue Southern California Edison Co. the low-power license. Ac tual s t a rtup of tb e l , 100-megawatt r e acto r , however, wilJ not take place for a month and possibly longer, utility officials said. Opponents, me~nwhile, were to meet with their lawyers today to decide ll they sb·ould appeal the safety and licensing board's decision to the full U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. "We feel it was very unwise for·the (llcen.sin1 board) to take that step at t.hi• point," said Lynn Harris Hieb , a member of San Cle mente-based GUARD, one or several le8al challengers to row-power and full-power operation ot San Onbfre. Mrs. Hicks said ber group stiJI be l ieves t h a t plans fo r e m erge ncy e vac ua tion of residents who live within .10 miles of the nuclear reactors-in the event of an accident wouJd not be adequate . Eme r gency ~t annin g and earthquake safety of tt~e $3.3 billion plant three miles south of San Clemente were the two main issues in licensing, hearings which took place in Sao Di~go and Anaheim last summer. In its decision Monday, howeve r , the three-member safety and licensing board said it was ruling In tavor or Edison Co. on seismic issues. The panel.cited the "strong, ii not overwhelming weight of the evide nce" offe red by utility consultants on the earthquake safety or the two new reactors at San Onofre. The board also ruled that the current state or e m er gency preparedness near the plant was more than adequate-for issuance of a low-power test license. Still to be decided by the safety and li censing board is whether to issue a full-power license for operation of 1,100 megawatt units 2 and 3 at San Onofre. A decision on the full -power license is expected later this year. On ce officially is sued by Nuclear Regula~ry Commission offi ciAJs. the low power license will allow Edison engine,ers to lo ad uran ium -l a d e n fue l assemblies into Unit 2's reactor vessel. The plan t wil l t h e n b e activated at no m ore than 5 pe r cen t of rull power. No electricity wi ll be generated. Health care disputed By PREDE&ICK SCHOEMEBL Ol .. Deley ........... Ed#or'• Note: Thil ia tM third of four part• in a Dail11 Pilot ~' i zploring who lhoWd paJI for medical care of tM poor at UC. lrmw Medical Cmtn. WedM.clay'a conclMl'ion will analpe hoto tM diap&&te grew so large and recommend how MgoUations lhoWd be conduct«d at o /Uglwr Z.Wl. -Standing in the forefront of the l.uue ol providing medical care to the Orance County poor ls a muJti-mlllloo dollu-contraet dllpute between Orange County government and the U'niversity of Califorbia. .. lt la a diapute described by one attonu~r close to it u a "war di ep," and by one elected cowity official u "a bM marrtage." State Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, who baa taken a pehonal interest in t.be dilpute, once said the pact covemina the provtalon of health care for lndlgent.a la workiq ao baclly that be WOUid not blame the county for PuWnt out of it. The contract from which the dispute a.ro.e . · took effect on July 1, lt76. For SI mllllon, the unlvenity acquired the rormer Orapge County lledlcal Center in Orange. But there wu mucb more involved in the so-called tramfer .,....ment. Under the '76·pa1e a1reement, tbe unlvenlty UJ-eed to pnvtde medical care for lnd11eou, al Count! u,.... IDdl1•ta a,. t.bole penoGI who av DOt "'81t'1for11..U.CaJ, yet haw no other meana ol ~· for their. care. . ,. P8tStnta ar..u.awca. u. ... ....., llll1I tbe eomtJ foi' UM. Ml'YtHI .... • elaborate -If amiquoui-Nlmbar.....-mwha"'•m. ~may ban looted pd•,.,_._ and . . • OC MEDICAL UC CARE was acclaimed by officials of both sides -does not. look so good today, those same officials now say. 'the problems began when the county began wlthholdh1g payment of money t1> tbe university. The. county's argum· nt was tw~fold : It said it wu belna billed for service for which it wu not responsible, and, that it was being billed (or aervlcea that were excessive. • Today, about $8 million in bllllngs are ln dispute. Both aides are en1a1ed in arbltratJon in an attempt to determine wbicb aide ls ri1bt. ParalleliDI the arbitration· proceedln1s • bave been ne1otJaUon1 invotvtnc county and univenity olftciala. Headinc tbe necotlatora'. •1eada la d1tvlaln1 1 system whereby'' dls11rwmenta over bUw can be worked out' •ltboat MDCt•ns the blll• to the •tack datlaed for arbltratloa. • AnlmoaiU•• appeared to have ce>oled ·~,J.'ellr~" boUa lidll. aU11 .~~-· eoc u.ell' Nl,.Uft poeltiOal. TM ,.... II..,~ ... biiitc. TM eoanty II (lleQMJNTY,P•.U. Fonda visits NB, promotes movie, book By JEFF PARKER oe .. o....,,....s.... J ane Fonda was in Newport Beach Monday night to tout her new movie, "On Golden Pond"; her husband's political group ; the Campaign for Economic Democracy, and her new book, "J ane Fonda's Workout Book." The actress stood beside the popcor n maker at E dwards Newpor t Center Cine ma - donated for the event by owner James Edwards -where she autographed movie posters and stills and posters Crom her book for nearly a n ho ur. Money raised from admissions ($10 per person) and from autographs - $10. for movie stills , $10 for "Workout Book" posters and $20 for movie posters -went to the Ca mpa i g n fo r E conomic Democracy. Fonda took the stage before the screen i n g for · a fe w comments on t he C ED, the making of "On Golden Pond" and to auction me morabilia from the film. "I 'll tell you, making this movie was terrifying for me," she said. "I got up there to act with these two monuments of the industry -my fatheT <Henry Fonda) and Katharine Hepburn -and 1 fell like I'd never acted before. My voice got shaky and I threw up, really. The works. But I'm glad you came tonight because I want to share what I think is a beauUlul movie wUb you. 1 think this la the best perlormance my father bu ever given. "We began shooting th~ movie (See FONDA, Pase AJ) - 'Harassm.ent' bill backed SACRAMENTO <AP) -After hearing of a woman 's "nlebtmarlsb" s even-year strunle with harassment, a legialaUve committee approved a bill to rai se sentences for repeat harassment. AB2174 by A.Jsemblyman Me.I Levine, D-Santa Monica, would also make haraument a crime 1ubject to felony penalUes in certain cues. The Assembly Crtmlnal Ju1Uee Committee voted unanJmou1b Moad~J to tdnnee tbe bW to U.• All•lltr. w., •. and ..... ~ ...... Uader ••eat In, Iii ¥liilliU of ...,. ... meat mQ aMaia.a court ~ to bbld • ,..a fro111 hanllinf t.betn. I Killer winter grips Florida; crops ruined Record cold blamed for at l e a s t 80 deaths across the. country surged deep into Florida today with the hardest freeze in r ive yea r s i n pl aces, flash-freezing oranges on trees and causing extensive damage to the state's billion-dolla r citrus crop. Some of the bitterest winter we ather to hit the South in decades iced over bridges on the Mia.s.iasipp.i -Gulr Coast anc,t. spread sleet and freezing rain across Texas, from Del Rio on the Me xican border to the Louisiana border. Elsewhere, Buffalo, N. Y ., was digging out from a record 24.·bour snowfall of 28 .inches and hundreds or miles of roads were closed in Illino is, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York bec a use of blowinc snow and drifts up to six feel deep. Travelers forced off the highways by blowing snow spent the night in highway service stations and church pews, and slate office buildings in western Ne w York were ordered to remain open as refuges. lo New York City, the Heat Complaint Bureau r eceived more than 10,000 reports of apartments without heat. The Midwest warmed to aero and above after record-cold weather that saw the wind-chill !actor dip to as low as 100 below in Milwaukee. Temperatures sank into the 3>s today over much of the Florida citrus belt where most of this year's crop is still unpicked. Citrus fruit can be destroyed by six hours of 28-degree cold. Many growers spent the night In the groves burning smud1e pots and old tires in an effort to s ave t h e ir o ranges and grapefruit as temperatures dropped t o 22 d e gre es in Da ytona Beach and 23 degrees in Orlando in the heart of the citrus belt. Citrus damage was "very extensive and widespread," Mark Belcher of Florida Citrus Mutual in Lakeland said today. Ha-rdest hit were areas around Tampa, he said. "There was a very general fr eeze ac ro ss the e ntire cit r us -pro duc ing area of Florida," Belcher said. "The"' will be an awesome effort to get out into the field this momin1 and s alvage the damaged fruit. If picked fast enough, it can be turned into orange juice ... It's been flash-frozen on the tree." Only about 12 ·percent of Florida 's projected·oraoge crop and 10-percent of the grapefruit crop has been picked. It was 2 below in Birmingham. Ala ., on Monday, and 8 above in Pen1facola, Fla. Tbe IS al Houston waa the coldest there in 30 years. NA.ME FITS COLD SPOT DUBLIN, Ireland (AP> -The coldest spot in Ireland was Birr, the national weather service said today. Overnight temperatures fell to 8.6 below zero in the County Offaly town of a bout ·3,300 residents 65 miles southwest ol Dublin. Top surfers lwnored Old timers cheered at dinner By S1'..EVE MITCHELL o1 .. ~ .......... S1.1rffno is o Mad trip ht o /bdd medhnn. -St~ Paman, Sllrfn Magaztne They touted it as the Academy Aw arda of surfing. Sort ol the Heisman Trophy of wave ridlns. And more than 4SO old timers, surfers and wahines showed up for the 11th Surfer Poll Awards, held this year at Sebastian's West Dinner House lo San Clemente. Tbe majority of Monday nitbt'a notables and cuesta were on the far aide of 30 and while tt}e dtnner invites au11eated "semi-formal aWre," moet wore faded Hawaiian sh irts and corduroy trousers. They 1a~red to honor tbe top 10 men and the top five women aurfen in~ world -Hleded br re~era of th• t0,000 circulation Surfer Ma1aslne, wbose olftces are ln San .Juan Capistrano. The otten raucous 1roup consumed more than lJO ,:ues of. Budwel"aer, Mlchelob and Hank'• ~lvate reserve, alons with 180 liters of white wlne. And, af .$18 a ticket, tbey feuted oafish soup, salads and roast beef, all to tbe accompaniment of a sort of HawaUan country westerii band called t.be Hula Buekaroot. Tbey were movie stars and other luml.Dariel 1A tbe form ol Proeeeutor1 in bid WASHINCTON (AP) - redetal ~ ..... Mad UM U.S. 0Qmt ol Afptala to 1elt tbem Ht a 1tatemeat and hlli6111 .... --.,,, , ••. RiiilillJ Jr. ID dliilr ilbt te .pro ................... ... · ~Hldent Reafaa and ttil'ff other mm. Jerry Mathers <Leave lt to Beaver,) Greg Bradford (Eilbt · is Enough.> Gregory Harrison <Trapper John, M.D.) and even Ti motby Leary, whom the announcer introduced as "the Evolutionary Surfer ." But the biggest cheers Monday n ight went to the oldtlmers, surfing veterana from the 50s and 60s. Names like Hobie Alter, Mickey Munoz, Duane "Gordy~' Gordon, Don Hanson, Walter Hoffman, Herbie Fletcher, Dick Metz, Mike Haley, Mike Doyle. D.avid Nuuhiwa, Dewey Weber, Corky Carroll, Fred Hemmina, Gordon CJark and PhU Edwards. The emcee was Gabriel Wisdom, a San Die10 radio (See SURFING, P ase AJ) 111111 C• IUTlll Sunny this afternoon and Wedneeday. A little 'warmer on Wednesday. .Hl1ha today ~ to 71 and Wednesday• to '13. Cooler -ton11ht with Iowa of 42 to '8. .lMlllT•Y AfrUMt .......,., ,,..,. oat "'°"" qu..ctou Md read ,_ '""' to .......... ,. •• ,.., to lc*lt dee... °" fare•. PdfC BS. .,_ •. Jet descends aner cabin air pre~re drops; 1 injured SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A CapltoJ Jnttmatlonal Alr•aJ• oc.a Jet d•cacted trom 11,000 ttet to 15,000 feet aft• UM caMa alr pre11ure dropped, b•t altbouah one peraon wu lajured, a federal offtdal aaid t'e aafety of the pa111q.,. waan't threatened .. "I wu fqt asleep," 1a.ld Tom Lavin of San Bernardino, a paaaenger on the tu1ht that left New York on Sunday n11ht and , arrived. in San Francisco on Monday. "All ol a 1uckhn. the plMt wa1 dark and 1tarted to dive,'' Lavin l&ld. "My tart popped and the 0.11• muu dropped down Md we beard a b1a thump. AJl the flllbt attendant. wen rulUlJ.ni throu•b tbt aitl• u fHt aa tbey could. A few mlnutea later, they 1ald for ua to futen our teatbeltl.'' Lavin said the plane made Ill descent in a period of two minutes. The Jet, which carried more than D> passengers, landed. in Saddle back senate • 'ceilsures' Schmitz .. Bv ·IOllN NEEDHAM 0( .............. The Academic Senate ol the Saddleback Community College District bas unanimously paned a resolution "deploring" recent public remark.s made by State· Sen. John Schmitz. who bas taught political science on a part-lime basis at Saddleback since 1975. . _ Schmitz, also a professor at· Santa Ana College, recently attacked foes of anti-abortion legislation using language judged by many observers to be sexist and anti-semitic. The action by the college's senate, made up of faculty members who regularly convene to consider various academic issues of concern to district instructors, was announced by Se n a t e P res id e o-l R •I bu .Mathur, a chemtstry ptOlesaor at the college's North Campus in Irvine. "Although Senator Schmitz is not presently at Saddleback College and bas never been a full-time faculty member hete, th e Academic Senate of Saddleback College deplores the senator's comments relating to judgment of individuals on the basis of r ace, ethnic background or sexual preference," the resolution reads. It continues : "Such statements are inconsistent with the educational philosophy of the faculty of Saddleback College." Scfimitz, a resident of Corona del Mar, had been scheduled to From f?age A 1 teacb a~ be1l1U1ln1 political science claaa durin1 the upcoming sprh\g, semester at Saddleback. However, the Saturday morning course was dropped from the curriculum due to budget constraints facing the district. The decision to drop the· class was made several weeks prior to Schmitz' remarks criticized in tbe Faculty Senate's resolution, a college spokesman said. rn a press release issued after a series of state Senate hearinp presided over by Schmitz on a constitutional amendm~ot banning a bortions , the conservative lawmaker ref~ to opponents of the measure as "bull dyk.es" and "murderous marauders." At a Los Angeles hearing, Scbmil% said he looked out on a "sea of hard, Jewish and (arguably) female faces." The Democratic majority in the Senate Rules Committee removed Schmit% as chairman o f l h e C o n s t i t u tl o n a 1 · Amendments Committee and from two other Senate posts fol~owing the remarks. ~enate President Pro Tem David Roberti and Sen. Alan Sieroty, both Los Angeles Democrats, said last week that a censure resolution against 0Schmitz would be introduced on the Senate floor because of his comments. FONDA IN NEWPORT. • • at a hard time. the str!ke was in e ffec.t and we were on set awa iting permission from tbe unions to work. There was a feeling from the crew -and it was a professional Hollywood crew, they'd seen everything - that we simply had to make this film . The enthusiasm was something that was very special. When I first read the script for this movie I was !!hootin g 'The Electric Horseman' in Utah, and I knew that my father would have to say some of these lines. "We'd been looking for a project to do together for a long time but we could never ftnd the right one. Can you imagine me playing his mistress? Those were the kinds of often we were getting," she said. Fonda outlined the current goals of the CED, which incllMle a long-term project for increasing solar power in California, cleaning up toxic dump sites, diverting pension fund doUars lo help pay for masa transit and affordable housing, and financial support for suitable democratic political candidates. · Following her remarks on the film, Fonda auctioned a signed "Nine to Five" poster ($50), an a.,tograpbed picture of ber Denver, then flew to Saa Franclaeo. •'The cabin praaure '1aebed the po6at wbere t.be crew felt it •a• netellar')' to dacend to • lower altitude," uld Dave Myer1, a 1pokeamao for tbe Federal Aviation AdmlnfatraUoll In J)enver. •'The aircraft experienced a pre11urilatlon problem over Nebru1ca," Myen tald. ''Tbe pilot made a controlled dMeent from Sl,000 feet down to IS,000 feet end landed at Deaver. He did not make an emer1ency dNcent." llyera said oxy1en maaka were releued, bu' the cabin pr ... ure nev• reached a level that required oxyaen. Michael Przybyla, a Hyatt Hotels dlnina room mana1er who waa a puaen1er on tbe tuabt. called it a "niptmare" and said the panen1ers bad to sleep on the floor at Stapleton International Airport In Denver when they could get no help from Capitol. The pusenaera bad to wait several boura in Denver before boarding a United Alrllnea ftlght to San FtancisC!O. "We were neglected," said Alan Kaplan of Oakland. "We were abandoned at the Denver airport." An airline spokesman said the i-nciden t was "just a decompression" and was a "very rare thing to happen. You come down real fast. The oxygen masks pop out the second it happens." The CapifOI spokesman, who refused to be idenWled, said tbere was no real daneer to the passengers. "I don't think it can create any physical problems," be. said. "'lbe crew la futly aware of emergency decompression procedures." · Four passengers were taken to a hospital in Denver, but only one was a d mitted . Pruk Chatprapachai, 32, ot Lon• Beach was in fair condition with a neck injury, a hospital spokesman said. The other three passengers were examined at the hospital and released. Myers said the safety of the passengers was not threatened because the "crew took' appropriate action in time." An "investigation was under way to determine the cause of the pressure drop. father ($50), s print made by Henry Fonda depictin& a scene from bis movie "The Grapes of Wrath" ($250 ). a signed "Workout Boot" and cassette exercise tape ($100) and a script from the film, slped by Henry, which opened bidding at $30 and nnally sold for $500 .. "On Golden Pond" was written by playwright Erneat Thompson. directed by Mart Rydell and stars Henry and Jane Fonda, Katharine Hepburn and Dabney Coleman. Ms. Fonda also served aa producer for the movie, overseeing the making of the film as "a gilt for my father." ............ .,CllMll ... PROMOT£A -Jane Fonda chats with actor and CED activist Jim Klein <center> and James F.dwards Sr., owner of the Edwar~ Cinema chain during an appearance at Edwards Newport Cinema to promote her OftANGf COAST llllyPllat new movie. "On..:G:..;;o:..:.ld:;:.e:.:•:..P;;..on.;;.;.;;.;d;;..;.._ .. _____ _ Peace office~•' job denied aliem WASIDNGTON <AP> -Stat.. may prohibit tealdeot allena from holdln1 Jobi aa state "peace offlcen," the U.S. SUpreme Court ruJed by a M vote today. • Tbe court, reveuln1 • declakm bJ a low• tbree·JGdl• panel, ninatated a CaUfonla law cballen1tcl by tbrH Loa An1•I• .... ideall wllo were d..ued Jot. .. Oeput1 probetioa . offte .. beenM tbeJ .,. • u.s.etu-. ............... SURFING'S OLDTIMERS -Among the senior surf set at Monday's Surfer Poll Awards dinner in San Clemente were veterans Mickey Munoz <left >. Hobie Alter and Corky Carroll. More than 450 surfers from around the world showed up to honor the best in the sport. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FromPageA1 SURFING ••• ·announcer and surfer who walked out on the dinner stage in a huge blond wig. Policy set on land lease negotiation.s "We U$ed to shake our bushy, buahy blond hairdos," he · shouted into the microphone . But that wu a long lime ago, be added~ whipping off the wig and exposing bis balding pate to the delighted crowd. A half-hour film clip, featuring mostly surfers in Hawaii, was tailor made for the invitation-onl}' group, who booted and cheered as they watched their peers scream across turquoise waves on a larger than life screen. Winners of this year's awards ranged from Australians to South Africans and included Mark Richards, Cheyne Horan, Simon Anderson. Dane Kealoha, Sba~n T o m so n , Wayne "Rabbit" Bartholomew, Tom Carroll, Buzzy Kerbox, Joey Buran and Bobby Owens. Female winners inc luded Margo Oberg, Lynne Boyer , Jericho Popplar. Rell Sunn and Liz Benavi14ez. Thieves leave cash C ARSON (AP J -The pres ident of Cal State Dominguez Hill s isn 't speculating why thieves who stole more than $120,000 from a campus safe would leave most of the cash In his office, stuffed inside a grocery bag. "I wish I had a red-hot theory to share," Donald F. Gerth said when the theft was revealed Monday. The bag contained $112,139, or about $8,000 less than was taken last Tuesday from a safe in the cashier's office at the southern Los Angeles County campus. Crash kills man SAN FRANCISCO <AP) One man is dead and another remained in critical condition following the co111sion of a crowded city bus and a car, officials reported. Another 25 people reported injuries in the Monday accident. By STEVE llAaBLE Of -Deify ..... ,.... The Irvine Company bas said it won't negotiate with Newport Beach and lrvlne homeowners who join a planned lawsuit over increasing land lease fees that must be paid annually to the development firm. "We feel that wouldn't make much sense to either side," e~p lained Jerry Collins, an Irvine Company spokesman. Collins was responding to announcements made Sunday by leaders of the Committee of 4,000, a group claiming to represent 4 ,00~, unhappy homeowners in the two cities. Affected homeowners own their homes but lease the grotmd under them from the Irvine Company. Committee leaders have outlined a six-point list of demands they are making of the Irvine ~mpany in an effort to seWe the growing land lease fee dispute. Group leaders also confirmed plans to file a class action suit against the development firm by the end of the month. Collins said any litigation would only serve to "drag out the issue, perhaps for years." The Irv i ne C ompan y announced a plan late last week for helping affected homeowners purchase lbei,r leased property at a variable interest rate. The development firm also unveiled plans for helping so-called hardship case~ by a llowing resid~nts to defer portions of their annual lease fees. The Irvin e Company 's two -pronged plan wa s announced two days before the co mmittee presented its six-point "Bill of Rights." Several people observed s imilarities between the two plans. "The committee apparenUy at last recognizes lbat there has indeed been a dramatic increase in residential land values," s uggested Collins, "and tbafthe bes \ way to establish these values would be by independent appraisals." The committee, during put meetings, has charged that,the Irvine Company has a lock on land values because it owns so much land in the two cities. The committee, in its lilt of demands, asks that if ·a homeowner is unsatis~ with the appraised value of land be leases, he can seek two inde"pendent appraisals. The committee suggests that when this Is done, all three appraisals should be averagtd to determine ··a fair market price." Collins said this suggestion "fits in closely" with what his firm is now doing. The appraised value of land is at tihe crux of the dispute between the development firm and homeowners. Affected homeowners must pay 6 percent of the appraised land value lo lbe Irvine Company each year. With s kyrocketing land values, residents complain that annual fees have gone up as much as 3,000 percent. Th ~ committee also has' pro posed that the-Irvine Company help homeowners buy their l a nd by providing l o ng -term . i.iterest -fre e financing. Collins said such a suggestion is "unreasonable" and "we presume it was made purely for negotiating purposes." In contras t , the Irvine Company has agreed to ftnance land purchase with a variable interest rate, a rate that would shift from 12 to 16 percent. Training begins FA YETI'EVILLE, N.C. CAP> -The first of a group of 1,000 Salvadoran soldiers began· infantry tralning at Fort Bragg,, whlle111ore than 200 protesters demonstrated Monday again.st the program, saying it would lead the United States into another Vietnam. With Corum, time Is always valuable. Our t 8 karat yellow gold Ingot watches are a beautiful Investment In dme. A Man's JO-gram watch, $2,990 8. lady's 5-gram watch, S2,3SO • §LA.VICK'S Plnt ......... ,..1917 Whnt w ~t swrpri.sa begin. • hlHOn llllnd (7t4) w-1•. NNport lllllch Nllo a.-Loi~ •lln Diego• L.-\ttgll J ~ t ,., '. actually q\l811fled tor tre.tment. BUia are analysed for accounUne errors. Jl'i.nall)', two Pbaktaaa einployed by the county review the bUla to dMermioe if the services provided were medically aeceasary and the care aPDl'OINiate. u ~j)bysJclans decide too mucll service wu p~vided, the billed amount ii dilcounted, that it, some percentage of it is dilallowed. The ~ty tben pays the remainder of the cbarae. • On the average, the county ii paying about 80 perceat of the amounts billed. "Some people seem to think we are not paying the univer8ity anything. That's simply not the case," said R.A. "Bert" Seott, dJrector of the county General Services Agency, and the county's lead negotiator. "Seventy or 80 percent..it stinks. A doUar is a dollar," retorted William Gonzalez, director of the UC Irvine Medical Center i.n Orange. UC President David Saxon said i.n a past letter to the coun.ty that the dispute and the withholding of some percentage of payment is creating "an intolerable financial drain" on the medical center. Part of that drain, said GonzaJez, is that fact 42 people are employed to process the bills, at an approximate cost of $524,000. They dominated the 18th floor of an Orange high-rise. About 2,000 to 3,000 bills are handled each month. Gonzalez estimated that, in sum, the university is spending about $1.S million per year to administer the contract. Added Michael Deblieux, assistant to GonzaJez, "But there are intangible costs. A large percentage of the cost of administrating this hospital is spent on 20 percent of our business. We've been allowing the tail to wag the dog, so to speak ... Ironically, Vicki Gray, contract administrator for the county, estimates that county government spends about $1.S million to administer the contract. "Which is unbelievable ... but that's the way it is. It's one of my big beefs," Ms. Gray said. Viewing the $3 million the two government agencies are spending to fight each other, Stanley Van den Noort, dean of the UCI College Coastal 0-M V .... y. OU..WIM Jlh -r -rb-lStoU-deMrts. COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS -~elr Mid loqlly w!My lft 1111 m ou,.l•lftl. Che"ce of e•rly momlft9 f09 CM' I-c-Ner tM coest 1 .. coetUI .,..., ..• Hl9N u to 7J. ~ 3' to .._ ~tall't higlls MOlllyt.W. Cl lo SS •.. Lows ll't Jiii -iow... CNSl»I -•. lnlelld 0 Coestal Jlh. hl9fl•7, l-72. Weier SS Elsewllere. llllhl •"d ve rlebl• H C9111 -_, welen -Selll• 'ol ........... ,.: ••1t•1 a Job_,. ... bunaucriel, ..-atutl ..... ...,..., .. . Addid • ., Keued1 ateudft ........ ., tbe Oran..-Couaty Humaa Relatlon1 COm••ulQD 1•1 tMM tbe ~ UI ta.km 1way r... diie quabtJ ol can ... ttae ~ tbe bUlen, tbe attornep, au tbat-.., co to can.'• bpr11ea&atlv.1 ol botJa ,.,U.. bave ci.Ueid for NIO&uUOD ol UM cll..,.a. WhJ U.'t it occurnd? Vu den Noort, wbo ..... to M DO one'• friend In tM mat.t.ertiaatuld lt la the .... _.. of Jar .. bureauerad•" mak• N9eldal a r..olutkla diffteult, 1 Yet &.bilN an powlnc l.DdlcaUoDI that IOID• 1ahas .,. belnl made vta neaotl•UGDI betweeo Scott, u.e eoual:Y'• repreeeotatlve, the medical center'• Gonsales, and Cornellua Hopper, a special ..-.....t for health mitten to SUOD, the UC preeldent. There II pr ... u.re for ~utlon that bu not ·Legal fiuht is ''job corps for liureaucrats , accountants and lawyers." • Stanfey Van den Noort Dean of the UCI College of Medldne existed i.n the past. Members of the UC Board ol Regents were angry enough in May to/ut the county on notice that the university woul pull out of the contract ecrective al the earlJest possible date, Jan. 1, 1985. Further, the regents said county responsibility no longer would be treated at a clinic in Anaheim, effective immedJately, and effective July 1, al a clink in Santa Ana. And the regents gave the boot to county responsibility mentaJ health paUenla'. It was only one month later the Assembly Speaker Brown -acting al van den Noort's request -saw to it that language was added to the 1981-82 state budget bill to deny the county $12. 7 million i.n health funds until the dispute was resolved. A $4.2 million.payment, due Dec. 1, was not sent. As part of that action, the Leflslature ordered the stale Department of Health Services to analyze the dispute and make recommendation on how it may be resolved. The report, which was supposed to be released by Nov. 1, is nearine completion. A draft of the 45-page document, which bu not been made public, listed several findln&a and recommendations. Tbe state officills concluded that the agreement was complell and costly to ••nds "''"' •fMI me'"'"' hours Temperatures lerbere C:-1 ,_,_,winch U NATION S"°• to to llnots 1on10111. Eh••llere, "' Le ~ SOlllllWHI lo wwst winch t 10 1' llftOIS ' tlllt •llerftOOft. Pertly c loudy 10 Albe"V 14 01 ~I ... , mostly -A1""""9 37 17 · Amerlllo • 021 1 .. ----------Anc11o<eoe n t• ~ <•Id •••• Atllevlll• ot ... .......,.... -= ~ lJ S Summary AUeftUI 21 -OS a!iiitl St•"••••• Ou lv4o4 .. ~ • .. • • AttentcCtty 10 " -•• ::: 8eltlmore II a loA-6' wtat ... t \UW><I MO&.&..U\ 0.ft .A c ....... ~•~lee! ~ 111911 llrml"91Wn U -42 --------------------wfftdll e...S bltter1y cOlcl •-•tvrM 81.,,..•rck ,.. ·I• lleve strendeo molo rlsh lrom lolw 17 -42 llOrthem Olllo to Mrthwftter" H-8oelon It 05 Y-siete, -mon .,.,,.., •r>d Icy lr-ftsvt.. 3:1 27 temperelurel wen torece5t locUy. 8uffelo 14 -ei M•fty ....,_..,.,,,.,.. bloclled lfom CIWtrlSll'I SC JO 17 u119er Mk hl9ef\ ecross MIMetot.. CIWtrlstn WV ot .o4 Acrou ""' Mid-SI, meny ro1Hb c"'v-• 01 were bl0<llltd wltll 6·1001 drllh. Clll<-04 ... HHYY 1NW .. H lft C-1-eftd Ill Cln<ll'tflatl 07 -OS Mluoule, -.1.. -Buffeto wn 1111 Clevelend 06 • wltll 1'0 lftcllft ... --lrom • -co1u.-. .. ..., blluerd. D•l·FI -,. 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Lewi U te U ..., ...... ..,, ......... ... ... ,. " " • .......... .... -.. I I M I I - t • -I t M We're Llstenlllfl ••• .. ...._.T fllnlllltll 11:1 ... M, U ,lrttlM t 1lla.fft. 1.1 .......... "'""""· .... ........ •:•-."'· ... ··" .. , ..... ,.1111 .. ,, ... Wa•••ut.:Pt.M. •••• rl•e• l !lt ''"'" .. , • W. I •;te:•a.M. What do you l\ke about tbe Dally PUot! Wbat don't you Wle! Call UM number lbflow and 10'lr' • .., ... wlU be NeOrCled, transcribed aod ctep,tred to the appraprtate tdtlor. The tame M·bour antwerl"' Mnla may be ued ao l'ffOl'd let> ten to the editor°" any tosi&c. Mailbox contributon m• lltelidt their name and telephone number I• vtrlficauon. No ctrcul.tloft calla please. Tell WI what'• on your mind. • .. prange Coat DAILY PtLOTITutlday, January 12, 1882 • • • admJlllMer:" Uaat arbltratJon, lD 1D01t lnlta.nees, " not ta.. wa, ror tM two ...... to tolv• tbelr dlfftnneee; that eommu.nlcatlon betwMD the cowat~ and tbf ualvenlt_y wu lacldn~j tbat the count,,, prior to tbe fWMl.lq cutorr bad no lnceaUve to HtUe Ula dllpu&e, and flnally, that "tbe dlapute ba7 adver11ly affected the reelp..., of care at the medical center. -Jn ltl recouuoended plan ot action, atat• bealtb otndall said arbltratton oo the bllllns dlaallowancH 1bould be terminated, that ne10Uatloaa 1nvolvln1 one representatlvt ot both aldel should be1tn aod tbat rao.lutloa ot matte!'l in dilpute ana development of a new or amended acreement should be completed by April ao. Beyond that, the state told the adversaries that both parties should acknowled1e that neither la at fault. Three ofber alternate courses of action were recommended, lncluc:linl one, lilted u betns ot lowest priority, ln wbJch resolution of the dltJMrte wouJd easent.ial1¥ be turned over to tbe Le'11Jature. Under audl a program, the report 1ua1eated, a new eovernment entity mlcbt be formed to oversee provision of care tor indicenta. Untveriity officials famillar with the dlapute aenerally were pleaaed wttll the ,tate's findlnp .. Publicly, the county adopted a ·'no comment" poeltion, accordlne to Bill Hod1e. a spokesman for Supervlaor Harriett Wieder, one of two supervisors who bu been sbepherdlng the contractual dispute. One county officiaJ privately faulted the report for saying that ne1oliation.s between the two sides have ceased. He said that's simply not been the case. Wllllam Gonzalez ''With each passing day there is more motivation to settle." Director, UC Irvine Medical Center ...., ...... •1CL08E TO FREEWAYS -UC Irvine Medical Center is located in Orange. It has been learned the reeeat meettnc:a between Scott, Gonzalea and Hopper have dealt with devising what au avee II a needed. 1)'Nm • 'or resolving billJng disputes quickly without ~ending them to arbitration. What's being proposed, sources said, II 1 sy s tem whereby a panel of pby1lcian1 representing both the unJvenity and the county would go over disputed bills and determine a fair amount to be paid by the county. As for development of a new aireemeat, the two sides are not so close lo a reaoluUon. The university wants any new contract to be deviled such that the county pays a annual lump sum for treatment of indigents. The fee.for-service format, under wblcb indi vidual bills are r~ndered, university officials contend, ls just too unwieldy. County officials have not ruled out the lump sum approach, but have criticized the univenlty'1 initiaJ payment request of $14.S million. Still, there is a certain optimism· beln& expressed by both sides. Gone, representatives of both sides say, is much of the previous anta1onism. ·'We are highly motivated to reach a resolution," said Scott. "Both organiutionally and personally.'· ··wtlh each passing day, there ii more motivation to settle," said Gonzalez, poinUne out separate revenue drains facin1 both the county and the university. Workers livelihoods·'On the line' Last ditch effort made by General Electric employees ONTARIO (AP> -Saying "Our livelihoods are on the line," unionized workers at OeneraJ 'Electrlc's flat iron factory were making a lut-dltcb effort today to save their jobl. Mary McDaniel, locaJ president ot the United Electrical Worten ot America, said the union would present G.E. officials with details of an employee stock ownership plan ( ESOP> that would allow workers lo buy the plant and keep it operating. "We are very serious," Ks. McDaniel said Monday. "Our livelihoods are on the line." Ms. McDaniel declined lo give 1peel0cs of the proposal, although she aaJd: "We will be asking O.E. for some major concessions." Asked if she was optimistic that the. company would approve the plan, she said: "AU we can do ls explore the poalbilitiea with them." Sbe said sbe did not expe-ct a reply from the company unW the end ot January. The plant is scheduled to close on Feb. 26. Ms. McDaniel said the union is i.n the process of arranging a $20,000 "consumer analysil study" on the feasibility of the employee stock plan. Tbe study would cbnsider not only whether wortters could raise the money, but whether there would be a conUnued market for metal fiat irons. G.E. announced last July that it intended to close the Ontario plant 40 miles east of Loa Angeles and get out of the meW Oat iron bu.ainea, shifting to plastic irons made in Asheboro, N.C. and Singapore. The company claims the cbanae ii due to a shµl in consumer preferences and says it would be uneconomicaJ to retool the plant to make plullc irons, but union leaders say it is because of lower labor C06ls at the other sites. The plant, in operation since J.91M, turned out ~ million metal ll'ooa UI u• -more th.all haJI the world output ot 9 mlllion. Last Ju11, the faetorT employed about 1,000 people -eometimea whole families and up to three cmeratiom al the aame family. Now that is down to about l50 u eome workers have found joba elaewhet'e and about 70 people have been transferred to another G.E. facility nearby that repairs jet eqines. G. E. spokesman Al Kennet said tbe company is continuing negotiations with two other manufacturing firms as well u the union over the possibility of buying the plant. Kennel declined comment on the'\Ulion's plans because they have not been presented, aJtboutb be said: "G. E. is willing to sell to its employees on some sort of ESOP arrangement if someth.lnc can be worked out." IN CELEBRATION OF THE MARRIAGE OF, STOREKEEPER MONTE PRIES TO MISS LYNN AMUNDSON We Will Close At 12:00 Noon Saturday, January 16th # The Storekeeper Sp,le is In Progress .. ., .. l i .. . " l ' .~. \ . Orangt Cout DAILY PILOT/T'uffday, Uanuaty 12, 1982 WillU~ffi~ . MOndale rival I I '.'.to be 6 lenn? WASHJNGT00N <AP > -1 PollUcal lldvtaen to former Vice ·; PrealdeJlt Walter F. Mondale 1 are dlaputing a11umptlon1 that the race for the 198' Democratic • presidential nomlnation wtU be 1' 'between their boss and Sen. 1 ~dward II. Kenn~y. : Durln& a recent strategy ·• )euion, a major topic was 1• whether someone other than Kennedy' -'Sen. John GlellJ) of ,, Ohio was the name most often , mefltioned -could emerge as Mondale'• principal rival in 1984 '. 11184. __ .fteimedy, it was argued, is ·: Uuly to run into. the same . problems with -voters In the , South and Midwest that he did in 1980 when be challenged Jimmy .. Carter aad was beaten badly in the early primaries in these regions. The Massachusetts senator's personal life was seen as a major political liability io the Soot1rand Midwest ln 1980 and many Mondale aides expect that to haunt bis:n again in 1984. On the other hand, Glenn, the former war hero and astronaut with an All-American boy image, could be a formidable candidate. Glenn, who was re-elected easily in 1980 even as Ronald Reagan was carrying Ohio, is running hard for the job. Only Mondale and Kennedy have done more than Glenn to get positioned for the next presidential campaign. Among the other names batted around during the Mondale crowd's three-day strategy session at a Chesapeake Bay resort : Sen. Gary Hart or Colorado, former Gov. Reuben Askew of Florida and Gov. Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia. For politicians, like baseball fans, the campaign for the title never seems lo end. When they aren't replaying the last campaign or pennant race they 11111 llllYlll· are trying to dope out the next one. • And like the people who try to figure out far in advance who . the next World Series wiMer will be, the men who gathered around Mondale a we•~ aao were very much aware that · unpredictable developmen~ can throw off the best-re.asrned speculation. Nonetheless, it was a serious and essential exercise for these political pros . More than 100 people attended the meeting, which was described as a briefing sessions for the 1982 campaign. But the session was equally important in erasing any lingering . doubt about Mondale's determijlation to fight for the 1984 nomina\jon. As they looked at the 1982 campaign, the Mondale group saw the economy as the deciding factor. Only a few days after the Monda le meeting, the Labor department announced that the unemployment rate had climbed to 8.9 percent in December. Some of the economists who met with the former vice president suggested that the economy couJd turn upward a few months before Election Day. But with unemployment apparently heading above 9 percent in the coming months, Democratic politicians are betting that an economic upturn in late summer probably would be too late to help Republican candidates. Democrats began describing their party as out of touch with the times and in need of sharp ch anges in its approach to national problems. <' ...... I u..._... AUfR.£D· FEATHERS A black crowned night heron, his solitude marred by the approaching camera. stands his ground n~aF a coastal marsh in Nags Head. N.C. The birds draw Ulemselves to their full height when disturbed. BOUND FOR BEACHES Greg Robinson, left. and Dave Tamborinna applaud Becky Nordstrom, center. as· she displays her beach attire at a ticket-giving promotion in .......... Minneapolis . rhey were among 50 winners of free tickets to Mexico who showed up at the airport in beach attire. The wind chill was 65 degrees below zero outside. Me dical care c runch for ve te rans seen VA chief says unlimited free treatment for ~ll over 65 must be stopped WASHINGTON CAP> -The chief of the Vet e rans Admin1 stratiO'n says the governm ent has no realistic choice but lo stop automatically offering unlimited free medical care to any veteran over 65 who asks for it. Under existing l aw, all veterans become eligible at 65 - even those who can afford to pay for treatment, served in uniform only briefly or have ailments unconnected to their time Ul service. The probl e m . says VA Administrator Robert Nimmo, is that the 12 million World War II veterans who will reach age 65 in the next 15 years threaten to over-Ahelm the VA 's hospital system -and the VA budget - if all remain eligible for free care. Nimmo said he has no specific plan for curtailing treatment and that no plan is likely to be presented before 1983. And he is aware that veterans organizations will howl even al the suggestion of a cut in medical care. But veteran leaders must recognize, he said, "that there are more words in the dictionary than 'more, more, more.• At some point they're going to have to decide what benefits are most important lo them and which can be cul back. "I've asked them a couple of limes, 'Tell me where we can make some cuts.' and I have lo confess that I haven.i't rece.ived a lot of res ponse to t~at question." The VA budget of nearly S2S billion has doubled in the last eight years. ll would grow "tremendously" if World War II veterans and 6 million Korean War veterans remain eligible for free treatment at age 65, Nimmo said. The average World War II veteran is over 61. There are now 3.3 million veterans over 65, but an additional 11 miUion will reach 65 by 1997, VA statistics show. Moreover, Nimmo said, with President Reagan preparing to propose increased charges for Medicar e, veterans can be expected to turn in increasine numbers to free care in VA's hospitals. ··Recently, l talked to an attorney of some substance who 'is 68 years olci and a veteran, and he said, ·Bolt, is it true that I am now eligible for unlimited free medical care in a VA hospital?"', Nimmo recalled. "I said yes, it's true. and he said, 'Then why have I been spending my money to get medical care?'" Nimmo said raising the age of eligibility to 70 and offering care only to veterans with limited means are among several options. But some curtailment is inevitable. he said ·'The Congre$ and the people through the Coigress are going to have to make some very serious decisiors about who will be entitled to medical care and other benefits, vbat the eUgibili· ty standards \fill be and what their level will~." he said. Nimmo, wh6 has been on the job seven ~<>nths, said his age n cy escaped the budget -cu lti"n g process unscathed las t year and is likely to be virtual y untouched in President Reacan's new budget proposals. "We did well ," he said . "The Congress i.s just not inclined lo fuss around with the veterans organizati on a nd they 're unlikely , of course, to be incl.ined to do it this year, obviously, it being an election year ." Nimmo was asked if be sometimes came under pressure Crom Congress to spend more. "Oh tremendous," he said. "Virtually every congressman has got one or more VA facilities in his district which many of them regard as their private domain." Court to list alien rights WASHINGTON <AP> -The Supreme Court has agreed to s pell out the rights of non·citizens living permanently in the United States when they are stopped at the border for immigration offenses. The justices said Monday they will revie'w a ruling that permanent resident aliens, in many cases, must be brought before deportation proceedings rather than less-flrlng-ent exclusion proceedings. Maria Antonieta Plasencia, a citizen of El Salvador admitted as a permanent U.S. resident in 1970, was arrested at the border on June 29. 1975 for trying to smuggle six aliens from Mexico into the United States. The )mmigration and Naturalizatio1 Service later ordered her 4eportation after c o n d u ct i ng ex c I us ion proceedings at the border. The 9th U.S Circuit Court of Appeals blocktd that decision on Nov. 7, 1980, hc-wever. The appeals court ruled that in cases of suspteted violations of the law, depor.alion proceedings must be held to determine the impact a resident alien's absence an4 return lo the country hav! on hls or her immigration !tatus. ''In such cases, the issues of ·entry' and c.xcludability must be litigated in deportation proceedings,'1 the appeals court said, notinf that deportation proceediop provide more · 'procedw:-al 'safeguards.·' In appealing the case to the Supreme Court, the government said : "Unless the decision below is overturned, the INS will be f orced, contrary to th e expressed intent of.Congress, to admit excludable aliens into this country and to provide them with the more elaborate deportation proceedings." EI Salvador toll SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (AP) -This Central American nation's civil war claimed more than 11,000 lives last year , the leader of El Salvador 's Roman Catholic Church says. 11 A nice fi~ to be in. ~ 14.00o/o 15.2 1 , 0/o <AnnuafYleld> TOP BIRlOIN STEAK Our Market Rate Retirement Accounts. 14.00% Is Republk's flxed annuel lnte!t rate for IRA end Keogh plans. Guaranteed for a full 18 to 30 months term. Interest compoun ed dally to yield 15.25%annually. Calendar year ~yer5 can open an IRA account until April . 1982, and take deductions off their 1981 income OFFER GOOD THROUGH JANUARY 11, 1982. . --------~~-.,, . taxes. . Effective Januaiy lat. 1982, aD wage ers up to 70~ may set up IRA plans, even If covered by private pension or Keogh plans, an4 the maximum allow~ble contributions to both IRA and Keogh plans have increased considerably Free of taxes. your money grows fut. or example, $2,000 year1y contribution/deposit for 25 years to an IRA or Keogh savings account just 12o/owould total $347,99320. Principal and Interest are tax-deferred until withdrawn after e ble retirement age of 591h. Come by or a .. for det.lllls. We can easJly tnl er your accOllnts from other financial Institutions. Minimum deposit'' and addltlonJ allowea wit uf extending malurfty. Your rate at time of purcl\ue la guaranteed for 18 !"°nths. Tax a~ Interest penalty For early withdrawal. . , Every time the s ter Cron your Money Orows REPUBLIC fE RALl SAVINGS ·.· . f \. "' 1, :1' ... ;:·. : ' I · 1 .... PASADENA CAP> -Morie director Sydney Pollack aaya be hat much more r..apect for journallltl since he made blJ film ''AbMnce of Malice'' about the damap done to an hanocent man by a newspaper'• errors. He aclrnowledaed the queatlons r alaed in the rum aren't always euy to a.nawer when he spoke to a meeting ot the' California Associated Presa Televi.aion·Radlo A11ociat1oo on 1 Saturday. "Do you hold a story if I call YOU UJJ' and Hy I have a note from my peychlatrist that I'll kill myaelf lf you·prtnt that?" be asked. ''You'd have to convene a board of psycblatrista every time you wanted t o print aometbina." As for a possible negative effect on the way the public looks at journalism, Pollack said Cuban exiles • tr run SAN DIEGO (AP) - Anti -Ca stro C uban exiles from a group that has been training since August at a secret base in Southern California were infiltrated into Cuba last month, the San Diego Union has reported. The San Diego Union on Monday quoted the ft!iami-based Alpha 66 as saying two men who trained at the remote. 20·acre base in the Southern California desert had gone home to Cuba for s ubversive activities agains t dictato,t Fidel Castro. Alpha 66 said the base. the first in the United States outs ide south Florida, also includes a dozen Nicaraguan exiles along with the 20 Cuban m en and women who have been training there. Exiles who s pent Saturday marching, listening to l~tures and launching dumm y grenades, ranged in age fro m a 19·year -old N i c a r a g U<l n to a 61·year-old Cuban who said he served 20 years in the army of FuJgencio Bal-i..st..a , lbe Ctiban dictator who preceded Castro. 3/ace pot theft semences UKIAH (AP> -Three Mendocino County men have received varying sentences for stealing v a I u a b 1 e m a r ij u a.n a plants from a local grower. Rec eivi ng t h e toughest sentence last w e ek was Elmer Dunsing, 27, of Ukiah, who was given five years in state prison for robb e r y with aggravating circumstances . Receiving a three.year sentence was Michael McNabb, 30, of Fort Bragg. A third person, 29-year·o ld Gerald Co urtney of Uki ah, r eceived a 21h -year sentence, with all but six months suspended. Chapter loses charter STANFORD (AP) 'Stanford University's Kappa Sipna fraternity bas lost its chapter cb•rter fQr refuain1 to uae an lnltiatlon ritual it considered offensive to non·Chrlatiana, the 1roup's treasurer said. ••People wbo are atbeista or •1no1tlc1 could not make lt tbrou1b tbe ritual without violatln1 their conscience.'' aalci Mike Vaaka, treasurer of Jtappa stcma.' Jetriab studentl at;o llne problems wtth tbe rttuaJ, wbleb ln•ol•n Mthl, doM ~..:r:· ... uicl. He to eaplaAa Uae rll•al ,......,, ~ if he ma<l a movie about airplanes " couldn't just be about the fact that · 'thla airplane "! OK most ot the Ume." The dra a, he said, is that things don't always work the way Uley're supposed to. "I came out of this movie witb much more respect for your profession than l had going in," he said. P&llack s•ld a veteran editor wrote the screenplay for the movie, whi ch h l!lped it s authenticity. But the director says he now (eels the editor ln the film wasn't made to shoulder his share of the blame for the journalistic disaster. "I've never said this before, but l think the editor got off ioo easily," Pollack told the group. pointing out that every other character who hurt the innocent . ... .. ., - NO MALICE -M ovie director Sydney Pollack discusses the film .. Absence of Ma lice·' during Los Angeles talk. man -played by PauJ Newman -got their. just deserts. ·•Now that the movie is finished, l feel the editor was mor e culpabl e than the screenwriter feels he was." Pollack said. ',·.,•I~~':.· ....... . I" Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/TuHday, January 12. 1982 Facilities said illegally dropping germ-ridden parts . .TORRANCE (AP> - Hospitals and the Los An1eles County coroner's office have illegally dumped germ-ridden body parts, tissue and waste and lnf ect"8d syringes at public landfil ls withou t proper dlsease·prevenlion efforts, a newspaper says, The district attorney's office and county health officials have be e n Investigating s u c h dumping at the landfUls in Whittier and the Santa Monica Mountains. the Daily Breeze reported. The Torrance newspaper said th e district attorney's investigation covers incidents in which infectious waste from seven hospitals and human r em a in s from the county. coroner 's office were dumped at Pue nte Hills Landfill near Whittier. Six other ho s pitals are r eported to h ave ill egally dumped s uch was te at the Mission Canyon Landfill in the Santa Monie$ mountains iust off the San Diego Freeway. D e ptrtment o f Health. spokesman Tony Tripi told the Associated Press on Sunday that several such a1Je1ations of Improper aumplng have been Investigated, the most r ecent after a report from members of a county union who objected to the way waste was handled. Documents from the district attorney and county Department of Health reveal that last month a coroner 's van took 40 18·Square-inch boxes Of tissue specimens to the Puente Hills dump, the Daily Breeze said. Assistant Coroner Dick Wilson told ~he paper the county crematory had refused to bum the waste because it came in plastic containers, which leave a coating on Ole incinerator. Wilson said a worker at the lattdn:t s pitted some or the mate rial on his pants, dousing himself "with what he thought was human tissue but was really second·hand vomit," Wilson s aid. "The box had stomach ·-J contents from autopsies in lt." H ~alt h department regulation• require ateam sterlllzatlon of medical waste contaminated with 1erm1 that spread communicable disease before it is dumped. The n ewap-aper said In Sunday's e ditions health officials have discovered that such waste often is not treated, Is moved in vehicles that dop't keep the germs in and could contaminate people l n an accident. The paper said the trucks are often driven by people who are unaware of wbat they are hauling and don't wear protective gear. The paper said the se~en hos pitals dumping impropetly treated infectious waate at Pue nte Hills Landtill Include County Har bor-UCLA Medical Center near Torrance, Veterans Aaministration Medical Center of Long Beach . Memori al Hospital of Long Beach, St. Mary Medical Center in Long Beach and California Medical Center in Los Angeles . c ..,,., ......... l;a.i,.6W• . ... . . . . ~ . ·. -. ' . '"' .... . . . ·, ~ \ ;• 11 Orang• Cou t QAJLY PILOTfTUffdly, Janu.,y 12, 1912 nlantl, airJ!ort site 11ponents mi.ss , mark Residents of Corona del Mar nd Irvine should flatly reject laims made recently by their land neighbors that a regional irport at Santiago Canyon would end noisy and.,,polluting assenger jets over their homes. The organizers of Citizens gainst Santiago Airport have any valid objections to locating rt)ajor airport in their area er Orange, Yorba Linda and natleim Hills . For one thing. the irporl would divert massive mounts of traffic through their elatively uncrowded streets. But when they sound the larm for Irvine and Newport each, they are wrong. Analysts' or the Southern California ssociation of Governments s ay els from Santiago Canyon would ross the coastline 7,500 feet off he ground. From that elevation.· ets simply don't make much oise. Moreover . analysts have readjusted proposed takeoff i paths from the airport. Jets no longer are projected to fly over the coast• south of Corona del Mar. Under the new plan. they would exit .above a greenbelt and across Capistrano Beach. They would not trouble residents in urban parts of Irvine, .r . · analysts contend. It is not surprismg that the grass-roots organizers mobilizing against Santiago Canyon would want to en"st every available ally, esl>ecially considering the e xpertise of some of Newport Beach's campaigners. In this case . however , their unresearched contention is incorrect. Coastal reside nts, it seems. would be wise to limit their objections to John Wayne Airport w h ere the enviro nme nt al side-effects are only too well known. hurch-state debate It is distressing that in the 980s societ y mus t e ndure a ontinuing debate over the extent o which the Biblical story of reation should be t a ught in the ublic schools. when the issue hould long ago have been settled n favor of the cons titutional rinciple of separation of church nd st a te. Nevertheless. a law was assed in Arkansas last year equiring that whenever the u c h -mali g n e d theor y of volution is t a ught in public c h ools. s omething called ·c reation-science" must be given qual time Religious and civil iberties groups filed s uit, estimony on the profoundest uestions o f existence was olemnly recorded in a federal ourtroom. and in the end. U.S. is tric t Judge Willi a m R . vc rton s truck down the ·creati on -s cien ce " law a s ncons titutional. Overton's ruling was a set· ack for a growing movement by om e fund a mentalist Christians o m a nd ate th e Bible into ubli c c u r ri c ul a t hro u g h ·creation-science.·· The prevailing sc1enlif1c vie" f evolution s tates. ver y simply. h at life forms evolve d into ' r esent-day species over billions f years. Creationists argue that he universe. the Earth and iving forms came into existence i~ a .. Creator" onl y several thousand years ago. In scientific c ircles. the confrontation between evolutionists and creationists is sharp. Many biologists. such as the prolific author Isaac Asimov, contend creation-science is not science at all but a dogma that tries to fit facts to a preconceived notion. • But the scientific debate was not the c(>Jltral issue in Overton's courtroom . The issue was whether the Arkansas law was unconslitutionaly interjecting re ligion int@ public classrooms. Witnesses called by the defense said the law was needed lo ensure religious freedom. arg uing evolution can be considerl>d religious . Significantly. most of the state's witnesses also testified they believe the Book of Genesis· account of creation to be without error. No one questioned their right to hold whatever belief they wi s h . but the te s timony undergirded the plaintiffs· assertion that the law was an attempt to insert the Bible into . the public curricula . In his ruling. Overton agreed. Hi s deci s ion wa s n o t a n endorsement of the evolutionists' view of history. It was a proper d e fense o f the Con stitution against a law that imposed religious theory disguised a s science on the public schools. ~ace program alive Presidentia l science adviser eorge Keyworth, speaking at he annual meeting of the merican Association for the dvancement of Science last eek, denied reports that the dministration plans to abandon uch of the space program. That's encouraging news. The United States will stay in he space exploration business. e said, but is in the process of eassessing the ~ntire prograr:n n o'rder to find more economi~al ays of carrying it out. These could include more ndustry and university volvement, along with more ooperative international rojects to spread the cost or pace probes. • Specifically, said Keyworth, he administration is comrnitteed to building the Gamma Ray • • Observatory. a major astronomy spacecraft to be launched by the space shuttle in 1985. 0th~ uses . of the s pace shuttle also are being examined. along with new earth-orbiting satellites. Additionally. he ·assured the scientists, there is no truth to rumors that communication with the two Voyager spacecraft now en .route_ to Uranus and space outside the solar system will be cut off: Mtllndonmeot of the deep ~ space n e twork would be "throwiqg away billions of dollars for want or a few million'" jaid Keyworth. While federal budget cutting obviously will preclude continued lavish spending on s pace projects. word that we do intend to maintain our place in space is welcome. · iplnlons expressed In th• space a bov• er-e those of the Oell~ ·Piiot. Other views ex- esse(fon tnis page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is invlt.t . Address The Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mes., CA 92626. Phone (714) 2~321. M. Boyd I Julep fan Q . Who was the U.S. President who rank a mint Julep every mon.Unc for reakfaat? A . John Tyler. At leaat tbat ubloua report remain• ln tb• . atoric:al footnotes. Tyler WM tbe resident, widowed and remllT'leO ID ffic:e, wbo wound up wltla 15 bildren. Some beachcombers ln Australia make a pretty fair llvtn1. In pearll, tor toise shells, driftwood. They're Heensed by the IO'fernment . Q. What bird takes tbe 1onCat to lf'OW Up? A. Tbe Califotala CODClor. From batcbout to flnt ru,ht, oee ,...., CIA vs. FBI purity contest WASHINGTON -The FBI and CIA are plal ing a little game of Snow White : 'Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the purest of them all?" The CIA, it seems, has its doubts about the FBI 's elite, 110-man counterintelligence staff. This is ~ role-reversal of the days when the late FBI Director J . Edgar Hoover doubted the CIA people's loyalty. Here's one Incident: In late October, the FBI assigned two G-inen to the CIA ror liaison duty. The FBI agents belonged to the bureau's counterintelligence force, supposedly the creme de la creme. BUT IN THE course of their duties, the FBI men would have access to documents even beyond the lop-secret category for which they had been cleared. So the CIA matte them submit to the agency's rigorous polygraph tests, something the FBI does not require. One of the G -men passed the He-detector test; the other flunked. The CIA refused to give the second man clearance. The questions in the CIA's polygraph examinations are extremely personal. They include such subjects as sexual preference and practices, past and present, and any other personality traits that might render a CIA employee vulnerable to blackmail. greed or ideological temptation. All CIA employees know that they may be asked to take a lie-detector test at any time, without warning or stated Q., t-J1-c1-11-1-11-1a-1 -.,~ reason. An i nnocent-looking· red security pass merely turns up on the employee's desk. It's a non-rerusable invitation to the security orrice for interrogation -while hooked up to the s~•eat-and-pulse beat machine. But FBI agents aren't accustomed to such treatment. So when the one agent failed the CIA polygraph. his bureau bosses were unimpressed. The questions the G-man flunked involved his continuing contacts with the, KGB. Sources told my associates Dale Van Atta and Indy Badhwar that the agent, as a counterintelligence officer, dealt with undercover KGB people as part of his job. He may have expressed some sympathy for one of his KGB targets. No big deal. according to the FBI. But lo the CIA , the FBI man was a. ootential double agent CIA Director William Casey and his deputy, Adm. Bobby Inman, were reportedly alarmed by the polygraph test results. They s ugge s t e d that all 110 FBI counterintelligence agents be rttn through the CIA 's lie-detector tests. Inman, a fan of polygraphs since his days as head of the National Securit9 Agency. strongly urged the idea. W HEN F BI DIRECTOR William Webster broached the idea tentatively, he was confronted with a virtual rebeltion. The counterintelligence staff refused to submit to the rival agency's poly graphs, and some threatened to quit en masse if required to do so. Webster told the CIA to forget about the polygraph tests. Wh at Webs ter didn't realize, according to my sources, is that there w e r e t w o r e a s o ·n s h i s counterintelligence agents didn't want to take the polygraph tests. One was their professional distaste for being pushed around by another bureaucracy. But the maio reason was fear that the CIA lie-detectors might turn up some unpleasant information. Footnote: A CIA spokesman denied that any such dustup with the FBI has occurred. My sources say that the spy agency has a new policy of denying everything, that it is still worried about the FBI 's security. Hoover must be whirling in his grave New approach to annual resolutions I was so busy watching football over the long New Year's weekend that I never did get at making any resolutions for this year, but they· re ready now I hereby resolve: -Not to try to lose weight or go on any diets. I know the diets don't work and there's no sense pretending they might. · · -That trying to balance my bank statement is a waste of time. lf there's a swindler in the bookkeeping department at the bank, I doubt if he's going to pick my account to steal from. In the future I'm going to assume the bank is right. -TO FORGET about trying to be in bed by 11 p.m. every night. I've worried about it for rears and I'm not going to worry about at anymore. On the average night I miss by 20 minutes. Many nights I miss by half an hour and, occasionally, I don't get to bed unti) 12:30. In the future when that happens, I'm just going to enjoy lt and find someplace to sleep on the job the next day. -That the cellar and garage are fine the way they are. And so ls the aUlc. Every Saturday morning for years I've awakened and started to make plans to clean them out. I hereby resolve not to suffer through another year or guilt about the mess in the basement, the garage and the attic. I like them the way they are and I'm going to leave them that way. Not to try to keep either a diary or careful income tax records. I've started both of them half a dozen times in the I~'' -•• -.,-.a-11_0_ ...... ~ past 10 years and never got past March with them so what I did keep was a ·waste of time because three months of records gets you you-know-where with the IRS. Next year , I 'll fake the whole 12 months. I FURTHER resolve that: -I'm not going to try to stand up any straighter in 1982 than I naturally stand, which is a litUe bent over. People have been nagging at me to ''stand u&1 s traight" for as long as I can remember. My mother started at me when I was 9. I'm tired or worrying about it. Take me as I ara. a UtUe stoop-shouldered, or don't take me at all. -There are books that I'ye always thou~ht I should read and I n~ver have. I'm not going to read them this year. either. '"The Brothers . Karamazov," "The Grapes of Wrath." "Moby Dick" and ··A Farewell to Arms" will have to wait. -There may be a day I miss reading the newspaper, too, and I'm not going to kid myself this year by leaving it on the coffee table as if J was going to get at it tomorrow or the next day. I know damn well I'm not going to read it then either, so if J haven't read today's paper by the time tomorrow comes, I'm throwing it out this year whether it has my column in it or not. -NO MA'M'ER what lime I go t-0 bed, I'm not going to resist falling asleep on the couch at 9: 30 p.m. in front or the television set in 1982. I've spent hundreds of miserable hours trying not to fall a sleep watching ~errible television shows and I'm not going to do it anymore. If l feel like taking a tittle nap before going to bed, I'm going to talte it. -I'm not going to try to improve my Lennis game. My tennis game is just 'fine the way it is and any attempts I've ever made to make it better have failed. Al long last I have become convinced we are what we are. I am what I am and no amount of resolve will change me. Pleasures of age elllphasize the negative As one grows older". pleaslires do not so much diminiah as they change; one ml1ht say they move from the poaitive pleasures to the ~Uve ones -from )~ W> "No news is good news" la 1 maxim that must have been devised by an older person. . Tbla ,is w:hat l mean by a ne1aUve pleasure: not the antlcipa~on of a rainbow, but t he avoidance or a .thunderat·orm ; not of aalnlng somethin1. but or retain1nc; not of beln1 cboeen, but of being spared. And one ot the quiet deliaht.1 ii~ tbe obit\lary notices each mo"""" and not aeehll your name there. Tbere ls allO the nu.faction of not havlna to alrive upward and onward: you are already everyt.blDC you are col.Ac to M, no &oqer Nedlina frantically ror brall rtn11. ADd 1CIU U'e a lread y who 1o u are: no more 1ear~blnl for ldeaUty or atitua or wbatev'r fickle fame teHea and tantalizes ua with in OW' early years. ONE OF THE 1reat ne11Uve pleuura ti no loncer bavtq to prove youraelf, to )'OW'Hlf, or to ~. either prol111=1, cir-loelally, a1"..XU.U,, · or •D7 wa1. Competition may be 1Umulatlnl when we are ~. but exhausting and dttreasingly rewardlng as we get older. Each new age is an apprendcesb.lp; we must l earn how to live ll appropriately, how to rind and hold its own kernel of gratificaUon. I feel .arTY not for old people, but ror thole wbo atubbornly seek to rekindle a lost youth. friencl,M!Oletwlotlw l"•snn--- Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/ruetday, January 12, 1982 GUEST STAR -Joey Travolta guest stars as a rock performer at 8 tonight on "Simon and Simon" on KNXT <2>. 111'*'• m.NOW In .... ty; ..... "VW.0-~· .... ... medlo lmlQI lfor•m::~IOok. uftrM'&iH.uv & OOtlll/W#'I Lenny end 8Qlllggy Mt up • bllchelor pad In ti,. glrla' bulldlng. • lftONL.A. Featured: the Playboy Bunny Olymplca; a Loe' Moalae dating ..-Ace. • M•A08"H Tha~feud .,.._ Hot Lipa end the ~ In '* commend ~ to. hMd when .,. conflnM one of lllem to her tent. I T1C TAC DOUGH ~/LIHN!R """°"" I~ LIMON'8 MJCKET'l!ER8 <DsrAGD Ho. eat•N DIWCT8LeAR *-8 Cl) MION & MION A.J. end Aldl Innocently become ln11o1vae1 In • count~t lictlat team llWOMng a rod! mu91c atw. 8 Cll FATHBt MURPHY Wiii la lod!eel In • eel# by htt druntcan father fot reluling to rwaa1 wtwa he lound • nugget of gold. Q • MOYIE "The Dey T1rne Ended" •~rMva ~ • ~:w. MAGAZINE A prOflla of llCt~ Barnaelatta Patera: an Amwlc:an strong man'• 71at blrthdey walghtllftlng ltum; Chef Tai pniparee muehroom ctwt QUldla: p..,._ ~ on finding money fot c:olleg9. • MOYIE • • lt ·:The Amulng.~ •rd Hughaa" (Part 2) (tll77) Tommy L .. JonM. Ed FIMdara. The IWgftly llOlatte and accantnc mu1- tlmllb-. -.....nt\ and lnfluenoa to lndlAoe hit oflbeet i»9" 11 CH IS and cunoua regaa. • LffON EARTH (PranM9ra) "The lnllnlle Vllrialy'' 09Yld Attanbof • <>ugh attempt, to ..,.., ...... when end In what oro.r tt1a Earth'• more than four mllllofl 8PeCiM avollled. 0 ·9HOYA ':Salmon On The Run'' The pow. and det•mlnallon of Ulmon -C41p1Ufed In an uamlnatJon ol the rote of ~ wt1e1 nan 1n the confllct ~ aoonomlc ~owth and con-11on. ct>MOYIE Cl)Mow •··~ "The (lephenl M«ln" (1NO) John Hurt, Anthony Hopclna. A dadl-- calad phyalclan l•kN under ,. wlllQ • hombly daforrn9d man .._ llf9 till "*' had .,_.. ~ In chMp freak edllbltlom. 'PG' e i.ou MM.a .. CONCaT l:ao. LAVERNE & 8NN.IY l.nny rnaala a girl at Iha La er.. ,., pita, Mndlng Squiggy Into a atata of )Mlouay.Q • AU. If n4E 'AMIL y Edlttt rune Into her c:Nld- hOod aWMl'-t ...,... In hw hometown for a wees. ding. ®MOYIE * • "The lncradlbla ShrtnkJno W-" (1118t) Uly T onllln, CtlartN Gro- din. A auburban hOuMwtte fl!"d• h•n•lf getting amallar u hw uncon-eemees lluaband loo6c• on. 'PG' (11) (%) MOYIE •••• "Arthur" (tll8t) Oudlay Moore. Uza Mln- nalll. While hi• family attempta lo fotce him Into making a pre-arranged man1aga ha cloaan't want. a df'UN<an, dlaguatlngly rich pi9yboy fala In low with an Mplflng act,_ who cloaan't "--' their ~.'R' t:OO 8 Cl) MOVIE * * "Gr...cs Lightning" (11177) Richard Pryor, 8-1 8r1dgat. The true atwy of tloell car r-WancMll Scott and Ilia tight to ~­ coma prejudice to malt• It to IN big time la told. (R) 8 Cll MET MAVENCK ea.tam flnanci91 lnt•aat• try to 1)911\ control of• Swaatwat• .. part of a town-by-town awaap of the Wm. • THNE'l~AHY Mr. Furtey fala fOf • ...ithy lady who II pleylng up to him '**-of ,,., mlataan ~ thM ha la 1119 buldlng --· Q • YOU A81CB> "°" IT Featured: "Miniature Peo- ple Of Garmeny'' and "Bird Doctor Of Thee-- "*~GNmN ~t: Timothy Hutton. • AIEllCAN PLAYHOUIE (Premiere) "The S~lll Kldn8'>Plng" G.org9 Grtz· tard and Polly Holllday atw In John ci-·a leMplay about • auburban lamlly whoM world la turned ~ wtMN'I the youngaat member of • Iha lamlly 11.,,..,_ and la ballft9d to hllW ~ kld- MPt>ed. Q ·g=: ••• ..... ,...M(1M0) ............. Croaey. .... ..._...,.....ola ..... °' antMluGtMr ,_. •-'91.idlllNew YOl'tl aty dutiftO ~ ... 1tl't. ~ the ~ 9r°"*9, OMy ...... '*'* T-..or end "'*~ ........... _ ,.... In .. doGI meot.llrf. iN ' . .......... lllOAD Tiie OOfY\Cl4 .... lem- ... up '°' ,. electlon, ,_...,,..by.., &no Tyloft. end Flllcl bacomH •mollon•llY ~ wlm • young ii1····--MAA'rTONMT 8'lortty balot9 he It mw· ..... • •IMl9 OOllactOf 1aa11H •n apparently ~ ltamp to the Hwta.Q 1.:: •NNOUNCID • • "Night Of Tiie Juo- tjiet'' (.1MO) Jam. Brolln, Clllf OomM!n. A 1°"'* polloe °""* ~ • deeper ... .wdl ttw'ougtl the .,_., of New YOl'tl City '°' Illa mlaalno dM!gtl-tar, ..... enly kidMc>Ped by • ~tlllc ortml- Nll. 'A' tO:!I CD) HINn', 90UL AND PlMT1C t0:a0eNJe1mW NITWOM..w8 • C9'0le co. INT'flr( 8'CllCMOOL "Double Poling" Th• changtoYw atride uaaCI to ,... muaclaa and gllll'I ap..o on dowMlla 1e clem- onatru.d. (R) • .IOHNCUMV 8KATU flET1A AND THE WOU' ANDO'ne ICE DMICa 11178 Olymp6c gokl mecl*- ... Johll Cuny perlorma ..,_.,.. lea ballet• chor- gnll)hed by Cuny and Pat• MMUM; other allat· Ing .. .,.. fMtur..cs lncluda Jo Jo Starbtlcll, JllCll Cour\rnty •nd Patricia Oodd.(A) (l)WHArt I.IP~ A lllalt 10 thrw of Amarl- ca'a big ~ bMLlty Mione ancl • IOok at lti. '-' aoort. polo match-• 11:00 ••• Cl) Ill Cll N!W8 • 8A~YMGH'r ~: Uly Tomlin. ~t: .._dShora. G PAULHOQAN .1MEJ9'FEMON8 Loulw'a donatloft IO dlarl· ty might win hw an -cs It Gaotva'• "contribution" to a pollllelan doeln'I ruin hwchWlcaa. • 8A..aAO NCl ION l.lmont deddea to gee hla own apatimant when Freel kaape lnll.cilng Illa pr1\1Ky. • DOCCAWTT 0-.: llCtot J-Cun . (Pwt2ot2) (11) MOYIE • 'A ·'The \llolatlon Of a.de'' " young wife, Ignored by '* *"' ,__ band, t~ to a -NM of WOf1I after IM la MCluc9d bt hw tannla lnatructor. 'R' Ill BiPHNfT PMT'I Michael Naamllh and memben of the Pacific Arla ~ Company -laetured In tNa otlglnal production of non-atoe> laugfltar and muelc. (%)MOYIE •••~ ''Crlaa And Whllpera" (11172) Hamac ~. Uv Ullmann. Dnc:1ad by lngrnllf Berg- man. A dytrlg -· '* two ........ and • compaa... alOnai. ~ girl recall tt.lr ,,_. .. they etNggle to coma to gnp. with daath. 11:30 8 Cl) AUCE Alica and Flo fix v ... up with• bind cs.te. (R) 8QITOMQHT ~UBE-TOPPERS KNXT 8 8 :00 -''Simon a nd Simon,." Joey Travolta guest stars as a roe k performer. (See photo at left. l KCET 3 8 :00 and KOCE 10 9:00 - "The Infinite Variety." An attempt to explain where. when and ln what' order the Earth's more than 4 million species evolved. ( ~e story below. 1 KNXT II 9 :00 -"Greased · Lightning." Spirited cast does a biography on the first blac .. racing car ·driver. Stars Richard Pryor, Clcavon Little, Ri chie Havens. · VVCWWM o.c.rio. S-91 ..collae• etudantt t•k•I ,_In a lol.Oodlng old!' hell.---• grtlly and 11• unaohed murow _, OOIMllOad )'W'a Wllar. 1 1 . ,_. Cl)MOVW *** "~Dc8tJPM Now"I ( tll7t) Marton ltanclo, Merlin ~. Ohotad by Frtinell Ford Ooppol&. An 111.....,..ioa llg8nt embartla on • mMalon up r'NW Into the""'-~ to find ancl kJI • ~. AW()\. Anny offtcal' wt1o llM fOlled all pnMoua ~at Illa c:.c>t1n. 'R' 11:46® MOVll ••~ "Back Aoada" ( 1M t) Selly Flrald, Tommy Laa .ion.. " hook• and • down-on-hla-luott boxer meat end li.d -t to find the cNld IM gew up for 9doptlon two~ ..,....., 'A' _..,......,_ tt:OO. 8HA NA NA Guaet: ~Ollar. • 9 '""'MY -.AND A,...,.. auto,__ ......... aocldent thee cnp. Peel Nm, Md • raoy °" me evening baco"'" juat anotliM woman for a _.and.(R) G MOYIE • •• ~ "Man Of lAgand" (11171) Tina Aumont, p .. _. SU- • WE DOUGl.AI Cohoat: Ban Varaan. Guaata: L• F...,,._ Leny Wllaon. -~ HBLTH .... ''The Ute You S-" .MOYIE ··~ "Hollywood eou... wrd" ( 11179) Candice Al411- aon. Olea Miiiar. FrWI from lndi9na, a young ~ .uinat ~ ln\IOl¥ad In • ,.., ~ that Ille ttllnlla la part of tier movta debut. ·F\· 12:0a. Cl) MOa OUD 1UO 9 Cll TOMOMOW au.ta.: alr'Q9F ..... L-. ndo ... at>OW h09t Leny King; ea.nor Smee!, pt-. ldent of Iha National Organization of w~ ~ Jotvl Lofton. (RI • MOYIE * "An.di Of The Mon- ........ (1Mll) Nobuhlf'o KlijllNl. CtwiatopM-Mur- phy. The lnflabltanta of the planet Taro threaWn Earth wlttl deatNctlon. • INDIFllW NETWOMNIW8 1:00• MCMa * * * ~ "A R.alaln In The Sun" ( 1118 1) Sidney Poitier, Claudia Mc:Nall. • MOYIE ··~ "D.0 .A." (111 .. 11) EdmOnd O'&lan, Pamala Brttton. cm MOVE * * *% "Lllat Tango In Parle" (11173) Mar1on Bran- do, Marla Schnelder. Directed by Bamardo Ber- IOluc:cl. A mlddi..aoecs man wtlOM untllittlfut wife -tty committed atlckla and an unllllll~ young WOl'lllft ...... lfld begin • oompllcalad affair tllroujJllout wfllah they remain '*"*-to aadl °"""· 'A' 11•• MOYm •'Al "It'• Your M-" ,, ... , fdwetd 0. Aobln- aon, Terry. Ttlomaa. A Olell· • Briton l)kM• a deat.,dly adWlle to rob a M*'OM bar*. 1:901= * • * "Coal Minar'• Daughtw" ( 1lllO) 8*y Sp.ciak, Tommy L•• ~. a...cs on Loretta Lynn'a ~·A young girt "°"' • poor lamlly in rwel Kantuclty I mantaa • much *"' loclll boy who..,__., rlaa lo ltMdom In the mutlc lndualry. 'PG' 1:aoeMOYm •• ~ "Baby Doll" ( 11157) Carroll Baker, KMt Mal- den. A \IOluptuoua young woman.._ attraction to ~'""" .. quite~ ., laeda them to the deetructlon of thaW ...... 04l#/ltf happy II-. 'A' t:S(%)MOVIE * * "Bronoo ...., .. ( tNO) Olnt EM1wood. Sondra l.odle. A f«mer ~ .....,.,...,, from New Jeraey ,...._ hie ~ ot per- forming In a Wiid W•t at>OW. 'PG' 1:.461 NRW8 2.:00 INTIRT,..., rT ~ Robert Culp racalla hie dll)'a wlttl 8111 Coaby on ··1 :r·~ * * "Captt\le Wllct Wom-an" (1943) John CWTadlna, i:~-~· 1= •• "fMood And Gula" An llglflg ............. hit ~--lflOt for ---In .... WOfll and love. 'PG' uoeti1CM1 •• .,,.,.._ To Hide" ( 11177) Laa Van Cleal, Tony Mua•nta. UGI NIM l:AO .we 1!11 MOYIE * • "fWldlinoua At Mld- Nght" (11135) Rlllptl .... my, Valarte Holleon. wtlar\ • -polloe OOl'IWl'llltloi• 119W li'Wtlgdno daln'8 of oorNplion on lhe part of Illa prwde-. the out· llOlno ~la l:2IS ~ murdarad. •• ~ "The Bandit Of Sherwood Fotaat" (11148) C«MI Wb, Anita Loulaa. ®MOYIE * * ~ "The Nude Bomb" (1NO) Don Ac*N, SyMa l<rtatal. s.cr.t llgant Mu· .... 8rMrt f-hie molt dangarow ~In an erc:h ~ ""'° .. to la#ldl ,,..... ttlllt .. cllar<>Oa the W.tlre ,_, popul9tlon. 'PO' a:aocmMOVE * * ~ "Hippy 8lrthclay • 1t'ed11e•da11'• : Da11th11e Movie• -MORflNG- e:G0 (I} •• * "Ubal" ( 11168) Ohle de ~. Dlr1c 8ogwde. A "*' attempta to P'O¥a he M8 .,_.. llbalad but l\lllla hit -when lte haa trouble ,_ • .,.., datella. .-cm • • • • '"The Uon 111 Winter" (11187) Pater O'Toota, ~ Hep- burn. England'• King Han- t)' II I-an agonl%lng daclalon -,. aucce.-aor • ha comampi.t• hie stormy marr1-oa to Iha 9\J'Of.ll>-Wlllad Eleanor of AqWlalne. 'PG' • •• "Hangar 18" ( tMO) D9nen McGavln, Robert Vaughn. AaMerch· .,. Ill•-.. gowrnmant Installation ln~ta the '*-of ........... aud- dan daatructlon. 'PG' ..... ·~ "Faudln' Foote" (tll52) 8-y Boys, Leo Gcwcey. The 8oy9 lnhwtt an old lt'9dl and, with It, a ~feud. tO:OO (8) •• ''Improper Chan- .,. .. (11181) AIM Mein, ~· Hwttay. A _... of mlaundaratandlnga -• IOCial worll• 10 ~ !NI • MPllfalad couple .,. ~ chlld abuaws. 'PG' Cl)•••~"& ..... Morant" (1NO) Edward Wooct.wd, J-* Thomp- aon. Auatr...,. CC>n9Crlpl- ad to fight on England'• Iida In the Boar Ww dadda to fight the Boar QIMrill.. on l1l9lr own tarma. -··\>i"The..--. Ninetta•" ( 1938) John Wayne, Gabby Hayaa. 1t:OO D .• * • "The Bottom Of The Bottta" ( 111541) Van ~.~Cotten . •*** "AF-lnTha Cfowd" (tll6n Mdy Grtl- tlth, Patrid9 Neal. A csar.i.. let goea from a jail call to natlonlil racognltlon on the tlrangth of ,. humOf and muaical t91ant. 11:30 CC) • * "Dia Uughlng" ( 11180) Robby Banton, Charlaa Durning. A aongwritlng cab ~ la aided by • lmaft monk"f In pr<Mng hlmMlf ""-"' of a murder ch9tga. 'PG' (8) • "Blood Barrier" (tMO)T~ .......... AIMrt." ~---.,... 10 ............ . ""°*""°"' .......... . ................. -•••K"TM~· (tt70)..., ........ ~ °'*"·A~~ "*' .._ • .., ..... .. ,.... .... "-..... 10~·~ ,_In ttlaQMltO. ' • **K"TNJW.-lt Denfarour' (1MI) Joen Ct~. o.na a.torgM. All ui•wor111 Vlfl _....In ..... ....,,_ loelr'O '* ~,. .. lnowMlt bpr-" (1'11) Dean Joftaa, ~ Olton. A New Yortl ~ tr• llelt ... '° ttle Aodc*t In an ...,,,.,. to modal•* a ~ 9d raaon he lnhartted. 'O' 1M<Hl **•141 "'*'°'ZN¥a-oo" 11•1 Omer lhartf, Oeraldlne ~. TWo .... ~..,,..the llPlril Md PMlilOlla ol ..... ~ A9wolul6on. Cl) ••• "Ubal'' (1'69) OMa de ~. Dlrll Booanle· A llWI MtempU 10 pro.. ha has .,..,. • •baled but NIN hie -wllan 119 llH trouble -bartng datalla. 1:IO <CJ ....... "BananM" (1117 1) Woody Allen, Loulae LaaNr. A produat ....... bored with hi• ~ routlM, 11<>99 IO a •mall Latin American OOl.Wllry end bacomaa • . dlctatOt during • polllJc9I ~91.'PG' 2:00 CZ> * * * • "&c.llbur" (11181) Nlgll_ T«ry, Nicol WllllamtM. Th9 axplOltt of King Arthur br1ng po.- and daettl IO the Might• of Iha Round Table. 'R' 2:IO. * * 141 "Oda To Biiiy Joa" f 11178) Aot>by a.n- eon, Glynnis O'Connor. Baaed on the aong by~ bla Gantry. A tormanlad 1Mn-9Qar'• PM« ..,,.... -complc:ate hit tlrat truer-.'PG' a:aoa ··~"Fair Wind To J1111a" (11152) Fred Mae- MWTay, V•a Rmalon. An American -and • group of plr.,.. r-to 11olcanlc Kraltatoa to cllllm • legendary fortune In cffa.. moncla. (I) ••• "Nutcrack• F1<n1aey" ( 11179) AnllNteel. Voloaa of Mlchale Laa, Mallaaa G**1 and Cfvl8.. tophar Laa. " girl'• love and COUftrga .,. teated during .. many ~ turw wflila attempting to help • handaoma ac»dlar undw Iha apal ot • ._ l'IMdad -· 'G' • •:00 cm • • • "Huc:IUaOany Finn" (1117 .. ) ,,.,, EMt, Paul Wlntlatd. 8aMd on Iha atwy by M"'1t Twain. A young t>oY and • ~y tl9w become WNOlllad In • --of ad"9nturaa .,.... llaalng down the.........,.. pl iv-on a raft. •:ID C%l • • "Bronco a.y" (tll80) Clint EMtwood, Sondra Loella. A form.. ttlOa ~ from New Jeraey ,..._ Ilia ~ of l*'fOm"'ig In a Wiid Waatlhow.'PG' t:oo (I)•••• .. ......,..._ lion" (111eo) Ea.n Bunc)n. Sam Shap#d. After a,_ fatal auto accldant, a wom- an finds tfllll aha has the ablllty to heel otflar1I bu1 la ~ad~of ,_ rafuul to claim a dMna ~.'PG' l:aO (8) * * * "The Wor1d'a Gr .. raat Athlete" (1973) ' J«v\ Amoa. ~ N Vincent. A coactl who la , helling a run of bad luck 1 returns to hie roots In Afrl· ca and dlacoYwa a 9llP9' athlete. ·o· 0 * • • * "TN Elephant Man" (1NO) John Hurt, Anthony Hopklna. " dadl· cated phyalclan takH under hit wing • horribly deformed man -'-ltf9 tlll than had bean apant In chMp freak axhlbltlone. 'PG' CHANNEL LISTINGS ....... "Scarf-" (11132) Peul Munl, George Ran. " amall-tlme hoodlum ...... to the top of the ~ d\lr· Ing ProN~tlon. 11J I.ff ON EARnf (Premiere) "Ti. Infinite , Vllrialy" David Attanbor- ough attempta to axplaln where, when and In 'Whal order Iha E.arth't ~· than tour~~ Hoel: Johnny Caraon. ~ Uonal Hampton, ~ Mof'lwty, 8aly FWd. eOMCNeW8 NIQHTUN( by Armstrong & Batluk 8 KNXT (CBS> 8 KNBC (NBC> • KTl.A CTnd.) 10) On-TV r?l Z·TV (Jll HBO ICl (Cinemax) 4lllOlv9d. Q . OMOVIE I laf °' cw:JUQtO 1"I 000 CCQIU! Fell11 and Oac9I' daclda IO hotel ttlelr own "decathlon" to ~mine Who'• In bat· • KABC IABCI ,0 KFMB (CBS) 1J KHJ·TV (Ind.) G KCST (ABCI (!) (WOR) N V , N'Y. «ll (WTBS) **~"Ode To·Bllly Joa" (11178) Robby Benaon. Glynnla O'Connor. 8aMd on lhe aong -by 8obbla Gantry. A tormented laan- agar'j peat •JCpatlenoM comc>11e91lt hit !Int true r-.'PG' -~·Ion. A pt'laat la murdarad and a nun It i-tan In a poor nelQhtiortiood. ·KCET~T CD CN"nONIDMC NIW8 "1 IESPN! • KTTV (Ind.) ISi ( Showtrme) • Spotlight ..... TOOCU.FOR OOWOflT • KCOP·fV find.I e KCET (PBS> • ICable News Nelwork) Aptil ~ her plane I lo -In with hw boy- cm MOYIE * •'.4 "Siient Scnwn" ( tlleo) Aebacc:a Balding, .• '~ l_(OCE (PBS) 'L,if e . on Earth' is remarkable PBS series dwells on .·sweeping sagas of the history of life By TOM JORY <-· ._ ..... .._ ...... NEW YORK -The fact. tbat "Lile on Earth'' was produced in the first place ia tied directly to David Attenborougb's supreme cqntidence in the British Broadcasting Corp. · ''I wrote tbe entire th.inf before we abot a trame, without any telard .for bow we were 8oing to do it," HY}. Attenborouab, an alalbority on n1tur11t history.who once was procram dJrect.ot for the BBC. "l wrote tbe tb1ni u lf an)'thlna were poulble ··we b8d only one failure," be aays. "I ne.er c:oun*S bow m&Q aped• J mentioned in the text -it must Jtave been lD the thouaaoda. But we never 1ot a duckbW plat.YPut laytn1 eco. and the 1owa• eomln1 out and aucklq tbe motber't JDIJt. ••'op COV&I•, '' Attenborou1b ooncldee, "nobod1'1 ev.r aeea tbat uppm. A.ad ... tried very bard ... Camerm1111 did maaa1•i. however, to captun OD tUm for the ont Ume - 1wtmmln• underwat.er -tbe toelacantb, a ltvtq f..U of a ftl.b . uu.r. OD l:artb,'' With the eoelaeant.b . or witlllol* the platYJMll, ta a reawtsable ~r:r=~~:nsi:rt:= at 8 lOJtllbt and by KOCS (50) premiering at 9 tonight. The series i.s about the evolution of ~fe, from lhe first simple organism that · .appeared about 3,500 million years ago lo Ure complex array of animals tbat share the planet today. '1lt's a biological story in terms ol lbe cbaracfers, the problems they faced, solutions which they devised, and the new-problems arlsln1 from the reaulling 1ltuation1 which they now face," Attenborough say1 tn descrtblnt bl~ dr,amatic approach to the TV aeries. uupg ON EARTH" was three year• in the maJdnt, filmed at more than 100 locations tn 30 countries on all • continents -in abort the bia1e1t ' prodocUon ever underlaken by the BBC'1 famed Natural Hlttory Unit. The aeries wu co-produced wttb Warner Broe. Televlatoo. • A tten boro\llh '• 1torytellin1 tecbnlque, coupJed with tbe extraordinar1 camerawork, dl1tln1w1be1 "IJfe on Earth" from previous efforts at clocum•Unc naturat biatoty. One problem wu to llolate a central idea for eacb prolJ'•m lD the aerte1. "How can you do one procram ... wblcb II aotn1 to deal witb a half a mllUoe 1pecte1 of bird.a?'' Attenbof'ou&h .a•kt. then anawen: . "OK, you've been seeing birds all your life," he says. "What is th• essential feature that makes birds bi~ds? You think about it, and come up w1tb the answer -that simple Instrument, the feather. · "Having fot the perfect lnsuJaUon, you now have a warm body tbat ,Provides the enern that allows for flight,'' Attenborough says, "ONCE YOU G&ASP that, you undentand a whole heap of profound · questions about orn1tbolon." To approach the subJ•ct ol life 'that way, be aaya, you've 1ot to start at the beginning. ''.Someone satd wben I 1uceested tbat, 'You're cruy. You can't start there. How can you 1et ireen •lime to erab 10 million people b7 the throat? "Ky luck was vv1 mucb a matter ol tlmto1 •• , Atteaborou1b ••YI· "I don't think I would have beet\ able to make this aeries, pbotoarapble.U,, 10 yean •10." . Ad"anced mlcro·Pbe>tOfJ'~Pl!l...:­ao body doel that u "11 u UM 'J.tC-d l d, tn fact, matt ·1reen 11lme intereatinl, and AlteabofouP WU able to start at the bectnninc. "One of the .,.at thrUll,'' he MP, ''ii flftdlnr the ticbt cl'Utun to nt tbe plot. 1• D•RECTOR ''_!1 ~ • IT WOULD HAYE.· -ro ee A PERSON WHO 15 TOUGH ANP RESOlJRCER.JL, ..,..." WHO COULD HANDLE 1HEMSEL'iES IF il4 Sl'TU,ll;TION 5HOULO IURN UGLY.' ~ OON'I KNOW, REEO! DON'T 'tOl.J !HINK l'M A LITTLE Ol.O ~T~rr 'RUFFELL1S U'HOLSTIRY ......... " ....... IH.I HAllOl ILVD. COSTA,MIU -14f.l 116 ... SHUTIERS CUSTOM QUAUTY SHUTIERS .. Designed, Finished Installed ~ ,. .. • ... Orange Coatt OAJL Y PILOT /Tu11d1y, January 12. 1982 ew SelJ(JStian 's comedy · inks eri route to Broadway BY TOM TITUS O( .. Olilly ........... lt'a bUltd as a pre-~roadw1y comedy, but Jud1lna by the shakedown cTUlse of "What Are You Ooin1 'tn My Life?" at Sebastian's West Pinner Playhouse, there'll be a aood deal or repair work in drydock before it sails onto the Great a'Whtte Way. ,It Frank Tashlln, a veteran Hollywood scripter, tbs come up with an lnltiaJly interesting but ultimately unsatisfying story r---r--~~--. Nlhich loses rather than •a ccumulates momentum as it 1$rogresses. It's actuall y three •l aylets link ed by a lragmentary plot which lends to l•nravel ln the tlnale. olf The woods are rull of plays about showbiz, and occasionally -a new one (such as last year's "~The Ma x Factor ' ' al '------...._..._.."' ~bastian's> comes up with the •LA•NE ·fight stuff. Whatever that elusive quality Ls, it is CWOt present in Tashlin's project. ~, The p r esence o f Vivian Blaine -so ~emorable in "Guys and Dolls" a few decades ago -isn't enough to lift the fragile vehicle to the :.._&medic heights to which it aspires. Miss Blaine .... e Jivers a fine performance as a movie queen !!tr iving to head off a n impending divorce, but the ""P'Ole as written s hould be played by an actress ~bout two decades her junior. a J Neverthe less, Miss Blaine is an impressive it~erformer who knows her way around a stage. Her !J>art is a succession of wisecracks patched loosely "'together, and s he gets the most out or lt -even though her efforts are insufficient to s hore up a lct>orous third act oe The only other cast member (who, Like Miss b~l aine, plays two roles> is Ronald Knight as her soon-to-be ex. a womanizing playwrigl:lt and SuHMa/Slwll• Henry/~rl Yl•l•fl 81elN a ... ld ltnloflt verbal sparring partner who gives as good as he gets . Knight tuw,s in a strong characteri:i:allon m that guise, but his second effort as a sheepish scientist ls none too convincing. A more engaging flip side enactment comes from Miss Blaine In lhe second act when she plays a producer's wife who's been conducting a catch·as-catcb-can atfair with Knight for the past few years. She puts a good bit of distance between her two roles, displaying commendable versatility The basic problem is Tashlin's script. which starts out Jlke Nell Simon's "California Suite" and descends into awkward, overplolted contrivan<.'e after a promising second scene. The s how plays as though three different authors with varying skills and styles each took a shot al one or the segments Since this is the world premiere of Tashlin's comedy, some soft spots are expected, and the San Clemente theater is the proving ground for a project that might yet Jettison its third-stage rocket. ll continues nightly except Monday through Valentine's Day at Sebastian's, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente • BACKSTAGE -Members or the Orange County Theater Association will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Newport Theater Arts Center, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach . . . the dale is a change from the usual last Wednesday of every month ... . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I l 1 MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE Pa.ES FROM HEAVEN IPGI Shows•• 7:159:20 I NE!GtmORS IRI Shows 11 RfSIRICIEO 7:()() 9 :00 UNlw 11 '°"""" occompony•"Q No Passes Pareru or Aou-11 G\Mtehan c:::======::::i 9C ')( '(.' ta ·c SI . c .e ll<[ SE.At Of 0.E ... OllON PIG ruRE CODE Of SElF REGUl.A I ION rol ltfrskates • wal ker~ .oys *'Wcpgons••• • scooters• hot rods• coupes• t railers*hard tops•convert· ibles•motor homes•1awn mowers*limos •corporate headquarters •garden cart s Model A 's* ... •typingtables wheelbarrows• r ec reational vehicles•golf carts* model trains~bikes If it's got wheels • z you'll move it 9 " faster in a ,I! ,a 'II bl Daily Pilot - bi classified es ad. Call rt: 642-5678 and ~'\ a friendly bs ad-visor will help you turn . your wheels into cash. IJI c I ABIENCEOF MAUCEIPGI Shows al c:• =:;;;7~:00;:;;;;;9;;;;·2;;:0===> iii~llRI 7 :10 & 9:30 No Economy SNttng •ljllOluhon.etv c.,,. F, Sound H I>•.,. 1n Bek>w ~OUI AM QI tad~ tt VOUI ..... ., If ftO 4M a.1 tM 10 •tth 'f"•hon CdUOfy pot1t10t\, tHi vo+M own AM pott6ble T 1mo_1hy Hulton TMS IPGI Cannonball Run (PGI John Belushi NEIGH80AS IR I Tome B~nd•h (PG) !"?~"" I' Che•v Chase 1n llOOERN PAOBLEllS IPGI Nine To F••• IPGl I Luts Valdu' ZOOT SUIT IRI c•==B=o=u=l•=··=,d==N=·g=h=~=l=R=l~t RAIDERS Of: TitE LOST A.Alt IPGI & Flun Go•don IPG) Walt Disney's CINDERELLA IGI & Swtss fem1ly Rob1ns0n IGI Thia wMk you can aN REDS •t lheH the11fe .......... POllT EDWatlOI YlUO TWiii • ClllllOMI ...,..,,, INcll 644 0760 ~ Yle!O 830 6990 O.i/'IOt 63A 2SSJ DNMll CHIOia WHT ua MOWIH , Wtslrv;t!Sllf 891 393$ &11 990 4022 l~i.cAOEMT lilOll(M "°"'...., - -""" -"""-·•IO.., I . "'"" _ _...,.~ .. "'9-----.... . ...... ACICCPTt• ,. ""9f.,.......1 THE PORT THEATRE 6 7'.l·b?l.:O *Humor and eroticism in a tender and entertaining work~ _...,.. MIJ1tt /\IE\r' YOR/.. TIMI\ .... • __ r..., .... llLRTIL\,,Ulll.IUI •-A'.Nf.W 1 IM t INfMA Che¥\j has the ~ to make this new year the funniest ever! ·~OO~tif;:J e11JaQ~r;.~e ~·----· ~ ---~ • 4 • - -, 8y The Al~t•ted Presa The Collowln1 are Biiiboard'• hot record bit• for the week endlnc Jan. 8 u lht)' appear In next week 'sis ue of Biilboard' m•la&ine HOT SINGLES l "Physical" Olivia Newton-John <MCA> 2 "Waiting for a Girl Like You" Forelener (Atlantic) 3. "Let's Groove" Earth, Wind and Flre <Columbia) 4. "l Can't Go for That" Daryl Hall and John Oates <RCA S. "Young Turks" Rod Stewart <Warner Bros.) 6. "Harden My Heart'' Quarterflash (Warner Bros > 7. "Leather and Lace" Stevie Nicks with Don Henley (Atlantic 1 •BARGAIN MATINl!l!S * Monday thru S1tuntay All PerformancH before 5:00 PM (Except Speclll Enp1tment1 and ltOlldays) Vo Mt~ADA llo'AU Muocso of lo•ecron1 LA MIRADA WALIC ·IN 994·2400 -C.-·---"TA"8" "" ·-·-·--·---·---"RAIDERS Of THE LOST AIU('' ·-.--...... -;_--°"---------... -.. -..... -----·~ ....... -=--i::=-.::..~ "RIOl"-•tiM • ..-,- •AUL-'-._,_. "ABMNCI 0, MAL.IC«" -·----- LAKEWOOD CENTER WAU<·IN ---· "IHAAK.IY'I MACHI .... "1 , ____ _ -0.~·-~ "TAH".,. ·----. .... LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlll IN focully Al Del Amo 213/6U·9211' -----"CHAAIOTI Of AM" ..... 'ttt.. l)llt. 91tl. ... U:U lAGUlllA -----·-"Nll0~"111 .............. -.----· "IHAAKY'I MACMNI:" llf , ............... ,.. Jocully ol Co11e11e wood 213/531·9510 ---=-=----=·.:::-........ -:r:r:.: -"RlOl"tll'el • , ... ,t;lt.kll __ . ..__ "RAlotRI 0, T .. LOST Afllk" I ·-.............. -____ ,,__ .. .... -"1lAGT1•" -... -..... - ("BUOOY, •uoor"" ·---J "'ATIRNITY" . .... .-.•- so. COAST WALK·IN Soulll Coo11 Htwoy of t toodwoy 494-1514 "~AAkY'S MACHIN!" caf ~,, ..... , .. , ........ .. __ ... . ·n1E GREAT SAHJllllr' --UtlAt.«M,UI _, ...... - lA .. J\,AJilt J, \*i MISSION OlllVf IN -...._ • -A'l'UO\'O "NEIGHIOftS" llll -··"'.-.-... ,,.,..... .................... . --·-~ "THI ffOUR~""' ··~nea.ovr·.., -----"JUAN CHARlllAIOUtAOO" ... ... l.,..~" 8 "Cenlerfold " Th J Geil• 9and (EMa.~mmoa> 9 "Turn Your Love Around'' George Benaon (Warner Brot.J 10 "Trouble" Lindsay Buckingham (Asylum > TOP LP'S I "For Thou About to Rock" AC·DC ~Atlantic) 2 "Ghost m the Machine" Police <A&M J 3 ··4" Foreigner tAllantl~ 4. "Escape" Journey <Columbia) S ''Raise" Earth, Wind and Fire IColumbla> 6 "Physical" OllVla Newton-John <MCA> 7. "Bella Donna" Stevie Nicks (Atlantic> fl. "Tattoo you" Rolling Stones <Rolling Stones Records> 9. "Shake 1l Up" The C:ars <Elektra) 10 "Memories" Barbra Streisand <Columbia) .......... ''N.NNtll fROMHhttN'' ........... ,. ........ I • I l ~ ~· ·; . • 1, I•• '· .. l 4 BOSTON <AP) -In one borrltytq moment in the faU , Mark Watah loet 40 pounds ol flesh. An explosion rlaajled tbrouati an aek'Olol can factory and burned tbt akin oft 80 percent ol his body. Twenty-four people were hurt, and four of them eventually died. But Walsh was lucky. He waa taken to Massachusetts General Hospital, where he became one of a small croup of burn victims to be treated with artiticlal akin, an experlmentaJ man-made substitute thft permanently covered his woundab reduced bis sulferinl and per aps saved his life. After two months in the hospital, Walsh went home for Cbrisbbas. His skin was red. His walk was slow and shuffling. But be said he felt "great" and told bis father he wanted a 2-lncb-steak for dlnner. Walsh's dramatic recovery is the reward of a steady series of advances pioneered over the past decade by doctors at Massachusetts General and elsewhere. "All of us expected him to get well, and we're not surprised that be did this well," said Dr. John Burke, chief of trauma services and co-inventor of artificial akin. That does not minimize the accomplishment. Burns often are described as the worst possible injuries. Victims are s usc eptible to infection and breathing and circulatory problems. Nationally, about 130,000 people are hospitalized with burns each year, and 10,000 of them die. On Jhe morning of Oct. 22, Walsh, 25, an electrician from Norwood, happened to be working at the aerosol can fac· tory in Holbrook, a suburb of Boston. The fire burned 80 percent of bis skin, including his face, and be breathed flame that scorched his throat and lungs. First, he was take n t o Brockton Hospital and was moved the sa~e day to Carney Hospital. Wals h's father , Donald, got to Brockton In time to look into the ambulance. -''I said , 'How a r·e you doing.?' " the elder Walsh recalled. "And Mark said, 'OK. My bands are bad.' That was the CAVALCADE BUSINESS 82·3 86-8 Coaat-area retail 1tore1 are· reporting brUk $Clea for the new year . . . 86 RESTORED -Mark Walsh tright >. who suffered burns over 80 percent of his body in an explosion in a Massa~husetts factory. s its with h is rather. Donald. at Bos ton 's last time we heard him talk until Thank.sgjving. · · After four days, Walsh was transferred to Massachusetts General. By then, his biggest • danger was infection. Skin ls the barrier thal ordinarily protects the body from bacteria. Walsh's skin was gone, and hie dead rtesb was an ideal breeding place for germs. Unlike the pr~clice of a few years ago, doctors now l.ry to cover the burned flesh with grafted skin as quickly as possible. The day he a rrived at Massachusetts General, doctors took him into surgery. It would be the first or six operations over four days that luted a total of 24 hours. The doctors' goaJ was to cut away the dead skin and fat and cover bis wounds Massachusetts Ge neral Hospita l a fter his release. Hi~ tre~tment included use or artificial s kin. First, the doctors gathered as much of Walsh's remaining skin as he could spare and began covering his burns, including his face and bands. But they quickly ran out and turned to artificial skin. In all. they used eight square feet of artificial skin to cover the young man's neck, chest, abdomen and arms. This skin was invented by Burke and Dr. I. V. Y annas of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In the-past year or s o, it has been used on 30 patients at Massachusetts General and the affiliated Shriners Bums Institute. Like real skin, it bas two layers, the top silicone and tbe bottom made ol proteins taken from shark cartilage. And like ordinary skin grafts, it is never '·· r :'I tl • ,., .. removed. !Dlteadt. tbe pau-i'i own body ev•tuauy Npleee1 • jull as natural •kl• li conttnuoualy noewed. · l "la the old da)'I before tM akin wu avallabl• -wbieta wtil about a year aao -....... have borrowed 1ktn fr .. somebody elH," Burk• ulC> ·•But tbia baa dltflculU• ._ lmm~c rejecUoe, aM M arttndal n la not reJeet,M." To fll t lpfeeUon, nura admlnhtered aatlblotlc) intravmowaly and wubld .... with a IOI~ ol all"' nl~ For 1la #Mks, eveeyone ~ entered bis room wor• di1po1~ble maallta, caps ~ IOWDI-, f' A reaolrator worhd fof' .. burned faqa, wblle a tube ~ his breatblq pwa1e open. NW' blood and nourishment ft~ into his blood teaela. ,J Each day, tberapi1ll exercised bis jolnta. NurN .. changed bla dreutn11. MachlDll monitored bi1 breatbin1 ancll other vital alps. h Over hit bed bun1 a picture °' W a lab ln a hockey uniform Ml that doctora and nurses would' know what be looted Ji.Ile. "After all," Hid Burket' "when you have IOIDebody alt banda1ed up and you can't Nill anything but bla eyes and the tip of bla nose, it's bard to ft1ure outi. who you're dealinl with." e W alab wu oblivious to all~ Although he would respond simple commands, b essentially wu unconadoua. n 0 n t b e d a y a f ·t e Tbankagivtq, be woke up. could not remember an~ that bad happened since thes e~ploelon. - ··I think I sort of miaaed ~ the pains," Walsh ·said, "~ guess the crafts are painful, .... I don't remember them. I fek the same way when I woke up Mis I do now." h W alsb will need about a yeaW. of physical therapy to re1aln f+ use of his stiffened joints. ~ his doctoq says he will be able tO go bacir.ko work 1001 beforJ then. And despite his burns, "' appearance will be normal. "He'll always have scan/• Burke aald. "They won't be dramatic, and I think be will be able to function in society without everybody lmowfnl Ula he's scarred, because bis faoe and hands will be ver.y presentable." Indians of .Eastern America--the f orgotte~ 1 majority Maasacbu1etta: Ella Tho-mas, Sekatau Narqanutt Tribe. Rhode Island. and Irene Macie Pyawaslt. Menominee Tribe, Wl1conaln. Tribes frotn Maine to Florida endure hardship ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) - From the Malecites of Maine to the Creeks of the Florida Panhandle, the Indians of the eastern United States are the for1otten tribes -invisible to the white man, lone overlooked by the federal 1overnment and JJhunned even by their brothers in the West. Contrary to popular belief, more than half the 1.6 million American Indiana live east of the Mississippi River, "but most people don't even know we're here, .. ·says Helen Schelrbeck, a member of the Lumbee tribe of North Carolina. The lot or the East~m Indians is not a happy one. A bout 30 percent of the Lum bees, the largest tribe in the East at 50,000 members, are illiterate and poverty-stricken. Most are cotton farmers and small businessmen. The Edlstos of South Carolina, barred from both white and black public schools unW the 1980s, have lost their tribal lansuage and native arts. Many drifted elsewhere, leavinc only 500 remaining in two counties of the state. The Florida Creeks, once part of a vast southeast tribe· that President Andrew .Jackaon tried to relocate in Oklahoma, maintain a sense of community even tboulh "puatn1 u. white was seen u a matter of •urvl•al for aenerationa, 11 says Bart.ra Ray-Garrett, executive direetor of tbe Northwest Florida Cred Indian Council. Tbelr lan1Uqe, too, i1 dead, and a majority of them lack a bl1b achool educatim. ManJ of the almost 3,900 Narrqanaetta ol Rhode lalmd are below the poverty level and 1UU rely partly on tlehln& and foraataa for a Uvtn1. A1 many as 80 percent of American Indians. by one estimate, ba.e melted Into the pop'41ationl of I.Ifie cities. BUI HQea, rr, wbo wean hll hair in IODI, clotb-wrapped braJdl, beloap to a rroup called th• Three Riven CouncU lh1t la trylnc to brlDI toset.Mr about 2,IOO 1uda IDcOana from more thu ., trt• wbo were fCMMld "floating in the mainstream" of society in the Pittsburgh area. T()(Uy, with only 16 of the 280 • federally recognized Indian tribes in the lower 48 states based in the East, the Eastern Indians are organizing to Caln fe d eral recognition, social services and money. But their aim, they say, is more than money. "It's not a matter of 1etlinl a 'pjece of the pie,' " aaid Michae l Ranco of Maine's Penobscot nation. "It's become a matter of pride . . . of principle. We're sUll here, and we're not goin1 to 10 ''It's become a matter of pride.'' away," said Mrs. Scheirbeck, director of the Alexandria·bued lndjan Information Project, which was created to help link the more than 100 Eastern tribal sroups. As a child, said Rosa Winfree, a Lumbee from Charlotte, N.C., "I was told to take pride in my Indian heritase. Then I arew up and learned that ·l was not a I ways accepted by my (Western) Indian brothen u an Indian." School records often cl...Uy Eastern Indians racially as "other," she said. '•Being reco1nized as an Indian bu somethin1 to do with buUdinl ~tr-esteem and pride, not just dollars, 11 she said. Federal reco1nltion makes tribe• eUaible for proaram1 IDd aervicee provided by the lntertol' Detartmeat'1 Buren o( IDdlu Aff a1ra, aa well aa a11llt1DOt from tbe departmeatt ol LaW and Health and Human Sr"vlcea. T be BIA say1 rec:opitlOD allO ac.knowledc• "that a 1peclal relatlonablp uiltl ... tlult the tribe can coat.rol lta own attain and Uult the Uaitecl Statea will provide tru1t protection for tribal rllbta and property." Tbe proc4111 la painfully IAow for tbale, like the Lwn.._. IDd NanatllllHttl, who 1tlll laetr . federal recocnitlon: South Carolina's Catawbas, LoiiJ Is 1 and · a Shinn e~ o ck a , Massachusetts' Wampanoap, Maryland's Pi1cataway•, Connecticut's Mobecana, Delaware's Nanticokea, N~w .Jersey•a Ramapou1hi, Vermont's Abenalltla and tbe Creeu ol Alabama, Florida aiiid GeorgiL -: John Shapard of the BIA said the recocniUon procedure tak• about four months for eac:'h ·croup, loflger if appea~-~ filed. With applicaUom ex~ from 150 tribes, the .bW'd,. decides about six appllcaUom ;a year. .. . . "At the current rate, we.'.U finish in the year 2003," Sbapaid told a recent proJeet CODI~· here. _ AmOlll other tb.lqs req for tribal reco1nitloa, tlJfl government loolta for proof u.# a tribe hu had, a ••conUnuoia po ll ti c a l ex late n c e " 4r succession of leaders, a.t neceaaarily a formal tribal council, Shapard said·. .:( "We're not loolltin1 ior feathers and drum1," be said. Some Indian leaden object to ~ bureau's criteria, wbi- Mra. Scbeirbeck says "pun':': people w'*> went to tbe cltiet look for wdrk, to bett4ir tbemaelvet." :1 Says Marauertte Smith, a Nft York City lawyer and me= of the Loni Island-bu Sblnnecock tribe: "EHry elae bu •u1ed. Wby ._.. everyone e~ ua to be tM same as we were aoo yean a10?" · Tbe traclttloaallr lndepe.ndeat·mlndecl Bast_.. lndlanJ eonildH· tbe BIA ; mlxed blnrlac . ._. ot...., leaden A1 tM ..-e1 ,..,. d•P•Gd•DCY a•d reatrlct lnltJatlft. A. O.Wt lAlt.-ol the .... Admlnlatrallon for Natl•~ Americana undemandl ~ fears. • 'Self·rellanee 10•• hancl ·i•'l(lo•fi wtna Hlf·~+" ............ . "Pateraallam ..., ..... • wbole reaaoa &:; waatetl r~tlrtbe plaee." I . . ~ I 1. . I ~· .. .... \t t ··~ \. . . . {· '· ARTIST PUZZLED -Ed Roebuck sold only one painting in 'tt\ree weeks but arter angrily marking eact) with an X in a scream or frustration and pain at not being able~ live orr his art. he ~ld 17 in rive days. Thfr~t=~ unusual Incident happened at the artist's gallerY. in Norfolk. Va. I Offer ..,,, .. J111ua11 14, l 912 Offer upltn Jenuary 24, 1112 Of,., • .,,, .. ,.,.uary 24. , .. 2 I ,,_.,""It '8111ti11111111• ....... Plk:ll ., ""It '*'* IJ 1• • llcllleM. c...,.. .-..., II SMdlll1I ~. Prtca _,"''It '9111ci.111111 llaClw. C..,. IOM _.,II Sellllll ~ c..,.. "" ..., II Sllllllrl Callfwlle. I --- 1 . --COUPON -1 _____ .. ... CJf l'ried OMcbn. Crack into a plate of hot1 steaming crab )~gs. Try a generous serving of our new spiced cold boilea shrimp. Or our famous Popcorn~ shrimp, And then do it again! • It's all you can ear: Every day of the week. Each special is served with your choice of a crisp tossed salad or cole slaw, baked potato or rice pilaf, and another favorite, sourdough bread. All }Oll can eat. All week long. Alaskan Snow Crab Legs All you can eat .............. ~11.95 Popconf Shrim All you can eat ... ~. . . . . .... 17.50 New Spiced Cold Boiled Sbrhhp All you can eat . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~8.9,5 .. Several weeks ago a co·worker <I'll call her A1ice1 miaplaced a report. and we 1 1 . both spent half •n hour looking for it. I finally decided to cheek the tk>ss's wastebaskets· becaufie he ha• been known , to throw away things we need. , To our (\mazcmen"1 w.e discovered DEAR UNI NFORMED: Laws var~· according to state. According to Jean Feehan. a Chicago attorney. when there Is no wW in lllinols. tbe wife-gets half and the chDdren get half. <This law went l.Jlto effeet in 1980. It used to be one-third ror the wife and two·tblrCls ror the children.> If there are no children. all the money goes to the spouse. If there is no spouse. the estate ls divided between the parents. brothers and sisters. I hope those who are readJq this and have been putting off writing a will will read lt again. Too orten people are 1upentltlou9 about wills, fearful they wlll die the next week if they write one". Noaseme. It ls plain fooliah to work . all your Ufe and not make sure y-0ur financla~ a11ets and personal beloagings will go to the people yqu want to have them. Wake up out there. I am talking to YOU! DEAR ANN LAN'DERS : I am employed in a ple)lsant office with nice people. My immediate saiperior is ah able executive in hi s late sos. He has alwavs been cordial but somewhat distant. which suits us all fine discarded drafts or a filthy novel he is • writing. The language and descriptions of sctdO·masochism we1·e s hocking - completely out of character for tt)js church·going pillar or thc..communlty ... I have been checking his ~Itel 1·egularly: and the sto~ \$ tettinfV'clJrti~r and dirtier. The other secretaries ttlf,nk it is hilarious. but 1 am very \ancomfortable. First. I feel guilty rummaging throush the garbage to Cind his filth and. second. J don·t think he is being fair to the compan~· -writing this-novel during t>usiness bours,, 1 am tempted to report him to his' boss. Would I be justified? FAITHFUL EMP~OYEE DEVOTF;D TO JiERo COMPANY · ·• DEAR FAITHFUL: Maybe someo~ should report you for wat$\ing compan~ time scroungJng in the trash looking for pornography -rrom whi~h you are obviously getting Iott of jollies. c Why else would you continue to do It? 1 MYOB. dearle. Vour letter tells me as much about you as It does about your boss. Parents. what 1iho11ld yn11 do 1/ yo11r teen·ager 1s having sexual relations'' Ann Landen;' new booklet . .. High School Ser and I/ow to Deal Willi It -A guide for Teens and Their Parents:· give.Ii rio·rumsense adUtce 011 how to handle this delzcatt• s1t11aJ1on For each booklet. s~uf 51) cents pll11i a toiw .. ~tamped. sel/--0ddressed envelnpt> to Ann Landers. P 0 Bor 1199.S. Cl1icago. Ill 606 11 Selling sorrow costly Grier. It· s indescribable. Even ir you could put it into words. no one has to be told what it means because we have all been its victims . In il'ecent years.. the Victim~ ha''e had to endure still another indignit~· . the selling of their sorrow. Year arter \'ear. in the name of freedom to kno~·. camera lenses have invaded the mos t private and sacred part of our li ves ... the pain of our existence. A MOTHER KNEELING over the battered body of her child and his bicycle. I Tape at 10. J A man e merging from the water with the dangling. pale bod\' of his best friend who has dro\\ned. 1 additional pictures on P-age 15. 1 Unspea~able pain in the eyes of a movie star al his wife's f\meral. <Cover slor~· begins on page 26:1 Numb horror as a wO!IJan near ~olta~­ watches her husband wheeled out unlter u sheet after a shooting . <Pictures courtesy of photo pool. 1 Those who argue in favor or these intimate glimpses qf r14w emotion point out that people· are mesmerized by the wa~· people handle shock ... 1am11\f&merized by Robert Redford. but that doesn't give me the right to enter his life and watch tiis everv move • i'm not' talking about the roverage or' disasters and accidents .. rm t.#tlklog about EIMA IOMlfCI AT WIT'S END the privilege to grie\'e alone. Many years ago. a good friend of mine w~o was a brides maid at m~· wedding endu1'ed a tragedy in her family that round its way to th.e front page or the newspaper The cameras chronicled the tragedy right up to the gravesite where her rather "a~ slowl~· inched into hb gi·an• "THEY TOOK SOMETHING awa~ from me." s he said bitterly. "Something ver~' precious that belonged onl~· to me. The lac;t private moment with my father. 1 can never~tit back aj?ain. Wh~·" Why did they do it?' · Why indeed. Did it ente1tain'' Did it inform? Did it fill 15 seconds of vacuum lime between sports and weather? Did it feed the curious'? Titillate the bizarre? , 'Seeing pictures of pedpte-who tlespair takes away something from all of us. After awhile. the sight or blood. a funeral. or a stretcher becomes so commonplace that we no longer flinch from shock or feel the pain. .. Sorrow sells. But C'an we afford it '! Yoko Ono'S tribute "' . . q: '1 beard that l'oko Ono reeeat&Y Ht • her bait llllort. I abways ·tJaougllt laer le81 black hair wa111 benllful .. Why dJd sbe do 'it?. -Allcia C. Las Vegas. A : To commeinorate the fir5"f anniversary or Joh.a. LenaaD's death c Dec .• 8). "In Japan, when a woman becomes ll widow, she cuts her hair." she explained. · · J o.hn ~ways loved my lon1 ~atr .. ~ ~. decided I'd, make my hair a gift t.o him,' Ono told thaN.Y. Daily News. • Q: a.at• zllea1aa IMIDI ~Mtre ••lll IUer lblllty le alinll off l'1rl&leUm· dial Is lle1ped ..,_ lillm frOm time le time ..-mot· Oilly from memben di Olqres1, bat from the prea and otliler comtrles a1 well. He · t1ke1 It ln ltrlde -••d IDe9 forward wltll tile a..e. a& h..._ How does lie do r. -+ ~·•tlJI ... ' ~. Olaje, I r, , t • " 'A : During htl !5 yean u an actor, Ule l)Naklent said he developed 1 :~e hide .,ainet criticism. Ha 1lkn(}O:ift&1• an eu= one of hi• snc>Ylea. '•JODa's Row.,. waa l'OtiPdly rapped bJ the ctlua at the UJne. It tU'ned out. howner. to be one ol "~ ata.:Umep-eatl.11 ' More on Sylvester Stallone's •Rocky Road ~ Mishaps <or Filminl a Movie Cari Be Ha1ardous to Your Health>: As you'Jl recall. in our tut episode\ Stallone craclted a rib while leaping or a c lit into a tne ror a stunt in his new movie. "Jl\rat Blood. · .. \)- . ;. ' .. . I I :\.. lo .. .~ !{ I• : . "Memo to the Sales Depllrtment. 'S'Wonderful, S'Mar- velOU1,' wtlh apologies to Genhwtn." IOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA ' Capricorn: Reward due Wednesday, January 13 By SYDNEY OMARR ARI~ <March 21-April 191: You could be involved in special services that relate to senior citizens. Emphasis on basic obligations . adde d r es po ns ib ility . TAURUS (April 20-May 20 1: Favorable responses come from special appeals and appe arances . F oc us on c haris ma . pers onality . GEMINI <May 21 .June 201: Ne w approach aids in resolving longstanding dilemma. You gain greate r independence of thought. action -style is imprinted. CANCER <June 21-July 22>: Emphasis on direction. short trips, evaluation of policies. Family finances could dominate scenario. LEO <July 23-Aug. 22 >: Elements or timing, luc k combine and you are beneficiary . Peo ple make inquiries concerning y our efforts , prog.-ess. Popularity incre ases. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22 >: Roadblocks to progress are removed. Luna r cycle is high -emphasis on timing, judgment. LIBRA ((Sept. 23-0ct. 221: You'll get peek behind scenes: you'll learn what should be done and how to accomplish it. Emphasis on clubs. groups . institutions and possible change of scener v. SCORPIO <Oct. 23-Nov. 21 l : Major changes involving family members could dominate sce nario. Purchases revolve around home a nd are aimed at beautifying surroundings. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23·Dec. 21 1: People in positions of authority may be temporarily misguided, disillusioned. Heed your own counsel, define te rms . CAPRICORN <Dec . 22 -Jan . 19 >: Long-distance communication could relate to imports, exports and future travel plans. AQUAalUS (Jan . 20-Feb. 18): Someone· attempts to lean on you - empha sis on money, loans. debts . obligations and requests for co-signing. PISCES <F e b. 19-March 20~: Initial offers may be mere feel~r~. Know it. be patient, persisting and refuse to give up something or value for nothing. Others will soon show their true color..s . BllAINWASHJNG: When you think it is perfectly normal to pay as much for a car as your father paid for a house .... Wonderful touching line Crom a 75-year-old lunching at Bardelli's: "For the first time I 'm worried about my life running out befor~ my money does." HEAVEN KNOWS 1 trust the PG&E even more than I tru~t any other utility. but has anyone actually SEEN a meter reader? . . . One slight solution to the par king m ess : paint out a ll those unnecessary white <passenger> zones in front ol small hotels and ancient downtown apartment houses . There's one on Post . nea r Trade r Vic's, that has a white zone a quarter of a block long and I haven't seen a li mo parked there since 1937. EARL CLISBEE has a new definition of the Good Old D ays : wh e n Cap Weinberger was doing local politics on Ch. 9 ... And for the Nobody Could Have Said It Better Dept.. John Br ungardt nominates this. from Brooke Shields. as quoted in Omni: .. Smoking kills. If you 're killed . you've lost a very important part or your life" ... (Those Calvins rpay be too tight t Add ciggie trivia: ~irca 1950. Carl Sandburg r ecorded a ~png he wrote h i m self th a t we nt som e th in g like . "Cigarets will s poil your life. ruin yer health a nd kill yer child. poor innocent little child. they' re so mild. so mild ." BOYYY, WE have a lot of odd ones today ... Such as Judith Seeger's Law : ··1 Anything in p a r e ntheses can be ignored 1" ... Caensla w: An y news stor~· about a Brink's robber y sounds lik e ever~· other stor~· about a Brink's robbery . Barry Oli ver's Grarrito: ··Experience is something ~·ou don't get till just after you needed it" . ·. ·. Usefu l trivia: Milt Staub is such an old football ran he can remembe r whe n two incomplete forward passes in the s a me series of downs call ed for a five·\'ard pena lty. · FOLKSY STUFF: David Gill of Oakland picked up nis 4-year-0ld J ordan one day at a chum's house and found him filth~· from playing in dirt wherein he had found a la r ge w orm . The fo llowing con versa lion ensued : ··Dad. I wanna bring this worm home." Dad : "No. J ordan. ~·ou'll lose him in the car ... Jordan: "Dad. I wanna bring my worm HOME! .. Dad. thinking fast : "He's not your worm. He belongs to his Mom and Dad and they'll be ve ry sad that you're taking their son away' from them." Jordan. a head of the game a ll the way : "No the~· won't .. He opened his other ha nd. "I'm bringing THEM home too!" NOTES FROM o u r f arfl u n g correspondents: Doug J acJ<son chides me for having ove rlooked this cuuute firm name in Bost on : .. Wok In Take Out Chinese Food" ... Patti Topp. visiting Brainerd. Minn .. discovered a real bargain at the Thrifty Drug Store: ··washed Tennis Ba lls. 25 Cents" ... POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT ~"IWf}~ ~ WARNING: i ~TRESPA&SE"S~ ?-: WILL BE --~--, ~ PUT TO WORK. S ~W1iM~1Wi~.~~~; . S11rgery considerations DEAll DOCTOR: My doetor tells me I have silent gallstones. He discovered them while I wa1 having a routble checkup of my stomacll, lntestlaes and gallbladder. Be's considered to be quite a coaaenatlve guy. He doeu''-rusla you Into tlae operaUng room uales1 tlaere's real Hed. He ukl, "If you're la dotabt about wlaethel' Y• lhcMald laave Y«Mll' gallbladder Old,~ &et ..-..er.,....... . .... • Rlekler fer tletall, I eouwltecl aliedler ~..,..... Be ddllb I 1la••ld laave the operatlo•. Without excep&laa, Ille believes oaee Ole dlapoels of ...._ la ta.e plalaMer lla1 been made, i. Uley .._.. eome Mt. Pala or DO pain. TMI leaves me la a quaadary. Sllall I laa•e~T-Ma.N. DEAR .. R. N.: When you say "silent aallatones" we auume that you have no ay-.iptoms. The difference of opinion in yotir two doctors indicates that there Is no one nde that works. Each patient requires tailored treatment. We've known patlenta ln Uletr 80s and 90I with aallatones (or years who never bad any symptoms related to their aallbladder. OU.. who put off surcery. suddenly developed aevere complleatlons like T JOUI lllAlTll ' OR. PETER J. STEINCAO~ jaundice. Emergency suriery endangered their lives. . It's evident \hat the decision ls often a toss·up. If you have a eolitary 1aU .. tone, • Mr. N., there's leas danger in postponing surgery. In a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association (6/19/81 l Drs. William A. Gracie Jr .. and D. F. Ransohoff found tnat 28 percent of the orlainal grotlp with silent stones had remained at risk for ts years ·or longer without any symptoms developing. We presume, Mr. N., ~at all this still leaves you in a quandary. At least. }'ou've learned that there's no hurry. You have time to evaluate ~r problem. Or. SCancrohn •lconw• queacionl /rom rtabra. He cannot (lftlWr aU iftdit1'duaUw but wfU include Chott of geMml inter11t ha thf1 colu-.. s.nd ~r q~•Uou to him m core o/ the Dmlv PUot . P.O. Boz 15«), Cotta MtlO, canfomia ,.., RECEIVE AWARDS Lyman S. Faul kner <le ft l was named Realtor or the year by the Newport Ha rbor·Cos ta Mes a Bo ard of Realtors Saturday. Julie S. Sturdevant was honored as Realtor associate or the year and~ Eric Renz was selected a((ilia te of the ~·ear 11 for their eyes fl I for their 1 1 teeth The health care · _plan for: einployees that actually Grovides tor heir care. for their body right down to their toes FHP isn't just an insurance company. It's a Health Maintenance Organization with seven medical centers in the Los Angeles and Orange County area aJone. Family Health Program provides the dentists. The doctors, including medical speciali~. Emergency care. Hospitalization. Eye care. Preventa- tive care, including regular checkups. Even family counseling. We don't just cover your employees' medical expenses. We also pro- tect your employees' health by providing care to help keep them from ~getting sick in the first place. Head to toe. For more information on the group health care pro- gram that gives you more than just insurance for your money, call (213) 429-2473, Ext. 513 or (714) 898-3516, Ext. 513. C 1912 FHP . . A FEDERAll Y QUALIFIED HMO • I ' ~ ,_ , • 1 :' .. . t ., \ 1 ~· ... • I .. I • , ~·t at UM llouale II= Wlalea ii aerou lrOill Tln .............. to .. ............ Cllllrt*. • .. Ob, It WU ..... for ..... llartba." laid .Junior~-•• Ufel• Nl6dent .••• died - too&ODl-.o-SIM'1buriellDOt farfromW.." leo't llloulle IOrt of a f\laQY name tar a oommunlt1? .. No, I don't H• anytblq fdllJ abcMlt it'' Combl Mid, leanlnc CID tbe count.-. "It doe9 eauae tome problema, thoulb. wbea we eall ln orden for the 1tore. Peopie are always aaJlnl. 'Are you au re you mean Mou1le?'" Mu. Ricki aald the name brlnt• a lot ol requeata from postmark coUeetora. "I've iottm letters tram a11 over the eountrY, '' lbe a~I probabCy 1et a . buadred po1tmart requests a year." Tbls is all well and tood, but we still don't know, officially, ' • .... .., ...... 1ot lta ...... ...... ~, LM U.S. Poltal lel"Ylee WWbaftLMIDlwer. Jo1c• Booker. a • ••••• lalor ... Uoe 1peeJa111t" at LM poatal Hrvlce'~ Waabi..ioa, D.~:Lbadquarten, n.1decl tbe llMIUU7. • ' "Well," lbe eonfeued, "I'm not 111n I'm IOlnc to M ~ IMI ." • f,, BOOUr said w neardl Into llouaie'1 mysterious name f .,Ued to provide a Htlifaetary ........ 111. Booker · aald 1be alao ebeelled the reeord1 at the Pottal Slrvlee library ud found that tbe MOUlle POil Oftlee wu eatablillbed ln ltlt and that tbe first po1tmaater wu Ollie II. GlblOD. So, what'• the llnal anawer! ttJ•m afraid we have a mhtft)'," Ma. Booker aakt with a •itb. ••vou·~ Just have to take your pick," : ............ NAME FAME -Cartoon captures the humor in name ot small town in southeastern Kentucky. But the natives don't mind. MADllON, Wlit. <AP> -la mOlt lal'le famllin the older eblldrea bud down clothel and other poa1ea1lou to 1owacer bro&hen lad ailten, but for 1'7 ~eart, lite moat Important "hand ·me·down " In the Land1raf t amlly haa been a Madi~ newspaper route. Pat Lud1ral, born a 1ear alter brother Dick betu the Wl1eomln Stat. Journal route In January 1965, wlll end the family tradition ln mld·January. He's t.he youn1e1t of the nlne Landtraf children. "It's aad to lff lt to. became you know all your little brothers have 1rown up," said Tom Land1raf, 27, a Milwaukee accountant. ''It goes by 10 quickly. Both of us, Dick aqd Tom, are .o glad the yoqer ones have kept It 1olng." Tom, the second Land1raf to handle the route, "t'emember1 1ettln1 up at 4: 30 every morning between 1968 and 1971 often ~ ~ .... Pat, tbea I ,_.., tJll• wbo rOde tq, a balUt on Tom'• IMeyele. Toai .Umated ta. La...,.,, -t!M llx~a who oftldlUJ Ud the route, ua two llaMn, GDe brother mother~ who GW ID wben needed -wUI •a•• delivered a half mUllon newapapen J>efore Pat 1~v• up the route. That'• about 175 tou of newtprlnt In t,000 morabtll. be noted. The Deilhborbood route baa varied from the preMllt 48 papen to about es. "It wu never forced upon the next one. They kind of wanted it . They saw wbal it wu dolnc for tbe .. older kids," he aald. ''The next Landiraf woUld always be the first one In line to tel It. You had to wait for It, sometimes two or three years." ( C.11142-5171. 1 Put • few word• to work for wou. . • ;.. ,, • 2': \ ; :• .. ·"'·' 1· r I' I\' I t• Orat10• pout DAILY PlLOT/TuHday, January 12, 1912 4 The refund l• not requlred, be>wever. Tbe coaclltlou under wblcb refundl wOI be made are spelled out ln airlloe tariff schedules. Aak wha\ tbe rules are when you buy your ticket. The key to ·paying the lowest price is flexibility. Traveling at mi4-week or off -season, buying ticket in advance all cuts costs. U you have a problem you cannot resolve after contacUna the alrUne itself, write to the Civil Aeronautics Board, Bureau • or Cons umer Protection, Washington, D.C., 20•28. The board can make sure your letter reaches someone at I.he airline who will look into the problem and a CAB consumer specialist will review both your complaint and the airline's response. PR~88 AIDE -Richard Steffen bas been appointed the fifth press secret ary for Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. con1ldend paid for on tbe date the cbarle ii made, even lf you do not pay t.be credit card bUJ itself wiW later. your ticket ln advance a nd tailortn8 your trip to an airline's muumum-stay requ)rements au cut coats. Call 142-5171. Put • few words to work for ou. You are ,rotected by CAB regulations a1alnat a fare increase once you have paid for your ticket .• The airllne caDDOt char1e extra, even U the fare goes up between the date of The fare parantee does not apply if you ebaftae your mind pd •witch Oiptl. ff the price baa rl1en, you probably will bave to pay the new rat.. You al10 may face a cancellation Flexibility als o can turn overbootine into a bonus. When a fll1bt ii overbooked, the airlines ask for volunteers who are wU.Une to be "bumped" to a later Olght in exchanee for some • • Trust me ••. There isn ·1 going to be another tare reduction.•• . . CitizensReaches~America To BeCome lst Nationwide. 1st Nationwide Savings is just what our name says: America's first, nationwide savings association. 1st Nationwide gives you strength , security and service-with a coast-to-coast network of 136 offices ... with over seven billion dollars in assets. 1st Nationwide spans the big cities and small towns of America: We span the years as well ... with a 97-year heritage of financial stability. How 1st Nationwide puts you first ... with a Rainbow of services. When you travel fer business or pleasure, you have a 1st Nationwide "Welcome Card" that 'gives you access to your checking and savings accounts at our 136 offices. You can transact business, transfer funds, manage cash in California, New York and Florida. . We arethe only financial institution in America to serve all three states. At 1st Nationwide, your money will be where you will be. If you're planning retirement in Florida or California, you're assured your money will be safety there ... where you want tt. For vacation or business travel, your finan- cial needs will be met wherever you are within the 1st Nationwide system. Our new 'Welcome Card" entitte$ you to all our financial services in all our offices. No other bank or savings association offers you such a card ... or such a warm welcome. You probably already qualify for the 1st Nationwide 'Welcome Card'.' Come in. Talk to us about it. 1st Nationwide brings you our big, beautiful rainbow of ser.ices. Our new IRA acoount can make you a million- aire when you retire. Our tax-free savings account gives you more after-tax yield than most money-market accounts. But theres so much more. In the months ahead , watch the 1st Nationwide Rainbow. It will bring new, exciting surprises for you .. Across town or afross the country, 1st Nationwide puts you first. Because we are first ... America's 1st Nationwide Savings association. Free Celebration Gift! Come visit your local 1st Nationwide office and pick up your beautiful free gift book: United States Road Atlas. The atlas includes full color maps of all fifty states, Canadian provinces. Mexico and 35 major cities, plus relief maps, weather maps and much more valuable travel information. Be sure to drop by and pick up your copy. No obligation. Its our "get acquainted" gift for you. .. '• l t. ~ 1: ... ... I•. : . ~ ' . . , .. ~ I I. i: I ' k f\Mlere lODOO . ' rare . ·. l cams. pm get ' L you. $ 10,000 1982 13,000· 1983 16,900 1984 21,970 1985 28,561 1986 37,129 1987 .-48,268 1988 62,7'49 1989 81,513 1990 ID6,045 1991 1.37,858 1992 Rare gem-qualiry MS-65 U.S. silvCr-doUars are worth six times today what they .were in.19'16. Nearly 50% appreciation per year. · lf. in the nex1 five years. !hey appreciaie only 30% per year, $10,CXX) will net a $27,129 profit. In ten years, $127,858. · And: since opening our doors in 1976. no< one of our dicn~ has ever enjoyed 1ess than a 30% return per year. Quite an achievement, ~ over the last two yean when bullion. srodcs -t'Yefl real cstatr-were exettn\ely soft. . Not even money marlcet funds or T-bills offer that kind Of rerum. Jlle secret is finding the ~t coins. And Hannes Tulv· i"i is one of only 18 reoog· ni*d silver dollar experts in . the rountry. We spccializ.e in all u. s. rare gold and silver coins. And • W9 Ofk:r serious investDB . minagec{, personal ra~ coin invesonen1 portfulios. com- plete with 60-day money·back p6licy and grade guarantee on each coin. Call us at (71'4) 851-8202 £ot' a frtt inlonnation packet or mum the ooupon below. :c.onsultation by appoint- ment only. . FR.ES 1NPOllMA1lON PACKET I .. t ,. · 1; . . ···..,._ _ __;. ____ _ . N.- 1: . :.-M&ll..:·---=------ • ·~ ..,..bj _ __..; ___ ;.__ ·-~-=-·------ '1Jf.t"r.·•• ftt ... = ........... out wltb a bus tar 0r..,. eout r«&Uen wbo report lar1• numbera of ..,,... ... briM ...... Loe&l clepartmeet It.ore executh•~• HJ tbat •Ince tbt lHt·miaut• Cbrl•=:z 1lft·burl., ruab •al•• uve .._. •tl'Cliq and tn w lutaneee.. bave post.cl aiplfteut aaw. At 8Wloek'1 Soutb Cout Plua ltore In Colta lleea. 1ale1 UlrouCb tbe flnt u.r.. day1 of lta were runDlDC IO pereeot abead of tut 1ear'1 ~aidttore man.,... Terry Laandsna . .. Tbe expert• bad predicted a modeat iqueue t.broucb the tlnt 41.uar.ter, but wbat we•,. aee1.q bu tlaem •eratebint their beads," LUndlJ"tll aald. He added that Hies were "real 1troat" 1D the three days followlq Cbrl•tmu and the trend apparenUy bu carried ower lnto tbe new year. Lundcren, wbo acknowledpd tbat Bwlock's merchandise la teared for a b!~t!{ income c u1tomer, spec tbat sales have remained strona because local 1bopperl have larger than avera1e discretionary incoaea and the Oran1e Coast continues to irow at a steady pace. Speakina on behalf or 28 Sean, Roebuck & Co. at.ores lo Loe Angeles and Oranie counties, Nat Read. the regional direct.or of public aflain, said Seara' sales have been "extremel.v strong" slnce· Christmas and into January. He said tbe year-end surce was "especially 1ratifyin1 since the weather and tbe economy were IOint agalnat us." SimlJarly, Sturmer White, mana1e of J .C. Penney's Fashion Island at.ore in Newport Beach, reported record sales in 1981. Wind power bought SAN FRANCISCO <AP) -Pacific Gas & Electric Co. has agreed to purchase wind power from what's to be the largest "farm" of giant windmills in the nation under a 30-year agreement. much as 350,000 kilowatts of electrical power. Construction of the windmills ~ 200 feet tall with 300·foot diameter blades -is scheduled to begin late this year. The mammoth utility announced the slgn~ng of the contract with Windfarms Ltd. of San Francisco last week. It calls for the purchase of as The first stage of the project calls tor erection o( 21 wind generators over the next five years near the cities of Fairfield, VaJlejo and Benicia, east of San Francisco. " We are pleased to announce the_election of SUSAN 8. MESSENIE as an Assistant Vice President of our Corporation 610 Newport Center Drive Newport Buch, CA 92660 Telephone: (714) 64'-7040 New York Botton Philadelphia Chicago San Francl1co Lot Angela Atlanta Dallas Kansu Qty and over 50 addJtional offket worldwide 41K 2-Dllk TRl-80 Modelm ~95 ANA GERS SAVE TIME! I Off .... L. Salbbury bu been promoted from president to chairman of the board of • lrvlne-bued Jolly Roser Jnc. ' The founder and IOTmer board chalrman, Artlav a.. Sau.tMl.ry. baa retired. lloeald P. BJ.,._, former executive vice prealdent of the ~ mHllon restaurant chain, is tbe company's new president. • GaneU I. "Mike" Nu.a. bu been appointed director of advertising and Mlcltael II. Stro•d sys~ms pro1rammin1 manager for the newly formed U .S . marketing arm of Mitsubis hi Motors Corp in Founlain Valley. Nash lives ln Fountain Valley * Norman A. Barker has been named partner·in·charge of tax for the Newport Beach office of Ernst & Whinney. a major ace,ounting firm. Barker lives in Jrvlbe. • Jeffrey A. Cuthla• hu been named director of marketing and communications for Martin Av I a lion lnc. He Ii ves In Huntington Beach. • Judy A. Fauceu has been promoted to 2nd vice president, individual actuarial. of Newport Beach·based P:tcific Mutual Lile Insurance Co. She lives in lrvine. Tlaolau Ii'. GeNaaa bu been appointed vtce president of nt• of Oran1e ·ba1ed TRW lnformaUon Services. He lives in Newport Beach. • Loree• E. Ol1ea hH been named vice presldent/cont.roUer of Orante Coast Savin•• and Loan Aaaociatlon. A re1ldeat ol Cypreaa, Ma. Olaen baa been wltb the S&L since the or· 1anlzaUoo •u founded ln 1978. • Pat DeO-baa become the firat woman braocb maoa1er for Orange County.baaed fferitqe Bank. She wlll serve as vice president/manager of the ~•nit's Costa Mesa office. JaMaa A ...... , bu JotMd the Cox• Buttb Adverttatq Co. of Newport Beacb u a writ« for the public reJailoet ct.partlDIDt. M1. Brower served lnt.ermbtpe aa a writer for the Dall)' PUot and tbe Irvine Compa.ay. Sbe lives in Newport Beach . * Alie• Paee wu elected president of tbe Weatmlmter Chamber ol Commerce for lta . Ke owna Pace Real Estate in Westminster. • Sam J . Caaal•tlla• baa joined Newport Beach·baaed BEST We Aasuran~ Company of California as a marketinc consultant. U.S. firms buying European rockets COCOA, Fla. (AP> -Like bargain bunters priei9n1 imported cars, some U.S. corporate giant.a are turning to less-costly European rockets when it comes time to launch sophisticated communications satellites. ··we like to buy American, but you can't put Western Union in the red just because it's better to buy from Uncle Sam," says Bill NASO LISTINGS Brook. t.be company's u1istant vice president for aatelllte services. Some corporations are choosing the European Ariane roeket with its more down-to-earth prices, but in the process, America's apace program is losing as much u $125 millioo to $135 million in just two years, the newspaper TO DAY in Cocoa reported . Sunday. .. DOWMS Lalt Ol9 ~LI JV. -'" Off tU '°" -i.. °" tu 2 -.. Off IU IJl/t -M Off tU '"" -n• OH tu tm =,: g: :!:i · 10w. -n• Off tu tM -• °" tu • -.... Off tU ,_ -" °" t4.I 16\11 _ ..... E tu ' -" 111 S -" II.I " =t:t g:: :::: """ -tv. °" tu ... -.. E tU ~ -· ti.I t ... -1-tU ---,.... Off .... IW. -2 Off ltA f' : ':: e°" H1 J -" 11.1 14 -"' 11.t i .. c11 asa NL 105 ;;;... •.tu.,. MSa P:• .._.. NL N E•• -.. , M-.el 19 ... 20.JS ''"' Mtl I.Ml 9~ Miit a.ti ti. M 11.10 N H«lr IUS ~.:. 9CI 1f:fl =t :~ l:' 1~~ 1UI Mlf'...:.llnltl:1M UJ ~~·z ::~ Gvl Sec LS1 NL Inv Sal 6.D UO O,_ S.• Ut l"ro Sanrlce9: Hllnca NL lllY Vw 7.t:I 1.62 Nat9d I.II 1.7' ~ 1Ul7 NL 1t1w ltetll t.a l.'7' of Clmlfla: f'uM 1A NL lltal a.ft NL .. I . . ! ;• .. i t r~ \ t j I " l .. . , , . .. ,, ;:·. ... .. .. 0'*'99 Cout DAIL~ PILOT/Tue.day, Jan~ 12. 1812 You bavt loet your Job ta ........ mu., • .-due to 10W' corporation'• ,,...,,~.._Ii an edart to 1urvlv• the im.a . TIU W been 10W'. employment aDd you are aow 11 yean o6d -bealthy. ath&edo, but ltW oa tllitf aDtMe.U. 'it 1'born: ll·l4·80.'' You'n bMa ~-Mw• by employer after employer u "ov~" for UM poelUon and by <JtMr empJo)'en u ·~ .. ln tbe ipeelalty lnvolved. EDCOW"aitsa• as &be lntervi•wer'1 cloa16C word• are about your "havlnc • ao trouble findlq a new job even ln th.11 -------reeeaaioo," the "no'' m111 11 the important word. And you know ________ ..,. __ the reuon: a1e. Y«* know diacrlmlnatqt 1n employmeot OD tbe basls ol a1e II qalQat tbe law, but you know too U.. faota are that um dlaerlmlnaUon emu, DO mauet what employen say. You have little <or DO) hope ot Mcaptns it. What do you do in a period of tb.11 tort to improve your job chancelT Dcft't underrate yourself on your resume or your interview. Shoot u hiC.b u you tblnk you reuonably can for pay and status. Doa't under any circumstances adopt an apoloaet.ic attitude 't.-for your ate. for any minor dlsabiUUes, for any tnsi1nificant pbyalcal llmltationa. Don't fail to register wttb your state employ~nt office. Many of these offices have coumelors trained to help people in your position. Even lf your local office does not offer such services, it sU.lJ la required to 1ive you an equal chance at any job offeriq lilt~. Do take every opportunity to remind a prospective employer how out.dated the old mylba about oideJ workers are. Numerous studies have underli.Ded that older workers are not 1lower, are not less Oexible, are not weaker, are not more prone to absence and illness . .Just the oppoal~! The attendanee and motivation records ol older workers are likely to be better than thole of you.n1er workers; older workers are less likely to job bop; the productivity of older workers compares favorably with that of younger workeJ"S; the learn.in& ability of ~n individual in bis or her. 50s is approximately the same ~ that of a 1$-year-old. Without appearin1 to be over-eager, ask for a chance to show that you can compete fairly and favorably with the youn1er workers on the pa)'l'oll. Do check out all centers of job lnformauoa in your area on what employment may be available and where. Determine to be flexible. .. . . . It f r I~ l. I\ .1· ... ... l• ... Orange COllt DAIL V '91.0T/ru.day. January 11, 1• bQ(nd &Doe Corp ........ u. ....... corporltkm. TM metaod ol •P'"'"I off tbe c:ompan1ee bQ not bela decldld. Mlnu1 tba operaUDI eompaun, worth about • bWlOG ATH MMtl would be 1&1 bUUoa -1iiou1 .._ tb&D Exxap Corp.'• SH bUllon but aubat.Dti.Uy Ahead ot No. I Mob&! Corp. A tew bub, lmuranee COIQpui• and certain other financial lnatltutlou1 w hon a11et1 are not directly * • • * reakup could mean livelier A'P&T · 1. New lntlMf Tef. 6 Tt .. C.. 11. Ctnllr"...-a ...... ndustrial giant may ave freed itself Jrom binding regulations 2. T'-...,..ft New .......... let Co. I. New VM let C.. 4.,......, ... , ... ce. 1t ..... lllTttCO.IM. ,. ....... , ... co. 1 .......... t.e.c.. NEW YORK -The breakup of T&T? T,bat's one way ot lookine at it. ut ii tbat really what happened In the rreement between the world's blHest orporaUon and the federal ovenuneot? Or ii there more to It! Such as the unfettering of a amstrung industrial giant with matched research cllities, an existing ultlbillion anutacturing apacity, know-how data transmission nd capabilities in lectronic mputlng? Couldn't you view e consent decree as m a g n i f i c e n l' CUNNIPP oke by which American Telephone & elegraph dropped its least profitable perations and freed itself from e1ulation to compete in what many ink ia the great l(rowtb business ol the --·cau4c;i'oa 1 co•itH "'' .... C._ ..... :-cL:,•I .,. PK.JS ~ LHla ..... ..-.;• .., .... ...... S"-9all .,_,.. ., ...... s.at..e,._V ..... ("41 .... future, tbat 11, lntcinnaUon aentc.T View it u a move by wblcb it treed itself from re1ulatlon1 tbat bave shackled it.I ability to compete witb International B\&llne11 Machlnea or ·General Electric, and tbat bave sometlmel denied It tbe full beneftll ol major research by aelentlata at lta rell:nowned Bell Laboratories? AT&T WU a Gulliver tied doWll by little tbin11. namel1 reculatlona. Several years a.10. point.a out Leonard . Hyman, analyst at Merrill Lynch, t.be company wu' ready tb otfer what lt called Advanced Communlcatlona Systems, in which computera would transfer massive amounta ol data from place to pla,ce, a service for wblcb tbe company seemed well qualllled. It pulled back, however, ~auae ol _ uncertainties about whether It was allowed to operate in this area. "The law said communications but not computer services," sald Hyman, The law was conceived in another aae. "The dlffel'ence between the two bu been fading away," said Ryman. The final 30 ocean front ho111esites. A walled and gated private residential community in San C leme nte. Private 1 beac h and private Swim and Tennis Club. Interest only financing available (714) 498-2830 or t213 ) 277-9470. Coming Your Way! ... the 1st Nationwide Rallltow of FllallCtal Services ... to Brighten Your Future! Now, by mean1 of creatlnc a 1ubaldiary, a "Baby Bell," u they HY, ATflT aeema free to co ahead with It.I computer ..,.,.cea. They could, by tbe company'• ..almalel, provide proftta In the hundreda of m1Wona ol dollars in · five years or ao. ConUnued computer and tranaml.ulon tnnovatlou are for1tn1 a world of information that cannot yet be fully identlfted, but which involves the pQJalbWty of the home itself becomlq a two-way lnfonnatJon center, tied ln to cable televllloo, computers and what is still referred to by that old-tubloned term •'telephone services.'• In such a world it isn't difficult to conceive ol Bell Laboratories, one of the world's areal think tanks, and Western Electric, one of Its btcgeat manufacturers, playing important roles, now that they are free to compete. Bell, for example, may now be more free to produce products from its scientist.a' inventions rather than liceDSlng them u before. 5. T'-... Tel. Co. Of ~Ma •. ,,. OlaMond .... , ... co. 7. The C•. 6 '9t. Ttl. CO. of IW;ilnd I. T'-c..t. I '9t. Ttt. ((0. CD.C.) 11 ........ MT ... co. 11 ..... Cll*li ... , ... Ce. t. T'-Ce.. 1'9t. Tef.Co.ot~ 11. lew .. XMMIA Ill Ttl. Co. ....... u••••lllTee.ce .. 10. T'-C"81. 6'9t. tel. CO. Of W ... Y ........ 11. TM......,_ ...... Tel. I Tef. Co. 22.,...... ............ , ... Co. 11. The ONG ... let. Co. D. TM,...... Ttt. I Tel. CO. 12. r.Rchltlft ... ,,., Co. . ................... ....,.......,.,. ... , .................. . ' ., ......... BELL SYSJ!M -The American T~~ephone and Teleeraphic Co. has agreed to divest itself of its 23 local telephone units. The metboo has not been decided. Scientific panel set American Dla1no1tlea Corp. .... formed a 1cientlflc advllory committee which will work wtt.b the board ol dlrec:tors on a rep.lar bells. •'The aclencea o( fluoreaceat immunca11ay, monoclonal antibodies, advanced cbemlatry reactions and related inltrumeotatioo are pro1realna ao rapidly wt felt tbe netcf to complement our internal research and development 1kll11 wltb tbe 1peclal penpeetlves and tnowledp from those that are recopbed leaden ln these areaa,' aaid Dr. Christopher P. Kelly. chairman. All I RA accounts are not created~· 1st Nationwide Savings off9'1 you tt'8l8 three lmpottai it differences: 111 Nllllonwtde Dlftwence No. 1: Whether it's New "tb1<. Florida or California. with 1st Nationwide, you can wort< in one place and retire in another and have your IRA money wfNw8 you retire ... with-- out transferring your aocounta. 111 N911ofwdde Dlfierm No. 2: Ne rates going up? Are rates going down? Are long term or short term rates befter'? With 1st Nationwide's Vari-Max9 IRA, you don't have to answer thoee quest;ona. 1St Nationwide takes the worry, the guesswort< out of your retiAtment plans. Each month Vari-Max-pays you the HIGHER of either the 6-month or the 2~ Money Mart<et certificate rates. With Vari-Max.9 you stay with the eca iomy and your retirement is safe from inflation. 11t N8llonwlde DllfenMloe No. 3: With OY« 88Y9fl biHion dollr'I in--. FSLIC Insured accounts. and a 97-y&m" heritage of fir*1cial slllbility, you know your long-term retire- ment money is safe mid secure at 1st Nationwide. lbu Can Aellr9 A .. OMlre for Just •118.88 A Month. That'• right, by contributing only s2,ooo a yes to our new IRA account you can retire with up to $1 ,000,000 and more. depending upon length of term and the lntet est rate of the 8CCOUnt Think of It. A million dollars-within your grasp. Rememba, this is a tnnd new IRA.account-available to fMKYWIQ8 earner. even tholeU"Mdy enrolled Ina pension plan. t<toyt, you <*'I oontrtbute up to $2,000 pre-tax dollars per year ($4,000 for YoU ai'td working ~.) 111 tlalonwlcW• .... 'Weloome c.cs:' Our "'Nelcome c.d" entitte8 you to all our fiw• Oal avtc:es In all our officel. No other bank or avingl 11 a oaa:- tion offers YoU such a <*'d ... or such a WlfTn welcome.~ prot>llbly already QU81ify for the 18' Natiohwtde "Welcome Cerd:' Come In and talk to&.-about It. Now ••• lbu Need mm .... ,..,....,., Service MaN n.. e.t Al you <*'I .... IRA CM mean .. big monev" to yoo. If you're not UllrlQ a pro- fessional tax preparation 18Mce, you could be losing Important tax beneftta. Our tax ~ eervice can hetp. ,,..., about dilcoul1tl on pnym cxnub- tlon and preparation service for 1 at Nabwtde customers. R9l8Mt your IPPOl•lb•l8i1t now. ·' . .. . ~ ~ ~· .. ... . , " . } !· ~ - A non-contender like San Francisco didn't bother a guy like Fred Dean. C2 . • t o.lly Pli.t ,._ •Y C:Urw• SIMr VICTORY AT SEA Newport Harbor's Jerry DeBusk (right 1 instructs and By ron Ball (above left l goes hif,?h to dominutl' Monday Costa Mesa Coa<"h Tim Par!-.t.'I directs (far left l the Mustangs while Ml•!-.a cheerleaders Joni Zorger and Patt~ Case back team, but to no avail. Tht• Sailors won. 70-62 'Fresno '-' sia;,e~•Uc Irvine should run neck aml neck ' .. ... :Bulldogs, Anteaters are clear-cut leaders, but tfie rest of the pack isn't far behind 'By JOHN SEV ANO OfllleD.ityl"lleCSi.H As with any race, there are your 'favorites, :t.our~ d.ark.bQr se. an<\ yqur ' spoilers. And, slicking tr.Ye t.o form. the 1982 Pacific Coast Athletic Association bas ketball chase will be no exception. As it stands • today. the eight-team field has two clear-cut leaders . . . with everyone else bunched into the middle of the pack. Fresno State, which has won the conference title two of the past four years, should be joined in the drive for the finish by newcomer UC {rvine, which is enjoying its best start in the school's history . Of course, the PCAA is another one or those funny conference's where you play the whol e season a nd virtually accomplish nothing because it's the team which wins the PCAA tournament at th e end o r the year that automatically receives an NCAA berth. And . everyone qualifies for th~ post-season tournament -whet.her you finish first . . . or eighth Here's a capsule look at how thino • should ftnish : .~ ..,- 1. "&ESNO STATE OM> -The Bullddgs' only loss was a 57·51 setback to Southwestern Louisiana, wblch was· PCM OUTLOOK. nationally rantled at the time. The reason the Bulldoes get the edge over UC I is bec-.e tbe.Y pJay defense which unlike football, still plays an important part in the game. The Bulldogs are tbe No. 1 defensive team in the nation, yielding a paltry 44.7 points. It's their patience, along with their diS(ipUne, that makes it so tough for opposing teams to penetrate. L~st year the Bulldogs won going away, with a 12·2 conference record and a 25-4 mark overaU. Fresno State h3S only two players in double figures -6-7 senior forward Rod Higgins { 14.8 points) and 6·2 senior guard Donald Mason ( 10.6). Of course. with the way the Bulldogs play defense. they don't need much more than thaL !. VC IRVINE (11·1) -The Anteaters are the exact opposite of Fresno State. ~s.well as the Bulldogs play defensively 1s as good as the Ante aters are offensively. Currently, their 86.5 average ranks No. 4 nlltionaJly as the Anteaters also bout the top four shooting percentages in the conference. Kevin Magee (70.6). Randy Whieldon (65.2). Ben McDonald (61.9) and Rainer Wulf (59.2) make it hard for the opposition to close down any one player. Naturall y, Mag ee. UC l 's AH-American, is the one who makes the team go. He's averaging 29 pomts a game and l2.4 rebounds to go along with his 70.6 percentage from the floor. UCl's only loss came at the hands of Arizona State <88-731 1n the fi rst round of the Milwaukee Classic. If anything, the defeat brought the Anteaters down orr their hill .. little bit. which should help them in conference play. Still, UC l's 11 1 start is the bes t in the school's history and offers more than enough opt1m1sm toward winning its fi rst PCAA title 3. UTAH STATF. (2·101 This may not CJppcar to bt• a sobering placemenl. but consider a few facts first or the Aggies· 12 gamt•s . onl} four have be<>n played at home. Furthermore, evl:'n though there have been losses to Utah, BY U. Montana. J acksonvtlle a nd undefeated Idaho State, their two wins have come against Utah and al BYU If the Aggies laC'k anything, 1t 's consistency, cspecrnlly around th<' net where they are last in the conference in shootin~ perc<'nlagc at 43 6 The Aggies arl' averaging 69 prnnts a game. but (See PCAA, Page CJ> ----- Cha~·gers a slight favorite Ocean View figures to give Edison· the most trouble ~ ' . By ROGER CA RLSON OltMDallyi-lle4SUfl The general consensus is that Edison High's Chargers could become the flJ'Sl CIF •·A champion in the history or Southern Section basketball from the Orange Coast area. Then again, tbe Chargers could 1et bumped off at a ny time during Sunset League action, \Deluding Wednesday's opening against. visiting Marina. Edison Coach Barry Leigh agrees, saying, "We're ripe. This is a team with a lot of potential, but that's true, we could lose on almost any given night." The Chargers enter Sunset League hostilities as the favorite off tbefr 13·1 non-league and lburnament record and No. 2 !llatus in,the CIF 4·A rankings, done primarily without the services of ,6·4 Darren Moor~and 6·4 Keo Major, each out with lnjurtes until just recently. And 6·6 All-C(F returnee Richard Chang. despite piling up an Orange Coast area-leading· -scoring average of 23.2 points per game, bu been hMDpered by a cbest ailment. . ; Despite four tvlctolllet by four polnta or less again.st hlghlY·n~1arded opposition, Edison's average victory bas been by a 13.~poinl margin and ls easily the favorite to win its first-ever varsity basketball championship. •1L Here's a look ••of tbe le-cue's elltries, in .,..e order ~1 f\lfl tcHlniafa : •• , · l . P..dllOll <lJ·U: 'Chang bu bffn the catalyst 'lo Edison's game for three years and la a force to be reckoned witb, but.0 lt's hardly a one·man, or even two-man show with 6"" Rick DiBemardo and his 17.Bscorlnc averaae. The two can. be counted on to combine for 20 rebounds a game and each makes lt touch on the opr,:1Uon. - 1 'Wbat really muM l!diloa 9troD1, however, la ' the addiUooal punch of tuarda Jeff Stephens and Mark Goudie, wltb their acorlnt, a11lats, playmaklna and ball·bawklnt. • Edllon doesn't appear fallible to tbe preu and la deadly rrom &tie free UiroW UM. ltepbeu •v~ . .u.s ~ ._..._Md Qoudu ll at I.be 12.I plateau, which means thole rour atarten are averasinl 18.1 polnta per tune. I . Oeeu View (t-1>. If f(JU rated UM s.Mawta oa theirlptett venture, a es:.:S'7 loll to Verbwn ~f. you might rind it hard to consider this team a contender. But don't be fooled. The Seahawks' 9·5 record includes a one·pomt loss to St. Bernard, a two-point setback at Inglewood and a five-point loss at undefeated Lakewood. Jim Usevitch. a 6·9'f.i senior, is consistently in the 20s and the Seahawks have a lot of strength around Usevitch in 5·10 guard Scott DeBrouwer, 6·3 Shawn Werner, 6-3 Dimitri Antonopoulos 6·4 Mike Judge and 6-4 Dave Carroll. ' The rub is al the free throw line. Ocean View .ha~ a reputation for"11ying at the line and when it . -- 1SUNSET OUTLOOK -m, comes down to the final minutes. that's going to be every team's thoughts -send Ocean View to the free throw line. 3. Fountain Valley (10..,.). Sometimes a Jekyll and Hyde team, the Barons have everything except consiltency 1oing for them. But it's nothing new for Fountain Valley prior to league play. Once leaguq starts, howevt:r, it's another matter. Coach Dav~rown's teams have posted a 90·' 6 recQrd in league the past nine years Including three 10-0 teams, two 13·1 -teams and ~ 12·2 orew. So, despite a couple of sub-par perrermances the Barons have to be considered a (f egitimat~ contender for.&he title. Jeff Huabes ls the key with hls out.side ability. When the 6·3 1'enior, a returning aU·league star puts 'em down with regularity, everythln1 seem~ to open up for the Barons. Hupes has scored in the 30s twice and without him the Barons w'ere'14-polnt losers to Mater Del. Ken Harter lends his 6--t frame to the front line and ii one of tbe few with nose-to-nose capabilities agalnal, DlBernardo, whlle S·ll 1uard Alan Villanueva adds quickness and leadership to tbe Barona. • Of.hers Jn the picture: Rolf Jacobi. (l•I sophomore); Rob Wbilehalr CM Junior); John Kosty (M aeo.lor). f. Mulq Cl-ll. ·a.Jan..-lhe key -. for (See 8lJN81:T, Pate Cl)' • BILLY THOMPSON • Tars (3-0) get respect and victory By ROGER CARLSON DI tto. Dlllty i-t._. SI.elf They were picked to finish fourth m a razor close finish, but considering their 3-0 Sea View l.eagu<' record and the way they handled Costa Mesa Monday night. maybe it 's Newport llarbor High's Sailors who rate the fa vorite's label. ·May be we'll get a little r t' s p c c t • • • s a i d S a i I o r s · basketball coach J erry DeBusk following his t ea m 's 70-62 dismantling of host Costa Mesa, a game in which the Sailors jumped to a 21-8 lead early in the c;econd period and upped the margin to 62 -45 with 3 :54 remaining "WE'VE C'OME a long way s 1 nee Lynwood,·' continued DeBusk. referring to a point in the season where ~Tars were I ·2. Since then the ~ailors have won 7 or 9, losing only to CIF 4-A powers Lakewood and Servile. Lakewood 1s the 4·A's No. 1 ranked team with a 15-0 record and owns a 10-point decision over the Sailors - ''The press seems to think all we have are a couple of 6-7 players," continued the Sailors' coach, "but I think we've got some other players, too." Well. it's hard to argue with DeBusk. Indeed he has a couple of 6-7 players -Byron Ball led the way with 25 points, hitting 9 of 11 free throws on the way and hauling down 15 rebounds. Joe Seager . the other 6-7 s tandout, added seven points and 11 rebounds (10 in the second half) SCOTI' LINER had a dozen pomts and 11 rebounds. Steve Pelletier was also in double figures. scoring 10 points and 6-0 junior Brian Folk scored 14 points, along with four assists. Liner had five assists. On the boards t he Sailors whipped Mesa by a 50.35 margin nnd at no lime were the visitors in trouble iv a game which was bilJed as a nose·to·nose shootout, but rapidly became a showcase for the Sailors as they nailed 24 or 45 attempts from the floor for a 53.3 shooting percentace. "I know we were ready," Uid DeBusk. ''We were emotionally ready for Costa Mesa. I think we were more e motional and it surprised them.''. Costa mesa Coach Tim Parael, who has seen his Lam loee twice in the span of two school days (Friday and Monday) and faces 3-0 Estancia Wednesday at the same site, said be waan't surprts~·at Ball's performance, but there were other lhlnp that did. ••our leek of boxinl otr tbt boards,·• ll mented Panel. "All five ot Newport'• players were outreboundinl us. '""'We're not pertormlni (See Tan, Pap Cl) . . ' .. ,, ; !' .. 1 \ ' :l Wichita State hit ·with real shocker he•APdllpa&ellet HOUSTON -T~ Wlcblta State m bHketbaU Prosr•m WU bit wtt.b a . three...year NCAA probaUoa Moed91 . and barred from poetaeuoa compttUJoe t.b1a year and next. In addition, Wlcbita State will be 1tripped of two buketball sclaolarablpa. -I . move He likes 49ers' atmosphere SAN FRANCISCO (AP> -Pted Dean of the 810 Francltco 49era obvloualy took tbt old one·1•me·•t·a-Ume pl\UOIODl\Y to the limit on the' lut •tel> before Super Bowl XVI. "J tueA it'• 101D~ to be a rul cold game, the All·Pro defensive end Hid after the 49en earned the trip to Pontiac, Mich., by beattn, DaJlu 28-27 1D the National Football Conference Utle game Sunday. ' WREN REMINDED ft ll the 11lxth public penalty levied a1awt Wichita State, makln1 the Shockers tbe moet-penal11ed acbool, countlnc football and buketball, in NCAA history. "Wichita State ls t.be leader ln terms of public penalties," David Bent, direc:tO.. of tbe NCAA Enforcement Department, said at a news conference during the NCAA '• annual con venlion Monday . Southern Methodist University bu been penalised five times. ·i.bat Pontiac '• Sil verdome baa an enclosed, well-heated field, Dean smiled with The Shockers are currently ranked No. 16 in the Aasoc.lated Preas Top 20 wttb an 11-3 rtte>rd and bad been considered almost a sure bet for a bid to the National Colletiale Athletic Association tournament. Quote of the day West Texas State basketball coach Ke• Edwards after bis team 1ot by Oklahoma City: "We are bavin1 such a bard time scoring, we cafi't even score in a 9ne-oo.zero situation.'' Fotiu offensive to Minnesota Nick Fo&lu was the unlikely rli1 offensive hero Monday night as be ' capped a tbree-goaJ Ranger outburst in tbe second period tbat booat.ed New York to a 5-3 National Hockey League victory over Minnesota. Fotium, usually the team's enforcer, scored tbe Rangers' third goal on an assist by Mike Rogers . . . In other games, rookie Barry Pedenoo scored one goal and assisted on two otbers to spark Boston to a S-2 win over Toronto . . . Quebec picked up its SOlb and si.t points or tbe season with a 6-2 decision over hapless Hartford . . . Tbe New Haven Nighthawks of the AHL, the Los Angeles Kings' afrilfate, have appointed Nick Beverly as "temporary" coach while the parent club bas reached an agreement with former New Haven coach Doa Perry who was . named coach of the Kings Monday. Perry irays he has not yet accepted the job. THEY DIDN'T HEEDI -San Francisco fans stream onto the field Sunday after the 49ers defeated Dallas. 28-27 to win the NFC championship and a trip to the Super Bowl tickets up ~o computer The hopes of many San s Francisco 49er fans, those hoping to 4 t follow their team to the Super Bowl, • depends on a computer's declsion. The NFL annot.anced that U,000 Super Bowl tickets were available, and notices were mailed Monday to season ticket holders who came up winners in a computerized lottery Meanwhile. 49er quarterback Joe Moataaa will be honored as the Bay Area Sport s Hall of FaQ)e professional a thlete of the year at a banquet Feb. 18. The San Francisco QB, who threw a last-minute TD pass lo give the 49ers a 28-27 win over Dallas Sunday. was the leading passer in the NFC for the 1981 season The e ntire 49er team was a s mash bit in the Northern California television ratings. A' spokesman for the CBS affiliate in San Francisco sald Sunday's game showed a 52.9 rating and an 88 share of the market . . . Th~ Dallas Cowboys gave San Francisco best wishes in their Super Bowl showdown with Cincinnati. AP..,._ Super Bowl. The s ign in the background asks fans lo stay off field. but little attention was paid. 49ers are 11/2'"point favorites Harrah's Reno Race & Sporta II Book bas given the San Francisco 49ers a slight edge in Super Bowl XVI, maldnc tbem l 1/U·poinl favorites over the Cincinnati Beneals . . . Larry Blrd scored a game-high 25 points to lead Boston to a 112·94 victory over New Jersey in the only NBA action Monday night Television. radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: 1 1 ' ' excellent; " " ' worth watching ; I ' fair; ' forget It. ~ 6 p.m .. Ch•nnel 9 ../ ../ ../ NHL HOCKEY: Kings at Montreal. AMOUnCers: Bob Miller and Nick Nickson. With a new coach in the offing and no place but up to go in the standings, the Kings try to change their fortunes In Montreat tonight. Charlie Simmer, Marcel Dionne and company will have their hands full against the Canadiens. RADIO Basketball -Lakers at Cleveland, 6 p .m ., KLAC (570); Hockey -Kings at Montreat, 6 p.m., KPRZ <1150). Five California tournainents set this year It b!!gins this· week with Bob Hope Classfc and culm.inates in June with U .S. Open West Coast golf fans will have an opportunity to watch their favorite TPA (Tournament Players Association) stars in action on five occasions in California this year. The first event is tbis week's Bob Hope Desert Classic that is played in the Palm Springs area on four different courses over five days. Bruce Lietzke is the defending champion in this one that pairs amateurs with the pros over tbe first four days. LietUe enjoyed tbe California weather a year ago, also winning the San Diego Open (which wilJ be held Jan. 28-31 at TorTey Pines Golf Club). Then it's off to Pebble Beach ror the first or two events to be played at Bing Crosby's favorite courses. The first is the Bing Crosby National Pro-am Feb. 4.7 in which young John Cook captured his first pro championship a year ago. After the Hawaiian Open, it's back to California for the Los Angeles Open at Riviera Country Club in Pacific Palisades, Feb. 18-21. The MONY Tournament of Champions will be staged at La Costa Country Club in Carlsbad April 15·1" with Lee Trevino as tbe defending champion. · Then the ~iece de resistance wUJ be the return of the U.S. Open to California and tbe Pebble Beach Golf Linb June 17·20. David Graham is the defending champion ln this one that moves around llJWARD L. HANDY missed qualifying for the Olympia Gold Classic at Industry Hills recently. Mocteu fired a 40·37-77 on the Zaharias Course during qualifying. It took a round of 75 to make tht! field and 76 to become the first alternate. Gaining the top spot for amateurs was Robin Ann Biroc of Reseda who had a one-over round of 72. She edged UCLA's Jenny Davis by one stroke with Jennifer Steiner and Carol Hogan the others making the field for the LPGA event March 11·14. * * • THE COSTA MESA GOLF and Country Club men's group will get the 1982 season off on the right foot Saturday with a four -man team scramble event. * * * This year's funds will be aimed at efforts to aid "Project Update", a $1.6 million program or modernization and expansion for 13 separate hospital departments. Action gets under way with the.Hoag Hackers Hijinx on Friday, Jan. 22 wltb lbe SK and lOK runs on Saturday along with a new addition, a Walle for Hoag. . • Paul SaJata's Roast/Toast honoring Senator Dennis Carpenter will be staged Monday night before action focuses on the annual two-day. 36-hole golf event for pros on Thursday and Friday, Jan. 28, 29. Those who have followed the action at Irvine Coast CC in the past, know full well the number or outstanding players who have performed here. Others may not care but if you are looking to the future of the TPA and a possible tournament champion of the future, then witness the action at Irvine Coast later this montb. Golf fans can view the two days of action at Irvine Coast, then journey to Torrey Pines to · watch the fmal two days or the San Diego Open. Many of those who ra!l to make the cul at San Diego will wish they had played at Irvine Coast cc. relief. Dean, a seven-year National Football League veteran, also FRED DEAN earned All-Ph> recogniUon a year ago with the San Diego Chargers. But, feeliog underpaid, he demanded a trade early this season and the Chargers obliged by sending him to the 49era, who gave him a new contract. "I was glad to come here. I'd been staying home watching Super Bowl games on television too long," Dean recalled. The Chargers were stopped just short of the Super Bowl last season, losing to Oakland in the American Conference cbampiooablp game. This seaaoh's San Diego hopes also ended in tbe AFC title game, with a 27-7 loss to the Cincinnati Bengals. Dean insists he was gtad to come to San Francisco even though the 49ers were not considered serious playoff contenders wben be joined them. In the fll'st game Dean played, tbe 49ers proved that they would have to be taken seriously. They trounced the Cowboys 4.5-14, with Dean collecting three sacks, to make their record 4·2, and they went on to finish 13·3. · "l'VE CHANGED a lot, J think, from being in this kind or an environment," be said, calling Bill Walsh, the bead coach and general manager, the man responsible for creating such an enjoyable, winning atmosphere. J ohn Jefferson. another All-Pro who left the Chargers this season because of money hassles with management. visited Dean after the 4.9ers' NFC title vietory. The talented receiver sounded · like a man who would love to play for Walsh. ..That final drive was something beautiful to watch. The man (Walsh) is just a genius," said Jefferson. The 49ers, trailing 27·21 with under five minutes remaining, drov.e 89 yards and scored the winning touchdown on Joe Montana's 6-yard touchdown pass to Dwight Clark with 51 seconds left. "We're gofng to go into that Super Bowl game relaxed, I'm sure, because we 've been relaxed all season," said Dean. "We proved we can make things happen. We came from behind, and that's what it takes to make the Super Bowl," he added. "I don't drink champagne, but if we win at Pontiac I might make an exception and take a few sips." Prep coach sues ABC SAN ANGELO. Te~s CAP> -Brownwood High School football coach Gordon Wood filed suit in federal court Monday, seeking $200,000 damages from American Broadcasting Co. Inc. as a result or Wood's appearance on an ABC-TV program last year. Wood was interviewed on the program "Good Morning America" during a segment dealing with violence in sports. During the interview, Wood was wrongfully identified as a coach in a film clip that showed players being struck. When Wood told Interviewer David Hartman that he was not the coach being shown in the film, Hartman immediately apologlled. , the country to different courses each year. Teievision fans will get their-first opportunity lo view the links sport Saturday and Sunday from Palm Springs with NBC <Channel 4) airing tbe action. NBC will also televise the San Diego and Hawaiian Open < Feb. 11-14). THERE'S ALW A VS a bit of fr ivolity connected with the annual Clambake Week celebration by the 552 Club of Hoag HospitaJ but one Lbing the group is very serious about is the amount of money it has raised for the facility over the past seven years. College basketball JOHNSON & SON Presents ... CBS (Channel 2) will kick off its television golf schedule at the Bing Crosby National Pro.am and will also air the Los Angeles Open before the tour turns to Florida. More than $350,000 bas been turned over to the hospital to aid in the purchase of lire-saving equipment, renovations and expansions to the hospital. PCM c.Mwwc•S..- fr-st. UC lrvlM S...J-St. CSfyl..,_ UCS.MI~• Ulf>t 8Nd> SC. Pee If I< • L Pct. W L Pitt. 00 00011 1 .9'7 0 0 -,, '.t11 Ot ... 6 S.s.5 * * • IBVINE COAST CC'S Nancy Moctelt barely In the past, 552 Club fund raisers were instrumental in creating a new intensive care unit for criticaJJy ill patients according to Gene Baum, this year's d)airman. oo.-11.4'1 0 0 .000 s , .• ,, 00 .000 ., ... 0 0 .000 ••• .m WfttC-A--..C C....._e IR.odgers eyes '84 Olympic marathon is goal i B 0 S TON <A P> -Bi 11 retiring because they thought f rRodaers, four-time winner af..i... was over tbe bill.'' But be noted !both the Boston and New Yoir that he woo three of the five j!arathona, said Monday be marathons be entered in 1981. ants a abot at wlnDina tbe .Rodgers said be hoped to be lymplc Games marathon. rated amona the top 10 distance The 3'-year-old llla.asacbuaetta runners in tbe world in 10 native ta.Id be plans to run ln different yean. So f 1r, he has · five or aht marathona t.bls year, accomplished that six times, be $hen cut back bb schedule ln aaid. ~ and 19M to prepare for tbe H a1mer Olympic• In Loa e alao said The Athletics Con1reu, the 1overnln1 body ol felel. track and field In the United Rod1era' only Olympic States, bu taken l)Ol.ltlve steps Shandu wins HHYC regatta S...frencb<D s.nucwa St.MMY't "°'"-~ ....... Oeftl•ee 5*101990 Loyola c ........ ,.... W L Pct. W L ""- 0 o .ooo n , .m 0 0 .000 • 4 • ..i 0 0 .ooo • s .. u 0 0 .ooo • s .. u 00 -J S.Jll 0 0 ... 1 S.Jll 00.000, J .513 0 0 .000 2 II .IS. Shandu, a Santa Cruz-SO o•uovALuvccHu•• .... c• co· skippered by Michael Braun ~· ...._ and Seth Morrell , Bahia MIOdieT-~~,~~~~ Corinthian Yacht Club, was lbe w.1<"'tua' , ' ·'" • • .• Class A winner Sunday in :=·St. : ; :!: : : ::: Huntington Harbour Yacht v-.. ...... s1. , , .• • 1..,. Club's Wl~ter Regatta. l::" ... T::, ! : :;: ; ,~ :: bo ta t ed •· 11(..,..., 1 • ·* a t .-Thirty-two a urn out All.-1 , ·'" • , .- for the regatta and were Jreeted .....,. ~· with winds so Uaht that the ~ • ..._ second race was aborted at the T•H• ~ 0L 1~ :: ~ ,~ start. ""'*' t • , ... ,. , ·'" T•llft MM t t t.• t a .111 Claaa winners: ~ • , ..-,. , ... PHRF·A -1. Sbandu, Braun, ~~ T-: ; :: : : :: Morrell, BCYC; 2. Hardtack, ...,.., • , .• , • .- ___.v ... .,~. ~·---8redley NewMnkoSt. (yfM Wl<MIA St. W THllSSt. """°"St. ~ .... Crelvttton s. llllllOlt lflCll~St. W L ll"ct. W L '"-J. ··-.. .J71 2 I .641 IS ,6IJ 1 I ,,_ tJ.11' I I .• 11 l .111 1 I .. 11 .117 t I .. 6S.S.S ,, ...... 2 2 •• J, .411 , 2 .m s 1 _.., OJ, .000 ,,_. Mator lndependenta 0.1> ... 1 °'"'°" N•w~ .... w. llllnol• Norttl re .. SC. P-St. 8-11•1 , .. llOll c1 ... e1-sc. ...,__. ........ -u:.= "•·c-1 Wlt.4,_..., Nl<MltlSt. IH.~Clttle 1 .. 1c...-. No.Ion So.Ml...._. C:-... 1 ,_ ... s.c ......... ~AMl!llo v ........ u .1.111 ............ o-'flolt. N.n°"'9 UlkeC:-... wt.~ IJ I ,fD • ) .1. , l ·* • 4 ."1 • s .... • ' .tlJ • 4 ... 1 ' .Jll • 4 ..$11 • • .J71 • • .sn ..... .... 4 .... , . .., ' .... J 1 .. ,, J , ··" .... 4 1 ... . ... ..... 4,. -• • .111 s IJ .. . ,. ... t .... t ... ••perieac'I came ln 1'71 when be ln recent moothl. was unable to finish the TAC bu adopted a 1y1tem by Jim Neary, LBYC; 3. Alliance, =~ : : :: : ! ~ JohnGobbell,HHYC. ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- marathon Jn Montreal. He which athletes can accept prise oppoMd t.be U.S. 1ovemmeet money and put 'it into a tn»t PHRF·B -1. Schenlta NFL's . Picks Of "l'he Week PETE PICKS SAN FUICISCD All THE ' WAY! declaion to boycott the 1110 fund for ute toward tralnlq Summer Otymplca ln MOlcow. purpoMI;" At a Deft eoafenne. bUltd U '' J ~ tl'I a A•oJutkmary Breeze, David Hammet, Navy VC; 2. SparkJe Plenty, Don Warmer, HHYC ; 3. Sea AdJer, Rod 0.Uby, ABYC. New Parts Department Hours Now Open 8:00' am· l:OO·pm Saturdays ID wtikb t.e .. w11 to .._ t.bla1,'' laid Jtoqert. • an haportaat HDOUllH..,..t abo•t bll fUDDIDI futa,., '! aot .... Mid M bad DO ,._to The newt conference waf caUed to •MCMIDH Uaat &odfen will be dlnetor of a nam1al lDltihate for a ruDDIDI •••ipmeat mullfatturer. He •aid that role ** not riDlata TACnat.. CATALlNA·27 -1. Ojala, Ron ·Redmond, St BYC: 2. l:cUpee, • Steve Stanec, Sl BYC; I . Flytq Scot, Sc!otty 81abop, St BYC. CAL-JO -1. Nix, Nlck Coadol, St BYC; I . LlttJe Deuce CUp, Vahall Se.eNtariu, 1.BYC; I. LlH, Jay Pe~, Sl BYC. L I &': r I t. . !· ·~ SHOW OF HANDS -Cos ta Mesa High's John Risheba r ger (dark j e rsey 1 is surrounded by a trio of Newport Harbor players in a battle for a loose ball. Sailors O.ily,.... -~~SIM? lookjng for possession are. from left. J o(' Seager. Greg Selby and Brian Folk . Newport Harbor scored a 70-62 victor~· FromPageC1 PCA·A O UT LOOK. • • they're also -giving up 76, which isn't a good ratio either. But Utah state bas a solid big man in 6-11 Leo Cunningham (15.1 points, 11.5 rebounds) and that helps. Plus. there's other scoring help in lhe form of 6-7 Haakon Austefjord and Michael McCullough, both scoring at a 11.l clip. The Aggies ' preseason schedule makes them a bard team to overlook. '· SAN JOSE STATE (l-5) - Coach Bill Berry isn't quite blessed with the same talent be had last year, when the Spartans finished second to Fresno State in the conference standings and th~ tournament, but he's g~tting the most out of what he bas. Of their five losses. the Spartans have lost by one to Cal State Bakersfield, by three to ~ortbem Arizona, by four to Utah, by three to Idaho and 12 to USF. The Spartans rank second in the cooference to Fresno State in scoring defense at 55.4, but are last in scoring offense at 80.0 which, in comparing the two numbers, means a lot of close games. Chris McNealy, a 6-7 junior forward, leads the attack with a 16 .7 scoring average . Unfortunately, be is the only Spartan in double figures. 5. LONG BEACH STATE (4-7) :-It's almost a pick 'em from here on down. The 49ers have strug1led more than they've p l aye d we 11 d u r i n g t h.e preseaaon. They lost five in a row al one stretch, dropping decisions lo nationally-ranked Wichita State, USC, Texas Tech, San Diego State and Idaho State. They rebounded against Boise State only lo Jose at Minnesota and then barely get past Pepperdine at home. Sounds like a lot of problems with very llWe amwera. Coa~b Tex Wlnter bas a pair' of prolific aeoren in 8--9 center Dlno Gregory . (20.t) and 6·3 1uard Cralt Hodges . . . but there'• UUJe else. Tbe Uen rant lut in the conference in scoring defense at 77 .5, which pretty much tel1I a story in itself. The scbedu.le ~·t do tbe 4tera any favor, either, aa three ol thelr ftrat four tames an OD the road. with back·to-back ,contests qalnat UCI Jan. 21 and 90. t. C\L STATE PVLLJ:&TON (1·1> -The Titans are tbe blHett mystery enterin1 tbe confenmc:e HUOD. II Coecb Oeor1e MeQuam't aquad u pod u the Titans' 1041 -to Wlcblta S&ate wou.lcl att.att Or are they u Nd u tllelr 11-1' lou to Pe,,......_ wo•1' Indicate? Tb• PCAA ...... ~Ire •bl• to •uppb U.O..wwer1. l.-Wood, a M eopbomol"!, guard, is the conference's third leading scorer at 19 points a game. He also leads in assists at 7.8. Ricky Mixon, a 6-3 guard, and Tony Neal, a 6-6 forward, are the other players in double figures at 12.6 and 11.6, respectively. The Titans were 2-12 and in last place in the conference standings in 1981. They are going lo be hard-pressed to avoid a duplication of that feat this year. 7. UC SANTA BA&B-'li (5-1) -You look at the Gauchos and the first thing you notice is that they s uffer from the same malady as the Titans. The Gauchos lost by 35 to San Diego State and then turned around and lost by six to highly-regarded Houston. The Gauchos have a good big man in 6-10 center Richard Anderson, who is second ln the confe renc e to Magee in rebounds at 11.5 and eighth in scoring at lS. 7. York Gross, a 6-S forward with a 11 .9 scor~g average, and Mario Gain .. s , a S-9 guard scoring at a 10.3 clip are the other lea~ers on the team. 8. PAClftC (4-8) -Somebody has got to bring up the rear - and the Tigers appear to be the best candidate. Pacific's biggest problem is the schedule. The Tigers come right out of the 1ate against Fresno State, San Jose State and UC Irvine; not the greatesl beginning for any team which entertains thoughts of winning a conference crown. The Tigers have three players in double figures, including 6-1 sophomore gua.rd Jeff Andrade ( 11.4), who prepped at Ocean View High. But their probl'ms appear to go much deeper than just scoring, and a likely 0-3 start isn't going to help matters any. lf'owever you figure It, this year's conference race will have the expected -and probably some surprises, too. UCI will open Its seaaon hosting Cal State Fullerton Tb u rsday and Cal State· Fullerton Saturday It won't be an euy race by any means. But then, how many euy races are there? Team's van flip8 WESTON, W.Va. (AP) Memben of the Robert Norris Colle1e Pa. women'• buketball team reeeived mlnor cull and bruiae1 when the van tbey were rld1n1 in ftJpped on Its aide on Interstate '7t near here, state police111d Monday. The vu wu travelin1 north oa Mt Sunday •hen lt wrecked about 4:'5 p.m. Trooper ft.A Hinkle said. The team wu retUJ'Diq to Jleanaylvaaia il'tet" playlniln a tournament. From Page C1 " T~RS ... mentally under pressure and we're not hungry enough." Costa Mesa hasn't so much as qualified for a CIF playoffs berth since 1966, so the hunger factor would seem to be there. but Parsel saya his players may think they're hungry, ''but not desperately," added Parse I. · If the Mustangs aren't desperate yet, they're not looking at the standings. Four teams are ahead or the Mustangs after three starts. Ken Bardsley (9 of 18 for 18 points) and Dave Palmblade (12) were the only Mustangs scoring in double figures. Jim Pelichowski led in rebounding with 12, but it was a night which belonged totally lo the Sailors. Only cnce did Mesa make a serious run at Harbor, pulling to 21 -18 on five straight buckets. but Liner, Ball and Folk retaliated and the rest of the game was simply a 7-10 point game, before the Sailors setUed for their final margin. "The loss to Corona <Friday) might have had an affect," comment.ed DeBusk. More to the facts, however, it was a lineup of Ball, Seager, Liner, Pelletier and Folk - which featured balance, s. speed, a pres outside shooting and boards, that had the greatest affect. Can R ustlers snap str eak? EAST LOS ANGELES -How tough is tbe Southern California Conference basketball race? We ll, Golden West College boasts the best overaJJ \record < 13...C > among the eight teams in the league, yet the RusUers will carry an 0-2 record into tonight's (7 :30> eontest with host Eut Los Angeles. Coach Jim Greenfield's Rustlers, coming oft a bitter 74.73 setback to host Santa · Monica CC, hope to to get back on the winning track when they tangle with the Huskies (0-2, 7-10). Coach Jlin MeFarland's squad bas dropped a 62·61 hom~ decision to Orange Coast, but wblpped Santa Ana, ttC-107 on Uec. 22. G WC is led by guard TruieU Hatton who carriea a 20.2 average Into the tame, and Darin Bowen who is averaein1 18.2 polnts per contest. .. _ Eaat Lot An1ele1 counters with w suard Joe Tiiiman. who• scored 2' points in the win over Santa Ana, and DanUe MWer. •ho leads tbe team with a 16.8 averace. The Huskies abo bout two other starter• -Cesar Gerardo and w_,ne Aubert - who averace in double fig11res. • Orange Cout DAILY PILOTtTuetday. January 12. 1982 ca ' edM, Eagles roll University holds off El Toro, 43-37 Corona del Mar and Estancia hi&ha kept pact with Newport Harbor ln the Sea View Lla•ue's undefeated ran.ks with convtnclna victories In Monday nl1ht'1 hllb school buketbaU acUon. Meanwhile. U'nlver1lty Hiib held off El Toro , to pick up Its second lea1ue triumph a1aln1t one loss. Here's how lt went: Corona c:tel Mar 51 , Saddleback 30 Coach Jack Errion's Sea Kln11 outscored the Roadr1,1nners 16·5 in the first quarter, limited Saddleback to just four niOre points In lhe second period and coasted from there. CdM, 8·2 overall after the victory, received 17 points from 6-2 senior Chris Lynch. Lynch, in fact. waa the only_ Sea King to bit ln double ficures. Teammate Kurt Petersen, a 6-C senior, added eighl points. SaddJeback, 0-3 and 2·9 overall, ahot just 24 percent in th~ first batr. And the Roadrunnen' 34 percent shooting In the second half wasn't enough. Ore go n State rips Stan/ ord • f'rom AP dispatches ST.~NFORD -Fifteenth-ranked Oregon State, paced t>y guard Lester Conner's 17 points and seven steals. breezed to an 81 -38 Pacific-JO Conference basketball rout of Stanford Monday night. The Beavers outscored Stanford 31-8 at the start of the second half in building up a 35 point lead. Oregon State forced Stanford into 30 turnovers with a fierce man-lo-man full court press and held the Cardinals scoreless for more than five minutes midway through the second half. Freshman forward Johnny Rogers. from La Quinta High, was high for the Cardinals with 16 points before fouling out with 5:·36 remaining ' DePaul 76, Creighton 67 OMAHA, Neb. -Terry Cum mings scored 29 points and Bernard Randolph added 20 as No. 4-ranked DePaul withstood a first-half Creighton sca r e to down th n Bluejays 76 -67 in a non -conference game. Creighton, 5·8. capitalized on numerous DePaul mistakes to tie the g:ime at 21 midway through the first half after trailing by as many as six points. Vlr9lnla Tech 65, Tulane 64 BLACKSBURG , Va . -Virginia Tech 's 2<>th·ranked Hokies built a nine-point lead with 2: 58 left. then cut short a Tulane rally in which Tony Wallace scored six points to nip the Green Wave 65-64 in a Metro Conference game. -The Hokies, 11 ·1 overaJI and 2-0 in the conference. failed to score after going ahead 65-56 Wallace hit a layup ano two jumpers and Paul Thompson another layup as the Green Wave got to within one with 38 seconds left B ask.e t ball scores College ...... Or•OOft Sl. II, St.n!onl • Go.,,_ n, W•shlnOfon,. '-"'-' Otol•-St. 63, Tua ... A•ll111Jt"" S1 r .. HTed\61, THaALM .. Tulu ti, W. Tues SI. M ,_.....,. Bradley 63, S llllnols'1 E llllftOI~ 71, Cernpbe4171 OePeul 1'. C..IQl>ton '1 W \I a Wnley.., 63. 1(..,1 SI 61 Bulle• n. X•vler, OhloO Oetroll '1, O<el R-r1• 72 Loyola, 111 76, 04llel>Otft• Clfy SI N. low• el Val-also CPPd .. -..ealh•rl EHi Ouq~ 12. R-Island n G..,..Qe WesNn(llOfl 1', Pill 12 VIII•-• M, SI John's U Va, Common-Ill! 63, Wiiiiam & "'-ry U Cotl Rulg.,.l SI, SI B_v..,ture 41 s...tll A l e ·8 l rm l rq111em I L N.C . .Cl\erlotte 11 Tl>eCll-IG,A-le<hl..,SI ... Virginie Tedi U, Tulene .. r..,... -0-.ett-11. o .. 1a-. ss Florloe SL 12. FIOf'lde 67 Rlchmond56, J•mH Medlson SI Wot \/lfVlnle IO, Meue<hv•ll• H, So.Ill\ Alebeme 6S, Akron SS New~ ... 8-tfl160 C•nt•neryU, LOUlll.,,. Tech .. EHi ~IN 15, W. llllnol .. 9 E T • .__SI. tS, Mentlall 11 Stetson •s. Baltimore u NW LOUhlane 1S. U...lslllfte Coll 54 High ~hool SMV-~ N"'part HA'11o1' 70, Coate Mne 62 co.-dlt• MM ''·~--JO E1tencl• 17. lrvlne 4lo Unlv~ty 43, El Toro 31 Women MIOM SCHOO\. S..Vlew~ Corona dltl MM ... S-ba<ll JO E1tencle SI. lnrlfM«J CMI• -44, N•-' liertlor,. "We had trouble putUn1 th ball ln the bullet tonight," lamented Saddle back Coach Pat QuJnn. "As usual, we played our deliberate ball 1ame, but we threw the ball away too many times." E1tancla 87, lrvtne 48 The Eagles made lt three stralaht without defeat with another overwhe!mina team effort. Steve Kralss had a seuon-hllf\ 20 points an added seven assists. He was 8 for 13 from the nel in leading Estancia 'a 65.S percent performance ( or 55). Guard Jeff Gal'doer added his usual -1 points and 10 assists from the backcourt. Gardne now has 132 assists in 13 games -just over 10 pe game. It was a total effort. Brian Midland collected dozen rebounds and Kraiss picked up 10. Chri M aydole. with 14 points, hit 7 of 8 from the field. "I think we wore them out," said Estanci Coach Larry Sunderman, whose team ran up 30-4 margin an the third quarter against th winless Vaqueros, who operate with a seven-ma squad. It was Irvine's ninth stsa1ght loss of th season, while Estancia improved its numbers t 11 ·2 overall, 3-0 in league play. Irvine had a pair of players scoring in doubt figures -sophomore Lance Neal with 14 poin and iuni.or Bernard Ussery with 12, the latter' a season-high . t University 43, El Toro 37 The Trojans improved their Sea View Leagu record to 2·1 with the help of three technical foul against E;I Toro with two minutes remaining in th game At that time. the score was notched at 37. disputed foul on a shot by Uni's Norm Stolzo ignited the brouhaha and paved the way for th Trojan triumph. "It was pretty ragged out there tonight .' admitted University Coach Jeff Cunningham " thought we played poorly al times." The Trojans, behind some hot s hooting b Brad Guess, jumped out lo a 19-4 lead al one time But Guess picked up his third foul in the first hal and was ticketed with hi s fourth personal early i the third period . He wound up sitting on the benc for more than a third of the game, fini shing th night with 11 points, far below bis 19.2 average Teammate Craig Rouse added nine points t help the Trojans improve their overall mark to 8-5 "We were just happy to get a wan tonight.' admitted Cunningham. "We feel pretty good abou that, considering the way we played." From Page C1 SUNSET OUTLOOK Coach Steve Popovich, along with a tempo which keeps the Yik es happy, takes others out of their rhythm. The Vikings are a SO·point team and 6-5 senior Rick Smith (13.5), a returning starter, along with 6·4 Andy Klussman 111.7>. 6-0 junior Seott Filipek I 14 .0 > and 6-1 J ohn Berry I 11.7 ), do it with double-digit scoring. That quartet has combined for 50.9 points a game and lihat figure may be the winning numbe11 when anyQne meets Marina. I 5. Huntington Beach (6-7). J im Lane 16-61 has returned to the Oilers after a seven-game abseTic~ when HB went 2-5 after he helped his team to a 4·2 start. With the quickness of 6-1 junior Billy Thompson and some new-found scoring from Keith Salaya, Bruce Ayres, Dane·Shackleford and Mike Mills, there is potential for a playoff berti\ for Coach Roy Miller's squad · 6. Westminster (2·9). There IS a lack or hei g~· and experience at Westminster, but who figur Cincinnati and San Francisco in the Super Bowl. Picked for last a year ago, the Llons staggered Huntington Beach twice and whipped Marina by 14, so lhe fortunes of Coach Jon Borchert and his young crew <sophomore Tom Downs. juniors Tom Nicolai, etc.) may not be totaJJy bleak. Nevertheless. the Lions are in rugged circles. ----------~ W. SKI RIPDRT ~~ H 1982VW OUANTUM WAGON !> spd, trans. air cond., leatherette seats. rad1e1 ttres and morel (Stk 3089) (004796) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Mt. Baldy • Mountain High Holiday Hill Snow Summit Snow Valley Goldmine Sno~ depth/inches 12-18 12-18 12-18 18-36 12-15 24 -36 CENTllA.L CALIFORNIA ' June Mountain 60 Mammoth Mountain 105 China Peak C9·68 Dodge Ridge 60-80 NORTHEllN CALIFORNIA Conditions hp hp sp hp hp pp pp hp hp Lifts/chairs 3L 3L lL FO FO 3L 4L FO FO· FO Alpine Meadows 84-14' 12L Squaw Valley &4-126 19L Mt. Revba 90-126 hp FO Kirkwood 1.20-20C PP FO Sierra Ski Ranch 118 pp 6C Heavenly Valley 84 pp FO Ski Incline '8-56 6L Tahoe Ski Bowl 108·132 PP 2L Sugar Bowl 156-216 PP FO Donner Ski Ranch 96-14' PP 3L Conditions: hp -harc:f pack; pp -packed powder. Lifts/chairs: L -lifts; C -chain; FO -full operaUon. ~~· •m•·. ~ Llat ,,..ee $12.065 Dneo.t S 1170 SAUrRJCE s I 0 695 MEW SCIAOCCO Co upe . 5 ·•P••d tran1mlnlon. metel~ci paint. rear wlndow4 wiper/wesher , all~ wheels. stereo c11~;it and mor.t (Stk. l· (01n861 . SAU PllCE . sl 0 695 . '• ,. ;, ... , .. :• '· t' t .. r. NaA WllST••NCON,aa•NCI P'alfkl>ho..._ LAllKJ SHiii• Ooto.11 , .... ,._,. "°'"-San o .... W L ~L ee U It .JU U II "1 1 It 14 .JU S It .. .J76 s "u w. • M .ua IS ...... Oho .... Sall A111oNO O.nw•r Houston Ulell Ke11waCl1y Oell•t H11•'7 -17 , ..... 1S It ,.WI 7\1\ 12 JI .*'4 10 12 tt IS* I~ t l4 .!71 IJ IAJTl•N co..,•••Nc• A~DlwlllM loslon Pllll•O.IPflle N•wY- W •111 "'9ton NewJ-y H I u t 17 11 1S " 14 JI .76S .1>S I .... t\'1 4SS 10\llo -12\1\ c-olw..._ 111111 ........ ACl•nla ln<ll•ne Cllk AQO Detroit Clevelencl 14 II ... " " 17 17 1S " 14 21 .JOO '"" JOO '"" .UI 1\11 AGO to • 21 _.,..Sc .... "' 11 Bo•ton 112, N,... Jerwy •• T__.aG- L.i&enalClewl- Mllwellk .. el All•nt• ibll•delptli• •I WaS11ln9ton D•lroll et Cllltego &an Ole9o •I Hou•ton Dalles at San A111onlo Kan~ Clly at o.n....- GolO"' State el P-la N•w Yor1t et Utall lndl•N •1 Portl- N8A 1Hderl ITilnollll ha. tit SCOlllHO G N "P'bA"9-Gerwln, ..,. Anlonlo JO 1'0 J:JO 100> J14 Oanll•Y. Utafl l3 3MI 2'7 tl1 2U Malone, _.on l3 350 J11 t 11 21.1 EnQ41111 Oen._. » W I.. tOO U,7 ErwlnQ, Pftll. :M )41 174 H7 U.2 AMl·J-, LAl!en It .. la 71' IU Wllllemt, S..ttl• u lit 1u ,., n .2 FrH . G-St•t• 31 260 111 709 22.t KlnQ, G-Stelle 33 n. U3 1(5 22.a 8lrd, Botton >l 297 1U I Q 22.s alllOUNDINO Slkm•.Statt .. Malone, Houston 0 Oft OM. T ........ » IDO JJ4 4l4 IU 8 WllllMM,NJ TllOmpaon, Port.- 8 lnl. &os(On SI "' 2XI 421 IU :M 14.S 2tS UO IJ.t ll IU 2«1 l5S 11.J Jl IOI Ht l'7 II I ASSISTS 0 ........ M-•· Serl Antonio lO m t.4 J...._, LllUn H nt t.• CllHlla, Pfllledleljllll• Jt 2" t.O A .-c lllllalcl, Boston lO 249 l.l Nix•. L.elMn H UJ 1.1 ,..LO GOAi. ,. •• C.NT•o•s Giimore, Chlc- 1( 11>9, <>-Stelle S JollnlOfl, K-CllJ Oewklns, Pfllladef Pfll• Aulend, Wti111"91on AP too 20 I North CerollNI ( Sii 2 MIHourl ( ,, l Vlrv!ftl• ' 0.P.,I s ·-· • l(enl\lclly 1 San Frenc:lw;o ' • C.-getown, oc t ArkM>W• 10 • ..__ II, Ml.....- U. HortllC•OllnA SI ll. AC- 14. ldello IS. Or-St It. WltllllaSt 11. 1.00.lhwlll• II Tul .. If T .. n 20. \llrglnla Tocll 'o ~o• ~ .. 22' lS:I ..... "' -·'" IS. JU Sfl 149 Ul ... 16.S m m 12.0 11.0 12.1 IM 11).1 t·J IJ.I IJ.J 11).1 lt·I t·J IS.I '"' IJ.0 11).2 11..J 11).3 11).2 10.0 11).1 l,17t 1,010 l,"'2 tSI .., .. 7SS MO ... -Wt Sit 454 «llS JJI JU m 211 110 IDO HIGHICHOOL ~1 ... •••• .... .... ...... , '" ....., t• U.I U I Ne~ 70, Co•t• Meu 12 NIWPOaT MAallOa -lell U, ...... r, I.Iner ll, ,..lletlar 10, ~• 1', lrendl 2, Sellly 0, kldrNre o. T04ela: 24 21-14 70. COSTA MalA -....... y 11, ,._,k _.I •. Pe1m111""' 11, •"'--tiff t, Strtiyw 2. J. Flald 2, G. Field 6, ·-0 C-t T.Ult ,. ..• .,, . . 1c .... ..,o.....,. Newp0rt H-It U IS tt-10 CDSla Maw I 11 t 11.-.i Tot•• loull: N•wport H•rller a, C•la Mn• 21; Fouled ovl; l••daley ICest• Mewl. R....,... IC.la MaWI, Slr•yer ICOllU"9M), J F .. IO IC.I• Mewl. Eatencte 17, lrvtn• 41 1•vu11 -Carwer 2, ,..,.,., 4, 8romwk ll t, Nul 1 ... Allan s. Uswry 12. Jollna o Totals; 214·1146. •STANCIA -Kralu 20, G•r..,., 10, Tll'I I. MeydlOle u, Mldl•nd 10, Plnoney o, JO!lnfton 6, Or8ke 4, M<C.11111 I. Santoyo 2 Rodrlgvu S, Forllatll 0, Smellcomll o'. Total a: l6 1S.lt 11. S<well•Gooemn lrwlne 11 11 ·4 - E•tancle t2 11 JO 11-t1 Total louts: ln1IM U, E•IMl<le 11 CdM 51, Seddlebecll 30 coao... D•L MA• -l.JMll 11, Htta O, Olton 6. Goell9I 6,' tartan I. Klnu,_ t. ~:!l~:i .• ....-s. v ... s ......... .,. J . SADDUaACll -0.we_, S, C ... 11, l.et>wck S. McAllltiler S. Gerta 2, -n.f J. Totals: 12 .. 14 JO. Sc••..,o...wn Corona o.t Mer ta to t 16-SI S.ddlellack s • 1 t4-*> T otal foul•; Coron• del Mar I) S•ddleb•c• 13 Fouled o vt · Ca9~ ( Saddl •beck). Unlverstty 43, El Toro 37 11. TOltO -Fouts 2, Trickett t, AmolCI 13, I nQl-.1 2. IUC111_, t. SllJ_. S. T ot•la: 12 IJ.ltJ7 UNIVE•SITY -G .. u 11, AOl.IM t, M.,..,.a ~· l.erMtt -4. 0.... t. StoliolU Totals U 1J.lt Sc-. lily 0.0.,,.n El Toro 4 1 10 U-J7 Unlverslly t 11 10 1J"""3 Tole! fouls: El Toro 12, Unlwertilty 14 Fouled O<lt: a..ts IUnlvertiltyl. Te<~I. Ro .... IUnlwrMIJI, l.arMn (Unlversltyl, i~~~~~n (f l Toro) 2, Coe<ll Tr•wers c El HIGH SCHOOL STANDINGS Se• View Leegua ~ o.w.11 W L • 2 W L Coron• def MM l o fSlaMI• S 0 Newport HM1lor J O Unlwnlty 2 1 COiia-I J EI Toro t I lrwlnt 0 J SNdl..,__ I I WC t*J's9- lrw1M et "'-1 H- Co,._ dtl MM et E.I Toro ~lellKk at Uni¥onlly EltMcla et c:..ta MeM 11 2 • 4 • s • • I t 0 ' I t Women'• top 20 1.1.ou~Tedl lUI 14-0 1,M6 2. use 1•1 1.1 .. J. LOlllJ 8Mdl St. 11.. t, 1tt 4. Sollll\CMollM 1•1 , .... s. •11...-n 7·1 .., •· Otct Oon*Mofl 74 ta r.C"9Y'9\'SL •2 .. I. N-CMollM~t. 11·1 1JI .. ,.,..,..... .., .. ... ".... lN -tt. °""""' ~ MP ft, TtllM I~ 4g I&. Arl-14. t•t • 14.~ ... -II, C"9f• t .. t a17 "· fltM I\. IM M 11. I~'· Allllln '-' I» te.vtli-t M iM tt............ ..... 91 M.Ktne. 1M W Olli.rt fe<elw.... • ... , en at IHI! 10 llallth lalllfltlMllC•I arterl: llll11el•, T--· Coata MIN 44, ... wpott H COIT. MalA -I.WI 4, umer "· ..... 2, s..eer •· Garcia t, • .......,.., o, M(A.._. t. Prk e 0, .,.....,..., 4, Olellnt O ltljovic O, Grech 0. 't...._· 10 .. u 44. ' .... ~M..-.-~11,w._ •. OoM a. _.._ •. leldte i. ,....._ 1 Jurowl(e TCM!a: t••tta.. ' k_.,0Mrt9" Collt• Maw u 1 I• 10-44 Newp0t1 Hertler I 12 4 12_. Tolel fouls: Coste Me .. 1', Newporl Herllor 16. Fwlff out: Doddl IN-90f'I HerlllOrl , .... (Newport Hert!MI, 5Heff (Coste fMMI. TKIWllUI: leldle (N.-...ort Herllor), Coecll IC_ (Cott• Mau). Eatencla 51, lrvtne 43 •ITANCIA -llllnlll I , C.,.,_,.,., t. Howland 12, MA<Mlllln 4 Cllrlslmen t H•ltl<Oek tl, HuON1 10. Tot~t: 24 , ..... ' 1av1 .. • -~ t , K Oden 11. PfWlt •. TrM'lmMI t, I . Odltll L Totala; 11 M4 a. tc.....,.__..,. Eslancle IS 11 12 20-51 lrwlM 12 1J 14 ~ Tot.I louh: 11.tt.lcle 11, lrw1ne 1• Women'• tournement I•~-..... , ~,. ... -tine Nawrellloot• O.f A,.... Smllll, ... 1. 6-J. CN•vretllowa wlftl'40,CIOO.I Women'• tournament Ceta.t'-MJI "'"' .... " ..... AM Kl.,..._• O.f Belly N ... ISOll, ... I, ,_., 1·6: Sandy Collins clef. Clevdle K-. 7-S. t-4; c:.no., R..,noloa 0.1. Jo Dvf' ....... 4-6, 6.0; K•llly RINlldl 0.1. MM HollOI, t-J, 6-2; 0 1-FromllOIU clef. Sue .... k ........ 6-4; B•lllNI lunoe dltl, Kathy Horveth, ..,,, 6-J; Mery loll Pletek 0.1. Sh•on Well#\, ... 1. ... 2; I.Hiie Allen dill. W-y Wlllle, 7 .. , 6·1. Loa Alemlto• MONOAY'S a•SULT'S 1.,,.. ............ _. ....... _.. ... , f'laST aACI. UO J•rdl Ooo Tovth lW•rdl 1.20 4.DO 2.IO 8armvde Trleft91e IC•uoerl S.DO J.111 OH-0.Ck lhe Champion I P•ullN) 1.CI QH-Euy Dendy 8ve ICllave1l S.40 OH-0._,,..I Also ret8d: R_,. Gold, Cll J iiiy, 1ar D•Mers eo.-1. Anoyme, ,.,.,.., -· "•""·· Tlffte: 11:Jt. 51•XACTA1"41 oeldSl'1DO SICO.O llACI. >JO Y•nh. H•we aett .. u .. ec11..,1 s 20 l.to 2.111 Alie Moon lf'llwffl 10 20 •• ., AM. 0GWM T Mil I P.,llnel 6.CI Also r-: Z.Yb C,-, FINI O•le, Alive Wtr,•, Pwt Bid, 5-ilno G ... le, Mein 11> Time. Tim•: ILtO TMIRD aaca. atD y.,.dt. My E .. y Vktory I ..-a) 10.40 UO 4-40 Mr Te Ke 1Mttc:he40 10.20 UO Cut H Rwt CW-I 4.111 AllO •**II: K"-Road,..,_, Ovlck krMft, venewe r:o1111, My P-• O\Ue, T._,.n..,., Got1111111rtc11. Tlme:ILIJ. lt«llACTA IM I paid SUUO. PIU lllll SU l"lalCMI COUaT 01' TMll IUP'•atGa COUllT OP CA&J'°'"'IA lllOnU OP 141.a ......... STATaOl'CALll'ORNIA ClOUNTYOPlllOlfT8••Y O~COUATI~ SUP'latOllCOUaTOPCALl~NIA '<>•THE COUNTY •C..O...... IY HC\lalD ,. •• TY COUNTY 0, o••NO• Of'ORANGE ......_Clilllwllle,_. NOTICE IS HIREIY GIVEN tMI E•l•I• of: WRAY OONAl.O l•Clwk ~ Dnwe PI. A 1 NT IF F · A 0 SIT A 8 1"9 """""'*' wlll Mii (Ille "S.l•"I 8URTON, 0.C..Md. Wftt, S...U ..... CA '2711 NICOl.AIDl!S tfle pr~ llHCrlbecl lie'-el publk He. A1111N ~ PLAINTIFFS: J UNG HAE l(IM OIEFIMDANT: 1108ERT c . LEWIS, •vcllon IO lie held on J-y 11, '"' NOTICE 0 1' SAl.e OF REAi. rNO TAEYOUNG KIM JR ...... DOES I "'""'9h t ommenci.,. .. IJ:DO o'<lock -.. PllOPERTY AT PAIVA TIE SAL.I: • DEFENDANTS BRUCE E V,ln<lvalwe Ill• ••• offlcn of lr•lffnll•cll, NOTICE IS HERE.IV GIVEN INI EEOMOAE, KEN STEINHAUSEH, IUMMOMS Sweln'10ll, YOIUlltlS a. Ct'-tou'9cl -....-n ....... M Admllllstretrl• of ECUTl\IE CAR I.EASING ANO CAN NUMaa• ,.. •ISSO N-1 C:-• Ot'lw, Solltaa ,tllt Ul•t• of 111• •llow• named ES I THROUGH X. INCLUSIVE .. OTtC.11 YW Mw .... _., n. H•wp0rl 8Hcll, c.tlf-a ftMoO ta de<edltnl, wlll Mii tt prlv-.... to SUMMONS C-' -,_... ....... ,_...... t"9 111911911 ""81lflH ~ In ...;,..,, U. 11"""1 -""' b6dclltr llPOfl IN CASS NUMN• J2tS71 .,_ ..... ....,. -. ,_ ,....... -Y of tN ""'*'~of ""-Ice terms •n<I con<1ltlon1 llerelnelter , IC a 111'iWwttllJ211111 ...... ..,,.. ._. .. llAa "'" ltalfl ~ UlllllW's <llKk peyellle to ment~-MA>IKttoc.onllrmetlon I NOTIC•1 Y• ...,.. .... -n. ...... 8r•~. Swem.-. Y-.lllt .. .,., wkl ~Court on _J--. 22, JMtt INY .... ,....... .,.. w...._. If .,... _... ID _.. .,. ...,tu fif .. Crl-1 ell ~by •:DO IUI\. of IN ltn, et IN hew of II :00 o clock e.m., ~ Wlee ...,. -.. .,.. ,....... an-. !ft Wt fNltttr,,.........,...., •lorem•11ll-f•I•. Tiie se<vref or the....., wltllln .. llmt .,_ wl•I• • ays. ...... ...,.,,.__ so pr.,,.ptly M tllet ,..,, written lnt•,nl In Illa party deKrlllod 11 by l ew, et th• office ol tlle ..-. ,.......,N_.,,....., ... fllellontlmt. •vlclen<ed"" -caf1eltl -.r..,._t "n d. r' l . ". d . s HAR 0 H ' AVISOI UIW 1-.... --··· AVllOI U.. .......... Giii (IN "A.,.....,...r'I .,...., Mey t l'7J WENTWORTH, Adnlllllstretrl1t, c/o 111 ., ..... ~ -...w ~ .... UC. •1 ......... ,.... --~ U& ...._,.,.,.., 0 . NII-lllle o.:-,., MARC s. TOVSTEIN, no .. ltt3 East 'I• e11ct .. cle a rftHes 41H U•. ti• ••fl-le e --41ee Uf. •llcl O_,,.I 8 . Cun .. I .. Ste-Stwent_,ttl, Suite 200, Settle AN, ~ ,..,.. • • flM. Lee le ,....... ...,,. • • .... LN le p.,.ty) ,.lated i. "'-ecQlllsltlon ond Celllornle 92701, ell rltllt, tltle, lettrm«• ,....,._. ....._........... ,relt•H ol Ctlrrtn's l11ltrHI In • lni.rul -ntew of Nici de<ad8nt et ~If yov wllll IO --the advice of .,,y SI V1"4 ... Mlklter ti -to.. Celllomte llfnlted -1Mnltlp k-IN lime "' llK cleetlt, and all r'911t, l10l'MY 111 1'\ls mettff, you '"°"IO clQ "" ....... eot .... -·· ~ es Good S.-ltert Holplt;el of or.... tltlt •n<I IMH'tlt lhet 1111 .. let• mey promptly so lll•t your written llecerlo 111_.lete me11te, ... HlL C-ty (...,_,y ~ • "-"'9I l\ewe e<Qlll"9CI bJ operetlon GI •-.or S90ftM,Heny,mayllefll8donllmt. ,.,._,., w ..,..._.. etc:rlta, 11 llay l nwestmtnl Properties Ltd 04llerwl•, ""''flit -ttl. In..,.. to • SI U118d,,._ tolkll., el c-toc. •ievM ,._ w ,...istr .... e ''"""· (flerelflefter "IN p"'.., ..._,:.1 T~ Ille lollOwl"'ll dn<rllled ••I pr-rty t: •bo98do "' n te es.-ito, .... rle • 1. TO THI l>«"ENOANT: A dwll Stcllrtd Pen., he,.; re.N~ IN 10cal8d ifl llw County of Or .... , St ... t erlo lnmedlalamenl•. d• ute u"'plalll4 .... Mell fllff lily tllt ti.tit 1o bid., .. ~ flete"'*I of Cell~, -1 ... lly deKrllled .. Nrt, w ,_ .. etc:rlta, sl !Wy "9lfltlfl ........ -· If -wllfl ta 11e1-The ,.._.,., to lie sotct ITile fol-• r.r,•· ,,._..,. re91alrede a tl8mfl0. """" 1llH lewwl\, ,.... muA, wltl!M PertN,....) Is•-"'°" of Ille profits l.OI 11 fll Tract -t21t, u per m9C1 TO THE OEFENOAHTS: A t lwll ... , • .,_ .... -It~ lotus •nd dlllrllMltlOlll ot Good re<1~1or11s .... 1-·~ ~K~l-P119n.:.:: 1" omplelnt Ilea been flied by Ille ., .,..., flte wttfl Wt -' • -lhM S• II rtl ·-•• ., '"" ., n ~•l111llh ... 11111 -,-. II you wlsll I• ,........ .... ___..,._ u-• ., mer •11• u more •• cvl•rly tlle offkt of tlle c-tr lie<~..; of ~ I~'-I • ~ fieter!Md In "'-I llmlltCI pa__.., M id c--tnv .... -''• .,... mint, wltfllfl 90, _. _.,Mift wtll lie.....,_ ..,.tfMllt -certmc... of llmlted Com~~-__ 1 J-~ clays ...... 11111 wmmom I• •rwed ..... k ....... ,....,...,, .... tllls -· ,..,......,,,.. of HIP ~ .. _~, ... _.. -_.. .._..._ you, flle Wlll'I tlll• cwrt • written me, ...,.... • ~ ~ -..,. .. • " , ltlle Orlwe, ttvflt"'91on llee<ll, Cellfomle PtrtnenHp ._ .. ). TNI Ula A,,., U"221'°4 tc>onM to 1"9 otftllll•lnt. Unl•H ...... .. ................. 1111 .. ~~ II In ttc«cleflc• wlltl Sec'Utn '504, 81-.. -.,.. lnYI ..... ...._ ·-Id f: SO, .,.,.,,. def...il Wiii lie "'tared Oft wflldl cewkl ........ , Ill _..,...,.,._. of S 11 d I I I '' 3' U -.. ..,..., -""" -P91lcetlon of Ille plelntltts, •rid 11111 w ..... \lllllnl of ,,_.,., prClllltftY., " • w ' 0 " '. 11110 rm perc.i tf property. All ~ bids must ourt mey ant"'• t\ld9ment •~lntt otll•r retie I tt1111ut•d 111 Ill• Comm•rtl•I Code 01 1"• Stet• 01 bt In wrttin,. -wHI lie re<•I"" et CMI lor .... relltf ,,.,,,.,...., In the c-telllt. Celllomle. lll• otllc• of MAllC s . TOVSTelN, Complolnt, wlllt ll <Ovid rHvll 11> OATIO: J_..,24, 1'7' /t/JW'lk•A. R-yof ESQ., ltlJ E.est S.wentftlltll Stnltl, P'ernl•l\ment of we9es, te1tl119 ol t:,_. A. MeWtnl. lreldtnllecll, SwelnslOn, ~II• 200 Senta AN C.llforftle tml oney or property or 0111er relief Clwll Yollellls" Crltpo Att-y lot Adml..istretrl• JAR~ tad In IN <omQlelnl. ly Cw'ol M. Sc-. SlO Newpot't Cent_, Or. WENTWORTH, or rney ..,filed wt .. OATIEO FEBRUARY Jt, ltlO o..utY ~j::......_. ilffdl. Ille C .. 111 ol .. 8llo¥e ~ ~lor a()SANN GOOOARO. MCM.JUfD, MAMaRLY, •11T1 ...... a """""'"' Orenot coast o.lly Piiot Court, °' rney lie •H-8d to wlcl °"""'' "°9t Jen 12 u ltSl HS-12 4dmlnlttretrl• personelly, •l en' OOUOLAS M. eoc>TH A P'1 I I I~-' ' time alter ""' pulllk etlon of tllll ...,...,111 u.w • ....._..,.. notk•-.,...,.ttio,....lllofl#t* 1•N .. ,.._S4., ..... UI .. ..O.a.Olt -II' ~t wle. INUAM.c:Aftn1 ........ ~·-,_ .... K TE•MS OF SAi.i ! c .. 11. l•wfvl et: (rt4) m.*1 T .. : C-.. _ lr*MY ot .. United SI.ta or lenM P\11111""4 Or .... coast Delly Plitt P'vltll ... Or-. c:.ost Delly """· ,.ICTIT10US •ust .. llS •«•Pl•"• lo t!M •llowe •nlltlecl Je11. S, It, It,•. 1"2 12'-CJ DK. ft, 2', ""· J ... S, tt. 19 SSIMI MAMI STATSMllNT 5-rlor c:-\. Ten Ptr~ I lftl 9f ~ICTfTIOUI 8Ull•IM .. Nllle ITA'ftM&"1' Tiie tollo•I,.. "'Mii la ... Ing _ .. : IANDOLLA,_, f'INI WALi. AltT, HI • tlA .,...,..,,le, c.ta "'"9, CA ; Tiie tollewlnt person Is dol119 tN ~ °"9"9CI mm «CClf'llt*IY llllMMH •t lllt wrlttefl llld Of ofter, and tllt DU•IL AOVl•TISINO, 111r ll•l•nct m11tt lie P•ld vpon Ill• 0-1 Drlw la, lrw!M, CA ft71S. COtlllrmetlon of wle lly wlCI Su!Mlrler r Mklltlt c. M'"'1, J701 L~ Colltt 011 -. pa..,_., ecce!llllbla \.-, C:-dlllMM,CA..U. lo tM ...... Aflllttad 5-rlor Otwt. Tl\11 INllntt• It <DMIKtH lly en kkl .... wm lie m..-......, 11w .,_, INllwl_,.,, _,.....,...., Mk"-1 c. NI,_ Oalff! OoK.mller .. "'1 Tiiie ......_.. -fl .... wltll 1119 lt4A•t'N WINTW0tt"n4 CMtY ci.t11 "' or .... c-y • ~1r.v1a of• Dec. 11, ""· I._ •WMY DONALD auaTON.OtcoMM TOVIT•tll& KllMT&8a --~ .. TOWlft ....... ........ . ... ...... ........ c.. ... 1~ . ..., ..... ···~ f'\11141 ... Or .. CMtl Deify ....... J-.i, S,:!, ti: 1• 11MI. .. ...... Mt ,,., uo l.10 t .. AllO racef: Allbl1, MIU 0. 1.llM, l'I ..... ,.Nn4t,, ......... Ql\er .. ,, illtl• ... CM, lt.-..n OtllN. Tn1ly 5-flllt Tl-·•N. U•XACTAl ... tl Ptkl"900 U •XACTA l ... tl paid UUO. llXTM RACa. 110 Jereb SatvrdeyWKrlW ICfUOerH0.40 't0 UO Sfteelly Mt IMlkhelll > tO t AO kl Lift 10'9~11 t.40 ' AllO teatd! LIQlll .-.w.rd. Im• WllWlln "•llcy, "''"'"' llr, Oveelud•. Flclll• ,..141 ...... Tl111•14'AI. HV•NTM aac&. 400y.,ot. C-try Pistol IMllCllelll 11 DO S 10 J.IO Vlwe VIile llU<tl l 10 ).°' ()I •or••·-I ~·I I.AO A l s o r •c•d K•P l•r t Order T...,.,.Hfllltt•IO. Sir Jet Cller,.r, Jeckit ~ 8 lrd, 11_.i Jet, Aiv•• Allle, Jett O l.llCk Tim•. 20 44. tJ IXACTA l).71 paid Mt 10 U P'ICK lllt ( 10.).1-6 .. ·ll paid Ut,tlO.AO wltti one WIMlllt lkllet Isl• llOrMO. "Pk k SI• COfl-.Olallon Mid U ... .0 wltll U wlMll>Q ll<Ult lllve llorwtl. •tOMTM aACI. 400 yard._ J oanie ae11 IArrMlrontl t.oo s 60 J.IO Miu e..-e ol Joy IOelornlwll 43 AO IS.20 Prlamt larlly.1 Piikenton! S.tO Aleo rec.eel> a.,. Bye Rotlt, Klpa Jaw; MIH, OM• for I.VO, B•tl Flyer, SI•• Feelvr•, Mlt6 H .... s.. ... ., MeQen MJ O..r Time· 20.St f:I I XACTA fM I pa10 11'1 .a • NlllTH aACa. 400 Y••d• Bl"-8ret 1Her11 4 00 l.00 UO Toucll ConlrOC I p.,11,..1 1110 6.40 e1 ... Jeen Oollle 1Ton1111 S.DO Also ••<ed. 5POr llno Kip, C•llm•-· Coure990u1 OuHI, Commander 1.1111•, A 0.Yll of a Time, Rel .. Some Cl•u . Hello Sl•r Time 10.•J. ,2IXACTA11+11 paid V S IO AltendM>Ce S,154 NHl ~•U.CO-,•••MCI S....,..Df,,lllM Edmonton c .... .., VMKOUwet' ..... Color- W I. T G,. OA "" 21 10 1 24' ... .. 14 19 10 Ill 1'7 • 14 22 • 149 ,.. 3' 13 24 S In JO'I II 10 27 • 113 200 26 Ntrrlt Olwla .... SI 1.ovl• Ml .......... Clllt -WlM lpee T•onto Detroit 10 " • ltl 110 u IS ll 14 173 ,.. ~ 11 " ' llS 111 0 IS 20 t IM 1'1 1' IJ 19 II 171 19) lS IJ JJ • 142 '" lO WALH COHl'IE•ENCIE ,...,..•Dlwltleol NY hl•ncler• JS II S 177 140 U Phll-IPflle JS IS I 16' ISA St PllllbvrOf\ t9 11 6 IW I.. u NY llenoen t9 18 S ISo ,.. Q WHhlno1on 11 ~ • ISS 178 2tl ·-0••11 .... Bvll•lo Bot Ion MollVHI Quebec Heriford ,. " • ,.. 133 .. 2S 1' S 177 IU U 11 10 II 1'1 177 S3 2l IS S 20:3 174 SI 10 n 9 IQ 1• 2' ~'f'•k- 80.lon s. T•onlo 2 0ue0K 6, Hertlord 2 NY R-rs S. M~• J T..,...-ss- lt ..... •t -rRet NHL laeders ·~'-·"' o,..u .. ,, !Edmonton 8Msy, NY 111..-rs f>. SIHlny, Quebec ~ ...... Merllk, Wes1tlng1on Teyttr,K• Seward, Clll'990 Trottier, NY hi...,.. 5"'11h, M1-90U Mlcldletan, ~ G • "" S4 •s 11t 32 ,. 71 " .. 71 J1 .. ., 30 M .. H 41 .. JI •• 6.S JI Q .. 23 ll .. 2t ft SJ f'Jobowl~ HATOUa {etweV .... I ,..,... ...... ......... I Chat1 .. T9" tMI 2 1111 a--1.- , ltt¥e 1Mrtin 1,141 4.0n'-"""" 1.at ' J.., .....,_, 1,llt l.JtYRelll-1 .... • J 111111e111neer ,,.,, 1 llewtUOlller 1.-I llty hek .. y I.IOI '· M•r""" Hoemetl '·"' 10. , .. ,. S....lt 1,'71 " Jottnny ,. .. ,eoc•• 1,1n U. K YI• 11!8dd 1,7 .. u. ·····-y 1,1'1 u l.erry Orey 1,1 .. u ,.,,,,.~ '·'" t• JM ~...... l,11e 17 Kertt w..,,_r 1,IM II IErnlel<llletltl 1,190 If Mel ACotle 1,147 20. Mike Molly... 1,740 it St•w• C01111 '·"' tt. lell HeN!ey I ,7J6 U.H~Mjllti' I.TU J4.o~,.,,.... ,,,,. I I Challenge meet , .. ~ ............ , l~e .... bhom--.1 100 -I, Mel L.allerty IU.S I, 10 U, 2 M-K e n I IU S >. 10 ll. a Peler G an4y I Avllr•llal, 10.>4. IOO -I Peut Giibert IAuttrell•I, I ... I•. t . 11 .. 1 John w.111..-,.._ z .. 1anc11. o,.,.., Kllallle CS.-), 1. ... IS. 1.J I Gary H-y IA.,.lr•llel, 2 ... J. 1 Wiiiie B-a f U.S I, 25-0 YJ ·-I.SOD I Brl91lte l(ravt I WUI Germ e nyl, 4•)9 S 2. MeOQle KeyH fU.S.1, no lime Soviet meet let K-s, ua-ta) HJ I. Yvrl SNwthenko, 7·S "'· P\/ I Ylktor Spnov, tM lo'>. -l.J 1 Meroartta lllllleM, D ·21'> cnn world l-rKonJ). Deep aea flahlng NIW"°'1T IArt's l.11941 ... 1 JJ •n9lt"' l .. ..o "-" 40 mecll..-tl, I 11e1111111, '4 roo C'Od, , llt111 cod (Dewey'• LKk•rl -IS •"91tn· 11Srock coo. DANA WMAaF -J4 ."9 .. ,. It t>an , tJI -.11o, 1 •odl ""'· 200 ..... 0 ... 1 LONG alACM 10..-'I WIUrll ll _,.,... J .,.llowt•ll, 40 u llco baU SIAL aucH ., _ .. " 210 roc:k (OCI 2 (OW COd Monday'• lr••aactlona aASEaALL .__Le_ NEW VOAK YANKIEIES H•med MIClley Vernon bAtllnQ coecll FOOTaAl.1. NetleMIF-HL- PITTS8UAG).ST£ELEAS Si9...0 Jec~ L •m t>ert. ltneb•cke r. 10 • muftt Y••r conlr••t HOCKEY A~ ... Haclr..,L•-fllf..V HAVEN NIGHTHAWOCS -N•med Hid •avenv ''le..._. • ..., .. COO< ft. SOCCll.• N-A-"a" Sect9f' L- FOAT 1.AUOEROALE STAIKEAS Sl911td Brien Kidd, lonor•ra, lo a 111r .. Y•• COfltr•cl COLI.aGIE NCAA -A""°""'" ttwt Ille Wltllll• Slett belk•ltlell .,,....... llti been placed on • tl\•H ·YU • probetle11 •11<1 barred trom ll0'1MeMlfl Cotnll«fltlllll\ M 1912 •nd 1ta, Sea Kings, 'Estancia now 3-0 ' Corona del Mar and ~tancla h l Jb s choo ls u tablhbed the m s elvea as lh e earJy favoril~s in Sea View Leque women's basketball action with Solid victories Monday nlab\. The Sea Kings, with five. players scoring In double f igures, banded vlsHlnt Saddleback a 69·20 setback. Tbe win impro ved CdM '1 lea,ue mark lo 3·0 and left the Se• Klogs with a 5-4 overa ll mark. Heather Estey, AngJe Dodds and Cindy Kendall paced th&Sea King attac k with 11 poiata apiece, while teammates Lisa .Romney and Lisa Greeoberl added 10 each. The Sea Kings outscored tbt WOMEN ti ... _ Roadrunners 21-0 In the first quarter, prompting CdM Coach Karen Gerha rd lo go to her bench early. Al l~vine, the Estancia Eagles a lso improved their league r ecord lo 3 ·0 with a 58-43 deci s i~n ove r the Vaqueros. Estancia had lo outscore Irvine 20·4 in the final qu arter lo puU out the victor y, It s eighth against three losses overall. Amy Hathcock lopped the Eagles' scoring with 13 points while Joan Howland added ti and Debbie Hughes contributed 10. Sally Christman collected Dine points and hauled down nine rebound; in the process for ther victors. For Irvine, the Vaqueros got 18 points from Kim Oden and e ig ht from s is ter , Elaina. Teammate Lisa Slessman added nine points in a losing effort. The Vaqueros carried a 39·38 advantage going into the final quarter. Meanwhil e. Costa Mesa picked up its second Sea View League win with a 44-36 decision over host Newport Harbor. The Mustangs a re now 7.3 overall. Monday night, Vicky Lamar paced the Costa Mesa attac k with 15 points, while t~am m ate Nora Seager added eight to go along with her 11 rebounds. , "Good defense kept us in the ball game tonight," admitted Costa Mesa Coach Paul Kahn. The Mustangs jumped out t.o a 13·8 first qua rter advantage, only to see the Sailors come back to notch lhe score al 20 at the half. Elizabeth Dodds paced the Sa i~or. attack wilh 11 points, whtle Karen Jurovic added eight. Costa Mesa's victory was also sparked by nme points and eight rebounds from An"ie Garcia. The A/Ila~ to.save Energy has Pf8f)ar9d a l)roehure /hat contiJIM 12 Slmple. ~ measures to take which can cut dOwn your home energy vse by 26~ Tnat in tum contains accurate diagrams and easy to follow d/f'f!Cf tOnS ... can cut down the amount bffr1Qn6y you pay tor hortte energy (For example' l)fd you know that efe(:trical outlets "leak'· heat? The brochure win lei/ you how to ptewmt It and save.) • , The brochure w1~ also t~I y<JIJ about easy l/'11ngs to do to chlmnef6 a(lif11ues. to~ and ducts. ro shower '*'«Is. to electriell ~ lfts, to washing maclltn6S. to doorS a.nd win--~. Jo. water f>e8tets Do tf'lfm aJI. and cW 'fO<)r Mergy use bY 25% The brochure • ~' Take our advice Sene for our free brochure. • The 25% SbluflOn ... It can save you plenty Of money ----------.--------me Atnanc. ft> St .. E'*f11 fk>Jt 51200. Whh1nsJlan, D. C. 2'm1 PlellsesOOdtnt-,.,orMe1W·saV1ng money-.sewigoroctkJre NAM( . ,, I :• .. r r ..... ' . C..,..• .......... ._ ............ "I like c~ayons better. They don't dribble." by Brad Anderson "Does a large Great Dane live here?" Gi\Rt'IEl.0 11 Chdllllt ··- I \. ..................... tlllch ""' ......... . ca: a t t~ DENNIS THE MEN.\CE Hank Ketchum •SEE M eum (»( NrY Fl~? l lltlNK 1601' A SUll JlA( ( • by Harold L~ Dou~ by Jim Davis WHAT OOES )OUR FATHER DO FOR A LIVING, ALVIN? GOBBO -FlJNKl' WINKEB8E.\N tWJE CXltJ HEARD~ fJDfW\ ~ BRllER A'f'TJE ~1WffC.~~' -.&~ CAN YOU I WON'T TELL KEEP A A SOUL SECRET? by Ernie Bushmiller ME MAKES ANTIQUE FURNITURE by Gus Arriola by Tom Batiuk by George Lemont i • ' J f ' ! J ,. '·· • .. .. :· ' ' .,. , , . ·' ' . ' ~ ....... .._ ....... ______ ~~..._ ........ .LI-~· 1 I •! ( ,_I • I ... f :1 .. , . ! • I • i ~l I • I l't • , ... . i • I • j rl ~ . ' l l j . ' ' . . . · .. I I ... . ' .. , •I •I ., : I I i .. ~I .. 8.t WILi. UNIUY .,......... , a • • CINCINNATI -OK, ~ae~ bMUID don Ult batebel. S.t up thDM rcMMl • ADd doe't lwpt to futeD YOW'~ belta. : TIM s.qal1 ari oomlq te play tlM Ian f'fandlc:o .... They wear oraap and blaek .utpe1. ni.1 IJ'OWI mid they bite. TMY at&acfr )'OU by a1r &Dd by land. Bat,-,... o1 all, U.ey•n •al your IOCU rlcbt o.,t from )"OQI' .... ' They're tbat ldDd ol team -toqb, talmted and aqpremely conftdtnt al1D09t to ti.. polDt ol ec?cklMiu. I . : TlllS OOVLD BE tbe bettnntn1 ol a aew football (tynuty, comparable to tbe Green Bay PJck.en &eam of tbe late Vioce ~bardJ, Don . COMMENTARY Sbula'a macnwcent Miami Dolpblna comblnatloD ol G~a·Kilck! the four-time cbamJ!: Pittsburlb Steelen and Dallu' dlldplined le \ldde.r Tom Landry. · "The year of tbe tiger," Kary Brown, wife of Gl!oer&l Manaaer Paul Brown, yelled u abe exit.tel from an elevator after the Bea.tall' lmpreuive rM victory over the San Dieao Cbarcen SUnday for the Ameri~an Football Conference championship. Now Oftly the Super Bowl in the SUv~me, o u htde ·D e troit , stand between tbeae oi;ance-strlpecl terrors and complete redemption. . ·'We were the dre11 of tbe feaiue, and now we ~ somebody," said Reate Williama, tbe f.C>, 2io-pound linebacker. ''We will always be some~. ; "We always bad g.&lent but we never believed in ourselves. Now, thanks to the bard work and dtscipline that Coach Forrest Grecc imposed on us, we have confidence. We are t.oeetber. We are a t .. m:· "And we're coing to be bard to beat." ,. I • TBA'!! WAS EVIDENT in the AFC Ulle same played in .\fctlc cold and numbine wind under the most miserabfe of coadit.loea. ~ ! Led by the NFL'a supreme quarterback Ken Andel'S(lll, a .cordon of s~ftncered receivers and a. hard·bilt&M, opportunistic defeue, they hardly committed iij error' OD a day tbat was made for miatek~~· · "' 111eanwblle, they bad the Cberlen couchlnl up tile ball ~t the came. San Dleco lost two of its four fumbles and bad two puses inter~ed -four turnovers that proved costly. "Thla la a team that thrives on turnoven," one loqtime Bengal critic said. "It pla)'I for enemy mistakes and then pounces on them." The Bengals all year have been a team that will wrench the ball from you or steal an errant pass and proceed to cram that ball down your throat They will require a lot of reckOftinc by San Franclaco'llt the Super Bowl two weeks hence. Tbere-•was a poi.ctan\ scene in tbe dreuiq room ~llie pine. .. ' AHDEJlSON, WHO CO•PLETED 14 of 22 passq (or 161 yards and two touebdowna wiU. fingen Uke icicles· in the numbtn1 cold, a potted Btown, the old coach who now la the Beqala' front-office boss. · "Coach," he said simply, extendina, a froaen right band. ·•Kenny.•• replied Brown, and the two embraced. Tears welled in the eyes of tbe old cutmlidgeon, who directed Cleveland teama to four All-America Football CGnference and three NFL tttles before the o:ierger that spawned the Super Bowl. "We made it," "1iderson said. Brown nodded. "The boy really bung ~." the old coach said afterward. "Be took a lot of abuee but be didn't let it get him down. I am proud of him." Brown added that be was equally pl"OUd of the whole team Without stntllnc out the hard·runn.lq Pete Jobmoo, wbo bulled 80 yardl, and Cbarlea Alexander OT those muveloua receiven, Dan Bou and Cl'i8 Coll)nS'f'Ortbl and the anon1mou1 offeDllve line and great defensive~· ••1 cpi•t see bow Keu wu able to tbrqiw the ball." said wide receiver lauc Curtia. "Be ahowed me a lot of cuts. But this ia a cut.ay team." ·lllTl·mTlll DOROTHY 0 . McCC.Mtar .MOITUAt•S Leguna Be1ch , 49+94tS Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Jvar\ Cep1strano 495-1776 H&llQIUWM-MT. OUYI Mortuary • Cemetery Cte~tory ,. 1 1625-Gisler Ave . • , Costa Mesa ~5554 CON,IDINT - CinclMati Bengals Coach Forest Gre81 says hia ~am is now confident of itself, •Dd "we're going to be hard to beat." Huskies, UTEP to meet .... _. ;:p-J~OJ·~~== -· • .,.. ... .... .. ...... ,...,,• .... • ~"== =-~.:;•-T.,,,, i:Mr .. Ts\~\• .tTA~I r·.,~~cc ..;,-&.::' .... .._ .. .._ .. _.fl..,.~ ................. ..-.·,..,,._. NO.A·1H.... ._.,._.7~ ......... --. . . • ..-·;~-·-·., Offlcie• Terr.,c.m--.u... T o a I I h • I r a , ~• .. ,.,.ON~• ..... • ._ ...,... 111 .. .,_ " • c.11y ,..... ..... 11 ......, " • ben9'lcferlt1 creditors ., ... 1""*' .... ,.,, • .. .,...... .,.Aft9l ~"·. · ....,_fl o.-. ~ ..... • ..,....._ , ..... ,~ .. t•ue -..ca ...... .._.._....., c ... ..,..... _ _... ~ ,......_ ,., ............ and contingent creditors Of .......... 8W9'.c., E ... c:.tMft.•..,...-• .. ...,• ,_....._._,.... .... John O. Prince -"d ,.......o-....c....Oll9¥--. . =: .,__ .. .._"....,..~~°""fl car... c-e¥ .. f)trsona wtto M•Y •• ,_,.,._ ""' ...... ·~ .......... WIU. JM.I,.. . ... ......... ........ ·-I --·---------~ ......... "°' •te611 l•U. AT PUILIC AUCTIC* TO fl-0 nlr'll'nM n•res..u n ~n• 1r =::::.-=:.:~~..:MIO"'" ••DD•• POil CAIN ........... Or .... ;c .... Oelly wlll and/orHtate: ---• ...., ,.., .... • ._ • .... '" ._... ......_ ... ..,fl.".-........ A petition hat been flled ... ---------..=..~• ~U! :::r.:r::.U:---.-:'C:..: .._ ... by Jack Pr•nu In ttte NOTIC•OflO•ATMOI' ~· ......... --.. =-. iiC c.My CINI• -· ..... • ..... .... .. ,superior C4Uf1 of Orano-• s s..s T " 0 M A • _, ... ..,......,_..:... .. iw..-...................... Ci»unty 1'~tlng ttfa~ CALLAWAY AND 01' •n ....... ....._ ...... c.w.. ,,......., .... ....., ~ ... Jack Prince ._ "'*nted • ........, a.• .. ti• A.a.., rteM. -. _. ....._. ...,.. • "::='::.=:t' •• pertonlt r...untauve I' • T I T I o N T o -.... ---.·---· =..-:=:,:.:..---....=c:-..:: TM ...... ,,.. .. ,_ 11 •••"•to •dmintsw1he esta• of ADMINISTa• asTAT• " ..., .,.. ....._ -. ..u ..,_ c...My_. .._,...... M!Mtl•: J-D p..-(•.-.. t"" 0. A·11t~. ..... .......................... PA8'Ca&.11 . OILCOll AHOCIA'UI ... ,. vnn • ·-........... r ... T 0 • I I he J r ~ c.-..., • ..,....~ ... ' TNt..,... fl LM ..a"..._,. .,... .. a..."a.....,CAtMtt. I n d • P • n d e n t 9 flcla le •dlt I ~,. .... ._. ... ._ ... 111 • C1tY • c:.e. ....., T..._. J, ...-. "" ---~dmlnlstritdon of Est.at" ene r s, er 0 ,... .................... .., .. c....ey"Or-.. --"~Aw ~MllA.CA...,, a t) T-~tlon'• tf andcontlngentcredltonftf ~fl--. ........ ~ ............. _...........Ttii\ ...._ 11 _......., • "'c · ,.~ "-.. or Jease Thomas C•ll•••V ,, 11 .. ..,....., "••flw ....... ....., ..... ~. tte•rlng In Dept. No. 3 at and -sons Who may le o.-. ....,, """· Oftic. fl .. a-ev ...,_." • ,,._.,, . ...., 700 Ctvtc Center Drive, -· ,,.,.~ Of' ... ee.r.-.c,... • ...._.i Tlltl ...... _...., .-.. 'Wttt, In the "'" of s•nte otherwl• Interested In the :t'=-•••• .. ••• •* • H•111 ... tlll• C-'Y c_.. ., Oteilt c:.-. • A ft• c • l ff 0 T n 1 a 0 n 1¥111 end/pr ntete: _.... 11erteiwe1ter1y lltM••f H iii 111, OK.at,""· ,. F-a.. ' J l"2 It 9:30 A petition~ been fie.cf .....,......... . ••••~ ...... ..._......... a -ruarv ' • by B•nk of America .. ---.•--· ......,. -"_....., ..._, "'*'-"._.C......, a.m. ..,_ ~~--..... u ,, , ................ Je11.1.n. ... -.• lF YOU O&l&CT to the N•UONI Trust .. --"'"'' ,~...._ :::..:'!!:::.::~ -:.r: ,':!~ .. granting of ttte· petition, Ac11octl•Oft1on01n the sucperl~ :T,llMl~CllMllWty,..... .., ..................... ~·-·. .... you should .. thet-appear our ranr oun., JM. • tt." ~ ........ .._. w• , .. ,,., .._. •l tt\e hNrlng ,.Ind state requesting the Bank of ._.. ,_.... ...... wo •••"' ,.~....... your o~ectlon& or file America N•tlon•I Trust Na.I ma , ... ., .... llt/ --......... "' .... tTAT9MllfT & Savi-·-~1atlon ....... ----------t .H ... , Hrellel wltll tll1 Tiii ........ ..,_er• ..... Written )KtlonS With the appof;;t-ed":sperson-ll ...,..,....., ••., MW •1 IMllt4I -..-.. : court before ~ he•rlng. N•u'""':S~'!:"':!:':.. .. w•n....., u•..et ._. .., ..... •• w & L c " • A;+ 1 v R Your appearance may be rep resent at Ive to ... ,r .. Tr~•_.,_, CM•t ::...-.:-.. ~ --:.~,":.':::.: :!::~:"'!1~\.: In person o r by your •dmlnl1ter the estate of Cetl'l8Mltlltf~01*1cte1or-..,.1 ,..._. :.•0111:'.t,,.,.... ._. ~-. .. · attorney Jesse Thomas Caltaway ~· CelMlnl6a.,.... ~ = .-.. ., .. ,,,., 11 ..... 1111 ........, ~ ~ . ....., IM., • 1 F v 0 u A R E A (under;_.. the Independent -u' " 111• •·"'" __ ,, .,....,.._ ~..,.._ ~~. ,.. c.... . Admfni5tratton Of Eat.tes .._,., ». ,. et 1111 ='= mice•~ .. ....._.,..,,, ,.. ,_. ...... uas, w9141..-Hl111. u C R E 0 I T 0 R o r a Act) The petition Is set for F Ji.p •·-·&et.es OeNrtlMfll ti...,, ...... .._" .. ,..,. "*"· . contingent creditor of the · ro• -._.... .. ,.,. ..,... •-· ~ PA8'CtL2: Tiit• ._.... 11 ,..,.. .. ., • deceased you must flle hearing In Dept. No. 3 at Rose Bowl winner =:-;.,~~=-== ..,:==:-::~~4:: c.,...-=-..c:. your claim with the court 700 Civic Center Drive, Un l v er s l t Y of ter: e11111tw•11e11r n s.e1 '"' •' '"• ~ .. ,rte. or present It to the West, In the City of S.nta Was bin 1 ton bas "u"~~.~~ .. ~~ o"~"o:,.~~~= =:~3:-::cr ':~ ~ personal represent•ttve ~ nba , Ca~ I ~~n Ila,~~ m ana1ed to find a c.oASTcou.eoaeoocsr0tte --.... . ., 0r.,...~ 11_., ,,. .......... -,..., ...,. 11111 appointed by the court a ~ruary • a · 1ubstitute opponent to •11.._ ..... 111~wi111 ca11..,....., .. ,., -,_.. ... c-it• °""., o.-.. c-tJ ... within four rno.f'fM from · · open the 1982 football '"' •t• ,..,"' i1111ruct1••• '" ._. •. P ... a .. Mlec•11-J1111. •· •• the date of fir« tuu.nce IF YOU OBJECT to the seas~ -the University =--,.:.ie::.:.!:"~":-~'*: ~ .. ':..°!':,., ... c.uMJ "",., ...... OH,... c ... ."=: of letters as PrOVlded In grant~ of the petition, ofTexaa-ElPuo. :,:.1ce•.::~~fl .. :!C.::~r"''" '"''llH• :'·J-•t.~,..a. • Section 700of the ProNte !futti'e ~rr.::a~,JP!:~~ Tbe Hustles wUJ play aec11 ': _.. ....,. wttll"" A.Uo UUPT . ~ IJltlt Code of Catlfornl•. The your obJectlons or flte U T E p at Hu a lt'y * • c.ellllllt'•'o.Q. certlftM dllcll. _.~, .. :: ..,... .. ff,, , fmJC ma time for flllng ctalms will written objections with the C!•-dium .. _. Sept 11 ., .....,..,~~~ .. !! .. , .... ._., .. .,.., .. ,, t7u1 ' not expire prior to four court ._.ore t""-""-ring oi>"4I ._.... • • .-"---·~-............ .............. eu11 months fr0tn the date of ...,. '"" ,,_ · uw Athletic Director Dlllrlct ... ,. of TrullMI Ill Ill Tll• ,,, .. , .... , ... •11• ..... , ":."M.,...-:.r· the hearing noticed above Your appearance may be Mike Lucie said. :::"' .. :.".._"".:,.~s:! --••ltlllt*. "•r,.... , ............. ,.,_ .,.. ,...,.. YOU MAY EXAMINE In person or t>y your • UTEP -•• ..., , .. , •' ... "' ... ,,._. ....... 1' ..._... attorney ' At bl et i c .....,., wt11 ~ .,... ,._ .-....-,_..,,.. • .. : ., Oltle tt.. c-. suNtM1NR MOM• cLllAN•N• the file kept b'( the court. · Director Ed Swartt c-tract " .. -11 ._....." ....... CA.it. H•v•c•.:2 H•••r• circ••· If you are Interested In the 1 F YfO U ARE A inf Mlft. 111 •...,... °' fellln "...., ni. ~..,_ TNMI ............ .............. ,c....a C R E 0 T 0 ~ o r • ormed me be siped 111teaa~ett.uw.,-cao111111111 MY,....., .. ,.,._._,..._., ,,... tc • ........_, .. .....,. estate, you may file a contl-t credltor of the the ·contract and lt ia cllecti w111.w ,........, ., 111 .. COM 111e .,. ..._.., .._ -circt•. *' • ..., INCll.ce. "'47 request with the court to . ._... . be · o1e-..,u.fllll_..,..,.,.., ..... ....-.N....,,IMWll........ "''"" llkG•Mnhnir. un receive •-lal notice of deceased, you must me in& sent," said Lude. ,.,...... ....... ._ .. kt. · SaW..,,.,.... ........ ..,. wttMut ....,....t1R1a.11 • I....._ c.. --~ your claim ~Ith the court UTEP steps in for ... ~_.....,_ .. .,...., cr1e11011t., •en'Mt.•.' •llpnM., ~ • ...._" _..._.;.,. the Inventory of e state or l)resent It to the. FI or id a St ate :..:°::':.:::W...=::::,::"9' ,_...,,,....,....._,.......-,., ......,.._ assets and of the petitions., personal reprdentatlve University, wblcb T11e...,..,rr--.-.. ;c.,:-:-::..::,~ '™'=..*=",......., .. accounts and reportsappolnted by the court II iw1v1 .... ., ro1«t1t11 _, .,...11.,. .,. ulll Dllll" T,...._ _.. ,...,.... c-" ~•Or-.. c:-M'f .,. described In Section 1200. within four months from--origin• y bad been ., , ....... .,_, lr,...utorni..., IMNM, ........................ >. ~........ of the callfomla Probat the date of first lssutnce s c b e du led to p 1 a y 11tterlfta11t1oe •~ e11r M• ., 111 t111 .,,,_.., " .., ...., .. ..,_ ot P'u.M Code . f 1 tt ,........... 1 ' W bl t tb t ........._ ui. a..., T.W..-., ~.,,. ~ °"*"' c.. DlllY "*" · o e tf'S as prov.....u n a S nc on 00 a HOftMAN E. WATSON ,...,_. _, .. 1rwm _. ot 1111 OK. 22, It, "91, '-S, tt. ,_ M1l4'I Section 700 of the Probate date. Florida State said ._...,..,, vwttc,......., .... Ollll.,Tnoet. Thorpe, Sulllvan, Code of Cafl~ornla The l·t would-ttoo much to 81erdetT.--. T ... ,.,.., ~ .. ttM ..... _., -Workman & Thorpe, ~1 f fill I I . Ill ~..,.. c....~,., .... _." • 1"1•UeM .. ..,.. .., -.__, -·~ Attor,.eys at Law 41 ' me or ng c • ms w travel to Seattle · and, CoMee&D1•1tt ""'~"._..,.,.._...,., t ·""•-Bl d not expire prior to four instead, scheduled a ~0r-.c-. o.1i, .._HU••••• co1t1, ••.-11• .. •11• PtCT1nouteu1t••M .lSIOOf", • W 1-• " month$ from the date Of lame ,..,_, _ _. Southern "°"· s. ti,,.. tlNI .,,_ ........... ., ... "'"'" llMla ITAftlllltUft LH A"9eln, ca. t01'7; th ... I otl -........ -~· 1---------""-l ..,..1cetia11 ., .. Hollo ., .... 11 Tll• ••11-1,.. .-r-11 ••••• tel· (%13) .....,,. e ,.,.ar ~ n c-.. a.,.,.,e. Illinois University in flaJC.. ,, .. ,ns... ........ .. : . YOU MAY EXAMINE Fl ida Tll• .., tldliry ...., ..._ o...., lltlRH&.a8' 1NTUNAT1<>tfAL..,. ,........, Or COMt oao, ,.. the file kept by the court. ~~e did not bave an PtcTtnouuuse••• !:.~~~·:~ ~,••c:~·~ ~~=·St* i.a • ...._. Jon. u , 11, "· ,;r H vou are Interested In the ...,_ITATIUMMT o.c1.....,., Dtllallts.., ~ .... •· 11t11Her,.., Llclo P..-estate, you may fife a opponent and needed to Tll• ....... 11 ... , .. " ,, ... " • .., .......... _,.._ ""'" ., =· ..... i.e: • ....,.,. ..... Ca. ' flaJC ma request with the court to f i l l our 11 ·I am e ~~ PftOOUCTtONs, .. , :.:.::: =._ ~ =:ice"": TM• ....._. 111 c_..., .,., .,. · receive special notice of schedule," be said. "f w..W,Hwttt SllN91Kll.C..'*7 Dita.fl 91111 ............ , .... IM\"flllllf· PtenTIOUIWW the Inventory of estate, was scared to death w.... J. seo11 111 ..... •-. ....,.. ...... ~ ........ ,... ........ 11t......, ...,.ITA'NMlllfT assets and of ~ petltic)fts.# we'd be the only major itur11AS1• a.dl.C..11MJ ~ .. ......._ ""' - -,. ... w11t1 1111 Tll• ........... "'-1' ..... ltc counts and reports Collele in the -·-try """ ....._ 11 ----., • o.te: ~u. "°'. c:-tJ Clet1l ., 0r....,. c-.ty "' ~.~ ...... ......., aiw.. described In Settlon '200.S .,_ ..,,.._, R-.., bc,_ c.er., ~M. ,_,, .... ...,. 8leCll ca._, fll.. witb a 10..l(ame schedule ...... '-'"' 11..W'hwece ,.,,,.. LMttl c. --........... Dr of ne canfornla Probate S T1lll .....,_ -,.... wttt1 .. , NL "*-k ,....... 0-..... c...i Diil•,.... c.-•,.,., o..a ~ Code after Florida tate c-ty °""" o..,... ClllMJ.. Umie--.CA-o.c.tt.11W,,,_,.,ft.tt.1•tsu•1 TIWa .......a .. ~..,,. · r-, backed CIUL" ~ 0.Ci ..... a4, "'1. tnlt W ...,....... 1 ,.,,_ e,w.-.. ..alllll l ~c..... ...MIY & .......,, ..... UW bml IOed P'lortda ......... °'*'511c-et0elt¥...,.. ,.......,o-.c.-Oell'I'""'-T• ......,.._....., ...... c. Penney, Atto~al State, ....,"I bl'eaeb of o.c.tt.""·-'-'·1t.",._ SS6Mt o.c.tt,"51,JM.s.u..-...., NOTICE OF DEATH OF t::._ci;;"t#..°' .... c:-.., •Law, 3471 Yta I: e, coatreet and Lade 1ald Na.I 1111( CMA•LES DUHAN AND ;,...... c-i o.1"': ... WJ!llf1 ~ C.. ; tbe cue Uould come to Pia& ll1ll 0, p. TIT I 0 N T 0 ~-=:-......... tt. ... "'..., let: (114> .-1120 •• trial wltbln three· or four fllCiili_._.... ADMINISTER. EST.AT•. ~ °" c.. OellY Het months. Tbe fact tbat .,...atATUUT CASE NUMBER A·lU.... _..... _,..,tt.J>.tt,1::f' _.., UT EP came to the ...::.::-' .... ,.. .. ••tte 'WIA resc~ bu no effect on Tu INT91t,..isa. en w.-. tbesult.,beHid. • ~-=-~~ ... UTEP was 1·10 Jut ..._._,Clmtlt...._,c....... season, wttb ita oalf win -:.. ......_ ta _..._ .., 1111 comin1 acatmt West.em ....... , Athletic Conference ,..... =:...~'f ... """ .. rival Colorado State. C-ty Ctlft ef 0rOft91 c:awity "' The Minen recently Olc>ottlW.. ..... "',... hired a dew coach, BUI .......,. 0r ... c-i °"" ......_ Yubg of West Texas D1c.n.1t.t111 • .-. .. s,ta.~ ... , State, and will have a new coacblnc staff In 1 1982. Yung was 7-3 at --,.-ICTfTIOUl---eutM--.. --------------• West Te!taa State lb.la •MIHTATlllMllT season, bis fifth year aa Tiie , ........... ,_ 11 ..... llYllMW•: ~---------· bead coach. LAU8'1!TTI! P .. OOUCTS, "" Paterno, Patriots talking?, 8e11M St., """ I, Caet.e Miu, CO. ""t.oren1 Miff'-a-tt, -•u-nAw.,.C-..Mltl, C:...fa.a Tllb .......... ta aMuC1N ., M ...... ~,..,.... ........ Tllll1.......,..,._ftloll __ llll C-ty Cllrtl ef Or ..... ~ "' OocamWa."91. ---"~ ........... Or ... CMt1 Dell'( ...... OK. 2'.! "51, JM. s. tt. 1', , ... S577•1 Pia& .. flUlllll IUN-~Ofoftla ITA'N Of'CAU ... •1• PlaSmm . ' . ,, . t . 1· :~ I•· : . WASHJ.NdTON <AP> -One man la watchin1 Gary Cooper as the World War l hero .. Serceant York." Another 1i .. in front ol a screen 1howlo1 ~udolpb Valentino in ~·Tbe Sheik." Tbey are part of 'a select audience. about 2,000 to 1,000 people • Y..-,_. many parts of lb• •i!:· at an unlmual .... 8Cl'Oll tM street fMtn 1lle pit.or. Tl" thee~ la a viewinl room. of tlte motion l'!ctm'e divil6o6 ol the Ubrary of Cong:reu. .. w •. •tarted eut lit the late ueo .• with OD e I or two machines," says Paul C. Spebi. actln'.1 division chief. "We bad-'l.5 or 20 people a year. Now you may have to book three or more montba in advance." u you're thlokinr of .spaktng an appointment to aee one ol those btt musicals you mlased, however, you can forcet it. Befere you can UTaqe to use one ol the six vie-1.nt mac.blnes, you 9'ate to Ntiaf)' the staff that · Y~_ ~l "qed in a le11timat.e r-..rc:n projeet,. SP*' aaya most people wbo uae Uae vlewlnc rooms are 1-tudyln1 Ute history or tecbnique of fllmmaldq, but tbey are also belo1 used i.DaeUinctY by biatoriana and aoctal sdentiN seeking fnltgbta from old ftlm. ' · Altboulb scho)arlf lntereat in motiaD pictures la fairly receot, tbe Ubrar1 received its tint film, made by Thomas A. ldboa, • ._,.., aa 1m. The. troaMe la that altbou1b ~ llldle• It WU reeeiYed, nobocl.J bu ~ able to flnd Ute Edi.IOll mm. Spebr aaya. • Tbe okleat fllm tbe library can find on band la a lO·aeeond ae1ment abowiD6 Fred Ott. an asistant to F.dlaon, aneHiJll. The library also received a large collection ol paper prin'8 of films made before 1911. Since prints on pa~er canttot be projected ooto f screen, tbme were later repbot.olJ'8pltecl oa m~ 1an:', ~ . .Ubreo-._· Jewish da, camp. ftt~ .. tla · 1e keep cme • _..1 copy ol wbateftr ftlma tt .... ' meeting .... .,.. from tlloae li&bmtti·ed· fo-r copyrilbt. P~ later.ted la ....ttn1 Spebr aaya the 8*aff ~ lbe1r ~to I Jewtllt da7 moat of tbe feat•re tUaa c,-.p for tbe 1ummer are CO~rilbted ~ ffai', a .-e lttfibllll ~ a p18DDIQ& ~ettinl _. ._-nm cff telntaioa SaadQ at tbe La1ua Niluel f a .r e , and e a m p l ea of Jtfme.._ol Davtd and Sheila Olnm. . edudtlaaal films~ Tbe 7:30 .......... at *45 Ana Many works bave since been Ilaria Lane la apc)oaored I>) the ac4 uired to fill In tbe l•P Jewish Com~wlity Cent.er for between 1112 ud 19'2, a rich Soutb Orange County. For 100rfJ 30-year period hJ the biatorf ol iDformation call 07·2Cn0. the movies. For example, the collection . now contains SS of the filma ol Ronald Reagan, all but a..,. a h-.If dozen of Uie tbe,trleal features tbe pre&ldebt •made during bia acliJll cll(eer. . Other treasures ln tb,. ri\ws a.od rows ol fllma ca'na Include: -"The Ma-.ic Cloak ot Os," directed by L. J"rank Bavm. better known as t.be author of the Oz books than u a movie mo1u1. - -Television c.\>rnmercltls. aome as abort as 10 aeeoods. -A 1914 version of "Cinderella."" -A 1985 fllck c!.aled "l Sailed to Tahiti with an.All-Girl Crew." Spebr aays o( that one ... If 1 bad Deputies fired to dispose of aometbtlll, it would be bip OD m7 list.'' t As for X-~t.ed pornoO"apb.J. Spebr aaya, "We do coll~ it because it la Nit .o( tbe morl• industry. but. we ar. wer7 aelectln." .... SAN DIEGO (A~} -Two sheriff's dep\lttea have been char1ed wltb wounding a motorist after an 1r1ument wbil• oft dut.Y and pvu DOt1cel of dlamlaaal fl'Om the force. It •. I, :. I r. :. ,. , ·' ':. } . ! :. r :• :. .. .. .. . .. /\ . . . : . ·: I ! . .. ~ • .• ' • '. i : ! . j • I I '. I I '·.' 1 ·; I • :. . • I~ , . . ~ . ·. i ' ' ,. ' 1 !' ··. ~ t 1, I l. {· . '" . .. ~· ... ... I• ~ ~ , .. ·, r: .. • .. :~ CllSSIBED INDEX 11 ... YtiratCll . 142-5171 -"tiMW!i .~= .... , <. : Nil..,_.1 Moffet: .,.... ttMti -All real est 11te ad t==:-: v ert ued 1n thl a ~ a newspaper ls subJett to . 1 the Federal F11lr Hous· J: ttt :_ lng Att of 1968 whh·h • .-.c...wr--makes It <ttlegal to ad· ~.:!.\· 1• vertise "1ny preferent•e. 5=.:.0::: : limll•tlon. or d is ..... ..._... J: ,~rlmin1tlon bued on u mm r1u. r otor. rellg,ion. ~,... . sex, or national origin. '~ r. s'.'ii . .. . .:: or an Intention to make C::::...~, :: any such preferenl'e, ~r;zc,.,,u •. U11 Ii mita t 1on, or d 1s THE REAL ESTATERS -TU0110U1n Owner will irade )Ii& equity In 2 year new con· do for 3 or 4 Bdr home In ao o d Or . C t y nd&hbottwlod. 7Sl·31t1 " . c::. I ' ~ 1.11 -=======-1 UGUNAHIUS Nellie Gale Ranrh 4 Br. COMI WITH US ••• TO UMCHO SAM JOA9UIN. Great opportun ity . Fabulous view of golf course and greenbelt. Two bedrooms and den. End unit. Flexible financing. Price just reduced $15,100. NOW $199,900. . 1617 WISTCU" DI. N.1. 4 Ba. t•ustom 180 degree ---------------• view. Bright It theery. 1.1~~ • <'nm1nahon " I~~~..--= . !5 NO ON, equll) shire, lst DESERTED ~""""' This newspaper will not hrrt' buyers. 3 bd . I ba . -=~"-.'!. . e knowingly atl'ept any only .... 000. prin. only ·~-~"'Pru .· .-._ 1dvertising for real Call631-40UKathy agnt. __ .,11...n estate whil'h is In viol11- 1 ~.,-c~~.. · • uon orthelaw. EASTSIDE o.ie1si......, : PATIO HOME ._ .... ,waa.o...... "9t --------1 A serarate home OD t:lC:::~=:e· .. : -as •L--..llt smal lot 3 Bdrm. 2 IOW.S ~ : . .._.,.,,wnHn bath, br1rk rirepl1ce, .__,.,....... ,.. ~ dteck fta-1r od1 super pm•ate and rlean. · ....._ u.,_... · · mt cWy cmd ~rt er-Owner will help finanre. ·ES::e:r• 5 Nn '-clatety. Tltt $139.500 Cal l now, MISAVEIDE! Only lm.900 bargain! Va1·1nt ! Owner wants out' Quiet tree-lined street. 3 Bdrm 2 bath. fa mily room. brick fireplat·e Walk to all "1ol>l>in&. cau for more detafts. 546.2313 loads oC Greek ma rblt, pool sit~ 1ard . 4 u r &arage. ~.000. Jensen &c Co. 759·!J706. 644·5742. Bluffs. Lease option. 2 br. wide greenbelt. $139.500 Blu, SM.0134. ,......._ rw. DAil Y PILOT .. ._,646-l!'!1!1!11P.11!11!!!!11~~ ... ' f"~ § ~.!:' i!~,:r.! tlWlt-ST1P--s·1·0-1E-Ac_H_1 1 a=,..~~.u.i . : 10%~ilMIA•all THE P.EAL ESTATERS ' . ' !!-.•...... ---------Go11:eous 4 br aetailed .............. ... 12% =:,..~·· u.1t HoMMsforSale PRO home t blk from cx·ean v..-._. -IATESALE! on F EE taod onl> ._. .. ..,.. = •••••••••••••••••••••• A fantaslll· 4 Bdrm. 2 S299.000 759-ISOJ or UHICj)UEIM I·~---m G.etd 100 story home with a 7521irll 1 OlD'"~delMor ~~ -I ~ ............. -••••••••t••••••••••••• magn1r11·ent II\ ing. Elegant, 1·ompletel~· r<'.' f: ... ~.. .. -= VACANT famiJy area. Firephm.>, 110 D.-et ! rmdeled. 5 BR. Jrµk's, 4 _ country kih•hen 12'. Oc & lo I BA -lb.e be•t uf 1•\·er """·....,... . . -I.._. THE ILUFFS r e. ~ • tw • r-" inaod ng a\'ailable. Call vthinu $625 000 fee llSIUS,lfMSf. F1n~astk terms-owner for more deta il s CLIFFHAVE Fan·· .. · llJfT l'MlllM'( l"'ll i·arry at 13.5', or S46-2Jl3 tast11· \ 1ew from this 3 br Ulllilil()Uf OOMl:I ..... ~.r-Yt'lll <'OllSider lease op· l~I ~I ext'\·u111 e home on FEE Re ·1 ..._. • ...., . . = lion! Highly upgraded ! I land ! Perftt•t for eater , 1 tors.675..0000 ---~·1 -'frina model. Oak plank·~ ~ ta1ning ' S6SO.OOO ltx· =-:-i-~ . = Ing and wood.shutters.d _\~ d u&1ve l. 7S9·1SOI orf•-------.._,w...._-...... ·-New t'arpe t ! Only 752·73'73. NEWPORT STAITEI 1 ...,.._Piffit~ • fl48.~. Call 673·8SSO MOW IS THE TIME Rart thant'e to own a POSlllS llflf ~ for job seekers to check \'.Omfortuble 3Br-2Bil A-.-lJST-' ,..~ . ·-~1£il;q W!n~~11~~N::ti!~1.~ ~. ~r'> v~~.9~~ 1c:~ cw,_ --the job you w1nt is not Walker & Lee Reel ( stet11 'S ~ IS QI IA&o!Noiic.i =~-------there you miaht <'On· ._,.,. sa ,.,_,... . ,. Cauntrv Channer s id~r ofreri,ng your !!!!!i!!!!'ll!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!llllll!!!~ lorialCMlao. • L<icli"e(Cirf the backbay serYJces with an ad in --- RCTc1ylor Co ' I ~..... 54111 area. this 3 Bdrm home th e J o b W a n t e d SELL idle items with 1 ~ lrrirllllr«l~(S _ has been highly up· category. Phone 642-5618 ~Y Pilot Classified •-.---·--•, --ru• IMIUN graded Fresh pa ml m • 1• U1rurr•U1T & side & out a<'<'e nts the ~ff..a:l::a:R:aJDa PllPAHTIOtf t a s t e f u I u s e 0 r • '"' 'L-=-··-.,. wallpaper New rarpet. '.!y• ·~~· , ~~ ....,w-=:1t·., · ;:; greenhouse window and l·~ • IEICNANllSE new kitchen <'Ciumertops ..,... -· are some or l h e ~ -amerutles Assume low -= w~~-·-= lnterest loans and owner ~•~.. :. will belp finance..Asklng c.tt . . -prire sm.soo. Dip ..... -,.,.. .. v.. . - flmlll>n .. . -Oor1115.ia aa ...... --....we--_,_, -lMllott . . MS 111..-.Y -=::::.""' .. = lhlkal I...,_.,.,. . -om.. ...... Eotul• . -,.., . -"-•Oru•. - I ..... ~ -~ ... = tr....ain.a-: 9'AJS & IHllNf ElllPMOIT 0--11 ... 1Mu,ll-1$ot.rin ==i:.i· ...._._awur ......-· ~°""" --........ai .......... TIMSNITA Tllll ••• ---------Alttral\. •. • 1111 COSTA MESA STARTER Only S12S.OOO! Assume $81.(XXI 1n loans at $832 monthly Own er will <'arry. Family room with cozy fireplace! 3 large bdrms. Sparkling <'ond1t1on ! Hurry . u ll 673-8550 ~.s.111•• tlJt _.r1c ean . . -• .. -------i llilloi'C)1111. ........ "'Y --.U. I ' ...... lbu.Sllel.. .. t'ra..i tlll Ullkr . -s..talhna -UTMllU ci...i .. :..... . ..••• .-U.-JClaula, ....... -· Eev..i.i. ... -a-1•• -0n-.... T-u ..... -.v-....... .• . . .. -L= =-MRS.•PMTEI O..al.......... •. . fl9I A111a-o "°' AWi.. . .... . .fl91 _lit., . tlW UW.... flU Olfrl ...... .. fill ~..,. .. ml Da&Mii". I • ·:: , ............... -Pia\........ ...... .ms ..... • • '' .'111 ~=.:::: .. ·: .. ·::= iCWWMOIHa. . ...mil .............. .. .. rlll .... -; ... ,.. • f1JI .................. ~· . .sl• 110 '1G LUXURY DUP LEX. SO. OF HWY Two spaCICl'.11 3 Br 2 Ba +den units. Upper has mini·vu o( ocean. Laundry space in ea<'h unit. Adja<'eot. to Irvine Terrace. $449.~ Cou OF ND1IOR't MAL TOM 1111a.c... ... ,. c.-... .. &75-1511 lll<UI • ... ,,.. ti,.! .. . • .... -·-. .fl4' -------,.... ....... ..... flff ,...... . . -.......... • . f!Jt ...... .. fl» 11111a.yo .me ............ .. .. ...:: ..... • .. • • • '1111 .... . ... .•. na ........ = =~"~ ... .': .... ::: •o a-./,,. ,, ........ ..... If Jt's got wheels you'll move it faster in a Dally Pilot ctassiftld ad.tall 642-~71- a fritftdly -vllorwiH httpyautwn yowwtte111 ,. Into ta"'" .. Two Main Parts! CUSTOM W /VIEW One is easily n1ptiva ted b)I this 01•1•an anci bay vu homt' atop 1h1• Bturrs in Irvine Tt'rra1•e. lcl~al for lll1i\'e (amily hvtnJt or gral'ious ~ntert111n1ni:. the lloml-hosts 4 Bdrms. 3 Ba. pool. ao11rmet ~itl'hen and hlllS ullr• modern 11ppliant•cs. brh k rt oo rs. oak 1·i1bi~ and l>a\' :ind I sea \"U brealcfalt' area fri1•e 1975.000 and ~ ou own the land Owner will finarn:e. IOGEIS lliLTY 675-2111 -CAllERH UVIMG! Tired of y ar!I wurk ~ Need a new life style? you will love this im· marulatr 3 be4 room t'Ondominlum. Dluo,·er • hOW easy it would be for you 10 have a t·arerree lift. for only St34,950. . \ .. CWsK ~ 'J [ALTY 67S.J41 I DUPUI COIOMA DB. MAI Spa<'ious 3 bdrms. 2 bath duplex just z blol'ks r rom s h o pp i n g . Fireplal'es, Separate garnges. pri vale patios. deluxe th~houl. Best duplex buy in town .at $319.000 Ex(,'e llerit financing. A Division of Harl>or Investment Co. 31EDIOOM STARTER ... Only $130,0001 Woodt and streama surround this <'barmlnj Co st• M~u sarden home. En~losed p1tlo. 3 ur &IU8f1 Sputllng ~I. '1exible &,'""·Just ~t· THF KEA:. L~J lo •r\'~ ;.:R } ------ PIMMSULA HOMIS Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm, 3 bath, mstr bdrm, ocean view $425,000. West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats, remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq.ft . $1,385,000. LIDO ISU H~ R~modeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceilings, $420,000. LN>A ISi.i IAYFIOMTS Main channel view from 4 bdrm, 5 bath traditional home with pool. $1, 495,IXX>. La~ view from 6 bdrm, S bath, playtoom, dllrk nn, den. $1,350,000! CAIMATIOM COYI Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm, 4 , batlr, 2 ~slips S2.~.ooo. BILL GRUNDY . RfALTOR • ... , : • . •. •· r 1 tJ $93,500 13.6% Tenns' Noq ualtfy1nl(' A rantasttt· arrord11 bk home with pnvat')' Co\• ercd entry. formal hv1nii room. added ram1 ly roo m wi th 1>r 1t·k firepla1·e. 3 hu.:1• bcirms. 2 bllths. HI)' pm ate r1• 11r )'ard Pri1·1• onl) Sl.26.$00 641H l1l THE REAL ESTATE RS Placin& ·a-Cluaified;di, as easy IS dialin1 your phone. Give us 1 call We 'll do the rut. SO.M'71 OWMH ANXIOUS Beaullful. lmmat·ulate. nkely lands1·uped 4 Br homt> on 1·ul d e-s a 1· Spa1·1ous rooms View or ._'Olr t'OUrse rrom proper- ty. Owner-a ssis ted finand nf'. Only $139.SOO. Call now. 979.~o ALLSTATE ~ REALTORS Uttle is Big!! Clasaified ids ire really sm1 ll "people ID ~le" sales <'alls with b11 readership and biA:!ult.s ! To place your lfled ad. call toda 642-5678. . RES10£HTIAL REAL ESTATE SEJ!VICES OP8t WIDNESDAY l·S 10141. WIOA '1YD ~POINT CAii COO IA YFIOMT Pier & ~lip . Fee land. Newly constructed 3 bdrm, 2'h baths, 2 fireplaces, security system, fully landscaped, lge deck & glorious views. Tremendous value at $995,IXX>. See taUIY 1HA.._ IN NEWPORT CENTER • 644-9060 ·• 11111 l~llD ID. OVEa S7 YEARS OF SERVJCE .... Balboa "LiWe Island" Water!ron~ W /Sandy Beach. Full Bay View F.,_ Both Units. Upper Wld Mike WOftderful OWner's Unit.. Hu 4 Bl . •.Lower la 3 BR Unit. Lr1 Front Patio. I MIWPOIT llACM DUPlQ owt• WIU. NeAMCI AT 13". 200' to beach. 4 Bedrooms, 2 baths in upi>er; 2 Bedrooms in lower. Some view of ocean. Fireplaces. Patios. $279,600. Owner will carry 1st trust deed d $230,000 at 1.3%. No loan fee. W1SUY M. TAn.ol CO .. UALTOIS • 2111S. ............... MIWrOrr CIMTll. Ml. 644-4910 EXCITING IEEANFRONT CW, 7,.... .W • Meclt wiHI •Hlw l I. 2 M4 •ft• Hilly reettcl .. -1.,,.., ...._ S716,ooo. Oweer w9C9'1.t 12"efof' IO,_... WATERFRONT HOMES, INC . ltEAl EST AT£ s... ~"'-"v ~ CAMI .... MOD8. If UNIVllSITY PAii Totally upgraded and remodeled 3 ·BR with excellent fi nancing available. Features remodeled kitchen. D R & atrium, hot tub, firepit, gas barbeque and more. $159,980 Scott Alston 551-8700 (P51 ) TERRIFIC LOCATION OM CUl,.Dl.SAC Single family 3 BR bo?le newly carpeted, fres hly painted, near all schools and park. $119,995 .. Paula Bailey 642-823.5 (P28) AESlOEHTIAL ~L ESTATE SEAVIC£S ONNER WILL RNANCE ~ raft' •"•rt•alcy fw Crt1Jy 1p.ea.. llvl.llC I• &ra•llle•al ... ,.... .. .. .. ,.,.. ... .. hie. •• ar• pr••••cl•« a ••wly nultM ............... . ~ra•tl preperCI••• A refftMJllC ..... .,.. ms,11a. 'IN NEWPORT CENTER 644!.9060 ••••••••••••••••••••••• RVM~ -·--~ . llVIMI TlllACI 4IOIM·FH •Sunny, light·n-brlghl and new on the market I with bri rk front. side • a nd r ear pati os . . hardwoud parquet noor- 1ng throughout Xlot l0tatton . leis than 100 paces rtom $1 ,000,000 homes . Reallst it•ally pri<'ed at $36.S.OOO with t'Ofl1bination of assuma· ble and owner flnan<'lng Call now 644-7211 . ' . IJ>i '•1rf1 l HI r' • r.. j i:Jl ,\ t ') CDMOUPLEX 700 MARGUERITE , New t'O nstruct1on. , Medit. ar<'hltel'tUrt', •3bdrm & 2 hdrm , $481,000, finan<'inf avail. Owner /B dr : (714)67$.9431. BY OWNER CclM~ Pride ol ownership, xtra wide lot. best loc. Flex. terms Pri<'ed under market S3S9 ,SOO . l ·942·8SIKI. 1024 ••••••••••••••••••••••• GREAT STARTER Reimdeled 2 Bd. lrg lot. $88.900. Bill Kennedy 63M.a&6. qt. MBOMHOUSE 3 Br. 1 Ba. large yard a .ooo .... 641-0763. Agt. MESA YEltDE 3 bdrm. 2bath. frpk . dbl gar age, A·l <'O nd . S~.500. Owner will as· stst in fin an<' mg. ltoy McCordle. lltr. 541-7729 POOL&SPA Great en te rta 1n1ng home . RV sto rage $149.llOO. Bill Kennedy. agt 631-1266 MESAVEltDE TAJCE OVER $139,500 1t 12", ! 4 Br 2 Ba. t·orner lot . A·l rond. Owner may ass.isl. $197 .500. Bier Call now 751 ·0ZOS POOL&SPA Great entert1lnlng homt. RV s tonge $149,900. Bill Kennedy. 63 '• ,,,. R&IM~ sa 1s,qoo E side CM. 2 Bd + l Ba . oak Ooors, frph-. I u r i:w. lrti lot. Owner will finllnl'l' or VA terms. Call Curt Herherts II . 11,'l 63H266 ,. '· ·. i . .. ... ... .. ;. •• ·,. ' •" ,. Or19 Coast DAILY PfLOT(TUffday. January 12, 1982 ~~!!!':';?: ....... \ " ...... ~~ ....... ~~.~...... .. .............................. ~£:.~~ .... ~.~!':~!~~ .... c ==:a l•• ~ .. ~~ .......... .. ... 1044 .... INt ....... ..._, .._..,_ ... ,~ C:...NeN UH ~IHcll 1241 ...... JJ'9 ...................... C .. ...._ !14 11111"'0'"''~0•••.. .... .............. ... S. l I 00 ...................... .-............ ,,,., .. ,, ,, .. ,, ............. ,, .. ,.. 1"'11fc•~•••••• Sl>KiOWI 2 8 21 8 JIO ........... , ... ,.. • .. 1.or, ~ID ... c..do '" YILLA1AU04 ....................... .... ...... l I n . 2 br. fent'«t yd 11r &.e. v t• s br, trplc, b~' ll OCly•rOVmof )'d~l .. nl town ho-·. r "'•••'•Id~ ...................... Euuldt J Br 2 Ba r "'. rv-. "'"' ••umablt c•....i.... •-·I ...... h.&-a.-..ii ••••••u•••••uto••••• IUW. ltlhSt · · hardwd tin. derk. nr 111 .., .. .. ... r. ... loan _.,.....,.. .-net --Ttrrifit• a Br a Ba wlnttr • .,. • ,_, .. hh -· .... ·-•-. 2 'Jr. 2 D -Dlnln• PallM, ar•fl•· W/d hk· Balboa l1l11nd W11t er• lllrenew •. CaJITlm •lil!I Ml·~ V01l11)( JltOpl~ Pool your 5 Mobile h<1mc1 fortalt. rental 'tll June $900/mo -t1'5/6441·52S5' .:!!:"_IA:_."'"'..... -"""-' a;;i~ or Den ... IApproll uP. , 1111 Up11r111.led (root 3 Br 2 Ba Yearly PROPERTY HOUSE ruourru ltlul two Adil Pk No ptl• 1ncl utll~l73 '°62 38R l"'a BA, n-;;-m NEW. ocean Yil'w, rtaw 18 IQ nJ outside unit 111t llillt't' tl50/mo rmtal9t75/roo 7700347 1142• _!42 to10 * •C8TTA"£1 bedroom viii• for your Sll-$2C.000Me N12 --wallpap11 r ·•kyllfihl1· Im, tretult'\1 desiantd SISOO/mo 844 5742, TSLM&mt 642·1603 ..._., ...... JI07 z Ur Zba. blllnt. cfrapea. • n11t hO-Frl.'llh ... II -L..-1 .. ch 3141 slunu.Jfd ~l.·firpln. a 'Id· 3 Br 2 Ba. ftpll'. Adult•. --·07_"". I tlo lo ... nhOlll'" Y---• Br d I ._~, ""' "9 • "" ~ " •1u" .. + I S" "111 -2bd lb I I ••••• ••••••••••• ••• ••• PY pa ' ,. "'' """ vw"" c: I('"'"' d 11 I 1 y 0 pr n i t o •••• .. •••••••••••••••• dbl I.If $750/mo 731 ~ • oAlll " mo t!ll " rm. •. 8 r. Po<> • rci• rt I d m PoOI bomt lo buutHul rtapton~ P•tio s143000 *EXCITING• SllOOlmo ~t' 2 br dpht, -OC . -4&4 67001'9e9786 8UJ1'FS. 3 Br 211 Ba Cll<'.St'<' 111&tn.No11rts OClAHNOMT LJi~11d 1~\~dd ok lrvinti l·lty. 11.nd 1lmost auuma bit' "'t li', Is S c· Io 1 e to b 1: 1 l' h . 1 . ·RENTALS ZBR, $700. lst l.ut /\fter Fam rm . pool SI 100 ~ r J> 9611-:llW Yuarly lcusr unturn 2 $400/~ lat/IHI + dep new Qv.•ntor iinxlou~ Lcue optton " u1ul1· With or ~II~ Curn, wheelt:h11r ok. 1''rpk, 7~1l3 'rrom l200 up 6 p M 4 9 • 3 4 8 3 . ltl>. 700.831W, g7$,5930 S6SO mo Woodbrld1te 3 bdrm, 2 811, bltna N~w Nr ll»rborll9th St Set CllHur\letaJla. hie Pnl·tdaUUUOO. 34xM Orttnbrier Hm 10 ~'·dryer. 4tM6e8, ~ __ _H_a..n ~!!!l_ _ _ JW..tobffclt BR. 6 n-o lt'llll: Pvt yd. paint carpet drapes M11r 111 197& M.iplr St l l\bod• * " ' t..aauna Hiiia nicest s -~ SI'OP. ~nt thl• charm· a..,-Nlt JHO 2 Bdrm 1 ba trplc in hv ~~ .. ~1 11 . 559 319 4 . ~A";. Jt~~nda or Apt I orT rWfe. Cote Real$)' lilitrflk Newport..... 3169 ~.~~~· ~-l3l4 ...................... , rm .. G~r~~·· $626/mo . --- _ ~ 38 R ZBA View Pool~1d<' &i Hideaw1y I Rt1h1 & lnvH&•ent .._ .... ,.,_. ....................... --'i.811111111 H11l1 3Br Zba F\im ava1 able. Contal't Br 21, .Bu Nrwport J 1 r . s9 ~5 Yr 1 Y Br Av111I Adults, no UJ _. '40-sn7 &allllfuJJ4iceGKe~weat UDO lSLE r harmlr1& 4 ~ l br81x w/all the Unattached rHldent'e Mrs Bundy . Bus Te1Tace t:ondo. lh11hly 213 737 .7272 Uiya ptls _'325/mo. A11ent • u 2• •Ba T I bdnn. 21• b11th, Ira sun goodies, N W 1275 l..qvcly yard sprinklers 213/683-7357 up&raded with ama II • ~ 41127 & 731 6829 f H•P\•1,trvlee ~ Ut~bt'ati!iown' 5 is ny p11tio,l'ompletcly11p· OC·RENTA~a.;!!.! rentral air' S610/mo' patio. St o~r . dis ~3n!!lfl 1602 P.v u . 2' H1 2 H:i Townhomt', 12* ~SUMABLE 4 + bonus rm, pool and jat11u~ Owner will help f~.64$-9161 I , lPf Pj lffll!Sf RI At! Y / SPECTACULAR VIEW P!llS PRIVATE SPA are JQSt two of lhe outstand fDJ features or thiS 4 bdrm home in Turtle Rotk Highlands Lavishly upgraded Good IO<'ation op quiet cul·d e sae street SJSS,000 Call toda} for inCormalton on cxrep tional flnanc111g be>in~ onered B~"T BUY IN NB ~rt .. och ~radtd. 11700 mo. Year· Bick on Market, 3 br. 111 ~8372, 780 0809_ UYFIOMT hw u ht'r, wuher & >•rd. l.iundry AduHs owner. lar4t Cape Cod DeautiM Belu1r M H 11· Bill Grundy, 67.5-e16l ba, aar Children ok SA I L9gilllo........ lZSJ 2 story, 4 + bdrms, 2 dl:ytr. Community pool Sm:1ll blll'helor $325 yrly "''J~b $450. 675 8074. ~ ~:SIYI v=3J425.000 wtrmt kit, lfl19 hv rm 3 BR 3 Ba Bh.l!Cacondo, Hgts, nr OC Airport. ••••••••••••••••••••••• bu ths. fi r ep I He . ::~~.:u J11~0 N~e~~l: ~11Wfl.:J;l'~t;~~i°i Ba<·helorApt -_ · L_..i>!__ .J.. l2x10 Mslr t\drm ~ncl SU50. Doltlr Johnson, '600 I mo · In q 111 re : F..xec 4br, 3ba. Cam rm. 3 goraeous Vlt'W Pier and A\'ltl 1.m....,•·' 831 1317 752.111~ ~ind ut1I IYOWMH pnllo Nr 1101111 Hosp -~19664i'1S-6000a · 202018 SW Birl·h Sl car &11r,view,nr0<·ean. slip.$:l008 per mu.Ava1I u...-u 63 3647 Pri•Loccrtiot1! 124,5()() BACHELOR CON DO ~927 wkdy1 art 6; Ul&S.974-3420. Feb.I. , ~aj>~ Nl•w I & den, I house t:a~tMdt.'2 ~·r I Ba M» in Newport Beat h. ZS08 CLASSIC f\irn, beautirul clbhse NIGUEL SHORES·3Hr, IRVI NJ:o: from benl•h, s & r. utils ai25 t.:Jd1•n, apt E CllCC Dr Unh.111l' 2 bdrm. MOllLE HOME ~!!·~S5(77S Im,!~ 937123131) E'/~~e-.euwteatl"rBr .~ol!t,algset.' 2Ba, &ara&e. brh & pool, d2 bdrm 2' i2b11th lvn1t rm S~3a510d-~U-imol P6d73 513508 _R. ~I ms 1 12 ba. large h\ing and SALIS ._.......,, 14 .....,. Y .. u.. .. ... " $850 mo. 492·6700 or inmgrm l':tri:ar prvt It · dlfl. area F.xt·e ll,•nt 2'106llarbor,Ste206·A rm +Sf(' Single or ma rried 66l ~ patio comm pool w/Jttl' Duplex. ~17 E Bay Ave-2 Br Adult, beamed C'ell Bay. Lido, Pen. Ckean 540.5'3' f\im MOBILE H'lME c·ouple, submil on pets MONARCH SUMM IT· exeptnl clean no pets j Balboa !147 I ISS. S42 0190 in~. sen•e bar. reCnge. View U!ough Slll l'e lo CanMry Village, 2 br. 2 llS7·3>40 _~m_mo ss2 7557 Jft ~def Mar 31Z2 ~ °'MapwJ~St. NS4o20pets/mo ST ba ol d I E '"d Zbd <kean View, 2 + den, Newport Heights rreah & ~ "'""' ~ bUlld $420.000 MU ,._ 1... . poo A u t.s. no pets. "' t' rm. new thru pool. 1775 pt-r mo r lean 3 BR. rp' le, lge ••••••••• ... •••••••••••• s.18 7356 673 8803 SEE! ~re"' $750/n.i.yrly.673<1685, oul , formal din , 751~ STt:P TOOCt.-:i\N Mo~t '1 -540-5135,9796881 Pr.,ty ,,00 525 1648 , or 8·4:30, breakrast nook . 2 l'ar ----rard ~6-!220 1525 charming1n oldl"oruna. 3br 2bJ up per 4·plu · ~••••••••••••••••••• 1·772-UIOl. gar, yrd, grdnr. $&75 SpaciousJbdrm. Jba ram Lido lsle 3 Br near Ba:1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br 2 Bu frph-, O{'t-.in adults, no pets. SS25 HELP!! ~4253 nn, din rm '"'nhse Pm Beautiful & available IE OME OF v I e w ( r om d t ,. k lMOC Valtnl·1a_ S4S 7983 lnFor.clowrt! MEWPORTIEACH HouMtlhlfunihlled Su comm Pool . .eardener Sl295/mo.760-1977. _ sim•mo Call Anthony Wt•sts1de SPARKLING 3BR, 28A, Pool Owm:r H1.l(h v1s1b1ll ty C 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• per sharp. nu paint. ~mo_499·llOI THELUCKYFEW da}s 642-5757. e\l'~ & l1,EANIBR,18A,vu& A~ .. 9SS ~ IA'l':m 'iew 120 Ct rrun ~ 1202 l·arpets 4 Bd. fam rm. Large 2 BR. 2 BA patio Beaut1Cul upgraded 3 Br Rent '" Cn~ta Mt-s11's wlmd!631 6630 Ul"l'Ull breezes. Like nu "-'chme or Lst/Opt tai:e Use existing build ••••••••••••••••••~••• ~::i~· ~1.' ~~d~s~e~~ home. 4 yrs new . beam ~:~a~& ~~;~~t.~~~:~: ~o~~h~~~ t•nt~ cf~ SPECTACULAR OCEAN q11s tlrpi. range. d/w $6000 down . BeeutHul ing or 4000sq ft or bui ld RENTALS pool S\'l'. inel Sl200/mo t·e11ings. Comm pool & IX>OI, Jaturn. sauna COMMIJNITY 2 & 3 Br & CITY LIGHTS VIEW rt>fnl,! s:m mo No pets Ne w port Crest 10,000 sq rt.Owner will Yearly·Wffkly Winter. ~~5.751 ·319l ~a.$750.646~ &51mo .Call772-7317 2•,Ba 1600 t800sq ft of Frome\·eryroom larict-631·-CllOs.529723 lownhume. 4 BR. 2' Jba. carry S7Ui,OOO 631-7300, 2.3.4 Bdrms. Newport E.side CM 3 Bd I' 1 811 issloft Viejo 3267 4ts B;.2 aa ~~am~ly rm . pure luxury Garni:es, I Hr S6J5 rno. Anthon> 2Bll. IBA apt in CM Encl family rm . Fully as Realtor Beach&Balboa. S800 pr mo Call Rbt •••••••••••••••••,•••••• D1rungrm.11Jlix·k from h~dro-tubs tn master daysrall6425757.wkn1ls l(ar.lri.:)rJ SrS('hoqls sumableloan 9, Olo\nl•r JACOISREALTY M1Uiken63ll266Agt HOMESFORRENT NII High Sl·hool suite. formal dining 6316630 l'htldrrnWl'lcome ~ _pnnt· onl~ 6313629 Condomlniu1nsjlow•· PROPERTY 3 Bdrms. S6SO Fen1•1•d SlOOO /mo Agent rooms, wood burning 2DR.2BACondo Stvs to 7~111.51 Eastblurr. $245.000. houwsforsak 1700 MGRS yards&garages K1db& MI S032 _ flreplates. m1rro-wave Bth Frpll' U!l'I liar PLUSH bd , b· 1 d ••••••••••••••••• •••••• • pets wekome Isl mo + S h O\l'DS. fem·ed patius & Adult~ mo 760 8290 4 rm, 2 ' a. rR } r • Leisure World Condo For -6.1.5:.6J 7 3_ dep 545-2000 Agent. nu pa1·1ous house wit }ards Pm Jte elegant bd I d I 2 Br 2• i Ba Twnhse $207.000 assumable 13' • Sale B' Owner 2BR ----____ .. (_et' &wimming !'001 3 Br 2 ll\'lni: only 15 minutes !Ad~~~ n~~}~ ~l~rl~~.~~ IU .. 'i() sq rt of lux11Q • lst_~51!1~&1081<!7 2BA Ujigraded carpets' 581 Park Dr $750 mo Ra Family rm (rplr + from Fashion Island. 7 S500n¥> Ut1I pd lrpk. l.111( dlile gar . CUSTOM DUPLEX Creut View $85.000 WINTER RENTALS 3Br. dog & kids OK Mtwpottleocll 326' 2 additional utility nunutes 10 S l: Plaza or 'ard Pet OK Adults YUILYL11:•sES Owner54!:2042 •••••••••••••••••••••• bdrm s Ntrl'I} liol06736Wkda) $6ismi , Great locau un with 714·5-15 7101. Mon-Fri ._· LUXUIYIAYFIOHT landsra ped. auto OCA1rport Justeastor 6736336 642·9666 ma ny l'xlras, surh as 8 ~ 714 770.&331, 3 5PM Cal Ow R"9tal Dtpt. DcMoPoint 3226 spnnklers. Sl2SO/mo 10 Newporl 81\•tl & so nf OLD COM Italian till' .floors . oak lecomr Property 2000 6 75-1771 ••••••••••••••••••• •••• i ~ri ~ 1Ba.nw~~ bo~t !I~~· chis gardener & pool San Diego Frw) Start 3 bdrm. 2 ba duplex "'1th E stdt-Ii: qwte 2 bdrm t•abinets. m11•ro w a, e. ••••••••••••••• •••••• •• 5 BR. 2 BA. trl-le\ el, near amenities •3500 M 0 5 er" H' e 64 0 . 13 2 7 . mg at $1000 a month fireplarl.', opt'n IJl'a n l1t'W l·rpt s. lndl')'. ad Its, \'acuum 5 , )lt•ms beai·h, 2 1·ar gar. )ard. • 559-61118.<Xfit·e7S9·6SS7 631·5439. 2473 OrJnJ:E' 1."e1hni:s. patio. gar. dis nopt'l§$5:JS 6733600 __ fireplace. sundN·k . anJ I INCOME 1 S750/mo 7]&·0239 Bflllcer675-4912. _ Ave 1 Costa rtksa. hwasher 1\\ ail f'l•ll I Lrl( JSR , 28A. Condo " uth PROPERTY F b I Lg2brw/gar.piitio fn1·tl. DELUXE d lk S82S mo Rl•r requ1r~ Pool. :"\r c1• Plau SA S'h C m . mon• I I a u ous o1:ean \ i1•w 2 &puropt SS95 vn unit. I t· (;onta11 8.irbara ltr1I~ ~ It_,~ AMPVSDl:fRVlffE A MUST SE E " I SPECIALIST Br Condos ll1ghl~ up THllLUFFS ex; RENTALS 750 3314 new 2 Br 2 Ba frvl. 642 4842 Oi>t-n t 5Prt1 Sun Child 0wnl'r l> mo\'inJ: ou\ ol l graded. washer dr~t·r. Spanous 4 bdrm. 3 bath pool, ,:al l'. man) xtras A£1. · OK 213 964 ~ st.ate \ssumable or Selet:I from 3 19 unit~ 1 set•unl) gated, pool. ten fam. home New paint~ 2 Br1 Bll bealh i·ottal(t'. Tu.,1111 SA linl' 562.'i No Costa Mesa 3824 UMVEISITYP4RK ~1ll t·ons1derallt~pesor Tern\.\,l\aila1Jletosu11 n1s S695 1mo Ai:t 1l·1200arpet Move 1nhrl'atl• ~~;0 l~~Pl',l~1 ~0 (.~'it pt>t,7i52580 i51 0i!J6 ••••••••••••••••••••••• f!~!~l~~~~~~:Js Best Location' 1 tna~l·ing or ext· angl' vour nl't'l.ls. lalioa lsiaftd 3206 I "96-591Klor Zl3 430 51118 per moot Ai:t RI n..J...us Unfurn 1600 lfe8tiB"U IA md patio, fp. d w. PalloHoml'' , Don l m1ss th1~one, onl~ ••••••••••••••••• ... •••• ,;:_-_..alnVal'-3234 640-~. Lloyd, Jarub~ I~ ~ 1 fl'eLand' m>red ta Is 979 5370 8 Ba ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2Br. IBa. tpll>. drpi.. 1(31. llt'l:. adults only $46S $340.000 Call now for jm Balboa Island Waterfront , ,.._.. ~Y .§]5;6670_ ••••••••••••••••••••••• APARTMENTS poo . spa. rar port. no 4 Bdrms. 2' 2 baths' e i . NEI 3 r 2 Yearly ren 5 Br 2', Ba ~pht leHI. 3 Balboa Island Waterfron1 Balboa Ba~front no pets t'osta Mrn1 ~·:i~~~t~ 'r~i~"~~ad ~ Harla 54!12447 Onl} Sl57.soo • A . si~ TE tal S975 M~ 110·0341 rar uaraue. redt'I'. "'"'I 3 Br 2 Ba Yearl} ron ~rrn 548 7234 2bdrn 11 ... townhou~e Calltoday! LL rru17t111J1 • " " ,..vv • Three bed oom~ 2 ('O\eretl parking 1· 'ua "· . un f-M J) IJX. BAJfRONJ Pr 1 "gs . No Pr l s .!£11 $9'15. !10 710·0347 baths, sand~ bcal·h · · 2 bdrm I ha gar $625. AJulb. no Jll'ls SSOO mu t'a 11 Ka th~ 642·5200 I .. -REALTORS 114 641 0763 ~'mo 9689174. SPYGLASS EXl'tl lo1·at1un /\\.ill \l..u I btlrm I bii SS25 I BR S43S &lliti43J ortl55·3875 A PETE BARRETT .. REALTY 1048 ..•.....•.............. OCEANFRONT Modular Type Homes. 2~ hr 5e<'Unt.). 1i m1 iJ\( bl'h + fishing pier Ct.'d a r Cottage type, redwood deck. pool. guarder! gate. adlts onl> :-.io ~.~ 499·3816 ZO'Yo DM/ 120/o INT. J"«; 2t ~ ba. fllm nn. dln.. rm. dbl gar w/OJ)fner. stained glass. fenl'ed. ocea n vu 497-1051 NO LEAS EH OLD pro blems here Custom 3000 ~ rt home with spar wlute water views from most rooms. Complete w/pool and spa Owner rinan. a\'atl $589,000 lOCJllM Village R.E 497-1761 A lot For A little 1 acre + bldg sitr. ~ent ly sloping pan·cl short distance from trnn1s & hearh Ownr has 1n eluded plans for r ustom vill•, Sl7S.OOO Spec ttttdat views' , MlSSJON REALTY 494·0731 LGIJlllO HicJM' 1052 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Niguel Shores twnhse L«st model. oc:ean \'U. remod int $289.000. eg.m MsVc.Vitfo 1067 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OWNER ANXIOUS SAYS "SEU" SPa~qus Agean Heights t Br , 2 150 sq Ct to\mhome with extra larle family room that ('0U1l! be convtrted to two large bdrms. Terms available on this sharp 111vestment Submit all offers Asking Sl40.950 L""""'layRlty. 0-PoW 661°6441 tll\tfDrt .. och I 069 ........................ OCEAHVU &POOL Like nlw. lrg 4 Br w/b onus rm Only 1429,900. Assume tl.7',, Call P1lrirk Tenore, agt .. i Rf/Mt\X HIAVIMOHU~ You'll love thla 1pac1011s. ly remodeled 3 bdrm home on thla txlr11 wide lot. Sunny patio Ir ~t. Only 10'' down OWC! ! $50.oo.J under np prasal -· 2925 l.'ollegtA"Y ~a~.esa~yd~~.~5 f:} HOMEFORRE~T <.A·ean & night \lew, Frol Monthl}Of)l'url~ ~,21 1 ' Iris S7t 8559999 2 RR1 1.R,\ $500 Lit Ba r h Apt Cood l'o>IJ '.\1ri-ii. l'A.. t•el lo1:ation Av;il F;b 4 Bdrm. Tiburon Condo 4bdrm. ram rm. 3 i·ar St4001rrn uilYl> 642 K I 9 l'' c~ 1.31 E 18th, 6~6 6816 1111· a I. fl rt\' Pa 11 u, 5 BR. 2 sty. no mon<•) down OWC at L2 75', 2 Cpk's, tO\ d rear pat1u O\'ers1w shaded yard qwet nhrhd $265.000 or take U\ er II 75'. int loan, pa~ ablt' al S790 mo ~23-16. l'\ s 631 721:1 u h i S7SO Fenred )ard & uar 12200 mo E'es _Owner_Agtnl644·9513 w1tnd:. _ltil E 18th, 642 1>1156 \dulls S295 859 W 19th I mont Y or yrly garage Kids & p•ts ., ~ NEWL~' IJL:(·on • St ,0 1 SHOO, mo wekome Isl mo + dep 7_60-0607 _ _ 3 BR 3 Ba Bluffs l'Ondo. J4rlmewfs Furnished . , r. APPLE VALLEY -~ner1A 644 9513_ ~2000 ~nt. 110 fee BluHs Condo 3 Br up. 1 hr Sll50 Dottie Johnson. ••••••••••••••••••••••• I Rr i?u:. 11'1 1•nrl i:ar <Wtr:'f ADL'L TS over 35. Tax Shelt•r Tiny 2 bdrm roll age, down. 3 ba Kiti·hen 700.1966 _.,75-~agt S.00 lilancl 3706 d washer. pool \clults Wlfum I Br upper $340 Near new 4 plex 2 S600 Sunken waterbed ~°"leach 3240 r!lOk Sl300. 644 2607 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 00 5073 Bl•dut 1.rndsl·apmg No ..,. 2 bh h tRef Pn6755361 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br 2Baor 2 Br2Ba llGc·~yo~ FUm 2 BrlRu/\pt J 0 T h jJt'l~Lu:WARDAPTS vurm. at l.'3l' uni -r.,, :. -HOMES FOR RENT "'" " $S2S mn W1nll•r leaH nr 0"'11 Ulll••' ro20 t\illc-rton.6JI 0397 ~1th f1repla1·e. enl'los11tl I bdrm. t·ute tottage. J Btl rms S650· $7 50 Dl.'n Steps lo bea1·h. ape. Tws Htru Sat Ut1I ml'ld 673 WOO Nl'wh dnur i.:a~ pd . 0-.. p-.:...o. 3126 HARIOR RIDGE By Owner Lo"tst pnr e. best l<>t· 2bdrm rondo. $399.900 640·~ patio. 11araiie 9'•', 1st house Crom bay. ssoo F e n r l' d y a r d 5 & frpk $795/mo I I to 2 t'lll I ~ar . vool cl:."' ltr -......, Pos l Jl>h flow Now _ Agt.642·3850 __ • garai:es Kids & vets PROPERTYIWUS~ #7 ••Gr.ckVolt.t lal»aPeftiftwla 3707 .\tlults 642 .'i0i3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl59.SOO Bill Grund>. wet ut d 642-3850 642 !Oto ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br 1 UJ \pt OCEA ... VIEW RJtr.675-6161 COl'OllClcWMar l222 ~=--Agen~o-tre/P· 3-B-R-. -28-A-.-p ,.t -Lor. 2 ~ed~~~.o ~;o 'ta~h!>• ~mtl'r. I room & HA S300 I NC'"h tlt<rnr C.i!o 11J From Dana Point most 2 Homes. I lot. Nwpt Hts . OU UTY 4-PLEX ·····;::;;;;~i~······ ~nn 3Ca81rl. 2A'1'1aba964. r.1,m688il~. ~sis~". E~stw. s~.' ~esp .~>. de::oool"Orsaqlue<iareMu,.~.e"t' s43 ~um l11·h. lnnn l'(,.::~11~a!.2 .J:~I. thhu &~",1~,. h/~:i ~:u;:~: +pool.OWCl.Agl. 3~-Z-~CM. \'ery Otxible ~-tictlar c . . _,.,6312 60903 "'~a • c:~ .. 11 I B I ,, .,.. 0 I I t s 2 8 - -642·6100 on ll'rms. Bill Ken· ~ r oceun v1ew. aft696J,6940 11'.l! .J.....: 5l'\'l'll O\·t>rlooks 10th ll'l· 01 ..,.,,;, r urn or un Span ous2Ur I f!J $395 n ~ uni . r •-------•I ned 6311266 3+ family, formal din· •D=> Condo -1•,BA • .,.,.. Newport Crest Condo. J.:dfl-oorse $2490 month furn . StoH' rt>lr~I(~. 3 Hr. 1•, Ha $425 I.Jun IA frpll & 2 Br w den UDO ISLE 1ng. POOllspa. $2000 ....,... .-.. F· ... J l BR J BA r .. y .. I I 3 (' II t:rph, nr,qit-i. $38:> d~ fa·· .,,,,,1 <, .. ,9•<• llur11 for the best \lew • 700-9333 a . mo. l.sl. Last & Oep No "" · · · p. P" "1 r )' e s" a 1>7~~ '•' ' • i::.---"""' """ SG2S to $675 Ad ults. no IAYRtOHT Pet.s.768-7633 dbl gar: part Ol·ean vu 631 T.m.Realtor. - . 5n1NNJNG large I & 2 pets Oa\s 643 0212 , 2 Br, frpk. lilt-ins. S950/mo 559 ·80S3. _ Deluxe 3 BR . 2 R,\ furn Br 2 Ba Garden \pl Wkndsfi6I &Ml SI ,000,000 garagr. no pets $725 Exrlush·t' 2 B 2', Ba pl. ~13 or ~us.s 957 6026 I apt stepe. from h\'al·h. Pool 710 w !8th St C.llarm1ng 2 Bdrm plus -==='--1 __ 6447808 spa. leMis. set· i:atf' 28 R Condo Adult H v Knolls J bdrm. 2 <X"l'an & ba\ \It'" from -, , . , OCF.1\N\.1EW den. 2 bath. pier and slq> 4·plex '"Santa Mana. td 2 Bdrm, 2 bath i•ondo. 1 Close ~al·h S850 Aft 5 Complex. 2BA Nr Hoa.: l ba l h t·on do 2 l' a r ~WI deck. ii\ ;ul imm<'tl 'nif.d: \ ICT9RIAN !"~-.. Li.: 2+2 frpll·. spht lvl, to accomodate 10· boat tond Posit iv.; I." as b!O<"k to beac·h Washer, 962.1398 Ji:!5 Mo lst. Last & Dep I garagt, pool. sp.i. ten SOOO . lst & last 675 5204 ~w e<'<·rport· &2 dBrrap~sgabr11'. Adlts on),' $600~96 021.L Nortb side For an ap $J55.000 171~5..:.. RM e T d SI so ... ~ • pointmenttoS«lhistx· dryer. r efng, 2 t•ar 4 BD 2 A H.rem·e ~l>ot:!J687633 ~<nl mo6405324or,CoroftadefMcr 1722 ms.patiu Adults 'call twiftqt011ieachll4C clusiv-e property. rall ga rage S995 mo yard.pat10.S750lmo Harl>or Vu Homes. 4BR . 19_ ••••••••••••••••••••••• between 1·5PM.631i 4120 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 540-lLSl C.M. T•Sltetter 640-5324 ---Days 891 1947 2BA, S1075 A\•ail Jan Harbor Vl•w Home 2 bdrm. I ha ~·ari:or1 667 "G" V1l'tnna S470 Larl(t' 3 hdrm. 2 bath. ~if'<'!s ~~n1n~~:i23 3 Br 2 ba. So of PCH ~~~!'.!_<Is 750·0453 17th 6'4·41.57J 7fi0-9J t2 Beuut1ful 4 bdrm ide.i~h drapes and i·.irpel Near PAUf ~1 t::S \ \PTS -~I~:~· j;7~~~;~· garage "' m imo. ·ALSO Orean HURRY ! cxel· 3 br nu·e Eistbluffs 4 br family lo<·ated to Fashion ! 0tl'an $6-00 Si'J Jl/KJ ISoJMcs~Dr 1--------• v home t SllOO p r a r 'model"" •<~< · I · I Available no\\ "'·m1sh•vf & Unfurn I 2 J iew a er a e · c ''" ,,.,,.., room. lge yard 642 5161 1 ls and & s1·hools Sl200 2 Br unfurn S425 ,\dulh r u " • GR.EAT DUPLEX!! rm lil3·7197 QG:RJ.:ti1ALS 750 33t4 or640-8107 ~rro 848·8222 or 855 164fl Coste Mtta 3724 onh Call 9·4 546 98f.O Bdrm '' pts G > m · ., : ~ HERITAGE . • REALTORS ""!llll!!!!!!!!-111!!!!!!!!~---•I -------<M 1 hi · Jac-uzzi Sauna. pool. ~ $340.000 1*'9 W Balboa Lg 3Br. 2•,Ba. fam rm. ~°" Bluffs Condo JBR. I l' ••••~•••••••••••••••••• 2Rr To~nhou~c Nopl'ls II RAYFRONT Bl\'d Op<'n Dail). 2·~ den.dinrm.rrplc.pat10. Hsbow 3242 2•2BA.New Crpt Pa1111 1 1 8R.J BA.~·ea0 ,·11·w. ~.mo 1 br:.ex.t'l'Pl Malur<' adulls only :,~~1k~~b~ll1 ~a;i~!~· LEASEHOLD Ted llubHI ltcallor =!.blks fromO('n 640-14~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 l·ar Gar ~·rpll-. S980 ,·,11 rpts. gar. quiet arcJ d~an.qwt-t,SHurc uttl ~ZS mo ;;,5 W lllt h St E.11:qws1te 4 br 5 ba . near 752-0lii BeauhruJ 3 Br 2ba pool Twnhse 3 BR, 3 BA. re, Wkdys. 732 3383 EH's & Sl<Xll mo 631 SS3J ind. Adult:. ~o Pl'IS 1991 ~ 9SOi Hunt Bi·h S46-06t9 __ L1.nd.i lslr. include~ lndlls~·~ I hollll' with Jai·uzzi. new fad. 2 rar gar boat shp Wknds.640,8836 -e""'lK>rt Bl 646·8373 . • J Br 2 Ba New paint. pnrnte d0<·k fiO on lhc P 2100 r~. m1rro oven, liled $8951mo8404054 Ha bo V -C· 13b llGCAHYOM 1 u.~ot1leach 3740 Poc1f1c t'JJ11c•t. (·ndsd !(arage "' S50 000 I k. h W lk 1 --r r 1ew armr r. Superb 3 b d rm ·.---•••• ·."f'·•••••••••••••••• T ..... -.. •pt• S52:l m1• 1\48 ISi I or ma1n.,ay . iuwn ••••••••••••••••••••••• ilc t•n etc a o lrYlne 1244 2 ba. ram rm. frpk lo.,.nho\ISt' un golf !iOSP\'iiK'°oRi r .. \·'1 1142ie53 & assume $750,000 8l Free stnrlt: md bid.I( 8000 I beal'h $1650 559-8372. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~dener ~5 SSOJ I'\ s <'OUl'Se Cor lease. $1200 H.1.'s FINEST Ba1·helor and ont> ,bdrm g • 6-12 9231 _ -,q fl !cit-al for owner ~ -WOODBRIDGE llG CAMYOH LSE rmnth I Spanish F.slatl' L1vrng' apts All adults .incl no REOUCED! user Xlnl S w. Santa 1 br. ent·I gar $49S 2 br, 3 Bd ,.ondo. i:round fir 2 BR McLa in Condo . -~4 7266 _ Beautirut park hkC' sur 1 pt>ts Pool HFIQ and App at 1270.000 1BR. Ana 10" Paul Franklin frpl l', gar S650 Agt . uml. beaut del·or. lrg Sl!Z>per mo Call Gerr) Spa1· J br 2•, ba Hr\ rou1ndSuini:ks Terrabl·,~rl lnundl'\ room 212BA. paol. S2~0.000 752·5ll I -646-0295 ---pal10 area. S6751mo No 673·1161or760 1397 dean twnhse. P<><ll. JO~. poo n en .:as uq. • Own_Agt_9St 0809__ CM bldn!!. M I. 3000 sf. CostoMna 3224 pets Cr a11:1Su zan ----ell' S750.A~4·1440 sparkling fountains Newport Sho re s on w hvinl>(quartersorofr ........................ 631-0213 CliUhaven newly dee 3 · ---Spa r iou ~ room s "'2slfil!ld Canal, $25 ,000 do~ n oo9.7oo srblal·ktopped & JBR. 2BA. Fam rm. Kids Br 2ba. RV boat storage WOW!! Separ:llt> dininii .irea FAMIL y APTS. 11.."rm t $279,000 Will renred Wi ll rtnt t·on OK No pets No singles _,./mo 6738457 Won 'I last! Newport Wal k in l'lose l s , ;';sider lease option. sider oplton. by owner $775/mo 1754 Iowa St _.., · · --Crrst townhouse, newl) homelike . k1tt hen & Sparkhni: l'll'an larjte 11,ot i:.i. ,,..,, l" ... ,,.5.2805 ~4610 644-1836 R__.., JClft. 20th redcc, 3 br. 2, 2 ba Walk l·abinets \\ alk to llunt apl.s for fJm1hl•s " I or 2 ~ .,.... .,.. -~~1 be h I I ini.itonCenter l'h1ldren :"\r park lleat LotsforSat. 2200 Lge3 Br condo. 2•, ba. ----2 Br21>a, adult l'Ondo lo ar. tenn s, JlOO . I IBd r $485 pa11I :'\OIJt'l' MARINERS WALK 3 Br To"·nhouse Apt Y.ird single & double 1·.ir giir••!!e. near Hunt Harbour Children OK 114() 6ll)'j S. Clentit..te I 076 ••••••••••••••••••••••• gar. s ml yard. frplc Twnhome. new 3 br. 3 ba. Pool. Crplr. 2 pvt patio11. spa. Mini oeean \'lew rm urn. · 2 UR 2 HA SS2S ••••••••••••••••••••••• BUILDERS O/W, 5575/mo avail patio. gar Park. pool. ground level S6SO +dep Avail Feb. I $950/mo I d , "'"'W Wil• .. n 631 5583 1111111111•• .. •• UftTLlluG DOWu $975 833 9057 n>-1783or631·1~_ yr lease Children ok A ulls. no pct~ I ...., ~., ""''"'" " 1115 82 673-2282, 9 to 5 ~ ....!!!!' · - -U11h11~ Frer' R 1 1 -New large 3 br. ocean ~Si .... ·Co•taMesa wkd)s_.__ --Woodbridge Estate LOVELY WESTCLIFF _!40-1644__ 2 B . l BA.11111'"'" cec. S2 190 / !145-9911 ~ • r t'l11·I gar. 111 u Is nnl~ no ~ ~ R· lot. 3 units. bldr's I & 2BR Trailers Slll5 & Home 4BR. 21:18 A. Cam 3 Rr2ba. fir + sml o l' Se11tClem.t. 3276 LA QUINTA HE RMOSA ~ts &!_5 !819 OYSTBIAY permit Sellorlraderor up + SISO Sec. No nn,dinrm.ffl>k .palios. Nice yrd Ntw cpts1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 16211 Parks1deLn,lblk lmma~ulate3BR2•2 ba . Cirusht>dpro1ect Children or Dogs lake. Pool & Tennis paint.no pels $99S.Ph OCEANFRONT W of8each.3blki.S of Westside Costa Ml'Bsa. ' ,,.~_9193 Pnvileges. $1000 Mo. 646-6789,631·2177 _ LUXU RY CONDOS Ed dplx. upstairs. 28r. I a library, 3 car garage, __ 957·402_7 __ ,_. inger "h t 1 h t r & 1 640-1.327. 559·6188. OHiee Huge 4 BR, J BA. beach adult only. 2 Br 2-'• Ba . ·~·54_4J ""'" ra ea · rl.' n~ rul -de-sar. wide pvt ot. OWofC-....., Jbdrm. l'2ba, ram rm. 759-6S97 clostduplex, ytar lease. rec room. pool. 1'ac . -stO\·e. endoscd garaize dose to beach 2 years p__;;;"'' 2550 din rm. den. Crplc. 2 car ,_...... WlFFLETREE APTS Quiet & saft-No kids or Xlnt Iona term • ..,..... •• , Woodbndge. 2 stry, 2BR. l s t & la.s t . water ''""""" rircuit seeunty, 1 BR r new. ,.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• gar. $675/mo. tst t sec b d 1 . eel .,... um . 11ym, sauna, pets $450 mo 548 5442. Onan0wn/Agt498·2SIO A II O bb. 11,BA.Pool,Spn,Tennis faragepai ,$900.avai msrequir .riomS900 Ja"uzz1. volley ball . ...,05629 -=· Ml~' n.o.ucH va now e ie b (213 1376 4509 M>Gl078 49814u ' '' "r~n & Lake 1675 Mo. Lease e · or pr mo.._.. • · ~ b k b II & · 11:_ ..__ ~02 t"'").,.,.,"""" us et 3 tenms. • 2 Br I Ba Mesa \·~rde .--9+ arres, in Murrieta, · 7S9-0l15,975·7909 "w .....,.._ Nke 28r, 2Ba home. nr 846-0619 r-i..tr.a 1071 inl'lutling 2.000 s r Close to So. Cst Plaza -Lu · B 8 d ---upper No pets. 1·h1hl ......,... b H 3 Thel.akes.lBRLost Con· xunous3 r 2 a , en, N-h. Xlnt loc . perm , a..,..•--h 3741 !"nu•de•·ur u -,5 8338974 ••••••••••••••••• •••• •• farmhouse. 1.·1rge barn. Grl!en rook ome · i C t AO.• .,..,...., n 7PM --''' w ' '" do. Tennis. Pool. Spa, panoram c; ron vu ~·~ ... , ...... D0111.1ED 1maauon well&garage-BR.2ba Liv.ram.DR 2 Catall a rear vu ark 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• "' """ " " B k C ed Sauna. On the Laite n · . P • ,...._,_.Jct_... • .. -urv studio. spa, TV. A SAD SACK nr a onre S.'IO,otX> down . & O.W C rar gar. nc enc S D 752 00 C~lcs elec door gar -·-~· lA&A ., d .....,,, Sl 200 d 525 ays ·82 . ' · •L..L--.1.1.td 3425 maid service. phones, beaullfulhome ! Bui · ll al 12'• Total price, Y ·_,.,mo. · ep EvesSS9·9S8l w nds 646 7334 . dys vmwlWMI s1tsonalmostanacre, $185.000 9 adjal·ent 992Camation640-6140 --------2l3 /938 727 1 eves ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ll5wk~99~ hassw1m pool. 2 frpll's. aeres also a\allable 28r.2Ba.2story,comm Univ. Town Cente r. 213/662-ti56 ~Colldos Hl'wpOrfleoch 3769 fam rm and overlooks "52·8777 t702J Ly pool.$625. brand nu beaut. 2 Br 2 Your friends and Pool and spa in old ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4th fairway al San Juan •~&tat PROPERTY HOUSE Ba condo. 2 car gar, netshbors use Classified Corona del Mar. 1 bdrm, OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br Hills golr course Ahan· _,. t 2100 642·3850 fl.4.2·1010 1800/mo No pela / when tb ey ha ve <kean view Also2and3 Avail Winter Wf'ekly/ doned by elderl> folks ExchCllMJt _______ _.. chlldren.2!3/332·9707 b' II bdnn.673-327111·5 __ Monthly.673 787_ 3 __ _ and r b or ••••••••••••••••••••••• somet 1n1 to se . I.IP or gra s LAKE AR ROWHKAD 581 PARK DRIVE WooclM"l ...... twl The.y'Utell you how well tll rt•a 316' Want something 11tra ftred at 1150,000. (Land AREA CABIN·S85.000 Vacant. 3Br. a ll re· 2 bdrm + aen. Highly itworkecUort.htm! f!1 special In a 2 Br •loneworthth1s > equity EXCHANGE ror ~g:t~d." 1;~~ ":~ upgraded. Single story .... "''''"•••••••!,• Townhouse. rompletely lAlihrl lay leaffy OC mrome property or Fu 11 y shutter e d . Cum? Stl9S. Mo. 760·9117. 0-PoW '61°6(41 PalmSpnngsCondo. Owner549-2042 F lreplnre. Atrium SHORTTERM - -10-90 GOLDEN MesadeJMar.sunny3br, Avail now ' $9'75 mo. No II ••&r-..IAD Btarh r rntals, 2&3 T_. PROPERTIES 1~ ba. lg. fenred yd, ~ .,,.,..,,V'Uil bdrms, av11il. bv week 01 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 75"1<"" beaut pool/s a Q111'el 4 <1 ~166 ~ ... Ill! ' p 2 Br condo. Best --~""-"""-"----P . ,,... .,, S'1Y•~ rronlh. Al!\1675·8170. area.No~alifyina On· •......t1Lt...._ ramlly nelthborhood. ....,.., ..... , REALTY 8EACHF'RONT 2 BR. 2 -a""" ZtOO near schools parh ' .,......,_ ,SOO. r 848 0709 WCllhct .i.-i N ts S900 2 Br, 1 8a $700 BA • wi n t rr o n I y , ... ...,,11,n1. 0 pe · · 2 8r,28a $850 ·-· ... --'670/mo unrurn also mo. lst/laat & $500. "Br.28a ..... sse.ui2 security. 5'56-7&50. " -Le Ra!Jor Rily 833-8600 H ,. ......... -... ..... 51 F · hed 5 Bllboa Bly Club, 2bd~. 3 br. 2 ba. elec. kit, dbl R h s J I _...~ ~ um.IS .... OU • r gar., on quiet cul de Ill' anc 0 an oaqu n, BR home des~ed ror family .,., view, urn. or \IA· _ ---In "•• y .. rd .. *"""'/mo view of aotl l'OUrte. 2 l in ainin ~_!~. '*.~· 1111 "' ... ••w · bdnn, den. 2 u r •ar I v g w/exec ve entert a. + $500~. Dys ~2284. --.c-. " L li . •· • din t CUTE 2 BEDROOM C!YI--. ......_. 8 VIDI. 1orm rms open 0 WINTER 122 2Slh Sl. 18R,2 BAfsFRdbl.1Car.!t..,...._. 1241 private patio & spacious yard. J:~»CaJ!642·Mt• rd1. lol, 1olar H20 , ....................... Amenlhea include : parquet T ... 1rsy $7S>/mo bkr15l.OZOS I OCIA.Nf"RONT Modular f'locn, ~ doon " akyllght. Hull• 11 c BR, 2 BA. 1dult1/no ~~lY~~m~~· P~' ~' Av a liable February 1982. l'\JRNISHED . Rti\\ by petatemp.reotals.tmo. + flab.int pier. Cedar $3200/mo Lynne Valentine moal.h~loftCtr. Bent. On ..,ma St. near C«taac ,1.,., rtd•ood M•CD) 2 BR 2bt Nf'WPOrt Collelo deck, pool, tHrded •I• I tw · •t. •Ito r &ate, 1dft1 HI)'. Ho 7•11T1. 40P, From •ns 1IO • .... Lnurt Condos Pool and sp;i 10 old Corona dl'I Mar I bdrm. ~·ean \le"' Also 2 and 3 bdrm 673·3271 11 5 IMSTAtfTIM! S4SO mo 2 Br l Ba APt I small rh1ld OK Small yard, l·arpets. drapes. This one won't last ~L M_gmt fl.42 1603 2 bdrm itarden apt, pvt patio. 1tara1te. laundry No pets. 1 sml child ok ~~~ 2 8t l Ba 2248 C.nyon Or. upst-trs No pets S39Stmo Sierra Mitmt ~641·1l2' 2 bdrm duplu. I b11. l!ar ldry rm $525 mo S48·4932 Mkt21l,2h Adultl. no ptU $$00 mo 6Z2 Hamilton CM '48,04'1'7 Specious studios. one and two bedroom apart- men ts FURNISHED end UNFURNISHED. Oakwood also offers· • All Utili11es Plid *Immediate Occupency • $1 MIMlon In R«:rMtlon And Much More' For a month or a lite- lime Models open daily 9am to 6Pm Adults only. nooets Olk wood Garden Apertments Newport a..dt/No. 880 Irvine (11 l&lh) [714) MS-1104 Newport Bw:h/So. l700 16th St (Dov .. fl 16m) (714) M2-S1U Ol·ean front Duplu 38R. 28A Hit 1n~' • Fq1l1· M ont h!~· •o r l.l·a~l· fl7S ·42113 1o r li7S.46:! l u .. i' ·. .. ., . .. ·:- r , .. .. ,. ·~ ,,,. ;\ l C! .. ,, \ . : "·· r • I ·~~ I•• ' •• ... :1. , I· ,. Fill SP£CW. Je....t/C..nh -. . .-....s.r... tt ..... • ...... ...•..•.... ...................... . ........................................................................... ...., ........ . ,... ,.... ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• I= <:::::~ha~t.t;I ~~:r'l°J~SSTR . rilhl, IUCIAN priced Tree Trl mmln1 t Haul,cleanup,concrtht AlHOUSECl.EANING l'ioml. C.M &3_ l_· lllO _ 1 l.il' 1__ "•z.•~•z 1 rNe "i UJ ~te on Rtm>Pri val al R1e1 a10nable rtfl¥>Val Dump Trurk ·LADY XI.NT tu;Jo'S FIM Plllnting by Richard Wallpaper Conlrector Roollna Fut ~vlrel SI.nor Uc, In• 13 yrs of Cal)' Gompf. Uf 128a40 Xlnl Rd•. Plet r.a t ~.i1A~~~1y _ .-..... .,. _ areeoramal o.,. eta. Hau n1. Odd 'dittrv.'42·7638 CUUL 8 839 • I J •tcr --_l,J~l _J7S·O~ J obs. Clu n.ups . HAUUNG,OUMP I~. happ)' lqcal cu•lomt1r1 La1una 29Yra 494·.W 4tf·tala TI1ank_t0u._ 831·4410 Custom Wallpaperln1 .... S OH&. YI ....................... CONCRETE R~ID/COMM 'L 7~i1115, 873-9043 JOB.5, u lt for Randy, COSTA MISA, For all you nffd to know •&>' f:!r sq ft• a> yrs u~. Do my own Put a Wony to Reat ! Ml·M.21 NIWPOIT, llVIMI about banltrupt<'[i, l'•ll 1 Brirll..' 8 oclt 67uo27 work. Ur d Al &126 Wake Ui le Reminder ~UP YOUI ACT WPlldcrful Reterent·e11 fora C...tCMW r lMtMa Sat1afac·t1on Cuaran All'!)en.~_ 2$ yra &xp Lk 40~41 teed. S. l. Sht!flln. BALBOAROOPINOCO. 38day ad lnU1• DAILY Pl.OT ~41&.1S·91_2 lc..r.lc~llt UC'DELECl'RICIAN CallaE! tnlornlna ACtpcr TODAYI Yardtaara~· Call loux &1ldfd Ins. Rcf1 Color l1$ 07l4 Tht only roo<ina co. with ..x 963-49U Dick p .... l .-•11 con1trucllon rebate.. a..u...i....... •••••n • ••• ••• ••. • •• • • • ~ ...,...L R•aa rat noon v na. 121.00 er "' 835-9306 _. • wyoll • "' • H 11f cJo. , etc. l lOCl true ....................... FllllSTIMATI S \·$0!2Tom o. For ln.form1tlon, 1 :Mh ) '--Wlc., & 50.... l.'\iatom _fWG.~-~ Sent;t Name, Telephone • r1 __ l,J.BPAJNTJNG ........................ 6'7347'3,fn.azt SPECIAL! INT I EX1' • BRYANT S• Huber Rocll.na ·all l)'pel. laYICI IMUCTOIY DO IT NOW! -" " ---""-dt Doon Num~r l Reques' to HAU UNG 8ulldcr1Slnl·e 1947 H~'s Ceramic Tile •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• PO Box289 HB. t2M7 Quick clean up yd ~walJ Larry oo 9383 Wallrovenn11 Remov11I New·recover-dttll• I• S II M . At!..D~-&42 1343 Ul· Mll.802. ~·17M_ 4tkllot5-dro Your Dally Pilot Strvire Directory Additions f\•modcUng F1oon Showen1 Tube tf'RfJ'lCH DOORS• .,,,_ t Kri u 1 ""-•• Doors. windows, patio Call &nJ!lune 971·~ 10 putt nst1lled, 6' .....,, U::I rree Rf ck 831~5""""· ..................... .. m ma y pri t'e~ -- are small! CdM. NB ....,../ltpalr lit Exj>'d. Ron 673 &477 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• eovers. Freeest. Reas. eo.lrod-n.~--_. slideropenlng,f150 rom· ....... •••••••••••••••• ----RI CK WORK . Small Ut·. •3UJ942 549·2170 .... ., •--. tun austed) 640·1065 Carpentry Masonry Jobi, Newport, Costa - -PIASTER PATCHING , TILE INSTALLED G L Mangun P111nllnK Restucc·01S. lnttext JO All Kind.a Cuarantted Rtprennta ll v c: 642-1671,•d U l ROBTSTEINBRONER . •••••••••••••••••••••• Rooting . Plumbln1 Meu. lrvlnl' Re rs GEN'LCONTRACTOR All H0Mt lltlHlir Re~::' ~~c~:~ 615-3175. Oust. ~·ork Lil· 1362478 vrs. Neat. Paul 545.2971 Hefa ___ John 893-1861 Ins. Free est 731·82111 ,r.._ ----- Lit' #""""~~ _84• 6,.6 ph1111e:s, lic,bo111Jed. UUNG-Studenl has -Al-1.;,,. &. -.,..,.,...,., " .... exl:r ~'ree est & advice TREES "'--aJ Ma1'ntainance I k ,,,pes ... asonry va~ 1ge true Lowest rate. VttY reas !Jc bonded All PainllllJil-Int S450 exl Neat patches & texlure$ Cl.lstom Ceramic Tile S6SO Neat & l'om plete Fret nt._ 193.109 Procnruserv Fret eat. C.,.llhr Al en Const < M ilte l Topped/removed, clean Repairs & Decoratinf Prompt. Call 759· 1976. Bob~· 16soi536·9906 ••••••••••••••••• • •••• 497 ~4863__ 1C19, fences repaired l • lit • Ra 640>51 4 Thank you, John. ---. -fr~est.Refs.851·7292 EO'SPLASTERINC C uclt67S.1408 -CUSTOM INT/ExT All Types Int or Ext Tree Strike FINE FINISH WORK installed. 151-3476 Hn&l.E O NT --CUstom Bnrk Masonry Remodellng1 Doors hun~ CorporoHo.1 """ IMPR YEM E Compl yard constrUl' Rand}'7201¥t:dM_ ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• Gardening Wanted Repa1r-Maintenance •••••••••n• ••••••••• lion. pool decks & EXPERT SJr:RVICJ-: ~-8258 Restuc·cos ••••••••••••••••••••••• LOW RATES PIASTER & STUCCO •Expert Tree Pruninll • COllPOIATIOMS Mowlna.edglng,raklng, Heating, rarpenlry , antaREA\,LYC'LF.AN enclosures. Loca l rers ~ G W. VANDERVORT & PARTNERSHIPS awe e ping . ii' re e elec, tile. Free est. No HOUSE? Call Gingham 645-15l2 ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• CONST LG E/SMALL Formed by Allomeys esLimates 645·4372 or job too small. 645·2811 Girt. n-eeesl. &45-5123 YQ;S;ve!Bnck. block, NU·BROOK 545-1175 Rt11a1r NoJobtoosml Commtrci1lliand1~ NElSONSPAINTING _645 4203 64S·•t99 Servitea 957 Driveways, parking lot 673·1745 R~a.s. ratett. 557.5700 64S-5737. CM. ROBIN'S CLEANING cement By job·day hr rep11rs, sealroat 1ng, WHYNOTONEOF l bidalljobs.lge/sml Service-alhoroughly An slte'ob.631·3859 lnt/E~t Resld /Comm P1111biftCJ ••DPllT•• A<'OUSllt' ceilings. Reis, •••n•••••••••••••••••• Tl& SBVICE roofing rep1irs. L1c'd. Ccwptf S.,.lce Cettoln Woodwortd99 THE B~! Simmons Quality, exper. lic'd clws house. 540-0857 ~ 8'SAsphalt631·4199 ..................................... ••••••••• Dave 1-1194-9798 Mo-ti.... liC''d. 1-"'rl't' est. 1137-2637 DrainHleared rrom SlO • ... , .. ""'"'O• * PAJNTER NF.EDS Plumbing Repairs .. ~u• ALl.SI'ATE PAVING We Care Crpt Cle.iners Crown mo u Id 1 n g . Gardening, 646-6634 Expertise Housekeepina .... ::? ............... . Sealcoating ·Striping Steamrh•nn&uphols mantles. wall units, Gurderungwanted.byex-~:f11c:,.a~!~n~c~ll Supplleafurnished •ABC MOVING Exp . WORK 30 yrs exp. Int f"ret! l'SI. M&M 642·9033 * * * * * * * •ext Al·oustint>11ings Dishwasher. d1spouls. JA¥E TREE CARE Repairs.Comm /Resid 'J'rulok mount uml tnbineu Hardwood per horlitulturisl. PM Truatworth . 957·8001.. pro(. low rates Qwtk. lJc. t39'7362 845 8181 Wor~ juar 645 371~ solutions I 110 wood pr0o Spe<-ialiies in plants & Afler4 . 9&4·S231 We5t Coast Maintenanl·e ~rul se~ice. 552·0410 Dam Painting 847·5186 toilets & raurets. re Complete service and PalntincJ Lt-HOftS paired or replared 11 stump gnnd1ng. 10 yrs --Shampoo & stt>am dean blems_63 S28 g a rd e n m a 1 n t PROFFS510NAL 25'{ om New Yr Special AflorMyt Color bnghteners. wht "-w~ Greenhouses. Vegetable HANDYMAN AT on House Cleaning! •A·I MOVING • rop Quality Sper1al t'att' 1n handling 25 } r~ t•xp Compet1t1ve rates. Noovertl~ 730.:)353_ STARVING COLLEG I:: ..................... •• ~ exper. Jim 631·6666 exp. Uc. Ins. &40·9308 HOUSE PAINTING ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'rpls 10 nun blea<:h '::!•••••••••••••••••••• ~ardenlng, orchids & SENSIBLE PRICES. 6312969/640 6681 AOCRESSIV E legal Hull. h\ din rms SIS . DRYWALi. ACOUSTIC other exotir plants 9'19·226S CONNIE'S CLEANING Colle0 e stUtll.'nl, exp'd Pt operiy Ma.ogtwllt Wi:ldow CIHMNJ 1 -·· " D 6'6 lw.1'0 •••••••••••••••••• ••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• •• representation, law or. a'g room $7 so. c-ourh 14 )ts exp ~lly l11"d & 1l4-497_42'1S_ Repair & Install eleC'. QUALITY WORK fices,24 hrs.5453422 SIO, chr SS (iuar. ehm t~ured. --~325549 K&Dl.ndspng/Mu lnt plumb,l·arpentry. ___ 962·0768 __ ~rates anJ ~ ""~ PROPERTY "Lei the Sunshine tn·· PaperillCJ Call Sunshine Window ~ pet odor Crpt repair DraftiftcJ Services Resid/Comm Clean-up 541-8844 . eves 770·8777 WEEKEND/WEEK DA y ...................... , MAMAGEMEMT Q!arung, Ud 548·8853 llANGll'\G SIU !<OLL Oranite Co area 15 yrs •RESIDENTIAL• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 15 ~'rs exp Do "ork ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ~HaubnL.S48·24~ ..._..oodFloors HOUSECLEANJNG BaTtit,our~M homei., l m.xself Rers _~1·0101 E M Oe~ign & Check Clean ups. Sprinkler •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• 551·6443 STUDENTS MOVING CO Lie #Tl24·436. lnsured. 641 84.27 WA]'CH US GROW' D1Sl' on pa11er Slnp cXpenente C.ill for tnlo Avg 1 sty $30, avg 2 sty pmg_ Stott 645 9325 and rates ~ Chris 957·8388 yr ~·~'1l::e 9 N0Steam1N0Shampoo Pal' k a i: 1 n I! 1 S II Systems General Main-HARDWOOD FLOORS Quant Housedeaning --==:..;·=-· • 6·575 Stein Spedahst fo'ast MT L Pc B H a n e > ta!!'_!nt'e •645-7287_•__ Beaut1rully t·leaned wilh 1 Personal Tourh UC PAPER HANGER '6l.:' Il l Pro( Window Cleaning Rondl~I & guar /'\o Joli R~ Freeest .. qual serv . . o.c C AREA dn_Freeest 839 1582 Ha~on !H5_:_3701 and waxed. 83H8!L Beth5S6-0IS6 Lov ing. mother will Steam Clean ror the Selling aQYthing with a ----- STARVING ACTORS MOVING COMPANY Fast & Careful Lowest Rates Law Allows M C Visa_Lll'/lf!S 673 0~3 lm small or too lar~r ""'''"'f Ty-Rae _675·094_1 ..•.....•...••.•....... ~ Ftl'l' l'St Ton~· ll!lll 27211 REPAIRS t'OR LESS ClearV1ew Windows babysit. lullt1me Holidays' Bestratel>for SEU. idle Items with a Dai\yPilotClusifiedAd DUMPJOBS Good Wier. Dependable ~ -. - -the big dales I r 31 I Daily Pilot Classified is a simple matter . . . &Small Moving Jobs Refs. Call Ema. Have something to sell' Shmgles. flat 30 yrs Xlnt servil'e. rree est Classified a,ds do 1~cll. exp. free est 17<!.·2725 Ken ' 673·9018 ......... 1edAds 642 5678 646-4733 Ad. 'llltcall642-S678. Ca11MIKE646·1J!L_ •67J..2S84 • Apwtwllhu.fwrlL Apalw etsu.fw1L a... 4000 ._..toS... 4300 Offlct....,. 4400 Offb._... 4400 Lolt&Fo.d 5300 &"-cl 5300 ,.,..... 5350 JobtWGllhd. 7075 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• tWll9• leoclt 314 ... rt le-och 3869• WFSl't'Ll FF AR EA Lady to share mobile I Bayfrontl NB .. 3975 Bin·h llll60 sq I.Ast small hlk M l'oo<lll' Fourul m<tlt• Ua s:.1·t t Finan< 1all) :.l'l'Urt' smith.' You~dglir'aod~•edb man •• .. •••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hoom w, pn,·ate bath n.r home. reas. rent. nil-e • • fi. or less MlA tone. 5& ·• Roli1r · ·. ) t·l Io\\ & blat•k, hrv11. n & whllt• rrule mid 30·,, seekin,11 ~ e JO s evea 48R. BA&•, Pool. ten-Partl) furn barht•lor lloag Hos11ital Mature. ror retired lad) <Xht•e spare. 2SO SQ rt per SQ r t A.:ent rh1nei.tonl' 1·11lla 1 Fl.'mall'. 11u ,k1 rn1x f10Jn l'1ull) s et·ure ~ k1endsf ~and do a nls & Plqyground Kids a\311 1mmed S.'lllS mo prul lmle. non-~Ol(tker. -197-~ S400per mo !st 11n1l last ~t-5032. w1CdM animal hosp no gra) rnlJll· Po11ttl·t'. fl'malt 25 5(! ObJl't'I ~c ~2-~ ~~ei'·ma~~ OK. No pets. $625 Mo \'ti\' 1 i blk to bea1·h '175 . 01 rnn·ed Fem a I l• 35. Contal·l John 675 9007 , COSTA MESA m tag Pleai.l· n.111 B1•1 111 er & 11 h1l t· M J ll' m..itnmon) • Send bner r B 11 · 531-2545. i\1iii 673~ &t2ji846.lea\'t'mt'~Sg_ d eves_96017~ 1200 S Q rt Lite In t).548·6.S83 nllM'\l('tX kl'r. hro11.n & r('SUOlC & µhoto· BOK ~1------ 2 Br. patio. gar , ne11o~' \atl lmmt•d \'aulted La,11una Bl•ath·h. nr,wly ~~ft1.:x~·~1!e;;/'r.;~: IMO.FIH dustnal6731340 SCR•M-LETS wlufl' t1•1'.'1nh;i~1·.t.~b hlJ1'·k. Bo::94x41· • .,~ac•.1,'1 9P26~21061 . PO A-IHouse Cleamnglady, crptg. redec, $450 imo C1•1hng. St11s 10 Bl'h. der. e\l.'r)l IRI! urn. house·wrk for 11\IOI!' Mt-rtC•ftt•r lnX>sq. rt. ront•r1.>te'l.i1 " rru .' • a~a .... µ~n. •111 · """· ·~ ~':!ik~~~~eJO~e:ta~~ 536-5016, (2t3J693·7040 Garage Door Otll'ralor Nrbushne ~94-6176 quarters 642·4191 aft First rilss full sen·1l·e up ind bldg wtappro:i •NSW£RS ~hll~ & ):fit). m.ill· Slroni: µrof man desires homes Have llint ref I .. I 8 1-r Lro> 28 R $595 \ rll IAlrj!t• allr8l'll\ (' room. t.:nm EXEC orr1t·~. ln"ludu• 750sq rt ofr spal·e Pul " !?11lill' red ... l'~ porl prl'tty ~l·n~ual lad) Ill 35 Call ~rt6r 5.30pm t1'll -· rtn P ex, ront un-... ~.,,,. · · 1 d W h vr '"' , ·~ 8 * (' 11 Stwh,•r. 125 ~k,,a Or . tlais nites 720 0296 " .. 1t,new l·arpets1drapcs.,&l.2~ :.leadihempo)e >t Roomma11• lnine area all amen1 t1es From I) fnl·d yd Xlnt S.W n er •0 > C'.Mti-ll36.56 • ~m.S41·24~ m i ni blind s jNew0cean\"icw2hflrm 11r without klll'h fl2.S +'1 uttl+tleposit ~/mo.64~:J1!19 Santa Ana lol· Paul Stoi:k Ft'udal Rehnt'llGentleman. 45 HOUSEKEEPER. Pref Slater/8earh, S~OO 2'2 ba . i:ar S750 pn\'tle,11es $235wtthout. ~781113 EEO A BUS AD fr!lnkhn7~-5111 G TROUBLE II I Penonals 535( \d\Cnturcr. L1brJ l.J\'em.Exper,xlntref, Water & gas pd 891 7490 I Sl6 ~. E\ MS 2682 S27011o1th 919 ~ c--.. .. 550 'ranR\ ne' l'r :.t·o l l't ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,\1ail tu Est·ort Ira\ l'l,1nl( neat. sober, pl•asant, aft 6·:.JPM _ bd Prof rmmtl' wanted. DRESS' Answermg & .... -...,... .. but sh~ al\\a)i. ~ul h1·r Aff--'' M U (l\ throul(h Mardi 82 .. · · 1 Bdrm .ipt. sto' e. Ing, l...Jrl(e master rm. llrl\' bl•aut dN· 1·ondo. p\'t mail ser1•11·c. l·onferenl'e ••0 ••••••••••• •••• •• •• po 1 n t a (' r 0 s, 11 l•1 wnlS ass a9e Re(\, 311 12131 1 rn 7700 positive. reliable. loves Jbr, 1'7ba ('Ondo. $550 pkmg. On Penin~ula ba and l'ntrani·e. s:i3o rm & bo Pool S400 + room AdJ QC Airport Stora11e R \' tra1IH ra,onlei.J)mi:11o.ts, '"II Oiit·n2~hr~Jdd' duJdren Do drive. Call Pool Randy 594 1663. S400 615 0012aft 5 rmt~&last 8422032 expense., Turtlerot·k SIOO_mo 7148330692 boat.C M S35 mu Kirk · lh 7da~~a wt·ek Trovef 5450 befnoon.6312427 964 -7149 . 11ok -Xln 'tnr lloa{,p'lb3& Rose.~12252 KolCNt 631-0000. I ~.000ur~rl!rl'ecnri~:l' l1'11,',·'r ti'9 GorgPou' i.:trl~ to •••••••••••••••••••••••.-.w__._.. l Br )rl) rental. ste11s lo I , ~ 2 "" r 1 I' PA --12131857·4418. 1 h l'lll. No ~m .r ur k1h• Rmmtt'. Nwpt Shores. er Mi ..... ----·~ TRO UBLE .. pampt·r \OU Ja1·u111 "~ or Pntt· 11 ll' . /!or Park 1 n ie -N......v.rt Bea•·h View 11r -~ c-.. r I II ('1••1JC>"•. 13 ('11untr1 ~s• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 B b S00-$7511. k M &16 1035 non·smkr dnnk"r <her • -,.... ' a...... ~UllJ .ora ~ J' 14 l' J' ~ '~' .-Ac I rtt eeded rl a,newthru·out $4~0 mn 6iJ3!J5!1 ... fil'es.~llsenu·l•La~ -a11 4650 ,Found \'aluabll• lll'tn . lourt~t·~ H.ink S.W6.11300J counllogce n 7100 7794 Newman $1 50. 7315446 Hottfi,Motefs 4 100 ~,,,,s..i13oo1 mo 6400031. SuiteComplawhbrar)' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wt'Stl'l1rrPla1a t'.ill111 ,\nll'rll·ard , ~tJ ~l ••r FRE~: ('\l.'runi:ol South lo leamto operate com-lsl/last+d.!J!:.~4431 Vcri.;iille,, 2hdrm 2ba. •••••••••••••••••••••••.,...,.., and many t'Atras Winter Rental · NB 01'11 1drnt1f\ 64229-111 Char,.:l'. .\rrn.'l ll .in ~:, St<as ftlrm&tnfo ,Jan puterw someacrount· "'-21drm, I lo lrpk. dubhoust'. SN' Si.ALARKMOTB. F Nonomkr. for Fnund· 752-0002 fmt. 3Br. 2Ba. furn a11t Found. St·hnau1t•r ml\ 1ir1·''· 0 111 ,•1' J ll l'lh ·, 10 um Zonia ing duttes Good polen· ..ui I Cd' Hs s 9 Pl Adlls no pet wknd ~ ,.. -Ltalfor nghtperson Call ; 1 mile to Beach ~ rpr. gatt $750 557 1997 \\'kl> rent_.b oow J\ ail ' ..,f t' I S FASHION ISLA () · ~ s m I F l' m I' 1 11 k 11ol'lrotlll' it~ fi·I~> 3133 L"lubhoU!>c. 2101 15th St, Mr Brouse 972•4622 dishwasher. s moke ExduSI\ e Chffha11·n I $105 & UfJ Color T\' .640-5992 Ber 10 30 P!',1 Pn.ost1i:1ous Isl rltXir 673'3476· wkd~ 1602 ) rhm~tone 1·011;11 Wt·~l 2112 llarhor Iii C:\I NB l.t•am ho14• ,·11u 1·an alarm, sep gar. ball'on). bdrm apt with l>l'l'l' Phones tn room 2274 f'. 30-45 Shr Luxurious oct-:AN VIEW 94.5-52'75 !H6-4802 For total rl'l.i\Jlmn "1th I 'Jll· liO-• on tan'!> 111 S Adlts$40.5 Before8 PM t.il·Ular '1e11 $600 IJl'r ~c11 port Rl\11 CM 3BR.3BA. furn Lag Bt·h 3500to7000sqrt found Shephe11I m1>., fi a prof1·,i.11inal 111.is:.ai:t· P d11111 11o l'a 1·i1 11 960-4614 rm .\\iulFeb l.1982 da 1>16i+IS Ot·ean Front Condo DtorCommerrn1llni· mos. t-•em , tan w ll'l: Stell•I0 6.5-IH 2Jll i Sk~lrJ1b Truq•I Cluh 1 & 3 BR rentals ;n aila· 1132 3400, "' &12 72&1 HEED A PLACE? ~~~r Goodman. E\t 714~667 21 l~_or974·3211 nbbon ~-4H9 1..,ncll Tonight., :0. o•Nl {J\Jl'nt'S li73 Kifili ble. near bearh, JI B & Lux \'ilia &lboa l'l)JH1v. Reas Wttkly Rules Deluxe O<ric·es 3 lert m -....Ss Found Ra~t·n11 t'luh t'omµJn) •call ~1111111 J &rolovnftt & Newport 536·1435 or 11001. s er 2br. 21Ja, Kitchenettes-Phones Professional wom;i n downtown HB Newer ~_u.. 5005 11o1shcw; to pla1•1• \I! M 9531822 Prepcrotion 536-6701 $795 mo j,\2 0853 "Z" Channel Mo\les loooking for room ma tr Bldng. Prkl! 70' St f _,.,..... ·-•1 l.>arkless }odl'llin~ tloi.: '':OEOS Woul<I I.II\,, 1.,, •••••••••••••••••••• ••• LOIJMleoch 38 48 EASTBLUFF spa ('tou s Sandpiper, l967 Newport to share large N 8 Con llJ3..13St 0.0siNG·L~EAS·E~·~~~~· f$ff3826 "'rart} ~•th You' 'call School1& ••••••••••••••••••••••• tbr. pool. patio. 'Int Bl Costa Mt>Sa 645 9L31. ~ rZ ''J1~6~571 1 l' w I MEWPORT t EACH ltng business. i.l'lhnl! oul I Found I 9· Golll ~•l!lll'I L('" I 1 t' n r S ' I ' 1 .1 lnstn.c:tiOft 7005 I Bdrm loft apt Frplr. \ICW Sini:le adult. no IJ\e on Npt Brh S90 wk -1 New quality business ALL supplies and hx 11ni:.!mt1alt~I &J1·Wl'll•d 1~nyt1l'Tll.· 761 OO:lti. ••••••••••••••••••••••• stove, refng, d w. 2 hlks pets ~ mo ti-14 47ti7 Pine KnOI Motel. 6302 W NB Bal·k Bay. F120 30. and pror om"i.·e bid!( 625 tures indudini: Sl6 8622 & 1den1tr~ TUTOR! NG A' atlable ocean, lstdast + 1J ulll NEW·BE,\CON B\V PCH.NB645~0 hou.st' S275 mo Kelly. to 3,700 sq Ct Well Otspla} 1·ases. wa·ttni: Found .all tila•ll. }ouni:I Linda & Vl'Ckl.'S ~~l~~r~ Call Mrs SliOO/mo.~94 7222 LI): 2br. 21.>a. \U. dl'l'k, h •arh. on tht' beal·h. days_S58Z62S_ land.St·aped T1leddet·ks room l'ha1 rs. lh••IUI\ mall' lat. 111. Ralph , lbdrm, view. w rrpk. wl>hr dr)r . l'mprl r, llotefrooms.k11l'henellc ,~ Controlledfr1.>epark1n~ Salon hairdryers anil Markt•l NH fi44>16!1.'> •ESCORTS • Headstart Frl.'e pre S600/mo Ca 11 cl) b D W. gar, tenmi.. p1 l & bath $280 up monthly for 1ttflt 435 5da jnn1tonal. Layout lo hydrauht• l'ha1rs. mir ' BACK & BETTER sl·hool. 1011. 1 lll"O me 675-4350;1!\·es 499173.'> lx:h.d01.·ll. $1050 mo \r-+ S2!Klset•untydeposll ...................... you r requirements rors.shelvesandJ)l0tnb rr you want your ad TilANl::\'ER ' UHHS ram1lles 3 to 4 ~rs lrg 2br. Iba. ocean ,.u I~ 835·3.535 . 673 Jllti 2306 W Ol·eanfront. Garage m Corona del 759-9501_ wee~ da Also, make·up. shJtnP<Ml verusing message lo re I 669-0207 968-323.1 w/gar. wlk to town, beh SPACIOUS 1 bdrm apt' tn N e w Po r l B t-a l' h Mar. S5.5 mo. ~ & 572 sq. rt . Sl.00 pt'r and hair produd:. ach mo re peop I e a I· (Outl·all l u you're look mg for a bet- S675. 114 High Dr Lhl>BLL'FFS\'cr}pm b1:l·-!_154 770·0347 _ sqfl .3975 Bm·h .NB Call6Jl·97s.tor lowerC011t.Class1l1ed1s terj()b.you won'twanl """'5022 N hid MN\ I r & A t5415032 arter6·8986809 LhewayLOgo'CallNow' lo th I ....;.._;;.;;,,.;==;;..· _ • Ol' > ren or p(·h ~ VrxofiOft Rentals 4250 $6.S singe l(ar, sa e ~~ _ WANT ACT ION? miss e emp oyment 2 studios. nr Mam Bear h. &l5 62!8 ••••••••••••••••••••••• S('('Ure 731 W 18th St Newport Bead1, 50~ N VIDEO GAMES 642-5678 .Qass1f~1'1ds 642·5678 columns in Classified . good kitl'hcns. uttls mc·I. IBH l'lll llli Sputl1·ss OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br CM 6731787 Newport Blvd 350i.q rt SALES LE/\SING • • •••••••••••••• $375.494·3044 Qwd $450 2421 E ltith \\ail Winter Weekly Storage Garage. single toOOOsq rt ,\\0t1I al 85' New anadel(I( ,l\atl e• • •• ••••••• • Strctl h4S4TI8 \lonthl~ 673i87J 9,20. Cos ta Mesa a sq. rt Sierra Mi:mt 957·0J31 , e e OCEANFIOMT Ste~ to bi:al·h 1 3 llr, l'almS1>nnl(s area tMon $50/mo 642-4907 wkdys. Co 64l 1.'J24 Wl'havea µrodul'l thal 1i. • 8-DAY WEEK SPECIAL e Most elegant apartmi•nt t 2Rr. both frph's Sii~ & terey CCI condo 3 BR 2 9.5 Huntington Bea1·h. 419 to milk what marganm· e e building in La1?una S6SO 11 c•r mo Im Ba . rum 11o atrium Offi~•R,..jal .. 400 Matn St 380 sq rt 1s to butter Peo11le arl' I D•y• • 3 Linea • I Dollars e Beach. Finest location tn " D "" '"" .. town. Breathtak tng mat·ula~t-6i3 2507 Golf. tennis ail). ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl~/mo. Sierra Mgmt earn1n11 in ex1·ess or e Its easy to Place yo~ 8-0av Weelt. Ctass1!1ed by ma11 ano •I views. All bit ms. heated I. 2 & 3 bdrm~ rly rl'nlals. wrckl} & monthly rates 1617 WestdiH. N 6 Want Co. 641 1324-· -SIO.OOO per month Th ts e costs 1ust SB -that s only a dollar a day' To oualtl~ for this • pool. subt gara.:e. S42Sto$750mo Close to a\atl 714 558 ROO I rtnanrial inst 7ooos r HEWPOIT ts not a mtspnnt For soec1aloller you mustbeanon~ommerc1aluser offerong • elevator Ltase onh ocean 675 11>12 !I SPM. ask ror ~lark lst_ noor ~ entS41 501_2 , EXECUTIVE STE. more inror~I! &IG 3337 l •. merchandise lor sale up to $800 per ad and the price mu s! e S850 & up 330 Chlf Dr Lge 81g &ar cabin, poul u.-rt T t be d T th th " e SonClemtftte 38 76 tbl. color l\', 2 rrpks. EXECUTIVE Luxunous suites a,·atl MOPCJC!CJH. n11 • in your a he cost stays e same wne er your au .~. -••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 5 0016 SUITES ' for sub-lease in one or ~ 5035 e needs eight days selhr1(] ltme or 1ust one e M--'leoc.h 3869 N1CE2 Br I'~ Ba laun S.2;i)4_S<I IN Nev.1>0rts exclus1,·c or. ••••••••••••••••••••••• e ""-r-' I "'-" I " LAKEARROWHEAD r I A l r ....... -M~C • U " h bO Ab t 4 k ••n••••••••••••••••••• < 11 . .,.,ame .. 1·1•1 mi: .. o HralT "GE ice l'omp exes irpor _.........-• .,. o. se one woru 1n eac x ou words ma e one PIDK NEWPORT pcL~. S4SO Home. sips 8· t•htld ren IOI\ "" I l'IQ!l'. lnl'ludes: All types of real estate e class1!1ed ltne of type M1n1mum ad is 3 lines Please orinl • M CLEAN 2 Br t Ba laun· Ilk. no pets. nonsmkrs rLAU •Recepllphone investments sinre 1949 Plainly • COUHTIY CLUI di'), ,11arai:r '\o pets onl) Wknds wkl~ New luxury orrire space •Utilities •Janitonal SptclllidlMJ la e e LKll1to.1G $425. 24Q9734 556·6389 1n Irvine's busiest •IOOfreel'oples1mo. 2ttd:JDs e r------------------:-----------1 • n " 493 2710 Rt..tats to Shor. 430 center! Easy Frwy ac· •Ample parkin~ e 1 r----,----.---:--.,-----c==== Bachelors', 1&2 bedroom ccss. A\'a1l now' Call •Kltrhen •Sect ysm 642-2171 545·0611 e 1 e •-11ous w.-.1.....!--t-389 a •••••••••• ••• •• • ••• • •• f:.•lown es nJ1111fU "' r. ('h1ld ok. shr lux 4 br rordeta1ls available e mS530-1000 644-l!JOQ ....................... rondo Pool, tennis. elr. ~51·123 1 640.42 30 Call,Roxanne975·0740 Earn 16'k on Balboa : : • ~aJEsE. v! IAllaptR. e&nla<.:losndo $31.5 ?arr ~~om $275. 645 5123 .!!_ancy -I 7TH STIEn ~and trust tSdheedrts o, \'tr I • 1.00 • "''" Prof lo Shr 2BR. 2BA OS .. MES" '°'* .,.,.eqw Y 0 or On)( e 1 i-----+--------~---~---- 675-4912Broker -~ftts F.mishd CdM Hse t blk lrBrh. f 2or froo;;.~ffke s':Hes. Offkts.ih tei::1·SSOOOH~~n~imRJumt. e I 10.80 • Oceanfront fo r Winter orUiftfumi~ 3900 Pref. Mll-5311. 675-9619 AIC. plenty or prkg. Ultl Lease 360 sf in Fountain 91 .._. ' r e I • Rentals. Pu rnlshed & ••••••••••••••••• •••••• ev_e__ incl. Avail now. Call Valley Bank office build· 6 75-28 6 e \ 13·20 e ::~a~~~:·.6;:·::~!. S EVAILWLAGI ME ~. HF~~i~ym~t'!,;:;~:r~e1n ~::!~0;'~c:ulte6~:·:~: ~~~~t/~i~!i.11~~~ Widow has SS$ ror e : 15.IO : patio, pool. Adults, no N B Nr community pool st.i1110W1 airport area 375 tact: WaJly Slark. 1714 ) TD's/Re Loans. lOK up e 1 Add 12.IO ror each addlllonal lln• for I lime a pets. •CNO. 1801 "'H"'15th. I ·-beaches .......... nor mo ... """'.,...,_ No ,..__.it.' No penalty • I • N'IV New L&2 bdrm uxury "' _,., ,,~ sq n. For details call "'7 '.,_ "''"" Sl.642-7340. adultaptstnl4plans. I Covers all but rood & 851·6226. ______ SOUTHCO~TBANK Oenni50llAssoc.673-7311 • I • OCEAN VIEW deluxe 2 Bdrm from $490, 2 bdrm long dist a nee "'t'alls • I l"ubhsh my ad for 8 days starting e Br. 2 Ba derk. ) ard, from S570. Townhouse 759-irn.> ____ ~re:' rt Mesa Verde c/deslt space. Active JM~wllh/ 1 e ACCOUNTS RECEIVA.ILE CUllC Rapidly growing lnt'I compan)' seeking de· tailed onented i n- dindual ror entry level position in our arrounts n.•<·e1\•able dept. Must type 60 wpm, arcurale· I~. 10 key by touch At·· counts rere1vable exp helpful. outstanding l'Ompensatton & benefits in a pleasant working environme nt Co nt aN Pat Mills. AMF Scien- hltr Drilling lnterna ttonal. 18012 Mitchell So , lr\'me. 714·S57 90SI EOE Mlf Analyst Long hours. hard work. ror someone unusua lly s killed, possesing a thorough knowledge or securlly in' t'Stments. H this 1sn 't you, ple-aseo call your bnghtesl under ulihied MB;\ lneod & tell them about this ad. Com· pensation to $60.000.. + benefits. If )Ou're the best. pleast' reply in con· l1denl'e to: Mr Charles. PO Box 2000. CdM. CA 93i2S Ass.istClltM~r Salary. SllOO up. 'Some Expenence Nee. Mu st be able to attend Train· ing Srhool. Jan 18th 64&11844_. ____ _ ATTEHTIOM: Ambitious boys and girls IG-13 years old. to work one or two even ings a week gelling newspaper s ubsn1 P· t1ons Transportation and t·onstant adult supervision pro\' ided Call 3 to 5::.IPM. aalt for Andrea. 642-4321. ext 343 brick frplc .. gar . rrom S&io +pools. ten· ROOM MATE WANTED' · airport area R.E. in· P~1/ e 1 Class1f1ca1ton • SEC U R GATE . ms, waterfalls. ponds! El Toro Condo, close to vest. ofr Call Poul or Lott& FoilMt e 1 N l G f __ ... •. h t T ""''" N I t ame • ~ llSO/mo. or ease opt. as or l'Wt\tng "' ea -Ma 11 · s & shopping BA y FROM """6· ewpon nves •••••••••••••••••••••• • 1 ·-------- Mulls, Sunset Bluffs mg paid From San t•enter Pool. patio, me nt Counsel o rs . ••wewllh 5100 •. 1 Address e Condos on Pacifir A\e. Diego Frwy dn\'e North ,1ew. 2 bdrm. 2 ba Jim Pnmeoffice. 760·9440 7SZ.5LU. .. ................... .. at Victoria .CM . on Beach to McFadden 8SS·2813afl.8pm. Costa Mesa. 2SO s~. fl. llolfice,t4x22.17873 Own Your Own House e: City Zip ___ Phone 1 • l-G-9440.642·8808 then West on Mr Fadden R m/roommate for suite. Sl75/mo. Uli s In· Beach Blvd, H.8 ~m Cleaning Bus Ines . • I Check or M.O enclosed D I • 1 with lar&e lort & extra to Seaw1nd Village S:i'boa Pen apt. 673•1807 r id. 779 W. 19th. St. SGSlOO Great Potential. For e deck. 7st.OU4, 759-1042 1714)893-51.98_. _ 3n6pmand wknds. 8Sl.m28. · 4450 More Information Call • 11 Charge my ad to· I e 38r 28a St .. -t b h •~ .. 000 So.~c-=i ............ A.lice, 857 ·6195 or e · · .,.ps 0 eac · -., Partc Newport. Twnh!e to "!!!!fU,,,,,......... 'ISl ..,,.. I D ~ # Exp I e ~/mo. utils incld ••••••••••••••••••••••• shr W/pro( person. ten-Space ava In It)' sh ororfice. 1350sq ft . ....VI • I l_ • I ~~;:r:0:~:-~~~ ?1~0:~~~·~:~~:~~ ;.!t'c~~~:~: health =~t~.~~r~:~!~~~~ Mesave~:~a ~.~.~.......... :. ILo __ ll ____ # _________________ e_~_P_· ___ _! : . r ldU Dally, Weekly. Kitchen Mature Woman. Non StrViCt', janitorial and • ~~~::~~-=ronl ::t~.a~~w winter :.~ifu~tr:: ~~ ~~ ~~r:f.HCallCorrine cm =~~~aq. FOUND ADS : r ·········WE 'LL PAY THI llEllP IO STAGE r·::~=-··1 • J Br. 2 Bl. Yearly r~n· l..ak~ Forest. All hou7e° w/!women 964-6763 uwn fl. +atonae. 3$11 sq. n. ··E FREE . "mssm : • .... _,, ':10-0347 pnv. W/D. Lake. pool, Rmmte to shr 4BR 3BA """f'V ReaJonomlct 675"100 ,. • I 1, IUt\lO , e -·tH"/mo.' · lt'Mls. All utll pd. tzao. apt on Bal ls. S22S+ulil PIMMSULA _ Call e •, I 1111 THE ~ Nt Holg HOtSp. Lijht & lsl&lasua6•4038 M/F 21-35. non·amkr. Spacloua executive of· au. or omce. 3 rru. t; e I I ""'Ho~ : •. aity. 2 BR 2ba, inlng Room and bath. Fe-;;-BrlanorJohn67S·~62 Oces acto11 from ~lly BA. Kilcl\, ~ w ltul 64J.H1t e ~ rm. :!,~642=-· aar. $ 3001 m 0 . M 0 n y Harilor Ridge, Attorney Hall: Alllft'V!ces av11la· CM. MOO Mo. Call Jack. BUSINESS REP LY LABEL I e amenities. 545.2439 eves, will ahare wll~ pro· ble, optlOt'lal · From 225 5M-2277 • m" u-."H•••' "°•Hot••••"' 0~1,o•u11• e y-..i .. , O(flft view. 2 BR r I I or b • m n 1q.ft. up, at reasonable ,.,. Australian Shepherd, e I ---------------v Uol'650 G7.an9d)'! euona u a ' rental.I. No lease re· CDMPrlmeloullon,lw male.2yn,tri·colored, ~ o0S'*~~•'"° .. ~"H I e 1•,2pa . Nice furnished room in luxury condo, HOO . Cl'ired.Call873-JOOa ~ to3001qft.forb111lness ~rln1 Hoapil al ID • ~ OrtflftCO ... Dally PUot . 1 • MM11Dor•J1ll private home. C.M Ca ll +752·'"2 days, 640.2434 oroffkt.844-Mt4 GIJOll e • ., Piii • ~ ~1 2 BR 1 Ba, $48 6882 eves wttttoda. b ..wl'C)U 4100 ~a.ta. '* mo. er m. . . ~ RmmL M. Nonsmllr. latalAl Slllm b ol t , trW....., lcllt: Red huh Sett.er r. • ~ • ~or...Slll -. CDM, nice prlv. zs.s&yrt. l250 mo. i.t' ftCfl v~J bl ·~ c ' "_ .............. " .. !lpade. l~Yrs old • I 1 •1 ... ,_,.. "'· N>lu to prof., m p., Liit. Pool, NrSC Plua. -tro:n:.'A\.1;uri 4.000 •[· ll 1H~-d~o . Ana•er• to Zholtl.' • 1 ... 1111 • • .,. -.,.,_ r·~.~:;..::.~ Ml·1111-....... -mllol>=· 1c.n .~:..:.:...•:,.::.• •-a&'t!AllDll • Ul't!,IOwlt • tJmo . aft l p m M/Pto ahr 2br,Jl>UOft· -for 1 moo *· (714)Dl~ MCILAI e CeN.....,CAIMM • ._ do, N.8. Xlltt loc. on ... ...,.. I.Git: J• T Lq Ida. e .. •••· ":!i;:· Irle •• ..... , -~;-r.;;ua. ••••••.•••••••••• ••••••••••• T --<,i;---_ -- A ;tc1.o.i.w ...... 11 • .. _ ....... .... .-111tC..,CIM .. ., ................ ............. ,, . .... -.... ..... . ....... ....., • '·'"'' It """ '" I ........ Clllllit~ o.,.,, .......... . DAILY PILOT I•• 111 ter111•ll•• u • ..... ,..,..._ ....... .... I• I ,! " J ... 'h .:. ~: .,,. .. i' , ,. ,, /• '> "· .. .. ; .. .. ,. ·' • ... : <: .. . '·· • .. ~. ' I• i. I I I• \ r; ,. --------------·----- •BALLET• TN' • JAZZ • TRIM TO AHYnM • AE"°81CS •CHILDREN• TEENS• AqUl.TS ...... .,. ......... c ..... ' Sthools anti Instruction ·•1 ti Learn How to use Wang, IBM 0$6 & Oisplaywrlter Xerox860 c• U14) 556-84 C fl .. Tnlllill. ,.._. ...._ hyt •IT1m11 •S• .... --- 11111 v.-let; of flit schools collclWaOk• y• to a ..w toliliorrow L..,. .. .,,. TUVD.AUT MOrninJ. afternoon & evenmg classes. P aclk :Jra1111/ 'S~lwol 6101.171•St. s,.MM9 (714) 543-9495 •t A' I • IHJ ·~----~ ------------------------~ Orenge COlll DAILY PILOT/Tu.dty, Jtnuart 12. 1112 ,_ .. ..., .............. C:'tf .. ;ul\;tL:• ,.. _ •W _I ubp ca1r 642·5611 a.IH Ga lffllh lxt. JI I JOLEE MILLER VOCAL TkAINING l>ICTION as openings for students of ages and levels . Gradual Westminster Choir College, ...... 11• ... " ........ . ne~fu.l Ophthalmolo11l1t1' o • fk'4!. lomr 1wrountln1 ' l)'pjftC tl!Pt'r r~ui rtd Medlral tll'd prt' (fm!d. j714 )Mf.24!!:,_ Rb•fPl., Country Club In NB lf8I full time re t'esit lf1a1t be artk ulate. tthefrful • proftstion11. Ability to hundle 1wltrh board ' 11ood typlna 1111111 are euentlal Somt weekend hours Call ..._StlM, Diane R«'tt>tlTYPlst. N.8. firm ltttJ sharp. prof. In· divl4~1 PhoM. typin1. gen. olr. C.11 Sharon at &U'°'31 __ t".!~~ ..... ?!~ SALIS Ora11a• Co'• ludlntA rUJtom rlotem•k 11r I• loc*lftl (Ot hhch f roclul' loa prol~ulon1 111le~ Pff'IOI\, lh11t h I \ t' 2 \ r' Hpr. Po11tlon ufrt•r. btntf1t1, lot> l'umm ' aalary. C.11 Mr. Cun 1 tN:d tor •eet $-49 1m ,.. Pa11·Tbnt I 9UOY¥15tT W/WASMMGTOH Unt;oll\ ' H1m1ltol\ &t ~people you will lt't' · oo Ole moiwy ,ou 1·1rn cm.k~ u 11 l"°' An1111lt'S 'llmea drt·ul1t1on dt•pl Odd rep Man) IJl.'ovle oo the p/t l'ln-ul11tlon 11les progum cum 1111re than $200 u w t't•k 1.1. IMYHTMIMT for workina Just a few F.atn whlle you learn. hours each day si~n1n11 A H E R I T A G E '°"new Times Sub'""P •• INVESTMENT will lions in tht!ii4 l'Om ·1 teach you crutlve muniUes. We pay hourly •..: financing, t031 Ex waie + g~rous l'Offi· \ d mWJooa. If you ha'~ a changes. investor e· neat a ppearanl'I' Ii: A ( T•n-••-=1 "''J.1'1r.~:..-........ ,u • .-z:::.. ..... -t62·144t- IUH MOii MOMIY Become 1 WOf'd PrOceeaing Sp8ci1liat Excellent Career Opportunities WORD PROCESSING AND INFORMATION . SYS'Jf~ Finanrial Aid Prosrams. Accredited by lbe Accrediting Commission ot lbe National Aasoclatlon of Trade Is · Technical Scbooll. American Airllnea Sabre Computer Traib.iQ& Princeton, N.J. . 631-2789 velopment & l'OUnaeling. knack for talkino with .• ~ Exper. rounaelors te· " • ceive 100r.4 c·omm. Thia people talk to us about · 1 la an unusual oppty for this areal p/lime up· ' j right persoo. Coofiden· Portunlty Call Mon f'ri, ' t1al 1oter\'lew Ca II 957·2.161, ext 1204 ~ ~·~· Br~tot-Sul1e 1~ santa An1. Ca t17'17 "A ....... efl.._, _ _,-~.111 ..... Vmce.~5880 Salespenon for 11lan1 store, p/time , arter· ·• J ~~~ ..... ~!~ ..... !~ ..... ?!.~ ~!~ ..... !!~ ~!=:! ..... ?!~ ~~~ ..... !!~~ !~.!=:! ..... ?!~! ~~~ ..... ?~.~~1~!~ ..... ?!!! Alfl'OMOTIVE Bankang CA.SHIH INSURANCE . a 7 PA.ITS BABYSl'M'ER d Poclfk HOUSEWAIESALES AU~~LEIK Personal Llne.s Un· ·A c r eative Human R eso urces IEST>.UUMT noons ' wknds Thi! Biiaar e Baza a r . ~Jm. l():6pf!! Experienced fish cook. parlll1me , & day host ess I booltk ee per. lllSal_es _______ _ Mon ·Fri 333 Bayside REAL ESTATE Sal1:11 C,..,.-aM•u Pa8rt1hotime, orr :_k ys. Hrl'o•d ._. !'\ill or Pili A 1 Elet·tronit distributor derwriter. Experie!'red. Manager will have the opportunity to vv"' "" !!_, me 644·1!_..., .,.... • • C H, me PP Y needs mature person for near OC Airport Z1llg1lt t bl' h . It · d · Dealership or foreign Babysitter Wanted U.~.tiN) rown ardware. 1614 filmgdepl. EXl'ellent op· &Wri ht 7S2·90S5 es a ts. a resu S·O~lente depart. auto parts experienre Prefer Collegt Student. New lnd'Pt'nde.nt Bank ~an Miguel. <Harbor portunity & Company -' ment aimed at meetmg employees' preferri;ct. Call Glen for Tu es. s a 1. 8 . 30 1 o Newport ti r \'tn e In -'!'!1 NB. be1wf1ts Ca ll Elsa, IHSUAAHCE needs. Skills in me rit compensation anapJ>Omtment. l2:JOAM.631·0130 dustrial Area has a po,,. CLER IC AL· Fu 11 t 1 ml' 556·3880 Multi bram·h ,·asually benefits organizational beba · d, IOY CAIYER uon a\·ailable for teller posilton a\'ail for person agtnt'Y has openings 1n • . . VlOr an IOU.S IOYCE Bab}'llltter Expenem·e neressary w1t1emal skills to wk m filUlJll·e Manager needed Anaheim. Long aea,·h & commun.1cat1on wc;>uld be helpful. On~ 8(';....h __ _ are son now Tl") a nl'W ., Restaurant r1eld-·Energy 1-;~ N Ho6tess. 20-25/hrs week. panding tompany on :t must be able to work Lido i nt e r view1n~ days Also Busboy. ex briehL aggressh·e 11eu per'd, 3 night shifts. pie. For personal 1n · 673-~. terview, rall 613·2902 A.MD IMW l..o\•inf lad)· to l·are for 6 Xlnt. emplo)'ee bener.ts ofr o< med lab. nr Hoag for hnam·e depurtmcnl El Monte oHil·eJ Inside Progressive, dynamic company needs 6 0.6444 ~100~ ~:a~.'~:O ~~~ ~e<hcal msuranre. 11ro· Hosp. N.8. Mon-Fri 9-6. with starr or 6. Posl sales. no prospel·tin R a take-charge humanistic leader flt sharing. ell-. Call Noexperne<·.Will train h h 11 d Auto & motort·yde l'X Pl d ' d l · AtrrOMOTIVE Fri in COM home Refs. Susan Peters. 1714 l S48-SSll2 · I rooit genera e Rer per. helpCul Attral'll\'e ~ase sen resume an s a ary re · lttllMU.s Lag un a B e arh hardware full time Coast Hardware. P.+sC-le-• non-smoker613-7901 ~H033EOE/M/F S years expenem·t· re· salarv. romm1ss1on. rr quu:ements to: • -ClEllC ... L q u 1 re ct Co m p a n y ·, A.d Dri•tr BABYSl'M'ER · "' tx>ooeils + profit shar· mge benefits pal·kaice Box 1002-Automolive experienl·e 3·11pm. my home. 2 Banking General orril'e, U<'t'urate mi: Apply. 1600 Plal'en For app't rail Debbie at Daily Pilot ----'49'1"'""-·.:..4403;.;;. .:,.__ __ 1...::.:==--- preferred. 5 day week <:hildren. ~~--PACIAGEI/ lypisl. l{ood with fii:urcs ua. <.:.M .. or send re FGS· _11}4_)~9·8S09 Salary commensurate to UMDllWllTll ~~· 't.v::r~e~i~::b!~, sume to. PO Box 1~ ltlttrior Dfli9" Costa Mesa, Ca. 9'i626 experienre Call Greg IAIYSITTa VERY BUSY loan offu·e C II ~.M CA~ 5.a111:5 Dunklin/Parts Dept at n l<>t I N rt n -h area a 545-0131. for I """'. San Clemente Ford. Pel'300 needed to meet I ' . ·a ewpo . IK"a1· a21>0mll!ll'nt. . GEHllAL OFflCE Must be l'reat1ve, Self 498-6990 6/yroldg1rl arter srhool. Sa\'tngs&1:-'>an.1sseek CLERK TYPIST I Elel'lronics firm in Motivated f1ex1ble Hrs. ---~--l:s.5 to approx. 2·45pm ing ekxpenenl·ed loan Small. "rowing l'Om · Costa Mesa seeks person Will l rain 496-2149 e\'eryday. Mon f'rt par .agers & un .. An Automotive MUST 8 E 0 E p EN _ derwnters for t·onH•n pan) needs l'Ompetenl with i:eneral 0H1re & 1)1111'~_, W~Clertl l OABLE MUST live lional real estate loans person Cor filing & t~p I hl(ht bookkeeping Ex , ________ _ T_...i___ Salary "Ommhnsurat•• mg. A1·1·uraleSS W"m r~ 11'd, induding a(·1·ounts MANAGER ..---withm walking d1stanre ' " ' 'd Du ... bl & 1 Filing. light typmg. good lo school. Stonecreek with experirnl'<'. Ex q . ties inl'lude typ 1 paya e arl'oun s re- Models, al'lors, Film xtras Xlnt opp, new fal't'S t~Pl'~ 2U·659 7860 M!Xlcls & ESl'Orts f'~m ()i)y. To11 $$. 642 "852 Alt 12 with figures a must Elementary. Wood-l'ellent growth polt'nhal IOI! il'lll'rs & in\'Oll'l'!>, l't'I\ abll' Permanent Salary open. automoll\ e bndge. ln ·ine Refs with aggressl\'e l·om f1hni: & rnlerini: ctata in pos1hon requires relia expenenre helpful Con· Please <'all 552-0461 after pan.}' Please c·all for ap to Apple 1·omputer S900 bit• l>l'rson. Call. P11rt /l1me pos111on Pm ate beat·h l'Om Modfts U•..Uttd mumty Ideal opportuni Nt'l'ds tall altrac·l 1\ <' B d • '""nt~nt rm VAJ..OR ELECTRONICS tact ren a at I S:~m. """' ""' M0.9264 NABE~ Ms. Denny Par1s111 HPSSYSTEMS, INC I 714·645-6505 645·9552 Gm(•ral lirlp CA DILL 4.. NEWPORT IAUOA Mustl~ Errand~. th-11110 n Banking SAVINGS & LOAM •CLEtUC• Off1n• & Hom'' o, .. l\ Cor rl'llrt'l' with men/wol11l'n for al(enc·~ riliinal(enal cx11criem·e assii;nlTll'nts 548-7762 Salary nel(ot1able. fll'xt MUISES' AIDES ble hours Send resumt' , . PEISONHEL COUHSB.O• National temporary IX'rsonnel servi,·e l'O. is lookin.i ror personnel 1'0Unselor Pre\'10US ex· penenl'e in temPorary peri.onnel a must. Salar) l'Ommensurate wtth experienre Stnd resume to: Classified Ad 11981, Dail) Pilot . P 0 Box IS60. Costa Mesa. 92626-«i60 ZC.t;X) H.ubor Blvd C<bM """""' ~40 'll00 SAVINGS REPS. 1100 Irvine Ave .. NB nPIST l'ass1unal TraH·I. lloori; flex1bl1• Must hun own E.O.E. M1F Fast pal'ed Rral E.~lall· 1·ar Be Rl'iwl.Jll• to Box 23S6 Ca111slrano Ct'rt1f1ed & exp d In Bl'al·h 92G24 or l' a 11 , len.oslt>ci in i:ood nurs1nl( 496-6576 1•t1 rc. proved work mi: Pt.ASTICS MIXEI/ -rund;loons & bl•ltl'f OPHATO• ~fke nl'eds sharp. well 493-2744 1---------i organizl.'d Gal. 75 w11m typing. dil1 aphont'. wilh GENERAL LABOR s a I a rit•s Pos111 ons Marul'UriSl wanted with .n .ulaule. 7.3 & 11 1 ror adhes1\'e & t•oallng followuig. bus~ HB sho11 Mesa Vl•rdt• Coni al mfg To mix rtsins. , ... '"-/ Banking !Utall BULLOCIS SOtrrH COAST has the following perma nent openings: UCB'T10MIST BEAUTY SALON 32/hn per week Book appomtmenlS. Pleasant telephone \'01ce Must ha\'esome nights avail. COOk 40/hrs per week Previous ~rill ex penerwe reqw red MAJMTEHAMCE 40/hn per week Basic l'arpentry & m 1oi ma I elel·tri<·al baekground required 30 hrs per wk. l(oodSe(ntanal skills Lill' mfl( planl 78.5 W 16th SU.: M. 3 1JI from pier ~ 1212 & Ha;pital. li6I l'.t·nlt'r St. fillers. p1gml' nts & 900-11746 ask for Pat C.M ~ 5585 l' al u I~· s l s I 5 3 7 All PoSitions offer xlnl ~01lrO\ ia, N B salary & full l·ompany ECRETARY for u11 ht) ('QOSulltng firm m (' M 20 hrs per wk , ma ke woclt into full·time St·nd resume to. Classified Ad 1868, Daily Pilot, P 0 Box 1560. Costa Ml'!>d Ca.92627 SECRETARY 0 p e n 1 n g r o r .1 serretar1al pos111on shorthand requ1 rl!d. must type 75+ wpm . hours· g.~ PM . Salar) negotiable Referent l°S ' recommendation~ H' q11red. Write Class1fl1'<.I Ad 11982. Dail) Pilot. P.O. Box 1560. <.:1"t.i Men. 92l62&-0560- Brentwood Sa\'1ngs and Loan; a nice place to v1s- 1t your mone) A great plal·e to work An ex1:1t· ing opportunity to learn and grow. CHIEFTW.H Newport Beal·h Chier Teller or Senior Teller with supervisory ex pcnenc·e Some 1: da~ Sat. Salar\' l'O m mensuratl' with ex penttll'e Contal't PeRg)'. 833 2!IOO Grubb& Elhs MAIKmHG MGR. NURSING Pnntmit benefits inl'ludmg store ~ALOFflCE Tral'l salei;. t'XPl'r LVN.311.2dy~11rwk. Slnpi>eriCamera Man. disrount,medu·al&den.l~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!~ml!- Our ra11i10\· l'lllJandinl( nt>t·essary 962·6684 su11en1Sl'. mt'<b . RX With 1-:xpl'rll'nl'l' rorl Lal benefits & paid val'a· S.Cret- Or a lot of cash? Then call classified. Those things taking up space In your home, Items you haven't uaed In ages, may be just wtiat someone else needs. So give us a Cllrrentl) we ha\ e open· 1ngs for energelw. self· moti\'ated 1n~induals who enJOY working with lhepubhr_ Prt\1ous <'ashiering, bank or sanngs and loan experienl'e will be a de finite plus Tauas PAIT TIME lsl pos1llon 30 hours l't'r "''\'ek ml'ludmi: '' da) Sal Light l) pinj! 2nd pos1l1on 1: da) Sat Lll{hl lypin1t -Companion For El!lerly Lad) L1 ve·ln . l.1Rhl Hstkpnl! Drinni: Op uonal Sala~· Open 1741 ~n AH' C&1_: 642 0925 COUMTER HELP Ca(l'll'ria S l \l l' restaurant 1n tn'onl' Ra1·qut'tball Ht.ilth i Club. Da) & t'H' hrs 1 call ... It's easy to use classlfled to get your hands on somecaah. 973-0838, 9 lo 4pm I Call L.\nn (or apnnmt Count l' r he I p Co r We olfer an allract1\•e ""' sandwu·h shop 1n Costa salary and benefit ment,673-3130 Mesa 18 or O\er. Mon· package. a great luture IMPERIAL S&L Fr 1. 1 o .-4 pm ca 11 with a growing l'Om pany .._!!!!!El!!!!O!!!!lll!E!!. m~/111!!1/hllllm-• 1 ~ 1~. ask ror ~t arvm and a warm and friendly r-'!L'!l em 1ronment BEAUTICIAN ·l·areer D..talHyqiftlist oriented hairstyhsl & Newport Beal'lt An·a 1 •, manu·unst for a highl~ days 642 6880. 673 3403 louted salon in Fashion eves~weckends PMMta-WI F• M Actiln ca11 a Dill Pillt U.YISOI 642·5671 To d1sruss yoor fut ure career in banking. pleasel·all Pegg) O'Qurnn (71415316560 BRENTWOOD SAVINGS &LOAN ~AccutEuc. lmuediate opening for advertisinf account executive lo sell both weekly .tr dally newspeper advertising to a wide variety of retajJ accounts. Must be a elf a tarter, wilhng to develop accounts in • r.ew territory. Space Ries exper. needed. Sa ary plus commission. Benefits. Smd resume to Carol Olson. Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 921636. No phone calla please. Ne~~~~~ e~.!f,~ dilplay penoo with management afliillUes- M ust be iMovalive. capable of orcanlntlon ' lmplementll'.ll new product pro1ram1. Send resume to carol Olsoo. Daily Piiot, P.9. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92S2S =~.i'eet Costa Mesa, CA • F.quaJ Opportunity Employer ,: · ........................................... · Island \'ll' Call Sand) ~6023 BEAUTY DENTAL HELP OfftCE MA.MAGEi Ex1X>nenl·ed Are YOU Lookm1ot for a Rewa rd mg Career Opportun11~· with E.~l·ellenl Potential Cor Personal Growth & RHogn111on? Our Modern Progressive or. C1l'e Sei!ks YOUR Ex pcrt1se to Complement a Hil(hly Motivated & Slulled Team. Ex1·ellent Benefit Pal·kai:e in l'l udt s M ed1l·al Insurance Plus a Per rent of Prodm·uon $1600 Ir Quah£1ed Huntin'1lon Be a l'h 1W 7-6044 ---- lntcma1101\ai Company MEAT CU TT E R 0 r Sm ron1 hos11 Nr l' M Day Sh1fl at Dennis lion Position A"a~:ble for is 5<'t•k1ni: an l'n Counlerm•tn. NEW fmri;rounds 5493001 Pnnters Top Wages & PleaM l'<>nlal1 Person Legal Serrelal") st· thuslastu· stir startini: MEAT MARKET Rel( OE.r.ICE Exl·ellent Benefits SS nel OH1ee, Tues· Fri. Plaza Area. Ex!)t'nt'nn· indi\i!lual_ror a l!l'nl·ral Jim's. 2000 Nl•w11orl rr Year 01<1 Com11any in 10am-5pm.556·0611 · ed c 1164 9024 offll'l' post lion in our 81\'d C M 646·3928 Sharp alt•rt l!•rl. l(OOil La ic u n a H 111 s Ca 11 Equal ()ppty Employer reqwr · a I· pul'l:hasmi: dt•11arlmt·nt · w i t h n u m LI l' r ) Goo<I lypml(. phont·ll & MECHANIC Ma1-Gn•l(or Yal'hl~. lfi.11 ~!:9500 f 1l1 n I! r l' q u 1 r l' d Mal·grtl(or Yarhl), Plal'enlla CM P111me. 7 dcos. 2 hrs da1-SALES Oulst.mdmi: l'Umix·nsa 1631 Plal'l'nlla. C M l0rthod 11111 I) AM 1leh\Cr}'. L_A Bt rreall\'e. earn extra toon & Xlnl 1·um1wn\ -~ 0 Ttme) SIOO rwk Lal(una mo n e y , T t a l' h benefits Ple11.sant work Mt'dtl'al Assisi uni. front X Ra) lab. front offli·c Bea1·h. 4~-~96. l'lt'fdlecran Will train ini: en~1ronnwnl l'on & bal·k. EKG · Vl•na wor1<. sumt• cll•ntal l'X PIT Rec·eptlonist typist $ll-6.'l68. la<1 Pal Millie. AMF punl·lure . l\l'lnl( pt•r nwt-ssa~.Nt•wlJOrl wknds Res1den11alRE Sales !kt~llCk Drilhni: Ill.. 645-t120 llL'al·h area 760 25~ I oHke Sa~1Sun 8 30 5:00 EAIM DTtA SSS 18011 M1trhel l So MEDICAL(.RCPT PART/TIME Li<-.prrferi:_{'(f 63Hl2l3_ Part or full1t1mt sales. ~f;}nt'. 557·9051 ~:OE Gt'ltcral pral' ll't'. Hun.I Offlt'l' ,.:orl, slu<ll'nl OK --------•I All natural. 100', nutri· mi:ton Bl·h E<tpr n· Hours Kam·noon. M t' I PUILIC tional suntan tablets. Up q111red Sala~ nel(Oloa CM NB .irt•J 645 8480 to 100'. l'Om m John GB8AL OHfCE bl<• Xlnl opportunity for RaA TIOMS Marsella, 769-lm~- reqlllrl'I aomt• a1•11 'I( <'X· tht' ni:ht pcrMm Ca ll PART TIME The Arben Companies Pl'fll•nc•e in 11os l · 114/842-0665 ' onudoaceinlcr\"leWIOJ: Sal &-911m Ewanchni: ·' oulh md · duals ho 1 t es ini:lbank rcc·onl·ilialion MIDICALH.l .MD iounsl•llni: firm has Th1~&.Gro:.R1~~nFo~ GIEA.THOUIS t1c· Goodk llll'lephonl· & Seeks p •T. f'rnl or I OIJl'lllOl(l> for 3 5 :.harµ pt"n()fllll inlen ll'W. ('all tAM-2PM l~l"ni: s I s ne1·essar~ h••lp. EXP "'.R .. t".l> oot••otn" m.1lur<• llt'O"le 673 for bus~ real l•sl ale or ' r. '" "' " ,. -2902 or ril·e. ltl'fcrcnl'l'S rl'· Of'C. bkpi:. 111~ phom• lo mo11valt• amlu11ous 4PW.tPM Qwrerl 640.9900 ror in· rl'\·ptn644-0381 10.IJ ~rokl~ Call 2 511m 6-12 4321. l'l\l 343 A:.k for ll'r. 1cw Ml.'du·al Andrea Bus> OB 1GYN nted~ General TM lal»oo ley Clllb Currently has lhe follnw ml( IJOS•lion a\ a1IJl>il' S.Crdary We'rl' look1nl( for a l'l'Ople-o rienle<I 1n thndual wtth a general orh .. e bal'kground lo work JI our ran1uet l'iub Liiiht t~·ping & some bookkeep1nii ex pen ent 'f' dl'SI red Ir you are quaJ1f1ed for the above position plHSe t•all Cor appoint· mrnt at. 64.>$000 Ext S21 between9am &4:30pm. 8al'k OHirc Ass1stanl Ex1X>r'd, mature. salary open Call Answer M •511. ~~!'$. 642 4300 Medll'al Assistant, I ronl offll'e, AM. 20/hrs l' M 548· 1779. -- MEDIC AL FIOMT OFflCE Ped1atrirs exper net·essary . Si mp le book keeping and insuram·e and typmg St'nd resume 1 lo ad no 1001 l' o Datl) Pilot 330 W Ba> St.. PO Box 1560 Costa Mesa 92626 U you're not reading the little ads in Classified, you're mining a lot of newsy information as well as somr real b s . P'AYROLL SUPERVISO• Restaurant l'ham c•or porate 0H1t0l' 1n In'"''· nN•ds CXPl'r pavroll ~u11en·i sor lo 1<1kc• l'hari:e of reslauranl payroll Knowinl! rnm puter pa~ roll is a must Good l'O benefits. salan l'Ommensurate with abtlil . Call 549·9322 PIX COMMUNICATIONS Ext·ellenl Position for night owl 111 PM to 7 AMI !'\ill or part time \'aried wor1< Pay open while training.Tustin CllJ!Jack. 838·5:J61 Sell idle Items 6'2·5f71 ·Daily Pilat · ........ ·······< ~~~ . Trailee •ECEPTIOMIST Join the Los Angeles For Nrwport Beill'h. 1'mr1 Cin·ul3t1on Team An·h1tHtural Firm & adapt your work T)·pml( F1lint:. skills re· H h ed u I e I o y n u r q1.1red 640--0031 I lifestyle. Work Slhrs a , da\' in a Times C1n-ula RECEf'TIOMIST 1 l•On sales olf11·e ne.ar Ll typ1ni:. bkk11~. \ ;.iried your honw & have morl' du11es 20+ hrstwk. lime for your family. _!_mne CaJl~7-5116 _ studies or leisurely periods. We pay houri) & <'Ol'Tlmiss1ons Lose somethmg valua· ble? Place an ad in our Lost and Found col-. umns. That's where peo· : pie look when they've I found an item of value. ( l LOS ANGELES TIM ES 131S Sunflower A\ e. CM 540 0301 Equal Oppt~ E~l~er SIClETAIY Type 10 wpm. 10 ke\ Jd der. re<'ept1on. phonl'!>. \'ariet)' or duties. nnn 11n>ker. $900/$1000 mo CPA firm CM 754· IOIO •SICIETAllES• V.P.Shl 100$21.600 Keypunl'h $13.200 Pa\Toll R E $14,4(1(1 Exp Consultant Our~ Liz Reinders Agy . I nr 4Q2ll Birrh Es t'&l F.O ~. Newport '833·8190 Frt'l' SlCIET AllES Work temporar~ Jllh!> dose to homl' VICKI HESTO:O- & ASSOCIATES 540-0400 For Classified Ad ACTION caua Daily Pilot AO.VISOR 642-5618 SELL idle items with a Daily Pilot Classified Ad. fl' llstrict Mlfaler Thia hlChlY successful local newspaper has an openinC for a trainee in the circulation department. Buie skills will entail 1iipervlaloo ol 10 to 14 year old boy and girl home delivery carriers. Areu ol 1uperviston will be dlllvtf'Y., collections and ulea. ~lttted apphunl will receive liberal llartinC 111&1')', resularly scheduled raises, bonus oppottunillea and many frl111e beftf!fka 11.ich u company peld dental and bea!UI 'OLM. ltOUP lire lnauranct, vacation aad lki leave. 'Newspaper Carriers tor l'outes ~=Y vehicle Is furnished durln1 boun. Applkanb must be over 11. have a tood drMn1 record lnd be neat appearin1. Koura art ~ly 1l AM lO 9PM, Monday lhni fridly. Some OYertlme ii available. If you are quallfled and lntere•ted In • I It•~.!-cireuh1lloa bulbleM eo11tact U1t Pl} Ir.~ r,,f'lJ:.'ll Mua before AM,_. Om WWlamt Of Ke Goddard. '• . . in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach •Good E11•191 • s..-er Trips. ~ ~rtcit Prl• CALL CIRCULATION O~PAATMENT ...... 842-4321 .• . ... ' 1. . .. t ... ·" . .. ':-.. /.' I\ .. '. ·~ . .. ,: l.' I . '\., . •, ~. I ; . • '1. ' r. Orlngl Coat DAIL Y PILOT/1'Ulld1y, Januwy 12, 1912 -' NH IOIO ttflitlen• ...... / t,._,/ ••••••••n••n•• ............. .......... W..e.4 IOI I Mil t070 CliMKt tlJ :.._i1i~m~•=~11 ~ bikt. Oirl118 In· ~-aa watt rbeid, htf, ••H••••••••Hu•u•••• , ....... ,. .... , ........ tt••w••••u •••n-••• ~l MY a NMdt-eome ttpalr ~01t1J, 1hHt• lncl, W~fD: Twoti1t rwr IMlboe Cove. Power l9$l De Soto a&• win ,.__t llA•nn lal• ICNl'tl ktMWJf75 N3 tm ~ 11:! ~~ id ~~~~ ~~~for rtJll lo•·. Cl•MI<' Nted1 some ... W_.... tlMMM.lllf1W "~b11W • tw.. .. ............................................. ~;; ..... ;;I .............................. ...... Pamlllm price1 M t7JI r.tcM f 11 C-0.. ff 17 paid for 1ny lllcd c11r ....................... ••••••u••••••••••••.. ••••••••tt••••••••••••• Hortian 0tdonw1t1c1 '7U2I, mlnt cond! under ''7 Coll~ C.•ro. U1 in .ood "ondlllon '71 r....d .. r s •pd 11 .. ,... C balAlll'td -•.new r1 m1. • U• Fi rst 1 ""' "' • Q • " .. v. m> m.t IN 000 PP 111 Um. J>tlor'sm>10 BO I···~ :?'~c.;ood. llllSO wkdn_. Meim:z; *-•s _ Dltl hit Ollltllaa Ptf .............. IOJI 8t11&Uful 4 P<>*ltr klnJ u Alto Molorl'yrle Jacket -work, but worth It. Runs ~ , ~wpf le-Iii. ... ....... ••••••••••••• watt rbed, mo\lonlt11 li.lll31-40. Y.tll 'lj«r 4.t4·9687 __ ftllerlal aervk tafina. ..,...WZf'l... malt, hl r , llnu1 & CillMS.'6211 38' Ofrthorr moorln11 .. -..........A...I ,.550 '72 914 Ponth• p1ru or --.. 99•0 ...... f 727 WOOif Ntw "14 2.0 reblt ....,, 6 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wclwra, m11ny extraa. * CHIYIOLIT ~•upt A ....... _.. nv "'' bedspread, used onl~ I -w/Zlft '117 Sportrrafl ..... _1m¥t1 ..._v ~---· l edwOQd 2x et•kl~~1 )'r, xlnt tond, U OO ~.. twin rn1cinea, muny ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ rtq, on·•moltt1r .. .,. ~. •If<> rtdwooo &1-1ioo ,.._.,., IOU xtra• t 19' <•ndboud. Bill tin.'I, llXIS not Tnc Call UO·OIU bth~tta *'t"tinl Lo... •t i wt l h 8x 15 dn om r , SOlJ 1 n "-\I· ,. ·aadge •i° '' ,. . .. ii .. pr ('e Olnina room table llt!l ••••••••••••••••••••••• $24,000 Tiirm, 080 !!!!!!!'!~l!!l~~~l:J'!u~a~r~. kJ Im or Kon Exrelltnt conchllon Vlbtapl\ooe 3 Sfda. 3 Oc 87~l79 ~~· little uisc, S300 !JVthne, 8"·~ Sl7S 9GUOOO laves Good Cond SSOO l~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~-111111!!!!!!!! . VlCI STATION AT ._. & ---ODO. ~9873 &at sUp available for u 74 ~ C...,..tt ~ =t~{!~·l:~ ... ,.... 1030 war~· heater, li ner, ELECTRJC GUITAR, 2 to 18 rt power boat. Ca I k lnt t'06d,lo ml13.m lrYiae NB ........ •••••••••• ••••. ~a 1~ ~ten alte '90 pickupc. hkc ntw Sl40 lliS7-0700' 900J742 • · ANTED· Used photo _!:!_ '!_lers m 644·ta, ev 675·~12 Boat Shp for Rtnt.Wtll '74 Oat.sun p1ck"""up-.-g-cood- "SI RVIC£ (fleldl·Xlnt araptue ll1htin11 equip Offktfw•ltwt & Take up to 65 rt Shore interior, xtm S2200 beat · ~8 llarbor f'l'd I, ('o,lJ ~(lo I~ CXl30 --...-.,.__ - '81l't'<t4 dr Ci~k.i.12K mi, Jud,t.8'2·4012 1llJ1,di111t11lAM t r M(·uu i3e .80 taK 1 1 dfd MIWIHI Xlnt ('orld f7000 M9·7021 8_. olf 0m ·73~17771 MONTI CAa&.O 'llOACCORO 'RO< tr ya ' 4 dr "88S i $149) tY ~ LIPT-OYllJ ~.2i201sT1:0688 '71 tl lSC L.uth lntr Aii.o. lraM • 1lr filOd + 19 Honda Ar<"Ord, mmt l'ond 20,000 rni, Sspd , JtlrllS $..W95 642· 7314 "' AIC rf / many other ut r u! ~er, , sun , <' c. r~-··' 1...,...1 showroo~·~~:l 121.soo '-"OM.,y U•H ·11 Porsd1e 924. lo HOWAaDCht•'*' GfPOC'tunlty • beotfila m en t . s.tro b c1 . MUSTSILL l..t IOIS pi>_wer & Water Avail. olfer.492-7640 fot mte ha n I ct lly · photoflood reflectors, Mahoiiany dou ble bed ;-.T.,...t ~.mo 6]3·9321 Inclined indlvldH l wltlll rtnect or umbrella~. ('IC th muttreu. Moon .... •• .. •••••••••••••• ~--.,. n1eto 9560 b a a I c e I e c t r A c a I Call fSG.(IQ&O eveninJ!! Shaped mirror on head Wfti.ConNto ....., StorOCJt tOtO ••••••••• •• •••• • •• •• ••• WEIUY USEOCARS&'l'RUl'KS COME IN OR CA LL FOR F«H APPRAISAL Cormier OeLlllo 'Ill Honcl!.1 WM Al'l'Urd lvou Auto. Air, l\MIF'M Ca s l.o11ded Xtr..i Shurv' S8000 Aftt•r milt!agf, AC: Auto, l)ove/QuallSts AMffM R~d 1 bl1Hk, NEWPORT liEACH led t.540.6300," IOlS board 132 C~ ••••• .. ••••••••••••••••i''79 f'ORO COUR l F.R SUPll SMAIPI s..1000'00 631-7797 S400or bfft otf~r Lon& btd with <I l'Ylln· Al I· Round 0 f 'It e P~i:~ .. K:t;~~ .. ·s;;~~· ~·9145 ORY STORAGE ~~~is:.o':i 111~S1/!J :0 1' Person. Empbaal• 00 Clllnchilla w/green G.og.Sale 1055 SMCelel· oktypewnter,. Monthly boat ~ RV tenor. ON6529G> S369S. Typing/ Cua tome r eyes. t'cm, papers Sl7S, ••••••••••••••••••••••• perrect. bell Jumped storage ror any size, 24 Th~t Robin~ Ford , Strvlce.Muat btWillin1 ~ 2S" t'lr cnsl (3 yrs old) ltart'8().~.7~ hr SHurtly, free m>Harbor81vd.,Costa rotFutPacedMedical Persians, 6 Month M, $3 50. Friw $75, 'fh 8017 l•~.rll'h1ng & wuhlng Mesa. 642·0010 or ~trlbutor. Computer $175. 2 Adult F, S50 Eo Grandrootherst·lock sso. u•••••••••••••••••••• 1m v1legea. Newport S40-8211 B!icltaround He l_prul. 546-996S recliner $25, Gd child's MILITARY MACAW Dunes. ll3l Bark Bay '8l FORO F-l50 P/U 302 S.lary Negoti1blt ~-ian F Cat,JVr SlOO clothes 10'~. rrockpot $950 with rage 080. Dr. Newport Bear h VB.Auto Trans&O D Btntflts. Can between Q.ior Gold. Needs TLC fl, Gas BBq g,cl, 549 7§08 ca1lll46-90tll 1164-0S!O PS, PB,' Ing whl b~s~: ~·Noon.SJS.7587 Call548-8273 Abandoned household Parrot Ooubll' Yellow -----dual tanks. shde v.111· 1'tAC HER -1 of ant 992 Cama11on Sat Sun Head Young, Ta me Tnmporlotlot1 dow. step bumper, AM, Development Program, 1040 9-4.16lh-&17th of Jan W/Cage, & Pia) pen, •••••••••••••••••••••• Rachal tires. 18K mi. 1 P/time . Member or tt••••••••••••••••••••• Sale u-;..(11 the 24th SiDJ 3 F1m·hes. w1anta· Aircraft 91 I owner. MUST SELL! ~isciplinary team ESHONO Pups AKC Carved Ma.hog11ny End que Cage & Stand, ISO •••••••••••••••••••••• 16500 ( X48300 ) PP SpttiaJ ed. & Spuish Otamp sire MI F Pct & Tables S3SO 080 Plus 673·3600 PartMr WOltt.d ~1286 111\pOrtanl. Call: Jackie 5 h 0 w · P vt P 1 > Misc llt!m~ 5' to $350 Wanted. Unwanted par '771'210, loaded oc AP '64 El Camino, Ii l'YI , 3 Popp, 546-5760. 1.13(6197·~5 art!Pm 4841 H!1l Apt 5 HB ' rot. Reasonable• trades 500 hrs mm Call Paul or speed, run~ good ft.-1!..--~R-Doxie nuniature M & F u..___ 8060 JC PO Box 72 Laguna Jim. 714 752 2266 or _@!>OHO 543-2045 •----AKC · Reg. Reasonabl} ~ .....,... 213 .,.,.,. """l •74 "' d c M t Rttt_..t & Pnced 54.S·9380 ................. ... ... "-'"""'--._..,,,.,, r or ouner us ._._ -Portable l'orral, SaJllu f'iCIROl&OrCJCllH 8090 C~ers..Sale/ ~II ' Cheap! AM FM b Hinng'Q;;1fne<1 Lme ":~ ~~~ ~e~:t A~~~ Ana He111h1s area , ••••••••••••••••••••••• leftt 9120 ::~524~~3adu1I Tim Cook p e Gooks & Sh S 2 S3 ilx24'. 5' high, will dt-Yamaha B 12 elec organ •••••••••••••••••••••• · Hos ~·e 5 ~ :s. G 0 0 d 015 1 5 10 SO hver!j!~. ~7 Ul37 walnut r1msh 11000. hke 6' l·am1>t!r shell, fits most '72 Ford Couner Benefits Available.App· S8l-87Z2__ Purebred Arub1an ~J79-8425_ small PU lruc·ks, S200 S700 6421304. 835·9111. lf.at210NewportCenter GOLDEN RETRIEVERS Stallion, Arramus son. Baldwin Plano. 1~1 yrs. 000.842.9'163 ex:L302. fir. NB. Between3·5PM . 2AK~~~SSJ50 broke, grand & n•sened old. beaut rond Cost Motorbed llllH 9140 '64 Chev ~.loo Gd work THERAPIST 1 f t • -----1•hamp. halter !'lasses S2a!O; $1400 640-7762. __ ....................... truc:kSISOOOBO , -n an Afghan. AKC. female. Fortnfol~~960 6271 '77 .. ""'H MOPr... 646-SS87 _ Development. Program. blue 3 yrs old all shots .--QI • P/ll ~e ._ ~ember of genile. well .beha,NI. HouseholdGoods8065 Upnghl Plano, ronsole m> 646·6706 '78 Dauun PU, longbed. l(ansd1SC1plinary team S"'" 7.,.,3836 · ••••••••••••••••••••••• rn>dtl. ex<'ellent condi· ;;;g-p-ood -d xlnt l'Ond, propt!rl> N1YJ' & feeding bkgmd. ~· ...,. Old fashioned dav. foot lion. S799 Call 675·0898 runs ~':!~·Jw coo · ~101~ $4150 675·585~- oecess a ry. Spanish '°Yoe 8045 balhtub.goodl'ond$12.5 eves&wkends 548.().jJ& '75 Foret F'l50. V8 360, helpful. Call: Jackie ••••••••••••••••••••••• Days 675 8172. t;, t•s -S300 gocxJ ures. good transp, Popp, 546-5760. mall F Terrier. good 964·3375 SohS2500ner UOBrt~ht, '79 Peugot Mo-Ped $2D>IOBO. 754.7175 -· Ill !d h or best offer -Willen /Waitresses. over persona y, ne~ ~ ome Exclusive F'1ne t'htna, •<•c •w<• 84611793 v.. 9570 • I.I/yrs.Apply in person· w/yard.675·1308 Cryst al , Fl.atwarc, ~"".., i9 Peuueot ,.111 t•mll ' ...................... . ·, £1 Matador , 1768 Fem Shepherd mix. Manufarturtr Pm·el> to Organ. 2 keyboards .I " · 1 1 rt Blvd. CM. 1 yr old, xlnt w1ch1ldren I tou. S300 to S800 Bniles chords and rhythm blue, $400546 03.it. 1975 DOD~E y AH tosood home. 631 ·8159 neg1ster your Patterns saoo &12 3379,. Tradesman Bl~ WAITRESSES --wtth me & rel'lt'\t' Fr1•1• 76 Fox\ GT muped idnt Exper 3/y r s. min 80501 Gifts Call Mon Thur Skiitlcj 8093 me<'h ·ac hod) l·ond0111on Must M> 9 11 88 .loo f/Ume avail Apply in ••••••••••••••••••••••• SAM to l2 Noon 642 11929 •••••••••••••••••••••••1 Lo 1!!!.J250 5'18 0910 64-4 2 person, Jolly Roger. 400: * '* I BUY * * ~ -8070 Oynastar 5730. 200·~ -- So. Coast Hwy, L.aguna Good used Furniture & ::.-;::.~............... Soloroon Bindings $100 , Motorc~s/ ·72 Ford Vun 1 Ton, 2,000 Beach. Applian<'es-OR I will Wedd1'na R1n" SC't with 497-6473. Sc 91 50 in off road suspension "' " ~Goods 8094 ••••••••••••:0 • .. •••• wheels & tires F 1M W~PtnCNI sell or SELL for You Diamonds. apµrat sl•d ..,...... • ...., FOX I MOPED. BLUE. i·ass 'sterl'O hi i:h bal'k Cost a Mes a . C 111 MASTERS AUCTION Slm__Iake$<150 193 3115 B;~~~;r"ui•Si;;;·,;~j·.;;.• lorsalt• swivd t·h~irs. ~ii rpel bt tween 11 and 2 i_646-1686,Ul·9625 eno1ne BraLll1an ble.Alleqwpment $650 -7315505 paneled. trailer h1tc·h ~1157 I-I IUY FURHfTUIE ~usatonm_ ae~. ~.e,,sw?g~I\ $20 More<t93·28'10 Suzuki RM250 C hkl' nev. \' 8 302. auto i ran ~ X-1.AY TECH. Les 9S7 8133 =-'"'"''""' a)) lb rast steel weight =~J~i9~~~er S200 )l'il~~ ~~~.~ DENTAl:.or MED -:::;~. New S98 Lo' Fine quallt) emt1rald set w1lh, benl·h and lei( Pr r CRT Full time ...,....,. · 2 3>Ct Vlu S8800 'ur u h 1 G i t t '79 Peugeot Mopl>d Xtril Dodl(e '73, am fm t•as:. . . e er · · eseats S88. Sleepers, s:JOO&_ .i...ee.835-7775 1 a ac· men 00< s ar Clean Perfect Cond ::J' whls, radials. Nice surroundings. J!l9.FACTORY 957.5708 1n1?set.SIOOOBO l)ays. 'Newport Beach ----Miscea..o.s 8080 6'16·SS87 Keri' in Storul(c for 2) rs s en11 work St500 cfc.700·2554 KlNC INNERSPR I G ••••••••••••••••••••••• "-R _. C-a_l9689024A06PM ~3277 · d EXTRA FIRM mattress LOSING LEAS~. quit ~. estaw .... , ·75 Honda 360CU. i:ood AMtOI Wmited 9590 W11tresses. p/~ime. ays. set. ne,er used, worth tmo ..... -1ness. s"ll1n" ~11 lar 8095 1---'·t1on ~..,. Over 18 will train ftUU!; ,; "'"' vra.u ...,.,.,, ••••••••••••••••••••••• • $530, sa' $248dcl Ne' er AU. supphes and f1~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 631 5009 '6llt ... rJ<A YOUR Sturaz,S48-7948 used queen s1 , worth 1uresmdudm11 LOSING LEASE . quit "'""a:a.r Hsekpr. mature. 40/hri, $399. c·ash only, $218 del 0.spla~ cases. ~'a1tmi: tmg busmf~s. selhnJ?put ·74 HONDA XL 125 GOOD USEO CAR! 13 . .35/br.: ~.03 O.T .. 3 Usually home. 754.7350 room chairs. Beaul\' AU. supplies and fix l,l70m1les.hke ncw Anythmgc·oru.ldcrl'tl . h Id 7•0 """• -lures IO"IU<l1n11 $.\SO ORO 6 iJ-088t 1977 thru l""" nunor c 1 ren_ ..., . .,.,.,... Bab.v F\Jrn. Cnb. Carseat Salon hairdryer~ and ' ,.. '"'" h d r h Display l':IM's. wa1ttn1? '78YamahoDTl75 ·~Jc P/TASSTMGR l<ChangingTable.$25to ~rsr.~~~fve~a~Jsp.la~11: room l'hairs. llcaut~· S600orbest 4949876 For 55 units. 64.2·5073: 12.5.:.559·6572 1 Salon hairdn eri. and ev~ (2131865·3851 Din set w/ 4 chairs. SISO Also, make.up . shamroo h)draul11 l·hairs. m1r ·~ Suzulu GSSSOF:. 6000 dbl bed St()() ··-• .illld._Jµ1r produc·ts h 1 d 1 ., 6 s"A l M.dhacl .. r~nrm . Call6JJ 9'7S4or rors.5 e \es;in pants ITll, ma,..:.. vu. min H bunk bed $65 . sofa bed a(ter_G, 898 6809 Also. n\Olke uµ. shampoo 1 ('Ond. Sl<IOO 5116 8154 ... •••••••••••••••••••• Slll0-54~2520 -and hair produ«ti. i 6 Yalt\dha OT 250 En .iWicples IOOi S 12 Ba~s Case Btl? M JUI Call 631 9754 or duro lov. m1, i:d t·ond 1 CHfYIOUT 111211 Rt:ACH Bl. V () HUN1'1NCTON BEACll 847·6087 M nt.Jll l PO RSC HES WANTED 1:.31_.,.,.61.a c..oen °'""" •M U1-nn xlot (•ond S7llOO RJ K Jl.~C~U-~ 7PM 83:J !17!>1 • ~s-1579~ ~15 0073 SEE US FfRST! '76 PONChtt14 We have a good i.electlon Rri>w It engine Top con or N E W & l! S t; D dluon $6895 1 122 1183 J_,,., 9730 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -.•03•J•A111C•UllAlllRlllSlllF. .. D•Allll!IN~ Oreans1de Sal>aru MARK 11 '57356A, <'pe, needs eng & 642 3379 body wk, Xlra partis, ~/080 6.s4 9842 aft.!... ·741, XJ12L mint ~ond R...tt · '755 111.SOO obo or trade for ••••••••••••••••••••••• xportuar.9620'J32 .•'ll>LECAR • $3395 ~~••••••••••••!?.3.~ _ 1714l642JiS98 • CONNELL CHEVROLET "' ""' JI " ' ., I ~ '°'I ' \1 t · 54(>.1200 '78 MonteCarlo Snrl,Cr, !Owner S48·2373 . -• Rois R01tce 9756 ;..°" Import.ct H iii'/~-· ·········· ·· ·· · · ·· · · · · · w-·············9;01 WE'VE . "-1 DEAi.Ek IN U.S.A:- ;;·Auoi·;.o-x·cTi~~;;t MOYEDI _... ~CARVER ('Ond ltlOll, 70,000 ITII ~ ~ JC-~ bUnroof, :amlfm stereo. st• IY & imf -.. NJLLJ '73 Impala, Vtr) l'lean, new brakes. new tires. S750. 963, 1116 '67 Chev Malibu 327 Good transportation 1350 CaJJ 549· 7608 '73 Malibu sedan, auto. air. xlnl ('Ond Sl.000 ~1·7~ aft ~JO P_M S4.500 Tim t2131433~57 ~ACIUYYI ~~==' or ~II~ 1714 1535 5203 SH CIOSlO SUNDAYS "' IMW 9 7 12 ,.~i ••••••••••••••••••••••• YOUR Subaru 9762 .. XTMA?OA. '66 BISl'arne, sta wgn, 427·6 rv . runs good' S!i0010_®_ G42 7702 64 Che\• 3.-ton Gd work truck $1500 080 & ... , •r s~··ci.0;;~~~~·4:4:·;ii a .tJal opts lo m1. beaut I Mu~l _ --~ °"°" sell' S7<1001ofr497 1800 101 Mt u. mu 11S.1 "~UM .,, ~_.. - 0 9 7 6 5 DodcJe 646-5587 9935 CREVIER BMW TIM bcltl119. '12 1MW'1AreHere! 1\ f1•w remaining ·111 Mutlels & Demo~ an• .!lllll a\•allabl(•' Wl• SJX't01uhzi:' m Eurn1wun tlell\ery and flu ~ll·~~ µrt• owned BMW's When• Customer Si:'n 1n• Comes hi' SJlt'l> St-nwe Lt-a)111i: ~ W Ii.I. Sunta ,\nJ 1714 I 835.3 I 71 L'l<>.'led Sundu} 1982MODELS HERE HOW!!! l'11nle St't• L's ToclJ' • SAOOLEIACK BMW 28402 Maq~uente Pkw~ M1ss1on \'it-JO AHi) pkv.) orf I S 831-2040 495.4949 Closed Sund a~' The Most bcitin9 Peri Of YCMtr IMW Purchase Or Leost CCMtld ~ McLarflt BMW !! luyOrLtose IJ Our PhOM PIC111! l714J 5.22·5333 ·~,V'I ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mcn«-ati 9739 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '67CORONET ••••••••••••••••••••••• 76 CelH·a. 5 speed, air. 4dr. lom1,$650 ORA ..... GE am1fm. tape, I owner __ 646·8610 "' $312.5. 645·5916 Cou....,.Y'S Tn'...:....., . 9767 Ford ~· .... '9'111' ••••••••••••••••••••••• EXCLUSIVE ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·79 FORD LTD 9940 MASERATI '73 Stag Con\l !l;ew ,\ u t o m a l 1 l' paint. Capn eng. 22mpi:. 1ransm1ss1on, fart or} ~ DEALERSHIP! s.mi _497-6494 air. sun root 1132001 > Wf'll !Ml\·er an~'4herc• y...11...-9770 IP4685J $3995 Theodore 111lheworld ' See us at ~WGCJfft Robin~ Ford , 2060 EACH I PORTS ••••••••••••••••••••••• Harbor Bh d Cost a 8 M ·oo '6.S VW left & nghl Mesa 642 0010 or 848 Dmc•Street, N li doorJ ·73 left door S50 540-S2JJ. 75~0900 eadi Wl.'Stern style whl 191{1 Harbor Bl\'d , (' M nms for Super Beetle 63 I ·7170 $20.!'_a S48·9744 Mercedff ~nl 9740 ·72 VW Super Beetle. "Int •••••••••••••• •..... • • • <·ond. J owner ... ·om pl et e reblt eng t '761. nfw mt •Ml, ptt'fer o $2550 Contal't Da\ c llwd Mercedu f\es: 955-0236. too 11tw Tl \'W Dashl'r Wood~ mwyfhincjlfH? Sta Wgn. snrf, roof lompare House of Im raC'k, air, amtfm . nc~ ports Dirt·t·t h~a~e and tiO tirl'S & ball . hke nt>~ 1110~ sensible pymts $3600 6440141. Wk D 1 a I 2 I 3 o r c7 14 lli7fi 5736. ask for 711 MERCEDES 1~ 213 Ben _ or 714 li.17 ·2333 '75 BUG good <·ond111on '70 M BZ 21SOSL X Int Bl-..'<;T OFFER gets 11. 1·11011 $18 800 Ph Mt:Sf~ELL 99i8679 714 ~~ 2060. ii I 1>40 7000 ·111 St'irot•ro. 1mmar i9 300SD Turhu. An t mod. must see $5300 (jra~. w l';m·h int lthr. 1 firm Call63l ·:J.527 ~nri am fm eass, 50K '72SQUAREBACK nu $23.900 .\ bo '1111 XJnt 1·ood . .i ~µd n•hll JOOTB Stat Wi:n. hlk eng. fm stt•rt.•n 1·.i ~~. ~ saddlt> ml Snrf. 3rd SllKlO 646 1136 back seal. am fm 1«1ss ---:!>K m1. S:!J.:iOO ~~H'' \W Kit Car He\t' to t-e ' 760~ $700 342 Hano,t-r Dr CM 549-0975 '6.1 Fa1rlanl• 500 S11ort Coupe 2 dr Ong Pnt T Bird Top SM \' 8 Auto , PS,_r_i1ji00 494 3284_ ·;9 Ford Fiesta. rlean good rood Ne\\ tires & brts. $3100 ~ 121~ - '57 r aJrlane. good cond. runs. must Sfll, $700 or l:Jt.st off er 848 ·2SOO G3 Ford Station Wgn, Xlnt runrung l'Ond ~ 6734019 u.cota 994S . ..............•....... '77 Mark\' Design mdle F L snrf, top l·ond S6200 E' 751·~7 Mere.-, 99SO •......•............... ·n J\1onarl'h Ghia. 4tlr. small \'.8, auto. air. P S. P B. P W, stereo. 62K m1 $2 ,89 5 PP (7141b~ 1322 Mllsf-ci 9952 ... •••••••••••••••••••• KARGE Gourmet Potato L'h1ps _;1fter6, 11911 flll09 I helmei S600 neg 499 JOi5 Ame rican Oak Curio Magruf1cent D1n1n!( Sc•t ! ~<!e~ered 963 4959 cib1nel. $475. Port' Will Seat 18. Must Ser to a)) lb i·ast iron wut ~l't TY, Radio, I Kawa '79 KX 80 $2i5 _ I ORANGE COUNTY'S o& ·72 ~. n11nt \Onrl. uni: o~ner full Sl'f\ lt't' rt• mrc1:.. Ilk i:reE"n. tan int, n(·w radials. s.5600 Dy~ 95..') :1J:i.16, t'\'S 759·0f>44 75 Rabbit . great l·ond Musi st-II. S2JOO. .................•..... '68 Mustang. needs work. runs gd, S800 760 9284 t'.!~855·2791 ~·s p!lcher.wash baSJn $120, Appreciate! $8500 080 w bem·h & leg attarh HiPi, Stereo 8098• Ver~ Tr11·k FAST! Oriental vase S75 , Carolee. 641-l340 Days mt>nl SJ50 Norell'o •••••••••••••••••••••••1963·5272 631·59'79 640-<19lo_F;ye aft 6 mt crow an• S 17 5 3 Beautiful Color TV 2 vr ·ii} Honda XLl8$S. hk°i ANT IQUE CLOCKS barstools S60 B W n· wrnty Fn•e dell\rr) pew, must sell' $800 ~Lo•~ Seat Sl48 640-17116 17"" """ Clime S.500. Strike or "' 1900 n-f II S50 Boo1ue board S25 ~""""' ..,,rca · ocaut1 u ' 25" Color T\' ~50 19" .... ~ u-s 5.-1--spnngS250,631·5979 Hand Caned FrJm<• 646-~ Club Color T\'. $100 Both ~/'s=.:-_,,l 6 0 ~sa1;,tr~~~11P~v~ ~~· ~~~'i-.ou8~ ri~at~~1~: t~~~~h;~rr~«; due•' Xlnt 962 1523 •••••••• ::::-r. ••.•••••• a on! .640-4999 641-1340 Davs 6404910 ·~ pr1re 957 113!10 25"1'\'.nll't-,v.alnul,n· 2S'Chass1~-moun1 motor ' £ \n6P'1 (Nan1·v1 rrote. Ol>t'<lh <olor .Jrlj. home, folly self l'Onl, •... _._" 80 I 0 .H~ --.!'_ • • .,.....-SOF C 1 h Coke Machmt' US<•tl 10 rc'C·e1pts. S75 968 9207 xlnt 1•ond. best offer. ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• A ream, . s apr i\-rl\•:;nt b-iu ·1·rl·rn 'r\' ~-9 J077 $57 463!!_ HARBOR AR EA '500. More workml( ordc·r $.'>O bM ' ,. ~ -. APPLIANCESERVICE 493-2870 l)(r760-115t9 Paid $2200 must Sl'll Trailers Tro•ef 9170 Webuyusedapplianees 8fl gr~nst-Cl1onal Guorl Stamp Colll'd 1110~ S~.~431~ •••••••:•••••••••••••• -Wtstllrecond.,guar quality. hke new $150 µurchased b) Dil\e loots&MariM . llan<'es S.9-3077 Aft6 55l l.)4() (.'oq>er e....:_,.. sale. l(ood rond111on. ._·_ 994.9507 •• ::!:r;~-;••••••••••••• ~tUSTSELL 997·8679 llUY APPUAMCH Sectional Sofas. S250 ,.~ 90 IO ............ "'-'ice, Ports Les 957-8133 Swtvel Rocker. SJ50 ·55 Pepsi Mac·hme Work ~ ~ _...-..- Reing, frost free, clean, works good. SlSO . 548-8513, S41J.448S Or best offers _6429804 ing w Drinking Poun ••••••••••••••••••••••• &Accessories 9400 tam & Com Box S300 Wood skirf n ·. 6' be;im, ••-••••••••••••••••••• Dryer, gas, clean. works good $85. 548·8513 or 59-44115 Dresser w12 Matl·hini.t Nightstands. Like New $141). Two Rattan Bar Stools w12 malchrng r~rests Never Used, 100.631-1508 Washer . cleaTI, works Bentwood Rocker. dark. good. 195 548·8513· bea ut conrl ' 175 St8-448S ~6104 afl 6 Retrig $200. Freezer S200 R Wahr/dryer $125 ea Imported Repro eiten<') Armoire $125 ; Pinc DIWll00.646·5848 table'benrhes $125 , Whirlpool FI F refrtg, 22 metal desk $75 640 1206 cu rt. xlnt rond, sarr NEVER USED: Queen . 557-4639 aft. 6. bdrm S540. bunks $200. Imperial Refrigerator 20 IOfa/loveseat SJOO. gla~s ~· Sid·by-side. good top dmeue $225. Mat -S250stz.o638 ~~~~~~:~~ Ji" K e n m o r e , L r 8 . MOR E! 770·0901 lceMaker. S yrs old. TWOTWIN BEDS po. 673-2627 Xlnt cond. $60 each S1gn a l u re Up rig bl 6"-2Q26wllnds-'e;_v.;:.;s __ rreeztr, SlOO, Magic mall English Oak Otef 1tove. tlec. Wh ite, Dresser, $125 Large xlntrood,$150.645-51~ Oa k Dresse r. Sl90 HOT Offll! Large Copper Lamp , 645-7313 COLO CA'SHI MOVING: Must sell. 11old TO EDISON velvet couch & loveseat. CUSTOM•S game table & chairs. CM S2S for your open· maple dresser & desk & b&e s«Ond refrigerator. 4-potlter dble bed frame tt:-costing you up to Xlnl rood. 642-6907 QiM or more a year In ~droom, refrlg , 2 fledrk bills! Donate T V.'s. Ulte new. musl J4ur oper1tin1 aecOtld · Nfri1er1tor to one ol lhe sell. Call t714>636-0329 _ dl1ritlt1 ll1ted below, Din tbl, 2 leaves & 5 Ind be 1utt to mention chairs SSS. S40-2720 aft 5 tllh apecial olfer when i..;~:.=..s:m=----­,0... 1111ke lhe arra~ge-Kini Size Boll Spring & •nu. Ott a reu1pt. Ma ttress. U O £a 8ld Southern CaJiforni1 f\-ame. szs Pantaallc fatieol\ wi~1P~ )'OU szsd -CGad. Mz.t.'J06 Wkdy1, Your doft1uon 11 tax e· Aller SPM durtlble. f\-ee pickup by ~ t'h1rily. Tllia 1perlal ctter explttt lhrth lS. •• Ford~1lll. pftoet: O.lvlt)' 080. 973-0838 9 4P M 031 bottom. Aml•man 1---------1 big whl trailer, pk11 ATTB4TIOH C'ustom 300 Gallon Salt Water Aquarium Complete w1rab1nel, Filler System UV Stenliier l)e(·orahons & Fish. Must Sec' 973 0838 !M Sl<XX> .£all AM, 979 2980 MG AIR BOAT 60 m1 p hr OWNERS Airplane eog Perfect TONNEAUCO\'ER ror ducks & enJoyment F'lts MC's, '71 '81 S4IXXl1bo !!.4 546·2918 Ne,·er used. f75 loats. Power 9040 Mana 631 7797 Ive ms~ Metal pi<·ture frame ••••••••••••••••••••••• __ _ rroldmg ' different l'OI· c•rH FOR BOATS .,..,.. ya.r Moeey! ors of velvet lim•rs 2.1 to IW MechClllic's Soec:lal SO: fl673·5043 536-819 I ·75 Pinto V6 tdost or Newport Bearh Tenm!> 211· Chn;-Craft l963 Fly body and all en~1ne. in· Club. Family mem Bridge Sport Fisher side parts and uphol, bersh1p $650, Ph837 5468_ Must Sell or Trade seats. etc m good shape! SAFE. 2 door upnght. 4 Make Offer 646-3478 aft Good glass. doors. position combo 6X4X4', 5 halchbark. rear, eng. sacrir.$1500.9~7013.l_ 40'0WensTahillan.ltve radiator. new trans, whls & tires. Part out or Refrig dbl. dr. like new aboard shp avail Call, repair. Ca ll ror inrorma- $275. kmg sz water bed. Judy or ll:irvcy 642·4644, lion art 6 pm or wknds SISO. 960-9508 btwn., 9 AM & 5 eM _ goo.5844 Aquarium & gal. fmh loah. Soil t060 PORSCHE water. t'omplete. operet ••••••••••••••••••••••• mg, incl 30 Tropical 14, L-...& T-'r Easv credit·Ume fish Cost f700 sell S300. uvut n payments CM dys S45-26S5, <'Ves !..152__ --67J.0732 Engme rebuilding. ~8723 _ SABOT restoration RSR Univ. Athlt>ll(' Club 2MASTS &SAILS __ 1!.fil42-9223 Mmbrshp. ·~, off asking ~·1405, e~675·4512_ for SaN price ssoo + trans fee. '78 Paci(i(' Seacraft ••••••••••••••••••••••• 644-6248 Mariah, 37' L 0 A . dbl IMPORTANT C d ender. cutter. grul NOTICETO Billiard Table oncor cruise & livt·aboard REAOERSANO Custom. Delta Bil!Jards. boat, loaded. 497·S738 ADVERTISERS LA 1 PC Slate. ~" X 42\.IJ" X 82" Dis -evs;67~S190dys The price or items ass em b l ed $650 Brand New Wind· advm1sed by vehicle 752.2573 surlers. S800 EA or 2 for dealers in the vehicle s1200 clasalfied advertising Sat rifirt ! 2 Be lmont · 6318029 columns does not in· ff.ydrolic Styling Chairs. · elude any appli cable Used 6 Months. $100 18' ~obie '79 w/traller, taxes. Uct nse, transrer Earh. Dro p Le at Rainbow sails. very fees. finance charges, K I l r h t n T a b I e clean 300. &40-8130 fees for ai r pollution con· W/bulcber Block Top. I na 3S. II baga. fully lrol device certJflcalions ytllow Cball'I. 4 month• eqq'd. Volvo diesel. or dealer documentary old . 968-0783 (714 &40·4925 preparation charges un Mag Rim& 13" 4 Hole ~/ ~less olherwi.se sped rled w/Lug Nuts. S80Set of4. Docb t070 brlheadvertlser. Deluxe Ou Ory\lr ' .................. ._ .... ~/ Auto Washina M1d1lne. BOATSIJPS P'OR Rf!NT ClitMICt tSJO S75 Each. Both, St2S. N~. BCH. 20" 2S', 30'. •••••••••u••••••••••• l'J't.Z17, !llS7-098'7 35 ~ 9-S PM. PUTTllST Wbefaci Qlurcl\ · (710tft-4"7 Q1Udrm '1 llolplt.al , "Onlfe cc;:? m aJU '&vmm•~ .. ~. Pwi IOW rods. NII rt M.... i '11 T·•D 8oOL GMSGe a.. dttp ttarttls $200. t:':nth M.Wl I tM TOWMI 11111 of i u•ll\1 anU· Rada 80. "2·2'7I I llST Ofllllll • (7W) ........ .vm -,·~ . t. ro.>..,., ·~11· 1·-~i p::U: t•H H d urnlture. TttnP ,1 ... patio door ANTED: SUp, U · ,,_SISloStlOO. U 'it'I" 3 p anel cllanae ro~ "" or 56431' w/ttreen' frame 1150. ma~r. O c utter ... .,. Hetilll ,..... 111 • :r::::: = =~=Jol!: .'r:'~=';~!Mt-...... , ,.. Club •• ,.. .. .... j ~~~~~~!JI!! WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR USED CARS ALAHMAGHOH PONTIAC/SUlilU 2480 Hart>or Blvd COSTA MESA 549-4l00 54J·1457 WEIUY CLEAN CARS AMO TRUCKS COMl'IELL CHEVROLET .'\.,.. 11ir'••11 .' ' " I \ \I ~ ' \ 5 4~ 1200 ._,____ __ _ HIGHIUYEI Top dollars for Sports Cars. Bµgs , Campers. 914's, Audi's Ask ror U C MGR JIMMAllHO VOt.KSWAGEH 18711 Beach Blvd. HUNTINGTON BEACH 42-2000 I Mil 280 SE 3.5 19111 Model Supt'rb t·~ Jmpll· of this rare l'ar li42 OCll6 1 .66 MBZ 20UO, 4spd, um fm. tape 557-0929 675-2689 'bi VW 411. good trans l':tr, body int need work. $500 QB:Q_ 963 9515 ·s.s Mustang. pm·ell to sell. Call wknrl s only ~-202i '66 Bui:. good bod~. oclnt Oldsmobile 9955 ml'lharul·al l'Ond ' SJS50 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 494 1475 '7J0mega 53,()()()ong m1 '*' Conn•rt1ble Rabbit, Super sound S)Stem ltke new . muo,l ~rll' Sl8l0 494·1813 '7U :mz. Pt·rl el1 rnnd 4 '78 :mco Dsl Cpl'. win• spd. AM FM Stefl•o whls.snrf. xtra fuel tank l·ass. rblt eng. mu~t 3t>ll & filter. 34K m1, $17.750 ASAP $3200 ORO "976494_ iliO 9440 Piftto 99 5 7 Vol•o 9772 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'M Pl:'llTO RUNABOUT Aulomat1 r 673 7852 ·71 2200sl Xlnl l'ond #I VOLVO DEALER transm1ss1on. fact on IN ORANGE COUNTY ' air. low miles. brown e~ '81 IMW 7331 Sunroo<. JO mpl( S5500. tmor <021ZAH l S379S Tht'Odpl:jl Robin~ Ford ml Harbor Bh d , Cost a Me sa 642-0010 or ~82!1 1hl·r. blue lthr. 4.000 963 0926, 752 0607 I SAW, SERVICE mr.1mma1· 1·ond S29.00U I 19111 Mercedes Turbo AND LEASING 752 643.1 DlesE"I Wgn, 6 mo new. OVERSEASl)ELIVt RY Datsun 9 720 1 ('OU Id trade or rmanre 1 EXPERTS ·······················! $31.000 711!1 31116 496 9ll8ll Eil LE I kE '82 210 2 dr. 6 31970300SEL 72.000 VOLVO FOR SALE 71' P1nlo hat1•hbac·k. dl•an. 4 speed. new ures. luggage rark ,good trdJ\Sportat1on t·ar $1200 080 $106 Jl r~.~?2~~~1 l'O Dd 1g~~[l~~d • 1929 repro Mercedes 64'-9303 540:?467 + tdx 48 mo 0 E L Roadster, s~ to believe '61 Volvo Round Bark CJp t·ost $4964 Rr!t d \alue. $2481 92 Total $17.500. Appl 644-1330 Classic All prime 642 1570 Jc·rr 631 7797 Mana pmts S5409 12 ('o~t i5 450 SL Superb rond Great body Not run lease $406 69 to tllkt• SHn~r Bluc S21.500 i n1ng . $500 F1 rm V6 Pinto Hatd1batk Was '" wrel·k Bod~ and frame damage All else OK· VS (47.000on11 m1J, Ot'-. trans & radeutor. pump, 'el) l!ood whls & tires. no broken l(lass Interior good Rl·ds a\ail A great deal for mecharul' or part~ sales Must sell all together $700. makt ofr Call 968-5:844 a fU. JO!! m . Delt\'l'f\' Order Yours Pn' Pt\'644·7266 , "97~13 26,000 m1, Magnaziam . "' " tape, auto Tod •• ·•)"··. 711450 SLC~ ~1tlan Brown. ·72roo(vo1A,~ IF~I· A C. sun 284S Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa J .L4.L54.0:.64J.O_ wheels. perfe<·t SJJ,000 S2600 .Q?ys 968·4263 6759929 '74 \'oho Xlnt Cond MG 9742 ~stSarnf1ce ••••••••••••••• •••••••• _ 645-168! ~ornm_g~ 1-------AMtos. Used A TTB«TION ••••••••••••• • •• • ••• • • • MG Cadlloc 991 5 OWNERS TONNE/\U COVER Fits MG's. ·11 '81 Ne' er used. $75 Mana631-TI97 Ive ms)! 9746 ••••••••••••••••••••••• COHTfMPLA TIHG CADILLAC? We s~1ahze m leases for the busrness rx l't'Ull\ e & proh>Ss1onal Lorgt Wtdlot1 OfW.w IH2 Cadllocs Now 11 Stocki ~~De /c 00 H.ut .. !illnt c .... 1 ............. '>40 11100 • '79 Eldorado, Fircmlst Slvr w/gry lthr Int, im mac Astro roof. stereo tape/CB. sec S)'llcm. 4 nu llm·Sll,900 494·0202 '76 Pmto Wagon VG. auto. AM FM. ncv. tires. 111her & red. P S $1700 !YK 675 1Si9, 1175 0073 PlyllDtlth 9960 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '79 Vol are slit ion wgn wood-gram sidts, xlnt <'lllld. ~ 979.9739 Nil'ecar for sale Cheap• '78 ~ry Sport Coupe. radio. he1ter. auto trans. pwr strmt. piwr brakes, air l'Ol\d • sm1 ll V8 Jtd m1leaw<'. looh gooc.I, runs ROO<I 11999 or orrer. 7S2 011111 day~ '"963·4881 <'' t>l!, 11~k for Stu. Ph Arrow '76. 11ul11, •ir. rblt mi. l(re;,t i:as m1 ~.~5407 ,..... 79AHtwMCI Brouh 3 000 I ••••••••••••••••••••••• g •m. o. m '48 Siher Slrl'lk &nrool. Sharp ex<·ellent xtru 1 ilSOOtOBO w ("Onditlon. Must satnflc.:e · '48·»&4 Best orrer over St.000 • · • · -· . Mr Connelly 720-042.S 78 Phoenix, air, pw r ;:_· 9917 1l«"rin11. br11ltf.'i1, huc·kt'I ~ teats.121915 962-4315 •••••••••••••••••••••••n1111•11t1w 1t 7JI. Good t·ond. Nda tf 70 paint.. S:UOO or bftt olr •••••• ................ . C.11•18.15 ii T BIRD. f\all ,a.er. "11 Btrilnetu v.e T· Top · Alll/,11 1ltrto, \'1111 ..;.., I Be . '°"· IWll'Ol)f, lilVft' U • All. Tape. -"'-· st leriof.U.$1TWOHP4711t Oller, m. 4M2 ..... ,.....,.. Robina 'aC.marolcJI avto. "°" l'Drd.. • H.,._ ahd • ID&trior/txt~ood Ollla .... •·•IO w ~ ..... ~ . •CAMAaO .. ,._....., . ::; .. .. ' t J ! I 1 "· • " ~. .. · I• i. •• ·1 .. , r. ,. ........... . . . . . . .. , .... OHAN(,f ( IJllN l '< , AL II Od NI A 1"> Cl NT S • ISIT A.DL&& and eountlea to cloH In bUl. The ammdinent made Dr. w I U 1et the day off, all ., .. ...,....... observance of the boll day. Martin Lutber Kina Jr. Day not munldpal court employ .. wtU State lawmakers intended tba1 However, eltles alone tbe only a acbool holiday, but a1lo a be off. The Superlor Court'• FrldaJ be a new acbool boUda) Ofanae Coast will be open far atatewide bolJday. immediate atalf lncludef J':t -to 1...., on at\Mleatl UM . bUllneaa u uaual, city ottldall Tbenfon, Oranae County'• • court reporters and tbe importance ot tbe elril rtebtl Nport. Saperior Court Juda• and all edmlniltl'Mo(• of'ftee, be •aid. movement and commemoratt Created with the beat of the local municipal court Jud&et· Aeeordlnl to Oran1e Cout ~~~Martin Luther Kine Jr.'1 lntenUona, the introdueUon ot may spend Friday at home. city otftC!.,.ti.11 lt wlll be buala., mnnday. · the new holiday bu manaaed tO "The county clerk'• office will u uaual rnciay. But. beeauae of an inadvertent create f amall amount of be OP9Df the ~triet attorney'• Slnee local clty cbartera error lD ~ lqialatloa approved confuaion and, in tM words ot office will be open and tbe public enumerate bo1lday1 and city by the state Leli&lature, Friday aeveral local offielala, "baa defenden will be workln1, lt will couacUa ln Newport Beach, allo will mean a day off wort opened a ce~worma." be a catchup work day," HunUnctoa Beach, COila lleaa, for JUdces lD Oranct-County and The error ln AB 312 that bu nplalned Louis Bri11olara, Laf una Beach and Fountain 'aome court penonnel. cauaed the confusion wu an ualltant court executive ottlcer. Va ley have not added Dr. · AddlUonally, the new atate amendment to the' 1ovenuneot He aald that while only tbe Martin Luther Kine Jr. Day to ; ... a._,w..._coul~;;;.;d;....;.r~eqa;uire;;;;...;;_..;;;;'°.-m;;o;..;.e_ct........,tl ... ea __ -'cod=-.e.-buri-=-ed--'ln;;;;....;U!J'""""'""'. bod ___ .,.,Y-:°'--tbe~-=im=m:.:edl=a::;;te:...=Su:=ipe~rl.:.:or:.:.....Co~wt::..:...:'taff;:;;;._.:.;· th:.::.:.e...:::al!"°~.:.v.:..:ed~..:;;;bo.:.Uda:;;;.;;;;;;.::Y....;;lla;;.t.;.:.,_tbe=..i, MAY 8TART IN MONTH -Le1at cb•llengera m9y cooteat. the issunce Monday of a low-power_ license to Soutbem CalifQflUa ~ Co. for early QPer-tion pf Unit 2 reactor (left> it San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. ' Onofre foes pondering appeal Federal board issues unit 2 tes.t licerise 'to coastal plant BJ DAVIDKVTZllANN CM .. ...,........ I Opponent• of tb• newly expanded San Onofr' Nuclear Generatinc Stati.Qn were con1iderln1 today ,rbetber to appeal a federal pan,1·s deeiaioo which permlta is"bance of a low-power tell liceJ11e for early operatioo of San Onofre's Unit 2 reactor. The U.S. Atomic Safety and Licensinc Board issued a 3'0- paee decision Monday wbicb cl'eared the way for federal nuclear officials to iaaue Southern Callf ornia Edison Co. the low.power llcenae. · Actual startup of tbe 1, lOO·megawatt reactor, however; will not ta'ke place for a month and possibly l~er, utWty oftkiall said. Oppooenta, Qleanwhlle, were to meet with their lawyen today to decide 1 lf they should appeal the safety and licensing board's . decision to tbe IW1 U.S. Nudear however, the three-member Rerulatory Commission. safety and licensing board said "We feel it wu very unwise it was ruJ.in1 in favor of Edlaoo for the (llcenainl board) to take Co. on seismic Lsauea. that step at this point," said. Lyna Barrla Hieb, a member ot Tbe panel cited the "atroq, ii San Clemente-based GOARD, not overwhelming weitbt of the one of several legal cballengen evidence" offered by utility. to low.power and full-power consultants on the earthquake operation of San Onofre. safety ol the two new reactors at San Onolre. Mn. Hieb said her group still be 1l e v es th a t p la n 1 for Tbe board a1ao rut9d that the emergency evacuation of current state of emer1ency realdenta who live within 10 preparedness near tbe plant wu miles ol the nuclear reactors lD more than adequate for Lsauance the event ot an accident would of a low-power teat license. not.be adequate. Still to be decided by the Emer1ency plannln1 and safety and licensing board is earthquake aafety of the $3.3 whether to issue a fuJ.l·power billion plant three miles aoutb ol license for operation of 1.100 San Clemente were the two main meaawau unita 2 and 3 at San iasuea in Ucensln1 hea.rin1s Onofre. which took place in San Dlqo A declsion on the fuJl.power and Anaheim last aummer. _ license ia expected later this In it• ·decision Monday, year. Health c ....... disputed· wu Mewmed by otflclall ot botb aides -Goel not kM* '° sCJOd today. thole same olftdala now lay. TM problems beaan wbeD the couat.r beCID wltbboldia• payment of money to tbe · university. Tb• county's ar1umnDt waa two-fold: It Hid lt WU belq bWed fGr Mniee for wllkb it WU not ............ and, tlaat tt waa Ml., billed for aenle• that were exceune. . Tedar ...... mi1ikm ba 1111"•• .,. ln dil,... 8oUa ................ arllltr--ta an a~• ....... wblda Dtl 11 rllbt. Parlll•llDI dle arbltraUcm· proeeedln11 ..... .... ~ n.a .... = ... aiHnllJ ......... tM ~·. a1eau t• •••i•l•I a 111tem wllerebr~ .. .,,. •• nu .,.,.. bin. ea be w«ad out. wt.... • .., .... b'1&I to .... IUek deltiaed fGr arllllrllllaa. • blmoelU• appeared to baH e0oled -· ......... ~ ............ of .... .... iUll II ft ~ ..... tMll' r•letlft ,_._ ftt .. llr .. nlMr ...... TM .-, ti• ( ... ~P!l!,M_ Fonda visi't1 NB, promotes movie, book By JBFI' PAUE& o1 ................ Jane Fonda wu in Newport Beach Monday niaht to tout her new movie, "On Golden Pood"; her husband's political group; tbe Campaign for Economic Democracy. and her new book, "Jane Fonda's Workout Book." The actress stood beside the popcorn maker at Edwards Newport Center Cinema - donated for the event by owner Janies Edwards -where sbe autographed movie posten and stills and poaters from her book for nearly an hour. Money raised from admissions ($10 per person> and from autographs - $10 for movie 1UUs, SlO for "Workout Book" poaten and SZO for movie posten -went to the Campaign for Economic Democracy. Fonda took the sta1e before tbe 1creenin1 for a few comments on the CED..t t~e makiq ol "On Golden nno" and to auction memorabUia from tbe ftlm. "I'll tell you, makln1 tbla movie wu terrif)'lna for me," sbe said. "I tot \If tlaere tlO act wltb tbele two monumenta ol the industry -my father (Reary Fonda) and K~U.ari.ne Hepburn -and I felt like 11d aev., aeted before. My vo&ee Sot abak7 ud I threw up, really. Tbe worb. But I 'm clad you came toalcht beca\lle I want to lbare wbat I think ll a beautiful mO¥le with you. I thlDk Ul1I ll tile beat performance my father hM ever liven. "W• belan t.hoot•n1 the mcme at a hard time, tbe a&Ute waa ln effect abd wtt were oa set awalUna permlulon from tbe unlona to work. Tbere waa a lwllq from tbe enw -ad lt ... • '"'........ llollJwood crew, U.,'d ... n.,udnl -tbat W.it ltmplr ta.I to mue 'tbll C.lie fONN; .... Al) NAME FiTS COLD SPOT clUea 'wW not officially obMrve intended, will 1et the day oft, tbe holiday by cloeln1. F r e d K o c h • d e p u t '/. "It's a can ol worms," aald auperlntendeJlt of tbe Oran1e Fred Sonabal, Colta Mesa dty County Depa rt me D t o~ m....,.... "U a ctty llata lta own !'.ducat.loo. said. ~ bollda19 then tbey are excluded But, while it ll a maadatol'Yr from the law's provialona. U day off achool for atudenta, 'lt ._ they accept all atJte holidays o(lly an optional day off for then (the law) la applicable." teacbera and other diatrtct Soraabal added that tbe employee•. Koch continued. Californ•a Lea1ue of Cltlea Eacb &ocal achool ll empowered, taaued a 1e1al opinion to lta to determine whether ti. memben Jan. 5 e•plalnlnl bow employees will hue the atr~ the law lbould be bU¥lled. day off. .. S t u d e n t • l n I r a d e s Abo, area community coUeses. klnder1arten tbrouch 12, for -Oranie Coast. Gold.,n West. whom the new b~llday was·_ <See BOUDAY, ~al• AJ> Killer winter grips --Florida; crops ruined l\ecord cold blamed for at )east 88 deaths icross the country surted deep into Florida today with the hardest freeze lD five years in places , flash·freez.ing oranges on trees and causing extensive damage to the state's billlon·dollar citrus crop. Some of the bitterest winter weather to hit the South In decades Iced over bridaes on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and spread sleet and freezing rain acros!. Texas, from Del Rio on the Mexican border to the Louisiana border. Elsewhere, Buffalo, N. Y ., was diaglng out from a record 24-hour snowfaJI of 28 inches and hundn!ds of miles of roads were closed in Illinois, Indiana, Michiaan. Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York because of blowina anow and drifts up to aix f9't deep. Travelen forced off the bigbways by blowing snow spent the night in hiabway -service elations and church r:ws, and state office buildinp western New York were ordered to remain open as refu1ear In New York City, the Heat Complaint Bureau received more than 10,000 reports of apartments without beat. The Midwest warmed to sero and above after record-cold weather that saw the wind-cbill factor dip to as low as 100 below in Milwaukee. Temperatures sank into the 3>s today over much of the Florida citrus belt where most of this year's crop is still unpicked. Citrus fruit can be destroyed by six hours of 28-degree cold. Many growers spent the nipt in the groves bumlnt smudge pots and old tires in an effort to save their or ang es and grapefruit as lemperalureis dropped to 22 degrees in Daytona Beach and 23 desreei1 in Orlando in the heart of the citrus belt. Citrus damage was "ver)I. ex tensive and widespread," Mark Belcher of Florida Citrus Mutual in Lakeland said today. Hardest hit were areas around. Tampa, he said. "There was a very general freeze across the entire citrus.producing area of Florida," Belcher said. "There will be an awesome effort to 1et out into the field th1a mornlnt and salvage the damaged fruit. U picked fast eooucb, it can be turned into oran1e Juice . . . it's been flash·frMen on the tree." Only about 12 ·percent of Florida's projected orante crop and 10 percent of the gr.apefruit crop has been picked. It was 2 below in Birminpam,, Ala., on Monday, and 8 above ln. Pensacola, Fla. The 15 al Houston was the coldest there in 30 years. Divorce ·Settlement revamp approved A Newport Beach lawyer bas won a state appeals court flpt that could lead to improved divorce seWementa for spouaes who put their mates tbroup professional school. In a rulina announced Monday, the 4th District Court of Appeal" overturDed an Orange County Superior Court declDOO pertalnine to the divorce ol an Oranae County urolo1lst, Dr . Maril Sullivan, and bis wife, Janet. AcContlng to Newport Beach lawyer Patricia Herzoc, who represented Janet Sullivan, the rulin1 meana that future profesalooal earnings may be considered in cases where one spouse puta the other tbroUCh 1d1ool. Ma. Henog said the law at.at.es that a medical education ls not community property per ae, but that the Appeah court cbaracteri&ed tbat educatkm u havine a "community interest." In tbe Sullivan cue, the 199) divorce proeeedlnp inch.Nied a motion approved by a S-.periol' Opponenh move ... ineteanal LOS ANGELl:S <AP> -Tbe 'laat offenalve was launched llODdaJ ln a tona·ltudi:r batU• to OPPQM the PwtPber Canal -a O-mlle ebaDMt delllned to • tranaport Nortlaem Calllonla •water to arld Soutbera CalilcliWa. Court judge that the physician's m edical education not be considered as community. property. But there is only a hairline difference, Ms. Herzog said, ln saying that Sullivan's education and future earnings are not community property, as determined by the trial court. but instead a "community interest." The appeals court in effect, sent the cue back to Oranae County Superior Court to determine bow much Janet Sullivan is entitled to for auppoJ"tinl her ex-buaband wblle be attended UC Irvine Medical School. The Sullivana were married lD 1967. They s~parated in lm. During IDOlt of that time, Dr. Sullivan was a student wbile bla 1.wlfe worked at various Jobi. t • IUlll CWT IUTlll · Sunny tbla afternoon · ,and WedDelday. A little warmer oa Wednesday. iHiCU ~ t'1 to 71 and 'Wednelda)t •to 71. Cooler ·tonl1bt wltb Iowa of a to -· 48 . •.• , Ai,._,. • ..,.,,•• aMflMllllQWltiMlaM ..... ,.... pritll to ....... .... tNd '° ........ °" ,.,.. •. ,,.BS . , .•. _ ' '1 •• '· ' •• I .: '· : . ·" j. ·~ . .~· " .. '. ·~ ,- ' (i- l ,. r~ : :• ' "·· • .. ~. ... ··. I• , ;. . ' 'l" , r: " SAClAllSNTO (AP> - S..ate Dar crllde IMdln MJ tbey m91.:,::fg reprlmUd lutudef.I ....,. ... , • .,. "'far ....... abortloft rtpu advoeat•. Senate °hffldent ..Pro Tem Qavld Robeltiitc:!~ ~ toldreporW9 · 1,"I IUll>fft tbll lf autlaiM IHJ' •r It wlll bt 1ometbfn1 tbat Jndlcatea dl1ple11ure of the , memtilr'I bUt Mt to tbe rtat of • H&ta It a Loi Alle•la bMrtDI e.-... U. IM&Yldual. were n.u.cl wWl ''• Ha of bani. Scbmlis. a Newport a.~eb · Jewilb ~ (U'IU•blY> female ..,Ubr"t• n ' I fQr the U.S. lac• · · · le••t•. e,..... a tvor Jut Crltia calltd tbe eoml!Mala moeth ,..._ be called abor'tloo a n t 1 • S • m it le , • n d t b •· ri1bta advooawa wbo att9Dded a Demoeratie majority on th• HrlH of abortion bearlnlt Senate RulH Combllttee "l•1oblan1. •• "murdtroua r•movtd Scbmlta u cbairmaD mara'*9" and "bull dyk•... 0 t tlu c 0 DI t I t "t I 0 D • 1 • Am••dment1 CommiUH and In a pnu releue, Sctamlta two otber po1ta. tald that the ftrtt few to1'1 of' A . few key Demoerata 1114 later tbey ,,.. a1lo dr&Nu a · CtUUN NIOlutioD to put tbe full S.aate on NCC>rd &I oppoaln1 SdluDltl' remaru. aut 11GOU1. Robtrtl •lid tbe ltbaton were lpllt three WA)'I over the Schmits wue, 10me .. attna cenaure, otben wantln1 aom etlltn1 leH, and 1omt •••tlal no f\Utbw acUoa. Ht ud many of 0.0.. wbo wanted no actloe didn't want to live kbmlta more pubbclty. * * * ''I laAd I wou.1d be wUliq to vote for ceuure but I tblai at would be lmpollte to come up with 'O"Whlnc tbat would oat have tbe ·~ of the m.taftty of the boule, • Roberti aald. Jt takee only a majority ol ·thoae vot1n1 -not a majority ot· lb• S.aate -to approH a eeo1ure motion, but m•~Y ·lawmuen view centure u a · maJor step that abould be liken only for the moat aerloua * * *' tolfenHI. 1 LtliaJatlve otficlal• HY tbt>' • cannot remember an lDltuff ill , wblcb a 1tat• Haator waa ceuured. O.mocratlc floor leader Joem 1 Garamendl, D-Wahaut Grove, I tald be WU draftiaa a r99ClluUID •COIMle ........ SebaUb' ....... and would Dl'ObaWy mtroaoe tt Tbunclay. But be uJd ..... "t know ll it would be called a cemure motion. . * •.. * . College unit criticizes senator · PROMOTER -.Jane Fonda chats with actor Cinema chain during an appear;ance at and CED activist Jim Klein (center> and Edwards Newport Cinema to promote her James F.dwards Sr., owner of the Edwards · new movie. "Oo Golde11 Pond." $255,000 pledged for music center , International Telephone and Telegraph Corp. bas pledged $225,000 toward lbe construction and endowment or the future $58 •million Orange County Music Center in Costa Mesa. ' The donation announced Monday by the communications company included: $100,000 cub from ITT Barton in City of Industry, $100,000 pledee from ITT Cannon in Fountain Valley, $25,000 pledge from ITT Mark Product• In CQata MeH ud $20,000 pledge and $10,000 cub rrom J.C. Carter in Costa liesa. •'The Orange County Music Center will play a m~o~ role in the continued cultural de- velopment or Southern Cal· ifornia," said J .L. VOIJ Ran, ITT vice president and Group General Manager of Compone nts Group·Nortb From Page A1 America, also headquartered in Fountain Valley. Music center officials declined to say whether the caah lift enabled the performiD1 arta center to reach ill year-end pl to raise $1 million in cub in order to.collect $US million from two donors who gave ca1b chaUente lift.a. In makin1 their $1 million pledge. the Se1entrom family asreed to match all cub l1fta up to ••.• milllcm, laid tJlftdall. The Jamel Irvine Foundatioa's $3 millioa pJedle was made oo a matcbinc baa1I over two years, with the tint St mUlioo contiJllent on the abilltY to raise $1 million. To date, more than $20 milll'lll has been raised by the music center including six gifts ol $1 million or more. HOLIDAY CONFUSION. • • Saddleb8ck and. Coastline -all will. be open as usual Friday. ·The situation for school district employees at Oranse Coast s.cbools varies from district to district Friday: -The Huntington Beach Union Higb School District will act tonight on a resolution to give employees Friday off. -Laguna Beach Unified School District employees will work their regular hours Friday. Teachers there will use the day to review educational programs and review curricula. -The Newport-Mesa Unifled School District wUI be closed for the holiday. Personnel at the district's 3> schools have the day off. ~ The Irvine Unified School District will be closed. All classified employees have the day oft. -The Fountain Valley School District will be closed. All employees have the day off. , -The Ocean View School District will be cloaed. All employees have the day off. -The Huntingloo Beach City School District will close for teachers and 10-montb·a·year employees. Twelve-month employees are expected to . report f~ work. FromPageA1 FONDA .• • • film . The enthusiasm waa something that was very special. When I flrat read the script for this movie I wu shooting 'Tbe Electric Horseman' in Utah, and I knew that my father would ban to say some of these lines. "We'd been looking for a project tO do together for a loot time but we could never find the rttbt one. pan you imastne me playina bi• mi1treaa? Tbote were the klndl ol often we were 1etUn1," she said. Fonda outlined the corrent 1oala ol the CED, wblcb include a lon1·term project for increaain1 solar power in California, cleanln1 up toxic dump 1ites, divertin.1 pension fund dollars to help pay for mua transit and affOl'dable bouaiq, and financial support for suitable democratic political candidates. · Following her remarks on the fllm, Fonda auctioned a siped "Nine to Five" poster ($50), an autographed picture of her father ($50). • print made by Henry Food.a depicting a aceoe from bis movie "The Grapes o1· Wrath" ($250), • ·aigbe.d "Workout Book" and cuaette exercise tape ($100) and a acrtpt from the falm, liped by Henry, which opened bidding at $30 and finally sold for $500. "On Golden Pond" was written by playwright Ernest Thompson, directed by Mark Rydell and stars Henry and Jane Fooda, Katharine Hepburn and Dabney Coleman. Ma . Fonda a1ao served as producer • for the movie, overseeinl the I makinl of the fllm u ••a gift for ' my father." 1 Jetliner plunges 16,000 feet SAN FRANCISCO (AP> -A Capitol International Airways . DC·B Jet descended from 31,000 Itel to 15,000 feet after the cabm air pressure dropped, but although one person waa injured, a federal otficlal Mid the 1afety of tbe pa11eacen •aan't threatened. "I was fut uleep," aald Tom Lavin of San Bernardino, a paa1eqer on the fllght that left New Yon oo Sunday D1tbt and arrived in San Franclaco OD· Monday. "All ol a sudden, the plane was dark and started to dive," Lavin said. "My ears popped and the ox,y1en mub dropped down and we beard a bil thump. All the Oitbt attendants were rwmiDI tbroUlb the allles u fast aa they could. A few minutes lat.er, they aaid for ua to fut.en our aeat belta." Lavin said the-plane made Ill dea~ent in a period of two minutes. The jet, which carried more than 200 paaenaen. landed In iilyliaf •. .... Gfflea ......... c.11 .... CA. ---.. -.~ .... CA.- Denver, then· flew to San Francilco. Tbe pa.aenaen bad to wait several hours in Denver before boardin8 a United Alrlinea Oipt to San trandleo. "Tbe cabin pressure reached the pohlt where the crew felt It wu necessary to descend to a lower •ltttude," aald Dave Myers, a spokeamao for the Federal AvlaUoa Adminlatratloa in Denver. "The atienft experienced a preuurtaation problem over NebrMk•.'' 11,.era 1aid. '"!'be . pilot mMI a eaatroUed dele.- trom JI 000 ,_ clDwll to 11.• feet Ud landed at Den••· He did JIOt make an emer1ae1 deacent.'' llyera Hid ozy•eo mulr1 were releued, bat Ule ealU preuure Mftl' rHcbed a leWll i.M, ......... ., ... Ille~•• Pl'a1b1la, a BJ.at llotela dlalq roo• • ..,... •Ito ••• , ........ &M ftiOt. •. ,.alld ll a .. ,. .. ,,.,..,, ...... ~ .. =-··--·· ........ ··= =s~· ........ ~ Bf IOllN NEEDHAM ............... Tbe Academic Senate of the Saddlebeck Oommunlty CoUese Dlatdct bu unanimoualy puaed a resolution "deplorin1" recent · public remarkl made by State Seo. John Schmit&, who baa tau1ht polltlcal acience on a part-time buia at SaddJeback alnce ms. Schmit.a. aJ.ao • profeaaor at Santa Ana Colle1e. recently attacked foea of anti-abortion leglalatlon ualni lan1ua1e Jud1ed by many oblervera to be sexist and anti-semitic. 'l'be action by the c0lle1e'a aenate, made up of faculty memben who regularly convene to-consider various academic iaaues of concern to diatrlct inat:ructiOn, wu announced by Stnate President Ra1bu Mathur, a chemistry proleuor at the c0Ue1e'a North Campus in Irvine. "Altbou&b Senator Schmits ls not preaently at Saddleback Collep and bu never been a full-time faculty member here, the Academic Senate of Saddleback CoUep deplores tbe senator'• commente relaUn1 to Jud1ment ol lndlvtduals on the baala ol race, ethnic· backll"OWMI . or aexual ·preference,·' the reaolutloa reads. It continues : "Such statements are inconsistent with. the educational pbila.opby ol the faculty ol Saddleback ~e1e." • Sctimits7 a realdent of COrona del Mar, bad be'eD acbeduled to teach a be1lnnin1 pollllcaf science class durln1 tbe upcomln1 apring Hmeater at Saddleback. However, the Saturday mornin1 course wa~ dropped from tbe curriculum due to bud1et constraints facin1 the district. The dffi.aion to drop the· claaa wu made several weeb prior to Schmitz' remarks criticized in tbe Faculty Senate's resoluUoo, a college spokesman said. 1n a preaa release la1ued after a aeriea ol state Senate hearlQll presided ovei:. by Schmits oa a conatltutlonal amendment bannin1 abortions, the conservative lawmaker referred to op~ ol the 1neuure u "bull dyltes'' and "murderoua marauders.'' At a Loa Angeles hearlnj, Schmitz said he looked out oo a "aea of bard, Jewl1b and ( ar1uably) female faces." The Democratic majority la the Senate Rules Committee removed Schmitz u chairman of the Conatltutio aaJ Amendments Committee and from two other Senate poata following the remarks. :Senate President Pro Tem Davld Roberti and Seo. Alan Sieroty, both Los Ansel ea Democrats, said last week that a censure resolution against Schmits would be introduced on the Senate fioor because ol bis comments. Ram~' Hill pleads innoce~ Loa Angeles Ra.ma profeaaional football player Drew Hill pleaded innocent Monday to four misdemeanor charges involvini alleged sexual ,mlaconduct with a 16-year-old girl. . The plea was mad~ in North Orange County Municipal Court on bebalf of the 25-year-old wide Election scheduled for Briggs' seat Gov. F.dmund Brown Jr. has scheduled a special election for April 13 to flll the state Senate seat ol Republican John Brius of Fullerton, wbo resigned lt'l m•tll tio become a lo&byilt. The winner ol the election will serve for the rest of Brigp' term, which expires in 1986. The election will coincide with a local election in Briggs' 35tb D istrict , which includes Search for 3 pressed at sea OXNARD (AP> -A ;stecond day of searching the waters around San Miguel Island resulted in no sign of three men whose companion was found dead to the water, a Coast Guard spokesman said. However, some debris from their boat, incluclina a boot, was found, Petty Officer Mike Sieln.bauaer said Monday. Coast Guard TeScuers plucked tbe body of Ysidro Mendoza Ramirez, 27, of Oxnard, from the water Sunday !HigbUy more than two hours after receiving a report from the fl.shine vessel Pacific Sun ol a body floating in the water. Fullerton, Anaheim and Tustin. Candidates must 1arner 50 pe~cent or the vote to win the seat. Uno one does that, a runofr will be held May 11 for the leadln1 candidates or each party. So far, Anaheim Mayor John Seymour and Place ntia businesman Thomas De Mary. both Republicans , and Libertarian Les Antman, an Anaheim accouptant, have announced they will s eek Briggs• seat. Ross Johnson, R·Fullerton, assemblyman for the 69tb District, said today be is still considering running in the race, but bas not made a final decision. Filing for candidates will run from Feb. 8 to March 1, according to the Oran1e County Re1istrar ol Voters. Candidates must either pay a filing fee ol $281.10, or submit the aianaturea of 3,000 registered voters ol their party in their district if they are Republicans or Democrats. To waive tbe fee1 candidates running on a minor ,party ticket must submit the signatures of 10 percent d the party members in their district, or 150 signatures, whichever is less, a reliatrar spokesman said. receiver by bia Santa Ana lawyer, James Perry. HilJ did not appear in court. Hill initially wu arrested oo suspicion of rape, a felony. Prosecutors later decided to seek the leaser charges of attempted unlawful sexual intercourse, contributing to tbe delinquency of a minor, assault and battery , said Deputy District Attorney Holly Leollard. Judge Dave Bach Jr. set a preliminary hearin1 date for Feb. lS in bis court and a jury trial date for Feb. 24. The misconduct is alleged to have occurred at Hill's Fullerton apartment on tbe night aft.er the Rama' fmal game on Dec. a in Anaheim. The Buena Park prl's identity bas not been revealed because she is a minor. 'Harassment' bill backed SACRAMENTO <AP > -After bearing o r a woman 's ·'nightmaris h " se9en-year struggle with harassment. a legislative committee approved a bill to raise sentences for repeat harassment. . AB2174 by Assemblyman Mel Levine, D-Santa Monica, would also make harassment a crime subject to felony penalties in certain cases. • The Assembly Criminal Justice Committee voted unaoim01Usly Monday to advance the bill to the Assembly Ways and Means Committee. Under current law, the victims of harassment may obtain a ·court order to forbid a person from harasain& them. With Corum, time ~ arw-.ys valuabl• our r 8 karat yettow gold Ingot watches are a t>eauttful Investment In time. A Man·s 10-gram watch. $2, 990 B. Lady's 5-gram watch, $2,350 f.. i~ t i' ;, I . I .. ';. .. .. I\ .. , . . ;,: 4; :• .. . . . .. . ... ... I• ... ' ' .,. ' I · .. Orangt pout OA'LY PtLOT/Tunday, January 12, 1•2 H tr' FromPQ~1 CotiNTY, ltOSPIT AL AGEN!J'S FIG~ 'WAR OF EGOS' • • • very ptOtffUvt ot ~· county dollar. Tlu.11, every Ume a b&ll la 1ubmJtted by tbe unlventty tor care of an tadlsent, • maul•• re•iew ~eaa la trtuered. · Auditors cMek to ... U tbe pe#lon treated "All that money (spent on arbitration of bills) could go to care.'' Ru1ty Kennedy Director, OC Human Relations Commission actuaUy qualified for treatment. Bills are analyzed for accountine errors. Finally, two physicians employed by the county review the blJls to determine if the services provided were medically necessary and the care appropriate. If those pbysiclans decide too much service .was provided, the billed amount is discounted, that is, some percentage of it is disallowed. The county then pays the remainder or the cbaree. On the average, the county is paying about 80 percent or the amounts bUled. ·'Some people seem to th.int we are not paying the university anything. That's simply not the case," said R.A. "Bert" Scott, director of the county.General Services A&ency, and the county's lead negotiator. "Seventy or 80 percent. U stinks. A dollar is •a dollar." retorted William Gonzalez, director of the UC Irvine Medical Center in Orange. UC President David Saxon said in a past letter to the county that the dispute and the withholding of some percentage of payment ls creating "an intolerable financial drain" on the medical center. Part of that drain, said Gonzalez, is that fact 42 people are employed to process the bills, al an approximate cost of $524,000. They dominated the 18th floor or an Orange high-rise. About 2,000 lo 3.000 bills are bandied each month. Gonzalez estimated that, in sum, tbe university is spending about $1.S million per year to administer the contract. Added Michael Deblieux, assistant to Gonzalez, "But there are intangible costs. A large percentage of the 'COSl of ad~trating this hospital is spent on 20 per~lit' of our business. We've been allowing the tail to wag the dog, so to speak.·' Ironically, Vicki Gray, contract administrator for the county, estimates that county government spends about $1.5 million to administer lbe contract. "Which is unbelievable ... but that's the way it is. It's one of my big beefs," Ms. Gray said. Viewing the $3 million the two government agencies are spending to fight each other. Stanley Van den Noort, dean of the UCI College ot Medid.IM obHrved: "lt'1 • job corp1 for burHucr•ta, accou.ntanta aod lawyen." Added Rusty KeD.Dedy, executlv• d1reet.or ol tbe OreD1e Counlf Human Relatloa1 Commwkla, "I tb.l.nk tbe dllpute bu takm away from the q~allty of cant ... tbe audlton1 the blllen, the attorneys, all that money couJa 10 to care.'' Repreeentat1vea of both partl• ha" called for reeolutloo ol tbe dllpute. Why bau't lt occurred! Van den Noort, who aeema to be no one'a frleod lo the matter, 1ald it la the "utun of lar1e buruucracle1" that makes reacbinc a resolution difftcult. Yet there are 1rowlot lndlcaUom that 101De 1.m. are bela.I made via netotlatlGu l*wffll Scott, the county'• repreMntatfve, the medical center'• Gonzalez, and Comellua Hopper, a special usutant for health matters to Saxon, the UC ptellident. There la pressure for resolution Ulat bu not Legal fight is ''job corps for bureaucrats, accountants and lawyers." Stanfey Van den Noort Dean of the UCI College of MedJctne · existed in the past. Members of the UC Board of Regents were angry enough in May to put the county on not.lee that the university would pull out of the contract effective at the earliest pQ55ible date, Jan. 1, 1985. Further, the regents said county responsibility no longer would be treated at a clinic in Anaheim, effecUve immediately, a.od effective July 1, at a clinic in Santa Ana. And the regents gave the boot to county responsibility mentaJ health patients. It was only one month later the Assembly Speaker Brown -acting at van den Noort's reque.st -saw to It that language was added to the 1981-82 stale budget bUI to deny the county $12. 7 million in health funds unW the dispute was resolved. A $4.2 million payment, due Dec. l, was not sent. As part of that action, the Legislature ordered the state Department of Health Services to analyze the dispute and make recommendation on bow it may be resolved. The report, which was supposed to be rele.-sed by Nov. 1, is nearing completion. A draft of the 45-page document, which bu not been made public, listed several flndin1s and recommendations. The state officills concluded that the agreement was complex and costly to . Sunny afternoons Coastal Motlly l•lr tl\rougn w.-y. HIOllt of 61 to 72. L-. • lo 'I. H11nlln9t0ft a .. u..New_.rt BH<ll •r•• 111911 ol u •nd low ol n . Continued mllCI wllll sunny .,..~ E lwwlWre lrom Point CAlllCeptlon lo t.,. MHICMI bordw •nd °"' 60 mlln: Llghl v.,_ wlnda """"911 ton .. nt ncepe -.,.,_ weten end Sent• Berber• cll•nne l w ltll -tllWftt winds of U to 20 knoll lonl ... t. E-• soutllwell lo wttl winds ol I to " knob. Mostly sunny lod•Y, l.ir ton'9111 Extended forecast SOUTHE ltN CAL IFORNIA COASTAL AND MOUNTAIN AREAS -""'' •net IOCMly #Indy In tM -lelM. OWnu of ..,ty 11'1«111"9 109 or 1-clOucts ,,..,. llW c-1. CoHt•I .,.. Ntfl ....,et_ 6J to 7J. -·•toe. Mountain lll!llM •to "· low• In • ..,,, '-' ... Smog Tiie Air Oualllv Mtn•o•m•nt District P<Mlcts good elr qutllly todty In .. I ._ of tlW 5o"'9I CoHI \\,40 so" I,. • -Air 8nln wllll • ••utlon slllndef'CI ___________________ _ 1U S ........ ""of C2. •• summary I 5411•11• 11""9 ..... snow on .... Temperatures ... ,.,,, -of .,.. Gt'fft ulln ,...,.,, -1-r•lurn llOve,.... l•rwlld -.. lrom !he .-11\ern Roclly Atbeny Mlunt•IM to -Enoi.nct titer t Al""-cSty of ,_d COid In llW Ml-.t tnd A,,..,.lllo '°;":;,_ '"""' -~ In Well :::=•• THn. powtno lrw%1"9 rein .. ,.,, AHMttc Cty •AftlMlo..,,, Del Alo. T .. G<ltf 11MH .. lllrnon ll•d reedln91 In ti\• 209, end Blrmlft91W'n IM!Derat-l"M<..., •-50 In.,. 81-•rdl ' " ............ --70I In $outMrft ..... Ctlllornla. Bolton Cold......,'"'--Florldl!'I lrowMvlle cltnn crop locMy. Buffelo People In 811flelo, N. Y ., were CMrktn sc rec•verlno from • record. t..-O..r1stn wv _, .. ,of ts lflChn --..... ~ clotecl 111 INIMIS. lndl-. Mic ........ CM< ... 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C•11llltle,1 •r• ••C.111111 fer ....-..r ldM" ... ,...,. ..... -........... -............. .. ",,, ......... "' ........... '''"' IMywMl'e 111 .. LM Mltlet ... ... eflllr ----....... ,.. ...... ~ ·~ .....,. .............. .... I ........ __ .. ._.._..., {AfWll .......... tM ,... .... -..,......_ LM """"" Ill h ·~ J ....... ......., ....... ]. Jt .. .. lllf llPIRT Meutltft ~ Me•kllOty ......,.,... ..__, ' IMJ-.... tt. .. .,..... 10 ., 11 ., 71 ., 4J M " ft .. n u T..-; ...... TrtftlMd v .... u,. IJ n .... .,. .. , We're LIStenlltfl ••• ~Whal do JCN like ~bout tbl Dally PUotT What don't 10U likaT Cad the ftumber Mlow ad your m-.11e wilJ be l'ffOl'decl, transcribed aDd delivered totlle •PPftfl'lale editor. Tbt aame M·hour anewertnc MnH9 may be aa.cl to reeord Ill· ten to the editor on any tos"c. 11.Ubox eoatl1butort m.i U.Cl.S. t.Mir name and telephone number lw nrlncatloa. No drculaUon Ulla, pluee. TeU Ul'what's on your tnlnd. • , , .. admlnllter; that arbltratloo, ln mott lnlta.Dcet, la not tbe way for tbe two 1tde1 to t0IH tbelr dlffeNDCel; that communteatloo bttwMD the county and tbt unlvenlty wu lacktu: that the county, prior to the fundlq c&Kol/ bad no tncenUve to ..We the dllpute, and tlnaUy, that "tbt dispute baa adverHIY affected the reclpi•t.t of care at the med.teal center. In lta r9CcnnmeDded plan ot act.loo, state health oftlelala aald arbltratJon on the biltlq dlullowanc11 should be termlaated, tbat ne10Uatlooa lnvolvl~ one repreteDt.atlve ol both tidel abould be . ad that relOlutloo of matt.an in cllapute an development of a new or amendecl acreem.nt ahou.&d b9 comp1eled by April IO. Beyond that, tbe •tat. told tbe edvenartes that botb partiet abouJd ackoowled1• th.al iieltber ia at fault. Three ofber alternate cou.rtet ·of action were recommended, incl~ one, titted u belns ot loweat priority, in wtilch raolutton of the cl11pute would eaaentlally be tu.med .over to the Lelillature. Under •ucb a Procr•m, the report sut1ested, a new covemment entity ml1bt be formed to oversee proviaion or care for lndl1ents. University officials familiar with tbe diapute generally were pleued with tbe st.ate'• findlnp. Publicly, the county adopted a "no comment" position, accordlne to BiU Rodie. a spokesman for Supervisor Harriett1Wleder, one of two supervtaora who bu been abepberdJng the contractual dispute. One county olricial privately faulted the report for saying that negotiations between the two sides have ceaaed. He said that'• simply not been the case. William Gonzalez ''With each passing day there is more motivation to settle." Director, UC Irvine Medical Center . ..., .... _ CLO• TO f&Rl!EWAYI -UC. Irvine Medical Center Is located in Orange. It bu been learned Ule reeent meet1Dca between Scott, Gomalea and Hopper bave dull with deviaine what all asree la a needed ayltem for raolviq bUliD& d.iaputa quick11 without rendlq them to arbitraUon. 1 What's beinc proposed, IOW'Cea 1atd, la a \!System whereby a panel of pbyaiclana representing both the univenity ud tbe county wouJd go over disputed billl and determtne a fair amount to be paid by the county. Aa for development of a new agreement, tbe two sides are not so close to a resolution. The university wants any new contract to be devlled such that the county pays a annual lump sum for tr'9atment of inclieents. The fee.for·service format, under wblch individual bills are rendered, university officia.IB contend, ls just too unwieldy. County officials have not ruled out the lump sum approach, but have criticised the univenlty's initial payment request of $14.5 million. , SUU, there is a certain optimism bein& expressed by both sides. Gone, representatives of both sides say, is much of the previous antagonism. "We are highly motivated to reach a resolution," said Scott. "Both organizationally and personally." "With each passing day, there is more motivation to settle," said Gonzalez, pointing out separate revenue drains racing both the county and the university. Workers livelihoods·'on the line' Last ditch effort made by General Electric employees ONTARIO CAP) -Saying "Our livelihoods are on the line," unionized workers at General Electric's flat iron factory were maklng a last-ditch effort today to save their jobs. Mary McDaniel, locaJ president or the United ElectricaJ Workers of America, said the union would present G.E. officials with details of an employee stock ownership plan C ESOP) that would allow workers to buy the plant and keep it operatiog. "We are vary serious," Ms. McDaniel said Monday. "Our livelihoods are on the line." Ms. McDaniel declined to give apecilics of;the proposal, alt.bough she said: "We will be asking G.E. for some major concessions." Asked if she was optlmistJc that the company would approve the plan, sbe said: "AJI we can do is explore the possibilities with them." She said she did not expect a reply from the company until the end of January. The plant is scheduled to close on Feb. 26. Ms. McDaniel said the union is in the process of arranging a $20,000 "consumer anaJysis study" on the feasibllity of the employee stock plan. The study would consider not only whether workers could raise the money, but whether there would be a continued market for metal flat irons. G.E. announced last July that it intended to close the Ontario plant 40 miles east of Los Angeles and get out or the metal flat iron busineu, shifting lo plastic irons made in Asheboro, N.C. and Singapore. The company claims the cban.ge Is due to a shift in consumer preferences a.od says it would be uneconomical to retool the plant to make pluUc irons, but union leaders say it is because of lower labor costs at the other sites. The plant, in operation since 1904, turned out 5 million metal irons in 1980 -more than halt the world output of 9 million. Last July, the factory employed about 1,000 people -sometimes whole ramiJies and up to three generations of the same family. Now that is down to about 650 u some workers have found jobs elsewhere and about 70 people have been transferred to another G.E . facility nearby that repairs jet engines. G.E. spokesman AJ Kennel said the company is continuing negotiations with two other manufacturing firms as well as the union over the possibility of buying the plant. KeMel declined comment on the union's plans because they have not been presented, aJthoucb be said: "G. E. is willing to sell to its employees on some sort of ESOP arrangement if something can be worked out." IN CELEBRATION OF THE MARRIAGE OF STOREKEEPER M.ONTE PRIES TO MISS LYNN AMUNDSON We Will Close At 12:00 Noon .. Saturday, January 16th The Storekeeper Sale is In Progress ~ . . t;. ~: .. i' , .. '· :. :· .. .. " .. '. ·~ . .. c: .. ,, '·. f\ £ ~· ... :• .. t: I ., l ' . '. . ,· '" . " ~. ~ .. I• I •• .. ·,. ' r: t-t '' Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tuetday. January 12, 1882 .~ ......... GRAIN TANK BURSTS -A storage tank at the Bunge Corp. grain elevator beside the Mississippi River at Destrehan, La .. ruptured Monday spilling 1.5 mjll!on bushels of wheat. The grain tide of 90 million pounds knocked down utility poles. buried 10 automobiles and injured four persons inside a cafeteria as the rooLcollapsed. Three Haitian exiles nabbed Government forces thwart invasion, revolution PORT DE PAJX, Haiti <AP > -The Haitian government says its troops have captured three of the eight exile invaders from Florida who landed on Tortuga Island, and are hunting for the other five. The commander or the attempt to touch off a revolution against President J ean·Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier, filUng s tation owner Bernard Sansaricq of Fort Lauderdale, was reported to have sailed from South Caicos Island, 95 miles north of Haiti, with 30 more men. Their whereabouts were not known. U .S . officials said the ls,OOO·man Haitian army had been mobilized. They said a Haitian coast guard boat and the U.S . Coast Guard cutter that intercepts Haitian refugee boats bound for Florida were patrolling around Tortuga, 15 miles off the north coast of , Haiti. U.S. holds arms talb with Soviets GENEVA, Switzerland CAP) U.S . and Soviet negotiators resumed talks today on limiting nuclear arms in Europe, the first bargaining sillce the Reagan administration imposed economic sanctions against Mo scow over the military crackdown in Poland. The talks lasted over two hours and took place at the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency offices. No statement was issued by either side, in keeping with the news blackout both sides have agreed on. Judge backs pact to dismantle Bell NEWARK, N.J. CAP> -The agreement under which the Am e rican Telephone & Telegraph Co. is to divest itself of its 22 local Bell System companies -about two-thirds of the Bell System's assets -bas been approved by a federal judge. U.S. District Judge Vincent P. Biunno said late Monday the' agreement reached last Friday· in Washington between AT&T and the Justice Department, was an "undoubtedly wise business decis ion,.. good ror both the public and the Bell System. Taiwan plane rejection fla yed WASHINGTON CAP > President Reagan's decision to reject Taiwan's request for advanced U.S. fighter planes is triggering conservative unrest with the adminis tration's foreign policy. "I find it diffi c ult to understand the administration decision," said Sen. Jesse Helms in a telephone interview Monday from his North Carolina office. Gasoline blast f elt for miles CATLETTSBURG, Ky. (AP> -An explosion that Ut up the sky and could be felt for miles ripped through gasoline tanks at a petrochemical farm today, injuring two workers who had been trying to free frozen pipes in 7 ·degree weather. The workers were treated at a hospital for burns and released. authorities said. The fire that broke out at the Ashland Oil Inc. plant was contained quickly, and firefi~hlers let it burn itself out Poison testing set/or rabbits POCATELLO, Idaho CAP> Strychnine will be tested this week to determine whether it can errectively kill crop·destroying jack rabbits in southeastern Idaho without h ar ming other an imals, a newspaper reported Monday. The tes t s will be run Wednesday on private property somewhere near Aberdeen, weather permitting, Brian Finnegan, the Bingham County rodent control district secretary, told the Idaho State Journal. Tru£ker strike enda in Mexico GUADALAJARA , Mexico <AP) -Truck transport.ation of winter produce from northwestern Mexico to the United States was normal again after a five-day strike by drivers to demand higher freight rates and an end to police extortion. A spokesman for the strikers, who asked anonymity, said talks will start soon between different groups for drivers and truck companies for higher pay and benefits. PLO pilots aid Salvador, Angola BEIRUT, Lebanon CAP) - Palestine Lib era tion Organization Chairman Yasser Arafat was quoted today as saying bis group has sent pilots to Njcaragua and guerrilla fighters to El Salvador and Angola. Arafat reportedly made the statement in remarks to the General F e d e ration of Palestinian Writers and Journalist s in the Lebanese capital to mark the PLO's 17th anniversary. Gulf Oil pact called 'raw po~er;' DENVER (AP) -Gulf Oil Corp. used "raw power" to win major union concessions in a tentative labor agreement that is e xpected to avert a nationwide walkout or 55,000 oil refinery workers, the president of the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers union says. The agreement, which was to be submitted to more than 2,700 Gulf workers within two or three days, provides an average 16 percent wage increase over two years. Hefner testifies in casino probe LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP, N.J . CAP) -Playboy founder Hugh M. Hefner has denied any knowledge or wrongdoing by executives in the firm's troubled London casino operations. Hefner took the stand Monday morning in the first day of bearings on the company's' request for a regular license for the Atlantic City casino hotel It owns with Elsinore Corp. of Lu; Vegas. TOP BIRlDIN STEAK OFFER GOOD THROUGH JANUARY17, 1982. Marti&l law studied Polish authorities 'would like to end' military rule WARSAW, Poland <AP) - Pollsb autbortt.les "wouJd Uke to end" martial law by Feb. t and Include Solidarity leader Lecb W1Je11 in future a1reementa on trade unions, otllciala aald today. However, t.bey aald there wu no timetable for enclln1 the state of emer1ency declared Dee. 13, and that the lift.Ina of military rule "depends on the sltuauon." The vague statement on endinl martial law wu made by Deputy Prime Minister Jeny Ozdowskl, a Roman Catholic appointed a deputy prime minister in November 1980. He add.reaaed a news conference fo)- foreign journallsts. At the same news conference, government spolGesman Jerzy Urban said PoUsh authorities would like to include Walesa in future agreements on trade unions. Although Walesa's future is "unknown , be is s uch a personality that a place will be found for blm in future agreements," Urban said. Urban's hint at moderation by the authorities was tempered by a statement making plain that union activity had been banned from government institutions and ministries. He admitted some persons had left t heir posts after the authorities bad dissolved union locals in such institutions. ."We demand loyalty to the state," he said. Both Urban and Ozdowski refused to say where Wales a has been held since the martial law crackdown, which bas led to the interment of more than 5,000 Solidarity activists. Severai bunared have been sentenced in trials by martial Jaw courts. Walesa is believed under hou~ arrest near Warsaw. A civil c ·urt Monday acquitted two Solidarity T-bill yield has resumed upward trend WASlliNGTON (AP) -Yields o n s bort·term Treasury securities have resumed their upward trend, reversing the declines of one week earlier, officials said. About $4.9 billion in six-month bills were sold Monday at an average discount rate of 12.S>6 percent, up from the 12.282 percent the previous Monday. The yields were the highest since the Oct. 26 level or 13.619 percent for six·month bills and the Nov. 2 level of 12.695 percent for three-month bills. Rates reached levels of about 16 percent last summer before tapering off through much\ Of the fall. · Beginning today, banks and savings and loans may pay as much as 13.056 percent interest on six·montb money market certificates, up from t he previous 12.532 percent. acUvllta at the Warauwa ~ mlll of char&• tbe, tomen a 1trike after martial law w declared Dee. 13. A third worker was Jlven an 18· montb auspe ed sentence. , Plant offlclala tutifled the three men tried to calm the 9,000 workera at the plant. The trial brou1bt to 19 the number of SoUdarlty memben acquitted of llle1al union activity since Gen. WoJclecb J aruzelallti, the premier and Com munist Party chief, declared martial law. But the government a1ao bu announced 276 unlonlats have , been found euUty of or1ani&i.nc ', strikes or partlcipattn1 in them. Sentences have ranged from 3~ to 6~ years with no ri&ht of appeal. J aruzelski bas said Solidarity would have a role ln labor activity once martial law ends. But the government radio and television stations continue to carry interviews with former Solidarity members who say the union became "too politicaJ and to<> ideological." 'I'be interviews are repeated several times daily and are aJso carried by PAP, the official news agency. They appear to be an attempt to back up government assertions that martial law was needed to stop eubvenivea ln the Wllon wbo ~anted to overthrow tjle Communist 1overnmeDt. The Poi.isb people' a woe1 wen hei&htened b)' the sever• wlater weather 1torm1 wraekln1 Northern Europe . lhdlo Wan aw reported that ap lee.jam on the Vlatula River nortb..t of the capital collapsed dllDes, caused widespread floodlna. drove thousands from tbelr homes and threatened Plock, a major oi.J.reflninl center. The broadcut aald work "is goln1 on night and day" to break up the ice. It aald lf this wu not done, the river would back up and could threaten Warsaw. The foreian mlnlsters of the 1! nations of the North Atlantic Treaty Oreanlzatlon beld a special meeting in Bruasela and, with the exception of Gr~. agreed on two limited sancliona against Poland. They aereed to ~ithbold commercial credits for Import.a other than food and also to postpone negotiations to refinance Poland 's 1982 payments on its $27 billion debt to Western governments and banks. Greece joined the other 14 allies in accusing the Soviet Union of a major part of the responsiblllly for the Polish crisis. Rare aftershocks shake New England BOSTON CAP ) -Rare aftershocks nearly as powerful as the earthquake that preceded them may (oreteU sporadic jolts for the next few weeks from Main e to Connectic ut, researchers say. •'I expect smaller aftershocb to continue for days, possibly weeks," Nall Toksoz, director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technolog y's Wal lace Geophysical Observatory, said Monday after the third major . tremor in three days rocked buildings and rattled nerves throughout the six New England states and parts of Canada. No damage or casualties were reported from Monday 's temblor, and no major damage resulted from Saturdays's quake. "Sometimes these quakes can go on for days, weeks," saui Russell Needham , a geophysicist with the N alional Earthquake information Center. "It can't be predicted. We just don't know." Don Finley, a spokesman for the center in Golden, Colo., said the quake, reported at 1:41 p.m . PST, originated in Canadian province of New Brunswick near the Maine border and measured S.5 on the Richter scale. It followed an aftershock Saturday that struck four hours after the quake and measured S.l on the Richter scale. Saturday's earthquake, in nearly the same spot, was measured at S.8. ·•The rec ording of any aftershock is a rare occWTence in this area," s aid Toksoz, adding that Monday's shock "was the largest or about 80 that have occurred since Saturday morning." The Rev. James McCaffery, assistant to the director of the Weston Observatory at Waltham, M ass., said the earthquake didn't release all of its energy Saturday. ·•It's releasing its energy in bursts," be said. The Richter scal e is a measure of ground motion as recorded on a seismograph. An earthquake of Richter magnitude 5 is considered capable of causing considerable damag'e if it strikes inhabited areas. Monday's tremor was fell in parts of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Connecticut, Vermont and Rhode Island. "T he entire building was shaking," said Dennis Scheyer, who works at an advertising agency on Boston's Lewis Wharf. "We went to the middle portion and watched different portions or the building shake, including lamps. We got this one, that's for sure." John Martin, speaker of the Maine House of Representatives, said he was in his statehouse office in Augusta when a constituent in Mars mu interrupted th e telephone conversation to report his house was shaking. • A nice fix to~ in. 14.00~ 15.25°0 (Anm•I Yield) Our Market Rate Retlre ..... ~ ... t Accounts. 14.00%11 Republic:'• fixed annual Interest rate~ IRA and Keogh plans. Guaranteed for a fuU 18 to 30 months term. Interest compounded daily tcf yield 1525%annuaDy. Calendar year taxpayers can open an IRA account until Aprtl 15, 1982, '"d take deductions off their 1981 Income taxes. I Elfecttve Januaiy lat. 1982. al wage eame.ra up q 10¥1 m-.y set up IRA plans. even If covered by private pension or Keogh plans, and the mum allowable contributions to both IRA and Keogh plans have Increased conaSderably. Fi.e of taxes, your money grow ,.._ For exam $2,000 yearly conbibutk>n/deposlt for 25 years to an IRA or Keogh l4Mngs account at just 12 would llOtal $347,99320. Prlndpal and ~are tax-deferred until wlthdntwn 1ft.er eBglble ..-tt1...,..•1nt age of 591/a. Come by or ell for clGla. We CAin ee.aty trlnlfer your eounts from other rlnandal lnatltutk>ns.. Minimum deposit t5 and additions ellowed without Qt Ing maturity. Your rete at time of purchate Is guaranteed for 18 montN.. Ta.x and lnte penalty for early wlthd rewel. !wry tlrTM the Rooeter ~ro .. your Money Grow SAVINGS . ' J ~j 'i· J: I \ r r. ... I . '· ~. I, I l I .. • • .,. ·, r: I • Orange Cout DAILY PfLOT/Tuetday, January 12. 1882 • H/F ~ffiU~ J Gourt faeed~with remap decision'· Choice may determine which party _controls.legislature for next 2 years SAN FRANCJSOQ <AP> -A reluctant state Supreme Court la faced for the leeoDd time in 10 years with dedd.ln1 UM l>OUUcal sh•P• of Callfornla for the lmmedJate future as it wetpa a partisan te1al battle over reapport!onmeol A battery of lawyers tor Democrats and Republicans spent more than three boura before the court Monday ar1ulng over whether Democratic -s p onsored reapportionment laws or a Republican referendum should prevaU at the June primary elections. The decision, likely to be made quickly, may decide which party ~trots the Legislature for the next two years. The lssue was dumped in lbe court's lap after lbe Republicans used the 70-year-old referendum Flood aid soujht SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Hundreds of people have asked for federal assistance and perhaps 2 ,000 more affected by last week's brutal storm ~re ex pected to seek e mergency loans, temporary housing and advice, officials say. ' On Monday, opening day for the government processing centers in five of six counties that President Reagan has named as disaster areas, 591 peop l e registered for assistance in the first three hours, said C h a rles Raudebaugh , s pokesman for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The storm killed 28 people and destroyed hundreds of homes, many in mudslides. Damage was estimated at $280 million. "I think we'll have 2,500 families" request help, said Emmons Blake, a FEMA director in the Marin County center in San Rafael. The centers, In Solano, Marin, Santa Cruz, San Mateo, Contra Costa and Sonoma counties, will be open "until there ain't nobody else" who needs help, Raudebaugh said. Officials say 6 ,023 homes were damaged and 439 homes were lost. After geologists said more landslides could occur in t he curren~ rainy season, rescuers halted their search for at least five people thought to be buried in mounds of mud and debris in the Love Creek area of Santa Cf'uz County. • ··The r e i s a possibility" digging will resume today, said Lt. Lloyd Gray of the Santa Cruz County Sheriff's ~partment , if the backcountry area seems more stable. Scores of Santa Cruz Co unty r esi dents remained isolated Monday, witbou~ telephone service, and, in the case of at least one backcountry vallevi in the chilly Santa Crut Mountains, without heatJ elgbt days after thel storm began. • . lo Lompico, "the only communication ls via amateur radio," aaidj Ron Chiappari, wh~ described himself u ooei of 120 radio operators who bad volunteered lo, send and receive me11a1ea lo lbe stricken. ,community. • 'Tbere is DO power for• beat and DO electricity. The road baa been wiped out for three mllea," Cb1appart said. process for the lint lime lo two decades to c ha lle n1 e redistrictlna laws pushed t b r o u 1 h b y t b e Democratic-controlled Legislature and signed by Democratic Gov . Edmund Brown Jr. 1 . Penal(y phase of tri~l opem LOS ANGELES CAP> -Two men have testified that they· were rapecj and threatened with death by1. convicted Freeway Killer William Bonin. In tes~ony Monday during the opening or the penalty phase of Bonin's trial, one of the men said he was 12, and the other said he was 18 in 1969 when Bonin picked them up hitchhiking, then handcuffed them and forced them Into acta of sodomy. . The state ls seekin1 the death penalty a1ainsl the former Downey truck driver who was convicted of • murders last week In Los An1eles. Prosecutor Sterling Norris called the two young men to testify as part of his attempt to convince the jury that Bonin has a prior sex offense recQrd and cannot be rehabilitated In pri son . Mental health po1tfilled SACRAMENTO CAP> -Gov. Edmund Brown Jr . has appointed Dr. James T. Barter of Sacramento a~ •cttna director of the Department of Mental Health. The announcement Monday said Barter, 51, has been deputy director ot clinical services. With de1rees from Antioch College in Ohlo a nd the universities of Arizona and Rochester, Barter has been direotor of psychiatric services al Cincinnati General Hospjtal and associate director of in -patient service at the Colorado Psychiatric Hospital in Denver. Judges get King holiday LOS ANGELES <APJ California's schoolchildren get a holiday on Martin Luther King Jr. 's birlbday. So do the state's Superior and Municipal Court judges, ln what appears to be a $500,000 mistake. . .......... LEADERSHIP CHANGE -Assemblyman Robert Naylor. R-Menlo Park. is congratulated on the Capitol's lower house floor Monda y by Asse mblywoman Carol Hallett. R-Atascadero, after it was announced he was elected to ace Hallett as Republican minority leader. Hallett ped down to seek the GOP nomination for lieutenant go ernor. ••..: • •t 1ll(AOl 11.-..C.tO 1 U . • I ' .· " I ,. 11 • ~ .. i' t • '• ,_ :· .. ,. ,, .. .. . •. 'I·· (: J;. k l t • .· .· . .. ··. t ' '} ~ i '" . .. .. ... ··. I• I .. • . , .. , f • .. TUESDAY CAVALCADE BUSINESS e2 .. 3 86-8 ............... SURFING'S OLDTIMERS -Among the senior surf set at Monday's Surfer Poll Awards dinner in San Clemente were veterans Mickey Munoz (left>. Hobie Alter and Corky Carroll. More than 450 surfers from around the world showed up to honor the best in the sport. Wanda Jean Livengood rites slated Funeral services for Wanda Jean Livengood of HuntingtOn Beach are scheduled Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Dilday Brothers Chapel at 17911 Beach Blvd. near Talbert Avenue. Mrs. Livengood died Sunday following a long illness. She was 40. Mrs. Livengood is survived by her husband Tom; daughters Debbie Uvengood, of Anaheim, and Jody Mc·Farland, of ·F ·anbrook ; son -in-law Ray McFarland; parents CUrtls and Verna Hall, of Hemet; and brothers Jack and Bob Hall. Tom Livengood ran unsuccessfully for City Treasurer last year. He's also active in various community oreanizalions including the. Meadowlark Airport citizens advisory committee and the HOME council. Top;surf ers lwm;>red Old timers cheered at dinner • I 87 STEVE MITCHELL Of .. IN!lr ......... SMr/ifto b a Mod trip in G /hi.id medium. -Stew Perman, Surfn MogtJdtw They touted it as the Academy Awards of surfUlg. Sort of the Reisman Trophy of wave rid.inc. And more than 450 old timers, surfers and wabines showed up for the Uttl Surfer Poll Awards, held this year at Sebastian's West Dinner House in San Clemente. Th~ majority of .)luday night's notables and guests were on the far side of 30 and while the dinner invites suuested "semi-formal attire," most .Ore faded Hawaiian shirts and cordW'Oy trousers. They gathered to honor the top 10 men and the top five women surfers in the world -selected by readers o f the 10,000 circulation Surfer Magazine, whose offices are in San Juan Capistrano. The often raucous croup consumed more than 120 cases of Budweiser, Micbelob and Hank's private reserve, along with llK> liters of white wine. And, al $18 a ticket, they feasted on fish soup, salads and roah beef, all to the accompaniment of a sort of Hawaiian country western band called the Hula Buckaroos. They were movie stars and other luminaries in the form of Jerry Mathers (Leave it to Beaver,) Greg Bradford (Eig.bt is Enoueb,> Grecory Harrison <Trapper John, M.D.) and even Timothy (,.eary, whom the announcer introduced as "the Evolutionary Surfer." But the big1eat cheers Monday nicht went to the oldtimers, surfinJ veterans from the 50s and 60s. Post eliminated Na mes like Hobie Alter, Mickey Muno_i, Duane "Gordy" Gordon, Don Hanso11, Walter Hoffman, Herbie Fletcher, Dick Metz, Mike Haley, Yike Doyle, David Nuubiwa, Dewey Weber, Corty Carroll, Fred Hemmiftl, Gordon Clark and Phil Edwards. Fountain Valley to cut parks director and carrying a tOV..er salary and fringe benefits. As part of a reorganization and cost-cutting program at Fountain Valley City Hall, the position of parks and recreation director will be eliminated after the departure Friday of current Davis la leaving to take a parks and recreation poeitioo in · Lancaster, Calif. direct.or Gary Davia. · . Recreation programs in the city now will be supervised by an employee designated recreation manager, a title below that of department bead El Toro base ~risite merits backed Despite U.S. Marine Corps opposiUon, the chairman of Orange County government's re1lonal airport site selection committee says the idea of relocating El Toro Marine Corps A'ir Station bas merit. Keith Murdoch, committee chairman, offered his remarta Monday .after Bric. Gen. ll'ebard Cooke, El Toro'• commandln.1 1eneral, told a press coalerence that relocaUon plan• would inU:rfere with the Mlll'lna' mlalon and prove too COIUY. Tbe ,.,tonal airport site ael•cUon commlU•• bu diacu•ed two propoeall &bat lftel" reloelt ... of tbe SI fore> ba1e and U&e companion MUeopc. bMe at 'hlt!A. . J'lnt. the ~mluee bu '* &be Marine •ratJou oouJd be relKated ~ tb• bue told. Sac' a mo~e. committee members Nld, woWcl l"lllne ....................... eenr II a ,..._ii elltiait _.. ~ .... IDiliellllla Aaa ..,... .... eut of Onace or tibe adlDo Billa north ol BnL T'• eommlUM bu furtMr na-.S,....t a eoamerelal ~ eolM be locat9t at tM SJ T.,. NM U otlMr ••tea · .......... ~ .. .... ..., ............ The new recreation manqer wiU be Bob Coot, 38, who .... served aa a city recreatlon S'lpedlltendent in Fountain Vall~ since 1979. He will be paid $28,200 annually. Fowitain Valley City Manacer Howard Stephens noted that responsibility for tbe city's parks was moved earlier tbls year to the jurisdiction of the public works direct.or. With the loss of these responsibilities, the City Council · decided the recreatlon post no lancer merited the department head status and pay scaJe, Stephens said. I Pe~ianGuH talk tonight Religion, oU and politics ln 'the Peraian Gulf restoc will be tbe topic ol a free public lecture ton.l1bt •DCJMOl'ed by CouWne Commudfty OOlleee. Sundenbaa Cb•wla, Dl"Cll..at of poUtlcal ICleaee at Cal Sl&e LODI Beacb, wUI dl1ca11 "hlamlc l\eaur1ence~· Proepeda of Unity 1ln UM World" at 7 p.aa. ID tM Le~~. 11511 IW ..... St.!.~ .......... Tlae pro1ram 11 put of Coaatmie'1 "kltolan la &be CommUDltt" ~· The emcee was Gabriel Wis dom, a ·San Dleto radio announcer and s urfer who walked out on the dinner stace in a huie blond wtc. "We used to ~ake our bushy, busby blond hairdos," be shouted into the microphone. But that wu a Jona time aco, be added, wbippinl olf the wii and expoeinf his baldlq pate to the deliehted crowd. A ball-hour film clip, featurin& mostly surfers in Hawaii, waa tailor made for the invitation-only group, who hooted and cheered as they watched their peers scream across turquoise waves on a larger than life screen. Winner1 ol tbia year'• awards ranaed from Australians to South Africans and included Mark Richard.a, Cheyne Boran, Simon Andenoa, Dane Kealoha, . Shaun Tomaon , Wayne "Rabblt" Bartholomew, Tom Carroll, Bussy Kerbox, JMy Buran and Bobby Oweu. ' Female winners h1cluded Mario Oberg, Lynne Boyer1 Jericho Popplar, Rell Sunn ana Lia Benavidez. 8y PATalCS &SNNBDY ............... Huptta1ton Be•eb offlclaJ1 b••• refused to pioneer a propo1aJ In whlcb city 1ov1rament would become a partMr lD tbe bome lnauraaee bu1lae11 as • way to make ~Y for tbe poUce and ft.re departments. 01t a •·3 vote, Ctty Council members decided Monda)' to table tbe pro.poeal lndeflnlteiy and to wait and see if lta aucceuful in other ciUei. However, the four offlclala wbo voted to set the propoaal aside also admitted they are pbiloaopblcally opposed to 1overnment involvement In private businen. ' "The city should take care or running the clty and stay out of private enterprise," commented Couacllman John Thomas. The so-called Municipal Homeowners Insurance was oppo•-4:.d by local insurance Mesa punk club days said over The days of the Cuckoo's Neat are over, punk rock manacer Jerry Roach said today in reaction to news that the state Supreme Court bu refused to grant a bearing lo the Costa Mesa niptclub. Tbe club at 1714 Placentia Ave. bas been closed since Dec. 9 when a ttb District Court of Appeals rullnc, upholding the city's revocation of Roach's dancing permit, took effect. "l 'U lease the building," al.id Roach in a phone interview. "I don't tbint we'll fight it any more.'' The state Supreme Court decided 1bursd•Y not to bear an appeal filed Dec. 21 by club attorney Ron Talmo. A sPokeswoman for Talmo sald &be Santa A.DA ataomey bu not yet decided whether to contloue fighting the cue. "I'm very happy to see the state Supreme Court not eet involved in the cue any more," said Cost.a Mesa city attorney Tom Wood. "It wu obvious to me that the Supreme Court reviewed the opinion of the court of appeal and agreed with its reasooiDg." Last February the Costa Mesa City CouncU revoked the club's dancing and live entertainment permit Coliowing complaints of noise and vandalism from nearby residents. The city's decision wu upheld by an Orange County Superior Court judge and the appellate court. Orchestra will perform The Southeast Youth Symphony will perform works by Haydn and Stravinsky in a concert Sunday at Golden West College in Huntington Beach. The 45-member chamber orchestra, a non-profit lf'Oup composed of blgb school and college musicians, will perform at 2: 30 p.m. in Forum II. Direct.or of the orchestra is John Larry Graruer , lmtrumeotal music department chairman at UnJvenity lnth ·School ln Irvtne. Tickets, at S2 each, may be• reserved in tbe college bookatore. aaenta and buahae11 oWMH.' llore tbaa 200 repreMDtailYel ol thou 1roup1 were at tbe Monday 1U1bt aeuloa, wblcb W'H 1bown llve over cable teltvlAoa. Numerou• other ~ltlH In California are coulderlq tbe proDOAI, lnclbdlJlt Seal Beaeb and San Clemente. ReceaUy, MW Valley became the ftnt dty In the state to adopt tbe con~pt. Charles Thomp•on, city admlniltrator, ls chairman of a atatew'..de committee that has developed the concept. He said be .wu "very disappointed" by the coupdl's acUon. Basically, the proposal calls fol' a "cooperative agreement" between the city and ,Avco Insurance Group. The city's duty would be to notify homeowners that tbe city provades free fire and burglary safety inspections of homes. If a homeowner's house pa.ssed the city inspection, Avco then would offer insurance that purportedly would c<>st less than coverage pr'eaenUy offered by other companies. Avco would get 30 percent of the premiums for administrative costs. Claims would be paid off with the real ol the money. Any premiums left u. after tbe claims an paid wouM 10 to .,. dt1.. • TbOllllllM9 bad predkrted tllll dt1 could reap betw .. '100,• ._.. ~000 annually f)'om Ult arr~ u Votlq to table the taue wen counell membenR\ltb Balle1\ John Tbomu, Bob II_....._ Ruth f'lnley. CoundJ m..._. Ron Plttimen, Don llaeAlll1t•I 'and Jack Kelly were la fa1W • aendiDI a propot•I to I' committee fot further study. ' Wea Banniat~r. • representaUve or inauranci agents oPPollna the m1mk:hNili plan, said be believH tbi council's action kllla tbl proposal in Runtlnatoa Beach. '\ "Unless by some abaolut\ accident some other city bu • profit (with the municlpil insurance plan) then J ~ it's dead DOW," Bannister a He ,added, "It's a pipe dre that will only make mOGey f Avco." · · ' Insurance agents speatlo& ~ the meeting claimed that Uielf. wouldn't be any money left for the city after claims were ~ with ·premiums. They ala~ contended that the cltY would spend more money providlnl inspect.Ions tban it would getj from premiums. ·:i Huntington rocker''. home vandalized By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of .. ~,... ..... The home or a Huntington Beach "tecbno·pop" musjcian bas been spray-painted by vandals. The incident occurred Sunday night at the west Huntington Beach home where keyboard player Randy Wayne lives with bis parents. The spraying bas been investigated by Huntin1ton Beach police, but no arrests have been made. Vandals used black spray paint to print on the house a swastika and several bate messages and sexual slurs aimed at Wayne's band, "Zot." Three parked cars and the front windows of the house also were sprayed with anli-Zot messages. "Obviously, someone doesn't like them," said police Sgt. Ron Jenkins. "We used to i.et a lot of Suspect held in Costa Mesa hit-run injury Costa Mesa police have arrested a Huntln1ton Beach man in connection with a Christmas eve bit-and-run accident that left a eo.ta 11 .. man seriously injured. · John Tbursto·n Kincaid, 22, was arrested on suspicion of felony bit and run drlvlnc ·fol lowing a two week investigation by pollce. He remains at Costa Mesa City Jail in lieu of *5.000 ball. Police said Tboa'ias Charles Ryan, 53, was Walkinl to churcb with bis girlfriend at 7 p.m. when be W.. in,j\d"ed at Victoria Street near Valley Circle. Re remalnl at UC lrvine Medical Center where bla condition is llsted aa serious. incidents like thii (spra painting) when the punk rock first got started. But we haven' had many reports like th· lately. I don't know whetb they're not bappenint whether people ;ust aren~ reportin1 them. "But this wasn't your normal graffiti incident. These vi were picked out as a s:~i:mc: target." .:.. "It was quite a shock," a.aid musician WayDe. "We're not into ••Lanie P.Owers and stuff like tbat. We're into ~It.Ive atUtudea. I guess that offends some people." · . I Wayne said bis three-man band bas been together for about a year. Other members are guitarist Patrick Knowles, a. senior at Marina High School in Huntington Beach, and drummer Chris Stewart, a senior at Corona del Mar Higb School. · The band has performed at Golden West College and al various night spot.a in Orange and Los Angeles counties. .. Wayne said the band perfOC"IDI original "tecbno-pop" son,. with upbeat messa1ea that contrast with the louder, ~ violent lyrics of some punk rock bands. He speculated that the vandals might have been punk rock en. The musician sa1d "Zot'~ practices in bis family's bom9. He said the group plays ln • padded studio room and that ~ bas received oo tomplalata ~ neighbors re1ardln1 the IOaDd. . Wayne said be la most disturbed that someone wbO doesn't like his band abowef their c:tiasapprovai by tar'D11.bla& bis family's home. The eolt t he dam•c• from th spray.painting bu not yet determlned. "lf aomeone bas aom negative to say abotlt the let them say it to my face," aald. "They shouldn't d sometb1ni that alhet somebody else who's ~ like my parents." f. .. I .. . • 1-!. t . \ '·· • ·. ':· ... ... I• . I • You have lCMJt your Job In mkldW • ......,..... due to your corporaUoe'1 tluh•ns:.:::•--Ja an effort to •urvlve U.• 1111.a . 1'11111 W been YQU.r employmeat and ,.,._ are DOW 11 ,..... GM -healthy, albleue, but 1Wl m tM aDDUc.aa-Al "born: 11·14·30." You've bMA tlb'Di4 clowa b7 employer after employer u "overqualtfted'' tor tbe posltim and by oeher employers u "lnexperieneed" in the 1pec:Jalty tnvoJved. Encouraitn1 aa tbe ioterviewer'a cloalna worda are about your "havlnt no trouble findioi a new job even in thi•-------- rece11lon," the ''no" mna is the hnportant word. And you know ________ .. ....,._ the reuon: qe. You know diacriminaUon ln empJo)'meot oa tbe basil ol age is qalnat the law, but you mow too tbe , facta are that lhla discrimination exlltl, no matter what employers say. You have UtUe (or no> bope ol eacaptnc it. What do you do in a periCJd..ol lhla sort to improve your job chances? Don't underrate yourself on your resume or your interview. Shoot as bJeb u you think you reuonably · can for pay and statu.a. Don't under any circumstances adopt an apolo1et1c attitude -for your aae. for any minor disabilities, for any inai1nlftcant pbpical Umltatlcloa. Don't fail to register with y0ur state employment office. Many of these ottlcea have counselors trained to belp people in your pocition. Even if your tocal office does not offer such services, it sWl ls required to give you an equal chance at any job offerin1 liated. Do take every opportunity to remind a prospective employer bow outdated the old mytba about older workers are. Numerous studies have underlined that older workers are not slower, are not less flexible, are not weaker, a.re not more prone to absence and Wness. Just the oppocite! The attauiance and motivation records ol older workers are likely to be better .than those of youneer workers; older workers are lea likely to Job bop; the productivity of older workers compatea favorably ~itb that of younger workers; the learnina ability ol an individual in his or her 50s is approximately the same as that of • 16·yeal"-oJd. Without appearin1 to be over-eager, ask for a chance to show that you can compete fairly and favorably with the youneer workers on the payroll. Do check out all centers of Joi> information in your area on what employment may be available and where. Determine to be nexible. WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YO..lt IA,.) J.,. 11 -· GOLD COINS N~W YOi.lt IA~ -"'1cM .... ~ .i ... , HIN.<_..., wltll llrldll,-, ~ . ........... ,...,-., ... ,..thstA ........... 't..., ........... .,, tt.JS. .. .._.,...,u.....,-. ...... -.• ••t.U .. ~ .. ,,_, ... ....,Mo, ..... .,, ..... 9-ce: .,...,,_,_. Ad¥M< .. ,_,1 11 0.CllMd tlltt UllCMftlild .. , -Tlttal'-, .. "l "-...... ti .... ._ a 'MIAT .-..x DI> NEW YO..K I A,.) J.,, 1t .....,,_.. ,., . ~ O.CllllH 414 m ¥=-:::. = 1S1' -llllM ••• ........ 11)" ~™~~t~eftfl a •HM, ·U.~. ~ ,,1 L--D-M~•---· IJllC ~,-............. ,_ ... ..... S7.INIMIU!s-~ ... Ale I 7W'1C.-e..,-,N.Y. *"-Yt41Ul-flelll. ~ • ....., ... ,N.Y. SILVER--. GOLD QUOTATIBMS SYMBOLS , I .... ,_,_ .... ~,..._...... '<t' u.. ___ ...,_f//f.....,._~ ......... ·------...-.... ••-r '*" .,..... • .-n ===-=:xu=·~·· ........ _ -........ ....,_,,., ... .....,., ,I OlllllM ....... ~ "~. ~ ........ _......, __ ~ lfWM,_,......w-. ........ , ...., ___ ....., ..... ltOll9W ...... .., ... ··-~· .... ........ -~ ..... ~­.... ,...... .• _r: __ ....,..t ....... _ .. ,......,-. ..... .-i __ _....... ___ --i.,.J ... . ------.,..._..,, _ .............. -==-.-.c:...'=:.=n ............ ,. ... .._.,,.,.... ............. "' .............. _. ....... _ .................. i..i .... ..-. . NEW BUSIN.ESSMEN Cont•ct the DAILY PfLOT for lnform•tlon r•1•rdln9 the county requlrement9 for U8lng • Flctltlou• 8u81neaa N•me. 142-U21 OT. m DAILY PILOT . J I· : .. .. , i \ '-· . ~· ... .. I• \. ' . ·,. ' r; , . SHOW OF HANDS Cost~ Mesa High 's John Rishebarger (dark jersey, is s urrounded by a trio of Newport Harbor players in a battle for a loose ball. Sailors O-.y~-.,~~ lookjng for possession are, from left. Joe Seager, Greg Selby and Brian F olk Newport Ha rbor s cored a 70·62 victory From PageC1 PCAA OUTLOOK. • • they're also giving up 76, which is n't a good ratio either. But Utah State has a solid big man in 6·11 Leo Cunningham (lS.1 points, 11.5 rebounds) and that helps. Plus, there's other scoring help in the form or 6-7 Haakon Austefjord and Michael McCullough. both scoring at a 11.1 clip. The Aggies ' preseason schedule makes them a hard team to overlook. 4. SAN JOSE STATE (g.5) - Coach Bill Berry isn't quite blessed with the same talent be bad last year, when the Spartans finished seeond to Fresno State in the conference standings and th~ tournament, but he's getting the most out or what be bas. or their five losses, the Spartans have lost by one to Cal State Bakersfield, by three to Northern Arizona, by four to Utah, by three to Idaho and 12 to USF. The Spartans rank second in the conference lo Fresno State in scoring defense at $5.4, but are Jut in scoring offense at 60.0 whacb, in comparing the two numbers, means a lot of close games. Chris McNealy, a 6-7 junior forward, leads the attack with a 16 .7 sco ring average . Unfortunately, he is the only Spartan in doubJe figures. S. LONG BEACH STATE (f -7) 7'" It's almos~ a pick 'em from here oo down. Tbe f9ers have s truggled more than they've played well during the preseason. They lost five in a row at one stretch, dropping decisions to nationally-ranked Wichita State, USC, Texu Tech, Sao Diego State and Idaho State. They rebounded against Boise State only lo lose at Minnesota a nd then bar4'l y· get past Pepperdine at home. Sounds like a lot of problems with very UWe answen. Coach Tu Winter bas a pair of prolific tc0ren in 8-t center. Dino Gre1ory (20.9) and 6-3 guard Craig Rod1es . . . but there's Uttle else. The ftera rank lul in the conference in scortna defense at 77 .5, which pretty much tells a atoty In iUelf. The acbeclule doesn't do the fters any favor, either, as three of their ftnt fOUJ' sames are on the road, with back-to-back . contest. qalnat UCI Jan. 28 and '°· guard. is the conference's third leading scorer at 19 points a game. He also leads in assists at 7 .8. Ricky Mixon, a 6·3 guard. and Tony Neal, a 6·6 forward, are the other players in double figure s at 12 .6 and 11 .6. respectively. The Titans were 2· 12 and in last place in the conference standings in 1981 . T hey are going to be hard-pressed to avoid a duplication of that feat this year. 7. UC SANTA BARBARA (5-7) -You look at the Gauchos and the first thing you notice is that t hey suffer from the same malady as the Titans. The Gauchos lost by 35 to San Diego State and t hen turned around and lost by six to highly-regarded Houston. The Gauchos have a good big m an in 6-10 center Richard Anderson, who is second in the conference lo Magee in rebounds at 11.5 and eighth in scoring al lS. 7. York Gross. a 6-5 forward with a 11.9 scoring average, and Mario G-ai nes, a S-9 guard scoring at a 10.3 clip are the other le~ers on the team. 8. PACIFIC (4·8) -Somebody has got to bring up the rear - and the Tigers appear to be the best candidate. Pacific's biggest problem is the schedule. The Tigers come right out of the gate a1ainst Fresno State, San Jose State and UC Irvine; not the greatest beginning for any tea m which entertains thoughts of winning a conference crown. The Tigers have three players in double figures, including 6-1 sophomore guard Jeff Andrade (11.4), who prepped at Ocean View High. But their problems appear lo go much deept?T than just scoring , and a likely 0·3 start isn't going lo help matters any. . However you figure it, this year 's coolerence race will have the expected -and probably some surprises, too. UCI will open )ta aeHon boating Cal State Fullerton Thu rsday a nd UC Santa· Barbara Saturday. It won't be an easy race by any means. But then, bow many euy races are there? Team'8 van flip& •. CAL STATE _,LL.,aTON WESTON, w. Va. (AP) .. " ""' Members of the Robert Morrta (7·1) -The Titans are the CoUege Pa. women'• basketball biHeat mystery enterln1 the le.am received minor cuta and conference aeuoo. bruises when tbe van they were II Coach Geor1e McQuam'1 ridlnJ ln fiipped on its slde oo squad as tood u the Titane'. Interstate 7t near here, state 7o.t7 lou to Wichita State would Ii _, .. u -.1-attftt? Or AN they as bad u po ce a-.. m.01AU1f· their -.78 lou to P•pperdine Tbe van wu · travelln1 north would indicate? The PCAA 00 J.7I Sunday wben it wrecked -ilo......o·•cr r-_ bl _. about 4:.., p.m., Trooper R.A. '""" ~ "" • e lo IU11!¥1)' Hinkle Hid. The team WH tboM aMwera. returnlo& lo Pennaylvaal,a ~ lAGD Wood, • M ·~!.... playtna ~a tournament . • From Page C1 Tl\.RS ... mentally under pressure and we're not hungry enough." Costa Mesa hasn't so much as qualified for a Cl F playofCs berth since 1966, so the hunger factor would seem to be there. but Parsel says his players may think they're hungry, "but not desperately," added Parse!. · If the Mustangs aren 't desperate yet , they're not looking at the standings. Four teams are ahead o r the Mustangs after three starts. Ken Bardsley (9 of 18 for 18 points) and Dave Palmblade ( 12) were the only Mustangs scoring in double figures. Jim Pelicbowski led in rebounding with 12, but it was a night which belonged totally to the Sailors. Only once did Mesa make a serious run at Harbor, pulling to 21·18 on five straight buckets. but Liner, Bal 1 and Folk retaliated and the rest of the game was simply a 7-10 point ga,ne, before the Sailors settled for their final margin. "The loss to Corona (Friday) might have had an a Hect." commented DeBusk. More to the facts, however, it was a lineup of Ball, Seager, Liner. P~llelier and\ Folk - which fe\tured balance, s. speed , a pres outside shooting and boards , that had the greatest affect. Can Rustle'rs snap streak? EAST LOS ANGELES -How tough is the Southern California Conference basketball race? We ll, Golden West College boasts the best overall record ( 13-4) among the eight teams in tt)e league, yet the Rustlers will carry an 0-2 record into tonight's (7:30) contest with host East Los Angeles. C oac h Jim Greenf ield 's Rustlers, coming oil a bitter 74.73 setback to host Santa Monica CC, hope to to 1et back on the winning track when they tangle with tbe Huskies (0·2. 7·10). . Coach Jim McFarland's squad has dropped a 62-61 home decision to Orance Coast, but wbfpped Santa Ana, U.4-107 on Dec. 22 . G WC Ls led by guard Tndett Hatton who carries a 20.2 average into the game, and Darin Bowen who is averaainc 18.2 polnta per contest. East Los Angeles counters with W guard Joe Tillman, who1 1cored 24 points In t.he wlo over Santa Ana, and Dantle Millel', who leldl the team with a 18.I avera1e. The Huskies also boast two o(her starters -Cesar Gera.-do and Wayne Aubert - who avenie ln double filuret. 4 Orange Cout OAJLY PILOT!Tuelday, January 12, 1982 H/F ·ca i . CaM, Eagles roll t I I . University holds off El Toro , 43-37 Corona del Mar a nd Eltancla hl1hl kept pace with Newport Harbor l,n the Sea Vlew Lea1ue'1 undefeated ranks wltb convlncin1 vlctorlff' in Monday night'• hlah school buketball action. MeanwhlJe, University HJ1b beJd olf El Toro to pick up lU second leaaue triumph aaaln.lt one toss. Here's how ll went: Coron• del Mar 51 , Sadd .. back 30 Coach Jack Err1on's Sea Kinas outacored the RoadrYl'nera. 16·5 ln the_ first quarter, limited Saddleback lo Just four more pointa in the second ·period and coasted from there. CdM, 8·2 overall alter the victory, received 17 points rrom 6-2 senior Chris Lynch. Lynch, ln fact. was the only_ Sea King ~ bit in double figures. Teammate Kurt Petersen. a 6-4 senior, added e!ght points. Saddleback, 0·3 and 2·9 overaJJ, shot just 24 percent in the. rirsl ball. And the Roadrunners' 34 percent shooting in the sec()nd hair wasn't enough. Oregon State rips Stan/ ord From AP dlspatcbes STANFORD -Flfteenth·ranked Oregon State, paced by guard Lester Conner's 17 points and seven steals. breezed to an 81 ·38 Pacific-JO Conference basketball rout of ·stanford Monday night. The Beavers outscored Stanford 31-8 at the start or the second half in building up a 3S point lead. Oregon State rorced Stanford into 30 turnovers with a fierce man-to-man full court press and held the Cardinals scoreless for more than five minutes midway throu~h the second half. Freshman forward Johnny Rogers, from La Quinta High, was high for the Cardinals with 16 points before f~uling out with 5:36 remaining ' OePeul 76, Creighton 67 ' OMAHA, Neb. -Terry Cummings scored 29 points and Bernard Randolph added 20 as No. 4-ranked DePaul withstood a first-hall Creighton scare to down the Bluejays 76-67 in a non-conference game. Creighton, ~-8, capitalized on numerous DePaul mistakes lo tie the game at 21 midway through the first half after trailing by as many as six points. Vlr9lnla Tech 65, Tulane 64 BLACKSBURG, Va. -Virginia Tech's 20th·ranked Hok.ies built a nine-point lead with 2: 58 left, then cut short a Tulane rally in which Tony Wallace scored six points to nip the Green Wave 65-64 in a Metro Conference game. The Hokies, 11 ·1 overall and 2·0 in the conference, failed to score after going ahead 6S-S6. Wallace hit a layup and two jumpers and Paul Thompson another layup as the Green Wave got to within one with 38 seconds left . Basketball scores co::?• Ore9on St. 11, Sl•nford l& Gonte1jjl 17, WASlll"9fon SI S-.Wftl <>Ill•-St U Teu~"rlll'Qfor u r .... Tedl61. r .... ,.~M ~ Tutu '9, W Tu .. SI U Mldw9t Br•<lln U, S llllnols '1 E llllftot• rt, c..mot1e11 71 OtP•ul 76, Crelllflton 61 W V• W•Sltyen U , IC•nl SI •1 Butler 73. X•vler, Ofllo 62 Del roll". Or•I RoOtrt• 72 Loyol•, 111 16. Otll•hom• CllY SI N. lowe •t va1"re1M> IPC>d . b.O we•tPter> EHi Ouq...-n. R,_ is1anc1 n Goor99 wesN"9(0n "· P•n n Vllle.-a M, SI Jal>n'• 62 V• Common-1111 U, Wllll•m ~ M•rvn Cotl Rul9erJ SI, St a-venture O $- ..... B l rmlngf\•m I S , N C C 1\¥1«1.t II Th• C~I a, ... _IKl>len St. M Vlrglni• Te<JI U, Tul•ne M Tenn.•Chlllta,_ 11, OevklMHI SS Florlo. St 12, FlorlcM 67 R lcf\..-M. J-Maclltoft S 1 wot v1rvini. eo. -saclluwtts u Soutll A~ U • .Uron SS N tw OrM-61, e.c>tltt 60 Ctnlenary U , Louisiana Tech~ EHi CwollnallS, W, 1tllnol16' E T-weSI 9',Ma,..,,.1117 Stt1$on l>S, 8alll.-. 61 NW Loulslan. 75. Loultlen• Coll. ~ Hlah achoo! S..Vlew.._ NtwPOt1 Ha..-10, Coote Mft.e U . corona cltl Mar SI, ~-It JO E1tanc1a11. ln1lne4' Unlvenlty 'l, El Toro 37 Wom.n MIOH SCHOOL -y-~ Corona de!_.,,~·-• 20 E •l•nc:I• SI, lrvlne 'l Cosl• MeM 4'1, N-1 Hartior,. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ••We had trouble puttln& the ball ln the basket tonl&bl," lamented Saddleback Coach Pat Quinn. "As usual, we played our deliberate ball same, but we threw the ball away too many times." Eatancta 87, trvln• 48 T<be Eagles made it three 1tral1ht without defeat with another overwheJmtne team effort. Steve Kraiss had a aea.son·hllb 20 poLnts .anci added seven assists. He was 8 ror 13 rrom the fielcl in leading Estancia'a 65.5 percent perrormance (~ of $5). Guard Jeer Gardner added his usual -101 points and 10 ,assists from the backcourt. Gardner! now bas 132 assists in 13 games -just over 10 per1 game. t Jt was a total erfort. Brian MJdJand collected • dozen ·rebounds and Kraiss picked up 10. Chris M aydole. with 14 points, hit 7 of 8 from the field. · · 1 t..hin.k we wore them out." said Estancia. Coach Larry Sunderman, whose team ran up a 30-4 margin in the third quarter against lhe1 winless Vaqueros. who operate with a seven-man: squad : It was Irvine's ni'nth straight loss or the( season, while Estancia improved its numbers t<t 11·2 overall, 3-0 in league play. • Irvine had a pair or players scoring in double figures -sophomore Lance Neal with 1~ point9 and iunior Bernard Ussery with 12, the latter'9 a season-high University 43, El Tok> 37 The Trojans improved their Sea View Leagu~ record to 2·1 with the help of three technicaJ foul~ against El Toro with two minutes remaining in th~ game. At that time. the score was notched at 37. A. . disputed foul on a sho,l by Uni 's Norm Stolzoft ignited the brouhaha and paved the way for the: Trojan triumph. .. it was pretty ragged out there tonight," admitted University Coach Jeff Cunningham. "t thought we played poorly al limes " The Trojans, behind some hot shooting by. Brad Guess, jumped out to a 19-4 lead at one time. But Guess picked up his third foul in the first halt and was ticketed with his fourth personal early in the tturd period. He wound up sitting on the bencb for more than a third or the game. finishing the night with 11 Points. far below his 19.2 average. . Teammate Craig Rouse added nine points to help the Trojans improve their overall mark to 8·5. "We were just happy to get a win tonight.'" admitted Cunningham "We feel pretty good about that, considering the way we played." From Page C1 SUNSET OUTLOOK Coach Steve Popovich, along with a tempo which keeps the Yikes happy, takes others out of their rhythm. The Vikings are a 50·point team and 6·5 senior Rick Smith (13.S). a returning starter. along with 6--4 Andy Klussman (11.7>. 6·0 junior Scott Filipek' (14 .0) and 6·1 John Berry 111.71, do it with double-digit scoring. That quartet has combined for 50.9 points a game and \hat figure may be the winning number when anyone meets Marina. S. Huntington Beach (6-7). Jim Lane <6-6) ha~ returned to the Oilers after a seven-game absence when HB went 2·5 after he helped his team to a 4·2 start. With the quickness of 6-1 junior Billy Thompson and some new-found scoring from Keith Salaya.,. Bruce Ayres. Dane Shackleford and Mike MiUs, m ere is potential for a playoff berth fot Coach Roy Miller's squad 6. Westminster (2·9). There IS a lack or height and experience at Westminster . but who figured, Cincinnati and San Francisco in the Super Bowl? Picked for last a year ago, the Lions staggered Huntington Beach twice and whipped Marina by 14, so the fortunes of Coach Jon Borchert and his young crew (sophomore Tom Downs. juniors Tom Nicolai. etc.) may not be totally bleak. Nevertheless. the Lions are sn rugged circles. Mt. Baldy• Mountain High Holiday Hill Snow Summit Snow Valley Goldmine Snow depth/inches -12·18 Conditions hp Lifts I chairs- 3L HEW 1982VW OUAMTUM WAGON ~ spd. trans air <;ond.. leatherette seats. radial tires and morel (Stk. 3089) (004796) Ll1t Price $12.065 Dftccult $1370 SALE PRICE 12·18 12·18 18-36 12·1S 24-36 CENTAAL CALIFORNIA hp sp hp hp 3L lL FO FO 3L June Mountain 60 PP 4L Mammoth Mountain lOS PP FO China Peak 49-68 hp FO Dodge Ridge 60-80 hp FO NORTBEltN CA.UFOaNIA Alpine Meadows 84-144 12L Squaw Valley 64-126 19L Mt. Revba 90-126 hp FO Kirkwood 120·20t PP FO Sierra Ski Ranch 116 ~PP 6C Heavenly Valley 84 PP FO Ski Incline '8-56 6L Tahoe Sid Bowl 108·132 PP 2L Sugar Bowl l:s6-216 PP FO Donner Sid Ranch 96-144 PP 3L Conditions : hp -bard pa cl; pp -. p acked powder. Lifts/chairs: L =·llfta; C -chairs; FO -full operation. s 10 695 HEW SCllOCCO . C, 0 u p • 5 • I p •• d. transmission. metal•~ paint. rear wl ndo~ wiper/washer. alltff" wheels, stereo C&SMt» and morel (Sttc.. 3235). co1n951 · , SALi Pa.ICE • s Io 695· • . ~ f :• ::. r ' t • t. ,. ,.. A new iJY"91ty beginning? ay wa..t•,..•ay .. .._. 0 CINCINNATI -OK, PClntlae, Mlda., ....... down tbe batelllel. let up tboM f'CNldbloek1. And don't-... to futen 1ow IMt belta. The Benfalt are eomlq to ,&ay tbe San F'l'andleo 49erl. They wear oraqe ud blaet etrtpe1. TMy arowl &Dd they bite. Tbey 1ttaek you by atr ud ~)' land. But, molt al 111, tbey'll ltMI your aocu ript out from~ aboea. They re that kJJMt of teun -touib, talent.id end -..meJy conllclat almmt to tbe point ol 'coeklnea. TBl8 OOVLD •• the beCIDlllna of· I Dew football d)'nutY\ comparable co tbe Green Bay Packen team. of tbe lite Vince Lombardi, Dem . COMMENTARY Sbula'a mqntncent Miami Dolpbim comblnation of Griese-Oaonk1·1Wek! tbe four·tlme cbam"lon Pittaburah 8'eelen ancl Dallu' d1aclpllned leciona under Tom Landey.. . "1be year of tbe U,er," llU'y Brown, wife al General llanqer Paul Brown, yelled u she exited frem an elevator Iller the Bencall' impreulve 21-'1 rictory over tbe San Dle10 Cbar1en Sunday for the American Footba.11 Confer•nce cbampionabip. Now only the Super Bowl lD the Sllverdome, outside Detroit , stand between tbeae oran1e.striped terron and complete redemption. "We were the ctreca of the leque, and now we are somebody," said Re1&1e Wllllama, the 6--0, 220-pound linebacker. ''We will alwaya be somebody. "We llwaya bad talent bUt we never beUeved in ourselves. Now, tbanb to the bard work and discipline that Coach Forrest Gren im})Oled on us, we have confidence. We are totetber. We are a team. "And we're golnc to be bard to beat." THAT WAS EVIDENT in the Al'C tiUe Bame played in Arctic cold and numbl.ng wind under the moat miserable of conditions. Led by the NFL'a supreme quarterback Ken Anderson. a cordon of aure-fincered recelven and a ~ard·hitt.ln8, opportuniatic defense, they hardly committed an error on a day that was made for mjstakes. Meanwhile, they bid the Cbarcen ~ up the ball Uirou1bout the 1ame. San Dieso lost two of its four fumbles and bad two puses intercepted -four turnovers that proved coeUy. '"lbll 11 a team that thrives on turnovers" one loqtime Ben11l critic said. "It plays ,;,,. enemy mistakes and then pow1ces on them." The Bengals all year have been a team that will wrench the ball from you or steal an errant pass and proceed to cram that ball down your throat. They will require a lot of reckoain& by San Francisco in the Super Bowl two ween hence. :111111mm McCObKll MOtlTUA•S l,una Beech 94·9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San JUMi Capistrano 495-1n6 HAuo. LAWN-NT. OUYt Mortvary •Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisi« AYe . Costa Mesa 540-55$4 ' N1C1•~1 l&LllOA9W4f WOllftMa'f 110 llroedway CostaMeN 6'2-9150 CONFIDINT - Cincinnati Bengali Coach Forest Greig says bis team is now confident of ltsetr, and •·we're eoing to be hard to be.-t ... Quskies, UTEP to meet ,. ,, .. . ,·. ·" :. :· .. 'i· . . . ~. ·~ . .. 1:·. I .. I . .. '\,, " ., :· I ... f I ;. .. j~ llllll IUCl/11111 C•T ..., .... TUESDAY, JANUARY 12,\ 1882 CAVALCADE BUSINESS COG8t-anea retail stores are reporting brisk sales .Jor the new year . . . 86 El Toro Marine relOcation pushed Commanding generafcites exorbitant cost and interf~ence with military missions • 1hould be 1tudled fd Deaplte U.S. Marl11e Corp• oppo1ltlon, the chairman of Oranse County covernment'• resional airport alte aeiectlon COIJUDlttee aaye tbe idea of re1oeaUna El TOl'O .lluine C«pe Air Statlan bas merit. Keith MW'docb. committee dlalrman, offered bl.I remarb Monday after Bria. Gen. IUebard Cooke, El Toro'• eommandlnc 1eoeral, told a press conference that relocation plan• would interfere wllb the Marines' mlaalon and prove too coatly. The re1ional ai·rport 1lte 1electlon committee has discussed two proposals that lovolve relocation of lbe El Toro base and the companion beUcopter base at Tustin. First, tbe committee bu said the Marine operations cctuld be 1 relocated and the base sold. Holdup suspect nabbed Orange County Sheriff's deputies have arrested a San Clemente man they believe robbed a San Juan Capistrano bank at cunpoint Monday, making off with $3,4'9 lo cub. A sberlrf's spokesman said Randall Lynn Bess, 39, was arrested in Capistrano Beach about 40 minutes after a man armed with a handgun and weari.o& a ski mask robbed the Capistrano National Bank at 10:10 a.m. The s pokes man said tbe robber entered lbe bank, located at 31813 Del OblsPo, and forced a teller to fill a plastic bas with eaab wbile he Pointed a pistol at btr. , Accordinl to the apotaman, the l\llllllaD was seen leaving the bank lo a white pickup truck wilb a bubt)le camper top. Bmt employees reportedly wrote down the license number ol the. vehicle. Based on lbe license number and veblcle description, Ben was stopped on Coast Highway in Capistrano Beach and taken into custody, the spokesman said. Re was belnl held today at Oran1e County Jail in Santa Ana. Man arrested ·in b~ating of wife in LB A Santa Ana man was belog be ld at Oraoee County Jail today oo charges of felony wile beatinc after allegedly punching his spouse uncomcioua Saturday in a room at the Hotel Lagurul in Laguna Beach, accordiQI to police. Laguna Police Sgt. Greg Baru said Marshall Patrick Fryer, 26, was taken into custody at about 2 a.m. Suqday, about two hours after the al.teaed incident. B•rh said Fryer's wire, Pein Jean, ace 25, suffered multiple bruises on her face and abdomen, where she bad recently undergone surgery. Mrs. Fryer is listed in satlalactory condition at Soatb Coast Mecllcal Center. Barta said her husband wu arrested at the hospital when be tried to visit her alter the beating. . Hours shifted at library Such a move, committee members said, would relieve alrapace coogesUon tbat wou.ld occur if a reClonal airport were constructed either lo the Sula Ana Mountainl eut of Orance or the Cb.lDo Hilll aortb of Brea. proximity to Camp Pendleton. the sprawling bue in norlb San Dle10 County. ". . . The 1ovemmeot bu a tremendous invettment lo these exiaUng uaeta and there are no Murdoch said he agreed relocation would be. expensiv.e. Tbe committee baa further sugeested that a commercial airport could be located at lbe El Toro base if other sites proved to be environmentally or soclaiJy unacceptable. Cooke told rePorters 1athered at the Enlisted Men's Club at El Toro that the marines' pos1tioo is that lbe bases cowd not be relocated because of their known alternative locations near enoup to t.be sea and tround forces at Camp Pendleton from wbicb effective joint training could be conducted," Cooke said. And, relocation, be said, could cost between $1 and sa billion. Cooke said It was bla pel"IODal belief that the anawer to lbe county's air transportation problem.a reata with developtnc qulet-airc!aft tecbnolon. He Hid lbe AB-15 and the Quiet Short-Haul Research Aircraft, two experimental planes, may bold promlae for the future. He 1aid the amwer does not rest with buildlog "another 10,000-foot concrete runway in Southern California." Murdoch said Cooke's lbeoriea "were 1ood" but pointed out that production of the experimental aircraft 11 years off. And, Hid Murdoch, tbe aircraft as now envisionecl would not have tbe seatln1 capacity of commercial jetliners. As for lbe relocation proposal, Murdoch said, "Tbe committee felt it was an alternative lbat ...., ............. SUAF1NO'S OLDTlMERS -Among the senior surf set at Monday's Surfer Poll Awards dinner in San Clemente were veterans Mickey Munoz <left), Hobie Alter and Corky Carro)J. More than 450 surfers from around the world showed up to honor the best in the sport. Surfers stage all-star show Old timers draw biggest cheers in Clemente. bash By STEVE MITCHELL Of .. Olllly,... ..... Surfing u o head trip in o fluid medium. -Stew Paman, Surftt MQOClliM They touted it u the Academy Awards ol surfin.1. Sort of lbe Heiaman Trophy ol wave ridlne. And more than (SO old timers, surfers and wahlnes showed up for the lllb Surfer Poll Awards, held this year at Sebastian's West Dinner Rouse in San Clemente. The majority or Monday n11ht's notables and guests were on the far side of 30 and wbiJe the dinner invites 1u11eated "semi-formal attire," moat wore faded HawaUan s hirts and corduroy trousers. Tbey 1at.hered to honor lbe top 10 men and the top five women surfers lo the wo.-ld -selected by readers of tbe 90,000 circulation Surfer Ma1uine, whose offices are in San Juan Capistrano. Tbe often raucous 1roup consumed more than 120 cues of Budwelaer, lllcbelob and Hank's printe reaerve, aloq with 180 liters of wbite wine. And, at $18 a ticket, they feasted on flab soup, salads and roast beef, all to the accompaniment or a sort or Hawaiian country western band called the Hula Buckaroos. "'We used to shake our bushy, blond hairdos.'' They were movie stars and other luminaries in lbe form ol Jerry Mathers (Leave it to" Beaver,) Greg Bradford C Eight ls Enoucb,> Gregory Harrlaoo (Trapper John, M.D.) and even Timothy Leary, whom the announcer introduced u "lbe Evolutionary Surfer.'' But the btc1est cheers Monday nisbt went to tbe oldtlmera, surfin1 veterans from lbe 50s and 60s. Names Ute Hobie Alter, Mickey Munoz, Duane "Gordy" Gordon, Don Hanson, Waiter Hoffman, Herbie Fleteber, Dick Mets, Mike Hale~. Mike Doyle, David Nuublwa, Dewey Weber\ Corty Carroll, Fred Hemminc, Gordon Clark and Pbll Edwards. Tbe emcee was Gabriel ·Wisdom, a San Diego radio announcer and surfer wbo walked out on the dinner stage in a huge blood wig. "We used to shake our bushy, busby blond ba.)rdos," be shouted into tbe microphone. But that was a long time ago, be added, whipping off the wig and exposing his balding pate to the delighted crowd. A balf-bour film clip, featurtni mostly surfers in Hawai1, was tailor made for the invitation-only group, wbo hooted and cheered as they watched their peers scream acroaa turquoise wovea on a larger than life screen. Winnen of this year's award.a ran1ed from Au1tralian1 to South Africans and included Mark Richards, Cheyne Horan, Simon Anderson, Dane Kealoha, Sbaun Tomson, Wayne ••ftab&lt'' Bartholomew, Tom CarroU, Buzay kerbox, Joey Buran 8Dd Bobby Owens. Female winners included Mario Obera. Lynne Boyer1 Jericho PooPlar, Rell Sunn ana Liz Benavides. conalderable depth. "We reeo1afae tbe military 1ltHtion. But leaviq the status quo (not movtnc the baael) 11 lbe eul•l answer. It alway• 11," Murdoch 1aid. II urdoch 1aid be •&reed tbat relocation would be an expensive proposition. "But everyt.hlna you do 11 expenalve," be 1aid. A port10G ol tbe cost, M urdocb said, could be defrQed via lbe sale of lbe batea for some type ol private realdentlal or commercial development. The regional airport site selection commU.tee will meet Feb. 2 in Santa Ana. At lbat meetln1, Murdoch aald, the committee wUI formallae it.a recommendations to lbe county Board or Supervlaora on the relocation proposal. -By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL . ~ OPPOSED ~ El Tor•. commander Brig. Genii• Richard Cook·e sa~ relocation of the Marin Corps base would be t c~t~. f US ·C mulls d ,r , fight over ~ CdM campus University of Southern California administrators were deliberatin1 today wbelber to risk a fl1bt wltb the state Coastal Commiulon by 1tartin1 classes at a vacant Corona del Mar elementary school Graduate courses lo bu.sinesa administration were scheduled to begin Monday at lbe cloaed arade school. l • USC's plan for a satellite campus in Corona del Mar ancered res1denta .,ho cl•lm the school will brtng too much noise and traffic. But upeet homeowners failed Monday in Oranie County Superior Court to win a temporary restraiaing order to block the school from opeoinl. A Jan. 25 court hearing bu been set oo lbe suit flied by homeowners. USC officials, though, seemed leas lban eager to predict when claues at the school would begin. "Tb.lop are still a liWe bit unclear at this point," said James Masaey, USC's director of faclllliea planolo1. "We'll have to sit down and talk with our attorneys today and 10 from lbere.'' The main stumbling block for USC at t.bb Point ls the state Coastal O>mmiuioo. La at T.b u r s4 a y , com mlsaioo a1reed that needed to obtain a develOIJmtllll permit lo order to convert closed grade school Into college campus. USC officials responded they were unaware lbey oet~ll a permit. They flied for !eev:~ot':~n~e~~~~ 1:~ lno~ scheduled unW late Feb~ Any effort to orn the without a )ermi , commllaioD ofllclals said, would be "at USC'• own risk." . AdminiStrators from USC now are debating whether to . challenge lbe need for a permit. Meanwhile, the Newpor~ Beach City CouncU delayed taking a~tion on a proposed land uae agreement with USC . The 181)<1 uae agreement ~ offer city blesalq to USC several conditiooa, incl that classes run no later th~ 8:30 p.m. on weekdays and 5 p.m. on weekends. tj The city also wants USC . agree to preserve a majority the playing fields at lbe ca and to let residents use fac.ilitles. ~· But some Corona del M resident& claim the use plan bad from top to bottom. Broken seal key to pot presence A broken seal on a cardboard box and a Federal Express CO. employee wilb • keen sense ol smell played key roles in the weekend arrests of four people on dnal cbar1es in Irvine, pollce said today. Irvine police set. Leo lonea said an employee of lbe Federal Express Co. in lrvine detected lbe smell ol marijuana from a box witb a broken aeal and alerted bl• supervisor, who called police. Dresaed as a Federal Expreu Co. employee, Serceant Jones wu on band Saturday at 10:30 a.m. when four men alle1edly tried to take pouesalon ol the box and two otbera, wbldl toeetber contained a total ol 50 pounds of m•rljuana with a atrfft value of $50,000, police 1ald. ' <It was locorrecUy reported some editiom of Monday's Pilot tbat 1·50 pound• marijuana were involved lo cue). Police said tbo8e arreated lbe Federal Expreu Co. at 18003 Skypark Clrcle, Suite were Donald Tune, '7, Ao a ; Michael Naab, 2 Huntioeton Beach; Rlcba Walter, 30, ol Greenville, Ill and Clifford Brainard, tr, Ana. The Seddleback Colle1e South Campus library in Mwion Viejo wlll close Prlday eveol•S• durlni the aprlna semester, bestJnil,Qa Jan. 11, due to budtet limttatiom. Bowe.et, the library wlll Hmain GPtD Saturdan betwem tbe bollra ol I a.m. and l p.m. Effective Jan. 11 to lllay 11 library boun are u follows: Land lease fee negotiations ruled ~ut • -...... , tbroqb Tbanda)', 7:30 a .m. tol:41 p.m . -~. l :fO a.m. to 4:G p.m. -~.I a.m. to ~ l -m. 8y ITEVll llA&BLE , ... ..., ....... Tbe lrviDe Com)tUJ 'u Mid It WOll't ~a, wttb NewpGlt S.aeb and Int.De bom..,...... 'fbo jom a r.MDed lanalt .,.. .,...... ,ad ..... ,... .. mull be ,.ad amuallJ to U.. dent 11...a arm. •••• , ... uaat woalda"t .... l"L-:..-.L·:..o. muell aeue &o el&la•r ~''· . ....,..~r 111eet ~ ••••*'•" Jerr1 C.IUu, u A Cllamber of Commerce 1"IM OoaaPMJ •-• ••Hl., mlHr wUI be b.W CoWu wu r•,..... te ••••., at u.. Hotel-... neamcem 1&1 ••I ,., bJ llaan. la ...... Be.eta,,_ • ..... .,. ef UM ColladUM ol I :• to 7:• p.m. C,IOO, a 1roup elal•la• to (. represent 4,000 unhappy bomeownen in tbe two clU•. Affeet9d bomeowHfl own tlMlr bomet but i .... tbe pound· uoder them from the lrvlne Com,peQJ. Commltt•• leaden ban 'Outlla9d a llll•-polat llat of .... _.&MJ..,..mUlaaoltbe 1nlM OompMJ .... -.n.t '° .... the P'OWtiai·land ..... ,.. . ..... . a ...................... Wlld: ,._ to ft.le ...... MtlGa ... ................ ftrm bJ tbee.doltbe~. Celllu Hid UJ UU•atloa would only serve to "drag out the luue, perbapa fo~ years." Tb! Irvine compan)' • 1ift realdentlal land •aha 11111.ated OoWm, .. and tbat. beat wai t9 eatabU.lk tJa valuea 1'0Uld be b)' IDClleDllDdlll appraieall.'' • . 'l.~ I · '.: :. ,• i' .. '· :. : . 't '' '" ' .. I < ;:' ;~ :· , :, . ... ·,. ' .. 111111 . . I rt"UESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1912 , CAVALCADE BUSINESS ,,, ...... , . .. - Coast~rea retail ·itorea are reporting brilk sales for the new year . . . 86 • c • . . D Toro Marine relocation pushe~ Commafl':ling generar cites exorbitant cost and inter/ erence with military missions Dt1plte U.S. M arlne Corpa oppoaltion, the chairman of Orante County 1overnment'1 retioul airport alte aelectJon committee aaya the Idea of reloeatlq El Toro Marir:ae Corpe Air Station bu merit. Keith Murdoch, committee cbainn.an, otrered b1s remarb Monday after Brl1. Gen . 'Rlcbard Cooke, El Toro'• commandin1 ceneral, told a preu COGference that relocation plans would interfere with the Marines' mission and prove too cos Uy. The re1ional airport alte aelectlon committee baa diacuaaed two proposals that involve relocation of the El Toro base and the companion helicopter base at Tustin. Finl, the committee baa said the Marine operaUons could be relocated and the base sold. Animal shelter mulled The Irvine City Counc11 tooitihl will coo.aider forminl a non-profit corporation to develop municipal facilities including a new corporation yard and an animal pound. The CGr{>Oration, wblch would be under the control of the Irvine City Council, would have the power t.o issue bonds t.o fund the construction of these facilities. Alao under consideration toni1bt: -Wt-ether negotiations should belin with the Irvlne Company OD an aveement t.o ensure the company buJAda a sufficient number of ctlJD..mercial eatabUshmenta before movtnc ahead with plans to build two new residential vii laces. -Approval of plans to develop an auxiliary power supply for Irvine City Hail. -Requesting that architectural firms submit bulldlng proposals for the proposed Civic Center. -Continuinc a newspaper recycling pJ'Olram in the city, but requiring that rec:yclinl be achieved tbroulh the placement ol blna at various areu of the city instead of the present system of curbside pickups. The meeting sta~ at 7:30 p .m . in City Hall, 17200 Jam, Road. Pllhlisher named for Irvine paper Brien Manntng, publisher of the Northwat Colorado Daily Presa, will aaaume the role of publisher of the Irvine Company-owned Irvine World News OD Feb. 1, the company announced today. The 38-year-old father of two lives lD Crail, the city where the 4,500·circulatlon Nortbweat Colorado Dally Preu la published. The paper ii part ol the Howard PublicaUon Chain. The l.rvlDe World News t. a free -circulation weekly newspaper with a circulaUoo ol %7 ,000 In lrTIDe, and parta ol Tuatin and Corona del Mar. Eric Shuman, the edit.or of the hvine World News, uaumed the role of actlna publlaber after former publlaber Mike Sommer tell tbe tabloid laat July. Sbum• will CGatlaue u edit« whea llannlnt leaves the Nortbwell Colorado Dally Pna and takea over the role of publlaber, 11td a company tPot..maa. DA to speak at Jrvjne meet· I.-Aa191• District Altcll'DIJ lob V• dt Kamp 11 to be tM fMWnd ..,.Uer at 8D JntM Cbamblr ol Comll*'ff ,....._ at aooa Tlaurada1 la U11e ~ ..... Jal llacArtllllur ...... JntM. ae1ervaUon1 for ti•• :.1:°.f:';.,.IOD lmc:INMm HD bl wDU. lntM Claamblr. ot Co v-. 9h lleOaw Aft.,' JrilM, mH, Ml·HIT. ' A ,,._Hwomaa for tlae .._, •• _.. V• de hiaP wUlJ ••••• • l••·••f•re••••t related ....... Such a move, committee members said, would relieve airspace coacesuon that would occur it a reatonal airport were constructed either lD the Santa Ana Mountalna east of Oraqe or the Chino IWh north ot Brea. • proximJty t.o Camp Pendleton, the aprawllnc bue in north San D1e10 County. ". . . The covemment bu a tremendoua investment ln these exiatiq useta and there are no Murdoch said he agreed relocation would be expensive. Tbe committee bas further su11ested that a commercial airport cou.1d be located at the El Toro base if other sites proved t.o be environmentally or socially unacceptable. Cooke told reporters 1a~ at the Enlisted Men's Club at E1 Toro that the marines' position ia that the baaes coura not be 1 relocated because ol-tb•ir tnown alternative locatlooa near enoup to the sea and lfOUDd forces at Camp Pendleton from which effecUve joint traln1n1 could be conducted," Cooke said. And, relocation, be aaid, could cost between Sl and $3 billion. · Cooke said it was bla penonal belief that the answer t.o the ~ounty's air transportation problema resta with developina qutet-alrcraft technoloty. He aaJd tbe XB·l5 and the Quiet Short-Haul Research Aircraft, two experimental planes, may hold promise for the future. He &aid the auwer doe1 not real with building "another 10,000.foot concrete runway lD Sou them California.•' Murdoch said Cooke's theoriea "were tiood" but pointed out tbat production of the eir.rimeotal aircraft t. years of . And, said Murdoch, the aircraft as now envialone4 would not have the aeatin1 capa~lty of commercial jetliners. As for the relocation propoaal, Murdoch said, "The committee · fe1~ it was an alternative lbat ...., ................ ~ should be 1tudJed llf couldlitable deptb. "W• reeopJu tbe mWW-, 1ltu1Uon. But learilal the atatu1 quo (not moviq the b .... > 11· the euJ•t anawer. It alwa11 ii." Murdoch said. Murdoch 1ald be a&reed that re location would be an ex penal ve propoaltlon. "But everytblq you do II expeDllve,*' he aald. A. portion o1 the cmt.. Murdoch aald. could be defrayed via the sale of the ba1e1 for some type °'Jrlvate residential or commercl development. The recional airport site aelecUoo committee wiU meet Feb. 2 lD Santa Ana. At U..t meetinc. Murdoch aaid, the committee will formalize ita recommendaUom t.o thf! county ·Board of Superviaora on the relocatioo proposal. -811 FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL OPPOSED -El Tor commander Brig. Ge Richard Cooke say relocation of the Marin ·Corps base would be t costly. · Irvine Ranch I I water ~st sought by 10 ., I · Ten Ii-vine resldenta appeared .Recreation Department and i before the Irvine Ranch Water former candidate f2r the wateg] District Board of Directors. district board. ~ Monday and 1Wf.bl appolntmeal -Frank Hurd, a to~ t.o tht position of board direct.or member of the Irvine U that pays $800 a month. · · · Sc boot District Board o The directors said they would Trustees. .. think about it and make a -Charles Oliver, a f deciaioo Jan. 25. water district direct.or and vi~ ' The vacancy oo the board was president ot VIS Syatema Inc., 4 created by the reai111ation of computer software company. t: Wayne Clark, wbo announced be -Orville Reinhardt, a fOl"llMJ was leaving t.o lead a campaip water .di.strict director1 f~I ln the county in favor of UC Irvine pbyaleal · pla~ approval of the Peripb!9ral man.ager and a member ol ·tbf C•nal. • Santa Ana Hel1bta Municipal After intervlewin1 tl~e WatuCo. .· candidates, the Board of ..:.. Leonard ROiia, a retire4 Directors postponed for two field representative of tbe weeks the appointment of a new Orance County Water Diatrict. director on the five-member -Susan Lamoureux a former board. .candidate for the board and a SURFING'S OLDTIMEAS -Among the senior surf set at Monday's Surfer Poll Awards dinner in San Clemente were veterans Mickey Munoz (left), Hobie AJter and Corky Carroll. More than 450 surfers froin around the world showed up to honor the best in the sport. The appointee's term will planner-with the· PlanniDI expire in June along with tboee Center in Newport Beach, a of directors Peer Swan and Ran private planning firm . Auerbach. -Betty Olson, an aaaoei Seekina t.o fill the opentpc OD professor in social ecolotY the board are: UCI. -GUbert ChaUet, Oranse -Hugh Walker, a · form - Surfers stage all-star show County Vedor Ccotral llanqer, direct.or of the E1 Toro Wa direct.or of the Irvlne Historical District and a former mem Society and a put member of of the Santia10 Aqueduc the city Community Services Con:unissioo. Commission. In addition t.o conaiderlnl -David Hanabrou1b, a water appointment, lbe water di.Itri m a n a g e men t con a u I tin I board: ensineer, former member of the _ Named Swan president Irvine city Transportation th board and Auerbach vice Commlaaion and a former e . . Old timers draw biggest cheers in Clemente bash By STEVE MITCHELL °' ................ Surfing ia a Mod trip m a fluid m~dium. -Stew Pezman, Surfer N~ They touted it aa the Academy Awards ol surflng .• Sort of the Heisman Trophy of wave rtdlng. And matt than 4.50 old Umers, surfers and wahines showed up for the 11th Surfer Poll Awards, held this year at Sebastian's West Dinner House in San Clemente. The majority of Monday D.icht's notables and cuesta were on the far side of 30 and wbUe the dlnner invites auueated "semi.formal attire," most wore faded Hawaiian shirts and corduroy trousers. Tbey cathered t.o booor the top 10 men and the top five women surfers in the world -selected by readers of the 90,000 circulation Surfer Magar.ine. whose offices are in San Juan Capistrano. The often raucoue 1roup comumed more than 1JO cue1 of Budweiser, llicbelob and Hant•a private reserve, aloni wltb 1.., lltera of w'h.lte wine. And, at $18 a ticket, they feasted on flab soup, aalada and roast beef. all to the accompaniment of a sort of Hawaiian country western band called the Hula Buckaroos. uwe used to shake our bushy, blond hairdo.s." They were movie atars and other luminaries ·in the form of Jerry Mathers (Leave it tci Beaver,) Gres Bradford C Eilbl is Enough,) Grerory Harrt.aoo (Trapper John, ll.D.) and even Timothy Leary, whom the announcer introduced aa "the Evolutionary Surfer." But tbe Mi1est cbeera Monday nlcht went to the oldtlmers, surfing veterans from the 50s and 608. Na mes Hke Hobie Aller, Mickey Munoz, Duane "Gordy" Gordon, Don Hanson. Walter Hoffman. Herbie Fletcher, Dick Meta, Mike Baley, Mike Doyle. David N\lublwa, Dewey Weber. Corky Carroll, Fred Hemmln.I, Gordon Clark and Phil Edwards. The emcee was Gabriel ·Wisdom, a San ·Dieeo radio announcer and surfer who walked out oo the dinner stage in a huse blond wig. "We used t.o shake our busby, busby blond ba,irdos," be shouted lnt.o the microphone. But that wu a lone time aeo. he added, whipping off the wig and exposln8 his baJdins pate t.o the delighted crowd. A half-hour film clip, featuriq mostly surfers in Hawaii, wu tallor made for the lnvitation·only group, who hooted and cheered aa they watched their peers scream acrosa turquoise waves on a lar1er than life screen. Winnen' of lbia year's award.a• ran1ed from Australians to South Atrkana and included Mark Richards, Cheyne Horan, Simon Anderson, Dane Kealoha, Shaun Tomson, Wayne "l,1>6lt" Bartholomew, Toni Carroll, Buz.ay Kerbox, Joey Buran and Bobby Owens. ' Female winners Included Marco Obefl, Lynn• Boyer1 Jericho Popplar, Rell Sunn aoa Liz Benavidez. candidate for the Irvine Ranch president. Water District Board of -Set Jan. 25 as the offtd Directors. day on which water dlatric -Ruaa Hazelett, a acbool offices will open In the 11e district adminlatrat.or, director headquarten building at of the South Orange County Bardeen Ave. Broken seal key ·lo pot: presence A bi-dten seal oo a .cud~ box and a Federal EsplWI Co. employee with a ~ HDM ol ameJ.1 played key rotes lD the weekend arreata ol four people on dnac chartee in lrvlne, police said today. lrvlne police s,t. Leo Jones said an employee of the Federal Expreu Co. lD Irvine detected the smell of marijuana from a box with a broken seal and ·alerted bia aupervlaor, who called police. Dreued u a Federal Expreu Co. emplo~. Seraeant Jones WU Oil band Saturday at lO~ao a.m. wben four men allecedl1 'tried to take pou~loa . "' the 'box and two others, wblc t.o1etber conta.lned a total ol pounds of· marijuana with street value of $50,000, a aid. · (It ... lncOrreCtl)' reportea some edltiom ol Moaday'a Pllot that 150 pounds marijuana were involved In caael. · Police said . tboee arreated the Federal Expre11 ·eo. oftMil 1 at 18003 Skypart Circle, Suite • I were Doaaid Tune, 47, Sutit Ana ; Michael Naab, a~ I .Hunt1n1ton Beacb: Rlcb;iii~ Walk•, ao, ol GreenYllie, Ml~ and CW'ford Bralnard, 17, SaDCit iAn•. ; . ·- Land lease fee negotiatlons ruled OD;t ..:: By 8'1'.EVB llA&al.B o1 ............. The lrvtDe Compau bu &aid It woe't ~~-with Newpcrt Beach and lntDe bomeownen wbo Jotn a C'ed lawault ~ i.DcnMlnt ...... f ...... mut be pGI annnaU.y to tbe dent111ment firm. •••• feel tbat woula't ... m•tb Hm• to elUMr ........ ••Pl•l•ed Jerr1 Collla1, aa lntMOompeaJ ..... Colllu wu rff..-.Sq to .. ._c_ &tmadit._..,bJ lea .. n el tllle Comalttee el t,ooo. a croup clalml•I to reprHellt 4,000 unbappy bomeowaen lD tbe two cltl•. Affect• tiomeowaera own tbelr -. bat leU. tM '""81' under tbem frem tb• lrvlne Coml>ID)'. Committee leaden ban 'OatllnW • •b·polat llat o( demandl tbey an mMlal ot the •[nlM Ooml*l1 bl .. ellort to ........ arowtnl ......... ,.. . ...... wouJd only ierve tO "drat Out portiOal ol thetr annual leue the laaue, perhape f~ yean." r..._. . ... . _ . Tb• lr•ln• Compau:.t T .ll.! Irv In e comp a ~7 .l.,,.,V·.R r.t.DLe4. .,.p µa . ••t· ' Spoltesman saitl liffll~ion . iDOUla - . "drag _ out _tile is§i' · . :.. ...· · · ·...,..... :.r:• Jue i..i ..-· "'*&id c.:O '*" llNii"'iM f,_ ~-._._a.-~-commltt•• pr••••teT."lti: "" ........ ~ ----.... _ __._. ..... ot ........... --- In realdtnUaJ land 1'aJHe •ut•--OoWal, ..... tlaat. beat way to Htabl~afl . 1value1 would be by 1'MlleP•le9 apprallall," pu.rcbw tMlr' ~ '"""1 --...----·. -at a •..table mten.t rate. Senral people obHnea ~ d • tlll ( , : 1l•UartUa betw... U.e tW9 • •ma a I, I~ I .~ Tb• deMlopm•t flrm a1lo ~ -_ boaeo..,.. 11 ~..... ,..._ ......... _, .... ~·· -···"'· ·---· i: .. -::.:.-.... -'ao·called lllardalllp caH1 b7 ,lut r••• .--tlMn:}m. leapH allowlD1 r•W••U t.o defer ..._. ..... a ....... 1111••• --_. . -. --. , .. . ..., .... TUESDAY, JANUA,AY 12,\ 1982 CAVALCADE . BUSINESS .. 82-3 86-8 I Coast-ctrea retail ·atore1 are reporting brisk sales for the new year . . . 86 If! El Toro Marine relocatj.On ·pushed Commanding general .cites exorbitant cost and interf~rence with military missions ~ Despite U.S. Marine COrpa oppoaltion, the chalrmao of Orante County tovernment'• retional airport alte selection. com mlttee says the idea of relocatlnl El Toro Marine Corpe Air Station bu merit. Keith MUJ'doch, committee chairman, offered bia remarks Monday after Brit. Gen. Richard Cooke, El Toro'a commandlnt general, told a preaa COllference that reJocatloo plans would interfere with tbe Marines' mission and prove too costly. Tb·e reeional airport site selection committee baa discussed two proposals that involve relocation of the El Toro base and the companion helicopter base at Tustin. First, tbe committee bu said the Marine operaUons could be relocated and the base sold. IUSC muAlls . fight overi CdM site University of Southern California administrators were deliberating today whether to risk a fight with the state Coastal Commission by starting classes at a vacant Corona del Mar elementary school. Graduate courses in' business administration were scheduled to belin Monday at the closed grade school. USC's plan for a satellite campus in Corona del Mar angered residents who claim the school will bring too much noise and traffic. But upset homeowners failed Monday in Orange County Superior Court to win a temporary restrainina order to · bl0ek lbe school from opening. A Jan. 2S court bearinl-has been set on the suit filed by homeowners. USC officials, though, seemed leas than eager to predict wben classes at the school would begin. "Things are still a litUe bit unclear at this point," said James Massey, USC's director of facilities planning. "We'll have to sit down and talk with our attorneys today and go from there." The main stumbling block for USC at tbis point is the stale Coastal Commission. Last Thur s da y, the commission agreed that USC needed to obtain a development permit in order to convert tbe closed grade school into a college campus. USC officials responded tbat Uley were unaware they needed a permit. Publisher named for Irvine paper Brien Manning, publisher of the Northwest Colorado Dally Press, will assume the rOle of publis her of the Irvine Company-owned Irvine World News on Feb. 1, the company announced today. The 38-year-old father of two lives in Craig, tbe city wbere the 4,500-circulatlon Northwest Colorado Daily Presa la' published. The paper is part of the Howard Publication Chain. 'The Irvine World News is a free -circulation weekly newspaper with a circulation of 27,000 in lrvtne, and parta of Tuatia and C«ona del Mar. Eric Shuman, the editor ol the Irvine WOl'ld News, assumed tbe role of actin& publisher after former publla6ei lllke Sommer left the tabloid laat July. Shuman will contlnue u editor wben Mannine leaves the Nortbwtll Colorado Dally Pnea aacl takes over tlae role of publl1ber. 1ald a eompany tpolumman. Such a move, committee members said, would relieve airspace cooeeation tbat would occur if a reetonal airport were constructed either ln tbe Santa Ana Mountalna east of Ora.nee or the Chino Hilla north of Brea. proximity to Camp Pendleton, the sprawlln1 base in north San Dle10 County. · •. . . 11* eovemment bu a tremendous Investment In these existing assets and there are no Murdoch said he agreed relocation would be expensive. The committee bas further suggested that a commercial airport could be located at the El Toro base if other sites proved to be environmentally or socially unacceptable. Cooke told reporters ga~red at the Enlisted Men's Club at El Toro tbat tbe marines' position is that Ute bases coura not be relocated because ol-tb~lr known alternative locations near enough to the sea and ground forces at Camp Pendleton from wbicb effectlve joint training could be conducted," Cooke said. And, relocation, be said, could cost between $1 and $3 billion. · Cooke said it was bis personal belief Chat the answer to tbe county's air transportation problems rest.I with developina qulet·alrcraft tecbnoloty. He said tbe XB·U and• the Quiet Sbort·Haul Research Aircraft, two experimental planes, may ~old pronlile for the future. He said the answer does not real with building "another 10,000·foot concrete runway in Southern CaJlfornia." Murdoch said Cooke's theories "were good" but pointed out that produ cti on of the experimental aircraft ls years off. And, said Murdoch, the aircraft as now envlslonect would not have the seating ca pacity of commercial jetliners. As for the relocation proposal, Murdoch said, "The committee · felt it was an alternative that , ,.., ......... ,.... should be studied Id comlderable deptb. '"''We recopize the military sltuaUon. But leavt.na the 1talul quo (not moving the buea> la the euleat anawer. It alway• ls," Murdoch said. Murdoch said be apeed that relocation would be an expenai ve proposition. "But everytbl.ne you do la eltpenalve," be 1a.ld. A portion of the cost, Murdoch said, could be defrayed via the sale of the bases for some type ol. private r.es,dential or commercial development. The regional airport site selection committee wlll meet Feb. 2 in Santa Ana. At that m eeting, Murdoch said, tbe committee will formalize its recommendations to the county Board of Supervisors on the relocation proposal. -By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL OPPOSED -El Tori commander Brig. Gel\t. Richard Coo k e say p relocation ot the Marina ·Corps base would be tot; costly. .t · •y Newport OKs mobile home le •t rt '1 I I i i j: zoile request A growing dispute between owners and tenants of a Newport Beach mobile home park boiled to the surface Mooday when city council members approved the city's first mobile home park zone. The mobile home zone would give tenants protection against owners wishing to convert a park to a different uae. An attorney represenlin1 owners of the De Anza Bayside Village, a mobile home park juit east ol. the Upper Newport e.y bridge, protested the zone and charged De A.ma tmanta ltave lobbied for it.I creation. ". "This essentially ls a request for tbe city to get involved in writing our contracts," suggested Thoma s Peckenpaugh, a Newport attorney. "we can't guarantee thla remain a park to 2D13 - can't see that far ahead." He didn't detail any s conversion plans. The mobile home zoo requires that owners of a wishing to change use m • c ome back to the city ~a p e rm ission and mu compensate dislocated tenant&. Although the council app · creating the zone, the zone - not yet been applied to any Newport's 13 mobile home parka. · Tbat action is not expected .until summer. Peckenpaugh charged that De Anza tenants coerct!d the city into creating tbe zone ao that "they won't have to work witb us." SURFING'S OLOTIMERS -Among the senior s urf set at Monday's Surfer PoU Awards dinner in San Cleme nte were veterans MiiCkey Munoz (left>. Hobfe Alter and Corky Carroll. More than 450 surfers from around the world showed up to honor the best in the sport. He said tenants at the park are currently embroiled in a dispute with owners over leases and rent bikes. Councilman Phil Maurer said that wasn't true. "It wasn't coercion but the plight Of tbe people that Sot U1 involved," be said. . Surfers stage all-star show Art Sullivan, a spokesman for the tenants, said Peckenpaugh bad painted an inaccurate picture ol. tbe problems at tbe mobile home park. He said tenants need the added protection of a mobile home zone because they fear park owners hope to convert the park to a different uae. i>ick Hogan , a former Newport planning director wbo is representing the De Ann owners, said the city mobile home zone bas naws. He said be cause the zone f o rc es park owners to compensate cHsplaced tenant.I, some people might move into a park just to take advanta&e ol s u c h compensation requirements. Old timers draw biggest cheers in Clemente bash By STEVE MITCHELL °' .... Dlllly""' ,..., Surfing is a head trip in a /Md m~dium. -Stew Pnmaa, Surtn MQOCIJtiM They touted it as the Academy Awards of surfing. Sort of tbe Helsman Trophy of wave riding. And more than 4SO old timers, surfers and wahines showed up for the 11th Surfer Poll Awards, held this year at Sebastian's West Dinner House in San Clemente. The majority of Monday night's nutables and guests were on the far s1de of 30 and while the dinner invites s uuested "semi-formal attire," most wore faded Hawaiian shirts and corduroy t.rou.sens. They gathered to bonor the top 10 men and the top five women surfers in tbe world -selected by r eade r s of the 90,000 circulation Surfer Maeazine, whose offices are in San Juan Capistrano. The often raucous 1roup consumed more than 120 cues of Budweiser, Micbelob and llank.'s private reserve, aiOlll wilb fir> llten of white wine. And: at $18 a ticket, they feasted on fish soup, salads and roast be e f, all to the accompaniment of a sort of Hawaiian country western band called the Hula Buckaroos. ''We used to shake our bushy, blond hairdos." They were movie stars and other luminaries in tbe form of ·J erry Mathers <Leave it to Beaver,) Grf!I Bradford (Eight is Enough,) Gre1ory Harrison <Trapper John, M.D.) aud even Timothy Leary, whom the announcer introduced as "the Evolutionary Surfer." But the biggest c heers Monday night went to the oldtimers, surfing veterans from the 50s and 60s. Na mes like Ho bie Alter. Mickey Munoz. Duane "Gordy" Gordon, Don Hanson, Walter Hoffman, Herbie Fletcher, Dlck Metz, Mike Haley, Mike Doyle, David Nuuhiwa, Dewey Weber, Corky CarroU, Fred Hemmlnl, Gordon Clark and Phil Edwards. The em cee w as Gabriel Wisdom, a San Diego radio announcer and surfe r who waJked out oo the dinner stage in a huge blond wig. "We used to shake our bushy, bushy blond bQirdos," he shouted into the microphone. De Anza leases the property along the upper bay from tbe Irvine Company. The leue runs through 2013. Peckenpaqb pointed out that no tenant al De Anaa bu a lease running beyond l• and •'There ia a history of people doing tbis," s.id Hogan. But ·c ounci l member• disagreed and unanimoualJ approved the zone. But that was a long time ago, he added, whipping off the wig and exposing bis balding pate to tbe delighted crowd. A half-hour film clip, featuring mostly swfers in Hawaii, was tailor made for the invitation-only group, who Death knell toll8 for Cuckoo's Nest hooted and cheered as they The days of the CUckoo's Nest watched their peers scream are over, punk rock manager across turquoise waves on a Jerry Roach said today in larger than life screen. reaction to news that the state Winners of this year's awards• Supreme Court baa refused to ranged from Aus tralians to grant a hearlns to the Costa South Africans and included Mesa nllbtclub. Mark Richards, Cheyne Horan, The club at 171' PlacentJa Simon Anderson, Dane Kealoha, Ave. has been closed since Dec. S b a u n To ms o n . W a y n e 9 when a 4th Di.strict Court of "Rabbit" Bartholomew, Tom Appeals rulln1, upholding the Carroll, Buny Kerbox, Joey city'• revocation or'"Roach's Buran and Bobby Owens. dancinl permit, toot effect. Female winners included • "l'U lease the tMai.ldlnJ," said Marso Oberg, Lynne Boyer .Roach in a pbooe interview. "I Jericho PoppJar, Rell 'Sunn and "don't tb1nk we'll fl1bt it any Liz Benavides. 1 more." The state Supreme Cou decide\! Tbunday not to bear appeal filed Dec. 21 by clu attorney Ron Talmo. A spokeswoman for Tai said the Santa Ana attorney not yet decided whether continue fighting tbe case. "I'm very happy to see state Supreme Court not involved in the case any more said Qieta Mesa city at Tom Wood. "It was obvloul me that the Supreme revle1'ed the oplnlon of the of appeal and qreed with reaaoaing. •• Land lease fee negotiations ruled. out By 8T.BV& MAULE o1 .. ..., ........ Tbe Irvlne ComPQJ .bu aald it won"t neaod•&e wltb Newport Beach and lnine homeowners wbo JQID a PlamMct lawaldt cmr IDCre ... land leue ,._ tbat mast be paid umuaJ.11 to tbe chvequnem ftrqt. "We feel tbat woulda"t a.n macb aeue to elU..r ...._ ... ••flalaed 'lerr1 ColUaa. •• lniD• eom,., .,.... •• Colllaa trU .......... tiO numcen 1?• .... rtQ ti; ........ et t.111• Committee at •.ooo, a aroup clalml•I to represent •.ooo unhappy homeowners in tbe two cities. Affected Jaomeownera own their bom8I but leue l.be l"°'8Ml · under them fr.om the Irvine Company. Committee leaders bave ·outlln~ a ala-point list or clemandt tMJ an maklq ol the 'lnloe CompuJ .lD an effort to ..-u. tbe arowlq land ..... , .. dlapute. Qnup ............ COldlrmed ,. .. to fl.le • ci.. aeUGla suit ..... tbe ~ ftrm bJ tM.ndoltM . . Colftft1 aald u1 lltl1a~oa ~ would· only serve to "drat out the iuue, perhaps fo~ years." T b ~ I r v i n e C: o m p an 1 J:"'Olll o( their annual ..... . "'-· --The Irvine Compa~1 _t_1f.~·»ro•a..•d .»hn. w.ai Spokesman iaif-1iffgCilion .~'drag out Jlie _jsB'"!'t ~, · :~ __ _ · ·~ a plan la~lut .--.... WWI niv aft"~ibe· for b...., affected bomeowwa commit.~•• pre1eat,!CfJl~ purcbue t.belr teuecl Pl'OPllt1 ll•·fGbll au of RJcMa. ~ _ at a nrtable laterelt rate. l••eral peopl• obaenea. l ... · • 1lmUarttie1. betw ... Ule two Tbe developmeD ft.rm alao ,pl.... -· unveiled plaH ltr Jaelpl•I '°TM cc-Wtt•....,......, It \IQ·call.cl bardatalp eaH• •Y 11u\ ._.,.._JUI-.._. bM· allowlaa re1ideat1 to ••fer _...._..._.~taai"•••· in re1idential land value1, ". suiteated Colll.u. "and tb.llt.~ beat way to eatebll•ll ti!!! ;Val-'ea would be by i.Ddel'P'P"• .... 11111--apprallall." ol• I Tb• commlttee, dari.DC -·meetlnp. baa ,daartM tUt ... lmne .~bualo$Jii1 ,land valu. beeame It ow.~ ... •much land la* two..,.._ • .. ... __.rfJP'!~·=·~~~HIJll!i11~qJ~!IHf i iili!~~U~~~~~!il~~1~~i~!~ii!i~H!~l!!l~!~!~!U~P~!~U;~~~~!i!P.~U!f f~UUHi~flil~!!~i!!qf l~l~l~l!~iP.Uif1!~~1,!t~q!~DIHt~ftl!f ~~ . ~~-:"iii .. ;~:~~~-•=4G-~•;J ••~-; ··~~•-•!~~;C .. *;.1111••1~i•s•. 1 ... ~~•tts ~'=• ~-~~'·~=•••'~~·-aski~~· ~~ill!•••• ~~·· •i••·~~~~:-~~a•a.1. b!::=~~, .. ,;;is;i~;·-•~~; ~-·~••'"''· •J ~··-~~'-~~~·~•. ••••••·~~=-~~ ••• .• ; ~-~!' .... ~!ki!•• : . • .. _· • ~· ~ ... :i!-.._2 ...... a.j _-:-·~~ .. : ................... a:sc: .. -..... ~-· .... ~ ............. •=•·· I;:s: .... d-. •!::s ....... ._v.rs ...... o~ .• ~~ ..... ;... \Ill• .... v.••· . a ..... ..,_ ........ :s •• ~ .......... a~.;;s ••.............. a\1111'-• -.. ~-:w.•· ..... ~ ............ ~ ............... ;a •• ~::= •... ._. ... =. a:. •· ., ..................... •· ... _ .... -... .. _. •• ;.. •.•• a .. g ... ••· • .a; . ~·. •· I "'1 L~.•~•laaal!.diHLl-•inlf•~ah.soll~•Hsa .. :i•i:l:.all~.! .. 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