HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-18 - Orange Coast PilotFFFFFAOSTY -It dropped to 4 degrees be low in London. Ontario. Sunday. But it didn't Polar • 8Ir· lll8SS _ ............ keep Anna Davenport from joggin~ She received a frost~· face from her breath. - slams Northeast • • • * • * YOUR HDflllTDll DAllY PAPll OHANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA 2~ CEN TS U.S.. lllilit~ry aide killed-.. -in Paris PARIS <AP> -An assistant U.S. military attache, Lt. Col. Charles Robert Ray, 43, was kill e d outs id.e his Paris apartment today by_. a waiting gunman who fired a single shot Into his head, police said. In Washington, White House spokesman Larry Speakes said "we strongly ·d e,plor e " the slaying of Ray, 43, calling It il-:··- tragic outcome of the spread of terrori s m t h roug ho ut the world." Ray was a graduate of Santa Clara. P olice said Ray, 43, . left his house in civilian clothes, crossed the street and walked in front of the Italian Consulate-toward • his car on the Boulevard Emile Augier in the French capital's fashiona ble 16th OisUfct. The attacker came from the opposite direction. s hot Ray once in the head, and fled on foot. police said. Police Commissioner Marcel Leclerc told reporters that Ray died on the street. - The U.S. Embassy said Ray, married and the father of two teen-age children, had been a U .S . Army attache s ince mid·19M. ·~1 • t The Rev. Keith Ra m ey, a Roman Catholic priest who described himself as "the best or friends" with the Ray family, s aid Ray's d istraught wife . Sharon, called him at 2 a.m .. PST •. in Fort Lauderda le. Fla., where he was vacationing. ,. ........ He s aid Ray visited him recently i.n Washington, D.C., Death toll hits 272 as frozen Midwest begins to thaw • where lbe family belonged to Ramey~s former par ish. SHOOTING SCENE While pedestrians are held back. plainclothes men s tand a round the covered body of U.S. assista nt milil ary attache in France Lt. Col. Charles Ro~ Ray in street outs ide nis Paris apartment minutes aftR Ray was shot b:-o· a n unidentified gunman . By The Associated Press A ·polar air mass already blamed for 272 deaths sel'lt temperatures to record lows· across the Northeast today while the froien Midwest began to thaw slightly and emergency crews struggled to reopen roads 1---"'"rl-J"eStot e powet iu sneut areas. r In Colorado, where warm chinook winds gusting to 137 mph damaged hundre ds of homes and businesses Sunday. thousands of residents of the Boulder area spent the night in hotels and the homes of friends and relatives'. Power was off in about 5,000 homes and officials said it may not be restored until mid-day. Power outages also forced Ohio residents to head for emergency shelters , homes near Superior, Wis ., were with9ut heat when fuel oil congealed in outdoor tanks, and ·water .supplies were threatened in Kingston, Tenn.. when intake pipes froze. Highways were sli ppe ry throughout the Midwest. Temperature records fell from Pennsylvania through New England this morning as the 111111 CUii 1111111 .. ostly cloudy through Tuesd•Y· Chance of rain. increasing to 60 percent tonight and Tuesday. Continued cool. Highs 57 to 62. Ovemlght lows 48 to 53. l t '• o bonoruo /or lrirdl0Cdclwr1. At leut 112 tpeeWI --bMI iUfttf/ied ifl the oreo. SH pltotoa, Page BJ. 1011 ... .,.., ....... Cl ............. ~Al C111•• .. OllllllM a.• ' =.. = ......... a ._... ... ,. h • --~. ,, ' ....... ........ .._ M PtllllC....... Cl . ........... ...... Ct-4 ....... , ..... ............ ==-=· -Al ---,.. .. s o-c alled Siberian Express pushed northeastward. Th e minus 34 reading at Chester , Mass .. was one degree s h ort of a record, but the following cities were among those setting record lows for the date : ' C al'""fln)tf, I , : Worcester, Mass .. -12; Scranton. Pa .. -8: Providence, R .I .. -9; Newark, N.J., -6; Philadelphia, -4 ; and New York City. zero. Jt was the second consecutive d ay of r eco rd cold in Philadelphi a , wher e temperatures Sunday reached 7 below for the coldest January day of the century. Meanwhile , the Nationa l ·w eather Service said a warm fr ont was bri ngin g m or e moderate temperatures to the Midwest. Milwaukee posted its coldest reading ever Sunday with a 26' below zero mark. In Buffalo. N. Y., it was minus 15, also the coldest January reading ever. Pitts burgh's wind-chill index plunged to 60 below. Firefighters watched an ice jam near Poughkeepsie, N.Y., today, fearing it might cause a flood that would s weep toxic chemicals from a destroyed dye factory Into the Hudson Ri ver. Seveote_en ~_pie were ini·ur_ed and several homes demol shed in Boulder. Colo., on Sunday when chinook winds raised the temperature 20 degrees in half a n hour, ripping roofs off houses an owmg ou wm ws. oors and walls. Dave Peterson of Hyperion Aviation at Boulder Municipal Airport estimated 20 small planes were destroyed at a cost of $4 million. "Planes were pulled out of their tie-downs, took off and landed by themselves," said Peterson. "Several planes flew over me and it was lucky no one got killed." S treets were littered with foor-thtcirpower potes, snapped Like twigs by the chinooks, which . were triggered by air rushing from a high-pressure center in the mountains lo fill a low-pressure trough over the western Great Plains. Winds up to 100 mph were recorded in Wyoming and gusts of 70 mph reached into western Nebraska. Portage Co unty , Ohio, <See FREEZE, Pate A2> Surrender concludes long . Anaheim siege Anaheim police successfully played a walling game that ended early today when a 26 -y.ear-old' man -who allegedly shot hit girlfriend and then held police al bay for more than 22 hours -surrendered· peacefully. Arnsted-..a he walked from bis barricaded apartment al 12:21 a.m. toda, wes O.ry Keith Chrtatoffenen. He wu baaked Into Anaheim City Jall on suspicion of attem_pted bomlctde, U1Ml1t with a deedly weapon and a11ault l'itla a deedly weapon on pollee officen. Ball wu set at SBO,D. Chrtltdfenen ftred 11 Ilda from a .22-callber budpD at .. police officers during the siete that began early Sunday. But orricers never returned the gunfire, instead choosiq to wait out the s uspect and convince him to surrender. "We were strictly walling him out so llQ one would 1et bwt," one police spokesman sald. The only person to suffer injuries was Chrl1toffersen's girlfriend, Carol Jona, a , wllo allegedly was shot by the suePftl during an arpment that erupted ln the mu's apartment at 1 :51 a.m. Sunday, trtaertnc .the proloqed liqt. Also present In the apartment wben the shooting oceurred wu Cbrlsldfenen's father, Donald. C ... llSGS, Pa .. Al) Ramey identified the couple's culture," Ha mey said. Chapman ducked behind the car and escaped unharmed. Th'e attacker was never found. children as Julie. 17, and Mark, Nov. 12, a n unidenti fied 15. -·· · · · · g u n m a n e m p l i e d a "I know one of the reasons semi·automalic pis tol at U.S. they wanted to go to Europe was Ch a r ge d'Affa ires Christian Police sources s aid there wo little evidence to help tra(;.9 Ray 's kill er ....... to provide their children w1lh Chapman as ·h e walked to his th e exposure to a .d ifferent car from his ·Paris apartment l'ASHION Pt.ATE _Sheila Tate . press secretory to Nancy Reagan. claims the style -conscious First Lady ' has not gained personally from clothing obtained without cost. Mrs. Reagan l's shown leaving a London party laft summer. . d . one signers give Nancy clothes ·-' ~ WASHINGTON IAPl -First clothes. The designers told UM: lady Nancy Reagan is deriving first lady they will not take a a.z "no personal benefit': from the deduction for the donatio,.g.., thousands of dollars of clothing Mrs . late said. ~·· she is receiving free of charge T h e 1 9 7 8 E t h i c s i n from Am erican fa s hion Governm e nt Act requires designers. her press secretary h ig h .r anking govern m eJtt contends. officials and their s pouses. lo "This has done nothing but report any gifts they hate, benefit the fashion industry," received worth more than $1Si Sheila Tate said. as . well as loans and o~~ Nevertheless, Mrs. Reagan is finalttial liabilities that ex saving a lot of money by not Sl0,000. 'But it is unclear whether having to purchase the designer loaned clothing -especially i@ o riginals hers e lf. And the is ultimately given to am~ st yle -conscious first lady has the \ ..._J;llls under that category. ~: added advantage of being able ....,..1 'There i s not a lot .Qt to WJJ&r the latest haute couture precedent in this area.'' sai<l'!J. gowhs and sportwear. Jackson Waller, director of ~ : Mrs. Tate refused to say how governmen( ethics office. • .. !if many items of clothing Mrs . "I have been aware that~ Reagan received as gifts or have been wondering ho)V~ loans from designers. or how <See FASHION, Pace AJ> . -~ much they are worth. Couture ensembles range in price from 0 $100 to more than $10,000. ranH11tan_ . ·Th& fi rst lady, Mrs. Tate ·~-• ..., ~ maintained. is accepting the mom s:nli•t . clothes only for the sake of the r fashion ndustry. "She has derived no personal SAN DIEGO (AP) -A benefit." Mrs. Tate said. -orangutan born at the San Di T here has been "an inordinate Zoo over the weekend will a mount or interest in everything raised apart from her she (Mrs. Reagan> wears." Mrs. who apparently doesn't know Gt Tate said. "She's been lookiq at car e muc h about rearra; how to take this interest and offspring. · ' turn il to the benefit or one of the Weighing In at four pounds, most Important lnduatries ln the ounces following her arri country," Saturday, the newbou •at MUJ-cruuona will be puaecl named Bo by 100 .,....... .. on to American museums after described by 100 nunery kflellllf Mrs . Re.agan h as fiiushed BrendaMcGreeveyuuann,• wearlq them so that they may rar as I'm concerned." \ be studied by students of deslcn. However, Ms. McGreevy s ... Tbe clothes will be presented Bo was ool named . afts .ftblt 1 to the museums by the rint star Bo Derek. The name la • lady, but technically they wlll be com binaUon ol the lnlUall ol tlftl from the desl1nen because names of her paNnta, llMllCllllt Mrs. Reagan does not own the Bubbles and rather Otta. , t Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, Jariuary 18. 1982 Beks '-Dahlia-Oase-?r-~----From PegeA1 FREEZE • • • LOS ANO&Ll:S <AP> -~r YIU'I ol HMatth, a writ.r y1 h• baa cracked the ·Yllr·old "Black Dahlia" confeaaed to the kllllnlC, one or the mOlt not.orlous ln the city's hhtory , the cas'e r e malns officlally W\JOlved. rder cue and ltnowa who peel and tortured a beauUtW uni woman, tben dumped her ckld·UP body ln a field. -Gilmore , who s a i d the WIHl arn Bonin was recently convicted of 10 strangulation murders, and have not had time t o lnvesllaat e Gi imo r e's Information. Gilmore, autho r o f "The Garb age Peopl e'' a bo ut mass ·murdere r C harl es Man son. released composite 'Photos or his suspect but says he will not Identify him to the obn Gilmore, who wu tbe ·fear-old IOD ol a Loa Anaelea • Uc• otftcer at the time, says, t tbe murderer of Elisabeth ort. la alive and runnlna a bar lD Nevada, the Los Anaeles Herald Examiner reported $unday. Although 40 people h ave ASIDON ••• ve it," he said, addinc that he to work the procedure out h the White House before the y 15 filing deadline. -It is not known whether ·'9tevious first ladies accepted · k~e_ . clothes ... Rosalynn._ Carter purchased clothes from designers at a dis count, but never received them a s loans or I s, . according to her aide, deline MacBean. White House s pokesman, o did not wish to be identified, s aid Mrs. Reagan intends to r eport all the clothing s he decides lo classify as girts and intends to "include mention of the loans." The spokesman did not say whether she would Ust """' dollar value or the loaned cl~thing. , . Mrs. Reagan has often said ;~t she wears her clothes for ars and' bas worn at the White ' use several items she had· '' en her husband was governor *'of Ca lifornia. - -Ann Keagy, chairwoman of ,, tt>e fashion des ign de.partment or 1 the Parsons School of Design, .~rn distribute Mrs. Reagan's -clothes lo 12 selected museums around the country afte r· 'photographing e ach item , apprais ing its value and , marking where it was worn by <the first lady. v ·murderer wu identified to '1Jm by a man who knew both Mlss Short and the klller , took his accumulated evidence to the Los Anaeles Police b epartment several weeks ago. But homicide Detecllve .)ohn St. John said it Is premature to s p eculate a bo ut Gilmore 's findings. He said the detecUves have b een busy with the Freeway Killer case, in which press. .. He calls the s uspect "Jones" und the man who identified him "Smith." Gilmore !18ld Smith told him th•t J ones ,drank a, bottle of PLAYING OUT WAITING GAME Member of Anahei m police SWAT team hurls i.:olf hu lls toward apartment .wj ndow of m an wbn shot his girlfriend and then held police at bay for more than 22 hours. The t'pisode ended early whiskey one night and con/essed to the murder lo great detail. Miss Short, 22 at the time of her death, was referred to In sensational preas covera1e as the Black OahUa because or her dark·haired beauty. accentuated by he r penc hant for black clothing and dark bars. Her bisected body was found in a grassy l o t fn th e South·Central part or the city. No motive, weapon, or suspect has ever been found . Gilmore said Smith w4s close to the young woman. Afthough m a ny men made sexual adva nces lO her. aht put them off and arter lntervlewlna some 200 people, Gilmore contendJ Sm ith ls the only man with wh o m s he was sexually Intimate. T hat anger ed J ones, who, {;llmore said, took her lo a house and refused to let her 10. ultimately raping. torturing and killing her. He cut the body In half, wrapped it in curtains and a tablecloth and dumped it a few blocks away, Gilmore said. Gilmore said he went to see Jones before be was pointed out as the kjller. but did not talk lo him. D .. ly , ........... ~ca.tnse.r. todav with the a r rest of Keith Cbristoffersen. Poli ce said the "golf balls were used to get the bar ricaded man·~ attention and to kt!cp him awakt' re1ldent.1 were forced to kltp wtrm In a achool bulldlq In Kent after a 89,000·volt llne failed Sunday momln1. About 12,000 Me ntor rutdenta lost electricity durina the noon hour. la-Akron, Ohio, it was 22 below Sunday, the coldest ever recorded there. In Embarrau, Minn.. the thermometer broke at 44 below and officials 1uessed lt was actually eicht deareea colder. 1 'SDG&E gives customers • warrung San Diego Gas & Electric o ffi c ial s a r e r e minding customers to be wary of persons claiming to be employees or the utility company ln order to gain entrance to homes. According lo Jack Thomas, group vice pres ident for customer service, the company bas received numerous reports from customers recently about unsolicited visits by persons who s ay they work for SDG&E. but in fact don't . ·'Often this is a ploy used to give a sales pitch for some service . or project.'' Thomas said. "Other times, individuals m ay be intent o n s tealing valuables or 'casing' the home for .a future burglary." Tho ma s s aid all the company's service employees carry identification cards with pictures of themselves. He said customers should ask to see this c ard be fore' a llowing the --employee. to enter their home. All suspicious incidents should be reported to police Cable blamed for outage in Huntington ' 'The Cirst lady relies almost '•8icJusively on a few designers, jjicluding Bill ~lass, James O'alanos and Adolfo. But in light !Of the museum project, others already have begun offering lo Cfonate clothing to her. From Page A1 SIEGE. . :··-··---Getting lost proves costly A fa ulty electrical cable is being blamed for a two-hour po w e r outa ge e arly toda y• a ffecting 1.500 c us to m ers in West Huntington Bea<:h. said a Edison Company spokesman. Power was cut at 4: 11 a.m. in t he mostly r es ide ntia l area b e t wee n Edw a rd s and Algonquin st reets a nd Edinger and Slater avenues, said Ed Jones of the Edison Company. Disneyland _,Jnp soured fDp boy;lO ;1_ Tbe A.uoda&ed Presa It began as a joyful outing for Julio Hernandez. 10 -a trip to Disneyland with his school class from 'njuana. But Julio got separated from the others in his excitement and the crowds on Saturday. A Disneyland security officer c alled Anaheim police who placed him in Orange County Juvenile Hall. The U .S. Immigration a nd Naturalization Service did not immediately allow his parents lo cross the border lo get the child, aJtbough they said they would do today. And police wouldn't ease the child to his uncle, m Hughes, of Chula Vista. ao e appy weekend ned into one-spent in juvenile ll. No one but Julio's parents ~Y have. the y oungs ter, •dfticers said. "I under stand why," said J!ames J . O'Keefe, dis trict djreclor of the INS in San Diego. "When we find a child, we're r~tuctant to turn him over to anyone but the parent.s. too." Trident test ostponed CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. AP> -The appearance of a viet intelligence ship delayed he first test.firing of a Trident isslle from the USS Ohio, the rototype for the Navy's new lass or submarines, officials aid. The launch had been cheduled for 8:30 a .m. Sunday, ut was pushed back to 9: 11 .m! because a Soviet trawler ame within 800 yards of the rident submarine, Navy Cmdr. ill Bates said. ·. The Soviet ship moved to bout three miles away after in& circ:led by Navy planes. ates said. and the older m an's girlfriend. A cco rdin g to p o li ce s p o k es m e n . D o n a l d Christoffe~n. who shar~ the apartment with his son. Wlllted to take Miss J ones to a hospiCaJ for treatment. The son refused. however. but allowed his father and the other wom an to_.jeave the apartment at 400 s .:;unkls t if they promised not to call police. The two did notify Anaheim police as soon as they lert. and o ni ce r s s urro un ded t h e apartment. A t fi r s t . o fficers s a id . Ch ristoffersen refused to let Miss Jones leave However. she was released a short time later. Miss J ones w_a s taken to An aheim Memorial Hos pital. where she was treated ror a guns hot wound to the right arm. She was then trans ported to police·· headquarters where she t o 1 d· d e t e c t i v e s t h a t C hris t o ff e r scn w a s both' intoxicated and despondent. During a separate interview with police, Chris loffersen's fathe r also told officers he believed his son had used heroin prior lo the siege. A police tactical team took up position around the apartment. · and 50 people who li ved in n ea rly a p a rt men t s were ev acuated a t about 7 a .m Sunday. They were taken to a nearby branch library. During the standoff t ha t ens ued , police tried various strategies. A tape of Miss Jones' vo i ce was played near t he apa rtment at one point. In it, the woman asked her boyfriend to give up peacefully. · However, as soon as the tape was finishe d. Christoffe rsen appear ed a t his apar tment window, waved a gun, and told police to kill him. A break in the st andoff came when police officer Deborah Pine s pent several hou rs talking with Christorre rsen on t he te lephone. He then agreed to surrender early this morning. ur ng negotiations with the su s p ec t Sunda y , p o lice periodically threw golf balls at the apartment door and windows to make sure Christofrersen had not fallen asleep. OflAMORCOAlf ~llJPUat CIHelhcl """9etftt 1141142·5171 Alt otMr •P•rtmef_'ta 142-4321 I • ,, Skier gets $1,453 bill' for dangerous res~t!!L_ STEAM BOAT S PRI NGS , Colo. <AP ) A skier who went out of bounds on the slopes and prompted a dangerous nighttime search by s ki patrolmen has been billed for t he Sl,453 it cost to rescue him. Ma rk Caliman . 25. s aid he doesn't like it but probably will pa y the bill to avoi d court-ordered restitution or a $300 rine fo r skiing out of bounds at the Stt:amboat Springs Ski Area , and to regai n his cheris hed $450 seas on pass whi c h was lifted. after the incident. ··I suppose I could wind up .,aying $2,200 instead or t he Sl ,400," he said. "I don't have all the money, but the ski area s ays l can ma k e a do wn p ayme n t n ow and pay insta llments ." Other Colorado ski areas have attempted to colle ct toke n pay men ts fo r res-cues i n the past, but it was believed to be the first lime a skier had been High court rules against • magazine WASHINGTON <AP> -The U.S. Supreme Court left intact today a Sl.7 milHon fine against Reader's Digest stemming from the m agazine c ompany's m ass-m a ilings of allegedly m isleading contest materials. The court. without comment, let stand a ruling"that Reader 's Digest violated a 1971 settlement w i th th e F e d e ral Trad e Commission. T h e agr eem e nt b ar red Reader's Digest from "using or distributing simulated checks, currency, 'new car certificates' o r ... a n y confus ingly simulated Item or value" in its ma ss-mail s we e p s take s soliciations. The R e ader's Digest Sweeps takes is a widespread mail solicitation that prom.ises money or mercchandise to some proportion or those who return the s weepstakes entry forms. The FTC sald the firm's Ur13 use of an advertisin1 packet that included pictures of an item labeled "Travel Check" violated the 1911 settlement. The government also objected to the use durin1 the 1974 s we eps takes or m aterlals containing pictures of items labeled "Cash·ConverO ble Bond." ··-- Fire raze8 caf e ESCONDIDO. CAP) -Fire turned a restaurant named Dant.e's into an inferno today, leav ing an estimated SZ00,000 damage . asked to foot such a hefty sum. It amounted to vi rtually the entire cost of the rescue. "We don't know of any simjlar cases." said Kathe Dillmann of the National Ski Area OS>erators Associatio n in Sp rin gfield, Mass .. which represents 400 U.S. ski areas. ··We want people to know sea rches are expens ive, but the most important thing Is he could have lost his life,". said Ga ry Kihlstrom . director of safety a nd secur ity at Ste a m boat Springs. Only skiers who consciously ski out of bounds, crossing roped or m ar ked bound aries, are candidates for rescue bills. he said. T.he $1,453 bill was sent to Caliman for a six-hour rescue operation in a blizza rd Jan. 1 involving 10 ·ski patrolmen. four supervisors, two snow.cats, an ambulance and a r adlo·equipped truc k. "ll wasn't our total cost." said ski area President Hans Geier. "We c ha rged only for the overtime salaries of the s ki patrolmen and the use or the vehicles. Our m a n ag e ment people are on sala ry. so their time wasn't figured in. We tried to be as reasona ble as possible. ··Mr. Caliman endangered the employees of this company who looked for him. We're just glad not hing had happened. He was in snow up to his chest and he was going uphill, i nstead of downhill , trying lo find some shelter. We fin ally found hi m about 11"2 miles from the base of t he ski area. I think he was just a bout al the end of his strength and senses.... ...,,. Caliman conceded he was "in a little bil of trouble out there.'' Employed as a housem an and s huttle·bus driver in Steamboat S prings, the ~enn sy l van i a native said he a nd a s kii ng com panioo went off a trail at midafternoon and "got caught sn a drainage. My friend climbed back out, and 1 w<f'S pretty fatigued and J kept skiing in the drainage, figuring l would come back out on the mountain. He said ..he soon realized he was ~st, but kept moving to stay awake. "Finally. I heard the Ski Patrol yelling at me from behind," he said. "They told me l was headed in the wrong direction , and that if I had followed the drainage all the way . they'd have called off the search ~ause of the avalanche dan er." Po.wer was gradttally restored by switching transmission from th•faulty cable to other circuits. J on es said . B y 6 :27 a .m. electricity was fully restored. Jones. an operations manager: for the power company. said a m ai n cable a t the Edis.on substation at 7333 Bolsa Ave. w i 11 be ins pect ed. He said moisture could possibly have gotten into a splice where the cable is joined, interrupting trans mission. Polish crisis ~ brings aid a~at WASHINGTON <AP1 -Sen. Larry Pressler . warning or a looming catastrophe in Poland, says the Reagan administration should consider increasing aid to charita~le institutions that give food and clothing to the Polish people. But Pressler, just back from a four·day visit in Poland, said he sti ll s uppo rts .President Reagan's dec is ion to c ut orr about $750 million worth of di r e ct food c redits to the military gove..,.ment in Warsaw. $ First Time Skie;rs * New Ski School •.. ~~ \· Let us lntrOduc::e you to skiing at the new Ski School. Here's an easy way to atait akUn=W• wlll take the mystery out of what your first time on skis wlll be like. Lecture movie and Inning ski technique wlll be preaented. Equipment wlll be provided and dryland lnatruct by a qualified inatructor. Wlllre: 2500 W. Coaat Hwy. • Newport B•ach _ Rental Shop w ... Jan. 20th & 27th Wt.: Adults 18 & up n..:7-9 Kida, S.17 Tlmr.4"'6 .... !!Ill. Per.1at Two Seaalona, Jan. 20th & 27th. F'" (Lat•r S15.00~or 2 Seealona) Hew: Cati For Reeervatlon1 831-31 ... u.11: 20 people Mounties handed murde $90,009 for slaying clues VANCOUVER, Brltlah Columbia (AP) -The MounUea had trouble 1etUoc thelr man, the mo.at brutal mass klller In provlnclal hl.atory. So they paid .hlm SSI0,000 to lead them to the bodlea ol 11 youth.a. That prompted a nationwide controversy. Calls ror a federal lnvesUJalion confront provincial authorities who apfroved the payment, the Roya Canadian Mounted Police who made it and federal omcials who did nothing to stop it. "To set up a klnd or criminal entrepreneurship as a substitute for police i nvestigation is something "th at c annot be tolerated," says Walter Baker, a Pro1re11l Conservative member or p ament. C lifford bert Olson, a 42-year.old tructlon worker from the Va uver suburb ol CoqulUam. w senlenced to Ure In prison l t week arter pleading guil to· a string ol grisly sla g s between November 1 nd last July. Eleven you , aJed 9 to 18, were stabbe bludgeoned or strangled and umped in peat bog s and g vet pits In southwestern ish Columbia. No one has d why Olson R,roposed the a l that gave police the bon r decomposed remains they nled as solid evidence in e case. But Geothermal pl near Lassen hi SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A government parks official said he is worried that U.S. Forest Se rvice plan s to allow geothermal expk>~ation !;outh of Lassen National Park could destroy one of the park's most distinctive features. "Fumaroles and steam vents that are within Lassen (park) could simply dry up," said National Park Service reiional director Howard Chapman, adding that he was now looking to the Department of Interior to make a major inquiry on the plan. "The me.asures designed for protection of Lassetl Volcanic National Park are inadequate," Chapman said. He has asked the U.S. Forest Service to call for a m ajor e n v i r o n m e n t a ·1 i m p a c t statement before going ahead with its plan to grant leases for geothermal ex plorat ion in Lassen National Forest. The area-.is about 180 miles northeast or San Francisco. Susanville, some 20 miles east of the p a rk , u ses low -tempe rature geothe rmal sources to heat 14 public buildings, but the subs urface system is not connected with Lassen. If geothermal exploration and development are to lake place, said Chapman, there should be a "buffer zone around the park:' in which no drilling wou:td be permitted. A geothermal drilling project next lo Yellowstone National Pa rk includes a two-mile buffer. Pacific South t Regional Forester Zane G. ith Jr : this week announced availability of 58 applications geothermal exploration aim a t electric power generatio The actual granting of per would be handled by the U Bureau or Land Management Efforts to reac Smith for comm~nt in his S Francisco office were not succ ful. So far, said C man, the forest service, wh operates und e r the De p ment of Agriculture, has is only an el\vironmental ess m ent wtiich he contend does not identify the full · act of a geothermal projec He called the assess ment · · piecemeal approach." · Mos t of Lass el National Park's most distinde features, the vents that spolisteam and suHurous fumes 1t o( hot, volatile swamps a11 holes, are located adjacent to e proposed projec-t area, said Clpman. The park also inC(ies Lassen Peak, a 10,457-foc mountain that is besides Mou; St. Helens the only active v(jlno in the continental United Stes. No leasing shoultle allowed "until we're really L sfied with assessment of pos~e impacts from geothermal Ising in the vicinity of Lasse Nat ional Park." said Chapma. Chapman said seJ'al months ago, when be bed the lbe geothermal lease pll wuin the works, he asked hilb for a m ee ting prior o publlc announcement of Ut>roject. authorities have sald Olson ftrtt asked to be placed ln • mental hospital ins_tead or a prlson. and when. ttn&.t was rejected, sou""t $100,000 tbr the care or his wire and young son. O lson 's lawyer, Robert Shanti, called the payment morally and legally wron1 and •·politica lly Insane ." British Columbia Attorney General Allan Williams -who aaid the decision to authorize payment was the most dilficull of bis llfe -said he initially found the Idea "revoltin~." But Williams and the RCMP said that because they lacked enough evidence against Olson, there was no other choice. Without payment; "there is strong doubt as to whether or not the crimes would ever have been solved ," said Lyman H e n s c h e l , R C M P . Superintendent in Vancouver. Federal Solicitor Gene ral Robert Kaplan contended police had enough evidence to convict Olson without paying him to 1 point the location of bodies. He. said the RCMP told him of the d eal, but that afte r fe deral lawyers confirmed Its legality he let Williams proceed. ·'There was no attempt to purchase a plea of guilty," Kaplan said. "What t hey were buying was peace of mind for those families who didn't know whether their children were dead or alive." Some of the victims' families found little peace when they learned or the payoff. ··T he r e sh~uldn 't be a n y money paid to that cr eep," said Siegmund Wolfsteiner , father of s lain 16-year -o ld Sandra Wolf steiner. Allan Lawrence, an opposition member of Parliament, called for an inquiry, saying. "No one should be able to profit by their criminal act." A confidential RCMP report said Mounties considered seizing the money after obtaining the evidence. but Olson·s lawyer got involved and "it was realized that ... a seizure was not possibl e : ho weve r , later recovery by civil action was a step that would be taken." Williams said legal advice is being sought on whether the money can be recovered. The RCMP report said Olson began maklng overtures for a deal last Aug. 13. The day before, be was arrested~ pickin g up two female hitchhikers . A poli ce surveillance team believed the bitcbhilters were in danier. Getset to be wet CMmollshl!d. roo ... ••II' •"4 wl_, were torn from ~"9 cfftters •"" SI reel\ -re blOC-ecl by _I, ... ......., Coastal California POINT CONCEPTION TO THE Tr•vel .O•IMl<'Y IM loully ilr- MEXICAN BOROER ANO OUT .o 9<1sty .outhwftl wlndS 25 to .Ompflln Mil.ES -1.19111 ¥arlaole winch wltll soutlltrn Mono County wltll local ~tly 11411 ..... Winds """"•Ht to ,_ --1"9 ~ EIMwl'ler•, wut • to 10 •noll lncrea~n9 to 12 to coastal and mountain .,.a, 109 •NI! N knots In u.e •11•,,_., wltll 2 to • tow CIOUOS uteftdlnq inl•n4 lllrc>u9'\ ' ,foot wind --contlnwlt19 tonlllf\t, ,,,. coast•I •rHS to lower "*lnt•ln Wulerly swell lncru,lnQ to 1 to • "-'· MosUy ctoudv with Chan<• of 11 , teet th is •flernoOft •11d tonl9llt ••In sorucllnQ from tN nortll-st. ,.~---.. ~ Mostly ctoufy 100.y end tonleM •ltll Stlo•e~ locally l'IHvv ton19111 •nd ln tlllel lnltlen«t-t ·-~'--Tuesday mornin9. decrtulno <••• .... r• y -· ""'Tuesday efte,,,,_,. Snow le,,.I near -= to !fie Me•k., bordtr tonlllf\t. • 000 IHI 1owerln9 to •,ooo feet ti::.: ''•"••••• 0«'•'•Jl N t'uesct•y. loc•l \tronoousty winos "9'11 -~-=== u .s. summary IN mount.ins tooay-Tuudey. · T t ~ FranciM:o Po-rtut cfll-wlftch guslln<;i to emnera ures ."".,.tJaoA~• U 7 mph wre c •ed llomn •nd T . ·- buslneues In Colorado wllll• CALIP'O•NtA ' §'-Barbeu persistent Slberl•n cold dropped Apple V•l'*Y .. ,. t• """'- lems»r .. _ to r~ ~ In -a ... ersfield o n .,.la Monk• Mlctwftt cl!IH. auslow 10 .o tocuon The -!fl toll rue""° ,., In mon aeaumOf'll 11 ,. -V•llev ,,..,. •_..of...,., winter WHlNr, 819 BHr S6 N Thermal called lN coldnt of IN century. No Blsllop n U 'Torrance •• 40 so .., .... 57 ~ )j .0 ., .., 35 .. ,, 10 )4 ,. 41 -lous lnjuri.t _,.. reporlecl from Blylllf .. ~ j GofoteclO's lllQll winds. Catalina .0 -NATI OH Mii•-•· 91 U be-. 'uKtred Culver City st •t lls c.olc9nl NY since tl'le •weather Eureke SI .. Mf'¥1ce stanec1 k•pl"9 records Ill Fruno o J6 yurs -.o. T-••turu elt.0 fell 1.ancut•r " u llelo• zero from 0 1•1• to New 1.on9 Bta<ll .0 i7 !119lan4. 1.ot Ah9eln M 0 The me.cury cll-.1 to J2 bel-•t AUrys¥111e •I .0 Akron. Otiio, IW'Hklne IN -Ofd of MoM0¥1• H JI minus 21 Ml In 1"3. Monterey U J1 ThouMnds of -'9 were wlt'-t Mt. Wiison •t .. PO•er •net .....,., h19llwe y1 were HHCll~ M 31 lmp•ss•lll• •cross th• MldwHt. Newport h.cll 11 u M•nv ,_,. spent tlle nleM In O•kl-•• Jt -...,cyWfle.,. Ontario 70 Jt Tll• mere ury hit S be lo• In Pelm SprlnQt H U WHlllntton !cl< !fie coldest dey ttlere Pe.-. H '3 ' In .. YH l'1. Paso RObles u ,. It wn 10 cold In Emo.rress. Minn. Rl•ersldlt -Jt IMI Ille .,.. .. __ , broke •I " Red Bluff 40 JI dee•H s .,.._ .. ,o •"Cl '"" ioca1 R.owooc1 c11y •• Jt -the• w•cl'lff could only estimate S.cr•mtnto JI J7 Ill• temperature at minus U . S.llnas ~ JO lnterMti-1 Falls. Minn., -.., otflCl•I ,......., Of 0 be-. In Cllk .... wllffe II w•s H MIO•, Mayor J-a.,.... orOtred IN -"• ~ ..................... . eftler9"1(y ft*"-tn -Y-. ...... It -t ..._, city offklets 9of 2.• ~•lnts Sunffy from ep11rtm4lnt......,. wltfl no hNt. aut In ColorMe, It wH H II _ .................. .-~ .. ••rm dllM9b .....,. ftem \tie cM.,...s 111 ....... m "-' of Ille •Odli.1 wllt! •trucllve -•k -aMcll rwce, ,.....,.. wldl•roed .-..111 IN clllM ef a.tdw ...o LO¥et-. Slmll• ...._ -9Ulllfle lo 100 .................. '#y9mlftt. ~-OUlln.,_.ol...,~. l~lt>any l'lbuq ... IUn•rlllO IAlllevllle ~~t;:;::~ Cty tlmore e 1rmlf1911m ltm•fCll UM ht ton a rownsvtle Botton Buttelo l rl1tnSC Cf\trtstnWV yenne ca90 nclnnatl .cKle¥eleNI Columb~ 4 4 • • tO ' ' tO Ml Le P>n. s .. 01 ~ t2 13 10 26 .7 JS 0 4 ·S ' .... 30 ·I 12 ... 03 42 J6 .02 s , n >4 s ., ·l ·•• °' ., )4 •. IJ so ,. ·• n u 0 ... ·• .17 ·1 ... ............ A,_. 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Tulw )4 • wes1111191n 1 ., Wlchll• " • P'MAMaltlCAM AC-kO • n ~ lS n e .. mlMN " ., Cura<eo .. IS 011.e.1•1•• ,, .. Ol!Mei.u.,e Q 10 Heu"• " ., What do y Call the num transcribed a e about lhe Daily Pilot? What don't you like? below and )'our maaa1t-wUl be rHOrffd. lvered Lo the appropriate editor. The same ters to the edl their name u lls, please. r anawmac aervi~ may be uHCI to record let- any topic. Mailbox contributon muat lncludt ephone number for verification. No clttulaUoa Tell ut •h on your mind. ,01 OJ .07 .01 .IS .02 OS °' .OJ ... .11 .a •• ... .14 •• •• Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday .January 18. 1982 BOX BREAK -Letter carrier Tom Miller of Eugene. Ore .. takes his <tfternoon bre uk inside mt.ti! IJox Such cigar ette fim· with the 1 S. Postetl Ser vice ·.111 Drug errors widesprea~ Pharmacists say hospital medication slipups common ., I .._,,,~ CHICAGO <AP> -Hospitals m ake hundreds or thousands or m edication mistakes eachyear -often because of things like. misplaced decimal points or illegible sc-rawls -and the results can be deadly . two pharmacists say. One pati e nt d ied after receiving 10 milligrams of a drug Crom a nurse who mis read a pres c ription f or 1 .0 milligrams, the pha rmacists say. .. It's one of the great hidden problems in medicine today - and none of us can afford lo hide it any longer," Michael Cohen s aid in an inte r v i e w b y American Medical News. Cohen, director of pharmacy ser vice s al Quakertown M e m or i a l H o s pital in Qu a ke rtown . Pa .. and Neil Davis. professor of pharmacy at Temple University in Phil adel phia , s a y he alth professionals are reluc.-tant to adm it the severit y of the problem. Davis also said patients -like the one who received ear drops in his rectum -should object when they suspect they're being given the wrong treatment. He saHl an the journal· that a s tudy s ho wed the a vera~e m e di cation error rate 1n hospitals is about 12 percent. In a ho s pital with about 300 patients, he said. there could be as many as 131.400 m edication errors a year. Medication errors stem from a variety of problems. Davis said ill egible h a ndwr iti n g . inadequate pharmac-y services fn hospitals. nurses dis pensing m edic-ation without a nyone checking their work. ··The biggest cause of error is omission -when_the p_atient does nor-get th~·med1cattorr." he told the journal. "Som etimes there's confusion over the order. Sometimes there's a nursing s hortage. Sometimes the drug's not available.°' D avis said the ave rage hospital patient gets 10 doses of drugs each day, and "the chance for error is verv great. "Many medication errors are or no consequence." ·o av1s said. ffut he added. "If you forget to give u dose of milk or magnesia you can foq~et a dose of an anll·cancer drug.·· Davis a nd Cohen have gathered examples of mistakes in a book . "Medication Errors: Causes And Prevention " Some examples• A doc-tor wrote an order for 1.0 milligrams of a drug used for acute attacks of gout. Davis said the nurse didn't see the decimal poi nt and administered 10 mgs of the drug The patient died Davis said the doctor s hould not have used th e decim al p inpoint . but he s aid th e proble m was complicated b ecause lhe nurse wa s inexperienced and didn't realize 1 l tru t h c I a r g e r d o s e wre s inappropriate 111 A doctor treating a pat1Mtt for a painru l right ear wrolP·a prescriptio n with "R " Md .. ear" leaving out the perjO\i. The pe rs on ad m ini s ter~g medication read the direct! s as rear. and the patient recet ~ the medication in his rectum 1 Davis said in th at cas~!1 a pati ent should object. t.r.•a patient has an ear problem •d the nurse ."tells you 1 have drtips for your rear, you're sup'posecU.o say there's nothing wrong \Mlh m v rear." i '-• • ..Lt. A nurse coming on dutr,19n a ward for tuberculosis patients asked one patient if he was ~r. Thomas. and he said, 'Wriiti~ ' M r Wrig ht rec e i v e d ~I · Thomas· medication without ~Y ill eHects. Octvis said; J,. ' . ... -. CRIME PAYS? Two of the world·s most wanted men · Britain's Ronald Biggs I lefll and France·s Albert Spaggiuil s h a re a I au g h i n H. i o d c J a n e i r o. 8 r a z i I. Bi g 11.~1 masl"!l·minded the 19fi3 Glasgow -London train robber• . while Spaggiari was tht..' brains behind t he 1976 Nice sewek~ bank robber~·. •1~ fun fbr fall ... '. @J~o~@J~~ 44 Fmhion Island•~ BHch • 714/644-5010 1001 Wnlwood Blvd.· Westwood VIiiage • 213/208-3173 • s Orange Cout OAILV PILOT/Monday, January 18, 1982 could seek Soviet ties Bt;lRUT. Lebanon {AP> -Saudi Arabian officials, Irked by wbat they view as U.S. inaction, ewer Israel's annexation or the Golan Heights, have hinted several times al the possibility of ·diplomatic relations with the Soviet bloc. llllllllllll . ·' J~CK RABBITS CARRIED OFF -Farmer in eastern Idaho pitches a strychnine-poisoned jac'k rabbit into truck after 1,000 of the hares were killed on farm west or Blackfoot. The •I ............ poisoning owed a new chapter in month-long battle against the abbits. Farmers claim the rode nts are· des troying thr crops . Western diplomats in Saudi Arabia say the camp..aign •ppears to have a two-fold purpose: preparin1 public opi-nion in the traditionally anti-communist kin1dom for eventual lies with the East bloc and as a warning to President Reagan's administration. Although the kingdom's day-to-day ruler added there was "no need" at present for an exchange or diplomats, the official state radio commentator Hashem Abdu Hashem later indicated in an analysis that Saudi Arabia was ready in principle for ties with Moscow. But he suggested the offer was conditional. Dru/i deakr says he's 'po,r .sucker' "There is a drirt towards creater acceptance of the idea and I think they might be ]>reparing the people for it," said one Western diplomat, who de.clined to be identified. Western diplomats add that any move towards full diplomatic relations with the Soviet bloc by Saudi Arabia - the world's lar1est oil exporter -is most likely to be gradual. ''Soviet ambitions in the region must be terminated so that we can look into the issue of balanced relations," Hashem wrote in the daily Okaz newspaper. That was seen as a reference lo Saudi Arabia's concern over Soviet support for the anti-Saudi Arab radicals and Its placement of military advisers and support bases in South Yemen. ROANOKE, Va. CAP> - Roger T. Davis says he's just a "poor sucker" and can't cry over going back lo prison to . serve a sentence that two f e d era l courts and bis prosecutor said was loo harsh - 40 years for intending lo sell $200 worth or marijuana. Da~is is going back because the Supreme Court ruled in his case that federal judges should avoid interfering with sent~ces given by state courts. Virginia Attorney General Mars hall Coleman saw the ruling last .week as a victory for states·. ti.&h!§ and a signal of the court's growin' tolerance for stiff sentencing laws in states. "I just didn't thing It would come to going bac k," said Davis, who has been free on $10,000 bond since U.S. District Judge James Turk in Roanok& ruled his 40-year sentence was unconstitutionally c ruel five years ago. ,. His lawyer is planning to ask for a pardon from the governor. l)avis is ·now 36 years old. a hus band and the father of a .. r don't think it is all that serious at this point but there certainly is a lot more talk about it and I think this cao be interpreted as a warning over the Golan Heights issue," one diplomat said. Riyadh and Moscow had diplomatic relatiom until 1938, when the Soviet dictator Josef Stalin closed his e mbassy in Jidda in a Cost-cutting move. The Soviet government has diplomatic lies only with one oil-rich Persian Gulf s tate, Kuwait, which acts as an intermediary for its nei1hbors. Brief case a blast The latest Saudi official to , suggest a move toward& ties with Moscow ·was Information Minister Mohammad Abdo Yamani, who told a seminar earlier this week in Riyadh that "establishing relations with Eastern bloc countries does not mean that we subscribe to their ideologies." He added that ''establishing relations with these stales is up lo our government's evaluation." But the Soviets are known to be eager lo exo.and their relations. In an interview with the Kuwait daily newspaper Al Anbaa this month Moscow's ambassador to Kuwait Nikolae Sikachov coupled a denunciation or the Golan annexation with a call for "equitable relations with all the GuJI slates." Blowup communications mixup The hint about formal diplomatic ties emerged about two w eeks after I s ra e l announced on Dec. 14 it was applying Israeli law in the occupied Golan Heights. captured from Syria in the 1967 Middle East war. T-he U.S . governme.-t protes ted tbe . annexation but has balked at Arab demands for international sanctions against Israel. On New Year's Day, Crown Prince Fahd stressed in a speech the importance of the international role of the communist states and said the kingdom "does not harbor any enmity against Eastern bloc states." The Saudis already have economic ties with the communist nations, importing meat from Ro mania and Bulgaria , s ugar fr o m Czechoslovakia and waterpipes from the Soviet Union, top Saudi officials say. Saudi soccer teams also play commulililt. nations and a Saudi-China football game was recently broadcast on state television. But a Saudi Cabinet minister, who declined to be identified, said in an interview before the Golan annexation: "as long as the Soviet Union is in Afghanistan it will be difficult r o r u s t o h a v e government-lo· government relations." TUSCALOOSA, Ala. CAP) - Sgt. David Bailey, a Marine Corps reCfijiter , ·cause<;! a big blowup when h e le ft his briefcase al a fire station. ·'I had been riding with fire department paramedics until about midnight. and had left my briefcase at the station . . . The next morning I went by to pick it up and when I got there, they s aid, ·we just blew il up.' " Firefighters thought it was a bomb. Fire Chier James Watts said it a ll began when a man tried to call in a bomb threat to the Alabama Power Co. The man dialed the wrong number. He reached the offi ce of Paul Bryant Jr .. son of University of Alabama footbatl Coac;h Paul "Bear" Bryant. "A man satd a bomb had been left al the 'power company' office," Watts said. "Bryant thought hP said 'fire company,' so he called us." Firefighters found the ·Sex attacks anger students ,Group seeks stronger punishment for offenders briefcase in th e h a llway. Quickly, t hey called police detonation expe rts. Then, in front of the station, the briefcase was surrounded with sandbags and blasted to sm ithereens. Envelopes and papers rai.ned from the air. But the story didn't end there. Bailey said he laughed when he heard about the mixup, but then he ''remembered that l had left a clip of M-14 rifle rounds in the case. Fortunately they didn't go off as they have a range of 4 or Smiles." ~O · bomb ~as found at the power company. 1 WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. CAP> -A student asked Chandler to reply by Tuesday .and said he I group wants Williams College President John should come up wi~ a new definition or sexual hen4Uer te res,end-t~ands~th~aMlr-6&L~w~d~e•aal5~-~~~~A'-'MMl-pWai._.AMIA&i~~~-l.~~~~r--lL....,.,J-.~ -found guilty of sexual harassment be punished The harassment cases were among the first I more severely. reported in several years at the 189-year-old The group, calling itself Williams Against college, which began admitting women 12 years Sexual Harassment, attracted 200 people at a ago. It now has about 1.050 men and 950 women 30·minute rally outside the college administration students. building last week. "I have a question for WASH : This is a The students had planned to present their problem at Williams College. Why did you find it demands to Chandler but he was out of town. necessary to call all the media in the Northeast'!" Daniel O'Connor, dean of the exclusive liberal O'Connor said at the rally. "I have been accused arts college, took a copy of the demands and asked of coverup. There is no coverup. We take your students to join him in another hall to discuss concerns seriously." them. About 75 students went with him but others A committee or four students and seven remained outside briefly and left. professors appointed by Chandler began on The student group is upset over punishment Thursday to study and define sexual harassment, imposed on two men accused or sexual harassment the college's policies to fight It, and ways lo curb by women in separate cases at the school last it. Committee chal~man David Colby, a political ·semester. science professor, said a report may be ready for University officials ordered the two men raculty review in May. suspended. But they appealed their punishment to Last Wednesday, afternoon classes were a disciplinary board of four students and four canceled while 1,000 students met with proressors professors. The board revoked the suspensions and and adminisirators lo discuss sexual harassment, placed the students on probation. a term used by the college ror offenses ranging -Scbool officials have refused to give details on from verbal to physical assaults. thetwocase;s. College officials said they will a s k WASH said it wants the colle1e to impose at Willlamstown police to investigate violence if • least one-year suspensions in future cases. It complainants want to seek criminal charges. ~-• SOUTH COAST PLAZA Starting February1l, and E•ery Day of the Week VALET PARKING BEAR S'J1UIZI' f.NTRY llALL ENTRANCE ••• 1111 •llrri'• .t I . 11..- Weekdaya & S.t. 10-9; Sun. 12-5, Service Charge 12.00. One of the be~t on-time records going That's stvle Fares that save you money everv dav on everv flight That's stvle. too A1rCal We do· more than get you there We get you there in stvle' . - 2-year·old gir.Since being freed after serviQghree years on the conviction r~ ·possession and sa le of nine mces of marijuana -about worth -he has worked as 1>uth counselor and constructi 1orker. He has ~ spent a little time in jail -u s convicted three ye ars c in Roa noke o f possess n o r ari ounce of marijua and sentenced to four days in ii, lo be ser ved on week en · Vi rgi law allows parole arter o uart.er of a sentence is serv so Davis could be parol.ed ler seven more years in pr1so H he e convicted today on the ch es, the maximum sentenc ouJd be 20 years, but De puty le j\ttorney General James p said "the thing that concern us was the principle." Under e law in 1973, when Davis w convicted, Kulp said, the max um was 80 years. Alth gh he h a s been c harac ized in magazine · articles a marijuana martyr, Davis s he sees himself as "just a oot suck~r who got caught " His gold-inlaid teeth glitter n he s miles. "I d t see m yself as a criminal he said. "Nobody's ever pren that I'm a devil, eithe r."· Murd rs, rapists and other violent inaJs receive lighter senlenc than his, he said, and althoug e's bad run-ins with :• SEEKS PARDON. -Roger T. Davis isn't very happy about what he considers a harsh 40-year prison sentence. His lawyer pla ns to as k that Davis be pardoned. the law. he doesn't have a record of violence. Many of those closely involved in the eight-year court battle, including Wythe Count y Co mm onwealth 's Attorney . Thomas Ba ird Jr .. who prosecuted Davis in 1974, said the 40-year senle.nce was harsh. DCST1IMT1C* &O#UI. ,,... ......(Oft(lt SftN NCISCO SJ9 SftN JOS£ J9 OflKlftND J9 R£NO 42 PHOENIX 42 FRESNO J6 V!CiftS ltO $65 65 65 65 64 55 59 ,. .. ,, rt '· .. r- Orange Coat DAJLY PILOT/Monday.January 18, 1982 ~· LA. coroner criticized Noguchi handling of Settles, Wood, Holden cases hi t LOS ANGF.f.F.R (AP ) - Loa Angeles County Coroner T~omas T. No1uchl has been a cc used of exh l biting an "unproleaslonal" manner in the jallhouae deat h o f colle1e footbaU star Ron Settles and "aensationalliing" the deaths of entertainers Natalie Wood and William Holden. Noguchi, whose department ls aJready under investigation by the cou nty for a l te1ed m ishandling or evidence and co n flic t of In teres t , w as c rl llcize d by the district attorney's office for the SetUes case and by the Screen Actors Guild in the deaths of Holden d Miss Wood. District Attorney John Van de Kamp a nnounced last week a f ter a se ven -month investigation that he wi ll not prosecute Signal Hill police, saying he doubts whether "we will ever know for certain the proximate cause of Ron Settles' death." "GeneraJly, I'd have to say t<he coroner's work was very poor, unprofessional,'' s aid Deputy District Attorney Gilbert Garcetti, citing loss of evidence, mistakes in drug tests and • delays in handling Settles. "Not lhe kind of work I'd expect Crom a coroner's office in a lar1e metropolitan area." He added, however , that the coroner's ofCice has adopted new procedures t h at give him confidence future jail deaths will b e tr ea t ed i n a more professional manner. Settles, 21, a running back for California State University-Long Beach, was found hanged in a Signal Hill jail cell s hortly aner he was stopped lor a routine traCCic violation June 2. Police c laimed Settles committe d s uicide, but his fa mily and friends contend he was killed by police. - Noguchi was in Sacramento al a meeting of an earthquake preparedness task force and was unavailable lo respond to the criticism, his orrice said. Meanwhile, SAG revealed it has sent a letter t.o the county 'Board of Supervisors "urging that Nog uchi restrict himself lo professional expertise" when r e p o rt i n g hi s o ff ice 's post-mortem investigations. S AG s pok es woman Kim Felln er s aid Nogu c hi .was condemned for "editorializing and senaaUonaliilng" the Nov. 29 drownln1 death of Ml11 Wood otf Cat.allna Island and the death or Holden, also last November. Holden's body was discovered in his Santa Monica hom e Nov. 16. In the Wood case, No1uchJ theorized that the actre11'1 hu1band, Robert Wasner, had ar9ued with actor Christopher Wal ken aboard t heir yacht, adding to speculation about her death not being an accident. That never was substantiated. In the Holden case, Noguchi revealed the actor had been drinking heavily before he reu .ln his bedroom and he suggested that Holden was not aware orthe severe injury to himself before he bled to death. Two weeks ago the county Board of Supervisors ordered an investigation into. published reports of improper handling of evid e nce in murder c a ses, e rr o r s in the accuracy of scientific test results and the theft of valuables from dead bodies by corone r 's s tare m e mbers . Noguchi also was a ll eged t o have potential conflicts of interest with private organizations. 'D_ust Storm' brings citation Farmer to fight action by air pollution control unit 8 EA-l.fMONT (AP ) -Al Dysa rt, insisting he was raising hay the way he has for 57 years, 1-vows to fight a citation for allegedly causing a dust storm one woman compa red to the 1930s Dust Bowl era. woman to San Gorgonio Pass Me moriaJ Hospital for oxygen. said J erry Brown, c l~n-up s u p e ri n te n ae n t at t e Cherrywood Senior Apartments. Drapes were ruined throughout the new complex and the ventilation system clogged. i t s homecoming bas ketb'all _ga me. "It was so bad. you couldn't see anything. There was an inch of dirt in here." said high school secretary Jo Kinney. "I am from Oklahoma and I li ved there during the Dust Bowl days," said Ella Lee Morris, who lives in a mobile home near Cherry Avenue. "It reminded me or that. It left powdery dust an inch thick over everything." MIDWIFE BACKED -Teri Calhoun . r ight. a fltjo nterey midwife facing ma ns laughter 1~harge In a stillborn birth. was s upported in ·~-......... preliminar~· hea rill~ ill' Monten·~· b~· par<.·nts. Dysart leases 640 acres in Banning from Deutsch Co. The 74 -year-old farmer and t he company were cited as public nuisances by the Air Quality Manage ment District after recent high winds blew a thick layer of dust from the newly plowed fi eld into neighboring Beaumont. ·'These old peopl e ha ve e n ough tro uble breathing anyway," Brown said. "They really had problems in the dust. ll was so fine tbat it blew right inside the windows, all over everything." Road visibility was down to The AQMD sent the complaint to the Riverside County district attorney for prosecution as cleanup opera tions continued into this week. inc luding '.\lrs. Vit·kie Cill. who hrought her baby. Case~-. Dust forced one e lde r ly - Many buy policies they don't ~eed P ALO ALTO <AP> -Some peninsuJa flood-zone residents may have been paying hund reds of dollars a year for flood insurance they no longer are required to have, local and federal officials say. National Flood -lns urjlnee is req u i r ed for s ing l e -f ami l y homeowners in flood hazard areas who obtained their home loans from federally insured lenders. 1be flood iones are designated by the Federal Em~F.gency Management Ageney. But that agency has modified the boundaries of flood zones in parts of Palo Alto, Menlo Park and Mountain View, without notifying individual hom eowners or the change. ln fa ct, people in the deleted areas continue to receive reaeral notices informing the m whe n their ins urance has expired. ·'Some people probably just mailed in the payment," said Ray Lenaburg, a civil engineer with FEMA in Sa Francisco. "ft is too bad, because th~y shouJd be knowledgable about whether or not they are in a flood- . ris k zone. Thal is just good common sense and judgment." ·x-ray /Jursts eyed SAN FRANCISCO (AP ) -A whirling two-star system in which one star is stealing the energy of the other is the source of mysterious b u rsl.' of X-ray s in s pace, stl'OftOmers sai . - The report is the first lo explain the source or a phe-nomenon known as ''X-ray bursters," according to the astronomers from the University or California at Berkeley. Flickerin on and orr in a re uJar ·pattern, 10 or 20 known bursters have been studied for about two decades. But scientists have been unable to tell whether the puJses were caused by a single star or a pair. -The 1eadtrrg-trrn<>ry -was that -a bur ster was caused by one star s1eat1ng fuel from another sw , sai<t astronomy professor Stuart Bowyer, but "in.no case had anyone.been able lo observe a burster as a binary source." .NI f 'l .. 4tSEf ti,. Neighborhood Congregational Church '81 MARK.VI ON SALB WlTll TlllS AD . •390 ... AJ'.lt. 110.33 UOWX l'.\\')ll'XT1 !MaOtlm 1!0 MCl!\Tt.Y l'.\\')IEXTS llUllJUUill l'IUl'li *<Mm m CASll Pill l'E II I It& I IUI I llX<"U111'-'i.. TA.X. IJ(', •Mill )Ill' f'El!I •(jlJOHll llAJIY OIW Oii SALE 8UV Oil LEASI! AT ,JOllXSOX & SOX ' I' 1 11 I ' \1 I HI I H' .::;.\..()-,::;t;;i() St. A.91 Pl. at (Mewyre, Logma leacll T•1daJ. J-. If, 1912 • l:JO p.111. $3.00 Donation reQuested PLENTY OF FREE PARKJNG JANUARY SALE SAV..SfllOM 50% .. 70% Oil MOii. ................................... ........... ...., ....... " ...... _ .. ...... , ......................... .. ......................... , .... ~ ..... _,, • ·--- .......... -=--.... CA.m .. 11 ' m....,t "'••• '46i-Jn7/6461114 .Breeze through tax time in Home Federal Country. .. Let rofessionals do our taxes this ear. At selected branches, Home Federal now offers accurate a nd professional personal income tax prepa- ration services from Tax Masters." Even ·if you're not a Home Federal customer, you can still take advantage of this time-saving-and often money-saving-tax preparation service. If you 're a Home Federal customer, you may be eligible for discounts of up-to 75% off normal charges. The total of you r new or existing Home Federal Savings balances will determine your dis- count. (Due to Federal reg- ulations, this discount does not apply to tax-free accounts.) ACCURACY YOU CAN DEPEND ON. Tax MastersiJ(· will help you take advantage of every possible deduction. And they take full responsibility for accuracy with a written guarantee to pay any inter- est or pena lty resulting from t heir mistake. You pay only t he correctly computed tax. To avoid the rush, re- serve your da te and time IN ORANGE COUNTY, CALL COIJ.ECT NOW TO MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT 835-4338, EXTENSION 343 ~ovtrl6 bltuon today. Not a ll Home Federal offi ces are offering tax prep- aration services, so use t he number below. We 'll sched- ule you in a bra nch and at the hour that's best for you. During peak periods, we'll be open in the evening and all day-Saturday . Make your arrange- ments now. It's a great time to open or add to your ac- counts at Home Federal in order to reduce your tax preparation charges. The higher your savings balances, the lower your tax preparation bill. It's t hat simple. HOME FEDERAL. AI,.L THE FINANCIAL SERVICES YOU NEED, UNDER ONE SAIL! N1tion'1 3rd Llrpet Mutual Federal Savlnp i nd Lotn Aalodation Home hderal Savinp and Loan Allllod1tlon or San Diel@ • ' f""i I u . 18 b"u 1s1t , 1'J'I .lo ')11 .. , If) l I ..Jc 'II &'I 'i 11 1 11 1 Hj ; I fl 19 J b1; ti~· 1; '!'l bn l., .. h11. h'i .,, I II iqs I 11. ~· ,., , .. ,., .. m' ~ .,r 1lq 1 11 IMIJ rlJ I o 01 ~ fl t, h1· "J "·· u~•· :,,: I ;,_1, '.J j1 ,.,'" 1 ht! I Jf ••IO •I"! 'I I •,;,· L!J JO ''"' · o1/ •flC. 10 11• 19q ' 111 IOI ~nJ lQll tin I 10 I! Rrl' 1Utl Wit - qm '(! nl<t1 1l1l1 ., f to·1r· 1.-J. ; .. 1• .. "• Orange Cout DAil V PILOT/Monday. January 18, 1982 Offsho_re oil fight 'looming once more , After fighting for years to keep the federal government from throwing open ttie doors to offshore oil and gas production it appears Californians must once again inform " n ew administration in Was hington this won't be tolerated. Under propo sa l s b y Secretary or Interior James Watt, oil and gas rigs could be constructed as close as three miles. from the Orange Coast, and without the benefit or careful s tudy to first determine the environmental and financial impact on nearby communities. Watt has been quoted as saying he favors opening the entire U.S. outer contine ntal she lf to the oil industry. representing a billion acres or so m e of the most environmentall y sens itive areas in the world. Watt's plan for Southern California includes selling oil and gas leases for about 900.000 acres from San Di ego to Point Conception ove r a five-year period. S u c h a g r a n d i o s c 11 ri . d e rt a k i n g o b v i o u s l ~-w o n · t include e nough provis ions to protect coastal zones or the res idents who live jn the m . S uch " s afeguards require time and careful studies. a nd no doubt would produce evide n ce that exploration s houldn't be allowed in som e a r eas. Watt seem s unwilling to commit himself to such an undertaking . By bulldozing the explora tion leases through before the public is fully a~e of his plan. Wau upparently hopes to reduce uny orgunized opposition to after the fact ~rumbling. 'l'o justify the need for full-scale offsllore drilling, Watt holds up the specter of America under siege. with the mineral rich and politically psychotic Third World holding the country hostage by threatening to shut off the oil tap. He has s aid the U.S . is vulnerable to a natural resources war unless there is a change in attitude a bo ut offs hore o il production. Not a word. howe ver. about the fact that the economies or many oif producing nations are closely tied to U.S. imports. and a s hutoff would be ruinous for many countries halting exports to this country . Watt recently backed off on a decis ion to invite oil companies to snoop around the ocean bottom off the rugged and e nvironmentally vu lnerable Northern California coast. Not only is the decision being delayed in the courts. but it seems the Reagan administration may be worried that pushing too h a rd for t-h e I eases could jeo pardize the c han ces o f Republicans running in the 1982 elections. Californians have always s tood firm for prudent and lengthy study before a llowing any drilling off their .shoreline . Secretary Watt s hould realize that bullying tactics won't work on this issue, which is of concern to California reside nti; o f a ll political pe rsuasions. Closed-door justice -A biH t~at would overturn a ~esser-cttarge in order to avoid 100-year-old state law granting a facing a more serious trial in criminal defendant the right to open court. With pre lim inar~· have a preliminary hearing hearings closed. the public never closed to the public a nd news knows on what basis the original media almost made it through c harge was dismissed or watered the state Legislature last year. down. But the m easure bogged The Legislature's bill would down when the Assembly refused permit a closed hearing only if a to accept Senate am endments as judge could be persuaded that an a pproved by a confe r e n ce open hearing could present '"a committee. Unde r the law a clear and present dange r" to the hearing mus t be c losed upon right to a fair trial. s hould one be request of a defendant. and ordered. - attorneys usually request s uch That is fair enough. If there c losure. is genuine danger in pre-trial publicity. the defend~nt sh,ould Now the·state Supreme Court be protected ., But more than that. ha s e nte r e d the pi c ture by the public s hould be protected rejecting a petition by' the San from the increasing practice of Jose Mer cury-News to overturn closed-door justice under· which the 1872 law by granting access,. too many criminal cases e vade to a preliminary hearing for a public scrutiny. former San Jose city councilman The San Jose newspaper had accused of bribe r y and s tate contended that the law requiring income tax evasion. a c Io s e d hearing at the The high court upheld the d efendant's request is an contention that permitting public unconstitutional infringement access _to a pr~limt,nar.y hear~ --upon the public-1!-righHo -attend. -dunng wh1cb tes tJmoay is But the high court ruled that the-. taken to determine _if a defendant s tate constitution ·s provision s hould s tand trial could assuring public access to court darh~ge ~he defendant's ~ig_ht to hearings "provide s no ~ f a1r trial before a n unbiased unqualified right to the public JUry . a n d m ed i a to a t't end a This is all ~ell and good. But preliminary hearing." the fact remains that about 90 Thus the 1872 law remains in percent of criminal cases are effect. But the legislators should dis posed of in one way or a nother not abandon their efforts to bring during preliminary hearings. the law in step with current legal Sometimes etldence is ruled _pr,,a.etices and give judges the ins ufficient. but more often plea option of deciding whether or not bargaining at this level permits a a closed preliminary hearing is def endartt to plead guilty to a warranted. • "Qplnions expressed in the space above are those of the Oaily~Pllot. Other views eic- pressed on this page are· those of their authors and artists. Reader comment is inv it-' ed . Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (7U ) 642-4321. L.M. Boyd/ Men and apes Some scientists contend the only monogamous primates are human beings, gibbons and marll)oset monkeys, and only they share food with their partners and their young. They also say the three species learned to walk on two legs so their arms could be free to carry food. And they say further only these three seem inclined to mate anytime anywhere unaffected by the ."in season" cycles of the female. Interesting, if true. Why the weather tends to influence the moods of women far more than of me n has not been explained, but researchers repeatedly have found such to be the case. ORANGE COAST Dai,yPilai . "' Only one out of every three shoppers who buy encyclopedias one volume at a time at supermarkets ever gets the whole set. The walrus, too, gets trichinosis. Cook walrus well. Q. What's the body temperature of a hibernating bear? A. 91 degrees F . Brave men learned this. Q . What happens H the earth passes through a comet's tall? A. Nolhina. It has happened twice in the last century. Thomas P. H•l•Y Publisher nomn A. MUrpllln• editor B•rbar• Kretbich Editorial P ... Editor A lady • ID W ASHJNGTON -Not since the late Evita Peron has the world seen a first lady like Imelda Marcos. The beaut~us onetime song plugger and beauty-contest winner has always been unabashedly ambitious. Some regard her as the relentless genius behind her hu s band 's dictatorship in the Philippines .. Imelda's ambition extended to her daughter, l mee: she wanted the girl to marry someone suitable. Imelda's first choice was England's Prince Charles , who -to Imelda's disappointment - did not choose lmee as his queen. INSTEAD, lmee eloped with Tommy Manotoc. a handsome athlete who did not come up to Imelda's giddy social standards . The young couple's "Romeo and Juliet" story stirred worldwide irrterest when Tommy vanished on Dec 29, after dining with lmee in a cozy · Manila restauraJlt. The Manotoc family -longtime political foes--of-PresideTil'Marcos - suggested he had his daughter's lover kidnapped. But some members of the Manotoc family really suspect that I melda w as b e hind Tomm y's disappearance. lmee, who dearly loves her father but quarrels with her mother, confronted the president with the news of her secret marriage. Tommy later told his family that Marcos had given the star-crossed lovers his blessing. When lmee expressed concern over her mother's reaction, the .preside nt reassured them, s aying , "I'll handle her," sources told my associate Lucelte Lagnado. l search of power Imelda's latest J roject. meanwhile, man; purified so that he might travel s uggests nothing les~ than divine status the path to nobility -to greatness.·· ~or Marcos and herself. It is a lavishly Imelda's hired hacks were even more illustrated boo~ she arr~nged for her adulatory in their treatment of the hus band qn his 64th birthday. At a provincial girl who clawed her way up G -J1-c1-11-1-111_1_1 -~ r e ported/ cost o r seve r al hundred thousand dollars. Imelda co ~ missioned promipe nt Filipino writers to do the purple text and an artist to paint the full-page color plates for the book. Ostensibl y. the volume is the legend of M alakas and Maganda, "the strong and the beautiful'' mythological figures who were the parents of the Filipino race, according to Tagalog folkore. But a s th-t' sle-ry-tntfolds , a not-so-subtle change occurs in the text and illustrations : The legend o f Malakas and Maganda becomes intertwined with the equally legendary exploits of Ferdinand and Imelda. The 111 us trations s how the presider1t as clearly re-creating the mythic strength and wisdom of Malakas. while the first lady becomes indistinguishable from the divine Maganda. --IN ROYAL PROSE, the birthday book has this to say of Marcos: "He was born with thf seeds of leadership; molded on righteousness since infancy; 1 prepared to be better than the ordinary from poverty to the presidential palace. "She was taller than the ordinary child, long-limbed. with a well-proportioned body that was rounded, not bony," the authors rhapsodized. Tbe eirt.s bearing ··ev en t hen wa s noticeabl y aristocratic." they wrote. "She was tall, with the bearing of a princess. 6ut not haughty; product of a blueblooded mold yet without arrogance," the book declares. "She displayed humility but was self-assured and confident. She 'was tender and affectionat e, yet strong-willed and principled." THIS PARAGON of virtue is.scarcely recognizable to those who have dared to challenge Imelda's ruthless climb to power and wealth. Such a shamel~ - attempt to transform a onetime beauty contestant into a goddess would be embarrassing if it did not reflect the coldblooded ambition that has always driven Imelda Marcos. Divinity is just another tool for Imelda's singleminded construction of worldly power and wealth Footnote· Imelda charms foreigTI leaders with her beauty and grace. She is popular in America among the conservative "high and mighty. Sbe is a favor1te, for example, of Richard Nixon. whom she persuaded to dance a Filipino fandango at an elegant soiree , in her Waldorf Towers hotel suite. Alcohol programs seek tax dollars An initiative proposing a surcharge or 5 cents per ounce on the a lcoholic content of beer, wine and distilled s pirits ha s be e n approved for ci r culation. If it gathers 346,000 signatur es it will appear on the ·November ballot. Sp,onsou of tbe_p.etitioo ai:.e .the-- California Association of Alcoholic Recovery ffomes who are seeking to feather their nests with tax dollars . THE MONEY would be divided 30 percent for alcohol programs, 30 percent for traffic safety, 30 percent for administration and 10 percent for victim indemnity funds . State revenues already exceed $150 million annually in taxes on alcoholic beverages to say nothing of the millions in sales taxes generated by bottle and drink sales. Additional rnoney for alcoholism program·s is derived from fines imposed upon drinking drivers which also help flnance traffic enforcement. For the current year more than $105 million is budgeted for the Department of Alcohol and Drug programs. This is a lot of money for a lcohol abuse programs which have yet to set any record of s uccess to justify the expenditure. Administration of liquor control laws is performed by the Department of Al c ohol Beverage Contro l which collects some $13 million annually in ·---- IARl WITIRS license fees. This money has seemed ror many yea r s a totally was ted expenditure. For the department, conceived by Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger when he was a member or the Assembly. performs a function which could just as well be handled at the local level as are all other retaH b\isiness licenses . Initially the license fees wer'e to finance the enforcement of the liquor laws but, as time demonstrated, the local police do most of the enforcement. This ls acknowledged by the state which allocates liquor tax revenues to local governments for that purpose. This leaves the ABC to spend most of its funds in "cal-rat factory" fashion . using about half of the money to process license applications and the other half 1 attempting to prove they were wrong when they issue the licenses. EVEN THOVGH prohibition was I proved to be a disastrous mistake, the temperance movement is not dead_' Do-gooders who view the existence of I alcohol as the cause for all of society's woes continue to battle away. AJthouth I they now know they cannot outlaw the sale and use of alcoholic beverages they 1 seek to make its cost prohibiti\'e through taxation. There will always be those who l~k the self-discipline to avoid abusin& themselves with alcohol just as there will always be those who abuse their bodies by overeating and improper diets. • As Alcoholics Anonymous has proved. only those who want to help themselves I can be helped. Until the state can come up with programs which cin l demonstrate a reasonably satisfactciry success in curbing alcoholism it is probably already spending too much in the effort. Society 01u.st take soDie blame for crime Wh enever one of his aides, or political cronies. was caught with his hand in the cookie jar, the late Mayor Daley of Chicago had a uniform response. "Nobody's perfect." he would shrug, RlllY 111111 his heart tull or com'paulon and Christian forgiveness. One supposes tl\at Jack the Ripper's mother might have said the same thing. upon learnln1 of her son's naughty habits. But people are not punished, of course, for beina less than perfect; they are put away for beln& actively harmful. The only problem ls that we really don't know any more about lbe use of punlabment than the ancients did thOUMndl of years aao. We can allll find nothin1 better to do wltb tran•ireuon than lock them up, bane !, them by the neck. or burn them to death. Nothlng that we do seems to work, but we keep on doin1 tt anyway. Prisons make men worse, a~d parole releases incorrigibles as well as people who never shouttl have been put in priaon in the first place. Penitentiaries don't make inmates penitent; refonnatories don't reform; and capital punishment has no effect on the crimes punishable by death. The reason for this impasae, It seems to me, Is that societies keep looking upon "crime" as an Individual transgression, when it really ls a reflection and dlatordon of the social order It.sell. We are quick to blame a family if ita chlldr«1 are delinquent, but we are unwilllna to put the responsibility on aoclety tor Its criminal offspring. It takes two elements to make a crime <I am not s~aklnc here ot crlma of puslon but of law-bnakiftS>: someUUna ln the heart "' the aa .... and aomethlnK en the nature of die en•lronmnt. Some crime, of course, will always be with us: but most of it could be eliminated by a society that pracUced what it preached, and spent even a fraction on prevention ot what it does PO punishment. It now costs $90,000 to buUd a single hl&h·security cell in New York State; what child of the alums bu hM $90,000 spent on him before? · Re Ood and bumper alicnn <Gui. Ja lS>: Friend of mine u.o.pt lbe fWI meant that driver wu a ~-Se much for preachln1 rellcion on vellict'-. !1::$' _ ................. . • .................. d I .... ... .. ...... ,... • Orange Coot DAILY PILOT/Monday.January 18, 1982 . • is rOa.dside pie shop I •:TRIAL -Juan I Corona will go on t trial a second time Feb. 22 on charges or slaying 25 farm workers. His firs t conviction was thrown out on appeal. CANYONVILLE Ore. <AP) - De1p1te an · elaht·fold boost In prices. llexla and LoMn Winn bave served • thou1anda ot plec• of fr•h fruit pie to hlahway travelers from their home alona lntentate s near Canyonville. The"* was a Ume when 10 cents aot a quarter ol a pie and another 15. centa bouaht a hamburaer and a cup of coffee at Mexla'a -before World War II. Plt now costs 80 centa1 but little else baa chanted at the restaurant named for Mrs. Winn. She and her buaband have dished up pie In the front room or their home since 192'1, five years after Lo"son built it. Winn now is 81 and hla wife ls somewhat younaer -she won't tell her ace -but they don't intend lo quit IOOll. "Besides, people won't let ua," sbe says. ''They know where the back door is." Mrs. Winn rarely emerges from the kitchen for a chat. Her husband serves the rood and swaps storiu with customers in the small front room with four tables, a wood stove and walls lined with more tban 100 commemorative plates. "Goodness no, I have to make pies for tomorrow,'' she tells a visitor in search OCTDwill planyour bus' triRfor ~-=- No matt.er where you want to go in Orange County, we'll make it easy for you to get there on an OCTD bus. Just call us at · 636-RIDE. We'll tell you the exact routes of conversation. . But a man from A'-lltralla once lured her from the stove to tell her he wu returnlns home because he had ended his search for the best piece or pie at Mexla's. "Now he really brou1ht tears to my eyes," 1he uya. Duriftl the Depression, the couple never refused • request for food from pennlleu travelers, Mrs. Winn says, ''We never substituted, even during rationing." ' and she refused to skimp on inlredients for the pies. She still uses fresh fruit and other intredients from the area. "We never have substituted, even during rationlna." she says. "When I was out, I was out. I never stretched It out or made them cheaper." The mountain pass just south of Canyonville once was a major route for freight wagons and stagecoaches unUI the railroad was built in 1883. The pass later held U.S. 99 and now Interstate 5. When lhe highway was widened about -J 40 years ago, the bo"'8e wai put on wheels and pulled acro1s the canyon, where Mrs. Wlnn continued to bake, says her husband, She used lo make aa many u 40 plH a day, but now makes about a doaen, and crlnpa lo think how many ahe hu made in the put half-century. "When U aot into the tbouaands, I tot scared and quit counUn1," she says. "I don't want to know." Their house-restaurant ls open only four houra on weekdays and seven hours Sunday, but the place does a brisk busineaa from the locals who ar1ue poUllca or trade 1oulp with Winn. Loson Winn, a native of Ore1on, married Mexia after meetin1 her in Texas. • "~here c'rtainly wasn't golne lo be a wedding in it," she says. "But that's what developed. And I have no re1rets." Their 1952 Studebaker sits unused in the garage, and their Model A is falling apart in a shed down the road. But Winn still drives Mexia in another family car in search of food to rival hers. "We'll just head into town and come back with a bad taste in my mouth," Mexia Winn says. NEW BUSINESSMEN Conlacl th• DAIL y PILOT IOf Information regarclng the county requirement• for using • Fictitious Bualn••• Neme. 642-4321 EXT. 332 • HARB~OR BLVD . OF CARS and times. And if yo\.t need schedules and Ride Guides, we·n send them free. So give us a call. You'll find the bus is your easy-to-use ticket to work, school, --::::iil::::::t::~~ shopping and entertainment in ,. --Orange County. I ALL MAKES! 833-0555 Ask For Ray, LWE SrfCIAUST at HOWARD Chevrolet I C-or 00.. -°'*' S11 NEV*'ORT BEA'CH " IDI 636-lllDE ~ THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATORDAY & SONDAY I• ' $ I ~· :· I THE PEANUT BlJTTER, WINE AND POPCORN MADE IT TASTIER ••• AND NOW WEIGHT WATCHERS~ MAKES IT EASIER! INTJIODUCIHO from WEIGHT WATCHERS "' WE WILL REDUCE YOUR WEEKLY FEE TO ONLY 0.00 AVAILABLE ONLY UNTIL JAN. 31. 1982 Hm'aHOW 1. JOIN BEFORE JAN 31 . 1982 AT A REDUCED RATE OF ONl Y • 11 .00 (wtth ooupon a.low). 2. ATnNO 12 CONSECUTIVE WEEKbY MEmNOS AT THE REGULAR FEE OF ONLY H PER WEEK. FROM THEN ON YOO PAY ONLY SJ PfR Wffl< UNTIL DK. 11, 1912 AS LONG AS YOO RETAIN YOUR SAME REGISTRATION NUMla. >--1'11AT'8 AU. YOU llAYS TO DO -NO COlftllAC"l9 TO.__.-< EXTRA BONUS-IF YOU ACT NOW .,...,.... ,_YOU aKINll ,_A ramND .. .. .. .. M M M M na Tm Cl.A89 Matm'I' YOU CUL ·ns-ssos WEIGHT•WATCHERS. JAN. 21st JAN. 22nd JAN. 23rd JAN. 24th-· SOUTH COAST PLAZA * * * * * * * * * * . .._ ':' ., / \ FEATURING: AMC BUICK CADILLAC CHEVROLET CHRYSLER DATSUN DODGE FORD HONDA IMPERIAL •\ .. * JAGUAR * JEEP * LINCOLN * MAZDA * MERCURY * OLDSMOBILE * PLYMOUTH * RENAULT * TOYOTA * VOLVO 4 • • • ' I • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday. ~.,uary 18, 1982 JQIN '.IN 17.HE FtlN! • OF THE. 4th ANN ·U·AL • · JANUARY 22-29 Presented by the 552 Club of Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian with the help of more than 300 community volunteers. Net proceeds of all Clambake Week events benefit the hosp1t11. Thro~h previous Clambake Weeks, the 552 Club has raised more than ~.000 for the benefit of the patients of Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian. Projects supported include an Intensive Care Unit for the critically Ill, a Diatvsls Unit for patients with kidney failure and sophisticated ttquipment for the treatment of cancer. Here's How VoU Can -Have Fun-and Help Hoag Hospital! Saturday, January 23 RUN FOR HOAG 10K RUN Join 2,500 runners on this fast certified course. over 90% of it on the San Diego Creek Bike trail in Irvine. The runs start at 9:00 a.m .. with check·in from 8:00 to 8:45 a.m. at the Fluor Corporation recreation center on Carlson between Campus and Michelson in Irvine. There are divisions for men, women. boys and girls -20 in all -with several trophies for each division. ENTRY FEES: $8 includes T .. hirt. $4 without T·shirt. by January 18 DAY OF RACE ENTRY FEE: $10 wi~h T .. hi rt, $5 without T .. hirt. Entries receiYed by January 18 are eligible for additional special prize drawings. Late entries will be taken 8:00 a.m . on race day. For information call: John Blair, Race Director. (714~966-0556 or (714) 760·5917. The Runs are sponsored by California First Bank and KEZY This newest Clambake Week event will be staged in con· junction with the Run for Hoag. but jn much less strenuous style. Strike a blow against over .. xertion by en· joying a no-sweat 1.2 mile walk -just enough to whet your appetite for the special · AWARDS BRUNCH for all Walk participant~ at the Irvine Coast Country Club. Check in at Irvine Coast Country Club 7:15 a.m. sharp, Saturday, January 23. Buses will take you to the Walk site and return you to the country club for the special brunch. Good modest exercise -good fellowship -good cause. And prizes. too! ENTRY FEE (includes cocktails and brunch): $50 per person $75 per couple For. information and reservations call (714) 76().5917 The Walk Is sponsored by California F'irst Bank d ~ Monday, January 25 e'-• .._ Coed Fourth Annual ~~ ·, 1!?~~! Ce!~~!! ' CARPENTER Former Sllle_ Senator Dennis Carpenter-will have the questionable pleasure of being crisply roasted -and possibly li9htty toasted-· by public figures from ~overn· ment. pollt1cs, sports. the law and the community. Directing the laugh-packed affair will be Paul "Emcee" Salata. Salata's corps of sharp·tongued critics and com· mentators Includes Joey Bishop, Justice Robert Gardner, Georpe Hoag II, Jim Fregosi, Supervisor Tom .fUley, Mayor Jackie Heather, Congressman Robert Badham,' Senator John Schmitz, Dr. Tom Doan. Stuart Spencer and Or. Sammy Lee, along with others. · In addition to his service in the California Senate. Carpenter has been active in local, state and national politics. He was chairman of the Republican State Central Committee and of the Republican Central Committee of Orange County. Currently he is the legislative advocate for the County of Orange, a lawyer and a cattle rancher. He is an FS. agent, a UCLA law school graduate and a self .. tyled ··immigrant" from Minnesota . .. As a roast target, Carpenter is hard to miss." accord ing to Salata and his crew. An added feature will include the dedication of Hoag Hospital's non·existant 13th Floor to Ken and Bob. KABC radio talk show hosts. Cocktails~ 5:52 p.m. Dinner: 7:00 p.m. $1SO per couple $75 per person Seating limited to 500 For information or reservations. call (714) 760·5917 Friday, January 22 at the hilarious o~' _;_, ~0 HOAG HACKER HIJINX One hundred brave and foolish folks will tee off in the wacky and frust~ajing ~hole "go" tournament': to be played on the short course at the Newporter Inn, starting at 1 p.m. All of the holes have been specially developed to produce hilarity and trouble as the would·be golfers try to tee off from mattresses. shoot with a sling shot. combine golf with frisbee. overcome some devilish devices and generally muddle through a harrowing but happy afternoon. - THe field of participants is full. but you might want to look in on soroe lunacy undertaken In the name of golf and in the good. cause of helping Hoag Hospital. j ~ '. Thursday, January 28 and Friday, January 29 i ~~~th Anqual CROSBY SOUTHERN PRO-AM GOLF TOURNAMENT Irvine Coast Country Club -Gallery Admission $2 : The only Orange County tournament for tourinQ PGA golfers in 1 ~82! Here's your chance to see and follow some of the players you'll be watching on your TV screen during the pro tour the next few months. You'll see some of the leading pro golf money winners of tomorrow along with some of the tour veterans. Seventeen of the top 60 money winners in 1981 and 30 ot the top 100 are alumni of the 552 Club's Crosby·Southern. Seventy-two pros will team with 72 amateurs from Southern California clubs In this two-4BY event The pros wlll be co!!'petlng for a purse of $25,000, Former Crosby Southern players who ranked high in the offfcial 1981 winnings list Included: Gil Morgan: Fuzzy Zoeller, Keith Fergus, Lon Hinkle, Tom Pu.rtzer. Ed Fiori and Peter Oosternuis. 'oosterhuls and Al Gelberger played In last year's Crosby Southern. Others from past Crosby Southerns who have made names for themselves on the tour Include: Tommy Valentrne. D. A. Welbrtng, Dan Halldorson. Peter Jacotieen, Frank Conner, Greg Powers, Tom Jenkins, Mark Lye, Don Pooley, Vince Haefner. Bruce Fleisher, Bob ~aatwood, Pete Brown, Dave Eichelberger, and Bobby Walzel. STARTING TIME: 7:30 a.m. GALLERY ADMISSION: $2 A special thanks from the 552 Club to our CROSBY SOUTHERN SPONSORS TOURNAMENT SPONSORS: George Argyros. Amel Management Co. D. J. Bentley Senti~ Laboralorles :. John Curci, Curci· Turner Co. • First lnterstale Bank J. R. Fluor, Fluor Corporation Bob Gray, St. John Knits Barry Hallamore, San/Bar Corporation Charles Hester, Hester OeveloJ>ment George and Gloria Ryan and Mrs. Rose Oel.ney CORPORATE SPONIORS: Ai real • Airport Business Center · 1' Allegan Pharmaceuticals The Alison Company American State Bank Amwest, Inc. Arco Performance Chemicals Company, Inc. Armor·All Products Arthur Andersen & Company Avco Financial Servloes, Inc. Balboa Bay Club Bank of Newport Beckman lnsturments, Inc. Cal Fed Enterprises Cannell & Chaffin Commercial lnterlort, Inc. Computer Automation Cummins & White Ernst & Whinney First American Trust Company Maynard Franklin The Irvine Company John 0. Lusk & Son Mercury Savings and Loan Association • Morgan, Olmstead, Kennedy & Gardner, Inc. Nabers Cadillac Wright Investors' Service National Education Corporation O'Melveny ~ Myers Pacific Mutual C. L. Peck Contractors San Diego Federal Savings and Loan Smith International Shur-lock Wiiiamette K. Day Foundation Wisdom Import Sales Company, Inc. Arthur Youn9 & Company IPICIAL PRIZI IPONIORS: Ho .. n-onee: Smith F1mUy Tate c.dlllec Ch•lea Fllhb9ck This page is presented as a community service message by the Orange Coast Daily Pilot. -. ~· ti l ~ . MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 1982 CA VALCAOE 82-3 STOCKS 84 COMICS 86 How soon until Hopalong Cassidy is back on TV trails? Page B7 a 0 What is so rare as a clapper rail in winter count? Clear skies and light winds aided birdwatchers in identifying 182 species of birds during the Sea and Sage Audubon Society's annual coastal Christmas bird count. The 182 species identified were a record for the area. society membe rs said. California gull s were the most common birds spotted with 10,810 counted. On land. some 6,228 red-winged blackbirds were seen. At sea. an unus ually high number: of Manx shearwaters. more than 1.000. were seen flying along with Cassin's auk'lets and a common murre. . Two bird species listed as endangered also 'were noted along the coast. The black-tailed gnatcatcher was seen near UC Irvine and the light·footed clapper rail was co unted at U'pper Newport Bay. Althougit an accurate-count of t'he li ght-fooCeCI ·clapper rails could not be taken. a mid-December count taken by the Ca lifornia Fish and Game Department found between 55 a nd 58 of the rare birds. · • .., ..... "'""'"' •lmlN ...... CLEARED FOR SPLASHDOWN! -The pond along Warner A venue east of Pacifi c Coast Highway in Huntington Beach. above . may not seem like much to pedestrians and bicyclists. But pelicans and egrets obviouslv find the rain-filled extension of the Bolsa Chica marsh ~a perfect place for fishing or playing tag or hide ·n· seek. 1 Change of tactics would net excitement USELESS AT UCI DEPT. You have to t}ave an enormous volume of pity fo r certain star· athletes who now inhabit the halls of our hallowed University of Californi a at Irvine. They have been dealt low blows.. Athletics haven't always been the biggest thing happening at UCl. I mean. the place has .never fielded a football team in its history. thus missing a portion of collegiate glory. not lo mention the bi~ bucks from ',. (;;, ~'\ llllllPllll@ playing on TV ln the Salad Bowl, or somesuch. The jocks at UC. _ Irvine, however, have taken increasingly well to a roundball game. called basketba ll. They got a new coach a while back named 8111 Mulligan, who seems to be a pretty hot number, and now ari All American named Kevin Magee graces the basketbalJ squad. AUGMENTED BY A NUMBER of other stars. UCI basketball has abruptly skyrocketed into athletic prominence. The Anteaters (that's .the cute little nickname for the athletic teams > basketball squad has been beating up on nea rly everybody. The UCI players run a lot and shoot a lot of baskets. ll'~ fun to watch. Now finally, as UCI's basketball team rises to the level of the stars and people are noticing, vile and evil things are being done by the competition. Alas, the other teams that UCI play don 'l want lo. · Play .that is. ifhe competition is coming into UCI's Crawford Hall. --·~­. - ~ -- UCI o~ trying the old hidden baU trick ... taking to the court and grabbing the ball. Then they sit on it. THE IDEA HERE is if my team can't win, I'll just squat on the baU so you can't win either. In basketball parlance, this is known as the "slow-down" or "stall" or politely, ··controlled game.'' Cal State, Fullerton's basketball team came to UCI the other night and sat on the baJl so long it almost became deflated. They lost anyway by one point. But that may be because they got so bored with passing the ball a round and not doing anything with it that they dozed off for a few minutes. THE OUTRAGE OF IT a ll is that here is our hometown coastal university. with one of the most e xc iting basketball teams in the nation. forced to stand around watching. This doesn't do a lot for the fans. It's even less exciting than watching a yacht race. Famed sportswriter Grantland Rice once said watching a yacht race is about as exciting as watching grass grow. The weeds may start sprouting. up. al .mid-court in Crawford Hall. Your sympathy really goes out for the UCI ball players. It's terrible to be good at something and have nobody else want to play with.you. BACK IN THIRD GRADE, I was fairly good at spitwad shooting. I made realJy light. hard spitbalJs that I shot off the thumb and middle finger. ·I could clobber a kid in the classroom from seven rows back. But did anybody ever challenge tne to a spitwad fight? They did not. They wanted to go do something dumb like throw rocks at windows or catch flies bo re-handed. · Whal UCl's basketball team needs lo do is change tactics. . THEY SHOULD INVITE opposing teams down to Crawford Hall for a spitwad fight. Then, at the last minute when everybody's out on the floor, change the game lo basketball . ... • • "' • -Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, January 18~ 1982 TEST TUBE BABY -Elizabe th Carr . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Carr of Westminster , Mass .. and the fi rst test tube baby born in the United States. is examined Super Perm Sale! As seen in Vogue. Curt up with a perfect perm. 140 for •25 Sam"'-'H & ':Delilah •ANN~ERS •ERMA BOMBECK •OR. STEINCROHN , , AP...._.. ·shortly after birth at Norfolk. Va .. Gener al Hospital. The photo was taken in connection with a n exclus ive t e levis ion progr a m . "Nova," which aired Sunday on Channel 28". COU&CTOll'I CGaN• a M Mll • .... C-.911t.1t 111.w a."" ' ...... .. ,..'.''!!!! un.-.._. -....~ ......... . ...... .. .. ..., .. ""' Sil-.... .,_,. 11111.• ._.C-.."-Y ..... • IJM> ...... If you don;t want to drink That's our business COSTA MESA MEMORIAL HOSPtTAL Call 642-2734 Alcoholism Recovery Services 301 Victoria Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Approved for Medicare .. DEAR ANN LANDERS : My husband died when our d a ughter was 6. Wanda soon will be 17, and I a m ver y proud of her. She is beautiful, wholesome. a good atu!t and has always been popul~. Until six months ago Wanda went h boys from school. J knew their pa rents 411d was comforta ble a bout her dating. But ffve months ago she met a 2.0·year-old college j unior. and things changed bet ween us. She used to te ll me a bout her fun evenings, and I was so pleased that she didn't smoke pot or keep questionable hours. But now I ~m deeply concethed about what is going through this gir l's h ea d . Her pho n e con versations are gua rded. She dates no one except Steve. The boys she used to go with are : ·too immature" and .. boring ... Her grades are slipping. I don't think she and Steve have gone all the way yet . but it's bound to happen soon and I a m worried sick. I have a feeling Wanda would like to talk to me. but s he doesn't know how. And J'm"not sure l "d know what to say to her. This letter is too long and ra mbling to print, but please answer. Lord knbws. I need help. -DISTRESS SIGNAL F ROM COLUMBUS DEAR D.S.: J read the followl•C In a ne w book. It's almost as if It wer, wrlUen for you: "And lbe mothe r said to her daughter, ·Look, I can tell you are getting pretty heavy with him. I'm not making any accusations, but I know how the pressures build-up to go ahead-and-do It to-prove"dlllt he Is real~ special. I un't stop you.-b have you thought it out and are you ready to take the conseq.-e nces? Do you know about the various .methods of birth control? Do 'you believe he will thlak more or less of you after you have g ive n in? If you should become pregnant. what would It de t' your life? Once it's done, It's done, and tie will wanl to have sex with you every time be has the chance. "Does he say. 'If you rove me, you'll prove It?' Ask him what HE will be risking in return. Maybe if he really loves you he shouldn't be asking al all. Because that's one of the things that real love means. Care and conce rn for the other person. OK, I'll .shut up no"'• but please think about what I have-told you, because what you do with your Ille is ve ry important to me. If you feel you must have help with birth control right now, we' II talk SO Ale plOre." The name of the book is "How to t \. .. S11rvlve with Vour Teen-ager," by Joel Welti~ I recommend it for all parents who need help with U.elr teen-agers -and today Ulla meu1 almqst everybody. Ott.er chapter titles: Clothes, Hair, Language and All That Jaiz, How to Communicate with a Teep-ager, School, ResponslbUlly, Motivation and VaUdatlon, Teen-age Suicide, Loneliness and Failure, Runaways, Homosexuality, Money, Driving, Lying, Ctleatl•g and StesUa1. Teen-agers and lle lli lon, Food and Consequences, Drugs, Drinking and Smoking, Time to Get Tough, Laziness, Sullenness, Dtsobedienee, Rebellion. • The last chapter : If Vour Teen-ager is Arrested. U"could be wortb a great deal more than t~ Pritt of the book, whldl • only SS.95 plus St for postage and handling. Write-to-Thoma~ Mor"t-P-ress, Z~ Huron, Chicago, Ill. aottO. Order it &oday • You'll be amazed at how a new approach to seme old problems can change things around your house. How to -and how much:' Find out with Ann Landers· new booklet. ··How. What . and When to Tell Your Child Abouj Sex ... For your copy send 50 cents °c%iJeg wrth a tong.JlampeLL -sel/-<:tlllfressed ,,enve to A~n Lande'rs. P.O. Box 11995. Chicago. JU. 60611 POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT MUST I L l VE THRC>uc;H ALL THE DULL PARTS 10F MY LIFE '? lSN'T THERE " CONDENSED V ER.SION ? . '-' ~~rJ···· Today's kids have three things that distingui sh the m from the children or a · generation ago: They have names of other people stamped a ll over their clot~es : are never more than two inches away from a pocket computer. and carry their ,own door key. llMA IOMIKI ATWIT'S END By t he time a chi ld in the United Stales phone outside school.··, reaches the age of 5. he will have owned "Can't you use your credit card to jam 3.056 door keys and broken into his own the lock?" <"I can·t get a credit card until home on the average or three times a J get out of the third grade and get a job.·· 1 week. There is a brig ht spot in all this. Having an incentive to walk through Latch-key children have become the most the front door of a house like a person is no a g ii e. s e If_ re 1j a n t . e nt e rpri si n g . . By ~~D':~ ineent ive at a ll for keeping track of the problem-solving generation to evei:Jrain~a -----~!!!r-r-J0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4~~i!!l~----------_:-----U~-=--~ke~y~.~----------------~n1ta11i~sl"ileerr=tclo~threaa his bOdy thro~gh the 1--1-i+--------bathroom dr<Hn end-unlock the patio doors . rr HE -PROBLEM HAS reach e d ( l 1 It is worth the price to have at least one thing in your life that is absolutely pe rf eel. Newport Floor Covertag is proud to be chosen to iptroduce to your area RS.V.P. and all its richness, beauty and brilliance unequaled in any carpet. R.S. V.P. is a classic Europe an velvet a nd h as pinpoint surfac.e refine ment and a soft wool-like luster rarely seen in nylon carpeting. If performa nce is a conider ation in purch asing your carpet ... you owe it to yourself to see R.S.V.P. Fabrica designed and engineered .S. V.P. using ANS(» IV NATURAL LUSTER nylon, a fourth generation fi ber that • gives added stain and soil resistance in addition to positive control fo r the life of the carpet. Most important. R.S. V.P : Is backed by Fabrlca's outstanding service r e cord and commitment toward "Quality without Compromise." Come see why youa· decorating budget deserves R.S. \:'..P. CARPETING •DRAPERIES • LIN<?LEUM • FLOOR TILE • WOOD FLOORING • WALL PAPER NewpOn . floor Covetlns . '\.. • 3500 E. Coast ltipwa1, Corona del Mar, CaUfornia 92825 675-1636 • Serving NewJ)Ort area for 28 years • epidemic proportions . Every a fternoon in THEV CAN CRA CK a dead bolt. bus inesses and indus tries a ll oveF t he ma neuver around a $3.000 no-fail a larm countr y, the phone rings for every working system, silence a vicious dog. come in mothe~ on the premises. The d ialog is through heat ing duels. fan ve nts and universal. r st a tionary windows. A youngster the othe r .. Mom . I forgot m y door key... day thought he had a real breakthrough in "Whe re did you leave it?" 1She doesn't getting Into his own home when he came really want to know. She's st alling for down a 12 x 18-inch chimney. The fire time., de part ment rescued .him when he got "'Wh ere's vour s iste r '?"' !""S he 's wedged in just inches from the bottom waiting for the phone to call you wben I where he dangled for 20 minutes. hang up ... ) , There is no doubt in my mind that he .. Where are you calling from·!" <"The will lo5e his key. come down the chimney neighbors who think you're neglecting your again and succeed . children.") There's a future for these keyless :·Why don ·t you go ho me with children and their ingenuity. I don't e ven Harold'?" <He's calling his mother on a pay want to think what it is. -. Beware o.f secret cure DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: I've ,been called stupid because I h~ve som~ who Isn't a regular docter taltlag care ol my · arthritis. My husband calls It a waste of moaey. lhft I've been to aa M.D. for months wllo hasn't brought much relief. The new healer promises that I will feel better wttltla a lllOlltll If I SH ldm every _._, for what be calls IP!Cial treatments. G. Do you blame me for trying? -Mrs. DEAR MRS. G.: I don't blame you. but you should know that you're just one more contributor to almost a billion dollan spent yearly on quacks and unproven remedies . More people suffer from arthritis tban from any other disease . This me~na tbere are 31 million potential customers f~1the services or quacks who promise a "new .. cure. Beware of any huler -M .D:· or otherwise -who says be has a seem -r JOUI lllAl 111 DR PETER J . STEIN~HN formula. Especially if he promises a quick and easy cure . DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: Wbenever :1 eat Ice cream too fast or drlDk Ice water il 'm l1ll'e to get aevere pa.la .. •Y dlelt. It b ats -1y a mlaute or so. I've been told \flat It la ualmporj••t aad M te spasm ol lmy pllet. I• tllere a c•re'! -Mr. F. DEAR MR. F .: The cure is evident: eat ice cream slowly and don't drink ice water: Incidentally, recent studies show that the paJn is not due to spasm of the esopha1us < 1u1Jet >. Instead, it becqmes inactive. There Is no perts....._ at the tlme of pain. When the 1ullet betomes active a1atn, the pain disappears . . •••• . av PHIL ·~J!RLANDI of Lllgunaa.ech ~~ .~·--L--· ~- ' , "Offhand, I'd aay he'• mucb too terwe for a jumper!" PllSOllAtln Q.&A. BY MARILYN AND HY GARDNER Image made by studios Q: It seem& that durln1 the '40s and •sos. there were so many more glamorous Hollywood movie stars than there are today. Was It easier in those days? - Harry K .• St. Louis. A : Yes, according to June Allyson. She explained it on a recent celebrit~· cruise aboard the Princess <of .. Love Boat" note >. The theme was "A Salute to the Great MGM Musicals." And June recalled . ··When I came to Metro. it ~as because· the s tudio had brought out mos t of the Broadway cast of ·Bes t Foot Forward· to do the movie. "I was paid only $75 a week. but there were a lot of fringe benefits. We got acting lessons, singing lessons. dancing lessons. all for free. "Today. the kids have to pay for that sort of thing out of their own pockets. There was also the s tudio's own publicity department to get our names and our photos in the papers <or out of the papers. as the case may be 1. It was all part of the buildup. "Best of all. we might be working in as many as two or three pictures at one time. which meant that we had a great deal of exposure. We were given ... -an.....image. ·and the studios used all of their vast resources to polish it. to niake us s tars. '"I feel sorry for the kids toda~-. The studios are gone. so they ·have to do everything on their own. And for most of them. instead of maybe s ix pictures a year. they're lucky if they can find one decent role every two or more years. They rarely have th e kind of ima ge identification that it t akes to make a star:· Q: Historically, was there ever a real land nlled "Utopia?" -Larry M., Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. A: No. The name '"Utopia " was the s ubtitle of a political romance by the English philosopher. Sir Thomas More. publis hed in· 1551. In it. the autho·r described an imaginary island that had a perfect social and political system . The word ··utopia" finds its base in the Greek ou. "not." and topos. "place." That is "the -land-of nowh-ere." - ... Libra: foil Ow your hu:Qches Tuelday,January tt ARIES <March 21 -April 19>: Details unravel in connection with rayments. collections, debts and financia status of one who claims to be the big money. Be ,analytical, seek motives and reasons. TAURUS <April 20·May 20>: Be awar e Qf money market be fore signing' any agreement. 'Do so.me ch.ecking. ref er to tracJ< records and seek views or those who are fair, impartial. GEMINI (May 21-June 20 I : Wh at seemed a certainty requires further study. Streamline techniques. focus on meanings, define terms and check qualifications of tho11e assigned to pe rform special services. CANCER (June 21-July 22 >: Accent on production, emotional involvements. added responsibility and decisions connected with children. Don't panic at added expenses. LEO (July 23·Aug. 22 1: Your views receive wide attention. project is off the ground. Aries. Li bra persons figure prominently. Your position is s tronger . despite some opposition. VlllGO <Aug, 23·~ 221; Be ready for new start in new direction. chance for greater creative expression and short t rip pl an ned onl); at last minute . Ma k e inquiries. calls and give reassurance to relative who confides problem. LIBllA <Sept. 23-0ct. 22 l : Hunch is correct where money is concerned. You receive legitimate information concerning investments. Cancer, Capricorn. Aquarius persons figure prominently. You'll become aware o( hi~den assets. SCORPIO cOct. 23-Nov. 2l l: Despite temporary confusion. you did make right move. Cycle continues high. timing is on target and people will respond favorably to Y.our appeals. SAGlTTARIUS <Nov. 22 -Dec. 21 1: Period of seclusioq may be necessary. Get second wind. erase fears a nd doubts . Maneuvers occur behind scenes and you·11 receive valuable information from one who might be confined to home or hospital. CAPRICORN <Dec. 22-Jan. 19 1: Gain indicated through written word. Don't be satisfied to know merely that something happened -n'nd reasons . discern motives. Gemini. Virgo. Sagittarius persons figure prominently. AQUARIUS cJan. 20-F eb. 18 1: Cooperate in community project. You make valuable contacts. domestic situation improves and supe rior issues s pecial co mm e ndation . L o n g -d ista n ce communication a ids in clarifying policy. PISCES I Feb_ 19-March 201: Firs t offer is likely to be ne bulous. If patient. odds move in your favor. Travel plans a re highlighted and you become familiar wtt.h abstract principles of law. / GOif ii 011 lllDGI. Q.1-As South, vulnerable, you hold: • .... <::>I.I • AQJll15'3 Tbe biddiag has proceeded: ~--N_..Eut P .. P ... l+P ... a• r .. INT P ... 1 What acti•n do you take? A. -Some might criticize your initial, tactical pass, but that is not the issue here. Your hand is unsuited to play in no trump, and you certain· ly don't want to raise part· ner'1 suit. which has not been rebid. with only three-card 1u~rt. The only ten•ibk! choice is a jump t:o five clubs. Q.1-Eut~West v11lnerable. u South you holdl •QIU <::>&Qt OKS •AQICM TIM bidclinc has proceeded: £.-S.-.WMt N~ 1 0 .,... ..... ... ' What aetiolt 4o JOU take? 4 .-Slmee you have a 1omewllal belt.er tllan mlnlmu• takeout double, your hand ii worth a move toward ...... But that doe• not mean you have to take dratilc anlon. A ralM to two apadel expnue1 your valu" qmw a.hqutel7. . Q.1-Aa Sottth, vuln•abl• wit.II eo oa eeore. Jou hold: •A&M c::>A&Qlll O'f •& T1M ........... "'"''dH: BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF So•t.lt J <:;> s. 1 W eet N...U. Eut , ... l. , ... , ... 4. , .. What action do you take? A. -Now that partner has cooperated in your slam ef· fort, it is obvious that slam depends on his diamond holding. A jump to five spades will show your con· cern about the unbicj suit, and partner'!! next action s hould depend solely on what he holds in diamonds. If he has second·round control, he will bid six spades and you will, of course, pua. But if he cue·bida six diamonds, 1bow· Ing the ace. you should leap to a granil slam. Q.4-As South vul!)erable. you hold: •914 <::>I. 0115Z +QtTts The biddlnc hu proceeded: Eu&· S.-. Wee& Nena. ...... r .. 1• 1 <:;> ... Pe. .,... r .. I+ •-INT ... 7 What action do you take? 4 .-So far, you have shown noU1inr of value, yet your vulnerable partner ha1 per· 1lat.ed in tryiq w pt to pme. He ii. 111 effee\, con· traetlns for eicbt. trieu on hie own, and you have an ex· cellnt hand for your blddinc '° t.lala poi.at. lndudinc a key ""' in t~ enemy 1ult. To bid less than three no trump would be an insult to partner. Q.5-Neither vulnerable. as South you hold: •854 <::>AK9 OAJ09 +J762 Your right·hand opponent opens the bidding with one diamond. Whal action do you take'/ A.-You have neither the stre ngth nor the s hape for a takeout double, especially since a considerable portion of our strengtb is in the oppo- nent's suit. Pass. Q.I ~Neither vulnerable, .as Soutti you hold: . +llQIC <::>A71 0 1111 •at Your part ner opens the bid· ding with one heart. What do you respond'/ A.-You have the values for just one forward·going bid. S hould you respond one spade. you won't be sure what to do next no matter what partner rebld1. As against tt\al. Ir you raise to two hearts now, you can cooperate enthusiastically with any game-going effort partner may launch. And if he pa11es two hearts, you are alm0tt surely in your beat contract. . . ,... ., ........... .... ...... c ..... ... .. 0.. ............. .... ........... •CATERING • COCKTAIL~ TO OINNER • l'ICNIC6 • OF-FICE PART! ES• ClAM8 AICES • GllANO OPENINGS • WEDDINGS • SHOWERS • II.AA MITZVAHS Serving all of Southern California AFFAIRS UNLIMITED DAN MARCHEANO 17141 531.0f,91 Consvlr vs before vour next afflllf You can be a WINNER Just by sending us your name and address and by watching [or your name in the classified ads of the Daily Pilot. Win tickets lo the circus. area amusement attractions or sporting events Just fill out this coupon and ma1l 1t today to the Classified Department. Daily Pilot 330 W. Bay Street, Costa ·Mesa, CA 92626 • FAMILY CEAEMONY 1 Wh e n Sa nd y Wessels a nd J oel Flynn < rore-ground > we r e married 'las t week, their mothers, the Rev. Sue Wessels < le'ft background > and the Rev . Joyce Flynn performed the ceremo n ies in .Pro phetst own . Ill. The mothe r s. ordained Methodi6t ri>inisters, believe it ' is the first time that m o th e r s have offi ciated for their children. Photograph was taken a t rehearsal. l' roucy TITLE VI FUGSHlr COMVALISCENT CEHTEll 1 Patients are admitted to this lac1hty without regard to race. color. creed or national origin 2 All services provided by the facility are given. end or furnished without regard to race. color creed or national origin 3 ProleSS10nal people. Phys1c1ans "' FLAGSMIP ROAD NEWPORT BEACH, CA '2'43 r -----------~---------, f . I 1 · !'la m e: ---"--------Age: __ St reet:~-------------~ City:---------Zip : __ _ Telephone:-------- Daily Pilat ---------------------~, NEVER AT THIS PRICE AND NEVER AGAIN I . QUINTESSENCE BATH s99500 BATH-l~CLUDING 6-JET PUMP S~STEM · .. ""IR!9!!9!"' ... ""llf! An extraordinary bath ... pure opulence. this luxurious bath is the ultimate In marble and onyx bathing fixtures .. The Quintessence measures s· long. 42'" wide and has a 16" steeping depth. An elegant 6' model with 19"' steeping depth completes this line. Matching stone and onyx lavatory tops are offered in an infinite variety •shown with optional skirt and end splash. (Limited quan1ty) . .. 32x60 .................... $995 42x60 .................. $1095 42x72 .................. $1195 --:----.riaiilarlV""Fi-:::1 1 4 9 500 ------ UMITB> 9UAMTITY OF DB.UXE TOILETS Luxor 1 Piece Re4J. •795• ........... "MOW s4 99oo Elegant and Silen.t COMPACT WHITE l ... S27t.oo ................ MOW S 179!° ... ..- 0dor Controlled Limited To Quantities And Colors On Hand Two Reclining Lounges, Two Contoured SNts fully ~plumbed with cov.r and a Startron SoliCI State Electrlc Support Package. 10 year warrl!nty on spe. 1 ynr on support peck . m 636-5000 HOME REPAIR CENTER 10581 GARDEN GRO~E BLVD • GARDEN GROVE, CA. 92640 s Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday, January 18, 1982 . . ,. .. DoLt just sit there on your Small -f Ortune ••• I e " - Look around your house and garCICJe and you'll probably discover you have a moW1tain of oldies but goOclies you could sell. Move that mountain. ~ . Call a friendly ad-visor at the Daily Pilot. U$e the direct line. Thousands of ready-to-buy ad-readers are shopping the ads in the Daily Pilot every day. Many are eCICJer to buy iust what you have to sell. ~ A.dYerJise in the OrallCJe Coast Newspaper .with ~~ ~ . . · Classified ~Ad tine . 142..-5678 • ~ . • NBWPO&T HA&aoa Toaatml1trt11 Club 11\teta Monday at U : 15 In lhe Balboa Bay Club ot Newport Beach. For more lnformaUon call MS·WM. O&ANGE COUNTY CAl.hton Club mHta Friday ln the Velvet Turtle ol Lone Beach at t :ao p.m . O&ANGE COUNTY 4·H Club meeta Thursday at 1 p.m. ln Peralta Junlor Hilh School, 2190 Canal St., Orange. For more informauon·call 774·7120. · NATIONAL ASSOCIATION of Women ln ConatrucUon, Oran.re County Ch•pter, meets at 7 p.m . Monday ln Saddleback Hilb School In Santa Ana. For more information call 951·2651 or 558-28µ. . NEWPO&T HA&BO& Lawn Bowling Club meet~ daily for play except Sundays. For more information call 759-9966. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION of Women in Construction meets Tuesday at 1 p.m. In •the Sheraton Newport. For more information call 979-6900. MONDAY MORNING Club of Huntington Beach meets Monday in the Huntington Beach Inn. For more information call 842-4214. IRVINE BUSINESS and Professional Women's Club meets Tuesday at 11:30 a .m. in the Hungcy Tiger Restaurant in Santa Ana. For more information call 833-54el. \. AMERICAN INSTITUTE or Architects meets Thursday at 1 p.m . in the Costa Mesa Communit~ Center. For more information call 557-7796. CQ.STA MESA FRIENDS of South Coast Reperi:>ry meets Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. in Poor Ricbafd's Restaurant in Laguna Beach. For more information call 979-6840. TEXTILE AND COSTUME Guild of the North Orange County Museum meets Saturday at 10 a.m. in the museum, 301 N. Pomona, Fullerton. For more information call 870·1958. WOMEN'S CIVIC LEAGUE of Newport Beach meets Tuesday. For more information call 646-2307 or 673-5735. ORANGE COAST Chapter of Re-Marrieds meets Saturday at 6:30 p.m. in DeAnza Bayside Village in Newport Beach. For more information call 673-5634. , Lute concert slated Popular lutenist John Schneiderman will perform in concert Tuesday at 8:30 p.m . al the Neighborhood Congregational Church. 6-40 St. Ann's Place, Laguna Beach. Schneiderman, a faculty member of UC Irvine and SaddJeback College, will perform a program of Renaissance music by such composers as John Dowland, Miche langelo Galilel and Antonine FFancisque. A donation of $3 will be welcomed. --N.lr-wr•• SAJ ... la "'" Ill· 11• ... 17,11 .,..,.,a IUY 1,1 TICQ'TS ......... '7 ••• 'S .. fOlt INFOIMA TION PHONE (71')658·3\ I l OttWltlTE P.O. 80X755 HEMET. CAUF. 92343 AAMQNA•aWL __ ........... , MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG ® NO ONE VHOEll 11 ...oi.am o , ...... " ... ,.,.,., ""certain at•MI REmlPGI At 1:00 ND~ .... HD'- CMARIOTSOF RllE IPGI At 7:009:20 John Beluthi --•U.tAI Tl"'e 8andlh (l"G) .,. I C~in AU. am N.o 111 flt.MS RECf:Nf ,.,. tPG 1 THI SEAL OI ™EMOTION l'ICT\JA( Nine To Flft (POI COOE OI SEV llEOVl.ATION ,----==am•ar =================:! •am~==a=• ..... '=R•l=--•r ZOOT SUIT !RI IF~OU have •service~ offer or 8DOdl to 11eU, f lace an ad fn lbe Da ly PiLot CIMaified Sedion . . . fbswfG.1171, MIDEMOFTME LCIST All& (POI• l'IHh Gordon (PG) I WINNER -Actor Burt Lancaster was named best actor for 1981 by the Los Angeles Film Criti cs for his role in .. Atlantic City." Lancaster picked as 'Best Actor' LOS ANGELES <AP > -"Atlantic Cit•• was named the Best Picture and its star. Burt Lancaster, was named Best Actor al the seventh annual Los Angeles Film Critic's award dinner Wednesday. The critics also presented the awa,rd for Best Screenplay to its author, John Guare, and in addition n a med him to r eceive the New Generation Award. Meryl Streep was named Best Actress for "The French Lieutenant's Woma.n." "Reds" was also a major winner. The film critics named W,arren Beatty as Best Director, Maureen Stap!eton as Best Supporting Actress and presented the Best Cinematography award to Vittorio Storaro. Barbara Stanwyck was selected to receive the Career Achievement Award during the ceremonies at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. Sir John Gielgud was named Best Supporting Actor for his role in "Arthur." The Best Foreign Film award went to "Pixote" and the Best Musical Score award went to Randy Newman for "Ragtime." Film historian Kevin Brownlow, who was largely responsible for restoring the silent film "Napoleon." received the Special Award. Bruce Elder received the Experimental Independent Film Award for "The Art of Worldly ·Wisdom." •ttumorand erode.ism in a rmder and ~tenaininc work!" f~ -., I' ... I ~ 7 QOL.Dmt GLOBE NOMINATIONS lncfudlnO BUT PICTURE mT D .. CTOA-._I'.,_. ~ ... GllWACTOR-lle••~ .. ....... ~ ... =•-ACTWa-__, ..... ....... NOW PLAYINO --Nau ·""-...... "" °""'9U4 Hit ~,·~$·•1••i.·~·$·····' Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday.January 18. 1982 B§rPICTURE OF THE YEAR -New Tea rum CIUice Award -Natioocd loard OC 8"Mw Award 7 GOLDEN GLOBE · NOMINATIONS L"'l'Atf"fJUATYJN ; '• -· .: ~ ... 'a!~;,Jf ~U! l ft I ,..ll u1c.m$ kl ~l!Vrll :, ".' _: Thie wHk you cen ... REDS •t thee• thHtrn: • EDWAAOI •lWrOflT EDWAllOI fllJO TWI• • CHllDOMl NewOOll Beatll 644 0760 M1$Sl()tl Vtej() 830 6990 O<ange 634 2~~3 lOW&AOI C111fM& WllT UA MOWIU "" ..... • acu"to westm>n\let 891 393~ Blu 990 4022 •oo ·-·--·• ·~~!~:!~~:,::~~~':,~.:!.:.::,~~ft:':-:• to.,,, •BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Pertorm•nces before 5:00 PM (Elctpl Special Ellglttmtllll Ind Holld1ysl LA Mlil ... 0 ... M ... ll a Muaaa at la••ctant LA MIRADA WALK·IN tt•-2•00 -e.-=on' ,_..,.... "RAIC>Ef'S 0, THE LOST ARK" I ----.:u.. "TAPS"...,. _ _..,_ tNt ,, •• ..-.. ......... ..... t~· ....... •tt~ ~ .... ~IM.I.......,., UCMN't l. .-....--i eMMWI0'9 --~.::~= .... , I "NIEJQH9C>ftS"1111 ...,.a.,, . .,.,.......... I ......... t:ll. ........ ~ .. . __ ,. "REDS"u-•.•• .. • ---•• e I tut.a:-.-...t:e..w,..._ p_..._,.._._,_.. "AlllNCE OF MALICE" -.•. -. .,..-- LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK·IN --· "SHARKY'S MACHINE" 1111 ....... ..e1 t--.... , ....... ----11:11.1:-.L••·a.- -e.~·-~ "TAPS" -1a;-.--.--... LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WALK IN foc\lllV ..,, ()el Amo 211/634·9211 -----''CMAAM>TS OF,_. .... '"" .-.......... _ .,,,. vt.GUNA ---· "IHARKY'I MACHINI" 1111 . .. .,.. .... __ faeulty al Candl••ood 213/531·9510 I ~=-="= ::::.:. ': ---.... ._,.... ... __ -"RlOS"-,a.. ... a. I --·--1 "RAIDERS OF THl LOST ARK" .... l'I ............ .. ... ---~-­.,,._ "lllAGTI•" -... -...... ·- ~--.... -"EYILaNM" 1111 .1:-.-·---- so . COAST WALl<·I N Sout11 Coou Hl•oY a1 l1ood'way 494-1514 --· ''MOOIRN ~-· 1Nt --·-.-..... -...................... .. -~·-­"All.ANTIC arr· 1111 -.,,... ..... ... , ..... .., ___ _ ...... ·-e15 .... :00..-., ..... e·•s IMPORTANf NOTICE' Cllll nRUt UNDER lZ fRH! ..................... ,.,. '" !) 30. hi s ...... 4 30,. CllOl-ft SOOllO • •OO~ O• CAA MOii) IS '1llJll Sl'Ola If t;O AM CM! ~ 'tlllTl! QllT10ll l1CCUS011• l'OSllOI _...,... lo1' llOlll'1'l.f t• AU Dllf.ll GIWf...s .. Oii All lllllG ANAHllll.I ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN he••ov 9t ot l•*"on SI 879·9150 a:uon--·ll.•-"EYILSl"£AK'' tlll "THE FINAL COWUCT" 1111 C"'t "WU"° SUI N ... P.t.llJ BUENA PARK ORIV! IN ltftCOll\ ... _ ••• , Ol 11\0" 121•.070 '°lil ,,..,,. J"A.IJll LINCOLN DRIVf IN , __ ·UU.•-- "A8Sf:NCE OF 111,ai.ICE" '"9 O'\.u9 "lllANIAC MANSION" 1111 Clllt Jo ~ ·--· ··~N "'°9UMS'' "°" -"NINI TO AVF' .. ----f0'9U.-TAU "GHOST STORY" fal -l•l\cOlft .t.•• ••II ot rno11 "ALTIRIO STATEt" !111 121·4070 11f Mii"'' -~:-A::~::-'°" 0.•90 Jtwy Ol f«>oll~""' (lo) ~ fltl 962·2411 Cll•f f< SOllllO -.. 1;.~;f "STR=S" .. , I "F.:T~" 1111 "STIR ;:AZY .. 1111 I "PftETTY aMY" .... Cl"! fl SO\IHO • ~lllf JI SOllNO "EVllSHAK" 1-.,_ u _,. ..----ro-em--~ I "KILL SQUAD" .., "THI FINAL~ter· I"> "FORT APACH~THE 8R°"X" 11'1 "MANIAC ~.... I Cllll "SOUllO A Ht. ii'~ l LA HABRA uw"<f tN -e..~·-~ "TAPS" !NI -1-• ..... " -~ .... • ..,.. .... "'THI C,.NNC>NeAU MIN" IN! 871-1162 --- ~ "~~ •I ORANGE OQIVI '"' . . ' ,.,..._. ___ Ml<)'llON 11l.•.t N .. .,,.,..~,·­-.. _,_....,.,, .. _ . . " . WARNER ,'""' 1N __ ... _ ·-&.LIVA~ TNITlllA" .. ..,.,. • TICIRa" • "An.ANTIC CITY" "MOOHN PRO&alll" -nlUM.-,tUI _,_,,,.._ ... ··eoov HIA r · "AIRP\ANI" ----... --- ' ... You Cjn ri.1p Yc>ur new~ carrier c.o 11 ect • t tunes convenient to you by hlVlng your money re•dy 'so the earner won't have 10 c•ll ~ BeceuM ttus r,oung pereon ta in business for h1m1ell or ri.rwtt. please be reedy -end wetch thel big srr1le wt\1Ct1 llVS "Th•nk YOU " Orange Co•t DAILY PtlOT/Mond1y .. J1nuary 18, 1882 THI t·"~llLt' c1act1 by 811 Keane "Mommy, the fog is comin' out of the pea . , soup!" by Virg il Partch (VIP) .,. "I hate Mondays." • WARMADl'KE by Brad Anderson DE'.\'.\IS THE MENi\CE Hank Ketchum "I suggest you stay In your doghouse until Dottie gets over your eating \.IP her casserole!" .ILDGE PARKER Wt>EN RAHOAU FOtteE5 RETURNS WHEN I FIRST TALKED TO HER, SHE WAS RATHER OEF\AHT. .. euT &tE CHANGEO HER 'TUNE WHEN &HE REAUZEO l MEANT ,.._____,, TO TH£5ET AF"TER HIS WNCH WITH A&!EY, THE DIRECTOR TEU-5 HIM THAT LINDA MAY H.A6 f"f!OM15£0 TO LEA~Ha NEWLINE&! $~"'< GAR•'lt:LD WHAT I ~AIO! WOON MLLLINS ··WELL, LO~D P,. WHAT1LL IT BE:·· SHORT IN BACK ,AND Lf:FT LON~ ON IDP? ~~H-~E~ ... USE 't~OWN J UDG~Mt:NT, CHUCK. I 'JI by Harold Le Ooux MEANWHILE. AT THE FmNT GATE by Jim Davis by Ferd & Tom Johnson IT15 l'HE!?APEU1iC) ~MMA --1 Fc5L ~OOD ALL OVER ~ ' • Tl:M8LE• EED8 GORDO ..YOV~ AKC,.Jl lECT'UICE IS A PE/i!.f£C TIOAJ OF FUAICTICW, Bi)e;,~ WHAT !AINER voice C:7t.}10E5 'I\..~ i.:.> bt.JCH U!EATNE H&1G>IT5]' ,,..,9 ·~141110 IN~TIT!/11 l#A~r71C7u!Uf tT~K \' "l~K•:RBEi\ ~ WHAT AR£ <XX) 001~ FOR I f HOU6MT l'D 1Rt.> IHE Af'fE~~HER£ Ai THE Hl&H sc.HOOL ! I Fl60RED IT MlbITT HE.LP ME LOITH ~E OF ((V.) PROBLEM IN 5€RVICE. DI¥) , ANN 2 •ABBLE C~ OM, 9lf~I( ¥:. ... I ~ 'iOU 1'0 14€.\..V IA)A~t'U. M'f ~QOM\ DR.SMOCK ~ t..ove 1'"H rs ! W HA,-'S YOUR FAVORr-re SOAP, ,..W INKie ? SW~Thf ~~·1 '()0 141~ A ~°'~S'S\<>NAL f-Olt 1AA.,.? • j ell'-''~ flu ,""''"''-eR-JAA. 1$ by Gus Arriola by Tom Battuk by Lynn Johnston 191lt9~IDIA~ A. VACAllON '1~· ... .. 9'AILROADID BY PROQltlll ·James Garner stars as an Oklar.oma railroad man in the 1950s, whose job and future arc thfeatened as the diesel engine replaces the steam locomotive in ·'The Long S ummer of Georg' Adam s ." a comedy-drama on NBC <'Ch. 4 > Monday at 9 p.m. endl~klllr nwinO IN ..,. raule .. --.0 OM* '°' .. end~:PG' 7:IO e I ON THI TOWN ~ • 14-~-olcl girt wflO IUfferl from Down'• Syn«-. vlell Camp Pendleton for INtrNcUonl Ol'I how to . ~ tor mllllng -.: • tood io-. tour of Kcn- an Town. 18,M&Vf'IUD LA~& IHIN.IY I .. eot#Ntf Thi glM -lhockld to dllco\llf tNt their old c:luO hel beconlUI I0\.919M0, • l\'aOHL.A. F•turld: • trip to the Mt of "~II Hoepital"; a -~·iglllld. ~ • M"A"l"H . ~ "°"' 24 hours of duty. ~ and Col. Potter t'9IPOfld to • eta. Plrl• cal '°' airgeone from a Korean army~ .... . I tlC TAC DOI IGH • ~/LIHMR MPORT eGMAT ~ "8ridllheld Rewleitld: a In Arcadl9 Eoo'" 8Mld Ol'I E~ Waugh'1 novel. Clptaln Ctl1tlel ..,., ,...,,,. to• ldeltlMd c- ... In 1t64.,... hi,.... hll lrilndlfllp ...... Lord WUllan~~ao ......... (!>wt 1)Q i =::=.rr l:GO. (I) .. ...... Alex,~ ...... Zic ~ ....... conetlnt ~ lf\e. -'* IN two off alone on • *"PlllCI ltlP to get to know MCtl other better. • 8um.a HOuelON THePMllll Laura. who II pregnent. drCIS)9 from~ --~-..... lntflelllM.Q • MOYll ••• ,.''Thi~ (1N n ~ ~l Katl't.tne --.. ..... Ming ur9ld to d9I • neighbor'• dlugtleer, • young grllllluMI ....... an"'* wtltl ,_ ,,_._, •Ill THAT'a ........ ~an.....,,_ 10 ~ • '*"' ttwougtl ...... Ate de TrtompM; 1 ...... ~ who becelM an ~· mllllonllr11 • -~prognm. ecouw I MIKET'Ml.l '"Pac 10" Artzonl 8 .... YI. UCt.A • , .... MAGAZINE Houuwlll!M who play'-*· .. foot.bell; • monttomg devlcl for IUddln Infant ,.....,._ ... ..,.. IMI; Undl ..,.,. *" lllleofto Aoulf\, f'rlllOI; Cl* T .. .,.._ MMd ....... • MOYll * * ''Thi ..... Tlglr'' ( 19721 Ooou,,,_,tary. A photogf """° expedition follOWI the ptoud and .... gent tlglr from ... frOIWI --of --through lt\I Hlmlle)• to the hi-. Id Junglel of India. • GNAT ~ "9rldlltlMd ~Id: Et In Arcadia Ego'' 8aeld on EWlyn W1ugh'1 novel. Cifllln Chlflel Ryder return• to BrldeetlMd C... ..... t94"4whlr•he-- flll IYtencllNp wttll lord Sebeltlln Flyt• nMrfy 20 oo-..=-·(Part 1)Q ** "Thi "-tum" (1Mtl J1n-Mtcha11 Vincent, Cyt>lll Shepherd. A -di actent-. and • law enforcer fll In low wtlle ~ '°"" ltrlfl09 epogrll(lk: lmlglr ..,..... •lklnO piece In • emano-that,_ r_.. ly bean *"Id by .,, Iller\ !2_eCI craft. llJ DOJT1E war ''Spedal ~.. Dottle Welt end l(anny ~ perform -of her...,., fib, lndudlllg ''&ony.'' ""-' In .....,.,. .. and ''Amerb-Trllogy. •• .MOVll **~ "Star Tr9* -Thi Motion Picture" · ( 1979) w-.m 8hltnar, LAonerd ~. Thi '°""" oom-mander Of the U.S.S. Entlrptlle I 11111 mtilel llil old OIW and .... off on I mllllon to find ... ~ GUI ~ reapoi .... lot ... deltNC1lon of ...,.,. GUI,... ..... ,...,..... 'G' . e=-e(I) ~Aft ~ ~---,.._to ... .,,., ......... .............. _ .. ........... .• MLM1'9 ..... Y Glofta ··--..... . ~Oii ...... . ~-· .. (J)QWaaowiL.e "Tiie ......... ta•(I) M•A .. •H A~11 ISISIWW• ,,..... .. 4011tfl to ... ..... llMMll WOUfldld Gl'L •• MIMI ''The Long au-. Of Oeor9e Miine'' C"-... 1 ,,..,_ Gamer. Joan Hldl«t. An Ott!Mome rllllto9d """ le t8Cld wlttt penonal end f8l'llly en... and long-term ~- 1111111 when technology C8U8M him to loll the ottly Job 111·1 -known. 'CHANNEt LISTINGS ,,e a MOYIE ··F1nt11l1t" (Premiere) &aanne ........... John GIDrtll. Thi er.tor of I popular let~ eoep t opera MWdlll kif the ~ wtio 1e aw .... ,...._ 9 KNXT tCBS> 9 KNBC (NBCI ... ~-t~~ ............ ,..1.MJ ... ) e KABC (ABC) e KFMB IC&SI e KHJ·TV (Ind.I • ICCST tABCI e KTTV !Ind.I e KCOP·TV {Ind.) .• KCET <PBSI • KOCE IPBSI (OJ On-TV CI> Z·TV ~(Ji) H-..-------.:.t-~ It> (Cil'llfNX) (!) (WOA) NY.,N.V. @ (WT8S) 00 <ESPN) (I) CShowtlmel • Spotlight • <c.t>te News Network) """ nudemg .. C8lt ~-~ 1= ..... •• "MIMn And .._d" ( 1M0) P8lll LMNI, "-t Aobardl. An ottlei .... unknown gH 1t1tlon attendant dllnll to be ... rightful ..... to "-d Hugh•" ~lllon dollar lltate.'R' Ql)MON • • • "l'llW' (ltlt) .... CMn, T...._ Wttd. A pr at I J' Dnel ..... tlllaf llftCMI .. of .. .,... °' ...... ,...In .. ........... ._. ~ ... •••14 .. ,. .. ~ Min" (1MOI JoM Hutt. ~ ........ .... ••led~, ... .. llNlilr ......... ~ cllfot'IMd iMn ..... .. .... tied bean "*" In .................... .,... (J)MCMI **** "AAINO ...._n (t.., w..... Hutt, ...., trown. A "-Wld ...,_ .......... ~ .. ...... .._ hi oondlMMI mind~ ..,.,i. ........... llOlllllon .... and~~ .... li(i)"~ CN.&.a Ali lmOllonelly trOllllled --· wtlo "**' "' ,_ ,_, proOllme lnllMa on bfinglng In •group ol .. *'-wflo ...... "' ............... • IHOQC OIFTHI NIW ''Thi ,...,. TllM a.·· "°°"' ....... ........ IN lmpaoe of Wortd Wtt I'• •••&llloft on art end "' relllla .... blewwl art and POl*el ~ r. the 20ell OllllUry. ~ CID THe YIM THAT WAI: "" Plll'ldl O'Neal holea tt111 look It .,. moat mlf'llOI'"• 1111 _.. of ... pt9WU 10:00 ii<iJ NOPU O/Fnte ~ Bob Newhart hOlll • look •t the 25 moat lntf1lluln9 PeocMloftfle~ 1tt1 ... llllctld by Ille edlror1 of "iTti..:. I WHAT'e NGHT WITH THeNeHT Thi pOeltlon of Ille ~ can AlghC In today'• world lllN!y29d. 10:IO. INDIPINDINT NITWOMNIW8 •• WHAT'a NGHT WITH THINGHT Thi poeltlon of tfle Ameri- can RIQht In todey'1 world -~ CIDMOYll • • "lOOphotl" ( 1te0) Martin ~. Albert ~ ney. T llillorl t>uldl to a ahenlrlng c:lmu among the IMfl'lbln of • gang who -pjlnr*'O to -cute .,, ~ .,.,. robbery from the -.,.. l*Ow the .,_., of Lon· don. 'PG' .MCMl * * * "'Altered Statet" ( tteO) Wlll9rn Hurt, Blelt' 8'--.. A ICllnttlt con- ducl9 • t>lurre licpert. """" upon ........ wNcti ~ out of c:onttol. 'R' 10:41 CJ) MCMl **~"~Hero" ( 1973) Keir Dullea, &Iii.- beth All*ll· A llOclley ~ llldl a rackleea. ~ .. until hi tlrldl ...... "'9ctlon coming "OIJ'•~ber· lftltd ..... u••••Cl>lll8 .... ·~YW • nti&osiON1 ,..,_., .... -.nt too tood to lie true. • IAJ9QllD NfO ION • DOCCAYETT Ouest: ICIOr Stewart ~. (Plrt 1of2) ~MOYll •• ~ "tU!ppy Blrttldey, OemW" ( 1MOf Medllne Kam, Alta Mof9no. A Her· .,.,.d etudlnl'• blrtlldey party It 1111 family'• South. Phll1delphl1 home .,__an~ ..,,.,._ for hit ¥111t1nQ c:leNmltel. 'R' CD>MCMl * •~ "Blood Feud" (1NO) Sophia Loren. Mar- cello Maltrollnnl. A widow II aided by, an ldelllltlc ~ and • ll'llllltlme gangltlr In her ~ cru11d1 1g1tn1t the mlllolo wflO ILJlld her llulMnd. 'R' 11:80 . (I) OUN:Y -.. n,•agerecl ~•unce on pertonnliig an 111topey on • ,__ Itta .... In wtdlllorl of ......,_ lrldltlon • .,_ W. to "'°"* depart. ......,.., •8ntelRTO/F CAMON Ou11t1: Jim Fowler. MlcNlil I.Andon, Donna Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday.January 18, 1982 TUBE TOPPER'S KTLA • 8:00 "The Graduate." Dustin Hoff ma n In one or hi s most memornblt> roles. KABC • 9: 00 .. Fantasies." Movie premiere stars Su7.unne Pleshette. KNBC 8 9:00 -"The Long Summer of George Adams." James Gamer stars· in movie premie re. KNXT 8 10:00 "People of the Year." Bob Newhart hosts a look at the 25 most intriguing people or 1981 . ~. Or. Paul fJwtldl. ;. A8CNIW9 ~ eTHIOODOCM'La ,,...,.,...,In ......... .. '** """"" IMdlno up to Olclt'I nwNee .... botfl -· In the Anw/~ • "°°"8 Two i--.. blame 1 ~ .-..n llr'9lr '°' lhldellttiofthllr ...... I Wimf NIWlllAT c.vT10Nm> A8C NIW9 (J) MT COlUNI: THe HP H'IPNOr•t \loluntaert lrom the IUdl- -rllPOfld comlcllly to hypno1l1 1ugg11tlon1 made to them by 11111 lnter1llner. -MlllGHT- -· IHANANA au.4: TroY Donahue. eGMCMI ** "Thi ReWrn Of Thi Mod Squad" ( 1979) Mic:flMI Cole. ~Up­ ton. • MOYll .. .._. Wortd Of Rep- _., (tt77) '*'-llrY· .... DOUGLM Oulltl: Ben Vereen, Jfr; Johrleon. Pie z..dora, N4'r Minn. •rn~• .. ... ''Computer ()peret1ona•• t2:tl ® MOYll ...... "My Bod)oguard" (tt7t) Clvtt ... epeece. Adlni llldwln. Thi ,_ ldd It • ~ tilgh ldlool lllllL• frtandl wlttt the ldlOOI outcaet and together "'9y 1111\d up 10 .. cruel gang ...... hid PlrMCUlld them bottl. 'PG' t2:IO CJ) MOW! • •'At "8phln11" ( tte 1) f'rlllll Langella. Liiiey· Anne Down. A rvlhme t>ladl martllt antlQultlll ring lltemptl to eeop an ~ologllt lrom dleoo¥· Iring ....... eeboutl of. prtcltlel .... "" ... pennlned IO ¥11w. 'PG" 12:80. 8 TI:IMOMOW Oulltl: 8r\ICI .Jlrttrllr; pro-... Manc.r. (RI 1 -M/fff't INDll w NITWON< .... (J)MCMI ..... ~.._.. ( 1979) Mer1on llrlftdo, Martin Sheen. Olf9ded by Frandl Ford ~ Alt ... ....,._aoant~. on • milllol1 up rtwr Into tfle vi...-Jwlgll IO tlndand k••~ AWOl. ,.,.,,.,., oMow wt1o ,_ lolled .. pt9Wtoul Mtempb .. hll °"*"· .,_. .MOYll ..... "HHOly_wood_od ecu... VW(I" ( 1971) Candice ..... -· Didi Miier. FNllll from lndlanl. 1 young eaplrlng ........ lleconlll lnvotwd In • r_. robbery that 1111 thlnll1 11 part ot ,_ lftO'lle dlllut ..... fl:AO. (I) MNAClk M~automo- 11111 -*'-on lta wey 10 91111on. (A) , •• MCMI • • "The Ilg Show" ( tt37) Oelll Alllty, 8mley lumene. A tuneM Wiii· lmlr rtdel .. ranee. 1:=.:our • • ... "My °""' 8ec:f• tary" (1941) l.M8lne Dey, l<lrtl OOuglM. An lllltlor'I MCret#y llndl that hi ·-Olttl and pi.ya the IWd more ofllrl thlll hi wrilel. ~MCMl • ·~ "a11en1 Scream" ( 1111111 Reblccl Blldlng, y,,_ o.cano. S-11 COll191 lllldln11 take roomt In 1 foreboding old ,_ where I ~ and 11• UfllOlvld murder -co1nmlttld year1 earlier. 'R' t:IO CID THe VIAR THAT WAI: ttl1 Patrie* O'Neel 1101ta thll IOolL .. the moat -· . 1111 IWliQ of the preiwloul I*» aitmRTMNMINT TONIGHT Joie Felldano .... about hll .. Mld~· -eonv. ·= * * * ~ "'ThOH llpl, Ttio. ~" ( 1NO) Frenl( Llnglla, Olynnll o·c-. nor. A llamDoyant ._ lloclt ICIOf, wtlo ,._ of llroldwey 1t1tdom, dltlndl In lncon!peeent, .uie-trudl prop t>Oy and promotel 1111 r-with a_,,,,,. tif1. 'A' 2:111N!WB 2:20 ... MOVll * * * 11\ "Tho11 Lipa, Thole~" (1NO) Frlnll Llnglla, Olynnll O'COl'I· nor. A flamboyant __. ltod! actor, wtlo ci;..,,. of Broadway ttardom. ~ an lncomp•nt, ltag94Crudl ptop t>Oy and ptOlllOlll 1161 r-wlth ldloNltlf1 ..... 2:80!= ···~ .. ~·· (1932) P8UI Mllnl. Oeor9e Rift. A ..__. .. flooclWln rtw to --of ..... Wt· HD~=-•· • ·~ "Callomla ~ Ing"' (tt7t) °'"""' awi.. lopfler. ~ O'CoMor. Aequar9~1M11from ()lk:llgo .,.,._on tfle c:.. --ti.di -and becoi6111 liwclNed .. the deutfller of an aging bleofl bum. 'R" 1:11e MOYIE ** "Sandltt" (1"41 Aidwd Todd, Mar1Mr11 Koefl. Upon lffMng In a remoe. All1can vtllge. I ,......... phyllcian ~ that her ,_ mei, COi-"'°"' II I Jewel lmllgQllr JOHN DARLING MIKE, WE !4AO A LITTLE. T~BLE-600KING 'OU A ROOM IN DETROIT SO YOU COULD CCNER. !HE SUPE~ PJCM/L ! · ... ;::.:,~ t:al(l)MCMI * •• \.\ .. .....,Morant" (I..., Mwetd ......... .............. Awlt ... w • .._ ..... llgM on .,...... ........... .., ............. ._.,....on tflelr own ..,,., uo<mMCMI • • L'MIMrt And i.-d" (IMO) ,... LIMll, JllOl'I flollard1. All othlrWIM untcnown fll lllllOn ••ttndlllt Clllinl 10 Ill ... rtghfful .. to "-'d Hug~1 • t>llllon dollar .......... .OOWUNm' ~M#-<t:10 1.AJ MCMI • • ''lrllproper Ctllnnell'' ( 111 ti Alll\ Artlln, Marlette Hartley. A _... of l'llllun- der1tllldtnoe 011.1111 • locMI wortilt 10 IUIC'ICt the ~-olj& deughtar of a ...,.,..,... couple In the lllctlfn of Chllcl.a-e. 'PO' 4:2t®MCMI ** "Thi Return" jttlt) J1n·Mlc h111 Vincen t . Cyt>lll Sl)epherd. A ..-di ldenllll and • ... lllbcer ... In low while lrweltigltlng IOint ltrll\QI veovraoto Irr~ larltill 1111.lng piece In • 11n111--. tftll hat reoent· ly -.i ~ by .,, llllrl ~crllft. Tewsda11'• Da11t I•~ Mo11I~• t:IO • * * "Hard Bolled Mahoney" (19471 ao-y Boys, Leo Ooreey. Thi 8 oy1 find lh•mHlve,1. Involved with • myttlc Ind 1 mot> of gangatera wn.n they "' out In -cti of • l>Uullful lady. CC> • * • ~ ··&.nan .. ·· (1871) Woody Allen, LOUIN l..allar. A product ••• .,. bored with ,,,, ~•Y routine. Q911 to a 1mall Latin American country and *-I dictator during • polltlcal ~11.'PG" 10:00 CH> * • * ~ "Thi EJepllant Man" (1880) Jotwl Hurt. Anthony Hopldn1. A dldl- cetld phy1let1n t1ILH under .. wing • horrttlly deformed nwin wtlOM lite till then had bean epent In diMP fflllt llthlt>ltionl . 'PG' • CJ) * * "Thi Hollywood Knlghll" ( 1980) Rot>er1 Wuhl, Tony 0enza. On Hll· ~...,. In 1"5. a rCllMty tilgh IChool gang .,.., l)lvoc Ill 8eYerl)' Hiiie to avenge Iha clollng of their hangout by lhl tocll '-ownet"I a.oQ. lllofl. "R' ••• y, "Snowt>alt Expre11" ( 19721 o .. n Jonel. Nancy Ollon. A New Yori! eccountant tr• '1111 _, to the Aoctllll In In lt1empl to modlmlzl I dlilPdeted •1 r-1 her lnhlrltec1. ·o· 10!80 e *'It "Frontier Horizon" ~ 1838) John Wayne. Jen. nller .>on.. A promoter ICllerNI to ...._.. r~ .. out of their land In order to build • dim tor a NllfYO!r. 1f:OO~ ***~"Dey For Mlgflt" ( 1972) J8CQU111ne Billlt. Valentlnl Cort-. Dlr1C11d by Francoll Trvf· ,.,._ Thi .._ and io-of lllm pertormera -ltud· ledlna ~ movie. 'PG' 12:00 ••• * "Ofeert Or- • Of Wromlng" ( 11Ma) P9ggy Cummn. Chlrlee CoOurn. • ***'"AT'*-'d Clown1'" P H 51 J11on Aobarda, Barb#• Harrie. • * * '/\ "Apache Rlflll" ( 1885) Audi• Murphy, Mlchall Danie. g *'II "lmp<opar Chan • nett·· P 8811 Alan Arkin. .. ...... ...,..A_.. J>f ml111nder11lndlftfl ......... wortiet tO ............. ~ ..... ....... ...., ..... .... .... ~ofaNld ..... ,... 00. * •• "Mated I t...... ( 1MOI Wltlilm Hult, 11111 •own. A lW• Vlfd ~'I gMlltiC ~ .. ....,.., ...... hlconductl ~ Ing ....,.,."'* ......... lion ..,.. end ~ ~.·111· tl:IO®***'h " ..... Moranc" (1MO) Edwwd WOOOWWd, Jecll Tilomp- -· AMICrlllMI __... Id to tight on Enotand'• lldl In the lolr Wet decide to fight the loer ouetlltal on thlli own i.1111. t:Gl (C) •• "o.th Cir On Thi Fr-.{' Cl>••• ............... Voris" (1tl4) CM AoOlrt· '°"· J-'°'*' Ntft being jilted by ,., --ll'llnd and tri1W1119 to Nllw York to """ her btotNr, I young woman~ her poelllon on virginity. 1:41 (J) * * * '1 A Boy And Hie Dog" (1975) Don Joflnaon, a--Benton. In poll· World 'liar IV c:Mluilloi1, I t>Oy and hll talklng dog ... out In -di Oii git11. I*».** "Coelt To eo.t" (IMO) Dyan Cannon, Rob- ert Stall•. A run•-Y ~and·~ irucller heullng cattle COllt 10 cout llecOml "" tareet ol I wlld CfOll- country QI-. 'PG' 2:30®**~"BonV~, f Charlie llrown" (1979) Ant-' mllld. Olrectld by 811 Melendez. Snoopy and Wood11ock follow. 111i;~tudlnt1 Cllartle Brown, Pepperminl P81ty, Unul end Marc61 on an ldventur•flllld tour of England Ind France. ·o· 1:00. * * * 11\ '"Calllng Norlhlld• 777" ( 19'8) Jtmff Stewart, Helen W•er. A reporter reo- pena .,, I 1·yllr-Gld - to lfll • wrongf\liy lrllpf'i.- Ol'lld nwin. ~*·~'"Thi T81klng Pare.I" ( 1871) At*nalld. A young girl. 1 parrot and • lold mutt 'Overcome • llOrdl of ftll ""*"" to ~a wtzard. ·o· l:IO Cl) • • 'n "Frlllcy Frldl(' (18771 Jodie Folter. Bar· bar• Harril. Thi wortct ii turned ~ for • motnar and daughter who maglcally IWitc:tl bodill one,...,. day. ·e1 (%) * * 11\ "Sphln11" ( 18811 Fr Ink Langella, Leitlly· Anne Down. A rultlleM l>llCk mancet antlquitlel ring 1ttemp11 10 11op an £eyptologllt lrom dllcov· aring the wherMl>outa Of I prlcellM ltetue lhl - permtttld to view. "PG' 4:00 CC) * * * "Hucltlllleny Finn" ( 1874) Jeff EM!, Paul Wlnftlld. Bllld on the ltory by Maril Tweln. A young t>Oy and • ~ 111111 llecOml lrMINld In • ---of~-­ llMlilg down the ......... pl Rtver Ol'I • raft. • * * *. ''The Elliphant Man . CIMO) John Hurt. Anthony HopklnL 1' dldl- Cllld phyl!clen llkll under hit wing I llOrrft>ly dllom'lld ,,.,.., whoN .. 1111 than had bean """' In diMP """ nhlbltlonl. 'PG" .... (J) • * * ~ ··n-L.lpl, T,_ Eye1" PllO) Fran« l.anglll8. Gtynnlt O'Con-nor. A~....­ ltodl ICtOf' wtlo *- of Bro1dw1y 1t1tdom, defendl an lncomf>ltent, lllQl-lff\IQ( prop t>Oy and promot11 hll romance wftt! I ctlorul gWI. 'R' Hopalong Cassidy heads for small screen Construction · . D.POOY available at Heritage Bcink. BJ IAY ilNOLD ........ ..._ .... HOLLYWOOD -Veteran cowboy Hopalong Cassidy may ride his while horse across U.S. television screens ror the lint Ume In five years with the completion or a copyright infrin&ement suit, according lo an attorney who says tbere may be a Hopalong comeback on the small screen. "We're hoping for a big resurgence of Hopalong Cassidy films," attorney Don Engel said Wednesday. ' Engel said lilies such as ''ffopalong Cassidy Returns ," "Trail Dust ," "Hills of Old Wyomin1." ·"North of the Rio Grande." "RusUen Valley" and "Eailes Brood" have been tif:d up in litiaallon since-about 1976 as a New York TV distributor balUed with the estates ol actor William Boyd and author Clarence Mulford. U.S. District Jud&e Consuelo B. Manhall betlns • non-Jury trial today lo auess damaaes In an lnfrincement suit won by the estates a1almt Film Video Releastnc, which purcbasf:d 23 Hopalon& fllma from a tb.ird party after the 11301-era fiJ1111 went Into public domain. Storer Broadcaatln1 and Its San Dle10 \elavlaion 1t aUon, KCST, are amoa1 six coepallies and Individuals ordered to pay da-.ses in the infriOlement rullq iuued last J auUJ in the Southern Federal Diltrict Court Nft York and upbeJd by the 2nd Clreult r Court of Appeals. L . Rob Werner. representing defendant TV National Releasing, said his client purchased the westerns alter they bad gone in~ tbe public domain l\Dd assumed the purchase aJlo lncludf:d TV riebts. But the New York courts aaJd TV rights should hue beJtn obtained separately. Engel said Boyd before his death in 1972 had purch ased TV rights from Republic Pictures, original producers of the films. "What we're &Oinl to have lo convince lbe court la bow much business we lost," said Encet. noUaa tb•t tb• estalel claim • loa surpassina '300.• alnce fllm Video Md others be1an w .. al aal• of D llllDl·vinla&e llopaloq westerns lo U.S. TV atatiom In the ll'IUI. Ensel said Judie llanball ewld decide tbe estates are enUlled to tbe sreater of mm Video's profits durlnl a 0..JMr period, &M eatalel' probable IOIHI or llatutorJ clamq• °' from SB» to SI.GOO per ......_eat. D191 claims more than• lnlrma-ta. He l8kl be would IMll 1DON U... ... per lnlrJqement becaue • 'U..1 wen kliotriql)' lnfrlqiJll" after William BoJd •1t1rprlH1 warned FUm Video and Storer of l.,......emeat ln 1m ud ms. ' ·Rr.sklmllal • Commerdal Bulldlngs: Takeoua Ollnmlbnrnt required' alonl wllh le8ll5 . ·Land Loans up lo one year sen appraisal. ac er son reveals in the ..... Or•nge CbHt DAILY PILOT/Monday, January 18, 1982 ... 100's: 16 mg. "1ar'', 1.0 mg. ntcb11ne. KING1 16 mg. ''11r". l.l mg. rncoune, av. per c1gare11e by FTC method . . . .. -:::. = ;; I I , Nobo Sit better. t • I• I . . -lt s , J 'L-'f ~ - l1llyPHat .MONDAY, JAN. 11, 1982 CLASSIFIED cs ~i$on remains ato-'p rankings ,. in Orange County. See Page C2. o.llY ~llet ~ .... ltY CMrte1 SUrr Fiori delivers • a victory PALM SPRINGS CAP) - Flori tiad to make a quick phon call home to Sugarland, Tex after hls dramatic victory in th Bob Hope Desert Golf Cla ssic. He had· to c hec k on wif Debbie. , "She might have had the bab on that last putt,·· Fiori sai only haJf.joking. The Fiorls' first child, due an time, had not arrived. But that last putt, a 35-foote for a birdie on the secon sudden·d e ath pl ayoff hol Sunday, sent the chunky Fio happily trotting around th green. his putter raised alort · salute of a third consecutiv birdie. AND A MOMENT later, whe Tom Kite missed from less th six feet, Fiori was a winner fo the third time in five years o the pro golf tour. ·'The good Lord smiled on m~ this afternoon," Fiori said. 3 But, while there were smil aqd sunshine for Fiori, it w merely another in a long seri of bitter disappointments fo~ Kite, the frustrated man who , wins so much money. plays so well a nd wjns so re"' tournaments. 1, "Oh, Lordy, but I played good .'' he sighed. "Seven under par ror 20 holes and no bogeys." But it wasn't good enough for Kite, the man who led the tour in money-winnings and stroke average in l981, a performance that was blighted only by the sea r city or his victories. Although he finished 21 of 26 tournaments in the lop 10, he woo but one individual title. The ball's up for grabs during Sunday's rugby match won -by the California Kiwis 16-0 over the Lynwood Rugby Club from New Zealand. HE'D VOWED to change that unhappy statistic this season. •But in his. first start of the year . it was business as usual -a big check, a good performance, a high finish. No victory. . . ~9e:rs _arrive~early in chilly Detrpit . - s.uper Bowl opponents ready to begin last we~k of preparation for game PONTIAC, Mich. CA P ) -The San Francisco 49ers. anxious to get started on the l\iggest week of their football lives, were in town early as the Super Bowl XVI countdown began in sub.zero temperatures. The National Football Con(erence champion 49ers arrived SUnday night, nearly 24 hours ahead of the Cincinnati Bengals. The winners of the American Conference were due lo arrive tonight. climate-controlled. ll 's always 7.2 degrees and dry inside. The media blitz for the two teams even more brutal cold and wind -the begins in full force Tuesday with photo wind-chill factor was minus-59 -when Besides being the first Super Bowl to be played in the north , the CinciMati-San Francisco match marks the firs t lime that two teams came from losing records one year to challenge for the NFL champions hip the very next season. Both the Bengals and 49ers posted 6-10 records in 1980 but staged remarkable turnarounds this season, finishing with the best records in their respective conferences. day in the Silverdome, where both clubs they eliminated San .Di£go·rn'th~ AFC will practice for the Sunday showdown. title game eight days ago. The 49ers San Francisco's 13·3 regular-season record included a 21·3 decision over the Bengals. who finished the year at 12-4. That would seem to be a good omen for the 49ers, who also had regular-season victories ewer boU\-l.he New ¥erk ON11ts and Dallas, the two teams they beat in playoff games en route to their Super Bowl dale with the Benga ls. This will be the first Super Bowl not joined them in the Super Bowl by anchored to a warm-weather site, and staging a brilliant 89-yard march in the early arrivals Sunday had an instant final minutes of the NFC championship reminder of that when t hey were gameJDLLhL.winning t.ou.chdo.wn. to mperatures [natfiOv...:..e~r;.;.ed...,_ __ e~li.um'"inate Dallas. around minus-8 degrees with a wind The weather.. won't be a factor for chill of about minos-45. -ei.ther t.he Super Bowl practices or the The Bengals, of course, will feel right g a m e . thoug h , because th e al home in that climate. They battled Fibreglass-covered .Silverdome is In their victory over the Bengals. the 49ers got a pair of touchdown passes Lakers disprovin.g NBA adage Third straight road win gives them two-game cushion ~ KANSAS CITY, Mo. CAP> -The Los Angeles Lakers are proving otherwise, but Norm Nixon still insists it's difficult to win on the road in the N alional Basketball Association. ·'There is such as thing as a home-court advantage in the NBA ," said Nixon after the Lakers posted a 109-97 victory over the Kansas City Kings on Sunday. "But when you're a good team, you don't crack under that type of pressure." . The Lakers, led by 29 points from Earvin "Magic" Johnson and 22 from Jamaal Wilkes, made Kansas City their third s traight road victim and fourth in five games. Lo. Angeles is 28-10 overall, with a two-game lead over SeatUe in the Pacific Division1 and 15-6 on the road. The Kings, who had a two-game winning streak snapped, dropped to 14·24. Jackson makes off er By Tiie MMcla&ed PreH The acent for outfielder Re11ie Jackson has made the Angels a contract offer, the Loa Angeles Herald Examiner reported Sunday n11ht. The HenJd Examiner said thaLGary Walker, JtttlOll"a afent;-m ade tbe ofrer Sunday. The newspaper quoted Angels' Executive Vice Pr•ldeat Bullie Bavasi aa saytnc, "Their ofter ls witbln lbe guidelines we had eatabUabed. We have a chance to come lo terms that would be mutually saU.f)'inl ii we both give a litUe." The lwdellnes alluded lo by Bavaai included maJdnc a lar1e part or Jackaoa's aaJary depeftdenl on attlndance at games plued bf the An1•t1, tbe Herald Examiner said. The Lakers were plagued by 24 turnovers but used 57 .8 percen t shooting -including a 7-for-7 showing by reserve F.ddie Jordan -to whip the Kings. It was Jordan who came off the bench late in the third period to score 13 of his 15 points -nine during a 13-4 fourth-quarter s purt that gave Loe - Angeles a 90-82 lead with 7:20 left. That was as close as the Kings got the rest or the way. "When we're not in our transition game, we have a basic offense and we know where our shots are going to come from," said Jordan, who scored five of hJ s baskets on layups. Kansas City took a 54·50 halftime lead after shooting 57.8 percent in the first two quarters, but hit just 34.6 p,erceot in the final 24 minutes after the Latters adjusted lo shut off the inside game. '•We got beat by the jumper and a 16·point third quarter," said Kansas City Coach Cotton Fitzsimmons. whose Larry Drew scored 21 points but just four in the second half. ''You live by the jumper, you die by the jumper. But whatever happened, they CLakers) c'aused It to tiappen." · Paced by 11 rebounds by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and nine by Kurt Rambia, the Laken built a 51-35 advanta1e on the boards after revviftl up their tast break in the final ball. -Reggie 1C1f!l _Scorect 18 points for lr&Maa Cil.y, while.Mike WoOdson added 16. ... Dt-. ·J. breaks record NEW YORK CAP> -Julius Erving, PhUadelphla's da11ling forward, was the leading vo&e-1.uer for the second COOHCutive year in fan ballotln1 for the 1182 National Baaketball As...._Uon AU-Star Game, the league announced SuHaJ. and media blitz from Joe Montana, hero of the late drive that beat the Cowboys in the NFC title game. Montana won the NFC passing title. He had 311 completions on 4.k8 attempts for 3,565 yards and 19 touchdowns . C incinnati count e r s with Ken Anderson. the NFL's Most Valuable Player. who led the league in passing by hillin~ 300 of 479 for 3,754 yards and l9 TOs. M 1chigan, excited about hosting the big game. has an exciting week planned for visitors. There are concerts by Frank Sinatr a , Diana Ross and Rod Stewart scheduled. a couple of National Hockey League games, tennis realuring ---l-0b n-Mc i:ncoa---aAd-Gui~ila&, and some importctht boxing and college basketball. And there are the usual parties. a routine part of the Super Bowl scene. No wonder lhe 49ers came in early . "Needless to say. I'm a UtUe disapPointed." he said. U had to hurt. Fiora, carrying 180 pounds on a 5·7 frame and dubbed "The Gr ip" by his fellow pros because of his extreme ly unorthodox placement or the hands on the club, started the warm. sunny final round with a 1-sbot lead. He played the front nine in 4-under-par 32. But Kite kept pace. He reeled off a string of four consecutive, birdies and also turned in 32. T hen he caught Fiori with a birdie on the 12th and took the lead alone at the 17th when a 10-footer hit the back of the cup. On the par-5 18th. however. Fiori was able to reach the green in two and Kite, arter a short drive, had to lay up. Fiori made a two-putt birdie-4 and Kite a routine par, fi nishing off a 6~under-par-6&. Fiori _..,ad ~a---&1. That tied them at 335, 25 strokes under par for the only 90-hole, five-day tournament on the tour. Both hit 8-irons close for ·cSee FIORI. Pa•e C3) .. ....... "Reale hu a lot of pride and you mt1ht say we took advanta1e of that by propoelftl lo pay bam based on attendance," Hid Bavaai. "Re11le'1 cbariama la bankable ana I tbink he'll be wl1Ua1 lo 1amble on.J~-" Erving, the top vote·colleelor for the third lime overall, received a record 412,230 votes. His total broke the mark of 427,540 reeelved by San Antomo'1 Georce Gervin ln 11'71. LOOSE BALL Mark Landsberger c ri~hl 1 of the Lakers looks on H Kansas Caty's Kevin Loder prepares to grab ball during Sunday's NBA game. Lakers went on lo post a 109-97 win over the Kin11. • .. I . ,, ....... Q orange C~ut OAlL V PILOT/Monday, January 18, 1982 ______________ ..... ______ __ Thomas, Pistons in high gear l1l1b TMmH ,ank I pair of m three·point 1oals and arabbed a key Chang still t-.e l~ade~ , rebound In the last • :42 Sunday while Johll Loe1 scored 22 points, leadlnc the Detroit Piston& to a 108-103 victory over the Milwaukee Buck" . . . Elsewhere In the NBA. Kay WUUam1 scored 29 points leadlna New Jersey to a 10~·97 victory over Phlladelphla. handl•ll the 76ers ~heir third 1tral1tu Edison star l.eads Orange Coast area scoring derby # Cheerleader hurt iii pyramid fall From AP cllapatches SYRACUSE, N. Y. -A Syracuse University cheerle.ader fractured her skull Sunday when she fell from a human pyramid• during a timeout ln the nationally te levised Georgetown-Syracuae coJlege basketball agame. I Michelle Munn, 21. of.Sayre, Pa .. a senior and captain of the team, was listed in stable condition in the Intens ive care unit of Crouse-Irving Me morial1 Hospital shortly after the accident. Munn was at least 10 feet above lhe floor or the Carrier Dome when a maneuver backfired. Her cheerleading partner, Rich Robe~. ~· atte,npted a forward flip off a trampoline through an opening in a human pyramid. At the top of his somersault. his feet hit her feel. Roberts was not seriously injured, OtJote of the day loss . . . Kick Mabora and Don Collini scored six points each in a· 14·0 s treak that broke open a close game and enabled Washin&ton to defeat Atlanta, 96·78 ... .lobnay Dula had 20 polnta and Geor1e McGIHla added a season·hlgh 17 to lead an Ind lana attack of seven players in double fiaures u TMOMAI the Pacers topped Chicago. 116·103 . Forwards Alex Ea18ab and Klkl Vandewegbe and center-Daa11 .. 1 combk\~ for 84 points in leading Denver to a 138·131 conquest · (If San Diego ... Forward Wally Walker and guard Gus Williama Ignited 1 third-quarter rally that carried Seattle to a 122·97 thrashln& of Golden State ... Darryl Dawkins suffered a broken shin bone Sunday and will be lost to P hiladelphia from six lo eight weeks. Ashford races to world record Evelyri Ashford sped to a world record 5.64 seconds in lhe SO-yard dash and premier hurdler Renaldo Ill Edison Hl&h's Richard Chana conUnuea to lead the Oran1e Coast area prep scortn1 derby with a 22.9 avera1e throuah 14-aamea. Chana, headed for the Urilveralty of California (Berkeley> lollowln& 1raduation. leads the pack at Edison, which Includes rour playen avera1ln1 in double ftaurea for the 15·1 Char1en. Ed1lon la the top·rated team In Oran1e County and 11 the CIF •·A"a No. 2 ranked quintet. <>then avera1ln1 in the 20s Include La1una Beach's Nell Riddell. Fountain Valley's J eff Hughes and Ocean View's Jlm Usevltch. · Riddell, a 6·1 1u.ard, is al the 22.0 plateau. •••AICO•I ... ................. . ,.. .:::: ....... ciw.ne. 1e11.... 14 211 • tt.t t 11.e tt' •td41eu,uewna 11H<11 " w n ,o , "" as H~, ,_.,... Veu.., 1$ * 1'.4 1 11.t .. UMVllCll, 0C-View 1' '24 Jt.J J IU • ... ~ .... o.i 11 '24 lt.O J ..... ~·.:=r-.-::11 .~ m ~:1 ·i ~! : 0-.LUlllwotnlty IS 117 19.4 S 17.. t1 ..,._, C.le Mete 14 H7 1e.1 s tt.t It DC~, EdlMn 16 216 "" 1 11.S » LYMll, CMI It JOO 16.6 S ~ II ...... ~......... 14U2 ILS 0 .... L-11111 T-1 16 16.0 I 1'.t It 'ltl ... 11, MeriM 15 216 14.4 J 11,0 It ~. ldilOft 1• JU IU J IU II O.Nn«. Eebncle IS I" IU S 1'.4 t7 SMl911,...,.... 14 IM IJ.I 2 lt.J It .._..., ,,...... 11 14J 1).1 S U.J 2t Oew-1,~ll U 1 .. 11.t S U JI ~. ldlloll 16 1t7 IU J 11.0 • T~. Htn. llMCll U llJ IU J •• S • TetNll, MMll' 0.1 11 tos 12.0 J U U He<._, l"tll. Vell.., 16 111 11.7 2 11.0 It -.rr,,Mert,.. U 17S IU J 11.S It Mey ..... E•M<la U 174 IU S U It c.ee. ............. u 14' 11.2 s u n Slokklefor41. -· ... ,. 14 "' 11.1 2 •·• n ll-., Uftl-111'1' IS 1'7 II.I S •·• 2' ll.-VC:lcll, ~... 14 1'1 10,1 J1 ic--.. . ...,..... " 1+1 10.1 t s.o u while the 6·3 Hu1hes, who operates from the perimeter. Is avera1lng 20.4 per start. Usevltch, at 8-9~. the tallest In the Oran1e Coast area, has uveraged 20.2 per game. Five players have scored ln the 30s. Riddell Is th~ leader~ with 35 points, followed by Hughes (34), Corona del Mar's Chria Lynch 133), Newport Harbor's Byron Ball (31) Jnd Usevltch (30). As for consistency -University Hl&h 1uard Randy Myers is the champ. A 5-10 senJor, Myen ls averaging 10.0 per 1ame In lea1ue, 10.3 overall, and has scored 10 polnts on six occasions. 11k 111.,. El Toro It n .. I s t,4 10 HOlll.,._it\, CdM 10 ff u 4 1.1 It $1••r.-.r· Col .. Mew ,, 7' u , ... u NH, lrwlne 11 .. s.t ' •• 4 " H.,,,,.,,Htft .... cf\ ' 2t u 0 ••• IO Jtflftt, ,,,,.,,. 10 ,. u J ••• IO Gr-•·=t::' • S1 SJ 2 ... JI 16 ., SA J 4.1 n :i.:..~ ... y" 14 ,. J.4 4 ... 1S _ _.,..., 0<. VI-16 as u 2 ••• 10 C.rtOll, OtNfl vi.w u to S.l J ,,, " Pellle, W"l"'1"'1 .. 13 " u J u II S.leye, Hbl. Be.ell 1S ,. u J u u CMMf,~Vlew • JI u 2 u • J:•·-o.i 17 ., ,.. J , .. 11 Oftd 0 , WestnllMl•r u ,. 4.1 J u I• UtM'T· ,,.,.,,. 11 n 4.7 • u ,, M<All ti•, Sedclbc:k 12 ,. 4 .• s u 10 • Stlyder, El Toro I JO 4.2 J u II lcos1y. "'"'" ve11.., 1S .. 4.0 t 7.J • c-. Cot•• Mele • ,. u , .. , 10 r_,,., Hin. 11H<11 14 SS >.• J 1.0 10 Jee,-. All. ve11.., 16 ., J.t 2 1.0 11 erown, "'"'· \/e11.., 12 0 u 0 o,o 11 Wtlme11.~11 11 4J u , u 10 81W1, f'-t.i11 Vellt'I' s n l.I 0 0.0 • e1 ... 1111. £dlton 1S ,. u 0 o.o • TM9y,MMIM 11 " J.7 • J J.S 10 ereiwl. '""'*" 11 " J.7 J 1.0 I] P .. klM, AMler 0.1 1S SS ).7 2 u • N•wlOll. Fin. Voll.., 4 1S l .7 1 u TO Nlcol•I, W.stmlnst•r 12 0 u 2 2.0 • Fl .. d•r, Me1..-Del IS M u J 11 •. 0 13 M<Celllll, EllM<le • ,. u , ... • •-. <><•., vi-2 1 u 0 0.0 • North Carolina-Charlotte basketball coach Mike Pratt after his team's 71-69 victory over Campbell: "Hey, they were penetrating our zone defense like. holiday shoppers passing through those spinning doors.at Macy's in New York." Nehe miah held off nemesis Gre1 Fo1ter in the SO-yard high hurdles Sunday in the inaugural Chicago Goodwill Indoor Games. Ashford ran her world-record time in a preliminary and then barely defeated Olympic teammate Chandra Cheeseborougb in the final ... The Women's.- Professional Basketball League has folded, according to a s pokesman for the Nebraska Wra nglers. last year's championship team. "We're a team without a league," said General Manager Larry Kozllckl. He said the Wranglers :=-.. ~Mew :':: :~~ ~ :u ;: MY9fS, UMwnitY IS IM lt,J S 10 0 JI NEIL AIOD!LL AM .. h..-.AM!or 0.1 u Selby, N-1 H••-1J 41 l-4 J 1.6 " 0 l.• s 2,0 • .... - Flyers win their third straight Centers Bobby Clarke and Ron Flockhart each scored two goals to lead the Philade lphia Flyers past Boston, 7.3 in the National Hockey Iii' League. The Flyers ' third win In a l'OW moved them into first place in th e Patric k Division ... Benge Gustafsson scored for Washington at 18:46 or the second period, lifting the Capitals into a 2·2 with lhe New York Is I a nde rs . . . Un assisted ·and Chicago Hustle were the only teams that wanted to continue to play this year ... Peter Vidmar of UCLA captured all-around men's honors and Tracee Talavera won the all-around title in the women's division in the Albuquerque Journal International Invitational gymnastics m eet ... Bobby Czyz of Wanaque. N .J :. rema ined unbeaten with a fO-round unanimous d ecision over Robble Sims in a nbn-litle middleweight bout at the Tropicana Hotel in \llantic City ... Officials canc~ed Sunday's '.horoughl!_red racing program at Aqueduct in New York when jockeys refused to ride because of the cold weather. Television. radio Following are the top SPorts events on TV tonight. Ratings are: • • " " excellent; " • wortt) watching; ... fair: • forget it, • 8 p .m .• Channel 9 I I ./ la&tlf\, ........... ., II II) IU 1 7 ,0 22 O.ar-.OcMnVlew U UI 10.1 2 12.S II P9tletlar, ~ 14 142 10.1 s u • ¥1411 .... lllMKle " 14' t.7 s •.• " v111-. ..... ve1..., " m t .4 2 a.o 21 Jecll-• ...._ 0.1 • 11 ISi t.J J 11.0 u Tlft,1....-Cle IS 1• t .J S U 1' P9tk""'*l, ~ 14 IJt t .O S U 1t s...er, '"-1 14 "' •.o s t ,t tJ u ..... J ~ ...-u 111 •.o s •.1 11 II~, SldllMIMcll I t t.O I t.O t ,.._,• L..-IMcll 1J 107 1.t J IU It Dll«M, L....-llNc.... I• IJt 1.7 J IJ.l 16 Krelu, Est.wic:le .JS Ill I 1 s •.•• W•r-OU., View 16 IJt t.7 2 7.0 11 ! Amotd.'1!.1 Toro 11 .. l.f S U 1' lftlllelwri, El Toro 10 M I j -.S-4.1 n. Mflts., Hlnlftltoft llH<ll 6 SO l.l 0 O.O 14 Ayr91,~a.ec11 is 1n 1.1 J •s 14 Sflorl, ~ ..... " 11' 1.0 J .. IJ :=:==---i;4; · r:: s 7.2 ~; 8ro1ovlC11. lnliM 11 to 7.J S t.1 16 8. Trlcldtt, El Toro I SI 7.2 S •.O 16 P.t•rM~ 10 71 1.1 S 1.0 1J Folk, N...-n ...,_ 14 tt J,O f II • U _II..._.,, F ... Vell.., 16 Ill •' 2 11.0 U Len .... Uftl-y 11 7• · • t • 6.1 2J M•rllMefl. El TOIO 10 .. •.I l 4.0 1J JUC19e, Oc..., View 16 107 6.7 2 •.O 1S C.wnr, ll'YIM 11 7J •.6 S 6.0 10 Fouls, El Toro I SI ' •·· S 4.A 14 Hemm•I, El Toro 10 ti 6.S l 4.6 11 Oltoft, CdM 12 71 •·• s S.A It GoMel.CdM 12 1• •.> 4 U IO LM>wcll ~k IO " •.> • S.7 •t B•••••.1,.,,,,,,. 11 ., • 1 s s.6 " RANDY MYERS ·-·--11 GUHi, Oc..,, View J CNmlll,MerlM u Herll•r. Hiii. 8HCll t2 8ur-.COM s llOClfl ... 1, EstMC .. 4 O'uU91111n. ~-• Scfdmon.~ 11 KubO, Founleln Voller u T'"'9r, LOQ. Beec:ll 12 VenSl-..,W, CdM 1 B«ry, <><•., v;.w 7 NewMll'l,~-k • E"111•nd,~ s Mello•, litn. &ff<ll 11 M.tur•I, Fin. V•ll•v 10 Jo. EOweli.., Fin Ve11rr 10 , ..... litft. 8Ncll 6 8..c~. Ck .... View s ~., ... ~-· • euru.~11199 • Guttltrti, ,.._, 2 G. Fl .. d, Colle Mew • Meort, Edlton , Zumba, <><Mn vi.. J llelclllf•, un1 ..... 11, 11 Jim Edl.,.;i.., Fin ve11rr • Chol, UniwnMy 11 Pewl, W"tmlns10r 11 Jollfttton. 1:51.wic: lo 11 Miiierd, Et;_ • Mor••-. •CIOt 11 Meire...-. El Toro 7 U"4Mr-. COM 1 Mcl(ff,~-... 2 L•Blenc:k, ~'-1 Nole ·~-lr••IM><• '1 u • 10 u 0 0.0 6 .. u I 0.0 11 ,. u 0 0.0 10 16 J 1 J u 11 1l J.1 , s.o 6 1J u I 0.0 ' ,. J.I s J.4 • .. J.O , o.o •• ,. J.O J u • 21 J.O , ,.. • 11 J.O J J,O • 14 J.t J J.O '6 u u J J.J " 2t u 1 2.0 " 26 2.6 0 o.o • ,. 2.• 0 o.o s ,. 2.4 2 u ' 1J 2.A 0 00 • n u • 2.0 6 20 J.S • s 2.S 0 0.0 • n u , JJ • 1 23 2 1.S J 7 u 0 0.0 • 2S J.J 4 J.1 • • J.J 0 00 , u J.J • l.S ' JS 2.2 2 1.0 • 23 1.1 J u I 17 1.1 2 o.o .. J1 1.0 s 14 2.0 J s • 1.0 •.O J.O 2.o J.O !goals by Lindy Ruff and Mike Ramsey s parked Buffalo to its seventh straight wi~. a 7-1 thrashing of H'artford ... Mark Messier scored his second goal of the night at 14:06 of t he third period lo give Edmonton a 4·4 tie with Detroit before 20.628. the cuJ1u largest crowd ever to see an NHL regular,season game ... Minnesota 's Steve Payne and Bobby Smith combined for seven points. leading Minnesota to a wild 7.5 victory over Chicago ... Right wing Marian Stastny scored a goal and added four assists and his brother Peter had a goal and three assists 'lo lead Quebec to a 7.5 win over Winnipeg .. Ken Houston scored three goals and former Colorado star Latnny McDonald tallied with just under five minutes to play as Calgary got past the Rockies. 5·3 ... Rick Kehoe scored twice in lhe third period lo bring Pittsburgh to a 3-3 tie with Vancouver. COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Arizona State at U CLA. Edison solidifies hold on No.I Announcers: Mike Walden and Pete Newell. T wo teams that have been visitors to the post-season playoffs in recent years but have fallen on hard times m eet at Pauley Pavilion ton ight. The Bruins, i neligible for NCAA post -season play this season, claimed their first conference w in against Arizona Sa turday, while ASU was losing its fourth straight lo USC. Seven Orange Coast schools reach county Top 10 Basketball KMPC C710). RADIO Arizona State at UCLA 8 p.m .. t:dison Hl(b's Charg_ers. now 15·1. afte r a pair of impressive victories over Sunset League rivals Marina and Ocean View, remain at the top Jn the Orange County Top 10 bas ketball rankings as selected by the Daily Pilot. The Chargers roared to 22·point and 15·point triumphs over Ocean View and Marina. each a ranked team. Chainpion of Chainpions at Los Al Ocean View remains No. 2 in Orange County despite the foss, while Marina moved into a tie for' 10th after shocking Fountain Valley:s No. 7 quintet. 42-41, Friday night. The ranki nJ?s include seven from the . It will be Denim N Diamonds against Sgt Pepper Feature in the Champion of Ch a mpions R ace a t Los Al amitos Race Course tonil!ht. Ooc Severinson Handican Derby would he rescheduled for ' Cey to receive award winner Oh Shiney and C of C Tuesday. third-place finisher Queen For Tonight was originally slated Cash. as c losing ni g ht fo r the Hors e m en's Quarter Horse KANSAS CITY. Mo. CAP) -Ron Cey, whose With heavy fog forcing the R acing Association winter b-at and glove helped the Los An(eles Dodgers win Both Denim N Diamonds and cancellation of the final four season. but because of earlier the 1981 World Series. will receive the World Sgt Pepper Feature have earned races Saturday ni ght al Los fog .out. the tTack was gr anted Series Hero Award at the 11th annual Kansas City over $525.000 in their careers Alamitos. the trAck announced a n extra night o f rac ing BasebaJlAwards DinnerJan.30. and they are without a doubt the that the El Primero Oel Ano Tuesday. Despite a wrist injury, the Dodger third Orange Coast area as the basketball oriented area continues to dominate Orange County circles. Corona del Mar 's victory over Newport Harbor Friday night m oved the Sea Kings ahead of Sea View League rival· Estancia, wtiic h was hard pressed to get past visiting University High in overtime. Corona det Mar is now No. S. Estancia No. 6. The two meet at Estancia Wednesday evening. Another attraction Wednesday is No. 7 Fountain Valley at Ocean View. The two met in the Fountain Valley Invitational in December .and Ocean View was a 61-59 winner. Daily Pilot's Top 10 Orange County Prep Basketball Pos. Team l. Edison 2. Ocean View 3. Servile 4. Brea-Olinda 5. Corona del Mar top two performers • .in the baseman hit .350 and made several spectacular L--~4:40:·~y~a~r~d~c~h~a~m~~p~1· o~n~s~h~i P~,..-:'.'"'.:'":"7:":--1P-:'i~~~-:=~i1'~;;~;:;;-:;;;;;~i':~~::;;~;Jlo~-:;:;;~----~.,..-in-the Series. Cey has appeared in four 0 Dec. 19. in the last race for ypre88 l0p8 8 8 le World Serl~. all with Los Angeles. 6. Estancia 7. Fountain Valley 8. San Clem ente Record 15·1 10·6 12-6 16·2 10-2 13·2 ll·S- 14-4 10.. 7 these outstanding quarterhorses. Dodge' Manage r Tom Lasorda will receive Denim N Diamonds held off a TUESDAY the Manager or the Year Award at the dinner. 9. Mater Dei 10. Clie 1 Marina Laguna Hills 9-6 13-3 Golde n West Co llege's strong late rally of Sgt. Pepper Souther n Ca l Confe ren ce s.u-.c.cc...,_. F eature to score a neck victory. showdown with rival Cypress Go1o*n we.u1 ::;..~.;~':'P.m Neither horse has raced since heads this week's community s-.caestColtMeM• that time. colle11te basketball action. 0'•"~'""'1•1 0~~~·7 JOpm s-tMnl c.c ~· Other top contenders in the c v11•ou1 Go1den Wes1. 1::iop.m. race includ e. Director 's Here's how the week shapes ""!~:!., Handicap winner. French Force. up: P•lom••1Seddl.-c-.1,1011m Basic in the lavish . hospitality of the fabulous Orient/ Mass•ges given by sensuotJ.9 beautiful girlr. Co1.;e ;,, TODAY/ 714 47. This Week's Special tm CADIUAC COUPE DEVIU.E OpUcm include dual conafort seats, Cabriolet top fr Cadllla~ 1'h wheel covers. <•WQV). •8795 T"'...,_ • ._ .. ,..a-,.,...use .. uarsn .. 1e1 OdUclcVolwProeftfioft~~ AodO&W .SO.NO ..,.,...., .... ..,,__,,..,._....._ ......... ....:.a 111111a1 --~7 · 12600 HOrfu 8tvd. '!111....1.., ..... "!" .... ~ Costa Mesa (714) 540-1860 Zillgitt 0 ~insurance agents ~ and brokers Wright • Contractors: ~ Insurance costs rising? Contact us for competitive quotes for . Liability, Equipment. Property and Worker's Col'fteensation Insurance. We can also ha.ndle y~bondlng needs. 3931 M~Artf'iUr 1 Newport Beech, C7H) 7SMISS IMIOLLMOW c...,,... • ..,,,,......._.~- SAN .JOA9-UIN GOLF1 · COURSE FREE. LESs6ltS ~Ith PURCHASE OF '20" DISCOUN.1 IAN&I CARD !Pretent thlt ad and receive 3 Fr ee Trevino Balla •n you enroll. _College basketball PCAA Big Ten Conference .._ C•f. ...... C.f . W L f'Ct. W L"'L • L "''· • W L"'I. UC lrvlne 2 0 l.000 IJ , ·'" low• l I 7SO 11 J .... l"rnnoSI, 2 0 l.000 IJ 1 ·'" Mlnnetot• l I 150 11 2 .... OllloSI J I I SO 11 • .uo Sen JOMS4. 2 0 I 000 • ' .•u u c ·S.nfA llorWr• I I •• 6 • .m Pur.,,,_ J I ISO • 1 "1 L-8e«llS4 I 1 •• s • •• llllllOIS 2 J .soo ' 4 ,.., Cel $1ele l"ull. 0 2 .000 ., 10 .412 NorlllwHI"" 2 1 soo 6 I "1 llldlene 2 , .soo • s .61) Pee Ille 0 J ,000 4 10 •• Mlclllt .,, ~J . I J 7SO 6 • .,, 0 2 .000 1 12 . 1'1 Ul•ll SI. Wltco•ula , l 1SO • • m Padflc-10 Conference Mlclllt.., 0 • 000 I 11 Ol:I c.M. ,... Big Eight Conference • L "'" • L f'Ct. .._ • 0 1.000 1l J .• 7 (Ml, w. "''"11'Dn • L """ WLM • or...,. st. 6 0 1.000 12 J .IS1 Mluourl J 0 I 000 1J 0 I 000 We"'l.,.ion SI. s I w 11 7 .'11 KenwsSt 1 0 I 000 12 1 '51 USC • I ... 10 s .w Olllellome I I soo 10 • '" Celltoml• 2 J ·* • • m Kenws I I soo ' • .. , o._ , J •• 7 1 soo NtbUSlle I I soo ' s Ml •UCLA I J .uo 7 s .m Coloredcl I 2 .UJ • 6 .600 StenlOrd I 4 .200 4 • . 429 Olltellome SI. 0 , • 000 • 6 .571 ArlaOfMI SI. 0 s .000 • • . m •-•St. 0 J .000 ' • .H1 Arlr-0 • ... s .. .m SoutheHtern Conference WCAC C.f ........ ----c-t. ~ ....... ~--W L ll"ct. W L '"-LSU • 1 .too 1 s .m Goll•• .. J 0 l.Oot 10 ' .w Al•Nme 4 2 .667 12 2 .IS7 Pepperdl11t , 0 1.000 ' . ... K•lllveky l , ·'°° 10 J , .. us~ I I •• IS 1 -...... ,n l J .soo • s .Ml S...toC••• 1 I ·"' " I .W O.ortl• l J soo • • ·"' SI.~,..,·· I I .. ..... MlHIUl ..... J J IOO • 6 .m Pertlef'd I I •• ' • ... Velldefblll 2 4 m • s .643 sen OleGID 0 2 .000 1 1 •• FIOllde I s .161 • 10 ·* Loyole 0 2 ... 2 1J .1111 MIHIHlppl Sl. • 6 -4 IO -Wfft8m Attti.ttc Conte,.~ Southwest conr.,.nce c-f, ...... c.M1 ...... W L ll"ct. W L "'" W L ll"ct. W L flirt, WyMllfll 4 01.000 u 4 ·'· Te••• 4 0 1.000 12 0 t.OGO Hewell a 01.• " t ... THHA~M t 1 ... , ' 4 ... s .. o .... 1t, 2 I ... 1 10 •• 714 ••YIOI' I I ... 1 • :~ 8rteMmVO\lftt J I ... II • ·"° TCU ) I M1 1 Colef'MoSt. ) I •• 1 7 .. .,__ ... J ) -" t ... Tno•ll .... I J .. " • "'° .......... 2 J •• 11 J ,,.. Ulllfl J • •• , • ... TnHhcll 2 , •• " ' ,.., NMffllltlllCO 1 4 ... • • ... SMU 1 , .u• • • ... Alt ron:e 0 , .... ' ••• Ilk• 0 J ... • , ·"' JOHNSON & SON Pre8ents ... Pete ~"Greek'~ NFL's Picks Of The Week Pm PEIS- SAN FUNCISCO All THE WAY! New Parts Department Hours Now Open 8:00 am -1:00 pm Saturdays L 1 ~COLN ME 1616 Barbor Boulnard, Coeta 'Me .. R C U (714) l40-H80 R y ·- • ' i · FIORI ••• blrdl• on· lb• ftnt playoff ~ ., at Indian WeU., \be par.a lllh.1 On \be lllh, a ,....... Plorl put ., hl1 approach ~ IS ffft from the Ila& and Kit. apun hll ln leas t.han 1Dl feet from the cup. It 111ppeancl Uaat P'iori had to make ct the IOQI one JU1t LO keep lhe bPlayoff 1oin1. ·'I thou1ht the tournament i,waa over ," Fiori said. "And. 11 frankly, J thouaht he'd won It." 1 Kite didn't. · "1 was expecting the worst." he said. From his viewpoint. that's ~:what happened. ., Fiotl dropped the lone birdie :: putt and J(lte now had to make 01 his to stay alive. ~~ "It wu a straight pull," he i: said. "I played it straleht. I •• stroked it well. The ball just !: dived right." • And it missed, makin1 Flori a !;turn-around winner of the t1 $50,000 first place check. ?: Kite got some consolaijori :, from a $29, 700 second prtle or which boosted him into 15th ;: p I ace o o the a 11 • t i m e o, m oney-winnl.f)g list, one position ~ ahead of his former University " 01 o f Tex as t ea m m a t e Ben ~·Crenshaw. ~· Rex Caldwell salvaged third , • with a great birdie from deep : trouble on the 17th. He finish~ ~·wit ... a 68 and a 337 total. . ' t !Reynolds triumphs ,, • Randy Reynolds of Lido Is le :Vacht Club defeated Roger •Gooding, Voyagers, in a best two ~t of three series Sunday for "t he Prince of Wales Bow~. !eliminations in the Newport :Harbor area. t The Prince of Wales Bowl is !the United States Yacht Raciag :u n i o n ' s m a t c h r a c i n g •championship, pitting the top )earn from each of the USYRU •areas in the finals. • .. ............. • ALL RIGHT! Ed Fiori celebrates <iftcr sinking a long birdie putt on the s econd hole of a s udden-death µlayoff with Tom Kite t o win the Bob Hope Desert Classic SundaY. Fiori had tied Kite with u birdie on the last hole of n·gulation. • · • ~~~~~~~~~~- 1.Eend_l w~~s .o.n enemy turf ~But ~e sways the crowd ~after outlasting Gerulaitis NEW YORK CAP> -''He)' Vilas, New York loves you, Vjt~ Hey,. Vilas, put him on a subway."· _ The crowd was pulling for the hometown' guy. Vilas Gerulaitis, but in the end, winner Ivan Lendl walked away with a piece of their hearts in addition to $100,000 and his first Masters tennis' championship. .. Even though when I'm playinJ Vilas, John McEnroe and Jimmx Connors and you are ch.eering atainst me, I still don't t hank you know how much I like you and New York City," the Czec h oslovakian said i n accepting his check and trophy· Sunday. That brought a round of applause Crom the 17,652 folks at Madison Square Gal"den who watched the exciting fou~·hour : match, which Lend! won 6-7. 2~. 7-6. 6-2, 6-4 for his 35th straight match victory and seventh straili!bl tournament win.~ Leodl lost in the finals here wast year to Sweden's Bjorn Borg. 'Lendl, the No. 1 seed in the $400,000 even\., recovered from two sets down and match point ·to defeat Gerulaills, who defeated Eliot Teltscher in the . se m ifi na Is a nd made the Masters field only because Borg decided not to compete. Lend I . who r outed Jo.hn Mc En roe in the semifinals, faced match point in the third-set tiebreaker when Gerulaitis was up 6-5. But,LendJ, who had rallied from beinr ·down 0·2 in the set . won the next three points to take the set and b1:gan his surge to the title. "1 didn't want to be twn breaks down. I just wanted to come back because if 1 didn't , he would serve it out somehow I told myself I have to keep fighting, fighting. fi ghting and it paid orr ... said Lendl, who lost to Fog disrupts· sailors Orange Coast sailors found NHvc .. _. .. themselves racing through holes ETCHELLs-11 1u 1 1. Rick H•••r>o<ne. VYC; 1 Tom C.,..kell. NHYC . 3 Ar1 Rol>lnJOn, in the Joe Saturday and Sunday. """'c Fifty-seven boats in eiaht SANTANA-JO m -1 M••UtnMn, ecvc & SOLING ISi 1 Sco11 H., .... o. NHYC classes turned out for Newport SABOT A m -, Jtm 0111. •avc : , Harbor Yacht Cl ub's Winter CHHno,.s,,....1 .. r.NHvc -• SABOTB~C Ul -1 ErlcProul,8YC Series with large boats racing., L100.u m -1 Pa111 &••nc. ssvc. ,. over ocean courses on Saturday L...SER m -1.'c .... 11. auc11ingt1•m. NHvc I d all bo ts . d SNIPE ,., -1 Jell L ......... N8YC; 2. Keith i l an sm a racmg insi e Dodson. •avc . >. L.annv c-.. NHvc ; the bay on Sunday. Voyagers Yacht Club held· its 1Ca mpbell Sloop Regatta •Saturday with e n tries in a I '.racing class and a cruisi_ng class. VYC C-..... s-. ·-.. RACI NG CLASS 1 Me N "91e. "91er Fyle. VYC, 2 lnwnlly. C•lhy Murphy. VYC, 3 Pinl•do. o. ... Wllll•m\. VYC; 4. V0<1t• Ill. • Bllr"ct Twiehell, VYC CRUISING CLASS 1 Amoort. Jerry Moore, VYC Gerulailis 1n a best -of-five match last September al the U.S. Open. . In that event the New Yorker won the first two sets. lost tne- next two. then capt~red the firth. But Lendt. whose mother wept as he accepted his prize Sunday. said he wasn't thinking about the fifth s et at Flus hing Meadow. "No, I was thinking of Vilas looking to be a little tired at th~ net and he was moving slower for the passing s hots, and I thought 'This is my chance'." c;erulaitis, who took home $50,000, repe.atedly sliced to' Lendl's backhand. which worked beauUfull)· until Lendl started to run around his backhand. The Czech s tar drilled powe rful forehand winners from all over \tie court, passing Ger ulaitis ~very lime he tried to approach the net. "He has a lousy backhand compared to his forehand and that's reall y the way to play the guy," Gerulaitis said. "He can pass you eventually, but he's looking for the opening on llle forehand and if you start r~llying corner to corner. he's going to run you ragged like he was doing to McEnroe." Lendt took a 3-0 lead in the third-set tiebreaker befor e Gerulaitis won fout of five points to even it at 4-4. They held serve until the set -winning point, which Lend! won with a forehand cross-court volley. RUN FOR HOAG SK and IOK Runs • Orange Coat DAILY PtLOT/Mond•y ,J1nuary 18, 1982 Missotiri stays ·perfect Second-ranked Tigers whip Louisville; Virginia wins Prom AP dl1pa&ebe• ST. U>UIS -Reserve II.lard Michael Walker sparked • closi.na surge by Mllaou.ri in the openln1 half, helpine the second·ranked and unbeaten Ti1eu roll to a 81-~ basketball triumph S unday over No. 17 Louisville. Walker, a 6·2, 230·Pound junior. •cored 14 points. Six of that total came ln the rlnal 46 seconds of the openln1 period as Missouri wedged a 38·24 lead al halftime. · The Tigers, who trailed by 16-10 after 10 minutes, protected advanta1es never less than nine polnll in the closing 20 minutes. Senior Ricky 'Frazier scored 22 points for Missouri, which shot 48.8 percent from the field to Louisvtlle's 37.7 following a cold start. Lancaster Gordon had 14 points for Louisville. Paced by Derek Smith's rebounding, the Cardinals held the upper hand until Missouri went into a zone defense. ' Steve Stipanovich's long basket and two • Frazier foul shots produced a 20·20 tie. Prince Player blasts Bobby Knight BLOOMINGTON, Ind, CAPI -Ohio State freshm&Q guard Troy Taylor, who experienced Indiana Coach Bobby Knight's wrath Saturday. described the Hoosiers' coach as Impolite -.win or lose. Player and coach locked horns seconds before Indiana recorded a 66-61 victory O'<ler Ohio State in " Bir Ten basketball aame. Their exchanre was followed by one ~~tween Knight and Ohio State Coach E ldon Miller. The verbal confrontation took place with ejght seconds remaining in the game and Indiana leading 62-51 after two free throws by Ohio State's Larry Kuggins. · At that point. Indiana's Randy Wittman fired a one-hand ed pass the length of the court to s treaking Jim T hoJllas. While Thomas was attempting to slam dunk the ball, Taylor leaped up to block the shot, catching Thomas on the wrist. Thomas fell to the court. apparently striking his head . Thal's when Kblght stormed onto the court in protest. He checked Tl\omas, who hurt his wrist in the collision. a nd then headed for Taylor underneath the Hoosier basket. "It was a foul," Taylor conceded. ··1 hit his <T homas'> wrist, but he fell on bis own. Then he (Knight> cussed me out. I don't know what he said. but I told him I was sorry I fouled him IThomas>. and then he-&Lad.eel screaming and calling me everything im the book. .. But ·I think tbat's the type of person Bobby Knight is -very Impolite, win or lose." Brld1es hJt from 20 reet sho~ af\erward, and the Tigers were.never headed. Vlrglnl• 89, Clemson 88 CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. -Ralph Sampson scored 22 points. pulled down 14 rebounds and blocked three shots as third-ranked Vir1inia whipped Clemson 89·68 In an Atlantic Coast Conference game. Tim Mullen added 15 points, Jimmy Miller contributed 14 and Jeff Jones had 12 for the Cavaliers, who shot a torrid 64.9 percent from the _ floor. Virginia boosted· its overall record lo 16· l and 4-1 in the ACC. The Cavaliers were 17 of 23 for 73.9 percent in the second half. '. Fred Gilliam came off t~ bench to lead Clemson with 12 points. Clarke Bynum. Mike Eppley and Vincent Hamilton had 10 points each for the Tigers, now 8-S overall and 1·4 in the conference. Leading by just 41·36 at lntermissi~n. Virginia ran off nine straight !points in just over two minutes to open the second haU. A lhree-poini play by Sampson. who was seven of nine from the floor and eight of 13 at the foul line, and baskets by Olhell Wilson, Mullen and Craig Robinson gave the Cavaliers a 50-36 lead. Clemson pulled to within 53-46 with 15:20 left to play before an eight-point run by Virginia put the game out or reach as the Cavaliers built a 61-4f advantage with 12:30 left. The Tigers, wh.P have lost four of theil' last five starts. never got any closer than 11 points the rest of the way. . There were 29 personal fouls called in the first hair, 55 for the game. with Clemson connecting on 10 of 12 at the line and Virginia 13 o( 20 in the first 20 minutes. Syracuse 75, Georgetown 70 SYRACUSE, N.Y. -Syracuse forward Tony Bruin scored six points in 63 seconds late in the game and paced the Orangemen to a 75-70 Big East . Conference triumph over etghth·ranked Georgetown. · The vict ory. before a national television audience and 25,623 fans in the Carrier Dome. snapped a 13-game Georgetown winn.inJt streak and left both teams 3·1 in conference play Syracuse improved to 10-4 overall. while the loss left the Hoyas 14·3. , Syracuse broke a 60-60 tiej the ninth or the game, with-4-:56 remaining. partly because of two lane violahons on Eric "Sleepy" Floyd of Georgetown. the game's leading scorer with 20 points. Floyd negated one of two free throws by Mike Hancock to prevent the'Hoyas from moving into a 62·62 tie. The violation gave Eric Sanifer or the Orange an extra free throw as Syracuse went ahead 63-61 with 3: 33 left. Bruin then went on his spree, sinking baskets before and after a pair of free throws to put the Or angemen ahead 70·65 with just over a minute remaining. It's the One makes amends ·Favored Island Wh~rl finis.hes a disappointing last ARCADIA IAP> -It's the One finished a badly beaten third in the Malibu Stakes. first leg of the Charles H. Strub Series. on Jan. 3. He more than m ade up for that in the San Fernando Stakes. ft's the One raUied between horses to get the lead on the final turn and then pulled away to win the San Fernando. second leg of the Strub Series, by 6~4 lengths before a crowd of 46,356 at Santa Anita Sunday. While It's the One was an impressive winner, even-money favorite Is land Whirl was a big disappointment in the event for 4·year-olds. Island Whirl, winner of the seven-furlong Maltba with . It's the One 13 le ngths back, was ninth and last in the 30th running of the San Fernando. Island Whirl cha llenged the leaders during the early part of the l Vi!·mile race, but when the tield r eached the top of the stretch, he began dropping back. Il"!i.lhe One..the lbird choice in the wagering. paid SI 7, $7 .20 and $5.40. ,The victory was worth $84,650 to owner Amin Saiden. The winner. who is trained by Laz Barre ra, was r idden by Walter Guerra and carried 120 pounds. Princelet. ridden by Eddie Maple and carrying 123 pounds, finis hed a distant second and· returned $7.20 and $6. Rock Softly , ridden by Kenny Black and carrying 114 pounds, was third . a head behind Pr1ncelet. and paid $9.60 to show. The winning lime was 1:47 3-5, only four-fj flhs of a second "off the stakes record of l: 46 4-5 set SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Snow depCla/lllellet Ceecll&IOll• 12 hp, Llft1/Cbaln 2L Holiday Hill Snow Summit Snow Valley Goldmine Green Valley 12·31 hp 6·11> hp 24-36 hp 6-10 hp 8L FO 4L 2L CENTRAL CALIFORNIA JuneeMountaln Mammoth Mountain 50-10 pp 4C 104 pp FO by First Back in 1975. Native Tactics finished fourth, followed by Sinnpo Damas Si lveyVi lle, Ai r ro\ing and Is land Whirl: There were no ' scratches. The final leg of the Strub Series is the $250,000-added Strub Stakes on Feb. 7. Laffit Pincay, who s uffered three fractured vertebr ae in his back on Jan 6, return~J to riding Sunday. He was expected to be sidelined for three w~ks . but came back 11 days after being injured in a spill. Pincay was aboard Is la nd Whirl. who carried co-h igh weight of 123 pounds. However. he had better luck earlier in Che day, winning tbe fifth race aboard Woodland Lad and finishing second in the SiJ!:lh aboard Lord Advocate. OUTSTANDING VALUES! lt12VW OUAMTVM WAGOM !> "spc1. trans. air cond. leatherette seats. radial tires and morel (Stk ~) (004796). List Price $12.065 Dlscomt $1470 SALIPllCI 5 10 595 I SCllOCCO '\_..--DAT ... E:~ ........ Sah..-.Jrclayr~ua~ ~--.. China Peak Dodge Rldg=e~-- (eacept chain 20.and 21) 44-59 pp FO 60"'"'"'"84....-----p""'p,...----ro-- co u p.e . 5 spee d tr1nem1 .. 1on. "'9tallic pelnt, reer window w I p.,/w•h•r. alloy wheels, stereo ~ end mc>NI (91k. 32315) (0177961 _ SAU NICI ' THE DA&YPILOT CLASSIFIED SICnOM ii Ute PEii.E'S MAllETPLACE coURsE: ..... w IHled coww. o ... tOO/o --..... ~ ..... .,... .. ," ... DIVISIONS: 20 ..... fw ... WD•• .. tlrfl. bop TROPllES:· s.-.. "' ... ••a. I • l:00-1:41= 23 ........ c.,. .......... •C....-.Mtw ... .c...-m ........... CIEOC IN: ENIRY FEE• Sii \ t '1. T..wrt • SI dint ~ IUM POI HOAe fa preeented ~ the 552 Club, CaHfomla Fl,..a Bank and KEZY ... ~it for Hoag Memorial ........ Prelbytertan . ,_. ••Obt..ATIOM .. Jem iilr 17141 .ftMIU •Ill Clilt qflie 17141760-lf 17 Tht. ~' IPOnlOted 11 a comtnuntty MtVlce by PIOlftc M\ITUll IMUtanoe Co. Mt. Reba Kirkwood Sierra Ski Ranch Heavenly Valley Taboe Ski BoWI NO&THE&N CALIFORNIA 80-120 pp 120-194 pp 101 pp 57 pp 7C ro FO atL Conditions: hp hard pack: pp -packed powder . Llfts/cbaln: L -llfts: C -chain; FO -full operation. 'I 0 495· .C4 , • Orange Co•t DAILY PILOT/Monday, January 18, 1982 NBA WISTIERN QON"IER•NC:I .. Klflc Dl¥1919 W L f'l:t. Ga ti 10 .1'1 U II .... 1 12 14 .'11 s n u .sa 6 21 1' .SM •11> 11 ?I .2" II ~tDhlt*I ,, u ... , ?O It SU Sii> II 11 .W I 14 ?• ,)6.3 II 11 u .m 12 • 21 .10 IS\.') l!ASTIERN CONFl!RENC:IE AllMtlcDMsi. ,. .157 2t 12 .... 2111 II It ·* 10 ,, ?O ·'" '°"' " ,, .01 1211> C:-tr.i DMll• 26 12 .... II II •• IV, 11 20 .'7• • " " .oo 10\IJ U 2l .)tS 11 I JO ·'" 1111> ~r•k­LO•n 109, Kamas City ti Ne• Jerwy 1os. Pl\11-ll>hl• tr Washl"91on ... Alt.nl• II I ndl•NI 116, Chicago IG:I Sullle U2, Goldtfl State t1 Oetroil IOI, Mlt ..... k .. IG:I Denver I». San Ole9o UI T .......... ~ Noga~K-lecl T""4r1'1~1 Lallen al Denver Boston at New Yori< Portland at Allanta SHiii• at Cleveland tndlana at ChlUl90 IC an~ City al Houston Oetro11 a1 u u.11 San Antonio at -..,1. takers 109, Klng1 t7 LO$ ANGELES -Wllkn U, Rambls '· Abdul·J-.r to, Nl•on 10, M. JOIW'IS.On ,., Cooper 7, Brewer •. Jorda<1 IS, McA-6, Landsberger O. McO.. ?. Tot.ii·" 1).U 109. KANSAS CITY -ICtft9 11, E Jof\ftion 6, l>o<>Qlas I, FOt'd I, w-"· L-r 1, LamlJ!r1 6, Grunfeld •. o,_ 21 Totall: q 10.1291. S< ... ...,o.a""' 31-J3 11 i.-109 Kansas City 2t n 1' ?J-t1 Fe1<1led out None. Thr ... poln1 goa11 - Drew Tolal touls -Los Aft9ele1 U , Kamas City n . A t ,11• All-Star voting NEW YOAIC -The llNll 1olall In Ian voting IOI' the Easl and West ~· In tM ltU Nallona l B .. ketball Anocletlon All-Ster Genwt. to be p1e.,..i S.-•Y. Jan. ll et the Byrne Me-wl-Arene: WISTl!RN CONFERENC:ll ,, __ I. Adrian Oantley, U!Ah, 231,272, 2 L-4e Sllelton, Sealtle, 234,330; l. Elvin Ha'l'ft, Hounon. 1,.,"3; • ~ A9U1rre, o.tta . lit.OU; 5. 8erN1rd ICl119, Go1ci.n State, IM,213. ....._ ..., -ea.ttn t ICarMm Abdul·Jebber, Los At>991n. 213,121; 2. Mo!off Ma'-, H-ton, 21'.D; l . Jeek Slk,,..., S.etne, JU,.,.7; • Atven Adams, "'-"!•. 1:M,'41. s Gus ,,._, San Antonio, Ut, 11'. ~ 1. George Gervin, SAQ Antonio, ~.t77, 2. Gus Wllllems. SHtlle, 20.371; 3 Fred Brown, Seattle. ?22,9SI; • Dennis JOl\nson, Phoenl•, 2?0,tl•: s Ma11lc Johnson, LO• At>991H, 112,Sll IASTll•N CON,ERINCE ,_ 1. Julius Erving. Pl\1t-1phle, •n.uo. 2. Larry Bird, 8°'ton, llO,ollS, 3. Joll'I\' Or-. AUenta, 207,.w.I; •. Dan Aoundt'44d, Atlanta, 1,.,117; S. ICent Benson, Detroit, UI.~. c:-een I. Artis Giimore, Chicago, 110,llJ; 2. Oanyl Dawkins. PNl-phle, 10,12•; l. Bob Lenler, Mllw..,k"~ U2,Sl2, • Tree Aoltln1. Atlanta. 121.m ; s. Ste ... H-. Atlante, 102,2'7 OUr* t lsletl Ttlornff, Detroit, 1'1,,..; 2 Hai. Archibald, 8°'ton, W .212; l. A-.el• Tlleus, Chicago, 2lS,Sl6; •. Sidney Moncrief, MllweukM, ?tS.OH; s. John L-. Detroit, 1'7,G65. Community college 1tat1 GOLDEN WISTTIHI Hatton Bowen Kln9 Devis Jacobi Everh•r1 Durham Myles Mart1110 •evl• Bradley McGee o-.A .... It lll JO.I " m 11.> .. 211 12.t 11 JU lt.t " m a.1 I 40 S.I 1' TJ S2 " 11 ••• 1 I • 0 • U l.S • I 2.0 3 l.l O•ANGE COAST 1'"111 Bffsley G.KroMletdl Alley lleldwln TllomH T. KrOllnfetdl Merkel Calhoun Hanson Mettlleu H•ttan Olmelant• 0 ..... A .... 20 Qt 2'2.0 ?O 214 10.7 ti Ill I.I ti 6l SI ?0 IOI S.• ij :: ;:: JO .. 3.1 12 It I 6 11 U I.• U II t.3 s ... • Cotleae acorH loATURDAY' LATIE RHULT Wllrttltr IJ, Clar~t·MI* 6l IUNDAY't •llULTI SyrK\de IS, Gelliiif-10 Virginia"· Clemton .. , Va. c--fttl 7', l . Alebeme 61 Mluourl "· Leui.11111• u Tulane 5', St. LCllOls Sl Santa Antle SUNDAY'l a•tuLTS lllttl9t.._..y_1ul)l •-t ... I .. IRST RAC:I. I 1/1'nlilfl. E•GetoG<-t~leYI SM> l ... 2.JO Oonald (A$1'1UdMf'll 3.60 ?.40 Mr Reactor COelet'Ounayel 2.20 Al•o raced: Hall To Alber1, Sporllnt Clas•. Talisman, Sourdou9fl l"H. Time: 1·'2 2/S. SIEC:OMD RACIE. 11Ja mltft S.olt Market (()el-wye).l0.20 •.00 l.00 Splooa 1va1 ....... 1a1 l .20 uo Pl .. Mt a. On Tlme (H-leyl •.OO Aho raced: BrllJht-11, Plreta, Pleslk Fentutlc, Senor Pafaro, Plebto .. ur. Time: l:ff21» U DAILY DOUaLll l .. SI palCI '3-4.00. THIRD RAC:E.•turl0ft9S. Aegl119 St0tm IC.S~I tUO l.211 6.00 R .. t Nolion tO.t-..yel t.20 6.AO Saluh To L.ove •Cldeoel _.... Also racee1: Beruna, Fer S.on9. ~ Trap, "'-me Arlette, Hawaiian Aoyelty, Cltlrtn Kate, Yantis, Fen<y Oency, Arctic Oeb. Time· I · tt t/S. "OURTH RACE. t¥o mle.\ s._, Ster Vincent tOt111are11 s 20 •.40 3.20 Stlnelft91y IGueM'el 7 • .0 UO MaJestlc Cour1 CCaslanedal 1.20 AllO •a<ed: Ml•I•• Le<)llelt, Cha rty N' Herrl9an, On Your Wey, Tom HaH. Time: I •7 l lS. "'"TH RAC:«. IV. mites on turf w-•-Led tPlncay1 • 00 J IO 2.IO IS••uawlu tGuerr•I 7.20 s.• Sl\em's Foot IPoercel 6.00 Al\o raced Red Crucent, Yvo•nCI, Romeo Aomanlo: Bardenac. Jlmwl, L• Due 0. lier, Sl99memM. Time· t·• t/S. U EXAC:TA 11•·•1 peld\16.SO StXTl!t llAC:IE. 1 ll t6(nltn. Crystal~ ~melerl tO 20 ._. UO LOtd AIMKa .. CPincQI s.AO o1.AO Nell.,. Betto IMcCMronl l.IO Also raced: CN•9' a.1-n, Emerald FOK , E •hlblt, Blue Juter. llerC>ereeu, Tr-el. Time· I :'3 115. SIEYINTH RACa. One mlle. Pierre Le Mon! 1v-...1e1 • ID Slr Oanc., l~«I I.JO ,, .. SM 4.Jll 1.JO Notable Au. Merl's..-• Mr. Meteu ISl~llel Also r•ce•: Speed 11111, . Jimmy The Olp, Jetrler, Pett•••· Time: 1:)U/S. U IEXACTA C4-tl pelCll 176.0ll. p "'Cit MX IS.1·1 ....... 1 Nid SU,7'1.J1 with IS wl ..... ng tklleh Illa t.ww.I. 12 "!ell Six canlONClon pelcl 1116.• wltll U. wl....,. ticket• <fl,..,__,, IEJaMTit llACIL t"-mllft. It's TM One CGueM'al 17.00 I .Jll S.• Prlncetet (INplel , 1.20 .... Rock Softly 181ackl t.41 Atso rencr~-..atvl• Tactics, Cln"", Oe m ... Slt,...,..,llM, Alrrol ..... Isl-Whlrt. Time: t:'1 lJS. NINTH RM:a. 6\.') turl0ft9' Marble Cour1 IH-ley) ti 40 1.oe ._. •·The ArQ'flt Kid tValenruelel 6.IO 6.a Amen Brother IMenal 11 20 Also r-c;eel· Matlel's Te,,.,,., Lotty L.over, llalttn Pooet, ln<orp0retor. •·HHr1 Beet, Huvy H•nd. AalH A l(ld, 8111 Screen. oenc1v wu • couoted Time t IS 11s. U E XACTA 1 .. 11 paid Ut• SO Attendenu ".JS4 Hollywood Park SUNDAY'S RIESULTS Chl9t ....... ..___, .. , f'IRST RACIE. One mite pace. Mr. H.M. (GoudrHUI t.e.40 UO .: .. 8ul>ba Haby (Aubin) 3.IO l.• Body Che<k..-lRosef!J 1.40 Also raced: M.V P . Frosty Hunter, Marquis. Howdy Star, IC atty Korner. Mlchaels Tiger, HOMly - Time: 2:02. SllC:OMD RACE. One mile pace, Jam•• H-(IC-I 1.40 l.IO 3.00 Hlllflland Byrd CT-I • 10 •.40 Cap Ollflelne IL.ongol I.JO Al\o receCI: Jau Fullval, Jusl • St'noothle, My Olrttt Knlgfl4, Arde m Perry, Cetlnul, Don Cao Star, L.C.'s &yrd. Time: 2:01 •IS. - 12 DAILY DOUaLI CS-II pelcl Soft.40. THIRD RACE. One mite pace, OIC't Rusty IVelendlftlNml 2UO t0.40 7.00 Scrumfly IG<-ml 1t.OO 6.60 ,,..,., s.-. ( L..llllUllll 1 Also reced: G•-ao,, Suftlmff Sfle*, Torrid ...... Ceptelrl J ames. Jer...,i-.,. 8oY, Doctor Don. Time. ?:Ot O/S. SJ 11 ICACTA IHI paid "53.tO. .. OURTH •ACIE. One mlle 11«•. Phoenix Jeck !Kuebler) 11.00 s.oo 1.00 Tawhal Ollef IAndenonl s.oo •.20 Ory Saek (Goudrfful S.JO Also rece4: -• Lobell, Flell1on, s .. Aonr. SllMI H_ ... ,, Loyel Lad, ArmOnl James Time· 2:01 llS. f'l,.TH RAC:IE. One mlle pace. Le~<1d91 CPark..-1 10.M> UO •.JO Josll's Choice (Wllll..,.•1 10 . .0 U O Astrid Ann 1Man9enll l .40 Allo raced: Dantes Ende-•, Kelly Vive, Spotllgllt Gal, Beverly 8romac, AllH Mac Faber. Time · 2:1111. u•x A -__ __....,,,,. - SCOREBOARD Bob ... OeMt't CIHllC ..... _...,...., •·Ed Flori, U0,000 1~7•1-:DS Tom Kite, '29.7'0 ., M" ..... m Au Caldwell, '11,700 ...._,......_,,I Scott Hoch, ,13,200 .......... l .. S-JJI Cur111Strange.111.000 67-~s-Dt Wayne Levi, H ,Sl7 ...... ,,..1 .... -MO Mark o·-•. s•.w 11.1ws.....10-MO ·Mike Reid. SI.US 10-71 ..... Ul-1'1 Calvln ,._..., '7,t7S 6,..S.lt*'t-lol2 Forres~Fnler, 11.os ... ,...1•1-n ->0 Jim B-°'· "·'IS ,,........,IWl-141 Jerry Pel• .... ru 10.IWS.IMS-ld Berry Her-I. U ,SOO ... 10.IH._.._,.. Keith Fer9"l. U,toO 6 .. 67-71 .... 10-1'6 Tom Jenkins, $.6,l•S 10.7N04147-lol1 Jim Simons, M,67S 72..._IO.IM7-:WI Je<k A-. M,67S 70-1 .... IMl-lol7 Oen Hel-..i, Sl,4'5 ,, .... 11.JMl-M JOtwl c-. Sl,..S 61·71-10-72 .. 1-.M 8olllt'JW .. IM. Sl ... S 70.lt.70-7M1-MI Jay He•, ... U 11-IJ M ,,_.., M J.C. ~. SJ, ... 5 6 .. 67·11-124'-M L.anny W .. IM • .,, .. s u .... 72.72.10-M Fr"' c..,....., u.m 11 . .,.,,.,1_.,_,.. Jim Co1Wf1, N.t<n ,,.10.lf.72•1-M L .. EIW. u ,m ., .... ,,_,,..,_,.. ko« Sl'"P191'. n.m 6W .. 1t.114t-M Jet 01akl, '2,2'2 ...... 10-1 .. 11-M ...... ..,.,-~ .. ·'!!'-tt_......,_, ''• 1.....,.12.11-a A~ ........ NEW HELMET East All-Star Leo Wisniewski from Penn Stat<.•. tries on a mini-kabuto. or Japanese warrior·s helmet. during post-game ceremonies in which he was selected as the winner of the Joe Roth Award as Most Inspirational 'Pla~·er of the Japan Bowl. West won Sunda~··s game at Yokohama. 28· t7 ttXTH llACIE. One mlle 11«•. -.Slel ,._tl.i91'1111111 1100 •.IO S.40 l!alr-dlnety 18ayleUI 6.00 l .O OtM A'-I Ackerman I • oo Alu ra<ed: Gerry Ju,.ler, !toter• Cllalleft9t, Cepteln ltn'9ftl, llrllllant Jackie, Trlckte.O..rver. Time : t:• 11s. ll IEXACTA C?..oll paid "USO Women'• tournament lat Cllo<i-tll S-....FIM t Barbara Potier def 8ettlna Buft99, 6 S, , .. I Potter wins UCl,0001 "-" ....... , Su~ Berktr·Ann Klyomur• Oef Pam Shrlver·Anne Smltll, • 1, 1·6 . ' NHL CAM"IELL CONFERENCE SmY!MDlvl ..... W L T 0 .. OA ~ ,, 12 • 2~ ttl 6l 11 JO 10 116 ?01 ~ Terry -Y. 11• 70-10-IO•l•t-1!0 Grev P~. ll,llO 71·70-11·6,.61-:ISO Monh HMatsky, 11,m 10.11 .... 10.10-351 Peter Oos'•""· \l,A33 6'·11·67·7•·10-J51 Tim Sim-. "·UJ 724'•11 .. ,_70-lSI Finry Zoeller, ll,03 11·10-6 .. 72 .. t-lSI Dave Ectllllrgr, St,013 1).l).6'.11 .... -lSI o-ee Arc...,, 11,.m 2~n.1i4&-;1S1 Aon Streck, Sl,'33 11 .. 1.72 .. ,.12-:is1 Sliffter Heelh. II.AD 67 .. 1 .... IO•lA-lSI Ed Sneed. Sl,Ql 12·1H .. 11-'t-3SI Bruce Llet1ke, 11.0.0 li-tl·72 .... 11-IS2 JOlln Mahaffey,"·°'° 10.IS .. t ..... 10-lSJ Mike Sullivan,''·°'° 6'·7'·11·1o.tl-1S2 Don Pootiry, 1129 ll .. t .12-10.71-lSJ David Gr.....,.., mt 67·11·T1*70-l53 Peter Jecoblln, mt 1 .. 10-M-ll·IO-lSJ Bill Britton. "21 12 .. t·IO-IMO-lSJ Mar• H•'l'ft. mt 11.11 .... ..._.t-lSl Mike M-y, mt 7' .. l ....... ?S-lSJ D••• D°""~i. "s. ... 11.1>-10.12-JSI D.A. WtlbrinQ. .. S4 I0.70-70-10.7'-JSI Miiier BerllOf, ".S. ., ....... ,._11-JSI 8 111 ICratr...-i, "S4 ll01)..,.70.lt-l5' Roel Curl, "S4 ... 70.7).10.IS-l5' Bud Allin, "S4 ... 7'·10-7Wt-l5' Joe H ... r.,.5' 10.l).11·11•t-JSO Steve Melntk. MOO 11.1,......1.1s-:iss Tom Purt:ier, MOO l1·1H2*n-lSS Mike McCutlogih, WOO 12·11·10.10-71-lSS Tom Wet_,, WOO ... 12·10.1).11-ID Mike Donald, WOO 10·1).71 .... 11-lSS BOC> Glldtf, WOO 6 .. 71·11-14-71)-lSS BOCIC>y Ctempett. WOO 70*1H•·IO-lSS Joe ln,,...n, tseo ... 73.71.71 71-nt Johll Schrotfler". '561 11·11*11·1'-JSI B.., cr.-.W, '561 11*1>-1H1-isr Andy Norlll, '561 71 ..... 7'·7H2-lS1 Ar>dy Bean, '561 10.1s.1 ..... n -lS1 Lynn Lott, USS 72-71 .... 11°7'-lSI Jell Mltchell, '* IJ.1"10.11-7'-lSt Mike Holland, 15'5 70.1'·11·10·16-MI x -won -death pleyolf NASl. Indoor AMERICAN CONFERENCE Chlca110 TulH T•mp.1 e.v Moritr~•f Jae k'lonv Ille Toronto Cosmos C:-tnl Olvlll• w· I s s EHien! Of.,111911 • s s l L fllct. 01 3 .100 s soo J OS 1"> • • • 6 .... cu•tc CONFERENCE Edmonton Calvery Vencou ... r 1ti..1 Color- :~ ~ l: :~ ;:: : San JOY 10 10 6 111 210 ,. s.n 0 1-.. W.......DMsl• s l •17 lOO 213 Mllatera tournament (allNwY-1 ~,., .. , Ivan Lendt def, VII•• Gerulaltl•, "'· ?•. I·•· •·2, •·• (Lenctl •ln1 1100.000 encl an ..,tomotNI•: Geruleltl 1 wlm .S0,0001. o.w.. ...... Jofln Ailte,,,.,..flleter Fleml"9 det. Kevin Curren-Steve Denton, .. ,, "l IMcEnroe, Fl...,lng 111111 M0.000; Cur,..., Denton ... It '20,0001 .._..Is Otvlsi. Portland MlnNSOla St. L.ouls Clll<•90 Winni- Toronto Detroit 11 U U Ill ISi • n 20 • 111 •• ... II It 9 1tl :t02 '3 1' 21 tO 17t 2°' 42 14 20 11 '" 203 Jt 13 u I 1~ 191 ,. s.MaY'•"-Buflelo 1. Har11orCI 1 Edm-•. Detroit • Phlledlfpllle I, llCKl.on 3 NY Isl ..... 2, Weslllngton t MIMHOta I, Otl'-S Quebec I, Wlnnlpe9 S Pltt"""9fl >. vancou ... r l Calgary S, Color-l T....,...o_ NY Rangers el Toronto T ..... .,..o-. Color-et It..._. 8ullelo et Montreat Phltao.tpNe et Ouetlec St. LOult et Vancouver Vanc~w.r Edmonton Seattle 3 _.._Olvl1I• I , I 3 7 I IOO 111 soo I 1"> ·Camel.Where a man belongs. Warning: The Surg-.on General Has Determined That Cig.,_ Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 8 mg. "tar". 0.8 mg. nicotine r-1. per ciglftn1 by FTC .method. I • JAPANBOWl Welt 21, Ea1t 17 k~..., Qw.a""" WHI 0 7 fest 1 J I Eut -DIDertol• •run I Atha lllckl WHt Kl119t run !Lahay kick) Eest -l'GAtha20 WHt Meson 12 PH• from Klft9 (Lalley lllek) East Scotl .0"" IA Iha kl<kl West • Aber<~ lrun CLallay klOI WHt Abercrombte t run (Lahay llickl A -21,000 FlotCl- Aulllet Pesi1"9 yard\ Rtturft yaro. PHMtl Punts F""'blH•IOSI PeneltlH·yarCK Wnt ?O ,. ltO 1n 2Mt.() •·JO •·l .. ,, Deep M• fllhl"9 NEW"°9tT (Alt'I Le ..... I -• e~: 1 -Ito, 16 calico Dell, ?• rnack..-el, 100 rock cod, t c-<Od. •t rock tl\I\ 10.....,.• Leck.,I " anQlers. ns roek cod. 2 c-cod, 2' ..,,., beSs. t calico ball DANA WHARfl -110 eft9ler\ St INIU, I bonito. 00 m-cke<et. SS cow cod . .ao rod< Cod. SIAL aEACH -13 an91tn 000 roe• cod, I 11"9 COO, 2 C-Cod. LONG aEACH t aet ... e•t "lerl ->6 •"9••o· 1'D rock cod, 2 <ow cod 10--1 Wllerfl 117 enQlers 2 Derrecuda, IS bofllto, lff ce llco ban. H sand ban . t hallbut, :M roek """ 3 linQ cod, llO rock cod, • cow coo. OCEANSIDE -.. anQlers • bonito, 2t -sand beu. 21 roc:k 11\1\. 210 rock cod, l1t mKk•r•t. • lAN OlllGO IH&M LA ...... ,,, __ ., ,...,., ~I -'° AftVleO 7t yell-'"' tun•" It blaek we ban, 20l yellowtall, lf7 roo cod, IJ llnQ coo. RlllONDO -UI •"91W\ • t•llco ball. 9 barracuda, 7 11119 coo, II cow cod, l,6ll roc:k cod. SAN "EDltO lnM It. LAMl .. 1 -12 •"91•r" ltl catk o bell, IS red roc:k cod, 40S rock """ (...,_ O' Calll •• tl6 an111e?· 1 ""'"• we bell, I t>arre<uda, '12 rock cod. JI row Cod Misc. Athlete of the Y11ar 'htthg The IOll to vote getters In TM Associated Press Male Alllle1• of the Y .. r award 1 John McEnroe. n 2 Fe.-ValtnLuela, S6 l. S.., Rey ~rd, 1' • Wayne Grettlty, ll s Larry Bird, 17 •· Marcus Allen, u. 1 Sebastien Coe.• I. Mike Schmid!, I. ' H•rKhel W•lker, I 10 Jim McM.I'-. 5 Wffkend tranNctlon1 "°°TULL ......... .._ .. Le_ DETROIT LIONS Announced Ille resignation of Flovcl Peten, defensive llne COUii, .to he can beCO~ •H'1tant heed coach encl OtfeMlw coorctlnetor tor the St. Louis CerCllNlls. ! I I . • :r I J Du.a a&Ao1as: ne Pettal Senle. lau aaaoHeed Uae 1l1al•I of a falH repr....UU. order •l•IM& Sue• Home lac., 1tu l.e1111ox Blvd., No. DI, Vaa Nays tlfts, by a Jlldklal officer la WalMll11M, D.C. \ L.O. Poladexter, poatal laapector I• cll1ar1e at Lee Aqelft, aaid U.at Eaeea Houe lac., owaed ud opera&ed by Jamea Waller E11ea, ••• respoaalble for bllklal Ute pt1bUcl lD exceu of *5t,• a year d•rlq Ute pHt tllree years. E11ea alle&edly o,erated a classic eavelope·a&affl•I sd1eae wllld1 lie advertlaed pa· a aatloawWe bull, seeklal llomeWPl'kers to a&aff Illa eavea.ea for 51 ceata eacll. People wllo paJcl £saea a $15 .. reglstratloa fee" received lastead lastructloas to advertise for more homeworkers. Essex also operated an alleged "newspaper clipping" scheme nationwide, wllJch he sold for S7 eacll. Essex wu latervlewed by postal las~ April 18, 1981, at wllJch time he sl1ned two consent agreemeata speclfylag that be would abandon and dlscolltlaue any further promo&loa of Ills "eavelope·stufflng" and .. newspaper clipping" operations. Essex, according to the Postal Service, breached both agreements, which resulted la the false representation order directing the Van Nuys postmasler to return to the senders aJJ mall which ls connected with the operation of E11ex lloue lac. Poilldexler added that Essex has moved his operation to Blaine, Wash. The lavestlgatlon wlll proceed la ordt r to determiDe If Essex Hoase Ille. ls contlaalag to advertise for 119meworllers la coanectloa with Ills eavelope·stu.fflag and newspaper cllpplng operatlou. --.. Law detailed DEAR PAT DUNN: Can you give me rundown of• the aew laws coeceralag drunk driving? I'm particularly Interested la the penalties If a person Is convlded. E.P., Newport Beach As of Jan. l it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle a nd• is a utomatically a misdemeanor if a chemical test reveals a • level of 0.10 alcohol in the blood. All persons convicted· of driving under the lnt1uence <DUI) will go to jail, with only one exception. A first offender convicted of a DUI misdemeanor may be sentenced by a judge to attend a driver improvement class, be fined a minimum of $375, but up to SSOO. and have his driver's license restricted for three months. During this time, he will be allowed to drjve only to and from work or the class. Otherwise, even first offenders face mandatory jail terms. monetary fines and s us pension oC driving privileges. The courts can sentence the firs t offender to jaiJ (f.Plll two days lo six months, levy a Cine oC $31S up to SSOO. suspend a driver's license for six months and impose probation for as long as three years. A second conviction carries a mandatory jail term up· to one year, the fine can range to · Sl,000, the. license s uspension can be as long as one year and if probation is granted, it must be for a minimum of three years. A third conviction can result in a jail term of four months to one year, a Cine .of $375 to $1,000, Toss of driver's license for three years, alcohol treatme nt for at least one year and three years probation. Even stronger punishment is in store for drunk drivers who cause bodily injury or death. For the first offender, the fine ranges to $1,000, five days to one year in jail or state prison, loss or driver's license for a year and probation up lo three years. "Cot a problem" Then wnte to Pat Dunn Pat wall cut red tape. getting the answers and actwn gou need to solve anequ1t1es an government and busane&S Mall yO'ur questU>n$ tq PaJ Dunn. Al Your ~nnce. Orange Coast Dally Pilot. P O Boz 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 As many LetteTS as possible wall be answered. but phoned mquines or letters not' including IM reader's full name. adltress and bwaness hours· phone number cannot be con.su1ered This column appears dally ez• cept Sunday.~ .. t .. , LOVE THAT RACKET Roscm .. • Tann er ga\'e his racket a big kiss after making a difficult shot during le.1st week's Masters tournament in New York. 'Class of '42' Cards reunited ST. L0'u 1s <APJ -Mostly they chuckled their way through a n evening dedjcated to nostalgia and merriment, but there also was an occasional sobering refl ection. They were nine members of the 1942 world champion St. Louis Cardfoals baseball team, gathering once more Monday night at a baseball writers' dinn{!r here. Toas ts were raised high to the returnees f'rom SL Louis' winningest club. "W-nhad some Cardinal spirit about us." said Stan ··Tfie Man" Musial. the only member of the "St. Louis swifties" occupying a berth in the Hau of Fame. "WE ASKt:D NO quarter ; we gave no quarter," said Musial. "I was a rookie. I was awed. The last two months or \Qat season it was like Frank ·MerriwelJ every day. The s poken word is quickly forgotten, but the memories linger on." That the 1942 Cardinals were good has been ~stablished for all time by their record, 106·48, and their cba.rge to victory in the World Series in. Cive games. Less remembered was how a young, scrappy team captained by center.fielder Terry Moore did it. It trailed the Brooklyn Dodgers by 13 games in July. Only a furious charge, during which St. Louis won 43 oC its final 52 games, attained the coveted National League pennant. JOHNNY HOPP, the Cards' first baseman for the last half of that campaign, remembered discipline and determination as importarit strands of the team's fibre. "Our s pir it was absolutely perfect," s aid Hopp. "We loved to play the game. The 1981 Los Angeles Dodgers reminded me of us. They refused to give up." Others returning with Hopp, Moore and Musial included right-hander Johnny Beazley, who capped a 21-6 rookie season with two victories over the New.York Yankees in the series . The team's catcher was Walker Cooper, s ill standing stately tall. Its shortstop was M ty Marion. now a few pounds over the lean fig that earned him the nicknam e "Slats." I u horse right.fielder, Enos Slaughter, remains bitter over his omission from the Hall of Fam e. To run team? MONTR~AL IAPl - Nelson S k a lban ia. majority owner of the Montreal Alouelles. said Tue s d ay th at if Edmonton businessman Pat Bowle n fail s to exer cise his option to buy 51 per cent or the C anadian F ootba l l League club by Feb. 28. "I ' II be running the team throughout 1982 " I Not LEGAL NOTICE Polle let I\ twr•lly Qlvtn t~et th• • ~t,,,..,totti.CltyofCosu wlll llOld a public tucli°" of l"'ed llkyclH only °" S.turcs..y, uary 6 "'' at 10 DO a."' at 1"-~ .. Pollet Otpertmt nl. " Mu• """• Ftbfc CHI• F•lr Ori.,., Cost. Mew. Cemomta R.E Ne"' CNtf of Pollet ~.G. a.,wlg ToclWlic•l 'ienrkH Pu Jan t llll!oheO Or-Cotst Delly Pltol. •. t.., 1'0-a. ' 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D . A I .L y p I L O · T c L A s \ s ·g, I " F \ 1-.M OJ'.IC&O .. llM"~a... .... -4----llt---T.5. Ne. ll·S. NcCObltal MOITUAllH Laguna Beach 494·9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495·1776 HAUOI LAWK-MT. OLIVE Mortuary • Cemetery ·.Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 ,_Cl•OTHHS -.L. •OADWAY ...,_TUAIY t 10 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 IA&:n••HON SMITH & TUTHK.&. ' WISTCUflf CHANl 427 E 17th St CosraMesa 646-9371 PllllCl llOTMllS SMmtl' MOITUAIT 627 Main St. Hunltnglon Beach S3&-6539 Free agent Speie .. . will stay with Expos MONTREAL (AP) -Free·agent shortstop Chris Speier has been signed to a three·year contract with the Montreal Expos, president John McHale of the National League baseball club a nnounced. Speier, 31 , who has been for the Expos si~ce 1977, wasn't selected by any of the 25 other maJor league clubs in the free-agent re·entry .cir.art N~v. 13. That gave him the option or negotiating with a ny teAm in either league. Ke batted .225 in 96 games with the Ex~s. in 1981 and bad a .400 average in the East Dlv1s1on title series against the Philadelphia Phillies, which' the Expos won . "We're happy to have him for three years," McHale said. "He was an important part of our competitive club the last three. seas~~s. He's a steady player al\d a solid year·round c1t1zen or our community." No other details of the contract were announced. Speier, obtained by the Expos in a trade April 21, urn. from the San Francisco Giants for s hort.stop nm Foti, has tl 1 years of major league experience. Volleyball ·sign~p8 8et. Tbe Community Services department of the City of Irvine is acce,tlns applications for the adult coed volleyball leque with deadline for entry on Tbunda,y, Feb. 18. The C dlrision teams wlll play on Tuesday ai1ht1 with A and 8 d ivisions p'tayin1 on WeclMlday nitbl A l90 depotlt must be .-id when a tHll'I applitatloa II 1ubm1tte4 with UM balance ol the eatr1 fee due after cla111fieatlon 1amea, taleallUll ~number of pmee pl•Jed. On •.m .. Ftllrwry 11. ltm at IO:DOo'clotl •t ttw front Entrenct of SAFECO tnwranct Co"'p•ny, 11S No Tlltt Bro H••Y. City Of !.entt AM, County ra1199, State of C.llfornla, 111 ltlt ECO TITLE INSURANCE PANY, a c~•tt ..... at Trvstet r ,,. ~ FOi"' 5tcwlly Land reel, e .. cutllcl llY OCEE RITCH BEVERLY AITCH, husbeftd tlld as joint ltnenh.rtcordecUtS/•es menl no. 4<M7 In book UW. Pt9I ot O SAF COM ""CM COflt and wife doc:u U67 ot Ottk111 Records In ,,. Oftlc• of the Recorder of Orange County, Call I ornla, by rHIOfl ot cltftull In ti. pay "'•nt or ptrtormance o f Ol>llQ '"°"' ---t~tt>y 1rw:1uc11no 1>re1<11 °' ctef..,lt. ftOlln of wtllcll recordlcl IOIS/tl H doc-I no. In boolt 1'1<J, -tt47 Of wkl 1•1 AKAtrds. wlll Mii at PllMk on to the lliohnt lllclder tor <.wt ,,,. .... "" OHie t lKtl In I •llh .... POI .... ewtul "-'I' Of lllt United Stein, ovt .,,., covenant or •or,..,ty, ruud or '"'Pll•d as to tlllt • wulon, or tnc-encn. tor Ult f"POM GI PtYlnt 011119e!loM ,__ ,., COflt H id L~ Form S.Cwlly L•llCI rect. IN Interest cOflve-red to wlcl IN by Mid LOftl Form St<"'lty Tr us lht ~ Contract lft llt-1Y t11 ... 1ec1 Ill County ot Oranoe . St•I• of fornl• llld deKrltled e1: C:.11 Lot •• Blotll A of Trect No. 116 •• , "'°'""on•,..... recordH 111 lloM t7, "" l4 Of Mltc•ll--Meps, '" ... t ot Ille C-y --Of Hid . .,. off IC ,_ lie ~l.enc• .,,.. "'Inlet• of I, tW -.....,_.,IS Of T cost , ..,,,...,. 17, , .. " .,. ..... ; said -1wtn1nc .. -11M11 ... o1 ..... T ht slrttl tdllren 11111 tllle• '°'" -dH19nttlon, If -· ol .. pr-rty Clttcrllltd •llen It •••• .... riiotlecttolllt: UNKNOWN T lie 101110tN 11 ..... T,,,.... d!Kltl- llHllll'I' lot lfl'I' lncorl'«l,,.ta o1 '"" lllt •'""' lddr'ftt Md°""" c-on•tlon, u "''·"'""' "'"'"· .... 0 .... ; Janullr}' •• 1'11 v Mid •N~: litOetln C. IUMICtt MYllA T. REMICK,__,. 4lflll •llt A Mt OOllHS: 2076 <>-' .... Aft., c.te. 11, CA tt627 TttffhOftt 17141 .,., 641> s c A AjltECO TITLE llUUltANCE OMjltANY, t C:.-etle!I T,.._ OOltUS! • W. WI St,..t. a.. ..,,_..,CA tt• T..__ C7WI ..,, ... J"" 9y:lt.,......,.. ......... -.u...,., ......... °'""' c-1 Oelfy ..... . ............. ,.. ... E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 1 . a· Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Mondey,Janu1ry 1'8. 1982 1 Wlher'tMotiu: ,,,..,.~Cal All real t'Stalc 11d vert1 sed in tht ~ nt'Wlpaper is subJert to the Federal Fair flous· M~·5&71 -.OFllSAU C..al w-.1o1a.-w-.r........,. ~-.. Mt> C-..-.t1111 c.i.11 .. a... ..... 11r ... r--Vallf1 =:.. ....... , '-.. "'. IAl.allllb '-11""" -...v .. ,. r::c-:· S.J .... ea.,"''"' S....4M ......... SMll IAa•• ... -.. ........... Salt IWESTUE mg At't of 1968 which makes it illegal to ad vertise. "any prcferen{'I'. :: hmitafion, or d i~ 1W1 crim1nat1on bused on :::: race. eolor, religion. llllK. sex, or national ong1n, :: or an intention to make 1• any such preferen<'e. :: llm1tat1on. or di~· :: elimination " IW -nus newspaper will not ::: knowingly accept •HI} :: advertising for r eal 1• estate wluch 1s in \ 1ola · :: limofthelaw. tltl ................ 1 ~":!: ~"s..1t :: IMOIS: Ad•trtiHr• .... ~,,.,..,, "* ~dleck their ad• ...._,Pr.,., ·.~ ....... ~= -. C-ttr1 t.oiJ Cr>p0 -_, -"' =~..:~'!';:r,n• 1: "" '-di tfy. Tht ll:::'.!.~·:.!:~ :: DAILYP1LOT oHw• i=.:r~.;::~, :i: labilty for tht flnt a..u '°' s.1, mi i1corrtct lnstrtlon llollllt tin,. Trlr l'rh U» llouoto.0 .... 1.Rr-1 1400 Olly. On111tCo Prop 2lllO ~~~°::i:O:.°" = 1--------·1 R&Nht•~f•rmt CroH~ Z1'0U Rtal l.:alolt 1:1oh••&• lU DESERTED M .. I C.tol•m"MLs MIO MESA VERDE! ._.., """"""' uou Only $127.900 bargain' ._li•f"'""""' DDO Vacant ! Owner wants =~:." ... ': 1\~'. J»i out' Quiet tree-ltned ~'-"" ""' = street 3 Bdrm 2 bath. i::=::~1· : famtl)· room. brtrk o..kaa J'llro :wo fireplace. Walk lo all . '. 642-5678 ........ Wt ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....... 1002-... P1MMMA HOMIS Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm. 3 bath. mstr bdrm, ocean view $4.25,000. West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats. remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. Ocean & jetty views. Marine room. 4 bdnn, 3 bath, 3700 sq.ft. $1 ,385,000 L.o ISi.i HOMIS Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 bath. Lge li v . .rm 2 boat slips . Sl.500,000 . Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm . beam ceilings. $420,000. LINDA ISLI BAYFIONTS Main channel view from 4 bdrm, 5 bath home with pool $1,495,000. Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dark rm, den. $1,350.000! CA1N4TION COVE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm. 4 bath, 2 boat slips S2.050.000 . BILL GRUNDY, RfALTOR a.Mu~ Cet -shop c II f e 5~::.:.1.J .. :: detai~!nf;.;~13 or mor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~H_@!l1 ' .: ~ 1 l , 11 • L r • 1 ~ • ~ fi ' ) t + 6 1 ~'*:!'· : NO ON. eqwty share. l~t &-'rw":R,. • .""" !: llll'IP buyers, 3 bd . I ba . .._.JI~ M» onl~ $'94,000 prin onl) $.ill i$ 9!!1631 _4Q.4S Kat~ agnt : .... ri!.":."' -NEWPORT BCH llSl91£SS, INVEST· EST A TE! MOil, fltlANCE 3 Bdrm 3 bath custom ::;:~.:; I@ home. romplete wuh tit' ::::ii::=> ::! rvrator furnished in 11_1 101.oa. lOal ter1o r s Spa l'IOU$ 11-1 wa111tc1• l: rrodern home rl'flec·t s llort111 ... Tfh ~ tndivadualtty or desu:n ~EMENTS, Lush landscaping sur• PUSINCALS & rounds large spa. prfre LOST &FOUND • s.ws.~. Call 646· m 1 ~~· i··- Soc-1al O•tio• -Trntt• l4$t STatSTOHACH I 00/o N.cillci AYoil Gorgl'OUS ~ br ihota1led home I blk from iwean on f'EE l~1nd unh S299.000 759 1501 or 7~7373 ENGLISH TUDOR Charm1nie home on a 101<'1} tree lined st reel Jll(I, pnde of o.,. nershtp ne1~hwrhood 3 Bdrm. l.iri.:l' .,. alk '" d osels. 2 • balh. ~unny break faSl nook. domed l't'thn,1?ed 180 Dtcyet 11\1ni.: room. lols of Ott1111 & lay •iew (·harm Onl} SI04.900 CLIF'f'HA\'E!'\ Fan 64671il tastu• \'l<'W from th•~ 3 br I r~·~tr;:rf~~·~Jo~nl·~·1~:~: r!~;!iU{~ tatntnj(' $650.00() ll'X ---~Iii-. t'lus11 el iS9 150 1 ur 1 _______ __ 752 iJ'iJ Walker Blee Real fstet11 )~~ I ~0 I SEmCES -NEWPORT HGTS CUSTOM! :mll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll~-!!!111 CGllllfrv ChonMr L.Oc·aled··u~ the b;u·kbay area. this 3 Bdrm home hai. bt-en lugh ly up- i:radt'<I f'rl•sh paint in ~•de & out al·reots the t.i ~tt>ful u se ol .,.allpJjl('r ~ew l'arpt•t. i:rl't'nhouse .,. mdo.,. and m:.,. kllrhl'n countertops art' 'o me or th e allll'nll•l'S Assume lo.,. tntl'res1 loJnS and o.,. ner .,.,II hl'lp l'inance Asking pmdlJi.~ Covered entry leads to BUILD leaded glass double door 3 UNITS! -· ent.r)' to atnum f'ormal Coontr) settm.:• t:>.i~t ms lt \'tng room. famtl) tnl>(4Bdrm2bJlhhumt· 1 1eo room and dining area plus. room tu hutld 3 Gourmet ISiand kllr hen. more umts t:x1 ellt'nt -1 2 chddrens bdrms plus. b(.alder~ bari:atn o ... ner :.'t hui:e master suite with .,.111 hdp ~llh ftnan1'tnl! 11111> large pmate suntlN·k, SIS9.000. 1 a ll no.,. : Spa with total pm ar) .\ S46 23J.3 -·must see for onl) = SHS,900 Ca II no.,.. "'""•!\ ~.Salo Rtet C.n ~· .._H.....W. lttel ~ ..... r ..... ~~i- :: 5'16-2313 ---=1 D I THE REAL ESTATERS ~.1-C•OIO-DUf'L•MA-D•~-M•A•R• :: Spacious 3 bdrms. 2 bath llO'J!I duplex JUS! 2 blor ks .,. from s ho'1>p1ng Ftrepla!'t'S. sep;iratc garages. pn\'ate patios, t010 dt>luxe throughout lkst -duplex buy 1n to.,.n al : $319.0011 Exrcllent : financin~ --- ttt• llJt tl)t -'flJt ... tilt , .. -A Dtv1s100 of lfarbof' Investment Co ~-·£ .,_,., ••• ''!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ I ~a...... -t· l«n-Yt .... lft -:=,,~-:.:oc1• : LEASE OPTION ~· : IN THE BLUFFS =:_';::'}.. -f'anlastic terms! Just AITIS, llPOITEI -$24,Wl down and $1200 o-ni per mo. Hi ghly up. All• ,,_0 ::l g r a d e d e n d u n i t I """' . f1¥1 Features: Oak planking ::::"'4"1 •1 ~ and wood shutters. New .~. ~ carpet! Hurry. call o:r.-'111 ~ ~':':. = F\11 '71$ -· '1tl J..,..c ri• J-rnz THE REAL ESTATERS ----lar .. o• O••• '13$ ='...... :: 1--c·""""-..... ·--c·1···L-.......,.. .... '1• VIOWOt5R A :g, ~~ 2 stores. 1 block to ocean °'" ri• 25'1-down. Owner will = ~~ carry balance. S26S,OOO. = m: .... ..,Prop. ...,..._.. ___ _ STAITSMAIT IN COSTA MESA Assume aJ,000 in loans _ at a mo. Family room Ce1tlll'tl cozy fireplace! a large bdrrns. Spulll· inc clean condition. Only SIU.idle it1111 •IUI a DliJ, Pilot Claulflecl M - ODO! Call 673-8$$0 ~ I THE REAL ESTAT&:RS Bluffs Lea)e option 2 br. -.ide !(reenbclt S139.500 Bkr. &l4 0134 Reductd SI 00,000 SPYGLASS BY OWNER Ot·,•an \'1l•w S.57!1,000 6 hr 41, l'HI •tl00 Sf( (t SOUnlPORT MOOEI. OWNER fl NA~Cl~t: HIGHLY VPG R.\ IJED Offerexptrt!!\J.in JI 25 Bodei:a Ba) _Call owner l_W·Oili ON FEE LAND IN EASTBLUFF fkaut1ful pool home wtlh I'll\ l11!ht S'\ It'"'' :\s wm1· S125.00U 1st at 9'1', tnll•n•st 4 lar~c htlrm~. µlus famt l) room Onl) $32.'i.OOO Call lii3 8.)5() THE REAL ESTATERS -- AESIOENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES U9U1SITI U SHAN Lido home wraps around. sparkling atrium POOL. After mormng laps relax in the Roman Tub. Beautiful ha rdwood fl oors . Entertain e rs ' dining area & gourmet kitchen. 3 BR. +den. $595,500. • IN NEWPORT CENTER 544~9050 HAllOI _,.. BeautifuJ "Ken ington" with panoramic view BR + fam rm. Great financing. Enjoy the private & security of Newport's most desirable ad· dress. $695,000. Jerry Thompson Ml·8700 (N55) OM M W&Tll Perfect"localion It highly upgraded 1 BR condo . "ter view from BR le water ri1ht off the patio. Li1ht It bri1ht for the youn1 pro· fe111onal. $81,500. Calf Susit Wela. 551-8700 (N56) • Orange Co11t DAJL. Y PtLOT/Mondav. January 18. 1982 -hrW. .J:aa11..,W. -hrW. · _._W. _._Wi -l'orW. ',_ ... _ --d•od ---d _Uo,."1d ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ••stil ... , ••• ,.. IMZ ••• ,.. ION e.NMIM IOJ4 .,.,.. 1044 ...... ,..... '"' ..... ,, .. rtv JOOO ........... lJH .... v~ JJU Ma ,..... JJ6' ..................... . ........................................................................................ ·...ft················· ···············'······ .................................................................... . ------------WMt.W ..... Vltw1 ~MOUSI U>wor no down condoln ..wPOITH6TS Two Z BAhmu .rurn or HOMEFO'RRENT Sl'Y6WS -~~ebout...a>.~ On new custom Condo• 3Br000. t Ba. largeyard ~~u~'~s~~~:bl~r~~: Two fabulous unlt1, 4~ l:t= UlllW:-,.Y!!,lae, S1~1nd 4 Bdrm. Tlburoo Condo. Ouan fr nl1hl vitw, Dal 2000 + aq. ft. 2 bdrm 2 ~Ml 076.'t,A t. Call Tim A ent988 6535 t:re1t louUon R·2, fan· .,;;/. 61• -007) !14 izs -.v,.,.._, --S7~ f t nc•od yard " 4bdrm, ram rm, 3 t'llf i,:i. Qf>tn beam <·ellin11~. OCEAN VIEW 2 Br 2 Bo ' i · tutlr financing. Only · 5 /l· s.4 Bayf~. beach, 3 Hr 2 garaae. Kids ' pets gar. 12200/mo . Evu : B Beach prvt spas ' lllt'vatora derk, yard, st'r 1t111to, DISPllATI I llJUOO. Rbt llllllkt n, -Ba . 1.23 E. 8ayfront. welrome . lJt. mo +d.,p _.7._..,., ___ .... ____ _ rt\/ & security bldg 1400,020 Sl75K. Owner 1·630·9440. Woodbrld11e 38r 2bt1, I • ;,~~ Bllboa l&land. $1 200 2000. A eat no fee_._ 8hltsCondo.38rup. l br """T J5entRllX 492.:..~-~----yr new, Low down .-as· JIOO wfnter. 11400 annual. .. l 0 down. s ba: Kltrhen R I Estate :1ume loans. Need rasl ....................... fftrb,d s213/478·3S71. lt&alla-•ltedl 24 nook 1300 U4·2i607 ea sale f/'r(.'(l atnd11 Ind. bldg. llOOO ......... ••••••••• • .... • . r lt'JSIDE MISA ••01 SUcCESS REALTY I llq. ft Ideal for owner· CoroMdll M• 3222 HOMES FOR RENT JBR. 2BA. Pvl Loe: 2 t.M 3bdrm.2bath.tr11lc.cllil 549.7991 uaer. Xlnl S.W. S11nt• •n•••••••••••••••••••• 3 8drm1 1$76•1125. Pooll, friJe, W/D, NB. ~EAlESTATEEXCELl..ENCESINCEt_949, $1195QO ~11ru11e. A·I t'Olld . ------noWMll Analoc.Paulto~ranklln 2 8R.2 BA,oeean vlew. F c n t•('d ya rd s ' .io11tL.utSttDt p $134,500. Own~r wi ll n · Lag1Mltedl I 048 Pri• LM ..... 1 752·~1!.l ___ pvt. brb., SI 100 / mo gara11es. Kids Ir pets 1141.&,,12,'1eo-903St"vn . · COMI WITH US ••• TO IA.CIC IA. Y. Owntt will f.ttp. lnanee. slst in r1n11ntlnM: ••••••••••• .. •••••••••• In Newport Qe11l'h 2308 Loh for S. 2 200 780-113112«673·7197_ __ welcome. l•t mo + dep. 28 R C d Ad 11 Immaculate four bedroom, three bath 3 Bdrm plus spu. call by McCerclt, Rltr. ~>'~N~~~~. M2~u~~~ Cliff Or. Unique 2 bdrm, ~ .. ·••••••••••••••••••• 2 br, frplr. patio Nr ~2000. A entJ1cill!:_ ComDle:~A · Nr Ho~11 home. ExceptioJlal family homv lth 00.9161 541.7729 seeurity. 1, mi P\1 bch l ''1 ba. larae llvln11 and BUILDEIS Fashion Island 'ocean. 4BR Condo. t 11BA. 1625 1125 Mo. itt. List• Dep: very privale backy ard and pool. + fishing pier Cedar din. area. Exrellent 50.lease.64().ll7] -rro. tst, Lu t' Dep. No NoOoga. 768-1833 S t b d d b th Bay, Lido. Pen .. Dl:e;in y......_eott M 2 8 r 1 bit Pets. 768·7633 epara e e room an a can CoU;ige l~pe. redwood View. Enough spare to -• es• r . rp <', ·in s, . ----Harbor Vlew Uome1. 2 a ccommodate wheelchair< Flexible llG J STOIY deek. pool. guarded bulld 1420.000 MUST R· lot, 3 11nitt, bldr's gar4e, Adults. no pets Exclusa\•e 2 B %"; Ba pl, Br. Den, frpk. large financing. $199,700. t.«ated in the Mesa del i:ate. ad Its uni)' No SEE! · permit. Sell101' trade for g .644·7809 spa, tennis. aec gate awhpmlng pool. jacuuJ. Mar area, 1• lose to ~s SW.~. d9·3816 s.I0-5135. 979·6881 finiJhed project. Lr& 38R, z•,BA. F~m Clme btarh ~. Aft S 2 u r t araae. pri vate 1617WISTCl.W DI. M.i. Hl0 7JOO• srhools and 'hoppln~ A.Lot --: ---• Rm. Oen. Din Rm . .!!!.131111 loc ation . in r id s ____ --------1lu 4 Bdr,m beaut~ is For "Uttt• S.Ca-.te 1076 tei t•o--. Frplr, Patio. 2 Blks rr 4bdrm.21,ba.3,100 sq fl. •ardtner. pool u rvice. -~...a..<4>4ft4F.ax..a-"" • •• • .-,.._-.. d ' I d d " b Just nght ror a largt' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Orean, Renl/Lruse. gar ene r anr u e A.vaJI. Fe . I sl. .---------------•I 1 S MILLION S fam11> <:on•rrd 11:atio 1 ane + bldg site. gent MOTHIMG DOWM lnort 2400 SJ.00640-1484 -Oose to schools, shop· /mi. 770-0347. and trl't'S. New on thl' I~ slopmg pan·el short N ••••••••••••••••••••••• pang. park. SI 195 da b r ·1 ~ I O.,.m.ity for Sale mark~ at SIGS.000 Call th!1Lan1·e from tennis & ew large 3 hr, <X'ean Pal m Springs 167. 700. ColtaW... 3224 770.9179, e\· 840-6203 Eastblulfs 4 r. am1 y ll41 Linda Isle. Newport s.at-1151 beal·h. Ownr has in ".l~~S2i!90 mo ~5·9911 Turn Key Tennis Condo ••••••••••••••••••••••• room. lge yard. 642·5161 Be a·l' h . c u s.t 0 m l'luded plans ror t·ustom s.toA.M IOIO on Golf Club Dra\'e. c.1 Property 2 Br 1 ea. 3 .... + DN ..;:or.:..640-;;..=.::;.81o;;Wl""----- waledront home . \1lla $175.000 Spel·· ••••••••••••••••••••••·1 714/32().9~4 or 568-3113. house in hi2.h.. traffir Nice interior. 11 m1 to Bluffs Condo. J BR. pril'ed far below ma rket ta1·ulan lt'WS! 10', down, 2 Br 1 B:a 1•011· BKR. area or WestsiCJe Costu bearh. No smokers 212BA, New Crpl/Paint. for quirk sale. MAI ap· MISSION REALTY do. like new. Isl fir l0t·. PALM -SPRINGS. 10x48 Mesa. Terriril· for Anti• ~mo 963-7~ 2 car Gar. Frpk. $980. praasal $4.4 mi llion · ll!ll ... !1111111!~-~---1 494·0731 iiatio, S90,000. Im med M H Awning ~· park. que Shop. Ac·rounting CHOOSE YOUR CRPTS Wkdys, 732·3383. Eves & Redul·ed to only S36 1_,000·w... SP AC.:IOUS 4 Btlr.m 01·r upa n cy ow n r Death. Make orrer-. Offire.Law Otrire,etc. Act by Feb.lst.3 br.2'i Wknds.640-8836 \\ I :-l ! '1 \ TAYLOR CO. 1 n .. \ 1. 1 u 1 ; ...., '· 1 • , • 1 , , -11 i . llG CA.MVOH CUSTOM . Elegance & d ig'nity in this Majestic Colonial Mans ion loc ated on the 8th green of golf course. Top quality cr~ftsmans hip thruout with finest woods. abunda nce o f importe d martVe, crown moldings, 6'h baths, air c ond., 3 we t bars + more. Luxurious mstr suite plus 4 other bedrms with· private baths, banquet siz~ DR, f;im rm and billiard rm. Call for appt to see or a colored brochure. $2.150,000 including the land. W1SL1Y M: TA.nOI CO .. IEALTOIS 2111 S.. ....... H• loed M~"""'w-'POl...wlT ... CINTa, tU. 644-4' I 0 DH WATEl-fULL VU + POOL s.c.Hy, CG9 ........ pool md boClt sip ......... 2 bt•u-. 2 1tattt co-op .,.1m.t • Newport. All bee.tin Ntrealt $285,000. ·BEACH COTTAGE~HARMING CW, 2 llllodll to oc.._ OWMr Mt of ...... & .olfyliled to Ml ... 3 bed. 2 M. ..... $136.900. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. REAL ESTA TE ~ Rtn..a> p,_,v ~ 2436 w COM! Hwy 315 Mlr1llC IM ~ &.c:h 8.-io. blond Hl-l4M 67Uttt mE 111111 ILlllS CD. OVER 57 YEARS OF SERVICE llG CANYON N e w L istin g B e auti fu l ly Upgraded Dover Unit -Sin gle Story 2 Bedrm 2 Baths + Den - Bright.i, Cheerful Decor -SP.E?cial Wall wverings -Shows Like A Mode I -O wne r W i II Carry Financing -Enter ~Y West G ate, And Check In with Guard. Price, $4 25 '()()(). ® --......... ,, 1•111 •2c_,...ta.._ · ,....,..c~ STAlt GA'ZEK11~ -.-..;--.---If CLAY l. POUA tt r-o.i,~~ ~ V Aue,J••t ,. ltl• S#e" To d•••lop _.•09• f0t Tuncloy, read-en tormj)O"d"'Q IO~ of ,.,... lodlOC bltlh ·~ 1 ,.....,,.., l 1 t••t ., ..._.. ,.. ll-'"-,,.... .):)"4 AWtloeil • ,....,.. .)tC..'litl .. Of ..... •l-.-.... IN!d ·-·-10. ,,_,... tlllltl ·-·· -~ ....... tCfliOOM ltHH ... ,~ 1qw-,._ ""-H ...._ •UI t """' 1tLOtiM •1Yw. nCMt 1:&.:..;.;..:':':"'"1 " • ... ., , 009" ,, .... U YMt "41~ UfllOty ,,,.. .;,..,.. ""''"'' ''°"" .. _ ,., ... 11n. .,.,., "' .... , •• ..,. .. ,0 110N "..... ..lillll1• """" 1=-::.:..~=i ,.,.. ~Oot... .,.., 11 h H ,,,,... .,~ UY..., UAAO UYo. n,. UI• II""'°' '''""""' ~°'~ • ., .... ,. JIM MO. llr-.. .. ,... •O.. .--.. p<;~=--1 ,,_ ., .._.. 111°""'t Jl'f• MVw ..... JIA ,._., .. tioiit ..... .,.., ........ . ... GJGool @ Ad'<•>< f).r!..t w:::· ~~~lA-a£~s· -----~ '9 QAf L l'OllM ................. " ... ..., .,....._, ... lie- ........ lout .... -· H E S I F T I I I* I I KEJRY I: I I' I I . f T 0 F U' l l ~ Mu: "Hey, Mebtl, oo out r I end ... II tt'I ,.1n111g " Metlef· I I f "I oou 11ett• ldN. L.t·, wi --...... -~~..,Ille dot In and .... --.~ DOSYDH . .. , ... million. Seller will c·arry v•• " ho m \''· ex l'l' u L 1 '' l.' fil5·~! 551-Jae} ll63-03lfl Xlnt parking. Will dis· ba. 2sty, $850/mo 2 br, 2 Big Canyon lovely Dean . :.Jyear fi nanl'ing !11100, 131/20/o lMTEIEST ne11thborhood. White O..t cuss remodeling to suit. ba. S150 /mo Super built Dover model. 1 Room for3 lari;:e yiu·ht s 'NO QUALIFYING!! watl.'r \'1ews. det·ks. spa, OlhtrReal ht.te .._ofC!f!"'Y •sso 1Approx. 900 sq. ft. ex· bea<'h & near·shopping story. 2 Br. 2 Ba. Dining Indoor, outdoor pool spa 3bdrm. 2bu. 1600 sq. rt.. i.auna Pit'lure yourselr ....................... rropetyy & rl ud in i: t he y a rd. toe. Call 960;:2471. Rm. or Den. (Approx with retrat'tabll' roof n·rrulll'll~1 k1tl'lll.'n. I~ ... in thisone.$695,000. MobileHo...s ••••••••••h••••••••••• S500Jmo . 548·544 2. BR 2 8 r 2 tB sq rt > outside unit. U nder~ru un d wine uld l'1Jrp1•t throughout. L VI• RE ForW. 1100 MIMl-IAHCH 770.5629. 4 ' A, p. car gar. $1500 /mo . 644·5742. nellar parat• <>u•·t Sl50000 OW(' ·'l'fD r ~ OC)e • 9+ arres. 1n Murr1'etu. -----fencedyd,patlo $750lmo 7"""""" ' .. c ,. cs . ' n . OI' 497-1761 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jbdrm, 112ba. ram rm. days 891·1941 __ .,.-...,, ___ ..... _. __ __, __ _ ANO-maidis-quarters . .i y rs at Sl520 mo OCEANFRONT l\lo<lul ar inl'ludlng 2,000 s.r. dln rm.den.frplr.2t·ar _eves/wkn~160·04S3 World's most romunt11· !Nmand f. Sidt• un •a nr Nt!w Landmark est ate Type Homl's. 24 hr farmhouse. lari:e barn. gar. 56151mo. Isl +sec·. master su11r overlook· SA. Country t'lub. Cull -l~sq. ft. U1U1Urpassed Sl'{'Urity, ·~mi µv i bt·h 1mga11on well&i:aral!e. A\'ail now Debbie : SHHH !lr$3br.2baw/ ing entire harbor J(.ff (ai,•tl m.i1493·311ti \'ICWS.Quahty &in no\a· + fishlnf.! pwr Cl'dar $50.000 down. & O.W.C ~O'l gar.pat10.pool S600 IA.YFIOMT 2 story. 4 + bdrms. 2 ba ths. f i r e plare. gorgeous view. Pier and slip. S3000 per mo. Avail. Feb. l Broker cons1dcrat1on RV ACCESS lion Sl.100.000 F111an1· i1>1ta"e t••ne, rl'(lwood al 12•, Tot al pril·e. ---~---~Rf.l!TA~ 750-3314 ... 11 R k Bk I Iii '' d " ',. s o d Close lo So. Cst Plaza 10 see ca 11• . r 1111: '1\'a1 a l'. ~ons1 er dt'l'k. pool. "Uardl'd 185, 00. 9 a Jat·ent 2 Story, 4BR. 2•2 BA, 714 7""'7292 · G t I t I t / T D .. I bl Greenbrook Home 3 • t .,.,. anytime rt>a 1·orner 01·a 1110 111 , caSl' op 100 ..:ate, adlts only Nu unes a so avaala e formal Din Rm, Fam '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111!!!!!!!!!!11-•I ~flt>S.i ct1 cl l\I ;i'r .i Uclrm . I l'radt'S A.,1, 49!·~ II~'!! Sill.900. 499 3816 4.52·8777 170'll :!· ~.~~· u;~1~~mi~~~J rm, 1825. 846·~ WA.ITIMG FOi A. IA.IGA.IM Rare rham·e to own a 1'0mfortable 3 Br 2 Ba Harbor \'u on fee land for onh: S2R950 Ca II· now! . RCTaylorCo ...! 11'1 am 1 \ run m. · n t•" O\'"'RLOOKI NG .. k11t·hl·n· ap11ha111·l's. Im c. ~ ' 10 X !lS Rua th· raft. * •60" TOTAL yd. BX> mo. Sl .200 dep tWW• I \Ur<l F II . , MAINBCll i\shwnocl Ii: rm:.. " 99Z_~a_mat1on_ 640·6140 H.tl1• c > · u tJrlt l' 2lw!rm 111 a pn1·el('ss lix· ~tura"l' Best ofrt·r IJOWN PAYMENT -U t2.000. 751 3191 . fur onl.' ..,10,000 Call 7..,,_,,,,.;, 3 br. 2 ba. el(>(· kit. dbl ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,. iR'VoRt t d 4 Br.Humboldt lslafld I ownu 732 9840.S9.S·Hl3H 7X..:~' IS houses. :ill gar .. on qwet t•u e Sal· jll!ll!!l!!ll!!l!!ll!!l!!ll!!l!!ll!!l!!ll!!l!!ll!!l!!!!!~I I Ox•o X"--1--I 1n Mesa VerAe :$725 mo w 40' dock S2200 mo -•-& '"" ..-run as apt 1·omp ex 'f I , Htwport-ach I 06' Cabana. S800 6411137K Pl.tilll\e t·ash flow. <.:all + S:iCIO set:. Dys 645 2284. }TY Newport Hts .. fr'esb &1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• , d .. ._ _evs966-2896_ , Waterfront Homes. lnr clean 3 BR fplr lge C:.C...rcial IOI' {'.al"l. ,. 631·1400 • • ' O [Ui1 ~ BR. 2 BA. adults no ------yard. $850. 646-1220; Property 160 ~i \\\lodbrldtc pets temp.fl.'ntal 3 6 mo: lniM 3244 542,5200 HEWPOIT IEAC ss1.:ioeo 19th_~ 95J-0899 _ WOODBRIDGE 1~. Ba. Condo. Frp!c. OCEAMVU &POOL ass ociated ". . . ' . . ... . l2U Be~~.~~~~tll' & run·I~ lan1lsc·:i11t•d I llr hom1• on 1·ul 11t• ~.11· Sjia1·1uu!'o rooms \'1l'W or ... _______ •I J.(olr n1Ursc• from prnp'l;r -l) Ownt•r asi.H1tl.'1I Like new. lr.: 4 Rr w liu nus r m . On I> S-129.900 Assum1: 11 i '. Call Patnt·k Tt•nor•'. a..:l 7~·1221 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ReilCIJ On Monrovia St near ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beautiful upgraded 3 Br I II h · b • 3 Hr. t & . + ramll)· rm. 3 Bd oondo. ground fi r gar.age & rar ~rt. patio, J,J: \ 1s1 ahty C 3 1m llarruu P1n•).lrvlM uni't, bea·ut d""Or, Ir" pool. jaruu a, sauna . ()·ean "icw t20 ft rron ).!arage. lgt> yard. S600 '" ., 85 c II 2 73 1 ta).!e. Use existini: L>uilcl led Estate .!!l!..!SJ & last. 752·288L _ p:iuo areu. S675/mo. No /roo. a 77 • I · rmanl'lni; Only si :ro.500 l'11ll now !17!1 $370 ALLSTATE REALTORS in.:ol'4000s£t rt.urliu1ht &~ 2800 E1Sidecute l8r.cotta1<:l'. pets. Craig lSuian 4/5Br 2Ba.Fam1ly rm .. 10.000 sq. rt Ownl·r Wiii ••••••••••••••••••••••• yard & water. $4 15. Isl. 631-0213 Dinln& rm .. 1 block from t·arry $715.000 fiJJ 7300. MEWPORTIUCH +sl>t'.Sm{!leormarnt'd N.H. Hi g h School. Rt!altor. <.:us tu en t: s t alt• 1 n <'OUJ>le. submit on pets. SI 0 0 O I m 0 A g en l .--------•I llurhor RtclJ.:l'. $SOOK 8.S7-ro40 ""'54-"'l;;.;;,6032~"'"· ----- Oh\'l'nh:.i1n Ram•hu San t~IWI) trartdor rnmm 'I. E. Sid'c 2bdrm, new thru· Spar ious house with IUU.D YOUI DIEA.MI Oose your eyes and im agine yoursl'lf on lht• sunite~·k M your own rustom bwlt home nl•:lr the.orean D1sl'OVl'r thr personal sat1sfa1·t 1on of tlUldi nl? your dream on l!:as U1lurr. S24~.-ilOO ~bdrm. 21,ba. Ir..: > rtl. $207.000 JSsumahk IJ' • l~t 1~25llil ,fil0Kl0i this land 111 Corona •ll'l I ________ _ Mar. sou t h or t ht• YACAMT 1.lllADY CUSTOM DUPLEX la Fl· t 4S Mil ll l'Xt'l'l'I lancl, TO'iwr • Owm•r 0 u t . f 0 r m., I din , Twnhome. new 3 br. 3 ba. SWlmming poo1. 3 Br. 2 I l•rrns R Ha f 1ta h I. 673 G470 breakfast nook. 2 c·ar patro. ~r. Pn k. pool. Be Family-flfl. frpk---+ ~H42.S.~'i21i237 W.ml., I.ix shl'llt!r" St'll )tar. yrd . .:rdnr $675 J.!lt".1975 mo.833·9057 2 additional ut ilit y highway. Pnl'ed di F'nr you to n1t1\e into I lirt·.it lo1•a1111n ll>lh Ex«l'llent ramll\' homl' in l\h-sa \'t•rdl' ·1 Bdrm. m.in> t•xlras. su1·h .. ~ family room rl1n111 • I ll<1h.1n lilt• rlnor:.. oak room Sl73.750 . i: 1 •·.ib111t'l~. mU'ru "J\ , •• C--~--·· /T m)l':)carnew triµl t•x S-16-~. TheL.akes lBR Lost Con· lbdrdm s Nd lrely --••IUMS ow•· or t•nhan).!I' t.oqu1t~ fnr E~-;d~ -t'M 'j Bd "' Ba I do. Tennis. Pool. Spa. an SC a Pe · a ut o homft for IGh 1700 mndo or' Ownt·r. ,\It 7. S800 pr mo . Cllll Rbt Sauna On the Lake spnnklers. Sl2501mo . .<fn· '7S.l41 I \ .i 1· u u m s \ ~ t t' m ~ . 642-520Q fll"l'lll.ot•l'. sund1•c·k. aml A PETE BARRETI .. REALTY I ll1'k'h mun.· AML'STSEE " CN1wr\ nlO\ 101: clUI of I :.tall'. \:.!>uma bit• . or I "1ll 1'1Kt.~ult•r all I) l)l'!> ol ••••••••••••••••••••••• · $525 D 7 52 8200 rids gardener & pool Lt•1sufl•Worl1t l'omlu For 714 7600734 · Mill1ken63J.1266Ai:t ays · · servire. 640· 1327 . Salt· B' Owrll'I 2R It. U DC HANGER ~':_t'S S59-9S8l ~1811. Of fire 759-6597 WA L'iii:rad1'ft l'Jrvt•b ha:; offln> 51Jal'l' for rt•nl IEMT ALS 3 BR 8 · C:rc•.it \'1t•w Sll5.000 Cl·nt•TnboM 1 2 Br. I Ba S700 1 e • 3 A, ocean \'lell'. il4·s.IS 7101. Mun l''ri 957 ... 0•7 2Br.2Ba S8SO 'nu r&)ls. gar. quiel area .. & SlOOO mo 631·~ Ks 714 i7().833t . J 5PM I·-~ Lt-"-581 Park or: $750 mo 3 Br. 2 Ba S8SO --u 8R 3Br. do~ & kids OK Le.Raisor RH~ 833;8600 11G CA.HYON ' l111.int·1111: or l'X1·han11c• 1--------· 1 Dun't m1:.:. this ont•. unh MO MOMEY DOWM s:uo.ooo t.:ull nuw f1ir ronffRY Cl.LIB F.sTATI-: J Bd JBa Nt•ll l'un(lo l.uxu11 Dt•rnratm Extra~ SllJ>.000 ~7 :n;!; WClllhd 2900 Owner549·204.2 . Ram·ho San Joaquin. S u pe.r b 3 bdrm ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lrl! 48R Exel· St~ le \lt"W o( ~off <·ourse 2 townhouse on golf CONVALlSCDIT Home lo Preferre<I bdrm. den. 2 car iiar ('(lW"5e for lease $1200 HOSPITAL I !Us1dent1al Area. CM S895 640-~ • rmnth LOO K ING FOR ,\ DUPLEX? 719 Margoerill.'·3 + I 126 44th St-3 + 3 6091ris 3+3 i\wro:< Ibo lk'lls Oran.:e ·Branct New. Carpets. Woodbndiie Chateau. 2 Co &M~~ Drapl'S. & Point hr. 2 ba l'Ondo. end Spar 3 br. 2'.2 ba. ,·ery • 1 Tlfruui:h<n.1t F:'<'r~ i:ar .woodburnin~.frpk. dean twnhse. Pool.jog. i.e .. Property 2000 ...... I Room & W1nctow ·' 3 l'a r tennis. pool. I blk rrom etC'. S750. A 54~.14~0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Gar. Fenn><I Ba1·k Yard lake . Pr of. dt'i·or. OWC w/No Pyiftb I rmn·dl.'la1ls 979 5370. 3 br. 2 l>a homt· Li:1· I A LLS'rA TE ))WI. 1a1· 213 S9i 0~21 I _ I l't .... rt 2 BR 21, 11a 1·11n1l11. h\ rm. • REALTORS 644-7266 1h111• rm . 2 l':tr ..::ir. o•Ht I I' r m ~ s I :I I . II 0 0 \i,1 """r \rl fi, li12 :!li t:I INCOME Hc.Mshniilhed Gardt>nini: St·n •i·e. SfOI 997 2 WOW!! :~~r~:.?~i:n Orangl' Trrl'. Watl!r mo.: ·314 Won ·1 last! Nt'wport ,ROPERTY ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pets Subjr1·t to Ap Wooci)ridoe-Hew t'resl townhouse. newly I Exqwsilt'4 hr5bu.nl·ar l SPECl"'LIST .c.°"°"°••••••dtf•····M··°"··••3••1•2•2• pro\·at. lmmt•d 0<·1· 2lidrm.cll'n.n il(hlyu11· redee.3br.21:.•ba.Walk Lincla Isle. 1nl'l u1frs "" 1'Kl\M ' I h t pn\<lh' dtl(·k liO' on thl' Uµ.:ra<h'<I 2Ur 2ba. ~ arcl. Si..wu _ o. 957-11974 gracfrd Single st or~ to teat· .,. tennis. poo . 615 In s 3 + 3 Nt•" r 11·" T11t. nhurut" 2 510 A\'O<'adu 3 + 3 1 ~la~kr ~u1t1•l-1,1! rm~. rro111 h.n ~.000 down. Sd<'\'I from J 19 unit~ c· a rpo rt , n 11 ii 0 i: i. F:astside Condo 2 htlrm . F u 11 ~ ~ h u l I c r l.' d spa Mmi 0<·ean \'lew. ' & as.·suino $750.000 al Tt•rnb a\<lil.ihlt• lo ~uil $7lS \ .73 1181 1•~ ba. rireplal·r & l(ar Flreµlarl' ,\lnum Near i\\':hl. Feb I S950'mo. I 41 l Dahl1 a 1·011cl1n 1lhl1· t•ni• ..:ar Dl'IUH ma~ bl.'~ roo.,t \'1t'" 111 On·an & 12•. "·'" .;;.,, I . mo 1 1:1 6 ..,Cl\ c.u """I po o I an 11 t l' n n 1 s yr lease Children ok '""' .,....., )eturnct'I s HMllfiac)tOlt hoch 3140 ~mo:.....,.,,.... . S9iS mo No t> t'l s &t0-1644 R~uc~r J ....................... , Wests1dt'. 2 BR. I BA . M2·0660 3 b 2' b d 30· Call for mro lli5 5~11 m..:ht h..:ht!\ Qu11•l \n·.1 Parks. Ollt'n i.µ.11•1·~ $137.IXXl. SIM\l,(J()(t ll <tl 111' COLE OF ...wflORT' Pm &ut·r Al(b !ii3 731J() ICU ICU. ·, LO\'f.LY 2BR 2 HA Ca l . d~ro ..:ar. frnn'ft l>a<·k b r. , a rh~ hi w MP .it 527o.ooo IUR. • C1~u· "· •. ts d w 1 yard. patio. washtr1L.-leach 3248 oat slip. ig ~ UP · ·2•iBA. 1wol. S2~0.000 CC-CD fu. Ii: ~;(w rr~ll .fr<•<-s. '1 dr:ver area. i·arpeted & ••••••••••••••••••••••-gradlled .. plush r rpt.s &I MAI.TORS HtlLC-MwJ. c..-...... 875·55tt 1006 ••••••••••••••••••••••• insert 1 rule IYOWMER ISLAND'S MOST CHARMING SGL RF.S 3 bdrm + Ion. Frenrh doors & windows. Finest appomtme nts thruout ., 214 Amethyst. Open· Sat t lH . Own agt 673·8585 !Jl§ert i rule ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3PREMIUM DUPLEXES 2 8d · + 2 Bd, steps to beach. Assume 1270.l>OO in loans, Asking s.199.000 4 Bd + 2 Bd. newer bldR. So. or Hw y. Assume S340.000. Asking 1449,000 3 Bd + 3 Bd. quality un· its. Assume S290.000. Asking S389.000. Contart Darrell Pash. agl for rmredeUils. 631·12166 HlllllMcJl•leach 1040 (Nn A~'l 955·0l!09 . Cl ~. • " · · draped no)Jt'IS S475 mo 2BR S700. tst Last Afll'r wa C'O\trings. A'ai · ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCEANFRONT Pn' alt' '" rat.10. grdnr.;bsh dn . S411-S44:ior770-!i629 6 p' M . 4 9 ~ 3 4 8, 3 . mo ·I O· mu. S 1200 ':l{)LO SA F f. l'UI 11<' i.a1· hoffil' 3 BR I Ba ro.>m n..:. min 10 · paano 1 -~ 213·4$.6080 851-ID!M or67S·l9311. '-714 641-0763 SIWX>.1146-8782 Upstrsduplex. 2 BR. I BA --strt'ti 1i. thl· 1dl'al l0t·a for add1l1on Strµ from 2925 College /\\e I-...._ ... 31 .. 8 <'!Ill! drps. rlosed J.(ar. no Spertarular mountain Newport Crest: Z 81". loft. t1on forth1~1:ral·,•ful thebea1·h B~ owner l'osta Ml'Sa.CA, .....,---•" .. ktds.orpets.S450mo Sel \'tewhome.3br.2': 2 12 Ba . frplr . Ml'rt·d1th Gar1flonl' OWC F'el' land ••••••••••••••••••••••• 548-S442orTIO·S629 ba.3000 sqrt.SJ200mo pool spa s aun a hom.• .i ht.'firooms. 2', 714 642 3215 Jbdrm. 2ba. ulll pd, xlnt --~ ~1166. 499 .us2 Le~S875. 675-591 l . -- baths. formal 1Jtnmi: ,..,....,.....r1 Re-ac·h duplev. ·-"'V"LLEY Ot•ean \ u . frpl<' 2 8'.rpts drps.l l'aq iar. ---~-. -3BR 28 ... Culde Sar Lrg "~ ~,.., ~ Arf"1& "" BIO mo until June 30 no pets. Must ha\ e re Oean 2 bdrm house. 111 · n · · · room. ervopble fam1I~ 4 bdrm & 2 h d rm . Ta SIMlter -194.7334 585-9742 . rereoces. S450 mo. Isl & I <.:entral \'1 llu11e Sm Yrd S8Z5 mo. Kids & room :ind r ra1·khn1: s:;?M.000: ~.ooo down Near new 4·plex 2 . last+ SIOOden.646 5637 j ~ard & •'ar $750 month ~s OK.645-78l8 f1re11la1·t• Lo\\ matn OWC balanl'e ;it .13', bd 2 b th h ...._ rt •---a. 3169 'cL:.. " tcnanre yard 1s all pla~ 6•1., .. .,..7 rm. 3 eat unit NwpOF-~ 4 -.;-31, --d -497-31198or49"·25i6. Newport Heights large. ,,._, with fireplare enr lost'rl ••••••••••••••••••••••• · a ron °· man~ ---rharming 2 Br. 2 Ba nowork' Rt>lax1n1:vat10. JUSTR~UCEO patio garage ·9~ ... Isl UOO ISLE r harmmA 4 amenities. S800 D~s Forme r model Niguel frpk. dbl gara"e. larae sp11rkl111i: POOi. und u ..., Pos ·,·ash flow Now bdrm, 2•, bath. lrA sun· _!19·3335: evs645·2439 Shores house 2 Br 2ba. .. .. hol bublihnu SPA! Cul $200,000 $159,500. Bill Grundy. ny patio. t•ompletely up· 38' home, 2Bll. (rpk. lg rpt,s. drapes. yard. Gall' ~;a7r5 d 111:. 054 ~ .~ls~. de 5al· £1M~t $240.000 Abandoned . Spyglass . Rl tr 675-6161 ~aded. Sl100 mo Year· \'d Good tor & quiet Auard: Nr pool. tennis. 642 __ ·08.W . Call for an appointment. Hill OWC straight note. ' -ll:_8111 Grund . 675·6161 ar~a. S700 mo. 673-6210 bea<'h Adlts S8SO lse. ------- 979-2390 1\~.643·~ ~ $155,000 BACHE-LOR -C-ON DO~ dYS.orS7l·2'49Jc\'es Owner499-3638 EAWIND. Exel·uti\·e 4 TAltl&a 1 REALTORS '~a1ed 1n Costa Mesa . ~----bdrm P o rt o ft n o -------TRADE UP TO l:i 2 Bdrm 2 Sa un its f\Jr.n.. beautiful clbhse Sharp J br 2 ba. vool spa. L..Jilla Mic)IMI .3252 wrrabulous dew! Ex· ~~O ~OOL/NG . ~ysT HARIOl llDGE are great rentals. They fac1I S575 mo. t213 I Ch a rm g Io w . lo! a r. Ex;••;;;,•Jb•;:r"u';,•;;~·3• 11anded and remodeled. wl~~~ n~rs3 Cor~::. I will take your r urrl'nl have patios & go rattes. 43J.Olm, t714l 96J-9373 Iv ca~pet /drapes. n.cw t·ar 1tar. \'i11w. nr o1·u n. ldtoal for ramily und en- lot. VA1FHA wt•kome . equity in trade. 3 BR 3ba Assume 9SK 1st loan and ms · ---;-~lth~n. Close to e\er-SU~. 97_4~20. tertalninJ.(. SHOO. Alli Bkr !M9·0709 + d c 6 4 4 -6 4 2 6 OWC2nd f\im MOBILE HOME ~ I h 1 n ll No II e I s · --6J~·J,!B..8. 67~61J!O _ t·ourtes; to brokers. . . Cannery VIilage. 2 br. 2 Sll951mo. Isl last, ssoo. Lar~ 2 BR. 2 BA patio BLUFFS 3 br. 2' ~ ba. S89.900 1·~~ ma kt• it . --ba.pool.Adults.nopets ~~~.:.7~-home. 4 yrs new. betim den. pool. i:ood lot·. you rs• <.: arminA 4 Fantityh-.-pool S750/mo. yrly. 673·3685. Beau. 2BR 2BA. dbl l(ar l't'tlings. Com m 11001 & SIOOO A1tt 6H ·n368: bdrm super firrplacc 3 bdrm with separate 525·1648. or 8·4:30. xlnt area or c M Ml.'sa 5P!·J2...50.646,:9880 "".-O•H WON 'T LAST Bkr r ii d b h ...... ~ am yroonr an al . 1·77!1111~1 VerdeS6iS~2·794.9_. MisU.V'-fo 3267 eALBoAISLE.2 Bn rh· 1 ~Q!09_ S399.500 wilh great OCEAN FRONT 28r I E"''d d I I b I b .. ARTIST ABODE n '"" e up l.'X. r. 11• ••••••••••••••••••••••• SSOO. New p11nt 1·pts ·I mt to nanrmg! 631·0680 bath S8001mo Rita gar. No rhlld / pet. HOMES FOR RENT 675-.000Rod.Al!t. beach, 3 Br. 2 Ba St IOK. _Wr_ Iler A 752.5710__ 1375/mo Now. 573.2077 3 Bdrms 5650 Fen<'e<I • · · r open house Sun l·S 20612 ants' K'd 1114 C -~et 1.1).i tfB ~2+183 _ 0.C RENTALS --Y 11arai:ts. 1 5 & ~ AMYOM 1 -t;:--;::-:------"-;;-a::;-;f·--lC:"-=:~::::=.::---f-_..llil~·~~B!I ~ 1,5b(slmm.J2QOup PfU wtk ome. I~ mo + Dtan Horne, 3.000 sq rt Ir-ft. I 044 or $340,000. 1809 W Balboa •••Hn•••••••••••••••• 750-3314 1 da ·s ~-Ain'~nn ll\~ll llolf l'OUl'S~ •••••••••••••••••••••" ~'O room. two bath Blvd. n...n Dail". z.•. ~ 3202 · fee 3 bc1rm, 2•, ba formal ===~ ---'o p....i right outs1'de v.,.., 1 " HURRY ! remodled 3 br ... __. a.-a. •J6t d1n1"•1 rm. wr:/:· an• .. nd PERFECT '"'"' · """ Ted Hu bert Realtor. ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• w bbq & t NOW "•...,.-.• -" • .... "" your door. Owner will 7~., _,., •~•.LS ,..:.._ pa to. • .......... •••••••••••• putlo, jM'. P<· t•t1 1·ond SllftTI rarry 2nd. Slzt.500 with ......,,.. llUil"llll' _, with imml'd111h> 01· rv • 180.000 assuma ble By owner rixer triplex Vearly·Wttkly.Wlnter. OC·RENTALS_~~14 OCIAM + 1·up;.in1·~· szno ~t·url~ for the ramily with rinanrmg at 12':+. Lease Sl4Cl.000smlst at 7a4•; 2.3.4 B<lrms. Newport 3Bll. IBA. Obie Gar. NO CITYYUS k•lll4!.&W·i315 rhlldren.Nothrulrafrlr option available wit.h Needl cub645·3340 Beacll,Balboa. PETS . C hildr e n Exttff 4 Bctrm . run· vit'lltt'lirf 3Rr. r r u ml onstreetandthis 3 bdrm ~down al 1700 per ..._,,:I •=*C-_...._ JACOISllALTY Welrome.~.S48·66!)_ tastlc exet-ll d n11. ufr. Sc•· t'Ptll "tt\nt home Is close to park, mo. -.... .., -.a.ft ... n s1-, p t · .. ... .. pool,and S<"hools. Lot1of t , Al-South CoHl Pina rRvrllift 0-P.W JZJ6 """'mo. 11 "''"· a,.. ~.~,1131 .zm -==.:.;;..;'-=;.:.....----1 upgrades . additional Co&e Realty S«urity Guardll. Pools. M61S. ............. •••••••••• Nt:WPORTCU:.~ro~ BY 0.11£1 storage space, patio and I It IHntment Tennis.' OnJy 175.900.' 7 173 5 BR. 2 BA. tri·lc,·el. neu 00 3 ltdrm~. ,."'". near ft planters and generous .__5777 Assume 11~'4 Loan ---btadt. 2 <'llr gar. yord. pool. h'nn1s. W5 mo. C41M~ pat.lo cover. Owner of· _. with U 'il Dow n ...... w... 3206 mGL~7J5-0'p9 • ,~f!U.Ga'I Prideol OWMl'lhip, xtr11 (t>rtn.g generous icrms to - ---Manag~nt Available .............. •••••••••• Btaut. 4bdrm, 2l>a. f11m 3 ttt. z Ill. Tow"lllfUllt' wide lot, best loc. Flex. help you purc hl.18(', htTIMIOMIEO JD Property Manatte· Balboa Island Waterfront rm, rrvl<' .. dbl A•r. fn<'d LUXUIYIAYflOMT Patil l.ldu •Hr Hu.ii: terms. Priced under Stss,000. 1 SHAR Pl Wulc llH. 3 mtnt 75l·Z787 3 Br, 2 Ba. Yea1rly ren· 1 yrd vu 85 962·2194 3 Br.2 All. with hoat 11llp, .. MP. 1750 mu Adulhi market. 1359 .SOO . bdrm. 2 ba family room, · -taJ.•, Mo. 770,o:M7. •' ' · · 1\\'1111. no•. Man•· ..i. l·tu-8. 1 small oHlt~e. vat·ant Tlny 2 bd;;;-<·"Olt~Re. F .... Yllpy UU amrnltl('ll. 13500 Mii'. '~'.Ml.fl.W. I OJ4 ~ Beau. yd .• O•ner will I UNITS 900. llu'*tn w11tert)ect. •-• .. •••••~......... .,._ttin.-12. t\JMOST lhr w ,..,_,,. c.e.MIM 1 c arry w /1ml dn . SAMQ.....,. Rfl m,5311 &8r.zt1 Ba.1pllt·lcn•l.3 ...... _ illl11ar.fnr.i.Pt"IMS _.................... 1 1255.000. 846·6789, Ellablilhed lnr• 1111· ~ C'• 1arqt. rtdtt. pool 1-l•land Walt•rfront OC·llt:NTAl.S nt.Dt• M &'U·2177 ita pa. home . ClftlY one I bdnD. <'Utt rot~e, pri vu. No pet I . 3 Br. I '9. Veerb· rt'tl· ••• ......... : a Wnn I HUGE~,!: and ._..,, blod1 to oun nd houltlrom.':~: ~1rm,•1m. _ lJll:~:~•.71Mi41. Ill rr91r., • ... at IPI• Tl'MIYel 4 Br Jba 6 1Wp ,_.., ... a :::.-.. Allumt loHt. -Db 2 br. I ba, frpk'. a Ir. z la. or I Br. I 11, ~ ll. 1611• r•na.2(•1•r. Taite ......._..._.._., w\611_...._ "gi_ 1111t1 t:S -iaa•. P11i1. tetl. aar. Good Dta. 9'"9 to Marh. 11.rr1.· Grt1' ~ our 1125 ,0ot at Qr .,......,. -a • -·-N '"'' .. aru. Comp!. rt· h1*.•1• Dwtt! HI. l•ilA ...,., 1171 ... ar. ~°"""'~--... DAILYMLO'T ..... • ....... v.,,,. .. ,..... ftr~i18'ed ..... ,.0, l'li>PDTYllOUI& , ......... . 11&-. 1111.PW °'ADI m.1111 ._ --•*t. ~-l!!H~;;..::..:J • ' Or1ng1 C011t DAIL '1 PILOTJMondly,Janu11Y11, 1812 j .._ •OH ...... ._. OH OHie...... •4M Oflu...... 44M !!.'; Mw11111" Trwf .... ••••••••••••••••••• ... •••••••••••••••••••• ..... •••••••••••••••••• ...... ••••••••••••••••t JI) IOM ..... llJI loom ID H. 8 for r,..1e roomlrilte want· Ml'WflOIT P'l!EllENT-........................................... .. ftlponaJblepttt0nl200. edto lhrlrvlne Condo, -·-STL Upto3mo11fyou1ctby LOSING L£~E. quit Widow hu U I ''' 11t/ lut 21 ·30 Ml ' 1300 mo. -t •1 utll ~.... Ffll, lat, Pnme U.8, ol· tlnrbldiftfff.1tHfn1out Tt>'11Re Loant. IOI< llP· $311-9NThfUPM. rsun::-•uir IVI~ flee lot. Co mp'1litiVt' AlJ. •uppllt'S and "" No Crt'd1t ' No ptnllty. ia.i .................... Nice plt>a ont ,;, lite Pror. M/F ove-; 30 t-; ~rt:':c·l=-l~e of ratn.' Xlnl upo•ure llu't'tlnd~tng. Ot'ful1son AHO<' 873·13!!. t, I ,.,......., Af I 11e1 u.e... ~tt'h 11~v~1AS,:. f::o ahar" 2 Br. 2 81 fi<'t complexes. Airport Callnow,960·Zm. ~~11>'rh~.a:,~s, 8:!1~~f 35,-. Yltld .......................... !!.!............... ~:l.Jt · Newport Beat'h C9ndo. t'loae. lnt'l udes: Otfil.'e spare for rent, 31~ Salon hairdryers and $16,7~ e1JOnt'd Isl TO ........ •••••••••••••• ColhlW... JIJ4 L.,..lt-"" ~141 Fem 2126, ltlti·h prlv, JllOlncldl..11t11s. 846 7332 ·~ept/phone IQ. ft .. •et·ond fl oor. hydnauhr t•hiura. mlr c.i 13 33 acn'll land 11 Villa .. lbcNa Prof dt't'. ........__,....._.. ll06 -• room big yard ·nh'r •Ulilltin •Janltortal Prnt1a1ous Westr hfl h 1 11 1 1 Ad r I ant o , San Co111plttel r ., - -.............................................. h • 'N ' .... co· Prol f' lo ahr beaut 2 BR 1oor 1~1 area SI 00*<! " Mtdkal rota.I t Vt'S an p 11n s ..... -•j ,. t 1~· )' urn • ....... , .............. , mE Vl<.'TORIAN N OC ........ -........ ~. flt re1p . ...., duplex COM w1111me no • rttroP,.,. mo Dllla F•'.. • Abo makt' up lihampoo ""m111u no..,oun )' , bdrm. ~ bl, Ii\' nn. din : •w .,_ ""'" • rro. An G, 96H906 Avail It 13 90 •Ample parldn4 --.,. w ll 84HSOt. and ii odu(.t ml only munthl)', dut> I rm. dtr\, f.n'I rm. Pool. 2 bdrm, I ~· hou•u, Yrly 1>' dttor 2 Br W/t:ur · M~t ele111nt aparlmt•nt lmriwd.118/CM s mo e 1Pe 11 · •KltcMrl •Sect y 11rv ---~'j1P~1.91~,;'.. yr 20', d11c·ount C714l tpla, &tau \1iew O<·H n. Frbllmmo.Noi:ur. Rf"W tl'l)IS &rdrapes,~ll bu1 ldln& In L1111unu ---6l3M@va 11val11blt1 ...... 11..ttf 4450 1 7~14826 da. Or 493·11$3 Bly, U1tht1. Lfaae 11500 4t4·4524 ins, patio. )~dull•· Call flt.11th. Ftn\'St l0<•11tlon in Lra ms~ bdrm w/b11 In F, »45 3br, 3ba, ru rn catt Rounne916· 40 ....................... 11f\erG. •6809 andM2·7l91 rYt>•. Pfr,,u .. mo, ..... ,~41~1onto buy ...... , ...... ll07 ::~<r.'~~0~06364~~0 tvo,.:.,ns.ARllrb~l·l~ltnhs lh•e"a'1"ll ::1v~eie~~lvs2~~tr~: CL~gnd~·.h SOr30000~ ~o;i! (X('/~k apace. Al'tlve ~~~dr1;eA.r~~sq.rt. VIDEOGAM!S COMP•:rlTlVEflRSTS i..:.!!.~ ':" nH•n••u••••••••••• ---"''" · • ed 642~7 f\6PM ~0 airport area. R.E. in· ....,. Mi,4123 SAU;s U~ASINCi 2nds ' 3rd8 av1t1il1bl~. C n •1 ' '•• OCIAMNOMT 2 br family apt, patio. P00,1 • su bt. . K ~ r 8 Ile· t:;11, -Be;<'broom $266. 497·~6 vetl. olc. C111l Paul or Nt'W atC'ade 10<'. &vall Rl'll or in4•vnw prop. up ........... J42 Yearly lease unturn. 2 pool. No pets. S4.2.$ mo ~ ~0Jv 'S::tehr~n8" Pvt entrance " bath. NB prot gentleman wlll Doug. Newport Invest· 957-0131 to ~rnll Also usb ror ............. •••••••••• bdrm,2 8a,bltn5 New 646-~1.545-S004 .. *>83 · r Wotkiniman 494.4459 sharebeauhomew/lady me nt Cou n1elor5 , UT41LSPACI PoaU••Stort extst'riT D'a 10 100•: uf Soacioua 2 Br. 2•, Ru .• ~nt ·carpet dr11pes 2:is7 EldenAve Dlx 2Br • -·----·------5760-0802 _ 752~1 oo Harbor.81vd.1280 sq. IX~t"flo foc,·v11lut• (714)760-1551 t ownhome. F.astslde . lL'IO mo Call Linda or JlrBa i,wnshe.· patio, yd LAllJIMMkj!Mf )152 ~~~~1t. ~~n~ b~;e':~· 1 ean resp non·1moker -. rt. +st.or1lge.35'sq.rt. lnc~~.~:5io9 ,OOO full or 857 2~48 . 1111k fo r Patio. aaraae. w 1d hk· Art. Agt. 675·7~ area. fl'\)lc. bltna, 2 yrs ....... ~···•••••••••••• koo, · 114-0-eoth • remale 2 bdrm. J b•. I rountaln. V1 lley. near Realonomics 676·6700 Duane or Stev<-!IP· pool, spa. Upgr11dl'd New 38R. 28A. \llew. old.~ mo. Call lo •ee Large 2 BR. 2 BA pat,io mo --bllt lo beach 1250 mo. Fwy, office In law suite ___ Be11uty S11lon In 1.a.:una interior, firepl1ee Must hi:, SCJ8 5 Yr l y mm home, 4 yrs n1•w, heam ·Ro.&109"d 4050 SlOOSer ' for itllorney or other Store or Otri<'e 3 rms. Hills Good Mlt Loni; '•a•c.-lltt/ see.S7501mo. 213 737.t212, Days . 0l~a Area L 1 BR l't.'ilings, <'omm pool & ............ ••••••••••• ~ _6ll:J025 _ Qroltssional ~·07~-BA. Kltrh. 567 w l9lh lease. Gd 1tarter shop . ''"••/ TSLMgmt. 642·1603 ~13 ·986·1602 •~vu . c'Ondopool spa~lbhse spa S750.646~ itowm'tGroe1PH1t' RespStrMRmmttoShrSU PER OFF I C E CM.S«IOMo.CallJarlt. Mllle otr.OWCpaper Lolf&FMd Eves/Wknd! ~·153l Wk~ _ secJ45o~759· ' Muportltocli 316t Sr.Cttlt£M. 'BSs.6221 New 2BR. 2QA Condo . ~PACE. " reception 546-2277 ~Wllall11W! .................. sioo ~ mo. Woodbndae 3 $350. Ut 1 I Pd. 1 BR. I bdr m --Ut I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ u-.t...J~ 4100 Irvine'. Woodbridge. 1275 art-Ila. 500 sq fl $590/mo. COM Prime location. 100 a. ... tr&#\9 '•W,_llh BR. 6 mo. lease. Pvt yd, Duplex 417 E Ba> Ave m. pe~ mo. 1 PHI NEWPORT ..__ -lni:l ut1l. ~ 0324 ut incl Se<' system, 'lo JOO sq rt for business Wlr• .,..""'" ••••••11••••n••••••••• ' no pels . SS9 ·3 194 ; Balboa547 1155.542·0190. rum.Adlts.nopets 383 "" ••••••••••••••••••••••• fShr3BR-:2BABayrronl Wl'l bar. opl•o,nal oroCfiCt'.6"-8494 2 lots In Ca nntr) Own Your Own House • 857·8133 W.Ba . ~·~6__ COUMTIYCLUI SE4LARICM0TB. Apt W/ IM IF s.12S Pl warehoos(• spare. Close V111l1ge. Goi ng bulll1 Clean1n.i Business. -2bdrm. Iba, frplr. gar. 28r. Adults no pets, new , Wkly rentals now a\'3tl. U' I f')J • U r rwys & OC airport Call Beach Store, ~ewport llMI. owners ret1r1ng Great Potential. For DlJc 2 br, I'• ba 1·ondo. yrly. stePS to beach. 1 d«. sto~e rerri end LIVING SI06 & up. Color TV ti rn or n urn .. Diana. 545-06.16 Walk traffil' -pnme locu Owner will carr} Isl More lnformauon <.:all rent. ai r . blt ·1ns , Adults.no ts.61~ latio MSG mui~· 8at·helors. t&2 bt'droom Phones in room. 2274 67J.l388 - ---lion! 800 sq ft.675-4186, TD. Can be purrhased Alln~. 857 ·6195 or washer/.dl)'er. w.et bar. 2 Br 2 Ba. $5751mo. 1st. · -:--apts&t&Wnhous1·~. Newport Blvd CM. F Shr f')Jm <.:&1 Condo •H U NTING T 0 N 673-1401 with or without inven 7~1·3707 __ pvt patJo 1-a mt. from last&S200 depreq 2 BR. golf rourst• \lew. (ofomS530·SIOOO 644·1900 &Ml-7445 w F OCC Student $250 BEA~H• NEWPORT BE CH torv. •Fas hi o n Sq uare . 673,9521 S42S mo. Child OK. no~ FEE' ~pt & Condo -mo inrl ulll. 642·80GS 10105/FS.lte A SCRAM·l£TS 1625/mo. + se<· 641·0412 ---pets. Ask for Bill rentals vll'l Rl'nl ·I' MEIDAPl.ACE1 f!\'l'S. • •3Private0<fi<·es Prime loc on bus)' Pac ' eves. . C...dtlM• 3122 6.11-1266 li7~-49'i2'proke~s Reas.Weekly Rates Mother & 4 yr old son ••2StafrAreas ~Hwy.:?eal forrf~ ANSWERS Walk lo So. Coast Plaza. I STEP .................. Bal·helor Apt. $250 ums • KJtehenelles-Phones wants somc.•ont• to shart• •• Wet bar a 3 ~ 0 rice u.~e. . fcot1sh Jerky bdrm. air. pool. ret· rac· ~O <?CEAN. Most in r Id . 8 s l -9 8 8 9 or Ol.'eanfront fo r Winter "Z" Chunnel Movies <·harm in).( F. CM Cottai:c Available now.1st Floor to · sq \;;v~i 00 Fioul Shodd)' Serurily gate. No pets. c-harming '"old Corona. 645-8165. Rentals. f'urn1.shed & Sandptl>l'r, 1967 Nt'wport 3 BR . wt••rl ...... I". Cull 1714)848 3133 _l7.!~.!.. HIS FUR ... "" 7..,.9353 ... 2 Br 2 Ba, frpk, ocean ---· , W\furn Rrokt-r,G7~·4912 Bl Cos M 64S9l37 ,. u.. " --L...L-.L.ZalR..-aal 4500 ........ ...,. or 768·~-vie w from derk Mesa Verde. 2 br,. nl'W .. · la_ l'S! · fen1·etl yuril , Wt O. LAGUMAIEACH _.. nn •--------•I Max "Hey. Mabel, go 2 BR 1 Ba MacArthur sa>O/mo. Call Anlhonv 1·rµt. drµs , paint. Quiet ~e.l 2 Hr 1 Du. i:u~a).(c. VacattoaR..tal1 4250 i:ardcncr. Chilli OK XlntLot·ation Up to l280 •••••••••••.•••••••:·~·· Wehavca1>roducl 1hat 1s out and see 1r 11's rain· Village, SA. Walk to S. days 642·5757, eves & area. ~ul·de·sat. S-175. pall.1'.· pool A~~u1!:~· no ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~· f..12·0190 Sq fo't 7S' Per s fl in· N.B .. 3975. Birch . ll&J? sq. 10 milk what margannt• 11111 .. M;ibel. "I got a Cst Plaza. 64S·9095; wknds 631·6630. '!__~1936..\_ 966·1465 _ ~1~~01801 11 ISth OCEAN FRONT 2 & 4 Rr. Cicracltt i'luchn).( ullhtles 'kx<·ept ~~ ~ 1~t ~~A 2~1~ ~ ~~ is to butler Pt'opll• art• ll{'ltcr idea. Let·~ rall 642·46412 lBr~tadult only, de· Easl~ide' Pvt Lrg IBR UDO VIEW Gor ... 2 llR . Avail Winter. Weckly1 forltftt 4350 1':11.'ttri<-tt~ 494.4451 S4l·S032 earning in ex ces~ or ~JJ?r 111 und reel HIS •octa-• signer apt $650 mo Is• Encl Gar. Yrd. Very ,., Monthl~· &73·7873. ••••••••••••••••••••••t • ---· -SI0,000. ~r month r~1s 1 -_.. 1 3525 No ts. 640.7442 · ~. Clean. No Pets. $425 Mo, fp. aclts. . , . I Palm Sj>rini:s art.>a (Mon· $6.5 single i:ar. 11af1• & $2.\5 Mo-Pnvatl' offl<·et 8'.m s<j. ft. eonnele till· is not a misprint for Lod & fowid 5300 .. ~.~......... 546·4~ . SI~/ mo 67S·6359 h•re.1· (.'('I c·ondo 3 fill 2 St'l'Url'. 731 W 18th Sf' 1>11rk1111(/k111·hen\'tte sp1· up ind. bldg w approx rrurc mfo l'all 64&-3337 ..................... .. MOHtOF Old ~~~e~ath. 2 sun. Silarious J Br. Garden Ba3· 1Bboa ~s~andyWatlrfrnnl GBu,lrfurn. lw ;ilDhulm . <;.M.6'7J.7787. Ul600Mam St tjunt Bc·h. ;:~i~JI yoJr si~:t t'W· IOAMto5PM THI LUCICY FEW "pt. Pool & rer. All utils r a. l'llr Y rcn· 0 • lt•nn s a 1 Y • Stora).(e Gara1:10, s1111:lt• Oat I) Jantr All util pd Santa Ana lor Paul Clothing Stort> decks, beams. fpe. $975. paid.Adults.nopets. .tal.S900Lmo. 77003~7 wet•kl~ & n~unthly ralt>S 9'x2o. Costa Mi·s a A\ail now!l714 l848·3L33 Womens Gd 1nl'. 1:oot1 FOUND ADS RNenEWt iEnSCTbsta Mdesa 's ;\\•ail Feb 5 Richard El Nerta Mesa I Bdrm aµt , sto\'l'. lrii:. a' a ii 714. 558 800 I S50 mo 642"4907 wkd.\:.. f)-a~h!)J52 5111 lease. $10.000 + in\' g at e 20 640-ISSOda.· l959 M I A A IS pk1ng. On P"ntns ul 11 9·5P.M.askforMark . n 5 l'osta Mesa JOOOsqfl ,33' Ownerwtll l'arr) Ullo" ARE FREE Towohome VILLAGE _;.•n7072 il,•ils -ape ve. ~ -~ -.,. 2T06MOu.HS f d COMMUNITY.2 •.3 Br. --?!!!'--~-~-.-NEWBR EEDAPTS. S400675-0612art 5 4lt'B11:Flear1·abin.'poul "' per s . in ust or ratt' "' ti I I l 2 ( I Office Rewtal 4400 Shqrt term orr11·c spare storaKe 642·4758 . 773 1132 c II 2128a,1600-ll00sq.rt .of Cost.Mele 3124 Baril_ & Loft. I B.r & Versailles 2bdrm. i!ba, 1 1 ·to:::~~· rp i·s. ••••••••••••••••••••••• a\aelable 111 pnme IOl'a· · --<--a : pure luxury. Garages. Loft from S425 Frpk. frµk . rlubhou:.c. Hr , s I!\ 4· 16 · lfil7 Westr hff " R Wanl lion. ncur A•rPortt·r Inn. Storage 4550 Ma.y to LOCM 5025 642·5671 hydro·tubs 1n master 00"ii"e;,·.;;~·:;0 rec-room. pool. jal·uzz1. Kille $750. 557 1997 1 MAUI I bdrm furn l'on finannal inst 1000i. r ".ilkm.: dtslanre 10 oc ............ ~ ................................. ,_"!!lmllllllll!!lll!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!~ suite, formal dining -.....a I gas & water paid Hul(e 4 BR. 3 BA. lk·;ii·h do Bt'st .s w1mmtni,: lst floor AgenlS4I 5032 A•l1JOl1 Xerox mai·hint! St orage R \ trailer F1nann al pat·kagl• for 1-rooms. wood burning Adults. no pets 393 dose dupltx H'.ir ll'ilSc 1 bt·m·h S24!1 "•kl~ Tl'nnis and otht'r ame nilit-s boat. C.M S35 mo Kirk loan or \l'ntUrt> t•ap1tal II.ACX LAI fi replares. micro-wave A~AITMEMTS Hamilton. CM. 645-4411 1s1 & I u; i , w at ·l'; 661 3898 • EXECUTIVE t'all Eva. 6:'Jl-<m0_ _ _ prepa1red for expansion L<is1 Jan 7 Lag Bch. ovens. renced patios & Beautiful landscaped -PALMMESAAPTS garbilgl•patd.$900 U\'atl Tahoe Sk i Condo. SUITES 171H8Sl9778 latlhW•ed 4600 start-up.produ<·t or con Wh11e around mouth. ya~. Pri vate .. elegant gardenapts Pool&.Spa. ISslMesaDr Ft'IJ (2131376 4509 or ' Northstar 3 bdrm. IN · ••••••••••••••••••••••• strurllon List or Ven 1!3S2487.Aft 6494·7249_ living only 15 mmutes1 Covered pa rk ing. 2 B r S425 12131396~ slC'l'PS 8. SllOO wklv NIMEH.l .LOC. Single Mom.2S.rl'spons1-lure Capital SOUr<'l'S & Lost 1220 AustraU1ao from Fashion Island. 7 AdBuRlts~nopets •' AdulrlS onunlyurc~•ll bt"'n --7fY> r • HMITAGE , I Ol'flt'e suites a\•ail. tm bl d d bl investors 1nduclecl 1 •• 3~5440 , . u w 1 Br .vrl" rental. stens 10 , "'!"1293 p• .. 1 .. .. e. CJ>t'n a e. w 4 yr Shephi:rd. tri·coldred. minutes to S.C. Plaza or • ~ 9-4 546-9860 ' .. ~ -"' rn·u from SI 00 Pl'r sq old 500 seeks C.M house ~I~ M 1, 10 O.C.Airpotl. Just east or 2 BR. t • • BA $500 . . b1· h . !>!a r P ur k 'n i.: No Tahoe Condo. 4 nr S New I ury orru·c• :.pim· II fu ll sen'll't.' 1 eusl' or apt to rent b) f ell 1 ' . 2 'rs. w ,osp Newport Blvd. & so. of IJIE.18lh1 646-6816 2 HUGE Bed rooms SHO mo. 67 3 39511 . mm to Northstar $400 1n I r ,ne's bus ii•s t l6 37 l Beinh Bhd Mortc)1911,Tn11t band,CM 631'-"-'1030~-- Sao Diego f'rwy. Start· 151 2J~t _ 548·2408 Ground Floor, Fully ,731·5446 "11 To.rn~7·1668 n•nt1•r' F.asy .Frwy at· 714 842·6636 1 mi ll' ~~afler!l JOµm DHclli 5035 U>ST Womans diamond ing at S.1000 a month., NEWLY DECOR. · Carpeted. Bui It ·ins. Larite IBR Uttl pd Sp<>l ._..to~ 4300 1•.-ss Avail. now• Cull :south of ~06 Frw\' ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• ' & Rub~ princess ring. in 6315439 2473 '()rangt' B ..,1 SUPER Lot·ation ! 0\'er less. Qwl'l $.150 2~21 f: oo••••••••••••••••••••• fordl'l a1ls. · ~~/l••Ht/ SaftlerM.._ Co. or about Ambros ia · ' · J r. gas 1''" encl gar SO Adults. No Pets S385 16th St &1~4718 f'. 1·h1ld ok. shr lux. 4 br 551-1231 6"40-4230 OfffCE/PVT IATH ""-"• All types of ~!al estate Restaurant. Generous Ave .• Costa Mesa. d/washer. pool. Adults Mo. Appl" Ap t .. E'. , d p I . --,\111irox JOO sq fl lo<·"t~I ••••• l II .• -St 1•on o. oo . ll'nnts, l'll'. ,. ~ " '" •••••••••••••••••' investments sin<·e 1949. rew;vc. ra 768·2999 DELUXE end unit, hke 642·5073. 568·Wilson646-4477 eiiis to bt•;ii·h. 1·3 Dr, ....,5 64'51',.,Nani·,\ •"'""1 'XIO&&ICES •· llnt" R1·h $1 60 mo -:--.... --2 B 2 B f I I 2u "-'h ( I $77< & ~· ... ""' ua.u fY ,, -<-ial·""'"' "'· Found Sl'l o( keys OD Fair new. r. a. rp · 3 B To nh -· or.""' rv l'S. " Prom 1 room to 1400 sq. +ut1I. 714·1147·5079 or Oppariwlit1y 5005 ...,.... ~ pool, gate. many xtras N 1 r w ouse .O-OPoillt -3826 $650 pC'r mo Im Prof tu Shr 2RR . 2RA f 1-T 213.592.1636 hdTDs Dr CM w name Ed on Tuslin·S.A. line. $625. No ej Y deror. 1gaJ ~·· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ma1·ul at1• ti73·250i CdM HSl' I blk rr Bt·h. F i" om SI 15 a s;i· r~ ~n ••••••••••••••••••••••• 64Z..217 I 545-06 I I nv.>tal plaque 54!:4~ .77 ·2S807Sl·0796 enc gar., poo , sw r. DUPLEX·LargcJ bdrm. N I Pri:I SS8·!'>311. li75·91il9 case rcqu1rl'(. tJ y1~~H__...__ Employ~ntA.:ent') i._iiiiiiiiiiiii----•"'ound Rik•· wh1'e Adults. 642·5073. _ 28xl&' lh•ina rm. Some l'W lll'l'Un \'ll'W 2 i r 2': t•\'l' Airµortl'r Inn 2172 Ou ....,.. • .,... -Owner must sill'rif1 l·('. 1• r "' ' ftt,•nn ........ 3600 0t·ean,·ie"::"Ret·entl.vde· ba. i.:ar S750 'mo Ph ~ pont Call AM 833322:f WI/II appointed offH·e 30K . P o t e nt ial t o Earn 16'" on Balboa She p herd pupp y . 2 Br. I Ba Apt '"" •"""' "« .,., ... ,,., Rt'!\" m room malt' for uwrlookinit Harbor On """K p rf f lsla.nd trust dA""'s O\•nr Bu•ha rd & Banning ••••••••••••••••••••••• Newly decor. Gas pd __ r orated. 2 r;ir gar ":"''""""·"'"'"'"°' " ON +Isl yr. c el'l or '""' ~ ~ -2Br. IBa. cpts. drps. gar. encl gar .• pool. dshwr t650 mo 495•1490 5725 lippi·r 311 ... 211 a Dalhoa Pen apl ti73· l!I07 I 7TH STREET Pai· L'st Hwy Approx «OUple seek in).( ;i sN·urc 50'. eqwty Short or long Ri.'d 1•01. 964·9848 ~pets. Costa Mesa. AduJ••."•'>.S073. ---.----· -duplt'x. bh1t·k to ht>arh. afttiµmandwkmls COSTA MESA l.OOOsqft. 17141645 7Ul0 futurt• Caler 1·or11 tenn.SSOOOminimum Found Young approx 3 "' vv 3 bdrm, 2 ba. 2 rar gar. o(fi Nn S O " • .._. .., Rltr SS2Srm.548·7234 Spaciou.s 2Br.IBa.S39S. fi 1 t d beam l't•ll1n.:b. Ir.: Homi·~2bclrm.2ha pool 2or3room 11•t•swll's m rfil·e nr OC Owner will train Call 1.1, mos ~hep husky mix CM. 2B R. 2BA . New 3 Br. 111 Ba S42S. Laun· •rep ace. pn\'a e yar · bal('Oll\. Hh r~·ntal jar 300 yrds HF.M.'H 1\ C. plnty ol prk).( lJt1I ~'?'~m0A'!'_!~o2960x 350..,.sq Mk hael al 540·8290 art 675-28'6 p u 11 p} Co I I a r -Crpu&n.-2 Pat1os& SSOO Nopets TSL M~nit · "'-G42 lti03 S325 536·5 18~ t'\l's tnl'l.A\'ail rfow ~II " • ....., ,,...,. 6. j'""!ll!!!!!!~!ll!!!'!!!ll!!!'!!!!flll-•I He_1I New_land.847-4601 ,,, .,..: 'far I 548·9556 493·0467 871-<b760 da,\'S Realonom11·s 675 6700 ------';" --Carports. l Child OK. . . -Newport Hgts 2 Br I Ila. • ••••••••••••••• $48Srm. Call9S7·0261 28r Townhouse. No pets. ~ 3 brexeoe duplex. no kllrht>n No vet $.100 Prof rmmll' wanlt>!I . Im s(l fl. M1·~a \'rnh• •• • •. •• • ••• •• • Mature adults only bh·UIS. encl. gar Small rm 6-W 67llO &16.Jlll9 111.·aut dl'l'. i·ondo. p\l ilrt'a ·• . • .. __..__.._ ll!....--.1 ... -...1 S42S .mo 755 W 18th SI child ok. Nr PCH & . -· rm & b;i Pool $..100 + 5~5-4123 "'r--nnrwrw '"' · Mala a S525 7..30·6S90 .~Br 2Bil.Ste1t1tohea1•h 8 DAY WEEK SPECIAL ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~9507 __ _._ ___ -------SliOO. wint er ri:nlill. ut1ls t'Xlll'ns1·:. Turlll·rul'k BAYfROa...JT • • • ... ,..._.. 3707 --1 or 2 Br. near ocean. tndd R~· II.SI 2252 f"'lll • ...................... , "'2al~ garage. rlean. PROPERTY llOL'SE F Non omkr. for F'n1·111I Pnme offli·e 760 lM4o I • 8 D•yl • 3 lines • 8 Dollars •• Wllller. l room & BA SJOO. P • __ 661·1537 &12·3850 642 1010 , I~ CdM. Hse $195 Pl .._.EWPORT i, bl from brh, lndry. F'AMILYAnS. ~ le ""314 · 64().S992Bef t0 JOPM " • I ~ ,.....,.. oc.. OCEAN v1t:w dcluxl' 2 ! · Ex('('Utl\'e Suill's hall of ts easy to Place your 8-0ay Week Classified by mall and 11 .• Sparkliitg clean largt<c .......... -............. Br. 2 Ba clN'". ~ anl. I Professional woma n flt·es available nr 0 l' • costs JUSt $8 -that s only a dollar a day' To Qualify for this I SmaU l Br. furn. or un· apts'for families wll Ot 2 MAllMEllS WALIC b ri ,. k r r p 11., i.: u r loookini: for room malt' Airport. from SJti5 w full • furn. Stove, refrige. children. Nr park. Heat 2&3 Br Townhouse Apt SE{' R GAn : S790 mu to shart' l;ir.:e N B. Con· S4!nwe available (.'all • spec ial o ffer. you must be a non-commercial user offeri ng· crpts, drapes. S38S paid. No pets. Yard. single & double or least' opt Adull s. 1 d <> 0 l' .ea n ' 1 l' w · now for I month frt•t• • mercha~d1se for s ale up to $800 per ad. and the price mus t • 6ls.-0680. 2 BRw.2wB·A1so. 63 ~ i:ar garage. near Hunt Sunstot Bluffs Condos on !42-Slrro.6Jl:§'..S7 !cJsa~Jl!76. be in your ad .The cost stays the same whe ther yo ur ad e .......... CIC. 3740 • · 1 n l·S....., Harbour Children OK Pal·•fi« A\e al V1l'lonu Lookini: for sharp lad\' • • ••••••••••n••••••••••• 2 BR. l BA. newly del'. s.iG-68>7. CM 1:630-94401 642·llll08 nonsmker. to shr hous(. I MO. FllEE needs eight days s elling time Or Just o ne H.I' FINEST encl.gar,adultsonly1no 4~R.BA&•2.Pool.len· 2 Br 2 R<1 Condo.11001. or duplt>x in Cd M. MewportCHttr • • • S 645·1819 rus & Playground Kttls frpk. 2 µnvatc plltiOS. s:m + /mo John 833·2650 F'irsl l'lass full sen 11'c • U d b Ab 4 d :::r~l&p~~~~ir~=i~~~. Wes\side <;osta Mesa. OK. No pets. S6~S Mo. 1trountl lj!\'CI. $650 +cit• dys ; 559·9216 e\'l's EXEC. offit·es. int·lutlcs Se Of ne WOr fin eac OX Out WQr S make o ne • dpl psta1rs 2Br IBa 53l·'K2__•. - -"""II 7J0.1783.551·4911S wknd ull aml'nllll'S From • c lass• 1ed llne 0 type n1mum ad IS 3 lines Pleas e prin t round ings. Terral•ed x, u · •. · ...,.. ,...... SZ!51roo.644·7t89 I I · • pool, Sunken gas bbq. Central heat. refng I & 2bdrm. Iba. duplex doll Winlt'r rental. Ii: 2 BE. PllOFESSIONAL ~!AU~ • p a1n y sparklitig founla1ns stove, en~losed garage house. back yrd. gar. furn or unfurrt. 5304 seeks proft>ssional typt· NEED A 'BUS A 0 • Spa ctou s r ooms Quiet&safe. No kids or new paint. r rµts. drµs . ~~hQ!'e86l·l!070 M Fronmmate Share 2 DRESS? An~wenn .: & • ,.------------------------------, • SepJ1rate dining area pets. 5450 mo 548·5442· S48S 817 N bedroom Hu ntington rnail st'rv11·e.1·onferenn• I - Wa'lk ·1·n closot s . 770.5629 . I e wman. Spa r 1ou s I BR in room AdJ. 0'' A1rpor\ • I "' 7~ Ea blu!r p L Q Beat·h upartlTl('nl S200 ~ . -st 00 u1et. s_1_00_1mo. _714-333..()692 • homelike kitc hen & 2 Br enrlsd garage. Near newxtradl xtwnhse Pl,.asant area! Single rm. plus utihhes Eves • I • cabinets. Walk to Hunt· Adults.OO"°lS.$525/mo '' c11 1 N p 64 and weeke nds 1·all NEWPORTOF"'l''E ~ lg 3 br. 2 ba Crplc ll'tns A_u_L o_ ets _ 4·4767 .....,,,,....., r.'"' • I '""'OO Center. 773 W. Wilson. 631,4889. _,...,,,,,, Pn"""' b f I I I ._. W/D hkup skylights S.a-.te 3176 -. ---.... ay ron O<'a ion I • 1·ABdrmdu1·~·fouompe, S48t~ 5 22:Is •c~·Y:~wig~~ir~ ~·:~t:1arre~~~~, d~:r~'~ CL•••;:·~·;·a;·~·B•;•j;~~.· 2t!~!:~'& ~}~~·'oil ~~~~n::'o~a;<~~~ms1 ·~ : S 1.00 I • ... "" children OK. No pets. adults no pets $595 d::.", g'arage. No pAts. !:!!!_536-11453 _ _ pr sq fl 1nrl Jamtor I I U~lilies Free! •U«tmo. Sierra Mgmt. ., " 645-6646 • """' 56-3604. 5425 493.2710 f toshr 3br.3 ba dplx, ---~-• 10.60 I UQUJNTA HERMOSA Co. MH.32A. I Br. w/loll. 11,, Ba frplr. NICE 2 Br 112 Ba laun· Nwpt Hgts. S238 mo. lol C..ttr • 162ll Parksidf Ln. 1 blk 2bdrm. lba, kitrhen. encl pool.garage. $475. Laun· dry. beamed ('et hng Dys 548-8782 957-6126 Newport'Bearh. \liewof· • J 3 20 I W. d Beach. 3 blks S. of gar. East Costa Mesa dry facil. nr shopping $450. 493·2710 e,·s fices. F)Jll serv1c·c Law • • I • F.din&t47-5441 ~~7;~~~'4.:·1. pvt 847!: .. 2br.adults. A!u~~ Vt~1Jdt:~J~0~~: ~~~~~ptW~s.2~ ~~e·~~y18:x'~i:.r:~~ e 15.80 1 1 e •-led 3741 patio. dishwasher. on Mgr: 7711 Eilts l!D S..'SIOmovt'tn fil'.fL Eves646·755S 7S2·0IB2__ : I •• =r.:............... Ers;:e. al~'" :;.lrg ~~· Owner: 673-311S 492-0180 F 23 + to share with 520 "572 sq. rt. SI 00 per Add S2.80 for each addltlonal llnt for. times Lwllll)' studio, spa. TV. fs8{ ~I ap s. om · Jbr. fir. 2•2ba. crpts. Weslw•ster 31tl same. large furn. apt. 2 sq. rt .• 3975 Birch .. N B maid service. phones. · · drps. 01r, dw. dbl gar. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ba . N. B. S290./ mo. _A ent 541·5032, • •• su5wk.499·2227 la~~r;1r~:~c!d~r~ti'1; t650. 968-W21; 847·8933. O.lt*°°"9 646-3.m. DANA PetNT's beslloe Publish my ad for 8.days starting ..... portltodt 376' paid. Refrlge. 2 small 3 Br lux apt, move ln to-S315C 11847·3660 Fem, non·smkr. 3br. 2ba !OO'toSOO' at 70< inr l all. • -----------• ........... •••••••••••• c"'ldrenOK,no pets. day . 2•2 Ba . e n c I .--,.--'_ ... _.... duplex on Balboa Island. Uli .& ·a~97S·ll20_ Classification • OCEA. NFR.ONT 2 &: 4 Br. 1960.,,. Wallace 542.•905 garages. quiet rul de .. lw•llh rwM1tn1 $220/mo + util. Call ·Al· Small ffi 22 8 3 • Avail. Wmter. Weekly/ .. sac. Consider kids. or........,lltH 3900 li son or Dore ne : 0 re.l4x ·17 7 • • Monthly.673·7873. F.utslde3Br.2Ba.frpk. S67S /mo . 730·4741. ....................... 673·73.'18. =~~~~:O.H.B.f')Jrn. Name • W l thi g l Ukenew.1625. • 581·5986 SE AW I a...J D 2bdrm, 2ba apt. Par!\ IV • Add an some n x r a PROPERTY HOUSE " Newport $375/mo. inrl vi fire in Corona del M;ir. reSS • special in a 2 Br 642-:llSO 642-lOlO 3 •TOWMHOME VILLAGE util.Call.Paul: 640.8937 . set·ond story walk up. • Townhouse, completely 2 Br. 2 Ba. Townhome. Fenredyards/FRPLC New 1&2 bdrm luxury Prolessional remale age ocean vu. easy aet'l$S. • City Z ip Phone • rum? . Mo. 760·9117 yard, laundry . Adults. 2 Ba. Eilrlsd Gar. NEW ad·uJt apts i·n 14 plans I Carpets. drapes. panel· • SHORTTERM $660M 848 3775 25·40. noo·smoker to 420 ft •• .,,, Ch k MO • Beach rentals. 2,3 no ts.$450.675·9074. o . rBdnn from S4T90. 2hbclrm share beau. Newport ~t5444 sq, ~mo. .• eC Or . . enclosed 0 2 B Ad I be d -1 ~ Frwy ...t Mal rom S570. own ouse Bearh condo, $300 mo. ___ ..:____ • • bdnm. avail. by week or in~. se~;~ b;~er~~~: 3 bdrm . ? •, b a . from S640 + pools. ten· 645-3975 Free l mo. rent! Crpts. Charge my ad to: m>nth. Act,675-8170. lots ol wood. No pets. fireplare. ramilyroom. nis. waterfalls. ponds! drps, a/r. S.J .C. S31 8 • • CUTE 2 BEDROOM · 22S6MapleSt S420/mo. wetbat.dblecar gar,lg Gasforcookiog &heat· OMctR..... 4400 mo. Agt 496·6458, • O ~ # E • WINTER 122 25th St. 548-7356 613-8803 sundei:k. 95 mo. 1st. ing p81d. Fr om San ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1161·3380 L..., I .. .} xp. ---- •. Call&U-&514 · · last SI~. 7781 U ber· Di o f'rwy drive North • • Ba[boa Bay C lub S~r. 2ba upper-t '1)le · ly 846-Ci48=4flr--0 • * E b9dlelor' apt. wue or adults. no pets. 5525. · • then Welt on McFadden • • w xp. • rent. C7l0t7t .3U2; lOtOCValenr~.545·7983 lkJW• lo Seawlnd Village. • MWOQl,ext.sa. .. .. SH Hetos 3142 (710883-5198. • L_:------------------------------~ r.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• WE'LL PAY THE POSTAGE e Y9SAWS 2 Br. 211 Ba. Twnhse. Guarded ••le, tennis Wlffllfr"..., • r·----···· ·---···--·-··i (Mlf 8-t!Mlor. Nirely 1650 sq. n. ol luxury, rourts sw1mmlo1 pool ~m • unfurn f bdrm I r----1 • rurahbtd . Ma n y frplc, bi& dble gar., Ute~. robble slon~ apt. All util pd. All • 1 111111 I NO POSTAGE ,. 1naitles. ll50. 645.1045 yard. Pet OK. Adults. street, on channel adja. amenities. 846·0619. • I NECESSARY I • R /mo. cn to marina. Unique a-4000 : 1r MAILED : • • w 1'f!OAT sur f1!A! 642·9M6 ma aso1mo. ....................... e , , --""'H• ~·~.:~~... JtBllDICOMfOIT l3HO'Z2 LagunaBeach Motorlnn, ~ Mrlll8ft8T cnnrn • ( 1 IN THE ~ •• ...... -.:; .. _ w.e l BR dowft1taira """"' H44 • No. Pacifi c Cout "'"ru1u "''"' i l UNIHO St'ATCS 'O • tax•• ~11(~,:8~~;. r~'· ~':0 w:;dbri';i'g~·~·2·s~~·;.·,• g:ri. ~~ry~ :,~:h:ri Uclllllt Office t.w •• ! BUSINESS REPLY LABEL • e ......... • _,, aidulta on 14t$. Ba, arro11 •pool jac., available. Low winter ..,.... "' t • -•HnH\ ...... , .... •HarlaS41·lH7 tennis. Steve Whtie, ratet.494·5294 • i "'"'Cl•'5~llUlltT HO IJ CO\UMlS• C•l•FO!tfl•• ; .... ._.. ll06 lldrm. 1•1ba townhouse. 97J·094' dys. 551-5045 Balboa Inn. 190 • up SOO aitol200bl s?iuare feet .15 POSTAGE wu SE P~ 1~ All()A(~£ ! • .... _ .... ,........... -1mo. Call Kathy: M (wknds I I weekly. Kllcllennett~. Av a e or Lease • t 0 c '9:1~~":..~!!:~ ....._,orl55·•75. ~.._. • Jl41 ~anrront.675·8740 f~~'&\r~Jon •• < 1''•"9:~oa11t 01.'lltlly Pilot 1 •• 1'111111 -.mON7. • 2 BR Mesa. Ver(le. up· ... , ................... ltoom aad bath. 'em.1 ' ~ Ur 1 " bit I patio per, New decor. Adlts, I Bdrm ton apt. Fr.Pie . u o 0/ "'o . 11 a n y 1 . flllil · •.11 No .,...,tm ... 4 acwe. rtfrtf.· dtw. Zblkt .,....._ ~at•evea, I e I • ::.....-· Jr l Ir •/carport 6 1ml -. lit/ -:St+ 11 atll. 117 IOI 1llO ' • I .. a... ....... Adl&l OlllJ, IOpetl mo ... 7221. .. ... w/BA. Pool, ht ' • I • ......... .,. .... 11 ... VJIU.. 0 ltudio. Nr main Liii. 111S. llel Ctl~k. • J30 W. llJ It. , ., a lrti 11 • 2 •· c.11 11 I.e. Id. Oood ~tlMn. uut 141-Ttil E1t I H . Or • Coate Miu, CA ....,._ I e · ... ..... I .A. Pool apa, ............. l6lm ..... . I ,... ...... -Aii.;.. .......~I tN1 lll't• ..... ,.-Ille • • • I &11 w .. r ... • ~· 111~. 114 Ill Jllo emir w l ilt. I f ~ W • IJr.... ......... • ........................... '\ .. . ' I 1. I I l f Or1ng1 COlll DAILY PtLOTl'Mondly, January ti. 1112 c.,.tlerllM C....w~ .... '•• "•fr1•• 11 •••••1 .....; ,..,.. ·, .... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ·····'················· ....................... ~;;~;;: ............................................. , ............... . ._NII •WICllSOM NoSl.H!"INoStuunpoo Cr uwn mouldln1t . K&DL1and1l.'ape Malnt PROF~IONAL •:>c11t•rUsdlou1t>kt't'pin14 •ABC MO VING Jo!1q1 , <:1n1tum Wlllll'lllll'tlnii. Roolln1t. Y»1t St•t\'kr! Wu.IN. Bulldtr'ISlnt~• 1947 lllaln~\'111hat. Fatt mantles, w1all un it~. Rt'tl1d/Comm. <.:lean UI'. llANOYMAN AT SUppllt• rurnbhed vruf .. low rutt•tl Quirk, 111111f 11d1un Cuur1111. Xlnt Reis Frel' Eat ~17 L. D l\ddltiOftll ·rcmodt•lln11 dl')'.f'r_~e111.8J9.n112 1·ab1ncrls . lhrdwood U lluuling.M8·241jfj , S1';Nsrnu ;r1u<:l!:S. 'l'ruitwurtl\,)' 95T·ll003 1·urt>ful11ervl<oe.5!11·04JO tt·rd s L Sh<'flln. ' d4·~ , rtl II Door1, window•. 1'»t10 c-.t/C..rtte :iutlQfl~ tomood pro Cleun·u11•. ft11rlnklcr 979·2'.m . Wl'!ltCoastM1.1in1tn11m·e •A-I MOYIM~• 77SC1714 .. AllSOM&.YI t't AU.you ply <'U''llrt. f\'H t'll. R~u. •••uuu•••••o••••••• ems __ l l Systl.'nlll Oeneral Main ~air ' ln1t11ll: clc<'. ~·, ofr! New Yr ~µel·lul ·ro,, ijuallty SIH·t•n1I P..,-1 ... wll AllT 4148 8463 fou Ut'. 1131«*2 ~ 2110 THOM PS<?N'S. .....,_ ualnanec •645 12117 • plumb, t'arpentr) Qll Hou.st' .Cl111111n~! t·utc 11 handllnll ~ >rs ••••••••••••••••••••"' BAI.BOA ROO•'INC co 30day 1td ROBTSTEtNBRONF.R. CONCRETE CONSTR ••• .. ••••o•••••••••••• Fannin~ Own BUJint'u: Stl·ll84.a. eves 77011777 631·291B/640 6681 exp. C0U11>tl1t11 c r•to •BRYANT'S• 'nit only rooftn1t <'O. with lnthr OtN'LCONTRAt'TOR Ut· tp.3313 ___ 64z.8482 ORVWAl,l,/ACOU~TIC 4Yrstxp.l.ands<•uµ1ng , R~palrs. p111nt1111:. WF.EKENDIWl::EKOA\' Noo1crtlnw 130 13S3 Wall<•o1ennij Remo111l <·oostruetlon nbatn DAILY Lil' t!lllMl.S 60~ c...lc Tiit 14yrstx1>. Yully llr ~' Gr<kl& & Bmk Patios l'arpentry. Christian, re HOUSECLEANING ~'TAR\llNG (;OLl.Jo;<.a: AllT)'pt-s 642 1343 67U7431613·822t Pl.OT FINF.HOMt: ••• .. •••H••••••••••••• '!!!..~ 5325549 ~~Id. ~uf EWnr!1t:v Ill liable891·92Ji2 5516443 Sr m;NTS MO VINC ........ /lepoir HubfrRoolin1<•ulltypeii lllYICI IMPROVEMENTS Hw1.'n'.1Ct1r11mh·Tilc• DRYWALi.TAPiNG C't'll re LO ~118'-'· Hlrdwood"oon Uu11lity Wurk, Ocpendu CO C.tl' !fTl2A •13<i •u••••••••••••,•••"" New·retover·deC'l11 . DlllCTOIY Adllitionslt Rrmod"linJt Fiooni ·~owcrs ·Tubs All texturei & lll'ou~tii• 4!1!'.2115 b/7-9 & W fE •••••••••••••••••••••.. hie. Ref&. Call Pam & lnKurecl. (141 8427 Pl~TER PATC HI NG Li<• u n802. $48-'7U• DOITNOW ! r:JM• Call anyllm~972·4-039 Es°~est. Kcvin6TU088 ._..,S...•lc.1 HAROWOOOFLOOKS lbbDwlght,673·7012 JVATCHUSOROW• lt1•11tul·ros. lnt 'txt 30 --- Atkllers.dro. -.......,._ ~·~•-........................ , Btaullfullyc·leaned JoJc""""I\"',... "· R"ll "blc ,......_ 1rs NC'at.Puul.SiS2977 Sewlltf'Alttr ...... OW'DallyPilot ............................................. re'-' t mm n i: an<wu..,.. ~48 l l't·r ~u n Will Do ....................... Nl'llll'll<'hcs&textures INDUSTRIALSEWI NG Y "'9111~ 9" ........ ~~.. T 'r I I • "I I ·"' ..... , II r " ''"" • .. .. ~ ----.......................... . Strvic'eOim·tor, ~· N.DDNnWrTW Child Carl'. my hom1" E.M. OHlgn &r Check ~~~~111 ~~~f~0n~I~ ~ lloo'ICl'leanin.i; 549_:43.'IS f1ntq1111nt1n.b} Ru·hurd Fr.etlf. lfJ.IOt &CUTtlNG orrabrl<·• Rfl)rtsentativ~ <' J349892_ '170 8554 x1nt refs. 1nran1s thru 4 p 11 l' k a g 1 n g , s It J b · C 1 ~. .. ..................... H ttJtfflicJ Su1or Lu-. ins 13 >rs or 1-:o·s PLASTERING Freel'Slimates 548-0450 '4Z..U71. nUU AOD'~S/REMOD£LING rrs 'c;~.645·6848 MT L/ pc 8 11 lll' I' I')" ' 1:.~s 673-~r ups Haul, t'lt':uulp, ('01\l't{'lt• .. ~::................ bapp~ loull·ustum~r11 All'f)'pe8 lnl urf:xt lit -- '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111•1 Plans Lil''d. Gcor11e lluld dav t·erl' ht·'d hot liardisoo ~5·3701 P 'w reo.,vol. DumpTruek Non srookinjl Chdlltlan Thun you. 63 1-4410 1145~ Rt·stut·to& ••••••••••••••••••••••• Acc...... l'ilmer&Sons,M7.:.69!2. lun~hes •. Costu Mesa rhdric--;.i ~~~ ur~· ri~m~:J!i ~.£~S.,trY.:._C_~2·16:Jll m1d<!lt• .u~c cpl{' 14•lll ' c.~,~~ PLAS1'fo:R&STl.JCCO TILEJNSTALLED '"••••••u1••••••••••• ~M.... urca.~·~_or752110!. ••••e.•••••••••••••••n• Calls' Mol'nllll! Alter· DUMPJ<?US h~t·s1t I ino .. Nw111 1 25 yr~ ixp. Lit <10.~I lll'IJ:tll'.Nojobtoo5ml AllKinds Gu11ra11teed P/R Qtrllet. W2s. Fin ........................ Cle•lllg S..lcn ELECTRICIAN prit·rd noon t'\'l•nini: S2G 00 Pl•r &SITlllll Moving Joh~ I rvlnt• u rr u R d s l:loiwfod. Ins. tlcb. Co or 645.4203 ,i;.154199 Rtu John 8113·1661 Stmtl. Completl' Set·UP Cabinet.s •C1trpentry ••••••••••••••••••••••• riJ(ht. rrl'C estimate on Mu. •·or lnrornrntio n, Call MIKE646·l391 ~Hl4.US expert 963·09lLD1l'~ Custom Ceramic Tile &Sttv.Reas.540.!1834 Smalljobs&Rt>pu1rs largeor small jobs. Send Nllme Tl'lephonl' llAULING&OUMI' lftcOMtTa lrJ·RPAINTING ,... .. , Promptsen· Freeeil. ..... !)'eeestunates. 645-~3 IMMACULATE Llr •:116621 _ 613·0359 Number & 'Req111•111 to JOBS. ask ror Rnod}. • .. •••••••••••••••• .. •• SP1':nAL! INT EXT. ·o;:;~;;i;;;;J(;~,~·siO' _Chuck 675-1~ ....... •••••~•••.•••• .. ,.-,,. .. -~ir-I R~ID COM M 'I, 5901 Warner An'.Rox 6418427 t:XJ•Jo:H PRF.PARER drywall LarryG45 9383 Pt b" R le ---... ~ c•1 . .. 1• ~ 1 M um mi: cp111rs Trw S..-• D'htways, parking lot ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ho 97 ... 0ff ~ 1·rs exv Do mv own 289.HB 92647 CL.,"NUPYOUR "CT 1',nrolleu tu vr:u·111•1• m Sma I y Vrt<'l'S Fr~est M'·M'"2 9033 .,.,, IN~s ·k · --"' •~r h IRS 11• c 1•1 NB "'"' · "' "" ••••••••••••••••••••••• repairs, sealroatin", FIN"" F'INISH WORK wor . Li1·'d. Al 646 8126 "''or<> I l' (Juulity url' !Ima < " • -• ~ " "' l•llll!!!l!!!l!lll-----1---Gruphu· D1>s111m•r TODAY! Ya rel i:iira111• c:.9 24 S "' · t R c73 Ii •77 ._ ~ ...... M .. •Expert Tree f'runmg • lft&repairs.Lir'd. Remodeling1Doors hun11 -~ LIC'DELF:CTRl<.:IAN Loi:os , br111·hu res, l'ln-up. Nt 11un trm·k. :.ll.r<'HS to!ll..,.. ·· 1 r.~JH 00 : H rropeny •.-Cornmerrlall.andst·ape Asl!f)alt 631-4199 RandY720·126o CdM Exp Duy Work Qual. work . Re11s. rull'li flyers. orii: nrt \\'Ori<. S2S 631 1993 (24 hrs I LtHOM G I. Mangun Pa1ntt n11 ...... ,.RO••••,-:.~T·•y••••••• Ser~-_9~ AUSl'ATE PAVING CHAR RF.NOV bl NG QUALITY F'rt'l'l':ll. 631·S072 Torn l<>tlerht•atls lavuuts & llAULl"'G o••••••••••••••tt•u.. l'ust work. L11· 11:m2-1111 -Seakoatine -Stripin° c I ' ti t "· $11.00br (Stirs. Ml) • --•ihot_ o••ranh.~· •l!Jj 874.5 '' Y<X:ACLASSfo:S lni.. fo°Tl'l'l'SI 731·82111 MANACHMEHT . "' omp · '" ex "' r ust. Da•·s El'es " a. r: Qw1·k l'l~an uµ y1I ~a1rs.Comm./Resid. rabinets.2.Syrs.645·3749 ,,..,_3299, .,,5 ,,.,,9 Fr..:llDoon Y111:at:ollei.!l'of tnd1J CUS'l'OMINT EXT Ur:mgeCo area.15yrs Lic.1381362 645·8181 G W Vt\NDERVORT ·~--u• ''"' ••··~··••• ... ••••··~"'' H~" t'rt..'t!R~:.k~1t~095:i, Akt hod K55 tMll 1-:XJ•~;RTSt:H\'lt'E l'XJK'n~·e Callfor1nro Altonieyi CONST.LGEISMALL Co.trodon,Gtt1«al •FRENCHDOOKS• .• •••••••'.••••••••"""'II I I I M LOW HATES and rates ••DPllT•• Tl&SllYICE * •4tl-2Z20 * * ******* ••••• .. ••••••••••••••.. 673-lHS •••••••••••••• .... ••••• l~ d11ancs instS~~ll, 6 CuR. ll>Eoof'i'nt 7 prt11us1tmr~ s~~~r,1:1 :·e~a111r~~'. ':;,~· ~ ............... NU-BROOK s~s 11 1;, 963:1_112_ AGGRESSIVE lei;al ---~--OS Ho.tltpolr s t erO\)Cmni:. i•om· llli.!· um uni.: Junk.trash 1141149114 llRll'KWOllK Sma ll Nfo:l.SONS PAINTI <: Rtfinido.I..... representation, law or iP~!inA~~~~: . Alt µhi!Sl'S, Ill'. bonck<I. P.1 1\!n.vaintt'<ll &lOIOOS Dnwall Stun ·11 ·T1h· Johs. N~11·pur1 . Cu~ta Int ~:x1 Rl•s1<I C'om111 ••••••~•••••••••••• JAYETREECARE fices, 34 hrs. 545·8422 Sk "Ii tes Ref , R"ll expcr. F'rel' l'£1 & iulntl' Ren°iudc·I J B 6~1.i-9990 HAUi.iNG ·s1udl·nt h:i~ Ml·s 11 . I n ·1ne. R d~ 1\1'1>ui.1ir c·e1lini.!s. th•li., J.O. Horn Rerinlshlng Complete ser vice and ...._&M&.'.,. .,..,,',,...,.. · 8 • 1 Alltm Const <M1kl'l Gl•m•rul Maullainunrt• li.w lrl14:k Lowi•st ruk Iii~ 317.S lu"cl fohl' l'sl 1137 ·24i37 AnLiques, kit. cabinets, stump i;rindinii. 10 yrs _, ..... ..., ~-~-497.5322 499·481i:J R & I) Prompt c'ull 759 197ti I' \l"""L"ll L'f'"S r . in "'5 llDI,. Li I 640 9308 ....................... r~r-· ----TREES t•pau·,. l'l'Oraltn)! Thunk you.John. l'Ul>l•1mRr111·kMasonn ' ... r, r. ,.., mceaml ~""' .. ...,.,.. exp. l". ns ·...;·~"'-- Blb)'llt our CM homes 1 -r• _..-Ttct Additions. rl'modl'I ~. Topped rcmo\"t•d . l"lt'an •Qualll) • Ha.1 lilO ~144 l'umµI )Jrtl 1·on~t1111" WOllK 30~rsexµ Int ....., • ._.,.__.., WlildowCt....-.1... y & ' yt" ' '''00'0 '0 ""'"0 " homl' imµro1l'ml0 nt. ups, ri>nrt•i. n•11J1r1•1I & HOMF.ll\IPRO\'•:Mr-:NT TRE1':S SllRIJl:ITRIM 111111. tJuul dt·t·k ~ & t•xt ,\rnu~lll'l"l'1hni.:i. .::e:'!'!'!'! .. :'::" ..... 0 ,00,-.;::::";? ...... ' r ~.'~ :t::s1ss WeCareCrpt Cleuners 11o1ndows, doors. l'Uho:.. 1nst_~ll~I 751 34~1; Rt')larr Mamll•llJlll"t' Gara.,'1.'& Yit l'll'.\lll u11" 1•1wlcre.un·~ l.o1·al n•ri. OJ11:. Pum11J1~ 847 SlllG "Let the Sunshine In" ------·---' Stcaml.'lean&uphols ttri\l'IA'ai s rl• H F'ret."rsl 557 11271 f""c12 COMU9CIAL Call"'·-·h· w· d Babysittin1.myhome,nr TrUC'kmountunit ulumb1ng . · .. ,,.' WH YNCYrONJo:or-· t•atin11 . t·ar11t•11tr~. ...~.,., llOCSE P.\I TINCi -=:MDUDIUMGt"STllAL ·~me in ow SoCoast Plaza. Lg yard Work 645 3716 .. • L11·. ' l l'll'I". Ull• f'rw i•st No ~ ll;1rt M...t:iunn_ Hrtl"I<,. l'111.ki:.~51ud..tn1..a.1Ui .,Ckanin&, Ltd. S48·88.s3 967-0Sl& uar. -· -378711. Ph 960·0635 Gardcntnl!, t;Jfi !iti!j.I juh 110 small 1;..is.281 ••••••••••u .......... , lllo1·k. t'11111·r1•ll' rtl'f IA1w rat('S D11n:11;~1; 11!1;9 •RESIDENTIAL • Shampoo & steam dean. C:O.-....,Oll.. r CM ' Want a HEALLY l'LE,\ IJI' :ijilft!J.I 11.rn 1s97 Tttrn lost or unused Av" 1 sty,..," .• uvg 2 sty •••••er Color brighteners, wht ·r~· an • Gardcnmi.: wunll'll. ll~ 1•-< HOUSE? ('all Gmi.:hiim l'u1nt1ni.:'s lhl• Gunw · sµal'e into a workllble " .,.,., l'rplS . JO min. ble11t·h. ••••••••••:::"""'''' l'l'r hurt11•utturis1 lhidalljuh~.IJ.:l'h.ml Girl "h'l'l'St t'4 S-Sl2J Mo•lncj Pi1ll'r"lit'11"sthe N<1m1·' urra·roums divided . ~.Chris 9S7·8388 ••••••••••••••••••••••• For all yqu need to know about bar\lcruptcy, t·all 714/83S-9162 H11ll. lh" din. rms Sl5: COIPOllA TIOMS Six'l·tallt.es in plaols & Qua ht~· l'X Pl'I', 111· 'II. • ................... • •• I.ii· 2391')34 1i12 OKti:! dr; wall. drop ce1lmgs & Clearview Windows a"g room $7.50: cOUl'h & PARTNERSHIPS 11 a rd l' n m a 1 n I Dai l'I K9-I 97911 HOH I N'S <.'I.EA ING ~li\lt\"ING i\L'TOHS Paptri1t.9 tnm l"arpcntf) to tom· Xlnl ser"ire. rree est. SlO: l'hr $S Guar ehm Formt'd b' i\1turnl'1s Gret'tlhou.~e:.. \\•j.(t•tahll' I &•o's Honw Im vn~11· St·n'll"e a lhuroui:hl~ ~ MO\'INt: t'OM PA 'Y ....................... pk11on Call Tom or ,frrr Ken -tilJ.!1(118 pct odor Crpt r<'pa1r Reas rates· 5S7 ~700 i:a rcll•nrn.i.:. 11n·h1cls & m1•nt i·lrun hotm· 5-10·0&7 F.1.~1 & l'arl'lul I.owl's! llAN(i l G $10 1101.1. di 661·2913 or-193 3886 Sell things fast with Dail> IS yrs exp. Do work ~'Ind -wh;1 ) ou want 10 I ut her t•~ot 11· 111 u nt s t &•n 1n· ,\II Job~. IJll! or l.1.1.~~1r111l \il:o.. 'our urw tl,11.-. l.,114 ,\lluwi. M C 01M· on 11111,l•r St n v Ha'e someLhinR to sell! Pilot Want Ads. myst'lf. R('fs. 531.:01~ Q~ly Pilotf l:issilil'(b 71H97-~27l! sm:ilt 9'~·5231 1'1UV"hovv111i.: n •ntt•r \ 1~J IAc· In:. 117:1 OM~l 1'1111-! &·011IWS93~ lWll 1Jlc •!~Ill!>_ 642 51i7~ Classified ads do 1~ I ~.~.~ ....... ??~~!~~~::! ..... !!~~ ~.~~!! ..... !!.~~j~~~ ..... ?!~· ~.~~ ..... ?!.~~ ~.~~~ .... ?!.~, ~~~::! ..... !!.o.< ~.~~ ..... ?!~~ ~.~~::! ..... ?!.~~ ~.~~ ..... ?!.~~ Ulst white/Ian male St BABYSITTER CLEllCAL (,l·m·rnl 1!clv ~ IMSTIUCTIOHAL . MIDICAL Bernard mix. Api;irox 60 ACCOUNTS 3·8pm. my h~mr . 2 8ankin1t Pml\Jnenl µart ttnw I Mt~tl_), ~-~rnmb. ~Idµ in l ASSOCIATE MANAGER FIOMTOfftCE lbs.l yrold.Poss1bl)'..in·1· IECEIVAILE duldren~·0523 R'9DM1Teffer ll111km i.! tor •'Ol'r)!t'lll l Otrttl .&ITH11mlt ll 01 I \Ulntcnsl\e O L'L' ~Part time '""s1t1on Ped.1atri rs e xper jured. Call Rob ---•Ir ·1 11(' hu ' rk i·:i..,,,1ona r;t\ l' . our' ' , y v • SI I book Q.BIC ~ ~J r w "4 o ~ ~kxihld\1usthail'Ul4n huur Wl't'k . rlt•i. Pr1vatl' beach l'Om necessary mp c-· ~·7831 I Rap di g w'ng Int ·1 Banlung Are you un l'Xvenen1·ecl I '"'II w11h 1wopll· Mu 't I . 11-.> R •I 11 . I M·ht'CIUll·. eta's l'reflor muruly. (dl'al uppurtun1 keeping and insuranee LOST! Very Sentimental eom.pa~y ~~ekinit de· Pacific teller. tnll'rei.ll'Ct in ob I bl' IH t'ltl'nl.;1hh·. abl~· to i ,1r 9d~ ' l\<11·h•·lors Ot•i.:n•1• 'n I) (or r l'I tree w 11 h and typrng. Send rtsu'!l' Grandpa's Cane. I Need tailed or1 e n led In. National.... lammg a JOb that orrl'rS 0 111· 5~ tiO. r lt•x I h I l· -~. ,~.. I ns1.. lin)!WSlJl'~ or a rnanai:enal l'XIJt'nenee. ~ ad DO 1001 c·,o Daily it lo Walk. Vie NB. CM, dlvidual ror entry le\ld ti "--' atf , 1·areer cll•l'l'llllJOll'lll. I hours lonla!'I l~arharn GENERAL OFFICE lun.i.:ua j.(l' & {''(l)l!r 10 Salal)' nl'gotiuble: fll'XI· Pilot 330 w. Bay St .. PO ShopplneAreas.67!·3638 position in OIU' acrounts ll-!.,-..1 0: k thl'n Wl' ma,· h1t1l' th1• CARRY ut llurr1rl< l ~11·1.1111 T~1Hni.:. µho111•:.. l'l1· ESL l n~lrul·t11111 l<l' bit• hours. lWncj resume Box 1560 Costa Mesa F K b d & r""'''ivabl" dept . Mu•l N,ew Independent an vos1tion for )·ou! Wt• arc FQI}( Sysll'nl.~ 751 2R11 l'.O~. I Full ur 1•art ti mt· Fa~ <1ut>i.t Jpnhrat1on rn1m to ""x 2356. Capistrano .. 92626 e: ees on • grey ~"' ' ~ , Newport l n 1ne I n a major S &r L. nrrerin.i.: 1 • f Bl! ""h9262 11 ---~-silver. M: Gordon Setter type 60 wpm. ·arcurale· du.stnal Area has a !>OSI an exl•ellent O""'>rtun1t i· AGENCY l'Ol'NT~;n t'OOK L! r o 14 111 i; i 11 a I in I! l ua i.' nm mun it) 'al" 4 or t•a MEDICAL Mix. bJck &_bm . M: l•. '"I.au '"" Lou.ch.. Ac· 1~a\'.a1labl'" ·~ tl'tl('f .t-;:; ...... • Part 01Tll' & t'Ull lllm.· I m.JJ,:allOl' Ill N H Jl'l'J r.oll1•111·~ .... 1J. 70 \_ti JOI~ • 496-6576 C'<J,ONT OFFICE # _.,,.......,_ ~· · • · ~'" 1 rorailin<fivldual tn at1 SJI I I t M 921 21 ;")!\I 59~-r ~ Shepherd Husky, blk & t-OOnts rt'<'e1vable exp. Expen<>nce Ol'f·t>i.su~ as a su11JX1rt aid for our AU lnM' FREE l'Jll fur JlllH li.111 ' an •aM1 u11 '''11<'1 . • ' .. '. ' Forintem111t m Newpon .tan, w/Mich .. l.D. Fe help(ul. ~utstanding Xlnt_em~JO)t'e benefits Southern OC Branl"h · IUD'1 l>toh.<:ctM lii5 2t9:1 ~·J!I ~h-hn1la Im JIJl'I. ~'!'i;'n: 5µ11\ JJn ~ilh M. Beal'b. Proricient in Shepherd. tan & blk pup ~pensatton & bene~ts Med11·al !nsur.ann·. pro· Thts is a kev pos111on I Delw Ptnoe ''""' :191.,1 4 ~. m . Au't :':!.v;... pegboa rd, insuranre II: Bouvier, blk Tri· in a pleasant work1n jt r11 shann"'-eh' Call h 0(( • cl c• -~· . tty Gb..111:8 .. L OfflCE l"'Vlt>..IYORY '""J' . '0 rm s m 4 d 1· ~a I environment Contart "'' I at ers 1·anl'll' an u ~,..., I art lllTll.'. Ill ~··ar~ or mPlA " m• Exeellent opportunity in · " '. col 0 red pe a(' 0 r k . p Mill AMF Sc" Susan Peters } 714 ) stev11ini: stone to" l'arel•r s..--.1 Office oldl•r, 1111od 11111 llli: I'\'• N II firm 0l'l"1S tlt•x1hll·. ASSIST ANT O('W honw. dN·or shop l~rmmology & medic•· :::f~~C~~~;ssi 25 tit:c Dri~'ling Inter'~~: -~!:loo.1EOE/M!_F 1trowth.Owntransporta· lilRil• 1·or11 7St~7tkS rn11111 atl'cl v..r~on i\...si3tm.i.: m oin·rat ion~l 10,:att•d 1n Nt'wport ~ion:. Kffl)OWl~dFer j' 1 18012 M 1 h 11 Uon a mWll, but m1le111:c Beautiful airport based t\nS14t·r phonl•i.. t.1 Ill'. of <.'orvorall' m,itl :>llH·k Ht•u1·h for ai:i.!rl':.i.11 l' at· o ll'e e P u Found : Chor or lilar tiona · . le e Banking reimbursemt' nt pro-romp .an~ s, e.e ks DlUVElf dJil) llank1n~. Must ht· mom:. Dl• II, 1. ri "~. Jnd sales ori r n 1 l'rl 644-0077 (9-12 ONLY l. point Siamese. M, I ~r. So.,lrv1t1e. 7l4·M7 90SI Utl)llWlfTll vided. We pro1•id<' l'X· attrartive individual FUlllJmc Goocl i1mrn.i.: Jt·1·orutl'Wllhhi:un·~ IJV('l'ation or m.1d11nt•!>. personnel 2 )'ears Models & Esc•orts Fem ...:Col=l=ar...:968-7".::.;37...:44..:.__:-:::P'!!!!!ro!!!!!E!!!!! .• !!!!!!!ll!!M!!ll!!/!!!!!!F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I VERY BUSY loan olrice t•ellmt t·ompanv paid wllh llJht typtng who rt'l·uril 640·7980 11.'il 9277 to: 0 ~: sh1p"tn''. ren•n tn" & manai:ement expcr rl' ()dy ToPSS. _ i........r. • · • • , wut train on Telex Lots I .. .. .. r...... 5350 h m loral Newport Btath ~its. 1nl'lud1n~ Op-of record keeping & o.tdAnist.t ,.___.,.,OFFtC 1 h1•a'' hflm.i.: IOH•IH•<I qd in th<> retail field __ 612·48S2~rt tt.__ ....................... AIDS Sa11ngs & Loan, 1s sm· l1c·ill, Dent11I us wrll as riling as well as other ~ill'ri.:l'lir. i•nthusi.istu· ~ E I Eltt>l'rtl'Ol"l' µn•frrrt•1I Job l'Xpt•r m m\'n·h11n Models &hilhoited Allmltf M Classroom aids b·'f) ing experienl'ed loan & de11endant 1·0,·eral(('. ieneral offire duties. for 11n,·atl' pral'l ll·t• I Our. r:11n~I~ \'~l'<H11ltn~ R E firm . Call. li-10 0123 d1sm1:. \'ISual men·han Needs tall attrartii·e I ass'e stitute classroom aids uaderwrilers ror t"On· Please 1·all. 835·4336 for ! Xlnl advanrement Lai:unu lk•at·h 3 ': 1la) lnll mUlt0n.1I {11m11un) hdWl'l'nl ·J0&5 30 1srd1s11la~. hlj!h 1m11ac-l Open2" hrs a da needed by The Hunt· venlional real estate an~l'llC>intmt>nl. potential & starting wc'\ok 37 11140 hnui·s Ex 1 J lj ~ 1• t•k 1 n i: a n t' 11 J"··-'o•l "L lfol'n·haod isini:. invcn· mervwomen for ag('ncy 7 days a we~k ington Beach School Dis· loans Salary l'Om . ~al~. $8J2S·llOO Call : IJl'rvil'll'm '(I l'all thusiaslw ,.,.If st11rt1ni.: "'.,.'1 ""' IOI)' l"Ontrols. ordenni: ~g~t~ 548·7lli_ 69 Go rgeous girls to ui<'t.J.hrsperday,1498 mensurate with eJC· HOMIFIDHAL U.Joillloll 49-l~MIHlThurs 1111lh11luJI fur a i.:1•m•ral WtCCNdroctors 11ro1•cd ur11s. labo r Ne"4-port Center invest· pamper you. Jar unl. perhour:Apply.73S l4lh µerienre ExreJlt>nl UYl•S&LOAM 75M301 11rr11·1· 1111~111110 rn 11111 1 Jobi. a\a1tabl1• no\4 Jll srh('(fulntii and J>t•rson ment firm seeks tn· Sal ounuar. 1Loc5 lasts. as ;:11 11•: St • H . 536-8851 growth polenllal with lli66 N M:un St • Sid 10 I J,..-... Datd A1silt.t tlOl l"hJsmi.: llt•purtnw nl Jrl'as Must hJ11· o"4 n n l' I m d n a i: l' me n l d11·1dual with pleasant Apartment Manager. e'I aggress1\'e rompany Sanla Ana, ••~ 't:WPOtlT HE.\l'H G1nl IHltn~. l•hont·' & l'qu1µmt'nt t'.dl fur Bcon<'f1b111dudl' lllt'd1ral phone manner & 11eneral Americard. Mas ter Pleasel'all forappoinl· roE MtF lf'YOt' ltl1n i.: n•quirl•1I JIJj)l.!IS.\-0722 1n~pran1'l' and 11a1d orftce skills . Xlnt Charge, American Ex· perience<I. mature cou -nt -~ Important Newport •i\rt• Jn 1 ..• 11,•r1••111·t•1I Out.,.,t.ind1n .. 1·um1.11'""'J 1 • hol1-'a\'S Salar\ 1·c1m ......... r. C II f ' pr ess Di ners a ll pie Beaut. maintained "90 Beach Company St'eks " "' ·~ ~Sec et 11 • • U'ClK"JllS a or appl I · / 3 33 44 unit, Costa Mesa. Ms. Denny Parrsia Bi:AUTl-Cl AN ·,. a r<>er bright tramtt. who t'an Dl'lltal 1h s1sl 111111 & Xlnt «om11Jn~ r OlfY mrnsurall' with ab1ltl> ~~11_!!a, 644·0230 ;~c~:,ebo/~1 r~· 4 . Adults, no pets Apt + 714·645·6505 orient('(! hat rs I \'hst & t y pe a I 4 0 wpm •Arl' l';11t1•r to 14Hrk Ill a l11.•nd1!1> Pll·a~anl \4 urk Fo pa rt ni•r' of and t'Xl'Crt('O('l' Wrlll' . salary bonus 642· '907 HEWPORT IALIOA 111ilnicurisl for :i h1i.:hly c 0 mp a"~ 0 r r E' rs rust 11un•d tJl"Ol!l'l'S~I\ l' Ill)! l01ll"ll"Onnwn1 l'on Nl•Wporl bl'O.ll"h I ll'm i\d No. 754 I' 0 Dari~ NURSES' AIDES For lolal rela at.on ... th ~ I -·• I "' h I r & p t u ·It \ •1 c· Musi ha1t· Mm :1 ll"<lr"' p I PO B 5 o <.:ertir1e<1 & cxp"d. In x 1 .. 1 wkd ·s 9.•. r•v1~s&LO""" Ol·al .... saonmr:is1on excelent t>ne1ts umn· tal"I. ;i ,.,, s. 1 n r . 101. u:\ t.6 . -' · I • ~ ~ ""' "'" I 1··-·' · 11 ... -' t t · I r II "· r p It I I t';1hl ht11.:a1w11 1':\ll Tnv l' u 9 2 II terestro tn °ood nursing a P• uoess1ona ma ssage 1100 Irvine A \'l' • N 8 s im u 1w l u ;:,an .. ~· g r e a po en t 1 a ·~la1 l' J rwno ~ oUll!O ,,.·1l•n11 11· n rni: I . osta m l':. a 26 Ii or l"U ,. StevelCM;1 :>48·2817 AlCtlTECTURAL E 0 E. M F ~-Starting salary. $67:> In!! IJl•rsonahl) 1 111011 Mi ll·hl•tl S11 . skills reqUtrl·1I t°J 11 I i I 4 1 • .i 5 4 O 9 I 2 i·ari>. pron•d working Lonely Tonight! Need DWTSPllSOH n.-au·t.·· llitoJolllsoll •lh.1\l' a m:llun· al lntnt'. 557.9051 EOE llarbar.1 M11rrJ1 F:QE;..M F <·ondit1ons & bettl'r .,.. • •A t •t L' ~.wtiG salanl's Pos1t 1on s Company? Call Monica Exrellent opportunil> Great opµort unit). 75-301 llllx<' " r MamC'unst wanted wuh a\ailable. 7 3 & 11•7 953·1822 w growing Newport needed shamPoO asst. Generi Office •Hai,. 11onct 'i•rhal Mamtenam·p P1•rsu11 Tht• follow111ii. bus\ HB sho11 Mesa \'erde Co n,·al COEDS-Would Love To Bcaeh oCfiee. Min 3 I) rs Bankin1c_} ror busy salon l.11· rt' skills GHlAL OFFICE Southlancl L'or11or11twn 3 hi from pier.":>36 1212 & Hmpllal. fi61 Ct>nler St. Party with You! Call Cllper. ;r-'d. NB 631 1390 2 years colleg~ & a •Arr a non smol<rr rl'tlui n-s ""me a<'<'I°" rx I has an IJl'l'n1ni: fur a 96().0746 ask for Pat • W. Rylee. AIA TB.LERS q_ --=-· th •it d · __,.,..,,, • W o u Id c n J 11 y u .,... .. 11erson lo •wrrorm bas11· ----~.~:>48-~ A-·"'me.761."""" l714'640·2912 IOOIOCEIEPEl to join top Newp-0rt ·t>hallt•ni::mi:l·url'l'r mainll•nam·e duties n1 .-.-" w • Nursing n.o13u ~ ' Pl 11 1• -0•gs in)! hank rl'l'Onl"illalion 1 S L' I T Lesl ie or S y lvia ma ap, u e n=u..,, l'l'rll'O l"l' i'n 11o ii t I ,... · ....... .,mNl!..MGl FUil l·harge bookkec•per Beach Corporation. No easr1·11 . ;.i4 " I u•1r t·1 l'n r. l'' t·n1 rnl'l sales. ex11 t•r LVH CHARGE ASSEMILER OUl 1"'9llEST thru r1·n~nl·1··l stnl0 • typing is necessary. but l'tl" Goocl l<>le11hont• & stores Tht' Sllt'l"l'S!tlU I O{'{'CSSarv 962-0084 ( ..... "' .. .. , Id 1.,. drlX'lll&I Asii1stant IYPllll! skills nel·<•ssar~ 1 I --·-11·7 Relief. Com . Hosp Lilla & Vicki.,$ Growing N.B. m r nl'=S IS YOU! ments. ConsLrul.'tion ex company wou 1 .. e aliExnarient"'d Want a11ph.·:1nt will haH' a -Nu•pt BC'h Re h 3 b b I h k · d r .. " , fur busy real estall' or 1 •• 1 ... r MASSEUSE w r g I P e r sMo n 11er req. Call Butler 5 0 mnt~ 1 n . 0 t'(I. Part-Tutlt' Top Pa)' fll"t' Rererenrci. rl' IU SH' "now t·u11 e u Want' ... fo South •·oJ 1 onente<I nul'St'. ded11·at· •ISCOITS• w asseQ'lbly exp. ust Housin Co 979.7_:150 accou ll\g eicpenenre 631.3380 110 220 \Oil l·m·mtr~. ""' r .. :. ed &r h 1 C BACK•BETTER berast&accurate.Non GREAT WESTERN U.Joillloll Ql.Drl'tl G409900 for in dn·wall &lraminµrnn Village Salon Pleas<> wtl sm1es. on· THANEVER! 24HRS smoker. KNOX CO SAVINGS AN D LOAN IOOICICEIPU 752.0301 DOMt~Wef' ter,·iew l'l'Pts.Entl)·leH•lsular) .£all (714ll:>6·7136 _ tact:MrsSlone.~ 669-0207 (714) 675-2885 has immediate open•nr Not Fu 11 Ch n r g e . Data Pr,.,__•irt_,., Appl) AM onl}. DK's HAIRSTYl.IST s tation 141th 2 r<>\"lews dunni: 1st Medieal Ass1s111nt. front !Nursing . (Outcall) Attendant. Live.in lo help rorTELLERS on a Fu 1• Journal. postini:s, rl'con-~•.i. Donuts. 2959 F11ln·il'w for rent. $65 wk. Or work 9 months of 1·m1>lo~ & bark. EKG. Vrna MURSIS AIDE '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I disabled woman. Own tirne ba sis In our t•il .. inv, acctg. Salary International Irvine Rd.CM. from 6.S', to vo•;. With nwnt Xlnt ro bl•ndus punrture,lyµin~. Exper'dallshlfts.Con1·. ""n•ftA.jaJJy S""ure single bdrm, CM. 6'15·5839 Newport Beach branrh. 6op4e2n8l4oSOex per'k1enrre. based company seeks ~~die onl r M \' tL\t)P!~' in persoon mo w : -~ _645·172P Hosp. Nwpt. Bt'h . Bring r~i;, mld XJ~s. seeking,._________ Previous finanrial Ill· . • as or ind Iv l du a I w i l h DllVEI ._....,.,._'!!.."" at or l'\'es a ~ l' ta . ran I!,. I Ml'tlkal Serret an. Good your smile & join us~ flna nc i a I ly sec ur e i• s111u11on or l'ash hand I Barbara. ef perience reviewing For Ille, local delivenes. HairStyhst 97~1~7 Affirn1t1ll1 e Al· m.>d1l'al transl'lip11on & Fr~ !l\lr med .. dental remale 25·50. Object Amb~~~~: and ing ex per1enre is IOOICICHPH ~:if:J. &1~~a~: FUii lime, Mon.Fri. Gd. ~~1sTH aH1r Stcylii.ts hon EQ.E_ mod s~·retanal .sk1lls. &lile1ns.Ca11:642·8044. alri_mony! Send brier &iris lO.IJ years old. 10 neC'eSSary. Public con· with solid arrountlng or or reports etc. This driving rttord. Master '""'"'· OJ>· air Ull<'rs MAIMTB4AHCE ~II lime. s~la~ (·om· 1·--------rtsume & photo: Box work one or two even· tact background helpful. banking;exper. to work posillon offers a n Bluepnnt. 234 Fisrher, & Hair Stylists with SUPEIVISOl mensurate with l'X· <Jfire nu. Daily Pilot. PO ings 1 week getting KnowledgeortO-keyand ror computer company. excellent salary, 6 C.M.540·9373 Some Followlrrg. Ooini: Needed ror c00,. llO!!I> pe rr>en ee Pi a s t It· NEEDED a>x1*,CM92626. newspaper subscrip· lighttypingis required. 63J.77t0,Mar e. moathreview1,&hasa The Latest fas hion Elet•t. Pl umhin~ & SurJ(eon s orf1l't' i n IMMEDIATELY at-.i prJ mandes1·res i T I 3dayweek 7:30AMto8 ELECTRONIC Stylrs & Cuts . Op· Pr'e''"nlut1"1· .. "u1'n· Newport 8 e·a1·h ir~..........._. .... --• oi tons. r ansportat on CAFETlllA/ PM. portunit1es Unll m1te<1. ' ' '" 644-~. ~·· ihtty sensual lady 18·35 and conslant ad u It You'll find our salaries C".,HI•• • ..._ 1-...._ A.5SEMBl.ERS Top Comm i 5 10 n 5 • tena1we. Xlnl Salary & • with •without A~/alt-720-0296 supervision pronded. competitlve,benerltsex· --"'"'-Growing Co mpan" G t d s 1 • 8ener11s.'Apply lle\erl~ Medical ,\ss1stant. front shorthand ~ -ell t and r table 6::.l am-3 pm, Mon Fri 752 AJOI ' uaran ee a ar) • olfi AM 20 h ,. M 154i.EJe~Ofl.R7pTm call 3to5:30PM. ask ror ~o~i~g c~on~i~~ons. unirorms rurnis hed. "" needs experienred Elet· Paid Vecallons & Bonu Manor~VLct_oria CM _ ~~ .· rs ... · ~~VE, .. R AOfflcP. EE• And rea. 6'12-4321. ext Please apply in person good bent> fit s Call. Secrlhrv Lroruc Assemblers with Point Pro1:ram. U You lttlpyourselltoa ----.. _. 343 to: 957.3000 Ext 3076 ror Ull J advanl'ement potential Want to Advanre In Our Qeipin&selection or Ir you're looking for a bet-Wort Close lo Home WANI'ED: Female cruis· Light backgroudd .frne Apply in person. 1020 W Profession Call Re~1s Qualffied Hopefuls ter job, you won 't want VICTOI lngrompanion 2S·3Syrs, GRE•T a if~oodt~t aslherels 17lhSt.£P1.:_ ___ ·Hair Stylis ts South i.ntheDAJLYPILOT tomiss lheemployment Temporan.·Scrnre Hawaii. MieTonesia. IAIYSITTll A CASHIH/P·thnt a ot o dlctaphone. EXECUTIVE Coast Plaza Shopptnll HELPWANTEDADS columrllnClassiried. s:io.~ EOEM F Letvinc Feb. l, 646·3708 Person needed to meet WESTERN, Afternoons & wknds. Ap· ~?r:fe~Y 1":5 F~:'h\i~u~ SECRETARY . M:1ll. 540·8888 · 11111!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!~~-!!L~-l!!!-~-T,.... 5450 6/yroldgirlarter sl'hool. SAVINGS ply The Earl's Plumb· Island & h es an Professional with xlnL -HOT& ~. • ,,., ........................ :. l:M Lo approx. 2:<15pm 450=_. ing. 1526 NewPort Ave. excell ent benefit shorlhand & typing ••••••••••••••••••••••• everyday, Mon· Fri .-, CM.641-1219 ~11e. Salary from abilities needed for Sw)trhb_oard .,rator 11 -~111..,&.AJ (« Dlite of l ! ,PA ~N c..eer . up. Newport Beach Real rehef mghl auditor, ror Coupom. 13 Countnes . DABLE. MUST llve H..,.,.le-' CASl•/SAUS ............ Estate Inve stment luxary Laguna .Bea<'h •! Opp a\"ail immt>d ror setr moth"atfd indn~·'lr to learn Mrktl( istr .. $40.Gl·-within walking distance '2660 HCUSIWAllDIPT. 712-0>01 Firm. Accounting back· Hotel. Contact Rirlt El dfSki Colorado to school. Stonecreek ~II Ume. Apply; Crown ground a definite plus lloCt. 497.4477.,EOE lbFtb. 11·21, 3 run days Elementary, Wood· AA/E-OE/M/F Hardware. 1024 Irvine Tellers CallSherriMt·2188. Homekecper ti lklinl al Purgatory bridge, Irvine. Rer's.111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!1!!!!!!!~~1 Ave. <Westcliro N.8 Have several ~nlnos Finanre Man~er needed F\tll tune Housekeeper ror Giiiy -complete! Ple""'"'ca11c:n.1U"J aner .. wanted in 'N B. Mature P'or 11114 11 St at .... .,.,.. '"" CHEF for ex11trlenced nil & rot finance epartment ta.eo. ca eve 5:-m. 2yrsexperlence.Able to Savinp&LcllnTellers. with stare or 6. Posl Engl lah Speakln~ · Good opportunll" for •h-•nh •eneral ledger. Person Pref. lt·8PM ~~are • cook piua. d l •. 1 I .... ,,... .. M Fri -Se 1 a vancemen • x nt. 5 yean expenence re· on· · ....,., mo. n~ : l•I""• DeWIPIPI" ...,.., ,....,.,.._to • Midi ::r_:a-. f• Or .... Cout oua, ~~-------·1 ~ Plitt. , C!ll 11 I , ... ud eHtlltlt , ~ ...... a.-. ........ , ..... : ': .,.. ,....., o•lllUou. Ind ce.,tet. ~ : ,,._.to lllrjl ........ PO .. U., c.t1 • .. CA.-. No .... cal .......... All ; s.lllC)ppor"'*1 ~· ... . ta Ian paat11, 1oup, benef!U. 1 d C 1 ~to Sbe. PO Be>) bu • bake Italian Ctl bmefitl + profit shar· ::.:==;. des.sert.s.tradltiooaldh· ='7 qu re • o rnp ny "C"~".I024l es. C.M. 5541.9901, 11MM Inc. Apply. 19ll0 Placen· fWkpr. matul'l', 40/hrs di tia, C.M .. or send re· 13.35/hr . $5.03 O.T . ~ =e![e~~tC:rs s~:!I, !IUl'Ot to: PO ltox 1530. lninor rhlldren!.!S9·~· baby1itter • P IT C.M.CA.9282'1 housekeeper. Hours. MRALSILK 2Pll .. :30PM. '75·041hr DtlHGNER 157,.111 aft.&. Dttrlltld EQ'd. Rff1. Fulltime. arta. , ~~\wtdf! .. N> _ I Q.lllCAL I P«--' "..,.. '°''"°" I ftllal, lte p/r """, de· tail '-Ord 1Uln&en111te ~ltlonal 1kllla. F/tlme·lnduatrioa self· directed penoG lo ex· plain edut1tion1I pro- . ~ 1nm1 6 accept re· . •• •t 11:-1l1tr1t1oa by phoH. .... wen from your home ! Cllllr..-. Grell ....... P111atl1I .......... •Cl(Wfllwt.leedrt· a ..... tw: U.lwn1t1 l!!!!!!~!!!-!!!=:~t ....., .... P.O. lo1 •e-rtc:A·•· HOOSEKEEPER. Sun Ir Monday only, H1kkp11 I t'hilcl ('ltt 64t.al00-)'1 tEul UT·UU1 1 cv/'1Wbda. IMl'llUCTOI aMa"I~ to ttiO art·• to1 thlldttn rru l o itwdMI• d-. la Hint ................. ...... ct.t.,... . "' ........... ... Ctitl ftllett: ....... • ........ . AMrtisinl Acc1•t Exec. Immediate C>Pft\ln« ror advertilln• atCOOnt e~ecutive to sell both wtekly & dally newapaptr adv~1'1laln1 to a wide variety of re\!}! accouots. Must bt self starter. wi.uwl to cMftlop ICcountl in I pew terri~:C:. t :nr:r. needed. Sal•l'J ... . .SIMl'tlaltto tarol Olla.. Daily Pilot. P .0. IQx • 1111. Colt• Meaa, CA tml. No pllOlle callt'pleate. I • tk!ll!,j>_ ~-e995 Orthodontic X·Ray lab. front uffK'l' work. sonw d.,.ntal ex· per. ne(•t111~·. Newport l!f_•~~ a_re1. "M0,2$$4. PARKING AnNONTS Valft·Woml'n ...... . "" ........ ,,., n~ ""' opporta 111 0.t: ...... ht M'R. ... Pftlll_..., llmbk-rr.r. Pfl"IOft0 np.ia._.u. t~· ..... I)' Oclld .. "' • antlit1tt Womta J•· tultQf'd ,., aly , ... 1ppt , .... ' . tltt. .. """ "· ... f.K.. Or ... Collt DAILY PtLOT/MOnd1y,Jenuaty 11, 1812 .. ~~ ..... !!.~ ~!~ ..... !~!' ~~.!!~!~ ..... ?!~ .......... ?l~ ~~.'!'.. .... ?~~~l~-~=1~~~~~=~·-~~ ......... :I, • Slltl. out.w. Yaa ••· _..ITAIYM -~ ....aaer will bavt ~ opportun"y to. w..t. 811 • Com• •kl ,., I I •• tltablllh • m ulta-orttl ltd depart· ' ~,. . ._. • .. u..!!ea ve •11111 uoureu ' .,.. ulv" r. s•, day • :Ai...i··eJ . ,.,. ment tlmed at mett.tn1 employeea' S1l"P"r1on for plaal =-~ ,'t • -~· Skills In merit compen11tion. atort. p/limt. •Htr· ._ -. c..1 ..: • 7 ·~tu, or1anl11Uonal betaavior and nooea 6 wknd1. Tht c. . .-, • communlcatlon would be helptul Bi 1 a• r • • • • 11 • r . - -::..--.i'==~-!: 1 u, !!"*"• • Procmalve, dynamit company need~ .MS.am lCMe,m. o.c~1a1:C,. .. h~ri~: ~~Rl'J.~P~I a take -charae. humanlltlc leader. w..p.,... ~MiOAL1rorh1ni JO IPI o ...,.., .. , Please send resume and aalary re· Mature person nHdtd at r11 wlllliaa. Wu• Fu• • •tt,...• '*·'• qultementa to· Photom1t. Apply In rarl•, Jtolll Roy re, Ml, ..-Ulld, •ortll .. : pmon: 30811 P.C.H., So. mual type n+ ,wpm Mfl'tfdtt •hd Por<'htt, ID> ur. •dlt Never Ma1 Ii• 11 4 Hole Macnovos Color COfl· 11 ooo 080 848· 1613 · · , Box 1002 ·. LaalW\a, part·tlme. 2-6 houn; 1-5 PM. Salaey lnuned:.:;n"'•• anti. ua.i ..,.. H ,' worth ~~ N':. -ga.. ol 1 lcit, 2 yra old. Hardwd E~HW.!SlS Daily Pilot '. P •some wee1ttnd1. MIOCl1blt. ReftrtaH• C.U &11 • 1811, Dtlde1. Alllo "V.-t:. tl:c~lne :;. :t;:;s Ila& c... 1111Yamalla,,.500 Good tosta Mesa, Ca. 92626 W...,_.c ltl ' retunmeftdatlo.. rt· 1.a..1 TM·TllO ST& Ilda. 8olll, 1m : ==· '~ eondttW., low mlle•1• PllSOMMIL ASSISTANT 1 Personnel/ Adverlisin11 l Dept has opening per expansion . Npt. Behl. Finanrial servires r1rm. Good typ1na. shorthand, exper req Non·smoker. 640-01.23 be\ Wttll 9· 2. At.tractive rompetltlve 1~'~-~~~l~:u~W~ · U>ok1 lnilorY. 11 Tttll. 2 Rattu •ar ltoo11 !J!:!'l'!.E4tf! ·~~~-·~'::~·':~ -=~·..:;:•;::..;.:11~---minded youn" men ' p 0 Box 1~ C t w th Ortho X·RIY or W/f .. lrf1t1. N•v•r • •n....._I Teinli Club .......... ,1•71 • ~ ,.....,_.___..... , ... SALES women to assist youth ' · -· 01 • CRT medic.I lie. P\111 UMd, tuo loth. Oetll 6 ~I U !!!!•-1 -· -....-n5'!,. Br crealin1, earn extra dprogr 1 am for un · MtH,9al38·oOfO. ~!'!·nNicuurrc:_ndtna•. Olllr. Lib Ntw, $150 Ct11aJ&..e077 ... ,....... ..!!::!::::!!! .. !~~~ mo .n e y T e a t' h erprlv legt'd C'hlldren. ~'" ewport adth of. ~ G • ' - -....... .. r!Hdlet>raft Will train. Guaranteed !nrome. SICUTAIY Ore. 780-3554 HouN 11111 Qf cauillly anti· ....................... •--A.lo.I 531·~-f'.Un' rewarding posl· PAIT·TIME quu and riarnltu re. MICOl ... SSOI --., tolO "'',."""" SAUS hon~llT1m895·~ror Malur • 6 rellablt> Mll"dt•IM f\-om 115totul0. lllpllnlill,l250/0BO. ....................... -• f\111 or part time. In· a lment ptrSOD needed lo u1l1t ....................... Ml-014 --Wood *"' 11', e· beam. OwtBS -------• with tr pin&, flll n1. ' ........ IOOI nat bottom, Amtrlran · TONNEAUCOVER terest in art1derorat1n11. answenng pboafl. Must ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~C: U watft'btd.1htr. a...~'---... ,._II bl& whl lnller. pk11 Fll1MG'1, '71·'11 Unlimited apporlunity "" h Rar ........ ·1 ' b Ht1l allf'tt.1 nr l ...._.,,..., _ _.. ;x -SAUS llP type .... wpm. oun are. e .. ~ue ll ver o · • • szoo. uve NO. No 3 llOOO. C,11 ~M. rr.2980. ~er uuct, 175 •Pri~·n•u•ng-----•I ~?r:3~ weekdays a·»12:JO Please apply Jtrts ol art. Prh'. By kenew ,tl3J61S ArborPT'ell new ~....._ MariaD1·77t'1 tvemsg Vet)' high~rrentage ot in person at: app(()ftly, --~IUllrlll Ooeter king H mnoo . 1---~"11•--•I 1 • 1 h Antona Aluminum/ •-ri~an b'-·"h~"' P'ane water&>.d, motlonleu ~•II toJO "".._.,,, n... .. U.0.Stripptrs SALES t· osang g inromr. Classir Frames """' ' ""~ oC'U ma tt, htr. ll ntn1 ' Laree Upright Freezer. •H•••••u••••••••••••• riun.-au """"'Cover for IMMEDIATE OPIMMGS, IL,ACK & WHITE. LAl&I & SMALL, PIESS DPllllHCL TECHNICAL PUalSHtM& SYSTEMS, IMC. ZZ30 So. o..o.t Dr ••-.u7.ou1 LO.L ( &AIDEM SHOP National writeups 1n 1310 E. Borrhud. ~.SIGG. bfdapttad, llted only 1 Worlcs &ood. SIC>CI. As· 12• Klamath Alum. boal. loft& btd P.U. Trur k. We han• a rull timl' Newsweek, Re1o1der 's L'O E.SantaAna 53$-7631 yr, xlnl rond. SJOO sorted Bikes $75 eat·h. used onre. ntver re-l2SO 548-6186 open in .. ror an ex-Digest. Time Magazine. 0:.. • M/F Private Pany l.iquidat· ·857·1780 --lm-8't4 . gister.ed, sm. boat only. UTllODW WOii " PtudUt·tsret·enllv shown ing Roll -Tops. Fife al Eves ~ ' ~rienred. knowledga· on popular TV program Cabinets, Armoires, 65 • 1quanum, ('Ompl -~ · J!.eto50": om 53&·9832 le. sales person in our "That's lnnedibll'" c----se._, Churrh Pews. Stained uuST..... with r1sh. I/yr old, 1200. INh,Poww 9040 ---- -garden shop. El<c•el. ea116733235 .,-.. -r · · ""' -754~ · . ror t•oostl'\K'llon. vaned Glass El<'. 673·9410 or Mahogany double bed ----:.... ---••••••••••••••••••••••• AMlos fer S. ~~~:,·~~c·~:,e~~li~·. 1i~: illl!!ll!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!l!.!!!!11_!!!__!!!!!11!..!' dut1<'S, light phone. type ~~Mk fo~ Ge!.!)'._·_ with mattress Moon CA RP ET PADDING . f'lt'U fOl IDAJS ...... ••••••••••••••••• Sales 00.70wpm,oµpt\ror ln· • shapedmlrror on head· NEW /BEST GRADE. WUll IMPORTANT !~~:~~~ ~~~~~~nda:.sd. s.dwich--Salts telhl:l'fllSelr·starter. Aflpi-.cn IOIO board. OM~N v. APPROX. SlMHI NOTICF:TO 751.0016 ••••••• .. ••••••••••tt•• $500080 631-7797ift6 75 Yuo.i44·7!M8. READERSAND profit sharing a'nit Person needed. Mon · HARBOR AREA ----28' Chris Craft. 1963 Fly ;\DVERTISERS pension pl3n• Apply in Fh . 9AM·2PM . must bl' SERVICE STATION AT· APPLJANCESERVICE Slate1'op Pool Table. 8', Bridge Sport Fisher. Th . r . person JC Penni.'\'. 24 ambitious. have neat ap· TEN DANT. P/lime. AIJ· We buy used applianc·es MAPLE DESK. Cull size. 1500 Or Best Orr er. Musi Sell or Trade. e .Pm·e 0 II ems Fashion Island, Newport pearanc·e & per.sonahty. pl,v Shell Station 17lh & We sell r"'·oncl .. ••uar. SISO. MOTOROLA t·olor ~ner~~M . ~-!O.}~ _ Make Offer. 646·3478 aft advertised by vehide Be "' " dealers in the vehu:le ath. E.0.E. MIF Ca 11. RA C. in C' M . Irvin<.', NB. t!PPl!an_£es~ -, ~9·3077 IHonsole, 1200. Crib. t·o~I' $75, wul~~r s. --:--;--.-• rlassiried advertisinl( betwet'n9AM--& !PM. T L--•id Hor OffEI• _ ~7737J_7~·7737 SIO, playpen $.15. , ar 40 Owms Tahitian, hve· t·olumns does not tn· P /T ASST MGI SALES/INT DESIGN ---_!42.:1900 eac.....-~ e . OHit•e, Ukeoew! :sidu.erm seat S30. fol<linK roc·kcr . aboard slip av11il. Coll, elude any appllt-ablt.' For 55 units. 642-5073: Self moti\•ated. t·reat1ve SALES-Vuleo Ston•. P/T. ~-~~~:,.t·llrt.'. 3 to COLD~CASH! ,·hairs. swivel t·hairll. Sl~. <·rib toytt SJ ca. Judy or Han•ey 642·4644, taxes, ht·cnse. transft.'r -e_v_es_1_213_ll_l6S·_385_l. __ • mdiv. ror outside sales. prer ex per in \'CR & TO atSOM side rh11ln. ex et·. 'aet·t f!USt..::J3_1~275 t.wn..::...9 AflUc 5 PM. fet>S. rinann~ l'hari;es. ITO\'ies.Call Mr.Dkkl'n TEAC HER Infant CUSTOMEIS ck-ska (metal' woodl, ACHILOSDREA M <!f..aorL.;~ r~rorairpollutionron IHI Estate SaltM11111 Mgm'l opp 64ti·5256 Drvelupmenl Proi:rum, Get S2S ror your opera-Credl'nzas I met a I & 5 foot tall Stuffed Rat·--511 trot devh-Hert1r1c·ations N--'2e · d 499·1461 prim" u .,mb"r r bl _......,, · 4. T k 35 rt Chris r11rt """' Xpenenre peo-• • "'• • 0 t' Se<•Ofld re(rii:erutor. wvuu), 7 JI l'U l'On· l'OOfl, tltl'ellent l'Ondi· or dealer do<·umentary plrltCOMMERCIAL & l~-------•I SECRETARY trunsdisl'iplinary tt•am Ifs c·ostini: \'OU up to fttl'n('l' tbl w/ II blul' lion. l2SO or best orrer R 0 3 m· t' r • T w i n prtiiar11tion t·harges uo INDUSTRIAL r eal Sales Si>e<'tal ect It Sp1mish Sf4'f or mon· a n•unn fabrir-swi"'I C"h11lr~. Call ~fonmreln· Crusaders~ il!i KW 04 I ~l' SPt'mli'<f" estate. For a surress(ul JOIN A SUCCESS FUL. GI rowing Ne'<AF'port hBeut·h important Call. Jat·kit• ele<1 rit· bill$! bona ti.' tilrome base. Call Stt•ve ror_ma lion_ ,...i:eadne~arortorta' teFl_Y_,b .. reildlugell· bv the adHrt1srr & growing firm Best NATIONWlD E . m·estmt'nl irm as :in Popl'.:>4&5760 1 your c>pt•ratini: Sl't·onit orUnda 7~1-6271 ~ .,.,,.. :.c workmg rond1l1ons 1n SALES TEAM immediateopenmi: for a I f · · · · · · --ury <·a r_ SEVILLE........ 9510 ~ewp o rt Bear h Be one or O\'er 600 in·1 Seaetar~ with word TELIPHOMISALfS rt ni:eralot;'loooeortht• Kini:·sttl' bt'd wthruct· W~ s:50. Dl)cr $50. MER C EDES ............... ~··••••• 71 ·"•" """'l ·'-~ndent sales a"ent• pr0t·ess1n): el<pent•nrc. FT pos111on open for llS·' l'hantit>S listed bcl~w · boa rel. b1•d5prt•11ll ' Sin<•le bed and bol< spr· PREFERABLY <2131 a· a Ton Dod"e ou 0 "d .....,......., u.c{i " ~ d1t'laphone t•xpenr111·t• a sert1 n person w11h past' and be sure 10 rrwnllon shttts to matt·h. 14:;50 11\ttm 559.4307 ·· · • " ' °" RECEIVI NG CLERK . se 1ng0pi:ilU·~ ·~ the plus no shorthand rt•· telcphont• sall•s t'X this 51>l"l'ial orr.:r whl'n new. lll'll ro1 S3SO ~ - ---1~ __ 63122m for retail rlothing store , urp ~, oa.d~ qw~ed Satan· i·om · pl'nt•n<'l' i\ppl~ inl )OU makt• tht• arra~lll'· 64!-811611 · --1977 28 rt SkipjlH•k, Ftllme pos1t1on. Mon , pioneer in s1>e,·ia I~ ensuratt.' wi'th ex per.;on at 1660 PJan•nlla mt'nts.·Get a r~·t'l'l~t. · · -• -Westlnj!hou.serern i: ,.ol,·os. trtr. $24.000 or ..,._,/- Fri. 8:J0..5:JO. exper pre· \'ert1sing sinre 1888. perienre. Call 1si.0010 A\eC.M. anct Southttn CuhCorma Ki~·SU4' mar llrt'lt,, ool x Worb~rt'al. 1125· trade ror Porsc·he + ~ tSZO CO~Mlll r HEVllO\fT ' .• su.1100 HIGHIUYH Top dollars for Spor\~ Cara, Bugs, C11mpers 914'1. Audi's • All&forU/CMGR ,, JIMMAllHO VOLISWA&IH 18111 Beach Blvd HUl'n'INGTON at;Acu _14Z.2000 WINllD YOUIEXOTIC &MmSHCAIS Id 3100 W Coast Hwy Newport Bearh 642·94-0S Top Dollar Paid For Your Car! JOHHSOM & SOM u.co11 Mercwy 2626Harbor Blv<f. Costa Mesa ___ ~0-5630 Premium pnres paicHonmy-ust'CI Mtr- ((ore1gn or domestir 1 " in good l'ond1t1on. •" See Us First! f'd. Call ror appt Throughour salesrorre. askrorHealher.E.0 .E 'Edisonwillpa\'·\'ouS25 spnn11' l'amt'. xnt ~· <'~~,·e~l_-G833 -•••••••••••••• .... ••••• 644·5070, ask for Katie "'l' pro,•ide imprinted 1'1~ ~ Your donation'ni tax ill'· <'tn.I. 115 S48·az.2 131: Whaler, ·so Men· :t888 llarbo>r Rh·d t•alenders. spenall\' SECUTAllES In._._,& <11111ibll•. F'rt't• pi1•kup by sd~ .• ~l'e.:npur11ry 7 •, Mee••••• 2Shp, trtr• <-Orllrols. top NITTllST .. l'o~!a ~ll's:1 ~0330 Rerept. 50 W p M & items and excrut "'~ Work tempor11ry Job~ l~ h 't Th' I (I blu t I W.W IOI I '57 T-lllD pleasant phone vo1rt.' .. , i:1rts to their l'UStoml'rs l'los"to home. ...~ . .r: ,. un .Y· Mis 11ixh·•·11~ -.· ~'-1'!!t1'<'n II ripes •••••••••••••••••.•••••• & c·O\·er. lots or t'Ktras. INTO-- CM 7-7""" T • ls Hlnn•• "uuhri-' l.111" .,,,er l'Xp1r'5 an• '" _,,, ~ .., $3500_ -· ~-5-_9088 _ ""' ""'"""' __ his 1s your b1,.: op· \'ICKIHESTON ... " '"' • 1982 -UST-• D__.rr NB f port t r ooct Cooks Pr<•p Cook~ & . . N E\'•: R US ~; D W•......, 17' Boston Wh aler. vrTSR. _..,~ yp1st. . 1rm1 ~ni y Ori? i·om-&ASSOCIATES Hos t t.'SSt's . Good Fonll'ta1is.11hont• Sill. 11 lowSt"alSJOO.i:luss .... ~'GT"'"ro'R..,KER ....... e<f.OGCN>"1·rm.day1 (lmUKZl seeks sharp, pror. in· m1ss1ons aqd t•ontinul'd 540-0400 ' Benefits A\·aihtbl<•. /\pp· Cul,·a..,· • t •P dlnc.'tt 12~5 Q -• .,._, ,,,.,._ '' dividual. Phone, typing. inrome from repeat 01·· .. -.-.-;.-;.-;.~;::.-___ , &.at 210 Ne•••n"rt Cenh•r Lutheran t;hur<'h _' ' <' • n OR DlAMONDBACK ~7-~! ~V_!S~l·S586. _ gen. olr. Call Sharon Bl ders. Comm1ssion_s arr -... ~ (714)972 ·"'"7 bllrm SS40. Bin.ks $200. Fr11mrlrt"orh $50-$75 '"" ...... J k ... "' r1 SECIET AIY /DEC. . NB. Belwl•t•n 3-SPM . . . ......, Maltl'\'Sst'l/box sprini:s : •98.12 "" ""'IP at· ..., ".. Y· &51·0431. paid ir:nmed diatdely. Ir .vodu P~rsonnrl .. 1l\·ert1's1'n" TH ER.A PIST I -(• t l'luhln•n s Hosp1tat Qn SW . rull l80. tw in ~bridge. M11ke orrer. want tn epen enre an ' " " n an o( Oran)!l' County 898-7420 l!C!PT10Mt a selling rareer <'Onla<'l : Dept. has openini: per De\'~loPm('nl. Pro11ram. (714; 972.1242 ~· ~~~!770<GllOI ------ 2 P(f girls needed lo John E. Mo rrissey, expansion · Nwpt Brh. P 111~r . Member or Sl Vin<'t'tltdePaul Dark Wood. Ml'tlill.'rta· Mlllllul loats.W 9061 answer phone for N.B. Phone602·625753S. 2851 F'inandalsl'r\'kesrirm transd1sc·lpllnal')· tram · 171411l3J.9190 n\•11n Stv il'. Chino ....... IOl3 ...................... . flCm nr OC A1rporl. Neal.. Camin-0-El-G-i:ei·oy Good trpmg, shorthaocl. NOT ' ff.'t'(hni: bki:rnd. Thr S:ftl"ation /\rmY-Cabinet. D llt iLliehh'<l I ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• SABOT "10Cedlll11c· Deville Con appearanre a,pd friendly Green \'allr.1. :\mona exper req. Non-smokl!r nt>t•essary. Spanish (71•> ~7 0831 i;u . ..,_ EUX..,.Rll' GU IT/\R, 2 2MASTs&SAll.S l'ertible. Nds some personality a must 856H Call 640·0123 bt•lwren hrlpful. Call : J;ir ki,• · pid1up1, likt• new Sl40 644-140S.l'V87S-.512 work.SllOO/obo.546·1584 Morning and a(ternoons 9-2_ ~~5?60. Rl•fr111 Ill" Kt•nmore. ~~=t~k.t~icl~~a~~~ Mi 1411&.l'\'675·4~12 16. H. obi~l9 ,witr.all;r~ 4.........._.-Dri-•n -9550 avail 833-044.Q___ SALESLADY /bpr'd ~!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!~-~~!!!__!11!!!!!!~1 -TowTNdl Dri•tn Alnuntl t'Xh•rior. Wll'<I I Sl.50.b'73-7737 Kimball Piano. l!r,•1.11 Rainbow sa1ts, Hryj •• ::=. .............. . •rt!l'>.,....10 ... IST ror maternity store Full <lfrt!l'>UT••w Al.to Club exp. Apply in '!'>· S4.;i0. Dtna 645-4732 Conti . SI oo o 0 B 0 dean S2_ .300_ . 840-8_130 •72 Chev)• PU. t:x t•ond . ~...-, " or pltune. South Coast ~ - ' GE 19· r rri •trn r F l"" Nt'W waterbc.-d wiblt in -.. -11 ct 1 ror Ir\' In e 0 rr I('{'. Plaza. ~7-5734 Mortgage Company in Pf'l(Jn: 300 E. 17th St. . l' I! ~ . r . htr. bldtt•aiM,• hllbr<I ' ._..... U)'S on)' Santan;i 35. t;.baies. rull.\ . PIS. PtB. rstm nms & pleasant phon e Newport B.e.uh h11s C.M~---bottom freeu•r. Xlnt tik'St,lll$0.lil.S.lm Amll'dion sat· SZSO,b\•:-t eqq·d. Voh•o diesl'I. Urea. hrt kit. AM FM personahly and ~ood Sales opening ror a Sei:retary ~.SL50/of'r.S48·Sll7 . Italian mad,• Prontahni 1&1.500 l714J640.4925 O..ss .btaltMtr &t1acu- typ1ng skills required PIOFISSIOMAL With good organization Comb Cabilk"t Kih'h for Pru\·1nrlul buH<'t St5u lknut>ti:.bouts~ 1392 --.---S32100 080 962·~ THEOOOIH RO BINS fOPO • 'I A .1 • 1, ~,. r1 Yi f :. l • \ I . -- WflUY USED CARS&TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR Fl& APPIAISAL I. Cormier·DeLillo C .. VIOLEt I 18211 BEACH Bl.VD. HUNTINGTON BEACH 147-6017 or ' -549-333J __ PORSCHES WANTED Call skills eve ror a"t·ura"v fUIMEES . Sm Apt Fr'i I , NG China rabial'I SIOO . G rut Sa 111 n ~ ! I 0. ----TR.IPHOMISALfS & attention to'detali. n · <l:l'. \'"rm'll<-.ct'l'huirwot TRUMPET. YamJlr:r, Lehma n . Comp A1V8wheel dn\'l' Lano __ .......;;..979.74s.o Pro\l'n oil <'losers only Non-smoker. u l ary 13 ..nlUM'• SM.Sttll~~~~mi. St>. toniansiz -..._1 :in 5 liluciHI. t.'OOCI 1•11nd. S120 I w•trlr sails. S350 bst waltr, V4 rni: Best or. Altol. IMporttd Reeep11on1st Serretar}' SI00,000 yrly potential. wruw..J . . . . . I fl44.IOl6 E1e1urr. N B orr -66·L680. ~·Sl92 rer 7Sl-0097 ...................... . Mu st be N e a 1 • Up to 25', t·omm paid St.lOO. Call: Kalie, I Nt'W Monti:omc•n· Warcl Kih'ht-n lllbho. brown • · --t I -MelloMto 9705 Organized. a Good wkly Quahf1ed wnte·1n . &to.~----$14,400 /yr I !.8,.,l'!U n firi7nS.·.~665.5 .. S41io. Mu:st rormu·:atopl20. OHke~•··· & ...... W,./ ~ 9560 ...................... . Typist, & Ha\e Team leads Plush N141>l Bch SECllTAIY ... M7.at3 I Am ill 1015 0.C.. 9070 :;;•a:;""""'""" i i Alpha Romeo GT\ .. ~int Call Margaret at lorauon Ma1or 11\('en· to t-• K.l'n•• ....... Wat .......... c111 ·~~·••••••••••••• ••••••H•H•••••••••••• v ~Ion pit·k up Runs well. nl't'ds some ..,., rompu er l'Omp11ny. I ~j ,, "'"'' Slk: l"l't'. o(c.· typewntcr. I BOAT SUPS FO. R REf"IT Good bOdy runs As is 14·ork j!Ooc:I restoration 975-0500 97~ ~~!a~~~n~~,.~~::.. ~.~[):· ~~~!~~~ ~.~~pn Ula~: TO STAIT I Rrini:1rm:wr. Tappan. :000:.~~c~r:;t" ix·rh•t·I. belt Jum11,·d Npt. Bell 2()" zs·. JO'. SJ00!!!."1 ~·9579_ proj~1 barj!a1n pnn'l:I bonuses Ken Brow u~oess. Must have at i·u n. rrost-rrt-t•. l'fl'. .....,. tp141_ ~· ~723.i ~·-~:~9·5 ~~· _ St Chev 2• ton Gd work S..'..EHl58i e\'es & AM • UCEPTIOMIST 67" •""". 1 •JJ -OLD G<l t~. Sl75. 91ill-34{~'l. Fl't•1ll'h Pn''" lmwuch• .... hs -I h t-w·k s•c"" 080 • --.,.....,.,.. ••ood basir se"retonal r 1" old uumJlllC """"wt auto 1 ... rt .... ........__ • -wuv ........ Health Care Mana1te· " • Rt'fri1t. Colitspol, s1lf1 St•ttt'. lt -orunic•tn'll. . rwwpor---9707 Sa sktl_ls.63..!:.7710, Marg_~-..-.& WOMIM 11 _... 1 ik-•"I'-~ .• 11 ... t' nc·w. ruder 14.950; B.ur· 1 Da ....... monlh"~".""-cl --~·5587 mentCompanyin lrvine les Part·Tune --)'l'CJW.Jtuuu<'Onc!Sl25. ,.. .. 0,..90 ......... • touic hs 9SOO with . ..!""---~"""-.7 .,. d E' ••••••••••••••••••••••• has an immediate open· EMJOYVISIT Secrtt-/ltc.,. ,..__. t"'2·3XM ~! .. _.ll4HOll.~ t•us• ... t·•. u~ .. d s•.tco. WANTKD : Slip. l'X· 5 ~or •lMI. Vil 360· '79'AUDIFOX GTl.1?ood . -r NO EXP""Rl"'N''L' '"" • ~· " ~ i:ood tires. "ooct transp. <> d 1 ·o ooo mg ror a.highly skilled . WfWASHIM&TOM Desi red ror Newport r. "' ... r. 17 5<'\Jfl. Fri .. idam·. xlnt Billlk'( rrib. Rin•h wood . f:l'O Air PnlltUMs Int· t·hani:e ror ust• or " l' n 1 ion. • · mi .. r I b ,.,. h b ·ict· ,. NEC~ARY " · 11 1 ·r . ~'.9~0. 754·7175 sunroof. am rm stereo, ~ro. ess1ona r erep-Lincoln & Hamilton & as.,., ome u1 Ing ... o 17141197-llll l't>lld! S2001 ofr ti4!>•K927 sp10< t> tYPt'. t•a r >. t71~!Z71.,lp ~7a.~~ . 47 ru llN. G S t1~1st. We are. a lar1?e. other peopll' you will sel' Cheerful telephone vo11·c r\•es & wknds amer .• mattm.' bum· "" """" '74 MC print,.. Blac·k S-1500 Tim 12l31433 M57 rapidly expandino rom h and dictaphon<.' n·q·ct. __ W ".'''!'S.i ... _'1_;,._S~.·".n 11131 4 robri<' 4 9ak or m -. ·---.&.S4-4speed.slotk orl'Tll'ss lil41535·5203 "' · on l e money you l'an --Rtfni:. rrost frl'l', dean. "' '" "'!" .....,.. t'hait1, brown 'lnyl 11c•l· Ball>Oa Co\·ts. Powu $2.200 FIRM 673 3684 P!IDY· and we need an 111· make as a Los Ani,:el<.'s Pre,·ious exper in Real nPIST t•xt·rllent S2SO. ~·ll..,13. a-...1 ll't.'. xllll rond. S200 all boat slip ror rent to 38'. ----. '79 A.di 50005 dJV1dual who t•an best Times c·ircu lallon dept. EB tale or Oe\·elopmrnt N 1 C 1 . -w SI 10. 113 SM .. F 67s. ns. '51 G r.t C t ton Panl'I ,......resentou~1mageand neld rep Man~ peopl" prererrrd St11rlin•• atton a o lerl1 on s.48~ ft>i-I· l.t :30-J,,... . .., ...... L w· k . ••"" OBO f'Dll~ equ1p 'd 81.'au ·~,.. " "'Al(ent·y lr\'ioe.ialook· ------· • .:.:.. -• 101 .. F~-R~t:-eo;.tsporl'Up '"""""or .NON ma1ntainNI Assume' at the sa~ time. handi.~ on the P l rirculallon Sala ry 51200 per mo in~ for a typist. min. 80 licydts--1020 e..ilt bt'ds Sta. llktf dt·~k r-wn ' to 18' M.....-rt ..... h ~ l.A.•a\·rj14.'ssat:l' _lease_. No rash S21·H13 a ~usy D1mens1on sales program earn Xlnl benefits. Call Tim 'Ii ••••••••••••••••••••••• and t•halr 141. 1inall ••...,-••••••••••••••! ...... .,., ..... itt• · l hb d IA Galnn at 752-7363 wpm, "'1 train 00 dir· BMX R · B'L ·~ .. P-""" Doubl Y II 960/mo 04 S293 °64 Dodge. ~. Ton. Crt.'w IMW t• · sw1 r oar pprox rmre than 1200 a week taph()fl(' Good benefits armi: 1 .. e All Al· ._rue •• o. I dr:.wl!r ....... e e ow . ---· ~ :___ -C b Ru Good, 1750 1 12 13_0 rails per hr. I (or workino just a rew "~ I · h ' loy. C11.'an. Near New. dretRr 11$. 194$ Oak Ht'ad. Vouni:. Tamt-. 1•8oal slip :t\'aiL for a ns · .. •••••••••••••••• .. ••• M1~1mum 5 .Years ex· hours each,. day signing E:;!ri~~t·ed Serrelal"}' i:::,:,;a;.:.,;t':}oi~e::s~: $200. Firm. 540· l 131. ,·tnttr Radle \'1tbin(•\, WJC.,t. • Play"l'n. ~15· ylk·ht. Xlnt Sl'<'Un -1 ~l·~----~f COUNTY'S penenre reqwred. Must 14> n{'W Tunes Subsrnp-ror part-time work. 20-30 ro. l'lll Claire. betw'n Randy lift •• ~ t·Oftd. S75. -· s Fllkitft. w/11nli· l\' 41lor.673-7873. ., Chl'l' LU\'. Mikaito. OlDHT type 45wpm. Surl'essrul t1ons in their com-hrs, per week. May work 9-11 751·3800 ~--qw Qa~' Slanct . ~. F~ R~ -s~ 91;-io-: r o 11 bar . t' rm sert1ve. motnated, & wage+ generous rom-nial~tales,975-0412 YtttNt.ry..... 20· .:t!G .TORKER ..._Wt Ml -OAANaE-WINGED BIDoo.11~...t. • ~1!;.,10 mi. 12950 raodidate will be as-munltles Wep5y-tl~urly into full-time. Centen· -'-'""-'--..-.~-w~ 6'IJ. max 0 1 fie '8~;..,.,t m111111bumprrs . rm &-· ' possess exrellent rom· missions. tr you ha,·e a nds r1t rtteptlon1st. N.B .....,..,............... AlfAZON. TAME.~ _...... ... .!.-~==-=--murur~llon s~lls. Co m· neat appearanr e & SICllTAIY Un·ifle.Abletodobark ~~l:~~~~S. Sile U•lil lhe 24th. mo.~ wwwt.. ....... •74 Datsun Trw·k. runs Salt'S-Senire-Leasmi.: pensat1on pac .ahgebcomk · knark for talking with For Costa Mesa CPA 'rront. lllt'I. wtllds • .. __ Canoed •doi&altY ~d &-a.. •-"-h.An•eli. arer(7M)Tlt-1440_ good. nerds hood ~ ~a~ wit ~r · people talk to us about Firm. Need person with some l'\'l'll. Alto avall 1'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_!!!_!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I Tablts. ll'IO 080. P1n rit.":l: c.t"ri.'h. Guppll'S IHh. ....__ fHt paint 1700 or bst l{Ji' CARVER g or in.ter\• ew. this great p time op-general orri r~ skills. p/limr back. ev/wkbds. 1~ Milr fteml. t' lo SSSO. .. .... _ ...._ 1 _.,. ~9701 rall Sharon Rasins (714 1 porturuty Call Mon-Pri. self-starter, good typing Min age ll)'rs .. 644·5463 ...._..., .... , IOJ eMt . A L H9. _ -~ • ....,.ap. • ...................... __ .:..._ -f0.l.S-IOICE·ltv1W &Ul616 EOEM 1F ""'7"""1 t 1""'• amust.17L4)641·0125 MonthruWedlto m. ---, · 7St-184. ltll5Clle\· 10 '2 lon p1rk 111C1-.ao~,..._,, • • ~ ·&JO ·ex · ""' •• .. ••••• .. •••••••••••• ..... ::: M -llJ ST• 14>. Lon& bed. S950 Will _,...LOO< tN1oo10;."" -------111 r--------------~-------'--..-A MOWJl•/R ___ ew AlllillloCck'kat.it'I. 4 mos. -throw 1n ramper -------IU.IMVESTMIMT Red.wood hf &eckiag • .._ a.1111 c.-.... !'2..Tm~" I<'· Month. ly IH)1t ' RV m.• '7i BMW 530!. imma(,'. Eam while you learn. 4-20 long; also redwood .,... VI'•••• .-., ·-lloragt ror an.v tlae. 24 stereo. sunroor. 4 spd. l H E R I T A G E renl'lng. Lowest price s w.' .... t. "-•Ort-s IOtO hr St'('Urlt y , rree lt7tC .. Y ~!r.S'9500.8.SI 0352 JN VESTM ENT will ~ guar. Jim o r K ea Tit•••••• I e f ... , ................... launrhlng ' w .. lllng S&VllADO '78 BMW. 3201 Snrr,. teach you r real1\·e ( l ~ } ) anytime,646·911$. ... • 11"'-•al 0=, 2 h yboarda. ~leges . Newport PICICUP AM FM Cass Stereo.. ~~na~~~~~gi~v~~~~r ~~: • AJ':'~~r'!i'd:~~~ll ~~~ tt~~ S. andrfl)1h:2_3379 Dr. Ne~~~r~~~1~a,[. =~: ~~~ls~<;;:~st ~·~~w _ Trs SI0.000 veloi>ment & counseling. rm: 1 831.219 ..... __.. • ,.,_=· 644~10 1\M/PM tape. air c·onch Exper. rounselors re· Pl on t.._. 11'r1 R558341 celve lOO'h romm. This Cats 1031 Old Wd Tnk, ... Wd -.....;,• · --•l!I· SIHI is an unusual oppty for .......... ••••••••••••• air. a 6 AllPI. SI. Air I ....... 1094 Trr If irt•.. SA•LBACI 1 .... W right person. Con rid en· -Persian F Cat, 1 Yr . $100. Oond 911 Jlltw Coleman llf•• .. ·-• ,.. ""' lial interview. Ca ll Color Gold. Needs TLC. Clr ia 0.nttrd Cll ........ ••••••••••••••• "0••••••H••n••••••• lll·Z040 495-4949 Vill<'e, $46-5880 { ) Call S48·1Z'13 S:IS~ O." lo I" r.f' Mi':e • 9'. rat it.el weight Aircnft f I I 0 •----9570· ("--;:;iilt:;O----.... } ...... st• DI D h It( wiOt Wil<'h and leg ............ .-. .. ,...n•h•••• ~ ~. ' 1 ept ... , __ h Ill Good rt P--'--W---' ...... ••••••••••••••••• Qa •• t " to I'', S75. -me · ata · __. --18 Ford 15'0 C11r110 \"an USTAUIAMT Experienred rish rook . part/time , ' day hostess/bookkeeper, Mon.·fri. 333 Bayside Drive N t Brh. Restaurant Jbtess. 20-25/hrs week. m&&lt be able to work clays. Also Busboy, eic· per'd, 3 night shirts. m~. s.ies Alhnf.Adrn'"' Utt Your Talenll. M 1ke Good MOMy-Work Part· Time. New L1-un1 Bud\ ortjre Wanta you 6 Your Voire. Call Jerr. •-4taARer IPM. SALUM .. Stll PirlllOI by phoM. And Gthtr world famous """' . •.ooo ptr mo lnrome potullal. Lead s Dlisd1hl. lhJor ln<'"1· ll¥e •: new tar •nd ,..~ •Good Em11i'91 • S.,.r Trips ....... , .... .. CAll . CIRCULATlf)N W ARTM!NT ..... 842-4321 ~ Qork, 1110 ialMI. •OIO. '77 1'210, loeded. 0C AP \'.a. Auto. PS. PB. New ...;;.;.;;;~'"'----'-=-~•• OIO.se. ... .., 5!!0hrs mitl. Call Paul or Bits. Tra. llSOO. 9Si·l8ii W rt ..,. I Wl.-.a••-Jam. Tl4·T52·22H or . --_................. I ...,r, 1uy1 1 at ..,~ m.ezt.5mt -.WlllllM tlft DESHOHD Pups: AKC. lllltlftm, ... clt.lr. •. tl=!M7 aft .• Pattaer •ailed for 1m ..................... .. Cham111lre. 11/F. Pet 6 art RolrLlamp. fttth lc6hleel_,..tt benrh ee.na 1112. ~Oranit WI._ YOUI show . Pvt pty . ~ ow pr res 6 8"9.tut. · Co. l llot T.T .. 150 t00DUS9CAI! 2l3/97-1345afUpm. ......__ 1...., at.-0 SCMOH, nN paint. top An)1hln1tt•onaidemt. GOLDEN LAB n.ww -J alllt pr .... Ready to rand. PP. '111'°'22 1'77 thn.i 1990 Fem~ 6 mos. AKC. $200, -.................. IQ. dlt lo kltft inju,.y C ....... 1 · ·~ tolovinahome.IM7-n37 HORlllHOllNG ROc •·u. O~ie bind:~•"--• Hat. Cold 6 Cormtlve. lap 1120. ROC 210's, ... t I Z0 . A81t. S111•tn1 Pam Mc Vkter. Lalk Nevada blnd'ncs _ .... ~ ............... . • monthl old."Male. Tri· MMMS.Or•ate m Jlfardj boot SUl El C&mUIO P'uliara ahl'll .... • rolor.m tofoodhom. Portmtlle Honnhoe.· · u • alntt'Olld. 'Jl.lZmodl'b. Mf.N2'1 l!cSdlool. ...... aber aln•.•1·3250 1 #1110..,.C:..., · PoodJt,AKCwi.ttoypup· J...rry 1170 •.:•·-···-a Ull ........ -;.-.~ 2R>H1rbor 8hd.-.. py,realrute,nao. _................... _.., • C..'OIT,\MF.SA •1217 r 1 11t 1d ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• . ,7,.zsoo ----""'-..-;.;;..;...----• "'-•111 >' emera LOSING LIASE, quit· 1' FOily GT 1t111pt(t. xlnt Doxie .Miniatures. AKC .9CV11 ... •tt lllOO. t1111.__.., Mtlln1t out mtth. '~ t·ondltlon WA ... TED'. Ref. Mal u , UOO. IM.9'tm,exU. AU. .-.p11e1 and nx-IA mi:..~·~10 " Femtlel,ps!. Mt·o.171 .... lell,Hell Ollly. llTt '-IMNftftl: I,. Foslat •oped 1 OOI 1.-lr model Tc~cl4u1111nd hteY• 1141 UI .,,. UM\y AUS• .,.....,. t"llet, waltln• m i like uw. 'ttso. ~~v"•~!· c.; a 11 u" 1 ~-·••• .. ••••••••••• •,•.us • lndl• room t h in. Beauty -. .. N1t1. M4-1112 •"""• ln.toY•. •CllUJ Lib. AUH 1: •· Gorrell ..._ Hinlrr•ra end flllf 3Yt Old •· Geaue. Al-,... 11'*911f C'tllin. 11\ir----· • 1 ~~.~ ~-:: ~:z:eu" ..... ~! ~a=-:-'~::o '='~:-~~·: PrMle. ..... ... ..... .. Dltlr .... •""4• a rlW A& ~If ...... ,. .... I '$'f11 .. ..u. eau 1 rrteMt, ill Ill'' Ailp u ll 1982 MODB.S HERE ·MOW! • .. \ Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, January 18, 1982 ......... ,,_. ....._.,,,... M111,'Rl1PtiM W.. ... 1.W hz1W W..••rW M1M,ht1..W ....._.... ~UtH U... . ....... •••••••••••••••• ....................... •••••••m···-···-· ..................... ,. " ••••• ;;i............. ••••••••••··-· .............. e;I._.. . ........ !'••••••••••• ...................... _ ................... . ~ •••••••••••.• !?!.i ~ ••••• : ••••• ~!~ ............ !?.~ ~::~.~!!!'!'. •.. !?~! ~~ •• !~:! .. : ....... !?~ !~!.~~~ ........... !?~~!~!!~!'. ...... !?!.! ~ •••••••••• !!!~ ~ ••• ~ ••• !!~~ ................. !!~.~ lleuidlt, '11 ~Im· 1982c .,. C.llca OT(',., 1ir, lfU vw lk.lpu Beetle. c~n... smUSFlllTI -Wutan1 C0!9W ... med. av.all• ·a_.,. f!~. • atercio. hod, xlnl cond!. r1toa Jd. New paint. CADIU.AC1 WehavuaOOdMlert!Oll All new. Belt olftt. lt:L • SEC•· Gnat Come In and drive the '71 Celka Gt. 5 1pd, '11 BHtle CONY. Im for the bu1ineu ex· OlevrUet•I • Mu•ana •auto, Pl. & .. .,..,. .,..__,.,.I Allo,avtll • .• ~L ' ARE HERE! M& W·IOUevH -JIDllO.Jt1:2*, 7•~-We IPtC a11u In leaaes of NEW 6 US t: 0 -1tMOr1 ___ _ WeslHn Im porteu . leadln11 dietol! Avilla· AM/rM Caaa, A/C. f>/S, l'TllCI Wht/Wht. 1K ml. '-'Cutlv•' proreulonal. · PB. r1dlal Urea, wlrt NrUl(I BMW -.m.. •·~• -ble ror Im.mediate de· P/8, new llre1 " maea. Jl2,50D. 080831·074' ..._ s.cta. apoktd hubup1, JCllll ~II '70 HO SIL Uve~' See why p.eople Da 541.7194 01vlL .14 bua. rune areat. Of"Mew IHJ cOftd Beat orrer over ,.. ....... 'IJ White, excellent rond apre • w I l r h In It t 0 11' Cdlca GT. sap lftbck, radJalt. cwelll:'. 12.800 C1•1u IZSOO. 7$1·~12 .. Wt Are lftnt . PP8TUM3 euieot! ac, IJI, amJrm w/tape N0-413'1 New .. Sfecl&I "19, 4 apd, 4 cyl, clean Model• •.Demos, ure '71 240Z , "ood mp11. Bl bl I t I 8411 Dove Street No major reripair•.14800. paint, int, C'aaaelle, • 14 Cbev \UOl'I Gd work 5d·W6 A few rtmaln lni; 'll ,75 410 SE llACH IWPOITS Xllll cood. Guar P.P . 'M vw Bug, reblt,-;;;; 'N~ l.WS/bdtolr atlll available. We = amlt~ mustsell ue w/ ut n · • "· Nt.'WPORTBEACH ~l·m2Har • su150.161.31112 C truckSlSOOOSb Mm•I• HH fiJ*'ialhe In . European ,8'13 <Ut1'an 6 , ,tae'i'I cru111 '1•·,/~"'1> ~o 752-0900 '73 Celiu, looks good, '72 VW Su-r Beetle Ex· i -4 • -646·$587 -••••• .. •••••••••••••••• deli~ry and flawless · · -------:...:...---.......... :1 ' • n11111ood.lllOO. 11 ~d AM pu l<.OOH.ul~ll,l!Mt is Moma htchbk , Sspd, '730me11 ~.OOOoriaml • pre-OWMdlSWW'a. '7S 710. AC, stick. ,..,.,go 1. '78 so1 Diesel. auto. 646-76U/54S·1396 ~~:e ~~:ex; I .. ,,,...,,,M.-..1 '>40 'll00 good ~·ond. ll.500. Call Super aound aystem. s.~1~ &,~~.~ t AM~tM S:.~~7~u ns ~...A-. ....._ 97 .. 0 :.,~:. 1:ihe~~~a;::i~' ~~· ~'{' ~~~i~~wsse~: V...... 9770 dU41 ·ie06, ev 760·869.L ~ w'n S.11 P~i.!7H1~ 11800. 49Ml\3 es· rv ce-11 011 Fi.t 9725 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .1 ..... ,.,.. 4IO-M VW left " right Brougham 30 000 m1. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sal Se I Le I ..---.-,. alloys. Muat sell, make 7SO.t>41 ,: .. : ................... Vat.o 9772 '7tRtetwood C-'L ..... tUO PWo 9957 208 W Isl, Santa Ana ... •••••••••••••••••••• ...... --J-.. r . ......,..,.,., ~ 9750 door, '73 lert door. ISO •••••••••••••••••••••• .sunroof' Sharp excellent ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1714) 83W171 '76 XJ.9, good cond Take ,...,.., .. • .;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjmiiiiiiiiiiiiJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• eKh Western style whl #I YOLVO DIALll conc:htion Must ncrH1ce '77 Marie V, xlnt cond. FOi SALi ClosedSUnday O\'erpayments, IMdMwc.cMa 79nnsl '78P~he9USC. Eler nms ror Super Beetle INORANGECOUNTY ' Best orrer over 19,000 !!1b-0r11 ".!1n1.~.1e~181 ~0 71 ' Pinto haichback. 847~ ~MW Mil 'NUB snrl, window, all leather rzoea. 548,f7 4 Mr Connelly 720.(M2S .., ~• ....... 1,,.,.. 1 clean, 4 speed, new lire•, llloMoatbcttlitcj '7l"ftyder.~spd ,•tereo. tlH7 an crown, P7's Immac ulate SAUS,SllYICI ------"-"--"' tUS luggage rark ,good P .. Of Yow ""' Q Com r I Magnazlam Wheels $19 700646--0822 · '72SQUARE8ACK · '78 Seville, all xtr111 lo ......,.. transportation car 11200 very good cond. ll6SO P se 0 m· 216,000Miles ' XJnt cond. 4 spd. reblt AMDLIA~N& 11\1, xlnt! 19450 6313114 ........................ 080 IM~'PwdleMOr M7·02'19eves ports Dtrectleaseand60 76, .. _914 r OVEICS~l>EUVl:RY r 67CORONET Lt.eC..W It mos. aensable pymts. Perfect one-eng, m stereo r ass. EX.PERTS am 8·12, 673·4220 a t •d 1 S6SO 642 l570Jeff u..L IMWll IHI FIAT D i a I 2 1 3 0 r €all Dean Rebulltenjlne. Top con· ~~136 ~-_ rS:.~io 631-7797 Maria ,..... ... •• .... D_ "'000 11•/MERCEDES 'ts 213 675-6000·, 675-9929 diUon. $6885. • 1·722·1183 '7• Rabb1't 0 real "Ond -V6 Pinto Hatchba~k Was ._,Or ""'"' -• ~ OceansldeSabaru. M"usts~ll. 12• 300" . ' · UILI IH · ~ tt 17 '68 Charger R/T New ' • · •-r L••• ,....ampaane ed1't1'on. All or714/637·2333 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!ll!!!!!!I " V,,....VO in wreck . Body and ~A.;...---Pl I ""' " BZ SEL S C --E-67«'""'" v. ••••••••••••••••••••••• trans. runs gd Will be I 1-415..-2-·S •l_L options. still under rar· '70 MBZ 280SL. Xlnt WANTED: M ~SO · 197171 91:_ ... ~u6p900e. pxp· "<JQOJ l9&6 Harbor81vd. '191:1tr!Jnetta. V-8 TTop r lauic 835.2 185 OKrramevdamage. Arill el1se tory warranty A MUST cond . $1 8 , 800 Ph will trade my 1974'' ce ent \'Ul.KI .1 • 'SI Convertible Rabbit, COSTA MESA Air, Tape, 20K m1 Best SlllO iOBO · 8. (47,000o Im ), SEE. 714/446-2060,714-640-7690 Rolls Royce Silver sd-2120:631-0688 hkt' new. must sell' 6,..,,91101154A 9467 _Qfr~ ~4562 new trans• radiator. W-9720 $1t9S .79 JOOSD Turbo, Ant. Shadow. Excell. cond '72 914. New eng, clutch. 76().!M40 .... • • "" .68 CA MARO •74 Monaro. hd top ronv pump, very good whls • •o•••••••••••••••••••• SADILHACI IMW Gray, w/Parch. int lthr. S 3 6 . 0 O 0 \' a I u e Blau •Ster. must see, --16 ~ DL Wagn Blue. 32'1, VB, 118001080 A I C SI , 000. Great tires, no broken glass. '82 210 2 d (647VELZ>. Call 760·8702 make ofr. A It 6pm '6' COHVEITllU SSpd, Xtras. Good Cond. Shlij)e! Interior good. Reds r. 131-2040 495-4'4' snrf, amdm cass. SOK MG 9741 S48.(g!S $3200/0BO _!45-4007 $5000 979-2112 _ _ 67HJ~ 00 8412 arter S avail. A great deal ror $106 31 u............t. 97117 mi. 123.900 Also '80 S b 1 '67 Convt Camaro, 327 ----mecharuc or parts 11les • ,_ ' JOO'TB Stat Wgn .. blk ••••••••••••••••••••••• '64 Porsche 'li6 VW BU re wt trans 'SJ Volvo wgn, 31.ooo mi. balanc-ed eng, new nms. Ford 9940 Must sell all together ••••••••••••••••··~·••• I addl t S rf 3 d XJnt Cond Ong nal " engme. Good cond. auto, xlnt cond SMSO. ·.iACCORD w 5 e in · n · r · 1 11,700 080 Leave 64().S023 tires. paint S4000/0BO ••••••••••••••••••••••• $700, make orr. Call +tax. 48 mo. 0 E L. 4dr.30,68Smi.l7495 ~Kckmse1.atS2, a3m5001rmEcvae.sss: AnlHTIM'-ON 998-0564 musage at 549·2077 or 548·'922;S46-m95 -'82GaEsmecoShrtowBrwanindnenrew' 968-S844aft 7:30pm. Cap. cost $4964. Hes. "" · · · · .., ..._.. '755 · · Value 12481.92. Total __ 54_9·_2120_/_63_1·_0688 ____ 76().6285 • OW .... HS seeat8909Adams H.JL_ AMtol,Uaed a...n.w 9920 Metel1Jcgrey,3dr.4spd '77PWoStoW- '7 Hood " ••••••••••••••••••••••• '73\IWSu Be I C d . 000 ~ pmts. $5409.12 Cost 9 a Accord, mint 1929 repro Merredes TONNEAUCOVER •'80LECAR . per et e on· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• never riven S6. Draves nice. Clean lease 1406.69 to take cond. 20.000 mi. Sspd. Roadster,see1obeheve FitsMG's, '71·'81 13395 vert 54750 Md& HIO •C .. VIOLIT &46-602.4___ _ Auto, ps. AC. stereo. Delivery Order Yours xtras s.s99S 642·7314 $17.500. Appl 644-1330 Never used, $75 (714) 642·6598 __ •675-9431 • --••••••••••••••••••••••• HIW 1911 '72 Gran Torino .. 4 dr .• St99S 964·7303 Today! '81 Honda 4DR Accord. ,75 450 SL. Superb cond. Maria 631·TI97 Ive msg '72 Bus Rblt Enif, New '80 Limited. xlnt cond. ps. • MOMTI CARLO good trfnsport at ion! '11 Pinto. Newly Painted • • Ivor y . Auto . Air . SllverBlue.S2l,500 W.loyct '756 Pnt. Aphl & Trs 'pb.amtrm c·~ss.stereo. LIFT-OVH! SS001be!llofr.646·9510 w/New Stripes Auto ' ' ·. AM/FM Cass. Loaded, •0 •••••••••••••••••••• SUPER! $2450 646·4474 inx>nroor. vin top. nu d trans. 46K Mi. Good Trs, Priv Pty 644·7266 '66 MG. New ,Paint. Tires, _ _ t es 837 3840 Auto. trans., aar con t '73 Ford Wagon. nu ta res, X:ptrMa Sharp! S8000 Arter 'IO Ml 6•9 Battery, Regulato r , • · £k --71 VW Super Beetle. good _!r --·--many other ext ras! runs good. body ra1r ~l~JoBb N7S2 ~ome . 7 · 833-975-"-l ___ Generator. Starter, Wir l DEAL IN U.S.A. rond . reblt eng. sunrf. Cadll.c tt IS Gorgeous! IS9S616S4S> 548-4030arter s , 1 us, · 165 ..... 9730 Silver/blk llhr. all op· mg, Clutch, Throw-out ~CAR\IERIOteg only S2100. 675·5491 I\• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ONLY $7791 ~ 9950 ~ 9960 2845 " bor Bl d ••••••••••••••••••••••• tioosLoa Mer,c1edes cTahn.of· Bearing. accelerater, msg 66 Cadi'lla~. xlnt cond. HOWARD Che•roe.t ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• · ar v re.r. w m1 eage. is l Tachometer, Speed. • Pl Arro '76 C t M · rlh I ·7~ VW Custom Safari o~st orfer Dove1QuailSts 1976'"-....ill y. w ,auto.air, os a esa '63JAGUARSEDAN owner car l.5 1o east ometer. $175 Tune.up. ec>-llDNflllllOllCIM!ll .,.. NEWPORT BEACH ._...., rblt eng great gum 714 4"6410 """"-9's bit lD '80 pp •2111 B t orr -""°'fl'"l...0.-camper. Ultra rlearr 7Sl·S912 V6 28 later xlnt cond ' I "" MARKU-""""' · • • • es er Must see Blue and IU-0555 · · · S22S0 493.~ •81 310 GX 4Dr. snrf. 4 SJ800 642.3379 149,500. (213 l4S6·5289. 54722, 497-5372 1 Cl.OSio SUNDAYS ,._, 111 16 Se\1lle. blue. lea1hcr. recently pa1 n ted + ----- spd' Perfect Cond $4990. 'Ill 300 SEL 6.3. Perr ~ 97461 _____ w te. SSl9S 646·69~ ware w h Is. s harp. 49 Ptck·up, J~.ton . 4 sp . many extras. 644-1497 _ PCllllic 9965 ._,..... '72 VW•BUG 16SOOtOBO. 552-0694 V·B eng. $15:000 OBO. ••••••••••••••••••••••• PP.551·2926 l(.,....GhJa 9734 rond.RlflOO. •••••••••••••••••••••••:Siibwll 9762 Rebuilt eng.S2200. ----~·~--· / k d MntC19CJ 9'52 '70Le MansSta Wgn.3SO '81 Maxima brown 21 K ••••••••••••••••••••••• 645·9S02 '71Opel6T, new paint l\ds ••••••••••••••••••••••' 499-1888 73' CDV. New steel belts. ~'"""eves w n s -~·••••••••••••••••••••• V-8. Trlr Pkg $800 Firm mi. xlnt c~nd. lo~ded. '71 Karmann Ghia. Must '68 MBZ 2SO "LOOKS some engine work. $1000 '81 GL wagon, 4X4, all full power, new paint. '7J 'ova Hatrhbk. brown 6S Mustang. priced to 542.1989 SlO,OOO 76o.8o 11 or sell, rroving 115001080 UKE '81" or best offer opt. Lo mi. beaut! Must Sell things rast wllh Daily 1 111.ooom1. Real nice car w/betge top. Runs well sell Call wknds only --------"- 493.8294 : 536-2837 S3950 494-5548 546-5967 after 6pm ,!!II! ~orr 497·1800 Pilot Want Ads. __ l2!iOO _!Sl·0239 Asking bto 760-6979 644-2027 Want Ads Call 642·S67 • ATLAS CHRYSLa.AYMOUTH 2929 1-tarbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel. 546-1934. 3 blocks aouth of San Diego Freeway off Harbor Blvd. Complete 1 body a hop. Sales. Service. Parts. Service Dept. open Monday thru Friday 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. and 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. on Saturday. • IEACH l...OUS M8 Dove Street, Newport BMch. Tel. 752--0900. Call ua, we're the specialists '°' Alfa ROtMO, Peugeot;Saab & Maaerat l. • THIODOREROllMSFOllD Modem sales. servic.. parts. body, pelnt & tire depts. Competitive rates on lease & daily r9ntals. 2060 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. 642·001 o or 540-6211. • JOHNSON & SON UMCOLM MllCUIY 2628.tiarbor Blvd .. Cotta Meae. Tel. 54().5e30. 57 ·vea,.. of frtendly·famlly service -Orange County's oldeat Lin· coin-Mercury dealership. •• SOUTH COAST DOMI 2• Harbor Blvd .. Costa Meu. T.t. !M0-0330. RV service apec:lallsta. ~.us tom ,van con~a. • Tel. I ... MATCH THE NUMIERS ON THE MAP WITH THE NUMIERS IN THE IOXES ~DATSUN 888 Dove Street, Newport Beach. Tel. 833-1300. At the triangle of Jamboree, MacArthur & Bristol behind Vic· toria Scatton. Salft. Sorvlce. Leasing & P.U. Fleet dle- countl to the public. • HAIHS CADllJ.AC 2600 Harbo r Blvd., Costa Meu. T.t. 54<>-9100. Orange County's Largest Cadillac dealer. Sales. Servlc.. Le .. Ing. • DAVID J. P .. LLIPS IUICIC.flOMTIAC-MAIDA Sates • Service • Leasing 24888 Alicia Parkway Laguna Hills 837-2400 • CHlCIC IYHSOM POISC.-.AUDl-YW 415 E. Coast Hwy .. Newport Beach. 873-0900. Th• only deelerahlp In Orange County with these thrM great mekn under one roofl • • ALAM MA&MOH P.OtfTIAC.SUIAIU 2480 Harbor Blvd .. Costa ....._ Tel. ~300. s.1 ... 8ervice, Leasing. "Mr. Ooodwr9nct\." · • .. HOUSI Of IMPOITS MHC•B•ll .. S-..•""9ee'• ....... 982 Manch .. ter Blvd.. Buona Pn (on Santa Ana Ff'MWey). Take S.ec:h BIVd. ottr.,.,,_, -atl#p right on ManchOet.r. • DW. MER-CEDES (213or7t4)137,23J3 • • IOI LOH•pa POM'llAC 13600 Beach Blvd., Westminster. Tel. 892~1 . Orange County's oldest and largest Pontiac dHlership. Safes,' Servi~. Pat19. • SAIL CHIVIOLIT 900 South eo.t Highway Leguna Beech "Qe\o(• ....... ' .. ,..t* SALES HOURS: Mon.-Frl. !H, Sat. t-5. Sun. 10-4 494-1131 54&-"87 • SAMT A AMA DATSUN 2001 E. 17th Street. Sar\UI Ana. Tel. S58-7811. Your Original Dedlc~ted Dat•un IJea!er. ~ MllACU MADA we·~ movedl Our new toc.tion It t425 Beker Street, Co.te MeM. T.i. '545-3334. Stop by & vtait our brMd new ahowloom end ... Why we're tho tt Mu.de dMler In Southom Cellfomla, Sain, s.mc.. hrta and L-'ng . A~MAIDA ~o.c. ....... --. .,. ..... .......... Cea. 901 S. Anahotm Blvd .. Anaholm 15fr1120. Just notttl of SenUI Ana Frwy. on Anehelm Blvd. Call ue flrstl ''WE ARE HARO TO FIND-eUT WORTH ITI " • 28402 M!~=t~~A~'Jkwy. exit W• off•r whet no I• ... compa!"y or bank can. 1. Ultr•modefn NNlce ~. fof 1tt cl ... after aalo eorvlce: 2. Fec:tory autt\. facllltlee & body a~p; 3. lltmlnatlon of the mlddtlmon -i.atng dMlef dlr.ct. 13'1·2040 ... COSTA MISA DATSUN 2845 Harbor Blvd .. Costa M .... Tel. 540-6410. S..Ving Orange County for 18 years. 1 Mlle So. 406. SUNSET FOID, IMC. (Home of Willie tl'Ml Whal•~ 5440 Garden Grove Blvd .• Westminster. Tel. 636-4010. • Fl.AMIC PROTO UMCOl.M-MBCUIY Service and Parts Department always open 7 days a ~week 7:30 A.M to 6:30 P.M. 848-n39. 0 COHMILL CHlftOLIT .2128 Herbof Blvd .. Costa Mau. <>w. 20 yews Mrtlno Orange County! SaJn, IMllng • .-vice. Cell 541-1200: apec:lal parta line; 546-9400: body lhop line: 754-0400. •• . IOY CAIYH IOU.S IOYCl-IMW 1540 JamborM Road. N9WpCWt BNch. l404444.. a.tee, Serllco, Parta And Le•lng. • MM LIASI ... , IMC. 730 W. 19th St .. CoeUI Meoa &42·1944 a.. tlrno. energy & rruetrotton. Call us for all of ,our. ll9lng nooda. W• '-Ill moket and modolt of cars, -"'*'' .... "' .. ,, .. . . •• Ill' •• * ' ~ ' • M O N D AY . JANUAH Y 1 H I 'Iii/ 0 H AN G l C: 0 UN l Y CA l 1 f u HNI A '1 '1 CE: N I ~ . U.S. military aide killed in Paris I PAlUS (AP> -An assistant U.S. military atlache, Lt. Col. Charles Robe rt Ray, 43, was kill e d outs ide hi s Paris apartment today by a waiting 1unman who fir.ed a single shot into his head, police said. In Washington, White House spokesman Larry Speakes said "we stron gly deplore" the slaying of Ray. 43, calling it "a tragic outcome of the spread or terrorism throughout th e world.'' Ray was a graduate of the Uni'versity of Santa Clara. · Police said Ray, 43 , left his house in civilian clothes, crossed the s treet and walked in front of the Italian Consulate toward his car on the Boulevard Emile Augier In the French capital's fashionable 16th District. _ ___,w,be-ana:clCU came Tfom the FFFFFROSTY -It dropped to 4 degrees below in London, Ontario. Sunday. But it diQn 't Polar • airmass AP ........ keep Anna Davenport from jogging-_ She received a frosty face from her breath. slams Northeast Death toll hits 280 as frozen Midwest begins to thaw By Tbe Associated Press opposite direction. s hot Ray once in the head. and fled on root, police said. Police Commissioner Marcel Leclerc told reporters that Ray died on the street, ' The U.S. Embassy said Ray, mar ried and the father or two teen-age -children, had been a U.S . Army atta c h e s ince mid-1980. The Rev. Keith Ramey, a Roman Catholic priest who described himself as "the best of friends" with the Ray family, said Ray's distraught wife, Sharon. called him at 2 a .m .. PST, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla .. wher e he was vacAtioning . He said Ray visited hi m re<:ently in Washington. D.C .. where 'the family belonged to Ramey's former parish. Ramey identified the couple's children as J ulie. r7 . and Mark. 15. "l know one of the reasons A polar air mass already blamed -ror 280 deaths sent temper a lures to record lows across the Northeast today while the frozen Midwest beg.-n to thaw slightly and e mergency crews struggled to reopen roads and restore power in sever al areas. s upplies were threatened in Kingston, Tenn., when intake pipes froze. Highways were s lippe r y thro \l g hout the Midwest. Temperature re~rds"fell from P e nns ylva nia tlirough. New England this morning (as the Philad e lphia . wher e temperatures Sunday reached 7 below for the coldest January day or the century. Meanwhile, the Naliooa& Weather Service said a warm front was bri n gi ng more moderate temperatures to the Midwest. J hey wanted to go to Europe was to provide their children with the ex'J)osure t o a different culture," f!a mey said. In Colorado, where warm· chinook winds gusting to 137 mph damaged hundreds or homes and businesses Sunday. thousands or residents or the Boulder area spe.nl the night in hotels ·and the homes or friends and relatives. Power was off in about 5.000 homes and officials s aid it may not be restored until mid-day. Power outages also forced Ohio residents to head for emergency shelters, homes near Superior, Wis .. were without heat when fuel oil congealed in outdoor t an ks. a nd wate r RELA TEO PHOTOS -A4, AS. so-calle d Siberian Express pushed northeastward. The minus 34 r eading at Chester, Mass., was one degree ~hort of a record, but the following cities were among those setting record lows for the date: C aribou , Ma in e , ·28 ; Worcester . Ma ss .. ·12; Scranton, Pa ., -8 ; Providence. R.I.. ·9: Newark, N.J .. -6; Philadelphia, -4 ; and New York City, zero. It was the second consecutive da y o f r eco rd co ld in Milwaukee posted its coldest reading ever Sunday with a 28 below zero mark. In Buffalo, N. Y .. it was minus 15, also the coldest J anuary reading ever. Pitts burgh's wind-chill index plunged to fiO below. Firefighters watched an ice jam near P4>ughkeepsie, N.Y .. today, fe.aring it might cause a flood that would sweep toxic chemicals from a destroyed dye factory into the Hudson River. Seventeen people were injured and several homes demolished in Boulder . Colo .. on Sunday when chinook winds raised the temperature 20 degrees. More germ-laden trash found Health officials trying to trace waste at dump By F&EDEIUCK SCHOEMEHL Of .. o.lty ........... ·'A.bout 20' • bags believed to contain infectious waste from an Orange County hospital or hos pitals were found this ' morning al the Santiago Canyon landrill, a ranking county health department official said. Robert Merryman, direetor or environmental health for the county, said inspeelors were en route to the landfill to attempt to trace the source or the bags, which appeared to have been dumped in violation or heafth departm ent regulations. Merryman said the bags found today could be related to the more than 100 bags found Friday at the dump located in the Santa Ana Mountains east of Orange. Those bags wert! traced to St. J oseph Hospital, Orange, and Western Medical Center, Santa Ana. County health r e gulations require that any infectious waste either be sanitized via pressurized steam treatment or in cine rate d befo re bein1 dumpe d at county -o wned landfills. But las t week , health department inspectors found literally scores or bags of . untreated wastes at county dumps. Two other hospitals alto have been involved, Hoa1 Hospital, Newport Beach, and the UC Irvine Medical Center , in OranJle. Seokesmen for all hospitall said human error was lo blame <See WASTE, Page AZ> Cop's son cracks Nov.' 1·2. an unid e ntified gunma n em pt ie d a semi-automatic pistol at U.S. Charge d ' Affaires Christian Chapman as he walked to his car from his Paris apartm~nt. Chapman ducked behind the car and escaped unharmed The attacker was never found. Police sources said there was little evidence to help trace R ay 's ki ll e r but no ted the sim ilarity with the attack on .Ch a pm an . a Is o by a lon e gunman with a similar weapon. Authorities were questioning a t re a s t o n e w i t n e s s w h o reported hearing a shot and lhen seeing a man run away. . ........ SHOOTING SCENE Whi le pedestrians are held back. plainclothesmen s land around the covered body of U.S. assist<mt militurv (ltluche in FranC'l' Lt. Col. Cha rles Robert R ay in strt'N outsidt• his Puris apartment minutes a fter R ay was shot by an unidentified gunman. U CI clinic vote delayed by regents .~ . " By RICHARD GREEN Of .. Delly l"llee SIMI Consideration of the year-old proposal to build a SlO million outpatient c linic on t he UC Irvine campus has once again been dela yed by the UC Regents, the governing board for the ni ne-campus UC system. ll was taken off the agenda for the Thur sd ay and Friday meetings of the regents in San F r a ncisco at t he request of ReJ;ent William Wil son. said UC spokeswoman Sarah R Molla. She said Wilson won't be able to attend this month's regents meetings and asked that the clinic proposal not be considered in his absence. The UC Regents pres umably will consider: the clinic proposal . when they meet next month according to UCI Administrator Dane Hoiberg. W i Is on h as expertise in m edical issues and is very interested in the clinic proposal, Mrs. Molla said. It's not unusual for a regent to ask that a matter not be considered in his absence, she said. The proposal to build the clinic on the Irvine Campus as a joint venture between the university a n d Long Beach Memorial <See CLINIC, Pa1e AZ> Fashion desigiiers give Nancy clofhes ~WASHINGTON (APl -First lady Nancy Reagan is deriving "no personal benefit" from the thousands of dollars of clothing she is receiving . free or charge f rom A m e ri c an r as hion designers. her press secretary contends. ·'This has done nothing but benefit the fashion industry," Sheila Tate said, Nevertheless, Mrs . Reagan is saving a lot of money by not having to purchase the designer orig I n a ls her self. A n.d the style-conscious fi rst lady has the added advantage of being able to wear the latest haute couture gowns and sportwear. Mrs. Tate refused to say how clothes. The designers told the first lady they will not take a tax deduction for the donations; Mrs. late said. T h e 1978 Ethics in Government Act r equire• high· r a nking government offi cials and. their spouses ta repo rt a ny gifts they havtt received worth more than $35, as we ll as loans and other financi.aJ J,ijbililies that exceed SJO,oOO. But it is unclear whether loa ned clothing -especially if it is ultimately given lo a museum -falls under that category. . ··T h er e i s not a lot of pre~edent in this area," said J . Jackson Walter , director of the <See FASHION, Page AZ> I 1 I ,. I Dahlia murder? ·many items of clothing Mrs . _.. Reagan· -reeemtf-as-gifts--or-iiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiir--""1 loans from designers, or bow IRAllil 11111T IUrilll · VICTIM -Elizabeth Short, raped and tortured murder victim in the "Black Dahlia'' cue, is recalled as writer claims he knows •l•Yt!r in·35-year-old case. f~ LOS ANGELES (AP> -After 13 years of research, a writer says he has cracked the 35-year-old "Black Dahlia" murder case and knows who raped and tortured a beauutul young woman, then dumped her hacked-up body in a field. John Gilmore, who was the 13-year-old son of a Los Angeles ,police officer at the time, says, that the murderer of Elizabeth Short ls aJlve and running a bar in Nevada, the Los Angeles Herald Examiner repotted Sunday. . Altbou1b 40 people have coafeaed to the ldJUn1, one ol the most notorious la the city's hhtory, the caae remalaa officlal.ly umolved. Gilmore, wbo aald tile murderer wu identified to him by a man wbo lalew both Miu Sbort and tbe killer, tCM* bll accumulated evidence to the Loi ~ Angeles Police Department several weeks ago. But homicide Detective John St. John said It is premature to spec ulate about Giimore's findln1s. He said the detectl .. b a v e been busy w Ith tlle Freeway Killer case, In ,whieh William Bonin was recently convicted of 10 stran1uJaUoa murders, and have not b8d u- t o Investigate Gilmore'• laformatlon. G ii more, author of "Tbe Garbage People" about mass-murderer Charles Manson, released composite photos ol his suspect but says lie will not Identify him to Ute press. . He calls the suspect "JODel" and the man who identilled. blm "Smith." Gilmore said Smit.la told taim that Jones drank a botUe el <W DABUA, Pace Al) • > l'ASHION PLATE -Sheila Tate. pre~s secretary to Nancy Reagan·. claims the style-conscious Firsl Lady has not gained per sonally from clothing obtaine d without cost. Mrs. Reagan is -hown leaving a London party lut summer'. • much they are worth. Cputure II 11• ensembles range in price from Mostly cloudy throu1b ' $100 to more than $10,000. The firs t lady, Mrs. Tate Tuesday. Chance of rain; maintained, is a ccepting the increasing lo 60 percent' tonight and Tuesday .. • clothes only for the sake oC the Co ntinued cool. Highs 57 to •' fashion Industry. o · h 1 ''She has derived no personal 62· verrug t ows 48 to 53. benefit," Mrs. Tate said. There has been "an inordinate amount ol interest in everything she (Mrs. Reagan) wears," Mn. Tate said. "She's been looking at how to take this Interest and turn U to the benefit of one ol tbe most important industries in .tbe country." Many creations will be passed on to American museums after Mrs . Reagan has finished wearinc them so that they may be studied by atudents of deslp. The clothes wUl be presented to the museums by the fint Jady. but technically thef will be 1tftl from the desipen became · Mrs. Rea1an doea not own the ~ . • "' ·11SIDf TllAY It 's a b onoa10 for birdwatchers. At t.cut JU rptciea have bHn idnt'fied in the area. See pltotoi, ~ 81. llDll AtY-19ntce CS ............... c.....-Al caw.... .., , ......... ~ .. c-k• .. c~ .. ......... Cl ....... M ......... 1 1. , ... ~. ;, • • J ·- ••••• Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday, January 18, 1982 an a1-i•ested fter 22-hour naheim siege Anaheim police 1ueceHfuUy layed a waltln1 tame that nded early today when a 8-year-old man -who alle1edly lhot his tlrlfriend and then held police at bay ror more ·than 22 hours -surrendered peacef\llly. Arrested a.a he walked from hia barricaded apartment at 2:23 a.m. today was Gary Keith brlatotf.._. He waa booked nto Anaheim City J ail on uapicion of attempted mickle, uaault with a deadly eapon and aaaauli with a ea~l)' weapon on police fficen. Bail was set at 125(),000. •1 C~rUlolfersen fired 18 shots from a .22-caliber handgun at 'police officers durtn1 the ~iege .that began early Sunday. , But officers never returned the gunfire, instead choosing to wait out the suspect and convince him' to surrender. "We were strictly waiting him out so no one would 1et hurt," one police spokes man said. · The only person to s uffer injuries was Cbristoffersen's 1irlfriend, Carol Jones, 26, who 'alle1edJy was shot b~ the ,suspecr-clunng an argument that - rierupted in the man's apartment n at 1: 53 a .m. Sunday. triggering 1~1tbe prolonged siege. .b Also present in the apartment ~ when the shooting occurred was ,.4Chriatoffersen's father, Donald. :,.and the older man's girlfriend. ' According to poli ce pollce as soon as tney left, ano offlcers s urrounded· the apartment. At first, orticers s aid, Chrlstoffersen refused to let Miss Jones leave. However, she was released a short time later. M lss Jones was taken to Anah.elm Memorial Hospital, where she was treated for a gunshot wound to the right arm. She' w~ then transported .to police ti~ ,)dquarters where she told aete c tlv es that C hrl s tofrersen was both intoxicated and despondent. . During a s'eparate interview ' wlth police, Christoffersen's father also told officers he believed his son had used heroin prior ·lo the siege. _ A police tactical team took up position around the apartment, a nd 50 people who lived in n ea rl y a p a rtm e nts were evacuated at about 7 a.m . Sunday. They were taken to a nearby branch library. During the s tandoff that ensued, police tried various strategies. A tape or Miss Jones' voi ce was played . near the apartment at one paint lo.jt woman asked her boyfriend to give up peacefully. However. as soon as the tape was finished , Christoffersen ap peared a t h is apartment wi ndow, waved a gun. and told police to kill him. BEACHED BOAT "Sleeper," a 44.foo~ sailboat from Long Beach. was one of five pleasure boats beached along the Orange Coast Saturday when heavy fog rolled in unexpectedly. "Sleeper ... owned by James Koch. came ............... -... aground at 28th Street and West Ocean Front in Newport Beach. Other vessels were beached at Crystal Cove. Irvine Cove and the Salt Creek Regional Park in South Laguna . No major damage or injur ies were repor ted in the incide nts Rain, cooler fOrecast for coast areas Orange Coast residents may need their umbrellas again tonight and Tuesday as wet w e at h e r and cooler t e rn peratures move into 'he area . the National Weather Service predicts. A weather ,;;ervice spokesman said there is a 40 percent chance of showe rs along t he coast tonight, increasing to SO percent Tuesday. The mercury will dip into the low 50s tonight and rise only to the low 60s Tues da y, the weather service said. . Showers and wind activity are not expected to be unusually heavy. A heavy blanket of fog d escended along the coast Saturday, causing at least five pleasure boats to be beached along the oceanfront. No major injuries or damag e were reported. A spokes man for the Orange County Sheriff's De{>artment Harbor Patrol at Newport Beach said no additional boats were beached Sunday, and the earlier vessels had all been removed from the sands. ~s p o k e s m e n . D o n a 1 d Cbriatoffersen, who shared the apartment with his son, wanted bto take Miss -Jones to a hospital ·~or tre.atment. o• The son refused, however, but :fallowed bis father and the other _woman to leave the apartment [it 400 S . Sunkist if they -~promised not to call police. A break in lhe standoff came when police officer Deborah Pine spent several hours talking with Christ offersen on the telephone. He then agreed lo surrender early this mor::ning. During negotiations with the s uspect Sunda y. police periodically threw golf balls at the apartment door and windows to make sure Christoffersen had not fallen asleep. From Page A1 WASTE • • • for the alleged violations of disposal practices. Spokesmen further s aid infectious waste disposal 'I.procedures are being tightened up a nd closely monitored. Man, 23,.arrested in Laguna robbery From Page A1 FASIDON • • • government ethics office. "I have been aware that they · have been w.ondering how to solve it," he said, adding that he hoped to work the procedure our - wi th the White House before the May 15 filing deadline. •1 The two did notify Anaheim Me rryman said both St. Jo s eph and H oag have responded "very well" to the county 's concerns over the alleged dumping of the wastes. He declined. however. to discuss the response of Western MedicaJ and the UCI medical center. Merryman said it had not been determined as of late this morning whether the 20 new bags of w~te round at Santiago Canyon actually contained infectious mate rial . ··But because the material was in red bags for infectious waste, we're . presuming it is." Merryman said. Infect ious waste inc ludes many ty~s or material disposed or b y hospitals. including throw.away 'surgical clothing, used dressings, syringes and other treatment supplies. No body parts have been involved in the materials found thus far. county health officials said. Th e cou nt y Board o f Supervisors is due to receive a complete report on the alleged dum ping either late today or Tuesday. From Page /+.1 CLINIC • • • Oelly ..... ~"'­WAITING GAME -Anaheim police SWAT team m ember hurls golf ·balls at a partm ent window of man who s hot his girlfriend and then held pol ice at ba~· for more than 22 hours. ·Hospital was first to have come before ll'le regents 1 ast January. Its consideration was delayed from month to month ror a variety of reasons. including a request by regent Wilson similar to the one he made this month. From Page A1 DAHLIA MURDER • • • Fin ally, UC I Chancellor Daniel Aldrich said that the proposal would be put on "bold" until a dispute between UCI and hl11key one night and confessed o the murder in great detail. Miss Short, 22 at the time or er death, was referred to in ensational press coverage as he Black Dahlia because of her ark-haired beauty, accentuated y her pe nc hant for black lothing and dark bars. Her bisected body was found n a grassy lot i n the ulh-Cen\ral part of the city. o motive, weapon, or suspect whom s h e wa s sex u a l ly Orange County oy;r a contract intimate. was resolved. That angered Jones , who. Gilmore said, took her to a Thal action came last year house and refused to let her go. when UCI officials announced ultimately raping, torturing·and th ey intended to cancel the killing her. He cut the body in contract with the county under half, wrapped it in curtains and which the university provides a tablecloth and dumped it a few care to indigents at UCI Medical blocks away, Gilmore said. Center in Orange. Gilmore said he went to see Aldrich has sald the outpatient Jones before he was pointed out clinic is just one of many. · as the kilJer, but did not taJk to medical facilities be favors on or Laguna Beach police have arrested a 23·year·old man in connection with the theft of $54,00<Hn jeW,els at Gallery One of Laguna, a police spokesman Divers raise 'tail of plane in Potomac WAS HINGTON <AP > Divers have r ecovered the bodies or more than half the peo ple on the Air Florida jetliner that cr ashed into the ice·rilled Potomac River and autopsies show all but one or them died from the impact of the crash rather than drowning. Autopsies on the 46 bodies raised s pec ul ation that the drowning victim. Arland D. Williams of.Atlanta, could be the man who sacrificed himself during rescue efforts by helping five other victims onto a line dropped by a h ove r ing helicopter. That speculation was shared by som e federal a nd local investigators, said a red~ral source who asked not to be identified. Dr. Brian Blackbourne, chief deputy coroner for the District or Columbia, said Williams died from exposure and drowning. Blackbourne told reporters the possibility that Williams was the unknown hero would be pursued, although there is no definitive evidence he was the one who sank into the frigid waters. said today. Sgt . Alex Jimenez said Richard Lowell Higgins, 23, who lists no permanent address, was taken into custody Saturday as he was driving his car in the city. Jimenez said police received an a non y m ous tip Friday -co n ce rnin g H iggi n s' whereat>outs. Two ow ner s of the establishment were hog ·tied and beaten last Wednesday by two armed men. J imenez said Higgins is being qu es tioned about hi s involvement in the robbery, and was lo stand in a police lineup toda y for identification by Gallery One owners Ken Uranga and Jerry Ha.II . both of Laguna Beach. Jimenez said Higgins is being. held on $25,000 bail at Orange County Jail in Santa Ana on a charge of suspicion of armed robbery. H e said police are seeking at least two other people believed to be involved in the robbery. Police said as the two robbers ransacked the store, t hey kicked and punched Uranga and Hall and slashed their clothes with a knife. Neither store owner was seriously hurt. Two rescued MEDFORD, Ore. <AP> -Two California women were rescued today from the slopes of Mount Ashland after they became lost while .skiing Sunday. authorities said . It is not known whether previous first ladies accepted free clothes. Rosalynn Carter purchased clothes from desi'fUJ~ at a discount. but never Tecewed them as loans or gifts. according to her aide, Mad.eline MacBean. A White House spokesman. who did not wish to be identified. said Mrs. Reagan intends to r eport all the clothing s he decides to classify as girts and intends to "include mention of the loans." The spokesman did not say whether she would list the dollar value of the loaned clothing. Mrs. Reagan has often said that she wears -her clothes for years and has worn at the While House several items she had when ~er hus band was governor of California. Ann Keagy, chairwoman of the fashion design department of the Parsons School of Design. will distribute Mrs. Reagan's clothes to 12 selected museums around the coun t ry after photographing each item, a p p r a i s i n g i t s v a l'u e 1rn d marking where it was worn by the first lady. The first lady relies almost exclusively on a rew designers, including Bill Blass. James Galanos and Adolfo. But in light of the museum project. others a lready have begun offering to donate clothing to her. $ First Time Skiers * NewSkiSchool... _ µ_~..,.~~,... .. ~ ... ,., __ ----~---Jih~imlft-r-.--~~------------------'111'~ottanmdlt""'1t11~e uer . ·~~~ x~ ~ Gi1mon aald Smith was close F1·re razes caf-e clinic would use UCI teaching the youna woman. Althoueb staff members and serve as -a - any m en made sexual ESCONDIDO <AP > _ Fire learning center for.the dvanees· to ber, she put them turned a restaurant named university's medical studenta, ff and after interviewing some Dante's into an inferno lQday, he said. '.-.-1e, Gilmore contends leaving an tJ t d $200 ooo mlth--la the only man with · es ma e • An outpatient clinic is a damage. facility in which patients are ORANCKCOAST lillyPlllt CIH.-..cl edWntslnv 71"'42-5171 AM ottMr d1p1rtmen• 142~1 MAIN OFPICI •WHt...,M.,C ... M9M,CA. Mell..._:._1M1,C ... MeM,CA ..... c .. ,, .... ~ °' ... c.tl ~-.. c-. ... --~::-If n. .............. ~·--.... L~...,._.....,. tf9Clel ..,, Jlll.,.efc~'P"-· . s.c...c ... ,.........,..,.c; .... _..,~ IUl'S ,....,, "'*""""""" cwrtet .... _., .. _. .................. ~., ..... , .. .. ,_...,., treated and dJasnoeed without being admitted ovemlght. The outpatient clinic would take about two years to build, unlverslty officials say. It is to include a 24·h9ur emergency room . While UCI officials wait for recent approval of the clinic, other groups are competlna to wln approval from state health planners to build Irvine's fint hospital. Jne>atient hoapltals must 10 1 throu1h a len1thy review process. Tbe outpatient cliDic. however, would be aubJeet to a shorter review procedure. • we..r.: 2500 w. Coa1t Hwy. Newport Beach Rental Shop W._ Jan. 20th & 27th Wiie: Adulta 18 & up Tllw.7·9 Kida, ~17 n.:•-e • I h ,. .......... AUTOGRAPH SESSION Actress Maureen O'Sullivan autographs photos and posters during a s pecial guest appearance at UCLA Sunday night c ulminating a week long retrospectrve or her films. Premonition pays $408,000 A 77-year-old Denver man visiting Las Vegas to buy a "youth drug" outlawed elsewhere I n tfle country hit a $408,000 jac kpot a fter having a premonition that he would win bi g, a casino spokes man said. M GM Grand H o t e l s pokesma n Ha rley Akers Vincent Sardi Jr., who owns New York Cit y's Sardt's restauranC, is trying to sell his family's sprawling 200-acre Vermont retreat for $395,000. The Sardi family bought the property as a vacation s pot aw ay fro m th ei r M a nh attan ho m e. The property, on the eastern s l ope of the Sugarbus h Vall ey, in c ludes open pastures. apple or chards. woodlands and a sm all lake with an Island. said Steve Kovacik claimed he had the premonition in his sleep and..be..J)egan Jeeding si lver dollars into a SI progressive s lot machine. On hi s 25th dollar. Kovacik hit the jackpot by lining up Ci ve sevens on the center line, Akers said. Several thousand people jammed the Las Vegas Strip -for what was billed as a "grand reopening" of the Sand s Hotel a fte r a $1 5 million renovation. Entertainer Sammy Davis Jr., a frequent performer at the hotel. led the ceremonies, ~·h1 ch featured marching band£ on I.he roof. release of 200,000 heliu m balloons and fireworks. Gov Hqll CaNJ says he "1h1U not, t;e prominent, but I 1haH be acUve'' In cl vie lite, tollowlna hia departu" lrom the covernorahlp at the end of hia term next year. Carey , •a. ended apeeulatlon allout bl• pl- w hen he told a new• eonlenaee he wtU not Mell a thlrcl four-year term. That opens the door to an internal Democratic war for the nomination . Lt. Gov. Marlo C.Omo Is comldered the frontrunner. Former President Jl••1 Carter'• 31 -year-old aon, Clalp, UYS·he iJ Interested tn runnlna for ConcreH. Carter said Friday he inte nds to cons ider an attempt to succee d Rep. Jack BrtnkJey, D-Ga .• who itnnounced that he will not seek re-election. A series of home movies shot by ff.It. Haldeman at the Nixon White House is being edited for distribution as six hour-long TV specials, H al deman an d a n independent producer say. The Super 8 film has been edited and transferred to videotape by Jlm Devaney a n d J PD Enterprises of Rolling Hills Estates. and Ex ec utive Televis ion P roductions. a Can adian producer , Devaney said. ''It's an unprecedented film,"' Devaney said. "Never in history has a presidency been filmed (rom ins ide the ~ite House.." __ A>chitect Robert Burley designed the cust<>m ·built residence, a two-story white c l apboard contemporary Vermont farmhouse. The 29·year ·old hotel was notod for its Copa Room in the late 1950s and '60s, where Davis, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra. Peter Lawrord and J oey Bis hop often staged impromptu appe arances. The quintet became known as the "Rat Pack." MADE MOVIES -. H .R. Haldeman's series or home movies shot at t he Nixon White House is being edited for television specials. Coastal motorl\ls drlvlnq on Soutll•rn C•lllorr1I• t reew•ys to4•Y. authorlllH .-kl ' Thf fo9 mo•ed If'! •round m1dn•Qhl," ... .., .., FAA \OOllHmatl '" tllt Ontario• roort 10-r. .. Wt 901 at>ovt me41um visibility for d•~rtur-es •l l:JO am " However, Moslly clou<ly throu9h TueW•• "" addt<I, l-lr19s were still not c11ar1ct ol r•I" lncr•a.,nq to •O ~1119 •II-all am p•rcer1t tonlqlll and luHd•Y Dl.,uPllon ol trattk wu mlnlmal. Conllnllt<lcoot lie H id, ~·use ,,,.,. 1, "not m<Kll Coastal low 41 ton19hl. ~1 11191> 1 •clivlty" •I Ontario onrniq,..t. l ues4ay. water~ . lne toq was il\O tlllek elonq I•• Inland low S3 1on10111. u hlQh lreewar• In lnlancl ••lien In S.n ~ TYHday. Bernar4ino -Rlv•rskte count'-'· ~ E•~-ro. wlnclS 12 to JO •no1' wit/I state NC)hw•y wort<ers brll•t 1"9 11 ...... wllll J-4 1oo4 wln4 .... , conllnulr>q '" ston lruckS to ••rn motorlU• I t xinr) tonloM. west•rly 1wetl 2·4 1ee1. atono lnllntate IS lrom Ra,.cllo •o·• , M~llY ,_.,,with rain likely In the Cucamonqa to Devore ~ Colt! Wo•• p«thwKt .-.01no to Ille Me•lcan · -= 10 ~ .. iliorder tc:wWtf'tt. .. •. • \•n•· ... ftl'lty o,,.", .. d .. --.. ~ ---=== U.S. sum mary NATION Jacksnvlle SI JO ' Ml LI I Arctic air tlftqef't4 tOO.v In many :::::~ cities where tow temperatures Amarillo alrt•4Y ""*• recorcls Sunday, the ASl>tvllle Nallon•I Wff!Mr Se"' Ice sal4 All•nl• $uburo rH41r>qs exltncled lrom Atlante Cly Ille GrHt Lean to -ylvat1I• ano BalClmort New E"91an4. BirmlRQnm T•m---.a1ec:t <Ntr the 81Mnlrck ftOf'tll-clftlral United Stain. l><Hkln9 Bohe . nro lo< ""'av<> tor the ""' time In Boston two ff~ Brown\Vllt Orlule tell alonq the coastal Buttelo plal11s of le.as 1nC1 ctou<ls covertO Cherlstn SC LCNltl--IOUtllern MIHIUIP!>l. Chulsln WV Most of IN rut of the Southern CheYtntM! pi.1111 aftd 19Ul" At1ar111c Coal! wer• Clllc•oo clHr . Clnclr1n1tl LIOht -was sutlereo from Ctev•l•nd Mlnnuota tlW'ouQfl the Great lAkH Columl><li Into • ..,. "9nnlylv11nta. Rain 1•11 O•l·Ft Wiii on tM _,,, Ptclflc Coast ~Ion. Denver Forece...-s .,,...,kted r1111 •IGn!I Do Moines 1"8 not1llem tllrM.quartert of t he Detroit P1<lflc Cont with snow bet_,. the Duluth northern Rocky Mountel"s •"" the e1 Pno Sl9rra Hev.O.. Falrbanlu Su"-.,_ w.s t JCPKleO from H•rlforo tN GrNI t.Mtn lr1to New Er>qland. Helena New Y.,,,. -N-Jeney. Sunny Honolulu 11lle1 will prev111 from Ille Houston soulhwutern Ptaln\ lnlo Ille trldftaplls mld·M ..... V11tey encl owr llMI •lltnrM SoollNftt. c11111ce -.r1 o,...r t,.. Gull Coan wltll frHrlnt temperatures from AllonlAf'9 ICl'ftt nof'tlMll'n U.S. to New .11ney '"" north Into New l!~M. T•m--•-" the 11et1on Hrly tod9y r.,..O from 2' below 111 Hevlto!I, Melnt. to M 111 KtY Wflt, ..... ---------------------··H<- HI l• Pre. Kans City ,. ,, CAUf'CMttMA 1 ... Las VeQti ., 3' 8atttnflel4 4l • ~ ,. Lltllt Rock II 11 Blythe '° "' 1) 21 Louisville s s Eurell• St 0 16 ' Memphis ,, lt Fresno 0 J7 lS 21 Miami 11 u L1ncaster ., -,. J Miiwaukee ·t -3 .10 Los An~IH .. so II ·S Mpl~SI P I • OS MUC¥SVU1t .. .. J6 1• Hasllvlllt ll J Monterev u m 11 .IJ 01 HewOrl•aM 0 • NeedlH .. m H ll ·°" N•-w .Y0tll .11 0 Oakl•ncl •• m 30 ·2 Norfolk J6 14 PHO RoblH 6S 33 Sl so Okla City 38 11 Re4 Bluff 41 .. 1 -· . 11 Om•"• 1l " Atctw-Clly so ... •• lJ Orlanclo 70 .. S.CrameMo Jt )7 • • PhllaOpllla ll -4 Salinas S• •> so 12 Plloenla 71 .. s.n.ei.., 61 S3 4 ·• ·'· PlttsburOfl .J ·S .01 San Francltco •• 4$ • ·• .16 Pt11n4,Me. 24 ·IO Santa Btrbaf• S7 m .J .17 02 Ptt•n4, Or• •• .. l4 Stockton 40 ,. 0 ., 02 flat>ld City 0 JI TIMlrmal 70 m l1 .JO i.teno u lS 8•rs•-70 .. St ,. Rlcllmoncl JS 10 Bit e .. r s. lO II 14 01 S•ll L•kl S• l.J Catalina '° .. ·' .. 02 Sea Ille 43 Jt . 1• Monrovia •• • ·• ·• 01 SI loul!I. 10 • Mt.Wiisen ., .. 67 •O SIP l amo.e .. .. NtWPOrl e..cfl S7 u ·16 ·11 01 SI Ste Marie ... ,. OJ Ontario 70 " • Spollane JI JO Palm SPflllea 7• u 31 n 01 Tue ton 12 .. PasMella .. .., ,. 10 IS Tuli.a l• to San .>osa so 40 u ,. W1tr.lnotr1 ' 4 S111ta Ana .. 41 1 ·1 02 Wlchlll 2' 17 Tah08V111.., ... tt IURf RIPIRT T ides TOOAY SecOftCI ,,.... 6:0'1>.m. SecOftCI ·-10:4! p.m. Swt ... .... ... ........... --,... T\lalOAY ~p .l• >.• f.t California ,. ... ... .... .,., f'lnt ...... J~2••·"'· .S.1 .... Mllect l-1"9S 11 011t1rlo 11111rr1•tl•N I Alroort h,.,.,.,., • ., Zuma S.11l•Mllnk• HewPOrl S.11 DletoCounty I I 2 2 • • • • J " s IO I ' .. I I SW I J NW ........... ll!oKtt.1'11. ... le<eMMtll ,,.,...... ... Sec-• 11:12 p.111. t.t.' 1 J NW ..... MISS: 11 p.m. i-.11, rt-t :J7 ftnf .... "" tryll\e II llncl I 11141'9 lft Oullclol< lo< lunda'f! Further IM-In -1 -•-II wMll llCeHy •uefldldo -also••-"°"'" <.....,_. 1.m.T...-Y. M4Mlft 119" 1:111.m . T_.,,,.... , .., ....... wy l•hwu lu • l ;IOp .m We're Lineninsi ••• What do you 1jce about the baUy Pilot? 'Vhat don't you IUce? Call t~ number below and your meau1• will be l'ffOnled. transcnbed an,t delvered to the appropriate tdttor. The sam• 24.hcUr anawertq Hl'Ytce may be IAled to l"ftOnl let· ten to the editor en any topic. l(allboa contrtbuton muat lnd\ade their name and l$phone number for vvtflcaUoa. No ctrcu.l•t'- call1, please. Tell us what's ,tn your mind. Orange Co.-DAILY PILOT/Mond1y ,January 18, 1982 H/F BOX BREAK -Letter canier Tom Miller of Eugene, dre .. t akes his arternoon break . .......... inside mail box. Such cigarette breaks are fin e with the U.S. Postal Service. Drug errors widespread· Pharmacists say hospital medication slipups common CHICAGO <AP > -Hospitals make hundreds of thousands of medication mistakes each year -often because or things like misplaced decimal points or illegible scrawls -and the res u1ts can be deadly, two pharmacists say. One patien t died after receiving 10 milligra m s of a drug from a nurse who misread a prescriptio n f o r 1.0 m illigr a ms, the pharmacists say. "It's one of I.he great hidden problems in medicine today - and none or us aan afford to hide it a ny longer," Michael Cohen sai d in a n i nterv ie w b y American Medical News. Cohen. -director of pharrpacy services al Quak e rtown M e m o rial H ospital I n Quake rtown. P a .. a nd Neil Davis, professor or pharmacy at T e mple Unive r si t y in Philade lphia, s ay h ealth professionals are reluctant to adm it the severity of the problem. Davis also said patients -like the one who received ear dr-0ps in his rectum -should object. when they suspect they're being given the .wrong treatment. He said m the journal hat a s tudy s howed t h e ave r age m e d ication e rro r rate in hos pitals is about 12 percent. In a ho~pit a l with a bout 300 patients, he said. there could be as m any as 131 ,400 m edication errors a year. Medication errors stem from a variety of problems. Davis said -il leg ible handwriting, inadequate pharmacy services in hospitals, nurses dispen5ing m ed ication without a n yone checking their work. "T he biggest cause of error is omission -when the patient does not get the medication," he told the journal. "Sometimes there's confusion dver t he order. Sometimes there's a ·nursing shortage. Sometimes the drug's not available." D avi s said the av e rage hos pital patient gets 10 doses or drugs ~ch day, and "the chance for e rror is verv great . u Many medication error& are- or no conseque nce," Da vis said. But he added . "If you for~et to give a dose of milk or magnes ia you can forget a dose of an anti-cancer drug." Davis a n d Coh en have gathered examples or mistakes in a book, "Medication Errors: Causes And Prevention." Some examples: -A doctor wrote an order for 1.0 milligrams or a drug used for acute attacks of gout. Davis said the nurse didn't see the decimal point and administered 10 mgs of the drug. The patient died. Davis said the doctor should not have used the decimal P'inpoint. but he s a id tfle p_roblem was complicated b ecause the n urse was inexperienced and didn't realize the l arger do-~ wa ~ inappropriate -A doctor treating a patient for a painful right ear wrote a prescription with '' R" and "ear " leaving out the period. T he pe r so n ad mi nistering medication read the directions as rear. and the patient received the medication in his rectum .. Davis said in that case, ii patient should object. If a patient has an ear problem and the nurse •·tells you I have~ for your rear , you're supposed to say there's nothing wrong with my rear." -A nurse coming on duty on a ward for tuberculos is· patients asked one patient if he was Mr. Thomas. and he said, 'Wright.' Mr . Wri g ht received M~ Thomas' medication without a ill effects, Davis said. ,.,. CRIME PAYS? -Two of the world's most wanted men Britain's Rona ld Biggs <left > and France's Albert Spaggiari s h a r e a la ugh in Ri o de Jane iro. Brazil. Biggs mast erminded the 1963 Glasgow-London train robbery. while Spaggiari was the brains behind the 1976 Nice sewers bank robber~·. fun fbr fall ... \ .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, Janua,Y 18, 1912 ~ffiU~OO~. \ Poli.sh police. _accused f'o ChGrch claims more arrests by ~rtial law JXiwer WARSAW, Poland CAP> -Poland'1 Roman C•tbollc primate has accused tbe country'• marUal law rulen ot arrestlns 1tlll more people and lDcreuinl the aufferlq ol the Poliab peop,le. Abo, a P'lfle wu reported under way ln t'.be nation's OOmmunlat Party,. the most difficult problems will be aolved tbrou1h perauulon, mutual undentandini and accord." The artlcll aaJd the state "ii aUU 1trivln1 to assure all clti1ens of the freedom of conacleoce and faith. ·'The buis for ataLe·church cooperation la a common concern for the d•tlny of the Polish nation and the desire to resolve the present situation. Thb concern la atron~er than the differences aeparalinl the state ana the church ... Thus, martial law bu not stopped diac~ion of national accord between the Poles. The Roman Catholic Church and the other churches can play an imookant role in achievinl that accord." Today, army and Communlat Party olftclala called IOI' a pur1• of t.bole wbo bad 1l•en in to "the eneml• ol aoclallam," a t!Odeword tor the radical elements within the independent trade union Solidarity. Tbe paPty said 2,.00 people were stripped ot membenbip durinl th' fint three weeks ol martial law rule. • Tadeuaa Nowicki, deputy chairman ol the party'• ·Watcbdo1 Control Commission, told the Pollab news a1ency PAP that 1,100 people were expeUed permanently from the party durlq the ftnt three weeks ol martial law and another 1,300 Giemp, renewln1 hi• earlier offer lo mediate between the government and the independent -labor unJon Solidarity, recalled a monument to workers shot durtn1 the uno food price riots in the Baille filY of Elbla1, a Jarge rock broken in two with a cross joining the halves. were stricken from party J'Ol!I, but could reapply tor party membership. PAP said in a separate commentary today that the government must increase the price of consumer goods and food, despile_the "mislivin&s" or the people, in order to prevent a total collapse of the market economy. "Today, we still have before our eyes this broken stone," Glemp said. "We still can get together. The church wants lo be in the middle - just-like this cross connecting the broken parts." Archbishop Joaer Glemp issued a call for dialorue between Solidarity and the aovernment. . But he said there "are stUI more and more people being arrested, and so many internees are waiting to be released. The circle of broken people or those being broken is spreading." "Brothers of the broken nation," Archbishop J ozef Glerpp said in a sermon Sunday in St. Andrew's Church in Warsaw, "get toaether, for we have to defend ourselves by ourselves, because no ' He also renewed hls condemnation of forced loyalty oaths renouncing Solidarity which the government requires members or the union to sign to keep their jobs. one is going to help us! · Many people who cannot' sign the document in good ~cience are being fired, he said, while others who sign do so against their true beliefs. Coercing people to sign the oaths only increases "the circle of those hostile toward the authorities," be warned. •'But to do this we need a climate of cooperation, and for that we need dialogue. The authonUes should.try to win people." -.-In-its press review tc>aay, "lbe official PAP - news agency quoted the daily newspaper Rzeczpospolita as saying cooperation between the church and the state "is of basic importance." It said the church's "important social role" is "largely co.nnected with action toward normalization of social moods, and cooperation in creating a climate in which the common and even While the archbishop spoke al St. Andrew's, the government radio network resumed its weekly broadcast of Sunday Mass. But it broadcast the service from Warsaw's Holy Cross Church, including a homily on how Christ helped those in seemingly hopeless situations. .F o~thridge collapse kills 40 . · Horseplay, ove-rlooding, neglect blamed:in disaster RIO DE JANEIRO, Bra:c._ CAP> -Horseplay, overloading and neglect were blamed lod&¥-- for the collapse or a suspended footbridge over one or the Sete Quedas Falls that plunged , at Inst .c> slgbtseers to their death in the churning waters of Uie Parana River 50 feet below. . Most of the people on the narrow 1uapenaion bridle were swept away by the'swift current, but seven managed to grab onto. Ute bridle eables or rocks near tjle waters's ed1e and were resc~ said a~q>.Y ~gt. Clilio • Kemps. bead of one-or the tint rescue tea~ to arrive Sunday at the scene or the tragedy on tbe Brazil-Paraguay b~.der aboul 100 miles west or Rio de Janeiro. All or those on the '>bridge were believed to have been Brazilians. ·creenapan sees · near.llJC/tJ jobless WASH.ING TON <AP> - Contradicting a Reagan administration assessment that the r~ession has bit bottom, economist AJan Greenspan says he suspects unemployment will approach 10 percent and the economy won't turn upward for several more months. · But Greenspan, chairman ol the Co'UnciJ of Economic ·Advisers in th e Ford adm~tration and an adviser to Reagan, cited the reduction in the inflation rate as a n encouraging sign for the ·.rpresident's ~onomic program. Pauy unit gets $16million NEW YORK <AP > -The Cerebral Palsy Association of America collected more than $16 million nationwide during a ll·bour weekend telethon, topfinl tut year's pledges by $2 JDl lion, Debra Judell , a 1pokeswoman, bas said. She said Sunday the pledges ranged from individual contributions of $5 to corporation donations or 'fU0 ,000. The 31st annual teletbon was broadcast from WOR here to 135 cities in the United States and Canada and was opened by Nancy Reagan. Divers in sub had no warning MANILA CAP> -The five divers who drowned in a chamber aboard the submarine U .S.S. Grayback had no warning that the tank was not filling with oxygen as it should have when the water drained out, a U.S. N~vy spobsmait, sl&id today. "It can happen very, very s uddenly," said Navy $pokesman Fred Leeder, at the Subic Bay Navy Base, SO miles northeast of Manila, where the incident early Sunday is being Investigated. He said there was no warning bell or other device to signal a lack of oxygen in the chamber. Gwunenslwt at medical copter TEL AVIV, Israel <AP> - Unidentlfied iunrnen opened fire on a United Nations medical helicopter in southern Lebanon Sunday night, but the aircraft was not hit, a l1.N. spokesman said today. The helicopter was flying a Swedish medical team from U.N. headquarters ~ Naquora, on the Mediterranean Sea, to an encampment o( Irish soldiers near Siddiqin in the western sector of the border enclave. Public radio eyes UPI takeover AUSTIN, Texas <AP> -A report on United Press International shows it is a ''los ing enterprise,'' but National Public Radio has decided to give further consideration to a UPI takeover anyway, NPR Chairman Maurice Mitchell said. NPR said the E.W. Scripps Co., 95 percent owners of UPI, are discussing the possibility of Scripps "donating" the wire service to NPR, a federally funded, non·profit organisaUoo. ~ French socialists. tJUfle": setbacks PARIS <AP> -It was a bad weekend for President Francois Mitterrand and his ruling Sociali s ts . Con se r va tive candidates won back thret! National Assembly -seats and retained a fourth one, and the coostitulional court ordered the government to amend its new nationalization law. The lietback to Mitterrand'• eight-month-old regime was not even crippling, let alone falal. T he Socialists still have a 75-seat majority in the assembly, the lower house of the French parliament. Philippine jeta strafe tanker MANILA, Philippines <A P> - The government admitted today Philippine air force planes strafed a Japanese tanker ofT Mindanao island. It claimed the attack was mounted because the ship ignored orders to stop and was sl.lSpected or carrying arms and anti-government guerrillas. Breaking a three-day s ilence on Friday's shooting, Foreign Minister Carlos P. Romulo said in a statement that the stl'8fing was carried out as "a legitimate exercise or our right to protecl our national security and territorial integrity." Dad cal/A singer after rescue ZARAGOZA, Spain <AP> - The father or pop singer Julio Iglesias telephoned his son in the United Stales to let him know he was safe after police dynamited their way into a hidebut where he· had been held by terrorists for 19days. Anti•terrorist police rescued the 66-year-old obstetrician and arrested his four captors Sunday in the smaU northeastern village or Trasmoz, about 90 miles from Zaragoza. SOUTH COAST PLAZA Swtina February 1. and Enry Day of the Week VALET PARKING BEAil S'l1UIZT ENTBY MAU BNTRA.NCE ···-••·ct· .• ,...... . Weekdaye A Sat. 10-9; Sun. 12-5, Service Cbarp 12.00. _ ... . . ~ OOPS -One of 20 light aircraft dar:naged by wind gusts reaching 137 mph rests upside down against building at BouldN'. Colo .. Airport. The c hino,ok winds de moli!i h~d . . -• .......... buildings under construction. a nd blew roofs. walls and windows in to streets. Power was knocked out for most of the city's 7S.000 n:sidents. Promiscuity alleged at farm Zoning law closes academy after reports of sex MOUNT HOLL'r', N.J. <AP) -Local official~ are · trying to shut down a riding academy tbat advertises wet T-shirt contests and "Miss Nude Farm Girl" competitions~ arguing tfle facility violates zoning 4aws. ·- Judge AJexander Wood llJ bas ruled that the 5-Acre Farm and Riding Academy must close temporarily until he can decide whether it violates zoning. Lumbe rton Township Solicitor Stacy Moore Jr. brought the case, charging the farm is a business operation in a rural-agricultural zone. Donald Manno. the lawyer r epresenting 5-Acre, sald the facility, about 20 miles rrom Philadelphia, is a private .riding..academy that offers its members additional personal services. The general manager, Bob Saieva. ·said the club "has socials in the evenings for members only, and basically, io the state of New Jerse~. what consenting adults do in the.privacy of a cl~b is their own business. "There's a no-pressure atmosphere· here." he said Promotibnal foaterial for' the ·clvb ad"ertises: in additloo lb wet T-shirt and "'Miss Nude Ferm Girl'" contests, swap u\eets.-a :water)>ed . r~m. male '·slave" .auctlons and c0uples.auct1ons. . Facilities Y'lclude< a' fuH~ dr,:g6oua e (or tw o witti manacJes . ..a °IarJe whir'9o(>I, a massage room and, a . pa1.,t yhouse wtth an °ad.)uslable "swinging'' ,bed. : • • . · " • ., · · • • • • • I ,. " • t t • * • Jnclu'ded' with legal papers filed by Moore. t,1as a reprilll bf a· Jealure· sto,.Y jrr Cheri tnagazine about t.fte f~Ol ll)~l'inc,ltl!ie<f photogcaphs ·er nu~e pntici~ntt. A. 5-Acr~ broc_h!-lre desorj~d itself as . . . ~\ •·a ver y pri.vate c lub with very pleasant members." The brochure also noted that S-Acre bad been the subject of articles in Hustler and Penthouse magazines. The township moved Dec. 22 to have the facility closed, saying it violated zoning, fire and construction reguljltions and Wood handed down his ruling late last week.· Moore argued the farm also disobeyed a.n April 19, 1979, order by Superior Court Judge Martin Haines directing it to stop commercial operations. Manno s aid there are five other riding academies operating in L.umberton Township in the same rural-agricultural zone and 5-Acre was singled out. -.- He said a building inspector has been to the farm on official business at least 12 times in the last two years, and he said the fire department has drawn up floor plans of the two-story structure to assist them in the event of a fire. T he law 0 yer said the farm is a private club and not :i commercial venture. • •1A membership is required," he said. "The · mell) bers do wh at they choose to do, or don't do thin~s they don't choose to do." He said there has never been any suggestion of criminal activities at the facility and urged Wood not to let moral sta ndards enter in his decision. Two years ago, the fa rm attempted to qualify as a private 'golf club. but the township said the · 5.4-acre farm does not meet the SO.acre minimum zoning requirement. One of the best on-time records going That's style Fares that save you money everv day on everv flight. That's style. sftM riiic1sco Si9 'S6s- ·too A1rCal We do more than get you there We get vou there in stvl9' SftN JOSE J9 65 Oftl(lftND · J9 65. .RfNO 42 65 I PHOENIX · 42 64. fRESllO J6 55 -..----11 ll!~~ .. -~-.. --~ -· • .& I Orange Coast DAIL-Y PILOT/Monday.January 18, 1982 H/F . - Sp·aCe .&;bUtt'e ~helter ·schedtiled J. $4_0 million project to protect vehicle from strong winds on launch pad Boys' club 'firm' On barring girls VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE (APf -The Air Force plans lQ. bajld a 1Lant weather shelter to protect the apace shuttle from atronc winds on the launch pad when flichte at.art taking off here Jn the mld· to late-19805. 18 months later, Ma . Bowman said. actual rundin.i wtll not be , cont.11dered hy Cffngrcss unt1l the l983 bud&ct session, said Peck Modiricatlon of that complex I bej(Un in 1979 SANTA MONICA (AP) -The Bo)'a' Club ol Santa Monica hu d!Jfied the city in refusint to aiSmlt tirla to lta Ocean Park branch, ancl will close down the · faclllty rather than fight the iaaue in court, a club attotDey says. . · The Ocean Park clubhouse and athletic fields are located in the city's Los AmigQS Park, and Mayor Ruth Yannata Goldway said the city cannot allow its property lo b"e used by an organization that discriminates. Brown to for.ego · . . ~ pnmary campaign LOS ANGELES ,CAP> - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr., apparently unimpressed by his competition in the U.S. Senate Democratic primary, plans no official campaign and will save his $~ million war , chest for the gener al election, 1• • his campaign chief says. ''The plans are just for him to continue lo run the state as Mental Health to the Department of Corrections. which supervises pr:isons. A biU that would make the transfer permanent has been passed by 'the Legillature and sent lb Go\'.. Edmund G. ~rown · Jr., who was scheduled to hear argument.Son it today. . . Robbers ramack f ac~lity.f or. dmg1 OAKLAND· <AP> ...;... Two. robbers dressed in surgeons' scrub suits lied up a doctor, a nurse and· three hospital . corpsmen in an operating room at the Naval Regional Medical Center and ransacked the room for drugs, officials said. The robbers, ·armed with knives, took "small amounts of drugs, personal property and cash," in Sunday's attack, hospital spokes woman Betty Bec k said. usual and not have any activity · in the primary ... campaign chief ~o y to appeal Jodie Krajewski said. de . . etamtv£ cision Hospital tightens security measures SAN BERNARDINO (AP> - In an effort to halt escapes by sex offenders and other patients with criminal records, Patton Stale Hospital has instituted a series or security measures including the addition of 30 stale LOS ANGELES <AP> -Sony Corp. of America, vowing to stop the courts from dictating what tele vision viewers may or; may n ot do with home video recorders, will appeal the Betamax video tape recorder coypyright infringe!Jlent case \o the U.S. Supreme Court, a Sony attorney said. Although a contractor hH yet to be chosen ror the 40 mUUon project, the Air Force expects it to be completed before October 1985, when. the enOre shuttle ·complex should be ready fol' use. · "N~SA .an,d the Air FC>rce. ' have their heads togettier," said .CaP,t . P.eg· Bowman ,'· a' spokeswoi:nan at ·Air Force ·space Division headquarters in Los' Angeles. "We kno.w we nffd this tt\ing, but· )VC?:re still .doint the conceptµal studies t-hat precede design work." · Meanwhile, the Army, Cor~ of. Engineers is revi~wing architecturaJ and engineering companies "to find on·e that could handle. something of this magnitude," she said. · Vandenberg's location next to the Pacific Ocean makes the launch site vulnerable to stiff sea breezes that range up to 35 mph, said Maj. Ron Peck, a base spokesman. Such winds could hamper the attachment of fuel tanks and the shuttle orbiter to the solid rock~t boosters, as well as the loading of material into the spacecraft's cargo bay, he said. ''There has Ileen a growing realization that something like this was need~," Peck said. The shelter will be known as the Shuttl e Assembly Buildjng a nd wi ll be a n "·inverted U·shaped" structure abutling the launch tower: Peck said. . Like other facilities at the site, it will be built on rails so it can be- m o v e d a·w a y f .r o m' 't he spacecraft before launch, Peck said . · Development, acqulsition and construction of West Coast shuttle raclllties will cost an estimated $2.3 billlon, not including the $40 million for the weather shelter. 11 Al r Force offlcial.s have approved Its construction, but \ The 11heltcr was planned since shuttle loun<.'hcs here will tuke pluce from & space laun ch COIJlplcx In the southern portion or the batw that was buill lor the Manned Orbitin& Laborat,0ry program cancel ed in 1969 Al Kennedy Space Ce nter In Florida, the externul tu nks and :":) other components are attached while the shuttle ls in a vertical position. When assembly Is tl:> completed, the entire craft Is im rolled out lo the launch pad. na :IA en 8? n' Jf9 Q~ IJZ : ,w uq ,q \ts 111 •v: . ol 11J ) 'l , .. CH tb ot. 111 1111 110 0') Lil H1 •H 11-> )il ,,, I prison guards. a Las t week . under a n admini s trative order. responsibility for security-at the prispn was temporarily turned over from the Department of Sony has 90 days-to appeal to the high court the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals' refusal this week to reconsider its October 1981 ruling that outlawed hom e -copyi ng on The open-ended structure ··Nill ·be al;>Out 204 feet long, 229 feet higti ·and '166 feet wide_ Construction-likely will t>egin in 1983. with completion expected WHAT CHILL FACTOR? Tom Baurle. on a sern e.st er breoak from the L'nl\'l'r~ll ~ 11~· ·~-........... sunhath \\Ith Barhun i Rl'imer. a student at r\ · \\'1..•-;11110111 t'oll(•/..!t'. at a Sant<i B<irhara hl'a('h Tt>mp<.•rat un·:-. :11 lht• IH'a<'h n·.il'lwd tht• VT Rs. ' · Minnesota. smiles at the thought of I nglrl weather back home. Sunda~· ht.· l'nJo~ t•d •• 11ppl'r 11<>:-\\ ilhout \\Inds t 1 p .--:-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-:-~~~~~__._~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~-··~ ro Court hears arguments ~J , ~~ :~~~s~~:~ _ ~~ .. ~~~~~;~ c.u<o······ ··Breeze tbrotigb taX lime ;; rtff!~~;r.41~:~~~~:~~.~~ ;g~Ef£~:~:;?.~1r~:1:~::~. i. ~ .... · Dome. " . · Feder_ . . .. a. , I CountrJ ?~,; California's shoreline, a lawyer for tracts three to 15 ·miles offshor4! ., " the Interior Department has told the along a 35~ile'-stretch of ,the San:. . , . . 1£ • 9th U.S. Circuit Court of ,Appeals. Luis Obispo County coast. · , · · . · · · • • '1 : ~{~~z~E1~~~~~:~;:l~:r? :.~~~::i1::~::r.1~~};~:~~~ :tet,.profuss1onals do your taxes this year. i! commitment ofresources." retain S220.8·million it received in 47 - He said selling offshore leases was bids on lS b~ the zjJ tr pets offeJ:"ed ... only the first phase leading to oil On Aug . .' i8, s he grapted a . At selected branches, production and did not fall under Coastal Zone Management Act permanent \njOnotion banrung le,SE' ·Home Federal now;offers requirements that federal action sales off tb&·san Luis Obispo coast accurate and professJ·onal affecting a s horeline must be and ordered the deRartment to return consistent with state coastal the lease·sale money to bidders. personal in·come tax prepa- management requirements. After the governtnent, .Western· Oil ration services from Tax Steenland said that under the Outer and Gas Asso'Ciation and .others Continental Shelf Lands Act, a appealed the injunction. the U.-S. 9th Masters." g 0 v er n 0 r m a y s ubmit Ci rcuit or Court oT Appeals l<~petfw E e 'f· 1ii -t recommendations, as to the size, injunctioq intact until 14 days ·after v n 1 yo..,,re no a timing and location of the leases. but its final decision in the case. : . . Hom·e Federal customer, the Secret.ary of the Interior may In grant.i~g. the inj~nctiqn, Ms . . you Can still take advantage r e j e c t o r a c c e p t t h e Pfaelier cntica~ed lnterapr Secr:etary -. . . . · . recommendations depending on James Watt (or "quite etearly ·of this trme-saVIng-and whether they orrer a reasonable violating . the spa~·t or the Outer·: .often money-saving-tax balance with the national interest. Continental · Shel La.nds Act by . . . ()eputy Attorney General Theodora giving·9n1y minimal considerat}ol't.to preparation service. Berger argued lease-s ales are a conces:n~ ex~ressed• by Ca~ifornia ~f you 're a H ome , commitment to oil production and Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. F d l t · "H l C 'l ,4tSt·:ctl ,, '81. MARKVI ON iLE WJTJI .TJllS AD 390 .... A.I' .k. IU.M llCI\\~ l'A \:'II l'X1'1 IMIOK.Ull 80 ~II ~'TU' l'A \:'II E.'~ l)l!Jll!.IUUlll t'ICJ('Jl 111134(10.00 CASll 1'1U <1! 11111111 lllll I 1sn.11 lt;S, TA.X. LIC'. " "*' 1101" fllEI '611lltll llAJll' OIW M IUl.E BU\' Oil LIASE AT .un1~so~ & so~ · I '\ • 11 I '\ \I I Wt I W' .::::, .io -.::::,f ;:iO ~ Co~regationaJ . .Church . St. AM, Pl. at Gl1~1yn, L~o leodt Will Present JONlt SCHMllDBMAM, Lutanist performing Music of the Renaissance Works of John Dowland. A. Francesque. & L. Romano T•1.,. . ...._ 19, 1912 • l :JO p•~ $3.00 Donation requested PLENTY OF FREE PARKING JANUARY SALE SA..-SPIOM ..,,. .. 7"9 Oil MOii. Al ............................ ...... .. .... ...... M-. ....... ~ ...... -.. ...... ,._.. .............. .,.. .... .... "' .............. ···-.,... ....,_•I e e ra c us omer, you may . be e ligible for discounts of .up to 75% off normal . cha)'ges. The total of your n e w or existing Home F~deral Savings balances will determine ·you r dis- count. (Due to Federal reg- ulations, this discount does not apply to tax-free accounts.) ACCURACY YOU CAN DEPEND ON. Tax Masters® will h elp_ you take.adyantage of ever y possible deduction. And they take full respon sibility for accuracy with a written 'guarant~ to pay any inter- est or penalty resulting froin their mistake. You pay only the correctly computed tax. To avoid the rush, re- serve your date and tinie . , ' IN ORANGE COUNTY, CALL COLLECT NOW TO MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT 835-4336, ,. EXTENSION 343 today. Not all H ome Federal offices are off e1ing tax prep- aration services , so use the number below. W e'll sched- . ule you in a branch and at the h o m: that 's be t for vou. During peak .. p e d o ds, we'll be open in the evening and all day Saturdays .. M ake your arrange- m e nts n ow. H's a great time ·to op~n or add to your. ac-. ·ooun ts at Home· F ederal in order to reduce vour" tax pteparatio n charges. The higher your savings balances, the-lower vour tax preparation· bi{l : It's that simple. !EFEDERAL. · THE FINANCIAL SE ~CES YOU NEED, UNDER ONE SAIL! Yo~ve always/ been ab e to count o Home Federal o help \ \~OU Save for llo~i:~ ihe future. With every investment opportunity · you want. Now, we can help you sav~ immediately too ... with expert tax prepara- tion services . N•Uon'• 3rd IArpet. Mutual Ffderal &vinp and Loan Atmod1Uon Home hderel S.vinp and Loan A(!l!l()Cl111ton o( S11n l>ie10 • ........ 10 J n J , t! .... rl I ' )'> H1 1 16 • >9 ; '12 : 11 • A ~ Jo . R · 1 J • I ') IQ ) \ " s l 0 a , , ') ' J : .J .11 ( • i I I I ' • 1 I I -. • , Orange OoHt OAJL V PILOT/Monday, January 18, 1982 NYSE COM.POSITE TRAN ACTIONS QVOFAflON\ INCi.VO• fl&.l>U ON lMI NIW 'l'Olll, fl!llOWl\T, ~ACl't(. ,IW, IOtTON OUIOIT AelO Clel(lli,.1'11 UOCll llct'&NIO ANO l l NIHD l'I' fMI lllA\0 4110 llljJTINIT ' Wl4'\ N•I \oil•' Nfl ~I.. Ntl It ,~ •(10 .. 1."9 P l\d\ (tow-(flt P t l\d! C1ow C"O oo w 1,-,.,.._" .._M "" 1 eo • 1 011~ " M•Mll• to• I 1•J nw.. . :'?: I ~ 14 M ... {Jltt ,JI t Ml 1111 I ~ Me'Tll t I .. •11. II. , .. IJVI M-11'11 , .. , • 01 Ii"'. "' Melo J • o • ....,_ v. 0 1 ., • 211 ttt\ ktlllt tf Uf. t » VI S"' 1'0 , ,, ff"'. ... Win Nfl •~A.Ir ) ..... \\ Hoi111,f tU • 11 •-'"' '--'*" y rte• .. 14 • VI I' C l\f\ Clo-. ("9 A ...0 UH 14 ao11l11 t J,lt t at5 ~-~ ,.._.,. t .SO It 1~ 1 V. i' i.n I * 1l§t "" '" r "'J· .. :: • tS'4-"' =o I to 'f' v. '*"'" t·"•.. "'-~ Niii UO 1 _. 14 tAlt f '° e 11~, "' lly 1,Jlt 1 -VI MeMll ,,,._ 11 1111. 14 t .. 2" + It HIG I.JO 't '22 ~ .. N._11 t0 S t ..... _... •· t ....... I 1 t 14 HllJIJ I iO • JI 11"-+ •<. a .. lt1 tO 11 t• t lfot l'JIOM" .. IO a1• .._ t ¥t I t2 • .. >n•. 14 •K• ·1 · lOJ• 10 • .... 1111*<• i . IO ·s· .... ,"' ~ti • lie"' 2"' e6tl'I< , nu •IOl'I I 10 ,. 1tVI ..,_ • 'j s 1 .. • .. MC ~cuo . . •• n • 1 ~I•~ Ntl .. n ) l'° ,.__ C'11111 : J1 It lt\'t; " lllfyl ,l! I VI. M4 ,ddl UJ II.. ..¥> ..... '"et ''O•• '"' h,~, ~:: t: m~-; ~~::,~ , .~ ~~ ~~·,,j,·rr·, m ~-~ =~"ril : 't ,r: ~ ~~, W I .. ,..., .... L.~ ',.. .. t• It + IPt~I; 10 '°! IN.... \\ ~~~II 'ttii ~ 1~, VI ~~ pthJ .~ .~ ~::: '. AJ.ll' 2,. ,, ,. ,. • .,_ C~MI '·" I Sit ~ -PO,. 4 ?' . • I•~· • ..111t1F ' .. ' ... ,.\It . ~ ETtl 1,. • ,. 171'1 I lit• "' ttf'I+ 14 tl'll• • .'2 t J:9. 2'"· .. PG ..,75 .. 11 24..,,_ .. MYO••ul I .. ti tfV, \.II «1111 i.111 a '" tJ .. -:=llltl • ~s ~ Yo ••KtlW. d ,,..._ ICor .,,. I• ' 'l.' 1 I I l .. s JOS It'll A~ 4 S 4\lt • •. el!PI ''·st• »I ell~ lt (M ..... 1, » ·~-"' IC 1"41 t:io i 1J -1.n;,.... Mffl .. .40 • Ill ,._ •• W: A t U\.\ ..... se11•ll\ • I Ml ~-~ ·.-, ,, 'lt:.:·(4; IC l11pt '·· • • ~ -~ Mfl••rWl,509. 11 l4 • ~ "" ·j.. ii~!~ c:C"T:: ' 'l •"'-''1r. uo 'J • 20 " •c N ., 11 •""· 14 ""l"I'• ··• • u •• .... AIML.h , j4 J1 • ... CtOHIJ 1'» 17 r, ~; ... _ v. ffH ' .. 17 i~ INA~P J t0 lit 41\lt .... M II .U e t ltf'I ~ 4clftt( I. ,. " • ,~ (MIMI . .• • • 04 mnEI J 10 4J d... .. ·~A " l.'2 10 tj\I. "' M MG• J 16 s Ii " ... Acmel II • J ·~. "" C••ll1h •• • 2J 1114-mrl\cl t "' .. Cl •v. ""' I 1(1' I 10 • ..1 II :f:M J II ~ u ........ Aelm!)t °' • t '" C•rl'l'1 I a , u II• ..... EmryA • I i IS3 IJ"'-.. l~ ... "'t t M , , ,u~-2\lt : ... !; 1 12 • 17"t• 14 AMI~ US. 10t ISl't + .. C•roPfl .M s •It 11"' • 14 emMr1 2 40 1 It tt o M I .. • "" r-.t ... I t 1114-V. •"fmMI ,JOt ., 30 Slit, .. CerPw u o .. "1 ,~. imoOI ... 11 ., ·~·. • ldUIB 1,10 1 • ~. •• • . Mltlllllt I • " ,..,,. • ""' ,.:.o. .. SJI ''"". "" c .. P Pl UI . , ,, mp pl ·., 100 Jl,\. '"" IO.alT at ·1 ·-. "' MPkC uo • » n'4 •.... Ill.I ..,, 1 tell .a\jo.. . C•rTt( 2.10 I JI 40v.-1 mP OI 50 : i dO l"• -\It .·i~.C::p' 1! :eJ 1 ?!... ~!! ~ -~PP$v __ ,•D s ,. 10Yo-14 ~llfMSI~ 1.10 llt 2 It~ t 14 C•"Plr I to J J 14'-+ mp 01 92 40 •""1 • ,_ ---.. S,.. •· I .. 1 I~ • .... .. 7t J~ '"'H• 1.n 1 >t 1414-Mlllrte 401' 1• 1n. "-llP.ow MS.Ji .. "" u .Mltt111 • ,.,, n-.+ " "'' .-i 213 m~:..::" ', ... .!~!., ,,40,z ,1 o, 110 ...... ••• •• e110CP11 $610 .. s u14 • 11, :!fw0• P' ..! 10 U"> ~~· • 2 'u" n--. "' Al.-l'r1 ,IO 12 It ,.__ \\ -,.,. ,. Enr\111 n S 1 191/> v. 1·-1 U 21\lt.. -1H t 111.-Vo Alli-.Ill t t1 10 -"" C•,llCll .Ill 1 Ut ,.,,_ 1!11Mrcn 1 :16 1 1t0 ,, 7 ~ lmptep '°' • '"' 14 MCIMer .10n 1' 1v. ..... -'1Mo41" U Ut 11 °"' C•lrp'f 2.10 1 Ml Sl\4-Entrce n • 177 S\11 INCO .20 ,. fcil ,, .. • .,,. =ol tl It e -'-~.!pP lllAU2 .• 12 24-+ th C.cOCp ... • t 11'-• V. E111er• 76 i 9l •2~ ii> !~~Sep · · I 10 "' Mol\ll "o II '' 12"'-Ito ... p :r .11 .. u S\4 111 Ctl•nse • • ~ 53\lo-.,, E111t1 I • 101 ''". v. ~c I "' 10 .... .. .. Mohlt I ,, .. 12-.-.... ~::,.,."' 1~::,~ :t :\., ~~~pf t.50it 1! ~~~ .. =~~ri':C z 40 6 ~:.~-· .... I::::~:~· 'sc: ~v.=: Moftrc~ : ! :: l~111 : ~ .. 1. OI I. 1' . dO SIM + 2 CH11H U t 10 Hiit-Equlmll • 2• Ho ndlM pf2 U .. 2 14\41-l't Monoor '3 ' f u.. "' ~·~KO u o s 1 Ullo .... CenSoW ..,. s • "2 IJ+\.... EQmll pfl.31 • s 1Sl'I l"cll<>ff J.O. • ,. 1~ 14 ~llS.I\ >.• • .., tS>\.'' .• .. 1-111t '"° 4 • .. -" Ce11Hucl 2M s ,, "". " 6Q1GI' 1c32 1 10 11v.. .. "° PL. ' '° 7 6j u.,,. + "" ..... 1ou 2 I 21 ''"·· .. ~ll~l!Y0 1.20 11 1 2 6 1' + "'° CtllllL.1 1 a a S' !4 ..... EQILI '·* 10 35 9 .... t11dN11t Z S ti Uf't-'le Mo11Pw J .. 1 !IS 14~• 14 .. -rfc 90 1214 + \4 (:11ltlPI Z 11 . 11120 22h . "' EJmr1C '1.M 1 " so \lo 111uco .11 U 401011'4-" Mo11S1 1.m. .. ,.,,. AIDtSll .. I 21 Ullt • 1\\l Cnl 1pl2 tt .. 1100 11 .. Elqlllre 1.02 S JJ U in l't ift91flt J.40 • 60 5414-\II MONV ... I 17 •11t -V. Ak •ll 1 IO s •n JO'/\. " CtnllPS , ..... 1 " 11\lo+ .... E•M•C IOD • )4 ....... )>\ •noR OI 2 H .. 21 3214-" Moore<: I to • , ,,..,. .... Ak oS1 1 1 at 6 37 17•i.-14 CnL•E 11.4'11 • Ito Olt '" E11rlne 64 10 n 21''-+ '• 11\fCISll Z S 24' 22".. . Mo<M s " S t S l•V• _. Altxdr 1 tV. \II tMPw 1 IO 6 *4 IJ , • • • Elhyl 1 SO S J11 22''-'• 111111<0 ID 1 JO t• Mor•n 12D t 17 IH~ • .... ~·1~1lCOP _.!· .. °* I 13 2 41Vt nSoy• .eoo aS3 11Y>. Evt11P uo u 13 14•,..,. 1111•0R1 1 3o4 II • . . Mor9•11 l 40 • 111 st\11 ".IC ,.., 1' en Tel Z.70 I IJO HV. .. . Ev•n pl I o10 1 n. llllR1<1111 ,60 S 62 17 lo MOrl(ncl 1.10 I 11 25~1 + ~ .. t,1j!J1n11t 2 1.4019 I. nt 21'1i"t-\."J VIPSn 1 IJ S f 17 .... + 111 E•Cel s 1: •• , >0 lJ''t "" llt PSt J.10... " UV• t 4' MorMS to t >0 IJ , • ~ l u"" v. e111r01 . J1' Ulll. v. Exel,, 1... • s 13~-"' 1111erco 2 II 4 ts1 4'\lo • "' MorNor 1 SJ I 20 ;n , Vt t.IQI C11 U • 31 cllll't '4 nlryTI 12 • It •t\. . Euon 1 3 c .w.SS JO lllttr pl 1.1S •• 100 ~ "" Molrot• 1 loO • .... U '• t.1f9 J 1' • 158 16'~, ,... Hlvlll 1 co s I it -YI -"-" -lnlrfsl t I 10 t SIO 21 • v, MIF,..1 2 .. 10 lS )IV. .. t,lljll()p I 1 1 u.,,, r'M .. o . l 111;, v. FMC 1 .o 7 1S. 1J"• lnlrt-2 .0 f t.l J Ho • .,, Munlro 10t 1 • t\'I -. 4'11CICo J.40 t "\ 42 -,... euAlr .IO 1 UO 711Jo..... FMC p1 2.U l 18'".. l111Alu .~ t 1' tJ • l't Mullll't . • UV'> ..... 4'10('.p plt.'4 .. J ··"· "" llmf'" I.ti I ... """ ..... FebrQt ... 40 100 13•1, \~ 18M J.>M 10 ,.., 6011'>+ ~ MUrphC I H s 9 UV. t v. AJCICjl OI 11 • J 171."J..... !Im pll.20 1 11 + ""1 FtDrCl 21 1 I• 11"9 ''• ln1Fltv I ll S5 11 .... -, ... Muri)() IS 6 199 1•V. 'II. AllCIMnl I I 1 1'>1. "' tlml pl 4,.0 ,, ... •v.; ,,_ F11<t1 2t 12 S'I• lnlMarv , ,.. l 'lo-lo MurryO 1 20 S 20 11 'h 4'11dPCI .20 llO 20 • . . . . MmSp IO" .. 2 I -v. F•lrtllO to ) Ul~IO!t-" ln1Hr pl s" • 6 ,,,._ v, MulOm I so.. IJ ·~ "' A1,1os1r 1 IO • SS u .... N r1Co 1 tl 110 1¥1. . F•lrc pl J 60 .. cm 1. llltAlllll 2 eo s .. J2 • "' MYtt\L 10 • I~ A H1Ctl • l'M 10• V. Mrl wl 1 )l'I F1mOI • :M t I I• , '• l111Mul1 1 4t S 10 1''t • "--N--, AlllCll 11U II • 4 JH1-.. Mtl pl t 6S ?t "--i.. Fu1F1 t 113 ll~ • 1 1111Pepr 2 Cl S 451 » 1 • ~80 J GI f •1 ll"'• 'A AllrAu I ti 13 M 21'~-1"' ChUFCI 1 tse . JS 11:\lo ... Fee1<tt1 tl J•t , • lntRKt J2 11 11 10"" N81 n J2 Jt Zlh, .. AltOl l 1.IO s j64 20 ...... Cft•M ).10 6 043 S.floo +1.--Ft<llCo 1 lO •• 11 11\o<-J lnlTT 2 ... • •oo Ul.o~ .... NN'c"'Ne 1Z 1 IS 1"1>· '14 AmlSuQ S J 9 4711> • • n•M ptS.15. 1t >t\lo+ V. FCIE•P 111150 SI'• '• ITT pll( f t " , -II S 20 1f\, .•• Am•• Z.AO 9 tl.S 3'9-"' V• Cl•el,H .o S 11 IV> ... FOMoo 1 l2 1 1• ZI'"' ''> 1111TT pl 2 U . l :M' • • 'I• NCR 1 20 t 1•1 ~ v. Amn• 1 J2 s to 17'1.-.,,, ChmNV JM 4 SI 4'V. Ft<INM 16 J31 ,,. _ 1, 111Nr1h 1 12 • Jl6 ""-lit NI. 1110, I I )M ll'Jll-.. Amrt pl t 60 . J JI.\!. V. CllUVA 1 GI a •• ts\O, Vt Ft<1P8 1 20 1 J u .. , 1,. lnlr p<• I.SO S 4 1111.-\, NL. T I J2 6 , .. 11""• '--AmHeu, 10 , SIS J I••-.... CtltlPll I SJ ' •tS ,, ... _ ~ FoSQnt, I IO S1 t21't. ... l111Btllr 12 26 10...... NVF ,,. • s 2\o .... AmAar' 10 16 Stl ...... v. CNW n . s M " -VI Ft<IOSI 1 ~ I llO llh '• lnlstPw I... • lS ""' ..... N•Dlc8 I 1$ 1 ... JOV. • .,,. AmAfr 19 91 th .• ClllMlw ti JI Sll."J+ I Forro 1 20 11 IS 11"" 111 l11Pw OI J.21 .. r250 IS NDK8 plJ,SO . 1110 JI \It AAlr., • '"' H it ..... (lllPneT , 1S n 11'11.-... FIOFlll fll I 2\, ..... low•Et 1 n , 30 1Jltlo ... " NtlCO Z 12 11 fll/J-.,, AAlr 1)1 2. 11 . 12 13 .... • 119 q,-Full 4011 St 10.\lt.... FIOUnl 2 to S 1 JS'-IOWllG 2.20 S 11 1ll!t+ Vt N•P<O ,JZ 12 S ttw.· .... ...... 12 9 "" -CllrlsCll t S:zt .. 1J ,, .. _ .. i!' le .. s ' ••• • '; lowaPS 2.40 1 ,. ...... • NaptFO IO 12 26 IS>I. "' ABrl'ICI', ZS • -31-'--• ~ CJ\felm.. t.10 • 110 .1111o~ ,,_ F •Y •• Bl 511> '• ~as 1... • 14 Z2"•• ...... .,(0 .tall 7S ,. Alal ot u:s .. 1 l tl• w C.hrulr • ·~1 414 lmwy pl -J2 l--"' IKoCo .20 IO 6 '"'. I N~ 1 loO • JI ,,,,.. ... A Brei Pl 2 '1 2 lS'Jll-'" Cn•y\ wl JI t .. v. F11CpA 1 ta ' Jo tt•o, 11 rvg8\ l.OI f 8 fl\."J "" N•tC•n 1 a t 10'" Vt ABdc.51 1.60 1 140 » .. -'lo Ctlrn pf SJ flll. • v. F11SS.r 1 1'1 . 10i .... HtkCp J0r 11 19 17Vt -\<o NCnvSI .tGI> 10 SS 1' "' ABICIM I 1 6 """ V. ChurCll .14 t lJ 77 ~. Fln!Ft<I 127 IS , 1, -J-J -N•IOlll 2.20 & 10 27 ... -... AB11sPCI ... • 3 It\/·-.... C1118•ll z 12 1 IS 28 -.... "''"'" 60 • 321 111-o JmttSF 1 • .0 11 J IS 12... .... N•tEOu 1.1S1 I •• Utt.. 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'' VUl<ln< .'1 • 1 11•10 Sim"" :16 6 n 1>\o • '" VulcnM UO 1 • 14 ~) J lmpPI S6 20 11 t4o + 11o -w--Sl119tr 10. S aS:l Clll,._ 14 \NICOR 2 If 6 • 11 , S:."y,I.:' 1·:,; J U!" • \I) w:~~~ w ,~ ~ ~~ J~ SmltM 1 J S 11"'-WtOhl .... 10 11 ll 1 .. Sm1111111 .• 7 1'11 40 -:v. Walnoco .It 4n It • ~ Sm11t.111 J,J11J 117 t2 -\'I WIMetl .U )I J7 _.,, Yo Smut~r I.JO I 10 3)\1,-'lo· W•lll<ll 2 I U 41~ \Ii Sn•llOn .M IO SJ Jl'U-.... W-HR191Jt .. IS 16~ .Iv. SOllel I 1.10 I 2'l J'l'I> + "' •llJm I to 47 It . SoftyC.0 .ltlit U Ul'I U,,._ .. AIU pf 1 • 1100 7\lt+ \It Sool.111 J. IOlt a 1 21 • "' W•rnec , • 106 »"' • l't Source 2-60 1• n + '"' Wr11Cm 1 112110 ~ • 2 srccf ~-40 " It 14 W•rnrL 1.e 111 m ,, .. _ .,.. SoAI II .. 1 '"· .. Wesf!Gs 1 ... t 6J Z7'9-'°' SCrEG 1,a 6 6J 14\lo. 141 W.nN1' ••• 1 SI 11-\lo SoJtrln Z • S 1' -14 W$hWI 2.D 6 31 11to + 14 $ollClw I .JO 6 I Jf .. WHtt I Al 11 In JI ... + \It SoelBk I S t ,...., ... Wttlllf'I All 6 11111-¥t Soe1PS 1.JJI 7 41 10-.-IJll Wey~ 2t1 1 10 t 141 $Ct1ECI J.14 1 "3 11-.. . wea.o · • JS •"'· .. Soult.Co I 42 • •1J tW. • • WellM-1 t 7 J7Y.,-I.\ Sos lnGE ,. • .. " .. .. . WtlhF Uf s » U V. • NEfel u• s IS 431/o 14 WtlFM 240 I n 22 -"' ~:.r J·: ·• 1.J !!\lo-)'.I W•lldY 11 :tt t -IJ ....... • .. --~ WHICo ,6011 12 ~-IO. t\jRY 4.24 1 l3 • ..,,._ '4 Wl'e11P pft.jll .• 1120 J2'9 So0~ UO '$ 2 21 + lotl W1P1PS IM 1 t 1014+ 14 $outllld :~ I 1~ == ~ W11AlrL. '11 SV. ••. $oRoy ·o.11 .., n'4'-~ WAlr f, i . . ll It\'>• "' Soumrk .05. t 2f •~"' =~:c1' .Wt 1:; m::;·~ r:lm-pt ••• 24 1~ .... • WVlllOl'I 1.&0 II 45' 31 • I'> Air I .l2 U 29'4-\It W11U11 pl4 60 2 •1 • 1 8S111 1.10 I 12 ~ •••• W11U11 pt4-to 2 1f ~:it!-~ :: : ~ :;~.: ~ WU11 Clptl.11 • 10 1'9 Vt SwlGe\ 1 1' 10 • t "" WUTI pl 2.5'. 1 1' SwEnr " SJ 11 7 16 ,,,. WH1QE1 I.ID S J1' U'A • " SwlPS I.SO 1 9S 11'11 •. • :::~: ,~·= ·, 1~~ n~ ... =~:.Ptl 1 fl~ ,: m:: t: Weyerllr 1°.JO IJ Sto 2614 • "' )prl1191 I )t 12 11 23~ • .... WtJr pf 1.-SI 3$11"-\'I $Qu•r0 1 k 1 SI 21\11 1 \\ Whr P' f SO .. .. 4CIVI. • l ulDll 1,. ,, " JO,,._ If) -IF I.Ill t JO 1""-'-•Rite .iot 7 ~ 18\lr.; ... W11ttF1f't.12 ., I a YJ ..... atty .to 4 o ,"' ,,.. Wlltl 1'1 S ,._.__ v. OMol 1 'a a J 11.....,.:. " Wtllrlpl 1.60 6 S3 U \lo .... 18''" n :40 ~ '°" ""'-"' =::~ pf~-Sf ~ ,,, t V.: :; ~ I·~ ~ = :~,:! _,,.-uo , .., 11v.-14 PtcCll .10 1 11 ' _ \'I Wltktt .1111 1 IS4 ~ '--•llOt• t911 • t u "• Wlttlllll1 • ,. S " enWlt -,. 1 t• 11 + Ioli w111111m 1 IO • It.JO Uft-\\ 11•mt..' . I I ,. 'l2 • .. .. :,::s~ i~,, .:i i:..,.= ~ . ...._,,, .... '"'· . Wt...... It ,,, J 141 ~ 1ilt: ~ '=·.-·~ Wl-J .. PS S t \lt-\\ Sttrtlll .1• 1 1' 11*-" WlllP t.• 1 • 216\lt+ ¥t $Ir I ISP .n t 7• t + l't Wlal -tn .. l20 t2VI-14 '"'°' 111 .. J ''""·· t. :51:pfk , •. , ;: =· ~ ttvnJ ~ 20 , 100 1$14 • 14 l'L · -'" iwwr , 1... , 1, n~ • 14 w '4:,. '! 7 .. 11v. • v. IOllVC I 4110 ,, J2\.\. ,.. tco I • u Hf'-... tel'IW '1Aoe 1 12 ~ w, W9111W I • S Ji ,,_.._ ¥t ?!~·,·:; ! ~ lt'4 l4t ~ :!tt I~ =:1:: iOff'k IS 1t1 !!._+ ii ......,._ 1.ii IS tttl tn.-" tortr l1 1• 1 f;~, .. Wot1111Ar 'i ft ·~ "' trldll11 1:24 • 11 17~+ "-l'l!r .. ly t.... st ~ lolt d ll .., s 19 •~ 111 ... 11rlur • 1 ,.,,,_ "'° l'rO i ~ IO 11"-,_ WYltLD .401t • I •• , • lolr, • • I' "' Wyly SI • ..,__ 14 Ill n 1 JI 1141-\.II l!;trtM ....Xi s~itt' 11\ot 1, :I J JI ~, .... XTllA H 6 I •• :. 0 t'.10 > .c • ..:..:.·-l•lt(p 1, J ,, tO .... 11c ti t as > 7'1oC0-21.tt i" . 1 414 ...,.__ -. lldtlr , .. ·s n • ., j ' ,. ""'··· .. "Mii ... , '(. .... .. '5 = .... ...... ·; ,, ~ .,. • . tJ 10 ..... • "'' .e io m •• ·:.:.·" -111t1 t » •lit Kuwait buy• plane• MARIETTA, Ga. (AP) -Kuwait har siped a t80 D.)lllioa contract for deliver)' of four L·lOO·IO Super Hercule• aircraft , lite Lo c k h • • d'· Geo r 1 I a Co. b a 1 announced. on fThU t• tJw ffr,t oJ o IO·porl Nrlc• on llot.o to toot °" 11our J93J incOl'M tone.) Wh•t differentiates my tax ser1ea, 1tart1n1 today. from just about all othera u well H from the U.S. gqvernment 's own lax, cuides •nd the lnternal Revenue Service's own booklets la that my columns lnclude: Tips dug out or Tax Court decisions upholding deductions that the I RS chalJenges: ·and Rules and reg· ulatlons that are ~ n e w and possi bly unknown even to local IRS age nts. •,.. (Don't, I plead with If I Ill A :; you, accept a distrl~t ''Ill PllTfl ~ Z IRS agent's word as ~ - final if his/her view differs with this column ! The agent may be wrong, not the column! > ft is with confidence that r pledge that all of you will find some helpful hints in this series, and some of you will find all of the information of value. To document my point, this series describes 18 Tax Court decisions of 1981 involvinJ various types of deductions that were challenged by the IRS. Of the total, 13 cases were decided In' favor or the taxpayer, broken down into four on medical expenses. four on casualty loss deductions, three on educat ion expenses. one on office-at-home deductions and one 1 on deduction or legal fees in bankruptcy. No IRS booklets or pamphJets will tell you about thes e cases that may help you s upport your deductions in instances similar to those upheld by the Tax Court. In today's and subsequent columns on medical expenses, you'll also find t~ree IRS private letter rulings that were favorable to the taxpayers involved. _ Thes e private rulings cannot be cited a s precedents, but they indicate the kind of ruling you can expect to gel under similar circumstances from the IRS. Now let's proceed to the IRS rulings and court decisions involvi ng medical expenses that were in favor of the taxpayers -and see if they can help you. your family or your friends. The Tax Court had before it the case of an individual whose wife suffered from severe arthritis pain. Her physician advised that installing a health spa in their home for her use would help relieve the pain, and this was done. The gen eral rule is that a medi c ally recommended capital improvement lo a house is deductible as a medjcal expense to the extent that the1 cost exceeds any increase in the value of the house resulting from the improvement. The Tax Court held that the health spa was a medically helpful improvement. It therefore allowed a medical deduction for the amount by which the cost of the health spa and its installation exceeded any increase in the vaJue of the home attributable. to the spa. Since the health spa was accepted by the court as a medkal improvement. the costs of operating and maintaining the spa a lso would be deductible as medical expenses The IRS itself applied the general rule for d e du cting m e d ically recommended capital improvements in a 1981 private ruling involving an unusual type of improvement. Here the taxpayer suffered from a type of allergy that apparently was made worse by the moldy shingles on the taxpayer's house. After the taxpayer 's allergist advised that the walls should be redone to reduce contact with mold, the shingles were replaced with wood clapboard. The taxpayer wanted to deduct 60 percent of the cost of the shingles under the medical capital improvement rule . The IRS agreed that this qualHied as a deductible medical improvement. but wouldn't commit its~lf in the private ruling on exactly how much was deductible. That amount d ep ended on the taxpaye r 's evidence of how much the value of the property increased. This would be determined if and when the taxpayer's return was examined. ·Tomorrow: More on medkal expenses -and 1981 's r•vorable rulings. Gold metals quotations Gold By The Associated PreH Selected world gold prices today: London: morning fi xing $369.75, off $9.50. London: afternoon fixing $373.75, off $5.50. Paris: $373.65, off $9.44. Frankfurt: $372.47, off $7.53. Zurich: Late fixing S372.00, off $6.00 bid; $375.00 asked. Handy & Harman: only daily quote $373.75, off SS.SO. Engelhard: only daily quote $373.75, off $5.50. Engelhard: only daily quote fabricated $392.44, off $5.77. Metals NEW YORK CAP> -Spot nonferrous metal prices today: Copper 77~·79\.'l cents a pound, U.S destinations. ~ad 28-34 cents a pound. Zinc 42 cents a pound, delivered. Tin S7.6433 Metals Week composite lb Aluminum 76-77 cents a pound, N. Y. Mercury $420.00 per flask. Platinum $364.00 troy oz., N. Y. Sil~r Handy & Harman, $7,845 per troy ounce. .. Gold coiru NEW YORK (AP) -Prices late Friday of 80ld coins. compared with Thursday's price. Krqerrud, l troy 01 .• $3IO.OO, off *5.50. Maple leaf, 1 troy oa., mQ.00, olf Sl.50. Medcu 50 peso, 1.2 U'oy os., 1410.25, off 17.'75. A...utn 100 crown, .llm troy oi., 1371.00, on SS.00. Source: Dea.kl'Perera ~.M.Boyd in~~ 111111 Pl@J J / RA llROADID BY "'o ... James Garner stars as an Oklahoma railroad man in the 1950s. whose job and ruture are threatened as the diesel engine replaces the steam locomoti ve in "The Long S umm er of G eorg e Adams." a comedy-drama on NBC \Ch. 4 1 Monday at 9p.m. . Ind • ~ kllar lf"9lfto ... .... ""* -~oen-for• Ind o.h. 'flG' 7:IO. 2 ON THI TOWN ~ • 14-yMt~ Old wtio eurw. from Down'• Syndtonw: YWI Camp Pendleton tor lnafructlona on how to -di '°' mlMlnO plerlM; :,:~ lo¥erl )OUI of ICOt!° 18 'AMk.Y FEUD . LAV... & IHW.2Y &COMPAHV The glr'l9 .,. lhocked to dlloo¥er that tNlr old dub Ilea beoofne • 19U9h llMQ. 8 IYIONL.A. FMtured: a trip to tne Ml of "General Hoeplbll'; • ~oftla of Aldi~. • 'Cll.llNWTY IULLKYI • M•A08°H &heuated from 24 houra of duty, ...... 8nd Col. Pon. r.apond 10 • de-. peBte c8ll tor -veona from a K~ amry "°""" tel. . I TIC TAC DOUGH . MACNllL/~ ~ .GNAT ~ "Bf~ A9vlllted: Et In Arcadle E;o" 8Med on Evelyn Waugt1'1 novel. C~n Char'" AYder retume to~ C.- tle In 1944 .... he,.... hie Mel ldWllp with lOtd ~ ~r--'Y 20 • ~--.(Plll't1)Q I ,_ ... MAGAZJNl YOU AllCID flOft IT l:GO Cl> Mil~ Alu, 8nnoyed with ZK Ind ...... conatM1t ~ Ing, a.Ida tne two off llOfle on a cemc>lnO trtp to oet to know • MCfl Oltl9r 119tter. • al UTT\.l ~ON THlf'Mlll ~ ""° .. .,,..,.,., drop• from utleuatlon .,.., --1IJng ...... lntha .... Q • MOVIE ...... ''The~ I tttn Ouetln HoftwlM. Kaltlatlne Aoea. WMI being utoad to ... • nelOMl«>r'• ..... . young gradueM .. ..... In.,...,~ ... ..,-.. •• 1"AT'8 ....... "-turwd: In .nampt to ~ • l*lle lfwougtl ...... Arc de Trtomphe; a ....,_ ,.._,, ""° .becelM an ~ mllloMlr9; • -antkflm9 program. •co.•l!OI IAIUr8AL.L "Pac 10" Arizona State w. UCLA • P .M. MAGAZINI ~who pley tac:ll· .. tooltlall; • monltorlng dallloe tor auddel'I Infant d9llltl ..------~ Uftda ...,,.. .... ~ "°'*'· ~ a.f T.. _... Nied ;.-=. • ,, "Tiie ...,_ Tlear'' (1972) OoeumMtaty. A pllotogracHllc alq)edltlon ..... tne proud and .... 9lflt tiger from the tror.n ...... qf 8IC>erta through the Hlmaley•to tt1e tun- Id junglta of India. - .GNAT NN'OflMANCU "BrtdaahMcl ~I it In Arcadia Ego" Baaed on ~velyn Waugh'• novel. C.taln Cnari.. Ryder retwna to 8rideatlMd C.. tie In 1M'4.,..,.. he,.... hie lrltnOahlp with Lord 8eOeltlan Fl)'W r-1y 20 ~ewlltr. (Part 1)Q ®MOYll ** ''The Aelvm" (1N11 Jan-Mlchael Vincent, Cybill Shepherd. A ,....,di adanllat Ind • lew enforcer ,.. In love wtlMe in-tJoatlno -atrenga g90graplc Irr~ latttlta tMlng pl.-In • anlal t-tf\et Ilea ,_,._ ty ~ ...wted by an Illian ~craft.• {aJ DOTTIE M:8T ''Spedal DalMry'' Dottle w.. Ind IC.My Aogar'8 perform -of ... .,.,... '*· ~ "8otry." "L.aeaon In~ .. Ind "~TrMcJty." ·•MOYll • • ._. "Star Trell -The Motion Picture" ( 1'791 w-.m SNM., IAonard ~-The '°"'* -fftandel' ot ttie u .a .s. Enterpriaa ~hie old or.. and .... off °" • n!IMlon to tlnCI .. ~ -_.. feapclllalblt for --~"'-· -, .............. 'G' ... Cl> PNVATI ~ ..,..... ........... ............... ............. °" .. ............. • M.L•llml'M&Y ....... _ .... . ....... °" .. ..... ~-· ... (l)ClllJftaCllWUM ..,.. ..... ...... ... Cl>WA .. ... A ............. HWI .... .. 40T1'fl '° ... ..... about~ Gl'L ' •atMCMI ''The Lano lumlftar Of 0-0-Adlma" (~ ... , .._ o.nar, Joan Hacllett. An Olclatioma railrOlld men la laced with per90MI and larnlly Cttaaa Ind long-term unemp!Oy· mant when technology cauaM him to loM the Otttt job he'• -knOwn. •• M0\'11 ·CHAtlll LISTINGS "FilntHlea" (Premiere) fkaantle ~. JoM Gabttal. The cr.-ot of a popular ~ 909'> I 9 ICNXT ICBSl 9 ICNBC (NBCI 9 ICTL.A (Ind.) 9 ICABC (ABC) 9 ICFM8 CCBSI 9 ICHJ-TV (Incl.I 9 ICCST CABCI 9 ICTTV Clnd.l 9 ICCOP· TV llnd. l ,9 ICCET (PBS) 9 ICOCE CPBSI l.D> On-TV CZl Z·TV ® HBO (C) I Cil'll!f'M x I C!l IWORI NY .• N.Y. Gl> CWTBSI <ll IESPNI Cl) I Sllowtime I • Spotlight • IC..bl• N•ws N•lwork) opera -"* tor the peraon ""° .. ., ..... ~ """ '""'cMnnt ... CMil members"' ... "-· != ..... •• "MeMn And HcMwd" (1MOI fl'aul LaMall, .Maoft Aobarda. An ~ unknown OH •t•tlon llt1endMt clalfN to be ... rlgl!ttUI ..... to "-ct Hughe•' bllllon dollar ~•.'R' • (ll)MCMI ** '"TW" (1N 1) ,,.,_ C...r...-Wlld.A ptOfllJIOMll ..... tNlf Mow. ....... tttdct °' .. .,... ..... Ill.,., •bea--.•w ~~The llapNnt ....... (1MO) JoM ~. ~Hot*N.Adedlo­ ..... pflya60iall ..... .., 1111 1111111 • Mrrtlllv .... HIM,,_,..._ .. • flan hod ,,_, ..... In ............... ''°' (J)MCMI •••• "141'-ed ltatel" = ....... ...,,, .... • A Holwrd llOIM- 16ot'1 ...... *"'*" .. ........... ~ Nllftd .. -.>Mdlftt •1*1-"** with ....... ,.,.. and POWetf\11 flallUalno. t:IO~R~CAU.8 An emotfolllly t'°*"d "'*" ""° .......... ...._, ~ Niael on llftnelnt In • fl'OUP of .. ciolaelwho ......... ~·· dlagnoala. • lt40C* W THI N1W "The Pow.a That .... Aobart ~ ....... 1he liftpoct of WOttd Ww l'a •••11~1 on art Ind Iha~ --.,, and pollllcal po.-In Iha 20tfl c.ttury. (A) CID THI YIAA THAT WM: 1111 Patridl O'Neal 11oat1 Ihle loolc at tne ,,_. !NmOr• bit ~· "' ... pr9Wlout *'O ii'cil NOfl\a ~THE YIAA Bob Newtlatt hoata • look at 1ha 2S ll'°9C lnltlgulng people of ttle Y99r 1N1. u Mlacted 'by the edltora of ....... .-=. I WHAT'8 NCIRTWfTH THINGHT The poaltlon of Iha ~ can Right In ~· wor1d ~ tO:aO. IND&BJDINT NITWOMNIW8 • WHAT'8 NGHT WfTH THINGHT The poaltJo(5 of Iha AmeO- can Rlgtit In today'• wor1e1 laanalynd. ®MOVIE * * "Loopt;da" I 1880) Martin sn.w.. Albert An- ...... T entlon IM!llda to a ahat1er1ng dlmax among tne membera . ol • gang wt1o -planning to •• ww an~• bal* robtlety from tne -• below ... .,.... of loo. don. 'PO' .M0\'11 * * * "Altered Statw" (18801 Wllllam ~. B1a1r ar-. A Klanlllt oon- clucta • btzan9 experi- manta upon lllrnaalf whlc:fl l!_I out of oontrol. 'R' 10-M CZ) M0\'11 **,_. "P~ Haro" ( 1973) Keir OullM, EJlu.. belt! Afl*'t, A ~ ~ ...... , ....... ~-urttllhellnda .,.... ~ COftW'D from • good-nlltured bar. .... ..... 11••••<1>oa .... l ~YNIGHT • TH1.a:iasi:ON1 ~ . ....__ too fOOd to be !NL .IMPON>NfOION • l*l<CAVITT 011Mt: actor Stewart ~.(Plll't1of2) (C)MOVIE . * * ,_. "Happy IMrttlday • o.Mlnf" I 1NO) MacM11ne ic.tln, Rita Moreno. A Har· YWd atudent'I lllf1hday party .. ,... famlly'• 8outfl Plllladelphl• home ~In~ upetlence for hie Ylaltlng ~tea.'R' (ll)MOVie • • •.t "Blood Feud" (1MO) Sophia Loran. Mw- callo Mamolannl. A widow la aided by an ldMllatlc ...,. Ind • arnalltlme ......, In,,.,~ cruHd• agalntl the maloao wflo Idled 1w ""'8Mnd .• ,.. t 1:IO. Cl) QUINCY Sam, angered by °'*1cY• lt,.,....iOa on partoi11•1G 1r1 ~ on • martial ar1a..-iln~ol "--tradtlon, Ir- ... to anott.r ~­ "*It. (R) •atTHllRT~ CAMON Ouea1a: Jim Fowler, MlctllMll LM1don. Donna Orange Couf DAILY PILOT /Monday ,January 18, 1982 TUBE TOPPERS KTLA • 8: 00 "The Graduate." Dustin Hoffman in one of his most memorable roles. K ABC 8 9:00 -"Fanta,ies." Movie premiere stars Suzanne Pleshelte. KNBC 8 9:00 -.. The Long Summer of George Adams.·· J am es Garner stars in movie premiere. KNXT a 10:00 -.. People of the Year ." Bob N ewhart hosts a look at the 25 most intriguing people or 1981. Theodor9, Or. PIUI Ehrllcfl. lo MCNIWI ~· •THlooo~ ,... ~ In llllllllNldt, Iha lleCllc ....... IMdng up to <>ac:ar'a ~ when botti -· In ttle Anl'f Aaaerw. ··~ TWo ...,.... bloirle • COlllllly.....i.m Mgat' f()( thadMll'loflhalrMter. I .u.T NIWMIAT CN'T10NID MC .... Cl) ,AT OOUJNI: THe Hlft~T VOlllntMrl from the audl- anoa r.apond comlcally to llypnotll auggHllona mada to tham by thll an1er1alner. -Ml>MGHT- 11:11. IHA NA NA au.t: Troy~. •• MOYll • • "The Return Of The Mod Squad" ( 1'791 MldlMI Colt, Peggy Lip- ton. • M0\'11 ••s.cr.. WOftd Of Aap- .._ .. (1'77) Documentary. • ..a OOUGI Al Ollae1a: Ban v-. J.-, ~. Pia ZadOta. Attdy MMn. • rrt lVBn'900rl ··-· "Computer Operatlone" 12:11 (8) MCMI • ..... "My 8odyguwd" 119191 an Maltapeaca, Adam Baldwlrl. The -kid .. • Clllc:ago high aciflOOI INlll• lrltnd9 with ... adlOOI OU1CMI Ind togatfler they atand up 10 ttle c:nial g&llQ wflldl heel peraecuted them both. 'PO' 12:20 (I) MOYIE ••'.t "Sphinx" (1'811 Franll Langella, L.aeley- ~ Down. A rvtlllaaa black matllet antlqutt ... ring ~empt• to llloCI an Egyptologlat from dltcoY- -ino Iha wi.Mbouta of • pttcaltaa ........... permitted to wtew. 'PO' t!:IO 8 8 TOMOMOW au.ta: ._Janner; pr~ dl!09I Alan Carr. (A) 1 -M/Tf/l'( lmUEIDINT ·NITWON< NIWI Cl)MCMI ••• ··~Now'' (1'791 Manon .ando . ....,,.,., ~. Directed by Ff'anda Ford ~ lilt ~•lallpeta ...,.. em0ertl1 , on • fftlaalon up river Into Iha Vlatl•1,... luflGla to find and 1t• • ~ . AWOL Almy oflloer wt1o llal lolled ... ~ llttemptt ac Illa capbd. 'R' .MOVIE •• .,. ''HOlly#ood 9ou6e- vwd" C 19711 Candice ,_._ IM, Old! Miiier. F,.n from lndlana. • YOllllQ Ml)lring ltarlel~ becomea lnvolwd In • rMI robbety Illa! aha thlnkl 11 pat'! of '* mcMe daOut .• ,.. tl'.AO. Cl) MIW'Je( An~~ bile ,,.,..,_ on Ila W9Y to 9oe1on.(A.I 1:00• MOVIE * * ."The 81g Sllow" 1193n oan. Alltry. ~ eum.tte. A turMM Weal· .,,,., rtdea tM rar;oa. 1=::ovr •• ~ "My o..r Sect'• taty'' ( 19481 Laraine o.y . Kirk Dollglea. An author'• MCtelary ftnde !Nit he Ilk• glrla Ind pleya ... llMd mOt• °"*' Ulan he ...... <C>MOVll •••-t "Siient Scleam" (1N0) ~ 8alcJlng, y--O.Cat1o. S.W,81 college atudentt t•k• rooma In • foreboding Oki llouM ...... gtlaly and tlill uneofyecj murder WU committed yawl _..,, 'R' t:IO (8) THE YEAR THAT WAS: 1111 Palfldl O'NMI hoata Ihle Jo<* Ad the moat -· bit _, .. of tne PfeYloul Y99f. 2:00. INTaTAINM!NT TOMGHT JOM Felc:lano talk• about hie Ille Mid comciow • -aong. ·= * *. 'h "ThoM Lipa. ThoM EY99" (1M0) Frar91 L.angallt, Gtynnla o·c:on... .-. A llarnboyant aummat atodc ac10t, wtlo '*- of Broadway llardom. defendl .,, ~t. ~ruca prop boy Ind PfC>ltlOlea 1111 ,_ wftll a dlOt"8 gltt • R' 2:161 N1W1 2:20 NIWI MOYll ***.,. "Thoaa Lipa, T,_ EY99" (1MO) Frank L.angallt, Olynnlt O'Con- .-. A flllmboyent·aummat alodt .:tor. wtlo ~ of Broadway 1tatdom, ...,_ an ~icompet911t, ~ pr09 boy Ind promotaa Illa r-wtltt a dlorua git!. 'R' a::ao• .... (C)MOVIE • ........ ~"(tt32) PIUI ...,,,,, 0-V-Allft. A .,....,,.,. llOOdlllm ,... lo ... top "' Iha Map dur- t:to ~~ • * ~ ''Cmlfornla Dr-. Ing" (19791 Dannie awt.- tophs, ~ O'eonr-. A~~mantrom Ct.ago w"'-on Iha c.t- llomla ~ -Ind ~ lnvoNed wlltl !tie d9llfllter of an aging ~bl.m.'R' 1:1e• MOVIE • * "Sanden" (1M4) Alctlard Todd, M.nann. Koc:ft. Upon arrMng In a ~· Afrlc:an ~. a lemale phyllc'an dlaooYarl lhal lier -malt ool- !Mgue It•,...,~ JOHN DARLING M IKE, WE HAO A L.ITTL£ TROUSLE. 0co<JN0 '()U A ROOM IN DEn:«>IT SO YOU COUL.D COVER THE SUPER ecJWL ! ....... ~ ...... .. Cl)'"°"" -.ooec .. (I)"°"" * * ...... ....., ,.,.,. .. ,,......,.........,,, =..== ... ;: ............. lrlL~--­ W• dadda to 'V'1 IN ........ Oft,,._ *""' •<e>wovw * * .. ~ Ntd Howetd" ( 1110t ,.,, ......... Jeeon ....,,.. Alt °' ........ 1o1n1&"own t•• etatlon ~ cNIHl9 to be Iha tlgflttul hair to Howetd Hug11 .. • bllllon dollar ...... .. ,. . • OOf(t(JM/fY ~·-· 4'10(J)MOW • * "Improper ChanNll" (tM1) Alen Anlln,...,.,... Hartiay. A ..,.... of ,...,._. deratandln;t cauaea • aoc.lal ~-10 ~ Iha 6-~-old daughter of • MPWated couple In tne Ylctlm of Glilld --.. 'PO' 4:21 <B> MOYll * * "The Return" (1NI) Jan -M lcllaal Vincent. Cybill Shepherd. A ,_ell ac:6antla4 and • 1ew antorcar ,.. In IO¥e .... imwllgallng -ltrange g90graplc lrreeu- latlt... taking ~ In • arnall ICNln lhat Ilea r-t- ly ~ ~ by .,, allen ~crllfl. Taw•da11'• Da111 l •tt H o .,1.,. ..... * * "H.,d Boiled Melloney" (19411 ~ 8oy9, Leo Gorcey The Boya find themHlvH Involved with • mystic ah<! • mob of gangatera .meii they Mt out In -en of 'I bMulllui lady. cc:> • * * •;, "Bllllanu" (1971) Woody A llen, LoulN ~. A product tM1.,, bored with hit ..-ryday routine. goea to a amall l alln American country Ind ~ a dictator durtng • polltlcal ~al.'PO' 10:00 <HJ • * • .,. ''The Elapflant M1111" (1N0) John Hun, Antnony ... lne. A Mdl- c-atad pllyalclan t•k•• under hil wing • horrlbly deformeo man wttOM W. lil4 then had ~ apant In cllMp freak •llhlbltlona . 'PG' Cl) * * "The Hollywood Knight•" ( 19101 Robert ·Wuhl, Tony 0enu. On Hal- '--1 -In t915. • roway high ac:hool Gano wreak• havoc In Beverly Hiiia to -. lhe cioelng of thaif hangout by the local hOme ownera MllOCI· atlon. 'R' • * * •;, "Snowtlall Exprau" (19721 DH n .Jor\9, Nancy Oleon. A N.-Yorti acc:clllfttant tr• Yela .-t to the Rodi ... In an attempt 10 modernln a dllapidated alcl raaort lier 1ntw11ed. ·o· 1CklO • •.,. "FronU. Hortz.on" (1931) John Wayne, Jen. niter Jon9. A promo!« ac:nen-lo awlndlt. rana.. .,. out of lllair land In 0tdar to build • dem tor 1 l'..-volr. 11:00(C) ***'Al"OtlyFor NlgN" ( 1972) Jacqueline 81aaat, Valenllna eon-. Dltected by Franc:olt T rvf· faut. The ._ Ind IOwa of llm perlormatw .. atud· leCI In • m<Me-wll""1-• INMe.'PO' 12:00 • • * * "Otean or-Ot Wyoming" ( 1948) Peggy ~. C11er1aa Cobllrn. • ***"A ThollaMd Clown•" ( 1916) Jeaon Robardt. Bartlera Hwril. _. • •• _. "Apac:M Rltlta" (19851 Audie Murphy, ~-Danie. ..... "lmptoper cnan- nel1" ( 1081) Ai,n Ar1cln, r .. ...,....~.A--. ot n1le1111der11andlnga ......... __ to ~--IM..,_,.. ................. --... lllC*HI °' cMO --.·.-a· (J)•••• "Mered I t ...... (1N0) w....,,, ""'1 • ...,, 8'own. A Har· -d ac1an11e1·e ..-1c alrUGtw• .. ....,.. ~ he COftCluctl ~ Ing~...,, .... "°" ..,,.. and si-11.tf ~ ..... tt:IO <B> * ........ ., .. ., M0tant" (tNO) l;diMrd Woodward, Jacit JllOflll>- ton. Awtrllllana ~­ ed 10 flgtlt on Enoland'• Ilda In the loer WW decide to fight the Bow ~NIM on lhelf -terma. t:OO(t) •• ''0..lh c... On TheFr-.y" Cl) * *. "Swldey In N.- y Ottl.. c 1"4) Cliff lllobart· eon. J-Fonde. After b9illg Jill*' by ... b01· lr1end and tr~ to Ntw )'Qttl 10 v'8lt '* btottler •• young -conaidart her poeltion on virginity. 1M CZ)**• "A Boy And Hit Dog" (1'75) Oon ~. ~Benton. In poet. World Ww IV c:MlizaUon. 1 boy and hil lalklng dog ... out In -c;n of glrta. 2:00. * * "Cout To COalt" (1NO) Oyen Cannon, RoO- ert 81alce. A runaway ~ .. and • tctappy trucker haullng catll• COUI lo coeat become tne targel of • wtld c:roaa- country ChaM. 'PO' 2:JO (8) **'It "Bon Voyage, Qh.,lle &Lown" ttP7JI Mil· ' mated. CV~ by Bill Melendez. Snoopy and Wood a l ock lollow e>«:llanga a11ldenta Cllar1ie Brown. Peppelmlnt Patty, llnul and M.,cle on 1111 aoventur•filleO tour of England and France. ·o· 1:00. * ...... "c.lflno Horlhtlde 777" ( 1941) 1 JamH Sl-•11. H .. en Walk•. Ar~ reo- pana an t 1-year-old c-. to ffM • wrongfully ~· onedman. (C) 1t *\It "The Talklng Parcel" (1978) Antmaled. ,A young git!, a parrot and • load mu1t overcome • horde of ...... latl*'lll 10 frM a wtzard. 'G' l :JOCI) **'Al "Freaky Friday" ( 1977) Jod.le Foater, Bar· b.,. H1trlt. The WOr1d II turned ~ for I mother and daughter who maglcally lwlldl bodlea one 1a1etu1 day. ·o· CZ) * * •;, "Sphinx" ( 1N 1) Fr1111k Langella, L-.Y· Anne Down. A Nlllltaa black market 1111tlqultlaa ring a1tampt1 10 at09 an Egyptologitl from dlecov· •Ing the~ of. pric:.ltaa atatua ... -per-mined to view. 'PG' 4:00 (C) * * • "Huckleberry Finn" (19741 ,,.,,. &at .. PIUI Wln!Wd. 8Med on the atoty by Martt Twain. A young boy Ind • run&Wlly .,,.~~In• ..,.... of ..,__.. .,.. flMjng down tne Mlaaiaalp- pl Alvw on • raft • •••••"The~! Man" (1N0) JcM Hun • AnUlony HopllJna.. A dedi- ca led phyalclan tall .. under hie wing • horTfbly deformed men wttOM llte ... "*' had ~ apant In cllMp ,,.... otiibltlona . 'PG' l:JO CZ) •**'It "ThoN ~. TlloM EY99" (18801 Franll Langella. Olynnlt O'Con. nor. A ftamboyent _,., atoc:k actor. wtio cw- ol Broadway atardom. defend• an ~ent. tlag4Mtruck Pf09 boy Ind Pfomot• 111• romane» wltll a chor\11 gift. 'R' Hopalong Cassidy heads for small screen ·construction 8 7 JAY A&NOLD .. _ ........... .,.. HOLLYWOOD -Veteran cowboy Hopalong Caasldy may ride his white hone across U.S. televialon screens for the first Ulll,e in five years with the completion of a copyri1ht infringement suit. ace0rd1ng to an attorney who says there may be a Hopalong comeback on the small screen. "We're hoping for a big resur1ence of Hopalong Cassidy films." attorney Don Engel said Wednesday. En&el said UUes such as "Hop_aJoq Cassidy Returns," "Trail Dust," "Hills of Old Wyomin1." "North of the Rio Grande," ''RuatJen. Valley" and "Eacles Brooil" have been U~ up in UU1aUon slnee about 1976 as a New York TV distributor batUed with the estates of actor William Boyd and author Clarence Mulford. U.S. District Judge Consuelo 8 . Marshall bealna a non-jury trial today to usess damages lb an lnlrinaement suit won by the estates •1alnat nlm Video Releasiq, which purchased 23 Hopalonl ntm. from a third party al'tel' the 19301-era films went into public domain. Storer Broadcasttna and lta San Ditto televlsion statlon, KCST, are amona six comp•nles and lndlvlduals ordered to pay da•..-in the infrincemenl ru.Uaa-luuecl lut January ln the Southern Federal Dl1trict Court in New York and u.,._eld by the Ind Circuit Court of Appeals . L. Rob Werner. representing defendant TV National Releasing, said his client purchased the westerns after they had gone into the public domain and assumed the purchase also included TV r ights. But the New York courts said TV rights should have been obtained separately. Ence! said Boyd before his death iD 1972 had purchased TV ri1hts from Republic Pictures, original producers ol tbe films. ''What we're 1oi.n1 to have to convince the court is how much business we lost," said Engel. not1n1 that the estates claim a loss surpassina SJ00,000 alnce Film Video and others be1an UJe1aJ salH of 23 1930l-vintqe Hopalong weatems to u:s. TV 1taUoos in the lt'IOI. Enael said Judte ManhaU could decide the estates are enliUed to the treater ol Film Video'• prollt.s durin1 a five-year period, the estates• probable IOllHB °' statutory dama&• ot from '150 to $5,000 per lnfrtaaement. Zqel claim• more than IOO lnlrtnpmenu. He said he would seek man than 15,000 per inf rlnaement becauae "they were kaowiqly iafrlDlial" an.r William Boyd Enterprtan- warned rum Video and Storer of lnlrtnsement in 1173 and 1175. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--, 1h ~ sa.ts ..... l'bcl Do •.• n. n. 1b Sllrf,. How ... 11le ,...~ .,. ... ., ChMae "Ml ......... ...,'°" llllli. ................. w. .. ,..... .. ..... ..., ... """_.....,.~-M-.o:aiFcO\im--..;-Eb .. CM.L °" COMl" ~v -.. ~ available at . . Heritage Bank. 1 ·Rr.sldmdill • COnunr.ldal .Bulldlnp: Takieouf COlnmlament 1a1t11red" alon8 wl9h leases. ·Land LoaQs..., IO one year SOI appraisal CDIWI: ·~ SOUdl Ol8ale CGunf)lllnlne 7....a5H050 . -. 1: • ' . . ' , ac er son reveals in the I J - . . DEA& &&ADBU: 'he.._.. Senlee llu ••••••ee• th •IS•l•I of a falH repreMll&aU. order a1a1111& Eue• llwe lac., fill i.elulo• Blvd., No. Zit, Vaa N•Y• ti.el, by a Jlldiclal officer la Wa.W.1._, D.C. . . L.O. ~•dexter, poatal lupedor I• cllar1e a~ Am1elee, HW &ht EIM• lloae lac., owDe4 ud operated by Jamet Waller EllH, ... l'MpoDllMe for ......... ~ pabUc ~ In nceu of SM,Mt a year durtq tile paat three yean. ~ ....... , E1HJ1 allegedly operated a claHlc eavelope·1tuffla1 aclleme wblcll be advertlMd oa a aatleawkle. llMAI. attklal homeworken &o stuff bis eavelopM for 51 CHU 'eacb. Pe0ple wbo paid Eue• • SIS "re1l1tr1Uon fee" ·received las tead ln •truc&loa1 to advertlae for more llomeworken . E H ex also operated a" alle&ed "news paper dipping" •cheme nationwide, wh.lcb he sold for f1 each. Essex was Interviewed by postal laapee&ors AprU 18, 1181, at which time he 1t1aed two con.seat agreements-1pecl.(ytn1 Uaat be would abaadoa and dlscGDU.ae HY furtller promotloll of Ills "eavelope·st•fflDI" and "newspaper cUppl•I" oper_atlou. Eases, · accordlag &o the Postal Service, breached both a1reements. which resulted la the false repretentatlon order d1i.::r tla& the Vaa Nays postmuwr &o retarm the senders all mall wblcb la ~eded Ith the operation of E11ea eo..e lac. Pollldexter added .. at Essex has moved Ilia operation to Blalae, Wash. Tbe Investigation will proceed In order to determine U Essex House Inc. ii conUnulng &o advertise for bo•eworken .. conaedlon wltll bis emvelope·staffln& and aewspaper cllpplag operalloas. Law detailed DEAR PAT DUNN: Can YCHI &Ive me rudowa of the new laws concern.In& dnutk drlvtaC I'm particularly laterested In the penalties if a person Is convicted. E.P., Newport Beach As of J an. 1 it is illegal lo operate a mot or "vehicle a nd is automatically a misdemeanor if a chemicaJ test reveals a level of 0.10 alcohol in the blood. LOVE THAT RACKET Roscot> T anner ga\'l' his rcicket a big kiss after makin g a difficult shot during last week's Ma sters tourna ment in Nl'W York 'Class of '42' Cards reunited ST. LOUIS <AP ) -Mostly they chuckled their way through an evening dedicated to nostaJgia and merriment, but there a lso was an occasional sobering reflection. They were nine members of the 1942 worid champion St. Louis Cardinals baseball team, gathering once more Monday night at a baseball writers' dinner here. Toasts we re raised high to the ret urnees from St. Louis' winrungest club. "We had some Cardinal spirit about us," said Stan "The Man" Musial, the only member of the "St. Louis swifties" occupying a berth in the Hall or Fame. "WE ASK ED NO quarter; we gave no quarter," said Musial. "I was a rookie. I was awed. The last two AU persons convicted of driving under the influence <DUI) will go to jail, with only one exception. A first offender convicted of a DU l misdemeanor mtly be sentenced by a judge to attend a driver improvement class. be fined a minimum of $375, but up to $SOO, anO-bave his driver's license-restricted for-- three months. • months of that season it was like Frank Merriwell every day. The spoken word is quickly forgotten, put.the memories linger on." During this time, he wilJ be allowed to drive onJy to an<f from work or the class. Otherwise. e ven firs t offenders face mandatory jail terms, 'mooetary fines and s uspension of driving privileges. The courts can sentence the first offender to jail from -two days to six months, levy a fine of $375 up to SSOO. suspend a driver's license for six months and impose probation for as long as three years. A second conviction carries a mandatory jail term up to one y~ar, the fme can range to $1 ,000, the license suspension can be as long as one year and if probation is granted, it must be for a minimum of three years. A third conviction can result in a jaU term of four months to one year, a fine of $375 lo $1,000, loss of driver 's Ucense for three years, alcohol treatment for at least one year and three years probation. Even stronger punishment is in st9re for drunk drivers who cause bodily injury or death. For the first offender. the fine ranges to $1,000, fi ve days to one yeai in jail or state prison. loss of driver 's license for a year and probation up to three years. • , "Got a problem·1 Then wnte to Pat .... 1 Dunn. Pat wall cut red tape. getting • · the answers and actwn you need to • solve mequitu.·~ an go~mment and ,.., busmess Mail yuJr questions to Pat Dunn. At Your Sennce. Orange Coast Daily Ptlot. P 0 Bo:r 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 As many Letters as possible will be answered. but phoned mquirie• or letters not including the reader's I ul/ name. address and business hours· phone numbe'r cannot be considered This column appears dally ex• cept Sunday.~ " IDllTH 1mc1s That the 1942 Cardinals were good has been established for all time by their record, 106·48, and their rllarge-to ~c&.ol=y in-the-World Series m ftve- games. Less remembered was hew a young, sci:appy team captained by centel'·ftelder Terry Moore did it. It trailed the Brooklyn Dodgers by 13 games in July. Only a furious charge, durine which St. Louis won -'3 ol its final 52 games, attained the coveted National League pennant . ...& • JOHNNY ROPP, the Cardi' first baseman for the last half of that campal1n, remembered diaclpllne and determination as important strands of the team's fibre. "Our splrit was absolutely perfect," said Hopp. "We loved to play the game. The 1981 Los An1eles Dod1ers reminded me of us. They refused to 1lve up." Othe~ returning with Hopp, Moore and Musial included right·bander Johnny Beazley. who capped a 21·6 rookie season with two victories over the New York Yankees in the series. The team's catcher was Walker Cooper, s till s tanding stately tall. Its shortstop was Marty Marion, now a few pounds over the lean figure that earned him the nickname "Slats." Its warhorse right-fi elder. Enos Slaughter, remains bitter over his omission from the Hall of Fame. To run te am? LIGAL NOTICE Notll't h l>er•by Qlven that lh• Pollet Oei»ll'"""I of II• Glty Of Cosle MH• will hol<I • OUl>ll< aucllOll of unclel....., lli<r<IH 011ly Oii S.t11roo, Febr11llry '· 19112 et 10 00 a m . et ti.. Coll• 111\esa Polle• Oepertm.nt, " Felr Drive. Cosi. ~ ... Ctlllo.-nlt . MONTREAL <AP> - Ne lson Skalban ia. majority owner of the Montreal AJouettes, said Tu es d ay that if Edmonton businessman Pat Bowlen fails to exercise' his option to buy 51 per cent or the Canadia n F oo t ball League club by Feb. 28. "I'll be running t he 1 team throughout 1982." R.E. Nell\ Chlel of Polle• 591. G. a ... w10 TKMIC•I ~rvlcH PllbllShl<I Or.nge CCMtsl Delly Pilot, Jen ti, 1"2 "°'41. NOTICE DP: TllU5Tll'S SALE T.S.Ne.11·,_ McCOllMtal MOITUAlllS Laguna Beach 494-9415 MUFF 427 E 17th Sl . l'Ol>la Mesa. On F ebrue•'f 11, 1"2 tt 10:00 o'clO<~ e m , •I lhe front Entr111<e ol SAFECO Tlllt 1nwr•n<.• Company, IU No. Bro.tOwey. CJiy ol SeftlA AN, ~y ol Ortnve. Si.le of c.llfonlle, In "" \s4 FECO l"ITLE INSURAN CE COMPANY, e <Of'llOretloft. n Tnni... 11..0.r the Lono Form 5-<wlly Lal'ld COl'ltrecl, n eclltecl b., DCEE RITCH •nd BEVERLY RITCH, 1111~ -wllt es I01"4 t-is. recorded )/SllO •1 d0<11m•ll4 no. 4047 In booll um. ~ U•7 Of Offl<lel Records '" Ille offk• ol lht Recorder of Or•noe Co11nlr. C•lllornle, llY ree-. of defe1111 In U.. peyment or pulorme n c e ol oblloet1on1 wc....O t,...~ lnclllcllno lht brtech or clelautt. noOc,e of wlllcll """ recorclld 10/S/ll 11 documfftt no. U l1 In bOOk t0'3, Pfte lt41 of Ukl Olllclel Records, wlll tell t i P11411k euctlon to 1111 """"t ~r for ~ In l-f11I _, of IN Unltad Sttlft, wllllo11t fllY c-t or wer..-y, upruno or lmplleo ea to lltle, IHKMlllO•" Of '""'"!Orlfl<n, tor Ille Pllrii-ol N'(lllQ olllloellol'll MC- by u 10 Lono Form Se<11r1ty Lenci COf'llrect, II• i..teresl <Oft,..Yff lo Hld Tr111t" r, Mkl LOllQ Form Se<w lty Land CC111lrect '" 11rapeny tllue1" lft lllt County ol Orent•· Sit t• ol Ct ll ... nle -0.Kr._, as: Laguna Hills 768·0933 San Juan C3p1strano 495·1776 HAUOlt LAWN-MT. OUVI Monuary • Cerretery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540·5554 ,_CIUOTHHS 18.LllOADWAT MOITUAIT 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 IALTl ... HOtt SMfTM I TUTHILL WISTCLW CHAPti. 4~7 E 171h St Costa Mesa 64e-9371 0 L I VER W. MU FF . Ca Private ~er\'1rei. werl' resident of Costa Mesa, Ca. held under the d1rcl't1on or Passed :iway on Junuary 9. Balli Bergeron·Smith & 1982 Private family services Tuthi ll Wes tel1H Chapel were held Private Mortuar) of Cosl<:i Mesa. interment. Pacihc \'1 ew 646 !1371 Mortuary directors. SCHOOS BENNETT c;OROON \\' Sl'llOO~. MYRTLE BENNETT. n •s i1lcnt of l rvlnt•. Ca resident of Costa Mesa . Ca . Passed awu\ on .l un u<Jrv t6. Passed away on J anuar.v 17. 19112. Born f'chruary 2.' 1921 1982 Survjved by 2•sons in Lowpo1 n t . I ll inois William George Bennett of Surv i ved b~ h1 <1 \\ifc Costa Mesa. Ca and Donald M a r i I v n r a 1 h c r a n d F Bennett of Big Bear step·moi.he~ Mr and Mrs. Lake. Ca .. daugh ters . Eberhardt Schoo n or Naom i Jean Griffith of Chillicothe. llltnols and u Mi ss Ion Hi 11 s. Ca .. s brother Richurd Sc·hoon of ~ r a n d c h I I d r e n . 5 Portage. lndiuna. Funeral greal·gr a ndc hltdrcn. 2. s ervices w~ll IH' held on b r others Leo nard and Tuesday, January 19. 1982 at R aymond R o dda o f ll:OOAM 1tl Pac1ric··v1ew Sacra mento. Ca. Services MortlJary Chapel Interment will be held on Wednesday. wi ll be al E ve r g reen J ttnuary 20, 111112 at 2:00PM Cemetery, Alexandr ia . at PacUlc View Chapel. Minnesota. In llcu of flower!! Interment at Pacmc View memorial contributions may Me morial Park Pacific· be mode to the lleort Fund. View Mortuary directors. P aci fie View Mort ull ry aoaEltTS directors. Wll1UAIL C. ~OBEBI'S... JR., refddent of Irvine, ca. P111td away on J anuary 14, 1912. H.e is survived by his f1ther WUUa.m Roberts. Sr .. of Newport Buch. Ca .• mother Bettelu Schlieper qJ Arlaona. daua hter Lisa, ahter Pame la Ki ng o r Tenneuee end Na ncy Wea..tbe-rg o r Illino is Stambei100tn vltllatlon held on SatW'day, J anuary 18, 1182 a t Ba lt a Ber1eron·Smlth ' Tuthill WeatcUR Chapel Mortuary. DEATHS ElSEWHERE WASH.INGTON tAPl - Veteran AFL CIO of(iclal A .. rew C. McLetraa,' 70. died Sunday. six days a.f\t'r he won • court r uhn1 a ll cJwln f him t o have hospita l llfc-a uppor t 11y1terpa dlscon~cted. Loi •• ltKll A of TrKt ....... es lllOwn Oii •~ tK.,,.... 1'I lloell 27, ,_.. :14 of ICM'-MIPS. lol fie offlet Of Ille _, rec-r of Nld c-ty. Tiie ~ ...,_. eM ftl""4Mt of <oth , u"'"'" -llltltMCfl 11 of IStOn;ery 17, ltG l.t Ut,-. .. ; ttld -· Wiii lflC-uMll .... of Mlle, Tiit 1treet eddrtu •lld tlMr <--...,.,...lafl, If '""· of Ille rttl ••-ri., dtttrlMd •M•• 11 ~lo-: UNl(NOWH Til9 1111 ... sfillti ,,,..... 41KleffM ... , "*'tty '°' ..,., ·---· of IM ttffft _..., n MW C-mtfl ......... 1e11.11..,.,, --"· 0 .. M:J~l.lwt vaHOCNi: ltOel llT c. R•Micte tN M'U.t. T. RIMIClt, ~ ... .... ADDRI U : .. °'"""Aft,.~ MtH1 CA tHU Ttltllflettt 1710 .04,., ~.tfl •CO flTl.I IN~~Cl C~~MY,•~­ AOOR•Mt •W.•S....t. 1M twN,..._, CA,,_ T ........ C7M) .. , \ .,,.., ...... .......... ~ "*Ii.. 0-...., C..I OMtr """- .11111. "· .. ,... '·... ..... • 5 6 ·--·~7 ·-... 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F. I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 Cringe Coat OAtLV PILOT/Mond1y,J1nu1ry 18, 1982 (!I I W..,'I Metict: IW 1• ltfl IOll ,. 1'111; 1• .11m 11111 lM -*' IW •• tar! •• 111' 11171 1• -1• •• All real estate ad vert i sed i n th1 5 neW»paper ls subject lo the Fedeut Fair Hou Ing Act or 1968 which makes It Illegal to ad vcr11St' "any preferenre, ll m1tat1on . or d•~ cnm1nat1on bu ed on race, color, rt•lii:lon. sex, or national origin. or an intent.Ion to make any such preference. lim1tat1crn. or dis· cnmmallon." This newspaper will not knowinflY arrept any advert sing ror rtoal Milt which 1s in viola· lion ol lhe law, •• 1-... ----...... - IM laut 1)30 llllO "''°° )lllO I .... ID ... :.:.. 1*1 uoo ~ -lll» BtllORS: Ad•miHrs *-Id chedl thtlr ods daily .ct repori tr· ron '-dlattfy. Tht DAILY PILOT as.-s Wlilty for tilt flnt h1corrtct hutrtlo.. flfly. :: ............ -........ 1lllO -811 DESERTED MESA VERDE! Only Sl27 .900 ba ri:a 111 1 Vac·:rnl! Owner wants out ' Quiel tret• lined i;treel a Bdrm 2 bath, ra m1 I )' roe>m . bric k r1replare Walk to all shoppmg Catt for more ••••••••••••••••••••••• .....SUU HOMIS Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm, 3 bath, mstr bdrm, ocean view $425,000. West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats, remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath SI ,200,000. Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm. a bath, 3700 sq.ft SI.385.000. UDO ISU HOMIS Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm , 5 bath. Lge li v. rm. 2 bo at slips. Sl,500.000 . Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam·ceilings, $420,000. UMtA ISLE IAYFIONTS Main channel view from 4 bdrm, 5 bath home with pool Sl.495,000. Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath. playroom. dark rm, den. $1,350.000! CAINATIOM COVE S~tacular bayfront view 4 bdrm, 4 bath, 2 boat slips S2,050.000. BILL GRUNDY , RF.Al TOR 1.l' .i. 'Y' d· l'' •• "., ~ til~ t>1!JI det11ls ~-2313 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ st» lM liJiiO IJl<I :.«Ill STIPS TO IEACH 100/o FiR.cifta A•ail Gorl(l'OUi. 4 br aetatlt'd home I blk from oc·ean on Ft:E l.inrl nnl\ 52!1!1,000 iS9 l~O I or j~ iJ73 llODtcJrH EM GLISH TUDOR Charmin~ homl' on a IO\t•l> trrt"hned i;treet .ind. pmle of o~ncrsh1p rw11thborhood 3 Bdrm. l:m:e ~ <1lk in closets. 2 bath. 'unny breakrast nook. tlonwd cc1hn 11rrl II\ mi: ruom. lots ol t harm Onl) 5104.900 ~7171 Ottaft Ii lov •ltw CLIFFll,\\'E~ fan tastH' \II.'~ (rom lhll> 3 br exttut1\l' honw on F'Et.: land' Pt<rft•t't for l'nter taming ' $650.000 1 ex l'lusn e l' 759 1501 or 752 7373 i-c·auntrv--·c-h·GnM--r LA·al1.~:C.~ the backb.i\ _ Waiker ti lee Real fst11te J \~ I \0 I -art>i: lliis :i Bttrnrtoml' .. --·- ha' b1.·t-n h11~hl> up gr.idl'tl f'resh µamt m side & uut arrenl~ thl' SEIYICES S..-"ttt Dtrtt1ot) ~ NEWPORT HG TS '11111111!!!!!1!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 -CUSTOM! i- I a ' t ,. r u I u s l' II r 11.allµapt•r :'\t'w t•;irpl'I l(rl'l.'nhuui.~ ~ indo~ anrl DIPl.OYIENT & PllPUATION ~1 ... _ JMWaatn• Krip'tl'-•• I' tmC•MIDISE c°' ere<! entry leads lo leaded i:lass double door 1111& entl') to atnum Form a I W.l Ii\ 1ni: room . famtl) 1* room and dtnini: arl'a Gourmet island k11t·h('n. =: I 2 t h1ldrens bdrm~ plu,, 111u huj!e master suHe w11h : large pm ate sunde1·k -Spa ~·1th total prl\ at'\ ,\ .,.. must H'I.' for onh ·:: SH~.900 Call nuw·. !l'.l!t l ~2313 ~1 tMtstttl"! ~1· ........ DU ... Pl ... E•X ....... =· CORONA DEL MAI :: Spa1·1ous 3 bdrms. 2 hath :I duplt•x JUSl 2 blot'k' from shopp1ni: F1replal·es. Sl'par.ilt' garagl'S, pn\ ate p.itw~. '°" deluxe throughout flt•,1 : dupll'X bu\ in town at '°'° S319.00\l Ex l'ell ent : rma nrmjj • --- "" -f1'I fQ fill fl!) flit flll rot ml tm rm rot '7lZ ml LEASE OPTION IN THt ILUFFS Fantastk terms! Just l'l4.000 down and $1200 per mo. H1 1?hl) up jlraded end un11 Features: Oak planking and wood shutters New carpet! Hurry, l'&ll &iJ.8.SSO :: ,_ ... ______ _ t1• COMMHCIAL ;:: 2 stores. I block lo ocean ,,. 2S't down. Owner will ;:: carry balance l'l6~.ooo flfO .... hy Prop. ;: IHlton tm *675-7060• ·::; l'!'!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!I!~~ = . '"' rm STAITSMAIT IH COSTA MISA Aaeume at.000 In l oarts -Ill SJ2 mo. Family room feetures coiy fireplace! 3 larae bdrms. Sparkl· · clean condition. Only Ollll ! c all 613·8S50 HAllOI .... Aa exqtaialte offerinl . Ele1aat • 1patloua 3 bdnn + ramib' home. I te.. Mine w/p1nor1mlt' vh h or h arb or . eolltlin~~an • nl1ht ~ ,... ..... fGlt. a.., 6 MCUftlJ, ........ DOW.,. llU, Wit ~ Willi I Delly Plitt Claulfltd (0-. ...... ).A-. ..... • I IUILD 3 UNITS! Count~· eumi:' t:Xl!>l '"" ~ Bdrm 2 bath homt.> 11lus. room lo build J more unit~ EXl'l'llt-nl hWlders bari:ain Ownl'r ~1}1 help With financ•tnj! SIS9 ,000 1 .ill no w 5-16·23.ll THE REAL ESTATE RS Bhlfs Leasi.-option 2 br. wtde 1?reentwt1 Sll!l.500 Bkt . 6±1-0134 ltdllcl'd SI 00,000 SPYGLASS BYOWMER C"kean \'1c11. s.5i5.000 6 br ~ 12 ha 1100 sq ft SOLTHPO RT MODEi. O~ER Fl:\,\~Cl:"\G HIGHLY t:PG R,\ DF.D Offer cxpirl's Jan 31 25 Uodci:a B:l) Call owner 759 0737 ---- rw~ k11t·ht'n eountertOI>) ilrt· '"me of the arn.•nllll'S ASSOl'TI(' 1011 mtt<rl.'ltt loans and o~ ner 11.111 help finance Ask1n i: pmeSl3i.SOO. TR,\DI TIO\,\I RL\U \ 631·7370 OH FEE LAND IN EASTILUFF fkoaut1ful pool homl' 11.ith t'tt~ lights 11ew' As ~u1m• $125.000 ISi JI 9Jt'. interest 4 lar.:1• hd rms plus r11mtl1 room Onl.1 $325.000 CJll 0.3 8.)5() R£SK>ENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES UQUISrTE U SHAPE Lido home wraps around sparkling atrium POOL. After mornmg laps relax in the Roman Tub. Beautiful hardwood floors. Entertainers' dining area & gourmet kitchen. 3 BR. + den. $595,500. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 H•BOI .... Beautiful "Kens · ington'' with panoramic view 4 BR + Cam rm. Great financing. Enjoy the private & security of Newport's most desirable ad· dress. $685,000. Jerry Thompson 551·8700 (N55) OM THI W•Tll Perfect locaUoa " highly upgradetl l BR condo. Water view from BR le waler rl1ht off tbe patio. Ll&ht 6 bri1ht for the youn1 oro· feulonal. $81,500. CaU !uale Weill. 551-8700 <N5C) ' - Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday, January 18, 1,982 naheim ·siege Anaheim police aucceaafully police u sooo as \ney left, ana layed a waiting 1ame that o ffi c ers s urroun'd ed the nded early today when a ap~rtment. ti -year-old man -who Al rtrat, o rficeo said , ~alle1edly •bot hls cirlfriend and Christoffersen refused to let t·tthen held police at bay for more Mis• Jones leave. However. sbe than 22 hours -s urrendered "' i ... peacefullJ .. _ was released a short time later . . Arrested as hel wal~f)d from M iss ;Jones was taken ro - ..hia barricaded apartment at Anaheim Me morial Hospital, 12:~ a.m. today was Gary Keith where she was treated ror a • £hrlatofferaen. He was booked gunshot wound to the right arm. nto Anaheim City Jail on She"we,t. then transported to uapicion or attempted police It ~dquarters where she micide, assault with a deadly t o I d a' e t e c t i v e s ! t h a t eap_on and assault with a e h r i s tortersen w a~ both e adly weapon on police intoxicated and despondmt. . fficers. Ball was set at $250,000. During a separate in~erview • with police, Christofferse'n•s o. Christoffersen fired 18 shots ra ther a lso told omcers he '> t! from a .22-caliber handgun a!~ believed his son had used heroin 'police officers during the siege prior to the siege. _ --·that began early Sunday. A police tactical team took up But ofticers never returned position around the apartment~ J the gunfire, instead choosing to and 50 people who lived in wait o ut the su spect' and n early apartm e nts we r e convince him'to surrender. e~acuated at about 7 a . m . "We were strictly waiting him Sunday. They were taken to a out so no one would get hurt," nearby branch library. one police spokesman s,id. o uring the standorr that The only person to suffer ensued. police tr ie d various injuries was Cbristoffersen's strategies. A tape or Miss Jones' • , b 1irlfriend, Carol Jones, 26, who voice was pla~d_ngjlr the ' a lle1edly was -~bot by-ttr---:a::p::-:arlment at one point. In it, the ,suspect durin1 an~argument that · womS'n asl<ed ber boyf{·fend to Jn~erupted in the man's apartment give up peacefully. ~ ~•l 1:53 a.m. Sunday, triggering However, as soon as the tape nnjtbe prolon1ed siege. was finished, Chris torfersen ll<J Also present ln th~ apartment appeared at his a partment ~111 wbeo the shooting occurred was window, waved a gun. and told ~110Chriatoffersen's rather, Donald. police to kiU him. h<t' and the older man's girtrrieod. A break in the slandorf came 1 According t 0 P 0 11 c e whe n police officer Deborah la p o k e s .m e n , D o n a I d lk' ti Christoffersen , who shared the Pine spent several hours ta mg with Chrisl offersen on the b apartment with his son, wanted tele phone. He th·en agreed t-o 111to take Mi.ss Jones to a hospital s urrender early this morning. ~q for treatment. 01. The son refused, however, but During ne~otialions with the ri.IJ allowed his father and the other s u s p e c t S u n d a y , p o I i c e _woman to leave the apartment periodically threw golf balls at n.> at 400 S . S u.nkist if they the apartment door and windows ,..,,,promised not to caU poVce. to m a ke sure Christoffersen had ll The· two did notify Anaheill'! npt fallen asleep. BEACHED BOAT "Sleepe r." a 44·foo~ sailboat from Long Beach, was one or fi ve pleas ure boats beached along t~e Orange Coast Saturday when heavy fog ro lled 1n unexpecte dly. "Sleeper." owned by J ames Koch. came ""' ................ ..... aground at 28th Street and West Ocean Front in Ne wport Beach. Other vessels were beached at Cr ystal Cove. Irvine Cove and the Salt Creek Regional Park in South Laguna . No major dam age or injuries were reported in the incidents. ,Rain, cooler-forecaaist~fAOrPr-.cP:4o~affiiiist~atfr~e~a111s~--, Orange Coast-residents may ·s aid there is a 40 percent ctiance need their umbrellas again of s howers alo ng the coast toni'ght a nd Tuesday as wet toni ght, increas ing to 50 percent weather a nd coo l er temperatures move into the area. the National Weather Service predict.s. A weather service spokesman Tuesday. The mercury ~ill dip into I.he low 50s tonight and rise onl y to t he lo w 60s Tuesday, t he w.ealher service said, Showers and wind activity are not expected to be unus ually heavy. A h eav y blanket o f fog d escended a lon g th e coast_ Saturday, causing al least rive pleasure boats to be beached along the oceanfront. No major inj uries o r damage we re reported. A s pokesman for the Orange County Sher iff's De partment Ha rbor Patrol at Newport Beach said no additional boa~ wel'.e... beached Sunday, and the earlier vessels had all been removed from the sands. From Page A1 WASTE • • • for the alleged violations of di sposal practices. Spokesmen rurther said infectious waste disposal procedures are be!ng ti g htened up a nd c losely Jet's tail section raised _by crane From Page.A1 FASmo~~ .. government ethic.s office. n mnttored. -• J t _ Me rry m a n s aid both St. J o se ph and H oag hav e responded "very well" to the county's concerns over the alleged dumping of the wastes. He declined, however, to discuss the response of Western Medical and the UCI medical center . WA S HI NGTON <AP > Divers and a barge-mounted crane today raised the critical tail section of the Ai r Florida jetliner that crashed into the ice-filled Potomac River. Na lional--Airport. Airport radar showed il never got above 435 f e e t d u r i n· g i t s three.quarter-mile flight. "I have been aware that they have been wonder ing how to solve it.·· be said, adding_ that be hoped to work the procedure out with the White House before the May 15 riling deadline . Defly ..... , .......... 1 WAITINQ GAME -Anaheim poli ce SWAT team member ,. h~rls _golf balls al apartment window of man who s hol his g1rlfr1end and the n held police at bav for more.• t han 22 : hours. · -·From Page A1 AHLIA MURDER . • • hiskey one night and confessed o the murder in great detail. Miss Short, 22 al the time or tier death, was referred to in •ensational press coverage as 3 he Black Dahlia because or her f ark-haired beauty, accentuated y her penchant for black lothing and dark bars. Her bisected body was found a grassy lot in the ;uth·Central part of the city. motive, weapon, or suspect 1 ever been found. Gilmore said Smith was close o the young woman. ·Although a ny men made sexual advances to her, s be put them ':cOff and alter interviewin1 some 00 people, Gilmore contends mitb la t be only man with w h o m s he wa s sexua l ly intima te. Thal angered Jones. who. Gilmore said. took her lo a house and refused to let her go, ultimately raping, torturing and killing her. He cul the body In hair, wrapP,ed it in curtains and a tablecloth and dumped it a few blocks away, Gilmore said . Gilmore said he went to see Jones before he was pointed out as· the klUer . but did not talk to him. Fire razes caf e ESCONDIDO <AP> -Fire turned a ~estaurant named Dante's into an inferno today, leaving a.n estimated $200,000 damage. Cta•elhd ...._ ........ 714'M2·5171 - Al otMf d9partlMnta 142-4321 Merryman said it had not been determ ined a s of l ate this morning whether the 20 new bags of waste found at Santiago Canyon actually contained infect ious ma ter ial. .. But because the material was in red bags for infectious waste, we're presuming it is," Me rryman said. · Infectious wast e includes many typt:s or mater;ial disposed o r by h(1S pilals. incl uding throw.away surgical clothing, used dressings. syringes and other treatment supplies No body parts have been involved in the materials found thus far. county health officials said Th e co un t y B oa rd or Supervisors is due to rec~ve a complete report on the alleged dumping either !ate today or Tuesday. Fr.om Page A 1 CLINIC • • • Hospital was first to have come before the regents last January. Its consideration was delayed from month t o month for a variety of reasons , including a request by regent Wilson similar to the one he made this month. Fi n a 11 y , UC I Cb a n cello r Da niel Aldrich said that the proposal would be put on "hold" until a dispute between UCI and Orange County over a contract was resolved. That action came last year when UCI officials announced they intended to can cel the contract with the county under which the university provides care to indigents at UCL Medical Center in Orange. Aldrich has s aid the outpatient clinic is just one of m an y medical facilities he favors on or around the UCI campus . The clinic would use UCI teaching staff members and serve as a learning center for t h e university's medical students, he s aid. An outpatient clin ic is a faclllly in which ·patients are treated and diaposecl without being admilledovemigbt. The outpatient clinic would take about two years to build, university officlala say. It ia to include a 24-hour emergency room. 1 While UCI officials wait for regent approval or the clinic, other groups are compeUq to win approval from state health planners to b\,\ild Irvine's first hospital. Inpatient hospitals must 10 1 through a l en1thy review process. The outpatient clinic, however, would be aubjec~ to a s horter review prc>cedure. Investigators hope two "black boxes" in the · plane's rear - recording cockpit conversation a nd data from the plane 's instruments -will provide clues to Wednesday's crash, which killed 78 people. _ As the tail section was pulled from the waler . part of the ruselage broke orr. De bris was visi ble as the 15-foot section was pulled from the water. Salvage crews had hoped to remove a 40·foot section intact, but part brok~ off and re11 back into the waler. T he Air Flor ida logo was clearly visible. T he plane's rear emergency exit was partly open. The Army Corps of Engineers moved a barge into position under the tail section and it was gently lowered onto the barge. Water poured from the tail s ection-as it was lowered onto the barge. In vestiga tors rrom the Nationa l Transportation Safety Board said earlier that they would -subject the recorders lo laboratory a nalysis within hours . of their retrieval. N T S B m e mbe r Fra n cis McAdams said the recorders are o f c ritica l importanae in learning why Air Florida Flight 90 failed to gain altitude . clipped the busy 14th Street commuter bridge and plunged into the icy rive r after laking orr from T he divers had .hoped to remove the recorders every day s in ce T h ur s da y, but be low-freezing tempe ratures. visibility under a root. problems with removing bodies from I.he twisted tail section and difficulty in putting riggi ng under it brought a series of delays. . Th rough Sunday, the divers had recovered the bodies or more than half lhe 74 passengers who died ; autopsies show all but one died from the impact of the t•rash rather than drowning F o ur o ther p eople . al l passengers in cars hi t by the ratting plane. also died . Autopsies on t he 46 bodies r ecover ed throug h S unday raised s pec ul a t ion t hat the drowning victim. Arland r>. Williams of Atla nta, could be the man who s acririced himself during rescue efforts by helping rive other victims onto a line dro pp ed b y a h ove r ing helicopter. ' That s'peculation was shared by some reder a l a nd local investigators. Meanwhile. the first or rive surviving pla ne passengers was released fro m the hospita l today. F light attenda nt Ke ll y Duncan was quoted by a hospital spokesman as saying. "I don't think I wifl fly as a career again." The first laws uit s temming from the crash was filed Sunday in U.S. District Court here. I l is not known whether previous first ladies accepted free clothes. Rosalynn Carter p ur c hased c l o th es from designers a t a discount. but never received them as loans or g irts, accordin~ to her aide .. A White House spokes man. who did not wish to be identified, said Mrs . Reagan intends lo r e p ort all the clothin g s he decides to classify as gifts and intends to "include mention or the loans." The spokesman did not say whether she would list. the dollar value of the loaned clothing. The first lady relies almost exclusively on a few designers. including Bill Blass. James Galanos and Adolfo Thunderbird jets crash INDIAN SPRINGS. Nev. (AP> Four jets flown b y Thunder bird precision pilots collided in the air today during a r o utine pr ac tice flight . authorities s aid. The condition or the four crew members was not immediately known. "Four T-38 Ta lons of the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds c rashed al a pproximate l y 10 a .m . today," said Sgt. John Conner, spokesman al Nellis Air Force Base. $. First Time Skiers * New Ski School ••• e.,~· \ • "'"= 1 tt Two s. .. 1on1, Jan. 20th & 27th. Free (Later 115.00 For 2 S...tona) Hew: Call For A ... rvatlont 631·3144 LWt: 20 people _631-3144 ., • = , . Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday, January 18, 1,982 Anabllm police suceesatully aJM a waltin1 tame that aded early today when a I -year-old man -who aU••ecly ahot his sirllriend and en ~ police at bay for more than 12 hours -surrendered acefully. Arr..a.d as he walked from ls barrlc8ded apanaent at : a •.•. today WU Gary Kath ..,....,...sen. He wu booked n• 6eaheim City JaU on •• lclon of att•m•t•d , _.lldil .. MUult wlb •deadly .... aad asaa..it wa&b a ea"ttf weapon u police m_.._ 8ail wu set at suo.ooo. ... Cutltof(ersen fired 11 . shots • 1/r'GllJ a .22-callber halldgwi at :>l'potiee officers durtn1 the siege Uhai be1an early Sunday. l But officers never returned ~e 1unfire, instead choosing to ' ait out the suspect and nvioee him' to surrender. • · "We were strictly wailing him out so no one would get hurt." one police spokesman said. · The only person to s uffer injuries was Christoffersen's :airlfriend_, Carol Jones, 26, who --r-:ille1edly was s ot by the ::;suspect during-an argument that 1nerupted-in the man's apartment a·al 1:53 a ,m, Sunday, triggering l>P• proloqed siege, be Also pNHRt in the apartment 31tvben the shooting occurred was tilChristoftenen's father, Donald, .n~d the older man's girUriend. According to police Jpokesmen , Donald n Chrlstoft'enen, who shared the Ii apartment with his son, wanted bflo take' Miss Jones to a hospital '4or treatment. oJ The son refused, however , bttt rt1allowed bis.father and the other , womllf\· to leave the apartment ;'laat 400 S . S unk ist if they ',1promised not to call police, '. iJ The two did notify Anahei~ • J1 , polJce u soon as tney left, ancs officers surrounded the ap~rtment Al first, officers sald, Chrlstofferseo refused to let Miss Jones leave. However, she was released a ahort time later. Miss Jones was taken to Anaheim Memorial Hospital, where she was treated for a gunshot wound to the right arm . She' w~then transported to police dquarters where she t o I d e l e c t i v e· s t h a t Ch risloffersen was bo th . intoxicated and despondent. , During a separate interview ' with police, Chrisloffersen's father also told officers he believed his son had used heroin prior to the siege, • A poUce·taclical team took up position around the apartment. and SO people who lived in nearly a partme nts were evacuated at about 7 a , m. Sunday, They were taken lo a nearby branch library, Duril\g the slandorr that en sued, police trie d various s trategies. A tape of Miss Jones' ""°*ce was-played n1rar the apartment at one point. In it, the 'woman asked her boyfriend to give up peacefwly. However. as soon as the tape was finished, Christoffersen appeared at bis apartment window, waved a gun, and told police to kill him. A break in the standoff ca~e when police officer Deborah Pine spent several hours lfllking with Christoffersen on the telephone. He . then agreed to s urrender early this morning, During negotiations with the s u s pect Su nd ay. police periodically threw golf balls at the apartment door and windows to m ake sure Christoffersen had not fallen asleep. l)MtyHttS-...... WAITING GAME -Anaheim police SWAT team member hurls .golf balls at apartment window of m a n who shot his 'girlfriend and then held police at bay for more than 22 hours. -from Page A 1 AHLIA MURDER • • • biskey one night and con.fessed the murder in great detail. Miss Short, 22 at tM time of er death, was referred to in enaational press coveraae as he Black Dahlia because ol her arll·IMllred beauty. aecentuated y her penchant for blac k l~ and dark bars, • ffet bUeeted body was found n a 1ra1sy lot in the _,IU&ll-o.ntral part of the city. o matlh, weapon. or susped '"' .... found.,. ; u..r. said Smith wu clole die ,..... womaa, Althoucll DY 11\eD made sexual ane.· to her, ab• put them ad after interviewtlll some '°° people, Gilmore contends mjtla la the only maa with whom she was sex ually intimate, That angered J ones. who. Gilmore said, took her to a house and refused to let her go, ultimately raping, torturing and killing her. He cut the body in half, wrapped it in curtains and a tablecloth and dumped it a few • blocks away, Gilmore said . Gilmore said he went to see Jones before he was pointed out as the kiUer, but did not talk to him. Fire razes caf e ESCONDIDO (AP) -Fire turned a restaurant named Dante's into an in!erno today, leaving a.n estimated $200,000 damage, ORANOICOAST lllllJ. Piiat C19eeMed ectw..-..... n4"42·M71 Al otMr depertlMnta 142~ GeeYfltM ... 0r"'91 c-tl ........... ~, ... _ ................. ......,....-r • .._...._.. .... !"l'Y-~ ·-6 ....... .............. -~.,...-, BEACHED BOAT .. Sleeper." a 44-foo~ sailboat from Long Beach. was one of five pleasure boats ~ached along t~e Orange Coast Saturday when heavy fog roll ed in unexpectedly, "Sleeper," owned by James Koch. came ... .... -.~ ..... aground at 28th Street and West Ocean Front in Newport Beach. Other vessels were beached at Crystal Cove, Irvine Cove and the Salt Creek Regional Park in South Laguna . No major damage or injuries were reported in the incidents. Rain, Cooler f-orecast for coast areas Orange Coast residents may need their umbrellas again tonight and Tuesday as wet weather and coo l er temperatures move into the . area. the National Weather Service predicts, A weather service spokesman F.rom Page A 1 WASTE • • • for the alleged violations or di s posal practices. Spokesmen further said infectious waste disposal procedures are being tig hte n ed up and closely monitored, M e rry man said both SL Jo seph and H oag have responded "very well" to the county's concerns over the alleged dumping or the wastes. He declined. however. to discuss the response of Western Medical and the UCI medical center . Merryman said it had not been determined as of late this morning whether the 20 new bags of waste found at ~antiago Canyon a ctuall y contained infectious materi al, ''But because the material was in red bags for infectious waste, we're presuming it is." Me rryman said. Infectious waste incl udes many types of material disposed of b y h CJs pitals . includ i-ng throw-away surgical c lothing. used ,dressings. s yringes and other treatment supplies, No body parts have been involved in the materials round thus Car. county health offi cials said. Th e count y Board of Supervisors is due lo receive a complete report on. the alleged dumping eith~r late today or Tuesday. From Page A1 CLINIC • • • Hospital was first to have come before the regents last January, Its consideration was delayed from month to month for a variety or reasons, including a request by regent Wilson similar to the one he made this month, Finally, UC I C hancellor Daniel Aldrich s aid that the proposal would be put on "hold" until a dis pute between UCI and Orange County over a contract was resolved. Thal action came last year when UCI officials announced they intended to cancel the contract with the county under , which the ooivers ily provides care to indigents at UCI Medical Center in Orange, Aldrich has said the outpatient clinic is just one of many. medical facililiea be favor, on or around the UCI campus. The clinic 'would use UCI teaching staff members and serve as a I earning center for the university's medical students, he said. An outpatient clinic is a facility in which ·patients are treated aocl diapoaed without being admitted overnight. The outpatient clinic would take about two yean to build, univer:sity officials say. It· is to Include a 24·bour emergency room . While UCI officials wait for resent approval or the cUnic, other group. are competlq to win approval from state health planners to bwld lrvine's first ho1pltal. · Inpatient hospitals must 10 , throu1b a len1thy re,\'iew process, The outpatient clinic, how.ever, would be subiert,. tA,.a aborter review procedure .. said there is a 40 percent chance or showers along the coast tonight. increasing to 50 percent Tuesday. The mercury will dip into the low 50s tonight and rise only to the low 60s Tuesday, th,e weather service said, Showers and wind activity are not expected lo be unusually heavy. A h eavy blanket o f fog des cende d along the coast .Saturday. causing at least five pleasure boa(s' to be beached along the oeeanfronl. No major Jet's tail section raised by crane WA SHINGTON (AP > - Divers and a crane on the !)ridge overhead today raised the critical tail section of the Air Florida jetliner that crashed into the ice-filled Poto mac River. Investigators hope two "black boxes" in lhe plane's rear -· recording cockpit conversation a nd data from the plane 's instruments will provide clues to Wednesday's crash, which killed 78 people. As the tail s~tion was pulled from the water , part of the fuselage broke off, De bris was visible as the 15-foot section was pulled from the water. Salvage crews had hop ed to remove a 40~oot section intact. but part brok~ oH and fell back into the water. The Air Florida logo was clearly visible, The plane's rear emergency exit was partly open. The Army Corps of Engineers moved a barge into position under .the tail section and it was gently lowered onto the barge. Waler poured from the tail section ac; it was lowered onto the barge. I nvestigators f r om the National Transportation Safety Board said earlier that they would subject the recorders to laboratory analysis. NTSB member Francis McAdams said the recorders are of c riti ca l. importance in learning wh y Air Florida Flight 90 failed to gain altitude, clipped the busy 14th Street commuter bridge and plunged into the icy river after taking orr from National Airport, Airport radar showed it never got above 435 feel during it s th ree·quarter-mi le flight. The divers had ho p ed to remove the recorders every day s ince T hu r s day , but below-freezing temperatures. vis ibility under a root. problems with re moving bodies from the twisted tail section and difficulty in putting rigging under it brought a series of delays, Through Sunday, the divers had r ecover ed t he bodies of more than half the 74 passengers who died; autopsies show all but one died from the impact of lhe crash rather than drowning. Four Othe r people. a ll passengers in cars hit by the falling plane, also died. Autopsies on the 46 bodies recove r ed th roug h S unday rais ed s peculation that the drowning victim. Arland D Williams of Atlanta. could be the man who sa crificed himself durfog rescue efforts by helping five other victims onto a line dropped by a hove rin g helicopter, That speculation was shared by some federal and local investigators, Meanwhile, the first of five surviving plane passengers was released from the hos pital today. Flight attendant Kelly Duncan was quoted by a hospital spokesman as saying. "I don't think I wi ll fly as a career again ... The first lawsuit st emming . from the cras h was filed Sunday in U.S. District Court here. injuries or damage we r e reported. A s pokesman for the Orange County Sheriff's Department Harbor Patrol at Newport Beach sai'd no additional boats were beached Sunday. and the earlier vessels had all been removed from the sands. From Page A1 FASIDON • • • government elhics office. "I have been aware that they have been wondering how to solve it," he said, adding that he hoped to work the procedure out with the White Rouse before the May 15 filing deadline. It is not known whether previous first ladies accepted free clothes, Rosalynn Carter purchased clothes fr om designers at a discount. but never r~eived them as loans or gifts, accordin~ to her aide, A White House spokesman, who did not wish to be identified, s aid Mrs . Reagan intends to report all the clothing s he decides to classify as gifts and intends to "include mention of the loans,., The spokesman d~ not say whether she would lis1 the dollar value of the loaned clothing. The first lady relies almost exclus,vely on a few designers. inc lud.ing , Bill Bl ass. James Galanos and Adolfo, Thunderbird jets crash l NOIAN SPRINGS. Nev, lAPl -Fou r jets f l own by Thunderbird precis ion pilots collided in the air today during a routine pr a~tice "'flight . authorities said. The Air Force said the four p i lots were kill e d in the collisions, "Four T-38 Talons of the U,S. Air Force Thunder birds crashed al a pproximate ly 10 a ,m. today," said Sgt. John Conner. spokesman at Nellis Air Force Base. $ First Time Skiers ·* New Ski School .•. W....,_ 2500 W. Co111t Hwy. Newport h•ch Rent•I Shop W._ J•n. 20th & 27th Wiie: Aduttt 18 & up TIM:7-t Kida, 5-17 , .... -e -.,~~ '~ ~ N Orange Oout DAIL y PILOT/Monday. January 18. 1982 NYSE COM.POSITE TRANSACTION OU Of ATIO.• •-CLUO• , ... ou O• , ....... •O•I(. M•O•IU, ~"'"'•C, •••• '°''Olli 01~ llO•• ••O c11tc••••t1 •roc-••C••••U ••O •lllOtl"O O'f t•I lliA .. A"'O 1••fl•lt • ... ' -: =~===---,~- • DOW JOriEi8 Final UP 7.51 CLOSING 855.11 , on f ThU ii the /frtl Of 0 ID-port tfric• on how t() '°"Oft 11our 1981 income tou1.) Wnat differentiates my tax aeries, slartin& today, from just about all otben as well as from the U.S. government's own tax guJdes and the Internal Revenue Service's own booklets is that my columns include: Tips dug out or Tax Court deciaion.s upboldin1 deduclions that the IRS chalJenges; and t-Rules and reg. ltlalions that are new a nd possibly unknown even to local IRS agents. C Don't, I plead with you. accept a district IRS agent's word as final iC his/her view mill PllJll ~ differs with this column! The agent may be wron1, not the column! > It is with confidence that I pledge that all of you will find some helpful.hints in this series, and some of you will find all of the information of value. To document. my point, this series describes 18 Tax Court decisions of 1981 involving various types of deductions that were challenged by the IRS. Of the total, 13 cases were decided ln favor of the taxpayer, broken down into four on medical expenses, rour on cas ualty loss deductions, three on education expenses, one on office=at:b<>me deductions and one on deduction or legal fees in bankruptcy. No IRS booklets or pamphlets will tell you about these cases tha~ may help you support your· deductions in instances similar to those upheld by the Tax Court. In today's and subsequent columns on medical expenses, you'll also find three IRS private letter ruling's that were favorable to the taxpayers involved. These private rulings cannot be cited as precedents, but they indicate the kind of .ruling you can expect to get under s imilar circumstances from the IRS. Now let's proceed to the IRS rulings and court decisions involving medical expenses that were in favor or the taxpayers -and see lf they can help you, your family or your friends. The Tax Court had before it the case of an individual whose wife suffered from severe arthritis pain. Her physician advised that installing a health spa in their home for her use would help relieve the pain, and this was done. · Th e general rule is that a med ically recommended capital improvement to a house is deductible as a medical expense to the extent that the cost exceeds any increase in the value or the house resulting from the improvement. The Tax Court held that the health spa was a medically helpful improvement. It therefore allowed a medical deduction for the arnount by which the cost of the health spa and its ins tallation exceeded any increase in the value of the home attributable to the spa. Since the health spa was accepted by the court as a medical improvement, the costs of operatin1 and maintaining the spa also would be deductible as medical expenses. 1 10 ' -.... ,. 112 ·~ 9 1 J1°1'> "'· s so w .. 79St:J+~• Wendy n lit 9 7SS 14 + ,,. w•1tCo 60 11 22' uv. • '• =~'t ::~ S" ~ ~~. if WllAlrL • J1J S -l'I WA Ir o4 1 . . IS 14 .... • 'Al WCNA 1 14 11 _. 21\lo + ~ WP«I S 12 SI~ \<t WUlllOll 1,40 12 D Jl •IV. W11Un pl4 60 S ... ,.. + S'n W11U11 pfol.'11 • 4 1' + 1 wun *"· 11 • 16 1'11-,,.. WUTI pl 2.56 .. J 16 . • WHIOl!I I . ., S 46S 1Pli • 11> WllO pf 3.80 • , ztq •V... . w1tvec 11.20 • 31 n + v. We""'r I SI 1J IJJO ~ • \It Wt yr pf 2 80 70 Woyr I>' 4 50 • ~ WllfflF 1 IO I 1«1 WMIFr4 12 1 W.,.IPi • IS Wl\P~I • dO Wiii 1MI 114 Wl\lt I 50 3SI WllllC !llllC l 1 Wlllll4111 I 60 612 Wlclttt .7.. 161 WlttOICll • 113 Wllll..n I Ml • 102' Wll SIWO •St 1' .. 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