HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-22 - Orange Coast PilotORANGE COAST t HlllJ\.Y .lANl lAHY .'.' l'IH! . . . • • * * * • YIUI HlllTlll DlllY PIPIR ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS '81 inflation hike snialle~t in 4 years W ASH I NG T 0 N ( A P 1-..- l nCl ation rose 8.9 percent last year , the smallest increase in rour year s . t he government re ported today. Analysts said the retession was large l y responsible ror the tumble from l980's 12.4 percent. Inflation closed out 1981 with a 0 .4 p er c e nt in c r ea s e in December, about the sa m e as in the previous two months, the Labor Department said. Mo rtgage interes t rate s declined in Decem ber ror the first tiaie_sinc_e_ ~pte~ber 1!8>, but hoos1b g prices picked up s lightly a ft e r f a lling in November. The overa ll improvement in inf)ati01 also was reflected in the Labor Department's report las t week that inflation, as measured at the wholesale level, InforDiant arrested in Newport . . . By STEVE MARBLE Of_....,. .......... A polJce informant who tipped Newport Beach officers last month that a pharmacist allegecly was peddUng drugs, has been arrested on suspicion of lr)ing to blackmail the rose 7 percent last year, also the s lowest rise since 1977: The Cons umer Price Index released today checks costs for a broader range of items than does the wholesale survey. The 8.9 percent climb in the CPI ror 1981 was also well below the 13.3 pe rcent of 1979. The index rose 9 percent in 1978 and 6.8 percent in 1977. All major cat egories of cons umer spe nding except medicaJ care registered smaller increases in 1981 than in l!B>," the department's report s aid. A sharp fall in food price increases ii nd m od erating transportation and housing price inc r ease s, ''we r e largely responsible for the slowdown in the overall C PI ," the department said. For the year. food prices rose 4 3 percent, off from the 10.1 p e r cent ju mp o r 1980 ; trans portation prices rose 11 percent, down from 14. 7 percent in the preceding year : housing prices rose 10.2 percent, down from the 13 7 . percent rise of 1980. But m e dic a l c are costs climbed 12.5 percent. up from the 10 per cent jump of the previous year. Entertainment costs were up 7 .2 percent. White House spokes man Larry Speakes said : "We welcome the year -end r es ult on this key indicator or progress against inflation. A 3 percent drop in the CPI is substantia l progress." Gasoline prices. which surged 52.2 percent in 1979 after the Middle East price boosts, rose 9.4 percent last year. down from the 18.9 percent or 1980. Neiv arctic snow . slams Minnesota By The Associated Press A s torm moved east toward the Rockies today, while the Midwest's second arctic storm in three days had forecasters urging Minnesotans to stock up on food. and Kansas schools to close. Near~blizzard conditions , and up lo 12 inches of snow, were forecast in parts of Ne braska by the end of the day. _..,_phar~i s-t h e turned in, authorities said. Hundreds of schools were forced to close and highway visibility was c ut to near zero as t h e snow and h ig h w inds wh i pped into sout h e r n Minnesota. Up to 10 inches or s n o w a nd blizzard -lik e conditions were e xpected in some parts or the state, and the National Weather Service said the storm had the potential or being the worst this winter. All but 12 of West Virginia's SS counties were warned to watch for flas h flooding overnight, while the rest or the state was warned or a winter s torm that could leave behind 2·4 inches of s now be for e c hang in g to freezing rain. AIRPORT SCULPTURE I 11t rr1cl1w t '''' nf model of sculpture of John W;" rH find .. 111 ., son Patric k apparent!~ cit·' 1• 1n lh11u.!hl When completed in summ1·r of l'lk' I h• " f(Hll OMty~-~OW1'A-­ hronzl• ~l atue will bl' µlaced at John Wa~vne \ 1 rp11rt < 'l'rt'rnontt:·~ WC'l'l' ht.· Id Thursd a~· in Sa111a .\na 'Duke' sculpture previewed $300,000 John Wayne s tatue due at airport in summer By JEFF ADLER Of -Deify,.._. St.ff Garbed in famili ar \.\e..,11·11 gear and grinning tht•I loui::h confident g r i n kn11wn I•• moviegoers every when•. a 9 h1ol s tatue of act or J ohn IJu~a Wayne should be completed and 111 •I l•1ok" 111nr1· Ilk<• ffi(' than I d 1, \\,1\llf' n1mrnPnlt•d 11 11hk1I th.ti W.t\OI' wa .... "a 1 •• 11 11f n11\f'rnN1I and ar11on ·" ii t I•·' 1•01 111111 11111\ ing ctnd m 1t·t 111r. 111 1 tw hr •1111c• n·ndl'rt n~ I ht <11.111g1• ('11unl\ Roartl or t..\11r••rv1 •.t11.., ap p rovt>cl th e ''If he were her e, he'd say , 'that looks more like m e than I do'.'' ready to greet travelers at John Wayne Airport some time th1!'; s ummer. The $300;ooo sculpt ure .l model of whlch was unveiled in ceremonies Thurs d ay . was created b,y Texa s sculptor Robert Summers , lt'hO. called Wayne his "greatest he ro " Eventually it will stnnd. in front o f the airport 's pass<'n Rc r ter minal Summers said he was very excited al being commiss1on<·d to e xecute the 9-foot statue of the larger-than-life mov ie hero . "There's not another person 1n this century l 'd ralhe r do." he explained at the unveiling of n 36-lnch model of the bronu! Michael Wayne. the a<"tor's oldest son, said the statue would be a "terrific tribute" lo his father's memory. "lf he were here. he'd say, p:o11·1·1 111 <lt'tobcr. 1981. Smee 111• 11 1 fff" all' group. the John \\ .t' 111 \11·rnoraal Asso<"1ates, 11,·,ulNI hy loca l businessmen ll r1w" "Iott and Kae Ewing, h.1 \' 1•011nh11aled the project. l'tw $.'M)(J,000 statue is being p<i 1d r11r hy priva te contributors , 1n('l ud1ng a s u bs t a ntial l'11n1 rt hut ion rrom Wayne's fam1h , Noll said . Allhough no l'lllllt''I of the s tatue will be made rom merc1a ll y available , each p rojt'l'l donor will receive a 31i 11wh replica of the statue. Noll said the rund·rajsing l (fort ror the project should be fomplt'led next month. He said RO percent of the total cost has been collected , he said. "I ft>ll it was important to keep the image ot th.is man in fronl of our children," Nott said or his reasorui for sponsorln1 the ' ' proJl'C'I "You clidn't have to agr l'<' with l'vcryth1n g he said or 1ltd to acknowl edge that he was la r g Pr th a n lire the cm bodimcnt or inde pendent thanking." Ora n~e County s upe rvisor. T ho mas Riley who a lso was present at the unveiling, said Wayne, who lived in his Newport Beach district. was "a resident of the world and a symbol of de mocracy." Hes1des Wayne's eldest son, s i x other ramlly m e m bers , Pa trick Wayne, Tony La Cava Me linda Munoz, Aiss a Kuhl~ Wa y ne . Etha n Way ne a nd M a r lsa Wayne a tte nded the morning ceremony. · Crime initiative to make ballot? S A C RAM ENTO CAP> ·Secretary of State March Foni Ey has changed her mind on Paul GaM's crime initiative and now wants it on lhe ballot in June instead of November. Ms . Eu said Thursday It is . clear' that the wide-rangln1 Initiative has the si&natures needed for the June ballot, and she wilJ ask a Judie to place lt there. AuUorities said they arrested 29·year·old James Cunningham, a Corona del Mar resident, after he assertedly tried to extract $25,0>0 from pharmacist Jack Gearing. Ct.11ningba m alle gedly told Gearing ))e would not testify against the pharmacist in court in exchange for the money, according to investigators from the Orange County District Att<rney's office. Canningham, a rrested las t Fr iday , was a rraigned W ea.esday in Harbor Municipal Court and is being held in lieu of SlO,tOO bail. G•aring, a SS.year-old Laguna Nigtel resident, is the owner of Jacrs Pharmacy, 3025 E. Coast Hig,way, Corona del Mar. G~aring and his &>barmacy bootkeeper, Anita Poekentrup Galjler, were a rrested Dec. 18on cha-ges or cons piracy to sell mo1phlne. Police said, the y believe Ge4ring sold large quantities of Demer o l , a mph e la m Ines , c otaine and m o rphine t o cuftomers without required prfscriptions. fiayoe Fields, an investigator Co~ the district attorney, said it wit; informant Cunnin&ham who li ed police to the alle1ed ill al activity at the Corona del M r pharmacy. ields said C unnin&bam al eaedly trie d to put the ( e TIP, Pase AZ> UNICH, West Germany P ) -Heavy snowfall has t ggered 1,500 East German b oby-trap mines alonl the f tlfled border between the st German state of Bavaria 1 d the Communist east, border Ice said . metlmes, a spokesman said ursday, a series of mlnespes • soundlnl like an artlUery rra1e. He saJd mines started wins up ln December after e first lar1e snowfall. Two pounds of snow ts enoup tri11er the mines, the k•manaald. • Forecasters warned residents of New Y<)l'k, New Jersey and Pennsylva"'i\ia that the s torm was heading east. Snow, sleet a nd freezing rain coa t ed highways today in Nebraska, Missouri and Kansas with ice, rorcing many Nebraska A flash flood watch was posted for the e ntire stale of Kentucky. Forecasters said they expected 1·3 inches or rain to fall today. Meanwhile. bitterly cold air struck again. New York City residents shivered in 8 degree t e mp e rature s. while the Na tion a l We athe r Service repo rted tha t winds made t e mpe rature s in e astern Montana feel like 60 below. A snowstorm in the East (See SNOW, Page A2> Amtrak offering sizable discounts Orange Coast residents can cash in on s ubstantial round-trip fare discounts from February to late April on Amtrak passenger trains running between Los Angeles and San Diego. The discounts, just s hort of 25 pe r cen t. were announced Thursday by Amtrak officiaJs at a press conference in Los Angeles prior to a special train run south to San Diego to s po tlight the service and communities along the route. Officials also said they are ser iously examini ng t h e potential to add an entirely new route, probably aJona freeway r ight-of-way, for Japanese-made bullet trains that can move as fast as lSO mpb. (Related story, A3.) The fare discount will to Into effect on Feb. 1 throu1h April 2t (except for Euler dates of April 9· 11 ) as Amtrak tries to boost lta passenaer figures, which felJ by 3 percent from 1.2 million in 1980, said Ira Silverman, markeUnc director. When it be1lns, the usual $10.40 round·lrip from Santa Ana to Los Aqeles will be reduced to $8, and the DUO round-trip to San Diqo will be $16. Discounts won't l)e-ottered for one-•ay '\ripe, accordins to an Amtrak reMrValJons clerk . Tom Jenklm, director ot the Oran1e County Tr .... portaUoa Commilakm. aaJd today Amtrak • orficials are looking at the Santa Ana Freeway and possible new s outh co unty fr e e way alignments as routes where the bullet train could be built. • Unlike other transportation systems which traditionally operate at a loss, he said bullet trains hav e proved to be profitable in Japan, where the technology was developed. DRllGI COAST 1111111 Fair through' Saturday. Slightly warmer. Highs 64 to 68. Overnight lows 42 lo 50. INSIDf TODAY W hlch team will '°'" Ow Super Bowl? Local reftdnt1 gi~ their peclu. ~e Pogc Cl. INDfl ~::-·~ c...... c-lc• Claw u• .......... ·~ l-.i1It I I ... ..... Al C:.11 M M • "' W I P .......... ........ .. .... ,_ ......... --~ .. ---,~--·---- • • • * • • Orange Coast DAIL V PILOT/Friday, January 2~ 1982 oast Guard faces cuts orona del Mar facility targeted for budget trims Tbe Coat Guard aearcb and cue operatloa in Corona del • r repo rte dly bu been r1eted for bud1et trlnu aa art ot a maulve cutback ln oaat 'Guard Ol)erations acrou e Country. The Coaat Guard, lt waa vealed today, ls plannlnc to oae 15 ataUona in 11 states and ash operations in 18 otben. affected by the cutback. "you know about a 1 mucb u t A recrultin& ntfi('il in Garden do." Grove alao WH marked for A number or consre11men cloaure. • across tbe country expresMd The Coast Ou.rd currently concern over the planned trima, opeutea an a -root aearcb and aeveraJ •uueaUnt the nta will rescue palrol boat out of Corona reault ln a lou of file. del Mar and maintains two fWJ Aides to Con1ressman Robert crews to operate the veaaeJ. Badham, R·Newport Beach, · The Corona del Mar Cout said 0.,Y wiU meet Friday with Guard cutter servea Newport two rankln1 Coast Guard H bo II D 0-..l t officials to dis cuss the reported The service also plans to ar r a.s we as ana ruan cutbacks. ecommiaalon 10 Coast Guard a nd Huntington Harbour. ''The con1ressman feels it fi tters lo help make up $46 Coast Guard officials said would be very bad to ·put the llllon sliced from its requested they've been requested not to Corona del Mar operation on a 982 budaetofSl.403 billion. co mm ~nt o n the reported restricted schedule," aaid aide ~Search 9nd rescue operatioas cutbacks until Saturday. when a Howard Seelye. ut or Corona del Mar, San press conference is expected. "Newport Harbor is. after all edro and Marina del Rey were "At this point," s u1gested the nation's lar1est s mall craft listed as areas that will be Coast Guard Capt. Jim Mitt.a, harbor," Seelye said. ~ . · frozen elephant poses probl.em fachyderm from Florida dies in New Jersey J JACKSON TOWNSRJP, N.J. commu~it.y. officials _said. "The guy called us Monday to ~AP) -A 5-ton elep~ant named Boulbillier, who satd he had 10 say be had a dead elephant on ed caua,bt pneumorua and died years ' experience with Rin&llng his property " Gallos said "so ilt a drafty barn ~fler mov_ing Bros. and Barnum & Bailey we went out to look al it. lt:s the ~o~t~ fro"'.' Florida, leaving Circus and the nearby Great firs t one I've ever seen." tft ca~ls w. 1th the P.~~bl_e~ of Ad-venture--a m. us ement park, Officials said ho.using a live J ~.posing of h1S°h'Ozen remains. co u Id nc;>t be. r each e d for ele phant violated no tow_nship I There was no health hazard commen~ 1!11med1_ately. zoning laws. And the elephant cause ~e elephant was frozen But off1c1als said be told them was properly registered with the t lid. lf it was 80 degrees out h~ was training the elephant for s tate as "exotic wildlife," I ere, l'd say we wo~!d have had circuses and carnivals. according to J o Ann Frier or the l i~ r e al. pro ble m. • T~oma s The e le pha nt appa rently state Division of Fish, Game and homas,,Jackson Township code W'ldlil nrorceme nt o rnce r . s aid "It caught cold c a u~s said he s uggested , hursday. burying the elephant at least ""Xou can und~rstand there 's and developed l ,ooo r~ from a weu and loo difficulty in making these kind feet from a P,.openy line, but J • f arr a.n g e m e !1 t s. · ' said pneurno-nia. '' township officials said they had ~o~n s hap ~~s a s tant Ad · 'U a n ordinance agains t burying finastrator William Sa,ntos. caught cold an its small and animals, inc. luding elep.hants. Thort\lls h~d worrie~ about d r a rt y b a rn. d e v e Io p e d A s mall town in Illinois faced · ?blems wit~ r.emo~mg the pneumonia last week and died a si milar problem nearly a ~ Stan elephant s r~mams from last Friday, offi cials said. decade ago. A circus elephant . e barn. But a pr1".ate ~auJer "There was no protection and n amed No rm a J e an was acked up the body wat~ wanches too many air holes in the barn. tethered to a tree in Oquawka, hursda)I. and loa~ed at onto a The an.imal was frozen solid," pop. 1,350, in July 1972 when a atbed truck ~or disposal at. an said Thomas. storm came up, lightning struck kn~~ locataon, Tho.ma.s s&d. "They're going· to have to rip thre tree. traveled aloog her J. W 1ll1.a m Bo u t h 1ll1 e ~ o f out part or the building to get the chain and killed her. :S~yrev1ll e , w~.o de"Sc~1bes elephant out of there," Thomas Town officials eventuaDy gave \ himself as _a P.rofess1ona l said. up trying to move the elephant , e lephant trainer , apparent~y J oseph Gallos, Ocean County and decided to bury her on the pur~hased the pachyderm m principa l sanitary inspector s pot, which is now mar1'ed with Florid~ Jast June ~nd brought 1t said he had no c lue to th~ a sign reading : "Norma Jean - to t hi s rua l Ptne Barre ns elephant's presence until it died. Eleph~nt." FromPageA1 TIP ... i ~squeeze" on Gearing early this f on th. He said Gearing and his ana Poil)l attorney, William rail, broucht the alleced &lackmail try to their attention. t According to Krall , ~unningbam a s ked the • pharmacist to give b.im part or !be money and then to make monthly payments of $1,000. Krall alleged Cunningham wanted the monthly payments mailed to him in Mexico. ••He even pulled out a gun at one point t o s how h e was serious," Krall reported. '- Authorities said they set up a meeting between Cunningham and Gearing in which both Newp o rt o ffi ce r s and investigators for the district attorney were listening to the conversation through·· a hidden J microphone the pha rmacist Reagan speech data being verified W ASJUNGTON <AP> -The White Houae is matins "a good-faith effort" to ensure the accuracy ol inlormatioa before President Rea1an uses it in his pobli~ statement.a, Whife House communications dinctor--i>avia R. Gergen says. Ge rg e n told reporters Thur sday that a research 1roup tries t o ve rify information be fore the president uses it in s p eec h es o r at n e ws conferences. used by Reagan in a speech last week in New York City. Tuesday, Reagan told his news conference t.hat lhe pope said in a Jan. 4 letter that be "approves what we've done so far in ordering economic sanctions against Poland and the Soviet Union. Although the Vati c an responded by saying Ue pope had not specifically endorsed the., s an c ti o n s , G e rgen s a i d Thursday that "we do sland by what the president said about the letter ... ·,-'I agreed to wear. • Gergen made the comment after questions we re raised abo u t R e a ga n ·-s r ece nt state ments about a program in Arizona to feed the elderly and Pope John Paul ll's support of U .S. a c tions in r esponse to martial law in Poland. Also questioned this week were Reagan's press conference statements that e mployment had increased in 1981, thatfiscal 1982 defense spending takes a smaller percentage or the gross national product than in liscaJ 1981: and that the steel indutry i s e mba r king 01 a multlbillion-dollar expansion plan. ., , \. • J1 Krall c harged that '< Cunningham is a longti me c inforD)ant to the Newport police and has worked with the district , attorney's office previously in • druJ cases. ts The attorney said be plans to ~ ask the district attorney's office 'l not to prosecute the case against 0 the pharmacis t bec ause of r "conflict of interest ... Krall further charged that ~unningham "set up" the case against Gearing "so be could flay both sides of the field." ! G e aring is scheduled t o ' ppear for a preliminary earin.1 on the drug charges arly next month. ; Jleagan approval at.irJgs steady NEW YORK <AP > res ident Reagan's public pproval ratings remain , elatively low, but the latest ssociated Press-NBC News poll ports a sli1ht increase in ptlmism about the economy. That represents a change rom recent months, when both e president's public approval atlnp and economic confidence ade rougbly parallel declines. I 9 ~ T ucson , the pro gra m dtrelctor, Frances Freeman, said Reagan was misinformed when he said $50,000 was saved by eliminating administrative help and using volunteers. Gergen said the White House called an offi cial in Tucson. who verified the fi gure before it was Services held for 4 pilots LAS VEGAS, Nev. <AP> More than 3,000 friends and relatives of four Air F orce Thunderbirds pilots kiUed in a training maneuver gathered in a cold, wind-swept ha ngar at Nellis Air F or ce Base for me m orial ser vices. As the services moved outside to a runway apron Thursday. an honor guard fired a three-shot volley and "Taps" was played. T hen, four F·4 Phantom jets attached to the Nellis Fighter Weapons School streaked over S unrise Mountain on the southeast side or the base. They pulled up toward the cloud-laden s~y 'and one jet peeled away, leaving the dramatic "missing man" formation symboUxing a lost pilot. O .. ANGl COAS1' Dilly Pilat CIHatned ~ .. "9 7141142·5111 All otMr department• 142-4321 Thoma P Haley ,,_....._.. o-1 E_.()fllcer Robert N. Weed ,.,.... Thoma A. Murphlne ,..., MicttaetP.H~ ...._...._ L.Kay~tz ow...r .. ~ Kenneth N. Goddard Jr ~--8emanl Sc:hutman ~ Chat'" H. LOOI ....... -i::~Mo«e MAINOfftCE UO Wnt ~ M~ C•te Nine, CA. Mall..,..._: ... IMO, Coate Nine, CA. fM» Gelt'f• ..... ._Or-. CMll ,._,.,..,. "-Y· ... --. l ...... 19M. ... W\el --_,,.._.. ,._ l'fte'Lli! ,_..... ..._. ~··· ............ c...,,,.,...-. ' Official government n.,res s h o w e d 9 7 • 2 8 2 , O 0 O p e• p 1 e working in December 1980 and 97,188,000 employed a year .. ter. The De fense De part .. ent estimates fiscal 1982 spe.img will be 5.7 percent of the fNP, up from 5.5 percent the prerious ye ar . A s t e el induHry spokesman said Rea gan lased the word "expansion" too loosely, and an industry .,.tyst s a i d be knew of no 1'1Ch ·multibillion-dollar expartion plan. Athlete OK for Edison, judge rules An Orange County Supe or Court Judie has ordered t all -aro und athlete J ff Was hington be allowed to compete for EdiSon HJ•h Sc in HunUncton Beach. Trustees of the Huntlnf Beach Unio n Hi1h Sch 0 i 1 l'l' i c t h a d r u I e d t Washtn1ton, a Junior, lneliglble at Edison because resides in the attendance nearby Huntinctoo Beach School. W ashlngton moved i Edison's attendance area ln fall of i• with bls father. transferred from HuntJn Beach Hilb School to However, three moatbl later, and hla father moved back to Huntiniton Beacb Hip a Dlslrlct oftlcla.ls thtt1 ded him inell1tble for sport• Edison fOf' oae year, aJUtouO conthuaed to attend claaa there.~ • J ud1e Tbomaa Cro1b1 .overruled the dt'lrict Tbu -~-........ SNOW, SNOW EVERYWHERE Ti1 1s computer ma p shows the aver age snow C'over for the Northern He mis phere for .the wee~ o_f J a n . ll-17. Last wee k 's snow cover extended farther south over North Am erica tha n any t ime in the last 17 yt-an; of satelli te coverage From Page A1 SNOW. • • dumped up to 5 inches of snow on Washington, D.C .. ThurSday and smothered Maryland with up to 7 inches of snow . forcing President Reagan to cancel a visit to Ba ltimore. New York City got less than an inch. A grim mixture of fog . drizz le and grainy snow ke pt pl anes fro m landing at Will Rogers World Airport and Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma. The storm spread into the norlh·centraJ regions. dumping up to l 'h feet or snow on Utah's mountains. Light snow fell Thursday on Minneapolis, which was digging out from a record 17.1-inch sno wfall in a 14 -hour period ending Wednesday. ·'L o t s o r s n o w fr o m yesterday's storm will combine with strong, easterly winds to create near-blizzard conditions for s ure." the National Weather Service in Minnesota said. "ll may be a 1ood idea to stock pantries with extra food for the weekend." Fiber expert backonskmd -ATLANTA <AP) -Defense lawyer s are s uggest i n g an e xpe r t d i d not d o e no u gh legwork before deciding it was "highly unlikely" that fi bers found on the bodies of two slain young bl ack s cam e from anywhere but the home and car of defendant Wayne Williams. L a rr y P e t e r son, a microanalyst for the Georgia St a te Crime Laboratory, on Thursday provided the first evidence at the trial that linked Williams to the carpet, blanket and other fibers found on the two victims . The prosecution has said that fiber matchups are a cornerstone or their case. Today, FBI fibe r expe rt Haro ld Deadman, who had testified Wednesday about such evidence in crim inal cases, returned to the witness stand. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- AirC al' s pass plan really taking off ln a phrase. AIPCal's new "ZoneAir" flight pass purchase plan has reaUy taken off. The Newport Bea ch-based airline has sold more than Sl million in the passes since the program was announced Jan. 13. The books containing 10 flight co upon s are p a r ticu l arly attractive to travel agents, corporations and individuals who fly frequently. sa id AirCal spokesman Mark Peterson. Under the ZoneAir program, travel agents are permitted to buy the 10.coupon books'ror $:i65. Others are charged $585. Between one and 21h passes are needed t.O fl y between zones in the AirCal five -state system. For example, one pass is needed to fly one·way from Orange County to San Francisco. The passes are good forever - even if ticket prices go up. On a per·fUght basis. the_ cost of flying-undeFZOneAir is not~ inexpens i ve as purch asing tickets under AirCal's discount fare programs . But. Peterson pointed out, the ZoneAir fares are less 'than standard fares and ZoneAir pass users do not have I No.room; 3 tigers kill-ed to comply with advance ticket pur chase requireme nts as do discount ticket buyers. Travel agents are permitted to sell the Zone Air passes at whatever price they choose. T ravel agents who handle large numbers of AirCal passengers a re expected to benefit. S malle r travel agencies , Peterson said. are considering fo rm ing .. con so rtiums " t o purchase blocks of ZoneAir pass books . High volume buye rs get even greater price breaks, he said. AirCal is the first airline to experiment with a system like ZoneAir. Big Bear, Arrowheatl snouboUnd By The Associated Press The communitie~ of Big Bear. Rig Bear L a k e and Lak e A rrowh e ad in t h e San Bernardino Mountains remained snowbound today for all but re s iden t s . H o weve r , the C~lirornia Departme nt o f Transportation hoped to have all roads open by afternoon. Morning temperatures at Big Bear Lake were reported at a ( ' few degrees above zero. CO PEN.HA G EN . Denmark Resort oper ators e agerly M P > -IJ'he Copenhagen Zoo awaited week e nd c rowds had no n;aPre room, so it ki lled expected to flock to the snow. three "~rfectly m agnifi cent " "If they don't open the roads Bengal ~gers when no other zoos by this weekend, it'll kill us," would gave them a home. s aid Dorothy Davis. owner or the "The tiger .. is a threatened _ Always lnn. species in India," zoo director The storm dropped more than Bent Joergensen said T hursday. three feet of snow yi Big Bear ''But in the zoos th e r e is Lake. prompting Mayor John increasing overpopulation." Eminger to call it the biggest he The 18-monlh·old an imals had s~n since 1968. Seven-foot were killed by painless injection, snow drifts were commonplace, Joe rgeflsen said. he said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ JANUARY----~,,.--­ HOOVER CLEARANCE Including: UPRIGHTS POWERDRIVES CANNISTERS SHAMPOOERS ELECTRIC BROOMS M ... $5301 $2039 $2015 U4161·9i U4153 U4151 U41 19 F5019 $1()29 Celebrity with powermallc nozzle Ou1k Broom Ouik Broom Convertible with headhghl, tool set, & 2 speed Convertible with headlight & 2 speed . , Blue, 2 speed convertible . . . . . Camel con ... rt1ble .. Flooramatlc scrubber & polisher Port1pcwer with wheels $1 015(1049 Portapower ... • • , .. ALL Hoo•en In Stodl Now 0. Sale Mfr. StMJ9. ,riu 36999 6495 4495 18495 16495 13495 8995 13495 Con099t wlth cord rewind, power driver & heedlfghl Cona.pt wtth headlight, 2 speed & powerdrive . 9495 8495 32995 25995 431et Cone.pt power drive ............................ . C'.!!8" -~~!!~~E mvz'. 22995 ....... . 249" 49" 37" 149" 119" .. 119" ,,.. 99" ,,.. 5,.. 27,.. '"" 179" • WISTCLl'f' lO'l4 IRVlfl AVE., fl:WP<Jflf BCH. 642· I I JJ w .. te111t open • ~ YllW 1614 ~ MIWEL DR~ NEWPORT BCH. 644.a570 lhura. m 9 P.M. • COIONA D& MAI 3107 E. COOT HWY. 673-2100 •All 1Co,.. optn 7 dayt awMk. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, January 22, 1982 How a reporter got off the right track lb GLENN SCO'IT Oi ... OeMy.......... I For my next transt>or\aUon story. you can bet I 'll be early. But Thursday, I wasn't and the Amtrak passenger train rolled out ol the Santa Ana depot without me. I found only a lonely marlachl band still playing in a crisp breeze, a reminder of the festivities I had missed. The occasion was a special train run Crom Los Angeles lo San Diego lo call attention to planned improvements along the route. The run is one or the nation's busiest, and several communities along it were planning lo proudly display their new plans for multi -million dollar facilities . I 'd blown the assignment. The train was supposed lo be full or civic leaders eager to discuss their local plans. I was supposed to focus on Irvine a nd Mission Viejo, where each community is scheduled to scon add impressive new stations. Ironically, l was late because I took too long interviewing some other experts on how to finance new transportation improvements. Figuring the festivities would delay the schedule, I arrive<t confidently seven minutes after normal departure time. The train, I learned. had left seven minutes earlier. A young guy in a coat and tie broke the news. He said the next stop was in a fi eld in the Irvine Industrial Complex-East, where that city'.$ station is planned lo go. But he suggested I pass on that stop and try to meet the train in San Juan Capistrano. It was a long way. but I wanted this story. ON TRACK -Irvine officials welcome a special Amtrak train at the eight-acre site where a $6.8 mill ion transportation center for rail and bus servicl' js scheduled for A couple minutes later. l was weaving through freeway trarric like a skier slldina through slalom ,gates. The sun had edged through the storm clouds and I was waitine for the dramatic moment. just like in the movtes. when I would spot the train glittering in the distance, then beat il lo our destination. The train was to stop for five minutn in Irvine. so I figured to have a chance to catc~ it. Zipping along in my car, I could imaaine Mayor ...... _._.,., '::;:~ ·- D•ty ~ ~~y 0...., • ...._ construction. !T his is what reporH•r would have seen if he hadn't missed the tram Fortunately. the photographl'l' "a~ on time.> David Sills telling reporters how the Irvine station had just been ranked as Caltrans' top prlority transportation center. He'd certainly m ention that the Irvine Company had donated eight acres of land for the $6.8 miLUon terminal, which might be completed as soon as 1983. I dldn'l know so much about Mission Viejo's plans, except the station is planned to be next to Cabot Road, and like Irvine's, 1t will be a center for public buses as well as trains . I paued Irvine'& well-known "Golden Trlanale," the lsland created by the jolnln1 ol three freew11y111 where a hu1e commtreia1 and retail complex 1s planned. I had to wonder wbal that development will do lo Orante County's lraHic problems . , A quarter mile later, 1 passed aomethlftC I wish I hadn't, a ubiquitous Catlfomla Kiahway Patrol .car hidden in its black and white splendor among a pack of cars. It swunt in1 behind me. Zap went the red light. "I stopped you for speed," sald the offlc~. I handed hjm my license and crumpled registration certificate. He had me. But I atUI had rny adre naline flowing. I thought maybe he could grant me an exception thls time becaUH il wus my first moving violation and because, well, I had an hones t reason for speedina. I 'm no hot rodder. Then I remembered the stories I've written almost daily about freeway traffic fatalities and how the victims' names and hometowns beJln after awhile to become just a blur, just a job. And the CH P news releases so often include the catch-phrase: "traveling at a high rate of s peed." I just shut up. "llow rast did you have me going?" I finally asked We were parked on the shoulder near the Lake Fores t Drive exit. "I bad you al 66." he said. · lie handed back my license. While tuctine it back into m y ·wallet, I noticed lbe Amtrak schedule I'd inserted only two hours before. The train had arrived in Capistrano s ix minutes earlier I couldn't have caught it anyway. "Be careful when you re-enter traffic," the officer told me. · No matter. I limped down the shoulder to the exit and headed back to the office. What a homb. All in an hour I had missed my story, drivl'n like a madman through the b111iest traffic in the county and managed lo earn my first speeding ticket. Meanwhile. the train was continuing on its merry wa y south toward San Diego, a carload full of sources fading farther away each" minute. • • I ' 1 Claim that nuclear • war .Is survivable hit Cranston to investigate Pentagon official's push for civil defense LOS ANGELES (AP) -Sen. Alan Cranston. D-Calif., has announced a Senate committee will inve s tigat e an ad ministration officia l 's s tatement that proper civil defense could revive the country quickly after an all·oul nuclear war. The congressional oversight unit will question T .K . Jomee, deputy undersecretar y of defense for s trategic and nuclear for ces, a bout his comment that it would lake only two to four years for the United States lo fully recover from such a war, Cr anston said. Jones' rem·ark was printe d last weekend in the Los Angeles Times. "I want to know what's going on in s id e the Reagan administration. Are some people there trying to get us to believe that nuclear wa r could be made' ·acceptable' through civil de- fense?" Cranston said. He recalled testimony from Sidney Orell, deputy director of the Stanford Linear Accelerator, who s aid Wednesday that a nuclear war would "shatter the entire fabric or our society." Cranston made his remarks in Los Ange les at the Senat e Foreign Relations s ubcommittee h ea ring o n nuclea r a rms control. Al th e hearing , the coordinator of a s tatewide anti-nuclear arms group called for dis missal of ··federal officials who are attempting to deceive the American people" by saying civil defense can mute the impact of nuclear war. Harold Willens,' head or the s tate wide Bilateral Nuclear Arm s Freeze initiative campaign , to l d the s ubcommittee that. ''The American people are starting to see things in a new way," with the realization that, "the more d evices of thermonuclear destruction we have. the fess secure we are." "We need t o stop this last tango in which the Soviets .and we seem to be io a lock step toward death," he said. If the Soviet Union accepted such an agreement, it ..,.Id stop testing, production and fu rther development or nuclear weapons, missiles, and delivery systems by both t he United States and the Soviet Union, Willens said . Supporters are currently gathering signatures to put the initiative on the Cold nights. Coastal )'/Ind norlhwol IS lo )0 knot•. decreulr19 \lowly to norllwrly 10 to to knots by Frld•Y nlgftl SHS IS '"''· d•crusl119 ~lowly Pully clouely U.S. s~mmary. Hloh\ Mar "° IOd•v. • 1ew cieo•ee• w•rmtr S.tura.y WHI to nortl\"'61 "'"°' U ·OO ml)h 1n mountains •t time\ HIQhS tOO•y tn lht 30\, l S to 4S S•turuay Low•'"'"" t"""~ Westerly w1nO\ H 3j mpll Oe<r•Mil'HJ toeuiv tn Of'~rb Some c loud1Mt!6 Noruwm cie"n h1911s 4l lo SS l>olh do•. low• JI lo 0 $oulhtrn cle-Yr1 h19h\ SS 10 U. low• •n ,,,.,°' lncre•l-•"O oouos from nor1,.wesl tod•v w ith r•ln likt ly 1n talreme Northtrn C.•hlornl• P•rtly cl.,..dy e1s.•wh•rt In Northern and Ce"tr•t C•lllOmlA. w.armln<a lrenll "• (!:!I!) ... A wlftt., l tOl'm •v\l.m continued lo W»r•H "'°"' owr the mount•jn' of ltla so.II-SI on T""rMl•Y. dumpl119 I lncllu on Bl•llop, Call! . •nd bringing ,..,.,.111111.,d condlllon• to Wllll•ms. "'"' Smog ~~ Snow •ho --lrom Virgin!• lo IN Nor-I, wl1h 2 lo 7 lncllts In p•rls of M•r,,l•nd, S lncllu In B•lllmot• Air quallly wlll ~ QOOCI In •II •rt•• ~ - - - or So.itt>ern C.•llforn1• tOday, with • Snow •"" fru1lno drlu l• fell across th• northern •no c•nlr•I Pl•lns 10 the uppH Mlulnlpp• Valley. aftd llrioereci trom llw lower GrtAt LAke\ to Ille miO·Allanhc Cou1. ~ •ftd lhunder•llO-rs were scalttrtd elono IM Paclllc Coast. Hl9"• were l>elow ttro In Mont•na e nd Nor Ill Oakot•, below 10 In llOl'IMrn New E119I-. In IM 1.-s encl 20s lrom tllt norttt.rn Ptateau 1'1rOUOll the nor111tm Plains to New Englerld, -in lllt SO\ •rid .OS from tlle MU!twtn Plains lo Ille Ttrioeun Valley •nd Soutll CatollN, •net••- Ille ctnlr•I C.•lllornl• cool lo so.illlern Arlron•. Tiie Gull Coast POiiution Jt-.ard ind .. ol 0 , '"" Air Ou•lih M•n•9tmtnt Ohtrl<I prtdlct...i Extended forecast F•lr Sunday with -n1gftt •nll urly mornlno cloudlMu Monel•y •nd Tuuoav with p1r11v cloudy allernoons Hiohs In the cou .. 1 •rtH In the '°' •nll tow\ In '"" Olk Hlgl\5 ln lhe mouflt••o>Jn llle.lO\ -lowslntlw~ , ..... w .. mec110111t 1os.nc1-. Te mperatures 5tlow -·~Ml lor IOday In Ille • ' • ' norl,,.rn encl centr•I Pl•lns encl IKl"OSS IN -r Mississippi Valley, lllt Gre•I L•es And Into New Jtrwy •rid wui.m New EllQl•nll NATION'S TEMPS AltNny All>uQ.W Am•rUlo AnchOr- All•nl• All1ntc Cly B•llimort Blrmtngf!m Bl•m•rek BolH Boston R•in WAS lorwc.s1 for lht resl ot lllt eHtem fl<Mf of '""count ry u c191 Ille Florida Penlnwl•. wlter• SUMV sk ies w ere ••Ptc led Som• tllunderSIOnM were orie<lecl trom Ille western Gull Co•\! to lhe Tennen" •nd lo•er Mfuln lppl valleys. Sllowers etso were lore< nt alont tht nortllern Pacific Coal!, wllll -~ owr tht Rockie• aM n. llCWttlem Pl .. eau. llrownsvlle T•--ft arourld the nation •I Buffalo m idday Tllursdlly re11ged trom 20 Ch•rlstn SC. IMI-lent In Orwel Falls, MDIII . to CllarlstnW\I U If\ FOl'I M...-n Fla ClltyeflM ' ClllCA90 10 01 S9 11 •• )4 1' IS ., .,, ,, ,, ,, 7S .. ., • oe u 71 10 11 OI .... ll OS .. so ,, ,. H 31 H n JS ,, ,, " HOU•IOll lndn•pl~ JAOsnvlle IC•ns City LuVeoM Lilllt Rock Lou11vllle MtmPll~ Miami Miiwaukee Mples-St.P NaS/>Ylllt NtwOrleAM New York Norfolk OlllA Ctty Om•lla OrlAnCIO Plllladpflia Phoenix Pit I Mluf'Qfl PllAncl, M1t Pll•nd, Or~ Rapid Cit~ Rtno Rlcllmono SAit L•l<.e Sea Ille St Louh SIP hms><I SI Sit Marie Spotc•nt TulH Wnhlrl9'n WlchllA CALll'O.NIA TIM~S , ... 31 l6 IO tO ,, ,. so Jt 0 '° '° JJ u ., 16 " n 10 II ,, SS 41 t'I u 2J ,. JI JI ,.. ll ,, 11 17 SJ u ?2 ., .. ,. 11 ,. en ., ,, 03 01 l4 II ,.. ,. lt 33 so "' l3 ,, 1' SS OJ ·11 n 20 21 » n ,. 21 ... Apple VAll•y 0 JS B•-."'"'"' so &J 8ao t-n u BHllft\Onl '1 Joi 819 llHr 1' )0 Bltl\OI> JS '° "-0 •. u \ o .. ., MonlC!IMllo Mt WU"'" Ntedtu N•WPOfl 8ff<t\ O•kl•nd Dnt•rlo Palm~ PAHdtN RIYtr\lclt Rtd 81ulf Rtdw-Ol'f S.cr•mffllo Sallnu San 8trn«dtno Sart G•twt.I SartOI"° San Fr ancllc4 Sart Jott Sant• Ana s.nl• •artier• SalllA CNI Sant• Marl• S.nl•MOnlu Stooton r.-veHey TIW<mAI Trwran<• Yum• AIMllS Berlin 8'Alrtt C..ll"O CM8'411 Hong KOlll Jef'llMltm Jo'1Mir9 Lima Ll.aion L-M.Orltl ··- s. JO S7 S7 " so SJ .. s. .. 41 • ... ,.. so &J .. 12 .. Joi .. 41 ,, . 5' 12 so .. SI • .. a '4 ,. " ,, 4S • M '7 S> • 11 " ~ 41 5' .. S6 • SS 4. J3 " 14 • n • It " .., .. " 41 11 .. 7S M S1 e S1 " '° • C~lifomia Cincinnati Cltvel- Colum- OAl·FIWlll Otnver O.s Motnn O.lroit >O ,, Blytlle s• SI ----------- ~•rtly cleudv ,_,,, ..-u, ••Ir 1e1111111 •nd Saturd•y. Winds -.CreHlftv !Oday. Sllgt>lly ••rmer .. ., •• IMll ,...., 111t11t1. w"' to ...,._,, •lnck 20-lO mtlfl 111 ~81191 ~ -y. HIQM 111 the "'·'-'"' ... ... 1111-......... c .. UOt<t weflarly wl11d• IS.U ,,... ., llmu IM•'I'. .., ........ _, ........... • °"""" El Paso Falr'bel'll• HArtfOf'd Hele11a H-4utu .. SS )3 ,. 2S 10 21 IS ,. °' .. Joi 11 • ., 1• ,. -oe 12 " .. C.al•ll,,. .., ,. Culver Clly '4 44 T "de Euret!e 42 J4 I 8 FrHno 41 • l•lle Ar,.,....,..., tt ,. LM<aMe< u JS Long 8Hdl U .. Flr'tl 1- LM A,,..,._ st &J F Int ll4tfl Merysvlllt 49 • S.C.CIN '-_..,.. 5' 41 Sec-'""' ..... tt1t6a.111. 1:1ta.111. J •:••·"'· l :Pt.111. We1re Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you Ul&e ? Call the number below and your messe1e will be rttorded. transcribed and delivered to the appropriete editor. The same 24·hour an1wertn1 a.rvlce may be used to NeOr'd let· • ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must illelucle their name and telephone number for verlOcation. No clrn&latlen call11. plnse. Tell us what's on your mind u ,,, ... u Ca llfornJa ballot. (( passed, it would urge President Reagan lo propose s uch a freeze to the Soviet Union. The freeze would be an agreement that could be verified on both sides, Willens said. Ke said the lreeze, along with 'tbe Strategic Arms Reduction Talks recently s uggested by the president, ''could rewrite arms control history." C r anston. the ranking Democrat on the subcommittee beaded by Sen. Larry Pressler. R·S.D., said he intends to vote in favor or the arms-fr eeze initiative, add ing be is concerned "t hat people don't r e ally unde r s tand what a nuclear holocaust would mean." Dr . Ma rvin Goldberger, president of the California Institute of Technology. told the subcommittee bearing Thursday that c ivil defen se is "counte r -productive from a psychological standooinl. "It adds fuel to .the delusion Ch at you might be able. to survive a nuc&ear war," he said. He echoed testimony that was given by nuclear arms experts oa Wednesday who debunked the idea that the United Stales or Soviet Union could wage a limited nuclear war. He said neither side could win such a wa r. "There are only 5.000 cities and towns in the U.S. with pop•lations over 5 ,000. The Soviets could lake them all out and still have a few warheads left over. There are about 240 cities in the Soviet Union with populations..over 100,000. Two or t h ree o f our Poseidon s ubmarines (each carr yin g about 160 warheads> could destroy them -and we have 20 Poseldons on patrol at all limes." .~ ........ LOOK TO THE SKY -Sealed at his A ssembly desk Thursday. Assemblyman Richard Robinson. D·Santa Ana. looked skyward during debate on bill that would triple penalties on late state income laxes . Bill was approved by A ss<.•mbl~· hut rt?jcrted b~· Senate. At Robinson's right is Assemblyman Norman Water:-.. D· Plymouth. A capsule lesson in adva~ed legalese SPRINGFI ELD. Ill (APl As k a simple question. get a simple answer in legalese, that is. In the case of .. Al var G. Lindberg. el al .. respondents, vs . Beverly Bank. petitioner." the petitioner asked the llilinois Supreme Court "for leave to file a motion for reconsideration of the order denying petition for leave to appeal." Justi ces denied the request Thursday. The s tate's highest court rarely explains why it grants or denies procedural requests. But justices apparently felt Beverly ·1 , Bank deserved more than a '; simple "yes" or a "no." ~ · · u is unnecessary to consider the motion by petitioner to allow • its motion for leave to me • motion for reconsideration oft.be <Jf order denying petition for leavie . to appeal to stand as its motMn •• _.; • for reconsideration." the court .;/' declared. $ First Time Skiers * New Ski School ••• • • • ~ GE'~ S ·• E'I ~ ~1E',_ b ~10. "$1 ~ig'11:'ect" • Let UI Introduce you to skiing at the new -Ski School. Here's an easy way to~ 5:1 Wt will take the mystery out of what your first time on skis will be like. Lecture, movt9 Md Inning akl technique will be presented. Equipment will be provided and drytMd by a quaHfied lnstruc1to!l'rl. ~!!1111~~9.!!!!•~- Pw. $15 For 2 Sesaiona Hewt Call For RnerY1tlon1 831·3144 u.I: 20 people s Orange Coast DAIL V PILOT/Friday, January 22, 1982 \rnillu~rnm ( \Zoter's views of president count most By WALTER ft. MEARS APit19CIMC.01111nl1 I WAS HINGTON -tr all the ,anniversary a ppraisals or President Reagan's first year in office were placed end to end, they wouldn't reach. anywhere. Presidencies do not thrive or fall on one-year cycles. It lakes four. And the appraisers who count are not political analysts, or a llies, or critics. They are voters. An annual stocktaking is fine. and ritual. But in the case or Reagan or any other president the bottom line has to be that there Isn't any bottom line -- yet. There are accompli shments and blunders . clues a nd directions, but the product still is on the assembly line. In hls firs t year, Reagan maste red Congress, kept his c ritics ore balance, and delivered as promised his big tax cuts and spending curbs. He •as launched a costly drive to ttrengt.hen the military. While '1is administration is negotiating with the Soviet Union on one band a nd trying to punish .Jloscow for t h e P olish ,rackdown on the other, the .mnphasis has been heavily on •is domtlstic agenda. .-"We'd certainly settle for a iecond year as good as the first," said deputy White House ress secretary Peter Roussel. But it hasn't been all that cood. The econ omy ha s ~umped , unemployment is up ~nd t he ·anticipat ed federal •lleficit is soaring -all more drastically than Reagan and his :.eonomists had anticipated. Reagan walked into a trap of be administration 's own making when the government announced it no longer would d e ny tax exemptions to schools t 11at discriminate on the basis or race. After an embarrassing lo u r · d a y d e l a y . he a s ked ~ongress to revive lhe ban. He is Cast, and sometimes llWI llllYlll loose, with figures and examples of the impact or his policy. Witness his mistaken s tatement on Tuesday that employment had increased during his tenure. It is down by a bout a half million jobs. Reagan has not been so doctrinaire a conservative as the right wing wanted and the liber als rea r e d. Thal was dramatized when he appointed the first woman to the Supreme Court, defying the protests of new rig ht activists who criticized her record on social issues. But for the most part, the end -of-the-year reactions were predictable. Black leaders said th e admini s tr ation was depriving the poor ; environ· mentalists a nd cons umer activists said those causes had s urrered . That 's why they opposed Reagan• in the first place. Democrats say things are bad and getting worse. Republicans s ay t hey'll get better soon bee a use the Reagan eco~omic program wiU work . On t he anniversary or his inauguration, Reagan looked at w h at h e h as done and pronou n ced it good , ir incomplete. "We have made an impressive start." he said. "In this first year or our trusteeship we have built a competent, dedicated executive team. We h ave laid the foundations for economic_recovery and nationa l renewal. "We still have a long way to go .. A New York Times-CBS News poll indicates Americans agree. In that survey, 51 percent said the Reagan program had hurt economically so far -but 60 percent said they believe it will help eventually. REACTION TO WEATHER -Sahji, S:year-oHJ Siberian tiger at Great Adventure Amusem ent P.ark in Jackson, N.J .. appears to be expressing what m any_ humans are reeling APW ......... about the cold weather in tne East and Midwest. He stuck his tongue out al photographer who braved the cold for snowy shot. 3rd shuttle flight to test heat, cold S PACE CENTER, Houston (AP> -March 22 is the target date for the third test flight of the space shuttle Columbia. the two astronauts who wiU fly the mission haves-aid. They a lso told a n e ws confe rence Thursday that a major objective of their flight is to d etermine trow we ll the vehicle's systems \vithstand the' ~xtreme heat a nd cold or space. "Although NASA has not yet set an official launch date, we're working toward March 22, ·; said Marine Col. Jack Lousma, the mission commander. "We hope to have a firm date soon." Lousma, who spent 56 days in s pace in 1973 aboard the Skylab Space Station, said the flight is planned ror seven days -more tha n twice lhe length or either of Columbia's first two tests . "We 're ~oing to have a very busy week up there," said Air Force Col. Gordon Fullerton. who will be making his firs t space trip. Lousma said Columbia will be su bjected to slightly higher dyna!Jlic pressures during both launch and l anding to gain additional knowledge about its flight characteristics and limits. The major obje'ctive. he said, wi ll be to test the thermal properties or the 100-ton space s hip. "The purpose," Fullerton s aid. "is to look at the ability or our heating and cooling systems to k eep everything working normally." British adviser fears world war LONDON <AP) -A ·leading scientific adviser to Britis h military comma nders and governments for more than 30 years has predicted that world war will erupt after the tum of the century unless the arms race is s lowed. The multiplicatio n and development of nuclear weapons is becoming more dangeroos, "yet the thr eat of nuclear war is accepted as if it was toothpaste," Lord Zuckerman told a news confere nce held Wednesday to publicize his boOk "Nuclear Illusion and Reality." He said the building or bigger and better nuclear weapons has do ne nothing to improve the security or either the East or the West since the 1950s. Zuckerman, 77. born in South Africa and o r lgi-nal l y a n anatomist, argues in bis book that European conventional forces should be strengthened to deter the use o r battlefield nuclear weapons. " He sajd the NATO doctrine or using theater nuclear weapons to stop a Soviet attack in Europe is illusory because escalation lo all-out nuclear wa r would be virtually inevitable . He said the nuclear arms race must be s lowed, preferably by a nuclear test-ban treaty. Zuckerman was at the heart or Western defense planning from 1960 to 1971 as chief scientifi<! advi ser to 6ritish defense ministers and the goverl\ments or four prime ministers. He was made a life peer ror his scientific services since World War II. F or complete ad copy and art services advertisers all along. the Orange Coast rely on· Daily Pilat Video Movies Spoken Here!- FOR SA-LE OR RENT No Clubs lo Join No Membership Fees , 1000's of Titles • Stock and Available 1n ' for Immediate Sal·e, Rental, Sale, Rental • • (We Accept Master Charge, Visa & American Express) """' ~ ,._ ~ Q) -= en .... en = Q) -bO .... -= Q) en = .... c::t u ·-en • -= ·-._ CD = -C) > c::t Q) = ·-·-·-ar: CD ·c ~ ar: ·-~ .... = -c:a ... ;-.• E ftl ... c::t = ftl ... = Ln CD -CD CD -CS = CD ·-u ·-ca -... bO -= -= .... ~ ftl == ftl en c:a ... ·-= ~ ftl .... ~ en ... .... ~ ftl c::t -= .... CD ... ~ ftl ~ = .... = = c.a ~ = ~ ..-CD ... ... .... -= ~ cu · en ftl cn CD c::t E ftl ... cu cn c::t = c... = = u = .. c... = -= E = cn = ·-... = ·---= ... -= ::a .... -cu .... == = ._ ... ftl c::t a:t ~ .... c::t c::t J! C-'> c.:» ~ ~ c:::a ~ .... c.:» en C-'> .... 1;-... • I ... Orange Coast OAILY PILOT/Friday, January 22. 1982 . s -Woman indicted Officials back Condor traps J in insurance fraud SAN FRANCISCO <AP> -A ft!deral grand jury has Indicted a 41 -year -old woman fo r a lleaedly defra uding e ight insurance companies by getting h ea lth care polic ies under assumed names and cQllecting $158,531 in raise claims. S A C HAMl<~N TO I AP I Authorities have "ivcn the gn:en l ight t o th e tr appin g or California condors in a last ditch attempt l o s a ve them rrom Life Insur ance Co. of America, ex tinction. Guardian Life of Americ,a. The Californ1u Department of Pacific Standard Life Insurance Fis h and Game rePorted this Co., PauJ Revere ,Insurance Co.. week that it ha s reached un Imperial Life Assurance Co. of agreement with the U S Fi i.h Ca n ada . North Am e rica n aod WlltJhre Service ,on the Company Co. for Life a nd mounting of radio t elemetry Health Insurance and others. devices on the birds Sherra l Spray Bass or Walnut Creek is cha rged with seven counts of mail fraud. The applications were for The state director of fish and pe r sona l income protection . ~a m e. E .C Ful lerton, said major medical, accident and trapping may now btgin for a health, disability income. auto captive breeding program. U .S . Attorn ey Jose p h Russoniello said Miss Bass is a lleged to have used five different names, three dates of bir th , th ree Social Security numbers. six occupations and claimed to be the owner of non -exis t e nt bus inesses in purchasing policle~. liability and loan insurance The program is to be run by coverage, he said. the U S Fi!>h a nd Wildlife Shortly after issuing Policies. ' ' , Service a n d the National the companies began recehting 1• Audubon Sol'iety A number of c laims for m edical problems environmentalist groups oppose r esu lting from illness o r th(• program personal injuries allegedly The permit allows the initial suUered In-slip-and-fall and auto t•a pturc of thret• condor!'> for accidents. be s aid. Several IJreeding, and two other!> for lh<' The indictment also alleged she s u bmitted forg ed and fraudulent Income lax returns to the insurance firms . ins ure rs received identical rilling or raJio transmitters A c I a ims a n d s upp o rt 1 n g maximum of nine birds may hi.' documents. I rapped to ohtain lhe proper f1vl.' The governme nt alleged ., • ...._.. for breedin g and telemetry Postal Inspector in Charge claims the woman submitted SNOWY SALINAS -A horse 1drrleJ walks towurd Corrul Only rive pair~ of birds may wer e supPorled . by raise and d e Tierra Road 1n Salinas afte r s now (ell Thursday Hain be majntained a~ any one t1mt• B. M. Mcclanahan said s he applied for Policies lo Mutual of Omaha . New York Lif e forged medical documents. false a nd hail precede d the s now. but suns hine w<1s cxpctted to over the next ·ihree years for job intorrnation and frauduJenl follow. The unC'xpected snow was the firs t in :w ~·e.i r~ for lht• ca ptive hreedin~ Add1 l10nal nsurance, Union Mutual Stock medical histories. a r ea. bird s may b e fitted with ..-~~~~~~__;;;;c.;;....;;.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Booked mom fund trustee · RIVERSIDE (AP > -A woma.n booked for investigation of her 4-year-old daughter's murder was trustee of a $50,939 fund the child won in a ti\.·il laws uit and could have inherited the money, an attorney who handled the suit said. Wanda Rebecca Rollerson, 23, is held on $250,000 ball in the strangulation death or her daughter, Nicholl e Monique Crane. A jogger found the child's body in a ravine behind the University of California-Riverside campus on J an. 12. the morning after her mother reported t he girl missing from their apartment complex. Ms. Rollerson, a licensed vocationaJ nurse at Riverside Community Hospital, was booked for Investigation of murder late Tuesday. Police Chief Vi c tor E. Jones s aid "irregularities in t he interviews" she gave detectives led to her arrest. Although Jones refused to s peculate on motive. Riverside Superior Court records show Nicholle had been awarded $95,000 In a pretrial settlement. The laws uit stemmed from an Oct. 25, 1980 accident at a Riverside day care center run by Gennell Shambley. Mrs. Shambley's attorney, Don C. Brown. said Nicholle's legs were burned when she climbed into a tub or scalding water. The $50,939 in settlement money lert arter court costs and medical payments was placed in trust with Ms. Rollerson as trustee, he said. As Nicholle's legaJ guardian. Ms. Rollerson would have inherited the mO!ley if bet.. daughter died. Brown added. Detective Lt. Ellis Asper said authorities learned of the money early in the investigation. GEHEltAL B.ECTRIC COLOR TV • W1tt1 Al Chcntet T ... RCA XL-100 _19" ....... telemetry d •vice!> during the th rec· ycur vuriod Ir satisfactory re ul ts arc obtarned from lht:~ • initwl two hird~ V On1: or mort• condors would be ta ken to the San Diego Wild ·Animal Park to join th(' only such c·ondor in ca1,tiv1ty, name~ Topa-Topa. Otht'rs would go to a spt•cia l fa cility al t he Lo Angeles Zoo Tht.· slate Dep11rtmcnl of Fishff and Gurne approved a condo~"' program in 1980. and issuance o~ a permit was pending when a; 1 conrlor chir k died while being i handlod in its nest. 1 " The proponents of captivell brl•cd1n g. s 11y 1t h as been tru t"c-es~fu I W1 th t h c A rrd ...... m-- · co ncl or of Pt'ru 11 The !-.olur powered radio • tran'>m1tler!> M ii permit the bird s ' m ovem enti; t o be 1 follow1:d The transmitters are about the !l11c· and weight or a mun·s pocket watch l Fullerton said lhc state is11 going lo allow the l ransmitter!!1; lo I)(' mounlt'd on I he wings of the f1 rsl lwn t·ondor!> •· F1•wcr than :10 t•ondors ar~,. hl•l1<•vcd lo cx1i.t Thc•y hve m · the mountains around the south end 11f thl' San J oaquin Valley ----, r. "Whethe r or not it's a motive for homicide I refu se to s peculate," Asper said. "It certainly was a matter of interest to us." YOU WON'T BELIEVE THE SA VIHGS HURRY IH MOW -WHILE surrL y LASTS Word of funds brings surprise HOLLISTER <AP > -The Small Business Administration says it's willing to Pour money into disaster-ravaged San Benito County -a surprise to county officials, who said today there's no disaster there. "I'm not aware of any," said Pat Bates. administrative aide to the county supervisors. "That's the whole thing. It's just out of the blue. No indication. no knowledge ... just a telex." Acting under emergency aid laws. the SBA said it would make loans of up to $55,000 to repair storm damage for residents of San Benito a nd nine other counties which ring the eight-county federal disaster area called following the massive Jan. 3-S rainstorm. San Benito County is about 75 miles southeast or San Francisco. The storm killed al least 31 people and caused damage estimated at more than $280 million as mudslides and floods ripped out bridges, crushed homes to rubble and buried downtown areas under severaJ feet of water. But not, Bates s ays, in San Benito County, where a rew cuJverts washed out and debris s lipped down a rew hills . "I don't think we resent it," he said. "There's no feeling one way or another. Just gee, how'd that haftpen?" Deposit for aged pet owners urged SAN F RANCISCO <AP> -Poor, old people may bave to pay a deposit as high as $2SO per pet If they want to keep animals In San Francisco public· housing. ciLy officials say, and tenants are upset. "ll's downright disgraceful to cbar1e $2SO for a do1 to move in," said Cleo Wallace, an official of the Public Houslnl Tenants Union. OffJcials ol the San Francisco Public ffousin1 Authority proposed the deposit after their rule banninl peta in public hoalne wu overturned by a UllO state law lbat a llows people •led 60 or over to keep u many as t wo peta ln public housing. • The Hou.sin& Authority -and the Tenants Union -had complained that pets created a health hazard in bulldiilgs. PROTECT YOUI VALUAILIS ....... I ......... .. tnaurance and Documentary_ Photography 754-6630 , , SONY BET AMAX VIDEOTAPE RECORDER ONLY 5748 SHOUI COMPUTI UMI OF SOHYYIDIO llCOUHS AU OM SAU MOW. WITH VII II SYSTIM .......... c.-.. • IOI a.-.1 q..ta ....... , ... • Clilllilt...., ... MMINI~ ........... _,.,.,.,_.s,.t .. , M_, ................. GE SIDE X SIDE ITH ta DISPENSER SAVE s1M •WlntHe ._.. c ..... "'"" Sc• •D'91tt' C"-1.._.o.t •b ._... Ute XL-I 00 C1Miul1 WHILE T .. Y LAST NOW!! s 100 REBATE • ON JENN-AJR's FINEST GRILL/RANGE MOCROWAVE COMBO FREE LIVE OOl(Jl(STH TION SAT. 11 to 3 ·p.m. See The GriU/Ran~: In Action Famous Name Brand GENERAL'. ELECTRIC VIDEO RECORDER SOUND BUILT-IN D&UXI 2·4·6 HOUI DILUXI VIDIO llCOIDM Wlttll.us•fe ...... •Sc• •Cti• llC ...... • Soft T_. Caa•ok • •ctwuh:T...- • ...... • wl1f1 -DlglW Clock 5698 88 IMSULATB> DISHWASHER • Z Le.,.f Wcnh Ac&. •TwHT•Wttkw •Somdlwll.a.d .,_......._Cycles htclllcla'9 Ea.rw Sa•~ MOW JUST s241 Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, January 22, 1912 THt: •·A~ILl' CIR('l'S "Grandma, if you're goin g to buy me a surprise, con I pick it out?" by Brad Anderson "We made a de·a1 ... if I pull him around the block, he'll let me Sit in my new easy chair." Jl'DGt: P .\R9'•:R · ... LOOK, GARrlELV. A ROBIN'5 NES°b ' , YOO CAN iELL 8 Y THE EG·G~. I •' JIOO~ ll l ' LIJ ~S . VE~Y N/Cf, Mfl J>oot>L~ 1 ACROSS unpleasant 1 Tnteness 48 Scuttle 5 Chair slat 49 Alaskan 10 Additional 50 Lvcller 14 lndMd Ir 53 Generation 15 AntHlet isle 54 Pursue 16 Homed 58 Colorful a.nimal 61 Spanish riv8f lillillim'f!~ 17 Barley 62 Fa bric 18 lnY81tioat0<s 63 British coins 20 FOid ~ Bridge teat 22 Came upon 65 Atw mmerals 23 ~upon 66 Flower 67 Half: Pref 24 Sm.it change DOWN 26 NHL Of PGA 1 Boot - player 2 Test of a type 27 Piloted 3 Function 30 Ms Munael 4 UnskMled. 34 LtthlfOY 2 words 35 Pi.nit! Oeme S MOfOll Myra -· 8 Coll course 38 Kf'll lit. 7 ln11nimtnls 3 7 Component 8 Support 38 Big ducll 9 Tlc·-·108 40 Wlt9r'CCMM 10 Hewlmln 41 Prell• """ 11 Jee«>'• IOl'I 1 llltOf 12 "«*' OcNed 13 Geek ~2 ltrM'I 1Mt tt Plltrlel ~...... 21L..-f!l'llllltl n...-•rMoee .....,., 46 Fllllle rocks o Ending for Of' COfP 49 SlleSmall 29 Heath SO Single 30 Ktnd ol neme S 1 Armadtflo 31 Incensed S2 Subdue 32 YlelOI 53 Pil0t1 33 Alt 55 Ouellfitd 35 Go quickly 5e StudY hlrd 3t Clrcte part 67 Ruuian 40 Ctft--"""'* '2... ""°'~ 44 ~ IO Tiwtcl: Pr9f BIG6EORGE by Virgil Partch (VIP) ( t lJ ··' _,. "A goosehound? Are you putting me on, Ajax?" Hank Ketchum by Ferd & Tom Johnson ___ _,_~~ , I PEANl 'T8 l1M _8~1N61N6 IN A 6UILTV K1g MA'AM ... HE Dl~1 CROSS "™E ST~EET PROPE~LY! SHOE IT1S ME , TH E NEW POSTMAN MY A U NT SAID NOTTO OPEN THE D OOR TO ST RANGE RS AMo we CAN Pl.A" ~1~£51 <:11.lJ ~'/ ~~! : by Tom K. Ryan &IJ'( SA ICl IF l '11C7N'1'&1VE rr10 HIM, H~'Cl SHCXJ'TME:. by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1ller 34 POSTAGE 0 by Gus Arriola i-.. u . .;r..,.\.>.. J,,J ........ llllimfllllllllt ' sAY•N<>S rROM ~E. ":r C.'4J0'''~ ~ ANUfN1 BGqt CY• tNN(~E. 1-\«l! r Oii.SMOCK ,-e i..L-M e -rHe G OOP THINGS Ae>ou,. e>e 1 N ' MAR R1eD -ro A c>oC.,.OR, e e,.H H6 P06SN'1"' COM!! HOME: 1"HReS OR F OUR NIGH,-S A wee:K .' f'OR BETTE a 0 R t•oa •O a8t: 6PC.K Het-1E,1HE.'{RE. HAVING ~EEUNG­ ~tt ANO SNOW. by Tom Bat1uk LDJE. MEANS ~IN610 A iE.NN 15 PkA£.>E.R ! -~ E.'v'E~ BEEN 1b CPH\DA, RUD'/? Jt Mt by Kevin Fagan .9Ln re P. . I nces. . ~ ·-~ tremendous Savings ~o,: Those Prepared Tu homes an incomparable value. Act Now! The California Coastal Commission is no longer in the affordable housing business. Now, McLain Development Co. is no longer required td1 subsidize millions of dollars in low-cost housing in order to build Sea Island. Consequently, we are pleased to pass these . large savings on to our current buyers as well as thos.e ready ta purchase before costs escalate again. Effective immediately, Sea Island prices are reduced by $55,000 to $210,000 for an average reduction of $140,000. These new homes represent an island of security in a changing world ... at prices that can never be duplicated! So take advantage of this unique opportunity now. In addition, construction interest rates have been substantially reduced. Our subcontractors have also renegotiated their prices. These items add up to considerable savings. Spectacular architecture, custom appoint- ments, lush semi-tropical landscaping and a secure guarded-gate community plus the historic appreci- ation of Newport Beach property, make these fine Robert B. McLain President 'Betw_een tfie feirwags and t(ze Sea in ~wport 'Beach Artistically etched into a gentle hillside adjacent to the fairways oflrvine Coast Country Club, Sea Island is oriented to panoramic views of the golf course, Upper Newport Bay, the Pacific Ocean or the cosmopolitan silhouette of Newport Center and Fashion Island. You'll agree that Sea Island is, indeed, the definitive state- ment of fine living. a world of elegance, guarded-gate security, • •Thi:-. olll11 1:-dkl ll\'l' univ fnr 1he homes rl'main· mg in lhC' flrsl pha~· of Sra !~land. The availauility of this limned number of unit:-at tht:S<' prkei. is neccs- AArilv suhjt-ct tu chant-:r du!' to mten':.t rates and market m nrlitions. · recreation and sophistication that reflects the Legacy of Style for which Newport Beach is uniquely renowned. · Select your new residence from a variety of architecturally-bold two and three-bedroom fl oor plans, ranging in size up to 3,003 square feet and appointed to Sea Island's theme oft he quintessence of privileged lifestyles. f i SFAISIAND · Prestigious Condo mini urns Newport Beach A Legacy of Sty le. now from .... 1' , I $350,000 to $795,000 12h/4 % Interest (13.519% APR) 11 Sea Cove Lane Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 673-0474 Fee Simple Ownership , • Homt"Ow~ra· Auociallon supponl'd by all n-4'1dentM maintains rommnn facilili<'I. J\Mk our 111tlt'll l'C'J'n''*'111111ivt>1< for thr Homeownt'r.' FIK1 Shttt, uplalning all detail~ ,j e Mct...ln l>fw lopmt'nt Co. 1982 Pt-lcC't dft'C11ve u ofpublk"ltlon datt'. J J • I I f I • , I I 1 I • • I I I I r I ' • I I ' I t I ' I I li Ii f 1 j , II .· ., I 1 I' 11 Orange Coat DAILY ptLOT/Frlday. January 22, 1982 . County's water supply Study necessary s~ep Th e Oran ge Co unt y governme nt is faced with many important long.range iss ues , but c le arly none is ll\Ore critical than whether residents can be assured or an adequate supply or water. The issue takes on special importance during the next few years beca use in 1985. much of S o uthe rn California 's s upply from the Colorado River will be dive rted lo Arizona . Also. the ,Jun e ballo t will inc lude a r e f e rendum on whe the r to finance part of the State Water Project to build the Peripheral Cana l across the San J oaquin River De lta to c a r r y more water to Southe rn California. Th e co unt y Bo a rd o f Supe r visors r ecently c hose to conduct its own investigation into countywide sources and demand. Pre liminary results are expected t o be produced in May b y anal ys t s in th e Co unt y Administra tive Office. The s upervisors ' decision to survey water needs w as seen as unnecessary br omcials from several water districts, who said they could compile the s ame information with less effo rt. Denni s M ac L a in , gen e ral manager or the Municipa l Wate r District of Ora nge County, told the s upe r v isor s they s ho uld concentrate instead on pushing for construcdon of the Pe ripheral Canal. which be said is the real key to future s upplie s. Still, it is hard to fault the s upe r vis ors for o rde ring a n independent study. If supplies did come up critica lly s hort, for example. these e lected officials wo uld be among the first to feel the blast of public outc r y. And assuming " the survey r esults matc he d M acLain's position. it will only give the s upervisors a stronger platform on whic h to c ampa ig n for the can a l. \ Yes, Mr. Reaga"' but Pres ide nt Reagan s e t's a ··new s pirit'' in the United Sta tes. ~nd . he sa~·s. he is bla m e less for the current econom ic difficulties . . All, or which inevitably gives rt s c t o so m e · · ~·es . b ut. .. · · reactions. Reagan's comments came in an a ppear a nce before some 1.600 b u s i ness a nd c i \' i c.· leade r s r c c c n t I ,. a t N e ,,. Y o r k · s Wa ldorf-Astoria hotel. Being p resident is . in fact. as mu c h a ma tt er o f s t v le a s s u b s ta nce. as FOR a nd J ohn K e nn e d ~· ~o t.•x p er t l ." li emo n s trated . So i t i s und ers t u nc.l able th a t the president chose to m ake thos e p o int s in tha t s ett i n g . His a udience obvious h inc luded a lot or people wi th the leade rs hip a nd or econo m ic tlout to help r ealize some or the president's hopes and pla ns. 1r they ha\'e con fide nce in h is le ad er s hip. But .. T he old political device.• of e m p h a s izi n g rhe t o r ic· over r ealities in difficult times a lso ha s its serious r isks. Reagan needs to be c areful lest he be perce ived b~· othe r t•onstituendes a s p r acticin g t he unfou nded optimism of Herbert Hoon•r . for example . In New York. Mr Re agan a ssured his a udie nce that "t here is a new spirit o l indiviltuc.11 init1ativt.' n sing in our land" to r e pl ace.· bi g go,•e r nme nt 's approach to socia l proble m:-. And indeed the re 1s mort· talk in the countn· a bout lhl' need for each or us tc1 be.Jess reliant on g o v ern me n t. T here is mo re realism about how the wealth '''l' a ll want to s ha r e is c rea ted 'fhe view out the rront dM r and down the st ref¢t is n't all that e ncouraµing yet fo r m ost people. E\'en in Orange Count ~. an area less touched b \' tht.• recession tha n othe rs. th.e re a re a good number or people out of work. I Nationa lly the figure may hit 9.5 percent this m onth 1. The auto induslr~· is hurting badly . Too fe w can afford to bu,· homes . This is not to sa\' that this b Re~an 's fault. It ·rinl!s prett~ true whe n . in p r o no un cin g h i m s e I r b I a m e I e s s f or t h <.' r ecession. he contends that · «>ur administ ration is LI c leanup c·1'e\\ for those who went o n a non-stop binge and left the t a h for us tu pick up." 'The P res ide nt 1s c le ar!\ e ntitled to his \'iewpoints . But. .. · · He seems to ha\'e found it di f f icult so fa r t o s h ow unde rstanding that others mLI ~· h a v e s h a t' p I ~· d i r r e r i n ~ p erceptions . And that c an become a serious handicap ror LI president. The preside nt now needs to g i ve m o re atte ntio n to t ht• pers pective o f the folks who a re going to s uffer a lot of dislocation while his "cleanup" is ~oing on. T he u ne mployed in d ustri ~tl wor ker. the home builder who 1s goi n g b a n k r u pt . tht.• s m a l l bus inessm an w ho is t runche ct bet wet•n int e rest ratt.•s and his c redjtors these are some of the pc r s peel 1 \'Cs t h t'"' pres idl•nt ncm n ee d s t o st.'l'k out . a n d und er~t;Jnd a nd addr~!'. A~ it was for anotht•r strong practitioner or leade rs hip style . Wins ton Church ill in beleagu<:1rN I Brit ain. it is <Jt this pnma ry l<•v<.•I t h a t u n cl e r s t a n cl 1 n g ;J n cl eon f iclen<'e must ht• n ur tured !Jill def eat cos~ly ---"'+tbre's-good news and trad n ews in the def eat of the la test atte mpt to ban no·return bee r and soft drink conta iners . The good news is tha t a state ~e nat e committee last week killed the latest of the atte mpts to require a refundab le 5-cent deposit on the drink conta iners. We have been doubtful about the concept. feeling it hasn't worked that we ll in the e ig ht s tates having the law . But the way the Or egon-s tyle m e asure was defeated disturbs us . The usua l coalition of can a nd bottle m a nufacture r s a nd wo rk e r s in thos e indus tries \?PPOSed it and brought e xtensive financ ial and othe r pressure to bea r . Again, they ):oe'SOTted to overkill. And. as a result. the question now s e ems h e ade d f o r an initialive vote in the Nove mber 'election. State Sen. Omer Ra ins of ,Ventura, sponsor of the defeated • SB~ c arnp-:rtgl'rcontribu ions contributed t o the bill's defeat a nd predict e d the beverage industry would s pend $10 million to $20 million a dditiona l to defeat the initiative . "We are going to be outspent 200 to l ," he said. Based on the amo unt o f d e t a il e d a nd e xp e n s i ve informa tional material sent to this pa per in past anti-bottle campaigns, we don't think the Ra ins ' claim is that e xaggerated. His backe r s need 346,119 v a lid s ignature s t o call the initiative. They say they have 330.000 now a nd hope to ha ve 500,000 by March 25 lo ensure a place on the ballot. · Environmentalists have been try ing to enact a bottle. meas ure in California since 1966. This appears to be the ir stronges t e ffort yet. We still question the plan but wish we didn't ha ve to finance its defeat every time we put 40. 45. or 50 cents into the vending machine for a sort drink. · Oplnlolls e>epre~sed In the space abOve are those of the Dally Piiot. Other views e>e· pressed oo tn1s page are those ot their authors and artists. Re.cter comment Is 1nv1t· ed. Address ·The Daily Piiot, P.O. Box 1s.o. Cost• Mesa, CA 92626. Phooe (714 ) ~/1•2·4321 . '~---------------------------------------------------- ORANGE COAST Thomas P. Haley Daily Pilat Publlsner :T....,._A.~ Editor .._.. ..... E. :.It. IM tMr lj Ja0 W... hy BarlMrLKretblcb -M .• C.--Ctlt ........ IK<t ..... Edltorl•I Page Edltor ••C.-~--. • I . ' . ' ' -~ Evolution of Man More campaign reform due? Taking note of the appalling heights to which campaign e xpenditures by legislative candidates have climbed. Fair Political Pract ices Commission chairman Tom Hous ton announced plans for legislation aimed at reversing the eRalatiOQO( c;unpaign spending. The proposals would limit the amount ca ndid a t es cou ld rec eive r rom individuals and political committees. Quite obvi ou s l y Houston h a s perceived the basic reasons campaign costs have soared. It is tbe comparative eas e with which the candidates. es pecially incumbents . raise their money. As has been observed, the reasons campaigns are costing so much is simply because the candidates have the money to spend. THAT MA V SOUND silly but anyone who has ever been involved in a camp aign knows tha t no candidate wants to chance losing an election for the lack of "one more effort." How many times bas a loser complained "If I had only taken more TV time" or "If I had only sent out more direct mail" or "I should have had more billboards." And. although he didn't mention 1t. the tone of Houston's legislation makes o bvious his concern w ith the proliferation of "fund-raisers" held by th e lawma ke rs during legislative sessions. Most of these or late have been staged in Sacramento with the lobbyists a s their prime targets. This is in contrast to earlier days when such events were held in their home districts I.o r ally their s upporters. These fund-raising activities have made commonplace the acceptance or IAll llllll ca mpa ig n con t ributions durin g legis lative m eets thus ma king it impossible to distinguish whether the money is intended to influence the legis lator 's vot e or merely a weU wisher's donation. Houston would combat this trend with a rule prohibiting the legislators from soliciting or receiving funds in the Capitol or "a ny state building to e liminate the awkward appearance of money changing hands.'' Unfortunately that solution will only be driving the money changers out of the temple, not halting the practice. As it stands the "a wkward appearance" is indeed a fi ne line between briber v and legitimate campaign fund· raisin g.· IT IS UNLAWFUL for a legislator to accept money for personal uses from proponents or opponents of legislation before them. But it is legal for them to accept campaign donations from such people at any lime during the sessions r ight up lo the roll calls. ,It is a sad com mentary on the mem bers of a Legislature which claims to be the best in the nation lhat there has to be a state agency l'> police it and pass laws and rules as to their ethical and legal conduct. Present day reformers like to claim that the establishment of the FPPC and the full.time Legislature has diminished the influence of "special interests" on lawmaking. The fact is the so·called s pecial inter es t s ha ve far more influence than they ever had . With only a weak law on bribery and their conscience to guide. l.he conduct of the part·time, citizen legislators who met only six months each two years for more than 100 years had better ethi cs than t o da y's l awma k e r s . Th e citizen-legislator would have yelled bribery at anyone profferring money during a session even it it was tendered as "a campaign contribution." 'Sin tax' proposals raise specuiation All the talk from Washington about tax cuta sure djdn't last long. Weren't our taxes to be cut in three stages? What happened to stage two and stage three? Now J see they're' talking about tax increases. President Reagan is reviewing P.roposals for tax increases worth $30 billion. The figure $30 billion doesn't mean anything t.o most of us. All we want to know is ... How much of that do I have to cough up?" President Reagan's advisers are suggesting that needed revenues could be raised by drastica lly increasing the tax on liquor and tobacco. I don't smoke cigarettes but I drink bourbon and I'd objecl to having the tax raised on either cigarettes or liquor. THE AVERAGE PACK of cigarettes costs about 75 certts now. ft varies from state to state but in many places you're paying 38 cents tax, more than half, on each pack you buy. If you pay $7 .50 for a bottle of liquor. $3 of lhal is tax. It seems like enou&h. -Raising the tax on tobacco and Hquor wo uld be a c he ap s hot b y the government. lt is as if they were cha llenging us to complain about an excessive tax on something as bad for us as whiskey and cigarettes probably are. In putting proportionately higher taxes on those two things than on most products, the government has already made a moral judgment. It has decided tobacco and whiskey are bad. When the government gets into deciding what's good or bad for us, it's over its head and ought to ge t out. Jl 's none of the government's business if we smoke or drink. If o ur s mo k ing a nd d r inkin g adve rsely affects someone else. then a government shouJd rule that you can't ANDY RDDllY s am e attractive as pect s for the government that cigarettes and liquor do. Our birth rate is too high in this country and if people enjoyed less sex. the population wouldn't be increasing as fast as it is. The government could decide, as they have with tobacco and liquor, that they'd be doing us a favor by putting a per-act tax on sex. ff everyone had to pay tax on each sex act. it would undoubtedly raise huge sums of money The number of times the sex act is performed daily is not a statistic accumulated by the Ce nsus Bureau, but certainly if you multiplied whatever lhal fi gure is by the number s moke here' or that you ~an't drive of d ays in a year and collected, say, $1 drunk. It has an ol>ligation to protect per act, it might well eliminate the t he person being affected by the act of budget de fi cit and have a mild another. It is also the business of dampening effect on overpopulation. gove rnme nt to conduc t t est s t o IT MIGHT APPEAR that the IRS determine whether ciga rette smoking is would have trouble collecting such a good or bad for us and tell us. But what tax. but I s us pect there would be we do with that information is our own wid e s pread compliance with a business. We 'll decide. voluntary reporting system. For every -----------------n11·rson wtto·tatted to te'P()l'r,'"'mlt of i I TllOUGtrT THIS was the kind of interference in our personal lives that President Reagan was going to gel away from. If that 's th e direc tio n th e gove rnme nt's going to go in. I 'm ner vous about what the next tax might be. Sex. for example, is something many Americans enjoy, and sex is an untapped revenue ror government. Not only that, it has about it some of the sense or privacy or a desire to cheat the government out of tax money, there would be two others who would falsify their own report by doubling or tripling it in an effort to a ppear adequate to a tax examiner. • Other punitive tax measures the f\#!agan administration might consider af"e ones on chocolate chip ice cream. Saturday afternoon naps and warm showers. Fondness for animals, men not always equal Contrary Opinion$: -It has always seemed to me that women who are inordinately fond or horses and outsize dogs don't have a lot of interest in men. -My way of showing resentment for all those prepaid postcards stuffed Into IYlllY 111111 magazine issues is 'to tear them out, leave them blank, and mall them in. (Well, actually, only when I think ol it.) -Even the moet ardent advocates of nudear power would attend a rally protesting the deposit of nuclear waste anywhere near their home territory - which tells ua sometbin1 abOut tbe future ol nuclear power planta. -Jn the sensory wo~ almost nothing 11 harder to app ate than music that diffen radically from U.. kind you 1.-ew up li1tenlq to. (My. father felt about Jaaa the way I f"l a bout rock.> _ • -Mott people wbo pride tbemMl..a OB en,loJilll ~ plQa AN IO lnlatuMed --tWr ..,.,. tae. tlaat • they are easily taken in by inferior productions that falsify the values of tbe pl ay . (The y. a r e the ones who rha psodized over Laurence Olivier's dreadful fl.Im version or "HamJ~t. ") -Motorists wbo faU to put, on their headlights at dusk are suffering from the delusion that Uthta are put on only to aee with, when it ii equally important to put tbern on In order·to be sen bJI. -It's an interestln1 conftnnatJon of the implicit male chauvlnt1m In lan1uqe that 'there la no mMCuline equivalent for the pbrue ''old maid." -The most outrageous piece of governmental double-talk I hne beard in decades Is the recent statement issued by the head of the Federal Trade Commis sion explainin1 why lt Is relaxing Its viailance over ml1representaUObl bl advertiainC. -It hu been my experience that the entrepreneurs who 1lve th• least concern tn retum for the ,....teet proftt are the owners of public parlllDI car••• in central city loeatJoOI. <Who char1e the hishest rates ud bln lb• w.orlt help at the lowest wa1t1.) -Wbeaut.Ll am_ aaked~ - brilliant creator or 'Mr. Dooley.' " (Nobody alive can touch him.) -The so-called Nobel Prize in Economics, first awarded in 1989, is and will remain a joke as long as it is liven yearly to men who disagree wildly in their economic outloou; it Is aa absurd as if an annual astronomy prise were divided between Copernicus and the Wizard ol Oz. -The human invention of war la a cruel perversion of the evolutionary process, slnce It operates always to promote the survival of tbe eugenically ta1/iC. queadon·period after a I~ "Wbo ii ~~~~ .... ~~llili!i~liiiiilli--• 1.-ar fawortle cohz"'•lltt'I I .....,. replJ, ••nal•J Petet ~·· the • f BffiffiUJ~[(J m(]rn Shell flower -col-0rful The Mexican she ll nower 1s a native from the highlands or Mexico to Chile. Botanically known as the Tlgridia pavonia, this bulb flower comes In color combinatio ns that vary from pure while to all colors (except blue) with exotically marked and spotted flowers in various combinations. Their foliage can be 15 to 20 inches long and is narrow and s w o rdlike muc h like t he gladiolus. Flower ste ms of the Mexican shell flower will range from 18 to 30 inches tall. E ach bulb you plant will produce many flo.wers . An individual bloom lasts only a single day but others follow in rapid succession over a period of many weeks from July through August and into September. The culture of the Mexican s hell flower is similar lo that of t he gladiolus . Their bulbs a re planted from two lo four inches deep, four to eight inches apart in a rich soil. In ver y hot clim ates, a location with some afternoon s hade is advantageous. The bulbs thtive on ample water and may be fertilized at frequent intervals with any complete fertilizer. These bulbs were a favorite food f o r the Aztecs a nd unfortunately, gophers a re fond of them, too. So you should considtr growi ng them in containers with four or five bulbs to an eight to nine-inch pol. Unlike the gladio lus. the Mexican s hell flowers do not • produce little bulbs but split up like Dutch iris. These splits may be broken off a nd planted separately. They will fl ower the SUMMER BLOOMER The Mexic.an shell fl ower is a bul b flower that wh e n in bloom will g ive you color combinations that vary from pure white to all colors. except blue, with exotically ma rked and spotted flowers. Each bulb produces many flowers over a period of man~· weeks from mid to late summer. Planting rose garden? firs\ year. In fact, any size of Now is the lime when dormant these bulbs will bloom. but the planting season is in full swing forming a cone of loose soil so that when the bare roots of the rose are spread out over it, the rose will be at t h e proper planting level. la r ger the bulb, the greater a nd many gardeners will be numbe r or flow ers it will. planting a rose for the very first produce. time. If you a re one of the ma ny, GAlllllRS CllClllST •Spray fruit trees and roses now lo eliminate the danger of many fungus and insect pests when they are again in active growth. •Divicie perennials such as Shasta daisies, daylilies and phlox th.is month if you haven't done so already. •This may be the dormant season for many plants but not for snails and slugs. Continue to bait the garden. •You can force bloom on cut branches of forsythia. pussy willow, quince a nd other fruit trees. Cut the branches, c rush the end of the stem. put in water in a cool area for one week. Move them into warmer areas to force the m lo bloom indoors. RUFFELL'S UftHOLSTERY ........... -4S... I '22 HAllOI ILVD. c;GST A MIS~ .._ 541· I 1561 ~· '"'THE ~:~o ,..., •• ,., "••fll'lf c;1 l ,,,~, 4.i•• ot<f' ,....,,. ~,..,.,, •' f o• IC""" C'\1rw .. "rl~•'•\I •oUf .,,,. •• COSTA 1o1tsa641·1289 '"""-iltYd MllSK* viuo495-0401 ,. • Tum your unusables Into usable cash.Call DaJlrPi classitted 642-5671. the California Association of Nurserymen has some words of advice for you in the following paragraphs. What your nurseryman will be selling you during this time or the year is a rose in bareroot form. With its top cut back and the bare roots dangling, it won't look like much but if you take care in planting it, you will be rewarded many times over. or course, you 'may find them with onJy their tops cut back and in a plantable pot that you just have to set into the ground as it is Either way. be sure to keep the roots moist. Remember that roses like sun for at least all of the afternoon. Choose any well draining garden bed that meets the light requirement and dig holes that are 18 inches to two feet deep by about 18 inches wide. The soil at planting time s hould be workable -that means not too wet. Mound some of it in the center of the hole Keep th.is in mind even if your bareroot roses are in plantable pots. Th.is proper level is arrived at locating the bud union (ask your nurseryman to s how you this> just above the final soil level. Now before setting the rose in the gr ound, t ri m oU broken rootsJ if there are any, and then holding the rose with one hand, gradyally ftll in tt\e ground aro und the root s or biodegradablt? container. Firm the soil continually to eliminate any air pockets. When you have filled in the soil and firmed il down , water thoro ughly and your rose is planted. Irvine Garden Club-to meet The Irvine Garde meet Wednesday at 10 a. the Clubhouse, I Beech Lane, Irvine. WINTER WORKS WONDERS Now is .... .._ to,._. RUllTRE~ES- APPLES • APRICOTS • FIGS . NECTARINES • PEACHES PERSIMMONS • PLUMS S.rHoot Fruit TrHI FROM 7.98 IT'S ALSO TIME TO PLANT ROSES We -. ..... best Pr••I• .... ty Florist Special Bare-root ROSES FROM 5.98 Big selection of welHcnown feYOr'ftn PLUS ..• {982 MRS WINNERS. Spice up your llfel CARNATIONS Come In for dozens of canuitlone. • : Many ColOl"I. freshly out • Since 1946 Hal lisles Nureery • Florlat 2MCrHiibOr ¥cl., CMt• Meta Orange Coast DAIL y PILOT/Friday, January 22. 1982 Color your garden with snaps lhvloft color In your gafcten is Plant~ in mixed colors, they 11unshlne, r>lanted In a loose, rich simply u ma\ler of planting ore on of the bedding plants soil. some bedding plant11. With a thut is 11urc to please uny To keep t h e m a r o w ln & little foresight, perennials used gardener. vigorously, make sure they U4l as permanent border planUngs. They not only com~ In a w~tered and fed r"Jularly: shade plants in their area of the variety of colors but 8 variety of There is one caution, though. garden and low growing drought · y 11 f' d h ..• 1 You should avoid overhead resistant plants at the curb will, sizes loo ou wi in t e t<u · watering. When the plailts are a lon1 with annua l beddin° J0·3fi inches, or those that grow about s ix Inc hes tall, "OU should a Crom 12·20 inches a nd even a J .-pla-ntt. m-ake g11rcte nm1r a dwurf, s ix t.o tightlnehes. pinch them back. This may pleasure. delay the blooms sliabtly but One ot th e most pleasant This ~Ives the gardener a will repay you with more blooms surprises is received when you choice as to where he can plant and a better developed plant. u se s napdr agon s to .bring them and how to use s naps to get Use the ta ller s napdragons in seasonal color to the garden and the best effect for his garden. Be borders with perennials such as to use as cut flowers for the sure that whatever location you delphiniums or daylilies. The home. Their vibrant shades of plant the s napdragons that they shorter varieties can be used in Clowers will become one or the get plenty of sun as they do their conlaloers, raised beds and even hi bli hts of your garde n . bes t with a liberal dose of in rock gardens. ---------- 5·0% Off ~ o'n Winter Merchandise . beginning Saturda.y, Jan.-23rd at j TI-IE ~ Gt-\RDEN I ~ ~ I \ I .\ I 11 )( ) '\I\\ I'< II\ I Bl \( It < \ -1~1·1·' I -I ~ I l' -; · l 1 ·' ~ I . --------------~ LLOl'D•!i gardPn. sho ---------------·COUPON•------------· :BARE ROOT ROSES & FRUIT TREES: : S 1 00 off on any purchase of 3 Bareroot's : : • · or I 0°/o (whichever is 9reaterJ. : I (Coupon E•pires Jan., 271h . 1982) I ~----~·~-------·COUPON·--------------~ English Primrose Bud & Bloom Plant now for shade color in winter & spring Reg. $1 .25 4 " pot Fruit Trees (Bare RootJ ~ .. , ) Apples Peaches Plums Nectarines Apricots Standard Types & Dwarf Available PrunillCJ Demonstration on Roses & Fruit Trees Cby Visual Cassette J , ...... ery l/211owJ Other Subjects Available Bare Root Roses Large selection-<>ver 500 tb ~lect from 1912 Aw.ct WilNten . Brandy French lace Moo Chen Shrevepcrt Old Fa•orites Chrysler Imperial e Summer Sunshine & many more Tree Roses (Bare RootJ 1982 Award Winners and Many More KelloCJ91S Gromulch 2 cu. ft. size .... $4.Jt NOW s3n ALL BARE ROOTS JUST L(/VE All1temaSub1ec1To Explrea 1-27-82 Stocit Ort H.nd ,..~ -wmmr 5Mlle Radius VISA° - nler... oura:..~o.n...th~ Sat. 7:00 a.m:-5~ p.m. Sun. 9:00 a.m.·5:00 p.m. · 'LLOY-d'S NURSEAY ANO LANDSCAPE CO .. INC. • 202,8 Newi>ort Blvd. (ot Boy St.) Costa Mesa, CA 92627 / (7f .. ) 6i6-744J, I 0 -• ~·· Orange Coast DAIL V PILOT/Friday. Januarv 22. 1982 ~~ W A E C K A G E E X A M I N E D - S h l' r i Barlht>lmess. left. membt•r of inn·~l1galion team for National T ransporlal111n Safel \' Board, looks at wrcckagt• of Air Florida 1~1 v ·lh~t erashc<I a wcl'k ago into Potomat Ri\'cr ------------------ Feb. 28 deadline . for draft signup WASHINGTON tAPI Men who should have registered for the draft but didn't can sign up without penalty until Feb. 28. but when the grace period ends the Selective Service says it will take ~ steps to have non-registrants proset'uted. ... 1) t t 0 0 1,11 "' .. . ,. ..... 0 The grace period, which President Reagan proposed two weeks ago when he changed his position and said the registration program would be continued . was announced by Selective Service Director Thomt.1 s K. Turnage. Turnage estimated that about 800,000 young men have failed to sign up within 30 days of their 18th birthdays as required . After the grace period ends. Turnage said, his agency will begin a program of finding non-registrants and referring them to the Justice Department for proset'ulion. The pena_lly tor failure to register 1s a five-year prison term and /or $10,000 fine. Suit against ABC's superhero voided NEW YORK <AP > A federal judge has ruled 1 that because Superman is a "big-muscled square" and Ralph llinkley is just a t'onrused. average man with super powers. ABC's superhero can continue fighting evil on television. U .S District Judge Constance Baker Motley threw out a copyright infrmgement suit against the network. The s uit claimed an ABC program, "The 'Greatest American Hero," in which a character named Ralph Hinkley has super powers . was an illegal imitation of "Superman." Th c p I a i n ti ff s w c re W a· r n er s B r o s . distributors of the two recent "Superman" movies; Film Export A.G .. a Swiss company which made tht!m. and DC Comics. owners of the copyrighL5 for commercial use of "Superman " and its characters In granting ABC's pretrial motion to dis miss the action. Mrs. Motley ruled that the network did not infringe copyrights beeause there "is no s ubstantial s imilarity" between ABC's series and Superman. She concluded that ABC lifted only "ideas " from the "Superman" works "ideas" which are not protected under copyright iaws McCartney slugs r plwtographer lo It . .. c •• -·~ 0 •• ••• .. t--..... 411• "" ·""· -""e ... J LONDON <AP> Paul McCartney knocked down an 18-year-old photographer who tried to take his picture. the London tabloid Daily Star said. The former Aeatle then apologized saying, "I'm sorry. I blew my top, mate." the paper said Thursday . The incident occurred Wednesday when the 39-year·old McCartney arrived at a Britis h Broadcasting Corp. studio for an interview, the paper said. He spotted Star photographe r Paul Massey talking to a doorman and "suddenly cannoned his fist and body at our s hot'ked photographer," the Star said. It said Massey was not seriously hurt. Later, the newspaper said , McCartney invited the photographer into his studio room and told him: "I'm sorry about what happened. When I saw you standing there, I knew there was only one way to stop you taking pictures, and that was to lay Into you.·· .gfi ·~-•.....,MeN A Dining Tradition Since 1922 Serving Lunch & Dinner Reservations Suggested 645-7077 .... ........ _,. 111 Wa s hington H1•h1nd hl'r and an unidentifiNJ m l'mlwr 111 till' Ill\ l'~t1ga11011 tl'arn is plane's t;,itl st·t·l11J11 . n .... 11ng 111 hang:1r ~1t Nationa l Airport M4GNA-LUX . L~ftfPWITH . FiLXtBLE ARM - SHINES U&1T oN ~-mM AJl. YOUR PROJECTS ( MAG-NI FIES VIEWEDARE"'I 175 96 CL~MP IT OR MOUNr fT ON YOUR DESt\ DMFTING-TABlt: OR VvORI'\ BENCH. ~DE OF -sf'URDY STEEL TUBING- W/TH 6L"9CK Mt<.ED ENAMtL FINISH. Ree 39 95 $34.8B ONE-TIME ONLY DEMO & FLOOR SAMPLE VIDEO SALE- CLEARANCE AT NEAR COST ALL MUST GO-W HEN THEY'RE GON E. THEY'RE GONE 84G SCREENS RECORDERJ CAMERAS QUASAR PR 4800 NEC PJ -60EN HITACHI CT 501 I HITACHI VT 8500 HITACHI VT 8000A ZENITH VA 9750J HITACHI VKC 770 ZENITH VC 1200 ZENITH VC 1600 PLUS MANY MORE AT BIG SAVINGS! DON'T WAIT-COME IN TODAY! OPEN: FRI . 10-9 -~AT. 10-6 -SUN. 12-5 ONE STOP FOR ALL YOUR VIDEO NEEDS VIDEO 369 East T 7th Stret!t Costa Mesa (across from Ralph 's/ 63 1 -STOP OPEN MF. 10 9 -SAT. 10 6 SUN 12 5 For complete ad copy and art services --- advertisers all along the Orange Coast rely on Daily Pilat Buy One Frame at the Regular Prtce, Get a Second Frame That Costs the Same or Less for One Cent At Aaron Brothers 1 C Frame Sale when you buy one frame at the regular pnce you can get a second frame that costs thl' same or less for one cent A frame for a penny fits your budget I And our frames fit your style' From !>1mpl1? to sophisocated There's elegant gold leaf finish frames. sleek secnon frames in silver. gold or e.l'wter metal. contemporary plasnc see-through box flames fancy or unadorned frames with glass and backing. textured or smooth wood frames in a vanety of handsome f1111Shes . artisoc frames w11h a lot of color or simply plain frames with natural finishes. Plus more' In a wide range of sizes that will fit most anything from a f avonte httle snap:shoT fO an impressive seascape (Custom framing. fitting and labor not included ) The Aaron Brothers 1 C Frame Sale fits you for a penny' (Assort~t may val)! from store to store ) 8RU5HE5 N01 INCLUDED GJAS5 ART J-itRS JOZ.G-/tf$ .JARS Wl7H LIDS TD Mil<. C Sn:::1'.E 114/NTS !Jf.T ·<::£ JA. ~(j 3.943 fi.88 emR ~~~ CHARMtN<I KCENT 1i48lt5 OR STVW!CTE CHES15 FOR ART BUPPLJES, CLOTHES, TOYS, EK: SMAJ!. /2Jl. /b)(Z()'I RE<:r 3195 IM./313 MED. l~Xtrf2 X25" PE:6:4fJ 95 S36.88 LGZl .X.JqX31" RE<T 72 95 $+8.68 x~L<r 2!J.x2-3W.x~%~"-RR,:w.44-4'i------+---= $'8.88 tvfNDl-ART G4RRlffiDUMBLE PL-iSTIC 70TE 80X WITH !VfNDLE ~ 3 COMFJ4ffrMEWTS tt:JLDS ART SUPPLIES, CL!!'1NIN<i rTE.MS ~ ~S IN CHOCOJATE, POPPY //'JD YELLOW Rt:.<:r l 411 f/.68 128 HUNTINGTON BEACH 7470 Edln911 •· • Open Mon.·Frt. 10-1, Set. I Sun. 10.e COSTA MESA \114 Newport ltvd. • Open Mon.·Ft1. N , Set. I Sun. 10·8 .............. 0.. ........ """"° 'IO llb::o 00' "O"O ......... _,,_.·-· ... .. _.. .. EL TORO 24350 SWlftl Or.• Open Mon.·Frt. 10·1, s.t. 10·1, I lun. 11·8 . 111 ..... ,.._._ ·-~ ... ....-..'°"" _ _.. _ __ , Daily Pilat FRIDAY, JAN. 22 , 1982 CAVALCADE BUSINESS FOUNDER SURVEYS CITY Thl' 3i·t'onl ·l all bronze lslatut• 111 W illiam Pt·nn . foundt'1-nt Ph1l:.tcl<' phia . ..,land :-atop Cit~ Hall. t allt·-.t b uilding in the t·1t ~ The s~·ulptor thought th1• :-ht+tw sho11~1-I -hu t' '.rrtc•tf soul h :r1 t hc..-.;;un tnuld "llllW on 11 mo-.t of lht• <l a~ Philadelphia City Hall PHILADELPHIA !AP > It's thrcc-d1mens ional. t his Take this town's City Hall and City lla ll . a s t ranger to tht' move it to some quaint s pot in gl a ss. s h el'r :-.1ded o ff1 ('e Europe and Philadelph1ans buildings that havl' pupped up would cross the Atlantic, stand around it like cereal boxes back and eye it from base to around a sand castle t o w e r , gogg l i n g .o ver its To hi s torian R oge r massive, chiseled charm. Bult<'rfield. City Hall is "a fine. B ack home. however. they full-flavored '>ymbol of its era . look straight ahead For over j ust as Independ ence Hall is the the years it's the shelter. the pe rfeet symbol of an earlier shadow of the place. that they've period. a nd t he Ma nhatta n com e to know. skyline of a later ('OU rlhouse ne ar the Delaware H1 v1•r A town hall was opened 1n 1791 a t 5th and Market l.lrccts . but th<· fe deral govc rrtllent borrowed it to hous e the U.S. Suprem e Court. Work on the current C1lv llall began Aug . 16. 18 71 ·. the architect u r e d escribed a s .. Second Empire" or ··French Hen a issance. ·· so m e copied from the Louvre in Paris On paper, City Hall was en visioned as t he tallest buildin in Whal a shame. ··1ts years of its building ,"' he lt-----"-+1...-t"r.:nrtJttrrg-th~e-,,cYro~s~!ff'b_,.~a~a~s~-:--~S~a~y~S-,~•rT;";<WCfe'"lhe year s When ---wof' . ut I e Eiffel T ower and the Was h i ng ton Mo numen t inched on by. and walkways of Am erica 's Uncle Sam was growing out of birthplace, Philadelphians pass h is britches makin g and daily an architect ural marvel -w asting money hand over fist a building that look longer to . C i t y 11 a 11 . w i l h it s con s truc t t h a n th e Grea t impression of enormous bulk Pyramid , a o ne-m an . 41".i·acre a nd power. i ts pretentious e levated art show by a Scotsm an extra vagance in a rt. and its na med Calder. h eedles s f'xtravaganc e in So, hear ye, h ear ye. oh money, typ1f1es those years a!> citizenry of this Olde Greene w e 11 a s a n y bu i 1 ding in Countrie Town e. Go a head, look Ame rica." up and goggle. For he re. on City Hall sits on Penn Square. William Penn's town square. is one or five squares laid out by yo ur very o wn coloss al the city's founder . and formerly m o num e nt lo yest e rday's a spot for horse rncing, public grandeur. hangings and bivouacs by the It sits al the inter section of Contine nta l Army Broad and Market streets. like a City government in the 17th mig hty layer cak e. this Ci ty and earlv lflth centuries met Hall, the traffic going around it m os tly in private houses and Its batter cam e from 88 million ta ver n s. a n d 1 a te r al a bric k s and untold tons of granite, marble a nd onyx, trimm ed with cas t i r on gingerbread. And the frosting, ah the frosting . · 1 ntr 1 c a le . often allegorical, statuary. much or it marching high a bove the street, the work of the late Ale xander Milne Calder, who s pent two decades on it. Owls, beaver s, cats, mice, frogs, eagles. e le pha nts stare down o n the city, as d o m ythological c reatures like griffins -so many beasts that it's been dubbed The Gr eat Stone Zoo. Everywhere there are stone figures -Indians , Swedish settlers, nude cherubs, figures of War. Sympathy, Knowledge, Mercy, even Folly. And on lop; on the final layer , al the highest point in the city, stands a bronze andCCJPP!r William Penn, the ~ltJ'rtuond"el', ret~hr----r k populartaed Quaker Oats hats, and the first Philadelphlan to move to the s uburbs. City Ha ll is the tallest building in Philadelphia. rising 548 feet It cost S24 million to build, about $150 million in today's dolla rs. Contrary to popular m yth. there 1s no law banning construction of higher buildings in the city. W ith s urpris in g l y little fanfare, City Hall offi cially opened in 1901. Even today it has some bragging rights. 1 t is to uted a s the biggest municipal governme nt building in the wor ld. and the talles t building still standing in the universe m which the bear ing wa lls do not h ave a s t eel s ke leton. To compens ate. the white marble walls at the base < For an 11 -year-old, she's ., D a pretty sharp cookie when i t . comes t 0 0 82-3 merchandising. See Page 84-5 B6 . ~ NIGHT GLORY P ltil:i1klph1:1·:-. ( '11 ' 11 :111. l':illt-d .in ;irc·h1t,•1·t11r:d 111:1n 1•1 hut l.1rg1·h unappn•l'J:tll'd II\ 11 :111\ ,., i-. 11111111111.ikd II\ APWlr ..... llo11d ln:hl ' It''"' 1·••11 .... 111w1t·d lwt\\\'t'll l>!il .111d 1'101 monument to grandeur art' 22 f1>1·t th1 l'k · C1t\· llall ont· of lhl' mo:--1 bt•a ut1ful hullding-. am" hl'rl'. !>.iJ\ ~ Th;1dll'r Luni..:..,trl'lh. tht• local t'harnlll'r of l'nm mern.•~ bo\\ ·lil'd pn•:--1dt•nt \\hll'>l' fam1 I~ farm flankl•<I Pl'nn S<1uart• 1n the carlv IRIMh ··hut 11 ·~ s ad. · hl' s a~ s "bccaust• thl' buil<hng n ·minds m t' of thl' olll :--a~·ing · 1\ prophl't is not without honor l"<l'Cpt in his own bac·k~ ard · That'l> true of afar to marvel Ht 1t Yc·t at home it's nut appn·ei:.1tcd. ·· Wilham l'l•nn':--:.t•1lUl'. 37 feet ta ll . ust·d to :--1t 1n tht• rourtyard. wa1t 1ng to h1· hni~tt•d lo the tower ·~ top /\t night, urchin:-- would shinny up the giant's legs. and swinJ,! from fmgt•rs 21 i ft•t't long Caldt•r-; ~tatue. t:a:--l at the Tat um• Iron a nd Ml'lal Work~. was tr.an!>.ported to tht• C'ourtyard o n great wagons d rawn by Hi·hors1· Lt-ams through rain and mud and a:-scmhlcd in April nf lK9:l Tht• rollowing ~ 1·ar IL Wal> t aken apa rt ith1· numb«'r of part :--va ry in h1 s tor1c·al ac·euunh 1 dra)!gt•d IJll'l'l' by p1t·c{' up lhl' s tdl· 111 ('11~ llall. and holt<:d tnJ,!Nhl'r on No\' 2fl. 18!)4 But < 'al1kr wu:--not h<IJ.Jll\ Thl' f1r:-1 l:.m of outdoor '>t·ulplun· Ill' \\oulcl 1•\pl:un la1t·1 rl'qu1r1·.., .1rl \\Ork to fate south -.o lh.11 tht· sun -.pla:--l'>l':--1b fan· rno:-1 of 1h1· da \' I nl>li•ad . I he a r f'h1 H·1·t ovt:rM•t•mg Lhc l'1t~ llall projc•c·t fa('l'd lhll~ to tht• northl•a:--1 having h im gazl' :.1t a l>l'la\\;1n · R1 vt•r island \\IH'rl' he had si~nt•d u trl•aty \\'tlh lhl' lndw11:- . 'C'o nllt•mnat1on lo ''e rpPtual :--ilholll'tlt'." tomplain1•d Calclt•r m aJ <'St 1<: a s t h1• 1·x 11•r111r . although efforts to tnodN111n· 11 havl' mas ked and <;oml'llOH'" tom p<.'lt'<I unkind I\ "'11 h th1· 11lrl C'harm Anc l 1t nt•t·rl~ a hath T lwn• ;ire m;.1rhl1· f11·1·plat'('' a n d l' ;i n I 1 I t• \ l' r ~ 1 a 1 r ~ urC'hitc·t·tural wont.h·r~ of tht•11· age that ri!W at the hutld111g ., rour t urners Tht•n.' arc fiOO room:--, many pant•lt•d \\ 11 h ran· wood~. M' · aen•:-nf floor s par1· Stcl'l stairs rl'l' :J!'i fhghh 1r1s 1dl• lht• towl'r. wt11t·h hou'"' t h e l' 1 l ' · s c o m m u n IC' a t 111 n -. systt'ms ·an<l a g1an1 four fac·t·cl clock with hand~ that \H•1gh 2i~1 pounds t•aeh. :'l:car lht· top of lht• IO\\<'r "an ohsC'nal1on ded. \\hll'h " 0 111·11 t o th1· publ1 t• E :.ic·h ~ 1•ar. thous ands of pt.•oplc ridt• th.(· 1·1 1•\ .llor up 1u:-.1 tu look down on \1111·111.1 .. rool-. 1 •n \UJ.! 8 l!li !I. Jim Camp and <' .. rol L ;.11·ko took the 1•11•\ ;11rn up to t.:l'l married. I 11 1 hi' Jlfl•-.t•n ec· of these '' 1 t n 1 ·-. .... l'.., in ton c d a "ind '' h1pp1·cl p.1-.111r ,\ncl llw IJruh• glaneed up at \\'1111 :1111 l'•·n11 :-l:wl' 'Birtt1p ace_. of Webst e r wron g h o u se? <.'ONC'OR D. N H. CAP> - ThoM• Louri:-ll> who have walked through th<' onl' story home in Franklin that 1:-touted a s Oanief WC'bs11•r 's b1rthJ1l acc may b~ rlis ma~ ed h~ a historian who- :-a~-. 1h1· huilcltng probably- '' a:.n·1 <'rt'l'lt'd until We bstet'"' "a:-I~\ l'iH~ old 111 r:;c·t. .I anw:--Garvi n says c 11 ':-l1k«'h lht· l11111st' Webster wa~ horn 111 had ht•t•n torn down b~ l ht• t1J11l' ht· d1t'd and the building: t hat touris ts ~t·t' was o nce a; k 11 chl'n to a homl' not connecte<t with Wt•hster al all. " M o nda y wa !> th e 200tR. . birthday of New Hamps hire's. m ost famous native son. We bster was educated in New Hampshire and ta ught school ht the :.l;1tc Eventually he becam4 a I a wy1•r. N c w Ham ps hir• con~rcssm an . Massa c husell'= senator and secretary or state t.f three presidents . T h e building describe d a~ Webstt•r"s birthplace probablj was a kitchen. rebuilt In 19la a nti ba s ed o n~ rom a rHi cized ·but-inaccurate drawing publis hed in 1851, s aid. Garvin. c urator or the New Hampshire rns torica l Society. · Uc sa ys the reconstruction'· wa s done by the Webslec Birthplace Association, whic was not aware or a drawi .publis hed in 1852, the yea .,.. Wl'bster died. That drawin -~Sil( AND EUROPE _£a<·t-·~-,-,"""r _:i_n__,\_io._1 _a_11_;_11-1c...,.t_;_1 -::J.:-:::~~~-=l'Uf=H=,~~11::::.1--nccMdln:g to GlirVln was ma - u r e 1>a rt of the a rt work on t'll,\' Hull . wh il'h llistorian Un11t·r unde r Wt'bster's supervision and• ,.. shows the 'house to be difreren& Bultt•rf1e l<I ch.•str1hed us ··~ fi n t•. full rlo.1\'0l'l'd s~ mhol II 11:--from the one that now stands l Franklin era fl •ANN LANDERS HK· I " •CHARLES McCABE \ ·~-........ '.~~:.BREAKFAST CHAT Gov. EdmuncfG . Brown ah.i , ·Jr. chats with San Francisco Archbishop ~ti · J ohn R. (~utnn at the annual Governor's Prayer Breakfa s t in Sacr amento Tht· a rch bishop was the main speaker ------ ¥h l' SPIRULINA SEMINAR Come in a nd see our ·4arge selection of Swimwear ol ~ b,9J: v'pJ!' 9?n ,, ilt1l Q~ :, ti c:.: •Oil ~~iJ 8 · .. ! t; .'t! ""'" 1fiJ I •d'f •1 '.>I. • <II, on it ., I )04 I ~I 1~1· • ,1'1 oal/ ·~w· 0 ' :1,.t 11{ I ' Tues., Jan~ 26th 7:30 p.m. Inn At The Park 1855 So. Harbor Anaheim Dr. Michael Sansone of Irvine Health Center ''HA ruu·s MOST COMPLETE SOURCE OF MUTlmON" Dr. Hlll--1..Jc)llt Force BUY-OR-SELL Complete Line of New Products FOR INFORMATION: 857-4775 South Coast Plaza ln the Mall by the Carousel 751-7500 1V1t1 -~-- 23 .... . \( .. ••• • rl 1or1. ~' ·t.• I I c •• Makin~ a start j, rroh:ihl~ the '"'1'' ::.:::."_111111111 import 1111 'tcp '"" arJ 'a' ing. fhcn: j, .1 ",I\ ti• 1111-..c ____ th~lilhl\:Jl~l \ ~ 1111 re o n the rii.!ht tr ,1d, to" 11rJ a n:l(11l.1r, ,l'f1~·tl11k·J m.imJl.t)H 00'> t 4"t•e- y .. 'u' inl!'· J11,1 1i1i11 the •~tUl~tf{!lfJ~~~ Pu' roll S;I\ 1111!,' I 'Ian 111 11 Ii • ... ·I. 11,. t . "' . ., \\Ori., \ lll tk I' lttl..~·1111111111 c<1ch p;aH'hed .. 11muru 1lw pureh;aw 11( l .S. S;I\ ill!!' BomJ,, '"u 1.11111'1 h;1~ e to \\llrn an11111 111ul.i111!, 11 'l'ccinl effnrt to put '"meth1111!, .1,1Jc c.1d1 pu~Jm . It \ all done 111r '1111. ,.\utnmut11.·:1ll\, . The hui:I-.., 'tar1 pilir11t up. the tnh:n.:,t l!,r11" '·um! 'ou reuli1.e 'ou\ e fo,m<l ;me 'll refiri: \\3~ Ill'"''°· r:;..-. • \\'lu u •1••t111ut ,.on 11/ 1,.,,,, "" '''~' ... -:;·.. ,,.,,. ( ~ ''" tifl.!\ '~"''"'''""rt• =-1'• l11·/1111•u 11• /1111/d '' /111;:/111•r /1111111 ~!"'· \ fut ,,,.,,,, ,,,,,.,,,, ,,,.,J /01 wrnru If ..... , .. I • ~··· .. ~. :t::. f t9 Biii lo~..-. of IM o.lly l'•IOI I'' ~ .,.,.,_Ad¥enli1ntCovftc'1t ~,lf4 J.; •. ',, f·i~:. • 1 -·~~-~-~~~ - . Cut your own rug No wonder seagrass Is featured in so many home decorating magazines. It looks. feels. sounds. even s mells natura l. It's unique b ecause you can buy as much rug as you want. Take measurements. drive to Pier I and take ho me the numbe r of squa res you need Seagrass is revers ible . so it takes lo ts of wear. And it's ,practi call y kidproor to re medy s pills, cut o ut stained squares and sew in new ones. From our 9' x 36' bales you can buy as few as nine 12" squares in a strip. or as many as you'll need fo r a big project. 49 Chinese seagrass . . . . . . . . . . . . ( a square .. , •. lhenew • IBP collections ANAHEIM -509 E. Katella Avenue. 772-2472 COSTA MESA -2110 Harbor Boulevard, 540·7'm -------< :z; I • . qnidhood pain lingers DEAR ANN LAN DERS ~ l have read you for years a nd have seen how vou've helped others. Today I need your help. As a s mall child I was sexually a bused by a family member. The only thing he did not m ake me do wos have intercoursl'. For years this shame ale at m<>. With th e he lp of a loving hus ba nd a nd a therapist . I have come to deal with what happened 1 no longer blame myself. I blame him. He wus a teen-ager and knew helter. I was only 7. Now the truth h as come out lo a handful of familv members. How shocked I was at their reaction. They felt I was over reacting to a .. harmless prank " <tnd .. a ny way. it happened over 25 years ago ... As they see it. ever~· fa mily has a "funny" me mbe l'. ;.ind I s hould forg ive h im a nd forget about 1t They can't understand why I keep harping on lh<' s ubject. Actuall~·. I'm afraid he m av s till be ··funn\' ... Every joke he te lls has sex in it He gra bs at women and has a fi lthy mouth. Thank God we li ve far· enou~h apart that we Sl'e eath other rarelv Pleas(• make the m 'see who ts ~uilt \' in this situation and that being "funny" ·can be permanent. I'm sure vou will be on m v side in this fa milv battle F l NALLY f''EELING G ILTLESS DEAR FINALLY: \'ou say. "Now tht> t ruth has come out to a ha ndful of family me mbers." Who told them'! \'ou'! If so. why'! What purpose did it serve, except to cause the family to choose up sides·: Obviously, you want to punish this relative for what you perceive as a terrible act. This is unde-rstandable. but the bette r approach would be to avoid him -which you can easily do. since you live far apart and rarely see him. \'our suspicion that he is still "funn,·" may not be correct. \'ou were 7 and he was a "teen-ager." Was he 13 or 19'! If he was 13, he may have been exploring with his 7-year·old cousin, which is not uncommon. I hope you will pursue thjs maUer with ~·our therapist and get the anger out of your system. There is still too much left, and it is hurting you, not the "funny" relative. DEAR AN~ L ANDERS Wh at ·s thl· matter. Annie '.' Getting cranky in your old age·• You used lo have a sense of humor. but it seems you've lost it. Your snipp~ ans wer lo the man who named th(• g .. UM8S P e kingese dog arter his mother who JUSt passed away was pretty s<1uarc. I named m y goldfish after m y unC'lc llerman, who looks li ke n fi sh. ;rnd hc thought it was neat. In fact. he was honon.>d. I'll bet if tha t wo ma n was alivl' - shr would be thralled that he r son nam ed his dog after her . If you think about it for ' uwhilc . I'm sure you will change ~·ou1·; J. a ns wel' SCOTT. AGE 12. IN liUTTE DEAR SCOTT: U the man's mother we re ali ve. she might be thr illed. But sh .. ~.: ISN'T alivt>, and that's the whole point. ll'b all right to namt> a pet a ft .. r a living pt>rson. but I belie ve it's disrepectrul to· name a dog a rte r a mother who passed ' · awa)' recently. CONFIDENTIAL to Why . Didn't He Make It'!: Maybe it's because the Lord gives us two ends -one to sit on and the •, other to think with. Success depends on • • • which one we use the most. •' It's not always easy lo recngniu love. '1 especra/111 the first time around Acquatnl ynursel/ with tht! gu1delmes Head Ann I.anders· booklet. ··Love or Ser and How to Tell th11 Difference .. 1"or a copy. mail 511 cents and a long. self-addressed envelope w1tll ynur request - tv Ann Landers. P 0 Hor 11995 Chicago. Ill r6~~"~~~~~~~~~~~~! POT SH01S BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT F'OR O SVIOUS REASONS, ATHEISTS I • I J •• MAVE T O TAKE VER.Y GOOD CARE •II o~ TMEMSf:LV ES • ,~, •I Dime-store l_awyers SAN FRANC ISCO The la w of supply a nd demand seems lo be catching up with lawvers these davs . We a r e a madh over·lawvered counlrv. a nd no stale (s worse off in this respect than Califo rnia Whethe r l aw~·ers made us lit1~1ous. or ou1 pNs istenl litigation made the s urfeit nt l aw~·crs is a ques tion IJt•yond m~· purview One thing that certain(\· made a lot of law~·ers was Watergate. The only major figure on the Nix& s ide of the dispute was Brother Ha ldema n . a nd h e wa s a n advertis ing ma n . Whe ther ad men or lawvers more sic ken o ur c ulture is another moot question which we will not attempt to un-moot at this time. Certa in it is tha t the re arc a lot of unde remploye d lawyer s abou t. a nd une mployed o nes . and. I daresay . unemployable ones. T HERE IS ONE CHAP at leas t who 1~ tr~·ing lo do something about the plig ht of these unfortunates. He is Mark Zilberberg of the law firm of Zilberberg . Wade a nd Fulle r of Vienna. Va. This firm is gettin~ jobs for marginal lawyers in s hopping renters and especially drugstores . IL has persuaded the Da rt Drug cha in <or perhaps Justin Da rt has pe rsuaded lhem > to try out the revolutionary idea of "legal clinics" in three o f Dart's 151 drugstores. Da rt and the lawyers hope the idea will catch on nationall v t Alreadv. I understand. a few other big c hains h 0 ave tried out the idea. 1 And s urely a fetching one it is. You go in to buy your toilet paper . or lawn mower or even fill a prescription. and go over lo the legal d epartme nt and buy a legal eagle. The prices. at least in the Dart drugstores. seem about right. Forty bucks for a will. $175 for an adoption and $195 for an uncontested divorce. You can even gel a real li fe legal le tter . s prinkled with "Whereases" and "He re inafters" for a m e re $9.95. ZILBERBE RG, A SPOKESMAN for the law centers (as the clinics are laclfullv called> is· obvious ly a man who trave ls with the times. His rationale for the ~ CHAllfS ~McCABE . ' ··we·re in a fast food so<'1et,· toda,·. and timt> is ver y imµortant to peo.pll•. You should be able lo get ~·our toothpastt•. ~et 'ou r Kl eenex. sec ,·our dent 1st. Sl'<.' \'Our altOl'Ol'Y. park in the same s pace do .it in o n e ~o ft t·e ntr a t ed amount of ti m e . .Coming in a nd bu~·ing ~our K l eent>~ and ~·ou r law. that's the wa~· tt ' should tie." Dart en~n st'lls law\'(•rs bv d iscount coupons. In S unday d i.scount. ections. , pu blished in local papers. it offers cut-rate <·o un s e l on real estatt> c l osi n gs . immigration matters and even fe lonies a lon~ with tht' Klcenl!X and tht' hascball gloves ZILBERBER G. THOUGH he does n't like the term law clinics. s peaks well of the m . "They're not only profita ble. they·re a ver~· well-received concept in certain areas t like the W<>st. where 'law stores· have sprung up >. and people wonder about ~ c I i e n t s w h o d o n · I g o t o I c g a l ·: cente rs ... That's why we·re bringing law to the people. 1'.hat's how l<1w will be done r in the ru turc ... As m ay r e aso nabl ~· bt> ex pect e d .' lawyers who take up this kind of trade are hardly the cream of lht• law sthool c rop. If they were the~· would ha\'e been snapped up by someone like Sullivan and Cromwe ll or O'Melvene~· a nd Myers a t a sl<ttting / salary of something like thirty grand a • year . But there may be some kind of legal Gr esh a m 's Law o p erating here . The • me diocre la~~·ers m<ty drive the good o nes out of existence. or into a cha in . tor e The law centers may actually c ut down the total number of lawyers. and cut the rates (or the big probate and a nti-m onopoly r t1oys . Thal would be a benison indeed . You. don't need all tha t much brains lo write a 1 will. " shopping cente r lawyer is ingenious : ..-~ ........ -~~~---~~~-~~-~~~--~~~~--~~~--~~~~~~~-· l PEOPLE COUNT ON US EVERY DAY FOR: Coupon Sav ings, Complete Stocks, L oc al News and Sports, a nd Advertised Values. READING ENJOYMENT 7 DAYS~ WEEK ',!n·the llilyPilat . Saroyan was • no exception Ano thc l' Nc ws v-Lett e r has bl•e n launched. this one b" the Int ernationa l Center for Scholars. tc> be kno'' n as ··T he Wilson Quarterly." Sample Item "In the Sovie t Unio n . more tha n half 111' a ll pregnancies end 1n abortions ·· Q : What ramous author prepared lhb obit on himself: "Everybody has got to die -but I have always believed that an exception would be made in m\ c ase'~" A : The late William Saroyan. · Stuff from which gossip columns arc• "O\'en: .. Reggie J ;.ickson stopped off in P hoeni~ to buy an antique• Cor\'ette in an Pf ISONAllTr Q.&A. BY MARILYN ANO HY GARONER a uc tion sale. lfr bid 5525.000 but lost lo Texan Milton \'ern·t. "ho uppl•rl the antt· to S550.000 .. On Aug. 29, 19-19, th~· f('(' banned quiz-s how giveawa~ programs as a violation of criminal lolten· laws. Less than a month lalt>r. on Sept. 26 <it's still the same year!>. they suspended the ban until further notice_ Have vou noticed the,"re no" giving awa~· more mone~· a nd bigger prizes than ever be fore'? Who s aid ... J am Lhc man "ho atcompanied .Jacqut•line Kt.'nned~· to Pan s on Sept. 21. 1961 " .. :\. Thl' lalt.• Pres ident. .John F. Kenned~·· I We thought ~·ou might bC' too ~·oung to remt'mbl·r. kids 1 Q: Who conduc te d the firs t T\.' presidential press conference in color - and when? :\: JFK's successor in that office. yndon 8 . Johnson, on SeJ>l. 21. l 9fifi. Q : Whert' cl1 d Ronald Re ag:.in ·s som etime friend. more frt•qu(·ntl~ ne mes is. Thomas P. O'Neill . get the nickn<.1me . "Tip•?" Wus ht· oncC' u maitre d .. , .\ Nothing th<.1t s1mplC'. The nicknamt• "T1p·· was insp1rt•d by :m unsung hullpla~·l'I' 111 the 18811s who c·onstantl~· tipped foul balls' One of Ed ~cM a hon's first jobs was hawking vegetables on the .\tlantic' f it v boa rd walk back whe-n tourists visited the resort to gel tanned . not faded. A bout his I o ng e \'1 l .' "1th .John n ~ Car son. Ed rcce1 1ls that his boss once said. in e1 nswer to criticis m that his Second Bananu laughed too luslll~· too frcqul•ntl~ at .Johnm .. s wi sl'cracks "I rl'all\' think he thinks I'm funn~" .. So do we · Send your questmns tn 1111 Gardner. (;/ad Yo11 Asked That." 111 care 11{ the Dally Pilot P 0 Rox 196211 . I rvine Calif 9271-1 .\lanly11 and J/y c;ardner will ansll'er as man11 q11estw11.<> as tJ~eu can in their culumn. but tlie vo/11me 01 mot/ makes personal replies 1tnp()ss1h/e Virgo: _Love letter due Saturday. January 23 ARIES < Marr h 21 April 19 1: Green light flashes you get a pproval from superior a11d can activatt! creative policies. You 'll be free ur burden. project will he completed. You 'll re1H'h more people. m essage will be received in enthusiastic manner. TAURUS (April 20·May 20 1: Contracts m a de in r ecent past ar e now likely to bear fruit. Fresh con cept brings des ired r esponse. Focus on communicatio n . publishing , lo ng -dis tance calls. Leo. Taurus. Aquarius natives play key roles. Me mber of opposite sex does mean it. GEMINI (May 2l·June 20 l : Dig deep. r e jec t s upe rfi cial explan a ti ons especially where money enters picture . Hunch proves accurate'! You will know what to do at crucial mome nt. You 'll r eceive notification l'Oncerning credit. taxes. payments a nd collections CANCER I June l l -Julv 22 >: Wail . listen and observe focus on actions bv others. some restrictions. deluys. You'il • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA get n ews a ffectin g lega l matt e r s . Di versify. dis pla y versatility. give full rein to intellectual curiosit~· inquiries will g ain favorable responses. LEO <July 23-Aug. 22 >: Obtain hint fro m Cancer m essage. Be thorough in connection with bas ic issues. task at ha nd. se1·vices which represent essentia l links . Aquarius. Taurus. Scorpio persons figure prominently. VIRGO I Aug . 23-Sept. 22 I : You could be recipient of Jove letter. Lunar emphasis on creati vity, exc it ing changes. e1bilit~· to express concept s in gra phic manner. Focus also on vigorous responses to ideas. sug~estions. LIBRA <Sept. 23-0ct. 22 1: Activity centers on home base: you'll feel more s ec u re due t:o de c is io n s a ff ect i n g profession. car eer or business. Taurut;, Scorpio a nd a not her Libra fi g ure prominently. You receive news concerning t axes. pens ions . divide nds . lo ng -r a nge in vestments. SCORPiO <Oct. 23-Nov. 21 >: Terms are d efined. theories are teste d. relatives express views but balk at clas h of ideas. Lunar emphasis on trips. ramily reunion and the discarding of superfluous material. SAGITTARIUS <Nov. 22-Dec. 211: Foc us on income po t ential. ability lo exploit. talents and chan~e t o t'Ollect- missing ingredients . You'll have m ore responsibility and opportunity for gr eater reward. CAPRICORN <Dec . 22·J a n . 19 1: Circumstances favor vour efforts. You feel needed. appreciated ·a nd you'll dance to you r tune . Take i nitiative. express independente. originality and willingne'\s to break from past. losing patterns . AQUARIUS 1J a n. 20·f'eb. 18 1· You 're on brink of major discove ry you're rid of burden. roe1dblock to progress is re moved a nd member of opposite sex s ays you're wonderful and means it. Leo and another Aquarian figure prom ine ntly. Look behind scenes for answers . PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20 1: You'll be gra tified by res ponses to your ideas. e fforts fa mily m e m bet' backs you. e xpresses faith and sends morale soaring. F ir st impressions prove correct : you teach. learn and m ake contacts which aid in transforming wishes into realities. GOif N ON BllDGf f g BY 'CHARLES H GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Eut-West vulnerable. North deals NORTH + K3! <::1 87 O A50 +AKH WEST EAST •Tt +QJJ098 ~ Al0653 <::1 QJ9 0 QJ2 0 9 +IOU +Q753 SOUTH •AS• ~1:42 Oll1087t •H The bidding: Nerd! Eut Sewdl We1t I+ P ... l NT P ... 2 NT P ... a NT Pue , ... , ... 9pening lead: F'ive of <::1, tDefenae 11 a cooperative enture. Partner• must help ach other to obtain best 1ulle. South felt that a responte f one no trump. showing ·11 HCP'• ia tia...met.hocb. aa more deK1'iptive than .. one diamond. Since North was only a point short of a one no tr11mp opening. he in· viled game and South. with a good hand and a reasonable five-card suit. accepted. West led his fourth-best heart. East correctly played the jack and declarer won the king. South led a diamond to the ace and returned the suit. East discarded the queen of s pades. Declarer ducked and West won. 1\,. is obvious that • heart continU'ation would have defeated the contract. But West was worried about the poasibility that South had concealed the queen of hearts al trick one. In that case, it would be vital to reach East so that he could lead a heart through the queen. Weal, the~efore. shifted to a spade and declarer gratefully wrap· ped up nine tricks. While West was correct In aasuming that declarer might hide ttte. queen of hearts. he should not play East for the ace of spades -the discard of the queen denies the ace .and merely shows a sequence headed by the lady. If declarer has the ace of spades and the two red kings, he cannot have the queen of hearts as we ll. Thus, a heart continuation was fairly clear. But East could have made the matter even easier for partner. The Rule of Eleven maku it obvious that . declarer holds only one heart I higher than the five. So, Weat was marked with the ace-ten of hearts. and East could have made the 1itua· tion crystal clear by dis· carding t he queen <>f hearts on the second diamond! Hew • 1•• e..... tlM INet •pealtlt a.M? Claarlee GerH lau tlte uewer. For a cepy of "W ...... 0,.altlt Leach," .... 11.15 t• "Gwe .. L ... •," care •f tlt'8 ... .,.,.r. P.O. lea 15t, Nww .... N.J. 01"8. M .. • e-..ekt ,.,...,. a. Nowe- ,.,WllHkl. Orenge Coast OAIL Y PILOT/Friday, January 22. 1982 .,. . ....,..,... TOP RECRUITER Chief Pt>UY Offit·er Julit• Reed recci vC's co11 gr atul;.it10ns from Admiral T h o m as llaywarcl a f ll'r her promot ion cere monies in Was hington. rtcccl. 27. is the Navy·s top l'Cl'l'Uil(•r . ofll'll finding t>nlislcl'!'> ut video game an·adt•:. and telling tlwm lht·~ could be paid for tht.•1r techmqut•s FINAL REDUCTIONS fl..;1£td Semi-Annual SHOE~ ~ PRKE Selected Styles Broken Sizes All Sales Final #54 FASHtOH ISLAND, MEWPO•T HACH 17141644-4223 #27 MAIM S'RHT, ALHAMHA 12t3t 212-5671 - ---------------------------------~---------, ' ~ I Why Buy Lettuce • · ALToday's Price? , When You C'9n Buy A 5 lb. Bag of Tossed Salad For s1.99 It Equals 5 Heads of Lettuce Plus Romaine and Red Cabbage Serves 20 to 25 Salads Exclusive At Newport Produce OPEN DAILY 'TIL 8 r---ff 111 r:l• Til-----1 r-----((1}IJ;z.J1J-"---, r ----i(lllJ;l1ItJ----, l ftllAI HAlll..IN l: "OOll OWN" ' LA"OI NA'n!L l l ORANGES 11 TOSSED ORANGES I 1 5 s100 11 SALAD : I ... II S 199 4 ...... nde s 1 00 I I S:AllTON 7.M 11 Ut..... .. I I II I I LifM t c-. I I UH > h99 LI""' t LM~ I ·---------------' ·---------------''----------------' r---1(•l•l:l•T11-----1 r----~·m----,r-----«•IlI;N1J----, I I I "OUll OWN-I I GMAT 8IO HfAOI • 11 , .. MOUi lA"Of. CALIFO .. NIA I ! CAULIFLOWER !! ~~~~~~ AVOCADOS ! I 79c ~-.d II lift• 29"" 4 F~ s100 I I -I I e""c1> "' -I I II I I Lllftll 3 I I Ll.,,11 t Totel LI"'" I I ·---------------'•---------------''----------------' 1110 11( ,.HONH . MMI032 ....... 17 Ms..ootl ......... . ...._.._ 1601 Newport B Iv . ~·~ '~.-C-........... I 845-0032 •I'"'"'',,; IQ~" rlle ,.,_ .. ~--··-------------··------------------------ ·1 I I I • p t 00 • ~ <l) ~ • ~ <l).· • .. . , ~ • p t *(in ik spen' siv) not high in price; reason· able cost: classified advertising. · Daily Pilat 642-5678 0 ·' ,, ,. I , ~ 0 5 114 Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT/Friday. January 22. 1982 Interstate merging advocated MERGER TALK W1lli<1m M . Is aac . t h J 1rrnan o f Federal Dcposi t J nsuruncl' Corp . S l'l'S 1ntl·l'~lt1L C' mergers 1n ·'forese eabl e future.·· Federal regulators seek aid for savings and loan industry ~ WASH I NG T 0 N < A P > He declined to say whether the b H n k s h • a s u r I e r e d lo'edcral financial regulators. regulators now were workinc on uopwcedentecl t&naMl•l iosle8 working lo help rescue the an interstate packa1e. in the tut year. lnrtatlon and financl~lly battered savings and "II these (interest > rates high interest rates have rorced loun industry. are moving closer re main h l1h, there will be the Institutions to pay more ror to I ct ting b a n k ho Id In I additional mergers we will do, short-term money than they aare companies cross state lines and and on additional mergers. we getting In intome from their u c q u I r e r a i I i n g th r l ft are going t.o consid er the assets, primarily tower yletdlng institutions. interstate option. If the home loans. Such approval would be a interstate bidders submit the As a result or the thrifts' dr~mallc de par,:ture from past kind of proposals we hope they troubles, the federal reguJators policy which has kept the two will, you will see an interstate have arranged and in most industries separate . Bank merger," he said. cases · put up money -for holding companies own or Bank holding companies, he healthier institutions to take control commercial banks. said, are clearly interested ln over weaker ones. William M. Isaac, chairman of acquiring thrifts. There are The FederaJ Home Loan Bank the federal Deposit Insurance so m e 1,800 bank holding Board, which su p ervises Corp .. said in an interview this companies in the United States. federally chartered savings and week that an interstate merger Co mme rcial bank s are loans, a pproved 23 assisted was likely "in the foreseeable prohibited under federal law mergers or S&Ls last year. up future." provided that the from crossing s tate lines to from 11 in 1980. The bank board rinancial terms or a takeover acqui r e other commer cial revised its rules in Ma rch lo deal proved to be attractive to banks. Bank holding companies permit its insurance fund, the regulators. The FDIC insures ·also are generally barred from Federal Savings and Loan depositors' accounts in about s uch acquisitions. Insurance Corp .. to arra nge 14 .800 commercia l banks and The thrift industry -savings ; interstate acquisitions among mutuul savings banks . and loans and mutual savings S&Ls .. Five dea ls ac r oss SlktCllnes hitve been arranaed since then. The Federal Deposit lnsur1mce Corp. arranaed rour recent takeovers of '81llnc mutu1&l savings banks in New York state, which cost the fund S777 million. The takeovers were by other New York Institutions. Isaac and other federal regulat-0rs have been pushing tor legislation to give the supervisors limited authority to a rrange interstate takeovers by bank-holding companies of very large failed institutions. The legislation failed to win approval of both houses or Congress lest year •. and now the regulators are falling back on thei r current a uthority to consider possible deals between bank holding companies and thrifts, Isaac said. A version of the regulators · meas ure is expected to be introduced in the new session or Congress. THE BOSS Lynda Fluent s tarted her banking career. as a te lle r when she was 18r Today she is at 39 president, of First Women's Rank of California. Irvine firm's ~ • earmngs up Way cleared for telephone rate hikes nationwide Printronix Inc., lrvine-blSed manufacturer of minicomputer line printers, reported for the third qua rte r ended Dec. 25 ea rnings of $1 .41 million, or 37 cents per share, on sales of $17.T milliQD, WASHINGTON <AP> -The Federal Communications Commission, moving finally to implement a key policy change approved more than a year ago. ha s cle are d th e way for telephone rate increases across the country. The decision is expected lo translate into an additional Sl biUi.off' in local rate increases across the country as state utility commissions adjust to the com panies' high e r level of depreciation expense. event. Thanks to the change, the new depreciation expense rises to $1.015 billion, or $865 million extra. The e ffect o f the new depreciation schedules on local rates in any given state will vary, in part because the FCC does not review a ll the depreciation accounts or each or the 36 firms every year. By a' 7·0 vote, the agency authorized the nation's largest tel e pho ne co mpanies t o stgnificantly s peed up lhe depreciation or their equipment and racilities. Without the changes that have j us t been implemented, the tele phone companies would have been e ntitled to collect an add itional $150 million in depreciation expenses in any In addition, state regulatory commissions must consider how Ex-Viejo firm doubles • 1nco01e Kyle Technology Corp. 's fi rst quarter net income from all sources was 121 percent higher than in the comparable quarter of the prior year d espite disruptions c aused by a move from Mi ss ion Vi ejo to Oregon . James C. Kyle. president. said Net in come rrom operations <before income taxes) in the November 1981 quarter was $313,819. up 64 percent from operating net before laxes of $191,748 in the rirsl quarter or the prior riscal year. Kyle said. Other income <before income taxes) in the November 1981 quarter totaled $123,137, most of which was inte rest income. Kyle said. In the previous year's first quarter other income before taxes was $6.304 Total income before income taxes amounted to $436,956 in the November 1981 quarter. up from total income before taxes of $198,052 in the first quarter or the prior fiscal year, Kyle said. Kyle said net Income after taxes for the quarter ended Nov. 30 rose to $226,056, or 9 cents per share. from $102,252, or 5 cents. in the first quarter or the prior year. Sales for the first quarter rose 83.5 percent to nearly $1.S million from $811,328 in the like period of the previous year. The company's fiscal year ends Aug. 31. Kyle said the higher sales and earnings res ulted from an increased demand for the company's products and a broadened product base. He s~id the company's move from Mi ssion Viejo to Roseburg began during the first quarter of the fiscal year. Utility's bond rate lowered SAN FRANCISCO tAPJ -Pacific Gas and interest rates from one -half to 1 percent, according Electric Co. bond ratings have been lowered by to Terry Mowrey of the California Public Utilities two investment ser vices because or troubles at the Commission, which regulates the utility. unopened Diablo Canyon nuclear plant and the Duff & Phe lps took the action after the Central utility's financial plight. Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board The action by Moody's Investors Service in refused on J an. 15 to grant PG&E a cooling water New York and Duff & Phelps of Chicago will discharge permit for the nuclear plant near San increase PG&E's borrowing costs and could Luis Obispo. ultimately mean higher rates for customers. Moody's mentioned the power plant problem, The firms lowered the rating on 44 bond issues but based its action on PG&E's "weakened from AA to A. an action that could increase financial position" and its need to find major new - -------~=========::;-! sources of capital next year. COLL~CTOtt'S COltNElt I "HI I (,IA)SEf)I T '81. CAPRI llX '\\1.E \\'1111 T lllS .\I > •210.37 ..... \ l'H :!11:~1 II!•\\\ I'\\ \II\ I \11\1 1•1 \IH\'1111 I I' II \II \I' l1Ll1.l<l<I It 1'1<11 I ICl:.!<•:!:.!:!11 ! \-.II l'l<ll l.1C771\,1••1 11\1 11 Ill., I \\ 111 ;. 11~~1 fMM' I I.I) "02:"7 JIAft al1IPa8 O~ SALE HlYOk LEASE A I .1011 ~so~ & so~ I 1\1 111 '·'II HI I I<' .; 4< > -.;nao M1-G G•ld c .... un,• Sil-ci. l1.., I • .., s.tt l(t11Qerr~ UM.• Utt.• M4'plt LHts UM.• PQ •• SO PtSO\ '4'1.U WUS '°' Sliver B~ Utst.• '7"5.• -Cu~t ~U YIH ... . 1114) ,,.....,. • r>rapt• 111tlf r11rrwu""41 • f>t...bl,. 01.w • l c,.,, t:t1rOP"' ""''-.4WllMOtH • \Ohml thlilf t•nhnt,.,. "' K1trlW"tl Catu()o /~"'' llJl<'•rr Airline starts up CHICO (AP) -A new commuter air line. Pacific Express. begins service today. serving its homebase in Chico as well as San Francisco. Palm Springs, San J ose and Oakland. Starting next Wednesday. the airline will offer service from San Francisco to Portland, Ore .. then on to Medford, Ore. Flights are also planned to Boise. Idaho, starting Jan. 31. Richard Kerley. a spokesman for the airline, said P acific Express will offer San Francisco-Los Angeles service starting March 15 with a one-way $49 fare during peak hours and an off.peak fare of $29. A BEAUTIFUL BUY CORAL BAY '[!sl!IJ:tsfE •s9,9so 1 OUR 1982 CIMARRON 1m•ONROVIA COSTA Mf:8.A SAl.P.S Ol'P'IC& ovg111 1),\11,Y 11 AM S PM ~ 1...-.'4• .. llhrtuf t.lttvtt•,. '•'f" ,,.,. •• Call 831-8123 MOOP.l.'1 NOW OPEN' Pf.All lllNl1 flNE ANO TWO 81!0ROOM l'l.AN8 r a tes for different classes of customers -such as business and res idential will b e affected. But FCC offi cials say by the time the. new de preciaturn schedules are reflected on the local level, the increases will probably average roughly 50 cents a month. The process begun Thursday will affect all the local operaUng companies own e d by the Ame ri can Te l eph o n e & Telegraph Co .• the General Telephone & Electronics Corp .. United Telephone System lnc., and the Continental Telephone Corp., as well as AT&T 's Long Lines Division. This compares with eanlings or nearly $1.3 million or 34 cents; on sales of $14.3 million for the corres ponding period a year ago. CALL 642-5678 ;i nd let t1 rncndh Ad 'l!>OI hdµ 'ou 1Jl:Jl'l' your ;id l•Xl:J~ --------___ J OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS NEW YORK IAPI Colrlll 11'11. 11"' IMS lnl 21~ ,,.., P•!>tlB I~ 1] ... ~:~~y.· )4 34"'-NASDAQ quogllont ColOG .. v. 11.:n lnlr•lnd '"' ~ PcG•R 20 20\IJ JO )1 UPS AND DOWNS .-.... """"' bl<b ComCIH ...-... 4'Vo lnl•I 1Sl4 J~ ;:::ut IV, ' Sier IS I ,... ,,.. -1~1-lllY ~mlSll• u '' lnlrcEnt .... s 10\'> I IV, Slr•wCI I• JS'I> "'., ... , -" .. ol mwTet 1111• IJ\h lnlmlG• ..... n. P.,..Enl ,, ,,~ SuWru ·~· )IV, Tl•vn. PrkH do not Con Pee> ""' ,. lnBkWtll 11"" 1Ho P ... lalr 10 ~ S..r.r EI I 11 ... 1nc:•11C1• ••1•11 ..... rllllP COf'dls 10V. 20 .... lwa SoUI 11 ,,.,. "-E•P 9h 10 SH•• ' 16 , .. /) NEW YORK l•P> The lollo•llrlog 1191 merk-Of'C.,,,...,.. CrMTra n~n ... Jom\bl' 1~ i.•t. Petrll s )1'11 l2 T I( s Mli't U -· 1M Over lfM ~ IUIOft lOf T,,.,_y, C..UrFd s ~ IV. Jerico ' 1.-1..-.. Petti-IS u~. TIME 0C '"" , .... stock\ -• .,,.,,Is !NI ll•v• -,. SloO Bid All< ~T'"'°" S S\4 1:::r:,.d, ~ :.~ PlllleN•I )IV. Jlli't ~:,.n;e:•, 32\'o :n"' IM mott -_, ti.. mo$! .,._ % .. EL Ind ltwt 11 •Des ' u-. llU Pl.,ceSS 11V. 11 ... 11V. 11'1'1 r:rc..,I ol cr..not r~rctlH• ot .Ohl AFAPtol 111/'t 1l OeylM • llllo 1,_ kellSI j)I .. t••;, th'I Pink tin UV. Ul/1 TacvmP ""' "3 AYM Cp 4"' 41h o aeer •v. •.... ~•tor I S.lt I PlonHIB ..'/)~ TelcmA 19"" lffo °'No T!';'~~ l"Mll"!I ... ._ U •te Incl· :~~~~ , ... I g::t~' 14YJ ll •man s 11 11 Plullllt 1 1V, r ... et11 ' ,, .... ""' 'lcMO Nt1 -~Uf\14199 <llan9el «t IN IO'h 11 II ,,_. K•r.wm '"" 1V. Poul\ s-4'> '"' TuAB I D ll> D"-::~~,,~~~=··1::, er:~~ ''°""" Adwltou "" l'-O.wtyEI ) J\I) Ke ITtS" 44 4}1(, Pre.OM 19 1'V. ~~0T1 1 ..... "'" AllB"" • I~ 20\lo 01•'''' ttli't tM l(r,u lel 1'v. ~ P1'St•vn . .,, ,, 4'-1\ ""· Ale1tAI•• J~J7Yo o 1nCrv J5 )I ~mWll lt-. 20 Pro11r1> '"" 1~. oPd nv. ,..,, AllCOlllC '1 44'1> Oo<ull s 22\l n ... 1"91nl 11/o 1 PllS•NC 11 ,, ... Ty\OftFd 1111> U'llO un Allu l"' JV. OollrGn 1~..-. K-G U llo "°"' PurlB.,. ,..,. ~ UnMcGll '°"' ,, N-LUI .c"t, PcL Amer•• ,..,. lpji, 8:r~~~ 17\lo 1ni ~~:i:v T,. 1~ ~~tt;' 1211o 11~ US Enr w. s"" I Bloceu 1 Ut JU AF11t11 ,... 4 ... ~21 1714 """ US Sur W I. 1'"'> 1 Blocl vn ... . I Ut JO.I AGrHI It 1t11o OunkO t ,, ... IJ\olt ICullOe IJV, UV. llaoe11Pt • tV. VS Trek 11VJ ,, ... 3 AmP\lr•m 31.,. ... Ut JD . AlnGe> s "3 .., .... O..f'irn • U'.<t 14loi Left<eln 14 t •V. R•ycllm S21i't ~ UV•BSll ~-)\'lio • Yu ...... S 4 ... I uo 16 1 A Micros )W1 ,, ... l:atnYn< 14\1) 1Sll> UlndRff S llomftd ~ 24V• ~;~~· .-. • s ~~':.t'::' wt )''> ... Ut u .t AN411111S U U\olt E<.,..L•ll .... 11 L-Co JJV. 34 RHYe s ~JI 11 ... ,, .... • 2''1 .,, Ut JU Aov.t~ ~ ... EIPesEI 10-. ll»o LllllW\ 16 M V. RNdEa D'• l2'h VMlll ~H 1 GolclllU J .. Ut H .I AltHMt .... '"' EtCMtBt ~ .... LldSIOt U llo U I.'> .. _,,.. 22Y> ""' Y•JNll l :IO!• U\Ao I U~'o .. Ji' 4:\ot . .. Up io J AWetct s It lOli't EleN\KI ,,,,. II+. Lin Bui lt ltV. Rowlon 4V• 4 ... V•nDus 100 .. 11 • 4 . "' Up IU Anadlle '"" .... EIMOcll l 21 n ~''" ISV. 1S\I. RO<ISA 11'4 II ... Vt lc ro U"1. Uh 10 Peoe>RI )!J. .,, Ut 1a.1 AnoSA "" 11111. EnrO.w 11Yt 17~ c .,... . SMlller ,.,., • VlctreSI tt... •tr II Cencor ''"'· , .... Ull 11.l AnoAG<I U llo .. EnrMetllO MGFO s ""' "' s.taco 17"' )7h ~~~ ......... 12 EnrD..v ,,. , , .. Up 16.1 A:fc:.C ,.,...._ t ).t• 2\li -.GE 14~ U\olt SIHelGd ~UV. 1111\ It ... I) HCC , ... . ... Ull U.t A d M s UV. IS Enllsw ~ ... ,,..._IPI . '"" SIP•vl _ .. ,,,, WS11E11r 17~ IJ 14 Wll-, ... . h Up IU Ardef\Gp ,,__ ~ Enlwltll Pio "" ~p 4W• 4S ~rloH • ·~ """ Weldlrn ~. u Bllu t .... ~. Ujl IU AMICol s nv,n ECl\llSl 111'1 I ... I s-4'> • ~~or av. o~ WDttp JO )()>.. 1' CP Rb WI I'" . I Ut 1U AllGsLI 1S .... 1~ ~i'ft1 ... • -·". --SYCMet 11 .. n WHo .. ,..,. -,, Aorl_. ,, .. ·~ Up ll.J All•nRI 10'.· -:H • llo l!Urlon' 5"" ~ Swcm\I ' av. ""' WmorC lO 101• 11 Nor~o 20. . '· Uo tJ . .J 84'1r~ ,.. 1\1, ~-IT--ILP • 1911> SllMed ~""" WIMrO s 24V. , ..... It CtOSTt• ,,,. ,,,. Up u• BellyP s SI-It Sh S IS.16 yPI 17"' 11\'I Sflwmvl 161-\ t1V, WolwAlu ,.,., ~ 10 EnrAMtllcl 11·1' .... Up IU 1-HE ..... 100.0. FarmGp '°"' ~ ::l~~ ,.,, .,,. Slat•Rt ' 1111. ,, Wom•I IV, • ll AMdP \ •V. .,, Up 12.d astcR 11 JI.'> , .. Flctlcor 2~ 14 ltV. ·~ SlllcOfl• ,.,,., n v. W-LOC )4 ,...,, 11 ~=(~ Pot . "' UI> 12.$ l•urFr ,. .... 21\lo FIBllSys J2 D Yt M<F•rl 10 IOVi SC•IWlr Ith ""' Wrlll(;IW ""' 1YJ lJ 2''• . ~. UP 1U ••vlsMk '°"' 1ov. FIBMlll lt ltYI M<O...y ,, .... I) S•EIS• 111-. "''• Zion I s ltV. ,._,,. 24 CmrrTrn s .... . .. Up "·' , ....... s sv. FIEmn ....... ~ MktuW ,,.,., "'" Sl-yn JS JS%< 11.a.-Nol _,,,.,_ 1S ,.P Trvst '"" . .,. Ut 11 .. B..,IPt ,.,. ll• FtWll 111 4:\1. ... li\dldC• ,~ ·:: StdMlcro 6 1 11 '"' 26 COQenl< , .. .,. u. II• Bel,L • ""'-21'Ji "'~' 20';, 10 .. Mldtttet ,, SunO wt 1"" .,. UP 11• .... ~. ·~ 14 file •. ~ t1'1 MIGT111t s ~,,,,. BlllllCo 1~ ""' FleN le 14'1· 1'"' Mll~ •ireson ..... • Fl11r0<ll ~ 1 MIH IG . ._. ""' oow..s Blrlcllt s .... Siio FOf'atlO UV.""" Molu ' 4\'W"O N-Lail c':t. Pel, Blywoor ..... ~ ~~~~~~ 1•1. 1111 MonlCol SV. •1<11 I SlrutO • Oft JU BOflelll hit I S.16 II 12 =4 . 1h't.1~"" 1 Jon .. vln • -I on too BrwToM 10 -FtankEI 1114 ., ... NASDAQ SUMMARY J CSM Sn! 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"'1fil.~ 1 \!~=:,•·.~-=JI =~ta. 11ft 1i 1t m::.-:~===_.\~ .. 1~ H.':!1:? PrW1le111i~ fr:!! :.::.-::, t-:~WwYr;m:, i ~== • '1i I ~ b::; E =~· .. ;;: .'.' . !!!!-:·~ ;ti:: •ll l ... c!''.1 .. , .: ··: ~ ~: ''ll : .: t= :i: '1.:1 '\. == ~ ~, ., . r~ ~ • 1, .. d.,~ " ~~-1611_?? .--1111 ... , ..., , • ~ .., .• ttft ..-. -. Ma ..-. -tt • -. ut ., as --. ti-•' {; C-C -=ti ,.., IS\6 • "'-IM I If W -" .._. 11 1111 "!,lJ~~ -~ a,,t .,. ......-:.=· l ,.i.. mi.: " 'I' lllf !At t tP ~~ ,,_ 1111 ,,,,_ • • H • "'-tm, .... 1 '7 MeMftlt t -• ..:..... 6 ... ,?..... ••:..:. ill " -~ .._ ue~-llti---t ... :a·t "n-ttw•-w •P• I ....... - -~... ......T ·•" "'' ... .._,~ Deducting school expenses , ' fTltU " t~ fl/th port of o JO.part ...,.... .. on lw>tO U1 tell~ on 11our 1981 incom• fo.zet,J The aeneral rules 1overn13~ deductiOQI b.r educaUmf expenaea are: You can uct lbe ex,_.. incurred to malnt.aln or improve your sktlla -but you can't deduct education expenses if they qualify you for a new trade or buaineu. lt'a often difficult to draw the Une between these two ~ypea ol educaUon, but In 1981, there were cuea that could be helpful. In o ne case, Donald. a full-time ~ co llea e civi l enaineertna ·teacher, .. ~ left his post to spend J ~~ .,b~r\:et~I~~ .~ IYllll PllTll i::Z engineering at a different university. He then returned t.o his college post. Donald claimed he could deduct his education expenses because they improved his teaching skills. The Internal Revenue Service couldn't see It this way. The agency claimed tbe education qualified him for a new trade or business. But the Tax Court permitted the expenses u a deduction. A Pb. 0 . wasn't required to meet tfle minimum educational requirements for his teaching job, and the education just improved bis teaching s kills. A certified and li censed clinjcal social worker bad herself psychoanalyzed so s he could more effectively treat ber patients and get more refena!s. The IRS used a new approach to try to block ber deduction. It took the view that there was no "education." Reason: There was no program or study or training at an accredited institution. The Tax Court again held for the taxpayer. "Education" is not restricted to formal education. Since the costs met all the other requirement.I for qualified education costs. they could be dedueted. The IRS, though, said last year that it will not follow the court's decision. Thus. such non-school expenses will be disallowed should your return be examined - and you will have to fight. An-Other 1981 case involved a research chemist working as a foreman in the control department or Corning Glass Works. He voluntarily took courses at a local branch or Syracuse University on a part-time basis, with Corning paying 75 percent or tbe tuition. Later he went on leave and took full-time courses at the unjversity's main campus leading to an M.B.A. After that. he returned as a market development specialist. Corning paid two-thirds of his salary at the m ain campus, plus his tuition and expenses. Th~ Tax Court split the education expenses. The part·time courses were deductible because they were / incurred to maintain and improve his ski~ foreman. The costs of bis fuU-time courses were not related lo his job and were not deductible. T hese decisions on borderline cases may apply to you. Barter clubs are becoming major operations, and it wouJd be ridiculous lo deny that "bartering" is a possible means of tax avoidance. The IRS considers "credits" received for goods and services rendered by barter-club members as taxable income. Also, I RS audit procedure is to compel barter-exchange operators to furnis h names a nd addresses of members so the IRS can find out whether members a re r eporting their barter credits. Barter exchanges have balked at supplying tbe I RS with this information. But the courts have backed the IRS. Mooday: Office at bome and vacatloe -.Ome. STOCKS JN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORll (API SalH, Tllwrs price encl nel c ....... OI lfM llltffn most ecttw New York Stock E•c...._ IS.we>, l•ediftq netlon.llly at more ,,.." " EUOll l t, 116,000 """ • "' IBM t7t,t00 6211'> • I Pltlllp1Pel "1.000 J1~ + ~ F Irestone 77J,«>o 11.\oo AURicllflO t61,lllO - "" c ... n .s•.tao ••111 Amer T & T •5",_, ff"7 Son., Corp S..,000 , ... W•rnrCom Sl•,«>o SI~ RCll 412 500 , • ._ Alleg Pw •5':to0 ti UnlTel ... JOO I•·~ Motil! I 01,IDO n y, cocaCot• •, 100 1111. Joflft'-111 ' 1'1,100 )611. AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YOlll(IAPI Flnet Oow·J-..... tor 1'1•un$y, Jan JI \TOCKS >O lno JO Trn IS Utt U Stir lndut Tr en Utllt U St- a..."'-~c ... a. MS.It l5i M 142.15 .. n. J_. ,.. J7 ,.. " >410 ,..,,._ 1.34 ICM 10 IOS I 2 ICIJJ7 11• SI • O •. JJ m•1 m .1s n 1 ... m .t'-o.az WHAT STOCKS DID NEW lfO•OI. ,,. .. , J.,. JI Arl••n<c:d Oeclln~ UflCllano-G T4ttll ISSUH """"'~ Hew IOW1i WHAT AMO OIO 'ocar~ .. , m ltSI II .. •.SS1, IOI l.IM ... S11,IOI •.Js.,a NEW ,..OltlC (AP). Sain, r11un prk e .,,., ,,., < ....... Of -.... most ecu... NEW VOAll (API J.,. ll Amerk .,. S--E•c--Is-.. 1rec11111 natlonalt\f at more ,...,, ll Too.y f~~~ 11 ~:= I= '' j.. Ad•ancelll JM O.....Plrl s 245,IOO '"" -~ S9~~~ m j• ,, .. ) ' • I• 5"pronEno ' ISJ,OllO JO.\oo .. Total ~""" ISi ::a.~ • m::-.-:,.:.......;t....l~ .... -......... ·----~>----~'"""-~ Swllttnclop " 102,0llO U ' " Hew tows JD HouOllTr 100,lllO 20\tt '°' ---------------::fl' :::=: 1~:Z : :: METALS UPS AND DOWNS .. EW VOAK !APl Tiie loltowlno llM ~ h -Vorll StlK-EllC.._ MclcU -_,.,.ti INI ..... -"II IM mott --the motl ltewel on per<lftl 1111 <....... r999rc11et1 ot vo"'"'9 IOr Tllundey. No MCWIUH 1tecllng betow U .,.. 1/1<1 ........... -_, ... ~ <""-~ .,. "'9 .. Hettf\Ce -the .,....,,~ CIOtlfll P'lc• .... ~·, Ptl<• UPI ....... Utt a.ti Pct I I E...c>IE plA J-. t ~ Up IU 11..Jullel<O ~ 12 • '"' u, "·' ) ,_.._ COii U V. + J .... Up •.t • AtlRll 1,7,_. ,. ..... • JV. 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M.71. SYMBOLS d-i-tr-.u-~ ......... I ~---.-., ........ .. --.. ........ -..... -........ .. _ ........ _ .... -~ .. -....... .. --"°' .....,._ ...... ........... ,,. .... ~.....,_,, ...... -.... -~ ......... ............ '''" .. dllrilelld O..lelM ., ,."' lft -~· ... I!,--~ ...... --·---==·· tf'm .... .,.,,,, _,.. --... .. ,.. _..,. __ .........,_,. . ....... ,_,.,. _____ _ .._.. .. -...-..-~. ,... ................... r: ........... ...... -......... I ~·----.. ....-..... -................... ... _ .. lljlt ..._ .. ._.. ~ ... -..... ._ ......... __ .,.......,,. ____ _ .-ea ... ..... ........ n. ........ -•• .._.. • ..,._.,111.~.., .......... -. .._.__,..,___._ ... .,... . ~·\'I ....... , ...... """•11'\ . -"' WltG pf US.. 1 1--. .. · ·· WlK,.L t ... l 43 "' "'IKP$ , .. 6 = 1114 liti :.~ •• '.: t "4 s:: .. ~t .PIO • 11'4+ " 'It:~ ~.:-:. ~·"' ~ ... lilt =t: .~; Ul mt:~:-:­=:~ .... , .t -=~·~ -1br ;; S ..... { f ........ 2 .... 2 ........................... ._ ..... , ........... __ __. ______ ~~~==-~=-=-~- ·' ., Orange Coast DAil V PILOT/Friday. January 22. 1982 A ............ COOKIE CHAMP L1s:.1 Thonw~on. Girl Seoul of Quincy. Mass .. 1s a ll smiles a~ she Sa\1()1'S one of the cookies . sht• sc•lls l.1s:.1 sold 67 1 boxc~ lo wi n lhe ··super M•lll'r" p;Hdi in the Boston art·<.1 --- .T~dancin~ ·hack, price up NEW YORK <AP> Taxi dancing is back, but instead of 10 cents a dance al the famed Rosela nd Dance Hall, it'll be 10 dimes a dance. "Inflation ." explained Albert Ginsberg, the new owner of the 63-year·old dance mec.ca . The women are called taxi dancers, he said, because they ar e, in effect , hired lo dance Besides. h e said , "We 'll h ave some nice-looking men too. We'll give the women an ·equ<il opportunity to get a partner." One of those auditioning for the job was Janet Ove rstreet. 30. of Brooklyn, an administr ative assistant in a bank, who said she wanted the job because "I love lo dance . It's not the pay " · Asked if she was concerned about men getung fresh. she smiled and said, "I can h.andle •l " Riots close schools 1<1lt\RTO M . Sudan 1A P1 -All schools in Khartoum province have been closed indefinitely ·because of rioting students who stoned cars, thn'alened teachers and set fire to market sta lls lo protc·st an increase 1n the price or sugar. a staple in the' Sudanese diet. · The government increased sugar prices 62.5 percent and devalued the currency 12.S percent J a n I as part of an attempt lo boost the economy A pound or sugar now costs about 30 cents T axi driver kills 3 1 l'F.KING IAPI A taxi driver. disgruntled over not receiving a bonus. drove her tux1 mto a crowd .m front of Peking's Gate of Heavenly Peuce. kilhng three people. Chinese sources said Lisa slliart cookie • QUINCY. Mass. (Al» At ul(e 11, Lisa Thompson knows ubout mass rnarkellng a nd sales promotlon. A champion cookie seller last year. Lisa Is one of 2.5 million Clrl Scouts preparing to go rorth once lMllin wilh the boxes of cookius that huvc become a nalional lrad1lion and a b1ac business. 'fhc SIXlh grader j15 holder Of the pres tigious "S uper Seller Pa tch," whit'h she received fo r selling 671 boxeit nf cookies the m ost sold last year in th~ Patriol!l 'l'r11il Oirl Sco1,1t Couocll which includes 25,000 scouts in the Boston metropolitan urea. Thl11 yeur She is s hooting fur the 1,000·boX mark. "I guess it's kind of ha rd for people to say no," she said, explaining her success. It didn't hurt that he r father, who works for the food services de partment at Boston College, persuaded the food services manager lo lake 200 boxes last year and sell the m to students. This year, he is laking 400. ·'I showed him th~ kinds of cookies we had, and he faid he 'd do it because he used to buy cookies from his niece~" Lisa said. Girl Scouts sold 120 million boxes of Thin Mints. Ta.galonl(11 , 1'refollK and othe r vurieties la.11t year al ~~es ranglnK from $1.SO tu $2.00 a While lhc National <.:ouncil does not keep rel·Ord:s 6n the nation's 340 local t'ounclls, last ycur'H sale Is believed to ha vc grossed around $200 mlU1on. "ll '8 u very lmprvssive fi1ture," s ays l''runccs Nes11clbein , the national director of the Girl ScouL'I. "The figures urc. important. but for most l(irls 'it 's lhfilr firs t exJ)t:rience in the business world It's training for the future " Ely List. a spokeswom an tor the Girl Scouts. says the origins of lhe cookie s ale are "st\fouded in the mist s of time " While many lay claim to the fi rst cookie sale, credit goes lO the Philadelphia Councll for being the first lo buy cookies from a commercial bakery in 1934 T hat first effort sold 114,000 boxes. Since then. says Mrs. Nesselbein, there has been a steady growth in sales, even in years of recession a nd infla tion. The National Council licenses six sepa rate com1>anies to bake official Girl Scout cookies. The largest, Little Brownie Hakers. located a t 3 Cookie Lane in Louisville. Ky .. says about 40 • in Scout saks percent of ILs bu11lne11s comt11 from the MCOUl.S "We fe lt It wo uld be a good buslne11s to ente r and It 's been very aood for our comuany," says WilUam lhaycr11, a vice president for sales. Bnyen; 11pends part or each year on the r oad, pitching his compa ny's cookies t o 50 o r 60 counc illi Competition amontt the franchised cookie makers Is hot and salesmen try to win customer.s by offering low prices, qua l ity cook ies and promoliomal material lbal will help the scouts sell cookies. ·'T hey a re just like any business people," Bayers s1&ys of the council leade rs. "They require that you live up to your commitments ." He said Girl Seoul cooki es have a pronounced, if s hort·llve d Impact on the regular cookie market. .. Most of these cookies are sold in a relatively short period of time, and during that period •.. you can seo store sales of cookies drop," said Bayers. One of Bayers' customers Is the Roston-area Patriots Trail Council, the sixth largest in the nation. The council hopes to sell one million boxes this year. There is no one dale s et fnr nulionul cookie U IH . Each local rouncil picks Ila own date. but most choose to hawk their ware8 in late winter or. early 111>rinl(. Colette Phillips, a !SJ>Qkeswomao for Patriots Trail, suys the bakery 1wt:s 70 cents for every $2 box of rook 1cs i:;old. The rest of the proceeds J<O lo Individual troops, properly i m provt•mcnls a nd community ser vice efCortlS 'l'he council 's scouts will compete for s pecial patches and T·shjrls. commemorating the number ol boxes of cooki es s o l d . The youn g sales women also earn credits toward s ummer camp. T hroul(h the years, the Girl Scouts have improved on their dOOr·to.door m e thod of sales. Last year, United Airlines purchased $50,000 worth of l'Oo kies to dis tribute a m ong µa ssenge rs. While the profits from the cookies provide for scou ting's financial wcll-be1ng, Mrs. Nesselbein said the ycurly s ales ser ve as an important ObJccL lesson for lhe girls . ·'They learn how you talk. lo a prospccli ve customer, how you make change and how you deliver the cookies after you sell them," she sa i d Navy's commodore rank restored after lapse WASHINGTON (APl -Some time a fte r Congr ess reconvenes next week, the Senate will confirm the first commodores in the Navy's ranks in more than 30 years. Nobody is happier a bout il than the officers or the other military branches. Congress revived lhe one-star rank of commodore, among the oldest in naval annals, so that Navy officers no longer will enjoy the advantage of leapfrogging thal first star when promoted into the admiralty. Since 1949. the Navy has advanced captains directly to the two stars or rear admirals wttile equivale nt Army , Ma r ine a nd Air Force colonels have been raised onJy to the one·slar rank of brigadier general. The other ~erv i ces long have g rumbled about thi s s ituatio n , parlic:ularly since brigadier generals s ometimes fo und th e mse l ves outranked in joint service commands and staffs by rear adm irals, although their strength or service was roughly equal. The rank of commodore was abolished In 1899 for reasons that are not clear from the hjstorical record. During World War If. President Fra nklin D. Roosevelt restored the temporary grade or commodore for so me office r s in the greatly expanded Navy. ln·l949, the last two World War II commodores retired and the rank fe ll into disuse except as a "courtesy" title for captains who commande d a floti lla o r squadron of destroyers. According to naval historians, the rank of commodore dates to the Dutch wars of 1652. William Ill brought it to England and it was later used by the youni American Navy as an honorary title 'durfng the Revolutionary War. Among the famed naval officers who have borne the title o f commodore were John Paul Jones, Oliver Hazard Perry and his brother. Matthew C. Perry Jones became the nation's first great naval figure in the Revolution when his warship, the Bon Homme R it'ha rd , de f eat e d the Br itish Sera pis . In 1813, Oliver Perry won a place 1n history with his vtctory statement in a report foll owing the Batlle of La ke Erie "We have met the enemy, and they are ours," Perry exclaimed. M a llhe w P e r r y distinguis hed himself in the Mexican War when his s quadron captured the cit y of Taba sco. His las ting im print on history probably came when he signed a t reaty with the Japanese al Yokohama in 1854, opening Japan to Western trade. ---------------, ... -----------------------.. ,,.,, .. ~..,.& .,. .. -~ I CUNICI .. LO Look For The Big Yellow Sign I Exhibit & Sal e D irectly Fro m Peru (, c,O You can help your newspaper • c arrier collec1 at times conven1en1 10 you by riavmg your money ready so th e camer won t have to call baek Because this young person •S m business lor himself or herself please be ready -and watch that big srr11e wtucl1 says Thank you "ICTITIOUI 9UMM•SS llAMa ITATl:llUMT Tile IOllOWl"O Ptno" •• do•no buSl"fUe\ U'll fED SOLAR WORKERS.''°' HIQ"l•lld on ... Newport Bu<". CA nwo K"'R l TE RM OHL E N HOLMBEllG, 1'1()1 HIOlll•"O Dfl•~ Nowpor1 8Hc" C"' 91..0 Daily Pilat ~19lX( . . "CTITloUS •USIHESS HAME UATEMEHT T "~ follow lnQ P•r\On •~ dolno bu.51n•iS 4'\ MIKE OR"'GHI SlllCS M F•lr Or•v•, Costa Ml'W. C•ltfOf'n•• •1•1' MIU J Or•Q"'· .. 11 Wudlow. Lo'1Q Bue" C•flforno• 'IOll08 T "" "'6in~• I\ <Ondu< ltd b1 •n lnd1\flOu.t MlktOr~1 I llJUN 011 -· I I I I Ml". A.. Kii-A "-I •ttk• llor ••ti••· 4 mol. Adults ••<<1,.•t.., lllroughoul Ille. F•sl. lrlelldlY. _.tty _...ice v ... ,._..,.swl'Mfl4. OO•I OM Ll:AS Ml:S AMO CATS IM llOXl:S, ~Ll:AS«. LOW COST CAT & DOG, VACCINATION CLINIC By Pet Prevefll·A..Cere Rabies ... Dlllemper (D.H.L.) Parvo, Cal "3-ln·1" Dog1 "~n-1" .. I I I I I I $3.95 ·-· $4.25 ·-ss.00-1 Jan. 23 & 24; I 0-6 pm Native Peruvian Folk Art • Weavings • Baskets • Carvings • Dolls • Masks • Much. Much More' I I I I I I $7.00 ·-· COSTA MESA SANTAANA I EBELL CLUB HOUSE 5-dn ..... 24. 1912 ~ ..... 2J, 1 H 2 515 w , ....... __ IL..d. J:l~S:JO p.a. 10:00-..1:00,.... I . -,.,,. ..._.. v_,. c..._. o-. r~l.ot Balloa. CA l°" 1a1>oa Pl'ftftiflwlaJ I 2701HertHwlt¥d. IJJOL 17 ... St.i..-I 1714) 621-1214 -----SAVE THIS AD -----~============-r==========';' FICTITIOUS •USIHEn HAME STATl:MEMT T"t to11ow1nQ per\.Ott\ .,, do,nQ bull,.tH •• THE GARMEN! DIST RICT "'1 NEWL"'N0 CE NTER. •••10 8n<" 81•0 H""ltl\QIOll IH•<" C•llfo<nl• ., ... Vunon w MonrOf' ~10t Se•~rtt Ot 1¥f Ntwporl 8f'•(h C•llfornl• ., .. ) PUIUC 1111E FICTITIOUS •VSINESS HAME STATEMEHT Th• totlow4nq 0.1..ofts •rt 001no bU\lne'' ., lANO SEA "''" MOTORS, 1'00 Do•• Slroei. Suue •11 Newpon BHtll, C•lllo• nla tt..O GallOt•n l ndu\trif\. tnc • C•t1totnl• core>0r•••on. t.00 Dov• Sl<ttl. Su1I• •IS Newporl a .. c ~ Californ•• <n..O PUIUC ~( ~ICTITIOUS 8USIHE SS N'°'ME STATEMENT tnt tottow1no o~r~on 1\ 001no bu,tnt\~ •~ Iii '°' M R AOVERllSt NG MA RKEllNG RESE"'R CH 171 AM II MA lli Nv IJ1 AM I( PAINTING l •i AMR PVBllSH i N(, l ~i I'M R INVESTMENT H•27 El C~l>dllO El Toro CA<n~ PVIUC •ta NOTICE OF DEATH OF GLOR IA PRISCILLA STO RM aka G loria S. W1daseck, aka GLOR IA STORM WI DASECK. aka GLORIA WIDASECK . a ka I T"IS ~lntu " conouc1eo by •" -------------------------1 il\dl~ldu•I IC••• r Holm.,._o T "'' ildtfm4fnt w•~ tlftc' with '"t Counly Cltrk o• Or•nQ• CCN'11V on Rob in R Sl•V <trl . , .... 9roo.,hur\I Huttt•nolon Btt•<h. C•l•for"'" .,_ T hh bu~1neu t\ toriducttd by • core>or•l•on Alltn C•rrolo HiQO•"• H •H El C•b•llo El Toro C"' <n&~ LORIA P. STORM AND OF PETITION T O ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A-111763. DllTH NOTICIS HAVES fh1\ \t••~· ... , tllf'O .... ., the F••-Pu bll\N>d 0.ot"OI' Co.a\t Dooly P1101 ~<tmC-r JO '"' '17'112 Publti.MG 0<6nor (N\I Daily Piiot J•n I 8 1$ 11 1"92 H'lt•81 r hh t>ui•ftt\\ •i. c.onduoeo t>y • Qtntr•I _p.rtnen h10 \/f<not'I W MonrOE" G•1ldrffin lnOU""~' Inc Frot"k Romeno, Pr•"denl R1<rt•rO 8 t utn •m~ooa 1•>•• Lut:1nde, ¥•~\tOf\ Vtrro CA cn&91 Mu" Lt-WI, (.,onJ.Clf''I 7•S8l Lutlnd,t Mts~·on Vu!10 CA '7b~t I County Cltrk of 0r¥nll<' C°""h on J•n •. ,.., fam1I~ rl't!Ul':>ll> tlonal1on-. bl'I J•n • u n 1'I '"'7 "'11 made ln .i Tru:-.1 Funn hr1nl( "l'I up b~ the r,1mil~ call PUIUC *!TICE l\<1lhnn \·an l.nnn 1209 1 674 2995. 12091 ti71 K802 1-:xt 21. 1)1 1\•rn· t-:vers 1714 1 730 ~94 ~ for I ru<.t Funt.I Ml.IC NOTICE FICTITIOVi IUSIHEU H"'Ml'l STATEMENT T"1\ ~t•lff'f'W'nt ••\ ftlf'd wUh thit COUf\fY (lt'r" Of Or•nQt County on J8nu••v 10 1'41 frH\ \l•IM1eftl -~ ftlf'CI with lf\t CCNnh C•~·• o• Oranqo CCNnly °" J•nu.,y 10 ,_, f hi\ OU~1nf\"t I\ <OnduC lf'd by • Qf'l'lf'r"I p...4f'fr'Wlr~hlp AllM ( H1oq1n, '"" ~tdlf'tnf't"lt .,..4\ tilPCJ w1ltl tPW-Counly Cltr• ot 0rM9" Cou,,tv on J•n • l'fll T o all heirs . benefi ciaries. c reditors and contingent creditors of Gloria Priscilla Storm and persons who may be otherwise interested in the will and/or estate. A petition has been filed FICTITIOUS •us1Nus T "• 1011owln9 o.,•on ·• oo•nq PVIUC NOTICE Piil.iC MOta P~o••sl>t<l Or•nor Ccw\I 0.,1~'!:.~1: by Murra~ I. Storm in lhe NAME STUEMENT °"~~~~~·~HA cooN ,. JEWELRY J•n 1 is n ,. ,.., 11•., Superior Court of Orange bu!.':.:.~:~10""1"0 00"0n i\ do•no EXCH"'NGE. ,.,. NtwOO•I Bl•O . "CTITfOUSIUSIHESS FICTITIOUSIUSIHISS Co unty requesling thal ROBF:RT1\ KA T llRVN ll AYES . aka HOllU I E E\"1-:HS, horn nn t\~gu.,t 16, 1933 l>1cd Januar) 14. 1982 at 7 11 PM at thr <1ge or 48 She. ,,ao; a re•..i<lent ol Newp1111 l'.lcarh. Ca at the lame of her death She 1s surVl\'l'd by her C'h1ldrcn. M;an lt<1we. Blaise Evers. TARNOWSKC CONSUl TIN G Cosl•Me ... c .. .,,.,, NAMESTATEMEHT NAMESTATEMUCT • .. Mu r ray I S torm be 1-·ov ~1.:'1:.:::.~-:~ ~ .... Nowporl BHtll c:~;~;,oevtl I .. E 10th. Co•la ~H. bv!.~:.::1owl1>9 perion " doono .... ~~ .. ~'~o~~o•ll\Q SW•\On\ ••• do•no Piil.iC MOTIE a p poi n led a s per son a I LA RR\ lt()WAl{I) l"OV, Robe<t• A•IQll h•'10W•kt, 1101 Tiii\ bu\i"fl•" conduct.., Dy •n TERRAIN WEST Ii. ?UO? Kroll FOlr.X ANO AS!>OCl"'lES, HOH SUPElllOlt COUllTOF r e p r e Se nt at i Ve I 0 dclails .Kathn n Van Luon, M1 ehael Evers. 'l'err\' E~crs. Hu7l) E \•c1 i.: ·M argaret passed (t\o\:J\ on Janutff\ 20. Btrk\l>ire L•nt Ncwc>Orl B••th, 1"d••IOual Lant, H""tinQlon8Hch.CA<n~ Sprl ,.Qdtlt. Sutlt C HunlinQI O" CALIFOltNIA administer the estale Of 1982 I-fr was a resident u C•;~orn::7Wo6 Thi•,':!:~;·~., 111.., .,1,,, 1,,. B;1-i::~11°-~.;!'; Park Av•n.,., B•:::~c!:~.~ •• , ... • cai.iorno• cou-.~voFOllANGE Gloria Priscilla Sto rm Gi1rden Gro\'l', Ca lie IS ·-~ •• ','ou•I inns" (Ondu<ltd by.,, T .... IMn•r>H .. ,, COndU<le<I Dy. -1" 1"' Mell~• ... "'' '°'PP'IUllon\ of (under lhe Independent I b h r ~ ~:"1".:.~ Cler~ OI 0<•"90 County on J... fi"lllM parfntnllip torl>O<•llOI\. 150S1 Sp<i"9(1ait, Suoto C. "'0RIAN J'°'Y SCHMIEOl -'"d l INO"' . . _......_l'wt,_--_,. ' . Cruikshank. Sean Ever~ and l-';---P1ttt+-Fh"t1" A l'fh•rtmrr.rt Masl> was said for her al Holy Family Cat holic Catht.'rlral, C>r.ang!.', Ca The s u r \' I \' c ( \ I s w I e R_,. A T .,......... . ~:.:.:.::~;.;;;;4;:;;__.----tts~ti:a~~~ifA~~;;:;-::-:::t1ce'lO:llOTSS1C:"H"""" v• <::; ~ RObl'rla. """ n "b•'ct o! T11••~aJtmmt•11 We0 ""~1----------.. 1-~ Tlll•bu\ln•\•lsconducltaby• Act>.The petitionissetfor -· ~lo....l.Mol 0 nt ('.le k I 0 C I Publl\hl'd Or•r>QP Co.t\I Dally Pilot, Tll!i \l•ttmenl we\ llle<I wllh llW torl>O<•tlon. "o A•lllUI I • r McCOtlMIO MORTUA-IES "'I L.:tguna Beact1 494 9415 Laguna Holl" 768·0933 $,m J.Jan Cap1<oHano 495 177& HA.ll Olt LAWK-MT. OLIVE Monuary • Cernerery Cremarory It>?':> Gisler Av!' ~osra Me'>J 540 S5'-i4 rlHCI H OTHHS HU HOADWAY MORTUAl'r 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-9150 I.AL n IHGHOH SMITt4 & TUTHILL WISTC&.IH' CHArl!L 427 E' 17th SI Costa Mr -;a 646-9371 PlllCIUOTHHS SMITHS' MOUUAIY• 627 Main SI Huntington Beach 536·6539 La Ru n ll H l' 111• h . Ca . °"~.,:._,;, 1~1 ,.,,.,. oun v 0" J•n u n 7'1. FM> s. ,.., 737., CCNnly Clerk 111 D<-. County o,.J.,. Foo .no "'"oc:caitt OllOEll TOSltOW CAUSE hearing in Depl 3 at 700 dauJ:hll·r~ Ja1·queli ne ,.,.,,, • "" Jeme\l Fo.. FOllCHANGEOFHAME Civic Center Drive, West, Ca llawa~ of <~arden Grove, Pubii\ht<I D<•"<IP Co.o•• oc111v P1101. PUil.iC •m PuDll>ht<I 0r.,.. Coa•t 0•11~1~11~ PrHldont Sc~~~;:~~t.=':'.:, 0~~:::-,·:;. ~!~ in lhe City of Santa Ana, Ca • RCOl' W•1od of On tario J•ri I •• IS, 72· l'lel Seo.<~• J•n •. u. n. ,.,, ,.., ,_, Tiii• staltnWnl ..... Ole(! will\ ..... _,, l;tf(I Willl ·~ , ....... 01 '"" (0Url California on February 10, and :'ll1chellc 1-:scalara of MHJ711 ~J,":'~,C~°'°"-CounlYOllJ.,. 1or tn o•O..• •"•l\Qinq Ptt•toontr\' 1982at9:30a.m. Hucna Park . Ca a nd ~ Piil.JC •TIE FICTITIOU58USINESS Piil.iC 1111E "''"'' namo ••om 11orl•n Jav Sc"m1e<11 •no IF YOU OBJECT to the .1 hi'' d J l HAMIESTATIMIHT Publhht<IOr-Co.t>ID•llyPllOI trom Llndd LOu St ,,m<td l . t' f th t'tl granuc I un•n an SIS ers f re~<l,.•ly,to"'d• .. nJav l'd•m>•nO gra n 1ng 0 e pe I On, ~: f~:J~;. ~~1~u~~' h~'.d 1~~ t 11• ~:F:!,~!f :~:::~: 001,.9 1N1~~· ~::;; ::;~"';:s~0:: F~c:!~~!:~~·:::s Jen is. n. "·FM> s. ,.., ~" 101\1~~· ;~~~;'~~~~·~·:~., •" ~futhseh~~~r~~~h"a'n;P~~~ al 2 OOPM :it llarbor Lawn businesu• M•<Arthur Blvd s11. ~. Nl'Wpor1 "'' •ouowlno 0"'°" " 001"" PlllJC •TIE ::;:~·~';!,';~~::~.,;.~ ~·°F,~:.:.!:~ your ·objectio ns or file Mt.'monal l'.hal)(•I w11h Rev NEWPORT SHIRT co ee:,~~i,c.~tt..ol Tooiov. lS• sovtll bu~','.;"e''!~wc•ATES, 21201 Kro11 10,1 .. 1.1n 11>tco .. ,,1,_,,01ooo1110 written objections with the r NEWPORT r SHIRTS. T SHIRTS ,., • .-1CTITIOUS•US1HUS Dawn v KcllCln II f1c1at101o: T GO •••• 8•btocll Sl<ttl. Co••• Roumore, LO\ "'"~iH, Calllor .. 1. l•ne. H""lll\Qlon 8"<11, CA"'~ sllOw <<tuSO WllY '"" •DOllC•l•on lor court before the hearing. Srrv1re~ undt.'r the ll1rection Mtw, C•llfor,,•••7•17 'OO?O 811:'.":\~~~~= P•r• A.,..n.,., ~~~~: .. 1t: ... ~..!T!:.~~~--.~. 001,,9 '",","~'s°F•vn!;':.~11ouR 010R~~';:E9~";".::,' • Your appearance may be of Harbor Lawn MounlOilve Oet1nl• Miio, SOJ E .. 1 Bev. Tiii• b~lneu 1• conoucltcl by. -.. ·-·· ... .. in person or by your Mortuan of 'o!>lil M e~a B•lbOa.CahlOfn<a"*I llmlltd~1::~0Toolty 1..:1~11~:IMH I• <-.Cl.., by... FOUNTAIN V"'LL EY CENTER ~~y .. ~~;~"o'::c~' :o .. ';:: ~::'':o': a ltorney. 540·555-1 . 1..J1~'1~u~lnou Is Condu<lod by •n Tlli\ \letttntnf wu fll.., wllh lht T"I• IJl.tM~IHwomtt• "111~ wllll t~ JOINT VENTU RE. •l Corporal• sucun1.e ....,....._ pnor lo llM! dav of I F Y 0 U A R E A CCM>nt., Clork OI D<•nQe Coutlly on J... > -·~· > ~ ·-Pl•H. Sulit 103. Ntwoorl But ... CA ••Id ...... nQ In Ill• D•••Y Pliol • c R E 0 I T 0 R 0 r a GALLI!'! o.Mi\ MtlH u. , .. , Counly c .. ,, OI °"-County o" J... n wo n•w•o•oer 01 Qtntr•I (ore ulallo" f:I\ Rl ,F: GAi.i.i N resif'1cnt T"o\ >tal•,,,."' *'" fllect wllll '"" Fl.... •· '"' HAROLD G MOREHEAD. •IS prlnltO ln 111t Coun1vo1 O•..,Clt contingent creditor Of the C°""'Y Clerk ol OranQt County o" p I FlmlJ B•nlO. Drive, Ntwporl Bea<". CA Oattd O«tmb.., 30 1091 deceased, YOU m ust file or ~ IS!>l<ln \'1t.'JO. ('a Passed Ot<omber .10, "'I ubl '1W!<I Or•nge Coul Dally Pllol. Publlsht<I Or-Co .. 1 Dally Pllol, 91'60 Ronald H Prtnnu aw;H on .Janu;in l7 t9!12 in '"'1" Ja" IS,"·.,, F•b s. 111"' ,.._., J•" '·is,,,"·,.., ,.,_., ZA 1 o "' •ST "'R"' BA 01 11 Judqf'ot •,... .,_,. ... cour• your claim with the court f) {' n \ t.' r . (' (I I 0 r a d " PuDll>"td D<•"<IP c ... si Dally Pi IOI PUIUC Mft1V'[ WhllewOOO. lrvlnt. C"' 9271S PuDll\"td °'~""" CCM\I Dally P1101, 0 r pr esent i t t 0 the Jan I '· u. n. ,.., s.o1 '' ..vn1. ~ NOTICE "'" buslnen " <oMu<l•O by • Jan I 8 is. n. 11191 10 ... 1 personal re presentat Ive Gra\CSIO!.' scn·1c·cs will b<' 9tner•I Po1•IM•Slllo ---·---------. l d b th t held on Thursda~. January PVIUC NOTICE .-1cT1T1ous•uS1Nns HAROt..DG MOREHEAD appoin e Y e cour 21. 1982 al II 00/\M at HAMl:STATEMENT SU~lllOltCOUllTO" Tllis si.1-t w.tilll.O w1tlllN Plll.IC•TIC Within four months.from If b I M ()I po1CTITIOUS IUSIHISS Tl\e tollowl"CI por.on h doing CAll.-OltNIA ~.°:'.;~y Clert< OI Or-:* Courity on Jt'1 the date Of fi rst issuance ar or ~awn . ousn' IVC . NAMESTATEMl:NT CNslnHH\; COUHTYO .. OltAMOI Fl... SU,.l:ltl<HICOUllTO, of letters as provided In Memorial Park cr v1ces '"' tollowlno pe"°" 1, 001"0 WINEBAR LTD., 1000 West Coe•• 1nret1WMefleroftMA~llCA1t1ono1 CALl"°"NIA COUNTY under lhc dlrt.'tl1 on or bllslnesu• HIQllway,..._.,6"<",CA "HU. JOHHl 8LOWf0<Clle-ot Neme Pu:11~~"'1:,c .... t Oally Pl;o1• OFOllANGE Section 700 of the.probate Harbor Lawn Mount Oli ve ""Ess WEST.,.,., i:,.,._"" "'"' "•" Eno•" I"<.• ce11101n•• cA.S1NuM•t:1tA·tu.-Jt" ·' · · •1 u .. , 111 111e -"'-. ""'k•••11 "'code of Californ ia. The Mortuary of Coi.tu Mesa. "C~·~:i~·~~~n"::;on, i•• W•1nu1 ~,,;;>~1:;.~:,0c~·~•~s1Hlllflw••· ~~.~;~-_,,.•Tit CH AllLU HOWU D MALU"D, time for flling claims will 540·5554 •0,CMt•~•.CA '1U7 Tiiis .,.,.,~.Is (OrldUCIM by. WHEREAS,JOHNfHOMASBlOW. ~ ~:.::.~M!!:E MALSllO ,.., not expire prior to four MORTON T1111 ~"ft• " c0fl0uc1t<1 by .,. corp0ra11ori. pell•'-• ... , 111ec1 a ~"''°" .. 1111 ,.,. CASI NUM•E11 Am7t1 months from the date of M I L 0 RED RA u L ""T 11\dlvldutl ROii E"99" Inc Cltr~ of lh l• Court lor an o•dtr "ICTITIOUI aUSINISI 0110111 TO SMOW CAUSI the hearing noticed above. "" 0 ... 111 M. Mtllon C Ollo HaM tll•ngl"9 ptlltloner's nt"lt lrom HAMI: STATl:MIHT po(NI CHAMOE opo MAMI: MORTON. born May 17 , 1898 Tiii• " .. _, "'" t11tc1 wllll file YlcePrHldo!nt JOH N THOMAS BLOW to JOHN Tiit rollowiflQ °'"•"• t ro dol"Q Clltrfe\ Howard Mtlueo .,.d YOU MAY EXAMINE in Detroit. Michigan. Passed county C'-°'Dr-eou"'Y on J.,. Tllh •l•t.,.,.r11 ••$ 111.., •It" 111e THOMAS llY"'N ll<l•l"•u•• ooree" K•w Mtl-4 have flltd • the file kept by the court. away 00 January 18. 1, al u, , .. , cou"h c•m o1 Ortn0t eou .. 1y °" ,.,., 1 T 1s OllDERED ,,,., e11 "''°"' TA us TEE s EA v 1 c Es . •OOO 1>•1111011 1" 11111 court •or .,. order If you a re Interested In the r i S ~1 ... 7 IJ, 1 .. 2. 1nterultd In Ille tbov ... ,.1111.0 maltor Met ArtllUr 81¥0., Suitt JOOO. Wttl •llowl"CI Ptlllloner lo tllt"oe llWir estate yOU may file a the age o 83, n anla na, Pu&ll-Or•"9t CoHt D•llY PllOI. .., ... ·-•' -· tll" Cour1 •• 1o·JO am T-•• . .._,&tall, c"' ttwo ,..,,.., from c11et1u •nd Do'"" • C• She is survived by her J•" It. tt, "· F<!O s. 1"1 2~ .. J ,.ubll~ 0r•"90 '"'' Oalfy PllOI, ""F---, IO, t'tl. I,. !Mcour1room Ntwporl 1 .. 1ern•l101111 Service Mtutto to Cherlo e110 Oont" request With the Court to daughters Virginia Remelin , JIM\ u. n. "· Ft1t. ~. , .. , uwi o1 o..,.,,_ No. l, JWOt • •1 100 t orPOr411.lon, • c..11tor..ie corpor1t1on, M<Ko. receive special notice of and Marilyn Nord. sons Or. PllJC 1111( C••I< c ... ,., °''"' w .. 1. San•• ,.,.., ~ Ma Ari11u1 B1v<1., su1i. si.oo 11 ts,,.,"°"' oraer_. 111o111 •" oer'°"' the inventory of estate and _,,.•ta Ctlllornl1, and \ftow cavM, Ir ... y. W .. I Towe(. NtWOOrl llu ch, CA lnltlUIHI l" I ... ,,..lttt llor .. akl Gerald Majer, Dr. L.owry "'""'° •"Y ti.e oen11on 1or c...,... of,.. .... ~ •PPttr 1>t101• 1111, co11r1 1 .. of the petitions. accounts Morton. 'and grandch1ldn!n .. ,,... '"°"'d l\OIM .,eftlH. T"h t>u>IMu " to"4<1clto by • 0t1>1••-No ~ •• 100 Cl•k c;,,..., a nd rePorts described In Steven nemelin. Sandra 111CT1nou1•us1M•H .-1cr1T1ous•us1N1ss 1THiFUlllHIEfl OROE1tEot11at • conoor•tlon Or1vt.WKt,S...taA11t.C•lllOl'nl•,., Sec t ion 1200 s o f t he ~ MAM• STAT•MUIT NAM• STATl:MI NT COPY ol ltlh °'*' to , ..... uuv bt N-1 ......... 11_1 • M, .. ,, ti 19 30 0'(100. m . tfl4I tllefl RemeUn, Dr. Gerald Majer Tiit lollowi,.11 person " doll\t Tll• 1011ow1,.o P•''°" h dolnQ puDlisll•CI 1" '"' oa11y P1101 , • SeNlttC°'1!0'ellon '"o llltro .-cevw, II ..,, t...., California Probate COde. 11 . David Mil) er, Jerrrey ""'tntua. • ""'1,...,... 11ew1paper of oe11tr11 c1rcul•t1011 De•ld P S1.-cu1 ll•ve .... , "IO P9'1110ft tor <llllfttl °' KEITH C. WEL~UTT M J D M1 rt s sa 2SU ASSOCIATES,°'° llMCArtr..r GlllEG FELIX co , ) .. Slvrooon prlntta In °'-C-ly, Ctlll-1•, ,.,..,id91\t .. amt\llollldno4lleOr .. 1te1 A,.,.. ......... •er, awn ° on, u n llvd., "' soo. H.._1 &•tell, CA Dr .cost•wu,CA91•7' 011t••wtt1ttorteursucc•u•.,..-• Tii is ".._' ..... Iii.ct wit" tM 11 I• hlr1flt• "*~ tfllt • c..,v"' "--•t"-M 0 r l 0 n 8 n d 3 fl* Grtt "•II•, ,.. Slur-Or , (Ml• prM1r to Ille dlltll Ml for -rin. Oft t11t c ... "IY Clor• of Ot-Covnty Oii Hll\ lfttf to.-<-M ....,...,,"" ~ _. _. great grandchild re n w1111•m L Tooley. H• ~.11111 -••.CAfl61' . iwfltlOll · o.c.1i,,.•t '" ,,,. O.lly 1'1104, • ,..__,.., 04 1'762MKArt9'ur •tvd. Services will be held on itou"'ort. L.M A""ln , Ctlllornl• Tiiis ~"""" col\Clucttd Dy a" Oatect: o.<ttnllerJO, '"' teeeclltf&114'" .. -•• c.lr<~loll. ,....,_In'"'' Suite 200 Th d J 2 1_., "'°'°· lncllVldllel. llOflti. Iii.~-·· A..._.,. M UW Ctlllnly flt IM•I -· • ...... tor I-p 0 ... 1MS urs a).', anuury l. -wiur .... ,_Y GNt,..H• J.,.ot111e5-lorC ._.MecA19111r.._....,. ~ .. ~""'''"...,."°-' ..,..,. .. "'° ... 04 N•~ ..i. ........ "-. -... .l l ·OOPM "'\ W"'v••rlay Tiii• ,.&,_ • ., 11•-wltll ...... Tfllt ,,..._, ••• 11..., wllll IN IOHMTMOMAl l l.OW ..... ----"' --·--"c..-,.. C h u~c h . 1.nterm .. en"t ~l c-1y~t1 0r-.c=:..ve11 J;;: c_,.,c;;;·;-~ct1111111•nJW1, t~ .. ,-r, .._..;;t.-.CA"'.... DATIDJ_,,, 1'e1. (714) 7Sl·1J1' Falrliaven M•morl al Park. fl. 1'H. .., .... '· ''"· 11,_ ,,•Mr.I~ cn41 aNM llOHAl.OH. Pfll NME1t Published Or•~ COnt " ---.,,.,... ,,........._,._.t«c-• 0 II Pilot J 11.. ~Dire cted by f'11 irhave n ,.111111"'"-0rMllCOttlOtlfTll'lll4r ,._, ...... o.-.co.t1o.i1,ll'ltot ll'u1lllillM~C-tO•ll•"""· f>vei•~Ort111tCotitO.llyPllOI.. Pu1Mt1M1t0r.._c .. ,1 o.11yl't1ctt, a Y .-..-.1 ,16,n , --~=:!'!"-----""!!!!!""!!!'"""",,. M!>rtuary. 833·1442 J~JS.n.1'. ~'· '"" ,.,.,. .1e11.e,1s,»,1',1WJ l•Mf '"''"' 1, •· u. n . '"' io1.a Jen. a, 1,, n,1', '"' 1•M> J.,.. •. u,tt,,., ,.., m-12 1992 -292-12. • PACIAC YllW MIMOllAL ,All C.l'l'Wltery Monuary Chat>el·Crematory 3500 Pac11tc View Drive Newport Beach 644·2700 II \ -·-- .. 11 ,· f t1 NASA spreads the wealth SPACt CENT ER, H o u ston <AP> -The space s huttle Columbia la launched In f'lorida, controlled from Texu and l•nda In C•lirorni11. Its rockets art1 de.veloped ln Alabam11 and the entire pro1ram I& orchulr1.ated out o r W ash Jnston. 0 .C. It's not that lhc ~iatlonal Aeronautics and Space Administration can't make up its mind where it wunlS t o w o rk. NASA ofltclala insist 3frlnkJlng their rac Ulties across the country is part 01 a 1ramd plan to k eep everybody happy -not least lhe poJltlclans. ''Whe n you have a big oraa nlzation like NASA that spews ll lot o r m o n ey into the economy you try t o scatte r it out Ir you can to give all dtrr~rent parts or the country 11n opportunity to hllve the advantages o r the econ o m ic impuc t ." said NASA s pokesman John Lawrence. The s pace cente r h e re provides jobs for more tha n 8,000 rederal wor kers and contractora, and has turned what 20 year s ago was a rural s hrimping village of 5,000 people into a booming s uburbia o r 100.000 r esidents. . Because o r the policy o r spreading the wealth, a single s pace s huttle press conference h e re may a lso be cove red simultaneous ly by reporters in Cap e C anaveral, Fla., Edwards, Calif.. Huntsville , Ala ., and Was h ington , 0 C • linked b y c losed-circuit televis ion h ookup so everybody gets a c hance to ask questions . ~ In a ll, NASA has l l facilities s tretc h ing from Wallops Is land, V a ., to Morrell Field. C alif. ti'our or the m are directly involved in the mission of the s huttle, s a id J o hn E . M c Le ais h . director o r public informa tio n a t the Johnson Space Center. "W e 'r e res ponsible h e r e in H ous ton for selecting a nd t raining the astronauts, deve loping the o rbite r and controlling the..111gb1.." M c Leais h s aid. Building the r ocket e ngin es ttia t propel the l 16·ton s huttle into orbit is the j ob o r the Mars hall Space Flig ht Cente r in Huntsville, whe r e the Saturn rockets tha t carrie d m an t o the m oon m o r e tha n 12 years ago were d esigned and contracted. The K e nnedy S pace Cente r at C ape Canaveral is in control during the la unc h , a nd for the present al least, t he s huttle lands at the Dryden Flight Resear~h Center in California whe re a vast dry lake botto m leaves a lo t o f room for e rror ~ . ., .. ................ OllOINAHC9 11•1 It te~ le lie 111 lull otttct » ,.,.. ,,_ J...-.v II. ltlt,•M_ ....... ..., ........... t ell l ell vole (OUll(tl -"'Nrtl AYll1 l <lleter, He ll, Ht rltef, Mcfl•rleftll, -'-· NOel1 N-. AHIHT:N.-Of~ IM c ........ Ille, ....... M ...,.rty ....... at ... Vltlerll M,...1 frtnt RI lo 111, In (-llM •1111 ...,_ .... It .... ",, u. Tiie 11111 teal ol Ille Pt0•eu.i or91ne"'e rna, .. r-111 1118 City Ctert.'t Otflc:• •I 11 ,. .. , 0,1 ... c;.,. .. Moy E11.leN,. "MINNE\' c11,c•n City .. Ca.le Mew ,.11lall ..... or ..... COHI o.llV .. .._, JM tt, "" ,..,, su"'•••oit cou•T cw CALl•Oll"IA COUNTY Oft Oil .... Ill the l!Mfter ..... ~ketlOn ol LEONAllO 501(01. WASSEllMAN, llOH lllUBY WASSERMAN, H...- -Wiit l9t O\lflll ef N-CAM lllUMa91l A·lll•I OlllN• TOJMOW CAUH f'Olt CMA .... 0 .. "AMI LEON.\110 SOKOt. WASH 11-N & llOSIE flU8V WAS$EllMAN. ~ -............ filed • Pttltlorl "' ,.,., (_, ,., .. ~ ................. _ t o <11•111• 111•/htr ft ame from LE~AllO SOKOL WA$$EllMAN & AOSE ,_U8Y WASSEllMAN to l.EONAllO $TERLING WATERS & llOSE llU8YWATEllS. II It ............. lllel ell peUOftt lhltrHIM In Ille mailer atortsalo •PP••• betor• 11\lt cowrt In o. .. rll'l*!I No. > et 100 Cl•k Ceftter Ori•• West. So9lllt AN, Calllornla, on Merell >, tta, el 10 JO 0'<100 e.m .. aft41 lhe11 ...0 tMre -c ... w. II t ny tyy llavo, why u lo pellllon tor <119"90., _ _,o not be orenteo. II •• "'"'-orCltrlO ,,.. • COPY .. 1111• .,..., lo -(.-De pullll\lle4 111 Delly Piiot, • nt ••P•P•r ol -rel Clr<ulotlon, pwbl""" In !Ills C-ty at lta51 one• a wMk fOf tout conwcllllve -h prior IO Ille day 01 WICI llearinq. Oeled J_., 29, 1"1 A-1<1 H PrtnMr JUC190of Ille Superior COU'1 Pub!IJ~ CoAM Oelly Piiot, J.,. 22, tt, F..,_ !, 17, 1"2 '1"1 SU"'E 11110. COURT 0" CAl..,OANIA COUNTY 0 .. lt1¥EllSIOI *-•O.U.St. ,.,0 .... 11• , ..... C..tUtT Pl.AINTIFF OESEAT VILLAGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. a Callfornla '*'"IWOfll ...._.11o11 OEFE N OA N T : TICO R PROPERTIES CORPORATION, t corporetlon JOHN DOE CAAL TON, JOHN DOE BROWNE, JOHN DOE 4884 TE. lndlvld11e1ty •nd db• CARLTON. BROWNE & AB84TE, a pertnerSlllp, aNI DOES I 10, lnclwllve Orange Coast DAU. Y PILOJ"/Frlday, January 22 , 1982 PIU•11l n.n •ICftTtout euMN•H ,.1nn1ou• eua'"'" •OTICa CHI TlllUtHl'I IALe •--ITAteMllNT •AMe HATeMtl"T 1 $ No ..,,.,.. "" lollo•l1tt l)•,.on It dtlft 'II• ltllewl119 ""'"' ero oolnt Of! ,.,...,,, ,,..._., 12, ltll, el twt M lllttt ... 11111\IMU M' a'tleO "M., al~ htftl lllVWKt OOL.OIN AllllQ!lt OAS I NI! llOY MAH TSC CON•UI. T ANTS, ~ of nw 0.-0r..,.. Otw!l\r ~. CO., *' "• Hiii •-. ~ .. ltt, Mo111e .. Otln , Hwnllntton ••~"· 111 tlw -..... "' Wftl ~ AM hllOlflt 4, C.. .. ~.CA "6•. Celllorftia "'4t llvd., City • s.Mt ....,, Celller"lt, JAMii H. Kl rC HIN$, Ul t S. Al .. rt ttltllerd lt9clrltuta, _., ..... , INTlllSTAll BANI( 0, TMr••-·••<Ml-.CAt... M ....... °''"· Hwntlneton l•IKll, CAl.IFOlltNIA, Trv-., _, • ..., llllt .,.,_ ,, (~, .. .,., ... C•lllorfl!.fJIWt Trw•lff ....... llW 0-.. .. Trwt .,, ... l"dd'-lwel. "'•"l<la "' llloCI• !twee. >•tt .. ,, l w-ken •ftll OollOI ken, J-H 1(11(-· 111\0IH•to Or•vt. Hwllllfttlon BHCll, llwtlland eft41 wife, el Ttnenh 111 ff\lt ... -1 wet 11100 •1111 1119 C .. llor"i..,.,. c-mon ...0 rt<Ot-'"Nm .. r U, County Clerll ol Or#\Ot C-ty on Jllll Tllh llut .... U It conCllKl9cl ov .,. "ICTITIOUI IU"llleU llllAMl ITATeMa•T t "" 1011ew•~t ,.,.,11 1, ••l11t ... ~ ....... , IALIOA tLUU. M1 IE ... , • ................ cai1 ..... 1. QM) A .... t, M Ntl ..... 11• ...it •ttwl. NtwllOf'I ... II, (.elltorrilt .,.._. Thi• lllltlno\l I~ t-w<t.o llY •" ..... 11( ........ , ·-···,... •tllef , ..... ... ,, .... ...... A-•YM IMIMll '"'' ..... ..._,••II•• with Ille Co11nty Clerk ot Or..,._ c-ty on ':f,.'.'~ou• ·~•1 .. 1n ITATIMll"f •7 l lie IOlleWlllO 9tfltll h •.el•t htlnen•• JWO LIMITt;O, IJOI h"ll• .. Ortve N-rt lleach. CA ti.to JANef w OONN eLl.Y, '* ... nll~ ()tlye, Newp01'1 Betcll, ~ .,... Tiii• Dull""" ,, <-w<teel .. , -1notv1oua• J-l w Dotllla1 I y Thi\ >1•1-t '"" llleCI wllh .. Co.int. Ctetk ""Or-C4'11'1tv on J•~ '"°· H l...,_1 N-r >'dJ, Ill •. 1"2 111411•1-I Bot• UHi, ""' 1'41 tt Olll<lt l •1-A It fl_..,., J-····· ,.., .. ,.,., • , .. 1 ,. ... , l'11lal-Or-CMtl Oellv ,.llol, ,..._ llecordt of°'*"" C-.v, C..llert\le, P111111"'9d Or-. C..ll Delly Plio.. Tiii• tl•-.,_. 111.., wllll -t lvon to -IK• 1111 ~.-.. In Jen t. U, 12, 1', 1"1 ,,.., Ctv11ty Clert. 01 0<a11oe Co;inly .., J.n n . ,.,, ,..., s, 11, , .. , Jat.tJ Pvt>ll\MO """""°' (Nu 01111• "''"" J•n I , I), n. tt. 1'91 Ut .. levor OI U"llod Calllor·n1e 891111, a JtA11ary 20, 1.-, Cemorni. c0rwe110n. •• , .. _ of '9JC Illa ""' Ill• ••••<" ., C•r1•111 Olallt •lion• """'"""' Or11119t Cot" o.lly Piiot ttt wred ........ ,,. notice •• •""" MN·I0717 J ... n. "· Ftlt ,, IJ, 1"1 )414.J ,~..,, larff<ll wa -or-A-ti ti. "''· NOTICI 0" TllU$Tll'I IALI •• 1ns1,_1 N..,....r a...t,"' ..... NOTICE OF DEATH OF Na. sn,.11m ltt ... "•" un .• , .... Ottltl•I JOAN o. PRINCE ANO r.JC l9T1C( Mollee •• hereby t i••" .... , on llt<ordt. wlll wll al IM*tk •OKI..,. It O ., p E T I T I O N T O i-------------FrlClaY. '"' '11111 day of Je11.,.ry, 1"2, Ille """"' "'-' ,., cetll, ... -... ... ., , ... -OI 11 00. m •• , 11oo111111re111 •••fwl _Y .. IMUN1"4$1•--·• ADMINISTER ESTATE c .. ,.,... •nlreno IO .... Or ..... c-·· OI• I,..""" ot wie, or llv <•t11ier'u111Kk NO. A -111665. •onc1 °" T•un11·1 SALi c:o'"'""""' 111 "" C•IY o• Salll• An•, ouwn IJY • 1>a11t. en11t .. d 111 the T I I h I T S No •SO' c own1y ot Or-. Slot• ot c.1110-nl•. ttnerel ban~lllt Dullneu In teld 0 a e r S , ¥0HAMMEO S DAUOO, AS Statewio. f 0re<towre St,.I< ... lftC , ·-•Y. s.. .. ot t.eutonll•, w1c1 .... b en@tlclaries, c r e ditors TllUSTOA ., SwcceHor 1,.,,, ... w111 w11 ., ,,,. .. -. .,... "'''*" ..,.,,_., •• 10 a nd contingent c reditors of 011 ''° '· ,..,, •• • n • M .• TITLE ...,~1c '"'"°"· 10 u.. ... .,....1 b ... ,_ 1111•. ,.._\Ion"' •M-~ ... , .. J 0 h n 0 . pr Ince and TllUST Ol!ED H llVICE COMPANY, ,., CUii In 1-ul ,._,.of, ... UnlloCI lnterHI <4WlwyeO to - -,..Id "' ., 1"1Y ~"'"' Trw•IN wncler encl $1tl .. , •II PllYAOI• •• IN '""" ot Hie. tald Trll"" -•M4 ,.._of lfv•l In p e r S 0 n S W h 0 m ay be PY•twent 10 Doff ot Tr11" fe<.erdod 11\el ce1'1tlll tNI -rty 111 ... 1.a In the or.,..1y .i1-111 o,.,_ c-y. otherwise Interested In the -""11 11• "''· •• 1"'1· No um, 111 ,.,. City °' NewclOf1 1M>e<11. c-.. 01 Gelllorftla.O...Cr-es Will and/or e!lla te ·. l>oot. l40U, P•ff .. ,, et Ollt(l•I Ore n9e, Sl•I• ot CelllOrnla, eno "'" 1,... (ff\elft 1-tltvt-lft 1,_ Record• !ft IN ottlte 01 lht C-y e1e ... rl-.. IOll-t cltv 01 Newport e .. c,., c-1, of A petition has been filed Ae<oroer ot 0r.,... Counlv, Stet• 01 Loi o ot Tract No H•J. ••pot map Or•noe. State ot c.111om1e, oe.crl-by J ack Prince in the Celllornl• WILi. SEl.1. AT PuaLIC recoroeo 1n eooeo 94, P•ll'I• <S t~•u •T, •• IOllOWl Superior Court of Orange AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIOOE.R Ml.c. M•. In Ille oHI(~ ot Ille ,_,y Loi S -Illa! POfllon ot 1.ot 4 ot C t I . t FOR CASH lpeyallle •I time ot ,._. \11 RKer<k• of Wld County Tr<Kt No tOI, In '"" cm of N--1 oun y r equ es 1ng tha •••'"' ,_., ot"'" un11ao s1tt"i •T Th• llru1 aooro" •nCI 011,., &Mell, ••per map receroeo in -Jac k Prince be appointed THE 'ROHT ENTRANCE to THE common Getl9fl•llon, 11 any, ot 111o u . P•t o n 10 ,, lnc•w•lo ot a s personal r epresenta tive 0 L 0 0 It""' G E c 0 u N T Y re•1 P•oMrty OHu1.,.a above h Ml II I t COURTHOUSE, LOCAT ED ON Pll•PO'lt<ltotw !01A•oc-,N••POr1 SU_,~. " ... ottlco 01 to administer the estate of SAfHA ANA BLllO .. BETWE EN 8•tcll,CelllOrlll•t1-3 :::t<~=':.~:!~ ot WICI Covn4y, John 0 . Prince (unde r th e SYCAMORE ST ANO 8ROAOWAY, T ... unclon~ l•v\lee d•K••lm• Be9lnnln9 ., , ... Nor111eutorly I n d e p e n d e n l SA N' ... A ...... ri9hl, 1111• and •nv lleblllly IOI ... , 11\COrrKIMU al COfner of wlCI lDI •. 111enu Wttlarty Admint's •ratlo n Of Estates inttrtll conveyed •o-,..., lltld by 11 Ille •tr .. 1 -ts• •nd otlle• common , under .. Id 0H d ol f r11 \I In Ill• de.l9nellon, II •nv. •hOwn 11ere1n IS 00 Itel alon9 , ... Norlhtrly llne A ct). The\ petit1'on ··s set for O•O-rl I 1--I Id ,. I --tl'9reot; 1-.ce Sollltl9f1y to • POlnl on ~· V ".,. ~ n ~· .,own V •·-Said H it ••II be m•ae wll~ovl '"• Sovttle,,., lff\e of ,.10 •••• hearlng In Dept. No4 3 at St••• de-Krfbld ., tov•"•nl or •• ,,.nty ••Pren 01 • I.of SJ of Tfe<I No ........ \llown 1mplltCI ·~di"O ..... PO .. tUIOll, or Narthwelttrly IStO '"' ''""' 1"• 700 C ivic Center Drive, on amaprec.orOtd lnlloot.411 P•cioe• t n cumb••n<•• to ••11•1• '"' Sow111euter1v <orm>• ot w1C1 tot, 4, W est, In the Ci'ty o f Santa ·o 11\ro ,, •J 1 1 ~ 1 l,..n<• Easterly IS tO IHI •I-Ille • u 9 • n < 11 • 1 • • a ot>llQ•llon• -u•ed I>• end p111\uen1 10 Sowlll•rly llnt ol ••Id IOI. to .... A n a • c ;r I i f 0 r n I a 0 n mN.•ll•neou• m•P\ ruord\ OI '"" ,,.. PoWet OI WI• <onter••d 1n lh•I !>ov1i..a.1er1y c0rner lhtreol, '"-• February 3, 1982 a l 9: 30 townty •K"'""' al •aid covnly u•t•ln -ot l•ull <Ml•d Seo1emoe1 The •I reel •Odre•s •nd Other 11 1'90 f•O(Yl«I t•et-n LEAOY p ~Orllle:\1••1• tlonQ Ille Sol.tl•U•l•rly a .m . comm ... dto•lonttlon .•• any ol '"" STUOER•ndEMOGENESTUOEll,•< .:::.n~ine"'d 01 • 10 the Point 01 IF YOU OBJECT to the •ul P•opertv docr1Dea ello••" Tr11•1 or\, 10 ST PAUL TITLE E «•Pl l'l•I Po•llon ot Loi s grant ing Of lhe petition , ov•port"d to..., so C•rvrr 51r•~•. COMPANY .• u l•u•le<r• lor JAC:tt A I lrvlnt, C:A '1114 ANOON IAN, et •I •• 8e,...llc1a1y, lo Cl.,<r bed in tolk>•o · B091nn1ne at '"' you s hould e1'ther appear Th ,,.,. .......,. l Norllleint corner ol lOI s, lhentt • u ••• .. -w '""'" Oi\(l•lm• >tcwte "" wm ol l l ... ~ 00, wllll We\ltrly I 10 IMI aloftQ Ille Nortllerty al the hearing and ~late elly ltel>lllly IOr .,_y lftCorrec.lno\ 01 lnlertll Iller..,,, t\ P<O•ldeel In ••<Cl llne of Lot S, llleMt Solltf\orly JI SO your 0b1'ecl iOnS Or file lllt \lrMI .OOIH\ -OIMr common notu edv•n<o. II env, unaer de\IQnetlOfl, 11 •ny, \llown lle•tln 111o lerm• 01 \.old dHd OI t•u\I, , .. ,. , .. , P.,e11t1 """""" E•>ttriy llne 01 written o b1'ectlons w it h the s.10 1 111 ~ 1 k-·· LOI s, tllenu Eoterly t 10 1u1 w •"' .... m•do, bvl * ''""'' <htr9'1• ilnd noe<1Sh ot Ille Tr11\I" p•rallel Wllh lht Norf ... tlY hM ol HIO COUrt before the hearing. COVellanl or WArrentv .. PtO\ or and of Tt'U>ll <t•ellO I>• \aid 0..0 OI I.Of s to .... E .. lerly llne lllettOI, Your appearance may be lmpllocl, •99<1'0in9 ...... ~loeUlon, Or 1ru•I, .,.., •t<Ofdtod Oii S.pttmber II, ,... HOt111orl l !O tntwm11ronc ... top .. Ille remelnlft9 lttO, 1n -IJll•. -llOiol olllclal u l::'eEHttrlv ~lne'. 10 1-:::::t": i n person Or by YOUr principal wm of Ille -thl H<wred ttCOrd\ 01 Or-C:ountr, <;tale ot Oft innln9 attorn ey. by Hid OMd 01 Tr11\I, with lntere\I C•lllornla The llrHt •ddrtu •nO 01,.., 1 F y 0 U A R E A tlltreon, a) provlOtd •n u ld no1ehl, Tiie -1c1....,..unoe..-Mlfcr'dMcror COMmOll ~l9nall011, II AtlY, OI ""' c R E 0 I T 0 R 0 r a aovencH, II ... ,. ,,_, , ... lerm, of ,, ... ,or M<urlly doYIO. Dy, ....... OI. •••I proporly dt\<rlDed •IH>ve h &aid OHO ot Tru\I, lett. ctwrOH and D•••cll 0r Otlla11n In Ille OC>l•Q•IK>M IM'tPo'1.0 to De 4U "It llOo Sowd, Contingent Cr editor Of the Hponws OI Ille fruslea •nCI 01 Ille MCurtd l ... tl'OY. rwrelotore Ut<llltel NowportBe.<ll.CA""'3 d eceased , you. mus t file '"''"cr .. 1eabvw<e1DM001Trvll atld <kllvereo 10 tllt vn<1e,.1(1nff a The _,,._., Tru\IM disclaim\ your Cla im With the COUrt Tiie IOlal amo"nl OI the unpt ld wr itten dt(lorallon OI <Ml•ull and ·,11"e' •lllr·~ .......... ~.~"!..:.ncool:~r"-'om .... ~ 0 r present 1· t t 0 t .. e ..... nte of , ... Obll .. llon HCurod by aemend tor ..... ,,., .. , ...... notl<e 01 ~ ~~ • __ ~ ~ .. _, " Ille pro-tv toOt \Old -r .. -. .... Mf•v•t and etec:llOfl to w11 ..-r tflf Ol\l9nel-,11tny,...._t1llerel11 personal representative Ullmated CO\I\. t apenu\ •nd lerms 01 l•ld dead 01 lru1I enO St<CIWlelSloOt-lotl ... pur-a ppoi nted by the COUrt advanu\ •t Ille time of lllo lnllltl ro<otdeG AYQUil S ...... , ln\trument ot pa lnQ the lollowlne ooH 11 n1 PGbllc•llon °1 tlle Noflo or S•I• 11 No. S> ... In llOOli 14110, •• P-SSS ot PICTITIOUI eUl'HaU lllAMa $TATIMaNT Th• IOtlOWlnt per"'"' •• , ••lno """""''" M A H A G E M E N T OEVfiLOPMEHT CONSUL1ANT$, UU7 Flof lda s1r .. 1. Sv•lo UO, Hwllllnoton ~II. Ca1114i•nla ,,... •1111 L ttr_,_ 10011 \wanW'• L•nt. Hllllllfl910ll ft•ar 11, C.•lllorn1e .,_ lifltft L. tlull•r, tO• ~My Cte\I Orto "lillerton, Calltornt• •l tJS Tnl\ 11<1•1""'' " (O'ldw<l•CI by • -···--.nip AML ltr~t '"'JU Pvbll\ht<I Or...., C:o•nl O•llY Pllet. Jan U , 7'f, Fd> ) n 1"1 )4t•J l'ICTITIOUt BUllNIH NAME STATEMllNT Tt.e foflow •f\Q P•r~o" '' 001"9 Ou\ineu •\ SWEE l SA HSF ACT ION 111 J)rO S1r .. 1. Nt wPOrl B••c" Calltotnl• tJW K•v M HO"eleno •00 '"•h n •"'•""'•· H.-wparl S..cn C.•Utorn•• '246] Thi\ bY .. •n.t\\ '" t.und...Clf'ct ov an lM 1vldu•t K M Hov~• M'tO ""' \t•fl'tne'f\t .,.,., ttled with I,._ (ounlv Clttrer. ot O• •f't9t" County on J•nu•,.10 1'1117 1'111>64 Publl\lle<I Cit-(o.\\I 0•1ly Piiot. Jan 17. tt Fe«> S 11 1'17 JS• 11 .. ICTITIOUS BUSINEH N-E STATEMENT T "• tollow1n9 o~r,on t\ do1n4 l>v>lneu •> B ~ Ql\.Y,W~t.i.-llti i.lfH ~ Meu CA'1'71 Wllllem " '-"·?St) Elc»n Co.I• -.. CA9ft27 fhl' ~'\Jnfl'\~ 1\ Conduc '"'0 OY •n lndlvlOUtl Wiiham A C:oU< h Thi\ \.l•len'Wft1 w•\ tuect wun trw- c-1., Cltrl< OI 0.--Cout1ly on Jen S, tm ,,,.,,. Publl•""" Ot•noo C:Oa\1 Deily Piiot. 1e<.u1.':ibYMtiCIO.dol Trutl: 9• o Within four months from U•.to.'4 olllCill rK0t~olwl<1counly SUMMONS Fee" CNtQlll •llCI eaponws ol tho the date of f irst iSSUance The -fi<lery under Wid o..d of Tiie loltl <1mown1 01 Ille unpaid C:-l .... UZ74 1rvuu tttlm.teCI 10 .,. 1,......,. of f I ti ·d d · Trv•t 11ereti.1ore e .. c uled •nd .,.1....,e ot ttw 001-tlon _..,..., o, Jan U, n 7't. F•b ) 11111 711 IJ "Possibly a s early as the fourth flight tentati vel y scheduled r or n ext August or September we will take o ff and land al K e nnedy:; M cLeaish s aid. "W e 'r e u sing the Edwards dry lake bed instead of a conventional runway beeause it's ver y early in the d evelo pme nt flight." lllOTlc;Et Y• ..._ ..... -· T ... '4 ...... $ 0 e erS as prOVI e in dell•treCI lo Ille unotr\IQtH!d • wr111et1 Ille property to be \Old, 1ntludlnQ ,_,...., ..,.._ ... .._..,... • ._. The 11n~io Principe! balance 01 Section 700 o f the Proba te Oec1are11on Ill.,, Ott•u•1 .nc1 Oomend .. 11mated co•ts e•pensu ona ------------,_-...,. --.. -,.._. uo .000.00 Code of California. The tor Salo. and• wrlllen Nollet ot ea•en<Hh l"'·"'31S Califo rnia also has the J et Propuls i o n ~aboratory in P asad e na, which e xplores deep s p ace with unma nned sate llites s u c h a s Viking and M arine r , and the Ames Research Center at Mofrett Field. which s tudies pla n e tary atmosph e r es and does other s pace r esearch •1•111 • .. .,., •-.. .....,__ lnterell on 1ne unpalo prlnclpel tim e for filing c laims will Ot•e1111 •no etec11on 10 Sell Th~ O•••a 0tcem0tr u. '"' -· belante lromtJ..ottFlotlnleo tatt not e>Cpt're prt'Or IO four undt t\•9Md C•UHCI \e1d Nollet OI ~'•«-• II you wl\11 IO -~ Ille .Ovlce 01 en Banll.'\ ~!mt r•le pt~ ts""'"'' Pff Otlawll ...a EtKllon 10 $ell 10 e... s.n1e ... tee.•• .. ~ •llorMy In""' m.te.r, vou "'9Vld CIO •nnwm monthS from the date Of •t<oraed 1n trw <ownty wlll!rt !llt •HI T ....... "Y SWlliMIOft so oromptly so '"•' vo11r wr1 tte11 o a1eo· J-v 11, nm the h ear ing n ot iced a b ove o•ot>erty 1, loc••ea •.A. Jey,Aul. VI<•,,......,,. re-w,ll eny,mayOtllleClonllmt FlllSl IN"IEllSTATE YOU MAY EXAM NE Doi• Jon1Ury~ 1"2 '4UCanl-.Aff. AVISOI U\t.o lie woo-· BANttOFCALl,ORNIA, I TITLE TAUSTOEEO c,,_,Ct .... El lri"-1 --CIKICllr (Olllr• UCI. TllUSTIEE the f ile kept by the court. SEAVICECOMPANY 171411a-l* tin awdle11cle • menos qwe Ud FOAMERl.Y UNITED If you a re interested in the •\W11d Tru\I.. Pvblllned 0.""91 Coast Delly Pilot ~=~·11:..JOdln. I.a• I• CAW'<>'INIABANK estate , you may f ile a ~~~n~~~~·:,~~d ,Slt4~ .. Jan.8.IU1.1'17 l1H7 SI ust.o-... Mlll<ller •• conwjo 0e ~=~= request w ith the COUf't to Te• 11>"' - "ICTITIOUS •USINEH NAME STATEMENT Th• toU0•1n9 Pf!'''°"' •'• dolnQ t>u,,,..,,.~ CRESCENT ASSOCIATES, •O•t M•cArlh11r 8ou1 .. ard. Su•te I SO l0t•P0rl Bekll, Catllorni. '1..0 M ltH Oun11t \c notunter •s Cu~tod••n tor Me••n•~ Jo S<1'0ft•noer-U02 Ent Mon1e<110 Scolhdatc, Ariton• ISJS• P•11I H Reynold\ ?•1 HthOlr- A•enw Coron• diet ~', C•11torn•• '1•15 ··Each o f the NASA cente r s h as independent function s," said L awrence. "And it helps promote more s upport fo r political purposes. Obviously the pe ople in Florida, around h ere a nd in Califo rnia, are very r eal sup porters" o r the s pace program. 11n • ...__ "' .. ,, •wnto, °""'" 1.oc•-.i 101 wwtNre B"'-.. '-• receive special notic e o f Bv Errot s s1111men h•<erlo 1m ...... latame111t, d• HI• An-let. CMllOm .. •11 ... ....,_ the Inventory o f e s t ate PvOll\llPCI °'-Cot•I O•llV P1101. -oTtc• 0, s Peter Alldrt w l(ir~ ,, .... Ill m.Mra, Ml ,_, .. t1'trlta. SI ~ 121), I Dtl Thi I -to Jan IS, 11, ~ 1 .. 7 21• 8? ~ "' T•USTEE' SALE F•lrvltw ROecl, 01t1 C:elilornia •J01l ••t1111•,_._,_...,_. , .. ....,.. .,. ,..•'° .. .,., -..!o"~ ~'· Trv" assets and of the p e t it ions , Ts. Ille. MMM Jol'lrl c !>v1,,.,r11t1e1, Jr "'" P•'° M c Leaish con ced ed there is som e re dundancy by having so many cente r s , but added, "There are so m e cases w h ere you have deliberate duplication." I TO THE OE,ENOANT. A C:IYll Olllct ., £111• .. "' Ale<<lw, Aul. a c c.ou n t s and r epor t s .-JC 9l11C( .... ~E=P~~T.=.~~:.:cTr:~:o~~; <'•I S11r Soun\ L•91#W Cel!l0rn1• fM71 COMplelrtt~-llledbytlleplellltlf Tnlll Otlk ff -<Ml .. rM<-at d escribed in Section 1200.5 •-------------llW loll-Int c!Ps<tlDIO -ol lt11\I Gey "' S..th•!flolftd nt•I Pt'°OOI -"'" .,.... II ....., wltll "' ... ....., tNt tlW --or........,. ,. Svr. South LA9U"t Cal1torn1• '1•11 •••wit. vow""'''· .. 11111,. • M,s ,.114111-0r.,.. ,_ oe1iv ,.1._ of the California Probate "* ~~l~Hs:L~1;~E~e~:g0"iu11c:r~~ R01>t•• 11 w.1~., J•. 171 L• ~11, •11•r ""'-''_.,...,..,..., Je11.n ,2t,,W.S,1'G JN Code. Tiie 101tow1n9 cooy OI "Notice," Ille CASH IN••Dle ••time o1 ••I• In P1tamonl,C•lllo1111 .. ,•10 tile wllll "'"~ • .,._......... T "0 r p e ' s u 11 i v a n • orlo1 ... 1,ot """'"' ••• tiled for rt~ord la•l11I -· OI ! ... Unllt<I Sl•lt>I •Ii T "" 11<1\ln .. n I\ tOlldutleo Dy • to Ille ,........,., u-. -.... ... w 0 r ll ma" & Th 0 r ... e ' Oii Otc•-JI, .... In ..... office o• rl9hl, 1111• -lnttrHI (OflYtYecl ta 9•""•al -p·,,.,r~·I!, -------------1 YOWr •ela"ll •Ill M anlere• .., '9JC 11111 & '" Ille C-lf RfJCOfO.r ot Mfd (Ovftty, I\ en<t now held o, ,1 ..._, Wl•O Otta of tut H "onold\ -4k .......... ~ .... -~ ... ttotne~s at Law, •th ~·"' lo VOii l11a•m11(h ., •n Tr\1\1 In '"' P<OP<ttly llortlnallet Thi I Ma"419•nq Partnt,r <-1 -.-W • .....,._. ....,.. F"loor, D Wilshire Blvd., eumlnatlon OI IM 11111 10 Mid 1rus1 ftKrloeo • • •t•"""'I """ 1.1..., ""'" •lie '°" tor .. ,...., .._ "' h "~'"::::::-Los Angeles, Ca. 90017; pr-rty "'°•' 1"" II••• n•v• •n TRunoR RAt..PH L RED• •nd Countv C•rr• 01 O••~ Covni. on ,~~~~!:~:::::s "~c:!~m:~:::::' ~:':'..':~!':!..:"'!~(':.=~~ 1'::1~::: TM,,.._..,. ---s ., ....... tel: (213) 6I0-9tto lnlerut tn lhe Tm•tt'• Stl• MARLENE l'!EO• 11•1\Dand etld ,.,,. Otc JO ..... Tiit lollowino l>"t\Ons ar~ oo•nq Tiie lollowln9 "'"°"' ero Oelf'lt _, fl' -1Y .,, -· rellef ~M: Pro<H<l•ntt •• 1olnt ,....,,,, D11\I,_., .. , bll~neu~ ..._. ...... ~. 111 Al'OLt.0 ENTEll,.lllSES ctl ,.....1_ o.-. CoaJI Dally PllOI NOTICE Of' OE,AUl,.T BE,. E FI CI A II Y H A A 0 I. O G&S HOTEL CONSULTANTS, SUNSET PUB, l...Sl Peclfk c...t 0...W0.5411+1-,C-THE GI.AS$ MENOEllS. nu Ott•. JM. 12, IJ,U, 1"2 l.., ANOll.ICTIONTO ROBBINS, Tt11>let ...,...., D<Kl•••llon H•O Ma<Atlhu• tllYd ~·· ouu, HIOll••Y. Sunset Bt•cll, C•lllornl• l .SeMl.O..y Soeftl•AN,<Allforlll•'21'14 SIL.1.UNOEll ot Tr11\ld•l~J11lv lt.1'90 Ne., port 8te<h, C:•hlorni• '1...0 t010 OtW. Jilly I. "'1 Jec_...1,n An" lee11, 2t01 S. OllED Of' TllUST Rttordeel Januar v 9 1 .. 1 •• lnllr Frta G•Dbon• 601) I.• Pu MAGGIE'S PU&. I NC:., • llllOIAllOl ..... ll Syc-.. 0 , S.... "-· c.tl-a '9JC l9ll( ~llle,lllllOBY No to~• in -IJ'OI pa~ ltn(I ol An•htom Hill\, C•lllCl'n•• "0t07 Callforllla COf'porat-. IM.55 Pee If le I~........., tU,...... '11t1 T .$. .... 7n.. OlllCl•I llt<orCH 1" '"" othu OI , .... Poter Shew llJI E11Ulyplv\ Coe st Hl9llway, Swnttl Beech. .,_....._Ca...., 0•1• Plllttlp •••11. 2tt1 S. MN -793 "IMf'OltTANT NOTICE" Recorek!• ot 0.-Mgo Cowntv sotld deed Brte,C•lllotn••'1•l• Celilorn1eeou2 , .. .,...,. '"'""""· o . SMU ..... c:.tlter"'• -IF YOUR PllOPEFITY IS I N OI t<u>I dU<tlDts lht !ollo .... n. Tiii\ ~'"'" "c.ondU<led Dy •" Tllli ll<l>lneu It coll<lw<l•O bV • PuellslwdOr'.,... c-t Detty,.,._, .,701 NOTICE OF DEATH OF FORECLOSURE BECAUSE YOU pr-rty .. d I Ion Jell n 1' F•' tt 1tll .....,_ Tiii• b<nlnets Is <o• .. lucl•d Dy • H E L E N K I R K A " E 8 E H I N :> I N '( 0 u " Parcel I ~n~=~~~.: •>'°"14 '°" 0'""r '"•n corPora~'\ ""tJ, Int ' ' ' ' ...,.,.,.,.._,..,,... L"' NT ERM PAYMENTS. IT MA Y BE SOLO Loi .. ot fr«I NO I••"' '"°"'non P,,tt~w J«-''""""8ffn " AN , _. ll a WITHOUT ANY C:OORT ACTION, ancl •mop rtcore1t<1 1n -l0t>, -· 'l° Thi\ >L>wmtnl ,.41 hied *''" '"" =~YI\, f9JC 1111( Tlllt st-t was lllecl wllll ti. H E L E N K , YOll may -Ille 1 ... 1 r'911t to brlnt • ol M•K•lle-. ~os. rtcord\ '' Covttlv-1:1«•' of Of•-Counly o" Tltis itM...,_I Wat tiled wllll 1,.. Cou11tv Cltrlt ol Of•nvt County on LANTERMAN, ANO OF your •c<oufll In t100<I >lendl"9 by Or•n9tC:ountv.Ca111orn1a Oett(Yllltt .10, , .. , Co11nly Cltrlt. ol Oran-County on ,.ICTITIOU$ BUSINEH J.,.uery 10, ,.., P E T I T I 0 N T O oevlno •II °'1 vour pe\I -~yments P•rctl 2 ~ ..... m plw• Mtmtlt<I COlh .... OMflStl Non tA(lll\IYt •PPv•l•n•n• "11'741 J •11.,.ry 10. 1'92 •AMI STATEMllllT ADM IN ISTEA EST A TE wllllln lhr"M .._,,..,,..,,,Ille Cla1t tlll• ee~mett11 lor '"9fn• •nd f'9rH• 0 • ., J:.u~1~ ~':-:;Co.•• 0•11•=~• ~::',.C:.~~~~I. TON b..!1':.!,::~•owln9 Pt•1on IS dolno J!~',s;::o,:0,~= Delly= NO. A · 111-753. notice ot o.fMlll wa• recoroe<t Prl•el• •Ire.I\ '" .. 1 lorth in ,,.o .. -------------• .,_,....... E GORDON BAll ANO SOH, T 0 a I I h eirs Tllls •,,,_,t h \677.00 .. 0fJ ...... ty <trl•ln CHclar•llon\ Of <OY•nanh, UtO Vie,_ 11711 S.nt• L..,rtttl• StrMt, Fountflll -If' -b f I I ' d 't ' 1 1 .. 1, and wlll Increase 11nlil ~our condlUOll\ al\O reslr1<1lons •t<orcHd ,._ ... ,~ ene ( arieS, Cr e I OrS U COVtll bKOllW\ Cllrttnt You may Aprll • 1911 In boo" ·~ p-'07 ol MIU .... Vleje, ~ tJ.., Valle,, Calllomlt '210I a nd COntingenl Cre d itors Of nol hon to ~y '"°' •nllrt '"'NICI 0111< l•I II.cord\ •nd ret OrdeO , .. ,., Jon llo.,.rl &ell 11171 Se nt• lo ot •-n1ouseu•1N•s• PubllSfteel Or-Coasl Delly Piiot. L•ur•ll• Street, Fown1t1n V•lln, T.S.111•.-H elen I( i rk Lante rman -1 n ·-eccount even lhOV(lll No .. mtier., .. n ·n -11)0 7, P•QO "'' • .. • J • ~ F c: It 1t9Ttc•o•TllU"TEE'•s•LE paym.,,1we.domancled.bvtvo11mu\I •toot 0111c1•1 Rtto•d > •na MAME STATIMElllT •n, 2.. ..... et> s. 17, ,.., -•I ornl• .,IOI ~I "' • • ~ and pe rsons who may be P•Y .... •mount \lelecl abOYt am~nd,,,..nts IMrtlO T II• lollowln9 person IS dolnQ -If' -1..:.i~l~::'l""u I\ CondU<l..0 b• •n OM P~N; IT y 1:1 N ~EST M Et~ T Oth erw ise interested in the Att•r lllree ..-111t lrom Ille dale ol E •uo11n9 '""''' rom all oil Oii llYslneuat: ,._ ... ,~ Jonn-rlB•ll C MI ~ C:t!,. Torn• c...__. ,c:::'.: w ill and/Or est a te . recorOetlon ol tlll> doc-I lwhlch t19lllS m,n••al\ m1ner .. 1 riQr.11 VAN GENUS GLASSI NG ISS.t " a\ dw Y .......,..n ~ ""'" ·-dale ot recordl1=ttl ,,......,,, PB .. rocd11",C)~~1·. ~-'· Hvntlnotot1 i---N-OT_l_C_E_O_ .. _D_IS_M>\. __ U_T_l_Oll__ Tnlt "'_, •AS lllecl •ltn Ille totlqwl119 C!Ht.rl-_ .. '""'WILL A pet it ion h as been filed 11nkH Ille obl!Qal 1119 tOre<lo-~:J~:c~~.!~ ·b;. !~!~\!::. 0;::.; ........ " ·-· 0, ~llTlll•llMO,. Go;inty ,,.,_ ol Of•nvt County on SELL AT PU8LIC AUCTION TO THE by Alton Kirk Lanterman -permill'• loftve rloct. ""' ll•v• -"°"'"'""may .... wllllln ... uncle• I .... Clrc~b. o~~'"e:~ .. •.1~~ .. ~o~~:: Pwtllic notice I• lloretly elYHI IMI Oe<embtr JO,,... "m• rp1.~:b~e5!, ~1'!0:11~ ~.0~ ~·~~ In the Superior Court of only ,,.. let•• "'"' to \lop '"' percel of·-""'••n•bon del<rlDeO, """ OAVIO ROBERT JOHNSON t • n aw u 0 C t I loreclowre by payln9 Ille onllre I-Iller with'"" ptrpet.,.I rl9"1 ot ~~t ""'"-" It <-led by "" DOMINIC BARILE llert4ofon dOI P11bllt11ee1 Orllft9t Co.ii Dally Pllol, mOftO 04 '"' Ut\llecl Slet_.,I all rf9111, range OUn Y request ng _,..,_.,.,your cr.Oltor dr lllln9 , mirun9, t •Olorln9 And INll•kl...i. bwt1neu under Ille llCllllOYI llrm J•n •••. 15, 12, 1"2 IOMJ ~:: ~ .. "::':.":~: ~ :::-t h a t -A I t 0 n K i r k To """ ""' .............. YOU mvst opor•l1"9 llletl!OI -1tor1ne In end •~J A ~ name ano \lylt of ISHESS BUSIN ES I '" 11 Lanterman be appointed pay, or IQ.arr-. !or pay!Nm to •lop rtmovlr19 Ille •-from Wld l.,.d or -.....,,_, _.,. -Ille p._rty Nrelnaller deter -· the t0reclowrtl, or II your praperty 11 Tllll JUI-I wat lllocl •1111 IN now lo<ateel •I S>JI Fountain A ... , ,._ ... ,~ TAUSTOR. AOBEllT OOLTZ -as personal representative In ffl'K'-9 fer .,.y ...... re-. any otlle< l4WICI, IMhXll"9 IN rl9"I to ll><IWr• .I 11._, • "r••---· ,_ ose v ... ec.,....n, s-• New ... 1'1-.Ca,,,_ """' PuDl"llM Oranvt c:o .. 1 Delly P1lo1, J•n I, t . U 77 1"2 I~ Or•"9• c-~ s..o. .. ., ,_, 100 C••« ~,,.., Or we.i, Sent• A"4 C•htornla ei101 PLAINTIF FS SI DNEY WEIH AOBEAl C LU NOEGGER end ttAI !(OJIMA es Eaecuton ol I~ EU•I• ol MM MOSELEY OE FE NOANT S L EASO N F PON\EROY 4SSOCIATES INC: e corpCl'allon, PETEii TI NTUlllN •nd WELLA TINTUlllN J•CIC A LONG, MAllG AllE T WOOO H•Sft NG'5 INCOME PROPEllT V AS~ IA I ES MAAGAllEl HOWE 8AAAY V WEINS TOCl( EI MER FOi(, WESTHEIMEA & COMPANY, e 11•ntraLJWrlntr\h1P F 8Rlll CAL IF OAN1.-REAL EST ATE INVESTMENT TAUST. • DvStneu rru1 1 , VA llEYISO ILS ENGINEERING C:OAP RETAIL & M EDICAL COLLEC TIO N ASSOCIATION INC • coroo••fle,. dba •1.L STAT E FINANCI AL SERVICES, L TO G C SE llVICES CORPO~ATION. FIAST CITIZENS BA,.I( & TRU ST COMPANY 8AAB4A"' .JUDY •~• BAllBAllA ... l'l ' I •I• (o;inty Cieri! ol Oranoe C1111nty on Clly ol l.os An9tlu IHollywoo HEl.EN E. OULTZ to administ er the estate Of conle<I SltlP ltVEGEA -OEANNA -:;.~:.0..'1~,~°'1 -~~~'0111~~llyl"~:11'1~~ J-10 lta Olstrlctl C-ly ol Lot Anvt .... St. PICTITIOUI eUstNIU BENEFICIARY ltOBEAT SHAW ·~ _.. -· ·-~· ·-- • p.,..:.: °'11119f coe11 0.11~1:.:, ~~~~'!';";"',•,:::'; .. ,,,-::::,"':~!';n T111 •='!i~!·!:.~!,."'~, Clo ln11 :~~=t~•..!,...:e~it!vT~:~~E:· ~ue~~~r ~~ek l~~;~=~~ean~ :~~!1~._i~·.:;~:~~111: '~r.';:; ~~~~11.nt:r, ~c;,:.~:·1,,~!1 ';.' 11 .. 1 J 21 ,. F , 1 01uo1vo '"' uld pertn•~•lllp • s ri'lft1~'ritm:tr'3'tt'Dlrr:i>r-Est'ITM ~· ,..,.....,,..,,.. .. ,.... Ulb!luil"'• o L EE JUO'V OE80 AAH H CATltlCONE S J OAVIS ME IT OM A Y, lLOYO'S BANtt 01' CALIFOllNI•. • <o•oo r •llon GU •RANTEE COLLECTIO N CO MP ANY ,• ,oroorttlOll, M & M REPORTING ANO REFERRAL SERVICE, INC , dD• McC amlty ' MANNING, {ll N E 8UCIC N E R . I NC t 1-1...;..-..:.:M:;.:.• ::.i.·:.:..i._..,,:...:~T;,_ . .;,;:.~---=~"ffnTITTt"t llWlf Pllltldil\ lis perfiiii::r'!ll...!!:l'..'~1il11.L~M'°'A~A-K...,E_N_O_lt_.-1MO--B-a-11c-oc·•-.-i--•u•n: •r,~~'"'J,, ) T I ti yo11 twve eny qwutlorl\, yow nerelnabov. Clt><ribf!cl end to botlom tllereln. COil• Mew.CAm77 1nslrwm1111 o. n -I . A c t . he pet tlon is set f~ Sllowld conleCI • lawyer or 11\e '"(" .,,,,, .. oc•e<t or dl••<llona11., Sf nee 111a1 dote 01 01uo1v11on. u l.yle 1rw1n Mtr•••rClt, ... Cenler, ~~e uo: :"11e O:k1•1 !«°':Soot tM hea r ing in Dept. No. 3 at ...,.,....,,_ t9t"CY wllk ll ,...,. llawe drllle<t wt41\. '""""1' anc1 ~11a11.1 under 11U1lneu Ms c011t1nu.o In -••II All4 c eos .. Mou CA '1•77 o ct o ecor ' o """ 700 C . . C C t 0 • lnwred -._ •M .,.,....,,. °' .,.,,_ '"" o•ltr lor SU-aYO,. &OOl'TID0tto1•••cr throuQll -Dy OavlO llollen JollMon T~~· llllSI,.._\ 1; CondllCled by en (Ollflly, wld -of Irv\! dHcrlloft I Ill e n er rt lie• II emember • YOU MA Y l.OSE llmlh lllerfJOI -lo redrlll, r.-tv,,,,.I, •llo w111 P•Y and dlsch•rt• •II lnalvldw•I. the 1011°"'1"' ..,_,y, •oc•tt<l In 11\e W est, in the City of Santa LEGAi. RIGHTS IF YOU oo NOT eqwlp, -'"'•In ttoelr, <IMP9fl .,,., OllOINAHCE 92,J ls t<Nduled to bt lft lwll -• lO din from J-ry II. tttl. tnd -....,._by Ille 101-1119 roll c ell vet.: c-nclt Memkrs· AYES: Sclleler, Hell, Htrlie9, McFerlaftd, Jotwlton. NOES; N-. AISENT:.._. llebllll!H --·of Ille firm lylt I. Marlwardl C~nll~:"..°'t~·:••;;,~,c~ll~Nc:':e An a , (a I j f Orn i a On TAKE PROMPT ACTION. oMr•te •ny •u<ll w•lll or mint\. receive au ..-i.. PtY•-•o Ille firm Thi• ,._,......,1 ••1 11100 with ~ o rec o . II Y February 10 1982 t 9 30 lft eodillon lo ,.,. emou111 •l•t"' •llllOul, -wr I,.. rleM to drill, F r1~ ~·-~-"-ol Newport a.ec11, C-y ot 0r..... • a : ....... -e11y prior t.aH, ,...,,,or m ine, •loro. oplort atld o~ralt I lleu ... ';Cl;;'sl~~'.7:.°1~ ,•1;::, '';'I ~~~Cl-ot o..._ County°" Jell. Sl•I• ot c:Mllornl•. M ,_on•,,... a .m . enc11m11rancu lie Oellnciwtnt or 111r0119ll Ille suri•<t or '"" ,,,,;;r IOO r-tltlle, lrGm J_., u . 1•en. ,.,.._, ~':'~~:~~11~=~:~u~.~~~ 1 F YOU OBJECT to the. lle<ome o.t1,....._1, -the •oan c.,. tut of ltw 1w1>•url.ce ol Ille land tor Illy obll91lloll Incurred by the Pwblltlltcl Or-, __ ,1 Oally Pt'-t. O ~-~oOr C I granting Of the notftlOn be relnstMecl, Mid Oellnquencln m~t lletelnabovt dtlerl-. a• rtlotrved In otf\er l"hli--ortnllltMme """"' -recor ,.,._ tll9t -• ,...~ 'I>• <wred ., • cond lltan ot Ille~ from lllf 1rv1r1e C4mp,.11y of,,.."""' J.., 1', n . 1'. Fee. '· ,.., 7n..t7 llXN•••T 1 you should either appear. rel"''"-rocer~CI ~" ,.. 1t1• 1n -1110s. Of'ff...,..12-tc...,..... ti. _.,..of ..._,,*-et v• Vktwlt s1 ... t from ""<P to Cl.. In ~onnectlen wllll llH-"'41tlon A .. 1-1 •• 0 ' d •·-· p c ·•1•--•· To9ellltr wllll non·t sclus lve at the t.-arifV'I and state NOTICE IS HE,_EBY GIVEN: Tllet ~ llt7 of Ottlcl•I Record• et e1,,_,. ..... .,,_-.,..fNl -lfl ·-OptH.lrl_. •-rT*llS 0¥9< lofi A r~ '"' ......... E~'RO....., I 0C: I ~30 B I T 2"llOayolOec-rt~lftlc Bttlle ~ 1-encl LOO 141lo1St lnclu~ve ol ,..iCI your Objections o.r file ~:.~·.::oi~;;; T~llff-",;no:r 111: Beacll,~r; nQ rtt Rota, NewPorl '· GCMllDOM CMYTlllAUI. llK. PICTITIOUS IUM•rss Tr•ct 1"1 '°' the pwrpotes end H written objections with thel 1o11-•111c1t:Wr1---of tr1111 "Ill • Wttt ..,.,,. .. or common Tit• full lt•I ol Ille prope .. d ordln-_, lie ...o 1 .. the City CIOA'I Otfke at 11 Fair Orlw . Cotte M"9 a__., et Law lllAM• STATIMllllT Otl<rl-In Arllcle XIII, Section 4 of COUrt before the hearing, T RU STOii, ,_08E AT JOSE PH Ot'l9n•llon Is \l\Own •Dove. no 6UIBMc.•8M. The lollOWl"f Hf...,> ere dol119 lllt Otclarellon ot Covelltt1U, · lENOIY anO 8AllBAllA RUTH wa trt nty " 9 l•tn e \ to 111 ._,._,c..~ l>Utl""u". Condition' a nCI llestr 1c11or11 :'fOur appearance may be ZENO&Y . ....--•ll• compleleneo or corr•<'"""' The P""'l"'9d Or ... Coast Dally Pie.I, SH A It 0 N 'S C: l EA N f NG lltrelllaller OttVlbed Ill SUBJECT In p e r son Or by YOU r 8ENEFICIAAY StttP RUEGER IMntllcl.trv under ••Id OffO ot Tr11\I, Et LEEN P PHINNEY J~. 22, ttll m.-i. SE AV ICE. U•O E, Ocun 81vd . TO, Section 2• as provlclt<I In oeeo a ttorn ey. ancl DEANNA RUEGER, ll111bancl atld by tH M>tl ot •Druci\ or ftl•vll In tho 8elboa,CA nt61 ttcordtoJ...,..tt. 1914. I F y 0 U A RE A wife ob ll9at1on• ~ecu••d lheteb., City Cieri! 1-------------Clty of, .... """- PwbllJllM 0.Ml9t C..\t Dally Piiot, Jan. n , t"2 JUtl . "ICTITIOUI eutlNISS lllMM IT'ATIMalllT Tiie lollewlno "rsen 11 dolnt butlMUM: OlllEllSIEAS -NUl'ACTUlllNG COM,_ANY, In 1111...,.i.e A-. Stoll• '· ..._. ...... c.t•-· .,.., C.rl ""111'-'--•""'· ws vi. l.kle .. -............ BMcll. c.allterlll• .,.., Tiiis Mlllfts II t-IH by Ml lfllllv!Wel. c.1,..1......,. ... "'" .............. fllOd wlttl -c-ty Clilf'll o1 °' ..... c-oty 1111 ,_.,,,,, .. ..... .......... Or .... c.11 o.lly ,. ..... Je11. n. "· ,_ s, 12, T• •t.a su ... 1uo. COUllT o• THI STATI 0,. CALIPOallllA •Olll Tittl COUNTY O• OlllAlllOll ln"'9~ot-A,..eketlenlay. JOHN GOlllOAN SCHELL tor CltefltUl Nlme. CAMM0.:AIHW4 OtlMll TO MOW c.AUh POii a..... Ott •AM&. WHEAC!AS .IOHH OOllOAH K HIELI., "-tltlen, • ---r tt yeers of-· het fllecl a petition Wltll Ille Cler1l of !Ills c-1 19t • ....., cll•ntlnt """•Mr'\ ,..,,,. ,,_ JOHfi GO'tOAN SGHltl.1. liO JA(JlllE I.EE SUTHltlll.ANO. • IT ISSOOlllOEftlEOIM!an~ ..... ""'" 111 ......... ,ttool IMlltf' _ .......... c:-1 .... , ....... e11 t ·J·H , In Ill• cowrlrHfll ti D•••rt-1 J, •t Or111 .. C:-ftly ~..,, c.t, ,_CIYlc Qnlef Df'lw W.u, ~AN, C!eltforfll• '27'1, -------------.... <-........ ""'Yltle .... u ....... . ,,_......,_.._..._ .. .,.,...., IT ti FURT14C!lt O,_OllllEO .... e -1--,...., ...... --...... ~ .. ,.ICTt._ •UM11•11 _...., • .., '" .. °"....,. c. .. Ottlr ..._ITAT&MSlllT """· a 1t••••••tr el ttt••••I Tiit ftll••I,.. "'"" Is .. ,,., cl~11...-.,..... 111 0r..., c-,, MINte•: C1llfer11le -• e •Hk ter .... , c; AlllO e IHVIESTMUO$, U _,_... .... tr._ .. ._ _ _. S.-lle, 1,,,.,.., CA tUIS, Mf'""""99f .. •lllen. CMl9'r A. WelllW, Jr., II ........... OATIO: JM, JO, Itel. 1tvlM,CAft11S. .._.,"· ~ TMt ....,..., " <..WC. ... ..., M .,....._. .. IMIY!Wel. .,..._c-1 0..WA.W.._,~ .... ILLlf'..,l:ll '"".......,. -,..., -.... .1ACOaY••., .. 11uwo .. ,.c• '-4Y CIMI flOr .... ~ 111 J•. -·· ._. ..... •.1• •111 II CA"'11 ........... ,,,..,.. ..... i-0r ..... CIMlt ~....... ......... Or ... c..c o.t~IOt, JM. tt, If,,. .. 4, 12, ltG 11?4t .11111. lt, ft, ... J, IJ, 1"2 ... SHARON PHOENIX, IUO E Tiie ,,, .. , adOrUI ano 01""' c R E D FlecordeO NO•emllff lJ 1911 •• he••lo•ore ......... -dto!lvtrftl lo Gee ... 81¥G,. a.i-. CA .,.., common dtslll'ltllon, II ... Y. of ""' I T 0 R 0 r a ln•lr No t,,... In -142" -1$()1 ,,,. """"~. -•ll•n l>Kler•t•on Tllh Mlr,..u Is C-uc:lt<I bV an rul proptrfy Oe•crlbtd Abowe Is COntingent c r editor 0 1 the of Ollklol RecorO\ lft 11W otilce ol Ille ot Oelaull -Demand for S.lo, and lll<llvldutl purporltd 10 be d d f I II de of O. c:--writ Ion notice ot D<N<h enO of tltcll<lfl $HAR()f'I PHOENIX on Ao•Dury RCMO, Corllfte del Mer, eceaSe , YOU must le lt<lor ; O ~ lh ly,I HICI d to UYM lllf undertiqlltd 10 Wtll H id This ... ,_, WA\ lllecl wllll Ille C:alllornle YOUr Claim With the COUrt :r.,..;~I~ •>er e\ e ollowlnQ P•OPtrlY to Wll\ly WICI OOll .. lk>ftl, Coun1Y cien ot o.-. covntv on .Jen T rT::, "':::~:!~~,':':..~~.~n°.: o r Pres en I I t t o the Loi 141 ot 1rec1 11•> .. por Map :."~/!:[.~!:' .,!.,~~".::.'ecc1~:,'fo •. "" "..., ~·::;:;:,:: ~:--o!~:~:r : ::::~~ ~~~~~~~~dr~ret~eent~~~~~ r:~;:;: ; ::=.r...=' ,!!.::, ~~ :-0 ",;~:'~~~ ~·..!!'~S:.'~":;d Puoll~ 0r-. C:...st Dt\IY PllOt, Nollce o1 o.1..,.1 -Electlon 10 Sell ithl f II• ottl<e 04 tllt COUlllY reconNr of ~ J•n, •• IS, b , Jt, 1"1 t-.e2 -of I W n our months lro m ttl9 C-J. s.40 dt!tlCf .. trinl wcwrH Oltlcl•I AKords ••• pr..,.O •I '"" rltCIWSI 118 th d t of f l t · !ft •loMloM S.141 tt1t win bt mede, 11111 wlltloul tfOTICE 0,. IELICTIC* NOTICE IS HE A EBY GIVEN NI e Gefttral -....cl1M1I Et .. llOfl wlll be ...... 111 lte City of l'Olll\lalft Valley on TvttNy, IN Utll o.y of April, 19'?, M 1M lot,_,.. offlCtri: r.or lltrff mtmMn ot 111• City C-lt.""lterflleff-.Y9¥t Tiie ..... ""411 be -bet_.,. tlte ~ .. 1;• A.M. Md •:OO P,M, 0 •1H.J-Y1.1"1 E...,.,..McCI ...... City Cltf11 ol Ille Cftvol ,,_. .. ,. Volloy . Clllfonll• . llOTICIA 01 11.•CCIC* HOTICIA SI! OA POR ESTIE ••010 -Ulla General llt<cl0n Mwlk ......... ·~ti\ .. Clwdod• , ......... .., .. ...,. MMitt., ..... u do AIW'll, .. I'll.-· eletir 1 .. ollclt ... sltyftlllb. Jtar• Tru Soc1 .. de •• Jullt• Mwlk lpjll, ~ ....... , .. 1,. _ Le• l119ff9t .. •OC•tleft otler.,. .... ,, ...... relM110re1dt p •A.M. '••M: £,..,-01, 1t1, E""'Yl\McC.._ __ .. ...,., ... 1 .. 1• ,..._..,_.v .. ...,.. ·~ ,...,... ar.., ~ .. " oan¥f'll6f, .11111. H, t• Uf.t2 lleneflc .. ry, t-llled and rec,,.._ lrl e a e rS ISSuance f'r1e o .. J ... l:lud"'9-rlOlo COY~ll•"I Or warr ... ty, UIWHS or , ... ,_. -· ........ ,,_,,. •• of letters as provided I~ o;.~i: ':: -·1cia1' Inter"' Wiider lmpllocl, rf9,tfdl119 title, -UIOll, or •ocs:~:';.,, .,111 be -. ""' •llllOwt Section 700 of the ~robate "oc" det<I ot .,...,., -111e eoi1o111o.., tncwmbr...ctt. to IMIY 111e r .... a1111,.. CO••n•nt or ..... r .... ., tllf>rtUM "' Code of C alifo rnia. The W<vred ............... P'•-llY lteld.., ptl11<ip.1 IUl'll of .... _ .. , _.,, ... lmpllU , t\ lo tllle, PotS.HIOft, or time f()f' filing Claims Will IM1 wncltrt ,..,_;Thal II, ......... ot. aftd llY Mid 0.00 ot lrwst. wllll IM .... st ft e11t11m11r...ctt.. 10 pay ,.,. '"'a1111,.. I not t>ept re prior to four • aw t 111, 111o o1>119e1-""' w111c11 111 ttlO Nit"'°"'-· ec1>1ttteft, 11 e11v, prlnclpet tum f1I Ille llOte -wl'9Cf tty •..Ch °"9 of """ I• MCwrlly II•• <Mdtr I,.. ltf'ml 01 Mid 0.00 of Tr~I. ••I• Duo of Trvsi •llfl r111.,.,, months from the date o f CKcwrreo 1n tllat IMIYIMllt tws n8'""" '"" c11er .. , all4I openM> o• 1i.. 111ereon • ., or••lde4 1 ............ the hearing notic ed above. "';:0:~, .. ,_ of •nterttt wf'lkll !.':::':.C.~ c;..,:;: ~: ~~!'::: edoncM •ltll 1111er•11 '"•'""et YOU MAY EXAMINE M<•--No¥tmlaer1' '"' -•11 11eio on l'rlOev, J-v "· ,.., e1 provldtd"'Mlcll>etcl .. T""'·""'•· the file kept by the c ourt."''""-'"'"",.,....;., 1n1ere11. t.oo o m ,•' 11te CMINMft Awenw '::::' ;:.~ ;:, .. ~~:· :,·~ If rou are interested In the 0. 1111 ~"Ill (I•. 0 n • p, IO r lflll'Oft<•. 10 .... Civic C....ler 8wlldlftt, ' ·.,.. ~.. ..... t fl I enc.llfnllrtttc:•, If any 0.11...-1 , .. , IDO EHi o-nen A..-, 111 .... Clh Tt11tlff 9llCI of tlte lrutlt crMled •v es a e, YOU ma)' e 8 .. letet .. et. lla11y of Ora...-. .... OttdotTrwa. request with the court to Tll•t •Y , .... ,. 111e r .. 1. '"' At 111e ume ot .. 1n11i.1 MlketlOll S.ld .... vrlll • i.to.,. ,.._Y •. receive s pecial notice of wn••rtltfltd, pre1on1 o.11e11ct••Y o111111 110t1C• • ._ tot•1_... .. 111e "tJ, •I 11·• AM, In 111t ~Ion th I f t llMer twcf\-.0 of lflft\.!lff t~CKWtell llfll)lld l>llenu.. ol Ille ntl..,,leol room DI Ille Office IOC.atM at 0.. Clly e nventory 0 eS ate 1M cJtll-id lo tlld OUly -'llft<I MCl1tt<l byllle -dttcrllille-of e9111evf1'11, Wftl, Stllle M , Ofllftfl9, assets and Of the petltl~nS, TrwtlH, t wrlllon Ot<lt r•llOll elf lrwtt 9'141 tttlMtt.O ~ ... ,, .. _.. c•nlornle ac ~o unts and reports 0e1 ... 11 .... o.-tot w 1eenc111H e110aovancn 11 11IJ,>H .O T• Al ... trlfto ol .. Initial ..... it.tt... described In Section 1200 s .. Mtlt• with ttld llVIJ ._.n, .... ,.,,..,,.. .... °""'"' .......... m•y 011111, Ntk e,"" 1-~ ot Ille • '"'''"·well -e1 tr~I -•II n1111u1~10tet. ........... MC .. ,. •• lay , ........ of the Cattfomla P r obate '°'"menh ,.1 ......... ObllH llOftl D•t•: J-rH. 1'9t. .. tcrll:llO......, f1I '""' llflll .. irme!ff Code, "'"'" ',.....,.·..,.. ,.., 01<1.,e;1 MIC! ,._.. Pa<lfl< Coth, ••MlllU, •ncl tclvtn<e• h Cleft ... ,....., cliMI-111 lllftlt --'1Mtl11t, Inc llJU .. '1 IMr.-Y .......... Mly --H Y•_.• .. Mlcl Trvttoe D•-· J--. u, tta J t r om• Sc h w I rt 1 .,.. .,., --..... "'" ...,_., ••• .. , , u Mrwt(e c......,.., M141Cltyl_.._ Attorney at Law. asoo tot ..... wtlte(rvtt,....rtvloMWl410 -"' c~.nTrllAM Wll&hlrt Blvd., Sullil 1006r utlth 111. ollllt•t1011• u (ur.o 8'Lotti.-a<11 "' ~ °"""'" °'· I rt Hiii ,.. -11 ...... -.. AttlJ-*·-· .. ...,ly "'"'CA "211 tVt y IL--· "'" ; D•teo ~.,...., •• , .. , 0.WC:ltv ........ Wffl mJJ m-•• ttl: (213) W-R'r2 S-•11....., 0r-..cAnw L W~ --_ De-Ill~ fl~ PW!l~Or-t.e•t Deity "''°'t "'*l-.O.-lllft c...t Deity Pltet Plltlll_Or...., COo\I 0.11' fi't..... "ubll ..... Oraf\00 Coa,1 OtllV "ll0.1 J 1111. is. tt. tt. ttt2 t..a.t Jan. u . 1a. n . '"' iN Je11 •. o . n , tt, 1"1 ttt.02. Ja11 •. o. n . ,.., , .. .... __ .. ~ .... """ - Cl'PM•llon, COLDWELL, 8ANltE II & ( Y P •N 'f , S AMM Y L EE. FIOSALINO LEE etlel MRS AICHAllO IMAv AWA, ORANGE COUNTY TA)( COllEC T O ll , ST A TE OF CALIFORN IA E MPLOYM E NT OEVEt..OPMEHT OEPAATMENT, ANO All O THER PERSONS U,.KNOWN CLAIMING ANY AIGHT, l lllE. ES TATE . L I EN 0 11 INTEREST IN THE ltl!AI. PROPERTY OESC11t8EO IN THE CO MP L41NT AOVEASE TO PLAIN TIFFS OWNERSHIP OR •NY CLOUD UPON PLAINTIFF'S TITlE THERETO ANO DOES I THROUGH 10, INCLUSIVE M.IMMONS CASE NUMeEll: -.11 NOTICEl Vou llave _,, wea The co;ift mey CIKldt -Inn you wltllOUt your lltlftQ 11e .. rd unltu Yow ,._ ;::: JO doYl. RHCI 1"' lntorMat-!I AVISOI Ullecl N 1lclo demf"CI-• l El Ttlbullal _. OO<ldlr conirt uo tin a wdlencle • menH ciw• Ud. ••'4IOllde -ro a JO oles IJ• la lftlermeclon-""" I. TO THE OEFl!NOANT· A cMI complalnl II•• llten lll•d lly '"• plelnllll -.111111 you a It V8'1 •ISll to dtl•lld tlllt .,a •-wit, you mont. willll11 lll ,.,., etter •' 1111• ..,_ 1, w....o Ofl ,._, 111e "c wlllt lltlt C-1 • -111tfl pi.eci"'9 '" • f'o( roponH to If\• com9lal'IT 111 • J .ntl<t ~ "'°" """' Ille wllll ._ COllf'1 a -lftltll "'*'"' or c-M O#et PllMl"I le lie eftttrel In Ille "'"'•" VlllK•,.... '°· "-..i ... 11 •lll M tf'lletW ...,_ -'lc•tlell Of 11\e pl•lllllH. 9llCI ..... <-I llWY enter" e I~ .... ,,., "" .., tM re4i.t ~~'t deme'*9 In IN t-.il•lftt, _,,kll l1 covld ,..... Ill 911'111tfllllenl of ·~,' .... ...... _., .. "'"'""' Ot' ot-relltl ~ 1n111ec-•t111tt. II, II "" Wltfl • -!tit Nltlet Of ..... ......., "' 11111 ......... .,... ,,. ... , .. M PrllMIOlly W !Itel ,._ Wfln.n """"*· 11 lftY. mev lie fll.,"' time. OATllO OM. t, T •. 1.••A. 8,_ANCH c--. .,. ... 11.,..,..,.. .... o..l• COX, CAITU a •ICMOUOtt .,!~,...... .,....~ ..... --..... ....~ ...... -- U.11 •t:r•w ,...._ .c aim411 """""'"' or.,.. coe11 0.11, '''°'· J•11. a, u, n ,tt, 1ta 1-.c .. Orange Coatj DAILY PlLOT/Fr1day, January 221 1982 • ..... ·. .. 9 mg. "t1f".0.7 mg. nicotine IY. per cigarette by FTC method. , ·. -·--··. -·-...... Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health . 20 MENTHOL CIGARETTES Salem1 -SMOOTH LOW TAR 100s .. ·-..... -~00. __ .....__, ..... ,. ..... .-.~ -----·-__ ....,., -----------· -·-. . -... . ~"' '~'\: llily Pillt . FRIDAY, JAN. 22, 1982 -- ·1:-~~ ~· \ ~ ~~ ~ >f Fountain Valley moves · into so1e possession CLASSIFIED C6 ..: l of Sunset women's race . S~e Page C2. \ Mulligan stewing despite . ,--. ' Will _ Despite nearly blowing a 19-point lead, UCI still perfect in PCAA ~STIOCal&KoTtJaOeNDallyThPello&UC Irvan· e in tot.a.I control when a jumper the baU inside, but J don't want .him only fi ve (making three> in well yet, but we·re J-0." by Randy Whle ldon extended the us to force it. the secon . M a11ee, afi8f' the-23•poiol first basket b a 11 team is a n Anteaters' lead t.o 50·31. us, the rest of the Anteaters hltt,f', finis hed with 30 points and -JUdJDl!b~l~emrw1is~hu:ed~3~-D~l~n":lt~h1ee:..1P~C.,;.A"' .... ~4~,~·--1'Bruu t--rs-a s e conservative (al the end), but I went cold from the floor, too. 11 'ebounds. McDonald had 12 and Coach Bill Mulligan couldn't Anteaters built th~ lead w~s as had to pull it out. 1 told them to UCI finished by shooting 54.7 points, 10 inple first half. be any angrier. quickly .as the T~gers chapi;>eet work the ball inside but we percent from the floor but theL--iP~omrr--1t1llle•,.....,l"Ti7'g\~.Frs~.-lli:'.Jf",-"lMa;;itlft---; "I don't want lo take ·anything awa at 1t. M~1~ .. Pacific_ etl-her tGolf-an-outsidr-stror~ were 011 y percent "" --crway-trl>m-P acific, bu we cu 1n o the m argin until lt turned the ball over." <7 of lS) in the second half. Waldron had 18 points, while played terrible," moa ned finally reduced th.e deficit to UCI committed.22 turnovers t.o t ea m m ate And Y R o dge r s Mulligan aftter .his Anteaters four on three occasions -64-60, be exact. or course, in the first Whieldon, in par ticular, c hippe d in 12. G u a rd J e ff ba_rely got ·by the Tigers, 71-64, 66·62 and 68·64. ha lf the turnovers didn't really couldn't find the bas ket as the Andrade, a product of Ocean Wednesda nl.ght before 3 727 normally reliable 6·4 guard, who View Hig h, contributed 11 Y • To the Anleaters' c redit, matter because Be n Mc Donald he • has been hilting 64 percent of his po ints. as did center Steve re. . however, they re.sponded with a nd Kevin Magee we re carrying shots, connected on only 4 of 11 Howard "We weren't aggressive, we some clutch points down the a majority of the scoring load. didn't play any defense and we stretch. . Magee, in fAct, had 23 Jirst attempts (12 points). The Tigers shoC 49 percent <26 didn't pJay any offense." · -ha lf points as the Anteaters "Whieldon is a great shooter. of 53 > from the floor as a team. D I SS AT f SF l'E 0 -Bi 11 Mulligan was n 't satisfied with UCl's play Thursday night. Mulligan was particularly "We wanted to get the ball raced to a 48·31 advantage at the but he hasn't been the llllst UC( 14·1 overall, now travels upset by the fact his Anteaters inside, but couldn't ," Mulligan intermission. But while Magee coupl e o f games ," s aid to Logan-for a game with Utah almost blew a 19·point second explained. "Instead Wf turned had 13 shots (making nine> in Mulligan. . · _s t ate , 1·2 in conf eren ce. ha lf margin. UCI appeared lo be the ball· over . I want us t.o take the first half, the Tigers allowed "I don't think we've "'played Saturday night. ..____Pilot poll picks 49ers It's unanimous: San Francisco will win Super Bowl XVI. LO,.THUS DILIEClt JESSUf' By JIM McCURDJE Of Ille D.ity f'tMt Slaff Forget about Kenny Anderson. Never mind whjch team managed to survive the arctic-like conditions on Jan. 10 in · · · Francisco 49ers will win Super Bowl XVI on Sunday. At least that's the conclusion one could draw from an informal. strictly unscientific s urvey conducted by the Daily Pilot this week at South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa. Whether it's a sense of loyalty to the California team , a feeling that the Bengals were fortunate to play the San Diego Chargers in the middle of a midwestern deep freeze or jus t plain gut instinct. those s urveyed were unanimous in their belief that the 49ers would win pro football's most coveted game. Here's a rundown of some of the Super comments: GREG BERIA, S HERMAN OAKS -"(Joe) 1 Montana's a lot cooler than people think he is. "Cincinnati wouldn't even be in there if It wasn't for I that bad weath~~· If it had been a dry field, San Diesc> 1 would have ripped 'em." 1 KENT LOFTHUS, HUNTINGTON aEACH -"Wbo'a playing? I know the Rams aren't in it so I'm not even interested. "Philly a nd som e body else, ian't it! Ob, San · Francisco. yeah. They're a good team. They make lhe oAd I Rams look Like beginners." JOYCE LONG, IRVINE -"I l.blnk CinclnnaU kind ol lucked out with the weather a1aimt anot.ber California team . _ · • 1 think the way San Francisco beat Dallu, lhey'U come out charged up. Of course, I'm a native Californian." MARK JESSUP , SANTA ANA-"Since lbe San · Francisco coach (Bill Walsh) used to be an asaiatanl at Cincinnati. I think they might be a little better prepared. A big thing that San Francisco will do is move Fred Dean <defensive end> around. They'll rlip·fiop him so the Bengals can't audibilize off of him. "Astroturf wi ll balance it out a little. San Francisco's used to playing on marsh." CHRIS McGRATH, HUNTINGTON BEACH -The 1 49ers are playing. right? I tbink•they'll win. , "How come the sports cover age out here is so bad? 1 I'm from New York and I have to call back there to get hockey scores. In New York, you know what's going on out in California. I think California's very selfish." : RU~ STEBICK, Ml~ION VIEJO -"I like the 49ers. They've remained consistent most ortbe season. OaflOllD LOMG ·'I heard Tom Landry on a talk show say the team.~t::.:h~atl>--_._ i&-lhe-rnost-consistem-througMUt e year is e team to look for in the Super Bowl and I agree with it." LARRY DILBECK, SANTA ANA -"The 49ers, basically because of their record. Plus, Bill Wal~ is a good coach." LINDA OXFORD, COSTA MESA -"I don't follow football at all. I'd be no help to you. "I'd like to see the 49ers win, just because it's been a long lime for t hem." BILL SHACK, CUlVER CITY -"Frisco. I think tt.ey'r e the better team. I like ·cwide receiver) Freddie Solomon." SHACK Coast's • scoring machine admit he Isn't having one of his best years, but a look at the 6-1 sophomore's statistics would seem to prove otherwise. S o m etimes a g uard and som etimes a forward for Orange Coast College , Beas l ey consistently leads his team in scoring and often is the Pirates' leading rebounder. He's hacking away at OCC bas ke tball reco rds like a Samurai swordsman, and if all goes as planned, the former Costa Mesa High standout could easily move among the top five all-time OCC scorers. A 1.2.0 scorer as a freshman -last year for Coach Tandy Gillis' Pirates, Beasley hasn't changed bia •hootine touch or made any alterations in bis foUow through. He's simply been converted from a passer to a shooter, and he's left a trail or bewildered defenden through the first half of the community college season. ··1 didn't shoot ve ry much last year." Beasley admits, even . though be started all, but the Bucs' first two gam es last season. This year. OCC as a team, is not shooting well. The Bucs have been downright horrendous in the field goal p e r centage category , in fact. Prior to Wednesday night's game with Grossmont, t he Pirates were hitting just .429 from the field - wo r s t in the South Coa st Conference. Like his teammates, Beasley is m issing his share of baskets. But the ones he makes -and there are many -have made him the No. l scor er In the conference, and the No. 1 scorer among eommun1ty coliege players in Orange County. "J pay attention to stats, but then I know what kind of game I've played without having t.o look al them," Beasley says. Jus t about everybody in the OCC gym knew what kind of a game Beasley had last week against Mt. San Antonio. Before the night was over, Beasley bad pumped home 31 points, hitting 10 straight baskets at one stage and finishing the game with 1S-of·21 credentials. • Deity ............. '" ........ .... JACK WHITMORE, NEW YORK -"San FranciSco. wH1TMOH They've played more consistently all year and their overall talent's hf>ttPr " •'It was one of the finest offensive performa n ces I've ever seen," Gillis notes . "Chris (See SCORING, Page CZ> SCORES TWO -Orange Coast College's Chris Beasley scores from close range in a recent game. Beas ley ha s b~n doin~ a lot of that this season. Miller irked at Bavasi NEW YORK (AP> -Marvin Miller, bead of the Major Leag-ue Baseball Players Association, strongly objected Thursday to a statement by executive vice. president Buaie Bavasi of the An1els that tbe~ would compensate &be New Yon Yankees with a player if they sign free acent Ressie Jacboll. Miller said the Players Aaaociatioo would cooaider any compensation as a form of collusion and a violation of baaeb&H's new rulet concerninl free aaents. Bavasi h., said that hia club would not enter the free a,lent market Udl winter. Followint bl• return from Phoeals wbere he met with Gary Walbr, JacklOll'• qent1 Bansi Mid th.It "u a malt.er °' c on i ctence. we would compenaate the Yankees by undln1 the m one of our players." One Ram coaching vacancy has disappeared Expect the announcement of Ron Erhardt as the team's offensive coor.dinator Lately, Rams Coach Ray Malavasi must feel Uke an unemployment clerk. The number of applications and Inquiries he's received conceminc the vacant assistant posts would mue a s upe rmarket 's weekend ru s h insignificant by comparison. Needless-to-say, MaJavasi bu a lot of paper wor"k to decipher and people to talk to. There are currently five, er, make that four posUiona available. The team still needs a defen#live coordinator, a defensive line coach, an offenstve line coach and an offensive backfield coach. Whal about offensive coordinator? Well, yes, t.be Rama need th.It, too. But that search la apparently over. Some time in the next coupl~ of weeks the club should announce tbe ailftlnl of Ron Sdaar-dl as lt1"1)e1r otfenalve coordinator ot X'a and 0 11. Yea that's the same Erbardt th.It led the New En1land Patrlota to a 2-14 . record t.hla ppt aeuon and, yes, it'a UM aame Erhardt wbo direct.ct tbe Patriots RAMS . JOHN SEYANO I to a 21·27 record durinl his three years at the helm. Why Erhardt then? Good quesUon ... and there's even a lo1lcal answer. Erhardt may nOt have been ablt to mold the Pa,trlota into a playof( representaUve, but lf there's one thins be does know -it's offeme. Durinc his t.bree years as held coach, Erhardt molded the Patriota' often1e into one of tbe mott poteat ln U.. NFL. In im, U. club amaued W po6eta.' In 1•, the tnm Ht a club NcOrd in rollln1 up Ul. Tbls past aeason &be Patriot.I bad m. which '1iibt be le>e*ed upon .-an of1 year until you take &Dto con•hteraUon they were nf\h in the AFC ln total offense. Even during the Rams' best year ever -1980 under Vince Ferragamo -the club scored 424 points. In 1981 they totaled an anemic 303. Du'"'11 the past three seasons, the Patriots-have avera1ed 24 .4 points an • outing. The Rams? ... 21.7. Jn '81, the Patriots averaeed 3Sl.4 yards; the Rams, 299.6. The Patriots avera1ed 127.5 rus hing and 223.9 passin1. The Rams were 139.8 and 158.8, respectively. The bottom Une to all this is that Erhardt knows his stutr. And, Malavasl had made no secret of tbe fact his strenlth is dertnse _. not off tQte. Anyw•y,1wttb Erhardt' Rams fans can expect a few new loon. too. There wm probably be more formaUons. more motion and tbe 1bot1un on obvious passinc downl. In other wordl the ... will be ebaqes -which the Rama' off ente so badly needs. A formal announcement ol Erhardt should be forthcomin1.-He rtew ln and talked with Malavaal and cbecked out l the Rams· facilities in Anaheim last Friday. * • * . GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS ·DUE DEPI': Actually, a numtier or chanaes are expected with the Rama next season. The offensive Ol).eS have been pretty well chronicled. ..(s for the defensive side, Malavasl ls tlnkerin1 with the notion of changing ·the Rams from a 4·3 (four down linemen and three linebackers) to a 3-4 (just the opposite). Now to tbe avera1e football fan that may not seem like any bl& deal, but to Malavui, who ls very stubborn and bull-headed, It's quite a coneeuk>n. Malavael has done notbinc but preach a1alna! the 3~ alipmeat 8"I' llMe it was Instituted. "The only reaoa teams are uaiq It now 11 becaUM they're copycata. Tbe.1 aee oqe tMm do it ao they lhlnk they 1hould do It,'' llalav .. 1 h as reached. "We're not toln1 to chan1e because we're not copycall . <See llAM', Pap Cl) ~--~~~----._. ....... ._ ... ~~ .... ~ ..... ~ ........... ~ ........ 1111 ..... t~s~s .. a~s•a..-s .. ~e .. •t~s1110••~&2$!1!!!!l~2i~~4!tlllll~i!!!!lllll"'lll~ --.-.--. t Oraoge Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday. January 22. 1982· ----------------------~ Fro Page Cl SCQfilNG M~CHINE~ ••. Schultz cracks down on violence Ti·e doesn't BOSTON Dave Schull&, the Eii1' most penalized player In National ' set ~ell Hoc k.:y Leal(uo hlalory, said. YT' Quisenberry file8 for salary arbitration Thlll"-4ay lon11er suspensions written was putt1n1 hi• ar.ota down from into the ruJes would di1coura1e aclivltles that WI.th Naone 25 and 30 feet out. ll was an made him famous. amazin, thootlng diaplay." "Laying down some exact suapenslons for EarUer in the season, Beaaiey some or the thln111 that ao on would limit pumped in 37 points aaainst fi&hUna. But so many things &o unnoUc~," he INO,LEWOOD (AP) -There Citrus and ~ In a tournament said. w.a s Jo'.t of action in the game aaainat Skyline College. "If a player knew that ff NallonaJ Hockey Lea1ue game He bas led the Pirates in a foul was committed he between the Mlnoeaota North scorinl in 18 of their 21 games. would have to be deaJt with1 Stan and Los Anaelea Kiftla, And despite OCC'a 9-12 ove.ralJ there wouldn't be ttua neea but e ven more afterward. record, Beasley Isn't belna for opposln1 players to However , exactly what takenlJghtly. responst" with violence. happened followin1 the contest Beasley, himself, is the first to However, he added, "I wasn't clear. poi nt out that des pite the From AP d.lapatcbea think physical intimidation is Shortly alter the Nortb Stars Pirates' inability to consistently KANSAS CITY, Mo. -Four Iii be ing encouraged In hockey and Kings batUed to a 3-3 tie put the ball in the basket, their Kansas City Royals, inclurung relief sc"uuz outs ide the context of the Thursday night, an an1ry o-s conference record could pitcher Dan Quisenberry and former · rules." Minnesota General Manaaer easily be 3-2. Angel Willie Aikens, said Thursday SchuJtz,speakingfromhishomeinBuffa.lo, Lou Nanne bad, at the very ''We los t o n e game in they plan to file for salary arbitration in their N. Y., participated in a conference call wltb least, a d.iscuasion wl~th~r~ef~e~r:.ee~-JIW~UD~~~~L.J~=-i~~~-1rl contract negotiations. Massacbu§.etts_rewrteu..aQd b!""adcasters. Jib -ob-ffl•H-. -po nts. And the other night :.,--+--Aikens;-t'he-ftoyals-'-teading-s~ug~r\Vl\11 17 recently published book criticizes hockey "I didn't go after Hall," said against Mt. San Antonio we were home runs last season, and Quisenberry, the , violence. Naone. "I was walldn1 down the up by one at halnime. J think mainstay of the bullpen with 18 saves, say they aisle ta.Udo to him when theu eveeything will .com~~o...-9"1 _Ja~r!:_!e~\~s~e~e~k!'..!.!i n~~I O!LJJ.&..:..u<..LIJJ1.-.-sui:~'1)rogram giveaway p1anned----•-guys two us -ers> jUini)icl on us," Bealsey says. con r els. Ell my back. "We're trying to make the Re lie f pitcher Ren ie If you are a football fan and plan II "I NEVEa went near him and Shaughnessy playocrs . The Martin, who was cr edited to watch the San .Francisco 4eers • • I never touched him. I walked 50 first-place team in the league with four saves, and utility play the Cincinnati Bengals Sunday . reel with him so l bad plenty ol aulomaticaJly goes to the stale player Jamie Quirk, who on television in the Super Bowl game,-it will be-opportunity to do so if I playoffs. while the second batted .250 in 100 plate wo rth your whil e to visit Hollywood wanted." through fifth team s go to appearances. also said they Park Saturday night. . . One of the ushers im1olved, Shaughnessy. It's not at all want longer contracts. Saturday night, all fans with a paid who asked not to be ideoWied impossible," Beasley says. -Quisenberry, from Costa admission will receive free a copy of the said, ''Nanne definitely grabbed Like some of the other great MesaHighandOrangeCoast ·official, 164-page Super Bowl program, the thereferee." sc ore rs in OCC's h istor y, outSENHHY College, said he was offered same program that will be seUlng for $3 Sunday And Bob Steiner , director of Beasley is a team leader, and a two-year contract, but did not consider the at Pontia> Stadium, where the Super Bowl public r.dalions for California his optimism is s hared by his pay substantial. Ron Shapiro, who represents game is being played. • Sports, said: "Yes, he <Nanne) teammates. Aikens, s aid he would prefer a one-year was restrained, but J don't know "Even after we lost our first contract unless the Royals are willing to talk O whether there was any intent or three conference games, we about a long-term pact. He indicated they were Nelson leads wet Phoenix pen physical damage. It's our came out and battled Mt. SAC," not. L-rry Nelson shot an 8-under-pa.r • o bligation to see th al the he points out. "The morale here 63 Thursday and took the lead in the . officials leave the ice and get to is very good. We know we can Quote of the day rain-inte rrupted and uncompleted th ei r room with proper play ·anybody. It's just a case firs t round of the Phoenix Open Golf protection. Our people didn't of getting that win column ''l haven'1..dooe anything, just ate well." Tournament. A torrential rainstorm for~ed a know who Lou Nanne was, but in dented." -Skier Ingemar Stenmark of Sweden , suspension of play in the afternoon with 72 this case, I don't think it would While the Pirates are sure to when asked what he did over the players -half the field -strand_ed on the have altered their conduct." put several dents in the win Christ~ holidays to reach peak form in course ... Earl Anthony was _v1rtual~y a Apparently, N anne was column by the time the season the new ear. unanimous choice by the Bowhng Writers angered by a penally called on ends, Beasley is doing Likewise Association of Ame rica as Bowler of the Year M i n n es o l a w i n g e r Tom to the aU-time Coast scor ing list. \ for l981 . Anthony, a 43-year-old southpaw fro!'l McCarthy late in lhe game. The Wednesday, he moved from Pis.tbns get in high gear, 12<>-110 Dublin, CaLif.. won four PBA tournaments m Kings tied the c ontest on a lOth to ninth on the list. His t'QUllLeI:_.1--&&W~I'-wo-year scoring o a 1s le ad a bala nced Detroit attack Thursday night as the Pistons whipped San Diego, 120-110 in the NBA. The Clippers led most of the way, including 91·~ early in the fourth quarter before Detroit rallied ... Mark Olberding grabbed 17 rebounds to go with his 18 points as San Antonio rallied in the fourth quarter to pin a 123-104 defeat on Utah ... Jay Vincent scored 23 points and Wayne Cooper added 21 as Dallas took a 110 -94 deci s i o n a t K a n sas City ... Substitute guard Mike Newlin sco~ed six straight points in 67 seconds of the third quarter and triggered another late surge in the final period as New York beat Atlanta, 104-IUl . Canadiens topple Philadelphia ·Keltb Acton scored his 23rd goal ~ of the season and assisted on two , others Thurs day night as the president of Madison Square ~arden and t~e Murphy's goal with 1:31 to go. A points . He's averaging 22.3 New York Knicks Ned Irish, died Thursday m reporter who talked to N.anne p<Sints per game this season. Venice, Fla. . . . President and general after the game said his left eye Seven more points will move manager of the St. Louis Blues, EmUe Fru~ls, was bloodshot and reddened. him into the No. 7 spot. has been named recipient of ~e Lester Palri~k THE No a TH s TARS Beasley's caree r scoring Trophy for "outstanding service to hockey in (18-14-15). look a 3.0 advantage average of 16.0 is now the fourth the U nit ed S t ates .·' l h e N ff L into the final period, but the best in OCC history. Only J ohn announced ... Negotiations betwee~ ~he Kings got the tie on goals by Vallely (23.3), Phil J orda n (18.9> National Football League Players Association Doug Smith, Steve J ensen and and John Kindelon Cl7.0) have and the NFL for a new collective bargaini!11 Murphy. Minnesota had taken higher career averages. agree m e n l w i 11 begin Feb · 16 1 n its lead 00 a first-period goaJ by Vallely, of course. went on to Miami. Bobby Smith and second-period be an All-American at UCLA Television. radio Follewir.g are ttte top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: 1 1 1 ' excellent; ' 1 ' worth watching;././ fair;' forget it. 8 p.m., Ch•nnel 13 ./ ./ ./ COLLEGE BASKETBALL: USC at California. Announcers: Mike Walden and Pete Newell. scores by Steve Christoff and where he averaged 25.8 points Dino Ciccarelli. per game. "It's a damn shame for the But Beas1ey~basknba11 guys to work their tails off and future is clouded by another then to have the game taken inte r est -baseball. In fact, away by poor officiating," said Beasley was recently selected in M innesola assista1H coach the major league's winter free Murray Oliver. agent draft. From PageC1 RAM ASSISTANT COACHES SIZZLING PACE -OC:C 's Chris Beasley is averaging 22.'3 points per game this season. The Chicago White Sox chose Beas ley in the fifth round of the regular phase of the draft · · 1 like the idea of playing basketball bec ause-I enjoy · it quite a bit. But I don't know how it would work out with baseball, too I think I 'm going to have to start putting aJl my efforts into one of the two," he admits. On being drafted : "I'm not s ure why I was drafted . J haven't played in so long. It's really nice being selected. but I'm s ure they don't know a whole lot about me, particularly as a pitcher · · Beasley played third base and shortstop for four years at Costa Mes?. High. the final two on the selected as his basketball team's MVP during his junior and senior years at Costa Mesa. The late basketball sea§on last year kept Beasley out of most or OCC's baseball games. But during the s umm er , Pirate baseball coach Mike Mayne converted Beasl ey in to a pitcher. He liked what he saw and so did the While Sox scouts apparently. Which s port does Beas ley prefer'! .. l like basketball during the basket ~! seafon and baseoall during the baseball season," he explains It would be terrible if he liked baseball during the basketbaJI season. • • • Montreal Canadiens handed Philadelphia a 4-2 setback in the National Hockey League. The loss snapped a five-game Flyers· unbeaten string md spoiJed the debut of veteran center Darryl Siltier, acquired Wednesday from Toronto . . . Elsewhere, a 40-foot slapsbol by Ray Bourque midway through the third period gave Boston the lead and the Bruins held on for a 4-2 triumph over St. Louis . . . Kee lleu&oll scored three goals and assisted on two others as Calgary s kated ·to a 7-4 victory over Colorado ... Bob Bourne netted two goals and Bryan Trot&ler and Clark GUUes added one each to pace the New York Islanders to a 6-1 win over Pittsburgh. Gillies' 19th goal of the season extended his personal scoring streak to 10 games. Dwight Anderson will IHd the Trojans against the Cardinals tonlQht. Anderson scored 17 points last week against Arizona to give the Trojans a,., Paclfic-10 record. He Is assisted by Mo Williams and Cedric Balley. Stanford has had little success In Pac-10 play this season and Is 1~ and 6-8 overall. And, you watch, teams will chan1e back to the 4-3." line of scrimmage, the fewer went to san Francisco to quietly linemen that can be held. play out his career. LitUe did he - OTHER TELEVISION \ Basketball ~ UCLA at Stanford, 11 p.m., Channel 5; Detroit at Lakers, 11 :30 p.m .. Channel 2. RADIO Basketball -Detroit at Lakers, 7: 20 p .m ., KLAC (570); USC at California, 8 p.m ., KOAY < 1580): UCLA at Stanford, 8 p.m ., KMPC (710). WeU, teams haven't changed , . . and neither did lhe Rams last ,Jeasoo. The r esult was one of the worst defensive seasons in the club's history. Anyway, it appears as if Malavasi is going to change -' even if it is begrudgingly. Malavasi is simply tired of fighting the NFL system and he realizes it's not going to C?hange for,hlm. It 's a g utty c h a n ge by expect, or realize al the time, Malavasi, and one that shouJd be the•49ers would find themselves applauded. The coach realizes among the Super Elite Sunday. that in order to keep his job he's .. 1 'm really burned out for the going to have to make some alterations -and they can't be season ... said a mentally and cosmetic. physically worn out Reynolds * * * just prior to his departure to HACKSAWING HJS WAY TO Detroit last weekend. "We just DETROIT: seemed lo get the big hits and While Ronnie Lott a nd Fred the bi g plays all season." Dean ha ve received most of the Many of those big hit.s were pub Ii city for l h e 4 9e r s' supplied by Reynolds who led Rustlers, Triathlon slated The way the rules are set up today it's become very easy ror • • the offense to hold the defense - ---~~ e-down-tineme . u.>.----~herefor.e, it does n 't take'-a turnaround defensively, those in the team in tackles during the th know are ~.uw:.Uy ttRa.at .... t ... io'-fg, _ _,s~e~&115son-(+l-Yt-and-the two p ~~-:r ac eynolds on the back for a games <17 ). Those numbers Cypress vie For the first lime in its four-year history, the Human across the chilly waters J the genius _lo tigure . out that the Newport Dunes cove. fewer linemen you put on the job well done . were accumulated, too, b y Reynolds, as you probably playing just a little more than know. is the Ram castoff who one-third of the time. ~~~~~~~~~~-:-i~~ The undefeated Cypress Race triathlon will be held in the Chargers face their stiffest test mid.dle.ot-w~nLer 89 the grueling D.u1~-t.€~l-h-<c-~+d.......,1Mttt.,------------ ..---v.r ~yettng Southern Cal cycling, running and s winyning conditions, competitors will be College basketball Conference basketball season is scheduled for Saturday" at 9 permitted to wear wet suits for wbentheytraveltoGoldeoWest a .m . at Newport Dunes in the s wimming portion of the College tonight (7:30) to face Newport Beach. race for the first time. Co a c b J Im G r e e n f i e I d · s Rustlers. Team entrants will s plit the G WC, aner an 0-3 conference The charity event. s ponsored events into a three-leg relay start, has battled back to pick up b y the Rus ty Pelican and while individuals or "lronmen" victories over LA Harbor and Ancient Mariner restaurants wilt attempt to complete the Rio Hondo. And the RusOers' and benefiting the California entire triathlon. 15-S overall mark is actually SP e c i a 1 0 I Y m Pi c s· h ~ s Team <ti visions include open better than the Chargers· 13-S traditionally been held 10 male, open female, open mixed, showing. October but sewage construction m a s t er s , P u b I i c s afe t Y • But Cqjch Don J ohnson's along Newport's Bay Bay Road rest~urant and family while the squad, b!hind 6-5 guard Jud forced a rescheduling of the Iron Man competition will be Beardsley, is a perfect 5-0 in event for Saturday· s plit into ages under 18 under, 18 confe r e nce p l ay. Beards ley to 29, 30 lo 39, 40 to 49 and SO and averages 22 points per game. The triathlon will consist of up. G WC counters Truiett Hatton, both team and individual entries ToNght'a..,_. .... use •• c.tltorftle UCi.AMSC........ ' WHll"'91en$t.et~SI. Portl...Oet ~OM• SI M.,Ysal P1'911"191f• U ol S.. OleoD et L..,.._ Gori'-et USF ....... Nevecte R9n11 at Wltll9r SI. 8olse 5t et~ Me•ell at c:Mw .. SC. ideho et ~ SI. Hllf'l ... m Ari-et 1-SI ... , F•lrflel<hl Y11te Long lslend u •t LOYol•. -· ...... J80WW...liie el Sou"' Alebefnll a 2o.l scorer, and sophomore on a challenging course which The Iron Woman has divisions Saturdlly'agemea · l 17 l includes 17.7 miles of cycling, a for under 18, 18 to 39 and 40 and *"' Darin Bowen, shooting a a . ,,._,t.etc:ats..._,. ..... ,_ Cll'p lOK run and a 600-meter swim up. s.""-"-•\ICs.M....,• ..::..:..::~·-____ ..::_ _________ __:~--r-----------~-~-~----1L*"19MdlSl.etP«lfk This Week's Special lt79 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE Optiom include dual comfort seats, Cabriolet top le Cadlllac wire wheel covers. C895WQV). •8795 TnC-.etfr8HaasTof~F"'8At8tmllarSnla11! Rancho San Joaquin Go lf Cou 1 se PRO SHOP SPECIALS .. I DEXTER SHOES Suggested Retail: 6fY'0·7C1X' LA MODE QUAl.ITY <:ASHMERB.ON SWEATERS M s49•s ,,,,..,..,.,_ ., .. U.etS-'*91etP1'91r'dlM SI. ,._,., .. LA¥9le o.i,... .. s..cwe Pwtle!ldetUSf' UCLA et CellfWftle use et.....,.. .................. ~ ..... UCl,.....etUteflM • .... .,,.,.,. ,.,._ .. ~St, Wl<lllta SI. et.._ Mtatee It. ........ -.. .. , ... It. ................ Oii ............ ~ Sell '*91tt. .. ~It. Air .. wee .. UtMI ..,,._.._ .. .,._ """'1111 M •vu ...................... ...... .._ ..... __ TCU•IMU hylOr et T-T«tl , ........... ltk• '--MN. T-St. N---.5'.iltUTEP OHi It..,_ et Te-.A~ Oelte• ............. ._kMt s.111._.., •. r ... se. ....... ........... ._. .. o...-c-. MlcflleM ..... St. ....... ~ ..... , ....... , '"" ....... ........ Me ...... etl- Ml<ll .... etl- ·-•St.et ....... Meryleftd et Noe.-. 0- 0lllo u ... Mleml Nort.,'#Hllrm et <>No St •• ....., .. er...,_ OelroM et Mlef M~jlllb Sl M Cln<lnnetl St. Frenck.Pe.et C~St. llllMltSliltOr- llL llllnoltetw. IHIMI• •.M~iltT .... L.,,.._, IM ... E-llle llllflelt••MlllMMee T IOIM et lfllleM St. ICM_ .. Ill-St. W.Mk~•ICeMSt. WIK~MMlcl\leellSL OtileflerN•--· OllMIMme Gitt .......... Ollie v ......... wts.-0.-.. ,. .... .._ ........ ..... Sout11 ..... '" •t v •. c......_ .... 1111 s1eo.•sw~ VMI .. T_.Qle .. ..... o .. ~ ........... ..,., HL .. llRutNIL--. .. ~ ........... o-ete•.....,. °'*••a..-Sl.L ........... se. ......,....., .. ..._.T_ " ........ ,.,_ .. ~ c...-.et•.T-lt. Dev"'-' et Menl••li EHi CerolU.. 111 N-Cerolln11 St. E. IC-y i1t ~*II St . ,Furmen et w. C.,,..,,.. Ge. ~net Semford S. M~ et Oeorei• St. N«tll Cerollfteet <Hort4* TK., Je<UOfl S«. et T-SJ,,. .\. N.C.·~et J~Wdlton v...-.....etKlfthleky LSU11tT- Vlr9lnle Tl<., et Loulsvlll• Wl\.·Peftl~ •t McHefte St Mercer et NW Loull'- M lu lHlclPI St. •• Mlnlulppl MurreySt.etT-TKll New Or .. _ 11 TUl- N11vy 11t Rk -.... Am•rk., U et Lef11911 Armv111F...- O•••et at Lel•Y9fl• Nt•Me LM V419M et Seton Heil P•IM'I St.et...,.., WHI v...,.._ et R,_ lll•NI Pitt et II......, T•m ... MSt.JOMPfl's St. "•-Is, NV et IM!lmor• h \'*" Collfti ilt Syrec-.vermOM et lllellon u. Mfftllfl et lll<ll:Mll CenlshlletN!eeer• CotvmllMetCornatt v 111-1 *' c-.kut Dert.....,.. *' Hotr C,_ O.lew#tetHohtre Felrleltfl OIOltl.., et Marlst G_,.,....., .. ,.~. Gffr .. •""'"-" •• St ·---L*"I ,,,... U. el T--$t I M•tne .. -M..,...,. I Mef!IWll\en et SleM uuuetSl.~1 JOHNSON & SON Presents ... -' Pe le the .. Greek' NFl/s Picks Of .The Week PETE PICIS SAN FUll:ISCD All TllE WAY! 1HIY•t• Llll1HI . lfl2 . LICOLM CONl"lt9IT AUi CdlOt Voliw Prottthon ~c. Agrttm'"I A uollabli: Alc.l ....... l'o,.,.,, .... 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Mill.· 7 1 2600 HOrbor-etvd; Costa Mesa (714) 540-1860 L YNX•LN7•CAPRl•CONTINENT AL• MARK VI• LINCOLN•COUGAR•XR7•ZEPHYR ··- Orengo Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, January 22 . 1982 • irst ECAA win; Long Beac -falls Top-ranked and previously unbeaten North Caro~ina gets ambushed at home by ACC rival Wake ~orest _' --....-----------,n•UdlrretcllN . -Nt•v utJu La!'> Vl'gus to n 76-67 non-conference Vll'lory over Utuh Guard Leon Wood sc~ 21 polnta and '1(a& credlwel wlth el1hl aa1l1t1 Thursday ni1ht, leadlnf Cal State Fullerton to a 61·50 Pactllc Cou AlbleUc AaioclaUon basketball victory over San Joae State. 11 vldory guve Wy~" s 24th s truT.:ht homccourt v1M.ory-, only one 11hy ol 1t.s all hm., homocourt win rcc·o•'d. and a S 0 Western Alhlotic Confcre11ct• rt•cord. the Cowboy8:t}iist conterenCl' uason sturt c.v1•r _ Utah. oJ ~!It' Wc:slcrn A1.blcll.c.J.:0Qfcr(tl'M.:4t, was- lt•d by Peter Williams with 16 Pj)lnls and !'ace rthnruon with 14' lwlp11114 Minnt•i.ulu to its 12th victory 1n 14 gumes The Gopht•rs ure 'I I lr1 lhc firi;t hlilf, grubbing a itf> 24 inll'rmiss111111<'lld - Iowa 49, Northwestern 48 Guard Ricky Mlxon •dded 16 points lor the Titans. who are now 1·2 tn PCAA play and 8·10 overall. Michael Ande rson led Fullerton in rebounding with 10. Chris McNealy paced San J ose, which rell to 2·1 in league action and 8·6 overall, with 11 points and ei1ht rebounds. He was limited to 23 minutes because of foul problems. Michael Moore and Greg Vinson added 10 points apiece ror the Spartans. Vinson pulled down a game·hlgh t 1. rebounds. The flrsl half was c lose throughout. Fullerton led 22·20 at halrtime, and the Titans scored 14 or the first 18 points in the second half. • T he Cowboys led throughout the game, by 17 points on fq_ur occti. IOnli 1n the s econd tlalt but bad to holll off un Aztec rully late in the game thul bro ug ht the visitors lo within nine points with about a minute left. A key statistic In the game was the !'1·22 advantage the Cowboys had in rebounding. The Aitcci; dropped to 2·2 in WAC action antJ 10·5 overall. WyominR is 13·4 overall UNLV 76, Utah 67 SALT LAKE CITY Sidney Green scored 19 points and Ri chie Adams added 18 to a spark ------------------ Fullerton made 48.9 percent or its field goal _.;...-~""8flt'lltffi-t<&-:M.S percent for San Jan:-T!fe·~i-------­ Spartans o ulrebounded the Titans 42·30, but committed 18 turnovers to only 11 for the winners. The loss wus t he Utt>i. · 10th of lhu seuson llJtUins..L~cveu victorit•11 Tiu~ Rehel~ improved their fl'l'Ord lo 11·6. Gr1~n and Adami., both 6·9, took advantage of the shortt>r IJtcs ansa<le und scored 20 points h •twcc.·n them in the first 10 minutes or the game :ts th • Hel>Cls st rubbed u 25· 14 leuc.l Minnesota 78, Wisconsin 57 MADISON . Wis. -Fifth·ranked Minnesota led hy guurds Darryl Mitchell and T rent Tucker, c harged to a 24 -poinl second·bl*lf lead during a 78-57 81g Ten victory over Wisconsin. Mitchell s cored 18 points and Tucker 13 in --=---Ht.tt-~ ... ~-. tong-8911Ctf Statrn LOGAN -Cente r Leo Cunningham led five Utah Slate players In double figures with 22 points as the Aggjes claimed a 90·82 PCAA victory over Long Beach State. ~RlA8111 Scott Harries added 18 points for USU. Haakon Austefjord had 17. Larry Bergeson had 13 and Michael McCullough had 12. _ Harries, a reserve forward, scored 16 or his points in the second half and hit six of eight free throws in the final 1: 15 of play to help USU improve its season record to 3·12. Both teams ar e now 1·2 in. Ute PCAA and Long Beach State is 5·9 overall. 1 The 49ers were led by guard Craig Hodges with 22 p,oints. Michae l Zeno followed with 18, Dino Gregory added 16 and Da vid Johnson had 10 for the 49ers. Utah State led by as much as 13 points, 33·20, midway through the first half. but Long Beach closed to within 44 ·38 at halftime. The 49ers tied it at 50-all in the opening minutes of the second half. but USU regained the lead for good at 56·54 on a Cunnin&ham slam.dunk with 12:01 left to play. Freano Stete 40, UC Senta Berber• 38 SANTA BARBARA -Rod Higgins scored 17 points, leading Fresno State to a 40·38 PCAA victory ove r UC Santa Barbara. Bulldogs, who raised the iaq >CAA-record to 3-0and overall mark 14·1. Michael Russell was the only player to score in double figures for UCSB, finishing with 12 points. Richard Anderson was held to six points and a game-high seve n rebounds. The Bulldogs took a 39·36 lead with 1: 34 remaining on two free throws by Dan Seui. The Gauchos cut the deficit to one point with one minute to go on two foul shots by J oel Dobrin. The game's final point was a free throw by Higgins with 17 seconds left. The Gauchos had a c hance to tie the game, but Russell missed an 18·footer with four seconds _remai_!liog. Weke Forest SS, North Caroline 48 CHAPEL HILL, N.C. -Mike Helms' jumper from the top of the key with 2: 11 left and Anthony Teachey's four free throws in the final 30 seconds led Wake Forest to a 55·48 upset over top·ranked and previously unbeaten North Carolina in the Atlantic Coast Confe rence. The victory was Wake Forest's second consecuti,ye on the Tat Heels' homecourt and snapped f'forth Carolina's winning streak at 13. Trailing 30.25 at intermission. Wake Forest fought back to take a 41-4<> lead -on a Danny Young jumper with 8:40 remaining. James Worthy tied the score whe n he hit the first or two free throws with 8 : 19 to go. The Demori Deacons seized control when Jim Johnstone scored on a drive past Worthy with 6:23 left. A Little more than one minute later, Young scored on a playup to extend the lead lo 45·41. · A pair of jumpers by Jimmy Black tied the game again at 45, but Helms' jumper gave Wake Forest a lead it nevN relinquished Wyoming n , San Diego State 64 LARAMIE. Wyo. -Bill Garnett tallied 18 ltUllElt·OUEEN • 17" x 1 S" rubber moh for Cor, Home, Boot. lloclc, Blue, Gold, or Auto Supply Wl'RI HILPING YOU DO n RIGHTI I I • lted. 137 14290 EA ZfMCO • ln1tont readouts on fuel u109e, mileage, speed, travel diatonce, elopMd time ond more. IZT-3 59'7 EASY TO INSTALL AUTo-·-- ALARM ANIS·,,. Hl·low lloctronlc Alarm Complete Kit. laay to 1Mtoll ln1trvctlon1 . IH·H22'' I f!®')))))J~ I ~!!lr!'~!~~!!:-~~I 90*•. ,_, moin 1eols, ptl!Oft rit191 & rod GMB . for CHEVY 1955· '69 CHEVEllE, CHEVY II, 196-4·'66. Front or Rear (Except turbo 396-400 Engine) OPEN DAILY 9-9, SAT. 9-6, SUN. 9-5 ENGINE CLEANER Original Equipment FORD Parts TUNE-UP m1.'7J 449 points and Chris Engler had 16 points and 18 rebo~ds as t he Unjversjtv of Wyoming .h.iaML-MJ~+­ . an Diego State, 77-64 . For Mo•t CHEVY 1970-'79 (Except 1971 ·'73 with unmochiMd yolce) FORD 1960· '79 ~UICI( 1961 · '79, Km 6 cy• .. 19S7-'73' cya. KIT B ~ UC lrvlNn, Pecllk M CAii $ .... Futl9rton 61. Seti JOM SI '° Fre-st . .0, UC Seftl• e ... tMre ll ~· Venw •. C.I 9eptl\t 71 ....... Utell St. t0, l.Ofl911Ncll Sl.12 IYU Sot. Air Force ... Nev .... Lel Vevet 7•. Ulell 61 Wyomlfte n. SM Ole9o St. .. ,.,...... 1-.... -........... 1 "41'-S4, llllftotl Sl Mkll .... St. '4. MkllltMI 62 ~M.OtlloSt.to Cotl M._... 7', WIK-In S7 T11IM 17. S. llllftolt 14 (otl W. ICM!llodty 77, All,.... .. oreke'1, .. edley .. Youc ... •St.•7,Cle1191-SI JI llllftOkSt. ... Crellllton S4 Oeyl., ... St. l..Olllt 6l N. 1-• ... IE. llllftOll U ........ Wlclllle St. n, W. Teu1 SI. 11 Hous to n 9•Pll•I s •. Herdln·~U .... Welle 1"-' SS. Nortll CMollne 41 T-Tecll ... Auatlft l'Ny JI Arll.-l.lttte llec'll 11, een.....,," Cl.._ .. ,,_ .. SW L....,_ '5, t.Au .. lene Te<tl SS Tiii-· ,..,_.,St. SA (OU\ NI L.....,_'7,~r1.S scores MurroySl l•,Mklcl .. T_ ... SI HIPW Or1HMl1. Slltlt«l M S Mlnltilppi 1•. SOlllll Cerotlne., w. Corollne"· VMI •• Ent Holy Crou 60. AMlne !O SI J°'""''s Po .... Ltftigll U H•mlllon 61, Col90 .. SI Folrltltfl Olckln-'1, Ullo O Sien• tt. Robu1 Morris O Community college •-Mele~• Oanord 71. Comcllon 74 (otl Moorpert. fl ...... ._ Vello •1 Uoll Ven1urel21LA Trede Tedi 1' Soni• e..-o 4', Glend•lt 4.S (ol) H•ncock ... WHI LA.., Women COUIGI Cel Poly (,,,,,,_.) ... Col ~lelt LA st HIGH SCHOO\. .-u..- M•rlno SJ.OuonVlew 0 Hunll.....,llNtlltt. Edhonlt F°""leln lletl9y •. Wnlmln•ltr >I ... v ........... Corone dtt -U. Unl119olty !O lr"IM 11.CO.leMeN .i e stencle ,., ,._, Hertlor ll ........ ........ ~19f 0eC "·SI. Ant-y U .._CeellL .... Million Viejo ... U.-BHCll )7 .,. .. <""> •. t• ...... ,,,,.,,, i ••• , .... _I, ............ ,., ........ .............. -.• ,_.......y!Wll .... ..,_.,_l,_....._ ... r) ....... ~ .......... ......__ 1.1 re lllK-4......,,._, __ _..,...,..., .. r I ... ....._ .......... , .... ...__ ... ., ..... -' ..... ·'--1~· ................. _ ... ._...,...,_.. ~--~~1'1.·~ iitM Dell) ~a.------ft • • I I I I CHIVI OUl. CHEVY 11 CHfllHU lt•S 61 6 Cy!W.dH I HL Corbure10,.. CHfVROlU · CHfVY II · CHIVElU lt6$0'67 I Cyl.nder 1 Ill Corbu1e1ou FO•D fAlCON · fAllLANI COMU MAVHICK MONTfOO ·MUSTANG TOalNO lt6S.'716 Cylo..0.r I Ill Corbure•on ih<•p• 2'60 fr>g..,• & 1911 n with 250 lr>g•,,. F()CO fAlCON · fAlllANf · COMU MUSTANG 27.88 1964-''7 l(ylonder 2 Ill Corbur•IOrt lhcept JfO lr>gineJ tXCH CHIVIOUT · CHfVY II CHfVHU CAMAIO ·NOVA 1968-7J • Cyto..cler I Hl Corburerort fOID . fALCON 3~8 FAlllANf • COMU MUSTANG 1968°069 I Cpnder 2 Hl Corbu••lon tXCH FOllO • Fokon · Fo.,lono · Comee • Monl•Vo • M..tto9 • T .,;,,., 1970· "71 I (yl. 2 H L Corbt »I ·400 fr>g•M lh<•PI 1971 88 wiit1 400 l_.ICHl\llOLO ·Chevy II Chevell• • 34 Comoro 1'•1~ 2 Ill ~ UICH CHfVROlfT. Chevy 11 • Ch•••ll• 196'·'7> 2 Hl Corbur•Cort lh<epl 1971 J~ lngln• wolh Stondord Trontmon oonl FOID • footione . Co,,.el Moncego • M<l"o"11 • 3888 fof>ftO )91().."7) I Cyh,.d•r 1 U L Corbur•lort woth J021...-hcept lf72 wolh S1ol'dord Tron UICH CHlVIOUl • CHfVY II . CHlVfllf ·MONTI CARLO · lt'6·'7l I Cyliad.r QUAD Carbureto,. ( bcopt COIVmf • CAMARO with ltJ ....... & 19" with 21l lnlllne. & 1910 A/T with Jt6 · '54 t....i- F()al) • fAlltlANI • fAlCON ·(OMIT· MUSTANG 196S-''9 I -.-c,...., 4 Ill c.rt.u..ton (for~ .. 42' ,........ s~· I ~Ks wllfl,.., ...... , ... wllfl)S2f ....... .. -............ "'" 19S4·'73 6 Cylinder 19Sl·'111'Cylinde1 (bcepl fAIRlANf 1961, & ft88 1961."69 with 219 & 302 CID, 7 SET & 19711tt. 390 CID) 1977."79 4 Cylinder 2.3l (1 40 CID) Mutlong .. r into befo,.. 6-27·77 and 197S."79 6 Cylinder 197S.'7• I Cylinder FORD w11h 3S1. 400 CID .. To~ with 351M. & 400 CID 19n. 71 I Cyl. (b cept '71 T·l lrd with 302 CIO) 197S.761 Cylincler(h<--' fvll tiae FORD wlttl 311 & 400 CIO & Temo wiftt J.slM a 400 CID) KJRtABIN Auto f:?uPply t;VANSTON. 111 KM Arnt>ld 's driving layup with nhw sccondi. lt•ft hft~d i.ixlh runked Iowa to a 19 48 Big TN\ v1t•tory over Northwestern. It marked the.· only leucl or the night for the lh1wk<•ycN . who trullccl throuAhout the game and wc.·re onc·t· clown by as muny as 10 points due to N11rthwe1>tcrn c·c·ntcr Hob Crady. who scored 24 1>01nt:-. /\ thrt•c po111l 1>lay hy Cirudy with 2.20 left gave Nori hwl'i.lt·rn u 47 43 lead. Mark Gann{Jn tut on a couple of 18·footers to pull the llawkcyc.•i. to within onc palht at 48·47. Steve C'urfino s lole a n inbounds PliSS by Northwci.tt-rn with 42 Sl·conds lefl -------~-- OIL FlttER DU,ONT • Goa-Dryer ond Anti· Freeze. Help• atolllng. Ouiclcer atorta. 12 01. 15616 49c WINDSHIELD WASHI• DUPONT • Concentroted detergent J<>lution clean• in _ ony weofher. 14 01. IJ4013 99c M·N • Eor Most FORD, CHEVY. DODGE-Pl YMOUTH with 6 or 8 Cylinder 12" 1121 02 319 1500 112103 3'7 l&S For most American con\>nly. 1962-'79 (b cept Corvette. I Toronodo, & Copri) lnneror 3 .9 Outer. Right or E I left. A KS 1 ·20 -82 (0031 ........ 150l1 lmperial•(21-M7-SMI .......... 24510 Alicia Pkwy.• 951 .. 175 °' •• 1100 N. Tustin• 771-~lll ·••4ftld1 10403 Magnolia Ave.•~ •ti ....... 2604 s. lriltol St. • n.-1a.a ....... 1302 E. 17th St. •Ma 1811 ------Orlinge Coat DAILY ~LOT/Frll'lay. January 22, 1982 111111tm11• · focus? • ID Bobbu Soz reQistration Fountain Valter l\t•1ih1trnl1011 to bl' k h~ld T~~~u:~111>'11~~ rrunt or Vu11~ ... ~~:.n'" V11lley Crom 10 M 11~011ha. 1n r li m tu 2 I> m , roof or aac ttnd Pluycr5 ~hQuhl lmn1: P urenl. Division~ be uccomv1rnit-<I. ~~ 1~ ':,,inors 11ges 9 11 are Mujors. u~cli a. ' and MIMICS. ai;e~ 7 8 d l s at "ame Addltlonol reg1strauon a6 eC II l..lnda J 'Ml und Feb · a site· urc an .. ~ 7.,.,3 or 964 l661 for more Benncll at 9f..,· .,.,. inCormat1on. North Huntington leech d 1 be held Sulur uy a Reglstr.ntlon. ·'ho 1 16662 Tl'udy Lane. Spring View Sc oo • . to 2 p.m. t luntington Be:ch. r~o;i ~~:~~d should be Playe:-' nee b~r: adult oivls1ons are accompaml'd 12~ 15 Minors ages 9 ll and M aJors. ag<'S · • ' Mmmes. ugcs 7 8. ~ al same .._:---t-~---~~r.r.mtnm&t,1~e~g1~nwtr~a C 11 ar ara site are Jan84306 .. ~~ ~~b K:Y ~llliams at Pollack al JUOU 894-5144 for more inform;1t1on. Laguna N~o~dl Saturda)' al Reg1stra11on to be e Crown Valley Alpha Beta Markc\Non I Crom lO u.m Parkway in Laguna ague to 2 p.m. h Id bring a birth cl'rt1C1culc lo Girls s ou for girls aj!.C'i 9-15 reg1s1rat1on League I!> • e Ja~ :JO Addilional reg1:-.1ration dal II Coralyn For more informnt1on. ca Stransky at 495-5365 AIL·comers track First of thret_o All c Saturday at Suddf .. omer~ tral'k met-ts cam PUS. ebark t ollege·s south Add1t1on:if meet . alf.weathcr track . s on Saddf<'bac"k 's M n 'I ' .ire• J an 30 and L• .c s. 1or men Jnd · r cb 6 ~ m "omen. begin at 10 ,CornPt'titors :,hould h With SI. Call 8.'11 1506 u!>r "." up at JO a m information 831·4545 for more F'Lu tuing cla~s rsl• 11ponsored by Fly Basil· fly tyin~ (ll~3·0 \. County. begins fisher!> Club nf 0 ·gl Senior C1t1iens 3 11 30 P m 1 a . Garden Feb 300 Stanford ,\ve .. Com plex. It . I Grovl' be taught b)' Ear • Twelve.> "es:-.iuns to rts voun~ and h•'--.wrr orr~:i~uon tu tw held Rcgistra11un and •0 515 payable lo al fi rst ses:-.111n I-ee a:. n\ of Parks and d ''rove l)cpartmc Gar en u -R~ii~~':n1 I fol' mure informauon - Harlem GLobeirotters 11 u rlem Gfnbl't Forum in lngl rottl'r s come to th and again ~fondt-a~~ ~a turday ,2 Pm.~ TH·kels are s5 Pm I · Children under 12 50. $7 50 and S9.SO T1<'k<'ts <ivaifabll• a~e~~l\'l• S2 discount and mutual agC'nries oruni. T1cketron Ca f I 12 J 3 1 · information 67<1 ·'7011 for more Barons, OV tie JANUARY SPECIAL 00 PER MONTH 2• peyment• oe $81 pet morittl tor toeal ~ peymenl pla.n oC 11~• on IPP"0"9d a edll-'PR 2•1~ 35 Houn tight tr~ lnckm 20 houri dull Instruction. 15 houri ldo CPC private pilot kit. 35 houri ~ trlinlng. •FM~ ment to obtain PfMt• plOC bnM under FAR PART 141. -WESTERN SKYW A YS- , PCAA tourney .tickets Prlor11y •ll·11e•~lo Ii 11nnHt l'11cmc Coasr Ath~ecr tor •eventh basketb11ll tournament eMt c Aasoclallon Anaheim Cooventlo • arch 3·~. at thr~ugh maH order. n Center, are on sale Tacket applf . 1 whic h will da~rJeons for . tournament, representative lopfhAA a automatic Chumplonshlps 8 e. 1982 NCAA any or the c • re ...,•alable throueh ticket offices. Oflference schools' •thlellc All·sesslon tickets ri Sl2. Single day tlck~u cedl at S27, S21 and anCd S4 go on sale in mid Fperbced Ill S9, S7, all 999-8900 •1 ruary. for more nfolllllalion. . ' Maybe, after tonight's prep league battles • lh ROGER CARLSON 0( .. Otlty ...... ,__.. It'll be settled tonight. maybe. Corona del Mar Hlgh's Sea Kings and the Edison Chargers. unbeaten leaders in the Sea View and Sunset League basketball races, figure to realize just exuctly who are their chief rivals for the respective crowns theyl)eek. In the Sea Vlt:w League it's Es tancia at Newport. Harbor, a pair of 5-1 leams, one gam e of( Corona del Mar's pace, while the Sunset League has a pair of games whidl could clear up the picture : Edison (3·0) al surprising Huntington Beach (2·1) and Marina (1 ·2) at Ocean View <2·1) ~ILLITlla The Sea Kings hit 18 of 30 against Estancia EACH GETS UNDER WAY at 7:30, as do lhe We dnesday, 16 from the perimeter, and they figure balance of games tonight -Weslminster (0·3> at to go with the sam e style tonight against 6·7 Brad Fountain Valley 0 ·2) in the Sunset; Unlversily Guess and University. (3·3> al Corona del Mar (6·0 ), Irvine <1·5> at Cos~a · At HunUngton Beach, Edison's Chargers take ~ ===========-======J Mesa (3·3) ~nd Saddle back (0-6) at El Toro Cl ·S) Ln Lheir 16·1 record (3·0 in league) and No. t Orange ;. ------..J--+---1--uui:-<X.11.--1~.~-..Diu.:o.:.1.1.~-¥..1>.c::JO <3-l >-al-J..a«~na-County-status-agatnst an Oilers' Qihntet tnaCgave Beach 0 ·3) an ~e South.. Coast League; a nd Mater Fountain Valley a hard time for the first half, then · F'astpitch so/tba.U . 1 h Assoclallon The American Fa~~ '~ea.son in five forming tea~s for women. ages 7·21. d1Vlsions for girls and ·ortball program Traveling leaf!' s divisions : AAA divided into follow1~d · AA 15·18 years I~ through 21 ~e:rs 1G·i2: and C 7·9. old. A 13·15. d ' 1s1on ages are B and C iv l Lower A . . 1 •. age on Jan. · delermined by g~[ ~er division 1r desired. age can pla.y l':na~agcrs. players a~d coa ches . . more information parents intere~led ~ Greenacre Ave . ran write A.F A .. II 768-0123 or 821-8151 Anaheim. 92801 or ca Supercross ·a2 The 1982 m J;1n 30 w th ot<>cross seas Anaheim ~I · dWrang/er AMA Soun ki cks off Pro a •um Pt'rcross at . race form . Quaf1fiers at begins with r event R: . ends with o our 10.iap · <Jr<>rs · ne 20·la muney gomg after $1S oOO P main • Del (1:2) at Bishop Amat <HI in the Angelus swept past Westminster and Marina, to become a League. contender "We expect another donnybrook. just like the last three games." says Estancia Coach Larry Sunderman, whose team won by four (with a 24-0 margin at the line against Costa Mesa), topped University in overtime < 50-48) and lost lo Corona d~I Mar by five points when the latter cas hed in four free throws in the final nine seconds. What Sunde rman has to say could be applied to several coaches as the Sea View League completes its first round and the Sunset League moves into the fourth of 10 nights The duel a t Newport Harbor features the Sailors' twin 6-7 front of juniors Byron Ball (18.2 scoring average) and Scott Liner, 6·0 junior Brian Folk and 6·0 Steve Pelletier. ESTANC IA COUN TER S with it s guard-oriented o(fense < All·CIF play maker Jeff Gardner) a nd a f~nt line which includes 6·1 Steve Kraiss, 6-4 Brian Midland and 6·3 Randy Tift, who generally attack the basket regardless or the opposition's s ize. · ·~underman says rebounding is the key for his team tonight, but if the Sailors of Coach Jerry DeBusk connect against Estancia's zone al the rate Corona del Mar did Wednesday <60 percent), rebounds may not be a factor. JIM LANE (6·6) LE ADS Huntington Beach with a 21.6 league s coring average, and playmaker Billy Thompson gives the Oilers balance, but Edison counters with a lot -Richard Chang, Rick DiBemardo. Jeff Stephens and Mark Goudge, for instance. and is considered a heavy favorite. Edison's ave rage margin of victory in league has been 21 points Ocean View. with 6·9'h , J im Usevitch is also considered a favorite against vis iting Marina, but the Vikings, behind the balance of Rick Smith. Andy Klussman, Scott Filipek and John Berry, have made pests or themselves. The Vikes c~e within five points of undefeated Lakew the CIF 4·A's No. 1 rated team and lopped Foun ain Valley 142·41), and they figure lo give Ocean Vi wall it wants tonight. Elsewhere. Irvine tries to make it two in a row after getting its first win of the season Wednesday, while Mesa seeks to stay within striking range of a playoff berth; Fountain Valley doesn't figure to have any trouble at inexperienced Westminster . Mater Dei wins now or possibly forgets about the Angelus League title ; and Laguna Reach tries to head off Mission Viejo. Cutes · in Prize P m p· open at 6 P m R p.m . ln<iJ event srhedu aces begin at 8 Ticke~eservc seats at S9 ';~ to end at JJ 494·9484 ~n safe at Anahe;m S ~lS and Sl8. On Sun'da~o~e informat1on.tad1um Call --Barons alone at top in Sunset s tte of . ' "nahe1m St , d 8 auateur supe a tum will be a.m. Event . rrross. Oate • General ad s _srhedufed to end s open at day of th .mission tickets at 9 Pm. e race. - -.at S6 on ~ale I " . Fishing clinies rue oav\s end R!ch . Ftshinl ell~ Cbaurucs at \be f'\Shtnl .. Tau~-~~ ~Mb a~~ world ao;"~ l ShOW· Jen. · Callfonu~ convenUOO \l=·y. hat lheo~i• a seltwateru.-·· which is rWIYfl a • . .,._. • 'RoOk p. writte~ a -~in&. westerft 1n its s0tlh;.,. ";"\ed among the l.09 Tauber" r in the country. ectures Bass fishe'!fi~1ude slide show~~s For Clinics"'' nd answer pen '3i6 and quesUon t'~ ph<>fle t2131 ~ · more lnforma 1 • ~N CALIFORNIA'S PALM SPNNcp AREA! A Great New Golftourse Resort Home Community Invites You! The Southern California desert's newest, most exciting resort home community is now underway on the Jack Ivey Ranch just S minutes from Eisenhower Hospital and Bob Hope Drivel Choice golf course • • locations now available ... _.i..--a selection of over 20 different manufactured homes$~ Pools, tennis, recreation ... desert vistas and sunshine. ·~~ Off-Interstate 1!,!,t_k_!~~!!.~! _______ _ WrtleToclly t JKklwey OCDP Free aolf pass I Jack Ivey Ranch Country Club Included. Write: P.O.Box86S2,PalmSprlnp,Ca9%263 I ~-wood-'°"'~""' ·-111o11 fCH colOf I llllot"""'°" brochure, map t Name ______ ......, ___ , and reMYV1tlon I lnformatlOf\. I Address-------- • OlwtllOfl ol I City __________ _ ~ s ... Corona del Mar retains· a share of Sea View lead With a bit of help, Fountain Valley High bas moved to tbe top of the women's Sunset League basketball r ace after beating We s tminster Thursday. 18· 7. in the second quarter to assume a 10.point halftime lead. Edison and Huntington Beach are tied for second after the Oilers tripped the Chargers Thursday. The Seahawks were never able to gel close after that as Sandy Cor bell <16 points). Margaret Lonza I 10) and Yvette Howard (10 ) continually kept Ocean View at bay. In the Sea View League, Corona del Ma r shares first pTllce·with El Toro. with Estancia stayinc with.imstrilting distance. Coron• del Mer 65, University 50 ThP Sl-:1 Kinei; tonk rontrol of the boards at Here's how it went: Mountain High Ml. Baldy Snow Summit Snow Valley Goldmine WOMEN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Snow depth/inches Conditions 20·24 pow /pp 8-12 pow 24-48 pow/pp 18·24 pow/pp 30·42 pow/pp CENTRAL CALIFORNIA LJfts/cbairs 3L SL 4C 3L June Mountain 64·88 pow/pp 4C Mammoth Mountain 118 pow/pp UC China Peak 57.73 pow/pp FO Dodge Ridge 60·84 pow /pp FO NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Mt. Reba 78-138 pow/pp 6L Kirkwood 132·216 pow/pp FO Heavenly Valley 87 pow/pp 21L Tahoe Ski Bowl 84·1.24. pow/pp 4C Northstar 48-1.24 pow/pp .FO Squaw Valley 5'4·132 pow/pp lOL Donner Ski Ranch 120-144 pow/pp 2L Alpine Meadows ~192 pow/pp 9L Sugar Bowl 168-240 pow/pp SL Boreal 144·168 pow/pp 4L Homewood Ski Area 72· l.20 pow /pp 3C Conditions: ho -hardpack; pp -packed powder; pow - powder. Lifts/chairs: L -lifts; C -chairs ; FO -full operation. ... • t MEW 1912 VW ILUllT '1." SEOAM Super economy with thi s one' Fully eQUpped including a 4 SPeed 1ransm1ss1on, tinted glass. radial tires and more! (Stk. 3077) (0 1813). SALIPIJCI s5999 ' SCIROCCO Coupe . 5 speed trensmiaston. metalhc paint, rear window w I per/washer. alloy wheels, stereo c:aseette and moral (Sitt. 3235) (0177651 • SAU NICI 5 10 49 .. ~ > • NBA w•n••NCON .. ••ENCI Laiieft s ...... PftMlll• Golde11 St•le Po<ll•11d S.n Diego ~Kltk Dlv ..... W L " ti ,. 12 23 .. .11 II J1 11 12 ,. M ...... .O.MtJ• "<t. o• .ns ... , ... •\It .SU I HS I JOO 11 U I) .tll 11 1' SU S II 11 <42 l\lt .. ,. .J50 to 13 ,, )OJ 11 11 1t 212 UV. lf.&nlaN CONf'lfalfNCll BOSIOll Pl\lledelpllle wes111no1on NewYorll; New JerMY A•MlkOM•lea JO • 11 11 19 It " n " 1l C-ritl Dlvltl., .1'9 •• ., J .500 10\rl t l S 11"' 410 " MilWAUkft Allanl• 1nc11ane O.lroll Cl\lcaoo Cl••tl•nd 26 13 ... 7 It ..... I II 12 " 2• 16 2J 1 )I Tllunuy'1 Sc~ New Yon. llM. AllAnl• 101 S.n •-Ill, Ut•h IOt D•llH 110, ICan .. s Clly •• Ot1rol1 no. S.n Oleoo 110 T ........ 'tGAmff Otlroit al LAii°"' S.a111e •• Boston S.n Mlonlo •I All•n•• Phllao.lol\laAl lndlA<\A PorllAnd•I Wesllinglon Cit vet..,., •1 Clllc- Ula!I •I H0<nlon Mllw-a at Otnver Ntw Jervy •• Pt-.n1a 00 ·~· •n 10 o o 10 IU lllJ) COLLEGE UC IMne 71 , Pacific 64 UC ••vtNE -McOoNtd u Wulf • M•Oft JO, -lei-. U, Futter 6, Jot1nW>n o: Thornton l. Total" 11 ll•to 71 UNlv E•SITY 01' l'ACll'IC W•IOron II, Hold 1, HowAra 11, P a ulun •. Lelaenhel,.,.. •. Andr-11. A009e,. n . EdwArdS 0. TolAI>: U 11 IJ M HallllrN UC l ,.lne. 41-31 Total ICllils UC lr•IM 11. Un••••s•tv ot Pacltlc ••. Fouled oul Anor -tUni•tr~tv ol P•c iflcl. Tecl\nl<•I• Aodoer• tUnlorslty Of Pac Ill<).~· IUC ........ PCAA st•ndlngs c ..... ,_. UC lr•lnt FrHnoSl•le S.n Joie St•tt UC Santa B¥t»ra Lono B~h SU.le Cel ~t•te Futlenon Utel\ Slelt Pa< Ille W L ) 0 l 0 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 0 J s.-y·,o ....... UC lr•1neat UUlllStatt LllllO BUcJl Sl•teit Pacific Over•N 'W L '1• I U I • 6 • • s • • 10 3 11 • II S•n Jose Stele •I UC !>Ante Barber• Fresno Stele •t Cal State Fullerton College ratings NCAA bl VISION II 1 Vlrolnl• Union Ill t. W rlOfll SI , Ohio 3. Cal State B ... trslleld 4. NeDrask•OmAl\a S Olllrl-:1 of Cot.,mt>I• • Cal Stale Nottnro09t 1 ICenhrkyWeslevan I. North 0.kot• •.Cllevney SL. Pa. 10 Cal Poly-SU> 11. Cenlr•I FIO<iOll U. Sa•rtd Hun. Conn 13. lndl-Sl.·E•ansvlllt U SprinQIHtld, Ma" 1S. Albllny SI., Ga llit I Oellll St , Miss. NCAA o tv1SION Ill I 0 11ert>t1n, OlliO Ill 1 Sl•ltn Isl-. N, y 3. St. Andrew\, N.C 4. Auousl.,.., 111 S Btlolt, Wis • Upwla, N J I. Roenolle. Va l.Ho~.Ml•ll t Gro-.e City, P• 10 St L..llwrf!n<e, N Y 11. H•mlllon, N Y 12 Htldelbtro. Of\IO 11 WIS·MllWAUkft U Ct•r9',Mau IS Norlll P•rll. 111 Pac-10 SCOatNG G "' M•rk McN.,,,.r•. . C•I .. "' 21 10-0 1.0 11·1 I .. ISi 10 IJ.3 ,., 10.3 llS 11·2 1H 12·2 111 13·3 10S 1-1 " . ••·1 II .,_, ,. 11·3 II 11 ) Ml .. , 51 10.3 co .,., 40 11 3 160 1).1 U1 12·1 I ... 11·3 1:17 .. , ,,. 9·1 "' 11·1 • 1 11) 10.2 1().1 11) 12-1 • • II • -119 10. I~ 101 • eo .. .s .. 0 231 H1Qt4 SCHOOL WOMEN trvtne 51, Coet• M•H 40 ~'f...... t:urt, l am•r U , NlaT6, S. ... r •, ~l ...... rter 4. TotAI~ 110 40. tavtNI $1eum a11 1, trammtll t, IC Ode" 1t, Prvlttt t , ""°"" •. <>a.n 1 T otah tOll·UU 1e-••O..rwn Co.ta Mtu • u t• t ~ lrvlrw 11 10 11 11 \I to1a110..1, Co.le (oWw 11, ,,.,,,. 10 E•l•ncl• 59, Newport 33 NIWl'CNIT MA•ao• Ooddl n. W•-•. Doan 1, _..._ 1, e.tdle •. PlallOOl o. J\lrOYK 0 lOIAh I) 1·11 ll ESTANCIA CArpenter 4, Val~ller '· lt>u\111 0, Howland 17, Conway O. M•<Mllll.., t, ScllOltt •· H•lh<O<~ t. HuQll .. 10 TOlat~ 2•1·11St k.,..••O..."•" Newporl Hartlor IO • 13 • U lh .,ncl• 1 21 10 " " Total to..ls "NewPOrt Harbor 13, E\laMa. II,,,_~·-IN"'-'l4111110n."• CdM 65, Unlveralty 50 co•ON.& OEL MA• Es•r •• Aomntv s. lteno.11 t. 0..Chner 12, Von Klelnwnla • OrHnl>er91), OOdds 4 Total\ 30 5·11 U ' UNIVlaSITY Conlrtr• 11 Zlmmerm•n t . ~Int• 11 N•w•I• t Mahut>er• 1. Totels It n -11 SO. • S<lft • ., °"""'" Corona del M•• 24 9 I/ IS •S Unl•erslly I 16 12 IS-50 Total lo..ts; CorONI del Mar ti. Un•••~•• 10. T e<Mlc.01 Green1>ero <Corona dtl Marl Hin. Beach 49, E dison 39 E 015<* -K, .. ., ... 2. Houk •. Uchllono s Tanat>t I, 0.-eyer 10. BlllMr l. LowsW> 6. C•les l Tot•IS. IS 9." 39 HUNTINGTON aEACH -C•" 11 To wnstfno a. Mef\dou• 1. But"-th u: Cllnktnbt.oro 9 Totals IS It U •• Sc ...... , 0...r1•" Edoson u 9 1 J9 Hunltn91on BH<ll 9 11 13 I• -4'1 To1.01 louts: Ed''°" 21, Hun11no1on B•at" II. Fo..le<I OUI h,,..be IE01fo0nl, LO\ASW> IEd1foOnl Fin. Ve lley 58, Westminster 27 WESTMINSTEa Fossum 2. Gulnrle t. Scn••noe I, J~ 2. Juslen I, Sprouw o, Ko..clli o Totals. 113 • 21 FOUNTAI N VALLEY HIShl t , Pucnel\kl 14, Arltdge u , Huf\Chmldt •. G1nst>ur9 II. 0••11 ti, B•rlon 0, B"r~ll o l olals 11 • 10 5e Sc.,.• h O...r1tn Weslmlnster 11 J 1-11 F o..nlaln V•lley I) 20 It 11 S8 Tot•• touts Wt\lmin\tet t I, Fount••n V•ll•v u M arina 53, Ocean Vie w 42 MA•INA A'ld•"on I. Lonu 10 HO•••d 10, Loy• •. CO<bell "· SmallwOOO 2 Armstr0ft9 • Tolal\ >< s 11 5J OCEAN VIEW Simo •• Wel>b 11. Clwlw I Wllllt 12 Gtirm.., • Tolels II 1.11 o Sure •Y o...ri.rs M•rln• 17 II 11 11 5J Ocun V1'w 13 I 13 9 •1 Tote• IOU4\ MArlna IS, O cH n "~• u . Fo..lea o..f WH>t> 10ce.,. voewl ~ntsOpen tn ........ , lalt.i 10 tornj)lelt llr'I ro..no TIWrMAye.t-otrfln I L.,ry NelloOfl YMYW-lnJ ... £•'4WOOCI J im Slml'IOft, Chi Chi A.tell 1~.t L.tnnle c .. menh "rtd CO\llllH C\JrlllSlr~ CoAIO SIAdltr Jav !iii• Oa •• E lcl\tlbtrQer leotlerO I 110mCKOn fttnCft-w 8 111 Kr•U~I T 011'1 Wtl\l<oPI Don H•l->On l(ellh FHQ<I\ Terry Mauney Skeeter 11Htll l orn ICllt MIU Oorwlcl Forrot Fw11er Mike Morley Jerry P•I• JA<k Ft<..V a-aT....,_ Hubert Oreen Rootr M•lll>le Homtro8~•~ B<ld Atltn W•vn• Levi Gii Moroan PelerJA<- D•lt 0-'•" Geo1oe A".,.r O••• Edward• Jet Otakl Mike Boou• BOOllY WAd~1n\ Peter 0Mlerhul\ Ed Sneed Biii GaHell Bu1c11 8.otro JC SnHO M•r~ O'Me•r• Mike NIColtll• P•IMC~M Loren ROllerts Hale-Irwin H•I Sullon Arno10 P•lmer Alll'n M•lter Mark Ly• H ow•tO TwHly VICIOt AeQAl<ICIO B•rrv J.ckel V•nce M••fner Bobby Plllel s1 .. eJon~ Jim Booto. Oav~ B•rr Jo. HaQl!r Tony $111\ Mlk• McCllllOU911 Fuuv Z~ll,., Gery MC(Otd Fr•n 9' Conrwr Jell It•'" Rod Fun..,tn 8111 M aJurf' 8tr\ Y•ntry Ed Sel.,., 11.n ~ Jl-34 -.1 .,,.~ >• » u l4n..-.1 ,. » •• J4 JS .. U l4 .. u~ •L. JS•)4 •• ,.. ,. 10 U -U 10 )t-).1 10 uu ,10 34,.. 10 lt·>o-10 u lS 10 31 » 10 ,. u 11 ,. JS. II U JI 11 JS 1' II l • JI 11 '4·31 /I H :It 11 • .,.,.,. 71 "JS ,, ,.. • 12 1 ... " ll )4 17 36 )6 12 lS JI 11 31 JS n l4 :i. n >+• n >•·3• 11 J6 31 IJ JS ll IJ 31 JS ll 35 •• ,, 31·3' ll 31 •• ll JI ,. n lS. 13 ll )6 13 JC :It /l ,. ,, 13 l• 19 13 JS Ji IJ l4 ll ,. ll,,, I• 3• JS It J6 J8 ,. JI JI It JS 19 I• )I 37 It 31·31 ,. >• ,. 15 ll 11 15 )1 ll 15 '9·36 I} u" 16 •O 3' 76 ... ,. JI :It 1' •O 31 11 •0.31 /1 ll tO " ll t1 IO .... o 81 0 JI II .. ,. '3 Ma ter Del 56, S t. Anthony 52 MATE• DEi B•Ur 7. GO<m•n 11. S•nte Anlt• Stmurlo 1 J_..,., I Ga•no s. Vari..:010, THU•SOAY'S •ESULTS B•rry 2 Tol•I• 11 11-to s. I lMlo •' _, ,...,_....,.,. m .. u,..1 ST. ANTHONY McM•nus 12. Dorsey 4, ,I.ST •ACE. I turlonqs Price 1, Andel'\On It Paller\On 1'. S•moson S..r•l<>o• Ao•ie • Totals 151-6 52 ISllOtm•, ... I ?] 00 IS IO • co S<•t •Y P'erl9ft B0trowoct Maid ISle•n•r I 1410 11 tO Maltr Ori I 16 1J • ~ -56 Half A Notion I Pln<eyl 2 80 SI Anlllonv 16 t• 10 10 1 51 Al\o r<tCed E•• ""'" •eoean Owen. Tolal IOUI• Malor Del I SI Anlnon• ,, Forty IC•••h SM s SplenO>O Sunny ROOQo ___ _ ____ 8Ju1 "'°"'-~· FlvH Ma1eor1< -MIHlolPifreTo so,-Laguna 37 Time 1 1SJ.s MISSION VIEJO H•rrt 6, M.OIQ.., 11, Aollrl9 II, Blum IS, Smllll t , Chuc"' 1 Kelly SECONO •ACE.• •uroon~ 2 Wulllers 7 To•••• ,.. .... Buu Lily IT0tol ISi "° ., 10 IJ 60 LAGUNA aEACH LffO\ I, Mc Keown •. Ch .. •lon'\ Dav IRamtr•tl U 80 S 60 ICuy~( J, Smltn I, Robinson J, Aotnltk •. Cornman' OH• IOtlallo\ls~yel 160 McClem<!nl•l. Wllll•mst Totals l•-..1137 AIW> rectd Fon Toy, H Two 011. BHm Scwt h 0...r1t" OI H-. One F0t Mor"'"Q, E •Ct\S le-one Mission Vle10 II I• tl • .. LUllA Nf9t.0, FAYte Spon. Oo<lblf Ft;,,.\Se L•Quna Beacn 1 13 10 11 JI Time 1 131/S Tol•I fouls Mouton VttlO II L•QUN u OAIL y OOUBLE IJ .. 1Nld 11.101 tO ::::~I 15 Foul~d 0..1 l(uyper ILaQ\IN THl•D RACE • turlono• Capt'n ArPh• Pro bowling ALAMEOA 01'1 N l'-•-l•-" Oavip Soul.Ar M.,""'11 Ho<m.o" E Ari Anlllon¥ • Jim Mur11""'w S ltd HA,,,_\ 6 Don Johnson I Bob t1-lfY • w .. .,,..~et> • Jrrrv~th 10 PhHhp RtrtqeMf' t t Pelt Coutuf'f 12 Mlk• 0..rbln t) Oon.ooo Stn.alo It E rn1• Sctl~I IS Ste .. MartJ.n 16 Mlkt Miiier f7 Mark BAlte- 11 M •I Atosla S.'7• S,'IO'I S.111 I Oel•llou'"9•tl ) 10 t 00 l 00 ~unny C•1M, CGufrr•• 4 '° l ao tn\PU•d Aoa1n tSttlMr) 110 A fl\t\O ra<.f'rd MonltU\• (hOft•. A<t H I JC., Whtrtfort ~. lmpr•s~vip Force CIOnm•I Arm\ R~ Wind S•ttl Httltr GMnf' Aoom Z1nqer B l1m~ I 131 S ,OU •TH llACE. • lurlCJ<lllS Fl••t B.c• IHawleyl • tO 3 t0 t 80 Just C.oolln tC.d1111anol 5 10 l 80 KO•t• tSll>lll•I 3 00 "'''° "Koci Ar9ylt' B<Ollltr, St.or coun . ,.,,. Biron At41 Prwt l oh• Coot Of Grt•nl1tld S.ltnt 5..,,00.n l ome I II t S 5·800 ,1,TH ltACE 1 '• moln ~:;:; Sll'IQ•n11I• IC.uorr•• 1J 10 6 00 • 00 s 1n Mui 11 I G••M•nol II 00 I tO S IOI lilll• Sh.lln IA\mv\\ . .,ll )00 S 6/l Al\O r•t td F-ly1~Q Gtnt Pr11H.•9'•t't V4H •hont"r C~ !thiHP Aoy•I 8utlon\ S.•u N•Q~r \ V•llf'i Afllf'CI lnvaMr 8t1Qf'll Orvr' S,6J? S1nOdPOrt R1111er 561'1 T1mt I Sil S ~·!~ UEllACTAll 511N•OUlO'lO S.\n SIXTH •ACE 6 lurlono• S.560 S~ta Brol(er fSho.m•~Prl \ 00 \,S.SI Br .. n 1041•.orttl ow1911t Aftdef'son use 33 1• '° 11.0 It Sto•t COOi< -----~.-mllll..Do--~WO.......l.-"''--~....._.u---.lA..M.tR~ S.~ How mow Dow (Pin<•¥> s ... , Als ISO ••<td Dally RePOrl ---"-_ ....... d .... •----.m.-•.m Cl! 3.60 160 160 JIO HO Sup<!rteq<:. JQbn 8••111 St•o 11 LHI., Conner. osu 33 J ell Colllm, Arlt • 76 Jolln Gr.i9, Ore f 3t Fr-Sllllltl, Ari>• 6 35 u 13 II " 16 " 11 1 FTifl Mor11> 10 11 s 11 Ea Bour-o.se 11 11 t 21 AOQtr H.tslltll 116 . u 1 7• Rand~ Hairorove S,t60 Tlmt I 11 0 5 .... S.•11 '·m SEVENTH AACE 6 lurlonQ\ 8t•utltu10.....'<G1Jt.,•I I• 10 I 00 360 Super weekend for TV sports Saturday's TV, radio TELEVISION 11 :30 a.m . (2) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL Alabama-Birmingham al DePaul 12:30 p.m. (4) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL USC at Stanford. 12:50 p.m. (9J -NHL HOCKEY -Kings at Colorado. 1:30 p.m. (2) -CBS SPORTS SAT URDAY - Ray "Boom Boom'' Mancini (21·1) is making hi s second a ppearance since being KOd by WBC champion Alexis Arguello. He takes on rormer WBA tillist Ernesto Espana (33·3) In a scheduled lS·round bout telecast from Atlantic City. Also: The Sunkist Invitational track meet, taped in Los Angeles, and a live report from Pontiac. Mich., site of Super Bowl XVI. 3 :30 p.m. (7) -PRO BOXING -The finals of the ARC Alameda Open, taped at Alameda. 5 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - Gerry Cooney, who fights Larry Holmes on March 15 for the heaveweigbt title, takes on Joe Bugner in a boxing exhibition al Westbury, N.Y. Also: the world women's gymnastics championships, taped In Moscow. 8 p.m. (5) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL UCLA atCalUorn1a. RADIO Basketball -U.W-cilll Stanford, 12:JOP.m .. KDA Y (1.580>; Uc..J.rune aL.JJtah..state.~ p.m ., KWVE (108 FM>; Fresno State at Cal State <FuUerton), 7:30 p.m ., KWRM (1370); Long Beach Stale at Pacific, 7 :35 p.m., KLON (88 FM ); UCLA Soular lead& bOwling tou,rney ALAMEDA <AP) -Dave-Soutar, who won his first Professional Bowlen Allociation UtJe two decades qo, led by 15 piftl after match play !Albe ttOO 909 ARC Atam~O~ ~ay niabt~ ~r WOD ala ofe C! metebea H did Manball Holman. Holmao. a top money winner oo tbe PBA tour tn 1•1. waa lo second piece. at California, 8 p.m .. KMPC (710). Hockey Kings al Colorado, 12:50 p.m .. KPRZ (Jl50l Sunday's TV, radio TELEVISION 9 a.m. (2) -CBS SPORTS SUNDAY - Eusebio Pedroza (33·3) makes hi s 14th WBA featherweight title defense against Juan LaPorte ( 19·2l in a schedul ed 15-round bout taped in Atlantic City, N.J . Al so. Taped coverage or the men's downhill at Wengen, Switzerland. site of the longest run on lhe World Cup skiing circuit. Tai Babilonia and Randy Gardner are among those taking part in the Superskates ice skating exhibition, taped at New York. 10 a.m. (4) -SPORTSWORLD -A review of the 1981 NFL season, including the surprising play of the 49ers and the Bengals. the renaissance of football in New York and a comparison between veteran QB Cr aig Morton and second·year player Eric Hipple. 10:30 a .m. <7) SU PERSTARS .--ABC begins the 10th year of competition with taped coverage or the r1rst of fo ur men's preliminaries. Among those involved are Renaldo Ne hemiah , the defe nding champion, a nd Steve Garvey, Gary Carter and Mike Schmidt of baseball fame. 11-a .nl. (4> -COUECE-aXSKETBA Virginia.at Louisville. 11:30 a .m. (2) -SUPER BOWL TODAY - Brent Musburger is host for this 9Q·minute show that also has segments including reprots from San Francisco and Cincinnati and a commentary by Charles Osgood on the spectacle or ttle Super Bowl. 1 p.m. (2) -SUPER BOWL XVI -The San Francisco 49ers meet the Cincinnati Bengals al Pontiac. Mich. In the Silverdome. RADIO -.E-OOtbaU -...$uper-8ow.I X.VI, San Freeei9eo-¥17 Clnc:inntt1, l2:4S p.m .. KNX 0070). Hockey -'Kina• al Vancouver, 6:50 p.m., KPRZ (1150). Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday. January 22. 1982 . -~-~----~ S<lll"'Y.'• $1-IN IOll•aft•I • t0 •JO M•rte '"•ii UO IPlllCfYI t Ml Al~ re<HI hle>lt IMAKll, ••t•k 0..1 .,,. Wine, Ca•.,. 11•111 W,,.la B•llt Wllllt t ~lfll Time, 1:10•11 U I XACTA 0 JI P•ld "91 00 U l'tCa SIX I' I 6 1111 H id W ,Slt .0 wllll -WIMlftO lltkel f>I• "Ortftl. U 1'10 51.tl COll•Olellon o.tltl U01 60 with IM •IMlnQ llOtl\ 111 .. 11or,..1 UONTH ••c1 ...... tu•IOl'Q• VICI ..... Stfflj)je tPlnt•Y> • .0 •1211 >.,._ Vt o<ll<KllO ($Nlftl\1Mffl S.. 'JO Yon o IH..-ltYI t C--AIM> racocl Pllllllf)f<, UllrA<h•roo, I 1111 ~ BHl,Jlw..,I lime 1 11'21' NINT" aACI ()rw m•I• S..bdlvl<" IH•wltyl 10 tO , tO 4 • .0 NAnty'> H-y 10"'" al S to t.60 OIO•• -•Otl•••~I s '° Aho •A(~ (Ill~ Pv11le, S"-• C.1tw, T.,,k, "'"'• C:lub '11u•h. v ..... oom Tlmt I •SIS U Ill.ACTA tt.il W ld tld 00 •11-•nc:• U,110 Hollywood P•rlc TMUHOAY'i aESULT$ IJreelJHi.Mi.--ll"tl "••n ••CE. one m11e 1ro1 r •nllno CWltha<d) '•O > 'O 2 60 No 8tt tTeulerl 'oo Joo Holy CO<a ($1Wff~I 1.0 AIW> rACtd T~Nt Prlorilv N. Borbon WlllSktv. J1nl • Hu•ller N. GutlQtr futun• SICONDaACll OMITHl•1>•<• OVtlAne Time I Sleeth) II 60 I 00 S tO Laruu I Oftomer I 11 00 I oo Pao• Joy• f\. IQt.1111111 1 oo Abo rK.ct FAr•w•Y 8flt, Pnn·tm•llet, Andvs Baron, Andy• Abt!, B•n9 Go L. 00 Sll"'rs S1arltl 00 F1nt\Md 1n1tO, Ot\OV•llhf'O •no Pl•<tO l•SI Tim• 2 OS U DAILY OOUBLE It II p11a ttDI .0 THlaD •ACE. One mil• P•l• & lllllt AllN Ann•t ~ IA< urm.onl II tO I .0 11 20 M•1tslt~ Mlt-IM<tlft I U .0 I 00 Sweet Sut' M tGo..orea .. 1 • 60 At\o t •(tttJ Pt!ht \ Pttt. L•Oy' Li1ette, Merrr LA•\ N. B•r<W'll'\\. (hrl\, IJ• Bent-. 8•11• J1~W.oy Time 1 07 • \ U l llACTA 0 101o••O11,1'1 10 ,OU•TH •ACE O"" m1lf lrOI Bold StrHk (W1sha•dl It tO • 60 •to Jan Mtmor1es tGo..orUul I 60 • 60 ArmWAl..,S.nalor I B•Y"'"' • 40 Al•o f)od Elopomenl '"'"°" \lorm M t\\rng•r. Snooo., Rodncv Eht•ft N Smoay Aeel llme·J~11S 'l'T"aACE O~m•ltO•o Al)le B-I TOddl SS .0 IS 00 II .0 C.lldlno St ... IW1111ams1 '10 s tO Gle" Inn ISl...,,..,,,,.,,11 5 80 Also rM:eO Kn1on1 8rlQ60f' N .. Corubl Comm•nd SPf"V \ 8t'\I P4K 1f1( D•vbfr Brei\ Bo~ N. Pooe10.o. E••Y 0 v T•me 1 03J1S U lXACTA 19.iP••d11.S•l 00 SIXTH a ACl. O~ mtl• pace Tn• ln1lly BrUOO.• I lt\ltllltr) 1 .0 1 tO , 10 Monltt•Y BtfflO I B•••· I I 00 5 IO It I nos NUQ91!1 t A111>1nl 110 Aho r.oceo Eloqueno Aoy s. W•lr .. s. Al'111tr•cll A•rt f orm Ovn\lt, Sl•von1t Ouk• Ttmt 7·011 5 U EXACTA IJ.21Pdld 5•100 SEVENTH •ACE OM mtle PACO l •me !>qu .. • B••on <Snerr•nl 10 tO s eo 3 10 w.11 ... 11000111 seo •10 Most H•Pl>V Pool•• IAN»rsonl J IO Aho r•<t d l(fjt Stlfkf't. LOf'd LOQM\, VIClor Cl\A•IU. El C<1bello A A•"ffs (,Oki ~rl1-~n.H•_. Ttmt 1 011 S U EX.ACTA t._11 °"°"" .. ~ U l'ICI( SIX 115 l • 3·•1 pa10 UttOO w11'1 27 w1nni"9 lt<"tl> ttour hO<.-\l 11 Pt<k S.• COf'1\0fl1iOfl SM•d i to IO wUh 4tt winninq h<_k•I• l'!'<H_ll!!O!!•I U. Ptc.1>..Sl• ~r•lcll con11otation Da•d '3 .O with•• w1nntrio h<~•h Uwo t.orW'\ OfW !.<.r•tCht EIGHTH •ACE. one mile P•<• Summer S-tTtnier) 10 10 5 10 l tO C.•ll•udel IGouote..,I 11 60 s 10 Bruk•tnd IWllll•m\I 2 IO Also •.oced Lollt• t<ano•t•. Ma1n11c A ur•* Bvt Bi;& Tr•t11 N•nc., Anoerwt'f Time 2 017n NINTH AACE Onemlltp.ou Neon• t<ano""'r I Baylenl 1l 10 !>llQlll ot H•flll IGOUOrUul A'IQtlA lt•Y (.,_''°"' "''° r«ed Oim...-t~ H1novt>r Kornpr. G19I Fro•I SUI>"• Sue N lime 1 03 U E XACTA 11 II OflO '80 10 TENT" •ACE Onemole P•<t ''° •80 •IO JlO 3 60 GrtOOtn Deep Woods ITOddl JI •O II "° '00 Plaetr•llle I P••ktrl 5 .0 •IO Aov•• Edwera N 151111111 • 10 Al\o raceo O'mM\te HaMYtrl Grtt>bin 1 fn Pfrcente-r. JIMH Gratt41n Otot\•O~ N• Bound For C.lo•.,.,. S."I•\ Tw1nklt r ·m• 1 011 s U EJIACTA •S •1 P•1d ~1S 10 A ti o ""'1n<• •. Sl8 e Video Gama for the F NHL CAM~ .. LLCON"la•NCa , .... ., .. 01 ....... l!dMonlon , .. ,.,, YAllC•ll•lf ...... COIOr•llo Min""'°'• SI LOul• WtnnJp99 Cill•<•90 To.onto 0.1ro1t W LlOP.~ " 11 • ,., ",-., II JO II ltl tU •I U l) 10 IM I,. 40 1l 1• I tt) 1U M 10 l1 I UJ 211 ti N•rhOwlt,... II 14 U Ito l•I SI ,, 11 • 111 ltl .. II ti 10 111 209 41 II 10 • 101 101 0 u 11 IJ 101 71) ., .. ,. • I~ 101 -WALES CONl'laeNCE "•"10 Dl•iaMa Phll•O•IOl'tle ti 16 1 NY hle,,.,...s 76 I) 6 NY Ra"9f" 11 1' 6 PllltbUr(lll JO JO I W1n111n910t1 12 fl 1 A-Dlvk .... IM ltl M ltt UI M ,., 111 .. l/t& 111 ., , ..... )1 Bull•lo 80\IOfl N\4nlro•I Owt>e< ,, 11 ' '" uo ~ '1 U • I .. 16S 60 1l II 11 101 1)6 M 15 II 6 11• ltl S. II 7• 10 ISi 100 n TIWnd•y'a S<•r•t M lltl'.H«.U...lt ,._ J Boston • T0<onlo t Ce lQArv I. Oetoo11 • NY hlandl>rs6. Pllht>uron t Mo'llt ... • Pllll•Ol!IOlll• 1 Ttftl..,..tGamn a .... IM< "' e..i1.10 • c111c aoo al w1nn1oeo E:dmMtOtl •t VMKouv~1 Kings 3, No rth SJars 3 Sun by Periods I 1 o1 0 fµf'l M1nn•\.Ot• LO\ AnQO>I"' Finl PtrlOtl I. MlnnctW>lo, B Smllll 16 IH .. hllun.i YOuntjl, • D P•nallln M Mutplly, LA ) O•, P411mef Min 11 10 HMIO\lebtn. LA II OJ S~ona Period 1 M1nnuo••. <..n•l•IOll 16 t Broten M<Carlllyl 1 11 3, Ml,,.,.,\01• C1tU<elh )A IYoun111. I) 30 Pe .... lly Tolor, LA. II S• Tlllrd Period •. I 0• AnQtllh, 0 Smllll a tJtn.en I .ov1or1 • JO S LO\ AllQ<'le\ Jenvn 6 tl M url)hy, HMlQ\l•ben} u " 0 LO\ A"9f!le"\ l MMrplly u t Olonn~. Taylor I II 19 Penatt11' HanQSleben, LA m1nor·m•1or t 00 H•rt~ro Min, m•10' 1 00 M•••fll Min m•to< > tO SI Leur•nl, l A ma10t s •O Rot>en\ Min, • ,, MulYf'Y LA double major oame (111\conduct, 9 1•, Rubert\. Mt" m•1or q.tm• rtu\conoutt ff )' G •h'\ MH• m1\conaur t, • 1• Ctectr~lh Min, M•\C«>f'Ou<I. 4 14. 8 Sm•lh M in mt\(f'1fH1ut I • 1.. Payne M m , m1\t o nd\1Ct ~ , .. Jo,,an''" L A m1stonduet • 14 8otwr LA m1uOl\duC't q 14, H•rdy LA m•\COnGu<• t ,4 M Murphy L• fl\1 \(Qndu(I Q 14 M<C..•rt"y. M m , '' 17 ~hol\ on 9(Mtf M tntl«\.Ofd I I I 1' LO\ AnQ•lt\ • ll 1 1'> Co•t1e;. M 1n"f'\Of~ bt"•uc>re l.O\ A'IQelt\ I u....,rd A 10 :JOo WCT tournament let-•I<• Clly) SK-•-sc.,.. .. Jo.e Lui\ Clerc Ool Wojt•k F1bAk, 6 J.1•, I s. Paul M<N•mee del TO"Y (,l•mm••··· ,_., ... A 11011ywood Classic (al a ... noJa: •r'u lll s.c-• ... ,.,si,..1 .. M•nUf'I Or•nl•\ det C•rlo\ Got\ • l. , ... •-2. M•rcOJ. Ho<•v•r OPt 'Tom•\ Koen,•-•. 6 ), 6 0 King's Cup l•IH~l-.E ......... I s -11-•rl ... fft l'lrll •-Sl"'I" 8u\ltr MoUr•m t 8rU•lnl O.t Anoer' J•ff' yd ._,, • 1 M.al\ W.l•nc>tir CS.weoen• def Rk "8td l~w" .. 1 1 o (Sweo." ano Brolatn lloct, I II Women's tournament I.ti S.•111•1 S.C.-A-Sl,..IM e .-t1>•r• '"'°'""Mt -Ctm S.no\ f)-4 ) • • l M•rhrw Na(,r•hlov• oet !llt•ron W•l\ft, 6 I • 7 A""" !i.tn•lll dtl Punul Lo.n•. • • • I 8•11•tM 8-dtl Ros F atrt>a"k ~1. 6 I D•vla_G.~ --l'lJTTIOrr()if{ lat K-.i L-. ""ataytlal ""' ·-si.., ... T 1nlv\ Abrv•nto tlnoonf\fl 1 d•t ~ Stl•••a100, .... I•. 6 7. 6-7. Audv Foo IM•••~slal dtl Ju>lflllo T •ro• • • IS I ) • 6 • 0 <Meta'f\I• .• .,.,.,,,. ...... a. I II t•l -la,l'tllll.._. .... 1 l'lnt ·-Sh19I•• Jeon Youno O•t f~outtt tc:ore•) d•' M•'lutl Vallou"'°"• • J 1 • • J •) IS.toncl m •t< n c•llftd bK.•uw ot aarknf"\\ Sovtt'\ t(.or•• ttM:I\ \ O• WrHttlnQ "IOMK"°°' 5..-....Ck M, Cw-... Mar 14 100 ~.W ISi pln.-cl M•nlteelto, I SI 101 Hlf•H• ISi •Oii llY torftH IU Ofi•CSlplnntctWlllle,J U 01 FIO<'t• ISi Of< S-AtO, 21 • IH ,,.,. 1$1 olNWd HO.hltll4r • .,, ,,. o.1~~,-..~ .... -11.s• 100 C.•'911••11CllMI o.c VrtlA, U 141 l.0!111\ IC.SM> elk C••Ott\\•'• tloJ. IS/ W'(l(><kl l(OMI doc Armmonq, .~ :r 8ennywor111 ISi Pinned M.<Pta .... ,,, 701 Hwl I It l>l•Ull ((OM).,. •• ,....,,,,, 1·1 Loowll 1$1 wont>, tort•ll ~lfl~nd tSl pl11nea LudwlQ-. ,._ Vehev U. W••lml• .. •• u 100 Ma«h• .. II VI aec Har<oll. 10 • 101 S MlnolFVlw.,..t>ytOt'ltll 1u MMlnoll'Vl plo-.sos Ill C .. lrO<tlott IWI Otte: Slorf, •) 171 Tno"'ll'\(llltFVl lltdSlmp,M,•• 1)1 Rotl\ardl IFVI det Hopkin>. IS S ltO A•mor• tWI OK C•m-11.9 1 141 Mancllln IFVl lttd ll-1, S·S UI Whllloy IFV) dtc Smllll, 1'• 1.. ICotWY !WI dtL..bAaito..-LI ~ RU\stll IF VI lltO Werth, I I 101 Ok '"''°" If VI Otte: Dunk, I 1 Hwl Al>Wllre tl'VI dee Tlanno, •·' .. 105 E->I. H-.l""HI aN<k II GMy IEI CleC 01"'°", 10 S IH 111 119 11• 111 Ile 10 J ., IH 161 115 700 Hwl McGl•uQllun IE 1 Otte 1e.plriou , HMl\tn I H81 Ott Allon, 5 l Cu<ry IEI wont>v oorlell All>f>t1 t El do!C R•mort1, 9-A Portno• Cf I°'' Lottlor, 13 l Hollort t E) dole Houmerl, •.o (,olO\te1n tE I ptnned F1..C:Mme>, C:.urbut l HBI PlMed Riley, 3 H ,_, IHBI p1n11ed Httrlo J" Zumw•ll tEI dee K•••u .... IO P•1ntt-r CE j pt~ L•v•ndr, I JI V•llndtr lt<Bl Otte Cu•llllO, 10-'I •-.... U, ae4w Gr.o-U 100 A..,,,, tWI -C1\MtO•, 111 101 L•'1<HI (WI won llY Injury Oeleull I U l(llJ~ IWI ()tt( Llortn. S·• 111 Hultl I BC.I CH< C•cller, 1• I 111 Quon IW1 p t<.,,.,., 5 tO IJ• (A\t'y IWI P HOllMO. I S. ••o SI~··· IWI dtl< LonQrld~. 11 0 ltl Curlm.., tWI p 1(1m 5 JO 157 Moyer l BGl de< Ruller, 111 169 P.onl•leo IWI p VOQI. s 13 IU Pel•cio (WI p c .. ..,. l 01 iOO NIOpl IWI dee HlllrOO, IJ t Hwl 0Qlc IBGl p Ao.ney, I :It Soccer HIGH SCHOOL ""EN OttMI v..,.. J, l' ... 11uln Valley J Ot••n Vtew \CO<lnQ Frou\1akf$, Mull•llY. ShHry ~ounl111n lf.o~.., \-(OftnQ Sm10'l 7, NQUYl'I\. E•lson I, WH lml11S1tr 1 E01\on scor1n9 Slr•<nen Wf\tm•n\trr \tor•nq 8etQ WOMEN • 0<,a-N v ... J, ~rtft.I J O<t•n Y'f'w UOf•nQ Otr 8t.•ft E.i ... I, H_.....,n 8tecll O EOt\On 1o(or1ng W1n9'ff'r E•IAllt i.o •. W-rl<I .. 1 E•l•ntlt SCOrtnQ G.,tl.t 3 lllomoson 1, H•rqrovt t Hlah achoQl soccer tTI' •·A •ANICINGS •·A t South ro,,•nce 1 Cl1remo"1. J lCll1e11; • °°' PUl!l>l<n, 5 S.nt• Monka;• Simi ValltY. I Wt>I Torr•nte. I San Gll>roel, 9 Arced••. 10 '"""''' I A""""lml J-A I r.. .. 110 , Bos<o Totn 3 N_ ... _ . Monte~tlo, .S. Gk_1.nn, • $.lint• M•rl•. 1 •Cr .. p l I MonlClalf 9 Bonll.O 10 AQU ..... 1·• t t..• Qt.uni• 1 M ••••on VleJo l (.tp1s1rano V•Ho. • Bell G•rdtns, S D.,,. ~ills 6 Cala1>uu I E,te,..cla ; a Burb•n' • S....te P..,1• 10 Glend•lt Women HIGH SCHOOL •ANKINGS CIF .. A I P•IOS verdt•. 1 Aotllno Hiiis. J Soul!I Torrance • Uol-. s. M1t• Cosl•, • WH1 fJU.UllU.O l..J.l.nl.nult.r.;. L ~--' Arcad1e. 10 Alta Lonv Thursdal's lre n uclions ASEaALL ~lcM1Lt- MINNES0lA fWINS S19n.O Bobbv Cuhllo and Edd•• Hoooe. p•tchers, a.nO Stewe Oo..QIM. o..1t1elder Nall .... ILt- HOUSTON ASTROS S1on.O To"• koll, OUltltlCS..r to 4 lhree ytar COl'\tr..act t 00T8ALL ~11-IF-llLH-• MIAMI DOLPHINS Announced tllt rehrom~nl Of CMrl•• C1ll1n•n. O<ll>llclly dlrec ror ._ nfmi'd Mm oubllclly dlrecllor tmtrltu~ • t Hot Deliwry to Your Door ~ sUPER-SUp~li - ~~ ;&o -~"t. h A Me 'n Eds Piz:ra-Beflvered-~( Cotta Mesa 17th & Tu1tln 846-7138 Hot To Your Door During The Game! The Followlr\9 Locations Will Deliver Sunday Starting At 1 P.M. 49ers ALL THE WAYI Huntlftiton Beach Beach a Hefl ·Cal Ahlad--Y0411 OrdW Wiii .. I~ When Yeu Arrive 147-1214 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ·1 •~ ~I I l f i I ! : ! ' f ,. Orange COllt DAIL. Y PILOT/Frlday, January 22, 1912 T he marketplace on the Orange Coast ••••••••u .. ••• ••• •••• HoetNt For S. I He.Mt For S. I Hemet For S.-' ...... For S. ·······~··············· ...........•••.........•..•........•................................. Among p.:ople lookrng /nr a rf>fital. 70% read rf'fJl estate classified 'le.' .. ... ' .. INDEX , ......... Call . • •• ,.. 1002 .... ,.. 1002 .... ,.. 1002 ... ,.. 1002 --~· T 1 642-5671 .USFllSAU a.. •• .......... ..... ,....i. ~·-•wh '*-*'•·· 0...llno o.. ...... llTwt r.......,ve11tr :=. ............ ~ t..1-llurh IAj-.Holl> t..1-Ni1"'1 ~~v:t. S::E;;..:au _ _..IMl._~c:.w·- Seol ••--• s.llutwo• ·--.. ....i1tH-.S.la IW.ESTATE Attftl• lor Sola Alu\lntlU ,., Salt ltHlt """°"' ---...~, Cawt«r L.au Crr Ill> =~'!.':'::f."> o-,w ... 1.1 .. 11 &alt HoiAft to bt Movtd 1-p .. ,17 =~GPt\'Y Mobll<llrnt TrlrPrh ~Dnftt Knori Or~C. .... g: .. ~=~~ ... ll1Atlw:l.far••.Cro\u Rtel C..alt E1rk'"I• lloel EilAI• 11 anltd IDIHLS ,. ,. ,.,, -IOD '*• IU 1111 IUI 1040 :::: Nilthtr't Notlct: :::; All real eslale 11ct :5 ;;:~~~~~ ~s ~~bJ!t~ 1t~ the Fedtral Fair Hou) :: mg Al't of-1968 wh1t·h 1• makes 11 illegal to ud :: vert ise "any pr.('fercnn1, lim1talion , or dis i:ioa t•riminullon based on 111111 race. ('Olor. relii:1on. :: sex. or national orii:in. 11GO or an intention to mah ~= an)' such prdcrent·e. 1100 II m 1 t a t 1 on . or d 1 s : t'riminat1on ," 21ot Z3IO 2:llO llilO ZlCll 2SlO -l1lt - nus newspaper will not knowini:I> an·epl an~ advertising ror real estate whi1•h I) in 'wla uon of lhe_law zu, .............. .. • Hou>u t'ur111>11td lUJll l*'-1/nlunulltd DIO EllOIS: Adnrtisers ..W clleck their ods HooMsf\irnotllnl JlllO c-a.......... -c-....... 11.1 >m ~..... -T...--c.,r im Qli>itan t'urn ~ Owpit&t> I/al 3'1111 A,Uturo l'KIO A11Ullnl111n • "tiU turt100' lol -._ -"-•eo.td -,__lllOltb ... daily -report tt• "'"-.diatety. •Tht DAIL y ll'ILOT OHllMU, 1.elty fM tht flrlf Incorrect instrtlo11 f#lt. ~ ... ":T.:w. :: -------------v .. oo. RHlal> U!O ~=.1r.,S.:~ :: tto..s '°' Sate Olf•rt Reftl&I 4400 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • 1 :i::~~r:=::~I :::Gm.rat 1002 ~-'•Mfd =· ...................... . ..... Rtftlab -GRAB THIS! IUSllESS. IMYEST· GRACIOUS , MOT. fltllNCE T~HhM -:.=:=: =·13 Bdrm 3 al in one of :::=:::~t!.' io1) Mission Viejo'~ llest 11_110....,.. l:: I areas Assume SJ,•, Jst ~-~.!fttfd.Tn·: ~I Seller 1s flexible and will --la help finam·e th1~ one lllllttlCEMENTS, lnchldes wetbar. Frem·h rosetlllS & doors to bakony Jnd a LOST ' FOUND firep1t Sl.59.000 Ca II for SEIYICES details. 646.7171 - SI 19,500 TERMS TERMS!! Owner wants out! Super 3 Bdrm 2 bath home with = large ll\'lnj! ramil~ 1100 area Bnr k flreplat•e North Cos ta Me a bargain ' Call now. 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS Redilced $I 00,000 SPYGLAS.S IYOWHER Ot·ean View S575.000 6br 411ba.4JOO_s<i!!___ -SOUTHPO RT ~IOlYF':'r­ OWNER FINANCING HJGHLY t.:PGRAOED 0 ff er expires Jan 31 2.S Bodei:a Ba~ Cal I ow~er 759·~7~7 "PROBATE" COSTA MESA :J: A fantast1r ~ Bdrm. 2 -ston home with a :: mag"n1f1t·ent 11' 1n l(. -family area. F1repla<'C. :: country kit chen 12', Ml finanring available <.:all for more details Allcnft . j 1110 C..OlpOn.sut lttot ti.JI -a..tnec.,... . •ut ... C)t'lii; S<oolifi• --mo lkll« Hm•.s.l• Atnl 11• Tniltn.Traftl tilt r'.:'r:r~~~i.ru := Bluffs. Lease option. 2 br. 1$io wide greenbelt. $139.SOO , lUTOMOllLE G<Mral • Al&JqW'I Ct•.11n a--Vtturl«t Soartl latt Rod~ •WWll>n•b Tnaru -~r. 644·013j.:_ v-~:::~~~.\ llTOS. IMrtllTED ~ .. u ....... ..... AU1119<li .. ut .... . c.,.. I ;r.::'i 0.Ullft •. ftrran ftM Horlrlll , • J~r I J-=~'i" Mu& M.,_.,, 11 ... MG ~r· P..Ur• """'"" ~k ii-it • _ .. y .. • .... ~· ...... .! .. . ...... ~ .. . = ...... ! .. v ..... .. . .... ...... . ... a-II. mno ~ .......... AMC ........... . lllltk • . • . . • . • • • • .. . ·~··········· a.-. ........... .. °""'*' ... .:14 .. C1i1r7t11r' ....... . ==--·!:·:· ~ ...• , lf.:·:::·:.i ----961' -- - RHAHCIHG! FANTASTIC! $15.000 down, owner will rarry the finant'1ng. Super sharp 2 S!lrm, 2 bath townhome l'Ondo Pool. sauna. and spa Great terms! Great bargain! $109.900 Call .now. ~6·2313 THE REAL ESTATERS dAYFROMT• IOATSLIP $555,000 WOW! Lowest pm·ed bayfronl home ON BALBOA CO\'ES Laq:e 4 bdrm, 3 bath. double fireplace. rovered pal10 plus much more! Will AITD -or sell SO'(. W.4 °'lease option! ... 1ayrrop . IHhn •675-7060• n. ........ , •• .. "" °"'Wt c.... ., DMLY PllDr CLASSIFllD ADS r::. 'f W: !·.:!': ~ · ASSUME ASSUMI ASSU~· Semi custom, 3 years new. cat edral ceilings. crackling fireplace , $1 ,000 assumable loans. 13.7% interest rate. Priced al $181,000. Seller will carry . Hurry on this one. won't last! THE REAL ESTATERS w I .~I.I· y \ tU-6767 TAYLOR CO. l{J:t\I. J'()J{S '>111t 1· l~l·W HAllOI VltW •OADMOOI VACANT -SH ANY TIME ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'INNSULA HOMU Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm , 3 bath mstr bdrm, ocean view $425,000. ' West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats, re~odeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. Ocean & jetty views. Marine room 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq.ft. $1,385,000. ' UDo ISU HOMES 7ot VIA UDO MOID Fii 1·5 Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm 5 bath. Lg._L.R. 2 boat slips $1,500,000.' Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceilings, $420,000. UNDA ISLE IA YFIOMTS -Main channel view from 4 bdrm 5 bath home with pool Sl,495,000. · Lagoon view from 6 bdrm,· 5 •bath. playroom. dark rm. den . $1,350,000! CAIMATIOH CO..YE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm 4 b~~h. 2 boat slips t?.050,000. · BILL GRUNDY. RF.Al TOR >~1 ~., y ,j, lJ," '• t', t "i 1o 16l View of ocean, bay & Pavilion lights from this presti~ious home with grand entry in Del P1so ti le. 4 Br 2'h Ba Family Room. 2 Fplcs. Community 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pool & Parks. Ideal family home in a prime Corona del Mar neighborhood. Priced to sell $329.000 Leasehold. Owner will help fi nance . WlSUY N. TAYLOR CO .. RliLTOIS 2111 S. ...... H.lood NEWPOIT CfHrEI. N.I. 644-4' I 0 ' Sell idle items 642·56781Want Ad Results 642 56711 mE 110111 ILlllS CD. OVER 57 YEARS OF SERVICE llG CANYOM -VllW! Beautiful Versailles Model. Quiet Cul -de·Sac. Winding Staircase. Marble Entry. Spac L.R. Elegant Features. Garden Kitchen, Den W /Frplc, Huge Mstr Suite. Highly Landscaped_ Paddle Tennis . Great View! Special F..inancing.. $87.5,000. (!) ·--...... _ .. llG CANYOM -TBMS! Lease, Lease option or sell w /excellent terms! 2 BR, 'l BA condo on golf course w/private gar. tennis & pools. $257,500. Martha Macnab 642·823.5 (PH) . l•O.. "°"' »"• l<Gto iu., .. -)Jto ••• ... ..,,. ...... .,_ ., ... ., U V'90' .a ... .. ,k 47T• .. -. ...... '° .... \'J~ '1t.. Sl • ·M!'lttt \'. >&""" 561• ~llOCJlli "'9'11 • 560.,. IO""f ··-tf()lmcult ~­.... •'"'""'~ ..... ., ..... .., .. ·-"°'""' ,, __ ,, '°"' nrn• ,....., 1tlltitWlt• ,.°"' llGol ,. . ..,,.. ,. . .,. ·-••Oft• ...... .,.._ .,, .. ..,_ ~ .. -~.,,., ., hi-• M lf'llle:rttl ..... ... .,,. .. 111) f)N<u1nl Bargain shoppers read Loolung for a home of I the little ads in your own? You'll find Classified regularly. many homes advertised I And they find wlnit for sale in Classified Uley're looking ~o_r_. __ eve::ry:;;;dliia;;:;y;:;:. ::::::--- ' ---lRVINE TER~I COINER $20,650 casll doWll for ..... 2 .... + .. ~ t.o..t, pool --....... $280,000. YIEW~ACY--SOERY ••1•••~S ...... Cli• .. _. ~ -*J. P• uedc ..... Twe ~4,..., 41•1.. ,..., lllecli •Ill •P•· SStS._._._. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. If.Al EST A Tt 1 Wn. ........ "'-"' ,...,.,. •• " 2436 w Co.I Hwil 31.\ ,,.... Ill# ~ 8-:h Bllloe....., ...... _61Utll AESIOENTIAl REAL ESTATE SERYIC£S GllAT IUY IN UNIYHSm PARI Priced below market! Gorgeous 2 Bdrm. Deane home. Professional landsca ped . New carpeting. Move· in cond ition for $179.900. IN NEWPORT CENTER ~4-9060 W LG LOT.WPLEX~ee bceptl• .. ritw ,...,.rty w1tt1 ..... lot _,,_lo......., ........... + .... ....... H.two2..._....._ Sihlmlld ii • .... of loY.e, ....... $415,000FE WATERFRONT HOMES, INC REAL ESTATE s.i. .. Rtn•.ol• Proptfl9 ~'""'I 2436 W Co.JI HWy 315 M..rww 11..._ Newpor1 BfMh 8albo4 ltA.nd '11·14" '7Utt0 ~~,~~~ UFE IN A GARDEN HAllOlllDGI An exquisite offering. Elegant & spal'ious 3 bdrm + ramily home. I le\' home w/panoram1r \'Isla of harbor . {'OaSlhne. 0t•ean & night llghts. Prestige. rom· Cort, luxury & security. Redll(•ed. now 1695,000. !Owner financing ). Agt. ~S560. MEWPORTICH ESTATE! 3 Bdrm 3 liath l'USIOm home. t'Omplele with d •· l'Oralor rurnished I leriors . Spa r10 irodern home reflerl 11 111div1duality ol design. Lush landsrapinl( sur rounds large spa, pris e ·ri~flOOft.~C.al~l 646!f!~· 7;!17tl• Vl8Y FROM THE ~ .TERRACE The pleasure of luxurious living in a conveniently accessible setting is a dramatic ractor in the location of Uus stunning property. With ·its commanamg views of t:atahna. the ocean and bay, this home is complete with four bedrooms, 3 baths, pool and gourmet kitchen . An outstanding va1ue at $975,000. For more information call John Campbell . ~Q, ~ ~~~~ lJAJJY. 675-2311 .. • flAMOUMIC PIM'THOUSf VIEW * CUSTOM W /VllW One 1s easily c11ptiv11tcd by this ocean and bay vu home ulop the Blu/rs In Irvine Terrace Ideal for a<11ve famtl} laving or grar10ub cn1er1ain1ng, the home hosts 4 Bdrms. 3 Ba. pool. gourmet kitt'hen uncl has ultr11 inqdcrn apphant·es, brit·k rloors. ou k cabinets and bay and sea \U breakfast area Pnre 1975,000 and ) ou own the land Owner will financ·e. IOGHS REAL TY 675-2311 o.taColoM8' PllFICT ST AITER HOMl l Br condo. onf) S8000 dwn. Creal lo1·11t1on W /pool & spa Jiu rr) , r•ll now. Marda. agt 159-1221 TRADE EQUITY Owner will trade big cqwly in 2 year new ron· do for 3 or 4 Bdr home in (lood Or Cly nei hborhood. 7Sl·3191 I :r ·~ ., I" lj I • .. ... 1· ... I• Stybstr.rhlpboar<r. strut· l• .. -• .... llllliiiiiiiiil-.'li lHed' 4000 SQ ft In B-.iyshores. 5-bdnn. large II\ ingrm. dinin grm panelt'(I hbary and big famil) rm Hu ge k1tr hen. pantr) and fam1l)' t<at1nf( area Se<'ur1t) & sound system), hardwood floors. tt<ak and ouk c•abinets. winl• storal,{e. marbll' baths and ex ler\S1\e paneling are on ly i! sampling of th{' quahty features $910,000 F.t Qwner 63 J ·2968 S MILLIONS ~fMSalt 114~da Isle · Newport Beath Custom waterfront home ·pn<'ed far below market for quu·k sale MAI ap pra1sal $4.4 m11l1on Redu,·ed 10 onh SJ 6 m1lhon Seller wili rarn :.i year fmanc·inj! at 10'; Room for 3 laqw y at·hli. SOMERSET "A ", Oehghlful 2 Ur t·onclo dose lo So Coast Plaza & airport 1ndus1rial area Bcaut1fulh de 1·orated Great siarter home Sl47.950 751 3191 COU OF MWflORT RULTOM 21tl L c:-4 Mwr. c..-..... 8?5·5511 taOW MARKET! 4 bdrm home in Costa Mesa Won't lll ~t at St20.000 I ~ r home war· rant) Owner aSS ll>led finanl'mg. Call 979 5370 .ALLSTATE Indoor outdoor pool spa wath retrartablt-roof Uoderi:round wine cellar Separate gue~t ' AND maid's c1uarters World'~ mosl romant11· master swte overlook REALTORS • • SECURITY IUILDIHG· • • Breat htaking view fr om profess ional ly decorated PENTHOUSE !! Featuring 2 master suites, pool. security. all a menities. $450,000 FEE. 2670 -·san Miguel Dr.,-Newi>ort 'Beacn . 759-1501 or 752· 7373 • in~ entTrl' h~r1'cr Brokt•r ron~1dl'rat1on To Sl'e l'Bll R1l'k. Bkr 11-l ili0-7292 anytime 2BRW/VIEW UNDER SI OOk eondirtra~ 1?vtr1ni1,....,,.-.....,.. )OU need + g~eat terms·S min to beach 1111 '\ * Sl&'S TO IUCH * IOo/o AMAMCIHG AVAIUILE Gorg~ 2 Br detailed home. 1 blk from ocean on FEE land only $299.000. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759 ·1501 or 752-7373 \. • WATaFIOMT HOME * CllATIYI AMAMC:IHG Sensational 4 Br home smack on t he water!! Featuring French doors. frpl , professiona l decorations & priva te sand y beach. Only SZ75.000 & seller will carry AlTD. Leasehold! 2670 San Miguel Dr., NewporL-8ea~h . 759-1501or 752-7373 • TUlnlROCK. * $127' PH MONTH ... is all you pay when you take over existing 1st T.D. Spacious 4 Br executive detac hed home featuring formal dinir:g. family room & frplc. Only $213.500 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach . 759-1501 or 752· 7373 • • PALEIMO * • HAllOI Y11W HOME TotalJy remodeled by craftsmen ! Featuring French doors. wooden shutters, plank floors , used brick & pool & spa. FEE land w/GREAT TERMS!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-lSOl or 752-7373 ~ llACH OFflCE 2'70S-....... Drl•• C7141759-1501 C7141 752·7l7l waliit·ee 1111 E1t1t1 ROMAN EMPERO RS CS H l P A·R I CE XS BT l 0 S N S A P I N A l l E R V A S E S N G E U M RCDOVUL AOJ N U A X A S W N E R V A Y t N l M A l 1 R N U T E 0 R A P D R 0 I N l M C E S I 1 R R H S A S G E A A E l E A 0 01U I E 0 ET AUN I l RT CS 0 U G D T P S U P P I l l H P 0 T L A T I 0 R S H l S U L A T A D A P l t l l 0 C U U S 0 P L 8 L t R U U V Y E N £ L U A G U , l t -. t-t-t+•"l\~~ Y U l T C C C Y I R S U D l R S t X 0 L A l C A R A S U D 0 M M 0 C 0 M S U A Y £ R L £ l 8 l A T S N U A T U S I 0 C T 0 R H £ 0 • T A a t L T A U ; S ::. .. ..... ... f • 121/J%LOAN I CORONA DEL MA• Latl(e duplex onl~ 7 yea~ old in prime lot·:i lion 3 bdrms in eal·h unit plui. rireplat·es. separate i:arai:t-s. beam c·e1hnl(i.. bit inl'S. lhe works' S.119.000 owner will finarwe with 20', clown. 12' !'. lnll"rest A l'>l\IMon or llarbor ln\l'!>tment Co "-'= = lcAoo Ill_. I 006 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Earn 1sr; on Balboa Island trust deeds Over 50', equi~'. Shor\ or Ion&. term S5000minimum Ill H_.sty, Rltr 675-21'6 • . . IYOWNU •1 ISLAND'S MOST CllARMING SG L RES 3 bdrm + loft. F'renl'h dOors h'l111tows' fl'lneSt----;"l appointments thruout 214 Amethyst Open Sat 12·5. (h\'ll agt 673·8585 -------111111111~~-~~ ~XECUTIVfHOME in San Antomo His art>a ol l'pland Tn·le' el with oulstandinl( '1ew 3650 sq rt 3 BR 3ba. :)auna ~.000 Good term~ l.u<'1lle B S<·ott. Bkr 714 981·2011 - ATTENTION IUILDlRS! Where <'an ~ou find .i le,·el R 2 lot South or th l' h11!hwa~ in Corona del Mar for S230.000~ Great opportumt~ to bw Id a single family home . a I duplex. or e\'en two l'On· dos. Genereus terms HOISi PIOPHTY Lrg 3 Br 2 Bo & older 3 Br I Ba homes. both ha\'e 2 t'ar garaies l«ated in bat'kba~· urea oo 19.000 sq fl lot. room for 1•orrals & s1 alls Owner Wiii rin at 12' • Askln11 '275.000. HAllOlllKI JUSTUSTID Mal(nlfkent C1m1blano 3 Br. F.8 .. 21, Bit , forma l 0.1\ .. brnlhluk· ~ oc:·ean and dt~· lii,:ht \1"'5 m1ke lh1s our bu)' ~ thf Wrdt It 162$.000 Witn usumalile anan< .. inll. lob>o PewinMllo I 00/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Rt'aut 2bdrm. 211ba . 'inl!I stor~. Peninsula Pt home Sl'ller will f1nJnl'e S~ 15 .0110 ~er !..\~. 675 513-l CoronadetMar 1022 · .....•.••.•........•..• - I DUPLEX SO.OF HWY TPrms a\ a1lable on this super t'lean rha rmer Pnced n ght for quit·k s ule. Greg Astle. 159-1221 -Duplex. 2 ooe BR units on rorner lot S229.500 Owner will assist finan. 673·4191. 340 5517 or 7_54·i001 Costa Mfto I 024 • •••••••••••••••••••••• GREAT STARTER Rerrodeled 2 Bd . lrg lol. S88.90t. Bill Kennedy 63 FUIDOM HOUSE 3 Br. I Ba. lar11e y11rd ~.~ ... !41·(1163. Ajt. i 115,000 E.SIDE 1!1• dwn payment. owe balanrt, 2 Br I Ba. oak rtrs. lrit yud. needs some TLC.: C u rt Herbttts II. •Ill 63l-126fl MISAYllll 3 bdrm, 2 bath. frplt·. dbl ~.ar» If t •\.. 1 '.UA Su.t.• Owlk•r ••II •~·· •Isl m rtnMC'llll( ... ~ ...... 141-771t -·,~mOIS 11 Wll lrdt ~•il>' •• .... v.-....... . ~ lo. ol ... °""9 PW)-. IHI K.._.,., .. ··- Or1ng1 C0111 DAILY PILOT/Friday. January 22, 11'82 ........ Wt '-rWt ........... wt "-K .... Wt °""'"'.... ......Usfuallll•• ...... u.fw'lll ... tcl ..... .,.....tel ............ Jiiii• ~·~·· .. ···ioi~ i;-···;;::.· ..... ········.t·~.· -:~::.···· .. ··.·······,·0·1·· ,··.··:.·.::.:: ... ·········1·0·1·· c······················ ............................................................................................. ,,. ................... . r M --~ wrcJ.. t' t•Dttert. ColfeW... 3.224 t' 1 t'••.clil JJ4 ....... _. JHIMI ,.,..._. JJ6f ••••••••••••••••••••• I. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...................... •••••••••••••••••••••• ....,. • ..., I 60G -..... 2 400 •••••••••••••• ••• •••• •• ...................... • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MOMO•Y DOWN 0.1 ·~' ....................... ....................... •• OMI o• HOMES F'OR REN'r N1j11Jl~ Shorei. 3 Br. 2 IHI WttkhH 38r. f/r +1ml OWCw/Ne""" IUOO dn mo\•es you 10 PALM SPRINOS. 10x'8 THILUCIYFIW 3 Bdrm• H SO $700 homt Gatr "uard ofr New q11 atp1lnl 3 br. 2 b11 home Lill' .th1~ bt-11u11ru1 4 bdrm 2 SPICTACULAI OCIAM YllW MIWPOIT llACH M.H Awnil\11· S• pu k. Rent in Coata Mesa'8 F'1:n t' ed Yo rd s & P rh 0 <' >' Ad u.l t' ~.646-671111~63112177 pool, Jal· Zl!l 59' ~m b•th hnme. No qu11lll)' Mariner's Point custom 48r 21h bath llillh vl al billty. c -3. Death. M.okt' ortf'r Nl!.:W t:ST 11 11t 1:d 20 u ra11 es, Kld11 & 1>11b S8SOll r oH Ow ner NEWllQRTCREST CON· 11.,.t. tn11 11250 mo.tl73-36911or home on "1 acre,3000sq'ft, 9 yrs old. Ckean view 120 fl fron 9630007 Townhome VtLLAGl!.: welcome . SH 2000 499·36311 003 8drms, 1•lew,nor ? BRZ• a ba t·ondo. th· rm. IW0-2100 Room for pool or tennis court. Larae t11gc Use rxi1tintt bUJld r a1m Spring• $61,100 (..'0MMUNITY 2 & 3 Br Ajlen.!.._no fec 3 OCIA.HllOmS pool. tenn11. ""'mo~ dlM.rm, 2 Ut' IC'llr, ood 0 FOOL-I N • J US1' • initof 4000 q ft or bulld f\i ml hed Tennis Condo zi.., 8a UIOCH900sq. ft. of 18R -COodo. 11t BA S62S )4 Hr ~·unt). 1, m1 oH ~AS'..-, u rm a 11 34 . o o o sw.ooo for 3 Rr w/wOOtJ family rm, formal dining, gourmet 10,000 sq. rt Owner will on Golf Club On vc ~urr luxury Garages, n~ Isl, LQI & Dcp No IM brh. h.shtnic pier. ALMOST 3br wfpur09t Af 1ownr An 6, 642·2643 rt uoni (;orn "r 101 kitchen. 2 lrplcs, sep. laundry, Italian carry S71S.ooo. &31·7300. 714 /320-9.S-44 or 568·311.3. ydro-tubs In ma st~r P~ 168·763.l ZBr. 11dlu. only. no doiis dbl l(ltr, roc·d. ~l ~ New View ·rownho~es. 2 VA/PHA wclt1omc likr tile entry w/dbl doors, mini blind& Rtallor. BKR. sultl.l , liininx rooms. Exrlus1 ve 2 R 2•, Ru pl, 1150 S8SO·l l.OOO (714 l OC-RENTALS 7S0-33H Muti:r swtes LR rms, lt&-07~ trash compacter. JUST REDUCED to IOWofC--"' w~bumlngnreplaces. iipa, tenn is. se<' 1iate. ~-31116 ---- _.ble r n.l· "ar. Deluxe *ftlo.My 1610..... $329500 MoSA.MDl-.""Co. Pr ;::-·r •550 mit ro·WllH' ove ndsll. CI011ebeat·h ~Art s 1-..o.11--1 3•5• 38rNptShores ... S?SO ., """ " , . swvopeny a pnvate p11ll01 ' yur 962 1398 ......,.... ,.....,.... a a Jo'1nta.tir vu 28r 1685 i'Cnit. View of Oc·e11n & lmmed poss 2 sl> nr A* fw Jee A.m l.dd Olv ... •/lmclto •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• G11rdcner prov<l ded. ·--••••••••••••••••••••••• p mJI h 3B $900 night htchts. Quiet Area bfh 11'. AITO 2 yrs. FP s-te Fe * •&O' TOTAL Elegant hving ooly IS 2 BR 2 Ba, l'lose to £x«" 4br. 3tto. fam rm, 3 ~rn;i~ h~~hs:38, ·l lZ7S P:>rh, open sp:Hes. s1e ooo 964 7362 a..ly W_.. •ice... 4 Aqinme comm 'I hind ft minutes from Fashion s<'llOOls. shops. fwy SSOO r ar gar, view. nr ocean Ba r 1 d k SB l32SO 1137,000. 1189,000 Hal or -4 • HJ.7010 w 645-0031 Sl.4S million wicxC'ept. OOWN PAYMENT Island. 7 m1nutcll t0'$.C m>. Keith, ~4471 I~ ~·3420 ~.~~°f Hvm'es. Inc ~~A1!_s6]~ .. 1044 term~ R Haftlllh l. Plaza or OC Airport. <..lfOOSE YOUR CR PTS 3PlusDen,l,uxury Home UI 1400 FORECLOSURE 11§1·1425, ~2·6~7 7Xgl'06&! lS hou11es, ult Just east of Neweort Al1 by Feb. Isl 3 br, 21, Surrounded by Mexit-sn • Prime C.M. loi:atlon 2 Y $15,000 DH IO 9 . West Costa Mesa .Cl. run as apt. 1·om11lex Blvd. & so. of Sun D1egu bu, 2sty, SMQ/mo 2 br. 2 Courtyard Very Nr lk h l-111!!!!!11!11!!!!111!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ homes+ pool. I lot Sub· W /I I O/o L.,..leect. I 041 tt. ,,,.._. 6 60xl20 Nn lot + 2 bdrm Pos1tjve ca.sh rtow Coll Jo)-wy Sturtmg at S900 a ba. S7SO / mo. Su pc r P\'t i\rcu Pool. 'l'cnn1~ ... f H1ights: 3 bdrm 2 m1t your terms Must OYillALL IHT. •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ....... •••••••••••••• hse. Sl33,000 or make (ordetails. month G3t S439. 2473 beach & ne11r·shopp1n g Courts. 19~ ~ 'tc" S700 mo 2.Sl sell.m It's a beaut) Just Payments $853 pr mo lllO De11rl't' OCf: VU olr S29.000 .issumable at 1~brldfe ~--~:ge AH ' Cost a l0<· faU 960-2471 493 046i x_ 6:45-SllO -- refurbished 1n and oul PITl.3Bdl'.townhome So Lal(unu Sbr lux EASTBLUFF 9•i • •. Carry b ut•k SHHH!lrg3br,2buwt l;I! 2bdrm, 2ha, p11t10 IJluffs., Great Lor & 7513297 II\ Woodbndg V l home. ulmust nt•w l'\l balant·e ul 12•1•, wuh RealCU I BR. 2 BA. adults/no gar,palio,pool SGOO hollll', 4'yrb new. frpk, Del'Or 3BR . 2't BA • . . -----No q u al ~·r/{~lnll l'Omln M1lhol\ tlollar Pnll'\l' l'Ul ·de-sar , UI>· $30,000 clown 0;';1l·r 551·3000 l>eU temp.rent:il 3-Gmo OC_:RE~T_AL.S 750·3314 1•a thedral re1 l1n gs, F11m Rm , SllOO. 100/o DOWM lle<'esllary Ideal for Isl neighborhood Assume "raik'tl Lusk. 3 lir 3 llu 64Ml839 -n I . On Monrovia St near LANDM ARK 's HF.ST 3 l'Omm pool & spa $695 7~67~:593() __ _ 131/a°lolMTHIST li me bU,Yer or investor. 107.8', 1st TD Hedured r am Rm Oen, 1>001 "-!.~ -~ IO), r~lllf' l9th. ~-957-0899 BR. I adlt over 40. S6SO t>m.~ E1Bluff 3 br. 2111 ba, on MOquA.UfflHCi!! Ownr Agt Ken ~9 9400 llnl'e. ~.000 Tracie in Dl'll i•an ea~ily l'Oih ert PalnlDHert o.tofState 38 R !',BA, n u r pl. 58Ht22 M · Yl-i 3267 L'eenbelt Nr High 3bdrm.2ba, 1600 sq. ft , poss O~er~2013 to4th Br ... ~ppiagC•.ter Property 2600 wallpaper -skylight s Bcal'h Townhse 3 Br 2,, ... ':!'! ..... ~ .......... ·hoot Gar .lnd1ry area, remodelt'd k1tt hen. I/yr ...... vw!>(lll renlable 7 ,, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ))hm_glc>dext.-frplc-li: >'d ba 2 l'ar 2 blks from llOMgs roR RF-lliT new C'rpt l,l, ast, ,sec. old carpet throughout. Wiltroct. eqiity I-:1h'1·n Artuko\ll'll. Bkr ac·res Out or rown CilO SA.M LUCAS <lbli:ur $7$0/mo 731 or.ii9 "'Aa' ('h. $7s0/mo. 9G8 9110 3&4 Bdrmb $650·$67~ Refs S9 50 I 213) SlS0.000. owe AITD for in $850.<kKI Effit'rulcl Hay uwm:r Sl.ll00,000 Termb uir.v1co "" .. e II ,," 11 y a' r d L •• 5S6-1676, (714! 4!M·6306 hQmt:. \11('w, l>OOI. jar. 4 L40 4287 1714) 846 3278 (2 1" ~ Lrg 4BR Ex er Sty le l''· 3 BR-. 2 BA. l'lost• lo .-~ " .. 4iyrs al 11520 /mo . _ bs. 3 fi rephll·es 1.0 111 Q • 5539552 • · "' lbdrm 1·ondo. brund Homr In Preft>rrt'd ~·h fnl'd yd 2 ear ll<ir 1:arai:eb K1db & 11ets 2 Br 2 Ba Bay front, Demand E. Side area nr DESPIU TE 1 mumt} ll>nms 1-'ur morl' · new. t blk tu harbor Rl'S1denllal Area. CM fp $7so,mo 00s tSliO l'\ · wc lrnmr 54 5 2000 ('omm bearh. tennis, S.A. Count ry Club. Call Woodb d · 1nfutl.it»J91ti BAYFRONT ~ull iml'e, S6S.OOO ur 1, Brand Nc-w, Carµcl:., · Agenl.nufec docks $2000/mo Agent J eCf I A Ill I · ( 714 I n ge 3Br 2ba, 1 LEASEHOLD Y•C .... ....,.. I 1 .,,. 000 T Ora po s , & pa 1 n t 3 Br, nr Westminster ~9900 67S 3767 ""~·3116. yr new. Low dovm as •--~ ~ "'"' il\1ll a ~. crmb ' He-rta.och 3269 ----'-. · --...., sume loans Need fast ~ ._.,... I 052 E'.xqwb1le 4 BR. 5 UA. COMMlltCIA.L avuil 494-~7'18 Darrell Th ro u i: h out F. \ t'r) Mall, ava112120 S625, ex .,.;:;;~••••••••••• •••• Newport c rest Condo . • ________ , 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• nt'ar Lmda Isle. lnrlucll·S ~· 1o1 with room for liO' Room & W1nduw 3 Car tras. 964-3002 38r some w iocn view sac. •\'IEWH OUSE• pn\11tl' dl)(·k 60' on thl· lted&tate Ga r Fenn'<I Bat·k Varel ----WXURYIA.YFRONT . FAST MOYE SUCCESS REALTY 3b 2b St39 SOO S b11at.S650,000. &,...__ 2800 t Br 2'i Ba IJ<Jnu) rm, 3" 2'l . hi I SB.50-mo.631·0460 Ownerpa1·kingand will S49·7991 r, a. . uper m:11nbay S50,000 down, 642·5200 ----r Gardening Sen irl', Fam rm,3.lOO sq rt nr ur. ,a w11 iXlllt~11i. "'-d un it, 3 BR "Ondo, terms.ewm•r,495-5707 & assume S750,000 at ••••••••••••••••••••••• Oranl,!e Trre. Water Gl't'('r Lake SI09S l.'\'l'b A\'ail now Man} '"" ' rinance this 4 Bd rm -~,,_;~. -"" 12• 642. 9231 EXCH ... ...,.~1 p s b umenities 53500 Mo greatloc:at1on near Hoag Costa Mesa North home . -rwnuwtH Mlwporta.och 1069 -' · "'"9V d s u Jei·t 10 Ap lt40-6203 Hrok Hosp . c·omm pools. This qwet cul de sal' Sal Jan 23 31 Bethan) •••••••••••••••••••••••Harbor Ridge assum hasoffil'e spac:e rorrt'Ol µro\al Jmmed 01·1· I BDRM 2 BATH. fcnt•t'!t -t>r 67S 491 2 adlt!; only, SBOO mo. home is loolung for a 1.30 to 4 30 Beaullful TOUCH OF $215,000 lst TD 10 3' • Gl11eTnbolet Sl..25'2 Mo 957 8974 yard, patio. S7$01mo &looa Ii.I.ind Waterfront Lt,lSK f!..E~LTY 675·34ll fa mily! Will ronsider Turtle Rock. 3 bdrm. CL•SS l~2ndv1e~644·6426 957-4027 Wl'Sts1de, 2 BR, 1 UA. Da~s 89l-l947 3 Br 2 Ra Ye<1rly ren· 2 BR. 212BA Condo. 13<; loan for 7 years with neutral Lones. Atrium "' NEARLY ·~ ACRL' DUPLEX. 2000 sq fl I d~I ~ar. ftonn'<l bu1·k c 't'Siwknds 700 0453 lal ~ Mo 770-0J.47 , .. Loaded 'th l Prof de1:or. oc·can \•u. 4 "' I 11 h Newport Terrace. Gar, 20'i< nown ! Fu ssy - . wi ex ras B 1 . Dover Shores fet• lancl llUW>e from ranul N. B yurt· pa o. wa s er Brand new 3 Br Sto\ c &. SPYG' •ss C ··• r p" r t & p at 1 o mo ve fast buyers. Fantastic· terms . Taki! r "" poo spa + t•it~· Spr41whng 4 br home. ---639-0291 dryer <1rea, c·arpt>ted & dishwasher Chlld & On an & n';;h1 view, 63i-ssoo. 645-211111, or Sl49,900.CallS40·ll51 over xlnt 1st TD OWC hies Assumr 1178'• t nr lot. room for m1na ,C011d0111i•l••s/Tow•· •~L.tat clra11l'<l.noµct),$4751mu small ""l OK S950 mo 4bdrm. ram rm, 3 i•ar (2_13}347-2544 2nd TO. Paci fll· Area True \alue $429,900 tennis rnurl + 11uul I t.o.ftforsal'e 1700 --W~-~e ~S442or 770:;629 ~7979. - • 4_-HERITAGE Reall\17141581-llSt Won't last ' Patri1•k Pnt•(!(l lwlowmurkl'I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 2900 l:i.-ars duplex.ZBR.IBA ~-~,..,~200 mo EH·~ 3BR 3 Ba Bluffs condo. Tenore. aJ,'l 759·1221 ~ 000 IH4 7424 t • .t~)urt' World Condo For ••••••••••••••••••••••• I I .... Ut:Atrr. 2BR 2BA. Mm """' SllSO Oot lle Johnson. · J,.r I Sale B\ Owner 28 R. P\1 Pl~ look1n~ lor homl' ~~,r l'Jll>. l: USl'n gar. nu lkh. lots or Xtrab. t':m 2 BR Co ndo Adu 11 76CH966 ~5-6000 a . REALTORS *MESA. VERDI * I 0 wtTHPOOLANo sPA 'Town©'Co~nlr Spacious 3 Bdrm. 2 ba n••t Beautiful area SIS.000 WIJ\ dn. Asking S240 .000 WOODBRIDGE Sl~/IOO pyml PP :\gl. ~~:r MESA v ER DE j LAKEFRONT SlZ7,900. 3 BR 2 BA. 1612 i Lowest pn re on water Sandlewood. 20'; dwn. I Large 2 Bdrm 2 ba owne r wil l fi nance w hu ge de c k and SSO.OOO at 13,.1 5 yrs. By beautiful \'tew $247 .500 agt. Don Pfaff, 546·2313 HEW COHDO SO DH Agent. 63\.5737 •HEW USTIHCi • HEIGHT) A.IE.A 2 Yr. Old TWlllli• 10', On noquahryini: 2 Bdrm 2 ba & dl·n Forever l'll'w • • A.sldor·l ynn Noah· · T OWll & Cou.try ltfflton 552.1100 ISLAND DUPLEX EHell lo t a t1 on . Sl:.lOmo lnl'Ome. 2 2Rr 2 bark umts Tr) $75.000 dwn. OWC Call Curl - lerbertsSr a !t 631 1266 . • --- NEWPORT SHORES WATER FRO HT. S Br; 'p\flennb & v<>OI. walk to beac·h $269,000 Possible lease option Cart M en 759·1221 Bluffs Tnna Plun f'l'l' 2DA LIµ •radl'<I rnr cts to IJU\ on Isl• opl 1on t Hk , s or pd:. $450 mu !){' rurn. $775 844>·8782 Comµlt.'x 2HA Nr lloag • ~1 ctG l'~lmm I ma1n11 tirral f-1l'W Sl!5~ooo' Bii)' in 1!157-litOO 548l ·S442or 770·S629 3 hr. 1•, Ila, rcl'l'ntl\' in S62.5 Mo 1st.Last & Deµ EXClUSIYI oo . rn ts .. x. nt. i·onc I il4 ;,45 71 01. Mon· Fri P\1 part\ has $32.000 tu 4 >r. 3 ba l'onrlo. man) sulatl-d, font•ed vd. 2 cur :'\o Doi:b 768 7633 IAYSCDE COYE ~.000 Agt ti-12 5200 8 5 Vt4·77011331, 3·5PM 1n1 l'SI '111 4-f>le\ +in <1me n111eb , ~800 . Dys i:ar Kids wd l'Omt' !:>I Harbor-\'1ew Homes 2 Rare + beaut Columbia BLUFFS NORTH LONG BEACH Oran gt' l'o Cu n n11t I ti73 3335, {'\'S 645 2439 rro + dep S700 A\'alL Br Oen. rrpk . laq ;e model.full deck +Wiler . . \'iri:uuu l'Urr~ nt·~at 1 H' Pnn f: Sidt' clupll'll , I br. I bil . Feb I 963-l329 s>Aimmmg µool, Jat·u1 t 1, \ 1e"· Lge 2 BR + den. 3~r. 28J Condo. 2 µ\I l'ountn Clul> t:..,1atcs npal,s onl~ K:1:1 !162ti l!ilr Si:I Jrlult uni) Sii:""' lo bca1·h View' 2 l'ar garu)!c. llrl\fll {' fpk . \aUlted clgs 2 car patarb 01 erlookmi: wull· N ·w 3 br 3 ti· C n 1 imsi; i. I S375 mo Now 1173 2077 ... ~ 1 0 ,. a 1 1 0 n . 1 n l' 1 ti s ~ar Lo\•el\• decor for b1:au11ru1 i:n•enh1•1t & ll.uxur'\ ·D"l~tira01,,cru O·l' RL'N'J' \l.S S8SO Lux 3 Hr, 2 ba. hi most d1sc:rim1nat1ng. I IJOOI nt'w t'"ls Slll"ll' · ' r. 1 rm. dmin~. dbl )!ar Call gardl•ner. pool sen u•c level $2000 mo lse. Agt . t · " ·!'\ k "' Exlrai. Ratats t 5br's from $200 up 962 8387 :\ 1 a 1 I !-' e b 1 s t 761).(1617 5 ~ • immai· · s >ni: F'rom S175.000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7S0·3:Jl4 7da\'S -$1250 mo i700047 $215.000 BY OW f.11 1714111477066 u.....-~"'-~·"'-~ HURRY led •b 2Br wilh garJl(c,blo\e& Rluf r• ''ondo 3 BR . 644 5'li() ~"'·--'"" ' remoll 3 r dishwasher Child & ~ '- &.....-~ 2000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• w b1w• & nat10. NOW sma ll .... , OK SSU\ mo 2° ,BA. Nt'v. Crpl Paint Canal Front. Nev.µort ~-•• ...,......,, "--~ ... M 3122 "'i ,. ,.... ~ G f' I Shorl':.. 4 Br Den ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~_.. _. $4.2!1 SJi' .. 797!1 2 i·ar ar rp <', $980 $25,000down. Ov.nrr Wiii INCOME u~-:r·:ii;;29;2i,:~·y·;;d: ~~·ttl'.:NTALS 750.3314 lrtiN 3244 :d~s. ~~ = E\'eS & c•arry Must Sl'll ' Maki-PR SHARP! 2BR. 2'J BI\ -n s. I OPERTY t·a rµorl . OU tlo..:s , .. 1 E'"'TSIOE Dbl ••••••••••••••••••••••• 81° c ... n.\OO Jo,el_v Dttan orrt-r~ 'fl·n111s. poo . walk SPECI "'LIST S7~ mo A"t 1;13 t t8t "'1111 0 ,,..., · WOODBRIDGE " to bc:ll'h 1\~ent 64ti IOH "' " ~ar, frµll-, P<1tw $6llS bw 11 Do\ er model I or&IS·2'!05 Mlwport a.och 316' f>i2·3832 3 Bd 1·ondu, 11round fir ~tor). 2 Rr 2 Ba 0 1n1n1? Sde11 from mulllplt• un ••••••••••••••••••••••• lkrnid 2 br. 1 ba. )!dr unu. beaut clel'C1r. lrl! Hm or Dl•n lr\pµro\ its. Term~ a\ a1lahll' to Canner) V1lla~l' Mobile l'rvts drµs Couple on pallo area. S675 mo :'llu 1880 sq 111 outs1cle unit HEWUSTIMG swt~our m~~I~ lloflll• P.irk Furm:.hed 2 I~· Novels S5$0.S75•0097 pets . Cra1 ,: Su 1.an $1500 mo 64 4 ;,;42. I Bdrm Eastbluff home . auto s p r in k le r s . Gardener S89S 857-4828. IHZ·~-----sBR f'AMILY HOME 4 ba. lite yard, gardener. $1700, mo. 646·S355 1 BR. steps lo beach S400 mo _9?9·7295 Jiit 21/2 bath $179.500 675-1771 Ntwport Crett Br. 2ha. pool. ac11ti.. nu ~Hl213 • 759·0706 LaiJ-o•och l041 Oul~tanding lo1·al10n j pt.•li.. l'loM• Ill shuµ~ & Wi25 2 Rr. gardcneriwtr r ••••••••••••••••••••••• w partial m·1·un lll'W ~ restu\Jrants. $750 mo H pd r hllll , nu pets. 2blntobeoch OCEANFRQNT Modular Mtnt mncl . 2 BR 2 B<1 NEJCCI:D I) ind util. 673 368S · .,r t:·s 1dl' ;,48 9441 ur 2 Bdrm. Iba. frpll'ln II\ Bluff Condo 4 bdrm. 3 baths. $1200 month 644-2607 3 Br 2 Ba Condo. beautiful Bluffs. full Bal'k Ba\ \ 1e w SI OOO mo' M a r y Type Homes. 24 hr 1---------1 rnnrlo. IOWt'bl µn n • 111 µ}Ll"\ 1 S.25 1r~. l-i72-l801 S.'iH177 " rm Gara~e $625 mu secunty. •2 m1 of p\t UDO ISLE ... 9 Q.UfJtf~M 11'X:. 3.... b lbl Furn a\a1lable Contad bd b h [,,.,.area $14 900 Call ' TJ-t;,\STAl.UFFS HOMt: unrm. 11 , a, 1 ~ar. Twnhome,new3br.3 ba. Mr) Ru nd\ Bu) bch. f1sh1ng pier Cedar -I rm. 3 at •· 3 r ar fof' .iµpt &10 fi25!1 714 641 0763 4 lir. 2', b.i, \ ll'W. Ja1· \1Jls. drµs. bit in ran)!l' & palm. )!ar. Piirk. 1111ul. 213 6831.JSI Cottage I~ pe. redwood 40' lot Sunny soul h A <!92.'> l'ollriw Ai,. I SU'iO mo r..io 6169 O\'t'n, d w •:\ erythmi: Ja<· S975 mo 833 9057 deck. pool. gu ar dt!d patio New k111•hen. ~ • 11 w o 1 ·--------Can<t l Front. Newport gate. ad Its only . No bath. Ready for 2nd / 1 ~ /l~J//,J.J !, Co)tu MrMt. CA,. 3 HR :1 Ua Blufrs l'ondu. 1 c pen or msiwi· W01xlbndgr 2 st11 . 2BH. Shores. 4 Br + Lease or ~~~---- ~· $6!900. 499·3816 sLOry addition. ;.. CA~i "-~/,( 51150 Ootllt• Johnson. lion. Sat.Sun., 1 23 & 24 l'lBA Pool. Sµa . Tennis IAYFIONT option to buy StSOO mo. ----------R E A L T y 700-1966 675·6000.il-'l 1 IOam-4pm 1940 Arnulcl & Lake $675 Mo Leu~e 2 stor). 4 + bdrms. 2 TeM1s. pool. walk to A Lot ' APPLE YA.LUY .-\\'t> (Off M l'\'cr Pl l 759-0115 975 ·909 ba t h i.. I , r e PI a t' e . $79,500 ForA.LittH I Ul>O ISLE t·hrml! 4Rr $700 mu 5~91783 l'>u · ' i:ur~l~\acw Pier and beath Agent646·1044 or Cute 1 BR. R-2. SOx l25 Tax Slteffer 2' :Ra, ti: sunn~ patw, ~ ltfNT A.LS slip $3000 pl'r mo A\ all &t~21Kl5 lot.2026 Pomona. I acre+ bldg site. gent OPIHHOUSE Nl•ar lll'W 4 pll'\ 2 uv1:r11clt'tl s1:100 mo Rill M1.-sa \'erde 4BR. 2BA I 2Br.1 Bii $700 Feb 1 ~YiewHo.-. A.C. PETITTE R L TR ~-slopmi: parcel short 1144 rort ChartH I hllrm. 2 l)alh l':11·h uni I GruM,\ 67S·Gltil frplc-. Rll In~ A\ ail Ft>l> 2 Br. 2 Ba S8SO Super 4 Br. 2' ! Ba. Close 548·0522 1stan('e from tennis & m I 0.2 Sat I ·5 Wllh f1rcpla1·11. en.-lo~ecl Isl. $750 646· IS3.5 3 Rr. 2 Ba S8SO I 0 p a r k & p 0 0 I .-beal'h Ownr hus 1n Sl 95 OOO pallo. garage 9~•'• .tst ....._ __ ,........._t.o.-~ Le Raisor Rlt\'8338f.OO IBR Pool HDme in Mesa rluded plans for r ustom • Po~ •·ash fl ow !'\uw .._, __,__,..... 2 lxtrm alone on lot. l\lt't' ! • · S1 250.. mo . 1nl'lud 1n-g .Verde. Large Corner 1·11111 Sl7S:OOIT SIH'r Asmne Loans $159.soo 1\111 c:run<h . ••••••••••••••••••••••• trees aml ~ arcl for pl'I I Ranc·ho San J ouqu1n. g_arde!!!r 640 1635 lo.. Breezeway. 2 Car lacular\'1ews! El.EGA.MCI Stt this 4 Bdrm J' 1 bath Rltr.675 616t • GeMord 3202 <1\a1I Feb 15 ~ 3227 \'1ew ol 11otr 1·ourse 2 Nev.1>0rt·Sea\·1ew 3 BR ' Gar. + Much More ! MISSION REALTY OH UDO heaut1fu l Porluf1n o · -· •••••••••••••••••••-•• 2 BR. 2 R,\ Pl'ntn di:e bdrm. den. 2 r ar i:ar. eXe\' home, with frpl. Drive Ry. 2828 Tabago 49-1-0731 5 bdrm. l'ustom det'oral· m>dt'I 1n Harbor \ ll'W --------• RENTALS CO\e S82.S mo. 1 vr ISt'. Sim 640-5324 -----wet-bar Located 1n pre· Place. Then Call for "'---., Jrl-1 ed 1s an l'Xl't'pl1onal Separate mother m law C.M. Tax Sheffer Yearly Weeki,\' Winter. W a rrt• n 0 n1 ~-. a ).! t Woodbrid)!r Chaleau . 2 Newvurt Hts . fresh & s11~1ous set·unt~ gated Appl to See. 957·095!L "'""""'"':'f nnance.! value Formal dinini: rm qrtr... almost new 1•pl ').!. 4·plex Xlnt finant·e 2.3A Bdrms . Nl•wp urt :-i,s1.2100 br. 2 ba ronrio. l'nd l'lean 3 BR . lpk. l)!e i·ommunily Pool. spa & Open House Sal & Sun ~c' ~esrt<'h"nctn Ba~· ~-a~·~lt and &ramil~· rm Lite. l'I~ tu ptKJI S319.SOO 3~K 675 0073 I 345 4123 Beat·h & Bulbou. 3 BR + i~•nus rcu•m . 2 D \ i:ar . woodllurnin~ frplt'. ;~~/~2001 S850 Ii 16 1220. tennis l'Ourts Sl500 mo. 11AM·4PM Pm ed to ~ , uc ' WI)' spal'1ous. So. C•f Realty JACOBS REAL TY ": ~ tl'M1s. pool 1 hlk from """" Call &10-2549 SellAtS17S.OOO w1lh As-Ternfir Bu~'Sl49.000 546-5605 631-6194 GREATDUPLEX!! Me!">a \t'rilt' \'U)t11m l.i ke P rof cll'C'ctr t 5Br 2 RJ F'<1m1hrm Bl uffs mai:n1 f1 r e n t s um a b I e Lo a n s L.,.a Yil• R.E ~.OOO 1~ w Balbo:a ftROPERTY ~-11-! q t. Sl200 mo RX> ITltl 99i :1142 I 01mn~ rm 1 blot'lc rro~ harbor oc:ean , u. 3br. Cooperauon W1th~ 497-1761 JUSTHOUCEO Bhd Open Dall~. 2 4 MGRS. ~~e\(') • N H ll 1)!h S1·h oo l iwwl~ reder Kids pets ET n r•u1YOW111E• fyo 1-!0ri:eous unit~ i, Teel Hl.llierl Rrallur . 675 6173 Shurµ. J Br. Ir).! ~ard.I Woodbri ... Hew $1 000 mo .\).!l'n l $1165 675 2967 * Y SA H: * ~ " blbt·k from beac•h and 752.cm; ".. · $625 mo. Isl & lust + , 2 bdrm. den. 1111;:hly up 541 50.12 ----FOIEa.OSURE SA.LI Immaculate 3 Br 2ba only 2 years oh.I On •an ... lalaoa Island 3206 del' ,\\•ail. now 646·8226 1 graded S1n11 ll' st or~ IS h h New po rt Be al' h EX· Mesa \lerde Fixer 01·ea n \•ie w home . \lcw 2&3bedroomun ln•es .... ..tColtdo ••••••••••••••••••••••• • Full\ s hulll'red various ouse w11 l'l'Ul1\·e Home w1th pool Principals only Sl2.S,OOO Features. Large dec-k, 1._ ________ 1 1ts 3 bdrm umt 1s (?rt•:it At South (;oast Plaza Balboa Island Waterfront HOMES FOR RENT f'\replare Alnum Near swimman~ 1>001 3 Br 2 & i.tuesl house. Great for 543·7023 oak paneled den As .-for owner ocr uµuni·y Sl't: G m p 1 3 Rr 2 Ba Yearh· rcn 2 Bdrmi. s5oo .s52~ pool and lt>nn 1s Ra Famtl~ rm frµlt· + \•h1ldren: walk to Club sumable loanand seller WESTCLIFF Ov.11er finanl'10l(a\'dlla T ·unt~ oui s. 00 1 talsro<>Mo7i,!J·Oj47_ F e ni·ed y Jrds & $975 mo 1\o Jl l't l> 2 addcllonal U l l llt~ House. Sl'hool. i.treen· ·~111/JO/o YA.• rmancing $319.000 Call bleONl,YS280.000 Call \l'lln1s.&.l~~~s.~ 8a)fronl.beUl·h.2 Br 2 garaj(eS Kids & pets ~0660 ' bd r m s N1l·e l y belts .ldealfam1l~1·om - 3 br + 1'> ba. Possible e\'es orwknds497-2766 lworbose """1 '""OtO!ln,. Sbuhmel s · ., o' oan B 12" E B f welc-ome A\1111 Feb "-t h I H 3BR la ncl s c·a pecl. a ut o mun1l~. Harbor Vlew Two bed' room. two hath ~'~ ...,, .. , w 11 . • o wn a ·' . a\ ronL lst 5-15·2000 Agent. no ~ a1· ec Om(• · spnnklers Sl250 mo m Homes. Ca» 759.1053 ~down. S7SK al $856 OCEAN VIEW FIXER l'Ondo. Pool n1?hl outsu1 e A Munattement A\ a1lahlc: Bal~a Island.' $1200 floe 2 A.A w ra m r m in l'lcls "ardt•ner & pool PITI. Pri n e. only -Sl75K assm. lOOK at I LLSTATE JD P '·! S 00 -U l P k $875 .. 18JOPort i\bbt') Pl ace 667:1163 your door Owner w1I 11"1 rupcrty "ana11e winter. 14 annual rownhouse.deluxe.n!'ar nn crs1y ar SH\ll't' 640·1327. RENTS1800moorlease • 1014r4 plus OWC. WX90 l'am-2nd $129.500 With ment 7SI 2787 ~erb,day~213 478·357i new.3 Rr 2,, Ba dec·ks. Plus $1000 St>l'Urlt~ 559 6188 Ofhce759 6597 ~l<!'negot_iable ---DCllaPoW I 026 lot. 3 BR l~ BA. Best sso:ooo a ssu m a b I I' REALTORS Hunt Bl·h 9 units cu... f I 2 l I Walk to Poul. Park. i . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ! Don 631·48118 a financ1·n·1 at 12', L•"'S" 11 2 '"I $46' 000 """'MIMG SUMMY rv t', pa ios. i:arc ener Shopping & Sl·hools • --------• CCIRdainillitmS " '" ' a "'rm, '" 3 Br 2 Ba roll age \'er' furnis hed Si 9S mo 673 4141 8.S7 2040 A I llG CA.NYOH •L...L-:.o.-.a UIA. THT A.IUMG HA.1101 VIEWS Beau\itul 2 Br co-op. Xlnt financing. $325,000. STE.ALA. YU! Wood & glass. ocean & ca nyon v us. \'e r y private. lots of decks. mst r swte w,jac .. cor- ner lot $399 .000 . Ownr Agt 540-3666 & 497..6CJ72 option a\allahle Wllh s .. cletftt.te 1076 Bkr 5369123 ~mate ~.675 1018 . ~~lts.nopl'lS ~-3365 I -o~ . J!t _...._ SSlnJ down at S700 P<'r ....................... ~ .. tri~ --2BR. IBA 1575 Garaue Avail 2·1. 3 BR. 3 BA t Lu x u r Io u s I hr e e .................... B .. 3425 rro. ........THl~DOW.... 1111 CClrOINldetM• 3222 ,. Fam rm. 2 c·ar i.tar. bedroo m. two bat hs Spar1ous 2 Br 2'' a ""' ~ " 2100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~enc:e<!Yrd 613 W 19th Broadmuor Heritage R1<'hl~cle1·uratctl Muted Townhome. Easts1de. H.c.. & Hon IU. 494-1551 ......... ec111040 '*Cote Realty New large 3 br, orean •••••••••••••••••••••••?Bdrm 2 bath c·ondo I ti46-~145,li46 6255 Park Condo S825 mo tones 3000 square reel Patio, 1itara1?e. wld hk· & Jn vestment \:iew S2.l90 'mo 545·9911 Free stndl? ind bldg 8000 block to bearh Wash~r J BR t>A'llhse. 2·~ BA . fp. 64().5096 0\ erlooks 10th tee of up. pool. spa Upgraded OCEAMNONT sq fl Ideal for owner dr} er. ref n 11, 2 r a ~ et<' Ni <'e ! S825 mo --golf l'Ol.lrse $2590 month intenor. f1replat'e Must 640-5777 3bdrm MH.sar S15.000. user. Xlnl S W, Santa gara ge SS 7S mo ~30182[~·5128 WalnutSqhuart' 3dB~2,b,~. Yearl~ ll'as e Call TS~LS7M~•mmol "•2·1603 ....................... ------- CHILD SAFE cul de sac LOT 25x 140 street is the Ideal loea-lncludes city approved terms Approx S8SO mo Ana lo<' Paul f rankhn 640-532-1_ supers arp ron o ' '-· 631 i300. Realtor .. '" ht TIME OFfHED 752 Sill -- -511 rA.H D•YE 1tar. pool. S6SO mo Call ----... --•I faes1wknds 642·1S3l SHARP! Wesl cliff. 3 rent 498-1360 and _:._ br. (rpk, palm. Nr 38r. !Ba. vacant . new GarvS49'88.ll' ---- lion for this grueeful plans for custom home Me re d it h Gardens SlS0,000/terms.Ca llPhil home. 4 bedrooms, 211 850-123S. Bkr. bdrm.2bafam1ly room, 493~1Rirk LotstorS• 2200 Fashionlsland&ocean. cpts&drµs,lg yd.S7$0 WOO DBRIDGE Chnrm Spal'.3br.2'2 ba,\·er) S.C.PLA.liA.re• small orfire. vacant s..tt.L-a 1016 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $750,lease.64~-1177_ tro.Owne.r54_9·204 __ 2 E}iuh.sh Cotta"e. 3 BR. l'leantwnhse.Pool.Jui;. 3 Rr.21la a c'.pool.sel' ~ BUILDERS N I " " etl'. f1$0 A 544·1440 "ales no ,,..1. p p S630 Beau. > d Owner will ••••••••••••••••••••••• ase r Y new 3 hr. 3 1 ~·r new. 3 BR 2•, ba. 2 211 BA. 1 yr old FrplC'. ,. · "' s. l'arry y; m l d n UNlQUEHIDEAWAY ' ba, 2 frplr. balc-ony. sty rondo Fpk . trash rath <·e11'1:. din rm. WOW!! 9683652 bath~. formal dinin g ~s•no ... •L room, eQjoyable family ~ "' ""' S255 . 000 641\ 6 7 89. Water view. I BR slur l/Sidt Costa Mesa m1crowa \'e, bar. 2 t•ar l'Omplr . .:rnhst' Win, p\·t b k f s t r m . ..\ r . Won., last ' Newport N B 3 bdrm. 2 I J ba. 631-2177 co, h111h beam rig. fpl r. R-2 lot. 3 units, bldr's I! a r G a r d e n l' r ~'flrl yard 2rarelec· i:ar i.tardener . h111hl~ up Crest town house, nt>WI) f1 replare. 11 ara11e and room and r rackling ocean views & Catalina firepla<'e Low ma 1n-sunsets from this <'OZY 2 tenance yard 1s all play bd rm <'o n do w it h nowork! Relax ing patio, firepla C'e & de c ks sparkling POOL and a Elevator from garage hot bubbling SPA! Cul for convenience & com· de sac street. $240,000. mw:lity paol. S2AS.OOO. Call for an appointment. DOYEi SHOllS 979-2:81 Forever bluffs front Eastbluff, $245.000 4bdrm, 212ba. Ir~ vrd. $2(7'1,000 assuma ble 13'; 1st. 642-5161, 640-810!_ HA.llOl llDGI Assume S2lS.OOO Isl T D . at 10.3"1 owe la rge 2nd. J Bdrm. 3ba +den. View, night lights and rmuntalns. 644·6426 TAJIRI IUA.LTOIS ocean views are you rs NO QUALIFYING from this 5 bdrm home s,>aeious 3 Br w/atrium. milt with meticulous al N' the college and shop· tent1on to detail&. A Mn "IMMIC'S formal dining room. nu a " piog. Fantastic value. splK'IOUS family room & This beauty b elow On I Y St 211. 90 O · Bk r a study or den plus deck market value is no doubt l4f.0708 & patios will tdd to your the best buy in Newport ARTIST ABODE. I mi to er\jOyment o( this lovely ·Beach. Lovely 2 ~ty, in· beaeh. 3 Br, 2 Ba SllOK, homt. Sl.295.000 <'Ids 4 BR. 3 Ba + (am !"houseSun l·S.20612 WHITIWA.Tll rm. elec k1tch, formal ~Lil., HB9IO-tl~ and city lights views dining rm. adlt play " --tiiil t thls--H>drm t>k'!•. tovettd Jf'IG Elmrrnt Linr home. Der ks on both patio, Ideally altuated !Beach' Adams 1 levels ' y1rd for outdoor on tall shaded oversized Two atory , 4 lar1te Yving. F.xrellt>nl i1tarter lot. Plenty of RV park· home New rarpet and lng. Asking rm.ooo. 10'4 bdnm. 2 ba. ram rm. paint IZI0.000 down OWC bal at Sl900 i'JfslM drapes. u~t· • rro. Unbelieveable? Call '-formal dlnjna area. 631-1215 evs1 548-Wl. lelr ,.00. Side patio. IUI• r.aom Cframic 11tot•001S W1terrront home , 45' Wt la fam rm • b1th. I bo1t slip, tee I 1nd Ill-In dl1hwuhtr. , •• o-.._ i 1125.GOOIJf~ fln1nc1n1 "*'-•"· .. 2 1., yn ._.. .... ca. .. ,i 875-«Mot HtW floors. Sundel•k & permit Sell or trade for Sl2S01mo $750 imo 759.1234 g_raded. ~ mo 63Hl030 rt~ll'c', 3 hr, 2' i ba Walk l'arµort. Patio, rxlra pk· c-overed patio. Own/J(in finished proJN'I. ~1·4003 aft.:. 6p_m. Deerfield patio homl', 5111 lo beal·h. ll'nnis. pool '"ll· \"IEW' 5645 mo Sl39,SOO Ownr /ogt _ _jjJ-4027_~ ean \'U, pvt bch. new &Toro 3232 ram1I\'. J hr or 2 hr & spa Mini 0t·e11n \lew Call Ron 9fill·HS15 or 213·22l·S3~13·660·!!_850 Builders/Investors decor. 2 car gar. 2bdrm. ••••••••••••••••••••••• den. comm pool. a\ ail A\ ail F'eb I S9SO mo I 961-1S76 Qherlffllstah Corooade1Mar20K sq ft 2ba llOOfmo.760-8382. HOMEF'ORRENT Feb. IS S72.S mo ind yr lease Children uk Oov.·ntov.·n Sec·ur1t,·. ....... •••••••••••••••• R3 twnhselcondo site BR, l BA house. frpl. 3 Bdrm S6SO Fenced gardener. 559-5927 afl I 64Q:_l~ Pool. Jar. tennis I RR ._....._, P \'t bear h acress pvt back yd. 6 mos yard & gara11e. Kids & .IJ.>mlwknd HARBOR VIEW HOMES sro>rtio 6i3-4688e\·es. ,_.SIM 1100 Serious princ. only· By lease, lhen mo to mo. pets welcome. 545-2000. Woodbridge. ll(e 2 br. 2 bu 3'Br. 2 Bu. den. frpk. 2 Be~ut. .2hd r'm 1·ondo. ••••••u••••••••••••••• ~r.559·9265 S82S /mo 675-4315 or A ent nofee. rondo. frpk . 3 t'. tge 2 rar gar . ~arcl e n H . pnme S.C Plua loc. OCEANf'RONT Modular th•t•Dnert 673·3773 _ 1tar. w1opent'r Walk to Sl.100. A\all 2 I 82 waterf11lls. s tn•ams. Type Homes. 24 hr ltltort '2400 EXECUTIVE ,._..Yeley 1234 like & shoppm11 as 87~-8550.~45458 spa. pool S800 mo stturity 1, mi pvt bt h •u•••••••••••••••••••• ~0645 _ JBR. 28A Cul·de-Si1i· Lri: lil.& 16i3·9019. 6iS-~ + fishi~g pier. Cedar P•ATM .. S•P•R•tN•Gs• UVIMCi ....__ "-2 story. 4 Br. 3 bath wuh Yrd S82.S mo Kids & rottage type, redwood AREA't EXCL US IV E Irvine. Terr. lmmac. 3 "'111 h vingroom with family room S8SO mo. ~~-OK 64S·7818 deck. pool. guarded LaQUINTA. 2 Yr old Br wtcstm pool + spa. forma l din ing room F'\nt and last + s1so de-F.astbluffs 4 Br. ram ii~· ~ate, 1dlls only. No owner 's own wknd Warm neutra.I tonea. room that overlooks the posit. Marnab lr vlnt'. rm. li:e yarn 642.5161 or ~· 900. 499·38111 home. 2600 sq fl. 38r, ll.ollfmo. Ron Salter. pool. 2 bdrm, laundry MIC'k Hanson. ~1·8700, S.O._ll_l07 ....... 1 ... T t'Mls. sp•. \ ll'W. tun :s " 1· u r i t y . h I t · i n booll1·11~" Santa Au ~Hll-1 IOX•O xa...-I 21'f8a, fl'"ml din. step· .l,ll 1't-mt room. sep hobby room. SSl-8700. 6 ...-. OM dwn llv rm t ilc/r pt Full modern kitchen ----r 2bdrm. Zba wistondrµk . ft ... l•t ...:::Ca=.:b:o.:::an=•=:.:..:::64c:.:1:..::·1137=8 ~lhruoul, dual i lcs, AC, G1rta-0743 ' ...,...._. l141 pool • 1t11r Sfi'O mo Ulfbtill* .. Newport Bearlt l>r"Ann ilarm s)'s xtrl lg 3 bd 2 b -, ....................... Adults. no ~b. f.'lt . hal't ...................... . ba,yfront Park. Mint gau ge, heited pool. ·~ rm. Bit·~· f><', 3 BR 2 Ba EMERALD & 1150 dt!p Rd's rcc1. OEIA;xt: l'IMI unit. lib rond. i 8 double wide. spa boat/RV strg, btfl ~........_...__ JU4 kit"heng1rage. n .P.7~! BAY I sty, nr be1wh. lo\" 67~·2520.clay~. lll'W 2 Kr. 2 1411. frpl. Firepla"e brick patio ,...,.,;Apd d · '_..__ ' · · S72S mo. + • .., I ti v S l 2 o o m o BLUFFS 3 1 I ¥:'t t t S60 000, ·a 11 G d · ·~ • oulstn ng vu1w ....................... so. 213:28is.aoi lr. 2•, 111. . 1111 c. m.11n~· "'"¥ • · I run Y i, blk LQ Golf 1285.000. Cl Property 2 Br. 1 8a. M -6354 . • . rlrn. pool. 1tuud lot· in'5,A Unc ~-No 67~&161. __ ~ Psbl trade. dys (714) house In high tntlk .._. •z40 Ni« 2br, No. ~nci. frpk . SH1e0 i\111 644 ·8388 : pl'U. 775-2580. m .fltl .• Rfpo. Mobile .Hm. ssooo .. ns-t3S6. eves/wknds aru of Wesuide Coat• • bit-I,., tc•r. ll50. .... OCM Below Muktt V1lue.1' MZ·•L.>'nn. M-L Ter"'fi" for Anti• •••••••••••••••••••• _KAIL~!a.11417·4801 .a. ..... • 11 Lo d 0 K DI -..., " " 1 Blbtooctan. Elt&ant2 ---HCAMY094 nfl ~ h& 1111• "' wn. . . r. I Pn City Utllt ~e Shop, Atcount Ilg Br. Family Rm • Den. MOTICI Otln Honw. 3,000 aq n -.................. . -..., erllcltncy condo with flct, La~ Office, etc. 9lllO Mo. P1uth rrpta, 21, how 0111.J Piiat c1.... overlooklnit 11olf rourH. c.rm .. ..., PU l.oYely dblwldt2br,2bi kitchenette. SU .000 Xlnt =:Ji Will~~· a..0ect1r•1tu1.1un· In.I Ml 6'1ay tltttr 3 bdrm. 21, ba formal•-.............. .... ..._ •• ,,....,, I •W uMtt .. ,. lou. 111• 4t~ll'nill!U idle ltemt with mtt-411,.. eellld. t..a.1 ... -.-........ ,,_.;;;;...:_:___;1 Dlft DlflJ •PtJor-ctH anpvtcnrlotinHunt. SlO,GOOdn.l3r-"l11t onb1I CUM=r • n1tfto1 • deck, dbl ur ''" •11!11'1riilltlMMt1 diliftann.•!:f.• a~ IUTOOC'tll fflr1)our ...... Ill. .. rt . sq. . H • 1•r•1• I II l .. I~, 0. .. ....i.. J1 p ...... A_ .. r ... • . or • ••at P• ner. c lldln1 the xard. :W...: Y ma . ..;;;.:... • ..--ltt. ~"' ,._ •n. •tlll~lo. lad. -WAJffACT10!f? ~l IHOt mo . ua.s.u, ~ at m~~t .......... ~ lL -~lt o.t.1• !-"1 &t 6 ·etH. ldleit.-.01171 Ad. W.UedAdalGMTI ·-~ CallMJ·MTI ,.__ iian. ~ ' =~M year 1 • lf~H. HU •• • I the ·£om~e Oramge Comt Market Place • ftf tw•a "'"""'"' .. a lwllh u.fwa.. Afa lw ... """'"-~· twllh ~ ,._ ...... .,.,.,.: Afl ...... ........ ,._ 4000 Vs._._.. 4JSO .... to 5" 4300 OHi .... ., 4400 ~········~······ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ······················~ ••••••••••• ~ ••.••••••••.•••••.•• : ................ ; ••••• :: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..• :'!.~ ••••••••••• ~~ •••••••••••••••• lJ.... ..... 1722 C... .. M .. lUJCotteMHa 3124 ..... •ltoch 3140 Mt-,oriltach 316t Mtwporlltach JUt U1Jiw1u lk•1wh.M~lor,lnn. Pul111Spnnl(i..ir1•11 1Mon N1·111 , ,mc111t.fl' 11r11r IMO.All h:il•s;••••u••••••U• .................................................................................................................. 98.' No Putlhl lOU~l 1l'r1•} rr11·on1lo 3 Ji ll 2 i.tr.i111li1 lrmul<'. nun ... ~c~ l.lU In~~ Arill ~u.rn, ,.,..,~11ul11·ot) l.1111h 1.1~1 Ont• hNlrnom, n•lrq¢ l...111:1· ;1 l>llrm , ~ uulh NO fo'FJ.'t \ti & (' I 1..-iruetlJH Uulixl Spot llwy, La11una llrud1 Ou (urn w utrlum 111nl<t•f lu ~hr:lbr 11,ha •• rwr'°"r ll M u l:l 'J nxnn No krt<·h :1 111111 l'u~lll M V/\U S3!.0 lrtlll'. 1-111110 l:ill'ollll' if. ••• 'I VlllO lt'!L'< Qwct S4W Zl21 "~ Dall). Weekly, K1t('h(•n Goir. ltnlllll 1>111h ''"' bo~t· lo l~t·.u•h L.'Xr~t(!'"}r u .•l'r\r· IU'l(IM'rilt! 111Jlk 111 ll1•:r1 Ir l'.1rl WliO:l.ll Jlll'r I :10 l'M Xlnl $1~ tl1~·!11:1z I rinlJ~~ \11!•111tnlal!> ltilhSI t\.!,47111 • J1u1Juh11· I.ow Wtrller 111'\·kh & mtNllhll tJlt·~ $111~ mo 1111 I ulll' r.,,r. 1 ll'I'), in~,uc n S..1 0317, furn \1u1l Ft'l•l1$27!1 > ··~ hl.t ll12 1lrulwr rnlt'l>'lljl529-~ a1• I 11 1 ••"KllOI ~''""" ,, .11n1·n1tll''> r rum 1173 iiN:t t•11h 1l1•111r.ill'1I '"' 1.tr :! -li~lrm I , "·~· $:11 t>o.·i·.ualr•ml "" Wrnli·r _ ( ~~ """ """" ~mo 1144 71119 c.t.Mtte 3724 , • llr with µalrtt, 1111111 . +$:175 rll'tH.•"11 "·" 1111 ll.·utal' F111111,111,11 & lcJ-21drm.2ba ll:i llxrn Inn SVO & UJ.1 !.l .1l111,ui.kfor Mu1k 11dr.' Mothi·r &,olllll'l'll , • • •u•••••••••••••••••••• 1 llr 2'• Ila IJOll'!\'I It 1:111J~1· ktdi. 01\ nu Nr ~arlr 1111!. ~11•Fad I Ulllunr llluki•r Ii?~ tl}IO! 811 11111. frrl'lll •11•1· lll'\•kl~ Krtd1t•nn1•tl\• Nu 'l'uhoc·l'orulu. 1 llr :i hu111lh 11101111nah• In N~.~.l?.,A IH Ii 1 D CASA DE ORO lrµk. 2 him k' 11, ... , h 111·t~ $.'>% ""' Lii lliti:I •h•n \1111 ~ Ill\ pt•I' \1lull~ no Ill'" SL25 llH'llO front ti7S 11710 nun Ill ~Ollh,tJr 5400 l'llOdo horrn· M f '\un Dll~"li,lj An~-.. ern.: ' Au.. lJ·r1 • L'S • $W5 11111 1111'111' ul I h l 1111 l 11.1 111 clu\'"''' 111'\\ !«I 111111 l Ii? 5 K K4 i' I) I ~ 113 :!:I. Hount uml 11111 h f<'t:m wk Torn K..,7 Hitll ~Ill k I s:n :. j u I " m.ul M'rl ll'I', I ~>O trc•n('C: L.I r~ r. I i\ JI) I ~J1111 ll1111~ .. S•1t l:l·J 't2'! n • ou TH" I •y I 7ti0 (~ s .·1 0 II l'I •• M •.• II )' 11.\7 llf/lj rwm 1\dJ Ol Alrvurt Compart' hdor1• 1 nu rent rust 0 111 11ei.111n reat~r~ll Pool, Ii lllJ. c·ov rd 1111ra1tt·. ~ur rounded wllh plu!i h land1cap1n11 l\dull ·Iii I~& at Its bl'SI . No p<·t~ l Br rurn from Siil~ ~ W. Wrlson~ 642 1971 " •' h 1ll'l'lll'. rnl't 1tl jlJI -Z IJI I U ~ar.11:1• 77!1 1 "' 11: "' • • v Dl1drl41rt1r1 Wt>lh t•11111lu. ;J $100 11111 71111.130092 Mar.:u1·1.1 11• Ll.J" l\o pi·h ssou mu .'<1•\lolllJll $1:>0 ,,1 114,1 tl1w ol a k1n1l luitur~ WK<;'rt'l.lfJo' 2 llr 11, anrrullt'!j ti4~U3\ll'\l'b. hr, 1iuul. ,11,1, ll·nnr' Hn1111110,hr1>011ll'\ llU 1~ 1301. ~., 1•i. Id I t:i1x ;.1:1 ~liK 1 dl'J• 1.1~ 1131 . ·•Vh ;t '"11111 I h,1th .1111 H.1 Tu" nhuUbl' Adult~ ~ lt079 d)i. ~ 1h11 li!l 1 u772 I hlk Ir lkh $1!111 1\1 :111 !i20 & ~7:1 Ml fl SI OU per r,.io 1a1~ hll',111-.I 1ltn·1·tll a1·rn"~ U1rh . no pets $1l00tmu I h •. , • I" I 1 !Jf;o 1163:1 F "41 II · :rns Hm•h., N 6 111•.iul :!h1l1rn r11111lu. lh•lo,'.'' 1•v~1b11lt• \l.ta l 1iu11tlht·Hvulwn1': l.i·" I -<•I! Ucul· room .. 5$ R.fttalsto5"•t 430 1'1 .it~ \••1·111 5~1 5«12 l11r,h1:11111,,,,Ull'.ll'll'I)!, 1mn11· sr "'·""' h11 h1n:( l lJI ht Ill ' li:!ll llt•llford l.11111• 1'1t 1•11lnllll'I' 81 hath IJk I I bl ., ll•lr Sum<' I 11·11 W.111·11.111· .. '''''Jn1.· I I I . -1' 1' "' .Ju ,I r1•111t11!1·l1·1J \\llh ~j~ Workrn .. m.11119t4tS!J ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,. ''rrr111 .r onl.', u lluntrni:111n lko1d1, 1111 P11 v11lr '• hlk llr~ ., ·' ""II • mr i'' •,t·Jdr. 111•\\ c.ll'Jtl'lln)!, 1lr;1p1''· .. F 23 i lu ~h.1rl• \\tlh tJnl .1l 11nl 11• 01 l'r 25 Mum St 3110 u1 II Corona s.~11 .. n111 Ml!r ''"' p1111l SKUil m1i .~u~:2 n1• 1wt~ $<1,11111111 k111 lil'll i".1b1111•h & ;ip leach Front Ba~lrunt. rill & ha, pool, sun»•, lur1-tl' I urn .1pl 2 fr11l11h• WJ1H1•1I Lu ~hurl' Sl!l:i rm Stl·rra Mi;nll 220 n 1\1 :.r I I! ll l' I I 11• 1711 Hi7:1 !MJl!I, ,;;:, O!'i 10 • ph.111t'I'' Thr~ u11~1.111, 2111l. i!fii\ Yrh Hc11I al jJI UI II. "'a111h• hl'Ul'h. 11 .1 -.: B $~!HI 11111 llllh 'Jllll' lll'ul.I rum 2 Cu f~ I 1321 li75:1717 IA111•h t-:,"twJ,• ~ 111 u1111111ducl ... ~,din·plu1·i•. \ 1 Jrl N1111 $Ji00 ~JO llM•~IOl!Oll'J ~3377 IMlrrn I lt.i ;apt ('rhta .. H ... •hach 3740 CostaMtta 3824 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1\,1 \ 1 .11 I 1111" :\ 1"1 r 111111111 .. 11 l11lr111 do-.•I ~ 11~2. Mt...r Sl'l\t liJtl'll \n•a "'"'' tkcun F. :JO 1~ :1111 . .Iha, 111nr ~~°':!~liC~7,51J~1~5~1111.,~:d "h1111h , 1111 Jll'I ' 1h•11 '~·"lllt1'11111\ll1•l'k 1 & 2 hdrm H'arh r't·n Srcll' Hw y S l.111tu11a Lai: llr-h On•un ~·rnm Sl2$ rm ri:ll ti155 1111·il1111l..111r ll1t• h;11 ltlb. s.125 to ~1~ 11111 Hm. I\.\. 1'11 •:n1. 529;, ('0111111 $.100 I' 1 t'' 1'1 111 111 'hr 2hd 011 '< H \l'"1>1111 lk·t11 h. t\0-t N N1·wi111rt 1111 ti :150 1111 r1 lit i.JO ~ II \I ail JI icy a "I II S1PrrJ M11n11 , \EWl.Y llffOll H. •• S, FINEST I llr II·'" 1111. t•111 I ,'.,11 I hr 2 11,, 2otl II our SllO l 11111111 h l '1 rlrt "'" 111 l'lt'-i· tuoccan li15 Ill 12 l'I l't r1 ~; m 11 I H l'I I~ ~ti l'l'llll I lllk frum bt•h .ululh 1111 111·1~ S.~25 I • s~cutllV Gate~ 1 l11tl1 ti i''t1r ·•WI 1.111 U..·a1·h 2 hlot·k·h :JllR 2h a, 4!1'J "7'l2 w t:1 c~. 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J blk W ol Be;ich, J blk' S uf Edrnger ___ 847-S44 I L.,..hach 3748 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Luxury sludru. spu. n ·. maid ston·ree. ph1111,·~ 115 wk. 499 22Z7 Mtwport ~ach 37 69 •·••···•··•············ )CEANFRONT 2 & .i llr Al'all. Wmter Wl.'t:k1' Monthlv. 673 18i3 · Want some th 111 ~ '( t M s pel'ial rn a 2 llr Townhousl', 1·omµll'leh rw:!l?~5 Mo.760!111;" SHORT TERM Beal'h renlals. 2&3 bdrms. avail hi' w1·ck or rmnlh. Agt. s;s:slio Specious studios one and lwo bedroom apan· menls FURNISHED Mid UNFURNISHED Oakwood also ollers •All Utililies Paid "lmmedilte Occupency ·st Miiiion tn Recr91tion For a monltl or a ltll?- bme Models open daily 9aml06pm Adurtsooly no pets Oakwood Garden Apartments Newport Beach/No. 880 Irvine lat 16tn• (714) MS-1104 Newport Beach/So. 1700 161h SI (Dover ac 161n (714) 842-5113 f\tm. 2 br. 2 bc1, II!<' p.11111. o'lookrnl! :'\"pl l\;11 Pool & sauna Sh111 I ur lon g-I erm r1·n 1 <1 I 1200 !l!l· Ph. fl.Hi 6:trio 2• W /_IOAT SLIP 2br.2ha S2100 Bruce Johnson bi!'> O!l t 1 Lg 2Br. w 1·11·\\ nn Seashore Dr nr lfilh 1111 Lil 6· 15. s.5SO 11111 li73 WI!•, bfr8AM. Balboa Is 3Rr 2ba. 'h•irl or long term f'r11l1 spacious SROO 'r h 673-8821 q1111·1 ,ulull~ 120 i': :!Olh • 01snwd~l'lt'•~ & 800 ~ j IJ l>O \ 11-:w C:org ~ 1111 IMlrm. 2 I.la 1·11111111 \ '11111 Comn11 rM Mar uni urn F Shr 311H. :rn \ llJ i I r11111 :1br apl i en !'low 111 for ~uh ll•u w m oru• or !!(11;11; UlllO • JOQ lo lle.icn & Sllop~ t p. ;ulh lllllllll) ,.001 II:\'" irnrl niuru \\ halh & .rl'frrg \J>I W IM, I I-' S:J:!:, l'I hl'.tt 1:1~fiO11111 li75 ~101K '""l1t1rh 1•\dU'i\ l' ttf 111·r h.1h i•ll'. 111•1111 ilt•i · 1 • G••Oen l ae~s dO•ng 1.ui i•I) ground llollr :I ~7 lll!:I Ind u11I 55!1 03:!4 M f rmm11• 111·1~l1•d lo 'hr IAJ\unou~ Mn k s 111 ail " " .. ,.,. ti I 7ti01"1" l I L'· \l''llRfS'll\\Jl'l\11'" l111·1urn11lv:w' \1r•w1rt 111\\'\SI l'0\1>11 I 'lllOll nkth1.11tX111 ll1•11!ht,.\r~ Si2.'i ""'''' u'" rm· ""· tr r urn or l11t11111 · ' -' · r. 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Ill t 11.i -·'' ·'"·''Ir·,, ! MARIMERS WALK • I I ... ,, ,, ,111 Ill•\\ I .di \ lllll t 1--"" l•t• r I'll ; ..... • • 11111l1·1.111, "·1l1l1•t ('1111111· I I ,, r .' " 11" '".,-':,. :-. '·' .: '" .1 llr 'I 11\\ nhttll'•' \pl I '"' '1 t 1 ' J • St·c·unt~ '·"·-•··' Y.ml ,111~h-~ tluuht .. HewportBtoch 3869 I SSl-1231 640-4230 :o i r .. im '11 fl 1'11"'1 ,,.. Pl I I • 11"' l'Jrl.1ni: ll'Jr t•n ,., .11.1 \11 .1 f., I 1111 • 1r ~.ir.11..1 II• .11 llunl •••••••••••••••••••• ••• • •DELUXE OFFICES• 111111111 111101 'I'·• 1lit11•1 11.irl~·ur t'hrltlri·n 111\ PARK NrtWPORT • I I • In 'u11.1hl1· lur 1n M'• SJSll1tltl i;;:)!r ~IU t111<i; 1 1 ~)'orn I nknn 111 111w1 ".I 'u' .111n" lo~rn a1-trnL APARTMENTS I I • II ~'!11111 SI I'• ,c ,,I II \11 i:r.1ph1t' n11 r l'larl l'on 2111 .\Julb n,q11•h 111·\\ 1 ... I Hrtn 111"' l1111H 1111 • I 11-."t' r1·11u11P1I \llJ 11J1l l'hn~.1;1;1111iH 11 1lt•1 .. lm 1· I"'' II, Ill• I 1! 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Frwy c:wid Mall ,11111 llt\\ nhuu'" r 11111\ • • l'ct-1.l M··~·· ~!ill ~q II h •.• r lll'l':Jll I lt'W :'\t" ....................... .I h d rm . 2 I It :t . S'>lllltl SIOOl p1·1 1111111lh Na m e ''""' Sli.1 n"' l lrl' Ill clt•c or S.li !i per mo Balboa Island Watrr H:.Hh & Loft . 1 Iii '" t1rcpl:11·e. tam1l\r1111m. OnJJrnilllrn· \1 • • 1hl ;~!I W l'llh S1 l!1.1 :.:11;1 front. 3 Br 2 Ba Yearh J..u(t from S-12.i ~'q>h \Id har rlhk I JI .:.tr h: SJn Ju.1<1Wn Hell' H11.1cl Address K.'it H\1211 1 ()11111· fur R,•nt rentalS!lO() mo.770034i. rt'i room.1,ool J•"11111. ,1rndeik Sti9.'i mo hi. 1i1111;.11 rn110 I • • ~111111h1 'I nth S200 -i: ii!> & " a I l'' P .11 ti I .._.EWPO RT ' u .. " 2 br. 1 ba. bit ins. p:llw. ,\1lult~. no tit'" :19;1 lasl SH•lS1·t· ii>!l l.1lwr ~incjonleoch 3840 • City Zip Phone • " t~2 l~W1orll~O 71SR gar. SS50 mo yrh No llJmrllUn. (.'~I Iii~ 1111 I~ ~Iii tl8 848 1115 •••••••••••••••••••••••ti • • Ewrnt111· Su111·~ h,1, o~ L..11o:un..1 Ht•,u h t;,() St Ft pet.s.646-3357_ Ch k M 0 I d 0 h11 ... J\,11l.1hl" nr tit I Sl30 S I ti• r 's ~ P,\LM MF.SA .\rTs II' lll1 ec o r . . enc ose \1rv11n rr11111 s.11;.1" 1.1111 11~, ,9,i~;:1 ~,/ 1 •1r • 111 S..OOPlfNnsula 3807 151;1r.ic,a 11r Kennebunkport ? • • "'f\11•· ,t\.111.11th· < ·"' ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br unrurn • 1 2~ • C harge my ad t o : • 11111\ lt1r I 11l\lllth lri•1• OCUHFRONT \11ult~ onll ( Jll hi 11 ll Wasn't she the b1olog1st w ho w on I • IJ,,c ll1.1 !l\lili I SEU. rdle items wrth a Yearly lease unh11n 2 !1 1 5~11911t~i The Nobel Prize for Medicine in ·597 I e 0 ..... # E x p . • 1'1.1"'1"~1 '"' \11111 u111· I oAdai~2-~~t Classilled bdrm. 2 Ba. hlt ns N1'" ~ 11 l' G ~: 111· r1 1 1111 m, ''"'' ,h11pp111i: • 1•1111•1 --- paint rarpet · 1lra1ws Gruuncl Fl uor. Fulh ._,. fD ~....._, 1 • • S850 rro Call Lrnlld or (.1rpe1t•ll llu1 11 111~ 0 ~ * Exp • Art. Agt 675 !000 Sl'PF.R 1_.wa1 ion• 01'1·r If you re not sure who (or what) Kennybunkport • ~ Tt • ---- 1350. Ut r I Pd 1 B H. 50 Adult~ "\11 Pt•I' S.'lll'l was. don tfeel bad-you re not alone • • Duplex.417 E Ra~ 1\1e Mo .\pph \r11 ·1: Kennybunkportrsoneof14d1st1nctJvely L------------------------------ BalboaS47·11:>S.S-1201!lO .'ifi11 wr1suntHti·1m rJ1fferentapartmentfloorptansatSeawi ndvr11ano e r--···----WE'LL PAY THE POSTAGE ·······-·····i • Oreanfronl 2hr 2ba SllOO LA LAt'iNE \!'TS tn Hunbngton' Beach. Seawtn<I Village rs a resur • a I l • mo. S07 E Balboa Biid tfl:l8 Pla1·ent1a 2 hr. of totally personahieoprofl!S.Slonal planmng. • 111 I NO POSTAGE • • 673 -Mi'"hael Reali\ S420. ind , u111 I>~' • ••£CESSARY 1 .,_,., • • 11<111 ~. c1~968 4078 The kind of attention you deserve. •• 1 " : • Bachelo r A pl N car A perfect blend of nature and hvtM-• '• • IF MAILED , • beKh, sunderk, hm11e1I GARDEN SETIING! nestled f bi ·ns IN T .. E rook\ng far Utils mrlrl 1 bdrm. beam t•erlrni:~. 111 a orest with bbllfl9 brool<S a<MI quiet • & I S l AT£ g ~760-!]13. S~J-1776 f\ill Pallll Gar optronal. pondS, 'ooled by natural ocean breezes. Ada to 0 UNITE 0 S ~ • C.-.. M• 3122 all uttl l'~t·rpt rl ... r Nr that tenms courts. swimming poots, a;acuzz1 and • ~ BUSINESS REPL y LABEL • • ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• F'ret'Wa~s. Ofl' & f air a coovement locatioo near sh<>pplng and • ~ > Sl'EP TO ()C F.AN Most i.:round~ i\l'arl helon· employment and you've got a place anyone would . F-IA!>T CLAS!> PEAM•T NO I) COSTA MESA CAllFOA1111• :: • IOJling In old CorC1na Fch I /\ HA~f: ONI':! --proudlyutt hOme:(Even K:ennyoonJ<pOf'lll e 9 ; • 2 Br. 2 Ba frplr. ot·ean sm 7S2 21176, 966 6~ One and two bedroom. one and two bath • ~ POSTAGE Will SE PA() e~ A~E.SSU 0 • ~1~~ re al! Adn~h1~~y AVA.ILAIU HOW! adult apartments from s.90 < Orange Coast Dilly Pilot ~ •. t.arge I Br Pool & laun 5Vi nd • 1 •1 p•1 " ii days 642·5757. eve~ .. di) Adul ts. nopels 5415 OWi "° II y I DI 5 • -~~l·M30. + 52& deposit 931 W • a. 1 • J .... 2 Hitt !.?th·~-548 0492. Jl~n Hurm . ton Vrllagt • Ol 11 • OW CDM. View. 2 aun· BR 28A, 11! k1t rhen & B 15'0 decb. btama. fpc. st75. yard, lndry rar • No 15555 Hun Vi e 1 OX 1 • Avall Ftb S. Richard pets tJngton ~'9 Lint Huntington llNCll. CA I 330 W. 81y St. 1 ••da. U /mo 631·3337 <71"> BM-99&I • e I • ---=•=..!7"2:;.:.!:..•::.:•~"=.=.·-:-r....tslde 3 Br. 2 81 r';-pk" From tht Sir\ OllOo F"IWl\fl'i orM nMh on 8ucl'l 10 e • Cotti Mell, qA 12121 : audio. Frpk. .., t.trlddln. hll W19t on McF-. to 5uwlnd v-.. : , e No dogs. PRoPERTY HOUS~ Fumlillngs Mllllllt • ~ ~ 10 AM 'til cM9l. .,,. ... • •1 • • •••••••••••••••••••••• •,' · NEWPORT CENTER Excellent Office Space 500 to 200 square feet Available for Lease Call Wm. F. Cote_ f pr more information 201Sl8nJolqUln ... M .' Acrou ,,__CANYON ... ............ MNm t . .. . . . --~flll.l!~•••llMW.;11••• C...1•1 C1111 ..... ea1rll Pu I •••tr'tt1 ltub-T• ,...... ...... /1.. . ............ . ....... ;;;,•••••••••••• , .. •••••••••••••••••••• ..... •••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• , ... •'••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • TES/LI 'd llbysk,..,Cll home1, I lllaar to lhJor ltpalra. JM......... •SPICIAL• JACK OF AU.TRADES EXP!R. PREPARER I'm Small My pn cea PW TER•STUCCO BUOGt,'T RA c nAt ... 1Qtlm1. ltnaodellu . Ooor1 "'91deafp7frw •t -rJlait bud·ltrtpptd Call'ctay oul&ht, f:nrolled to pracl Ice are 1m1ll I CdM, NB. Rtpalr No lob too 1ml ~ mln1 Sml J0::1~~1 ~JJ !! ........ ST• _ Ml·•l .. ·MM .._ lddlUou tnut or reallied. 111.75. A tJ 11:175-JOH• belcn the JRS. Quality Ex 'd.Ron'73 '477 ~4203/14$.4199 _!!_l na __ ..., .. Can: rrr .. a """• lmprove m• Dt. 111 To11ch Of Cl au In· ·~--...... --ltreu.coal Sd-Mll G.1.. Man&WI PaJolln1 Ptw Al I ....,, ....... _ • '•AU.you P Y · ..._ 3-lJ molii... My 1uruc1 work declla ..i ... 111 W. 17th St. a.-Cutt. woct. Lie tMM78 ........... •••••••••••• •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• 1ora ' i...c.11.a1.a. paU. · ' 1AZ.c.11.eu1112 _ "itAftiiW'oe·o;i.OORs ......................... Jm.rreeeat. 111-1211 0ruc:1undtromuo 1NDUSTRIALSEW1No ·:~Id Baby1ittl11. llc'd:. bot mm Uc 313174 ..... I Be1ulitully rltaned YOGA CLASSES CUSTOM INT/!XT Plumbln& Rep1lr1 tct!IJ1N? o( ':.ia~~ DAILY l11ncbH, Coata ... , ........... _ .......... llnd wued. 132-4181 Yoe•CoUt&eol bad•• EXP!lTS!RVIC! .Jt~t. fi!!!MZ 9033 ~~ ma ea MOT ' ll'tl.W....ot752·110Z ....................... TIHS ...... ---M«hod. ~ U>WRATF.S ATl..MPLUMBING• Tit .. -I Teed«LoYlnaCar• poo• steam clean. C~110MS Top~d/rerooved, ex.1 ....................... W.11, NU-BROOK 645,117$ HEATING -REPAIR ................. f.n .. .. •T""OIT Babytlttln&. anytime. Color bri&htenera. wht lPARTNERSHIPS Pfl1 clean ups, l1wns re· Haul, cleanup, concrete ••••••••••••••••••••••• NELSONS PAI ING REPLACE 645-1,M* TIU : INSTALL . NOW! rtl1.,,..... MS·UU crpta • 10 min. ble1cb.. Formed"by Attotneya novated. 751.347g ramval. DutnpTruck BRICKW.ORK : S!"a 11 lnt/Ext Resld/Comm Pr.,.ty M• .. ••.t AU KlndsCuaranteed I J •••t Hall, liv/din. rms SU ; RIM.rat•. 557-5700 WHY NOTONEOF cll:aerv.642·7631 jobs, NewP_orl. Cost• ACOUIUc ceUin11 Ref1, ....................... Res John8'01211 A*NrS... ...................... !_~I room '7.50; couch c.e..w~..._ TH!BEST!Slmmons OUllPJOBS Meu: Ir vine Reta. lic'd. Freeeat.837·2637 PIOPllTY CustomCenmlrTlle Your Daily Pf~(oi For all _ __. l It uO: chr 15. 0111r. elim. --.. -...., G·...._ . .,.6 .,,,... Smal 1 J b 67$-3175. puNTEn NEEDS Prompt serv. Free est. StrvlceDlrect ry 1ou-0 now petodor.Crptrep1lr. ••••H••••••n••••••••• ...... n ~ . .....,. &r IMov na 0 5 "' n . MAMA•IMIMT ChU('k 67~·140ll Repmeat ll about blllkniptcy, Clll 15 Yfl exp. Do work Crown m o u Id I n g • IUIOLand.sc1pe Matot. CalUUKE 146·1391 C-.tom Brick Masonry WORK-30 yrs exp. Int Orange Co. area 15 yrs .c..A• ......... ~ leJJ 1Htm..tlU "'J!tll. Refs. S31-0101 mantles, wall unlli. Reaid /Comm. Cleen·up. HAULING • DUMP Compl yard construe· /ext. Acou.s~ic ceilings. experience. Call forinfo T,..Senlc. .__, ... ...,_ cabinets . Herd wood l.t Haulln . S48·~~ JO~. ultror Randy, ~iaau~!ol ~:.k:er:. Davis P1lntmgMHl86 and rates ...................... . !!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NoSleam/No Shampoo IOl!alons to wood pro-,,..1........ Paull.lna'alheGame. 96·J .. ll11 •ExpenTreePrunlng• Aec L; ....................... SlalnSpedallat.Fast blems.63HS28 Forming Own Bustness; '"'"" ~12 Pederae'n's theName! -----6 Comme malLands('ape ....................... ~!~ dry. Free est. 839-1582 ,.__ 4 Yrs Exp. Landscaping, CLIAH UP YOUI ACT Hart Masonry. Brick. Uc. 2311534 642.0862 .,.,, ... 1 Strv1ces 957·8388 P/R QtrUt1, W2s, Fin. ,,.~__,,,_ _,_ Grdng & Brick Patios. TODAY I Yard/garage Block. Concrete. Ref. ••••••••••••••••••••••• AddkJou · remodeUnc -.-... •••••••••••••••••• .. ••• Gntd. Prof. Serv1t•e al Haepalntin&·coll.1rad Jo Hom R r · h l•--------Stmu. Complete Set-up Doon windows p1tio ......... •••••••••••••• DRYWAU./ACOUSTIC Prices SUre to Please. rln·up, elc. J ton truck. Uc. 3118294. 6'6·1597 all It . . e in1s ing • •lXPEU• * •Serv Reu ~5834 ~..:. rr--t. R. e••. THOMPSON'S t•yn•xp. c-..11y li"'d _... _ b 63).1983 (24 hrs) ~ 1 yn exp, qu ly wor · AnllqUH, kit cabmet~ . . -.v...... ......... -CONCRl:l'l'E C • .. ru • • -21u /7-9&W/E '. ...... ..., Low rates.0 1Jla64S-1869 Fine amtin 645·0664 TIHSEIYICE .... me....... Lie. '31*2 S4t-2170 P • ONSTR. Insured. 532·SS49 '-----" 1t-I Hauling/clean·up, dirt. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mill Shlll p . ti g Af 493 2220 •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• ROBTSTEINBRONER, Uc. 1383313 642·8482 DllYWALLTAPING _ _..... c.. shrub/tree trim, etc. •ABC MOVING· Exp., e am. n .• 1-d1l•9/lepalr • • • .,, .,,· ... • • •*.,, -.... prol. 1erv1·ce on GrUtLCONTRACTOR •u•••••••••••••••••••• J ..... trash a.......... p~ low rat,... Qw'ck fordable Quality Lie .. • ,., .. ,.,. .,... All textures &r acOUJtic · ....... · ·'"" ...... __ """ . "''" · Fr &t Mark 645·4290 •••••••••••••••• •••••• • major ipplcs. Steve's Uc.~ 64S-64S6 ....................... Free est. Kevln67S-9088 Graphic Designer HAUL.ING-student has care<ulserv1ce. 552.04 10 or~281io . C~•UCIAL -111111!!~!111-111111!!~~~ Al)21c.Serv.S48·8Sl4 Hansen'sCeremir Tile Logos, .brochures. lge t.ruck Lo~eat rate. =STllAL JAVETREE CARE nNE HOME f1oon-Showen ·Tubs DNfMlll)Ser.lc" Oyers, ong. an work, · II 97 •A-I MOVI.,._• P--'-l'omplete ~erv1ce and ...... IMPROVEMENTS callall)'time9'1!·4'39 ....................... letterheads. layouts &r Prompl.Ca 7S9·l 6 Top Quality. Special .;;.:".~.............. DEUNG! stump i:nmling 10 yrs ....................... Additionl6 Remodeling E.M. Design & Check photography. 493·874S. Thank you, John_. -care in handling. 25 yrs HANGING SlO/ROLL Turn lost or unused l'Xl.J. Lil' Ins 640·9308 Driveways, parking lot IQ•illl) Ser.lcn P a c k a g i n g / S H -TREES/SHRUB TRIM exp. Competitive rates. Oise. on paper Slnp· space into a workabll' repairs. sealroatlng. • ...................... MTL/PC B Harvey Hmdv-Garage &Yd Clean·ups No_overtime.730-1353_ .~ 1645.9325 area rooms d1v1ded. Expert shaµini:.thinnmg roof'iog repairs. Uc'd. ...---••••-II Hardison. $45·3701 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Freeest. 557 8271 drywall, drop <·e1llni:s & & stu1mp67r~~lal 7 >rs S&:S Asphalt631·4199 IMMACULATE Carpentry . Masonry ----STARVING COLLEGE Elpertenred paper tnm rarpenll') to i·om exp n:. ,, ""' AUSI'AT£ PAVING 0. '~ $enlcn_ a.ctric.. Roolang . Plumbing HaH1tdt-iJ STUDENTS MOVING huger LS yu. Go.lld plet1on Call Tom or Jrrf 'l'lw1'nmmir. rtean ups. Se"" in S = Uc. -.3GllB2 770.GSM Home Off'i ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• Drywall -"Stucco Tile ••••••••••••••••••••••• COlns. Uur~.' .. m. 641.41·84·43627. • Se r·11 I re 8 5 I I 4 6 3 at 661 291J or 493 \1886 Month' ~1:rv1rc free est .. roa.t " lnping 1;;;;;;t:w!CO.Hira.-~!!!!~~S~87~·9'7~5S~~l~Ce~s~ELECTRJCIAN priced ReRK>del. J.B.646·9990 Wanta REALLY CLEAN c:u (214980-3149) --, . T Repalrs.Comm.tResid. u_11.uucouSTI. fini. r ------HOUSE'.Call G1naham _WATCHUSGROW! --· -_..:,__ • .....__ 6467SStJ Tuny s ree Uc. '397362 64S·8181 ~ " .,.t. ree estima te on General Matntatnance "' UC. PA PER HANGl-:R -·-. Sen ll'I:' Custom homes rram-PEP GIRLS cleaning large or small jobs. R-airs & Decorating Girl. Free est 64S·Sl23 STARVING ACTORS Bonded •. N b ••••••••••••••••••••••• COMM. RESID 1ng, remodel, 'French service. Homes.Offices· Uc.1396621 673·0359 • ~... ROBIN'S CLEANING MOVING COMPANY "'guar. o JO REPAIRS FOR LF.SS TYf!iacJ Service Joe Campanaro Asphalt doors. styllghts & patio ..;.A~;;.;..;:..=..;=:;._----1 R~ID/COM M 'L aht • Ra 640·Sl4.i_ Service-a thoroughly Fast & Carerul. Lowest t.ooFr small orTtoo la89rg8e2728 Shingles. rlat 30 Yr:. ••••••••••• ••••••• • ••• • Pa ·1 g •· Ro r· g ..... HOME IM PR().v.EMf~NT eeesl. on Fr""' t 77027"' TYPING "'a•t an v n "' o 1 n · covers . .....,.3652 20 yrs exp. Do my own clean house. 540-0857 Rates Law Allows. MIC --"'.!!P =cs "' r .. · ' Resurfacing, repairs, _ _._ Repair-Maintenance --,--,-.---v· LI /I 673 0853 P-RetllDYal c·urate. ri·a~ Cassette sealroat, s triping C.,..ttr ....................... wun.Lic'd.Al646·8126 Heating. l'arpentry, Expertise Housekeeping --~~ · -.~···•••••••••••••••• ltlPAIRSONLY! trans 631406Se1e1> ~AM/eves ••••••••••••••••••••••• te-R.,-r UC'D ELECTRICIAN elec. l.lle Free est No SUpplies rurnished ,......_. •BRYANT'S• __ All Types. 646 6463 ----------flNE FINISH WORK All phases. lie, bonded, Qua!. work · Reas. rates Job too sma ll 64S·281 I ~twort.h . 957·8003 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wallrovenng Removal BALBOA ROOPJ NG (..'O 1 ~w Cle~ , ...._,. Remodeling/Doors hung •eiper. Free est & advice Free est. 631·5072Tom q~·--_ Quality Work. Dep~d;" F\ne palnttng by Richard All 'l'v""". 642 1343 The only rooring co with I •·.~::;•th•:•Su••n•s•h•1•n•e•J•n··~·· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Rand ml260CdM Al.lenConst (Mike) bl R r C 11 p •· Sinor Ur ins 13 yrs of -!..!n.'.!'.~---.....,. • CHAR RENOVATING 497-5322/499·4863 Electrica.I work at Quality, exper, li<''d. Bob Dwi ~t. 673·7012. Thhappy local custo63m1er4s4.10 r_....-tp r •••••• 673-bi43, 673·8229 ('le"" ""ing. l.td 548 .. a.3 AGGRESSIVE legal TOPQUALITV Jb1dalljobs.ll'e/smt e. es. a am .. · · ._._/R al construc.t1on. rebat es I l'allc"nshtnt•Win dow firepriceses • .!'h1!.t.i~~~.841a22w ,or. Compl. int/ext & cust. ADD'NS/.REMOOELI NG Reas. rates. ·~1 . .,,.. _Dave I·""" 9798 ank~. · •••••••••••••••• ~· """ .,. ... .,..,, ..., .,.,.,,, """ Experienced & Reliable ------PWTERPATCHI NG HuberRoofmg·allt)pl'S •RESIDENTIAL• cabinet.s.2Syrs.64S·3749 Plans. Lic 'd. George '"-llDoon Ben's Home Improve· Person Will Do c.t..P..._ Restucros Int ext 30 NewreCOH'r·det·b $30 2 .._ti•• CUSTOM ADDITIONS Pllmer&Sons SS7·8932. •••••••••••••••••••••••i ment f!>uses~amng 549·4~ 2S yrs exp. Lie 4~C yrs Neat Paul54S2977 Llc Ml1802 5489734 I ~\~KClh~;957 ~1! sty •••••••••-•••••••••••• Kitchen r e mod Add111·on•, r emodels, FRENCH DOORS Se All · b b Bonded I R r Color ---~ .. • • rv1ce. JO s, 1g or HOUSEWORK DONE · ns. es ,Neatpatches&textures .,_.~RoofL;q \' w d TlfLOMYOUICAI Skylites. Refs. Bill home improvement. 10 panes installed. 6' small.964·5231 B Y JAPAN ES Jo: e~rt.963·0911Dil'k _ frftHt. 193-109 ,;Qu .. ialityvnRoofin:'ror XJ~l11::;n.11~.; rr';e~s~i. Instead ol wa x. 40 mo. 646-0l82 windows. doors. patios. slider opening, S7SO rom !Rep 31 r-s. Pa In 11 n I!. Professional Call Yoshi. I 1.,J B PAJN'F-ING Fine Homt's .. &4S Ol(}.I I Ken 673.oots wrty. 7S2,50071752·0892 ' We specialize in Custom d rt v e w a y s . r e . I. lun amted) 640.1~. carpentry Chn st1an, re.· llJ9.5035_ --SPECIAL! INT /EXT. ED'S PLASTER ING SEU. 'die Items U•t"lh a ca ........... Bath •. Kil plumbing , etc Lie S"''' di . '• '·able8979262 OUSECLE NING d II La ,, ... 9383 AllTypes Int or Ext II I s··1J di h ~ .,.... • .-7 • ~ 1 e items with a l u • H A l'}'Wa r 2"".:. _ ., ... ...,..0 ""-oeest J\1' '"'"''l 1111 1.: '"u L .1 1• llemi. wit 11 Da.1Jy Pilot Class·1r1'ed I D -.. el 77" ........ 378711· Ph960-063S D I pa Cl B s ed' h L d:9 E ....,........, c I' t I u·· l I I I D I f) I I Cl r d ""''uu "'"""' ----l at y yOl ass1ried llJ\t' ,.mwtbmi: tu 'r!I'' y w 1s a T xp find what you want in --"<in •• '" J~,1 we a1 ~ r-1 o ai.s 1 1e Ad. Want Ads Call 642·5678 St-II idle item~ 642·5678 Ad. I l'JJ,,1111~1 ;ub do II '"'" NB Area S48·2~71 Dai It. Pilot Cla~s1r1ed~ w_~t Ad Results 642·S678 art~ lfu II "t•ll 61:! 5fii>I Ad OHlct R..tll 4400 ll11ilwu/IWYest/ . ~1, Tnnt Lost & Fo..d 5300 Trcrtet 5450 Help Wcmded 7100 He4p Wcmded 7100 Help Wcmded 7100 Help Wcmded 71001He4p Wcmded 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·1 ....Ct Deicti 5015 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·······••t••··········· ....................... ······················· ............................................. . ••••••••••••••••••••••• • '> ""' ror 111•11·" ·•I I' l'A C .u:HIER/P t' R L OFF CE ,,. _______ _ 2152 SQ. FT. •••••••••••••••••••••• Found Sm Blk M l>oi: • :•. ',' . . , Bah~~•llvr nt•et1t•1I. lull or ~ • llfte GENE A t , •• COIOMA DEL MAR I .... ' Sattter MtC). Co. with Long Hair. Injured Cuo~n~ . 13 Counllll'S I' T lor Iii llKI i:irl " Afll'rn11vn~ & "kntlb /\Jl T\'Pllll: & ill(hl hunk HAllDWARE SALES rn. .. ur.m1 I' Ne~rt R:ilhoa Sanl1J(S OpportuRity 5005 All tnies or real c19s~9ate nG_hl rront Paw ~3fi 0713 S40 631 .\fitill cml' 11th1•r 1'111111 onfl µfl T~~' t-~:irl \ l'lu\rnh kt'l'I"" J.! I' a rt t 1 nw f1; 1. ' .. ' ~11,11' 11 ,\ \1.111 1 ~. "' ~ f .C.S. uw mg .,1r ronnl11on LOSING LEASF.. quit ~lall•'--' Pound Wed . Shl•phen1 .... "! • . •· · ~ l'\l l>lll2!1!1 ., .. ,,.,1 llaitl"J'l' l•d l SJn •J' 11p1·n1 n L' 111 u I ' • . .......................... 10\'C'Slmenlssmt•e ~ I ~ .... , no~211rtTIO'tt.• IOj.! 1 .. ~ .. ''''"llllrl '" MonFrr. ll1•.\il1ll• hi~ 1~ r mg, rarpellnl(. ullhllt'~ ting busml'SS selhn;: uut ~ __,.11'1 Mother & µuµp\ Sµr atiOft l\Jh"1lll'I llt·i·•lt·•I (';\I • ,....., ,,.., :'otii.:ui·I "\ II I .1ut1111~1l11lo• •Jlt-' rl'µ~ in and jan1tonal S2250 rwr .\LL suppb~~ and fi" 2.ct TD1 1ni:dale & ;\ka1lo" lark ••••••••••••• •••••• •••• 1 l1<1m1lt111l & II J rh111 I ' l 111l1lr.1rt• llouM·k1:l'l>l'r G~al Office 11un1 t rt 1 1111 Iii-J 1 h rronlh. lures tnrluding 642·217 I 545.0611 Sl6-m83 'Jobs Wcmded, 7 075 P Thol2 3211.1 WJnll·tl Jf1l·1 "h1111): t'll'rk Nl'"llOI'\ t'l•rlll'I HOTEL I t.1.1111 h l11~11h· , . .i .. ,, no DI · ••••••••••••••••••••••• hdl\s 111l'r & PI S"11o·hho.1nl11pq.1l111 .\ 1'ro:.p"111n~ .1111al'lt1l' t714t67l·4400 splay l'ases. wa1lln1? ~etfteith/ y m.irril·d man lllJl11,1lll'I. rnu~t <'llJO\ h;•U~l·kt"ll'I' llouri. ()(f11·l' Ha~ lmnll'tllat1• 1 1 11 11 1 1 k 121 3162 .. 2121 room rha1rs. Beuuty -· Pound· Pit Bull, mall'. oun i: vla1 111i: "1th l'luldn·n I ~l'M f' 'tof';\~ !li.'o lUll!ur ()vl•nrni.: tur ('11·rk "11h rt'1" 1111:1 .iu• 1 111 1111 '111111'"11'•'11111 l'J• ·.ii:i· Salon hairdl) ers and P'~/ a ppr 0 x I > r v 11. would ltkl' 111111 Jt1h,,1·11·~ nii:ht l'<'I' ini·k f ,,,mi· • : • 11 1 1 t 10 Kt·\ 111 r1101 h 111 h•'·"' l.J~1111;1 Iii ·'' h 111• ludrn~ 111111 11mp1•llsJ HARBOR h\drauhr chairs. mtr Lost& FMd Shahmarl'M 645 5668 & V.kl•Jllb t'.111 1111 ii 1IJh ""ll It.Ill• ('ol;\l I "-'• It.Ill alt '• WI ll' f Prflll"t' SJil'" n .. ,Hlrl' ,\ ll1otl'I r11111.ut Ht• I. I I hon dunn~ llJonlfll F\ rors' . shel1 es "nd plant• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'a net' 111 h Jn1ll nlJ n Jf1'J ('11111•"1' ,1ucll·r1t i1k Jr1•J ('r"'l11 t',1r1•·, hull. llf'i I Iii !-~ J~: 'o·ll• t11 11 n .1 l11·11<·f 1l• u " 5300 Pound Spnni:~r S11anil:'I, Jc~"' !in !I~ 1·1 t''. ,,_k h •· c 111 111 I 11 11111 n1 t 111 Also. make up . shamµoo Lost & Fa.ct \It' <\11>\'rtson 's, Dana IM i.11111• " 11·lt•11•n11·, CL!RICAL Coll 644-4460 ' ' ' '-" 1•1 "' and h8U' products. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pt "''I ........ fl)I' U1ll (;'j;J i:lel:I k -1101. 'Sl'l'I r \ :\ 1'' HS I II •h•111.1I lt.1111·1 ... 11 ·lllo't" A D1,·1~ion or Harbor ln\e~tment l'o "" """" s I I · Pvr..unnt'l l'ln 1•11~1111111 (,'1•111•r,·1l l.··l1•11· I ' · · · ' ' · · 111 11 I t 111 • I L 1 1 <.:all631·97S4or .l•nuirs l111 u 11 S1•11 l1JIJ\,1lt1•r n1•1·1l1·tl f1l111i.:.ltll'll l'l'lltr1 ,1ll· u' 'I' ~1h1 l'T l':ir •o1:11l:!.I i•r ,.,,. •·' ,,.,,,., rt 6 8986809 FOW'lll Shell> m1x.Grt•at Shupirtnl!. r lto;.111ill J.:. Goll St11rai.:1· I' .Jlllu 1 'I" 111•111 t' \\ a~r -· -· l>ane mix. Rud Settl'r, rook in,.:. 111 JI' 11ur.i· 2 :IUl'M tu Ii OOPM Mvn tJil n·umt mJmll'nJni·l' pn1 Jlt• ('11untr' \'luh HOUSEKEEPER , . .-11.111' It• 1·1N' ,11:,11,1 VIDEO GAMES FOUND ADS Bassett. D<1h1r mix. 832 11~ 1la1 thru F'r11IJ\ llJrltur & ur,.:un11ut1unJI ~lo.1lb l'Jll hH 510~ II ;IUJ m 1'1•1111 l>t1'1llun :!.i '"' 11 k lilt. 11111 ""ulol 'on,ttl1 I SALES LEASING HE FREE German Short ha 1 r. & UJk.·r 979 !l05I MO KOO() I ~111. TUl'l> S.11 11111~ t1un1 Boirl11or twl nu111 'I" 11 ••1111•.t 1 n ~Rental 4450 New arrade toe a,,311 M Ket·shoun1I. S11Jcn an I Hetp W..ted 7100 t'mk, l'Xµ m m~111u1111nal Gt• n 01111, l' l' 1,. r k ~pm 1;;:1 l.121 Hrt.1 I 111111lu.tl 11 111 lr"r"1,,. ............. •• ••••• ••• 9~7 0131 Call·. Huskl') In me \n1ma I ···~~··••.•··~~ ·~ ··~ •••• IAIYSITTER 1 ''" k 111 i.: I u r '111 J 11 1\ 111~1 F T x,, 111 .,1,m 1 11u.11t11 .. 1 CareCl'nll'r i54 :1734 1\U OUNTI <. C f.~.RK j 11 1 1 1 .. 1 11n,all' llllll hu~µ \1111 p HOUSEKEEPER f or .11111111111 1111•111 . , .111 Stor,, or orr.c·l· 1350 sc1 ft Cloth o St :..r.. 1 p T 20 h t'r,.1K1 nt't't 1'< 11 ml' ,. crm p11~1111111 En• 11 ' in.,, ore 642·56 71 ---. apµro' r:-Jll'r . · , . . . II .it 1h1· c;;inll'rh. 450 ~ u n .1 11 11 \I 11 n 1'h.11 lt1 ,11 .11'• ll!'llY Mesa \'crcle Arra Womens Gd inr. good PlnOftds S 150 I "k fur Nl'Wlllll"I l'1·111l'r '1' ~[ ','"' i:1rl afll 1 .;• ,~11111. t l:it'l111l'I rt' l...1i:un .1 1l1 h ll·I •·I IO "11m S111J II ll111i-i l.1·1·11111 •• 11111 ' hrlol F (, !:-. Jl>u ha' --~·4123 ll;'a:.e. SI0.000 ~ In\. ·······················1 l.J" ~'rrm 'I'. \ H. ,,.. II JIJl'rtl\ ~ ·'.Pm '·"' ... ,-. l'll lTI!l.111) \\ i.:1101! I II I II I .A.ff anti M . I l • I . .... l' I l'r\ ti.I\ . ~I 1111 ~ r I .... nvo.} livnd1l!> ·\1111 t>-12 !l:m;1 I' JI I .... u 11 ·' l' ·'' I ·~1<'111111!' 111 1. \ t'ount \ --------... Owner w1 c•arr\ at uv. II.A.Cl( Ul/M .. e "' s aH~~ 1 1 l 'PL n11" ·"'" :\I !.'ST 11 F IH ' PF:\ \ri•.1 1o 11 11:1111 , ~: 1 ,11 ltETAflSPA-CE rale Lost: Jan 7 1n Lat? Open24hr:.adu) ~muk1•ronl~ ·· · xif · · " COUltEI ~ u1:'.l'J1<;l 1•11•, .oncl j on Harbor Bl'·d 1280 .•q 7iJ· 1132 Hearh Whitt' around i rla)~ a Wt'l'k • • • ' · 11 1' Orani:l' Cua:.I St111111:~ I Girl f-'nd.11 for t m.111 of "l'\'kt'11ol' LEGAL SECT ·' ( "1t111n ".1lkrni: 11f,t .1111·l· h t rt + Stora"e ,., sq rt l1t"UTY S"LO.... rrouth. 835 2487 or .1 t ti fi9 Gurgeuu:. 1!1rl~ lo ' "CCOU......, ...... T . 1 •. 1 a!'o 1 m n11· t P 11 m1· I 1n· :'tol'WJ!•t rt .111•J L~ .... 5.,ret..-v IJ. llf.(c1l1011 e\µ \1·"111111 ... ...T ..... "' " 4"' .,..,,9 J I "' "' "'" 111 St11m·1·r1•1·.. r. l'ml•fl 1JV<•n111i: GOOfl ch I\ 1111: r "' ~"' -· , ( l r ma II ( r I \ Realonoa11{'S 67S·6i00 l.a"una Beat•h Xlnt loc.• .,... ,,,. II" mµvr 'uu :ll'U//I, Th · In UP Cu hJ' .in l J 1 ' W 11 nclt11 111 i: · l'rm.inl•nl p.irf 11 nw •· H ·1rt1 • 1 ti l'n ._. ·., 1 11 "11 " S I SJuna Lcx·als a' ""II .is l ( · < • n'l·ord ll1iu1:-K :IOJrn :'ot ~·. <tll\'rnnun~ 11111' r 111 II• 11 1 ,mikl·r ~Ii JiJJ ~!!!l!!l~--1111111!1111!1'--t W1ll sacnhce 3 oµl'r F'ound M hepher1 1 1mmi.•1hall' uvc.•111111: tur ln1n1· l'lt·J'l' 1.dl 1.,m l'Jll I.i ncl.• . :>.1·"1111r1 llC'.11•h r1rm r... II k ulk T tour 1 s I s II u n k .. lilWr1•' 20 hr~ \\t•1•k I I \ I NEWPORT BEACH V"nermust,arate us Y mix. o :in ~ <1n 'n·ount:rnt 111 uur i'i2 ().llilalll.'r ~ :IO)im i!i l JKOl li!IO \t!Jtn:-I ( 1 ~lu:.t hJ11• :\1111 J '"''r~ 1·"l'111 ,,,,1.1111 111 Prime I, .... on lltlS\ Pai· 644·2151 (Lots) M1('h1gan ID FToy PcK> ,\mt'rt l'a rd. ,l.J'>t.a ,\ .. n c·ultur1• 1>111~11111 . ''l' ,. 'I .... () •.·. Sttnll• 1> 1nn i.: iut1• l".tlll l111natton C'\I) To1> l'itlt'rh ~l'nllt•mun l.1H• .,.. -di ·Ch p t'lrnri:c \meor1t·an ~" "' '-'' r. ,. µhum• 111·r~1111.tl1t1 .1 " I \I est H'w" Ideal ror· r\'1:111 GRE T e amp a I: n c . 'o ,.I ·I 'fh1· 1111~111011 '"' ul' ··~ 1~1okkl'l'I''"" l'll·rk . r T. t <)It I 11 'kdl' rl·•1u1 rl·d i ',d I I "! ~"' ~ IJ .1pt rn I and of orfH·c use t.OOO A Mixed Cocker blk M fH ~ s • · _1n1·.r.,. ~ prt•pJr,1111111 & JoJl"1s l'all Tul·~ 1 h ur Fr 1 DELIVERY mw. 11•1• 111 1111 l' 11J 1 11 ,, r ,1 \1 11 1 1 .1 1 b • \1·111111 1· "••hi" '" fl I POTEIJTI L Retne\er i:old r Tcr weltume o1 4 ·~~!> ,ll3:t ol hUflJ,!l'h . !in.inc 1.tl l11•l"t'1'n 911 \\I \,k t\illt11nt• t:ocwl 1ln1 1ni: g)J().l<Jfl t>llo~.U~· 111.11111.1111 111111 11111111 1n to3.000_sq 1 a_,~· f""ll A ner mix wht 2112 llarbor Bl ( •'1 'tJll•rnt•nt & 1111 l't .1~1 .is ft Ho; orll ti-JO i980 1fq11 111h•11< •· hut 11t·1·1I • I ol4 fi.l:l olOO I I b -fur J.111 tl..i2 3-131 SEIJ II I h -· Ril500 "''I u~ 1·ou a Found Mall' µupl/). blk Fur total reldXJl11tn with "l'll .1, .tll phJ"'' t1I '--. Make your s hopping . 1c e I l'm~ "II J •11111• ·'"''1.11111 fth·.il Costa Mrsa. ilus~ ~"·µt \'ENuS DE Ml Co 'f1~urc " 51 ll·er u net erro at J prof.:.-ss111n;1I ma~~a,.:1• c1·1wr.tl l1·fli:1·1 ,,,.rnunl Bookkeeper I DOftUt Sflop loller easier by using the D:11ly Daily Pilol rlus~1 r1 rl1 .1ppl11 .1111 111111ld Ill' .111 Bild. 8400 It frcl' stand l'ilnlrol 1·1•nt(•r Superb l.al'rc~IJ , Ouna Pt I StL•1l'IO·ti,511!2Kl7 mi: 1> .. cr1:t· 111 a1111u111 l'url 111nl'. l'IJlnc 10 \µ1 11) ·\Muni) UK 's PilotClassir1~_Ads _ Ad '1111 .. 111 .111 1..i111·•l m.tl1 in~ hlrlg, rull~ 1mprOl'l•t1 lot· at ion Ea~\· lll'l'l'SS lf.11!-178 Lom•fl Tu11 11:ht . :>\l•1·1I IOI; 1)1 hu~111··'~ • l:IHHI kl'\ :! Jfl1·rn1111n' fll'I Don\11~ :!95!1 Fain l('W •••••••• -• • • • • • Ill 1 .. 1 1•h\ I .ol I .. 11d1 mC'I l'l'PI ldt.'al rl't;ul ur l'osta Mesa F'uund Lr<• Blal'k I.ab t'umpan) •<.'.ill ~l onu ,1 1 ummu111< al11111'k•ll'1 l' "•~·k th.inn Hit t';\I 1 .. ~, "11 .. """l•I 1•11" 1•11 0H11:e R1·nt SI o;, Ml fl ~ m 1 x . m".i 1 e \ 1 l 9$.'l 11122 •1u1 ro•ll !\nu" h•tlp• 111 ~i.; 20:12 Oonu1 ,h11µ. IJ 11mt'. \M . • •· 111 ••I• "'"11.1 1 • •1111 11.1 631·5SW .ifl I mmpUh•r s1~h·m' 1rrc· I 1111 l'Xlll'r lll'l'l'~~.ir\ \)l I 1 .... ultftl "TE OPlt.o..Jl .... G 1111~1,h1p 1111 I 11·1 h11.1 ril I. "' ' -rr u.:• Mill-reek ,\pis Bnstol & l'O EOS Wouhl Lvll· To ll•ri t•d Sl•1t c' ll''u nw IOOKKEEPER I r> ........., "' a"O " • ntod1·•I e 11m1,,.n,.14 "'11 rorLA:ase 11 lt't',,,.,..~lt Paular1n o. t: M Part' with You ' Call • I' I 1 P~ Ill jll·r~•m iµµit~' • rt +warchou~c.250K11c1 . w1lhi.alunl11~tunl11 Jrll l 1TU!...l'at1n ~t11 D11nut,.IR5~:-\l'Wl10rl l -. -11.1ll1.;.1J111 979·J2!11 Leslie or S .1·l,1a · nill11rnc. Ft' h1111k • Motorroute tnPrimeNewport . rt Great lot· St reel '1~ • r . ,\n)·ti~. 761 ""'"' P~ D~t. k Bil ti • l.' .\I h Lo I M..:-&-ance Man b·1·1 F b Rt •~· lnshSelter em u .. ~ """0 THEIRVl .... E 0 l'l'111·r 111r m111t "J''l' Beac area w. mtl'S ap ,..,,..., a 1 1 Y or es < • ......,. " • •··iik",.r,1,. .. 111 .•1 .. :-.. 1,'"rt ORI\ ~:R W.\~TEO • · "" • · · • J) <'I• .. n 1\ J h I 1· 1· \ Laguna ~1gucl I h) I 0 Name Lury Btwn F'lnanr1all) st>t•urc sinj!ll' ., • ........ _ 0' ,.. ,.., ·' "" r T d d r ~roximately 350 customers 1 ' Warner Edwards HB. male. mid 30·b. ~t>ektni: "'CJ"IC....-e ''· Ht·a1·h. i.:rnwth 1111 mer "ante or l;('l'l\'111t•l.lulll1m1•1l<1" rl'W)·). Joann 4·99·3577' Reward D)s 559·3530. r1nanc1a11" s cl' u r c P.O. lox C-19512 1>t1r1u1111'. ~at:m 1•11m liu.~~ ;>o;ll l'Xe1· • aµprn'I: 2 • eekday hours 2: 30·5 · 30pm · • t f1)f~1rc., 1• hlrli:• \1•" port 497•4844· Cl 842·0980 rem a le 25 so OhJt!l'I lrYifte, CA. 92713 1111'11'\lf ii I l' " 1 l II l'\ "k~ IJl'I' mo Mv~t ht• • Sat & Sun. 5am-7am. rytinimum • I 11 ... 11 h l'h11111· t>l I 1 ~21i II lftdintrial Rtftfal 4500 11.5z3 CAM matnmon) • S•·n·' bner 11\'rll'•ll·c Nern ~111ok1·r nl•x11Jlc & <1hl1· t11 bl· ·on a mount of collecting . .For d<' I tn I:! "1·1·k 1t.i,1 • T ••"'-·'---f''ound . Basenjr Club • u II" I & ,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• "'"JllC1"'•~ re:.ume & photo Box prdt•rn'<l l'.111 Kut11· I rJ < "'5 1:'\Cl> ·'0 n • t a t' ls "all B r u ce Cart.v or •• l" B .. 3975 Birt'h 8860 sq ---WJshes to placr } i: f 1\dmrn hslblJnt ,.:1•n G-IO !13."i(I rlnnkl·r '& 0, t.'r 25 , ri. ~ I ( ARAG f: SALE ads 1n n or less MI A zone.~ Lid Partners ror start barkless. yoc1tlhni: rlo~ =944• Dail~ Pilot. PO dutll':> in ~outh 'hl'ltl'r uht.lw2 OOllOllJ~s • Foster Ouellet at 642·4321 • lhe Daily Pilot brin~ per s q r1 Agent 1ng Up·todate N c 898.:.~-Bo~~CM 92621i 12hr.a M•c•kf;~22J:Jt IOOtckES'ER,F/C happ) results Toplare 541.5032 machine s hop Great Pound · F Toy Poodle. ~rong pro( man desires Al'f MAMAGER Manai:c dept nl Ii ""'' Dri•erJTrohtH •••••••••••••• ~uur drawing r ard. llXXl sq. fl l'Onl'rete till potentials. Call Da\'ld champagne . p mixer! pretty sensual Indy 11135 ~l«lrd for a \er) nirc. lhrou~h l:ent•rul h·di:1·r Oppt,1 rl)r :itf\Jnt·cmt:nl. phone&l2 56781oda)' up ind bldi: " approx 714197S-1024 Cocker. blal·k: ~·mixed days nites 720·0296 all atlull 12 un1l t•umplcx S ~ r' manui:l·rnrnt l'\ ~lust be ll1i:h S1•hool i50sq.ft ofrspt1re f'ul "All Our Yesterda}s " Terner.wh1te w1brown . PROF.ESCORT rn H R 2 hr. l'. h.i Jfll prr hel11t ul ('o GrJd.oil'rll!.l!Ooddm ly rncd rd Xlnt s w book store. going out or M Pomeranian mix. Tnsh.~9·8096afl !Pm J\alldbl._. rur m.tnaf,!cr hl'nt>r1tll \11111~ llitiO mi: rerord Al'al .t~) Santa Ana lor Paul business 3or, 50'< blakck&tan. M Husky, o,1ith:ilari:l•n•nt n•tltw Pl.it·t·n11at\\c ,C M pc•ara111·~. <:umt• tn for Frankl 752 5111 mm1mum off all stock red & white. 644·3656 125 tinn 7~1 li42 r-Av R 'IS mll'n 1ew __ in ...:_ . ._ Sale on now. All must Mesa Dr . C.M Nwpl u· .. • t V'ck1''s ~, etoi tort FltffWAY STORES Wanted 800 tu 1000 Sq fl I b Feb lst (Still ArumalShelle_r ___ IRNI a I ,\TTF.NOE:-;T Kitchen help nccdctl mNB or WNBforLong b~~~n gy aniiqu~rian •ESCORTS• L1\'l'1n S200wk LI F\ill orptimc Apph1•a 2106HarborCM Term Sloraoe I IC ' Found : 7AM Tue Jan BACK •. BETTER nurstn •• ror cl1t~rl .' t1oos Mon thru Fri . 9 11 S~·031fi ., books on selectwe sub· 19th. 21st & Santa Ana "' " 11 1 I d s 644·9410 _ Jertsl 640-2491 3026 E TilAN EVER! 24 HRS woman am 5 an wet•t GENERAL OFftCE 2liOO sq. rt with rronl of Coast Hw • CdM NB. M Keeshound Puppy 669·0207 848·2963 962· 1643 Shop. (' M 440 E 17th N B rirm needs rlt•x1blc . rice,lar1wrcardoor.set osta Mesa Laun · 64~9SlO (Outcall ) ATTENDE:NT St ~C M_ti4S·28113 mo11111ted pl'rsun up ror machine shop, dn.•-SllK gross ""r mo. Found. Grey and white Li\'e·in. help d1sahlct.I : People who nt•C'tl people Answer phone~. 1 ~pc. 32'2' a sq rt or S850 mo. ., 641-07631 ABent kitten w/patch or calico. · professional woman. should al wayi.rhet·k the rlaah bllnkmg. Mu~t btt la.cl ~.in Ave Unit G Call 644-S309 PENTHOUSE C<lo;ta M_esa_ ~SI 3H2 Ser\'tCe Oire<10f') in the! :ll'('UrJh.• V.llh r1i:ur('S Costa Mi's a Da ys .._... Lost German Shep _ DAl_k.Y PILOT II.SI !rl77 F. 0 F, S4Q.~!Evcs646·0681 Oppwtw.ltr 5015 tanlblk. 9 mos male ESCORTS AmMTIOM: 1 .1 p•iat lndu.stnal hid~, 6000 sq •••••-•••••0 ••••••••• ISth/Riverside. Npt. Hts. M l~~les Amb111ous boys and ; II J I .. ·· .................. :. rt. w'spnnkle s. lrg rear 36o/•R...,. G3Hl73 -M c VISA i:1rls 10·13 year~ olll, 10 ovef'Mad doo & renced Invest SlS.000 lst TD I.mt silver 11ray min work une or two t•ien adjoining pa ed park Owntt. m1uo Schnauzer. rem \'ic. For women onl)'·lolal lnl!S a week J?ct llnc mg. Comer or edh1ll & to Lo. 5025 Roger's Gardens. N.8. body massage by Diane newspapl'r subs r ri fl .... rtisi' •--t Ex Pa u I a r 1 n o. C . M ....................... on Sat. Jan. 16. S2S l!rJ!p t.10·6. 548·0il07 _ lions Trans1lortation llltelll ~I IC. 549-9671. __ inancial package for REWARD,64j·5296_. __ /\ttractlve Sophisticated and ronslanl atlult Immediate opening for advertising account u-.. Str..a loan or venture capital Bnercase taken from Lady For Dinner Es.cort super\'1sion pro' tded . -..,.. .. .,... d Se d 8 ea11 3 s 30PM k r executive to sell both weekly & daily ••••••••••••••••••••••• preplired for expansion green Mere~ es. At Discreet. .n ustness to . • as or newspaper adverti.sind lo a wide variety or Storage ff. v ·trailer· 5tart·\lP. prodU('t or con-Forest Ave 4 tn Laguna Card 1r P~s1ble. PO Box Andrea. 642·4321. ext. 11 .......,, c.M ... </mo. Kirk ·. strutllon. List or Ven-Beach. Pe.rsonal docu· 17742 Irvine 92713. D 343 ret1•11 accoitots. Must be selr starter • .,.,.. _, '"'!!!"!l!!!!!l!!!!!l!!!!~-1111111!~ wi ling lO aeveloe account.s in a new 631.Qioo -ture Capllal sourres ' me n t s 1 n c I u d i n g Marcoux 1: terrlt«y. ~·ce sales exper. needed. Salary .... w ... --4600 ~~ors included. ~:,SJ.'°~~~stant_••_1_re_· HllpW.ttd 7llO Have eomethlng to sell? plus ~kin. Benefits. Send resume to .. "••••••••••••••••••• C ""o•••••••nu•••••o Qaulfied Ida do It •ell. C1rol Otsoo. Deily Pilot. P .0. Bqx 1seo. • Si ...... u 2S respons1 Trwat Los 1 : S 11 me 5 e a l Costa Mesi. CA 926215. No ..a.-. calls please. '•"' ... om. • . 50~5 Halecrest Hall-0r·Fame 11111· " • Plllt ' ..,..,..~ ble. dependable. wt4 yr ~ M J • ...................... : :: Wu1lll ClasSifll !!'!!r oldsonseeksC.M.house ............ ••••••••••• Ar ea on an 18 . 540-12811 orapttorenl by Feb.l. Widow has US ror h _64M203 artetS:~-TO's/Re Loans, JOK up. Found : punt press. ~. __ l~......_ t.a-.: · New poaltloft openiq for an exper c aulfled Buljntst ~•n over 4$ No Credit.' No ~n.all.y. Newport vie. s3t-a2AO ~ -MQUNll'lo-~ ' -displ9y pawc wttlt mu1p mfllt 1bt11l . wlllU room In Irvine 11t Dennifol!Aasoc. 6'73·7311 ica1t.id&it1r)'1 • : Must be lnnoYatlYe. Cl""ble of or"aniutlon Exper. neW1p1per display 11lespenon to • ,... • onte. Call 133-1424 or lrle TWll • ~JM.LETS ..: handle key i ccount.s for Oranp Coaal Dilly : &r lmplementin& new product programs. mt:&'W· l -, SJ6.7~ seasoned Jsl TO· _.. : Pilot. S1l1ry, com minion ind excellent ' • Send resume lo Carol Olloft. Daill.. Piiot. Retired cple need 2·3 Br. oo 13,33 acm land at ANSWERS btftefita. Growtb OppOrtun.ltles for perlOft P.O. eo. ueo. Co.ta Mesa. CA ma ' 2 ••~or •Pt la A d 'e I ant o . Sa n Condor -Nomad _ with u reer ambitions. Send complete I •11111•.tm it Olly monthly, duel LOAO!O Mt11 CA .... No phone cilia, pluae. An • • rlLt Wlll•dlll: Lte 1 br ~m. ;· .,... ~ 111') My uncle clalms that Equal Opportuntty Emplor«. ~ : . .. .. . . BIHM• • ta. up to Bmwdleo(;4Unt1. w~ Shter-E11Uy -resume to ICll11 Ftndel, PO Box iseo. Colla ~c.... Jllfr OIJI. Prlf. M. II• 1.-#i Or •11• fNic11t car loldla&• are : • ~ · . . ..!2.!!!e!!!l9&.m:!!!!L--t..l!!!!!!!!!!:.!!7 ~~1...--._ * •lliM•1 •al• ~ ..: c.ta 11-. CA : 1.1 II wuttd, m.&. ... .._ wtD 1 art •· Wlllcb mufti ~NQI COAIT DAILY PILOT r.q...i OpportdJ lnipluyw l 1 ::.=1~ .. ~f~ ~ PUClt Clutlritd ~.~tJi::~~~": . m ...".!,~O.:.C,.com.'~~gti11'*' :' ·· .... ,,. ................................... • .. -M,,._. LDADID: :. ........... • • •• • • • • • • • .. • •. • • • •• • • •• ,_.._ • • '' ...... ( (, } ) IANTID ( ( ___ <:05 ____ ) ) ·Newspaper Carriers for routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • ~ooclE ..... CAL L CI RCULATION • Saper Trips DEPARTMENT • GreatPn.s ........ 642-4321 • • • 0 0 .J 4 a o a 5 5 ... Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Frlday, January 22, 1982 "~~!'!!~~!11'11'~~~~~··!~~ •.•.•.. ~.~·~·;••~·~?·!i ••• , '" .!!~, .. :::·,·• .. !~!~ .... '!'SIC.~~·U1111C1.!~!~ ,...,, .. , Mii•=·· ••••••••••••••••••••••• w IOI I Of1 uea ve uman uourcu ,.... ' N•;v•;tt usr.o Bunh ..................... .. ' Manatt Ill h h l'rc•tlw r.ntcrprl11l'11 ror pttCt111 OWi 1.1f(1an• .. r w 1tve l e opportunlly to ,,. lntl'r' 11•win~ ror Nl~ud li.nd dl'\'l'lop • establlsh 1 resullS·oriented depart·'' p unw work wit ti wr m" n 1 1· om p 1 n y ment aimed 1t meeting employees' nt•w promo tion11I c•on Prulc'5llio1111I rnunncr & Mfda.. Skills In. m .crit com pensatlon, 1• ,. 11 t •: x c· c· 1 p 11 Lop lt>Y\•l 11kill 11 mu111 benef ts 1•tttunill~ 1111d ''11luJbll1 ~ Poclflc • • ~raamzallonal bthavior 1tnd 1·xiwm•n1·l' ror 1·olll'lll' IT10831 ll031 commun1catlon w9uld be h elpful. "t1.11lcnt11. Mug1 bl· um ... Prolresslve, dynamic compa n y needs hlt1ous. •·or loM\·ww H\. 'Y /lECEPT I take c h11rue, humani'st lc J .... d .. r . r11ll 700.1121.3 Mon thru With OOok'l't•pini: kllb, Pl 8 ".. .. L~111 ... •t •pm r tun~. St'nd r uum1·i. t.ase send resume and sal .. r y ro· rr ·' .. 0 " qw-m l t .. 'ult'll itlrl. OUl)(oln)( & lu. l '' R l'on51ru('ll011, '"' en S o: fnl'tMll>" Uf Hll or oldl·r. ~u~ri•·~~;° · <.:ostu 8ol( 1002 Jr 3'11tMlo'rl', lull ur v..rt Da ily P ilot ltllll' S1·l·ond Gl11nn. SF:R,vtn : STATION AT "122 W "-·u1111 .. ,r nl NR TF.NL>ANT P1t111w /\fl· Costa Mesi , Cit . 92626 ~i5>33tll""' r II • ply Shell Station 17th It IJ\'U\l!J NO . . SAUSUDY/b-'d "-1 t A • M \KL' "'')••L·v I r r · "· .,.,rvire s II IOO "'"" )I I w I T 1-•1!11111111-----Ciur1111l' SJll•, :-1111 "llll j r. "'' .~.. Whl l' Ill PASt .. •--soo.1 or m111cm1t~ 111ore. foull Wt11xi .. rer. rcq . ~rcr .• c rnk. $20 W1l I su1>L:u110Wl. p· ,. ., ., hom1: 1Mt1nii u11 ap _... .. _ " ur pillnlt'. South Coais1 ---(hr Sil& \11111 s,s \ r.n 101H'H tur111uhl1'. l r . 51h1ys a week lnl'ludini: I Up. dny s irt . . I .. • • I tr Wt'FKFNO· lYl)t'Wrtlt•r t.ililt!. lmh} :~~~!~'l~~~ni~~ ~·~:·~~ Stt1urduy Art or dralt t'laZ11. ~1·m4 ~n krr 9 hr du>': f,f:l<1~5 (~~:.r~:~1~!1h:111 , It' 1111•.' fr,· S.tt Su 11 l'luthl">. lilt:> of m1M 1;s1 hr, work 11 0 i·oinm ini: b111·ki:roo11d helpful SALES M:\NACa:MF,NT ~15/w i ('Omm. NH SI.\ 0 .. to 3 .. T»tl Mt:,: !011111 tu 81>m l.l\ttll: \t<'lutia.•i\,(' M F't"tn;ilc iirti 9f.!l 9~1S • Full 1•onwun\' bcndth lm1111e l'Onsult1ull 111 ll44·71~1 St-I. SIOtl l>iuf l>t• ith n)l)tn fur1111u1y . 1·us1orn :1 lt1111tl,\ i:arui.il' i;u lt• ll.:ib> th•m,, 01 ett. 1111~ or furn ~II llull\ 1.11 II Fri SJI JO,\M Appl~ N :NN YSl\Vt:lt lani:lble Sl:llt•s t'Xlll'r Shippt111t Rct·civinl( GllU!-ll'. II" to R''. ~75 h11t'tl dnit>t'b, Zt•1ltlh t'ol MAMA.GER 1660 l'lu1•tnli11 A\c , Mr.Dalton6400207 Clerk.Sonw EXP,l'rll'nrc Grndmthri. l'hx·k 5100 11r 1·on!>olc, ulcl rl'lni.:. Mm.I I~ cnlhU!>111~11l & l' M SJlesP1111 Tmw Reqwred but will train. ono 5497liOll . hOU!>t'holtl ,1111,r. i.k1 scllmih\01,lt~1 ·\ptJI>111 EHJOYYISIT West Airport Art•o M f 1.iurr. womJ11 :. 1u p11rson . \ un:. T1·ni11 ~ PEISOMMEL ·lOhrwt-ck 546·5344 I) 11 ' l' 1' Sh o I' t• s :>J)('t'll, Nl•u1· !'uhvr i111tl Sh~·~. 42~0 llurran1·o1 A.SSISTAMT W~ASHIMGTOM t•ti.:hburhoocl (;uia1:1· S \ ~·w~ F1·11111 C'ol\l't Pk~.lr\tne 5S l 33CM Pl•rsonnd A1h l'rl1!>llli.: Llnt•oln & llumilton & Stodi/Rec~•ittc) SJll· Sal :!1\1 llm1 \nit lJkt• W:rlnul 1-:.11ot 111 IA-J)I hai. ovenm.: pl'r othn ll\'Ople you will see F lime i\µ111~ Ill !ll'ri.on, 11 u n I urn h 1k1•' Y Jl1• Ldl on y Jlt'. r1i:h1 M111urc Woman lnr 1.:xµanston Npl lkh on tht• money )OU 1·an Crown llartlwun., :1101 11:r11111ni.:!\ 1'111lh111i.: on Sal'ranwnto, lt•ft 1111 bah,1·sl111ni.: infant F' ·r. t'lnani·ial sen 'tl't•1o firm lllilkl' us 11 Lo:; An11ell':> E (;o:isl ll"'Y .t'<IM i:ar1lt•n :r1·1· lltttm•i. 1•11· lh·rtlJl:l' to alli·1 your hm F \' Ul'l'a (;oudtypini:.l>horlhanil. Ttllll'S t•1r1·ulut111n dept. TEACH ER ltdant llt2 Pt·Huclul' ll r. 111.trkt'tllMi·nu~(jJrui:i• ~· ~-cxllt'r req Non smoki•r r1eld rev Man~ µeoµle ,..,. 1 ~t'\\1)1111 Hcut·h 115 l MECHA ... IC 1 !000t23betwcen9·2 on lhc ll I t•m·ulal1on u•:\e ()pllll•nt Pru!!ram. GiCllt Sole --------" sail's 11ro11ram earn P lime Mcm bl•r of ! Ma1·i:r1'i.:or Yut hls. PhCMM Ad•. Soles imre than $2oo a wi•l'k transchs1·11>llnar> h'am ~;''l'I'\ lhmi.: i:oei.. J ttpli. 16.'ll Pl I l . 'I "·~·l·tt1I •"I & S11an1•h & htlllSl' \II lurn1slH111:i.. 5 FJmtl1 (1'Jr.1"1' c.·'..111• I _u1·en ta, •• Ton s1>or1s 11rour··m· for w11rktn1• JUSl a ll·W ~ -~ ~ 1 I 1 " .,. ,. ,. .. u ~ ,. 1mj)Ortanl (',Ill J,1rk11• 00:. am ,uTt•:.:ootll''· Sall "'.111·1 \11oarium. MEDICAL ASST lcx·uted adJ John Wa)nt• houri. l'Jth da~ s11:111n11 p >Ollll' ulil ,0111 • ttt'\\ ;\t""'rt G r un nt•w Tinws Subs1•ri1J 1¥P· 541i·5760. ·•. h . I • I ~ma 1·am1x·r i.hell. atlll P T Exp'd front 1111· · '"" · ruwmi.: trm " TB.-H"""ES"LES r.i i·t~I 1111: l:lll'S' C •1~1 11u1·s.11111ls. 1·11lll'l'lahll'lo, 11111 llUJ.:l' (;arui.:e Sall' ( '111111.· 111111 Set"! 11 ·:. al ~fo1urn1ni.:o.Ji'\' Sat & Sun !I OOAM /\11111pw Oak t'hrN. $211 I-:\ W1I Shttr!>. S5 Punl'I :1 Hlh Wllvr. Sift St 0:.h' lot ti, 5"!U Otprt•s111011 (;b:, C'hu1Hlcll1•1•. $1~ \'•111111·1·~ Otl l'a11111111:. SllJO Mo111\ SmJ II 1l1·tn~ • 11 ll.11 .:.11n 1•11 I l') S.1111111,1\ 2)1rct K :1 ~~ l ".1lil'll~"l'1•rr:111· l'dM t Sollll' ins. 11 l.Jkkpl! & n~'<ls 4 reltabll' l.ll'Olllt• l11111s 111 lhl'tl' 1·0111 ....-"" ,.. 1H1I~ :l20 !\41 Uruatl\\:t\, furn. dnlht~. liou.k~lt.:. typinJ:. Pashmn lslun1I. mlerestt-d 111 mu k •n i.: muntlll'll Wt' Pil\ h1iurly "'1i>os•lfon Ol)t'n for as Snnt a \n;i S:rt .I :111 lw:.. l:Jfll1•11 tool~ l~1i! NB 644 038I mont!\ Gonll luturt• "'.tl:l' + i:enl·rnus .-om sml\c '"'ri-on wtlll 11 .• ,1 Zlnl RAIN OH Siii:\~.· ·~·lht•r St . 1. 'I 1,,11 ;\11p1 lli:h. S.11 & Sun ' -_;. ~.: -1· I • 1r h I ... u r_. " !I:) 11!1 ~'·111·1·11111 Ill lht• " :.lca1) ... mp 11~ llll'lll nm.:.1on:. '11u a\l' a ll' cµhont• sult•i. 1•x Frt Sal Su11 Ill 1 pm, lnull' St I H :111111 Sat u ' MEDICAL OFFICE 5.'>7·71i60_afl 4p111 n1·a1 aµpt•urant'l' ,'It 1ll'ri1·n1·1• .<\µpll in t71i2 Wt·:.1111111:011•1 '"' ml\ ~lltj' c;1ul 111111 . ll1k1·~ '1 Exp'd rront 11frt1•t• PRESSMAN kl1:rl'k lur talktni.: Wllh vcrson ill ltiliO P la1·<·n11a r M li~i! 17511 GI \:-\1' I . j.'.,.':!-~, ol 1:111111 ''"'' person for bus\ urul11i.:1 E .1 l.lt'111ll1• talk to us uboul ,\,el' M ~lul11 FJ1111h Ci .u .1..:•· .., 11 •. '1-:i, 1-1 offit·a. So~A buc·k 111 111·,. xper 1 on .\Tl Otl'k 1h1:.· •'rl·al 11 ttntl' 1111 , I ,.. 111 • r 1 1 1 h ~ '""' """''D d i k ( " ,.. " TH"'R\PIST 1111 '1111 1 SJ l' .\nt111u1·~. ,,l\,·r. s 1 I! .•11'' 1 111 1: Mo•iAnSal•1 I exp Net-d "nod rt·h """" an le · 'all p1111un1t~ l'all l\1011 F1•1. .., · • k · 1 1 1 f 11 • 11 ·•~. la 1 1·, 11 .. ,k ~ · ... .,, ... "' &167811"•1~·1 k 1 Dct'l'lo1il'T\\.•111 Pro"t"•m ou .ini 11 " 11 """ kl I ' · ·· ~ur1111ur1· 11lunl~ "Good benefits Fulhtnll', · -""' "1 l' 957·2:1til~·xt 120-1 I' 1101" ~h·mb~/ 11j tll'nl' W1MNI ~11111· ho\\ 11'11'11"'"1:l· : ... 1 !l:>a:I d11lh1·, "'"'" 111111·,: ~ ~.B ar~u s.17-liOO·I PRINllR Saks111•r:.on wmllt'cl lor lrallS4l1S1·iphnar\ ll'Jm I rnnt 1·alt1111•1,. 111,1111 d ~~n111 UI l'_ S.11t'. ( 'u,111111 1 ht kl-:. ,11111qui•\. 1 •illl'I 'Middle·agl'd c·ompanton 360:\B Di1·k. toµ 4uaht~ Jllral'llll' wom1•n's :;hol' NOT & fl:'i.•rltn~·lik1:nul M11). 1·h,.,,1 ol 1ltJ\\1't', <101m1· S1·1. s1,•11•11 111 11hll'' l'nn·cl 111 '-l'll I lo elderly lady Pn·t wurk only Manai.:em1·n1 tlt•pl 111 Fashion lslaml. lll't'es::.lll'I Spu111,11 d1M·k. mu..t111111r1• ll'!r11la.1 < .ihttlt'I. l\111i: 1 S.11 S1111 IO :. l'M :11125 1 room &Bath +bnurd & responNRfl-14·8233 Pltlllt'. c~µrr µn•, hl'lplul l;all J ui·ktl' Sat&So11S,1H·S11n\t1i1I. ~~ \qu.mu' W.111·rlil'•I S.111111.1 l'I 1111( l 531 NB area. t'IO!>l' 10 RN·eplllJOtSl r ... r:,ml 1>-10-7810 Popp.5"i657ti0 ~·urn. notht•' 11:n2 .IJl!t•n· C11lll'1' & ~:1111 l.1hr.J1l11111·\1 ..... ~o bdrm 1640. Mia s top tllntllll• $225. mallrt'I\~ bmc 11111·1nl(11 Twr11 SllO. full S90. Qu Sill MO Rf: I I 770 0901 Owil k1ni: u ht•d, Sl~O. 11ml ' li:c t•ht•al or tlw1 ~. 111i:h1 ~land. S300 for :J pt· ( ·11,h 720 O:Jfl3 II' t'Otll'h & lo\l'lll'll. nub lty l~111t. $.WC.I pr. C11llc1• tbl, ~ .,~ 03UJ ~wood bdrm :1c1. s ll'" k111i: :.11t• l11oel, h~c· n,•w, ~11)00 li73 5177 llNU~~;o (JU t;t;N flf-:0 Holl Sµnnu~ ' f.tatlrl!bt> (.'c~t. stm. St'll $200 iw:mo 1<111lan rnd 11tn Sl't w 4 runl' c·hr'I. 1200 Kutt11n l111J.:t-r1" $76 Anl<1 tbl ~l'I' tlOO )Jf. 720·0363 l'OMl'L llOKM SF.T Diii llt'tf, ~I>"'· SIOO li7J 11639 Quci:n Ann i·oHec tubll', 1lt'Sk and lo boy $250 rat·h 9ti2 3597 ll(lrm set. ~ "'" whtl\'. 111111!1 1•111111 $1 7a IJu 71iH 1213. t' IH5·0'l71J Cout h. 111.itdHni.: lo\ l' :.c11t hkl' nl'w t·oncl S"'' .f!Jlh ~s. 003.9934 MsctlaMCMH 1080 . .......•......••.... , . LOSING LF;AS1';. quit 111111 bus111csi.. ~t."1 11111: uul \I.I. SUfllJltl'~ anti fb. lurt'S in1·lud1n1: 1>1:.µla) l'UM». "'Jtltni.: room t·ha1rs. Ut"aUI\ Salon humln l'l'h anti h\tll auh1· l'hu1r~. m1r r•ir:o. !>hl'h l'' and plunb \bo, 111.ikl' up, shamfloll Jn•I hair fll'(l(lUl'l:i ( \1111131 9751 Ill Jlter ti.1191'.! til!W Lo•e loll00tts 11 l• I t u 111 tin u 11 u ,._ 1 ' l}dt\ l'rt•cl l'1·1'h•1·1 rur E ' t' n 0 1'1 a !> 1 u n iii3 4419 bay &bc:h. Rer required Purl Tttnl'. Outi.:otni: --------• l\J11i;lt~hl·t llH 1 IJhli..,. Lalltll' \nt111u1• i~t 1.1111 67J.2Ml9 p I •1 TIRESERYICE • 1 M11r111~. llt·1111al111 I _ er.wna ti) a "usl B1• t .,11tu n~~ 1111~1· 111•111' ih·nlh \II lop qu.llil\ 111 :Models& ~sC'orls f't•m Ahle 10 llo ;i \'unt-l~ 111 SA.LES REP Tru1n1•l's !'k :\JJIJI> Nwpt ~.ll-111 Sl'lttH1I. t llh \nll 11,1111 •11; 11 • ---------1 AIR COMPRESSOR ()ily Top SS lluues surh as lyp111i:. !'lcw1.111r1 ~ trt· 1'1·1111•1. I & W 11.111111,1 S.11 !I~ II.ii.\ H hi.c 111•·' ·" 1111 MOVING SALE I 'h11 Hink~. S250 011() IH2·"852 Aft 12 ftltnl! & Ill' JI l'a!>t" \\1th \\'!') hti:h Pt.'rt·l•fllJl:l' uf 3!JOO ~-l ttJ"I II\\ 1 ii Sl.1111~h ('11ur1 :0-11 S.11 , : · WESTCLIFF •:Mi ou·,.2 ---· -• 111hocws lm t•IH'i.ckaltni: l'IO!>tni: llti.:h 1111·onw <.1IM I ,1• • .~.1111 !'i,ol 11111\ !t I l'tol '""'I i;11tli· 1,111..: , ~"'" ModtfsUalim1ted , with l'l'Sllll'nn· of ,. l'\alton.11 wnti•uµs 1n ·" 1tt:1 :!l!l!I I < •lu1'11, rli.111 ' ,k1". I i•111i.: 1,1lili•. lurn 11.,,111,. Needs tall attra1·tt\'l' r n,atc Hume Owni•r:. :'lll•wi.wl•l'k . Hl·alll'r·, TRANSMISSION l ~IO\l'\\'S\IF s 1 IN·hltl 111•111' ,.,, :t1i•1 1111,tJI 1hun.t..i1,., l~1u1:h1111 1•rror S250 Sdl men women for ai:cnl·~ •, A 5 s 0 1• 1 n I r, 1 n <' Dll!<'l>I. Ttn\t' M JJ.:Jtm1• ~:w·t1 uulvm •. 1111· & "' Jll '1 11 1 1; • 1 · '1 · J 1111 "' Jtt~•· \11· l' \I , J11111111 i: ,.,1u1 11 111·"' Si.!00 . .., a\ 1• s:.o :'\11 :1 ass1onments ~7762 w kd s Pr1XIU1'lbrt'l't•nlh shown tlartl lr,1 11~1111,.-.1 11 11 ' • '~'"'·"w' ptni; 1·11 I> \I I 1 " 1 \thor l'ni. nt \\ --=-· :_ or a~sart• at.Sun& oopuµulurT\' proi.:rum butltll·r 111,1,11,.,1 X1t1t I I•"'~ 1.1lil1'. 1ll~h1•i.. ,u1 I :i 1111·1 I 11.11 """i.:u1,11o1a11111.1•1 H:~i'!n~J MOTaMAIDS Mooda~:s. 9·~;, 111;, 30 Th•. wai:t·~. wurk1t•J.! 1.1111111 lhnl. 1urn . 1•l11d.i-, tl1· ''1••1.; '11•11·•~1~1u111 .. 1·1t 1 1 1~m l1t1:.hl.111clll! NII 121 p time pas It tt>nS for Ideal S.'.l u1111on ~or. Stu ~:ull :.~ k:U1 l' rl'(l i h I l'.. . lloos & l.Jt•m•ftl s l'li•aM' 1•or <ll'l't'"' . 1·l11t lwi. ill!! ~ "· -II 111 S .1 I S N 11 SJI Sun IO 11 M I .ar1:1· I 1mi.:ht Ft t•t•11•r smaU motel CdM S-1 25 clcnl l:all Durbara for --------• UP!ll) al \t l l'.t rr P.1ulun1111.l' M t>lldlt<llll W11rk" i;.11011 SUJO b l I rt 673 4520' In I en ll'"' :\pp t a I Tran.~mt:-"'''" l'u . lll:.i!'i :.<111l'•I lltkt•, S7~ 1-.11·h ~ -. ,. ~·l~Betwcl!n9·5PM S•sRep llet·hll•r Rl\l'I •\I . r \ t«HW.1 HURSlS AIDES RECEPTIONIST t'reult\l' F:ntl'rprtSl'S b !Al2 liti.S.'> i.~ 11al Jqu.inum. 10111111 Need all shirts. Can earn I for presllj!tous sc1lon 1nten 1t•w1n1: lur µart TVaE SEnER ~,.~h1,!!~h. I '1 ultl. St~o WAMTID i.'O"GT.'fOHK ER OR DIAMONUHA<'K fhnw ' l"ork•. w1ll 11u~ UIJ to 1100 ~ 9tJZ 1 tabnr & ou urm d1111rs. Lro\\ n 1 trl\ I i.t-l lt't'. xlnt t'lintl. S200 Jll 1;:11 55.'Jl.9 30 3. ~H- 3:>1 28:1 t'11111l't "' :.l:inrl. Slaxl or lwi.t ofl 1•r 964·951J..I !>Iii! 0105 S1111lh l'uruna Elc1 Ill'\\ "' 1·J~t· S100. !ISi 39'l2 l.tk l' A11\·t·11 200 lt11111I 1·ttµtt•t Go~11I 1·01111 $1200 Wtll Jl'l'l'IJI S200 ''"'II SllJO ffll tii5 tlSll:) 20011M TYPEWRITERS. S50tJ I u SliOO \'JI lk' 1111\\ ~i9!Y.. + 1.1\ & wn111· \ 'k J II 1111 I W 11 I •I l'rtll'l'SSOl'!'o 121:11 iU2 llliill .\P~ .. t'O JO\ llJIJl'I 1111.111·r w i.I Jntl $1!!00 1111'11b prol ~l'I u11 !Ii ... I :!Ii:!' i59 93.t I Pets 8087 ............•.•........ ~h"'h wal1·r lt~h. \11..:cb. Si·at \'<it Fl'h. Gu11~1tl'' & ·-hl·t -.. t'hl'Jll. i.'H fi-l!ll $61. 00 Per ~ hr" I whu tnJoi·s people & t·an tune "ork with our nc" 1 '" .., ... .,... L es1·o~l1e l'\U ~!>~S handle ·bus) ph one~ µromullonal 111nc·c1>1 :;~·\~!~.L> ~;lul:.~I& s ... "11'1 'Aflpl..cet 8,0IOIComer.as& ,,...... 1050 ·.\ll P~:T I' \llDll'>G. t\Jh11111 ('111'kJltt•I, Ii 0111~. Reg1slr} 351 Hospital Musi be fashion 1.110 Exl'cllcnl 011µ11r1un1t1cs llea l'h " ;!,.·;;, J W ··~·-·~··••••.•·•~••••••• Eqm,.,..nt 8010 ~··•••••••~•••••••••••• NEW HEST Gii \ll~:. w 1:11:unt11· 1·ui.:i· & ;i1· Rd.. Ste 119. Newport S('tOU~ Opµ't\ for ,ul anti \'Uluabll' t'\IJl'r for .\irµorl (' tll II ih r Hd11i: lriw11 , r.1pp.1tl, ••••••••••••••••••••••• :ill ,,111..i., Ne·\\ $91! 1.m O:>t.\1 . .0:'\ \'. \Pl'HOX 1·cs, SIOO t.31 1520 Bea<'h. &12 9955 \'llnt'l'lllt'nllor 1 hl' ni.:ht 1 ollei.:c ~tudl'nl:. Mui.I sh l' 11 ) . 7:. l ; ,, /~ 2.' , u ti "!"'' r.n·~· .~·11 \ 1111 JI Th~ "' 111~. 211:1 I l''eJt~ S88 Sll•eµe rs. i~ YDS h4-I i:l-111 Nursi ng pt'l'SOn Rtrharcl Oucllt•ll bl.· ambtltOU) For Ill 9.\M liPM t .. t "'"ltl SI,;, !Hill .I Ho.I 111 .. 1.'h S'~I \I\ ti.II' ~·· :w.. Sl99 ~ \('TORY !157·5708 Jll' T'(I)' 1•,.,, T;ihlt• 11· Milit~ Moc ow Ly ... C RG s I 200 N k n 1ew n 1ll Mon-Fri \ 1 -11111 SlOI 080 IWi llliH!I "HA E a on . t•wpnrt 35PM 7Ci(J.l!ll3 l)lll~I li~11·1111 .Fn c11l.ttn'.\l11t ."111111 111111111_ )>.,., w ••• 1"'11,.k,,ll:ir-.toot,si:. S!IOO 1 ll1•i.1 0111•1 11·7 Relier. Con' llosp. Ct>nler Dr:..~ B PJt1 Tm11· W111111•1I t'111 i 1"111• ~1~1 olr i. 1:! xn: Stt•:.ik1·1' Sltkt '"·' 1111__ '"' 110111111 l.1lt!\' I '"·"'' \111·1 ti PM ~ llCJ:l!I AMAIOM PARROT Nwpl B'•h RehJb Rl't·eµ1 . Bt•aul~ Salon 111 SEl'RET\llY :\Ion Wi·•l f tttl.t1 t'""&"'l..1111, Cak 8035 .1:>11 hi.I ii;li 'nh. rnnw fi5. \\,tlkt·t \\tlh IJt):l' tJJ.!t' S:IOO Onenled nursA d·"'t . I C'1 1 • 211.t.\S "''r w•wk, l.J"Ull.J •t · I S \ 9" ,., ""t·a ,, . nea a11pearam·I' "" r n "' l 11n~11',11·t111 ~011111• lll'ln1:. rru:.I It l'•'. , 11""' 1•· .. ~··~~~·:·.··~··••••• :-;,."' "'.lli·rt11·.t "' ltll 111 Ill. pla~ 111•11 S:I~. '"" l1~ tanw 5-1 ~t12:i ed & with smile~ <.'on rr1enl1ly u mu:.1' ('all ~~:~.~ p1 ~J 1 111\~ ~l~: :: r.111 Lt·•· al li7:J 1otlit1 ''" 1•111'111 s::!."111 ·o111 x•o1:1 V.111 I I'. I 1 .. 11s1: :\ hit . 11 ... 1.,, ·'"' 1111111.,1 & :ic·al SJO. l11hlt11i:. l'•N'kt•r Parrot· Mu nrl 1 ·on Ur•· tac l ; Mrs s I u n ('. .fr:15·.j()l2 for aµ11l La n~ h 92 '< Ulllt'll 14 tlh I r,·111 .. 11111 I .1 I ~Ill llX:" ~I.ti•· II f0.1111'" I 1111" 'h1 ... 1 51;~1 ,,-·, 1"2'' u :.. ,.,.. h '"" s.1 ,.... hJrnlt .1nw1I. I ttUlli:. SllO 642 lml R , gUllJ n.-JI' l>->2 ., ., 1·'il ~·, .1 •-' 1,-, 1-" '' --1111'" "''I I ,..,, --e<·ept. PT. lll'Ol.lll• lton 111 h111J:ol·t·l10,111. 11.111 lt1·l 11 i: .. rat111 ll--11 " " 1•111111111.11 loull..t $1:111 .~""' "1·' I ;5995;,, Nursing onentaledforarts:utlto SECRETARY l1111l'.~00 hrl~ ~1 u~11t1· I ~)·1·t·11•r 'S'.!01I, W.1,lt1·1 DOCJS 8040 1 1't1111J, .[htni·t 11111 \t'llll.l>S l>l<E\,\I 2 Ftttl'ht"~ \ltlJIOll' LY~ Phonl'S. htc l~ ptnj!, f1I Somt•ont• who 1ltll'sn ·1 la~l . 1h11r11ui:h & 1·111 I t11-.1•r SJ:l.'11'.• W W llHI. ••••••••••••••••••••••• \ 1m 111 ~111..:o· ··h.it1 "' 111 \ l1N~ IJll Slltlll·<I 11.w Yni.: W 2 Lll!<'!> & 2 7·3 & 3-11.30 Com . Hosp m&t & errandi. Mon & mmd 14orkmi.: lor u "' 1· t t· n I P 1 :~ 111• i I I 1 1;.u; :llWI l\E~:.-;110:\l l l'ul'' \ l\t 11,111.111 $12-°• l!ll• 1.1111 ,111 :, ''"'" t'\\'1'111•111 1 1111111 p,., ,.h,.,.. $~1111 o RO NBatta Pos allitode& Fh 1111! Ra1ses\\tll111ul al>k ~.!fm, i \\\hr ,.11.,111 .. 9:,. •Int {11.111111,111· 1 \l F l'l'I~ L lhNl s:!S011r ht•i.l ulfc't '*'1:829 SmilAs needed. ,vJ nl &16 _7131 6i5i355 1n•• 1f .\11U.r" \\11r1h 11 3 1 ~ ,1111" I 1 1 11 t 1 1"'11 h•·11 l.iltlt• "'""'" C'.111 1·~.111:111111·111111'1·111 " " ,.. • Merdlcmdi1~ j •1'.tt1$11."1lll'ln1:.1l,.,111 :, ,: • lrnn111 ,1t1111S:!O P'i &O benefits. Call· 642-~4. _ RectptiOftist 1:1rl 11rft ··~ ~:\I' r or •••••••••••• ••• •••. •••• i FF $l~lll \ 11 "'ork ~o•KI I _ 1.1 1<1, 1.11,, ,11t ''I'"' ;,;; X:l!r:I hH 111al 11111 mlOS '"90lll 8090 Nursing Goocf 1·lental or~an11a l!Utnl't' &12·9'.!:li ~ 80051 ~>Ill K.'ll:I. :.tic 1 oi;, ll'cu lli· \M' "'hi_ Ill\ l'lll' 1\111:: ,111• W.111·1 h1·1I 1111 ~~~u'I' ,J t~ 1h'11 Jlili• ••s;;H~·~it"l-°PRit°HT••• MUISES AIDE ltonal skills. 50 WPM Set·relari ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~•1\l' 1 h111111·r' & "'1·11 I" 11"11•1111' "'11 1. 1 I I . . 11 1.1•111 • 1·11 · th' Jr S2500 OHO L' • I s 1>-I' I I I • 'M"I IC"I(. '"' 1' •1 "' h I j ,I\\ I 1' Ill'\\ Sl!lll ti-lO 11.tti Exper'd all shifts. Conv. and good s peller 1-;, r.xperte1wt'f • •·1·relar~ "' Jlt· ,,.,, .11111•1 .• 11 , l!otl>. \\ht11· Sir. · ~ -1 ~l<lt1IM• !•.I ;,:1.111.111 2 . ; • •:>.'.lti·l.i-145• Hcl6p. NWJ>l. BC'h. Bring t'ellcnl worktnl! 1·011d1 for fl3rl lime work. 20 JO 111 J.! R 1111 T 1111:.·. ~ 1I1• l i.'l-1 Ifill!! :1sk lor l'hn, Dmit· M 1111:111111·:-\ l\f IF, , 1 I' i\10\ INt1 Sam 11 n•rni:. your smile & join us! uonsandCrinl!ebendtt~ hrs.!ll'rweek MJ\ work l'ohinl'I:.. \rn111 1r1•,, .. , Ht·i: M ,i11•, s.11111 1tt11 1 1'11 11111• ·""' Sia 1111.11'111 T\' s:.11 Fl'ee mjr. med .• dental 5S7-6.'ll6Dana tnlo fullllme t\·ntt•n l'hun·h 1'1'"'"· St.11111•cl 2l 111 11 y.,.,..ltni.:h'1" ~"11.tl S3.'ilt ·1!11Uil '1'11•·1· 1..•~•lot .ttti:1• 11·il l),.,,i., 1·hJ11'. S23 Sott\ a, hrelns. Call: 642.8044. __ __ rual U.tilll'S_, 975 ~12 Glass Eh lii:J 91111 111 tt•ln;.: lru:.llt i't'. "111.• II\ • " • t''".: ·' · •· I '"'"" 1111111"'' 11!..1• '"'"' twwr & 'llkri.. Sltlll IO .EC £8'9'10 ... IST !l9K 9-l?i .hk lor G1·11., I ,111,._ $275 ttfr i.;:1 411111 Y.111· h•\ I 1•11 !'''._Pup:-. I ~-~Ml 11110 ,; 11 ~lltifl sptl ht kl• $i:1 i;.i;,.01403 ..... " SECRETARIES . I" ·I • 2.'i ' f'I M1H1lh' \I\( ~llNI 1 .. \ orrke Health Care Mana11e Work temporary johi. •]QO/o-50o/o0Ff•I ~1~~~·r.~;.,~.ltk:.~:si~:· r;11 1><:attrm Rounc:t_~$15 0 .• ~:1t•1· i.:u•.tur. l 1111·kup NEEDED ment Cc?mpan) in lntnl' f'l<l!t'lohome \nltfjUl'll \ T11u1·h 111 !AiK-lillt3 1>0111-:1<:<.1 \:'\ l'l 1'1'11-:S 1 ... 1.,~ll I "' ~ml amp S11un1b IMM EDIATELY has an imrrll'dtale o~n \'ICKI Hf;STON l1.t."~ lnlmor... i 11 W s.w lltu1k lot•b Sl2."1. kttl' 111',;k l!~l'.ll. JJt•i'f fut hi•i.:tnnl·t laity GrCllld Pi.o HJrnn1-'l1111 lfar!lman & P1'l·k ('u 1-:~l'l°lll'nl r1111~h Jlld l'Oll 1hl ttHl SQOl1 ur 1.Jci.l of kr ~9i 6329 Secr*='es ingforahtithl~ sklllt:rl. &,\SSOCIATES lith=.\2.l'M 1~121;12 ltl'fni.:. \ilnm.il.:.!Oinll, 7tlll!H1o:11ol , .11111 d1a11. s11.1. ~.111,111 ~.~1 ,1.1111•1111 •. •1~,.~~.-1·.'.!~:.w11rk ~ proressional ret'l'll d1·:111 ~llO 1~12ii;i 1 i.1111· '71', ·•'" .. '" with & without tiocust We arc a larl!I.'. ~().():!()() \1\"rl~W I': W \ l.Nl'T X ,1111· ~ll>.1lt11Jlla11. Ii 1110, 11111 1~~i1c, ·"'' i!O ' "' ·'"' i•r . PJrt 111. 1lbl \l!llow hearl. s horthand rap1dl~ expand1n~ i·om 4Pl'HDRMSl':T llH\Nlli\~:w ltJ' p.111<·1~ '""" '"'''' '""'"1·1 SI.•. l!ll'• t>.1k llt·cl\\1111tl hol. luh " \Ill!. t.imt' w t·ai:-e & GtMralOffice I d c:El"'RET••y/EXEC. SIOO f-:1 ,•,,hi.llll!l!l k11l-.. ltMI !~.t ·11'•:! i1·1w1•1 11.ulto i.1h11w1 il1,1ml'1 1•1 ,x I "' 111.1111,•n S.11· S6.oo 3 pan~. am we nee <1n1n ~ ""' M.l\l,1i;"'·''h1•1 &tl111·1 1t11 11111 111.r1 .,11111 5;;, lt1·11rh1·~. S.11111 0110 " NEVER A FEE C... 11t1·1dual who 1·an hc!>I Per!>o nnt·I Aclvl'rl1sin1: F)· Ii: w.111 1'11ll'k 1 htfll•'' SilMIJ1.1lr 11;:1 :olii l't.11·1•111 .. 1 1'11 111111 1'"1" 1:7-, K:l:'I 1.i.; llrlll 1')111 hl'S . .t l'l!I!~ & 1·a11t• Work Close to Home• rl'prl'Sent uur 1ma Ill' and Oi.'pt ha:-opcnini.: pl'r S.100 . 111w111.1I 1 ·'"' Si~. . 1t "'k' ""' SllM• . S:.I.'> ti73 Jt~Kl VICTOR al the same time. ha nil le expansion N\\µl Bt·h ti.11 5!r.!I Aalttion 8015 ·,ix •11,;11 \It·~ 111~' 0•1~ 11,:.•ll ·1, ,.,. I Lo•~ Balloons f'ho•tlld!t rnn,ul1• "'alnul Temporar)Sen11·e a bus\ "01mensron • finan1·1alsen11·('!t(trm 1••••••••••••••••••••••• l-l•t IA11 1 !'ii ll'!IMt O,il.. ll1·l1um 1\111111111·1~ 1 hSl(J()() '' 556-8520 EOEM F h.bo I \11111 11.1k,:-_1·\\1t1J; t.th IJ1,1:.,1 \I"" 11•\1 .tloli ltt llhllltl:O.t SXIMt Ill lll'l1.'1>1•l111•11·tl \ (;1•1"1·1 1 "' ~·n~·-.• c11• ~~o'\a 11a:C1.1~;P~~"~ ~~r1~~~11N~~1~~~;.,~·:· w mo1d1 si.:1. \11111 o:~k Pl'fltll' fl'HNl1THI·: I "" u1t1._i.·u.1.o11." ,.:1111:1·1 ' s:~;,o 'l'"'l' 11•1. s:111 1\111! \'al.~111111" • . .. 11 i4.tu 55, ~112-1 Minimum 5 \ears ex Call 640 0123 betwern tahle S.'llJO. l..1m11 Sia, •AIJCTIQN I iol111 Sl!,!lf'll ll.!l!I lloll'o"lll•l ::.1111 i.i;,1;:1;,;, tii:l 1119 I Wl'll hwll uµni.:ht. p11:1no. '81 JET Sil ~\ USl'CI s hotmi Sl700 11'7~ 4005 I 1a' lostoe ~.,., Xlnl 1-.111d N11'4 40 h11 Meri· 1,;ndcr wurrunl} $.'JOOO or ht•hl 1Aft r Mlldl llrt<1•r UJ 9381 lll II Granl1 Ba nk1 loadl~I \II or part 00tk + muortnl! Cal111in 11 \tJll .\SSllOW loan Xlnl l•·rm: .. $68.000 9i9~ Ill' t'cntur~. all \JlrlllShetl 1'1~11 " rull rn' er. ~2 Olds cnl( Mui.I sell s.s~ 67:1 ~ !. IJ' ~Ion Whaler. 40 hp. l'lct· :.tart & !lll'ering SZ500 673 9321 MUST SELL! Two ho at o wner ~ara.'. '77·21 · 1·udd~ l'rUtbl'f. l"lll 470 10 )lt"n'!i. better thiin new 150 hn.. asking $16.500 Wktl.\S 12131278·8610 I 1-;,t.'S lil4J6R2958_ 111· '71 Pa1·erru.kl!r sport 11s hcr. 15KW gen . l11u1frd w ele1•t rontt·s rt•a1f\ lo fish $120.000 or trulle for l.iri.:e-r sport fisher P\l I S98 1821 8.10 3Ht! 'i7 BertrJm 33'. ~Ill ~l"<l:rn luadt'(I. ;issum loan. lo 1111\\n, !\pt 'hp a\'atl ti73 H91 or 3·10·!1517 or 7?J 7091 loah. Soil t060 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SABOT 2 ~t.\STS & SAi LS ~ 140.S. t'I 6i5 "51~ Sant:rn.i 35 6 lia11). lull) l'\111 ti \'oll o cl1eseJ !01.500 (714 l _G-IJl 4925_ Grt•at Salltn.K' 10 Lt-hmJn C"o m µ "' I rlr ~atl!> SJSO bsl ofr t9fi 1680. 494 ~I~ 1:1 1"1ltl'rl(la:is :ia1lboat w I rlr SSOO or best Mn1or :>.Ira 9'i!_!j-19 _ ·;1; RANGER 23 Fixed kwl. ti hp 0 B. Bristol \\ IJ(l:>S sit p S8000 PP 213 519 1971 30· Coronado. '*"°oqog Fernando St • .Bal ~=c~ I m.ooo. t.13·4i4l . _ Cataltnu 30. blu&tlUll. tall ru:. wt•ll l'<tui ~d. must sar 532.000 Ylll. .isk lnl! ~.500 IH&812'i - 'al M11t·Gregor 25'. full~ eqwpµt'<l $i900 or bt>lll orrer s:Ji; 0325 loafs, Slips/ Docks 9070 • •••••••••••••••••••••• BOAT SLIPS FOR RP.NT ;-;Ill BCH 20 ' 25'. 30· 3.5. &12 -16+19-F M _ t'Wwport Mcwi110 Da. \\k. month &Ui .OSSt WA:\T ED SI tp. e~ r hani:t r11r u •r of mai.:n1f -Ii ' r uller &57 2$l • 20' S.ttl &1JI Sltp Slli(I pt"t mu i;;· Sl11.1 J 1o11IJhlt· :-:1•"' 1111rl llJrhor P 1 t ltoJI onl~ IWZ ~IH~ :\ H )hp l:µ lo Jti' WJl1·r Pll"''l'I. nr l.11111 S250. :\SI 9001 8n•ntl:I O.'ty Available for se.rr motivated tnrll\ eager to learn Mrkl!l & Ois lr skills . P T MY!9.S. . \nlq llJk I h1 Siii * 'Fr t y 80 51 . \Int 111nd must ~l'll penenre requ1red. Mui.I 9-2 R'ilJ922 . Ho 0'1 4 t11111lt. I( .!11111 r..11•1•11 ll\1.1 l.1llt11 ''\SL ' $.'.JOOIU2-J95? · · l>pe .is wpm SuC'"essrul bery Fridcry 7:30PM 1·•••••-••••••••••••···1 · rni-lw1I 11·1\ ..i , '1111 I 11..111i-1 =.t!I" SUS .1~k l11r I loat + t•andidate will be :rs· ---0\ ~·r, ~~ ~·r m;~1:.n.1l11•t••.•l \11 ~-slalt• 11·1111.1 Ora11i.:1'. ~h~· l11 Ynu ~l.11i.1h l..1h o mtl. s:t.itl ti Iii :!<!i!I , .ltnt IH2 ;..i;..1 . , . SkiiRcj 8091 !).)' ~kwwrt ~h.11>nni:.. scrll\'e, moti,·aterl . & "--~--mass1H dt11t11): stl H11I lm1h s11rJ~. l1111•:.i .. 1l~ J'\1 Uhl _\I t.1·1111..:. \I llr 1 1 1 k l ..•. ,.,.. 1 1·•••••••••••••••••••••• 6i3809fl ~nt"l'llen l'Om· ~~ '<'Im uphol 8 1·halr:.. Ihm~ rm 1h1, uJI.. 11t11 I i.~ 111~1111· :-.. .. 1~1, \11111• •1111 111'" "' 11 · 11 '1 11~0r '' · ' 1111111: 1 n"111• F'111· Sall' ffl'all Skis Bin 1 munlrallon Ski.Its. Com bee. Secret-hUJ.:l' tc11Jlr. 11rn<th' 1·an I 1 n ,. rni I lo I & 1, r· .1 1 1• :1.1 ' ., .. '1. hclrn1'1·1. ma''"'' 111u11 11t '"~t·r~. 1 h.Jtr' li!J I 1 , ·p 1. ·: 1•0 Lillo hll' mo11rrn1: 101 O RD ER DE SK CUSTOMER SER\'ICE PERSON-Exper pre rerred. must ha\'l' l!ood sense or humor~d beneTitS':l-ompetITi\ e sala . Call 646-9664 -r " ' ·' • I .111 n I .I" I ' '\ I 11 I '"I ~•• 10 S I I I f' \' I tlli,:i.. 0 ~II. ""' •I I .. ' • . I • · t .. I pens:itionpackai:el'om Ele1·1ron11·s Co in mg A11rr:11s1•tl $1.'>.000. "'d11na 011111• t1.·,k. l'r1111tl1• ti~;,~1!\fi '· _1.11 111111,1 ·•·• ·~., . ., .. mtJ i..111·. S50.li73·0829 ~asl~u~_m ia1e mensurale with bark Laguna Beat·h has an mustsel S7.00<11~1:! :m!\7 l11lrm furnt111re l'l l'S • .tfl ifllll r1n~ llrmul 1w"' lll'\l'r _61S:O!lf2 i:roond For mten le". 1mmed openmi: auul:r •\nttllUI! oak HllO!'oti•r, ,1n1 UYl'S MOIH: ' • ~11~~~~.;_\11~ ~~~· i:n·\ ktll 1 I .ltt>.I 111J11 u-.t 11111.;1 lodl m11u1111•tl IU 1:.LT SSOO Stan, Rest.,..t, loats, Storoge 0 tOtO ,•all Sharon Rasms till I ble If ~·ou are an exp'cl l'Ollll. S2SO 1890 dui·k. iAVE SAVE SAVE 1 1~1 -r,111 , .111 ruin I~· n1•"' S11h1I \Jlu1·~ 8.'ii 1.o9.'i • ... 8095 .••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 E F Exet· Set-man wtlh e>. SLSO &Ui·lll27 W • 1· \IJ11l · tn11I • Ir• · · ' · ••••••••••••••••••••••• •---.. ----• fil l I 16.J;Q.. M rell. typing s k ills ... .. , ... hhon1~r f({~1hr.\.kMt&. 1'Tl'1· 111 1,1111111: 11111111• ~all t~hl'SI l!lltl~:. ~.~.~;I'.,. lal i,:.11."3~nllt'l1' 11111)1•:.. 12 :LOSING u :.\St:. 11u11 DRY s101•GE Restaurant.NowacreµI (70+wpm )&ablelode AppliCMCts 8010 ty~ fl·~~ .et·:-. Lo,al1ll• ll11u~1· l'.11 1.tbl" ·~11 11 .lihlt• on.,:.:! lllM~c1!um1•t":"'t1111!hus111csi..>t•ll1ni.:11ut ,. mg applt,•a11ons for new aJ wilh people taC'trull~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.J~h .. ~o P~.RSON \I; ;-o;1•uh•n,1 l!!lt 1~151 I ·> t 3 1126 . 8 7 4 8. s a I SI o t' J _ oo ~ r ' I \Lt ~uµplt1·' Jntl II\ Mont h!~ huJl & R \ Sandwirh Shop. pllfl handle torrespondenC'e, HARBOR AR 1-:A <,...H.~l I\ s p I. f. .\S ... F'l I I I 71~ ;52 &\SO f'rt . ~.tf\JOll~'CI fl'I''" .~ It tUrl'S indu1l1111: SIOl'll"(' ror :IOI, ~11t', 2~ tune h~lp Hours 10 2 APPLIAN''L'SF'.R\'l('f', ()(•n ll\Htlahll'. ltt•m11 't't'O "'' 11•1• t'all5-10·8278 DI~ I· .. . " I • ,.. · stat typing, phones & a ""' . l .11 . •. I• 9'\:l<)11ult•l>1'.l.t11: lfrh Contemp. glass 1nlaitl ·IJ<i) la:.l~. "'·11 ttl!: hr H'C'Ul'tl ~. lrl'l' PM Ex<·ellenl pay. 15215 ,anet~ ofadmin duties. WehuyuSt'<I apfJhanres ~~~T~~ls'r~~UCu ~TIO... 19~ 121; <'Offee & end table ·\11l1qol' 1-.1•ll11. Z1•111th 1:011m rhatr:.. Hl•aul\ launt•hing &· wushin,.: Spnngdale. Hunlin.1?ton t·all us' Some ai·i·ounl We sell re1·on1I . i.:uar ~ ~ A " Worth SlZOO 1• k $400 S.'>-00 :-i1•\\ l'ralli.mJ 11 Salon ha11 tin t·r~ J111I prt \I ll!l!eii Nt'" port 8ea<'h (between Bolsa & mg or bookkeepini: ex aJl_ph~~l'S ~9 30i7 2075': Newport Hh 11 l'~I F..mtwe 1050 673-4743 · · 11 e · H1111lt•r S.iO 4 100· t:1t·1·1 h~tlruuhr 1 hjtr!>. m11 Dunt-:. ll31 Ra i·k Ha\ -Mrfadd~ I per desired. We offer ICl3·962.S 6-lfi 11680 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -----l'onls $IOU 559·9~89 1\11'1-. sht·h 1•i. J11tl 11lant~ Dr Nl'wport Hl• adi I & b f't . HOT OFFER! • • I BUY • • 'Hlde·a·bed, good rond, \ls11. mak1• u11. i.h:i111111111 "' • ,...10 ~ exre . pay ene 1 s in COlD C .. c:H I j C t '"""" Podl~llitet shipping and some l~ P· ing. Part time. Ideal for housewife. Hours rlext· ble. Temparary 545.5228 PAIT TIME TRLER Great spot in Dana Pt. Some typing Cashier ur teller exp. preferred Call Provident FC'tleral Savings 496·6133 __ ...:E:.:0~ M.__f PAITTIME S.9pm. Expandin~ youth rounseling h rm has openings ror 3.5 sharp outgoin41 mature people to motl\'lle amb111ous 10.l3 yrolds Call 2·5pm. 642-4321. ext 343. Ask for S. Andrea. P....U.P~ Needt'd . par\ time . Work IS to 25 hours per week. l'\'eninJl& a nd poss1hly Saturtla~-. Experlenl'e in 1d buildin Jt or llllllC mak~desir11bh1.1\b1li· ty to wort Cast 11nd ill" 1-uratr',\· uncter prc.'l!~urr nt't't'Uary. Sa lur) 1lc< pt•ndl on cxperh•nt•t•, The.• 0 111ly Piltll 111 ;in rqual opport u n 11~ cmplil)·cr. WUl1K'n und min,rlliu a r l' e n ""'-"'o ••~ aabnllt ....,amtllcMI~ 111 -a:..-....... c ... CA. • .-.... ISTHITIME dudingour ~ ! lie: des 8020 SI~ Dinette set w 16 "" oos .1111lha1rpr1Nlo1·t' ·--------for job lefters to che(k 4 D"Y WORIC W"'"'"' TO EDISO... Y Goot'I USl'<I t\trmtun· & <'hairs. 165. Port1·polly, CC Mfftlbenhia (.'.1llt~ll 9;~1111 " sc.R " ••••••••••••••••••••••• \ I ('R I II r: the Daily Pilot Help CUSTOMERS llMXRat·in11 £ttk•· ,\11,\I . µµiant'l'S • "'' SZ0.~7·1597 S2700full 1>nt·1•SaH•S.100 Jllt•r11.119Htill09 T___.oti- w ,. Company is loratell 2 ,.. ' sdlorSELl.ror You BE UT POSTER l'all i i~ 9i5·1~l'.I 111' • ....,..... -anted CUIJSificalion. If mi. rrom Coiist Hwy. & 8 Get S25 for your OPl'f';J loy Clean. Near Nrw LIHTERS UCT ... ' A '4 975·1"85 Sw. 10t6 ..................... . the job YOO want is not mi. rrom 405 & ~ Ftwys. ble set·ond refnl(erator S200 F'irm 5-10 11:11 ~ A 10" King sz waterbed, 010· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ti Io there you might con· Please C'all for appt It's rostinJt you up to Rand~· 646-16161 8ll-t62S Uonless mall, htr. hne.ns ~:i. 1 J h It:. h l'cl 1111 .1I11' ••••••••••••••••••••••• sider offering your Telonir Be rkele y. Sl44 or more a ~ear rn KING INNERSPRING & bedsprd, used I yr. 2HPELF:C MOTOH Patnlt"r, llurh11r rl'f1·r Partnl•r wianll'd lur 11173 services with an ad in p e r 5 0 n net D e p 1 ele11rl1· IJills! Donate WANTED f.XTR/\ FIRM mattress xlnt eond. $275. Will help Cumpll'll'lp•nl'lo~r1I. trmh.• \\'11t'k l11r ,:ti rnnrl Cl·ssna 182. hasc Orani:i· the J o b Wan ted 114-494·9401 your operat111i.: sN·ond 20"GT.TORK~:R set. never used. worth move. asse m ble. 220<t40\nlt.Jph 1l'h11·le1;.a5Will Co SllOO .TT . 150 catgory. Pbe>M642·5678 l'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!ll!'~!!!!!!!!!~ rel'rii:eratnr lo onr of the OR OIAMONDBAl'K $')30, saC'. $248 del Never R.57·1760 ___ $i5 080 531;.~2 TV iodi St'MOH. m•"' 11;11nt. 11111 EXECUTIVE SECRUARY LOCATED IN FASNOM ISLAND Big 8 CPA firm located in Fashion Island is seeking a profession al secretary. Typing 75 wpm , shorthand 100 wpm, capable of working independently , well · ~rganir.ed and versatile . Competitive starting salary and excellent benefits. CAU. POI APPOIMTt •IT (7141 640.9200 EXT.247 EOIK~ !WLOYIR t•hanltes listed bt'low. Fl'arrll' & f"orks. "'111 pa) used queen si, worth Amer Oa k C'urio cab, ' 0• rood PP if>ll·0922 and be sure 10 mi•ntion upto SIOO. S.'16·9832 S399. 1·ash only, 1218 del. ed gl ··d u 75 'sed \'.an1um l'lt•u nl'I' HiFi, Sttr..o 8098 lhis spel'ial orrrr when curv ass "' es. "' · ••••••••••••••••••••••• Usually home, 754.7350 631·5979 ~ 3 Trut•k tires SIS l'a. n · M \G ~.\\'OX i! I" )OU makGl' lht· arran.i.:e MEl"'S SCHWINN Llyby rediner S7S. 2 9 50 X Iii 5 8.1 l·9725 l'tlfllh111at111n. 1·111111'. r1• men ts et a re,·eipt. & LAOI ES' 3 SPO MUST SIU bk"as-22" x 52" -ea. rt f I ... I k I and Southern California • .. ""' ..., 1 o p:rm• t'u c r111wi.. moll'. w111• ,. 1:11111 . Ellison will pay you S2S. $SO ea. Cash 720 o:m:i Maho~any double bed St n d n g I a m p S 1 s . rlonr Io 1·c11i n µ Off 1:ua1'uttll't'tl S.WO 11r 11,.,.1 Your donation is t11x de Girls Nishiki 12 Spd. with mattress. Moon ~3140 whitl'. 1tln1 l'Ond with o(ll'r 1hx·tlble free pi('kup by Touring llandlcBn rs shap('(l mirror on head· GAME SHOW PRIZE ; mis S250 ~93·0379 IH2 99:12 thecharity Thtsspe«tal ukeNew Sl7~ 6454199, =~BO G3J.77t7 afU Couch, loveseat, retails \'W Bus. lfr.l\~ IJ u ) Stl0rl'11 , Suh"onlt•t'. offer e:iq11res Man·h 15. ~~~ _ $1 JOO. Now 50. 540·9209 IAJJ.ti.:ai.:l' Rurk $125 RH I.All.CJ, wulnul. n111t l""" -----..;;, ---lii5 1noo &'d\f• •• sc•ll s1-1f ·~111 ••• 11•.~ Forlletails. phone· --..v~..-.r ~fire. like new! side arm 2 pr 7' so<a ~·Cocktail ' """ ~""' " "' .. " Cah·arv 20" IMX lllCl (hairs. swh•el rhaln. I table blln lights with Ramsl't. 519.'>. •:I l't1mtnn Luth-·an Chur<•h Redline w/Taka .. j I p1· s1de rhairs. cxee. & set't. SIOO. tabl(' liimp S.10. l'all shell. $1i:I. l'atumaran. ,., \ " u n.7..u-fit 5 S25(); lli' ~uillMllll hull. (7 14)972·4687 aank.snolliun seat. h1·~· desks (rrll'tal & wood). ·~ "'"'l1 prn. I I SOO; kin1ts11e wull'rlMI. Children's Hospitol 1 u t Y r ms • 11 11 o y Crcdcnu~ t mt t a l & ~'O Maple huh•hcs S.SO ' ~ 4!11!-32R2 lht•hortl olOranJteCount)' / bets/Hal C'l"mp. s.w or W(JOd). 7'x4' Tcllk ''00 S150. Drei.ser ao. Mavle ch e lnl'S!<ll ~ (71419?2-la.2 batolrtr.W ·91132 forenl'e t hl w/ 11 blu1• 1hn1bl.21ns.10.251·u fl St Vinc•enl nc Poul 111brh-11wi\'CI C'huir11. s s. µrn. likt• nu r<•ll'r !•••••••-• (71.ill.13·9190 ....... M41ttrilhl025 rhl',~~sc. Ci.II Sll•\l' $4.'i(), bk fllS~ $20. Matlll· D---s• TheSah•altonArmy ~.• .. ••••••••••• ur ..inua 1al·6271 fbl w rloor~O llllllllllt:l l!S7 Rl\l'l'l>hk•Pl111•\• _ J 7JO 547 0831 MO c N E \' E R U S 1': I) • W11t1:r~'<.I w dwni. mir h·nr llllh '";"· Tu~l 111 It Nt-w Monliiomcr'' Wurdi R W25 /Fr Sol'11 'loveseat S.'I00.11los1> ror s & 1··11ti n t•t s1 Sunta Anu.t:M.1 18 1·u n frl.:. $4lio Must 1 4.~t.w~. 2x1! .. 8~klnj11 top d1ncllt' 1225, Qn N\•w S1200. ~"l'll s:l~O !~lJ.01\Y S1'T !tl::"\ .... 11 --""·a"" rcuwooo bdrm~ RI.Inks 'SZOO ID9$3t3 411 1·h:nn ltd fl'llC'(\ 3 'Kl mlnr S.111\11 19" n· n"ll' l'tlfllrul: ti "·ks oltl . 2 ~ r wurt'. rnst:< Sli2.) Will s:wnr11'\' ~9.i .\1~11 12" ta: 1·cll11r Sii~\ t '.1 ll li:lll IXl29 Mont i.:nml! r~ Wu r•I~ "" t')I 1'tl•r1·0 111l111111. it i.n1 :1 111•akl'I''· s:1:1 lii:I 00111 l'hll'l1•1•r lh-1·14•1 t•r Sli11l. 111111 (it1rr:11•1I turntahh· llCI M.011 39Z2 "'" • ' fen<'in1t Lowest 1>ri1·t M • """i:oW 1·.,11111nr n'•w> 675·56& j ,, u ar .. JI m 0 r Kc n Qnallres~ box !lf)nni:~. Sufi,Sc.ottl't' I. 11h11Jk• 1:1 n WUl\'f ... r, ... A., ...... <Ir.·. I " Sl30 full _, 1w111 ... ,, 1a. "' ""' "" ~ <imurcl 1ur11 l11hl" '"'1111 IMM..LaJ.olf 11nutjme Au.G81l( ' _,, °" l(U WO\'Cn IKl' nt•w (tXIUr""• "l""l kit ' " --11111_.,. -v· '~ ~· -'1!D. MORE ! 770·0801 132.'1 673 ...... t ... ... ... 1·1N1 • 1lui.t 1111H•r ,;:, Cl..uled A• an realty : 0 I>' in Pu a 0 M l . I w I II kt • t II " -. '"'" ,. " h ' n c t " • 1 w a I I \'aU tt13 "* _, . .,.,.. .. ,.,i. .. • rhromt body. 1 4SO mm ,.:.... 1t;,:.. I !~r L'wt·h' 1•halr to ma11·1\ '""*"'· ph1nt11. '"''"'· Rr .. lhd IU'A c.'li'T\', 2 ... Cllll with i.il R · ltnl +Olympus 7~ to ISO not1 •--'•1 avallatlt t: looi1c 1·u11h1<~ns I.th • •.ti«. r~hrh: .. hell rm '· r .-,,· ......... cl"I T\' ldtrOlp and bll r•· zoomlensArue.$3$0. t0111t1ih.rramllJb'1MI· nl'w. Klll'tH•<'t' Sl50 !ll'I , \'ouc· r11. 11 um '"" ...... • 1altal To plec• four --.zTJ6_ _ ~ .._m Tor Mlt ~ wndw a wnl11111. JI" Mll'11W l7* d 'r.t Id. uJI l°'•'I WAJft ACl'ION T In Clu1tfl ... Ca II ftld wllll ,_ wMt .. ._,.~ wn•• •lalll S..W .. -· THr f'siMrW~ 7i 1'210. loallt-d OC .\I' 500 hr:-min l":lll Paul or J im• iH·i52 22tili or 21:1 ti29·;')()2 I ~.zrs.S•/ -tuo •n., a11111111Ada1G· .. .,. IWhPUalC11MUM4P. •at.as.mt Am w ,., lt't'I • ::;::11. .L...;.OIO;;;;,.;;;m.~ma;;;;;;;. ____ ~~~:il • Or1ng1 Collt DAILY PtLOT/Frldey, J1nu11Y 22, 1112 g:1 ''" e.~~ .... ~~~ ~.'!'!~.~ ....... ~.'!'!!,~~ ...... ~.~!.~ ...... , ~.~!.~_. .......... ~ ....... ~ ~.~ ....... ~ ~.~ ...... .!!'! ~.~ ....... ~ lt7tY•nw"~n;.MIG~t' ,. o.taun Pu. 1vn11bed. ~ · nt1 .._ t7H •••• .._ t740 ,... t7H · · tond•lon>tow mllt'IAll\! xlnl l.'onll pruiirrl) ....................... ~ ........................................... -·· ........ ~........ HOME OF m _,.,_,.,,~, rn111nt M15067B~9 **MOHASSLI•• 71 2407., 11ood mpl(, '7U508t:LMll Wht Ful XI 1~P'::°t~f 1 I 1mHOMDA XL ~ "1¥ l>lil1un I'll k1n11 r•h ••CAI IUYI• • * m.,:s, am fm.1nust 'ell, I)' Loadl'd Snrf Sltl.ll'JS n :i ~fl na · lt.00 milw, nu·tt 11111,. c11m11cr !\hdl. $ "IHI : You l'•n, Nu~ Bu>' vr 12700.111Hl911.1fl 6 Sill Z32:I , 1 -· • ._1s uo..MN idt '"m ~ 4~ 9!M4 d) ~ l.tut• 11 ( ur, • or,•111n or "7 s 11 o r . !>I I<' k '79 :IOOSD Tu rim. Ant 57 I 11r•c·h1• Spt~.d11tc•r ----~ ,,_.rf.• ..., • • Oomei;t11·• 111 Sup\'r AM tfo'M ~h "r"' 1~ • c . I' ·h 1 Ith R1·vlll'11 I ltd!' 'TI V?A09 t11kl• lincMI 75 C.:hc,~· Lu \'. blue• t'I • I I) •.. t ' 'o .. .... ,unN my. w arc 111 r. 1175 1<>47orfl:ll-1013 AFFGRDAILE LE .... c•iwwlllllin w while •hc•ll l'rph , t tt 1 Kt ~\In ~ · 6lf'C&l S2395. 5411 2010 mirf. uni rm I'll~). 50K liU<l<l2fl n\111111 p11ncl' '11m1rm' L.t'.1r,son11llH1''1' s,•rvhOt'•t'. <'lw1l' 1971 2407. 11rt·ut Ml. 12:.i.1100 !<:Hi.: 1117091•1 Nt•wtlrca,p•lnt. '. _,., •493 ~ · LI\! vt>ry to ome ot C'Ofld S , • 1 •• 700.62& UiXll.l.tund. 134~. • 73 llood11 l'H 350. •·uv ~ ' i < rwc Call <.'tl111·k CCJll at ~t 11 1.1pprt'l' 7$4 79088.&daJL I toll Wmds.hlehJ xlnl "/ti ford 1• Ton."• RIJlt utotdalc 7312400 pm 12131~ugg9, Ma 9742 , ·00(1 1415 964 111~ £1\1( 4 •l'CI GOO( l'ond -,.., 9725 •••••••••••••••••• .... • 711 9241 lmmac. Air, I ' JU L' I ~ 646 llli82 . AHaa-o t701 ............... •••••••• 'GUIC Nev. Vuml T1rt·i., AM f'l\1, p.7 lltH, J pt'k . • I.I.., I , • • •••••••0 ••••00•••••11• '80Br;1V11, 2 l1t H• fu1•J 1nj , Blllll'r\, Rei:ulator. whls . Moch11 blll' XX 0 0 ~ X LO\ t; S '00 •1ton .fl ··~I 4 1>ptl '*W & USIO wml\ II 000 m1 xlnt Gtnet:.itor, StartC'r. Wlr Mu st see. SI l.900. lk>~XOO m.iw~. 1100tl 1·01111 $9MJ 'ALFA IOMIOs! <'On i.t i SG. 2 o 0 cl\ s lni:, C'luH·h. Throw oul bi3-l!Ol or OM 3284 Al. OA\ 10 Y 49-4·328<1 Orani:c t'ounty·~ oldnt 75.2 :nro lkur1n11. oh1•l1•r:itrr. Must &t'll '70 wht 1114. Al •-9570 & l11ad1111: tll•alcr~h11> ii Svy<kr. ~ i;inl. llh'ri•o. T1H·honll't1•r, Spn•d lu)i, an11 r111 l'liSS, '78~1.S llONl>A •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• tt erore \'O U b u ,· \'\'ry i,:ot11I 1,0111111 ioo onicll'r, $175 'l'u1wup $:1700tolx>1135J786. D111\1i)r.•.,xln1 1·on<1 ·~,~~f'~·o·'•nl~n·~~At1:1i a11Ywhere.1·om1·m &sc~ ll599Sl7027!H:n·~ , $2777. Bc b.t orr1.•r '71 75 Porsi:hr fi'ru too t14G 11121 T.,.,.. ' w. & th11 GT\'ti and tht• 1.1-...1-9727 499-4722, 4!17 s:m 1 .cum•ra RSR. whiti: on '79 K11,~jlk 1 KX 250 odd96ll 4t1G urt 11im Sp1dt•r\'elo<·e1 ~ MGI 9744 bludt. am/rm c·ass~lle. Xlnt c 11 Must Sell' 'N FORD\' AN IEACH IMPORTS ••••••.;o•\r(·oitn•••••• "•••••••••••••••••••••, muny ~trai.. Mu_st sell ~08) 7>2·2867 Good t·ond. \'ti cni:. ll<l8 0c.1v,·Strt>et.N H. ldr.:.i.li8.'lnu.S7tll!i '7S MGR ran~ hlk mtr ra~!' SIS.000 0 80 Trailtn,.Utili"' 9 I IO ru&,5·~ps.';~'!t~ rcfnJ.:, 752-0900 519 2120 liJI otlllll 4 ~1>. <1Uhl O\c•rclr. n11·t· MG GOOS an) llow •r ...,., IOOl llarbor Rl\'d l' M I l'llf, ncl~ \111111• .,.. urk ill.I "trri.:irv·TRAil.i:1{"0 Autos W.t.ct 95'0 631-7170 · · 77 At·t·ord. 5 -JHI. uin Im ol'r rot !K.K2 Por;iche !Plli '~ ftib! St95. bst orr•·r ....................... • ~lert'O l'US:. .. >lhll 1·1111d. ,.._... 9748 29K ml 5-,il) Ike nu ~ • Audi 9707 640<t509uft '•l"" _,....,, ~7.1 __ i::,·~545·0-llll Wl'*EDYOUI -. . .• ••••••••••••••••••••••• I •aseo UY 1TU1 keorr Mo Srtlce, ,.... GOOD USED CAI! ;9·.~l.ioi·ro~x ·GTi~~:;id· G~~l·~.~~,?~~00 '78 .. \04 l~ll::.1•1 .' aul II, ~t·nera -~to Leas1n~ I A sori 9400 /\fl) lhmi: 1•ons1dered. t·ondll ion 70 000 m 1 4~ J9tltl 497 Slill2 sltrt'U. Jll \11. 111.,.. 1·1111. 714 6 3 4311 •••••• ~~~ •••• ~~ •••••• ; 1977 thru 1980 :.unroof, ~m rm sltrl'u: ·7' • ~~ ,1111 ..i ... ,,, S5100 Lm • ...r .. y WORK ·~ $l'iOO Tim 12131433 tir.t7 6 l "'11•• $ \llll. 11''" ' HI '69 J>or~1·he 912. Snrl. vv .•. Ol'llll's:. 1714153.\ 5203 l'lu11~. brks. '"'''· u11 'Iii:! I<>! "~t.111, llc~h i.:d. Lt•alh1•r Int. ,\lloys. 70K Up to 50'•, off ~our bod~ hol . r1•bll 1•ni.: X Int t ol s 111 nu 11,11 1 ,,, Mt, oni: Scrious In s~esllmat~. S.'16·9832 k ·79 AUDI ;,oo() 45.000 ms. roml $3000 551 ~»WI $1500 l"i ult 11111 i.12:1 c1u11w~ 0111~. 512.000. HARDTOP FOR FI AT ' SBOOO E' 1' ~ r a I I l'\l~ e1 1'!> 91i2·311!l SPIDER•. Good 1·oruli . lli_71ii Ol·12· '79 XL rrnl'cl lull\ t1on S22.'i. 673·6391 ~I i. o-.,._ C-'V_ ... · IMW 9712 l'(JW~. :.nrl. lo ,;11 :\hit Porsche 9750 Rolls Royce t756 .~ I 1~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 14 .. Che\·~· Ma-gS, l!S . ~HarborDL\d ••••111u.o_too••••11•1 l'lllll .Jl4ti.,Kl;IK 'ill Po"rhr!.lll~"t' t-:lt•i· u:.e<l 11~ $45 pr Call COST,\ 1\1 ES;\ t~ llun1l.1 \11·111·tl :1 Ur snr1. Y. tntluY.'. ull 1 .. :i1twr ~3560...fl ~s ?79-2500 & 5 :optl. Jll . lu 1111 Sli!WO Pi"• I 111mJ1 u I.JI l' i~ Olds 98-wrecke<l Will -tii3 t;'i~us 11.'ll :IKl!I Sl9.i001..it. ~2 :.l'll parts. motor and WE PAY Jaguar 9 730 'i2 !IH 1'111 "·h .. pJrh ur transin)loodt·ond TOP DOLLAR CREVIER BMW ••::••••·.·~·······~··•• whull' .,., • .,..'ii 2111l'l•ll ~~20 FOR USED CARS 1911 J.\(,l \H :\Ji, ·\ Wl•lwr,, 111.111\ l'\lr•t~ f . llttbcitiftC) '12 d~nJllllll' X.Jt:t. Thi~ Jud~ t.-12 IOIZ ')11 DEALO IN U'.s.A-:- IUY' CAR\IER IO.l.S-IVtC'E ,.,.., ~I flO Nl""°"10Mlll t<f'l•'"'"illM'1''''"1~­ClOSI O'~UNOAYS ,:. Autosfor$olt AUHMAGHOH IMW'sAre Hert! onl' 1~0lu:.u.l1·~l anti ~u1:"r t9ii !-Jl tS r,111111 . ..:, ••••••••~•u••••••••••• POMTIAC/SUIARU .\ fl'W rl'tnainini: 'flt :.harv. lh7hll> SK9!J~ t·ellent 101111 Slli.!")O l'I' Sd 9760 IMPORTANT 2480 Hurllor Bh II Mocll.'l' & Dl•mo!> arll J. 1 m M J r 1 n 1• I !>19 21211, 1,11 Ulillll ••••••••••••••••••••••• ONLY 'IZ GLC CUSTOM J DI. HATC .. ACI ~,. ........... ,_ • ..,,_OU: J Dr _._. --Oii. .... *1••1 *" °',,.. -- -~""'-m .... --~...., .,,_....__ .,.._., . .,... ..... ov• .. WCJlfTH ~f lEAK l'lNI 0.... """' -· Nee -Rt•M ... ..,._ ............ A MONTH .anallel• .. 1111 601 S~EIMILVD. 956-1820 SOMETHING DIFFERENT! NOTICETO COSTA MES·\ i.1111 ll\Jdahlt'' Wl' \ulki.wa~l·n,~220011 ·72911 ,, . .,.. t•ni.: ilu11·h 'KISJJh~ Lum1.:.un ~~~~~~S~~~ ' 549-4300 549-1457 spet·1ah£l' in European '12XJ64.2. Bluu ''"' mu-.t M'l', ~k~~·~~~~l~~t~2·7812• ' WE BUY 1lell\l'n J111I rlawll'l>l> 2KM1 LA-allwrlnl. Ful !"ah.ofr \ti ''""' · · I -ad~·he~usp!~{eb,~r ve1the1mcles CLEAN CARS 11n~uwned B~IW\ I~ Lu:nll'll ~lu'.l. ~1·11 ' :>IK 1JK21, Sl'll th111i.:~ IJ't Y. llh Da1h u....al Can, Classic1, ~.lac.,&. 0. of.• kW! deulers m the vehicle AMDTRUCKS Senin•C'onll'S ll>I' Da~ !ltili 1202 ~:1l'. asi; ll'I "' 1:127'6ill 11~\\J11l.\1b , Whl'rt·t'u~h1m1·r Tran~l t•rretl s:!1,.>UO ('I If 1\1 1•1 ' ., l'lassiried advertising Sall'S·St-n·11·1· l.(·11~11111 72(J.IJ22 Alltos, Hew 9100 Aalto•, Hew 9100 Alltos, Mew 91001Alltos, Mew 9100,Alltos, Mtw 9100,Mhts. Mew tMO columns does not in· """\" 1 " \ I ~uo .. , s1.~unta , nu '---.... 9732 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• d ude any applicable 171411135 J lil .-n .... COHMRL CHEVROLET taices. license. transrer Cltl!.t'l.I Sundu) rees. finance charges. rees for air pollution COO· trol dev11>t> cert1r1ca11ons or dealer documentar) X>-llarl.,r fl,,.: '''°'l\\H_'>\ 541>-1200 preiiaration rhar11es uti HIGH IUYER less ot.herw1se spe1·1r1l•d Top dollarl> for Sport~ b •lhe11drert1ser : Cars. Hui.:~. t'arn111·r~. G.Mral ' 951 & 914's.:\ucli's Ask for t; t' MG It ••••.•.....••••........ i' Camper w Bubble Wm dows Wht & Red SJ1;5 ~·9-16.1' • •trJ{, 95201 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 PRETI'IEST I '57 T·llRD IN.'TOWH! IESTOFFER! THEODORE ROBINS FORD 1060 ~tARBOR SI VO COSTA MFSA 642 · 0010 1970Clldlllat' Deville Co n \'erl1ble Nd s some I work SIMJOlobo 5-16-15114 '58 Austin Helli~ 100 6 Needs Paml & Tune up Been 111.Storai:e Sl800 Firm. ~0.63L2 '61 Che,·~. 2 dr. 6 c·~ I ~lk. orig. Great bod~ & 1111 Runs P.t'ff Man) new parts $\Abo or l radl' for 4x4or~ ~-il87 '53 Pal·kard Clipper One Owner. l(ood l'Ond • 5.Si·21,19i ·;4 Jensen lnterteptor. a5K m1. Sl0.000 OBO _jl15·6l50 COLLECTOR ·s ITF.~I 'f.S Ford G;ilax' 5-00 2 dr. ~real l'Un.tl. 35K uni: m1 S2ooo 080 &16-0686 -... - -~Roct, lods 9540 ......... , ......•.....• SAMDRAIL Pintoi><>werw •tratlel'· • 1.~ 754· 1620 4 WhHIDri.ns 9550 ••••••••••••••••••••••• AT\' 8 w~ dm·e. Land. water. V4 •eng Best or. .f!r 1SMOlll1 '70 Jee~ Commar\do Needs 'Wolk. Sl800 OBO --~1!:3327 - - rn1eks 9560 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1979 CHEVROLET Luv Dynamite "Mini-Trkk" Ttuek This one is super sharp' llS035771 $.1995. J 1 m-~·..M. a r 1 n o Volkswag_en, 842·2000 '74 DatsllC) Truck. runs good. needs hood & paint. S700 or bs t 645-9701.. 19 Plck·up: '• ton. 4 sp .. V 8 eng Sl.500 080 ~m:l~es w~ds JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEM 18711 Beat·h Rh 11 Hl':\TIXGTO~ IH: \l'll 842-2000 WE HEED YOUR EXOTIC & IRITISH CARS ~ ~ r-· ..... ,.,_ 3100 w roast llw\ ~ewport lk' al'h tH2·~05 WANTt.D! Lat~ model To)ola!> .inti \' o I ' u ~ l J I I u , TODAV'~' liarle Ike TOYOJA.YOUO .............. , c .. t."4u• "'-4U-tl0l w '40·'40 Top Dollar Paid f'ur Your l'ar• JOHHSOH & SON Lincaa.Mtf'CUry 2fi26 H 3 r bcJr Fil I er Costa Mesa ~Ill si;:w Premium 1ir11·<·' paid for an.1 u~l.'d t·ar 1rore11(n or dome:.111· 1 m Kood <-ond1t1on Seel'~ First' t3'31 -bot Rtod <;Moen G<ooe '" .-..~ 1982 MODB.S HERE MOW! • Ct.ck ow goCMt Miecffoftof DEMOscmd 9UALITY f'ltl.OWHID AUTOMOIUS aswtl•olllr ......... ... ., ....... CalorC:0..111 TODAY! SALES • SBVICI ~ SADDLBACK IMW ZMOZ~ NWY. MISSK>H V1IJO Avery Pkwy off 1·5 831 ·3MO *1S..fM9 Oosed Sundays • Sales-Sen il·e I.easing ~CARVER IOlS·IUICE ·&\ffl 64).-:ll(I Ill) ~QHOIJI ~llJIOl 1) .. )6').-olM '78 BMW 3201. Snrr, AM FM Cass Stereo. AC. Nw Trs $10.000 . ~~ '70 BMW 2002 Xlnt Cond Compl Rblt Snrl. FM St Tape. 4 Sprl. Shpskns. Co,·er. SH50 0 80 Ml>-79?.3 For sale. Bra for '69 BMW 2002. Like new $40. Bill 89J.276S. ·162Wz~.i5p .. sun·rr 62.000 mi Sharp. new tires ~.000831-6189 9715 '70 Ford 1 Ton F1al Bed Good C'ond w1new Trs Radial$, Iii$. & PB. Sl950 080.:49.l~ - Have aomethiog to sell ? '71 Capri. 5'00. Oassi(Jed adJ do it well. ___ 6iJ-2252 I I 9720 '82 210 2 dr. $106.31 + tax. 48 mo 0.E.L Cap l'ost $496-1. Res. value $2481 92. Total pmts. 15409.12. Cost lease S406.69 to toke Delivery. Order Yours ~. ...••.•.............••. 14 lntl'r .. 1·1Jl111 ;,;,i.. 1111. SIO um () 110 9738 ••••.•................. , S1IP '''Ml~. SH us fOI YOUI MAIDA. Mli'I/ ·1o0.1M11 SJ. um*"~ Ult- 'ikl RXi r.s .111 '"'""or. 5 ' I' cl . 1 J ' ' n •' Y. Pm·llr·, SlllNIO K."1; ~!N!I l~l-1"2 MAZO A DISCOUNT HEADQUARTERS l~ORBUY .I 5411141'1"4 . mazna I . 2031 l Isl St ~ta Ana 714/953-4414 I . l 9740 ·•··········•·•······•· •Ml, prefer a ined Mtrcedes to anew mty"'iltC) fl St? CQmpare Hou~t· ol Im I ports 01rt'<·t 11•.1"' J1t1l tiO mol> • en~1hlt· '" mls D1JI 2 1 3 or ;14 MERn;1n :s ·~ 21:1 or714 _637 2.JJJ 1979 MERCEDES IEHI240D Sunroof. 1·assette & I spt'edtrans 1394031 $12,950 JIMSLEMOHS IMPORTS 1301 Qua1I St NEWPORT 1U:1\CH 833·9300 1973 MERCED~~S BENZ 2200 Automatic 1ransm1ss1on and air rond1t1omog This one 1s just hke new <2159991. S5995. J im Marino ..Y_olkswyen, 842·2000. Mercedes. '81 SOOSL. 1m· ired. av111I & '82 380SEL. Also avail 380 & sOOSL'. SEL' & SEC's Great Western Importers _ &SS-2324. 5Ql 9:M Ii '75 45o SL Superh 1·ond Silver Blue. S21.SOO _ Pz::sv Ply 644 7266 '75 450 SE Blue wtbl ue inl, a c, tape. cruise. pnced to sell, Stl.900 PP. 960-Zm '68 MBZ 2SO "l.OOKS UKE '81". --~· 494·$548 78 450 SLC Milan Brown, 26,000MHes Perfect Call Dean 67>fi000: 67s.9929 ---I~ s p E c '82 RABBIT CONVERTIBLE our 01scounr loadeo w1rh s speeo AM/FM stereo. meralllC palm. soorr wheel wMe sloe wan rires & more• '11165 1170 I A L-SALE PRteE $9,995 S ~-'\J. ';Jl tl~~ '81 VW VANAGON L ~ ~ """'! Fullv eQulpped with leather· A ..._~ ette seats. rlnred glass. deluxe ~ _.. package & more1 L ~ , • ust ~u •11.s90 -Our OIKCJlint 1,fts E s A ~ E s A L E SALE PRICE 510.195 '12 YW $CIROCCO S ~fCI met~ Ol~fJr Wln<IOW Wl\hfr & Wl(ler lllCM AM/FM SlfrtO CiUWftf. pin SrTiofS & mortt SALE PRICE 110,495 '11 DASHll WAGON DllSIL EQWOOeO wim w sun rDOf wn1tt siOf will tires. lurntrent sein. stereo on!O & more• SALE PRICE '1Dl10 1475 59395 p E c I SALE PRICE '82 RAlllT L Fully eQulpped with 4 speed, c1nred Qtass, radial clrts & morel '5999 s ,.~~,pm t~ '81 VWJmA lOa<lfd Wltn S SPffQ. 11< StfffO Qrf D Ust l"rlCt our DIKount Stoss 10.0 E ....... -SA_L_E_P-Rl-CE-,-,-99-5 s A ~ E s '81 VW $CIROCCO S l°"°fO lllWft "°" WllfflS ru< wmoow WM'* & '*'Df' s sDttO sttrto c~wnt. soorn st111 & mort1 Ust PrtCf 'MN Our Discount 1t7' SALE PRICE 58395 SALE PRICE '11 VW P/U LOadeO With H/O Plt9 . stereo prep tlnreo gllff. s se>eed. radial tires. custOfft vatue Dk9.. leatherette stm 'mortl Ult Pl'ICt . .,. our Discount 1'1S 5639 FACTORY EXECUTIVE & DEMONSTRATOR --CLEARANCE -------------- '81 RABBIT CONVERTIBLE '81 2 DR. RABBIT '81 2 DR. LS RABBIT DIESEL '81 JETIA s9995 •6495 57495 58495 . ._. ·-.• ,,.tt . ., Auro . w s. w tires. SPO'ts sears 4 soeed. air, AMfFM st'1'e0. Air. ster~ cassette, low mnes. Auto, air. Ster~ cassette. & wheel stereo cassette, verv iow miles. white rop leatherette seats >eatnerettt seats & more1 leatherette seats. floor rN«. onrv 8,000 mtlts 0 $ o a as aces s . I Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Frid y, January 22. 1982 Auto•. l"'port.d Autos1 IMpotitd Alltos, t.potitd ...._,, Uatd Altos, UHd AA1tos1 Ustd ...._, UHd Meet, UM4 •• ••••••••I,.,,_ 9762 ~;,;.:~~: ... • .. ·;;·;~ ~·~::~: ... • .. ·;;·;~ ~~·;; ............ 9772 CcdMC:: .......... ,;·i"s a;:;; ........ tt.io o::d; ............ ttl•S ;;:.:;•••u•m•;;;;· ;i.; ........ " .. •t;ij •·••·••·••••··········· ..•..............•.••..............•.••....... ·······················'······················· ·•··················•·· .................•.....•.................•....•........•....•••..•••• lt7t CUil.UC COUPI DIYILU (896WOVI s9795 lt7t CADILLAC SEDAM DfYILU (384WOXI s9995 Toyota 9765 •..........•..........• OlAMGE COUNTY'S w "·' '\\ 1..i1 ,, , i. ht Hlr1 \\\ 1a11.1 1 '111111·111 ~ 1 VOLVO DEA.UR 1 1:1 l'U\. !')t~ 'll'"t twit~ '71 Mu111t• \'01 lo lll'•·tli-·11 lll•l1.1• \Jn 1'Yl>1<1111 111 ·;g Mu~tuni: 'I' T111i U1 k \'11 l'uno llJtt'hhuc·k Wll¥ HEWEST '""'' "hit •111111 ,,11 h I 1 1 I• 1 1 ii l\iltl\\<:l•:q111 I\ r lull 1~·~ Ill'~ 11.11111 \1111k.S1tt•1 ' kl'll.11 !1200 \1111 ~-·~1111 11~11.· XIII! l'm11I 1(17110 111 ~·•'l'l'k lloil} utHI \Ull11.u.141l I 111 \\l 11 111,.i..t. 11olil1 ltJ.Jl ... 1111 .... "'llh \1•1\ r ~1.1011111 ll1•at111t1•1;11 ~'12 111:! ~llU'1 '11'•1114lll ... 1 :11(,10 "! 111:•• ('.di ~:,,.,. lllllfll• ll.im.ii:1· All l·l~1· !-11 11\111 111 \I I fl 11111 '" "'"'" t. 111. 1"" 1110 1° \ 1• 111 SALES SERVICE ",!•• 11.llO:l.1'1 ,,, \to.1111,1 :!i:! t 111 , ••l>Jtl n 1oltt101f 1\111' lll~tll•.t OK \II c li 00011n~n111. "''""' I~ 11 II ' .' 1' ' 't I 11.11. \ AND LEASI. NG 1,. I '.trhll.11 t 111111 (;'""' ,1111 II.Hiii'. ,11111lt·1 lu I \o\1·11 ~·1••1 h•l 1111 r,1 Mthl,1111.; ~!I\ II uul11 111•\o\ II JJI'\ & 1 atl1.il111 --L ++ 11•11 \\\ 111 ~~1 '• 11 •11 \lt1 11t•• n\IH~t\~T>lll \T lt \ I S11.11w\1.ikl'l>lli·t 1111$!l"l(l 1WK'i1Jll Klll1.!l1i 1.111 Jll J" 1lh1 hrk' IJUlll(l\tf\l:llllllllhl~& +~ + 111111111\ "''''• 1hw•1 \j~l."11•11 Kl''.!IUt I l-\1'1111' lul 111lll ll111, Cd:!ll:!!l ljll~l ,ihliull.t~,11 s\\ 1 1 ~l11n.1w ;,£-.J~...., .w ~UIJ.liL.iJCIUUUUlL ljtl':>.llUl11ulu:n~~ + 11 1 t t 1 • , ii '«• 11.il•litl \\I I· \I 1 ·'" 1-:11•' I "" 111.1 1;11-.11 '>hat•l' i:1w111 ,-11,111 • ~1111111 1i1.,, tl.oi <•Ar7 I 1111•11111 i:uurl II 111~ 11111,ri,1 "" 11 ",, ~1111 1111_i1•••• $7.0011 EARLEU<E ,825_ .... 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'). ttUIJ I IJ.t 1'~ , 1 I • 1 t'•• ,, I 1977 DATSU~ 121 0 '~' .. _ ,.. .. ~ ... )\.f""P \)397 o• Ot'"""" ..,~ ....... ,, IY81 "'! 16 ....,...~,., • 114• . .,. °".~ .. ,.,.. 1977 DODGE '"SUltfflt'" V AM Con~=l'Y\lw9f• L~ 11110 Hl "'t '"' I f \ MN "9 C".d10"'i-"'*' t•,-~•~ tvt•"" '4997 01 '17711 "°;~: 1199 0,,.. • pp 1 11 Otft nt1 01),,.tt t c• .11 17•~· 111 -..... -. ..,._.., ... , .. tflO fOltD MUS'rAH~ lo-.d9d f'IC "'" .,.._. ~·.,,.., ~ . ........ -. ..,. ~ ..... tO"d tM1H ,... ~ ,.. '• WZTS '5997 01 1181 II ..o::: Uff -.,,_ IO')• Ot l•"•d oayrnenJ O" • ~ ... _..,_., ..,_ .. ..,. 1973 CHEVROLET 11111>1111 Mercury 9950 "' Pt' i .• 111. 111 ,, ''I ' Cornet Clouic '" •h-1.11 \111• i. ·' 111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1111 ! h, l1thlll1"" • ' lu I \ ~I I ~\I , undo , 11,, • 1,11 ,1.1 ".11111 c.1. ,1 t 'l"I .111 ,, I ,\ 11111lt•"'"I .ii 111111 .111.! I J' 11111 111 It JI I I I ·'I 'COJlll LorqtStlection 1111 \l.11\tllllllll .11 r ti -"'1'1 1'11 '"'' Of ""•w 1982 49 0 u111· ,. "''' • ,..., s • 07 l•I• loJllllll,l11.11l1tl ,~ 1'1111111 \ 1' I'll lili Cadillac~ • ;) II 1S\\t{ "'' I" ~rt , .. 11d ~·r 11 ..., I St le• SEE US FIRST! I ;.-111·1 .ol \11111 ·' ·' ,111• '.di l;•n 11.ol •~.7:! .. ·' .. own oc . 1111,1;1 n11 ,, ... i ... d I , ~ i ~ '-" 1 ' F \\ t. t S 1-. 11 Couqcr 9 9 3 3 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CONNELL CHEYIOLU 28:/l! Harbor HI\ t1 ,, \Bl'R~ w11i 11 •••••• 1,,.i...111111 ~~tanq 9952 (" \()fl ( \ ... t lk\tult·I, ••••••••••••••••••••••• t, \tu 1.111• I'"" d lu \\I I '" I ' II• \\ .. .. " • '"' \II, c. "•'I II -:0.1·•' I II i ,di \\ h11d •1111\ I 1 1A l H •' ~: .• 1111 hi mridr·I r hnll't1r rm.• ~.J..:.'IJ.!.._ ' I \\ 1\11 \ 11 I "' "t I "11 h I "'~ ' It 111 111 ~/I .. , l II . 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MQTORHOME r u , .eu !cOnta•nell inc:Jua.no ~ e ec rPIJtQ tort:ed a" ~eater gas stove 1001 ac>1 & 1aaoer Ser ,A30520 Stk T0622 • $300--Undtr octual dr~rcost 0119.r111•1s~S19 J27 $4632 ~~~a.+ -\• Prict S 14,69 5 ALL USED CARS LISTEQ HERE -AT OR BELOW WHOLESALE BLUEBOOK PRICES -STOP • SHOP • AND SAVE HOW!!! 40 ,,... med cars & tn1Ck• cMptfftf•tly priced. 0/0 MATCHIH& I c CASH RYA Tl HtOM THEODORE ROllNS FORD II hn been lht POlkv of 8"uer Molort IO dll~ Of inventory that hat been 1n stock over 60 dns 10 ouwr dealers or lhf aU<IJOM Our H le1 m•Nffr NS OKtoed IO OHS on lheSe l•n•as11c '""'119' 10 lhf PUbllc From tod"v lo clost ol bUslne~ Mond•v. J•n 1511'1, vou can ouv one of these car·s at lhfse all llme low procts Most cars ""'e a 13 month, 13.000 milt warrenlv available al a sm•ll char91? The 1>1nk1 will llnencf virtuallv 100". of tllf cosl ot lhest c•rs on e09roved cre<111 :SO CHEVROLET CAPRICE WGN t5t4ZIBJ Wore wheels roof rack 3rd seat. tllt. pwr wndws stereo tape air Wtiolesale Blue Book '6150 SALE PRICE 5 6595 '80 FORD GRANADA !358Z8W) Low miles. 4 door a11 auto power strng & br~s radio holesale Brue Book '4600 SALE PRIC~4999 '79 M.G.B. r 74JYHAt The special an btaci< LTD Ed1hon Mag wheets stereo 1ugg rack sl)041er Wholesale Blue Book '4925 SALE PRICE 5 4999 '78 M.G .B. IBBJVGNI Classic conven1ble Russen brown With 1an trim stereo custom s1npes sport wtils Wholesale Blue Book s3n5 SALE PRICE s3999 '79 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE f584YBAJ Overdnve cuslom 1ntenor am Im stereo cass Wholesale Blue Book 54150 SALE PRICE 53995 'n FORD PINTO SQUIRE WAGON •0-IJWOZJ Lugg racl\ wood grain side panels 4 r fl air I Wholesale Blue Book 52250 SALE PRICE 5 2695 '78 CADILLAC SEVILLE DIESEL 't ACL461 1 Cadillac luiury & diesel economy Lo..1dea Who~sale Blue Book '8500 SALE PRICE 58395 '81 PONTIAC PHOENIX · (18TE216)0nty 11 OOOITllleS wore wheels metalhc blue wllh cloth trim Wholesale Blue Book 15875 SALE PRICE 5 5895 '81 V.W. RABBIT PICK-UP 112442301 Diesel power LX model a11 5 spd s1e1£:0 cass & more Wholesale Blue Book '6625 SALE PRICE 56795 '76 M.G.B. 1s.)-1J1 Has laclory ~re wheels am Im stereo Wholesale Blue Book '2600 -S ALE PRICE s2995- '81 BUICK REGAL t1BYJ6771 Two tone spon wtils Ith CNlSt . pwr wNiws 45 SS seat & more Wholesale Blue Book '8275 SALE PRICE 57999 '79 MAZDA RX7 153781 Supe1 kllk> coupe Mag wheels s1ereo. 5 speed Wholesale Blue 8* 17275 SALE PRICE s7595 1n CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO 14296581 W11e wheels Iott strng cruise an WholeNle Blue Book 12825 SALE PRICE 5 2795 '76 TOYOTA COROLLA SAS !663NPI) Sdvet wilh blac1I lllfl'I Mag Wheels 5 $peed Wholnale Blue Book 12200 SALE PRICE '2495 •..c• VICIA&JST •~-ML NAIH • II HAIU WANOL' HOufa. S .... 9 a m hi 9 p m Dail~ .... 71.1n. hi~ 30pm ~H ... Mickey Rooney has new NBC series. "One of the Boys ... See "On the Cover ... Page 2. Television battles over ·Star Wars ' Teleview8, Page 2 'World War III' rettCly for airing ln8ide TV, Page 8 •Jan . 22 -J an . 28 • Super Bowl XVI cast of thousands Sports, Page 7 ' I J f . . . t • • • t t • •. • t J $ ! • • • ! 1 5 • • 5 • 3 I!:' ! • ,. .. ·r·•• •rru;;Jtn:n:' :cn:rr u S',.,,,,ss's, f'U,"OO us PH,, Os ,,,,,,,, , , , •·• •, ••. • ~.'. • • • • •, ••• ~·Index , ~ ~ -~-~ ~ --. ~ ·Televiews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• . ... . . . PageJ lij On tilt C_over . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2 : Highlights . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3 ~ s -o port s1 ................................. Page 7. &f I nside TV . . ........................ Page ~ g· LeJ ters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ...... Page 8 ~ Word Came· . . . . . . . . Page 8 ~ TV Puzzle . . . . . . . ............... Page 8 Daily Grids . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Page JO n: Prime· Time Details . . . . . . . Page JO. ·Tube Toppers ...................... J>age 11 ·Cable Subscription ..................... Page J8j c;>ayy~ l?"ama . :-... ·: .. : ..............• Page 27 ~ov.ae Guide ........................... ;Pa ge 28· ·, .. · Program information i• ·prowud bp the Mtworkl and atationl and ii aubj«t to change· .'Pithout notice. 9 KNXT CCBS) 6121 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. e KNBC (NBC) 3000 W. Alameda Ave., Burbank, Ca. • KTLA (Ind.) 5800 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca . e KABC CABC) 41Sf P rospect Ave., Los Angel~. Ca. I (8) K F MB (CBS) . 7677 Engineer Rd., San Diego, Ca. 8 KHJ -TV (Ind.) 5515 Melrose Ave.: Los Angeles, Ca. C 10) KCST <ABC> 8330 Engineer Rd., San.Diego, Ca. e KTl'V (Ind.) 5746 W. SW\Set Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. e KCOP-TV <Ind.) 915 N. La Brea Ave., Los Angeles, Ca. -3-KGET <PBS > 440 1 Sunset Blvd .. Los Angeles. Ca . St KOCE <PBS> . 15744 Golden West St., tf uqtington Beach CO) On-TV 1139 Grand Central Ave .. Glendale . Ca. CJ) Z-TV 2939 Nebraska Ave., Santa Monica, Ca. QI) HBO T1me-µte Bldg., Rockefeller Center, N.Y~.·N.Y. CC). Clnemax) Time-Llfe Bldg., Rockefeller Center, N.Y., N. Y. '~~~~. ll1J (WTBS) AUantaIGa. Cl) CESPN> Cl) (Showtime) bl ack <S > Spotlight ··(Cable News Network) Daily Pilat MAIN OFFICE • 330 West Bay St ., Costa Mesa, ca. Ma ll address: Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626 Tele~: 642-4321 ' .Televlews - "THE LIGHTNING" .\n outst anding m a l'it imc pa int ing h~ art 1~l .John Stoharl Cable gets 'Star Wars' first By MICHAE L DOUGAN 04 Ille Delly ~llet SLIH Notes from the video jungle : 'STAR WARS' WA RS: 'Star Wars' will make its n etwork televis ion debut on CBS afte r #£ppearing first on cable television. Bidding for the blockbuster movie between CBS and ABC ended when the latter network dropped out. sayihg it was only interested in absolute first-time rights. CBS accepted a provis io n laid d own by 20th Cent ury-Fox that ·s tar Wars' would go to the cables before bei ng sold to any network. The purchase price pa id by CBS fur the film was not revealed. Neither was the air date . Nor the cable fi rm that will get fi rst dibs. WH EN ANJIN-SAN SPEAKS: As NBC's m ini-s eries "Shogun" aired in Japan. viewers On the Cover were able to comprehend all aspects of the story tha nks to sub·litles running up and down the right side of the screen during the English language-; segments. The same couldn't be said fo r American watchers. who could only guess at the significance of 'some limes·extens ive convers a ti ons in ;Japa nese. But replays of the popular epic. set· to air before the end of the next season. will correct that little oversight. according to J ames Clavell. author of the o~nal novel and producer of the vi deo version Speaki ng befqre a meeting of the Television Critics Association. Clavcll said the subtitles were his idea PASSING IN REVIEW: The initial episode of a ne w PBS series entitled .. Proriles in American .'it'e' C<1hk />w.Je .! I Mick just 'One of the Boys' Mickey Rooney plays a feisty grandfather who shuns retire ment in· a new TV comedy series "One or the Boys," premiering at 8 p.m. Saturday on Channel 4. . Rooney, 59. portrays Oliver Nugent, rescued • from a retirement home by his college student g r a ndson .Ad a m .(Dana Carvey). Ad a m 's r oommate Jonathan (N11than Lane> isn't at all pleased by the intrusion of this old man. And Oliver isn't about to a<fm1t that he's in his seventh decad e in life and tha t the r e's a generation gap. The situation makes for a comic ha lf hour each week with Oliver·s quick wit. dyna mic personality. non·stop girt or the gab and wa ndering eyes that s hift from one. shapely feminine figure to the ne:U. his s tarring role in the Broadway smash ... Sugar Ba bies:· But there has been disaster in Rooney's past. He had his own show in the early '70s called "Hey. Mulligan." It was a bomb. Rooney. who made his first film at age 5 C"Not to be Trusted">. Is optJrrrlstlc about his -return to a regul ar TV series. ··1 was very happy when 'One of the Boys' was presented to me. because it had all the ingredients that I. as a viewer. would wa nt to see.'· he told Copley News Sern ce Hollywood correspondent Nancy Anderson .. It has the qualities of the Andy Hardy pictures. It has the frivolity of ·Sanford and Son' and. I think. all the things that make a good solid show. Also appearing as a reguJ ar cast member is veteran actor Scatman Crothers, who plays one of Oliver's old buddies. ..tr you lake the time to watch three or lour Rooney takes on the new series after a lifetime segments .. I think you'll consider these people a career launched during. the vauckville days that part of your fa mily. w hich is the secret of included movies, radio. television and stage. The television success." actor was in a hiatus for a number of years, Rooney was nominated for an Oscar in 1956 for r eturning to public spotlight and critical acclaim his performance In "The Bold and the Brave" and ________ -._··--···.-..·~·-· .. ..;.;~~;.;;. ... .;.,;;; ..... ~ ... ~,.,~,-.:,:•·•.:.:••~••:..a u .. U.M pr'1>FSMU. ...... ~lltDk~" and h io2!7!l!or "ThA3ackSta!HOO " ~ 44 ~-flll·R.!p~-.a;a.~-,,.,~. -·· I 3 . . HIQhllghts for the Weell . J I .~ Friday specials JN«JAAY 22. ,. uo....a 8'°° (t) RASCAL DAZZLE The Lotlle Rascal• are fH· tured 111 him cllpa alld ShO<ll 111) HUNT£A'8 OOl.D Danger aod e•clleme111 emt>rOtl a 13-year-old l>Oy 8.1 he desperately aearchM fOf hie mlsa1110 lathet. (Part 3) 8:30 r lf) HUNTER'S GOLD Oa119er ood excitement embrotl I t3·y8llt·Old l>Oy as he desperately aearchM IOf hos mossiog lather War1 4) SJ DOTTIE WEST Specoal DellYe<y Dollie West and Kl!l'ny Roger1 perl0tm some of her super hits, 111ciud1ng "SOfry," "Lesson In LH vmo Ind "Ame<oca-Trilogy 7:00 HJ DIONNE WAAWla< IN COHC£RT Ttie songstre,f W!''1 ~ htl• es•·waMt One,. ... "Do You Know The Way To Siil JON?" and "t Know I'll Never Lo.,. Thia Way Aoaio" to her a edit pet• loons he< IJOPYI• tu,_ from the pas! and P<._,1 AFTEANOOH 2:00 THEYEAATHATWAS: , .. , Patric« O'N9at tooall this IOOk II the rnc>el "*"°''" 'Ille event• of the Pfevlou1 .,...,, 5:30 (ft) HUNT'M'S GOlD Danger Md exclt-t emt>roll a t3-,._-old t>oy u he dnpefetely -c"- lor h11 mlsalng lather. (Part 3) Eve.G 1.-00 HUNTER'S GOlD Danger 8nd exd1ement eml><off a 13-)'Mf-old t>ay u he desperately-~ tor hie mlMlog father (Part 41 t:$O. TO CU..-A MOUNT Mil A 1-.ege wr•lling 1111' overcomea u. ot>jec1ionl of hie glrlfl1end. coech """ lather to rMCh out ltnd help a dl11dv111taoed l>ladc family. MUSIC AWARDS -The beautiful and talented Donna Summer will serve a s co-host for th e live telecast of "The American Music Awards" honoring the mos t outstanding recording artist in 1981 t:OO (ft) THE LAST AWlllCa SHOW OeYld Steinberg hOete an .,_. perody oC t ... \11Md-d•--- 10:GG D QI AM AMENOAN PN)AlE: THE NARCS Torn Broltaw examl..- drug smuggling in South Florida. wh«e trdlclcing In ~ drug9 .. eepecially ~ - Cl)DOmEWDT "Spedel Deliwty" Dottle W..t lllld K_,y Aoger'S perform -of ,_ Mil* hits, lnctudlng "Sorry," "leNon In LMWlg" lllld '' Americe-T rttogy. ,, ,,;"-.. 11:00 (I) Ill.AME XVI John Byner .,_ you thlnga ltfeoge< then trvth, IWg« ltwl life. en4 zanier thM ln)'thtng you've - -In theM encore Pf ... entetlOM fforn the Show· time 8iurre Ql>fary 1~. TO AU88&A WITH El.TON Elton John pet1orma hie grMt•I hlt~I on a concen tour of Solllet Union. a:ao Cl) DOTTIE "Spec:W DeliYety" Dottle W•t end K9nny AoQ«9 pet1onn -of her "'PW hill. lndudlttg "Sorry," I ,OOO's of Movies For Sale or Rent See ~ Video Experts at • • e pa.reble vetlStlhly 11 ... lured(~) 2-.30 II HOW THE WOT WM WOH Kate Macahen (Eva Matoe r 0 •CO "T\ ... a. ~ Saint) kolla the t>ouoty <- hunte< whO has l>Mfl hOld· ~ Monday at 9 p.m. on ABC 1Ch. 7). The award will be presented in the categories of pop/roc.k. soul and country. A s pecial award of merit will also be presented. "t-·1n LNW>g" and '' AIY*'lca-T r11o9Y.'' Saturday specials JNIAJAll('( n . 1992 5:30 (ft) THE LAST AWA/llDIJ SHOW OeYld 8'411obwg . ._.. "" ~ 5*odyol , ... vleed...,. .__ l:aO. a.B'tWfT PNn'S M lc:heet NHmlth end '"9mbers of the Peclflc Arts ""*1ory Comc>el:IY are 1 .. 1Uf9d In thl• orlgloal PfocWcllon of ilon·llOj:) leughter end mualc 1:30 (ft) ntME TAU. TALU Ludwig von Drake tooats trw .. en1ma1.o c&...ic:s (J) JOHN CUNW'S ICBWCNa Olymplc gold medal· winner P9ggy Fleming end ··ice ~·· ltlt Jo.Jo St•t>udt le*' CUl'ry tor thi• display ol lllatinO artletry N fiJINOON 2:00. 8A1W4 VAUGHAN IH OONCUIT Set8h Vaughan'a lncom· VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN HERE ong her f1lmtly hotttege: the C Macaheos are re1.111lted ~ and on llleor wey 10 Or• ~ (Part6) Q!l A MAN NAMED LOMBAAOI George C Scott 11erra1ea lhe story ol ttns uolque man 4:06 fS;PERFECTLYFAANK C1011s Leachman os lea- turod as Broadway pays 1r11>u1e 10 Frank Loesser. lhe r.onowrller whose com- posotoons were respo11S1ble for lhe success of such !avoutes as "Guys And Dolls" and How To Sue· ceed In Business Without Really Try111g EV£HINO 8.'00 II) SUPERMAN. SUPERSTAR Tom Bosley. takes a look t>en111<1 Ille IQell4IS of the Dr'OJ'lll Superman M<ies with No4111e Nein and Jack Lsraon 1:00 G) AFNCA'8 WEEl'IHO.- BUT WHO'S USnHMl? Hosts· Carol Lawrence·. Stan Mooneyto.-n GUMts· Efrem Zlml>ehst Jf .. DNn Jones, Wiiiiam Shein« 0 KEHHV LOOOIHS Songet I IOftg"'l'llet Kenny Loggin• performs rneny of hl1 11' ..... t hltl •• lnc:lud- lng "WhateYet I Call You Friend" Ind "Keep The Fife'' In thle concert tec>eO II the Se111a 8erl>•fl Couflly Bowl. .. _. 8 CJ) CM AEPORT8 "The lJnc:1?unted Enemy: A Vietnam o.c.pt1on" Mike W..._ lrweatlget• a Wt· ~ aapec:t of the · Vietnam War •• the • behind·•'--action of U.S. Intelligence ~ • •• eoO how the rnoet -!Ml lllld critk:al 1t1Us- tlc:a -e manipulated with 1tg111f1c1nce 001110 far t>eyond the -. 10:00. 8 8TIW ewmN: ~•NOT PAETTY Comedlen St-Martin la joined by St-Allen. Joyce DeWitt, Peter Gt-. Louie ~ lllld Carl ~ lor an Irr• See Highlights. Page 4 ... v. • LORD OF THE RINGS (Animated) • FIRST MONDAY IN OCTOIER/W ~attha.u • PHYSICAL IOUvla Newton-John) • MOMMY DEAREST /Faye Duftaway CONTINENTAL D~IDE (John lelushU • PATERNITY J1wt Reynolds • STARDUST MEMOR(ES/Woody Allen : ~lflf IJw l&urt Reynolds) YI ... Cuatill R~l1 • .dJ:r4t '!::'! :.~'l.21 • . • GAS ISterlng Haydenl • MASSACRE.AT CENTRAL HIGH • No club to ioin, • ••••r• .. • feel · e I 000'1 of -•1n av•l6l1,. ratl .. s "I 1 ~ ~ From Page3 a -· look •t Amerlclln .., llM.(A) • (D) M>GIR WHfTTNCIR ~ In~ f9'Md linO-:g • I ~-AOfS u. ~~IMllY Qi of -.,..... '°' wllldl .... 0 " k.oOwll~ _J 11:ao (I) llZAME ~ John Bynet thOws you thing• 11ra.nger then truth. § tar~ then lite, and uni9f 0:: than anylhlng Y°"'ve 9V« -tAi6 CH)8EX18 A THM£-y-LETT£R WOAD M •n-on-t he-1l reel reapon111 and expert opinion• are uMd In this documentary lo an•- aome ol the motl·Uked quallon1 on the subject 01 MltUllity Sunday specials JAMJIJ("f 24, 1M2 MOANNO •• lt20 Sljl( • I( THAii> and Suaari Anton CSUzta a Lae,,........_11'1 .. •:JO r.o...s.o Ravel'• "Bolero" prOYldes a apedll ve/\lcte lor Thalia ...., ••• Choreography ~ tor tMs ~ng lather, (Pan HO ;,B.81HANT ,AMI Michael Numllh and memwa ol Iha P.eitic Aris Repertory CC>m910y ere featured 1n this orlglnll production ol non-llop laugtrt9r and music. 1:008 lWO ON THE TOWN HO ~":~™!= An airborne hellcopler jourMI ot the peoc>M, lligM wtllotl attorda -~ and -t• wtllch ~Ill 111ew1 .of Southern mecle fllstory In the "Aoar- c.llt«"'9; a looll at lt'l let· J: .. Ht in ac>r oadile••: .~blg::;:,;..---Iv time repoa-: a 1111w of AFTIANOOH condltlont lk>ng the U.S. I Meak:ln bord•: an lnatanl 1t:OO (S)IOMEOHE'8 .. THE wedding chac>et in Lal KITCHEH WITH JAMIE , Vagas. • dating Mr\llce ror A high ICllOol baseball it11 ell•· enjoys cooking u mueh as 7:00 • l!I THE MAKINO Of •thle11u. 8UNRMAH I 12:30 (BJ H80 SNEAK Ctlnstopher Reeve hosts a PAEVIEW: FURUARY look at the behlnd·the-A ,_ host 1ntroduoea the ~-creation of one ol movies, specials and tt,. b'Ogell hlll In motion 5')0rl• events coming to picture history; 1110 Home 8011 Oftioe in Fabru- 1 ~paarlng •r• Marlon ary. Brando, Gene Hackman 2:30 g RASCAL OAZZ1.E MCI Mllgot Kidder The Little Rucals are IN· 10:00 D a NOT-...ca 'rO tur.cl In lolm clips and RM: r.-LmACY Of lhot1a "°" ' 3:00 • 80Ul Of A NA TlOH John Hart r~ts on Sir John GielgUCI na<rates Franklwl Delano Aoaa. a hoStory ol ll>e royal velt't IOU< admlnlstretlo<\S dynasty al Thailand and and now tlW New OeaJ ••plores its relabons/\tp CoOld """11\ IN pr~ with 1tw1 molftary gowrn-l.ETT'aWOAO M1n -011-t1ti-1tree1 ruponae1 and ea1>9<1 opinions are uMd 1n this docuf'Mntwy to en- -of the motl·uked ~Ilona on the tubJeci of aexuelity, SOUAA1NO OFF -Base~all star Reggif 'J ~cksoo <rig bl 1. appearing as hi mself; angrily fonfronts Archie cCarro11-o ·eonnoT. te'ft1-atter ---- J ackson·s Rolls is damaged in front or Al'C hie's bar. in .. Archie· ... Bu.nker·s Place ... Sunday at 8 p.m. on CBS <Ch. 2>. Harry 1Jason Wingreen. second lefll and Barney 1 Allan Melvin 1 watch the confrontation with interest. of Iha Gr .. 1 Oepraukln ment ft)_~ 1.-30 CID eta 1e OONCStT An 9'abor111 nlQJUdub performance from the $tM>rtlrlg Olwtl i..-Monte 0Cetl0 Is ~.cl. -.... ea a lllm montage of Cher'• earty car-With SonnyBono. 10:00 (J) TOM JOND AND 8UIANANTON Pwforming '°' the lint lime together, Tom Jonel 11\d Susan Anton dazzle • Lu Veges audience In thla apeclll. N'ISUIOON 2:00 • 80l.IN) ReY91'• "BcMro" prOYldes 1 IC)edll wtllde tor Tllalla Mera'• dloreography. • KDWt' LOOGINI SI~ I ~lier Kenny Loggin• perlorma many of his OfMtelt hit• -lnclud· Ing "W,.,.,,._ I Call You ~Good _for ' '~ Classified advertising is your best choice for help In setling the Items you no longer need. It's quick and ioexpensive. and . the Pilot reaches potential buyers who live in this area. Call today. Claaaifted ads phone 642-6678 . . ---- Friend.. and "Keep TM Ara" lo this concert tac>ed .. ,, lhl S111t1 Barbara County Bowl. 4:00 Cl)TOM JOf8 AND aueANANTON Pwfonnlng '°' ,,,. lital time together, Tom Jonel M onday specials JNliAJNft 26, 1M2 MONMG l:OO ~ M8CAl. DAZZLa Tiie little AMcala -.... tur9d In film d4C>I end "'°"9. a:tO ® """'8'• GOU> ~and•*-· ambl'oll • 13-yeer-otd boy -.... dele*lllly NlfcMe The Lottie Ruclls •e IN· lured in film r;hps anct s/\or1s. 4:30 ct) THE l8lAHD Of HEVAWUZ In I.his animated comedy. the greedy J.8. Trump/lorn Cl'aa/\-lancb on the ialand ol .....,_ and lrles to modernize~ for hls own peflOllll gain. CID H80 8N1AK PMVIEW:FEM,IARY A ,_ hotl Introduce. the See Highlights. Page 9 What has been· a - better investment than BUILDING? Let your inveslment ma ke money for you ... build a · new home, an a partment or remodel the one you have. Phone (714) 739-8532 I (213) 802-258S 21st CENTURY CONSTRUCTION CO 1~ Financlns We parent. oar 1'0rk and completion d•te Con"ealon Lie No. 317808 ' I f T ~~~~~~~- Atlantic Music is closed on Wednesday. &~!l!_ we_ work very hard dUrin9 the other six days of the week to find the best values in hi-fi components. So on Wed- n e s d a y s , w e re I ax. 0 u r philosophy has always been to provide the best soundin9 equipment for you to fit within yow bud9et. In addition, we sell Maxell and TDK blank audio and video tape at the lowestpossible prices. AUDIO/VIDEO FURNITU-----RE Atlantic Music ccrries one of . . . Oran9e C ou~ty•s __ l~st selections of quality furniture to house your valued possessions. From 24 inches tall to 70 Inches tall· from '59°0 o oY.er 5700°0; wiJb_CJ(ass_ do_ars: with .cast.en: in-oak. walnut and pecan veneers and solids. A few of our ~e p~p.ular models are below, - but stop by for our complete selection and excellent pnc•llC} BARZIL.A Y GR-5 in walnut or oak veneers x YLOPHILE XP-64 in on 1 v.. inch hardwood. solid oak or walnut. dou-Double smoked glass ble smoked glass doors, door with solid oak or 4 adjt:.1stabte-she~ves-a-Ad--wafntJt handles . -e casters. Truly the finest . best . buy we've ever furniture available! seen! TDK T-120 SUPER AYIL YN VHS ... Video Tape EXC&LIHT COLOI AMD · SHAIP DETAIL ~5 13!! ... IOwMc••• MOBILE FIDELITY Origind Malt• Reconlng AMY SINGLE ALIUM OI CASSETTE IM STOCK ~~:s13~ 0 1 SULL1VAN AR-17 features a smoked glass lift-top lid in addition to a..-srnoked-glass door. A pull-out cassette drawer is one of many features. IWt4wMc..- 50% OFF AllORTOFON PHO NO CARTRIDGES INSTOOC . MO U..-t AMC-JEEP ,. . ORANGE COAS"F-·> AMC-JEEP--llENAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -14t-1823 . _. SADDLll KIMW. .-~-28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER IMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -6~6444 IOI Mel.ARENS 1MW At Beach Blvd. & Whittier -. La Habra -522-5333 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st.St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC MAIEiS C~DILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. '<. Costa Mesa -540-91 00 ."ALLEN CADILLAC-OLDS • GMC.OeLOREAN 28332 Camino Capistrano Laguna Niguel -831-0800 CHEVROLET . . . CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ATLAS CHRYSLER-PL Y~TH 2929 Haji>or Bl~ Cost«:MeS8 -~1934 , . -, DATSUN -HEWl'OR1' D~TSUM-· 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -133-1300 LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SOM · UNCOLM-MERCUR~ 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.5630 SANTA_.NA UNCOLM-MBtCURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-0511 FRANK PROTO LINCOLN-MERCURY 16800 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach · 848-7739 MAZDA MIRACtE MAZDA . 1425 Baker Street Q>sta Mesa -545-3334 ANAHEIM MAZDA 601 S. Anaheim Blvd. tnaheim -956-1820 PEUGEOT COMNB.L CHIVROLIT .,. llACH IMPORTS __ 2800-MarbOr-elvG;-___:. ___ -olllll'U-crov~-S reef --- Costa ·Mesa--546-1200 Newport Beach -752-0900. . ..,--.. ---... -----.. -- ... -~ .... • .,.. • "9.• ii.I': .... _...,_ ......... , • .,. Oo e -'\ ' ........ -.... , .... )0• o 1"',.000 "1' ...... ~ ••• ' .... ._. I ._••"" I i ·-..,, ....... \ PONTIA C . 801 LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600. Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDi --CHICK IVERSON. IMC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -6 73-0900 __ BILL VAN PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. · Garden Grove -636-2333 SAAB -IEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove S-treet . Newport Beach ..:.. 752.0900· TOYOTA ·--. .. EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach ·~~-85_5~ VOLKSWAGEN . JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd., Huntington--Beach 842-20Jl0 VOLVO EARLEJIE-VOLVO-----~--f"I 1966 Harbor Blvd. Q>sta Mesa -646-9303 -..... SOorts Qllbllghg, Friday sports JNIAJNtt& __ l:IO ®-THI NI\. Hoat9 L_.. 0.-Md Nldl ..,,._. "'-' hlghllght9 ol ltle AFC and NFC champlonahlp ~ and a ,...,... ol previous Superlowta. 7:00 Ill) THI 'I/A Y IT WAS "tM1 • '62 ~Cham· plonlNp: ....... "Oalllc:a Va. Loe~ UUrt~ 1:30 8 OOUNfDCMN TO IUf 811QWLJM Pr ... ol the upcoming Super Bowl gerne and t-. l."CIO.CQLW IAIKITMU Celilornie -. use (D)OOUMI MIQTMU. Stanford vs. UCLA 11:00• cou.w MIKITUU ~W.UC\..A u•e (I) NM IAIKETMU. Deer«* ~-at ~ ,.,.....~ Saturday sports JAHJAlfY 23, 1112 ~ 11:30 8 Cl) NCM MIKETMLL Alabama-Birmingham 11 O.Paul AFlllUIOON 12:t0. cou.w IAIKITMU use et Stanford 8 WIEKIND HPOU "Jim Plunkett" Q!COL.LICM llMG'f'l,AU Wyoming at Brigham Young 12:80 ..... HOOKlY ColotadQ Roc*ets vs. Lot Angalea Klnga 1::I08 ~ SATlJM)AY tG-round llghtW9igtfl bOul between Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini and em.to Elpena (1IYe lfom Allllnlle: City. H.J ); Sunltllt ln'tllatlonal Trecll• Mee! (lfom Loa Angelea. Calif.); a preview ol &;per Bowl XVI. l:ao 111 "'°' U llONAL 80M..IM TOUft I 100,000 AAC A*Mda O~n (from Mel'• Sou1hahore Bowl In ...... Cilil.·).- 1:111 ....... ONAl. ~TOUft 1100,000 AAC Mlmed9 Open (lro111 Mel'• Southahor• Bowl In ~.Celif.). Cl) "°""8 IA TUNMY 11)..raund light ...... bout between Ray "Boom Boom" M ancini and IErneato Eapana (from ~Au.ntfC City, H.J.); Sunklal l"""9tioMI T racll M .. 1 (from Loa Mgelea, Clllil.); • pr ... ol Sup. ~ XVI • .... IOCC8' MAm• QIMWt( Auatria .,,._ Weet Qem\any ......... ,o ... ~THI IUNMOWl.8 e WIDE WON.D CW "°""8 World w-·· G~ · ta~(ffom Molcow); Gerry Cooney -Joe 8ugrier In a llMlty- welght bolling ~Ion (from WHlbury, Long lalMd). • 9000a MADE .. GIMIANY - Al*ria vs. Wea1 Germany 5-.JO 111 WIDE WON.D M IPORT8 Wof1d Women'a Gymnu- llca CllampionUlips (from Moacow); Gerry Cooney -Joe Buor* in a hMV)'-weigtlt boxing exhibition (from WHtbury, Long llland). ~ eao.•"°""8~ "Big e women·• VOiieybaii ~llhlps'' 1:00 cm Ol.YWW> "The 6cMec Athlete" 1:a D "'"" llOWl xvt: THE ANAL. IUNDAY John Brodie lrolervlews playera and coecMa In a ~ took at rhe two •-competing In this yeer·· Super Bowl 1:00. OOUEOE ~ Ca1Hom1a vs. UCLA Sunday sports JNIAJNlt( ... 1"2 READY FOR SUPER ' TASK -Pat Summerall lleftl and John Madden will handle the play-by-play and analysis chores for CBS Sports' broadcast of Super Bowl XVI Sunday at l p.m. on Channel 2. The San Francisco Forty-Niners will meet the Cincinnati Bengals for the National Football League title. Summerall will be working his 14th Super Bowl and Madden his first. HO·~euNDAY t$-round W8A Fealh- erwe!Oht Champlonahlp ~ ctllmCMOn e_. blo Pedroza and Juan LaPor1e l1he "oni~AtllnOc City, N.J.); WOf1d CUp Sid- ing (from Wengen. Swftnr· lendl; ~ llgur• •Mlnel exhibition (from Medlaon Squar9 0.den, N9wYof11Clty). t:ao Cl) "°""8 IUNDAY (Joined In Pr.-J IS- round W8A Fealhetweight CtlM1plonahlp bel-n ~ E...tllo Pedr~ .. and"'*'~ (from Alllnlk Qty. H.J.): World C(lp 9ldlng Chm w.ngen. Swltnttand); Superall .... liQur• -..ng exhibition . ' Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities "Serving All Fa iths" l1arbor Lawu ·Mount Olive Men1orial Park· Mo11uary ·Mausoleums . =- 7 r (from ~ Square $ a.den, New YOfll City). 10:G08QI~ NFl: The Y-ln ~ ®~n&M. Hoell Len '*"-' and Nlcll 8uonlooftd proMa the two ._ competing In $upel' Bowl JM 10::a0eO TH1 IUNMTAM (8-1 Premiere) Cover· age ol Ille flrat of lour ,_.,.~,_.., wttll competitors Including defending champion Aanalclo · Nlhemiah, st-o.rwy, Gary Car1er and Mlle 8cMlldt (lfom Key Blac:aJM. Fla.). 11:00 8 C111 CX>U EGE IAIKETMll. Virginia at LOUilvllle 11::IO 8 Cl) NP\. TODAY Super 8owl pr~ pr~ gr-I"-"°"' the SINoar-doRM In Pontllll:. Midi.). 1:00 8 Cl) 8l"1I liOWl XVI Tiie Sen Fnndleo ~ ••• on the Cincinnati 9enga11 on thll annum pro IOOCblll c:laulc, to be .._ ~ liw from the Silwr· dome. In Pontiec, Mlchi- ... MIEATUT SPORTa• l.EOENOI . Eve.G ... CAC>CNMX>UNTRY 8'Cl9CHOOl "Waxing And Trajj Senll" A look la taken al whet type. ol llcls are avall1ble. what to -and how to apply the WU needed for varyiflg snow c:ondltlona. IRL 11~. IPORT8 FlNA1. Monday sports JAHJAlfY 21. 1"2 IEVINMJ tMe OOU.W ~ "Pee 10" ~egon State vs. Weahinglon Tuesday sports .IAMJNt'( ... ,.. Ill'' 8 Ulo.<'IN See Sports. Page 21 -! Burial In Any Cemetery -Shipme!'t -Cremation. Plans Available 1825 Glsler .. Ave. Costa Mesa .(Glaler Ave. at Harbor Blvd.)' . -'"'----~-------. . - ' I ~lnf~TV l'WOrld War .l!l.' is ready to roll ;£_ By JEFF PAUER McCU!lless families. whoae -ani1D09ity for •ach ---. °'~... other goes back many years. Castine 11 yet to be 8' The big night 11 drawini near for talented announced: writers are Stephen and Elinor Karpf ..J David Soul. Rock tfud.son and company, when ~ "World War Ill," a two-part mioileriea •• be1w Beau Bridges wiU star u Ray Jotuason in :§ Jan. 31. Tbe drama chronicles the hn>otbetical "Daneerous Company," a new tY movie set for ii: events that take place when a military Wlit from Feb. 9. Tb.ii abow will tell the story or Johnson's the Soviet Union Invades Alaska to seize the datlg_g_eu:ape fCQ.llL..f.olaom Prison aad bi A asltan pebne. Tlie6Iatan y Miele act briDSS-subsequen\ capture and ~bWtation . . . lbe world to the brink of nuclear war . . . Frank Reynolds, chief aneborman for the ABC Fans of Steve McQueen won't want to nµJ1 one "World News Tonifht," wlU be honored with the ofhislastmovies,"TomHom,"set fOf'broadcut ''He adliner of he Year" award bf the J an. 27 at 9 p.m . In this western, llcQueen plays Headliners Club of Auatia. Ttie club is dedicated to the title role of a man hired to protect ranchers "people who write headlines and make them" and from rustlers . . . has ~ 1tven for 28 consecutive years. j'orme-r Suzanne Somers will star in her first musical winners are Walter Cronkite, Dan.........,., John variety special, "Tbe SUza.nne Somers SpedaJ"·oa Chancellor and Karry Reaaoner ... Feb. 15. Tbe aonc and dance show wu st.a1ed for · •The II a k i a.. 1Jf Superman I , ' ' a 6,000 aailors aboard the aircraft carrier. U~ -bebind-tbe·sc_ .... 1ook at the makinc ol tile movie, Ranier. Hoininl the smashing blonde will be Plip will SClllldl""Jan. 2( on ABC in preparation for the Wilson, Marie Osmond and Gladys Kn1cht and the wtr.part airlq·ot'tbe movie itself Feb. 7 ud I . Pips . . . The "Making" will look into the fllminl ol the The Watergate scandal spa~essionl, m ovie, which was written by Ilario Puzo and atan the confessions spawned boQU,,.1ifilelJ IP&WJlll!6.. Chri1Slopber.-Ree¥e, Marwot-~4d~ Marlon televfsfon movies which s pawned a soap. Brando, Valerie Perrine fnd Gene Kackmaa ... "Capitel," a new daily-ball-hour drama foeulial "I Love Liberty," a t wo·bour special on feuding families in Wasbl.Dfton, D.C., celebratina this country and the liberties that ABC p11emieres on CBS March 29, it wai. recenUy president Anthony D. ThomoPOUlos says we "often announced. take for granted," will air Monday, Feb. 2Z at t . Th~ show revolves around the CleH and ~e "WorJd." ~ 17 'letters Mrs. Muir's ~h~st haunts stage ' MULHAaE UPDATE -..... ...,....., of Uaal deUPtfld. ader Edward MllDlate. wlle ftl so &eod In tlae TV venioa of ·~-.. DI •n. Blair"! _ · The Irish-born actor has been devotlellllmsel( ' to the stage during the past few YealJ,, pving toured in both "Deathtrap" and "My I.a .Lady" most recently. Mulhare will play a 8rilish 1eneral in "Megaforce," a mercenary tale currently rilining in the Mojave Desert. BY GEORGE -Please settle a dilpeMe. Did George DICeuo, wbo was oae of Ute bad l•Y• In a hcen' C~ mnle "Klllla1 at lleU'1 Gale," play Charles Manson In the TV movie '·'Belter Stelter"? I aay lie dJda't, bllt can't recall wllo did. You and your fellow disputer a~ both a bit helter skelter on this one. DiCenzo did star in "Helter Skelter ," but he played D.A. Vincent ·TV puzzle 1! Bugliosi. Steve Rails b&Fk' <most recently seen in "The Stuntman") played convicted murdere r Charles Manson. DiCe~o. by the way, is now a r egaler on the n ew. J a mes Arness series. "McClain's Law." SMALL SPLASH -I've been nrteus for a while as &o what because of Mark Spit&. I haven't beard a thin« about him" la qlli&e some time. Spitz did not create quite the splash everyone h oped he would fo llowing his seven-medal performance at the 1972 Olympics. But Spitz has picked himself up and dusted (dried?> himself off quite nicely. He 's reportedly raking in big bucks buying and sellipg real estate in Hawaii. with lime out (or a few laps around the pool each day. Send your letteri to P~ 0'81Vn, Umted F'eature Syndu:ate. 200 Park Auenw. Room 602, Nna York. NY 10166. ACROSS 1,5 Shown, stars on Falcon 35 Mudd's .ipeclalty Crest 38 Not mat'y 10 -Heroes -39 -Aviv 12 Edward Evefell -42 P4Kry Muon, e o (ab) 1" -Greco • 44 See 47 Aeroaa , 15_ :-Man~ands 45 -People Play 16 Apr. 15 lnltlals 47,4• -La'lgdon 17 Do7" -. mi •B Mr . .Nimoy·s hanify 18 Buttons or Barber decor 20 See 55 Across 49 Poetic time 22 Biblical tlon 50 Eureka! 23 -Way Passage 52 Mr. Newtey·s sign.off 24 Etem or gram 53 Berverlee Mc -plays 25 GJrard or Hodges Iris 26 The -of Laura Mars 55,20 Plays Capt Frank 29 Ed or Nancy Murphv 31 Roman 51 57 Mart( - 32 Our continent (ab.) 58 See 30 Down 33 The -of Our Lives DOWN 1 Role for Cella Weaton 39 Charlie'• angel 2 Mr. Griffith's lnaig,,. ..a Mlaa May's sign-off WORLD WAR Ill Rork Hudson will star in World W~t· Ill alon~ with htlentt>d Fa\'id S9ul on ~BC. · • ~ IUAR2~ .THE. I lETI"alS Yoo Ftt.L.ED 1"1 1'"0 ~t.l 1'HE NAME~ A "'1M .-.,. •ua 91411': I I I I I I '1~~¥>~H~~~7~t' 3 -King Cote 4 Shroyer role 5 Every -Way but Loose 6 Susannah or Dlcl< 7 -Miniver 8 One Day -a Time 9 TV personality Kathi - 10 Great American - 11 Barflies 13 -Diamond 19 Susan - 21 Mr. Carneys sign 011 22 -of Consent 27 Rick or Ron 28 Marie. to Donnie 29 -·Margret 30,58 Played Diamond Lil 33 -the Menace 3• Fearful reverence 36 The Week Thal - 37 -Margolln on Rockford 38 Played Colombo C> IM2 UNled ,_.~ lfle. 41 TV's Norman - 43 Camper's cover 45 Played Grandpa Walton 46 -&slness ~9 Ethnic ending 51 V1goda 54 Mr Harrison·s ins1gne 56 Miss Strltch's monogram SOLUTION , , ' I~-~ -. ---·------ --~· . -----~----. ..... -. _ •• .......,,.._r.;;oo;....,...,..~-=.,..--c;:;;;:~-=~:s=~-~~;.:;;;.:;:;z:::::==========:=::=:==:::::!!!!! ............................................................................ ~ CELEBRATING SUNDAY -The Lennon Sisters make a rare T V appearance with host Oral Roberts on ··Sunday Celebration ... Sunday at 9 a.m. on KHJ-TV •Ch. 9 1..Joinin~ them will be Rob~rls· son. singer Richard Roberts. and the new Krofft Puppets. the Fudge F~mily. Frpm Page 4 movies. •~lala end • apcwtl ...,,. coming 10 • Horne Box ~In Febtu• H000°HUNTBr8GOU> Deno« end ··~· embroll • 13-~411 boy .. he ~atety-cn. kif 1\19 mmlng tether. (Pert 5) ~ 7:00 Cl) IHOW1WI L.OOKI AT._ A~loc*ll lellen8t -of IM rne)« ,_ •tories, people and _ .. ol 19IO. e:eo(I) IHOW1WI LOOK8 AT-1 The -ltoriee, people end _,.. of 11111 -...,,.., In !NII y.--end ,..., e:ooea THI......:• lia*CAW,,,.,. FlfteM -· In the fll6dll of pop I rock, IQll and country muelc: ... be ,,, .. -'*' '" thl• _.. -* CMMl!Of'Y, to be ...._.. from tN 8'w1ne ~In Holl)wood. ®H90.-AK ~.:•DUMY A ,_ hOel lnttodYcle tN •OYIH, tpeellll a"d ...... --OOIM!g to HorM loll Ol'lloe In FMIN- 10-.l0 •• MM .tll YOUR WOM.D • r.wtll\ Agronllly ~ tfle lmpect of ltle Mleoom- munlcettonl IWOIYlloft. 11:11®ITANDMa9'00M -Clll.Y- "An E-*'g Al The Moulin Rouge" Gecwge Hamlllon ._.. 8" ~ -wig !\"om tN Moulll\ Rouge In Perll-.eunne leViltl coe- eum., provocalM dMC· .. and topnotch lnteme- lioMI ven.cy ecta. 1l:GO • ..x> STIWNIT Aoclt mu.le'• reigning "'* .... eymbol ... In tt1i1 concert. biped Ihle at the Forum II\ LC» Angele9. lllf9"g "*'Y of hll lllt lln- glae .. W.-.. cula from ' -ofhllll~ 1:IO. • ONDIE: EAT~ IMT Deboflh Hllrry end ltle memllerS Of 8londle I*· tonn the -. h"om their e1b1.tm "bl To The Beet" In thla Yldeo ~ ... Ion. 2:tO Cl) IHOWn. LOOK8 AT- A Miltie lo<* la 11119" at Agall\.. to her aedit per· tonne her ~ ...,_ lrom ltle ,_. end .,,_i. l:GO (B)N'TaNfOTHI ~ Aay Bolger ... - audience for M Mimlll orchHlre playing th• mullc of Protloflew • &:JO CB) HANS CHllT1AN AHOll•l'IW ADltlNTUM An4mtlled. A boy and girl find adventure with a ..... of """"* 11orylell· ere Including the famous and belowd .._ Ctwll- llM Andlr9M. Cl) THI WNJKY WON..D °' JOMAntM WIN'8W au.I: Howerd Coalll. .CIMAT~M OOUNTRYl!a*CI LY"" Ander80!\, Donita Fargo end LKy J. Oiiton -of the~-­.,,... people end _ .. -IMtured In ttlll M-on- 18'19 ~ "°"'""' MOM OrMd Hotel II\ of 19IO. Tuesday specials JAHAJNfY .. ,. MON•tll AfiLU:OO.. 11:11 Cl) THI WM*Y WOM.D M JOMAntAN WINTW Guell: "°"9rd eo..11. 1:ao CB) DOM WARWICK .. CONC:MT The IOl .... W wlttl IUCltl 111U M "W• On By," "Do You ic,_ The Wf/lj To Sen JoM?" and "I K,_ 1•• Reno. ~ l.-00989(1)0 ITATE M THI UMOM AOOM88 Preeld9"1 ~ dellYera the --81•1• of ..... Union addr.a 10 • joint Mlllcwl of eongr... at ..... ~. 9 ICCIST~T INCIAL '""'911da!\I Aellgan'e Sllta Of The Union Addf.a'' l:tO • ..x> 8TIWNIT Aoclc muelc'• relgl\ln(I m... •• eymbol etar• In thla -1. tlljllld .... at See 1li hl1 hts. Pa9e ~ _ ... t ....... ' 1PAM PORTE.AFIELD C~iropractic Assistant OR .ROBERTA.BADGER Chiropractor "LllTEN'.·.-ta ' :1au·1 JODY ··:· Pain between Shoulders PaOJin Ar Stiffness or Pain In Lower Back Painful Jotrrts--1 ) Leg or Foot Cramps ___ . ~. . ~1 .. runtxless in the Arms or Ha1ds SS or f>ain Ill the legs If something's going wrong, it will tell you. fl& CONSULTATION ~~ I ~~~645-5300 ;-) L..I --------"- 2~3 Westcliff Sr., Suite 108 Newport Beach (neer Coco's al 171h & Irvine) .. . I $ 1- 10 'Pdday Grid KNXT IJ 00 Tattlltales l l ao YOl#IQ And TheAlllllll KNXT iJ IMMgetM 00 .. 1230 AsThe WOf1d 00 Tums l ao Selrc:h For Tomorrow OONews 5ao :: 700 C8SNews 'ao Super BOWi 800 The~• OIHm.d 30 .. 10::: KNBC D LllMfelM KTLA " LMMfeiM WMel Of Big Fortune v.ner, Bl tu.tars KNBC D loeMgetM Days Of °"' LiWI Anou. WOl1d Texu N8CNews .. Mc:CIMI'• Law ,. 8CTV NnoR90 KTLA u loeMgetM Twilight Zone Twilighl Zone ;, KA&c • IMMfelM LM Bolt KA8C .a IMA ....... One LHe Touve ABCNews P9ople's Coult Slr:ike ,force KFMB Q IMDilfl Young And The Restless KFMB e s.i.o-.o News Aslhe WOf1d Tums Searell For Tomorrow Guiding Ughl M.A.S.H. CBSNews Tic Tee Dough PM MIQIZlll8 The~ OIHmMd Fllcon Crest Pillons Vs. LoeAngelee ... .,, KHJ D IMMfelM MidlllOfning L.A. Treuure Hunt Mllcll Game KHJ 0 Loe.,..._ MOYie: "Beach 8111" M<Me: "Johnny Guitar" TheWhi1e Shadow You Asked For It ~ News .. Movie: ''Jolww'Y CWter" ~du/w3{$c'kn C rcati\'t.:-Jc'vvdcrs. Inc. "~uiN" ~""'rr Jf, $;;1' J?,11f'ify .1 " Barbara K Jarlcson Crea/we Jl'welry Colltct1on o/ Diamond & cuk>rtd gtm.t/Onl' /i!wtlry fa.~luonoblt /rt shwater & ru//ured peorl11. gf'rmloM bcodl. handcra/lt'd 14K & 181\ gold cha ms and bracelf'IS and much more KCST I!) IMDilfl Rlchln! Simmons BlltleslltS Password Plus The Doctor• KCST ai) IMO.,O Days Of Our Uves AnoCtler WOl1d Texas N8CNews The Muppets Femly F'IUd N9C M~ McClllll's Law News Thee.t OIClnon ,, SCTV Nttwonl 90 Movie: -..:.'G&d Of The ~1 Open LN The Wlltons lhidy &rich The Muppe\s lncnlCMlle Hulk The Jell« sons Welcome Beck. Kotter M.A.S.H .. MAS.H PM Magazine ifoClmbA Mountlin • FromRuala Wi1h Elion KCOP • Lei.,... p~ Tllll Boy" News KCOP m Lei-... Moo.41: "Brighj Liii'' .loller's Wild TlcTIC "I News IHNNews Slnford &Son The Rookies INNNews .. KCET fI:) C._,oom TV ci--oom TV SeNnle Street L.A. Week lnR.-. Wlllling1on Week Wll""9t Week Cllilofnll Wiii! lnlldll St featuring ... Designer jewelry ... original works by nationally known, award winning desi1ner Barbara K. Jackson and many other leading.desicrters. .2610 E . COAST HIGHWAY, CORONA DEL MAR. CA. 92625 • 7t4~766 . .; _,.,, ~ KOCE ml KOCE m II II if e.Mll Gut en Tag MiMr" W~on Week - Cfte!Mty Finllg line ,, .... .. ~ Fridays Details .JAHOARY 22, 1912 EVENING ' 7:00. HAPPY DAVI AGAIN A!llptt -ur"nPta ..,.,_ after I dOC1or hypnotizes him and cauMS him to lose all or ~ ........ .. w•A'S'H H.-..eye. Tripper and Spearehueklll' tty to save 1 Korean gwt lforn bondage to an Arnertean sergeant 8l) OVER EASY Guests actor Macdonald C1r1y, Senator Jo lln Heinz (RIO (!]) EHTEAT AIHMEHT TONIGHT 8111)' Crystal dtSCUS$e$ Ille plans tor hit corneoy spe. cualt QfJ THE MUPPETS Guest· Zaro Mostet (Cl MOVIE • • * '> wOay FO< Hight I ,721 J~ 8'5sel V11ent~ C<Kt- 7: 15 'l} CINEMAIOORE 7:30 9 LAV'ERHE & SHIALEY &COMPANY La_.,,. an<r Sllll'ley.11reant ab<>Ut lite 1n lhe heruft8" after wguong aoout return· '"fl I Chee* lrorn the~ company. • M•A•&•H The company's young Korean plngpong champ•· on persoldes Hawkeye and 8 J to tend h<m m<>n- !l'.. lor an q agement ring Qi) WAU STAIEET WEEK "LOOk Ou1 &elow?" Guest Jullan Snydet editor and publisher. lnternat1ona1 Moneyllne !ti MOVIE • • ._. "Bon v~. Chat· tie 8r0Wf'l00 ( 19791 Animat- ed :o.r.c1eo by Bill M"eien- deL IZ)MOVIE • * "The Return Ot The Secaucua S.ven" (19801 Mark Arnott Gordon Clapp 1:00 8 THE DUKES Of' HAZZAAO An Old friend ot Uncle Jesse's os relea5ed alter spending 10 years on prts- on and returns 10 Hazzard County to get r~ on Boss Hogg 9 MCME * * * ·~ "Kay largo· ( 1~8) Humphrey Bogart. Lauren Becall D ~ IENIOH Under the mlstat.en irnprllQion of 111 value, Clayton and Kr-jnvest 1n soma 110cit tn81 Benson •as given • peymeol for a debt.O fl MOYIE • • 'It "Catry On Cowboy 11962) Sidney James. Ken· nefhWllllams • P.M. MAGAZINE A new, u~ haallh cr-.n -"lrWWsic>ll boots", a disabled woman wf\o eflte<ed Iha Mrs.. Tannes- ... ba.uty pageant: Jo~ Kulhewlll on 1•1ng Iha mystery Ollt of ma1tlemat· .'\1•1• f'nrlat, ·., PmJc' 11 ANOREXIA & . ·-BULIMIA The Hacienda Psychological Services NOW has a Special Staff to Handle these & Other Similarly Related Eating Disorders. FOR llflP CALL (213) 336-1292 All Inquiries-Strictest Confidence • Open 7 Days S pm 'til Midnight 3840 E. Coast Hwy • Corons del Mar ,, 2J m m m 2J 0 0 :x: c: 2J m CD· -< ~ > -r- (714) 673-3933 ParklnQ ...... "- •L R' 0 0 a c 3 CD Cil "' nlbeToppers _KTIV t8 8:00 -··P.M. Magazine.·· Savang money in the supermarke t is· a mong topics. KABC fl 9 :00 ··John Denver and George Burns: Two of a Kind.·· Special offers music and comedy. KOCE ft 9 ~30-and KCET Jt-10~30: , .. Absence of MaliC'e : Fact or Fiction.·· ~ h~ accuracy of t~e .1~1 film depicting ~n mr:iocent man nct1m1zed by the press 1s topic. ~NBC GJ 10:00 .. An American Profile: The Narcs .·· Orug s muggling in Florida is ctiscussed. fr!daJ5 Details From Page JO lea; Cheryl Peatt on saving moMY In the supermarket (S)MOVE **"' "FalaO .. (IMO) Dom DelulM. Anne Banctofl g lk.ONDIE EAT THE 8EAT a:*> 8 O eoec:>M 9lJOOIE8 Henry. Kip and Arny quit "*' totll and IJO"to wart! lor a amel TV commerclll producllon comciany on the brink of collapM (RIO • TOCUMaA MOUNTAIN A tMn·ag9 wrMtling stat overcomes the objeetk>M of bla Ol<Jlrifrul, ~hand lathef to reach ou1 and h1lp a dludvantagad blacll lamily m> CMATMTY WITH BILlMOVEM Samson RaphMlaon, 14· year-Old p11r-rlght and sc:rMnwrller, looltl bad< on hie Broadwly wccess· .. and landmatk Holly· wood fllfM'.' 0 HO 8 (J) DAllA8 J R 's continued 1bMnCe and Ray'• 1pathy. toward the ranch have Bobby bu.Sy Irving to keep Ewlog 011 •float and SouthlOtk tunning D OJ MCCUIN'& LAW McClain IS battled 1>y 1 seroe~ ol SMmingly ,.,,. dom alaylngs. uni. 1 .,,.._ claliat poinll him tOw1td memben of • MCtetlYe ptllon 1JanO.. (Pan I) e a JOHNDBND NllDGIONN~ TWO MAKINO John Oenwr and a-09 But'nt combine talenll for an hoot of mutlc and COt'l'I· edy.(R) • WAll ITMET WEEK ··Loot; Oul Balow?" ~ Jull1n Snyder. edllor and publisher. lnlernatlonal Moneyllne. QID VOTP'I PIP£UNI Jim Cooper lntervlewl Cll· ll0tnla'1 COIOrlul U.S, Sen-"°'· S.I. Hey•-·· on domestic and foreign 1.- (C)MOVIE * * "Survlvll Run" (IMO) Peter Gra ..... Ray Milland CID THE LAST AWAN>I SHOW Devld Steinberg ho9ta 1n lf-9'14 pet~~ lele-- lliMd -d• lhOwl OMOYIE * * * '" "La Cage Au• Follea'. ( 1979) lJ90 Tog· nauJ. Mk:MI Serraull. .. 11 (2) MOVIE • * *"" ··BtNllter Morant .. (IMO) Edwerd W~d. J-*~· ........ "°"" "AbMnce Of Miiier. Fac1 Or Fiction?" Hoddlno Caner ,,.,._ the -• cy °' -, .. , tllm wtllcti deplct9 8" lnnOoent "*' Ill·~ wine di91Tlbut0t bilallltM and IN-him at lhe man's mercy. 8CllAM~ PM>f1U: THE NAACI Tom Btollaw e11amlnes Orug smuggling .,., South FloriO•. *'-• traffieklng In illeg.i dtugs •• ~ prevalent. 8 9 STNKE"FOACE A l«iM of dating armed rot>berlM 9PC*W to haw ~ eommltted by pollce offic«•. • CMATMTY WITH Ill.&. t.IOY8'S Samson RaphMlson. &4- year ·Old playwtlghl and .cr_,wnter. look• back on hill Bto.c:tw•y _. es and landmatk HOiiy· woodlilms.Q '19 FIANlUNE "Resolved: This House A~ov.. The Economic lnlt11tlves Of Pruldent Reagan" The second part ol a debate be'-Wii- iiam F. &iCiuey and John Kenneth Galblallh IS pat- SMtted. f8)MOYIE * * '"' .. Bick Roads·· (19111 Sally Field, Tommy l M J<>neS (a>MOYIE * * * * .. The Elephant Man.. p980) John HUt1. AnthOny Hoi)lllns. Cl) DOTTIE WEIT ••Special Oeliwry'. Dollie WM! and Kenny Rogen l*fonn -of her ""* hits. inc:Mflng ··Sot-ry," "lesson In ~ .. and ••Ameflca. Trilogy:· 1ct30. INllDE STORY ''AbeMce Of Melloe: FKI Or Fiction?'" Hoddlng Carl« •tudlea the accufa· cy of the IN I ftlm whldl deplcla an lnnOClent man victimized by the press 11:00 8 KO.WC l<ojak'• only wtt,_. to • Rood of guns reechlng the hand• of • atreet gang la alrald to gel inYO!ved. eTHEJIFRMONI George catchH disco ...... .MHFOM>AND90N Fred and Donna have reooncl6ed ltlelr dm.r.nc· .. and we once again planning to Wed. • E**" CAVETT a.-t: comic K10t ~ ~(Pan 3 of 3) (C)MOYIE ***'J\ .. Bananas" (1971) Woody Allen. Louise ~-(1).aAMEXW ~ Byrw .,_.. you "*'Of ltrmng« tMn truth. *ver lhen .... end zanier "*' ~ ~·ve .,., -Ill --~·sir-­ent.eloM "°"' lM Sllow-............ ..,,wy. .MOllla uu rr 11nl -•(I) MA.OONCMIT ···~-.. .. -··· • .... "C>Mne ~ .. (1.., ......... TIMI ........... THE BIGGEST GARAGE SALE ON THE ORANGE COAST IS IN THE DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIEDS 642-5678 lallyPllll I • ·~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~m,iii~-~;.-·;-~ wtclln.._ ~ t111 .,,... -------·-. ---·---------------:----..-•.__.., ___ ,... _. _____ .........,..1'' 0 •11 I .. . .. -t I ----·~-----_,, - 4uu ur1• Wflt' .. " --.- uu .. 12 • ...; II I .. ' .... ........ --..... ...,.. ( ..,..._, ""1•i .. Wli " TCMll" t• '"""' I -" l+INia'' ~. T09T• McMI; * ..... ''Gordon'at I Molilll: I MAS.H .. 1115-'dl Of ... Onw'll Ffom l~" ~. NBCNlws N SHOPPING, DINING • I M.A.S.H ,, • _KCOP •• .......... Sold Gold ~ Celllk.H Prilons: CelM.H KCET •• .......... UllOn &rttl .. Gtllll PW'tomwlCll ''1111d11fl19d ~ UllOn Ed KOC£ .. ·= Woodrlgtlt'a ~ ....... Mullc . . .. ' -. --------- & 'ENTERTAINMENT C&eTEll · · ' FESTIV Al HALL SIUCT FIOM 500 I IWORTID ITIMS ftt.C)M~QYR THE \6tOILD . MAMYITIMS llDUCaAOW 10.1"9 °" GERMAN BAND ,.,.. ........ . I 1hwy S-,,J ... .M, lllfM $4.ZI Cl I*• SUI ----------.--- IATMSlla&.At Lift Illas I ii , .. Dtsllj '· ' , David 'C'anary is singi~ng for joy By LVlD&..llaSCB opposed to soaps, will David Canary, who make college s tudies plays Stephen Frame on workable. ''Another Worlcl1 '-I is A LT H 0 U G H 1 T about to wed actress LOOKED as ii Jeremy Maureen Maloney"T The Slate's role i\S Chuck couple met at a i>luty Wilson might come to an five years ago and Lhey end .on "One Life to have been dating ever Live •' due to the since. David has a r eso lution-of the 16 ·year-old by a Beau·Olympia ·Asa previous marriage. storyline, took for the FRANK GORSHJN, stylish Slate to be come who is famous for his involved with Beau as riveting impersonations, he tries to get even with bas sigded with "The Asa. Edie of Night" for at Q: b a l'ffe8t epllOde least a three-month stint of "GeMraJ llospi&al," KNBC e 8 :00 ··o ne of the Boys.'" Mickey Rooney portrays a man who m oves into his grandson ·s college apart~e.i:t.~· KNBC 119:00 ··Barbara Mandrell and the ~andrell Sisters :· Ra\" Charles · a nd Sil\"ia are guests. · KNXT 8 9:30 ··The Uncounted Enem~·: A Vietnam Oeception... Mike Wallace inv~tigates behind·the-scenes acti\"lty of intelligence aJ?encies . KNBC 8 10 :00 ··ste\"e Martin: Corned,· is not Prett,·. ·· An irreverent look at ·American life.· in which be will play con tlae claancter of Aue · cr......,f-.. n-11 artist Smiley WillOl'l. dyed lter hair ptu I• ~ua7' ~ta S W H E N K A T E puk-rock fa.sbloll. Wai -------- C A P S HA W h a d t o that her ldM, UMI U Ille ta -• INnlpullted w1tt1 abandon her role as Jinx dld•'t waat to do It, F rom Poµt• 12 •lontllc:anc• gotng far A very on "Edge or could ahe bave refued! beyond111e-. Night" due to a film -N.Z., Yoaken, N.Y. s1-Mc:O-, 0u111n ... ~ commitment, she was A: It was written into Hoffman. *GO 88'TaVIMAAT91: replaced by Susan the 'S~ript. Be assured ~~•~-.ci St•t•'" ComedlM ~=="• MacDonald, who once the type of coloring that 11880) willlMI Hutt, &1a1t lolned i,y st-Men. was Jill Farmer on was put in Susan Pratt Btown. Joye• oaw1u. Peter '"Somerset ." On that Winston's hair is easily •ICINNYLOGGINI a.-. Louil N'f9 and s how • be r h us band washed out. But yes, it 5"'9-/ tongwrttar Kenny Cert ~ t0< an ~ M itch Fa rm er w as was part of lti role. An Logglrw '*'°'"" rNny °' Wfant toott .. Amarlcan Ilia grNtMt hlta -lncJud. life IA) p I a ye d by sever a I actress mig t hem and lr1Q ""What-1 ea. vou e ·a FAMTNIY Ill.AND a c t o r s . i o c I u d i n i h a w a b o u t s u c h Fflend'" and ""Keep The ,. countty-~ W>ger Richard Sboberg, who is demands, but us ually Ara" In ,,.,,. eoncen tlll*I ••to "-'* 1a1e 1eee1 T 0 m 0 n .. A I I M y comes thtough since it's .. Iha Santa Barbara gultarlll btough1 bO lo Children." part of her contract. c-ity Bowl. tit•. and an English 1>tllfM. <>VER ON "THE Be.sides, we understand --~~nAndHowaro·· ~=-~ i.o-iarv DOCTOR$," .the show is Susan had ereat fun (1980) Peut LaMet. Jeeon • MO¥.e getting ready..,to s'Wilch playing Anne a little Aobetc11. ••• ··Nldlol .. And Alft· its time slot to noon gutsy for awhile. U088HA#MVAUEY !Indra" (197t ) M1ct1ae1 ( ET) when .: '&arch fot Q: The actress wbo SMiie 11 cest • .,. Viking Jayston • .-... SuzmM. Tomorrow" takes over plays lloae Kelly oa :=:--"'Flot•'• ctlerity ~Of'A !ts 12 :30 air time. This "Geaeral Hespltal" e INUK,.....IEWS ··siysione·· may spell some tr.ouble loolla like somet.ody who "t w .. A r .... 1499 flikwla-e AU8T1N art LMT9 for "The Doctors," since played Della Oil "Ryan'• Holywooel 191~·· Roger Country music's Jarry ma ny networks run noon Hope" yean back. Is it El>er1 and <>-Sl•lta• Reed and guitar wVMd th ., ••amine the reaaons wny Chet Atktnl on. • 91\arp news programs . S.Ne s!.~~.!ersoa. -the 1_...9 llUdoetlC9 11 contrut ota~tn1*'0<· However, those stations · ·• ....... ._, N. Y. now detetminlno Holly-matlC99 0( "Ee•• Bound owned and operated by A : No. Loanne Bishop, wooc:re 1>1ggeet hlta. (RI And 0owri:· ··01·1e·· an0 NBC were told....ihey who plays Rose. and t:00881AMAM 0111er1. • could not show any news Eileen Kri~teo , who MAHOMl..LANDTHE CD>M><IMWHmAKM or special·event· shows played Delia , are not ~G·-·· a-~ 5...._ tnt~ twneO 9ln0· I d f .._, ·-1 ~--. ,~ ., f aong'Wrlter AoOet ' durind the noon ~pot in even re ate . As or v1a. • I Wt11tte11• pattonna "'*"1 preparallonl' for the Ei een she can be seen eo LOVEllOAT O(tf'9bllledefcwwhldlhe airina ol ''Tb,e Doctors." as Tony Lawrence's Gopher,,_, 1111 Old cot-1ono.-n. Lookforsome.rnore cast assistant m ec hanic lege roommale. en (l)MOVll waves to -ake way for Georgia on ''One Life to ...,. ... ad _.. .-•w ·r11e Stuo·· 119711 ._ to perlorm onc:ie ll'IOf9. and Joan C011in9 ~ T*-Lhe new time slot. As for Live.·· a man pretending 10 11a ... • "Search forTomorrow," Q: W .. at 1tan lllan ~ , ... '°' • ~""' (Z)MCME you 'll see several c:lotlae1 Pl'OVlded for doet0t.Q •• "HEA" pe1e1 Semi unimportant characters them by tllle .._. Uld • CIMAT F,..,. Ann~ bite the dust to make wlllth mnt wear tlllelr ~:"~~tad; Et 1uioe M"A"l"H way for some new and ow•? -Mas. W.N., in,_...,,,_,._ .. --~ on ..._.do~J. ~ A Ill a....t ALL-"'-.._ -10 -·-~-... about e h i I h · p 0 Were d . Ca S l nl ta-a, vu.. IWlyn W*"Ofl'I now!. 11e11coptiar p11ot who - members. A: All the principal C•otai.1 c11.,.., Ryctat n11ttv. 10 '*"-t1ett1e- LAST WEEK GENIE ch a r a c te rs -ro r retum9toano.n..dca. lleld btie-•bt9c to ... • FRANCIS a-ar·.-..11 on example, actors and tte tn ,..,.....,. .... rec.111 ... ..,_,_..._ rr-cu 1111 fnandatllp """' Lord • • ''I• CM the "Today Sbow" with a c l r e s s e s w 1 t h ~ Ftyta ~ 20 "-A~ co-anchor &ryant continuine roles -have ~---1PW1110 ··Ktno Of A,,_1ee·· 1n Gumbel and Jliscussed clothes provided them • TMEWOOCWNeirra 1t15. • young. atrono- future career plans. by the studio. However, ~Need A SMvino ..-.ci Or.-.....,, Julllpe Genie wore ber hair loot extras, day players and HorM'" Roy UnctetM dim-.,. 1n New Yortt ...,._, and friuy, punk style, bit-part actors who fill -.... -.. ., at IPllt· :::.'.:,':*~Q ... and said she bad juat I a r gel y under the 1Jr1t wooc1 Ulil'CI • YWtety e IOUNDeTMI signed a deal with CBS. b e a d I n I o f of'°°"" 1'-Joan Ar!Nlredlng IPIN·• She also said she will " non· contract" are CC MCMI mu11ee1 ..ti u "'* "'9 •• "~dome" (1878) "Coot Blue.'' ""Barefoot attend collese. AJthoueh required to bring in D•vld Jen•-. Donn• And PregNnt." ··9ec1i. To she is aware it will be their own costumes. Miii. The NIOM" and "Wiiiow." hard to blend Into Q : W he• t be eMCM1 ~~ college life, she wants to performen are eatl•& ••• .. ,.,..,_, st...... C1:J_..._ give it a try. Explains food • &lie let, are tllle1 lttlO) ~ Hwrt. ...., • "Klondlle ,_ .. 11•1 G e n i e , s be was a e a ti as t la e a a • e • .,.,. Jiff &M. ,_, ~. 14-year·old tryln1 to food...n. .. real au-•. -. ...(I) C.Mrm"9 CJl)MOVm "' ""Ttlll~~A ***'I' "The ~t survive in an adult. S.N., a.a., Momaaa. Vi.tMfft o.ioept1on··.... ...,, .. 1,.,1 JoM Hurt. world on GR. _even ' A : Yes. they are.. w ..... in. 111,.1. a.._ Mlhofly~ though everyoae treated According to actors' ....._ ...... o1 ._ ca>..a. tier wonderfully. Sb• union contract rules, if Vtetn•111 W•r •• Iha •• .. .._art .,...,. .. J''° UWIU the awn.._.., an actor'• character ~....,.. ••• actton 111111 Cttuc-Norr••. 'NflithlllJ••·--·i.lf$ ,,.,. ...... ,. .. ~ .... u•.mm=.11rsn.u...,.,..· r---------------------------ii ·JanliicY -811111~ ~ Clearance . v10EO ·sAL1 ~ ICA m 1 IO •••••••••••••••••••••••• 'IJt" ICA ¥Pl' ltO •••••....••..•••...•.•.. 'ltf't ICA ""411 .~ •. -••••.••........••.••• 17n" WIWIRElESS REMOTE ICA m HO •••••••••••••.••.•••.• '10Jf"' W/WIRELESS REMOTE ICA VPP 170 •••••.•••••••••••••••••• '959" (PORTABLE) tCA CCllO ••••••.•.•......••....•• '71 t" (CAMERA) -------FAil! OHi YEAA llllMHAIHtP----•I ..,.,. ....... v._a._.,. __ .. ..,, _ _.... SUPERBOWL WEEKEND SPECIAL! January 22 • 25 RENT ON FRIDAY THRU SUNDAY RETURN ON MONDAY "-tl Fa-, •100o FOltCUJB ~ l F._ tor 4 DA VS! FOlt lllON.a...uB M£M8EJIS LARGE SELECTION OF ATARI ANO INT!UIYISION CARTRIDGES IN STOCK. M aking a start is pro6ably the most important step toward aaving. There is a way to take the initial step and know you're on the ~t track toward a !'CC~lar, acheduled savinp.Justjoin the Payroll Savmgs Plan at work. A little ia taken out of eac~ paycheck tow~ the purchuc "of U.S. Savm&s Bonds. You don't have to wony about making a special effort to put something aside each p~day. It's aJI do~ for you. Automatically. The bucks start pdmg up, the interest .trows, and you realize youve found one surefire way to save. ~ .. .... " ~· C\I :i N: C\I ~ ~ KTLA > ~ KNXT KNBC KA8C KFMB ~ IJ D " D D Lal ..... ""' ..... Lee~J l~&..a ...... ....... 111 ::> .. . c {, _al ...., >. (II ,, ·~ u.. g ..J ~ ~ a: 7: ...... Wllltnly Md • ~ It II = Joumll The Robot Wrttt.n ~ ' ~ ~~ =,. TV8LOlll1 ....... Neill . Atu..rftJ a: .. Thia II ~ Pnonll Let There .. n.ue. j)lllenllcwll Be Light .. ~ ,.. Tpy'• Femlly .. .. Blk. Wom1n Life 9: Sports ..... . Vie Sports ~ Contnnol .. Alegre ~ Melt The .. II .. PYw .. .. .. 10: .. ~ond McMe: NewZoo .. .. "ltoCJptty ...... .. .. .. Goll To The " .. .. Town" Superstars .. 11: .. llMMilbll .. .. .. ~ .. .. .. Nfl !,odly Va. .. This Week NFL Today V.lralnil .. With KNXT KNBC KTLA KABC KFMB PM I) D D D D Lee ..... "°' ....... Lee' ..... Lee~ ..... 12: .. .. l..olt In Dl¥IO .. .. .. Spece ~ .. .. .. .. Olrectionl .. .. .. .. .. .. 1: 5'11* Mecll:al The KldeNe 5'11* BowlXVI c... ....... People Bowl XVI .. .. f-T~ Too .. " .. .. .. 2: .. At 'Ollglll'• McMI: " .. One lllllld "Tllttnn " • .. .. OilglW• on111 .. .. .. llAlnd 811111 .. a: .. TllkAllout Ulll ~ .. .. .. ~ ... . .. .. On McMe: " .. .. c..a "My " .. 4: .. i~ FMfla .. .. .. Biondi" .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. 5: ..... .. ,...,. =-· M.A.S.H .. ''Tlloll .. .c ..... Mlllllbnt ABC,_. Bullrllle .. .. ..... .. Joumel 6: 20n ..... n. ..... C8S News The Town .. ~ .. .. ~ AFt Mlctllnel'' l'llll'• ..... 8ldl .. Holywood .. 7: 80 Mlnutel ... McMI: .. The l!OMinut• _,. .,,. ,, ~OI .. .. Sound Of .. Supemwll: .. .. ...... .. The McN!e .. a: NfNI .. ·1...-Todl(' Atdlll ... .. ~ .. 8ur*tr QlllO.W .. .. OneOly "'"---.... _ MATIN .. .. .. At A Tlme 9: Mal j .. .... MIC~ Aki .. -,. ~ ........... .. 1,.... " WoltdOI .. To Be JoM. " 8Wwll .. Announced 10: M.O. NoCl*1g ..... .. ClrdeOf To fer. .. .. SIM'S To8e The llglC¥ ... .. .. ~ Of FOR " .. .. 11: ..... Nlwl ~ .. ..... CBSNews .. " ..... .. Spta.RNI .. 700 .. flCIThe F9CIThe NBCMcN!e Clllb NJCNews Nelton 12: Nllloll '"The .. MM: Movie Aoddord 0...-.. '111elat .. Riii Ctwonlclee'' .. OfThe .. .. Plrt3 " 111111" .. ... --. ·--..--------~----·--- ".Mtg ....... ~ •l<TTV'\ 1!".--'", ·a ~ .... .. ., • Lal ..... .. ... Lal ..... Lal ..... KMntl'I ~ DlyOf Cartoon. CopRid DiKcMly .. ... The Wonct =., .. ~ Tomorrow .. Lloyd Ab .. .. OgllYil Humbird .. .. Meeting Know Your EYI< ,, Time Bible lnctMlllng .. Orll .. Feith .. Roberti .. .. .. OeyOf Meet Tile Wond .. ClllccMry firm TOl'nOfTOW .. Herlld SportsWol1d Rex .. Of Truth .. Humbard .. 8obert .. Jerry .. Schuller .. Falwell .. .. Blaltblll .. McMe: .. loulsYtle .. ''Robinson Terry Cole V&. CllUtdl In en.oe Wllittlk• Vlrginll The Hol'lle OnMM" KHJ KCST KTIV KCOP 0 cm • Cl) Lal ..... --~ Lal ..... Lal ..... 8-dl .. -McMe: .. .. .. "Ultle " The .. Colonel'', .. Blxler1 .. .. .. TMil Mercus .. Adlfn.12 T .. Welby .. .. Wld, .. McMe: Adlm-t2 Wld .. ''Mlr1hll " Wtlt Mo* Of Mldrid" t.Wcus .. .. ~ " Wt/bf McMe: Wllo'•Col!*'ll .. "Shertodt ToDlnner?" .. .. Holmll .. .. Mo-.ie; MdThe .. .. "Th• Wom111#1 .. M<MI: .-ion. Gfe.i" .. "A Hole ..... McMe: McMe: lnThe .. "Horror .,. ... ....,. . .. ~· Plot" .. " .. .. · " .. .. ff .. McMe: .. .. .. "The .. .. .. Sc.wldowner• .. .. .. .. .. Kojlk NSCNew M.A.S.H .. r .. .. .. News The .. .. .. Jefter1ons .. lfonaide NBC Movie: Merv .. .. ''TheJ. Grtfftn .. .. SoundOf . .. Adlm-12. .. Muele'' .. .. It II .. McMe: Sold WrMln .. ••King Gold WOt1d .. Kon( .. TomomJW .. .. Or. .. .. Hee Cho .. .. Hlw 8teMh .. .. .. Oil.JI " .. .. ErTllll Nottlilg ..... INNNlws At9!! Tofer. .. .. The Uglcy J«ry ~ .. OffDR fllwell Wond ..... .. .. Villon .. .. .. Ctuudl N8CMCNil ~ T•Oflhe .. ·~ "A Hole Urmflldtd Genii* lnThe McMe: Ctwonlclel" Heed" "WCky Plr13 .. Teun" .. .. .. ,- ,.Keir m Lal ..... YoglFOf. Hlllth M&tlr Aoolrl E>ec1tk: Compq Hlslc>1y OI A&#lbelm Selline S1r..e .. .. The Lawmakn Open Mind Mllterpilol Thlllre ''FlwneTr• OITNk1" KCET m Lal ..... TheOudlm Of Duke Stteel .. Wlllll The eo.t Comeeln .. Bolero .. PrtMntel .. Ameran Sk)'ine LA.Weell In Allllew Wll..,_ Weell Wiii*-Weell • Firing LN .. .. Life AtOl.lld UI Prime Tlme KOCE 89 ..,~ . . . ! Oii Plinting Oil Plinting Mia Lfte .. .. KOCE 89 II I I .... ....... AIThe Bijou '111eloll CllY' .. McMe: "The v~ Lowin'. .. .. McMI: "SunV., a...w· I " .. .. ....., .. VidOly a.din ,.Old HQUll Cf•Ctty. SklSdlOOI ~ lt Out • Sulidaf • Details JAH4JARY ,., 1182 EVEHINO 1':00811J MOVIE * * * * "The Sound 01 Music" t 196.SJ Julie Andt••~ Cl\t1stopller Plummer • ~~Of' • ~ Re9ve r-11. IDdc • .. beflind·W. ~...-.,Clf one Of 1fie blggell i.11'9 In motion picture history; el10 eppeerlng are Merion Bfendo, a-Hackman and Margot Klddflf ........ Racing egelrwl urn.. If on· lld9 ha to !Ind en uncon· te:leUI "*' on • alnk1ng bollt . • MEWGIWRN a.-t: LOtN Pettetaon • NOYA .. T•I Tub9 tNbiee .. TM IClenc. beNnd the con- oec>Uon ol lluman bet>IN outllde liie womb 11 lnves· lt'~ ····~ "My Bodyguetd" ( tt7tl CIWla Mak~. Ac!MI~ ca:>MOYE * * "Me!Yln And Howerd' (1980) Peul leMe1. Juon Rob9td1. 7:11CZ)MOVW , * * "KagM!Ulfla'' ( 1980) Teteuy1 ~. Ttutomu Yamaulu. 7:80. ADAM-ti Melloy end Reed bfeell up • t>erroom hNele." c:MM ~ end cM:lt ~-.;.·~ ......-aPUCE ~·· .._ ... """-9d tr~ er_,_ imo Aeogle Jldlton' I Cit . 8 UNDIMEA WON.O . Of' JAC0UU COUSTIAU "DM«I Wheles" The llllle- known C11ilornl• grey """"" -lreci<e<I •nd lludied by Captein Cous- T utlnkllllWWl't ~ INu •nd 11141 Celypso crew wtlile on their ll!'"ull 5000· mli. mlgf•llan from Ille 8eflng SN to Bail. C-. fomfa. Egypt A~ 28 NOVI "Roglr TOly Peltrlon'° Thein ''AlmlTl99 OIThb'. ~ Of Mincll .. .. ToPOf TheWOt1d Sneell ~ The Dudlm Of Duke Strlll .. l• ......... 111• piece ni.. ...... T ..... Ofl'bb" M1lrlCll .......... -Of ...... .. .. ~ "Sona OI Fflldom'' .. .. .. , • 0 TOOAY"8,. 8'n end his -o-nts go uflcler-10 ldWlly Ille member• of a redlcel fee· Ion confucdng • -.lgn of llfror In a 11Mfl $outhem town. l"> •'MOVIE *. * "J(lng t<CN)g" (19331 F1y Wt.;. Robert AIT!t- llrong • 90lJO OOl.D Host; Andy Gibb. eotio.1: M•rilyn McCoo. Gwsts. Hall & 011.U, Lou Aewt1, 01vtd Gllas. Getm~ Jec1u1on. Tiie T-. SnN.lc· ., , CClnM!Y Twttty. .NOVA "A Flekl Gulde To Roger Tory .....,_, .. A portr11t of the men WllOM !>Ml· ••lllng g•ldaboolc1 on omltnology h-played a See Sundan".<;. Page 15 • Leasing ASK c:.'1ouT VALET ~ !4 FORWARD IN FASHION Few ~ the Yiak>n ... end cour• to go FOtWard In Faahion . . . to we. the lat9et . . . FtRSTI Panache 11 for yo1,1 •.. daringly ao • . . with the latest ~ ... at rNlly reUONble prlc::.. For Junlora end Contemporwys only. KNBC 8 7:00 "Sound or Music .... B)ockbuster musical based on the life or the von Trapp family. KTTV m 8:00 "King Kong:· This is the 1933 version starrin~ Fa~· Wra~'. KOCE g 9:00 -"King of America." A ~·oung Greek sailor jumps ship in 1915. hoping to make a better life for himself. KNBC IJ 10:00 "Nothing to Fear: The Legacy of FDR ... Reviews the four adminis trations of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and how the New Deal roped with the Great Oepression. From Page 14 plvo181 role In turnlng bl<d ·~into• -'90'1 ir~ THEA TM "The Flame Tr-Of Thl- klL Friencta In High Pl-" The ton of ,,,_ Granle' llNd mM !Inda Illa wey Into the dyn.mll• 11orege hut. (Par1 41Q ~MCMI * * 'h "The HOUM 0 1 The ~ Hewll1" ( 1959) Rob· WI Teytor, Linda CM1Uan (l)MCMI • • • "Caddy1heck .. (1H018YI Murray. Rodney Dangerfield. ,r .MOYIE * * * * "The Eleph•nt Man" ( 1NOJ John Hur1. AntllOny Hopklna a:I08(1) 0HE °"YATA TIMI &Mbar•'• -ptlM bifth- dey perty Is crael'9d by a tno of gun-1011ng r'Obt>ers t:oo B (I) AUCI Allee accep11 Monty'• rnwrlege ptopoul In • ~at• anempt 10 .. .,. him ff orn ending ii all • WILD l(JNGO()M ""'9delora Of TN Mara" CMeUfl, Mon.. wild doge. hyeftee end OU.. -r~ebte Method• to catdl tMlf .,,.y. (RI e lll MCMI ...... ...._ .. (1979)5-n Connery, Net ... wooo .... HAW GuMte: 811 Morvoe. Doc S-ln..-.. Rex Allen Jr., ~SMrrlM. • MAlru.p•Cl THIATM "The Fi.me Tr-01 Thi· ka: Friend• In High PlacM" The eon of the Grant1' heed men flndl hi• way Into IN dyNlnlle llorage llut.f .... 4)0 G WB•CAN "-AYHOI.* "King Of Al'Mfb" In 191!5, 1 young. llrong. wllecl Or.-Miiar fumpt lflip In New Yon Harbor. hoping to ll'lllle 1 ,_ II .. tor himMll In Am«lcl. o CID MOYIE •~ "T,,. Jazz Singer" (19801 Neil Oiemond, Lau· renceOtivllw. (Q)MOYIE • • ''HeartlMd" ( 1979) ConcNta fefrell, R'I) Torn 9::IO(l:)MOYIE **'A "HIC>PY 8it1hday. Gemini'" ( 1980) Madeline Kahl>. Rita Moreno. 10:00. ~ .IOHH. M.O. A "-!telly ret.,ded young man end a aarc..tlc old h«rnlt flnd thlt they he ... a gtMI dMI 10 oflet eec:ll other. 8 8 NOTHIHG TO ~ 1"E lmACY cw FDA . JOhn Harl reporll on Franklin Delano ROCIM- ...,.., lour lldmlnl9tr8!ion• and hOw the New Dell C<Oped with tl'le PfOOllml of lheG,..t ~. •~cw...,. L~do de Vind, WllllMI BIMe end Niccolo Pegeni- nl conclude their di9cus- li0n, touc:Nng on artiltJc vl9ion. religion end art crf1. Idem. (Perl 2) Cl)MOYIE * • "The Incredib le Shrinlllng Woman" (1980) Lily Tomlin, Charles Gr~ din (Z)MCMI ** "MIMn And How8rd" (IMO) PllUI LIMet. "- Aoberdl 10'.ao. MOYIE * * * "Song Of Freedom" ( 1938) PllUI Robeeon, Elli· lbetll Weld!. .MOYIE * 'h "Improper Channell" (IN 1) Alen Arlcln. Marietle Har11ey . 11.ooe TOPCWTHIWON.D Cont•tents lf'om the Unit· ed Stet... GrMt 8ritlln and Autlrlli1 compete In 1 qlb P'Oll'"" th1t t•t• their expertlel In 1 Wide Veriety of 9UbjectL (Jl)MOYll • • * * "RelurrectlOn" (IMO) EJlln Burstyn, Sim 5neperd. (Q)MOYW * * "The Attic" (1979) C#f'le Snocsor-. ~ ,,. .. land ' 'Big Brasa Band' readied HOLLYWOOD CAPI -Producers Charles Fries and Don Sartell have joined to produH "The Big -Orass Band," a movie musiul ori1ina1Jy developed by film pioneer Jesse Lasky before his dealh in 1958. .... ----------------------------~15 HAVE YOU BEEM INJURED? •AUTO ACCIDENTS •CONSTRUCTION AOOOENT$ •PERSONAL ACCIDENTS The Law ..Offices of A. steven Peters Emphasizes in the Handling of Personal Injury Claims th.at may be the Result of Accidents. We will Make Sure .That you Obtain all That you are Legally Entitled. ~· 2 ... ! , · Call for a FREE Col)lµltation and Oetermine-Wl:\at .Rigtftl' you Have -~ against all Parties, Including Insurance Companies. Housecalls or hospital visits can be arranged. Law Offices of 834-0133 24HIS R. STEVEN PETERS, INC. 601 M.Pwtl 0~Dr .. s......-· EURllA AUTO REPAIR Foreign & Domestic o,.. 7 .,.,. w ... f S.t. & S-. Too!I . I .... to 11 p.a 15112 ... CWc. H•t' lllfGa .._. ltS-1192 Where to go this weekend?; tJ Pllot\Veellender ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE New lookl New eblel Everr Frtdlly~ ,. ..-.-..v.·,, §iii MM321" Lasky, who produced "Tbe Squaw Man," the ftnt movie made tn Holly~, btd -,tanned the movie u hil swan sonc u a ftlmmaker. It la de1 bed u ''a love ·a~ry a~ the mllliona of 1d. it • i • lallll!•---~------llllli--~ l • ,- l I I .. 1 000 Thi Prtc. II Right 30 .. KNXT IJ lM ....... 00 .. 1030 ~· Wtllll Bit liwt Thi Price Richard I Dream Of Line" Fortune V*t Bolt Is ~ .. t Simmons Jelnnle eem.t#s " Battlestars Ghosl Md " Mrs. Muir KNBC D La~ Texa .. Stt'80f ThlUnion Addr.- NBCNlws Niwa T~t Tomooow KTLA e Lee ..... Twtlgllt Zone T~ Zone KABC u lMMfelM OneUll To l.IYe Edge Of Night People's Court Tine'• Compeny To Be Announced Thi Youngest Victim KFMB 0 s.o.._. News AIThe Worid Tums Selrch For Tomorrow MAS.H LO'l'IAI Finl Slgflt MM: ''Humcane •• WKRPln ClneinMfl Mc:aoud Tr.....,e Hun1 Maleh Glall KHJ 0 IMMflilM Movie: "Hot Spell" Ironside Movie: "Thi MaUng Season'' ojak .. You Alked For 11 u.. Thi Doct« II In Cllildren OnThe Riii l(ojak MM : "The . w.tlng 5-on" PltlWOld Plus Thi Doctors KCST m> S.Dievt Daya Of Our LIYll AnotTler WOfld Tellas Ul1le House OnThe Prairie Tomorrow SllPlf Pay Cards News KTTV m IMMfelM MOYie: "Midnight Man" Open Une The Wallons Stady 8unoh The Jenersons WelcOme e.cil, Kotter M.A.S.H M.A.S.H PM Magazine All In The Flmily The JetltnOnS Worid Vision Mike Frontier" INN News KCOP CE LM ....... ... The FllntSlones Scooby Ooo INN News Sanford &Son Tiie Rookies IHN Hews .. Claslroom TV KCET fl) L .. MfelM Claslroom TV Race For The Yellow Jnf1I KOCE ~ Mu #18'1 ..... UfeOn e.111 "KlngOI America'' Cooking School. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY . THURSDAY JANUARY AND FEBRUARY Schediile · . 25 BIAL£TTI t:Lt:CTAIC PASTA MACHINE REG 111$00 HOW 1tl008 26 FOA lel'IEAS OHL V Pt<YlUS ~MM SMALL 2 MHAVt:' 27 1 P M 60-MlNUTE . EASV GOUR ... £ T TAAUI FALLGATT"ER 3 1 PM . MIOIAO.'S 28 1 p ... A llEOOAA S HAST OWIE HEISER Tuesday• Details ~ ----- JAHUAlfY 2t, 1M2 IEWNNG 7:00 g HAPPY DAVI AGAIN Rteflie places freedom ot the ptess abo11e tri.ndshrp when he plans to eapose Fonzie's beef liver phbb1a In a front page stOty • II YOU Alf(ED FOR IT FMtured. • Glretta Catcn. ., .. ~•A•••H Frri compla#l1 to G-· el Barlter ~Hawkeye IS IPPOirMd Chief Surgeon 81 Ille -4077th • OYEREASY "Lkllng Alone" Guests. M•non Bi-1te1n, Larry Roth. La,....ne Gullfoyte. JllGk Kautman (RIO OJ ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Tony Oanu ol "Ta•I'' gives up his ambitions to be a wOfld champion bo•e< Qt THE MOPPETS Guest: Tar ... Bf- (if) THE Y&AA THAT WM: .. , -,,. P•trJdC O'Neal llOS1s this IOOlc at tlle mo.t memeor- •l>le _,,, ot the prevoous year 7:30 fl 2 ON THE TOWN Featured· a look at an alter-scl)oot computer tr•lnlng program, a woman who practoc;es Ille art of decOr•tille P8'>« m.iung; two SallradOfoan refugffs """° ate raunoted ""''" their motne.-e LAVUINE I IHIALEY I COMPANY • l•vwne and Shirley help Squlggy past a wnlten drnnng lest so that he can kHp hl1 1ob at the I><~ D EYEONLA. A VISlt 10 the opening ol"A Oay In HOllywOOd. A Night In Tiie Ullraln · • w·A·a·H Stumped by a crossword puzzle, H•wtoeye rlldios a Navy buddy lor help bUt hl,s can is interpreted 11¥ medical -gency. ~ 00 P.W. MAGAZINE , AAeet a pe<aori """4 t•lks to animals OJ YOU ASt<.ED FOR IT Featuntd G"•ffe C•ldl· mg." (C)MOVIE * • ''> .. The Cat And The Canary" (19391 Bob Hope. Paulette Goddard 1:00 a a FATHER MURPHY The flnancial future of tM Ofpllanage Is .. ,, In Ille hands of • mentally Slow orphan. (RJ O g MOVIE • * • ·•war Wagon" { 1967) John Wayne, Kirk lillas. HAPfl'Y DAVI Al conllineet Illa d111an1 cousin. singer Frankie Av810n, to headllrie Ille •nnual l eop•rd Lodge mulical extt•"~anza O II THEoocro..• .. S1•1• TuesdfJ,r(.". PnCJf :! I FRIDAY SATURD~V 29 1Q".OH 5 30 fASSERO S FESTIVAL OITAlJ.V. Ft:I •t3 6 tdAM • IQ08 AS C()()l(ll !WIEN IWtlTZ ~ . SLAP SHOT -Paul Newman plays Reggie Dunlap. the pl a~·er·coach of a third·rate hocke~· tea m. in television premiere. 'World War Ill' to roll on NBC From Page 8 p.m. So rar, Emmy Lou Harris, Waylon Jennings, Linda Ronstadt. $imon and Garfunkel, Frank Sinatra and Barbra Streisand have been signed to appear ... Donna Summer. Glen Campbell and Sheena Eas ton will host the .. American Music Awards " program Monday ~t 9 p .m . Also set to appear are Rick J ames. Alaba ma . Olivia Newton-John. Air S upply and the Little River Band. Among the presenters will be Mickey Gill ey, Johnny Lee. Ronnie Milsap. T.G. Sheppa rd, Juice Newton, Ray P arker. Chubby Checker and Stephe n Stills. • Combining talents ror a special tribute to Stevie Wonder will be EJla Fitzgerald. Dionne Warwick and PauJ McCartney . . . Paul Newman stars in the tv premiere of "Slap Shot ." a comedy about an ultra.violent hockey team a9P the rans who love the m, set ror Jan. 31 ... President-Reagan's "Stare of the Union Message" will be broadcast Tuesday, Jan. 26 at 6 p.m . The br oadcast will be followed by a commentary by various correspondents ... Dere k Jacobi and Rutge r Hauer head a distinguished· cast in "Inside the Third Reich," Albert Speer's harrowing human memoir of life as Adolf Hitler ·s top aide, currently being shot in Munich. The flve·hour tv movie is written by E. Jack Neuman and directed by Marvin Chom sky, who directed "Holocaust" and "Attica" and will air sometimes this year . Speer. who died last fall. was a man or art, culture a nd breeding who became a leade r in the very highest circles or Hitler's dictatorship. He did 20 years in Spandau prison for war crimes ... Tony Award winning playwright Tom Stoppard will be interviewed Feb. l on Channel 28, KC ET Stoppard is best known ror his plays "'"Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead" and '"Tras ves ties . ·· T he program i. . ..:Judes a two-minute s egm e nt rrom h is n ew play, "Mack oon ·s Ha mlet. Cahoot's Macbe th," performed under Stoppard's direction a t San Diego State ... ; • I • • 1r---~~~--.--....,~~--~~!""'"' .... ----------~~ HEATING SPE·CfAL! ~ KABC U 7:30 ··En· on L.A .. A visit to a movie opening KABC U 8 :00 .. Happy Oa~·s :· Sin,:!er Frankie Avalon guest stars . . KHJ f) 9:00 .. Children on th<• Run.·· A documenta r~· about the millions of child refugees in the world. KABC fJ 10:00 .. The Younge~t Victim: America ·s St-x ually Exploitt>d Child.·· A report on sexually abused children. Iuesdays Details From Page 'lfJ CllllttM 84111¥11. 0-. Oldl-. Md ... a... Trio -'-tured In a..,.._ Qial abOut IMllng good atlollt yourMll and your et11tude tow.,d ottler&. • l'.M.MAGAZINI A doctor wtlo trMt9 c:flil.. cj,an with hypnosis: • '509 niglltCIUI> In Oellu; Ct* Tell makn pule with NC· tNnl MU<le; Plllill~ on llOw to Mii your houM q.1ldlly. • MOVllE • * • ~ .. The Fighting s .. l>ff•'" (19'4) John W8Y"*. Su.all H~wd • ~ONEM'T'H .. The First Fornts.. Oevtd Attanl>Orougll IOokt el 1"8 weyw plant !fie OYer- lhe difficult prot>lern Of mlgr1oon from -to lend i> NOVA "'A Field Guide To Rog« Tory Peterson'" A portrait OI Iha man whoM bnl· Hlhng guidebook• on 0<nilhOlogy have played a p!YOlel rOle in turning bird wetchlng Into a mass aoort 1spr-ted O (H)MOVIE • * 1/J "Zulu Dawn" I 1980) Burt Lancaster. Peter 0 Toole ($)MOVIE • • * ""F IFll Family ( 19801 G11de Radne<. Bol> NewNrt 0MOYIE * * "'The Return .. 1198 t) Jan-Mich-iel Vincent, ~l>IH She(>h«d. (I) AWAl/08 THEA TUI 1:30 8 111 LAVEAHE & 8t4IM.ft Carlllllne 8llditlclM tor a pert In • ---abollt the ·-Aoc*y~.Q • AU. .. 1Hl,Ma.Y AtcHe Ilea no Idea 119 le llYlng dangeroully wtian he r1C>9 up a cfleln le« tar. HO. Cl) LOW AT FIMT 8IQHT A l>utglar attiltea terror into the hNt1 Of K.,en and cau.. her lighlleu hue- l>anct to ~ Ills man- hood. D MOVIE "Riding Tall.. Andrew Prine. Giimer Mceor-rnaclt. 8 ([I THAIE'S Cotll#Nt'f Clndy llirn on .. • ~­ time maid to melte some extra money. 0 G CMLOAIH ON THR .... Johnny Mann hOtta a doc- umentwy about tl>e mll· lk>ns of child refugees 'fl fhewor1d ' 8i) AMENCAN PUYHOUSE '"Seguin .. The tregle: lfle of unlUllQ hero Juan Nepo- muceno Seguin. one of the ie.derl of the Texas reyo.. lution. •s dramahz.ed O • 6)) UR ON EARTH "The FtrSI Fornts·· OeYld Atten~ough k>Oks et the ways plant Ille oyerc.ame the dltticull prot>lern of migration ltorn ... to land . If! STAT£ Of TH£ UNIOH AOOAES8 Presldent RNgan delkl«I the 'annual State ef Unloo add•-to a jOlnt MISlon Of CC>nQresa II the Capito!. (C)MOYIE 20°/o OFF WI SEIYICE ALL MMCIS. Heatincj/ Air ConditioninCJ 541-1542 ... .... ,,,, .. 771 OUM&ICou~ *************** .. * ! Psychic & Spiritu al ! * * * Readings by * * * : * AMANDA * : * * * * * * * * * * * .. : 673-0836 : * * : I F-REE ~~ti Of'I b) ph on,. : *** .. ** * ***** *·** DOG GROOMING SPECIALS •9•s COMPlm GIOOMING ON THI fOllOWING DOGS IN AYIUGI CONDITION -· '""' POOOll SMAU.MtH0 .. 10 COCllU ........... KMNAVU• ......... KOTill ..... , WlllllHA•TlfttU YoMtll ec>••• MIUDOO ca-· WllfHtOMlANO DAUH LMIA.-,IO MAUlll flOMl•a•aN LEARN DOG GROOMING LIA~: INTlllSTING AND PltOflTAau FISSION AS A QUALlfllD & ~ n .. i ~ I) ? ii 2 \) \) -g \) , ......__ - 18 I I J ll:JE HAS YOUR . SEASON TICKET RCA 50'' diagonal Projection ColOr TV with Remote Control You oet a briatlt. movie· lib l*tW• and the convtMHCI of"Rlmott Control wtth ACA's MW big-scrllfl Pr~ Color TV. Three.prlcis· Ion-aligned T tubes produce an llnlgl of striking clartty and brightness, while lhl ttx • turld 50" diagonlt ICrllfl gMs the l*tW• Its lffllikt depth. Includes these deluxe features: Full function remote controt. Lmf: I Nit CUSTomtl VIDEO FllOI RECPRDERS 548- WE HAVE A COMPLETE CHOOSE FROM THESE SELECTION OF: FAMOUS BRANDS: • VTRS •TAPES• CCTV • •Advent • Akai •TOK MOVIES• VIDEO CA MER-Magnavox • RCA • Hitachi AS• WIDE SCREEN TV'S • • P-anasonlc • JVC •Sony ACCESSORIES • RENTALS • MGA • G.E. •Quasar OPEN MON. THAU FRI., 10 AM -9 PM •SAT. 10 AM -6 PM •SUN. 12 NOON-5 PM FINANCING AVAILABLE YOU'LL LIKE OUR PRiCES AT ..• IDECj .. Cable Subscrigtion Senice Cable Toppers HOME BOX OFFICE (H). INSIDE THE NFL present hij!hli,:!hts of thl· :\F'C and :\"Fl' pre,·ious Super Rowls. Hosts L<'n Dawson anrl ~itk Buonic:ont1 t·ham1~ionship gam <.• and a l'('\'i<.'\\ of SHOWTIME (S). DOTTIE WEST their super htb Dnt Ill' \\'(.'SI and Kenn~ Rnj!l'I' ... Pl't'fnrm --om<.· nr SPOTLIGHT (S), KENNY LOGGINS man~ or his j!l'l'<ll<.·st hit s i.i CNN (£)-ESPN Cl) -Showtime ·CID HBO D Spotlight - ~ _:._ Cinemax (0) -On /Select CZ) -Z Channel CJ) WOR <N.Y .. N \' 1 @ WTBS I Atlanta. Ga.> JANUARY 22, 1982 I l FRIDAY EVENING 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 _9;30 10:00 10:30 m f '"'m•• Rrp01 I\ Soorh Nfwsdt\k W Coi\t Rfl) P'Oplf "°" © Movie 0..y I°' Nlihl Mo.it Su1m~I Run I (£) Sw1m111Jn~ Sooll Ctnl" 84~lflb.ill OlflOll SUit V> WASlll"&IOn SI.it Pro (¥ltbol1 Gott ~•ttt CID ln\clf Hfl Mout Bon vo,~t CllMw &own lllt l nl A•a•d\ Sliow lo\cJVIP ~~ llo<IO\ cm Wa1 ft Wn 8™r11WI Slilllold Y\ UClA Mo.ot ll!o ( lfpiw•I ~r ~ Movot Coll! d Mo•lt lili.o ()nllw l'IP\I g Movrt Contd Blonclte (al lllt Bt~I "'°''' I a Catt Au• I olln CZl Morit Cf>nl d lilo>lf R•lurn 01 lbt SI-tau'"' St•tn Mo•>t &uktr Mo• Anl (!) S.slttlMll ,..,. lt•~I ~'\ PllOtnu Cont d Mo.If' A ~trOn01Gu~I @ i.tws AU In f1mot1 Mo>lt l!MaDCws JANUARY 23, 1982 SATURDAY EVENING 7:00 __] ---- 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 m ,. .. ,,, ~"'"'' p,,,, St" 11 .. man Rl'j)o.l•I• N. ... <.1,i. ~ Mi,,. ...... It· ,,.,_, ""'"~ '\upordnmr CE) Puw1·1 S.,;t R•• 1•1~ ~PG• h Ctn Irr 8J\~f<llbAll l uUl\'tlfl,. \ ~ ~tf~1n1.t f ,.t t1 • (H) M.J•,. lo•I d Mftr''-" P.11 ''"" ro) ~'" "'"' ,... ... A"rttJ )1Ah'\ H1 l"' l/th.:t ,,,.. CS) "°'"' (u<11 d Mu•-t A11r1111 Slat•\ "' .. I•· '\!u'1 g ~" •• (,•"' J K"""• P ,r•• Mow1>1 A I••"" ~I •I• (Z) Mt w, .. f11nt 11 Mi"'' Mf'l,.n AM I~"' nd M rt• Nf A (!) R.t1 int ~ 1 ••lll•ll N·~ k r • t ~~~I • ·' m (J 1 ~ 1 Spu1 M '' "' . 11.11"1,tJ -@ N • .,' 't'.'Otl(f Al .·~ t' ~· tt• Jr •• ~,n' '' 1 . JANUARY 24, 1982 . ----- SUNDAY EVENING 7:00 _J I 1.-· :18:00 -[ 8:30 j 9:00 9:30 j 10:00 10:30 !t r,'"" 1 f. ~ r~ .. I ' f A I<~ >-l" .. re ,.. ... •• J t ff>t II • fil ~''"Hi.-.' ...,.' f\fth1h ··"' -----, Ej W •lid I •I • t; l , ,. , ., u .-. "'"'""f' hll,.•nAfton .i M ... ,, ----® Mo11t M1 llf•drru"d ~VI• lht ,.,, !>lfl~., cm Mo11t Mt-twin Arid llu,.Jrd Mo ... tlurttlnd Cl) Mom Contd Mo•~ t.dclysn.ir~ ·. •S ,_. . Mo•" Sfvtrlmi, W(>ll>J• • . -...CM• '~ . ~ 1•£.-1. .. -; •. .., ' lllo•ot - -~ - - - - (I) ' • ~ • T ~ M 111 Ancf liow11d -•111 c..t'• llOWi 1.....-' ,;-. . CJ) Mim~ s1 .. u1it Molecambt (wt!IMI( Al lhfo lmfl'O• Mo~ "Tilt Rarnmaler t1Z) Ntws ~ C1obbun Ootft u. Mo1M! 'Ro.O lo Otnvtr ' --. ·----·-- ,_._ ~( - . - i.--- ~ T ~~-~~~----------------~----.............. ._. ........ _.ml! ..... .. JANUARY 25, 1982 MONDAY EVENING 7:00 I 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 I 10:30 m r rttm•" Rtlk>'l\ Scio< ts Ne·~ w Co.ul llfP Pf()Olf No• © Mo•tt Cvnl d I "'"'t 8.tO.ltl;t\ Mont lht-r11><.o Kid (£) Bai~rlbJD Rule.,,"' SI llvn••tnlurt Sporh Ctnlrr lbs~<loall Ctorctlo•n Vs Vtll•oo•• CID 14.Vlf lllt Wu11d \ Crutnl Alnielr Srital Pit M,i ... CIUI Mtntf \ Oauohltt (Q) Mo"~ lhe Kid r rom Nol SO 81r Movll! 1111tt O.r1onrs I"'°"' (SJ I Shuwhn1t l~<••> Al !980 Sho .. 1.m, looh Al 1981 I r.1o"' Kin« Solomofl s Mints g Mo•lf C:on! d ..... , Kr•mfl V> lh•mfl Movtt Int lllinltr CZ) Mo.,.. (uni d I"°'"' P,11 .. ~ Movot Nol"'"il Bui lhf> 8t\t (!) Milv"' "'"'"' ~dly Colll d I.built lbudbill Ceo1&lown Vs Vlll•no•a @ I"'"> AM lnf•""'1 Movtt 8xJ, r IOlll [lttlllly I"'°'" JANUARY 26, 1982 TUESDAY EVENING 7:(JO 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 .., ~ -9:-30 10:00 I 10:30 m f rttm•n R;polt\ Sports Newsdt'I~ • W toasl lltp P..-.plf No• (CJ Mo.it'· ,,1 d ..,,,.,. IM "I And ltit C.wty Movit llloftdi~e r ''" ([) Hoc.,, ""''' d Spoth f 01 um Sl>Ofls Ctnlt1 World Cup Sbnt I 8"101 NII CID Tiit Yu 1 111.11 Wll\ 1981 Movtt liilu Dawn Movtt • Ntnt lo fovt cm -' w., h w., 8'~tlbJI to'°AActit' laV•~ vs M.l•a1i•tt S..C~> Mo•lf Alltrfd SUtts CS) Mo~tonl d -...,, .. fwsl 11111~, Movit OollrtWnl g Rod Sltw•n Coot d Movlf lht Recurn Mo•it Mint1 s Oaughtt• · (l) "'°'"'toned •·••d\ ''"" ...,.,, $tt4utU\ 54-•tfl (!) , 8a>'tlt1.1• No lt<\<'1 ~> uun ton1 d RacJnt lotc•lf lht 0.1~1 llld ... @ Ht .. , Atl In f •md, "''"'' Romanolt & Julrtl JANUARY 27, 1982 WEDNESDAY EVENING __ 7_:00 J 7:30 8:00 8:30 (B f t1t"'• R·rrt lC) Mo.,• ( "' I d (E) f\J,1t1t.1J1 n1 d 9:00 9:30 10:00 8.!\~,111.1~ A•n-1 ~ SI lol!n ' ----~---_.. __ _ (H) '"'""' ().. f J• • lllld•t i; "' MJ"• P .;ptlhn ----_ _.._ ________________ _ ( 0) 111•.fl \'i, ..... t I ($) Wtul Ht .\tf"' • ,, .. ' rl I M •• tt1• 1" M ,, ... RI .~ .. tt,11 P~n· On N I K•""r 1111 M.rno• g' .... ,, fj.,, Ol<lf !lft I JANUARY 28, 1982 THURSDAY EVENING 7:00 j 7:30 8:00 8:30 m c ·.4 •• •.;S "'411~ ,. R •• I 1.• lh. 1'·• [ 9:00 1 9:30 'll~r•p 10:00 r· ... l 1 .. N w ___ .__ __ - 10:30 10:30 - ' .. STARRING NEWPORT BEACH Programming That Gets You Right Where You Live! MONDAY 'IUESDAY 7:04t PM ··Newport Now" i : 30 PM Li,·e Newport Beach Cit~· Council r o,·er a ge or "Citizens Forum" 1 alternat e Monda~:..• 7:00 P~1 "Souncl Off" WEDNESDAY 7 :00 P)I "Newport '.\in''. THURSDAY 7 : 00 PM "Sound 01 l" FRIDAY 7:00 i:.\1 "'.\iewport '.\io\\ .. ruNE IN 10 CABLE CHANNEL 24 or K Our IOl·al programm111J.? ltn'-'up ;,, t'luclcs the thsl'ussron St.>l'll':. ·sound 011 · . our tntcr\'le\\ s ho" ho:-.t<.•cl h' ~J a~·or 11<.'ather "Ci tlZl'n:-. Forum. and hn' ('O\ l'l'<lj!l' 01 ."-=t'wport Hl'i.ll'h t'1t ~ l'ounl'il mt.•t.•t111J.!s Plus. \H' 1·1111t 111ut• tn 1·ahlt'l'a s t our popular nHH!iJ/tnt.• lormat -.IHI\\ .. :\l'\\ port ;\o\\ · Our l1H·t1:-. 1s 11n thl' i:-.:-Ul':-that \ll'l' happl•nmg around 'mt a nd \\l' ll·atlll t' Pl'1>pll' and pl<J n•:. that .' ou l-.1hm Y11U1 1w1 ~hhorhood and 11 ~ l'l'S t1ll 0llh .1rt.• 1111r :-.tar~ PROGRAMMING - .. IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST" R NEWPORT BEACH FOR PROGFIAM. INFORMATION CALL (714) &42·5797 .. 19 ~ ~ ~ r 0 'P ~ a. ~ c.... Ql ::> c II> -< "' !'> ~ "' '- to •. KNXT AM IJ &..-..... 7: Moming ..... .. .. a: .. .. .. .. 9: One Dly AIATm. NtJI .. 10: ,,,...._ ............. ·~ .. ii: ·~ v ... -. TM ..... • KNXr PM • ........ 12: " .. Al TIMI WOl1d 1: Tum1 " a-d\For TOlllOmlW 2: ~ UFI .. " 3: Aocldord Fiii . .. 4: =' ..... .. s: ..... .. .. s: ..... .. .. 7: cas ..... . .. . 20n Tiie Town a: Mr. ..... ........ -..... 9: M.A.S.H .. Hue Clll 10: LGu OtMI .. .. 11: ..... .. ~ 12: .. " .... " p ~--~~~---------------------------------~--------9!1 .......... > .. --KNBO-KTLA II a Loe.~ ,-'•-;, ... ~ T~ .. ., ~ .. .. .. " " " .. .. .. Hot .. 'Aldal Algll ,....a ,.... ....... ... C:..11 ...... ToWomell Mlll!O! ·~ F-.. V*r. ......... .. .. ~ ..... ,... .. TM .. Dlml " ,"-ICN8C KTlA D . " ........ .... .... °"'°' r....,. <Ml.Ml Zone .. Tw!IFI .. Zone NrtfffW/( How Wol1d ~ .. .. .. T.., John f:f °"'4dloll " " .. " Danlfllll .. .. .. .. AlcMfd -.. ...... .. ......, ;; Enelr-" llhnent " ..... Ullll .. Houle .. OnThe .. Prall1t ..... CNrlie's .. A~ .. .. .. .-; .... ~o. ... Agllrl F-i..w.nt& '-Id ~ Ullll --Hue .,..Tiie OnTM .. ,.... Collllry'' ..CMcMI: .. ''WtllnA .. .... " Clll" " .. ..... " .. .. .. .. .. ..... s..dly .. ~. frm~ .. .. ....... .. " Tomonow °"" .. ~ -... .. • KABC D LAI ..... Good Momilg Amertc:I .. .. .. .. .. A.M. Loi ~ ~ BOii .. .. ,...., ,... ..... ... KA8C • .... ...... AIMy Chlhl .. .. Oriel.II TolM .. .. U9llSW Holpilll .. .. EdglOI Nlglll ,.... Ccut ..... " .. .. ..... .. " .. ..... .. .. .. AIJC,Nlwl .. EyieOn LA. Thlt'• fncfdl6I .. .. Thi Amlrlcln Ullllc Awwdl .. .. .. .. ..... .. AIJC, ..... Nlaht9ll ABC~ ''TNlwl'' .. M KFMB KHJ KOST Q G G '-'Dlete LAI ..... llllD!eto Moming The Todlr, ..... Froozlel .. Tllnll " .. Aw.t .. Sunup Jadi: .. Sin~ Lalanne .. Jim .. .. Blkk• .. OneDly .. Oonlflul AIATlmt .. .. ~Alce Mldmomirig .. .. L.A. .. Th! Priclt " ~d .. ~ .. Sinmonl " 8lnleltlr1 .. .. .. YOlllgAnd r,.... ~ TIMIAllli. Hunt ~ .. Miid\ TM .. ~ Doctorl KFM8 KHJ KC8T CJ a Im .. '*le .... ....... .. '*le ..... MM: l»/SOI .. "At <MlMs Aa TIMI Gunpoint'' .. WOl1d .. .. TllN .. AllOCller .. .. Wortd s-c:tlFOf ..... .. Tomorrow .. .. Glllclng tronlidl' Teue UFI .. .. .. .. .. I " .. .. JalWI McMt: Hour OMlloll "Amlzlng ~ .. .. .. .. .. J: .. .. lJttle ;. .. .. Houle M.A.S.H .. OnThe .. .. Prllrie ..... Kojlk ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CBSNews White NBCNews .. Shadow .. ..... .. News .. .. .. TlcTec You AJked TIMI Dough Forh Muppefs PM ~ Flmily ....... F«id Nik . Bllkltbll lJttle Alllh Ongon Houle PrMle SI* OnTIMI 9Mllmin Va. Prllrle M.A.S.H W~on NBCMcMe: .. "WhenA Hcqe .. Stringer Clll .. Clll'' .... Lou ..... .. Gttnt .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... KOjek ..... .. .. ~ .. T~t " .. MM: .. .. "Amazing .. ..... ... Tomorrow .. ... .. "KTTV ' KCOP , m m &..-.,..... &..-..... Cll1oon a. Town 8uMy TIMI K#1oon Ftlntstonea l<nlvll Flpper .. .. Gentle Popeye Ben ILM Romper Lucy Room Blwtlchld Mo-M: .. "Hold That I ClrMm Of Hypooilil" --.. GtlollAnd MM: Mn.Muir "t.Wl From 5'4* Ullfl" Pt¥Clrdf " NM ......... .. .. KTTV KCOP m Ill Lee ...... ........... MM: McMe: "En.ct Of ''Stolen Gllllllll Reys Houri" OnMM-ln-.. ThMiloon .. ~ .. .. .. .. .. Open Supem\ln Line TIMI ~ Wlltons .. Bugs .. Bunny Bredy Hec*le Bundi l.Jecale 8'1dy Kwtoon Bundi Karnlvll TIMI .. Muppets .. lnc:redlble TIMI Hulk Flnts1ones .. Scoooy .. Ooo The Hawaii Jelfersons Flve-0 Welcome .. Bid!. Kot1w .. M.A,S.H Joker's "• Wild M.A.S.H Tlc Tee .. Dough PM MM: Magazine "Sends All In TIMI Of two Flmily Jlma" Merv .. Grtflln .. .. .. .. .. News ..... .. .. .. INNNewa .. .. TIMI Slnfonl Jelllrlons &Son Odd TIMI Couple Rookies Mii• .. Douglas .. INNNews .. " KCET m l ....... 8ulill9ll Report YQOI For HMllll Milter Rogers Villa Ala• s..ne StrMI .. .. Cllaroom TV .. " Electric Comptriy MlcHll L*w KCET tD ........... Die* CMt1 <Mr Ea.y Cllaroom TV .. .. .. .. .. .. S()\jj Of A Nllion .. .. 3-2·1 Contact Mls1er Rogers Sesllne Srreet . . Business Aepor1 Congtessionll Repor1 Over fay MICHell Lllwer ~ Ptrfonnlncll "Br1dlllleld AMfted" Bernstein- BeelllcMn .. .. Amlrlcln At1 Atwlring YOUtWortd Die* CMtt Coogr...iooll Report KOCE ml " ......... ... .. Oil Pllntlng Body Buddie$ Mlstet Rootr• 3-2·1 Contact Ellc1ric ~ -~·--Pr~~lll " .. .. .. .. KOCE m ·= GED .. Through SllCaU E.dllcalonll Pr~ig Big Blue Marble Gulln TIQ Mister floger1 Sellme Street .. .. 3-2·1 Contact Didi CMt1 <Mr Elly Mas1erpiece Thell Ire "Flame Trees Of Thika'" Business Repor1 MacHeil Lehrer Grut Ptrfonnlncel "Br1dlllleld Aevltlled" a.n.itln- llMChcMn .. .. Shoe* Of TIMINew .. .. Amlrlcln At1 lllglrl Wlltl Goodbye Ctptionld ASCNews • Mondays Details ----------- JAMJIMf 25, 1Ma EVE...o 7:00 G YOU~ FOA IT Featured "Modern·O•y ThrM MulilelMn" •net "'Alrocan Voodoo Ceremo. ... M•A•s•H Hewtceye turns sleuth to 50IYe a rUll ol robbet,.. '°' wNch he ti lhe PfWne 1Usp9CI. S) OYEAEASY Guests: ltullst Jean·Pi«'re Rampal. mytholog111 JOMC>h Campbell (R) 0 O EHTPT~ TONIGHT An Interview wllh "Alt· ~ .. star Robert Heyl. 'QITHE~ ~t: St-Martin (}l)lllOV9 * * * "The Wor1d'1 Great- Ml Athlete" ( 1973> John Amot. Jen·Mlctteel Vin· cent (Q)MOW • * ··n.e l<id From Nol· So-alg" (19781 Jenniter McAlltltef. Cl) SHOWTIMe LOOKS AT 19'0 A saline IOOI< 11 taken et -ot the major -stones. ~ end .......... ot 11180. 7:30 8 2 OH THE TOWN F4alured a viall 10 I LOI Angelea jNZ ck.lb, I P'Olile of Los Angeles rtlUf Aini J ene Golden, I IOolt II 1 ll"Ol.IP ot urban ~· who are rMIO<ing old VIC· IO<iell "°"'"· 8 LAVMNE & 8"IRl.rY &COMPANY Deciding le....,ne rNHy 1sn'1 In IOYe. Shotley 11ies to break up her roomm•I•'• wedding pt1ns G EYEOHLA. A repon on chilO pomc>g· r8')hy. a poor men's IOOll al Rodeo Drive. a PfOllte ot Met Btanc. the men behind Bugs 'Bunny voice, • IOOlc 11 cures 10< insomn11 .., M•A•S•H M11 Houhh1n'1 hence arnves at Ille 'll77th end shOc:ks Frenk by esk1ng • • to be h18 bell m11n, \ Cl} GREAT PEAFOMolAHCO '"8rtd1she1d Revisited Hom• And Abroed • Set>ut1an l ... " Charin to vlSlt nls "''-(l:aurence OtMer) In Venic. where he llYes with his rn;s1reu (Par1 210 Cl) P.M. w.GAlJNE A Pittsburgh ma11·1 incred· · Ible sportt memor1bill1 collec1ton: e lemele megl· clen's attempt lo cateh • t>uttel in ,_ mouth • OJ YOU A8t(B> "°" IT FHlured· "Modem·Oly ThrM Musket-•" and "Afrlcen Voodoo Ceremo. (&'~ • * * ~ "8anenn" (197 ti Woody Allen, lOutH l••-See .'WondaJ(S. Poge Ii J ... Cable gets 'Star Wars ' first 1-"r .. 111 P<t"I' ..! Art.. promises some interesting insights for contemporary nt e nthusia sts. although the pre miere is itself a bit off.putting. "Profiles" will examine the life and works of seven living American artists. based on the bor rowed premise that to examine a w1rk of art is to _explore the personality of its cnator . The artists work. variously, in oils. wate1·color and clay and e ach is driven by a differt'flt ·vision. compelled to record a panoply of subje1·ts. Wilson Hurley goes up in helicopters to obtain perspective ~or his e~pansive la ndscapes. Bob Kuh11 captures instants m the wild when predator meets prey John Stobart recreates early American seaport sc~n.es. George Carlson is drawn to tl1e mystical s p1 r1 t of the Tarahumara Indians of central Mexico. Donald Teague renders scenes he has encountered in 50 years of world travel. Conrad Schwiering paints vistas of the Teton Mountains . John Clymer accurate ly depicts the history of the Am erican Northwest. And. having read that last paragraph. you know about as much as is told in the first episode of "Profil es in American Art." The s how. ple~santl y hosted by ~lexand.er Scourby. is a series of teasers that draws you into each s ubject and th.en. a~ your interest heightens. drops you fl at. It s a. mce try. but the ultimate impact is one of 1rritat1on a nd frustration : presumably the producers had something else in mind. .. Profiles in American Art" begins Monday at 10:30 p.m. on Channel 50. It 's a product of the Oklahoma Educational Television Authority Sports I-" r11111 /'Olli' ~ 3:00 8D THE AACIE FOR THIE YELLOW JIENIEY A leam OI llX Ametieans IS fOllOwed H lhey parliCI• pete 1n a grueling four·dly bicycle race over 365 moles ol highways and moun- 1a1ns on Canada (R) EVENINO 7:00 t0 )THIE WAY rTWAS "1~53 • ·s~ NHL S11n1ey Cup Ptayolls Oettoot Red Wings Vs Montreal C.na., dM!f\S" • 7:30 ,0' H8A 8A8KIET9AU Los Angele$ Lake<S vs Mitwaukee Bucks I 1:30 8i) CA088-COUNTAY 8Kl8CHOOL T u""ng And Rev-" The slep turn. •k•tong 1urn •no pa,.llel turn are demon· slrated. (RI Wednesday sports JANUARY 27, 1912· IEV£HlHO 7:00 C 0_, THE WAY IT WAS "19!>7 • ·sa NBA Cham· poonSlllp Boston Celtics Vs SI Lours Haw~ ... 7:30 ,Q, NHL HOCKEY Los AngeleS Kings vs Phol- adelph•ll Flyers Thursday sports THUMOAY'S 8PO*'T8 JAHUAAY 21. 1"2 oAFT'SINOON 4!00 (tf) MEADOWlAAK l.EMON'I 8UCKETEEA8 Humo<ous t~tncs and proleulonal 1ports expertose are showcased 1n the on·th41-cou•1 bedlam created by Ille Buc:li-s EVENNI 7:30 (HI IN8IOE THE NfL • Host• Len Dawson and Nock Buonlconu ravoew Super Bowl XVI •no p<es- ent awards !or the best offenslve and defensive playe<1. coach and play ol lheyear More suds, please F n1111 P1H11 /.I been vanushed to get a s pecial glowing errecl on steak must be served. camera. a nd that the (However , the .. booze" r ep l ac e m e nt food i s s ubstitute d 'for , prepared for the actors usually water for v'odka· lo eat was sitting in a and iced tea for scotch.) back room. Wh e n th ey did t h e Have a 9~slion abOut famous ball scene on your .favor;ite soap or soap "All My Children" 1tar? .Write to L.ynda several years ago in· Hir1ch . c ·1 0 Fie l d ·con nee.lieut, a lus h Newapoper Syndica1e, P.Ot banquet was spread out. Bor 1"20. lrviM. Calif. W e l'I , th e a c t o r s , 92714. She wiU ~r cu o knowin~ the ruJes , dove ~O"fl qutltimu aa 1fw, ca ·for t.h·e ~ons 9T food. ill lm'-OWlltfolumn, bid U... e!;pecially lhe Coraisb . 11oh1me o/ 'mail ma~•• h_ens,.onJ)' to l~ 'IP9JI · p t]!!'..N' i r•t p I re 1 Tube Toppers : ·A RC fJ i : 30 · · E~·e on L.. \ .. Child ).."llilOl!l'ap hy is a m onl! topics. KOCE ~ i · 30 und K <.:ET D 8·0<1 · · B ri<ll'slwad Re\'isitl'<I · .\t Ho mt• and :\hroad ... Se bastian takl'S Charles 111 n s1t his fat ht•r in \'l'llll'l' K.\B(.' fJ 9.110 ··Tht• .\mt•1fran ~l ll ~ll· \\\<trds A nn ual awal'<h <:t' l'l' mon~ 1s broad(' a st from I loll ,,·\\ oOl l K~.XT 8 }II'()() "LOll (;n mt ... \n <.1ngr~ m otht•r l'la1m ~ ht•r ~on ~,<.!.., da magt•d h~ u tll'\\ spapl'r ~t11r~ /. • r11111 Pw.w !ti r2i MOVllE * * "Pa111c k" ( 1978) Suun Penhahgon. Robert Helpmann 1.1>0 8 MA. MERLIN Alex loses h411 ab•lll y Io "pop" and with II goes 1tw1 power thal keeps her from permanenlly fading away D Qt UTTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE Chatles lea.es lhe tatm to become a carv41t ol lone lurnlture.Q 8 MOVIE -• * ,.., 'Rode The Hogh Counlry" 11~21 RandOlph Soon. Joel McCrea a e THATS lNCMDl8LE l'NIU<ed' an Amerocen boometang team memt>et. a man wllo ltoes 10 tow a 104-ton train with hll IH1h • P.M. MAGAZINE A Plttsbutgh man's incred· Ible sports memorabilia cOll9ctoon. • h0usew1te whO helped publfdze lh41 danQ9<s of OES, Londa Hams surf a on Hawa11, Chet Tell on cutting t>eet costs g) MOVIE * * • "Sends 01 lwo Joma" ( 19491 Joton Wayt.e. John Agar·· SI GAIEAT ~ • Brldeshead Rev1s1ted Ho ma And Abroad" s.t>astoan ••-w CtoarleS to Vllll his lalher (Laurence Olrvler)'" Venlee wi-e he lives wilh h11 m1s1ren (Part 2JO ( $1 IHOWTIMIE LOOKS AT tMI The news stories. people anct events ol 198 1 are lea1ured in this year-end rev-0 M<>VllE • • * * "Kramer Va Kramer" ( 1979) Ou111n Honman. MefYI Slreep 1:.30 II Cl> PRl'V AT£ MNJAMtN Captain l ewis Is p<omoted lo Inspector G-al and hapoily an11C1petes ,_ having 10 deal wolh Judy ~aln • ALL IN THIE FAMILY Mike must dedcM ii h4I wants to be in lh41 waiting room or the dellyery room d\>rlng the birth ol his bal>y. • llMITIJN / 8HTHOVEH (Premiere) L~ard Bern· eteln end the Vienna Phil· harmonic l*fotm l!leetho- ven'1 "Egmont Owrture," P9U9 84 end"the "Sym· ptlony No. 1 "' C M•lor." ~~ * .... "little Dwlnte" (JtlO)·Tatlllft 0.,._,, K• ~MoHlcNl'. ... (I) M•A•t•H· ......... enMe.,_ ( .• ~.- 40771.h wou be trans1erred. (RI D !BMOVIE * * ·~ When A Sit anger Calls" I 1t 7t) Charles Ournong. Tony Beckley G (!) THE AMEAICAH WUSCAWAAOS Fofleen awards 1n lhe loetds ol pop I rock. sout and country mu1oc wilt be pre- sentecl on lh•s ennual aw81da c:.temony 10 be telecast from the Shrine Auditorium on HollywOOd S) 8EAHSTIEIN I BEETHOVEN fPtemte<•I Leonard Betn· s1eon and the Vienna Phil· harmonoc perform BeelhO· ven's "Egmont Ove<ture." Opus ~ and the "Sym- phony No 1 In C Ma10<. ' Opus 21 IC)MOVIE **'I> "The Frosco Kocf' (19791 Gene Wilder, Hatro· son Ford (fl) HBO SNEAK PMVllEW:F£8AUAln' A new hOlt ontroduces the movies. spec11l1 and soort• events coming to Home Box Offo<:e In Fet><u· ary •$1MOVIE * * • "King SOiomon's Mines" ( t950) Deborah Kerr. Stewart Gra~ t:G6 ( Z l MOVIE *'1> "Nothing Bui The Best" ( t9641 Alan Bates,· Oenh04tn Eflloll 8:30 8 {I) HOUSE CAu.I A con artist lleeoet Mrs. Phipps out of $6.000 IOI' a pnony charily Qi) SHOCK OF THE NEW 'The Landscape Oi Plea· 111re" Robert Hughes con· centrates on v1sion1 of paradise a1 ltlustrareo In the wor111 ol Gauguin, Monet. Cezanne. Matisse end Picasso (RI {ij)MOVIE * * • "Coal M iner·• Daughter ( 19801 S11sy Spacek. Tom my lee Jones 10:00 8 {I) LOU GAANT An 8nQ'Y moth« claims her son wu damaged by newsc>aper coverage ol • l«IMllO<lal hoslege CMe • PAOFILUIN AMENCAN A1fT (Premiere) HOllt Alexander Sc:°'4'by lnlrOCfuCee the -k and phllosophy of Iha '••ven c ontempotary American ar1isll wtio Wllf • be proflled In fulure ahows. ·~ * * • "Tiie Hunl«" ( 1919) 91-M~ Ell Wlll- lflctl. -· ........ "°"" WOM.D • tHr1tn~y•11-­... ""'*' °' ... .....,, . .......... ~ ............. first bite t._-~ llllMf ,,..,..,....,. • .-1 , .. --,.~_,..,,~....o.,;.....;;o~:l,I;.! . ........ r-~~~~-------------------:11 HEADACHES? YOU DESERVE TO FEEL GOOD CALL 645-5300 For eo_,11 ..... , Cana .... -. WESTCUFF CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE Dr.lellltftA. ..... 2043 Wntclff Dr .. Wh IOI ... ~ ..... ,_Cece'• • llif _. hiiiiitf Most lnsur1noes Accepted ·--=-=====~~~ -. •r i :~··· -ICNXT ICN8C KTlA KA8C KPM8 KHJ KCIT KTTV KCOP KCS ' Kea t .-~.; ,,,.. AM ,_ .. . - M ' , : • D • • Cl • m .......... ......... ......... ... ...... ~ ..... .......... ...... Mamllg 7: ~~ lCI"! lVD -Tiii l«*! Clllb MomMo ... Ff'OClllle .. .. Merica " lllnll .. .. .. " .. .. AWfll .. s: .. " .. . [lllllql ""* .. .. .. .. .. Strl~ la lame .. .. .. Hot .. Jim .. .. " . FucliDI .. .. .... .. 9: '~-=ti ..... A.M. Onlgey .. l>onllllll I AIATlml Slmmonl Loi AIA Timi .. .. Ab llodl· '-'911 ~ Ab ~ .. .. .... ToWon.i .. L.A. .. -~ I t ;f ! ~ 10: -....-1-or ':.r LCM '""'"°' .. tWCNrG ·~ Forue BOii ·~ .. Simmonl ......... " .. " ~ " .. .. .. .. .. .. 11: r.....-. ..-a --Fftly YCUIOMd T,...,,. P9aoord " PU .. Fut The Alllllll Hunt PU Y1111111 And 1111 .. ..,., .. Mllldl The TillAlllllll Cloc:t9rl .. Hope " 0-,. Doctorl KNXT KN8C KTLA KA8C KFMB KHJ KCST ~ II D D D 0 D f£ i.-.a....:-... a...:-_&__....._ ·-~ ....... ... -a..Jl!!f!._ 12: .. Of1110t ="' MMy ..... Mowle: 0"1I Of .. Ourl.MI CHdren .. "MlnWllo Ourl.MI AIThe .. lwtlgllt _ .. AIThe HldPower .. Wortd " Zone " Wortd 0. .. 1: Tuma NW1llrll Hour Onll.111 Tuma Wom111" Mallwtl World ~ Tollwt ~ .. .. Wortd 8-dlf« .. .. 8-d!F« ..... .. Tomorrow .. .. .. Tomonow .. .. 2: ~ T-Jafln lu..11 Guiding 11-cnldl r ...... .. OMllorl Holpitll ~ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3: AocltDrd l>onllllll .. &lga ()f Jafln McMI: Hour Fiii .. .. ... OMllorl "TheGirtl M~ .. " AlcNrcl ,.. .. .. Of ....... .. .. SllmloM Ccut .. llllnd'' .. 4: Blm"1 ... en..r;cy ..... .. .. Uttll ... -..wt .. .. .. Houle ..... fnelr. .. .. M.A.S.H .. OnThe " ......... " .. .. .. flrllrte s: ..... ..... u. .... ..... "~. ..... .. .. HcMI .. .. .. .. .. OnThe .. .. .. .. .. .. Pr.-.. .. .. .. s: ..... ..... CIWll'• ..... cas ..... Wtllle NBC ..... .. .. ~ .. .. Stlldow .. .. .. " ..... .. ..... " .. .. .. .. ,. .. 7: ~ ..... INllCNlwl ~0"11 A8CNIWI Tlc:TIC You AIQd The .. .. Afll/tt .. ~ f«ll MUppea 20n Fftly lawlmll EyeOn PM ~ Fflfily TheTOMI Feld ... L.A. ...... Fut uu ~--Alli .... Tiii Cll ..... Mowll: Alli s~ =·· ,.. .,,... a..... --''Wotlwl ,.. .. ?A . ~ "*"°!' nn. .. .. .. . Hn 5-ln" " . 9: ~--= TillFICtl .. Tiii CllMowll: .. TheF9dl "T°"' Of I.II .. F• "TOl'll .. ()fl.JI Hom" I~ .. ~ Hofn" .. I.AM. " .. .. .. .. SidrllV 10: .. ~ ..... ~ .. ..... OWncy .. .. .. .. .. " .. " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ 11: ..... ..... ~ ..... ... K~. ..... " .. .. .. .. CllMowte T~ * ..... Wtllle .. T~ .,..., .. INWlllN &c.I " 12: ~tt .. -~ ... LCM WOlllllr Mowll: .. .. ... WOll*I "Thi Girtl .. .. Tomonow WO. .. .. Of ....... Tomorrow .. .. .. .. " ...,.., . .. . • • • ......... ... ...... .... ...... .,._ wnoon ::, TCllMI ~ Alpor1 The Kar1oon Yog1f« flnlllow Klf'nMI Hlllltl RISIP! .. ..... .. "°"" Glllll ~ VIII Ben Nwl9 II.AM I ~ SelMll Lucy Room Str9lt BIWlldled Movie: .. .. "Hot .. I OflM!Of Sllotl'' a..roo.n ..... .. lV GhoetMd Movie: .. Mra.MI* "Hlaht ., Super Alderl" Elldrtc Pfllc.dl .. Compq ..... ........ MlcNell " .. L*lr KTTV KCOP KCET m Cl) fD ........ ........ _ ... ~ - Mowle: McMI: lb ~OllryOf ''Town Cewitt AMld WllllOut 0. "°"""411'' Pit(' E.-y .. .. Cleelroom .. .. lV .. ,. .. .. .. .. Open S4lpermln .. Uni .. .. The Popeye .. Wlltona .. .. a. APr .. .. Bunny f«M Bredy Hlckll 5-olw Bundi 'Jec*1e .. llrlldy ~ S-2-1 lluncfl l<MnMI Contact The .. ..... MUppea .. AoDlrl lncr'9Clllll TM ..... HI* F1lntlton. Str9lt .. Scootly .. .. Ooo .. The ..... .,._ Jel'llrlonl FW-0 Rlpot1 Wtlc:ome .. ..... Blcll, Kotter .. .. M.A.S.H Jolter'• 0... .. Md E.-y M.A.S.H Tlc:TIC MICHll .. Doudl lAfnr PM Mowll: ~ ..... ··~·· MlnThe T~ Fftly .. MlrY " -...Ont Ottllln .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... ..... A$plcl .. " Of Uft .. ........ .. .. .. .. The 8nord lb Jel'llrlonl &Son Cewitt Odd The ..... lee.. Aoc*lll .. .. " Oouo!-.. INN..._ .. .. • 1:1 1 = ,_ . OI : ....... ::'... ..... IAllmt 14-1 eo...:. Bate ·c-- "°'!~·lf'*10 .. .. " .... ....... KQCE ~ -· ""' .... ---""9'1To YuHlllltl Olm'-4 ACllllle Edlallonll Pr T OlfWlm7fl1 ~ ....., ,... ..... .... " .. 13-2·1 ConlKt '** Cewitt 0. - E.-y . LHIOn EM1tl .. .. ~ Rlpot1 MICHll . lAfnr Ktnnldy Cerltlr l~ ... W•Onl .. .. .. A&pllol Of Uft .. .. Older Gordon lneonc.t .. C..,clonld A/11:, ..... Details I(,,.,"' -. . Wll:U l•('AY ..... 1.e•M#f"YM~ ._ ............ lwft ........ dll89 when~ ..... de to a lllgll IOClllf1 Plf'Y . • YOU AllCll> PC>R IT ,...,,....: . ......, Kii« 8ftatkl" and '"Tur a A Tr• IMO Mutle." ....... " Trapper, coacMcl I> ..__._.-.ttw eamo bolling t to Pf'-1 the tranefet of • bMutlful nur1a • • OVERIMY Gueat ._Fonda. (R) 0 9 ENTWn'MWT TONICIHT . Country ll•r Te mm Wynett• atllll brtnga -"* to their taet In v.-. a,... MUf'flETI Gu.t: JoM C1MM. --ti}WHAl'IUP ~ Featured: a "'81t to 'thr• ol Am«lc:a'• blg-bual bealty Mk>n• llnCI • " the newMe epona -PolO~ 1=*» 8 2 ON THI TOWN Fealut9d: .... artlat <let .,. mined to pr,;,ye thll l oe AAgelM ha • c:ultut .. mctor Fernando Allende, IWlhoe ol U.•IQo Mar1'"9 -~"'Hollywood; • • • man wflO ,,,. .. ~-,___ harpalchorda 1n tM HoltJ•ood HllL ·LA~& ac....- The glr1I -au11p•dooe C.l'NM'• audden ..... ti. 8 IYIONLA A repor1 on Loe A ngelee' • ..... bMt iolleroouter ride: look al t,... 111 .. t 8 1 t ion8. • w·A·s·H When B.J. attempt• t 0 comfort • -MIO h marriage trouotea. he d cover• • romenClc pro of hiaown . Ci) KfNHfDY ~A TONIGHT ioMI ••GtNt JIU Vllleal L' Hempton And Friend ... Pewl Blllley • beck, loot Cert., end Daw Sima. othet lku· ly 8tt I "' b, grNta pay • mualcal tn ut• to Llorlel Hemc>ton II • ano Whit• HouM rec.ptlon ' conc:er1 et Kannedy c.r.. ,.,, (I) ft.M. MAGAZINE " tout of H8Wllll tr Honolulu to tlte Kaull om ..... th ., ...,.,_; 9" lfltenriew WI tO-,...,-old TV at• Pet ~IQ9llly , 9 YOU A8KID flOlll IT Faatured: "Hind Feedl Kiiier Shartt 1" end "Tur "II n-(16. A Tr• Into Mulllc." OECOVt ll'OlJCE UNOD~ ~ KeMeOy IOoll• ,.._ V0<11 City''• undllf •• GOY· ., polic. etlme units • (Z)lllCMI * * •'h "8taalt• Moran t" See Wednesday s. Page 23 Big Week. Small Price. Ullnte6fd ll•m• t•k•nc l'P pl1~)n your •P•C«! kll k all and put un In Y""' poctel with ti.. -Daily Piiot a.D1y '#eelt. We.cu put 10ll 111 .__ With -~ booyen be.--riMlirlffs !lave an ntn ct.1 to Mil tttt)' wfflt Gfol raults 'llrilll U. ado tUt lut _.., 0411 lM l-017 Wf'ft specill tlUMl!ed rel• C.ll 642·"71 lod1y' I For an EiTRA day, call today tlfl 642·5618 - 0,...1 .. .,.~ ......... _.....,. n. IW/W Dally Piiot 8·1)ay~ek· PLUS KOCE 9 7:3"0 and KCET D 8:00 "Great Jazz Vibes: Lionel Hampton an<t Friends.·· Pearl Bailer. Dave Brubec k perrorm in· tribute to u'onel Hampton K~XT 8 8:00 "A Con\'ersation With the President ·· Dan Rather inter\'icws President Ronald R<.•agan KNXT 8 9:00 "Tom Horn ... St en.• MeQueen stars in this 1980 \\'estl•rn Ji ~ B (." U 1 0 : o 0 · · Q u i n t' ~ I m·esligal ion of a fin• ll'acls Quinty into the C'ompany of a disturbl1cl p~Tumaniac. \fednesdeJs Details ( 15180) Ed'<watCI Woodward. Jaelt ThOmpson .... (I) cat NlW8 -W&lW.~ -- "A Con\lefMltloll With The President" Oen Rath« lnterY1ew1 Prealdent Ronald ~n on the eubjecl• of the Stet• of the Union adelr-Md his first yMr in office. D QI AEAL PEOtU FNtured: temale prlH lighters; e handieappecl tores! ranger: e man WllO plays the violin in a "*''. room: e leltl\IW for e noto- rious 1Slt~IUty madem (R) • MOYIE * * \& ··o.atl\ Of A Gu~ fight..... ( 1"9) Richard 'Widmark. L-Horne • (!I THE GMATEST ~HEN> A high ranking Thi! get*• al irnplernent9 a p1en to etimlnai. the tan top Iden· ti fie mind a In lhe country D MOYIE * *'A "Women Times Seven" ( 1967) Shirley Maclalne. Alan Arkin. • P.M. MAGAZINE A IOU< of Hewell trom Honolulu to the Kaua! wil· ci.<nua: an lntwvlew with 10-)'fff-old TV atar Peter ~ Marla Shtrvet ~·a ~-Mlllne ~·tit gift; Or. ~lflfell on anjoy-a •~you hew * * * 'h "Stagecoech" ( 151351) John Wayne. Ctah Tr-. • UNHEDV C8fTEA TONQHT ··0t9e1 Jez Vlbelt uonet Hamp1on And Friends .. Peart 89'1ey, Da._. Bru- beck, Zoot Sima, Belly Carter end other jazz gteata pay a mualoat trib- ute to Lionel H11mPton 11 a White HOUM rec:.ptlon and a Conc.r1 al Kennedy c.n- ter. (C)MOVIE * * "Deya Of Fury" Nar- reted by Vincent Prlee. CJ)llZAME Jol\n Byner 1110WS you things atranger than truth --INn ,,., 9"d. anilll "*' ~ yo.,•,,. --"· .MOYIE • * "Coast To Coast .. ( 11180) Dyan Cannon, Rob· er1 Blake 1:30. AU .. THE FAA.a Y Glorla IOI.. her job ~IN le pregnent. Ci) WM'IONI The behlnd·the-acene1 action durtne the F"11val of New Allleftcen ,.. In l.oulev• ICent~y la ($) l.AFF·A·THOH A corneclien hOat and tour comic contes1an11 who compete agalnat one ~1rtNtu•wcntnms unoensored oomedy game Show 9:00 9 (I) MOYIE * *'h'"Torn Hetn" j1980) St-~. Richard Far~h 8 QI Tl4E F.ACT'I ~ LR 8lalr end her boyfriend go along on Mra. Gerreu'a lltst dale in flltMn~rs. 8 9 Tl4E FAU. GUY An acddent on a moYle atunt 1n\'ONM Colt wf'8tl he tl9'» In 10 1n.,.1iga1e • WNTEONI The behlnd·the-1canes action during the Festival of New American Play• In Loultville. Kentucky la ~:'Ac:.cvWON..D ~JONATHAN WINTEM a-1. Joe Nemeth t!30 8 QI LOVE. llDNIY Sidney and Laurie are 11\0C:ked wnen they find out wily Petty Mt beer! Pipping IChool ID THE &PUCE~ LR A documentary on genetic ~ing, wllich COVWI acienlil\c 0e....iopmen11 as welt u ethiUI question• raised by this MW field of IMology. CC)MOW • * "Road o-·· 119111 Stacy Keech, Jamie Lea Curtis. (J)MOVE * * * "Caddyahack ·· ( 1980) 8ill MUtray, Rodney Dtltlget1iald. (Z)MOVE • • 'h "Silent Scream'' (IMO) ~ e.tding. Yvonne OeCarlo 10:00 a a QUlNCY An lnves1lga1jon Into e IUS- piclous fire lead• Quincy Into the company of a di ... lurt>ed pyr~ e O DYNASTY Fellon. Njected by Nick, -10 finCI the ·0111er woman. and ~· St-and Sammy Jo r.tum home to a jattlng r~tloll • THE.lft.D 0#-~ Scl..-ce reporler 8111 $11-prOClel the br.W new w<lfld of genetic engi- neering. Interviewing lead· Ing actentltll on morel quesllona of altering and creating MW life torma. Ille ~ creation ol ,_ di.-and the dlengee bfougtlt ~ In tne way lldentleee do tl\elf WOt1l due to .... ,.... ~rllll-r..;;.r ~· * * * 'h ""4.. Cege Aue Fo1191" I.,,. lJto TOIJ# I... :;:Jlil::;1 H WE RAVE A OF NEW AND USED CARS FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVER FOR L.:EASE-OR"SALE" CONNELL CHEVROLET Snvlng Cotta Muo for 22 111ara. 2828 Harbor Blvd., Cotto Meso Makint a start it proll.bly the "'°" imporun1 -.p-toWvd savtl --- TilCft ie • ->· to lake thc initial step tllld k~· you're on the ri&ht track toward • i:qular, tcheduled U\'.iN,a. Just join thc Pa)TOll SSl-inp Plan at 111-orit. A link it takm out of each pti)'check towvd the purchuc of L'.S. s.,incs Bondt. You don't hu·e to Won")0 about makinc • tpeeial effort to pul eomcthin& Ode nch ~yd•>·· h'a alldonefor)ou. Automtticallr. 1llc bucka itart pilisii up. thc interest &rows. and )'OU realize )'OUVC found one surefire wa)· to sa\'e. \11~11 "°"put'"'" uf .,our toun;c1 '"'" l' S Surl'Ull 81md1 ,,011·r~ lll'IP"lll 111 build a hrltlhlu fulkrt fur uour C't>11111111 and fflru<111r.,/f f.WI A ..-C ...... of Ille D911r ll'llol ~ ..... ~C:O-il Tuke(~ .~k~:i mAmerica. • .. t • -...., l ' . n Cit ·1 !"'" •·1 o E. ....... ,}tj: ; .. ~. . ~ !' I ,•. J-~ 0 ~. ... ~ . ~'ll ._.·. f!q. 0 i I f•.1.··~ .... •8 ',. a ~ -~-·I z 'Tl.,. ,. . •-4 .!. I"' I II -~.;~ . ~.= ,, c:t-1· M,. lz t:· . . ~· ... .. . --1·:.· ·11 i.-:: ~ _· . . . ' . . I,. . ~f'i : o' ~- :· ~ ff i · &> • " I. P.[ 1-J i .I~ ~"' :J 10 CD a.a -~~ ~ ..... • . 3 ·t. . r I r = i &-· ~ 1. ' ~.a ... c;· ' ;q-11 ~ •! ~ . ~ < 8 J . -• !-I~ § t . ·1 -4 •• ii> . J • • ::> "' i)C -!J 3 I n -.,.. : l . o· . ----• • [ -• • • -I l I · · --.----1 i ~ ~ilot TV Log. Friday. January 22. 1982 . r . f : I ' .. ....... ..... ~ ..... ~ , ..... ~ ....... ....... --~ 1"1 r's ?1 ~I! Fs ~I Fai l':'J .. ~I F1 1"1 =-Ii 1"1 i$;.) .-r. ?1 ~ F1 "~ ~. ~ ~-~ . • J I ' jl f fN~ i I 1 '"" IJ ii ii _.( ~it r· i< ~i Ii~ r-. · f I r . 'I " . . " ,i " . : . l ~f .. . ' . :~ . .. I " ·1 tr J iii' " 1 •I JI ,; "Ii . fl • " .. J 1 •' . . .,. ·I · .. j .r .rri 'IH ... ui. ·I .. .r .~·;! 5i' .. ·I .. .I .. 11 :.J! i e I 1u1 ·II! JHt : .. ~ ... i .i e I lo' • t. • ... .I ·! .. lj ... 1 .... ·~I~ ~Pl .. i( H~ ~~ ~ ·: Ir:··· ".p . ·f I r1r1 i IJ .. ·I .. P f !(I fl .... ~' i • 2 \ " .... f. ..._· -· --411 . .. tt; .1 ... : .111 ;~11 ~i . .. .1 :;: .1 / .11r~~ :.fl .. n .. 11 i • l •tfJ .. u .p~ ..... u• ii 1 I ' ,. • ;l.;. • e I I . i~ i J 1zr;; I i . J IC Jl 1r ~I ~it I ~< .. ~ f iti rr f I · 1 .. "' . . .. .. '• ... H • • . . f . : . . ~ .. .. .. ' I , . hr . I a i "f i .. 1 i . ii .. ,, .. • I a 2 t ~ ~~~:+----:~-::t-=:~~-:t---~-;-;t----;t-;--r-;-;;i ·iii .. ,i ' .. I " .u1~1 .f !i .. f I ".I ' ... ·U' ... 1 .I " .~11 i I~ fill 'i': ')l ·Pl• :n· i 0 ,: ·I · ' .1.1 J fi 1 f n ' ' . Hf r .I '' ' ' . H ~ f i ' 'fl . ' .r . '11 . ·I! I e ~ p' I 'If I . ' 'I . . . . ' .. i I e i ' .If pr .. ,I ' .Sf Jif' .e ·~~fr . ·'I pn n .. p•i ,/. ... C~f i I~ .rp ~f I[ .pi 'I .l r• I i ·-~ .1 .. pr1 .,., ..... 1'nz 1 ~ .. !P1r .. n i"' .1 .1 .... (~'' 1 i. a. .,,, 11.1"'1 .1 .. n11 i. 1 1---~+-+-~-+--=-=~~~:-::t-=-~-t-~~' .I--+--+--~~---· .f [i ·IU .. J! f Ht fin .f If ._:I H~P ~'fl ·: .. : .. ~I ii[i i 1 g tip .. ~, .. fl l 1fl ~II i 1 g ' .,, 1--~~~t::-=--t ~ HP r .f if ',I Uf i ~ .lfl~f j Jri x~: ·: ·1 ~~'1f . ' .. 'p~ I 8 B . '. ' . 'f 111~ ur J. 11 .:~ ~I~ • .JI : ·• -' • . . ~ .... . . ~' I -. I • • • • ~ I ............. •. ,.. .,, ~ I .. . - ' •-'-' "'...... I-' t 1 r I Cl) I . ... ~ ,_.. ... . . . . ... ~ • • ._ • ·111..:'· ' I -l ., I ! 11· . I : : . ~ I l , I ~ . ~ f . • .. , : I . • . I ' -1 ; . . .:. c: I 5:: I ::. F> t~ ~ l!f~:•111'Jf "lil1''1~:81f~~J .. !~I i~i9 !f .. s ta~•11U!~!~:~ fllil~--!iJll~ iif•J~f ii:-_'t~•!ll t• 11 ., •1--lil(1 !as ·'~J ~ :lf ~2~ 1~s-:1.i~.!11111m 1LI r '.I I •·•1 I 1f-I • JlfJ,1 M· ! !i~ ":_ 1 Hi 1!m:I ff ~mh 1 11 1sr ~J1J 1!1IJ1!ii 11 ~i~ 11 1tt1. 1 IH1 d1111i1•1 ;t~ ~tt !hi . ~ e x: ! '"it I' i .. f ""1~l1~i g~,, fJ lif• f ..:• ,. ·I l t I 1'~ Jf . { f!f'&· 'I ! j !: I f i I ~ . ! l ; l i ~ ~ :i . t I 1l1 · j 1, . !l I ' f j ~ f ' i I ~ • i I ~ ' i ~ . : '~ 0 ! ' I -~~ • I i .... I I~ • I •t .. t ~ .,, • ._ ... -•• • ... DOVE STREET •NEWPORTBEACH;_(714) 833-1 _ LE PETIT Ca/e Bakery & Catering * • F• Breakfast •B1111ch •lunch • Quiches, Crepes, Salads • Sandwiches • F rash Soups Daily • Fresh Croissants and Pastr~es Daily • Gourmet Coffees• Teas • Candies . Special6r.uncbes Sat. and Sun. All Food Available for Takeout 514 W. ••a-..11¥4. .... , .... ~ .. .,75-6135 7:00-3:00 'J S... IC~ M..,.J . ' t 'k'f!..A ~1t "s!od"" _: ··wftd' Rovers .~·· ~\\liUiam ftolden-sfars fo":Wesfem-a.bout . two roWbo\'S who beeome rugiti\'es after • i the~· rob a bank on a whim. 'KC.OP e 8;00 ··Rio Grande '· Class ic. John W11yne movie. He plays a to4gh cavalry ('.Ommander: KABC fJ 9:00 -··Barney Miller."· Die tricll arrests a m'o\·ie theate r patron dri\'en berserk by the film's \'iolence. K~'iBC 8 10 :00 -··Hill Street Blues.·· Captain Furillo offers to turn in his badge. Fr9,,11 Page 24 ... , ;rgo.......,MLL9 MOtk ~ a ~ Wojo la 1111 wltll a pate<nlly ~nomenal oft.,, r8ge lri • ML.and then 9'11• -- ...,.. b• ....... Wt.,,.., ..-mot• Mocking n9WI. and hM¥y ltvMI-Ne ""· Oielrlch wr .. U a movie (Al tt!Mter patron drivwt ber· D MOYIE --by Iha fllrn's ¥!olence. ** "The Vlolenl ProlM-(~0 ~ .ionala" (1975) Richard • IHOQ(Of'THEHEW ConW. Lt.*e ....,enda. "The Undlcape Of PIM· • P.M. MAGAZINE _.. .. Robet1 ..._ con- An lntenllew with ectrMe central.. on ~ of Jacqueline BllMI; ..... .-..... -lllultrated In ...,. ~an. a talk _aflow tN wcrta ~Gauguin. hOe1 on~~ In Monet. C..W., ....,.._ Loe~; Or Waeeo on end~. (RI hOllatlc: hMlttl ~ 8uean • MAllU#IECE w-.tein otwPlll>« COi-ntEATM lect..,._, "The FW!'9 T,_ Of Thi- • MCME ka: Friende In Hlgll "'-" • * * "Rio Grande" The -. of the Grants' ( 1990) Jofvl Weyne. MllU· Med men ftllde Ills wsy r-O'Hera. Imo IN ..,.,,... stor11ge • "90LDtom hut.(Part4)0 8otJ VHa -the t:11{%)MOYIE llOUM'I heating plant end • * "MeNin Md HowWd" Norm Abrwna bUlldl tN ( 19IO) P9Uf ...,.._, JMon framing for the~-Aoew• • WK,_...... UO!.~-=:..~dllte Roger Ebert and Gene ~ Ne1 and a po11c9.. Sllllel revW "On Golden men. (A) Pond,'' "WhoM Ute la II • 9 TAXI Anyway?" and " FOUt Tony , ... In io... with • Friends." rlc:tl )'OUn9 beauty. O CC) MOVE (D) MCMI ··~ "POl'tnoy's Com-*** "9 To 5'' (IMO) plaint" ( 1972) Richard .iw. Fonoe. Dolly Parton. &enjalflir\, Kwan Black. 10:00 •(I) NlJMe (I) MOVIE Msy ta ca1g11t Jn 1M fnld,. • *. * WAl1•ed Ste•" -°' • concr~ -(1INIOI William Hurt, llleir how pm. ... w. ... of an er-. elected offtdal can or • MOYIE ~lie kept. *** ''TI'RI lliand"(1t801 88HLL8TNET MlchHI Caine, David &.&a Wamer. c.ptain Furillo offera 10 l:.IO e 9 IE8'T OF THE turn In hie ~. and an wat all-night poller game OocColliM ~ -.Y '°' ptompts Joe 10 attempt to a mall..order bride. (RI deal w1tt1 Lucy In a diner· • AU. .. THlFAtllflA..'f entmanner. Edith refuMt lo slap har • FAWLTY TOWEM votunt-work at the An elderly llerd-of..._lng home tor the aged dftpitt ~ ma" life dilficult tor Atdlie'a ordera •, 8M11 and M-.el. • ~~ CC)MOWE ~ Ellert MO "Gene ***'A ue-u C1971) Slake! rftlew "On ~ woody Allen. Louisa Pond.'' "WhoM tJle. la It ~. Mywllf?" and " FOur (I) 8HOWTIME t:.OOKa Friends." AT 1111 ID POATIWTI.. The ,.... etorlee, peop1e PASTS..8 and ovente o4 1981 - "Spring Wal•" llLJhla.---end ~-~. . ~~~~("\·) C" ·:;r~ Jazz • Singer" •• MOYll""' (19IO) Hill Otemond, C.O· ••'A "Back Roads" renca Olivier ( 1981) Sally Field, Tommy ©) AOGEA WHfTT AICEft Lw Jones. 1n1ernallonally 1111'\ed Sing-10:30. ~ er I aongwrller Roger Al9, '* tiuaDenG Ben, and t Whlttu .. perfO(.mt~ -. • ... _,. Aflitnl and Aue· o4 the bllllad1 IOI' ~ ha Mii -helling more than le known. enougti problem1 wfler1 llOO. (I) ICNOT9 LANDING L~d ~along. Gary, will\ Alllly • NI .,_ LMNJLl- pettner, ptungea Into debt Cor19990ft0911t1 L~a for a Nglwllk ln-tmenl. W~helmer and Cotcle ..... MMJ .....,. ... ,..0-..flDr .,..... flllup••· ...... -,.,,..,.. .... fllgtltlMI'.. .pt ... ""~ ...... ~. m ... .J. That'•"'°" _.. lor you when ~'"10"' Ilk n«aMtatr • pu~orcwo Chttll ci-n..t- tt INIY m&kr thoer chan(JaalMtk moft llftDrdatJk ............... .... c:.er..e WAS ltt.tl MOW '. f" -··-= • :~=::-=--@ 1a;;g, J 5799 ~~ ·· ... . .A ... KNXT KN8C Kn.A KA8C KFMe •··· KHJ KC&T KTTV KOOP • D • • 0 D m • ., i.. AJ.V.l &a-... &a .... &a---La ....... ...... u.-... ...... ... __.. u.-... 7: WektUp1 Tcmr, 700 Good Momi10 The TOCStr, Canoon 8ugl " Club Morning Ntwl Froozles Town Bunny MomWig " " Amtrlca .. n..11 .. .. l<Mtoon Ntwl .. .. .. .. AWrf " .. Kamrtll s: .. .. .. .. Sunup Jldt " Alpc)tr .. .. .. .. .. Sm!~ Lal..annt " .. .. .. .. Hot .. Jim .. Gtntle Popt)'t .. " Fudoe .. .. Bakker " 9tn .. 9: OntDly Atglt Richlrd AM OneDly " OoNhue 1 lovt Romper Al A Time Pllilblft SilMlons Los AIA Time " " Lucy Room Alict llloci-Lt1Yt n ~ Alct Midmorning .. BlwdCMd M<Me. .. bultlra To Women .. l A. .. .. '"Aahting 10: ThePnoe WtltllOf BIO LC>Yt T11t Pr1ct .. Ridlard I Ore1111 Of Trouble" IS~I Forti.Wit v~ Boel lt~I .. S"""'1on$ Jtlnnie .. Blltlestars .. " 8.tttlestars Ghost And Movie: .. .. " .. .. .. .. Mrs Muir ··0vtt1ano 11: Up To The ~ llOlltllll Fernlty Y01.f19And McMt: Password Super Stage Minute Piiis .. ' Feud TheRtsllt11 "MyPa°I Plus P-rCards Riders"" YOl#lgAnd n. .. Ayln"• .. Gus" The ..... IHHNtws The~ Doctors .. Hope .. " Doctors .. .. 12: .. ~OI Twi¥f AllMy News .. DtysOI Mcwlt: Movit: " Ourl.Ma Zone Childrtn .. .. OurU. "llililon "Across AsThe .. T~ .. As The .. .. Dollar-" ™ Wotld .. Zone " WOl1d " .. Brlill" Bridn9'' 1: TIKllS Anothtr Hollr OntUlt Tums News Another .. .. .. WOC1d ~ ToUwt " .. Wor1d .. .. S-Ct1F0t .. .. S-etlfOI Ironside .. .. .. Tomorrow .. .. .. Tomo1row " .. " . 2: Guiding Texas Jollll Gtnerll Gi.iding " Teus Optn ~ Superman Light .. Dlvldlon Hoepllll llglll " .. Une .. .. .. .. Kojlk .. The Popey9 .. .. " .. .. .. -" JltlON a: Re>Qlotd Oonlllue " E.OI John .. ~lnThe People's Btios ,,.. .. .. Night DtYIClson .. Fllllily COUt1 Bunny .. Ridllrd People's .. Movie· M1ty Tyter The Heclllt .. .. Sirnmofll COUt1 .. "Mr Moore Alnt11ones 'Jeekle 4: Birney Bob Emergency News .. l\111gS11et1'1 Bob Btios Bunny Kal'toon Wier Hewllllt .. .. W11" Newhll1 P0tky Pig KllMlll News Enter-.. .. MASH .. The Tom& .. lllMltnl .. .. .. . . IMuooets Jerry .. 5: News News lfttle Ntwa News .. News Brady The .. .. Holdt .. .. .. .. Bunch Flm1s1ones " .. OnThe .. " Carter .. l!ewjlefled Scooby .. .. Prllrle .. Country .. .. Ooo Hlghllthts for the Week t • From Page 9 the Forum In Loe Angeles. alnOlno many ol ,. hit ..,._ glell • ,,... • cuts from tome of his albumL l:AI •Cl) cee NIW9 IPICW.. MP'Ofll. 8 D&IOCMTIC ....-01• / ANAi.. Ya./ N9C MEWi MPOflT 1• (B) THI YfAA TMAT WAS: 1111 Pltrlclc D'NMI ho9tt ltllt look It the molt,,__ Ible -1• ol the prevloue ~-... THI DOCTC>f' II .. ChMfes Schuli, Doug Oldhan end the Gaither Trio are fHlured In I ~ clal •boot fMllng good about yourself Ind your attlludt t-Wd OtMtL e:GOD CH&DMNONTME Ill.IN Jo/hltny Menn hOlta a csoo- umenllr/ about !fie mll- llone ol clllld rtfugtetl In tlle \lf0f1d. al ITA 1-OIF THI UNION AOOfllU8 Prelldent ~ dellwtt the annual St ... ol Ille Union ldOrMI to • joint -'or! of CongrtM al the CapitOI t:ao 8 (fl DIMOCRATIC ADPONlll TO THE ITAT'l OIF THI UNION ADC!_ MIGi DIMOCMTIC ,_ Ql-/AML'Yl9/ fC .... '90Rf -· lM9YOUI ••T VIOTIM: UJm ICA'8 llllUM.LY IOl.OfTm ~ A t9P0t1 Oft ... ...., ............ (l)DOmlwmT ........ ~ .,...., ...... .,.,., ........ ~ perform -ol '* 8'199' Nta, Including .. Sotry."" ··1...-. In L.-ng"" end ··~T1ilogy .. 11:30. CNll8 AlDn' "The Alprry 01 Eaat Am- ca" Ttie pliglll ot 119'Wlg people in bit Alrlca end Whet -Ametic-w doll'lg lo ~ we docu· menled. 11:al (B) THE LA8T AWAADS IHOW Dt11k1 Steinberg h~t• en "'-t pwody ol t .... .tMd -ds .now.. Wednesday ,specials ldYenture. Mt In (Aylon, of • hOly man wt'<I r~ • leopard cub from • tropi. eel pool. f Pert 1) Cl) P£AeCn Y FRANK Clorla lMChm111 19 fff· tured M 8'.~.Y pays tribute to ,,ante ~. !fie aongwriter wtlOM com- poeltlone -• rlllC)OMlble for the euc:ceu ol IUCfl l1¥0rit.. • "G~ And Ootla"" Ind ··H-TO ~ c..cl In Bual-WlthOut RNlly T rylng •• (WNHQ 1:30 (B) CHAH0AA. THI kACK LEOPAN> OIF CEYLOH Earam Jayu lnghe and Frack1ell Steyne 1111 in this ~ure. M4 In (Aylon. ol • hOly man whO r-.ues 1 leopwd cub trom 1 tropi- cal pool. (Pert 21 1:00 CJ) WHA ra lW AMENCA Featured: • \l\alt ro lh,.. Of Ameflca'a blg·bualn•H bNuty salon• and • look 11 the ,_. IPCH1• craze -polo metc:Ma 7:30. ICB•llDV CEHTl1' TONIGHT .. A Conversation With Tr>e President'" Den Rllher 1nterv1e•• President Ronald Reag•n Oft 1 "41 tubjects ot t"9 Stele or lhe I.Inion lddr-end hi• first yew In offic;:e, • K.ENNEDV CEHlU TONIQHT "GrNt Jan Vlb981 Uonel Hll'llj)lon And Friends .. PNtl 88iley. Deve Bru· bed<, Zoot Sims, &eny C11ter and other jazz gtNIA pay I f"Uslcal trlb· ute to Llontl Hampton et • White Houw recieptlon end I concert at Kennedy Cen· I• (l)llZAME John Byner shOwa you things •tr~ then truth, larger than lite. Ind taniet ltlan Myttllng you'Y9 --· l:all. WNTa ONI The behind-the-scenes action ounng the F .. t1v1I Of New Amer1Can Pt1y1 tn loul1vllfe, Kentucky 11 lllJlhlighttd. Cl) LAFF-A-THON A com.<S1an halt and tout cort11C: contestents who compete ag11n11 one enother are feelured In this unceneored comedy game illO"" t:OO. WNTE ONt TM behlnd-tlle-acenH action Outing the Feattvll ol .... Amertcan Pley9 In loulsvtlfe. Kentucky la ~ttd. Cl) THI WAOCY WOM.D Oii .M>NAnwf WINTIM Outec;Joe .......... HO. ntlMJCI Oii LR A doal --~ Oft ....... .................... .....,...llla; ••Iii l ....... , ...... _..... KC&T KQCE_ fl) • ......... I 1:1 ~ eusw.s Oii Atpot1 Pllnting YogeF0t Oil HMIUt Plintlna BIO Slut Body Marble Buddies Vlb Mister Aleore Rooers Sesame 3-2-1 Slleet Conltct .. flec:1ric .. Comolnv Clawoom The New TV Amerlclnt .. EduealJonal .. ProgrltMlina Electnc .. Complny .. MacNeil .. letw• .. Didi .. C.¥111 .. ~ " Easy .. Claslloom .. TV .. .. .. . . .. " Gut en .. Tag .. CtossCtry .. S«iSdlool Homt Seume 1n1er1ots S1ree1 Home .. Interiors .. 3-2-1 3-2·1 Contact Con1tct Mister ~ Roaers OI Hope Sesame Electnc Slrett Company .. Over . . Easy rliMd by tllla MW field ol biology 10:00 • THI 8PUCE OIF UFE Science reporter Biii Skene PfOl>n the breve n.w world ot geMtle enQI· -.no. Interviewing MNld· Ing ldentitla on mo<al q.-1oone o1 1111 .. 1ng eno creahng MW Ille ta<ma. the poplble crMllOn ol MW dlMOMS and t"9 ClllngM b<ought lb<>Ut In Ille wey acientleta do thetr work due to the 18')1d lnduetrtal· lutlon of gene apllc.lng 10-.30 ID DEXTtA OOM>OH IN CX>NCflWT Oe•t« Gordon pe<form1 In • concen t•ped In the spring of 1979 at Met.tlln Auditorium on the Ohk> Stele UlllYenity campue 11:*1 CH) ID• A THflH. Ln'TlfllWON> Men -on -1he-at•••I rtsponHa and upert opinions ere uMd In this doc:umentaty to --some of the moai-•tlled ~on lhe subjed of Mlfuelity 12:00-~MAOA& HELL The Irreverent comedian pokes fun 11 IOl>IC• ••no· Ing lrom ChristmH to M• , In TV commtlfc;lala 3:30 CR> .. II A n4Mf,. LETTEfllWON> M1n -on·tlle-1trett re1ponaee and eapert oplnlol\a -UMd In ,,. ~•lll'Y to - -ol ""' lftCltt•MMd ~lloM Oft tM IUOtec' ol MXuellty. Thursday specials I 1•1 .-.ww11.-'• Giller to co-lwst teletlwn NASHVILLE, Tenn. <AP> Country music star Mickey Gille:; and di sc jockey Ra lph Emery wlll be co·hosts of th e Arthriti s Foundation's third annual telethon May 31. The telethon will origi na t e from the Tennessee Performing Arts Center and will be carried by cable over the Satellite Program Network a nd the WO R-TV network in New York. Gilley is best known for his nightclub in Pasadena. Texti, that was the focal point of th e m ovie "Urba n Cowboy." Emery has his own syndicated radio s how and is host of the cable televis ion show "Nashville Alive." He is for m er hos t of the syndicated television program ··Pop Goes the Cou ntry." HOLLYWOOD -John Hurt, Jane Alexander, Gl ynnis O"Connor, Doug Mc Keon a nd Beau Bridges star in "Night Crossing " from Wall Disney Productions. AfTEAHOON 3:00 (C) THE lllAHO ~ NEVAWUZ In Ill•• 1nimeted comeoy. the greedy'J.8 Trumphorn cruh-lands on the Island ol ~ and tries 10 moclemiz!9 It IOr Illa own ~o-in 5:00 PETVI AHO TtfE WOlF - Ray Bolger It a oi..m111 eudience for M tnlmll orcheatra playlng the mutlc of ~okofieov 6:30 GD 8UT THEN SHE'S IETTY CARTEA Jezz linger Betty Can• II proflled through Interviews and pe<torm•nees. (RI EYINNO 7:00 (B) H90 SNEAK PMWW:FHRUMIV A MW hMt lntrod-the movlu. 1pec;1111 end 890ftl _,ta coming to Horne Box Otfoce In Febru· If)'. l:IO (0) AOGBt WHITTAKlfll lnt-tlonalty fli!Md ting· er I aongwrltat Roger Whittaker perlOtftll meny ot the ballads l0t •hic:tl he .. __ 10:00 IHOWT1ME LOOKS AT 1111 The -lloriea. people Ind -II of 1N1 - ~ In ''* ~-end ...... t~(l)10M JONM NfO .......ANTON ,....,, ..... IOr ...... --~.Toni._ trlCI luMrl Anton ........ I' I • :!?".....,_"" ... . , . .. Darttme Drama Secof!-d honeymoon is planned By LYNDA IURSCU . AU. MY CHILDREN: A lenient judge gives Palmer one-year probation for perjury. Al Donna's request. Myra agr~ to slay on as housekeeper. Palmer and Donna p(an second honeymoon in Europe. Aner .,.ona refuses to let Brandon and Erica share the same bedroom. Erica decides lo stay with him in Pine Valley. Opal appears at the inn with head shot of Jenny. Brandon thinks J enny has possibilities. but Erica tears up the ,picture The dinner where Erica hoped for a re<'oncil,iation between Brandon and his sister Judith turns into a shambles Eri<'a further ruins relaUooship with Judith when she asks her to be her matron of honor when she marries Brandon Me lanie gets Judith to admit s he blames Melanie's carelessness for the car <'rash that killed Peter . Melanie's brother. ANOTHER WORLD: Calling a truce. Quinn and" Blaine agree not to interfere in each other's work. J<W Masterson takes over ror Harry in the union. and unlike Harry. he expects favors DeMy is forced to pay Masterson SI0.000 under the table to abort the strike When Mar lhreatens lo s top publication of J ames' book. James asks Steve to find him a lawyer Ada tells J ames his book 1s causmJt major trouble. Unable to f11.ce the book. Pal derides to move lo New York and turns down Brian's marriage proposal Sandy agrees to marry Cerille for the baby's sake. but 1ns1sts they wiU divorce soon after the <'h1ld 's birth AS THE WORLD TURNS : Fearing James is in trouble. Margo insiiits s he and Tom follow hjm lo the greenhouse At the greenhouse. Mr. Big tells James he's aware of his rlealing with the FBI. Mira nda arrives and prepares lo shoot them all. but the gun jams. During the s kirmish, James 1s knocked unr onscious Tom and Margo manage lo escape through a hole in the greenhouse David still torn between Cynth ia and Ellen Ellen learns the sweater Dee thought was ror Ellen from David was Cor Cynthia. Karen realizes Malt 1s running the sex survey. DAVS OF OUR LI VES : Count Deme ar& 's information rlears David of Alex's shooting. Against Abe's advice. David dl'c1des lo go after the hit man David goes to the Twilight bar and is almost shot when Abe steps in. takes the bullet and is seriously injured Wy land lli warned his dealings w1th Demeara are over and that Evan will be in danger if Wyland ever returns to Salem. Mike is dating Roman's ~ister. who tells him his problem is Margo's death. not the loss of Trish. and Mike agrees. With Renee a bout to be rtieased from hospital. s he and Lee are slated to stay at Tony's home Clippings about the various strangling~ are found 1n the apartment of Marlena's patient Eugene DOCTORS: Jeff furious when he learns Phil fired ~atalie and sl)t cannot get another JOb al hos pital Jeff • warns Phil unle5"s Presser is fired he will quit After Presser 1s fired he blaml's Katie. who is g1,·en his JOb lla\'ing split with Greta. R1lly gets together with ~ola Upset by Nola and Billy·s a ttachment. Luke s hows ~ola ~atalie's diary. wh1 rh describes Btll~ ·s intention of swindling Nola when h~ first returned lo Madison EDGE OF NIGHT: In a rcenartment. the group proves Sk~ killed Gunther. but they have no moth'e Sky's first attempt to kill Ra,·en 1n Switzerland fails. so he hatches another sr hcme Damien is shot hv Chumm\' Davis Derek proposes to J inx J inx turns to Miles ro·r ad\'ice. he sugges ts she tell De rek about her illness Deciding she <'annot do that. J inx turns down Derek's pro posal without any explunalion Dee Dee tells Calvin she IO\'e'> him. GENERAL HOSPITAL: Luke and Jackie Templeton meet at hospital when they think a bloode accident victim may be the individual ··Laura" each is seeking. but 1t is a total stranger Laura T and Mel. Laura S's photographer. are in a shady d'!ll with David. Looking at flight manifest for plane Laura was on. Scorpio wonders if "D. Gray·· is the man they want. Dan talks to Helena Casudine to see what s he knows about Laura 's disappearance. Anne tells Ruby lo get a second opinion after see.Ing Dr. Bra dshaw. Bradshaw's wire and s tepdaughters postpone their move to Port Charles. Susan teJls Alan she wants to move into mansion after they wed, but Monica plans to sell ll GUIDING UGlfr: Amanda decides to divorce Ren and name Eve correspondent after Ben takes off for Europe and asks Eve to join him. As Ca rrie 's trial begins. Ross stunned when he's called as first witness ror prosecution Bea 1s one of Jurors in Carrie's trial Noah tells Hilary Derek is o nly a rebound because HJlary still loves Kelly. Hilary ls angry. but realiz.es Noah might be r ight Nola is rele11sed from hospital and goes t~ ~he mansion with Leslie Anne as temporary nurse. Josh comes Orf to Hilary . When LcslJe Anne sees J osh. she r uns out or the room before: he can spot her ONE Uf'E TO Ll\'E : In Sttn Carloo;, La1't) sN•o; Ur C:cn·::int(':>. <i fn••nd or Peter's. who l~·lls him lhnl n_, ~ -Dr -, ··r ·r't,~m- A WATCHFUL EYE Ra,·en Swift \\'h1tnt•\ and Sk~ a n • in lhl' Swiss .\Ip~ for .1 ronwnltl' ~o iourn. hut the mnod <'hangt'" <lra-.11t·;al h \\lu.•n <il'll'l"llH' l>am1;,in 'I\ lt>r 1 Chnstopht•r .Jarrett . aho,·t· • a l'l'l\ l'; In kl'l'P ;111 t·~ l' on lht• hmw~·moom.'r' I'~ lt•r s u .... p t'l'l:o-Sf..' nt lll'lll!.! .1 murdt·n·1 ;111d ,, fraud Ill thl'Sl' t·1nsmll•:-cal .. Ed gt• n l :'l:tl!hl St'l'll '''t•ekd a~·s 011 AH(' •Ch i • at :1 p m Ast rid. Dr Wilde's assistant. 1s a murderess whose personality was altered by surgery performed by Wilde Larry realiz~ Wilde is Ivan Kipling, the man who tried to kill Karen. and confronts him. Before Larry can exit San Carlos. Ivan has him attacked. Larry is rusht.'<l to the hospital and operated on by Ivan Dorian reads Melinda's letter d iscussing Mary being Kat's baby, but she concludes they are insane ramblings Marcello. however. also reads the letter and decides to visit Melinda Peter informs Karen Brad knows about the baby SW\lch RYAN'S HOPE : Jack breaks I.be Maril Kara story in the paper and It Is considered a n internation al archeologiral find. Joe realizes contents of lhe shrine indude f•butous-contr:rband treasure. Yvonne returns and blackmails Ari into hiring he r as his assistant Siobhan moves to St Louis lo work with Frank Dee tries to destroy sports car Roger boug'ht for himself and J ane, but Jane is able to fix il. Dec dls<'overs Jane was once in reform school for stealing cars. SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: Travis 1s the next name on the hit list. Dane gets his old friend Doc Foley to break into the morgue and he assesses that the Benaons died before the car crash. Bnan's problems are d ue to a head injury sustained in the boxing ring. Wendy wants to move o~t or Stephanie's home TEXAS: Discovering Beau had the compass. Ginny and Miles rear it m ight fall Into the wrong hands. As Miles Is searching Cor the compass. he is being trapped by Mr. H. Ruby rears she'll be blamed for Beau's .death. so s he and Lurlene move his body. T.J. 's romance with Paige cools down when his thoughts tum to Ashley. Ashley is pleased that Justin UJ<es Gregory, but she worries that Mr H knows about the child's past \'OUNG AND TllE R ESTLESS: Patti finishes high school <'arly and w1:1nts Jack to hire her as a model Paul warns J ac k he'd better not. As Chris is about to leave for Hawuil modelin14 location. she 1s fe lled by appendicitis. At trial. La urie's attorney is able to prove that anyone rould have deposited funds in her name. Unhappy beC'ause Nikki is failing in love with him. Victor sets out t o find the right m an for her. And y tells Karen he loves Jill and wants a divorce. trance told corporation 1s tthout to replace officers Ila~ o qwatlOll about your favonte soap or aoap star~ Write to l..ynda lllrMfl, c o F'1eld New.paper Sl/ftdlcate, I' 0 Boz 19620. lnJm~ Cota/ '2714 Sit# Will cm.IWtr 06 many quell1t>M <U .tht> con In htr rolumn. r,u1 tltr volume of mm/ mokta ,Wr40MI rf'plif'I' 1m1>011Nfbll' · ..... ~.., .,,..,.., ...... '. . : n I •o ·~-­) I • tlfyl.-fn l/J "· tME t .. 11n .,11,,.1 I.•/ thl' C'tl'"'"'· r .... io>n•bk ••>of drftoinJ, •p ... kln11. 8C'tln11. f'I<'. hJ-thin11 •t)IJ.h: ........ -·-· ol t1 ........... -" ......... , • (...hlcM>eW.., lu•urlo• ,. • .,........,.. I . di.tin"'""' •nd ~·""" or men•,... •nd lwenn11, I . di.tffK'tkwl. ••~n ..... orijllnallt~ and th.,..,..,... in anr fonn or •"I.tic nr Ut""I"} .. ~. 4. •II ur I~ abl""• •nd ""'"'· itl a n•w S.nda) --U..n publW.f'<I b~ tht Oran11r < -• Dally PUoc ft 1t ti "'~--... ----------~------........................ .,, ......................................... .... Friday movies ' JAMJA1t'f 22. ~ EVIHNi t:o0 0 * * "Hanger 18" ..J g (1980) ~.,, McG~. Rob41J1 Vqhn.,~-- 111'• 11 • Mict'et goW.,nmeni ' . , lnatallatlOfl In-ligate Ille cauM ol a Ulelli1e·1 , den deslructlon. ·~·· 1 7• (C) ***,,.,"Dey FOf Night" ( 1972) Jacqueline 8tsM4, Valen~ Cot1eliia· ,. TN 11Yes end tovee ol Mm penormere are lluclled In a movie-within-a-movie. 1:30 * * ,_. "Bon Voy.oe, Charlie Brown" ( 1979) Att/,- n111ea Olrectea -.V 1M M•ndez. Snoopy ~ Wooa110~ ) l ~) ••change studln11 Ch Brown, Peppermint P1tty, Linus Ind Marcie on an adY8nlUf•IHled tour of Engllnd Ind France. 'G' CIJ * * "The Return Ot The Seceucu1 Seven" ( 1880) M1tk Arnott. Gor· don Clapp. The rnemt>e<a ol · 1 group 01 college 1tu- <1en1s 8C1,.,. in lhe protest movement aurlng the '60t gather lor 1 -itena reunion. 'R' ~-***"""Key latgo" ( 11M8) Humphrey Bogatl. Lauien Bacall. A Flotlcla ,_, hotel .. tlken OY9I 6y • bunCh of hoods. • **.,.,"Carry On Cow· boy" ( 1862) Slaney J-. Kenneth Williama. An engi· ,_.,with IN help of I girl atymiea a rnurc•w. (I) **.,.,"Falto" ( 1880) Dom OeLulM. ArtM Ban-. croft A portly ~ .,. flndl lhat nothing can d.,,,.,.n his delke kif lood unlit he fella In love. 'PO' ... CC) ... "Sutvlvll Run" (1980) Pet• Of•-· Ra) Milland. A group ot ._., agers 11umble upon • gang ot dope mnuggler• In '"' Arlrona ~ 'A' • ***"""LaCageAux FOllel" (1179) ~ T~ nan, MlChal Setraull. A niglltclutl owner 1"" to -..,..,.,. hie lt--th• ~ ter a vtalt by his son'• t11ncaa·• lather, 1h• morall commilSionet of Fr.-.'R' f;16(Z) ***'At "8'eell• ~ant" lfteOI Ectwera Woodwwd. Jedi Thotnp- eon. Aultr ..... c:onlClipt• .a 10 fight on Engilend'a 9lde In the Boer W• decide lo light Iha Boer 11'*illM on lhllr own lerma. 10;G0 CID * *.,., "8eck "°*"" (1881) Sally FWd, Tommy ~~.A hoollw end• down-00•"'9-tucll boll• meet eno heed w.t 10 find 1he cNld • oew "" 1or ~two.,_. ..... 'R' cm • * • * .. n. Elephant ....,., .. (1880) John Hurt, An"'°"Y Hopklne. A ~ catctd phy91clen I ue1 under hie wlr'O • horribly defonMd men wtioee ... Ill I'*' had ltlMl'I lplnl In CflNP ,,.... uNblllonL 'PO' 11:00 CC) • * •. ,., "Bananaa" (1971) Woody Allen. LoulM i.-. A PfoduC'I ........ bored with hi• ~routine, 00-10. "'"" l•tln A-rlcen countty end ~ • diet.tor during a polMlcel ~·pa· •••tt''OMMMelf. neel''(111D)letteMldllt. The Herteeta. Thia llm ~of .... '•-' MUSICAL ENSEMBLE -Christophel' Plummer is the falt).t1 of ihe seven von Trapp children and -luhe Andrews 1 next to · e1u~"1,er1 Sl~{S ~s the ~·oun ~s ters ' 1 Fet>Nety, 1980, teaturet • Yaf~ly Of ~. lfom camp 1tendatds 10 rock balleds, punctuatea by • _... ot '9Urldly ,,,_ ~.:A' ~ 11:0t CZ) * *,,TN De-Ala" (1971) v-Rqtl\19, Oliv9r Re.a. During the 1eGOI In Ftanoe, a young ptiael la perMCUled '°' .. llleged altlanc:e with the devil In using • nunnery '°' laec:Moua pleeeut- 11:ao Cll ... ~ "Th• Elec>hanl Man" ( 1880) Jotln Hurl, AnthOny Hopklna. A dedi- cated plly1lcl•n tell•• under hie ~ • honibly defonned "*' wtlON "" till "*' heel .,..,., "*" "' c:tieap frMk •llhibit~ "°' 11:AO CB) * * * .. "8ectlet" ( 19&4) Rlc:h810 eur1on. II.-O'T ode King Hefvy II ot Englancl ~ with .,. Alctlblahop of Cantllt'· bury during IN 121h ~ tury. 1l:OO. * ... "Johnny Gu!Wr" ( 1tSS) Joan Crewford, 8twtlng Heyden. A guitar- ~ 111.gurwMn triaa to prO\le 1111 love to lfle - of• gembllng '*-· tt:11 cm • * • "CMed\ And Cllottg'a Ne•I Movie" (1M0) Rldllrd "a-ct\" Matin, Thomea Chong. Two potl\ead• heve numeroue arne1 actven- tw• wtllle roaming IN elreell ol Loe Angelel In -Ch ot IN "perfec:t 1tt0 (!'~·~~'.TM Ledy ven- l9hel" ( 1t7t) Elllott Gould, Cytllll 5M0Nrd. An Inno- cent "*' and • ~ women -8W9P' Into 1 ~ eepoiiage caper eboerd • European eqwwe trelfl trevellnt thrOugll sn--Hai O«· ~·''°' nlghlelub hoste11 belriendl • buaboy '""'° l\d'na out 10 be a peychotlc leMphooe prank .. • ** "TheWlldl" ( 1865) ~ JoM90fl. Rounna Sdliafllno. A man finds himMll invOlved with •woman wno hU become the mlatreH ot aatk f()(Qel. CZ) *•'A "~t Scream" (1880) Rebeccl Balding. Yvonne DaCBllo. S.-11 college 1tudenll take rooms In a IOfeboding old ~ ..... gtlMy and still~--­ comi111t• yws _..,, 'R' 1:41 Cll * * * * ""-"reo-UOll" (1880) a. Burltyn, Sem Sl\eperd. """ • ,_ 111a1 au1o accident, • wom- an finds lhal Iha hal Iha ablllty to heel otherl but la pwaec:uted beCauN ol '* f9IUMI 10 claim • divine lnftuence. 'PO' :te0. * * * "Ute At The Top" (1IMll) t..annol HBI'· Wf, JNll Simmon•. Una· -.... hie wife la doing ... -. • ,_.. decldae 10 heVI en.....,, ••••• "ArWnal Credi••" ( 1930) Mau Brothers. Margerel 0--.t. c.ptlin Speuld- lng, IN AfflcM •llOIC>r•, retUl'nt lfom a r-t hpldltlon to _..., haYOC 11 1 1oclety matron'• wee11enct perty. ·o· 2.-GI 8 * * * "Winning" ( 1889) Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward . A champl(ln ,_ car Orlwr beMt """ofl·"9c* ... . ptotltelM la ........ to win -llldlenepolle 600. 2: 11 CID * •>A "Calltornie OreMllng" (1119) Dennie Chrl1topher, 01.,nnl1 O'Connor. A equ.-~ "*' '""" Cfllc:eOO .,.._ on the Callfomll beedl 1cene and 11ecome1 :~~ ' f t'" r. I.I• I ~:.J.1 .1:1·.,~. •••I S 'V•tt ~"'~'°''en­'°"' r l:OO ti * * • "Holt°' &pHH'' (19'72) Petet ' ' ~-; qtlrillC>PI* LN ' /( ......, jlf'eh(ilrorlc C•ff· • fw•~lrom a cave ')111 ~· 0.Comee an unwelcome pass enger abOera the Trans-Siberian rallrO.O ••"!.\"'Oplaeie HU -. Llhd.d" ( 1f'n). 1-lcnaet Caine. Oonela Sutheflend. A highly trained NUl com- rnendO un11 1ntlltretes Eng· t•nO aunng Won<I W81 II In • ' OfCMt \o kidnap Prime Min· ltMf Wlnt\On Churchill * * 'n "Papollon" (19731 sieve Meo-. Ouatln Hollman A pair of Oev1ra lslena convlclt epetMI ti-ti-p6annong .. ~ ~m:,.."" 1Mttr911 t ~s" 1,.lM'll Wllll1m ·HU11~ B41r &;An. A Har· Sl ... ., ~ ..... g41MllC ' ·111\ictln'• ,, """~ ""*' he conducts mind-ex.panel· ong Upe<lmenta wi\tl ~ llOfl 1anks ena pawertul helluclnogens, 'R' f I 1.'06 (Z) * * "Melvin Ancl How- ard" ( 1980) P..., LeMat. J ISOll Rob1td• An other· wote unknown gu Slatlon J 811..0MI c&aln>e IO M IN 1.g111tu1 hell 10 Howard HughH' bllllo n dollar H lete. 'R' • governess in "The Sound of Musi<' ... the ;o scar·winning musical ta;,,be tele<'ast 1)n NBC's Peacocl\,Sho"·rase Sundc-1r at 7 pm. on Channel 4. ' t:OO (t). *'~dome" (1978) Onla J111 ... n, Donna M ... A t-tlc will atop et nothing 10 keep a tootl*I '-"from ~ ;e::~~ 1 of 'ft aging beaeh bum. 'R' 2:iO. * * "Mummy· a ~··1 11T.l)PW.,..... chy, Jack T~. ~­ natural eveflll ~In• whet\ • ~ ...a- tor • bOdy to hOUM 1\19 wile's soul CC) * * *'A "Dey FOf Nigh1" (1972) JICqUeline BlsMt, Valentina Cort-. TN II-and 1ov. ol tllm parlor'""" •• ~ in I movt.wl~. ' -. CZ) ~'At "Notl\lng,IM The 8Mt" (11N14) Min a.... OeMolm Ellloct. A r ..... ..,... man la upMt to '-" tNt 1 tflUfd9r-N committed II Mlout to be dlaccNWed. l:IO. ··~ ....... OfThe Wiid" (18H) ~lary . A wtllle men, Stuart Prin- gle, divot• Mitty 20 ~ of hie life to an on- ioc.t1on lluely ol ''""°''" Africa. l:iO. * * "TN Camp On Blood l1tend" ( 1958) Andre Morell. Carl Motww. Tr11 lnflebllMI• of 1 prtaon C""P on Blood lllend ...,. 1 rlYOll 10 Oltlflhrow th• YICIOUI Cemc> COftllNndanl. 1!41 (8) * * "Nlgflt Of Tiii Juoglef" ( 1tl0) J- 8totin. Clin Garmen. A kif· '"" police officer leunc:Ne • de1perete 1euch lhrOdllfl the .. , .... ol ..... y Of1I City '°' hi• mlulng daught ... mlstekenly kkl· n8'IPed by • paydlopelNc ctlmlnll 'R' •:00•• ... "AA .. eo Stat•" ( 1880) Wiiiiam Hut1. 8lelr Bfown. A Iden· !let conduct• • tllnrr• elQ)Wlmenll llPO'I himMff wtllctl get out of con1rol. 'A' ~-CZ) •••'A "8fNll• Mofent" ( tMO) Edwerd WoodWltd, Jeck T~ __ ,...,...,.__... decJde lo light IN Boer guerBlu on their own ._ Cle~ ••.-RoectG.,.,_.. , f 1881) SWy l(Ndt, J8ll\le ~ l• c.6. An -Vic truck et. 1 lleeillHul hilchhik.. and • psychc>- pathie klllei' Wllllellng the -route •• p&lrylng ~ IOf W. and OMth. 'PG' • Cl)**·~ "FetlO" l!INIO) · Dom ~ulM. Anne Ban- Ctotl. A portly compulllYe eeter llnd1 that nothing can dampen hil dealre '°' lood until he fella In IC>Ye. 'PG' Saturday movies sm.... 11te0t w11Mem Hur1. Bl* 8'own. A ld9n- llst conduc1a • ~ ••l*imenl• upon himMlf whictl get out ot contrOI. 'R' 10:00. * * * ~Nldlolee AM -.enc1ra" 11•111 Mlctl9el • ~on. :...... SulMmJ,. Tiie grMI lo. .. Czw Nidlolat ......... A*· 1nara la Ml eglintt the -IS leading 10 IN Bot-.,_. Rrlolution. CJ) *'n"The Stud" (1978) Joan Cqlint. Oll\ler To«ll- M . A Wllitlr-.._ lllit carwr by ~ wlttl his boea'a wile. 'R' CZ)** "NEA" ( 1978) Sa.ml Ft~. Ann ZadlatlM. A k~..all t-.egier end • WOl1dly 1)Ubli9Nr who """ ,...,., In loYe delplte • Cllfter-In MCtl other'• .,,... find the)' can't !Ml without MCtl oth«. 'R' 11:00 ct) * "Klond*e F-" (1N0) Jeff East, Rod Steiger. TN ~ Jacll 1:GO. * * * "TIM Thrill Of h LondOn Mll out to .... AH" (1N3) Ooria Dey, hil tonune during the Gold ~Gamer. A couple'• Rulh. 'f"G' marriage le dlaNpted Wf*I CH) • • * ~ "TN Elec>hanl IN wife~ a com-Wen" (1MO) John Hut1, "*ciel •t•. Antl!Ony Hopklnl. A dedi-- CH) * * * ~ "BrMk• cated pllyllclen tel!M Mofent" (1M0) Edwelld under hie wing e horrlbly Woodl*Bld, Jadl Thomp-defotmed men wtioee ... ~ AUIU ..... CQMC#lpt· Iii n.n heel lbMl'I "*" In eel to tlgllt on Eng1enc1'1 Cf1NP lfNlt ell~. Ilda In 1118 8Clef W• 'PO' aeclde 10 llglll IN Boer cm * * .. ...._, ..... g118flllu on their own "'" ( t8n) C.... Nome. terms. George Mwdoctl. A ca.. t:.IO (l) * * *'A "8rNk.. Oflenled INCll8f. wllo alee> Morant" ( 1980) Eciwwa happena to be an •llP"I In Woodw«O, Jeck Thotnp-k1flle technlquH, _,, Au111a11-conec:ript· -ches '°' hie mleelng ad to fi911t on England'• younger brother In • town Ilda In the 8Clef Ww nAed by ~I ofllclell. dedde to llglll the 8oer 'PO' g118'1llU on 1helr own • * * "Willie & Phi!" t•ma. ( 1Ho) MlchMI • Ontk_,, 7:00 CC) * * "H-" The Meroot l(kldef. ilv.. peo. Sleyet " ( 1H 1) Jeck pie begin 1 '".,.,._ P.._, John Twry. An t'OINlllCeln~\fil-- ~IUfOUlt young men 119• that continue• .,,...t• the aid ol • bend ot ltwQU9hout the mercwlel _.. IO llglll hie ollll aodel mllel.t ol II.II '70a. unde. the . -'<ltd whO '"' ! --11---• .._ -----~Me~rP-age30 l --------... ........ l ........................ .,.. CMc ~lum In 1:00. * * ''Who Klled Teddy her?" ( 1911) Jullet Pr-. Sal Mineo. A lnvoMd with the~- Id to tlgllt on Englend'• llde In the Boer Wet 11r1t~1111'"'1(1 .. 11, ••••r 111'11111· •·,·····,···;•rw2•2111· .-... ··---... ---------~·-.·;-.·-~---.-I,,,"'°'~·.:.:.· ...!.'.::.a·...5· ----·...:..+.l.... ·, ···· ·~-==-··---~ ~--------.=-;-=:====~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~ ...... ~ Mailtenance Free WINDOWS For Life! •• ARE YOUR WINDOWS . . . _ __. OXlllZED -DUI TO OCUM,..All IM..llLU .. Cl7 DIAfTY & COLD, C*UltlfaH .... PU& 111.1.57 EXPENSIVE TO PAINT & MAINTAIN? tlNliEROUS TO CLEAN? . ARE YOU FED UP WITH YOUR OLD & UGLY WINDOW.PANES? SAVE ENERGY, 'SAVE MONEY· Wl1H I 000/o RIGID PVC FRAME WINDOWS & PATIO DOORS YIS, PUASI SIMD Ml MOttl IMfOIMA TIOH OM: ::J_~_~c ~~ws :) PAnODOOIS NAME: y ................................ Phone:( .... ) ............. . ADDRESS: ....................................................... . CITY: ....................... ! ••.•.• STATE: ...... ZIP: ........... . Eich Corporation L.A.· TROCAL .. WINDOW DIVISION -ATTN. MR . W. KINOOR · I I 08 W. Colorado Blvd. Los AMJeles, CA 90041 12 r 31 254-6885 BEA SPORT! t The NeWport Beach Tennis Club Is the site of such prestigious1Mtnts aS"the 1977 Davis Cup, the Annual Pacific southwest Senion Tournament. the Oro~ County Adoption Gui.Id Toumo- ment and others. Members. howeYef. seldom find themsel'.<es waiting for one of the 19 courts. The Club also boosts a Junior Olympic-size pool. jacuzzi, d ining room, and bar. Members frequently toke advantage of the attractive facilities tor private parties. wedding receptions, etc. Other social activities Include bridge, back- gammon and scrabble. A limited number of Regular. Corpo- rate. Swim, Associate. and Junior Execu tiYe Memberships ore now available: plus our new "ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP" ' . and "JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP" (12~6 yrs.). For more information please coll our Sates Directo r at 644-0050. 1 //~~~cY~~M 2601 EASTBLUFF DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 ' ;,, I ,.. ___________________ ...._ ___________ ~·~-...." ~ Jhe Oldest Floorcovering Reta.iler ·~ · in Southern California Family Owned~~ Serving California~ \!I) Since 1879 • ' anJ WooJ f?arquel ·c;oSTA MESA ' H:JJ. 2927 50. BRISTOL ~~· (One BIOck So. o.!_Baker) ~ I , I , • 751-2324 HOURS: Mon.-Frf 9-6 Sat . 10-5 ••I LOStANGELEJ LONG 'BEACH, . . ,.. . . . ., ,.,,, ....... -.-. •• !!I. I ·f-'"-- I I Prom Page 28 U!le e • • * ··Gordon'• Ww" ( 1873) Peul Wlnli.ld, CM Lee, W'-hll ... I& killed by • heroin _..., a man dedaree Wllf. Clll IN dtug mob In HWlem. • * * * ""King Kong" ( 1933) Fay Wray, Robert Atmatrong. A monabOUS 9C)e llet1... an wmy wtllle t~ to re1aln ponnr'on of a woman captl..,., Cl) **"'··Lady From Louls.ana" (1941) JoM Wayne. Ona MunM>n. A Loulalana lawyar·a •-with Iha daughtM of a ....._.._ garnl>I« ~ 10 a l\al1 over 1ha ~Ion of gambling. 9 ** "The)'CalMe Trlnl1)'" (19721 T.,ence H•. 84ld Spencer. Two bte>1t.1 joil\ MonnoN In tNlr attempt to drive out a band Of outlawt. 11:'6 8 **'A "Tha Stalking Moon'" (1!168) Gregory PeGll,&,Y•Mati..Salnt: An- Apac:fYe -''°' Mtl"out 10 1rap the man wno h• tali· en in hll while wile and half-btMd child. 12:00 El) * * * "The llland"" ( 1980) Mich HI Celne, Oa\lld Warn«. Whlle ln- tlga11ng I rash Of lhlp dll- appew~ In lhe 8etmu· da Triangle, a journalilt llumblel acrosa 1n leolat· ed. 400-y.ar-old colony ol plrat• 'R' CI> **'A "Bouleverd Nights" ( 1979) Richard 'V~ Danny 0. t.a Pu. A Chicano youth unexpecl· edly rebels ega1n1t the 1tandetd1 11\d tr edition• of hll nelght>omood gang In order to tuttlll nl1 own desire to get married and help hla trou~ptagued younger t>rotllef •void Mlf. dMlructlon. 'R" 12:». **·~"The Odd C:OUC-" 1111et1 Jam Lam- mon, Welter M11thllu. Two dhlofced men wt1tl conflict- Ing per90nlllitlea dedde to lhere an apenment In New York City. • * * ~ "Poin1 Of hr-ror.. ( 1971) Peter Cw- penter. Dyanne Thorne. Following 1 trlglc car c:tuh, a youno mW1·1 ..._ ... of morbid ~ pro- ~ amne.la that .... 11 •llPb to deltroy tllm. cm *'A "Swinging Cou- p tea " ( 1980) 01nlell• Troger. Guy Royer. A,_,._ bend ..u hdtement wttn hll eecre wtea whh "" ..... ~ by'* 1rleftdl 1tter bor.cfom crwpe Into ttle6r 10-~ ~·R· ·-~ * * "Phobill" (1N0) Paul MIChHI Glaier, ~ Hogan A group of mental pallenll are ~­ dered acco<dlnt to thAll' lndMdual ,..,._ 0R0 •••• 00Thallland" ( 1980) Mlcna.i Cal,,., DeYlcl Wll'ner. WNI in- Ogatlng a rah of lfllp ~ ~enc. In Iha Bennu- da Triangle. a joumalltt mimtllll ~an leolet· ad. 400-)'Nf-old colony of pltatea.•R· 1:.iO. ·~"Racing F-·· ( 1984) Joe Morrlaon, Cllar1el Martin. A Young man 18 acc:ldlntally klllad In a apeedboel r-and a lnend ..... -.. • * * * ••SNp Of Foola" 11115) Vivien Lalgll, 8'"-SlgnoNt. A motlty wor1rnenl of p11~ .. forced 10 .... doM quart9fl wtlile Ir~ to . ....._. t:il® * ·~ .. ~ .,_.. 6on's ~" (187t) A4#~ Htpbum, Ben a.. --.AIW._.....,..,.. a -Inherit• one ol the wor1d'I wealtfllelt GOf • poratlona 11\d tMlcOfMI ~ &arget of '* ldlemlng ............ IMat °"' of wflOnl .. a~ •• ,.. t:OO CJ) • *. "Klflg Solo- mon ' • MlnH'" (1950) Deborah K.,r. St-Ill Granger. A whit• llunt« guldel a par1)' WOUOfl dartl•t Alrlea In -cto of • -·· hulband. CZ)* *1' "Foolln" Around" ( tHO) Gary "'-Y· Annetta O'Toola. A nalYe eountry boy trill lo win • beautilUI, sophlatl- calad Cofle9a coed -ay lrom ti. anobblah !'- and '* 4!.QUAlly uppity family. •PG' 2".all C1:) * * •..; "A Dream Of P~on'" ( 1171) · Ellen &ntyn, Melina Mereoutt. A _, wtlO kllled Mr ehlldtan and attempted sulelde alter '* llulband left her meet• an Klf"- ~ doett'l"J 1..aiz..--..._ acting ands and .... beglnl In a areal< priaon. 0R0 l.-00 g **on .. The Herd Way" ( 19801 Patriek McGoollan. LM Van CINI. A hifed -.In llu to mafia one more hi1 before he een rellra. 'R' S: 10 8 * * l4r .. Tiie 'Miile T-· ar" ( 1950) GIMn F«d. Claude Raina. Sia people 1te drlYen by different moll"ltlons 10 sc:lla I torabodlng mountain a:ao a • • ··Ptranna. P11an. ha" ( 1974?) Peter Btown, Wtlllam Smith. A ruthleM huntlt IChemel to 111111 1 trio of jungle wlldtlfe pt>O- tographara. l:M. * * "You·•~ Sae Me Again.. ( 1973) David Hat1man. "-' Watton A young -Mte mystertoullly dllappeata •lier a quarrel with her bulMnd, and Ilia frantic -cto ..._.. eYldenoa lmplleatlng him .. ...., ,,,..,dat ... CID * l4r .. From The U,. Of The Marlonatlea'" ( 10801 Rob«! Atzom, Ctlrlltlne Buctlegger. An epparently mlld~ICI ~ man mu<dera the pro.t1- 1ute wnorn ha llllltad regu- 11/'ty "R' • 1:'6 CJ) * * * * "Alt«ICI Stat".. ( tttO) WJHl1m HUrt, 8lalr ..,_, A Hat· Yard identlst"I genetic 91rudut• .. altarad when 119 eonduetl rnlncH..,.nd· Ing experl!Mnl9 """ ..... lion tank• ""' powerf\11 ~·R· CZ) * * "NEA'" ( 19711 SalWll F~. N'lfl ZactoarlM. A know-It-all ·--ager and a worldly publilher wflO h-fllllen In IOYe deepita a dlfleranca In ..:t'I othet"• -find !hey can·t !Ne wltho<rt aacri °"*· 'R" •:ao~ *··..; .. Quentin Dut- -d .. (t955) Robert Tay- lor, ~ l(tnd ... King lou- 11 XI 8"emOtl to creel• 1 netlontll 1111a out ol a lwu· dal~. • * ·~ 008actl Roedl" (1981) Sal)' Flald, Tommy L• .Jones. A hook• and a down-on·hl•luck bOHr "-' and heed -· to find Iha c:Nld Iha e-up for ldoptlon IWO-)'Mfl aw1lat 'R" Sunday movies JlfllMltr ... - N'IUUDON 18*t. **th "Tha Uttle cOlo- rwl' (1916) ~ Tamplit, Lionel ~ A llttla Ol'I .... ttllnga r1gflt Oft • flllno'*'' ..... ONE OF THE BOYS Micke\' Roone\' stars as 66-year -old Oliver Nugent·. who moves in with two young college students his grandson Adam c Dana Can ·ey. left 1 and slightly uptight Jonathan 1 Nathan Lane 1 in the new NBC 1Ch. 4 > tomed\' serie!'i "One of the Bo~·s: · telecast Saturda~· <1t 8 p.m. Cl) * * * "The L91t T1me I s-Parll" t19~) Eliza- beth Ttytor. Van JohnM>n Belled on I 1tory by F. Scott Flttgetlld. BrOllan r--and shattered indMduall populate P1rl1 II the end ot World Wat II. • * •·~ "SAMm'a LOI" ( 1979) David Soul, ~ Muon. A novella! return• to 1111 boyhood hOfM 10 put an anc1 to ttoublad mamon.. bu1 find• that • t1n11111 myetaty lhtoudl hiatown 'PG' Cl) * * '"MalWI AnO How- wd" (1NO) Paul LaMll, ~ Aobwdl. All ocher· .... unllnowngM•atlon attendant clelmt to be the rightful heir 10 H-lfd Hug11 .. • ~lion doll1r ..i.ee.·A· 12:80 ~ * * "oNth Cw On ThaF~" t:OOCH) •••• "'AialurNe· tlotf' (1980) Den Bumyn, Sam Shapard. Aft• I ,_ 111111 auto llOClident, • wom· an flnda that IN h• the ablllty to heal olt!ert bu1 II perMCUtlCI ~ of '* reluNI to dairn 1 dMnl ln~.'PG' 1:t0. * * "Ml/'1hal Of Madrid" ( 1972) Glenn Ford, ~ lluc:Nlnan. A lawman •1tlJ099I a gang ot ~lad tlV. po.-- ful oll dealtlr -.ho hll~ operating along the bot· der. • **~"ThaVagabond LO¥er" (1929) Rudy V ..... Salty 9-. A aaxopflonill llnde f-and ,_ wMr\ ha II mlatallen IOr 1 c.lebratad jaD muelclan. 0 •• "lt'1Alwr· (tte4) Tommy Kiri&, Slllrl•y Bootle. A luNk'I ...._, plOt to ._........ lflr'W ,,,.,,..,.. Ill .. Ourti -• wttn • ~ ........ wMI\ Iha monetar tuma on '1lm. • 8*t. * * *WI '"TM Inn Of Tfla Sl•tll H1pptM1a" (111581 tngrlf ...,.,_,, Cwt ~ A ftlb'8 mlMionwy leldl 100 ehll- dran to utaty durlng Iha J.,.,_ lnvellon ol Ct.I- na. a • * • * "Guell Who"• Conwng To Dinner" (1967) Sidney Poitier. K.ttierine Hepburn A liberal )'OUllO lady bring• het black lianc:9 h<Jme to ,.,,.., tier p111en11 (I) * * • .. Ubal" ( 1959) OllYI• oe Havtlland. Don. Bogaroe. A man attampll to PIO... he hll Ileen libeled but ruins hll CAM when he ha• lroubla ·-baring detalll . (%) * * ''Tha Aatum Of The Secaua.a s-·· (UMIO) Mark "Arnott. Gor· dOn Clapp. The member11 of • group of COllega ltv- datlt• IC11¥e In the prOIMt --·' dUrlflO the ·eo. gati-fOf' a weekend reunion. ·R' 2:30 •• * t,; "Sharloc:k HOll'nw And The Woman In ar-" (1945) 8M11 AattlboM, Nlgal Btuce Sherioek HotmM 11 called In to lnveettgat• 1 1«1-of c:rlfMI In which flngerl .,. rnY9t•loulll)' rnlalng from the handl of *time. CC)**"' .. ,_ HcK.a Of The~ Hawltl" (1959) Robert T1ylor, Linde Cflrlltlan. When 1 pallen- ger 11 found deed on hll •hip, 1 charter boll 11tlppe1 dlseovere a mange map ttllt IMdl to • h6dden Nu! IOr1une. S:OO • * * * "The M~· llOnalr .... (1981) 5°"* Loran, Peter Sall1r1. Buad on the 1119)' by Geotge Bernwd &Nw. A )'OUhf 1111Ulonalre11 II tore.d by ti. flthaf"• Wll lo merry a men with 1 QCIOd "'*'-"""" • '"Sun V""'1; Satenada" (1 .. t) Sonja H+nle • .Jolln P~. All Ofdletltra .. ,,... .,... out "* a belutl- "" )'9lll10 winter lpOfll ~ l\lrN GUI to M CM -otpNfl lie llPO"- ;'1~~0f r.-" c11n1 Aobet1 Fo•· -'91, MIU Farr•. An android "" u.e lttenotl\ of n.... man but-~ olernollon (JD *• "Tha lt>cfedlbltt Shrink.Ing Woman" ( 1 IMI 1) Lily Tomlin. ~ Gro- din. A euburban hOwMW!fa llnd1 haraell g1ttln9 arnallet u ...., uncon- cerned llu1bll\d IOolc • on 'PG' e • • •..; "S tar Trek - Tha Motion Picture" ( 1979) Willlam Shatner. Laooatd Nlmoy. The tormw com· man<Mt ol the U S.S. EnterprlM r......-ntlln nil old er-and Mt• off on • rNlllon to find tha myaterl- ous..,..... reepontjble tor tha deatroctlon of numat· OUI Fadefallon 111flhipa ·o· . S;lO. * * * .. My F...orita Bionda" ( 1942) Bob Hope, Gale Sondergeard. A man and hll ""'*' penguin becOme lnYOIYad with • baau1iful blonde spy whOM mluion II lo~ top-Merit lnform111on -~·Ile continanl~ • ••••.;"A Hole In The Heed"" ( 1959) Frank Sina-i••. Edwatd G. Robinson A widower with a 12-yeer- old M>n hU a vwtely ot probl«nl with nil t1m1ty 11\d his hotel bualna11. l i'6 CZJ * • • "Autumn Solla· ta ·· (1971) Liv Ullmann. Ingrid 8etgman. A proa- peroua concert p11n111 Is reunited with her •tranged daught• and a r-allng and deeply .... O- Ii on a i battle begins be-them •PQ" 4:00 CJ * * * "Horror Eapre11" ( 1972) Pater Culhlng, Chrla1opher L .. A ghaltly ~IC CfN· ture unearthed from 1 cave In China become• an unwalcoma pa111nger aboard the Tr--Slberlan railroad. Qt * * * ··T•t PilOt" (1938) Clark Gable, Myrna Loy. Fore.d to land In a lleld. an aviator mMt• end fall In !owe .... i famw'I ~- •:tO ~ •• * ·~ "Sc:ar1-" (1"2).Paul Muno, George Relt. A ~ hoOd· 1um ,.... to lhe top of 1M ...Nap during PYOtlibitlon. 1..-00••••""-~ _.. ....... In """ Flying .....,_ .. (1985) Stuarl wtlllmen, Sarah MIMa. An lntemetlonal -, .. apon.. aorecl by • ,_..,..,., !! . putllllher II damaged by aabOtega eflotts. • •• * '" "The Sun-downer•" ( 1te0) Oebofall Karr. Roben Mitchum. Aultrlllan ltlMCI dr-. ,_ pr~ In their wort! and In farnlty , .... Ion-.... CID ..... "The M~ac41 Wort!«" ( 1979) Patty Duke A1tln, Mell... G llber1. Dedicated teeehar Annie Sullivan lrlea ~ po111. bee 1p9roadl to communi- cate wt1tl her lludant -the deal. bllnd and atrongwllled Helen ~. cm .... "Up~·· 11N01 Morgan Sfe¥enll, A young pioneer baeom•• obMMed with rewnge •fl• hit .... le lllllad by • local land beron who ,_,.. 1111 IUCCMI. 5:80 D • * * "P .. e01 Dragon" (1977) Helen Reddy, Shel· lay Wint••· With the h.tp Of I ~ green dfagon NmlCI Elllott, an orphan eacapaa from hie ""IV foal• ~ and together -two al "-' heed '°' Metne. 'G' (Z) * *'il "FOOlin' Around'· ( 1110) Gary 8uat¥. ~ O'Toole. A MIW ~ bo)' trlle to win a .,..,.,., loptlMll-' Qle9d COllega coed ~ from ti. enobOWI llanel .Md .. ......-~ty tMW)'. "PO' IYINNO e:oo CC) * * * "The Bettle Of Alglart.. ( 1987) Y1c1I Sudi, .Jean Marlln. Algeria WIG" a delparata •truo- gle for~~ lrom 195410 1982. (J)••·....-Tha 81syer.. (1181) Jack Palance. J<*f\ Tarry. An ..,,,.,,.urOUI yOllfto man enlllll the alcl ol a band OI Wlfft«I to • hit evU uncle, the -1ord who liillad hil f..,_ and 11 hC>ldlng an allball for ran- aom. 7:0088 •••• ""The Sound 01 Muelc" ( 1965) Julia An01-, Chriltophe( Plummer. A WOUid-be nun ~~loan tutOCfallc Auatrlan Widow· er·a .....,, mlaChleYOUI ch~dren, In whom Iha lnltllla ner io.... of mulie ~ CID * * • ·~ "My 9c1cty. 9u 1 rd.. ( 1179) Chr11 Makepaace , A dim 8aldwln.·1"~ ltld ••• Chicago high school mlkH friends with lhe achOol outcut and togeth· Ill Iha)' lllnd up 10 the CIU· .. gang~ had par- MeUted them both PG" ©) * * "'MeMn And How- wd" (1980) Paul LeMtl, JllOn Rot>ardl Ari Other· wt .. unknown gas SllllOn 1ttenctant daltnl to be the rightful hell 10 H-ltO Hughea' bllllon dollar eatate."R' 7:1&(%) ** "Kagemulhl .. ( 19110) Tlllluya Nakltd11, Tautomu Vam11ak1 A look·alllca lt\lef takas o...., and camaa OU1 Iha r.spon- liblllt... of a Jap-M wll'lord who WM unex- pectedly lilied to prOV!d41 hll Meu1enanta With mote 11me to en1e1 their dafanae. 'PG' t:oo. * * * "King Kong .. (1933) Fey Wrey. Robe<! Armstrong. A mon11rous epe b•ttlal an army while frying to ,_.,, poal"Pon of a woman captive. (C) * * •,; "The HOUM Of The S-Hawt11·· (1959) Robert Taylor, Linde Chrlltlan. When 1 pauen- ger la found dead on hla ah~ .. ._ cherter bolt 1lllpper ~ q,11co11ara • 1tnnge ~ INI leadl lo a hlOdan Na:zl IOflune Cl) *. * "Ceddyshftcll "" ( 1980) 8111 Murray. Rodney Dal~. 0Tha demenl· ~ot· awanky counlry clul;) wagae -against the ~ lnflabltlng Illa turf 'R' • * * * * "The Elephant w.n·· ( tNO) JoM HUr1, Antf10ny Hopkin• A dedi- cated phy1lcl1n take• under hla wing I horrl~ delormlCI ,,,., whOM lite tilt than had be9t'I apent In ~ frMk uhlbltlona. 'PG" t:OO. 0 ........... _ .. (1978) 8Hn Connery, Nat8'le Wood. Placel of 1 giant metaor etalh to Elrlh, landing In Switz.er· land, Hong Kong and Man- 1\allan O CID •...,''TM Juz Singer" ( 19110) Nell Olemond. Lau- tence OllYlar A New Yori& cantor bt'elk.I wMtt tamll)' trltdltlon In hll dMlr1 to be ~mutlcatw. 'PO' (.Q) • • 11HMtttancf .. ( 197!1) Condlat1 Ferrell, Rip T<lrn. The mothet ot a 7.,._.-old git1 " ....... _, to keap hOllM tor Iha tough caltla rancher the eventually mam... 'PG" ... CC> ...... ··Happy 8trttl- da)'. Gemini" (1NO) Mac»- llnl Kihn, Alta Mortnc> A HaNwd lludent'• blrtllday See Movie. Page 32 MlerMf yotl busy 1tinera-y takes you ... for bWleSS or pleasute, before you go -plat a stop to Pat Maley's. for ll yea-s oow -Pat Marley. himself, nl associates continue to present men's fastuoos that eMIJre m dress or casual! Now we've extended to ladies· trilt~! We always have a hideaway sale upstairs 111 ~ attic rm. Plus all a-Ot.nd the ·store you'll find tn~ed collecttbles nl gift items for a'l'f special gift! ___.~~ The Look of Sa ti sf action Old fashioned cour tesy and sensit ivity to your needs Complete line of Victor y Quintessence eye wear available Owner Operated Under new ownership All New quality custom eye wear All New quality sunglasses All New fair prices All Rx's filled accurately OPTICAL FUBION CENTER If IWPOB'I' 3417 Via Lido, Via Lido Plaza Newport Beach, CA 673-1883 Open Dally 9:30-5:30 ROOM ADDITIONS -REMODELING ..., AS LOW AS 596°0 A MONTH* THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A BETTER :-' TIME TO ADD ON THAT EXTRA BEDROOM OR BATH. OR ADD A COZ Y FAMILY ROOM. ~r-;) WE ARE ALSO SPECIALISTS IN KITCHEN v.._ AND BATH REMODELING. 1 ~ ' CALL NOW FOR A FREE .ESTIMATE OR ~ 31 VISIT OUR SH:>WROOMS AT iii 2:1 · ··-·-·-· -.J~~amrs.--JIJ - ~ 1 00% PERFORMAN C E BOND -~ ~COM P LETI ON DATE GUARANTEE -LIEN ~ ~FREE CON STRUCTION. ~ JjJ 114-194-917' -714-Hl·4H7 ~ ~.·.·. LAMO ·~. w.:lJ CONSTRUCTION ~ m , 0 BASEDON SALES PRICE OF S6,000 \ ·~ -IWiTin 19% A.P.R:-0.A.C ~ lkJf/J 81-37326_1 r-:1 Wdhalp you build · Iha ultimate ~car /ILPINE carMldlasptems · We're the largest Alpine car stereo dealer in Or~nge Co. -Come in & see why like your neighbors have. . C ..... .,..._ I ' l•M It ........ t.y prefn ....... -... a..t .......... waamtf. I W .... le 1600W.th1-41yst.t.. Fl& T·SHllT WITH THIS AD 7 I I • F rom Page 30 patty •• hll l8'nily'• Soult! Phlladelphla home t>ec;ome1 an eye-opening ·~ tor his llialllng Cl-IN •R' .,_(I) * * "The tncr«llt>le SIVlnlllng w oman" ( 1980) Liiy Tomlin. Cha.ties Gto- dln. A suburban hOOMWile 11,,d, llatselt gelling llftallet u her unc:Ot1- 08'IWICI husband looks on. 'PG' Cf) • * "MeNln And How- lll'd" (1990) Paul LeMat, JMO<I RobatdL An Oilier· wlM un«nown gas 11atlon atten<1an1 cleHnS 10 be the rlghttul heit to Howard Hughet' bllllol\ dollar Mtate.'R' · 10::10 • + • * "Song 0 1 Free- dom" ( 1936) Paul Ro«>9- ton, Ellubelh Weicll. A blec:k ··~ """s ,.,,,. .. • conc.r1 altlg8I' 8l>d tourneys 10 Africa In -eh of l"9 roots. -. *~''tmProPif CllM-,,... .. (1981) ...,, Atllln, Merl.ite Hwtt.y A _ ... ol T ltundantandlngs IMtW a soc:lal work• to ~ ttlel the 6-yur-old deught• Of • sec>er atecl oouple la Ille vtetlm ol c:Nkl a~.·PG' 11:00® ** * * "Reeutrec-llon" I 1980) Ellen &ntyn. SM! Shepetd After a ,_ tatal euto acclderlt. e wom- an llncls that IN l\U the eOlllty to heal ot•• t>ul It perMCUled ~ ol ,,., retusal 10 Claim • dMne influence. 'PG' CD) * + "The Allie" ( 1979) Carrie Snoclgr-. Ray Mii- iand. A RbfWlan lives In the pest with her memories of e love wl>O di~ed 'R' 11:IO. ***~"AHQlelnThe Heed" ( 1958) Ft anil Sina- tra, Edwetd G. Robinson A~ with a 12-yur- old ton hM a variety of p<ot>terns with his ltmlly and hiS hOtel buSlfleSS QI * * 111 "ll'le Gangller Ctvonleles" (Patt 3)( 1981) MlehHI Nouro. Btla,, Ber>- beri LUCJano toons Maran- u ,,o's mob 1nc:1. with Lukec and S~et, 11 ordered lo klH rtYll Oat'lll- 1•'1>utetl'' Scnu!tt. IRI (C) • * .. ~Ano tfow- Q ard" ( 1980) Peul LeMal, Jason Robards. An oilier· wise unknOwn OM 11e1ion attendant cta4mt to be the rightful half to Howard Hughet' blllloft dollar estste."R' Cl) •• "The Hollywood Knights" (19801 Rober1 WUhl, Tony Oenz.a. Ori Hal· IOWMn -In 1965, • rCY'#dy hlgfl IChOOI gang --61• havoc in S.-ty HI .. to 8Y81"Q8 the ClOalng ()If their h8ngOul by the local home owners 8HOC:i- Mion 'R' 11:418 +•'A "TllllGwlgller CWonie*" (Pet1 3)Ct981) MldlMI Nouri. Brian 881'1- ber\. LuQal\o joins Maran- ~ano'1 mob and, with LaaU• and Siege!, la ordered to kill rMll g.ano- aler "Dutel\" Sellultz. (R) (fl • • * "Sarah T -Por1rait Of A TMn-Age Atcohotie" (1975) L•,,d• Blair, Verne Bloom. A 16- year-old gl<I who has dlttl- culty oop1ng w1111 1 new Ille wtth her mother ..o 11~ lather •t•rlt to drink ae«atly 12!00 8 * * * "The LMl Of The ....... ( 101•) Aldletd Chamb•tlal,,, Blythe o.nner, Wrltef F. Scott Aapelld ............. .... l9lda. whit he II II• tloned In tM South • • i; "Lucky T .. .,.. .. (t934).John WayM, Gtbby Hayea. A cowboy ttlee 10 cleat hie sidekick of c11erges of ar"*2 •obbety <Il •••'h"BrMker Morant" ( 1980} Edward Woodwatd, Jack Thomp- son. Ausl••llan1 eonac•lpt- ed IO flghl on Englancl' I side In Ille Boer W11 decide to fight the Boer guerillas on their o- tetma 12:30 • * *"' "B.ek Roede" C1981) Sally F'leld, Tommy Lee JonM. A he>Oker and a down-on-his-luck boHt meet ..o head _, to find the dlild aha gave ~ tor adoption two-years aarli- et. 'R' 1:t:45 (8) * • • "Cheech And Chong's Neat Movie" I 1080) RICl\ard "Cheec;:h" Marin, Thom• Chong. Two pothaads have --""81 adllerl· -roem•och..Jha -tereeti of Loa Anoetee In ...,cl\ of IN "perleet ~"'R' 1:JO ~ • * "Perlormance ( 1970) J-Fox. Mick Jagger. A hood on the run trom the mob llnds sanctu- ary In ."'8 home ot e burned-out former •oetl star. 'A' Cl>** "8-t~"A y01Jt19 girt, lotc.d to wMI on 1 Jungle plant811on. rnakaa ~ to ...., her reYeft118 agalnet the men In c:Mtge. 'R' 2:06 CZ) • * • "Autumn Sona- ,,.. ( 1978) UY Ullman,,, tngrld Ber-gman. A p<oa- perout coneen pianlt t ts r eunited wllh her aaffangecl daugl'ltet and a r-.llng ano dMf>IY emo- t lonal battle t>eglnt betw8er\ them. •PG' 2:i0••· ...... ~ BouMvatd" ( 1976) C9ndtce Alllllorl. Olek ...... Fresh trOfn lndlena, a YO\H\O aipl•lng 11e11et ~ IOllOl\led 10 • teel robt>«y thet Ille thinks II part ot her moVl8 debllt. 'R' 3:00 * • "Tiie Relum" (198 t) Jan-Mtehael v1,,. cent, Cyt>lll $flclphetd . A r-ch sclentlal and a law .,.._ .... In toY9 while lnYe1119911ng some t trange geooraplO lrregu· 18tltlel taking place In • small town that he• rK*\t- ty ~ vlllted by en tlllen ~aan. l:JO CCJ * * • "The 8attll Of Algiere" ( 1967) Yacet Saadl, Jean Martin. Algeria wagaa a cteapetate strug- gle '°'~from 19S4 to lte2 (.I) ....... 'Journey Baclt To Oz" (1972) Animated Volcea Oii LIU Mlftnelll, Paul Lynda. Dotothy returns to the Und ol 01 and enco&#'ltiara Ille ..... of the Wicked Wltdl ol the Weal. 1:41 (Z) •• "The flet\#ft Of Tiie Seeaucut S.Yeft" (1980) Maril Amott, Oor· don ~· TIMI memt>tra Oii a group 8' college ..-u. dentl active In the Pf°'8el ~t dUrlftO ,,,. '&OI galher tor • weekend teunton 'R' 4:00 0 * * "Melvin And How- a•d" ( 1980) P•ul l aMat. Juoft Robardt". /VI olher· wi.. u,,known ou 11a11on •llendent clalma to be the rlghttul heir to Hower0'1 Huget' t>lttlon dollar Htata 'R' 4;30 (8) * '~ "T,,. Jan Singer" (1MO) .... Oi41mond, L*l- renee OtMet, A New York C-*"~ ...... ~ trwdltloft In .... ...,,.. to be a pop rnua1o lltet 'PO' 'A BEAUTY WITH 'HART' The lovely ant.I alluring Ste fanie Powers stal's as beautirut je t -sette r J enn ife r Hart in the ABC Television Network's popular prime time. m ,·sterv-dra ma series. Hart to Hart. which a ii·s Tuesda~· at 10 p m. on Channel i . Monday movies .JAMJN(Y 25. 1N2 t..-00 D •• "The High Coun- try" (1981) TlmOthy 8ot- toma. Linda Purl An escaped convict and h.- l'land°ieapped gtflltoen<I ru,, 10 the mou,,lains ti-ng • society thal re1eets lhem. 'PG' 7:00 CAl • • • "The Wotld's GtNIHI Alhlele" ( 1973) JOlll\ Arnot. Jan-MICllMI ~ A~WhO IS having • run ol bad luck 1 1elurns 10 his roots In Afl'l-... c., and discover• • auper a\hteta. 'G' (D} +it "The Kid F•om Not-So-Big" ( 1078) Jen- ,,.._ Mc:AIMller. A 12-yew- old girt finds l'lerMlf In end oul or trool>le wtlill Nn· nlng ,,,. ·-NW19apet. 'G' 7::IO CC> ••• ""Benan .. " (1971) Woody Allen. LoulM La-. A produc:t , .. ,... bored wtlh his everyday routine. goee to • amall Latin America,, country and t>ecomaa a dle1 .. or dUrlnQ • politltal upNev8I 'PG' CJ) * * "Patf'lcll" ( 1978> &INrl ~ Rotler1 Hetprnann. Tholqt in • deep coma. • )'OUnCI -la still able to Mell r-. tor wrongdoing• by wooleMtllltO lllS ~ p1ychoktnello powert. 'PG' 8:00. **'A "Ride T,,. High Country" I 1962) RandO!ph Scott. Joel McC1e1 A pw ol down-and-ou1 OU""*' .,. hired lo ou•td • lhlp- ment 01 gold. • •••"Sanda Of 1-.o Jtma" ( 11M9> Jotm Weynfl. JoM Agar. The tougfl tralftlftO fhat • U.S Matlne -GMftl oi-hit r"8111- -reorulta·r..,.,_• In tM ~of-.-.. •••••"~Va. Kremer" C\979) Dulllft Hottman, Meryl $ttet(>. A man batttew -with ..,.. ex- wlte tor wetody ol their young son •It., Ille walk• out on them 'PG' l:IO (Q) *ft'" "Little Darlings" (1980) Tatum O'Neal, 1(11 .. ty McNoehOI At summer camp. •-,_..age glrla compete to see whO ....Ube the llrSI lo 10se h8' "''gm,_ '1_ R 9';00 U a! e • ·~ 'Wheft A Sttangar Cans' ( 1979) Chtrles Durning. Tony e.ckley A LOS Angeles policerntn loltows I he tt all ol a hOmleldal escaped '"91Ttlll pe11ent (C) • * ~ "Tl'le F11sco Kod" (19791 Gene Wll~. Htm· eon Ford. A Pollsh r•bb< finds hlmself 1nvolllecl In w1ld lrontle• mtsadven- lu•as wllh a d1rlng bank robber wnen he ttavets to San FrancateO to talce over a n-congregation 'PG' ($)***"King Solo- mon's Ml,,H " ( 19501 Oebo•ah Ken, St-att Granger A whit• l'lunter gulda • pany through dar11etl Africa In -Ch Of a wom.,,·s hus~ t:OI CZ) *'II "Nothing But The 8aat" (19&4) Alan U.t•, OenhOlm F.lllott. A real· etlale man is uptat to teern that a murder he committed le about to be diae<wefed. •.30 (HJ • * • "Coal Mlnet't Oeugnter" C tNO) Slaey Spacek. Tommy Lee Jonaa Bued on Loretta L)'tlft'I eutoblograpfly A young girt from • poor lamlly In l'Ufal Ket1luClly m11r11M • muoh oldef toeat boy who~·'-rlM 10 11ardom 1,, the mu11C Industry 'PG' 10\00 O e • • "l he Hunlet" ( 1979) St-MclOueer>, Elt Walltch Ralpti "Papa" Thortoft teeda • dtl'OW- <>111 Ille .. • mode<n-cWf bounty hunter. 'R' 10:30 CO) it • • * "The Etephent MM" (IMO) JoM H\111. Anlhofty HopklnL A de<ll- cateCI phytlclaft tan• uncs.r !\It wWIO • hO<rlbly o.fotmtd -..._ 1119 1111 than had~ epent In cheap l•Nk e•hibWon• 'PG' 10:46 CZ}• •t,t "Siient Scream" ( 1980) ~beCU Bakllng. Yvonne O.C.rlo S-•l co1111ge stulle,,IS take •ooins ,,, a t0teb0d1ng old house whe•e a grisly and s11tt u,,aolved mutd8' was comm•lled yeais ea•IHlf 'R' 11:00 lC • * •i, '"The Ntghl Pot- ter" C t974) Olrk Bogarde Cha•IOlll Aamplt,,g A blzaHe r11let1onshlp is •eawakel'WICI ~iwee,, • latme< SS off-ano a torm., co,,eent•allon camp ptl-wt>en they ~t by chance ,,, a hotel ah.8' lhe Wat 'R' (I) •••'It "Btealter Mo< ant" c 1980) Eowatd WoodwaJd. Jack Th<>tl\l>- son Aualrallans eo;nacrlpt- ed to t19ht on Engtancfs side In the Boe< War oecicle to hghl the 808f guefHlas on their own *""· ,_,_,,_..,.~.,......,. - ( 1977) Mlfto ThomH . Cllatlel Gtodirl. A ,,_ fol)ltlled couple atl8'npt lo cope 'llllth modem 4'Kben marrlege.(R) •• * .... "l he Amazing Apee" 119n) Oocun*1••- ry. Llllle·known taela aboul 1,,. s1~ tor sur- 11lval ot men'a doMat ,..._ ''-ere r....-ct in this study of various ICl8Clea ot llP8I atouncl the wof1d, 1 t: ti (%) * • "The Aelum Of l l\e Secaucus Se11en" C 1980} Marl! AtnOll, Gor- don Clac>P The me<nbera of a gt oup ol college Siu· denll active In the ptOleet movement during the '&OI gatl'le( tor e ..et<end ~· ' .. J 2:31 * * "~t Of TIMI .Juggle•" ( 1980) James • B•Ol•n. Clltt Oorma,, A for- mer police oll~ taunchec • despe• ate searc h through 11'18 at~ll 9' New York City tor his mlMlng daughter. mlttlllenty ktd· nawed b'f • psych<>p"a.mle et1minal ·R' 1:00 G "WHt8'n Jamboree" (1938) ti) • * * ' Wom.,, OI St•aw" ( 1964) Gina Lotlo- b•tglda, Sean Connery A YOUllQ mW\ 8118'nplS to getn control ol h.-uncle's fortune with the tielp ol a beauJltul nurM. Cl••*'• "Lall Tango In Parts" ( 1973) Matlorl Bra•- dl', Maroa Scn,,elder Oirec1ed by Ber-nerdo Ber- toluccl. A m1ddte·aoecl man wtioee unfaithful wile ree«1tty commlll«I tulelde end II" unlnhibfted yOl"'O woman mMI 8l>d beglll • compllcaled all air throughout wtlk:h they remain n.,,,..._ to eedl other.'R' Cl) * "The Cfllldfen" ( 1980) Martin Shaker. GM Rogera. A ttrenoe radioec- llYe cloud tum• a group of tchoOlehldren Into mur- derous zomblet with bladl llngafnallt 'R' 2:00 (Z) • * ''Metvln And How- erd" C 1980) Paul LeMat, Jaaotl Robarda. A,, oilier· wlM unkriown ga llallOn attendant daiml to be t,,. rightful Mir to Howard Hughet' blllton dollar asta1e.'R' ~CID * * "Improper Chan· nett" ( iN t) Alan Arlun. M•rlelta Har1t.y. A se<les of ml1unde•1tandl,,ga c-• IOOlel WOfller to believe that IN 5-~-old daugl'lter of a eepertited couple 11 the vieltm ot chlld •~'PO' 2:IO 9 * + "Legend Of T,,. See WoM" (1976> Ctluelt Connon. Batt>ara Bach 8eaed on • "OIY by JllCIC London A "wflt8f ll kkl• NiPC*I by Ille Clew Of a ... .,, hunting Mlp 8"d IMde 11rat m• by ,,,. a/\19'• tlery-temper«I cap- 1.i,, 'PG' 2:46 B ••~''The Lion Hu Wing•" ( 1940) Merle O~on. Ralpti Richard- son The Roy•I /'.If Fofce • succe11lully everta the thteet ol Hiiier's Luftwaffe 3: t6 C * • '$utVtYal Run ' c 1980) Pelet Graves. Ray M1lla.nd A group OI ,..,,.. age•s stumble U90f'I •gang ol dope smuggler• 1,, the Al1:ton• deserl 'R' S:IO s. • • ··ea,,,aby A,,d Me" (1977) Sid c-. Jullel Mllll A cute. euddl)' koala bear "nllffales" the story ot an Australian latN- ty 'G' 4:00 (H) • • ~ "Bac;j( Roads" (1981) Salty Field. Tommy Lee Jones A l\ooll8' and a down·on-hls-luct< boaer ,,_1 and head -t to llnd the Child Ille geve up tor adopuon two ~art ewliet. 'R' 4:~ (CJ * • "Road Games" (19811 Stacy Ke~. Jamie __ Lee~·-~ ttuckat. a bea ullful hltchhlk.er and I psydlo- P•lhiC killer ttevellng the ..,,,. route are playlng g-'°' hie and death. 'PG' Tuesday movies JNIAJNf't .. 1M2 EVENNI •:00 CC) • • "Ooul>le l rouble" (19t7) Elvlt PrHley, Annette Day. A young 8rtt· l•h heiren become• attracted to • famous Amwlcaft pop linger. Cl) ••• "Blackboetd Junete" (1955) Glenn Ford, Anne Francis. A dediuted young teeeher attempts 10 rescore order ~ e blg.01y ''""'llO school where t-..-ge 1-tessness and VtoienGe have taken 1001 8: 15 E%) * * ''> "Fooll,,' Atound" ( 19801 Gary BuM'f. Annelle O'TOOle A naive country boy tiles 10 win a ~autllul. soph1st1- caled college coed away lrom '-snobbish llnnce and her equally uppoty tamity 'PG' 7:30(C) ••·~ "TheCll And The Cl!}aty" U9~ Bob Hope. P1uletle Goddatd In order 10 COlleC1 lhel• l,,h8rll81\Qe, 1 famify must 5'*ld the night In a haunt· ecl hOUM. 1:00 8 * * + "Wet ~iioon" I 1967) Jofw1 Wayoe. Kwk Douglas. A cowboy defrauded ol hli gi)ld-roch lat>d plans a tpeclat type 01 veno-nce witl'I the help ot a gunslinger. an lndlen. • drunll and • thief. • ** ..... "The f'lohtlng S.abeft'' (10UI John Wayne. Soun Heyward. A group ol WOl'kl War II Seatien Is H8igMd lo repelr mllltary ~Oon• deftgeroualy cloae to --'!!l territory. CH) * *'A "Zulu Dewn" (1980) Burt Laneastet . Peter O'Toole The English wege a bolter struggle lgalnsl the ZUiu ,,atlon In 19'h-oentury Attica. 'PG' Cl)*** "Arst Famtly" C 1980) Gilda Radner. Bob N_h.,t The n aually rec>raaMd daugl>tet ot the country'• weltdetl prHl- <lefttlal lamlly eompllce1es her l•lhar's attempta to eonduc1 the ellairs ol Sl818 'R' Ct • • "The Retutn" (198 I) Jan-Michael Vin- cent, Cyboll Shec>herd. A ,....,Ch eeienllll and • law anforcior f•ll In rove wflile lflYeSOgatlng lom8 lltange geoorapla lfregu- tarittet , ... Ing ~ In • ama111own thet has•-•· See Mome. Page 34 'FEBRUARY RPEl.SPEll LSI • Antron Pluse nylon pile has built-in 90it and stmrrresfs::. tance and protection from an- noying static shocks. • Heavy saxony construction of- fers the ultimate in elegance and luxuiy. • Solid colorations will add a look of style and beauty to any decor. SJS~ • Antron Plus nylon.pile has bullt-in soil and stain resistance and protection from annoying shocks. • Luxunous saxony construc- tion ~ adds richness and warmth to any decor. • Subtle multi-oolorat1ons offer unlimited decorating Possibllitjes. 5 15~ I,. •' ~ •• ,,,,,. 'J"J/ • Continuous filament nylon pile Pf'OYidet outstandfng texture retention and resiliency plus a Velvet-like hand. • Elegant sculptured saxony styling at a Poe>Ular price. • 13 murtk:olorations uniquely blended for unlimited deootat-ing oPtions. • Tr811ed with DuPont Teflons Carpet Protector /Static Q» trol. s135~ • Anso 1ve nylon rejects and re- pels dirt, llQUid spills and \ stains while protecting against static shock • Ultra-dense saxony plush construction is velvety soft. highly resilient and luxurious under foot. • • Rich solid colors are a deco- rator's dream with a generous selection of naturals and ex- Qulsite accents. SJ6~ ~·~· ... ,.,,., ... • Antron Ill nylon provides exOlilent durability plus 90i._ hiding and anti-static PrCIPtt1ies. • Exciting tculptured saxony construction produces a distinctlwty rich textural dimen.ion. . • Unusually rich multi- coloratlons are equally auli.t>le for both caual and fonnel .... of the home. s14~ Chaumont Ultr&-$0ft hand and flowing carved design provide a teem of luxuiy, decorating versatility. • 20 sherbert-like OOlors will impart high fashion and beauty to any decor. • Fine, 10.0enler autoclave heat119t nyton yarns provide a velvety softness with excellent texture retention and outstanding performance. • T efl008 Carpet Protector/ antistatic control treated. SJ6~ . i I \J o ~ #fl''' 1• I / 1 J. ( ! Movie Gulde for -the Week N !!!!l ........ "" .................................................. !I!!!! liancae·a tither, the "'°' ... _.,.,,,.., ol France. 'R' 10:30 (0) * • • IJ\ ""The China Syndrome·· ( 1979) Jack Lammon. Jar>e Fonda. Michael Oo<Jgl•• An ambl· houa televtlion reporter perMHIOM 1 contclene•· stricken anglnMr to aid her in her ellorts 10 t>reak a me,or story on an llCCI· dent at a nuctear power plant "PG" J crack down on the ayndl- caaa with or without help from tile law • * * * "RIO Grande" ( 1950) Jonn Wayne, Mau- ,_, O'Hara During the Ma•ICan-lndoan Wata. • 1anac1oua commander lttadl hos lroopa against A~che raids ~-~ From Page 32 ~ lybMllvlliMdb¥M~ ...., ~cntl. ~ t:OO U ''AldlnQ T811'" Mdt.., "C ~lne. Gilmer Mcecwmacll ;£ ~.:,;·~:::-·~d g Steiger. The young Jeck ....J London Mts OUI to --> Ilia fortune dUrlng 11141 Gold ~ Rush 'PG" '.§ 8:30 CJ) • • "Hurrk:•ne" er (1 074) U uy H90man. Mar- tin Mllnet. A llufr!Une SW1r1S througn • Gulf Coatt lawn wreaking navoc on 11\e lives ot ternhed cJll· iens (Q, * * * * Altered States" (1980) Wiiiiam Hurt. 81alr Brown A Har· vard ecienltSI a genetic: SlNCtUfe Is altered w'-1 M conducts mlnd·e>1p•nO. Ing H~ll Wllll 1~ uon tanks end pow«lul ll•lluc:tnogena. 'R' 10:00(8) * * * "O To 5" (1980) Jane Fonda. Dolly P.non Three •Ork1ng women rebel egalnsl tllelr tubfu- gatlon by • male c11auv!nl11 bOU "PG' 0 * * * "Coal M-'I Oeughtw.. ( 10801 Sissy Spacek, Tommy L•• J-. B...a on L0tell~ Lynn's eutoblogr8')hy A young girl from a poOt lemly In rural KMCudcy "*,. • muc:ll older loeM boy who~'* riM 10 atardolJI In ll'te mulle lnduatty. "PO. 10:0I (%) • * "TN AMIKn Of The ~· Seven" (1llO) IMttr AtnoU. Gor· don Cliapp. Tiie members al • l'OICI "' college -~ denta ect!w In the ptotea1 ,,.,_,1 during ,,.,. ·eos oMI* '°' • ......end NUlllon. 'R' ,,. CC) * •• "Libel'" ( 1168) OIMa de HaYlllMd, ~ Bogarde. A men allemc>ta to PfOW ha has ~ llbeled but ruin• his -when he ha• lrouble r.imembarlng deteill. CJ)* •• ''9 To s·· (UMIO) J-Fonda. Doly Parton. ThrM WOf'klng women r«>el ..,.., their aub)l>- glltlon by • male c::llaMnllt 0-."PG' r 11:11CD) ·~"Lipp• And Mc:CMI" (19781 Ale Lutz, Paul TlloMM.. Two 20th- QMtwy cowboye ettemot to 11"9 by the ·~­tough ettilca of ,,.,. Old twwt. 'A' 12;00 G • * ~ ''The Meting ~·· (1951)0ene Tiet· ~. Joftn Llltld. A _.,, -Into'* _. .• hofne In ttle ~ °'. ~· 10 conceel '* ldenl1ty "°"' '* IOdety deughtef-ln- law. CZl • * "NEA'" (1978) Semi F,.,, Mn .z.ctlartu. A II,_...._ ~ 8fMJ • worldly publl9her ""° hewe fallen In loYe deaplte a dlfterence In _,, other'• .,.... find n.., can't IN'8 .tttwM eedl Oli!er. 'A' il:*t •••• "Thew....,. ... (11MO) Gaty Cooper, Walter Bren"an. Th• tytwwlieel Judge Roy 8Mrl la confronted by the pow- erM "Weatemer." •• * '"The lnCt edltlM Shrlnlclng Woman" (IMO) Liiy Tomlin, Ohartea Gro- dlfl. A ~ben ~ ........ llnda herMlf IUddenly · 08ftlng amalter u '* unconcerned husband IOI*• on. 'PO' • '2:11 ® • * ....... -' .. ,,..., ~ &unon, ..... O'TOOla. King ~ lol~ ....... .. ArdltlWloCI °' C....-buty during the 12ttl oen- tur;. • -r 1:00• **"'"Parle.._ .. I tM 1) ~ Polllar. P8UI Newman. A pair of Anwl- ~In Paris r-two ~onvacauon. CC)** "l'tlobla" (IMO) Paul M lchHI Glaaer. Susan Hogan. A grou,i ol mental paueol• .,. mur- dered accordlnQ to their lndMdual leers. 'R" * W'The Stud" ( 1978) Jo.n COlllnl, Oii-Tobi· ... " welt .. ~ his cat-by &leeptng wl4t\ hll bolS'awtle 'R" 1:10 8 **"II Couldn't H~ pen To A N;cer Guy" t 1974) Paul Sorvono, Mlehael Learned A gentle. mode't lraveltng salesman ean·1 maJ<e anyone believe thal he was ra,ped at gun· point by a luscious lady 1:30 G) **'·•"Ride Tl\e Wiid Surf'' ( 196-tj FaOlan, Shel- 11:00 (.l.) * • "'Tl'te Oe1111s·· ( 197 ti Vanetlla Redgrave, Olo•e< Reed Ourtng the 1600s In France. a young pr1e11 Is Pfl'MCuted lor hos aJklged al~•nc• with the d41Y11 tn using • nunnery lor 1asc1vlous pleasures • 11:30 8 * * ··Human Fflel1nga ' ( 19781 Nancy W8lilar 81lty Crystal A trustrated angel voiunleers 10 sa~• Las Vegas from 11lm1ghtv wratn t>y 11no1ng sl• WO<'lhy aouls on seven deys (R) (CJ • • 'h "'Portnoy's Comptainl " ( 19721 Roc:h8td Ben1•m1n, Karen Blac;k Based on 1 he novel by Pn11tp Roth A young "-· oSh l>Oy recounts his ohen n11811ous and amorous adventures 10 his psyohia- 1,.sl S * • * * Alll!fed StatH 119801 w1111em Hull, Blair Brown A H•1· vard sc1en1111s genalte structure os all81ed wneti he conoucts mtnd-e•pand· 1ng expe11men1s wolh 11101a· l•on tanks ond oowe<iul hallut1nogens R 0 * * * The i&land' ley Fabares. Four ellglble • ~~-­ C * • '> 'The House 0 1 The Seven Hawks"' t 1959) Rot>ert Taylor, Linde Chrtshan When • passen- ger 11 tound dead on nts slllp a chartar t>oat skipper discovers a llr~ m1p that lead• to • hldOen Naz• fortune (SJ * I* The Island" ( 19801 Michael C111ne David Warner Wnoie 1n...s- 1ige11ng a rash ot shop d•l- appolfances 1n the Berrnu- da T roongle, a )o\Jrnalist stumt>tes across an 1solat· ed. 400-year-old colony of p11;ites 'R" t>achelors. wno are mote lnllarested ln surf~ than gltfs, beCome milleO U9 with four marri~­ acloua young ladlft 1:46 CZ> * * * '-\ "Brealler Moranl" ( 1980) Edward WOOd•ard. Jeck Thoms>-'°"· Auatraliana COMCrlpt- ed 10 l\gllf on Englat>d"• siOe In Iha Bott War decjde 10 light the 808f guerilla• on lhelr own terma. a:G1. * * * "9 To$" ( 1080) Jene Fonda. Dolly Patton ThrM WOf'klng women ret>ll aigalnll their aubju· ~ by a male cllalMl>llt boaa. 'PG' 2:aD. * • ·~ "The Redhead And The Cowtloy" ( 1950) Glenn Ford. Atlonda Flem- ing. A 00--ic apy )oWw • ,..., of Southern ~ p8ann6ng to ~·~to C<ln­ ledereta lrreglllara. ~ * * "$upefd0me" ( 1978) David Janssen. Donna ...... A I-tie Wiii 11op at nothing lo kMP a football teMI from winning the Super Bowl 2:16 8 "ThrM Comedln" ( 1974) Ted Beaaell, Jectcle Cooper. A paycfllatrlll dMla with an aiOM·~· Old j9wel theil: a man la pl.agued with gult ..... aoout·hla wife;. pota ..gMnt '-*-IN help of.~ a'omillOlogllt. 1:21 • * *"' "Swotd Of Sher· wood Foreat" ( 1911) Aic:h- atd ~ • ....., Cuah- lng. The si-lfl of Nolting· hern and his evil ..,. .,. ~ by Ao«llfl Hood andhllmen. l:IO Cl) * •• 'h "The EMphant Man" (1980) John Hurt. Anthony Hc19kln1. A dedl- ea tec:I physician take• under hl9 w11'Q a horrlbly deformed man whoM life ttlllhel'IMdbeer\~ln c:n.o ,,.. 8l(hibltl0na 'PO' a>••··The~·· (1971) "--..,._, ()fws 4 "-l. Dutlng IN ltOol In "'-· • young .,,... .. peraecMed for .. alleged ...... wtltl .... ..,. ill ualrlg • nunnery '°' leacMola .,.._,.._. 4.-00 ••• "OeoutY ...,.,,., .. (1950) Jon Hal, Fr- Ungford, A ~ mat· Shel hunta down • pair of ~ anc) 8n Import· ant relroad map. 0 ***~"Le Cage Aull Follee" (1979) Ugo Tog- nuzl, UkMI Serrault. A niglltclUb -trtea to pr..,.,. .... .,_.'" io-lot a .._ 11¥ hit son'• lianc .. ·1 fattier, the --OOlllRllHllMlef of ,,_, .... •:ao CC) * "Klondllle ,.._ .. I IHO) Jeff' htt, AOd 11-30 1 Ii * '• Tile Jau Singe<" 11980) Neil O.amond. Lau- rence Ohvter A New York cantor 1>rea~s Wllll f1m11v tradition on Ills d8$1r• to be •pop music: star "PG' TIMED 'ro KILL Maxwell c Robert Culp. right> lakes into custody a Thai secr et agent c guest star James Shigeta 1 sent to the United States 12 \·ears earlier to earn· out a suicide mission that if carried out now would kill lO million people and wipe out a convention hosting the finest minds in the We stern world on "The Greatest American Hero" Wednesday al 8 p.m. on ABC <Ch. 71. ( 1980) MiChH I C<alna, David Warner Whtie onves· 1iga11ng • rash of ship d1s- aopearances '"the Bermu- da Triangle. 1 JOUtnaltlt llumbleS acro11 an otol•l· ed, 400-yeer-old colony ol pirates. 'R' Thursday movies JAHAJA.flfY 21, 11112 t; 15 ZJ • * 00'4el11on And How- ard" (1980) Paul LeMat. Juon Rot>arda. An other· -unknOWn gaa atalion attendWlt cl•m• to be tile rlghllul heir to Howard HughH' bllllon dollar .. tate.'A' ..-(Q) * ** ··9 To 5·· (llMIOI J-Fonda. Dolly Parton. ThrM working women rebel ageinlt their aubfu- ·-gallon by a male c:tleUVlnlSI 1:00 (C) ••~"Quentin Ou•· boll. ·PG· Steiger The ~ Jae1t London NII OUI lo ll8ek 111• lortune durlnQ the Gold Auah.'PG' * ""Blood Barrier" ( 1980) Tell)' Savalu, Eddie Alb81'1. A border patrolman h1M 10 bring landOwnera who traffie in illegal alien worker• to justice Wednesday movies •ard" (1955) Aot>er1 Tay-10:00(C) ***'.-\ "S-" Narrated by VlrMl8nt Price_ tor, Kay KendaM. King Lou-( 197 t) Woody -AUan, All llW9atlgatlon ot the II XI attempt• to create a Louite L..-. A product chllling -•• ol death nalioNll at•t• out of a Nu-tester. bored with hi• and de9tNC11on ate llud· dal tyatem ..-yday routine, ~ lo a led * * * ··eoys· Night small Latin American a** ··eoa11 To eour · 0ur· (1962) Kim Novak. country and becomM a I IMO) Dyan Cannon. ROI)-James Garnet, When • die1ator during a polltlcal art 81alle A runaway shapely young co-ad upheaval 'PG' hOuteWlle and a 1erappy und81'1allea a sex r8M8reh g *•~"'Back Roads" trucker hauling callie project. the llnda lour ( 19811 Sally Field, Tommy cout to COU1 become ,,.,. buSlnessrMn more than Lea Jonea A hOC>ke< and • ,.,get of a wold etoas-w1111ng to leaM an 8'Mlrl· down-on-hls-luek bo11ar country cheaa. ·PQ· ment to aid her In her mM1 and hHd -• to find l:30 CID • • '.\ ··pap111on·· 11udy. the dllld llhe o-up for (1973) St-~. D**** "Animal edQpUontwo-~1..tler. Ou.an Hofll'/\an. A pelr ol Cr9Ck•1'0 ( 1930) Mara 'A' Devil'• laland comricJa 8rolhara, Matgaret tO:IO CID *** "CNech And ll)8lld their time pllnnlng ~t. Ceptain ~ Chong'• ,. .. , Movie:· 1:00 CC)** "Oeelh Cer On fllelr ~· Ing. tl'te Alric.ti allplelrat. (IMO) Alc:hatd "~·· The Fr-.y'' e:oo 8 CJ) ••~"Tom Hom" returns from a reettnt Metln. Thomu Chong e::aoe••~"TlleCetAnd (1N0) St-~. ..pedltlonlowreallhevoc: Tw o pothead• have Tl'te ean.r-,.·· ( 1939) Bob Richard Farnsworth. r-~ at a aoolety matron'a numerOUI tme11 edlten· Hope, Paulette Goddatd bounty hunter hlr9d by a ...,..and party. •G' tur98 white rCMll'lllng •he In 0tder to c:olleel lhair group of randlwl to tr8dl (%) * * ··Patrick" ( 1978) ltrMll of Loe Angllle In Wlertt.anoe, a family must down ruetlen la Ml up for Susan Panhaligon. Aol>er1 -= of tN "perf9Gt ll)8lld the rtigh1 In a haunt· a hanging by 1111 employ· Helpmann. Though In a "'9ft" "R" eel flouM, ars. deep coma, a young men 11:00(.1) *~ uH.0 .T.S.1"(1979) 7:30 (%) * • e '.\ "Bfeeller t:IO (C) * • ·•Aoad Gemea" ii 81111 •ble to Me6c r-. Susan Kiger, LIA Londotl. Motant"' (1980) Edward (INl )StacyKNC:tl,Jamle for •rongdolngt by A110rorltyreJ9C1decideato Woodward, Jacll Thomp-LM Curtis, An eccentric • unleuhlng 1111 poweriul t0tm her own dub ol c:o- aon. Auttrelians conscript-trucker, a beautllul p1ychokl11atlc powers. edl wno ~ on ed lo tlgtlC on England'• hllchhllat and • ~ "PO' gretltylng MX41erwd col- tide In die Boer Wat pethlc killer traveling tN 7:00 (0). * "The lneredlble leglana. 'R' decide to fight the Boer -route ate playlng Shrinking Woman" (1980) CZ)** ""NEA"(l978) guerlllM on thelf own ..,_ tor II .. and dMttl. Lily Tomlin, Charles Gro-S8ml Fr~. A/tin ZedWial. 1--. 'PO' din A 9Utlurban hOUMWffe A know-It-el 1--..get l:OO. **~"DMlhOfA (I}•••"~" llndl herHll gelling and a .--~ Gunfighter" (1•1 Aictwlrd (IMO) 8111 ~ay. Rodney smaller • he< uncon-who '-,....... 111 low Wldmatti, t.er-.. Home. A Dlllijjii~. The dement· cerlled hulband loolc• on. de9C)lte • dlftel•I09 In -....1own marllllll ttut>-eel ~keeper Qf a 'PO' ~ other'• -. find bomly r._ to rellnqulall swanky country club 1=-CZJ • * * "'Autunwo sona-they c:an'l Ihle w1U1ou1 HCto his polltlon eYlfl lhough wao--egalnlt tl'te ta" (1078) Uv Ullmann, °"*·"A' the town no longer need• ~ Wlebltlng hll turl. k>gfid Bergman. A proa-11:IO(C) ***'it "Oey For him 'R' peroua concert pianist ii Niglll"" ( 1972) Jecqueline e **'h"'W-Tlmes CZ>••'A "Sllent ScreM1°0 ,.united wltll har 81Net, Valanllne Cort-. Seven" (1987) Shlrlay (IMO) AMMcc:a ~. fttranged daught• and• Direct.cl by Fr-*>ia Truf· Maclalne, Alan Arkin. v--OeCat1o. S-al r8¥Mllng and deae>IYemo-leut. The Iv. .,Olowe ol 8eYerl extremely dlttet.nt c:ollege 1tudan11 tall• llonat battle begin• lllm perfolfN"• -ltud- temal• pereonalitiH rOOIN In a foreboding old ~ tl'lem. 'PO' led In a moM-wftllll•·•· 8fMr98 agalnll a P11tlelan hollM where a grtaly and ~. * * * "Wiid ~" movie. 'PG' beelldfop. d ~ murder -( lt7 1) Willlem Hol6en, CD) * * * "Flnt ,.,,.,,, ••••'h"Bt~" ~ ,...,_ ..-. Ayw1 O'NNI. A j)4llr of (1NO) Giida Aedns. Ito«> ( 19'9) John Wayne, Clair9 'A' • mlall'atctled cowboy• Newhert. ' Ttle 1911\ialty Trevor. Pauengen 10:00••*•"'''t.ac.g.A¥11 ~up lo"• bantl rob-1epu111d ...,_al ttle eboerd • d G :Hatt rel6-Fol9a" (t971t Ugo Tog-Mfr. oountly'a ........ pNal- eCI by......._ Mdt ,_.to Mal, MllMI ""-"" A e •fl "The Vllllellt Pro-daMlal ~ mu JP 1 naa ttw.,..,..... ep1aocte 111 • nlgMdutt .,.... trl9a 1e fmlDNW' ('911) ---her f9!Mr'S ...... to dlf'8r9nt ~· '"'*9 Illa trai• aa11t9 Conte Luke Merenda. OM -*'Ct Ille eft*9 of c.cY•• ·1~01,litY'' -~·--..,.,.,,,_,,,,,., ..... ".; • ·: = 1 w¥.v.t~s:......, tnr ,.::4--·-~ . . Automatic Garage Door Systems FOR SAFETY ... SECURITY ... CONVENIENCE Automatic Garag~ Door Operators t>y Stanley LOWEST PRICES '"' IN ORANGE COUNTV "We Are Never Undersold" Springl • _.... Doon • Repairs ~"Leadl"fl ln1'8ller of Autom•tlc . _Door Openera In O,.nge County" IRVINE DOOR COMP ANY Salea & Service • . 552-1411 - Insured. Bonded & Licensed Contr. No 312361 ~ ~--,-- Distinctive Fashion Every Sunday \' .. 1 I I t -' .. ·~ -. liAIElli~~ SCOOP . , WEEK AFTER WEEK CARVEL ICE CREAM make each day a treat! .,.._.. --- ... STORE No. 2187 ALPHA BETA SHOPPING CENTER 2131 So. Brtatol At Warner SANTAANA 1s1-4n' .. TUESD~YS ~ - ......... Ftyt .. -Dey • Buy one pacbge and get ·.··~ 1/2 OFF -,_ ·ttte•econd..-... . . SATURDAYS• SUNDAYS Custom lnacrtbe Your Selec:tfon fl/ • of Our Ice Cream Cetr.. -• All Ice Creem Calles 1 . $1.QO .OFF p.... " LUCKY'S SUPEAMAAl<ET CENTER 165n'Bolaa Chtca At Heil HUNTINGTON BEACH 840-1370 COUPON OFFER GOOD THAU JANUARY 31, 1112-WITH UNLIMITED REDEMPTIONS •January 2.2, 1982 • hales The watch for large mammals goes on MICHAEt; DOUGAN t11e Dalfy "91 S- The Catalina Holiday slipped past the pleasure .boats and plush homes lining Newport Bay and headed for the breakwater at ocean's edge. George Coenen looked at the fuJI contingent of school children scrambling about the deck and beamed. "I've been talking to the captain," Coenen reported, "and he says there are a lot Of them out there today." Coenen was telling us we would see what we had come to see -whales. Each year an estimated 17-20,000 California gray whales migrate along the Pacific Coast from their summer quarters in the Chukchi seas near Siberia to breed and give birth in s heltered lagoons throughout Mexico's Baja CaJifornia. And this annual exodus has spawned a new form or spectator entertainment on the West Coa~t: whale watching. Tens of thousands of Southern California residents and visitors board boats, run by commercial outfits or educational groups, each winter to join the whales for a brief portion of their 14.,000-mile round trip. Many of those are school children, said Coenen, a primary school teacher and guide fbr the Orange County Cetacean Society. Like other society members interviewed, Coenen said it is important to impress the need for marine conservation on youngsters In order to shape their attitudes as adults. "They are the future hope or the marine mammals, those kids down there," be said as the Catalina Holiday passed the bre@_kwater and hit Ifs fir.st large ocean swell, prompting screams of glee from the children. "The whole thrust i• education," noted Robin Boyer, another Society guide. "To make t~ ,lids aware so that Wilen they mature lbey~ve respect for all animals ." But education is more palatable when coated with pleasure, and most whale watch customers seem to enjoy the outing. Between-MO and 200 whales pass the Orange Coast every day durinJI their migration from the Chukchi seas near Siberia to breed and give birth to young whales in sheltered lagoons along Baja California. Spectators by the boatload cruise the coast to watch this On our trip, two whales <one a pregnant cow) were .spotted as soon as we cleared the breakwater. Their barnacle-encrusted backs would appear at intervals of 30-60 seconds. rolling through the water and spouting a steamy mist from their blowholes. Every second or third appearance would conclude with the whales thrusting their powerful flukes above water as they prepared for a deep dive lasting several minutes. annual event. Keeping track or the whales was easy. We just followed their "footprints," large pads of still water that remained whereve.r the beasts had touched the surface. Astute observers soon noticed that a sliver of aqua color -the whale5 beneath the water -was sometimes visible as they prepared for another appearance. Unfortunately, we didn't see the large marine mammals "spyhop," meanln_& 1Q raise lhei.Ley~ - above the-sul'face for al ook around, or "breach," when they fly lnto the air and land with a bu1e splash (scientists believe this behavior bas no particular purpose other than sheer fun). However, breacbln& and 1pyboppln1 are commonly witneued, Society memben said, and some type of al1hUn1 is almost inevitable. Aller all, noted Society research chief .Dennil Kelly, See Whale. Page 7 Dally PiJot photos by Gu y Ambroi.e • !I - • t ~Theater ~ ------------------------------ ~ i Group responds to black actors' dilemma ~ 1J ;:: ~ ~ Minority thespians are locked out of many traditional roles c Q) .:;c BY MICHAEL OOlJGAN ~ Of tlle.,...., ""' ... ~ Li~e ~~Y a housewife and mother entering the middle> stage of her life, Adleane Hunter of :g Fullert~decided to expand her vistas. a: "I went back to schooJ," she explained. ''I have three children and l dedded to pursue a career in theater." But. during her tenure as a student in Cal State Fullerton's drama department, Hunter had difricuJty landing roJes in campus productions. "I found a lot of limitations and a lol of doors closed to me and, of course. that was frustrating," she recalled. Not that Hunter-wasn't offered any parts. "Sometimes they'd need a housekeeper or a maid and then you'd get dragged in for auditions," she said, laughing. And she had pl~ty of chances to dance in school musicals. Adleane Hunter is black and, as everyone knows, black people make great dancers and domesticao. At least, those are the stereotypes she encountered among directors. ("I don 't dance," said Hunter. "I have two left feet.") "It's a matter of convention," Hunter said. ··You either have roles for blacks..or you don't. J auditioned for the plays that had no parts for minorities and I didn't get them and when they said 'Will you audition for the maid?' I said no. ''People don't want to change. They don't want \o rock the boat and I have trouble with that. I've confronted directors and they've said, 'No, I will not cast'a black in a role for a non-black.' And the primary reason is that the audience won't go for iL " Hunter disagrees. She noted that one Cal Stale director cast a black woman in a "regular" part for the production of the farcical "How lhe Other Half Loves" and "it was well-accepted." "The l ime is past whe n we s hould be typecasting." she said. Her objection to racial role-casting works on two levels. First. Hunter feels that modern altitudes leave room for blacks lo play parts once reserved for whites. Audiences will accept black actors portraying physicians, judges or successful business people beclluse many blacks in the real world have moved into those positions. But it's a practical matter as well. Hunter noted that ethnic . ~y pecastlng severely limits Ilitermlsslon -- AOLEANE HUNTER - Found stage doors closed. BEAH RICHARDS - To perform in benefit. opportunities for black thespians. who find there are n't that many parts wrillH specifically for people of their hue. At first, she said, ·•1 didn't fight it." Hunter specialized in directing, with measurable success. But that didn't satisfy her creative urges. So, in February of last year, ffunler formed the lnter·cultural Committee for the Performing Arts, a non-profit organization designed to increase performing opportunities for black people in Orange County. ' The Committee will hold its first major fund·rai.ser on Jan. 31, an appearance by Academy Award and Golden Globe nominee Beah Riehards doing excerpts from her one-woman show "A Black Woman Speaks." Richards has appeared in films like ··Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" and. most recently, the NBC mini-series .. Sophisticated Gents " The program, set for 3 p.m. in the Garden Grove Community Center, 11300 Stanford Way, will also include jazz music and a reading by Orange County poet Edwin Boone I For ticket information. phone 738-4670.1 Funds from this and olher money-raisers !including an Orange County presentation of the aC'claimed Ebony Fashion Show > will go towards s taging performances for the group, 'which has so far been oriented more to serving the black community as an audience. Throughout the past ------------- --- year, the Committee has hired buses to take gr oups into Los Angeles t o see theatrical presentations with black appeal. Ironically, one of those was "Showgirls," about black actresses tryi ng to break out or tpe stereotypes. frunler said it wzc.the perceived necessity of those tripi lhal first inspired her to create the committee. "I became aware that there were no cultural outlets (for blacks in Orange County)." she explained. "l just firmly believe that where I am , that's where It should be." However , Hunter does not expect plays staged by the Committee to draw an exclus ively black crowd. When she and two black women from Los Angeles formed a group caJled Good We Showed Up to stage Ntozake Shange's "For colored girls who have considered suicide when the rainbow is enuf," they found a receptive white audif:!oce throughout Orange County. The show pl ayed Orange Coast College and Laguna Beach, among other places. "f thought nobody would come see 'colored girls ' in Orange County," said Hunter. "I talked to my Instructor a nd he said 'You'll lose monev. no one will come.' Boy, is he eating those words.'' Nor does the Committee plan lo perform onl y black-oriented plays. noted vice-president Joe Willis ... That's why it 's called the lntercuJtural Committee," he said. Although some members wanted to call it the Black Committee for lhe Performing Arts, "fortunately. they were in the minority," Willis reported. He said when the decision was made to keep membership open, "We felt really good about it.'' Hunter criticized a popular musical called "The Wiz," a modern rendition of "The Wizard of Oz ." for its all-black casting "It's almost like they want some retribution and I don't feel that wa~·:· she said ... , don't want lo strik e back or create racial division in any way .. Hunter s aid she would like for the Committee to put a racially mixed cast on the boards in a play. perhaps. by Neil Simon Meanwhile. Willis said the Committee has received an overwhelming response from Orange County·s black community "I really have been impressed to see how receptive people are out here and the turnout that we get," he s aid "It 's like an ex plosion . Obviously, there is a need " 'GradU:a~e' co01pletes Texas Trilogy in Orange County By TOM TITUS Ol lk Oalty ~ Slitfl The Texas Trilogy. three interrelated plays by the late Preston Jones, is now complete in Orange County with unveiling of "The Oldest Living Graduate" by the Ana·Modjeska Players. South Coast Repertory produced "The Last Meeting of the Knights of t.he White Magnolia" as one of lts last projects in the Third Step Theater. Orange Coast CoUege_ offe r ed "Lu Ann Hampton Laverty Oberla nder" last season, and now the Anaheim Community theater group fits the last piece of the picture in a most impressive production. ..,. All three plays focus on the T"°"'"°" lftn of Bradleyvllfe, Texas, in the early Sl!Ues, creating a sort of ''Last Picture Show·' atmosphere of small towns and small minds. Jones' characters overlap rrom one play to another wttb" minor figures in one work comin1 center stage in the next.· , ., , •"---. _ •v The thrust or "Graduate" centers on• the "THI OLOl.ST Ll'llNGOlllAUUATI" A c>ln bl' PfestOfl J-. dlreueo by J..w w miow, lt<lllllul OlrKlor Bill llodrlque1, ''• .....,_, l(eti. KtHY • .,_...,by Ille ,,,...ModleU.• Pleyers Fr1deys -~urctevt et , • ., ""°""" FllO • •I n.. A,.....lm Culture I Arh C-~. ten H•roor Blvd .• •-'"· 11-.-.••k>ft• "1"41U. COi. J.C Klflllelcl • M•urffn l(lnll<lk! Floyd 1(11\Ulct • M41'1he Am , c1e-.11<e .. MllltT._U... Mejor Kt'l<llun'I CllNI T llf'l6utl . . ••.• Clelldlne H~ ••• -· THI Cj\ST . ..•.. WllT-- •····•• ·-.•• TerryAI~ • , . ., • , • • • • •••. BOO Mll'l)lly .. . , • • , •·.... . • . ElelM lfftltfl . ••...• E¥1M<C:- •••···· -.. ~ .... ,,---• •• • . . • ...••..•..•. Tom Flbeffalcl .. ........•.••...... Jon$Mr-... SNlleM<C:- elderly Col. J.C. Kinkaid, a fringe character In "MagnoUa." which apparently follows this play in chronology. He's an a ncient in a modem setting. cllnging to bis dreams and memories, and making llfe no small chore for his son and daughter·in·law, with whom he lives . WU ThomPfOn, an Irvine actor gaining a re putation for his crochety character parts; takes on lhia stellar assignment <hls Cirsl leadln1 role.> m11DillcenUy. Thompson endowi his almost pitiable ata•e penonaie with a richness of depUa and humanity which even his doddering ........ .,.IJIE ...... ,, ..... l :liftl'-0 .. tiono• the curtain call is fully merited. Thompson heads a cast of unusual excellence under the splendid direction of June Winslow. who has elicited some finely etched performances with attention to human detail. Particularly impressive are Terry Allen as the colonel's harried daughter· in-law and Bob Murphy as her greedy husband, ~lh highJy beJievable in their roles. Earl Mccanna as Murphy's overbearing, cha uvinistic partner and Elaine Smith as McCanna's spineless and probably brainless wife are etched with fine colorful strokes. whil e Paul Anderson nicely underplays the good-hearted handyman. Tom Fitzgerald, Jon Sherman and Sheila Mccanna round out a well-chosen cast. It is evident that special pains have been taken on this production in the areas of characterization. mood and atmosphere. including some highly effective background music. It all pays off handsomely in a show that sticks to your ribs. "The Oldest Living Graduate" continues weekends ~ugh Feb. 6, pla3(lnl Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 ln the Anahefm Cultural Arts Center. 901 N. Hlrbor Blvd. Put It.on your "must" list. ... • -.. 3 Theater :Y. ~ i CD Lawrence Pressman says fame's a · pain ~ :' -n ~ a: By MAllY JANE SCA&CELLO Of .. .,.., ......... Actor Lawrence Pressman played Jane Fonda's husband .in the movie "9 to 5" and baa starred in such television heavyweights as "Blind Ambition," "The Gatheriq," "Rieb llan. Poor Man" and "The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald." But often as not, it's bi.a wile who's recogniaed when they're out in public toeether. "Her professional name is Lonna Saunders, and she's played on 'Da ys of Our Lives' on TV for three years now," be says. "Sbe's a great-natural actress and is recognlaed all the time, wbereaa the public is more likely lo notice me if I've just been in somethine." Pressman, currenUy starrinl in "Bodies" oo the Second Stace at South Coast Repertory Theater, is happiest divid.ina bis time between the theater and televisiOD fihu and doein't bemoan not being a SllPU star. "I was born in a small towa ill Kentucky," be says, "just before television was common in homes. Movies were a biC inftuence in my early life, and I never wanted to do anytbib1 else but act. As a child, I wanted to IJ"OW up lo be a movie star, but as aa adult I've realbed live theater is my great love." ~ ·ffe studied drama in coUeie and set out to be·• Shakesperean actor until he discovered how limited the jobs were. "I was never easily clusifaed as an actor," be says, "which may bave slowed down my career somewhat. I always thought or myself as a character actor with the ability to become different people. I'm at my best when I can sutamerae myself into someone else. ·'Stars generally play themselves on the screen, which gives the audience a great security. I adore Burt Reynolds, and it's wonderful to see Paul Newman display different facets or his style. I once followed Greta Garbo for blocks in New York. But I like my anonymity so I can look at people and make contact with them. "Right now I'm recognized oft.en enou1h. and people talk nicely to me to boost my e10." AIDOGI the stars wbo have avoided fame'• pitfalls be lists Hen.ry Fonda and his daupter Jane. described as, "a 1ooc1 bwnan belnl 11rbo doesn't live a movie star Ille." Pressman terms himself lucky to be associated witb the better-quality TV moviea, saying, "Epi.ooic TV is wearin1 out ill welcome. Working in ·a series wu the hardest money I've ever earned." • Prel$sures caUMd lty the need for hilb ratin1s and the lack or time for each show make him favor work in a miniseries « special movie. Show buaiaesl baa. ill own special preaur8' in a ranu1y where tbe wife works daily in Los Angeles and the husband must travel to ntm, be notes. "It's hard for my wife to set away, Mc:auae they have to write her out or the script," he aays. "When I was in Yugoslavia filmin1 'Rich Man, Poor llan, • my pbone bill to America almost equalled my aalary. We weren't cruy a~t the separatioa, but later she was able to joia me for a vacation in Italy and France." They're brintine up aaotber 1eneration to join the actinl business in son David, 16, who bas studied actin1 since a1e ll and already baa completed several jobs. -"It's hard for me to let him make bis own mistakes," Pressman admits. "Like me at that age, he's always known what be wanted lo do, so how can I stop himT I tbiDk he'll end up writinl, directing and producing at aome point ... The actor considers the beat of a spotliebt. "I'd like lo th.ink ·at this point in my life I'd be 'BODIES' STAR -1t·s his wife w ho·s reco~nized. I emotionally mature enoucb lo handle stardom," he says. "My son's a level-beaded boy, but I don't want success for him too early in Ute. Bulcally, fame can be a pain in Uie neck.•• ~ ii' :I ! ~ ... ~ N Her parent's child: A loo·k at Tandy Cronyn By JIMMY JOHNSON D•lly ~llet ~---N9WI Ill .. ., If you want to quit smoking. don't go lo Buffalo in the winter . STUCK ON STAGE -Tandy Cron~·n wants to gain more television and film experience. Al least that's the opinion on Tandy Cronyn, who is performing in "Bodies" on the South Coast Repertory's Second Stage along with Lawrence Pressman. Christina Pickles and Matthew Faison. This winter, however, Cronyn is spending in Southern Cali fornia and the good part she is playing should not drive her to smoke. • ''l'U never forget:· she said over lunch a rew days ago, ··1 had quit s moking for ninf! months, but then I got a job in Buffalo in the dead of winter. Have you ever been to B\,lffalo in the winter? "There's nothing to do but sit in your room. walk the noor and, if you don't smoke, it'll drive you to smoking. You don't dare go out for fear of ·freezing. So I just sat in my room and went back to smoking." Daughter of the husband and wife acting team of Jessica Tan4y and Hume Cronyn, she had little doubt in her mind as to what she would do when she grew up, even if it did take her to such places as Buffalo in the winter. "I would go to the theater as a child." Cronyn added. "When the lights went down and the curtains went up I thought it was magic. I wanted to do that. too. "My fi rst love has always been the theater. but ;you can't make a steady living just doing that. That's wh y I'm out here at this time. It's the television pilot season and when it is over I will return to New York, because I really don't have the patience to stick it out in Hollywood. "I'll tell myself I'm going to do more film work -and I would like to do a real good feature mm -but eventually someone will offer me a play somewhere and I'll 10 do it." Cronyn is pleued with her part as Helen lD "Bod'-," wbleb la maldn1 ita Weal Coast premiere et SCR. "'Bodi•' la a wonderful, bul diaturbin1 play," she said. ''It deals with -eome ..-omfortable queatiom abcMlt maktn1 peece or not m&kiDi "''"''~' ..... --~ ............ 1'9-i .. wonderfully funny. "The play originally came from London. It was oone in one place back East, but not New York. It is serious drama and with the economy the way it is, that''s not selling in New Yorlt now. "It's so expensive to do a play in New York," the pretty actress 'coptinued, "you have to have a sure fire hit ... comedies and musicals . Regional theater is the only phtce where serious drama is being played now.•' Born on the West Coast, she moved East with her parents at 4 and grew up in New York. She was educated in the finest prep schools until she "took off" on her own. going to Canada and finally England. where she was schooled in acting. "If I had it to do over again," she said with a s m il e ... I think I would goof off more . I was much too stuffy and serious as a child. ·'I had a chance to see myself as a child a while back. a nd I didn't like what I saw. When Edward R. Murrow was doing his television show years ago he did my parents and I was on il." she said. · "I saw the show 20 years later and I was terrible. We had been rehearsed very well, but I was rigid and talked terribly terribly fast. I was real proper. I can remember saying lo myself, 'God! Who is that awful little kid. Get her out of here.• I was 12 at the time." Cronyn admits s he needs to work more in film and television since she has done very little or either. ·'I wish they would 1et back to doin1 1ood television like in the old days," she said. "They used to do some Sood plays on televtaioo such as "Playhouse IO'' and "Studio One." ''There aren't a lot or Cood parta f« women OD televilioa now. You spend a lot of Ume ebaaiAI stuff ln Hollywood. A couple of niOta aso I aaw an epiaode of 'Lou Grant' I audltloned for. Two_ Stt Tandli. Page S • l1:i,. no ·i~..,"'q ~vtnu r.·:·• • ,,,,,. • i-n.i:1 • ·I"-\'. r I ~ l ~MoVles --- - ---~ ---------------------- ~ i Autumn lays heavy ~ • ID 'On Golden Pond' -0 ·c u. "On Goldn Pond" is rated PG for adult lituations and language, and is "°1ll. pla~ at Edward! Newport ~ Center, Cinema Weit . Mis&ion Viejo cinemas, and at c Pacific's Orange Drive-In. 41 By JEFF PARKER I Of ... D811y ~-, ..... ~ With the opening shots in "On Golden Pond," § you wonder right off '' the movie is taking you ci: anywhere you really want to go. The moody studies of sunsets. woods, pond waler. flowers, leaves and loons are weighted with a heavy orange hue; the piano-flute score is pensive and promises little, sad things. There's an "autumn of life" message coming right around the next maple. It's a visual swan song CI 'kept waitinc for the actual s wan to appear); you fet the feeling that everybody important in thls movie is already dead before the opening credits end. When Henry Fonda and Katharine Hepburn - playing Norman and Ethel Thayer, a retired couple who comes to live on Golden Pond -hobble onto the scene it's clear that this is their autumn loo. Norman looks skeletal. a coat upon a stick. a nd Ethe l's head s hakes unsteadily like a dashboard football player doll. The beginning of ··o n Golden Pond" looks like a long ending. Their opening dialogue doesn't promise much better. "The loons are welcoming us." she says, grinning enthusiastically. "I don't hear a thing." he mumbles back. Norman is approaching bis 80th birthday and Ethel her 70lh. He's worried and angr y about it but Ethel won't tolera~ssimism or talk about death, or gro\ll.ing gttr. She's busy plan nir\g bird-watching trips and straWberry s hortcake. Norman is consumed with the idea or his own uselessness, devouring the want ads with the heJp of a magnifying glass, hoping to find a job. When Ethel exhorts him to a strawberry picking mission, Norman gets lost in t he woods and panics. He picks a fi ght with two gas station boys who lease him about getting old. But the outlet for all his rage is puny: "Do you thjnk The .King's Singers IN CONCERT AT ORANGE COAST COLLEGE "Stunning display of elegance. precision. versatility and humor" ........................... Boston Globe "Everything these sfx gentlemen· sing. they sing spectacularly." .. .. ........................ Washington Post SATURDAY, FEBRUARY e · OCC AUDITORIUM - 8 P.M. 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626 RESERVED SEA TS: $10, $8, $6 TICKET INFO/Visa-Muterc8fd -556-5527 LAWRENCE WELK'S VILLAGE & DINNER THEATER PARTY Feast on a delicious luncheon & enjoy seeing FORREST TUCKER play the starring role in "Captain's Outrageous." Make your reservations NOW. Contact your local office of FULLER ION SAVINGS1id Sold on a flrst-co.,.flrst-served basis. Includes transportation. buffet. tax, tip & reserved 988t. Pick up a copy of our 1982 Spring schedule of Short Trips & Tours. getting old is fun ?·' he yell s at the boys. "Sometimes r can 'l even go to lhe baUiroom ! " Norman is written cute and Ethel is written sweet we're supposed to adore them. We do, but they're deadly dull. The highlight of the first act is that Norman reads the sports page and Ethe l makes biscuits for the mailman. "You still make the best biscuits in Golden Pond." he beams. Happily. "On Golden Pond " picks up cons iderably with a visit from the Thayer daughter, Chelsea CJane Fonda>. her boyfriend Billy Ray (Dabney Coleman} and his 13-year old son. Billy (Doug McKeon). Chelsea is a whiner. as sensitive as sunburn to her father's words. He welcomes her as "My Jillie rat gi rl" - undoubtedly some obtuse t.8a of arreotion from the days when she was a little fat girl -but Chelsea takes the comment as an assault on her a ppearance. When be asks her what kind or rental car s he got (the perfect kind of triviality that people engage In while the ice melts). Chelsea crumbles into a ruin of shame. "Green." she says. Because Chelsea has warned Billy Ray that her father is a "game player." Billy Ray mistakes Norman's sense or humor about Chelsea's sh llfe as an attempt to humiliate hJm. The scene bristles with errant sincerity that ferments into bitter 'humor. When Chelsea and Billy leave for: Europe. everyone's nerves are shot. Thirteen-year old Bill stays with the Thayers. "On Golden Pond" is a tough movie to reel comfortable in because it's so inteJU~-and dumb at the same ttm~':'Trnest Thompson's script is. for the most part, bright and 'funny. although the dead lines boom like gongs when they hit. On a mor e irritating ltvel. it's the visual bombast or director Mark Rydell that continually sabotages the film. tearing down what ls built as soon as it is established. Rydell's symbols are evident and ancient: fa ll in the country is the fall of tire. a dead loon prefigures a near-tragic accident, a broken door sta nds for a broken life. and so on. There's no <.'Ounterpoint between the screen and what's happening on it. no visu:M tension, no surprises. When cameras record s uch blatant visual symbols and the characters act them out, a director has solved his own mysteries for us. Rydell 1s di lutU!g his own script here; he pushes cliches but treats them like great film literature. It's pretentious. somber stuff but Rydell can't seem to get enough of it. The ntm nearly collapses into a howler at the end when Norman deli vers a long-winded soliloquy just after a brush wi th death. More water. sunsets. woods, birds. music. But Thompson's script, and the splendid work of both Fondas. Hepburn and Cofeman all manage to pull "On Golden Pond" up from the depths of Rydell's extravagent bunk. You can't help liking it, even if it infuriates you at times -it's a real grandparent of a movie. Henry Fonda has all the lines and he delivers them with a sense of self-effacement. He's modest a nd exacting. Norman's expressions are always a little late arriving his eyes widen just after we've gotten t he joke Norman is an insular character -you get the impression that if there were nothing on Golden Pond but Norman <and perhaps Rydell's clever symbols>. he'd still be deiivering his lines to himself. Fonda captures that self-contained kind of independence . but the rew times he reaches out to Ethel, Billy or Chelsea. you can feel the connnection he makes. Hepburn .h3$ one. of t-bose thankless roles that don't change much in the course of the story. She's relentlessly sunny and\ cheerful. her noble head held up her voice cracking with enthusiasm as she c ackles about the house. making things better She's worked herself into an updated version of the frontier wom an <it started opposiste John Wayne in "Rooster Cogburn" I al1d it suits her well. Hepburn's face has something or Annie Oakley and Ma Kettle contained in it at the same time:· she's dry. rugged, statuesque. See ·Golden.· Page 13 m At the Garage ... Quiksilver ... / \Q Qui6csjlvef pants In 1004I. cotton in gf90f colol's Qm(Sll.Vilt -of"· blue. ton. rolt(, chocolote and bloci<. ------------ ~~~ 56 FASHION ISLAND· NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 644-7030 ' I • • • Tandy Cronyn:. 'I should have goofed off Dlore' i From Page 3 .. Acting is a tough business," Cronyn minutes into the show, the part I auditioned for admitted. "Living arra ngements alone will drive was killed off. you bats. I've got an apartment in New York I "I recently spent three days working on a haven't lived in for two Years. You have to sublet 'Shannon' episode and I made more money those and your renter may run off on you. leaving you to anything else -even if it means spending the ~ winter in Buffalo and picking up that awful habit it again." :- "Bodies" will run through February 7. ;1 a. .--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ three days than I would in six weeks doing theater. fig ht eviction. "But since you m ight spend the next six "You really can't plan ahead. because you People all along ~1'1111 ~ months sitting o n your butt, what's the never know when and where the next job will be. the Orange Coast r ely c...awieo• ~ difference?" ··still." she concluded. "I wouldn't do ""-a.a.we 11> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< The lhwersity of Cakfom1a, trme 111V1tes you to: An Evening With Maya Angelou singer, dancer, poet, and author of ' "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" and now "The Heart of a Woman" w .... ., ....... _, J. lfl2 Ip.-. UCI CrttWfard H .. Tickets ASUCI Box Office: _s4 general; s3 facultf. staff. UCI Alumni Association mem- bers. othe~students; s2 UCI students; ....... .tlwlJWJ7f KLAC PRESENTS SATURDAY, JANUARY 23 8:30 PM An•helm Convention Center . ReMrved ... ts: S12.10 & 110.50 On sale at Anaheim Convention Center 8 011 Othce and Tocketron (Sears. Montgomery Wards. and Tower Records) Matt orders accepted at· Anaheim Convention Center 80• 0111ce. Dept. 0 , 800W Katella, Anaheim. CA 92802. Please ..C..&~::se a self-addressed. stamped envelope •• ·~--·-· ......... PrnentedbyA•1•1taCOf'tiull•"t•Ptoctuct1on.t tnc , •••••• _..4'..._ ..... _. ---· , ................ __. ........ _ ... ...,, .... ,,._....,~ ~ CD OD I\) I I ' !.Table to Table --------------------------------------- ~ JAn evening at Nick's ~ ~ Where the atmosphere is. . . well, Italian ~ By SANDIE JOY Cl) OftM~Nle .... .¥ ll was a dark and rainy night. A ~ winter quiet bad fallen o·ver the big shopping plaza. .2 Bright lichts beckoned from a ii: small shop al the back of the plua. Inside, a big man in a red T-shirt and while apron barked orders t o customers and crew. "Whadda you want? Go eat," he ordered as be shoved a plate of s paghetti at a youn1 ·woman approaching the kitchen window. She stood hesitanUy as if decldina_ whether or not lo chance a request, then timidly asked if she could have some meatballs. inside the small s hop, "Do you r emember a young guy ordering a pizza lo take up North a few months ago?" The big man thought for a minute . "Sure, I do. He asked if he could lake lt up North. I tell him he can take the pizza anyplace he want." The girl pressed forward. "Thal was for me. I live in Berkeley and J asked him to bring me one of your pizzas. "Do you remember a guy that looks like me, tall with curly blond hair ?," s he inquired. "He's my brother." .. Sure, I remember him. And ·1 remember you from when you was a little girl 6 years old," he offered. Another customer approached. Her request for coffee was met with a barrage or information issued in heavily accented English. DMty .... ""'9.., '-" ... ,. The big man grab~ the plate , simultaneous ly issuing orders· in rapid, foreign tongue to bis helper who promptly crowned the red sauce with two tennis ball-size meatballs. and it was back in the customer's hands in an instant. "Now, go eal," he ordered the girl in a paternal tone. "This is an Italian shop. We no gotta., coffee or lea. It doesn't go with pizza. Italians don't drink coffee with their meals," the big man explained brusquely. A MAN ANO HIS PASTA Nick Fodera holds rourt at :"Jirk's Italian Pizza and Restaurant in Costa ~esa Without word, she obeyed. her circuibstances. This was Nick's, a Costa Mesa eatery with a flavor or Italy. And Nick is king. ll is without question his domain. The custome r rem e mbered a friend 's story about how h e r daughter once had been chased from the starkly furnished shop, probably because she kept changing her order. This was her first encounter with Nick ·a nd it see m ed bes t to acknowledge hi s authority. of another time not long ago, an era of individuality when the American dream was young in the heart or Nick Fodera. proprietor of Nick's Italian Pizza and Restaurant. a s mall s hop tucked away in the back of the "Hey, Nick," another young girl inquired as s he and a fri end passed The customer ordered a soft drink and retreated to a table to consider In this era of sterile, fast-food eateries. Nick's is unique . It stands as a not-so-quiet reminder See .Vick's. Page lJ <!Colonial Best Omelette 7~;tt~tn In Town 1L'I ~ · .~am4~~ ... t **OPEN 1 DAYS a wm -•· ..... lrtflll .... siHii:1~P1 llUIFAST .. •Y &m I ... SPKll.S Food To T• o.t ls~36~ 512 W •. 19111. Costa Mesa c.ner.tttll& ....... ROUTPmllll m:aEF•JUS ~olden 0;~~.?-. ~~ SJ:;;J,agon ---- r.ENUINE CHINESE MANDARIN DISHES Specializing In Chinese A lo C.Orte Dishes .• Lunch Dinner Dal!.Y • F ooe! To Take Out ' 4715 c...-• OIAHCM JOU H..tior 11•4 150·7171 • 750-5098 COSTA MHA .. ....... ,_.... '42·11'2 • 6Jl·Ht I t _ ~ . JAN. 12·FEB. 1 the Krush SUSHI BAR TEAHOUSE & TEPPAN· YAKI -OPEN EVERY NIGHT AT 5:00 PM LUNCHEON• MONDAY-FRIDAY 11 :30.AM.:2;_ ENTERTAINMENT I DANCING IN OUR EAST·WEST LOUNGE CAUj7U) 111-7127 EOR RESERVATIONSI CJ<gno 9l~w.~ii .'h ';['• '" "'·• · ' >-1'11 f~ll~· • dl .. 'A A'tA ·---- Real Cantonese Food ut here or take home STAG · CHINESE' CASINO A VERY SPECIAL JAPANESE RESTAURANT Award winning trilditional japane l' cuisine and superb western-.;tyle specialties. Your favorite seafood, chicken, and steak. Delicate soup and delightful salads. Impeccable service in a most beautiful setting. Discover Yamato ... a very special dining experienc\'. 60 Fashion Island Newport Be.-ch / 644-4811 Century Plan ~otel 271·1840 \ , . • • • Whale watch · From Page 1 between 100 and 200 whales pua the Oran1e Cout each day. _ We followed the two whales almost all the way to North Laguna Beach. In addition to the wbalea, however, the tour included looks at other tyj,ea of ocean life:· A vi~t to Seal Rock off the La1una shores ~bled the Y®D&aten to see pelicans aad seals in their natural habitat. Twice we spotted large schools of porpoises froUckinl near the boat. Throughout the tour, Robin Boyer addressed the crowd over Ule ship speakers, diredinl our attention to the whales and explaining their behavior. Like all Sooiety guides, she is a graduate or Kelly's gray whale ecology course at Orange Coast College, a pre·requisite for the volunteer job. Whale watch coordinator for the Society is Linna Berhard, a Huntington Beach housewife. Berhard said tbe first weeks of the migration season see the pregnant cows beading for Baja, where they give birth to one-ton calves. Then come the m ales, juvenile whales and non·pregnant females. During the latter part of the whale watch season the creatures are cruising back north toward their summer feeding grounds in RUS$ian waters, where some 200 are hunted.each year by the Soviets to feed the Siberian Eskimo population Cand, it is suspected, to provide food for mink farms, a violation or international law). ln all, 14,700 whales of different types were killed last year by hunters. Orange Coast cruises .... Nll ....... MldMI ...... Wha le watch tours are availabl e through several com mercial and educational outfits in Orange County through March. the end of the BETWEEN-WHALE ACTIVITIES -When whales weren't in sight, participants in a recent whale watch cruise sponsored by the Orange County Cetacean Society fed flock of seagulls 1lert 1 and ,·is1ted a group of seals that had settled on a buo,· off Balboa. migration season. .... 'The Orange County Cetacean Society, in . conj unction with Catalina Passenger Service, offers tours at 10 a.m. weekdays and 9:30 a.m. and l : 30 p.m. weekends leaving from~ the Balboa Pavilion in Newport Beach. Cost is $8 for adults, $5 See Whale. Page 8 ~ @fCI.ido is now serving , Luell, Diner & Cocktails l i \ ·~ ; for reservations: 675-2968 Ample Parking at 2900 Newp0rt Blvd. <corner or 21kh and Newport Blvd.) Newport Beach it's a great day to celebrate poet "BOBBY BURNS" birthday H you're Scottish. or Scottish in spirit. there's no better place to celebrate Bobby Burn·s birt hday. We've planned bagpipers & authentic Scottish dishes -a great time for all ~ Come join us for the festivities. Monday, January 25 5 p.m .. 12:30 lob lmu ltataurant 37 Fashion Island, Newport Beach For Reservation 644·2030 A KITCHEN SO BEAUTIFUL Y o~r 'tr.i~nds will h~te it I I 8 ! Pers0na11t1es N . ~ i The Gumby Factor ~ ~ Clay critter created by Clokey ~ By JOELC. DON spec1aJ about Gumby. a> ou ... D...,HMstMt "There's not the cynicism in 1 Art Clokey was in between Gumbythatyousee inothercartooos ~ commercials for Coc a -Cola , -the smart aleck dialogue and the • Bud.'t'~· .watec, SaMa wisecracking which I t hink is and J1 • to....._ hostile." his fillnmak ng tecfinique 'through Indeed, Gumby's adventures animation. remain whimsical, at times corny. Working with clay, Clokey made But they all foster a charming, an experimental kaleidoscopic abort fa.ntasyland quality -the stuff that called ~'0.-mbaat,." a ftlm tut makes childhoochpecial. would laaiDeta a ~areer ia ID9id111 I( any ol the stories contain some animal . tfWklnn's telnliloH moral or !iocial mesa.age. Throughout proif.., his travels and adventures, Gumby Al \be lae--1 GI Clolley'1 ,_Id of often reminds bimsell lbat there's no • earUMD Cl'I 1ffam .. the modi-loved place like home. charatter-0=, a boy-like clay That was the etbk Clokey "5ed to figtWe_ tjMt_ WOI cJ atar J11 lbe 130 bring up bis own childre n. He ep~~Qabr ~from 1155 to transferred their bedtime stories to 1971.' ~ _ !.t Gumby adventures. Alflr:•tar qu Ck*ey took a •'I wanted my children to see colldin .,-VtimbJ acfveature mms something I fell was wholesome and to ..,., It a ,lnerly WU. library. conducive to good behavior and good Gu •bl' fa11s Jammed leto the thinking," the Topanga Canyon building· and word or the event resident said. "I avoided anything r eaehed the Los Angeles-based that might s uggest expressing Landmark Theater Corp. The hostility." . compan,y hired Clokey to make "I developed no formulas. Each persot)81 appearances at showings or episode was a separate creation. You Gumby episodes al its nationwide can never tell what the plot was chain of mcwle boOles. going to be like. You could never tell C I o key m ad e b i s e i g bl h what the next ep1sode was going to appeuance recently at the BaJboa be. It was a wonderful experience or Cinema in Newport Beach, where a creative freedom working with raucOUI throac enjoyed some. vintage NBC." Gumbys and a lecture by Clokey on Clokey's clay-modeling began quite some ol. the secrets and mystique early when as a young boy he surroundingbisanimatedclassics. sculpted toy soldiers and other "I'm going to destroy some of the characters. illusions that 1ou b~ve about He · attended. a Claremont prep Gumby," Clokta told the aadlence school and later studied to be a ...., ......... .., ............ during an intermission. . . minister befor~· enrolling at l be "Gumfiy is just clay," he said. prestigious University of Southern "No!" the crowd shouted in unison, California film school. He set out to outraged that anybody would think of make commercials and industrial squeezing the life out of their favorite films when a 20th Centary FM GUMBY AND DAD :\rt Cloke~· n·el'nl I~· actrln•sse<i .a throng of G umb~·ma niaes in '.'iewport Beach's Balboa Cinem a '.'iew n.•rsions of Gumby feature the Sanskrit wor d for .. Ion"· on his chest. filrbstar. executive saw his "Gumbasla''short. inward and•~entur ed into the What's more, Clokey reveajed that Soon afier the TV network signed mushrooming1)0pularity in Eastern animators would have to make 20 or Clokey to a productiQll contract. philosophy and mysticism. mol'e Gumbys for eaclt six:minute The filmma~er S1lid each episode "I was exploring how to become a episode. Ob no! And the studlo J ights took up to six weeks to complete; better director by gettint into all were so ho( that Gumb ati~bis with writing, story boards, set kinds of seJf-awareness," he said. "I fri~nds sometimes would melt like construction, voices, music, filmlne got into encounter groups. seminars, Fr•tt, Snowman at the mercy of a nd editing. The clay used actually psychotherapy ... you name it, I tried sprmf: er ! · was oil-based plasticine, with everything. But ~was much to celebrate beeswax added to prevent cracldns. "It helped me realize that for~ by aficionados -many Many rans, Clokey noted, believe awareo. ess ~~feelings is the in and 305 -as they were there is some mystic signilican•• corne~ ~ writing." tre .... _. 4be best film efforts of Gumby's shape and name. The ..._, Alt Ii t be Ht Gum by theff'cly.friend. on the bead was taken from a ~ advel'iture u made ro years ago, Accontini tot.be memorable theme sch ool photograph. of Clokey'a tb~ suqe· in popularity or th.e sons.,~ •al G~.Y was car;yed rather. wbo~p led .a popjtlar epiaodet bas spurred Clokey and has !roll~~ .t-tlg. He baa an halntyle feat .a eftUdt. As a wife •• Glorta, -to start work .on a rr!s . .•. . tr*lu 1ett1n1.1tuck ... a~r••41 is lransfer~P.· all the • original Gum by a dventures onto · videotape cassettes for private purchase. Eacjl tape would contain nine episodes .. · ' Gumby character toys that canp twisted into any shape -UU remain popular. (New deluxe Gtil6by dolls feature an imprinted heart with Sanskrit letters that stand for love - what Clokey believes is the essence or his creation.> At the Balboa Cinerq~ppearance, many clutctied the~ Gumby or Pokey dolls like thet were prized family heirlooms. Some had donned Gum by T-shirts. And everyone joined in for a sing-a·IODI when Glode led the Gumby theme sonc. ft' was Gumbym ania at"" best. Look out Mr. B»t · ~ or... ··Jti• named boy ,&!o _, •erked on bl~ fe-.&11re.len1th ~umby movie. A P··--=a . 1 f-ID Mlelllpo mf · ,,,, .... e otu:to1nment company bi I' I a • • ..... U..t farmer I c&lW~· s ·~ • . 1 Ute name Gumby. ., ·~ ' JI ti tal . • ' . ~ocl:heads a pair of comfcal e watc t·o ._., . Nearly three decades after NBC bad guys are ,;,odeled after the ~ • • .I. " enlisted Clokey to make a series of grammar' school alphabet blocks F'rom ~'I Gumby adventures for its children's One has the letter J for ean ~ television programming, the green other the letter G. Clokey said he character with bead eyes and an used those letters simply to make the odd-shaped head still commands characters look different though legions of devotees. Clokey admits some over-zeal0us followers 0think the Gum by bas attained th~ status of cutt letters stand for Jesus and God. hero. There is, however, a mystical "We've always had lbb fascination touch in some of the later Gumb11. A with Gumby," the 80-year..okl Clokey student of phlloeopher Alan Watts, said tn an interview. "The older lcida Clokey created the dlnoaaur-lite who bedn't seen Gumby bad Hlft Prickle and the teardrop-ahaped Goo sopbiatlcated cartoou that were after Watt.a once remarlled there are <tealpeeffor adults and they tboqht uvo .kinda ot people tn tbe world. Gumby wu for little children. Now prt~kly and IOMY-- tb•v reMi11 ''lt''I 'AB''IUI' .. •pd d&iP' 'S. 'llSh'su ..... phone 873-sz.tS for reservations. Alao leavtn1 at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. daily are whale watch boats from Davey's Locker, a commerdal outfit. Toun cc:.t $7 for adults and t5 for ll1cb OD Mcmday throqb Friday, • for adu1tl and·.• for younptan OD Saturday• and Sunday1. Pbone m -HM. The Orance County chapter of GrHnpeace, an e:!:f1eal adlvilt poup tbat bu foe Its att..uan pp lfJ'P' phel11 PUI 1•9•r Fridays-only trips to see the whales be1innin1 today at 2 p.m. and continuing throulh March 13. Tours leave from Dana Point Harbor aboard Dana Wharf Sportfllbinl boata. Tlclleta are '7 for aduJta, t5 for children and aenior cltiS"ena. For reaervationa or laformation pboae .,_,_, Other whale watcblq cndl• are ava,llable in San Die10 and Los w·tr 9'UJa -T , 'WOMAN IN A HAMMOCK' by Cl•renc:e Keiser Hinkle 'PIER AT \:ATALjNA ISLAND' by Al8on lldftner C .. ,. 9 The Calif Ornia ~ I . . l ~ mpress1on1sts J On display in Laguna By JEFF PARKER '- 0t Ille Dally~ .... SYft ~ California Impressionist painters enjored a ; charmed lime and place in art history. They were -< not onl y privy to the fine natural landscapes and -~ favorable light of this stale, but were also protected from the turbulent mainstream of art in j New York and Europe. The result was peaceful, N unhurried painting, such as those now on exhibit al the Laguna Beach Museum of Art in the current show , "Impressionism, The California View." California Impressionism flourished between 1915 and 1925, a full 25 years after the style reached its creative peak in Europe with the work of Monet, Pissaro, Sisley and Renoir. In the hands of the Californians, Impressionism was certainly de rivati ve and very recognizable : the short brush strokes. bright color palette and frequent use of landscape for subject matter that typified French Impressionism, typified that of the California painters as well. There is a sense of celebration in the work that derives not only from the subject m alter -to which California pa infers found themselves constantly drawn -but from the canvas as well. "The West Coast Impressionists were equally accomplished as their counterparts on the East," said LBMA director Bill Otten. ''The main diffe rence between French a nd American Impressionists was that Americans maintained a strong commitment to subject matter, where the French emphasized color and the loosening of the paint al the expense of the subject. Americans have,always been drawn to subject matter -look at our fascination with Wyeth or Hopper. We love narrative painting. 1 "The big battles between Degas and Monet came from that concern with subject. Degas remained true lo his subject and Monet did not. Americans have always lov~ Dega s. Monet's water lillies weren't loveable as waler lillies, but as paint and color. You can see that struggle between subject and technique throughout this show," he said. Works in the Laguna Museum exhibit-range from Charles Peters' "Ala meda Trees" painted in 1890, lo Clayton.t-Price's "Landscape on the l'eninsuJa ," done lh 1930, but the bulk of the work was executed between 1910 and 1920. And they range in temperament from Joseph Raphael's purely Impressionistic "Rhododendron Field" to Theodore Wores' realistic "Garden ol the Potter Hotel, Santa Barb1tra." Th~ exhillilion originated at the Oakland Museum, (,.".but features several _p.ainlings .from tile. permanent -<?Olledion of the LBMA. . . "In general, the eainlers from Northern California were more sophisticated than those from Southern CaHfornia," Otten said. "And that was to be expected -San Francisco was a larger u rban center than Los Angeles and its connections with Europe were stronger . The Northern Californians tended to feel more freedom on the canvas, and a less reverent approach lo subject matter. The Southern California Impressionists produced very few true colorists. They were more interested ln tonal palntin1 -contrastin1 darks and lights to get light -rather than in using color to build a structure. It's very interesting to see where these attempts at Impressionism lapsed into something else." Such paintings as Richard Miller's "The Blue Beads" or "Red Lacquered Stand" are good ex~mples of work that landed just short of Impressionism and ended up as a mixture of realism and Impressionistic strokes. In both works, the backgrounds are structured with color laid on in short strokes in true Impressionist style, but the subject -in both cases a woman -is painted in careful, realislac portraiture. Arnone Ute worts tbat epltomiae California lmpresaioniam are Jean Mannheim's "Our Wisteria," Clark Hobart's "In a Garden," Granville Redmund's "California Land.scape witb Poppies," Joseph Raphael'• "Tea ln Ute Garden," WlUlam C.pp's "Blrd-nesUq," Bruce Ne19oa'1 ·"Paclllc Gron Shoreline" aad F . Chllde Hasaam'1 ''HW of the Sun, 8an Anlielmo. '' ... ~~~--------------------------_. .................. . 10 -- ---- ------------------------- AMENCE OF MALICE:· Rated PG, Paul Newman and Sally Field. A careful study or the power of the press and its consequences, neatly li' executed by Sidney Pollack. The PG rating ls for :g adult language. ~ _i BEAU PERE: Rated R, a French adult (! comedy written and directed by Bertrand Blier. ai The R rating is for adult situations. 1 ~ BODY HEAT: Rated R, starring WilUam Hurt ~ as a bungling, lovestruck attorney and Kathleen a: Turner as the femme fatale. This sexy, devious mystery takes place in a fictitious Florida town so hot that people in cafes order iced teas two at a time. Directed by Lawrence Kasdan as an homage l-0 film noir, the R rating comes from brief nudity, salty language and a general air or steaminess. THE BOOGENS: rated R, s tars Rebecca Balding and Fred Mcc arren in a supernatural tale of horror. Directed by James L. Conway, from a script by David O'Malley and Bob Hunt. The R rating is for violence. BUDDY BUDDY: Rated R, with Jack Le mmon and Walter Matthau. An encounter between a suicidal network censor and a mob hitman, flimed in Riverside. The R rating is for language. · CHARIOTS OF FIRE: Rated PG and starring Ben Cross and fan Charleson as runners in the 1924 Olympiad, where they run races for difrerent reasons but manage to win just the same. Big on fight in the tragic baUle at Gallipoli in World Wa.r I. Peter Weier, an Australian director, has taken a turn from his metaphysical film makine to produce what is his best wort to date. A simple, great movie. The R rating is for laneuage and 'violence. GHOST STOaY: Rated R, stan Fred Astaire, Melvyn Douglas, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. and John Houseman. 'The R rating ls for nudity and adult situations. ON GOLDEN POND: rated PG, stars Henry Fonda and Katharine Hepburn as an aginc couple r eturning to live on Golden Pond. He's filled with anxieties about death; she's iflterminably cheerful. They bicker politely until the arrival or their daughter (Jane Fonda), her latest boyfriend, Billy {played brillianUy by Dabney Coleman) and bis 13-year·old boy. Th~ovie is bard to feel comfortabJe with -it's so intelligent in parts and dumb in others that you want to scream . Director Mark Rydell seems to be doing his best to sink this movie with visual bombast, but somehow Ernest Thompson's script and performances by the Fondas and Hepburn manage to save it. The PG r ating is for language. (Reviewed this issue .) between scenes or brilliance and gags t.hat dap't work. D'Arbanville and supporting performers Brian Doyle-Murray and Mary Kay Place are prlicularly eood. The PG rating is for language and adult situations. NEIGH.BORS: Rated R, stars John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd as a mismatched pair or neighbors on what begins as a quiet suburban· street. Aykroyd's Vic is a pathological liar and c he at who drives ~be conservative Be lus hi crazy. The R rating is for language and adult situations. - PENNIES FROM HEAVEN: Rated R, stars S t eve Ma rtin and Bernadette Pet e rs in a throwback to 1930's m usicals. Set against the depression, lhe story Is serious, even a little black. The R rating is for adult situations. RAGTIME: Rated PG, is an intelligent sceen version or E.L. Doctorow's 1975 novel, which weaves historical characters -Harry Thaw, Stanford White, Evelyn Nesbit, J. P. Morgan - in to the lives or what tries bery hard lo be a typi cal American fa mily. Elizabeth McGovern gives a winning performance as the dreamy Coalhouse Wal.leer , a black piano playec who is abused by bigots and bureaucrats alike. The director, Milos Foreman, bad a difficut task in cutting the sprawling book into film s hape, and he's done the job admira bly. Tpe PG rating is for nudity and some violence. See Page 11 sceneryand~ral elev~oo.~~oop~andi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~===~~~~~~~~~~==~==~ development. A rousing synthesizer soundtrack by 7 GOLDEN QLOBB MODERN PROBLEMS: Rated PG, stars Chevy Chase as a hard-luck air traffic controller who receives telekinetic powers when nuclear was te is spilled onto his new car, and Patti D' Arbanville as his girlfriend wtlo sees him through these t.rying times. Tbe film is uneven under the direction or Ken Shapiro, fluctuating Vangelis. The PG rating must be for its lofty OM N•• 0 S themes: there is no nudity, no violence and very N I R1 I N little offensive language. BEST'PiCTURE DEA111 VALLEY : rated R, stars Paul LeMat and Catherine Hicks. R rating is for violence. EVILSPEAK: rated R, stars Clint Howard and Joseph Cortese in a tale of revenge and tertor. Directed by Eric Weston from a story by Joseph Garofalo. The R rating is for violence. THE FRENCH LIEUTENANT'S WOMAN : Rated R, stars Meryl Streep in the role of the heartbroken a nd h eartbreaking Fre nch Lieutenant's woman and Jeremy Irons as the Victorian gentleman who gambles his love and reputation on her. The Victorian lo~ stoy is intercuf with another plot: the modem day mm crew making a movie of "The French Lieutenant's Woman" bas its own romantic dramas a~d :::=::::::::===~=======~== downtaJls w.hicb are m.eant lo compare and contrast with the Victorian sequence, but we're never sure quite how. The R rating is for adult sexual situations. GAU.IPOU: Rated R, stars Mel Gibson and Mark Lee as two young Australian soliders who ... T DIMCTOR-.... rennen WT aurrORTtMO ACTOR-......... ....... -WTaurrORTING ACTMU-~ .............. NOW PLAYING ._IMllHMU Mana.MA ChlOl•l7·03•o 0i-.u..it11 °" ......... , •• ltw.e(714) SSI~ ., ' • l . From Page JO REDS: .Rated PG. stars Warren Beatty as John Reed, the American journalist, and Diane Keaton as Louise Bryant, who becomes his wife. Thislilm runs well over three hours on a budget of over $30 miUion, and the loving care of Beatty; who also produced and directed, shows. But there's a ta meness to it too; you don't walk out thinking you've seen a great movie. The PG rating is for language and adult situations. ROLWVER: Rated R, stars Jane Fonda and Kris Kristofferson in a tale of internationa intrigue and passion. Not for those who expect heavy action or violence. The R rating is for adult situations and vulgar language. THE SEDUCTION: rated R, stars Morgan Fairchild. Michael Sarrazin, Vince Edwards and Andrew Stevens. The R rating is for adult situations and some nudity. SHARKV'S MACHINE: Rated R. stars Burt Reynolds as a tough cop caught between a corrupt department and ever·present bad guys. The R rating is for violence and languaee. TAPS: Rated PG , is· ·the unlikely tale of a ·---g-rottp-Of mitttary school cadets who arm th~mselves and occupy the campus to keep it from being liold and turned into condominiums. Timothy Hutton leads the kids and overacts nearly every scene. As General Bage, George C. Scott gives an inadvertanlly funny performance that we're not supposed to laugh at. The PG rating is for violence. TIDEF: rated R, stars James Caan as a hi~h-teeh Chicago burglar who stakes his new ..,,__~ .. A Quaint castle on the Italian Riviera 1s the locale tor this witty exoo5e of the theatre. This laugh-a-minute romp, iull o~fr1vohty and ribald repartee. is tM comedy for theatre-lovers. • MainstaOe Curtain Times: Tuesday~urday at 8 p.m. Sunday at 7:30 p.ro. Sat. and Sun. Matinees at 2:30 p .m. limited Seating Still Available 655 Town Center Drive. Costa Meu. CA 92828 For tic:Mt information or reservations. call (714') 957...w33 A poblic lefVi<le Presentation of the lllJ .. '!Ji' wife, child' and life on one last helat. A stwm.in1 directoriil debut for Michael Mann, who also wrote the script, "Thief" is a cunnin•, berve-jarring descent Into the ~rutal Chica10 underworld. Robert Prosky 1ives a chillin1 performance u Leo, the mobster who tries to control the finances. It's a ni1htmare in cobalt blue. The R rating ls for violence and language. TaUE CONF~IONS: rated R, is a moody study in Catholic guilt and existential anguish, embodied-by Robert-DeNiro as a manipulative monsignor and Robert Duvall as his brother. a detective. The screen play was written by John Gregory Dunne and Joan Didion, based on Dunne's novel, which in turn was based on the Black Dahlia mu.rder in Los An1eles in UM7. The screenwriters have left out the gritty humcu;.of the novel, and they've left out the mystery too. There's a numbing sense of stagnation at the core or this movie. The R rating is for language and adult situations. TIME BANDITS: rated PG, stars John Cleese, David Warner, Sean Connery and Shelley Duyall in a bizarre tale of time travel by a rapacious gang of dwarfs and a. young En,glish ~Y· It's artistic, phantasmagor1c and .a ht~le distasteful too. The PG rating is for adult situations. THEY ALL LAUGHED: Rated P<I , stars Audrey Hepburn, Bene Gazzara, John Ritter and Dorothy Stratten in a romantic comedy set in Manhattan. Peter Bogdanovich directed from his own script. The PG rating is for adult situations and language. .. ·Diversions · ''BVLLSBOT CaUMMOND,.. a parody ot popular detective thrillers, opens a two·weet run at Golden West Colle1e , .1514f Golden Weal St., Huntlngtoo Beach. Curtain time in lbe school's main theater is 8 tonight and Saturday. Curtain Jan. 28, 29 and 30 is 8 p.m. wUb a 2:30 p.m. performance Jan. 31. For tickets, call 894-M?O. "PlaOUETTE," an originial play, is in production at UC Irvine's Humanities Hall Pl~ybouse, c:oncluding at 8 tonight and Saturday. For reservations, call 833-6617. "&OMANTIC COMEDY," a story of intimate collaboration by a playwriting couple, opens tonight at Laguna Moulton Playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon• Road, Laguna Beach. Performances will be given at 8 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays until Feb. 13. Reservations 494-0743. "BODIES," a new Briti&h drama continues on the Second Stage or South Coast Repertory. 6SS Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Curtain is 8:30 nightly except Mondays with weekend matinees at 3 p.m. Reservations 957-4033. "WHAT ARE YOU Doing In My Life?.•· comedy starring Vivian Blaine is in its world premiere ~l Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente. Plays nightly except Mondays al varying curtain times. For tickets, call 492·9950. See Diversions. Page 12 .. ,, ~ I •t "Tl l <... !: c ~ ~ -~ N -------• i From Page 11 : "THE SEVEN-YEAR ITCH," George ~ Axelrod's com~.)'_ about ~ m.iddle-!Ce man who ;f falls for a girlliall hJs ace, continues through Feb. ..: 6 at Westminster Community Theater, 7772 Maple ~ St., Westminster. Curtain is 8:30 p.m. with i performances Fridays and Saturdays. i . ·~ PL.A.Y'S THE THING," a comedy about the theater, continues through Feb. 14 at South E Coast Repertory, 6S5 Town Center Drive, Costa il: Mesa. Performances nightly exeepl Mondays at 8 p.m. and al 2:30 weekend afternoons. For tickets, call 957--4033. -DANCE-. ----- AN MFA DANCE CONCERT, choreographed by first-year graduate students in dance at UC Irvine, will be performed at 8 p.m. Jan. 27 through 30 in Fine Arts Concert Hall on the Irvine campus. General admission is $3. For information, call 833·6617. -ETC.------ JOHNNY CASH performs at 8:30 p.m . Saturday at Anaheim Convention Center and at 8 p.m . Monday and Tuesday at Bridges Auditorium in Claremont. MEL TORME performs at 8 p.m. Saturday in Plummer Auditorium, 201 E. Chapman Ave., Fullerton. For tickets and Information, call 773-3371. ------------ Fine Art Gallery. Saddleback College, 28000 MJrguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo, from 10 a .m . to 3 p.m. weekdays through Feb. s. . :-CLASSICAL MUSIC--- NEw YORK STRING QUARTET, the qual"ler-in-residence at UC Irvine for the 1981· '82 concert season, performs at 8 tonight in Fine Arts Viliage Theater on the campus.General admission is $6. For tickets, call 833-6617. "LA BOHEME," Giacomo Puccini 's masterpiece, will be presented at 8 p.m. Thursday and, again, Jan. 30 by Long Beach Grand Opera in the Terrace Theater, Long Beach. For tickets, call (213) 436-3661. ORGANIST/HARPSICHORDIST MARVEL J ensen performs at 7:30 p.m . Sunday at Santa Ana First Baptist Chur ch, 1010 W. 17th St., Santa Ana. Robert Wagner is guest commentator for the program. Tickets are $3 each. For information, call 547-2557 or 836-8127. "CONCERTS IN MINIATURE," chamber music for young persons, will be presented at 4:30 p.m . Thursday at Laguna Beach Museum of Art, 307 Cliff Drive. Laguna Beach. Conductor/cellist Frieda Bellnfante will perform. For information, call 494-6531 . THE YOUNG ARTISTS GUILD CONCERT, s ponsored by lbe Music Teacher's Association of California Orange branch, is set for 2 p.m. Sunday in.Salmon Hall al Chapman CoUeae in Orange. For Information, call Carolyn Biller at s.M--0809. I .:..SINGLES------ MISS ANGIE'S Singles Dance Cl ub will have a dance tonight at 9 at the American Legion Ballroom in Orange. Cost is $3. For information, call 531-9941. '- WHEEL OF FRIENDsmr will go to diMer at 6:30 p.m. in Anaheim. The group is for singles over 45. For information, call 956-8669 or 535-8563. PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS Oranee Coast chapter will sponsor a discussion titled "Love, Lust or Like?" at 8 p.m. Tuesday in Fountain Valley. For information, call 559-0846. SIERRA SINGLES wall have an introductcu:y meeting and social Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Santa Ana. Group activities will be discussed . For information, call 751·1560. "FUNG," a new comedy by Bernard Slade, is on stage at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse on the Orange County Fairgrounds, Costa Mesa. Curtain is 8: 30 Thursdays through Saturdays until Feb. 6 with reser vations available at 754-5159. "THE OLDEST LIVING GRADUAT(.' is Irvine actor Wit Thompson at the Anaheim Cultural Center, 931 N. Harbor Blvd., Anaheim. The dr ama by the Ana-Modjeska Players wiJI be presented a Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 p.m . through Feb. 6 Reservations 991-4135. "ANGEL STREET," the play that inspired the movie. "Gaslight," continues at the Huntington Beach Playhouse in lbe Seacliff Village shopping center on Main Street at Yorktown Avenue, Huntington Beach. Performances will be al 8: 30 p .m . Fri!fays and Saturdays through Feb. 13, with tickets available.,al 847-4465. A NATIVE PEaUVIAN FOL& AaT exhibit ·---------------------=--------------:---and sale will be held from 10 a .m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at the EbeU Club, 515 W. Balboa Blvd., N~wport Beach. GUY HALFERTY AND the Society Combo perform at 8 p.m. Saluraiy mtbe-Oii.nee Coasf" College Auditorium, Costa Mesa. The concert is devoted to the music or Geor1e and Ira Gershwin. For tlc~el information, call 556-5527. , "PAINTINGS AND MONOTYPES," an xhibitioll of mind medla·painttnp and pr1ftts by Costa ~esa artist Frank Dixon la on display at the Nobody leans on Sharky's Mactune . 13 .•. Nick's • 1s an 18-year Cost~ Mesa tradition :P. [ i From Page6 Harbor Center shopping plaza . A native of Sicily, Fodera came to the United States 21 years ago after , he said, "I catch this beautiful lady in Italy ... Don't you ever see my wife in here with curly hair?" Prod~ed to tell bis story, Fodera, who baa been cooking in the police department in his Sicilian hometown, moved first to El Monte where he spent three years working in his father-in-la-W's pizza s hop. "Then I decided to go into business for myself," be said, "but I had no money. A friend of mine, a Greek, said I should go into business. He said, 'I'll give you the money.' "I found this place for $3,000. I had S700. The Greek, he give me the other money and l have to open the piggy bank. "When I moved here, there were three pizza places in town ," Fodera recalled as he listed them. "As s0on as I move here, they closed." At fi rst he s lept in the shop's dining room. "The police, they bother me at night," he explained. "When the polica patrol they see me sleeping here, they knock on the windows." A customer interrupted to ask if he delivers. "Other pizza places, they deliver," he exclaimed. "Why do they deliver? Because nobody goes there." Returning to the story of his beginnings, he continued, "In 1964 we had a sidewalk sale (in the shopping "NUMBER ONE PICTURE OF THE YEAR ... take tM Mlok family." -}Of.I. SttCFJ... AIC-1" Nominatecl for 6 · Golden Globe Awards BEST PICTURE -DRAMA I BEST DIRECTOR Mark Rydell BEST SCREENPl..t\Y Ernest Thompson BEST ACTOR Henry Fonda BEST ACTRES.S Katharine Hepbur.n BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS Jane Fonda One of the Year's 10 Best. lncludin~ Tln1e MC1[(azft1e K"tblee11 Carmll/N. Y. Dai~), NeU's }11dltb Crlst/WOR·TV Rex Reed/N. Y. Dally Neu'S }Ml Skgel/ABC·TV mall>. I put a couple tables aside with sawdust and all. As soon as the pizza was made, it was gone. .. Everybody was in line. So I put the hot water to make the dough rise faster and seryed. pizza untiJ all the cheese and dough was gone." Because the, saJe was suc h a success. Fodera said he prepared for the next one by buying J bigger oven. "After the sale," he said, "I paid off the oven, and then l had a good business going." That was 18 years ago. Today, Nick's pizza shop has become a tradition of sorts in Costa Mesa. Many c ustomers now are old friends and the new ones quickly become friends once they've tasted Nick 's piua and accepted the In • Bo.toll laospltal a love affair eaU, a new one beglaa, a Doctor Mttlea Ids ,.Ueat, ........ 1earu thetrae~ of coarap. CD no-standing-on-formality atmosphere ;I? of his shop. ~ Fodera said he uses only fresh ·"" vegetables for his sauce whlch, afong ~ with the dough, he makes daily. He ~ even makes his own olive oil, pressed · from oli ves he hand-picks from a t.i' grove on Harbor Boulevard, and his ~ own sausage. ' . 1» In all, he makes approximately 60 ~ quarts of pizza sauce and a like ~ a mount of s paghetti sauce each .... week. ~ He uses approximately 500 pounds I\) of flour each week, mostly for pizza •dough, which devoted customers say is exceptionally light and palatable. To make good pizza dough, Fodera explained, •·you have to know the See Nick's. Page 15 Whose Ufe Is It Metro-Goldwyn·M.'.IYfl' Ptesenls ACOONEY·SCHUTE PAOOUCTION RICHARD DREYFUSS· JOHN ~VETES A~ Bd\11'11 f'"h "WHOSE LIFE 5 IT ~YWAY7 Slarr"'!l ~ LAHTI· 908 8ALABAN Elll!CUIMI PW>clJcers ~ C SOtJTE end RAY COONEY ProcM:1lon Oes9'ted by GEi'£ CALLAHN-4 O..CU d A"*>QI~ MARIO TOSI. A.SC Mu5'C by ARTtfJA B RU01NSTEN ScteerdBy by BRIAN Cl.ARK and REGINALD ROSE Based on the &ago P\!y WHOSE LFE IS IT AH'fWlll(?"by 8RIAN CLARK· PloOJced by LAWRENCE P BACHMANN IR k ••._.._ ·:t· I OrededbyJOHNBAOHAM Melrocolof" Q-"'"~Altilb ' 1--....::i.·r:~ t..•••r110GOUM"nl....ut~co .. ._w,~~ro ......_. ... .._.. STARTS TODAY IMA B. T--.T.-TOl IUCll lllf.. OU• Btu Plall EdMnls 5addleback EdWards Cinema Edwlrds Woodbridge Cinedolne 529.5339 581 ·5HO 848·0388 551 ·Ol5S 634-2553 OllYl-EdWlrds South Coast Pim 54&·27 11 - . _EDITOR'S NOTE: Live Gigs ii a•complete listing ~I Orange Coaat nightclubs offering live entertainment. Acts are subject to change without t notice. ,, ;£ AIRPOltTER INN 18700 MacArthur Blvd. Irvine -833-2770 Entertainment & Dancing Nightly i > ALISIO'S ~ 1670 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa -642-8293 ~ Dancing Nightly ANCIENT MARINER 607 W. Coast Highway Newport Beach -64&-0201 BAXTER'S 14346 Culver Drive Irvine -857-2103 BAXTSR'S S'faEET 4647 MacArthur Blvd. Newport Beach 540-2475 anc11MU 2U6 Oc:un Front .- Newport Beach -1 613-5894 Stan Orlow BEN a&OWN'S 31106 S. Coast Hi&hway South Laguna -499-2663 BILBO llAGGINS Kesa VerdeSbopping Center Costa Mesa -54~1718 Live Contemporary Rock 8LACK ANGUS 11920 Brootchurst St. Fountain VaJJey -968-4477 Dancine Nightly BLUE BEAT CAFE 107 21st Place Laguna Beach -494·8588 808 BUii.NS 37 Fashion Island Newport Beach -644-2030 Music NighUy BOBBY McGEE'S 353 E. Coast Highway Newport Beach 673-5380 Dancing Nightly • BOOTLEGGERS 18528 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach - 962·9010 Dancing Nightly to Country CALA&Ull LANDING 171 E. 11th St. Costa Mesa -642·!18SS CALIFO&NIA SUN 19070 Macnolia St Huntington Beach - 963-2018 Countey Rock Dancia& CANNEllY 3010 Lafayette Ave. New~ Beach 675-5777 MUSIC Nightly CRAZY llO&SE 1580 BrookhotJow Drive Santa AAa -~1512 Top Country Artists CAP Y'S 114 McFadden Place Newport Beach -675-1094 Music Niehtly •• CRYSTAL SALOON 1700 Placentia Ave. Costa Mesa -646-7571 Dancin& Nightly to Country I DANA TRADER 34150 S. Coast Highwav Dana Point -493-2603. DEJA VU 2285 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa -833·1160 Rock -Dancing Night!~· DELANEY'S 630 Lido Park Drive Newport Beach -675-3145 Honey Bees FIVE CROWNS RESTAlJRANT 3801 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar 790-0331 Mary Lou O'Toole Showcase Singers FOXHUNTER 17927 MacArthur Blvd. Irvine -549-8728 Dancing Nightly Variety THEGAU.EY 34734 S. Coast Highway Capistrano Beach 661-6243 GOLDEN JlEAll 306 Coast Klghway Huntington Beach 536-9600 HARPOON HENRY'S 25062 Del Prado Dana Point -493·2933 HOTEL LAGUNA 425 S. Coast Highway Lacuna Beach -494-llSt Newport Beach -675-3333 Entertainment Nightly CROSS ROADS HUNGRY TIGEA 18050 Brookhurst St. 3201 E. Coast Highway BLUE PAIUlOT Fountain Valley 963'67t_i Corona del Mar -675-7575 D,.anclng Nightly South Coast Plaza Hotel Costa Mesa -540.2500 Dancing Nightly CROWN HOUSE BOARDWALK 32802 S. Coast Highway Laguna Niguel -499-2626 M~ic Nightly 1516 S. Coast Highway ~ . •. •t1umorand aoticillD in a tender and entataining work~ ------- II. "BOOGENES;' "ARTHUR".._ .. TIME 8AIDTI" tNt I CH A BOD'S 18512 Beach Blvd. JiuaUngton Beach - 541-6331 IVY HOtJSE 384 Forest Ave. Laguna Beach 494-9491 Dancin& Nightly JEllEMIMl'S STEAKHOUSE 8901 Warner Ave. Huntington Beach 848·2662 Music Nightly J .P . MAC'S 10142 Adams Ave. Huntington Beach 963-7829 Country Rock Nightly LAFFSTOP 2122 Bristol St Santa Ana -751· 7867 Comedy Stars Nightly LAGUNA STAR DISCO 1164 S. Coast Highway Laguna Beach -494·8564 llAR&JOTT HOTEL Newport Center Drive Newport Beach -640·4000 Entertainment & Dancing Nightly McCONAHAY'S 725 W. Baker St. Costa Mesa 540-5061 Disco Dancing McCORMICK'S LANDING 3180 Airway Ave. Newport Beach -546·9880 Rock"n Roll Dancing Nightly MEDLEY'S 18744 Brookhurst St. Fountain Valley -963-2366 Dining and Showcase Entertainment 7 nights a week MISSOlJllJ COMPROMJSE 23020 Lake Forest Or Laguna Hills 855-4248 MOONllAKER 18542 MacArthur Blvd Irvine -833·9600 MULDOON$ 202 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach -640·4110 MUSTANG AANCH 428 17th Street Costa Mesa 631·2331 Dancing Nightly Country Rock NE\VPORTER INN 1107 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -644·1700 Dancing Nightly • OH BROTHERS 199 N Coast Highwuy Laguna Beach -497·5011 OLD WORLD 7561 Center Street Huntington Beach - 897-1470 Live Entertainment Nightly PANHANDLER 34130 S. Coast Highwa~· Dana Point 661·6688 PLANIUIOtJSE 6060 Warner Ave. ~ Huntington Beach 842·5111 PLANKJIOlJSE 18872 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach - 964-2786 PLUSH FOX 25192 Cabot Rnad Laguna H111s -830-8220 RONSTADT'S 719 W. 19th St. Costa Mesa 642-2973 Live Countrv Rock Nightly . QUI ET WOMAN 696 S. Coast Highwa,· Laguna Beach 494-0162 RED ONION 2406 Newport Blvd. Nl!wport Beach -675-2244 Rock, Reggae. Var ieh· Call for ~hedule · REGISTRY HOTEL 18800 MacArthur Blvd Irvine 7S2-tr777 Dancing Nightly RENDEZVOlJS II 7492 Edinger Ave. Huntington Beach 847-4300 • - REUBEN'S lSSS Adams Ave. Costa Mesa 540-9672 REUBEN E. LEE ISi E. Coast Hlghwav Newport Beach 67S-S81 l Entertainment Night!\ and Sunday ~ SANDPIPER 1183 S. Coast Highway Laguna Beach 494-4694 -STUDIO CAFE 100 Main Street Balboa Peninsula 675-7760 SUTTER'S MILL 7891 Warner A\·e. Huntington Beach 848-8860 - SWIZZLESTICK 19022 Brookt.urst St. Huntington &>ach 968-5022 - TERRY'S 2901 Harbor Bl,•d F1>uotain Valle~· -7M·9'3 T.C. PEPPERt'ORS'S 8052 Stark St. Huntington Beach - 842-5535 WAREHOUSE 3450 Via Oporto Neweort Beach 673-4700 \\'fllSTLE STOP 31952 Oel Obispo San Juan Capistrano 493-2227 \VHITE HOUSE 340 S. Coast lhghwa' Laguna Beach 494·8088 BEST PICTURE . OF THE YEAR -New Tera. O:lllc:I Award NaltoDal loald CIC ....W. Awmd 7 GOLDEN GI.OBE NOMINATIONS ... 'Golden Pond' From Page 4 As Chelsea, Jane Fonda brings a nervous Ji! to the whole prOduction, stte's 'like a tic in a'n otherwise peaceful face. Fonda seems to gel hi)her strung the older she gets; you can feel the ulcers bleed!ng wh~n she looks at Norman and wond ers how she failed him as a dau$Zhter. For the few ~orheats he 's o nsc r een. Dabney Coleman seems to let in fresh air with · him. I haven't seen a-n affable, backwoods kind or character show su.ch cool cunning since E:M. Spr a dlin's portrayal of Senator Geary in ... Godfather IL" When Billy R1ly thinks .that Norman is trying to humiliate him , his face drops slowly and a Sou9errl rage seems to be coming to a slow boil inside him. It's the only time in the movie when any real anger shows. With all the lofty sentiment around him, we need it. ... "l':f aster{u1,, -L.A. Times, Sheila Benson "Wonderful" -Newsweek Maga.tine, Jack Kroll A LAOO ~y ANO WAINER llAOS.lllUAa , .... --·~O•.,,...•c~c~ I'~ -· .. -to•l.-~--......._ MATINEES SATURDAY I SUNDAY Warren Butty CHARIOTS OF Dianne Keaton FIRE (PG) REOS (PG) Shows at 6:00 Sho~tp=9:00 8:2010:35 No Economy 5"1109 Richtfd Dreyfuss MIOSEUFEIS ITUYWAY(R) 6:008:2010:40 Paul Newman AdEllCEOF llAUCf (R) Sttows at 5:45 1O:t5 SftNll "9wt•w at 1:00 Aftal111ionery CINE·FI SOUND 11 Driw-in Below Yo"' AM Car' R.clio 11 yow ......... II 010 AM -oedio •"" .,_ _., ...,._ .... ,.. ___ ,CH\MI .. Geo~-~· Scott TAl'I (PG). > I 0 l ... (PG) Mort!n f 1irchild TllE SEIKTI• (R) .._.TemfR) 2::t2.-...._,,G, -..Tefillll(P&) • No'-' •EIU.Rl(R) r-.... (PG) 15 • • • Nick's in Costa Mesa ~ 2 From Page 13 weather. Zwe hav&lhe Santa Ana wincb, J'm in trouble. And, this morning, because of the rain I had to wail until about noon to mix the dougb SC). il'il come out right." Taking his philosophy of rresb products one step f11rtber, Fodera said he just bought a six-acre farm in Rancho California where he plans to grow his own vegetables. _ "I cleared with a tractor the whole land," be s aid. "I'm going lo plant half avocado and half vegetables for the piiza -tomatoes are number one, then carrots, onion, farlic, green pepper, Italian parsley because It's got more flavor than the American." Interupted by a customer who asked bow he'd have ti me to work the farm if he wu busy r11nning GOLDEN GLOBE NOMINATION BEST DIRECTOR-Steven Sple ...... ---- olMIUll ICMll l C:.ST l'UlA So..t~ Co.Kl Plv• Cosl• "''" llWlllU UMHIDI rOllllTA• tllLIT WllOlllllDGI \•6 7111 ,...,..,Y ...... 11'1 1'>00 h tt H I ot~~ ·c:-0o...,..~~"'~ io-i. • .._IDMIWr IT...utl •ft·I• .o•-.-. ACCP1"D •-o< bl'illll • .,..,__ *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru S1turd1y All PerlormancH before 5:00 PM (bcept Sptelll E1ttaf11N11t1 1nd Hol~1y1I l~ MlilA.(1 • lt.4Al1 Muooo or t osocrons LA MIRADA WAlk·IN 99,·24'00 -C.8'9'T•,___,.. "TAPl"INI .... -. .... -.- -.. -Mii 1 IJT-tAf --•nr•1n __ , ------···---.. -. ...... MDI" ...... - LAKEWOOD CE NTER WALK I~ u--·--"OM QOU)«N ~· .,_ ....... --.f'Sel ..... _o._., __ __ "T~ .. ,.. ·-----·- LAl<EWOOD CE NTUl SOUTH WAl• .. ---·.a.Au. "RAIO!"I 0, THE LOIT 4"K" ---" ·-....... ",..._ ..... ...._._._ "WHOll Lll'I II IT ANYWAY?" ....... _,,.,_ 11111 i --· 11tHMtKY'I MAC:MINE"" 11111 ..... -.-.... - foc1.111y or ConolewoOd 213/531·9510 .. -....... -...... -..,.. .... ....... :::: .. ___ ........ ,.. - -... .. ,_DI .. _ 11:11 ...... --· "IHAAKY'I MACMNl" 11111 .-. ............ - Soutfl Cooal Hlwoy ) al lfoodwat ~1114 • the pizza shop, Fodera exclaimed, "I gotta two ~ dayJ olf,.resner;obt!r." i The restaurant is open from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m .. ~f Tuesdays thrOUgh Saturdays with Nick Fodtta always holding court in his kitchen. Fodera samoney. I no complain," be said,s his ~ b11Siness "means everything" to hlm. pointing to a Q. customer and adding, "This man, be brings me 1S ~ to 20 people al a time." (_ What makes Nick's so special? Fodera thinks !: its the fresh, blab quaJity or his food . fi • Thal may be so, but Fodera himself is an -< attraction that keeps them coming back where a ~ c11stomer might catch him bursting into a choru.S or "O Solo Mio" offering philosophy about life or ~ barking at whomever. •1lf I don't yell," he said, I'm gonna die." ,ACIFIC THUT"U ORIVE·IN S*' MEETS SINTCN ·-llKU -Sil .. Tiil tAf lT HA"IOll ILVO ORIYf·IN & ORANGE OlllVf·IN • .. ,., .... , ........ $_, ' fllH-~UAl-•St- ... ,.,,:..,, 0.•1:16 IM w 6:00'"-'1...,,.8:•6 IMPORTANT MOJICE! C .. Jt30n1UN UNDUI 1i fRH! """' Mf .,. ...... 111/u '" .,; • Sil S.o Ntfs ''30l'tl Clllf." -• 'IOIJll .. I..~ MOIO TS '1111111 SPlAl!9I ,. llO .. CM IUIOll Wlll OlllOI .llD'SSGIR' .,,. _..,.. • 1'111111111.l r•llU c.-A ....,_ m 1111 • MlllD .. ~ .. .,.i ~ ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN --·--"DEA TI4 VAlilY" 111t -"MOTt.l. HELL" 1111 f ... •OY ti OI ~-SI . 179-9150 C"lf rt SOOllO --.'tt~Y'-_,,.,.., llt..,,.1---.--· "STMTflEi';-... ----"THE FINAL~Nf'LICT' lltl ,..,,a'KILL IOUAO" 11t1 ··MAHtAC MANSION"_, ''f'ANTAMS" 11111 CINt II $OllllO Clllt '' loOUflD 'L'~A P A'-111 BUENA PAR K DlllVf IN ---~·--··· '1'ffl 8000Ull" 11t1 -l•"<oln Ave Weil o1 ltftott "THEY CAm fROfr' WITHIN" 11111 121-4070 ~ ... t ""'A ~A'-• LINCOLN ORIVE·IN l•ncotf' Av• WeM of rnott 121·4070 .,_.r'-.o'M ~~·f W Hl ·WAY 39 ClllYf '" , '1 • A HA~" A LA HABRA DlllVE IH ·---·--·---171-1 .. 2 .. .... ,. ORANGE D?IVf IN _,_ __ lO,.U -fMa "GHOST STORY" 1111 -'"THE HOWLING" lllJ MOTlfttlA-~ "DEATH VALLEY" 11111 -"MOTEL HELL" 1111 C•~l JI SOUJIO lleotn &l•O SO Of G.110.n GIOYt lletwoy 191-3693 ... --·--•1)H OOl.DeJt .-oNO'' --. "HEA~N CAN WAIT" -., l:•·rt SOU111> ----.-...--"THE RDUCTION" ..-. -"LOOKQ " 1N1 Ctlll fl SOUNO u-----"OH OOU>EN ll'ONO" --"HEAVEN CAN WAtr · " Sonto AftO ,,.,,. • Slole C oueoe 551·7022 ~ ""~# '4~--.,. ~·!t:. . a..eia-a-e--.• -_--..._-............ ~ --~·--··· -tlllt "TMI ~NI" 111t "a...dl a a.o.e·a Nnt ...,,.. .. --"'1'MIY ~ MOii WiTHiN'' t111t "UP IN IMOICI" " . ~ •, ... ' MISS ION DlllVE IN ..... _C._.,·---"TAn" ... -p M,,. CAIWM>MALL RUN" .,... • .. • ......---:-- J6 i • -' ~ ~ • ~ c Clll .., ~ ~ ~ ~ ..: ~ QI I :§ . 0: • .. A Different Wortd. A Special Pr.c.. CATALINA 111rer-.n.a. ...... ~ ~....,.,., 11• ,,, 211-1»-4621 ...,...,,....""'fl ne.w .1u ~H -Of 1111 TITANS •••/'";~·~ NOW YOUR'S FOR PREVIEW OR PURCHASE NEW RELEASES APOCOL YPSE NOW WHITE LIGHTENING THA T'S EN TERTAINMENT PART II SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS THE CRUEL SEA LOGAN'S RUN A HUGE SELECTION OF MOVIE HITS t ... CIUOtNG • "'OS l ALGI A • llllGIOUS • CltllOHNS • AOVI l T A'IS •VCIS • llG SCUENS • COlOI CAMlUS • COlOll TVS • VIOfO GAMIS • ACCESSOlllS ONE STOP FOR All YOUR VIDEO NEEDS 369 East Stt•ttnr##mlh Strttttt Cost" Mesa C11Morma 92627 f71 4J 631 STOP or 631 7867 ACROSS FROM RALPH'S HANlllON '°"o "DEATH VALLEY" (A) . . rplU --IN nK ,"WHOSE LIFE ., AU IS IT • ~-' ANYWAY?" (It) \ --.. ---.. -. ........ 6ftLLIPDLI ,....., .. ,_ .. _ .......... -...-.. ''SEDUCTION" (R) -----f·d w.i rd.<-:~, L! ~.~ ! ~~ T 0 N 8-l 8. 0388 ---"WHOSE LIFE IS IT ANYWAY?",., ,__. UUYNll Alf;ICE llAUCE "llm• ______ ,'°_ ... __ ,. .... UUY AIU AllEICE OF llMICE ·==· ._ .. _, __ ·---"WHOSE ltfE IS IT ANY*AY?" ... , .. _ ... -= ....... ·-· .:...... -----t·dw.11d<. VIEJO TWIN .. ' .: .... ~ .. ' 830-6990 . . ' tt • \ -.1 _, ---··dw.tr d'> CINEMA , :. ' 546-3102 ~-- -1:-.-.-... ,_,_1:11, ""' ,,, ....... ·- ---"WHORLIFE II IT ANYWAY?" .., --... _,..., .. ,.,_ "AIRPLANE'' ....... ,.. _.,..,., ----Ml.-.. -....... ... ...__ y --·---- OellJ ,., ... l'tle• lly Gery •-- THE VIEW FROM ORANGE COUNTY Eve n Southe rn California hasn 't escaped the snow and cold weather so familiar this winter throughout the U.S. Everything is relative, of course While residents of other parts of the county struggle through record cold. Orange Counlians can stand back and admire winter 's beauty from afar. This photo was made :tbout 8 o'clock this morning from the 10th floor of Irvine's Registry Hotel with the aid of a 300 mm lens a nd a red filter The plane hl'aded for J ohn Waynl' Airport was provided <.'ourtesy of AirC<tl. The snow~· manlll' on the San Ga briel Mount<1 tns was provtd<.'d <·ourt<.·..,~· of ~other Nature. ••••• ORAIGI COAST · YOUR HOMITDWN DAILY PAPER FRIDAY . JANUARY 22. 1982 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 2!l C E Nl S '81 inflation rate loweSt • SID Ce '77 WA S HI NGTON <AP l - Inflation rose 8.9 percent last year, the smallest increase in four years, the government reported today. Analysts said the recession was large ly responsible for the tumble from 1980's 12.4 percent. Inflation closed out 1981 with a 0 .4 per ce nt i n crease in 'December, about the same as in the previous 'two mont hs, the Labor Department said. Mo rtg age i nterest rates declined in December for the first lime since September 1980, but housing prices picked up s lightl y after falli ng in November. The overall improvement in infla tion aJso was reflected in the .Labor Department's repoft last week that inflation, as measured at the wholesale level. rose 7 percent last year, also the slowest rise since 1977. The Consumer Price Index released today checks costs for a broader range of items than does the wholesale survey. The 8.9 percent climb in the CPI for 1981 was also well below the 13.3 ~cent of 1979. The index rose 9 percent in 1978 and 6.8 percent in 1977. All majo r cat egories o f con s umer s pending excep t medical care registered smaller Increases In 1981 than in 1980," the department's report said. A sharp fall in food price increases and moderating -~· ........ SNOW, SNOW EVERYWHERE T :11 s computer map shows the average s now cover for the Northerh He misphere tor the wee~ o.f J a n . 11·17. Last week's s now cover exten<tect fart her south over North America than any . time ip the last 17 ye<1rs of satellite coverage. j No letup • ID East storm By The Auoclaled Pre11 A storm moved east toward the Rockies today. while the Midwest's second arctic storm in three days had forecasters urging Minnesotans to stock up on food. Hundreds of schools were forced to c lose and h ighway vlalbility was cut to near zero as the s now and high winds wh i pped I nt o south e rn llinneeota. Up to 10 lnchea of snow and bll11ard -llke conditions we r e expected ln tome part.a of tbe stale, and the N•UonaJ Weather Servlee said tbe storm bad the potenUaJ of bein1 the wont Lhi• winter. ,. Forecasters warn~d residents of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania that the storm was heading east. Snow, sleet and freezing raln coated hig hways today ln Nebraska, Missouri a na Kansas with ice, forcln1 many Nebraska a nd Kansas schools to close. Near-bliuard conditions, and up to 12 lnc!hes of s now, were forecast in parts of Nebraska by the end of the day. All bul 12 of West Vir1inla'1 55 counUea were warned lo watch for flaab floodtn1 overni1ht, wblle the rest of tbe stale wu warned of a winter storm tb9l could leave behind 2·4 lnohll ol --------. s n ow before c h a n gi n g to freezing rain. · A rtas.h flood watch was posted • for the entire s tate of Kentucky. Forecasters said they expected 1-3 inches of rain to fall today. Meanwhile, bitterly cold air struck again. New York Cit.¥ residents shivered in 8 degree temp e ratures , w hile the Nation a l Weathe r Ser vice reported that winds made tern p eratures ln eastern Montana feel Uke 60 below. A snows torm In the East dumped up to S Inches of snow oa Wuhiqton, D.C., Thursday an~ smothered Maryland wltb (See SNOW, Pa1e Al>. transportation and housing price inc r eases. "we re largely responsible for the slowdown in t h e ove r a ll C P I ," the department said. For the year . food prices rose 4.3 percent, orr from the 10.1 p e r cen t jump o f 1980 ; t rans portation prices rose 11 percent. down from 14.7 percent in the preceding year; hous ing prices rose 10 2 percent, down rrom the 13 7 pe rcent rise or 1980 But medical c ar e cost s climbed L2.5 percent. up from the 10 percent 1ump of the pr evious year. Ente rtainment costs were up 7.2 percent. White House spokesman Larry Speakes said : "We welcome the yea r end res ult o n t hi s key 1nd1 oator of progress againl>t infla tion. A 3 perceni drop in the CPI is substantial progress.·· Gasoline prices, which s urged 52 2 percent in 1979 after the Madd ie East price boosts, rose 9 4 perct:nl l.i ... t )ea r. down from the 18 9 1>NCl·nt of 1980 Tht-ovl'r.ill 1mprovl•ment for 198 1 wa l-o h<'lµe d by the seasonall) ad1ust1:d CJ 4 advance 1n December. wh1l'h would be 5.2 percent 1f thl· rate persisted for 12 straight month'> d<'1>art mcnt 0Hl l'1ab sa1c1 The department ralculatcs its a nnual l'Xlr.ipolalion of the m onthly ratt• from a more precise monthly cal culation than thC' numbt·r 1t rt>lea ... cs Takeoff rule challenged Riley urges FAA to reconsider 1,000-foot cutback By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of I ... D•ty ...... SUIH Or ange County Supervisor Thomas Riley 1s encouraging th e F e d eral Aviat i o n Administration lo rethink its recent decision forbidding pilots of commercial jets from using * . * * . n o 1s c ·limi t ing tak eo ll procedures when departing from John Wayne Airport In a letter to \he ll'AA this week, Riley s aid he is .. not satis fi ed " wi th the aRency 's decision lo reqalre that all jets be brought to .an altitude of 1.000 * * * ~CAG urges study of' T6ro airport T here has been a new caU for use of the El Toro Marine Corps Air Slalion as a site for a new Southern California regional airport. It came Thursday afternoon from a regional airport study committee or the Southern C a liforni ~ Asso c iation o r G ove rnm e nt s, a Lo s Angele s ·ba se d i n ter govern m e ntal p la nning agency. SCAG committee members said the technical -not political feasibility of conversion of El Toro from military to civilian use s hould be studied due to what w e re te rm e d ever ·escalating cost esUmates for construction or a regional airport at other locations. The Marine Corps is on record as opposing any consideration of El Toro for use as a commercial ai rport. So is Rep. Robert Badham, R-Newport Beach, a ranking member or the House Armed Services Committee. The base is In his district. The SCAG committee dropped El Toro from consideration two years ago. Jt has continued s tudy of other sites, including Camp Pendleton in north San Diego County and Santiago Canyon east or Orange. The committee's decision to renew ~ideraUon of El Toro comes in the wake or slmUar action by a separate committee looking Into Orange County's airport needs. ' The so-called "blue ribbon" re1ionaJ airport site aelecUon s tudy committee formed by county supervisors last year hu s ucgested lha t El Toro's malltary operations should be ~ relocated. The committee said moving El Toro wouJd Cree up airspace and thus ease any potential in-the-air conflicts with traffic from a regional airport in Santiago Canyon But the panel left the door open for consid er ation of El Toro as the regional airport site s ho uld sites like Santiago Canyon prove unacceptable. Schmitz s ued by feminist LOS ANGELES CAP ) Fem inist attorney Gloria Allred sued state Sen. J ohn Schmitz today for $10 million, cla1ming the Corona del Mar Republican libeled her by calling her a "slick butch lawyeress" in a press release. "T he r tHease . . . Senator Schmil.2 Survives the Attack or th e Bulldlkes <sic ) ... purported to describe witnesses who testified at Senate hearincs which he he ld ... on his proposed state Human Life Am endme nt , whi c h would outlaw abortion," Allred said in a prepa r ed s tate m e n t. "Although many 1roups were maligned by the senator, 1 was the only witness singled out . . ·. and specifically named, aa he personally attacked me.· In the press release, she said, Scbmllz c laimed he was "molesteCI by a s lfck butch lawyeress, Gloria Allred, who threw a chuUty bell •t me." The chastity bell Incident was widely reported •t the time. ' .. feel beforl' Jt'l lhru:--l 1s reduced ~ T h l' C ,, u n l \ B n a r d o f Supt>rv1!'-nr ... and count} a1rvort 11 fr1 c 1al ~ h a d been ~ce k1ng pcrm1 ~s 1 o n l o l n we r t he threshnlc1 altitude to 500 feet. Suc h a movr . they contend, would n •<lu<'l' noi se heard by resi~cnts ll\•1ng under takeoff paths T he F I\ not1f1ed th<• county Frida} that 11 wou ld not permit a chang(' In a letter to county o rr1 c 1:.1l s. a n a~c nc y ad m in1~tral11r said lhl' cutback procedure could in c rease hazard ~ If tht• airc raft expe ril'nn·d t hl' l o~s of a n engine• In hi s n•ply letter 10 the agency. R1 Icy r>roposed th al the federal government cons ider granti n g a variance to the count v to d eviate from the 1.000 ftlOl standa rd. Ril ey is suggesting that twin engine BoC'ing 737s and DC·9·30S now operated from the airport bP required to stick wilh•lhe 1.000 ·foot cut back procedure. This 1s because the flight crew mus t manually bring the remaining engi ne up to full power ir tht• other loses power on takeoff The variance s hould apply to (See AIRPORT, Page AZ> DRANGI COAST WEATHER Fair through Saturday. Slightly warmer lllghs 64 to 68. Over night lows 42 to 50 . INSIOI TODAY • Which team wilt win t~ Super Bowl? Local resuhnt$ give their picks. See Page Cl . , INDEX L.M.-.,._ Al ........... , ~ AJ c......... c .. u c~. •• CIMIWWf M O.••Nelk" .. • ........ M ·~ 7RJ1°1181 "'......, .. ..__ 81 .. __. .. Wll° Ou ................ . ........ I I, 1 • -' • Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, January 22, 1982 Amtrak offers· ·-SD-LA rail fare ·discounts Orange Coast residents can Amtrak reservations clerk. cash in on substantial round-trip Tom Jenklll.S, director of the rare discounts frqm February tO Orange County Transportation late April on Amtrak paasencer Commission, said today Amtrak trains running between Los ortlcials are looking at the Santa Angeles and San Diego. Ana Freeway and possible new The discounts, just short of ~ s o u t h c o u n t y r r e e w a y percent, were announced alignments as routes where the Thursday by Amtrak otriclals at bullet train could be built. a press conference in Los Unlike other trans portation Angeles prior t.o a speclal train s ystems which t raditjnnall)' ~~--~--t--f'1t'tlr-:ot0ttth-to San-Dteco-io-operate at a loss, be said bullet s p otlight the service and trains have proved to be communities along the route. profitable in Japan, where the Officials also said they are technology wis developed. The serious I y e xamining the train Is Intended t.o run from Los potential to add an entirely new Angeles t.o San Di ego in about 75 route, probably along freeway minutes, including a few station right-of-way, for Japanese-made stops, he sajd. bullet trains that can move as rast as 150 mph. c Related story, AJ .) T he fare discount will go into effect on Feb. 1 through April 24 (e xcept for Easter dates of April 9-1 U as Amtrak tries to boost its passenger figures, which fell by 3 percent from 1.2 million in 1980, s aid Ira Silverman, marketing direct.or. When it begins, the us ual SHIMO round-trip from Santa Ana to Los Angeles will be reduced to SS. and the $20.40 round-trip to While the special train run was considered a highlight for Amtrak and many communities, such as Irvine, which used It t.o s h ow off ne w pla n s for a transportation center, it was a fiasco for Buena Park officials. Waiting 200 s trong for the train to stop in their city, they watched it bun past without a chance to stage an elaborate produ c ti on , inc luding a "holdup" by costumed cowboys from Knoll's Berry Farm. CLEAR AND CRISP Seagulls dot the are a .below Heisler Park in Laguna Beach and clouds take on the look of an INlf• -_.., ......... 0'-11 artist 's cr eation. as a man. woman and dog walk tht> beach on a brisk. sunny winter day. San Diego will be Sl6. Discounts won 't be offered for one-way trips, according to an · · 1 guess you h ave to take things like this with a sense or humor .·· mus e d one or the di rec t o rs . fwhlte House making attempt to verify Reagan information ...... ---, -...._. , WASHINGTON (AP) -The s peec h es 0 r at new s Reagan was misinformed when "approves what -.ve've done so were Reagan's press conference working in December 1980 and r hite House is making "a conferences. he said $.50,000 was s aved !Sy fa r " in orde ring econom ir s tatements that employment 97,188,000 employed a year later. \ ood-faitb effort" to ensure the eliminating administrative help sahclions agains t Poland and had increased in 1981. that riscaJ The Defe n se Department ccuracy of information before Gergen made the comment and using volunteers. the Soviet Union 1982 defense spending takes a estimates Ciscal 1982 spending r esident Reagan uses it in his after questions were raised . . It . . smaller percentage or the g·ross will be 5.7 percent or the GNP, , ublic s tatements, White House a b out R e a g an ' s r ecen t , Gergen sa~d. th~ White House A h 0 u g h .th .e Va ti c a n national product than in fiscal up from 5.5 percent the previous ommunications director David statements about a program in call.e~ an offt~ial ID Tucso'"!, who responded ~Y. ~aymg the pope 1981 ; and that the steel industry ye a r . A s t e e I industry . Gergen says. Arizona to reed the elderly and verified the C1gu~e before it was had not .spec1f1cally e ndorsed ~e i s e m b a r Jc. i n ·g o n a spokesman said Reagan used • Pope John Paul ll's s upport of used ~Y Reagan ID ~ s peech last · s an c t i 0 n s · .? er g e n s a 1 d m ultibillioo-dollar e~ansion the word .. e x pans ion" t oo U.S. actions in response to week'" New York City. Thursday that . we do ~land by plan loosely, and an industry analyst Gergen t o ld r eporte r s Thursday that a research group tries to verify information before the president uses it in RPO RT. • • e new OC-9 Super 80s, Riley · aid. Super 80s are eq_uipped ith a computerized system that utomatically brin g s the maining engine to full power ' hould the other engine die out. • "Certainly this characteristic or the Super 80 would be a significant consideration if there was an oppo rtunity for a variance or a specific aircraft type , .. the Supervisor said in the letter drafted by his aide. Ken Hail. "I think we m ight have a shot at it," HaJI said today. A S()(Hoot standa rd was in' e ffect at the a irport until January, 1979, whe n it was modified to 1,000-feet by the FAA. The increased c utback J altitude effectively doubled the 1!;ize of the high noise impact ltone in residential areas south or •the airport's 5,700-foot long jet t:runway. 1 At the county's invitation, the ,.f'AA last fa ll conducted an ,.evaluation or three different ;i;:u tbac k procedures al the .,airport. One involved a power nfeduction at 700 feet, two others 14nvolved reductions of differing magnitudes at 1,000 feet. After releasing the results of at evaluation. FAA Associate dminislrator Donald Segner aid the cutback altitude would lowered t.o a height above the round of between 400 and 700 eel. His rema rks immed iately frew concern from Newport each and Santa Ana Heights esidents about the s afety of uch a procedure. Despite his comments. Segner aid in his last letter that the ,000-foot standard will remain effect. ·'This conclus ion does not Iler our basic emphasis on viatlon noise abatement," egner said in the letter. 'However , all considerations ust be viewea as secondary to afety." m artiallawinPoland. what the .p resident said about . s aid h e kne w o r n o su c h Tuesday, Reagan t o ld his the letter . multi·b1.11,·0 n·dollar 1 n Tucson , t h e program news conference that the pope Official government figures e xpans ion director.Frances Freem an, said said in a Jan. 4 letter that he Also questioned this week s howed 97,282,000 peop l e plan. Mountain roads re ope n; c hains needed From Page A1 SNOW. Roads to mountain resorts in the San Be rnardino and San Gabriel Mounta ins opened today. But don't try to make a run to ~e s now without taking tire chaJllS. Th e c._1 ifo1 ni a Hi ghway Patrol said state routes 18, 38 and 330 in the Crestline-Lake Arrowhead· Running Springs-Big Bear area are open. Cha ins are required above 4,000 feet. Highway s 2 a nd 138 to Wrightwood a lso are open Chains also are ,required on !hose roads. Interstate 15 over Cajon Pass. the major route to Las Vegas and Sall Lake City, is open without re~trictions. The highway patrol -;aid its te lephone lines ha ve been b~sleged by callers seeking c urre nt r oa d c ond itio n information. This week's storm brought up to 3 feet or snow at s o m e South e rn California mountain locations. As for the volume of traffic to the mountain areas. one officer said. "It's a zoo up there." T he weather for weekend tra\lelers promises to be fair and s li ghtly warmer in the daylight hours . T e mp era tures in the mountains will be in the mid·30s, dipping lo 20 degrees at night. Coastal temperatures will only rea c h the low 60s, wi th overnight lows near 40. • • up to 7 inches of snow, forcing President Reagan to cancel a visit to Baltimore. New York City got less than an inch. A grim mixture of fog, drizzle and grainy snow ke pt pl anes from landing al Will Rogers World rurport and Tinker rur Force Base in Oklahoma. OCTD 'driver chai-ged in sex • nun or T he s torm s pread tnlo the north-central regions. dumping up to 11 2 feet or snow on Utah's mountains . Light snow fell Thursday on Minneapolis. wh ich was digging out from a record 17 .1-inch snowfall in a 14-hour per iod ending Wednesday. An Orange County Transit Distrir t bus driver was charged Thur,sday with having unlawful t .. t sex u al r elat io n s with a 14·year-old female passenge r while his bus was pa rlced near Traffic injuries -1 atal t .o man, 78 An elderly Los Angeles man die d Thurs da y o f injuries s uffered Dec. 26 when he was struck by a car while running across the northbound lanes of the San Diego Freeway in El Toro. according to the California Highway Patrol. Officer Dick Van Cott of the CHP's Capistrano office said Nathan Dancer . 78, died at 3:48 a.m . at Western Medical Center in Santa Ana. Van Coll said Da ncer was hit by a vehicle driven by Robert Assadolirian. 25, of Sherman Oaks. who was traveling north a t about 50 mph when the accident occurred. Va n Colt s aid Dancer had parked his disabled car on the Soviets in de nia l MOSCOW CAP) -The Soviet Un ion's leading n e wspaper today rejected charges by the Reagan admfnis tration that Soviet forces have used chemical weapons in Southeast Asia and Afghanistan. ---~ center divider or the freeway near El Toro Road and was tr ying to run across t he four freeway lanes in moderate to heavy traffic when he was hit by Assadolirian. No room; 3 tige r s kille d COPENHAGEN, De nma rk <AP > -The Copenhagen Zoo had no more room . so it kjJled three "perfectly m agnificent'' Bengal tigers when no other zoos would give them a home. ·'The tiger is a threatened species in India," zoo director Bent Joergensen said Thursday. ''But in the zoos there is increasing overpopulation." The 18-month -old animals were killed by painless Injection, Joergensen said. The killings caused a stir in a Danish animal protection 1soclety, whi ch protested that the deaths were "senseless." the Huntington Beach City Pier. Huntington Beach police Lt. Merle Schneblin said the driver, Robert Mitchell Porter, 34, of Anaheim, wa s sched'1led for arraignment today in West Orange County Court on the charge or illegal intercourse with a minor. Schneblin said the dri v~r was arrested at 3 p.m. Thursday at his home b.y Anaheim police. He was placed in Anaheim jail in lieu or $10,000 bail Porter was arrested Jan. 12 after the 14-year-old Buena Park g irl told Huntington Beach police the driver had raped her. B u t P o r "t e r w a s n o t immediately charged in the inridenl and was released from custody,.officers said. According to Schneblin, the Ora n ge County Di s trict Attorney's orfice concluded Th utsday that there was insuffic ient evidence of forcible r ape and r eco"mme nded the lesser unla wful intercourse charge. Tr ansit district spokesman Jon Meade said Porter has been suspended from his bus driving job without pay. pending dispo~ition or the charge. ' F BI power boos ted WASHINGTON <Al» -The Reagan adminis tration bas s huffle d its anti-narcotics program, giving new authority to Ute FBI and s aying the battle against drug traffickers will bf' waged more e ffectively even though fewer Drug Enforcement Adminis tration agents are in the fi eld. JANUARY----~1 ~!u!!ER CLEARANCE qpJ ~ UPRIGHTS POWER DRIVE S CANNI STERS SHAMPOOERS ELECTRIC BROOMS M ... Type SALI PllCI $5301 $2039 249" Celebrity with powermattc nozzle 36999 49" Outk Broom . 6495 $2015. Oulk Broom...... . . , .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. 4495 37" U• 161·9' Convertible with heacfil9_ht. tQ2!_set1 ~p_eed ~ 18496 -·-· . .;;l:-;;4;-;i9.o"-====im=::..== ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CleHlfled edveftlslng 7141142-5671 nowseliJ off boobytrap8 ---=-=umr--Convertible With he•dhght & 2 speed . . . . . ....... · . 16495 --I ~ , U•151 Btue,2speedconvertlble ··-· ................... 13495 ..... .. Thomas P. Haley ~wo-11:.-0- Robert N. Weed ,.,...... Thomas A. Murphlne , .... Michael P Harvey -....~ L. Kay Schultz 0..-.0I~ Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. Cft-~ Bernard Schulman «:--. Charles H Loos ...,....._ C.rol A. Moore ........... All other depertrMnts 642-4321 • MUNI CH, West Germany (AP) -Heavy snowfall has triggered 1,500 East Gel'man boo by·trap mines along the fortified border between the West German, state or Bavaria and the ComrnunJat east, borCler' police said. Sometimet, a •POkeaman said Thursday, a •eries of mines 1oe1 off. sounding like an artillery barrage. He said mines •tarted blowing up in December after the first lar1te .nowfaU . U4l19 F5019 $1029 Camel convertible . . . . • • . . • .". • • . . 8995 79" Flooram1t1c scrubber & polisher . .. . . .. . . • • ...•.• -. 134t5 ·. · .. · · · · ff" Por1apower with wheel~ . . . . . . . . . .. . • . . • . . . . . . . . 9495 • 69;, $1015(1049 Portapower .. .'. . . . . . . . . ..................... · · 8495 59" Concept .,vilh cord rewind, power driver & heedllght • . . 32995 279" Con~t with headlight, 2 speed & powerdrlve. . . 25995 ••....... 199" 43189 Con~t power drive... • . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . 22995 · · · · · • · · • · ·• 179" CROWN HARDWARE e D Everythlno you want In • "'"'ware atore· z • WISTC&.llf 1024 IRVIPl AVE., flWPCJftT SCH. 642·1 I JJ • ~ YllW 1614 SM MIOO[l OR., NCWPORT BCH. 644-8170 Thu,. 111.t P.M . • COIOMA D& MAI 3107 E. COOT HWY·. 671-2100 •All ato'9t open 7 days• wHtl. • WMtcllN open ------------------ Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Frid1y, January 22, 1982 H/F . How u -repOrte·r got Off the right track By GUNN scon ol .. o.ity,... ..... For my nexl lrbsportatlon story. you can bet I'll be early. But Thursday, I wasn't and the Amtrak paaaeneer train rolled out of the Santa Ana depot without m e . l found only a lonely mariachi band still playin1 in a crisp breeze, a reminder of the restivilies 1 had missed. The occasion was a special train run from Los Angeles lo San Diego to call attention to planned improvements along the roule. The run is one or the nation's busiest, and several communities along it were planning to proudly display their new plans for multi -million dollar faoilities. 'd blown the assignment. The train was s upposed lo be full of civic leaders eager lo discuss their local plans. 1 was supposed to focus o n Irvine and Mission Viejo, where each community Is scheduled to scon add impressive new stations. . Ironically, I was late because I look too long interviewing some olher experts on how lo finance new lransporlallon improvements. Figuring the fe s tivities would delay the scheduJe, I arrived confidently seven minutes after normal departure time. The train, I learned, bad left seven minutes earlier. A yOlmg guy in a coat and tie broke the news. He said the next slop was in a field in the Irvine Industrial Complex·East, where that city~stal,ioais planned lo go. But. he suggest~ I pass on that stop and try to meet the train in San Juan Capistrano. It was a long way. but I wanted this story. ON TRACK -Irvine officials welcome a special Amtrak train at the eight-acre site where a $6.8 million transp0rtation center for rail and bus service is scheduled for A couple minutes later, I was weavinc through freeway traffic like a skier slidiDI through s lalom gates. The sun had edted through the storm clouds and I was walUn1 for the dramatic moment, just like in the movies, when I would spot the train 1littering ln the dist.anc~. then beat it to our destination. The train was to stop for five minutea in Irvine, so I figured to have a chance lo catch it. Zipping along in my car, I could imagine Mayor Deity .... ~WO.....,..,..._ construction. <This is what reporter would have seep if he hadn·t missed the train. Fortunately. the photographer was on time.> David Sills telling reporters how the Irvine station had just been ranked as Caltrans' top priority transportation center. He'd certainly mention that the Irvine Company had donated et1ht acres of land for the $6.8 milUon terminal, which might be completed as soon as 1983. I dlefl lulow so much abOuTMission V fejo's plans, except the station ls planned to be next to Cabot Road, and like Irvine's, it will be a ceRter for public buses as well as trains. l passed Irvine's well ltnown "Golden 'l'rhangle," the lalund created by the Jolnlnc of thrf'e freeways, where a huae commercial and retail complex is Pl•nned. I had lo wonder what that development will do to Oranae County'• traffic problems. A qui.rter mile later. I pused aometh1A1 J wish I hadn'l. a ubiquitous California Hlabway I Patrol car hidden in its black and white splendor among a pack of cars. It swuna l.n. behind me. Zap went the red Uthl. "I stopped you for speed,'' said tM officer. I banded him my llcenae and crumpled registration certificate. He had me. But I aUll had my adrenaJine flowing. I thought maybe he could grant me an exception this Ume becau.n it was my first moving violation and because, well, I had an honest reason for speeding. I'm no hot rodder. Then I remembered the stories I've written almost·daily about freewa traffic fatalities and.__. __ _ how the vi ctims' names anobometO"wns-fiilin artcr awhile to become just a blur, just a job. And the CHP news releases so often include the catch-phrase: "trave ling at a high rate of s peed." I just shut up. "How fas t did you have me going?" I nnally asked. We were parked on the shoulder near the Lake Forest Drive exit. "I had you at 66, ··he said. He handed back my license. While tuck~ at back into my wallet , I noticed the Amtrak schedul(\.l'd inserltld only two hours before. The tram ha?:( arrived in Capistrano six minutes earlier I couldn't have caught it anyway. "Be carerul when you re-entef lr~mc," the oHacer t.old me. No matter. I limped down the shoulder lo t he exit and headed back to lhe office. Whal a born b. All in an hour I had missed my story, driven like a madman through the busiest traffi_!:_jf1 the c.ou_nty and managed to earn my rirst s peeding ticket. Meanwhile, the train was continuin1 on its merry way south toward San Diego, a carlo.cl full of sources fading farther away each minute. survivable hit Oaim that nuclear • war 1s Cranston to investigate Pentagon official's push for civil defense LOS ANGELES (AP> -Sen. Alan Cranston, D-Calif., has announced a Senate committee will tnve s tigate an administration offici al 's statement that p r oper civil defense could revive the country quickly after an all·out nuclear war. The congressional oversight unit will question T.K. Jomee, deputy unders ecretary of d.efense for s trate gic a nd nuclear forces , about hi s comment that it would take only two to four years for the United States to fuJJy recover from such a war, Cranston said. Jones' remark was printe d las t weekend in the Los Angeles Times. "I want to know what's going on in s id e the R e agan administration. Are some people there trying to get us lo believe that nuclear war could be made ·acceptable' through civil de- fe nse?" Cranston said. He recalled testimony from Sidney Drell, deputy director of the St anford Linear Accelerator. who s aid Wednesday that a nuclear war would "shatter the entire fabric or our society." Cranston made his remarks in Los Angeles at the Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee hearing on n uc lea r arms control. Al the h e aring, the coordinator or a statewld~ anti-nuclear arms group called Cor dis missal of "federal officials wbo are aUempling to deceive the American people" by s aying civH defense can mute the impact or nuclear war. Harold Willens. head of the Fair skies statewide Bilateral Nuclear Arm s Freeze Initiative c ampaign , told l h e s ubcommittee that, "The American people are startine to see things in a new way." with the realization that, "lbe more devices of thermonuclear destruction we have, tllle less secure we are." "We need lo stop lbis laet tango in which the Soviets .and we seem lo be in a lock step toward death," he said. If the Soviet Union accepted s uch an agreement, it would s top testing, production arid further development of nuclear weapons, missiles, and delivery s ystems by both tbe United States and the Soviet Union, Willens said. Supporters are currently gathering sipaturee lo put the initiative on the expected ~\' Temperatures Coastal F elr ""°""" Sel-y Locel north lo ...n-..,._ U to H m1111 111 •r••• l»elow c•nyon' between Vet1hire -Sent• -k • IOf'li91>t de ueul110 S•Hiroev. Slightly wermer. C•••l•I low o to11l11h1. 111011 '-""Nv M. wet.. n I t1l e11d low so 1011111111. _hlell SatllrAy ... IE ltewflere, wind• M>Ulllwesl to ....-ttlwtst IS.U llnots thl• eve11lf111. tome Clouds but ..-tty l•lr thrOUQll ..... ._ .. U.S. summary A wl111w •torm sllll 11•tllerl119 st...,..tll co,......, nw _ .. ,,,. 01 New Mulco elld ArlrOfl• wllll • ..... , 1 • .,... of -, ..... ,, ....... 119111 -I.ii on "'9 nor111ffn llell of !tie lelM -~ 1..-kft r4!Qi0fl. Ml1111e .. t•t1• were urged by _.,,., loncMten to stock 1111 °" I .... et Ille 11erthern Mldwul't M<Oftd erctk storm '" lflrM city• mo...illntotMstete. Fr•dftl *1ule lell -K-, Oki ........ __ ..._ ___ 1111• IM m ld-Mlululppi vello ..,._, -llMH>denlorms _,.. scotlwMl lrwn <efltr•I Teus tllfOlllll Arll-ao the r.-.... velley. c._...,.. tllldl 1911 c-• .....ch of tM ma..Allelltic ,_, _ ui.s-. l•lrowr -~ Sftow -eiqlllC-l•lff lfl -dey from -fl0r1IW11 P'•IMU lllrougll th• 11orthern ltoOIH, the GrH I Lelle•' r....,., ,_.,.m -•lono ol !tie Otlle Veltey -t,. mlcl-At..,.llc coesl statn. Temper .. _ .. rly lodey r~ lrom rn11111s 11 deoreH 111 Greet Fells, Mont., lo 7J 111 a.-.svllle, Tn••· California .. .., ....... ...., ............ "' u H, AllNflY ·l ·S Albuc!w H 27 Am.rlllo M n .GI so ,,,_ ...... • lO 11 All..,te 11 .. 11 '° AtlMllC Ctv lO " Beltlmore 27 n .01 Blrrn6nQtlm U SS ,, Bltmercll .. .. OS BoiM 27 • JS BM ton 20 J Brow11sYlle .. n Buffelo 17 o•.o. Cllerlstn SC .. C5 Cllerlltt1WV " )C .02 Cho•-20 10 .10 2t 11 Clli<- Clfl<lnnell )5 2' ---"10 6• V\ O•r .-(.-.. ~ •• Clenl-26 7 .en Colu,,.._ lt " N-V-,. • Bty!M St Oel·Ft W1t\ .. '° .17 Oetlver :l.J 11 01 NorlOlll )7 ,. ... EowKe '2 Oe•Molne\ u ,, n Olole Cit\' ,. n .» F;-.. Detroit n 7 OmeN H 21 tc L-ester .. Ori-., S4 Ltl ....... l ,. Oul11lll " 10 01 Phlledptlie H u Mery•vllle .. El Peto .. JS Phoet1I• ., ,. .n Mof'tler•y .. Felr!Nfllls 11 0 Pll!Hur"' 2t " ...... , .. S7 Hertford " ·2 Pllend,Me " 0 ()ell-SI ... , .... • ·1' ... Pfl-.Ore Cl u .tJ ,._It_ .. -11111 7• .. 2 11 ltatlld Cit\' J ·I .02 lted 9lufl .. H-lofl ,. 67 "-J4 IS lt..,._Cltv '° , _ _. .. , 3S 21 ltk....,_ l4 JS .CM Seer-.. Ja<hnvlle IO S1 s.llL ... e JI ,. ... s.llM• .. J -•u • ' S..ttl• " n .CM SenDiatD ,. KeM Clly 2t 21 .OS St.Louis Jl Jt •• S-f'r-.:hco ,. l.9'V-so l3 StP·T.,... 71 M Sellta....,. S4 Lltlle ltock u ,. IJ St St•M«le J .,. ,., ..... 0 ~!Miii• .. n 5Pok•.,. . 2' " .CM Steclltoll " ........... .. ., .07 Tiii .. JS JS .62 TlwmtOI ,. Miami 75 70 w.111....., u n .H .., .. _ n Mltw....._ 22 " ,OJ Wl<lllle 21 t1 1J ...... ,. Mpt .. St.P 17 1) °' . ..._ JS NellWllle SS 0 ,. CAU~IUA CelellM u Hew Or-,, ff ......... -50 m L•keAr-1' Lone 9NCfl SJ • ~OA C...-ry SURF RIPOil IE'--........... Onewe It ..... . T-t• ?: -b n v--.._.,.. Tide1 We1re Listening ••• What do you lik'e about the Daily Pilot? Whal don't you Hile! "Call the number below and your meaaa1e will a.. recorded, transcribed and delivered to lhe appropriate editor. The same 24-hour answerin1 aenlce may be used to record a.l· lers .to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributon must lnch..Se their name and telep~e number for vertrlutlon. No cltllll•Uoft calla. plt!lise. . Tell us what's on your mind. "' Joi .S1 12 17 17 '" .. .. J2 "' m m n . .. 21 • • JO .Jl u .14 41 ,. ,. I'll m I'll .. • • • .. .. .. ·11 ·M .... tJ I ·• • -·It ·ti II .. ,. " ... ·• California biilot. If passed, it would urge Pr esident Reagan to propose such a freeze to the Soviet Union. The freeze would be an agreement that could be verified on both sides, Willens said. He said the freeze, along with Uae Strategic Arms Reduction Talks recently s ucgested by the pre1ideftt, "could rewrite arms control history.'' Cranston, the ranking Democrat on the subcommit~ee beade.I by Sea. Larry Pressler, R-S.D., said be intends to vote in favor of t be a rms -freeze in itiative , adding h e is concerned "that people don't rellly understand what a aYelear bolocau.st wouJd mean." Dr. Marvin Goldberger, presi4ent of the California Ins ti lute of Technology, told the su~mmittee hearing Thursday , that c ivil d e fen s e i s r "counter-productive from a psyct.ologicaJ standooint. "ll adds fuel to the delusion t hat you migh t be able to survive a nuclear war." he said. ffj! echoed leslimony thal was given by nuclear arms experts '·on Wednesday who debunked lhe idea that the United States or Soviet Union could wage a limited nuclear war. He s aid neither side could win such a war. "'There are only 5,000 cities and towns in the U.S. with populations over 5,000. The Soviets could take them all out and still have a few warheads left over . Tbere are about 240 cities in t.be Soviet Union with populations over 100,000. Two or -thre e of our Poseidon s ubm arines Ceach carrying about 160 warheads l c ould destroy them -and we have 20 Poseidons on patrol at all times." ,.,. ......... LOOK TO THE SKY -Seated a t his Assembly desk Thursday. Assemblym an Richa rd Robinson. D-Santa Ana. looked skyward during debate on bill that would triple pena lties on latt-state income taxes. Bill was approved by Assembly but rejected by Senate. At Robinson's right is Assemhlyman Norman Waters. D-Plymouth. A. capsule lesson in advanced legalese SPRINGFIELD, Ill. CAP> - Ask a simple question, get a simple answer in legalese. that is. ln the ca se of ·•Al var G. Lindberg. el al., respondents, vs. Beverly Bank, petitioner,•; the petitioner asked the llllinois Supreme Court "for leave lO file a motion for reconsideration of the order denying petition for leave to appeal." Justices denied the request Thursday. The s tate's highest court rarely explains why it grant.I 'OI' denies procedural requests. But justices appaienUy fell Bevel'ly Bank deserved more than a simple "yes" or a "no." "It is unnecessary to consider the motion by petitioner to allow its motion for leave to file a motion for reconsideration of lire order denying petition for leave to appeal lo stand as its motion for reconsideration," the court deciared, $ First Time Skiers * New Ski School ••. H ~ G E'~·s . E'I ~ ~,E',. b ~10. ~I '£ig1,,':'~t1 . • Let..-lntroduoe you to Skiing at the new -Ski School. Here's an easy way to start lkl~W. wfll ttlk• the mystery out of what your first time on skis will be like. Lecture, movie Ind inning lki technique wlll be presented. Equipment wlll be provided and dryl9nd In.eruct by a qualified Instructor. · W... 2IOO W. Cout Hwy. ~==h .._w...,..ylvenlngt ·--Adub111up n.1 .. Kldl,M7 n...e Pee: $15 For 2 Seaalona Hew: Call For ReterVattone 831·3144 LW: 20 people '.I 1 • ,H/F Orange Coast OAIL Y PILOT/Friday. January 22. 1982 ~oland continues inle~n"-policy WARSAW, Poland (AP> - Poland 's martial l aw 1overnment said today that int ernment or people the authorities believe endanger the stale will continue in "specially justified cases." The statement came as the nation's bishops strongly urged an end to internment and other regime pressures they said were fueling "hatred and revenge" and the danger of civil war. Tun IR4 /igures - held in New York BUFFALO, N.Y. <AP) -Two members of the political arm or the Irish Republican Army, one a member of the Britis h Par liament, were being held today on immigration charges after allegedly trying to sneak Int o the United States with phony identification. The men were bound for the annual testimonial dinner of the pro-I RA Irish Northern Aid Committee, being held tonight in New York City, according to the committee's national publicity director, 'Martin Galvin. AU but one body found after crosh , WASHINGTON (AP> -The body of "an infant is the only one stm to be recovered from the d11pths of the Potomac River ntore than a week a fter the crash ol Air Florida Flight 90. Police spokesm en said today U.at au 73 bodies pulled from the water during the last week have been identified. Four motorists ~ a bridge struck by the Boeing 7'7 also were killed. VAWdWidena fight concessions DETROIT <AP ) -u·nited Auto Workers dissidents were lieading for Washington today, determined to end talk of union contract concession s to the nation's two b i ggest autom.kers. T h e U A W · s bar I a l n tn I councils at General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor Co. are ~eduled to meet Saturday to d•e t e rmine the r a t e of negotiations that broke ofr with bargaine rs deadlocked o n economic and job security issues. HONOLULU (AP) -Two earthquakes within a 35-minute span rattled windows end sent the contents of shelves tumbling on the .island of Hawaii. One possibly earth quake-rel ated injury was reported. Wa yne Weiss, 20 , of Flints tone, Md., suffered a broken arm Thursday when a large rock tore loose from a hillside and struck his car at a bo ut the time of the first tremor, which regis tered 5.5 on the Richter scale. Arabs flay U.S. on Israel veto BEIRUT, Lebanon <AP> - Hard-line Arab s tates joined Thursday in condemning the United St ates for vetoing vol untary U .N . sanctions against Israel for its annexation of the Golan Heights. Radical Arab groups called for economic and political sanctions against the United States, inc l uding an oil e mbargo. An118 discussion continues briefly GENEVA, Switzerland <AP) -U.S. and Soviet negotiators confe rred today on limiting nuclear arms in Europe, then r ecessed until Thursday. two days after Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko meet. tJ \ ~ CONVICTED -Jack Henry' Abbott. author of a book of letters from ~rison and a literary protege of Norman Mailer, was found guilty Thursday in New York of first degree manslaughter in th e fatal s tabbing o f aspiring actor Richard Adan . 22 . o ut si d e a r~staurant . S9lon asks probe of recruit death DALLAS <AP> -A Dallas conareaaman accu1ed t he Marlne Corps of a "whltewaab" ln its lnveaUgaUOJla into the death ol a DaUu reeruJt wbo drowned durlnl tralnln1 and s ald additional r eviews, Including a poaslb l e congressional lnvest11atlon, still were oecesaary. U.S. Rep. J l m Mattox, D·Texas, told a Thursday press conference he has asked the Secretary of lhe Navy to review In t ernal Marine Co r ps investi1at.iona Into the dealh of Randall Christian, 18. . But Mattox said his demand fortbe Navy-review is l>llly a "last resort" before he seeks a full concressional inquiry. Mattox said his letter seeking the review was d eli vered Thursday to Secretary of the Navy John F. Lehman Jr. In ll, Mattox wrote, "I have regretfully concluded that we are faced with an oUicial w h itewash of the events surrounding the drowning and a s tark example of a glar ing abuse of the military system of justice." Christian drowned Aug. 27 during a 10-m.inute endurance s wim at the Marine Corpa Reerult OePOl in San Diego. The Marine Corps has conducted two investlaauons into the drownln1, including a formal board of Inquiry that heard testimony for three weeks. Both Investigations concluded the dr o wning was an "unfortunate training accident" and that none of the training officers involved should be disclpllned. Matlo6 and Christian's father, Artie Chris tian, said neither inv estiga ti o n resolved inconsistencies In statements from recruits and officers who witnessed'the-drown:ing-. - M ari,ne recruits said their water-s afet y instructors routinely s hoved s truggling s wimmers away from the sides of the swimming tank where ChristiJn drowned during a IO~minute water survival test. Both inv es tigation s exonerated C hri s tian 's s wimming instructor, although the board of inquiry said the instructor did not adequately explain how "Pvt. Christian ended up eight feet away and six feet under the water when he was barely out or reach at the time he sank." Reagan reconsidering tax hike Party pressure causes president's 'second thoughts ' WASHINGTON <AP > - Facing opposition from business and som e congress i onal Republicans, President Reagan is reconsidering plans to raise excise laJces on consumer goods, administration officials say, but he is still expected to seek some kind of higher taxes for his 1983 budget. Reagan expressed "second thoughts" Thursday about an earlier decis ion to press for higher excise taxes a fter a de legation fq;~m t h e U.S . Chamber of Commerce told him .it would oppo ~ s uch a plan, White House aides said. One,. administration offrcial said Reagan postponed a final decision on taxes until Tuesday, when he is to deliver his State ol the Union message to Congress. In the meantime. the president will mull over whe the r t o include higher excise taxes in his budget proposals. Another official. however, said Reagan appeared "to totaJly reject any new excise taxes." The officials r e ques ted anonymity. On We dnes day , s everal officials said Reagan had agreed tentatively to seek higher excise taxes on cigarettes, liquor, wine and some luxury goods, but rejected a tax increase on beer and was undecided about raising taxes on gasoline. House Republican Leader Bob Michel of Illinois had strongly opposed raising beer taxes, saying the move would hit the average "working man." Reagan al so ag r eed We dnes day to propose a narrowing of several tax ·'l oopholes:·· aid es said. Altogether, the tax proposals would have raised about $15 billion and enabled the president to hold the projected deficit for fi scal 1983 to about $75 billion, they sa id . Off icia l s said Thursday that Reagan still was expected lo seek a number or loophole closings when he s ubmits his budget to Congress' Feb. 8. The offi c ials declined to estimate how much the finaJ tax JXl.Ckage might be worth in added revenues. .. Reagan remains the "lone holdout" in the White House\ against highe r taxes, even though all his senior economic advisers say additional revenues are needed to hold Lhe deficit under $100 bHlion. one official said. QUITTING Former House in<>f'ity-be~ John J .- Rhodes. 65, who says he prayed for the wisdom to know when to quit the congressional seat he has held for 30 years. announced Thursday he wiU not seek Te-election this year. Astronauts to condu~t h e at test SPACE CENTER. Houston <AP) Astronauts say they plan to fly the space shuttle in the "barbecue mode" on its next voyage, with the sun shining continuously on one sid e for up to 80 hours to test its ability to with s tand t e mperature extremes. Mo re testing of a r e mote control "arm" is also a top priority goal during the third mission of the Columbia, the w or ld 's fir s t reu s abl e spacecraft. Astronauts J ack Lousma and Gordon Fullerton said Thursday the launch date for t heir seven-day mission -twice as long the previous two flights - is scheduled for March 22. Besides the heat test and more workouts of the mechanical aJ:m . the shuttle will carry eight different scientific experiments aloft. including one that mixes chemicals in the weightlessness of space in hopes of finding new ways to make pure vaccines, whi c h are i mpossible t o mass·produce on Earth because of gravity. ~Video Movies Spoken Here! FOR SAILE OR RENT .. J lo Clubs ·lo Join • .No Membership Fees JOOO's of Titles • 1n Stock and Available for Immediate Sale, R.ental, Sale, Rental . • ;"·: ~ {8 en e QA) .... = u C) ·-al: = CD ·-..c:: ~ ~ ~ "Cl ~--=--e :E ..... UI ~ ... IWe Acee t Master Char9e, Visa & American Express) en . m m ~ ·----.... > e ·-c:a ... t e -~ ... -....,.,-·-m u -= ·-~ e .... ::E en ..... ... m ~ = ...... ..... --U» =-C4--:--= ... = ·-... ...... -= = J§ c:::» c.::t en t. ..... en = en m = • m ·-al: .... -= ~ e m ca c::=-.... = -= r ::a ...... ·"-» ..,_ -e • m = .... me ~a! = ..!3 L ... ... c= ~ ... --·-:.: e ..... ~...Jl!j~=-" ...... ~-~:='L1-,._,~~..-.. .---1t---11111"11t-'9~1'---·-:-:: = ·c: -m a Abortion court fight seen SACRAMENTO (AP) -Abortlon·rlghts 1roupa celebrated wltb apple plea and apple coTes, but expressed little opUmitlm about avoidln1 another court fi1ht on Medl·Cal abortion fundlna. It happened Jn the Capitol on Thursday. the day before the ninth anniversary of their aborlion·rights victory in the U.S. Supreme Court -legalized abortion, Anti·abortion groups planned to commemorate that event with a rally today and a convention Saturday. But Thursday, the supporters of abortion rights trooped through the Capitol leaving apple ~--·teTarthe-offtcerof-Gov:-EdmWfd Brown-J r.-arm- 46 legislators who voted their way last year. And they gave apple cores to 29 others with anli·abortion records. Meanwhile, a handful of abortion opponents followed the same path giving roses, the symbol of the anti-abortion movement, to all legi1lators and the governor, and flowerpots lo their legislative allies -presumably for planting the apple cores. The Legi!.lature has put restrictions on Medi·Cal abortions for poor women into Its last four budgets, but state courts have kept the restrictions from taking effect. The Supreme Court ruling, first issued in 1981, cited poor women's right to privacy, and said the state could not interfere with their choice by funding childbirth but not abortions . Murder victim . mob 'hit man'? SAN MATEO CAP) -Investigators believe a man gtbmed down beside his Cadillac was a mob hit man who wrote about his 53 "contracts" and boasted that professional killers like him "stay careful. We stay in circulation." Max Kurschner , 49, was hit by a shotgun blast in the back as he headed to his car in a rnptel parking lot, the San Mateo County Coroner's office said Thursday . . Kurschner, alias Johnny Black, J oey Black or simply Joey, had been arrested in 1976 by Internal Revenue Service agents and boasted to them that he killed 53 people on Mafia "contracts." He pleaded guilty in December 1976 to evading tax payments on nearly $90,000 in royalties Crom his three books. ·'Hit No. 29 , · · ··Killer, Autobiography of a Mafia Hit Man" and "Joey Kills." Police said they were investigating the Wednesday shooting but had no suspects. They added only that Kurschner toppled forward with the keys to his Cadillac in bis hand. North due respi,te from rains By Tbe Associated Press The rain-ravaged San Francisco Bay area could see the edge of another storm front crossing Northern California tonight -but the latest onslaught is likely to bring little more than cloudiness over the bay, weather forecasters say. The National Weather Service said daytime temperatures in the area may reach 80 degrees Fahrenheit on Saturday, continuing a slight warming trend_ that began Thursday. Accumulated precipitation is 133 percent above normal in California, the state Water Resources Department has announced. The weekend respite follows a serjes of devastating storms this month that killed 31 people and caused severaJ hundred million dollars i.n damage to private and public property. Broun tax_package rejected SACRAMENTO (AP> -A bipartisan Senate '(Ole has upset Gov. Edmund Brown Jr.'s budget·baJancing effort by rejecting a Sl65 million t'ax package. The bill, AB8x by Assemblyman Richard Robinson, D·Santa Ana, would speed up tax collections and raise the penalties for late tu payments. The Assembly approved the bill ~-91 Thursday. But moments later, the Senate gave it a resounding 7-25 defeat. Ironically, a less _generous version -raising about $60 million in revenues -easily cleared the Senate last week but bogged down in the Assembly when the Republicans refused to vote for It. The bill went to a two·house conference committee for a new round of negotiations that are likely to result in a trimming. Bill troUld mUe /eeit on beef SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Legislature has sent the governor a $16 million biJI lo raise fees on beef, particularly from other st.ates, to pay for beef promotions. 1 Backers of the bill say it is needed to boost the ailing CaJifornia beef industry. But opponents object that the fees would ultimately be paid by the consumers as a "tariff' on a product from other st.ates. The bill, AB960 by Assemblywoman Carol Hallett. R·Atascadero, won final approval Thursday with a 56-19 vote of the Assembly. The increase and the new lees would amou.nt to an estimated S6 million a year. U rounty uniont give Pola aid LOS ANGELES <AP> -Los An1eles County unionilta have donated nearly $10,000 in aid to . Polish workers. the bead of the county AFL-CIO Federation of Labor says. Utiam Robei'tMM Wld -wntty""'~hiboa ··lftdfi9'1 Thunday that the local donaUom were part ol about 9300,000 raised by unions nationally and channeled tbroucb the Catholic church and JnteruUonal Red Cron to lbe Pollsb Workers Aid 'Fund Later in the day, tbe American Jewish Committee turned C>Yer a $1,000 donation rrom lta el1bt Western chapten to the Polllh American Conf!!U Charitable FoundatklD. .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, January 22, 1982 H/F NeW hearings accord eyed SAC RAMENTO <AP> -A tentatlve compromise between newspaper publlsb~rs. and legislators on a bill to open most preliminary hearings lo the public has fallen apart, says a legislative aide. ' Jeff Ruch. consultant to the Assembly Criminal Justice Committee, said Thursday tbat the parties lo the agreement discovered that they bad sharply different interpretaUooa on what they had agreed lo, and some unanswered questions on how it wouJd work. The bill Is being redrafted In an attempt lo 1 strike a new accord between the interests of pubUc • disclosure and the defendant's right to have a trial • free of prejudicial publicity. A new hearing Is scheduled Tuesday. Las t week , the state Supreme Court unanimously uphe ld California's 1872 law requiring a preliminary hearing to be closed at the request ol a_ c:.timinA_I defendant. Sucb_cl95!J~S have become common in prominent cases. About 95 percent of all felony cases never get beyond the preliminary hearing s tage. The proceedings can include discussions or plea-bargaining negotiations, previews of each side's case and crucial decisions on evidence from allegedly illegal searches The publishers' bill, AB277 by Assemblyman Terry Goggin, 0 -San Bernardino, originally would have repealed the 1872 law, but was narrowed at the request or those who reared it would lead to harmful publicity LAWMAKERS HONORED -Beth Meador and members of the Pro Choice Coalition in Sacramento doffed their hats and presented boxes 1 of apple pies to Assembly men Tom Bates.· 0 -0akland. center , and Howard B er man . 0 -Los Angeles. a nd oth e r lawmakers on Thursday to honor their stand on abortion rights. "In cases with heavy publicity, and I've had a plethora or those, you contaminate your jury .... Sen. Ed Davis, R·Chats worth, a former Los Angeles police chief. s aid at Wednesday's meeting of a two-house conference committee. GltlERAL B.ICftlC COLOR TV • With Al Chal!MI T..Mc) s29111 SONY BETAMAX VIDEO TAPE RECORDER ...... ~ ...... Sc•''. • Tosh Colllrolt • FrOftt toodl•g : ~~ ... ~~~ . ~~II~~-~ ONLY 5748 SHOUI COMPLITI UMIOF 50MYYIDIO llCOIDIH AU OM SAU MOW. GENERAL ELECTRIC 1982 MOOB. Ul TRA-OECORATOR STYlfS 25" :~COLOR TV ' WITH VII ~ SYSTIM .,.. ...... ~ • IOI a-et 0-- Bwl 02lzT ... • Cllllt ..... ,_ M~41MI_.._ •• _, ... _, ~ ..... Stwt•-... ., ............... I RCA XL-100 19" ....... WHILE THEY LAST 5398 YOU WON'T IEUEVE THE SAVIMGS HUalY IM MOW -WHILE SUPPLY LASTS NOW!! s 100 REBATE ON JEHN·AJR's FINEST GRILL/RANGE MOCROWAVE COMBO fill UVE DOIONSJHTION SAl. 11 to 3 p.ni. SH TM Gril/Rancp In Action Pu1cf\1M Jel\n·A1t s delu•• 9"u ••n~ •1th .,......... '"4Cf~ Qllll9n "°"" '"° fKef¥9 .. ,,00 =~=-"'=Al~~~~~·= 0..n Toucl>-ConltOI Clelu•t ""C_t .. o..n 0110 """ -1•1>19 CDOkloP flu10.loly Arid OI COV<M JoM·Aw 1 n cl.alW Su<!teo Venh,.hon _,.,. ,,,,_ ""'- Famous Name Brand GENERAL ELECTRIC SOUM) • BUil T ~N IMSULATID llSHW ASHER VIDEO RECOR_,ER DILUD 2·4·6 HOUI DILUXI YIDIO UCOIDB •21.e..eW ... Actto. • T.ttr•W•kw • Somdt '•d .,_....._Cydn .. .... ,.....,s....- MOW JUST ~-.. l1llyPHat FR I DAY, Jlrn."'2T,1'82 lllllllilll 111111 If IUITlll VllllY CAVALCADE STOCKS B2-3 BS Delly ,.lle4 ,._, _., 1. .. '"•Y• MIXED REVIEWS Physical Education teache r Car ol MacGr egor provokes smiles and grimaces as s he displays a sheep's heart and lungs to. from left. True ly St Bonon.'. Chuck Duffey. Sha nnon Phillipy and Debbie Sazlo. Youngsters get tips on health More than 325 sixth graders received several medical checks and viewed educational displays during a recent health fair at Sowers Middl e Sc hool in Huntington Beach. Orange County chapters of the American Heart Association, American Lung Association and the American E::ancer Society provided displays on the heart, . tilood pressure, s moking and skin cancer. Dr. Garv Ne lson. a dentist who i s pres ident o f the Huntington Beach City School District board or trustees, contributed dental posters and pamphJets. School nurses administered eye exams, and students were given sklrifold tests to determine and check body fat. PRESSURE CHECK -Baseer Ka hn. left. rolls up his sleeve a nd watches tile needle as _____ .,. _______ -------~ ... American Heart Association nurse Jeanie McGrath aq.mµiis.te rs blood pressure test ! For an 11-year-old, she's a.. pretty sharp cookie when it comes to merchandising . See Page B6. Athlete ruled OK to play D D at-Edison·. High ' · 1 An Orange County Superior Court Judge has ordered that a 11 ·around a.th I e t e J e rr Was h ington be allowed t o compete for Edison High School in Huntington Beach. Interscholastic Federation! guidelines, once a student ia' declar e agible for spo a ,,,_ __ Trustees of the Huntington Beac h Union High School D is trict had rul ed that Wash in gton , a junior, was ineligible at Edison because he resides in the attendance area or nearby Huntington Beach High School. Washin gt on moved into Edison's attendance area in the fall of 1980 with his father. He transferred from Huntington Beach High School to Edison. However, three months later, he and his father moved back to the Huntington Beach High area. District officials then declared ham ineligible for sports at Edison for one year. although he continued to attend classes there. Judge Thomas Cr osby Jr. overruled the district Thursday. Wa s hin g ton 's atto rn e) Stephen Berger had alleged that di strict officia ls created new transfer guidelines and then applied them retroactively to Washington. Ac~o rd i ng l o California school, he remains eligible even' if he moves to another area. · However. arter Wasbinetod' moved back to the Huntington Beach ffigh School area, district trustees suggested that be wu ineligible because he hadn't lived in the Edison area for one year. E d i s o n c o a c h e s s a y' Was hington is an outslandinl· athlete in football, basketball and track. He was sidelined by the distric t ruling durinc football season. Berger said he's tr y ing t o compl e t e legal paperwork today so Wasbiogtoo can play basketball for Edlaon against Huntington Beach High School tonight. District officials became more strict on transfer rules last year lo s t o p s tudent s from transferring schools for sports. Be rger s aid the judge indicated that his ruling only applies to the Washington cue a nd doesn't r e fl ect on the -tt• . . . . other cases. District offi cials say they haven't decided whether lo appeal the ruling. Cable TV contrQls bring objections < I' L' By PATRICK KENNEDY Of -D81ty ...... Sa.ti Huntington Beach insurance agents protested today that city officials have too much control over broadcas ts on cable television. Valley school lunch boost wins backing F o untain Val ley Sc hool ,District trustee~ taave approved increases iQ the price of student lunches and a la cart~/ milk and have agreed to begin selling snack foods such as cookies and chips for a six -week trial period. Effective Feb. 1, student lunch prices will rise from 90 cents to Sl. A la carte milk will begin selling for 25 cents, rather than 20 cents. District officials said lunch prices have not covered the cost of providing this ser vice to students and that the increases are needed to help offset th.is expense. To further offset these losses, dis trict administrators have proposed the lunchtime sales or snack items, including cookies, health bread and cinnamon rolls obtai n e d through th e Newport·Mesa Unified School District's kitchens, plus graham wafe rs with pe anut butter, cheese crackers, chips and fruit j uice. If 10 percent of the elementary district's students purchase such items daily, the district could net a profit of $13,650 per year. administrators say. The snack food proposal was approved 4-1 by the trustees, with J ames Woest opposing. Members or a local insurance· association say they're upset because city officials must give their approval before the agents can get a video tape of a recent City Council meeting. That meeting. which dealt with proposals ror the city to get involved in the home insura.ntt business, was broadcast live two wee ks ago lo a bout 10,000 Huntington Beach homes. "I thought this was a public cable system, bul in fact it's controlled by city government," ·sai d Wes Bannister, an insurance agent. Bannister also is a ci ty pl~nning commissioner, ' "Television is a powerful tool a nd I don't think it's right for c h a nn e l s to b e under government control," he said .. City Administrator Charles Thompson said he was surprised whe n oHicial s of Dickinson Pacific Ca blesystems informed him that the city had authority over release or the tape bec.J-.> or the s tation's fran chise agreement with the city. He said he 'll ask the City Co uncil on Monday if it should be released, or what conditions s h o uld be p la ce d on rebroadcasting. Mayor Ruth Finley recently called for specific guidelines and controls over cable television channels set aside for city use. She expressed concerns of a futur e "big brother " manipulation of broadcasts by government officials. "This Is an example of the many questions surrounding city use of cable channels," Mrs. Finley said today. • "How much control does the city have over the channels is unclear because it's such a new situation," she said. 'Duke' art unveiled Statue to greet airpOrt passenger~ -.. By JEFF ADLER "There's not another person .in 0t .. .,_.,...,.... this century I'd. rather do," be Garbed in familiar western explained at the unveiling ol. a gear and grinning th1at tou1h, 36·inch model of the bronze. . c. onfldent grin known tq Michael Wayne, the actor~ moviegoers everywberb a 9-foot oldest son, said the statue would ~-awiW41._ . .el-ac!,...._ Jobn ·~ .-..b~~:J~b.ulC.:.:. LQ b~. Wayne should be comnleted and lather s memory. REVIVAL LESION -Emily Celler, right, of American Heart Association. explains cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques lo Leslie Cross. left. and K.C. Chernalk. . ' I ready to greet travelers at John "Jr he were here, he'd aaj., Wayne Airport some~lme this 'that looks more like me than.I summer. , do'," Wayne commented. ' The $300,000 sculpture, a He added that Wayne wu .;~ model ol which was unveiled ln ma n of movement and actiOn cea emonies Thursday, was and they got him movtna and ia cre ated by Texas sculptor action" in the bronze reoderinl: Robert Summers, who called , Wayne bis "greatest hero." The Oranae County Board fil Eventually it will stand ln front Supervisors appro•ed tbe of the a i rport's passen1er project ln October, 1111. ~ termlnal. tl)en a private pwp. tbe Jolla Summers said be was very· Wayne MemorJal Aaaoeiai.. excited at beint commiuioaed beaded by local bualnea11M8 to execute tbe t-foot statue ol the Bruce Nott and Kae Ewi._. lar1er-tban·llfe movie hero. have coordinated the projeet. • .n I - Otange Cout DAILY PlLOf/Frlday, Januaey 22. 1982 H /F .. NYSE COMPOSITE TRAN ACTIONS OU0f ATIC*5 INCl.UDI TUIDUON '"' ••• YO••. MIOWUT. PA(IPI(, , ••• IOUOlll. DI TIOIT ••D Cl•CINlllATI noc• ••<•••••••"•••,.....••• '"' •••~•Noo•n1•1t W'•' ... , ,..... Net \.In N•I I' Ii "4h c1o.. C"9 I" I! ha\ Cto"' C"9 P C "°' Ctov t"' lp.t.L to:: l.l 21:· ~ ~~~~~·1:' 'it =--~ :J!::o, tf!' ! :~ iim7 I I ,.., -1-• --f '' '* u + Iii tel!I I Ml 1 ltfu Ill I~,... 1·· , ,, U'-Ill ll!Un:t 2.1 • ff *' ._. ,.,,, ,.., 1r.1r it t •• . I t•llf _-, 41"--.-Ml• ;, 1 1116. • " .. l 1\0\ tloWI t "9 "'~I f IO • ~· "'a llf ., Ill •Ill• "' 111"!1 ). 6 J I. .. llMlll .. t _., •I "-"'' t ft1 , f 16111 .• , Af,p t.&!t IM rm· .. Me v t 6 '°"4>-Iii •~ ~· ,. 11... u. "''' 1 • t' 12 .. . . A " l.tt . 11J j Iii Me 11n. I J t•~ \lo Ml I i f' ttt 11•\t + 1ii': "''*' t·tO 1 1 11~-\lo .J:.1 I: f ) i4 • 14 Mll91" !!:! JI'-• , , .: • it,.,..· .. 1~1.!211 l ~..._: ~ .. ,t h1J & 17·:: =~ ·.~114 ~····: 'Kt!... ti )I · • lllltlM •tt It ""°' \/+ l!tetf I --"' . ..M II I -,,_ . .. ~. t1.it • · 114 + .. ...C:. n 1' ' 141 22" .... 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M • S I "' Z"'ltl'll :m IO Its 11 • T<l'l<1t .n • JO ""' • , Z•H s .,. • u 11-.-" Tt111.... 1 12 16 ~-t Zllfftlftf I.JI t Ill --Iii ·•" l( .. ~ . .._,.._~ D e dn:cting school e xpenses ' f ThU 11 r>w fifth part of o 10-pan •~ru• on holD to IO~ tm uour 1911 tncorrwr ro.ua J The eeneral rules 1overnln1 deducUona for educa~on ex~naes are: You can deduct the Hpenael Incurred to malntaln or Improve your •ldll1 -but you can't deduct education expenaH if they qualify you for a new trade or business. It's otlen dJllicull lo draw the line between these two types of education. but in 1981, there were cases that could be helpful. In one case. Donald, a full-time ~ c olleg e ci vil engineering teacher, ,c left his post to spend ~ two yean getting a IY(llA PllJfl ~-,, Ph .D . in civil c3.,~ engineering a t a different university. He then returned lo his college post. Donald claimed he could deduct his education expenses becaU5e they improved his leaching skills. The lnt.emaJ Revenue Service couldn't see it this way. The agency claimed the education qualified him for a new trade or bus iness. But the Tax Court permitted the expenses as a deduction. A Ph.D. wasn't required to meet the minimum educational requirements for his teaching job, and the education just improved his teaching skills. A certified and licensed clinical social worker had herself psychoanalyzed so she could more effectively treat her patients and get more referrals. The IRS used a new approach to try to block her deduction. It took the view that there was no "education." Reason : There was no program of study or training at an accredited institution. The Tax Court again held for the taxpayer. "Education" is not restricted to formal education. Since the costs met all the other requirements for qualified education costs. they could be deducted. The IRS. though, said last year that it will not follow the court's decision. Thus, s uch non·school ~x~es _ -W1Jr6e-diSiDOwed snou d your return be examined - and you will have to fight. Another 1981 case involved a research chemist working as a f!>reman in (be coo.ttol department of Corning Glass Works. He voluntarily took courses at a local branch of Syracuse Universiiy on a part-time basis, with Corning paying 75 percent of the tuition . Later he went _on leave and took full·time courses at lhe university's main campus leading to an M.B.A. After that, he returned as a market development specialist. Coming paid two·lhirds of his salary at the main campus, plus his tuition and expenses. Tbe Tax Court split the education expenses. The part-time courses were deductible because they were incurred to maintain and improve his skills as a fore man. The costs of his full·time courses were not related to his job and were not deductible. These decisions on borderline cases may apply to you. Barter clubs are becoming major operations, and it would be ridiculous to deny Ulat "bartering" is a possible means of lax avoidance. The IRS considers "'credits" received for goods and services rendered by barter-club members as taxable income. Also, I RS audit procedure is to compel barter-exchange ope rators lo furnish names and addresses of mem bers so the IRS can find out whether members are reporting their barter credits. Barter exchanges have balked at s~pe!J_ing the_ I RS with th1s 1t\formation. --Sul the courts have backed the IRS. Monday: Office at.home and vacatloll lllome . STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES • NEW VOAKIAP) FINI Dow·J-. •"91 AMERICAN LEADERS .. .... + ,.. • YJ ..-.. ~ . "' . -. .... t " 0 .. UPS AND DOWNS . NEW YO,.IC CAPI T'-fol-lft9 1111 I~ Ille -Yorll StoO E•<"-1toc1t,1.,,. ..,.,renlJ 11\el ,. • .,. .-1111 tlle moat --Ille "'°'' beM<I on '""<tfll M c-.. ~ Of wotvmt ~ f._...,,. 1..::. ': .. 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JI ITOCKI JO Ind IO Trn IS Ull U Siil lndu' °"9" Mlell ~ CltM Olm •o.ft ~.64 Ml U MUI• UI i...)1 1'•. 7' 3'UO J4ol. 71-t J4 104 to 10,s 12 101.l 1 '°'·" • 0,13 m •1 mu JJl.M> m -0.02 ''•n Ulil• •s SI• WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YON~ l~t'I J .... 11 Advanced l OCley , .. O.cllnt<I .. , Unctle"9fd •n T~I h.-.t llSI New ......... tt New IOWI .. WHAt AMl~QIO NEW YORK !API Jen. 11 Ad van< ff TOCley ,.. Oe<llMCI * UnCll8ft9ICI 11• Total I._ 111 ... .... 11 ...... ) New !OW\ JO METALS •.sn .1• '·'··· SH, .. •.ts..• ~. au.· .,, ,,, ,., t ... Prft. cs;, m m 141 I .. C•••·· "~·IO Cellh • poul\d, u.• OHllA•tl- LHfJO<ffttle_.i IJIK U-4JUnb e-. -·-ad T• i u1ss-..11 w--I•••"· .---., .. 11 .................... 'I' Mef'C..., ""° 00...., llAtoll. ~le--.'"600trovo1 . N.Y. SILVER ., H ... Oy A H¥men. ti ,9'0 tw• trey °""• GOLD QUOTATIONS L ..... : "'°"""' ""'"' un 1s. 1111 tus. ~: •1'"-11•1"9U'1 U.1111 t l.ll, ~9"t: U71M ... ti.ID. .,,.....,.,.-.02 ... uM. IJoficll: L.Me 11•1"1 U17.00, 11P U •Md: ---·-·· ..... , & ........ , .... y .... ., --· ""·"· .. ,, H. E ...... : Oftly dtelly -U1,.JS, .. tl.U . ........... : .... ., .... , __ t~ ... 11. 11P ti.JI, SYMBOLS .... _,,, .. ...-~ ...... -----.--....... ... ---.. ..... -....... ......, rMM... t.. 1 ,.._ _, llf4.• .. t at\4-14 ...,..,,. J 't l6a ._·;j' MC ... ,.. IJ 1=-l\lo ~enoe u• S 1'S IN!+ " '""' 1 .•• ct ~· -" ,,. 1 ,., 11'-• ................... I " -'Ito Mc .... 1 it .. , -"' ""'"'" Ii" 15 ..... , Nell,. ·'°" • 1M+ " ,,. ..,, .. 1 '7¥>• lll "'"'-'' •» .. '"' llllC 'I ' tn " ....._._, 1 1 m 1•"-• • erai'-t.a I " lll4t .•• ,. ~"··a· 'Ill =HI~ :. t • ~·~ MC ea 1 t 11 11 -14 ~ra II 1f7 11'6+ Iii UI • a Mlil-Ill .. •ii.no •·•:1 IV .. I .Ult 1111 ,_I' Mc H ' 1,1111 .,.... ,,_ ~ ...... ·-a It ""• 019ft.•7 .• I 11\\,.,.. 2H +"' ...... 1 I ...... '-$::.& 1 a -Ill .._ .. At.a• tit tt + n ""''"' ,._ 1..., -"' Off '·' Etrmm81• mcret.Ue• U UIMOft Qr'D 414 -\lo Olf U 14 Alea~ '" -y, Off U U H...,,_lb IS -"' M .. ---_,., .... 11 ....... "' .... ~== .... ~-..... --• ..:::i-....... -~···~ -··-Sii 1.a t * *-• " I · 1 ti • ~ ""°' 1' t !" •Iii• \lo L ~· ffl ~___,» "''-<':i41f..!l4 ~ ----tlUilillll'f-'lllliq~,rtJ-:s..D,~ .. -t Er ,"°'~ _. ..._ ... J ,_ 1~·~ '"'9ct0 f.:liJ Ml ..... 1 1 ... ;;;,.. ., l:JI. ... ~..... 1 M f1 ~ --· :.., "I h'eiltiil 14 1. ~-... .... at ....... , ~ 2 .• \' ... ~····· ;.;; •1 m ::·-............... ' !! .,~ ~ , .. 1 " 1• ..... .: =:-tt 11Am"'1.~ l f, .-; .. ~ ~ ~ :1:J: ~: ='lt"1:ti: 11l t "a ='-i·t .~~~ m:: ~ '" .. " • . tt .. + .... -,---i;;;;'i1 I " 1 ,. " -~ ~rT • i ' ,. . "" 11 • Ml 14\lo. .. .,..,, .•• :i "-=I ·t; t! :t!.t: .~=-,; .~ =:: ~:. 1 .., ";1.. = .. on 'n=+·" • ~ ' • 1! -l: , I J 129'1-"' ~. 't!." ....... ,"' e . , ..J e. . • . ~. " '-.I: •,; -~ = I .~ 110 ,;; •• ~ .....=llM, , =··~ = '~ °. 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Chairman Benjamin F. BlaHlnJ Hid a •t.ronl first half oftHt the 1h111iah 1econd '4aa1f of the year . Total operatlq revenues foe l•J wue Sl.3 billion, up 14 percent from the t:U b61Uon reported In 1•. GOLD -tOINS - NeW YOflll( l~ft) -Ptkn le• T,_,.., " .... <llM, t-W "'"" _...,., ..... u : ........... '....., .... ..,...n. ... "1.H ......... I .......... , ...... U .i.!IQ.n.. ....... _ .. ,...., ..... ,, .... SUI. ............ <,_, .~ ,,..., .... un.n, ...... ....... ..,.., . .-.. ................. ... ...,. ___ .....,.._....___, ..,.. ... _,M __ ..... .,,_.. ... -,...... -,........ . ........... ,.,.......r:_ ...... ..... _ ........... I_... __ ........................ _, __ ............. ,......__ ...... Ml ....... 111111 -c-_,._ ..... llool ............. __ _.. ____ _ ...... ... _ ,._,... ......... -......... .. ...--=··· ...... ., ......... -,.._. ......... ...._ ........... ' Cel?Mffd comnwnloriA!• Piiot Logbook -I . ., Pillll tzclu.ftwlg in tlie ~I H f F Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, January 22, 1982 Li.sa smdrt cookie • in Scout sales ~ . QUINCY, Mass. (AP> At a1e 11, Lls11 Thompson knows about mass marketlna imd s alea promotion. A champion cookie seller last year , Lls1& Ii; One o( 2.S million Girl Scouts pre parlna to go forth once 11aain with the boxe!I o ( cookies that have become a national tradition and a1bla business. ' The sixth grade r is ho lder or the pres tigious "Super Seller Patch," which she received for selling 671 boxes of cookies -the most sold last year in the Patriots Trafl Girl Scout Council which includes 25,000 scout11 In the Boliton metropolitan area. This year she is shooting ror the 1,000·box mark. "I guess it's kind o r hard ror people to say no," she said, explaining her s uccess. It didn't hurt that her Cather, who w ork s fo r the f ood services d e partme nt a l Boston College , pers uaded the food ser vices m anager to take 200 boxes last year and sell them to stude nts. This year, he is laking 400. • • • 1 s howed him the kinds of cookies we had , a nd he said he'd do it because he used to buy cQOkies from his niece," Lisa said. Girl Scouts sold 120 million boxes of Thin Mints. Tagalong11, Trefoll11 und other varieties last year at prlccll ranging from $1 SO to $2.00 a box . While t.he National Council does not ktieP. r(!cord11 on the nation's 340 local councils, last year' sale i11 believed to have grossed around $200 million. "It's a very lmprei111lve rigure," says Fran cei1 Nesselbeln , the national director of the Girl Scouts. "The figures are important, but for most girls lt's lhelr first experience in the business world. It's training for the future " Ely Llst, a spokeswoman for the Girl Scouts, says th e origins of the cookie sale art: "i1hrouded in the rnis ts of lime ." While many lay c laim to the first cookie sale, credit goes to the Philade lphia Council for being lhe first to buy cookies fr:om a comm ercial bakery in 1934. That first effort sold 114,000 boxes . S ince then, says Mrs. Nesselbein, there has been a steady growth in sales, even in years or recession and inflation. T he National Council licenses six separate companies to bake official Girl Scout cookies The largest, Lillie Brownie Baker s , localed al 3 Cookie Lane in Louisville , Ky., says about 40 pcrcent or lt!I business comes from the t1couts. "We fe lt it would be a good business to enter and it 's been very good for our company," says William Bayers, a vice president for sales. Bayers spends purt o( each year on the road, pitc hing his company's cook 11:11 lo 50 or 60 counc ils . Competition umong the franchised cookie ma.kers Is hot a nd salesmen try to win custome rs by ottering low prices, quu lity cooki es and promotional ma terhal that will help the scouL'I sell cookies "They are just like any business people," Bayers says or the council leaders. "They require that you live up to your com mitments." He said Girl Scout cookies have a pronounced, If short·lived impact on the regular cookie market. ··Most or lhese cookies are sold in a relatively short period of lime, and during that period ... you can see st ore sales of cookies drop," said Bayers . On e of Bayers' c ustomers is the Boston·area Patriots Trail Council, the sixlh largest in the nation. The council hopes to sell one million boxes this year. There is no o ne dale set ror n 1Hional cookie sales. Each loul t•ounr ll plckll' Its own dale, but mOlt C'hoosc lo hawk their wares ih late winter or early sprln1. Colette Phillips, a spokeswoman for Pa triot.a 'rratil, says the bakery get~ 70 cenL'I for eve ry S2 box ol cookies sold. The rest or the proceeds go to Individual troops, propertt imp rove ments a nd community service efforts. The council's scouts will c°'1pete for s pecial patches and T ·s hlrts, commemorating the number of boxes or cook ies sold The yo ung saleswomen also earn credits toward s ummer camp. Through lhe years, the Girl Scouts have improved on lheir door·to-door method or s ales. Last year, United Airlines purchased $.50,000 worth or cookies to di s tribute among passengers . While the profits from the cookies provide for scouting's financial well·betng, Mrs. Nesselbein said the yearly sales serve as an important object lesson for the girls. "They learn how you talk to a prospective customer, how you make change a nd how you d eliver the cookies after you sell them," she s aid APWI ..... Navy's commodore rank restored after lapse COOKIE CHAMP L1~a Thompson. G1d Seoul of Quincy, Mass . is all smiles <is sh{' s avors one of the cook ies sh(' sells l.1s u sold 671 boxes to win tht' ··super ~l'lll'r " patch in the Bos ton area DEATH 1mcm WASHJNGTON <AP) -Some time one.star rank of brigadier general. a fte r Congress reconvenes next The othe r serv ices lon g h ave week, t.he Senate will confirm the g r u mbled about lhis situation , first commodores in the Navy's particularly since brigadier generals ranks in more than 30 years. Nobody so metimes found themselves is happier about it than the officers or outr anked in joint service commands the other military branches . and slaffs by rear admirals, although Congress revived the one·star rank their strength of service was roughly of commodore, among t he oldes t in equaL BENTLEY l'a Pu s .,ecl u1,1ay 011 navalannals,so thatNavy officers T h e rank of commo dore was v 1 R'G 1 L H u 0 ER T Januar} 20. 1982 Rorn May no longer will enjoy the advantage of abolished in 1899 ror reasons that are BENTL~V. agl' 77. :i 12 year 28. 1901 1 n u y ro n 11 0 1 leapfrogging that first star whe n not c lear from the historical record. resident of Corunu deJ. Mar, Springs. C:i Survivt•d by hi~ promoted into the admiralty. During World Warw II, President l' a ., p~ s s e d u wa y on w1fl' B('th 1-'uneral service~ Since 19'9, the Navy has advanced Franklin D. Roosevelt restored the _ ~an~aQ' \9: 1982_artcr a lon.g \\ill be hdtL..Q.n Suturd.;!l', ..captains dit:e.Ctl)t...lo the-two stars oL__.t.em,porn¥_g.rade of com&nodoU--for 1rriless. lre 1s surv1veJ'bY1l1s J anuar) i:r.1982 at 11.00/\M r ear admirals while e quivalent some o ffi cers i n the g r eatly wire or 48 years Dorothy Lee a.t l'at'if•c Vit•\\ Mort.uary Army. Ma r ine and Air Force expanded Navy. In 1949, the last two Bentley. Mr Bentley "'3!> Ch~ P<'I "'11 h Or Da "id colonels have been raised only to the World War fJ commodores retired active in commun1t~· and Railey offl c111tinl( loterment __ ----------------- and the rank (ell into dis use except as a ··courtesy" title for captains who comma nde d a flotilla or squadron of destroyers . According to naval historians, t.he rank of commodore dates to the Dutc h wars o( 1652. William Ill brought it to England a nd it was later used by t.he young American Navy as an honorary title during t.he Revolutionary War. Among the . famed naval officers who have borne the title of commodore were John Paul Jones, Oliver Hazard Pe rry and -n tg-tft'60fe-r, M':rtthl!'W"'C: Perry. Jones became the nation's first great naval figure in the Revolution whe n his wars hip, the Bon Homme Ric hard , de feated the British Sera pis In 1813, Oliver Perry won a place . in history wilh his victory statement 1 n a report following the Battle o( Lake Erie. "We have m et lhe enemy, and they are ours," Perry exclaimed. Mall he w Perry distinguished himself in the Mexican War when his s quadron captured the city or Tabasco. His lasting imprint on !w.l90'-llJ:.<lh.ably _u m~ rum tte._ signed a treaty with the Japanese at Yokohama in 1854, opening Japan to Western trade. --rrvtraftairs ire heTdl tr(' at Pac1rH· Vic"' Mt>moriall ---------------memberships in K w111n1~ Purk. Nl•wport lh·ach In & • I cu•te• I International Cluh or C:orona lieu of rlt1¥.l'rs memorial ... -..~ ,,,.,. .. LO Look For The Big Yellow Sign del Mar. th<' . hriners Ahr1 ('1mtribu1 111n~ ma~ bc mad(' L ~ ..1.\llP I :•• LOW COST I Ch a pte r or TaC'oma , tu lhe ll(';irt 1-'und Pattf1c ~~r -•1 CAJ&OO~ Wa s hington , and th (' View Mortuary dircctnrs •\..~ I VA.CCI NATI N I Exhibit & Sale Directly From Peru Yellowstone Bluc Lodge of 1-'0\' e,.~ M1l~s lily, Montana for <10 LARR\' 110\\'.\ltlJ FOY, ... ~ 0 I CLINIC I vears he wa s art1vc in the pa~sed <1\\a\ 011 Januar) :W. C,r I'_' Orange County (:1dcons and 19112 Ill' \\as u n:s1denl o V • You can t1elp your newspaper I By P9t Preveftt·A-Care I was e lectl'd un honurar} Gardl•n Cro\'t, l 'a 111• 1s carri er collect at times I I member or the Nl'wport ~ u r \ i \ i•tl h\ h I" "'•re con11en1en1 to you oy ha11•:i l{arhor l..a\\n UO'Ahnl( Cluli Roherlu. 'Un H oher~ or ~~r~orer':~~~yna~~a,~yca~~~: I I Mr. Bentley ser\'l'd 9 yl'<i~~ I. a Run J 11l'a1· h . C a . Because lh•s young person •S :'':.::: 1~~':-':'.:i.~ Aablea .... . . $3.95 ·- as an eldcr or st.1\ndn·w ~ d.ilUJ:hll'I'). .J<intu~·l1ne '"business tor h1m~e11 or I mo> Adi.oil\ •..:<ln•lecl Dl1tempef(D.H.L) $4.25·-· Presbyterian Churth or t:,llllll\\a\ ur .G<1nkn (,rov(', herself please be reaoy -and lhroughoul Ille. Fu l, Parvo .•. c.t "l-< .. ln-1" $5.00 -1 N,ewport. lie.a.ch "'her~ ~1· c..d . ltl-O\' \hood '!r <!ntar10. watch that b•O srr1te wt11ct1 I !;~~t~r::;;-::,:.: .. 1u. Jan. 23 & 24; I 0-6 pm Native Peruvian Folk Art • Weav1ngs • Baskets • Carvings • Dolls • Masks • Much. Much More! "'a s alt 1' r 1 n Ml' n ~ Ca and M1chelll· 1',!.('all·ra of says Thani.. you I ooot ON LllASMllS Dog• S.ln-1 ..... $7.00 ·-· flr eak·ra ~l f ellows hip liul'n<i l'ark, l'a and -I :~:Aft.n 1" eoxu. Previous ly hl' wa~ ;m elder i:randch1ld rcn anti :i ~•~lt·r' .-----------------------EBELL CLUB HOUSE o f lb e F'irst l'n1ted Serv1tc'' '"" bt· ht'ltl on D ·1 p·1 • COSTA MESA SAMTAAMA I Presbyterian Church or San Saturrlav .lanuan 23. l!!li2 a1 y I 01 I s-ley, J-24. IH2 ~ . .,... u. IH2 I 515 W. lc6oa It.cl. Bernardino where he was a ;1t 2 not>M at 11.irhor Lawn ' 2:30.5:30 ~ 10:00 ..,...1;00 {.-. member for ZS ycars and Memorial ('ha1>cl \\llh lkv I ~~~~ ll~:~ .. =-I lcAoa. CA Ion lcAoo re.MMlat chairman for IU years of the Oawn \' Krltrm 11fflc·1;it1ng 17141 62 I ·1214 Bu 1Id1 n I( F 1'n an c e Sl'rv1te~ unch'r thl' d1n•1·t1on -----SAVE THIS AO -----l~==========::'lr========:;;:;;:;;~ ~o mmlltee ~1r Uenllcy of lhtrbor Lu"'" ~1ttunl <>hv -------T. ' l was oom on October 2. 1904 MortU:.tl\ or. Cu,la l\ll• ... a NIUC •-oc£ "" llllCE Piil.iC llll( ~ ~ Piil.iC llllC( Nil.IC .fl( in fargci. :-loa.h-Daltota ~d s.ao sss.i · :.=......;;=;;._--"'"=---==---r----------r---'..,==-~---"~=;;.___,=...., l-"';;;;._-=;;._---====-t=~;:...;::"----"----"""'"'--'--11 lived in thl' states of Iowa. KLEl!lol F1cT1T1ous eus1NESS Wisconsin. Minnesola, South ULYSS ES KLEI ~. pas~ed NAME STATEMENT Dako ta , Monta na and uwa~ on .lanuar~ 2U 19112 ...,!,r;.:,::~10•1 no 0•,.on '' Oo•nci Washmgton before moving lie •~ "un ·1H'<I h~ his "'1rc ..,.., rEo SOLAR wo111te11s. ·~ lo Cahfom1a 37 years ago Pearl. sons ~t.1rv1n c1nd Hl!lf'leno Oro~ Newpc>rl Buen CA For 25 yea rs h(' wa s Sheldon. 3 ~rantll'hlldren. •71>60KAllL TER MOHLE N employed hy Stockwell aod Ira ~!1rhael and Hobl'rt, HOLMBERG. 1~1, "''<1"'•no or1n Binney Stal1oner~ or San greal i:rantkhrldren. 1.t•ah N•wporl 8H<" Cll"1W Ber~ rd 1n11 w h l' r c• h (' -Jnd Ari St•n 1tl'\ "111 bc '"'' bu\lnn• '' ro..ouclt<I Dv an ~ .. tncUvldUAI heca e 'll'l"Prt·s1tlcnl a net held on I-rHht\ .• January 4!2. K••' r Hoom.,.,,0 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT T t'lf' to11ow lnq oer\on '' dolnQ bU\•nf'S~ ct\ Mll(E OllAGHI !>ILK!> .. F•or Oro•e, c ... 1. ~w. C•lll0<n1• •1•1• Mo~• J Or.oqhl, 681• W•rOlow, Lo~q B .. (h C•lllorn.1 '<*II T fh\ bu\lne"\\ •\ <ondw< ff'd by ~n 1nd1vlOuAt MHtf 0 f'4'qtll t '"' ''•frmfl't wa\ UIMJ with the County C••rll, 01 Orano• Cm.int.,. on Otctm""' JO 1'19 1 FICTITIOUS eUSINEH NAME STATEMENT The foltow1n9 ot''°"' •rt Ooinq t>u'lntt•u •' THE G.ARMEHT DIST RICT Al HEWLAHO CENTEll. 1 .. 70 Be.ch Bl•d . Hunhnglon Buch, Ce1o1orn1a ., ... 1;,,,_ w _,,.,. s,.,. ~ • .,,.,,. Orf"• frrilf wpOtt 8f•<h CAI Hot,,_. '1"3 ll DD•n II !>U•••l 114 .. Brooll:huf''&f ... unt1noron e~acn. C•l•lorn•• 91..t l'ICTITIOUS eUSINIH NAME STATEMENT l r\I tollow•n9 C>ft \Of'll •r• <101~9 bUttnt 0 •1 LANO SE.II All! MOTORS, UOO 0o .. Slreet, Sulle '11. N•wporl Beach, C•lllornla 92..0 G•Hdun lnOuSlr lu . In< . • C•ttfornt• coroorallon. ''00 Oovf Strtfl Suite fU NtwPort 8••<" C•l•lo•nl• 91'60 Thi\ DUSl'1HS " tonducltd by a corp0tahon FICTITIOUUUSINESS NOTICE OF DEATH OF NAMESTATEMENT GLORIA PRISCILLA Du!.~:,::~·0• .. n11 P•r\On I\ dOO~ll STORM aka Glor ia s. "1 A "' 11 111 011£ R rts1 NG Widaseck. aka GLOR IA MA1t1<.ET1NG RE SE ARCl-i . 111 STORM WIDASECK, ~ka : :, ~ l~~l~IN? • .''~ A"'M: GLORIA WIOASECK, a ka PUBLISHING I S i ... M II GLORIA P. STORM AND INVESTMENT 14"11 El C•IMllO El 0 F p ET I T I 0 N T 0 To;~i.':~:r~olo h•OCI'"'· in n E• ADMINISTER ESTATE C•ballo E• ro-o CA"1•JO NO. A·l117b3. in charge or udvert1smg a·nd 19112 al Ill noAM al llarhor Thi, ''""'"""'' ,..,, ,,,.., ••lh 1i.. merchand1-.1ni: lh• r.et1red 1.:.¥.n ('hafJl'I 1nt1·rml•n1 ~=~n!y1~'" 0' °'-Coun•• °" PuDo,.-O<a~c.,.,10111~1~~.~11 1n 1969 Jnd mO\l'd to C:oron<i s er' 1<•1·, 1mm1·d 1 a I ~·I ) Fl•• Jan 1 e ·~ n 1'81 ~~"" Thi\ bu,.•n~\'\ '' <OnOu<l~O by • o .. ner•I ()frtf'W'nhtp Vt"rnon w MOnrH Thh \l•lrmf"nt 1111J1•s flle<J w•tn tnt> County ,,,.,..., ol Or•n~ County on J•nuuy 10 1'117 Gall_, lnclu\lrtfl, Inc Fr_ll,,,,_ p,. .. .,..,. Thi\ \lil..,,...I was 111«0 wllh IM County (ltr' 01 Orenqe Couftly on J1nu••Y 10. 1"'1 Jl i<ll••O 8roan Amf'noa ,.,.. T 0 a I I h e i r s • Luc•n°a "''"',,,.v . .,o ,,...,,., beneficiaries, cred itor s Mar~ L~WI\ GordOn 76S81 LUC'"°"· "''"ion 111e10, ,,., nm and contingent creditors or dl'I Mar C:a Other 'iUrv1v1111: ·full""' Ill).! s .. n ll'l'' 11nt11•r Pu!>ll~ 0r•"9t (04\I O••lv PllOI. members of h1::. family are tht t11n•c·11011 of ltarhor J•n •.•s.n.n.•'87 ""-11 his mothl'r·IO law Grace l.a"'n M11unt Ohvt· Mortuurv ---------~--Mae Lee of :"lewport lleac·h. or Costa Mesu S40 5.'>S4 . Ca , brolhCr·tn law and wife WIESN•:R PVlllC MO'OCE Allan and Phyhs l.1•t• and RICHARD () Wl!o~SNJ-;fl. F1CTmouseus1NESS ni eces I> 1a11 c L l'" o r resident or Lag11T1a Reach, NAME STATEMENT R!verside. CJ and l'arolyn ('a Pa ss l' d a\\ ;i \ u n bu~~:.~:~•owin9 pe"0" '' Oo•n11 Lee Heath.or Kansas City /\ .January 19. 1982 nnrn July TAR HOW!>ICE CONSULT ING, memoriul serv1c·c will be 16, 1907 1n l'h 1ludelph 1~1. 1101 Berto~ ... L•~. ,.., .. po,1 BH<h, held at S I Andre w 's Pennsvl\•ania Sur111\'Cd byC•lilornl•t?MO . · · . Rollerl• !tt19h h .tnow\h, 1201 Presbytenan Church, 6(10 St hts "'1f(' ( atht•rine, s•>ns h•Hhlr' L•n•. N••PO" Buc!I, Andrews Road. Newport Ri chard II \f1esnt'r or C•11•ornl•'11t66 B e a c h at 2 O II PM on Houston, Tcxm.. H11b11rl R "'" Dus•neH " cor>0uc1t<1 b• an " d J · 982 \" r M . I lndl .. du•I .. atur ay. unuary 23. I ~ 1ei.ncr 11 1s sou a . 11-••R T.,,_,~, PaC'1f1c View Morluarv. Monta na and clauj!ht(•r Thi• ""1......,1 ... , m od •Ith lhe Newport Beach d1r('Cl(irs . s u s an ;\ w I l's n er 0 r Counly Cl•rl< 01 o .... Counlf on F'INNERAN 0 a k I a n d , C' a Dfcem11er JO, 1"1 "11'7J1 LEO I-' FINNl::R/\N 1<randrh1ldrcn .. ldfrey K Publl•'*I Or<1"9f C.,.s10111yp1101 resident or Newport Beach, anrl Gcrnld II Wwsr!l'r of J•n 1,1, u, n. 1.., ucw.-1· ------------""' llOUSlon. rt'Xd!> J hrOltll'rS r McCOllMIQC MORTU,UIES ~ Lagunc1 Beach 494 9415 Laguna H111-. 768 09JJ San JJan Cap1 ... 1rann " 495 177& HAltlOll lAW,.._MT. OLIVE Morluary • CA-11.•1 .. rv Crcmarory 1625 G1<,ler Avl• and 4 sisters Memorial Scrv1l'es Friday .. January 22. 1982 at 11 OOAM al Pac1r.c View Mortuar) Chapel "'1th Rev Bruct' A Kurrie orfictatlng 1't11·1f1c Vj('W Mortuary dirN·ltir' DEATHS ELSEWHERE MIC •ti£ FICTITIOUS eUSINUS NAME STATEMENT ll•• lollowlno P•r\on " do lnq bu~liwoas: NEWP ORT SHIRT CO NEWPORT T SHI RTS. T·SHIRTS T ·GO ... , B•l><O<-S1rul. Coil• Mn•. C•lifor,,11 '1U7 Oennl\ MllH. 501 Ent B•v. BalbOI. Cl lllornl• tMI Thi\ buslntt\ I\ conc1uc1eo by •n lncl••IOuil OMnl\Mlles Thi\ \l.tl•mtnl ,." llltd wllh 1tit Counll' Cltr~ nl Ora~ County on PUU MOllC£ FICTITIOUS aUSINEH NAME STATEMENT The rouow•no per,on '" 001nca bu\ln•s\ •\ COST.A MESA COIN i JEWELRY EXCHANGE, 7•74 Ntwporj Blvd , C°'I• M•W C.11 '1•11 Roll Hoe .. I, , .. E 10th, Co•I• MtM. CA t7'77 Tllll DUlintt> I> COt\du<leG Dy an ind•Y•Ou.at Rolf Hoev~1 Thi\ \Ullem...I was lllt<J with lhe Coun1y Cl•rll Of 0rl>"9" C-nly on J•n u 1'111 Fl•71' Published 0r•"9" C:O.\I Oady Pilot, .J•n IS. 27, 1'1. Ft!> ~ lttl 137·0 • , l.11091 PuDll\IWO Oron90 Co.nl Oa11~ P1101, J•n 11, 1', Fob S. 11. 1''1 JS.-., · PdUC MOTi£ FICTITIOUS euSINEU NAME STATEMENT The lollowlno person I• doing OU\•n~n. H TERRAIN WEST II. 21?01 Kr oll L•ne, Hunllnql,,,. ll«<Kh, CA.,, ... J•m~\ q Homen. IOie P•r' Avtnw , BalbO<t ltltncl. CA 91 .. 1 Thi\ bu•lneH I\ <Onducltd Dy a llmll•O P<l"l""rshop J-0 Hom.n TP\ls \t•tement ••\ ftl.O wllh trw Cou~ly Ci.r' Of Or-County on J•n •. 19111 FlllJU PuDll~N<I Or•-CO.\I O•lly PllOI, J•n I. n. n ,.. 1'81 ,..,.., F111>H Publi,,_~ C0.\1 O•ily Po o , Jin 11 tt, FtO. S, U, ltt1 3",:87 PIU MDTtl Thi\ bU\i nf'U IS conOuCl•d Dy • Gloria Priscilla Storm and otn•••l1Mr1""""'P persons who may be -r"'"';' :~t~1!9~:'rut"O with ,,.. otherwise interested in the Coun1yC~rltol0<""9f'Counlvon,J•" Will and/Or estate. •· 1•11 A petition has been filed Put>ll\....., 0r.,. ,.,.,1 0.,1:1=. by Murray I. Storm in the an I , IS 17."' • .., 11' 11 Superior Court of Orange F1CT1T1ouseus1NEU County requesting that NAME STATEMENT PIU llJI( M u r r ay I . S t o r m be bu~~n~\~o;~owln9 pertons ••t Oolno appoi nted as per sonal FOXX ANO ASSOCIATES ISOS1 SUPE••Ott COUllTOF represe ntat i v e I 0 Sprlnoci.1e Sullf' C, Hun11nglon CALIFOllNlll adm inlster the estate Of Bee<h.C•n•.. couNTYoFo•ANGE Glo ria Prisc illa Storm Fou .,,., "Ho<••1tt, • C.lllornll In lh• "'411•• ol lh<! Appht•h,,,., 01 { d th I d d t (0tPOU1ion, ISM1 Sprl"90alt Sullo c . .&Olli.AH J.AY SCHMIEOT •n<I LI NOA un er e n epen en Hunt1n01on BHc11 ca.,... LOU SCHM•EOT Administration of Estates Thi\ bU~tntt\ ,, conducltd by • No. •·111UI Ac t). The petition is set for <OrPC>f•~:. find Auo<'•tt\ Ott DE It TO SNOW CAUSE hearing in Dept. J at 700 J~L Fon FO•CMANGEOFHAMt: Civic Center Drive, West. '"'\ ~::=;:: ..... ,11.., ••th ,..,. S<~;_~~~.!,':.C:::.:'~0~::.~;, ~~~ in the City of Santa Ana, Coun~i. Clef'll ol Or-CounlY on Jan bffn lllt<I Wllh lhe Cler• OI '""<Our I Ca I ifornia on February 10, MNU• 1~1 1.,7 tor fn oroe1 ch1n91nq Ptlll1ontt\' 1982 at 9: JO a.m. FICTITIOUS IUSINUS PUlllC •fl£ Fl-.JI n•mn from AOrl•n Ja• S<hmledl •..O IF YOU OBJECT lo the NAMESTATEMEMT Publl,hedOr-C:O.il Oelly Pllol from Lin d• Lou Scnml•dl, g a f Of th t'tl The lollow1n9 P•,.on I\ dolnq J•n IS, 71,1', Fet> S. •"1 ~., rt•Pt<11•tl' IOAO•lanJey AO.ms•nd r n lhng Id 'the pe I on, DUslnH$M FICTITIOUS auSINEH lo Lindt LOU ACMm~ ••sc>e<ll•••• you s OU e1 er appear MAIN STREET ASSOCIATE!>. U'<I NAME STATllMENT IT IS HEllEBY OROE REO lh•I •II at the hearing and stale MacArlhUt Bllld Sle. soo. N--• bu!l~:,::~1ow1ng P•"o" '' dolno PlllJC •JiE pe,.on\ lnlerl\ltO on •••a ma11e r you r objections or file ee:~7i.<;."m"~ roolty m Soulh THE ASSOCIATES, 11101 Kroll ~ICTIT10UUUSINEU ~:"::.'1.'7..":;; ~:~re::!. i::; =u:~: written objections with the Ron more L°" Anooltt C•lllornl• l •n., Hunllnqt,,,. Be..:h. CA""" NAME STATEMENT "'o• c ... w whv lh•~ •opouu,,,. lor COU rt before the hearJno. 'CIOlO Jamo 0 Ho<T-.n, '°' P•r• Awnue, Tnt lollowlno Pt•ton• are doing (hl•Tnol•SO!UNRmeTU snouED o'd"naOEI ~REQO, .... lh':",. Your appearance may be l hh Du1lftf\S I\ conducita Dy • B•lbO• 1'1end. CA "1M1 I r ~ " " u • b llmlltOparlner\/>lp Thi\ buslneu I• condU<leG by in bu\nH•••· <Ol>V OI lhlS Ofdt>r lo ihow cau\41 ~ 1n p e rs on Or Y YOUr Wllllem L Tooto 1..0l•ldu.tl FOUNTAIN \/ALLEY CENTER publi\htd onu • wull lo• lour a ttorney. Thi\ s .......... ,,, .... llltO .. llh lht J-• 0 Homan JOI NT VENTURE If) Corpor•I• \U((~ .. •• ~~·or.or lo '"" d•V o• I F y 0 u A R E A COUnlY Cler' ol 0<1"9f C-n1y,,,. Jafl Tiii\ \1411-1 .. a, Ille<! wllh lhe PIH•. Suitt 103, lff•porl 8t.Ch. CA \tiO "earing In IM o .... P•IOI • c R E D I T 0 R 0 r a 1J lttl Counly coen. Of Or-County on Jafl .,_ newsp•per 01 qen•r•I Cl>Cul•llon Fl... • 1•11 HAROLD G MOll EHEAO, •1s pr1n1ed 1n 1i.e coun1vo10'41n90 cont lngent creditor of the PubllWCI °''""' c ... ,, 0~11, Pllo1 Fienu 81''1<H Ort ... Htwport Be.ch, CA O•t•d o..cemc.r30.1"1 deceased, you must file Coc;ta M~"" 540 5554 Oecem""' JO, 1'111 J IS l Pul>llSIWO Or•nvt Co.ii O•llY PllOI, •1-ROl\ltlO H Prerv.er F17'72' •n · 1 · "· Ftb s. 1"' , ... ., J•n 1. IS. n. n. ,,., 1..., z A 1 o A AST ARABA01 , 11 J~ofll'tftS-rlo-Cour1 your claim with the court Publl,.,,.., Or-Co.'1 Oally Piiot. Whlltw-. I Nine, CA '171S PuDll'1*2 Or•"9t CO.\I Oallv Piiot, 0 r p re Se nt if t 0 the • ' rtHCI llOTHllS IRL llOAOW A Y MOITUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 64<1·9150 IAL TI HIGllOH SMITH & TUTHILL WISTCltff CHArEL 427 E t 71h ~I Costa ME ... a 646-9371 rtllCI •OTHHS · SMITHS' MOITUAafe 627 Main St Huntington Beach 536-6539 G REENSRORO, N C J•n •.l.lS,1?,l"'1 s.oi .. i NlllC MOTi( _.,. WMll'r T"1' busi,,.n 1' <oncsucled bv •Jen•• is H 1..n '°""'·persona l representative ,._,. ,..,~ otner11 Ptr1M<1hlp. · • • • CAPI Dr James Allen PlklC •lll ,.CT•T•ouseuSINIH HAROLOG MOREHEAO -----------appointed by the court Colston. 72. a nutionally 1____________ NAMllSTATllMllHT suPERl0ttcou•To,. Thh s1at-t wa• 111ec1 wllh ,,,. Piil.iC •TIE within four months 'from prom1ncnl t'dUt'3lOr ror ~ICTITIOUSeUSINllH Tht lollowlnq peoon h Going CAU .. C>aNIA ~.":':i~y(lerllolOr-GounlyOllJafl the date Of first issuance more than 46 years and the HAMii STATIMll•T bllw'1,"~"Ee"'A.R LTD,, iooo we·• ~--,, cou•n OFORAlfOll Fl.... su1>1R1ott couRT OI' of letters as provided In ' bl k I fllt lollowlng o••\on Is dolnq ,. • -.-ln•e~MlntroflllOA"'IOllonof p II hedOY Coe O ti p CALl~HIA COUNTY Se t' 700 ft .. -b t lrst ill' to heac II butllltUU.. HIQllwev."--8H<h,CA t26U JOHNT,8LOWl0<Ch<111990IN•me Ull s -SI I y llol, OPotlaNGll c ion 0 ""pro a e tr11dit1onally wh1tt collcl(e PllESS WEST "'" Fra,,1o11n .aw 111011 Eno•n 111< . a C•1llo•nl• cu11 •uMa•• A·m.-J111 •. u. n, n, •"1 lSJ.., I• tlM Ml4eer .... """"'"" .. code of California . The Ill the nlte<l States. died "C", TU\lln, CA.,.., corpor•lkln, IOOO Wu.I GOHI HIQllWay, ONtt •U-C-CHA It LU NOWA•O MALHll 0, time for filing claims w ill Thursday .~~~~;11~~~c':'~~; 1•' wainu• "'T";,~=~s~s~':~out••o 11, • wHEAEA~.cj~;::!!~AS BLow, Piil.iC el1a 0::.~..=:.~11 MAUHO ,., not expl1re prior to four, LA JOLLA 1/\PI Dr Thl'odore F:nns. 66 . Russian-born r('s'ear ch Thl1 tllnll!f't\ ts condU<ltd by •n <M1>or111ot1 petllloiwr 11t\ llled • pellllll" wllh '"° cus HUMa•• An1111 months rom the date O 1...slvldu•I ROii Er\Ofn Inc Cler~ of tnh Court for an ordtr ~ICTITIOUI eUSINllSS OllHa TOSMOW CAUSll the hearing notl~ above. n 11 :::::. ":!°711.., wtlfl 111t ~~~~~1 ~~·::1":"~~1!~"=~~;a;:•J~~: '"• 1!:::!~':=~·1~• n 1no Ch•~~c::::~d~=~:a i na YOU MAY EXAMINE C-ly (!en 111 0Uftql CO-ly"" Jen. Tiii• S!Atl-nl WM llltcl wllh llMI Tl-iOMAS RYAN; bu'IMU n : 00rffft IC•.,. Mil-..... lllH I the file kept by the COUrt. phys1olol(1sl who worked on 11. ,..., Covntv c1er11 o1 Or-Counly on J111. 1T 1s OROEREO 1ha1 e11 ,..,...,.,5 r Aus TE£ s IE R" 1 c es. ooo i>tllllf>fl In '"'' ~ou•I •or an ordot If you are interested In the ~~e nha~~~f~t ·Y~~~1~t·1~"~1~~-~1~--~-~~~~·~~~·~~~1~n~~~·~~~~~H~~~"~~•o·~m~·v"~·~:~"'~1~<"A~~~-~~e"1•,"~··.~~:·o·~~•rw_._,_•r:~~~~~-est~t.~lth-t~'~t~t -~·cu" Pl It~,,.. j•" ».~.-;:-.o-s, ,.., ,,...., CUbll-ur..,,.. ca.11 O•ll't PllOI, °" Ftbf'Var'V 10, '"'· 1n 111e cwnrMm Newpor1 '"'•rn11101111 '•"''<• M1IU•• ,. Ch•rltt and oore•11 reques w '"" cour o bomb, died TUt'Sday Jlfl u. n. "·Fe«> s. '"" UHi ol OtNrtrntfll .... ), J udge • at "° (orpOrallon,. Calltorflll '"'°'alton, Mcl(ty, receive special notice Of WESTFIELD. N.J !Ar> Harry Hanan, M . creator or the "Louie" comic lrip and an ed1lorlal cartnonlsl. died Tue.sday The strip ran from lhc late 1940s through lhe mid·l970s. NSW YORK IAP I Jolla CharlelJ l.t11lle, 76, who joined Pan Am orlcan World Airways u a n . aeronauUcal enalneer and retired .a a senior vice president. died Tuesd•y NU l9ll£ PllUC Illa ~~~:~0~:;.~ ... ..!1:!f:~~11~ ~~: =• Mf.~~":~~~.~~·.:~ c-; 1~!:!,':,~ ~:::::::~ ·~1:;:: the Inventory of esta1e and wlly Ille oetllloll lot <"-el Ml'M t2..o •PPtlr e•IOre th l' courl 111 Of the J)etltlons, aCCOUntS ·-1c1••"'-· Tllh ""''"'u h co"41w<tM ., • Oe11tr1"'"" No. a .. 100 ct•k c-and reports deSCrlbed In llilftmll ~ICTITIQUJ aUtt••U NAM• ITATIM••T Tiit followt110 perton 11 doing .,.., ........ : 2SU ASSOCIATES, 4ft0 M41(Ar1-el¥d., si. *· .._, hach, CA '*'· Wllll1m L. looln, U• Sout ll RoHm~. Lot Anee•n. Gallltffll• ...,. W1111 ..... T .... , Tllh ,..._. -Iii.. wllll -'*'"I" c;~ .. °'°"""County ... Jiii . U,1"1. ,. .... '°"""I"*' Or-. CM•t Dell't ~ .... J .... n.n.1',,-.s,1m ttrc PICTITtoUS aus1••H IT IS FURTHEA OAOEREO !Ml. (Of'IHlf'lfltfl Otl ......... S...•,i. Ml, C.1119'1111, Oii Sec ti on 1200. s of the HAM• STAT•MIHT C..,Y of lfll' -•• ,....... <-lie """"'' ln!WMllOMI M1•et .. lO • I t!OCll. m .... lflefl • Th• 1011owln• P••ton 11 dol110 pw11i.11td 1n 111e 0111, P1101, • wvkeC.,.Pllf•tlOfl el\CI 1~tro ti-c-.' 11"""' ,.,.., California Probate COde. ""''"'" n . ,,,.,, • .,., 01 9'11tr11 c1tcu1•11on oavlf t>. Stott-•• 111 .. , ""' ,.... "'411'-".., <Mflee ot KE ITH C. WaLPUTT OREG FELIX CO., s .. Stur .. on pr·tnt.f 111 !> ..... c.v..fy, C•llf9flll•, P~ -illeoMllOt•tlf'--A ........ llOftAI 01., C_.. Mow, CA ma. once 1....., tor !OW wctftllw.,... Tllh .. ........,. l!Wn m• wllll tllo It I• hWtlltt .,.,._ "'-' • ,..., Of ,.,_ tleft G,... Fell•,"' Mvr...,i Ot., to.11 prltf MIN clillt wt tor _,lllO on"'-C-1' Cltfll Of l>lfl9' C-y Ofl 1111, orC9tr '9 .._ a..111 .. __.,_,... ..,_ -· Mote. CA••· • "'"'°" oet. u. 1•1. "' ,.,. 0.11,, P11o1. • _..,.,., ot 19762 M.lcArtlMw Blvd. Tllh liM'llWU II <tNlliCIM l>Y "' Oattd· o.c.mlltf 30, 1 .. 1 l*c ... & CtYI ttfllf•I Clr«olMloll, ,_,...,,... lfl 11111 Suite JM 111111•'-· "-If Iii.~. ............ ..... ,_" "'IMtt -· ..... .., ._ p 0 ... 1'SI Ot>91'-ll• JWlll"'.._._,..,c _...,.,.........,.. ' .. -:'~~--·~·.,...., .. Ne__;..;._~~,.-.~ Tiii' ~ Wit tu• wlUI l1't IOMtl fMOMAI II.OW .... -. --~ ,.._.._ --• ---.. _ c-tyc.tlolOr ..... COVfllyOllJ ... , , ... .....,.., ............. c.... OAnOJ_.,.. •• C71•> 752. au •• ,..,, • '":. 1,.. • ..,. RONALD"· ..... ,.,.11111 Publllhef Or~ coest '°"""1"'" 0r...,. c-0111:1=. "'*'"'" ~':.. c .... Oofly PAee, ,......_ 0r-.. "-' o.11~'= ,..1.::"C:..: =';..e;;-1,_, Delly Pilot, Jen. 1S, 16, .n, J.,. I, U.1', It, te 16Mf .I• I, I.,._ ft. 1• ._,.,, ..... I, U, 22. 1t, te I.wt J.,., I, Ii, n. .. , 19' 1'1• 1911 -m-12. I 11 NASA spreads tlie wealth SPACE CENTER, H o u s ton <AP > -The spac~ s huule Columbia Is laun c hed In Florida , c ontrolled fro m Texa• itnd lancb in C .. lllo rnJa. Its rockets a r e d eveloped In A la b a m a a n d the e nlll'e pro1ra m Is o rch 011trated o ut o r Was h ln1ton , O.C It's n o t th11t th e Natlon a l Ae ro n a u tics and Space Admin i s tration can 't m a k e up "its m ind w h ere It w a n ts to wor k . NASA o lliclaJs insist 11p r inltllng their f1tclUUes acr oss the country Is part o f a grand pla n to k eep e ve ry body b a ppy -no t least the polltJclan a . ''When you h ave a big orga.niz.atJon like NASA tha t s pew s a lo t ol m o ne y into the econ o m y , y o u try t o s catte r It o u L if y o u can t o give all differ e nt part s o r the country a n opportunit y to have the a dvantages o f t h e e c o n o m ic impact ," said N A S A spok esm a n J o hn Lawre n c e . The spac e c e n ter h ere p r ovid es jobs for m o r e tha n 8,000 federal w o rke rs and cont ractors, a nd h as t urne d w h at 20 y e a r s a go w a s a r ura l s hri m p ing v illage ol 5,000 people into a booming ~uburbia of 100,000 r esid e nts . • Because o r the policy Of spr ead ing the wealth, a stn gJe space s h u ttle p r ess confer e n ce h e r e may als o be cove r e d s i multa n eously by r e porters in Cape C anave ral, F la ., Edwa rds, Calif .• H u nts ville A l a ., and W a s h i ngt o n , 0 .C ., li nke d b y c losed ·c irc w t te le vis ion hookup so every body gets a c h a n c e to a s k question s . In a ll. N A S A h a s 11 fac ilities s tre tc hing fro m W a llo p s Is la nd, Va., to M offe tt Field, Calif. 1''our o f the m a r e directly Invo lved in th e m issio n o f the s huttle , said J o hn E. M cLeais h . di.acto r o f public informa tion at t h e J o h n s o n S p ace Center. "W e 're r espon s i b le h e r e in H oust o n for sel ec ting a n d tra ining the astro n a uts, d e v e loping the orbite r and co n t r o llin g the rlig ht," M c Leais h s aid . Building t h e r ock e t e ng ine s tha t p ropel the 116-to n s huttle into o r bit is the j o b o r th e M a r s h a ll Space Flig ht C enter in Hunts ville. whe r e the Saturn rockets th at c a r r ied m an to the m oon m o r e t h an 12 yea r s a go were d e s ig n ed a n d c ontracted. IUMM&llYG" ~D .. OtlMWICe OlllDIMAHC••·t I•~ .... '" 1\111 ~ ..... lrwll J-" ••. I ___ .._...., ............. r•ll '"' vol•. c-11 ,...."'._" a va1' lcllleltr. Hell, H•fl••t . Mcf'•rlaM, .-_ HO«J N-. ••H NT ,._ Ord"'-».,,,,.._ ............ , ..... rt ............ View le a.t .... I Ir-1111 19 1111. In C-11911 wllll ,..,_ "91111eft It .... ., Orange Coast DAILY PJLOT/Friday, January 22, 1982 .. Ml.I Illa •I n6" ,ICTl n °"' ..,_.111111 'IC1'1110Ut aUMM•M lllCTITIOUI aUNllllM •Ol'tee .. t8utTll'I "'41 "AMI tJAYIMIJtf ....... W«t•••f -.s.T .... •t 1.S...., ,.,..ti.. Tiie re11ew1n1 "'Mii It ••Int Ti.. lell-~ ~-' er• lfel"I Tiie 1•11••1111 ... ,..., h ••l•t °" l'r*t', ,...,,_,,It,,.._••._ Ml-•· !Mttln.u.. bUtlnttt .. e·o eo P M , el .... ,, ... , lfllf-t 00\.0IN AIUU)W OAI I Nl•OV MAN U!C: 'ONIUL T •NT,_ J69J l •La OA llLUll, ,., I l e• tf IM 0.. Or-C-y ,_,.,._, CO, .. I ... Hiii ·-· ""le Mt, Mtftlt .. Dfl .. , HUftll ... toft l tt<ll, ···-· ...... Gtlllefflle f)MJ lfl llw • ••u on WMT 5-e A-. '"''-'"' 4, C.lt WM, C:A .,.. Celllorfllt...,. Aver•, M --. ,,. ... ., filfoet, l tvf , ClfY et ....._ ...... CellftfllN, · JAMIS H ICITCHIHI , IUI $ .,,_, .......... ,._..-r, Mt 1C••POl1 1 ..,_..Ctllttrllle9M6S '1 11UT INTl ll5TATI l•NI( 011 Tl'll•••-.ArCaoll•,C•t• Mtnleto O<lva, Hu11ll1>11ton i H <l'I, n 1 _,_,It ,_.._'' l ft CALll"OlllNIA, Trv-w -··--l l'lh lllullftett It ttMwclecl .., eft CA!lltrftie._,. WftlM""--•-lal-o-r 1- l rvtteo --o..d .. Trw I'll-t~lv....,, l"t l rlcle A """''"., l H J •H rt...,tfllt> ty I . W .... k..i -OajNI k eott, J-H. KllCMftt CM·~"ii'or''°,.•· ~· Hwftlln91on i .. 0 1, f•I• .~Ml ~-IOI-Ill .. wit• --ll11t t •ll41 -wllt , at Tell•llli 111 Tlllt tie.,_. •et lllecl wlll'I IN _ ,. .,_. n .. ~.,... -" - c-"' ... .-rec.,_ s.p-.,,.... 24, ,_,,,,..,.,Of o..,.. ,_,, o,J.,.. Tllh -i11tu 11 ,_, .. .., ... Cov111y Cle" 01 Or•,... '-" O'I lllCTITIOUI 141tlN&.11 .....rtTilT8...,.-- T II• l•llewli.t "" ... l.t fel11a ..... ....... JWO LI Mlfl O, I* klllle .. Orin ,_..,.,, .. kfl. CA'- JANlllT W OONN l!LLY, I,.. ,... ..... Or1w , -00'1 ltt<ll: ('>. tt..O thll ~·~· It <Olldll<I .. by .,., llltllvlClllal J-W Donnelly Thi\ •ltl-1 Wt.I fllM Wiii\ IM County c1er11 o1 o..,.. c_,ty Ofl JM, Tiie 1.,11 lul ti Ille ittepettcl er•lfllf'le IN\' ... r'ffcl Ill lN Cll1 C:len '1 OfllU .. 11 Fair Drlwe, C:•lt ........ 1-. .. l~t N-• ,..n. 111 •. 1"1 • 1"4Molltl ,.,.wary M. ,.., 1••11 .,,J,, ,. ... 1'41 el 0111c1e1 ,._ A.•· llOll<lewt llltcotft Of Or ..... COW>ty, Cell..,,..,a, l"llbll-Or ..... C:ottl Oelly ftllot, Tllh •IM-1 w._ 111 .. wlll'I ll'le ........ PllblllflH Or-Coe•I Oellv Pll9'. .. ,.., ~.., "'-.0 .... Ell.H IN P PHINN•V • Clly C:lerll City ef C•I• MaM PllllllllM Or .... c .. ,, Dally l'llot, 11v.,. .. _..,. • 1 ............ If\ Jtft •· '~ 22, M, 1"1 !~ c:ovnh Clerk or O.•nee '°""'• on la.er or un11.o C•lllornl• 8eN;, • J.,.,werv IO. ttlt CelllOrftlt C:O.-el*'., by rMMft of .... 1911( PllllJJ Ill• 11•••<11 •f carlel11 Ollllt•llona P11blltlliNI Ota/\09 C.oetl O•lly Piiot, ------------- Je11. n , ,.:t1t11. ,, u, 1m MJ.aJ PwbH""cl Qr-'M" Oall~ Pl""' • , Jar1 •. is, n , 1', 1111D ,,,,.. • ,,-,: PUBLIC NOTICE J41 l2 11 J .... n. ,.., ,.....,, IU,.lllll•COU•TOl'CA'-Cf'OtlNIA COU..,.., Of' 0111-.1 In Ille M9lttr tf .. ,._kellon 01 LlfONAltD IO«OL WAH l lllMAN, lllOSE 11u a\I *'"5£RMAN, HlllM!ld -Wlla "" Q1enee If N-. CAll•--•111•·11"'1 OaHa •tMOW CAUU POii CMAMO• Of' NAMlt: L~AlllOSOICOI. WAUllllMAN a. lllOS£ llUI V W.ASSElllMAN, 1111 ....... -wllo, ....... filed • pellllon Ill INt <...n ·-.......... ••tew1111 "'"'-' ,. <ll•l'lt• ,.,,,, ... , ,.."'. ''•"' LEON•lllD SOICOI. W•SSE•MAN a. ROSIE lllUIY WASSl!lllMAN lo Ll!ONAlllO STERLING WATE.lllS a. lllOSIE lllU8V WATERS II I•......., orOWecl 11\el ell --llllerH lecl '" llw 411tlltr elorote ltl •PP••~ b alort l h ll COwrl 111 O..,Or1mont Ho, J al '1IO Civic C...ltt Ori•• Wnt, ~ •11t, C.lllwftle, on Merell J. 1"2, •I 10 M o'<IO<k e.m., -,,.,... -ll'le,. lll6w <..,M, II tfty llley ll•v•, wl'lv H id petlllllft tor CllM\ge Of --.io ftOl lie trtllt ... II It lllrtMr ordtrM lhot • coo• of ll'lls ortltr IO -<•UM -PVbllsllecl In D•lly Piiot, e 11ewo e11tf OI -rel Cll'Cllltlloft, .,..,.I_ In "'h ,_,, •I .._, once • -'°' '°"' conwcutlvt -· P<IO< to tl'll llty or w lo llt•r1- D•l•o J-'f 10, 11112 R-IOH.P,......, J11119t Of , .. Superior c_, PubllSMtt OrtflOe Cotti O•lly Piiot, J.,., JJ, ,., F• S, 11, lta '1M1 SUPE•loa COUlllT 011 CALll"O.NIA COUlfTYO .. 1111va1t110• ..... o.ltlt. l".O .... .,. 1-..c..tz111 PLAINTIFF DESERT VII.LAGE HOMEDWNElllS ASSOCIATION, a C•lllorftle '*"iWtlll cw-•llon DE F E N DANT TI C D A u twreo lll•rttlY, 11ollce ol •lllU1 MN·-717 J.,., n , 1', 1<911 i. 12, 1M1 J•l.fl Sl'l-WIJ trtecll wa _.._ AUlll•I 11, n•1, ._ NOTtC•O"T•UtT••'l lA\.I •• 1nt1rw.ltOl1 N""""' Mfl, In•-NOTICE O~ DEATH OF .. -..,M1D1t 14"•· ,. ... iut , 01 .. 10 0111cte1 JOAN o. PRINCE AND P1aJC 1911( Nolle/ '' ,.,.,"'.,, 11vt11 tl'lat on lllecorlh, whl w11 ol llUl!lk ouctJon to 0 .. P E T f T 1 O H T O rrll!•v. ,,.,. 2'!1'1..0.y oJ JN111er1. Itel, IM.,..,_.. II'-' lot <•"'· P•v...,. Iii "" •t Ill•,_ ol 11 OOe .M., •I ~th front l•wlvl _.,,Of -u 1111.o ~•let at ADMINISTER ESTATE CPPI.. t nlr•llC• to IM O<•,... Ctllllty 0 10 Ille lime OI w le, Ol lly <•'!flier'\ c~ NO. A · t t 1'65. NOTICI! 011 TlllUSTlt:l'I '"'-• Coul'fl'IO\lte Ill ,,.,. City of S.nle Ane. clrew11 ty • be11k ,,.., .. cl 111 IM T I l .S No 001 C°"lll'f f11 o..,., Sl•I• Of (allfornJa, t •llerol N llklllt bw\lllUJ Ill Wlcl 0 a I h e I r S , M OHAMMED S OAUOO, A~ Sleltwlee ,._.._.. Str"l<tt , lllC., C-ly, Stele ot C.MIMlll•; ~'Nie b e n eficiarie s , Cr e d i tors T'-USTOll a\ S11e<t1ttr l rwtlee, wlll .. 11 •• ...,, lie -•""°"' wtl'rt11ty •• to and c on tingent c r ed ito rs o f o n Fet1 '·,.,.,,at•· is "" M ·TITLE """"'' _.....,, •• 111e 111"'9'4 bl-•, tlir., -.wot\ .. -""'brtft<H, , ... J 0 h n 0 . pr I n c e and TllUST OEEO'SElllVICE COMPANY, lot <•Ill Ill lt'#flll -y., '"' UlllltO ll!ltretl Cllflvtl'OO .. -now htlcl.by et Olll• ~nl .. Tr11tl" --SUI .. , ell ... yellle •I -11-ol , .... wlcl T•--.. kl-ortr...i1n p e r s ons who may b e ,,..,,.,. .. 1 to °"° ot Tr11a1 ••<0<-"'-1 .. ,,.,... ,..., _11.,, 111.,.1.a 111 ,,.,. ,,,_,., tttwatt In o.-c-y. oth e r w ise inte res te d in th e 4Ptll 11• , .. ,, •• 1"'' No nne, in ,,.,. ctty e1 ~ .... ,,, cou,,., of c.llletftlt, clttcrlbecl et Wi II a A,. '0 1" e sta te ·. book lfOU, ll•O• U S, or Oltlc lal Orange, Sltle of Ce lllor nla, e110 All lllOC ontlft 1-tit-111 '"' ,...., Rtcoro• In Ille ofll<• ot ll'le ,_..,. o.t<rlbeClnlOllowt: cit, ot N __ , Beecll, ,_,, ., A petition has b een flle d Rt coro., of o..,oe C_,I\', si.1. ot Let 41 ., Tract Ho ,.13, •• .,., mao Oranet, s .... of C.lllOtftie, o .. u l .... b y J a Ck Princ e i n t h e Celllor11le WILL SELL AT PUBLIC recor-111 8-'4, p_. 0 '"'" 41, "•CTl'f•OUJ aus11uu N-· ITA'rtt:M•MT The IOl!owlnO ,,.,~011• ••• ool11t l"-bu•in•'' •• M A N A G E M E N t DEVELOPMENT CON\U~TANn, !HU F'lorlcl• Slr .. 1, Swll• JJO, HUllll ....... 8-.1\, C•lllor111e UMI "'"" L ICrueger 10011 Jwenw• L•ne, HunllftQIOfl h .t II, C.lltornl• ., .. Helen L Butler, 10t Sunny Crt\I Drive, f'llller10ft, Ct lllor1111 Utl) Tl'lh Dvll .... l I\ tOflCN(ltO Oy • Offttr•I -tlllp AllnL I(._, ,., .. ., Pu1>11.-Or ..... CM \! D•llv Piiot, JM..ll,.n...£..W...U IMZ "~ -H loll_, ~Pel'l.OC COUC1 Ot Q rann a AUC TION TD HIGHEST Bl DOER ~!Jc.~. inlMOffl<tol U."°""ty L61 ' -Ill« 116rtloft .. LOI 4 ., ,.._.. FOlt CA1" l119y-•I II-Of .. ,. '" Aecordtr OI Wlo , ........ Tr.ct No."'·"',.,. City., New_, o unty r equ esting t hat 1aw1u1 _., °' ',.,. un11eo s1a1"1 •T Tl'I• ,,,,., .. """ •110 o•h•• PWUC l9TICf :~c:~::r;, "::" ;~~.~v!'°: ~:~~r~~~~ere~r:s~~~~:~~ ~1:0:~~:;~~:~.:oT~o~ T~: ~::.m~~~~~·~£!i:.'~ ,.r---11-IC_T_l_T_IOU_S_l_U_S_lll_IE_U __ _ ::,Kt~ec':; ~ ~ ~!!:..:'. to admin ister th e esta t e o f SA N u ANA BLVD .. ee-rwe EN ~~ c.11~,.,..1• ,,..;oc • ""'00" N-1 nAH MINT oevrl ... tt•ot-•· J ohn O. Princ e (unde r the ss:cN•T~RE .sT 1AN1o 8RDADW•Y. Tiie ""°"'t""*' '"'"" o•K•a•m• ~.T,,':i:,~:~•o••nt P•,.011 '' 00111g ll•t lMlno ., '"' Northeaslt•IY I n d e p e n d e n I ~ AN~ • I , gnt, 1111• •no •n• ll•t>lllly '°' .,,., l"COrrKIMU or .... CO<llet °' ttlo Loi •; "'911<• Wftlerty Admln lstratt'o n of E St"'te s llllertt1 Conveyed lo...O"""' ,..,0 l>y II ,,.,. '''"' -·--• ..., 01 .... common SWEET SATISf'ACTIOo;, "' Uro U .00 IMI •!oftt Ille Nor1htrly llM u under U IO Du tt ol Ttwll In lllt IH\lgntlion, II •llY, \hOwn llttrtln Stru 1. Newoorl 11 .. t n. Ct lllOtnl• , .. , .... I'-"«• Sou9Mtlv to .,,.. .. , Oft Ac I) T h e petition is set fo r ~~:::~~','.:,':In Wlo County .,,., St lO ,.1. Wiii b• .... .,. wllnoul t1 .. ~ .... M Hov•l•nO, •OO l u\lln lhe Southerly line 01 U ICI 101, h ear in g In Dept. No. 3 a l Lot» Of Traci No ""· '" ,,,.,..,11 <1,..0v0•11n.~n•,.:,.• :1:.::1•11n,!y~•~••1u or ••tnue Newport Se.ell, c411,10,n1• Nortl'lwu terly IS.to 1ee1 rrom 111t 70 0 C i vic Cente r Drive, v, ·~ tv . .,.. ............ on.or So<.tll'IHtttrly corMr ol '°la lot, 4, °" • m•pr0<0<0tcl In 8ooh 41 t, Peou enc umbr,.nce• lo ••"•'Y Ill• n .. 3 lhtM• EM!arty IS.to'"' •lofto ,,. Wes t , In the City o r Santa 40 ll'l rou9 11 4l l n t lu \1¥t o r Ol>ll(l•llon)W(Utt<IOy •ftdpurwt nllo Thlt buw••U I• <OOOU<lt!CI l>'f ... ~oullltrly llJ>t ol ••lo lot, lo '"' A n a • c i!I I I f 0 r n I a 0 n mlK •llaneO\n ma1», re<OtCI• ol , ... ·~ POW .. Of .ale conferred "' lh•t lnolvldual So<.t111u11erty <,.,,.., INreot, thence F ebruary 3, 1982 a t 9; 30 county rtcoroer 01 ,.,., c°"n1y (t r I.in dfoeO ot ""'' o.teo S.ptemo.' It. M Hoveleno Norlll•nlerly •'°"11 111• Sowll'lt••lerly Tht ''''" •Oort \\ •no olhtt 18, 19'0, .. ettJll!CI btl-n LEROY p Th•• t1•1tmen1 ••• 111.0 w11n '"' lino of solo Loi 4 10 tl'le oolnl 01 a .m . . common Clfflg,..llon, 11 eny, or'"" STUDER •no EMOCENE STUDf~ •• , County Cltrk 01 Oran~ c;.,..oty on be91nnlno IF YOU OBJ'ECT to th e ''11 O•OPO•ly Oo crlbed tbove I• Trw$1o,., lo ST PAUL TI TL E Jenuerv70,1"7 E•cept '"•' 00111 on or Loi s g r anting o f the p e tition , Ourporl..O 10 tit S. C•rver St'"'· COMPANY,•• Tru>IH• tor JA(I( A 0.K rlbtd ts IOllowt: 8eglnnlng •I lllt 1'"1"'· CA '1114 ANDONIAN el •I n S.llOllttl.,y, lo l'lorlheast <orntr 01 Loi s: thence you Should eith e r appear '"' uftder\IQM<I Tru••ee o•sctelm• u <ure '"' "'"' 01 ll ... 900 oo. ,.11,, FlllM4 Pubfl\heel Or-c ... ,, Dtllv Pllol, Wo terly 1.10 tMt •iono ,,.. N-rty a t th e hearin g a nd state •ny llebllllv tor .,,. lntorrec:t11tn 01 1n•tt•U ltw<ton, .. pro••oeo In \e10 llM ot Lo4 s, lheftc:t Soll-IV 31.SO y o ur Ob jectio n s Or file Ille Ureel eddreu •no otller common noto t Cl.an(f:), 11 any WllOtl _.,. •TJC( IMI P•r•U.t wltl'I Ole E•tlerly llne of · • oeilentlleft, II •ny, "'°""'herein tlle ttrms ot -.Mo Otto Of 1rut1, ''"'· l"IWRA Lot s. thence EHl•rh 1.10 , .. , w ritte n obJect1on s w ith th e s.10 \Ole w111 ti. m•a., bul '"""°"' <l'l••o" ...., .. """"'' 01 '"" rru''"' ,.------------- Jan U , 1' Ftb S ll, 11191• lS9-t1 ~·•"•' w1111 111t N0<11'1er1y 11,.. 0, ••lcl cou r t befo re lhe h e a r ing. cov•11•111 or •urraniv. tAi>reu or •..O 01 T"'"' er .. ,.., t>y w 10 o..o 01 111CT1r 1ous aus1111ss Lot S lo lhe E~terly line INreol, Your a ppearance m a y be lmpll ... '~1'lflt tit,., _._u lon, °' Tcu~t. end rKorclfoG Oft S..ptemt>er II, atAMIE ST•TIEMl:llT lhtM t Nort,,..ly ti 50 IHI a loftQ the . t ntumbrencet, IO Illy ,,,. remalnlnv '"°· 111 -1l774 -1205 o1 otllc,••• I"' rollowlng pn 1on " doing s.10 EHterly llnt , to '"'point or in p e r son o r b y your P<lllclP4'1 """ot '"'1101th1 secwreo recorot or Or-County S•••• o1 """"'""' beglnnlftO, atto rne y. by H id 0..0 OI TrUJI, •1111 lnl•rtsl (tllfornl• 8 C DRYWALL )St) E109n CO<lt Tl'le ilreet aclelreu t llo oll'ltr I F y O U A R E A ll'ltr..,.., IS P<O•ICleCI 111 stiff llOlth l. Th• -iclery _, SO•O oe.a ot MH • CAt?•ll <•mmon °"'Ontllllft, II .,..,., ol IN C R E 0 I T 0 R H vt ll<n . II .,.Y, -,,,. ,.,_ of IN•I or -urlly Otvlte, t>y •••\4ft Of• Wlll••m A C0ut11 7SIS Elcle11 C01.I• rt•I oropel'fy oucrlbeo tbove o 0 r a SOid 0-ol Trv\l, ltM, Cher~ eftd Oru cf\ or Oel•ull •n lhe Obllgellons Mew . C• '1U1 IKl•oor1ec1 to .,. •IS vi. Liao Sowa, cont ingent c reditor o f the .. 1>e11Mt 01 '"' Tru.1 .. •no o• ,,.. wcurett uwret>y, ...,.,.,..,.. u ecu1ec1 Th•• °''"11eu " cono1K1eo ,,. •n N•woort 8Nc:h. CA ~ decea s ed, yo u mus t file ''"~'• cra .... 1>, w10 o.ott 01 T'"" •"" 0.11.,.,.., 10 1r.. ..,..,., 11g...., • 1nttl••ou•1 Tiie _.igned Tf\tSlM OIKl•lnls YOUr Claim ith the C rt The lott l t mounl ol ll'le unp•lo wr111.,1 Ge<lt rallon or oelau11 ano WIHlt m" Couc-11 T he Ke nnedy S p ace Cen ter a t Cape C a naver al is in co n tro l d urin g the la unc tr.2na ro r t h e prese nt a t least, the s h uttle lands at the Dry d en Flight Resear~ Cen ter i n Califo rnia w h ere a vas t dry lake bottom leaves a lo t of room fo r e rro r . --" essibty a~Tly as t h e 01n th ffigh t t e n t a t i ve l y sc hedule d fo r n e xt Augus t o r Sep tember w e will take off ~nd land a t Kennedy ," M c Le a 1s n s aia:-0.w e 're u s ing the Edwards d r y lak e bed ins tead o f a con v e ntion a l r unw a y becaus e it's very ear ly in the d evelo p m e nt fligh t." PROPERTI ES CORPORATION, • cor-.. loft .JOtiN 00£ C•RL TON, JOHN OOE BROWNE, JOHN DOE A88A T5T ... dl¥~41•.+ty e nd dbe CARLTON, 8 ROWN E & All8ATE, • Pt rlMrSlllD, -00£S 1 -10, lnc:luslve •ny ll•blllty lot •ny IMOneclneu of W • OU .,.,.,.u of. llw OOll~llon tt<urlld bY dem•ftO IO< Wle, tllO wrllltn nollco of Tnh Slat-1 ,.., llll'd wllll Ille '"' "'"' ~ -onwr ~ l.Q.L.J> r ~n l 1 t l <L.1ll e.. ~f,!.m!lY J~ w10 · ~ ..-ei.ai-~ ..i1 -111o c-1~....,. °'~' .... "~ onlone11o<i,lr•ny;"\l\Owft~_;__::,;, ~net ~esenla t ive u r m•t•o co"'· ••P•nut •no 1erm• o• s•lo ouo 01 ''"" •no S nu S.kl sele l\lobe11t10lorlht--app oin te d by the c o u rl •clvencH •t 11w """ ot ,,.. 1n1t1e1 recordeCl AUQUlt s , .. , •• 1n11,.,..,.,,1 11111116 ... OI P•yl119 ,,.,. loll-lflt Obllt •llon• ,. .. IA ·-··----~~ hblk •llon ~ , .. ~012!!!..J~ '40. ""·'"--IAIJO...t ~USef p-·-~ ..... ~~111t.----......... b'f w lct Dwdot-Y-nnt· •• _,..,.,,,,::J'_HVTTT' ~~ 14 Olli(lt l re<orO\ot WICI c .... n1y Jen IS, 11.1'. Feb '· 11191 711 ., F"'·"',..'llH -upenw1 or 111e the date of firs t issuance T,.. beftet1c1try unoer w10 DM<I o1 Th• 101e1 •mown1 01 ""' 11n11t1e1 -''""H· '"',,,_ lo ti. ,,.,. '""' or o f letters a s pro v id ed In '' "" llo•etolore u oc uteo •nd W l•M• °' ,,,. obH~tlon wcwr.., by M ...... ts. Otllverlld to ,,,. .,._,\IQMd • wr1111n Ille propeny lo o. solo, 1nc1uolno Californi a a l s o h as the J e t Propu lsion L a bo rator y in P a s aden a , w hich explo r es deep SJ>.ac e w ith unm a n ned s a teJlites s uc h a s Vik ing a n d M arin er, and the Ames R esear c h Cente r at M o ff ett Field, w hi c h s tudi e s pl a n e t a r y a t mosph e res and d oes o the r s p ace resear c h . "E a c h of t h e N A S A center s h a s in dep ende nt func t ions." s a id Lawr e n c e ''A nd it h e l ps pro m o te m o r e s upport for political p u rpos es . O bviously the people i n Flo r ida, a r o u n d he re a nd in C a lifornia . a r e v ery r eal s upporte r s" of the s pa ce program. '"'• un11110 P<IM IP•• t>•••nc• or Sec tion 700 of the P robate 01cl•••t1on ot 0.1..,11 .,,., o.m ... o ollm•••o cu1> ,.11,n, .. •no --------------M•s.aoo.oo C o d e o f Cal If ornia . The tor S•ie •nO • Wfllltft Nolle• of t0¥encn lu i.t,643 1S FICTITIOUS IUSllll:SS lnltrHI Oft IM wnpelo prl11c l~I tim e for filin g Claim s Will Deteull •no Olecllon lo St ll. Tll• O•lt!CI Dtomoer U, 1 .. 1 NAM« STATIEMEllT l>tlall<o I"""··~ 61 First lnlertlet. · 11noer\111...., C•useo U ld Nollco 01 Stettw ... Fer«-• Tht following i>erw n\ ere oou>9 II YOU •llh lo Mtk Ille .Olllct ot .,. 8enh't prim. rate lllut 1 S perCflll Def not e xptre prior tO fOUr Dt l•uH •no £1e<llon to S.11 lo 1>0 Senk et, 111<, ., .... b1,.lneo •t •uor ... , "'"''',..., .. ,.You should oo •nnum m o n th s from the date o f recorattt 11111w county '""°'" 1110 ree l T,,,._eys....11t111.... CRESCENT ASSOC IATES, •OA1 10 l)romptly SO ll'ltl yowr Wrllten Dalee!: J-y 11, 1'91 the hearing notfCed above , Pf-rly It IOC:tlt<I A.A Jo,, •111. Vke ,.,........ Mt<Ar lhwr 8owlevaro, ~u11• ISO, ro'90ftM, Ila...,, may be lllHon llme FIRST INTERSTATE O E X 0••• J.,,.,.,.,, S. 1491 msc..r111e1a... llewoort 8te<11. C•lllornl• tt..O AVISOI UStao r..lldo ~. llAHKOFCALIFORNIA, Y U MAY A MI N E T•TLETAusroeeo Cy-•,C·•·*• M1t11oun1tr Sc11on1noer.a• El "'"'-' --OKlcllr conlr• Uo. TllUSTe e lh e file k ep t by lhe cou rt. SERVI CE COMPANY 0 141 I Jll.Jlll Cu•IOOl•n lor Mltl•nle Jo SCllonln9u. •In •11111•ncl• • "ltllOJ Que Ucl. FORMERLY UNITED If y o u are in teres ted in the "' wlo T...,.... Publl•M<I OranQot Co.tsl Dally PllOI, U01 Eu• Monlu llo, ScolUO•I• '~ *"lro 0t JD Ol•s. LH I• CALIFO•NIA B•NIC eSt"f e YOU may f ile a 162SOVH11111'A81¥d ,Slt •lOA Jtn 1.15,n ,t .. 7 11 5-11 ArlloneUJSt '""""klon_tl_. B•~ ElltJibtlh Al«cht .. • £n<lno, CA '1•36 P•ul H Rtynotcn. ,., Hellol•-SI Uttet1dttH M11k 11.,,1con.wloe1tt .._,IOdSIOMlwro r equest with the court to .re1 11i.-..... PUIUC llTIC( Avtnu•. Cor""4 0.1 ""-' caur.,.-n•• wn ·~ .,. "'" at.unto, _,,, Loc•lecl •• 101 w11u.1re e1,d,, L.,. r eceive s pecia l n ot ic e o l By errot s s1111m.,. •1u s h11cerlo lmmecll•tam•nlt, oa e1le Aftgtltt, C•lllor111t taOIJ, l•lepf\ofw t h e 1'n vento r y Of e s t a t e Publl\l'led 0r"'9t Coe>I D•llY Piiot, Ptttr .. ftO rtw l(lrk Trw•I, U J M c Leais h con cede d the re is some redunda n cy by having so m a n y cente r s . but add ed, "There a r e s ome cas e s w h e r e y o u h ave d e libe rat e d uplic ation.•· ,......,., "' ~'4 es<rll•. II llty UIJI •14-JJll. Thlt Wle II SC-led lo . Jan 1', 12, 1', 1"1 11 .. U NOTICE OF TllUSTE E'S SALE f airvl•w AMO, Ojai, C•lllornlt tlllJJ •lg.,...,,.... ter , .... ,,_a Ila,._, IHI l'lelO by Harola S. Bever, Trwt a ssets a nd Of the p etitio ns , T,S, Ne._., Jolln C SVtllerleno, Jr 111'1 Pt'° I. TO THE DEFENDANT A Cl•ll 0111<• .... Elll-lh Alectht, AUi a ccounts and repo rts NEWPORT P,tlCIFIC FUNDING, delSur.Soull'ILtO<,tnt.C•llfO<nl•<tli11 compl•lftl Mt-.llleclbYll'le P1al11111 PlaJC llTIC( INC n OUIY -n1ec1 Trv•I• wnoer G Suttle 12 I P egelflsl-. 11 _ .,1.,.,.., • ._. 11111 i.:'!~'!:...":'::',.':.::.""" •1 dfe stchr ibe<fC 11.nf ~ tiopn 12b00t.S ,_____________ '"' 101•-•no 0Kcr11>e<1 oeeo 01 1rwt1 Sw•, :=.,~ L~~c.11::,,..:~~ lewwll, l'OU lnU\I, wlll'llll • d•yt -·~11·~ -..... r-~ 0 ·•1y P"~ 0 e a I 0rn 1a r o a e WILL SELL AT PU8LIC AUCTI Oo; llot>tr1 II Welker, Jr • 171 La Selle, ~v• --"" ~~ ., _"":'J C d TnM TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FDR _, tllls --IS -veo on yOu, Jeft U . ,., F• S, ltlt . Jn-cz 0 e. Tiit lot~ <111>'1 of "NOll()e," Ille CASH IPtYt blt •1 llm• Of tele In P1tomont, Ct lilornla t 41110 .......... I.Ills c_, • wrllleft ,_,. T "0 r p e ' s u I I I v a n • orlglMI of wflk?I wei tiled '°' rR<.orCI ••• , .. , ......... or , .... un11eo Sl•l•sl •II T I'll• bu•ln•n .. conovct~ I>• • FICTITIOUS IUSllllEU NAMIE STATEMENT The tot10•1n9 oer\on\ .,. <1ou19 buS.H'W'U ., G&S HOTE L CO NSULTANI!> •S•O Mtt<.ArUnH ltlvd , ~·· ""o Me•Po"1 kKh, C•UfMtl•• ~ F, ~o (;IOl>On>, aQ.J.J...u P ..... A"•hefm H 1tl\1 C•MOfn•A '0601 P•ter Sft••~ 17ll Ev<••yotu' &ru , C•l1forn1a '1•11 Thi\ """,,." " conouc1eo b• .... ~'"iMOrPDr••cs •u oct•tJon ottwl/r tf't•n • C>ttttner\ft1p ,,.., Sl>tw This Sl•lemenl ••• llll'd •II~ I~ Counfv C••t-or 0••119" C°"nh o~ ' Dtcem.,., .IO, '"' lo ,,.,. CCl<\'IPWrtl u-.. you 00 .... w 0 r km,) n & Th 0 r p e ' Oft Dtc•-JI, ,,., "' ,,,. tlffk e ot rlghl, "'" -lnlerttl Con¥eytcl 10 Otfte••I PMPl,..,.,,.pA Y•w• oel•Ull Wiii bt ,,,,., ... on NU ma ,,,. c_, Re<orelttr ., WICI Count'(. IS -llOW ... IO ... II .,,,.,., W IO °""Of .... H O nota .. -•k•llon,,, -Plalftllff, -lhlt Attotn•ys at L.Jw, ., .. Stnl 10 yow l n••mwcll •• •11 Trwst In'"' D•-rty l'ltreln•llOr Ment9'nvP•rt~r court ITWIY -• ......,,_. ... '"~' Floor, IOO Wilshfre Blvd., •••mlMllol'I ., ttw uoo io w kl 1•11JI oet<•lbtd Tl'l1t •1••-1 ••• "'"' •1111 ,,,. .,.., 10 ' IN '9llet ClttrneMM 111 IM f'ICTITIOUS•UMM•U Los An .. el•s , Ca. 90017,• PrOll••l'f """"'' you 11•0 11•v• a11 TAUSTDR RALPH L AED• -County Cl<!rk 0' O<•-County °" "ICTITlOUSIUSO•aH compl•l11I, "'hlc11 could rHwll In N .... ITATl ... NT "' ln ler•ll 1,. th• Trwst .. ·:s. S•le MARLENE AEOA flu•k··~ t M wile Dec .JO '"l NAMI! STATEMUIT gu11h nmen1 ol ••Ott . lakl1111 ., Th• IOll-119 ........ IS .,. Clol119 tel: (213) 680-9'40 """"" _.., The lollowtne °'''°"' •re Oolf19 money Of pr-rly or 0111tr retie! IMN11es1 as. Proc. "lolnl ,.....," llloc!Mrd J •-. bllslntttM. ·-teolfttN<-•lftl IU APOt.l.O ENTEllPRISES C11 Pvbll-~ COH1 D•lly PllOI lfOTIUCW oallAU\.T 8 E .. 6F I CI AA V HAROLD • Prattt.-..c-. SUNSET P\18, ... " PKlll< Coest 0-.IO D Svlllveft, Clar• THE GLASS MENDEllS, ms Olis, Jiii\ n. IJ, 22. 1912 1-..i •NOa\.ECTIC* TO A0881NS ,,.,., .. under DK••••llOft .,,. v ... _ s..llt- Hl91'1wo , S-wt Betel!, Ct lllom1t e . Stall, Oetlul' St11l1 AN . CMllWN• '2104 • SaL.L UNOIElll OI Tru•I Otl.O Jul• 16 19'0 N•w ... rt atecll (.. .,_ '°IO D•lto July 1, , .. , J•cQuelyn •nn lten......Jtqj. $.,, ._ -· ----• Ot!aD Oii' TltUST, __ Rttor~J~..J !. l!fl •s 11'11• 1_.,,11~~ Oo•ly PtlOI MAG.Gf.-5.!S P U'iJ ,-tNC-.• .!.. ICMA111J1.lr~--$~ o. ~-·CM!-.... ..._ ••llK "-llli:'lt!N69Y No ~'Ill -11'01 oeoe 1070 OI Jt n I . 1) n ,.., 10.n C•lllornl• <ofpOretlllft, 1 .. ss Pect11< 7-1 .......... 111, ...._II 91107 1-------------T ·'-Na. 7SW.. Ot11clt l Re<oros '" IN ollk • or tlw · · · · Coa st H•gllw•y, Swnut B••cl'I, ,._,.o..rt~.tult Ot lt Pl'l llllp Bt•ll. UOI $, MN ..,.793 "l~TANT NOTIClf" Rec:orO.rol Or~C-ly, .. IOOHCI Celllornl•'°'.., , .. ,_.Jl14 Sy<-emore, o. Stille AN, C.lllomla ._ IF YOU R PAOPEATY IS IN of """ OOS<,.bO\ tno lollowlno Tl'lls l>!Nnoss " co,,ouctt!CI by • Publl,,,.., Or-c ... 11 D•llv Piiot, 12101 NOTICE OF DEATH OF FORECLOSURE BECAUSE YOU P•-•IY coroo••tlllft ,.,. n , 1', F• s, 11, ,.., .....,, Tl'll• butlllOIU Is cllftCluctto by • H E l E N K I A K A R e 8 e H • N :> 1 N Y D u R Pt •<•• 1 M.toaie'• PtJb, Int o-r•l -1""111111. LA N T E A ..... A N .. k PA VMENTS, IT M• Y BE SOLD Lot Not Tree:• No '••. •s •how11 on Orocllgo '-, tv s.. 0 11er1or c....-1 J I A a... "' , • .J WITHOUT •NY COURT ACTIC>ff,...., • m•o re<ordt<l tn ._11 --·I lo 700 lvl< tnt., r Wost, HowMCl Dt¥1S, -· -ac-.,.. ""...... H E L E N K YOU m•y hove '"' 1~1 , ...... , lo brl-' Of •• ,., •• ,.~ .• ~.p •. r~oro• Of s.n .. A ... Ce1tlorn1a'1101 St<rottry ..._ ... ,llK This ... ...._, was lll9cl •illl tflt LANTERM,.N, AND OF vour a«ount In ::::::,. ,T.'nol-j,~., or~~':~ .• ~~.Ctlll'.:9n1•' ~ • PUU NTI FFS SI DNEY WEISS, Tiii\ .... _, WM Ille<! with ,,,. COUftly Cieri< ol Or•noe County an ~ paying ••• "',,_;;;;;--pey·.;:.nu p~·;c'.IT'". ~ R0 8EAT c LUNDEGGER -UI Counly Clerk or Or•noe Co..nly on lllC1'1TIOUSIUllNISS J.,.,u•rv20.I..,, Ftat11t P E T I T I 0 N T 0 Plu• permlll..S cD•b afttl HP9f1Mt Non ·o)Clu\lu •DPurltna nl KOJIMAts El!Kvl0<soll,..E•i.1to1 ",.,., J•nu•ry 10 • ,.., NAME STATIMI NT P"blls~ Or-c ... •1 Deity Piiot, ADM I NI STEA EST ATE wlll'lln 111r-.. montl'IS from IN ..... llllS •••·m-~, 1~ 1~r··· .-~ ~,.,, O•t• M M MO$ELEY Puoll.-Orangp Coa\I D•llv Pllol LAWD,l"IClfSOF Tiit lollowln9 Petlon It Cloln9 ~ •-• -... , ~ ·~· .. ~-v r OE F E D TS O J•n 1, •.IS, n . 1"'7 \60011 lflE""'N L. CAltLTO.. bu•lfttu .. Jan. 77. tt, Fell. s, 17, 1"1 J....i NO. A -111-753. nollo or 001 .. .111 w•HKO<-. P•f•al• ..,..,h •• "' ron n In lhow N AN L E • S N F --------------All-yetuw e GORDON 8ALL •NO SON, T 0 a I I h ei r s . 1 Tl~·-•:t~7J OO ts ofJMwary <•rUI" Cle<l•r~llOn\ OI (Ovtn•nh, ~o:e~.~ ::~~·~~!:u~~Nc • H1u v 1e..--... ll?JIS.nt•~••ll•Slrffl,F°"n'••n _..,_ b f ' · · d it · l.-w ll lncr--ll Y-co..Olllonstno r.,tr<ct1on•r~coroeo or••· '"° MlatleAVlale,~•t2'n V•llty,Ctllloml•9'110I ,._ ... lllK e ne ICla rleS, e r e O r ~ •«ou11t bt<-cwrr ..... Yov m•y Aprll &, tt71 on l>Oo+. ~S,. P-'<>' ol WEL LA TINIURIN, JACK A LONG, 111111"1 Jon llot>trt 8•11, lll1I S•nlt . 'and Continge n t Cr e dito rs Of nol ~•v:. lo Pt• ll'le enllr• u11pelo Ollie tt l A•coro1 t no !.CorOt d ~~~;:A,,~~p':~~~ A~~llANT~~· "ICTITIOUSIUSINlt:H Publl_Or_c ... 11 D•llyPll01. L•uroll• Sl•ttl, f'ounleln Vt lley, T.S.N•.-H e len K i rk Lan t e r m a n 00'' n , "°':.eccounl.•vontllougfl Novtmbtr1~.ttn 1n booo 100 1 1>691 MAAGARET HOWE BARRY '" i.AMa lTATI MaNT Jlln,21,1' l'et>.S,U,1 .. 1 ..., Ct lllornle97IOI NOTICI O,.TllUSTIEl!'SSALIE and persons Wh O m a y be peymtn -· ~,bul you mll\I 410 or Ofl•<l•I llerord1 •no WEIN S TOCK E LME R f'Ok Tl'lt lollowl119 Dtrson 11 ooln9 This busl ... u IS <e>nOueteo by an M ID CI TY I NV ES TM E N T Ot h erw ise j t rested i th o•:,:~·~,..!n,:,-:,~l'ledtl ol •mM4-ftls1twrt1o WE STHE IMER0 & COMPANY ' busl ... Htl. PlaJC ma lftdlvlcl ... 1 COMP.NY,. f.Alll"""a <"'-•lion, n e n e , , • Eo<oplln(j ,,,.,,.,,om •II 011, Oii •• VAN GENUS GLASSING. IUtl Jon R-11•11 es duly -4M.ci Ttv\lft _, 111t W ill a nd/or estate . ~~or::llon oft»w:.:. <loc-t l ..... lch rlgllh , m1ner•IS, minor t i r1g1111, ~~11~~:·0~·~~n:t~n~~ LF E ::!~Le Precl .. cl Leno, No.'· Hv11lln9lon Thi•_.._ ..... lllecl wltll"" IOllOwlfttdftcrl--.OoltndlWILL A p e t ition has been filed .... ,:u .~"'.:.io.i-:'~.,..":;:':"~ .... .,·~~o'c".1,bon11••byrl::.",,~nv•"· 0n'." ... '·' INVESTMENT TRUSl • bu1ln•u 8N<ll. CalllOml•nMt NOTICE Of' DllSOLUTION Cow11ty Clerk of Orenot County Oft SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTl()ff TO THE by Alton K ir k Lanterma n upon permltu IOl'IQH oerlOO, 'IOU ....... ~ ....... n '"°'may 0. w1111111":.. .. ~, .~ T , w ' I, v A L L e 'Y 5 DI L s •Mwl R Mt mon, Utt Noble OP PAlllTNallllHI.. Oe<ember 30, ltet H l(;H EST Bl DOER FOii CASH ·en the S"pere·or C O" rt Of only tl'le ltt•I rl91>1 lo stop tile ~·reel 01 1-llttr•'""bove-...:,,-;;1-·•, ENGINEElllHG CORP . AET•IL & Clrcla, """'"'-°" Beecl'I. C4111fornl• Pwbll< nollct I• ...... et>y g1,,... tM I lllPt?ft loey•ble el time ol U le In l•wl111 v v I I b l'I I ~ ..,. ~... M e 0 I C A l C 0 l E C T I 0 '7647 DAVID ROBERT JOHNSON end Pwbll,,.. 0r.,.. CoeS1 D•Hy Piiot mGMy ., ,,. Unll .. SC.IH I .,, rlahl, O r ange Count y r eque s ting Oft ( :~peyong ' • tnl ,. logelller with lhe ... rpelutl ''""' ot ASSOC T 0 L N Tiii• --.. I• (~, .. "' ... OOMINIC BAlllLE ............. 4loiftg Jan 1,1, 15, 22. ,,., 10,..; ""' •llO 1 ......... C-V.0 llO --t h a t A I t I( i k ~71 by yout cr.OltO<. Orllllno, mlnln9, Ul)IOr lno •no IA I H INC • CO<POttllOfl lllOlvlcluoel. bu\111eu ur>Cltt/ JIM ll<llllOWI firm htlCI by 11 -selcl 0.00 ol Trutt In 0 n r o n4I ovl IN • .._.., you must -•ting ---storlftO Ill •llO 0 b t ALLS f AT E FI HAN CI AL ,...... 11. ~ nemt •n41 tkYlt'lel ISHESS BUSINESS -· lllt P•-'1Y lwrt1Nfler Clft<rl-: L a n t e rman be appoin ted PtY.1 or lo.!:.. .. ':"' PIV,,..ftl lo lloO r•mtw"'9 !fie -from '°lo ·-or SERVICES. LTD G C SERVICES Tiiis .......,_, w~ 11~ wit• ~ l'IOW loc.eletl .. SDI F'-IMfl Aft. ,._ma T-usT~· A08EaT OULTZ - a s personal r e presenlatJVe llMI orecl •or I your pr-r1'f IS Oflf ·-lend. lnclllellftt ~ rlgl'll lo CDRPORATIDfol, FI AST CI TIZENS -~ '""" n '"" ,. ,,... " n or.c _. lor lfty 0-reMOll, wlllptloell or tllrtellOfttllV tlrlll eftO B .. N I( & T R UST C 0 M p AN y C.....i1, Clenl Of Dtenge County Oft Cl11 Y10f Lot Allgtln I Hott,wo_~c .·--·-·-u HELENE DULT'Z tO ~ffiiOiSJer the eS'"'t" n f ·• ···--.. --..,9 ...0 0EANNA mt-r-1~. ol~r t••n thou BARBARA JUDY tha 8AllllAd'-- J-ry20,1"2. ti4 ~~;.~.~~~\:.;.·: ___v .... Ml!.STAH M•llT ~f'lel.-tlli •oeeAt "Sl'nllW;" H elen K ir k Lanter man RU t GEll. lit fr•ft klln Orio , ... ;;111~;;;.-;;;~ •• b.'d. Ol l or ,;; L EE J U DY , DEB O R AH H P .... l ...... OrMlglC...tl()ellyPllot, J •nw•ry ttto b'f mwlwal COftHnl Tiit lollowlftg Pt•tOf'I "Oolnt llAR••RA SHAW, STEPHEN e . (under th e Inde p e ndent Pracenlle Ct lllorn i• u uo: wolls,1-•s-\lltllslnlo,ll'lrO\lgfl (ATRICDfolE, !> J DAVIS, MERIT '""· u, n, Fee.. s. n. ,.., -.., oluo••• ,,.. .. 1e1 11e•tMrs1110 enc bllsi ... u ,., ICNOWLES -Be T~ w. ttNOW•Loes A d m ·ni's t at' n f E t t 1"~•1.0 or •<•ot• 11w .._.., •• of ,,,. •-co N s TR u c T 1 o N co MP AN Y I I I ~· 1 '-· ·-11 t c oroeo Apr I II , 1' •t I r 10 0 S 8 e s II yow l'ltve •ny Qwe>llons, vow •·r•ln•--~,1-a~ lo ~lom LLOYD'S BANI(. OF CALIFORN IA,• SUMMA•v o" ADOP'TaO OltOINANCa ORDINANCE IH l11Cl\Hu1H 10 be In 11111 efloc1 to IM'fS from J-ry 11, IMJ, en41 -..... by 11\a IOllowlflt roll <•II v-: C01111Cll Momlllttro: AVES: Sclleltr, Hell, Herllot , M<F•rleftd, .JoflntOft NOES: N-A8SENT: N-. 0r--. ,,., Clltft9H ... '°"'"' ., prOll9f1T ~ e1 276 Vl<lerl• Slr .. I lrOft'I AP<P lo CL, In <OOlllKllllfl wltl'I ... _ """"'°" 111 .. f.I .. Th• lull tu t ot .... P••POHd or-dllltll(K ""Y -.... '" , ... CJl'f Clor''' Olfkt at II Ftlr Drive. CMte ~. EILEEN P. PHINNEY Clly Cieri! City ot Cotu Mew Publl ..... Or-Coast Dally Piiot, J111t. n, ,., M1• erm flt I u,..r '"tt ....... , p.en,..., MILM.,._I( ENGR, 1660 Bel>Cock, I I 11~1 N 211SJ I -1Jj7J A f ) Th I · I f ·--~ ·~ -• the rt In Cotle MeM, CA "9V . ns r "~" o. ft ( . e pet ti On S Set Or sl'low Id COlllt tl • ltwyer or Ille IUCl'I wl'llD\IO<•O<I or 01rec llont lly C 0' I) 0 r a I Ion GU A A .. NT EE Sl11C• lhol clel• ol oluotwllon, selc Lyle 1,,,..,. _kw•rot, ... c.,.1.,, PtO• 1401 °' Ofll<lll RecorOs °'"" he aring in Dept. N o . 3 a t to•trnmet'll ~' wl'll<ll may hove c1r111..,-1,,1..._1,.noSl'trt•wnoer COLL ECT \ON COMPANY,• bu11neu Mt <onU-lfl -••llllft Apl.C,CosltMe-w,CA'1•77 olll<t or llW' lltcotcler ol Ore11 .. 700 C ' 'c C t . 0 • l11w reoyourl0tn. e..O ~IW•lh Ot bt,,_ IN e•lerlO< (orpor•llon, M & M REPORTING Ill _ ..... _ .... 0. la ROWtl JOftn County, told -Of lrvsl Clet<rlbft IVI e n e r rt Ve , Remembtf, YOU MAY LOSE llmll• Iller.at ...o llO ,...,,111, rt4u..,..I, ANO REFERRAL SERVICE. INC , w~-;'';111 p',;y ,~0 Cllscl'l.,te':':i 1,,J1~\'-~""' I\ <Oflcluclecl by •n 1,_lollowlftO -'Y,lo<Meo ln ll'le Wes t, in t he C ity Of Santa LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU DO NOT 1qul11, ,,..lnltln, repelr -Deft tftO OO • Mt Ct m lty & MANNI NG, llMllllllet -Cltttlls of IM firm -Lyle I Merk,.arOI ,f.04/ftl~':' ~Mtge, Sl•i;; CrlllorlllC~I A 0 a ' Ca I I f 0 r n j a 0 n TAI( e PROMPT A(Tl()H oper•I• •11y \IJCh ••II• or mlnH , CL I N E II UC I( N e A ' INC • • rtcolve all"'°""" PllY-lo IN fi rm. Tiiis .U'-t w., lllecl •llll Ille Loi rec1 No. I, "lht y F e brua r y 10, 1982 at 9: 30 In eoolllon lo lht •mou111 Sl•ltcl wllllOU1, -.ver, ,,,_ rlOfll to drlll, OfllOl't llon, COLDWELL, 8ANKEll & Fwrt,.,... notke Is,.,.,....., tlllllft INI COllftly Cltrt! of Oranoe Count' Oft Jfffl. 01 NtWjlOrl llat<ll, C-ty Of Orllftoe, above. tllolllcl any P'lot tu". lltfts, or mint, Slore, .. plort e no ooer t ie C • l\ol P A.N Y, $A M M V LE e , llU 11ncltrt lg1110 Wiii not b• 11, 1"2. I Sl•t·~~~·:...~on •m• a .m . t 11cumbrencts bt OOllftQWtlll or lllrovqh Ille,.,,. ..... '"' UPOtr 500 ltOSALINO LEE -MllS,RICHAllD ~· ...... Ir-J-y 1• ----... '"'"0 · 11 1 • ottts l lo IF YOU O BJECT to t h e DKom• Otll-1, ...., ti. ioan-c ... IHI 01 ,,.,. ··~•urt~• 01 '"• leno 1MAG,t1WA ORANGE COUNTY TAX .• .,..... • ._, ···--~. "~ '· lnclw1lvt, Mlscelleneoua M•Ps, " I II ·-~ CO LLE C TOR S T•T e OF lor e11y *'N llon l11<11rr .. by tlle PWll.stled Orllfltlt Coast Dtlly Piiot rt<Ofd\ottaio <>tanoe County g ran ting o f the petl tlon •• n11-, tolO de ftCluet1eles mu.I htreln•-OHtrlbtcl, ••,,,.,.,..,in FO ' Olller l11lllt--or ln lfM11tme Jan IS 22" , .... , ,,., 71t-ti UtMlllTI ..... 'Id Ith • bt c.11r•o •• a CO ll4l l l lo11 o t ""'Otfll from '"" lrvlftt ComPllfty C•L • ANIA E MPLOYMENT of Ille llfm. ' ' ' ' ' t YOU S11UU e e r a p pear.rel11t lel-. recorclecl March 7'. 1'74 In -lllOS, OEVE LOPMENT DE P•RTMENT, ,. Date41el ....... Ptr11.C•lltorllle1tlls ' Togelntr with llOn·tacluslu a t the hearing a nd State N0TICEIS Hl!AE8Y GIVEN;~h•I POQetlUotDffl<lalA.cord\ AN O All OTH E R PERSON S • Jtll'IOeyflf~ 1 .. 1. r.JC ma •OPUrltNl'll eOM"'""ll over Lota A y our Object ion s Or f j l e ANNA M. ROH ESCllOWS, INC. l\ JO 811r11l11g Tru Aoad, NewPOrl UNl(NOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, Domlfllc B.,.llt efttl Loi• UI lo lff ln<luSlve of WIO . duly •PPOlftlecl Trustee unclt r lllt 8t11th, CA T I T l E • EST AT E . L I E N DR ... GOllOO. CMYTltAUI, INC. "'Cl'ITIOUS 8U$1N•H Tr•CI ,,,, lor '"' ovr-s ... ., •• w ritte n Ob j ectio n s w ith thei loflowlno dH<rl ... Ottd ollronl "111 .. "'"' •CIO••u or common I N T e A es T I N T HE 1141: ... L A~etU. NAMCITAT•MaNl' 0.K rlbeO In Arllclo XIII, S.tUOft 4 OI COUrt before t he hear in g . TRUS'l'OR· llOllE RT JOSEPH Clu lon•llo" ,, •flown •bove, no PROPERTY DESCA18ED IN THE Th 11 I lht OtCltr•llon Of Covo11t11l s, ENO B 'OM P LAI NT ADVE R SE TO -==~~ bwl~so~~"I pert0ftt •rt OOlllt Condition• tllO R ollr lt llons Y o ur a ppear a nce may be' ~ENOBV~..::;:..::.:'!.~:.A RUTH ~o!..'o~:,;.!;,'!r ~~;,~~l..::\ll o ~:.: PLAINTIFf S OWNERSHIPORANY Publl-Or-Coest 0.11.,, Piie!, s HAR 0 N. s c L e A N I H G llertln•lltr Ottcrlbe<I In SU8JECT in p e r s o n o r b y y o u r BENEFICl•RY· Sl(IP RUEGER -lltl•l"I' unoer WIO °"" ol Tr""· CLOUD UPON PLAINTIFF'S TITLE J .... 21, 1"2 >97~1. SERVICE, UH E. OcH n Bl¥0., TO, St<tlon 1• •t provl-In -attorn e y . end DE•NNA RUEGER. l'lus"""" eno by rta1on ot • bree<n °' 0.16\ill In the THERETO AND DOES I n<ROUGH BelboesM'~o~',.Mor Ni v. 1,60 e '"~0;:•~t,":':1"~!~:.u t no Oll'l•r I F y O U AR E A •II• obllg .i1ons ucu••O '"•••b•, 10,INCLUSIVE "~" " " .. ~ > c R E 0 I T 0 R 0 Recoro.tt NO••ml>er u . "" u ........ or. f l{f<w1'!0 ono Gellvorlld 10 SUMMONS Otteft 111...S., llelboe. CA "'61. common oulonellon, 11 Ally, 01 lfM r a IMtr No ~ In bOott '""· "-1soe Ille uftclerilOnt!d a written 0ec .. r•llon CASIE llUMllEA: ,_,,, This M111tu •• c_vc, .. by ru l prooertv oescrlt>eo •b•v• h co n tin gent c r e d ito r o f th e o1 Oflkl•I Rec0<os"' 1tie oflk •., '"' 01 0,1..,11 -Dtmlftd tor Seit , IMlcl NOTICE• You ""'""""~ Tiit IUIT~T·.·~c..~·.,!2!MT1~1 ln411vlduolS.:A....,..PHO•~iw •II pu:::::.~·R-,C•-Otl M•r. d e cease d , YOU m u st file ltK0<d9relOr"tn0t eo-ty;1tlcltloecl wrlllfll-kt otbrMChtlld oft lKlloft <°"~lmt'f *<lclt ... IMlyou wllhout .. ......_ .......... .. " .......... '"" A you r claim w i •" the c ourt ot lrwsl dts<rlt>ot ,,.,. lo1lowl119 ro c•u .. ,,,. -~IO Mii s.tlCI "°"' belftQ -cl ""'"' YOll ,._.., "°" .... -.. ....... Of' ... -,.,.... Tlllt ~ .. , lllecl wlllt II• Celllorftla. "' P•GOer1y: proc11r1y lo $tlltly sekl obll .. lloM, wllllln JO day RH41 "" lftformalloll '""'wv .. , • .,.. • Tiit lltlrltfl<lery .,.._MIO 0..0 of 0 p t j t t th llel-111 tlw ,__ot... C-IVClenlotDt ..... C-y on Jfffl. TrllU lltre tolore tuc wtt cl •lld r r esen 0 e LOI 141 of lroct 11.a ts per Mao --fffler the-li0fteclct11• f'tCTITIOU.avstNIM ••1<alMfl .-,, ,,,.., deliver .. I• Ille Tnn1eo • • .,111 ... p e rs onal r e p r esent ati ve recorded In ....... N9ts,. lo » ••ltl 110tlcootllrQcl'ltlldote1ec11°"10 •v1so1 Usltd lie sldO Clttn~ MAMaST,ATa•NT JOHNGOllD4H5CHl!LL .. ,_ a ppointed by the c our t IMlwslvo ot l'l'lh<»"-Mtllt. Ill M RK ... dtcl """"' '· , .. , .. Jlltlf. El Trltlulltl .,._ dtclalt COfttr• uo • Tiit lellowl11t HrMft 11 dol119 ~ P11M1t119t1 0r.,...c.ott1 0.uyp1~ Decl•rtllOfl 01 O.te .. i1. A wrltlell Ille .. Ike"'..,. ~Y ,._.,..,or No S.JS.ln .,..t4110 -UJ,ofU141 ''" •11Cllt n<I• • m•nn qw• Uo :· ..... ti; ,... c:'..";~AU•• J8".t ,IJ,D.:.2',"'2 ,..., Notlct olo.IM1tl-Ctect1onio s.1t Within four m onths fro m N ld c-y.$eltl°"""''nit'tec.ur•• Oflkl.i Raclltds ,,,.,....,.."""'"'*JO tttu. Lu ••,. OVI M«AS MANUFACTUllllNG ffOll•TOIMDWCAUM :::..rc~...;,·.;: .::='...:...'': the d a te of firs t is s uance cer1elft 041119MleM lnt"'°"'I -"°" Saki .... wUI ti. ......... bul wit~ l"'ttmecloll _.._ ' COM .. AffV, 111 1111...,6* A¥1-, f'oa""'"eOflflMI• ---Of le tter s as p r o v ided In fOf tlle"""OIU, ... to. t ovenent or werr•llly, eapren or I TO THI! OIEFENOANT· A civil k lw ''-..._, llMrll, c..tlfwftl• WHl!llllU.S JOHN OO•OAN , ____ ....... ______ '~-----lllt <-Y -•"'9fMl ,..-1't'll Tlltl ,,_ _ll<lef lllt.,'otl IHIW lm ... tocl,.._OlftQlllle.-.teHloll,., tomplalnl htt llooll llled lly ll'ltt ,, '*' K Hl!LL. """'""-• ....._ -11 1· ·~~~--~ wilt ..... medl &vt 11.._ .. Sect ion 700 of t he P robate ..,.,., ..._., "'"" -IN tel ... •'-' ---.... to ,.., 1tse rM1a1n1no 111e1n1111 ....... 1.,... ,. c:-1 11t1111i. L"""'°'1. •·O v1a .... If .... llM,.... • r;1tttlfffl "'"" "°"<•Of' uan10. <11-;;11.;-~ -~_,, ~.-:H-; Cod e of C a lif o r n ia . The M<..,.... ,....., .,, _11y ,. .. .,, "'""''°'""""' u. ,,..,,, tot-•· 11 yew wl111 10 11•••1141 11'11• • ~~..._..IMd\,c.tlfwllla ~~=-;..~~ 11a.: =: O:!~!f~~:~~~:.·,~u:.,i::-~ 1mplled, •• 1e 1111e, "-w .. 1on,., 1'.t lm e for fifing c laim s will =•~:.!.':::~~~~:.:=:,:_~·;;~=~:.~ :~'::!;.::..~1.::::i-.,:~~ TM• .......... •• c9"41\K ... .., llfl JOffN oo.tMH tcHlL\. 1o JACICll! Nld 111 ... c itv., F-4eln V•ll•Y Oii tft<"';'br-", • t/:' lfM rMI..,.."' not expl re p rior to fou r sucl'I _. ., '"''' 1, socurl1y M• -· ,,. '"""'., .... ~., Trvt l. wt"' '"" c-1 • wr1111tn .,....1no "' ..,_.....,.., '-•I SUTMa.•UIHO. T""41tl:;. .. tft ""' af A,..11, IW, r.~i: ~.:-:, elTrlltlne:,t~=:. m on ths from the d ate Of occwn .. Ill lllfl Pit-""' "91 IMeft IHs, <f!tr9H ...0 tllltllflWt or Ille r11po11 .. lo lhe Col'llplellll. C II • ™' =.:-""":9",... w1tt1 .. ...::,.::.:=.::.::::.:.= ,.,,.:': 111::'"!.~~· ,1 ,,.,. cn., 111t mfl, u .,ev,_, '" Mid ...... th e hearing notice d abOve . ·-:e1· ei9t,,_.,, w'"'" [.~;·~~,:. •=.-.!~:: ::~! ~":.=-:-= ".: C:-cY cton tf °'.,... c;......., llfl -...r....,..W.C-.el'9;•u"" ~11.f'lllllilfl'llOf_,,_, edvencet wltll t11tttHt t~ °' YOU MAV EXAMINE ~..._.......,...,23,1 .. ,,....,.11 llalO °"Friday, J_,.., "· ,,. ., orel t lNdlllf I• ... 11 .. ,... 111 Ille J_..,11, ,., Ill l •t ,H , 111 lllo cnr1rOOl'll er Tiie ...... will be -1191_.,. ltll ftt•l•d Ill M141 0... If ,, ... , K •ny, t~e file k ept by the COUrt. WMe4-IMttll"""O Of lnl•ra1~!. 2:00 p.m., •I 1'-C~ A•~ ~'ifi"":l'iniu:?J·~-~ ·"·~--' ___ ....... __ .. _IH_wH~-,;•..;"14't~it:-fiDii•a;••11''1r-iii5'~s14i11•~l~O~r-~~-i!'i"-~·-·~:.~-,, .. ·.~11•!o·""-.ti!!Cll:1tLM. j' -.. llwler~ °":Al ~'Jiit, . ., rn "'" ... --· ~-·TYTT"lr., f1'1'11fitl(.lf tllf t11/ll~t111. • ~i('i1lii\0r ..... -J--.-• ..:::...-,~.1t, ,---· ~~ ... I:::!'.:'.--~~.-;!::;,::.,"'.~ u••~ -.. .111, tllirll• -•iilllft· • ."Ii e sra-·t---· ~.,ou.-m .. a .. "y"" fl le a •ncvm11r-. """'· o..1~1 '"' '°° e.tt ''-'-""'-.111 •11e c11, ,i11n1111, -""' C-1 may ..... ,• •• •• ..-. --· ~----n •• -t!.,.c"' Mcc1o1111111 Trw1 .. -°' ,,. trutts ""'" .,, • t "'• "l•to , ... ". 11 My. Of Or•ft911· . IW.moflt ...,M, .,.., '°' '"' ,... ... ..... ,.._.., .... ,w11y,,.,,.. ...... ..,. Cttyc""' .. "'° Mkl0fftlt1'Tr1Mi. reques t with the court t o T11e1 h rtHo.11 '"•' .. '· '"' a1111t t1mtot 111t1.lt1e1.-ck ••'-' ••m•rlClecl 111 ,,. <-•••Int, w11k;11 fllJC.. 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"-~ .... ,,.., .......... ~ ..... , .. _ ...... r tottflel• ..... 11 .. llon M<wrtd.., ........... 0 e .... 1 forn la robate ff(lll'll~ll .. ••ldeft(t ... ••llt •lltllt O•l•:J-...a,1"1 OATIOOtc,).19 S.W .. , ,,,.._,CA ftJ... fer llOM ... et .. ..Ullell. ............. fta(rltlld .... f1' '""4 -MliMeltd Code, we ... , .... ....,, Mii -.,.,.. -........,. fliltlllc L.IH A, i •ANCH j Olellw ~· >r., n ._.,., DAT•D: Jell ••• ,.., l"•r• Tr .. SoclH d• I• J""'~ t tlll, ..................... _ .. It ... i....., ...... all-·-...... FllNN111, Inc (~ lrw1At. CA • -.., H. ,.,_ ~L llJel • ..._ ,.._ * ~~r. .. -115',a...n . J er 0 mt SC .. W a rt I • ...,.. .. """*"'-ty M ........ ,.... at a ltl ''"''" • • ., Maril't'll l'Wrlll, ~ T1111t--.... 1e ~--.,"' ..._.,.. "1....,.. •• •ecat ...... e ran O•lffi.i_.,u,1.., n , -"'·~--.11etmo1o<1 11,1.0 wvtc•~Y °""""' it . ...,.,,...,.. ......,c-. ....., .. """'"'-"•l :•A.•. MllOIY•-Attorney •• Law, IJOt 1u ........ ,rw,.,....l't'ftt11e -i. ......_ c••·~·~-O...-••-·''· "''14 .. ...,.• l'\e<lle!E.--.1,ttet ~,,,......-.·~•T""!!'. WUtlltlrt 81"'., SUI .. 1M6, H t111., Ill• ••"••t1011s H C..••d a .,\.tn .. Wpnltc'a •r.'--...-"nltl ...._. -,.... .-.. JACIDeY&•.,.. .. uwcw'tee ·~~ --Btv-.. Hiits ,.. -11 ... ,...., Mthtlall\St<""•Y ,...~..__ .. ,.., '' c:.tlltyCllftllfOr-CWflty•JM. -•• ..._...... , ~leMwllc ..... le ~M-.. 11 .,.,1' ;;.::z......--· ....,, ; O•letl o.tMlller •, 19'1 • O..Cfty ...... ,W.,, .. Cllllmr; ... ._ tf .,,_, a111 a.CA""' c..., • ....._Va!MT, ,,._.,..,. ...: {l1J• 6»-lllft sai,•....., 0r-.,CA... '-.....,C191r911.., I • ...,. on•--c.Nllln1le ~ • 0.-111.,..., '14_... ,.._._...,,n•m411 1 ._........or-. c-.. Oel+f "*· ,......, 0r-.. c..... o.u., ,.,.. ,,_,,.....or-. C.• o.11, ,....._ ,._...., 0r ... CMtt oe11, ,,.,.., ,......__°' ... ca.ti °"'' "'""' ""'-'1..,... 0r-. eee.1 0o11y ,. • .._ ,..,..i... 0r .... CteA °"'' ,....._ ...... ....., or .... c.-o.tt? ,....._ JM. tt. "·,... s, ra, ,.. .,,. J•. n. "· ,.., s. 12, 1• ... Jeft. n. ,. ,.,,. ,,_ 11, n. ,., .. -... JM. u. -. n.,.. _.. J1111. a. is. n. "· "" l'ML ,.,. 1, u, n. ,.., , .. JM.., ,,_ .,, "· "" , ... Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, January 22, 1982 THE llllETll. IDllB .. 13-0.llbu Sox registration Fount•ln Valley l 1 llll held Suturd11y an 1\1'1-llSll'Ull<UI 1 k r llit>rl UIHI C l or Von' Mur t'l. u .. r11 11 I I t''ounlnm \ltillcy frotO lv M a)l.1\11 111. 11 n m lu 2 11 T Id hrlna proof or uac and P ll1~~~~.~0111:~1d l)y u irnrcnl. Ol11 1slons he uc c " 12 1~ Mmor11 llgl•S 9·11 un• MuJors. ullC' · · • · :tnd M\nnw:.. aitN• 111 s al ,.ame /\c\{\ll11111al n•111~lrdll~~h ll~tc Call l.1nda s11 c an• J u~~ • .,301.,~~ 01• oo4 l661 ror more lknn1•ll ul .,...,. ,..,., rnfor11111t11111 · North Huntington Beach l be hell! Saturduy ul H1•)11str.aUon .. 0 1 16662 Trudy Lone. Spring View S<:hoo . t 2 Pm '11unl1ff!:ttOn l\cac~. fromf 10 ~. ~d siould be Players need vr oor o ugc a . ~ b\ an udult 01v1::.ions are ~~~o~r~~~s 12 tr>. Mmor"· ages \I II and M 1n111e~. a1tcs 1 8 dale!> ut same 1\dd1tional re~islda~':~ 6 Call Barbara s1le are Jan 30 an • Williams at Pollack al 846-3086 or Ka) 111:14·5744 for more inrormalton. Laguna Niguel d t Rcg1s1rallOll to be hcldc s~~r s~·ll:Y Al ha Bela Markel on ro ptf.·kway in 1.ui.:una Niguel from \0 a m lo 2 P m. h 11 tinng a birth ccrllh<'ale to G iris s OU (I •. gue IS ror girls. a RC" 9· 15 r·ea1s1ral10n .ca · , . n 30 Add111onal re ,:11stratlon dall' J .~ II Coralyn For more 1nrormo11on. ca Stransky at 495.5365. A LL-comers track F1r~1 ol' lhr(•e All • Satur<lay ill Saddl b(·O~l'r~ tr;ic•k rllt'l'IS ca rn vus e ac k College' 'Outh Add1!1on:.il ml', . <111 \H•ather traek .c;s 1"11 S:iddlC'b :lck ·o; MPl'ls, for m1•n . ~d c . <Jn :10 and f"c>b 6 ll.rn a ""ml•n. begin ... 1 It) l'ompl'l1lurs ~h Id Wllh SI Call 's:i1 .:~~l6 show uµ al Ill a m infornw t111n or 831 ·1545 for more t · in cla ss · F'L.l/ ~ll ~ . . on~ort'(I h\' f l> I\\ ivinl!rourst.:,!>V. tw.:ins H.1-.11 • · r 1 lr:.in~c t:uunt~. f i!>her' ~ luh " . l Sl'nior (.'1111ens L'~h 1 17 :~11 P m 1 fa _; , \'€' Garden ' " I'll"' ~11111 oru " . complt'"! 1 • "' · Gru\'l' 10 bl' 1au)!hl b~ Eurl r\\ 1•\\ 1' !>l:"!>lllll' f l'S wrl!> \"uun)t anti h1.., ,,~,rr ~n~~IJli~n 10 1w held Rl'~1stra11un ,ind_ . , 1,, s15 pa~ abh• 10 at first SC'S!>Wn ." ~\m\•nl of Parks and Garden Gro\'l' l>lp.1r Recn~alion f mun· inrnrmat1on Call 63R61 11 nr Barons, 0 V tie · F stpitch softba.lL . .a . . t itch As:mc1auon The Amcric~rlr fa~~ i.eason Ill rive forming teams ~women ages 1·21 tlt\•1s1ons ror 11.1rb soflbail program Traveling te am . <l \'1s1ons /\AA d1vide<l rnlo ro11ow in11.1d· i\f\ 15 II\ vears •h 21 years o · 1 • • •9 15 1hrouJ.; . . B 10 12. and c 1· old. A I~ 15d. C di\ is 1on a ges are . H .in . " a •e on Jan I. Lower cktt•rmmcd br R~~l~cr ~lviswn 1r desired. •1 .. cn111pluy in ig 5 players and •,., . · na11.cr .. coachl•s. m':_.o more mrorm;1t1on pan·OI!> mtere~t ~'~>3f Grccnacrc tw•~. i·an wr1ll' A. I-.A ·,.~·II ~68-0123 or 827·8'151 Anaheim. 928(1\ ur • . h·ng clinics Fis l • I' e Davis and Rich . · exper\.S Char I the f1shtng f1stuni.\\ conduct clinics al I Southern Tauber Wit" on of the 16th annu29a Feb 1 al World ~ I snow. J an. -. . Callforn1a ~:!Convention cenlr~~y nas theo~1st\n~ ~ajtwater a~l~~1ch i's now a ~ ' bOOk "Rook Jr. . - written a • . rn ·ts sixth pn nltn&· ., the 1op Wcsle 1n 1 •5 rated amon .. Taut_>er ' en in the country , lectures sass r1snermll . elude slide ~huWS.od For C \ln lCS Wl '°. d uOS\\er pen S and quc:;uon .an phone 1213) 655-9326 more information. Senior John Frousiakis scored with 10 minutes r e maining Thursday night to he lp Ocean View salvage a 3.3 lie with action the Edison Cha r gers dropped Huntington Beach by a Edison, FV share lead , Foun't ain Vall ey in men's Sunset Lea~ue soccer action The deadlock kept t he Barons alone at the top of the loop race with a 2·0·1 r ecord. Tt\ Sea ~4wks ~are-;irecond-wtt Westminster at 1-0-2. Elsewhere. it was Edison pulling out a 1-1 tie with Wes tmin s t e r a nd M arin a blankin~ Huntington Beach, 3-0 Marina is no w 1-1·1, while Edison moves to O· l ·2 and the Oilers have lost all three of their league encounlers. In Sunset League women's APPAOXIMATEL Y __ $ 1-0 verdict on the strength-of J 1 m Painter a nd Gary r<ell y Winkler's goal. Go ldstein recorded pins al 200 The win puts Edison at 2-0 In and 145 pounds respectively, as league. 8-4· 1 ..overall and the the Edison High wrestling team s hutout was preserved by the s tayed unbeaten in lhe Sunset defensive play of goalkeeper League with a 38-17 triumph .M el anje~'*·~ ___ __._.:::o..:.v.::.e.:..r..:..!"-''un~ll"'·nRton Beach. - Marum scored late in the Meanwhile. Fountain Vall ey is ~ga m~ to earn 112·2 deadlock with also 3-0 after pinning a 35-15 Ocean View. Scoring for the setback on Westm"inster. Seahawks. O·l ·l in loop play, were Mona Orr Cunassisted >. Elsewhere. Woodbridge High and Denise Beale, with an assist routed Bolsa Grande. 53·14. The from Orr. seniorless Warriors were led by Estancia stayed within ra.nge sophomores Greg Curfman and in the Sea View League with its John Casey who we r e ea ch 6·2 decision over Woodbridge. credited with pins. IN CALIFORNIA'S PALM SPRINGS AREA! A Great New Golf Course Resort Home Community Invites You! The Southern California desert's newest, most exciting resort home community is now underway on the Jack Ivey Ranch just 5 minutes from Eisenhower Hospital and Bob Hope Drivel Choice golf course locations now availabte ... a selection of over 20 different manufactured homes. Pools, tennis, recreation ... geAcVi ..... od 5unshlne. _ Off Interstate 10 at kubic Road -----------------Write T odly Jack lny oco" WESTERN SKYWA vs· Free aolf pau includ~. Write for color brochure, map and reservation information Jack Ivey Ranch C!ountry Club P.O. 8ox86S2,PalmSprings,Ca9226l , .... \fJ ~""" vnvr btO(hur• •l\d •r~·~•tJ!On 1nfl)tm.ttlon 3501 LAKEWOOD BLVD. ---1.....::;=.;,.~ LONG BEACH AIRPORT e M:Jrlt s.111 P8lll I ~ 1 0.. I AllUI t Fllglll SdlOOI t FAA~ Call 429-5935 Name ~--------­ Address -----~--=~ City· ______ .;._ __ State ___ Zip • Crowns ID fOcus? ·-....... Maybe, after tonight's prep league battles .. Ry KOGER CARLSON 0 1 IN 0 .. IY l'IM4 SuH It'll be settled tonight. maybe Corona del Mar lllgh's Sea Kings and the Edison Chargers, unbeaten leaders in the Sea View and Sunset League basketball races, figure to realize just exactly who are their chief rivals ror the respeetive crowns they seek. Jn the Sea View League It's Estanrla at Newport Harbor. a pair or 5·1 teams, one game orf .Corona del Mar's pace. while the Sunset League has a pair of pmes which could clear up the picture. Edison <3·0) at surprising Huntington Bea ch (2·U a~d.t.\adna (.1·2> ~tOccan Vi~w (2·1 ). ~- EACH GETS UNDER. WAY.al 7:30, as do the balance of games tonight -Westminster (0·3) at Fountain Valley 0 ·2> In the Sunset; University (3·3) at Corona del Mar (6·0), Irvine (1·5) at Costa Mesa (3·3) and Saddleback ((}-6) at El Toro ( 1·5) in t he Sea View ; Mission Viejo <3·1) al Laguna Beach <1·3) in the South Cos.st League; and Mat.er Oei <1·2> at Bis hop. Amat O·l ) in t.he Angelus League. __ "We expect another doMybrook. just like the last three games." says Estancia Coach Larry Sunderman, whose team won by four <with a 24-0 margin at the line against Costa Mesa>. topped University in overtime (50-48) and lost to Corona d~I Mur by five points when the latter cashed in four free throws 1n lhe rinal nine seconds. What Sunderman has to say could be applied to sever a l couches as the Sea View League completes its first round and the Sunset League moves anlo the fourth of 10 nights. The duel al Newport Harbor features the Sailors' twin 6·7 front of juniors Byron Ball (18.2 scoring average I and Scott Liner, 6-0 junior Brian Folk and 6-0 Steve Pelletier. ESTANC IA C O UN TERS with it s guard-oriented offense C AlhClF playmaker J eff Gardner) and a front line which includes 6-1 Steve Kraiss, 6·4 Brian Midland and 6·3 Randy Tift, who generally attack the basket regardless of the opposition's size. Sunderman says rebounding is the key for his team tonight. bul if the Sailors of Coach Jerry DeBusk connect against Estancia's zone at the rate Corona del Mar did Wednesday (60 percent>. rebounds may not be a factor. The a Kings hit ,18 of 30 against Est unchi Wednesday, 16 from the perimeter, and they figure to go with the same style tonjght against 6.l.~ra~ Guess and University. "~ : • Al Huntington Beach, Edison's Chargei~takq their 16·1 record (3·0 in league> and No. l 0-"1nge County status against an Oilers· quintet that gave Fountain Valley a hard time for the first ha~theri s wept past 'Westminster and Marina, lo be~~tne a contender. "> ' ... JIM LANE (6·6) LEADS Huntington Beacti with a 21.6 league scoring average, and play.Q\aker Billy Thompson 'gives the Oilers balano.t' bu\ Edison counters with a lot Richard Chana;~ick DiBernardo, Jeff Stephens and Mark Goudge, for instance. and is cons idered a heavy favorite'.'""" · Edison's average margin of victory in .tM1.gue has been 21 points. Ocean View. with 6·91h • Jim UsevitchJ1 a lso considered a favorite against visiting Marina. bu( the Vikings. behind the balance of Rick ,..$mith, And y Klussman. Scott Filipek and J ohn .. e erry, have made pests of thems elves. J The Yi kes came withi9 five poi,.ts of undefeated Lakewood. t~e CIF 4·A's No. !~rated team and lopped Fountain Valley 142-41 ). aid they figure lo give Ocean View all it wants tonigh~. Elsewhere. Irvine tries to make it two i'1.-a row, after getting its first win of the season Wedrresday, while Mesa seeks to stay within striking rart~e of a playoff berth; Fountain Va lley doesn't figure to have any trouble at inexperienced Westm inster; Mater Oci wins now or possibly forgets about the Angelus League title ; and Laguna Beach fttes to head off Mission Viejo u '' .. •1'.l Barons alOne at top iri Sunse.t Corona del Mar retains· a share of Sea View lead With a bit of help. Fountain VaUey High has moved to the lop of the women's Sunset League basketball race after beatin g Westminster Thursday. Edison and Huntington Beach are lied for second arter the Oilers tripped the Chargers Thursday. In the Sea View League. Corona del Mar shares first place with El Toro, with Estancia staying within striking distance. Here's how it went: Founteln Valley 58, WHtmin1ter 27 The Barons maintained their perfect record (4·0> in Sunset League play with an easy victory over the Lions (0·41. After a s low start. which found the Barons leading 13· 12 al the end of the first quarter, Fountain -Valtey exploded in-the second' peTfod to outscore its opponent, 20-3. "We started fast-breaking a liUJe bit more in the second quarter." explained Baron Coach Carol Strausburg. .. Defensively. I though we did an excellent job and met our goal which was to kee p them under 30 poi nts." Huntington Beach 49, Edison 39 The Oilers moved into a tie for second place In the Sunset League with their win over Edison. The Chargers and Huntington Beach share 3· 1 records. one game back of first-place Fountain Va lley "Our girls played outstanding de fense tonight." said Oile r Coach Joanne Kellogg. " (Kerri ) Carr had 12 steals which is a high this year ." Marine 53, Ocean View 42 The Vikings won their first Sunset League game in four outings by outscoring the seahawk s. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA .... 18· 7. in the second quarter to assume a }();point halftime lead. ;., . The Seahawks were never able to get close after that as Sandy Corbell 06 points>. M~~aret Lonza 110> and Yvette Howard I 10) contMually kept Ocean View at bay.· Corona del Mar 65, University 50 ThP SP~ Kin ei; tonic rontrol of the boards at WOMEN 'M ' both ends of the fl oor en route to building ) 24· i firs t-quarter advantage. · Cent e r Lisa G r eenbe r g s natctt;ed a personal-high 25 rebounds and also tallied 23 points to -pace C"<IM. Comrng off the bench. ~nlet Oschner hit 10 of her 12 points in the second &Qlf to help keep the Trojans at bay. ., •' Irvine 51 , Costa MeH 40 » Kim Oden scored 19 points as the Vaquero£ won their fourth game in seven league outin!ls. The Mustangs, 4·3. scored the first two ~skets of the game and then went cold from the held as Irvine scqred t he next 11 straight. : Estancia 59, Newport Harbor J3 • ' .The Ea~les r ebounded fr?m a slow start~o win easily behind the strong inside play of;.J oan Howland and Debbie Hughes. •. Trailing 10·7 after one period, the tagles outpointed Newport 22·6 in the second stan&a an• led the remainder of the way. Mission Viejo 66, Laguna Beach 37 Laguna proved no match for the 'tlF's top -ranked Diablos. Mission Vi ejo broke to .a11 18·2 first-quarter lead and was never headed. 11 OUTSTANDINCll· VALUES! Snow depth/inches Conditions LUls/chmirs MEW 1912VW , UlllT "L" SEOatl Super economy •1J; this crne ! Fu I ly eQupped includmg a 4 speed lransm1ss1on. tinted,. glass.-fil1Uel tires and rroref (Stk 3077) (0 1613) Mountain High Mt Baldy Snow Summit Snow Valley Goldmine 20·24 pow/pp 3L 8·12 pow 24-48 pow /pp SL 18-24 pow /pp 4C 30·42 pow/pp 3L CENTRAL CALIFORNIA June Mountain Mammoth Mountain China Peak Dodge Ridge 64-88 pow/pp 118 pow/pp 57.73 pow/pp 60·84 pow/pp NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 4C nc FO FO Ml. Reba 78-138 i>ow/pp 6L Kirkwood 132-216 pow/pp FO Heavenly Valley 87 pow/pp 21L Tahoe Ski Bowl 84-124 pow/pp 4C Northstar 48-124 pow/pp FO Squaw Valley 54·132 pow/pp lOL Donner Ski ·Ranch 120· 144 pow /pp 2L Alpine Meadows 95··192 pow/pp 9L Su.gar Bowl 16tf-240 pow/pp SL Boreal 144·168 pow/pp 4L Homewood Ski Area 72·120 pow/pp 3C Conditions : ho -hardpack; pp -packef powder ; pow - powder. l..ift!i/~hait>s. Urts;.~~ak&i-FO-fYll.oper&Uon ... --- SAUNJC&t 5 5999:11 • ... llllJPlllt FRIOAYt ~~N: 22, !982 CAVALCADE STOCKS ~'it,,..._.~•, c--. swr SIZING UP Mon• than 850 \'Oluntt'l'l's rrom all parts ol Orange Co unt~ s howed up for two cust ing s ignups al the Festival of Arts in Laguna Bt•ac·h lust weekend where t hl',. Wl'rt.' measun•<I and photographt•d for this s u m m l' r · s Sl'\·en-wel•k pug1.•anl r u n . K 1.• I l ,. M t• r r ,. man o·r Hunt ington Bt'i.H:h 1 left • has lwr net·i.. m l' a s u r l' cl h ' a t•ast in).! n>l unt ~·t·1·. a n <I Ii ,. l' a r . 11 l cl J l' ~ ~ j l' a \\'hall•\ I) f l. a k l' f' II r l' :-.. i I ~ mt.•a s urNI for s 1zt• I)\ Louis l' Pl•n11 Onl ~ a bout hal r of th~· appli«ants \\ill hl· Sl'll•(.'tl>d for thl' l\\11 t•omplet<.• ('a'sts for t h i s s u m m t• r · :-.. P a g t• a n t·. " h i 1.· h l'l'·l'r<.•ates ramou:-.. works of art using li n• modeb. B,· lht• J u I ~· to o IH:n 1 n g night. the ,·otuntt•l•rs "ill bl· lrans form1.'ll into R oe kwl•ll _ J J g u t: c....s___ l' _,. a h f i ~ht.' rm l' ll . .\rah \\arri11r :-.. on h o r s l' h a d; . h a 11 l'I dant:l'r:-.. ;i ncl oril•ntal maickns. • 82-3 85 For an 11-year-old, she's a pretty sharp cookie when it comes to merchandising. See Page B6. School D 0 • I pay topic1 at meet By JOHN NEEDHAM Of .. Deity,.... IWI Laguna Beach Unified School • District trustees and representatives of two of the . dis trict 's three collective bargaining units say they won't be comme nting on 1982·83 contract proposals until Feb. 4. That's when the proposals will be outlined for city residenta at a public hearing on the initial wage and benefit demands by teachers, counselors. speech therapists , nurses and psychologists. The district also will issue Its . initial offer to the Laguna Beach Unified Faculty Association and Laguna Beach Personnel and, Guidance Association on Feb. 4. Classified empl oyees, including maintenance personnel, janitors, gardeners · and me<:hanics, are scheduled to submit their contract proposal at a later date. Teachers are asking for across -the -board sa la ry increases to the mean average or salary· schedules for all other unified school di s tricts in Orange County. The figure would be attai~ by averaging all unified district salaries separately by pay scak _ which is determined by the number of years of service, educational units attained and experience. Both teachers a nd school officials have so far declined to release their estimates. Both contract proposals submitted to the school board: A John Wayne for John Wayne Airport Thursday are for the 1982-83· sc hool yea r only. In 1980. teachers were awarded a 12.s· percent salary increase over two, years . 1 By JEFF ADLER Of Ille INlly ,. ... Si.ft Garbed in familiar western gear and grinning that tough, confident grin known to movi~goers everywhere, a 9-foot statue of actor John "Duke" Way9e should be completed and ready to greet travelers at John Wayne Airport sometime this summer. 7he $300,000 sculpture. If model of which was unveiled in ce.remonies Thursday. was created by Texas sculptor Robert Summers, who called Wayne his .. greatest hero." Eventually it will stand in front of the a irport's passenger terminal. Summers said he was very excited at being commissioned Jo -~xe~ut~ the 9-fool n.iue 9C the_ . larger-than·life movie hero. "There's not another person in this century I'd rather do," he explained at the unveiling of a 36-inch model of the bronze. Michael Wayne, the actor's oldest son, said the statue would be a "terrific tribute" to ~is father's memory. "If he were here. he'd say. 'that looks more like me than I do'.'' W.ayne commented. He added that Wayne was "a AIRPORT SCULPTURE -Introduction of model ~ sculpture of John Wayne finds his son Patrick apparently deep in thought. When completed in summer of 1982, the 9-foot .... Nllt"911 .. ..., ...... bronze statue will be placed at John Wayne Airport. Ceremonies were held Thursday in Santa Ana. man of movement and action and they got him moving and in action" in the bronze rendering. The Orange County Board or Supervisors approved the project In October, 1981. Since then a private group, the John Wayne Memorial Associates, headed by local businessmen Bruce Nott and Kae Ewing. havecoordlnated the project. The $300,000 statue is being paid for by private contributors. including a s ub s tantial Art festival~' • concessions OK needed People wishing to operate concessions near the Festival of Arts, Art-A-Fair or Sawdust Festival grounds this summer must apply for a conditional use permit with .. the City of Laguna Beach by April 2. Those applications properly contribution fro m Wayne's family. Nott said. 'Although no copies of the statue will be made commercially available. each project donor will receive a 36-inch replica of the statue. Nott said the fund -rais ing effort for the project should be completed next month. He said 80 percent of the total cost has been coll ected, he said. "I fell it was important lo keep the image or this man in front or our children ... Nott said of has reasons for sponsoring the project. .. You didn't have to agree with everything he said or did to acknowledge that he was lar ge r than life -the em bod1 ment of independent thinking ... The guidance association is' asking for an 11.7 percent increase in salary. to be applied across the board. The group includes counselors. speech therapists. and the district psychologist and nurse. The group says the pay raise request reflects the increase in the cost of Living . The proposal says the 11 .7 percent increase doesn't reneet an alleged 29.6 percent loss in earning power due lo inflation from 1975 lo 1982. Both bargaining units are also asking for as yet uns pecified ' modifications in fringe benefits, grievance procedures. and other non-s alary items . filed and on time will be d •I scbed~led for ea~~_b-:;.+::;;___.~.=-~~:!.!:!c~2!~~~!.f.!!:.!i:..!-~~~~~~~~~~~~--....--. about two and-a-MHl-flMl'Mft!l--+--f)Tri+tT<!l"tmrr-c-erem'Onies--:he city. and rnclu<fes both offi ce and retail space. prior to the beginning of the were held recently .for the $50 ·s~ason, '•C'cording t o June mitlion Ortega Business Catalano, director of community c c n t e r i n S a n J u a n de.telopment. ; Capistrano. The center . located near the San Di ego Freeway , south o( Ortega Higjlway. a lso includes an eight·acre park along San Juan Creek :tnd ;m .eque~trian center Due lo the rising demand for Pam Hallan. assistant to concessions space, the city the city manager, said the ea.&.abll.&bed.. a fQ.c.ma.l JU:Qeedw:e 80-ac.r.e devela~tntru ~ JhP for applicants, Mrs. Catalano largest commercial center in said. To be considered for issuance of a permit, applicants must submit the following items with tbe city: -_A plot pl-" showing the location of the concession. -A noor plan, including front and side views of the structure proposed, as well as materials and colors used and 0 s ign location. -Written permission from the pf9perty owner for use of the property. -Explanation of hours of operation, type of use and other ~m portant information concerning operation. -For all food and drink operators, approval by the Oranee Co unty Health Department. Upon receipt of a temporary us~ J>ermit from the Planninc Commission, a llcan1.&-muat city Deslp Review Board for approval. In addition, approval by the South Coast Resional Coastal Commiuk>n in Lona 'Beach is aeeeuary. The '" to tbe cit)' for a temporary use permit is $175; for deal1n review, $30. Information on the coastal commtuJon fee may be obtained by calllq l·IMl-Ol48. For information on clty procedura, call Mn. Catalano at 4t7·Dll, extension 221 hom 8 a .m . to noon Monday tbrouCb Frldv. • Pianist sets college concert Pianist Kakyong Chai will perform ~t Saddleback College's South C ampus Ma in Theater in Mi ssion Vi ejo J an. 31 at 3 p.m . to benefit the school's piano scholarship pro~ram Tht' conct'rt will include p1 et•t•s by Bee thoven , Brahms. Debussy and C hopin . Ti<.'k e t s arc $4 Re n<.'ral admission and S3 for students and senior citizens with gold cards All seatint is reserved. For r eservations and a ddit ional information. contact the theater box office at 83 I ·4656 . or 495· 2790 between 10 a.m amt noon. or I 11.m and 3 p.m. weekdays. Tickl'ls will also be on sale in lhe box office one hour prior lo th~ benefit performance: • &pol,ice chief lo be feted The city is holding a Legion St. beginning at S reception for former Laguna p.m. Beach police c hief Jon Friends are contributing Sparks Thursday and the food for the occasion and whole town's Invited. • there will be a no-host bar. -Spatn-:-wlio l'ecetve1! a ~ntatton-1Jy-'s'evetal civi--1--.1• . -~ Monday, will be honored at the Veterans Memorial Community Center at 384 will begin at 6 p.m . and the reception will continue until l 7:30 p.m. • Surfing movia al Laguna High The L.aguna Bea cb Education Foundation "(ill sponsor the showing of seven surfing and action films Feb. 19 and 20 at the high school auditorium. Proceeds from the t3 admission will benefit the· La1una Beach Unified School District. There will be shows ·at 7 p.m. Feb. 19, and at 1 p.m. and ., .. .,m. on Feb. 2Q. Further information on ticket.a and the films lo be shown may be obtained by callin1 the education foundation at 4SM-6811. Low-cost housing approved The Irvine c ity Planning Commission acted Thursday night to increase the supply of .. affordable" rental housing in" Irvine. Commiss io ne rs a pproved design pJans for a 120-unit apartment project. The units are to be r ented to low-income families who qualify for the fe de ra l Section 8 program, which assists low-income people in paying the rent. These 120 units would help the city of Irvine and the Irvine Company meet the terms of an out-of-court lawsuit settlement in whic h they prom ised to provide sites for 725 units of affordable housing in Irvine. Called the P a rklands, the Irvi ne Compa n y -pro posed project is to be located east of Culver Drive between Trabuco R o ad a nd the Santa Ana Freeway. In order to qualify for section 8 rental assistance, a family must be earning less than 80 rtnrome In tbe county. The 120 units will Include 20 on e -bed room one -bathroom a pa r tments, 92 two-bedroom one-bath apartments and eight three-be droo m t wo -bath apartments. llllJPlllt FRIDAY, JAN. 22, 1982 CAVALCADE STOCKS Dalty ,_ "'f'tt •Y C...,._ IW'f" SIZING UP Mo re t h a n 850 rnluntN~rs f ro m a ll part s of 0 r a n ~ e C o u n t ,. s howed u p for t wt> ca stin~ signup~ · the Festiva l of Arts • in La~una Beach lus t weekend wherC-the.,,· wer e meas url'<i a nd photographed for this s umm t•r 's s~nm-week paJ;?~ r u n . K e I I ,. M e r r ,. m a n o · f Hunt ing ton Bt.•a ('h 1 lefl 1 ha s ht:•r ned.; m t.' a s u r t.• <I h ' <i C'a s ti ng ,·o lu nt l't'I'. a n cl fi · ,. t• a r . o I d J l'SS i n 1 \\'h u It.•' of L a k t.• F o r t.•s i is m t.•us ured for s 1zt.• b,· l.o uist.• Pt.•n n. OnJ\· a b o u t h a If o f t ht• a p plinant s wall ht• sl'leclt'd for tht.• two c o mplete <·asts for t h i s s u m m l ' r · s P a g t' a n t . w h i <' h l't'·t·n•a tes f41 rn o u s wor ks of u r l us ing li H' mo<kls . lh l hl· J l -1 ~ 1 0 0 j)-t .. n i A night. the \'Oluntt.•e1·s \\'iTI · bt.·-lr unsforrnt.•d into R o C'kw e l l f i g u r e s . <· r a h fi s ht.•r m l•n . :\rc~b war r io r h o r s t.•h ad;. ha I kt cla n<.'ers and or it.•ntul maidens . -. 82·3 BS For an 11 -year-old, she 's a pretty sharp cookie when it comes to merchandising. See Page B6. 0 D ..., ~ Faculty pay hi~es backed A committee or the University- or C a lifornia Re ge nts has r ecommended pay raises for faculty members in engineerint- and management departments at UC Irvine and the other eight. campuses in the UC system. t UC spokeswoman Sarah Molla ~-----11-1--s-a-i d -t-h.e pa y; s:-a.i a. recommended in a n effort to inc r ease r et e nlion a nd a id r e c r u i t m e n t i n t h e s e· departments. She said that recent surveys indicate UC fa culty salaries in management lag 14 percent or' more be hind leading schools <>(. bus iness administra tion an~ m a n agcment , a nd t hat UC salarie!-. in engineering lag byj some 13 to-15 percent. Archie Kleingartner said in a pr ess· r elease that while the-' proposed raise would make UC sa la r ies co mpetitive with: s alaries p ai d a t o t h er: univ.ersit1es. salaries paid tQ b u s i ne ss a nd e n ginee ring gr aduates in private industry will continue to be larger than those paid at .the university- level T he UC Regents were to consider the recommendation by the Finance Committee in favor' 1------1-+--of iha.pa.y raises. --_ -- Under the proposed pay hike , an assista nt pro fesso r o( business or engineering would :Duke' sculpture previewed get a salary boost from the pr esent level o f $19,700 to $24.50<1 An associate professor in these subjects would get his' salary r ai sed from $24,500 to $32,500. The top salary step for a professor in these fields is now $51.500 This is to be increased to $56,700 • THE UKE -T is is a wo rkin g m o d e l of the nine-foot sculpture to be placed at the J ohn Wayne Airpor t in honor o f its namesake. $300,000 John Wayne statue due at airport in summer By 18FF ADLEa ... ..., ...... Garbed in familiar west.em tear md pinninc that tough, confident 1rin known to mOYl..,_. everywhere, a S..foot statue of actor John "Duke" WaJM abould be completed and ready to e:reet travelen at John Wa1ne Airport sometime this ••mmer. The $300,000 sculpture, a model ol which was unveiled in c~remonies Thursday. was created by Texas sculptor Robert Summers, who called Wayne his "greates t he ro." Eventually it will stand in front Irvine teen linked to burglaries? An 18-year-old Irvine r esident arrested Wednesday after being bitten by Axel the police dog is allegedly responsible for three recent commercial burglaries Irvine police Sgt. Dick Bowmaii ·~mtodft--la~·y~.lt'ftlran11tid--notit"I~ will seek J_>toseeution of Darrel "Sco"\~nnas, fll , lS"20TVicny Circle, in connection with burglaries al t..to Carl's Jr. res taurants and a ser v ice station, all in Irvine. Ennis was found hiding in a trash can inside Carl's Jr. restaurant, 4770 Irvine Blvd.; early Wednesday by Axel the police dog from the Tustin Police Department, police said. Irvine police sought the help o( the canine and its handler after two Irvine patrolme n saw someone moving inside the restaurant at 2 a.m. of the ai r por t 's passenge r terminal. Summers said he was very excited at being commissioned lo execute the 9-foot statue of the larger-tha n-life movie hero. "There's not another person in this century I'd rather do." he explained at the un veiling or a 36-inch model of the bronze. Michael Wayne, the actor's oldest son, said the statue would be a "terrifi c tril)ule" lo his father 's memory. '·-\ .. If he were here. he'd say, 'that looks more like me than I do'." Wayne com mented. Ill-added that Way ne was "a man or movement and action and they got him moving and in action" in the bronze rendering. T he Orange Count y Board or Suµervi sor s appr oved the projec·t in Oc tober, 1981 Since then a private group. the John Wa~ nc Memorial Associates. headed by local businessmen Bru<'e Nott and Kae Ewing , .~a v<: coordinated the project. T he $300.000 statue is bein5 pu1d for hy private contributors. 1nclud 1ng a s ubs tan ti a l contri bution fro m Wayne's fa mily. Nott said. Ex plai ning t he pr o ble m necessitating the pay raise K l ci nga rtn e r s a i d , "I~ engineering. the problem is particularly critical Many more s t u <1e nts wa nt lo become engineers than our faci lities can accom modate, and society's need for engineers IS greater t h a n a I I t h e c o I I e t e a n d uni versities in this nation can s upply. "We must have a faculty of the very highest quality if we are lo meet our obligations in attempting to satisfy these needs " • YMC4 launches $90,000 drive Ennis, who suffered biles on lbe arm and nose, was treated in Tustin Community Hospital and then booked into Orange County ---Th~ Orange Coast YMCA is seeking to r aise $90.000 by the end or February to he.Ip fund its vario us youth programs. Without the funds, YMCA o ff ic i a l s s aid , y outh programs such a s Y-lndJan Guldef. T ra ilblazers and s ummer camps could be put in jeopardy. Fundra is ing c hairman A display of art from laMt B . Mackal1 1 Mar&lla Ma&&laew1 and Mllloko , Yam•1a&a goes on display today at the Irvine Arts and Crafts Center. 111 s. Mackai 1 and Ms. Mallbews colla1q'ated-on a collection of work enUtled ·~novatlve Prinls." -The t dil1>layed ~s ntitted'--°"A John Sallady, who helped raise S82,000 last year for the youth programs , said the 1982 campaign will officially begin Jan. 28 at lbe Newport Ba lboa Savings and Loan in Westcliff Plaza . The Orange Coast YMCA serves Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and Irvine. For further I nform a ti o n on the campaign, call 642-9990. dis playe d ls e nued "A Ph.oto1raphi c Serles : Concrete." The display wiJJ be at tbe Artl and Crafts Center, •1 ·walnut Ave., Irvine tJlrouP Feb. 11. Gallery hours are t a .m . to 9 p.m . Monday throulb Thursday and t a .m. to e p.m. on Friday. For more information call ~-1 Jail. Faulty wire cause off ire? An 'electrical malfuncUon is believed to have possibly caused the '300.000 fire al Sierra Vista Middle School In Irvine Wednaday. Oranse County Fire Capt. Sherry Buntint said today that altboulb an electrical cause is suspected, the lnvestlgatlon continues and lt may be several weeks be(ore_lnvesli1ators pinpoint exactly what started the fire. "Tbey CinvesU1aton) seem to feel tbe cause wu ln the wirinl in the attic above the lirls'. locker room," 1ald Dave Holmes, priJLtlpal of the lO·month-old school in north Irvine. "We've told our lnaurwe adjuater-I.hat-it-wu started by an apparent electrical problem.•• . . QYll OftENS Five members o r the Woodbridge Hi gh School football team~ -dt'essed-up as chee rleade r s , c•lleo themselves th e "Wa rrio r e tte s" a nd ~,.. ...... .,..., participated in gra nd opening ceremonle t9d ay_ for-l-he Wood bridge ...!!l&h.., Schoo gymn.asiwn.. 111111 CUii Ne~ort-Mesa delays plftns ~o lease. parcel. ' BJ JODI CADENHEAD CM .. ~ ........ Representatives of Newport ---111n11Unified Sc1'1>0i District decided late Thursday to postpone plans to lease 47 acres of district-owned property foUOwing a legal decision that may have an effect on tbe aooinJ of the area. Superintendent John Nicoll said be was advised by attorney Clayton Parker to put off leasiq THE DUKE -TJl.is is a- working model of th e n ine-foot sculpture to be placed at the John Wayne Airport in honor of its namesake. I 'Duke' statue-· for-airport previewed By JEFF ADLER Of ... DeltJ ..... ,.... Garbed in familiar western gear and grinning that tough, co nfident grin known to · moviegoers everyWliere, a 9-foot _ _..ta111~Jo~Duke!.!. Wayne should be completed and ready to greet travelers at John Wayne Airport sometime this summer. The $300,000 sculpture, a model or which was unveiled in ceremonies Thursday, was created by Texas sculptor the vacant Bay View school lite at Bristol Street and Jamboree Boulevard unlll the county Board of SJ.tp.er.xiaou __ t,akea action on a ruling by Oraqe County Superior Court Judie Bruce Sumner. Sumner's rulin1 balled expansion of John Wayne Airport until a new Environmental Impact Report la prepared. His rulina could prevent the district's property from being rezoned, according to county officials. Prior to bis decision, officials bad planned to lease the vacant land, a move they hoped would bring in extra revenue. The property now ls zoned for agricultural and school use. Sumner's ruling was a victory tor Newport Beach residents who have fought expansion ol tbe airport, but baa left the future ol surrounding property in limbo, say officials. •·As a resident of Newport Beach I'm delighted with Judie Sumner's decision," said School Board President B. J . Skilling. "But as a trustee I'm concerned about the impact it •ill have on the land. "It may have a large impact ii it messes up the county's master plan," said Ms. Skilling. "If they can't go ahead with their zooinc then we're sort of dead in the water." De s pite the district's con cerns, Ken Winter , Community Plannine chief for the County Environmental Agency, said the ruling may not affect the school's property because most or tbe land is outside the area moat significantly affected by alrpart noise. He said lbe di1trict eould pursue developmeat plaaa without waitiq f« the ~to complete a specific plaa fer tM area. High-riae towerOK'd for Newport Newport Beach planniDI commissioners have r ecommended approval of a controversial multi-story medical towe r near Hoag Memorial Hospital. ' The proposed 65,000-square· foot tower would be consb'JM:ted adjacent to the existing Park Lido medical complex and would include a separate. two-story parking structu.re. The sometimes -stormy two -hour bearing Thursday evening pitted the applicants - Park Lido Ltd. -against n e a r b y r e s i d n t s !'....b.9 complained the tower would gener.Me-&eo., much noi&& arid traffic and reduce already-scarce street parking. The City Council will have the rinal s ay on the proposed project. A hearing date bas not been announced. :..., .... FRIDAY, JAN. 22, 1912 CAVALCADE STOCK~ 82-3 BS COVETED AWARDS -Liz Kelly. 8. or the Hartley's Hoppers Soccer Team. pcints out ·trophies to teammate Tamara O'Nan. also 8. before first a nd runner-up awards \\C'r<.' presented to 22 West Newport° teams in Region 97 . Amc.n can Robert Summers, who called Wayne his ·~greatest hero." EventuaJly <it will stand in front of the airport's pasae,.1er terminal. PlELIC USE SlM\iARY Summers said he was very excited at being commissioned to execute the 9-root statue of the larger -than-life movie hero. "There's not another person ln this century I'd rather do," he explained a\ the unveiling of a 36-inch mod~I of the bronze. Michael Wayne, the actor's oldest son, said the statue would be a "terrific tribute" to bis father's memory. ·:u be were here, he'd say, 'that loob more like me than I do'," Wayne commented. He added that Wayne wu. "a man of movemeot and aetkln and they aot him movinc and in action" in lbe brooae renderiJll. The Orance County Board ol Supervisors approved tbe project in October, 1•1. 8'nce then a private 1roup, tbe Joba Wayne Memorial Assoclatea, beaded by local buaineaamea Bruce Nott and Kae l!wiq, have coordlnated the project. Tbe •.ooo atatue ii bllaa- ; AREA llW8tSYSJDI :::1 PWlJC •"fER*n PWlJC MARINA VIUAGE MA.IOA PWlJC ITRHTI TOTA&. PWlJC UIE ._., llellAL LAllOllAM. Ille. ACRES 4550 130 110 120 90 1100(454y.) Nid fcir by prly.te coatribut.an, Or I a' I u d ID I • I u b. t •• t I a I ...... PIM -anae Count)' Superviaon coaldbaUoa from-W•'"-'• -..hue_.aaked coa1tar...dmmi1.toaer1 to ramU7, Nott 1aJd. appl'Oft '111 million ~t in Bolsa Chica wetlands. Map by Sipal Landmark Inc. --.-4eveloper'1 plans for the coastal area. For an 11-year-ol.d, she's a pretty sharp cookie when it comes to merchandising. See Page B6. Soccer per/ ormers harvest trophies , o ... , ~ .... ~ ., C-... IUrr Youth Soccer Organization. including the Surfs. hclow. Also hono red were 120 referees and JO field maintenance personnel. About 700 people attended the program at the ~ewpott llaTbor High School gym Newport man tells of sllspeCt's threat· A neighbor has testified in Orange County Superior Court that he once heard Newport Beach murde r defendant Herbert Barclay Baeu call his 87-year-old mot.her a "damned old woman" and s uggest she should be dead. The tes timony from John Olhasso, also of Newport Beach, came in the opening day of a trial in which Baetz. 57, is· accused ol murder in the death of Janette Baeu, 87. Baetz, who has a college degree in chemlstr)', Is aUeged lo have put potassium cyanide, a poision, in a glass of orange juice that his mother later drank. She died Sept. 10. Under questioning from Oeouty District Attorney Pat Gea.·y, Olhasso, described as a close friend or Mrs . Baeu. said t h e woman and her son frequently argued after Baetl took up residence in her home at 1211 W. Bay Ave. on the Balboa Pennilula. About a mont.b before the woman'• aeath, Olha110 testified, he heard Baell and Ida other talking in argumentative tones in the backyard of the residence. "He said, 'You 're nothing but a damned old woman. I w~ you were ... dead'," Olhasso recalled Baetz as telling his mother. Sloate joins Mesa planners Costa Mesa resident Mart Sloate has been appointed lo the city's planning commission, il was announced today. The 52-year·old engineer wu chosen W~day from amoGI 17 candidates who applied for the seal vacated last October lty · chairman Richard Carstensen. · Sloate has served on the cli Traff'c Commission for t years and lived in Costa II since 1980. His term wlll ex January, 1983. , Donald O'Neal, baa be•n appointed to a-erve lll• remainder of Sloate'a term • the Traffic Commluk»n. • Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT/Friday. January 22, 1982 N .. Daw Jones.Final OFF 3.23. CLOSING 153.30 ·•" :t.' "t .._,~ Deducting school expenses fThU it the fifth part o/ a IO·part 1en~1 on how lo aou. on your 19'1 income tan1 J The general rules governing deductions for education expenses are: You can deduct the expenses incurred to maintain or Improve your skills -but you can't deduct education expenses if they qualify you for a new trade or business. It's often difficult to draw the line between these two types of education. but in 1981 , there were cases that could be helpful. In o ne case, Donald, a full-time ~ co l lege civi l engineering teacher, .. ,c left his post 'to spend ~ ~w~ ·.~~rsi.:et~~~ i~ IYlVIA Pllllli:'Z engineering at a difrerent university. He then returned to his college post. Donald claimed he could deduct his education expenses because they improved his teaching skills. The Internal Revenue Service couldn't see it this way. The agency claimed the education qualified him for a new tr ade or business. But the Tax Court permitted the expenses as a deduction. A Ph.D. wasn't required to meet the m inimum educational requirements for his teaching job. and the education just imp~oved his teaching skills. · A certified and licensed clinical social worker had herself psychoanalyzed so she could more effectively treat her patients and get more referrals. The I RS used a new approach to try to block her deduction. It took the view that there was no "education.'' Reason: There was no program of study or training at an accredited institution. The Tax Court again held for the taxpayer. "Education" is not restricted to formal education. Since the costs met all the other requirements for qualified education costs, they could be deducted. The IRS, though, said last year that it will not follow the court's decision. Thus, such non-school expenses will be disallowed should your return be examined - and you will have to fight. Another 7£ase involved a research chemist working as a oreman in the control department of Coming Glas Works. He voluntarily look courses at a local branch of Syracuse University on a part-time basis. with Coming paying 75 P,ercent of the tuition. Later he went on leave and took full-time courses at the university's main campus leading to an M.B.A. After that, he returned as a market development speciaJist. Coming paid two-thirds of his salary at the m~n campus, plus his tuition and ~xpenses. The Tax Court split the education expenses. The part-time courses were deductible because they were Incurred to maintain and improve hi s skiJJs as a foreman. The costs of his full-lime courses were not related to his job and were not deductible. These decisions on borderline cases may apply to you. Barter clubs are becoming major operations, and it would be ridiculous to deny that "bartering" is a possible means or tax avoidance. The IRS considers "credits" received for goods and services rendered by barter·club members as taxable income. Monday: Office at home a.ad vacat k>a home. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS ~::: ~-:-":"'...:~""-s.:: ........... -. lO'~ netlONll!I' Al,_.. - r:••on' .-tS.100 ,.,,.. 14011tnd e.:14, 100 0 ''\ .. tor91T1<h '11,.00 ,...., 1 1811111 •.100 .,.. .. tnTetUI SU,500 JOV. 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