HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-17 - Orange Coast Pilot. ~1 -I I ' YIUR HlllTlll llllY PIPIR SU NDA Y J ANU AR Y 1 : I'll!.' ORANGE COUN l V C A LIFORNIA . ~o C F N 1 '> 'Siberian Expre,ss' cold wave · pulls into MidWest ; By Ute Alloclat.ed Preti A surge of polar cold nicknamed the Slberlan Express blew Into tne frozen Midwest with paralyzing blizzards Saturday, and the mercury sank to painful lows deep into the Sunbelt. • The fricid wlnds sent the chill ractor to i.> degrees below zero in places and the de'ath toll reached 251 in a wlnlry assault that began writing weather history last weekend. ·'It ·ls one or the most severe "Outbreaks or cold weather mid-America has seen slno~ .Lhe 1800s ,'' said meteorologist Nolan Ouke or the National Weather Serviee.tn Kansas City. t While temperatures Saturday stopped shy of last weekend's records, such as the all-lime low or 26 below ln Chicago. readings -·Will -neiv shops, .old rides • mix -·. • ·in Fun,·zone? By STEVE MARBLE Of Ille o.lty Net Se.ff The sky is lead grey, a salty gust blows orr the harbor and the Balboa Fun Zone looks deserted. The cotton-candy and burger s1-aJldS are boarded up and the SUNDAY SPECIAL Ferris wlleel st&l\ds like a giant web against the Sky. Th'e merry-go-round is idle. So are the bumper cars and the- minf ature fire trucks. · · But looks are de~ej,ving . t • says the young girl counting out change in the electronic game arcade. "You want to ride the Ferris wheel, get on. I'll start it Up.'' -She turns t o hand four quarters to a waiting teen-ager. ''Same with the bumper cars.~ We're open all ¥ear long. Never · close." The Balboa Fun Zone is a survivor, a throwback to another el'Jl. -·----.. -· The block-long amusement center, squeezed between the Balboa Pavilion and the equaUy historic Balboa Island Ferry, is still the slightly scruffy place it's always been. On warm nights and summer days, it comes alive. The rides start up, the food stands epen and the game arcade is ,afnm~. \. It has a carnival a~osphere to it, a place were kids crowd, where roller-sftaters weave their way through the pedestrkms and the Balboa Bars se11 like crazy. But much of that may change. The Fun Zone .ha·s been sold and the new owners have drafted a r edevelopment plan for the waterfront block . The JBS Development Core. plan would bring in offices and specialty s hops but keep the Ferris wheel and merry-go-round for flavor. Julie Edwards , spokeswoman for the development firm, says her company hopes to "clean up" the area without sacrificing too much of its atmosphere. Balboa.-r.esidents and merchants express mixed · 85 OAlOiing ~Zone. Some are bittersweet about it.• ' ·'It brings back a lot of memories." says Jim Person, a native Balboa resident and now a Newport attorney. "But it's old and dilapidated and just less than desirable. It seemed cleaner when I was young. It's more like a carnival now~" · Per&en-says he bas a fanUly home movie oI himself riding the merry-go-round wbeh he was 1l" -y'ear oht. -He sryrtte - remembers playing pinball ln the arcade for a penny a game. •·People don't wint to see it go because it is nostalgic," .be says, adding, "but most people realize it has to change." Ray Mallard, the man who operates the game arcade, says he bought the place two years ago h alf as a bUtSiness opportunity and half for his love or it. · ... "I used to come here -as a kid." he says. "The place has <See BALBOA, Page A3) Gay discrimillation measure defeated' AUSTl-N, 'l'exas <AP> Austin voters on Saturday overwhelmingly defe:lle"d a proposed cit~ ordinance that would have been the nation's first municipal law supporting housing discrimination against homosexuals. With all precincts reporting, the measure was turned down by a vole of 36,239 to 20,997. Quick fog • surprJSes boaters ·. A he.avy blanket of fog that de sce nded quickly on unsuspecting boaters caused the beaching of five pleasure boats along the Orange Coast Sattlrday afternoon and evening, deputies of the county Harbor Patrol said. Sgt. Russell Bradley of the patrol said the boats were reported beached at 4:20, t :56, 5:08, 5:59 and 7:30 p.m. in places stretching from South Laguna. to Newport B eac h . There apparently was no serious '.damage to the boats and 'the~ were no injuries, Bradley said. Bradley said the accidents probably were caused because the foi moved in so quickly. "They had a couple or 111Ues ol visibility and sudden!~ it turned to zero,•' be said. The boats beubed were 29, 35 and 44-foot sailbo,ta, a 23-foot cabin cruiser and a 28-foot power boat,,. Bradley said. He said names ot ttle p·ersons ;.__~~lnd. were nqt .1vail•ble. The locaUona ol the accldeots were 30t.b and 32nd 1treet1 ln Newport· Beach1 Crystal Cove. J"lne Cove ano the Salt Creek Relioaal Pan tn South Lacuna. Bradley said. The measure, put on the ballot after a petition drive by a local anti-homosexual group, says it "shall not be u.nlawful to deny housing on the basis of .f>exual orientation.'' Austin, a fast-growing city of 346,000 people, has a reputation as the most liberal city in Texas. The Austin Citizen s for Decency, which promoted the housing discriminati9n ordinan~. said the election was a referendum on homosexuals, on whether to gtve •·special privileges to sodomites." The Citizens for a United Austin, working against the proposal, said ihe ordinance could lead to "snooping.'· Red Brigades pamphlet on- Dozier /ound . ROME (·A"P) -The Red Brigades kidnappers or U.S. Brig. Gen. James .L. Dozier · issued a pamphlet and a picture of him Saturday, and hundreds af policemen searched the canals or Venice but found no trace or the SO·year-olclofflcer. An editor at Rome's II Glornale d 'Jtalla said a journalist for the newspaper found the pamphlet -the fourth since Doder's kldnapplq Dec. 17 -in a waste basket alter an anonymous caller told him where to look. • The editor said the pamphlet ael. no demand.a and conta1ned only ldeolQlicaJ alocam such u "anti-imperialist civil ,ur" w•s "life only posaible stratel)'" to overthrow the state. The pamphlet included • -pbot0copy of a pboto1raph ot Dozier. were cl<>11e to 30 degrees below zero across parts of Montana, North Dakota and Minnesota, with wind chills below zero as far south as San Antonio, Teo11. More than 120,000 people remained without power in AJabama, Georgia. and North Carolina. Freezing rain closed many highways again in nofth Georgia and snow fell in the Texas ~anhandle. Snow was common from the Greal Lakes across the Ohio Valley into the Northeast, where New York City got its third plaslering in four days. •A blizzard with winds of 50 mph also closed highways and caused many traffic accidents across central and northern Indiana, Ohio and southern Michigan, where 11 inches of snow fell at Frankrort. Blowing snow was caus ing headaches for the-Ohio Department of Transportation, tryine to keep open the state's 16,000 miles of highways. "We can plow a highway and 15 minutes later, it'll be the same condifl'on 1t was," said David V. ·Finley, a department spokesman. Blowing snow also shut orr many highways in South Dakota where the mercury dropped to 26 below at Rapid City, Murdo, Aberdeen and Milbank. Tt'mpl'ratures dropped SiJ degrees an hour in Mic higan where the flerce winds and snow c aused "white-outs" on the highways. ·'The snow is coming down In · buckets,'' said Robert Sullivan, <See COW, Page A2> ' -Bodies pulled from jet \' WAS HI NGTON <AP> Feeling theiJ'. way past jagged debris and treacherous ice, divers pulled 30 bodies Jrom the crum.J!led wreckage or an Air ftl()h<fa jetliner Saturday and then turned to trying to raise the ta» section which includes the flight recorders . But after one try at lifting the tail section, which also included_ •. ___ , a large portion of the fuselage, the recovery team postponed further efforts. Another attempt was expected today -but not certain -after the arrival of a more powerful crane .. M eanwbile, it was learned the plane's manu'8clurer is~ued a special advisory last June t~ airlines fl y ing it, sug~estinJ s pecial flying procedures in weather likely to cause heavy ice -buildup on the wings -the same conditions in which the Air Florida jetliner took off shortly before its plunge into the Potomac River. · Fede ral investigator s said their examin ation of the wreckage. showed the pilot had c o m p I i e d w i t h. t h e manufacturer's suggestions. Throughout the day. the diving teams focused their search ~ the rear section since that part ·of the wreckage contained the cockpit voice and flight data r e c 0 rd e-r s c r i l i car· t 0 th a inves tigation of Wednes<tay'S crash. which kiUed•78 people. The divers began to attacb cables to t.he section, but quickJt ran into trouble. When darknese and 22-mph' winds made it impossible to attach the cableS properly ' the effort was abandoned. Boeing Co., mal$ef of the 731, told airlines last June that itJ • tests had substantiated reportJs from operators that the plane could rol~ severely or pitch Uf> after taking off in Creezin-g conditions. SITTING ON TOP OF THE WHIRL? -At nights and on weekends Balboa Fun Zone is active. Deity "91 "'"9 llrt LM ~­ New developer wants l o add specialty shops and keep Ferris wheel. 'Boeing said that, roughening of the leading-edge wing slats - devices fhat extend forward from the wing to increase lift _. similar to the way ice wouJa change the surfaces would raise the stalling spe~ or the airplan& by 9 mph to 12 mph and wouJt <See CRASH. Page A2) :· ~ Tragic en·ors prompt new law -! Change expected to send more sex off enders to jail, not hospital· c DAVID KUTzMANN He did so after seeing to It that out his term. • M OSO patient at a state hospi•j '!Y •• 01111y~sutf • Frank, whose trial. was shilled Now, under the new laws was abo~t 18 months regardJ;'l For nearly so years;CalHornia from Ventura to Orange County, adopted by the Legislature, of the prison len!l handed down, treate d its sex off end e r s was convicted or first.·degree whenadefendantis convictedof Asspelledout tn th~~ewlawst differently. murder and sentenced to die in a sex crime, he no longer can the system wo11ld. s~1l~ leavt Under a law that was passed California's gas chamber at San s imply apply for Men tally o Pen .l he. poss 1b111 ty ,ol iil the 1930s, certain convicted Quentin for the slaying or Disordered Sex Offender status p s yc:h1atr1 c treatment. fof sexual lawbreakers -those 2-year-oldAO\)'.&teSeitz.. and-;-tf he receives. H. avofd ~ffeniters. . ----L _L ,_.ii deemed· to 1 b e-~·men ta 11 y Frank. a professional-looking. going to prison. Prager said that once oeruDQ disordered" -could be sent to m an, had been released from "We hope that a lot more bars, the sex o~render. c~uld be s tale mental hospitals for Atascadero State Hospital only peoplewillbegoingtojailnow," evaluatedbyprisonofflc1a~s~ treatment but only if they were weeks before the killing. A said Prager, w)lo added that the then sent to a state hosp1t.aJ .if considered to be amenable to prev iously con.victed sex average length or stay for an <Set NEW LAW, Page A3) such therai>3'..-A • orreoder, Fr~k's doctors had • If psyctu .. rists at these pronounced him cured when he t state-tun facilities believed their was turned loose. patients were cured, they could His case, o~ervers said: was r ecommend their releases oneofthem&,Jorcatalystsmthe · without having the sex offenders chlU)ging of the law. finish the full terms of their Under the old system, a pl'ison sentences. defendant, following a c:riminal However, all that is changing. sex con!iction, would be Because or tragic errors in e x a m • n e d · b y t w o recent years thal'Jed to release court-appointed psycbil\trlsts. of sex· offenders who went on to Ir l be t'e ports ol t b e commit.child murders and other psychiat.i:i&ta conclUded tbet the violent crimes, the Legislature de~endant was amenable to performed major surgery on the treatment,-the jud1e bad the law In 1981. · option or tenlencing that person Thos~ chan&es took erre~t Jan. to stale prison or selldln1 him to 1 -two weeks ago. a state hospital. •'The MDSO program , In-In many cuea, the o(fender effect is abolished " said Irving went to Atascadero Slate -Ptag~r. a La Ve~e University Hospital, whJch speclallies ln Law School proressor who the treatment of the Haually prosecuted convlc~ child kiMer disordered. · Theodore Frank ia Orance A priSOf\, terqa allo would be Gounty &uperior Court two years hapdM down, but ll Ute offender a10. was believed lo be cured by P ra I er, then a Venture hospital psycbiatri1t.1, he could Count.y depulf ell.strict attorney, 10 free provided~ ttie Judce waa instrumental In rewrtUag concurred. ·If be bedn'.t California's decades-old law on reaponded to treatment, be sex offenders. would be sent to priloft tb flDlab ON THE INSI DE Ml~NG MYSTERY -When boaters disappear In th.e Catalina Channel in wJntet, the 2 6 m 11 e s a r e r r &q-u ell"tl y compared to the Bermuda 'Trianale . But this "jinx" is easier to uack down. Page.AIO. CHINESE CHILLS -Going to see the .Great Wall of China in snow! Start by donning three pairs or socks. The rest of ~ directiOftlr are outlined on Paae 07. FOR OPENERS -Winning leads are just part of the advice be1hmiq, and dedicated briQe play~ can find, lo tbe Dal]y Pilot's new daily calumn by aclcnowledled expert Chutes .Goren end actor-tournament champion Omar SharU. Bnmh up on )'OW' blddinl on Pa1e 06. KEEP ON BOOKING Considering Orange County ~ be recession-proof. J amej Durbin. president of Marrioti Hotels, tell~ where and why ~ national chain is plannln1 • third hotel ,here. Page Dt. [ Orange Co11t QAIL Y P1LOT/Suna8y, January 17, 1982 .. . . POiand: no end fte&r · 0 Rumors of timetable for end to milit~ry rule scotched -WAftSt\W, P.oland <APJ' -· ~aru•1 law will las~ until w~u tal 0Mnomen•' .. leadl.Q1 to fts PGllUon are eradicated, and fn)' ~lk of a timetable for mllltary rule to end ls raise, aov.ernment -spokesman Jeny Urban aalet Saturday. "Martial law will slmpty have to last as lona as all the fllil: phenomena which necessitated Its proclamation h a ve not disappeared," Urban told lhe riews paptr Zycie· Waraa wy , which appeared for~ firtt time in five weeks. ··AH d a t es or s c edules iclrculated in the form or aossip ra s w e 11 a s t h \ a l 1 e g ~ d ,, statements on the .s ubjec t atl(.lbuted ta some om clals are untrue," Urban a·atd. He did' net say 'W hat t\e rtteant by "fatal pheno m e na ," but presumabl)' he was restating the otrlclal view that Solidarity extrel'Jlist.11 a nd various dissid•t (tl'O&&pa were he•~m g-for a co nf ro nta tio n wi th lb e authorlti~ War saw Solida r it y leade r Zblg nlew Bujak, the highest member. of the union still at large, was ·quoted by The New York Times' correspondent in ar§aw as saying the union Is 'llowt ng H s act iv,ilie.s· ., • 11 ~ ... Jllopes igher in(/ ~'auti>'llo'!ly talks b: --~ I WAS HINGT O N <AP > -' mn11 ~tecretary or State Ale xander · 1~ I M. Haig J r., has s.ucceeded in IW8 restoring a sense or urgency to ----------• j}he Palestinian autonomy talks /!!tween •Israel ~d Egypt, and ~officials believe an agreement is bY"ithin re~ch in the near future. • If so, and if the agreement 'is . ,@cceptable to the 1.3 million J>ale s t i ni a n s in th e )sraeli-occupied West Bank and p aza Strjp, it would help resolve 1'f>n e or the m ost d i ffi cult pro blems in the .. sear ch for lasting Middle East peace. ; Haig /and other U.S. officials are cautious about predicting f' success. But Haig returned to lwashingto11 on Friday from a 1fact-finding trip to · Israel and '.f;gypt encouraged that he was lable·to obtaitr'fOmmltments in 'bolh nations for intensifi ed 1hegotiations in the 2~-year-old talks. · Another ranl<lng U.S. official on the night said he thinks the odds point to success. "This is a good time," he said. U.S. officia ls would li ke to have some a greement by the lime l srael co mpl etes its withdrawal from the Egyptian Sin a.l on April 25 ; t her e Is concern in Washington and in Israel that once Egypt has recover:ed its territory, it will have less incentive lo negotiate a P alestin ian au to nomy &l(eeme:lt. There· are ri ve categories or differences between Isr ael and J:gypt. These are the questions of h o w sec urit y in th e P a l estin i an area wi ll be handled, wh~ther Palestinians liviAg in East Jerusalem can vote for Palestinian leaders, the size and authority of a governing author ity for the Palestinians. the future or Israeli settlements and the degree or coordinaW>n·' between the Palestinians ·and · 'Israel. • underground "~d IA prepar~ ror a long altuegle to fla ht for d e m ocr acy and over c ome. military ''dictatorahl_p.'' Bujak called for. P!lSSlve resistance, however, saying, "J see that the current situation lends lt.telf very ~uch toward the oraanizaUon Qf te rroris,m, and I rear that very much. Our country-h as never known te rrorism, and it would be better if it didn't come to that." Urb a n 's comm e nt on a schedule for an end to military rule appeared to be a reaction to a statem e nt by an officia l several dns ago that the regime would like to end martial 1,w by Feb. 1 if conditions permitted . . Poland declared martial law Dec . 13, a d ay afte r .lh.e independent union Solidarity ca lle d ro r a n ation wid e refetendum on whethef' this key Warsaw Pact nation should rem ain communist. · . A~" ....... Ur batn said that 'after 16 m o n t h 11 o-f I a b o r u.n res t s pea rh ~a ded by Solidarity worker discipline bad improved, primarily due to the absence of strikes, but added. "I would be lying if I said that work is rhythmical everywhere." SIGNS OF JANUARY -Looking Uke long. n a rrow b ea rd s . ici c l es h an g o ff a dministrat ion building a l Brellon Woods. N II . a resort. Cold air mass from Siberia gripped much of nation east c)f Rockies Ur ban conceded shortages of r aw materials and components were hurting some industrjes. Mesa victims lucky The communist daily Trybuna Lud u stressed the need for increased gr ain deliveries by Driver blacks out on Harbor Blvd . f a r mer s in a n a rticle ttiat A _ numbe r of. p erso n ~ carried ah implicit wa rning or miraculously escaped ser ious · ·ob 11 g a tp r y d e l i v ~ r Y • • injury Saturday when a cal' requirements. whose driver lost consciousness "T here. is the c ha nce or hit two bicyclists and three other making such an order during moving vehicles in a wild scene ·martial law, but that would-be in Costa Mesa. an extreme," the news paper Police said Wayde T. Nelson, said. "No one wants to reach for . 22 , whose address wa s not it without absolute need. · available, was the driver of the ·'So it is in the n ational car which struc~ the vehi cles .. inte rest to. do everything to Eyewjfilesses to-the. accident avoid it," t he p a pe r •id. • told police they saw Nelson, "Everything means the decision head rolled back, unconscious ~ of individual farmers." behind the •wheel of his car as Pola nd 's fo r e ign debt is the accident was happeQing. estimated at $28.5 billion, most Police said Ne l son wa s of it owed to the West, and the t r a ve ling north on H a rbo r Soviet Union bas been forced to Boutevard al about 2 p.m., nea~ pump rriore aid into Poland to , the intersection of Wi lson Street, keep it in food a nd r a w when he Jost consciousness and materials. his c•r drilled into two bicyclists ·The. bicyclists sustained minor eg injuries but there were no .. ot her injuries in the incident., police said. P61ice said N elson "s u n- consciousness was caused by a "medical problem " and that he was not c harged in the incident. · Details of the report. including the n·ames of others involved, w e re n.o t a v a i I a b I e I ate Saturday. police said. Jackrabbits hit From PageA1 COLD. • • a d is patc her at t he Benzie County sheriff's office. Wind gusts or 30 mph with the temperature at minus 18 made the wind chill factor 74 below zero in Rockford, Ill. Chicago reported a wind c hill of 67 below. - Icy roads callsed a pileup of 20 to 30 cars on the Southfield Fr eeway irt suburban Detroit. Police also reported about a dozen smashups on Interstate 94 on Detroit's east side . Mid westerners. re membering last weekend's record cold, began stocking up Friday on· groceries. fuel and oth er supplies. H e m e t Saturd ay with President Reagan· and National Security Adviser William Clark in the family quarters at the White House to report on his trip . An aide, r efus ing t o ~laborate, said they ta lked about iJ>OSSible future courses of action. ; Haig plans to return to Israel and Egyp~ in about two weeks ~ith som e U_.S . ideas ror :resolving t h e diffe r e n ces between the two nations. H~ '.acknowledges there are stifl tt·g reat o.b stacles" t o a n · W estininster IDan -held in IrVine hit-and-run a nd another northbound car. the.Q.._ drifted off at an angle and hit 1\\to oncoming cars in the southbound lane before coming to r est. S A N D I EGO <AP > J ackrabbits are a wildlife pest and should be wiped out , the A m er i can F a rm Burea u Feder ation says . The stand was asked by farmers from Idaho, where thousands or jackrabbits were clubbed to death after . being blamed for SS million in crop losses in 1981. Duke said the cold is coming fro m t he pola r r egions or Siber ia . 'prom pti n g .one meteorologfst . l1> dub it t he Siberian Express. Unlike normal win~r' weather patterns in which the systems move across the warmer waters of the Pacific, the present air is taking a nor ther ly t rack across the -polar regions of Canada. agreement. 'J But Haig told reporters on the "~eturn night to Washington he believes both nations are ready -\o ne gotiate serious ly after itna ny months of inconclu~ive 'Hiscussions. ;I A 31-year-old Westmins ter man has been charged 'with ' fe lony drunken d rivin g and \felony hit-and-run driving after a n accident in Irvine Friday n ight · in whic h two Tus tin women were injured. Rober to Vill a nueva wa s ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----- arrested by Tustin Police after he allegedly left the scene of the accident at Red Hill Avenue and MacArthur Boulevard s hortly before 9 p.m. Irvine police credited an alert dispatcher al their station wllfl a lerting Tustin policE: to the incident. Injured i n a ca r which Vi lla nueva's car alJ eg edly struck head -on we r e Karne Nault and Elizabeth Harding of Tustin, both of whose ages were not listed by police. Both were tre ated and re leased Friday nig ht at Tus tin Community -Hospital. .... "" .... ""* ;tR LIFT -Helicopter lowers 5-ton air conditioning unit onto oof of Hoag Me morial Hospital Friday in Newport Beach .. he ne w unit was hoisted onto a section of the hospital that's our stories ta ll. I ORANOI COAST D1UyPilat Cle Hlfled edwenielnfl 7141142-5111 All other ~ftt• 142-4321 Ms: Nault, driver or the car. t old poli ce t h a t s h e was n o r t h bound on · Re d Hill , pr e par ing to turn le ft onto MacArthur. when a southbound vehicle strayed into her lane and struck 'her car head-on. The car then backed up and drove off, she said. After his arrest Villa nueva was held in the Orange County J ail in lieu of SS,000 bail. Irvine police said. ·From Page A 1 CRASH. • • cause the reported motions . To guard aga inst that, Boeing advised pilots to extend the slats farther to gain more lift and to take care not to lift orr runways .loo abruptly. The F e d eral Av i a tio n Administration issued a similar advjsory about the same time. Federa l investigators who aske d no t to be ide ntified id-their exa mlrratton-'\>-r-t~ broken-off left wing or the Air Flo rida p lane ; whic h w as removed fr.o m the r ive r on Friday, showed that the pilot had extended his slats to the recommended point. Since Wednesday's accident, th e Britis h Civil Avi ation Authority has issued dlrecti\'es to airlines under its jurisdiction similar to Boeing's advice. Ira Furma n, spokes ma n fo r the 4 National Transportation Safety Board, said the British-action was taken "independently of this crash" and nad been planned for some Ume. Me anwhile, some federal safety .ofnc1ats were concerned that salvage operaUons mlgblbe impossible today because of forecast high temperatol'es only in the t~s. They emphaslzed1 · howev4;.1", that no decision baa, been made on what to do today. The Boeing 737 jet, bound for Florida, hit a busy commuter brid1e spannJn1 lhe Potomac Rivu afler laldn1 . of.L..Lr.om National Airport. Seventy-el.pl people were ~Hied, lncludlDI four motorists cau1ht on the l>rld1e. Only ftve.penona aboard the plane were rescued. TAKING AIM • ..:...... Cost a Mesa 10-year-o ld Da niel Wor.de n s ets up al the free throw line in ret:ent etball s hooting contest al' Corona del Mar School s ponsored by the~ • Olllly ...... -... ~ IMff Newport. ·Harbor Elks Lodge. T he top scorer wi:ls Lara Aspen of Newport Beach who s unk 20 of 25 shots from the line. SU"VIV.t~l.tllt '0" THE #EW .tOIE . ' STORE #1 2224 NeWport BIWd. Newpott8Nch 875-1174 Open Deily •••• ... , STO"E #2 210Y, Marine Ave. B•lboa llland ' 873·1121 Open Delly • Orange Cout OAJLVPILOT/Sun'day, Janua,Y 17, 1H2 llis hobby -is far ~put · Mesan .. collec~s space program memorabilia • S-!AR·STR~CK C harles Evans proudly displa ys his collection of coins. medallions and other memorabilia s truck to commemor ate U.S . s pace missions . The From Page A1 ..., ................. collection will be on display starting Monday. at Crocker Bank. 1845 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. · ,. • 8y .JODI CADINHIAD ., ................. While ot.hert were reach1n1 for tbe etan, Charl" Evana ol Costa MeH wu on earth lookinl fol' medals and coina. Not Juat any kind of medal and currency, but~ c_ommemoraUve pieces honorln1 U.S . space _rpissions. . · · The 87-year-old former truck driver claims lo have one ol lhe largest collections of space memorabUla ln the world. It wlU be on display Monday throu1h Friday at the Crocker National Bank, 184.5 Newport Blvd. Colla Mesa. On the faces of the artfully etched coins and medals is , a mini -his t or y of the space program: from John GleM's orbit of the earth in 1962 to the Skyl ab s p ace s tation launched ln the early 1970s. The story has been recorded in silver, bronze and gold by some of the world's mos t prominent artists. By fa r the largest number of mlda!a and colna wtr1.1truclc for tbe Apollo 111 bonorlna man'• fint 1tepa on ihe moon on July 20, 1988. • Evana has carefully scoured the pa1e1 of trade Journals in• search of medals and coins •.struck in the U.S., F,,ND~e. Italy, Canada, Japan and Germany. tverywhere he goes he looks for space souvenirs. Id Viemia he traded a coin dealer three silver dollars for ll •oJd coin the size of a dime, depicting the Apollo 11 mission. Jn Switzerland be purchased first day cards, similar to postcards of space scenes that are stamped with the dale of the event ~d the day issued. ·But th~ most expensive medal he ever bOugbt is a s mall $50 silyer piece that resembles the cratered moon surface. In fact, when sil ver prices jumped last year Evans nearly sold off large c hunks of the collection. "I'm glad I didn't. I wouldn't be able to show it," he said. NEW LAW RE.QUIRES SEX OFFENDER~ GO TO PRISON • • • ju-:(fged s uitable for s uch ·said, explaining that the rule attorney said, also are not treatment. chang~s reflected the emotional considered treatable , only . But, he stressed, no matter and' punitive mood of both controllable. what progress he made during citizens and lawmakers . "Attempting treatment is a treatment. the offender would '.'What the change in law step in the right direction," h ave--t.o return to pris on overlooksistbeideat.bi:llanyone Monroe said. "(With the new eventually and finish his full who goes to prison gets out laws). we'll be warehousing sentence. someday," he said. ticking time bombs." • Some defense lawyers believe But Prager. who helped write ·',These new laws a re an the new law wi ll be counter the original drafts of the new abandonment of the notion that producliv.e. law before submitting it to state we lea.m and we try to improve Among t hem is Santa Ana legislators, said there is simply ... The MDSO program has, attorney Keith C. Monroe, who no known cure for sexual over t h e year s , in m an y currently represents convicted disorders. thousands of cases, S'Chieved child kill er Rodney J ~ Alcala, "The truth of the matter is," good results, just. as it was like Ftank a former convicted he said. ·'as an yone in the intended to do," he said. was PatH Linebaugh , grandmother of Amy Sue Seitz. Mrs. Linebaugh said there were more than 30,000 people c e r tified a s MDSO s in Ctrtifornia. The new law,· she said, ·sent a message to sex offenders. •'It's a step in the right directioh . It'-s s h<><Wing the offenders that the people in the state are taking a stand," said Mrs . Linebaugh, a Ve ntura County residen~. "Al least," sh'e said, "there is sex offend er. who kidnapped and <psychiatric) profession knows, R i c h a r (I Far n e 1 I • who killed a little girl. Both men a true pedophil e (c hild prosecuted Rodney Alcala in From Page A1 await the outcome of appeals on molester> wi ll always repeat his Orange County Superior Court in ' public awareness of the problem now .'' Farnell, the former Orange. County deputy district attorney, said even more rule changes are ~ing urged to further toughen laws governi~g criminal sexual misconduct. ''I think we· have needed these <new laws> for a long time," he said. B u t M o n r o.e r e m a i n s lkeptical. "We're exacerbating the ~blem . not solving it," he said. · Evans haa dlaplayed ll collecUon at the Queen Mary m Loni Beach, the Oltneylan'd Hotel and Rockwell Inter· national. Convicted Cline tak~s pill ~verdose. ~ LAS VEGAS CAP> -Form• busboy Philip Cline was lilted in stable condition Saturday after he ineested pills one day after his conviction on murder-arson ch.arges stemmlng from lut February's dead))' bhlze at the Las Vegas Hilton. • DefeQ$e attornex Kevin Kelly s a Id he w i 11 ask r o r ·a postponemeni of the penalt~ _ phase of Cline's trial, scheduled for Wednesday, while hospital psychiatrists evaluate Cline's mental CQ!lijjtlon~ Cline ~as rushed to Southe~ Nevada Memorial Hospital Saturday morning after ja\I officials became concerned about his slurred speech and uncoordinated reactions. PoUce at first thought Cline attempted to commit suicide, but Kelly said he apparen~ took the pills for a "tempor escape rather than a 'permane t escape." ; "This was not a serious attempt to take his. life," he said. Kelly said a cellmat ~ or C line's told him lbe form-v b u s boy had been getting anti·depressant pills from a jajJ t r u s l e e i n e x c h a n g e fo,- cigarettes since midway through his l riaJ in December. .. San Quentin's death row. • ·crime.'' 1980, like Prager, was activ!! in "[ have rather str~ng feelings Prager said various types of 'ushing for adoption of the new (aboutthe change in;;;law ),"said aversion t h e rapy u sed at laws. ' BALBOA FUN ZONE REVIS'ITED • • • Monroe. "I 've fell over the b.ospitals like Atascadero had "If there's anything that will years that the MDSO laws .. . simplY' not proved -successful in make <sex offenders ) stop have an awful lot to recommend ' many cases. • com mitting cri mes ," said them." And he said studies had shown Farnell, now In private practice The objective of the previous that reddivism rates for in Newport Beach. "it's the laws: Monroe ihs isted. was to hospital 'liUilales were actuaUy -realization that they will go to try s omething to pre.v ent higher than for offenders sent to prison." repetition of a sexuaJ.oUense. prison. Farnell, a long with members Instead, he said, the new law Monroe agrees that there is of a aroup known as Concerned merely allows the government considerable argument over Citi~en.s roi: StJIOnger Legislation to "warehouse" sexual misfits wh e ther sexual orientation A1ainstChild ~ten (SLAM> until they are released back ooto problems can be treated -and testified at numerous legislative ""the streets. · · cured. . . hearings to push for eaactment "(The legislation> could prove But other mental diseases like of the new and tougher rules. to be a sorry mistake,'' Monroe scblzophreoia, the defe ns e One of the founders of SLAM Increasing clouds this efletnoon tllr009fl ~y In Oew •ts. Northun -rt lllOf!S t-.,, SI·•._ S2·'2 -dey. Lows Je-te. So<ltll•r'l dewrt hlllfts '4-12 tOO.y, 60. .. Monrwv. L~ ~7. Ratn 1pr eadl"ll \Ou tll over Light "•rl•Dte wt"O' mor,,tng Northern a"" Central Callfolnla becomt119 west to southwH I 11 to 18 today with showers continuing knots through eveolnQ wu terly Monoar eotoer. Snow level 2,000 IMI swell t to 7 rut. Fog ano low in nortll-sl, 6.000 INI In soulll•rn c Io u 0' "•H 111 roug h mo '"'" II Sl~rra by lat. Monday lncreu1ng i.comlng PMllY cloudy by antrnoon. w1,,01 In mouni.1n1 Mo11ty clouel'f.l>'r •ven•ng U.S. summary Extended Wlnd·IMown snow IWtPI Into Ille I 0 reea,s t MldwHt on S.turo.y. more c11111v P locll of 1 Ilk 1 ~ t llvrrie1 !DD) ••'-~ , .. , .... ~-==== She••" Sletleury Oul•4•4 .-albar&lllt "'"-<So<ll-1 ...cs ll9ftl -•• " n • Y ..... snow n ..;.,. wat tcallereo over much of the Ill• mount.ins, pr-ly endl119 on Northeast. Tll•r10ay V(lnoy period s '" the lil•••·llllraro conditions rHcheO mountelr\s and OC<H iONllly at the the Olllo Valley, .. na ''"'"9 nortt>••ly .cont. Highs In.JM coastal ar~• * wi nd• stlrr•O up • blhratO In to low 60s •no 27 to l7 In Ille t ndi•n• soYlhern Mlclll9an a no mounlelM. Lows In .OS to•-SOs In Ohio. ' coastal -~allev ar9M and II to JO mmm --· ==• •• c •••• ,.. Heavy ,,_ continued In PO<llons In Ill• ,,_al"1. Of lower Michl~ •no Icy wllJd' In -----------Mlcht11•1! and lnOlena produced T wlnd·chllt lac:IOl'S HI-et 50 lo 6' emneratures . deQrff' below Hro. Light snow was ~ IC"lli.rt0 In Ole Nor1hea11 and acrou the AppaJac:lllans. Cool ••atll•r Alba per1lstt0 tn trw Soutf\. ny NATION OUiu"'" El Peso F•lrtla'*S Har11oro Heltn• Honolulu Hou ti on ,,,.,,...,.,, ·22 .JO SI 2l ·U ·» 27 4 • .4 1• •1 '2 4S • ·II .. JO SI. Loul• SIP·T- S1 Ste Marie Spolo•ne Tucson Tul" WHlllnetn Wlclllt• ' ·• CAU~NIA 17 .7 u 0 2 ·II ,. n 65 J4 t4 ' 41 17 ti t .. . Snow dt,...I~ In tr. soutr.rn and AlbuQ.,. centre ! Roekles and 1pre•O into Am•rlllo western Tua.. Southern C•lllornla :~"°r.:io' •nd Ill• ClitMl"t So<ll,,_stJtlad sunny A~l:,,~a • sl<ln , •"" ,,,.,.. wes light Orlni. end •u 1 Cl 2S J 41 " 22 J It ·2 ... 20 .. l4 Jt 11 l6 s 4' 27 J_,kStlvtle K.,,s Clty Las Vf9K Llllle llock Loul1vllle MtmPflls Miami Mttwaulwe _. .. st. P HHllVttle N-0.-1- N-Yortt Norlollt Oki• City OmaN f"Nt•dph4a Ptloenl• ~.~ ~~ Apple Vatlev 21 11 :::i::•e1 ... u ,. log In N0<1i.rn C.lllornla " .,. c Y Rain wn lore<est lo< today ac:ron -l•lllmou tM Pacific Nortl!wttt coal!, snow lllrmlngllm WH ••peeled I tom the nort hero lllsmarek Ptatuu lhf'011911 Ille Great L•kes Boh a ,..,., -fnto the Northeesl. eno Boston 1unslll,,_ was predicted In 111e llull•lo Soul,.,, NII of !ht neJlon Cllarlltn SC TemtMreturn •round !ht nation at Cllarl1tnW\I rnldUy Sel\it'O.y r..,...O from a low Cheyenne •t U degrees De low rt ro In Chicago tnlt rn•ll-1 Falls, Minn .. 10 1 111911 Clncl...wll of 71 In BrownsYlll•. Tem. ~~~~~~';:'! 1-----------Oal·FIWlll California Foe end t9w c-"''' morning In Seuttwrn c.tllornMI M<omlng -tly cleuly llY •"or_,, a-y '°"'"'' •1141 M-y with <Ilene• of r•I" ...... y. .. Hltflt .,._y Ill~ ... eo,.My S7-40 ...... UNttl. .. , ... 1111.nd, ~ In """ ............ """' Melld.ty 17 IOIS. Hlgl11 In v .. lm In Ille to. tocMy, _, .. -...,.Lows ... ,'°· Oennr Off MolnH Detroit ·S ·" • l4 3S 14 24 ·t SS J7 ll • l6 ·Ill ·11 ... " ·• 24 ·S ,, .. ?t ti 1' J ·10 .u 20 ·J p I tt lbuf'9I' P11 ...... Mt Ptl-,Ore R•plo City Reno lllcllmond Salt L•ke SfftUe ... lewttltnl Calllorftl• ..-teln -• Mwf '·-..... South to ~ •lrt•• 20-M mpll ted•Y lllrou111 MeMey ........ todty" .. 54, • to" MoMey.~17 .. ,. a.ell ... ... ... 2 t ... "" " " " lum• I s.M•fMMU I .. _. 1 West to IOU!hwnt wl~ U·JO mPfl '9n D101D countY 2 Outloc*MrMoftday: Ll"IOc...,.._, • I • 11 n • BN umont '7 SI Bit 8N< .IJ ·20 111.,_ .17 :Ji lltyltle J4 IS .C.ttillM U 47, Eur•U l1 20 Fresno 0 17 LenCHler 1l S LOfl9 8Ndl ·I ·IS LosAnoer .. J2 S Mtrytvttlf " 40 Moftrovle ll ·2 M1>n .. btllo U _. Monterey 4' 0 Mt.WlllOn .OS ·'6 NHCllH .., n Ne•Pot1 llN<ll ,. 17 OMIMll 4t n Oftlllrlo 47 4 P•lm ""119 ........... --Dir I I fl# t t SW ' t .,, ,~ . .,, p ........ P-Rolll .. Rtvtrlldt Recl81uff R.._...Clty S.Cr.,,,_ S.llMI s...~ ........ SMG"'1411 S...01 ... S.n l"r-lteo SMJ-lent•..,._• ~Mellka ~--­TlllleV•i.t Ttlt""et •Torr- 0.-, ......... .,., ,,._ ..... ... we•,e Listening ••• Mon01y F1o011 II you 00 tlOI ,_. --llY 6 ~ p '" call Delore t ~"' -"°"' -.. ".,. _ .. ~ -S..ri•ti," l'Oll oe =. =t~: )'QUI ~~'" .. 11 ~ .._ .. What do you like about UM Daily ,Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below ud your me11a1e .wlll be recorded, transcribed and delivered lo the appropriate editor. The same 24•hour answertn1 service may be ua~ to record let· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must include th,f r name and telephone number for verification. No clrculatton calls. please. , Tell us what's on your mind r '1 tt .. ,, 54 11 SS U 70 • M. SI 31 ., . " 2• '7 4J 71 ,, u. • . " 71 ... Ml ., 61 4' .. ,, "' q st • ,, ., 7J tl • 7t • .. It 1• • '1 • st .. .... M It' 11 • as ,. .. 41 . ,. ff • .... .. " 41 • H ll 7t • 71 • lots of charm. I hope it sta ys like it is." . The Fun Zone has been a fixture ifl the heart of Balboa for . more than 50 years. The Ferris wheel. said to be one of 'the oldest In the sta\e, was placed at the Fun Zone in 1923 by an Engli s hman named Al Anderson. There used to be an orf an that would pump out carouse music. But the or gan we nt when neighbors complained they couldn't sleep at night. · And there were carnivaJ·type games wilh barkers leaning into the crowd, encouraging persons tp J ry their luck al darts or the basebalJ toss. Over the years. the Fun Zooe .. ~has been sold several limes and new owners typically have come in with new plans. Many of the plans have--falle n by the wayside. In 1972. then ·o wner J ohn Konwiser was set to bulldoze down the block a nd build condominiums. Konwi ser was the ~ame man who had cleared away the burned-out s h e ll or t h e Rendezvous Ballroom in Balboa, replacing the famed haD with condominiums. But the Coastal Commisnon rejected his plan for the Fun Zone and the block was sold again. Several years later, it was sold again. In' 1978, most of the 140 vintage machines jammed in the arcade were sold and replaced with newer, flashier models. Plans were announced back then ~ Fun Zone was to be spruced up. But t hat never happened. The recent $20 million sale of the Fun Zone brings a new group of owners determined to give the a r ea a fresher and different look. "Our position ls to reactivate the Fun Zone and make .it an appealing area again," suggests spokeswoman Edwards for her Claremont-based developinenf firm. Ms. Edwards says the idea is to raze the block, replacing the old buildings with a three.story structure. Sh e says the p lan is -to com p le ment o ff ices a nd specialty shops 'with the Ferris wheel and merry-go·round. She says take-out food shops and a smaller arcade are planned. "We don't want to outshine anything else in the area," st)e suggests, ''we want it similar to the Pavilion in color and style."" The development project will , come before the Newport Beach Planning Commission in March. Ms . Edwar-ds says her firm hopes to begin work on the Pun Zone by June. Not everyone Is enthused with the plan. • · '· Hickory Rums·· ' Cheddy Brots .. are back! , Come on in and taste our Hickory . Fanns,. Cheddy Brots:-They're plump. meaty brotwUrst stuffed with rich cheddar cheese. We've only got a limited supply.so hurry by before we run out. Buy 3 packs of . Yankee 'lhlder9Soup.Mix and get the 4th free. , Your nearby Hlclcory Farms,. is your year 'round r ift sto~: -·-----· ----- - "It.. would ~-great for ·Marina del Rey but not here," says merchant Dyanne Van Peters. "This is Balboa." , Ms. Van Peters is the owner of Naturf1 Den, a smaJl shop at the rear or the Fun Zone block. She admits she was ~ware the property was up for sal~hen she started her business. "I think it's a nifty idea but it will 'be out or place here . This area is so quaint." She says the new owners have offered her a chance to rent space in the redeveloped FUil Zone area but she doesn't think she'll be able to afford it. ·'This is my first business and ..J put a lot of sweat and hard work into. tbe place," she explains. Ms . Edwards, though, says her bosses don't want to kick anyone out and want to retain the area's festive atmosphere. "We. still want it to be a Fun Zone," she suggests. Others, like arcade owner Ma llard. wonder if the fun might go out of the Ful} Zone with the new plan. 'Tm just not that clear on how I lit into-it," he says. " I'll just hang on and see what happens. There have been other plans before and they'\re -just. blown over." _ Meanwhile he intends to keep his Ferris wheel rolling, "just like it always has.··. · OF OHIO IN South toast ?iua Iii ... ; . I ' Orange Co .. t DAILY PILOT/Su~day, January 17, 1982 Sur~eYs sampling • • • ·':\1rport rea~1~n - ~LENN8C01T ................ Orance County realdenta who don't llve near John Wayne Airport would rather aee lt expanded than a new alrj>ort built to handle increuin1 demand. · That, at leas t , ls the prellmlnary llndint In two separate qu.eatl~nalre" beln1 tabulated thla week by 11taffs of Oran1e Cowlty supervisors. Harriett Wleder and Ralph Clark ead · malled . separate q u e.a t lo n n a.l res --t.o each • household with registered voters In their districts. Both forms asked constituents bow they prefer to meet future airport demands: by expanding existing airports, sharing military airfields or building new ones. In Mri. Wieder's survey, 40 percent of those )Vhose.' responses were tabulated said airports should be expanded. In Clarlc's, 46 percent favor expansion. . N either • q u e s.ti o n n a ire mentioned John Wayne Airport ·.. by name as the Li)tely candjdate for expansion, but it remains ,lhe only major commercial .airport in the county. . LaPalma and moet of o ·ranae. • In his survey, 16 percent lavored expanalon, .38 .percent wanted shared use and 22 percent chose to build a new faclllty. A Clark aide said the rlndJnss are a preliminary assessment, but should remain close to Tlnal fi1ures released during the next few days: . · • C l a rk also asked hl s constituents a'bout building a regional airport equal In size to San Francisco International Airport at a site 2.5 miles east of the Anaheim tfills. ThaJ is tlle location of the proposed Santiago Canyon regional site, although that name was not included to counter name recognition bias, aides said. · A majority of 54 p ercent opposed building· an airport there, while 27 percent favored it and 19· p e r ce nt we r e undecided, according to an aide. • ~lark's survey -an ~N)ual event -was mailed to \06,000 households and had a retom of about 10 percent, the aide said. Mrs. Wieder's first-ever survey was mailed to 126,000 llouseholds and has had a 4.2 percent return rate. Mrs. Wieder'a-2nd District includes Huntington Beach , Westminster, Garden Grove and smaller communities :;uch as Seal Beach and Los Alamitos, home of the Ai"r Forc~·s Los or the 5,364 returned, a.ooo were tabulated for preliminary purposes, with 500 each .from Huntington Beach, Garden Grove, Westminster and another 500 from other communities, " ALL TIRED OUT Josh Rvan 1 lefll and Jason Moller. both 8, make like a couple o( big wheels at Heritage Park in Irvine as they play }n a strange de vice made of old tires and steel cable. The k ids don't know what you call it play on it. they j ust Al~mitos Air Base. , Despite the· proximity lo Los Alamitos -which has been s uggested as a s ite for e i\41ian-military UR -3'3 aides said. Nurses on s trike The responses don't represent · · • a true cross-section because SAN JOSE <AP> -Two more public opinion pollsters say onl y hospitals were added Saturday percent of the respondents favored shared use. the most concerned generally to a strike by about 1,30() San return mail questionnaires. ·Jose nurses demandiag , pay Qnl' 17 percent said lo build a new airport . Also, busier people generally equal lo that men earn' in have less time for such surveys, . comparabie.oc.cupations.. '~ .'Cljrk's 4th District covers An wbe·i.m . Bue n a· Pa·rk, .' d , while groups such as sepior . About 550 nurses struck .~an citizens often have much higher Jose Community and Alex.i"an re~rn ratios. Brothers hospitals ,. . . ' Clambake fun .up to par Golf t ourney's week of fun to benefit Ho.ag Hospital . \ . By J EFF PARKER . . 552 Club '"Clambake.Week" are : . 011Mo.11," ... s..., The "Hoag Hackers Hijinx'' . billed as "Clambake Week" -seven days or ·nine hilarious and har:rowing holes for low or fund-raising for Hoag Memorial Hospital or high handicappers is set for 1 p.m. Frid3y at N"ewport Beach -will begin its annual madness the Newporter Inn. Friday. Some 100 entrants will do battle on the The event centers on the Crosby Southern specially rigged Newporler golf course. which P'r()·Am Golf Tournament, -the-only Orange -incluaes holes such as "tfi-e shaker," where County tourney Tor touring PGA golfers set for players tee off with their feel on a mattress'; the 1982, but othet events -the ··Hoag Hackers ··shot put hole," where players use a slirufshot Hijinx," the RUn for Hoag. Walk for Hoag. and to fire a softball for the greens and the "Frisbee the .. Roast/Toast" or former state Sen. Dennis toss," where the players tee off with a Frisbee Carpenter -are all ready to be syrung upon the and continue the game with a ball. public. according to Gene Baum, general . The Run For Hoag, a -combination 5K or chairman. · lOK run, includes special categories for men, ·'The whole thing started eight years ago women and children. . with the fir.st Cro·s by Southern Pro-Am The course wi ll follow the scenic Saf'! Diego Tournament," said Baum. ,"A few members of Creek Bike Trail and originate at 9 a .m. the' 552 Club.got together and raised about $3,500 Saturday from the Fluor Corp. Recreation with the event. • Center. "Well, it's grown considerably since then. Entrants may check in from 8 a.m. Fees This year we've g&t more than 300 people are $4 or SS, with special T-shirts offel'ed to the working on it and we're hoping to raise more $8 runners. Trophies will be given in each than $90,000. division and drawings for prizes>Will be held. ''Between Sept. 10 and Jan. 14 alone we had The Wa lk For Hoag -th e newest 21 committee meetings, and more before that. I "Clambake Week" event -features a t.5-mile can't tell you the number of hours some of these walk beginning at 7: 15 a.m. Saturday at the people have put in." The five major events slated for this year 's ·<See CLAMBAKE, Page A6) " . , -- HAVE :YOU . TAKEN .A I GOOD LOOK ... . AT YOURSELF LATELY?, \ OUR FACILITIES INCLUDE • Trained Instructional Staff • Coed Exercise Floor · • S.,crale "Women O~" Exercise Floor' • Rae ..... _.. AvaAable • Jacuni • Coed.Aerobic Classes : ~rle:e • Ufe..Cycle DynacamEquipment .. V2 Price Discount". On Membe(ship Fee During January J AMERICAN WAY FITNESS CENTER I ' I ~ SOU T H COAST PLAZA Starting February l, and Every Day of the Week VALET PARKING BEAR STREET ENTRY MALL ENTRANCE B,ltoHn Bullocli'1 A I. M.,nin Weekdays & Saf. 10.9; Surir 12-5, Service Charge $2.00. NEVER AT THIS PRICE AND NEVER A.GAIN 1 · · .QUINTESSENCE BATH s99500 BATH-INCLUDl.NG 6-JET PUMP SYSTEM " An extraordinary bath ... pure opulence, this luxurious 'bath is the ·ultimate in marble and onyx bathing fix!ures. The Quintessence measures s· long. 42·· wide and has a 16" steeping depth. An elegant 6" model with 19" steeping depth completes this line. Matt:hing stone and onyx lavatory tops are offered in an infinite variety. •shown with optional skirt and end splash. (Limited Quanity.J 32x60 .................... $995. 42x60 .................. $1 095 42x72 .................. $11 95 Re9-l..tvm-5 1495°0 UMITED 9\JAMTlTY OF DB.UXE TOILETS . Luxor 1 Piece R~ •795• •••••••••••• MOW s4 9909 Elegant and Silent COMPACT WHITE .... S27t.oo ................ MOWS 179!° .. .... 01or Conlrolled Limit~ To Quantities And Colors On Hand Two R«ll~, Two Contoured SH~.J full ~ d with co r end • Stutron SoltG St•' Ettctrtc a:•oe. 10 ytar w.rrantv on IPll· 1 v-r on support pack. range Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday. January 17, 1982 ·-Giir~W:endi ~ gathering ' .gpass l!oots·- ' • P&&DB&ICK ~&•UL ....... ,.. ... State Sen. John Oaramtncll, D-Walnut Gfovt, la a North'em Californian who wanll to · betome very well kDown to Southern -CalitomJa. Garamencll, a rancher a., baektround, la Htkin1 the Democratic nomination for ••rnor. And be hu a formidable opponent · wt.o bu a name well known ln the aouthem part ol the a~ate. He's Loa Antelea Mayor Tom Bradley. To 1et the Garamend1 name tn the public eye, the 37-year -old flrat term senator's campaign committee tacked up 22,000 blue and oranae siana thr-0u1hout the state. Now, Garamendl said in an lntervl'ew, · . comea the "eonaolldaUon'' phaae, a Umt to build a 1r111-roots support OI') which all campailftl rely. To \bat end, Garaniendi waa in Oran1e County for a whirlwind lO"lt lut we«. atappina oft at newspaper offices and various Democratic oraanilaUona., Bradley, Geramendi sald, "la 1eneraUy well liked. But L think be ii IOft. Jn the north, be'' wetJc. We're stron1 in the north and we can build In the sou~." Turning to ts~s. Garamendi said he is oppQ.sed to const ction of th• so-called Perlptieral Canal, a roposed aqueduct that .waUld bypass the Sacramento Rt'¥eT delta Don't exP~ct to. meet Haydens ' But Republicans have Jane Fond.a~ husband on film • r••'°"""'d Northern CaUfornta and tran1fer water to pumplna faclUUes that would dellver It south. ' ~ • To spend an eaUmated •u biWon on the canal, Gar-amendl asserted, 11 folly. '1\ would be better to wldeh exiatin1 canaJ1 in the delta reaion at an estimated coal ol S400 mUllon, he" said. "I reco&nile the water ~ of Southern California, but the Peript)eraJ Canal ls a ·very' expensive and wuteful proJecf," Garamendl said . . · On restructurin1 of the slate's welfare systeOJ, Garamendi said he s upports pilot projects In which potential recipients a~ · ptacea 1.Dto one of two classlficaliona, those who are employable and those who are not. Gal'amendt authorized the bUI creaUns the pll~l __ program., ' · Such prbject.s are operating in Ventura, San Mateo· and. Lak~ counties. Employables are given training jn finding a job by lbJ;,. ~\ale Employment De~Jopment Dep~r~menl. "Fifty-five percent 1et a job w1th1n two months " Oaramendl said. Employables By CHARLES H .4008 Dinner is $17 .50 per person. Monday Is the receive ~elf are assistance until they find jobs. of ... ......,,.......,. last day for reservations. Get in touch with Mrs. Those-~lauilied ...as_uoemployable~ceivo---._;,:...... See Jane~ (In case you missed her at her Donald Sloper, telephone 673·3553. government assistJnce. retent Edwards Cinema outing.) See Tom. See· Addressing problems facing the state's a ·Tom and Jane story Thursday nigbl in * · .-* r1· nanc1• ally troubled uedi-·Cal system . N Be ... AFTER 19 YEARS, Congressman Bob -r ewpott acn. · Garamendi said he wants ,a s1,1bstanlla; Jane Fonda and hubby Tom Hayden are the Bad ham is . moving. The Newport .Beach overhaul. He specified three proposals. subjects. Rep. Robert Dornan -tie a candidate Repu~lican is leaving the district office on -The slate should enter into contracts with f .... R bl ' us Se t · t' Westcliff Drive he h as occupied as an or u1e epu 1can ·. . nae nomma ion -. local hospitals for tr.eatment or Medi-Cal ill -'-assemblyman and congressmao for new w spe.... h b · N rt<.: t eligible persons. Those hospitals s hould receive Doman will have visual aids -a film, quarters across t e ay m ewpo en er. lump sum payments for providing the services. "Whatever Works." As or Feb. 1, Badham's district office will Under the existing system, hospitals bill the The Saata Monica Republican will explain be at l~ Newport Center Drive, Suite 24G. The--stale for care ou a patient-by-patient basis. to the assembled Newport Harbor Republican phone number will .be 644-4040. He represents -The state should promote some type or •I Women and guests 'the threats he beli~ves are the 40th Congressional District, in case you're pre-paid health (Jlre plan, similar to thosf' 'I posed by the Haydens, their. Campaign (or wondering what a ll those 40s are about. offered in the private sector. o..ty NM,..,. ...... ' Economic Democracy and the "new left." * • * -Benefits p-.id tot by the state sho1,1ld be SPREADING NAME -State Sen. J ohn ; Ellie Faber, president of the GOP women's SOMEWHERE IN Nebraska's Sand Hill reduced. "We are not going to be able to cover Garamen(ji is in Democratic primary race ,i aroup, says her organization bas schedµl~ the country (Sheridan County) a bunch of cowboys as much as we've been covering." for governor agains t Los Angeles Mayor I.. meeting as part of its ·educational function. With are punching cows while wearing baseball-type The existing ~ billion Medi·Cal system. Tom Bradley. candor, if not exaotJy an open mind, she adds, caps that came from Huntington Beach City with its individual billing format and expande<! .. /-, .l'lbe Hayden-Fond11 CED movement will be Councilman John Thomas. , benefit package, ''is the craziest system that w... women, Gal'amendi ·said, "Personally, I think a exwsed for what it really is .~ an infectious The cowboys got the hats from Repu..blican • could·have managed to build," Garamendi said we ought to throw him out (of the Senate.>'" '.! cancer that must be st9pped." Congressman Dan Lungren, who got a carton of On recent remarks by a fellow senator But, Garamendi said, it is unlikely that 'T Anyway, you carf see·Tom and Jane and them .from Thomas while visiting the John Schmitz of Corona del Mar ·that have been Schmitz will draw anything more than a .1 Bob and maybe even Ellie at the Balboa Bay cs A interpreted as demeaning J_ews. gays and reprimand. _..::C:lu:b:_:T:hu:r~s:d:ay:_:n~ig~h:t:st:a:r:li:n:g~a:t :6::30:_:P:·m:·:__~~~~<Se~e~PO~Ll-T_l~-·-P_a~ge~-';->~,~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~-:-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n SAVE 20% °"6.P£RY CL~lNG Yo4r drapes con be restored to their' orig- inal beouty. Service incluaes professional removal ond re-installation. * SAVE 20% CARPET CLEANJNG Exclusive Electro-Jet corpeic.leoning restores pite beauty. The mobile carpel cleaning plant drives right up to yoor home. SAVE 20% UPHOt.STERY CLEANING Upholstered furniture cleon{ld profes- sionally in your home to look like new. · . SAVE 30-k Hove your carpet and drapery cleaned at the some time with one order ... Coit saves time and you save on extra 10%. . RADIO DISPATCHED VANS SERVING ALL ORANGE COUNTY ...... fWt.Up • .....,. C4 c. 'IJ ........ ~- • UUEl I . . . . . 30!> S Slate Colteqe 81 • · ~-• HllTIHTIJI IEACll. 735~ Siar• /Ive • 142.U •lAHIA HACll .•.. 362 Nd Sr ••• JIMJlt • CISTA IEIA .1704 N.wpot1 Bl . J42.t211 •El THI.. . 23361 8 Toro Rd .. fit1M • um AIA ... ~ ... 1 S«> E.. ~ lwe..lli-2111 • mLUTH. . . 25'45 E.. Cllopmorl /lye. .11NIJI • SOUTll HHIE c•. ~ .24302 Del Prodo. · · •1·21M • UllEI HllH 13292 &..did /Ive 911-5511 • TUSTll/HAll( .... 1020 IMne 81 · 731-4515 Open daily till 6 PM Sat. till 5 P.M. mggrr l.&L..J "NO C1'RPET Col£ANEAS 'OF.FER EXPIRES 1131/82 ...... Offkft & ,._. 1297 Lot-A••~ C~ .. MeM 540. IJH __ Coit drapery; carpet""& u-pholsteryc feaning: Coft c ustom made drapery. penny a pound Only a penny for each pound your child weighs - for one beautiful 5x1 color portrait* from ~ • No appointment necessary.• Age ltmlt 12 years. • .Add 1.00 for 2 or more children together. Otter gOod for portraits taken on the following dat". •rrom 01IQol\8~NCk11ge ..... Monday, Jan. 18 thru Wednesday. Jan. 20 Hours: 10 •. m. - 1 p.m. • 2 p¥m. -5 p.m. ) JCPenney - ,. ., I , PµZzled a~9ut choosing a physician? In a medical emergency, it 'a good to know that the Emergency Department at Hoag Hospital.is open 24 hoors a day, with physicians and staff on hand. · But on a day-to--Oay basis, for colds, the· flu, for chronic ailments like diabetes or arthritis, .you'll want your own physician, one who knows you and your family. If you' re new in the area, or not certain how to go about fi.(lding the riaht physician, Hoag Hos- pital's medical staff office can help. They'll give you the names of doctors who can care for the specific medical needs you, or members of your family, have. ~ You can talk to these.physicians at your leisure, have cbockups, get to know them. The time and effort spent in choosing the right physician will be w'ell worth the peace of mind it brings. Because everyone needs a doctor sometime. · For physician referrals, contact the Medical ·staff Office: Hoag Hospital, (714) 760-2244. - HO• HOSPITAL HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN JOI Newpon louJtvard Newport Beach, CaH.fornia Your~ Nelahbor. Servin& your community since 19S2. This mes~ae is b!oua~t lO_you throuab the senerosity of a doaor-at no expense to patients. '--A Orange C(oa1t O~(LY PILOT/Sunda .. v. January 17. 1111 CREDITS TEAM -Gene Baum of Newport Beach is ch'airman of Clambake Week. CLAMBAKE FUN • • • -. (From Page A4 ) Irvine C-Oast Country Clu~. Entry fee is $50 per person or $75 per couple and a brunch will be served arter the· walk. ' At. his .. Roast/To~sl" former state Sen DeJlnis Carpenter will be mirthfully grilled by Paul Salata, Joey Bishop, Jim Fregosi, Jackie Heather, Sen. John Schmitz. Or. Sammy Lee and a host of other local notables -who are sharpening their wit for ihe occasion. r The "Roast /Toast" dinner is set tor J an. 25 at the Marriott Hotel a nd t he cost is $7_§. According to 552 Club s pokesmen. some space 1s still available for this event. The Crosby Southern Pro-Am Golf Tournament is the only stop for PGA touring pros this year in Orange County. · _ Such golf stars as Gay Brewer. Frank Beard, George Bayer, Al Johnson, Howie ··Johnson, Stan Leonard and Don Fairfield have beeri l nv1ted to p lay, and the 552 Cl ub is expecting a large group or professionals lo turn out for the $25,000 in prize money. ' Each pro will' be paired with an amateur for the--eJ£ent. set for Jan. 28 and 29 at the Irvine Coast Country Club '"The underlying goal of 'Clambake Week' is to raise money for new equipment and -facilities at Hoag," Baum said, "but it's also a lot of fun Loo. '"I don 'l think we could gel this kind of support. from so many Pf<)p\e tr they didi:i 't enjoy tt,e-J'.!l'Lends they made and the enthusiasm that s utirou'n& this event.'· . . Hoag Hospital 552 Club funds -some (!f which have come from "Clambake We ek" activities '-built Hoag Radiation Therapy Center. the Nuclear Medicine Department and the Intensive Care Uni~. Baum said. Rt\fently. 55.2 Club rT}Of'\i es 11nanced the hosp;ital ·s hemodialysis unit:ror kidney treatmenL • •) / Among tht!~ leaders f n \his yeal''s ' ··c lamt¥ike Week" events are committee chairmen Jim Reed <"Hackers Hi jinx"). Ralph Berke fthe Hoag Run>. Judge Mark Soden (the Ho ag\ .W al k >. Steve Rabago (t h e "Roast/Toast" l and Austin Mahr (the Crosby Southern Pro-Am Golf Tournament). Wtth the exception of l~ "Hackl:!rs Hijinx" and ·the Crosby Southern llltiolf Tournament. ttiere is still space available in the '"Clambake Week " events Runners. w al kP.rs. , "Roast/Toast" fans and anyone interested in seeing the Crosby SOuthern Golf Tournament s hould call 760-5917 for ~servalion s and information POLITICS • • • I F rom Page AS) councilmal'} several months ago. Lungren passed out the hats last summer while driving through Nebraska on-his way to WashingtQn, D.C. Lungren kept some of the hats for a sofl~all team he sponsors. * * * TED BRUINSMA , another candidate-for the Republican U.S. Senate nomination talks to the South Coa~t Republican Forum Friday. The Forum meets al the Revere House in Tustin starting at 7 p.m . Dinner is al 8. , Bruinsma is the former dean of the Loyola University Law School in Los Angeles al'\LI once was executjve vie~ president or Paoldrd Bell Electronics.. · Call 5§1-3553 for dinner reservations. • * * LAGONA NIGUEL Republican Women Federated wi ll gather for a general meeting at · 11 a .m . Wednesday a t the Crown Valley Community Center. --,_. .... THE ATTENTION YOU NEED-WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST ~ convenient •ltern•tlv• to ho1plte/ emergency room1 for: ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES I Thorough, Professional & Personalized Care ADULTS ANO CHILDREN No Appointment Needed e OPEN: 7 DAYS A WEEK 385 DAYS A YEAR 8 A.M.·11 P.M. (714) 752·6300 •Ml!RQl!NCY DOCTORS OFFICI! 4030 Birch St., Suite 107 Newport Beach I ~ ............ -. •® . · The Saving Place~ Seote< t Ion ot anlmall mll)' vwy. " .. ·A LOVABLE CUDDLY FRl~ND. ·with.a 95( deposit on your Portrait Package. Our professional portrait package offers you a variety of poses and scenic backgrounds. Take advan~ of this great portrait value and ~~e h9me the Cuddly Frt~ of your cholce ... a plush, toy ·L1;1 anfmal perfect for your llttle one's hand.: A s3.so-$4.00 Rrt AIL VALUE Your Portrait Package Contalhs: 2-Sx,O's, 3-Sx7's and I 5 Walieu ~ • 7 wftti no obflg;lltton. SatffactJon always. or 95"' /,i512 ins Addlt•ona• portraits avana~ '°' purcha~ DepoS.it Total Package your deposit (httrtu11y r~unded. -----------------------Cllp this coupon and present It. along with" the 9Se deposit" to our I I I I photographer to receive your plush toy anlmal. I I I THESE DAYS ONLY -JANUARY· WED THUR -. FRI 20 2 1 22 SAT-SUl'O I 23 24 •• I I I I I I I Daily 10 A M • 8 P.M Sunday· 10 AM -5 P.M BEACH BOULEVARD. Westminster HARBOR BOULEVARD. Costa Mesa MAG.NOLI A STREET. Huntington Beach CAMINO DE ESTRELLA. San Clemente ' I One toy anlmal per subject. 95C deposit per subject or group. Frames not Included. Minors must be accompanied by parMt. I I I I I I I I -----------------\.. ------ NEWt Fish Sandwich Platt~r 6 1. 99 You'll love our crispy North Atlantic rish _fillet on a warm bakery bun with shredded lettuce! Complete with fresh cole slaw and golden fryes, it's great for lunch or anytime! Try our Chicken &indwich Plotter. too! --... -Clltl .... ..... s..-. .. -.s. ......... ., AUWlltr... .... -... ·"'~""'""-·-.---- . . TllB PEA.NUT BUTTER, WINE AND POPCOllN MADB IT TA8TIBR. • • AND NOW WEICHT WATCHERS* M~ IT EASIER! IJfTJlODUCINO l J .i...- ' GOLD CARD from WEIGHT WATCHERS . . ........: WE1WILL REDU~ YOUR WEEKLY FEE TO ONLY .$J.OO I ' AVAILABLE ONLY UNTIL JAN. 31. 1982 HBU'5HOW 1. JOIN BEFOR~ JAN 31. 1982 AT A REDUCED RATE OF ONLY t 11.00 Cwlth coupon below). 2. ATTEND 12 CONSECUTIVE WEEKLY MEETINGS AT THE. RE<fULAR FEE OF ONLY t5 PEFJ WEEK. FROM THEN ON YOU PAY ONLY $3 PER WEEK UNTIL DEC. 31, 1'82 AS LONG AS YOU RETAIN YOUR SAME RECISTRA TION NUMBER. >---nuT'9 AU. YOU BA va TO DO -NO ~NTllACTS To •IG~...--~ EXTRA BONUS-IF YOU ACT NOW I OOUPOM.J'OR YOO COUPON Foa· A numm -;;---SMS4 ~ ~.IOIN WBGHTWA'f'CMM flOROML V 1 11.00 lfUIOM JAN."31, 1982 ......... ,, .... W10 . 4M .. 08'1 .. 0 f~ ...... QI .. IGlof •-41( ...... •11 ...... IW:.0-• .-( -.__..... • • •f t ... t ••I( .... i-tf-T-0--L rllJ -. 8H·5S05 ~WEIGHT @WATCHERS~ Tllll VDY ...... V AW& IN 1'ZIGBT CONTIJ,OL TODAYt ·• Custom Sale.: 30% Off Stylish window coverings. Save energy. enjOy your view and s\111 hive your pflv&ey by se:ect109 window covenigs thet we lun.ooed for your kfeatyle~ Wovoo woods. vert1C8.I blinds and suntlCfeen shades era ell on sale now Save 40% 40% off· A custom decor gives your house more home-appeal. Start with custom drapes casell)ent treat111.ents ano t>edsDteads Choose from 25 DeSI sell1nq labrics e>pen wea~es anhque satins Sheers • 1extu1e1 and damask. and nave them !aSh10neD..1:>y our e..werts,11\lo a custo"' ~" Lll'llfl9 & labo< tnCluded lnstallalion at no extra clla(ge 30°/o off Ad<lltlonel line tebrlc• .. allabl• In our s1ock. one-inch Horizon blinds. Tnese ve<aatAe blind• we avlllable on 64 decoraJor color• and would ennance any window In almost 811y room save nowl , 30% off Upholstery fabrics. Moclemlz• one of yOUt favorite uphOlstered piec·ea by Mtecttng lab<lc from our lashlon·amart llne , Labor a1 oul regular, low Cott • t ,tkM 911.c!M Oft ........ -K-• •ncl "'llflol_., lelwlc• tllnl S.I., Mii, It ,11c ..... .....,. -~ ~·""" ..... .-... ra. ,,tc .. °" •" °"* 111erclle,....• .it.c ... ttwv ..... .-.. ao. . - ,_ ' C0t4 Save gas -... -save time. · 1 ~ • • Call f~ a ffee in-home ap~intment! 1 ~· Newpo~ ·:-644-2313 · .\ ,, Huntington Beach 8~2-7771 . . 1t.' Lagun~ Beach · 581-7700 '-i-~~ .. , JCPeAney ·~~ · · .. Jack Anderson reveals in the -· · DlilJ Pilld r ' ..... -,. ...... .... ...l. ..... - - Wouldn't it be nice to have an extra $3,000 next ~ear 8o you can take that dream vaca- tion you've always wanted? · Well, it's possible. Because that's how much you could save in ' -just one year by riding the OCTD bus to worlt each day. Here's how: Most \ of us Uiilik the main Costofopaatllag . a~forOMyur. Dilly S\andard Compact Round Car Car I.rip miles 20 '3811 '3809 30 .,... $11tM 40 "'" '3880 60 "'°' ...... .................. _ .... C-,.111. lne. Coecu1t .. ol'All,fldl 1.1"1. l . •· I. . .. Oral')Oe Coast· DAILY PILOT/Sunday. January 17, 1982 WeekentJ; -:St>t>thes-lif e ~itk-cancer .. ... WINSLOW, Maine <AP)~ CaJ\cllea n hind, the can~~paUenu and their loved onea 1ather at duak fdr prayer and medltallon. As the candles are UJbted, the name passed In a circle from one partJclpant to another, their spirltuJl autde spOke of' comfort, stren1th and heaHnr. · "Each of us here la wounded in some way,"1 Rodney Berger. ,ln ordained Roman Catholic deacon who has led several of the weekends, tells the 16 men and women twn1 part In the Saturday evenlne candlelight service with comforting hymns, one of the pol1nant, memorable mome nts of this Discovery Weekend. The two days are a period of reflection and learning about the problems people face in living with cancer. About 70 couples, most of them husbands and wives, hav e partic ipated In the non-denominational program, helq at a Catholic retreat setting often used for marriage encounters. ThQSe attending believe that the experience has enrichdd their Ii ves, brought them .closer together atjd fostered a greater understanding of the problems of both the cancer patient and the helJllhy s pouse. "The weekend is designed so that if you're cured, you're better and you've learned from the experience. lf you're not cured, then you've got some tools to work at adaptation," says Dr. e CHALLIS eJERSEYS e CHIFFON KNITS e SWEATER KNITS •1 *ANAHEIM 509 'C' EAST KATELLA , 11• n2-4471 114 ·Hours: Mon. tttru 'Fri. 10 ut-9 p.m. 1· Sat. 10 a.11.-6 p.m. S¥n. 11 AM-5 M. OTHER LOCATIO•S I• L.A .. W. L.A. NORTHRIDGE HD LA PUENTE expense of operating a routes specificaHy " car is the' high ~rice of planned around large gasoline. Butt ere are employment centers. man~ hidden costs that {Fare on express routes ~uic ly add up. Like is $1.50.) And, since 75% epreciation, mainte-of the Oran~e County -nance,insurance,even populal.ion · ves within parking charges. In our 3:blocks of a bus stop, it's area, that totals more very convenient. · than $13 per dd';-And 1b help make tblan- that's for a car riven ning your trip on e .... only 20 miles round trip bus convenient, we offer to'work. a free Ride Guide, which --The biis costejust most major employel'B . 75~ during morning have available, or~ and evening rush hours can call OCTD at and ~· at all other . RIDE for a copy and a " times. And·we offer the pe1'80naliZed rou~ option of either taking =ule that fits your one of our "regular routes · c transportation that cover Orange needs. County, or our express & take a ride to work on the beet~ around town. And hM ~ a vacation on ue. Ronald Carroll, the Portland oncologllt who helped develop ltie program. · While scientific researchers work toward cancer cures, efforts are simultaneously be~ne conducted to ease the social , psycholo1ical and emotional strains that accompany the disease. • whlch they m1a~age , often for the llrsl time, to convey thelr feelings about an Illness 10 dreaded that some people balk at mentioning It by name. . · On paper, then alone in the privacy of their rooms, the couples learn to breax down the barriers and communicate their fear and anaer •• sadness and hope. · ' Dr. Diane Heaene,., a_ Lewiston radiolo1lst, Within the past decade, accordine to the Am~rican Cancer Society, there has been an increased emphas,is on the psycho-social ' asp ects of can cer . lnclodin& thbst! t>y community sop~rt groul>s. education sessions an~counsellng by oncology social workers. told the group about the feelings or grief and __ despair brou,nnlSOut by such losses, all well as Discovery Weekend, whkh receives funding from the Maine Cal\t"er Research and Edu~ati on Foundation and still is in its developmental stages, was founded in the.belief that beyond the limits of medical tec)\nology there was much that c9uld be done to ease the suffering and apprehension accompanying cancer. · A similar program , knQwn as We Can Weekend , started four years ago In Minnesota. Held in a rural retreat setting, that program is open to entire families. It has less of a religious orientation, incorporating art activities. group the comfort that comes when those feelings are shared with another person, or with God. "It can happen. When it does happen, It's the hope and the good that can come out of a situation that entails suffering an4 loss." Cancer patients who participated in previous weekends talk about th eir expe"riences: the shock of diagnosis, the rigors or ehem otherapy' the nagging fears of ' recurrence,' the awkwardness in dealing with friends and th~ disruptions that atfect the family. · • · exercises and special s essions for children. Amid the sadness and tears, they tell how 1• their ability to share their feelings enriched their lives by quelling rear's, bringing inner peace and pulling things in perspective. - By the time couples leave, they have shared tears and grief, laughter and hope. Embracing each other as they head for home, these strangers "go away as family," says Berger. · For some, the most useful J>1 rt of the weekend is 1 the communications ~~~sions in,f "It makes me apprecia\e each day to the full est. 1 feel I've changed my pdorities and ~ learned what's most im portant," says Florence Ppirier of Biddeford. ~!. !'G SAi.El Cute •I Radio ;:dvkersll•ed Price p . •c lore1 and •rt1clpallng OealereJ LOOK FOR TH E RED TAGS ANO SAVEJ Now the World 's First Pocket Computer is Even More Affordable! f1i~~~~~~~~o/i~~ TRS-80 Pocket Computer 1.. I• '· •1 NEW LOW -•-si'-" PRICES ~ .. _,. c:::J c::b C4J dJ CJ El a a IJ • El GJc::Jci:Jc±JooGJ00 ~ aaaac ..,.... , . GJ c:::J CD C!J CD CD G Gl ,.... · 16995 .. 0 • " M , QC~:lC:!J •&••• --------w ···-.. B a .ma a Was 229.95 In Cat. 341 Printer/Cassette ·Interface . • Programs In Eesy-to-Leam BASIC .. ~ Or UH Our Ready-to-Run Software, • 1.9K RAM • 24-Character LCD Re#fiout ,_ . Best price yet on the programmable com· puter that you can take anywhere! SolYes problems in business, engineering, science, morel Use optional cassette recorder and interlace to food and save programs-even get hard copies of data and programs with our printer/cassette interface. Only 11/ie x 67/e x 23/•". With case, batteries, man- ual. #2f>.3501 Mast nol Included Save on a new Color Supreme Il VHF/UHF/ FM or Color Eagle 11 · VHF/FM antenna just in time fpr the Super Bowtl • Pr•~ ... mbled • Gold-Alodlzed to · Fight Corrosion I • Elelen models to chOOM from. #26-3505 WH 149.95 In Cat. 341 Cassette Interface 2995 • Deluxe LCD Calculator EC-476 by Radio Shack 159~21.95 ~~ Y-•••-"' Features.40 single-function keys, , memory, auto constant. With 1000-.·. hour batteries, case. #65-656 13-Range LCD Multimeter By ~lcront~ 4995 Save 10 Reg. ~!!!!1!111!1!1!1~1 S.ttery ••Ira 59.95 Measures AC/DC volts, DC mil- liamps, resistance. W' display. • With leads, pouch. #~2· 197 • I Save •15 on Our "Super Mini" AH-In-One Ampllflect;phone ~---D ..... U6FONE'12 by Redlo Sheck Car cassette Player By RH llStlc Save •1 s . ,· 44~~15 Amplifies conference or family ·ca11s to room·filling votume . Ready to plug In. FCC regis- tered. #43-295 Or In Moet Coneolea c• .. 250/o HHdphone Radio Goes And GloveboxM ~· Anywhere!, By Tend~ =-~~=· 4415 25%1415 8:~~, .,tt lnatallation. A Off .... 11M 1't11><5'/t >< 5!t1e". 'II is Hear Your Fawrite AM Station 112-1803 · Whit You Wiit.. Jog or Wort<, - -..: • ""'"· .... ·---:-___ _..,....,_......,.. __ ... _______ _ .-..-------..... -----------------··-·--.. -.------------ I. ~· Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Ja"uary 17, 1982 Health care dispute • • ignores poor patients If ever there wus a problem that begs for o solution it 1s the indigent health care dispute i n vo l vi n g Orange Count y governme nt and t h e University of Califor11iu. T hese lwo tttx ·support~cl agencies are ballling each other lo the tune of $3 million per year a fi g ure derived f rom interviews with their. respective a d m inistrutors to dct.er111ine whether the cotfhty has acted cori:ectly in den ying payment of about SS million. a figure that continues to grow as more and m ore bills move thr ough the system. Under a 1976 agreeme nt. the univers ity provides med1ta I treatm ent for persons for whit-h t h e co unty i s fin a n c i a l!~ disputt>. What is so outrageous about the si t u ation .i s thut representatives of the two s ides have been una ble. for 1111 their ~o-ca lled skills in. management and problem solvin~ ·the s kills for which tht;!y are paid to bring the matter to a conclusion You get the impression they'd ruther fight than find a solution · I n the mids t o f all this bickerm~ und infightin~. a, vast group of people who depend on the sysH•m to pr ovide them hea lt h care gets tossed a round T he university does t h.ings to make it more difficult to get car e: so does the county. You .,,,·onder if unvone cure~ whether poor people get he lp. . ' ,1 respons ible. ~he dispute between the two parties arose when th~ county began disallowing certain portions of bills sent by the univers ity. Simpl y , t h e s ituation 1!) intolera.ble. It is demeaning to both s ides. There should not be one official who can -sav he is proud of the fact he ha s puticipa t ed in w hat can be described a s the biggest ble mish on the face of Orange Count~··s health car e s ystem. \ .. . On ce onlv a ha ndful of bills was i n vol v.ed : now lens of thousands of statements are in Stop .leaks, not ne.ws .. Not unexpectedly. it' dev('lop" that the Reagfin administration's crackdown .on federal e mployees who "leak"' information . to the n ews m edia goes Car beyond the natio nal securitv s ituations discussed in the initial a nnouncement. Tbe assumpt ion then was that res tricti o n s o n pres · contacts would ap pl ~1 only tu persons in departments that deal in nation al secur ity s ecrets s uch as Defe n se. S t ate a nd the National Securit,· Council. Now. it a ppears. Agriculture Department pe rsonnel have been ordered· to notify their s uperiors o f appoi n tments for pre:-.1'. i n t e•r views so they may ·be cleared 'with the White House The Treasury De p a rtment is issuing a similar d irective and it appears the rest or the federal oureaucracv will follow suit. Noth (ng lik e this ha s h a ppened since President Nixon estab li s h ed h i s renowned ··plumbers '' 'unit to s tem leaks of information from I h e White Hou se. Without citin g any specific examples· except advance leak~ o f information r egarding the decis ion not to s ell advanced fighter planes to Taiwan. the initial announcement s aid the pr esident had been angered b~ leaks of classified informat1011 and was determined to hall thl'm To accompli s h thi s . government employees will bl• required to obtain clearance for • • a ll contacts with the news media and to present a memorandum · o n t h e s u b j e c t s d i s c u ss c d . following such contacts. In the case of unaut hori'zed ctisclosures. all employees who had access to the leaked information will be investigated by .. all legal m e thods ... These presu mably could include the use of lie d e tector s a nd court-authorized wiretaps. In one ins tance in\"olving a ll·ak of information discussed at u m e et i n g o f t h c n e-f t'. n s e R•sou rces Board . O~puty Defen s e Sec r e ta rv Frank Carlucci -::Yn vitcd" cvervonc in attendanC<' at the meeting to take a polygraph test a nd ~ost did. • The leakin g of inform ation that could endanger the na tion is o n e thin g . Forci n g a ll go\''e rnment off icial s and e mplo~·ces to clear their contacts 'with thl· pre ss or face 1nvest1gation is quit e a nother m a tter «;specici ll y in a c ity where just about any piece of inform:Hion can be s tamped ·c lassified ·· It is not unusual for c hie f executives lo become som ewhat pa r a noid about informati on leaks. or for less er officials to go overboard in their effor ts to keep their 'llctivilies under wraps. But the atmosphere that can be C'feC:1ted by this ty p9 of wileh hunt is far from ht'al tll\' The president should back off ·a little a nd clar if\' his secrccv order hcfon· it gl•ls nut of hand." Opiniol1s expressed in the space above are those of the E>aily Pilot. Other views ex- pressed on Ine s page are 1nose 011ne1r aulllors and ar11s ts. Reader comment 1s en111t · ed. Address The ~a11y P110J, Po Bo• 15{)0, Cos1a Mesa. CA 91626 Phore lll4) 642·4321 L. M. Boyd/Tre8s pas8ers b_old Men tend to assert their freedom from authority by growing their hair tong. Or al least they've done so. histol'ically. Wom en s how their independence by cutting lbeir hair s hor t. Not true of a ll men and women, certainly. But nothing is true or all men and women. Our Name Game man Is trying to traek down the present whereabouts o f r ea l peo pl e whose birth certificates identified them as Young Boozer ancf Sipper Fuzzle Current add resses a r e missing also for Glendolyn Pizza, Grand Cant alupe and Henry Kielbasa. It Is known that Velveeta Fudge has died. But there's no recent word on the location of Shy Meeker or lrving Will Belch. The files need updating. Q. How do you account for the FBI claim that t here are now more . corrupt state and local orriciaJs than ever before? A. There are more state and local officials, corrupt or otherwise. that's all. Difference between $1 billion and $1 million parallels t_he difference between $10 a nd 1 cent. Q. Where in the Bible does it talk about the Pony Express? ORANGE COA ST Daily Pilat A. Maybe you mean Esther 8: 10 wherein 'lis writ tellers were delivered by couriers on horseback. /\ pony e-xpress or sorts. that. Just as birds teach their young to fly . so do seals teach t heir young to swim. Nothing wrong with that word "self." Standing a lone, it's positive enough. But hooked onto the front end or other sylla.bles. it makes an aston ishing number or negative words. Self-indulgent. self.satisfied, s e If -i m pnrtant , ·se If-proclaimed. se lf -grat ifyi ng, self-cente r ed. s elf.jus tificat ion . It can m a ke positive words, too. but except for self-confidence, people just don't seem lo use them as much. Odd. Many a second car rarely gels much rarther from-the house than the close&t supermarket. Auto experts. say this Is bad. Very bad. Every car needs what they call a hot-engine run once a month -a round trip or at least 14. miles_ T h ey claim... Lhe engines or short.trip cars tend to rill up with acids and sludge. Young rellow. the odds run nine lo one you'll be bald by the lime you're age 6Q. .,., . . Thomas P. Haley Publisher : TllctfMs A. Mu;phln•- Editor Barure Krelblch Edltorl~I Page Editor Work for collective survival NEW YORK -In the late 1960s, my salar)' al The New York Times jumped more than $50 a week after collective bargaining on a new contract between the news paper and · my union , the Am erican Newspaper Guild. The settle ment, which avoided a threatened strike by all of Ne w Ynrk City's newspaper unions, gave us a pay increase or almost 45 percent over three years. My job in those days was covering the city's own manage m e nt -labor negotiat ion s . Those negotiations, featuring biennial threats of a subway strike, always ended the same way - the question was how much more wo1.1ld the city give its e mployees. WHAT HAPPENED lo the city arter that is well-known: The town almost went bankrupt. And TM Times wasn't all that much better off. The company was sliding into very real financial trouble until it diversified in the 1970s, buying television stations, magazines and other properties that could provide it with continuing revenue in case strikes closed down the newspaper. By the end of the decade, The Times was ready to stand up to its unions - a nd it was labor that began making concessions every couple of years. At the same time, the city's fiscal crisis for ced it to challenge politically pow-erful unions with layoffs and cutbacks . With that background, despite the fact that.I reflexively believe that the workers or the world should unite, l am not unduly alarmed bY. the fact that American labor has to begin giving back some of the benefits and privileges earned, the hard way. during the past l wo decades. '" /fhis is the year of the bos'ses. This is ... 'the week that the United Auto Workers had to reopen negotiated contracts with ,RICHARD RflVIS Gene ral Motors aod Ford. The new negotiations wi ll e nd with union con cessions -s'o will c urrent ba r ga ~n i n g t alks involving the· International Brotherhood of Teamsters and the Oi l. Che m ical and Atomic Workers. But that·is what "bargaining'' means -give and take. It was foolish for unions to assut)'le that things would a lways go one way. that collective bargaining meant they would atway-s collect. · This is going to be a terrible time for 'or ganized la bor. T he move ment is already in retreat. wjth the percentage of American workers in unions having dropped from 35 percent le less than 25 percent in the last 30 years. Now it some times looks as if unions will be lucky to survive high. unemployment and low national productivity, the relocation of entire industries to foreign countries and non-union states. and an . aggressively hostile administration m Washington . BUT, OF COURSE, labor will make it. Americans are too smart not .to realize that without unions threatening, the .accountants and money managers running American tndus(ry into the ground would try lo hire people who would work at the same speed and the same hours as those new assembly-line robots. This. in fact, should be a time of renewal for orgimized labor The 1930s are over, although you can't always tell that talking \Vilh union officers. The issues in future negotiati~ns will be jUst too complex for the mentality of higher wag~s and more days off that has dominated a lot of labor thinking Un ions have to draw up new agendas focused on issues like pla nt relocations a nd incentive-bas ed pay scales. Dealing with management, over the long run, shouldn't be so tough. The UAW 1s. after all, sitting down this week w1lh the men who were stupid enough to keep building big cars people wouldn't buy and to pay autoworkers the equivalent of $20 .a n hour to assemble the monste rs. ~ P erh3{>S. after a period or labor aomina nce and this pe riod o r management dominance. both sides wilt be s ophisticated and wise enough to sit down and bargain toward collective ~urvival and mutual prosperity. The struggle of th~ bar gaining, in the end, is more important than the results of each negoliation Law provides bonus for quitting. The U.S. Steel-Mobil-Marathon Oil fracaso is the kind of pugilistic event we like lo think went out of fashion in the 19th century. Yet there is no doubt that Gilded Age pirates like Commodore Vanderbilt or Big Jim Fisk would feel at home in this brawl where they're all calling each other names and suing the bejesus out of one another . Back a hundred years ago in the 1880s when they were doint.1Jle same thing in battles to control vanous railroad.a, the guys would go dbt and buy judges and state legislatures. So far as we know that hasn't happened yet but this is a m essy one as anything which Mobil Oil gets involved in is likely to be. IN THE B USINESS press they invariably d escr i be Mobil as a "maverick." ln this case that acljective c an be taken to mean Mobil, the n~tion 's second largest industrial cor poration, had the brass banditry lo attempt to buy M aratbon Oil. Tbe combined sales of the two companies would be around $60 bUlion or in excess of what President Reagan says will be the size of the fedf!ral deficit this year. Marathon, whose management has not won itself a reputation for entrepreneurial verve, ran shrieking to U:S. Steel crying "buy us!" The reason offered along the curbs of Wall Street is t hat a takeover by Mobil, which, whatever its other shortcomings, knows how to run an oiJ company, would result . ,.._, -1 At_f ••. V-Dl_H_Df-fMU--.-~lf in a lot of Marathon executives being handed early retirement. U.S. Steel, which bas sometimes been accused of not even knowing ,bow to run a steel company, would be dependent on the Marathon executive corps. The battle had no sooner been joined than a federal judge was found to issue a court order forbidding Mobil ta.king over Marathon. The most effcient management, th e management everybody agrees really knows its patootees, was barred from operating the company. Strike number· one for rationality. But why did Mobil want to' buy Avoid poisoned pawns · There is, among the multitude of c h ess ga mbit s, o n e that is l!lelodra matically kno wn a s the Poisone d Pawn . It looks li ke a weakness. or an oversight, on ' the offerer's part, and the pawn is captured with glee. A few moves lat er , the SYDllY HARRIS greedy grabber learns that the pawn was indee<j poisoned, and the Greek gif has led to a fatally losing position. It has long been my feellng that there is a poisoned pawn in nearly everyone's gam e-plan for living, and that maturity is not reached until we learn to refuse and r eject it. There is a lways something, at one point or anothel' in our lives, that rate dangles before us tbat is not , ultimately. good for us, though It may seem Infinitely desirable at the time. It may be a new job, another field, an exotjc locatio~, a strange pe rson . Poisoned pawns com·e adorned and disguised in diverse fashions; .and tbey appeal not only to our 'laked 1reed but to our $OClal esteem, our sexual vanity, our sense or power or pride -or maybe they correspond to some deeply-held fantasy from our childhood or youth . THIS IS NOT to say. Of coune, that e very opportunity o r openln1 or friendship ls a trap; far from It. It la to ·suggest , however. that something that set'ms to offer inst ant gratification may lose the game a few moves down the road. To take an example I know best, for many writers Hollywood was the poisoned pawn par ezrellence it d angled money, fame. a sybaritic lifestyle. and, mos t dangerous or all. the delusion that one could take advantage of this for a few lucrative years and then return to serious creative writing with money in the bank and no worries. In a lmost every case -Faulkner was one or the rare exceptions -the poison stayed In the system ; the life was too easy ; the rewards too lavish; and creativity dried out or burned away in the cliche -factories called studios. Worst or aJI, the money went raster than they had imagine d, and their new habits condemned therlr ti> ~tpetual servitude. Even so )Vise ll m an as Plato accepted a poisoned pawn when he took a job as tutor ·to Oionyslus, the tyr ant of Syracuse, suppos lntr he' could turn a king into a philosopher : and Aristotle learned nothing from this when he accepted the same post with AJexander the Great, and experlMced the ·salne • failure. Brains are no insurance against folly. All we can do Is what IOUnd chess players try to do, and lt\11 la IOok ahead as .Jar as possible, wetah all tbe contlngencles and alternatives, refusing to"be beguiled by appeals to the e10. the wallet, or tne loins. And a UtUe prayer now and again doesn'• do any harm either. Marathon if the company is as poorly run as some people say? The reason is that Marathon owns some very valuable oil fi elds. THE TAX LAWS have ·been changed again and again these past years to give "incentives" for companies lo venture ,forth lo find new oil, ·nol lo use the m oney to buy already discovered oil r i e 1 d s . St r i k e nu m be r two for rationality. ' T"e same kind of rationalization was used when the steel indus try was given a pass on environmental regulations, when barriers to competitive import.S were strengthened and the tax law was rejiggered in the companies' favor. They also were to be "incentives" that would get the American steel industry modernized. Instead we have U.S. Steel s pending over six billion~ bucks to bu,v an oil company . Strike three for r atioryt.lit.y. _ The Carter administration gets some of the blame for this but the Reaganiles the most. The president's ill thought out, sloppily drawn and basWy enacted tax legislation is actually working out to· be a disince ntive to investment in an industry like steel. · Mr. Reagan's tax laws are ma-ing it irresistibly easy to cash in one's chips and get out of the business. If the law stipulated that this ever growing array of tax benefits could onJy be used for reinvestment in the s ame industry, it might make sense. However, as the laws are currently written they provide a bonus for quitting the industry and knocking lord knows bow many ;obs into oblivion at the same time. THE RVLE OF MONEY is that it flows to the place of highest return. If steel is returning 1 percent on the dollar when money market funds are paying 14 percent, a sensible businesspenon will g~t out of steel and into some form of banking. Ordina rily, that's not a practical course of action. You can't sell out of a business like steel tbat easily. That's what's so destructive · about the Reagan tax leitalatipn. It facilttates that process. · Nor is the U.S. Steel example lbe only one. National Steel, thanks to these wacky laws, bas recen~ "become Uae proprietor of the fourth lar1est aavinp and loan in the United States wit.b assets of '6.8 billion and 138 branches in California, tlorida and New Yon. Under the terms whereby National Steel got aome of tbeae banllla1 bonbons, the aovemment pays tbe steel company what may come to '100 million a year. Thi• la a t.H·f•• atft under the t.erma or which National Steel -t'ln benefit In ot.her compUcated but brealh-takin1 ways . Fewer of your one llun, Rouie Babes, and more attention to ou nation's real national 1eeurit1 ... it.I ablllly t.o provide for Itself. How are•• 1oln1 lo build your tankl and tlll• aircraft ca.rrtert if the sUpebod 1-'i la tbe White HOUH have, actbal waillr cme of their coeonul lheorlet, acddeetall1 ellmln~ted our steel lndust.ry? • ~~~~~~--~-~-----~~~~ ---~--\- ,. D e f e nse spe nding ell ts a thre at to California r By 'HARLES G. B E LL u nder fh c A.e tagan adminis t ration. ~ _ ..-Dr. Charlu G--&U-'' o pm/euur of -Culifornl~ ~111 -bcnetlt even ml>l'e. It is pollticol sc~e ot Cal State l"ullerton. pc~haps fitting that the Golden State - California's economy continues to be w~1ch elected Ronald Reagan gove~or s ubsid ized by the nattoll"'s defe nse . twi ce ( l~ an~ 1970) and support~d him budget. This is in marked contrast to for p~e 1dent ut 1980. would so directly benefit from Reagan's com mitment to a high pational defense budget. ·cALIFORNIA COMMENTS the 29 stales which suffe r a net income loss due to defense expenditures. A cco rd ing to th e Employment Research Asso ciates <a Mich igan • group ) " ... r 70 per cent of the U.S. public lives · n congressional districts which suffer a net loss of tax money when the Pentagon budget goe!i up." But it also means that the state's economic health is direcity til:ld to national defense policy decisions. If at some future date. the de fense ~udget ls Cul. it could mean a substantial cut in the state's income. ' In purticula'r, suc h a cul would damage th.e economies in those a reas most dependent on national defense spending -Sacramento. Santa Clara, Santa Barbara northern Ventur a and San Diego countfes. Otange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 17. 1982 -JUST Sl~N ·THE~E ,AND I'M SURE WE' CAN WORK SO~ETMIN~ OUT.,, ~·· California -as -a major recipient of military-defense contract dollars -is ah exception. Here, taxpayers generally send less mon ey t o the f ed e r al government in s upport of defense than they get from t he Defense Department In various forms of military-defense expenditures. Only 13 of the golden s ta te 's 43 .. 'Put : PU C's rate · generosity ·on hold' · eong ressiona l districts s uffer a net income loss due to defense spending. Most of them are in the northe rn part of the state. Southern Oalifornia's 26 congressional districts -with the except.ion of three west Los Angeles districts -enjoy a net income gain due to defense spending. The net'garn: according to E mployment Resea rch Associates. is about Sl .312 per family in Southern California. Accor d i ng to the Employ m e nt Research Associates. the south coast al Orange County area < 40th congressional di s t ric t ) e n joys a ne t defe n se ex penditure gain of about $2.100 per • family. On the other hand. the state's 17 n o r t hern con g r essional d is tr ic t s aver age only a net gain of about $541 per family. This is due. simply, to the fac t that out of the 17 Northern California districts, 10 suffer a net income loss due to defense s pendiflg. It is worth noting that of the state's 12 c ou n ti es with t h e h i g h es t unemployment percentages. only two - Impe r ia l a n d S utt e r -a r e 1n congr essional districts whic·h enjoy a net income gain from defense spending. The other 10 high unemploy me nt counties are in either the 1st. 2nd, or H lb congr essional d istricts --all of which suffer a net loss of income due to the nation's defense spending program. On the other hand , of Uie slate's 12 counties with the lowest unemployment -8 are in congressional districts which enjoy a net income gain from defense spending. Cl early. California 's economy benefits from the billions in defense dollars poured into the s late's ec6nomy e ac h ye·ar. · According to Employment Research Associates, the n ation's. d e fe nse spending cost California taxpayers $16.4 bilJioo in 1980. But the Pentagon-spent $2~.6 billion in the state for a net gain of $6.2 billion -or about $263 per person. And, as the defense budget goes up .. , . To the Editor: As have most of us, I have been most inte r es t e d in t he m or e or less d issolution of the AT&T a nd what benefit it would be to the public. I read with a gre at deal of mixed emotions Keith Tuber 's article lo your Jan. 9th issue. I realize_ that !or the mosl -part he wa s quoting various executi ves but l do think a little questioning on his part would be well in order . We have a d a u ghter Ji ving in Sacramento and a nother in -Oallas. It has long been our observation that it 1s che aper. to call Dallas tha n Sacra mento .. A nil :t fl Pr reading Tu ber 's a rticle I looked al rate schedules in the phone book jus t to make sure of my ground. They do not list ·Dallas but do li st Houston and feel th~t there must be a close relationship .-as to rates. At any . rat e <no pun ) we fi nd that .for three minutes, Houston would be the same as· Sa cramento. i.e. Sl.52. Of course we a lwa ys talk for more than three minutes and since the added time at one cent more per minute for Sa cramento as oppo5ed to Houston would then show a greater cost for a "local" call than a ·'long distance''. call THE WHOLE POINT to the above 1s one of wonder consldf!r ing the following lifted (rom Tuber's article, "That's been tne trend, to move pricing," McMullen saicJ.. ''I ~xpect ll'lat trend to continue ... He added that long-dista nce revenues have been used in the past to s upport local' services. It would ;iccm that the opposite would be true and hence local service should t herefore be redu~. All of which brings me to the l hich I assume will be lhe determi nt arter all. As we all know. they have been and are too . . Pruning due sheer number of forms WASHI NGTON -E very priv ate ente r prise of a ny consequence is e ns narled in governm ent red tape -Lo tf\e~ extent that each year businesses prepare an es timated 114 million forms. 15,000 different types or them for the federal government. A glassy-eyed Chester Vande-Weerd got more than his share of them s ix • m onths after be had obtained a Joan gu arantee d by the S mall Business Administration. He was confronted with 80-odd pages or forms a nd instructions from the agency. "l couldn't belie ve it," he said. ''It was beyond a layman to fill them out. .. WH AT BOG G L E D p oo r Vande-Weerd's mind was SBA Form 707 and its a tta chmen ts. To lhe 52-year -o ld bus inessman in Rock Valley, Iowa, it was like a Boeing 707 trying to land on a helicopter pad: ' I n c lud e d fo r V a nde -Weerd 's ed i fica ti o n w e r "e 1 ~ pal{es o f '"Nort·DiscriminaITon Regulations" and a 40-page booklet from The Federal Reser ve Boar d o n '·E qua l Credit JACI .ANDIRIDN Op portunity," plus t wo copies of a "Com'pliance Report " and a statement for him to sign attesting that he had duly read all the m aterial. The original purpose of most of t he pa pe rwork is laudable enough -to e nfor ce the civil rights law. But Vande-Weerd's modest firm, which reconditions farm equipment. consists of himself and four e mployees, all relatives or in-laws. ·"They wanted lo know abouLparking lots and drinking fo unta ins." an exasperat ed Vande-Weerd told my associate Tony Capaccio. ·'That was the end of it for me." T he gasping busiaessman got his head above the paper work long enough to appeal to his congressman. Ber kley Bede tl, l:r-lowa. who fired off an angry letter to SBA Administrator Michael Cardenas. '"Surely the proprieto r of a firm that employs fi ve people, all of whom a re rela ted by blood or mar riage, has more productive ways to spend his time than by reading 80 pages of regulations and forms regarding equal oppor tunity regulations," Bed ell wrote. Vande -Weerd is n 't t he only small ·businessman to be getting the business from the SBA.· In 1981 , the agency sent out 69,915 of lhe civil rights forms, and . . Who f!gured this tax ~eduction'? Dear Uncle Sam This will acknowledge receipt of my 198 1 "In co m e Tax F o r m s and In s tructions" from t h e In t ern a l Revenue Service. It's always nice to bear from kinfolk -even II it Isn't anyU\ing special. Partic ul ar tha nks lo the Postal Service trom me because the forms ·\veren't de Uvered untiL lhe day atle r Christmas. That ga ve me a chance to enjoy at least one day or the holiday seasoo. L was especially appreciative ~hen ' noticed, a t t he top or Page 2 in CAPITAL letters , the IRS assurance U.at I was the beneficiary of the " ..• new one -year RATE REDUCT ION CR EDIT ... '' G r a te ful for s u ch munlflcence, I completely ignored the ra t or tbe 1obbledygook instructions. I n s tead , I -pulled out the Tax lDltructionl trom 1980 to compare the dUference ._..a wall6w In m y 1ooc1 fOltae. Umel• . . . I sut e do hope your ••loJ!MI can at.and a urue friendly crtUdlin. They Juat don't appear lO be too Cood at fl1Urtn'. In compartn' net taxable incomes bet ween $15,000 and $40,000 (where 1 heard most of the action was) l noticed these differences from '80 to '81 : An average increase, as a percent of income, of 3.25 percent over 1980. Seems as ho.w that.'s cheap e11ough for all · the good ies lardered on us by you folks in Washington. Actual increase in revenue, however , ranged from 43 pe r cent in lowti r1 incomes to 13 percent in the hl&he r r an ge ... for a n a v e r age approx.imatin' 23 percent. U nc le, I don't m ean to appear ungr ateful, but I was expe~in' a li~tle more "reducUon" than that. l don't even remember anyone tellin' me that taxes would be higher In 1911. And I've been listen.Ing! Wilh all the learnjn ' you folks have, 1 expect that you know what you're doth'. Faot Is, I kind or re•ret the mlnlmaJ educaUon that enabled me IO work ror a. llvln' In the rirst place. We ran the BriUab off ln 1778. Aad they onJy wanted lO tu teal But I s uppose that's just the penpecUve or . , 200 years. Somewhere I read that when income tax laws were enacted. someone questioned their legality. Sure do wish ou r s ide h a d been a little mo r e persuasive . I reckon the real reason I'm writ;n' is a beut 1982 . . . since it looks like '81 will .:'be a t.ota.I bumme r. Truth lo teJl, I'd just as soon not pay a ny taxes. But, I s uppo9e I'll keep on doln' It like always. Seems better than goin' to the slammer. I would ask a favor-though~ If taxes wl JI be higher in 1982 . . . could one Qf your folks be persuaded to say so? · · I know I'm askin' 11 fot. But it sure isn"t mufh (W\ lo be told that taxes are · gonna be lower ... and then find out t he opposite ! .. Whatnukes matters worse is those actuarial folks who keep right on raisin' U~ expectancy. I guesw1that'1 what you legialaton call the law, ol dhniniablnl returns. Bel&resa~. c .............. A M ,....&a...,_ from a.a,_a Nlpel r eceived 31.531 in re turn. Wh a t happened to the other-.18.384 is anyone 's guess Maybe the recipients just gave up. During the Carter administration. the civil rights packag"e that infuriated Vande-Weerd was ma iled out lo all SBA loan r eci p ie n ts with 15 or mo re employees. Last year. in response to a J us ti cc Departme nt s uggestion, the SBA sent the pac;kage to loan recipients with as few as 10 employees. I N PRACT ICE. however. a n S BA official. Geor ge H . Ro b i n son . acknowledged t hat ever yone was getting the "tivil rights "package. He blamed it on the agcncy·s computer - evidently a .sorcerer 's apprenttce out of ~ontrol. "Sometimes it spun out the same form lo t he same company" two or three time~ if they had two or three SBA loans, he :idmitl.j?d What plagues the bureaucracy, -or rather. what perm its the bureaucracy to plague the citizenry is an internal. inexorable drive toward expansion. The end result has been g rowth beyond control or even comprehension. But o nlo/ par t ~f gover nme nt' e xpans ion can be blamed on t he bure aucra cY.'s inner dynamics. An added impetus c:omes from outside -in the demand of society at large for more services. Legisliltive bodies at all levels -feder al, st.ate and local -enact an estimated 150.000 laws each year . • The bureaucracy, seizes upon each law and buffers it w~h regulations . The mo re entaflgling regulati6ns that· the burea ucr acy can produce, the better it c a n justify lts own eJt panslon and c o n s ump t"j o n o f ta x d o 11 a·r s . Government at a ll levels now consumes . mo re than 40 percent ol the gross national product, as compared to 10 per cent 45 years ago. F ootnote : Pres ide nt Rellgan is fighting the herotc tlattle to curb the -bl.U'•aucratlc growth. He · has ordered the Small Business AdmlnlstraUon, Lor example, to,cut bac:k drastJcaJly on the a mount or paperwork it send.' out to loan re cipients . T ht agency ha d planned to mail dut 64,000 torm1 this year to f irms with 250 or m ore e mployees, Now . fe we r tha n 900 'bus i n essme n wlll 1 et the 1lnflt, five-page Compliance Report_ lenient with the ullhlies al the vast additional expense to the conrotner. I know that all of the raises in gas. lighting, etc so gener ously granted are many limes Lhe multiple I have gained to offset the cost of living. At the same time the PUC does not apparent1y·look- -r n t o 1h c e f(ici e n cy o r t h e s e or ganizations and seemingly always lakes into consideration what they term a "fa ir profit.•· Re minds me of the cost .plus days of World Wa r U when the manufacturers went out of their way lo increase costs so as to increase that 10 ocrcent override I Lhink it's well past lime that the PUC slop thanking about the sad straits the utihl1es are in <.1nd consider John Q. Public. ALAN L. BLUM Medical bills sting To the Editor: Congratulations on your fine series o n the county indigent medical ireatment. Unfortunately, it is not on ly tHe indigent who are suffering at the hands of the med1 caJ profession. We a ll are. I can remember the day when most· doctors lived among ·us of the middle class. This is no longer the case. They li ve among ttie rich, circ;ulating in a m il ieu that befi ts their high incomes. They got th~re through two sets of circumstances: one, the doctrine of scarcity whereby the American Medical Association. whether by accntent-or design. carefully meters the11umber of new doctors coming into the profession a nd, two , by the wiodfall profits accruing to the professiol'! through M e dicare and priv ate medic a l insurance. · WHEN DE MA ND exceeds s upply, prices tor feesJ r ise. With medical insurance on lop or the patient's ability lo pay. doctors can wrrte their own tit'ket, and they do. Comparisons of my own medical costs now a nd in the ·30s and "40s show that l am paying out-of.pocket over and a bov~ medical insurance as much as 1 paid out of.pocket before medical insurance was available . This 1s t aking into account the inflated doll ar, too. In some ins tances. I pay as much for the doctor's clerk to make out the insurance papers as I used lo pay for an. office e111l Jud gi ng by t h e b ur g eo n i n g ma lpractice s uits. the. quality of-the pract itioners hasn't i m proved tha t much, either. One ·wonde rs if many doc tors have their m inds more oll inst ructions to their stock broker than I hey do on remedy for the patient. One may say "the cou'nty," or "the Medical Center .. J say, the medical profession; J W. REID P ay f or e n viro nment ... To the Editor : Whe n the new hue and cry arises over the ne w r ise in gas and electric bills, let the environmentalists re member that it was their hue and cry against domestic oil and natural gas production off our t'oast Utat has caused the rise by forcing us to buy expensive foreign· oil to replace it Environmentally, the s hips that bring .us the for eign oil have polluted our waters much more with their collis ions, s pills and the blowi ng out of their bunker fuel than the domes Uc rigs' ever could. The record for domestic spills from offshore rigs is four. in 25 years, from 19,000 rigs . The only one to hit a store was In Santa Bar bara. And that .great disa.~ter was' cleaned up in three -months, with no permanent harm t.O"lhe environment. · W e h ave l o s t b o th wa ys : Environmentally and ~onomicaJly. The-increased bill.s-ar• a high pri~• to pay for t h e e motiona l is m o r environmentalism . But the bill is due. GOi,.DIE J OSEPH . . • l.l'ltt•rN /rnm rl'1ll1t•r.~ urt> Wttlcome · Tl:wt nqht to rmidt'11S1• k n rr., ro /1t spot.t or 1•h1111natr hbt>I is r~Ktrt1C'd IA!llf'ra of 300 u•ord,, or h'-'ll 1.1.:1/I ,,,. 91vtn pre/Prence. All lr111•r,, mu.~/ inc/udl' s1gnottm • dnd mo1hng <Jddrns bur 11,ame1 moy bt' 11.11hlt#ld on rt· quest 1/ ,,111J1c111 nt reason u npportmr ·1jot t r11 u'lll not IH' Jl'lhh1hed 1..-tter1 moy bf 11•t1•ph0flt'C1 111 6-42 60116 Nome and phont' 11umbfr o/ thf contnbutor '"""t bt gtutft /ot vc>r1f 1Mtum purpo~r.t 1 -.. : Orange Coast DAIL PILOT/Sunday, J1nu1ry 17, 1982 Br Al.MON LbCKAHY' ...,............. . la the Catalina Channe l beCO rJlln11 a nother Be'rmuda Trlan1le? J udalna from the r•h of recent dlsappearances and other mishaps, one might come to that conclusion. But the answer Is simpler than . J hllt, The mysterious happen\nas on ooth 8'&lies-of water are due to s omeone's c are leuneu or ianoranee of locat condillon1. • Since t}\e Catalina ChantMl l,a ne arer home, let's start with tha t · seernln1ly placid body ol water just 26, 29 or 32 miles from Newport Beach, dependlnl on where you are aolng In your boat. Avalon ls r ouchly 26 nauUcaJ miles, Long Point 111•29 and t sthmus Cove ls 32. So you.atart out on this short voyage on a bri"ht sunshiny day with ll\Ue or no sea rW\Dlna. Wh a t m ost nov i ces don 't consider is that on a normal day t he wes terly wind (bending a round Ute west end or the lsl11nd ) can whistle up to 25, 30 or even 40 knots In mldchannel. Many b o atm e n ar e unpre pare d for the s udde n change which can w_Mp up af\lry seaa and swamp a small boat, dlsmaet a sailboat or result irnr change or course that will make r one mll&-the la1and entirely. The channel . 11 no l>lcnlc at any time ol the year, but durint the wJ~er montha the hazards Inc rease. Southeasterly 1alea can aeemlnaly come up out or nqwhere, not to mention the d e adl y Santa Ana s <northeuterlies> tttat tiave been known to pound Avalon with hurrlcanefol'ce winos. • - m•n In the water for mile' berore the Co•at Guard or other e mergency 1ervlcea have been alerted. Veteran sailors -both racers and cruisers ...; have learned to wear safety belts to secur~ them on a ves~I being tossed by the sea . Be rmud a T riangle or t bt Calallna Channel. • In the final analysis, the only mystery Is why one would rialt hla or hef' Hie by going to sea - e ven for a s hort c ruise - wlthout taking every precautM>o known lo seafarers. Everyone pays Jjp service to "safe t y t sea:'-but nft>-S\ m at'.Ltuu:.s am a~JL-or professional know there is' no such thing. One doesn't fto to sea lo be safe. It's the cha enge of the elements. Poll shows collegians upbeat And'1hen t.hen ls fog, ma king th e pa ss a ge ex tr e m e l y dan ge r o u s across th e commercial s hipping lanes. Large ships have been known to demolish a small boat withoulit ever being knewn aboard the line r, t a nker o r frei&hter . R es ult : a "m ys t e ri o us " FederaJ law require~ ihat every vessel be equipped 'tit lfrejaclcets that c an keep a person afloat for hours. But far l oo o ften these P e r so nal Flotation Devices (PFDsl are stowed In a locker that is hard to get to in an emergency. Even if a man overbo~rd is wear ing a PFD he can die of hypothermia in a s hort time in waters of 56 degrees or less. Most yachtsmen are familiar with the plaque placed In the cockpits of many boats wblch reads ; Oh God, thy sea is so great and my boat is s9 small." DALLAS, Texas (AP)<-Some parents may not a gree, but a group or young college students believ~ Americao optimism ls alive .and well these days. . This finding came out in a recent survey am ong nearly 150 college juniors and seniors, • a ll around the age of 21 , at a college business conference here. The collegians were upbeat about times in general and their own lives in particular. Some 74 percent thought life was either pre tty g~ or perking along at a respe'cta ble SITTERS TM UNLIMITED Southern California'& largest h<>Clse and ci'lild 111- tlng service solely staffed by educators. Evenings • Weekends Vacations S•ilEA'OfffCES SHYING ORANGE CO. ~42~610 . ~~ llesbur• .. u..-Stett A Di ning TrQ.ditio~ Since 1922 Ser ving Lunch & Dinner Reservations Suggested 645-7077 --~ T ropic~I Fish • Fresh • Muine A~u~rium Supplies _Special Jan. 16, 1982-Jan. 22, 1982 Plerophyllum scala,re: .99 I have a dlsceid shai>er'hlgh soaring -dorsal and anal fins, long flowing ventral fins that look lik e feelers. four distinctive black bands that enhance my silver color. See me at Aquatic Tropicals where I am on sale.under the name '"Silver Angel" for .99 1510 W. B•ker • eo.t&MeN - • 54~1391 •Comer H•rbor & B•ker - BARt S. CHAPMAN, M.D. D1plom•I~ An\irrun brd of Ophlh•lmolofry •nnouncf'S I~ f>PM'"I of hrs oHic~ IOI t~ ~ad~ ol ~M C}Phtl!Mm,._, 27862 PUERTA /UAt. SUITE 210 MISSION VIEJO. 0.tlFOR.NIA 92691 T~ (714) 49S·2!H4 Nei~borhood Congregational · 0.urch : \ .. St • ._, Pl. at Glewyre, Logma leach Will Present JOteiie SCHMEIDBlMAM, Lutanist performing Music of the Renaissance Works of.Jot\n Dowland. A. Francesque & L. Romano T••daJ. Jca It, ~ 912 • 1:30 p.-. $8.00 Donation requested .PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ·'· HOURS: tAM· trM DAYS·l~S-WIMB4DS mr MEDICAL CARE CENTER TUA TMIMT FOi.: • INJURIES • lu.NESSES • ACNE • All ERGIES • DIET · • CllCK-UPS Medicare and MediCal accepted 17172 8udl Blvd. llutilltll .. l:!t:1uttn11 pace. Some !M percent said their personal disappearance. _ No truer words were e ver spoken or written. So why do so many )lailors ignore the simple prayer? Probably because they a r e no t a ware th a t th e unpredict a ble sea . h as more sit.ualion was ''OK." . The unde rgraduates, gene r a lly top achievers, came from 115 different coUeaes and universities. The survey was conducted by Emhart Corp. one of the conference sponsors. Singlehanders atte mpting to cross ·the channe l are really flirting with danger. It's so easy lo b e w ash e d or thro wn overboard wtlile ~oing forward to c hange a sail. Countless sailors have been knocked. over the side by a swinging boom. E ven veie ran r acl ne or cruising sail ors with a fully crewed vessel are aware that a man overboard is sometimes hard lQ find in angry, confused seas. A man's head is hard to see if only a few feet from the boa t, especially at night. -tricks up its sleeve than mere 01 a n can cope with. , When asked if they had any confidence that in a few years from now ltle.country.would be s trong and prosperous, 64 percent expressed "~ome confidence,·~ while 28 percent had "a lot ofj confidence." A minority; 8 percent, seemed less opUmJst~c. Eve o 1f th ey s ur vive hy pothe rmia in the frigid waters, the current can carry a "Of these thjngs "m ysterious" dtsappearances al sea are born whether in one infamous · Vetera n seamen have been heard to observe: "If the sea wants you, it 's. eventually gonna getcha." .,..,.,,_-----p_,.. SY'\41 Al Plus P1nca~e Mu AI TOTAL LAUa.ttt 'a ........ 19.97 Digital A .. rfn W•tch 19" Oi8g. Men. Remote Color TV Men's quartz L.C 0 cn1onograpn alarm/stop watch wtth Space Command 1800 remote cpntrOI and quar1Z electronic tUOlng 1n a beauhtul StrNmllne t cabinet wrlh &Jmulated Spartan Oak hnlsh. 3.90 EJectrofleeh• Cemer11 , lJses 126 him ca1trtdge weight and compact 18~87 Cotton Terry a.th Towela -'2 Cotton Teny Hen4 Towela _ 11 . 12"112" • ..., Clotti-• .2 For '1 YelOur Kffchen Towela -.1.1'7: r~...._,.... .......... Two-lend ..... Attract!Ye slide. Blk 0< Brn. lnfenta Shirl• Whole polyester /coll on .5oaD· Of ~-on styieS.._3-18 mos 23xt0" Hall Runner Pole Pruner Yovr choice of upright or S&zes s. 10 1ir.-...-.1M1t 1.11 21c..-..-.1M1t . 2.81 ' 14 E.-. ... & ,,.. 3.51 • ( .... """' & ,,.. 5.81 Im.I ......... 1.19 Bl.-.Sl*s 1.11 •E.-.• 1.81 4t.ll ,...., ...., 41.ll 111114 ..., 1'11111 .. .., IUl IU1 ~·PGIJ9eter Cord Whltew•ll Our Reg. 39.97 28 ~7 A78x13 • ,._,,E.T.UI . . .. ,..... ..... , ... ,: .................. ~ ....... .... ~-·-·-o.-- . . I Durable 9lehn_ 1ub.beuzed becil""O OecOf atOt colOrS Clearance Lallie• Tops · YllHsTo 12.tl Misses Sizas . S-M-L '--·-"'*" .. -· ___ ,......,...._., ... ---· 2 .... --....... """""""' ,-. :::.=----- 8.i.Pnoe 38.88 . ......... , ..... up FOf "*'Y U.S. ~ 51"9. -·--..,.._.._ -----~ __..... ...... ------. 48.88 hangong~ll . ~ 200t.~SoM -... 1AI °" s. s.. ... -,_ 6e96 """......,...,......., .... 4-90. cu11om-1ty~, .. , In co10t1 10 ooiviipllmllll lrMttor °' ~ car. FOR THE RECORD 86 • . , . Super Bowl._bound . 49ers did super re buildtng job. 85. Vanguar~s ~-Just ·one ·happy family So Cal <;:ollege a Division Ill hit " · By CURT SEEDEN of-. Delly P...rt SUH Shortly after he accepted an offer to become head basketbarl coach at Southern California College, Bill Reynolds was taken aside by a friend who told him, "'(ou know you're in a no·win situation." Re ynolds' friend was n 't talking about the, caliber or play or the ·Southern California College team. The Vanguards' 10-4 record speaks for itself. The "no·win" s ituation• is in r eference to Division III college basketball. Overshadowed by the major colleges, outdrawn f>y t.be high schools and out·recruited by the «:ommunily colleges, Division Ill basketball teams seeni to be scarred for life. · .. Sou,tbern California College, it would seem, is in the disturbing position of being too close: to PCAA Division I teams like UC Irvine, Cal State Fullerton and Long. 1Beach Slate. The tiny Costa Mesa campus is surrounded by high schools, arid Orange Coast College is less than two miles down the road. NOT ONLY DOES Reynolds have lo think a~ut who is going to come watch his team. b-ut he also mus t wonder who will play on it. · ~e·re looking for players who have-'"'a realistic appraisal-of thetr basketball abilities and who want., to receive their education in a Christian environment," explains Reynolds. ·'The highly-tputed players are looking at Division I schools . And, if they can't , they're going to be convinced to go to a junior college. I guess you could say we get the sleepers." . Through the early part or lhe :Season, Reynolds' sleepers have produced a few nightmares for lheir oppooents. Despite droppin' their NA J A District 3 conference opener to · hoS"t Westmont Tuesday , the Vanguards have jumped out to their best start in years. "I expected this kind of start," notes senior Rick Porras, the te-anr I guess you could say we get the sleepers. -Coech 8111 Reynold• scoring leader and o~e of ·the leaders on the court. Indeed, a 10-4 record can usually raise a few eyebrows, lure some fans to a game and maybe, even gain some followers . If you were to become a fan of the Vanguard bas ketball· team, and you wanted to see sec play one of its regular opponents -like Biota, Point Loma • or UC San Diego -you would hop in your car and drive down to Costa Mesa Ci ty Ha.II. THE SCC CAMPUS is right next door·. The Vanguards play en campus in a gym affectionately known as "The Pit." It seats 400 fans. But it only--nil<es about roo no1sy partlians to make it sound like 5,000. If you took the entire enrollment of sec. put it in The Pit, only 300 fans would have to stand .. BLEACHER BUMS? -Members of J he Southern Catifom1a College bas etbaTl team perform daily r itual o( moving the bleachers ou~ of the way so Delly l"llM St.tff "- they can beg4 n practice, The Vu ng u:Jrd:-<.ire: making waves in NAIA Dins1on 111 al't1on this year. "We don't get much in community involvem ent," Reynolds. admits. "It's not a big school, but if we're doing well, the people rally around. Because of the nature of the school, we're just not goirig to draw unless we're absolutely super -or there's nothing else going on.'' sec. says he. doesn't regret the move. "The quality of ball on this level a m azes me. I really didn't follow the small school basketball scene .until J came here," he says. "There was a lime in my life that I tho_ugh.t I wanted to coach at the bi g coflege level But you adapt to the level where ~ou are I'm really content here and the k1d!i are the <See SOUTHERN, Page B2l fteynolds, who spent 12 years as a hlgh school coach before coming to UCI plays it close ag8in,·f)5•62 Anteaters su.rvive scare by UC Santa Barbara to win second PCAA· game--- • f • lh JOHN SEVANQ except for five occasions when cat-a nd-mouse game lhal was ol't111eDe1ty"-tMM <PCM 1tand~ the score was tied and once finally won by the mouse. With A new ass.sment needs to be c w ~ °':'~ wheQ U.CI briefly took the lead 7:20 to play. and lJCSB holding a made of the PCAA, Something is uc ,,.,... 1 o •> 1 (26·24). · 56·52 lea~. the Anteaters scored definite!yhaywire. .. tn~:!... ~ : ': ~ Otherwise. it was ·all UCS B, nr s tr ai g ht poi nts . ·They Twice this week the UC Irvine ucsant•8"'1,.,. ~ • • right down to the . final two -accomplished the fo al. too. by basketbaJI team faced opponents ~~,~~ ... ~~~ 0 ~ ,: seconds when a Jumpe r by play ing solid defenst• againsnhe that figured lo give the u olPe<ific 0 10 Mi c hael · Russell gave the Gau~hos' fo ur-corner game and Anteaters liltle', if any , Ut•"Sl•,te . s. ...... ,·ascw"o " Gauchos a 38·36 advantage at holdingthcm scoreless for seven' problems . '-Both Cal State uetrv1neu,ucs.n1ae.rberu1 the tntermission. minutes and 22 seconds Fullerton :md UC Santa Barbara ~:~1~;,~1u~~~':'1,01 Pecllk s. Like two master chessmen. ..We weren't looking to hold came into Crawford Hall with L_e..c .. s1a1.st.ca1si.1el'uttertons. UCSB head coach Ed De Lacy the ball,'' insisted Morris "We records below .500 -and neither uc 1cv1ne~1 ~y·•~" and UCJ's Bill Mulligan cagily were JUSl looking to get the good was expected to be a force in the L-BMc11s1a1u1 u1..,si.1. maneuvered agains t one another shot and that takes a little tune. Confere.nce race e1'ther. . "'"nos1a1u1uc s...t•B¥be•• "I'll tell you something, that's s.11 Jose Sute ., C•I St•te Fullerton in the second half. UCI, meanwhile. was the Every time UCI was tied or the bes t four-corner defe nse PCAA favorite, having lost once played theit style -at their got the lead, Mulligan would we've seen ,thi s ~ c·ar because the entire preseason. So what tempo -.and thus stayed in a pl ace his Anteaters in their t hey dadn '.t give us a single happened? A cou~le of blowouts, game •.they might not bave familiar 3-2 zone defense. On the layup They played it so the ooly maybe? ,_ · otherwise. · other side. with every tie or s hot we could get was a Jump Wrong. In fa ct . fo r 33 minutes lead ,. De Lacy would order his shot " Instead, UCI just got by the Saturday night, the Gauchos players to pull the ball out, The Anteaters. although they Titans, 50-49, las t Thursday and were the better team. From the forc~ng the Anteaters to plV' bu ilt a 62·56 adva ntage during barely escaped the clutches of outset, they took control, leading man-to-man. L'CS B's scoreless bout. still had the Gauchos Saturday night, vi rtually the entire Cirst half, T h e r e s u I t w a s· a (See UCI, Page 83) winning 65·62 before 1,591 emotionally drained sp«!ctalors. So, what's the answer: a ) ace the Anteaters overrated? b) are so m e of the team s in the cQDference underrated? ~> or are UCI opponent's doing what they have to do to win ball games. "The answer is C," said UCSB assistant coach Reggie Morris. "If you're playing to win, you don 't pla y t o p eo ple 's strengths." Morris should know a little about UC l's strength, too. ,ffe was assistant to UCl Coach Bill Mulligan two years ago before a change of heart caused him to resign. 49ers likened to Oakland And it should c~imax with-a Super· Bowl champio~ship Nobody came 1n on the noon balloon from Saskatoon and asked me, but . . . · . • Now, more than ever, there is lhis big feeling that the San Francisco 49ers are on a roll similar to.that of the Oakland Raiders of one year ago ... Besides, the 49ers are a better team than the Cincinnati Bengals. • At least two assistant coaches have rejected overtures from the Rams which would indicate that the illness of the franchise i9 BG secret around the Natiooal Football League. • Even if be was a decent human being, Associated Press athlete of the year John McEnroe would not have deserved the title. SPOA't°S COLUMNl9T BUD , TUC.KER "' head coach of the Rams when he wss at Stanford and that school's sports information director released the story prematurely ... This angered the late Carroll Rosenbloom and he called off the deal. ,. ,. o.Ny ~ "91119 '9 •ICMN IC-- ·'I thought we had medium tempo tonight and that's what teams in this confere nce are going to do with UCI." Morris added. ''Why would people want to run with UCI lf they can't run with the m ? That would be siJly ... ~ • IF THE HOLLYWOOD Park night harness people-are looking for a promotionkl item, they should consider mace ... Boy. would the muggers be surprised if 15,000 people came out armed. • NFL players seem much more dedicated to the importance and prestige of the Pro Bowl.since it was given a permanent home in HawaiJ. • If plans materialize lo sta ge a college football bowl game at Anaheim St adium. a contest will be held to find a name for the thing . . The obvious nickname will be "the grandbaby of them all." L00K OUT BELOW! -Undaunted by the four UC Santa 'Barbara players s urroundjng him. Kevin Magee slams one· home during Saturday night's PCAA 1 matchup at Crawford Hall. With a look or concern on the right is Michael Russell <15). Anteaters are 2-0 in th~ conference after 65·62 victory over Gaucho,s . Morris makes sense. It would be like a fighter dropping his right band because bis opponent had a ~ood left jab. Saturda)' night, the Gauc,bos .... • It ia rather difficult lo understand how anyone other than San Francisco's BiU Walsh could 6e considered as NFL coach of the year. • Incidentally, Walsh was all set to slen on as 0 'Meara· zooms into contention at Classic -. From AP dl9pa&ellft -PALM SPRINGS ~ Mark O'Meara of Laguna Ni1uel fired a round of 64, 8-under·plr, QVer lhe Indian Wells Country Club coune Satutday to move lnto contention for the Bob Hope Desert Classic tournament championship. , O'Meara, a graduate ol Mission ytejo Hilh and Long Beach Slate, Cini.abed the firsl four roundf of play on the Tournament Players AasoclaUOI) CTPA) loosest event with a 270, lwo atrokee beb.lDd leader Ed F'\ort, winner of the Soat.bern California PGA championablp at Loi Coyotel tn tbe fall. O'lleara ~ tied wtlh J'orresl Fealer ln lourtb place IG6DI intq today'• final round. • ' O'Meara'a round of M wu Uie lowest of the day over the IUD·baked deMl't c:ounee in 1Marby Palm· Desert where a 1allery est.lmaled at 2'7,000 was oo· hand. Most of the gallery was in front of O'Meara, following a foursome that included the sponsor Hope, former presldent Gerald Ford and Tom Watson. Fiori shot a S.under-par 87 and look a 1-slroke lead over Tom Kile and Rex Caldwell who were On TV today channel4 at 1;30 lied at 1118. Flori wu 20 strokes under par after completiftC.J'OUnd• oa each oft.be four co.lrMI med for tbil desert evenl. The amateurs will not play ln ....., •• ftDal ...... wttJli ... of d9c •• ,, .. ,.... pla"81 at l.Qdlan Wells tn tM .......... ftaall. • 4-• • .,, - "Thal's .. the lowest I've ever shot for 12 holes the length of most other touf'1}amenta," Fiori said. . "You'd think that would give me a couple of str okes lead, wouldn't you?" • But It slaked him to a margin of a sin1le stroke over Tom Kite and Rex Caldwell, tied for second with 18 holes to go, at •· Caldwell shot a 6·under·par 88 at La Qul.pta and Ki.'!, tbe 1•1 leadin1 money-winner ,and third·round leader, stru11ted to a • at lndian We111, tbe lite• ot today's final round. _ "It was not an artl1tic row:td," said Kite, who sal vased a poaillon amOftl tbe leaden wtUa a birdie-birdie flniJh in the warm delert 1unahine. "I really didn't do mucb ri&ht at all," be aald. · "But I lhot 4 und• ~ Ute .,_~ aine ud tot baclc (See O'MltA.U, Pase 8!) ~---·-JI·----- • .n< 'FERNANDO VALENZUF,;LA gets no more than a compromise from the Dodger!, his - s alary wUI still jump to a half a million dollars. which is more pesos than anyone can count. ~ Kings owner Jerry Buss replaced Coach Parker McDonald with Don Perry but surely he · does not think this will solve the problems -or bis hockey t~a~. • The reason harness racing is more enjoyable on a %·mile track ts that you can see what Js takll)g place during the race as opposed to only tbe start and the finish. • Wretched excess, In no particular order, for the Super Bowl telecast will be Irv, Pbyll1s, the Greek and Brent Musberger's cowboy bat. • lf Mike Ditka becomes a head coach in the NfL as it ls being s uggested, his mental capacity [las been gre.Uy enhanced since he w~ player _ with the Chicago Bea rs. • Estimates on bow much money was wagereci on football during th& pas t pro and college seasons/ may be conaervaUve at $500 million. .. THE LAST cOtJPLE of month& on the rubber chicken circuit have left Docl1er mana1er Tommy Luorda with more chins than the ffong _ Kon1 phone book. • · • The City of C>elroil said It could not raise <~ nJatER, Pase BJ) Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/~.unday, January 17, 198? I ' I • Which is a lot long~r than USC 's· Marcus Allen played ) UP AND OVER .:.. l1illy Olson. vaµlting for the Pacific Coast Club. watches the crossbar as he clears 18 feel. 6 inches to set a new American Indoor record at the U.S. . . Jack8on's decision expected next week From AP dispatches Power-hjtting Reggie Jackson Ii and his agent conducted their second lengthy meeting with Angel officials Saturday and Jackson says he ~JI make a ' decision· Mondax or Tuesday on where he will play baseball this year. The Angel!t, Baltimore Orioles, Atlanta • Braves and New York Yankees apparently are still in the ruruling, with the Yankees reportedly lo get the last chance at negotiating with their ' slugger of the past five seasons. In the last two days, Angels owner Gene Autry, team vice pre~ident Buzzie Bavasi. J ackson and his agent, Gary Walker. have held discussions. including a three-hour session Friday. Jackson a lso met with Atlanta .an<L Baltimore last ~eek and was expected to talk with Yankee owner George Steinbrenner ttlis week. · Yank,ee s pokesman Irv Kaze s aid that Steinbrenner's apparent disinterest in retaining Jackson was the result of a scenario devised by Walker. "Walker has told George that a meeting with him will come as .soon es Reggie has finished meeting .with the other teams and sifting through their presentatio~s." Kaze said. Quote of the day 1 Nick Fotiu of the New York Rangers : "When I score, I'd like to pick up t.he net - and slam -dunk it, I get so excited. If I could take off like a-rocket, I would do it to g,et the team going.'' Lendl, Gerulaitis in Masters fi.nal NEW. YORK -Methodically and ~ ·e r f i c i e n t l y . I v a n Lend I of • Czechoslo\fakia chopped down John McEnroe 6-4, 6-2 Saturday lo advance into ~he finals of the Masters tenrtis championships. The victory sent Lendf, •top-seeded in this . eight-man tournament, into today 's finals against Vitas Gerulaltis, a 7·5, 4·6, 6-2 victor over Eliot Teltscher in the other semifinal. Today's final, scheduled to ~in at 12 :15. will be telecast nationally on CBS. The winner pockets $100,000, whiJe the runrier-up receives $50,000. . The 21-year-old LendJ, ranked third in the world, is· going after his seventh consecutive tournament title. He bas won 35 straight matches. ~ • . arw....,... Oly mpic Invitational Saturday ni~ht. Other· marks were a lso broken. See stor~·. Pt.1gt.' 86. Johnson. Truck po~er Phoenix Dennis Johnson scored a ·m· ga·me ·high 21 poinb and Truck Robinson scored ninl' of his 20 in a pivotal third period as the Phoenix Suns posted SAN Oat::CO (AP) -M a1df'UI the mDAt or a brlel appearance, quarterback Art ScbJlchter went to the alr early In the Gold Mwl Saturday -then took orr early, The Ohio State quarterback passed for two first.quarter touchdowns lo lead Team Natlon4!1 to a 30·21 victory over< Teani American' ln tt1c lnaugural of Ulla .all.star event, . -·' Becauae of a commitment to appear at the Touchdown Club In Wuhingt.on, D.C., &aturday night his rllghl wus to get him there barelt In time to receive an award, Schlichter left tl~e eame before b.a)llime. But he wu arouDd Ions enough to stake his teammates t.o a 14·7 leitd, a lead they never relinquis hed. · · "It was lhe type of offense that gave m e the. opportunity to throw the ·baJI," be said. "Your competition a~erage is going to be just a little bit better with this type.of people around you. It's a great way lo end one career before entering another." . REISMAN TROPHY winner Marcus Allen of Southern California was used· lparlngly, touching the ball only twice in the first thr¥ quarters. A crowd of 22,316 booed Team American Coach Tom · Flores of the National Football League's Oakland Rlilders throughout the second half for keeping Allen on the sideline.. Allen playecl his high school football in San Diego. • Allen. the first collegian to rush for 2,000 yards m a season.' finished with minus 6 yards rushing on one ~arry and had two receptions for 33 yards . After the game, F lores explained that Allen didn't join team workouts un~l Thursdity because ot classwork and therefore was unfamiliar with ~he game plan. ' _, DICK VERMEJL, coach or the National .Football League's Phjladephia Eagles and coach of Team National here, said: "I didn't anticipate we'd do as well as we did, es pecially the ' Dodgers to open with San Franc~ The wofld champiotl· Dodgers Ii will cele brate 25 years of play in Los • Angeles when they open the 1982 season .against, the San Francii;co Giants in a da y gam e at Dodger Stadium April 6 . Meanwhile . the Cincinnati Reds will hold the traditional National League opener the previous day. hosting Chicago in an afternoon game at Riverfront Stadium April 5. Other Nt,. openers on the 6th include Montreal at Pittsburgh. the New York Mets a t Philadelphia. St. Louis al Houston and Atlanta al San Die_go . ·-· Player wi':ls Lexington by three JOHANNESBURG. South Africa Gary Player shot a final -round 68 Saturday a nd won the Lexington !I a 106·87 victory over San Diego Saturday night in the National Basketball Association. The ga m e wa s ti e ct at halftim e . 46-46 . Elsewhere, Moses Malone scored 28 points and grabbed 14 rebounds as Houston avenged ' a loss to San Antonfo Friday with a 116-99 victory over the Spurs ... Kelvin Ransey netted 24 points and sank two freet throws with 30 seconds left as Porttan<;t held orr Dallas, 110·103 ... Ron Brewer scored 27 ' points, Including 11 in the final period. as Cleveland snapped a nine-game losing streak with a ~120 win ove r Utah . Larry Blril hit for 32 points. 24 of them in the se~ond half. to le.ad . Boston t.n a come ·from-behind 128·120 triumph over Detroit. • PGA Tournament by three. strokes 8-under-par 272. with an .Bruins salvage tie with Hartford 1 • R ick Middleton 's 40-foot Iii Power-play slapshot, his 33rd goal of ' the season. lifted Boston into a 3.3 tie with Hartford Saturd~y. Middleton scor,ed twice and the Whalers ' Blaine Stoughton had a pu.ir as Har tford b r o k e a r ive .game los ing streak . Elsewhere , rookie center Narmand Aubio scored two Toronto goals and set up two others as-the Maple. Leafs dumped slumping Edmonton. 7 l Wayne GreWty scored his 57th goal of the season for UJe Oilers Paul Holmgren scored his seventh and eighth goals of the season lo break a 1-1 lie in the second period and lead Philadelphia Lo a 4·2 win in Montreal . . . Goaltender Pat RlggiD turned in an outstanding effort, blocking 29 shots, to ·tead. Ca I gar y t o a · 4 • O b I an king of Pittsburgh ... Mark Klrton•4 goaL al"l4:56 of the final period helped Detroit claim a S-5 tie with Washington ... J oe M.ue. scored two goals and defens~man Rik Wllsoe..lied an NHL rec~rd . with four assists in o'ne period as St. Louis outlasted Chicago, 8-6 . . Minnesota's Dino CiccarelU scored a goal and added an assist as the North Stars snapped a five-game winless streak with '1 4· l victory over Quebec. Conigliaro had 'no major risk factors' BOSTON -The heart attack Ii that h;ft forme r Boston Red Sox slugger Tony Conigliar o in se rious condition in a Bos ton hos pital "could not have been foretold," according to his doctor . "He was very active, conscientious about his health, took very good care of himself, never smoked. had no major risk factors ," Dr Roman Desanctis. CQnigliaro's specialist, said Monday Player collected $16,800 for beating couotryman Mark Mc Nuhy, American Bill Rogers and British rookie Gordon Brand, who tied for secQnd at 275. McNulty, the leader by two strokes over Rogers after lfiree rounds, ballooned to a 5-over·par 75. Rogers had a 73 Saturday, while Brand matched Player ·s fina.1-round 68. Player said, "The wind blew so hard and there were so m any spectators it was difficult. I was particularly pleased with that 80-fool putt that r sank to birdie the 16th hole. And I am incredibly happy to win the PGA after taking the South African Open e'arlier this year.'' Phits keep Reed for $275,000 a year T he Philadelphia Phillies have • worked out a ·tentafive three-year · contract lo re-sign free-agent relief pitcher Roa Reed at an estimated .$275,000 per year . The contract was re ported to call for two guaranteed-·seasons and a third non-guaranteed s eason fo r the 39 -y ear -o l d right-hander ... Rolando Navarette. who won the World Boxing Couocil sus>er featherweight championship as a substitute, kept it Saturday night by getting off the floor in the fifth round and knocking out Chol Cbung·U in the 11th round at a bout in Manila ... Detroit Lions defensive line coach Floyd Peters is leaving the club lo becom.e assistant head coach and defensive . co ordinator for the St. Lolli s Cardinals . . . David Long of Louisville, Ky .. running his first '"marathon ever, covered the Orange Bowl Marathon course fa 2 hours, 12 minutes, 16.8 seconds Saturday to finish first, nearly 15 seconds a h ead of his nearest competitor in a field of more than 2,600 runners . <1uirtcrbacks. We 11ve them quite a bit of offense. ntu1 lt'to urnuzing how well they did, con~jdennc tlw II mlted work Cone week) they JOl In." Vc:rmcil :;aid Schlichter "threw the ball better than hf' d16 In practice. He had a lremendou1 day · · Jf<· threw scoring strikes of 8 yards to UCLA li&hl t>nd r;m Wrt1htman •nd lS nrdi; to T ulane tight en<l ltC?d Holman. RuMlng back David Tolouma 1cored lwictt for Team National, which built a 'l3·] lead 1oin1 into th'e rourtt) quarter. Team American cut the aap to "l3 21 with 7:22 rem aining, but Idaho State c1uarterback Mike Maturek tossed a 19-yard scoring pass ).d Tolouma with 2:54 to play lo seal the victory JOWA STAT•; fullback Dwayne Crutchneld scored all three touchdowns for Team American on runs or I . l and 2 yards. Schlichter completed his first eight passes, wound up wjth completions or nine of 12 atlempta for 129 yurds and was named the game's Most Valuable Offensive Player. Team NalionaJ linebacker Clayton Welshuhn of Angelo State In Texas was voted the Most Valuable Oerensive Player. Schlichter was replaced by Matt Kofler of San ~iego State, who prompUy directed two scoring drives to pu,t Team National ahead 23·7 early in the third quarter. Tolouma's first TD came on a 5-ya~d run early 10 the second quarter. Idaho-State kicker Case de BrlliJn added a 27-y.ard field g6al. From Page 81 O'MEARA •••• 1 n contention. At least 1 didn 'l take myself out• or the gold Loumament, which is what it looked like :"on the front side." CaldweJI , a journeyman who hasn't fit11shed seven years of tour experience . also played his hack nine an 32. "I had to go on the back nine and l did. Now I'm in !-thape to win the golf tournament " said <.:aldwell. who will be paired witb Kite and Fiori in the final group Sunday. "ll's a bout 90 per.cent certain the winner will come out of that group," Caldwell S!lid. '.'I'm the low man. Kite's the leading money.winner and Ed's a ~real player l 'll just.have to s how ·em I can play. too." It was 4 strokes back of the leaders lo Cat Peet e and Scott Hoch. tied at 273. Both played al Bermuda Dunes. Peete had a 68 and Hoch reeled off a string of seven consecutive birdies .. Jet Ozaki the J apanese rookie who led the first two rounds. fell victim to a fat 76 at La Quipta and dropped uut of ulle conlentio9 at 278, ~ shots_.__ back. Masters champ Tom Watson, who played with Ford. Hope and Speaker of the Rouse Tip O'Neill, shot a 73 at Indian Wells and had a 284 total. Since the amateurs are required to pick up whel\ they are out of a hole, no individual amateur scores >Vere a vailable .. Arnold Palmer. the current seniors champion and a five-time winner ·or this title, had a 71 at Indian Wells., He failed to qualify for the final round with a 289 total. 1 over par. From Page Bl TUCKER • • • enough money but there will t>e a Super Bowl party anyway. with lt\e NFL picking up lbe entire tab ... Without party crashers, the tab would be half as stiff. • Some guys who wear $500 suits to the races have hole.'i in their socks end underweat. • • Upcoming astounding figures for the 1980's • Fernando Valenzuela's salary and the cost of security for the Olympic Games in Los Angeles. • An accomplished speed reader is a guy who can get through the talented people the Rams have donated to other teams. · • If talent was dynamite, Irv. Phyllis and lhe Greek wouldn't have enough to blow their noses. • NFL commissioner Pete Rozelle can do what h e wis h es a bout pla ying a conferen ce championship game in a 59 below zero wind chill, . but he abuses our intelligence when he says iJ is a decent test of two football teams. • Georgia's Herschel Walker will show r eal athl~lic dexterity when he glides under the table to get his money for appearing in the Sunkisl track meet. ~ lf Howard Cosell had ·hls life lo live over - again. he would still fall in love with himself. Edge captures f ea tore ARCADIA. CAP> Edge, a 25·1 shot ridden by Cash Asmussen, won a late duel with Safe Play by a nose to capture Saturday's SllJ,000 El Eodno Stakes at Santa Anita. Close to the lead most of lhe way, Edge moved ahead early in the homestretch then held oU a strong closing bid by Safe Play, whom she had just passed. Carrying 114 pounds. Edge was clocked in 1:41 1·5, equaling the El Encino record in the 1 1·16 m ile event for 4·year.old fillies. From Page 81 ' SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA .COLLEGE • • • Sf me way," Reynolds continues. sparked by Porras, who leads the district with a 25.6 scoring average. A 6-4.forward from San Jose, Porras also aver'ages eight rebounds per contest. lo SCC. where Porras for one, is quite thankful~ South seniors win North's McMahon has three pic_ked 'off •'He~ the kids can reaUy put ·thln11 ln perspective. They're sWI playin1 coUege ball, getlin& a good·educaUon and not riding tbe pine, so to'speak," Reynolds explalna. ''We don't think we're inferior. Loot al Biola. They're ranked No. 1 amon1 the small schools." 8CC'8 *2u:DtJLB this year included Cal Stale IM Angeles and etaapman, and even thouJh tile two teams accounted for two of lbe Va.nauarda' three IOIMI, Re1nojda lhink• bis team bas satned some respeetabUlty. Next year, Reynold• bopee to have Pepperdlne on the Vanpanl acheduJe. IA< additkJD. tbe Vaa•uard• could play Southern llethodl•t and/or W ealern Montana in the BYU-Hawail Tournament. Till• .. asoa. sec baa been Junior Mike Robe rts is a Mjssion Viejo Hlgh graduate. He boasted a 19.6 average last season but a nagging foot injury hu kept him from reaching his potential this season. · Porras and Roberts are good examples of the typical Van1uard basketball player. · '' P.orras was the most valuable pl ayer in his bl1h school league In San Jo•e." Reynolds explains. H~ was a walk-on player al Cal St.ate Fullerton but things Just didn't work oul. He called Uormer coacll> ·Ed Moriart)' and asked lf be could try out." . . &OBE&TS ALSO wa11ted plenty of playin1 time H well as a Cbrlstian education. Jt led bim . "Mike is a st~ong , giving . player. He's open, casual and ca rm, 'Nber e a s I 'm more intense. I really look to Mike for leadership," Porras e~plalns. That seems to be the key to tbe Vanguard6' success -not Just this season, but any season. Both Porras and his coach point to the team spirituality. .. . Orange Cout O~LY PILOT/Sunday, January 17, 1982 .. o.11, ~-.._., ·~ ........ Red Smith 'Ieft . •Jots of frie:tids . Sportswriter earned respect NEW-'iO,RK <AP) -ll WU the end of. a long December day s p e nt coverin g a National Football League playolr same between the Atlanta Falcons and the Oat1as Cowboys, and Red Smith was sharJng a ride with a friend. • "Before leaving me," Furman Bisher, sports edito r of the Atlanta Journal, recalled of his longtime colleague from The New York Times, "he put his baod on my shoulder and said, 'You know, the hell of it is, I love it.· That pretty well spoke for the m an." Smlth, a newspaperman fop 55 years and the first sportswriter to win the Pulitzer Priz.e ror commentary, died Friday at a hospital in Stamford, Conn., following a brief illness. He was 76. ·'He wa~ one of the greatest idols any young man could have," said Bisher , who had known Smith for 30 years. ".He was Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb and J oe DiMaggio fo r· a ny sports wr iter coming a long. "ONE OF THE g r eatest things about him was that he was s uch a genetleman and a gentle man." "We've lost-our leader," said Bud Collins, columnist for the Boston Globe and a televi,slon ' tennis commentator . "Jl hurts. and it will hurt every time we want to read a reasoned, literate, witty appraisal of a s porting occasion or issue." Said Dic k Youn g , sports columnist for the New York Daily Ne ws : ··He w a s t he greatest essayist ever lo write s po rts or anything else in a ftESPECTED -Red Smith. 't he Pulitzer pri ze-winning s p o rts writer h o died Friday. won the r espect and admiration of his peers. In 1928. he moved to the copy desk of the St. Louis Star and shifted lo sports when, as be later recalled. ··one day they" .. fired the sports department.'' He b eca m e a · bylined · columnist for the Philadelphia Record in 1935, moving to the now·defuncl New York Herald Tribune in 1945. From 1967-71 he worked for the Publis hers Ne ws paper Syndicate, the n joined the Times at the age of 66. WULF ON PROWL -UC l n1ne·s Rainer Wulf 125 > races Santa Barbara's Mario Gaines for loose ball (left) and d rives against York Gross during• Saturday 's PCAA encounter af Crawford Hall. newspaper." ' Just last Monday, the man born Walter Wellesley Smith on Sept. 25. 1905. in Green Bay, W1~ .. al'\Pounced in his column in t he Times that he was cutting baclCrrom follr columns a week "Within the Times family, ·we always felt that. bringing Red to our staff. even al an age when m o s t m·e n c o n l e m p I a t e retire ment, alloweCI us lo fuUill • a very speci'aJ trust for sports," : sa id A.M. RosenthaJ, the paper's t e x e c u t i v e d•i t o r . · ' W e ' remember him with a ffection and pride as a wonderful writer , and a wonderful man." ! From Page 81 UCI ••• Lawson· suffers first def eat . to three. He gave no reason. ··one of the beauties of this job to hold on al the end to pull it out. Area wrestlers hold their own in tournament • is that there's always tomorrow. Tomorrow thin gs will be better." he wrote in what was to be his final piece. "Now that the quota is back to three , will things be better ·day after Jumpers by Wayne Davis and York Gross quickly c.ut the d e ficit back l o t wo a nd , following Rainer Wulf's free throw, another j umper by Russell m ade it 63-62~th eight seconds left. .,. But UCl's inbounds pass found· Kevin Magee all alone at the other end of the court and the All-American s lammed it home for the final margin of victory. , "I'd Like lo get an easy one," smiled Mulligan after the game. ''Everybody is more prepared for us now. We were surprised because they came at us right away, then we got behind and ~we were forced to play man ... Ironically , it was UCl's man d efense that al lowed-the Anteaters back in Hle game. By TERRY WHITE Of "'e 0 .. 1, ~llet §!Mt · Keol Davis ' dramatic 6·3 vic t ory ove·r pre viously unbeaten Scott Lawson of El Dorado High in the 147·pound division was the highlight of the Fi ve Cou nties Wrestling tournament held Saturday night at Fountain Valley High. Davis competes for Nogales High. and Lawson's record is now 27·1. Area wrestlers fared we.JI in the tourney, one 6f them being Fountain Valley's ,Troy Macchia, who pla~ed fourth. Fountain Valley Coach John Rosales. hf11. this to say about Maccma·s performance. "Troy Ma ~hi a is a 10th grade'r. This ,.\(ieekend was his . •, t . ~ ' . first varsity tournament. He had only one match befQre this. This was his first match al 100 poundli. He was ao undefeated JV wrestler before today." he said. "It 'was the most outstanding perfo rmance that I have had·for a kid wr~tling for the firs t time on varsity," Rosales added. Irvine ·High also held its own in the tournament, pl acing three wres~lers in the cons9lation fina l s a nd one in the c hampions h ip fin a l s . T h e wrestler who did reach the finals was Steve Peek, who competes in the 187-pound division. He lost to Steve (jranifo of Villa Park, ·9-4. : Ir vi ne Coac h Ga r y Saddlehack surviv·es "Teams sometim es h ave to change their ·style, and that's wtial UCI did tonight," said Morris, noting a difference in Mulligan's philosophy from last But occ loses at home to Mounties year. "They used to try lo get r you lo play their style. but I see Sad d I e back Co 11 e g e The one bright spot for the them changing now. weathered the stor m but Orange Pirates was the play of Chris "I talked to Mulligan and he Coast College wasn't as lucky in Beasley who hit 31" points, most indicated he was going lo have community college 'basketball of them from 25-30 feet out. to make some changes. I think action Saturday night. Ml. San Antonio used its it's good they're adjusting ... T h e· Gauc h os posted a physical strength and height to they have to." roughly-pfayed 89-75 victory s uccessfully force the Pirates By adjusting the Anteaters are over host San Diego City College outs ide and ge l most of its now 2-0 in confe rencei )3-1 in M ission Conference play in bas kets from within six feet. Jn o.ver'all. UCSB drops lo l·l and the border tity with George· fact, the Mountaineers hit 26 of 6-8. 1 Turner sparking the-vietory. their 27 fi eld goals from within Of course cha nge doesn't Coach Tandy ,Gillis' Pirates that range and only took three always bring happiness. even if lost their fourth straight, this shots from 15 feel or "farther out you're winning. time lo Ml. San'Anlonio, 67-59, in duringlhe game. . · • I'm h a ppy und er the the loser's gym in South Coast Beasley was 15 for 18 at one circumstances. but we 're not Conference action. juncture in .the game arid is going to be able to blow anybody In San Diego. the first half of averaging 22 points a game, out with the type of ball the play was sloppy for both teams . hi g h fo r t h e South Coast other teams are -Pla ying," said The Gauchos came back in the Conference. Magee, who finis hed with a second half with Turner hitting Beasley also moved into 10th game-high 24 points. "If teams and reboundjng well to lead the place on the all-time Orange run with us, it would be no way·. Coast College scoring ladder contest. Turner hit a 10-foot jumper with 786 points In his two· years "It's not Like we're into close with 12: 1 o 1 e rt to give on the Pirate squad. He moved games, but if teams are going to Saddleback a 59·46 lead. But~ ahead of Craig Falconer (766) force us into them there's Diego then scored the next nine with his performance Saturday nothing we can do." points to pllll within four at 59·55 night.· "These are league games. this before the Gauchos took over OCC was in the game at the is it." added .Ben Mc Donald once again. 3:32 ma rk, trailing by 55-53. But wtro, a long .with Leonard Turner hit 5 of 6 from the field in the closing minutes, Beasley J ohnson, chippec:! in .10 points and 5 of 5 from the line in the fouled out and the Mounties <Randy Wbieldon bad 14>. second half. David Wisniewski, went to the line to widen the · "that's why they're so close. who tallied 21 for the Gauchos, ma rgin. , They mean so much.'' hit 10 of 11 free throws in the Tim Krohnfeldt had 7 assists T he mean enough for UCI to second half and was 5 of· 7 from • a nd Ronnie Calhoun 6 while chance its style -and'\hat's a the field and 11 oU3 at the line Beas le y wa s the leading •c~o~n~c~ess;;;;;ion;;;;;~in=-its=-eK=-,~;;;;;;;rr-~~~~!N-i~t~h~s~e_ve_n~re~6o.;._ur.n;d;s;.;:::;::::;:;:::;:::;;:;r~e~bo~u~nd~e~r~C~o~rOCC w~il-h~6~.~~~ CHINA Sltfl.n.LAX •.-..iMrltU Beijing. NlnlinG. Wuxi •. Suzhou, Shengt.I Dr.UI~-· 24f41 ........ Drt.•· Le ... e Hlltt, CA t26H 17141~3'-2000 ·-- '81 ON SALE wmr nus AD ~t-~.l9..r- llOOO 00 ~11),,Till,\' l'A\'totlWT8 l>liF£1Ut£0 l'ltl('I! 111 111&1111 <'ASll PRICE> 177M.80 llSC'U.1HIS. TA.'(, UC ~·'*>. llCIC' l'ttll) '0 .. 7 I I• I • J&• 1 •.... ...... ,, .. , ·' '"' ', 'I I I•' '' =.. 1 ( ) . =..1, ~· ' -- IMIOU. MO\l,V c ............. ..,... Leli. ,.,..,_ SAN .JOA9UIN GOLF1 COURSE _ : FREE LESSOMS with PUR~HASE -OF '20°0 DISCOUNT RANGE. CARD DeBeaubien thought Peek fared well against Granito. .. He <Pee k > wrestle d the number·one kid in Orange County. He did a good job agajnsl him,·' De Beaubien said. DeBcaubien also thought Peek outdid himself in the tourney. "lie was seeded seventh in the tournament . a nd wound up getting in the finals." he said. "'I thougf.t Steve Sc hwi c ht e nb e r g (169 pound-class.) and Louis Brenes ( 114·pound class > could've been it't t he finals ... he said. Chris Stat e ly <202-pound weight class > was Irvine's other w restler who made it to the consolation finals. He lost 6-1 in overtime to James J ones of Shafter High. but DeBeaubien felt Stately exceeded his own · efforts. .. l think Chris Stately is really improved. He was seeded fHth in and finis hed, third ~n the tournament." he said. · In the othe r consolation matches, Brenes decisioned Steve Curry of Edison. 5-3; and Schwichtenberg lost to Brent Bieshaar of Vi lla Park 6-4 after once leading 4-0. tomorrow?" • SMITH STARTED his career a s a general-assignment re porter with the Mil waukee Sentinel. after graduation (~om Notr~ Dame in 1927. • .~ Final fo~· ra~e~ Smith won countless awards · for his writing. including the ; Pulitzer iii 1976 for "Sports of. : the Times." . i . "Writing 1s easy," he once · said ... , just open a vein and , bleed." ' HE WAS THE first ,sport; j writer to take the Pulitzer for : commentary. The late Arthur_! · Da[ey or-the Times was. the fi rst sportswriter to win a PuJitz.er. in 1956, although his was for : general reporting. · "I 've alway s t ii-ed lo · at Los Al canceled } remember that these were ! games little boys can play," : LOS ALAMlTOS -Heavy fog forced the cancellation of the final four races Saturday night at--Gs Alamitos Race Course, including the El Prime ro DeJ Ano Derby. The track . officia ll y canceled the final four races after a 30-minute delay when heavy fog rolled in following the running of the sixth race. The lrack_announced that all programs from Saturday night's ca rd can be used fo r free admission on either Monday night or Tuesday night, the final two ni ghts of the season. Smith said in an Interview last : year on the CBS-TV show. "60 : Minutes ... Yet he expressed : pride in covering athletics . ·'S ports is not realJy a piay world," he said. "I think it's the real world. The people we're writing about in profe'ssional sports. they're s uffe ring and living and dying and loving Ind tryi ng to make t h e i r way through life j u s t as th e · bricklayers and politicians are . . . The man who repo8tS on these games cont ributes his , small bit to the record of his ' time." ; I ~ College basketball r.:===========~· JOHNSON & SON Presents ... MondiJ:r..a•me• Arl~ona SI et UCLA ~ Wls.-Gr"" Bay •t ArllanMS SI Butle<elO<el R~ Ennsvllle at Oklationul City Nicholls SI. el Hardln·Slfl'lmons TeHs·Arllnqlon at Houston Beptlll McN-.se SI at N. Tu~s SI TCU •ITeu1 ,SWtll M•rs Hiil al A-lec:hlen SI Beptl1t at Jec:honv111e Citadel el VMI Geo<v!a Sf, el N.C.<f\arlo4te HE Loul\1-al Loulsl.,.. Tech w. Canl!IM el Ma~tl•ll Memp1111 SI. al v1rolnle Te< 11 Ale.·Hunls•llle el ~eel SI. How 0<1_.s at s. Mlu lulppl 81scayrw al South CMOCIM SW Loulsl.,.. el Stet-. •est Lefa.,.111 al A,....lcen U. S.IOfl Hell •I BOiton C041eo- 8u<krwll at o.-.nl NlllVM• et Col911te Falrleltfl Oklllnson •I 51. Fr•nc;ls, ~ •. M•IMCIMMtb II Fonlllem Hofstra at llleler. PeflftSI .. WHt v1r·9lnl• • M ...... Loyole, Ill. el Clnclnt>ell OelawateSI. •IW. lllJnolt Utlce et lff . .(:N. Cll'Clt W. TeUISt.•llHIMhSI. Loyola. Md. •t Ohio U. Chlc991154.8'N.I- Tueaday'a games ........ Haw•ll •1 Air F0<ce ~ Baylor •I Al1len..s Ge. Sout,,.rn •I Arll.·Llltle Ro<k Rice •I Tt~al Te<tl M ...... Jersey Cltv SI. al D•Jlon VIII-• at No4re Dame Tri· St. at v.iperelso .... Army el Felrfleld Ole kl-et Rotier1 Morris Pe"" al La Salle . Lono u.1-u el St F,..nc ... N y Yele1IMenNU.1n Temple at Marlsl S-11 Tt nn -0..lta.~ el Furm•n Cenltnerv el NW Loul1l1n1 Pe t e the .. Gr eek " NFL's Picks Of 'The Week PETE PICKS SAN FUHCISC' ALL THE WAY! Tttlrll.#1 LmYHI ltu UMCOLN COMl"l9f1" AU! New Parts Department Hours Now Open 8:00 am -1:00 pm Saturdays LYNX•LN7•CAPRl•CONTINENTAL• MARK VI • LINCOLN•d:>UGAR•XR7•ZEPllYR ~ 1616 Harbor Boulevard, Costa Mesa R C U (714) M0-&68() t ; .. Orange Cout OAtLV PILOT/Sunday, January 17, 1982 Titana Suffer ·seco~d ~o~gli PC1'tt ~~~s :Long B_each staves o]f Fullerton rally; Fresno rolls over Utah State for easy W!n FnaAP•pa&clilff LONO BEACH -Guard Cralc Hoda• had 11 polnla.aod center Dlno.Gre•ory teored 1' Saturday Ditbt lo lead Lona Beach State lo a »M Paclllc Coaat AthletJc Aaaociatlon buketbaU victory over Cal State Fullerton. Loo, Beach, now s.. overall and 1-1 ln the teaaue. ed 32-30 at halftime and the tame was close atmoet au the way. • Guard Gary DavJa paced Fullerton, now 1-10 and 0·2 in the PCAA, with 21 potnta and 1uard Leon Wood. added 15. _ _ · Fullerton trailed by 58-52 late In the contest, but closed the pp to 58·M wilb 27 seconds left. But Wood miued a 10.foot Jumper with five secoods left and Crail Lack rebounded for the 49era. Lack, missed a free throw, but Fullerton threw away lhe inbounda pass, then Greaory ~e one of bvo free thfOWS for the final maraln. I • Freano-Stat• 71, Utah State 50 . FRESNO -Deal 8arpwre made 13 poi.nls and lfod Higgins and Bobl.fy Davia scored 12 apiece to lead Fresno State to a 71-50 win over Utah State in PCAA action. Balanced scoring and an overpowering man-to-man defense figured keenly in Fresno's 16tb straight home victory. With 11 m1nules left in the second half, Fresno began a streak of 10 straiaht points. · Leo Cunningham, with 11 pointa, was high scorer for Utah. The win improves the Bulldogs to 13-1 for the season and 2-0 in the PCAA. The Aggies drop lo 2-12 overall and 0-2 in the PCAA. -'San Joae State 57, P•clflc 56 SAN JOSE -Juniot guard Kevin Bowland hit an 18-foot jumper with 3 seconds remaining lo give San Jose State a 57-56 PCAA comeback win over the University of Pacific. The Tigers set a UOP record, hilling 73 percent from the field. Bµt tbe bot shooting wasn't enougn1to Oiscourage (he-Spartans. San Jose trailed 33-11 with 3 minutes left in the first half, but narrowed the gap·to 33-21 ~fore the half ended. They whittled it further in the second half as senior f,rward Kevin Thomas bit 10 points in the final 10 minutes. The Spartans led, $4-53, with 3 minutes left. The ngers came back with an 18-foot jumper from guard Mike Moore. But Bowland answered that with his own 18-footer. UCLA 65, Artzone 56 LOS ANGELES.-Reserve guard Rod Foster scored 19 points to lead UCLA to a 65-56 victory over the Um\rersily of Ariz0na in a Pacific 10 Conference game. UCLA led most of the way and look a 38-30 halltime lead. The Bruins extended their margin' to 46-32 three min.µtes into tbe second half, but the Wildcats scored 12 consecutive points to narrow the Bruins lead to two al 46-44. UCLA outscored Arizona 12-6 in the next five minutes .and was never seriously threatened thereafter. · Forward Mic hae l Sanders had 14 iJnd freshman Stuart Gray added 10 points for UCLA. USC. 64, Arizona State 57 LOS' ANGELES -Guard'-Dwieht Anderson. held scoreless in the opening half; pumped in 18 How AP"top 20 fared l. North Carollna Cl•·O> beat Noith CaroUna State 81-41: beat Duke 7S-83. 2. MJasou.rl (1.3-0) beat Oklahoma State 5'-•9; beat Nebraska 4'-42. 3. Virginia (1$-1) beat M'tryland 4~. OT: beat Waaner 99·61: beat Georala Tech 79-60. . . 4. DePaul (1$-1) beat Crelahton 76-87; beat South Carolina 92·~: beat Old Oomlnfdh 70-60. ...... 5. Iowa <U·2) IOlt lo MiMesola 61-56; beat Wisconsin 78-62. 6. Kentucky (10·3) lost to Mississippi 67-65; beat Alabama 88-Sf. 1. San Fra.nciaco (JS.~ bea~ Notre Dame 57-55; lost to Pepperdlne 102-91; beat Loyola 108-74. 8. Geor.letown (lf-2) beat Seton Hall 62-60. 9. Arkansas (11·2> beat Texas Christian> J 62-59; lost to Texas 87-73. 10. Houston (11-3) lost to Texas 95-85; lost to Soutbem Methodist 67-66. 11. Minnesota 01·2) beat Iowa 61-56 ; beat Michigan 67-58. · 12. North Carolina State (14·2) lost to• North Carolina 61-<tl ; beat Wake Forest 52-50. 13. Alabama (12-2) beat Louisiana State 109-86; lost lo Kentucky 86.69. 14. Idaho (15-0 ) beat Idaho Slate 73-62; beat Weber State 59-44. 15. Oregon Stale (12-2) beat Stanford 81-38; beat Oregon 7.6·61 . 16. Wichita Stale C 12·•) ~ beat Creighton 69-56 ; lost to Tulsa 99-88. 17. Louisville Cl2·3) beat South Alabama 76-68; beat Cincinnati 7•-58. / 18. Tulsa (13-2) beat West Texas State 98-54 ; beat Drake 71-54; beat Wichita State 98;88. . - 19. T"exas c 12·0) beat Hou'.st.on 95-85 ; beat Arkansas 87-73. 20. Virginia Tech < 11·2J beat Tulane 65-64 ; lost to Florida State 69.SS. points i{l the second to help Southern Cal rally to a 64-57 Patific-10 victory over Arizona Stale. The trojans, now 10-4 in all games and 4-1 in the Pac-lo, outscored the Sun Devils 9-2 ·in the final 2:28 to lock up the victory. Southern Cal trailed 42-34 with 15 minutes remaining in the game, but i\_nd,erson's three.point play started use on an 8-0 'tring that gave it a 42-41 edge. The lead then ~~e-sa"ed back and forth until the Trojans broke away from a SS-55 tiff with the late scoring binge. Lafayette Lever led the Sun Devils, now S-9 overalj {lnd 0-5 In the Pac-10, with 24 points, 19 or those in the 1second half, and he also had nine rebounds. Paul WiJliams, ASU's leading scorer this season with a 16.8 average, had just seven points and hit just one or his 14 fi eld goal attempts. Ore·gon State 76, Oregon 61 EUGENE, Ore. -Lester Conner, Charlie Sitton and William Brew combined for 43 points to lead lSt.h-ranked Oregon State to a 76·61 victory over Oregon. 1'he Beavers hit 21 frff throws in tbe second ha lf and pulled away from the Ducks lo the final sii m.lntuea. Oregon Stale now is 5-0 In the Pac.-10 and 12-2 overall. Oreeon dropped to 2·3 ln the conference and 7.7 overall. Waahlnaton 74, Cal 12 SEAftLE -Forwards Brad Watson and Dan Caldwell each scored 16 P01nt1 as tbe WubiJlgton Huskies defeated Calitomla 7C·G . • Hu.sky auard Steve-Burk.& add~ 15 points and 12 assists, while reserve forward Deller Schrempf chip~in 10. . M•rk McNamara, Cal's 8-\1 senior center w.tio raQks among the nation's leaders ln field goal ..Percentage and rebouadln1. scored a 1ame·hi1h 2S £<>int• and pulled down .. 20 re.boJ40da. Teammate ~am Potter added 21 peints. . • 'l't)e victory was Waablnston's loth straight ~ ttept the Huskies atop tbe,Pacific-10 standlngs with a 6·0 record, theft best start since 1953. Overall, Washington Is 13·2. With the loss, the Bears slipped to 2·3 in conterence play .and 8-6 overall. USF 108, Loyola 74 LOS ANGELES -Center Wallace Bryant and forward Ken McAlister combined for 46 points to ·lead No. 7 University of San Francisco to an ·overwhelming 108-74 West ·Coast Athletic Conference viclor'f over Loyla Marymount. Bryant had 2S points and McAlister had 21'.'" Guard· Quinlin Dailey added 19 points as the victorious Dons evened their conference record at 1-1 and brought.their overall record to 15·2. Mlaaourt 44, Nebraaka 42 LINCOLN, Neb. -Prince Bridges' layup at the buzier gave No. 2 Missouri a 44-42 victory over Nebraska in a Big Eight Conference basketball game Saturday night. Nebraska's Jack Moore had tied the game at. 42-42 with 14 seconds to play. The basket accounted for the Cornh'lskers ' first points in eight minutes. The unbeaten Tigers, now 13·0. called time with U seconds remaining. Bridges inbounded the bait near midcourt, took it back under the basket and scored the winning field goal. North Caroline 73, Duke 63 DURHAM. N.C. -Senior guard Jimmy Black's balUtawking defense opened the door for an 18-4 spurt as top·ranked North Carolina·cruised to a 73-63 victory over Duke in the Atlantic Coast Conference. Basketball VlrglNa 79 Oeorgla Tech 80 CHARWTTESVILLE, Va. -Ralph Sampeon •cored 24 polnta, arabbed 14 rebound• and blocktd three shots to ltael tb.ird -ranked Viralnia to a 79·80 Atlantic Coast Conlerence victory over Geor1la Tech. The victory Improved the Cavaliers' record to 15-1 and. 4-1 in the ACC while the Yellow Jacket.a fell to S-1 J.4. _ Tim 'Mullen addea 14 polnli for Vlr1lnia, which won its its 27th straight and 37tb of Ila last 38 games on its home court. Kentucky M , Alabama II LEXINGTON, Ky. -Dirk Minniefield scored 25 points and Derrick Hord added 22 as No. 6 Kentucky blasted No. 13 Alabama 86·89 in a Southeastern Conference game. Both Minniefield and Hord tossed in 10 point.I in the first half as Kentucky held a comfortable 44-30 lead at the break. The victory boosted Kentucky to 10-3 overall and 3·2 in the SEC. Alabama fell lo 12-2 and 4-2. Iowa 78, Wisconsin 62 . MADISON, Wis . -Bob Hansen scored 17. points and Mike Payne added 12 t~ le~d the fift h-ranked Iowa Hawkeyes to a 7&-62 victory over Wisocon.sin. ' . lowa·\mproved its conference record lo 3-1 and 11-2 overall. · Wisconsin was led by Cory Blackwell with 16 points. The Badgers fell to 1-3 in the Big Ten and 4·8 overall.~ After the Badgers, who never led, had rallied to within 22-20 on a jumper by Sellers with 6:42 left in the first hi(, Iowa broke the game open with a 13-2 s pree. The Hawkeyes took a 35-22 lead on two free throws by Kevin Boyle with 2: 14 left. OePaul 70, Old Dominion 60 NORFOLK, Va. -Skip Dillard and Terry Cummings helped DePaul race to a 2()-point lead, and the Courth-ranked Blue Demons thwarted an Old Dominion rally late in the.game-to post• 70-i0 victory. DePaul, 15-1, led 4-0-24 at the half, and baskets by fres hman ·waHer Downing and Dillard stretched it. to 44-24 two minutes into the second half. The Monarchs, 7-5, the n outscored DePaul 9-1 to get within 12, 45·33, with 14 :40 to play. Charlie ~mith started the run with a three-point ptay, and Billy Mann capped it with two baskets. > sco res 1 College -\ TDDAT'S CIDISIDID PVIZLI .,... UC lrvlM6S, UC S..-.la a .. wra U L.ono a..c11 SI. s•. CS Fullerton S. f'rittMSI '1.UIAlll SI SO ~n JowSL.Sl. PKUlc S. USCM.An-st S1 UCLA U . Arlrona S. • WHlllnoton 74, C.llt0tnle •1 WH"in91on St. U , SteflfO<CI SI Or..,,. SI. 7', ()A_,• 1 Gont4111ot '1; St, Mary's SI (oO ~en 06-St. 65, Tne~EI Pe'° '1 Portl-M, U. of Sen Dio9o41 P--77. Sente C1¥e 7l UC Al~l•.~10 CS ~ Hill' 7'. C.I Poly IPomonel U ... Cel POiy C SAn LUt\ OblMlOl 4#· CS LCK Anoeln u . ACROSS t ObMUiOn 4 P.ired II Intrigue 14 Motion picture 20 Big tuu 2t wom-sy 22Trulsm 23 Wlndftower 25 HedrlM 27Common- lhrub 81 Rational 14 Abyalnlan tltte 85 MIS1ake remoYef 87L"' common 89 Climbing lid: Fr. llt Part oh den 92~ 157 NFL posl-24 Growing out t08 Hunt tlon 2& Addl1y ~cMsa 158 BB>lk* king 28 Allistent 111 AIMr. u10 ··-30Gennan l.MgUe profundl• .. king poeltlon 161 Print 33 Electronic 113 Razor hone measure deteclor 115 Begin 183 Hindu gutter 35 Correct t 17 "Flgh11ng 165 Tel rider copy lrl9h'· univ. 1117 Scatter 37 lnMci nest 1111 Coar•'• 170 SeplOlty 4-0 Uq\ild reletfve 173~own mee.ure 121 Customery 176 Olletac1 43 Regional 122 Bleckbll'd 178 MelMnlO 46 Auto atyte 124 Mistake ··Sports grab hag today· 1t"'1enc1t n. c.1t.c11 u U SF IOI, L.oYol• IC Hewau ... New Mealco SI Cal Lutllet"M SI. FreWIO Pacific 4' ti Iola 97, UC Sen Oio9o .0 ltw,lllft Cole><-St. SJ, Air Force tt lot) t1oh es192.ldelloSl"a foll prec. 114 Purposive 29 Slice iJ turf 96 Hinge JI Glent 98 Femlle 32 Cutter ~piper 34 AdVent• 99 Bone: Llt. geous 'fl 1 Scottlatl 36.Attaclc: tMpOt1 180 Jewelry 480utmoded 126 The lmpofo ~ht 49 Of etls.aue 128 Oceatl 182 R'uuian 51 Tenk« mo_,,.,, ts rMW 53 Fem. title 13 t ln.h poet 183 Girl ot song 54 -Olde 134 TheRem t 85 Arornetlc ShoWe t38 Popular ·NBA, college ~basketball, golf and boxing_top TV agenda ltenwsSt. It, Color-Y - N•v~a-U . Hort....,, ArlzOt\e u Monl•N St. SI, MonlAIN Sl 1o;no ff, w-r SI •• By HOWARD L. HAN DY Of .. DMty Nee Melt Throw in a National Basketball Association game today and you have a variety of action beginning at 10 this morning. Channel 2 will bring the Philadelphia at New Jersey game live at that lime. And for the • simon pure rans. Louisville is at Missouri in a college game live on Channel 4 at the same hour. TeMis fans can tune in at 12: LS on Channel 2 while golf addicts can view the final round of the Bob Hope Desert Classic on Channel 4 at 1:30. . , There's also boxing on Sport.sworld at noon (Channel 4) and on Channel 7 at 3:30. . Followlno are U>e top sports events op. TV today. Ratings are: I o1 o1 "excellent; I "" worth watching; 1 o1 fair;1,forget it. · S 10 e(m., Channel 2 ./ ./ j NBA BA~KETBALL : Philadelphia at New Jersey. · Announcers: Dick Stockton and Bill Russell. Julius Erving and the Philadelphia 76ers take ·on Otis Birdsong and the New Jersey Nets lrt today's game. Pftiladelphla Is currently il"I second place In the Eastern Conference, Atlantic Dlviston while tM Nets are on the bottom of the standings. Darryl Qawklns at center and caldwell Jones give Erving support. Birdsong leads th' Nets In scoring and is aided by leading rebounder Buck WI Ill ams and second-Year center Mike Gmlnski. ~, 10 a.m., Channel 4 ./ ./ ./ COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Louisville at Missouri. Announc,:_s: Dick Enberg and Al McGuire. Missouri's Tigers. ranked No. 2 this week on the AP poll with an 11-0 record, will take on the No. 17 ranked Loulsvltle Cardinals < 10·3). Missouri has thAt starters back from last year Including leading scorer Ricky Frazier, a 6-6 senior forward who Is averAQlng 15.8 per game. .. LouiSvllle, under Coach Denny Crum, Is paced by 6-7 senior forward Derek Smith. S \ 12:15 p.m., Channel 2 ·./ ./ ./ • T•NktS: Grand p;1x Masters: Announcers: Tony Trabert and John Newcombe. ·· It will be Ivan 'Lendt, the no. 1 seed agaln~t Vltas Geruleftis In today's championship finals. West win8 Japan Bowl YOKOHAMA, Japan -Walter Abercrombie of Baylor acored two toucbdowm and Unlvenlt)' ot Nev..S.·Lu v .. u q~ Sam tans bit• ot '1 pUleS to lead the Wftt AU.stan to a a-11 win oveL._tbe_!!ut in the Mventb !DDU1 Japao .Bowl A aear-cmpactlty erowd Ja-at vOliOliaml'" ~dium ....,. Tokyo H• tbe Welt colle,Wt• COID• from bebmd three Umee, ftDa1l1 bnaklna It opea m tbe fourtb qurter cm Abettromble'a two at.ort touc:bclowm. ne Eut ltd 10.'7 at b.attlme. The two met on Wednesday in the round-robin for'!lat with Lendt winning by a narrow margin. 4-6, 7-5. 6-2. In reachln~ the title match, Lendt · defeated John McEnroe and Gerulaitis dlspased of Eliot Tettscher Saturday. 1 :30 p.m., Ch•nnel 4 ./ ./ GOLF: Bob Hope Desert Classic. Announcers: Don Criqui, Bruce Devlin, John Brodie, Ch•rlie Jones, B"ob Goalby and J ay Randolph. ). Laguna Nlguel's Mark O'Meara, a graduate of Mission Viejo High and the 1980 U.S. amateur champion, is on ly two strokes behind leader Ed Fiori going into today's final round. O'Meara fired , the low round of the day on Saturday when he toured Indian Wells in 64 to conclude the four days of play with a 270 and tie with 'Forrest Fezler few third place. Tom Kite and Rex Caldwell ar!: tied for secbnd at 269. • ~ Tulu "· WlcllilAI St " tlavlOr SS, Alu» T .... 17,A..-.n-Tl SMU 67, """5ton .. Oki•-Y, •-•\St. 67 Lamer U , PAft American S? TC U 61. Teut·Arllnoton SI Buller SI, Ol<la"°""' City 411 NW Loui~ana II. Hardin-Simmons ... Mlilwolf lllil'lolS SS. Mklll9Aft St ~I ll'ldlAfta ... ONoSI 61 ·-· 7t, WlKOl'l$1" •1 P'urCIUe 56. NorttMH!e"' SI Ml--•7.Mklll09'\6' l<•"••s n ,.Oli•-ri Ml Houri~. H.WOllta 42 ,..,.,.. 0-ff. OevldMln '5 Ma.._..12. Cre""'°" 61 O.trolt n. x ... 1«. OllloM 9ell St. a . W. Mk"'-'4 Mlemt 67. ICent St. •2 lllll'IOll StJ?. .._ Mnko St. SI •-'°""'· v-.-s1.u E. MIG~1' •........ or .... 11 Brodl•ytz. T ...... T919dcll2, c.Mrol ~'5 . ,... ' L.oultvllM U, Clftcw-tl SI OTHER TELEVISION Hort!\ c-iN se. 52• w-F«nt ,. . Noon (4) -SPORTSWORLD -Bobby Czyz Nor1t1c-t1Mn.Oulleu ( 16·0) meets Robbie Sims < 12-0) in a scheduled l(.,.11,0,•. ,..._.., 10-round middleweight bout from South Or~nge, er:;::..':..':~!~: N.J . Also: Former world champion Kurt Thomas Lsu s..o-viau ret.urns to tompetltlon In the American """"'°"1'.~ .. s..111ou professional gymnastics classic, taped at Mia.ml •• -Z~~~1;..:.-:~.6:1otl Beach. The event also features Marcia Frederick "°'1c1e St. ... vi,.. rwti., In the first stop on a 47-city tour that offers s.u1 .. c-i1Mn,o--t1o se ... S2SO 000 In prize money. MIHl1Mpp1 "· "''°'* •1 J :30 p.m. )7) -BOXING -Coveraoe of the· r..r:;=::~~.d.~., w orJd Cup box I no champilonshlps, taped at "'•··••nnlfltNm n. s.ut11 F1or1oa Montreat. This bt~nlat event features 10 teams ., IMC from the world's top amateur boxers. The North American team combines boxers from the U.S. and Cuba. RADtO Basketball -Lake rs at Kansas City, 9: SO a.m., KLAC (570). Bowlin g r ookie ·looks like a ·vet Maryl-62, C-J7 Orelle! 1'-Hcw1_...,, M Georg• W•\ll l l'IOlon ••. ""••M<lluietb " Tomf>le 61, Hofstr• SI YermOftt 75. ""-llle .. PtM St. U, Plltlburtll 4t 11 ot I AUIOOf'IJl, ltllodl lal-50 NowH.........,e.:&.Yale60 AmerlcAll U '2. 9ucllllell 7S •-n ........ u ... C.nl1!!oal2. Holy er.. a C-1 S6. °'"'"9uttl SI UPMlellS,~tn It. P....-111, Fol~ld W Mol'lllOtlAll rs. """' .. 9"10ft CGll ... '1, Pf'ov141fnc• St SI. Jofll'l'I n. C-tkllt 11 O.PN,.,...~ .. LAS VEGAS (A~) -James Miller, bowUng in ~::::.:_~~S:.;,.''::':'' onl y bis second professional tournament, HM'v.,.n.~ .. displayed tbe touch of a veteran Saturday to defeat ... ,,...... 0tt11"'-•IMM• Pete Weber and win tbe Showboat Invitational. ::;:"'J~~ .. ~ ~ Miller, a 20·year:old who Jut week tlni&bed ., : 13th ln his first Professional Bowlers AasoclaUon ~~c:=r. tournament in Anaheim, rolled a 23t to Weber1s Ml. a.i .,,. 0r-. CMtt 198·to win tbe S2'7 ,000 rU'St prize. "s-u Alll 14. Citrf'ltM 19 "[ just can't believe it," said MUler. "It o.....,,..ft.s.tC>lleeMoM .. probably won't sink in for a couple of weeks.·• ~-==:~'O:cc11 Weer, In . ae"Cond place 19lng lnto the ,., • .,.._,., sei.• .,... "'' match-play nnals, defeated Steve Marlin 2'1-UN to c1trv1-.P.--...11oo -.-. ..... cwrawww move into the final match asainst the top-ranked w .. 1 i..-Met'" 11,.,.111 • ._ Miller. " v~n.~" The match between lflller and Weber, tt, ~·Tr ... Ttcll 11, c ........ featured the youngest flnallsll ever In a PBA c811YMt•.. ,. event. , . · "e11"e11n • v.MW• •0 ~ ot:2llU.alJ.,ot-famer.Dlck..WeMr, ~-..rru'J eamed ,1',000 for W. Hcoad-place flallh. ~-= In t.M ftnt tlnal·rouncl 1ame, 11....Un opened ._.AM,. with a 1pare and theo threw 11 ltraisht ttrikea to l:t.:n~~·'"' defeat Tapp •· 111. ll&rtln tbeD rolltid a 215 to CliiW.li ....... Zurich's 211, but fell to Weber by a 221-ltt marcln. ~~~~:;"c,,_.n 2worda 38Texasfli'e- wood 39 Merine• lonnetlon 4t Alleged lore. 42 Grad. degree 44 And: Lat 45 Exlata 47 Buddhist pillar 48 Boat com- mended by JFK 50Wlrelea 52 Menlcurlat'a board 55Commend 58 Helfn position 59 DOE:• ~I 11 Nero's language 83 $coft 15 Verify en eccount ., Thick. allce HRea1 71 Y•, In Moecow 72 Print -meeaure 74 Lampoon n Dried OfeNd tubers 79 DeMr1 t 03 Solidified Qll 56 Sun deity let>rlc 1CNI PIUral "'187low ~rc..monlee t39 NFL tcore ending ··m,adfy .. 60. Small shrub t 4 t tt.u.n rt~ • 107 Crlmton 189 Chemical· 62 Swimming t42ChlneM t Oii Flight ol auffix pool• porcelain steps 190 Widow 64 Exchange t44 AevolYed t 10 Lyflc muM 19t PrOhiblt mutually 14e Thin cookie 112 Picture 192 Inc.,.-66 Asiatic t47 lnn.tne with puz:rie citatad animal loY9 • 114 OlllCOfdfa 1113 Youngster 68 Broom 149 Bygt>ne time 116 Blemlttl 70 Jerez. 151 Leningrad'a 118 Gown . DOWN lormeny rtvw 120 OMdlng well 1 Sailors on 73 Lustrous 153 Bom:Old 123 Chlkfa the Plnetore 75 Indian coin Englilh marble 2 Pegengood 76 -Pant. 15eGot up 125~opua 3 Amu91ng Co4orado 159 Froan t21 Sting 4omcet town 162 Ethical 129 Taut 5 0ralp8UM 78THUrl~ 164 Buoollc 130 Tenfold 6 Unruly . 80 Frecu 166 And other•: 132 Verb tonn crowd 82 Out of bed At>bf. 133 Tra lollowef 7 Jeoob's twin 83 Oeleware 188 W9'ght 135 s.dete 8Slow, '" dty ellOWMCe 137 Sullen mualc 86 Smell ones 169 Te19grem 138 Court 9Summon 88J~ 171 Maple judgment 10 Peld notice ml., gerlUI 14-0 GioWtng 11 Faulty 90 Canonical 172 Ruaelen emtlef' 12~ hour conwntlon 1UDowny duck king 93 Declare 17 4 CellfOf'nle 145 Chum 13 RMlr bank 95 Bumi roddtlh 14e "sti.11 ....... 14 Roman 97 JewlM'I 175 Added - denoe •.. •• . atateemen month 177 Blbllc:al 14t8ycophent 15 A ... home 119 Mountain prleat 150 Hamburger 16 Seine nymph 179Meleawen topper 17 Flctlonel 100 Suff 111 ..... turkey 152 MortlM boy meter'81 114 Adtectlw joint detective 102 L.atiet Mlfftx 154 Franctt 18 r,...,...,., 104 Minute t14S A continent: ertlda stop pertlclel Abbf. 155 Sympoelum 19.£l(IMpplea 105 f006ed 188 Concerning .; ~·· Orange Coatt OAJLV PILOT/Sunday, January 17, 1982 •• ----· . ...... -~B.ill ·walsh Bowl' :UP-COJ!l~ng -I~ 49ers did qitite a rebuilding~jo_b . I And Walsh led them to the gold SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The San Francisco 49e rs, who wallQwed in chaos-and calamity- three years ago, are heading for • Super BowJ. XVI after one or the most impressive rebuilding jobs in National FoQ~ball League history. "I played in the Rose Bowl with UCLA, but after a • few year s with the 49ers, I had doubts whether I'd ever be on a championship team again," guard Randy Cross admits. - "But then Bill Walsh showed up, instilled a winning attitude, and we started getting results." ·The , results didn't .come as quickly as Walsh hoped. ms first two 49er teams finished 2·14 and 6·10. The breakthrough to a 13·3 record, best in the NFL this season. brought him Coach of the Year honor~. · • THE 4tERS STRUCK gold in the 1981 draft, getting three startin g defensive backs Including All-Pro Ronnie Lou. They picked up Jack ··Hacksaw" Reynolds as a free agenr a nd acquired All-Pro · defensive end Fred Dean in a · trade With San Diego. · These moves produced a dramatic improvement in lhe defense. The 49ers' offense had earned resP.ect under the guidance of Walsh, recognized a s one of football 's most creative offensive thinkers, even during the two losing seasons. "The way Bill calls plays keeps every other team one step behind us all the tim·e," says 49ers r unning bac k Lenvil Elliott. In . the four seasons before 1979, when Walsh was hired as head coach and gen e ral man ager', the 49ers had five head coaches. Walsh was given a five-year contract,. and lt a'1peared it would ta ke at least ttia1 long to turn a round the team which bad the NFL's worst record, 2·14, in 1978. "WE W E R E draft distressed," Walsh recalls . A total of nine high draft choices , inclu.di ng four first-round selections. had been given up in previous 49ers trades for Jim P lunkett and 0 .J . Simpson. Plunkett was gone when Walsh arrived, and one of the two 1 quarterbacks on,, tl\e roster, SCott Bull, had suffered a career-ending injury. "We h ad to draft a quarterback tha\ year , which was fortunate for us, because we took· Joe Montana late in the third round. Then we got Dwight Clark in the 10th rounti. They're both .Pro Bowl players now. sq we'd have to say that was a successful draft," says Wal~h. Montana's 6-yanJ· touchdown pass lo Clark with .51 seconds remaining made the 49ers 28-27 win ners over the Dallas Cow boys in last Sunday's National Football Conference championship game. FROM 1976 THROUGH 1981, the 49ers had only fo ur first-round draft choices and' a total or 18 picks in the top three rounds. By contras t. next Sunday's Super Bowl qppo'nents, Ute Cincinnati Bengals, got 11 first-round players and 27 in the. lop three rounds. "We've sort of had to make do," says Walsh. Tht 49ers, through trades, had two first-round draft picks and a fe w other extta drafting opportunities in 1980. PJayers chos en include four c urrent starters. 0 ' SF coach has a hand in Anderson's, as well as own team's, success -. PONTIAC, Mich. CAP> -Call It the 8111 Walsh Bowl. The San Francisco coaclt is, perhaps more than anyone else, res.,onalble not only for the 49ers' presence In next Sunday's National Football League champlonshJp gam.e, but for the Cincinnati Bengals' presence, too. l't was, after aJl, Walsh who molded Ken Anderson Into one or the league's premier passers during his tenure ( 1967·75) as Cincinnati's quarterback coach. WHAT HE DID for the Bengals then he has done for the 49ers now, developing young Joe Montana Into a star Q..,Uarterback. So, seven days from now, Walsl\_'s proteges will be calling the signals in this most uni~e Super Bowl. It is a ~uper Bowl to be played In· a ·snow-bell city Cal be it indoors>. In front or more than 80,000 fans who will pay at least • $40 apiece Cscatping could double or triple the legal price) t6 be part ~r this Sllverdome spectacle. It is also only the second Super Bowl (excluding the firsl:i' one. ot course) m which beth entrles are newcomers. l.n the thirrl one, the American Football League gained a measure of respect thanks to the . New York J\!ts' 16·7 v ictory ov.e.F Baltimore. And it is the fir$ Super Bowl involving a team wliich in the s pan of one year has risen fr~ml.tle depths or a losing rttord. Irr this 'case, both teams hav~ done so. San Francisco and Cincinnati both were 6·10 il'I · 1980. -~ In 198T the Bengals were 12·4, the American Confer~mce's wlnnJngest team and the AFC's Cehtral Division champion for the first time since 1973. And in 1981 . the 49ers were 13·3, the best record In th~ NFL, and the Natlbnal Conference's Western Division champions. for the first time since 1972. ' The Benga'ls and 49ers played each other during the 14th Sunday of the 1981 re1utar season, San Francisco's defense Corcine- six turnovers and the 49ers winnlng 21·3 in CincinnaU. Montana passed for two touchdowns 15 yards to Dwight Clark and four yards to Bill Ring and ran a yard for the 49ers ' third TD. He completed 23 of 37 passes for 1~7' yards against the Cincinnati defense. Anderson was intercepted twic:,e before being shaken up and leaving early in the second half. He hit 11 or 2tl ·passes (or 97 -yards and replacement Jack 'Ttiompson ·· _compJeted 10 of 18 -attempts-for ll-4-)'anfs and an interception. All those numbers, from the score on . down. could mean absolutely nothing, of course. During the 12th weet of the 1980 season, the Philadelphia Eastes sacked Oakland quarterback Jim Plunkett el1ht Umes and beat the Raiders 10.7. Nine Sundu•s later. on Jan. 25, Ulll, In the Louisiana Superdome, Plunkett threw three touchdown passes and the Raiders won the Super Bowl 21-10. • lN lt77, the only other time the Super Bowl entries m-et twice, the Dallas _9owboys beat l>eo\'er 14·6 durinc the.. regular season, then beat them again tor the NFL tille. Agaln, th" score was 27 ·10. And again the game was the Superdome. The Silverdome doesn't hold the fondest-- of memories for the 49ers. They've never ln three tries, th~)"ve lost 33-14 (1978), 17-13 (1980) and 2'4-17 Copeni ng day in 1981 ). But, then. they were playing the Detroit Uons, not thf: Bengals. CinciMatl, incidentall)t, basn't played in Detroit since the Silvercfome opened in 1975. Walsh and bis counterpart, Forrest Gregg, approach this game from vastly different directions. Walsh never played professional ball. He wen( Crom college (he majored an education and was an end at San J ose Stale> to high school coaching, ob~lng a master's degree along the way. W.lthin three years he was an assistant coach in college, first at California, then a t Stanf~fore--moving to assrs an S JO S in the pro ranks <Oa kland , 1966 ; · CinciMati, 1967-75; San Diego 1976). He~ - returned as Stanford's head coach in 1977 . Superbet on tfte line. Bengals have a Brown look SAN FRANCISCO (AP> Mayor Dianne Feinstein and Cincinnati ~yor David Mann have made a friendly bet on the Super Bowl that could help save San Francisco's cable cars. Ms . Feinstein telephoned Mann on Monday lo say that if the Bengals win on Jan. 24, she will forfeit a case of white wine from the Napa Va lley , 12 Dungeness crabs and a dozen loaves of San Francisco Sour- dough bread-. U the 49ers win. stre wants the Cin.cinnati mayor to contribute to the Sawhe Cable ~ars Fund. As ~ game itself. Ms. . Feinstein said, "I t h ink we should be able to win -by about 10 points." By the Assoc1aCed Press . Next SundaY.'S Super Bowl XVI is just another mountaintop for the irrepressible Paul E. Brown. He's now scaled them all. It seemed impossible that there could be anoU\er for this longtime coach, innovator, executive. founder and architect or football leagues. When the.. Ci ncinnati. Bengals square ort against the San Francisco 49ers in the Silverdome on the outskirts o f Detroit, the tall, s li~. ramrod-straight figure of Brown wjll not be discernible on the sidelines. Directing the Bengals as' head coach will be a bag, cr'aggy man named Forrest Gregg, plucked by Biown in December 1979 after Gr~gg had left the Toronto . Argonauts of the Canadian Football League. Across the field, the 49ers will get their instructions from silverhaired. scholarly looking Bill Walsh, a Brown protege. · But the scene wTll definitely carry the thumbprint of Paul Brown, even to the painted s heet signs and the orange and white tiger stripes that will adorn the Bengal helmets and uniforms and. m some form or another, many of the team's wild, screaming fans. . Certainly , sorqe oldtlm'ers reasoned, this couldn't be the doing of Brown -not the stern taskmaster and traditionalist who once banned banpers in·the stadium on the grounds they were jndiginified. Wrong. It all came out of Paul Brown's busy head. Questioned on it at a ci vi e club luncheon recently, Pabl said, ··Let 'em have their fun, They· can do &nything as long as; it isn-t against the law. Actually., I like it." · ·Questions proliferated: "had the old man gone sort?" "Was lb.is the new Paul Brown?" "Not a new Paul Brown, just the old Paul Brown who never forgot how to adjust," snaps the 72-year-old gridiron wizard, the winningest coach of all time at any level. \ _. Brown has won at every level -first as coach of t)is former high s chool, Massillon, Ohio, later al Ohio State. then with the Cleveland Browns or the old All-America Football Conference, later with the Browns in the NFL and finally with the Bengals. At. the. Pilot, p~ople mak~ the difference. I · 1 I • t . . . people like, these in our production department . . . Without production crews to assemble all the stories and photos like pi eces of a puzzle. newspapers would never make it to ~·our doorstep . That's why our production crews are so important to us. The~\ assemble all the stories. photos and ads into a ··master" newspaper on <.'ardhoard . th.en transform that into a plate ready for the presses Working around the cloek se,·en days a week under constant deadline pressure. our production crew.s hav(• to piece together as rnany as 96 pages in a day. That requires te amwork. They m_ight not get their: b_rlines in the paper. but-they take pnde in their work. making sure every column. e,·ery picture. every ad and every headline is ~n place. Gett_ing good people who enjoy their work may take longer and cost more. but at the Daal~· Pilot we kno~1t's worth Tibecause people do make a .. irference. .:The Pilot has a mce atmosphere and tlie people are always f rrendly It's like a home away from home. We're all l1ke a /amity.·· Bernice Kunar, We!ltmlnster As a typesetter. Bernice is responsible for typing copy to be fed . into the computer that sets type. · · J like the feeling of accomplishment. You're able to see the f m1slled job. and know you 've done something .. Larry Morgan, Santa At)a Larry is the day shift composing leader responsible for putting all the pieces • \ogether on the "Master' pages. . . "We 're all under a • lot of pressure because of deadlJnes. but we all work together as a team ·to try and help each other meet -those deadlines.·· Teri Dunbar, Balboa Island As process camera operator, Teri "shoots" the "master" pages and processes the negatives to make the plates for the presses. lai~Pilat · "Where ~ make the dllference." 330 W. Bay St .• Costa Mesa 642-4321 • ------A------------~--~----------:::~--------~~-----'"ii ~~~~'IPW!llin • IRViNE • HUNTINGTON BEACH* FOUNTAIN VALLEY• LAGUNA ~EACH •' .. .. ~ .. --.. .....,._. . . Orange CoaetOAtL Y Pf LOT /Sunday, January 17, 1982 r------------------------i· .Better Golf with JACK NICKLAUS NBA WHTa•N COH,laaNc• LMWt ~Ill• P~• Go1*11SU.1e Pwu ... a /S...0'-90 P11d tkD1v,._ W L 11 10 >• 11 u 14 ti IS JI u II It MWweil Dfv ..... l'ct. oa .no -.... 1 .411 '"" ."3 SVt .MS SYt ·"' lt San Antonio Denver HOUllOfl W.111\WSClly Utall 14 u ... 1 - " It .JOO • 17 11 ,447 I 14 u l71 IOI-> n u .m 12 Dallas t 21 .243 IS\lt llAST••NCON"•••NC• •••tk OIYtU. BOiton Pllflaclellltlla New Yor~· WHlllnQlon New Jerwv H t U II " 20 II It u n CNlral Dlvlal• Mllw~k .. 411a11ta l11dla11a c111cavo Detroit Clevetallel 26 11 17 17 17 20 u n 1S u 1 lO ~Y'•k­BoslOfl 121, O.troH 120 Poru .. .., 110. 0.IJH 10) Hti.islon 1 "· San.o\ntonlo " Cle1r,e1ano m. Utah 120 • P/>~I· 1a., San QleQO 11 T-y'1Game1 L111len el Kenws City Phllaclelpllla al N-Jeri.ey '"lanta at Washlnvton Chic-at 1nc11ana Gol<Hn Stale at Su ltle, n oetroll at Mllw-M, n 1 Oenv·er •t San DieOD, n COLLEGE .151 - .103 2 .414 IOYt .•n '°"" .405 13 .103 -.JOO ,..,, .4St ' ~ 11Yt )t$ 1111> J" It UC Irvine 65, UCSB 62 UC SANTA aA••••A -lficcartf'I¥ 0, Rusi.ell 10, Grou 11. Gal,...s 6, Mo.lier a, OavlJ 10, JOflnlon o, Anderton 10. Oo11<111 o Totals: 214-7 42 UC t•VtNE -Johnson 10, Fuller 4, Wllleldon 14, TllomtOll t. Wulf t. McDonald It, M-'M. T~ It 1>47 H Halltlme: UC Santa 8artwor•. Jl..llo. Tot•I fouls· UC Sant._.,. 20, UC lrvlM 11. , • Paclftc Chr. 99, Chrtat Col. 73 l'AClflC CH•IS'JIAN WakellelCI 12. Scott II, Mceallum 7, Christian 12, Miiier •. Dully I, PurSley 4, Lecll I. 4t>rellam 1, Poletlek 11. RlcN rdson 12. Tot•ls· 42 IS-10 "· CH•IST COl.l.EGI -T Ha11sen 1', D"eker '· Du•rr 1S, M. H•nse n •1. Ei<ll•l"*•Ol'-f 16, Puls 2. Su1edler 1, H•rlm.,. 2, 8"rlnQUrd 2 Tol•ll' n .. 24 13. Halltl-Paclll< Christian, 4S-JI. Tollt fouh: Pacific Christian 26, Christ Co1119e 24, Fouled out· M. H•nwn (Christ Coll-I COMMUNITY COLLEGE Mt. SAC 67, Or•nge Coaat 59 MT. SA,H ANTONIO -Averill 2. 0. Wiii iams 4, T-6. Aoml,... 11, Waller 2. P Wllllems 24, ,,_. 1'. Totals· 21 t>.20 '7. O•ANGE COAST -Beulev JI, T. ICrOlv)fefdl 0, G. l(roflnf .. ot I. C,•llloUft 2, Thomas 10, Hallan o. NanSOll o Bal-111 L Totals· 29 1-4 '9. • Halftime: Or-Coot. 1'-11 Total fouls: Ml. San Anlonlo tJ, Or- Coau 20; Fouled out Moor~ CMI. Sen Ant011lol. 8eaS11y 10ran911 Coastl. Saddle~k89, San Diego 75 SADDLEaACK -Wls11lewskl 21, Turner 21, Doyle 10, Ground •. Hiii •. Fuscller 1, Reio '· Aeeo o. Mltc11e11 o Totals· 11 u... " SAit DIEGO -w Thomes 4, Horne l3, Brown 2, !>coll 12, GulllOry I. "-'911 2, J ed!IOll 11, H•~• 2. T Thomas t Totals: lO _ I ti 1S Hallllme: SadOlttMlck, :M·tt Total fouls· SadCllttMlck 21, San OloQO XI; Fouleel out: Ooylo l!.ecldloO.ckl, Scott (Sall Olegol : Technical fouh· Gull1orv !San Ologo). Sl>uth Co11t Conference c-N-. o-.11 Sant• Ana Full1r1011 Cerrllcn Ml. San Antonio Gronmont San Ole911 Mttll Orange Coe~ W L W l. 4 0 ,, ' J 0 10 I 1 2 10 ' 1 I IJ S , 2 11 • 0 J I 14 0 9 11 Mission Conference .,c ............ °""" W L Riverside CC SeCIClltbKk Sall 8e,_,,.no San Ole911CC Soutllwest..-n 1 Citrus Palomar W L • 0 l 1 I 0 20 J tJ I -It I . ' 1 10 II I s '* I HIGHICHOOL Capo Y•M•1 Chr. 4t, L.lb.Chr. 39 CAl'llHAllO VM.Ll'W' CH-ISTIAM - Lloyd 12, J-s "· Te1111~r 7, !lower J, F...aflO 0. Tot1111· U 1e.,a,, 41. Lt•••TY CH•ltTIAN -liClwarCls 17, LOCUllrt 6, Smhtl 2, ...... t C~!J 6, l'row112. Totals: IJ 11·21 tr. "-W°""9n Capo Valley c;NltOan It II 14 11_. Lio.rty Clwlltl• 11 t 4 t-,Jt Tel•I fault: c.piltr-Valley Clltl1Han It, Llb9ny Cllrlst111111'; "°"'" Ollt: F- -ICVC), edwenh IL.lkrt\'t:.. 1.aO.lllileY J Llbtrth (II.I, Rush (Liberty Cll I. TKllnlcal fOlll! Eowar.n Cl.lb9rly Cll.I. Bob Hope 0.Mrt Clualc , ......... ~,- Ed Flori Tom l(lte Rea Ca l-I ForrHt Fui.. "'-"' O'MNt-a (alvln "-te Scott Hoell • CurllsSlrM91, llllll•UI Keh11 Fer~ Wevn,Lo l Jim 8ooros SkffterHfflh Miile Moriey JelOHlll L.,.nyW-IM AOCI Curl JayH.a. Jacll~..,,., ROii Slreek BOO &vman J.C s....41 LH Elder Scott Simpson Steve Melnyk Q.A Welllth tQ Jim Slmons 8arrv Harwell J<tuy Pel• Tom Jt lllllns Dan Hall,,.,,_, BobbyW-ins Morrh HalalYly Peter Ooslefftuls TlmSlm_. • Terry M..,...v Freel COUPies Bruce Lletne JOllll c-. JOllll M•l\elfev Doll Pooley J im Colbett Dale OougillSS Funv Zoelle< O••• F:l<Mlb.,·oer GregP-s Tom Pur'- Blll Rrllton PeterJac- JOllllScll-r OevlCI Graham 8lll l(rel11t1 GllOf'l•Are,_, Mllltr8-r Mike McCullougl\ Lyn LOii •Mike Donald Mike Sutllvan Mark H•Y" Tom Welton Jell MllChltl 8ob Glleler J~H· Allely 8H11 Alldy ltorth Buel Allin Ed SllHd Miki Holland Joe tnman BoObyCl-1 Be11Crlt""'8w 70.•5 .... 41-261 .......... t-1'9 M-49·7o..6-M ... ~,..7-170 11·70•1-44-270 , .. ,s.11...:-m .._,,.,,...,_tn 4MH...-~21• 70·71·...U-nA-, ... 7.7,..._,,. ...... ,,, .. 7-21• n ... .._7)-tn 61·'7 .... 74-217 14 • ., ........ ,,. ...... 10·1'--211 U••·n .12-111 '6-10-1).10-11' 111~ 70-1o.6 .. 70-V9 1t·•1·1J•t-21' 7(). ...... 72-11' ••·'1·11·12-21' ., .... 12.12-• ...... ,,.,,_211) 1 •·7).4 .. '7-2'0 10·10·10.10-2111 12 .... 70.70-JIO • ... 10·7W9-1IO • .. 7).U.7>-at. 10-12·1CMl-110 7211·11·70-2111 10·11-10.10-191 10·11·'6-74-211 ... 1,..7-74-211 ,, .... ,, .. ,_,., 10·10·14-41-211 , ... 7.72.11-211 n..1·12..,_21, ., 12-10.12-211 70·7WHl-21:l 11 ..... 12-70-212 ... 7().11·12-212 ... ,,_,,.70-212 11-10.. .. n-212 7J·7>46-71-2t3 7)·10.11 ... -M:J 11·1H211-lll 12·4•·10.12-213 1•·10.U.11-XJ.. - 11·12· ... 11-213 '1·11·11-41-213 11·1U .. 10-213 10 .... 12-73-m ,,..,., .. 1.-m n .11-10-10--m n .11 .... n-114 70.7).12 .. t-214 ... ,..71.70-214 17.13......._214 ... 7J.J0.7l-214 1)·11·10.11-llS ff.71·11·14-llS 0.1,:rr.n=ar - 1().JS-7--..JllS 11 .... 14.12-as ... 1•·10.1)-JIS 12.1u .. 11-as 10.14· 11-10--JIS ... ,,.,,.,,_as 71M1·7»74-as ,, .... ,,.7) -215 Lexington tournament· Cet Jet1•111~, ~II Alrtc•I 272-Gary Pt•..,_r, $16,IOO. 275-(lie) Maril McNulty, Biii A0911rS - GordOll Br-. Sl,000 H Cll 277-0.vlCI FrO!t, M,100 219-0enl:CW~tton. '3.IOO. Pl•Y•• Ored. llN I ·-SI; NcNully, JS; A-"· 7); er-.. ; Fro>l 10; Watson 74 Mastera tournament -t•• "'-"---· -...... ~ tven lM>dll_ Clef. JOllll M<Enroe, •-1 .... 2; Vilas Oerulaitls def. Etl04 Tellscller, 1.s, ... . •• 2. ~ FEW G01...F€P.5 HAVE. .succe.e.oao WITH AN IMMEO\AT.E: WR.\ST ~&.A\'<. AWAY f=P.OM 'TH E e>f\LL ANO IN THE OLO CAYS MANY ~IN& PLAYe~5 OR.AGG1i0 THE HANDS t>ACK t:>EFO.R.~ 'TH~ CLUf:>-HEAO ...1. "THUS 0£1..AVING !'.HE H\NGING UNTIL LATE IN THE OACK6WING . s-H19111~ Peter Fleming Mc Enroe del Peler MtN•mare-Paul """""•.._, • 1, •->. ICtvln C11rre11·Sl•v• Oe111011 Clef H•l111 G11nthardl·Balau hreuy. S 1, '"· 4 l Davia Cup cat Cllrac111, v-•-•I c--.1, v-•-• 1 s.-.r• ...... , .. """9• Aele•n Genols CCenedal .,., Aanaolf S<lletler, 4·•. w . ~ J orge ""°r-·11111111 C.lvo cv.,..,.,.,., <HI Jolln Pl<llell·ltlll C-•11, 4 •, 4 .. , 1 S. ·~· 7·S, . Women's tournament S-.... s.mitl1tal• Btlline 6U1191 clef. Anne Smllll, 1 •. J.•. 7·S; Barbara Polter a.. 81111• Je•n 1<1no. l·S. I •••••. o..lllft S-lt111at1 Pam Shriver-Smith Clef Jo Durie-AM HOOlls, 4-J .... l Loa Alemffoa SATUJIOAV'S •ESUl. TS , .......... .......,_ .. _ ... , ,.1.ST•ACIE.lSOyarCIS. _ Cr.,y Ole Frlelld ICreA911rl 1 60 4 60 J.CIO Duel Lady C4'rmstronol • 40 u o Min Re4>Al)get (WarOI 1.10 Also racttcl: Anllles G•m•. Mr F•'1 Lane, Eclet, lh1M Luck, Moon C•kes, SllCH\l'Sue. Scrlove. Time; 11.11 $1 •)(ACTA IS-.1 paid U> 10 SIEc;(>fCD •ACE. 110 Y••d\ Swlu BanQr <&roOi.'1 10 IO 4 60 J IO OH•Gul-WISll (CNver) 3 10 S 10 OH-Haslydoo CTruwrel· 2 IO •.00 OH ~rforsecono. 1 Also racea: Kllel Rockel, 8olCI H••ell. Mr Willow Springs, Fetller• O•nOy, AS'..,red s.u Time. •S ... THl•D •AcE. 400 yards Recht Fever I FNV) '4.60 l7 .00 13.60 Pan em Sam CClerlss.I U 20 !O '° BHI n ,. Ac•CBrooksl • oo Also racea: Loom Deck, Aovel 1a.r.o Jet, Sumpln Br-n, Easy Cllrlstlen, MICll•no Rebel, L-Hare! Road. Hly Doc Time: 20.S7. ' U llXACTA CH ) palCI .at 40 fOU •TH •ACE. JSO yerCI• Mlgllly I Clln CA<~lr0119¥ >O 00 II 60 1.fO v1doll c Hartl 1.00 s.20 Arrow CN•oe~C.•CIOH) 3.IO Also raced T09 lntMt. 6h•ke I( Id Shake, Aegunl A &Id, Bur s. St e 1ac11, Sot• Cteooer. Ml• Deck• Time: 11,0., U IE XACTA I 7 .. 1 palo S•tl 20 Pl .. TN •ACE. 1ib v•rOs Crlrn!IOll Cllellllac CHar11 4 20. J.00 3 40 Alglltfully CLackeyl J IO 4,20 Llmldelta IArmstrc>119I i . .O Also raced. Aort Oii litte, Aenlu Jet, Im A Aicll Kip, See to See, Mayo••• Doll 8aoy, Wellk• CHI\, Tou •r>d Turn "' Time: 17, .. U IEXAC'fA CS-11 IM!ld 'IS IO SIXTH •ACIE.119yarCI\ Him A 1n1ur1 cereaoer1 n 20 10.ao 1 oo Golt lie Casi\ I 8arCI) S tO 4 20 wenyllO ITrMStHol · 4 .i j.l\o raced: wv811 De VIII•. W011de<tu1 Al<kel, Fllcll~ Potk y, Star lnvulment, Mr Ooilbte Rocket. Time: OJ!t . $J .. ICK SIX l).2·M ·SI pale! \S,>IA 60 wilh eltht wlnnl"'.J lkkets Ill•• horusl $2 Pick SI~ c011Mlatlon pata ~1.20 w1111 '41 •lnnlno tlcht. (lour hories1 Alttlldeft(e -t ,7.a Oue to lleevy fog, Ille 7111 tllrovgl> 10th r•c•' • .,.. C....Cf'lted. T~re were no s.a wln11ers In Ille Pick SI• due to •~• can<ell•tlon Santa Anita SATU•DAY'5 •IUULTS l17Ul ....... y~ .. m .. 11.,.1 .... •ST RACIE. 6fur•onos Gl941nllc lstlllnerl 21 20 u 20 tO 00 Tru1l0n'> Ooubte IGuerr•I' 12 00 '00 Terruto'' Slr9 r IJlnl n .oo A\sef ••c•o· Bolton Torn, IC•P•l.,a'1 Nellve. Gerlteld, Wtt'' Aeb, £"ll!r:r10r JOfln, J.O. FIT\SOll, Alie 8oy Broor,"'Weal ~:;..~~~~\. Lewis leaf>s to indoor record Long jump just ~ne of a number of top perfo~mances EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J . (AP) -Carl Lewis, considered the finest track and field athlete since the legendary J esse Owens, ~ame the first long jumper to soar 28 feel indoors a nd Bill Olson cracked the American indoor record in the pole vauJt Saturday night in the U.S. Olympic Invitational meet. The 20-year-old Lewis, whose idol was the late Owens, leaped 28 feel, 1 inch. smashing the indoor record of 27-101A he set last year al the Soutttwesl Conference championships. Olson, 23, whO broke bis left arm in several places in 1980, vaulted 18 feet, 6 inches, erasing the national indoor record of 18·5~ inches set by Dan Ripley in 1979. Perhaps. the most dramatic victory , h oweve r , was registered by Alberto Salaaar in . the S,000-meter race. Sa la zar , the fa s tes t marathoner in history and the American record holder for the indoor 5,000, recovered-from a first-Jap rau and raced to an overpower l ng victory over indoor record holder Suleiman Nyambui in 13 minutes, 23.08 seconds, just short of his national.mark of 13:22.6. Other impressive winners in the first major track and rield meet in the Meadowlands Arena and the first on the 16-meet 1982 indoor grand prix circuit included: Mary Decker in the women's 1,500 in 4:08.32; Tom Byers, who overtook Ireland's Ray Flynn in the Jinol straightaway in the men's mile in 3:56.32 ; Renaldo Nehemiah in the men's SS-meter high hurdles in 6.94; Jeannette Bolden, who upset indoor r ecord holder Evelyn Ashford in the wo(nel'.''a UCI wo~en beaten, 75-72 They went down to the wire percent of their shots but fell to bul lbe.-UC Irvine women's a 35 percent n1ure ln the ffeOft6 basketbalJ team couldn't pull it half and « percent for' the out and visiting UC Santa game. B a r b a r a Po s t e d a 7S . 7 2 Dorothy Lewis scored a IChool non-conference victory. in r ecord 38 points and bad I Crawford Hall Saturday night. rebounds for the Anteaten wbUe VCf had the bait with 20 Katherine Hamilton bad 20 seconds rem'1niDI and down by points and P.ulled down 8 two point.a but mi~aed a shot caroms.· Hamilton also bad 4 SS-meter dash in 6. 74 . and Merlene Ottey in the women's 400 in S3.40, an all-comers record. The versatile Lewis , winner or the 100-meter dash and the long jump at the NCAA 'and national outdoor championships last year -the first to accomplish the feat since Owens in 1936 · - fouled on his first two long-jump attempts Saturday night. Then. the graceful Un iversity o f Hou s t on junior fro m Willingboro. N.J .. fl ew through the air and shattered his indoor record. Lewis had fouled on his first two attempts. then broke the record, fouled again, arfd passed his final two tries. Lewis 'abo owns the best long jump ever at sea level, 28-3~ set last y~ar al the outdoor nationals. Only Bob Beamon, who cleared 29-2\.'.a at the 1968 Olympics in the high altitude of Mexico City, has gone farther. In addition, Lewis holds the collegiate record of 10 seconds fOl' the 100. The soft.spoken Lewis comes from an outstanding track and field family. His sister, Carol, a freshmm at the University of Hou,ton, la nationally ranked amon1 women long jumpers and high hurdlers, and both thelr rather and mother are scholutic track co.cbes in New Jersey. • ,, U91i THIES&: TRCHNIQUISS IP THEY WORK FO"-YOU. i I ,.. NOT TRY M Y .SV6TS. :'\.... 'WHtCH IHIN\.(,, \:::t LS..&~ COMPl...E.'IC ANO MOR& NATUR~~. STAP.T \Hi!i CL.Ut> e,~~cJ:.N ~._feN ~ , ~· SIMPl., y AL.tow THE ' ;s;> WP.I 5TS TO ,..~ HINGE NATURALLY ~ ANO GP.AOU~LLY IN ~5P0t-'SE 'TO 'THE N\OMl;NT UM OF "THE SWING \NG C l-Ve>HERO AS f ~ J x \T PASSES e>E.'VONO ,,,23 HIP HEIGHT. 1' SIECC*D •ACE.• lurlono• e .. 11 o· o.m...c ... COel.....,_'91 , 60 J.60 1M V•le IH......,I 4 t0 J.00 Brlollt Lady (VelenLuelel ) 00 4 1so rac.a: Disco Girl, Grlede Freme. Cooper LUiler. Saucy 611, Grala MuCN cha, SpeeclO-. t Time: l.OUtS U IEXACTA 17-4) paid '"J 00 'lHl•d't •ACE. I 111• miles 8aa RH I CCastaMdal ,, 20 6 20 UO A·Aule T Markel coe11111ou_..,., t.60 2 • .0 A·Prlor "-°"at CH•-1 2 '° 2 • .0 Also raua Gr-ly, Master JOllO, Gota... TalOllS, Romc>ln, Rudi', R"991 Sporl Tlm t · 1'41 1/S "ou•TN •AcE. 6 furlono• Drt.1m Orum COHve'°"I 61 .i 19 00 10 fO Rlvels Factor CC.U-11) • 00 •to Cumple.,_ tSlbilleJ 11.20 Al•o receo Chelk Hill, Berrv'1 N-t. Hot>el N•-· Titian SPv. Dom T0<t11 I, Doc Campbell, Sta,rtled, Seevoy, Stah U Tlm'e. • 10. "'"TH •ACE. I v. mlleson turf Sun•lllne Swag CS'-"1e•erl 1 IO • 90 J.tO Prlncotv Veralct ISlbill•I 11.ao t.IO Fun P•v"""t IMcCerronl 4.00 A"o ••ceo· Zempe1nl, An Heir AOOUt Him, Olp Prine.HS Bee Cllencev Bl-• Helom•'• 8reete, Tell •vein, Flr\1 Of T,. LIM l tmt 1 02 U EXACTA 1•21 paid US1 00 SIXTH •ACE. •'h lurlono• T lme To E•pCOO. lA>mUSMnl •.40 4.IO 4.00 Gre~\latlon CSl>om•ktr I 11 60 7 .40 Cllft Corn ITorol 14 • .0 Al$o raced Pt•v For Power. Foret>Nr. 111,1ro109tr. Suoton. R•1•m011, Le Sm irk, "T lmt>er feck, Grinning, Dlamono Au Tlmt•t>l71'S -, •• 5EVENTK ltACE. I ,,,. mlln ~ls/\urout< IGuerr•I U 00 S 60 4 20 ~laca Sulpnur CH••le'vl 2 IO 2.40 Rosie'• Sevllt. CMcCerronl 4 40 Also ran Oancvn Tim. H•rd To Lee, Dresden Dew, Fll)Cler, Lunar Probe Time. t :.0 J/S. U IEXACTA 12-11 paid St02 SO U "IClt SIX 14+6-l-"'21 paid '1J,2i5.Po •1111 IS wlM lng llCl••IS (flw llOrW>I u Pk • Sia C01110iation paid '9/ 00 wit~ .,, •!M ing llOets (lour f'IOf'WS I EIGHTH •ACE. t 111• molH • ECIQe I Avnussen 1 • S2 60 13. 20 12 .to Sale Play (~..-) 12 IO t .40 HorlMrn Febfil0e1~uavel 4.40 AISo raceCI· Princess Gayle. ColacO. N tll '> Bri quette, Wllllt Moment , Be11110'ckbum. Syria. 8tt A Scout, Native Plt.1neler Time· t·41 llS. NINTH •ACE. t 1 i. mile• Maple Tree I Tor111 11 .0 • 40 •.40 Courlly C-COllvar") lt.IO 1.20 Muffle IOelllhouuav•I J.20 Al$0 rac.ci FootlSll Gor t, R•l•'i OellQhl, Top•akl, SH My Avent, A•• M• How. E•celef'Cla. Time· 1'472/S U IEKACTA 14·91 paid "42 SO ····-· 39, .... Wr•attlng PfVIE COUNTIES TOU•NAMIENT 1•1f-...v....-,1 Te•m Kores I. P-•Y. 112, 2 El Dor-. 113'1>. J Bat.0<•lit!l<I, IOIYt, 4 0os Pu.blO!. 1011,. s. Soulll 11111•. """ CM~flM" 100 MtllCIOU IClovl•I dee AllOtrson (Po••vl, 4·2 101 lwanag• IEI Ooroelo) Clflc AnQUI> (Cypress). 12-s 114 -UrnPtl•o•llle I Poway I Gee Lev•• tOos P.-os1.1-1 Coe) 121 EHi 16 ak•rs11eldl Gee v emu•kl !Dos P..abiosl. tD-6 121 Palacios (Noo•lnl de< Haovev C8akersflelell, ... S. , • fJ4-L.-COtnl» !Powevl de< Neorelte CS..11ta Fel, 15-2. 140-Folsom llCenllecly) de<. Sliva 1!.enta Marl•l .... S. 141 Devis IN~l•\I Cle< Le•Mlll (El Ooreelol, • l U7 Slnltll CSOUUI Hlll\I OK Melley IEt C.rnl1101.•1 ut 0 1oor ne !South Hllt\I d•c. AUllMuetll (He-ti, 7•S. U ] Grenlto (VIII• Pe ru Cl•< Pao Clrvlnel. M . 701 Pembleton (El Ooredol pln11ed Mc Grew I Dos P.-os1, 4·0 . Hwy McCullouo11 C Hentell Pin noel Tralle1111itcft\Bllllerslltlcl), o· ff Most Ve l.,•ble Wretller Lower welg"1s-1w1111ao• IEI OoraCIOI, UPP"' -ltlllS McC41tlOUOfl CHe-1) C-'-flMla 100 Olle moto (Ou PueOIO•I de< Macchia (Fountain V•llovl. 1-1 107 Wagn., IAOHmeadl pl1111ed PeralH CGllroy), 4:40, 114 8er11H (Irvine I Cle< Curry I Edl•onl. M . 121 Elsaswr ICarl\IMMll oe<. Ale• llil OoreCIOI, S-4 121 NUllH ( Al9i..tc11 cHC Hern•nclel IPIOllffrl, IS-l. 1)4 ~cllmldt IGllroyl oec Boykin CRosame.a1 ..... 140 Tripp l Yuceopal Clec F011tenesl (Villa Parl<), 1().1. ill-V~ •llH il_yt U~C!tllX.I.._ M . U7 Torres IEI Dor-) OM Milt• !So Beltltf\111101, 4-J 14' Blesh••• tVlll• Perkl Gee Scllwlclllontltrg (lnilntl, •-4 117 Ott !South HlltSI Gee Grtenmore IBaktrslltlCll, J.2 207-J-(S/lalt•rl Cle< Sleltl' llrvlM I, • 1 (Oil H wv St11>11enson t Ehlnontl pinned H•u1t9d CSoulh Hlili'I. 1·1S NHL CAMl'alELL COHfE•ENCE s....,-Olvlslaol Edm011ton C.lgarv Vancouver K ..... Color- W L T 0" GA l"b. 21 12 • us 117 ., ,. 20 10 111 204 0 IS n ' tfl t .. 1' u 1• • 111 , .. n 10 ,. • ns 20S M flNrrlsDfvl9'., St LOUIS Mlnne>OI• Clllc•go Wlnnloeo TorOlllo Detroit ,, 20 4 111 llO .. It U U 111 IS2 • 17 11 • •n 1tt ,, " 20 10 ,,. 201 ., .. 20 11 '" 2Cll 1' IJ 2S 1 ISO 111 U WALES CON'•••NCIE ,.Mrkll Olvlol., NV Isl-. ts It S 111 Pllilaclelpl\la 21 u 1 1 n NY A....-. 20 11 6 1'2 PlttltlvrQll tt tt • 170 Waslll1191on 11 2' • , .. AAfM Dlrial• US Sl ISi SS 110"' .. 174 44 "' lO Butta lo BoslOll Montreat OU.bee Herlloro u 11 • 112 IJ1 tO 2' 11 • llS 1S1 SI n 11 !1 202 1l7 SS 24· " s 20I tlO S3 10' 13 10 ... 191 lO Sat-y'1Sc-Hartlord 3, &oilOll 3 W Hlllflllon s, Detroit S Phll-pftje 4, -reel 2 T OtOlllO 1, Edmotllon I MlllNSOU 4, o..be< t ~ St Louis a. Chicago 4 Ca l941ry •. Pltbllurgll 0 T ........ 10-1 HarllorCI at Buffelll EClmonton •I Oetrolt Boston et Pllil-llltll• NY ltlandln •• WHNllQlon ClllC-•t Minnesota Quebec el WIMl1W9 PlltM>urtll et VllllCOU,..r Ca1941ry at Color- • J Fleld hockey Ultlwnlty-SA Valley T_,,..,., s.mifNll UltlYWMty t, Wftl,,.IMI .. I Unlversnv SC.orl119: Ae<IAlr• 2. ' ........ Ulllwnlty· E•-1. U1tlvenlty • SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Snow depdl/lacltes Coadltloas Lifts/Cheirs 2L Holiday Hill Snow Summit Snow Valley Goldmine Green Valley 12 hp 12-36 hp 6·10 hp 24·36 hp 6·10' hp 8L FO 4L 2L CENTRAL CALIFORNIA June Mountain Mammoth Mountain 50-'10 pp 4C 104 pp FO (except chairs 20 and 21 ) «-59 pp FO 80-84 pp FO China Peak Dodge Ridge NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Mt. Reba Kirkwood Sierra Ski Ranch Heavenly Valley Tahoe Ski Bowl 60-120 pp 12CH94 pp 101 pp 57 pp 7C FO FO 21L Conditions : hp -hard pack; pp -packed powder. Lifts/ chairs: L -lifts; C -chairs; FO -full operation. GOt.DBOWl National 30, Am9rtc•n 21 k-WOUftwt NallOll•I 14 6 J 1 -JO American 1 o o 14 -tt Hat Wrl9'1tman • pen from S<llllc,.... lele Brull II kl<kl Amo CNtcllfleld I run l51ump kl<lll N•t HOiman 1S pass Ir.om Schll<llter CO. .Qlulln klCkl Net ro1ouma S run lkl<k blocked I Net FG Oe 8rulj1121 , Ame Crutc11r1e1<1 1 run <Stump kl<kl Ame Crul<llllelO 2 run IStwnP klO I Net TOIOlln\6 It iwn lrom M•t.,rei. coo Brullnklck) A 21,31' Nall A- "'"'~ 20 AUlhO v•rels JI 14' 2S.l2 Peuino yer~ 2» lU A•lurn v•rd\ ICM II Past.es , .. lt-1 ,.....,... PU11h 1cn11 •O ... s FumOIH t 0 2·1 Pe11•ll1H .,.,os s 40 2·2' l ime 01 Poue\~IOll 21 CM n·s. 111111-Slatl.CIU RUSHING -Nallon•I, Nelson l ·SI. loloume l·JS, Algos •.JS, Wlllllllo 6·2>. P-ell 1·2S, MaturPk t-t, Schll<l•ltr I· m lllUS 9 Amerlt811, JOllM 11·:1'1, CrutcllflotCI •t7, Tuttle l·lo. Pagel 1· nilnus S. Allen t minus•. Luck ). minus"· PASSING Nallonar. S<~llCllt•r 9 12 0 t:tt. Kofler J.9·J ·ff, Meturok 4 1-0.SS ~.";:;.',~n~ p egel l~·to-2.10, 1..110 RECEIVING H•tlonal, HOimen ...o. Wrlglltrnan 4-)0, NetSOll :1-44, HllllCOC k )-JI, Brya11t 1·20, TOlouma I·" Amerlc•n, Tullle I·"· Same>C}ton 4-11, &Hell ).SI, CrutclllletO J )4, JOll<K J.". Alle11 2·ll, Tyler 1·11, Oulek 1-IS SENIOR BOWL South 27, North 10 Seer• "' o...n.n North 0 1 0 J ~ South 1 10 10 0 -21 s -F-c-1 '"" IGarc•• klc•I S -fl'.0«-1 run !G•r<I• •lctot N Lt.1cear 21 pau from Gebrl•I (Ander""klO I • S FG <>arcla 31 S Perrin 14 lnt..-uptlon return (Garcia ktCkl S F G <>arc la SS H FG Anderwn 1• A J'l,410 Flrstoowm A"'"" yarOS PMtl 111 Yet OS Return veras Panes S•OS by Ner S.. 2S •• 2"'2 ·~m 2S2 11S u 11' ,. .... 4 10.22.0 H2 ~ •·4S s-4f Punt> Fumbles PenelllH ios! 0.0 H yard• J.lO '44C 1•1•1-1 S.tatlllk• RUSHING North, BrOWll, Ortgo11, 7-U , McMahon, 8VU. S-11 So.,111, AICIClen, Rlc~rn-. 12-101, F011rcecl1. MIUIHtppj, 12·ll PASSING Horth, McMallOn BYU, 1 .. 41-3, ltS, Gal>r~I, Hew Mulco, •·1 .. 1. SI South, Fourc-. Mississippi, 10.21.0, t IS AECEIVfNG -North, Luce••, Temj)le, 1·90; Pleler, BYU, •·40, Hirn, Central Mic higan, 4.u . South, Wllltwoll. T•••t A&M, 4-4•; Hubble, Alce. 2-31. P109IH, AIAK.lrn, 2·ZS, McOanlet. I.SU, 2·7. ' Pro boWllng SHOW80AT INVITf\TIOHAL Cat Las v-.n1 ......... J ames Miiier Clef Peto W"'9r 114'1,. I Miller Win\ '21,000. Weber S14,0001 o..r ..... , weoer dtl. St.,,. "°'111'1, '271-1'4. M•rll11 Clef. Sam Zu<kcll, !1S-21l; MarU11 <HI CNr11e T"l)9, 1'0-ltl (Marlin wff)• '1..500; Zurich wins '4,000, -T-win> u .0001. OUTSTANDING VALUES ! 1982 vw OUA.NTUM WAGON !:i spd. trans. air cond.. leatherette seats. radial \Ires and morel , (Slk ~~{OOC796) Ust Price $12.'65 Dhcomt $1470 SAU PRICE 5 I 0 595 ..,_-11aiot111te'"'Jfltt. ~p~t _.a.,.n"'d..,.a~slrtt81hll'leteb;-u"1~1s:e1tr---;;'tHl1, 4,. uaiata and 2 blocked scored the final point on' a rree afi'Oti"ror lhe Dl1flt .... Lewis sald he was a bit aurpriled by the len1tb of hia 4 etUid JGiilp. ----------~HI--~ ....... ,,,.--- throw. UCSB'a Patty FrankUn bad Je The Anteaters held lbe lead at points and led her team IQ halftime, 37.35 after bltUnt S3 reboundin1 with 10. • " I didn't thlnk I went that tar,'' he said. "I just wanted to set • ..... jump after the two fouls.'' • ~·....-··-------------~------- • Orange Co~t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Januaty 17~ 1982 Crimson. t~rns fo~ar.a · to ·challenge audience They <*,llhnded In 19'7' after five years ol d•UaMi81 Md toJ'fu1ht1 audleacN wtth .a •mlxfwe ol sol\, lmpreulon11Uc rock tunes like "Moonchlld" and raucoua,. heavy metal rave-upt like "2lat Century Schizoid Man" and .. ftod!) , Seven --years later Kln1 Crimson has ce·emeraed, with a different lineup but with a vow to oonUnue to challenge and pr.woke its audience. ' "This ls not a re1re11i()I\, a reformation, a revival or anything that 1oea backwards. Thia ls almpl~ a thin1 ·that 1oes forward, as Kint Crimson has been known to do in the past," drummer BIU Bruford said before Crimson , mounted the stage at BoSton's Metro Club for their first U.S. performance in seven years. "ll we. were--lQ ·Speftd the enllre-eveninT SPECIALI. SAVF24e TAMPAX playtng old hits (or you, I'd think you ahQ.uld rrghtly aim1nd your moriey back.from 1 aroup called Kln1 Crimson. Or you ahould attend a Gl'el Lake concert and maybe Gres Lake -..111 persuade you we are sllll In 1974," Br~fOl'd . s ays. . Guitarist Robert Fripp bu been the only . constant in a band that also has Included Forel1ner co.founder Jan McDonald, ex-Famlly and UK ~ist John Welton and Brulord, the orislnal Yes drummer' who also played fWIUI Genesis and UK . . While King Crimson was at the forefront or the. British progressive rock movement at the start of the 19808, the band never achieved the album success of Yes, Genesis or ELO. · But they were solid· headliners at s ... ooo.seat -flails wnen Frij>p clisbanded the group In 1974, omplainln& that the eollre ~k music lnduatry had grown tbo big. ' . lt'ripp changed hla mind lu\ November afte r ex~rlencln& only middl(n1 success wilt\ his League or Gentlemen band and experiments with Ftippertronlcs, his name for complex tape loops and electronlc effect.a. He retained Bruford from the last Crimson lineup and added Adrian Below, wfio tlaa payed with David Bowle and TaJkl~ Heads, plua bassist. Tony Lev.in, a se.sslon·muslcian who has . played with John Lennon and Peter Gabriel. After agreelna to stay together for three years. they began the process or compoaln1. p r acticing an.cl. performing what Bruford promises to be "heavy metal with brains, the ,._ musie:-croups~ like . Van Halen and April W\ne -will be playlng in 1986." , POP MUSIC · . - !est-selling [ecords.ot the week based on ashbox ma-oazfne"s nationwide surv y: 1. "Physical," Ollvla Newton.John 2. "Waiting tor .a Girl Like You," Foreigner 3. "Let's Groove," Earth, Wind & Fire· ,. ... "I Can't Go for TMt," Hall & Oates s. "Young Turtls," ROd Stewart 6. "Oh No," Commodores 7. "Why Do Fools, Fall In Love?" Diana Ross 8. ~'Don't Stop Bellevllt'," Journey 9. "Harden My He•rt," Quarterflash 10. "Trouble," Lindsey Buckingham 9A\lE3&e JI~ SAVE74e SELSUff BtUt ~FF SllAllPOO ~--~r-C.llnl~owup ~ -.-• l'nOfe tfve than any . IOX Of 40 :m2.39 ·SPECIAL! -.uR£ ' TRAC Il CAITll»GU Wini flU Dllll CM'flMI ATRA ,.,.. Tilll IUIU .wmt FIE£ WOI 'u•sl 59 YOUI CMCMCI! • SAVE•t.80 I -· . VICIS FORMULA 440 COUGH MIXTVI£ Antitussive. Expectorant --~~,,:':,:a1 0.,,3onges2tant9 I oz. SIZE • l&CAPSUUS• 159 24 TAILETS u. • Helps combat colds. 24~.mE 1.89 , AD PRICES PREVAIL: SUNDAY , JANUARY 17th THRU TUESDAY, JANUARY 19th PUSTIC . .... Master Card BRENTWOOD D£COltATM OI tolDUIOY PltLOWS YOUI CMOICll ~.:~4.88u ~~ PANTYHOSE All NUDE Long and lean absolutely sh.eer, to waist and toe' Silky smooth . pale to deep bold shades ltlG. ggc '1.lt '11. AIR SUPPORT PANTYHOSE -==· from Burtington . - ULTRA SHEER It starts with the ultimate rn , whisper lrght sheerness with CLOTHESPINS PUZZLE ASSORTMENT .... u #11;'24 • COMITIAW WHISK · BROOM 3 wins tor longer luting quality. Gl41• Qift11ent titles for hours of mlnct· boggling fun. CllUMID (lMilc) ••24121 u·-:=m 1.00u t19~1 1.49u SAVE&oe _ __,flLLER PAPER PHOTO SPECIAL COLOR PllfrS FllOl1 .tl.l»ES 3X Size minimum 3 iper order. Li,mltecl time otter:· a sl(lsuously smooth satiny panty and comfort of a knit-in wa istband. ~'· 2i$3 1.... ,. . CONTROL TOP . ~~ 2i55 ARM SUPPORT ~~ 3.50M ~' (,1, •f',•~ ;' I ~ YIUll PllAlllUQIT' Ult( YIU WlllD CllDOIE YMllCTa 21.-i4UV111D, 9''W111CU 1w.r 79c 39! The 9'11rmacist 1s an 1m· port111t """"* ol your hulth care tum and you sl!Ould SeleCt one u you woulcl a OOCtor Our phar· m1c1111 111 p1olesslo111ls who care abeut yOU( llelhh IM •ill give you """ P'fSOllll attention to yciu1 _pttSCllPllOlll Ind refaced ,..,.t/M~~ -~ hutrhneMI QIOOll A ~V-'IORlllOIMU , .. .,. HI SHOP 7 DAY ~ A '"EEK' <}()0.\M T0930P MM3~Dl\YTHR1 1 C.Pl1PDAY \J H . q 00 AM ~o 7.00PM SUNDA'' leading brand 1n controllino dandrull 70LMZE2•6! ·SAVE90c CUllOl CLAIRESSE The world's first and finest no-ammonia shampoo-in ha1rcolor lotion. Assorted 3 29 . Shades • U. !~;1~: SAVE 40c GLOVES Contour Shaped for a Custom Fit Sott Absorbent lrnrng. 59~ . ._, SAVE54c BEN-GAY oumtEtn: Helps soothe arthritic pain. ' Regular or Greaseless Formula. l.25 oz. SIZE 1.l9u SAVE•l .QO SOFT & BRI ~· ~ Assorted Formulas la.sat . 2~49u SAVE•t .00 ... . Orang, Cout DAILY PILOTl8und1y, • writer _i_NEW YORK (AP) - When May~ An1elou writea, ahe keeps a Bible, a dictionary and a deck of cards by her aide. The Bible a n~ the dictionary are for reference,· but why the cleek al cards? FAIR DEAL -Maya Angelou continues autobiography~ "Well, I play solitaire. Sometimes in a month I use up three or four d e c k s 0 r c ·a r d s ' ' ' explains the author of the be5t-selling •·1 Know Why the Caged Bird Sings,'' whose most recent book is •'The Heart of a Woman.:• "You know," she said 1n -an interv1ew, "blac lC Am .e ricans have a saying, 'Oh, that didn't e-v.a-~r44a my-little mind.' I've long loved that phrase. •'I think that when you're writing it's very e_ood for the HWe mind to have something to do, so that the deeper mind can rest and try to cope. "So I play cards. And I mean, I know I'm not really playing . . . but it's something for my UUle mind to do." - ~~I lfVlfW ID THE B EAaT OF A WOMAN. By Maya A a g e Io u . R a·a do m Hoase. m Pages. $1Z.SI. M ~ya Angelou, the entertainer-turned-write•· triumphs again. The fourth installment or her autobiography which began in 1970 with the best seller "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" is a gem. Tbe self-contained volume is executed with s u c h Jiterary s kill that. it reads like a first-rate· Jlovel. Called "The Heart of a · Woman,'' it deals m ostl y wit h Mi ss Angelou 's life i n the 1960s. She m eet s J o hn Killens , "th e fir st ublished black author I · a==-.-Aiit;;r:U~.tallited-Wlln.,;;.:.~'+-~ and is encouraged to come to New York to further her writing career. She takes orr without hesitation with hel' son, Guy. It was a time when btacks were becoming increasingly vocal about civil rights. M iss Angelou organizes a benefit 'cabaret for Martin Luther King's Southern Christian Leaders hip ponrer~ce, and it leads to h-er job a s the organiution's Northern Coordinator. The ·lire is hlgbly sa tisfac t ory but lonellnesS sets in when ,s he goes h ome to Brooklyn. "I was no longer the bright young woman executive dedicated to ·Justice, Fair Play for Cuba and a member of 1the Harlem Writers .Guild," she writes. , "I was an unmarried woman with the rent te tpay and a 15-year·old )JOD, who bad decided that anythina wu better lt b an another dull e.enlq at home with llotber. Secretly, I ageed witb him,, II TbinP improve when ab.e meets Thomas Allen, a ball bondsman. TbeJ decide to marry but before they do, a . ... wmanappean. Re la Vlsu.md llake,..a South African fneclom fi1bter w i th a • "dellcloua" accent. i Wlalcb man to cbooee? Wri&tm wttll candor I 1r1t ud latelll1ence, tldl ......... ,.., proud .. be tbe ...... . , .. .., .............. . Wab'l'amoda MIOelated Pren ~ Luxurious mstrong Custom Solarian® Tile J he ultimate in elegant no-wax. self-stick fl.oor tile. Reg .. Sale 1.29 [~ • • Solarian® No-Wax SetT--Stick ile A fashionable look for den, baths, kitchens halls! Reg. Sale 1 .09 Styliatik® No-Wax; Self-Stick Tile A glamorous tile at home in any room or' decor. Sale .. NATURAL CRAFT l"ATIEAN 12" X 12" Easy-Care Vinyl Tile Ideal for the budget-minded· de- corator. Low maintenance. Reg. S I 59c . 69c a e 12· x 12" GRANITE ANO M EXICALI PATTERNS [Qi,,Ufi.l,t.j 12 Ft. Vinyl Cushioned Flooring Gives a spacious look to dens, playrooms and kitchens. . :.~99 Sale SO YO Self-Stick Budget 'Tile E~joy a new float in just a few hours with neutral-toned tile. :~· Sale .- A beautiful selection of designs and colors to brighten any decor! You can easily install a Color Tile floor that stays shiny and keeps its lovely like-new look longer. Gorgeous patterns are ideal in dens, kitchens, family rooms arid Reg. 99¢ baths. ' 12" X l Z''. _ -ROMAN WAI.I( PRELUDE. ROCK GLEN. HERRINGBONE BRICK AHO REGENT COURT PATTERNS Pre-Pasted ' Vi~yt Wallpa Add new life to any room w ith pre-past ed vinyl w allpaper. Colors and patterns to suit every taste. Easy to -hang. Reg. 6 .95 -8 .95 Durable and washable. Reg. 11 .99 Sale GAL Save 25% on Solid ~k · Parquet Tile Pre-finished genuine oak. ready to install with ease. - ~~·Sale HONEY 8AUSTIC 6" X 6" X 5/US" Teakwood Parquet Tile Reg. 2 .9.9 Sale u:.XJr x s11e• --------•save31-35%onMosaic P!ef!liurtt.Semi:-Gloss -ile for Floorsi WaU Reg S I Select glazed mosaic for real 14.99 a e luxury and easy no-w ax care. GAL Custom Tint Latex Flat Reg. 1 .2~ -3 .99 1~j9 Sale Sale· GAL APPROX SQ FT SHEETS • Save 31 44.0/0-On ltali~n Quarry Tile Tough glazed quarry tile adds elegance to -.dens, baths. kit- chens. Resist s scratches. eg. 1 .29 -1 .59 Sale 7~-)( 71\" x 318" fONOO, PEAGAMENA GOLD CAPRI ROTUNDA PATIE N Save 22% on Ceramic Tile! -Walls and counter s will gleam with easy- to-cl ean. glazed ce r - amic. Resists stains. Reg. 1 .79 Sale CLOUD PATIERN 4'" X 4•,·· SO FT Economy .Ceramic Tile Only -. Versatile Cork Wall Tile Rich-looking genuine cork aids insulation and softens n'oise. Fine as an accent wall. Indoor I Outdoor Red Quarry Tile Durable, unglazed tile adds warmth a nd charm to patios, foy- ers and hearths. Lightweight ·enk· -26% Savings! Has the look and tex- ture of genuine clay Save 30%! Vinyl Carpet Runner H e l ~s keep carpets and floors clean in all k i nds of w eather . Transparent. so FT Only EA . bric k . Lightweight. Non-slip installation. Reg. 4 .6(\ Reg. 99¢ Sale Sale OVER HO TILE. PAINT AND WALLPAPER BUPIRMARTI COAST TO COAST 1 IE • •• Q • • • • 0 -•• 0 0 •• Oransa-Cof!-' DAILY PILOT/Su~day.'January 17, 1982 ] ).. , .. /, A Tc:>Och ·af ·elass Alan Flusser: Des igning for comfort. understatement and e legance "I'v e a lways been consumed by - cJothes~" says Atan Flusser , the destgner of this week's cover fashions. "My father was a clothes horse, a nd as a young child I used to love to watch him get dressed . I identified with that interest. .. His father. influenced by the grace and style of Fred Astaire. Adolphe Menjou. the P uke of Windsor. a period when men w e re comforta ble dressing well --so influenced Flusser that he dedicated his book. "Making the Ma n." to him. saying : .. m anufaclure r from the ·stodainess of their sartorial pasta.·' while also convincing the m~n·s wear industry tha t the only way to s ucceed la through change. What he calls this "high e nergy" a pproach wil l continue for another decade. he feels, with th'e result that clothes .will increase In price. T o Pro\eOl themselves from a cJosetful of unwearab le garments. men must learn, as we ll-dressed wom en ·ha~e. to weed through the ·:fa<:ile and ephemeral," to find cl~thes tha t will keeR. them a\yllshly dressed for more tha n a season. . Take a long te rm approach to. dressing. is his advice. Learn your body t ype and how to project your own pe rsona lity through your clothes. so that yQu become, through knowledge. your own arbite r of good taste . ' · · An example of one who unders tands .his own. body type well ·enough to know e xactly what looks best on hi m a nd what doesn't . is Cary Grant. · Grant knows. for instance, that he ·cannot wear a n atura l-s ho ulder tine jacket. Re must have padded shoulders. Having seen enough pictures of himself to know that proporliona tel..Y his head is too big for his body. he·s aware that the padded shoulder de-e mphasizes tha t, · Once that kind of knowledge is a part of a n individual. F'&usser notes, jt cannot b e -· t aken away from him. and will serve h1 m · in good stead while s hopping. F lusser began designing clQthes when he was 15. By the time he was 17 he had a ba rter system going with a frieltdly tailor to have all his clothes custom-made . Growing up in Ora~e. N.J .. the son of · a s uccessful real est a t e broker. he g r a d ua ted from t l\e Un iv ersity of Pennsylvania. and went immediately into - It's • the .mail 1n • • • k,.N-2,'4,~HMAN WE GET LETTERS: I got m y fi rs t' a nonymous' letter this week. It was written on a piece of plain white note paper , signed .. A Reader." (that translates anon, doesn 't it>. a nd I felt s he gave some thought to using alphabet le tters fro m ne ws pa pers a nd m agazines. It's strange to get an anonymous . note, e v e n with practical s uggestions in it. <S h e w a nt s m e t o be mor e care ful photographU\g the model's shoes.) This is very hard for m e to identify with because when I get angry enough to write about something. no matter the importance. l want t he person to whom I'm writing to know nORfl who's taken the trouble lo gel involved in corrE:spondi ng•wi th the n:i. Also. I want a n a ns wer. What's the fun of writing if you don 'l get a n answer? T he press release notes tha t these rtowers can't be obtained from our local fl orists so ther e's no use trying, gang - nor can you ge a bottle at your local cosm etic counter1 It can be ordered from the ' company owner and distributor, howe ver. It's coming out of northern California.... natch, proba bly taken right off the slopes of Humboldt County from the land· owned by the manulacturer /distributor. While it's not readily avaiJable as yet, if you or anyone you know happens to get hold of some, be car eful driving or even walking near the wrong king of dog. We wouldn't want you lo· be arrested for the perfume 'you're wearing or thrown to the ground by a drug dog. -MUTTER, MUTTER, MUTTER: I na no intention of cleaning those s helves ever I the telephone des!< in t he kitchen . I' I really didn't. I had a lot of other things· in mind for m y I s pare time. But. due entirely to the te le phone compapy a nd their fl oppy-backed books I found myself involved. You SeEJ. while I was trying to put the white pages on the second shelf. the yellow pages fell down ... actuall y. slowly slipped away .. You know how telephone books act. They don't make a definiCe hostile move • and fall fl at. They kind of slither to one side. IRVINE'S VIVIAN HALL dropped a note slowly sinking away from your gr asp a s to give m e som e information I needed you 're trying to catch whatever surrounds a n d add e d that s he 'd s pent a week an them ... in my case.'t he stamp box. several ·'To m y fa the r , whose wonde rful esoteric ward robe fi rst whetted my a ppe- tite for Ff,encl'l lis le. hand-clocked socks. st riped English suspenders and garters. Brooks Brothers· button-down shirts and a &lig ator tassel-loafers. a nd whose memory is never far from my mind when in my travels I happen upon some legacy from his t ime , an item crafted. by artists a nd altogether eletanl-:-' · --.--- .,_.the clothi~g business. For five years he was head designer fo r Pierr e Cat:din .R elax: Spoct.s ... wear f'.9.u g h keep s i e recent 1 y as c I as s-cookbooks and a copper pitcher in which I r epresentative to the Vassar College Council. discover ed, as it bounced over the floor. was That reminded me that she shares that alma stor ed the letter opener I'd been looking for. Flusser notes t hat meo's cloth..es have ch anged more over the past 10 y~ars tha n in the 50 years befote. . . The r esult has been .a two-edged sword. in that it' has released "both men ~and ColJection. • While onty ·n his own business for two years. having prod uce~ lour collections. he h as already been nom inated "for both the Coty and the Cully Sark fashion awards for oulsta ndiAg menswear desig'"ns. His collection focuses on comfort and underst a t ed e legance. He uses na tural fabrics. an easy cut and strong touches or color in his sweaters. pants. 'shirts a nd socks . · Not only a designer of clothes. he has become;;, an articulate s~aker a'n"d writer on t'he h1 stocr of menswear: And. in the fall of 1981. published a book. ·.:.Making of the Ma n -An Insider's Guide lo Buying and Wearing Men's Clothing ... mate w\th...such CQasL Women -Achievers~a·f;O-~~Paper.clips. four r ubber bands -too dry to Nancy Ebsen. Rochell e Hoffman. Barba ra use -a pony tail cli p . a nd two gum Wiener a nd Elle n Grienberger. I wrappers. Frankly, l didn't care if 1 found any of those things. I dumped them. Well . I didn't • MORE MAIL: Sometimes t he post·al clerks cto' get lost on their appointed rounds a nd when vast a m ounts of mail keep arrivin'g t hat can be a blessing. Sometimes, however. t he most m arvelous ly incredible things turn up . dump the letter opener. · · I ended the hour with clean shelves and .still no way to s tore those ... ah telephone books . Mutter, mutter. m utter. F:or instance. yesterday's communication SOMEDAV, l'M GOING to get a fancy pile turned up info rmation that the re's a new hardback cover for them . Then maybe they'll .. p..erfume being marketed . Just a little Jate fo r stand up the way they s hould. · the Christ mas pus h. though. Note , that·I didn't say "were meant to.': I . New perfumes a r e n't usually news. but ·don 't think they are meant to st a rtd up. t his one is m ade from t he female m a rij ua na"· They're qieant to sli ther out of your grasp. - flower, sinsemilla. . lose t~eir back cover a nd the las~ two pages. The fi rst section is devoted to how to buy clothing , with photographs by J a~e Corbett and illustrations by a r chitect A Ar-ien A "'pef rnakeO''e'"'.· -"J:,0% o~f Gordon Black. T he architectural approach UI I I J v I I ' vi / 1 lo t he drawi n gs make it virtuallv · impossible .to mis unde rstand where ~ • P'!lll!l~!llll--.......... ~ ... !!!I Flusser's approach to men's fashion has been influenced !?JI the elegance of such stars • as John Gilbert and Pred Astair. Look for comfort. understatement and elegance. sleeve should fall. how Jong a slack ·should / be. where a vest should sit on the hip, etc. T he second section concentrates on whe,·e to buy these clothes and accessories in the U.S. and Europe. The book has been ref erred to· as a handbook. It should perhaps be called a bi ble . Married to Marilise F'fusser. a fashion cons ultant and writer in her own right s he j ust updated Lois Lane 's image -they are the parents of a 20-month-old girl. They live in New York. • A Sunday Section - of the Orange Coast Daily Pilot Aga ist the · bac kground of Newport Bay, Tom Fuente•. our Orange Coa1t Imprinter. wears , for a. sail on Bill KennedJl's Deja Vu. a yellow. purp~ and lavender ahlrt. ~ yellow pleated slaclu and vio~t striped IOCka, a'1 JOO percent cotton and all ~ligMd by Alan . Fluner. The d«IC ahoes are by CD~-Haatt. Men'• fcuhionl btl Robinaon • 1/ F'aahiora l llafld . Dail11 Pilot photo• of Tom F'ueratea bJ Charwt SUJrr. Thomas A. Murphine ..... Nora Lahman ..,...dleor Michael P. Harvey ....... DlrHlor Mariorle Fendel ............. ., ForNewe Call 642-4321 , Ext. 205 For Ad¥erttelng Call 642"4321, Ext. 25, .... In Office ~ 330 West Bay Street, Poet Office Box 1580, CoataMeu. Calif. f2626-0580 For 10f!' mo.t bNutlful you. Celebr•,.. the New YHr with a new. beautiful look. Start with the Adrien Arpel Mini Facial -Intensive complexion therapy fellturlng European skin machlnfM and nature-based treatments, Including: .ElflCtrle BruMJ/ng with HOMy and Almond Scrub to cltJanMI your skin; Lemon anb Lime Activator Spray to boost circulation; Mini-Facial Vacuum to remove skl~lmpurltln; and Firming Maque to tOM and • retexturlze. Next, our hair speclallats will cut, shampoo and style your hair with blow-dry, lamp-dry or wet Ht finish. Lastly, a personal/zed make-up application and how-to INaOn so you can ..:It/five tits same frfMh looking ffMUltS at home. reg. $35 11.60 o.lun ... ~Including cut, shampoo and •ty#lng, reg: 42.50 21.60 . ' bNuty ulon 706 -so. coat plaza (545-0111) T Tom wears a UXY < cotton navy Polo blazer • by Ralph Lauren. with Flusser knit shirt and Cole-Hann boat shoes. I . . Orange'Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 17, 1982 , T qm Fu8nte.s: Orange Coast lmprinJer ' ~--.1 'r hl'ec-martll:l IUJlChcs may blW'e b ecll.-A sixth gene.ration GallrOrninan . a myth for ~orporute executives. but Fuentes. 33. earned degrees in government three-piece suits are legion at Orange and journalism from Chapman and Santa Coast restaurunts. Ana College where he ser ved twice as "The Newport bus iness community student bod y president. He currently has definitely grown in formality during presides over the Santa Ana College the day," says Thomas A. Fuentes. senior Foundation's board of directors. 'vice presidf nt of Robert Bein. William Ile was the youngest person ever Frost a nd Associa tes, professiona l .e lect ed to the R e publican Centra l environmental engineers and planners. Committee of Orange County where he "Just look al the lunch crowd wearing comp1etcd three ;erms and ser ved as all the pin-striped suits we used to s ave for treasurer. Today he is the first vice trips to San Francisco. chairman of t he Republican P arty of "We enjoy and take pr;id c in this Orange County -a nd a member of the dressier feeling, es~ecially at this time of GO P 's State Central Co mmittee. year when there's a chill in the air." FEentes. who is in charge of personnel . administration and management for his firm's staff of 170, is our first Orange Coast Imprinter or male cover model for Style although six men have appeared as escorts for o w· Orange Coast Ladies of Fashion. -K-eeping track of styl~s that give a favofaole and lasting impression is one as pect of his membership i11 the men's com mitt ee of The Fashionabl es. a scholars hip support group for Chapman College. At their last breakfast meet ing. the men discussed fitness a nd heard Wi lli am Hood . Ch a p.man's dean of business. outline the new .MBA program on . the campus in Orange. . President Ronald Reagan appointed ~ Fuentes to the U.S. Selective Service Appeals .. Board for California last yettr. Al so on the ;;late l'Cvel. he is a past member of the governor's Traffic Saf cty Conference and an editorial award winner in t he Bill of Ri ghts competition sponsored bY-the Freedom~ Foundation at Va lley Forge. ~ Also on the political front. he was senior executive assistant to 5th Di strict Orange County. Supervisor Thomas F. Riley a nd his predecessor. the late ·Rona ld W. Caspers. The full board commended F~entes in 1980 for his work on.tbe Charter Study Com mission . ~ As a vigorous bcllever in the free enterprise syste m. Fuentes has been a director of Saddlcback Savings and Loan Association. participated in real estate and corporat e investment in Orange County and received Santa Ana ·College's Alumnus of tht! year award fur business. Prese ntl y h e as dir ec tor o f communica tions for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange. consultant to the Most Rev. William R. J ohnson. bishop of Orange and host of "Catholic Dimensions," a_ weekly radio discussion program on KYMS 106.3 FM. I Involvement in s uch c1v1c affairs as the Christmas Seals drive. United Wa y of Orange County North/South. and the Regional Center for the Developmentally ~ Ha ndicapped ha s earned Fuentes the Huma nitarian Award for 1981 from the Or ange County Cha pter of the National Con!ereoce oI Christians and J c.ws. For the hours he has to himself amid these hyphenated career~ .. Tom ad mires the lightweight and colorful Alan Flusscr line of s1>0rtswear. Pai ring them with polo by Ralph Laurt,-'.n designs as he did for th ese pi ttu r cs . gave o u r model-ma n-about -town more ideas for future fashion imprints. The blazer unlh a striped sl11rt and rep tie by Under the blazer, Flusser 's 36-col.or 100% cotton A three-piece navy-with-grey pin st npe silk. suit Lauren. wool slacks b11 Bncken and tasseled sweater. light blue pleated cotton slacks. yellow knit by Dwr. wo1n wi/11 stripe shirt . tie by Robmsort"s loafers by Bally · ' shirt, striped socks worn with Cole-Haan boat shoes. and Bally loafers .~~~~~~~~~~~~~--"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-"'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . I ,• .. · I r J I I ~ t / O.range Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 17. 1882 ff Lff n fLUSSfR · No gap between vest and.pants. Shoe should follow ~sfgR OJ '°'*· -- • C1utom' cowbo11 boot1.ssoo. Si<ff·Venling allows /or motJtm.eiet. Put monogram in ce nt er of s hi rt pocket. Fi ne shir t s bave button. Tapered trouser has· cufl to retain natural line. Culfless pants look sloppy "'iw ctauic colto11: AJ formol took, BJ cutowa11. CJ uer1aUle 1traight·poh1t, DJ "button-down" ii lpOrfl/ and EJ rounded collor. Suit lapel should go no /arther than J U st before collor·shoulder halfway mark. Cap.to. oz/ord from Broolu Brothfr•. '275 . . l evi'• tapered 1ean with """°" /111. $16. Sleeve at left ii too long. Sleeve at nghl ii correct. /low to tie four·m·hand knot. Shetland yarn boot sock. Chipp, New York . $13. From .. Makmg the Man .. by Alan Flusser A Wallaby Book Published by Simon & Shuster .V'e ic York .. , r· WQve of the futu .re: Men taking extra . ~ ..... . fl - care By VIDA DEAN Of .... O.lly ...... Sl.tf Inside advice l o t he wom a n who wonde rs i( the m an in her Life mav be a candidate for early baldness: Check his materna l grandfather's hair. T his is the man who passes along the hereditary trail controlling the -q uantity and quality or hai r. So h ai r s t \'li s t Norm an Suave. m a n ager of M'r . Ro n ·s Men 's Ha ir - Dressing. Newport Beach tells us. Well. s uppose your man is getting a little thin on top. ls he ufraid of going ba ld'! · Norm says there's he lp for that problem. a nd it isn't u n~· kind or· magic · potion lo stop hair loss It ·s a matter of styling. VDR - Norm ma intains restyling can g ive the illusion of more harr for a thinning pate. The lines of the s!.ylc are directed awa~· from the thin sp<>ts and m ake those spots less· noticeable . Suave has been a hairstylist since 1957. and has spent the last years at Mr. Ron's where. he says. his clients have shown a m arked conscious ness recently in -hair- styling. · "They a re no longer self.conscious about getting specia l styling . And they don't conside r it ·sissy' to discuss findin~ the best s ty le for t he ir ind ividual appearance." Nor m says. The best style is achie\'ed after taking into consideration the shape of the race as we ll as the natural growth pattern of the ma n's hair. Hair styling at Mr. Ron's requires a shampoo first. This is necessary because it r elaxes t he hair so the natural line is properly reve·a led. Norm explains. There is no particul ar style that Is "in" for today'3 man, but it is dictated that the individual establishes his own style. There is a tende ncy today toward shorter hair, Norm s a ys, adding that ·shorter sideburns also are more inJvogue. While the man's hair is definitely shorter ... it is not as extreme as it was in the early · 1960s when the brush cut was popular. Norm believes that men have gotten weary of shampooing the longer hair that until recently. seemed to seHhe pattern. It requires 30 minutes for a s killed stylist to serve his clients. and in s hops like Mr. Ron's, appointments are required. The rast·paced lifestyle probably has had much to do with men accepting the idea or appointme nts for hair care. Norm suggests. ~ · "11tey ar busy men, and they know that with an ppointment they caq get in and get out withol.lt.Jpending a lot or time sitting around." Appointment h a ir ser vice has been standard procedure fo r women fo r m an ~· years. and the men are finding out that it is a good idea. Men co~e to Mr. Ron's fo r hair care only: but t~ere are ot.her salons catering to a variety ot male grooming needs . Groom ing for the modern man goes rar beyond a s h a mpoo. s h a\'e. hai rc ut. manicure and shoeshine. · · That was about the P'<tent or the ri tual fo r most "well dressed gentle men" until recent times. Today. "looking good'' for the male includes hair coloring. perm(lnents and facials a long wi t h p acks and s team treatment for deep pore cleaning. And going even beyond the grooming ca r e of t he mod e rn s a lon. men <1re frequent clients of plasti c s urgeons where they receive facelifts and pl astic surger~· to straigthen noses and ears or to remove puffy pockets from the eye areas. Looking as attractive as possible not only makes points with the ladies. but it a lso is r ecognized a s being good for business. A Newport Beach pl astic surgeon confirms the popularity of corrective and cosm etic plastic surgery for men·: lie Sllid a bout 40 per cent or his patients are men. a nd most of these come for facelifls and e~·e surgery. Gary Compton. owner of a grooming s a lon in Newport Beach is am ong the pl astic surgery patients. having recently haO'·rus eyes done ... .. 1 think a man should look as . ·ST ART 1982 WITH OUR RESOLUTION AND BOOK I NEVER PAY· RETAIL 1912 SICOMD IDITION The Only comprehensive gtJide to Disd>111t Soopping in Orange County by Sue Lee and Starr Phillips . ~. 251 st•es in 31-cities se;,-;~1rrs;;~g;: 't:x. and handling charge. 17 .85 ~~------------------• Pie .. Mnd me .. · ..•... ooplee of I NEVER PAY RETAIL. I I Enclolld Is 1 cheek for S .............. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · I N..M ................................................ .. I .~ ............................................. . I ~ ·CtM.C:k· · • · · · · • · ici i ·NiVM· ;·;./"~n Ail ·ind ;eii lo 1 • e, 171hs;r.tL. 1~, co.ta Mele. ea .. L--•----------••••••• ; attractive as he can. and I think a wo man admires a man who looks nice." Gary s ai d. Many men come to Com ptOff"s ··Gary Compton and Co. Create" to have facials . m anicures. hair care including t)ighlight coloring. full color ing and · permanents . Gary reports. T he men receive basicall\· the sume facial as do women. Cu r~·· ex pl ui ncd. ;.i d di ng thut thi s treut me nt in cludes s tea m in g <1 nd pack s f(.)r d eep pore cleaning . '" · · T h b · d o n o t g e n c .r a 11 ~· n l' l' d moisturiz~ng ." he s a id. ··because the male ski n as a rule is not as dry as that of a wom an. and the~· do not need lo add moisture to the skin . ··That is why they wrinkle far less than women ... Gan· said. Me n wit h skin problem s are e n courugcd t o u n dergo a s eries of treatm en ts inc luding .facials for fou r wee . Also in th~ evening before they rettre. they are urged to use a milky· cleanser followed by an astringent. A ni ght cream is needed onl~· if the man has an u nusual!~· dry skin. After the initial ser ies of facia ls. repeats are encouraged only when needed. Gary says men do not need f'a cials and . d eep cleaning as oft en as do wom en because they do not use makeup. The re are however makeup products for men including mascar a. bronzers and lip gloss. These product s are made in England. according lo Gary. who sa~'s he does not r ecomme nd th ~t me n use makeup. , ... 'Jhe 'Xewporl 7Jeach Chap/er of coMally 1mJi/e1 JOU ancl yaur.Jr1enc/, lo al/11ncl :JI B uncheon !701hion ~how eilh Opet:1'6/ Su•1/ 'D•11tner Vauid Jfay•1 prwui••l"f l11i 1111 .Oprtf11 tUtd 0 11m1n.r CoU11clion from .s.M ~ ~. • J,So.,~ Co.11 7'1. •• ~~'·"'' .z.A.. :JJ., a!w' .. i~ .. 1 }(-fl # 1111 6/. C-1 .,,,_., q_,t-,, 11.H ,...,.... ,. ......,,., "'-" ..J ,.,.,.d ~ '"-" ~......,. ~.s ., . r..,...o1101 But when it comes to hair. men have jus t about pulled out all ~tops. Gone ure the davs when a man tries to hide the fact that he 'colors his hair. "There·s un impor tant Orunge Count~· · businessman here right now _getti.ng hi s ha i r colored ... Ga r ~· said durin g our t ele phone int cn ·ie\\ .. You'd probahly knO\\ him if I told ~·ou his name " ··Men gc.•t fu ll color if the~· "ant to tO\'<.'r the gra~-. and it looks \'Cr~· nat ural. Also. some men with dirt\' blondl' colored hair \\ill get it highlighted to gi \'C' it more ,('olor. .. A lot of men a lso art• getting bod~· \\ u\·es for their hair no\' that the curl~· µc rtm is out." Gary said. adding ··bod~· wa\'eS control flvawav hair and makC' it <.'as~· to blow dry 'and g·ive it more rnlumc.• Garv confirms what anothC'r '.'IC\\ pori Beach hai r s tylist. '.'Jorm Suave. reported about current trends . Men ure wearing their hair shorter . Anl:I while !\Orne men worry about the disappearing locks. Gary s a~·s some others have problems with too much hair. but nt>t necessarily on the head. Some men com e in to have hai r rel')'loved from hi gh on the cheeks under the eves and on the lower neck. · .:Shaving up high so near the eyes 1s _ deli cate. a nd long neck hairs can be irritating." Gary expl ained. These problems are t reated wi th a special h air removing m achine as ttre modern tonsorial parlor cuters not only to a m ari 's good looks but a lso to his physical comfo rt as well PIG OUT •.. AT OUR GREAT .SPRING SALE .•• SAVE ?So/o-50°/o· LS 75°/o & ¥ORE!. Special $5. -S10. • $20 racks! OP Sandals· 25% off! -Sale J•welry -50% Off! & much more! .. (' Actually. t hat 's what the Fashionables first meeting of the year was all about. Fitness. That's what it was a ll about. Conversatiort is all about fitness. and people like Maria Crutcher. who keeps maintaining that she'll be 70 next month <I think some people just love to e"aggerate l. ·sha me us all by leaping out of bed and~to the swimming pool by 6:30 a.m. every morni_ng. fo llows t hat with some work on the trampoline and is showered and on •her· way by8 a.m. . --- WELL, S HE WON the "Fittest Fashionable Over 60" award fOr making us feel guilty. I hope s he's satisfied. Then along cam e Lucy Woodward to win the "Over 50" awa rd. Shows you how great they feel and feel they look ( ~nd ·we all voted, so certainly agree> to admit their decade. Donna Cucinato. d irector of ballet and d a n cercise, a n_d s.sociate professor o( physical education and director of sports ': medicine. Monte ~mith . both of Chapm a n College, and Dr. Frances Mead-Messinger. Last week! Perm Sale! .Go from so-so to simply sensational. Ndva perm; reg . '40 now '25 ReGIS ~srrusrs South Coast Plaza 54(}.8888 I• Mary'Jane Queyrel and Pat Allen. Wherever yo11 busy itinerary takes you . . . for business or pleasure, before you go -plal a stop to Pat Ma'ley's. For ll years now -Pat Marley, himself. n1 assooates continue to present men's fastuoos that endure 1n dress or casual! Now we've extended to ladies tr~tionals! We ~-a hideaway sale u~talrs in the attic roon. Plus all arWld ttie stare you'll find inxpected collectibles n1 gift items for .-iy special gift! ----~~ psychologist and nat ional s peciali st on .. Body "I:a lk." presented a talk on using your body in synchronization wit h your temperament and thoughts. . BESIDES TELLING VS about walking tall.' Frances Messinger . told us that our o wn ··gestures a nd p ostures are as distinctive to us as our fingerprints a nd . a long with our clothes. telegraph our personality. It was a s hort course o n body la nguage ... just enough to make you wish she'd go on with it in depth. t She used as an example, the way a woman sits as indicates a lot about ~her. See a gal with he~ feel crossed at the ankle • a nd her hands crossed in her lap and yo u're probably lopk ing a precise. somewhat up-tight individual -either that or she's been to charm school. Frances murmured something about. "'if s he chose to go to cha rm school. s he's probably pretty preeise and metic ulous. so that posture would be comfortable in any case.·: . DIAMONDS ARE A GIRL'S best friend: Debby ytay and Helen Coffey put t ~at t ruis m on their invita tion to a champagne tea they had last week for Car.ol-South, U1e-ffrst woman t<t be elected president of -as only Newpert Beach residents would put it -.. the Chamber of Commerce." m reminded'-that along the Orange Coast there. are other Cs of C, but in this case the meaning is Newport Ha.rbor's. I wish I'd been able to be there to ' Par. left · Kersten f'lor1an. Mary Marcell and Glona Graham at r lie Fasl?ioriables. Annette Hurwitz and Donna Anderson at the Fashionables. congratulate her in person. a nd.. as a matter of fact. I'd j ust started out to hop in the car and join the 125 ladies who gave her a royal send-off when an e mer3 ncy phone call came through. Carol is m anager of commercial a nd institutional marketing al Albert C. Martin and Associates. --.._. I should mention JJrat a resolution offered by Supervisor Tom Riley passed unanimously by the rest of the board was presented pe rsonally to Carol b~· Emma· J ane Riley. One whereas parti cularl~· amused me : "WHEREAS, in ·her official ca~city as president of ,the chamber. Carol South ._ will become a n honorary member of' the Commodores Club. thereby' in one action helping to give new creativity to this or ganization. to l'lean up its language at meetings. a nd to undoubtedly improve its dress code. So. in this 15th year of the Chamber 's ex i s t~nce its· Di a m ond Jubilee remember Carol. ""stiff back or stiff knees . you 'll stand straight at Tiffan~·s: diamonds are a girl's best rriend ... SPEAKING OF STANDING straight: Fra n ces Mead· Me ssinger t.o Id . .1 h e Fashionables t his past week that those who walk tall get higher salaries. are more l i k ely to b e e lected preside nts o f _ corn.Qanies (and the U.S.'! 1 and are often given more power than they actua lly .. possess. . So hold those s houlders back. gang. Su~k in that you know what. Copezio's super Holiday Sale hos just begunl Only twice yearly d o we offer these very special price reductions on Items from our regular stock. These Inc lude • selected Copezk:>. Bondollno. Boss. Nino and other ·quality designer shOes. An exciting collection for you In 1982 · and trs all happening nQW <Jt.Copezlol ; • Mrs.-Kruse -1< ruse-Scott St. Andrews Presbyteriah Church was the site for the wedding of Les lie Scott and James Kruse. both of Newport Beach. T he bride. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Walter Scott of Newpert Beach, graduated U:wn...N WP9(l Harbor High School and UC Irvine. '(he bridegroom. the s~n of Mr. and Mrs . Arthur Kruse of Anaheim. gr aduated from Fullerton High School and UC Irvine. Silver -Hawkin s Leanne Hawkins and J ohn Silver exchanged wedding vows in a ceremony in the Chateau Room or the Beverly Wils hire Hot el. Judge Leon Emers on of Downey offi ciated • The bride 1s lhc-da.ughl~r-of Mry ;.md Mi:s~ Ed Hawkins of Newport Beach a·nd the bridegroom 1s the' son of Bud ilver of Jackson Hole. Wyo. a nd Joy Silver of Glenda le. I The new bride is a gr aduate of Texas Christian University. Fort Worth. a nd a member of Phi Upsilon Omicron. a n honorary fraternity . She is an account executive with Hill and Knowlton Public Relations. Los Ange les. Mack-Layman Rice-Sprague Anne Layman Of N~wport Beach and Robert B. Mack of San Fra ncisco were married in a ceremony at St. Michael and All Angels Church. Corona del 'Mar. The bride. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Laym a n of Newport Beach. gradu"at-ed from Newport Ha rbor Hi gh School. UC Sant a Croz and Parson's School of Des ign. New York City. She also sllidied a rt history in Florence. Italy. and is an artist. . The bridegroom. the son of Navy Capt. a nd Mrs. Willard Mark of New York. graduated from UC Santa Cruz He is an ' account executive for .A.meric-an Telephone a nd Telegraph. Tire newlyweds plan to live in Sl)n Francisco following a trip to Mexico. Stetson-Cowie . Mrs. Schaffer First United Methodist Church, Costa Mesa, was the site for the wedding ceremony or Kar~n Sprague of Costa Donna Cowie of Newport Beach has become the bride of Paul Stetson Jr. or Middlet6wn, Conn., in a cere mony at Our Lady Qllffn "Of Alfg"ets-Ctrnrctl."Newpart Beach. Mesa and Stephen Rice of Los Gatos-. -=- The bride, the daughter of Mr. a nd Mrs. A. J . Sprague of Costa Mesa, graduatedJ'rom Costa Mesi! High School and San.Jose State University. . The groom. the son of Mr. ·and Mrs . Manfred Rice or • Los Gatos, grtlduated from Los Gatos ijigh School and 'San Jme State University. · . The newlyweds plan lo Uve in San Jose following a cruise to Mexico. The bride is the.daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cowie of Newport Beach. She graduated from Corona del Ma r High School, attended Orange Coast College and is a student at Cal State Long Beach. She is employed by American Alrl1nes. The bridegroom, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stetson of Conne.cticut, attended St. Michael's Univer sity in Vermont and Ya le University. · The newlyweds plan to live in Costa Mesa following a trip to Hawaii. Whitham-Palmer J ean P almer of Newport Beach and Kent Whitham of Tulsa. Okla .. exchanged wedding vows in St. Andrew's Presbyteria·n ~Church . Newport Beach. The bride. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Palmer .oLNe,wpoJiBeach, graduated from Newport Harbor High School and Oral Roberts Universit~·. Tt)fsa .~ She 1s e mployed by Standard Oil Co. The groom. son of Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Whitham of Tulsa . also graduated from Ot"cil Roberts 'ni versity. He is e mployed.by Republic Bank. The newlyweds are living in Tulsa following a trip to northern California. Schaff er-Gerner . ·Kathryn Gerner of Cost a Mesa and .Dennis Schaffer of Allanta exchanged wedding vows in Community C hurch. Corona del Mar. - The bride. the daughte r of Mr. and Mrs. George Gerner of Costa Mesa. graduated from Es tancia High School. Costa Mesa. and attended Orange Coast College. She is employed by Los Caballeros Racquet and Sports Club. The bridegroom. the son of Mr. and Ml""s.-·Romrld' Schaffer of Fort Lauderdale. · Fl a .. g radu ate d fr o m O h io State Uni versity, Columbus. Ohio . He is employed by Production Technology Inc. · The· newlyweds plan to live in Newport Beach and AUanla following a trip...to-tb~--..-1 Virgin Is lands and F lorida . ... Co.ffin-So !aini Donna Solaini of San Marino a nd George .. Chris" Coffin of-Newport Beach exchanged wedding VOWS in San Marino Community Church. The bride is the daughter of William Solaini of San Marino and the late Levanna Solainl. She graduated from San Marino High School and UC Davis. , ·The bridegroom, the. son of Mr . and Mrs . George Coffin Ill of Newport" Beach. graduated from Newport Harbor -High SChool and attended. Cal Poly, San Luls .Obispo. He is employed by Sound Workshlp. Hauppange. , N.v .. The newlyweds are residing ln Bayport". N. Y .. following a trip to Hawaii. .. ·blyl'llll· SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 1912 STOCKS 03·4 . REAL ESTATE 05 ~ ENtERTAINMENT 07-9 • Baby, it's cold outside ... in Peking. See Page D1 ... --~-- C> Ha1riott inaking its ' m.ove ·Hotels group seeks expansion in county ' By KEITH TUBER ..... ,~ ........... In a speech befor~ t he Newport Center Association last m ont h, J a mes E . Durbin, president or Marriott Hotels. told members, "Ir you want your company to succeed, you've cot t~ inake it happen yourself. Everyone is ·coing to have to sacrifice and tighten his belt. We must exercise self-d ependency, as individuals , as businesses, as city and state governments. We must take charge and control our own destinies." Marriott Corp., which consist s or fi ve operatinc croups, has done just that. Earlier this year . the $2 billion owner and operator or hotels. restaurants, food services and amusement parks made a $48.6 million offer to acquire all the outstanding common stock of the .Eastern-based Gino's rast·food chain. · In Decem ber, the company agreed to purchase H6st lntemational In~ .• -. foefd.serVices firm. for 4 EKf CUTIVf PRDf llE $148.8 million. Both deals are expected to be financed internally and through existing lines -or bank credit. Marriott Hotels. over which Durbin presides, is the corporation's largest operating group. It em ploys some 30,000 worldwide, and represents more than one-third of Marriott Corp.'s total sales volume and more than'half its profits. • ra.lty .... ,..... "'9-y ·--PLANS FROZEN - T he Newport Beach M arriott Hotel &. Tennis Club wa nts 165 new r ooms. In Orange CountyJ tbe Anahejm Marriot~ and tlte'Pfewport Beach Matriott Hotel & Tennis Club employ more than 1,000 workers . That number will increase substantially when Marriott's 500·plus room hotel, to be ,located on 11.5 acres at the northeast corner of Michelson Drive and Von Karman Avenue in ITvine, is completed in spring or 1983. More employees could be hired, Durbin said, if the proposed 165-room expansion or th e company's Newport Beach facility is permitted. The pl'-n 's lengthy entanglement in red tape is a sore spot with the executive. "We would like to expand in Orange County - it's one of the more recession-proof areas of the country." Durbin stated. "As the community and its needs grow, we'd like to grow with it. ~we pioneett<l here', and reel It Is just and reasonable to expand. to better ser ve the community," Durbin ~ontinued. "We've presented our case, and are hopeful to go forward. It's not in our hands right now -in fa ct , I'm not really s\jre where it stands right now. I believe justi ce will prevail, however.'' According to Mike Gering, a Ne wport Beach attorney representing Mar riott, the hotel ·s expansion plans got tied with an Irvine Company proposal to expand Newport Ce nter in a J)iece of legislation titled 80·3. Though that legislation was passed by the Newport City Counci l, a city referendum froze the action. · .. w e rece ntl y r ecei ve d a 3 -to ·l recomme~da'tion by the city 'planning co mmission to pi:~eed with amendment 81-3, which separates ~ Ma rriott's plans fr om t hat o f the Irv ine Company," Gering said. "We're hopeful the City Council will ~ive us an OK on J an. 25 to make an application." Thus, if the origiQ al meas.ure falls in !he J un e primary election, the company can go ahead with its individual action. Durbin might be excused for not being up-to·date on the Newport Beach situation. Wh~n he joined Marriott Hotels in 1964 as executive vice president. the company had only four hotels. Tbe board of directors named him president in 1970. and he immediately embarked on a progra m of diversification in addition to hotel· expansion. Today, Marriott· has abOut 100 hotels , inns and · (See MARRIOTT, Page 02) ' BUU..ISH ON FUTURE -~ta rr iott Hotels President James E. Durbin sees a bright future for his company More women to enter work/ orce -~ ............. STRESSES WOMEN'S ROLE -Beverly Ulis sa_y s women wi l l pl ay · an increasi ng l y important role in American business. The two:-income family becoming .. financial must WOODLAND HI LLS (AP) -Women will play an increasingly important role in American ·bu siness. says Beverly UHs. who plans lo help all she can. "Women have to fa ce the fa ct that in today's econom y a two-income family is something we're going to be living with. That·s not going to change," Mrs. Ulis said in an interview. "To survive. the working wife or mother. the modern woman. has to able to take care of herself and do it beyond just menial earnings. She's going to have to be able to contribute a good percentage of the family's income every year." As chief financial offi cer of a Wood la nd Hil ls iosw:.ance brokerage headed by ~r husband. Ken, Mrs. Ulis has been contributing ahe11lthy share of the family income for more than 25 years. She's also president or Women in Bus iness, an o r g a n i z·a t i o n o f I e a d i n g c o r p o r a t e . entrepreneurial and professional women In the Los Angeles area which has sister chapters in Or ange County and S~n Diego. Mrs. Ulis. 51, was an early member or the National Organization for Wo men and has worked ior the League of Women Voters and the Women's EquaJity Action League. Her involvement stems from a strong belief that women need support groups. "ll wasn't easy in the beginning ror women. It's easier for them today, but we have a long way to go lo get role models out into the community lo encourage young girls lo take so~ non.traditional roles," she said. "We're doing that with Women in Business. Women need to be better educated, better trained and have support networks behind them to be a ble to survive in the business climate we have." Wom en in Business, with about 300 members in Los Angeles: ... plans to take a more active cc I think child care is something that business will have to address eventually. '' -BE VERLY ULIS political role in 1982, she said. ··we have formed a political action group and we' i.ntend lo really let the political community know that we are here and that we are a m ajor force in the community because we represent every field there-is," she said. ''\Ve are going to make note of those people and those corporations that have been supportive of women and we're going to do more work with tht m." Mrs. Ulis believes it's possible to have a fa mily and a career. "I have two grown daughters and they are we ll-adjusted young women," she said. "There are ma ny women who have guilt feelings about leaving children <at home whlle they work, but I feel that the quality of a mother is much_ more important than the quantity." Although she managed lo juggle home and professional lives, Mrs . Ulis thinks business will have to give working women more help with their families in the future. ' . • · · 1 l;hink child .care is something that business wi ll have lo address eventually," she said. "I think there have to be more realistic child care centers available.'' Working with her husband has strengthened her marriage. she said. although the Ulises. who met whjle students at the Unive rsit.¥ or Southern Cal ifornia. have established ground rules such as no business at the d inner table. ··we have a mutual respect for each other's abili ties. Better than any other type of mate , we know each other 's abilities because we've watched each other perform ... she said. "We have definite roles. We don't have the same clientele. We set up guidelines when we started and we've never crossed those barrier's so we have'no dirficulties." Mrs. Ulis says she's full of plans for the future and adds that an increasing number or mature wo men will be re-enter ing the working world ill coming years. ,. "A woman of 51 , years airo. would never have thought of being as active as I am. She was ao older woman," she said. "I don't consider myself old. I have 40 years or goals ahead of me. I think the longevity that modern medicine has given UI opens up tremendous opportunities for women after their child-rearing years." Community effort saves beef. pla:rit from closing EDITOR'S NOTE -TM closing of a plant can be traumatic, for worker• and tlwrir familita and for t~ people it anw1. I I tM plant dominate• the local econom11. the reniUa can be dtvaltaltng. So, when relidtnU of E1tltnville, Iowa, hNrd the clo•ing announcement, IMJI rolled up thdr IWWI, tiglatmtd their beU.-and ~ the plant Of*'. A new working agreement atma at ~epi~ U that ~II· By llARGY McCAY ._ ..... ,,... ...... E STHERVILLE , lowa - From lh e ti me th e announcement came "like a bolt. or lightning rrom the sky." this ~enlury-old town in the valley ol the Des Moines River was on edge. P olice go t m o r e ho m e dis tur ba nce calla , s chool counselors were overwol'ted-and ministers received more pleas for hmlly and marria1e counsellnt, "YOU cou.ld (eel the tension build up. TKe .oclal fabric tbal bolds tbe t.own lo1etber waa atartln1 to fray," recalls lbe Rev. John Bowe, pastor ol the First Presbyte rian Church. "A plant closing has not only economic effects. It has social and psychological effects." · Cause of the tension was the announcement -made in the local newspaper last May -that J ohn Morrell & Co. would close the beer division of its beef and pork plant. But the scheduled Nov .. 8 closing never materialized. W o Tke r s . Ig n o rin g ·t h e di s app rova l o.r' th e ir internationa l union, voled for a $2-an·hour pay c ut and the cha nce to keep worJCing_ "There was collective relier when the vote came through and the people knew that beer plant would stay," says the Rev. J a m es Harmo n, pasto r of the Es therv ille C hristian Chu~cb. ••You could j ust feel the ten sion go," agrees Bowe , describing lhe scen e In bis church Nov. 8, the day afte r the vole. "People started cryin1. Then som·e of the union people 1ot up. It was one of the most emotional ( REV. JOHN BOWE periods I've seen in a church service." • · The threat of a meatpacking pla nt closing ls not unique; aome 300 plants ha ve shut down nationwide in the last two years, REV. JAMES HARMQN In cluding many ln Iowa. But Eathervllle's experience ls unusual ror several reaaooa: the town 's economic dependenct on Morrell; the cruclaJ role played by pastors Bowe and Harmon; r the local unjon·s split with its parent organiza tion. and the new agreement, which includes not only a pa y c ut. but a n employee profit-sharing plan a nd a J a p a n ese·s ty l e management approach in which workers are supposed to have a say in bow their plant is run. The new agreement between Murrell and Loca l 79 or the ln te rn alio n a l F o od a nd Commercial Workers Union is a i wo·year pact highlighted by a wage cut. . · But-the · company offered a number of conce,sions to make the loss easier to bear. These included a guaranteed 40-hour w,ork week, up from the current 36, and a $2 million capital investment in the beef plant o ver the next three year s. assuming t he pla nt shows • pr:ofit. But the most •\trac tive company concessions were • profit-s haring plan and l he formation or "quality circles ... In which worker.J are to have a aay in bow the plant ls run. The profit-sharing plan calls • fo r union workers to divide 20 pe rcent or the bee f plant'• proms. ! "Since we sta rted this, the employees have s hown a'1verf 'healthy, vigorqus inte rest irt what the plant's doing," says Mi Lee Bis hop, a Morrell vice president and a P resbylerlaa e lder. He says that the new agreement also calls for thl com pany to open its books to the union. "In the departments where you get into 'what was your labor productivity' or 'what WM your yield' -those figures an pos t e d . G u ys f r om e>n•· department, tr they see g~ya from another department ha~ done bad, have been known ' criticize the other_people. • "The plant was abaola unprolUa ble prior to Nov. I , s ince Nov. 8, we have showing a prorit. I wouldn't ~ ttiey've been hnta1Ucallt profitable, but they're all ln U. black." · The other major cbanae ,- employee particlpaUon ln plali <See BEEF' PLANT. Pal• DI) l I ., • Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Jenua 17. 1982 · 111111 ~1:1111 ITDCIB Following are the stock market activities of publicly traded Orange Coum11 #nm /or tta. week ended Friday. January IS. Data provided by Newport Securities Corp. t I t I I -,--- ltlll '"" ....... tt•• r llOIOCll .... n Prlo .. r•I•• I CPI "' oflU PIO ·:··· •• n lllC , l.OCHH* 01.oe.01.1t co1101 • , ,, ... , u 1000•• .......... .\ ............. ···········-··· ·-·-·······-········· ......................... ··-·· ·······-····· ·········· ····-· I &llJllo ltloN ! &l ho Corp. '=~::~·· ' ......... . ..... 1 ... 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M••d Oft "°"'"" Miit•"' to be ro11011, ""' -•-7 -u •1i-. are .,., ,....,,,u., •O<I ,..,,..,, t.evtu .. •M u111 ,. ..... .... , ._ .. _. DO U a•UU.J fw &llJ ,...,...,...olee Of> •U•U •••t et UN Ut.e ~11.-. .. lter·•· lororwa U• -11••"" ._ 1e ... ,.. ·~ "'-'• WORKING Employees of John Morrell & Co. have kept their jobs. From Page 01 • BEEF PLANT STILL OPEN ••• management -is one about which both s ides say they are excited. . Dttalls have not yet been worked out, but a number or advis ory groups, ~ailed "quality circles , " will be set up in the p lant where employees can offer suggestions on ways to increase efficiency and cut waste. A valuable· suggestions will be forwarded to a steering committee o( plant managers and union leaders, who will accept or reject the Ideas. . The key to ~uch a plan is changing the adversary r elations hip that genera ll y e xi s t s b e tween management and labor. "We've got sovie attitudes that have been around for 40 years that are not g.o ing to be c hanged overnight," says Gary Spillman. Local 79 vice president. Spillman says there will be five or _-Six or &.he i.n bou""committ.ees. w.bicb will report to a steering committee of loc al managem e nt and unio n r e presentali ve s . Th e st eering committee will decide which or the quality circles' suggestions to put into practice . Esther'vil~pulation 7,500, has be en an e cono mi c ally s trong community. Just eight miles from the . Minnesota border ih sparsely populated northwest Iowa, it was settled in the late 1850s by Robert Ridley and his wife Esther. who gave her name to lhe town. It is the farmland, plus 'Morrell and a handful of small manufacturers, that keep E s th e rville 's unemployment rate at about 3.2 percent, says Day Hacke, executive vice president of the local Chamber of Commerce. But the loss of Morrell . which employs more than 700 people in its beef and pork operations . would be devastating. It dominates the local economy as surely as its sprawling plant dominates the city 's southwest sidi. Es therville res ide nts were not unaware or the packing industry troubles. But the announcement that Morrell planned to close the local beef plant came as a shock, "What do you do in a town that. has its major industry as a packing house. and then it closes down and there's not another job within 100 miles?"' asks Bowe. "That m e ans ..the town 1s devastated. The announcement took them by surprise it was like a bolt or lightning out of the sky." · It was the following Sunday. when Bowe spoke from the pulpit about the closing, that he and Harmon became rnvolved in the fight to keep the Morrell plant open. A retired Morrell director who was a member of Bowe's congregation helped arrange a meeting among Bowe, Harmon and 'Morrelt board chairman Hugo Slotkin . For· the next six months, the two ministers acted as go-betweens for Morrell and the lo~I union. Although ey WenLJ)Otinvolyeci in the"aC'tual negotiations. tbe man kept the talks moving . During that time. the local unjon and Morrell futiley dis cussed a number or pMposals dealing with production .and efficiency. There was a d e adlock , says Bo we, until mid.August when the local compared costs al Estherville to those at Iowa Beef's main plant at Dakota City. "That was the first time the local had compared. their c os ts with Dakota City, .. s a ys Bowe. '.'The company had always talked about it, and now ~he union was talking about it. "The company was overjoyed," he recalls. The union membe rs "finally admitted there is a big difference between operating the two plants." That was a turning point, says Bo w e . altho-ugh the dickering continued for two months. During the · first week in November, the final wage details or the agreement - cutting base pay from $10.69 to $8.69 an hour -were ha mmered out. The vote in favor of the ne w agreement was difficult. But for many me mbers or the local, th~r<! was no alternative. Look · where $10,000 • .. m rare • co ms can get you . $ 10,000 1982 13,000 1983 16,900 1984 21,970 1985 28,561 1986 37.129 19 i --48.268 1988 62,749 1989 1.573 1990 106,045 1991 ------- 137.858 1992 Rare gcm·qualu, M~ <ii l) S ,1lvcr Jollar.. arc ,,,,nh •'>IX nm~ toda\' whJt thl'\' •' ~-----------· were tn 1976 Nearly 5t~0 .. :!From Page 01 apprcc1auon per year I' If. in the ne~1 five years. ::MARRIOTI HOTELS CHIEF PLANS EXP ANSI ON . . . ~~~~~~s~~~:~11f~~~~fi% I· prllfit In ten years. $127.858 ::resorts in the United States, Europe. Mexico. the and begin the cycle again. Marriott's future. because or the hotels' customer Turn your Am.I. .. inct· opening our 'i· Caribbean and the Middle East. ·'This enables us to not be dependent on profile and a changl11g lifestyle scenario. • .Joor. in 197<\ noi one of our • Current plans call for expansion or the conventional lenders and developers in dirricult "Our customers are in the upper·middle·class • unusables d I •company's hotel rooms at a rate or between 20 times." leve l, and ma ny a r e corporate e xecutives into dit·11t~h:l~cvcrcn1oye css I percent and 25 percent a year through the Durbin, 56, literally grew up in the hotel traveling on expense accounts," Durbin said. • usable th.in :i 30<',, return per year ·t mid-19808. business. He was raised at his family's Durbin "They're not necessarily families on vacations. Quirt.' an :ichkvcment. I Internal financing has enabled Marriott to Hotel in Rushville, Ind. After graduating from "In the long ran'ge -say by the year 2000. -I • cash. cau t.''fX'•1<1llv ll\'Cf 1hc last twO 1continue its growth despite the recession and Notre Dame University, he served as an Air Corps predict travel will be way up," he continued. "By • Daily Pilot war. wlwn hull1un. stocks 1record interest rates. lqiUally. Durbin said, the pilot in World War II. 1993. there will be more fuel erficient aircraft. classified l'H~n rcJI N;uc were •company owned most or i" hotels. · ~ He began his career in hotel operations in Young people in the 35-year-0ld range will be more • · cxm•mdv ~ir1 : "But· starting in 1974-75, we began s elling Spokane, and later put in time in hotel and resort educated, and will place travel as a highf:r 642-5678. Notevcn moner market I' equity in hotels and taking back solid management service in Salt Lake City and Tucson. Durbin was priority.'· fund.<. or T-hill' uffcr that kind contracts." he said. "That way we would enjoy executive vice president or the Del E. Webb Hotel For its fiscal third quarter ended Sept. 11. ,,f return good cash now and quallty control. . • Management Compa ny of Las Ve_gas -which last Marriott Corp. earned $28.2 million. or $1.05 a Thl· 'C.'CTCI '· tindmg the ;, "We use that capital to invest in new sites, year ~I~ t._he New~rter Inn in Newport Beach -share, on sales of $503.4 million. This compares • I nuht com<; An'd Hannes Tuk· •:build momentum,-and. es tablish the hotel as a before JOtnmg Marriott. with $25.3 million. or 95 cents a share. on sales of .. 'i dependable cash generator. Then we can sell it. As could be expected, Durbin is bullish on $436.5 million a year earlier •rill 1' onl· of tmh• 1 recog· ' RADIO PAGER SG.I PER MONTH · For se~ices only Unlimited pages and pur-i& chase your reconditioned pa-., ger for enly SIOO with 30 days guaran&eed parts and labor. Be paged la a four count~ area. Los Angeles. Orange, Saa Beraanllno and River· side Counties. 401 S. SANTA FE SANTA ANA CALL 714/835-3305 ORANGE COUNTY RADIO TELEPHONE SERVICE \ -'------------------....::....--------------~-----------l nizcd 1lver dollar cxpcns in When E. E Hutton talks, people listen. ~&•PC rhc coi1nrrv \\'c 'fX'C1ah:r in all U S ran.• i,tolJ anJ ~1her coin~. And \W off er -.cnm1' mvesto~ manai.:l·J. fX'N'nal rare coin mw,1ml·n1 porriohns, com· rk·1c· w11h ('\l~.Ja\' mnnt'v·back rulin and j.!r,1Jc j.!lJ::lrantcc on l'.tch ,·rnn C.11111~ ;it 17HI 851· 202 for a ire" inlnrmatllm p:icket Or n·rurn 1hc l'l'UfX•n hd11w C111N1h.l1ton h\' .1pp.1int· nwn111nl\' ~ ·~ 4400 MacAnhur Blvd. Suite 320 Nc~pon Beach, CA 92660 (714) 851-8202 FREE INFORMATION PACKET I C11y I I I Z1r I ....---....- I ~""' L -- - - -_0~1! ..J I l OtlnQt Coat DAIL y Pf LOT /Sunday, J1nu1ry 17, 1982 '\ • 0 AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE QUOUllC)ljl INCUOI f llAOl\011 , ....... 1'0U, lo\IOWUT, '"''"C. ,. •. lot TON, OIUOIT ANO (lllClllNATI noo U CMANOIUllO lll'O•TtO IV fMI 114,DAllD llllTlllll a a 1 , .. ... ... Orange Cout DAIL V Pf LOT/Sunday, January 17, 1982 ' --------------------------------------~------------~----------------------~~~--~~--0:--------------.... --------..... ------------------------~----------------- New Y.ear -l happy-one ~ousing? • m lb JOHN CUNNIFF .................. NEW YORK -You may find this difficult to 1 accept, accustomed as you are to hearing bad economic news, but be assured it comes rrom a lmowledteable source: The housing recession appears to have ended. REAL ESTATE ..,,_.....,.._, _ ___...,,.. :-llla./GI 1111-- History -0 I the widening gap between V .~., coumy price• .Rl\NDM.L K. MCCARDLE Q: I• • llorne·~aa So.tiw:r• CaUloHla IWJ a JOOd investment! I ~ve beea IGld .. , prtca laave peaked pa1aed tlaelr prime nd r·woeald be wa.e do my lavtstJa1 outside of &lae area. A•y aatJl&lc laformatac. or .urveys tllat you k..-ol w..W be apprtt.lated. ll.~ •• Costa Me1a A\ Based on desirability and the law ol supply and demand. buying .a home in Southern California is still a prime invesfm ent. Even in today's matkel. OJ:ange County remains highJy desil'able. Let's look.at the figures. Based on sample surveys of sin1le-ramily homes, statistics show that the spread between home prices In Southern California compared to home prices in other parts of the United Stales has incr~asingly widened over the last 10 years. ln 1972 a home buyer in Southern California paying $32,400 for a· home could purchase that sam e borne anywhere else in the United States for $31 ,000, a difference of only isoo. _ Prices went up s lightly the next year about the sa me everywhere lo $34,500 here. a $500 hedge over the rest of the country. If that estimate is correct, it means the end to more than three years or almost unparalleled disaster, during which h9me sales plunged more than ~ percent and the American dream became a nightmare . Jack Carlson sees bri1hter days ahead, even while citing data that shows existing home s4les continued to rau in November -to only 1;» million houses, compared with nearly 3.9 million 1n 1978. Carlson may not be an unbiased observer . since he is executive vice president of the National Association of Realtors, which undetstandably wants to promote commission-producing sales. But he is an economist too, and so has a duty to his Try to ~eep home Interestingly enough , in the spring of 197 Sou.t.hern 1Callfornia homes were compar able i price lo homes throughout the country. But in th fall that same year, home prices here jumpe $1 ,200 ahead or the rest of the country. The gap continued to widen in 1975. In th spr ing a home costing $43,600 here was wort $41 .900 everywhere else, a difference of Sl.700. l the fall. Southern California ho~Jl.[kes increase even faster so that the difference averaged abou '---profession, In which he-holm a doctorate. TIU! is bis reasoning. Home prices are really less than some published figures, and interest rates are often a good deal below those popularly cited. Moreove r . they are falling, and household incomes are rising. That combination o f fectors, be suggests, can mean modest increases in home sales Cl'urtilllfi9 spnng, ·an()~ Sha rper · increases through summer. Mllll•l!!!~:....J "Arter the longest a nd cuNNIFF deepes\ hous. ing depression since World War II," bis office announced this week, "brighter days are, ahead for the home saJes market." That statement is probably the nicest thing ,a housing man has · said about housing since the problems began in 1979. • It bas broader significance too. Housing wt!nt under because of high interest rates and .irlflation, and eventually it brought with it many of those industries that depend on it, such as furniture and appliances. If sales do indeed piclt up, then possibly the proce.ss can be reversed, with the ~action-spreading'lo sellers of refrigeralors andthe like. Carlson observes that mortgage interest rates have declined itt Ute past 60 days from more than 18 percent to nearly 16 percent. That still leaves institutional rates high, misleadingly so, says Carlson. True interest rates, be maintains, are greatly reduced by owner financing at 12 percent to 13 percent, and owner financing has become rather common. Aside from the fact that' such financing is sometimes necessary if a seller is to sell bis house, tb1.re's another reason for its popularity. RcftDeowners, that is, are sometimes rich ..as bankers. Some or the very factors that made them rich, in fact, are the ones that have _made the wo•ld·be buyer retatfvely poor. Homeowners benefited from rising prices; they accumulated equity that now aUows them to lend money. True, many homeowners have been reluctant to lend to buyers, and there is a chance that such financing co.uld boomerang, that is, that the buyer . won't be able to continue payments. But seller s now have an offsetting re.ason: Interest rates a re fallint. and who wouldn 'l like to lock himself into . double-digit interest income when rates are falling? . . . "These kinds or people-to-people flnancmg methods can reduce the monlhJy principal and interest payments on a median-priced home by as much as $200," says Carlson. While that sounds like an extreme amount, the point is made; sizable reductions in payments are possible. Meanwhile, price increases have slowed. The $66,200 median price of resale property in November was jus t 3 percent biJher than a year earlier. If that price is adjusted for discounts sellers pay to provide financing, says Carlson, •'the fJgures would surely -show lb at the net selling price 'of a single-family home is lower than a year ago." • For these and other reasons, Carlson is ready to declare the 37-monlb b<>ufing recession at an· end. Some"'will say his JuciJment la premature. Some Will aay be wants to promote sales. Some will say wait.and see. And 1e>me will accept it at face value, happy that at last there's something bright that caa be said about housing for the new year. By ROBERT ~-BRUSS DEA.R BOB: My busbaad loat bts job about three months ago and It'•' doubtful when or lf be will be rehired. I would llke to move .to either Tennessee or Georgia where we· llave rel•tlves. But we own our home, wo..U. at least *·'"· and owe about $3t,oot on Its VA mort1a1e. Our problem ls we can't come up witb a down payment on a boase In Tennessee or Georgia untU we seU our present house. SbouJd we sell first or find a plue to move to first? -Vlr&lafa W. DEAR VIRGINIA : Today is a great time to buy a home but a lousy time to sell one. The reason is high rportgage interest rates are holding REAL ESTATE llllllli many prospective buyers back Cbut s mart reg•Jlar .. readers or this column know they should buy now. with affordable seller financing). This means you may have a ha rd time getting enough cash from your sale ror the down p~y ment on your new home. The solution to your problem is to find a house in Tennessee or Georgia with a one or two-year lease with option to buy. Negotiate ror all or part oL your ..rent to,._t>e_ credited -:toward ..the. option purchase price. Then you can either put your old home up ror sale or rent it, perhaps on a lease with purchase option. If you lease it and orrer credit toward the purchase price for rent paid, this technique practicaUy assures that your tenant will exercise his option to purchase. . A.nti.-real estate. agent? DEAit BOB: Wily are yoa always patthl& ~eal The final 30 ocean front h omesites. A walled and gated private reside ntial ommunity in San Cle me nte. Priva te beach a nd private Swim a nd 'Yennis Club. Interest only financing availab.le 1714 1 498-2830 or 1213 1 277-9470 . CALIFORNIA MORTGAGE SERVICE We are pleased to announce the affiliation of RONALD A. MARKS with our company heading up our BUILDER DEVELOPMENT DIVlSION. Call (714) 835-1500. r: WATERFRONT .. ~i~~Jif~ ' ·11% interest, (11 % A.ER.) Fashionable Waterfront trust d eed ass umable Homes from $700,000. with n o pre paym ent With $200,000 down, penalty. 1% loan origi- the Lusk Company will nation fee. For appoint- finance the entire loan ment o r details please balance at 11%, (ll1h% call sales office collect at A. P.R.) for 5 years. First '714/536·7584. . . ...... "' ,, estate agents down? I resent your critlclalng realtora. We real estate brokers work bard to upgrade tbe t>ubllc lma1e ol realty agents. It doesn't do us U)-gOOCI to-laan y.ou laarpjet Oii us every week ln lbe newspaper. You llave DO Idea bow tough It ls to make a Uvlag selling real estate. -J ess W. DEAR JESS: I am not anti-real estate agent. In fact, I always suggest that buyers and sellers use a realty agent. But I don't hesitate to print letters from readers who have problems with their real estate agents. You should see the letters which don't get printed. Real ~te sales is the best business in the· world. I k.n becauae-.lJve ,bobtht,-aold, taught and wrll . about real estate for the last 14 years. I'm sorry you think I'm anti-real estate agent because the opposite is true.· However. every business h.as its bad apples and I don't hesitate to emphasize the real estate pitfalJs consumers shou ld avoid, some of which involve realty agents . R'illes criticized DEAR 808: We 'bav'e aboUt $4,00I for a down paymeet oe a house. Tile realty asea& tells us that's not enough in this· area so be sugpsts we buy a no-down payment house with a new VA mortgage as we are qaallfled. Taking bis suggestion, we've made seYer.al offers but all have been rejected w.ltea the-seller learu of1~tglrVA­ loan discount points be must pay. We are wUIJng to pay these paints but the agent says It's against t.be law for the buyer to pay. This sounds stupid. Is It true? -~Mike L. DEAR MIKE: \'.es, it's true and yes, it's stupid. The law prohibits buyers who get a new V-A or FHA home mortgage from paying the loan discount fee demanded by lenders. Keep making offers and eventually you'll flnd a seller willing to pay t he VA discount points in return ror an all cash sale. r_ $3,900. -. In 1976 the difference became even mor dramatic. In the s pring Southern California hom prices were averaging SSl.300. other areas wer averaging $44.800, a difference of $6,500. Jn th fall , home prices again reached another high o $57 ,200. while other areas were under Sl0,200 o that mark. ln 1977 home .J>rices__in_Sout.hern-.Califomi .f"Cachcd $65,100 ~omlfa red to the $44 ,800 price ta in the United States. a difference of $15,300. In th fall price~ here went lo $74 ,700, making difference of $22,200 in other areas. The astronomical increases of home value here over th~ last four years looked like this: I In 1978 Southern California homes reached th~ $83.200 value in the spring a nd $91,500 in the fal~ This increased the gap of home prices in th U n ited Stal es fro m $27 ,000 a nd $30.60 respectively. I In 1979 home prices here increased to Sl00,500 in the spring, while u .s. home price increases rell s~gr!. l)y $35.800. By Octob~r-·th-e increase dil1~~1 (99'h-·-·------ Prace increases in 1980 left a <tirrere nce bet ween here and elsewhere of $47 ,500. Before th~ end of the year homes here were costin g: approximately $124 ,lQO ; in the United States they had reached $76,600. ln 198L,..h.ome. ~lues.-wer.e sltll-en lhe-intteuer- but their rate has slowed slightly. Today a home buyer can purchase a home in Southern California for a pproximately $132.200. Should he wish to own. that same home outside of this area he will spend: $50,iOO less ~ • i21 ~%· , r...i111111,n!rest- • s years i-311.o/o APR (Annuol Percentage Rote) Investment Quality Condominiums in Newport Oeoch A substantial price reduction combined with on extroor· dlnory 5 yeor financing pion offers o rare opportunity to own beoch·close condominiums in Newport Oeoch. This superb financing provides on 1deol situation for investors. Sandcastle hos o charming. resort-style atmosphere with ,------pooLond-eobono .ond....ls...Withltw.volkiAg distGAGe . of tl::\e- beoch ond Oalboo Oay. Toke advantage of this excellent opporrunity in Newport Oeoch reol estate. For a rare Invest· ment or o resort home In the financial ond social hub of -----------..--, Orange County. there 1s • 5 y.ar financing plan no better time to buy t---....,, 80%. loon co value rotia 10% second TD ova11oble ac 16% interest First and second loons· oll due and payable in 5 yeors than now. From $169,500 Oroker cooperotion <714) 673·3271 : J ... if • a a a a 22 &&~~ ~ , . .. .. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday. January 17. 1982 ... SUpport gro-!JP. orgamzed SUPPOaT GROUP tor ramtlles of llJncllonally lmpalrod senior cl\lttJll will be11n al V p.m . Monday ln Irvine. For Information on the 1roup, co-sponsored by the Oran1e County Human Services Aaency and the Irvine Senior Center, call '7M·38S9. LIP·READING course for Jb.e hard of bearina adwt will belin i t 6:30 p.m . T uesday i t Western Medical Center in Santa Ana. The class will meet tor eight sessions. Tuitlon ls $40. For information, call 953·3328. . NON·INSULIN DE P ENDENT adults wUI be offered a class ln HUlTH'HllP nutrition, root .care, str\ss managlment, exercise and oral medications by UC Irvine Medical Center at 6:30 p.m . Wednesday. For information, caJI 634·5015. REX EHLING, director or Public Health and Medical Service for Orange County, will speak on the "Health Status or Children and Youth in Orange County" at 8 a .m . Wednesday in Orange. For more information on the talk, presented by t h e California Council on Children and Youth, call 884·22&2. ·MEDICATION and luni dls~u~ will be dl1cu111ed at a meeUn1 of the Better Breathers' Club at 4 ().m . Wednesday in Santa Ana. Speaker will be pbarmaci1t Tim Grins. For Information, call 835.5864, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE and heart dlsease will be dJscua1ed Wednesday r.rom 7:30 to 9 p.m. Wed nesda' at South Coast Medical Center in South Laguna. For information on the free lecture, call 499·1311, 'ext. 606. P UL MO NA RY PATIENT treatment will be the subject or a discussion s ponsored by Hoa& Memorial Hospital at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday in Newport Beach. For information, caJ I 760·5831 . AMERICAN DIABETES Association or Oranae County will have a meeting at -7:30 p.m. Thursda,.v in Orange. Guest speaker will be endocrinologist Terr y Steinberg, who will talk about "The Needle. The Pump and The Transplant." For information, call 556-6070. ~ · - PROBLEM SOLVING will be the theme or a discussion on stress s po nsored by the New Life Foundation at 10:30 a.m. Saturday in Newpo rt Beach . For information, call (213 ) 936-9176. GOif ii 011 lllDGf . BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Q.l -A1 South, vulnerable. reepoeda to my IAkeout dH· can make .a jump raise of you hold: ble. Wbat COHlilule1 a sood partner's suit if you need +ION ~KS •AQ1087S43 lt&lld aad wbat doe• oet? some help from him to make The bidding has proceeded: Wbeo do I pu1. ralM or bid a enougl'I tricks fo r game. If South WHt Nortl1 Eut oaw 111it? Whee do I jump? the fact that he has four , ... -y-... r ~ -p-.... ....,... • '"lleft!IJr cards In the bid fuit la suffi· 3 • Pa11 3 NT Pa11 Lo 110meoee wbo ia drowoiaa cient for game. then bid it ? IQ a eea of advice, mueJ1 of yourself-don't invite parl What action do you take'/ wbicb I am 1ure i1 wroq. ner to bid again when he Q.2-East West vulnerabl,., -K. Allee. Porumouth, might not have the values for as South you hold: N.H. that action. You can also +Q85Z ~KQG OK8 •AQ104 !Thia que1tioo baa buo make a jump bid 1n a new The Qidding has proceeded: awarded the weekly pria:e.I , suit: after a takeout double, Ea1t Soutb w,,t Nortb A. -As a rule of thu~b. the that acuon is hig~ly in11ita- 1 0 Obie Pa11 1 + lakeoul doubler, who has t1onal bu~ not forcing. Pa11 ? already advertised his What '' your hand is so What action do you Lake'! general values. should under icood that you can vir.tually Q.3-As South, vulnerable bid on subsequt!nt rounds. guarantee game, but are n~t with llO on score. you hold: and the responder. who has yet sure ~he~her the ~u1t +AK7' 'i:I AKQ952 OJ? +K promised little, should adopt partne~ ~1d 1s the rJght Thir bidding has proceeded: an aggressive altitude. Un denom1nat1on or whether you S.uth Wett North Eut fortt,inalely, in actual play' might have a better spot'! I ~ Pan l • Pua the opposite seems true. The Make !1 cue bid of the 3 + Pua 4 + p,.. doubler keeps rebiddin1t his enemy s.u1t. Thal 1s absolut~· 7 m1n1mum values and cannol ly forcing. and partners What action do you take'.' extract a sound from parl rebid s.hould clear up t~e Q.4-As South vulnerable, .ner •• who ruely work~ up any u~certain ly: 8111 bear . an you o : enthusiasm. ~ind that, if.partner reb!ds +874 'i:I K 0 9652 +Q9763 The rules for rebidding' his suit, he 1s not showing The bidding has pr0<eeded: after a tahout double five cards 1n that suit. He Eut South Well N.rtb parallel those for an.opening might have no .other .bid Pa11 P&fl Pu• l • bid. The doubler's hanJ falls available. and' 1s simply sign 1 'i:I Pua Pa11 Obie into three categories: ing oH in what he thinks is Pa11 2 + P11i 2 NT 11 Minimum: 13 15 poJnts; your agreed trump suit. Pua ? i1 Intermediate: 16-18 points: To illustrate a typical Whal action do you take'! 31 Strong: 19 points and up. error mad~ by the doubler. Q.5-Neither vulnerable. as With a minimum l\aod, you consider this hand: South you hold: • have no problem -pass., +AKQa v Kan OAh •u +854 i;, AIU O Al09 +J76Z Remember that, even with Your right·hand opponent Your. __ right ha~d opponent four cards in partller's suit. opens the bidCling with o.ne opens the bidd1-ng with one you don't have to raise to club and you double, q111te diamond. Whal action do you show your supROrt. When properly. Partner responds take? you doubled .. for }takeout you one spade. Now you glance at, Q.6-Neither vulnerable. as promised length in the unbid your eacellent. support and South you hold: $Uits. and there is no need to good hand. and? Jump to three +KQM 'i:IA76 0 9863 •86 iterate that stattment. spades -right. Wrong. You Your partner op.ens the bid __ W't t L.lrlt~iate have a . ood hand in the. i?· ding with one ne1irl.'Wnarcro hand. you can either make a termed1ate category. and 1t 1s you respond'! simple raise or palj,lner's..swt worth just a single raise! Look l'o1r answers on Monday. or introduce a new suit or DEAR Mlt. GOREN ' Q.-1 am aimpiy lo1t abeul whal to do after partoer 1' RUFF-LL'S UPHOLSltRY I 4•11.t .. --- 1'22 H.dlOa IL VD. OOSTA.MISA -54f.1 IH your own. Bear 1n mind lhat partner might ha~ bid on a Seed u y qu1t.ioe1 fer~ near bust. so don't get too columo to: Cbarlet Goree high. ud Omar Sbarif, care of dli1 With a strong hand, you oew1paper .. . ~ Or•n11• Co••t u· College ll•GIST•ll MOW! _,,~·-• -~-I i::~s-·~ Pl.C.-ltt<l•H(&TING ___ ... _ S1 1.c: 1116~· !.tr·~~ t-.... Stitt\•• "'°"' O<'O' fC1• S•O"t ... .,." Yo.,,r ., ... HOW TO MOtaftR -Aeo• by mall or In penon at the OCC Community SeMce Office (OCC Admln. Bldg.). 2701 Fa!Mew Roed, CO.ta MMe. Ca 92926-0120. No telephone 'regfltt•tfOl1. °"'~. 1.nr. ":1 l):iil.M~rf;'8 a.m:---12 noon Set. 'f# ,,.._.._, loh1dl..., 'l ,_: , ...... COLL•G• POR KIDS Moat elUMs wlll be held on Saturdaya, starting February 20 for 3rd • 8th grade9. C/aa .. 1 In IM followlftV ,,..,: .. COIT& 111ua641-1289 1111..__ llllllt!OH V>t.io49S-040t -e.-c.,.... . ..., !h• ~!,...., .. •I &ury '"'"" I DMCa OMMA ~y CAU.JOIW'MY Alff MMIAl. CAM PM NCH ~.. '"""° IPAMIM ... WATlll '°'-0 TUMaUNO IWl.....O YOGA W'lllTINO llOWMINT "'AHO MADINO '"°TOOllUt4Y OUCTAll llON 1.ANOUAOI ADULT MINl·COURS•S Age 14 & Over c1 .... 1 In th• lo/lowing t/H•: CWPtCt •ctmC* morrl'rloN PMOTOOllUMY NMOML LAW ,_ .... .....,. ........, IMICIMO ~~CALUO••PMY .P~ ttUMAN IUUAUTY ITAmD OUM COIN Cou.IC1*e ~y , YOGA HAMOOUMMQ AMTIUR MOtO . ., ..... WUMNO WOOOWOMI• Mother must rise -above ilie hurt Daughter entertains father's mistr,ess in grand style DEAR ANN LANDERS: My huabAnd had affairs from time to time. When our c hildre n wer e muc h youncer, I fr~lended not to know because we bad ~ur dauchters and I wanted desperately to keep my home together. Gerald had been discreet until a few mont~ ago, when ha moved lnto the apartment of a woman he has been working with tor seven years. Three of our daughters call married) have told their rather they are not h appy with the way he has bee n conducting himself. He Is welcome in their homes, but he can't bring his mistress. T he problem is the youngest daughter. She says what has happened between her father and me ls or no concern to ber. He ls welcome to bring hie mistress to her apartment, where she entertains lhe woman better than she entertains me. Best chlna. linen, fresh nowers, etc. .. I have let her llllfow l arn. hurt by her laek of loyalty. She says, "That's your problem." Am l riaht or ~g? - ORLANOO MOTHER DEAR ORLANDO: Yeur dau1bter'1 disregard for your feelln•• comes through loud ud clear. A perto11 caanot demand loyalty, however, IO you m111t rise above the hurt and not make an lasue of It. Vow to be friendly and never mention the problem to her agaln. In time, she may chaage her attlt11de. DEAR ANN l.rANDERS : M y grandmother lives-with us. She is stone-deaf and her eyesight is failing. Last night my boyfriend and I were practicing some new dance steps, and Grandma came in. She couldn't hear .. the music and didn't reallie we were danclnl(. We got a 15·mlnute lectW'e aa "morality" und t hen s he ordered Donnie to leave This morning my mother said ahe WUS very disappointed in ple, ·and Donnie can't. come~er ror a monlb. Whal can I do to convince her nothlna Immoral was going on? -FOULED lN ST. LOUIS DEAR ST. LOUIS ~ Very little, besides behaving In a way that wUI leave no room for doubt. MeaawbUe, ti you and DonaJe practice new daece step• ln the future, make sure Ute naulc Is turne d up loud. And keep It conservative. A no-110n$ense approach to how to deal with life'& most di/11CUlt and most rnuarding arrangement. Ann Lander1' boolcld, "Marna.gt -What to E%J)ect," will pr~rt you for belt" or worse Send your r~at to Ann L.anders, P.O. Boz. 11995, Chicago, Ill. 6061 J, enclosing SO t~nts and a lonp, • stamped, selfaddressed envelope. Sagittarius: Use sense of discrjniination Monday, Jan. 18 By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES <March 21·April 19): Yvu get to bottom of mystery ; job gets done through perspiration. not inspiration. Means maintain work habits, steady routine and r ealize that s urface 'Indications could be deceptive. Money is involved. Revis.e, review and rebuild. TAURUS (Aprjl 20-May 20): Check Aries message for valuable hint. Do som e detective work. lf analytical, · clues will fall together And you will grasp entire picture. Contr actual obll&ation-t.equi~ r4Wiew -lheJ'-e..ts likely to be a loophole. Pers ist GEMINI <May 21-Jun'e 20): Win rather than force your way ; be diplomatic, even though provoked by one . who obviously does not revere truth. Accent on basic issues, job, fam il~ and debts incurred through "unau"lhorized" purc hases. Taurus confides secret. CANCE R (June 21 -July 22 ): Emotions tend to dominate logic . Romance, change, s pecul ation , thoughts of travel and your ability to express views ·in d,-namic, gr aphic m a nne r grab s potlight. Clarify meanings, define terms and encourage Pisces individual to talk HDRllCDPI LEO <July 23-Aug. 22): Long-r ange plans come into focus. Emphasis on property, basic issues arrecting security a nd home . You 'll hav e added r esp onsibility. r e la tionship w i ll intensify and you'll discover who is loyal or otherwise. Capricorn figures prominently. VIRGO (Aug .. 23-Sept. 22): It is fine to look ahead, but don't o\lerlook current ~itu.abon.. liandle t.aslts wbicb -r.eqt.Ur~ -immediate attentfon. Leave no -loose ends. Ideas can now be transformed into viable concepts. Short trip or visit includes Aries and Libra individuals . LIBRA <Sept. 23-0 ct. 22): New start means fres h opport unity to recoup losses, to locate what had been missing or stole n and to enhance income potential. Some of your fondest hopes, wishes are closer to reality than yo:.a might imagine. Romance is included. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Answers come via intuitive-flash; logjam is removed and you're on way'to progress. Focus on intiative, originality and contacts with those who inspire you and r ecognize your talents. Financial jackpot could be part of exciting scenario SAGITTARIUS <Nov. 22-Dec. 21 ): Much activity occurs · behind scenes; rumors fly, friends report to you and .. y4-U '-ll···IU·v.e-io ·bf'·in~··~e n se of discrimination into play. Focus on secr ets, some fears and doubts and m any "tales out of school." Gemini in picture. CA PRICORN (J)ec. 22-Jan. 191: You ~el what you want but not in way or iginally anticipated. Unorthodox procedures dominate. be readv for upsets, revis ions and a rebuilding_ -process. W nal'· aspeet ravorab e-aiicf" you'll emerge on toµ or heap. You 're a winner! AQUARIUS (J a n . 20-F eb. 18 ): Individual in position o ( authority has siege of memo-writing. Discern hidden meanings. reed between lines and maintai n sell;esteem. Almost before you know il, you'll be receiving a note or apology. Sense or humor is essential. PISCES (Feb. 19·March 20): Much that occurs at a distance could have an immediate effect on you. Spotlight on spiritual values. commumcation and a possible publishing project. Family harmony will be restored -you know i\. keep the faith. Major domestic adjustment occurs. P•OT•CT YOU• YA1U•D POSS-SSIOllS & . lllY•STM•llTS· SAFE SECURE CONVEN/EfYT CONFIDENTIAL , • Electronic entry system • Engineered for - maximum security .. • 24 Hour armed guard protection · • Protection for your valuable possessions • Largest Safe Dep9sit Boxes in SPuthern California • 24 Hour Access • Tax Deductible • Insurance Savings \ ( For further information and a free brochure please call (714) 760-8755 [ lllM" I , , 2081 San Jooqyln Hills Road, Newport Beach, Calif. ' 'lffil ' . -• t. 'TI illffiW~ ~ Peking is a very cold city i ut Great Wall is colder - 'BJ STAN DELAPLANE • <PEKING) -"It's snoWint In the mountains an~ our 1uide pumped ua up for tomorrow's Bil Day : The trip to the Great Wall of China. We all hur ried down and cleaned the hotel curio st:>re out GI cashmere scarfs that reeked of mothballs. "I picked up a fox hat with earmuffs that fold down over the chec~s. It has a leather topping. Cost ~. One girl bou1ht a minlt hat that turned ollt not to be mink and was overpriced too. ''No one put on less than three pairs of socks. MOit or us wor~ longjohna. The winter winds at T"• WaU are said to be ferocious. I borrowed some "Fisherman ol the Arctic' skin cream rrom a Mexican airline stewardess ror chapped cheeks." Op China Reporter is with 22 fuurists from Travis Pacific in San Francisco. Fourteen days, J2,275. "We climbed a quarter hour on hairpin turns with no guard rails. Snow was falling heavily but the bus driver had the beat on full throttle. We shared the road with trucks and cows . • ''The roads were iced up and we began meeting tour buses returning. After a few more minutes, the guide called it off and we turned back. , "A retired judge advised me: 'Everybody asks -at home, "How was The Wall?" Say you saw it anyway or they'll think you goofed.• The judge was here in '76. He didn't get to see The Wall that time either. . "9'1re way is to go to the moon. The astronauts reported .they could see The WaJI ." ~·we'd beard talk that China will raise foreign embassy rents as much as 200 percent the first of the year. The new African nations (that China has been courting > will get hit too. African students on China scholarships will no longer get discounts on 1 clothing and consumer items. "Apparently this is not aimed at anybody in -..r--i~i--'j_\alt...&o-make IDOi* IDOM ~bey..~y embassies and students are plenty mad. The People's Republic has bureaucrats just like other countries." • "Back in Peking it was like autumn. We shed the longjohns. Mothballed the cashmeres again. My fox bat is a souvenir. •'Our Peking guide took us 'to an excellent luach at Tin Li Kuaiu in the Summer PaJace. Soup in a Mongolian hot pot. Brought the driver and 1 they both sat with us -guides before sat separately and didn't get as elaborate food as we did. •:He said he round his wife through an 'introducer' in his neighborhood. <China's answer to .computerized dating.) He liked her. she liked him. They took a week's honeymoon. They will have a child next year and each will get a five-percent pay raise. · "As a married couple they aet first shot at aew apartments. Two kids makes the government ~uirm a little. If they have three, their pay goes down five percent and there's no more free medical care ror any of them. Aa a contraceptive, it's.more effective than The Pill." "Peklha is no swtnglna town. I took a taxl down the Boulevard of EverlaaUna Peace and round a disco/pool hall. Admiaalon -$'1. Some barstools were drilled Into the floor two feet from the bar. "Barmaids were Chinese alrls ln whlte nurse.type uniforms -you didn't know if they'd pour you a drink or inject It. There was a row of Space Invader video games hummina and blipping. It was no Top of the Mark. I was the only customer. . "The assistant director bouaht me a beer. Looked 40, said he was 66 and le1ally retired but still working. Makes $60 a month. Pays $3 for rent (three rooms, no bath). Gas and Uahta coat him $1.50' a month. Food adds $15. Said he was happy in China. "SaJd the bar girls.made on11'$30 a month but 1 were happy too. (They didn't IOOk overjoyed but they weren't w~eping either.>" "This was the ONLY bar I found in China. The guides . push cultural lours and much, much shopping. Accorclng to CelHoml• BualneH end Profea9'ona Code (Sec. 17100 to 17930) all persona doing bu1lneaa under • nctltloua name mu1t file • 1tetement with the County Clerk end , have It published four time• In a new1paper aervlng the eree In which th• bualnna la located. • The ltetement la required by lew end I• neceuery In protecting your bualneH name. Moat t..nks require proof of flllng to open commerclet eccount1. The DAILY PILOT provides both tlllng end publlcetlon .. rvlcea. We h•v• ell the neceaaery form• end melnteln • delly Mrvlc• to the Orenge County CourthoUH. Either atop by one of our convenient otftc•• or phone the LEGAL DEPARTMENT 142-4321 , Ext. 332 for mor. Information end tonna. Now EXPERIENCE THE ROMANCE OFTHE MEXICAN RIVIERA FORLESS ·ON_A SITMAR 10OR11-DAY CRUISE. Prices reduced $,A{\(\ per' ~couple There's no better time than now to plan a winter or spring cruise to the Mexican Riviera. You'll not only expe· rience the excitement and romance that comes from on rhese ~xico sailings: Mexico's unique blend of February 13 · · · · (I I -day) Spanish and Aztec cultures, February H · · .. (1 0-day) but you'll see Mexico in its April 17 .... : .. (I I-day) \ pnme: lush. vero11nt, an -~ -ApnT18 ....... (TO-day)_ warm . Oltcount applies only 10 the Ont And there's no better 2 peno11• per Cabin time to go because you'll save $400 a couple with our spc· cial discount on our 10 or I I-day cruises. (That means you can 5ail for 10 or 11-days and pay less than other's 7-day cruises). Besides the savings, )W'll enjoy the best ports along the Mexi~n Riviera. And a longer cruise means you'll ha~ more time in port and more time to experience life at sea. Our 10 &. I I-day cruises ·visit Puerto Vall arta, Maun- lan and Cabo San Lucas; along with fabulous Acapulco and the secluded fishing vitlaB'C ofZihuatanejo and nearby lxtapa. The II -day ' cruiles give you a day and a half in Acapulco-more time than with any other cruise line. Next, the Liberian· regiarered T.~.S. Fainea sails , round trip right from Los Angeles, which means you don't have to fly. Aboard ship, you'll enjoy the most spacious ship cruising the Mexican Rivi· era. You'll find the ambiance Italian, the cuisine conti· nental and extraordinary. the service? Our European staff is thoughtfully, graciously there. Taking pride In pamper· ing you 2 4 hours a day. · The Sttmar Experience is sold exclusively by profes· slonal travel agents. Consult yours today. .. I . I . ~ I I Orange Coat OAJLY PILOT/Sunefay. January 17, 1982 ., ,.. ........ UU.YAWI AllEICE .. OF llAUCE --:..::· "As...aa......,. ... '' Bf~ --. ·-- SHARKY'S MACHlNE . ._ _ _.,._ ... __ , ........ UUY Alli ABSEICE OF llAUCE ·==· __ ,.., __ "TIMI BANDI~ <~I ptue ''HIARTBUPS'' "ARTHUR" ,. ... "ONLY ..-N I LAUGH" (R) J 7 QOI MN GLOB• NOMINATIONS lncWng BDTPICTURll NOW PLAYING UIC oau. MAU .... ..a HAU llA CITY C:*lllA Clrlnoe 637 03•0 BIN ~2B339 Oranoe 634 391' ....... UIO UA CMJU UIWAllDI WOOOllllDGl litwpott llelcfl 973 8950 Wts1mlnSTtl'893 05•6 lmie f7 U) 551 0655 UIWUIS IOllT• C:OUT ..uzA T .... CUTU C:.._S Costl Mesi (7U )151 •1a• ~~,~~:==-===-.... , :g:=:=:::,, "AIRPLANE\{ .-4.~~ JAMES -,~ CAAN ,.. .... •• -. ... 1.1:11 ~Jiii'(• ---·-.. -. ...... _ -lllil "SHARK Y'S MACHINE" "KILL SQUAD" , ..... ," .. ,_ .. ,-...... ., .... _ "EVIL SPEAK" --... ..,---.- 1•dw.1rd" VIEJO TWIN • --·· w • : ,," ' 830·bq9Q . . . .... ------1·cl,.,,1rd<, FOUNTAI N VALLE" Y .· ' .. ·.· .. 83Q ·1500 KILL SQUAD "EVIL seEAK" -------Pdw.1rd<. C INEMA ' ' . ' ' 546-3 102 WA&.T~ CINDERELLA * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * Jf * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .. * * * .. * * * .. * .. * * * * * * * .. * * * * * * * * * * : .. f I l 1 l I Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 17, 1982 WITH COACH -James Garner gets an assist from former University of Texas coach Darry l Royal. The two appear .,.. . . ......... together in ·'T he Long Summer of George Adams ... Court to review KCET case r eviewed," said David Crippens. station -manager of KCET. "We had appealed this case. What they're going to do is review lbe FCC's 'Suminer' is about people •James Garner movie airs on NBC Monday night 8f JERRY BUCK A .. T .. ..W. ........ LOS ANGELES -J~es Garner says he's been walllna 10 years to make •'The Long Summer of George Adams," an·NBC movie to be broadcast Monday n!ibl. "Il's the tir11t TV movie I've ever done Uiat wasn't a pilot," said Gamer, who previously starred in pilots for "The Rockford Files" and "Young Maverick." He currenUy stars in the new NBC series "Bret Maverick." Gamer plays an Oklahoma railroad man whose job, family and future are jeopardized when the raOroad announces plans to replace its steam engine locomotivd with diesels. That means trains will no longer need to stop in the town for fuel and water. THE AMBLING and amiable movie, set in 1952, also stars Joan Hackett, Alex Harvey, Juanin Clay, David Graf and Anjanette Comer. Har vey, a songwriter who wrote "Delta Dawn," wrote the lh eme, "Hanging in There," tor the movie. Darryl Royal, the former football coach and athletic director at the University or Texas plays Mayor Green. , ' John Gay adapted the screenplay.Crom the book by Weldon Hill, .and Stuart Ma rgolin, Garner's clos# friend a nd co·star in three . series. directtlft the film . It was produced by Garner's company in association with Warner Bros. Television: "I'd always avoided TV movies before." said Gamer. "When l mad·e my series deal with NBC it called for two movies or the week. NBC wanted two movies. "SO IT w-'s in the back or my mind that ir we did the two movies and we couldn't come up with one we liked as a -pilot, I could always give 'Maverick' a shot. It'd never been done before. to come back that late and re-do a show . So we had four scripts written and l just didn't like any or them." In the meantime, both NBC and Garner decided to revive his character or Bret Maverick from the ABC series of the late 1950s, "Maverick." Prior to that, he had appeared u Maverick In the ABC pilot for ''Youn1 Maverick" and In the openln1 episode of tbe series for CBS. "You see," said Garner, 'George Ad1m1' was written almost 20 years ago u 1 book. Bob Mitchul'I\ bought It. We had to buy the rilbll from Bob Mitchum. at a good price, and I'm glad because he had the good senae to buy it. We tried to do It 10 years 110 as • theatrical. Nobody would touch It. Nobody even thou1ht It was good enough !or a movie of the week. ''NBC kept it for three months, then we had 17 days preparation and 18 days shooting time," said Garner. "And it is marvelous. I don't say things like that about my pictures. If you like it, fine. But I like il! "AND IT'S SOMETHING I've never doae- in the way of character . You see, it didn't have enough sex and violence in it, that's why they weren't inte;ested. It's about a guy in a UttJe bitty town in Oklahoma lhat has survived onJy because or the steam engine. Now the diesels are coming through there, pushibg th e steam engine aside, a nd the diesels whoos h on through. They don't stop for water or whatever. "The town's going to die," Gamer said. "The guy. his two kids and his wife and his sister·in-law, who's just a high school senior, and their 1ihole li fe is going to be disrupted by thi!i"'damned diesel train that's putting this guy out or \itlsiness. He doesn't want to leave there. And that's what it's all about. It's about people." Revival planned NEW YORK CAP> -Golly, Wally, is "the- Beaver" coming back to TV? Jerry Mathers, who played Beaver Cleaver in lhe long·running s itcom "Leave It to Beaver," says plans are afoot to resurrect the wholesome family - parents Ward and June and big brother Wally. Malhers1 now 33, says the plots will reflect the passing of time -for example. the Beaver could now a divorced dad. WASHI NGTON CAP> -The U.S. Supreme Court agreed last week to review an appeals court decision that could force public televisloo stations to.,prgvide~_mo.r.e..s.eaices apd_aids lo.Jhe hearing-impaired. · · discretion in granting a license renewaL w~it~h~-:t~!.l!ml!l!ll!l~m.!111~---... ------~• ...-. servtceto the lteaong~impafred as .. ~tmoo. ,._.._ ••• ~~ ~ .JqaYlke ,. - The high court refused, however , lo review challenges to lbe licenses of seven commercial TV stations in Los Angeles, also brought by Sue Gottfried and the p reater Los Angeles Council on Deafness Inc. '1 T he grou p ~ad asked the Federal Communications Commission in October 197710 bar the license renewals on grounds that the stations had railed to determine or meet the needs of the hearing·impaired. "We 're pleased. that this is going ·to be "Pennies FROm Heav<zn" NOW PLAYING 0 -w. ............ --- AIWlllM COSTA MHA lfUUlllCITO. If.ACM OMllGE B1oollhu1st Loge South CoaS1 Plaza Cmma Olange Mall 772·6••6 Towo Center 8•8 0388 637·0340 •COSTA MHA 751 4184 l""'::':~.;.-;:,:_;:,':""•~•·•-•-1 Cioema Center U TORO · - 979 4141 Saddlet>ack 581·5880 In a Boston hospital a love affair ends, a new one begins, a Doctor baWes his patient, and a man leams the true meaning of courage. . Crippens contended that KCET "provides more service to the hearing.impaired than any other television station in the country." The appeals court sent the dispute back to the FCC to determine whether It was providing ·enough captions and other visual aids to comply · with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 . Ms. Gottfried and the group had sought to invWte lhe law, whkh bars_. discrimipation against the handicapped, In getting more aids ror the deaf and hearing.impaired. "'-.. ~co-""1~ CIMC>W.ll W• 0-. --l!:!J __ _,,NOW SHOWING ~1 --- BREA M4nn &ea Pl&ia 5295339 COSTA MESA • Bnstol !)4tJ 7444 • EL TORO SaddWb.lck 5815880 IA.l!IURAM u Morada Dt In 921 1706 WES11111NSTEt UA C1nema R'l3 0546 -rHE BEST PICTURE OP THE YEAR NOTHING ELSE COMES CLOSE."' -Loeb ..... ...., Whose Ufe ls _It~? - _ STARTS F..RIDAY--- AT SPECIALLY SEl.iECTED THEATRES ------------- --' "Masterful" -L.A. Times. Sheila Benson "Woncterful" -Newsweek Magazine. Jack Kroll ==r == CHARIOTS OF FIRE l • LADO COMPANY AHO 'llMAHER 8AOS. MUAK -...... ...,.0.-.-..·~~ C' ___ .__ • .._,_c __ ...,.._.._ • • • nlE MURDER OF nlE CENTURY ... 1ltE SCANlW.. Of TIIE CENTURY •.. TIIE LOVE AFFAIR OF 1ltE CEJVll.IRV ... AND n1E CENTURY WAS JUST BEGllliNlNG. : IN CINEMA #3 ... : Mllrvelau81 • : BURT -Rel<Reed : LANCASTER • SUSAN : SARANDON :ATLANTIC :[!!] ·czTY : A PARAMOUNT PICTURE : PLUS • As the temperature rises. : .the SUSpense begins. !BDDVHERT Season the f\ni;est fterl ~O~G~~ ~IJO~fa~~O lffil -:r- IN CINEMA #2 ••• Lock the doors ... here come the Nei~rs A Comic-Nightmare PLUS STEVE MARTIN in "Pennies FRom Heaven" starring BERNADETTE P8ERS • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MQM ~T~. v. • IN CINEMA #4 ••• • • • • • • • edwards SOUTH C8AST PLAZA T8WN CENTER CINEMAS. 8AN ...... 't'.Te•a1an1. A~-ACllWPae• ....,.... WASI' PIAU •nm. ____ ,;:~------- ·- Or1tnge Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 17, 1~82 .. 'Brideshead' four years the -making • in l1TOllJORY .................. NEW YORK Work on the TV adaptallon ot Evelyn Wl\lgh's "Brlde11head Revisited" was held up In the s ummer or 1979 by an Indus try-wide s t ri ke in England. Derek Granier, the producer. says, "A8 weeks turned into months, I thou1ht we w're done ror. · · In fact , "Brldeshead Revisited" may uctuaUy have benefited from the three-month 111\rike, compllcated by the intermittent loss to the series' producers of J eremy Irons, the s tar, to concurrent produ~tion or "The French Lieutenanl's Woman.'' "Jt!s all very accidental." Granger says. ''You never know when your luck Is rllflning. In a funny way, the film turned out the way It did because of the strike. and because of J eremy. It wouldn't be quite the same if those things hadn't happened." The long delay gave Gran ger the o ortunity to reconsider certain aspects of the 3GOLDEN GLOBE NOMINATIONS OEST FILM i>roduc\lon, and when work resumed early last Novtmber, Charles Sturridte hi d replaced Michael U ndsay-Hoag as director. "Sturrldge was 11 protege of mine; I'd run u training cours~ J.or Granada," Granger says. "fl was our extraordinary eood fortune that he was there when Michael had to leave because of 1rnother commitment. "And we had another stretch of good luck," Granger says. "Several people who weren't available earlier -Laurence Olivier, John Gielgud, Stephane Audran, Claire Bloom - just happened to be there when we got started again." The 11-part dramatization of Waugh's 1945 novel or manners and morals in En&land between the two wars comes to American television Monday, a presentation of public TV's "Great Performances" series. It ain at 7:30 p.m .-Monday on KOCE (50) and at 8·p.m. KCET (28). "Brideshead Revisit~ was produced by GOLDEN GLOBE NOMINATION BEST DIRECTOR-Steven Spielberg Britain's Gr•nada Television, with help from WNET. the Public BroadcH UnJ Service station In New York. ll was rour years In the makln1, shot on location in England and Venice and on the +slands of Malta and Gozo. Cast.le Howard , built In the last year of the 18th century In Yoruhlre, is the Brldes head Castle o r Wau1h's imagination, The series stars Irons as Charles Ryder, a pit inter whose life ls unalterably afrecled by the wealthy, aristocratic Marchmalns. Anthony Andrews is Lord Sebastian Flyte; Lord Marchmaln's elder son, and Diana Quick Is his s ister, Lady J ulia Flyte. Olivie r plays Lord Marchmain, Miss Bloom is his estranged wjfe, Lady Marchmain, and Gielgud plays Edward Ryc!er, Charles' eccentric father. T he story begins in 1944 with Ryder's return t o Br ideshe ad , now a bleak military GHOST STORY headquarters. The seulntJ stirs memories for Ryder ol hi• years at Oxford In the early '208, b is friendsh ip-wilh Sebastl-..n and hie lnlrQductlon to urisloc racy through that relaUonshlp. "Brideshead Revisited" is a remarkable production I.hat rarely strays from the order and dialocue of the orlelnal. The decision to treat the novel almost word for wOJ'd c1me after the strike, when Gnnger and others irlvolved in the production, notably Sturrldge, belan to insert what ttie producu calls "lingking voice" -voiceover narr1tton ,lhal ls Ryder speaking in the novel. 1 "Charles made the point that If you h~ve a linking voice, the way to do il is lo float il jn, so the people aren't really aware of the abrupt chaflie Crom the a ction on the scree11--ll's like Sissy Spacek tells the story in that movie, . Badlands. I I wouldn't say every dramatization like ours should do it, but we became excited about doing the book literally." •BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday thru Saturday OEST DIP.ECTOR-LOUIS MAUE OEST ACTOR -BURT LANCASTER RE .. IPGI At 12:30 4:30 1 :30 No &onomv s-r-. NoPaa All Perform1ncea belore 5:00 PM (bcepl Specilt Engagements and Holidays! ~ DEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR Los ~ Fiim Crttla -Moctonol Socl•ry of Rim Cl11lo ATLANTIC CITY *Ill CflY c.111& ._&llDI IAINN CUCI (IW&llQ WISTlllOOll Or~(11f) tl• 3111 or.,, 11u 1 SI• su o i.oon c. ... 11u 1 !!tlO u o1 .. c... ...... SOUTtl COAST rl&LA r&CfflC SOUT11 COAST C..tltOS 174 7718 JOWi Cl•Tll Ct•MH • LOQIU 8t.1cn flt•) 494 1~14 Ccm• Mt.w (714) 7St 4114 ~---.-. ......... ~.'-,..,,.• ....,,., •'11 •,,·•••tv •i"'wtoo~"'• lllO •Ul8.cctrfD109 t.,_ • ....._...,_, A f.IAIW,(Vjl ~Tl.ff '""' c....c .. t1ot ...... hl ,,,0 ..... .01 .. ...,.._ •IOW&llH SOUTll Cll&ST rl&U IDWAllDS lDW&llOI ~ 11 (.w , "" , Cc ,;......., IOllllUI• talllf UOOUllACll •o 1, •OIJ'f'•i)llfl v•i; 9l9 1 WO tf loio \11 'lBIO IDWAllDS WOOOllllDCll STADIUM Dfllfl-111 •c111DOM1 or.11riot 6J4 r .. ~J u"'''" .. ~, <?_&~!! l>'•"Ut: "J" ~uu ~ s.. -!XICiijj;;ilijl ~---· ....,AL........,C-M'd• ~t0v •"'9• .... t!l061'1r ... Nio ... _. • llOf.A.llUArriCCl.nl:O_f--Oat-....~• CHARIOTS OF FIRE IPGI At 12130 2:50 S:I S 7:41 10:10 NE__,..IRI l ·,O 3:30 S :lO 7 :l0 9:30 No P11SH '"NFMCEOF MALICEIPGI 12:1$ 2:4 $ 5:15 7:45 10:10 BN'!iuo 12:30 3:00 5:30 1:00 10:20 No Economx S.a1in11 U. M1~,t,C ,t, MAll o Muoo o 01 llo•ec10M LA MIRADA WALK ·IH 994·2400 ·-c:. ~. ---llUT1'00I "TAPS"-1 --·-~ "llA10£AS OF THE LOST AAK" ---i... n~., •. .,.._,,..,... .. ,., •. a. •• a.._-..a;-.1.a f1iaiti OM U:U-~ I~ OAT llOllll'*fMY ..... NAWMCU OAA.T ___ _, IMOWO..• ...,.......,..,._...., --·· "REOS"" ........ I •MA.._. .. • WJ.f NLO "Aa~OF lllAUCE" -............. - LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK·IN -·--· "Sl'IAAKY'S MACHINe" 1111 ~--·-.....,fD ''NEIGHBORS" "'' ,.._ti:.. a:a. ' ••• ·----•tc• """"*"-"' , ••• t;M •• _ ......... ---· "SHAAKY'l lllACHtNI:" ... ·-· .... ..._ 1:11. ta.- locully 01 Co,,dlewood 213/531·9510 .. ,._o..., __ _ ---·----- . I Nobody leans on Sharky's Machine. B~TPICTURE ~oF~YEkR RAIOEM OF THE LOST ARIC IPGI At 12:00 2:30 5:00 7:30 9:55 No con y Hl1ng ... 1~. l!tl·.1t•. '·~~ ·==-~=. 1 ..................... .., ..... MiM•r• ... _ _.... 1 -Q:. ·:~~.r: ... - \Vinner·!" -New Ton rum Qitk:s Award -National Board of Renew Award 7 GOLDEN GLOBE NOMINATIONS Thi• WMk you can '" REOS •• theM lhe1trH : • lOWAIUll IKWPCMIT lDWAllDS VIEJO TWIW • CtllDOlllt Newpart Beach 644 0760 M1ss1011 Voeio 830 6990 Otanor 63' 25~3 1owalio1c1.-111a1n1T ua MOVIES · "'""" .. "'"'."" Westmmslet 891 3935 Brea 990 •on '°" 1 .. , '""""'"'•' •AC4.0UIY M£MIE..AS •w ~o . ~ '°""' 10W ~ "°""' gurHli to•'"• OI"'~ ~y ff\Virt4.ll ~l 1 .... ,,....,_, H'll01C.et.e0 M>oYe Call 642-5678. Pul 1 few words lo work for you. 7 Golden Globe Nominations I_ncluding BEST PICTUltE MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOU_NG PEOPLE r,,,. ~""" o1 .,,,.,91 "'o ~ -•l>OUI""' ...... °'"'!' ol "'0"'9 e,.,,,..... k;)I ., .... .,0 Or hfw C1Wlt:Jt9't ,t,LL AQf.S AOMIT1E 0 Plrtnlal Ouidanu Sugge1ted At.LG 18:1 i\NO IHI F•lMS AECEIVl t'l<l SEAi. Cl' t'l<E MOTION PIC IUAl COO( Cl' SELF AEGUV. l IOI< Winner: I Rtwol~tiqwy Cine Ft ·Sound •f Ot1we1n a.tow YoVI AM C91 rM t0 t\ VOUf _U._ILfto AM Cllf t.cf10 wtth ttftlltOn C09MOf'Y pot1tt0t'I, bf I '(Out uwn AM por11bt• Timothy Hutton TN'S (PGI Canno,,ball Run (PGI Joh" 8alust11 NEIGHmRS (RI Time 81nOll• (PG) Np P!MD I' C~:U,H"' ....,.._Ba !PG) None To Frve IPGI I SHARICY"S' MM:ttlNE IRI ZOOT SUIT IRI r::::::::=:=:::[. RAH>ERS OF THE LOST A.RIC tPGJ & ~full Gordo" {PG) Wall Disney's CINDERELLA IG) & Sw1u Family Robinson !GI " Drive-int Open 6:30 NIGHTLY Um:ler 12FAEEUnleuNoled 7 Golde11 Globe Noml11ations Including BEST PICTURE -c:._... ___ "TAPS" 1"1 1IAl.l'!ll .. ••U1.1t• LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlll·IN Focu!!y At Del A.mo 213/634·9211 .... C111091Ai.t ... ~, "CHAllUOTS Of' FIAe" - I " ,, .. fet.t-. e:-. 1':11 ~GUNA --·-..... RAl0£AS OF THE LOST AltK" U::tl,J.1•,1•1•.11rtt --~----­°'---"AAGTI•" -........... 1 .. .. Q.Hff MOWMO •" 0 .....,,.,_ "EVllSPEAK" 1111 ,,.,... ............. .... so. COAST WALK-IN •. $out" Coo11 Hrwoy 01 ltoodwoy 494-1514 a.TI-• "MOOEAN PflOllLDIS"...,. -·-"· .. , ...... t: ... 4: •••• ..., .... ,,,..,. .. ,~,._ ..... ....-on "ATLANTIC CITY" .. ........ F-•l.•1' &AT .. It.HI tM • .._.._ ••• t::ta_ , ... ,_ClflC fHUTllU OlllVf-111-$8, Mfll S \lltlC~ tOV• IU<IS S"'tltO fMf 0At If HAlllOll l lVO OllfVf.1116 OllAllGE OlllVE·tll I•• 10 l N Si"UAIH 6 \u••.n "'fl, ....... , SUllOJltl AT 4'1&"tt• STADtUM IMPORT H T NOTtCl1 Cllll ORlN UNOlR 11 fRH! ............ _ lllltfl '"'" '" 5 30. ~·· Su• ""• 4 30,. ~$OUIOO·•Oli'l •"CAll~CSTOU"~- -•If "°A" CM -~" iCiHll10lo ACCESSQlll l'05llllll _.,_. Ut fOllTAIU •-U CINf.fl DlllVf.alS l30 Olf AM MOtO AN,t,Hi M ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN lr•••OY ti 01 Lem0<1 H 179·9150 &UWT MOW .... •Ji. e.......,.,., "EVtlSP£AIC" 1111 ...... "THE FINAL CONFLICT" 1111 CIHf h SOUtoll 8UIN,t, P,t,llk BUENA PARK DRIVE·IN • \UKOlft Ave We•I of ilnoft ~--·~,_. "ABSENCE OF MALICE" -...... "MANIAC MANSION-tllt Cl"f Ji $0\JNO . ----.--'°-· "FANTASIU"ta1 ...... "PRETTY BUY" nit Ci•n ft ~ c;..,,.-• "MODERN PA<>aUMS" .,_. -"NINE TO RV£" t'll __ ._1_2_1·4_0_7_0 ___ ------- 8U! >jA ~AP• LINCOLN DRIVE ·IH -•-HA»C_TO ..... -t.a "GHOST STO..Y" (ti) ...... ~--~~~ .... ~--~~·~o•~•~o~t·""-~~~Arcn1E~A~Enu,l~JA~i~E~S~1~M;­ l21·4070 WARREN BEATTY DIANE KEATON EDWARD HERRMANN JERZY KOSINSKI JACK NICHOLSON PAUL SORVINO MAUREEN STAPLETON PHol'CGRAPHV 1!f VITTORIO SI'ORAOO • Ecxrto 'i1'f DEDE ALLEN · WRITTEN 'iN WARREN BEAITY ANDTRE\ORGRIFF11'HS·~ED!-N,.O.DIRES!:fl11'i~A.~RENBEAITY[~I , (POl,...-.iwmt~ ---.7_:..:..:: ~. -------"-~ . edwards NEWPORT HEARCOAST HWY.&MACAITHUR aa:wron O OiiiiTmt 644-07 60 edwards CINEMA EST .n=, 891-3935 1dwards .CINEMA VIEJO SAM ... 0.-WAY 8311-6890 TOLA PAI ~ ,. I • edwards LIDO CINEMA ~~::' 613-8350 •rds WOODBRIDGE IAllMltAIAITC»C-. .. 551 0655 __.... u . au. PWTS. .... . ""'""'"'s ·1 ~ o•-C KOTT• tw01W'r """°" ' "TAPS".,_. ~-'THE CANNONBALL AUN" - HI -WAY 39 DRIVE-IN B•cxn .,.o So oc Gu<Otn GtOl>t lrtewor 891·3693 .. , I"' ...... "STAIHS" ftll ...... "STIR CRAZY' 1•1 CIHl fl 5()Ulj0 "EVtlsnAK" 11t1 ~lie "THE FIHAl CONF\.ICT" "'' -"MANIAC MAHltON" 1111 '" ..... ~~. LA HABRA DRIVE IN ·-·-·-· ... ,_...,_ 171-1162 C)PANC..f I l '°-· 'FANTASIES" "'1 ...... "PAETIY 9A9Y" 1111 ;:1"t 11 sou,,_o __ _ 11MA ..... tlflWl"t lllllMOellTO•I I "Kill ~O" flll "FOflT APACHE, THE eftONJC" ,., I CtNl fl SOUMO oco-c econ • r11110,,.., """°" "TAPS" cNt ~,,. "THE CANNON9ALL AUN" - ORANGE DRIVE ·IN ..... • .... u ... ., .. MISSION 0111vHN j ...... "'II .. , "'" •• WARNER 0111\lf IN wo,..., "" •••I ol h o<" .,,.o 147·Jlt1 .. -....,,,_. __ "IOUTHlAN ~r' lll> ...... "MOMMIE DEAMsr· - ----... uiYA '-A TNSTEZA" -"ltNOS • ,,..... f4.00"1tCMLOAD .... 1 ,, )\ \ . ---1•1J~ l:OO·~ ,Ml< TILITHON "Wee kenO With The .,.,. .. JofWI Mtef. Peul Ank• MO Oennll Jemee hMd a MM ol a1l1lrrftloc I In tlle touttn 1111-' netion- 11 ..,,,... IO be teleY!Md llw trom Loe ~ and NewYOttl. Cl) llZAMI )Ml John ~ lhOW• vou !ftlnOI ltrenotr U\111 lruth, W9" then llte, MO zanier INn enythlng you've ever -In thMI _.Pf• entettons from the SMw- ttrne Bizarre llbrety. 1:10 CZ) AWAl'ID8 TIME "CflairtM Cllemplln Md ..The Dlrec:&ors .. l:IO Cl) MOYIE • * "Ttie lncredlbl• 9hftnllln0 Women" (1980) LIIV Tomin. CNt1ee Gro- din. A IUbutbln houMWtfe find• he rH li getting emllller u '* unoon· cemed hu1band look• on. 'PG' l:OO I IENHOlt'ITY MU8IC ANO THE POKINWOAD I DAY8MAI< L.A. YOUTH ANO THE lllUD • ..owER AOOM (I) IUNOAY MOfNMO Featured: • proftle of llng- • Mebel Mercer; • looll II Ille Shnnet'I and their hoe- pltels lor Chlldren (C)MOVIE * * "Superdo!M" I 1978) D1vld J1n1ten, Donni .-.; ....... .., .. nothing to keep 1 footblll teMI from wtnnlng the Super Bowl. eMOVtE * * * * "Anlmll Crllcil· .,. .. ( 1930) Mint Brothel•. Mergeret Dumont Cmc>tlln Spaulding, the African ell~. return• lrom 1 reoent 11pedltlon to wreu h1voc 11 1 ' tocl1ty m1tron'1 WM!tllld peny. ·o· 1:15(H>MOVIE * • ·~ "Bon Vf1'1'91· Cher· lie Brown" (1979) Animll· Id. Olr.ec:ted by 8111 .......,. deL Snoopy Ind WOOd· 11oc1t follow 1•ch1n91 11uoen11 CNrtll Brown. f>eppermlnt P1ttv. Linus 111\d Mercie on 111 ldven· lur•fllled tour of Engllnd MO FrMCe. 'G' 8:30 F<>f' OUR TIMES THATICAT A08ERT 8CHUl.1.E1' PEOPl.£7 AMJNCAH STORY • 7:00 MlAICXJL TUM U.S.A. TODAY'S REUCMON WHITNEY ANO 'THE A080'T I TOPCAT ITllWNTTEN KEHNET'H COPE.AHO • di CEAOAAL PAUV Tti.ETWON rD) ~y ~ 7;30 YOGA F<>f' HEAL TH IUNOAYMA88 AP08IClll Uf'!TlME8 RAINBOW PATCH lJt:1\..E AA8CAl.8 CAMPUS PAOflLE Ml8TER f'OO£RS (A) TV .. LOOKS AT L.EAANtHO 8THEWOALO TOMORAOW ®MOVIE **~ ''The Nude Bomb" (19IO) Don Adami, Sylvl• K,._ S«r9' ~· well Smert •-hi. moet d"1gerou1 ldverN(y In 1n erc:twlllln who plans lo 1eunc11 m1111111 th•t wtn dllrobe thl entire humen populltlon. 'PG' CJ) IHOWTIMf'S HOUYWOOO 1:00 8 llH>AY MOANING F .. tuted: a Pfoftle of llllO- er Mltlel Meteer: • look It the 611Mer• and their l!Otl- pltllll lor chlldren. I TMI II THE LlfE ~AND ,......,. • ""80t4AL DIMIUllOHI I LLOYD OGILVIE ElJ!CTAIC COMPANY ; t..nTH!M 81 LIGHT !~ • • "Double Trouble" (1987) EM• PrHley, Annette Dey. A young Brit· 11h h1lre 11 become• 11\rectld to 1 11moue American pop llnger. Cl)MOYIE * * '" ··Journey 8eclt lo Oz" (19721 Anlm•l.0. VOloee of Liu Mlnnlll, P1ul Lynde. Dorothy '91ume to the Leno of Dl encl encount.,. the lllter of the Wicked Witch of the w-. • MICA&. OAZZLl Jbe Llt*.A•cal1u re ._. turld In """ Cllpe and lflorte. .. , 0D"'"'tln'1811-rYf TOOi\Y'l ll.ACK WOMAN MAGICAL -Orson Welles <center > is a mong Hollywood stars who'll perform mystifying . dangerous or . pe r h aps humorous illusions on "Magic With the St ars "i,at 9 toni ght on KNBC <4 1. G MUTING TIME AT CAI.VAi« • THI NATURAL 1~5:.:; l:OO NEWS COHflMNC£ VIUAALEOM (I) ORAL AOePT9 9 CIEJllDAAL PAUV Ttl.ITHOH (CONT'D) • SOAME I TAEET (A) •.ao 181 lllHEM JOUANAL 8 MJET THE PAE.88 IT DAY ~ Ol8COV£AY FACE THE NATION MOYIE •• '" "Quentin Durwetd" (1~5) Robert Teytgc.. Kay Kendlff. !<Ing Louie. XI 111emp11 to cre•I• • Mtlonll lllle out Of • flu. dll l)'llem. (li)MOVIE • "Blood Barri«" ( tNO) Tt!_ly S•~lu.._ Eddie Albert. A bofdlr pitl'Oll'Mn tries to bring landowner• wtlO trllftc In Illegal aliel\ work•• 10 )u•tlu. Cl) FILM FEATURE OMOYIE • • • • "S1voner1" ( 1957) Marion Br1t1do, Red lklttona. An Amenc:.i let -hll • polgnent 1t1llr wtth the lier per10<mer ol • li med Jap-ICtlng compeny. 10:00 • <I> N8A BA8KETBALL Pt\lladelphil 76ert 11 New a;~ 8ASl<ETBAlL loulsllllle VI. Mlslourl 11 St. Louil • MOVIE * * * "The Thief Of Bag- ded" (1940) Sabu. June Ouprez. A llllel In old BIO· did II draetiully changed ,-,,., mM(.lng • 91fl!e. • NEW ZOO REVUE I .. EAAU) ~TRUTH THE LAWMAKERS MAGIC~~ PAINTING (l)MOVIE * '* ~ "Uttle Mias Matto«" (1980) Wetter Ml111'11U, Julie Andrewt. Bued on Ille Demon Runyon 11ory A gruff, lllngy I 9309 boOlc • le'• llfe i. turMCI eround when he~·. 8-)'Mf· old tnOPf* 11 • marker tor • rllClng bet. ·PG' 10:30 • KI08 ARE PEOPLE TOO ~I: ICt~ Li.a WMI· c:tlel. llC1or Biiiy Crystll, ling« Temmy Grlhem, comedienne J<:rf 84ner. (Rl II A08EAT SCHULLVI I OPENMIHO MAOC ~OIL PAIHTINO 11:00 at (!I) CEAE8AAL PAL.SY TEI.ET~ (CONT'D) • MOVIE * * * "llland Of Love" C 1963) Robert PrMton, l dny Rendell. After frfc:k. Ing a gang11er Into pu1tlng up lhl money tor • rnovi. thal ttoc>e. 1 writer 111\d 1 produc.r hied lor GrMOe .wnere the Pfoduoer 11111 In love with the ganoeter't nleoe. • MAIT!N'tlCE THEATRE • WAIHNaTON WEEK IN AEVIEW (.., (B) INllOI THE NFl. Hott• Len Oewaon and Nlclc Boonlcontl ,,,_,, hlghllghta, ot thl AFC end NFC chemplon9hlp 91'"" end • r9Ylew of ~ Super Bowle. 11;30. THtl WEI)( WTTH DAVID lflHKLEY • T!MY C()lE.. WHITT AKE~ • WALL STMET Wiii< "Shedding some Light On Utlllty Stocki" Gu11t: Erneet s. Uu. vice Pflll- dent and .-ilor 1111111119 ln#yet. Goldman. 8echl and Company. CR) (C)MOVIE * * * * "Thi Lion In WJo-ter" (1"7) Peter O'Toole, , Ketllarlne ~n. fne- llnd'I KlnO Henry " ,_ en egonldllO dedlklfl - 1111 euoceeeol' -.. con- ---Ille IComlY rner-rtlge IO 1he MlOlllJ ••Id e..ior of Aqultelne. 'PO' 1bl0 ._. "°"'8WORLD 10-round mlddieweltlll bOUt~~Czyz and Aobllle .... (IW from • South Or1nge, N.J .): Ani.,lcan 'rot .. alonel Gyrnnutlc:I Clelllc Ctrom Mllml,Ae.1. • L08TIH 9'ACE Smtih trick• • tlm• ~to rl1umlnQ hlnl 10 Earth. l~~M OUKESTAEET "The Legion Of Tile Uv· Ing" Louill 1ttend1 Cher· tie's memorlll eervtce and ll brougtl4 lace to tece wlth • Pfobllm wftlch could affect her wtlOll wav of Ille. !Pert 12)(R) Q 9 OCEXNOS: lllE MAME BMAONMEHT (li)MOVIE * * * "Thi World'• GrM.t· .. 1 At.lllete" (t973) JCIM Amos. Jan.Mlc:Nel Vin- cent. A COICh who It hlV· Ing 1 run of t>.o kJClc retuma' 10 hll root• In Afri- ca and dllCOlllft a •ue>er 1th1et1. 'G' Cl)MOVIE **** "~190t1on" (1'90) !lllrt ~. SM! Sl'llplrd. After • ,_ l1tll IUtO ec:cldlnl, • woman find• that "" hel the •Diii· tv to heal oti.1 but II per· MQJled *-of "" refuMI to dliln I divine Influence. 'PG· 9MOVIE * * ~ "Hugo The Hippo" 11978) Volcel of BYrl IV91, Peul Lynde. A pink l'llPOC>; Pol1mut tek11 en ldven- 1urou1 trlP, ec:compenled ~ 1 little blec:k bOy. 'PG' W MOVIE * * • 'h ·'Crie s And Whlspert" ( t972) H•rrlet AndefMOn, Liv Ullm1t1n. Olrectld by lngmer Berg- man. A dying woman, "" two llster1 end a C0'"9U- lionll• _...ant girt rece# lhllr pull .. they ttruggll to. COtne to grips wttl'I o.llh .• 12:15. Cl) OfWC) PAO( MASTER TtNNlf Flnelt of ll'llt tennlt tour· nament, with pl1y1rs ~ea to lnClude Jimmy Connors end John McEn- roe Cllvl from Mldlton Square Gerden In New Y«llCity). 1~ I OIAECTION8 THEIAXTEA8 "Bembi Bewere" G OCEANUS: THE MANNE ENVIAONMENT 1:00 • THEVUNIT£fll8 Her!T'en dec:ldel to try out hit diving equipment wtllle et the ocean. I fUUHO RNE TEE:NTAU< "Adults On T Mnl" •OJ CEAE8ML PAi.IY T£L.ETH0H (CONT'D) • AOAM-12 On temporary duty 11 LA. Airport, tile ottloero dell wttl'I I run1w1y bOy Ind I lhlll • WHENTHEBOAT COMES IN "Coel Comlort" .... lhe strlh goee on, 8111 find• hi• own eource of coal. G UNDEMTANDINO HUMAN IEHAVIOA "Applied Psychology" 1:aouaeoe~ OEIERT CLA881C Coverage of the ffnal round of one of g61f'1 top event1 CNv1 from lhl lndlen Wellt Country Club In Pllm SPflngt. Clllf.). 8 F-TAOOP A Mountie errMll Aoarn !Of fur theft end lleell Jane'•'-'· • MOVIE •• "' "Bell. Boole And C1ndl1" (11591 Jamee Stewart, l(Jm Novik. A young woman -hlr mysterlout powe11 _to brMk up Ille ..Odlng plan• of 1 bOOk publllhlr. I Wll.O. WILD WUT AIJAM-12 Reed's over1n11lou1 lltempl 11 I llrl comp11. ca111 thl d1y tor him and hll pettner. • UNOlMTAHDIHO HUMAH IEHAVIOA .• Appllld Plyctlok>g)". .MOVll * * ~ "The Cet Md The Canlry" ( 1939) 8'>b Hope, PIUlett• Godderd. In order to COiiect tMlr '"'*"-· • lemlly muel ..,.nd !fie. night In 1 h9unted hOuM. 1:M (%) MOVll ••r.t~Of Wledom" ( 1971) 8uMnl'9lh Fon. In tum.of·~ lury Auetr .... I ~ -lrOl'll the °""** .. dlfllcUlty ldfuMlnO to u. ledete pr~ of en ~ glrtl' ICflOOI. CHANNEL LISTINGS uo ... UCINtl lllAHD o•io-n ..... up one lftOfftlnO to dlloo\IW NC Ille lllllf ,,.. tumecl ....... '9 KNXT <CBSI 8 KNBC (NBC> e KTLA !Incl I e KABC (ABC> e KFM B <CSS> • KHJ•TV (Incl.I e KC" (A8CI e 1<.TTV (Ind I e kCOP·TV Cllld.I e l<CET CP9SI •KOCE (PBSI roi On-TV rz z TV '14 HBO <Cl (Clnemo) l lW9 A) NY , N Y @ CWTBSI Ill <ESPN ) 11) I Slloo#t lme) • SpoUIOfll • <Clbl• N•W• NetworlO • MCWll ..... ~ "" ,.,.,,. thing" (IHl)W-ll9t• ty, I.Miit ~. A ~ WOftWI....,.... '° w • -'° meny ..., lfld IOt i ..... tort. dlllel. TO• NtNOUNCID w•llCM eoioWl .. ff (C)MCWll • • .,._dQl'lle'' (1'111 ~ J.,...., OoMe u •••WWW Mllll, A llNllo _.., tlop 11 not'*'O to lleeci • toot"911 ' '-11 lrOftl wlMint IM .... low!. ®MCMI •• ~ "The .... Jornb" I 1HO) Don Ada/N, 1)'4..t• l(riele( ._ .. IOlfll ...... well "'*" ,.,.. 1111 "'°91 dMOefOlll edwreery In '" ~ who ~ IO llUrlCll .,...... 11111 wtl4 Olerobe IN entire humMt r~·'PO' • ''Do111>1e Trouble" (1941) Herry l.8ngd0n. lenny Aubin. A Ptir of _ lmmigrM tl 90-to -" In I "-' 1.-y and lnlldv9rt· •ti)' llMll 8 YllfueOle llrecetec In • Cllll of .,..,,.. l::IO • CM LIG,AN'l "'-ANO A lerge meteot11e IMO• on thl lllend and three1en1 lhl IYel Of ~ IMng :t= '**'Al "Sher'loc:ll Hoirn. And The Rowe Of ,,.., •• (1t45) Bull Allhbone. Nigel Bruoe. 8ued on "Thi ~ Pipe" by At1hur Conan Ooy4e. The llrltllh ~~th lnveetlgat .. thl murderl of menibef1 o1 1 oenttemen'• c:fut). -~ "Rullno T1m1yo; Tll• 8ourcee Of Hil Alt .. • MIMICAN OOVPNMIHT 1:00 I N!WIMAKEM 8TOM AHNOUNCID e MOVIE • • • ··A Conn.c:tlcut Yllllk .. In KlnO At1hur'1 Court" ( 1949) Bing Crosby. RhonO• Fleming. 8ued on tile ttory by Mw Twain. A ConnecUc:ut blac:lltmlth It tr1t11POrted beclkward In time lo King Arthur·• Court. • NMCAA OM/tAS AOAST • o ClfURAL PAUV T£LETHON iCONT'D) •MIRICAN IKYUNE GMAT PERFOfWAHCU • "Dene. In America.: Peul TaylOr I Thf.. Modern Clllak:I" Thi PIUI Tl)'lor Dene:. Compeny la IN· turld lte performenoe 11 \he 1981 Amencan Dance ,,-.. 11va1 neld '" Dutflern, North Carolina. (R) Cl) 8TAATREK A hlghly 1ophl1llc1ted 1t1drold llkM control of thl EnterPflM 111\d delillwt II IO Herry Mudd . .MOVIE 1'r * "Thi High Country'' (t981) Tlmotl'ly Bottom•, Und1 Pu'1. An eeclPld Convlci and hl8 h~· Cec>Pld glrlfrlend, lleelng to thl mountain• rrom tociety, mutl decide II the'( hive a Ille together l>eforJI being c1ught by the euthorltlel. 'PG' 3:19{%) MOVIE , * • !h "CIOMly W•lehed Trllnt" (1966) Dlr~ed by Jlrl Menzel During World war 11, 1 ee>1ullly n.iw young Cnen ~ 1 train dlap1tehlr who for- get• IQ lruttr111on1 long enoug.h lo blow up a Ger· man 1rmamen111111n. 3:30 I FACE THE NA TlON ONCAMPU8 "Boolct" -Scripps • W~LO-CUP 80XJHG CHAMPIONSHIPS Amateur boxers repr• tenting nine oonllnent•I teems and 1 n111on11 IN/Tl from Ille hOll country comp111 In 3-round malchH In 12 -lght el.-(lrom Montrul, Canld1) • L08 AHGEL.E9 WEEK INAEVllW !: AND THE MAN • *'* "Bel'-Are Ringing" ( 1960) Judy Hollld1y:o.en Mlrtln. A lhy and ln\pf ... lloneble yourig en-Ing M<'llce oper11or t>ecomet lnf11ua11C1 wttll • cnarmlng tcrlptwrlter. 4:008 MOVIE * ·~ "Con19ir1q Of Ter· ror" ( 1975) Mlcheel Con- 111ntln1, 81rbe11 Rllc>adee. When 1 man i. Mterlll)' IClred to death. a flul6end..eno.wtt. ctetee-uw ,_ 11 celled In to Investigate. D SUHOAY Location: 80th AnnlverHtY of Plc:lflc: Pllleldel G MOVIE • ** ''Thi Murder Cllnlc" (1ffe) Wllll•m Berger. Franc:oll Prevoe1. A riw>r· wteldlng creeture 1talk1 thl corridor• ot a remote mldlcal clinic. • MOVIE * * "The Men Wllh Thi P-" (1977) Bob Neill, Vic Morrow. A hlgll IChool teectler IMrnt thlt hi ,,.. Inherited 1uperr orm11 ~· from hll tether wtlldl render him vllluable to ~t eeploOage eff0t11. • WALL ITMET WEB "Shedding Some Light On Utlllty Stoc.ka" Guell: Erne91 S. Liu. vice Pfeel· dent and Mnlor utMltlel 1t1llylt. Goldman, Sache 1t1d Compeny. (RI • NOT IN A THOU8A.NO VIAN An 11ernln1tlon of lhe lltu- etlon In ZJmbebwe *1ur11 en '"*""'-by Anthony Lewll of the newly incs.- pendenl Aftlcan oountry'I Prime Mlnltter Robert Mugebe. (I) VICTORY AT llA •·o.tgn For Wer" The NGf"' dOnllnlltlOn of 1M Atle ntle 11 depleted. lncllldlno 1M plennlno of • lJ.OoM elt.ldl on .,. lllled oorwoy. 8 YOUN& NOl'lrl INOIA&. "The Sllater" A 0Nt . ~Ion et ' locel loe rlnlc deetroya a young .......... 11o1 .. CJ:)MCWll •• "Tiie i...dy v.,... .. (1t'rtl Plott oo-M. CybM IMCINfd. An '"'-" tnanlnCl•~- en -IWIPt Into • "9dlV ~~--........ ..,,..., ._... "'" .,..,,..,. "'"*"' '"""' ..... .,,..,, .. '°' (l)MCMI ··~ ..... vo,tige, Ohs• .. .,_ .. (1t79) MllMI~ Id. Dnated by -....... TUBE TOPPERS K NB' 8 1 ·00 "The l::lectric Grandmother." A h~rried widower hires an electric grandmother to care for hi~ children and home K1'TV • 8:00 "Los Angeles Fiim . Critics Awurds. ·• P resentution is llvtt from the Be verly Wil shire Hotel. KN BC 8 9:00 "Magic with the Stars... Top magician~ and Hollywood stars perform. Sec photo at left. KABC fJ 9:00 "The Onion t<'ield " True story of a policeman who cracks \!P a fter his partner is m urdered. oez. lf/IOOC>Y and WOOCI· 11oek follow e11ch1nge 11\ICMnll CMrtle Blown. f'eelpennlnt Petty, Unul MO Mercie on 111 ldven· IUl•lllled t~ill England end Frence. 'G' 4:06 CD) HOME RACING "Sen Fernando &Ilk .... 4:30. WAIHNITON WUK lfMVllWl"l 1:::-JOUANAL • • ''"Thi lMt Rebel .. (1971) Joe Nemeth, Jacll Elem. A Conlederate llOl- dler In Southwee1ern Mlll- ourl relUeee LO give up 11ter Generll L .. eurren· dlr•. 4:45 CZ) MOVIE ***'II "CrlH And Whl9')9fl" I t972) Herrle• Andefleon. Uv Ullmann Directed by 1ngmer Berg. men. A dying women, II« two llal9'1 end I c;ompu. elonlte eervent girt recall their pull .. the'( 1truggle to COtne to g<lpa with deltl'I. 5:00 8 STAR T'AEK In responte to • dl1tr•• can. the EnterPflM I• _.,, to thl mltllng planet of Jenus Slll to lnvest1g111 mysterious dNthl. • GREATEST SPORTS LEGIHD8 • CEMBRAL PALIY TEL.ETHOH (CONT'D) • l'WNOUNE "V(ho f,110 !Nllll A~e Ille Enemy 1n centrll Ameri- ca?" Guffte: L1ur~ etrnt, d irector ot the Council on ~lapMrlc Affllte; MIJI Singer. dePu· ty director of tfWI Hudton lnetltute. tlD THI VICTORY OAADEN Cl) t.t•A•S•H Turned oown 10< • future poeltlon ot home. Cllarlel II 10 11"111 hi refueee to t11k to enyone In the unit. ~= 'II "Skalelown U.S.A." C 1979) Scott Belo, Greg Btldford. A fiend•~ Y°""9 •• ,., Ilk In love ., the IOCll roller-dlleo rink, where hi II cMflenOed by 1 street gang IMder In • ch1mplontl'llp con1111. 'PG' 8 LOU AAWLI IN CONCERT 5:ta I cea NEWS NICNEWS 1111 A8C NEWS TMI OU> HOUIE Bob \/Ila begins renov•· tlOnt on 1 reneh-1tyll tree 1 houM In I Bolton IUburb (i) WEL.COME 8ACt(. KOTn.A In neeo of rilling eome money tor their claH. G1bi and the s-tl'logs decide Ul.ll • leiethOn It the--. --@MOVIE • • ••.+ "Doctor Zhivago" Piie.Si Omer Sherif. G.r• dine Ch~lln Two IOV81'9 struegle amidst lhe IPkfl and p11110n1 ot tile Ru .. lllln RevolUtlon. -Eva.tG- 8:00.~NEWS • ••n "Return To Boggy CfNlt" (1978) Dewn Welle, Dena Piiio. While _,ch- lnO b-a l9gendery--11er In 1 Loulllen1 l>lyou. thr.. clllldren ere caught In • hurricane and "-' .,.. unllkll)' reecuer. II t.EG!NDe ~THE acMEH: THAT WAS QlAMOUA Heney Colline lnlervlewl •ten. end Ilk. tile ques.. llon, .... HollywoOd .. glemorOUt 11 It ueed IO be?" • MOVIE **'A "'l(ln9 01 The M.hyber RlllH.. 11954) Tyrone Power, Mlch•ll Rennie. A Ekltlafl officer prewntl a nellve revolt In lndll. • MOVIE "SunMI Cove" ( 1978) John Can-.ctlne, ·= SKJ ICHOOl •·turning And Review" The 1tep tum, 11t1tlng turn and ~11111 turn ere demon· strllld. (R) ()) CN~S ~IANOEL.8 !::w' • * "Double Trouble" ( 1917) Elvis PrH le y. Annette Dey. A youog Bflt· 1111 ll•lre u becomH •tlTactld to • temoue AinerlCen pop linger. (J)MOYll • *'-' "Little MIM Mn er" ( ttlO) Welter MetttieU: Jutte~ • ._., on the Demon ~ •ort· A gMf, ..... 1N0e booll· If'• ... .. tl#'Md lrounO ...., .. eooepte • ..,...,. otO ~ ... rner1let tor • realllg bet. 'PO' • MOVll •• *" "The ..... 8181-llon" ( 1871) Ktlly Reno, t.tlckn Rooney. After l>tlnO NICUeO ffOfn .,,. ltlMd on wt11et1 tt1eoy ..,. ..... aid toglltllr, I ~boy_, ...... beOOIN llWOMd In ... reoeotlN~·o· l:IO CJ) MDVII • * *" ·-n. o.tUnl °' Mldoftl" I 1t11) tuunMll 1hl Md1te Pf'Optlely of Ill •IUllul!Ye gltll' IChoo4 HOD '1GHT MC* WITH DAW> HON>WITZ • CMOIR:THE IJNDIMfllOUND CYM • ,,..TIMI "Interdependent Aeta11on• lhlpe" HOii Don McNell Ul'Oll tflOM wtl5L wllh to oontlnue aoQll liWeractlOn to avoid becoming pert of either the "Couldn't Cere LAM Club" or ··Apertwy Unllllllled ... • CHECKING IT OUT Mllll Mct<lnnon rlPOfl• on ... epldemle of kllllng Ind w1rtere 1mong rlvel youll'I gang• on Chleego'• South Side. 7:001 1 :we MtHUTU 8PEACOCK 8HOWCA8E "Thi Ellclrlo Grandmolh· er" Maureen Stapleton INI E<Jward Hermenn 111r In the 11ory of • harried widower who llltes an.ellc· Irle Q!'andmothel to cere tor hit Cl'llldren and home. 0 0 C<>oeR!O A troubled IMn-eget turn• grief Into hOlllHty and Ml• out tor revenge. II PEOPLE OH THE MOYE • TUT AHtUiAMUN'S EGYPT ID NOVA "Siimon On Tiie Run" The "":" power enO _..nlilietion of tllmon ere ceptul'9d In an 1urnln1llon o4 the roll Of I,_ Wiid fllh In tile confllet between economic growth end coneerv1tlor1 CblMOVIE * * • • "The Elephant Man" (1980) John Hurt, Anthony Hopklne. A oedi· c•t•d phy1lcl1n t1kea under hit wing • horrlb:y deformed man wtlOM lite till then hed blerl spent In cneap frMk ellhlbltlon1. ·PG' • 7:IO!~- * •'II "Quentin Durwerd" I t955) Rober1 T1ylor, Kay l(llldlll. King Louie )(I 1ttempt1 to cre•t• • national 11111 out of a tw· dll~tem. 1:00 8 C1J AACHIE 8UMCEA"8 Pl.ACE Archie COtnM up wttll I w•v lo CllCh the person wtlO Is brNklng Into his storeroom II night. D8CHIPS Jon and Ponch ere baffled by 1 gang ot crOOkt who UM !Merl to dllll>le their victims. 8 THE UND£A8EA WOAU> ~JACQUES COUSTEAU • OJ TOOAY'S FIN M1ggl1 1no 1nother ..,.,,.,. egent go undercov· er u trucker• to e<ack 1 ring of hlJedc••· II IT 18 WAITTEN • L08 ANOELE8 ALM CNTIC8 AWAl908 Uve Iron\ lhe 8eYoerfy Wi.. lhlre Hotel, with guwl hott• Cert Reiner end Ruth B1tch1lor. 1111• tpeetal holll such 1w11d wtnnert u Burl llllCllter, Meryl Streep end B1rber1 Stanwyt< • SOUOOOLD Host: Andy Gibb. Coholt: Mertlyn MeCoo. GUC1111; Nell Sedlk1, JON Fetlcl· eno. Tiie Go-Gos, Biiiy Joel. Robert• Fledl. Del SNnnon. Sl-Wlrin« • NOYA "lllt Tube B1blee" Tile ICllnce behind the con- ception. of humln blblel outlldl thl womb 11 In.,... :rt~ THEATAI! "The Fi.me Tr-Of Thl- ~IPP)' New YNt" Elspeth "*'°' 1 memor1· ble New v..,·, Dey w1t11 the conterv1llve MrL Nim· mo. (Pert 3) O (l)MOVIE * * • "Coil Miner'• Deuglller"-PlllOI Sleey Sp1cek, Tommy Lee Jonee. 8aeed on LOfettl Lynn'1 eutoblogrephy. A young ')lf1 from • poor lemlly In rur11 Kentucky m1rr1« 1 much older loct I bOy wtlo ~ "-rlM 10 1terdom In thl mufk: Industry. 'PG' .MOVIE • •'h "Beck Ro1d1" ( 1981) Siiiy Field. Tommy L .. JonM. A hooker end I down-on·lil•·luck boiler """' end hied _, to find thl c:tllld Ille gaYe 119 for ldoptlon two-yeera .... •.• A' (Z)MOYll . •• "Thief" (1981) JllMI ea-_._ r~ w~ . .A proMllonll Jwet ,,, ... tu'°'" II of the triet(• of IN lrede needed In order lo be 1 11UOOeM. 'A' HO. (I) ONI DAY AT A ,.. . Grandme AOl'lleno anO GrWldma Cooper * lof ...... .n.ctlone • • 1MIWOM.D TOMOMOW MO•<I> AUOI t.te1 glWI T~ eome ..,. lbOlll """ !NII r.-II .._, t•lt ftleol lllOWe up Md ...._ off on •cllla"""T~. • 8MAGIC MTM 1MI 8TAM ,...._"'...,_,...~ tury ~ • 1CM'I ...._, tfOlft IN OlltNdl IOfftt °' ... WOfld'• tor. lft09C ~Gfn• Md lfl 1nftf of Hell) aoad .... pertoml • ~ °' .. ...... "'*~ ... II ltll_ ...... Onoft -~ .......... w.... rt~ .... ere hOMI.. • WILD ICJNGOOU "AMlnt Of Thi,...,, Tl• otct~ ttlel II .... Oft 1111 .. .,.. nooee ttw pemo .,... .. (1111 ··~ * * '* ,_. "Thi Otlloll filld'' I t17t l J#N9 Woode, Jolln aaveoe IMilCI on. 111e DOOi! by JoMptl. w.,,,. beugll. Thi W-of hllO petty ......... lhl ~ 1N1t1 ~ klald, MO Ille 1urv1v1no p1rt~t. ire Chronicled Defore e nd MCMI •••Yi "Oootor~ (11111 °""' ..... a..; .. ONplln. TWo ..... ~.,,.. ........ lfld ......... Of .. "-" Ml~ • .MCMI ··~ MOMnl ......... f.1M0) 1ene ..._,,TN HatWllt-. TNll fllnl ,...,_ of MIOW'I ~ l*iof• mMOlll .. "" ,lllltldena CMc A4ldltOtillm In FebfU. lif'J, 1MO ..... .,, ... .,,_. ty ol ..... "°"' .., MetldarOe to rod! .,......., •'* tile nuder. Q I DA.OHO ~by ...... Of ..... ,.-,-~ lftOftOIOCluel, ... . u•!L..w. HaHAW GuMtt: Ed McM1hon. Chetly MoCleln. Sonny SNe>yer. -~ THIATN "Thi FlllM Tr ... Of Tlll- ka: Happy ~ Y-" Ellpeth IP9fl(ll I memorl • ble New v-·· 0ey wtth lhe~Mra. Nim- mo. (Pert 3JQ • AMINCNf ~~ !Premiere) "The &.lledY Hiii KldnaOl)\ng" George Griz· zard MO Polly Hollidly tter In John ~· lllee>llY 1bout 1 euburben II/Tiiiy WhoM WOfld It fumed ~own w11en thl youngeet member of tile tamlly vanllhee lf1d 11 believed lo h•Ye beer) kid· nappld.Q CID STAHDINO ROOM ONLY "An EWnlrlg Al Thi Moulln Rouge'' George Hemllton "°'" en ellCltlng evening lrom thl Moulin Rouge In Perla 1 .. 1ur1ng levleh coe- tumee, provocative denc- .,, end I~ lnteme· tlonll variety 11C11. t:ao 8 (I) THE JE#RMoN8, .George 1111.. Ralph lhe doormen out 10 IUncft on "N•llonal Doorman'I Dey" Ind -Helen Wllllt With another m1t1. • WOM.D~ llHWIVAL I BAfATH M LIFE PORTAAIT ~A LEGEND "Allee Cooper" CC)MOVIE * * "Pnobll" (1980) Paul MlehMI Gluer. Su1en HogM. A gf.oup of _..., p1tlerlll ere murdered ICCOfding 10 their lndMdu- 111..,.1. 'R' (a>MOVIE **** "Arthur" (1911) Dudley Moore, Lila Min· nelli. Wl'llle hi• tamlly 111empt• 10 torce him Into m1kln9 a Pfe-arrenged m11r1191 he doeen'I want. 1 drunken, d!lgUlllngly rlCh playboy ,.... In loYe witl'I 1t1 uplrlng llC1r- wtl0 doeln't meet their pPee11tlone. 'R' 10:00 8 Cl) TRAPPER JOHN, M.D. Gonzo and • new eurgeon ere the prime IUl99Cll In • ""91 of pellent murders. •• NEWS ·~ NETWON< NEWS • MEfl1HO ~ MIH08 Leon.tdo di Vinci, Wllllem 811k1 and NlocolO Peg1t1I· nl dltpute the neture of rNllty. cllallengll to ertls- tle lnnov1tlon 111\d tile .. old oonlllct 1>e1-1 r11· ton and myl1k:ilm. CPlr1 ti ., MOVIE • •'h "The V•g1bond Lover" (t929) Rudy Vlllee. Merle OrlNler Thi Hfe, songs end IOvee of • lemou• linger ere depict· Id. ®MOVIE * * "lmllfoper Chennels" ( t98 t) Alan Arkin, Merlette Hlrtlly. A l«lee of m~ cterstandlng1 cauMt 1 10C111 worker to believe lhll ,,... S-YMt-old daugh- ter ol 1 MP1rl11d couple 11 the victim of chlld 1but1. 'PG' D MOVIE • • ··T11e lncredlble Shrinking women" I t980) Liiy lomlln. ChlOel Gro- din. A llO\JNwtfl llndl 11 hard to cope when lhe IUdcMnly thrlnkt In 1111. 'PG' 10:06 (%)MOVIE * *°" "CIOMly Watched Trlln•" ( tMe) Directed by Jifl Menzel. During Wor1d War II. • MKUally n•lv• young Czech ~ • Ir aln dilc>lleher wflO for· gall hie lrvttr1tlon1 long enough to blOW up • Ger· man ~t• trlin. 10:10 I .W.M'f FALMELL JIMMY SWAGGART WONCING Barry Bottwlek, Eiieen 8renn1t1 end Jemea T aylOr ere emong thl many 1ter1 teetured In thle apeclll, blMd on hundred• of lntervlewl conOuc1ed by )Ournelllt I author Studl Terkel. 11:001 • <1> a NIW8 PACUETnM WOfW.D VtlK>H 9'fCW. ! :::: THa WORLD • *"' "'A Or.-n Of p ... llOn" 11978) Ellen BY,.tyn, Melln1 Metcourl. A WOn\111 who kllled her Cllltdren 111\d l ttemptld IUldde IPft• her hulbend left hlr mMtl en ectr.-who doeen't reeltze where eetlng endl MO Ille beglrle In 1 OrNlt prllOn. 'R' 11:111.::w' ** * "9 To 5" (INO) Jene Fonda. Oo1Y Perton. Thr.. WOf1llOQ WOIT*I retlel ...,., their tub)ll- gdon by • male cNllYlnllt --.·PO' t1iaG., ==-PINAL . MOYll -* * * "C1etle Keep" ( 1tel) Burt LMIOlller. ,...., Felk . • TM.It 01 TMI .......,,., .. , ~ " .... In WllftlnO- tOll" • WK '9WYllWI Ao9'f !Wt lfld Gene .... dlOOlt .... _... lftCMll °' ttl,. 1::::.n.NA'nON * ··~ "GflH A4941 ~.. ( 1172) ...,_ MdertlOn. UY Ullrnenn. Directed by lf10INt Berg. men. A ~ WOf'Ml1, lier hllO 1111 .... lr10 • ~ eton•t• MtVlnt glrl reoell their ..... they '11\IGOll ~IOgripa~ dNth. 11:4'. THI! AOCKl'ON> .... Rockford ~the tar· get of I~ new1p1 pe r an• 11nderworld 1111111111 while ln-tlg1tlng Ille lhOOtlng ol • Pfominent HollywOod doc1or. D MOYIE * • ~ "Th• G1ng1ter ChronlclM" (Plll'I 21 (1981) MlctlMI Nouri, 8r1ln Ben· b1n. Fo11owr11g Arnold Rothstein'• o.lth, a OMO· lend -""" II called In Attentle Qty In 111 eftOt1 to even •n Ill-out mob wer. (RI -MDIGHT~ 12:00 • MOVIE ** "Red River Range'' ( 1938)~ John Wl )'OI, ~ Corrlo1n._ • THE OtJCHEie ~ DUKE STREET • "Thi Legion Of Thi U.. !fig" Loulle aUendl CMr• Ill'• memorlll ..w. lr10 i. brought tece lo tece wfttl • Pf oblern wlliCll could In.ct ""~~of .... CPert 12)(R)Q Cl) MOVIE (J)WHArl UP A~ FMlured: • vlllt to thr .. ol AIMftoe'• b1:9-·11ujMe ... -t l>Mlity ..ion. end • iooa ... t thl oeweet ~· ~ -pole> meteflll. 12:061 ~MEWS * * * "Minnie And ~ kowlU" 11972) Gena Row- ~. s.ymour ca..et. 12-..20 • MOYIE * * 1'r ''"Thi Sendplper'' (1965) Eltubelh TaylOr, Atc:h«d Blf1on. 012:468 NAME~THEOAMe Jeff Dillon and ~MP· we11 1nvettJgate cnaroee egalntt I.he bled! meyor of 1 llrgl city. 1:00 (C) MOYIE * * "Thi IAdy V~" (1979) Elliott Gould. CVblll Shlpheld. An lnnoe.nt men ltlCI 1 ~""' wom· en er• .-..pt Into a ~ eec>IOn191 caper 1t>oard • European Ill.Pf-trlln lr1velinQ through pr•war NIZI Ger"many. 'PG' Cl)MOVIE • * • * "~rrectton" p990) Ellen Buntyn. Sim Sheperd. After I neer ,., .. euto aecldent, • women find• tllet "" hlil the ... IV 10 heal otllerS but II P«· MCUted ~ of her refuNI to clllm • dMnl lnlluenea. 'PG' 1:15 (%)~ * * *'A "Thi o.tllng Of Wledom" (1971) ~ Fowle. In turn..of·I~· tury Auslrllla, I )'OUflQ woman from the OUtblCk hll dlftl¢Ufty ad)ultlng to lhl 'eed11e Pfopri'1y of .,, 1JtC:l\.lllve g1r11· IChool. 1:IO (I) IUllNESI JOVANAl.0 I ::8 FOU9' TOPI The prec:IM hlrmonlee of the Four Tope are IMtured In IUCh IOUI clllllc:I II "Bemldette" end "Stand- ing In The Shjjjowe Of Love" 1:468 ATOHE ~.~-eJOUANAL 2:30 MOYIE * *'h "Ster Tr• -The Molton Pleture" ( 1919) W1lliem Shltner, LIOMrd Nlmoy. The former COii'\· m•nder ol thl U.S.6. Enter1HIM r..-nblel b1e Old er-MO Mtl oft CW1 I n'lllelorl to find the myl1"1- 0UI VMMI rllC)Onllble for the dntruc:tlon of _.. out Feder1tlor1 ttanlllpl. ·G' 2:.451· NIW8 1:00 :::ts RELIGION * • "Superdornl" ( 1171) D1vld J1n1Mn. Donna Mltll. A tenetlc will 11.-1 nothing to keep • lootblll teem ll'om winning ttw SuperBoWI. ®MOVIE •• "Night Of Thi Jug- gler" (1N0) J-Bro41n, Clltl Gorm111. A I~ :=:=~, City for hi. mllllnQ 0 ,.,, m1et•enly k by • peychopethlc nel. 'R' Cll IHOWTIMI"• HOLLYWOOD ~AWANJe 11MI a:ao ~ NIWIMAICIM '~ **~'The E~ Min" (ttlO) John Hurt. Anthony HopkliW. A ~ Clled ptlyueten I ..... llllder 1111 M'9 • -- deformld ----· tit tMI;' ""'6'en. ~ .. DlllllP nm ~ 'PG' . 4:00!.:::~ '* .... "Qoeety WllCNI T,._,. ( 1 ... ) ona.ecf .. Jlri ........ 4:4t®ITNDNGN>OM ONLY "llll~MT"9 ....... "°"'9" G90f9I a ~ ...... ..... '""" ...... """' '* *" "Tiie G•nt1ttl' Qwooldle" ,,.,. ., (ttl1) ,.,......,. ...... ..... proi•-......... .... _.,., ... ........ N9urt. lrten .... ""· 1 • -- SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 1912 Furniture is bouglit and sold every day with a classtfication 8050 ad. : lMt lltat. ~ HolMs For W. I Ho.wt For W. I Ho.et For W. 1HMM1 For Wt HMtt for Sale He.Mt,_,. Wt .._....,Wt Hont1 For Salt ·~······~·············· ·•····················· ................•...... ·······················1······················· ....•...........•.••...........•••................•.•••••................................... • ·. • .. ,.. IOH ., .. ,.. IOOJ.....,.. 1002 ••••• 1001 ~ IOOJ....,... IOOJ ._,.. 1002 • 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IOlll lout IQOl 1011 I 1113 -... um Ul)I ... 11114 UMI IGlll IQW IOU •• IO'lt 1m IOIO IOM IOll llM llGI EQUAL HOUSING · OPPORTUNITY ---,_..lher'sMoHu: All real es tate ad vertise d 1n thi s newspaper is subjeC't to the Federal Fair Hous ing Art or 1968 wh1C'h makes 11 1llei;al 10 ad \'ertise "any pref erenN~, lim11a11on. or di!> rriminat1on based on raC'e. l'Olor, religion. sex, or national ori!lin. or an uit\>ntton to make an)' surh ,prererenn-. II m 1tat1 on. ~o r d 1 ~ elimination " This news11a11er 'Will not knowing!~ at·t·ept an~· ad,·ertisin;: for real estate wh1t•h 1s in 'iola lion of.!J!ejaw =~,=~~~ =1--------1 Holda l'lir• or linl ~ == t':r• = EUORS: Adnrtistrs i::=: r:;· llCO *-Id check thir ods Dliplu .. l'nr )((.0 • \\'!·SI.I Y '\ TAYLOR CO. HEt\i.'J(ll\S '-,Ifill !~Ht> 816 CAHtON CUSTOM Elegance & dignitYlh this Majesti c Colonia l Mansion focated on the Mh green of golf co urse. Top quality craftsmanship thruout with fin est woods. abundance of imported marble, crown moldings, 6112 baths, air cond .. 3 wet bars + more. Luxurious mslr suite plus 4 other bedrms with private baths. banquet size DR. fam rm and billiard rm. Call for appt to see or a colored brochure. $2,..,,000 including the la"nd . HARIOI VIEW IROADMOOR VACANT -SH AMY TIME View of ocean, bay & Pavilion lights from this pretigious home with grand. entry in Del Piso tile. 4 Br 21/2 Ba Family Room. 2 Fplcs. Community Pool & Parks. Ideal family home in a prime Corona del Mar neighborhood. Priced to sell $329,000 Leasehold. -------· NO ON/t'Quity shor('. tst OLOCOlOMA • Charming old CdM hom.· with pool und \ tt'W on lari.:t-lot IX-am n·il ini:. 2 I 1rcplat·1•s. 3 bdrm.~ l'Ul'h w11h own I.Jal h S.17S.OOO OPIHSUN 1.5 3415 Oct• II, CdM <Arc•a nrront 3 h1l r111 + 11 t' n B a r J.! a 1 n a t St.2SO.OOO. 4726 Cortlmd, CdM 4 bdrm. famil~ t11nrni: rm, hl'l«tkru~t nook. pr i ,. al t' IJ t' J 1· h ,. ,.. ~.500 466 lroodway, C.M. Shafi>, l'lt•an 3 fttlrm on I a r i: l' fl' n t' (' cl I o t $~.950 MAURY ST AUFFH SEA UOM REAL TY 673-5354 lml(• buy('r11, 3 b1I .. t ba., only $94,000. pr111 only Cull u:Jl·~S Kath,\ a~nl GIANT EXEC.HOME Onl' or Mesu VtJrtlc'~ rim111t nl'i1:hborhoodii lkaut1fully dct·orutctl R t'publ1t· homt: Grat'ltJUS entl) lt·atls t1 an rlrl(anl Ii' mi: room . fami ly room uod l:(Jurnwl ktldll'n art'a Klll'hl·n on•rluu l'fleri:..' s:.t\'tnlt l,!001 anti sµa ~ i:iant bdrini.. :I full bath.,, curlll•nl I 111a11t· 11111 $289.000 Ex l'i'Ull\'t:S, mu ~I S l·i:· ~·Zlt3 THE REAL ESTATERS Rtdilctd SI 00,000 SPYGLASS IYOWNER Ot·ean Vtl'W S.'175.000 Ii br 4', ba ·111)0 s11 ft SOUTHPORT MO l>EI. • OWNl!:R FINANt'IN(; lllGULY l'PGH.\l>l-:D 0 ff t'r ex 111 rt•), J .rn :11 2.'I flotlei:a JIU\ t'all owm·r ;[)!J 1i1:1-;- SB.l REAL ESTATE UflTED PARTNERSHIPS Limited Partnerships will be the most popular form of ..real estate investing in the 80's. Earn top commissions selling Limited Partnership interests in Orange County real estate. Current offerings are residential and office, new construction and existing retail. We act as General Partners in our public and private offerings. R-eal Estate License needed and must be experienced with income properties. Securities background he lpfu l. Contact Gene Trowbridge, C.C.l.M TROWBRIDGE ~ I ANO ASSOCIATES 714/150.IZJS C ARAGE SA LE ads 111 Lr you're not read101: th e the Daily Pilo( bring little ads in Cla~:.1f1ed . happy resul~ To plare you're mtSsmg a lot of your drawing ca rd . newsy information as ~~:~!_oday! I ~~real buys MOT TOO IRJGHT Owner has wcml tthws. however, his accoW\tant said "Sci I! 1" 0011 'l "orry about the down . Hl .. •'11 even c·ousidcr an EX-W.JFE for the dowf! payment and carry the IJalann· himself. In Newport 3 Br 2 sty w.bll·lll kll t h .. huge s undeck & walk LI' bcat h Reduced to Sl79,500. • F9WICHi FOi TODA rs MAlllT • OCEANFRONTS BEA UTIFUL SINGLE FAMI L Y low down. low mlt•rcst rcilt'. 30 \'r loan . NEAR NEW DL'PLEX low down , low interest rate. 29) rs It'll LIKE NEW Ol'PLEX n·al I~)\' down. low intcrl'st ralt'. 10 ) r loan JACOBS REAL l 67>6670 2919 tWwporl l!Yd., comtt 30th LIDO rEHIHSUU FOR $58,000 ora. TODA y 12.s 700.LIDO PARll.D.RIYE U t>wt<•" ...,."' ~ daily CllKI rx;· rt er-, A111> ...,.,. J70o ron UNntdl t_!!Y. Tht •----1=~".!'! t or mo DAllYPICOT cnSW'S :::'. 8-rd licDity for the first Owner.will help finance. - 1251 SUIRJME WAY SAT/SUM 1-5 :amily relocating out or . tM l' and need to sell their mobil t· h1>m£> 2 bedrooms. 2 bath . doublt• '' 1cle \\ CJlk to shops and. be<.1l'h 0\\ lll'r" a re VE RY ANXIOUS ~ I I ..... ttotfh.M•* !': i11correct iuertio11 ~~AUi• =I Otity. V0<lll0fl R•m•I> ~ a:=.~:':;~ ::1--------1 Off~ Rtftl•I • 4400 :'::'a1~:::~1 !: Ho.ses for Sate . ~ ..... rd ~························ .... mNESS, lllYEST· !:!~ .......... ~?.~~ .. ENT, fllllllCE , Ca111tery Village -·~· ~ New Cupe Cod 2 story ....._.._ "8IO bldg on pnml' street I:!:.'::: ~.:ir . = 1.lnl sq ft + 5 1·ar µkl( .._,..,...... llll) Re s1denr11 off1re up· =·~~~.: = SlaJrs. roof toµ dt•l'k. rt• AMMOllllCEMENTS, tail downstairs $375,000 PEMllS& Opet! Sat/S.11 1-5 4 I 0 3 ht St. H.I . LOST & FOUND bi3 6776 SEIYICES ~~..,. EMPLOYMENT & PIEPlllTIOll SthoohlMtni<tlOfl JollW"Ulod• ~p Vl'Ulld. M 4 f' MERCNAllOISE :::1--------= You D•ttr•e wo The lest = And this beauttfull) uµ f!raded Wests1dt> home 1i. JUS I th al ~ IO\ el~ tx'llrooms w11 h room to rdax A deh.,:htful thn 1ni; room an•a t•hork full ~ of hos1111ah1~ Muturl' 11«1 landsraµe1I lol "'1th shadl' rrl'l's. Jnfl J pat 1u Nestled on a quil'I 1·ul 1h• s a1· st r et'I Onl\· 5 minutes to the OCE;\I'\' $121.900. Suhm1t termi.. 1·all nght "°"' ' 9;9.2390 9110 tllll t llil 'lllO 1160 '170 j l81J IMOO Jint f:Or fvlL -Handsome 4 !\edroom Ml'sa Woods POOL home prondes you with ~ear round l'njoyment • f ormal dining room for l'ntrrlainini:. in\ 1t1n g famil~ room. fireplan• and 21: baths \'erv pr 1,·ue . n1 r e l ~ landstapcd g round :!: features a c·~ st al blue mi pool! Close to Lht! Plaza :!: Sl9'J.OOO Owner wlll help 1(61 finam·e at bdow ma rkct :,: interest Don't v.a11. ('all -OQIA' ! 979.2390 U•e '" 011t RtlltThtOthtr ;\ltra<11velv remodeled duplex nestled on an oversized lot m Santa Ana Heights Llnin rnrporaled area. Great rental hK'al1on Ownt'r anxious and will help ftnanre. Too good an op portun1l) t o pass ! S189,900. See today! 979-2300 ' s.r.a.f.A·D O.U.T Mesa Verde t'XerulJ\'C gin~s yoo morl' home for lhe monlW~ 4 bedroom.s. 2 baths. laq:e formal d101n1t room . separate ramily room. and an OJn tktue r1rcpla\'{' for c·ool --w t n tt· 1" "'' ' n;ltr ~ s : Spacious t•orncr lot Is • ne:arh· 1, a1·n· amt has a :: t'll\'CMI µa t10 and room -for a pool & spu! Ow ner = will 1'00s1th•r all orrcrs. -fi!Ulll<'ini: 1!! nl'gotiablr ... Sllfl,500. Cull for an ap ·: pomt~nt. 979.2390 .. f7f.Jlt0 = 3707 S. BRISTOL .......... ·• · ·• SANT A ANA :·~::::-. .:: ....... ~-.:·:a ... ·.·.'.",,:. ·.·::::: ... ·.-· .... . ........... !' ....... :·:::· ::::c. I ,. ..... '. ............ , .. ·:::.·:.·:::: ... ~::::.• ......................... -. .... .. i NEWPORT llACH DUPLEX OWNER WILL FtHAMCE AT I 3% 200' to beach. 4 Bedrooms, 2 baths in upper: 2 Bedrooms in lower. Some view of· oeean. f<~ireplaces. Patios. $279,500. Owner will carry 1st trust deed of S230.000 at tr~. No loan fee. 111 ·Ord ST .. N.I. OPEN SUM l·S . FOi LUSE -SI 200 MO. New listing. Big eyn Townhome with exciting golf course view. Unfum. El Dorado Model with 3 bdrms~ dining rm & 21 2 baths. Pool. jacuzzi & tennis. 21 CA.HYON iSUHD DR. SUM 1-5 WESLEY M. TA ROR CO.. IULTORS 2111 S. Joocpiia Hill loed NEWPORT CENTEI. tU. 644-49 I 0 ENGLISH OM FEE LAND TUDOR IN EASTILUFF Charming home• on a ~auliful pool homl' lo,el} tree-hned stret-t with i·ity lii:hts \ll'"' 1 ,\:. and. pnde of ownership sum(' St2S,OOO 1st al • ne1Rhborhood 3 Bdrm. 9J<'. mtc·r..-st ~ lar)!l' ! largl' walk in C'losets. 2 b I I r bath. sunny hrt•akfast crms. P us .ami l ~ I noolt. dometl <"l"ihnged room. Only S32S.OOO. Call It\ 1ng room. lots or fJ.8S50 WI ~;~, 0•1> SIOUOO JlW'tJ•-i I THE REAL ESTATERS $70,000 DOWN 10 units. 20', cl~n w sml l'ash flow. 4 hlh from hearh Hurr~;. Lin<IJ. as,'l 631·1..266 $93,500 --13.6% . Terms• Noquahr~ IOI!' A fantast1 r afford a bit' homt' w1t1l 11rn• a r y CO''"' ert'flenl~'. formal hn ni.: room. add<•1t ram1I~ room v.1th brit·k rircplare J huj!e bdrms. 2 baths. 'l'I';< pm ate re :tr yard. Pr1c·c only $126.500. 646 7171 THE REAL ESTATERS flhlfs Least• opt 11in 2 hr. wiitr i:reenbt'lt 5139.500 flkr. &44~013-l LEASE OPTION IH THE BLUFFS Fanlast11· ll·rm~· Just $2 l.IXXl clov. n Jntl Sl200 ~t·r mo~~l:l~-utt­J(T;i"1f; d 1· n 11 u n 1 t f 1•alures. Oak µlankmi.: ancl wooci shulll'rs Nt·v. 1·:.1r11et~ llurr~. <·all 673 ~ $62.200 Sl!I family home 1·om pll'lely reno\ ated, l'leun as a whistle, t•ute as a bug. Linda, agt !i31·1266 WOODlltlDGf AUOIUll Gated co mmunity for your privacy. Near the lake. Totally upgraded with gorgeous patio for enter- taining. Take over existing lo ans. Owner will assist w I ad- ditional financing. $210.000 Mack -Hanson 5.51·8700 CIE llDlll ILlllS ca. OVER 55 YEARS OF SERVICE #3 IUE FONT AIMEILUU llG CANYON OHH SUM l·S New Li sting Bea utifull y Upgraded Dover Unit -Single Story 2 Bdrm , 2 Baths + Den Bright. Cheerful Decor -S~cial WalJ Coverings Shows Lik e A Mode I Owner W i 11 Carry Financing You Are Invited To Inspect Enter By West Gate. And Check In With Guard -Price, $425.000. 1207 SUSSU LAME WESTCLIFF OHH SUN l·S PllCE REDUCTION UASl/OPTION, OR SALE Like New 4 Bedrm 3 Ba Home In Beautiful Westcliff Detached Home On Fee Land (You Own It). Owner Flexi ble . Price. On ly $275.000. 542 HARIOR IS&.AMD DllYE PIOMOMTOIY IAY onH SUN 12:30.4:30 Custom Bayfront. F EE LA ND . Parquet Firs, New Cpts. 3 BR + conv Den. 312 Ba. Sep D.R. Huge F .R. W/We t Ba r . Kit c he n W /Pantry. Brkfst Rm . Sauna Study. 3·Car Gar. Wood Deck. Bav. fi~~:~:Ue Will_ Carry_Lrg..2ncL TUITI.HOCIC VISTA Beautiful_!y _l!Qg~ded S~cious 4 13R-mfme tnTUrtlerock Vista. Rare. Desirable Waldorf Plan. Prof Decorated. Spa. A Pleasure To Show. Call l:ls. P-Ficed At $324,500 .• ILUFFS SIMGU LIVa Lovely View -2 BR. 2 BA -End Unit -Decorator Wlprs , Drapes - Plantation Shutters -Super Financin~ -Lrg Assum Low Int Loan -'Shows Like A Jewel" -$?5~,000. A 11 Joy Of Newport 11 L1stmg. . IAYSHOUS Prime Bayfronl View. Pier. Dock. Quality 5 BR Jn Desirable Gated Comm. Pvt Beach. Beautifully Upgraded. Even If Purchased With Land. $2,076,600 Total Price Is Less Than Equal Locations With Equal Amenities. Onl y $975 ,000 If Leasehold .~ · HOISi PIOflEITY Dramatic Home -Approx . % Acres -4 BR -Pool -Spa - Remodeled Recently -Park 8 Cars + R.V. -.Great Location -Can Keep 3 Horses. Maybe More. On Your Own Property. SUMSITS PLUS VIEW SUP9l DWI.IX Great Costa Mesa location two 2 _BR "doll house" w /_garages. Great assum. fin anc· ing. Seller w /carry large 2nd T. D. $160,000 Holly Marku. ·64•-6200 t N53) .. • • , ••••••• Lovely Courtyard Entry -. Ti I~ Galore -+ bay View -Huge Patio -Potted Plants -Flowing -··Fountains ~ lndaor/Outdoor1.iving -2 BR 2 BA Condo Shows Better LAD MISSIOM VllJO New custom home in guarded community of Tres Vistas. Lake views from most rooms. Elegant French Country has extensive use of natural rock. Library w /solid oak paneling. Separate maid's quarters. Gourmet kitchen & much more. Owner will assist in financing. '765,000 Kate Heppler l55-G43 (NS4) I •• Than A Model. A "Joy Of Newport'' Listing. SUHNYMIAO FOUIPUX . ATTENT.JON INV ESTORS ! Attractive Spanish Style 2 BR Furnished •-Plex. No Vaca ncies. Good IAcation. South Of Riverside. Excellent Terms. $139,500. --.......... . 759-11• . uc.,..~ .... ,..c.... RESIOEHllAt Rf Al ESlAJ( SERVICES IY THE IAY-IUY UYSHORES: We cordially invite you to pre\'1ew these exclusive listings, all with ex- cellent financinJ?. Open for a special showing Sunday. January 17th from 12:00·4.00: 2715 Bayshore Or. 266 1 Crestview Dr 2515 Crestview Dr. 2502 Vista Dr. $285.000 $298.500 S339.500 S495.'000 Fee Also please call for appointment to see these other fine Ba vshores homes. · 2552 Vista Of'. 2722 Circle Or. 2482 Bayshore Dr $275,000 $249,500 $1.900.000 Fee IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 REALTORS! IF YOU CAH UUCiH AT $50,000 A YUR then Lusk R eali y l b i.fl.ks.-.:v o.u h-<i v.e • great sense of humor. Actual· ly there is nothing funny about SS0.000 a year: in ract. it's pretty good money. But if you look at it through the eyes of a person who works hard and has the O(>portunity it 's just a s tepring s tone up the financia ladder. / Al Lusk Realty. we af"f! going to create opport1,mities for re- altors who want to work hard and make a lot of money. We have created concepts that wi ll give the right person the op· portW\ily to soar. We are looking for a few real estate persons with the talent, instinct and ambition to turn these opportunities into a gold mine. The opportunity is there for success but not everyone will recognize it -do you? If you are interested in findin g out where we are going and if you want to come with 11s, we cordially .invite you to a luncheon. We wilJ outline our success plan to you in detail. . W~af"e _going to in vite only thirty fi ve realtors by in · vitation. If you want to be one of those realtors phone Richard Fentiman 675·34 l l Monday lhru Friday. A1 .. Wllryef ... D.h1k&S• 2111 l••• c.. ....... , c.. ...... .. llG CJ.HYON Mc· Lam Greenbrier spltt·le\ t i <'nnd o with golf c·oursl' \'ll'W Pool :-µa Lennis security. Ass um ahl t' .1<1:111 A !->k1n~ $26.5,000. LIDO ISLE This spark ling dean 3 bedroom home is on an extra wide rnrner lot l.ar~c assumable loan :it I:!': unrl O\\ ner v. ill carry. P&llHSULA POINT 2 houses on I lot. Half blot·k to be ach These 2 bdrm. 2 l>ath . <'t1mplt•ll1ly separate housrs ha\·e high assumable loans and own(•r will t·ar-ry Jumbo 2nd T.Q. $385,000. Pete Barrett Real presents COSTA MESA RESIDENCE S9X.500 MESA DB. MAR HOME 135.000 ~.COHOO-Slt5.0t.W IALIOA RESIDENCE Sl.55.000 IRVINE HOME Sl:ii .soo SAM DIEGO CO. Sli.l,ooo MESA VERDE RESIDENCE s1;:1 i50 NEWPORT ICH HOME Sli 5.000 HUNTG ICH RESIDENCE . 2111.000 MW" ICH CONDO $215.000 NEWPORT SHORES S250 '()()() NEWPORT IUCH DUPLEX S2X9.!l00 MW" ICH llUFFS ~ Sl!l~i.000 IALIOA RESIDENCE S:l25.000 IALIOA DUPLEX $3:l9.000 DOVER SHORES 5425.000 CdMHOME S425.000 DOVB SHORES s.525.000 IALIOA COVES S.550.000 NW"ICH HOME $600,000 IAYSHOllESRlstDEHCE Sli25.ooo M.I . COM. WATHFlOHT $650. ()()() IALIOA ISl.AMD HOME S750,000 Pl.IASI CALL . ' 1 i ~ollegee offering workshops C al St ate Fullerton and Cal S tate L i>na BeacJI each will be olfertn, a full s late of test _prepa raUon courses be1lnntn1 rn January. The Teat Pre paration Workshop Serles focuses on the Graduate Record Exam <GRE>; }..a w School Admission Test <J:SAT >; Graduate Manaaement AdmlHlon Test CGMAT); National Teacher Exam (NTE>; Exam i n Wra tl n g Proficie n cy ( EW P >; Teat of Englis h as a Fore ign L a ngu a g e (TO EFL): a nd th e Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). Sessions a re designed to assist students to do their best on the various exams by familiarizing them with the subject areas covered, giving them ins ight Into the type~ of que'Stions and provi di ng tim e -t e s t practice. I mportan t test-t a king strate gie s and techniques also are stressed. · Classes beginning in Janua r y m eet fr o m _-1bJ:ee to-live. times on Saturda y m ornin g s . Registration fees r ange from $55 to $85 a nd Include all mate rials . The workshop series is direc t e d b y J er r y Bobrow, who a uthored 14 w·e ll -k n o w n l est preparation books . A dd it io n a l i-ofor-mation m ay-be obta ined by telephoning (714) 773-2611 or C213 l 708-0558. Vet backed S A N F RA NC ISCO (AP > -·T h e S an Francisco Civil Service Commission has ordered the Police Department to hire a Vi etn am veteran as a wliceman . giving the man who ha s suffered from traum atic combat stress a chance l o pr ov e h e h a s mas ter ed the disorder. The commission in a 3· l v o t e gru d gingl y o v e rrul e d t h e department's refus al lo hire 34-year-old Ra ndy Ta ylor. .11111 1mc11 HAYES RO.B ERTA· KAT ll RY N HAYES. aka. BOBBIE EVE· ERS. born on August 16. 1933. Died January 14, 1982 at 7: 11 PM at the age or 48. She w as :i resident or Newport Beach. Ca at thl' time or her death She is survived by her chilcl n·n. Mary Rowe. Blat:.e Evers. Kathryn Van Loon. M ichiiel Evers, Terry Ever'I. Buzzy E ve r s. Mar.1:are l Cruikshank. Sean F:vers und P aul Evers A Me morial ~__.......,,s._wil! be ht·ld p~mday January 17. 1982 at 7 JOPM at the Holy f'am1ly Catholic Cathedral, Orange. Ca : Nentilne Societv cHklTIO.. au111AL Al su . 64~-7431 . Uillterfture t errstliM complete story of ourl CMl .... frW~le M 1W1. Ce,,../llllr. McCOllMICIC MOllTUARIH Laguna Beach' 494·9415 Laguna Holts 768·0933 San Juan Capistrano ' 495·1776 ~ LAWM--MT. OLIVI Mortuary •Cemetery Crema tory 1625 Gosier Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 ,_ClllOntHS 1&1 llOADWAY MOITUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9 150 IA&.Tl IHGHOM SMfTH & TUTHtU. WISTCUH CHAN&. 427 E 17th St Costa MAS& 646-9371 ,_ClliOTMIH SMmtl' MOaTUAllY 617 Main St Huntington Beactl 536-6539 Orange CoHt DAILY PIL:OT/Stmday. J anuary 17, 1982 . . ........... TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE Compos ite photo shows a seque l of total luna r eclipse oh~erved last Sun day in Tokyo a nc! olhto>r pa rts in J apan. The lunar eclipse. which took place for the first ti mt· in two yea r~ a nd four months. lasted for three ho urs a nd 25 manutt's Parenting claa• slated · • Wh1&l Now!'• o r "£ve r y t h ln K Y ou Alwaya Wanted to Know About Kida But We re ACrald to As4." Is the ti tle of a parent e duc a tion p rogram whlch will be sponsored by the Orange County Chapter of the March of Dimes. T he six -we e k c l ass starts J an. 20 and will .m eet each Wedneschtf from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Assistance Lea g ue o f Orang e, Ch apte r H o u se , 12 4 So uth Orange, Orange. T h e pro gr a m Is d esigned for mothe rs a nd father.s of ,y oung children from infa nt to ag e 5 who wan t t o acquire parenting skills· and a b e tt e r unders tanding whe n re lating t o th ei r ch ildren . Topics will i n c lud e ph ys i ca l developme nt. discipline, s a f e t y , a c c id e nt prevention, play, social developme nt. p hysical ca r e a nd ea rl y sexuality. • 5 6 7 8 .. ........ Wt ....... ForWt ........ ,.,.Wt ..................................................................... ._,.. · IOOJ ~ . · 100) hMnl ltoJ . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• PREVIEW JHt .... C.M. O...S.1·4o.W Stor(in~ out! Thi~ i5 \he 11h)('t1° lit~ J\ 2 lot , nt-llt 3 bdrm. i · IJuth ho nw. SIO\o\111).l c.luwu'1• Thi~ 15 lh1· pltH I!. r1101J) lo f(arcl1:n, Ol'llr 'hUPt>tll~ o'; onl~.Sl icJ.~ 'fio1ww1 lid Am ~{~u;jrht"~ ~ G'IJ-811!/lt JN1 !, Coaet ""'·· C4ll McJIColOllJt Styli5h, c•l11phourt1 . 5hu ternd 4000 sq rt II\ na )'llhorl'• ~ btl rrn . lar~r 1M n11rm. dhlln i;rm 1nmcled hbory and IJ111 ran11I> r 111. ll141:c• k1t1•hcn. vaotr> und rumrly l'ut1 na 1111"11 S l' 1· U r I I )" & \ O U 11 d ~p tc·m~. h.iril~nod floor~. tcuk 111101 •ll1k l·11til11ru. w111l' ~1111 ui;c, marbll' bath~ 11nd ex, lms11 t· panl'llng arl' on I) :a samphnit or tht> <1uahl~ lcatu1 \' $9 I 0,000 Ftt J>wner 631 29tl8 $119,500 TllMS TllMS!! Owner wantli out! Super 3 Hdrrn 2 bulh homr wu h lu rgl! llvlnR/fam1 ly urt'11. Bnck ri re1>J11ce Nort h Costa Mua ba rgatn: Call nov.•, ;e11 LOWDOWN- IEACHHOUSE OWC Isl long terms l,rg 2·SIY beal'h bome on ly Sl6S.OOO Hurr) call ST ART SMART On ""'"'' t·ustum <.:onilos White-Water Views 1111)('1 a t 63. I 1266 IH.. COSTA MESA <'(XX) i' Mf rt 2 lldrm 2 Assun~ $81.000 1n lo.an~ ha. oiwn lwam n•lhn~b. at~ rm Pamtl~ room 11n1 i.pas &. 1·lt1 ator<, -., rca\ur~ l'Ol} ftrl·pla11" !>l't"\IMI} l>ldi: s .. oo 020 FINANCING! J lari:l' bdrm!> s1wk1 Kl'flt IU\.\ 192 ~oo:i FANTASTIC! 1ngrlcan 1·ond111on Onh -------•I SIS.000 down. owner wrll $12.').000!Callti7385~ Hptloy•ltwColtdo rarr~ tht rrnanrrni: Elc.:anl i':nl(h!>h m1Jt1f Super !>harp 2 Odrm 2 c•rolo\o mvul1~1ni:. liath tolo\nhome 1·ondo hwuI1an~'(I r1ph . i.hul· Puol. bllUntt. and ~pa ll'r... lira~~ appts cir 2 Crt!at ll'rms! Great br 2 ba, lull ~1·rur111 bargam' S109.!IOO. W.11 THE REAL ESTATERS Pretty Easy Sewing! JOI ,'. ltn. ;11,111 oow. 5-16-231.3 S28J.250 m 1120 o!!!! =r ~ • 1\nxl~,~~!~~~fi '''" ~•11~ t· There is no fee for the classes, but registrat ion i s s u ~ges t ed . F'or further information or to r egister, call the March of Dimes al 979-2270 or SL J oseph Hospital at 633-9111, ext. 7246. D A I mitNIH ofter-lhr<·r :romrtlnrrg ltrSt'l'""I !'---..., •Well fmHnrt• ~all• l'la.~s1r1N1 :ids do 1t we!l Polish confrontation •W11l lra:.1~uµtwn •lmnK!il1;it1· unup.1n1·1 • Pni·t~I tu ~l'll For Ad Acti1n 'Cold War' • revives ~og aids L I . ~y·· ·I· ·rtrl 'Call a Daily Pilet AO.VISOR 642-5678 By .J>ON . .McLEOD AHecla'lN ....... I"~ The new East · West confrontation over Poland has revived Cold Wa r b icke r i n g ove r the 1945 Yalta agreements that w:?re s upposed to assure peace and freedom in.Eastern Europe alter Wor ld War II. With Poland under a m artial law tha t Preside nt Reagan blames on the Soviet Union, there a re calls for Weste rn r eject ion of the . Ya lta accords. Despite pledges at Yalta of Cree e lect ions, the n ations of East ern· The Communist Party gained control of Poland January, 1947 z n Europe one by one became Soviet puppets. Poland, a major concern at the confere n ce. cam e unde r Communist Pa rty control in UM7. Former national security adviser . Zbigniew Brzezinski raised the idea of renouncing t he accor ds in a television inter view last ~eek, a nd the WalJ Street :Journal said in an editorial that r e no uncing Yalta ·'would send a clear message to Eas tern Europe's peoples that we have not written off their aspirations for a better future.·· Freedom for Eastern Europe was exactly what the Ya lta accords were intended to gua ra ntee, however. S in ce th e a greem e n ts we r e reached in February 1945, Yatta has J{u s~ian S.UCUfll), s ay1n1 .. firemen '''I'ftrougnout his.tory, Po1ana Has· -D I N'u'BA ,·~j,", bee n the corrid<>r for attack on D " b f" r· h t Rus~aa." 1n ~ a i re 1g ers At the lime. Soviet troops occupied c~edated ~ bark_tnfit dog Poland, and Mos1:ow could have done with k~ping a fire fro!11 pretty much a~ it pleased But the s preading al a ce:am.1c war was not quite over. and neither s~op. The do~, Peanuts. side wanted a s plit a t this critical had been st ationed al point P o tt s . a nd Kn ots Cer a mi cs by owners T he ··Ya lta Declarat io 11 on J e r ry a nd L avern Li ber ated Europe" obit gated the .big T I I I a r y. to g i v e a powers to help the coun tries w a rnin g if bu r g l ars libe rated from German occupation sho wed up. and the former Axis s atellite states p e a n u l s bark i n g ''to fo~m int erim governm~mlal a w a ke ned a neigh bor authorities broadly representative of who a lerted fi refighte rs , all democrut ic c lements in t he who · we re able to hold population and plooged to the earliest dam age to $250. possible establishment th rough ft ee -· -• e lections of gover nments responsive to the will of the people .. The declaration also contained this i n t eresting. but long forgotten, provision .. When. in the opinion or the t hree governmen ts . conditions in any European liberated state or a ny fo rmer Axis satellite make such action necess a r y . they w ill immed iately e::.tablish appropriate machinery for the carrying out or the joint responsibilities ~ct forth.·· NOTICIOI' NQN.lllS~l81LITY "OTICE IS HEREBY COVE" It.et IM under~ will noi be '•'""'"•bl• lor any _,or hal>llltl" <orilra<.._CI _by any--11\en m rull. on Of •hcflllls die• D•l•d lfll•I"' day ol J,,,..,.r,. 1..-z Kevin 8 . ........,..,,. IGEdi-r A,,.., Huntinvtori S.acll O llfomla rn.1 Publl~ Or-Cont Oallr P1101 Jen 10, 11, 17. ,.., Xle-t1 p I L -- 0 T :\o lllJll\'r. liullons rot C• ' llni: prn!,ll'm~ th•~ poµon •~a olJ1 l'\l'n If Yalta wP.rc still binding. the West could ar~ue that this obligates the Big Three to rntcrvene JOintly in Poland . I llli! .JI!\ llffil' 1lt•l 11:h1 .Ju,r "'r.1p anti ~J'h thr .. ui:h >1tlt• ~111~ lo nip NOTICEOF DE ATH OF L w ai~I :'oi olt' h.i ri· VIN KO TOMAZIN AN D I shoultkr,.~ohf11ld> O F p E T 1 T I o N T 0 I Prtnled Pall(•rn ~11:111 '11 .&CMM'iY 631 -3444 11. \H BOU HE.\ LT~· DUPLEX CORONA oa MAR With just 20<'.4 down, owne r will fina nce at 121 z'i interest ! Large War mington built duplex with 3 bdrms. and 2 baths in EACH unit. Deluxe throughout with fireplaces. pr ivate garages. bit. in kitchens , beam ceilings. carpets and drapes. A super value al S.119.000. llUFfS "C" -rLAH Ter rific location overlooking the pool. Spacious 4 bdrm. 3. bath condo. S29.95() moves you m ! 30 year 12' 2' ~ financing $299,500 L.H. full price Laving r m opens onto large patio perfeC'l for sum mer. e n ter ta1n1n g. 4th bd rm . is downstairs ideal as an office or teenagers room. 2402 Vist a Nobleza wall be open Sun t to 5 IAUOA CONDO Full security bayfront building with swi m min g pool a nd boat slip ava ilable. Nicely detorated J bdrm. bayview a p t availabl e fo r immediate occupancy under a lease option. Out of town owner says "Sell !·· Priced right at $299,500. The Soviets. on the other · hand, would ~on tend tha t a responsive government was formed in Polanc1 by t he will of tht: people a nd t his government 1 ~ frcl' to do what it ADMINISTER ESTATE ·1 lkrt Gcii;t·r •01111•, in lh. ~ Sw I~ 1 1J11~1 :101 ~ HAVASU NO.A-111716. A ~ltSSt"l\Slt('\1\.111 t~.11 T o a ti h e i r s . I 1al.1·, 2 s R "'' 1;0 1111 h beneficiaries. creditors t:ohn·· · S u perb dese r t h o m e w ith \\l~er1ls a nd contingent credl tor s of Smet S! 50 11,, : hi~ p,1111 breathtaking water and mountain Stahn also agreed a t Yalta-to VI N KO TOMAZ IN a nd s t·d Pa1t1·rn to 0 1\ILY views. 3 bdrms. and bath. la rge I d . t . h pe r sons who m a y b e I PILOT. Bo~ Sil, 0111 gour met kitchen, family room and rnc u e non·comm unts s rn t e new otherwise interested in the Chrl~cJ Sia . .'\l'...-Yori.. pool. Overlooks the-golf course. governments or Eastern Europe. Al will and/or esta te. N v 1011J .\dct 5(){· fort Completely air conditioned . Only ~ome 4l code worcL lor Sov iet dom ination or its Eastern European neig hbors. And in the Cold War r hetoric of the 1950s it was painted as the time t his was con5ider cd a major A petition has been ti led s l 11ollllli! a.~P.t!.l.:lul $160,000. Owner will finance at concession by Stalin. ,-~rl-ib"-<01~J+i:a_m-.11e .... s ... ...w,·E,,_,:.._H ........ e..,1,..,m ..... ___ •1 __ ...,.',h~atrndh'l""m.::,1Cr--P,.,nmnt,...:-...,a'"<'m1'1t'~ . ._..u~"'~·R44lqiM-------'•----i.--~ Co-a1ttion-guv-ernm elft"r' · j ' · · I "lorme d acco rding to t he Yalta County of Orange in the ~umbera~d S11t: Ple d ge. Electio ns wer e he ld in Superior Court of Orange 1 &>1L~a1tonal .;-a1~ni:~ un I COIOMA oa MAI LOT Ocean and bay views in a quiet area away from the crowds, but just a s hort wa lk to the beach. Oversized R· I lot with 75~ owner financing. priced to sell at $595,000. · a betrayal--of 1he-people of-East~rn Europe. President Fra nklin Roosevelt of the United States, Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Great Britain and Pre mier Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union met al Yjalta. a Soviet seaport on the Black Sea, as World War 11 was concluding in Europe. One of the ct\!e f objectives was to bring Russia into the war against J apan once Germany was subdued. Agreem ent t o form t he United Nat ions was a lso reached al the conference. . Or c urrent interest is the Yalta accord on the dispos ition of post-war Europe. The allies agreed to divide Ge rmany into zones for separ ate a dministration a fter t he s urrende r ins lead or joint occupation, a decision which leaves Germ any still divided. They also shifted the boundaries of Poland. restoring to the So\riet Union a s ection it gave up in World War I and adding to P oland portions of e astern Germany with large Polis h populations. America and Brita in, concerned for tbe future of the redefined Poland living In the shadow of a hostile S o viet U nio n , also sought t o golll'antee the country's freedom. - Churchill said at YaJta that Britain had gone to war so that •·Poland should be fru and sovereign ... We drew our swords for Poland." Both Britain and France had declared war against Germany after the blitakrieg of Poland in 1939. .,: Stalin stressed the ,pro ble m of COVnty renuest ing that M'llSattonal dnthl':. alt' H.u n n a r y i n .1 ° 4.5 , i n w h i ~h .., ~ a. 07 -J ames E. Heim, Public ,·ours v.ath our :"\f:W communists won only one -fi fth or l e Adm inistrator, County of ·1982 P RO )I I ,;I, 1-• .'\T vote. Early in 1948, Hung ary's Orange be appoi nted as D~IG 'f.R l'\TTER~ Com munist P arty, thro ugh its personal representative to F CATALOG You!'a1eS.">f1 control of the ministr y or lhe interior, adm inister the estate of to $500 anil nmrl' "'htn arrested leading politicians, forced Vinko Tomazin (under the )oo se"'' ,\II 1 hi' top the resignation of Premier Ferenc I n d e P e n d e n t 1 n:imr~. ntwest cas) to 1 Adm. · t t• f E t t S<'lo\ destl(nt•r look:. 1n • 1 Nagy and gained full control. rn es ra ron o s a es Act). The petition Is set for d r I's s es . t• u J t ., . I n Rom an i a, a co a I i ti o n hearing in Dept. No. 3 at sports\\ ear rlus scic- gover nm e n t h ea d e d b y a 700 Civic Cente r Drive, BONL"S couro~ fur w t . c· f s an) pattern or ~our non-communis t was overthrown in es ·, in the 1ty o a nta E choi~e. Send Sl 50 for 1>ecembe r 1947 , a nd a peo p le 's Ana . Cal i t o rn la on F b 3 98 Book 'J7 nQW re public was proclaimed . Bulgaria 's e ruary • 1 2 at 9: 30 coali{ion government was replaced in a.m . When you rail Classihed I IF YOU OBJ ECT to the toplace anad,you'reas-a e w mo nths by a c ommunist ;ira nting of the petition, D sured of a friendly l'epu blk h Id Ith welcome and help in • Co mmunis ts captured one·lh1"rd of fOV s 00 e er a ppear . :.t the hearing and state wording your ad for best the vote in Czechoslovakia's elections f OUr objec tions or file response. Call Now ? in 1946, and e merged as the dominant Nrltten objections with the 6(2.5678 coa litio n p art ne r . Commun i s ts :o.,r t before the hearing. consolidated the ir total cont rol in Your appearance may be 1948 n person o r b y your 3ttorney. · Thirty years after Ya lta, 35 nations I F y o u A R E A meeting in He lsin ki, Finland, signed c. R E D 1 T o R 0 r a a pact on Secur ity and Cooperation in :ontlngenl .credllor of the Europe which affirmed the national ~eceased, you m u.st file borders whkh evolved after World fOur claim with the court War II. 'l r pre sent !t to the For Classified Ad ACTION Calla Daily Pilot AD-VISOR 6(2.5678 INVESTMENTS 5.5 ACRES * CAPISTUMO Ideal horse ranch with a view from Saddleback to the ocean. Within the city l i m its. but privat e a nd secluded. Owner may e xchange . $695,000. IAllOA ISl.AMD COMMllCIAL Prime Ma rine Ave. prope rty is seldom available for s ale. Act fast ! l OO'fr occupie d building with attractive bnck facing. S498.000 a nd owner will finance. COSTA MBA IEtAI. C8fTll The Helsinki Accords pledged oe r sonal representat ive mcreased cooperation between the !ppointed by the court '6 4 2 High traffic West 19th St. corrfer loca tion. Complet ely lease d to ·· ········ ····· .. ··-··-······-··! desirable tenants. Motivated out of " . town owner will finance. $477,000 .vlthln rour months from nations of E astern and Western the da te of fi rst Issuance Eur ope to allay th ree decades of f letters as provided In ten~ions . T h ey a lso pl'o hiht1h>-..tr;ectlon 700 of the probate outs ide interfere nce in the inlemaJ :ode of Calltorn la . The a ffair s of any o f the s igna t ory tim e for filing claims will nations. . 11ot expire prior to four This appeared t o abrogate the months from the da te of Yalta obligation or the Big Three to the hearing noticed above. i i I d d d YOU MAY EXAMINE nsure nterna or er a n emocracy the file k'ept by the court. In the forme r ca ptive n ations of If you are interested In the World Wa r II. estate, you may file a • ~·J;.., ---+ -L.H. 7.J ACllS 1-J '1-(\ i on Highland Ave. j ust two blocks ' ' -· ; from the fwy in North E ast San Businessmen l Berna rdin o . Great v isibility . t f 110u ore doing ! Approved for tro condos. $2,100,000. b 1u1 ntu un dtr o I Flcliliou& Busineu • 1.'Vome you ore req1med I 17141 673-4400 12111 ua.2ez1 Sheep hunt tag auctioned r equest with the court to r eceive special notice or the inventory of estate and of the petitions, accounts and reports described ln s e c tion 1200.s o f the Ca llfornl1 PrObate Code. 5 6 7 I. by law 1 Busmeu and ; Pro/tuiont'Codt. Stt I 17900 to 179.'IO 1 to /Ill o F'1clllloU1 8u~intu l TH H.tMw Artt't ~ ht ... •dltelhlllt C.. .. 'f lb\llll()l-\ RE NO CAP) -A Texan wh(> bid $21,0SO for the privilege of buntlnc a desert bighorn sheep bagged one of the prized animals In the hills a bove Laa Ve gas recentlf, the Ne va d a Department of WildUre unounced. Francia Bouchard of ll~Allen, Texa1, WM the hl1h bidder for a . •pedal Neveda bi1horn sheep taa auctioned to th "highest bidder . Wild life De partment s pokesman David Rice sa id the state receives thousa nda of demands every year from j)e()ple who want to hunt.-the s heep. Rice said the desert blllhoms are "undo ubte dl y the m ost tou•ht-after bl1 s ame animal In the Unit ed States!' KMM& Dlo.. JSU W. Cent Hwy. 401 'New.-t IHclt, ca. tH6J MMM4 . Pul>llShed Orefl99 C~st 0 1lly Pilot, Jen. 10, 16, 17, 1992 209·82 .. • 8 Name Slottmtnt and ! hGtw II pt1f>11sW. /'!' four c~iw wnki' WE at th DAILY @ LOT COit llflp IOUll th. C.U IM L£CA4 £PART1'1 £NT 4' ' Mm tn JU tot · ,..,.., ..,.,..,,.. .... r ----· ~ j • ~.~!':'!': ........ ~·.~.':!:. ....... ~.':':.~ ........ ~.':':.~ ....... , ~:.':':..':!:. .... ~ .. •••rll 1eo2 .... ,.. 1002 .... ,.. 1002 .... ,.. 1002 •••r• 1001 -······················· ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LOWEST PICE. ON UDO Y .... -. .. HUHY .. pt 11 • M ta· ..................................... ..... 2..._2..._..,.., __ _ ......... ..._ Mtt _,of Lido. C .. for ....... ti... \ IKY $287,tXM) BURR WHITE REALTOR . l,.,.C . 6H-4630 IFintl whul you want 1n 1,>a11J Pilot t'lussif l\'<ls HAllOl llOGI OPIM TODAY I ·5 U MOMACO An l'Xquml~ 0Ut•ri111t Elt•gunt " !IPlll'IOUS 3 bdrm + rumlly honw . l lt·v home wiµunuru mk \'ls ta of hurbo r , 1·ou.sthnc'. oc·~an & n111ht hl(hts. Prt•Slll(t' l'Omfort, luxury & s el·urity . lledUC'l'<I now $695,000 !Own~r nnan1·1ng l ''I , !•: ,, \ 1,.' , •!1l • h1 I I I •l I I ,• I fl HI ,!I\ I f I PllVATI IEACH ACCESS Spectacular remodel, Cameo Highlands, $295,000 Liii. !i--llilll!lllllll-~ 515.S 5 minutes to beaches, 5 BR, 5 years old . Peninsula Point. $459,000. SB.La DESPllATE!! On the water. Price slashed $10 000 to $214,900. ONLY 10'1 DOWN & owner will finance ! ! Professionally decorated with gourmet kitchen. 556-7035 JASMINE CREEIC ••PUN 4• * Extreme!}· popular 3 Br plan featurin g ma g nifH·e nl decorating. fpk. gou rl'Tll'l island kitchen. foi·mal <linjn g. fam1h· room & in-house laundrr. All thi's & , more for only $389,0oo FEE. 759-1501 or 752· 7:173 iHO DOWN No down payment required on this lovely four bedroom. two bath home with family room Asking S149,900. 556· 7035 · * STEPS-?O IUCH• I Oo/o FIM.AHCIMG AV AILAILE Gorgeous 4 Br detailed home. 1 blk from ocean on FEE land onl y S299,000. 759-1501 qr 752-7373 •WATEIFIOMT HOMh CUA TIVE FINANCING Sensational 4 Br home smack on the water!! Featurini! French doors . frp l . profess iona l deco rations & priva te s andy beach. Only S265.000 & seJler will carry AITD. 759-1501 or i52-7373 OWNB FINANCING -Beautifully upgraded execuli ve home with low maintenance backyard, spa & firepit. New microwave. Asking S175.000 with on ly $30,000 down. 963-5671 * TUITLBOCK • $1279 PEI MONTH ... ~ is an you pay when you take over existing 1st T.D. Spacious 4 Br e xec uti ve d et ached home featuring formal dining, family room & frplc. Only S213,500 FEE. 759-1501 or752.7373 10% DOWN Highly desirable single story end unit with double attached ga rage. Assume $60,000 loa n at 10% interest rate. 963-5671 180-OCEAN & IA Y VIEW ••CUFftfAVEH•• Fantastic view from this 3 Br executive home on FEE land ! Perfect for e nte rtaini ng!! ~.000 lexrlusi\'C•). 759-1501 or . 752-7373 4-PLEX Prime rental area. $60,000 down & owner will finance at 12%. Try straight note. $224,900. 963-5671 IACI COUNTRY VIEW •TURnEROCK G0L9h l''abulous view from thJS 3 Br end unit featuring fpl c , formal dining, gourmet country kitchen & pr ivate cou rt ya rd ! Only $280,000 FEE. 759-1501 or 752· 7373 •SB.LEI DESPHATE• 12'/Jo/o FINANCING Spacious Rancho San Joaquin t ownhome w/PANORAMIC GOLF COURSE VIEW !! Featuring 2 Br & den, wet bar, fp lc, etc. Price slashed for quick sale & seller wi ll help fina nce. 759-1501 or 752· 7373 MIWPOIT llACH .OfftCI 2'70 s. MlcJl!I Dri•• '714J 71f.1501 C714J 752.7373 ' H~TOM llACH OfftCI . , ttU..._A" C7 I 4J f6J.167 I C714t 556-7035 ~ Walliar B Laa 1111111111 . S MILLIONS ~forSale • 4~da lsll' Nl'w11or1 li'e a c h . Cu s t o m wutc rrronl h11m1• pnn 'tl for br lo14 mu rkl'l for ctwc·k ~all· MAI ap pra1:.al S-1 -I million · Rt'dun•d lo onh SJ Ii nulhon St•lll'r w1ll 1·arr) ~~·l'ar fmant·mi: a l 10'. Room for J lari:1•) .i1·h1s Indoor outdoor 11001 spu with n•tra1·t ablr roof l' n d l' r i: r o u rH I w 1 n l' •para l' i:ucs AND m<11d's quarlrrs World's most roman1 11· ma~h'r suite "' l'rlook· 1ni: e nt 1 r1• h a r hor llrokl'r l'OllSUlt·r J I 10 11 To Sl"<.' 1·all R1rk. Hk r 714 764Vi292 anyllnw •IAYFROMT• REDUCED! -13· boJt slip. vn1Jl1· heat·h. 1111· & rh1·1·r~ holllt" J lari:1• h1'(lrnoms & <kn. 2 halh:.. f1r1·1>IJ1·1· ancl 1110 !'11 mun·' Will tracle <lown ' 01111 1•r ·\ i: I' n t ~ 7 3 !! I K 7 •> r 6i3·7000 SS79.000! ' OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUN 1·5 .WW Coftdos I 0% Dn. a;oo lllkSanla t\na \, f'l'pµt•rln•e lh•1i:h1s l'osl<• Mr,;i F1·auir1·:-.. 2 m.1!.ll•r lxlrnb . t·ath l4 1Mwl h1'am. 1r1hng~. • rrJm11 llll' 111 ktll'h & hath. dbl sho141•r 1n IT\J~ll'r lJJlh tJ1lotl1•,:o. i:as rani:c. m1a11 l4J\1•. chsh14aShl•r. 1·u~111m oak 1-.Jlnncts. auto i:ar 1lr op nr. h1 1 shake r1wll . 1·on l'rete rln\ ewu.1 & walks. 2 1•ar i:ar + 2 rar vark 1n.i: F:xlra li:l' swim pool dntl spa From Sl29.500 and pa1 mr nts from St~3 dnd SI I~ l>l'r mo l'ount'S~ to ReJ I tors So. Caif. t.alty 546-5605 631·6 lt4 CONDO OWNH W /FtMAMCE No qualifying necessary 2 BR, 21/2 Ba. next door to' the pool andspa $ll9.50Cl ONE ILOCI TO OCEAN Cameo Shores. owner will finance. $925,000 fee. WESTCUFF CONDO 2 BR, for lease ($650 mo l or llG C.AHYOM LEASE McLain 2 BR condo, $1125 mo. GEUY A CDllTA STARNES COMPANY BEST IN BLUFFS We have a beautiful selecti on of homes at this time. All floor plans. Good views. good financing, good buys. Some lease options. Some including land . Please let our experts show them to you. OflEH 1·5 50l A•t C-.o. •iew uovw..~•· I t7l VW. det Oro witll a.ct 2071 Vht9 .. Oro ..... 407 Viste.,_., 4 Ir. U75,000 $255,000 UOS,000 $210,000 $225,000 HELEN 8. DOWD UAL TOIS. INC. 644-0134 675-3411 YOUR FAMILY DESERVES THE HST! Largest 1 story Lusk built 4 Bdrm home ,in Eastbluff. Bright & cheerful perfect for family living. Large front co urtya rd with brick entry. Magnificent views of Catalina & city lights. Quiet location. Outs t a nd i n g fam i ly neighborhood. S299.000. WATCH THE WHALES GO IY ! From this magnificent 4 Bdrm custom home. you can have your own front row seal of one of nature's wonders. This home has all the cha rm of Laguna plus the convenience of being close to Newport on ocean side of highway and only steps to beach. _S68.5,000. TWO WAYS TO IUY IH HAUOR VIEW HILLS! You now have the opportunity to buy this outstand- ing Lusk 3 Bdrm home at $378.000 fee or $299.500 LS (17 yrs left before renegotiating). This is your chance to move to one of Corona del Mar's finest areas. We guarantee you'll agree with us that this home is indeed WAITING FOR YO U. VllW HOME IN CORONA HIGHLANDS! With add- on potential. New listing on FEE land with ex· cellent financing available. Call for appoint- . men,.t $350,000. · CORONA Da MAR DUPUX! 2 yrs. new owner . built duplex, "owners'' unit has 3 Bdrms, 3 baths. 3 sundecks, skylights, beamed ceilings & 3 car garage. Both units have woodburning _fireplaceS-()w..will,,aui&t..~ Aa .. 11•~.W.D.a...&s. Jiii c..........-., , c...-... u oz •• 0 6 Orange Coast DAILY PtLOT/Sundey. Jenuary 17, 1912 ' lftN _, 1-4:38 , .M. 1921 flt. ,,.~IHI, HY ...... 1261,lff Jot.1111 .. st..,. IJ6t,Ht J024 Oam •&. CDM •• S l.JIO,tot 2 IJ7 l 0.-. ,.., pt ...... SJJl,otO I I 1 .... A•• .. M.11 •••••• SJtl,OM It 11 Cllff Dr .............. HJl,000 124 w . ..,, , .......... 11.110.000 IC.-.. ltlt. I& It .•..•..• Sl.J00,000 110¥11 ..... U. ........ IJ6t,IM 2001 e;:· ............. 1411 .... I 4 IS Do..,. .. • • . . 1410 .... 421....... .,.,.., CJ)M ••.• SHl.000 45 C-r-h. Dr ...... C• •. SJI0,000 HARBOR RIDGE -FRENCH MANOI I 10" VU OF Sey. Oa9I & ~ut! M~..., ...... IWs 1700 tit ft."ftlldlHf, ,._, wltli 4 bed. ...,, ,.... ... ra, lllQllMt .... ra md gl1111ar•1 ... .... ................. smdtck .... & 1;.. 1...,..11 •• .ct cu.to. for Hie ~ortlcllfer lllo•owHr, I• tllt btat tr...._ of tWt Lo.n XIV M910r 1MMttt u .200.ooott.. .. LINDA ISLE MAGNIACENT leauHM • tffrJ ...... flriyofi lall grH•ried llllry onr:L:& spa. Two story wllh .,..._ II ra-tpctc'°"' f-.... ..... .,..,__ • tor.al dill r•. & a 9otu .. tt llltcllt1t. 5 total IM•um wiHt ............... wit.. ,..,. & .., for 3 bNh. s I ,3'5,000. L-.. Isle hollle witll ........ Opttl fHtMig & 5 led. loot slip lor 2 boots. o .... wfl exci.c.g. for COlllllltrCW ~· FWICll or ....... $2,600,000 .... 9-d. 631-1400. NU.VU LARGE LOT. FEE hctptioMI Yu property wttt. ... lot & rOOftl to ............. -holM + ..... i.o... Hos two 2 bed ....... 111 .. CrtCI of lo•lfy ...._ $415,000. FEE! NEAR NO. BAYFRONT-8Al IS. 011ly 4 ytort Hw wltli opptoti119 Wtrior. L4rl)t 4 bed. 3 be. ,._ + I bed. ... 3 firtflloces. c...,._. ctillllcp. 30 yit• to. for approx. $250,000 ........ of I J.750/o OWMr MOtiYahd. w.tt .. offen. $475,000. DOYER SHORES FORMALITY flid ... ~= ~~y .ct MCtrity ._.ptd for . willl dicpity. lt_.M ....... wlHI & brick potio; 3 bed. tor.al dM.rm. pl•• fo111.r111. Uff.000 .... CUFFHAVEN DUPLEX WITH POOL C,_,.. 2 ...,. ..._ witll tkyti4Jllts. rt.. I ~ ,...fol •it. Iott. lion ts. 0.. a... lot. Solar !wot.ct .ct spca. 3 patios. s..,. locotioft. td to $325,000. ON WATER $595,000 BAL IS. lest prktd ~ cOftditlolt 2 btd. + doc.ll for 2 boats. M9y ellfra. loYtfy .... WOOllRIOGE -ON WATER Gorgtot11 2-story c~ wttt. Mptrb •lews OCl'Olt ~Htry °" toU. HUGE ASSUM.ULE L04M OF S20l.OOO at 130/o. ~ ~orated 3 bed. 21/J be. $341.500 *"· OCEANFRONT - 3 UNITS f'rilM loc.tlolt °" tt. btoch. Owtttr wltl ~ .. 120/o Wtrnt. $640,000. BALBOA ISL LOT + PLANS Drf•t lty lot S.pphlt • .ct c.. for tMtolls. Pla.s for ,..,. f-. lloM .,.-o•td & rMdy to WW. $345,000. DUPLEX NEAR BEACH l.ClnJl..rtswtt112 ..... 2Wlt ... ter Mlht. Wood ........ Cu11•lty pool -4 ....... Ow.et-wtl cerry ,.,.... $27',000. EXCITING ~EANFRONT o.1r1,._.--..-............... 3 & 2 Md •It• Htlly reated •• _./wWW ....... owe tt t2"•. For 10,..... w .. $611,000. LUXURY POOHOOSE ON WATER · ........ ,... ... ef ...... IClw .. Dltctf • effirs • ltlc.., h""9 •«!•· s,11._ 2 w + .. •"' MM4MllM_.lt .... ...., ...... •••llCt. .,... .. -==-...... ....... ..... . .,.. .. ..., ,., .... k»'xk ... S721,ot0 .... WATERFRONT HOMES, INC llEAl. ES1 ATt S... ~. f>l°""fy '°"'""'¥NIM 2'36W CQMI HWy "'""'°" .. h ....... . . SPICTACULAI VllW HOMI A magnificent home custom designed for the discriminating buyer. 260 degree vjm ot ocean. Catalina. Los Angeles. 8 baths, 5°"1JR, pool, gym. suana, spa. Estimated square footage 12.~. Offered in fee $4 ,300,000. Call Alan Beel (or private showing. 551-8700 (N30 ) IAYFIOMT A home with the ultimate features for a luxurious life style. 60' boat slip, 3 BR. lam rm &c formal dining. Stained glass everywhere, Jennaire, central vacuum & air cond. marble fplc, extensive security systems. bayside patio & 2nd soory balcony $1, 750,000 Bobbi Ryan 752· 1414 <N31 ) SPANISH YIU.A VIEW ISTATI Stunning, near new 7,400sq. ft. hilltop home w/full security gated entry. Every imaginable amenity incl. 2 fam rms, library, formal dining, darkroom, workshop, exercise rm, sauna, 2 jacuzzi tubs, maids qtrs. pool & s pa. $1 ,700,000 Appl. only Paula Bailey 642·8235 <N32 > 50' IAYRlOMTI Isl SHOWING Water, waler every~ where ... There are water views from all the li vi ng ar-eas of-this innov-atively designed home on a 50 ft. lot w/excellent docking facilities. 4~BR , 4 BA, FR. DR. Seller w tcarry lg Gnd. Best prjce tn town $1,5.50,000 in cluding land. Dona Chichester 642-8235 (N33) DOVB SHOIES WArlua~wly listed French country 4 BR family home on. the bay w/pfer & slip. Designed, to offer the ultimate in privacy & elegance. ILrench-brick floors,-white was-hed -eedar---waHs,. custom fabric wallcoverings and large gourmet kitchen. M36ter BR w/fplc & bay view. $1 ,475,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (N34 ) MEW OCUHFIONT HOME Low down & OWC 1st Trust Deed. Impressive brick. wood, exterior, 3 BR, den, 2lf.i baths. stained glass, 2 flplc s, secur ity system. R-2 lot convertible to desirable uni ts. $820,000 Rosemary Sietz 644-6200 (N35) ltG C.AHYOM Corner location 4 BR . 3 BA Broadmoor wt privacy spacious fam ily oriented home w/many entertainment areas. Conversation Pit, lg fam rm & patio area w/black bottom pool. Separate spa in courtyard. $795,000 Lynn~ Valentine 644-6200 (N36 ) HAUOI RIKI • 4 H + loft Beautifully decorated "Kens ington" wtview of city lites. Loft ideal for study or den. Lovely spa in entry. 3 car garage, formal dining & more ! S725.000 Darlene Herman 752-1414 (N37l IRVINE TERRACE • FtlOMT Row Sensational view of bay, ocean & Catalina! Beautifully remodeled and apPQinted. Three spacious BR . fabulous kitchen. lg billiard rm. cozy den. $695,000 L.H. for appt. Cathy Schweickert 642·8235 (N38 > A JEWS. OM THE IAY Waterfront · Slip for 35' boat. Completely fimished customized and professionally decorated. Excellent financing . Large assumable loan. $595,000 Mary Lou Marion 642-8235 (N39 ) OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY. 12-5 · 10 Balboa Coves -Newport Bch. MEW EXCLUSIVE · OflEH SUNDAY 1-4. 1000 Grove Lane (Off Westcli ff Drive ) Beautiful. near new on cul-de· sac. Oak floors. tiled entry. 2 fi replaces. 3 spa cious BR . 312 BA. A fabulous home for entertaining. View bay & ocean ! $540,000 including land Dave Schweickert 642-8235 ( N40 l FIRST OffUIMG OPEN SUNDAY 1·4. 1459 Galaxy Drive Newport Beach. One of Dover Sho'res largest lots w 20x40 fl pool & spa . Mediterranean w tile floors. oak frenrh doors & windows. 4 BR. fam rm. lg din rm. $495,000 LH Cathy Schweickert 642·8235 (N41) JASMINE CREEIC Highly ~ought after plan 3. Best sun · ny comer location. Plush neutral carpets. shutters, ale many more upgrades. S410.000 Holly Markas 644-6200 <N42) TRADmOHAUY UDO ISL.AMO Lg 3 BR family home· convertible den or fam rm·bakony. Owner will lease option or sell '$395'.000 Fee Excellent financing. Tom Allinson 642-8235 {N43l JASMINE CRIB Lovely pla n 5 w/3 BR . 21; BA master suite. patios with many upgrades. Im· maculate. $395.000 incl. land . Dick Halderman 642 -8235 (N44 ) OPEN SUNDA Y 2-4:30 · 19 Whitewater Drive Newport Beach (Jasmine Creek h LUSK HOME OM CUl..OE-SAC 4 BR Turtle Rock Highlands home with private spa located next to greenbelt, steps to pool. near tennis facilities. $389,000. Lorra.ine Reid 551-8700 I N45 l HEWLY USTED Quality craftsmanship on a fine view lot with 4 BR. plus Jibrary and sauna. Everything a great remodel should be in a neighborhood worth caring about. $375,000 Coby Warct 642-8235 (N 46 ) OPENHOUSE SUNDAY 1·5. 2607 Bunya · Eastbluff . ~ewport Beach. ltG CANYON INVESTMENT One half interest in beautiful lot overlooking private park on Big Canyon cul -de-sac. Over 24,000 sq. ft of prime property. CALL L ISTING OFFICE FOR DETA ILS ON BUILDING RESTRICTIONS AND PLAN~. $350.000 Lynne Valentine 644·6200 (N47 ) CUSTOM B.IGAMCl-TUm.HOCK Private courtyard entry compliments this beautifully upgraded 3 BR spljt level home with spectacular city lig ht & moun- tain view. Walk. to comm . pool. spa & tennis ct. Great assumable financing. $329,500 Belle Partch 644·6200 <N48) COYIS Exclusive 2 BR condo w/view of bay and 30' boat slip. Call Cookie Allison 642·8235 $325,000 < N49) DCauMT UV. IM USTaUFf Private courtyard entrance leads to thls marvelous-'home for fa mily living & gracious entertaining. 2 patios. view of Catalina, lg fam rm. breakfast area. 3 BR. 2 fplcs . a value in todays market. Owner will cooperate in financing. S2t5,000 Leasehold Bar bara Aune 642·8235 (N50) OPEN tlOUSE SUNDAY l·S · 2333 Arbulua St. Eutbluff • • r OrlftOI COllt DAILY PILOT/lundly. JMUlfY 17, 1112 : \; You've Arrived at ... Iii CANYON N~tled . on its own private park, with sax bedrooms. this huge . custom home offers a large private pool and spa. For the executive family. Priced at $1.595 million, I Owner will carry. Exclusive .with William F. Cote. <>Den Sunday 12 to 4 70 Hillcrest, Big Canyon BIG CANYON "-!z11rll Often desired, seldom available, four bedroom single story. Graceful garden living at it's ~st on one or the largest lots in Big Canyon. A small fortune in professional decorating including tranquil private gounds and spa. Owner will assist with financing. Call Mary Frizelle Lewis. $825,000 FEE. 816 CANYON &WeWt A two bedroom townhouse with ocean view. Large sunlit rooms and bric~ patios. Den and breakfast -room. Best buy in Big Canyon. Call Elizabeth Mason, Priced at $449,500. 816 CANYON Three bedroom Mona co, highly upgraded '(Vith view of ocean and Catalina. Owner will carry large second. $659,000. Exclusive with Wm. F. Cote. Open Sunday 12·4 7 Chateau Royal · • 816 CANYON Just a chip shot to the green on the 7th fairway. Award winning two bedroom custom home designed for fun filled days and glamorous evenings . Owner will assist with financing. Sl.75 million FEE. Call William -F. Cote or Mary Frizzelle Lewis. Open Sunday 12 to 4 15 Royal St. George 816 CANYON Ideal family home includes fairway view, pool and guest ,quarters. Four bedrooms. Owner will help with financing. $1.8 million. Exclusive with William F. Cote. • • 816 CANYON .Large kitchen, formal dining room, pool, s pa and sauna ! Three bedroom, 3 bath home, 3450 sq. ft. Great financing! Exclusive with William F. Cote. $895,000. 816 CANYON Lovely three bedroom Bordeaux on corner lot. 200-0 square feet of luxury with an expansive yard to accommodate your own pool . $241,000 assumable financipg, Full price $500,000. Exclusive with William F. Cote. 816 CANYON LEASE Terrific three bedroom townhome on the gtlf course for immediate occupancy. All amenities and 2850 --·~quare-feet-· of-luxury; $2500 · ~ month. E~clusive with William F. -Cote. HARIO RIDGE CUSTOM Fabulous Country French custom with 5300 square feet of sheer luxury and a view of Newport Harbor and the Pacific which is THE BESr in Newport Beach. Four bedrooms compliment this hillside estate and the owner will carry a. substantial note. $2 .3 million. -·Exclusive with William F. Cote. HARBOR RIDGE ~ 11_00.~.000 Beautiful Country French manor with four bedrooms and a mast~ suite. with a grand ocean view. Sunny garden solarium and hillside gazebo. OWNER WILL CARRY LEASE HOLD AT VERY FAVORABLE' TERMS OR Sl,~1.«!00 FEE. VERY CREATIVE FIN~CING . Open Saturday & Sunday 12·4 #7 Trafalger. Harbor Ridge um BAYFIONT · Bayfront townhome . Tw o bedrooms, three baths and den. Pier and slip. Wonderful view of the Lido channel. Owner will carry. Priced at $595.000. Exclusive with William F. Cote. VI.I.A 8ALIOA A vallable to buy or lease. Two bedroom villa. Assumabie $148,000 at 12%. 2nd is available. Call for Information. Priced at $249,500. Wiiliam r. Cote. 1171 .. '''"*' ... Rd. a....,._ M CAHYON ............ MN177 OPIN HOUSI IM OPIM IN MOant LA.uHA 6 Oceanfront apts. Brick entry, Fplcs, jacuzzi & views + beach. $2,250,000. See Nancy Hurst At 731 CLIFF DRIVE. OPIM IM IASTILUfF Great potential & price. Lusk 3 BR. Fam. Rm w/fireplace . Reduced to $199,000. See Rita Quiggle At 2507 BAMBOO ST. <>PIH It IAYCUSt Country elegance in 3 BR . + Fam. & Dih'g Rms. Owner will carry at low interest. $325,000. See Wynn Wil son At 1907 TRADEWINDS. I OPIN OM IAUOA PIMIMSULA The ocean Is the front yard of this fabulous 3 BR. 5 bath custom-. $1,100,000. See Nancy Nichols At 1137 E. BALBOA BLVD. OPIN IN USTILUFF Delightful 4 BR. + Fam. Rm . w/Vu. $327 .000. See Jo Carol Hunter At 2933 CASSIA. OPIN OM UDO ISLE Spacious 4 BR. + Fam. Rm. on oversized lot. Secluded patio with greenhouse. $.537,500. See Cynthia Rumsfeld Al 223 VIA QUITO. OP84 IN llYI .. TllliCI Delightful 3 BR Family home. Tastefully decor ated & re · modeled. Bright new kitchen. $360,000. See Suzie Ex ley At 715 PATOLITA. OPEN OM UDO ISLE Smashing 3 BR. + Den .. .Atrlum POOL. Entertainer's delight. $.595.500. See Edie Olson Al 204 VIA EBOLI. OPIN tM JASMIMI CUB Exceptional pJan 2. Most private location. Professi on al l y landscaped & decorated. Large spa. $380,000. See Edie Olson At 2 MARITIME DRIV,E. ,f OP84 OM IAUOA PIMIMSULA Just 'h block to the ocean. 2 Bedroom charming beach cot· tage. $295,000. See Bill Bents At 2056 E. OCEAN BLVD. 0 .... OM PIMNSULA IA YFIOMT Exquisite s-BR. with pier. slip. s and y beach + spare lot. 1 $1 ,~.000. See Marcia Bents At 1415 EAST BAY. OP84 IH YACHTSMAHS COVE Newer c ustom desig ned Bayfront. 4 BR. + Den. room for 2 large boats. $1,895,000. See Valerie Marshall At 1617 BAYSIDE DRIV E. 0,.. IH OLD COIONA DEL MAI -""o'=rever ~view from his ·beautiful 3 BR. + Den landmark home. $750,000. See Marcia Work· ing At 3000 OCEAN BLVD. '\ OPIH IM TUITUIOCIC HILLS 3 BR. Executive home QJl top street. UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW. Excellent financing. $429,000. See Ginny Af\derson At 18851 SAN RUF1NO. OP84 IM DOYEi SHOIES Dynamic 5 BR . .Bayfronl. Large pier & slip. Owner will carry all financin~. Reduced to Sl.350,000. See Brenda Peterson Al 314 MORNINGSTAR. OPIH IH CAMEO SHOIES Ocean view, 2 BR. +Oen. Lovely large patio w/rm. for pool. $595,000 Fee. See Paula Erd At 4521 TREMONT. -< OPIM OM S"6LASS HILL Distinguished custom Mediterra· \ nean ViUa. Commanding ocean view. $2,400,000. See Barbara Ballman At 17 MUIR BEACH CIRCLE. a.et IN UMYllSITY PAD Accent on quality. 3 BR & Fam Rm. Parquet floors. Brick patios & more. $193,000 Fee. See Kay Parker At 4931 HEMLOCK. OPIN OM LMA ISU . Gorgeous custom on the bay. Room for 3 lrg boats. Excellent financin1. CALL 675-7656 for ap· pointment & admittance thru security 1ate. '990.000. See Lucy R~ At 92 UNDA ISLE. t .. PU SlftlB OFFEINCS '10 RNER LOCATIONS" -a.at HOUSI THIS WBIMD SOI AVI. 'LAIGO (Open Sun ). Elegance & traditional quality abound In this "just totally redecorated & updated" 3 bdrm, Vh ba. end unit townhome situated on magnificent •'tree studded•' greenbelt. $272,000. 2143 VISTA INTIAOA (Open Sat-Sun) THE BFST THERE IS!!! Unequaled . q ualilY.::-.lc lo<!atioft. Tetally custom. Remodeled Plan "E" 2 bdrm suites + f~mily rm & massive living rm. Direct front row "bluffs edge" water view. Countless deluxe features. $495,000. (Will lse/opt or ~eh-}:-. OPEN TODAY 1·5 UMl9UE IH HAllOR YllW HILLS -I ..Center courtyard lor great entertain- ing, 4 BR in Harbor View Hills. $495,000. · See Dottie Valentine al 2706 Lighthouse UMlqCJI lt4 OlD CORONA DEL MAI -On the corner, l blk to beach, 4 BR . 5 yrs old, lge home. $595,000. See Cathy Cray at223Narcissus. UMlqul lt4 OLD COIOHA DEL MAR -1 Architects cust home. skylights, 2 - rplc's, 3 BR, So. of Hwy. $470,000. See Nancy Nychay at307 Poinsettia. UMlqCJEIMSPY(jo&.ASS -5 BR. 3 Ba. new carpet, French doors. Ocean & city view. assum t'.inancing. $695,000. See Natalie Fogarty at 77 Montecito. UMlqCJE IN llG CANYON -Beautiful Broadmoor. 4 BR, pool, spa , guard gates and much more. $685,000. See Bonnie Barrington at 6 Winged Foot . UMICj)UEIHTHHLUFfS -Bonus room & 4 -BR,-21h Sa;-fple;-air cond., new-ca . • and paint. $275,000. See Barbar a Hutchings at512Ventaja. UMICj)UI OM IALIOA ISL.AMO -Quaint 3 BR & den house w/income unit, view . dock & OWC. $650,000. See Rita Boland at 123Grand Canal. UMlqul IN llVINE TBUCE -Custom 3 BR. 2 Ba, backyard bay view. owner financing. $375,000 'fee. See Marian I Reedy at612 Ramona Drive. UMICj)UI IM THE 11.UffS -3 B~. 2 Ba, single story with serene greenbelt location, 2 patios. $160,000. See Marilyn Rousselot at 1957 San Bruno. UMICj)UE IM HAUOI VIEW HILLS -Love· ly 4 Bdrm Sandpiper model. Newly re· decorated. great financing. See Donna Schroeder at 1~ Sand Key. UHl9UI IM llG CAMYOM -Beautiful 3 BR & den, customized Augusta model. $319,000 ree. See Bert Reedy at 18 Canyon Island. UM19UI IM ·HAalOI VIEW HILLS Beautiful 4 BR,' 2 BA, pool home. Location has the best meadow /O· cean /island views. $449,500. See Johann Morrisonat3801 Topside. UHICM IN OLD CotC*A DB. MAa - Colfipletely remodeled, 1~ blks to beach, 3 BR, 3 Ba, perfect. $550,000 fee. See Pat Merry at 317 PoiMettia. UMl9lll .. OLD COIOMA DB. Md - Elegant, completely remodeled 5 BR, 3 fplc, 4 BA, the best of everything. 1625,000 iee. See Debi Bibb at 442 Begonia .. l.NUJf KMfi l!ALTORI, 671-6000 . ~c !}tlll•a\. ~ ... .. ...... , .. _ ....... .... ' a a a OPEN SATURDAY 1-4:30 PM VIEW--IRIVACY--'REENERY ••• rt~s ...... c-....ecwt c1..,_d "*Y· , _ _.c vt.w. Two bdr•, dl•l•t r•, deck Hd ,, •. S5t5,000 M '-&. 4zt IJTiera TtmlU, CdM . DOYER SHORfhOOOL Larp 1 .. 1ary, 5 latd. ..._ w6tlt privecy. lert1• poof & flHlbl• fh,Hcl•d. S450,000 FH. 1415 s_,..,, HARBOR VIEW-BEAUTIFUL Larp 4 btd. ,._. MOdtl wlttl .,.. ...... ..,,.,wMll.._. ....... ""9. WtA to Kilool $2,1,500. 1923 Port Pro•..c• - NEW tlWPORT CONDOS 9Hllty •d detallllHJ YH wo.ld11't Mlete -3 ~ ..,...S -HCwffy. 1 l·7 /l°lo W..st *"-cilMJ. SpocicMd .... wMll .... feel of • ptj•ah "-•· 360 ... v&.w of loy & Ou•. frOlll Sl6t,OO"O to S4lf ,00d. 2"1 211 & 215 lttli St .. off a.lboe IL LtEAN Bl.VD. V~DM Y• loceff .. -75' fro11tOC)t + Early ... .,.. .w..,w *""". SH & Hjoy pshryecr. Sl,350,000. 3024 Oct• llYcL.C.... .. Mcr. IX:EANFRONT COTTAGE P•rfect corur for b11lldtrs & •cONton wt.o w..a a cltalttlgt °" prl111• beocll, co11Yulut to all. S49t,500. 3314 W. OnHfrHt, ....,... BALBOA ISlD. OPPORTUNITY Dra1tic lriu reclllctioll • tWs odor.W. 2 bed. l..t. Spollns & fw1'ill9td ia Mii* locGlica $295.000. I 17 M.-. An,W.IL IRVINE TERRACE CORNER $20,650 cosll .... for ........ 2.,.,. + .. i.e... Lovely pool 9d petio. s210.ooo. 1536 Stt-u•* Tft'T'CIU. ~ UDO HOME +' \PT. AdoraWt btocll retttat with 2 IMd . i.o.. & I bed cmt. it a~ locaffott. Sl55.000.113V-......... PENINSULA BAYFRONT -FEE LAr9f & spaciom wlttl fon•tr YU llffr yadit cWa. 2 .. tory. 5 bed. + patio & ~wry. Au •able lo. of $900,000, $ 1,550,000. fH. Owa. will HC'-"Jt. 124W.l!y BAYFRONT-8ALBOA IS, VU. h..atM 2-story willl wood & gloss Oil COIMf', 4 led. + diR.ra. loot tlip & s111al yard. Mon-111 cOilditiotL Prlu illc..-S ic.d. S 1,200,000. Jt Collllls Isle, laL Is. .~ ~ .. :.· Merrill Lynch : .. ~ Realty ------ 1111111 • THl......-OFA C .. YID STAllCASI This New Bedford in Spyglass has it all + all the upgrades you could want. Offered at $615,000. Open Sunday 1·5. 14 Morro-Bay. wx•ous CUSTOM HOME With ocean views plus spa make' this dra mati c home an entertainers dream. Offered at $695.000. Call for appointr?Rnt 714-552·1714 Dalebout Bay&Beach Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 OP94 TODAY I to 4:30 'c 0 ME WITH US . . . T 0 IAYSHOUS. leyf1..t Medltrr• H•• •Illa 011 fu la11d. Flu ~. HllCJI co.try llltct..11. FcartMI dlM9I) rooa Motter .._ willl large sffffllg _... 9d spiral stairceM .._.., to c•folll joclllll. Sw..d gloll llw au'14 .t. Eleot ate so.dspt... ··- 2500 IA lSHOll Dl. .. $2, 100.000 COME WITH US •.. TO llYIME TUI.ACE. M-.. .... Yft, .-d lfl. ,.... . .-t IHMltold. Three spacl0111 bdroo.11. 1-... rOOM Cllld ..._ Tr11M11do4H patio willl CJ111ebo 9d apa. I 301 DOLrHIH TEIR ........ S 1,200,000 COME WITH US ... TO LIDO ISLE. At- tractive two atory -... °" large lot. Fow bechotM. htvitiftg potio. T a1teftilty .. corahd. buletlt INiy. 111 VIA DIJON .............. S4'5,000 COME WITH US ... TO THE ILUFFS. Ff'Ollf row •n of tt. bay • ..., IMHM for -bird loYtn. T1wH btchom. ClfltCHllbtd I·.,....,._. c .... 1.e.11.., .. d111tciw.. EleqmHy dKGf'Ghcl. 21fl VISTA EHT'liDA ........ $295,000 COME WITH US ... TO HAUOR VIEW HOMES. Tt.. poptilar' "C-.1" •odtl. Tiw... btdrOOIM. ~ c.........,. Copper ,.......,. SpociMs potiO •d gardH. P,.ny • tap ca.ditioft. FH LAND 1910 POIT lllSTOl CIRCLE $261,500 COME WITH US •.. TO THE ILUFfS. TM IHCh ~ oftft' "fr.cite•" MOct.i cOlldo. nr... .,. ........ •oom. s.cCNtd ~ C• optll Wo ...... M~ Mite. Atn.I ~ 9d two Hied petios. 9Mllty carpHi119 Md c111to111 drapes. Shows Ille a lftOdtl 685 VISTA IONITA .... ., ..... $232,500 COME WITH US ... TO IACK IA Y . ..._ U00-40x90' LOT! .a• to.. bedrooM. t1nt battl i..... Woi ........ •• ill tWs 3 btd. ho• bceptlonal f..ily i.e.. wlttl •Hy prhatt witlt 5""' patio °" St. to St ... ~lo::,t:;.. rlJ.~bodr1~-"FWll!dLIC.dJ~pool.~·StlulparrltialeHk:lllMdroo*--"'-Cllld ___ .;.m ._-tiw11t1111a--Wttt:-eAllT fllmect. • .. .,. 120/ow.nst. Sl69,900. 110 Vie GHOG I ,391 IAY FA-. PLACE ...... Sl99,700 * * * * * I COME WITH us. .. TO MESA YEIDE. HOM ............ _ ...... loCllhd -... PEJINSULA PT. E c .. •MIC circle. 40'....,. e... ,..a. Priud for -.elate ,., 0..... wlff .. ill bbq ...t •••••ll'd co.t. c..,.. carry fl11m1cieq or LEASE/OP. tlll1 ... toldlook. 2-story. l btd. 3 bo. 2 flreplocn. faM. I 1651 UTAH CJICU ······:::_·.'l• ra. Slllps to lay & btocll. $399,500. · -- 1 , C~ WITH US. •• TO H CAMYOM. WATERFRONT RETREAT! POR WSI -.,. two ,...._ &..ml1•1 ...... '-*••• Two......_,_... ... .........,~ • ..e.d ...... JON .... feet. '9cm eff ••hr ........ . , faln~w p•Dl ... C View co-op Oii Lido , ....... MCWity ~doM to ........ cMtrfll, optll 0.. .... 0...-wll ccrry First .D. at 1%0/o.. Reclllced to $251,000. I 11 .. ~.,..,. •AUii u.1t• MOMtM 816 .CANYON-All VIEW Y• tr. • ,..._, C..tyarct ..try to "''' to~·-· witlt 2 ~ + .... Pri•ecy & Mf"ttlffy. 1..tlM •cor. Tltlllh. pool & apa. SlS0,000. HARBOR RIDGE LOUS XIV M•w 2-ttory •Hor lto•tt wltll llH•c10M ~ Ill 4 be4, ...,, f••· r•., 9••• r•. top roo•: l~:lHtdoor tpe. llnator. p OCll9 YleWS. Wtt.11 MC.tty ...... ,., .,... .... , $2.200,000. DEYmATitl DOYER BAYFRONT c ....... &t ...,..., .... c..., .. d ...., .. 4 ................ ....,,.. -9 ... fw SO" pcllt. ~ .... 11.w .... •Utlh. OWMr •• c.ny AITO & It ft.1IW. I• utry wey. U.000.000. .• v # WATERFRONT HOMES, INC REM.ESTATE s-n. ~ ..... l'lopmy M..,. ...... ~ w Cow tt....., m """"' IM "'-t8wh ........... 111·1.... 67,..,.. JUll •vtd U.to ton? •YOU n. 1et 1tq_11l•tl4 ....,.,.,..toaneror !_Mii! 1111 a-med A• ............ lllKe u Id 1'8'rtllll..._ wq f• t•t D_1ll1 Plfot .. -..•7•0 i-....-... ---' .......... \ ,. . ..,.. ; Twtfvt of _. ndllllt .... ... ..... .ct it ~ .... u ..... ..... Hatie AND LAND MA6AIM. Copy 11 evefMMt et Mr o,.. HOIMI. ,.,. cal aw offiu. 1617 WESTCUFF DI.. M.1. U I· 73~0 CUSTOM WITH. VIEW One is easily captivated by this ocean and bay view home atop the Bluffs in Irvine Terrace, ideal for ac tive ramily iiving or gracious en· lertaining, the home hosts 4 bdrms, 3 baths. pool , and its gourmet · kitchen has ultra m'o<lern a P· pliances. brick noors. oak cabinets and bay and sea view breakfast area. Priced al $975,000 and you own the land. Owner will finance. tOQ, ·~ ~~[~ ·iJ1'JJY IC.M. Ok C.M. Ok 541-221 115-2311 .. ..................... ~ ..... . • SEllER SUPER ANXIOUS! " I Outstanding 3 Bdrm 2~2 Ba condo w/wetbar, 2 car gar + lrg Mstr s uite w/frplc, & walk-in closet. $139,900. Make-off er. Opn Sunday 1-4. 2510 Alder Ln. Costa Mesa 631-7600 2043 Wtstcffff DriYt, Sllit. 206 Mtwport hacll 17141 Ul-7600 2·1B>ROOM 117 Marine Ave., Balboa Island 631-1400 $295.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 428 Riviera Ter,CmaHlndsNB RESIOE~TI~ REAL ESfATE SCRVICES CNN HOUSI 12-4 92 UMDA ISl,I Gorgeous custom bayfront with pier and slip for 3 large boats. 4 bdrms, library, family room. For appoint- ment and admittance through security gate call 675-7656 LUCY 1051 IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 IClas:lirled Ads, your onl" ~'!ii shol!.l'in& cent('r. Orange CoMt DAILY PtLOT/Sunday, J1nu11Y 17, 1982 Oceanfront. jetty views. Marine rm , 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq. rt. $1,385,000. UDO ISU HOMES Prime Lido Nord bay(J:oot. 5 bdrm, 5 bath, lge liv. rm . 2 boat slips. $1,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large , rec. rm., beam ceilings, $420,000. UMDA ISU IA YFIOMTS Main channel view from 4 bdrm, 5 bath home with pool. $1,495,000. Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dark rm, den. $1,350,000 ! CAINATION COVE Spectacul ar bayfront view 4 bdrm, 4 bath, 4 boat slips, $2,,050,000. Bl LL GRUNDY. REALTOR ! 4 ~· y' I· [J' • · ',. ;.. tJ .., ) 1 1 t, 301 La Jolla Dr., Npt Bcb ... 675-6670 $465,000 Sun 1·5 201 Wake Forest, Costa Mesa 751·3191 $124,900 Sun 1·5 •17760riole Dr (Mesa Verde) CM 631-1266 $285 000 Sun l · 4 ·~1 Topside CHVHls) CdM 675-0000 $449,500 Sun 1 ·5 I YEAR AXED UTE 13~% INT. LOANS Why do people buy townhomes dur· ing a real estate slowdown?? We think it's our super duper assuma· ble low rate loans. The new resi· dents of ..._ Pn ..... tell us it's the inherent amenities like the gazebo and garden like recreation area, the Cape Cod environment and the convenient gOQdles that go along with each home, and the uni · que location (cl°"e to everything). Furnished 2 and 3 bedroom models and recreational facilities are open daiJy between 10:30 a.m. and dusk. Located on the corner of Fairview Rd at Avocado in Costa Mes a . From $137.950. We'll welcome your reasons too ! ' . 548-2239 ~75-2311 2143 Vista Entrada, Bluffs, NB 640-5560 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 503 Avenida Campana, Bluffs, N.H. 673-7:n> $395,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 lllHOOM 501 Ave Largo. Bluffs, N.B. . 631"'900 $595,000 Sat /Sun 1-4:30 700 Lido Pk Dr . Coach 9. Lido Penin. 673-7300 $.58,000 Sat/Sun 12·6 4 Melody Ln <Wdbrg) Irvine DIRECTORY •6 Winged Foot (Big Cyn) NB 675-6000 $685,000 Sun 1·5 512 Ventaja <Bluffs) NB 640-5560 $272,000 Sun l·S 17 Summer Wind, Nwpt Cr~t. N.B . 67s.7300 $195.000 Sun 1·4 8 Baruna Ct., Nwpt Crest, N. B. 675-5511 Sl49,000 Sat/Sun l ·5 2 • ... FAM IM or DB4 19 Escapade Ct (Nwpt Crest) NB 642-5200 $215.000 Sun 1-5 * * 10 Balboa Coves, Balboa Coves NB ' 642·8235 $595,000-Furn. Sun 12-5 2921 Jacaranda <Mesa Verde) CM 4521 Tremont, Cameo Shores, CdM 31~5J~~~~ttfifo~CdM~'g1d1M30·4:30 644-9060 $.595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 675-0000 SSSO.OOO Sun 1.5 •2 Maritime Dr. Jasmine Creek. 0 3711 Seashore, Peninsula CdM 644-6200 S820 000 Sun l ·5 644-90601759·9182 Sun 12·5 **3713 Seashore, Peninsula 15 Royal St. George, Big Cyn, NB 644-6200 Sun 1·5 640-5777 $1,750.000 Sun 12·4 2333 Arb t S E bl ff NB 2502 Vista Dr., Bayshores. N.B. u us t., ast u . 642-~ $245,000 Sun 1·5 644-9060 S495,000·Fee Sun 1·4 u101 No. B~front, Balboa Isl. 1536 Serenade Terr, Irv. Terr, CdM 642·8235 ooo Sun 1·4 631-1400 $279,000 Sat 1·5 929 Helena r., COSta Mesa 557-3672 $154,900 Sun 1 ·4 l IEOIOOM 1515Cumberland (Westcliff) NB 2291 Elden. Costa Mesa 540-1151 $240,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 673-8494 $149,500 Sun 1-4 2075S. Rene~Santa Ana * •64M Oceanfront, N. B. 979-2390 000 Sun 1-4 642-3215 Fee Land Sat/Sun 11·5 1806 Beryl ( R Hinds> NB 661 Nyes Pl., Lagun a Beach 642-5200 ·$175,000 Sun 1-5 499-1422 Sat/Sun ll-5pm 1393Galaxy CDoverShrs) NB 315La k ,._ d IM 642-5200 ~.000 Sun 1·5 r spur, vurona e ar lOOOGroveLane CWestcLiff) NB 75!H221 $299,000 Sun 1·5 642-8235 $540,000-Fee Sun 1·5 3225 Clay St., Newport Beach 19 Whitewater Dr., Jasmine Creek 759-1221 $199,500 Sunl·4 642-8235 $395,000-Fe~ Sun2·4:30 206Jlo~i.~~t lfto~tington B§~n 1.5 ~MGoldenrod, Harbor View His, 1833 Port Renwich, Newport Beach ~AA~ $399,000·Fee Sun 1.5 675-6870 $275 000 Sun 12·4 ~ 18 Canyon Island (Big Cyn) NB 2050 ~way, Dover Shores. NB 675-0000 $319,000 Sun 1·5 642· $380 000 Sun 1-4 612 Ramona.J..rv Terr .. CdM 20 Whitecioud, Woodbridge, Irv . 675-0000 ~15 000-fee Sun 1·5 549-7991 Sun 12·4 1957 San Bruno (Bluffs) NB 4601 Camden Dr., CdM 675-0000 $160 000 Sun 1-5 759-1221 $9'l5,000 Sun 12·5 2885 Regis LE_ . .t.-Costa Mesa 4501 Surrey, Corona del Mar 549-3876 ~JAJ,000 Sun 12:30·3:30 759-1221 $339.000 Sun 12·5 1126 E. Balboa Bl., Balboa Penn 1739New Harm}shire, Costa Mesa · ,__._.~,.,~~">i\1000w---..S~umn-tl-ci~~__.54&~~2.1...,1 .... a ~$1~59....,00L -Sun 1-4 4827 Bruce Crescenl. Npt Beach 16 Southern Wood (Turtlerock > Irv. 631-7370 $215,000 Sun 1-4 851·2300 $357,500 Sat/Sun 12-5 2845 Tabago (Mesa Verde) CM 2298 Redlands Dr., Newport Beach 645-o:m $165,500 Sun 1·4 631-1400 $265,000 Sat/Sun 420 De Sola Terr .. Corona del Mar 277 Morning Canyon (Shrclf> CdM 675·3411 S350.000 . Sun 1·5 67~ ~15.000 fee SIS 12-4 3024 Ocean Blvd .. Peninsula, NB 110 Via Genoa, Lido Isle. Npt Bch 631-1400 Sl ,350.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 · 631·1400 $369,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 104 Via Palermo. Lido Isle, NB 410 Kings Rd .. Newport Beach 673-7300 $43.\000 Sat/Sun 1·5 645-5718 .$429.000 Sat/Sun 10·5 212 Via Eboli, Lido Isle, N.B. 2515 Crestview, Bayshores. N.B. 673-7300 $487,234 Sa 12-2/Sun 1·4 64+9060 $339 500 Sun 1-4 #7 Chateau Royal, Big Canyon, NB •204 Via Eboli, Lido Isle, N.B. 640-5777 $659,000 Sun 12·4 644·9060 • Sun 12-5 113 Via Ravenna, Lido Isle, Npt Bch 2715 Bayshore Dr., Bayshores, NB 631-1400 $355,000 Sat 1-5 . 644.9060 ~QOO Sun 1·4 2661 Crestview, Bayshores, Ni. 3000 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar . 644·'9060 $298,500 Stm 1·4 644-9060 $750,000 Suh 1-4 ••1014 E. Balboa Blvd .. Bal. Penin 1301 Dolphin Terr, Irv. Terr, CdM 644-9060 $995 000 Sun 1·4:30 631-7300 $1,200,000 Sa /Sun 1-4:30 ~. 418 San Bernardino, Npt Bch 120 Shoreclitf Rd, Shorecliffs, CdM 631-1266 $279,500 Sat/Sun l ·5 644-9060 $495,000 Sun l ·4: 30 425 Gloucester ( E/Side) CM 1436 Serenade Terr. CdM 642-5200 $145,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 675-5511 $349,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 466 Broadway, Costa Mesa 1907 Tradewinds, ijaycrest, NB 673-53.54 $159,950 Sun 1·5 644·9060 $325.000 Sun 1·4 616 Marigold, CdM 2181 Vista Entrada, Bluffs,·N.B. 640-4521/637-8778 Sat/Sun 1-6 631·7300 $295,000 Sun 1-4:30 11 • ..._ F"u RM ~ 2507 Bamboo, E-Bluff. N.8 . • ....,. ,_. or .,lln"' 644-9060 $199,000 Sun 12·4 2048 Commodore Rd., Newport Bch •1016 Dover Dr, Westclifr/ NB 6.11-06M $399,500 Sat/Sun 12-5 631-7300 .$265,000 Sat Sun 1-4: 30 1226 Polaris, Dover Shores, NB 1921 Tradewinds Ln, Baycrest, NB 494-1111 Sun l·4 631·7300 $325,000 Sal/Sun 1_.:30 . ll~Summerset Ln .. N.B. 9 Rue Grand Vallee, Big Cyn, N.B. ~ Sat/Sun l-4pm 644~ •.ooo Sat/Sun 1-5 2645 Solana Way, Laguna Beach 1721 J<inaa Rd., Cliffhaven, NB '9'-2894 $345,000 Sun 1·4 -542 Harbor Isl.· Dr (Prom Pt) NB 759-1501 $650,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 759-9100 Sl,400,000 2113 Miramar, Penin, N.8 . Sat/Sun 12:30·4 :30 675-6161 ~000 Sun 1-5 165'7 Texas Cir., Costa Mesa 4006 Inlet Isle, l/Orona del Mar 831-2720 $139,500 Sun only 12-5 675-3411 $299,500 Sun 1·5 h ••3'15 Ocean Blvd., CdM 1.834 Catalpa St .. Newport Bear 673-5.154 Sl,250,000 Sun 1-5 759·1221 $310.000 Sun 1-5 304 N 1_.. Co d IM 1115 F.ssex Ln (Westcliff> NB 67~~~ J::11 e Sat,~un 1·5 646·6789. 631·2177 &Jn 12-5 2612 Redlands (E/Side> CM ·~~?~ CdM>~~rsun 1•5 64U.W 1154,900 sat1sun 1-s • V11ta Bonltt, Bluffs, N.B. Gl-7300 $232.580 Sun 1·• :30 19 Part Brlltol Clr HVH. NB --~ ···'· Sun 1-4:30 _,. , ...... ..,. . 2211 ·~ Coroaadel 11¥ 101115 ~-Fee SID l·S 675-6000 $285,000 . Sun 1·5 1205Sand Key CHVHls) CdM 675-6000 $459, 000 Sun l · 5 2697 Bunya (East bluff) NB 642·8235 $375,000 Sun 1-5 • 1459 GaJaxy Dr .. Dover Shores 642·823.5 $495,000 Sun 1-5 4 IEDIOOM 10161 Merrimac, Huntington Bch • • 1554 E. Oceanfront (Pen Pt) NE 963-6767 $139,000 Sun 1 ·5 675--6870, 675-7698 Sun 1·5 •272 Brentwood, Costa Mesa • **l Canal Cir., Nwpt Shrs. NB 546-2313 ~165 000 · Sun 1-4 840-8208 $299.000 Sun 12·4 • •219 Via Lido SOud, Lido Isle 8 Collins lsland. Balboa Isl,.NB. 642·823.5 $2,250_,~ Sn 12:30-4:30 673-6900 $1.200,000 Sa l-4/Snl-5 48SequoiaTree(univPk)lrv. 1207 Sussex Ln (W.clifO NB 642·5200 $157,500 Sun 1·5 759-9100 $275,000 . Sat/Sun 1·5 2862Tabago <Mesa Verde) CM 1925 Port Prove nce. HrbrViewHms. 642-5200 $173,750 Sun 1·5 NB 2720Gannet (Mesa Verde) CM 63 1400 $268 5()() S S 979-2390 $187 500 Sun 1-5 1· · at/ un 1·5 1152 Kingston (Wimbldn Vig ) CM 402 16th Pl. ( E Sicie) CM 64~ 5259.850 Sun l·4 631·3374 S22S.000 Sat 1Sun l ·4 l'lJ Na rctssus COid CdM) CdM S IEl>IOOM 675-0000 $.595.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 9341 Tudor. Garden Grove 1415Santiago. Baycrest, NB 631·1400 Sl53,500 Sat 1·5 673-6900 $450,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 1412 Seranadi~err (I r\' Terri CdM 824 W. Bay, Peninsula. N.B. 644·72U $365.000 $at/Sun 1·5 631-1400 Sl,550,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 f;7 Trafalger, Harbor Ridge, NB 4 II ... FAM IM or DEH 640-5777 $1 ,595,000 Sat/Sun 12·4 * * 1706 E. Oceanfront Balboa Penin , NB S II .... FAM IM or DIN 675-8676/675-8444 Sat/Sun ~-5 126 Via Lorca, Lido Isle. N.B. 14 Morro Bay (Spyglass ) NB 673-7300 $.525,000 Sun 1·5 552-1714 $615,000 Sun 1·5 * •2500 Bayshore.Dr, Bayshrs, NB •2211TustinAve(NwptHgt.s )CM 631-7300 $2,100,000 SunJ.4 :30 637·0471 $331,000 Sat/Sun l-4:30 ••92Linda lsle,Lindalsle,N.B. 210 Via Sa n Remo. Lido Isl. NB 644·9060 $990,000·L.H. Sat/S 12·4 673·2556 Sat/Sun 1·5 • 17 Muir Beach Cir, Spyglass, CdM 2596 Willo Ln .. Cos ta Mesa 644-9060 $2,400,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 559·9400 $315.000 Sat/Sun l ·5 442 Begonia (Old CdM) CdM 1521 Tahiti. Laguna Beach 675-6000 $625,000 Sun 1·5 497-5454 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 77 Montecito (Spyglass) CdM 1533 Tahiti. Laguna Beach 675-0000 $695,000 Sun l ·5 497·5454 $495.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1441 Gataxy t>r .• Dover 5hUre-.-·-------6 • ,.. FAM RM ._.,_.,._ __ 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1·4: 30 • •70 Hillcrest, Big Canyon.NB 1251 Surfline Way. Harbor Vu, CdM 640-5777 $1,595,000 Sun 12-4 644·4910 $329.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2706 Lighthouse <HVHlsl CdM 675--6000 $495,000-ree Sa/Sun 12·4 131 Via Ondine. Lido Isle. N.B. 673-7300 Sun 1-4 1505 Miramar, Newport Beach 673-9060 $655,000 Sun 1·5 * 1658 Utah Cir., Mesa Verde, C.M. 631-7300 $185,000 Sun 1-4: 30 333 Poppy, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $.598,500 -Sat/Sun 1·5 2402 Vista Nobleza, Bluffs, N. B. 673-4400 $299,500 Sun 1·5 1836 PorLWestbourne. HVH. N. B. 644·9060 $274,900 Sat/Sun 12·4 * * 1617 Baysiae Dr. Yacht.smans Cove, CdM 644·9060 $1,895,000-Fee Sa/Sn 1·5 111 VI! Dijon,L1do1slr,N. B. 631-7300 $495,000 Sun 1·4:30 •2242Heather Lane. Newport Bch 955-~ Open Sat/Sun 10·5 4511 Camden (CameoShrs) CdM 673-7761 $92.5,000-ree Sun 1-5 3202 Delaware Pl., Mesa Verde. CM 545-9258 $139,500 Sat/Sun 11·5 4726 Cortland, Corona del Mar 673-5354 $238,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 223 Via Quito(Lido Isle, N.B. 644-9060 $537 500 · Sun 1-5 • 1776 Pitcairn (Mesa Verde) CM 645-~ $180,000 Sa 11-5/Su 1-4 304 Narciss~. Corona del Mar 675-6900 $795,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2842Alta Vista (E/Bluf() NB • 673-85.50 $325,000 Sa/S 12 :30-4: 30 133 Via Undine, Lido Isle, NB 67S:7298 $73.5,000 , Sat/Sun 1-5 1315 Antigua Way, Baycrest, NB 631-7000 $360,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 2933Cusia, E·Blurr. N.B. 644-9060 $327, 000 SWl l ·4 ••400 Eve nin g Star Ln , DoverShn,NB 631-7300 $8501000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 1908Galaxy Dr, Dover Shorts, NB 631-7D $800,000 Sat /Sun 1-4:30 •23111~ Fann Pl, Back Bay, NB 631· $199,700 SUn 1-4:30 •11'11 Puay (M .. Verde) Cll .. ... tr15,000 Sun 1-4 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE IACH&Ol lOOScholz Plaza #205. Versailles 673-7300 $99,500 Sat/Sun 1·4 I IEDIOOM 1010 W. MacArthur #37 S.C. Plaza, Santa Ana 644·5061 $83,700 Sat/Sun 2·5 102Scholz Plaza. #239, Versailles 673-7300 Sat/Sun 1-4 I • .. FAM RM or DIM 101 Scholz Plaza Penthse #27 NB 631·8169 . $135,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 . 2 SIDROOM 2600 block Santa Ana Av, C.M. 631-6194 $1~.500 Sat/Sun 12·5 102Scholz Plaza, T.H. 34. Versailles 673-7300 S2S6 500 Sun\ .4 25 Canyon Island Dr, Big Cyn, NB 673-7300 $265,000 Sun 1·4:30 2277 Pacific Ave., Mesa West, C.M. 673-7~ S137,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 300Cagney Ui. #101, Versailles 673-7~ $127,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 45 Rainbow Ridge, Trtlrk, Irv. 6'4·9060 $175,000 Sat/Sun 12·4 ••10338aysideCo\'.e W., N.B. 6'4-9060 S680,000 Sun 1·5 711 Udo Pk Dr, #A, Lido Penin. 673-7300 $450,000 Sun 1·4 • 19098 Flagship Cr .. Huntington Bch 673-7761 $119,500 Sun l·S 175SouthTustin, #A~ Tustin 7»7737 Sl29,000 Sun 1-4 56 Sea llland..J!ewport Beach 646-2313 JU0>,000 Sun 1·4 2•.-PAMIM• ... #3 Rue Foritaineble111 (BiJ Cyn) NB 75f.9100 "25.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 J0811tbSt., Pentnault, NB Gl·l400 •.ooo Sit/Sun 1·$ 501 St. Amlrtwl, Newport Be1cb 111-m» hlZJOO Sun 1-4 673-7300 Sun 1-5 * •1815W, Bay Ave .• Bal. Penin , NB 673-6776 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2510 Alder Ln., Costa Mesa 631-7600 $139,900 Sat/Sun 1·4 33 M~ail (Jasmine Ck) CdM 673-8550 $474 ,SOQ Sun 1-4 559Vista Flora <Bflffs) NB 673-8550 $248,800 Sun 12: 30·4: 30 l • ~ FAM IM or DEH • * 16149 St. Croix, Seagate, Hunt. Harbour ~3336 $459,000 Sun l ·5 ;a Monaco. Harbor t<1dge, NH 640-5560 $695,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 II ~ FAM RM or DEH A voe ado & Fairview. Costa Mesa 548-2239 $134.950 Sat /Sun 11 AM l llDROOM 21 Canyon Island Dr. Big Cyn, NB 6444910 $1200/Mo. Sun 1·5 Avocado & Fairview. Costa Mes a 548-2239 $154,950 Sat/Sun llAM 32 Starfish Ct. ( NwPt Terr) NB 645-0303 $135,000 Sun 1-4 lll~ I• **123 Grand Canal, Balboa Island 675-0000 $650,000 Sun 1·5 l II ,.. FAM IM or DEN 335 Bordeaux. Costa Mesa 645-0303 $129.500 Sal/Sun 1·4 DUPLEXES FOR SALE J-• .... f-H--- 411-411!12 Dahlia. CdM . 67S.551J $.120.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 . I l .. ~ 2 IR 702·702~ M~erite, CdM 631-1..266 ,000 Sun 1-5 516 Marfue~ Corona del Mar 675-34 l ~.500 · Sun 1 ·5 4 .. .. 2 •• 1ll43rd Street, Newport Bch 6444910 $279,500 Sun 1·5, 3980Seashore Dr., N.B. 673-5257 $265,000 Sun 12-4 MOllLE HOMES FOR· SALE t HDROOM 701 lt3 Lido Park Dr .. NB 759-1616 l IEl>ROOM JOO E. Coast Hwy. #52. Nwpt Bch 675-3347 $68,500 Sat/Sun 1·4 TRIPLEXES FOR SALE 1••>•••• • •447 Via Lido Soud. Lido l~l. NB 752-5710 Sl.300,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 PROPEITY FOR LEASE ................. ••1432 W. Bay Ave, Npt Bch me870 $.1500/mo Sun 1-5 HOUSE FOR LUSE a•••AMIM•DB4 #7 Rue Grand Vallee, Big Cyn,'NB 631·7300 S2.590.mo. Sun 1·4:30 HOUSE FOi RENT , .... , ........... 111s Eual.ane, Westcurr. NB 64f.6789 IMM>/mo Sat/Sun 12·5 • .. j . --· • us • u so cs a SS as ' Orangt Cout DAIL'( PILOTJ8unday, January 17, 1912 -~.':':'.~eeeeeeetl ~.~~ ...... ~ =·~~•eJ!tHe ~.~.~eeeoeoo 1 ~.'::'..5:!: .....••• ~.':':'..~•o•oooo '~.~.5:!:. ...... , ~o~o':!:.oooo•t• ~.':':'..~10•1000 ~.":':.~oeooo•o l1•rtl tOOJ: ... ,.. 1002........ IOl2 l1•1tl 1002 C.WcWM• 1022 ColteMH. 1024 •Mtlo 1024 c.t.MtM 1024 ........ leecll 1040 '-J--.ece. 1048 ........•.••••......... ············••········· ...........•••••••...••.......•••..................••..........•....• ~······················ ............................................••...................•.......................... IY OWNll . owe 15 yr. loan w/outstandlng terms & rate o n this unusual Mesa Verde model like home. Open Sat & Sun 1·5 3165 Be rmuda. $167,500 Own/agt Lois Miller 631·1266 • MEWPORT ILUFFS IS PETE JOHNSON _I_ ~rp t~~ RE/Ml\X specjaJi~t. for r.{pt._filuf(s .. If you're buying or selling call P ete ·Johnson a t 631-1266 MESA VEIDE Like nu 3bdr., ram. rm., lg . "swimming" pool, new carpe ts. fresh paint. Motivated Seller. $190,000. Also for r e nt $900 /m o JACKIE HANDLEMAN 631-1266 IUY THIS ONE VA TUMS 3bdr .. lg . cozy fam. rm. w /fireplace. excel. Costa Mesa Loe . Sl22.500 J ACKI E H ANDLE M AN 631-1266 LOCATIOM LOCATION LOCATION Mesa Verde. near golf course. 4bdr., tall trees. secluded pool & s pa. All the good things & best loc. S295;000. Open House Sun 1·4 JACKI E HANDLE MAN 631-1266 EXEC. -GOLF ESTATE MOW S67l,000 A price decrea se of $25,000 ma kes this property a SUPER value! Custom golf estate home. 200' fairway frontage! 5 BR. 41'2 BA, formal din rm .. recreation & hobby rms . 2 frplcs. fam rm, s un- deck porch. pool & spa . Panoramic vie ws from most rooms, 3 car gar . Storage galor e. Call Bob Licata. 759-1221 . J IEDROOM CUSTOM 130/o NIVATE LOAM! Owner financed no lender qualifying ! Quiet c ul· de·sac. Parquet entry brick frpl. Tiled kitchen. Pantry. Family rm. Water filter and softe ner . Spa. Enclosed off-s treet RV pad . Giant patio. Storage s hed. Fruit trees a nd muc h m or e!! ~ust $169_,(JQQ! Call Bob Licata 759· 1221 OCEANFIOMT -OCEAMFIOMT Convert this ex. lrg duplex to your pri. res idence and live on the finest beach on the coast. Grt fin . avail. Steal at $650,000. Bob or Dovie Koop CAMEO SHORES Fab. Ocean & Coastline View 3 Br 3 Ba .. Form al Din., FamRm .. Study. lrg. pool & courtyard. pri. beaches, Bob or Dovie Koop 759· 1221 UMDA ISU TRADE Breathtaking bay view. 2 boat d ocks, room for 4 boats up to 74 ft., 5 Br. 6 Ba., gam e rm., formal iT ., ~~uest ri11g, pool. Setlet carry tst T.O. o trade mdustrial or off. bldg. $2 , 100.000. Bob or Uov1e Koop 759-1221 . -~CAMEO HIGHLANDS Ocean, view. re-decor . & remodel 3 Br, 2 Ba. Formal ~in. Very lrg. yd. pri. beach. Bob or Dovie Koop 759· 1221 · "2 .. MEWPOIT CllST CONDOS Lrgst models w/bay & ocean views, 4 Br 3 Ba. Fr. wet ba r. Outstanding Buys at S210,000. Bob and Dovie Koop 759-1221 WATERFRONT HST INVESTMENT 4 Br .. 3 Ba., Formal din .• fam. rm. lrg kit. Huge master s uite w/bay view new carp., 40 ft. boat dock, seller carry 1st. R .D. Bob or Dovi~ Koop NEWPORT CRIST CONDO 2 Br., 2lfz Ba. loft, highly upgrade. oak floors, bea u papers. ocean view. $98,000 l st at 12%. Priced at $170.000 Bob or Dovie Koop 759,1221 TRADE AVOCADO & ORANGE RANCH 78 acre Valley center , trade all or part for home in Laguna. Newport, Irvine. El Toro. Bob or Dovie Koop 759·1221 W VEGAS COMM. PllMI 5 ac. Dwnlwn., zoned highrise comm., has small motel & trailer park. plam for apts, must sell. Grt. fin. avail. 2.1 mHlion. -Bob or Dovie Koop 759-1221 • REl>Uct;o tovcly 3 J PREMIUM OPEN llOUSF: N~wport YOllTOWN VILLAS OHCI IN BJUBa conllu, I hhx·k lo DUPCIXfS ~ OPIM 1tOUSI SAT /SUM I J-4 Hc.ight.s., 1:131.000. 2 It 3 Bdtm. coiwt01 from A K.UI MOON Mesa Vt-rdl• t'ounl rhv 8d le ~ C 22111 ustin Ave SIOll.000 with JUSt $4000 Wot 1art> prMlt'lll'll 10 or (.1ulJ Pool. tcnnhi. lull 2 + 2 Bd, steps lo )024 C •-ottw M"4I OPEN H .JO S11111·1uu1> 4 down Prini•ipulK uni~ rt·r a home· that lb lrul) IJl'OUnd~ OWC loan cull l~j~~~/A~~:~~= Put your f a mily in a ni ce BR.2•,ba.des114nt'dror AJ>t•nt SS.HJ.Siil .. ~TANDING AWNF." now n eighborhood. No worry because it lht• ext't·utlve. Spurktlni.: , Stnk1n11 <·untcmporar)' 4 Bd i 2 Bd. newt'r bld11. h ( h pool. 1dt-al fur enll'rla111 SACIUFIC~:· 1lunt1111Jlon h DR~TIC OHer rouhl So. or Hwy. Assume as a new roo • new carpet, even t e 1og, Separate mother· Ill L""lll'fl'SI lar•'Cbt model 5 Uff' llc<1un· Ill 2 stor.i ,...,. 000 4 kl $ .. 9 ooo te h t · 4 · bd ~ " dt-s11111 fout urcs 3 bdrm. take this Ml'Sll V<•rdt• 4 ..,...,, · ··•S hll ~· • Wa r ea e r IS ne w. mce rms law qlrs. A•>I. Lloyd Or + bonu s M11~1 ~ell 3 UA + 3 8d Ill I f · 1 h . " form 11l111n11 rm n1K1r BR nxer up1)Cr. l,isted "" 'qua y Ull· too! Enioy am1 y gel-toget e rs in r e· Fox. 714·637·0471 now Ask mi.: $259,500 ll A S""" ooo '" ---µtun sl'nt•ll ll .' 2•, at SL34,9SO. NY owner s. ssume ""'· . cenlly completed family room. Seller Submit! Bkr fl.18 0709 h sa)s "m1n'c 11 ! " AMI. Askin11 $389,000. <;ontiH'I OWHEI MOVING aths ~-·~-· Durrell Pash, agt Cor wants your family to have it's own Beautirul. immai·ulatc S89,900 \'U n mu kt 11 l.1Jwl'r ~lel'p1ni.: hi h11:s . 'm>redt>tailS,-631·1.266 hom e 80 he gene rOUS)y OfrerS nO· &nirely landst•uped 4 8r VOUrS! C:hu rmln l: 4 NU lln)' m s lr SUl lt• ,_________ qualifying & uood terms . Call now home on l'Ul ·cle-sa<'. Wrm SUpl'r r1rrplut'l' w dre)S1n1: an·a.' Sl'P OPEHHOUSES 1·5 CUSTOM CON OOS Lo\·l'ly Tudor st\ ho)!. l'athl'drul 1·cil1ni:). island k1ll•ht•ns ,\II m Su u( Hwy ltx·ule F'runt unit 2 Bdrm $320.000 -&I 1·4111, Oahha. CdM NO LEA.5EllOLD WOR RI ES Ll'us~ has b~t·n l't'noptt'<l und 111, f1h•1I for 25 ) rs. Tut a II) rt• n~wt~I lrnne Tt·rrai•t• :J Bdrm 3 Ba humt• with ram1ly room $349.50-0 1436 Sl'rt•11adt• Tl'rru1·t• WOODBRtoQt; DOU. HOUSE: 2 lir Bodc.:a irodrl. h111hly up11n11h•1I. lilt• t•ntry & mirron•tl "'arclrobt'b G uml us sumabll' Isl TU & owe a "' Sp WON 'T LAST Rkr llulh & fRf:Nc ll this could be you r c bance of a at·ious rooms View or 8411 .. 0709 oonRs THAT OPEN lifetime. ~~r 1~~ee~0:1s~~~~~d ARTIST ABODE. I m1 lo T({ PR IV PAT I 0 rinanl'ing Only $139,500 beut·h, J Rr, 2 8u SllOK. rUSTOM 0 RN AT F: $299,500 + OWClst 112 blks to on•an. <IUlt'l t,3.S'lot ' t'on·t•dsa l'OO this \'Ult• dupll'x On \'I.' b) 315 Larkspur. Upn Sun 1·5 Jeanrw Sallt>r, °'** :1..1 . ...._ 11 21 Ask tor Bob Burtner 646-7434 Coronodet Mw I 022 OC: .. :AN VIEW 2 Hr 2 Ba ••••••••••••••••••••••• dN·k. )urd. bN ' 11a1c CdM's FINEST Custom home Outstand JASMI N .. : c 1n:EK rull °''eun 1 u 2 & dt•n. 2 ba cvodo Poul. ll'nlli:.. i.t•1· Own fin Opt•n Sal Sun 114 19<.:url Own ai.:t f..W 1515 7211 5151 1n~ ur1·h 11 n t url', CDM DUPLEX lx••iullrulh 11t-1·11ra11·d 3 &•st buy in l'dM Lqt.3 BR. lih0rut) i:uc·st , Bdhomew/frpk. + 2Bjl :..l'paratt• studio S795.000 I apt. Only 1262.000 owe r,-c lnl'ludl's i.;uri:cuus w1S40.000 <lwn J o)'l'l' tles11:ner furn1tun· ... Wuljxe, a,1.'l 631· 12G1; OP~;NSA'l'.SUN I~ WF.l:roN & l'O. G1•oridnt· ti75 WOO 11r 558 1809 Sl7SK 01¥ncr I 630 9440, &t2~ GREAT ST ARTER lkn'Odl'll'd 2 Bil. lri: lot $118,900 Bill f<l'nnl'dy 631 12ti6. al(I U...atabte T enns! Call 00-. 979.5370 open house Sun 1 5 20012 BANISTER l~ads 10 up A · · !i&ret Ln , It H 960 2183 1JCr II I , c·ompmed of LLSTATE i:ral·1ous 11 1· rm . I,.. ~-w walls of gla)b. WOOD REALTORS H.bow-I 042 CEILI NG & EXPOSED ••••••••••••••••••••••• BF.AMS, MASSIVE lyOwHt" ~:.ls1de Capt> Cod <.:on do 2BR. 2• 1BA. F'rph'. Dbl Gar. Jat·. Patio !2l ,•. Assum11 ble $136,500, Pnn Onh &12<l8J2 En•s Ex~rut11·e C M Homt· $129:000 Seller will pa) ('tl'ilS The• Real K~ t all•rs 963-6767 No Money down 3liR 2BA pool, SJJU, nl'W l'Ufj)('I, t·Ul·~t'·S!Jl' p _p (>42-2455 NO MONEY DOWH owe w /Ho Pymts BEST BUY Trin1dall St ONE FR PLC & lsltl Pnnll' lot· JBr Jba fRf-:NCH DOORS wh1rh OWC at 14'· int Bkr uiwn to EXPANSl\'E Tom Gu t1ert>46 9200 Sl!N PORCH Gll'ammi: lll l'psllll'r k1tr hen. A w atmront TR u .. : <.: l.: LI N ,\ R y Condo DELIGllT. has II all; ()a~nSunllll) IJ> rrum m1rroWi.l\C IU 16149St <.:ru1x trash romv•11·1or & 1~ In 3dt't1 St>u)!Jtt• w 30' JLL'>I a ~ll'll from form dork Svar :!Br Z' ,l)a dint• rm w )!Or)!t'OU3 ntw s11ntl You'llrindcx1en~11·eu!>e toned tl1•1·ur Lot~ or mir· of wood. )!lusi,. 1·t•ram1r rors. wullpa JJ rl'. oak 11h•s & oak l'ahmetrv nrs Steps lO tennis Fre lhroui:hout this jus0l simple $459.000 tompleted quality Look Prop 846 3331i homt• 1r1hat won't doll. l'ummutl'r) iirl'~til,\t' ad a quahfil.'d buyer mar 2n1I \'t'r)' m11111 atl•cl OLD CDM ~~~ ~ ~l•ll~1· ~"v s JUST LISTED CdM Chcrmtr D•lex • , , : IJl<·ation & trrms ;irl'lht• I WITH FINANCING Luwt-sl pri1·1· m Collei;l' Park 2000 s<1 rt 4 Hr P• & fallllb room hornt with nv a1·rl·si. Srllcr will 1·1.trl) SI00.000 1\ITD at ·12·, for 10 \'rs .. \Ill llnl'l' $124 .000 . 3 br, 2 ba homt-. Lge pool. Ja<" 213·59i 6521 llj.1- 2 BR 2': ba l'Ondo. h1 rm . time rm. 2 1·ar i:ar. ood term s Sl 34 .000 . ~ ownr Aft 6. 642·2643 drt'SS l'lusl'r to LA :J Br. TAKt: OVER i\PPROX 2', &t. uvi:rJdt·c.l Broad S 2 7 4 . 0 0 0 O 0 I N rnuor Condo 2 frplrs, J::X ISTI NG flNAN -:.l-t·unl).umt•n1l1t·~.M'· C I NG 1\T WE LL ai.~umubll• $215,000 BEi.OW Ct:RRF:1'T SI-:LL Nt•w homl' " 3 kl'I 1111h1~ J Bdrm furn1 3 RH 2ba ur 2 t )!Ut:~t in ll'1 l'ls lur i.:ra1·iou~ l111ni.: 11 'rm rnuntr. i·harml·r 1 "" nt·r·s umt Jbu 2 Ownt'r. 12131592 2175 MARKt:T RATES Of fore<! al onl) $3~.000 lrYiM 104• F'L'LL PRIC:E'C:A LL : i:l•uei.l <ttr!\ & ~JIJ I hlk lo lh1• b1:;.11·h on ioi I IJ(lrm n•111;1l rnt1ai:1· J\ll •IOI l'm in l'I l'r) "'J) I lll'r lul " 111in1 \' l' I in ,,hJl'JI 1·uml "' l'\1't•I Rclnn;..,hbrar. & famlh I Ownt•r r1t· ... 1hl1· .. 111 lot ,JI IU ll () wn1·r \\di I TRY s 15 000 DNI ••••••••••••••••••••••• MISSIOl'\ Rf.AL TY rm .~o\\ utf l' r .. 11 ,11 1 •'Jr~ 1 ... 2n•I 'f l) I'·· 1 ... , "·J ' .. So. orEH SUHDA Y I ·5 2287 Woten11a11 Woy ~sts1dt> 3 BR. ram1f, room and sµa Sl69.900 ~l.WO.bkr TRY $ 15, 000 ~'>So C:st Hw). La11una Sha11> lr112 Btlrm 211 Bu (7141494·073 I s.'i9tl !'JOI) JJ:J p rl'Ol. l'JM' 011t 11111 I ur • · h 1 >< "' .,.1Jrµ 3 "' 1·nnno nr · Ollll.' I ~ or M'll ni.:ht 1111\\ hUI 111 lO\\n lt•r uni) I l'uJ :.l l'l;ua Un i) 1 l'nlwh"' JIJk l.lu) lor ~~.ow $115.000 1\i.tl l'alm·k C0La OF~ l'DM t'.111 lha11a. ;ii:t. Col 644-7211 Tt:nort•. 7!>9 1221 MAL.TORS rur pri • •· & lt·ri11-:.-_ 6.111266 f.Jn NILlL GA IL['( & ASSOCIATES Xe~ Turtl~nx·k 1 ondo s p ,\ c 1 O t: S 4 Bdrm Only S~W.900 C:all for hume . e><et·ut11·e deta_ils Patnt·k Tt•norl'. nei)!hborhood While a1,'l 1~ 122J water 1·1rws. del·ks. spa. 211 IL c...t Nwr. C..-MI ... 175·55t 1 1006 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ATIIACTIVE 2 STORY +MODERN APT. BY OWNER CdMO..lex Pndl• or ownl•rsh1p. :>.l ni wKll• lot . hl•st 101· Flt·x . t1·rms l'r11·.·il un1kr l'Dl\I Dl.Pl.f:X 7()0 MARGL't:1un: N t'"' nm s t r 111· l 111 n . Mt•1li1 ,irl't111t•1·t ur,• Ownt•r H ldr ALL THIS IN MESA VERDE Fur $14!4.SCJO l.11·1111: rm 2.S~ 17 rt Dtnlll J! I. 11x10 fl .. :at '" k1t1·hen t :J Bdrm I J • ll;i A)!tUll $79,500 Cute I BH. R-2, !iOX 125 lol. 2026 Pomona. ': llown 1\C Pt•l1ll' Rllr, $-18·~ llGSPUSH! RVM* IR VINE:S WOODBRIDGE LANDING Pf:Trns =4. Dl'l11thlfull) lan1l&c·avl'tl. t~t·hanlini.: pa110 art•a. Sj1a. SJIS,000. llS7·07i I sauna Pll-ture )Ourselr in Lh1s one sel5.000 LOIJlll'O Vil• R.E 4'7·176._,_1 __ Oiwn Houst', Sat Sun . II 5pm 661 :'\yes Pl Owner Sale P r1<·e drasllrall) rl.'dun·d 3br. 21 2ha. whi1t•wal l'r 11ew Mu>t i.l'l' to 11pprl'ri:1te. -19!1 1122 Nr ba~·s . $3115.000 w bll n rabulous r111 Sll1 e SSS mark t•t S3 5H .'\Oil I 9-12·8.Wl 3 IHI r· 111 & 2 II 11 r m Srlt!J,000, nnan1 HIJ! ,I\ .111 I t7HHi7~ 9-1:11 ------- HUGE 20x40 pool and spa Tn l<·1;<•l 4 Br JI.la & fom rm. 2 l'ar i.;:ir Taki! 111H St 25 .000 al $1~ mo Sl79,!IOO Bkr 751·0205 SPA & TENNIS :'\t•\\ Landmark estate Lti;3or4 Brhonw w Ira: 4200 sq rt. t.:n:.urµassed fom1I) rm • dl'ror \ll'\\S Qu ahl) & mno,a- Rt"durecl SI0.000 In .. 11on Sl.100.000 fmanc 5176.995 for qu11·k ~alt• m1: a1 ail able l'onsuter rall toda) .\SSl' ME lt'lll>l' up lion T D 12', 11\'T i\ i:reat 1 aluc· Traile:. A~t. 499·56~1! llNiUALTY 12131434-0tOI Costa Mesa I 0241 SH~P EASTSIDE OPEHSAT/SUN 1·5 r •••••••~•••••••••••••••j 6 PLEX -f.ASTMOVE 1412SerenodeTerr. nt4~~~!1Ei:~~~lm I o~-1/ .. 11~01r1~~~~11 ~~~~-~a;·~:~J!.t"~.i~~ _..,,;;;,,_ --l"i11eTerrace :'\11 rw.~l t11 qu.Jhr) 1111 c1u.1hl11·t1, hu)1•r Wt•I! l'cio;ta rth-saNorthhum1· j •·7'-~0..W.-~ 41dnn Fee L-d tu-. 1nl1·ri•:-I l11J n lill Jll~I. )!0<1CI lookmi: b .y Ow .... ER 'i Su11n1 J111I l1uh1• .-:;o<,;1~1111· uiut + I t This qu1l'I l'UI dt• :.;u· Call PJlr1rk Tenurt• . " h ~·lkr\ "•II 1 .trl' :1011 :-l'JI' )!.Jr Jm hol'lll· 1,., look mi: for a ISL.t\ o·s MOST hni.;hl ;inti Ill'" 1111 till' Tl> Jiiii an· ·"klllJ! 11nll pl1· purk1n a: litolu\\ 11 lam1l.1 I Will t'Oll~llit-r 7$1221 CHARMl1'G SG l.RES mJrkl'I Bn1·k front. S!lti,!100 l'Jll ,\n11 l·1 lim1.•:.i:ro:.~ 1~·.1uanfor;)tars with 3 bdrm + tort. Frcni·h 'uh· Jnil rl·a1I p.1110,.,. ~k<.'.a:.lJnd . ..1i:t 631 12W CAU TODAY 20', clo~ n • Fu,.,., 1 doors&wmdu-.:. t'rn1·:.t j hanl\\111111 pan1ut·1 ll111J1 644-72M mon las! bu~ t•rs apJ)Omtments thruout tn)!lhru oul E:\n·l ltH'J I ~~ I SlfJ.!i>O.Call s.10-llSI ~14 ~ll'll'lh)sl Opl'n Sul I lion It•!>:. lh..1n 1000 I I 1.ov. or no do~n !'Ondo in Su Csl PIJ1 a art•J lireJt a~~umablc· In t'Jll Tim. A~t'nl 966 ~35 1 ~<>..!'.!'~~~-I 11.Jn•:. from S m1lhon s , • ~; IKlllll'l-Jnd n•Jh:.tll'Jll) --..~·s"-I • • • ·~~.-HERITAGE •~-=-=~ -w-ol'f1i vnt·~I Al-5365.~'tth-;i ~'"' nvv ~ -,._o • ;--;.I 1'UtllbmJl11•n or a:.~um.i 3 Br I B:1 luri.;1• '.1nl REALTORS TURTLEROCK \'IEWHOME ()pt·nSal Sun 12 5 16Southl'rn Woo•I JBr + hhrar) 1lt•1). 2450 ~<1 fl !GI 2300 ••••••••••••••tt•••••••I bit• an<l o~nt•r fin.1n1'tnJ! S95.cnl :'\:-./ b4t Oiti:t ,\J!I PEMHSULA POIHT ,-C~ 6~~·7l I I CUSTOM OPEN HOUSE COUNTRY ENG. I CA r E C 0 DI CHAIM ER 2Br. Ii? bonu:. rm . $32.5,000. 642-5200 A PETE BARRETT .. REALTY f.Jn NIGEL GAILEY & ASSl:JCIATES HEED HEL'1 UNIEATA.LE TatMS :i llr ~h-sa \'t•rtll' h1irn1· on qu1l'l 1 ul cit• ~.11 HU )!l' l1 ;11·k \ .tr1I ·~ l<11Hls1-;q1l'd 1111' nt.I\ 11111.11·~ St•llt•r "111 11ro '111!· n1•\\ 1'arp1·t ~ & fmam•l' $1001\ ;11 11', l'all Anm• l\frl'a~land, .11.'I 6.11· t2ti6 BACK IAY HOME ·s;s 1.2·4 Chlm·r l.lhlr h;1i. s1Jaml l 327 OcJle Stre~ no 1'\J1t•ns1· 1n th1i. nt•w I' 2 llr 21/Jlo Colldas wuqut' .1 Ud J LIJ homt• : lari.;l' )·ant Sl-75.000 l'll :al(X) sq fl of luxury 1111ni: c ai..'I 6.'.11 561il "' 1t•11~11111) arnl·n1ltl'!o t11 BRING OFFERS on th1" h~t 1111.1111 f111a~1·rn i: 1A>aut1rul J BR E;ists11ll' .\skin)! S:llS.1100 h·~· 111·t hnmt• Selll'l's h 111 t' :. h 11 "' 1 n i: ,. a II <.t l' n pur1·hast'<I anol h1•r X lnr lll'Jlwunh. ai:t 559·9400 rmanl'ini: Sl5·1,9UO ,\J..'I 642.~ 1 YOU'LL ENJOY Help yoursetr to a Heaping select ion or Quabried Hoperuls inlheDAILY PILOT _HEy> WA_NJE!>_AOS_ R&"M~ New \'1ew Townhume~f 2 j Master sullt'S I.)! rot~ tlblt' l'lll' i:ur Drlu'x :sr----•••lillllil•-t--St-·~t'S;...,iO"'"'O'O.._ __ . ....,r""IJllS-1. .... \-1t'~'"'Of'lOl"l"!f -----MlSA VERDE E M1tc l'M. 2 Bd + 1 Ra. I mi:ht ht.:hts Qii1l'1 Are.i I lhl· kt'hni: ol 11pan11u~ Ill~~ a~ )OU w<1lk into th!' hi 1ni.: room lrotn th1• lo11 1:1a l'ntn l'l'l'.ll1·ci h1 O\ll'll stairw J~ and :.h<l IOI! i:las~ tl1M1r~ ~ l11lrm~ Jnd 21: lt,llh~ cll'Mj!nl'tl with th•• C·1mt)~ "\.W Set· th1i. 001• bdon• di• rn110)! on an1 thmi.: l'bt· S2.S.500 O t-r~ "'4i 6 a::ro....,l.d WO'cb ti.low 10 ....-, 6 ....... -d• '""' i.n ... of ecxh i.. m 1 • ...-ol -•• S H E C 0 H H E R N C T r I t I I B E C J X 0 I r I I I T U G A I R "Now that we've struck I I r I I oil. Flora, you're gonna get '--...._-'·'-'--""---'--' some different clothes." __ N_E_Z_E_M_Y _ _, "Nothing doing, Hank. I've i.---~~---1 been wearing different I I I Ii I clothes all my fife. Now I'm ..._.L..-.1_....__..___,_--1 going to dress I Ike ........... " I' r r r r rr r rr-1 l rJ: I I I I I • I I I ·1 r STAR GA'ZEKfl~ ~-.;...-..,;.;'--~~•CLAY A POU.AN·~-~~---1 ~ '-~~c..dt ~ ;.u.,,.,., ••••• s~ To ct.¥tloP ""uoo~ for Mondoy, "°" .wdl corlftPO"d"'IJ 19~ of 'fGll ZodHIC btr1'1 l9\. :l bclrm. 2 bath. f111li' 1lhl oak noon.. frJllr, I t·ur Parks. opl'n 'Spat·es J! u r a i: l'. A 1 1· u n 11 i:ur. Ir.: lot O" nl•r "'111 ' SIJi,000. Sl89.000. Hal or I SIJ..l.500 Own(•r '°' 111 as f!nanr~· or \' ,\ lt•rms fal &u.er A~~s 6iJ 7300 MM In fmilnl'lnj.! ~~I ~.ur~iirt·rlJt•rti-11. tfl.tillgt• ~och I 040 r1 Roy McCordle, lltr. •••••••••••••••••••r•••I 'f ~s,.,- 541.7729 I 'lt'<1'~ R&"M~ UN19UE c.r, POOL & SP A SPSAI OHJKSDHOVWIL~A i, ~-8600 Gre;il en tt>rt.i1n1 n,,: 100/o DOWH " home. R\' s tora)!l' [)ram.it11· Sp;1n 1:.h l Sltl.~ Btll Kr nncd). 131/2% IMTHIST <•oun) ard entl) to nhk "523 "· ~ .... "-·feu HO 9UALIFYIHG!! 11 ml' pa rluu r "11 h " '°"""'"'"" 1nttfl -4 BR 2 Ba. (pk. usNI brk $225,000, lfHh Pl & '!yst_!n. 63 1·~4 bkr t'&JIJ •VETSATIN: • Foreclosurt Sal~ Mesa Vl'rtlt• Fou·r WON'T LAST Pnnr only $125.000 543.7023 Bkr 3bdrm. 2bu. 1600 sq rt . ma ss11·e nac·kli n ,,: rt•1n11l<'h.'fl k111·hen. I Ir rm•plan•. l'andll'h)!hl DESPERATE ! old 1·n11•et throughout. rorrna I d1mni:. t•a nllna Woodbnd)!t' 3Rr 2hJ I Ir Sl50.IXXl OWC AITO fnr k1khen Wall of class to new Low cto'°' n a~~um(' 4 )rs al $1520 mo . 1·cll·k1a1I patio with hu11e loans Nl'l'lbfostsalt• l)(>man<I ~: $1Clt• area nr S)larkhng sw1mmini: 01JenSun1IJ) 12 ~ St\ Cou nt!') Club Ca II pool &•aullful atrium 20 Wh1t t•l'lou1I J1·rr 1ai:,11: t714)493·3116 Close 10 hcarh Tr) SUT t:ss REAi.T Y $80,000 SIO,IXXl down with JO', 549 79<JI interest HURRY 1·all L •-h I 048 N1'\\1KH1 llr11:ht~ area. 963-7010 GIJllftCI -ac o" n r r w 1· a r n w 11 h R I w I 1 B h 1 •••••••• • •• •11 • • • • • • • • • I Slti.000 down I irn. R 2 ea t~ or I l'lll' Sil e on:A~FRONT Mt"lular lot llur11 ! Dt•1 rn Hl•al NO FOO i.iNG J l ST T) Ill' llnm..,., 2~ h 1 filtall',642 63611 S90.000 ror 3 Bdrm Sl'l'Unl). I . m1 llll ht h w wood floors rornt•r t f1sh1ni: pit•r Ct•d.11 IO( \'i\ FHA "'c•knmt• l'otlUl!l' l) Jll'. rt•1l\\~KI Bkr!}.tg.0709 llrt·k. poul. i:uar<k1I !(all'. adlt:s onh Nu · WT CHANCE dot:i. sm.ooo 499 Jilts FOREVER YIEWi~:. ~~ .. OFOCIAM & MIGHT ~S OPIN SPACIS & PADS llAMD MEW TOWMHOMIS Deluxe, 2 mas ter s uites, lar_ge airy room s. Great financing. Country atmosphere in Costa Mesa. All for the low price of: SU7,000 & SIH.000 HAI.,,,. PAT IAUa A6TS. 673-7300 . Exe<·ulhe 4 Br J Ba 2 2 Dl'W 1·:.l m on•an 1 u slory. family rm . homi.•i.. 4 Rr') .fl: Bu. for ma I din1ni: rm f R 1521-1533 Tuhll1 S35.ooo do-.•n owr 1496.000 Al!I 49i s.is..i S l5S ,000 . L eas1•1 SllOO/roo. 20731 Aq uat11· • THIU ARCH IA Y Lane. Broke-r 962·636~ or 3hdrm. Jba. ram rm. 842·1410 l!ardt•n k1h·h1•n. spl't' --tat•ul ur 0t·t•an \'It'"'" si.•1· OPEN HOUSf. i::ih~I. walk to ht•at•h At 2STORY NR BEACH tra1·t 1\ t' r1nun1·1n l! 4 BR + den wtmothrr in lil41499 5li6.1 law suite downstairs. Cltan. neat & upj!radcd. Open Housr Tod ay 19~01 Ar111ton , HR Yorktown & Rtookhurst (;fntury 21 8...ri: 962-8891 funtastlt' hu~ ! :1 h1I. 2 ha 1•undo !\•am t'l'll , 1ri11. 11a1m. l'luhhouM·. 1J1111I Owner rurn loun SL'l9.IKX> 1'1•1: Aih·n. IUtr. ·194·757K •Nfi:AR Bf:i\t;H • Ulurmln113 IHI rm, 2 huth Zit_\'. lmmcd. •poss. + llUl'St a11t. t><u ''"'' ~SUNDAY 1·5 ~SOWXA WAY l.easeupt1on or trade Xl'\\ 3 Br ~·: ha home. nt•Jr \ 11·tonJ hearh Gn·at Ol·ean '1ews ~.000 Edna Lundher~ &..\SSOt ~~~ $18,000 DOWN °"" sat;s .. 1.4 St't' ((}i~ W' koff TOD,\ Y JOd let ·~ make a deal On th1~ n11·t• 2BR Garden t) l>l' home Tht• IOI cl) kilt hc·n has an open bar 111 lht• d111tn)! an·;i anct a 1·mk out pJI 111 -\ "'ood hurn111 i.: l1pl un tl hookra>t•S m tht· 111 rm Th1·n• 1~ a Tt·nnis l'I rw•rh1 St'llt'r~ woul d I t' .1 ~ 1• h a 1· k 0 n I \ Sl.fl.500 . VICTORIA IEACH AJTD IO°to DOWN ~·t•an 11e~. sphl le1·el Ooor plan "' 1lh a BR and It, e· l' ni.: or rumpll'lt• pr11·a1·~ \·a 1·an1 . muq• 111 toda• lshan• "' a friend ) Pnl·cofl FAR BEi.OW ap· 11ra1~al Jl Sl59.WO Just h~ll-d' GREAT OCEAH VIEW Opet! s... 12·4 \ t''1 pm ate' On about 1 , Ane. owner will hnanc·e this 1·aran1 JSR home:· ilnd guest house &'1.• 11 loda) ! Be rreauve Jrnl ron-0ver for prorit - or JU~t e nJO) 189 IJu) 11 ew s.165. 000 Su b· mil offc•rs' J IUCHUNITS ,\I, M 0 ST 0 <.:I': AN FRONT ' .\ l>IH'l'I arnlar 1 it•w nT t'n·~1·1·nt flt• arh \' l'rl 'JIJl'IOUS 211R 28 ,\. 1hn1• rm. \\l'lhar. fplt· & luwklil palw + 2 h'r nf11 'lu11ios Pnmt• pro 11t:rt 1 51195.IXXl owe 494.7551 tMe McConMck Ill FOHCLOSUIE FORCES SiCRIFICI SALE Wrub Co\<' 1lu11l1·x . I hlnrk lo hl'Jl·h 5220.000 Tunwr rhSO<' , ~94 I 117 OCUHNOMT OPIMHOUSI UT&SUH 10.5 01'11' or I h\• mo11t 1111\'(' t:11·ular u1·w~ in l.1111unJ ltl·:tt·h with rmanl'tnl! tn ma11·h l'r11 ah• llll'llll.a{ hnt lllh It 's 11111 11 ;111 ! ~;;;, \'111ona l>r. l.;ii:un11 111.•;ll'h SU9!UNNI OCUMFIOHT LOT i\l~o u1·111luhh· for in ~!K'i'lllln l>onal W111r. l o I 1h• 1• I I lh n k 1• r .• , '11•••·1320. OP9t HOUll SAT.·SUM. 1-4 U71 PACl'IC IH Of WUOMt l le.OD0.116.000dn. ~:m:ruhl Tl•rrat·\• Wulk Pa~~l481 PITI 964·7362 to lll'ut·h. 1\sllumahh• i--------Smllti~ly lk'autiful. no luu Owner will h\'111 OCIAll'IOMT . ' flSA WEST -llNil °'·ttlookt>d. Rare ru,•M't'. s:nuoo P('11 'llK't'tl<'lll• \"lf.W rram I •orJ 4 Br. 2.300 ar. i\lk'ft Rllr. 414 m11, llu UNl ltt l.-.rua1 l.ldo. Gcllr, teftnll ' aurfina 2 ..... Oii t lot. lin• in llmlnl) • a !Mina -... HHtlntlon IH('lifr. oae rut ltlf olhr n. ...... t:au.• Opt• lat·Svn tHU ...._lmk'0ttuvifwl. ... ..... . ... 111. All· 1loe611,• ... to ..... -·-.... .. .. .... . ... l orange (.;Olt\UAILY t'tLU 11:>una1y, .11nu1ry 111 1wcw ..... F« Wt 'HoetMt F« Wt ....... ,_Wt . Ollerlttl ..... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ························ ............................................................................................ ······················! &.lf-lteill IMI Me,. ..... _. L06t Ml .,.,.lteclt 106' IHd 106' Ml ••rfltd 106' Mlue,.rtllHd 1169 Ml,... .. _. I06t S.Cl••ltt 1076 Ml&Wt .......... .... ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••l•••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• "'•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• lacll•1• 2100 llcll•11 JIOO OV tRl.OOKING IYOW .. 11 PllVATIHOME ~~..po.a •••••••••h•••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• MAIN sr u 111/1.,,.AMAMCI._ Prl L ..._ -iid w Jo' 11 3 bdrm with scparaic Ocec11 V• COlldos 2bdrnl ln 11pm·.:le111lul' You l'llll't bt'lll this' 30 In Ne..:rt ~ •h )2308 1urn1sh ~~()(l~mu{,.l yrntllLL£S r111111l)'room 111111 bulh i Ud 2 b11. 13(),000 dn. ror only 1210.000 Cull Yt'llr loan Ill lh'l t rirr 0r Uniqu:~bdtm au il S3t!I 000 LR.JN S391UOO With art>ut 132,500. owncr:,32·9840494 81:111 uwratl2.5'i Ru utifu!4 11' ba l"rt1rlivin~·a.nd w/TERM S 11'air1(·k Tlltw=lffdlHOMtt,.._. rin11nt'in11!1\3100140 3 Bd. ""bu. lu"ur) WANTED C-~ Rr 211 Oa Condo 10 1 ' "_ T 7•"' 22 ' .,. " vn1.-POIAIY Newport Creal. r.lZ5,000. din. a.re11. EXl'e lllnl eno(t'. ll .,.-1 I t-dtd ah, Pool. Jec111ll, Sw. 14~.000dn Sl&l.SOO P11nonmk on•un v1ow1> TSLP__... Bay, Udo. Pen .. Oeean Prof. •P' & Men. SO' UDO 4 H AAIUCH ILTH. from this 2 or 3 bdrm , • .,...... •• t• \'it>w. Enough spart' to 200· rrvm dulJhuuse • COMM'La.DG • DIAMC>t4DS h b11th hornl'. Some or CallOelores.642·1603 build 1420.000 MUST * I IDIM, n e wly f u rn is h e d & lwtwh Must11ct•.thu1h:is D.4/492·2100 the ameni11es inrlullc 3 Sl-:E! decorator perfect! Tuvn·Key ready for hu~ 11 ull Ownr ut1l S• ,,._ • LAte •Ans • CAIS * T.D.'• rir11pl!1t·l's, i.:uurmt• t C1•1ry Vl~t ~0.513~.97~1 liAYf'RONT t fl I · 133 VloUIMJIH Coplttr.o 1078 k1khen, rrrcpll & SIJU. A New Cape Cod 2 story LE~l-:llOLJ) occupanC.Y. GREA 2nd 001' ocat1on Opte Sot/SH 1·5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• re;al beautys.%S,OOO bldg on prime ~tret•t. OC EA H VIEW Exqwsitc 4 br Hu. lll'tir r acin g la ndscape d court ya rd & 675.1291 IPALM SNMS OI Ol~I COJ ACLUSTHOF... 21KK>sq rt. +scur pkg $1351( Linda Isle, rnl·luclt·s founta tn.Outs tandingvalue .$129.500. l/2to4.31 ACRE MAY~ADO SOMI CASH .. old LaKuna Ch11rm! s Rcs1dent·e10Hll'e up. Tulle ovn SlOl.000 loan. privutc d()(•k oo· on thi• HOltSEPROPHTY WIU. TIADI: separatt' 1 bdrm t·ot· stairs, roof lop de<·k. rf' 3 Br 211 &, 3 yrs nl'w. main hay ~.ooo down. * 1IDllM 2 Ba LaTour , rireplace +So. OwntrWll FinORCt CuJ1ton1 4 & s hdrms • SPYe&.ASS 4 IOIM. J IA. UICUTIYI I all es. ea l' h w 1 l h lUJldownstuirs S37S.OOO John Marshall. agt & as!>Uml' S7SO.OOO li t exposure + mini ocean vu. Low down 60' sa1, home Wllh 2700 to 5000 blj ~ NOMI SIJ7,HO IK)UITY fireplat·c & open beam Ope. Sat/S.. 1.5 113J.121fi6 12', f•l2 9231 ~a~ment, immedia te occupa ncy. Only fan1a ... t11· i iew. ot ma111er ft Outstamllng reaturei. •. D .......... _...Jn. 2 •A. HACH l'eihng The largerlatlol 41031 t St ..... bU1lei. of 4 hclrms . .a 1 11 ,..,_ r"'"' has nlr .. """an \ l"W• ~ • "' • VEIS"'ILLES 1 000 Agent 760-8617 I ... r I 4 h ~ O~t'llll uni \'U e) Con"'411 .... 0.000 llft.lllTY ' ""'' ' 0 G73.fi776 ~ ' • • · >.1t1"' arm 1 room. l '1ew1 t1 bl'ral terms ,.._ -......... and1sbut ashortwnlk to -----Penthouiw 11tutl1u 20'• flour obi.l•r.1 atuq . ·i hr 528 000 ...... _a"h ••"•.ooo ~RT HGTS d S611000 I ,. Q 3"11 • e s. to uoc ...... ' ......, ~nrv n approx . !>l VILLA eun A l'lt•\UlCH' Suhm1l uHer $1.-000 ASI FOi ION TA YLOI MYSTIC tlLLS VIEW t 1:a.• • owe 2ncl 12·. 3 IU.D Rt,l1M·et1tus:t000.000 W.. & Wtiu l .E Absolutely rabuloul> Beaut 48r14• numerous IEDUCED:UDO Hs Gi m. r ,,,... MEW OFHllMG. Top Cloor corner .. 93_2752 I. C. TA YLOI CO. 640.ttOO white water ' 1t-ws from amen 1l 1 t-s O 14 n c r WATEIFIOMT du llh1>e Si•c u ri t' Outstanding, ocean & bay views . l + 506 '1" Strttf "' this 3 bdrm. 2• 2 bath rinunrini: at 10·. For an This home reaturt•s s $13S.OOO 014 llt'r \ l:l den or 2 Bdrm. F ire place, skyli~hls . :! Wrm. 2 hath apt II\ 1·r -!fil±_ home . Wallung d1stani·e appt to \ lf'W this fine bdrms. 41 i baths. Iii li3l llll8 assumable financing at 11.6% fixed. :1 •Jr .:aragt Atlarhl'<t Santo Alto I 080 to lugh Sl'hool. town and h ome , r u 11 C u rt REOUC EO lll.'\ln111m. huhll\ room & ••••••••••••••••••••••• beul·h Owner will hl1l1> illi' bert II 6311266 nn. formal dm rm. 00' ! $289,000. Agent. 760-8617 hJlr bJth 1sx100· 101 o-. down. 2 Br 1 Ba l'Un ~Property 2000 --.rroptrty 2000 finanee ~50.000 doc:k & Sl)el'lal·ular Ila\ Ayp at S270.000 .al\R, Huum tu huilil with clu. hke nt•l4, 1st rlr lur. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• \iews from e\en room 2.!.<.H \. 1iool. $2-10.000 1 S patio. "°'.OOO lmml•d l .... COME By owner fixer triplex .. :.. __ ,r · • f'lnam·in" open 'to .rnur Own \•!1 955 OllO!I IJV(l'l111J l1J~ 1 ww ·u11 ~ ""' ~~• ... ., l 11 .. r " 11 cl r o1·t'upanl'.' ·v "or •ao•ERTY SJ<11i,(ltllhm lsl<il P •'• ~\.'M41!C!~4.~· offc·rs $2.300.000 Ol'EAM'HONT Pm 1111· llLUl"f'S I\\' OWN ER . Waterfront ot I 0% ~.~' nee u .. · '' ti75 ~· ~t-3869 [.EC.-l ""LIST Nt-i'tl If.! t·a~h 645·3340 " ........ Eustblurr S245 000 'R<ilph FU673rr00a1&9 .\ssu1· hon ·l3 un 1 Ru r0o111 :!Or, 2fla Condo. 2 ll\I 2500 Ml It rondo ~n 1m: I 1'111t· In~ &'rrust l'tt $95,000 ·-Jlr ~ OWNER ANXIOUS · · · tor aulil1un St1•p from Pllllo!I m t•rlook111g wiclt• st1g111ul> l.1110 \ 1llu gt· l.t'"l\9~ :!OZOl•:1. 7:17 l • Newvort lleii:hli.·3Br 1101110..0"'°""' lbtlrm. 2•·hu. lrg yril. lhl' llt•u1·h lh o"n1·r hl·au11ful g rl'l'nlil'll & An•a w boal !>Iii" ll1g'1 Trust ~~t.ikSJll' ~ hr, 2 bu Low clown, Sell't'l from l 19 units hi.e + duplex. OWC.: . .._o..o.c. '*'' S207.000 assumablr 13' 1 0 W r F 1• 1; I and I f)lX>I. nrw r1>1s . singh• assumalJk 10'. hi Will 1·r1-..1ll~•· rm !Hti·t.'960 Term~ availahll· to suit 12, ,. , S'l.~O.OOO. RYCO. HEWP01Sl.642·5161R;T640H·8G107TS EASTBLUFF 714.&12·:Jm I i.l ~. imma1· A ~krng 1 ,c11onso mns1ller 11·.i,1· 011 yournc1.o(IS INC 6-l5 2'lSl .171414'4·1177 Sva1·1ous 4 Rd rm l'onclo S2" ooo "14 •oso WESTCLfff I 086 A BEAUTY. Lr1: patto w. ·"' a · So.thLC11J1910 J 3FlNEST w wetbar ! Call rur RIG CANYON llOME CUSTOM 113>!~3:180\\llt'I' ,\i:t ....................... 1(1 ~= . PROPERTIES 'l'ERM S. Ou•n .. r will ON:rllEGTll FAlltWAY "---El-i I lworLtoH l'NIQUHllDE,\WAY' NEJ~&5ffi W OWNER finance. Patri~·k Tenurc A Deane "D1·uu' rll1•" rl' 816 CANYON ..,_ nnOllC ltCJ Two lll~fruom two hath Waler \'I""" I RR slut· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ----...,... Hils I 050 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2100 2BI\ 1'2BA To"nhouse View, sauna, pool. lrn nis. Rel·. Club, i.:ara,.:e. s.sis 64~4981 f'lNANCl:"/G 7SS.l22I s1dcnn•w 4 l.lclrnis, :1 11a MiNmumdown comlo 1' .. 1l 11i:ht uut-11h• c·o. hii:h beam •·l.i. ft>h-. C(Jf1!~!1\'l fOC t'rrt>stndi.: ind bldg 8000 :111d 0\{'f 3000 sq rt 111111 7 Ro) al St. Gl'ilfl:c Rel H1.•JUl1rull) UIJl:folClt•tl I I \UUf 1loor ()" llt'I' Wiii 11 W rtoors Sunclt·1·k & --f-'-'t'I -l>Cl rt Ideal tor owner· Cl.IFF DR Mtwporl ltach lb69 ••••••••••••••••••••••• A PANORAMIC \'IF.W Of lhe Ul't'Un rrum lhlS tr Jd111onal CAP F: l'OD home EXP \NSl\'E 4 lir !>. ram rm & POOL s.<;00. IXXJ IYOWHER OWC l S ) r loa n .w,ou1stand1111: lt>rm!> & , , rate on this unui.ual rRI l.E\ EL M~a Verde model hki•: With Pt•l•k J \'1ew' I Br's home Opn Sat Sun 1 5 + ram rm 1•nh.inc·1·cl 316.S Bermuda S16i.SOO With lo~s ur "outl & -~1magt . Lois Miller. 1·harm l'..wl'lll'nt tl'rm' s:n-1..366 sm.500 IAYFIOMT CONDO See the world from this lorty, ''a•w or bay & Ol'ean. l.loal sh).1 avarl. $175.000. OCEANFIOHT L 11 r ge h om e un peninsula 1101nl ! Prrl'l' close to lot v ;ilur 675-8676, 67~ NEWPORT HG TS Two rabulous un11 s. i:reat location, R·2. fan tastir financini:. Only S.121.900. Rbt M lllJ ken. 11111266 . - DOVER SHORES ·' 1441 Galaxy Om tr. ' CO NTRYCOTTAGE I W11h all tht• CllARM or I the llr1ghls BRAND NF.W KITCHEN! Ha:. 1t all roronly S2SO.oou . RAE RODG ERS G3l·1266 EXECUTIVE HOME ~lx.lrm. 312ba. ln·lt•\ cl. fam1'm. drn. ~unc1crk. 2 rrpk~. CUl·dl'·83<'. lrj: lot Mot1rntrd selll'r. us suml' & own<•r will t·arD Ton~. o" nl'r ai:t hm. 548 llti33 : Ofl· '00 1222 NEWPORT HG TS $199,000 Brand nl'~ 3 Or 3 Ba. fl•J turtng spannui. rooms. Fr door~ sk) lite) & guurmc•t k•l<'hcn Out:.tandin,:: \alue Jeanne Salter. Jg\ 759. 1221 CUSTOM DUPLEX Great loc•atron with m.1n~ extru~. sur h as 1111! spun· Ft'utun•,., 1n OPEN SUN 121 'I bdrm holm' in ll.11 hor I 1:ir11 2n•I Sl2'1.fl00 with c·uH•rl>d 11110 Own Im 714 &II 0763 ll.'>l:r Xlnt S W Santa dudt• a jut·u111 in lht' Eloh llallc~'. Ri•allor \'i1·" Art•a M1.·~u·.11)! SllO .UOtl a"uma hi .. Sl:l!l,500 i!IJ2.H'ollt'gc•AH' Ana loc· Paul Franklrn pn1 utr l'llllO an•a. J :1 t"1 I 44s:r; Pa,·t·rs throughout I ht· l11Mw111i: .11 l~' • 1.1.•J't' OPEN SAT SL':\ ll .'> ( 0,1a ~lt'!>a. CA . 7~ Sn I. rar i.:ar.ii:c'. a lri.: honu~ maiont~ o( thl' h111111• 1111111111 J\ .11l.1hk "1th .11712 f 41 n 1c" tl>t"'n I L.ohforS•t '2200 AfFORDAILE room uni! gall• 1:uJrt1l'I~ $195,000 1 Finan .. 1ni.: mJ~t·~ 1111, S.'AXJ il11"'11 .11 Siuo 111'1 :irJ & 4lhl o"nr .ii:t ---••••••••••••••••••••••• WATE:RFIOHT !>l'l'llri.t~, O"nH "'111 , ASSUMELO~HS homt• '''r~ JM1 .ic·l1\c• im 213221S:ll0.2l3fi60fitt50 AmEVALLEY \ Sp.iriciw-c-lt>an 4 llr ,1 • I t Jrn ,1 ~ml T O On .. ol St'\· 1h1!> 1 Bdrm .I h.1 ~75.0C() 11ll'luchnJ.: I.incl 1 t C ,. BUJLO£RS Ba-lt'"'it'~·rp nP~ lntd;-l'~ 14 bQt bu~.,. VII the L bl.-.iullful l'unor1n11 \111! 01x·1~huUM' Sun 12 l. 11133 ote Realty WHfwllllsttr I OH 1'mr Shtltet-El si• Costa Mesa Ille. bwlt rns. 2 1>al lo\, 2 ,.:olft·U1.1rs1· J1-$1~S.OOIJ In II a r h" r \ i ,. \\ Pon Ren" ll lc \i.l J 1.·n & In \'l'Sl ment ···~·OQL ~·Lj;\~1~G·•• • :'\ eJ r n~l4 I PI l' x 2 R 'i lot. 3 unit:.. llldr'!> sundN·ks Rea1·h II\ mg .644-7020 I ~1l.lrJh mol tht•i 111 IJ" !llfC'rSurhonwlHi\ IJ\itl 640.5777 1..0:'\G T ERM fl.\\"'\ ~~;;i,1;t'~~~~he.e~~~lou)::\ permit Sell or tradl' l,lir JI it's best Bnni:: IUUt <irtr~. J mo~l n .. " 2HOUSES I LOT l'l:\G 11at11.1 1:ara1:1· 9 .... bl rm1Shl'<lpro)l'<'l dinJ.:h\ & f1sh'n 1ioll' L" 'J'lk.'llnl!. l'IVllt' 1" 1"'01 2 .. , To ltoch I LIDO SANDS \.\>UITll' a1Jprux ~.000 l'u!> cJSh llo" No14 957-4027 '-'king 52JMl.000 1ngo t1J9.500 IEIR Shm1!ll•d Ct1llJ)!1· Cl\in 11,t'l I Surul,11 al IJ' ! · J\ J.: on this Sl.59.500 lllll G runll~, DUPLEX $315,000 •.ii..... So. Calif. Rtalty plu.~ 1111: loft Rl·ar hou,,· tx:r. Ih m 1• Cn -.i t•nl nr .iBr. !Ba IJOCJI home RJ~r. bls-6161 CYPRUS COVE 1 'hon hl0<•k lu Ut'l'an 3 546-5605 6 3 I ·6194 hJ' .1 ~k \ 1.Jl II\ rm. I !'.4111<·11or & ("u.ht II\\ 1 Bl'lu"' mkl al SIOVlOO San CIC'ffil.'ntl' Lot 211 R1 2 Ba':-in l'Jl'h un11 -ZRH. IB \ + 'l'11:1ralt• I l 'utc· .t Hr 2 BJ " nu Coted area Call Jo .\n QUALITY 4-PLEX 01w o( the la ri:t-sl 11(·.-Jn SOflll' ocean \'It'". :.um OWNER FfHAHCIHG Mtw layfront home Studht" 1th., u,\ OWi' ;, k11d1 & uprn h••um 1·t·1I 1 i t 4 I !I 6 ~ I 4 6 2 3 ~ 2 2 01. \l!f\ llt-x1bll' , ie" tots 111 subd1' 1~111n mer rent O"m·r "'II Qull'l. spJtH1u' adult I s1.19:i.OOO. t·a~\ ti•rm~· H'ar"I S22!l.SOO I 1111:~ ~\1l11u1tTS215.00tl ~:Dr. E W \ T E It on terms e·1ll Kl'n $Jltl,50ll B) owner help fmam·e Call for l'OOdu 2 br. 2 ha. l'n<'I ~~-, cloc·k. 1;:~~5•9m801Jk 494.7551 1 RF.Al.TY t2131 43~ ~~I -ro ·.a 631 l266 1 &ff,2200 tMr Lat·? 1 _ appl i.:ar .. \ JUill'<l c·1.•1hni:'. 1 ,,;,., Hilit McC...-..clc RE I . -I .,,,,_ Harbor R1d0 e lol. !'\B, 1 W .. ~"'.F"'MILY tn t•\cl St•runl\, 1·11m t\OL'LT moblll· horn•· • ., A"''"" ~ r 0th r • milS\alue.$61SKequll) ~Br 21,na t r amll.1 ort & 1'011'1'ntt·11•·1· park.unthl·ha~.:I HH 2 lstTIMEOFfERED trRtailEstote tradl·for TD 's,rnrome rm &2l·ar gar Go0<I as orWtl'll In loi.·~111011 Maki• llA. Still.SIX> ,\I.SO. l UH . SH \RP' Wl•std1lf. 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·---... pro\)t) or ~111 J .\' "" ~u mt1bll' r1nan r1 11g ~~~S.OOU R al •ll'fl.l lli\,luru S.15.0tHI l><lrm.2ha£anul~ room. MoWltFor..,_.Homts S350K i·aNh rniestor 1or Owrll'rw1llhelp C1llu~ ..._rntrsdil e !.Y. OPE~SATSt:N1WM >mJl l 11lfH·e. 1arn111 .,., 1100 C.M.TaxShtfter 3 5 mil Shum•· forthi·lowc:1own Ofr953·911i c\s9981j1~ll :JOOE ('uustltw~. lli•;il/' \cl ()1111,•r "'II ••••••••••••••••••••••• 171•17.n,n.•"t l' 1 "'' OCL' N ' 0 4·plex. Xlnt rinarll'e • ""\MO .-.. -... ... Uk -11 r-5 ·131-h ~K ti75-0073 1.345 <tt23 .............. • 0 __ __.. DUINEX $239,500 N1·unu1rt B1•al'11 clunl1•x. "' ·1< 1· arr 1 " ~ 111 I 1111 I c.A FR NT Modular 3 Br. uv. 3 Br down 4hdrm & 21Jd rm . r ,. '"· ' I S'.!55.0lltl li 1ti ti7H!l . HPTHEIGHTS 'f~pe Homt-s. 24 r 1 _________ ,.._ .. , C'>C'n, Soinl' Ot'l'an Ill'" 2 S:.'65.000. S.SO.l)()(f down 4101UnqsRd 1;Jt'.!lii M'\'Unl~. 'i m1 p11 brh Rttort 2400 Slnl!le 1•ar i.::1rai:c~ L I\(' owe bulann· ut 13'. s t S'1 HI F ll I rr II s E c L u D E D t r1sh1ni: pier Ct•d<tr GREAT DUPLEX II ••••••••••••••••••••••• lllOnt'.renllhl'Olha f;jJ.52.'17 ~~~~2i)'~n(l•1....":, .a~ JU .ifl:J lll I CHARM l'\lllagt· IHW. n•ti14vod ,$3W.OOO 1809 W naiiwa Pulm Spriniis $tVi.iOU HiRf & C • O'I • JUST REDUCED l)WCat t:I'. I ~•~~°"~~.Su" I \ pn,all' rnnh•mporul\ ifrrk. 1Juol , i:uard ... d I Hh d Opl'n Oa1h 2 4 Tum Kt·~ Tenn1~ l'ondo a r•9 nttt r __ 1_... 1 (rn1t 1" and ti J •1'1.11 t,111•nJ111nwnthomt•\\ ...1 i:u te .• ic1lt~ on!) :\u Ted Hub...rt Ht•Jllvr. un Gulf Club Drrie 840-8208 $200,000 ~ unu 1 la"ll" b.iri:J1n .11 ~It.II K<I _tr kt ·h •lilj(.S ~.000 4993816 75207-714 320%-tl or 5683113 DOCISIDE l . E. \banclonl'<I Sp~ j!IJ'' .\ppl Jn~ t1mt• \1!1 t'.it;ilp,l St s:11 n OOCI ' "i°' ·.~111 I It c r Uwbi . I d I '.. BKR 1'·11 0"'(. •. trJ1"hl nlllt• 11.~i llt75. 6_15·Silll I anti mrl111l1'll ;5~ 1:!~1 "•KM " '( I g, o ., u e Wll l'. a u I~ U\ l'r 2 3 I 0.., --"a "'-a A• " " _, .. I I i:la'" l11"1•rin,.: trl't'l> ~.nu IJ('I:> Appl Lo 1111 --A;.1 &iH2.tll an11 'l'J Huom to t·A i rntr 548 05t~ . Costa Mt so OP84 SAT/SUN 12·4 TIUDE UP TO I p.11111 on & out ~ ulh.'' tlO X s:. Rua•lt·rafl . F:le1e11 umts tlO 2bdrm 1515Cwnbertalld.MI J~IORRl'"'--E I nf'~HlfRQNT I J,l'H'l>:. Bebt,t 1n H11t:. h hl4 uocl I.: rm ;. tuwnhtruses-+ a four nAA 119 "" M I nu'IJ JI onl~ $279.500 tura", He· 1 urr..r hclrm I'• ba R;i n1 h WESTt.Lfff. 52~0.000 l l\'111 takt• 'our rurr<'nl . -110 63112'i6 17',,.,.,,,...AdYlt"' Pla:.CM • ~l Ann u.il rnrume 1.m·eh 3 Btlrm plus l"'Wh, lntrucle J RR 3ha I --..TOD""Y 1-5.' """""' 562.52025'. ctn. a~sum1' ram.I,: -·m. ltwatetl in .... _..a"" A '"" + tlcn ll4~ ti 121; bl TD O"ner"1ll rJrn Presi1°1ou s Wl'std1 rl' I 2 d TD · M111u1;s 10 the hl•a1·h murtl'll\ tohrokt>r!> • 1554 E. 0e ... Froftt ~S +. I ht1rm rurn . n at allralll\t' · I ,.....,_.. PoW f)lt>106t'tl patio. 8 x 35.. rate Subm11 .ill ofh-ri. ~~e!1~h~h~~f1~~1~ .. ~~I UDO WAJERfRONT I New pnre l.'qual to lot valu<'' Remvd£>1 or rl' SGI C'-tlttt I 076 ~p:ire rent S9S mo Call ~ti~, ~'11'~:;.::l'r H t'al l~ for Jn aoporntmrnt to 3 l' NI TS 0 11 ~Jn d ~ 1 build on this rho1ee Oreanfront lot f:xt·ellc•nt ••••••••••••••••••••••-' 1\.11 0527 9 -I 30 wk eta. see.l·alls.I0-1151 llt':ll'h Sl.:100.000 with ownc;finanrinll3va1labll' S67S.OOO ....,..THIU'-DOWM I, ~ktin7Jvi i$3 t'\l'S .ind ltil':\ITS I I ~ "w " ..,., O~I.\' S00.000 <lo" 11 \II ~.OOO ussum,1b c· bt JOAHH AICEIMAH :'>le" larl{l' 3 br. 0t•ean 2Rr 2ba \'t·n n1rl' i\j.!t Ovl•n hnu~t-Sut Sunl25 I \ll'"S°l,190 mu >t.5·9911 IOX20XtraR00111 .. ~ ,,.. HERITAGE . . REALTORS P \l.M SP Rl~GS \Rt;\ EX l.'LL'SI\ E 1.aQt 'l ~T\ 2 Yr old ciwnc•r !> o"' n "k nd holTll' aAll> !>II rt. 3Br. 2' iBa frml din. :>h'P· d14n 11\ rm. till' 1·vt lhruout. <lua l frpk!>. \C. .alarm :-~s . ~tra -rii i:ara1:e. hl'ated pool. pa. boat R\ str.:. btfl ll1'b1·pd, outs111dng 11ew t • blk LQ Gnlr $285.UOO. P~hl trach· 11~ ~ Ii l~ I 995 9356. t•1 e, "knds 6-l2<1t~~l.~nn _ l'ALM SPR INGS lllx"8 4 Br. Den, f orm a I Din 1ng Room. 2 f ireplares. 3 rar garage + I a rgc Hobby Room Pool Slll'd 104. beaut. lands1;apl'd Owner well assist at financi n11. Only $420.000 Open Sat Sun I 4 30 Robinson Realtor 548·5647 llahan Ill e lloor,. oak l1111!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!lllllillllll~I c·abinc:t:..1 m11·ro "a 1 t'. \' ll eu um s n ; t ems , rircpl81't' .sunclt-~k . and Hi \'1a LuloSoucl llVINE FfHAMCIAL CORP. "-'----rt •-och 1069 Cab~'!,_a. SllOO&U 83i8 5-1115/02 Rita Wrrtt•r. Af.!1·111 675-6'70 675-76tl ........ ,.--INVESTORS CHOICE 7~2·57 10 I•••••••••••••••_•••••••• ~ & l8 L t 1 LAGUNA HILLS · ru :.. 't•ar~ I'll fl \wninJ? ~· park Dt•ath ~l akt' offer U ke new. lrg 4 Ur w bon us rm Onl) $429,900 Assume II 7'. Call P;!tmk Tenoi:.e. agl 7$-1221 mlll·h mor<' H 1USTSEE !' Owner's m<l\'lnl! out or s1atl' Assuma bit> ur f111an1·mi: or ext·hani:e Don't miss this one. onl> S340,000 Call now ror JllJrl'dcta1ls !nS-5370 ALLSTATE REALTOU SPICIA& &IQUIDATIOll SA111 c". "·! d nt'".lo~la M1·~.1 • .,,al'1ous 2 .,. rm + en. 2 bath. 2~x60 mobile I 111lmts 1ont•d lor 24 lll'W home,SStar Park. al un· ~ ('on1los I I) 536.000 and )·.ou i:1•t ll D llourke Rltr 5-tti !19~ months FREE SflUt'(' •• 1 rt'lll A l'nl 67J·OlS8 or HOME&INlOMF. I ' l'Trm"'r.tl't 1•11!11--lllllllllllll-·lltlllm! 2 Yr old lit di\ Jllr. 21 :Ra -'home + .i 11011s ltodl.Proptrty 1350 St·hedull'd ,.:rm., ~2.100 •••••••••••99•••••••••• f'or m1re 1nro 1-.dl bkr MICH ACCESS ~~ BEA(:H l'all JO Propert~ Munai:r Wlloce & Co. IJtrs r_nl 7!'>!:_2787 - Out of C«Mlty Ptopetty 2550 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MINJ.IAMCH al'fd, in MUrnl' u. 1111 ludllll? 2.000 ' r £Jrmhouse. lari:r harn, itni:allon 14'l'll & j.!arai.:e s..'i0.000 down. & 0 W C at 12'. Total pri1·c . Sl83.000 9 ad)al'1.•n1 a1 res abo 111 .11 lable -1.')2 87ii t ;021 (',1h111 IO thr sk~ bu1ldmg ., 1t1'. S 15 . s O o a it n t 1 U1 21i5 App_lt' \'all1•1 **&OK TOTAL OOWN PAYMENT WAITMHOI A IAlfiAIM Rare chance to own a comfortable 3BR·2 ba Harbor Vu on fee la nd for only $224,950 ca II now! OWNERS SAY SELL THESE PRIME PROPERTIES THIS WEEK with this t'harminl! 3 ltlvnt...t Coltdo Bdrm h 0 ml' 1 n At Soulh CoJ '1 PlatJ CAR~BAD t oad.s or Scl.·unt~ Guard.s. Pools. redwood dt•rk mi: and ; Tenmi.. & Onl~ S7S.!l00 & patios. new l'arpets.' .\si.umt """ l.uJn r1replll l'l' and 1hut 's l With 15•, Do " n RIG HT PRJ\'ATEFMJna1tt>men1 A\J1l.1l1le at 1714 I 729·59ftli And pn1·ed rlJlhl too al 68 UNITS sii\.ooo I Sl,495,ooo fort ed sull' Prkc 1·u1 rrom Sl,i9S.OOO ror lubl salt• Ownl'rs 14' a nl 11111 ! Nt'\'ll 15', cln to 1·luSl' iXj!rc~· 15 hOUSC'IO. all • run a~ apt l'umpll'X rC11s1t1\ e c·ash flo" Ca II for clt1 ai ls NEWPORT AFfOIDAILI This cozy 3 BO, 2 BA + fa m . Rm. in Harbor Vie w near com m pool has good assuma b le loans and is priced to sell. $237 ,950. bBB5AMCI In this impeccable Spyglass 3 BR. Fam Rm with breathta king moun· tain and city light view. $.549,000 Good Terms. HAllOlllMH JUSTUSTB Magnificent casablanca 3 BR. F.R. 2~ ba formal DR. breathtaking ocean ~nd city light views make this our buy of the week at $625,000 with assumable financing. WOl1H WMTM POI This super sharp Mesa Verde 3 BR Fam Rm on quiet cul-de·sac. Sel1ler wilt assist. Offered at $1 . HunJ! I. SPYGLASS HLL -Atlr .. 1121,000 ,_ SJtl,000 Att••ll Low Corona del Mar. U>vely 4 bedroom 3 bath executive home on comer lot cf cul de sac street. Room for pool and jacuzzi. Call /or details. Submit cash bid or terms. -2. DAMA P.OIM1' -A ..... SI 71.000,__SI11,0H At•• ... • Lw Dana Point. 2 bedroom 2 bath rtxer·urper. Near entrance to Dana Point Harbor. Reduced pri.~ ce and fix younel or uk seller for $10,000 allowance. Call for details, submit your cub bid or tenps. J. SPYeLUS HLL -A .... S•lt,000 FH -SJ06,000 A1t••I• Low Corona del Mar. 5 bedroom 4 bath two story Executive home with fabulous ! ocean view, pool. Jacuzzi and many otber custom features . Seller basl "°'"" another and moved , to Seattle. This property must be liquidated immediately to avoid foreclosure ! Call for details on financina. Submit cuh bidortmm. C-rci• Pr...,+y 1600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l "bodbrldCJt r Re1ltu I llU 5:111~~~ 1~ NEWPORT HACH ~ High \1sib1lily C 3 642·6153 (Xo(•an \ il'W 120 fl rron· Out of Stott l:lge UsHx1sling huild · ~ .. ~~::' Proptfiy 2~00 mg of 4000 sq rt or bui Id ••••••••••• •• •• ••. ••••• 10,000 sq rt Ownt>r will --~-----• Utah. Ceda r (.'1t~. new earr)' S715.000. 631·7300. U )'OU'tt not reading the home. I al'rt'. hull~ ,.•Reall!!!!lt!!!!!or~~!!l!!'lllllllllllll•r liltlt ads in Classified, fort-es sell. NO S~tOCl.. -----YoU'tt missing a lot ol SSJ.000 1il41S4fi.o839 Oll\l'l\harn1Ranrho San iii Fe I 4S Mil. w exl·ept lerms. R Hardahl. ~.s.52·6m - COMMllCIAL VllWLOT Oreans1de of Coast Hwy In l.a&\IOa. S29UOO. Watet'front Homes. Im· 631-1400 C1•••••l•1/TOWI• .... for ... 1700 • •••••••••••••••••••••• l.eiSUtt World Condo. 1-'or $ale 8,v Owner. 2RR. 2BA. UP11ni1dt'(I r Mrpch1. Orut View. 18$,000. 71t-54S·7l01. ~On·Fri .,!:5; 714·'Tll>'8331, 3·SPM COUNTRY Cl.OB llTATE 3 Beta New CGMo l.Atxur, Detor.._ E1tr*' ..... 847·1'77$ :~s!:::r":!!!0b~ =~ e.c-r...,.rty 10ff ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1. 3 BR condo nr. S. Coast ' Plaza.terms Sll2,900 2. Corona del Mar.custom ' duplex. 2·3 BR units · $347,SOO 3. 4 Plex • 2·3 BR /2·2BR ·ms.500 4. 7 prime mlits · 1342,SOO ( • Orange Coat OA&l. y ptLOT/lunday, JlftUllY 17, 1812 .. ............. ................ ....... ........ d ................... ................... ............ ..... ,,,....... -~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,.,.,_,lhed lSJS ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••,••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• M•tt1tt C...cWM• lJU P .... V119y Ul4 &..,Mltecti l241 H1e,.rtle9di lUt Mlwportleecti JJ6' ~·;, .................... Ml•ortleec8' l76' eo.t.Mtte 1124 ColteMtlo 3124 W•11 2100 ••••••u••••u••••••••• ••••tt••n••••••u•••u •o••••un•••••u••••• •o•uuu•u•••••••••• ........... •••••••••••• .W~Eo r"1 u;11. rllkr .................................................................... . •••n •••n••••••••••••• 2 Hr frµ le" hit 1n ~. ~Br z•., Ba 11phHtvtl, 3 2BR. f700. Ill l.ast Aftt•r KhlfsCondo. 3 ur up, 1 br Newport Hellc hti. lar~ll, ~ 1 r 11 111> · Want SOOIHhlng xj ru 3 8rTownhou:.c 2 HUG i-: ti('(I ruunh MO CASH IN Mn 1t11r111:l', l\c.lull~. no pell. 1•1tr i:1r•11r. rl'<lrc-, pool 6 PM 4 9 4 3 4 11 J . down , 3 ba. KiH·hcn 1·harmm11 2 8r 2 Ba Tw,t' ~;A' ;ruan~~r~ s PHI a I 111 a 2 IJ r Newly dl•t'l}r 1111, l>d • Ground F'loor. Fu lb Wirnl Choiu Nt•wiiort ~ 644 7809 I' rl \'II s . No 11 c l s 213-449 6CMIO nook. Sl300. 644-2607 frpk. dbl g11r111:1•, lnrge ,,...5 1~7S ~n~SI 0796 ° Townhou.se, ('omplrtely t.'IWI icar . pool, d&whr l'11 riH·I t'd Eludt '"" ~llt•h Spn:hm Hill 4 l.ri: 3BR . 2, •HA . 1-'am Im/mo. 968·9114. yard . NO P .,; TS r· · -'-~ · furn! 11195. Mo 760·9117 Adullli 6'MOT3 S l't:R l.on1111111! (her 'IR hollll' w / no l'MSh Rm, Olin. 0 1n Rm, HOME-' R • Cozy quirt I bdrro. den 4t5 Br Zlia.t'amllyrm .. S7Hf mo. 5411 6680, n-.&..1Hu.fww 3600 -StlORTTt;RM 50.\dull" Nu l't•b S38S ;1 •FOR 1'.~T l'oll llll' "'rnlt-. IOvt'IY Oming rm . l block from ,,.., ,_,, ....,..... 2 Br I Bu Apl •t A I A t '-,'" down~ Chcnl w1ll tr111.l1• l"rpk, Patio 2 ttlks fr 4 lldrm. Tiburon <.:Ondo. yard. 3 blks" to hl'lll'h N.ll High St·hool. ""'""""· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bea('h r t'nlals, 2&3 Ni•wly d('t'or c1111 1111 "0 PP) P " S~.000 l~1u1ty for r11w Ot·can R1•11t ll,111u<' $725. Fen<'.ed yard & IOOn~.r'ci:Alh•n Rllr SlOOO i mo . Agenl ~MOST3brwt11uroi>t 2l:lr,1Ra,t•µts.dr11s.11ar, bdrms,:ivail.byw1•t•k11r t.•nd uar .. ll(Kil. ilwhwr 5G!WiltwnU4ti 4477 limed. Run1·h or ln\'IJ5l $1~64().1484 garligr Kids & !Jets 49-Ms78, ' ' 5415032. dbl i:11r, frwcl, Pl'l ~!IS no pets. Costa Mesa. m>nth. AQI\, 675·11170. Adults 642 0073 1 Hr wm irpurt & srnl mvnt 1>ro11ert)• 111 CottoMftO 3224 wekome. lst. mo +de11. -------I OC'ltt-;NTAL.5 7~·3314 Miro.S48·7234 -CUTE 2 BEDROOM pu11u.AdltRonl).nupcti. Or11n11c. Rl\•ers1dl'. ur ••••••••••••••••••••••• 545·2000. ~ent, nu ft•\'. Former rnodel N 111ucl Spat.'1ous house with 2 Wrm I b11. l(ar. $i12S. WINTER 122 2Slh St Sj1anous 2 llr, I Ila $.'Ill~ tll5 JIOC Monh· V1st11 SanOlt>l!O(.'uunt1es SK y LIT E oi 2 -b Shotl'8 hut.1Nt.•2 Br 2ba, swlmm1n11 110013 Ur 2 tt.i»orVltwHCNM1 Also l b<}rm l baS525. l460.C"ll 642,.,~14 · 3 Br,111 liuM2S l.aun May udd i·u~h 11101 Con x r, 2 ba. £tpk · l'rts. drapes. ~ ard G11lc ljjj f'111111ly rm. frpk + IA>vt.'I)' 3 b<lrm ('11rmc 1 427 ' ~ I ri~ St. llSS 9!19!1 " "" dt¥ fat• . pool ~·\ISS6 Su1K·nor. IOr upstrs. l•nrl tul't Mikt' l:row. lt.l' SPA/POOL patio, enl'I. gar Good ~uard Nr 11<icil. tennis. 2 additionul utility Model. Vut·anl. Qull'k duys 6'12 8719 eves/ 111l•: v1t·ro1tlAN. New gar, /\dul l ~. nu 1wt~ Tar lorCo.640-9900 2 car gur w o pener, area . Com P 1 fl" bl'at·h Adlt11. ~ IKl' I bdrm s Ni re I y vussession. $1350 mu wknds ly de<"or a llr w .:ar .. rdr1g. c lc 1· fJlll!l'. MEWPOIT HACH super plush 2 Mstr Rdr, ~~hed SSOO /mo Owncr"99·36311 I andHapcd. out o Walker&Lce, 759 1501 CM 2BR. ZUA. N('w new crpti1 & drapt·~. bit S:l.W rnor..a2 S9G4 Custom Es I ate In re~2~Ba $900 John ---L.ofllo...... 3252 ~y~~~~~~es~:':0p~~I EXCLUSIVE Cri>ts & Drps 2 Patios & Ins,• µat10 t\1lultN ('ull 2 hr lamll) llPl. pallo. Harbor Ridge. SllOOK ~anl!_a!l.al(t631 1_266 ......._Ollleocll 3240 ••••••••••••••••••••••• scr\TH'l' 640·1327 . IAYSIDECOVE Carports I Child OK. betwec-n l 51'M.tl364120 111101 No pets $425 mo - equitytradefor l·omm'I, ••••••••••••••••••••••• F°.'(et'.4br,3ba,fatn rm,3 55961118 ()(f1ee759·6597 Rarl' + beautiful $1&Smo Call!lS7·0261 66i"G"Vll'tom1 ~10 IJ46.l2:Sl.s.&S5QO.I land. TD'sor, Owner C. I Propert) 2 Br I Bu S Blks to0t·ean. Elt'gant 2 l'ar i:ur. view. nr on· an -- --2 llr To~nhouae Nu peti. 673·0470 house in high lraffH· 8r Family Rm & Orn SIOOS 974·3420 3 Br 2 Ila. bi.•ach house Co I um b I u M od c I. •-t.M.ts &..-t.&.-~ Mature udulh nnlv •CtlLD WELCOME• urea or Wrsbidt-Costa ~Mo. Plush c•rpts, 2•2 S825 mo )catl)' "' :ul fl'aturt'S full tlel·k + .......-n1n11•na ~ mu 755 w IBth St 2 Br Crpts. drpi.. pool Want a tax shelter' S('ll M<'Sa Ttrnf1c for Anti· Ba Cf.dar & glass. sun Large 2 BR. 2 Bi\ pallu F c b 1 5 t NC' w p 0 rt watt'r \IC'W. VC'ry lur.it' 2 •.•••••••••••••••••••••• 64t>-950'7 l..Jl!J~ SSOO. Wt r flill> pd my 1'1yurnewthplex que Shop, A('t•ounting del'k, dbl !'ar IH' homt". 4 yrs nC'~. be,im Shor{'S 840-8208 i~cnt BR + den. fm.'ftlUl't'. lc6oaP..--o l707 145f:l8th G,lS·2708aftS or exthange ""WI' for ()(fir". Law Ofr1C'n, el<' i:aruue, rull" maint t't'llmi::s. Comm µool & \'aulted re1hnl( 2 1·ar ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,,. J ' ~ ,. , s11 S750 6-lti 08llO u..-.&.-VI H Wi l I & [I\ S300 • ......._._ ud 2Sh7 Eld~·n 1\ \'e Dl:it 2Br. t'Uldo or? Own1•r, Aft 7, X.lnt park ml( Will dis· ~ard Adults. no pets In 7a. ..._._ •w ws 11arage LAl\'l'I) tlc!'ur for in t.•r. room 1 .._......st tOs one ""2zlfleld I' tlla t~n!ihc. patw, , ti 114-760-0734 l'USS r('rnodehni: lo suit qwre at 527 18th St. Mi.Mon v1...i... 326 7 Beaullful 4 bdrm ideally mo:it d1srnmm.1t1ni: 1 '• hi from bt•h. lndry and IWO bedfoomapatt· area. fmlr . bltn•. 2 .HS Approx. 900 sq ft ex· ~I__ ••••••••••:r. •••••••••• lo<·utl'd to fashio n 11'\'t'I S2.000 mu ll'a:.c 6739325 • men1s FURNISHED FAMILY ArTS. uld s.iO' mo Call to 51,1, lE DCHANGH l'I ud 1 n i: the .\·a rd HOM"'" FOR R EN'r HOM f:5 t'OR RENT Island & :.c·hools $1200 A!f_ent 760·8617 Smi.111 t Hr furn or un Ind UNFURNISHED. Sparkhn1t 1'1('11n l,1r1tl' NM <.nnfl i.~ ol'f11·r space for rent c..;J ,,.., ..,,.,.. 0•5 1646 f S o ood f f I ,,,.., JVJ"i1 G;eTnbolet $500 mo 548·S442. 3 Bdrms. S6'15 ·S72S 3 Eldrms. Sti5(), lo'oot·l'CI mo O'tO .. , .. ,, or"" urn to\'11. rt'rrai:t.•. akw also ollers aplS or am1 It''~ I or2 TI0.5629 F e ri l'l'd -..·ards & yards &i:arajlt'S Ku1s& <Mill'h) J BrNptShoresNNN$750 npti.. drape•:. $3H5 'AltUtilitles Peid !'h1ldrtn Nrp.irk lll'dl l..c2hdrm Adlt:.onl) srn ---957-402! 3txlrm. I' iba, fam rm, i:aragts. Kids & pets pt'IS wekonw Ii.I mo + J'~ RR. 3 BA.,IX'ean \•1ew, Fantastl<' \'U 2Br NN $6115 b1S'll680 'lmmediete paid NO!'t'tl> l><'l i·on~idered $42j 01•> ._.... ,, < •< 2000 • L' I h 38 NN N S900 2 BR 2 BA SS"· 646 4~9 -Estoh dm rm. den. £rplr, 2 i·ar wekomc. Isl mo + dep uep ....... "1:1•nt, nu nu l'PlS, 11ar. qwN area r am1 Y m r l)coluxr 3 Ur 2 1111 furn. 0ccuPMCY "' '' W.ted 2900 i:ar $675•mo 1st + set j.IS·ZOQO.:.Ai;cnl,'!orl•c floe $1Wl/my63l·SS33 lmmi.1<'twnluw 3Rr $1275 apt ('ll1Sl' to IH·ai·h ''1 Million in 398W Wilson 031 SS83 2 Ur 1wnh:.c" I.I\· Rm ....................... A\'all now Debbtl': 4UR Condo. i•,BA $625 Me-rtleoch 3269 llGCANYON Bayfmt J o<'k 58rN$3250 W1 n1<•r rt•utal only Recreetion 2 BR. I BA, nl·wl~ d1•1" D1n11111 area, k111·h11n .· CONVALESCENT 54&0702 mo lsl. Last & Oep No ··r-· Water1ront Honll's.h11· $600 mo ht & l;i:.t Ano Much More' encl i:ar.o.1dulbunl) 11•1 lrpk. tra:.h ~ wc1ll·r ••••••••••••••••• ••"• •• Su P <' r b 3 b d r m 631 1400 1iis S""I fl<.'ls (i.15 l8t9 pu1rl. all.il'ht d gar<1)!e. HOSPITAL Clue;e to So. Cst Plaza Pc~s~ 7_!i8·7~ tuw11ho11ll\' on uolf • '·""' For a month. or a life-pool. 1aru111. laundry Approx llJO beds. Orani:t• Greenbruuk llonw 3 F..~dus11·e 2 R 2': lla pl. Ne;:-s'J. riil~~~uilo t'tKJrse lur ll·asl' $1200 Costo MHo 3724 time MO<lels ooen dally Wesisidl' Co~t a M l'~•.1. fat· <Kl proµl'rty ,\dull~. Co. 644·5964 J)I\. 2 ha L1\'. Cam . DR 2 s1111. tem11s. sl't-. µall' 2 bdrm resitlt'nt't' t 1000 n'Vnth Wnhftiftstw 3291 •••••••••••••••••• .... • 9am to 6pm Mulls only dplx . upstair:., i!ll r, I Ha no J>l'll> A, ail , mnwd tfltais l'ar gar. Br1!'k fcnt.'ed Close beal·h. $850. Aft 5 sq· ft offl"'' S"t'Urll)' i>-IJ·7266 ••••••••••••••••••••••• C "S .t. DE ORO no pets t'cnlral h\•al. rl'frii: & S.'\SO mo 631 4984 ·cl •""" SI 200 d "'"' ,...,., -~ ' N 2 Eld m ond ....... r "' '"' SIO\'l', l'nt•IOSl11 l!llf:JIH' • .. •••••••••••••••••••• ) """"mo. · ep. ow;·wooo i:att', 1n1<•ri:o111, $2000 Spa('. 3 hr. 21, ba. H•ry u r l' u, '""""'ll ALL UTILITIES PAID Oakwood Ho.ft Fvrwished 9'J'l<.'arnat1on. &IO til40 4 bdrm. 211 ba. 3,100 ~'I it rro. or po~siblc option dean lwnhse. Pool. jog. rn~ S700 moves you "' ~~·t ~~al~1;"''~~1JI~~ 1~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 br. 2 ba, elel·" kit. dbl i:ardena 1nl'luded b73-6776. 1•1t· S750 A~t 544 1440 l'omiwrt· belon· .1 uu Garden Apartments 170 562'.l CorOllodtfMar 3122 gar.onquiet l'ulclesal' Close to Sl·hools. shoµ n·nl Custom dcs1i:n Newport Beach/No. ........................ in Mesa Verile $725 mo ping, park SI 195 cla BIG CAMYOM WOW!! rcaturci.. Pool. H UQ. 880 Irvine VII.I.A CORDOV. Upgraded 2Br 2ba, ) urd. + S500 Sel' 0):. 6-IS-22114. , 770.9179. t'\: 8'10·6203 t'Ol'lllo, 2 Br 2 'Ba l'ondn, Won't lasl' New po rt t'O\ • r1I 11a r a It l'. ~ u r lat t61hl Spam1u.~ E Sttll· \ µt:. ~:a~ti.td('. II( 2 BR SIMI N<'w 1·µt. :J\'all Ft•h I &t2 48.'lo\. G7 5 7 :l!H.i SC Plat.a t\r1·u I.;. I Hll n1nrlo. pool. ~pa. 1'111 hH'. MO(' S-150 !HO ti75~ rarport . no Jo11 :. l'\'S96&289tl -3-• S8i~ mo A\'a1I 1mml·cl Crest townhuu:.t'. nt•wly ruundt•tl with vtu ~h (714)645-1104 f:S.d l!ar,µat1u1hhw.~r $73.)'!_IO_~gt67J·ll81 4 BR. 2 Ri\, adulbno ... 1,."ldnns101ertor+•~"mi mo to mo P utrll·k rt'(lw.3 br.2•,ba Walk C....ta...Ww landsi·ai>mg t\llult It\ &\IOH' Mo~1 uul lt1·i· lbdrmS360vcr m11 Liii t t 13 . " • • lo -759 22 'to beJ!'h. tcnni:.. pool. Fw1'ished 3400 ini;atlls bt.-:.1 ~OIJt'IS Newport Beach/So. ~Ollt'l!> lum \dll~. no pt·I~ 383 tWi191)10fl leach 3140 01.lt' 5 ri~mp renta51 t> mo l bt'arh No smokers I spa M1n1 0t•ean 'll'~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 llr rurn f rnm S4ti5 1100 16th S1 1 BDRM SI w W RJ~ ~ 9516 .. ••••••••••••••••••••• n onro\ ia nl·ar """"mo 963-1061 ,\\ail ""1·b I S950 mu I ' II I I IOove• al !61t11 L'l I l.OVELY2BR.2 BAl'al 19thS550 9570899 -~ · 1 r \1 :i Baboa Pror cc·1· :.:i.SWW1bon. 6421971 (7"4)642•5113 2:12J r,1l'll\\1·('~l Tnl'h·\ '.\rSC l'la1.1 IO Class1r. w w rpts, d ~. 3-Br I Ba ~ram.Ti.=-;;:;-CHOOSEYOU R CRPTS ~r l1•asc t:h1lclrcn ok. t'11mpll'lch· furn 2 O..Point 3726 t.427fll.i Mm Lo ~pt ~Ir ~.1wl fp. lg ~d w lru1l treh. l(ar~gc ii:e \ ard . sooO A11 by F'eb 1st, J br, 2•, -li-IQ.1044 rbcmlrn,1,-,; br~:m"'rmrm,.,.11,1,11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 .. -------....1 2 Br l'n• b1I i:.ir ·• l!t· G JI r,. l Y"r., r S" ti k . pal10. grclnr. wash dr).1 ..... ISt.&last .iS22881 ba.2sty.S850 mo 2br.2 LUXUlYl ... YFlO .... T I IL\RBOR\'lf.WHOMES • '"· u IX· &i llt 1 H \'II · A1lult:. nop1'h $525 mu ,\i ut:..:'\o t'b ...... ba s-so S ,_ " spa lk•Ju \ll'W On•an. per u I •r r I ai., Ba I h u a IJ a ' ("I u b -, ,,·1 W W1l,11n ""l 18H9 I RR. SJ(;() fng. mm to bl'h. piano 1 8 R ' • 1 mo u Pt' r J Br 2 lia with bout ~hp J Br. 2 Ba. dcn. frpl<-, 2 Ba\. t i .. hts 1.t•ai.l' • 1500 1 i.ITIJll & 1·u1.>. I 11l•rs. on. budiclor apt l.i'.ISI' or .,., S8Xl ~·8782 3 l'1llA. nu t·pt. bea<·h & near-shuppmg i\\atl nou '1 •n\ rar ''OJr. ••arden1•r . .. • I $"7• & S"9S ,__· I 2 " I' ,, 28R.lliA S.150 · wallpapnr sk\'l1"hls I t'""""2471 ""u " " ,,..r.mi111ro11t11111l11l1u\ noµt'!> "·' J n·nt lil41979Jli42. r.a!\t:.ui• orl.a .•t'Jr "" ... '23 " · " •><· a .. ...,.,. anwnitici.. $3500 Mo ' Sl.100 ,\\ail 2 I 82 "' 493~ 645·5000.cxl 5211 H honl:. nu 111·1 :. I ""1 "" l0IJl9'0 leqch 3148 shm!lled <'XI frplr lg ~ d· 28R.-1 i ,BA~ Townhouse Urohr67S.4912 Sl.100 b73 liSSO. 644 !>45ll 17141 5-47 4156 St2.'J mo 631 t.l!'l!'l 2 Br .\dults. nu IJt'I :., nt·w ••••••••••••••••••••••• dblgar $750 mo7J1·0669 Q 1 'd 11 O I ,.~,. ... ·-..... ~o.leoch 3740 VERS ... ILLr.~ 1 1 f I 3bdr 2b l I d I t ---u1 e " u n )' J hr. 2': b;i t•ondu w '30' -..--wnn "'7' ,_ IC~ 2 Br I Bu do" n,t ,or, ' • t'l' !\IO\ I' {C n I!. cnt· m. a. u 1 ·I'. xi n ·E S1dtrute l Br rottage, Comp1e:c End Unlt OCEAN+ hoat sli". hl••hl.' U" u..furftished 3425 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Largt> Ra1·hclur N11·1·I~ pallo ~50 9i94410 Ol'ean \ u . rrp (' I yard&water $415. Isl SSIS 775-6316 CITYVUS ... ... ... HI' Fl ...... EST ( 22a L'a n~un l>r 2 S0001mo. unlit Junt' 30 I, + s~ S1n"I" "r marr1'ad ---i:ra1lt~I. plush i·rpts & ••••••••••••••••••••••• • • S "" urn's h I'd ~1 a"·' l·hlltlr('n OK :'\u "1'h n .. 'v ~ • BR 2 B" I 2 E· .. ,, 4 Bd I W"ll I\ r1n 'S ,, I <=-u1't11US 2 Rr 2': Ra S11an1sh f:Stall' LI\'"". amt•nit1es $650. &IS I0-15 ,, <&t-7334, SM·9742 I "oopln. subm1·1 on P"'ls. • . ;., p, i·ar j!ar, -~l·, rm. an u t·c l' g , a1 ..,,,. ,.. ,., SMlS mo S11·rra ~l)!mt • " • rem•,.,.)·d patioS750'mci tast11· exe1· lt\'tn" mu tn mo $1 200 Townhuml'. L1~b11k Lll•aullful 11ark ltkl· ~ur C'ti '"l IJ~· Mn-rt •-och 3169 I <1t7.'""-"--_ ''U • " p t t k I T I 21R W/IOAT SLIP "" "" -"r--· -"" ..,.,,, _ da,,s 891·1947 $10001rno. P11tnc·k. ai:t R51·K:J9.torli75-1938 allo. i:arai:l', w 1 1 rnun11ng:. ara1·t·< , • E S'd •·-" 7cn 122 "' 11 · l r I I 1• I Sunk 1 llb( 2 br, 2 ba S2100 2Hr111. lb". k1t1·lt"n. l'n"I ••••••••••••••••••• •• • . I e 2uurm. new lhru· ('\'es wknd1>-760·04S3 .sr l .. , . 2 I' I f u11. ,,.x . :.pJ pi: a1 t'I ... 111 l'I i:a~ I· ~ • • ' UDO l SLE charm 1111! 4 0 u 1 f 0 rm a I d 1 n ••<'WlKJrt l n•i;t. ,r. 11 1 · 1n1(•nor. r1r('pltm .• Must spu rk It ni.: I ou n 1u1 n~ IJruc1.>JOhnson tri.S·O!lH i;a1 1-:a~I l:o~ta ~lc·"a bdrm. 2' 2 bath. lrg sun breakfast nook. 2 i·a~ SHHH : lrg 3br. 2ba w 2 , , H a , f r I' I I'. St'I' $750 mo S 1i a,. ' u u !> r u o m ~ S• Clemrnte 37 7 6 S.i!JO rro 554! 4li!l9 flY patfo. c·omplelely up i;ar. yrd, grrlnr S675 gar. patio. pool S600 P 0 0 1 s ll a s a u n u TSL Mi: mt li42 lliO:I S1·1)ar<1ll' d 1nm1: a r1·a. ••••••••••••••• ••••• ••• F't n ·pl at' l'. puu I. I" 1 -Rradl'd $1700 mo Year •.• ,. "'" oc_-~ENTA_l..S 750·3314 LeaSl"S875 675•591 1 L,'\'l~ Wkll''' 1·,·2 1,«.11 UI JI k In I' I 11 s I' t ~. "" .,.,....,"""' c .J ' • " " J Large 2 Br rl'dl'l'nrall'<t. p:i11u. 1ltshwa~hl·r. on 1y. Bill Grund.r. 675·6161 &;°per s~arp. nu paint. 2 Story. 4 BR. 2' 1 BA . &tboa Isl;.;;, Waterfront NEED A R ENTi\l.? ~'iO mu W11<1<lbr11l1:1• :1 h11ml'l1 k ,. kit l'h1• n & bhx·k shoµs b1·m·h, ne~ r: s11lr. all Ill x lri: 2 Br . BACHELOR CO DO t·arµcts 4 Bil, rum rm. formal Om Rm. Fam 3 Br 2 Ba. Yearh· ren l'all Jat'Quelinl', ai;l•nt. RR. 1; mu ll·aSl' p, t \II. c•ahmets Walk to llunt k1tt·he.n $425 2 IH W .ganll•n .1µb FCJt/11 SSW fUrn. beaullful l'lbhs(' 2' 2 Ba, pool. sµa . Isl mu. '!"· $825_ ~ l_!ll !JOO. Mo. 770.oj47 _nornst to you H7~\.li000 no l'l' Ii> 55!1 3 I~ 4 . 1111 .. 'hKl Ccnll•r • (.';mada ~7 ~I 1aeil. $575 mO' (213 ) rent +dep Cartlener& SEA \'11-:W. 4hclrm . !1578133 tH!lrmforn,S4H~ S1iJrkhnl!l'll·a11 2 11r l'o 4J3..00'77.t714)963-937JI\ poolsvr inrl $1200 mo ~-SPYGLASS 2'•b:t. tram rm Great Dix 2 br. 1'1 ha l'Ull<ln. ~ .. , & Sl!ll Fl•nn·d. Ulll:. ms _Al!IS4S.::644_5.7_SI J19_t Hstlow 3242 Ocean & n1 i:ht \'1t•w, \'1tw.Yool1h'nms.Slti00 l'l'nt air. hit tn~ i\dult~.nopt•ts u..furftished l llJtd Rdn,:1• 2 :.111all ""· .. OBILE Ho~1"" -4bdrm. ra m rm. J 1·ar (213)430-_ 3629. l't1ht11•:. F1 l'l'' Carurn. "'.\"II ,b, c.2 E s1dt CM 3 Btl J'• Ba. ':ft••••••••d••2•B•••2•b·~··r•••• gar S2200!mo Eves washcr dnl•r. ~·l'I h.ir. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1·h1ldrl'nOK. n1qtl'b Ml!I} 1 aS(e, 2 r, S800 pr mo Call Rbt ron o r a p, 760-0607 2 Slory 3Br 2ba, lge s un· p\1 pat1u · 1: m1 rrnm I..,\ (Jlfl 'TA llt.:HMOS/\ S.O Isled 3106 1960 Wall Jn· hl2 ~905 $750 mo ~rly 673 3685. -• pool Jar. Sl'(' i.tate. Wtr 3 Br. 2 Ba. or 2 Br 2 Ba. Pools. tennis. A\'ail 2 I. SS2S mo +St'<' 1;.a11).112 w .,, lio.'m·h. 3 1.ilk~ s ur Ralboa Island Watt·r ltki·nl·~ SC.25 S25 1648. or 8·~ JO. • ~ ~...:.71~ 67J.48S4 Den Sttps to bt'at·h. S)~l mo &42·7714 e\'l'S f:thni:er front. J Br 2 Ra Yl'Jrh PROP~:HTY llOl'SE ~!!Ill_!_ . • ' lrYiilt 3244 frplr. $795/mo JBR.2BA Cul-dt•-Sa1· l.rg I Walk to So l,;..i:.t l'la1.1 t 847-5441 I rental $900 /}l'' i70·031i. 642 3ll50 r.12 1010 2 BR. 1iull 1 ours1• 'it·~ 54~ mo Chiltl OK, nn pl'I :. ,\~k for Utll 6.11 12(;1; 2 Br I Ba s.ISO \dulls :'\1·~1~ n·dt.'l'Orllll'd. dlS· h~ al>hl•r. a l' • .ias & "llll'r pau1 Bal!'lm'" 1·ar 1.1tJrt. pulJI. µart~ 111<1m <'.ill .• 11 11.\M ra~a Granatla 979 1911 &J1·hl'lur ,\pl $2!'!0 ul iii. 1n1 Id II;)! 91!H9 ur 1).15 8111.~ Me:..i \ l'r<IP. :! br ne~ •fl.II . dllJ!>. pamt Quiet .trl'a Cul de sat· S.H5 -l9!l I 93G. 9'iti 14 tlS I Hr :'\1 bu~. t'IJh. r1rps. l)pl\ (Ju1t·t m.i tu re "oma n 220 E 20th 'ba,pool Adults.no pets iiillllhken6311266A tns.2l·argar Tennis. --dtt·~. walk lo bta<·h Fa s hion Squ.irl' l62lt P.irksidi· Ln, 1 hlk ••••••••••••••••••••••• r.:ai.ts1dl•3 Hr 2 Ba lr1Jl1, lbdrm, 34th St \all. ••••••••••••••••••••••• PROPERTY HOUSE Yrd Sl2> mo. Kids & bdrm . .11r. pvul. n •1· rJl' 2 br. Iba. bit-ms. µatw. 2 Br 2·a.. T11~nh11~w . ftb' lsl Ut1I pd Mon 581 Park Dr s7so mo I Br loft mdl on brook 642-~ 642·1010 PetsOK 645·7818 St'l·unt~ g.ill' Nu lll'IS l...,...leoch 3741 i:ar ~SO mo ~rl~ :So ,.,rd. l.iuntln \rlulh 2BR, I :BA. Palio. lrpk. thly,$400 639·~89 38r, dog & kuls OK. ~pr mo. $642 mc:nes 3BR. 2BA. Pvt Lot'. 2 48r, 2Ba homl', :Ml' boat $450 i00.~oril'8 378-1 ........... , ....... ~·~· ~s fo46-335i no1)1.-ti. S-150 tii5 llOH G.1r. D1sh~asher :'\u OCE \NFRONT 2B Own . ..n I d Pool f W/D NB . . Luxul') i.tuo.hu. l>IJJ. f\. , " Pt•h $52.'>~lo 1 r I er 5-49-2042 yoo in. r OO lspa. Lrn a. s. ngt . · llot·k. Nwµt Is. SI 100 mo. 2 . BR I Ba M .11•Arthu,r nuir1 Sl'r\ H'l'. phom·~. I lxlrm, pm Jlt It as<' or 2 Br Adult, 11,.,,m,•d , ctl bal h $800 mo R 1 ta L;; 48R-f.:<e1• St) le agt 631-1.266 SllOO. lSl. Last. Sel' Dep. 6'73.fi210. 67J·2493 t'\' \ 1ll'Jl(e. S,\ W;ilk to S $llS wk -l9'J 2227 n.,nthl~ li;t & last Sl't' tn!(~. :.t•n l' IJ.ir. rd rll(l'. 5"J·!>4il! Wnter.Agt.752-5710 Homt In Preferred 64Hi312~700.903Seves. 1 8j~rrs Great Loi· & Cst Plata 64~!10~5 I deposit .. parkin g 1oc..;-ur w()l)ll :So ial'h E.i~t.:mle P\t Lri: IBR Mid JO's exel' says "J's R~iden1ial .\rea. CM. Harbor V1tw llom<' I Dt•l·or! JRR. 2':lii\. 6-124fi62 Newport leach 3769 G'iS-65"9or2139230!'>49 :!25(i Mapll' St s.i20 mu ~~nil GJr. Yrcl. \'1·r~ rompany".Sharelo,ely Brand Nl'w, Ctrrpelll, Super4Br 2'%8a Close Pam Rm . S I 100 TO~.. .. ..................... 2bilrm.lbaltousl' Yrb s.18·i356.673K803 rll·Jn :-;oPt'h~2fl !>lo •JBr +denhomc Allex Drape:.. & Pa i nt to par k & pool i(i().K:IR4.ti755930 1L.L-.:':' ... _.... lX.'E/\Nt'RONTZ&~ Br Feb1S57Smo No •a r Jbr. 2ba uppl•r 1 plcx. :Hf>-i2S."I \ras. 2 ladies $.150 mo Throujthout f:, rr~ SIJOO mo 1nl'lud1ng _,_,. ... irv 3525 "'"11 Wmtl•r W!'i•kl~ ; -194·452-l g adulti.. nv llt'b . S525 Sp.it·1111.1s 1 Br GJrden ea. A 673·651 1 Room & Wm1IO\\ 3 Car WOODBRIDGE _&a!de!'er 640· 163.'> • • • Ht•ti:hts :I l>•lrm 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l\lonthl~ •l13 7t17J I · · t().IOC \'ali•1h'1a ;,~< ;9°·3 \111 1'1x1I & rc·r \II utlls G d J Bd d d fl b f I $7()() 2< 1 Ir. ONr. OF · · labto Petlitiwlo 3807 " "' HOUMSUllfurnished ar f cm·tdBal'kYar roo .o, groun r 2 BR Condo /\r1ull a rtl'" mo .1 1C 1C 1111111 ,\1tult~.ncq1t-t" ••••••••••••••••••••••• Carrll•ntn i: Sl'r\1t·e . urtJt. beaut dtcor. lrfl Complex 2lli\ Nr lloai: Kno:\St fi.155110 THELUCKYFEW Temporary ~··•••••••••••••••••·~ PLUSH f.IPuert a:\1 1·~:.t ~ 3202 Orange Trt'l'. Wu1t•r patioarea,$675 mo . No $625 1\10 lst.1.asl&Dt·p ~l;h1lrm. 2lla " ~lOOl' Hent HI l'ostJ M1•:.;1'!> Sffwoti0tt1? OCUNFRO..,.T 2 Hr 21! nu T"nhl>l' 1959 MJplt·A\c \pl5 Pt>ts SuhJl'l'I 1t1 \p-pets . C~a1 g Su zan NoDo}(s.7f'876:1:1 frpll'. pool & g ar ;l;EWl-:ST ~alt•d 2 0 1 ~111 1'\ISHEO R1.•nt h.1 Y1•arly lt•ast• unfurn 2 16.'iO ~q fl ul lu-.ur~ :'\)':Wl:iHEEDAPTS ;;·;~·;;•n·;~··r·:~·d·;~~· prnval lmm1•1f 0 l'<' 631-0213 Harbor View llnrrlt.'i. 2 ~mu Aclulls.nopC"t:. Tuwnhuml' \ 11.1..H:fo: na1111h or loni:t•r ll1•a111. bdrm. 2 Ba. bltns Nl'w lq1l('. hie 1lhl1· cur . B:wh & L1tfl . 1 Br & G I E I $1250 Mo. ~5i·K97 I F'r Den. fruit·. I a run Isl. last & SISO cit'" Ri•r's COMML'NIT\' 2 & 3 Hr 2 llH 2ha Nt•wpnrtJ . .'on1h1 11aint t·ari1rt dr;ipl'~ 'ant Pl·t· 01\ ,\dull ~ Loll I rom g425 Fr ii II'. roup nr mp O)l'l' *'R 1 G '.\'O ' ,.. ,., b152520 1 ,.. 2•~& 1600·1flOO~<t ft or w \ll'~ Sl200 n111 $R50 rm. C:a ll tmda or S6i~ mo Transfer unit. S36·2498 30 · IBr\, D alt• iar · s~immmit pool. Jal'UU.I , rcq · < u.'~ purt• luxur~ Garai:t•s. Rl•;tltor759 11177 1~rt . Ajt. ~5-7060_ f.13 lll'lti 1)42 !lllfoli n•c· rmm. pool. Ja• u11.1. Offerstoleaseyour Jor PET S l'htldrt'n 2 ear gnraJ(C. prl\all' SEAWI NO Eim·utt\c <t h)clrotulr.. in ma:.tt•r 1:as & "1111'r P•111I 4 Br. house al fair Wtlt-Omt'.5565 548·6680 lotat 1on . 1n1·l1l s bdrm P ortof1no suitc, rorma l dining ---------.jNtw JSR. 2BA \'it•w I RRESIDECOMFORT Adults. nu peb 393 market rent less SIOO per F.astside Conr1u 2 bdrm. jtardener. pool sen ll't' w fabulous new' Ex rooms. wood burnini: J a 1' • S~ 8 s _ Yr I Y Lat!!<' t RR downstairs lfanulton. CM &15 4411 . Subject lo rental , , _ "'" r .... ..c1u A,. a 11 . Feb I io l pandl'd and re.modeled. r .. 1,. ~oplace..your menag12~;·,79.3~i;!....27620·._2:,YS<' 5 . 1 w ind pat1.o, !J>,. d ~. P.\LM MESA.\PTS ---~'""'-SJ2501mo ..... 0.0347--.I Ir I I •re.,.v(!eS. lfllt'F&--t> . • ' .. ··-·· sur\'ey 1 ere mam· $6.'iOroo 548 3561 " luea or fam1 y anc en-O\'tns. fenced patios & before the Wknd I ...,,,.. i.pa. l Jr purl. no l561 Mesa Or tenance. 2 years Lesser The Lakes IBR Lost Con· Easlbluffs 4 br, ramily terta1mnl(. 51700. A)!t yard.5 Pn\'atl' cleuant reading public. -__ s_. -. -IJl•I:. adulb onl~ S-165 2 Br un furn SH~ grant Lessee right to Wests1dt. 2 RR . 1 BA. do. Tennis. Pool. Spa. room. lge yard &12 s161 67S.ilB!l. f!.7S-6870 '" ini: onl> 15 minutes phone SJSO Ut 1 I Pd I B H. i 26.'iO Harl;i ~9 2Hi ,\dulb uni~. Ltll bl" n show for sub lease 2 dosed i:ar. renred bal'k Sauna On lhe Lake or640-8107 BLUFFS 3 br. 2': ba. from Fashion Island. 7 Dally Pilot DupBalboaltx .• ~71~11EssBsai'.20"1'90t' 12bdrm. l':ba. to~nhoui.l'. 94 >1698ii0 weeksforprocessm ~arrl . pat11>. washer S525. Days 7S2·8200. Bluffs Condo den. µool. good 101· mmutestoS.C Pl;izaor Classlfiecl,642-5871 ----~-.·.. SSOOmo tall K.Jth\ ft-.-p-l-£ R~ "LS di') er area. t•arp<'led & EvesSSS.9581 21,BA. Nrw Crpt ~~i~t · SIOOO ARI 64-l ·63614: 0 C Airport Jul>t i:ast or 2bdrm. lba. frvk. i:ar. &Iii &133 or It.\.'> 38i5 ::': • .':'::'. ••••••. ~!!.~ Yearly~~:iy Winter. draped. no~ts. 5475 mo PANORAMIC VIEW 2 r ar Gar f'rph', $980 644·0134 Newport Blvd. & so of yrly, steps to bl'al·h 1. 2 BR MrsJ \ crde u11 ~~2orilO S6~ Rancho San Joaqwn. nr Wkd 3383 E San Diego Frwy Start Adu!_ls_,nopeti; tiiJ1195S , .... r Ne~· dl•i·or Adlti>. 2.3.4 Bdrms. Newport UJl'itrsduplex. 2 BR . I BA UCI. 2 br + dtn. frplr. ~.· :.8836 'es & BALBOA ISLF. 2 Br yrly mg at $1000 a month ,.., Beach & Balboa cpts drps. rloscd j!ar. no S825 rmo. Call Pal Fr•·. $500 New paint <'PIS. 63t .••39, 2473 Oran"e 35 5 3 br. 2 ba. frpk. OW J OOJ)l.'tS 5475833 89i~ J"COIS RE"LTY , Bt C I I D 6754000 Rod A"t .,... ,, 2 blks lo bearh \oar ~~S I • 2 Br l'ondo nr ~ ,. "' "' kids or prts S-ISO mo 831~·1 1 or83...J._·83Q4-=--g anyon O\ey ean · · " ~'"'._,c~ta Mtsa J "' ,,, ..,.. _ " "" ••••••••••••••••v••••• '· r Y 673 5719 Plaza. S ,\ P<1<ll. sua. l>l'PLEX. l.Jq?e 3 bdrm. 28...:18' "'IOI! rm Some t.ll'l'an \le~ Ret.•11nl I~ 1le • oratl•d 2 1·ar l!J r S650 nv1 49S 1-190 PROPERTY S48·5"-l.:or170 ri629 _ built• Dover modtl I 28R 1Ba. •, blk brh, dbl -,. MGRS. 2 BuptS drps. 1 rar gar, ~~b~·~t~.T~;dnti~~~·: ~~·:r BDe~~a(A~1~~~~ ~~~g~~~~~~ ~~a~d ~~~~ 11111111 111111111 21!~ l:&. ~1: r~0· tst ~~~1~ $tiOO \dull~. nu 3r~.~.~~: b~;,~a1;~'.' ~~~ci 6 75-617 3 "°fer~:, ~1.~~t moha.v~5[~ alarm sys.. highly up· LIBl sq ro outside unit. 4801 River. 846·3567 67J·9S21 5-49 :\232 or 6~ 1 1460 SSOO Nu pets ~"'-~.'.> ~.1\1 ~raded. Like new. lake. $1500/mo 64 4 5142. ------,.._::__-~-M-_ 3122 2 Br 1 Sn. J?ar _.tlarhed. 493°'!67 ~I.a.ct 3206 last + $100 de_p ~6·5§7_ tennis. pools. S900'mo 759•0706. 3Br 1:i.Ba. dbl gar. d w -...___.. -\d 11 •.• 75 l ~······················ M·F:SS9·S4S4. • d 1s p $800 mo lse. New Townhomes ·············~········· I u s .. n~ ~('IS..... + Sharp J br exel' duplt>X . Balboa Island Waterfront •BecJ-t & Spott•n• Gt!!rtr1wtr pd. ~6·2516 _ -STl:J> TO OCfo.AN Most Se..·unt~. 6-16·2723 hit rns. ('nrl uar Small '3 Br. 2 Ba. Yearly ren 2 br townhome. frple. RENTALS IAYRONT -1·harmin11 in olrl t'orona. 1 br 11upll'x, \•nl'I gar, 1 •·h1lcl ok ~r P('ll & lal. $000. Mo. 770·0341._ patio, pool. gar No dogs. 2 Br. J Ba $700 2 story, " + bdrms. 2 llG CANYON -For Rent 2 Br 2 Bu frplt', (X·ean w,1Shl'I'. cir~ l'I'. ~IO\ l'. J'!1:lla11a $525 730·6~\Kl Tiny 2 bdrm cottage, Child weleome.SS95 2Br.2Ba . S8SO baths . firtplace . Dean Home. J,000 sq rt Yrew rr~m ll t•t·~ rtofni: \rluh~. nn pels 1 ••r 2 Br near 111.1,11n. S600. Sunken waterbed. 1399 'A' Baker 960·3989 J Br. 2 Ba S8SO gorgeous view. Plt'r and overlooking golr rourse. -Stm1mo. Call Anl)lun) SJOO mu. 1st. la~t & i.t•i· i:aral(l'. l'lean. Ref r 675.536t 4 br. 3 ha 1·onclo. many LeRaisor Rl_t~3·!600_ slip.SJOOOper mo.A\'al l. 3 hdrm. 212 bu formal -dars 642·S757. Hrs & ll.11·5091.S3ti43:l3 r.6l·IS."17 amenil1cs. SBOO. Dys R h S J . F bl dining rm. wrap around wk_~s631_-6§30 t bdrm. rule rottajle. anr 0 an oaqutn, e · · patio, jac. Perferl eond -u.~o.leoch 3140 twirn'o.leoch 3140 "-isefrombay ... "". !!7J·3335,e,•s645·2'!_39 - . view or golf roune. 2 with 1mmcd1"•te oc--tBr. I adult only. <le ,_,,"'7' "'7' ""' ~ bd u • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A .642·38~ JBr home. 28a. frpk, Is: rm, den. 2 rar gar cupanl'y sz200 yearly •2 Bedroom/Z Bath s1iiner apt. S6SO mn 1st• Two 2 BR hmes. furn or yd Good l(K' & quiet SIB5:._640·~.:.. ---l~~.644·731~ --No~ls.640·1<142 wlfum. yrly 1st $750 and area S700 mo. 67J.62IO Woodbridge Chateau. 2 West1·hH 3Br. f r + sml -•Slll<ick & PallO J1 [verv Urnl 3 ldnft, 2 berth S8)().67S.9667 d .or673·24~3eves br, 2 ba <'Ondo, encl. ore. New epls/paint ., Old CDM, V1!'w, 2 s un Sharp 3 br 2 ba, pool spa. ~ar .. woodbuming rrplc. -----185, 646-6789, 631·2177 -dt'<'ks. beams. fpr S97S Bayfront. beal'h, 3 Br. 2 C h arm g Io w . gar . tennis. pool. I blk from Newport Hts .. fresh & -* 2 Story Spkt Level A\'a1I Feb s R11·hard .Ba. 12J E Bayfronl. c arpe t .drapes. new lak..e . Prof. decor. clean 3 BR. fpk, lge NEWPORT CREST CON· -' 64C).l8SOda. l.B~l&oa Island $1200 kttt'hen Close 10 ever S8l0/mo. 997·3142 yard. S850. 646-1220; 00 3 Bdrms. view. near __ 646, ~_4072 t\'es ,v1nlt r. $1400 annual Y 1h 1 n I( N 0 Pe 1 s 6C2-S200 pool. tennis. $825/mo , -•Bay W1fOM "'Herb, days 213/47R·3577 · $1116/mo. ·Isl llasl. S500 Woo6ri*-'"tw Beautiful upgraded 3 Br A 64S-O'l9S -c-.. • ..,,7650 2 bdrm. dtn, 1iighl)' up· J.. Ba C d F I 3 Br. 2 Ba. Townhouse. CN itt --:'J · _,.. graded. Single story. ... · °" 0· rp c. -3 bdrm 2 6a cottage Brau. 2BR 2BA. dbl gar Fu 11 Y s h u l le r e d . garage & car port, patio, Park Li do near Hoag - Vf!r/ pri\•ate. S9$0. xlnt area of C.M. Mesa Pireplace. Alrium. Nea.r pool. Jacuni, sauna. Hosp $750/mo. Adults 11 675-1011 Verdel67S962·7940 pool and t en n is. 11Sfmo.Call772·7317. only.541·6509. - C:.-.. M• 1222 E/Sideduplex. I br. Iba. S97S /mo . No p ets. -~ .. • .. ••••••••••••••••• itar. No child/pet. ssz.<>660 -' •s.:e for Washer RI~· 2 8R,.. 2 BA. O<'Hn view, 13'7S/mo. Now G~ BR CONDO, air cond. -- pvt. bctl • Sl 100 /mo 3 br condo. l300 sq n. nr Pool/tennis. $57S/mo. II MACNAB 1~~0!fill.l97 Nwpt Sch Golf Course. C/21 Surr. S59·6800 .. -.111:. - l Br. 2 Ba. house 713 $700/mo. S48·0329 art. Sharon nw•~ - LMUpur $750. l r hlld 7 m· 752·2891_.X46. "-Jlll~och 1241 AEAlJY - OK, no J>t'IS. Will show O.CRENTALS ... •••••••••••••••••••• ·-· .. --rs•t1Sun. onl ~· 10 2. t·Sbr's fromS200up canlront home 2 Br. 2 -~~1?5. 750-3314 7 de s Ba. Art studio. lar11e --~1!1!111-~~111!"'-lllURRV! ~emodled 3 br garden, applianres. 2 llMTAL 3 Bedrooms + farRily, - 21DGoldenrod. plus ,·it•w w/ bbq Ir 11atlo NOW garages. Avail. Feb, tat. 2~ baths -.t980/mo. Westcliff. - honW.4bdrm1,3b1lhs. SGS . 1800/mo . C1ll eves CobyWardM2·823S. . 1rlft\lb' • formal dlrJinl( OC-RENTALS 754).3314 49Hi795. - CHATElll PARK Townhlnis in Costa Mesa From D Per Month Hoixs: 10:30 A.M. 10 S:OO P.M "-C714t '46olJl2 w C714t'46olltJ •rm . .-mo. O-W lZ2' s>t<'tacular mountain IO• IHOlll . Yrly leue · 4 -"-~·· -:--... ~ .. " .. ~: .. , ...... WI vinr home. 3 br.21 1 BR, DR. FR. ,. rdener. -At 2C.aa.tell.neerHlnlli.on 9'. ,_ an.t ·~ve .neer ba.-tqft.$1200/mo. ,, .... /mo . Barbin Ca11ihan -°"'*'* .... OIHnotM' ~ llNrb, I l'lr 1ar, yard. 54$.lllSj -.au. 06 ' '-c... Miii · t:'ml!J ~M D t•mmt <leant bdr1ll lloue. in IG-1115. • .. &~ ~~ ::: ::: ~~t··~,.~~r • .:: 11u11111n1111 tiiiiiiiiiiililillll J!'!L ..... ....... ··-Of4'WS71. -------------- • \ Large J Br. 2' ~ Ba apt 1318 sq. n .. frpk laun dry far .. C'ar port. I c·h1ld OK. no pets. S99S inrlds all utlls. 322 Marl(uenle 644 ·2S78 Will i.how Sat/~n. t02only. Spacious Studio Frplt' New rarpet. No doas $411.S. Uhl Pd. 760-9657 --~ Coste Mele ll24 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •ena,., APAITMIMTS 8uutiful l11 nds,·uµ1.·1I i:ariWn lll)l11, Pool & Si>u Covued park1nl.! Adults. no ix111. 1 BR S4~~-S440 UR. t' • Bi\ S500 L11 E. lltll. '411·t8lli .!!t!}l!! ~·2408 1._ 4000 .... teaft 4lOOCHla..... 44Hbt ., ......... 4100...... ff1 ~,;.... HOI 'J:~Jlh/ ., ~.~.~ ...... !?~ ........................ , ............................................ Ne··;;;•,;t•.t.0 ••••• Or; 1 ~'! .... ~ ..... ;;tt.~ ..... r......... LM & ~ l.osT. wonuin• diamond 81ilbo¥ lnn $90 & up Roommatt wanted. ,NEA RO.C.AIRPORT. fl." 181 J~A· ~ ... ,.1 .... 5 ... E.A.SIER ' ti..__... • ........... ••••••••••• Ii Rub> pnnl'f snn11.1n weekl)' Kill•htnneUt•. Prohulon11l ty pe 1to6E•l'\'.()(f1l't1 cw-• 1 'X11•· "*' ...,,_ ••••,-•• 1100 ur 1b9ut Ambnma °'..,.,.front llT:\ 8140 wtlftlln to •hm• t•ondo Crom 141-IOJOtOr ~~ ~q 1 111 rn1 THA..._. YOU Pnmt Mllboei t'1r~l4't~~ ...... ••••••••••••••••• knti1ur11nt Ot'n,•rc1u1 nr Sa. Co11sl sho11pln6l · · " lion Pulntr " c Own Your Own lfou~\' n-wurtt, l'llll 761121199 Nh'e J>lt'11:111nt rrn,•lilt• t•tnter S300 rwl utll HOOW.Ceftt llOO II<\ It. i'uuretc tilt· THINK ore11.Arlllh:1111uwnrr Ill Clun1nic llu•1n c111> l,o~t t'11dc11poo t1•m kJtt•h pr1v. Eu11t (.'oxtu Cull 54~ 7<111~ Hf9iwlY up lod blda w/11ppro.x ... 1:ons1d(•r 1111 oUt'r:r. A.:1 CM•t Putt•ntiul. t'or ln1n.• Northw1101t urt'11 Afalw1h......._ Af&tw•......_ Mt'!lll,yd 1200 $48.~ ' turron from t'11nosl 7~11Q n ofrapa_ce ~'ut to (Wffl your own hus1 61321110 More Jnformal1on l':.ill ll t•'t\•ard 857 84 3't ....................... , ...................... L• 21'..., kith 2bdrm. 2bil 11111. P..irk llo-1000 Ml n Pnv bu ly rn«d yd Xlnl s w nt.'l!I l.ci 115 ~how )'Oil All l'I.'. 8S7 Gl9S or unvtilllt.' ..._ 1e~11. l16t rtm ·~v. t· priv, Ne111'J)Ort S3'7~'oto 111rl rrn.s. tn<'l udcR util Rt'ali Sant:i Ana lol·. P oul Mw. We h11v.l'1.llmost.~ OMytoLo.' 5025 7513100 / •T.. 3132,. Jlrt ... room, b1~ yud, nh·t• uu1.c;1111hu1.:640-H937 . r<•rlt.7a1·~.114!i.J4lll:I l-'runkhn ?52 5111. lll11 Rt'<IQuk kprin,t Ct'11 •••••••••••••••••••ff•• 300 ~t <i r11ndp11·a t';an1• ..... •••••••••••••••••• ~ ...................... h'™'. Neal' rt'~p r.ISO -• tt!rll 1n thl' U S and F1nanrhll pat•k•llt•• for Lolf & '-d 5 Vu Nrwpurt. <.'o~I a 2 Dr 2 1411 \'(IOllU. nu , ... NEWPORT Im Aft 6. 964 190S Avt11I Ptoft'S~tonul ft!Olllh~ Ul(C Lri: LUXUI') orru•t• for Costa Mt'l!U 3000 ~q fl, 33• we're plunn1n11 ISO ni-w 1oaJI or \'t>nture l'lll)ll81 ••••••••••••••••••••••• M1-,;r li73 3638 ~ k1d11700 mo MA lmmrd. HB CM 2S ·40, non ic moker lo lt•osl' ll1·11utrful O (.' 11er s ' r, l n du 61 o I l'rntcn this ycur Tttk4.l l'rep11tl'll for l'Xtmnswn Foumd Shih T1u. Oobif'. 6-46 ~ AP'l•JM£NJS Lt bd b shan• bcuu N<'wport A1111on An•11. Gurdt.•n storaic 64:t·47Ml ud vanh11itt1 ot our 14 llturt·1111. pr'odutt ur t·un lmh S1•111·r. Cerma n M II mstr rm wl 11 \'" Rench con<lo. $3001110. bl)'lr bwltlln~. ull t'Xl'C. c...-.. 4550 yruf'll exiiemtnl'l' Grow •tr•"•IJ1J1• • ··1 of Ven FOUND ADS lt::uiNM9• .. ec9' 3140 1-;u CM, priv cnlr & 64S·397_5 servtt'l' 11v11il Sm luw ---r ., S VE " -.,.q ~horl h:11r, t;1b .. rlan ....................... COUMTIYCLUI 1>ri vi h"'t!ll, $27 S1mo b s·oo ••••••••••••••••••••••• with Ull E"<.'LU I , IUrt' C111>1tal llOUr\'t'lf & llu~ky. Sheltlc rn1x , "' M/F non·i mkr shr new 11 r ur}, " mo. s R v 1 A.R f'•"' LOCAi i YAND I I d ID£ fl££ ~ .......... , WALi ~ 6 PM tor1111c· tra1 u .n., ,, , investors ''"' u1 t! M St.1111111•1 '"'"· 'l'vrrti'r LIVING IM Woodbndge2 Bdrm 2 b11 975-0077 boat,C.M $3~/mo Kirk : NATIONALLY . Cuh re· SM 1800 mu. En "H~h Sell tr Uc38t.Townhou11ti\Pt. Lllll'. Beal'h room S2~S. l'tlOdo l'\irn.S300mo.ln <Yfil·e in l:ol'ona del Mar, 'Mt""'"'. qutN?d S211.000 whlrh Call .. • Y~rd. aln11le ' ttoubll' MIWPOIT Pvt entr11nl·e & huth ~lull ~70930orll4064:!3 i.ec·ood story -.•alk up. ""~ ~ INCl.UOES wor kinii Mor+cJ•iu. Tr"llst : lrunt• Animal Carl• l'ar i:1m1ge. ne11r Hu nt IEACH _Workm(_man 4!M·44~ ew=i IX'ean vu, easy ar1·ess ...... W.tH 4600 l·ap11al Total inve~•· D..-5035 642·5'71 C\·nt er 7S4-3'734 Harbour Children OK Ba} front, rm ' ba. pool, Mid 30·~ t'XCl' SU)'~ •• n Carpets drapes panel· j •••• ,.................. mt•nl us low us SOti.~00. ....................... ,~. 5350 ~llll07. An adult t·o1111nun1t)1 on Jucun1. sand)• be11d1 , i-ompuny" Shu rt• lovl'ly mg 420' sq, ft. s:iso1mo Single Mom. 2S. n•sponsl w11 h ri nun l"i n.: rnr ~ MtCJ. Co.. IUCK LAI ••••••••••••••••••••••• 48R. BA & •1 • Pool. tl'n· the Burk 8 ay. S1>e1· s:n>_/ITVl 840·8087 3 Br +<lcn home All t·x C7S $444 ble, depcnduble. w/4 > r uu.ullrlt'il 111!11\ 1duub All IVJll'~ of n•,11 e~lah' , ·~i . J,.11 7 I.a~ B"h. •a.1--*ls Massaae I S 7 ~ old son seeks C. M hou~r c' I k " ,, LAA> w " ' "''"""' ::.~ nis ' Playl(round Khl$ I aru ar pu, s wim· For rent. prw ent . 11rh tr-.i.~ 2 lad111s S3S01m11 f'r'l'C 1 mo. rent! Crtil i.. · or apt to rt-nt b~· Ft'IJ. 1 .~~Ji~~ pin· u111: mvt lnl(•nluini·t• '"4" Whrtt-around moul h 011t•n 24 hr1111 du,> OK No pets S62.~ Mo ~~"~.~!: 8~:~~'~!~~: bath, Balboa Is. $300. t'a A~'I 613-GSll drps. u '" S.J t S318 r.45..!!203 aftl'r 5:3opm. • Siti•Scll'ction S,.clallaJ..9 111 tl3.~·:Wl7, Aft Ii 49 ... mo 7 dayi.:1 Wl't'k 1 53~-1 <llhcrsrls0.67~·~ Pror M1P over 30 to ~~·~i:t ~96 ti •IS8, --•Ll·asehold 211dTDa l...tt>I small blkM l'ootllt'. b'9 Gor i.:1·ou~ 111r i. to 2bdrm, 2ba. gurden 11µ1 . ~~i~he1l ~r~. 1t1r :ntdn 2 looM&locrd 4050 sharl' 2 Br 2 Hu _ Mtc..:::•0•15 4650 lmprm cmt'nt~ 642-1171 545·0611 .. llub11.·". )el low & ~~~~~\'L~·~l5 a~~~clf~'s fresh as Ol'W. l t>n d gar bedroomi. apurtmC'nh>. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Newport Bea1·h ContJo Jo'REE RENT ••••••••••••••••••••• •• • 1-'oor W1"'ks Truin1n11 rh 'n l's I u n ,, l. o 11 J r I o u r i " l i. 8 ii n k S4llS and townhouse:. rrum lroWll•s GrcMIP HM SJ~O mdds uttls 646.:7312 Uµ lo 3 mos ir you U<'t by llomcless bund wants lo • ~;1.1u11m1e111 1-~arn IG'~ on flu lliott w l'dM u111ma I hosr nu \ rnl.',. l' a rd. M d ~ t er Dee 91}1!·~ S540toS1000 per month Sr. Citizens M5-li221 Prof F lo shr bl't1ul 2 BR Feb. Isl Prime H.B uf rent spal'c to pral'llh· • "'ram·hisc f t•I' Island tru!>l dl•ed1> Ort:r llfl ta~ Pleaw ral &-I ChJrlt<' . .\mem-uo ":" 2bdrm, Iba duplex doll On Jamboree i\t duvl1•x <.'OM w :.amt' no rire 101· Com pl' I ii 1 "" Loud music· Call Jun • 1\th l'rt1smg 1-\rnd 50'. eqwty Short or Ion~ I), 5-111·6.'>113 I.I re~ s . D i rll' r i. a II house, bac·k yrd. gar, San Joaqwn H1lh.Road Hofth.Motela 4100 smo kt' p e b $390 ratt'i. Xlnt exposure ~3380. •A1•1•ount1ni,: 11•rm ~m1nunu111 1.osl 1220 A u~1ru1han wcli•onw 714 11;4~.:143;1 new paint, rrpts, drp:. _· ll!41644·1900 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 673·8562 r~:. Call _!low. 900·2HI. • ~·nini: Su1,1>hcs Iii H••stv. Rttr She11herd. t ri Mlorl·d. Zll2 llarhur HI ('1\1 1485. 817l Newm an NO FEE! Apt. & t.:onilo S~I( MOTB. F. J0.45 31Jr, !lbu. ·r~rn Offit'e spa<•t• for rent, 385 ....-.U/fllvttt/ •First Month•:. Rent 675-28,6 M, 2 }r:o. " J101>1J 10 f CJr tot.ii rt'lax.ittnn with 759-'*40. ~1als. Villa Renl"IS Wkly renfuls now avail La" R<'h On~un Front sq rt H't'ond floor I!!--~... •&<t·unl} Depo:.11 and hand. CM C.31 10.'lO ---'"" M S"" &. C I T\' " I ff ,.._,. 1 J profl"l>!!IOnul 111u~sui:t• Badtelor,slovl'&rern1t. _ 675 4912!!!-oker 1.,., up oor Co ndo SJOO E\t•s Prcst1i:1ous Wc:.tt1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• nsutffam·t• Widow has SSS fo r f't• Kl't•i.hmul, grt'} & Stt•il'IO·ti.~i!IU7 util paid Phones 10 r1X1m 2274 "9'7·!>276 .m·a SI 00 sq. ft M&h1•al ll•iMH •Now 14 o 11'\•i. TD's Ht' Lolln~. IOK ui> ~•ll l'r M c;onlun Sl'lltr s:lislmoSJ6.79'79 Oc•eanrront for Wrntcr Newport Bl1d CM Bl£LCall64S:6501 _ _.._ 5005 lhrou11h11ullht-U$ Ml\ hltk & hrn M Lonl·h Ton111h1 ·• Nt'NI Rentals. Fu rnt~hl·d & 1>16·7.4!&5_ One Roommatl' wo.111\'11. Opporftinoty 111serH'}OU Nol'red11 • ~op1·nnll\ Comiian}'Co1llM 11n11•i1 2 BR w/ garage, slO\'t-& unfurl! Broker 675·4912 share,, bdrm huu:.t 2 tia ~·ount am \'al It'\ . n t>ur •••••••••••••••••••••• • CALl COLLECT Dt•nntllon AM\O!' fi73 7311 Sh1·plll'nl 11 u~k). blk & 953 1822 dishwasht'r SSSOlmo MHD A PLACE? ~ bdrm:. per pt•rM111, M f\\o\. oftu·t• rn 1j w suite LOCAL . 1o111. w M11•h I D Jo't• __ ~ __ \'ersaillt>s 2hdrm. 2h;i, Rt'as Wt't'kly Rult b F. Yard. Jo~irt'lll.ll't'. for. attornev or other WHOLESALER 12131878·3030 35% Yield Slw11h\·r1l. t,111 & blk pup l'OEUS Would l.u1•i-To rrpk. <·lubhouse. Sur Kllrhenr\ll'S Phont•i. dass11·al mUbll'. llUH'l µrofrss11mal . 00:1 0711.1 MHOED St•ve Forbes Slti.73.\ bl'ason1.·d 1:.1 Tl> M Bull\ lt'f. lilk. Tri . Pa11 I 11 llh Yuu. c all Mr: "'wy .ct Moll !lllle.,_$750. 557 1997. ..z·· Channtl Morn•s S320_ 1 ', util 545 3810 S l' p i:; H 0 F F 1 (.' f. or cal Toll "'ee 1111 13 J3 a1·n •:. Jami al 1 11Iur1· 11 111· ,I\ 111 k I. t• ~I tt• 11 r S \I ' 1 11 3 bdrm , 2 •2 ba , lntherasti:ro"1ni.:t:l1.•r ll0"5377070 \dt'IJ n t o. S an ~l·-..µ11rt S wl11•r 125 An~llflll•761W31i fireplace. fam1lyroom. Hui:e 4 RR. 3 BA. bl.'J\•h Sandpif)l'r.1967 New11ort NB 11ror i;entl1•mun will Sl'Al't: & rt.•1·c1H1o n tronn· St'\'Urll > llu:.1 • ..,. • llt•rn;1rd1no l'oun11 I~'. ~h-sa D1 n1 li44 ;µ;;~; "·et bar, dble rar i:ar. I~ l'los1.• duplt'x, year ll'ase. Bl Costa ~!e_bl!_~5·9137 shart• IJl',IU horm• w l,•tb .m:a 500 ~cl ft S!i!JO mo n1·~s This I~ a n ·1't'Sl>111n ~:11111lo)'lllt'fll l\J.:\'llt')' ml uni\ mon1hl\' liut· I sund1.-ck. $695 mo Isl. 1s t & IJ s l . water Vocati011Rlfttal1 4250 oyrr30$.1757600802 utt l 10!'1 Sl·1· :.\i.trm. pruolhus111\•ss W\•hu\I' Owner must :.a1•nf1n \r 20:. chllrnont 111-11 found Chui o1 ldJt Unda&Vicki'S last 1100 Sec. 7781 L1brr· ,.:arbai;l• paul. SOOO urn ii •••••••'••••••••••••••••('lean rrsp non i.mokt'r wt' 1b11 r · 11 Pt.1"n111 J cl1·alt-r ui.~1st1•d pro 30 K Po 11• n 11 JI I o 751 "82fi ''" 01 4113 11~.3 {~1\~1 ~~~~~; M 1 'r ly. 1146-00BS. 848 • 4115 \ r~~,ii ~76. 4509 or ,\\Bil ~~~.~ 2 w&t':krlr ~l~t~~ ~e~hmS2~o"~;u1 ~:~"'~X: ~~~;~·r, ("~~~t; i.:ra~~hV~ST~Eb~~\!JI ' :~1:. 1::.lr.ll~l'-~.~·~:~.i~;. and 552 7 llll l'I c~ ... :~:~.I'll; UI Manner.. Bt~~~~~~~ ~H Nearnewxtradlxtwnhse JBr yrl) rental.steps lo Monthly 6737873 SIOOSi.·t· D1una.~~Oti36 REQUIREO lu\ort· Calif 1·orµ S50,000M!ftlmum l'Jrk. 111 Wntddf "llL\N E\'ER' 2~11RS lg 3br.2bafrplrbltns b1•oh , i::ir park1011 PalmSprtn"1>arl'a !Mon li75·7025 •ll llN TI Nt:TON $14,500 01111t•r "1ll trJ111 CJll P11µart1 w1ll bo\ TOs hl k "h1l1· lung hair. 669-0207 W/D hkup s ky lights $HO mo 673-39!11!. temCCl~•ondu 3 BR 2 111-:J\CH • l'"",S••l·urctl M11hat·la15-10114/!l(lalt Jlafo1nlmount \~I <;.ic.ms 10ut('all l vaulted <'ei!Jngs dbl at 731 ·:»-16 8d: furn w 111 riurn ~~~ S~~~'. ~~t1t"t~~1~~r 1010 S/F S..ite ~ 111v~n1ory G _ ?fiO lllOI t:raii; Fuun1I Bai.~t'll lloun1t ---1!!!1~----tcb gar many xt ras Bu y 1 1 t' "'. yr a r I) . Gotr . ll'nn1s Da II) . lrvrn\•, Woodtmdi.:t· S2i~ • • 3 Privah' orr1 n•s l'urn111ii poll'nt1al IULI( GASOLINE ~·oM PETITI\' E Fl RSTS 1 ,uµp) \It Wt-slmmstl·r adults no pets ss95 beautiful ·I Br S9SO Wt'i.'kl) & monthly rail's lrwlultl 5.S!l-032-1 • •2Stuff i\t'\•as $75,000 ·Lo•·al thstrihulur !>l'lb 2nds & 3rd.' ai.irl.ilile Jiu, tilack flt'J t0llJr 545·3004 B'}lll~l!:IS~ a1ail il4 558·8001 • •Wl•thar riasTYE"R unbral1d\·tl l\•adl'll n · Rt>i. or1nn111w 1iro11 011 11!13:!006 1 Br. w loft, 1'2 pa rrpk . 9 SPM, ask for M !,Irk F Shr 3BH. 281' R:i) tront I .\1 arlabll' now-Isl floor " "' . . , • , . lo $.\mil ,\bu c a~h lor , , . · . S4?S L L...irge IBR t.:111 ptl Spot· Aiit W IM. 11-' $325 Pl 3 33 i.:ul.ir, unlead(fl r~.i.:ula 1 : t·xisli.: T tr~ tu IOO', ul I F 0 I (I; D J ii 11 I ~. pool. garage. aun h.'Ss. Qwe1 $450 2-121 I:: Li;l' Bill Bear n 1b10. 1mol Ulll f\Jrn ur l'nrurn ' l';ill t714IK411 1 · r i\l.L. TOI.I. FR~: t: k•acll~I 11n·m10111 ~I lo" I i;ii'l' , Jhll' 1 ; I l rit,ll l~:i 1 U u b ,. r m" n . I •· m ~'.~.ii. nr shopp1n1t. IJllhSl-645·47111 lbl, rulor 11 .• l frplc·:. . .;f!.313111'.1 I LAGUMAIEACH 1-800.323·6556 t'Olllll vnn•:. I r!•'t'll or 1151 2 H 4 1l . J 'k 1111-\1tJms Mai:noha 1111 S4SO. 2 br, adults Steps to b('a1·h I 3 Br., sip; 1.4 545 69111 • .. I" Shr turn CM Cond o Xlnt l.o\· .. 1ion l'p IO l:!KO EXT. R· 148 cl.-1 '..' \ ~a 1 ~h~ .\OD J>u;mnir S1t•11• 9611 IW).I D I 2Br. both rrvks S775 & ~!Ari I bdrm furn tun " f ore Stucknl $250 I &1 F' j~· P1•r ~11. n 1n ",h as10'~' 1 '· {'.( • ·I II~ IM'I k11t1e I 4, blk ""'· Slroni.: prof man dl's1rci. pn-tl.1 ~··n~ual lad) 18·3.S da>' n1l1."!> 720·0291i GOING SkllNG? MJW77l1Elhs ~ S650 per mo Im do Bl'st ~"1mm 1n i.: mo inl'I ulil H42110ti~1 d udmi: ut1hti1·s ~.x1l•pt \Jikfur Mr SJ"icr ~· t t 1·0lld 1 \11d~'c 11 """'1wtcfflf!fllfs/ lonl{ha1n'il.Mc~a\'1•rd1· ~er: 673 · 3115 -mac-ulatc. 673·250i bl':11·h S245 wk11 'l\'n1m £1 l'l> l Elwtnnt) -l!H 4451 j • :;:'1 .0 1 714 ~~2e 1~77 ~ir •eno11C111s/ & Baker CM 546 2331 Jbr f /r 21 ba crpts --61il 3898 Wt: ha\ l' ;i produl'I lh:it Ill ""l > ii a 11 ..- • • 2 • • lNew orean 'lt'W 2Rr 2', Molhl'r & 4 ) r olcl sun lu milk what mari.:Jnm• I Bill. 213 9663611.S lolt & FoUnd Found Sl'I ol k(·~, 1111 Fair PROF ESCORT ~·~r02~°"."84~~9fiar ha, gur $750 mo Ph TJhot• Ski Condo , "'anli.:.ul'Tl<'OO\•tushar\" $2.l5 M11Pn1<1t\•uf11(11• l~lol>ullt•r 1'1·npl1· art• LOSINt: LE\St: 11u11 ••••••••••••··.••••••••• Dr l'l\111 nam1· f.:don j T h !H9ll096 ·fl -pm · 1 • · _. -&16-51KMJ. 645 2682 I'\ Nori hH a r 3 bit rm. l'harmini.: E·CM (.'u1ta1:i· 1 11ark11111 k1t.·hl•nl'lh' ~Ill' ram in)( 10 l'\t'\'h~ uf lini: hu,lnl'1>~. ,t'lhn~ 001 ~--nh 5100 1111.•1;11 µl.iqut• $-16 4639 m · a ' 3Brltlx apt, movl' 10 lo· 572S-Uppe( 3br. 4!ha ~-~'~ 8-Sl!OO wkl.' ;1 BR 11 pn ba . lg IH600MJ111St Hunl llth SIO,OOO Pt'r month T~l:., .\l,L ,uiiµh\·~ 1tll'1 '" ••••••••••••••-••••••••• t"ounJ HI!. & "hilt' WA~Tt:O· F1:mJlt-l·ru1~ d a)' 2 ,, Ba . e nc I duplex. bl<X'k to bca1·h. I l'nt l'O ) .irli W D. OJll) JJntr .\II ut1l 1xl Ill OOI a m1•vn~1 . ~ ur lur.~ indudm~ SCRAM LEJS Sh" II her rl "u II II' 111.: rnmpanwn 2.-S 35 ~rs, SJH• munt·\ hall• lun takl· rnur o" n lnb lrur tor (·hlldn•n. ad ult~. i.:ruu11s. dll') ~. n11;!hls. !'It Mu·hJ(•I Kant• i'l2 3-1.ul garages, quiet eul de. beam <'l'l llni:s. Ir,.: Nu Tahot' Condo.~ Hr 5 i:.mknt•r. Chiltl OK I \1J1I nuw'171111!-111 J1:1:1 1 ITl.lf'\' mru, i·ull li 41i :1:137 D1spl.11 rasi:~. WJ1t1ng • llo!lhan t & li:inn1ni: Ha\\Ul• .•. \1 1l'ro n ~s 1a sar Consider k1 ds.1 balcony Hll' rental rrun lo Norlhstar S~OO S225 t).12·01!Mi IOA~l lu5f M room ·,·huir'. lk ;1ut\ ANSWERS f<l'(l t·ol 91>-1 im.~ . Ll'JIJ!l~ Feb l.h4f>-:.1!08 S675 1mo . 730 ·4 7 H .l·rsL~!i:;nl · 6421fi03 wk.Tom857 166K G 2T06MOHTHS WHY I SJlon hairdrH•rs anct found Yuung.ipp10\J Pn111,n1Jllblondl<1d} S8l-~ . INt'wPort lli.:ts 2 Br I Ba. RflltaktoShcre 4300 f'or°f!.t 4350 Sh11111t•1m nll11\• 'l>Jc·t• h1tlr,111h1· t·hJir:.. m1r rhoM•n Tn·nih mm sht·v hue.k~ m1:\ i:rac·1011~. rl'm1ninl', 3 .. Tow ... HOME k h N ~·oo I I 11 n 111 • I wa G MBLEI · !"!. h 1 ~ 11 1 1· 111:. ll'cho:o. C1111.,1 11 u,, ... ' r 0 I 1u 1 'om: means. ho,mesl! " no lie en o pet ...., ••• .. •••••••••••• •••• •• •••••••••••••• ••• •••• •• '" a1 a 11· I 111' ' ' A ru .. ll \' ll'. ·' ' II ,1 . Enn mt: l>1llu" n r ,.. llk.rnt. 'oun)! :i<l'~. II\ e Fenceq yar~ FR PLC mo &W·fl780, 646·3189 G"Y ROOMM "TE Sti.5 Stn"lt• gar, sure & 111111. 1war 1\1nxu·11•r Inn. . • ·\bo. rn;1kt' uµ. •ham1xoc1 ""ii•.'R "'O.'I ••. ,. ll\•11 ~''"l,11111 !i-li'460l ,. -"' "' ,. "alk111g 1h,1 ann • 10 tK' ,\ I \ ,. n cl 111 ~. r " u. tt· .inn h.ur 11roclul'I~ '" ' " " ' ' h 1 anng. lo~ al. seeks Z Ba. Enclsd Gar. NEW J B~2Bu Steps to bt'al'h CONTACT Lari.:C'sl G ;11 ~>t·un• •;..1 W llllh St \uiiort Xi•ro\ m.1• hini· ,1 \ .., 11 JI) t', 111 1 l'all 6Jl 975 1 or ·:"o" th JI I'\·\ 1· '11111 k 1.tr.t "h111 IJll mJ It· St 1.111 i: 1 ·n1kman S:'i 10 02 S660 Mo 1148·!7~ ~ win tl.'r rental. u11ls Malt• Fl'mal(' St•n 11·1• 10 l M t\13 111ti ind 111 hi·• inlt' 111111.s 1 f>rurlurls {1()(MI ,1,·;.1111 I JOl·rti B9S lil!(.l!I rnl. f1nrJ. , ou n· i.:unna l!t·rn.ml 111 1 1\ , \µp 1 n 1 1' liO w11h s1n11lar qu-.l11 1c~ & .WW• ml'ld So Ca I G R C IOffictlewtal 4400 •• • ' · 1111·01111·. :-htJrt hour~. · · ,.:1·1 '"nit' 1l1ll1•11•n l lh-. I ll'•ll• ''"''" 111 hna1malll St't'Urt·. 11r1.otl ~ 3842 PROPERTY HOUSE 1213Hi30 J0.10 ....................... ( '111 Et~~i 1 H.\l 977,. hk nl .. umµJn) Cash re• Clothing Ston• 1 lulhl'lo" "Noth1ni.: do Jllrt;I CJll H_ol! of luokml!·. n·ad1 10 t•um ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~·38.50 fl>l2 1010 F. \'hlld ok. :.hr lu\ I hr lti17 Wt'llll'l1rf ;-.; II Wa111 11wr,,1 $3-175 ll\·1·uri·d h\ Wumt•n, Gel m1 l!•llMI mi:. ll Jnk. I\ 1· he1·n !'>.Ill 1K:ll I m11 h1m~l.'lr to J 'llt'\'1al Guarded gate. ll'nn1s OCEA~ n f.W Jl•lo\t' 2 1•ondo Pool. lt:nn1:.. l'll finJnt 1JI m~I iOOih I PRIME H.I. LOC. 'Ull l'l ll·~ I>\':'\.\ MI(' 1 l1·,1i.t·. S 10.000 t 1111 " \• t111 n ~ cl 1 I It· 11~· 11 I 1.0~1' \ 1·r1 S\•n1111wnlal lath to bla~ ~.Ju11i: "it h courts. sw1mm1n~ pool. Rr 2 BJ Ol't·k. \ Jrd. S27S &15·5123 ~.101·~ ti.I lluor .\i,:t•nl 5~1 5032 Ol lltt· .. u111•s a1 .111 101 PRODL'rTS. P O llol>. Own1•r "'II 1 nm.. .. µ.," dnOw~ :ill m)· Ill\• ~"" Cir:.in1lpa·, C.uw I l\\•1·rl St•ntt phon1• :: 111 Bo\ tile roor. cobble stone brirk lrplc . i:ar Pror lo Shr 2BR . 2lli\ 1111•11 fro111$lf~ll'\'l'~lf l7\l:l,Palm Dl')t'1l,l'.d11 r.11i· I'm 1:011111 lo1ln·i.!-. li ki-111 to WJlk \"11·~8.i . .\I 1 1192~ fu,1;1 ""'J. CJ ~rsi~E~~ne0~i~'~e ~~~ruG~~:f~:.~,ts1~~ :::~ H~ ~~111~ r~.~;i·~.I~; EX~~.~1~E I r~;1 ~J:121~i;i·;:':Y'1 t',·,;:;:L ~·~EO GA~ES' ' I •• ;3 ~:I~ •• ~;~;;;:~.~;·;·;;"~ h;:. :' ••••• 738·5022 P:ic·1fu~t\n• dt \'11·1onu. HutfT"GE "41Uth11r lo.'\ Fr"' S,\U.S l.~.ASI NI., • '"-... --""--3844 c.M.1.fjJ()94~0.1;42.t1sos R::roo~r~~0~~~~~~.~~ PLAiA ·1 OFRCE/PVT.UTH "\'"ar~t;1~:~~· J'"'1 e 8 DAY WEEK SPECIAL e ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br. 2 Bu Condo. 11')<>1. aft 6_pm and" knlls N t·'t\ luxul'\ orftt·1· ~pa\ t• \µvroi. ~Ml fl 1111 .11t'<l j •·-' :r~ St I • • . Woodbridge · 3 BR. 11 1 frpk. 2 pmatt' patl()S. Homl'. 2bdrm. 2 ha pool 1n l r11n.1"~ hui.1 1•s l 1 11n1 i.: 111 h $110!1 mo ..-uu. or~ • Ba. a<'ross pool. jae . i:round le" l'I S650 + rlr JU\' •300 yrd~ BEAl'll r1•nt\•r' Ea~~ Fi"·' .11· t util ; 11 11.n ;,o7!1 c•rl Inf'! tru\' · o.ooo lull • 8 Days • 3 Lines 8 Dollars tennis. Steve White. ~II .?_30·1711.1.?51 ~985 $325 536 51114 l'\'t•S n-s~ 1\\ail now' Call I 2L1592 lf'31i I l>nll' 497 5109 • 973.0944 dys. S51 5045 Winter rcmtal. Ii: 2 BF.. 871 0760da~~ ronlt.'la1ls . &.·au\\ Salon Ill l.JJ,!OllJ • It s easy to place your 8-Day Week Cla ssrf1ed b y mall and rt • ~k~ (urn or unfurn. 5304 551-1 231 640-4230: ViewMptHarbor lhlb Gcxx l n·nt I.uni.: 1 T I f f th • Seashore851·8070 Prof rmmt1• "anted, I Wt•ll lll'llfll Oll'ci 1ilf1n• ll•u:.1· G<i .. 1.1rh•r shop • costs JUSt $8 -that s only a dollar a day' 0 Qua I y or IS • LCllJllllClleoch 3841 bt'dut dct· Ntn<lo. 1>'' *DElUXEOFFICES• uH·rl~lk1ni: Harhur On MJkr urr O\\'t· llJl>t·• s pecia l o ff er you mus t be a .. non-commerc1al user ·o ffering ....................... WATERFRONT rm & ba Pool $.IOO + t'rom I room to 1400sq I l'dl' l lll ·~WI '.\plJIUX [)..'ili lll9!1ufl5µm • f I $800 d nd the pr ce m SI • 1 Bdrm lort apt Frplc. Prestigious Lido .\reu. expenses Turllt>ro1·k ft F'rom Sl lSa!>q ft :"u 1.000sq rt 1t14 1t>-1571UO • merc handise Or Sae up to per a . a I U • stove, ref rig, d w, 2 blks l1+ den l'Ondo " boat Rosl' 851·2252 least' required ;\dj_ I ,;s Sm Offll'l' 11r or 'T'S -C.ASIER be 1n your ad The 'cosr stavs the same whether yo ur ad ocean, lstrlast + 13 utrl .,_.. s;-• slip. Sl!IOO mo. Yrarlr or Rmml e. Nwpl .,.mn•:.. 1\t.f1Jl•rtl'r Inn 2172 Ou I \1rµort Approx :150 !>II THA .... YO u needs eight d ays s elling time or 1ust one • teOO/mo. 4!)4;7222.__ lease option pos1>1hlc 000 mkr drinker OH·r punt L'ull AM 8.'l.1 32Z3 I rt $350 n111 51-0 29GO ..... • • OCEAN FIOMT 838.4J38Q"ner .\111 2S $400 mo li40 00:11 . THINK Most elegant apartment la loch Apt. IHG,0131 , ~~~T~T~~~~ Business Rlfttal A450 .. In own ,\OUr ll\\·~· hU\I I • Us e one wo rd In each box About 4 words make one • building in Lagun a ., block lO beat•h S350 F Non·omkr, ror f rll'llll ' rr ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11\ ... , l.l'I u~ shu" \llU • classified line o f type Minimum ad IS 3 hnes P lease onnt 8ea<'h. Finest locallon Ill IOO ,714 I 964.4421 or SC\' h CdM Hse s19;, Pl 12\'1[.:J !'Ml~ O t 11\ ~U•:•tl 'ilort• orOffit (' 13~ "II fl hu~ Wt• hJ1 t' .ilmo•I SIMI plainly • town. Breathtaking afiter 10 30 \M 117 -lfith ·IHO~Ber 10 30 p:,1 in·I 1,•,t1an11'n':.,:rl.;ll 1 ~ll:sJ\·m1 .. \~~;-1 H.1i: Rt~I ti lJ111ysk1111n1 1 J1 • • views All bit-ins. heated I "' • 515 11..,, (. 1 th l 1 I b St :"li B t upslarr~ IO Prof<ossronJ "um.in R ·1l11nom11·~ Iii!) Iii/II . . I l'llt•rs 10 l' ' dll • r------------------------------, poo. s u I ~a r a f!e. lucJOking ror rnommalt• . '· · · ' "':r1· 11l:mn111i.: 1.50 rw" • elerator Lease only ba\·k> 10 sharr luri.:1: " II Cun I too ~II fl M1·,a \ l•rtlt• RETAIL SPACE 1·\•nlt•rs 1h1l> \1•.i1· TJk\• 1 • I $!ISO & up 330 Chrr Dr l,i:e I Br t rlt>n Yl•arh d 0 o 1. <'a 11 \ 1,." Jr1•J I · 1 . Jlh o1nta1:t' 111 uor 11 I • 49-1.8083 Sl75 Isl & last + S300 s.125 mo 631 G?ai ~5--UZJ un Harbor B 1·d 12!!0 ~q lt'Jf"lt l'Xl'\'nl'OI •' (jru" -· -Small studio. Nr main SN" Adlts Pool. rnrl . . Sh , I n + sturJltl' 35• sq '~-"•th us EXl'Ll'Sln:I I • "-h.Goodk'1t"hen. •'111 uar_.,_'l_cw_<·pts.~_(}·5078 Rmmle. Nwp1, or\~, BAYfRONT lkalonom11·s 6756100 .\RF\SLOC \llY .\~l) • I • "'. ' v <> ~ -non·Smkr dnnkl'r o, t•r '' . , • '. · in<'I. s:iis. 4!M·3044 IE AC HF R 0 HT 2S $400 mo 6-IO 0031. Pnme omrr 760 w-10 • NA'20Ni\LI,, (Jsh ri: • I ~~. StMrleen·1tm:asl~oos1ku1nd!, $700 64&-0131 I NEWPORT StB~~ ~~ll'~f~~ ~ r1~:h ·~N'c¥~lr ~:8S~o;kh.'~·~ • I • ..,.,..., ~ ... LEASE 2 Br I Ba. nu Roommate lo shan• 3hr EXl'('Ull\'C Suites has or· L'l\I $400 Mo ('all .la1•k, l'JPllal Total IO\ 1.'~I I • view, beach t•losl' by, l'fllt. John Marshall. agt house F M 111 C M 5250 f11•es available nr 0 t' S-16-ZlTI mo.•01 as low us Stiti.500 • • utll inr luded. S285 mo & 63l~ + uhl 645· 1688 \irport. from $365 " ~ull I CDM Pnmc lo(:atton. 100 11 11 h fl n Jn n n i: Io r SJOO/mo S-C'-llfe 3876 Looking for sharp lady Sl'rl ll'e 31'3tlablr t:all In JOO S<I ft for business quahf1ed 111d1111lual~ • • ~·823S494·225S_ -· ,_ nonsmker to shr house now for l month rre1· orofrit'l'. 644·849-1 <.'ompletr µurkai.:l' • ud S290 I bl k l ooooooooeoooooo• ooooooo • • (' d '! 1 'Sa 833.9975 --10"11.X'·es • St io + 2 or o Cl <"\N 2 Br 1 B:i laun· or duplex rn " . u S N • .u bearh. near shopping. ,r.i · . rinn+ mo John 833·2650 Beaeh lore, I'" port •S1tt'Seleet1on • util s paid h o tel di). garage ~o pels d 5·9 9216 l'l'e'> I MO.FREE WalklrarC1t··pnflll'l0t·a-•Leasehold • californ1 a. 497 ·30i7. s.t2S 493·27IO ys · :> ...__..ri C.nttr lion! ~sq rt 675 -1!8.'>. lmpruv1.•mt•nt s • • 49f·2'm NICE 2 Br 11 1 Ba laun· wknd Fl~~cl[s;. full ~en·11·c 67J.1401 • f our We<'ks Trdmlfl): drv. beamed eeiling Female roommate-want EXEC omres. inl'lude~ NEWPORT BEAC H •t-:qwpment • • No. Laguna 2 BR. I ba ~-493 2710 l'd to shr lrnnc Condo. all amenilit's from I Pnme l0<· 00 bus) Pal' , 1-ranc-hise Fr\' • / with garage. ss7s. 11 " .\dull sturl 10 Sto\ e. SJOO mo -+ 12 uttl • S22S rm 644·718'.l est Hw1 ldl'al for rl'la1I •i\dve111s1n)! Fund Publish my ad for 8 days s tarting • High Dr 499-5022 60 s.sg.9477 aft 6PM -I · • · refng. litil111es S2 mo -----.''EE 0 ·\ 8 US ,\· 0 . unrl or orfl<'<' u.st.· 1.000 • An·ountmg • • ... 1.-....J 3852 F nonsmkr to shr beach ·' ' I "-"" Su I f · Lagma ... ..,...... S.SlOrmvein DRt::SS ... Answt•rrng & to3.000 sq ri am ·C~,.-ni~g ~p ll'S Class1 1cat1on ....... •••••••••••••••• __ 4_92·0111!>_ house w same ,~ B mail srmrt>.conreren<·t' _J7~1 645·7100 •F1rst .. ton1h ~Rent • ---------------------• Large 2 BR. 2 BA patio r ....... a •--3880 S22S mo. Isl & last + S7S room \clJ. O<.: i\irpurt C ...... •&><·unty Deposit and • Name • home. 4 yrs new, beam _. -Se<'. dep. 646 ·3787. ' · · Oll'lftfrc1.,. 4475 lnsuranl'l' I & ••••••••••••••••••••••• cu:r M.71 $100 roo 714·833·0692 .............. N 14 off ceilinas, comm poo ...,.,...., -· -inum. • ow 1r"S • .... svNNY 1 BR ,,pr - -, . •••••••••••• "-·· h u 8 Address I e spa$750. 646·<Ml80 WITH PATIO SJ25 PROFESSIONAL MALE NEWPORT OFFK E ........... throof?'nvul t e 836.0706 • • seeks professional type . Pnme bayfronr lol'allun CaaMry VlltOCJ• tosen•e }OU. • • Phone I • tlo~rtleodl 3869 --. --MiFroommale.Share 2 1dealforlaw r!rm.1n New2000 sq.h.lnl•ludes CAUCOLLECT • City Zip I ••••••••••••••••••••••• WntnWtster 3898 bedroom Huntingt on surant•c or at·ct It SI.SO 2bdrm rt'sidence + 1000 1213)171-1010 0 I d 0 • - Sp a cio u s I BR in ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~eeactr apartmenL $200 pr sq (t incl. Janitor. sq ft of(1re Serurity Ste••Forb•s • Che~k or .. M .. enc o s e I • Eastblu!f. Pool. Qmet. 0Mledro0"1 mo plus ullhties E,·es ~·66:16 ~ate. 1ntrrcom. S2000 orcalToll"'H • C d I • Pfeasant area! Single S315Call84'!.:3660 and weekrnds c all KollCettter 670l.)J.67~1r1.· possihlr npl1on 1·80"537-7070 harge my a to · I ·\dult. No Pets. 644·47~7_ gro.0972 v-• ~et 2 Br 1 Ba iiarage. ~Ilk Fllrwislted Ne"'1>011 Bcarh ,.1"" of Offi R""al 4400 0 l"' * Exp I • Patio. pool Adulli.. 00 or u.fwllisltH 3900 Am looktnl( for a qui Pl. fires f\Jll sen H'I' Law Offict Rewtci 4400 ct • Tf • I • h ••••••••••••••••••••••• mature. resp person to Stull' Comp law hbrar) ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• pets.~ 1801 ··w· 151 · h t CM apt 2 I d t • I Wl .................. ,b s rren 1n . an many ex ras • O II # E x p . I • ~ 642·7~-_ "'· &~f .. bd Ramona 64S 7204 art 1 752·0!D2 UDO VIEW G , 2 RR r um un um rm aPLt -· -_ • ~ or11 , apt. A II uttl pd A II _..,!! --.-. • S3l & S72 sq rt. SI 00 per I .....- fp. adts. amerulies.846-0619 2 BR SISO mo + ulll, F sq. n .. 3975 B1r<'h . N.B. • L------------------------------• ~--'s'--1000-"1mo61s.sJs9 --------betweenso&60 yrsold. ~ntS<tt·so.12. e r·-··-···· WE 'LL PAY THE POSTAGE ····-········i Balboa Island Waterfront IOOIM 4000 HB S36·8453 D-AN \POINT' b t I I • 3 Br. 2 Ba. Yearly ren· L;.~;,";;•3•r•hM;;;j;~.· F to shrl br. 3 b;"d;1x. 200· :osoo· ot 7~ 1~5rl :i; • :, 1111 NO POST AGE : • !!).~mo.770~-98S No. Pacih r Coast Nwpt Hgt s. $238/mo. Ut11.&Janitor.975·1120 NECESSARY 1 1 Bdrm apt. stove. rrig, Hwy. Laguna Beach. Dys 548·8782/ 957·6126 MIWPOIT • : If MAIUO I • pkini:. On Penins ula. Dail.> Weekly Kitchen evs • IN THE 1 ~~0612aflS available Lo~ winter Mat. rem. 2B r 212ba Lux~~~Jt~~~~·all. MNPORT CENTER ~ UNIT(O STAHS ~ • rates. 494·$294 _ __ lwnhse. Npt Hius. S300. ror sub-lease in one or ntft • 9 1> • OMTHI IAYI Room and bath. l"cm Refs.~·7~ Newports exrluslve ·of· I J BUSINESS REPLY LABEL .. One o( a kind luxury S 3 0 0 I m o . M ~ n Y Rmmt Wanted. Non nee romplexes. Airport f•xcdbnt Office 'MN c > • apts.2bdrm, I bath apt amrnities.6'S·2439evl.'s. Smkr. 3BR Mobi le dose.Includes: I LI """ ~ • IU P"lllSTn A~SPElllll•T HO 11 cosu111u• c•u FOllH•• ~ • lorated directly a<'ross 137.a>79d ____ Home. Oreon View. •Retcpttphone • i • Erom the Reuben E. 1,ee. Muter w/BA. Pool. Isl ' La Wla. . 497·4015 •Utilities •Janitorial 500 to 200 square feet !5 P()Sl,\()( Wll ltE PAO 8'f •OOA£S.~£ 6 Just remodtled with Last. 127S Rer Cherk. 10 shr 2bd on N.B. •toorrcuopies/mo. Available for Lease e ~ Or1ngt Coast Dilly Pilot • ~itr'"~~atbi1.n0~5dr,a~Ps: 549.705 ~ Ext 214 Or Pmn. 1 blk Crom b<"h •Ample parking CaJI Wm. F. Cole • I • 1 ,. 1 ~ • """ • n • 545-Sl~ Mff over 2S $300/mo •Kitrhen •Sect'yscrv, for more information .. ' I I 111 • plianrcs. This upstairs Xln't nrHoag, pvt ba & ~utll dep req'd. Kris available 1 • a. • .UI int'ludes • flrepla1·c. -. No anllcr or kltr. 540-7377or&7s.4606 Call, Roxanne_!75~ 1 1 fi mlrrortd bdrm doset "'" 1 • v _.,,a apatlo.as dtt·k •mwut 646·1035 f 23+ to share with Of~/detlt spare. Act .ve.I 2075 S.n Joequln tllll Rd. 1 e t\'trlooltlng the bay. Room in H. 8 . tor same, large furn. apt. 2 airport aru. R.E 1 •n·, a~......_llQCANYOH • I 1011580 I •month. Ulillllu In· ~ble ~rson IZOO Ba. N. B. Uto /mo . vat olc. Call P•u or i __. ,._ I 330 W. lty St. eWecf. For appt rall tat/ l ut 21.30 M rf •sm. J>ouc,, NC~•~::~': NewpMt lwtt I 1 I C1M>m--. Ftm. non·amkr. 3bC', 2ba men • l40rf777 I I Cotti Mell, CA 12821 eel Fem1lt U1hl cteafaonBll~ltlanct. m,.$Ul. --I 1 • illne .... Ulll OI' ~ 11 e n P' r I v , D ftm + llMl. Call Al· Small olflctJ 14'1.12, 17173 • I • _ 111111?a 11.ll,. eltrm11., IUt. ll:;.;.. or Doreu: ;,,~.:;;u "'n •••••••••••••••••••••• , ••••• \ .. 0 $ 0 Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Januaty 1,, 1'82 "•--i~---•I...,. Cwtt/CMCrttt Drywtl ...... H.dwood .. "'1 thu1tdl•l11 ,...._ ...... /l.,..t Tit FALL ...................................................................... ·········'············· •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -;;~;~i •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ····.···~···.~·····~··· •. •wtCI & SOM THOMPSON'S ORYWAl.I. At'OU!)'Tll' Fotm1ni: Own Busmcu · llAR DWOOD •'LOO RS 1l1or<11.1.ih & H1·hubh' F!n'' Pll•nlln~ by Hll'~urd N1•111 p111t•h1·11 II h•alurt•' 1 I Lt. INS r l.Lt.V SP£C1Al 81111dfnt Stntl• l!MT CON<.:Rt:Tt: l'ONSTR. H >I'll t'ltP F\111: he'll & 4 Yn Exp L11ru1'\·1111irh1'. Meuutirully <•h•111wd •:JC1K"nrnc•rtl Ooocl refs S111or I Jr, tn11. 13 )'rli uf Fr.-.... HJ-1439 All Kmrls Guarllnll'l'CI. ~ Md111on~ rtrnllclchnA "''' •393383 ~2-Mll2 U\Surt'<I 5:\2.$~9 qrdni: It 8nt•k Piltt~ Md wuJCt'tl 1132 4'1111 ~ »S22/~6 tl(l9G ~~P~ 1111'111 eu,1u0~11r~ 0 t;o·s PlA'irt:H 1 N<: Rl'f) _ • John 1193 1661 161 PW DIV Dooo. wmdow11 Patio COMCIETE l>RYWAl.l.1APING <•nld Prof Servtl't' 111 io,Jc1Jencm·{'<I & th•habh• 0 )OU 1441 All1)Pl-. 1111 or f'xl C.'U>luni<.t·ramh'Tilr ~l'I ALL)OU 1•') C'OH·~ •'rl·C l'~t Rl'u:S •60 t:' Sii f\. All tl•JC\Url':S & IH'OUSllt' rrke!> Sure lo Plcasr H...., I' l' r 5 0 n w I I I L> 0 c ..... ,~ 00 ~ ll1•11lul :'0) l'ru<J!~I :.k'·1s"''c:i i•:.I for 11 u 1· 1llOIM2 ~ll 2170 8n<·k & H 0<·k 67S 0027 f'rtoe t•Sl K1•111167~1 90811 "911 i 11$ h 19& W 1': •1•1~~r;.j;,;~~;~;.1~~:.;~;1~• tl()U)t.-t·h>11n111~ M9 4:l3S ~ r" t'XP l.11· 4 II ,....., (.: ~ 1' I~ 30day 111.l BOHT~'T•:LNDRONt:R. CeNIAiic Tiit Drywull rt-vairs t\•xtur ·~ s.t.lc.a rm~vul l>umi>Truck HOl ittffti llond(<tl ht~J.lkl~ {'olor •••n•••••••••••••••••• T'" Sei•1ct tn th£• Cit-:N'l,{'ONTRAllOR .................... , .. tnt: Profrb1110;1ul ~·Ill ....................... ,Q\ltt•k xi•r\' 042 71138 :::::.::!:? ........... ~pt'l't 9G.1 U"Jll f)i fk Ortllnbt·leart'<l from SHl , ..................... . DAILY IJt' •311t463 ~5-64SG Hansen's Cerumu• 'l'ile lr11dtt fur 1·olor T v Tree Tr I in.en• n i; & DUMP JOBS Nuo ~mokmA t'bru..u1111 I. J B l'AINTI NC l'lurnh10,11 llt~au) •(.~~n11t1,~r:,1r~r<'L~r11ud~.·,~~V~t• PILOT F'INE HOME' fo11J11r.i Shuwi•r• 'ru!r.i ~·!If& Rer~)vul al lkusonablc rn11Jdh• 11111• q i fr will SN:CIAL' INT ~:X'l'. t'ri1et'lil. M&M 642 9033 ~ .... • .. .. n .. 38 SllYtCI IMPR0Vt:M£N1'S Calluntllmc91246J9 ~w•I l'tll·i·~ l!;iulln11. Odd _'c~trJ11~~\~ri~t:i~':" h~1·&1t I mo, wplt drywall l.11rl'yG4fl9311:1 rroperlyM•egn1t1tf St•nwi·~ ms 8 D••-TOIY Addillons &Rcrnudl'lln" ,.L..tl..IC ....... ...., ct,' Jobi. C l<•on ups lrn ne tlfl'U ll l•rs J'nl S1l111ll .... 11r1c"'" •••• .. •••••••••••••••••••-••••••--" ~ ON ••••••••••.•••" ••••••• 700,900S 673·9043 HAULING &OUMP "!" ''' '' 00 ITNOW! cdlM ······················· EM Dl'Slj!O & ~ht11•k I JOUS ' k r Jl I llr>l &19S ar1• ~mull! ( dM . NH rROPIRTY • •IXPllT•. Alli For S...tre Child (_'art• my hllml' I' a l' k II I: I 11 I( I s II Put 0 Worr)' to Ri·iit ! • ::it 11~~7 UO( y. lncOMt T ox t:x11'cl non 1173 fl"77 MAMAGlMENT TRH SHVICI VourU1ulyPilot xlnt rdi;, 1;1fonli; thru 4 MTl.t l'C R ll tt r\ l'Y ~like, u,x &,Rrmmdrr · ••••••••••••••••••••• .. GI. ManµunP:11n11n11 Ora111:r('11 arl·H l:i \rs ••4fl·2220•• Ser\'l1•eDircl'tory ........ A1.cmm.A0Ta.e )'rs. C.M&1H tl41l ll11rtll11011.M5·3701 Ct.cllM., orn11111 After·1a.EAMUPYOURACT ~:XJ•1-;1t f'llJo:JJ Alll.;Jl <:ust wol'k.Lk 11:1624711 1•x111•11 .. 111·1• l'ullt11111110 ••••••• .... Rcpresentutl\'e Ui· 04"""2 710.,ss• childdU"('an·-hr'd hot a ........ ricll l1UlllMo'~'0'rrntln11:,.S2G.OOlPcr 1'0DAY! Yort!111orn1w Enrolled to t>rHtiC'\· In:> f'rl•1•t'st 73184!111 anclrah·,. · 641-5671 dl22 · ~ '"' 2 J ~ • • ~ ''" 'urinu '0 "· (•Jn.up eH· lto1tru ·k 'I I lltS (\ J • ... , ' • • 9~31112 • t AOO'NS Rt:MODELING lun,·hes, Custa Mesa n••••••••••••••••••••• Stoud Naulc Tch:phonc ..... • !193 2 ~ 1 JC ori· t w · · ,ua II> l USJOM INf fo.X1 • • JAYETRt;ECARE C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l•!ll!l•~--.-1 Plons L ii"d c~orp art!a.5S6•!!!84 Q!'7S2 1102 t.:J.foX"l'lll('IAN JJrk(•d · Number & 'nequest lo -"~11 · l '1 rsJ m rciL'> i·ust ~1!.l 2111K t:x1>1-:rtT Sf;n v1n: RtfWsllillCI ttm1ill•tc ~cr\'il'e ;md AccOlllllH.cJ P11mer&Son~.ss7 G932 C1e•9Stnlct1 ntlhl. rrcl' C'SUmah' on S901 Warnt•r Al'<'.Rux HAUi.iNG l tHOM LOW !lA'f' .. ~S oouu•ot• ........... "4um11 11nnrlm1t 10 ~r11 ••••••••••••••••••••• .. ,. ..... 1....... ,_ •••••••••••••••••••• ••• lurJ.t(' ur smu 11 Job) 289 1111. 9'.!1!47 Qw1·k l'le11n up} II •• .. ••••••••••••• •• ••., NU llHOOK 515 1175 J n llorn lh"'"'~h1n1: 1·x1• ,11· Ins 640 9308 P/R Qtrlles, W2s. fin ~ Mak""J LH· fl396621 tl 73 0359 Fh....-esl Kns 113 1 O'J53. VO<:A Cl.i\SS .. :S Nt:l.SONS l'i\INTIN(.i 1\ntu1urb. kll 1·t1l11n1•1:1. Stmts Complett> Set u11 ....................... IMMACULATE HESIO l'OM M 'I Gnc1>hH· Oeblgll('I' Rick 631 Oil& Yogu l'Olll'lll' urJrlllla I /I:: t H. ll ,. ruw pamun.: 1;t5 OOIH wi..dow Clt-"'9 &Ser R •• 0 ... ~ l'ub1n1:ts &t'urv1:111n , l.oi:os . b r o1·hufl•S, --• h .., • 111 x ~lll "'omm ...................... . _ " _eas."" ,,.,,,4 Smull Jobs & llepairs Cltmiiitg Str•lcts 20 ~ ,.., exp l>o m~ own n)ers. oni: urt work, llaulln111l'lean u11. tllr't. ri1l't 1111 1155 l~ •• H .\c'oosuc 1·e11Jni:i>. Reis. R....,delllcJ/Rtpalr "l.A'l llw Sun~hmdn" ....... ~'r~t-stunates &15·2003 llomes67S:97SS0frlt·es work Lll'<I Al6l6Bl2G lcllertwads, luyouts & shrub1tr<'l· lrim. ell' M411G1WY l11·'d F'rl'1:1·i:.t 1137·2637 ....................... l'allSun~hmt Wmdow •••••••••••••••••• •••• • ,.~ LIC'D F.tl':l'1'H lt'l 1\ N J:>.holot;r_!!l!h~ <tflJ·HHS Junk, trash 848 1984 ......... •••••••••••• •• PAINT .. :R NE t:DS COMMERCIAL t'lto;1mnt:. l.td Siii 11853 Ori\·eways, purkini: lot -,......tr -l':xpOuy Work Qual 14ork lll-1111 rah'~ ~ llAULING-Student huh RllH'KWOllK Sm tll WORK 30>rH11p 1n1 ~INDUSTRIAL •IH:SIUF:NTIA I.• repiurs. seakoatrng, .. Fi;tiF.INis i't'woRiC!' ""' LITY Fr-ce l'Sl 63t ~2Tom ••••••••••••••••••••••• l~e truck. Lowest rat1· Joh ... Nc w1wr1. <:u:.t .1 i·x1 A1•oubt1n·l'1ling, EMO DELI NG! ,11: 1 ~t' SJO. a\ It 2 lll> roofing re11acrs Lc<''d ..,.,A Fr.ch Door' CarJleDll) . Masonry Prompt Call ~9 19711 "h-sa. I 1 \ lln• fl d:. l>a\t!> l'ulnllng 8"7 ~186 SIS (.'hm 957 8.'llill _St%5_A_sp!talt631·4199 Rt>R~fhng ~r~huni:i SllOOhr Cll llrs rt'Q l Rooftn" Plumbin" ThunlPolt,John 1;1~3m llOUSL:1•,\fN'·1·1•"G Turn 10,.t ur unu,l'cl A."""'ATEP\\'ING .mu)720·1260CdM Ou\:, 1-:n•s ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..._ ll"s T,..I ' "-1• ,,p.i11· rnto a v.urkahh· .........,, ' • 1,,.,,3299• 6~5 ~2S9 •f'llENCll OOOllS • vnwa · IUN'O I\.' TRf:ESSllRUllTIUM l'lL,lom 1Jr11·kMJMllll\ ('ollegl.'studenl.t'llft'1I .irc.i room' 1ll\11l1·tl Seakoalmg Slrtptnl( ~lli\R RENOVATING_ """ 10 1>aM:1 1nst11lll'd. &' R.cniodl'I. J.B li46-9990 GarJl,!l'&Ydl'lt'ttll UV' Com11I ~Jfll l'om.tru1· 1..o.,naks D:ina 646 IKI~ drywall. !lro1111·1hni:-1 & Repairs.Comm Relitd Cnmpl ml exl ~ l'Usl ,.~ ........ -G--al •l11l .. 1·•w""ntn"s7rnl'On1 G""nral •t11intaln"O"" F"""''"Sl •.~7 "271111111 .1111ul 1ll•rk"> & t t 1 ur •391362 ti4S81111 1•ab10Ns 25yrs t>4S3749 ~-....... ....... ~ • -.-... "" ''" " ".. ''"' ~ " PJtntm1:'sth1·Gaml'. nm 1'<1!1":'" n ° iom ----G W \'AND,.~R\'ORT u••••••••••••••••••••• pl tun11Jtnll.'d I 640 106S Rt'patrs & Oel'ora11n i: HC*Ste~ ~;~~·~~n·~ l..tll'JI ,.,.,, l'l"-ll'l'M•n':-lhl' ll'tHne' JJl11100 l Jll Tum or J 1•fl Attonltys CONST LG E SM A LI. H0Mt Rtpoir •Quahl~ • Ray !NO 5U4 ........ ..., 1.,11• ZJ9534 tl 12 0862 Jt 1r.1 :!913 ul' m:1 :111111. ............ , ......... , 6731745 \II phases. h1., t111nch•cl , G•d1111ing llOMt:IMl'ltOVel\H:NT ....................... llJll Ma~onc \ ll n•k KJ1d11·n~. 1Jl11nl'I~ 1111111 AG GRESS IVE ll'l:JI l'Xllt'r.f'ret'i'~l&:ullu·i· •"••••••••••• .. ••• .. •• lti•v;urMmntcn;.11wi• WantJREALl.Y.t'l..E\11: lll ork, ('11nl·r1·1t· lll•I Paperittq 1.1.1hni:,.i·ounh•r' ll P.i' representation. llU\ or l'lJSTOM ADDITIONS ·\lll•nConsl. tM1kt-1.. TREES H I llOUSf: .. Call Gin1:h;i111 IJI' 31.i82'J-1 1141i 1!>!17 ....................... •15 ·--··J f1t'es,24hrs.S45 8422 K1t1·ht'n r1•mod 975322 99 l'll ini:. l'il rJJi·ntry. Girl Prel·e~I 6~55123 . llAN(;JNGSIO ROI.I. pnH~" ''"' ~~ Sk\ 1111·~. R1•h ll tll ~ ~ ~l:tb3 'l'llf)JJt.oC.I r\'0111\'1•11. l'll'Ull \'IC'I', Ill\' F'rw l'SI No ROBIN'S 'Ir NII'\ . ,Mo•lttq Disc· on p:ipl'r Slnp Roofittq _, ..... ""JI S-lll 0092 \1trl1t 1ons. n•moclt·I~, u1l!.. frn1'l'S n·µa1n•ll & Job too :.mall IMS 2811 t • ,,\, • {, 1....................... l>lfll: g. . .,11 6'l5 •n2~ ...................... . ... •••••••••••••••••••• honw im11r111v1111•nt. in:it all1oe.l 7at :l47H l'M St't'v11·1· athon~ui:hl~* •.\Ill' M<l\'IN<; ~:xp. . . ,_ ,. '.. , lloofrni.: t'.i,l St·n111·' Babysit. our CM home''· I Corpet Service 1411111ows. 1l1101:s. pal 10~. WllV NOT ONE OF I l11cf all jobi:.. lt.:l' sm I dean hoUS!' .14111)11.~ I prnl . '"" rat1·:-. v u11·k. ( ~slom w .tllpu IHI Jn I.! Xhll lh·h t'n·1• E~I yr&up.anylum·. .. ..................... 1lrt\'l'WU\S rl' 'l'llEREST'Simmon~ (Ju1.1ht~.,·x 1.ter.lu·:i1 t:xl)t•rtist•ll11uM•k1•1•µ111 i.: 1•;m·ful ~l'l"\1re552 0110 51111~rac·t1tin ~uar.in 19 t !l~112 l'll-ar\ 11•14 Wmdow~ Xlnl wn 11 l'. lrl'l' l'St K .. n fi7J 9011r l'llUI W1111lol4 Clt'JOll)jl of Or.1n1:t· ('o to i.l'tll' )OU ~ fl I 11 I l'' ~ I Cl 11 a I "' 111111m1c·JI, 11 u:iltt) "'rl II'\' l"l't'I' 1'!11 ~wpl ulllit' l\11nlrl6 ~J99:! ~848t646·S759 'Wt·C:m·t'qit t'll':int•rs µlumb1n r.:. '1•t•· LH· C:arcli•nin1>.t>•IH tlU~I DuH'18949791l Su111Jh1•s furn1shl'cf MOV • l~i·d S L S hdltu. Babvsillinu,m,·homt'.nr St~.·a.·md1•an&uph11ls 3'i87lJ_Ph9600tiJ5 l"·n·." llitm" tmiirit\'' Trustwurthv !lfl7KIHl:I •A·I ING• 7•5 0711 • SoCo, p" ' lrul'kmounluntl Garcil•n1111:wHn1t·cl.h,·1•;1. " ' , • -• Top ()ualtl~ Sp1·1•1,1I p R ol If you want your ad· vert1smi: message lo re· arh more people at lower cost. Clilss1fied is the way lo go! Call Now' REPAIRS OML Y! 642-5678 a•t l"z· •. 1 Lu\ ,·1r1I Corporations h I · t W•~t ''o"•l u ••11111•111111·1• I II --• .. "-,.. w k f4a37 16 IH'r ort11·u tu rt :. I nwn ·~' "" "'u • 1·J11• 111 111111 1111: :!!'I H h -r-· ...,, _ _ 95~7~·05~1~6-or l(U<ll' ) . I ....................... Spwtahll'~ Ill plunts & Sl·n·11·1· All jol)i.. 1.111: or 25', orr• l'\1•w Yr Sp1•1·1.il I ''"II C11m1>l'l•l111· I Olll''> ..... :it1iv~\~~t·s'.'"". Babysitting· rf.'nccd yd. Shampoo & sll·am 1•lcan CORPOR ... TIO .... S I! u r 11 " 11 111 11 1 11 l snl<lll 9(i..1.523_· 1 uo llou~c Clcan1111:' 'oo1t•i lulll' i!IO 1:1;,:1 -luneh & snnrks indud('d Color br11(hlt'n1·rs. whl "' " tl3 t 2900 tWO 1~:111 Watkm·1·nni.: R1·mu1 :11 "~·Lar('a . '"6-7939 t·nit• 10 min bl1""'h. &P,\RTNERSlll PS 1:rl'l'llho1N•). \'t•1!l'lahl1• PROt'l::SSIONAL S'l~\H\'IMil'Ol .l.~:liE \llT.''l>t•;, 1;~21:1 1:1 '-" u-. .,. " "' Forffil•ll h\'.\lllll'nt•\'S 1!.mll'n1111:. ord111b & llANOYMAN AT Wt::EKENU W~:EK I> \Y S'l'l'l>ENTS MO\'I:\(; ._.,.=.t ~t:cll. h\ dm_ rms $l5. R1:a~ ra11•s: 55; ~700 11llwr 1•\C1t11· J1l.111b SENSIBLl::'PHlct-:S ,. llOl'SEl'U:At'INI: 1 1·11 1.tc =Tl2 I 1;11; Plaster/Repair --.,,. cy ll\ I? room SISO. i·oul'h ii~ .SV7 -12711 919 2265 55t fl l'I I ...................... . •••••··~·••••••••••• .. • SIO. l'hr SS Gu:ir (•hm Custom Woodwondnq · .. " · I 11~url~I •.ti 11 127 1'1 -\ST~'.R p \l't'fff,:'\li For all ~ou need tu knu" IJ\'t cKlur t'rµI n•µair ....................... K&U L,m1IM·ap1· :\l;11n1 H1•1Ja1t & Install 1·11·1· ,\ t 110 SEt'l.E.\!111 :'\C W,\T\'1 1 l'S (;HOW• -· about ~unkruptr) ·<'all 1 15 , r~ t•>.µ Do "ork t' r o" n mo u I 111 n I!. l~:rnl l'omm t'lt·,111 up 11lumb.1·arp('nt r~ l.\f>Y XI.NT f( EfS ~·1 \H \'1~1: \I "I OHS I !{1~1~~~:1"Poi~11,, 1\'~7~0 --11-1 83S·9162 m\sclr Hefi. 531 0101 I rnantlt<!>. 14 all unitb. LI llauhn i; 541! 21119 I ~1 1!1'1-1-1: l'\I'~ 770 lliii. t'all l.\nn1· 1:1.J'J 30S:1 ~10\ l\C ('m t I'" y · ; , . . . . . SEU. idle tlems w1lh a ~~Slt':lm 'oShumpoo 1·Jbcn1•1:; Har1ll4 1111cl Clean UJJ~. Sprinklt•r lhopJir:-. 11a111t1n i.:. Quahl\ Wurk Dt•JJt•ncl,J I ~·.i,1 & ('Jrl'lul l.11"1·~1 1 1 usn.~&!'\1t.ttO Daily Pilot Class1f1ed Slam SpeecallSl Fasl :.uluuons lo wood pro s~~ll'lll-'> (il'll\'r;tl :\l.un I 1al'pl.·ntn Chrtsllan. re bJe. Itel!> l'Jll PJm & I H.111-., '"'" \llu"' ;\I l' lh-11air -"11 Jllh loo ~ml Ad dl'l_ f'r'ee('st 1139 1~~ blems 631 1528 taimtm•t· •IH5 7287 • 1 habll'lt9i!l'lti2 Bob l>w11:ht.ti7J i012 \'1,,1 l.1r In' t.i:I 1111.'!;1 IHS 420.1i.i;;1199 I 1\ll Typ1·~ Ii Iii Ii \ti:I , - 1\,\LHO.\ HOtWIM: ('() ·111~onl) ,. .. 1.1111111 1·11 14 ''" For Ad Acti·on I tlll~I f'Ul' 111111 f'\•h,1 I l'' m:11ii1:1. i.7:11124!!! Call a lfJJl11·r H•1ul11H! Jll 1~ Ill'~ Dai~ Pilot :'\l'" r1·1·111l'r1lt'l'k' IJ1' c 111!402 ~ 18 9i:H Sewinq/ AlterotiOfts AO. ISQR ••••••••••••• •• •• • • • •• . 642 5678 l~l)L'STIU \l.Sl-:Wt~<i • & l'L Tl'f~(; 1111 Jhrt1, 1-'rt-,., ... 11111,111-:. 51M w~.o ~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ I I .I .1 ~~ ......... ~?.5.~ ~~~·~~ ..... !!~ ~-~~ ..... !!~~-~~~ ..... !!~~I ~.~~ ..... !!~ ~~~::! ..... !!~~! ~~~ ..... !!.~ ~-~~~ ..... !!~~ ~.~~~ ..... ~!~.~,~-~-~~ ..... !!.~~ flnanc1all)serurl'stngll' B.mktnf! Bf:Al'TIC1 1\:"l'J 11~t•r CLERICAL COSTACCHT FLORAi.Sii.i< HOTB. male, mid 30'!>. St<l'k1n11 ACCOUNTS \.'\s1•mbl~ llanktni: oru•nll•ll hJ1r~1 \ lt•t-& 11,.1H)J 111.111 µ.u I 111111, TO 19K . . Df:SIG :'\EH Sv. 111'hb11.ird operator & r1nan c111ll~ Hl'Url' RECEIVAILE TELLER O\Jn11·ur.,.1 lt1r .1.h11:hl\ hKl~llll! luc l'll•'IJ,;l'llt' "'"' •111vortu111I\ lur t.~pd R1•I:. ~'ullllllll' 1l'111'f mi:ht auditor. for female 2\50. ObJ1•1·t 11 CLERIC v rlastics TELtERS h>1a1t,hJlon !n fJ.~h1•111 wll~l.1tlt•t l4ho ""1k, dc•i.:n .. ·cl t1Hll\1tluJI 111 9i9S200 1wk11~:.2 51 lux.ir~ La i:un<i Beal'h matnrmn~ Send bnl'f . R· 11 1 t'I , Etedro11ie1 r.-.-"....,•d blan1I \le' t Jll SJmh "''II "'lh 111.111151. \fu~t J"lll 111.tu~tn ll'Jtkr c;,.nl'ral Ht<l1.t 111~1'1 (.'ontal1 Rtl'k El resume & h t B I aJJH ' i:rowtnit 0 ai;JI,.._.......... l'IOl~l't:I · · " I i:; I II I j I 191 .W"" f"Of" • P 0 0 0" i·ompail\ \('C'kin.: di• , TrainHs Wt hCIYe Oii optninCJ • ··I 11 .. 1m·"·111.il1h" ,11111-111 lh-nlh•' Il a) 1•s. 1570 .. 10:.l ~ rr.in1 :-1• II m 111u. 1 " • • 11944. Dai}) P1!<~t. POl1.iil('d .ur1<'nlt•ll 1n for°" exptrienctd OURINTEREST 111 .. 1uO t,111· '1fl1.t1. 11••"1111• llr1111kh11ll11" Dr =111 . orr11·(' &_ll11m1· 01 1ll11u.!>ek1·cpl•r Boxl560.CM92626 tlt\1Clual fur cnlr\' ll'H'I Workm lrnnl' ,\ll sh1fl ~ Teltr .,jtft 6 montfls ISYOU! t;r1•Jt u11 11111tlln111 1 h11111 ~ C11111.1t1 l1.1rliar.i S ,\ :H!l2ti2.'I l'l·r~onnl'I rn~ional rr.iq•I. lfimr~ t'ull 111ne Hous1·k1•1•µer F'renchg1rlage21woultl JJOlllt1nnm ourai'1'0Unt~ ;,11a1labl1• Call for av Ol'l'th•1I ~h;imprnl ··'~I .11 ll.1rr11·k l 11r11111 ~l'rlll'l"lfM>'.lri.:c ~11•\lbl\•Mu~lh:J\l'llV.ll 14Jflll11 tn ~8. Malurc.- like to slay w11 h famth rt•n•11 a bk d1·pl ~I ust potnlrnent. i j2 910!! exptrifllCe who wants GR t: AT w ~: s T t: n 111r hu!>1 salon l.11 n· ' S~ '"'111' i :il :!11!11 1-:01-: l'Ol':'\Tl-:H l"OOI\ 'Jr 111: lll'!•~~ll' 1-: n i: 1 c !. h S P l' a k 1 n I!. for2 mo whilt a1tcn1ltng hpt• fiO wpm ac·c·urall' to bt o pert of our ht· SA\'IN<:S ,\ND LOAN c(ct NB fi:ll 1:l!NI I l';u1111111. & t'ull linlt' ·193 2i II f'l•rwn Prd 12 8P~l claSSl'S Would hl'lp 14 • Ii'. 10 kl·~ by ll>Ul'h ,\1· rare11 · llO•ati•e 9'0~"'· You has imnw11iall' tlfl1'1llllj!S BOOKKEEPER l'l.ERIC1\I. (';111 1111' appl l::in °' GENERAL OFFICE Mun F'rt $800 mo s~nd hsework & "l'll'1tm1• ('11unlb rl•tc11:.ihl<' l'lC JJ n111St ha•t basic matfl lurTELLERSon u Full ... , , , •• I ACCOU .... TING 1)..11,l'dM i;;;,.t 19:1 'l')pin1:. vhoni·~. t·ii· 1~1;-ullll' lo Sue. PO Box Amer ~1rl for sumnwr hl'lµful. outs.l anding tkils. Giid tflt abili~ 11m1• ba i.1s 1n our f\Jll i hal ~l boiokkii111• 1 " ~\Jll or art ltmi• Fa~I ( f.)o"ny 90241 _ 111 her JJUrenls hom1· Ill 1·umfl\'ll~:lttun & bl'n('fils ffllll'O~U• srovocn INC • I N1•wi11111 Ht•al'll h1·a111·h lhru rrnanl'llil ~...... CLERK Deti•ery Person p I 1 1~ k t 40 h Ce nl Frann• Cull m u µleasanl worktnR to COllllNllltCott we nwnb. l'11n~trul'lt1lll I'' ln1111t•cltah•u111•11111i: tor a l'.trt 111111·. 111 lt':tr> 111' gro~ 1 ~ !! ~.''11J t "'.I! SJM·~J>rh mJSSu03rt'. o T r!>:i . (.' with our C"sf-rs "1°r P '" t ull 1111111·1 . I I I k .I I I I ffiil,!fJ/IOl IO ,, .irtJ .... r. . S52-7992 l'n\·1ronml'nt onta<'I 2061 Business Ci r u209 • ........ • Prl•\ cnus ftnan1·1al in ti • ··. 9_9 • , fk'''"" 11 1 Pl' 1· w1 ~. "'' 1·r, J.:tMw c r11 mi.: n· Sal'" bast<il on l'\lll'r minor c'htldren 759 ll004 p-.::...-... ; . . 5360 Pal Mills. AMF S1°ll'l1· 1:.'0E • M ~· ~lllllttun or 1·ash hanrll llUSllll;! l urv I j l.>ll Ith' ,11111 111 II Jiii Ill ... c·urcl i51 -1705 I t'Jli 'l\11'11nda rur Jfllll. llOl'St'K~"F:PER Su & .....---.trV1ces 11f11· Dr1lhn1: lnl('rna We offtr a COit!· 1ni: ex1.tl'rii•nt·t· 1s IOOKKEEl'ER counh II·"·'"'•' ilu111•' t.16396.l • • • • n •••••• .. • .. ••••••••••••• llonal. 18012 l11ti:hell prtfttnslvt btntfih nt'\'\'SS:r~ PublH· 1·on Mu~I lqK· 1:, "I"" ,11 DELIVERY Mond.i\ onl) H~kk1.t1C & ~;hi;uR;~~~~:n~~·~l So .. In me. i H 55i-90SJ ~~~gr~ ;·~~!~ 10 ~~!~ packoC)t which i•· 1a1t Lt:rrki:rountl ht'lvrul ~!!-n:i.u~~,,~·111! ... r:.;.,~;, 1•11r.11t·h \11\ a111·1·11w111 ~~!11~111~~10 ~9";,1 elm 1111: GENERAL OFFICE ~·h~.h~ 1:~l-~J-~·~ ~al~ CanDn,·efor You \n\ EOE ~IF b!lrm,CM.64S·Sll39 elude' Oii tlftploytt Koowl1'Cl1:1•11flO·k1•)a111I 1•11 ,in\ .i1•1•ti: Salun up1111ctu1111' .1nil I'' ~llf1rmm•1'll~rlt'\llJl1• ,·wkd ' Hours W1ll Tra1el Ron • SGYimK pl• • .-.. h1:h1t\pin1:1s n'ftUlrt'tl Olll'll to l'\Vl'll l'lll'I' l'l'lll'lll hl·1t1·l11' l'on Dent°'AuistOllf motl\iltt'd 1.tl•non, ... m-" s __ T --- Admen Asst lo lop ...,. 6 12 K-t 5 0 . a~ k I" I t.1t1 l-Jll'rl:l'l11. ,•nthu:-1a~111· An~wl'r µh on"'· ·~ 1.tc., IN UC IONAL dable. Insured Cvntlll'I mngnl or Psyrhialm· An&ITION: ti~ mmbws...... You'll rtnd our s11l:iril'S &rhara I for µrl\ ..... µrJl'l ll'l' 1l<11I~ l)ank•nl! Mu\l Ill' ASSOCIATE ~~826iL Tuoes Jtr M at11•1i.;_~,. llo p 111 Dana Point Amb1t1ous boys a nil Cll """°'" rtftrr• 1·omjJ\'hll\'l'. bl'm•f1ts l'X l '.1rol l\l'n1lr11 k I l..ii:unJ Ht•Jt h ;1 I -clJ~ d('('Uralt'" 11h (1,1.!ure~ \U lnlC'fl51\l'. 0 c r 2.5 ul.r I r Atl·rll,\ .. Ideal l'andtdJlt' ~111 i:1rls t0-l3)earsolrl.to inctitflvt pro9ra1t1, l'l'llC'nt.and1·omfortablt• IOOKKEEPER I KJJ!l.ll!.l l4l'l'k Jito140huur~ Ex ll'it9277 EOE ,huun 14 t'('k. flt'X 6iS..2935_ _ 11ossess I.op nolC'h v.ork one or lwn l'Hn· CllldftftPloyteb•ilMJ i worktni: t•onci1lwns. w1lh 10hda1•1·nonlrni:111 llt'CIJrt'li•rrt'fl Call 1 GEHERALOFFICE s1h1>dull'. da~s. Prefer TraYtl 5450 l'l~nl'al sk ill~ tndud 1n~i. J 14 n k )!elt1n1: pn"y:t-.. 1 P11•a5<> alJPI~ in l'l'rsun bankmR l'Xfll'r lo 14 111 k fAR WEST t9-l 353K Mun Thurs BJl'hclor, Degre1: 1n •••••••• ............... S H. he detail onenlat nt'l4'Spa1.tt•r subi.t·ri1.t _.,...... I 'u for l-ompukr 1·0111p.i11' ~.\IJl'rtl'Ol'l' hvlpful Tf:SI. hnl?.WSll<'S or ll - 2 fl~ for 1.tme of 11 p \ ('(! & c-apable or or~:imL· ltons Tr11nsvurtJtwn 631 mo. Mari:;l' Scninqs & Loon Dttltal Anist011t 1"10d t) 11'"1! Jbilit \ 1 IJn(!ua1ee & ex per 111 Coupons 13 Counlne,• cnj?.abus) omrr !>nme and l'Or.st .snt Jdult In Ntwport ltacll, GREAT IOOI MJ1~1thurllh cl I :'\EWPORTn,.:,\t:;ll l'rortt·it<nn "11 h t:SL lni.1rul·t1on Rr !Ml_ 631 36iil legal experien('t' prt.'· superY1s100 prondl·d cal fw .,oiRhM.t WEST-ER.._. CAFETEllA/ '1""11ort lk·;u·h. (' \ W't'Ol1 fti:un"\. IO kl·~ h~ lou<:h 11ut"SI Jpph('allon from r('rrt-d We orrer 1·om· Call J 10 s·:ioPM . ask lor or stop by for • t. I " CASHIER ~:11uJI Op11ortun1I) •.\rt' an l'>. f11·rt 1·n1·,·cl OJiportum~' for addJn l' o as 1 (.'om mo n 1 t ~ dfSkiColorailo pNtll\C sa lar~. out· Andrea. 6~2 4321. ul. hrvitw, Monday· SAVINGS 1;:•>umJJJm.1'11111 Frt t:mplm1•r M):11 \ ,lll'n1.il,\ss1st n•rlll'nl F.xnlll•nti·om t'oll,•1:1·s. 1310 . .\dams. abFeb 17 21. 3 full dJ\'!> stand1ni: hen1'ftls & 343 fri..a-9•00 4·00 450 Mtwport uniforms rurn1~ht•cl. •Arr l'a1:1•r lo 14 0rk ma µan~ he!'l'lth. Informal t' ;\! 92626 556-59-ti . of skimg al Purgalur~ be11u11ful 14ork en\lro--r• .. • , CtftttrDr. i:uucl bl'n1•f11, l'.tll. I r.1~1 flan'll pro1:ress1\'l' o<r1t'\' C M. tall M1lh1• l.J\otorr Spm. J an 2ith for only S295 t•omplell'' rn('nl Ca111s tranu B! AlITOrtiOTl\'E -Rt'ch-d R1'7i; .... ,;rt •-ach 9;,; ~IOOO ~:,1 :111;1. '"' j . urt11·1· Jftl'r9am. ti-IS 5800 f: 0 E m r h For mfo. tall Sil•\ l' at Th s II 1 I -~ " -a11111 rl1•1wal •HJll' a fnendl.v outoo-196.~5'702 1: a 11 ~111 a rARTS 2750 W. Coos wy., 2660 .,. " l .... STRUCTOR ~·9Zi5. I c ... .r:HIER/P •. I llll:jll'r.lltnahl\ GENEIAL OFFICE " COUMTERMAM Ne-rt Beach, ~ • une • G--at0ff1"c• •ll"\'1• a malure "l Ch1'•..a...--'s D_,• .. ,.._ ·o · I f ,\lll'rn•Mtn' & wk111" 'I' "''"'' "' u u Our rapull) l'!l.pancl1ni: tunm ......... &=nt& AIDS Dt>alersh1p or forni:n CA92660 1\Af. f.l\ • f 1 ' .cJ ......... Ttft''st• 111ud1· tn •lt'at•h nre-srhnol ati 1)1\ Th • ··1rl '• I' u111, n-111 ~ lntl'mation.cl ('11m11:tn,\ " on Clru;sroom <mis & i.ub a uto parts l'Xpl•ncnrt• 17141631·3200 · 1 ·• ·' •flaq• good 1•erbal 1 htlcln•n «re ul I\ e ••••••••• .............. stllutl• C'lassroom aids prererrrd Call GIC'n for 1111: t52ti :'lil'"'l""'1 ''1' I 'AcdeJ. ertcs ,kills '' H•ekin i.: an 1'11 rl1'thm&dann•tn Hunt- 075 · 1.·~1 1·•11""'' Typt'sts lhu,1as111· M'll ,1,1rl1n" · JobsWClllttd, 7 needl•d by The Hu ~t-anappomlm('nl. • ' ·"' c.o;, ' I •i\rl'11non-smoJcer -,.. ini,'\1111 lkarh area :\lust •••••••••••••••• ....... IO"'On °·•ach S<'hnol Dts ROY c ... RYER FIRST Hunk1111: c ... "HIER/S ... LES ' • w 0 u Id a D ,. 0 v a ind I\ idu:il ltir a ).!l'lll'ral ha\· ·1~ tlan " l vpc.r .... "" "' IMTERSTATE ~ ... I J.oni.:&,horlh'l'lll\\lll'k ' J orr11·e110~11111n111ou1 t·~ ... ~ r,•,,, Young married m11n trict .J hrspcrrlay,$4.!18 ROUS ROYCE RtcjORalTtlltr HOUSEW ... REDEPT. \" k h 1 l'hallengmgcarttr I "Url'hasm•• dimartml'nl Top waj?t'S. natronal l'O would hke odd jobs e\'CS per hour i.\pply. 735 I-Ith.-....... D IMW BANK "' ~ur " l'll \ uu ";in Pll'<IS(' rall 644.0595 .. .. " (.' 11 11 I 209 & wk end s Can do a St HB 536 8851 "'" . 10 i\ 1 t'\Jll llffil• .\PIJI~ l'ro14 n (1101 fl<ll, l!CHMI h1•n1•l 1l' d -~ ---Good I) µ1ng. phunr' & :I l'O er · 1 1 .::.:...t.:.: • -_6_40:_t.444 l'.:c1ua IJJllll'tUnlt\' . rl' you an \'Xpcm•nt·e< 1-farrlwarr 1024 In lllt' ri.111 i52 !111~1 I fDl.'nt~I Assistant I r 1I1 n I! r l' q u I r I'd 298-0722 betw~en.!!·~pm \'an ety of hand) ma~ ANALYST Long hours. B~BYSITTER t:mployer M F II \' lrller. mtcrc•st('d tn ob ""'' tWcsll'hffl N II I :ibf:xperienr ed Wanl· I Ou1~tanchn1: rnmflen~J I INVENTORY Job5 972-9525 eves. as'I hard work. for someone l:11mn1: a Jllb lhal orfNs l\orrell ' t'fl, Part Tune Top Pay' twn & :Xlnt rnmµJn' ... "SIST ... u. for Bill. 3-8pm. m~ hom1'. 2 1·an:1•r dl•\'('fOfJffi(•nl . t'111111r:m• 1111u:-1•kl'l'l'I'( 63 3380 ~ r Pl k -"'"' · · r d II unusual I~ s killed. r_htl<!n'n }Ul-052.:1 1hc•n 141' ma\ haH' thl' Wantt•ll ah1•r ~1·h1•ul. ' I· 'I •m• •Is t·a~ant 14 1!r ,\.,St)llllj? 111 operations ~~~~ ,orhaov: ~"a:."~ rnsseStnj? a thorough Bab)Slller llankinn llOSlltonfor~:ou i Wean· h.1h1s1t11•r & I' I' I DoautShoplaker tnj! l'n~1ronm!'nl ton,. uf't'orµorate mail SIO<'k Pl 11642 3767 owledJ?e or ~('curity For M) 1 1,y~ Ohl f ull UNDERWRITER J major S & l.. orrenni: hous-l'k1'l'l'l'r ll uur,, m1l"Ou~• NllVicu 1..c \ flllh .\M onl~ DK':-1.Jl'I. 1 JI M •II~. \:\IF I rooms Dr 111 e ri es: i::asera _. -111\'estments lrth1s1sn't "' , \'ERYUL'S Yloan orrire Jnc•xc·('llrnlopportun ity 2PM·ll30PM ~i51)tl2or l>t 29':1 F Sm•n11f11 l>rilhni: Ill '.1\)1.'rallon ol ma <'htnl'S Companion ChauHt<ur )OU. pleas(' call your td~ a ~~-; o~~wpr!~i m local ~l'Wl'Url Hca1·h for .in tnrll\'ldual to a1'l ll.'li4198all ti lll·1·1t1l'lll 206tRus1n1·~~nr=:!09 inu_t,. -" Jlllll'14 I 18011 M 1~1·hl'll ~o =1 sh1pp1nJ.:. rel'l't\tn~ & desires pos1t1on fann!( bnghlest under ut1hz<"d Juhe. Work . 644 SllOO. Saiin).!s & l.oan.1 e<•k as a support aid ror our area I EOE ;\l F Rcl.lM I ln1ne. !'>S1 OOSI t.Ot. h<•a\) hrttnf! tn\ohed for ill or elderly. hghl MBA fnencl & tell them tnJ? l'Xflt'nl'Ol'l'tl loan & Southern OC Brant·h EI 1•1•11 01111 R l' IJ .111 M f E"v('nenrc pr<>ferred housework. days in<'I about this ~~om ~~.169 Ho m l' . undl·rv. r11,·r~ fo r i·on 'flus is a key pos111on CLERICAL COMrUTER I ~·::1~1t~1" ;;;,n ,; I.! t'~.~',~:: . -R E rirm t'all, 640 0123 weekends S4!!,:03iJ pcnsauon 10 · " + -\ ent111n,1l n .. 11 1•s1 ale that offers \'anelv and a Pt>rsonn('l 1'11•rk IJO!>llmn l'.\T \ L,"iNTll,' ltlSl'""l 11 1111 rl, " a,.,. 1.110"1 ' GEHEIAL OFFIC. E lx'lwet·n I JO & S 30 Hefpw....J-...1 7100 bl'ncl1ts.. IC )"Ou're lhc ''l"n~ s~1~•\ enm l I l . fllin ... hteu r l'Jlll'\.ck I r '"' " • I -oru L.-1. nlo .. sn renl.\ in con-• " --. s t'J>l)lng s one o l•areer ,.. .. 1't•t nr11 o11\111nun11 \ lnr ffi"n~t1r.1ll' .. "\lit' I ""1•r reqwn'S :o.olllt' dt't·t (! t'\ J ... .....,ORI ... L """ "~-' " lilYSITT119 me ns u ral (' ~ 11 h ('X wth o t t 1a1I rt'l·ord ma111ll'n,cn1·l· , " • r "'"' • "' ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'idenr(' to, Mr Charil's. •" · 1:ro wn ransP.Or a k I l'\111·n1•n1 u1 11J1,c 1•ntn 1 ·•llt>'I 1·all 55; iti90 flHl l' n n• 1 n \'o' t ---------1 POilo 2000 CdM 92625 Person needed lo meet pl'rtcn1·e E>.l'l'lll'nl 1100 a must. but m1l('age ~~mz<1l111n.1I ~ ''' lll'n.<m loJlllll llllll:•'ntJI EOE 111~ bank n·rnm·i tJllOn s..bCOlltrodors ... CCOUNTAHT'FC -x ·-· · --6 yroldg1rlafler srhool. j?r014'th µ11tent1al ~1th n•1mburs('mcnl pro· ,t,ill in 11111.1, 1.111111,r.•t•· i'll' Good ll'IC'lthoni· & Jobs a\ailable nov. all "' Auartmenl Manauer, ex I « t 2 4< -'~• w 'd · f(' M SI h o IOOKICHPE •~nenr·~....1 matu"re cou :..., o approx : ,,pm agJ.(r('SSl\l' l'Ompa n) '""" r J>rO\I (' rx-Bargain shoppers reua h1•a1h1uarh•r' R1•nth·~ I . l)Plnl! sk1lb m·n·~s.ir~ a .L., u a\t ~n Newpo_rt aea<'h rea1.:::, .. Be ..... au'1.'"ma1nta~1n"'d l'\'eryda). Mon·Frt Pleosel'allroruppQint· l'l'llenl compll n\ pacd the littl e ads in llaH·~ & ,\sso1 l:liO Stdrom' lorhus~ n•all'~lal1•ol l'fl Ulpment Call ror estate1nvestm.cnt&de· °44"un11. Cosla M1•s:1 MUST BE DEPEN mcnl lxmerils. mdudlng Op· Classified regul;irly llrookholl1)l4 t>r =tu., Enaittttrs fin· Rl'l u1•lll't'' r1· appl.955 0722 \'elopmen.l firm Mu st Adults. no pNs J\IJI + DABLE. MUST live Ms Denn~ flar1s111 lic:il. Dental as well as And they find what SA s.19·2625 11l'r~unm·I Sala~ m1c1JO'~ t:OF: 4wr1>d ti.109!l00 for m JOBS JOBSJOIJS ha\'e minimum 3 years salan bonus 642 -1907 ~t~i~h~:ll.ki~~o~~s;~~~~ 714•64S·6505 dependant ro,·erage lhev're looking for.-bt'l'l'll'l'S 100' • lrt-1• D1·~n·1· n•qu1n·tl . ;, 10 l1'r\IC'l4 1\ll (h r rthl' Natllln experience. Prerer real wkdyss.4. NEWPORT IALIOA Plcasc call. 835·4336 ror H'ars l'Xp1•n1•n1'l' in For hst nf comp<in1('g to estate related through -Elementary , Wood -SA.VIMGS&LOAN anappointmenl.. h1•:1\1 rl•J.!•l ttl i .'>'• GEH.OFCtoS950 l'llllla1·1 rinanrlal statements. Apt .Mn~r Cple. Exp lo bridge. Irvine. aer·s. 1100 lr\'inr t\v('. NB Customer Service 1fli:11al & 2.1'. unal111: Plush surroundm~~ "111 t\111. t0021 ~2·0979 Ex.rellent working ('Q0· 1 Ma1r,\u1nNIJ Lln1t~ 8ror fl~~~all 5S2·0461 after E.O.E. M/t' s~OMVlu!_FB>s &lLROA}M A llFFERENT APPROA' CH Musi h:in· hnncl~ 1111 t'X :~1kG~t1_,~:::~I! h~i;~·1i1: OP 527 ditions.StartSl700 mo Apl u~-~5·1 1 "' "9 "'" 1h·11 1•nn· 111 m1n11 anrl µrorl'!>st1inal "" Op1•n 7 Du~s ARCHITECTURAL 1666 N. Marn Sl . Ste 410 prc11•to:.s1111: h:•• k1:rnuncl h Call Sharon 714 -7S2 9484 o•.t.rTSrERSO.... Bankinj?. flnd whal you waot In Santa Ana. Our maj'or expansion prog ram of-T11 ll1tl'l>fll'l'lllUal cl1·~1~n. pi•aranc·i· I!\ I I' kt•\ ltcld Stcrttory • HOWARD, HOWARD """"' " racific Daily Pilot __ C_luss1fieds. EO~ M F ( · d' · 1r11ohl1•shoot. 1•11· Work lll•nlll'i flail'~ & ,bMti· ~·or ~R partn1·r. or . & BARNARD INC F:xt'ellenl or1porlunil.\' -ers you a unique car eer 1rect1on I h' 1570 Rrookholln" nr ,•· .. up·•rt b"a1·h ft rm MotiOftal laitk · t' I 'th th · · 111~ 111 1· ost• 11:11.sou w11 '' ·'·" v " . w grow1ni: Newpo rl II 0--' atf I at -8SSIS mg peop e WI e1r In· ol h1•r ll&O 1·ngllll'l'I'~ 111-t . s s 5 ~9 2ti25 ;\lu~t ha11· Mm J \\'lll'S Beat h orril'e. Mrn 3 yrs n ~.,-1 °" '· 11·1y P1•1 ...................... :. s urance needs . We 're c urrently Loi .. •I i·omuail\ .. i•x. P('~nelsl'r1 11·,., 100•, l'Jhr h11i:a11on('xp Tuu ... ecouu. ... u. x""r New Independent Bank .. ,. r 1.-"' "'"'"' e .. ~ Newpo rt 1" 1ne 1 n · looking for qualified individuals to n •llent bcn('r11s Suhm1t ret• :-kclls r1•qu1n•ll l'a I Immediate openings for W Ryl('e. AIA d h staff insurance centers in over 30 n·sum('s. C 0 G ""' llAIHSTYLIST !>l :tlrnn n a r hara Mu r r a,. penon with ronstrurlion ill!l~0-29l2 tl:~~~~~bie r~~ ~:if::· . Rlt'('. Coastal Pl'r!>onrwl. for rent. S6S ~ k 01 14ork t~i 4~i · background. DeCt>e in ASSIMILER Expcnenre neressary '. • JC Penn ey Stores throughout Los 2790 Harbor Ill . =207, from ~·. w iO". W11h M.iint!llnan1·1· :~~~"&:t~r H:i:!1~eg CrowingN.B.mfrnceds Xlnt employeebener1ts.: Advertisia&AccllrtEJ8C. : AngeleS, Orange, R iverside. San l'ostal\ll'Sa 1·IH•nll·~1·onh M\' Janitorial Poi.111o n """'.llllKl'llennl(St . br1ghl person Mediral 'insuran<'e,pro-. lmmtd.iate -incroradvertisingaccount •• BernardinoandVenturaCounties . __ __ ~ a)nrt·1i·i. flurtT1m(' Tu1·!'1la\ ;;;~91114 w assembly exp Must fit shannl(, elc Call • ...,..... W id EXt-;CCTln : HairSt~hi.l throu1:h t'rida~ Ila.'~ befasl&arrurate Non Susan Peters pr41 · exe<ullve to sell both weekly &r daily ' • e,:.ro~--SECRf.T,\RY Rt•l(1s Hair St~lt~l~ Onl ~ 1\I Foun tain Ace~ Cltrtl 1moker. KNOX CO ~1·1033 EOE/M/f • newsp1per advmlaing to • wide vuiet.y of : "__,,,.... -T -I flrofrs~ion;il wilh '<lnl ~s Top Hair <:utll'ri. \'alley llt•allh C.:luh Call Some \ypinA. adding .. illllil7~·~ __ re\111 1ccoul)ts. Must be self starter, • • C1.,.+W" ca•••...--1.tory shortha nd & t ~ 1110 1! It H:m SI~ h st:-. 111•1th Mnll.9'i2·13i-I mac h. w 111 l r a• n . Bank. • willing lo develop •c~unts in I new • ,.. '-..... SI I O~Sl4 000 al>1ht1t•s nt'\'th•cl for Some Follo~1ng Doln..: Mutnh•n:inn· I'm.on The Newport Bch area Good SELL Idle 1lcms w11h " mg R • territory. Space 11les exper. needed. Salary : per,... ' ' Nl·•·1.1nrl lkJt•h Rl·ul The l.11 ll'Sl fa,h111n Soulhlllnd Cort>oration be n efi t s . Ca I I Daily Pilot t'lass1 fied T&LE . plus commlnton. Beneflta. Send retume to , C .. _, ....____' ~..u-Es 1 all• 1 n u ·i.t nH' 111 St~ le~ & Cul s <>i> hall an "l>l'nlnl! for a 714167~7011 Katm' Ad Xlnt oppty for person ; Carol Olson, Dally Pilot, P.O. Box lHO. • • ···~· ~~ -----~11. Firm M t'oonllnl! h:ll'k portumllr~ nhm1ted. 1~ 111 ix•rform hasll' ' ~~-'.h~=~~ ~gp;nt::il~ • Cosla Mesl,CAm.Nophonecallspteue. • ... w:••••IJCPtwy 11rountl ::i 1Min111· plu!'I Top C11mm1l>1oh, m.iinll'nuni·l· iluti,·:. in ·11111 Piii ••"•: ................ : r ' _.... (.';111Slll'rn5~9·2911K Guranlt'l'tl SJlur~. thi•ir Sl'Hn .. :lt•\'l'n a ility to han le-sums o • Wll....L CllSSifld ~ : • II I f' .-.I.. Paid V111·ul11mM & Konu~ Th mont:)'. Outsland1n11 • •n r, ~., • ..-.-.c••• ,.,art.fty Finante Manai:er ncl'dcd Pomt Proi:rum u You :-1111'\~ (' l'U\'l'l'l\Nru1 working eond .. fringe : If 21 tr -a0 ror fin11n<'<' deJ1urtnwn1 w A 1 c a1>11l1t·ant Wi ii h1n t· a ' • • ...... _ ,.._ . : benefilJl &nleasanlsur· : Newpoeltlonopenln&for.nexpercaulfled "'.... or·:......·.... with St arr or 6. Post r"",110, (\llOl'(1''~. >ur h:.tlll l' knowli•1l1:(• Clf ~ """ ~ :. .. ifl d : dltplay penon with management abllltles. : ......... DAltHfld -r to... thr••Klh oener11I 1,~111t:r. HI'() l·li~Slllnl. '•':ii snt:jlihi; 110 220 \'Oii i'lrl'Ulln' .. roundlngs. Qua.I e M t be l ti bl , l tlo • tffedl•..a.. • =-:" ... 1 .. """ .. ltlr ~ 111 !> -out cln.wull' fran11n11 nm' ; g di pl I • ~ may oblam UP· • us MOH ve1 capa e o organ 11 n : ..., • S years l'~·rl1•n1·l' r1• C11ui1t Plum Sh111111in11 .. • •Pfl'· new1peper • ay II eapeno11 to :... ~lirtliM al the Irvine of-• &i implementing new product pro1r1m1. , -W • ... ,.. c• ,.to ow q u Ired. Co m 11 u n y Mull. S4C> l4llllK 1•111t:1 •:n1n· It•\ t•l ,.111:11'\ : laandll kt,ICCOUllU for Oral\le Co11t Darty : nee. 5325 University Or. : Send reaume to C1rol Olson, Dally Pilot. : dJa •c m .................... Cc.a. bc1\4:fiti1 -+ prom shar with 2 tt•\'t~Wll dunn~ 1~1 : Pilot. Sury, commttaloft and excellent : Ph. w .5325, • P.O. Box ueo, COltO feaa, CA~ : ltct If -~ tie ....., IHNlt in11 Apply. 1660 l'l111•cn· HOSTISS 9 month~ or t•m 11l11\ • lteolfttl, OrftQ Olll*tulrititl for perlOll • • :• ---r lia. C.M . llr Ill'"'' n·· l11lilnl'. 1111pl> In i1t•ti.on. .,_·nt Xlnt t·o. lk·m·rui-: wltll earttr ambttl .... lead complete : Pom>n• First federal : ~ : WMI: taint lo; PO Rox 1530. .t• Rlurnh. 4l4 No AJ..,.r in""""°" mo W : ,_to lllrJt r..w, PO a. UIO, COlta : EOE MtF/H : Cllllf • MY WILLS OIMIS U.•tNS C.M.CA.9:11627 Ntwport hl\•d . N R l.1 \ t•ta. Ora"'(' : lltlaCA. .. No ... talll. plme. An · l•!!!!m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!tl: ... : JIJ.tlO.IOOO 714-122-7... KW'IGO 9'7MU1 Attm11a U,tAr : ...,O,sL'llllMi lrflll•· ; : D> 1 St eet : 1._._w.,._ 10 ._. 4 '-• You frlncll ud . •:.o •: hon •xn: • • .. JOU ... t 1pert • 1 r • _, ,_ .... ,.. •Cl....mtd ...__IA ._._ Ill _ ..... ;.... ' .: _...~.tlU"lt : Colt.a Mesa, CA : IMerr•y .___ ,,. •••• 0 ,1 h••• .~ ... ,_-=~·... ·-•-SIU'•.--: ~COAITDMYPILOT • : IDIM..._Dtnet., ~ Equal Opportunity Employer .: ,.._ .. .. .. 1•&11 to nil. -..:.;:.:' ~:.,:~'~';.. ~. •·-.-.::~ i ... :.r.;:;;;;;a.tfted ............ ~=-·"--'°-·_ao1 __ "_, :· .......................................... ·, ... --....~,11n"°"' .. ''111 .... ~,.:-~..u ..,• .smunA• .~~~ ....... ,, . ..,.:.._, _, ..................................... , •• t-. --~--~!l!!!!l!mi!!!: l I f ------. I Orange Coast UAIL Y t'ILU I /~unoay, January 11, 1 Wile I !~.!!~ ..... !~~ ~.!~uu1?e!~ ~~.!!~1uu?!!! ~~.?~euu?!!~ ~?~euu?!!~ !.11!.?~ueu?!!~ ~?~uue?!.~~ ~.~!!•1uo1uu~!!! I M lec~t --.. ----•&ai , ""l•ldt< Vnti. 1111 llCUTAIY 'rl-~AC ll E R I nlant Pnvate Party Llqul~1t A r reatlve Hum an Re1our cef ' Good r11tuh' with 1i1row SAL!S l>IRt;t'TOR 11r1111ivt t'. s 1, duy •'or Co11ta Mua Cl)A Oevelupnlt·nt 1•ro11ram. ·~~Roll Topt1 , •11 •· 'Manafter will have lhe opportunity to. l"'I Co in t'01t11 M l'~u. t-'ORSOU1'H•:KN wet>k. Sul ' fflrnrfi Firm Nt'('d ,..on with P 11lml' Mt>ittbM of Ca 110'1~· Armuirt'~I est ab sh a resultS·"'den• ..... . ' N rt Ari'u rn.c i,...1 •_1,...• ---1_:~,':!!flm~~ ... '" ..... ""'"'-1 7801• tru"'411Atl11linw Leant. Churrh I t>ws. St11lnl'< v ~ U f "' """ "v 'I'" Al t::S sc ·start1•r. l(ood typm11 • l('t'~ & S1>11nt~h "1illlS~ l'=h'. 6T1'1MTO of' menl aimed at meeting employ~es' ~~id''l~'~1~1~: 51k~Y1'!~ 1wrat,. orrit'''" u nd p0'vr Mika.it>• 'l'IH• umu~t 171411Wl;.Ol25 1m1JOrt1111t Cull· J u1·k11• 111894171\bJdorOt>tr)' needs. Skills In merit corppensatlond <h•n,•rul oft11·1• 1·x pl.'r rruanufat'turin.i 11l11nl in lloomlnf. nl'w mull I lt•vcl SF:CRl'TAlt v Popp, 546 571i-O ..,... 1010 ...._ ... fits ni ti I beh \ r I S t UOW!ton. Tt•Xll~. for 30 .... .. ,. t •·CB .CH ~1111:1 'orga za ona av or an 11rt• i!trl'~ JU r in.: >em.otferi.1lflunusu:il o;i•11l'>n11c·on1.·cp "'d Gr<>win~Nl.'~rt u~ut·h TEACtB·D4YCAll •11•••••••••••••••••••• communication would be help(u l. lltllury SllOO mo 0"~10rtun1t) Ill urowth 1"'20 l~lh'lllll' ~,·x,t,1:nl,l'lrl lmt'ttlllll'llll"•rmhusun 1-:Xtl\'Ml'nt•(tprl'r ... rrl.'d llARSORARE/\ P . d I lni.urttn<'l' b1•n1•r11~ ,. " i1t1\'t~ ... mukc~ :i 11n~'<hUl('Opcn1r11t foru 1142 0411 APPLIANCto:Sl!'HVIC~: rogresinve. ynam c company n~eds lloun; Mon ~'rt ll 5. l'ull 1n U~lrt ror qu11llf11•tl U.\ tu l'llrrl your ~harl' Sl'\'felUr)' with word w h I ·, a take·charge, humanistic le1tder. Hobin ut G31 OOt I Salo Dtrl.'t'l ur 0 ll r Mr North 714 003.4959 llf(l\'l'~5ill" CXllt'tlOl11:~. T&EPHOHI SA.LES (' UY um UPP IOlll'\·~ Pl d d 1 h11(hly t•111lor11t•d pru -" " , .. Wt'S\•11 r1•t•oncl . ~uur east sen resume an sa ary re· Rl't'tpl Typ1~l N H hrm tlul'I~ now belnll u~1'(f hy Stitt-r.balc •• , tlll'tllphone \•Xµl'tl1•nn· II F r t>OSrtlon 01)('11 for us uppht1n1:es 54!13077 q"'-men•u to· ~,.,.k sharu, 11ruf in ol h '··· k A 1 ll 1• 11lw.. no horthand re M'l11~1· iwr OI\ with 1111~1 w .... ~ • dr\lduul. Phon1:. l)pllii:. m:iny I e on':SI nown t ral' ve C'Omp1•t ll\I.' quired Salur) i·1irn lel ... phon1• x:cl1•s l'X Rernl(S200 .,'rl'czerS200 Box 1002 ~t'll oft• <.:ull Sharon 111 t'llm1111ru~-a In Amtm·a mmdl'd youni: m~n & t'nxuratl' with l'X pl'ril.'n1•t A1>11ly in Ws.hr/dryer $125 \'ll Dajly Pl' lot lift' n•\10lut10111unai u wo~n to 11RK1xt ~·outh Jll'n('nre Cull 752 0070 l'"r!IOn at 1600 Pfui•vntlll 0/WSIOO. 646·:'18411 ~I Ot3t. Hllllon Dollurlnctust ry. µ,. o 11 r a m r o r u n · k r ~1 h .. () L' ,., • • C~ta Mesa, Ca. 92626 llCEl'TIOMIST 1krvnv1lcj1l'<I l'hlh.l tl.'11. Ii.~ or' 1'1.ll ··r •• r. An·(.M HOT Offill lteulth Curt-Munui:t• Mu~t bl.• 1·u11abl<• or or Guaruntecd 111to ml· SECllTAllES JMGoodlorth COlOCASHI M41MTIHAMCl ~p ll\'lll 1mmt'd ror St•lf SUPEIYISOR rrot1vu1ed rndv c:igt'r lo Needed for Conv Hosp. ~t~1rn Mrkti: & 01str Elect. Plurnhing & skills p it8411·0095 l'te\•entat1ve Marn 0rthodon111· ttnanc·t> Xlnt Suhary & X Ruy lab. I ront uH11·1· Benefits Ap1>IY Be\ erl~ work, some dent ul <'X ManQ!...~ V1ctor111 ~M per. Ol'('C'SSUr} New1111r1 MANAGER ParttJime pos1t1011 Pri\'3te beat'h rom munlty. Ideal opportun1 ty for retiree w 1th managerial exprnenl'l' Salary negotiable; rtcx1 ble hours Senti rl'sUm\' to Box 2356, Caprslrano Beach92624 or l'all 496·6576. Be11~h area. 700·2554 PARKING ATTNDNTS \'alt'l Women Ml'n , 1-'T PT . dJy ur ncte. for eJmtrng new 0111>orts in 0.C. Musi be neul. dr pcndable, flexlblt•. Prd person t'xp in hosp1tnll ty industl) Good IJa) & gral uit1rs Women en 1'0\Jra.:ed to apply Por appl <"a ll 5511·48 22. between 9-5. Mon lhru f'r1~ cr11.•n\ t'oml'liny rn In in" i:an1t111g d1•11lt•r untl t\111 & r1•wurd1og pui.1 Work tt•mporur) J<>b!i Rnt111r..t & TO EOISOH has 110 rrnmedlul!• OIJt'n lrum111i: high 1·uh lll'r lion Call Tim R95 2897for 1 t'l<A'lelo homc. lolttrt CUSTOMHS lnl( for u hti:hly sktll\•d. bllll'll IOtl'l', mukmn pre <lj)ll\lllllment Vl('KI llF.S1'0N Is "'""" QuuliflNI Lull' Get "2;J ror yuur Ulll'ru ~11 111• tlav111n" "U s on "··I •· '"SOCI 'T""S " 1 "rofessionul f'l't'"I' " · ' ' ..;, l'li "'""' " r. ''ooks l'r"" Conk• •· bl' n<t·on<I n·friu1·rutor " ' bUlitn(~S OWlll'I ~ untl ('X 5'11>-0iOO " '.. ~ "' " t1on1s1. w,. art> u ln'llgc. l'\'Ull\'l'll Sandwich-S•• --II u ~ t e:. st' s Gou ti 11·~ l'•.,.tcni: )OU u11 to rapidly expamlin~ t•orn Wt• oHt'r boundll'')o l'tmwn nn•dNI. Mon rt.•ndit Ava1lulcll' App SIW or mort u year 1n pan). and we ncNI an 1n i:ro\\1h potrntiul amllh\• ~r1 llAM 2PM . mu~t b1: SECRETARY /EXEC . I) at 2l0 Nc\\1x1rl Center elerl m bill:.' Uonulc dl\'idual who 1·11n IJl'~I frl'\'flom 10 mu nJuc· vour :iml11t1ou:s. h.t\ c 1wut up· l't•rsnnnt•I , Ad vPrt 11>111 lo! Or NB Bctwl'cn :I 5PM ~ uu1 OJJl'ratmg i.t·c·ond rcµresen1 our1magl'lln1t u\\u or1tunalalion • l)carun1•t•&vt'1'M111ulc1 y. C>i:pt hus upen111" 1w1 THf:llAPIST lnfaol rcrn"t•ratortoo11l'nfth1· Ullht-sarnc.'11ml'.1hllndlt> Cu ll . R AC Ill cr.f ' l'XjlUnSHll\ Nwvt Ot·h l)l•\'t'iopnwnt l'ro11ram. d1aril1l1S listed bt•low. u bus) "D1nll'n!>11111r· 'fht• averagi• Sulc~ h\'llH't•n9>\M & IPM. f'lnanl'iul senin•s firm p time Ml.'lllbcr uf and I.le i.Url' lo 11wn11un 'witc·hboaril 1 ,\ phrn>. 1>1rl'<1or run l'urn up lo l>l2 1000 Guod l) pmJ:, ~hur\hancl , transd1s<•1plrnar} team thll> sptot·ial orfl·r ¥!hen l30 i·alls pa r I • S750 of morC' Wl'l'kl) 111 SAU :S \lult·o Storl', PT, l'Xper rl'Q Non s moker NIYI' & ft>"'<ltng llki:r111I. )OU makl.' thl' urrani:l' Mmunum 5 )car~ l'X l'111111• s t a rt s 1 cn µrl'f \'\l't'I' 111 \'t'H & Cull 640·0123 bt•lwt>en n1•c·l•i.sary . S11un1bh nlCnb. Gel a fl•t•c·1pt. ll('ticm·c rt'<1um'f1 Musi 1t1l'lhat<•ly. rro1•1cs. Call Mr 01t'k1·n 9·2. h1•l11ful Ca 11 • J 11rk11• li!l<l Southern C:u h fornrn I) pe ~5 wµm , Su<·t·1•i.:.ful r~16 S:!Ml P•"Jl>. 5'$6.5760 &11soo will pay > 011 S2~ 1·aml11lat1• IA' 111 bt• as I l ·roL <•n ,. • -, Your donation 1s ta'< d1• I .... l'i\ • • I.• 11 ""' cr.El"IET ... Y T T It D ' ~1·rt1\l'. mot1\·ute1, "' M H Ls h _.... """ ow rue n•fl'I d()('llbll' f'ree 1m·ku1> h' llOSbess ex1·1>llr11t 1·om ' r Pr~si~l~·~11 · SCTRY to $1200 Mort11a11e Co mvan) in Auto Club exp Av11ly in tht• eh:anty Thh ~l><'r1.il munwatroo !>kllb Com 111-:RMANSMITll f)~nJm11· tndl\ 1tlual Nl'WIJOrt 81.'ul·h has IJl.'™->n 300 t:. 17th St, 11Hc•r t·x111rc!> Murd1 15. 1x•ru.ation p11t·kai:e t•nm INOUSTHIES !>llUl:hl fur kl•) 1111~1110 opt'runi: for a Sc1·rl'1ur) ~· M 1!1112 nwnsurall' with hac'I< 1521 Pt•t·h ltuml \\Ith n•p1llly l'Xpa111hn14 with .:ooct ori:u111zatiun For<lctuib, phunc groontl Por lllkn "'", llou.ston. Tt•lw~ 77055 111 rn lkntll'} I ht) 1·~ & sk1lb, e) 1• for :v•1•11ra1·~ I t'ah 11,. 1·all Sharon Rabin~ 171-1 I 1 8()().2JI 176 1 \..,.~•II.' 1570 Rrnokhullo\\ & allenllon II• tli.'l all TRAINEES l..uthnan Chun h M.ager ~1-1616 EOEM F NallunJI Salt'!> Manai:<'r L>r 1111-1. Si\ 5-l!l 21i~ Non smokt•r. :.al Jr\ . t7111972<1tl!S7 An't McJI' Trai11ee f'ART TIME l•------l!flll-wtll i·ontlui·t i·onrulcntcal 1'1•r..oon1·I Sl'n l\'t'' lllO', Sl,100 Cull Kat11-. 13 OPENINGS l1Hldrcn ·!> Hos111tul Excellent oppartun11y 111 6 9pm. Exp<10dllll>! ~ outh RECEPTIONIST llltl•n u•ws 111 \ nur art•a In'<' 640-9350 of Oran1:P Count~ new home dcl'Or shop 1'0unselln11 rarm has W\'(•kufJanuai·)· 18 s~:t'lll-:T\RY ror ut11'1\ 1714>!172 t:!-12 located in Newport openings ror 35 sharp f'enOftClllAuiitant l•--------•I ,.1111,ullmg firm 111 r :.I **u'~RETAllES•"• $14,400/yr St \'mc·1·111dt•l'aul Beach for aggrl'sSi\ t' outgoing maturl' peoplt> h _.... 1714 t 63:191!10 and sales oriented to moth ate amb1l10u:. lnrque. wt'll 1'11 )1111! S .. LES 2U r~ lll'r \\k. m.iki• \'I' Sh.tOOS2t,liOO Personnul 2 )·~ars 1ws1t1on for J "'" " \\t1rk111t111ull 1111w S1·111l Ct•nOfrConbtSl!l.200 TiwS:illallon ,\rm~ manage~nt exr; re ~':2~~.o!~~ r;;11,UJ'1~r ~IJl.'l'tal gi rl to a. s1>1 ~ut ~~~~1"1~1 ~~rtll1~1'.::~·~111:~ rt'l>um1.· tu l'IJ~~1111·1t t\1t P.iyroll R. E SIUOO TO ST ART t7 M I 547 011:11 q'd 1·0 th" relai· r1·a111 ,'ndrea. l'1'1iSful. semi n•11n·d ex U 1 1 =Ill.ill, Dail) Pilot. I' 0 t:;x1> t'nnsultant Our~ Rrtni: 18 Kcnmorl'. " .. ., w I • 11 lllllll'l 01)11urtun1I ) I'· I"'" ,. I 'l Job ex per in me r('han l'l'Ull\ c. 11 l' \ uril'I' ol • k "'x ·""'· "":. a " 1·~a. l~1 ltr111dC'rs Ai:~ Int· 1 a.-23 YR OLD ,\lrrur\d l'.\lcr10r. u'l'tl I dising. visuul merrhan tlulles ml'lucll· lhl' abiht) \i1 1t1:;:63 liO!i.'l WC'l' clu\~ Cu !l2G27 ·l020 B1n·hEst'&1EOE MEN & WOMEN "'" }l'lO lk n:a G-15 1732 ise display, high rmpui·t f'ERSOHNEL In nlmmumrah• well ---------Newport 833~8190 t'n•e GE 19 rl'lni: lrir. f I-'. mercband1srng. inven ASSISTANT w1rlhfman) l)111ll'l> of pt•o SAi.ES SECRETARY 1--------•1 ', ')~~X~IJ.RHRl!.ND('L',, boltum lrcl'7.t'r Xlnt \Of)' rontrols. ordenng Personnel Ad\·erltSIOI( re. rhomldmhl ,1onurrt·~ ~II Re ("r\'Ull\I'. t•arn l'Xlra () p (' n I 11 I! ,. II r a 1---------1 ,,, N~:c .. :ssAll y r 1'111111 $150 ofr M8:il17 procedures, labor Dept. has opening pt•r iousc o t'IJ. :.1mpl' mo n r Y 'I' l' at' h rt . I , t St-t·rt'lury (' I(' t K l I scheduling and person-C'Xt>ansion Npl Bt·h ufflt'I' t·hon•s. i•rrantls. l1\'l'lll<•1·raft W11l truin H't' 1' aria 110N1 ion NI T s •u•"' C7l41897·8881 omi :ninel itri or F" l r and bt•m•• an l'lc":llll ·~l """' ~horthanrl rt·11u1 n·u. I u lt,,nvv Sm A1>t Fruli:t·. ~(; n e I ma n age mt> n t .• nanl·1a sen ll'\'S trm hoe:.te:;s ,.. .. ..., "'"'o mu~t I) Pt' 75 t ""11 m' I ,\l)wlu1l'I) a faM·111at111i: Snk Sim c• \\ 1.irnr<. 52:, Benefits mr lude med ital Good typrng. bhorth1md. The l!ll'l i.l'lt•rlt'll must Sal"''· 1 <'om m 1 h l' Ip I hour.. K 5 PM Su an J!>IK.'l't 111 th1!> poi.111on 1:. TYPIST , 194 r.69 1nsuranre and paid exper req Non·smokrr 11 .. Jn t'"lrJ"rilinJr\ nt'i.'dt'<I Must lw hnnt<..'I.. lll'l!t1llahl1•. Rch•rl'nn:sl 1h1·111:u11lc)OU \\tlllJ\'clt• ( .''·•ti"n"'I ('ollt·c·ti·in holidays Sala co ·~Ol23_bt-tweC'n!l 2 ' ' .. r II I & I I h •1 I ••u .. " • New MU1lll(Onlt'r) Wartl mensurate with abilit\ •--------•! Mlllhistirall'd ,rnd l'X· •p111cn11 al ~OQ 1' w1•1•k. 1 11u1rt~I. Wrill' 1·111sMf11.·d tradl' shows. mll1rfa1·r lrll! for 11 l\'pist. rnlll liO ~1)',u I Ing S..~80 Must . ry m athte\er, \\t•ll i•ihll·Jll'd. mnscr\'all\l'. r11•m ) n·l'umrnen1 Jt1ons rt·-a 101: wit '<' 11 l>Cl up, .\gl•ni·) ln·int•. 1~ lnnk f and experien<'l' Write Printing tn•ml'I) wl'll groomed. r.75 60961\taranath 1 .\11 982, Dall~ r.int. with tlw ad\'1.'rll:.t·ri. & \\lllll \\ 111 tram 110 1111. t\d. No. 754 (: () Dail\ I Sht• must be ;1mh1t111us. r 0 Box 156,0. L'osta UM' ~our al'l'Urall' ~krlb I tapho1w Good hent•fll~. Pilot. PO Box 1560. 1 , :..t.t..-Strine..... bnnht. t•heerful. slablt• S \LES I :-lT I) Jo:SIG ~ Mt'l>il, 92626·0560 Nl•al rar"er 111101 ""11 h I 1 h Cocita Mesa 92626 or <·all WT1tO' ..-..--•.a ·.1 n .. <I h J' t' J •' r .. a I Sdf rmll\ atl~I c·n·at I\ c fabulvui. 11t1lent1al P <•a:.anl at mo:.p er e. ( -I 7 5 ~ 0 9 2 .. ' hour.. II~ JO II lllll'r\'Sl roE:r.lir 1 I M M E D I A T E pi.'ri.ooaht) Jnil i.1>,·ak· rnda\ for uuti.hlt• ~;ill·s SECRET ARY t'<I. l'all Clain-. ht•tw'n Of'EHIHGS ILACI Ill!: \01t·e \'el') fl1•x1hl1• ~t1:m't upp Pl\RT·TIM E !I-II 7SI 3llOO Manicurist wanted w11 h ' hours. f'rini:l' benl'fits. ~!l!I t.ltil Ma 1 u r l' & r "1 1 ab 1 e following, busy HB shop· & WHITE, LARGE & d 3 bl from pier 536· 1212 & I SM AL L , fl R E S S " \ am·emt-nl opportuni SALESLADY /Expr'd Pl'r500 Ol't'<ll'd to assist l) anti i:rrat st:irtini: for m.Jtl•mit' ~Ion· Full \\Ith t) pini:. f11i ni:. & ~07-46 ask for Pal_ -I EXPEIUEHCE. pa) arc \Our' in l'X· Ill' 11 lime South Co.Jl>l a1l.,\\1•nni: phones Mui.I ..... "'.KET·l...,G MGR. I i·hani:e for ~oor \\ ilhni! l'I u• ••. ,, l.'IK' 1:0 \\pm. hours arl'. Vettriaary Hosp. nch f I rl'n•plaoni~I \' R & In rnt• ,\hh• 1111h1 h.u·k & lront. lnl'l. \\ knrb & Sllnll' l'\'l'l:1. ,\IS!• ;11•;1!1 li75 St~>.'i RC'fnl! lr,·1·1er. T Jppan. 2-l t·u It. fru~l-frt•\'. t•ll g<t 1·01111 $1i5_ 968 3<1fj5 Refnl! l'oldspot. ~ofl )'l'llO\\', i:ood rnnd' Sl2S r.t2 mi Ii J l'U fl. ~Tllo(ldatrl'. 'I( Int "'"''' $200 ofr 6~5 !1!127 t'\'C'S & wk nets Ab11ndo1Ml housl'holtl SAT SUN 9 4pm 1940 1V, Siers. lludlil~. Krni: Tt-rl:'ll1la Lane. Nil toff bill' lk'llrooo1 .:.et. 2 <·uf 111.:hland & Irv 101· 1 fee tuhll's. book!>, l,1w f'ollow, 11111ni. 1-'u rn book~. 1·om1>ull·r pro dlllh1"', huok,, 111111~. ;a11 ~ramuri:. i.10111·:. 1n 111~ pltant'l'lt. Nt tor~, IJ.Jlnllni::. 9,:12 fl • ..., l'urna111111 Sat 16th Su11 ...... aritllUJ "ow 17th 114 IJ<IO 6140 A•ailablt Sa I l' u 111 cl th c 2 11 h for Oran9t C ou11ty ('yn1'(l M ahugan) End S w a p M t t t • Ta.bllo:. $350 080 Pll.I) T h o It I a 11 d s o f 7'lll>1' lt1·m' 5 to SJSO larcjaills & Treawr•1! "341 lkrl l\pl 5 HB Scltur~I & S..11dcry1. F\Jm, m1M' hschlll 1tc·m~. ~ COUl!ty Fair• doth1'5 & lob ur ~turr• ~. Co~ta MHa 133 Wto:.I Manpo)J, SJn Glwl1 Sut Suns 4 Si\T SUN 9·S at 83~1 , 8 q Jn I , l r-R N r Sat Onll . IO 511111 . 15115 11 ... 11 Newland 848 !023 RI\ l·r~t<l1· l'I . t 1\1 EH•f\'lhmg l(OCS Mukt Rl·frq!. h1kt-s .. l.lltli: off itl.'fr•"· skr cqpmt. m:ill•n;il~ t·ll' 1''. i:utr. ~tl'reo & parli., G.tral(l' SJI<'. SJt Sun 1•tr !I 11 m Ii 0 h I' or I Old Wei Trnk. $20 Wd Wt•!>lhnurnt• l'l,1n·. (."hr .. Sll & Appl, S.S. Air 11.irhor \'1t·\\. N U Coml. s;s N<·w (.'.1>l1·m11 n 20 \'HSCOl.l.t-:l'1'101\ l'lr $25 OH)\Hd Chr ), lbhlll tlcm~. antique), SL'> o lu :r Oi.:11 Mike rollt'l'lahl1·~ l 1!1-1 ,\tl.111 St't. SlllO IJ1al Dl•pth ta. l' ~I 1Fa1n11•\\ & 1;;1ui:c. II tv K' , Si5 Baker! S;i1 Sun !I" lirndmth1 !> ChKk, SIOO H-G s I 111 0110 5-19 i60ll • aroqe 0 e... 1c·1 ~T M S I '' Toor~. n1kcll, Clo1h1ng 1 ,\, • "'.'"!: · a, l' f\irn. t-:11' 29~ l"11unln ~ld1t-,. Ill GOO:ll11i. 30 Club l>mi· l,h11st.tmvn Y.t•!>I , :0-.r I 0.5 Sunday. \ Jlr & In Int' RI\ d IM nl! S40, quet•n :.1z1· 1ro1tre,~. )Ora & 1·ha1r. arc· f11~1r IJntl). mut•h m11r'1: Lu\\ prtl'l'S -195-0'.:0! TV llou~c\\ arc~. M 1" l'ar HJthc"' Eh S.11 & Sun 1!1281 T•thal!o I .. mi· HH 11' "-,ru, •·II n•J '. 642·5678 . .,! r1 A.f,•·n , 1. ' : •• •' ' f ,, •• u ! f ~ ' Frteto You 8045 NNhn 8050 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ..._ " TECH .... IC "'L ' I I J1aS .. Ah~l· E·'s'JM• EH I Tract sales. exper " " n<>s)lu l':.trn. >t'<t'l>l'n l!:Jo l2.30 Pl1·al11';ill1'l)' necessary 962·668-1 PUlllSHING duhle. dt•tlil'JI t'd and in 11(•n.11n at . ---SYSTEMS IHC :.l'lf motl\ atl'cl Pl\'aSt• St•ll Pu Js;o:. b) µh11m• Miwn:a Alumrnum 4500l'ampus Dr . N R IJ 111111.' bark. I'\•\\ kntb 557·6122 Mm ••J:l' lt!yr.s Ji t.t 5-ltiJ Small F Ternl'r. J.!oud O'ril'e.hk1·new~ sidearm pe~mahl). nc~'<li. hmm· \'hair~ 'w1\ el tha1rs. "" ·':mt 6i5 l:JOH ~1dt· tha1r,, t'Xe< & '-t'l'l •rl't' tu You ~lust I~ I.al> dl'Sk11 utwtal & \\O<id t. 3Yr Old M Gl'nlli·. ·\r C:n·rtl'ntas 1mctJI & fl-'111onah'. N1•l•<b :\I ore• wovd I. i 'x 1 · Teuk NJI\· Rd ni:. frost free. ~ll'all. Tl,l' Thun W<· l'a n ferent'I' \hi ~ l! blut• ~l'ellent 5250 5~8 8!'113. Prmide IHS llOSli fobm· """I\ ~I l"ha1ri. MASSEUSE ' • t•all 1mmt>cl11th'I~· for \nd rilhl'r \\Orhl famou' l'lasMl' Fram1•ll Wanted for South Coast 2230 So. o.o..t Dr ;ipµt 8.51 -7244 Jrtht:. i:no E. Ro~t·h.ml Village Salon Please Aoaheinl, 93'7·053 I $5.000 pl·r mo 1n1·om1• Santa ,\na Call (714) 556·713_6 _ lmllll~~E;·,;0~.;E·~!!'!!!!!!!lllllll•!•-::-:i-:::~~=-:--•1 1111 I l' n t 1 a I I. l' .1 d s E 0 E. M F Medit'al Assistanl. front 1• R.E. INVESTMENT furm~hl'(I M aJm m1·en --------• & bat•k. EKG. \'t'na f'/T ASST MGR Earn \\h1le \OU learn II\\' plJn. flt'\\ c .ir and puncture, typing For 55 uncls 6-12 5073. II f. R I T \ (; F. prol'll 'h~~n;Zl:J 645.1120 e~l3>&65 3851. 1 :-.. \ ESntt:~T ""ill I Mcd1caJ Secreturr : Good p llme.ida)~.2 hrs dai \t'J<'h \OU 1•rt·alt\c' S;1ll'l! medical transcnvtion & ly. AM deh\W). L ,\ l inanl·i.ni:. 10:1 1 ~~.. PROFESSIONAL I good secret:irial skills Time!! SlOO \\ k LagunJ t'h,ingl-s. 1111 c~tor !le TEl.EPHOHE SAL~S I F\Jll time. salary com ~ach "94·849ti H•lopln('nt & lllUll~l'lrng Pru\l.'O 011 dv:-.cr"' 11111) inensurate wrth ex· Exper <·oun,elors re $100000 I 1 1 I R _ _. &tat• Sal··-n 'l'I\" 100·, <'11m1n ·rh1•. · )r ~ l>I' 1'111 ;\·1 peri en r e P 1ast1 r '"" .. .._,.., ' • ·' l'µ to 25'. l'umrn p.1111 Surgeons office 1n Need2expencn1·edpeo 1sanunll$ualoppl) for wkl) Quahf11•!1 \\rel1·111 , N (' w p 0 rt Be a c h r'e rn COMMERCIAL & rri.:ht 1wrson l'nnf1clcn lt•ads Plush 1\wpl fkh I 644·5252. ND USTRl1\I. rt•al liul 1nlt>r\1t'\\ Call lot·atcon ~1.•Jor 11weu Medit'al Assistant. front estate For a -un·cssful \'m1·e. 546-5880 II\ c plani-"''"' ''.J'. I ()(fire. AM. 20 hrs c M & growrni: r1rm Best 1---------·1 Ha1A a11an \ a1 alum. \ rh I IA Ork mg t'ond111on~ in REST "'UR .t. ltt..IT h11nu~l'i. Kt•n Rro\\ n I 548·i7i9. Ne wp ort Be a r h • "'" fi"7H302. ' 71·' ""' uv. E.wcrienred fish 1:ook. MEDICAL •. ....,.,,.,.,1 s.·rl<'S Part· ·Tim .. part'l1mc. & day ' FIONTOFFtCE RECEIVING CLERK. hostess b~k t>t•1wr, EHJOYVISIT I Secretary-Sharp Fnrrons1rm•1111n. \J11t•<I 1lu111·'· hi:lll 11hor11•. t' pt• 1~1 ;(I ~i1m. 1111111 \ lur in h•lhi.:1•111 ~1·lf ~lUl'lt•I' i51 li611· SECRET ARY lT ttnp.I Stroni: Sl'l'rt•tariaJ skills m·cdt'fl lloorl~ wai:e Xl•1 ox word 11r111·c·ss111g a must l.~·nn. K48 3611 SECRETARY 111 1·11m11oter l'nmpan~ Wlllrni: 10 lt·arn Jlt Jspe1·ts of t•o mpu111r bus1n1•ss. Mu ~t huv<• 1:1111d bas1<· Sl'l'rC'lan;il ~kill~ 631 i710i.M a.r~c p e di at r i rs ex p e r for retar..I rlothmi: st or<' Moo f'ri J:I! BaHidl.' W/W AS HI HG TOH net'essary Simple book· F llllll' position Mon Dn'l'. ;-.;\\,,1 Bl h ,,_I keeping and insurance Fri B·J0.5 30. ewer pre r I.cm oln & llJm1ltun "' SecrefCl!Y/RKept andtypin!l Send resume r·d Ca II for appl Rl'Slaurant 1Ah1•q)('()plr voo \\111 ~l'I' Oc·"rr<I for N1•wpnrt to ad no 1001 r 0 Dally tl44·S070. ask for Kai it• llostl':>s. 20 2.1 hri. Wt'"k. cHl th1• mu111') ~ou 1 an h;iM~I honw bu1lchni: l'o Pilot 330 w Ba'· St., PO mu't he• ahlt• to \\11rk 1n.1kc "'a Lo~ ,\111:1•1('~ ('h1•1•11ul 1d1•ph11111· \1111·t· ' R etc Pt · ;,o W PM & tla'~ \lso nush11\. ex Tin11.·~ 1·1r1 ul.111011 ch·l'I .mcl 1h1•1 a11h1•n1· r1·11 'cl Box 1560 Costa Mesa I t h e o· , ~·~~a;~n7~ on \ ll'l' v1•r 'd. 3 mi:ht 'h1fl<> lll'hl n·v \I Jn\ 11t•11pll' Prl·\111\1' 1•\p1•1 111 R1·al !J2621;_ " 0.3 l505 •m thl' IJ l \'Ire ul,1111111 I ~:'IJh' 111 1)1•\ 1·lo11m•·nt MEDICAL R1•rept1on1i.I. l)p1ni: SJll'S -..JI<·~ proi:rJm <'am pr1•lnr,•cl SIJrt1ni.: FRONT OFFICE ~kills ,requ1 r<•d. 8-4 .30 ActorsLAdrtsses. I m1r1• th.m S2CIO .1 "<'t•k Sal.in s12110 111·r mu For internist 10 Newport Mrin f n for hn;.pll a I l M~ Your Talt•uh. M .1k1· I 1.ir \\orkmi.: fU'I a It•\\ Xhll hl'IWlll'.'> ('all T1111 Be ach. Prof1rienl 1n t•ornuutcr firm Ill HB huur• ··a1 h tl;I\ 'IJ:Olllj.! I 1;.11\ 1n .11 752 i:11;:1 " Goud Mone) W11tk l'arl I T s t regboard, 1nsuran< c• 1!91 5551i up Ill'\\ 1·ne' · u '"·n1• .,_ T 1 m1· ;-.; c \\ 1 .. 1 " u n ,1 1 h .,.'( n•t Jf\ o rm s, med1 ral "' 111.n~ 111 t•1r 11•m . • l('f'mtnolo11> & med1t·a RECEPTIONIST BcJth O<f1n• W Jnl~ you I muml1l'!> Wt• llJ\ hourh ~.,111·m lll't'll 5,., rd.en f 2 p T girls net>dl;'d lo & Your \'01te Call Jeff waJ?l' + i:cni·rnu~ <·nm lor p;cn t111w \Ii ork. 20 30 Irons. Knowledge o answer phone ror N B 197 4188Mtcr IPM J nussums If \nu ha\\' a hrll. Jl<'f' ~c:1·k Ma:' work back orrrce helprul firmnrOCl\1rport i\eal lll'at app1·ar.1nn• & rntn !ull 119w ll'1.11cn &44·00'77 19.12 ONL y I. appearan,·e and fnendl) SALES knu1·k for I a.lkml! with oial ~~lull'S. !175 o4 i2 MEDICAL OFFICE pcrsonallt) a must GARDEN SHOP pt'(ljllc t;1lk to u~ ;1h11u1 SECRET•RY PTbkpkg1nsS Lal( 't d 't h t t I "' "orrung Jn ai ernoons We ha\'e a full tamt' t 15 i:rca P 1m•· 0 JJ· F\111 Time Small ln •1nc ---4..o.94·5251--a1 ?fl &:!3:0440 opc•n1ni: tor .in ·ex · 1111nunit). l'all Mon -Jo'ri. I.aw O<fitl'. luokcn~ ror Models, actors. Film RECEPTIONIST 11er1enl·ed. knowkdl(a· 91ii 236r.l'xt, 1204 1·11publc Set'retarl with xtras. Xlnl opp, new ror I r\ lnl' orfire. hie. sales person IO our Sal\'SIJl'f)OO for pl;1nl i:ocwl sk1lls Willtrurnlhl' fa ces I I )' p es h i:ardcn shop F:\l:el ~•urt•. plt1m\·. artt'r rl"hl p0 rllun S··lun 213 659 7860 p I e a s a n t p 11 n e ,. • .. __:__:__ µc rsonalrt\ and good t·umpan~ bend1ts m. nouns & \\knd~ The romnwn~ura1v 14•1th e-'ll- Models & Esrons Fem 1, prng skill~ rcciuired durlt'!> d1~l·11unt pm. in R 1 / t1 a r c ll a /. a J r pc•n l'nc·t• Cu II llt•llt'. Only TopSS Call )Uranl'l' proj!ra111. prt &lri3392, I0·611m i525538 14211 Yorba St . Tubltn 7'!011 thru Wt'tl Ii ~o3pni 548 ~ l'hrome hast• Call Stl'\l' licyclft 8020 Fourftture 8050 6r Lmd.i 751 lilil 731 Ii 11 I Wa1l1·r' W Jll r1·i.:.1·~. U\\'I I IK \ r~ .\ppl~ Ill lll'l'Sllll SEC'Y/llKf'R f'.I M.itallor , l ilill ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• K1nJ.t·~11t.' hl1d w heijcl .. BMX Ru<'mi: R1kl0 All Al· • • I BUY * * bo:ml. ht•1hpr1•acl & lo\ l'lt•an Near NC'w sh ts I m I h Sn•o · Good Ulll'll Furniture• & I · io:t· " J 1· • " S200 Firm 540·J 131 At11JhJillc:. OR I \\Ill ~l'" .. Hll for SJ!\O \'1·\\1XJrl 111111 l M lmllll'1I openmi: In tn1' I mfi: 1·0 :'.laturt•. dl'IJll W,\ITHt-:SS~:S m1ndt..,.I 1wrson ~1·t•krni: • TIRED OF IEIHG Rand~ sdl!frSt::l.Llor You triLlfllill long·l<'rlll 1J11!-1 t111n 1n IHSIDEAlLDAY ? s m :J 11 u r r I('~· \II ;-.;.~ 1•noui.:h llOll' luf' ~un WANTED MASTERSAUCTIOM Kini.:w1· maun:~ ... bux I 646-8686, 833-9625 spnni: & lranw. \Int bhor1han1I : lyp111i.: 10 :inti c'\l'rt'"l'• Stt•H··~ 20"GT. TORl\1::11 wvm. sulllt' a1•1·11un1111i: l>\'lJihn1: 1, nu"" hinni.: OR DI AMONO){,\l'I\ 20 !iofJ:. St•\\ S98 l.11\' sk1lb & pleasanl vh11111• (;u,, ,11111 <.;,\ l.S 1111 llJml f'r.tmc & Forks. S50 S75 c·:.i:,11 ~ SllK S} ",!-'_Pl'!~ 11 ,. r s o n J I 1 t ' 1,11 \\a~hmi.: WJ .. h Ft·r ~9832 Sl!l!I I' \CTOR\ 9;)1 s.tm Nons mo k er~ 11111' 1 1,111'. Roll~ Rm rt~ KIN<; 11'\:\'ERSl'HI \'<; s&'J0.000 mo + h1·m·f1I• I M1·n·1•1lc·~ ancl ".•m·h1·~ . • ~:X'fH,\ t'llDI mallrt'"' 7~~fi7 li1111ll'll 1111l•n111i:' ·"ail luilclncj Matenah1 1025 sct. nt•\ 1•r ust·cl. ""1111 h SEC'Y/RECEf'T. 1 r.1111.:111~HKI ••••••••••••••••••••••• s.<i.lJ.i.:w Si!IK 1l\'I \l'\\'r lmm<·tl u11en1ni: fur X·RAY NOW 25'/FT u:-.t>d 4ut•1·n "'· """rlh bn1:ht . onrnn11t•it 11i·ri.un , . . . . Rl'<l.\\00<1 2x6 d1•1·kini:. ~· t·.1:.h unh ~-$:!~~ cll'I . h I • , . " I J.,.,k111i: rur X Ha\ Tic h 4 211 lnni:, also n·<lw1H>ol L~uall~ h11nw. ,;,4 .J~O \\I! ~11ini:. s~1rtt.enJ \\1lh 1>rth11 X ll.1) ur (• , , ,. . • skills Nl•t'flll ,:ti phone· ''llT , 1 .. 1 1 • F .''I tn( 1ni: Low1 st 11r111 Brrlruorn. rl'fri I! . 2 I l t h II ' mu 11 •1 11 u •• u a 1 J 1 m n r K 1• n ·1· \' · I k w m l lll'rsona I~ 0 illH l' 111111.', llH<':.UITllUl\!lilll!~. ;11\11~· ""'9""'5 ~ .I ('Ill' . u~ 1~ult1pl1•. phOOl' 11111•:. il.i\~. l'it•\\purt lk•Jt h nf • , "" ....... ,. oo. ~II t'Jll 1ill 1631i OJ~ Xlnl lllll>I Y & 1xlll\•nt•l 1h 1111. il•l :?.%-1 \lum1num & Dr~\\ Jll 2 R alt .111 Ba 1 SI 1111 h \'IHld. Si5 5-11! 8242 Sofa 1 omtt·mporar: ; ~ fl. hlUt• i.:n•en ~lrlPl'' S200 -199 I lfil 7'1-:\ER LSE D Sofo lo1t'M'at SJOO • ..:IJ'~ top d1nl'llt· S225. Qn lxlrm S~O Bunh $200 ~hlttn-i.'c<. ho\ s11r1n1:3 Qn Sl:KI. loll S!lO. I\\ Ill ~ MOHE ' i70 0901 Dark Wood ~l cd1tcrra nl'an St\lt• Ch1nu C:abml't s.jo() 1L1ieh1t'd 1 IH2·468:1 \\1th j.!nl\\lnlt firm St•O•I Sl'JfCol1hn~ s:1~ w foot rnt!I \'I'\(' r rt'SUmt• tu· 01n•t1or ul Merchandi1t H:ll 22f:l9 l'st~I. Sl50 lloth llo•,k & WocJri\\ork~ ll;H$lt111ls $1~ Op1•r:il1ons. ;11~1 .. l' ' · <.:h I k \ s1 ·11 t'a Rou11d tabl1• ~ d1.11r, \1q1ort IAKll' Dr I'M •••••••••••••••••••••••1Cab 8035 :m. '1 <· · ''\\, :> Sl50 6i3 ii3i !0'21i ~ 8005 ••••••••••••••••• •••• •• 0.11h 1;:11 l.'\ll!i ••••••••••••••••••••••• P1•r..1an Fl'al. 1 Yr $1<111 lf1JU.,t• lull ul •IUdhl\ mil \1•\\ \\Jl1·rlw1I "" hll 111 SEH\'ll' E ST \TIO'I: \T RJrt• Jnt111u1• ~111 c•r & uh (.'c~or Goh I \'1•1•11' fl.l' It u1•, J nd 1urn1 t ~11 " htr. lw~lk1 Jw hllhnl ~ TJo:\ll\'l:T I' lune• \11 J1•1h or .erl Prl\ 11) 1 l'all~ll!K:!i:l ~·himS2.)r11 SJWO 1hrsl.Sli.'>O lii5 1222 pl~ Shl'll Stat11111 lith ~ .1ppt onh 1'411 l!l!r.l WHITE PEHSI.\:\ :14.'I r:ll~ l''~m 1m·1.d huffl•I Sl50 ln llll'. NR 1.\nlt.•1wa;1 hh•adwd 1'1111· 1 :llah-. \\ papt•rs. i mu,, ()ul't'll '' \\all'rlc1'1l. IH1 . I l.hin;i 1 ah1nel $100 SUPER SHARP! I d1t-:.,1·r SIOO 1 ultl.Si~ 5521iili.. l'l'd1·111.d. ,h1•1·1:. 111il . \in~lluongr(~;i1r"" ot \II Hou ml ()ft 111· ""' ""l 535 ifi.:11 n-80401 1kt> nt•\\. Si~ 963 !!51;, _ .:~n Sl?'i, l!lti .!HSI .1'1 5 EmµhJl>I" un l'l\11111• :::?: •••••••••••••••••• &•aut1lul l poslt'rklOj.!!S/ n llk<'r 1ou1h. 1hJ1r. IJ Schc•1luhn;.: Mo,,1 hl·I .\:-.TIQUl-:S FOH Si\l.E 'l\i'.:~:SllOND Pups ,\K(' 1 ""<ilt•rlit•tl. molwnh•si. ble .. M:1h1>1!Jn~ drt>s~er M ·' t u r l' & II u ' ,. Ohl ~:Oghsh Ouk l'om I Champ ~trt· M ~-1'1•1 & ma II ht r. l 1 n i• n > & ~Ill \\ llalhoa, No IB. Plea~ant Phoni• \"111i·t· nw1cl1· w1tb lwn•l\•11 mar s h o "" P ,. I pt ,\ I bc.1bvr1•ad.-u•t•d onh I :-i;ft-t;;~. ~ r)111ni: a Plu!>' Satan bJ h cl "" f I t <>i)('fl tiiS ~I n>n. .. mar .t: to11. an 1 213 .,.,7 1345 a t 6 Jlll"I • 1 '':.· ~. nl 1 uni s:ion )!0\l:'\G Must si•ll 4 pt• l'ar\l>d cloorll th.11 lot'k r\Kl' n·i:rstt•rC'cl l'n1 hr ll'i• 1,1;o \ 11 Ion.in P.irlor 't'l. Teachtf' Aidt S.S.~ Sm.iH..Oak ,\r""!01,n· Span11•I. ma II' huf! Drn1ni: room tJhlt· M'l 1 l·1n·:i 1900. 1920 s1·hool Tocldlt'r t'l'nil'r. lrnnt• S2t..i Oak Bla_nk«t thc~t rham1>1on lllH' ~lucl Exrl'lll'nl 1·11nd11111n clt-sk. an1 1quc \\hill' ta Mon. Wt>il, Fn 81\ :\M ~.1928 Coil 1011 G.~. ti42li.lXll'\.'I.' -sm. 9ti2KOO!l l bh• & 1'11a1rs. \\OOd 1'ut-s.Thurs8·1PM S-I O:l Rl'lni:l'rotor.stillworks • , bummj!~to,e.1·omplc•t1• h ,,.,. s.?50 SC'e Sat & Sun at GOLDEN LA R , I v 1 . d an r ~1-~§ JJ8i Fu ,·hs1:i Cnlll a Fl'm." mo~. Al\t', $200. MUST SELL ~H U$l'f "nt 111n lfodter Aidf Mesa tWe!n or s r 10~0\tnghome ~j ii3i M .ih11i:un~ tlnuhl,• llC'tl ·0398 Extl•ndl'<ltla1·t·Jn' 3 to Plazat ....... r. .. ....,.,d with mutlrt'~~ 7'1 111111 l'Jpt.nn,twcl,hlu&\\hl. ' ""' .,,,; -~ -... ,...... I h I 4 1tra""t'r' & stOral!l' S45 642 4852 Aft 12 979 -rn ':ic·atcon and hol11l;.1vs, . ~ '14'"' pror11 sharing a~d SalHf't non 6Jlm . .,,,7 . .,.,,,., 6 months old Mall' Tn sha111.,. mirror nn t'·'' 5li 2.'li5 ---------------------------• t·olor $75 loi:oud hnnw board ~!19-127 S5000BO 6Jl-i7!17 ,1111; Bass\1 mb B1rl'h ""'IOCI, Models Ulllilftit.cl Ret·eptionist Sct'retaQ pension plan Apply in Mature person needed at I i:teeds tall attraelr\'e Mu s l be Nea l . person. JC Pt'nne\, 2~ Photomat. ,\pph in men,women for agency Or ganized, a Good Fashionl,sland.Ne'4rport person.30818Pl'll..So assi ments. ~·7762 Typist. & Ha\'e Team Beach. E.0 .E. M F l.a!luna. para t1mr. 2·1i Newport Center rnvest Spint. Call Margaret at l!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!llll-111!!!!!!!!'-•I PM.sl!~weekcnds, ment firm seeks in 975 0500. dh•idual wrth pleasant __!1!5·05500 phone manner & grneral I• ______ ...,_ offi ce s k ills . Xlnt RECEPTIONIST benefits. Call for app 't ~da, 544.0230 f'crt·Timt HURSH' AIDES Certified & exp'd In- terested rn good nursing rare. proved working cond1ttons & bettr r salaries P os1t rnns avarlable. 7 .:J & 11· 7 Mesa Verde Con\ al. Hoisp1tal, 661 Center St. C.M. 548·5585. Nursing LYHCHAIGl 11·7 Relief. Conv. Hosp. Nwpl Br h Re hab. onented nurse, dedirat.· ed & wilh smiles. Con· tact: Mrs Slone, 642-8044 Nursing I MUISIS41DE Exper"d all ahtfls. Conv tbp. Nwpt. Sch. Brin~ your smile Ir join us! Frtt mjr, med .. dentlll !.!!.'• lftl. Call : 642-8044. om re NEEDED IMMEDIATELY ..... " widl6 wQCNt ~­•-ti OHie• NIVlltA FEE The qu:ihf1ed C'anclldate will be respon111ble for 01mens1on s~ stem Switchboard. telephone marnlenant'c. 11•lephone directory update. and secretari~ I support to the sen~l'\'ts clcpa rt ment Typing 50 wpm Cand1dale must be de· pendable and have a pleasant telephone v0tce The hours will be from 8am·lpm. ~days a week. Mon·Frl. For im mediate <'Onsicleration, please rail or apply In prrson to: G ... Mtto 17141975°1609 PONOEIOSA IUIES m Business Cfnter Dr. lrvtne, CA. 92715 Suite200 Weft a.. to Homt YICTOI t .... ..,..... "° I! .::: • .,, ltrM '-PllllaalUfMd ~ IOIMtr II a ....... tt.r · · · ;.aa..._. RCTaylorCo 640-9900 0 REAL ESTATE LICENSEE~ IF: YOU need speciali zed. personal "ijow '{lo'' training from o~e or t~e most successful sales trainers m the business. YOU WANT to work in a plush, welJ.located office with a group or highly motivated professionals. YOU desire the chance to grow with . a rapidly expanding, progressive ·company. CAJ.L ME NOW in absolute con· fidence &LIMN ••tAM MO.HOO Of rices in Newport Beac h, Palm Springs & Rancho Mirage WANTED c c---cos---> > 'Newspaper Carriers tor routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • Good Em nings S.,,rTrlps C.rtat Prl~ CALL CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT . .., ..... 842-4321 Poodle. AKC wht \m VUI> p). n•al !'Ulr. Sl50 96.1·828i Ooxll' Mrnaalurc.>s t\KC R e~ Malcs. SJOO ~emalc~. $350 5-19 0373 Frttto Y0et 8045 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Free k1\tt•ns IU gnotl home• Ask for D11ns al (il4}631 ~ MAPLE DESK. full l>IH', SOO MOTOROI.,\ 1·ulor \\ ('()11$01 ('. S200 tl.'l9·7i3i 738 77:17 G \RAG f. SAi.~ SAT Sl":'\9 ~ 151,i:.12 Sunburst. II fl ~'rl'O<'h Pro\. hroratlt• ~l'lll'l'. l(c>ltl Or:JOl(t' t t•il. down v1llnws, hkl· 0\'\\ S500 0 BO f>44 2065 sp101tlt• I) Ill'. earl~ amt'r . ITT'Jtlress & hum prrs rnrl $150 &15 lft:JI Raundb.clSl50. tii:l 2669 Bunk lll.'1.1~ St25. k 1d• dt· k .inrt 1·hJcr S40. small h1alk rasc• SIO. 5 dra\\ t•r drl'sSt•r SIS . 19-1~ Oak Hnt•t•r Radio 1'ah111C'I lifl lOll. verf 1•on1t SiS b15 8.151 yw 0 a 3 $ Orange Co11t OML Y PILOT/Sunday, Janu..-y 17, 1112 lb P t IHI . ....,_., M41 MlelrlJlmt.WtJ AlllllW_.. HH .... W.W HH MltetW.W tltO .._..,,rW ....._..,,;w ...,,_. -................... .., ....................... .../tlmwM '160 ................................................................................................................. ,. • ................... .. Kllt htn lOh1. brown .............. , •• , ..... 17' 101\oft Wb •ler ..... :.;1e.;,.-......... Wlt9YOUI ... HIUYll li...a t! Alli t707 IMW t71J IMW t71J r..mlot~DO. At·t'Otdlonnt· tao. bf.•• l.olldect.~nrm d•Y• 2S'ISLANO!lt 'eooouS.CAll ToP dollar• for Sport11 WA"T~D! ..... " ............ , •• , ............................................. . ~ Im :~•!t~~~=t:~~I ~7·™2L evH 831 MN. 900 Xlnt Pvt Pty Anythlnc conildered; Cars, Bu111. C111npm. Lat~ model T~yolltl and '19 AUDI •'OX OTI. good W,.1 COUMTY6S , IU=lat Watvrtk'd on •' 18' F G T r 11 11 t> I e r 640-4.41G 1917Jhru IMO tll4'a Audl'1 Vo I v o •. C" 11 u • <"OOdillon, 70,000 n1I.. O&.OIST ....__ 1060 6'4·1• f,/BluH, N.B """LY. bait "Ump ' lank. y-.,Sw .... .a.a or.-u 17141~5203 • ........_ t"'" r ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ .. ... ""'.,. ~ . I I w/6 tlr11wt1r1 TRUMPET. hmuh1. Run1bout. Bul<"k V8 MloS..lct , .. , ~ AJk(orU/C MO,R TODAY!!! ~ 1mtfm stereo, obo *M» 11f\ 2 &tlldtnl. ~ \'ORd, 1120 OMC Drivl', llt>lllli 8, h11 & Acc....riff t•ot JIM MAllMO ~ Tim 12131433 M5'7 & ....................... OHkthnlwt I Rod h~der•. VHP In SSAYISAYIS 18711 Beach Blvd '79 Aud• 5000. xlnl rond HOUt.:SHOt;INO ,.,_.. IOIS Wllltr in Ntwport. No WITHUS.PAITS tfUNTINGTONREACH Auto, snrf. slert>o. et1• 1982 Salt<SStnil'e l.e11•ln11 Hot, COid ' Corrtt'll\ l' ....................... triller moo 535.11574 lmJ)Otted tlr parls 14Z zooo 720-0270 CARVER P1mMt•V1l'kl'r. SMCel~.ofr typtiwrltcr. '*>Skip Jal'k. 24 rt., ny PO T #1111°'9ftC...., • MODELS lOt' 146·6'43. Gr11tlu111t< pcrftoct , bell jumµc1I ing bridge. Mukc ofrcr. A~SU~Pt.Y 292:$Hi rbor Blvd.' '7t Mdl 50005 lllJ.Si()ICE•EfAW Purll'rvlllc Hor11e•hlJl' tr111'\ *· ~-72J.1 lllt.?420__ 101 N, Mi nchHter COSTA M Jo:;BA Fully eq u111 'll. Ile 11 u HERE .,,.,~ io ~CIMVI l~Sthool tlutrt~~ 9~ witb uu(o lottl, Sall f060 Anatieim_ n6.9fl00 7 • UO J Doll maintained Aioumc -llAOOl•'it..O-~ 1070 reader U .950 , Rur ••••••••••••••••••••••• ap ar lease. Nocll8h~l ·47 13 NOW! ....................... rou"hs 9500 wllh SABOT ATTIMTIOM WEPAY Pid IMW 971 e Otnu1nc 8 r1.1iil111n l'llUettr, u~~d $4,950. 2 M~TS&iSAILS TOP DOLLAR •••••••••••••••••••••• AQuamannes onh $20 •;,.o Air Produ1·ts Inc· !44·1405, ~~675-4512 M6 For Your Car ! Cllecll ... pod L,1trstone! ~·86811 1714J 27t-8111 Suntana 20, spe{'lll rol TONONEW...AU COSVER FOi USID CARS JOHMS<* & SOM &· • . Mlutloa f1f Flnt> <juuhty enwrald 4 rabri1• & oak urm ors. rare equlppt'd, ALAMMA•MON 1 U.Col.Mtrewy DB«>t• .9'2C \' u 13300, 581• 11200 (•hairs. brown vinyl sl't· many xlras, xlnl (•ond Fils MG's, i i· '81 POMTIAC/SUIAIU • 2G2lj Hurbor Blvd' l.ec. m.ms. ext 9 le4.'. xlnt cond. S200 all. Askin' S7800. 495.:_5S27 _ .Never UBed. l75 2480 Hartlor Blvd. Co.1111 Mesa 540·5630 9UALITY Must Sell. t·ash ~nl)• 11179 63J5M1J!:30·3, M. fo' 111' Hobie '79 w /lruiler. Man a 631-7797 Ive msg COSTA MESA Premium prices Cl£VIER BMW 1'11.oWMID US S211 l.1berly AU55 rtt1 IOl7 Rainbow sails. VHY Flbe 1 Bed C r '54t-4l00 549-1457 paidforanyusedl·ur AUTOMOllW 1245 1912 US S6 Indian ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'le~~.JWO·IJT30 _ 10/g:ba:J p u 0~~~c~r tforeignorqomesUc'l 1'tbdtillcJ 'U • ... • .._. AU55 S295. Gorrdl Parrot Ooublt> Yellow Santana 35. 6 bags, fully ~ 54M886. WI IUY lngooc.tioondil1Qn IMW't AnJtere! .. ....... 979-~ Hra~ Yount:. Tu mt• eqq 'd. Voh•o diesel --· __ :..__ -Q.EAH CAIS SeeU1 First! A rew remaining '81 llliliwrH ie. DISTRESS SALE t 20tt W Cage, ~ Pla>,~t>n. t64,SOO. 1714)640.4925 LinlOOYWOllC AMDTIUCKS Models & Demos 1m C4 Cw diamond US 1. white, It ~·J ~rn~hs~· i a~ Wanted : Female<"ruising U to50'4 o.fil_ 5!6·9832 still available ! We T•OO ... Yl 111 USGs Ct>rtifled. $15.332. ~; ~.:t' am· · <'ompanion 25.35 yrs, spe<>iahze in. European ,... ... ••A _1 Must saerifil'e $10,000. 0· Hawaii. Mirronesla . .wotforS• delivery and flawles11 ~ •n. 750-5378 RANGt:-WING ED Leavin • l''eb I 6411·3708 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -- -pre-owned BMW 's WSM M.cw..ry 1071 AMAZO~s~~E G-r·eat Sa-;H~! 10 · 1~~1~Tl~J' BUY 'EM Se~~~:g:~:,es~' SADDLEIACK •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• ~ --Le h m 8 n · C 0 mt> READERS AND . SELL 'EM 1 S4les·Sen1ce-Leas1ni.: IMW .--------1 A-E'Sh water fish. Angels. w•trlr sails. S350 bst :!8118 llartM11' Hl\d AllCOMrlESSOR Scat. Cat Fish. Guppies oCr.496-l6*>.49H l92 ADVERTISERS TRADE 'EM .... l'• ... lJ ;\lha~WJO :n!W !st.Santa Ana H•IUOll4.aTI I hp Binks. 1250/0BO &ochers7Sh:i~! ~· Clas;.~ Sl·and1na\'1an ad~~~~~~ceb)~',,!~~ci! WI Hiii) RESALE t~% ~~~~~ NWT. 536·9832 -· mo lo r · s a II er . 90 r, dealers in the vehicle YOUR EXOTIC MISSION YllJO '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~-·I Nbmo Cockatiel. 6 mos, restored. new engine, dassiried adverlisin11 & IRmSH CAIS SALES Autos, l__....cf 'II IMW 7331 Avery Pkwy. off 1·6 ..... lsctl-s 8010 w giganltl' i:agl.' & a(" ~real deal. 675-9431 1·olumns doc• not 1·n· "' B • ".,.....' Silver, blue lthr. 4,000 131-111\M\ ~ ,.,9' .. '9 "' --'l'CSS, $100. 631·1520 "' --7 ~ = 44<J...,, II)";" • • •nun-.••ffn•••••••• .,,_, •l'"'1 • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---loats. Slips/ t·luoe-any applicaole L_~ Across from Alfa ROMto t705 mi.1mma<· rond S29.000 Oosed Sundavc LOSING LEASE. qui t Picm10S&Ora..1 8090 Docks 9070 taxes. lil'rnsi:>, transfer Robin':.Ford ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7~11433 ,., ling busrness, selling out •••••••••;.~.,,..~···•••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• fees, rmanre l'harges. 645-29 6 3 ·11 Alµha Romeo GT\' '77 BMW 5301, 1mma <-. '--------ALL supplies and fix Organ. 2 ke} board!>. BOAT SLIPS FOR RENT feesforairpollution.ron Runs well, nt-eds soml• !tlereo, sunroor. 4 spd, I TheMostbcffitHJ lures including rhord$ and rhythm ~pl BCH 20" 25'. 30'. trol devare t•ertifitations WE rAY \\Ork. goucl rt-storation owni:>r. ~ 851·0352 rc..t Of YOllr 97JC ••••••••••••••••••••••• '82 210 2 dr. $106.31 + tax. 48 mo 0 1':.L' Cap <·ost $4964 Hes · 1•alue 12~81 92 Total pmls $5409 12 Cost lease $400 69 10 take Deh\'ery Order Yours Today! • 2845 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa 7 JjJ$40-64 to_ 1977 DATSUN 280Z Dynam1tl' Z t·oupe 5 spet.'<l transmission. air l'ond1t1omng. stereo. and mags Ext ra sha rp' t844WY8J $5995 Jim Marr no \'olks"' a gen. 842-2(KX) Display eases. "'aitrn.: S360 _ _ &12_]379 35· &t2-~ 9.5 PM or dealer doc·umentary 3100 W Coast Hw1· proJe<·t. banwn µrin•cl W flwch O room chairs, Beilul) Organ. 'Store} & Clark. ~rtM , preparation l·hargesund· New1iort8eal·h· f"'TROPQUS\SISl"'V ~~11•\'es &AM ·sit 3201 . 9.~ hrn1. ~bolokd IML C-·~ler '75 710 ,\t. ~t11·k . Salon ha1rdn·ers and loaded like nl.'w $1800 ,...,._,.... Cll'lllO less olherw1se spec·1fie 642·9~05 ·v / • 1 s erl,l, 1:0< ... s apt.>. · ease -· AM FM. !tharp' Runs hydrauhr ch au s. mir 080 839.6143. 73g'7737 Da, wk._IJ!>nth 646·0551 .!?,\· thead\•crtiscr Placing 3 Classified ad is USED CARS. TfWC KS. Audi 9707 aft_5& wknds.540-4732 Mclaren IMW!! g_reat $23!15 ~6.2070 rors.shelvesandplanls Want 5;<~ond hund WA NT ED : Slip. t'X· Gttwrol 9510 as easy as dialing your VANS ••••••••••••••••••••••• '78 BMW 3201 Snrf, liiyOrLtost '78 Datsun 8210 Mu st Also.make-up, shampoo Yamaha Piano Call l·hange ror uSl' of ••••••••••••••••••••••• phone. Give us a call. O.LHAAH AU1h '80•, Turbo. llelOl!t AMrFM <.:as~ Stl'rt.>O. IJOur"'-ePI•! d and hairprodutls Brad magn1f H ' 1·ult1:r ·r ~.TonOodge PUBed We'll do the re~t. 2020E.lslSt ,SA IJhw,ltkrn1•w,p11 prty AC. Nw Trs $10,0110 17141522•5333 Stt! 53500 Xlnl Con Call 63l·9754 or _ ~-1353 E1·es ~7-21194 ' $120 .642·5678 • 541-4471 513.IXX> 673 5595 S4&-07Sl _ ~I arter5.S98·6809 Freetoyou Balbo;-Co1·t>~ Power ___ 631·22fB .... Hew tlOO .... Hew flOOA.lltos,New tlOOAlltos,New tlOOAlltot,Mew tlOOAl.tot,Htw 9100 Un1\· t\thletu· Club Pianoneedswork boat shp for rent-to 33· •~/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mmbrshp •, off asking 6751156 ~".'P"'"! price ~ + trans fee -646·~7 -· --ctetict f520 644·62-18 ir...m-Gooch 80f4 Choi<'e 45 ft moonni: with ....................... , ---....--~ boat Sl3 <XX> rRmlEST Mag Rims 13" -I llole ••••••••••••••••••••••• · w/Lug Nuts. $80 Set of 4 • 200 lb .. cast steel weight __ 646-4005 '57 T·llRD Deluxe Gas Dryer & ll('t with bench and lell For R~nt: Boat sµat•e u1> IMTOWH! -Auto Washing Mal'hine, ~tLachment. Good start· to 18 Newport Reac·h. IEST OIFIR! S75 Eaeh. Both. S125 mgset.SIOOOBCJ sm "ll 49-1.5293 (OOSUKZI _919_-2577,957-0987 _ : 646-5587 •Boat shp a1 ail for Garage Sal-e· hshld WINDSURFER 56-75'~·arht Xlnt si.>curi- 1tems.i.a1lboat. ram per. $600 669·0447 aft 6 t~ &!oc 673 7873 etc. A-1-Sun. 67~ 2445 Solid steel weijlhts. brn;h Choal'e 45 ft moonni! w11 h Misc orthopedic equ1 p & ¥l'ess. $120. boat Sl3·:.4005 THEODORE ROBINS FORD me,nt . port ab II! jat• . 631-9050 whirlp oo l balh 12 1 --For Rent side l.lll'r. 30' , . , h · x nt pr skis Ready lo max. """' .•• N. Ra)·front , 1970Cad1llal' Dcl'llle Con· cr ut c· es. s plints. d 1 k j """' 2000 HARBOR Bl VD COSTA MHA Mi 0010 ------ braces wgts. \II nl•ar i go, ue .0 nee 111 ur~ BIS300.675-0191 vert1ble. Nds soml' · ' ROC 200 ss. Ge.te bind ----work._S800iobo ~6 15~ new 640.!_t<I!._ I 1ngs Sl20. ROC 21o·i. Sk.iff-MooriltG MI L1ndborg Tennis Club Look Ne\·ada bindings Offerm-1112CJ.144o' 4WMtlDrhn 9550 Membership $550 S75 Nordica boots Szll -----•••••••••••>••••••••••• Call Bob546.:.6077 $50.642-5006 IMts, Storo1Jt tOtO '611 Jeepster Commando, Sofas-stereo-l'lothes h-R t __. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4X4.34.Km1,2newllres. jewelry-books-dishes. "';' ".,._.., 8095 Buick V·6 12500 Gd 2 2 O 4 D e I a w a r c ••••••••••••••••••• •••• ORY STQRIG£ ~ 19Hl30. I( )H B ft Convertible 4 wheel dnvc a <'____:_ LOSING l.EASE. quit· Monthly boat & RV ptl·kup ·79 rord Wheelchair $175 Ox) l!t'n ling business. selhnti out storage for an} ~ize. 24 Steps'ade'. 30.ooo m 1. carner $30 Ox)gen re ALL supplies and fix-hr se,c-ur1t y , free needs -ta res s8750 gulator IHI S90. Foldrns: turesinduding. laun~hmg & washing 675-5725 ,!',3lker$250. 752·~73_ Display cases. "la1t1ng pn11leges Newport ------ FSl'ATE SALE room eh~irs. Beauty Dunes. l}.31 Bark Say 6.\4X4 Jt!t'p Wa.:onl'rr. 1770 w Balboa Bhd Salon ~a1rdryers and Dr. Newport 8earh. Sl800 N n Bearh. hydraulic r ha1rs. m1r -644-0510 · 960·94~ .~-;.------•I rors. shelves" and plan!B. 12 Olevy PU. Ex. t·ond .. Also. make·UP. shampoo P/S, P/8, rstm. rim5 & AIR COMrRESSOR and hair products Tr• If ort..._ tires. lift kit, AM / FM 1 hp Binks. $250 080 Calt63T-97S4 or ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• Cass .. built Mtr. & trans. 536-9832 art er 6. 898·6809 Alrcnlft t I I 0 /080. 962·5!00' Radio ••••••••••••••••••••••• A1V 8 whttl drive Land, Bought in error $250 Sell t'.iFi 5hno lotl ,.....,. W..ted water. V4 eng Best of· $200. sa\·e S50 No 3 ••••••;•••••••••••••••• ·n T2lO, loaded. oc AP fer. 759-0097 Arbor Press. new d\ ent big screen T\'. 500 hrs min. Call Paul or y-&.. f560 832-9700 _ Paid 52200 mu st sell ~ ••""••a J im. 714-752·2266 or •••••••••••••••••••••••! Larl(e Upright Freezer S1.JVU~l.!_ -213.Q!l-5021 ·79 FORD Courier. 4 Works good . SlOO. As· TV MA_GNA \'OX · 24 .. Partner wanted for !973 ry.tin'.ler cng~ne and sorted Bikes S75 eat•h. rombinallon. t•olor. re Cessna 182• base Orange automat11• transmission. _!!:!:11974 _ mote. works good · Co SllOO TT . 150 Lake new and ready 6.\ !(al aquanum. rompl 11uaranteed S500 or best SCMOH. new paint. top ( 1N652961 S37 95 "11th rtsh. t yr old . S200 o<fcr cond PP. 768-0922 Theodore Robins Ford, 7~ IH!J.l 642-9932 ,. __ 5_._1 2060 Harbor Bh d . Costa CARPET PADD ING . 2.'i" RCA-TV. 10 ~r~ old. ~R....;..&• • -9120 ~?;82sa11. 6H 0010 o r NEW BES.T GRA DE. been under warr RCA an ,...,. OMALON V, A PP ROX Sil' Stn c·e we harl ll A I Ei"c~·~;~~·~;~;;·~h~ii '8! FORD F 150 p l'' 3()2 75 y~~64J· 7348 <'Olld. 6-IQ·J 146 SlOO xlnt rond. '78· '82 models. \ 8 Auto, Trans & 0 D . Base of postage marhinl'. Stereo Console 3 bar ain S300 891-3250 PS. PB. Ing whl base. rrodel 9020, make offlor $100 631 9050 ~ --r-dual tanks. slide win· Sll>:tOlhSt St 205 ~B 8 Fiberglass shell for dow, step bumper. AM. -· e •' . Magno1·ox Color T\' ron Che1·y or GMC truck. Radial tires. 18K mi 1 Slate ToP Pool Table 8 sole. 2 yrs old Hardwd XJnt rood. $400.~8283 owner. MUST SELL! SSOO. Or Best Offer cab. remote, xlnt cond ---...................... . Cnb .. l'omp S75. walker Stereo. Su bwQofer. ·1s Foxy GT moped . .xlnl SlO. playpen S35. car RH LABS walnut. rost mcch. & body condition. seat $30, folding rocker ssoo, sell si1s. 968-3465. Lo'mi. S2S-O. 548·0?10 1948 Olev ~ ton p11'k-up, Good bod\' runs. As is S700 nrm: 545·95!!.. __ Sl.5. r rrb toys SJ ea, Grundig Embassy Mark '78 Foxigt ·Moped. 1.000 nusc.83!·6275 VStenorelle2years mi like ne w $250. Old GE refng. gd cond. S300 536·3822 552.4342 Mary, 644·l212 ·54 Chev '• ton. Gd work lruck SISOOOBO S7S or B 0 Sears 19" , --xzn color TV. works well'. loahlrM.,llt e . --ill Oat.sun PU. longbed. 646-5587 SlSO Pioneer KP-575 rar &,IP"".t Indian M~ For Sale xlnl cond. properly casst deck. new 1n .. ••••••••••••••••••••• New. JOOmi. SSOO OBO. mainl lS0.675·5859 __ box -$.90, Fisher 401 GeMro1 90IO _Call Pator 8obS4S:2?08 '75 Ford FlSO, VS 360. stereo rec. gd cond . SlOO ............. ~ .. ~ ....... ~!':'/ good tires. good lransp. or B/0. BSR 710 aulo Wood sk1H 17 · 6 beam. Sc ti 50 S2300/0BO. 154-7175 tmtble $40. Sat·Sun Den· n~t bottom. l~mcric:n ••••••••••••••••••••••• '74 GMC Sprint Black nis646·3806 big whl tra er· P g '79 Peugeot Moped Xtra ...,.,.,t k · A CHILDS DREAM SUXX> Call AM, 97s-29ao. Clean. Perfect Cond. ~4~fla5~~73.J684 5 fen tall Stuffed Rar· loCllts, McsiH Kept in Storage for 2 yrs , ' coon. excellent cond1· Ecpi,_. 903 0 Call968-90Z4 Afl 6PM ~~M-iort':OO~~~~, uon. S250 or best orrer. •o•••••••••••••••••••• Kawa ·79 KX 80. S27S. 642 7399 Lea~e Messaae . Cal1499·44S4formoreln· l2' Klamath Alum. boat. Very Trick. F AS T ! , T C:.::.a=.:.. formation used once. never re· 963·5272 '64 Dodge. ~. on. rew ~isterecL $475, boat only .. ., Honda X.LlllSS. like Cab. Runs Good! S7SO. ves· 968 CAO• 631·22&1 Tandem bicycle, beach ' · . .,.,.,.. new. must sell! $800. -=--.-..------- cruiser type. excellent loats. rowtr t040 760-9440 '76 Chev Lov. Mikado. tond. $155 Portahle ••••••..-••••••••••••••• 71 ~1 RM 125 r o II ba r · r r m r b I t TS _ _. mags/bumper s. rm c~bl~~t f1~.s~e~at~ WH FOR BOA Super cond1l1on . must cass. lo mi , $2950. Alchsia. c.M. 1West of 536-lltl sells.500080759·9347 _7$_·0084 _____ _ S.C. Plaza). 28. Chris Crart. 1963 Fly 79 HoMla CM400T '74 Datsun Truck, runs B 'd s r· h Showroom rond. soo mi. good, needs hood & M~sfesel~o~~ T':a3!: Sl,000 080. 646-1623 paint. S700 or bst. Waaher l50. Dryer SSO. Make Ofrer. 646·3478 art Eves646-1515 ...:645=-"·97..:..:0""l.,,._ ___ _ Sinale bed and box spr-5 ,73 Honda 750. 8" ex-196.S CheJ' 10 ·~ ton pick Int•· W ·4307 40• Owens Tahitian. live-tension, dnt cond, 14,000 up. Long bed. $950. Will !!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I aboard slip avail. Call, mi. Mu h 731-6394 l h row In l' am Per Wf9tjngbouse refrig. Judy or Harvey 642-4644. 1178 Yamaha TI' 500 Good _.67J...;..;;...;:59a>=--- WOfb greal.SJ25 ~wn.,9AM4r5PM rondilion. low mileage lf7f CHIY 556-6425. WI or&~-.. • 7149 SIL VllADO fltlcel•1on 35 fl Chris C"rart ·•sUZUKI RM80 PICKUP . W..... IOI I R 0 a m e r , T w i n Runs & looks great. Shortbed, wheels, eruise ....................... Cruudera, 715 KW on 675·105i Jtff control, L'1l wheel, WANTED TO BUY : generator. Fly bridge. '78 Honda Hawk, Actual .~Mt'FM l~pe. air rondi· HEISEY CRYSTAL Trade for late model lull· 3500 Mi. Ru k with tionlng. Oi<:LRS5834) Stemware. 847·~ ury car. SEVILLE. poc ket bar k . case Sfftl WANTID Jo"GT. TORKER OR DIAMONDBACK rramr •Forks. ao.m. .... M E R C E D E S pards with peas. New S.ADDUIACI IMW PREFERABLY . 1213l ovwaiaerear llre. SlOOO lll·Z040 4tMt4t 9li3.e42 -..... 8tS·3'30 -"= ...... .-.....'"'--__ _ 1977 ·28 ft Skipjar k. Kawasaki ?SO l.TD v-tS70 volvos. lrlr. S24,000 or ~n:•. Falrtna l rack ....................... 1 trade for Por.1tt1t + ca 1975 --.,, ...... • 1 ' cllll EveSSl-0833 &45-3733. --A" 1.a1,· Wlaaler. 'IO Mert ..._ ........._~ Tr.S••a 8100 l • •-!.. t ~ -Mult.0. 12.100 t I ? -• lllJ •· U1r con~. op .. ,.._ 160 tM .a.. 1· 11111,., ...... ,....... • CO¥tr, Iota ol t1tr11. I................ ~ I ILICftlC GUITAI. 2 .m.-mW mDtortlome. Z2' ' =. lb MW 1148 'Ma· Cllrit .It• 8'1rf Ll1dy, tompl. aeH· _!!17MHI Clddr Cabla • Sllp. tOlltlla9d, aeHralor. JClmlNll P1110.J 1rt1t •· •If• c1~1 ••nina. 1...::=.i...=~;.;.;.;;.;;.o....;;.-.... Coad. 111 .. 1010 --ndtddl 11r,lnamae.1U11 ... • ........ IU-4119 lllllllllolf•.•· .. s p E c ,. '82 RABBIT CON¥UTIBLE UU PrlO Loaoeo with s speeo AM/FM stereo. metallK paint. sp0rt wheel. white stoe wall tires & more• '1116S our 01scount 1170 I A L $ALE PRICE s9,995 . S 7'ifi!fn~ llt~ '81 VW VANAGON L ~ ~ Fultv eQutppeo with leather· A~p ette seats. tinted glass. de luxe package & more• L ~ list Price '11,590 1 our Discount 1,395 E ... ~ SALE PRICE 510.1_95 S. A ~ E s A L E. '81 RABBIT CONVERTIBLE s9,995 U tt '" .... Auto .. w. s. w. tires, SPOrts seats ' wneel, stereo cassette. very low miles. White too '82.VW $CIROCCO s speta, metalllC paint, rur winoow waSller & wiper, auovs. AM/FM sctrto cassette. oln strloeS ' l'l\()(tl SALE PRICE 510,495 '81 DASHER WAGON "" DIESEL EQulootO witn air sun roof, Wl'lttt SIOe wa" !ltt\ teamererte wa" stereo. ortP & l'll()(t • '10IJO 1US '81 2 DR. RABBIT S6495 c speeo, air, AM/FM stereo. iennerette seats p E c I s A L E s A l E s '82 QUANTUM WAGON Fully eqwppeO with Air s speeo leatherette seats rao1a1 tires & morel our OIKOUnt '11065 100 SALE PRICE s10,595 '81 VWJETTA List Prier our Olscount $9035 10.0 SALE PRICE 57995 '81 VW $CIROCCO S loadl'd w11n auov ~eris reu window washer l w.oer s SOffO sterto c;issene soorts sr;iu & 11\0ft• list Prtct '9470 Our Discount 1o?S SALE PRICE s9395 '81 VW P/U Loaded with H/O pkg stereo prep., tinted oiass ----=::;.i s speed, radial tires. custom value pl(g. leatherette seats Our Olscount & more• .. ,. 10IS '81 2 DR. LS RABBIT DIESEL '81 JETTA DIESEL WACON _ s7495 1 •~·I Air, stereo cassette, IOW mites. teatn«ette seats ' morei ' •( s9495 Auto. air . stereo cassette teathrrette seats, floor 1!1JtS. 001v 8.000 mires l ( Orange Collt OAJLY PtLOT/Sunday, January 17, 1982 W..t.ijii1rtM .......... ,,.. ........ ,,.. ....._ ... ,...... ....._.,_. Miii;._. ...._._, MIM.UIH AIM.UIH • Ute4 ······················· ......•................ ...•................... ···••·················· .........•••••......... ....................... ....................... ...................... •...•...•............. . .................... . ~ ............ !?~.! ~:~.~~ .... !?!~ ~ ........... !?~.~ !~!~~ ....... !??.~ ~ .......... !!.'.~ ................ ,.!!!~ Lr~-'.!.~ ....... !!.~.~ ............. !!.~~ ~~ .......... !!.'.~ .................. !!.'.~ , ~ •75 410 SE 'Ill GL w1111on. 4~4. Mii 1971 vw Supl'r Beetle, •17 Flt'f'lwood )9K n\I * Cftl'IOUT '77 Mark V, xlnt t•ond. '74 ford LTD RroufChlrn, "19. 4 apd, 4 ryl, deun H>I SA.LI 11 /bl 1 , opt Lo ml, ~uut . Must run• i:d. Nt'w pulnt, full P . • / 1• ....., ltll r abrl c In l, UUO, 4·dr .. idnt t·ond, lo ml. ""6/lx'lllofr 7I • Pinto b.ttll·hluit'li. t IH! W Mli lht nil. i/t • 114'11! ~lofr 49'7 lllOO 12»)4fr7 2'194 768 :1!153 wrj al" tt ll~ll t .,...., IS'f .. 144. 5&M .. 8111 04.-W llrffl, pp 11,400 S49 l~i dan hpeed MW llrl't • ::ii 101 1~'· .. :rl1 .. ~0 ,... t7H '79 lk•ttlt' CONV Im ~~:!"~ i:o.~ IO . ~~-. 0 ..... ttll 11lOSU·34~7 a..... ttH lu1t1l.llJll' r~1·k .JIOOd •Mn ' ' , ...................... m1H" Wbt1Wh1. 1K mi '711 i)j-1r&o 111 , l .,..,_~ I ....................... Game Show Winner ........ ••••••••••••••• lr1t~IJC)r1t1troo 1•1tr 11200 1978 TOYOTA l:cllr11 SIZSOO 0801111 0749 l'!lt> v 1 • mus Al.Ao trans .. airrond. + '81CORONET '82 Esc·orl 8r11nd new! O ooo I 0110 'llO MR 4$0 SL Ch11m Llttbui·k with luw . · · •ell. loi1dt-d, '!'1nt Lo many olhtr exlrul 4dr,k>,ni,l650 Mt'lfllk11rey,3 dr.41i1>d 13 mtlla 53• orii:m · ll421570Jdr p&J:rW,h•111h,•r.1·us~\·llc. mlleui:" 'gpet>d 74 bug. run11 1ot rt'1tl , M1lt·1111e.MonF r1H:30~ Ooriieous!t58'6/i54S> 648·11810 never driv1•n 16.000 Super sound sy11ll'm. 63177!r7 Mur111 alto~ Mu•t,sell, mllkl• lransmts5l~n. uir <'ondl r11dlals, ~.1:tte S2.HOO. ~1·931!8 OM.Y S77H &4660:!A 11!01 494·llll3 -lii.~-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill oft W.~12'7 tioning and sharp• , ....., __ 37 '76 Sevilh:. blue. le11tlicr. HOWAIDCltff,.. ·~.;.h11: 1~'Twarieti': .78 Fiesta. Sport Mdl '76 <.;u1lau. Urou11hm. I tt60 '76 MB 450 SF: On\• ur 1978Rt-;PI S399S. J im ~ VW Butt. rt>bll. new w.l re whls, sharp. Po¥t1Qu1llSU, r111'1rc. 835·218 5 Xlnt t•ond Lo ml. l ownr, lo m1. all powt>r. ••••••••••••••••••••n• '11 280?.. A C, um fm, 1·w , llll!iS. imrn1w! Rlu melt . 1 6 1100 Wkndslt\'el: 559 11983 : <!ars. 12131w1. 12 11 The Flnol l~o u r) Marino Volkswa11t>n, pu 1nt .. int, <'auetlt•, f!iS00@80.5S2·0t»4 NtwPORTBEACH 80./080. owoer.S3150, 7~·74'S C!S0010B077o.9,S990 Ply Arrow '78· auto. air, &>dans. ut •~th thr Pri\'l' 8'12·2000 Sl950. 6Gl·391l2 IJ" .a555 - --_. -i9 Cutl11ss. Brougham St rhlt t>ni:. 11reut 11u~ mi ol N S --c-i. 9t 17 --'74 jloaaf'o, h(j. top conv. "13 Ford Wagon, nu tires. w , D · • •1 • x 1 52250 493 6407 a ew 450. th·w '78 (;l'llu (lT q111. im . '72 VW Super &ellc Ex ....................... A/C. Sl 000. G re•l runs good, body rair. a gn •1st nl Snrf. Pm:ed Under :ilt'reo, s spd, xlnt 1•nntl! c·ellent t•ond AM /FM i9 Otrlinetta. V·8. T TOf) 1t•CHPIOLIT Sl\iApe' • ~-4000 after5 <;_ond 1146·4562 1977 PLYMOUTH Wholualt Book ul ~644 ~eves rassette Sl900 Air. Tape, 20K mi Best PICIUP i4M4l2arter5 •1.......~ -99-45 '79 Olds Delta Oi"d· YOLAll '81 310 GX 4Dr. snrr • .i spd, Perfcc'l Cond. $4990 PP. ~l:29'.!6 SJ2,000 r04" Quil'lt Sal(' '79 Celtcu lltchbk. nrf, du S47·8806. i'v 700.8690 Offer. 675· 4S62 6 II d ti • ~ ----mw.1 ~ell immuculute _..._.._ w4o..1 PP 6.11·2321 ---.:-• ---<')' n er. automa <', ,.,. tt40 ....................... M Fr 08·:l0·:\ 851 9388 '"-"" .,,.. t11\', pis. AM/FM. 5 s1i. Yolvo 9772 . 68 CAMARO I fol~ory 11lr, full power ........................ 078 TownCPEIS,800orig on 1 .. " ·-AutolT\3y·,., ra1·tory air. 19'12 610, 1 owner, xlnl cond SIOOO '10 Ml 6.t nu radluls, super l'lean: ••••••••••• .. ••••••••• 327, V8, St800/080 A~/FM s~ereo cuss~tte. '79 FOR o Fa Irmo 111 milt'S Loadi'd w/xtras. .._._ 9957 rull pow r. ntt-d .:lass. Sirverlblk lthr. all oµ SSlOOobo,6755686 #IV.OUODEAUI ~ _G73174S r11sedwhJteletterlrres, Fulura 4 cylilider MNew Real luxury & ir..-v lu.ici:ui:t-t• .aml much · M t N1 • --4 l 7 000 · · •••••••••• .. ••••••••••• morl'! A MUST St-;E llOOS a en·et eHan or '78 Celie a GI. 5 sp1I. I ORANG ECOVfffY ! ll7 Comt Camaro, 327 mijll·MUST S!E THIS. engine, rartory air con· ~u_nJySS7· llOI _ •79 PI NTO 4 l') lrndl'r (ll('*l:!RJY 1 963·:>701 eves '81 Maxima, brown. 2lK mi, xlnt t•ond, loaded. Sl0,000 760·801 t o r 493.11294 rer.Low1nileui;:eTh1&I AM11''M Cass.AC.PS. balanreden11:11ewnms, mllKetE. NE W CA R '' d111onln11. ~unroor . ..__ ttSO cngine and'ratton air 52711 owner t•ar is I of the labl P/8, new tlre!I & mags ; SALES SllVICE urcs. pa1nl. $4000/080. • • · ( 38& z AH I.' S3 99 s . .---J • d't ~., · , 200 6.9's bit in '80 rr Days ..... 77n1. [)a1·1d • IUO • ....,.,, 546 ,,..,.. llie1W'1W3) .............. Robi s F d ....................... ton r ronrng .tonom) 0 R H" ... ... ~ ~ go AMD LIA$.IMG ""'""="' "w'"' ""'""""fl n or • ...a plus (941WQY I $2995 • • "'"'"' S49.500..:J213J4S6·5289. ·73 Celka. looks good. OVETISF.'ASl>l::LlVtllY ·w J07·auto. Ver) dean. . 16111 DpHarbor Blvd .. Costa lt7~ Car!. II Theodore Robins f'urd l'llRYSLEH PLYMOUTI 62 Merredes Benx l!IOSI. ood s oo EXPERTS nl'w ttres. many new O.a.HilM Mu a , 142 0010 o r Ve. 28 lllt'r, ~Int cond, ~llarborBhd .Co~la 2020 E lstSt ,SA sport.Houpe Both tops ~·16631~5:73~ p.irts. s2200 Tom, l.JIRYSLERIPLY!IO UTI ~~ll~-rere~tly painted + Mesa. 642 0010 or 541·4471 il SlO. 4dr. runs great. stick shirt SS95. 857·0952 or 644·50.S4 Restored , gd in1es1. EAIUllCE 857 1688 DIOE. lstSl .S.A. 63 f'ordStation Wgn, .!!_lln ext~4·t4?1__ $40-8211 Sl2.SOO HiSll·9152 T...... t767 VOLVO ,. ... _._._. 9920 . 541·4 1 471 _ Xlntrunnln&cond. Mint-9952 lt71PLYMOUTH ...... ••••••••••••••••• '""'"Harbor Blvtl '"""' .._..,. .... p k 4 •<N>. 673 '"019 •••••~•••••••••••••••••• VS Pinto Hall'hhatk Was HOll10o...a '71 240Z. good mpg, '69 300 SE!. 6 3. Perf. 78 Spitrire, 42.000 mi. """' .. ••••••••••••• .. •••••• ..., I<' ·Ill'· 3 •ton, sp .. __ ...-'"' . In ck Bod} and "' mags, am rm. must sell, (.'()(It) 59800. $3,750 Good 1:ond1t1on COSTA M f:SA V·8 eng. 115.000 080. '81 FORD Es<'ort G L '68 Cla.ss1<" xlnt \'Ond. wr~d· II I 4 n lrnder 4·spet.'<l foe. 64S 9502 646-9303 54"9467 rEr. US FIRST! &L'i-7!I03eves/wknds__ ""·lly ra .. ory .,,.,.,;p....A V-8, 302, MC . PIB. P S. rnimc am.ii;c A , e se tor) 1.ur. p;,wer st,•enng. S2700 673 -1491 art 6 71HS9·J022, 839 29-16 or ~ ru lud' '' -1 ... -b i""ud t•alt· Jl'ff,644-23.tl OK V8 147,000 uni: mil. dtM' brakes two tone F-:--at -9725 '68 MBZ 2SO "LOOKS y 9770 1975 \'01.\'0 2 1501. Wch1M~a.ioodsclt•l'lton iJ No\'a Hal<'hbk,brown inc Ing stee e te -nt•w trans & radiator • · · t UK · .. •IWCICJf" II radla.1 tlres and mags. 'GS Mustanl(. pmed to . 1 •hi &' parnl, onl' owner. MUST •••••••• .. •••••• .. ••••• E$3981c/\ ••••••• ................ Wai:on Automalu· of NEW & US ED wrbcige top. Runs we (l8GA<G•1 . S499 •. sell. Call wknds onlv ~IJ .. n1•~r·b'r~·tk~•r1~••lusss·. SEE'~bt'976UJX I i6 Xl9, good rond Take _ ""· 49.t·SS-18 I 911 l v w s c· 1r ut'l'0 transmission. uir t·ond1 (.'hcvrolets: A'king_.bto. 760-0079 " ,, ,, fi44·20'l7 , ., v • ,, ~95 ·overpayments. '66 230SL. t·o mpl Dynamtll' pl:eltnum llonrni:.and 72.000mill'b ~ler tt25 Theodore Robins Ford. n crior i:ood Rt ds -·IJ.IN)9S6 restored. wire whls. 4 1· o up e s •peed Extra clean l752'fJD I -1• DiO llarbdr Blvd · Costa ·a; i:ood t•ond! ll cyk nu ;Hall A great deal ror A.AM -----spd. merh At. Sl4.000 1ransmii.st11n . ral'lor) S399S Jim Ma nno ••••••OAH~;··~··• Mt•su. 642-00 10 or l1res.sac·.musl~ell' merhan1t·orparti.•.ilh L11.RYSLER PLYMOUT .. '7l Spyder. 5 spd, stereo. Ql!Q.!40'86ll uir c·onihllonan.:. anti \'~kswai:cn.1142 2000 540-8211~ 96.1·840.S Musi sell all together 2020t Isl St .S A Ver)' good cond. SIGSO )Unroor 11,000 milt·~ '7G 26.'> DI. Wui:n DIUl' C.'JiflYSl.ER/PLYMOUTI . 19r~ Mustuni: l'OOI WO 5700. ma kc •1fr C:.i II 541-4471 847-0279 evcs '81380SL<.:. tl'Or~ .assunw 1.tkc n1•w. I BS ll 21i9 I SS•vl, Xlras. Gool Conti tl~:s Oil rshaon~ ~.retcowuayn· tr:.~es All new Besl orrcr !kis.51144 urt 7. JO pm tease S7.970. + ~4 puy r v .. ~ , PClftfioc 9965 1981FIAT mentsat$91.t 72.+l<ix $869!> Jim Marino $.5000.9792112 (i-1Ch\·~3~1on.Gdwork oldes t Chrys l e r / OPPOITUNITY 759-0097 '77,..+0StoW09 ........ ••••••••••••••• 5'1DEl2000 Res1d 1alue S22J140 \'olkswai:m.Sl2·2000 ·~\'ol~OWl(n.31.000mt. lrurkSI~~\.~ P1ymouthdeulerrorthl' ltnoeks olltn when you 00Mu:.lan.:289auto,PS. Ort\(') n1c-1.· Cll'an . '701...e Maru.Sta Wgn 350 Champagne editron All 759-0-l81 1980 \' W Sn run· o auto. xlnl 1·ond. Sll-I~ · B~ DEAL on your l.LW result·&ettlng Daily PB. radral ltn~lt. wrn· ,\ulu, ps, AC ltlt.·rt•o \' 8 Trlr Pkg S800 F'1rm options. sltll under fol'· WANTED. M nz4so SE!.. Dynarrnte Rr;wl bron/l' &l(}.SO'l:J titi l'hl'V). runll i:reat. NEW "81 or "82 Chrysler1 Pilot Classified Ads· to spok<'d hub1.·a1Js. x Int Sl995 004.7303 G-12 1989 • tory warranty. A MUST will trade m\· 1 97~,, sport 1.·oup1.·. Low mll\•s. ""'°5.U ed rronl end pl'ublt-m . Plyrmuthprodu<'IS! reach the Orange Coast rond. Best orrcr on~r ·ii Prnto N\'Wh l'allllt·d ~. 9970 SEE. Rol ls Rovi·t>· Sihi•r ;urrondilionini:.Sspecd 5 5-16-0318,BES'l'OF'l-'Elt. 0.1.HAAM market. $2500 751·5912 w/Nt"tN Stnp.l'i. Auto •••••••••••••••••••••u Sl995 Shadow E'x1'ell. rond transmtS)IOfl. and s.un Mdc ............. ,,.1•0• '75 M~-;, ht,·hbk. 5·spd. CHRYst.ER/Pl.YMO UTI Phone642'5678 ·6S Rest;~. Rbll lrans, truns . .\GK M1 Guo1I Trs, ·~TB orig S7 K S2.950 '68 SADllEIACllMW $36.000 ~alue roor <4507.SR > $7695 i:ood t·ond, Sl.SOO Call ar.!OE.lltSt .S.A m-weng ltrei. & patnl l'Jll Bob :-.. llv rn1·. TR76Kaulo$1.350 .3120.,0 9 J 1 m M a r 1 n ° ~ .................... ~, lllw'n5·8 PM .67!Hl83 541 •471 XlntSSOOOrbl>I 492·8021 6~60389 __ • " 4 5.4949 1&17\'~.LZI Call)60·8702 \'olkswagen. 842 2000 so Ltmrtt-d, xlnl t·ond. ps, _ _ -__ 49-1 JI~. ~Ult. 7S2·tilti5 , Ho.da 9727 MG 9742 '©°is \'W l1•rt & rll!hl pb. am rm i·ass. stcrl'o. Aalto1, Mew tlOO ......... Mew t Mtw tlOO Alltot, Mew tlOO Alltos, Mew tlOO Alltos, Mew tlOO ••••••••••••••,•••••••• door ... i3 le-fl tloor sso 1':'r~n~f~ ~01n toi>. nu ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1978 HONDA Arrord !) •••••••••••••••• .. ••••: • ·~ °"' ...,.. 1--------•I t'at·h West{'rn st~ Ir w hi . , speed transm1ss1on. air '"'.,..._,.TIO.... nms ror Supc•r Beetll' 71 Sk~ lark, xlnt {·ond l'Ond1t1onrng. stert>o "'"U'I "' S20e:L!>Ul97.t4 $1195 Pr11al\' part) I Very dean 1064U PR I MG 119 79 \'W R abbil tib1·8107 S39(!5 , Jim Marino TONONEWANUHSCO\'ER ~11amltet·ustom2door '72 ~:lel'lru Pwr G5K I Volkswa •en. IW2·2~ On M G w+wht f'its MG's. ·71.'81 \l it h 4 s P c• l' d II i • rt'\'n '80ACCORD . 1 , , transmlS)tOn Exira top 51000 63l 3054 I ~dr,30,68.5m1.$1.t9!) 1 . Ne\erused.S75 dean t lDM8066 1 Cociloc 9915 549-2120 631·0688 nlana 631·7797 l\'e ms.: 5 69 J ,1 1 4 5 em "a r1no ••••••••••••• .. ••••••••' "19 Honda Arrord, mint v~~~~.1:,·n.S-12·200<2 COHTEMPLATIMG ronil. 20.000 mi. Sspct. '79 MG MIDGET '72SQUAREBACK CADILLAC? xtras SS995 &12·7314 Clean. $4100 __ 962·ll229 Xlnl <'oocl. -t spd. reblt '81 Honda 4DR A,·cord 1"66 MG. New Paint. Tires. eng. fm stereo 1·ass. !l•ory Auto. Air, Battery, Regulator. Sl900.646-ll:l6 AMtFM Cass. Loaded I Generator, Staner. Wrr 1977 \'W Sl·tron·o Xtra Sharp! S8000 Mt er ing, Clul<'h. Throw·out D~nam11e sporl 1:ouµe 7PM 83.1-9751 Bearing. al't·elerater. with onl~ !IS.000 mtll'S 1 '81 HONDA PRELUDE Ta<" home I er. Spel'c1 spel'd transm1sston. air loaded w1 xtras IS,000 ometer. $175 Tune· UP i'Oodlllootnl(. and slt>rl'u mr $7900 644·1988 or S277 7. Best o rrrr <67!1SPGl $~995. Jim 64().-15?9 499-4722,497 5372 Manno \'olk swal(l'n '78 Honda C1\'il'. Hon· MGI 9744 Sl2·200> d '75 Rabbrt. i:reat ,·ond amat1c. ne11o• enl(1ne .......... ••••••••••••• M t 11 S2300 S3500 C-e 11 Br ~ a n 1979 MGB D~nam1te 'B' us se 675 2689 W11 spe<·talttr m leasri. for I he business t'X N'U1t\·e & prorl'sswnal LGrCJt Seledi0tt ·Of New 1912 Codilocs How IR Stock! NABER~ CADll .. LA""C ,, ( t ~''". llf.11 l •"'" '°""' <,.ll) 'II l 675-32.\2 roadster with only 21.000 •'81 Honda • 4·dr Cl\'IC'. miles. Stereo and wire 197 8 \' W ~AB B IT Late '78 &,>1·111\• Elej!anll'. At C 19k Mu st sell. wheels. Top <'ondit1on. D)11am1tet·ustom2door low mt. all opt ions, $6,950. pp. 5.'19·6086 (4776 131 S4995 . Jim w 1 1 h 4 s P e l' d ml'talh1· bron1e pl'rfrl'I 15 Honda Cl\'lc. Hatch. Marino \'olksw agen. transm1ssmn and stt>re~ i·ondition SIO.OOo. Call Onl,. ,8M Lk Nu 842·2000~ cassettl.'. Extra sharp. 7SS.SI09orJ40.226J , " tSiOL'JOl $3895. Jim -40M.PG. Same Owner '71 MGB. i:ood <·ond1t1on. ., ,. lk •79 ""--'"'--ood 61'2Yrs.$229S,645·5599 stereo.BestOffor "anno u swaiien. "'""'"' ---675·5145 1142·2000, _ Brougham, 30,000 mr ..... 9 730 ---'iO f'a.slba<'k. rcblt eni:. Sunroo< Sharp ex1·t·llenl •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• Opet 9746 trans; 1J1an} nu items. t'OO!litron. Must sm·rifi1·l' ---------1 ~··••••••••••••• .. •••• looks & runs xlnt. S2200 Bt'st orrer ovrr ,sg,ooo I .63 JAGUAR SEDAN 71Opel61'. new patnl nds 63l·S549 Mr. f<Jl!.nell,1 720-0425 .'IARK 11 some engme work. SIOOO -"~ t " or best olrl•r. I 9 7 7 V W R a b b 1 I '78 .,.,.,·1t1e. all xtras ! lo S3800 64~·3379 n. 8 1.a doo • nroor mi. xlnt! $9.150 631·3114 546·5967 after 6pm._ :'f' th ~ / ;ue e d am 8· 12. 673·4220 aft I· r.-Ghlo 9734 Pe.geot 9741 1ransm1ss1on Low mil e ~· _ I ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••• .. •••••••••••••••• and !'harp 1 t61SRX EI 66 Cad1llal'. xlnl 1·ond I '71 Karmann Ghia. Must I 982s 52995. Jim M ar1no BesloHcr 1 sell. mcll ing. $1500 OBO \'olkswai.:cn. 842·2000 751 5912 __ J.16211.'!:!._ ARE HERE! ·~\·anaj!on.4.s00m1.a11 '"'· .. u--... Come in and dri\'e lhl' xtras. naw le~i.. askmi: -os. >CV 9738 leading diesel! ,\\ arlJ SI0.000 CJll. lli5 ~ :••••••••••• .. ••••••••• ....................... hie ror 1mmt>d1atl' de I 9 i 9 \' W CJ m JJ {' r D~nam1te Sµrri l Con 1 •·rs1on P 27 Pop top \l1lh 27.000 mil es Just hke new t399 YHW > $8995 Jim Marino \'~k.swagcn. 8-12·2000. CAllLLAC CLWANCE .Mflff:/ WE'VE MOYEDI h\·ei; ! See why people are s wt1 1'h1 n J! t u Peugeot: BEACH IMPORTS 848 l>Me St reel NEWPORT BEACH SOUtfl CDllt DOOge w.-tts YoU tD IO.._ t'M wlnW In I grelt tit Of MW lldl Ind blndlnll. If vou·re one Of a. flrlt 10 customers to pUrthllt .,., ,.. Cir on sai, thtS weetcenc1 we·n • YoU ,. cetve I tet Of ROsslgnol sltls I SOie>- . man bfnolnos. FREE uncludlnt mount· Ing> frOm Ski & Sp0rtJ lncorp()f"*I. But tftats not all. Every car Ir\ stoctr ts on sale. This ac1 features Just a ,.. •••11*S -btlt there are many othen. on tOo Of our great savtnos wt also hive big fie. tort rtl>ateS Of $500 to $1000 ---on Just lbOUt ~ new car In stoctt. ._ _ _:::::....;.;;.if::;~~HiimiiiTtt=~~~~~~~-1~~~~.u,. . .n.~ like new . must st>ll! I ~i 9740 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •Ml,preftro llSed Mere.des toaHW ~iagetH7 C.Ompare House or Im ports D1ret•t lease and 60 mos. sensible pymts. D ia l 2 13 o r 714 MERCEDES IS 213 or 714 017 2333 _ 1972 MERCEDES BEN Z. Dynamite 2200 scdun wi th auto mati c transmission and air rondit1on1ng: Or1g1nal. Near new. (2159991. SS69S .·J i m Ma rino Vdkswagen, 842·2000 '70 MBZ 280SL. Xlnl cond. SU.800. Ph 714/446·~, 714-640· 7690 '79 300SD Turbo. Ant. Gray, w/Parrh. int lthr. snrf. am/rm rass. SOK mi. S23.900. Al'o ·so 3CMYI'B Stal. Wgn. bllt w/saddle Int Snrf, 3rd bll'k ant. •mlrm rass. llK mi, $23.500. Eves: 700.9-440. 1974 \'W Ghia C'on1 t>l11 ble ' 4 ltpe{'d transmission with 1 cry low mrles. ~:xtra sharp! A r e a I c· I a s s 1 1· ' llBE?..3251 $6995 Jrm :'-lanno \'olkswagen. S.t,2.200), '69 COHYERTllLE 53200 OBO 645·4'207 1981 \'W Diesel L Model 2 door Rabbit with 5 speed transm1ss1on. air condi· Uonmg and low miles! B cige 1 B eigC' llBUN5641 $6995. Jim Marino \'ol kswagl'n. s.t2·200l '66 VW BUS rebur It trans & eniiine. Good rond. Sl.700 080. Lea\'c message at 549·2077 or s~ at 8909 Adam~ .!L 8 '6:1 VW Tru{·k, new pa111t & int. 1835 rni: Best or Take over lease '81 911 SC rer. 646·4371 Por. 3K mi. fartory loaded. 1 588·~ '73 \'WSuper Beetle. Con· SACRIFICE. '78 928, 25K \'Cl1. 54750 mi. lmmarul atc. new __ •S7Ht~ lires, custom 6 speaker '72 Bus. Rblt Eng. New stereo, $19,850. MO·S628 p n t . A p h I & T r s . 1977 9115 Coupe. Ex· SUPER! $2450.646-_4474 rellent rood. SL6.900 PP. 71 VW Super Beetle, good 549-212D; 631-0688 cond.. rebll eng, sunrf, ,72 9 N I l h ooly S2100. 675-$491 Iv 14. ew cog. r u r . Blau ster, must see. make ofr Art 6p m ~- '64 Porsche Xlnt Cond. On gin al. ___ 998_ ·0564 --.... '755 n vw R11bbit, 40.000 ml. stereo, auto, $2495. 714~1-0471 ---- ~. -.•••................... '75 VW Custom Safari ramper. Ultra clean. Must see. Blut 11nd white. ~195. 646-11!!!._ lt29 repro. Merredea •'80LECAR • Roadster. stt 10 believe 13315 117,SCJ!.~p .64H3~ _ (714)642-6598 I '78 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD HOUGHAM (623ULA) s9995 1910 CADIU.AC B.DO llA.lllTZ (359zAx) '12,995 . . 1979 CADILLAC COUPE DIVILU (895W0V) s1795 lt7' CA.DH.UC B.DOIADO COMYllTllLI (357PPM) s9995 lt7t CA.OIL.UC SEDAM DIVILLI (:,84WQX) $8915 I t7t CADILLAC SIYW (1AKZ712) s111,a I tlO CMDILLAC COUPIDmUI (TT7ZM) s11,915 Off er IOCICI thru Monday, l·lHZ '75 450 SL Suptrb rond. • lefc• t7H Silver Bhae. IZl.500 _, .......... ,,, ..... , Pri'' Pty144 7211 • rn. .n-r. 1UWSLC. Milan Brown. l Eulll 11 .. ~. · Sacrifice-MUST SELL! Redured from 14.000 to S3.300 1970 Karmann Ghl1, orig. owner. Xlnl ~~V:1~: N~-~· l ReblillftlA. l2200· CA I •1• I • ~.j •• ml. Ma1a11lam ~ ..... perfect. Sit,•. __ _....:=-::.=----' ... --.L-.---------..~ •HARBOR BLVD . corrA lllSA 541-111 I• TOOURFlnT10~ ..,...,~~,.,~~~4'._..*'.,~ Not fNfJfV OOdoe cleater can °"" YoU thtll rtOates. bUt SOUth coast DOdlt can-ano we're swetttf\lng the dlll With big dltCOunts ano a set Of stls MO bind- ings to our ftrst 10 t>uven. Plus-wt'll haOPllY arranot ftnandnt fOr QUaltfled bUYfn. SO hUrTV Into SOUth COllt DOdlt tNI ~ fOr rebatel, big CllCOUnCI .. If VOU'rt one Of tht first 10 buYlrt-I Dr1"CI new set Of stlS anG blndfn91. But hurTV-tnlS Offer endS dOll Of IMlnl9 SUncllY. ......... -. .-.................... . ........ -... _._. ... ._.,., .. ,.._ .... ... - 'U WlndlallllMr Ram • ... 'l.172.00 ~•8.981. DO=-........ .-.•. You save '890. 001 or only 'tls.111 ... TOTll DOW11 'l.000 -•.101.• •catt .. ....... • ""'-........ 11:' ~.,tu.••=--~-·-.. YOU SM '9S2. "I or only ---·-.. y:~~S7."I '•·''-· __ ,,_ --·-· Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 17, 1912 JOl.N·.IN THE · FUN! OF -TM6 4th ·ANNtJAt. • JANUAR.Y 22-29 I Presented by the 552 Club of Hoap Memorial Hospital Presbyterian with the help o more than 300 community volunteers. Net proceeds of all Clambake Week events benef It the hospital. Thr~h previous Clambake Weeks, the 552 Club has rau1ed-more than $350,000 for the benefit of the patients of Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian. Projects supported Include an Intensive Care Unit for the critically Ill, a Dialysis Unit for patients with kidney failure and sophlsttcated equipment for the treatment of cancer. f Here':_s How You Can. Have Flan-and Hel,p Hoag Hosp~tal! . 1 .. ..-1. '. Saturday, January 23 d ~ Monday , January 25 _ · .. ... -... - , • .. . ~~ fj'-• '-Coed Fourth Annual ~ RUN ~~!·.HOAG ~~ Marrio!~~~!t!!?AST . Join 2,500 runners on this fast, certified course. over 90% of it on the San Diego Creek Bike trail in Irvine. The runs start at 9:00 a.m., with check-in from 8:00 to 8:45 a.m. at the Fluor Corporation recreation center on Carlson between Campus and Michelson In Irvine. There are divisions for men, women, boys and girls -20 in all -with several trophies for each division. ENTRY FEES: $8 includes T-shirt. $4 without T-shirt, by January 18 DAY OF RACE ENTRY FEE: $10 with T-shirt, $5 without T-shirt. Entries received by January 18 are eligible for additional special prize drawings. Late entries will be taken 8:00 a.m. on race day. For information call: John Blair, Race Director, (714) 96&-0556 or (714) 760-5917. The Runs are sponsored by California First Barik and KEZV . . Saturday, January 23 Join the first-ever This newest Clambake Week event will be staged In con- junction with the Run for Hoag, but In much less strenuous style. Strike a blow against over-exertion by en- joying a no-sweat 1.2 mile walk -just enough to whet your appetit• for the special .. · AWARDS BRUNCH for all Walk participants at the Irvine Coast Country Club. Check in at Irvine Coast Country Club 7:15 a.m. sharp, Saturday, January 23. Buses will take you to the Walk site and return you to the country club for the special brunch. Good modest exercise -good fellowship -good cause. And prizes, too! ENTRY FEE (includes-cocktails and brunch): $50 per person $75 per couple For information and reservations call (714) 760-5917 The Walk is sponsored by California First Bank I CARPENTER Former State Senator Dennis Carpenter will have the questionable pleasure of being crisply roasted -and possibly liqhtty toasted -by public figures from 9overn- ment, politics, sports, the law and the community. Directing the laugh-packed affair will be Paul "Emcee" Salata. Salata's corps of sharp-tongued critics and ·com- mentators includes Joey Bishop, Justice Robert Gardner. George Hoak II, Jim Fregosi, Supervisor Tom Riley, Mayor Jackie Heather, Congressman Robert Badham Senator John Schmitz, Or. Tom Doan, Stuart· Spencer' and Or. Sammy Lee, along with others. In addition to his service in the California Senate. Carpenter has been active in local, state and national politics. He was chairman of the Republican State Central Committee and of the Republican Central Committee of Orange County. Currently he is the legislative advocate for the County of Orange, a lawyer and a cattl• rancher. He is an FBI agent, a UCLA law school graduate and a self-styled "Immigrant" from Minnesota. "As a roast target. Carpenter is hard to miss," according to Salata and his crew. An added feature will include the dedication of Hoag Hospi~'s non-existant 13th Floor to Ken and Bob. KABC radio talk show hosts. Cocktails: 5:52 p.m. Dinner: 7:00 p.m. $150 per couple $75 per person Seating limited to 500 For information o r reservations, call (71 4) 760-5917 ~ '. Friday, January 22 ~ ~ at the hilarious O" . ~ HOAG HACKER .HIJINX ' One hundred brave and foolish folks will tee off in the wacky and frustrating 9-hole "golf tournament" to be played on the short course at the Newporter Inn, starting at 1 p.m. All of the holes have been specially developed to produce hilarity and trouble as the would-be golfers try to tee off from mattresses. shoot with a sling shot, combine golf with frisbee. overcome some devilish-devices and generally muddle through a harrowing but happy atternoon. The field of participants is full, but you might want to look in on some lunacy undertaken in the name of golf and in the good cause of helping Hoag Hospital. c~ Thursday, January 28 and Friday, January 29 ~~ 8th Annual CROSBY SOUTHERN PllO-AM GOLF .TOURNAMENT Irvine Coast Country Club -Gallery Admission $2 The only Orange County tournament for touring PGA golfers in 1982! .. r Here's your chance to aee and follow some of the players you'li be watching on your TV screen during the pro tour the next few months. You'll see some of the leading pro goH money winners of tomorrow along with some of the tour veterans. Seventeen of the top eo money winners In 1981 and 30 of the top 100 are alumni of the 552 Club's Crosby-Southern. Seventy-two pros will team with 72 amateurs from Southern California clubs In this two-dmy event The proe will be competing for a purse of $25,000. Fonner Croeby Southern players who ranked high In the officlal 1981 winnings list included: Gii Morgan, Fuzzy Zoeller, Keith Fergus, l.on Hinkle, Tom Purtzer, Ed Fiori Md Pe'8r Ooetemuis. Oolterttule lllJd Al Gelberger played In last year's Crosby • Southern. Otheri from put Crosby S6uthern1 wtM> have made namn for themMlves on the tour Include: Tommy Valentine, 0 . A. WeibrtnQ, Dan Halldoreon, Peter Jacobeen, Fm Conner, Greg Powere, Tom Jenkins, Mark Lye, Don Poole, Vince Haefrer, Bruce Fletlher, Bob ~twood, Pete Brown, Daw Elchel~rg•!· •nd EJobby Welzel,•- STARTING TIME: 7:30 a.m. GALLERY ADMISSION: S2 A special thanks from the 55~ Club to our CROSBY SOUTHERN SPONSORS TOURNAMENT SPONSORS: George.Argyros, Amel Management Co. 0 . J. Bentley, Bentley Laboratories John Curci, Curci-Turner Co. First Interstate Bank J. R. Fluor, Fluor Corporation Bob Gray St. John Knits Barry Hadamore, San/Bar Corporation · Charles Hester, Hester OeveloJ?ment George and Gloria Ryan and Mrs. Rose Delaney CORPORATE SPONSORS: Ai real Airport Business Center Allegan Pharmaceuticals The Alison Company American State Bank AmWlllt, Inc. .. . Arco Performance Chemicals Company, Inc. Armor-All Products Arthur Andersen & Company Avco Financial Services, Inc. Balboa Bay Club Bank of Newport Beckman lneturments, Inc. Cal Fed EnterprlMI Cannell & Chaffin Commercial lnterlore, Inc. Computer Automation Cummins & White Ernst & Whlnner First American Trust Company Maynard Franklin The Irvine Company John 0 . Lusk & Son Mercury Savings and Loan Association Morgan, Olmstead, Kennedy & Gardner. Inc. Wright Investors· Service Nabers Cadillac National Education Corporation O'Metveny & Myers Pacific Mutual ,c. L. Peek Contractors San Diego Federal Savings and Loan Smith International Shur-lock Wlllametta K. Day Foundation Wisdom Import Sales Company, Inc. Arthur Young & Company IPKIAL PRIZE IPONIORI: Hoi.tn-onee:. Smith Family Tate Cadlll.c Mr. a.tee Flsht>Kk This page is presented as a community service message by the Orange Coast Daily Pilot. ' 1, ·~. • • • . • I MOM 5.0dD OUR DINNER WON'T SE · READY FOR A FEW MINUTE5 .•.. • SUNDAY, JA0 NUAIY 17. "" • 11 cunt "" -· ---~ ------------------- NANCY l ' H0PE AUNT MARiHA c7ET5 THIS VA'5E IN TIME FOR HER BIRTHDAY .. )T TOOK ME THREE ~OURS TO PACK THIS CAREFULLY SO IT WOULDN'T BREAK , . YllR llllTDll 11.llY PIPER 60 Ai-tEAD, AND START .. DON'T WAIT FOR US! ..... -------- By Ernie Bushmiller I WRAPPED THE VASE tN COTTON, SHREDDED PAPER ~--__, AND EXCELSIOR \ DENNIS THE MENACE flllll..!~..-----------"""""----~ THAT'5eETT~R!THECHANGE5 AAE ON PAGE512 AND 1~.' ~~ ' • , WEMADE.rT L.I K~ ')Ot.J ON ' PURPt::JSE ~)OJ WS<E GO NICE: TO ' Ht:=LP lE! IMAGINE ••• · T~E FIR~T ~006£ PET ONiHE MOON -. By Hank Ketcham AVALANCHE 16.A BIG BUDGET PICTURE! IF I CAN HELP IT, WE'RE NOT HAVIN G OVERRUN S.' I WANT YOU TO KNOW YOUR . LINES WHEN YOU 0 0 ON THE5ETfr:-.~~--,,-<:-<- <l<J <I THE GUARD AT THE FRONT C?ATE 5HOULD e,e Ae.LE TO 0ET ME A CAB.' T----' i • ~ .... ,..,.,,,...., ..... "'' MOON MULL-INS -~MUST kE'EP l~E" -V-FUSL.-15 .VSRY: rH~~MOSTAT ON LOW! EXP NSIVE, FOLKS! ,__""'r~-? • (; AN'~ WON'-( CHARS!! YA exi-RA, &V&N "'f"HOUC9H 1-r 15 A Wl!!!H<- 1!5NP CA'-1-/ . l t .. .... . . . . . .. . .. ..... HOW ABOOT 1HAf~ HE 60i IT~ 1HE ARST 'TR(,)! _J[_ ~ \-SoMETJ..lfN<5 AMISS? PPN'"T'" PAt--1 IC, GANG/ ·- • . r . . . : J J AWAKe, E'A ~'I ffflLJWER' '7EAF{!'1"15 PA •1& PA'I! a a Al;AS,'-fls-fi16H "'flME 'ti?USE E'l.JRSI fofrr» FROM Yf:R COCOOl\J ArJ' SOARS! 'IE:.AH • N'vrwQ '1"MOUGMT 'I WOULD N'E;D GL.AS~ES.' 'tOl.J LOOK LIKE 'rot-' L05"T' y~ PET ROCK, .JC)HN! SOMETHING-WRONGr YOU'O &e ~R~tSEP HOW OFTEN rT WORKS/ I _, ¥t:S110V'A'I, A?~ t7A R>IS111ME I Ail.OM; VOLJSE 10 eN"tl!R A SAL.OON w1:.r-Me1 . .. t " .. . j . . . . • . . ... .. . ·~ . --.. ~QOU TAUsT YOUa IYES? TMn ere at IMtt six differ· etcei.I• drawtnt details Mtwalft '9p _..,...... P9Mls. How qui~ un yo., find them? a.cl&•• art wltll thole below. ·&.11n1w I! u-s 't 111*1' It pue tJ•>S 'J ·1ueJell'P ••• t.IOOI ., ·&.11n 1w ,, ._~>Od t ·&.11n 1w 11 •11 a3 ·c 'Jell_. •t MJJ. ·1 :sa>ue••1110 ~OR SAV\NG-M'/ ~ · ti1FE.,SA\D \t-\E. P.\f\0\C, BUNN'{- ~ . .: I WILL - G'VE. YOU M'{ TAIL! .. fmDFr~ ® -------------by Hal Kaufman----~----~- • WILL VIRSEDt "Ttn thousand •Y" _.,,on hhn H he rubbed his ..... with dirt, five thouwnd tontues ••uded when he wiped them on his shirt ... ".,.. ws that? P.S.: Hetalled6n~clutch. CUTTING CARDS WtTHMAGtCI ,.tllllitt•AM•) .. e Name Gamel Untcramble letters of tlP of the following to,,oduce a famous name In MWtk: l. Art Zom. 2. BertCulh. J. Chin Po.'· Stu Sert. tlMll' t .,..,,...) C ,...,_.,. C t,.NW I e Sum F•I T• ten, douMe II, •M ..._. left. Answw wUI Ill eltfd, H you do tt rflM. New It that? Notw..-lftt. -116'• UUOI 01 ........ lll!ttlil ~~IS e Nature Study! Why does• glr•f .. heve tuch • long nectt? e.c:euse Its head Is so f• from ttl body. Why are elophents gray? So you can ,.II .._.. from bluebirds. Who taught laughing hyenas to laugh? Their grlnp..-ents. Shuffle a deck of cards and place It on a flat ~urface. Now. assert that you w111 stick a knife Into the side of the deck and name the card at the point of In· sertion. RUNNERS UPI Md the foUowlnt colors nNtly to complete "'4t . lc• .... Nnt scene •bov1: 1-Aed. 2-Lt. blue. 3-Yellow. •-Lt.Jw'OW". S-Flesh . ._Lt. purple. 7-Dk. brown. I-~. fMH'pl•. Y04J thrust the knife Into the deck and name • card. Sure enough, when the up· per cards of the stack are removed, you've named the card .. How It's done: The knife blade Is shiny. When Inserted, It is tilted slightly and serves as· a mirror to reflect the Identity of the card above It. SPElLBINQER . --..-- scoa E 10 points tor using eM tM lettttl In the 1word below to ftrf'lt ----+--~­. tw comptefe words: CUIATURE • LET'S FACE ITt Two of our 0.pper O.n 'rtends aboYt look enough •like to bet twins. Which two? You decide. OK., t:ETS PRE:'n:ND 1fiE. UJHlTE HAT lS A~ HAT 1 ···ONE DAY, f\ WHITE MAGIC... BUNNY Wf\$ Df\UGHT IN A HUNIERS ~ :T'RRP-AND A , ~ LITTLCQIRL Cf\Ll.ED EL\'ZASE1H ~ Cf\ME RlONG AND $&T HIM FREE.1 ... AND WHAT DO '/OUIHINK SHE WISHE.D FOR'? ,..__~ \ • 1"A1'~ N01 'Zull"tN\,1'~A1'1~. A4!>f Ai~C,uS W\1~ \\OU~AM~\4'f. u" 0'°'··· A~f'ARWJS MA~ ~vlE.. ME. (.,M:, -- \GORDO SHOE :%.~ONE crrv DWei-J.ER. WHO'D 8E A . ~?IT~~NeW~T • A UTTt-.E ®iWl'ZATla.J CAN ACCOMPLI~. ,. ~ ~ "~"l.OPE.'1 V~1'0E.~ '? ~ '40U U\(E.. UM... ~CA\.LOPEO ~1'0E.S? NOf iULl..'( I \ ~- RAVIN€1 MANIAC IF I DIOJ.JIT - &or ,1 ·~ o"~~ ... · 'tOu 60 ~~~~O ANO f,~1'1 t'~L. J~1' ~rr \lE.ttf. ~NO , "~V& ~Mt 6REAO. Hl . ~ W!.L\... ••. 11'~ J\J,1' 1'"A1' l'M t.lO'f 'RA1..~ A60U'f r•S" IN C,tNtlAL. &ur '1\tA1"'~~·---t ,..__...~...._.. .AL.\... l\(,'41°! l'LL .kJS'r MA~&~ o~ 1'"\~ %U''"lNI ~ · 'lOO t>o~' 1 ~M'V£N 10 ~~\Je. W~O\.£. \0~£ ~:f, 00 '40V ? Gus Arriola - January 17, 1982 DailJPillt 1 t I I . i 511111119 qulllOll, •I ... ID "Alil.ff F~ ~. 141 l..._. Aw ..... M . IC.Y. 10022 ... r-y IS IDr pulllllllCI QllHlllM. Sorry. .. ta11't -011erS FOR MARY ROSE OAKAR, Con!J' ... woman (D-Ohlo) What .. the ....... problem ..... the ~ ..,._? -D.G .• e.. Clin, Wile. • Clearty, the greatest burden on our eelderiy popuJation Is Inadequate income. Older Americans are among the poorest --.. people In our country. The average older • woman llwS on S2900 per year. while the average older maa lives on $4100 Age-old probkm offects.elderlv. per year. If an adequate income were provided for our older Ainericani ffiey could purchase needed servica such as health care. housing and food. Dependency on Federal programs would be substantially deaeased. We must begin to realize that the contributions made by our OICier Amiii:ans have provided the broad base for important pr<>!PfTlS such as Social ~· FOR COUEEN CAMP, 11ar of They All Laughed Is It tn1e th.t poc1 ta.cl the nerve to compare younelf to s.iah Bernhardt? -8.G., Alger. Ohio _e Yes. in my private Ufe. She once said that the men she was Involved with were responsible for her~ notices because she was so busy thinking about them she didn't concentrate on her work. Same thing with me. When I fall in love. my work suffers. When I was trying for They All Laughed. I avoided all men. FOR PAUL WESTPHAL. basM1ba11 star Would .... ..cl ..,_.. baMlt from a shorter N.B.A. .....,...? -P.R .• ~ Beach, Calif. --e-Thenr trnareaitdc-weyto cut1h~season. ~fant-. teem k> enjoy the length ol the season and the players and~ are locked into an 821JmM sc:hed-ate. But die pl&ycAfw me IUO ipiead out. A could be uved by playing every other day durtng the playoffs Instead ol one or two times a week. FOR.JOYCE REBETA.alJRDITT. 'author of Trtpleta What do poc1 remember moet about youl' contacts with wWN-durlnt ,._. hlbUn •a lV network m · due? -N . .J., l..aMlnt. Mich. • Wdh a few exceptions. I found them very profes· • slonal. Fame is ephemeral and you're only as good as your last sU«ess. Most people in 1V work very hard at what they do. If they don't, you won't see them for very long. FROM 1HE •ASK" EDITOR Hey Jude -get ready for the second wave. Zak Starr and .ilullan Lennon. sons of former Beada Ringo Starr and the late John l.enDoft, are forming a SJOup. But Hndw ~ 18, daughter of ex-Beatie hul McC.rtney and his second wife. l.Jnda, plans to be a chip off her mother's block, noc her fmher's. Into ~y. not music. she won a top prize In a photographic Jullan-Unnon: In Dad's image: printing contest. . . . Not wanting to bother someone else with something she can do herself. actress .Julle tt.nt. sometimes Irons her own costumes .... Baseball Com~ Bowte Kulm recently saw The First, Broadway's musical tribute to .Mdde Roblnlon. and spoke of the 25th anniversary of Robinson's entrance as the first black into the major leagues (''We honored him. a rare thing for us to do"). Kuhn also likes to recall how easily he could step into the sq.r Infielder's shoes: "Quick.footed Jackie. so devaslad:ng on the fieJd. and I, not so devastat1n9, took the same size. I could not believe that this swift man and I both were 13-0." At the same per· fonnance. Larry Doblr. "the Second". (he followed Jackie Into the majors). found pans of the show unr(Ull: "I can't remember anyone ever singing and dancing on the field or in the locker rooms." he said .... The Reagans don't seem to have any problem obtaining expensive ~Ina . but paintings are another story. Cle- mart E. Conger. curator at the White House, says 1hat whtte the quality otthl!'Whtte HoCBe 'art colledion is fine, the quantity is lacking -over 120 paintings are on loan from 18 major museums and art galleries. you on ee as t oU9h yoG ve an · ed enough over to Un~ Sam, Mr. Conger Is looking Kuhn for gifts of fine paintings. especially of the American West (and folks -those donations to the First Family are, of course. tax-deductible ) .... Victor Borge and Jan Pe«rec met at a party. ''I'm glad to see you." said tenor Peerce. Replied comic Borge. "I'm glad to see." . .. When John F. Lehman Jr., 65th Secretary of the Navy. got back from Cambridge Unl\leslty In England. ln 1967. his father lamented that he had ''returned every other Inch a gentleman.'' . . .. Rona ,,..., new novel. Maus and Monsters. will be a CBS m.1Jl5r movie next fall . The cast will be talented unlo \)WT\I. PRO 5-ator .Jeremiah A. o.nton (R. -Alabama). mernba. Judkiary Committee PRO AnD con CON Mkhael ............ ~. coordMtor, Antl·Capi· t4I Punishment PJowam, Fcllowshlp of R«otldlldon Society measures the gravity of a atme by the severity of the punish- ment. Ufe Is our most precious posMssjon. and It ls appropriate • that the ultimate penalty be lmpos· · ed for cold-blooded murder. Cap~ punishment should not be lmpo$ed wlhout due conllderatlon of al the facts In a perticular caM. but It should be available as an option to the courts. As a ct.terrent It should hang over the head ol anyone~ the takJng of Innocent life. Should All Stata Haue a Death Penalty Jar Murder? ........... ~ ..................... ,c..·~~ "'~-...... , -.............. ...... The· death penalty Is an Ineffective and Inappropriate response to the serious problem of crime. lbere is no conclusive evidence that execu- tions drcr airne.Statcs that have 'abolisijld capital punishment tend to have the lowat homldde reta. In those states with the death penalty, It ii often applied unfalrfy and mbitr•lly. M- ing human. beirlgl far their atma ii an Immoral. ber- bat1c pracdce that lhould be abandoned In favor of more ef*;ttw nonviolent sanctions . C 1m FAMllY WEEKU'. Al rtgflt9 ......._ fAMllY WHKLY ORDUCARD • • • • • • •+• • • • • • • lJJlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllJJ 115¢ SAVE 75¢ 15¢1 ----------§ Choose any L&M, Lark or Chesterfield brand § E and save 75¢ on your next carton purchase. ~ E75¢ STORECOUPON 2 2491706 75¢~ rT1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111f11 Chasing~the 8 ues On Hill St1eet --Thanb to a record 21 Emmy nomlnatfona and a new time •lot, Hllf Street Blues la In the pink. And Its most fetching feature, ~lea Hamel, couldn't feel rosier. • A.. • ffiatk Good serious ratings game. ~ man What other matters? For openers, areas. says Veronica Hamel. the dark and L ife is hmd at the Hill Street sta-beckonslg beauty who an as at- tk>n house. Captain Fur111o has tomey Joyce Davenport, 'We started to run the most savage _metro-last year in the coffin slot on Saturday polltan police precinct Im-night, and wound up running In 6ve aglrlBble while fteldlng his ex-wtfe's different slots over four different Mmoriy demands and carrying on a nights. Even I had a hard time ftnding teaet relationshtp With a stunning It. So NBC almost sabotaged the Says Hamel: '"The ratings never bothered me -I just assumed they'd pick up. After all, we're at- tracting people who don'tnonnal- ly watch TV. But now I feel • the Daniel J. Tl"OllGnd and /Mnd ~ t tinging tlN! blues when he carried off the 1981 Emmv for bat actor. iady lawyer. A black cop must go Into show before we got off the ground. the ghetto streets with a 'somcrwhat Then we had to•weather two strikes red-necked white partner. The stobd on top of it·all. I had the cast over to desk sergeant proves to be a little rny house during one of the sb1kes to shaky on the personal side -he keep the camaraderie going -to recently romanced both a teen-ager k~ the famUy together." and a police widow, who also had The series wound up last season eyes for the precinct's maximum-force 88th In the Nielsen ratings out of the SWAT lieutenant. 120 top programs. But then things And If all that doesn't keep things at began to change. Hiii Stn~ started a steady boil , there's a ratty, half-mad this season with a record 21 Emmy 1tttle undercover cop who strikes more nominations and eight awards under tenor along Hill Street than the most Its gun belt. as wd as a &egltimate late- desperate gang of muggers. evening Thursday time slot to atlfact These.-e&ement&-of naked-reelism,-viewers. Wlhln "weeks after Its faB shadowy surreaJlsm and harsh black premier, the show gained TV'"S most comedy have conspired with a few coveted watermark -a 30 audience ocher matters to make life hard fOf share -and even broke Into the top NBC's HUI Street Blua in TV's.deadly 10 tistingt In some metropolitan In 1981. Mr Ct11e«r peoldng, Hamel(~} lla1Nd In ValeY of the Dols. 4 • ,,,,,,._., WIPL't, ~ 17, - show will go -It's my love .'' Everyone Involved speaks of Hill Street 8lua as a labor of love -or at least an intensely serious aaft. Soys Steve Bochco, who with partner Michael· KozoU writes and _produces the show, "Ewrybody. especially Fred Silverman (recently deposed presi- dent of NBC), knew It had potential to be a special show. In fact . It was reaUy Silverman who wanted If; Mkhael and I dkfn 't want to do another cop show. So we exacted a e!!>mise from NBC -for iil 1il0rdinate amount of freedom from Interference. "It was a 5'nOOth lift-off," Bochco muses, "but we had problems really getting off the ground. Ant we had to find an audience, and we dkf a lot of experimenting the first season to find our !imitations, the balance of comedy an<1 drama. NBC fouled up right from the start. They promoted the show as a comedy, and the media hooked Into that. We and NBC then had to spend too much time just explaining what we~." What wu It? To begin with , Hl/1 Snet w• strong stuff that audiences found hard to take. After all. molt evening Wwers had jult wMched the very grtm realities portrayed on the 6 o'clock news. Hill Street entertains, all right, but Its stark realism also rubs raw spotJ. Often, Hiii Street ls just too doN fOf comfort, which is surely one fUIOn why It wound up last IPIOn IO low In the ratlngl, while a hannlal new family lilcom dded Too CbN for Comfort glided into the top 10. I Of course, it must be remembered that M "A "Si-I began 10 years ago with some of the same protMems (It is both a comedy and drama; It, too, can rub raw spots). and Its ground- work was 1akf by a hit movie. Hill Strtti is surmounting Its dtfflculda In much the same way: superior writing coupled With thoroughgoing character interaction and development. With 15 basic characters. that Is no small task. Fortunately, _Hiii Street ~-Lcart; dy cast. There ls veteran Michael Conrad as the lllver-tongued serge.ant with · an • eye for the ladies; there are now two al-pro picks from the celebrity-athlete ranks: Mike Warren, former basketball captain of the national-champion U.C.L.A. Bruins, as the beleaguered black cop, and Street's' newest patrolman, ex- Cornell and Minnesota Viking football-star Ed Marinaro. And for sheer b&ack-<:omedy beguilement, no other show has anything to quite match Bruce Wekz'1 demon~ lnjer- pretation of a Serpico-style under- cover cop. · ·. There ls no question, though. that the show's molt fetching falure Is Veronica Hamel and the fttful ro- mance her lady lawyer can1a on wtth Captain Frank FurtJJo (Demel J. Tra- vantl). Hamejl a former model (both her agent ano publicist da!rn not to know her age). feJI into her role as Joyce Davenport· by nur-hystertcal acddent. "I was on the roed In a ~pro­ dUdlon ol The Ralnmalcer," she recalk over a brief contmillary lunch (condnued on poge 71 "WRITE YOUR OWN REFUND CHECK UP TO $1.00'' ._ ... "" __ , .... ___ ._,..,.,_ .. _.....,_, ..... ----.... -................. , ...... _.°""""''c--..01_ .... __ t«"DPCllf'lll rfn..lll!f'CSlll!IO\t -,.,.~....,,..... ... ~"'°'-......... ,,,QJCIP'Ol..-ct(."f"° -........ JlllC'"' ....... "*~ ............ Cot#'l ...... tllttO .. ...c,..,,._~,... .... Ol.,.,,,..,_,.(MC' ..... Ol «llt .... ~t C.-~llOl"t .................. Ol.lt-f'I09f '-..amt o~·..,. S _ towata""~f'IO'WD'U ~~~• O'Qll"IGll,.,c!IOI ~ •tu.tk\SIOO) NAME----------------- ~SS ----------------CIT'f _________ tAll _l1P ___ _ I -• -------~ .... ,,,.-.-oun C"0'•--)1 ,.., 0000 .... -. ... -_ .. _ .. ---.. s•oo ... ...., .. _ • .._,_ SAVE 20C lti.t-.... .., .... :ioc_ 1c..,_,_ .. ...,.,_, .... .... ..__..~ ............. =~-=~~ c.., __ ,,_.,.,.._ ...... ___ .,..,._ ·---.. ....._, ...... """""'----·- _ .......,,.,,_ .. _. .. ,..,.,~"""""Mor'!~ ---........ --eo...-·-...... . _., ... ""'_ .. _ --·....---=~-''°°'"""- STORE COUPON 2oc __________ 2~ SAVE 20C On 2 Packages ot llAY'lt'CHILDREN'S CHEWABLE ASPIRIN -..-...: •Bo-__ ..,_,.,. _ ,.......,.._-._" ___ _ ... ,....... .. ~ ....... _., ____ ,.,__ ·-·-lca•1M>f .. c-.--1'-'""-...... ___ .. __ :::;:=..."":'~= I l't -· 111 .. t 1111 .. Ullf'•f ,_._, lle_,O WWOCH~~----·· ,..., '"""'' """"' .. '~ --...... a..........,. ... ~ ... .-.e..... ............ <llllllOt ._._..,_ ,,.~ ..... ............ ~ft ..... fW'O:l"Ofl -Cm•-''°"'--""""""' ·v~• STORE COUPON You and I don't know each other. But rd like to Today-eight years later-I have total assets in sharcsomethingwithyoutbatbaschangedmylifc. excess of six million dollars. And a personal net Totally. And I believe it could chanae yours. too. wonh of over two million doUan. Fint. let's set the record straight. I'm not an ..r ttiave the usual trappinp_. beautiful ~tatc. advcrti5ing writer. rm a JS year old business man cars,propeny ... and time. Lotsoftime. I lovetogo living in Dubuque. Iowa. And. rm not a genius. In to my office on Monday, wrap thinp up by Mon- fact. rm a 9th grade dropout. • day evening and then hop the commuter flight to But I am a self-made multimillionaire. And. O'Hare on Tuesday morning. Fram there I some- surprisinsly, I've made most ofitduringthecurrent times fly to the Bahamas or Acapulcooranyoncof •hard times." a dozen places for the rest of the week. Another thing. What I'm going to show you isn't My method is perfectly lepJ and moral. It's not somekindof<tget-rich-quick"scheme. ldidn'tmakc . complicated. my money by putting ads in magazines or giving But most impon.antJy, it actually works. It's people financial advice. No way. broughtmcasmuchasSI00,000.00inoneday. My I can just about read your mind right now .. ·. bank or accountant will verify this. "Okay, ifhe'ssowell heelcdwhyshould he share his My unique method has even amazed the press. secrets with me'r 7ht Muskogtt Sunday Photnix and TtmtJ· . My response is .. "Why not'r CNmocrat said ... It's crazy that a high school drO]>- First of all. rve already made enough money to· out would make this much money: retire for the rest of my life. _ The CNs Moints Sunday Rqisttr said. '"His Secondly, my method is so unique and "loc.ar in story is remarkable ... he's wonh two million in castt nature that I won't be competing with you ... nor and Jtis income approaches S200.000.00annually." you with me. Consider these facts: . Thirdly. ri:n gro"'!_ng weary t(reading adver-. ~oworkleng-heW'Stosueeeed. I hng me l'IDW to ghnch" wnttcn by rarely spend over I S1tours a week at my offJCC. people who · · · . . • You don't need ""money" to begin. Remember. I a. never really earned a million dollars them-started when I was dead broke. . selves. or · · · . • My method doesn't require "good times." I made b. had a lot of money 1.n the first ~lace. the bulk of my income during the c\Jrrcnt shaky So. what would 7ou do if you WCf'.C m my sh~? economic conditions. Cf1:anccs ~~. Y.ou d probably do Just ~hat I m • It doesn't requin: living in a large city such as New ~omg. Wait untaJ you had comple!-e financial sccur--· ~ ~ # York or Chicago. I still live in Dubuque. ny-t~n s~ you.r method With othe~. That's Iowa. why I ye pnnted this message here and m other • You don't need a formal education or special magannes. • training. I left school in the 9th grade. And I :ro dem!lnstratc how my method w~rks. Im never went back. going to gave you some. ~cry embarrassing facts • Youdon"tncedtobcoldorexperienccd. Jstarted about my background. Its tmponant that you have when I was 27. them. When I was eight years old my father became ill and could not work. Wewerclivingin Dubuqucon government surplus food . By the time I entered 9th grade I was going to school during the day and working nights. One afternoon I fell aslccp during class. The teacher demanded that I copy the Decla- ration of Independence l 00 times. I felt the punish- ment unfairsoJ refused . I was expelled frqmschool in the ninth grade. I found work as an apprentice in a local f urniturc factory at S 1.86-per hour. Within the next few years I was married. divorced. depressed. and flat broke. That was the fall of 1973. But during the next 18 months-with the help of my brother. Bill. and another friend -my life was changed. Utterly. Perhaps you think your current debts or low salary will hold you back. Not at all. I can show you how to overcome that problem, too. What 111 send you isn't textbook theory. I'm going to send you a -step-by-step plan. Facts and methods you can use . I'll show you precisely how to begin. I guarantee it. Here arc some actual notarized statements from some of the friends and neighbors that I've already helped. Please remember. t~ arc sworn afftdavits in my attorney's off a ... not theory. but fact . '" ... I've used Ted's methods. And I increased my net wonh by S45.000 in four months ... Ralph Rollina. Manchester. Iowa '"Ted netted S 100.000.00 for him and me iii just o day." Gene Sullivan. Muskogee. Oklahoma ..With Ted's advice we purchased S200.000 in real estate in three years without~using one dime of m)I own money. Also. thanks to Ted I've been able t avoid (legally) paying any income tatc fot the three years." _ Rick Glanz. Dubuque. lo To prove that I'm right. I'm not even asking yo to send me·moncy. Instead. postdat~ a check days in advance-a full month. Obviously, it's n money. 8tlt it is a token of your sincerity. An act faith . noi in me-but in yourself ... and in yo future. I'll send you all of my staning materials imme- diately. If you decide to return my materials, f1 · send you back your check . • . your .original uncashcd check . And nl send it within thrft working days ... no conditions ... no dela)'5 ... n hassles. I guarantee it. My bank and bus~ references arc listed on this page. Here's JUSI a sample of what you'JJ learn-. - • How to eliminate completely your Federal and State income tax liability. • How to purchase income producing propenia with absolutely NO DOWN PAYMENT. • How to buy duplexes and triplexes without an} cash -not a cent. • How to buy properties and have the prcyio owner pay you for them. · • How to find propenies you can purchase-a· gain with no cash-:-for only one-third thci1 nonnal market value. • And much more. -Again I promise and guarantee not to dep~i your check for 30days. This gives you plentyoftim• to examine my program AT ~O RISK TO YOU To order. simply send your name. address anc postdated check for ten dollars to me. Ted Ban mann. at the printing publishing house handlin; my materials: Wesco Publishing. 9555-A Warne Ave .. Dept. FW-1 Fountain Valley. CA. 92708 ' l'MI W'ftl"O PUbiWllntl REFERENCES: My accountant is: Mrchacl Manin. 537 Hill Street. Dubuque. Iowa 52001. My bank rcfcrcns;c is: Dubuque Bank and Trust Company. Dubuque. Iowa .52001. Hltl St1eet Blues (continued from ,,. 4) Hamel (above with co·stor Mike ~n) has an ap~ for "watching ochers." between shootings, "and I got fired. I However, Hamel Is a-Uvely, gregari- called my ex-husband [Michael Irving) ous sort who. as Travantt, 41. puts It. and told him I was flying back to Los "giggles like a horse." She and Angeles. I was bterally having a Travanti and the rest of the nicely knit breakdown. and it was a humbling ex-cast and aew seem to enjoy one -perience. I was numb on the plane -another Immensely on the set. and the stewardesses dkin 't know what to their camaraderie tends to dispel do with me. I thought. 'I'm going to rumors of conflict off-camera. pack it in.' I got off the plane and Says Travanti: "Between Veronica started to gush all over Michael. I said. and me. the working chemistry is - 'Maybe I should have taken Charlie's and this is tough to say -perfect. Angels instead.' (She was up for -a And there are no real ego problems role as one of the original Angels.) He on this set. We're not PoUyannas said. 'Naw, maybe they would have around here. but our egos are all fired you too.' wrapped up in the show. In fact . "That ptcked me up. Two days later there's a feeling among the cast that I was the last gal to read for Hill we have fo work together to oonttnue -S....t,,...All I really wanted to do w• -to be this good-. We. tend to-be- hideJ but I loved the character and the hyperattical of ourselves." But, he writing, and I was impressed with adds proudly, "we're so good that. Steve Bochco and Mary Tyler Moore. even If we slip a little. we're still far Inc. At least they give creative people better than anything else on TV." ·• a chance to work. Nothing else of-~ cided to do it." badge-thumf)ing: It has Indeed fered to me measured up. so I de-T ravanti can be forgiven a bit of Up to that polnt. Hamel's career. been a long cUmb up HIU Street which had taken her from the fairly for what has become the best blue streets of North Philadelphia to repertory company on television this the fashion houses of New York. had side of M"A ·s·H. That doesn't consisted largely of Off Off Broadway mean that the sailing ahead Is clear roles, dinner theaters and television (although it can't hurt that former guest appearances. Now everyone M.T.M. president Grant Tinker. who wants Veronica Hamel. and because was deeply involved in the original of time constraints. the best she has production of Hiii Street. has now been able to do to accommodate Is a succeeded Fred Silverman as presl- role in the recent CBS miniseries dent of NBC). But at least Hill Street Valley of the Dolls. no longer runs the danger of being It Is not news that Instant celebrity canned, and Its hard-won successes can be disconcerting. "A director once could do something for the future of told me I was afraid of success," she prime-time TV. says. "I think I was just afraid of As Hamel puts It: "We may start a celebrity. It only means to me that I TV reMissance In the 80's. Hiii may can bring something special to causes be a role model for Intelligent. am· I care about. llke E.R.A. and Actors bitious shows. Maybe now creative for Animals. For them. I'll go any· people who had thrown up their where. Butasforthcaaentk>n: I don't hands and said, 'h can't be done on need It. I like watching other people; I TV,' will realze it can be and f111 don't ltke them watching me." come back." _., Now/ To,.ther with your dMt y0u 'II Slim inch after inch ... and It keeps on slimming! SAWHGS FRO• OUlf FACTORY TO YOU/ MADE IN U.S.A. FOf lllenl FOf WCMMnl ........... from 29" lflrOUgtt 54". tor "*' end women!Only SUI-or °"* two '°' S13.50enduwia! 1119o..U.W.ln WOMEN'S WAIST SIZES •1295 •• ,,. 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L-------------------------------J· By nlotllyn Hansen FRENCH FRIED-ONION RINGS l~..._...........,...,_ l,1 Tfa•......_,..._ ~h lfllMIMlt ~' 'aan ~..,_,.or~ dowt ~ 1111,a•~••MWk 11 ra1111...-1-..._ ... -beMen ~~-s .......... -... onloM, cut Into ,..... '.4-lltch thk::li "' . ...,_. .. I , Stir together flour, baking powder, salt, allspice, turmeric and sugar. 2, Beat egg with water and add to flour mixture. Mix 10 make a smooth bettet'. S. Mix onion rings with salt. 4. Dip onion rings In better. a few at a time. and fTy ln deep fat heated to 3600f until rings are browned and float to top of fat. 5. Remove rings &o m fat with slotted spoon. Drain on paper towels. Serve hot. Makes 6 serul'lgs PEPPERS, ONIONS AND TOMATOES S S&H II IDM ohe ol I • I I .. °"'°'9, chopped l dove .... ...., c.ho,ped 4 .,._ ,.,,.., ...s.t. cut Into llrtpe 6 .... totm•IM9, CUI uP 11 JU•Mlt ~ I. Tf I 1111 ~ bledl P11111« 4bMI~~ - 1, Put oU In saucepan and cover. Cook over medium heat until hot. Add onions .Md garlic and &y until golden brown. z. Add pepper trrtps; cook brtskly until they are soft. Add tomatoes. salt. pepper and basil. S. Cook until mixture begins to boll; loloWI' hut and simmer 1.h hour. 4. Sew hot as a vegetable side dish wllh any mat. MoJca 4 littlltngs. FRENCH ONION PIE ...., .. ,..... ..... =-· I~ CS-. .. ,..._. .... _._ s ... •~c:..-.. 1,. 1111,a-llllt c ....... ~ ..... l~ ......... a..ldlr~ 1. lJne pie pen with pastry and flute edges. Preheat own to 4250f 2. Spread onions In pie pan. In bowl, beat eggs; beat In milk. salt and pepper. 3. Pour egg-mUk mixture over onions. SprinJde with 5'ated chftse. 4. e.u • 4250f for 15 mmutes. Reduce heat to 3500f and bike an addltional 15 tlD 20 mtnum k>nglr or w1ll cuard Is Mt. 5. Cool ~ btbe cutting to mw. ,,,.. 6 ..,,,,. (condnwd on poge J l J .. Mllll.YWIEU.Y, __, f7, -•t Onions: Kitchen Wonder Workers Eoeryday onlo,.. add ., much to the ftaoor of food at uery little coat and IDlth juat a little effort. / In OMlda CotalDUlty quality. time to time • big ..W,. with elldt11tla..alablelnthaeMWR Betty Crocker coupon• found adu.M=.---............ ~Mille CnlcMr c.talog. Elich produds. FNe wllh Mt la~ $4. or uw bv order-your order. V nat ...... lag...,~ ol three.... Red, mvra me within lor $1195. 10 d9vs and your ... be You mmv add to YG'a' Mt from r.u.ded. f., ~ -ca.-.. --· -== ;t r---------------------------------------1 o-.1-..1ec.. . ._ A9'7, n I •• MN ..... I 0 1--.1ust...ct.• 0 1--.sas.ts•_,s .... l ~ l'IOCA1E NO. OF SETS NllJ MJTERl't OfOICE ea.ow. I l I J. s. 7 I ..... Qilo ~ a.-... . a....&Mow ,_......,, I •l•h I 4FMS,.-- - -I 41cMDIWiS,-. __ -, .~, .... -----l II VOl• (.H~l ~!tlllfl c;lll(ll MOl«X.Ko\ .. OK 'O() H()N(l(.KllM lllLUV. I Ji C -0 f Jg ) J ~] £ .U .\f 0 (p Q ~ S J'U ~ 'kJ 1 ~ h ~ I I ,,.._, ___________ .._.-.,~---- ! l °" , .... ZJ, ____ _ I S-.cM&tiw__,..-.. ..---.0. .. ...-• ...... ..._..._. I • * _.. ,_ •tt m OIJr ..... ""'9 16. lta. Good._ .... U.S.A. ' I .. ' Needlework ,Quickies 1982 Album has dozens of Interesting· patterns for ward robe and home: Gift Section with directions: Bonus Cou· pon. $2.25 • copy. I Knit a colorful dress for her from J.plyfingering yam Craft 262 has knit directions for Sizes 2-8 ye4rS inclusive. Solt and dainty dress In ...,, cro- chet. Cr.it 319 has directions for Sizes 1·2·3 inclusive.. For your favorite fellow, a warm pair of aocheted slippers Cr•ft 791 has directions for mens sizes S. Mand L lnclusiw. Treat your feet to crochded bedsocks. Craft 756 has dlrec· lions for Sizes S. M and L inclusive.. 971 For Baby. a washable cotton tabard and boot ees in·~ Cnft 971 has full directions: embroidery graph. Knit this attradiw beret from 2-ply sport yam in your fawrtte color. Craft M3 has full dlrec· lions. .-J ttering hat in 2 colors is to crochd. Cnft 85' omplere directions. :Y~4'~ ... , ~booteesaresnugto wear for lounging. Cf.it 167 has directions for all sizes (4-9~) lnclusiw.. 167 Crochet her a pretty vest with doll·tnmmed ties Cr.it 546 has directions for Sizes 4·12 years inclusive. A comfonable mesh top ' per for skins or pants, Craft 428 has crochet directions for Sizes 10.16 inclusive.. Knit a handy checkerboard tote for yourself and gifts from J.ply craft and rug yarn. er.It 562 has directions for 12 x lO·inch bag, Send $2.00 to Include po9fatle Md .......... for uch pattern;(..., three ........ for $5.00): $2.25 , .. wh AIMnto: F~WMl&lr""9• .. ,. P.O. Boa a8. Dept. A-175 . IMtownSt.lldon # New ._k. N.Y. 10011 1"'1\ldo ........ ..,, .. , l!p «* .. .i n on ....... ., ·-""~ s. ... "'.......,.'""' ..i. .... ,, ,. . Onlons - ,tontln.nd from ~ 9) UPSIDE-DOWN ONION CORNBREAD s cape thinly lllced oelon ... 3 ... 11.,aw llutts or_..... · 1 pile. (llh oa.) can br99d '* 1. In SJ(i(Jef." sauleonlo~ rings In butter until soft. about 5 to 8 minutes. 5'looti into bottom of 8 x 8 x 2-lnch square baking pan. 2. Prepare com bread mix according lo package directions. Pour batter over onions and spread evenly. · 3. Bake in preheated 350°F oven for 25 to 30 minutes OJ, until done. Tum out onto serV!ng plate .. Cut Into squares. Serve hot. Makes 6 servings SWISS ONION POTMO CAKE 1 cup --SpMMh Olaloft, IMlv chopped 2 t.tih .. DDM butt• or........ . 2 .... , ... 41h cape) potatoes, cooked Md ...... OI'..,..,. hMh .._ pot.lltW, th....t lh• ....... SwlMch .... I IUIPOOft .... Dells tromcl bUck ,.,.,., 2 .......... 1 •• --~--~---=--+-1. Ip large skillet •. saut~ onions In butter unt11 t1rnder, about 7 minutes. 2. Add potatoes, cheese, salt and pepper to onions; mix weU. Spoon mixture Into a ·greased 9x 13x2:Jnch baking pan. 3. Beat together eggs and milk. Pour over ®lolr:mWllre~ Bake ln preheated 350Pf oven 20 to 30 mlnut~ or until golden. Allow to cool 5 minutes beforl! cutting. Makes a great meatless main dish or a hearty potato side dish. Maka 5·61m1ings . Faa. About Onlom • RutritiooaJly. onions are In caJOriei and provide the diet wtth ·Vitamin C, the B-vitamins and several minerals. The chart below gives the nutritional content of 100 grams of onions (about 3/• cilp of chopped onions). This lnfonnatlon is taken &om the U.S.D.A. handbook. No. 8 table 1. CaloftM ......................... 31 ............................... 1.2 .,.. .... Fet ............... · ........ 0.1...,. . Cerbohydrma. ............... , .,. ... . AM ...................... o.e·.,.... C8lclurn ............... 'ZI ............ Pholpholua ............ 31 mtllgrwM I llraft .•.•.....• , ........ 0.S ............ lodluln ................ 10......,..... I PotMelum ............ 117 mill ..... Vita"*' A ..... trace (Yellow onlone, 40t Thlentlne .............. .OS mllllgr8ml Rlboflawtn ............. .G4 ............ N18ctn ................. .2 m1111gn,.. Vitamin C ............... 10 mllllgfllme • Onions should be stored In a loosely woven bag, basket O{ box In a cool, dry location with good lienfilation or In the vegetable crisper of your refrigerator. After · cutting or peeling, onions should. be covered wtth plastic wrap and rcfr9n:ated. I I I ' Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cig•rette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health., - 11 mg 1'1ar;· 0.8 mg nicotine IY. per cignnt. FTC Report Mar:Bt , ; ls~lyUfe The Stuff That Dreams Ate mQde On? Dreama are eventa which reflect ---day-tCFday clrangea lnrnellfe of an Individual. By John E. Glbaon TRUE OR FALSE? t. Wortten remember their dreams , better than men do. 2. Dreams mirror the thoughts, reac- tions and innermoo feeliilgs resulting &om your day-to-day actions. S. If you remember your dreams, ·you· probably can't remember the th1ng5 that happened to you during arty childhood. 4. Though most of our dreams come &om our subconscious. some may be what are termed telepathic dreams. Qriginating In the mind of someone else. 5. A chOd's dream world Is a never- never land of fantasy and fairy tales. 6. Dreams may reflect a sub· conscious awareness of a specific diMMe or ailment In Its Initial stages -long before It can be detected bY a physical examination. ANSWERS 1. Tru~. In a University of Wisconsin study, scientists measured frequency and clarity of dream recall ·In male and female students. Results: Women averaged significantly higher scores than men. The Investigators speculated that "The greater mean dream recall for fem ales ... Is possibly related to the . often reported ... vMd Imagery ability of females." 2. True . ln~ studies of the dreams of college students, con· ducted by a team of' Investigators at 1 the University of Cincinnati Medal School and the Veterans Administra- tion Psychiabic Service. have shown that ':.'Dreams ue events which reflect day·to·day c:hanges In the llf e of an individual. ' The content of dreams was found to be either overtly or covertly related to the waking.life of the dreamer. 3. FalN. Jn a George Washington Untwnlty study. e.ty Memories and Dream R«al, lt wu found that IOme people .. able to Ned very early events In their llves whlle others cannot. and that remembering dreams tends to go hand in hand with recalling early childhood memories. The Investigators further suggested that "both recall for early · memories and recall for dreams may reflect openness to one's own ex- perience." 4. True . In studies conducted In the dream labotatcny of Maimonides Medical Center, experimentaJJy- lnduced telepathic:: dmunt haw been produced by .. send.rs'" transmlnlng thoughts and Images to ~ In separate rooms. causing them to ex· perience dreams of a corTeSpOndlng nature.-t>ther studies-match these findings, which suggests that some· of your dreams may not originate In you at all but In the mind of someone you may not even know. 5. False. In a study of thousands of elementary ..and. Junior-high school children ... a team_oLbebav.tor' scien·· tists ·at Hu~'s Pedagogical Col· lege found that only 9 percent of children's dreams were characterized as fairy tales, while 22 percent were related to concrete things and sped· fie people. Additionally, fear and anxiety In various forms made up 41 pereent ol their dreams: school, 11 percent, and the rest were made up of hopes and wishes. 6-. True. In a study exploring the rela· tlonshlp betw,en dreams and disease, Dr. RUSMD A. Lockhart, research psychologist af the Untveni· ty of California Medal School, con· eluded that: .. A dream may speak organlcalty both be/ott and ofkr the emergence of a bodily disturbance. That ls, dreams may not only an- ticipate the deve&opment of (a physical ailment) but may also reflect bodily dlSturbance In procaa." It II further concluded &om the results of the lnvatlgation -In which nu· merous case histortn •• cited - that organs and bodly processes may ltlmulete psychic Images (in drurnl) which Nflect a physi· rm caJ disturblnm and Ila location. ..a ,.,,.,., ~"· .,_..,, "· -• ti for le .. dua11 J5t per ~•011111 Sh«1 Music Mapzinc h filled wi1h 1he mos1 popular sh«I music ever published, al les.s 1han tSc a song - instead of the S2.50 ~ song you pay for individua.1 sheet music! Sho" 1unn, jazz, classks'. ~rrgslrom hif movies rqtime. popular new S<>ng\, blun and m<>t'C. And, )'OU can ch<>OK a special edition for piano. gui1ar, or for organ. in Q))'-10-play C for bcginnt'r'i or llC1'I \ludcnl~). or "andard \t'r\iOn\. A full yt'ar·, \Ub\crip· 1lon -mort' 1han 100 11rn1 \Ong'! - is juM SIJ.97 for O\er S250.00 wonh of bcau1iful music (Of course. you ma) CaJK'CI al any 1ime and recei\C a complc1c rt'- fund on all unmailed mUC". no qu<">· tion~ asked.) If you read mu,ic. -you'll love our magazine. Send )Our name and addrn\ "ilh your ra~­ men1 and choice of "odi1ion 10 SHEET MUSIC MAGAZINE, Oert. K3-54-12. JS2 fat'lyn SI., Paramu,, NJ 076S2. 1oda) A*"lllMlllMlllll ''-l'lllllll .... ... __ .... _ ... , ........... ..-.. ........ rn' ..... .. ............. _ ....... , u'lt. ............ ,, .................. ... ., ......... .. ........ ., ... ,., Ultul"ll ....... . ........ ...,. ....... -IAR4•t-- ll ~ ...... _ .... _,," ... ~ ....... _....,, ---------------' ,...., .... Ml,.,. I I °"'"'~"•-•12S •1111!1 ~$$ __________ _ Ml(• r ..... ~.M t01111111250• fld'O I 111 ..... ,...... .. .....,. .... ,_ cm 1TA1t __ M I ~ •'-cNca•......,.,., ......... llOllA llfl.'°'9 ............. c..... ..... ,, • .,,. .. ,, I s... ---·""' -.,. ................... ""' "" ,.,, I L:~ '~~~ ~:..1 ~------------------------ Bnnn. Is January weather giving you fits? Well, consider the cold shoulder r~ by Danish sea captain Vitus -Bering. the first European to explofe Alaska. He ran Into sub.zero tempera· tures, howUng winds and towering seas. and was s.hlpwrecked in the Alaskan sea that bears his name. Later. hardy "$00r· doughs'~omlbe far south .endured simlladu1rdships panning Aluka's icy strums for gold. Now Alaska's fearsome weather Is challenging a new breed of treasure hunter. looking for oil and natUTal gas. Northern UahL At. &eut 19 blllton barnl• of oll ucl 101 trlUtoa cubic feet of utaral .... says the U.S. Geological Survey. could he beneath the 49th ltllle's ~and olshore waters. potentially wry helpful in avokUng future U.S. energy criees. Trouble is,. nobody can be sUtt what'S there untiJ the more promleing areas are drilled. and undtt the Carter Administration, largc.por· tiQns of the .tate were placed olf limits to drillers. That's beginning to eae now In favor of a more balanced poUcy that permlh drilling In some areas. with tOUlh ..,....,.. to p~ct the eavtronmeoL Cold comfort. Oil explorers find Alaska formidable enottgh witheut political hassles. They face temperatures so cold that metal turns brittle and ttres blow off Jeeps. ln the Bering and Beaufort Seas. Ice can suddenly buckle and rear up Into 70-foot ridges that can wreck drilling rigs. But oil-Industry edenlflts h8w found a wav to fend off the ice-by putting rigs oo massive artificial Islands d sand and gravel that blunt the Arctic battering rams. ' Bernbtt.A~. New brands ol dog food? No, it's elang for small Icebergs. .. Colued" inthe.V.from Green&andgi.aen. along wtth gtmte• mMetw • 10 Queen Elt.obdlt II'•· Icebergs might .,enace drtlllng rigs In another cold dime-the AtJMtic Ocean olfthe Newfpundland ~-w.· ............ to a--1ce-... One poeelbdlty: Uee floMJng rigs that can be towed out of the bag's ,-1'. Another. .. Loeeo" bags with 4.000-foot plMtic ropes actached to ~··Getting --from remote. holtJle placft ... big complex job. full ol uncertalntta. Batthechall..,.. .. worth tbertek-forltcould mean bd...._ f!!moN«IMIW It• a fact! The U.S. Geological Survey estimates that 44 percent dAmerica'sundiscowredoffshoreoiland39perun1ofl1SundlscoYered offthore natural gas may lie under Alaskan waters. .. Elaine Zayak: New Sweetheart on Skates By Botry Wiiner ... B elng touted as the successor:to Peggy Fleming and Dorothy Hamill as America's next ice · princess lsn 't enough for 16- ~-Skater Elalne.Zayak. No. she. wants to revolutionlz.e her sport. too. ' Zayak. the reigning U.S. women's figure-skating champ, has brought an athletic: side to women's skating that Zayaks athletic prowess has tumed -skating topsy ·turvy. tt'ie balletic Fleming or pert Hamill never did. For instance, Zayak will begin hec program by bursttng-ontcr the Ice in a series of-triple Jumps_..,- and do as many as seven in her ftve- minute freestyle routines, the most by any skater, male or female. in com- petition today. {Most girls, If they can even do a triple, won't try more than three.) . "When Peggy Fleming was skating, It was different: Nobody even tried triples." says Elaine. a native of Paramus. N .J. "The style then was pretty and everything, but I've tried to add excitement to lC' Like.any amateur athlete, the 1984 Olympics are Zayak's ultimate goal ("That's what I'm skating for," she beams purposefully). But you'll get a chance to see her strut her stuff long before then . She'U defend her na- tional title ln Indianapolis Jan. 26-30 (to be aired on A.Be the following weekend). Then It's off to Copen·. hagen 'six weeks later for the World Championships. a competition she placed NCOnd In last year. "Elaine haa that speaaJ magne· tism ," notes commentator Dick But· Bcwrv WlfMr frequently reporla on tlw tpOftS ec:.ne for FAMLv WW<Lv 1' e .. AMILY WUKLY, ~ t7, ,_ ton. himself a former gold-medal skater. "And she's an extraordinary competitor. A lot of skaters can do beautiful things in practice but nothing ~ competition. Elaine will . leave the sport better for having been in it." _It's h~d t~ betieMLlbat l.ayak i started skating not for the fuo of it, nor because she dreamed of becoming the next Son;a Henie (her idol). Rather she was advised to take up the 1 sport as therapy after losing several toes in an accident at home when she was 3. These days the 5-foot 5-inch blonde practices five hours a day, seven days a week. Admittedly. It can become a grind. "Sometimes I want to skip a day of pr~­ tice." she says. "Especially in the summer, when it's hot out and I'd like to be outside." Oh ves. -and what-about scheol?-A junior at Paramus High, Zayak takes two hours qf classes at the school per day. is tutored three hours a week In her major subjects and receives a gym credlt for her skating. She also swims and keeps her 120-pound-fomr trim by runnin , wocking on a trampoline aod with wei9hts. Elaine's regimen has put a tremen· dous financial strain on her parents and older sister (her father is i>art· owner of a tavern). It's estimated It costs her folks $25,000 to $30,000 a year to keep Elaine at the top, includ· Ing travel expenses. coaches' fees, tutoring and such basics as $200 beaded costumes and $500 skates that are replaced every six months. Zayak Is Immensely confident In her abUltles. ln fact her biggest fear Is that she D"lay be burned out by the time the 1984 Olympics get ..mderway In Yugoslavia. "It might be the best thing If I don't win the Worlds this year," she says. "If I win It all now, I might be dead by the Olympics~ little chance of that. When she fin· I !shes yet another stunning freestyle program and the crowd rises as one to : showe{ her' with applause, roses and I: love, It has to pump her up. : "When I'm out there, I don't think· f • about what I'm doing or how lonely It ' Is," she observes. "I Just do It." ; Like nobody has ever done rm • before. ..a -· \ S~eepskln Shock: · Whg Collep 'Costa So much and How to Fight lack Skyrockdlng feea and cutbacb In •tudent aid have made a college education tough to qford. But the raourcefUI •tudent can .till find jlnandal relkf • • By mlchael D'Rntonlo T here was a time not so long ago when one of the biggest worries a coDege student had was balancing his studles with a soda! life of football games and beer blasts. Today a ~eater wony is not how to stay In cOllege but how to af. ford to go In the first place. Last September, students returning to col· leguand unl\lerstties across the coun- try were met by record-breaking prices-. Inflation and interest rates- have caused tuition to skyrocket at many schools. And recent cµts In Federal loan and grant programs promise to further tighten the squeez.e on students. parents and Institutions. The numbers are staggering. Over· . aD, college costs rose by more than 13 percent last year alone. Prices have doubled since the 1972-73 school year, even though the lnaease In the cost of education has lagged slightly betund--the rate of inflation. At some private schoolS, tuition is now over· $7,000. This of course, doesn't cover a student's Uving expenses, which can run as high as S4,000 per year. Even at less-expensive state universities tui· dons have skyrocketed, with some now as high as $4,000 per year for nonresidents. The high prices are concentrated for the most part at prestigious s:wtvate schools in the Northeast. where heating OOtls and expensive faculties began push~ up prices in the 1970's. But whde insulation and tightfisted managerncit allowed many coleges to survive the 70's, the outlook for the 80'1 Is dllcouraging. A r~t study by the Government's Na· tk>nal Center for Education Statistics indicated that ~ enroDment at colleges Is up ovcral (In part because of the last group of baby-boom chll· d:ren ol the 1950'1)' 42 peteer:tt of the tcllOOll .tudled repon.d that enrolJ, ment II down. Some ol these lnltltu· tk>nl blamed cuts In ..... aid th.at ,.,._, O'AMonio II a,,_,__ wnwr rp«lol- "*'I In CIM'Nnl o/folrl. translated Into tuition rates too high for some students. And now because · of fewer scholarships and loans, many children from middle-Income families are finding themselves too rich to qualify for ~ts yet too poor to pay the bills themselves. The Reagan Administration and Congress cut PeU Grants and Direct Loans for needy students by $200 million for fiscal year 1981. reducing the maximum possible award by more than $100 per year and knocking 150.000 students-out of the pro - grams. In fiscal 1982. which began ~_,_l~..1981. the programs were cut by $1 billion. removing hundreds \>f thousands more from eligibility. And restrictions in the Guaranteed Student Loan program. popular with middle- income families. will cut an estimated one million current borrowers out of the program by this fall. according to the American Council on Education. "U Federal aid is cut much more. a substantial number of New York col- leges, as many _as ~would go under,·· says Joseph Palamountaln. president of· Skidmore ~. a small, private college in 'New York State. "And that's not just crying wolf." More than 'l1 percent ol Skid- more ttudents need some financial a.id to go to lchool. The percentages are higher at many ~· Kenneth Shaw, chancellor of the Southc!m Illinois Univ""51tY system. believes higher education should be funded by "a oonstrudtve partnership of students. parents, educational in· stltutions. private enterprise. stales and the Federal Government. "But there Is ~ evidence.~ he says. referring to Federal cutbacks ... that a major partner ln the aUiance is about to reduce that commitment." Shaw supports efforts to bmit Federal spending, but· he believes -eduCiilon sUffering deeper cuts than the rest of the Government. As he sees It. more moderate cuts. phased in over a longer time frame, would give ltle other members of the funding alliance time to figure out how to take up the slack. The gloom foreqsted by the col- lege presidents ls not shared by the Reagan Admtnlstndion. Terrel H. BeU, Secrefary of Education, says he hasn't talked to one college ad- ministrator who blames decreasing enrollment1--0n cuts-in F.ederal pro- grams. "We aD ought to be careful that we don't see more gloom than there 15. and that we don't pa15 that on to students," he told a recent convention ol college adminlstrators in Washing· ton. Bel told the educators that al· though the budget cuts may be bitter medicine. they wUJ cure the economy Tuition/Room •nd 8oal'd of Inflat ion and thereby Stop the rise In college prices. And rather than hope foF fewer cuts. Bell said they should prepare fot hikes In the process· lng fees and the In· terest charged for student loans . ................. ..., Kentlt.IWUn......., Nortlt••lent ~ . ...., ........ College ...... c..._. .................. Unk...,OfC1-. ....... , U........, ol C1laredo 11.- l l.IM(ln•ta• s.t7140utof •ta• 110,MO • 2;41o4(1nata ... • "°" (out of ...... • 1.111 11,Ml(lneta ... ............. .... . 110.t• 11.111(111 ...... ................ • a.-· ......... ................. •a.ea ... ...... ,.,.. ...... ...... 11.na .. ...... Continued price hikes and cutbacks In programs wlll mean some stu· dents just can't af· ford to go. "for many farplljn with an average Income Cuts may take a toll, $0VS &II. but help the economy. I of around $20,000. close to the na· tfonal median:-a public insiltutiOn-- costing an average of $3.000 to $4.000 Is almost out of reach al- ready," says E.K. Fretwell. chancellor of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Still. with aU the bad news. there are ways to finance a college educ.a· tion. Students from lower·income families can apply for o utright grants through the Basic Educational Oppor· tunlty Grant Program. The awards range from $400 to $1,670. Some- ·tow·lnterest student loans are sttll available dJrectly from the Govem- mel)t (for Instance. the Guaranteed Student Loan Program) or through banks. The 9 -percent interest rate on these loans ls subsidtzied by the Government, which pays lenders the balance of the market rate. Students can also appfY for thousands of private scholarships at colleges. Skidmore's Palamountain points out. "the least-expensive way to go to school may be to live at honw and at· tend a public college. Many students are gotng to two-year junior colleges ftrst and then moving up. You can save a k>t of money by avoiding room-and-board charga." Nearly 20 perceht of those ·who graduated high school In the 1970's went on to earn college degrees. So even though the short-term future looks b6nk for tome students and col· leges. Palamountain and his col- leagues are confident the IY*mS w111 recover from ftnandel setbadca. Con· eludes the veteran adminllhlOr: "Re· sourceful studenti Md nlOUIUfuJ tn· ltltutlons an going to nm survtve." _.. l,JM............. 111 ~-----==~~------~~~~-=-~---- I I I i , Tiny flower bouquets to collect:, to cherish, to add new beauty to your home ... The Flowers of the Year PORCELAIN MINIATIJRES COLLECTION Twelve individually handcrafted porcelain sculptures -' maroelous works of art in miniature - pours for just $22.50 each. Pleue order by Juuary 31. 1982. . Limit: One collec:tton per order. The magic of finely detailed miniatures ~ always fascinated coUectors-perhaps mon? today than ever befott. Now. at a time when minlatwes are reaching new heights of popularity. Franklin Pacelain is proud to present The ~rs of the Year Porcelain Minidures Collection. This intriguing tollection makes It possible for you to have a year-round garden In your home abloom with favorite flowers from ewry month of the year ... 12 lovely vartetles In all. eactr captun!d foNver at the height of b beauty. ~ you can display this miniature garden on a small table. a mantelpiece or in a comer cupboard. Each month of the year ls ~rented In the collection by a captivating bouquet, and each bouquet is an incredible example of old-world cnhsmanshlp. For every petal and leaf of the. whimsical bouquets wlt1 be painstak.lr9y sculptured by hand. then irw:livtduo/lv assemb~ In a polUlaln container. Next the bouquet will be pef'IOMlly painted by a slcllled artist. The mutt is a colJection of original sculptures In minlatutt that is amazing for its remarlcab&e attention to detail, captivating for Its charming applOllCh to an ewr-pOpular subject mattet And becaute ach bouquet ii lndMdually t.andcratwd In the CapedhtlOl de region of Italy by skilled porcNin rnutim, each ls a ...,.,..._ and unique wort< of st • Dlilnly boaq•• to charm the c:ioUector If you'd Ike to art a c:ollectk>n of ftne miniatures. ttiete ICU1pcuMd polClleln bouquets are a periect place to ~ Their intricate detail Is fudnating. the 9oral theme has universal appeal the designs in capttvatlng and the quallly of the ICUlpture is impeccable. The established coUeclor will also find I! hard to mill the intrinsic appeal of thae dainty miniatures. ln fact. arranged on an end table or grouped on the deJwc.e ~ that is .lnduded as part of the collection. The ~rs of the Vear P~loln Mlniatwa Coll«tiorl will enchant all who see tt. Because each bouquet In the ooUectlon is so dlffetent from the others. your ~ may think you acquired them one at a tme owr a period of many yean. But you can obtain ttus colJection far men eMily and ~ It will be tent to you .i the rate of , one bouquet each month. Howewr. the bouquets are available onlv as a oollection and onlv from Franklin Porcelain, with a limit of one coBection per ordu A1orc1.wy pdc:ed ..• Jutt $!2.50 each The price for each bouquet Is a modest $22.50 to be billed on a monthly ~· This favorable price it guaranteed for the entln! coll«tlon. M:> add to your enjoyment, a booklet delcrtbing the lower pbrtrayld wtll eccompeny each bouqUll A <Artl&Me of Authenticity will Uo be po\llded with QCh coa.:fb I attesting fo ill~~Md~. s.a It will .... lime to cndt .... ~ ~ the IUbealplon .ppk141on at right ~ be iV*t Ind mlllled to mnlcltn PoltCleln. Frankin C... Paw...-19091, by Jlnmy 31, 1982. ,_ ... ~------------------------------~ ~----------------------------· I I ! The Rowers of the Year I I I I PORCElAIN MINIATURES COUECTION Fflnldln~ ' Fflnkln Cenlilr. ~ 19091 I wWI to IUbmt>e to The Flowera of the Year Porcelain Mlnlatura Cofl«tion 0Clflll6 ig of twelve ~ lower bouquets, ach a clt.wnt ~ ..,. The bouqUltl wtll be lndMdually crdld and piilnllad ~ hind. A deluxe ~ wll *> be plOllld9d .. Plft of the collctkll1. I need llnd no lftOMV -The bouqUltl wlll be MN to me at tha rm ol one per month .-cl I wlU be tim.t m.so• Mdt. pnar '° ............ -.... --.. --., ,.,. "'-"" -_,, Mt Mn. Plea. mall by January 31, 1982. Lhnlt.: On« collection per order. Mill ~~~-...,..~.---,.,-~-u-•,~.~~~...Ji..'~ .....,.__ ----S..., 1.lp _________ _ ....... ~ .......... ~ .. ~ l----------------------------------------------------------------------:2~5--~ ~ . I f ' 1 . ., America's Last Big Siiver Dollar Januuy 1982, Pbila· delpbia, PA. IMM an- nounced today the avail- ability of a limited nwn- ber offtnt-year-of-issue Eisenhower 40% silver dollars. These mint con- dition silver dollars- :;truck a full decade ago at the San Francisco Mint-bave :.<neffr been circulated and are still in their original mint condition. Silver dollars are today the most popular type of coin among collec- tors and investors. However. due to the unstable price of siNer bullion on world markets, one government after another has discontinued their minting. The U.S. was no exception and in 1976 ended a 200-year tra- dition in silver coinage when it dis- continued minting the Eisenhower dollar. Issued for just five yean. the .. lte" doUar became the scarcest silver-dollar .. type"coin since 1795. IMPORTANT: Less than 6% of an .. Ike .. dollars-were-minted-in silver. and it is not known how many. of these beautiful silver coins were melted down during the recent silver boom when their silver content alone made them worth almost $20. Please, however. don't invest in this rare coin for !ts melt-down value. It's genuine rarity and superb brilliant unCirculated condition make it much more valuable~ a collector's coin. and much more likely to appreciate in value. Designed to celebrate U.S. space explorations, the reverse of this beautiful coin (not shown) features the Eagle landing on the moon. r These mt of the big silver dollars-measuring a large 38.lmm-represent an opportunity to acquire &omo11ow's rare coin cla- sic-at today's bargain price. IJUmatiorial Monetary Mint, a leader in the pre- cious metals and rare coin industry. is releasing for sale a limited number of these brilliant uncirculated 1971 ''Ike·· Silver Dollars at the special lnveswr Opportunity Price of S 1 S .00 each. Investors. who respond from this publication may purchase from ·1 to 20 individual coins at this price until supplies are exhausted. Because of the extremely limited nmnber available. orders will be filled on a first-come. first-served basis with a strict liniit of one investment roll of 20 coins per collector . To qualify for this offering. can Lee Collins to1Urec-at-J..800··.l45--- 8502 (in Pennsylvania call our -special-operat al l ·800-662~ l-80). Dept. SEE·IS47 for credit card orders: or if you would prefer. send ·check_ or money order in the full amount to: International Monetary Mint, Dept SEE·IS47, 390 Pike Road. Hu11liaildoo Valley, PA 19006. An additional $1.SO is requested to cover insurance, postage and special handling per order. If not satisfied. you inay return your brilliant uncir- culated Eisenhower silver dollar(s) in their Original condition for a full refund within 14 days: This offer expires January 30, 1982. "1Ml IMM.hoc HANDWORK I.IBRARY loo.\t.., .00... Q-13,3 -... _.,.,.. -.,. ......... "°"' ,,,. ~ '°"°'""' ..... 0"'1-... .,... your ......,, .... Q-129-Dolle-Old and New. for doll !own and collect· ors. has directions for dresling old doll1 and Instructions for makins_ encl drftllng 10 new dolls. SJ.25 • copy. Q·l30-~e Qufhe. A memorable collection ol 24 lowly quilt designs to p.ce or applique with Tull dlr.aions: plus quilting motifs. $3.25 • copy. Q -131-Grandmother's Heirloom Handiwork. Owt-20 categories ol ne.dlcwork skills with directions and suggestions for modem use ... crewel. tatting. hardanger. $3.25 •cop,. Q-132-To Glw or Keep. An attracthle MJectlon ol useful and appealing gift ideas. Full directions for 40 items In Crochet. Knit s.-.Mng and Embroidery plus transfer for pillow on cowr.$3.2Sac:opy. Q-133-Craft Boo k . 68 pages ol 40 quick-to-make items using felt. yam. plutics and other Inexpensive rem- nants. $3.25 • copy. Q·134 -Slumbertlme Coverlet•. An appealing collection ol 2t!J.uilts for cribs and sm.11 to plea. .-••••r"' 'pa1MfiR ·~ end embroider. wtth peltlff1 pi«a and directions. $125•~· Q-136-The Nedlework Primer. DINctions kw over 30 Items tocrcxher or knit ... plusa knit and crochet section for refe'9nea. $3.15 • cop,. Q-137-Flower Quilt•. A collectton ol 24 lowly flor-1 ~nt to piece and applique. with pattern .pieces and full directions. $3.25 a ciopv. Q-136 Send $3.25 to Include pon ... and ...,."I for each bool&; <:;.':ii:• for $12.00). F-....., ........ P.O.Boxaa, A-176 MldtownStMIOa New v.t&, N.Y.10011 lnd•!lllM. ...... alp code llld boolt number. (111.w ~ St1te l9lldlntt edd Mia 1111.1 Q-134 Sy Jeff Rubin _ .. When. it was announced· recendy that U.C.L.A.'s legendary basketbaU pro· gram was being put on probation, two questions quickly came to the minds of hoop fans everywhere: (1) How long wou1d the probation last?, and (2) Was John Wooden Involved In any way? The answers have now· ·been revealed: (1) Two years, although the team will be eligjble for the 1983 N.C.A.A. tournament. and (2J No, any' alleged Improprieties came since the 1976-77 season. two years after Wooden finished compiling the most Impressive record Jn college history. It was seven years ago that Wooden , 'The Wizard of West· wood," walked out of the San Diego Sports Arena after defeating the state of Kentucky (the Universl· ty of Louisville In the semifinals; the University of Kentucky two nights later) with the last of his record-setting 10 N.C.A.A. titles. Seven of thpse championships came in a row (1967-73). In aU, he had four 1.1ndefeated years and his teams won an unprecedented 88 consecutive games, obliterating the 60 straight won by the Bill RusseL led University of San Francisco in the mld SO's. In his 40 years of coaching -at Dayton (Ky.) High School (two years), South Bend (lnd.) Central Hlgtl (nine years), Indiana State Ynlversity (two years) and U.C.L.A. (27 years) -Wooden won 885 games and lost 203. He is the only man Inducted lnto the Basketball HaU of Fame both as a p&ayer (he was a three·time an. Amencan guard at Purdue) and a coach. l A brief list of Wooden 's former players reads like a basketbaU ''Who's Who" -Kareem Abdul· Jabbar, Bill Walton, Gail Goodrich. Sidney Wicks, Walt Hazzard, Lu· dus Allen . · Swen Nater. Jamaal Wilkes. Marques Johnson . Keith Erickson, WiUle Naulls. (continued on ,,.-C21 Wooden (continued "°"' ,.,,. c JJ And his presence is still felt arou1'ld the campus. In the seven years since Wooden &eft. four coaches haw stepped into the Bruins' head . coaching spot -Gene Bartow ( 1975-77); Gary Cunningham (77-79): I.any Brown ('79-'81), and the new head man, I.any Farmer, a former player under Wooden. who took owr this season. Bartow. Cun· ningham and Brown all led their teams to fine records, but they failed to win a championship; they failed to Uve up to Wooden. 'The mystique ls everywhere," notes Fanner. "There ls a constant reminder. You !s>ok at Pauley Pavilion. the banners. the tradition are still here. And those of us who look know it Is all Coach Wooden." ~1 think any time a coach follows a real successful program. the expecta- tions are higher." khoes Bartow. who lost to Wooden in the 73 ltnaJs when at Memphis State and who now coaches highly ranked Alabama-Bir- min~am ... Ask the guy who followed me at Memphis State. I bet IC wasn't a bundle of .)oy. I didn't foUow just a winning program. I followed a legend. Yes, It was very dlfflcult for me." Wooden. though. doesn't consider himself a tough act to follow. "I don't think there has been any pressure ex- cept for the pressure one puts on him· self," he says in a voice strong with ! conviction yet still soft, a remnant of t · his Hoosier heritage. "It (the I U.C.L.A. coaching )ob) was an idea. I __ sifuatinn to step Into. there was a nice ·gym. good material and a good pro- gram. I think the pressure Is really b&own out of proportion. Only the un- reaJistlc people. because their selfish desk-es overcome thetr thinking. e>c· pect more. .. 5 uccess ls the peace of mind which can be attained only through knowing that you dkf your best. I never talked to my players about winning. I would sey. 'I want ~heeds up when the game's over.' The lcin should have no bur- Ing on that." And not to worry. The man ~ · cal "Coach" II not 9laing home In a rodcer, c:olectlng Sodal Security and watd*'9 the IOapl these days. If anything. the 71-yur-o&d Wooden Is busier than ever. He II writing two books. One ts a sequel to his Proclkal Modem Baabtball. The ocher ls a ~I book llNlltng prtnq>la, axioms anC:S moctos he has wrttt*1 and c:ollected over the years. He at.:l'a.a the country lec:tur· Ing to c:oecha at bMketbeldlnlc:l end to~ and cMc groupe. He hat a contract to .do color commentary on selected televised college games. He conducts basketball camps for kids and has turned a commercial for a California bank. He designs sneakers for a shoe company. Hts '"Pyramid of Success." a sernlsdentiflc look at the ~ements that make one sua:essful, is still a very much requested docu· ment In his daily mail. WhUe Wooden attends as many U.C .L.A. home games as possible - sitting upstairs, away &om the playing floor -he says he does not miss <0aehing. "I miss the daily imoda· tion. the rapport. with the players," he notes. "But life is much more fulfill. ing now because I'm nOt under the sautiny. You know, my most pleasant years of coaching were not when we were winning championships. We did well, but we didn't win the champion· ship. Now I don't mean the champion- ships were not en· joyable . but the more you won the less ful- fWlng they became.,. John WOOclen ~ew up on a farm outside Martinsville, Ind. . the son of Joshua '"Hugh" and Roxie Y.boden. strug- gling farmers. It was there that he acquired an appreciation for hard work and the simpler thi~ in life . It was also there that he got his first lessons in organi2ed basketball and ~ taste of love. He won a basketball scholarship to Purdue after an out- standing playing carffr at Martinsville High School. After college he married his-high-school sweetheart. Nell. The Woodens, who live In a two-bedroom condominium in the Los Angeles suburb of Encino, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniveTsary this August. Wkh them will be their two children, James and Nancy Anne, and their seven ~andchlldren . What was the tee:nrt ol Wooden's unparalleled suc:c:as? His teams were always well condJtioned. schooled In • fundamentals and sb1ctfy dlldpJined. But there must be more. It all teemS so simple, so basic. ..Well." says Wooden . "I always say~ Is a relatively simple game which coaches get a hold of and complicate." He Is not pleased with what he sea of today's college game. "It's a takeoff on the pros," he says dlltutefuDy. 'The behind-the-back dribbling and puling r8lher than quick and proper execution of fundamentals. It's in· dMduals showing off ..... other In· dMduala. One on one. 'I can beet you' rather than 'we."' lrtduded INo the 8osb1bol Han of Fame A&lfce, \4.boden W01 an oil-American guard at Purdue In the ~s and lakr cooc:hed lbs like Bill ~n and Karttm Abdul·Jobbar. is tne mos valuable ptayer who-~ lived. Any team could lose a-game, but a team with him on it should never lose a series." Wooden 's players still rem-mber Bill Walton. who led the Bruins to __ ....... him fondly. When -U."C.L.A. an· two undefeated . season$ and two nounced the construction of the N.C .A.A. titles, Is a close second. Wooden Center, a student recreation "He maybe could do more things fadlity on Its Westwood campus, at a than Lewis. but what Lewls could do dinner last year, 106 of Wooden's 162 weU he tould do so well, M Wooden former players still living attended. says. Other favorites inc.lude Mike Steve Patterson was one of those. Warren, who now stars In lV's Hill Patterson. the answer to a popular Street Blua ("I never coached a trMa question ("Who was U.C .L.A.'s smarter player"), Jamaal Wilkes. center after Lew Aldnda-and befote Keith Erickson. GaU Goodrich and 8611 Walton?") Is now coaching at San-Jack Hinch, an unsung player on the ta Rose Junior College and recalls. "I '64 team. Wooden's first champion. dkfn 't t.aM his lnslrucdon kindly: I had WW anyone ever equal Wooden 's \NOrda with him. Hi was a stem task-S1rlng of tltles? Denny Crum. head muter. But he was very pet*nt wtth coach at Louisville and a former me .... Looldng beck 1 appreciate Wooden assistant, says. "At the time I the disdplinc. He II a~ inspiration to don't think anybody reaBy realized me now more than ever. There Is no how extraordinary It was. When you one I would rather emulate." look back on It now it was Now that we've heard one of his phenomena!. It will never be equaDed." proteges describe Wooden. what Modestly, Wooden maintains. ''If it does Wooden have to say about so~ can happen once. It can happen of his top stars? He's always main-again." talned that Kareem Abdul.Jabbar, _ "ft will happen again, all right," who was known as LewJI Alcindor auats Lou Holtz, Arkansas football while at U.C.L.A . fTom 1965·69. was ooach and long a dlldp&e of Wooden's his greatefl player "I can·1 understand motivational teachings. "lt wlll happen why hll tum doan 't )IVln the tide aigaln right after the second ,_ every year," Wooden says. ''I think he coming." ..._ . . l:cillfotnla Scenes -What to See, What to Do, Wh.,. to Go Expectant crowds of skiers lfne up to wait for lifts at North Tahoe s Alpine Meadows resort. fk.>om Ti~ on ~e Slopes By Janet Relnko C ~== this year -gloriously heavy sn'o\lfl have provided the best sWJftig con· ditions In years. For those who have put off learning to ski -either downhill or cros&<ountry - this Is the year to pack up the family and go. Three new or renovated downhill resorts have opened and are geared for beginners and lntmnedl· ates, both children .. and · adults.· No less than 30 re· sorts ln California are prepar· ing for a banner year. For resort operators, the whlte frosting which Iced the Sierra Nevada at Thanklgiv· Ing couldn't have come at a sweeter time. Many raorts JOMf Refnko wrlfa for t1111 Penln· .W. Tin-Tribune In Polo AJeo. without snow-making capablltties suffered. heavy financial losses during 1980's bleak, balmy winter. Thanks to the phenome· nal weather conditions over Thanksgiving weekend. some operators who had lifts running with skeleton crews had to quickly hire staff. Subsequent dustings have bu1lt upon the base. lmprov· lng skllng condltlons even more. "It just dumped! It just dumpedr' exults a jubilant Lee Weber. marketing assls· tant at Heavenly Valley In South LaJce Tahoe. ..Last year there were 10 of us run· ning the fort . This year everybody's skUng and yeU- lng, 'lt'• great!'" "for UI, this Is the bal yes lince lm-72." says Evan RUIMll. marketing di· NCtor for Mammoch Moun· tain Ski Ara, nar Yoeemlte Ct • CAU~IA EOITIOH, J_, t1. tm National Park. "Conditions right now are as good as they ever get." Outsiders may Imagine that the state that gave pos· terity the . surfboard has neither the climate nor the in· terest to support much ski· Ing. In fact. California has a long ski season. general1y running from Christmas to Eastn, with good, packed powder and lots of sun. (Mammoth Is actually skiable on the Fourth of July, but by then. Interest has waned.) Jn fact. so many families In Nor· them California's tren~y Marin County used to take tha kids out of eta.es to ski. the school district long ago decided to "join 'em," and formally established a Ski Week. November's bonus snow· fal gave the M8IOf\ • had art, bulldJng· a mowpack that has frolln into a hard base. According to Bob Rob- erts. executive director of the 38-member Sierra Ski Areas Assodation. there are lndlca· tions that the season will con· tinue strong at least until Easer. One drawback. however. Is long lift lines, wtth waits of up to 40 minutes on week· ends and holidays at some of the more popular usorts. At about $20 for all-day lift tickets. time spent waiting Is money slowly going down the drain. To avoid crowds and take advantage of budget lift rates, Roberts recommends timing outings fOf midweek or long weekends. as weU as seeking out smaDer areas. One of the-m<* placid. un· crowded resorts Is June Mountain, which ls about 22 miles north of Mammoth Mountain Ski Area off High· way 395 and has thuanMI Uft prices. (Phdn e : 714-648- 7733.) Two newer North Tahoe resorts cater to families who may Wish to -rdegate begin-- ners to a completely separate slope while the hotshots spend the day on advanced· 1eveJ runs. Ski Any Moun· taln. located near Squaw Valley, is geared totally to learners. with S8 all-day lift ttckets on weekends, S6 on weekdays. Tickets for chU· dren under 12 are S6 and $4.50 respectively. (Phone: 916-583-4223.) Ukewi9e, Deer Park (for· merty Powder Bowl) oper· ates an all-day ski school for chddren on Alpine Meadows Road. For $28 you get ski rental, a lesson and lunch. Meanwhile. intermediate and advanced skiers can concen· trate on · Alpine Meadows' challenging Sherwood Bowls. (Deer Park's phone number Is 916·583· 72~.) South Lake Tahoe hotels and metels offer &ow wtnta nas, 1owc seill on week- days, as well as the lure of caslnol and ,.name., enter· talnen. Needy . .. NIOl1J have a fleet of Instructors. ski rentals and racing. Some provide child care. The following round-up of the state's resorts includes rates and other tnf ormatlon: NOR1HERN CALIFORNIA Alpine Meadows: The diver· sity of this large resort In North Tahoe's snowbelt at· tracts families, with some· thing for everyone. Runs are 2S percent novice. 35 per· cent Intermediate and 40 percent advanced. Lihs in· dude 10 double chairs. two pomas and one T-bar. Rates: $19 adults, $10 for children 12 and under and $5 for children 6 and under. 1Phone: 916-583-4232 .) Boreal Ridge: Helped by snow-making machines. Boreal weathered last year's poor season well . It is known as the Sierra's largest night· skiin9 area. at $7 for adults, from 4:30 to 10 P.M. Boreal has 80 percent moderate-to· Intermediate runs. eight dou· ble chairs and one triple lift. Rates: $13 adults. $7 children on...waakends; $1Q...50 and $7 .00 weekdays. (Phone: 916426-3666.) Echo Summit: Reopened after a long hiatus, -Echo Is ideal for learners and ad· vanced beginners. On High· way 50, south of Tahoe. it operates two double chairs and one surface lift . Rates: $12 adults. $7 children. (Phone: 916-659-7154.) lteawniy ~: Vies with Squaw Valley for MTahoe's biggest" honors. Located in the south near Stateline, Heavenly offers ski packages as low as $108 for four days and nights. There are 26 hfts. Rates are the same as last year's: $18 adults. $12 children . (Phone: 916-541- 1330.) Soda Sprtngt: Two miles off lnterstate-80 near. Boreal. this is another easlly acces· slble raort. Soda Springs operatts three lifts. Raia: $12 adults. S6 children. (Phone: 916-426-3801.) Immediately adjacent Is the ~ Gorge Nordic c.-.. with 131 mila of trails for aoss-coahtry skiers of all abruties. TTail fee is $6.50. (Phone: 916· 426-3871.) Squaw Valley: World famous site of the eighth winter Olympics, Squaw · Valley draws an average of 10.000 to 12,000 skiers daily in peak season. It operates 26 lifts for skiers from cham· pionshlp to novice ~I with an annual average snowfall of 400 Inches. In addition to marked runs, skiers can head off in all directions over 6,000 acres. · Rates: $20 adults, $5 for children 12 and under. (Phone: 916- 583-6955.) Supr Bowl: Reached by an aerial gondola that keeps crowds and cars at bay, Sugar Bowl's chalets recreate a Tyrolean -village look. Popular with splurging familie:s, Sugar Bowl offers five-da_y ~from $283 to $362. Weekend day-lift rates are $17 for adults, $12 for chiJdren 11 and under on weekends ana $15 and $10 on ·weekdays. (Phone: 916-426-3651.) CE.N'TRAL/sountERN . -CALIFORNIA a.. \Wlev/Mount Reba: Nine chain are cunently gperating at this popular re· sort with plenttful snow and good skiing. Located. off Highway 4 , Bear \.Wey Is an easy drive from Stockton and the Central Valley. Lift lines are seldom longer than five or 10 minutes. Rates: $18 adults. $10 children. (Phone: 209~753-2301 .) aold Mine: Opened Thanksgiving Day with a combination of natural and man-made snow. The new- est resol'\irat Big Bear. In the San Bernadina Mountains. Gold Mine has very good ver- tlc a I runs. from 7 ,000 to 9,000 feet. At present, five lifts are offered. Rates: $15 adults, $9 chUdren. (Phone: 714-585-2518.) . Mammoth Mountain: This resort Uves up to Its name, accommodating 14,000 to 17 ,000 skters a day during peak weekends. It has excel· lent packed powder this year. Located near Highway 395 near Yosemite, Mammoth is 5112 hours from Los Angeles. Rates: $19 adults, $9.50 children. (Phone: 714-934- 2571 .) Snow Summit: Snow Sum· mit can ..,blanket 150 of Its 160 acres with frozen, com· pressed air and water, Insur· Ing Itself against the whims of Mother Nature. Eight lifts: · elevations from 7 ,000 to 8 .200 feet. Rates: $17.50 adults, $10.50 children . 1"111 (Phone: 714-866-4621.).., You1 Guld. to Upcoming EvHta .Im. 29-31: Winter Festival, Hemet .... 30-31: Sled Dog Races. McOoud . .... 30-31: Mt. Shasta Win· ter Carnival Fe. 1-7: Cl'Olby Pro-Am GoW Townarnent, Pebble Beach M. 5-7: How To ... Fu, San Jo. Fib. 9-11: Callfomilll Farm ~tShow. Tulare Fib. 11-15: Winter Festival. Laguna Beach Fib. 11-15: Annual Whiskey Flat Days M . 12-14: Falt Pilch Soft. bal Tournament, Blythe M. 11-15: Citrus Fat, San . Frwadlco M. 11-11: Indio Date Felli· .. Ftb. 14-15: Wortd Cham· p6onshlp Crab Races & Crab Feed, Crescent City 'Fib. 20-21: Gold Skate a..ic, 8akers6eld Fib. 21: Senta Clara Val· ley Kenne! Oub Show, San Jo. Ftb. 26: Trinidad-Clam Beach Run-Scenic Foot Race , ArCllla Ftb. 26-28: Clam Festival/ Mardi Gras. Pismo Beach Ftb. ~. 7: California Mki·Wlnter Fat, Imperial Feb. rt: San Ramon Valley lnvtatlonal Jazz Festival, Oanvdle .. ..- Fib. rt.a: Almond Blas-'°"' Feldval, B"°'1 Fib. II: Qu.i of the Val· lly-Camela Show, At· Wlllill' The only dog food-with four flavors in one bag. 0 BEEF CHEESE LIVER CHICKEN TASTE THAT CALLS DOGS TO D1NNEA1· Mir 15 ~~ Sen.Jlsl 14 Jul 2 lslend PnrQIS'S llarco.NeT 8 1982 ~ 22 llland Princeas LosAngees 14 Jul 3 Pacific Princess San Fnn:l9CO 12 Jun. 5 ltllrd~ SanJuan 14 Jul. 3 Sun Prinoees VtrCXXNer 7 Sep. 20 Island Pril'10l88 ~ 19 Jul 10 SunPnnoees V81'COJWJf 7 Sallllwa11 Sep 21 lsts1d Pnncas& Sa8llle 18 Jul. 10 Island Pnnoe&6 ~ 8 §:· 24 lllland Prinoass Sen Ff'S1Cl900 15 Jul 15 Pacific Princess San Fr..-osco 12 25 Island Prir10B68 lolMgmes 14 Jul 17 Sun Princels VBtf'COMlf 7 Ocl 9 Island Princess SanJuan 14 Jul. 18 lslllnd Pnnceas Vtn::oNel 8 Oct 23 llland PriR:ess LosAngeles 14 Jut 24 SunPnnoees VarcaM!I 7 Not. 6 Sun Princass LosMgalas 14 Jul 26 Island Prinoees llarco.NeT 8 Nori. 6 Island PriR:ess San.Juan 14 Jul. 27 Pale Princess San FlaXl9CO 12 SeUd9y dep9r1ura Cruise Los Angeles to~°' Dec 11• lslani Princess losAngetes 18 Jul. 31 SunPnnceas ~ 7 \lice Y8l'S8 YotfM tty free'" to and from lhe ship from IT8lY Dec 29-Island Pnnoess SanJuan 17 Aug 3 Island Pnncess Vsrco.rver 8 major citim-based on lowa5t ac:iPicable fare. SIOpOY8rS "SpeQll 1 a.<iay Christmas Cn.Ji9e Wllt'I addltlonal perts ~ 7 SunPnncess Varco.Ner 7 are~ arranged. VISll 4 por1s '" 7 days: ~. 8 Pacific Princess San Franci9CO 12 1--1Zittua11Wlejo ()( Man.zanillo. Puer1o '*'8fta. Maza111wl. -5pecial 17-daV New-'•'s Cruise Wiit\ addilonal pOrtS Aug. 11 I~~ V8"X1Jol8f 8 and cruise by Cabe> San Lucas. Aug 14 Sun Princess Vat'CO.Nef 7 -Ffom sorre ottl8r cilie6. we'N pay all bUt s 100 of l1'le air tare. ~lle•n Save on air fare Aug. 19 ISiand Princess VancotNef 8 Aug. 20 Pacifc Princess San Frat lcisco 12 DEPART SHIP SAIL FROM DAYS -Aug. 21 Sun Princess Varr::.o.Nflf 7 Sltlrdly~ Bllecf'on~~at'AeflweM'I Aug. 27 Island Princess Va«n.Ner 8 Feb. 6 Paclic Prinoeea ~ 7 ~II tu S100 =ail tare from~ CCles ~ $150 Aug 28 SunPnncess V8nCOUYef 7 Feb 13 Pacific Pnroees LosAngMes 7 trom~)to fromSenJuanlnh'-'td su~ SeP 1 Pacific Princess San Fnn:isco 12 Feb 20 Pacific Princels' Ac.xJICo 7 Carit:lt.-l Md ~ .. 88lilv lrT8llgld. Quile Sep 4 SunPnnoess Varco.Ner 7 Feb 27 Pacific Pnncas& LosAngeles 7 to 6 ports In 7 ~from two illlaaca Bolh -Sep 4 Island Princess V8"X:ANef 8 Mar 6 P.::ilic Prirqs AclsUco 7 lnCUil a privl88 • ~ Pllf1Y on Pam ls6and 1n Sep. 11 SunPnnce&s V8l'COJVfK 7 Mar 13 Pacific PlincelS LolAngeleS 7 the end• llifw"Y"K-Qn::a:>. C..-. the Sep 12 lslend~ ~ 8to 13-Mar. 20 Pacific PrinoMs ~ 7 GI• d • MlrtiriQua. 9. Thonm end blCkto Sen Juart Sep, 18 Sun Princess VarcoNef 7 Mar 27 Pacific Prine:.. LosAngalaj 7 Or "8" Blltmoa.lleGl•d• Maninique, SI MMner\ 9Rel\JmS to Vancoww At;K. 3 Pacific Pmaes ~ 7 SI. TllOfNI end t.::tc to Sen .As!. At;K. 10 Pacific Princess Los Ar1glMa6 7 DEPART SHIP SAIL FROM PORTS DAYS -Returns to Vancoww (8 days), then cortrueS to ArK 17 P.::ific Prinoees AcaptJlco 7 Selllle (9 dava). San FrlnCilCo ( 11 dlrfs) and Los Angeles '4fK. 24 Pacific Princess l.oSMgees 7 Feb. 6 Sun Princess San Juan 8 7 (13dava). ~ 1 Pacific Prinoess AcaClubl 7 r:.b. 13 Sun Princess SanJuan A 7 ~ 8 Pacific Princess LosAngeles 7 Feb. 20 Sun Princess San Juan 8 7 Soulll Padllc Fly free = 15 Pacdic Princess Acae>ulco 7 • Feb, 27 Sun Pnncess San Juan A 7 22 Pacific Princess LosAngeles 7 Mar. 6 Sun Prinoe&S San Juan 8 7 May 29 Pacific Pnncl866 ~ 7 Mar. 13 Sun Princess San Juan A 7 Ry free to l..o6 Mge6es °' San Frarosco from many ma,or Jun s Pacific Prinoe&s Lofl Angeles 7 Mlw: 20 SunPnnoess SanJuan 8 7 cities. cruise to Sydney Visit l...ahalna. Honolulu. Chfsmas Jun. 12 P8Cific Princess Ac.xJICo 7 Mar. 27 Sun Princess San.Juan A 7 15'ar(I. Bora Bora. Pae>eate. Mooree. Acia. ~ P~ Oc1 4 SunPMcess ~ 12 A(x. 3 Sun Princess San.Juan 8 7 Ntuafo'ou (Tin Can Island), Suva. Aucidand bac free Od. 5 SunPrilica SealOe 11 Au. 10 Sun Prtncess San.Jusl ,.. 7 l.owesl ~., tares lllPY throughout Oct 8 SunPrinoels San Francisco 8 Nx 17 SunPnncess San.Juan 8 7 Or lly free from ITWlV major Cities 10 ~. cruise 10 Oct. 9 SunPnncess losAngeles 7 At;K. 24 SunPnncess San.Juan A 7 Los Angeles ~ldand. ~·Bora Bora, Oct. 16 SunPrincea Acapulco 7 = 1 Sun Pnncl8S's SanJuan 8 7 Papeaee, Mo$Jre8. mas Island. lAu Fly beck Oct 23 SunPrinoa lolMgalas 7 8 Sun Princees San.Juan A 7 free from Los Angeles. Oct. 30 SunPrinoa ~ 7 fib. 20 Sun Princeas San Juan A 7 YOtJ can*> take "8 55-=tnp cruise (0< 56 days fib. 8. Pacific Pril 1CW LosAngllal 6or 12 Not. 27 Sun Prinoeas San Juan 8 7 Nori. 14 Pacific Princeas Acapulco 6 Dec.. ( Sun Pri~San_Juan A 1 from San Francisco) as a su · cruise fare SMnQS NOv. 20 ~ losAngeles 7 Dec 11 Sun Prinoaea San Juan 8 7 Your cruise inciudeS a Special Yllue Package. Beside& NoY. 27 Pacific Princeas ~~ 7 Dao. IS-Sun Prinoees San.Juan A 10 f~ fll{}hts from ~cities. ~·11 recave a cftJISe-fare Nov. 29 Island Princeas 6or 12 Dec 2a-Sun PriOOll9S San.Juan A 11 credit on any 1983 ncess rUISe ~ .S 1000 10< round· Dec s !stand~ kapulco 6 ~ l(kiay OlrillrTW; Cruiea wlh addiiooal pOr1S • Dec. 11 Pa::ific Princees LosAngeles s ()( 10 Dec.• 16 P.::lc Princees ~ 5 "5peclal 11~ New Year's Cr\Ji8e wlh acbtior'8I pOrtS Dec. 21• Pa::ilic Prinalss Los Angeles 12 ~ 12-<iav rour»trt> Olriltmal/New Yws en. A .. llm·Cwd• Tiwc•n .. Fly tree Slllurdllv =:Sail 7 d8vS roum trip from Val'ICo.Net. · f'9 famed lnlidl =to America's ~· FlyfnlttoSen~tromrTWt11T111P l..allt Frotmr. See~ lier Glacier ~ isA Junea.1. dlill onkJWlll~tn.~n~ Slcagwf, ~end bea.dlJ Milly jord. In addition to 7-~ Prinoeel ~ &-dlt/. anwQlli Than cruile~~= St Thon9. enc.. Qncao. ........ PllW1la • PllW1la Cly. round-tr1> ~from VanootN8f to K*hikan. Jurall.I, ~ CaboSen Luca Ry mck M 14 ~ Slcagwf. Gllciar ~ n Sillca. Or lly fr89 from f1WfY l'llliOr c•• to Los Angeles on a OrctlOC*a 12·• rou~auitefromSanFfanci9Co ~ cruiaeto S8n Juart v.a Acapulco,.,..... "8 to v~. Prince Rupert.~.~. Glacier P8fwN ear.I. on IO Clr1agena. Atvbl, Mar11niQue. e.y, Silka and Vk*lr1a St. 'fhorNa. Fly beck he. BonlnD Bonul! Choose any 12-neght. round-trip CtU1Se 'lbu C91 allC> take fie 28-day ~cruise and U\'8 and ~1 etYPf a S200 per person Ct\Ji9a fare savings OOI ... ri:ly OVfll 2 oonti'led 14-day feres Thats S400 per COUl>le 1np pasnnoers. S500 for passenoers ~way. and DEPART SHIP SAIL FROM DAYS ftlird /)6f1iOfl fm9ls free in 'fOUf Sl8lel oom lor SHIP SAIL FROM DAYS 2 Sun Prinoess Los Angeles 10-~making reeervations by March 15. 1982. a lsaand Priras San.Juan 14 5 Sun Pnnoess ~ 7 · S)dley fOtl for rour6<tnc> 1l1!16981 I08fS. a fr8e Island Pril1C99 LolMgaie& 14 12 ~= Vancouver 7 3-n(rJti h<N ::m. S)'dn8y b8lor8 or al'ler a one- lstand Pl1oceal San~ · 14 19 VllincouYer 7 wtlf cruiae, end • rd end d $200 lor rounO-tri> lallnd PriOCllS ~~ 14 19 llllnd Prinolls ~r:=x, 11• pam igers, SlOOfor<>ne-MYllllll~. l*rt Princell 14 20 =~= 10-DEPART SHIP SAIL FROM ~ lllland PrWa9 Loi Ar'Ollll 14 21 Ffa'IC*O 12 Sep. 13 PICllc Prtnom ltl9nd Pm:-S....Mn 14 22 llllndPtwa. VlnccaMf 8 • SunMa. VlntoMr 7 Sep, 14 Pleile~ QI. 13 Plaa:~ Dlscawr hoW arefree ---a ftCllllon CM be on OW ..................... resorts. For-an unforgettable vacation. sail away with us on a luxurious Princess Cn.Jise. Nothing is spared to make your vacation very special. Very convenient, too. because one price buys it all: Your cruise to a vai'iety of fascinat- ing ports. A~ stateroom. Rne dining arou"'1fle clock. DazzJing enter- tainment. Dozens of activities. Superb service. And in most cases. free flights between many ma;or cities ahd your ship. Plus a third person can travel in your stateroom free by just paying air fare (offer applies thii Winter and Spring to all Acapulco and Transcanal cruises). Got a week? Take our Acapulco Sallaway. Four ports in 7 days. No other cruise line visits as many pons. Or choose our Caribbean Sailaway from San Juan. Six exotic ports 1n ol"IE! week - rt.lore than any cruise from Florida otters in 7 days. Two weeks? Great! Sail from ooean t cx:ean via the incredible Panama Canal. See. the best of two wor1ds-the Mexican Riviera Ph.JS" the Caribbean. · Or in Summer. Alaska. Visit gold rush towns and soectacular Glacier Bay. 'Ne offer the widest choice of cruises-7. 8 or 12 days. Or next Fall sail with us to paradise The South Seas. Australia and New Zealand. A cruise of a lifetime. •••• x ............. Chcx>se from our trio of Princess ships. Each a British-registered Love Boat. So elegant. yet the mood is casual. friendly. And there's always so much to do. Bridge. Bingo. Deck sports. Swimming. Dancing. Feature movies. A casino. Port lectures Late=night disco. And aon·t rnlSs our spectaeular n:iusical revues. l111:mrd ........ culrlne. And ahh. the dining! Let our Italian dining room staff ooax you into continenlal delights.such as Roast Duckling a !'Orange. A juicy steak. Or Fettl.Jcdn1~1lie liSt is endless. And leave · room for our Cherries Jubilee. Our 1982 Cruiseguide has all the exciting deCails about a Magnificent Adventure. A travel agent has your e<:JP'I. And ask about our money- saving Value Specials for 1982. There's never been a better year to sail flNSY-and save. Best book earty. Bon voyage! Contact a travel agent. the expert, now. ~ _ r:------------~ ~ Princess Cruises~ 2029 Century Park East - I L~ Angetes. CA 90067 Please send me your 1982 Cruisegulde I'm interested 1n· 0 Acapltlc:o 0 Transcanal I 0 Caribbean c Alaska/Cianada 0 Soutn Pacific I ,.... ' i-• I ' .. · ma:tgatet mHIGt and Ro11 fnacDonald: Ctime .\ll~ Pays! Lew Archer never encountered a more compatible couple than theae maater novellata who have been wed for 43 years. Millar and MacDonald: "l'ue bun In love with her, 1' he says, "since I was 13." By Edvlna Elmora Seltlka -1 he Coral Casino in Santa Bar· bara looms up on the left. tur· · quolse and salmon awnings against a backdrop of cream- colored walls and a splash of deep blue in the sea beyond . h ls the first ttme you have seen it, but not the first time it has been shown to you. Writer Ross MacDonald and his wtfe, Margaret M11Jar, also a novelist, have each described the setting in their books. In Block Money, pub- lished in 1966. MacDonald recreated It this way: "The carefully groomed woman at the &ont desk of the main building told me that Peter Jamlaon was probably In the mack bar. l walked around the end of the. 50-meter pool, which was endosed on three sides by cabanas. On the fourth side the sea gleamed through a 10-foot wire fence ltke a blue fish abve In a net. A few dry bathers were lying around as If the yellow eye of the sun had hypnodzlld them." ' Noveliltl Miiar and MacDonald, noW!'both 65, sit in the shade at a table by ilie Coral Casino's pool. They talk easUy about their writing -his detec· tlve .storiesi her adventure novels - which has given them a reputation for being the last of a class act: the Ham· mett-Chandler string of California mysteries. Although MacDcmald recently underwent brain surgery and Millar is legally blind, they continue to make almost daily treks from their Santa Barbara home to the Casino; which stts. oceanside of the Santa Barbara Btltmore. The club hasn't changed that much, Millar says, not smce the day she first saw Santa Barbara during the Second World War : "I saw tt from a train window and I went on up to San Luis Obispo, stayed the night. turned around, came back and bought a house." For MacDonald. who was In the Navy at the time. his wife and daughter's move to Santa Barbara returned him to the state in which he was bom . Although he grew up In Canada and ltUdted at the Unlvmtty of Mlch'ean. MacDonald. had never severed hla Ha wkh California. Now MacDonald and hla · wtfe are old·lln• Santa Ban>arans, watching qui.tly • the city ftghts off h•vy· •- handed moves to tum it into yet another example of Sprawl City. And the world is closing In on Santa Bar· bara, Millar says. "Look what Reagan did. setting up that Western White House. Now everybody wants to come to California." She smUes and adds. "One of my boo~ Is based on a place beside his ranch. It has the most gorgeous vtew in the world ." The city and its environs are re- ferred to in both writers' books. Mac- Donald began describing his Santa Barbara and California with the postWar Blue Cily and The Three Reach. Millar's own work (includ- ing The lnulslble Worm. Iron Gote.s and Ftre Wiii Freeu) stems back to 1941. MacDonald, who had wanted to write since childhood, began seriously working on his crime·writ· ing in 1945 whUe he was serving in the Navy. fits book The Go/ton Case drew things together for MacDonald as he moved deeper Into his most famous character, detective Lew Archer. For MacDonald. The Go/ton CCJ.fe was an attempt to break away from the hold his sea-captain father had on his hf e. He brings back his father's memory. "lt Isn't often that a man can walk right Into the heart of his father's job," he says, pointing out that not only had he gone to sea like his father. but also taken up writing , as his father had done. .. More than once, MacDonakl has been linked wJth Hammett and Chandler In a "golden age" of alme· writing. Now, MacDonald Is In retire· ment. But he argues against the idea that the golden age is gone. "ff I'm lucky, It's !till going," he says. He wishes contemporary crime writers weU. "If a book Is honestly written and properly written . I .don't feel any threat to my reputation. I'd be glad to see the California genre writ· ten by other writers." Neither has MacDonald felt In com· petition wkhnla wife of 43 years. Both authors have met wtth financial and international succas. ''I think It's great when you hove two writers In the same family, .. Mys Ml.Dar. "Nobody can puD rank." lar has completed work on a book, Mermaid, ustng a tele· n -magnified screen to correct her y, then dictating chapters and lines fo complition. Being blind at 65 Is h 11, says Millar: "When you finally the time to read as much as you've always wanted to, you have to have the books read aloud." For h!s own part, MacDonald was happier With his "middle and later books." But still, "I'm not entirely satisfied with the work I've written. I'm grateful, because what I've had came as a gift. But I'm not satisfied with it!' But MacDonald Is satisfied with his long-lasting mamage. "l've'been i.n love with her." he says, "since I was 13." "There's a lot of make-believe In most mamages. But nobody gets away with anything In our house ," explains Millar. The couple's only child. Linda. died In 1970 at the age of 34. Their 18-year-old grandson ltves in Orange County. MacDonald and Millar now count on frienos to take them to the Coral Casino. the scene where Lew Archer was introduced to so many qf the broken lives that people MacDonald's stories. Right after the war there must have been a strong sense of white-jacket romance about h1s plac~~ Burnow tt'scrltttte-faded: -- The service ls ho-hum. the food or· dinary, and the pool has seen better days. For MacDonald, foUowing Archer through California has been a jour· ney Into the darker side of people's lives . Now, 35 years later, Mac- Donald admits the gap betweer:i the rtch and poor can never be flUed. "not quite, not completely." In his book on crtme-wrttlng, Mac· Donald says. "Archer was created from the inside out. f wasn't Archer, exactly, but Archer was me." ' ... It wouldn't be hard to follow Ar· cher from The Drowning Pool - fighting to bridge the gap. moving people toward the lighter sides of their lives -to the shabbier Caltfor· nia of 1981. You could see Archer sitting where MacDonald sits now. In the shade of an umbrella beside the pool at the Coral Casino." blinking against the sun shining off the wa.ter: Wanting one more chance to say what he has wanted to say aU along but having to sett.le for the color of the ocean beyond the fence, 1'111 llke a blue flah alive In a net. la6I Your medicine chest. unless It Is pcoperly and sa{ely equipped, might be doing your f am Uy more harm than good. "The medicine chest Is probably the worst thing that ever happened to home safety," says Dr. Paul Wise, director of emergency and primary care services at The Children's Hospital Medical Center in Boston, Mass.," because all the potentially d~us items are in. one place." According to Dr. Wise, for· most children the medicine chest is a (orbid · den area, and thus It's often the first place they go to when they are left alone. In addition. many children tend to see medicine as candy and want to eat it. "No medicines should be in a cabi- net that's not locked," Dr. Wise em- phasizes. Furthermore. he recor:n· mends that ~ven in a locked cabinet, m icitiOn56eSforea in containers With child-proof safety caps. ~ Regardless of whether you have young children in your home. there are other precautions that should be taken • to ensure safety with your medk:ine chest. First of aJI, says Dr. Richard Penna. director of profession· al affairs at the American Pharmaceu· tical Association in Washington, 0 . C., if your medicine chest Is located In the bathroom, drugs should not be kept in It at all. ·"Usually the bathroom will have very high ht.imidlty and the high- est temperature in the house. Humid- ity and high temperature are not good -for 'drugs .• They cause. ta~ to tend to sttck together or aumble. And many medicines decompose under high temperature." He suggests you keep drugs In a cool, dark place. Also. as medicines age, the chem!· ails they con$1st of may change. Meredith Clarke, a representative of the National Safety Council, advises you to get rid of any medications that are out of date (check expiration dates Lalv &rger i. o frulones wrfter tp«#ollll"g In hcolh topic•. OD labels). Though your bathroom medi- cine chest should not be used to store medication. there are some items It should . not be without. '1be most Important thing in any medicine chest should be a list of telephone numbers to call in' an emef!'!ncy," Dr. Wise says. He r~ommeods you include !he num- bers of your physician. the closest poi- son-control center. your police and fire e~ments and an ambulance company. "h's a good idea to keep a first-aJd manual in your medicine cabinet," says Dr. Peryna. "And since accidents don't announce themselves In ad- · vance, the members of your house· hold should be familiar with the pro- 1cedures In the manual beforehand." Here are some additionaJ medical items no home should be without. Remember to keep the medications someplace other than the batliroom. (If you'd Uke to store all items to- gether, consider relocating your medicine chest.) 1. General first-aid substances. such as adhesive bandages and cotton gauz.e. Also, disinfectants and an· tiseptlcs such as iodine or antibiotic oinfinen& ~e Oaatracin. For cuts a nd scrapes. 2. Aspirin or acetaminophen. For fever. aches and pains. 3. Ipecac syrup, 1-ounce bottle. Induces vomiting after poiton is .. swallowed. "But don't edmlntlter It without first checking with your physician," Dr. Wise warns. 4. Calamine lotion. All-around skin treatment. For poison Ivy or oak, In- sect bites, sunbum. lHydrocortisone cream is also useful for skin ailments.) 5. Antacid preparation. For upset stomach. 6. Mild antidlarrheal preparation such as Kaopectate. ·1. Ice bag or ice pack. Reduces swell- ing from athletic Injuries, sprains. bruises. contusions, tooth extractions. 8 . Hot-water bottle or heating pad. Soothes aches end pains. 9. Elastic band9-For sprains. 10. Thermometer. Rectal for In· rWI fants, oral for rest of household. MW MMILY WIBLY, ,_., 11, -• 11 r---·--:z 111 Box 374, Dept. 8LF, Des Moines, Iowa 50336 I CR.U-rs Name ___ ..__ ______ _ I ID YES! Please send me your FREE Craft Kits catalog (No. 00900). {pie-. pnnl) Address __________ _ I I I City ----------- State ------ZIP.'---~ '----------------··---.. -----------··----..I .. SYIOMETRICS ••• an Olympic Champion's Discovery! .:;,:~,ft rile t1n1as11c new discovery tor .,... ....,.. away 119ty, tm· 1>ur1s11no tat 1nd 1111> 10 1tv11I a bland new rock·lllrd. lean. . ............. .............. ..., -........ ., ...... et .. • Oly111p1( Gold llltO•I ,., •• ., trim "'"4floml llOcly' · -~ ... m. . . . . . ffi~ .... ~ : . ... . : ~ . : . ' . I MethoO 10 t ive '°" •••u·t• .,, "'t\uiea.. NOT l"lcu·11· Now build youraelt • • '•""tt+e too11.1n9 oooy wolh I"" .nc•edoll .. SYNOMETAICS-tft• •••••hOll '"" •O,,. on the ••C.11fnq "(lW ICiOftt1f1(: (Oncciot ot ISOIONIC • ISOlllEl RIC IRON Cl.AD MONIY MCK GUARANTEE In JUSI • tew do.rt yo11 -.. .. •c:·t.a.-11y ~9·" ltt Ml! mea1ur11b'•· real te1ult1 .. ,.._. ......, ltacl . .._., -·-.., _ ...... • NO O••I needed II d••lr CAIOllC ont•~· doe• not l>dO 10 Pl9 .. l'lt llOdV'"919h!, .-;;,;;----.. SH;--, I ,.~ .. ...,.,..,. I " .. '"'"*'"IC .. " -'""' ......... , ... I I .............. •-All-(lt99· ... weltt, dlftt, --ltpJ, I w1M tHJ ti I .... It •.. elllerwltt, I .... -• '"'' ,...... I ............ c .... . I NAM( I I •OOllUS I C:ITY SrAI[ . l l, ___:__ I •••n••.-•••--• ....... I L 11¥&1U .............. .. ........................ .J ----------- ~ ... I I 1 t I • _, 11 POUNDS GONE IN JUST 3 DAYSI ~1:°.'. 17 POUNDS GONE THE NfED." 7 DAYS! . 23 POUNDS GONE IN JUST 2 WEEKSI WITlllUT Pl Is -Ill BRUTAL PERaSE! Dl4Y1 4LBS - Dl4Y3 11 LBS GONE DAY14 23LBS - in11t1 molt-TillE TMM'lMrS -...r:um-•..... .,... ..... ...... ,..,., --. .,.,,._ 2 ...... ,._ .......... O... ..... NY 11m 'M. I Wll lo lOe£ flOOllOS MIO llllM$ .. ..,_ ....,. SdlOOI •..., .. ~ .lnlll-IMll ... ...., ........ _ ............ ,...~,..,.. ...... ........., ,... 1111111 "" lllfGA-THl&r!CIO .. sf ,.,.... -..,..,_ .. .,... ............ 111_.,..,. 11,_.,.. IO_,.,._,-.. tlmr,.,a-,_ 11111 ...... ...,,....,_., _.,._ = ("°10l1111r ...... ~•ts•l2• ,,..... Ot'°'°l•llJ ...... ~Dl .... 13PG91.4 .... OllOIDl•llr ...... OllfrSM••M._4 ..... C(,.,.llJ ...... O.,••••• ....... MM!e.....S -lllY ........... .., •C:OO't J_ I I -mo•1...,••llMIO....... 1 ClleCllff ----! ..... . :-_______ J ~-------------------- Sy Gary Stern I n every family there are occasions when anger erupts between parents in the presence of young children. Sigmund Freud contended that a child's superego was not developed enough for him to feeJ anger's · damaging effects. But now some psychologists are offering a different view· point. . Andre Derdeyn, a psy- chiatrist and director of the • University of Virginia's divi- sion of child and famUy psychiatry. has conducted studies recently that reveal that a child sometimes senses a parent's anger, blames himself for the parent's prob- lem ana: as a resWf, feelS depressed. It is inevttable that' parents express anger at each other. but Dr. Derdeyn warns against "inappropriate and in· explicab&e" anger. "There can be open conflict," he says. "A famUy, after all. should be a safe place for free emotional ex- tjlange, but when It turns explosive, that's when you need to protect your child." DaVid Boedy, associate clinical pro- fessor of the University of Vermont's Family Ouireach CentArr, ~ees chat young children can be affected by a- ploslve parental anger -and that's true even for babies ... A baby is very tuned Into a mother's feelings ," says Boedy. pointing out that a baby can discern tension in the mother's body while being hekl or breast-fed. Studies show that a parent's shrill, angry tone of voice will alter a baby's cooing. For a slightly older child, a parent's anger can be threatening or confusing because the child can't Integrate thJs overwhelming feeling. If parents begin threatening each other or taldng of dlvon:e, It preys on the child's most catastrophic fear: abandonment. And parents who argue behind closed doors are not fooling a younglter, who senses the hostile underpinnings and scratned tones. How can parents communicate their anger toward each other without . frightening or confusing their child? Dr. Boedy belleva that, fOC' starters, pe.rerlts should ~ theJr anger Goiy &mi II o /rfflott<»r who# l»cwt '-op· peored In monv publlcaflon•. toward eacl\ ~"Parents have a right to be af9Y. and the anger does not have to take place In the bedroom behind closed doors," Boedy says. Arguing In front of the youngster can actually help him see that Mommy and Daddy can live happUy with each other even when not In accord on every issue. Suppressing anger or try· lng to hide It will only make matters worse In the long run. However, If parents are going to argue In the presence of children , It must be.conaln.H::tlue~: anger that Is worl<ed through and does not tum threatening or violent. "Anger must be retolved," Boedy J)otnts out, "so that children can see it has a begin- ning and an end." Here are a few more ground rules he offers for parents: 1. Learn to argue constructively. An argument should never result In a winner and loser but rather two win· ners. Ideally, you should reach an understanding of what you both want and a compromise that will allow both of you to have your needs met. 2. Never thruten each other. 3. Either parent should have the right to stop the argument if it becomes too heated. 4. Let chUdren know that they are not responsible for the anger. For In· stance, "It's O.K., Bobby, It's not your fault. Mommy and Daddy are having an argument about the car." 5. Help yaur child with h1s survival . skills. fo, example, "When M«nmy and Daddy fight, you can go to your room and listen to music ti you r. want to." ~ FAMllY WQl(l.Y, J._y 17, 1m • 11 I J Send for this FR~E Catalog Finally, you can get a good selection of great· looking clothes that fit! Instead of gettmgsold short rn stores that carry only a limited selection 1n your size. send lor 80pagesot smart looking clothes guaranteed to lit' Whata- guarantee! Your order from The Kl NG-SIZE Co. is GUARANTEED both BEFORE and AFTER Wearing, Washing or Dry Cleaning. Unless you are fully satisfied, you may send it back for a full refund or exchange. ---IT'S ALL HERE!----* Brand-name shirts up to 22" neck and 38" sleeve * Slacks and Jeans to 60 " waist and 38" inseam *Jackets and outerwear to slze60 * Shoes. boots. work shoes and sneakers to size 16 EEE FREE 80 PAGE COLOR CATALOG Please send the latest KING-SIZE Co. lull-color Catalog to me at the address below MyTetephone Number_,..-....,....,--------------Alp• Code N1me ___________________ _ Adclf9••~--------------------Clty ________ Stete ______ Zip ___ _ ... GOBBLEDYGOOK There are a lot of perfect- ly good words In the En· glish language that. for many reasons (society's mores, our egos), we frown upon using. lnstead we camouflage them by In· venting a new language. Thus an ass becomes a "donkey," you're not fired. you 're "let go," garbage collectors become "sanita· tlon men" and a politician doesn't lie. he .. misspeaks himself." From Hugh Raw· son's dever A DictSonary of f uphemltms & Other Doubleiolk. here are a few • examples, many from that bastion of jabber· wocky -the military: air support (bombing) authentic reproduction (a fake all the same) combat emplacem~t . evacuator (Army shovel) encore nv talk for a reput) memorial park (cemetery) nondisc.emible rrucrobiono· cuJator (C.l.A. dart gun) open marriage (open adultery) preemptive sbike (sneak at· tack) NEW HEIGHTS In about one of every 5.000 children. the body pro· duces no growth hormone. and he or she will grow no taller than 41/2 feet. These children can be treated suc- cessfully with injections of the hormone. but the hormone can be obtained only from the pituitary gland of a cadaver. "It takes about 80 pituitary glands to treat one child for one year. and treatment -often lasts up to 10 years." points out Dr. Virginia Weldon. J professor of pedi· atrics at Washington . J University In St. Louis. But now rapid advances In genetic engineering offer the hope that the hormone might be readily avalJable soon for these children and for others whose pituitaries produce an abnormal version of the growth hormone. The synthetic hormone. produced using recombinant DNA, Is currently being tested on klds at 10 locations around the U.S .. including Washington U. Certain types of dwarfism will not be helped by the hormone, and no child can grow after his bones are fully fused. which usually occurs during puberty. 'There are certain ethlcJI considerations involved here, too." notes Weldon. "Do we praaibe the hormone for normal-sized children whose parents want basketbaJI players? It's obvious that for many reasons we must pro· ceed very carefuDy." a• MIA'f WlllC&.Y, ~ 1'. - previously owned (used) retrograde maneuva, or strategic movement to the rear (military retreat) sight deprived (blind) wonderful personality (at best, homely) ZAPPING CHAPPl!DUPS The best way to prevent winter's chapped lips may simply be to drink more water. Chapped lips are pri- marily caused by Internal dehydration, explains Dr. a.6nard KJrshbaum, clinical profeseor of dermatology at The Medical College of Pennsylvania. We don't feel as thirsty ln cold weather as In hot and so don't drink enough. And when we lick our lips, the cold air evaporates the moisture, caulhig further irritation. Consuming just any liq· ulds won't do. Coffee, tea and colas contain diuretics. says.Kinhbaurn, and drtnk- lng them draws off more fluid than you take In. He advlla water or juices -4 to 8 glalMS a day. 141 L•rlnploll A .... N-""'* N. I'~ lotr.n Chelrman •nd Publlehef Mol'ton Fr•nk Pr9•~,= O~:t'l•ner Vic.flfeeldent and Genl. Mgr. JoM!MnT~ Ea.cut'" Editor, Mhur Cooptr r=·~·~=~: I I I MUZZLING HOWARD Some 36 regularly scheduled lV shows, from Lauerne & Shirley to Maaerplece Theater, are closed captioned for the deaf. This means that sub-J titles corresponding to the I audio portion appear on TV sets equipped with spe· cial decoders (43,000 are currendy in use). Now the nonprofit Na· tlonal Captioning Institute ln Falls Church, Va .. is thinking of. er. tapping a new market -bars. N.C.I. thinks patrons accustomed to the perpetual saloon din might like know- ing what's being said up on the screen. And a recent letter to N.C.I. suggests the possibility of another vast new audience. A hearing-Impaired woman in North Carolina wrote that her husband, who can hear, prefers captions on Monday Night Football to the regular sound ... He says it's nice to tum down the volume so he doesn't have to listen to Howard Coseu:· she explained. WHAT'S-Hml-NAlll! IS GORGllOUS 1be more attractive you are. the harder you may be to remember. As reported recently in New Scientist, three California researchers showed high-school yearbook photos ·to a group of volunteers. asking them to rate the subjects on a ftve·polnt scale of "usualness.'' Then -another group ranked the people pictured on how good looking they were. Flnally. the researchers tested how memorable the faces were by flashing slides of each. It turns out those people judged to be molt typical looking were also the ones ~ BIRTHDAYS (Sun.·Tues., Capricorn: rest, Aquarius) Sunday - Sharl Lewis 48; Andy Kaufman 33. Mondlty - Cary Grant 78; Muharn· mad Ali 40; Danny Kaye 69. Tuesday -Jean Stapleton 59; OoUy Parton 36. Wedneeday -George Bums 86; Patricia Neal 56. ~te While, Food Edite•"IYn Mtrl-tell Attoc. Edltc~llot 11'1; ANI. IEdllor, M9ry Ellin rrttt~ r.c"l ~~. ~11"8rec1cx ~°ic11a~~'~•ld~:. ut. Art 'b1r9Ct0;tl SuNo Pereira~. rt. rt>trt JIOIOn. =Stinton. 0¥· no EdilCK. PMr htlmer: ;on-trlb\lllna Writ«•. riey Slotln Feder. Jot1n GlllOn. Norm11n LObHN, Anlll Summer. v.P.•Mfa.~lr. or ~r•tlon•. 8 rd"J II · -~ c..Aoberte 11na· • ar.. Cl'Wllt 'Kreemer: •nnln MJCl"IHI Mont9ff,urro: TYP.~11'*~ Oebra ROM V.'P.·W.ttm · Joe Franr, Jr. V.P--Ad !~Ger.Id S. Wro.: EM-.m MGf., 1 8. Powefl. Aa- judged most attractive. They were also the lndl· vlduals least likely to be recalled. The attractive faces tended lo look alike. precisely because they lacked distinguishing features. ThLlf'ldlly -Mac Davis 40; TeUy Savalas 58. Fri- day -Bill Bixby 48. ~~utem M~~lc:hero K. C..rrotl. I Mat. wrence M -i:inn ., Perttins. eo!lt!lS~Yotl Olr ~;,tn and H1~1ro,. V.,P.. lttlellng It. St&l'llty ROMnltlll. 1rt19tll)Q Ot, Kent O'AleSMndro mi~-~·'"~''l rtl ; e...,.per ~~an.. . Bitier.:,F!Oben M Marilou. . w§1 1ren1oonM1on "'!' nn; •trtbutlon ar.. • Ila · :it Ion f., n n:~~tonPr~ ~!!; . Mt.. rtM1r1 ll~~"~t~.~ wiu. contrvi .. r, Jlmee Enr!Qhl. Warm~g: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. ---------~-------------., ···-, .... a.It .. la-111. .... Cir. .. , .. ......................... in .. ~lla(M•lnl• ..... lloc*I .......... , ....................................... , .................................... Clilb ............ ,.,Sal "' 1 ... --lllJ *' ..... -· ......... Ill --., ...... nl ....................... --. ... ...,~ff& --~·-------lllJbWdlDlc.a, l""'~ ....... ...,10 I ----..,..., .... _......,.., .. ,.""(91 . I ' :·:.~ FREE II 11 u----. I =~~~~~~..--~~~~-(Plat priM) ·t M15 S17.• 1711 Sll.15 1121 S19.95 .. $13.95 97'5 $12.95 0307 S1•.95 OiftCl 1 lqladron of ...... P51 's CMr Ctn. -your eyes ~for enemy pef1scopes "' the Not1fl Altanllc. Blodllde Commlrilt ~ rM9I., Nor1tt Kafll with lhl U.S. Navy. TrMI behind enemy lines cin 1 ~mission will lhl Gl1ln Berlll. ~ 1*1 be ~ ~. the Plcific, Nor1tt Afric:I, Kafll. Vietnam, and the Middle East-~ ~· ~'s finest, reliving 1hllQOf1Y and ecstasy of bltlle. Membership In lhe MILITARY BOOK CW8 brings you OUID .. IQ. r.rt-tlOUfdng 1CCOW11S of miliCary lt'*GY 11 IOW discount prices. The MILITARY BOOK CW8 Wlllyou/Joln... • llew ... Ct.etwortlai Altlf your IPlllk;allol1 for membeBhlp Is ICCIPCld. you'll rec:eM your 3 books tor 98C (plus Shipping and handling) and your ,,_book Ind NP-"you n not Sllisfled, relUfn 1hl 3boobwithin10 dlys, your memberlt1ip will be cancelled. and you'I OM no1*'9. Thi hi book and m1P n ycMS IO MIO in llfY ca. . Miit _, 4 ... (14 lirfm a Y"'~ you'I l'ICliYe. frle. the Club's magazine descntllng the COIT1IOQ Selection(S) and AllefMls. Also, up to 4 times I year you fnlY receM °"!fs of special selections. tt you want the leltur9d 5*:tion(s~ do nothing: it will be Shipped to you IUtomltically. If you want an Alternate. or no book It II. irdclll ~ Pf*l•ICI on the Ofder form and retum it ~ lhe dlll spedfled. (A ctwge for Shipping nS handling Is added eo 11 ....,...) 1111t dill...,.. you 10.,. eo dlc:ldt. "you r9CIM.,. unw*d 9ll6ection becMe you hid i. lhln 10 dlrl. ~ it Ind CM nctilg. Once you've pun:tlllld IUlt 4 boob di.wing your ftfll 2 ye111 of membel1hip. you m.r resign It llfY lime or canlilwl • .. Dublllnlfll. ................. ......... • Qlb ...... _ .. J'IJl_ .. .., .. -~.Ml!ll• .... llt~~ - I 1 JULln •-ntlc ~ 2 ct. Gemflre c-tetf.lt . Ewquhl'-!Y Pfopol'· Honed whti full 5e facets and pot,.hed to o f~ bflHion<e. Hond Mt In cloulc Mt. No. 6525 Wh.Mtg. 14Kt-GE ., .... mAN A ~ul I ~ ct. ring. Hot 3 perfectly· mokhed, brilllont-cut Gemflr" Mt In dla· ttnctM totin ond poflahed mounting. No. 6554 Yel.Mtg. ••Kt-GE tn.tt DIVOTION A S/8 ct. G.mfire (It) Counterlelt Olomond eneoeement ring wilt\ • f101hl119 tide ''°"" Mt In pocefvl leof pottem. Mokh-lng wedding bond. A Mt to enjoy o,jlfetlmo. No. 6512 Yel.,Mtg. 14Kt-GE · 111.tl PIHNCISS A stylilh G.mfire Codttoll ring wilt\ o ·~ ct. round IOfltolre c.rtter •lone 1urrounded by 6 1porldlng tide 1tonee. Totof 2'1• ct1. No.61l6Wh.Mft. 14Kt·GE t1'.tS .. ,.. .... ,..... to Show 1 • .,aa1te De,tell MAJISTIC , A rodlont bunt of 11 Gemfl,.. eurround o lorge·centef et-for o totof of 1 .S Gem· fir ... Vef'Y"dfomotlc I · No.6105 Yet.Mtg. 14Kt·Gl 111.tl No.6106 Wh.MfV. 14Kt-GE t11.tl DAD ANION . 114 cf. Gemflre Mt In horM1hoe with II groduotlng 1tonet. A 1tondout ring In f •Kt-GE mounting. Very hond1ome. No. 6361 Yet.Mounting tu.ti LAURA NEW-Thlt chormer hot dellcotely corved 1-1 detlfll wltti bfillionl Oiomonlte Dlo· mondt In eocb leo:t. corefully hond Mt In tti. mounting. A reol flnger·flotterer I No. 6452 Wh.Mft. 1410-GE t11M PHILLIP MEWi SopNttlcoted styling. Thlt hondlome 112 ct. G.mflre In center with • tide 1tonet Inoa tunning ~llow and wNte mtg. No.6454 2· Tone Mft. 14Kt-GE tU ... 'Rll JIWIURS Gin BOX WlrH IVIRY RING ..... CIOWN o.-w .. a. DIV. °' 1'&.ANJ'1fON, INC. -a&.OOMINOTON, IWNOIS ""' ,. 'AMILY WUKLY • .,_., 11. 'la IMPORTANT Counterfeit Or. Rea I? •ICM•DAFS •NO ..... •NO muGAnoH •• I IMPllUS A Mc.ltlful tolitalte beouty that i. "juat rl9hf" for ~ ouoalon. leoutlfulty Mt In 14Kt-Gl Mounting. No. 6309 let. Yel.Mtg. t tAt No. 6330 3ct. Wh.Mtg. No. 6310 let. Wh.Mtg. I tAt No. '331 3ct. Yel.Mtf. No. 6004 2ct. Y ... Mtg. 111.41 No. 6311 4ct. Yel.Mtg. No. 6005 2ct. Wh.Mtg. 111.41 No. 6312 •t. Wh.Mtg. No. 63135ct. Wh.Mft ••..• IM.tl NINCI A ._._ trio of 3 Gemflre 111.tl •'-Mt In o 14Kt-GE mounting. a11.t1 Totol Wt. 2V. eta. 11t ... 6117Yel.Mtg.14ttt-GE 11 .. tl t1t.tl 6320Wh.Mtg. 141<t·GE 11 .. tl OUllN A atunnlng I ct. Round Gernflre with •4 fiery tide atonea. Totol Wt. 2'h eta. 6114 Y ... Mtg. 14Kt-GE 11 .. tl 6115Wh.Mtg. 141<t·GE tr6.tl IMPlllOll A hoiid-~ detlgned mounting wit+\ o •tunning 3 ct. Gemffre. 6122 Yel.Mtg. 1..Ct-GE 11 .. tl 6123Wh.Mtg. 14Kt-GE ., .... 111 INllDI POii MOU INPOllMATION A90UT GIMPIRIS -ALSO IAIY•TO.Ull OllDD 8LANK FAMILY WEEKIV ,,...,, .. .., n _., '· -• ,. ll9fl0nt Crown .,,.,.,_ ,..,.., ... ,. • 11-nt Copy of ,, ............ Pl9tlnumCroea ' 2 ~ c:arots-flve haftdtet Morqul•• wffh S perf9dfy40tched Counter· .... Dlanlal• ... In rich, p&oti""""" look flnllh. Fine 1r mokhlog chain. Wear ltmwd look .. 0 mllllon ,. Cot. No. "20 ~ M.tl fnlorfed lo Sliow &quill .. 0.foll -utlfvl .,.. ••• of ............ 'DIAMONm' HIART onlyt7.tSNCh S20 WO.TH OF JEWt&.IY '<>It OHL Y S.UI No. 2301 S.0 WO«TH OF JEWELRY '°" ONl Y S9.t5 No. 2302 S60 wo.TH OF JEWEUtY '°" ONl YS I• .oo No. 2303 IXCRINO 91LL·IHAPID NNDANTwmt MATCHING IA ... NOI FAMILY Wlll<LY, J~ '1. ,_ ·-lf!S Henl ro Belleve f fANTAllA ~IM ond peor-cut counterfeit Ame- thy1ta -pole to deep purple. No. 6524 Yel.MfV. 14Kt-Gf nt.tl LOVI Wide •lyle, 2·tone weddi~ bond with hlghly poll1hed edges. Highlight leot pot. tern dft19" with IOok of UNUi,..toted ei. gonce. Goe• with both silvw and gold. No. 65182·ToneMtg. 14Kt·GE '1S.tl ................. ..., .. ,...,.,, JOY Doullng 112 ct. Gemflre engagement ring and matching bond. 1.Xt-Gl 2·TOM Mtg. Two piece Mt. No. 6511 nt.tl aoWINA Sparkling 1 /2 cut <;.rnflre accented by 4 leafleta with 8 fiery 1tonn. Sopt!l1tkoted. beautifully-textured, wide bond mounting. Item 6112 Yel.Mtg. 14Kt-GE 114.ts Item 6113 Wh.Mtg. 14Kl·GE 114.tl MIDNIGHT Her•'• a dromotic occent for y~ finger I <;.nuine, block Onyx 1tone cut in ovol shape Mt In groceful mounting with 3 rnotched Dlomonllel (1). A alandout ring. No. 6'IOll Vel.Mtg. 14Kt·GE '14.tl INFINITY Circle of 3A perfectly.rnotched Diomonitff surround o brilllonl eternity ring in endur· ing poll1hed sllvertone aett\ng. No. 6353 Wh. Mounti119 111 ... TUC ANA lrnpreHlve boaket weave-look with 9 •tone cluster'" l•ltf-GE mounting. No. 6422 Wh. Movfltlng 04.tl No. 8013 Yel. Mounting IM.tl COUNTISS Fiery elegance for those extra special 0<· coslons. Two 1 d . perlectty-rnot<hed Gemflr" tp0rked by o awlrl of 1rnotl ••-on e ither 11de. A totol of 2.25 ch. 1et In beautiful 14Kt·GE mounting. No. 6120Wh.Mounli119 (SS) 11t.ts c ·' fOltlYU ~ ltodltlonal wedding bond ,, l"M· dlum Width ond brightly poll•'*'· AYOIW. In 11&" l · I). No. 6516 wtl.Mtg. 14Kt·G£ .. _.. No. 6517 Yel.Mtg. 1 ... Kt-G£ ..... MELODY Thia one 1umt heodt I The kwp C4"'1~ •lone 11 o morlfkont foke 1Glllihlre. The •tor petale-ttn,, ~ling Ofomonltet. Set In •tunning mounting. No. MIS Wh.Mtg. l'Kt·GE t17M •UITICON Spoftlltng. multifaceted 1lmuloted lluby with Olornonlt-moscullne mounting. No. 3102 Yel.Mtg. 14«t-GE '14.tt + SHl8A En Cobochen~ut covnlerleit Hernotlle with 6 perlectfy·molehed Dlomonlt" (II) in 1hin1ng •ilver1one 1 'Kt·Golcl Eleclfo-plote ••ttlng. Cot. No. Mf4 Wh. l4Kt·G£ nt.tt .., VALIANT Lorge 1lmulated ruby cut en cab«hon. ond brlfllont cut 1lmuloted diamond 1~ atone ore 1et In etnf""''"'• antique looking 14Kt·GE Mounting. An ottentlon-ptt•r. No. 3HJO Yel. Moun*'g t11.H PAMILA NtW_....,•'• o big. beautiful tquo,..cut timulotilcl ~ acc.nted with ~ling Oiomonl .... Stunning mounting. No. 6"5 Wh. Mtg. 1'Kt·G£ tnM JAOUA• A fovorlle. Ho• blQ, glowing rn,1terl4?1l• a In o 1moolh aoph11tkot9d, ri<hly lahlid mountlng.~v mcMCullne. . 6'S6 Yel.Mtg. 14K~ l14.tS l"A"41l\' WHKl.Y, J~ 17, ,-. WE OVERSTOCKED ON THESE POPULAR RINGS-YOU SAVE 40% •IGINA bqulsl .. MotqulM·•hos>-Gemflr• Coun· tefielt Diamond cut with 51 190rtd1no foc•h for maximum brllllonce. Hond Mt "' ~·1tyl.d. •·Pf0"9 Tlffony movntlftt. 1 ~. corot. ITEM NO. 6121 Wh.Mft. -14Kt.(;E TAIWAN NOW ONLY $11.95 TN1 11 o blo. ovol. tran11'1Qtnt lode Mt In o hondlome ont!Que·loola, open bock "*'"'1"9. A GEHUINE JADE STONE. 'eo,>le wlll notice when y«I wear this r1no1 'a.toee prepaid. ITfMNO. 5050Yel.Mtg.-1•Kt-Gl ANNI Here·, o pretty• rolnbow f0t your flneer I Thr .. i-tv. "-lucent limvloted opal• witti twtn11r111g ""''"" of 11th• ctoncino throueflout. HOnd Mt In acolloPed antique· look mountlno. ITEM NO. 3123 Yel.Mtg. -1' Kt-GE 81AU•IGAllD NOW ONLY $1.95 A hondeomely-crofted IO·•tone clu1ter rlno ..... dlttlnct!Ye blodl ond oolds'- mounttno. A 1tondcwt rlno. ~•r now. Guoront.ed. IT£M NO. 6201 Yel.Mft.-1...Ct-Gf CZARINA NOW ONLY •11.95 What o tr....,ret This elegGl'lt codltoll rlno hot two flety Gemflr• Count.rfeit Dlomondl. I \/1 ct. eoch. Mt In clOffk mountlftgl. You11 get lo,. of compllmenh on thi•-· ITEM NO. 6300 Wh.Mtg. -14Kt-GE NOW ONLY CALUMET $7.75 Thl• di1ttngut1hed nno hen o 1 'h ct. Gem· fire CounMrielt Dlomond "accont.d by 6 flefy tide •tor.I. The ottroctlve contem- P°':ort mounting hen • Noh polhh f lnilh. Fully OUo' a11teecl ond poetpold. ,. ITEM NO. 621' Ye4.Mtg.-14Kt-GE OIMINI NOW ONLY $7.75 A tawny Tiger Eye with 1hlmmering bonds of oo'den fight dortlno throuefl ttie •ilky •'-· ~ac.ful flor..,tlne Mttlng. What o fffllng of my1tery when you wear the ~ted Tiger Eye I ITW NO. 2071 Ye4.Mtv.-IMU-Gt llLUICHIP NOW ONLY $7.95 A k~out of o ring I llue Chip hen o bit. h.ldlome counterleit IClpPhlre In o toi:IN•tkated totln.flni.h Mtttng. ~,. It the bll1httone for Septembef and It •it• nfflet wisdom In"*'· ITEM N0.,103 Wh. Mft. -1'9Ct-GE FULLY GUARANTEED BY CROWN GALLERIES, BLOOMINGTON, ILLI~,.·~ ..... I " -~~-~~~~~--------------------------------~------------~ GIVI ta A PULL ma.I ETERNITY RING .wlth ..... ht ...... only S14.ts ... ICITAIY Our finest bridol Mt. 2 ct. centier •tone and 9 lmOll. OflJH-Oll brllllont 0.m· ffree. Totol 5 ctt. In ••QUI· Mte white 1' Kt-Gold El'ec· tropMte Mountlftg . .................. • Gemflr•'• Plwt Fashion Ring Guanl •ncl Sollt•lre AMARll A radiant 112 corot Gem· nre tohtolte In modem ~ "'°""""' and 11 ....tr~ ..... -:: Dloiftofidl to ~ ... lcrtetlne11. All hond·Mt In 14Kt-GE Moun"•· ............... ., .. .. ...... ., ....... ., .. .. lp•mlLowPllcwO.. Count.Wt Dian an• ity-fhe..Y-.1 ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... 0-........................ _ r a ... .. a l'MllL'I' WlllU.Y.1-. 11, 1W -.. ........... ., ...... ~~...... ~:.1ce:?::.•:..!.,~·~ ................................. ,.., ....................... n.r....... . ___ _. .............. ._~ .. Mt Ga.etorW.•ldqa,• ,....,...., ...... I dart ... _ ..... _ ....... ....,.. .......... '-!-11.r...... ....... ...... ,..dma. ...... ,.. .... _ .. .. -----0 -...-........,. • .. ... -......... ,.. ...... ....,,. .......... ...... ........... ,.,, ,.,,,.. ............ ,.., .......................... ......, low ..... n. • ......... ..................... .......... c.MW· ---~ llR ............... "............ A doufinto-.ftN I~«,....... w111 add ..,tile on Of'Y ........... qMI ........ .,.. ... ,..--..... .., ._ • ...,_,., ...... -oa • t.i OCCCMlon.~the_,...w1fh_..,...Eecfll._.ilo ..._. 'G ....... I ,., ~....... ....._.., .... ,_ twiel 1 Yo carat Gemltre In Tiffony moun"ng wlttl plotlnum·look flnith. • -Pl La "a ••n•t heft Mllllwlre9 No.6060 sttdlpln .......................... : ......... • os .... ~ ~----No.6052'9ftdont ······················ .............• 4.95 ....... o.altp. "-a:u ........ •• • .,. .. ... c.. I .... Db I • ,.., ...., ......, ........ No. 60!0~ Eorrlng. ............................ $ 9.90 -.w...n., .. w1l lpa.t ........... b,..._ Nead .......................... ~....... No.6051Non-,lercedf.orring. .............•.......... $ 9.90 a.rt 1 Ill.._ _ __,•__..•• **· wffh .... _... 1 J llh• tewelrr· Oft91•"-"-' 11.eep No. 6053 'endont I ,t.rced forrlnt Set ................. $12.95 • ...... lMy ere.._., ... Ill ~Ct.oa (Gold lholr ....... lfl e .. ...,. .... eRd _. ~· No. 6058 ,endontl Non·'ierced Eon-Ing Set ............ $12.95 11octr (L '•). 'r _.., aufl JR. ....._ .. • ....._ New,_ ... CISI _. .._ _..-cnita.d __.. No. 6061 Stkkpln, lleftdont, f'leKed forr1ng S.1 ....•.••• $15.95 w .. ~ .. ~~-~· ~u~ .. ~ .... ~ ... ~~,..~~ ... ~·~-~~~·:._ ___ _!•~rloM~!·~-~-~·~-~~ .... ~~-~,....~~frt~11~·~· ·~----l.~·-~!~=:.~9:~~~·~~~~~~-5:~·.:::.:~1!~ GLOSSARY Of TIRMS Wltlt Our Ouoront .. CMAT (CT)-o _.pf weitht tor o d~. Gem· \'ou •Ir• No IUllca. flret Oftd D'omonltea we tf¥en opproxlmo19 corot voluel boaed on · 11ze (not ...... ). A I 9Caf'Ot ~,. or Dlomonlt• 11 opproxlmotely If ot the end of 30 doys you ore no1 com· the -alze °' o 1 -corot dlomond. pletely 10tlafled, retum by INSUltEO GOLD E.LKT'IOfllATt (~th· -"tine UMI korot to'd (either MAIL tor pun:hoM price retund. At any white or yetlow{ that II .e.ctrlcelly bonded to the ""°"""ng oft9r It time, or tor any '"'°"· and In any con· i. formec{ Oftd dealgnoted "to'd .tec1nlplote... dltion you moy retum your jewelry by INSUllED MAIL fat FllH rwplcxwnt: Whi .. Mountl"lt-wt.. Mtg. Yellow Mountl"lt-Y•I Mtg. . . 14Kt-GoW Electr -"Kt·Gf 1~~.~~!=&-0 rRlng~i: .... ..., ...... 3-lnchee lorie ond 114 the finger that 11 fo lnchwide. ' MAS W"4' the ring. Theft place o dot on the 1trlp where It_ .. the end. 3. '*9 the dot on the 1trlp of popef'. ot "A" on the ring guide. The ~ ot the end of the 1triD k YOU' ring 1lie. A o t a ' 4 s • 1 1 , 10 u tatt ,. I RING GUIDE 1.1, 1,, ' tit,_. "'""' .. Oii .. .....,"""' •ICtAU ~., ........ ,...., CATM.91A-._.._ ............. ... ,.W ......... ~.Gin•• ...... • .... .. • "':J Jhtlod I •1& ......... A .... I W. ......... ., ... ...... (1-.Gl\W. .... ) 1 C80WNOA11--S : ................ , ....... ........ 101 I ..... Olllla'-MI ,....._ POITAOI ,...,.. ©Ha PlANTllOM, INC. : ..................... .,,., • ===r===riiiii=ir=====================;===== Orf, llZI COil llff..a. l11ldut1 ... 1% ..... Tea , ... fAwtltld11d •-----..... ~-----------------........ ~-----'----------~ Oty'~----------------~1 !'-ta·~---------- 0