HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-25 - Orange Coast Pilot111111 CUil MONDAY. JANUARY 25. 1982 ,.,__.. SUPER CELEBRATION San Franciscans whoop it up after the 49ers defeated the Cincinnati Bengals. 26·21. in Sunday's Super.. Bowl. Police h<.1ulcd in about 100 people who cel ebrated too indulgent I~ 49ers' celebration I marred by violence , SAN FRANCISCO <AP> -For the faithful San Francisco 49ers fans intoxicated with triumph, the giddy hours after their team captured Super Bowl XVI was a "giant Christmas morning " thal, for some, turned to col'lfrontations. After the 49er s beat the Cincinnati Bengals 26-21, San Franciscans greeted the first championship in their team's 36 years with a street celebration as jubilant as any since the one Winter has ·no mercy back East By The Associated Press Wind storms clocked at 140 mph cut a swath of destruction through Colorado. Minnesota was buried by anofhet c;now blitz a nd the Pacific No rthwest braced for flooding as the nation swung into the final week of a "January to remember .. More snow spread today over the upper half of the Mississippi Valley and the Great Lakes Region into the Ohio Valley and the Appalachians . Temperatures dipped well below zero from North Dakota through the upper Mississippi Vall ey. ll was 21 below in Sault Ste. Marie, Mi ch ., 16 below In Bismarck, N.D .. 14 below at Duluth, Minn .. and 10 below in Minneapolis. Elsewhere: a storm brought m o r e rain to the Pacific Northwest, where rivers already were Ooodlng. On Mount W~hington in New Hampshire, rescuers raced temperatures or 28 d e1ree1 below zero and winds 1usUn1 to 100 mpb ln a search for two climbers wbo have been miaaU., on the 8,Sfoot mountain since Saturday. In Oceana County, Mich., where public schools have been open for only seven days this month, officials closed them a1aln today. ftl leut 16 people have been (See WINDS, Pace 'AZ> • unleashed by lhe end or World War II. But as the jubilation wore on. there were reportedly several stabbing and s hooting incidents and police clashed with some or the thousands of celebrants in a bottle-throwing melee in the North Beach section or the city. Scores were hospitalized with mostly nunor injuries and there were no fatalities. A bout 100 people were booked for investigation or drunkenness before violence erupted, said Inspector Joseph Toomey. "Now San Francisco is. No. I in two things -being weird and football ," said Rick Tasker. as he hung out a car window and blew on a whistle near the North Beach intersection of Columbus Street and Broadway, jammed with about 6,000 celebrants. Horns, firecrackers, sirens and church bells echoed through the city above the shrieks of SUPER BOWL COVERAGE -Page C1 rans. tens or thousands or them, who poured from bars into the s treets. forcing police to close off major thoroughfares and divert buses. In the fashionable Union Street area, thousands danced in the street as a rock band staged an impromptu concert, playin& "We Are The Champions" over and over. Others commandeered a Municipat Railway trolley bus and danced on top as 49er s logans were painted on Its sides. At Union Square, celebrants hailed the famed cable cars. "There· has been an Oftlolnl confrontation for about three and a ball hours between police department personnel and the citizenry," said police service aide Mite Conner today after the North Beach fracas. Dozen• of otficers were dhpatched from out1lde dlltricts to help quell the dl1ruptlon, which betan to subside after midni1ht, be 1Ud. A bout 40 officers received minor lnjurie1, he Hid. Toomey said this momln1, however, that the number of officen injured (See ROWO'r. Pase Al) • • • • • • Ylll 11111111 UllY Ml Radioactive steatn leaks 'Site emergency' called at nuclear plant in upstate NY . • > ROCHESTER, N.Y. CAP>-A "site emergency" was declared today at the Ginna nuclear power plant in Ontario, N.Y., arter a steam tube ruptured in a primary cooling system , releasing radioactive steam into the atmosphere, a fe deral official said. Radiation was released into the atmosphere from 6:09 a m . to 7:42 a.m. PST and the wind was blowing from the northwest at 14 mph, the National Weather Ser vice reported. Monroe County public relations oHicer C laren ce Bassett said the release had been "isolated and terminated." The plant, located about 18 miles northeast of Rochester near the shore or Lake Ontario, was shut down and the react.or was being cooled with water, Nuclear Regulatory Commission spokesman Gary Sanborn said. There is "no danger to. the public at this lime." said Richard Sullivan, spokesman for tbe Rochester Gas & Electric Co., which operates tbe plant. Area fll'e departments were moblUaed. No residents were evacuated but non-essential personnel were evacuated from the plant site, said Sullivan. About 45.000 people live within 10 miles of the plant. Rochester is the third lareest city in New York state. Sanborn said the reactor was being cooled with extra water, called "makeup waler." He said emergency core cooling pumps w e r e not running , but preparations were being made to start ooe of them. "From t e mperature indications. th e r e is n o indication or fuel overheating. The tube leak in the steam generator is apparently leaking at about 5 gallons per minute." Sanborn said. Delta pilot says runway was 'unsafe' BOSTON CAP> -A Delta Air Lines pilot reported conditions on a Boston airport runway were "poor to nil" 37 minutes before a World Airways jet hurtled across it into the sea, the head of a rederal crash investigation team said today. Patricia Goldman, a National Transportation Safety Board member, heading a team or 10 investigators, said the World Airways DC -10, Flight 30 carrying 208 people, was the last plan e scheduled to use the Logan International Airport runway Saturday night before additional clearing. "I'm not certain" whether the pilot had been warned of the conditions, she said. The warning came at 6:59 p.m . Saturd ay from a Delta DC -8 pilot . who wa s not identified. The plane came to rest up to its wiftgs in Boston Harbor after falling to stop on the runway In freezing rain. The plane broke in fwo, but no one was killed or serious ly Inj ured . The 196 passengers a nd 12 crew (See DC-11, Pa1e AZ> He said safety valves had "lifte d ," indi cating that pressure ins ide the steam system had forced the release into the outside. Sullivan described the failure as a rupture of a release tank diaphragm. ·'There are indications of a leak from the primary system to a secondary system in a steam generator tube.·· said Sue Gagner of th e N R C's Washington office. 'A ·•s ite e mergency " declaration is the second highest in NRC classifications. Tt\e most serious is a general emergency. Orficia l s upgraded the situation at the plant from an "ususual event," to an "alert" to a "site emergency" within an hour. The plant is a pre1Surfzed water reactor. It has a capacity or 470 megawatts anf·first went into operation in 1969. · Th e plant underwent a n emergency drill test last week. Sanborn said an "unusual event ... the lowest nuclear emergency classification. wa declared s hortly before 6:~ a .m. PST and was followed minutes later with a declaration of an ''alert," the next category. Al 7:50 a .m . PST, a "site e m e rge ncy" was de c lare~. Sanborn said. ~ San born said the NRC ha:li opened a center at its King e Prussia. Pa .. regional office ~ monitor the s ituation arOI provide a central location r4t information. ~ ....., .... ,.... ......... " ..... HEROIC Orange Countv fireman Scott Nel son talks to Steve' DeSa lvo and Sonia Gerlitz. OeSal vo rescued Patricia Marshall from her burning condominium in Irvine. Woman saved from ftr6 Man rescues Irvine resident in burning condominiu' An Irvine woman was listed in critical condition today at UCI Medical Center's burn unit after being rescued Crom her burning condominium early today by a UC Irvine student. Patricia Marshall, 28, was discovered trapped inside her condominium al about l a.m. today by Steve De Salvo, 23, and a companion, Sonia Gerlltz, at 14 Claret in Irvine. Ora nge Co unt y Fire Department s pokes man Jim Sims said De Salvo ano· Miss Gerlilz saw the fl ames when they dr ove past the condominium. Sims said the couple stopped their vehicle and obtained fire extinguishers, apparenUy in the complex. They then tried to ente r the residence and put out the fire, but were driven back by names, according to Sims. He said De Salvo then heard Miss Marshall . calling out from Inside the condominium. by then nearly engulfed in nam es, and went back into the building. DeSalvo told firefighters he found Miss Marshall in the upstairs hallway, where s he had taken shelter aner being unable lo escape downstairs. Sims said De Salvo carried Miss Mars hall out of the condominium and onto the front lawn, where she was treated by paramedics and taken to UC Medical Center In Orange. A hospital spokesman said Miss Marshall is suffering from second and third-degree bums. Sims said a neighbor or Miss Marshall's, Lew~s Sangerman, also attempted to enter~· residence to search for o occupants. However, he f Mi ss Marshall was alone at' · time or the fire . . Sims said the cause or · blaze is under investigation. lfe s aid the fire ca u sed "n es ti mated $80,000 worth 6f damage. It took fire crews abcit 45 minutes to extinguis h ~ flames. Sims said. llllCI CUii IUlll Low clouds and fog late ton I ght .and Tuesday ,·:~· morning. Variable hilh clo ud s a nd coo ler Tuesday. Lows tonight 42 to ~. Highs Tuesday a al , , beaches. 70 inland. Mortgage i.ssue ruling due llSlllTIUY A reviewer hol ac<:lonn for "Bride ahead Revi1Ued," which reivme• it• I l·porl ' • aerie• on te~ t°"'flM. •· Sff Page86. +: Decision to have big impact on Orange Coast WASIDNGTON. <AP) -The U .S. Supreme Court a1reed today to decide wbl&ber ...._ can probi* 11Yiap aacl loan aa1oclation1 from requirin1 people to pay off mort1a1ea u aoon u they Hll &belr bomea. The juatlces aald they wtU hear ar1umenu that 1uch a Callfomia law la aupeneded by federal re1ulation of the 11vinas and loan industry. <S uch a rulin1 wlll have tremendous Impact alone the Oran1e Coast. Some loans have been uaumed ln antlclpaUon of the rulin1 and many other ownen are walti.DI to aee lhe court's decision before tf'Yinl to sell.) ~ Such due·on-aale clauses In home mortca1e1 are common nationwide. They require the homeowner to paJ off lb• balance 'GI the mort1a1e lf tbe mort1a1ed properly la ·aold without prior consent of the lender. A 11'18 rqulaUon adopted by (Bee ASSUM&, Pase Al) ' ....... -• • ... ·----"i-.. • 111.11 1~~ I ' • • • • • Oranae Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, JanuafY 26. 1982 as ERA tireatlieil·Iast? preme Court to decide i/ proposed amendment dead ASHJNGTON CAP) -The , Sup11me Court said today It I declde whether the propoMd ual Rl1ht1 Amendment la d. ut the timing or lbe court's vlew couJd prove a cruahina w to pro·ERA forces . cordln1 t o cou rt clerk xander Slevis, the Jualices not even hear ar1umenta in case before June 30 -the ngressionally approved dline for ERA. he justices, a1reeln1 to ed their deliberations lo nl review, said they will iew a ruling by a federal ge In Idaho that the proposed endment died three years . .S. District Judie Marion lister of Boise ruled Dec. 23 al Co n gress acted PageA1 ~SSUME • • • I t)ie Federal Home Loan Ban.II: $..g a rd , a n i n d e p e n dent r#ulatory agency, allows such r.~quirements to be written into m,,ortgage contracts. uncoHUtutionally when lt extended tho ratUlcatlon deadline from March 22. 19'71 to next June 30. CalUater's decision also aaid that state leplatures are free to rescind previou s ERA ratlflcaUon votes. Althou1b the Judie's ruling did · not block the ratification proceas, feminist groups view it as a major psycholo1ical s tumbling block to a final six·monlh ratification drive. In today's brief order, the high court said it will decide whet.her Callister was right. But the court's orders did not i n c lude any timetable for hearings. Slevis said he did not expect the ERA case to be argued this court term. which is expected to end in early July. That means lhe case would not be scheduled for ar1ument until next October, at the earliest, and the controversy could be moot by then. Meanwhile, Judge Calllster'1 ruling han1s over pro·ERA forces as they strive to 1ain addltional state ratification votes. If ratified, the ERA would become the Constitution's 27th Amendment and ban discrimination based on sex. The ERA ratification drive s uffered setbac ks in the i e 1 i s I -.l u r e s o r t h r e e non·raUfying states -Georgia, Okla~oma and Illinois -in recent weeks. Thirty.five of the required 38 states have ratified the ERA, but five of those states have voted to r escind previo1\i5 ratifications. WHALE FAMILY A humpback whale and her child swim In the waters off Hawaii in this photo supplied by the Greenpeace Foundation. an environmental group working ............ to protect whales and other sea mammals . The foundation is offering a Sl.000 reward for a picture of a wh a lin ~ vessel operating ill egal!~· in the area. • in Ex-emperor cheered county ;\T h e requirements allow U!pders such as savings and loan associations lo then re·lend the I money al the prevailing interest rat e . Because of climbing interest rates, that means : greater profits for the lenders. ' Former Vietnam ruler visits Westminster Arriving i n a s ilver R o lls ·Royce, t h e f ormer emperor of Vietnam, Bao Dai, was welcomed at a Vietnamese New Ye ar cele bra tio n in We s tminster with ch ants of ··welcome Bao Dai," and "Long live the king." New Year's Day fo r the Vietnamese community, but the e ve nt was cele bra t e d all weekend long. Jn Los Aneeles: 1,000 people gathe red at Los Angeles Trade Tech College S unday for a festival that foc used on the role of mothers in Vietnamese society. was customary for citizens to bow their heads in the presence of the em~ror "to show our res pect." Ms. Nguyen added that s he c ame to the Tel Festival to see Bao Dai after r e ading o f hi s pla nned app ea r a n ce i n a Vi e tnam ese · l anguage newspa~r. !or home sellers who intend to y a · n ew ·h o m e. the r uirements often mean that ntw m ortgages al h igher i rest rates must be obtained. ' everal California residents · s u e d ~aving s and loa n ~ociations that exercised their ~·On·sale options. .~The residents charged that ~h clauses in their mo~age ~tracts violated a Cahfornia law. · A state trial judge, handling ~ ~ases as one, ruled that a ~eral law, the Home Owners l)9an Act o f 1933, and the li'~deral Home Loan Bank l\t>ard 's regulation superseded _.Y stale law that might govern ~h contract provisions . '?11' California appeals court, ..-wever , reversed the trial judge and ruJed that the state taw governed. ~he state Supreme Court o8fused to hear appeals from s4rVings and loan associations. !\Jn three separate appeal& flJed .,ah the nation's highest court, ijijwyers for savings and loan 1.fsociations throughout ~lifomia urged that the state ~urt 's "erroneous and cl~ n g e r o u s ' ' r u Ii n g be ~rtumed. · ·'Failure lo uphold the ·enfor ceability of due·On·s ale c lauses may threaten the financial stability or the federal savin's and loan industry and the availability of cr~it to home ~yers," said an appeal filed on li'ehalf of the Pan American SOvings and Loan Association. 8 fhe Home Loan Bank Board 'fso asked the-court to resolve the issue. ~ kOWDY ••• ~·1 rday have been much smaller. +i1·1t•s still a little confusing," t gomey said. "Some of these g1'ys might have been hurt - trut not too bad -and we ftkven'l got the report." ............ HA,~Y NEW YEAR -Workers climb a bamboo scaffold in Hong Kong to erect a huge billboard marking the lunar Year of the Dog . which began today. Chil}ese characters al r ight read. ··Profits Year After Year .. and al left. ··surpluses Every Year.·· The English characters al the bottom mean .. Happiness an·d Prosperit~-. .. Search exhausted for 3-year-old hoy Bao Dai, the last reigning emperor of Vietnam. arrived at th e o utdoor Tel F estival Sa turday, esco rte d by a contingent of m otorc ycle policemen. During his lO·minute visit, hundreds or people turned their attention away from the dragon d ances, firecracker de monstrations and traditionaJ New Year's ceremonies lo greet the former emperor. The occasion was in honor of From PageA1 The Orange County Tel Fes tival is o r gani zed by m e mb e r s o f th e l oca l Vietnamese community and city offi cials in Westminster. Many native Vietnamese who attended the festival had never before viewed the form er emperor in public . said Kim Nguyen of Huntington Beach. Jn Vietnam, she explained. it WINDS RIP COLORADO • • killed in snowstorms that began Three snow.clogged Cascade moving out of the Rockies late Range passes were reopened lo 1ast week. limited traffic Sunday but 67 ··T his is going to be a January wes tern Washington families to re member. I'm ready to toss were evacuated as officials in the towel and see what feared warming weather would February has to offer -it can't melt avalanche·dumped snow . be any wors e .'· s aid A met causing floodin g. Figueroa. National Weather The rivers most likely to Service meteorologist al the overOow were the Snoqualmie, B a I t i m o r e · W a s h i n gt o Snohomish. Skookumchuck ~d ln lernation-el Airport at Chehalis.officialssaid Linthicum. Md . R e s i d e n t s o r t h e Three-fourths of the United M inneapoli s·St. Paul area. Slates was whitened by snow a lready struggling with 38.2 and subzero tempe r atures inches of snow, awoke today to chilled an area from the upper find themselves immersed in Mi ssouri River Valley to the another storm. A total of 44. l upper Mississippi Valley and the inches of snow has fallen on the WestemGrealLakes. Twi n Citi es in Janu ary, In Colorado . tem peratures breaking the month's record. re a c hed 60 degrees but the B y m idnigh t Saturday, w a r m a i r b r 0 u g h t Muskegon, Mich .. had received hurricane.Jorce chinook winds 89.3 inches of snow in J anuary, Anaheimpolicehavecalledoff red short·sleeved s hirt with that unroo fed ho m es a nd more than in any one month. a door.to-door search for a while stripes. tan trousers and knocked down power lines from The previous record was 82.6 missing 3-year-0ld boy who was blue sneakers. De nver to the Wyoming border. inches set In December 1963. last-seen-Friday· afternoon: .. -·. · · · ~dtre~ satd· Tony's moth~r.-The winds reached 140 mph at Ni n e Mi c hi gan counties An extensive search by police a nd father Alberto Zepada, 34, Wundervu. a foothills hamlet remained unde r emergency for little Tony Alex Geary was did not r e po rt th e boy 's southwest of Boulder. They were status today. called off Sunday because disappearance for more than 22 recorded at more than 100 mph In Iowa, where winds whipped officers said they "ran out of hours. as they swept t hrough the snow into 15-foot drifts, more places to search.'' Investigators said the boy.'s T hunderbird Shopping Center in snow was falling today. The boy, who lives with bis parents attributed the delay an Boulder, hurling gravel through In Boise, Idaho. authorities mother, Claudia Geary, 35, at reporting his disappearance to car windows. estimated it would cost up to 2 S. Hamps tead St., is the fact th~t each thought the $20,000 to r e pair da mages ibed as 3 feel tall, 40 otherwas wilhtheboy. "All of a s udd e n , the caused wh en a hi gh school po s with brown eyes. Tony's father lives a block windshield just came smashing library roof collapsed under He was last seen wearing a away from the boy's home at in. It was just like a twister," heavy melting snow. In Chicago, 1607 Michelle Drive. said Sandra Sweeney. in her car oHi cials say the cold weather Meanwhile, Anaheim police in the shopping center parking has burned up about $240,000 in In 1955 Bao Dai was voted out of office and exiled . He now lives in Paris and still keeps in touch with his former cabinet members. said Tet Festival chairman Hoe Tran. Bao Dai is touring Vietnamese com munities in seve ral cities. including Washington, D.C. and Newark, N.J ., Tran said. Cooling off period seen for Tuesday T h at wa rming tre nd that made Southern California the envy of the nation over the weekend is expected to cool Tuesday. The forecast for the Orange Coast called for s unny skies today , but s lightly coole r tem peratures on Tuesday, said Pat Rowe of t he National Weather Service. "Yo u·11 see variable clouds and not·SO·warm temperatUf'es tomorrow." she said. Highs of 77 today were ex~cted to drop to the mid·70s on Tuesday. Beach tern per a tu res today we-r e- expected to be about 68 degrees, fa llin~ to 6S Tuesday. -<>vern1gbt lows tonight wm--·--· range from 45 degrees inland lo 50 at the beaches. Miners buried CRAYNOR. Ky. <AP) More than 100 mourners have crowded into the small fra me house of Purvis Hamilton lo bid farewell to three or his brothers and a .;ousin, killed last Wednesday in an eastern Kentucky coal mine explosion. The funerals were '?ntn apparently the most serious Golice injury, Sg. Al Bierman's Ctght arm was broken when he fell during the boltle·throwing ''-and somebody jumped on him," Toomey said. Banned book said they would continue to lot at the time. weather ·refated expenses. interview the parents about lbe 1-;=::::::;:=:::;;;;:::;;::======:::=::::=::;::=::;:::;:=:::;::;::;:;:;:;:;:;;;;;;;;::;:;===========; disappearance. conducted Sunday. · I. A harried Central Emergency Hosp ital dis patcher. who declined to give his name, said there had been half a dozen shootings and stabbings amid the celebrations. Another six were in stable condition after t r eat m e nt al Mi ss ion Emer gency for s tabbings ,: b roken bones and oth e r celebration·refated injuries, a nurse said. ="They are taking care or :people as fast as they can and admitting them lo the noon u ~st as they can." said nuning :&iapervisor Cathy Nlcllola at St. Francis Memorial Hospital. "All 4e rooms are filled." :::=Police said doze as were a rrested for disorderly conduct, assault or resisting arrest aa the celebration grew more trwazied late at night. return due BANGOR, Maine (AP> -A wom an who convinced a school board to ban a book about the Vi etnam war because of its obscenities says she will accept a federal judge's order that it be returned to library book shelves. ·'I decided right from the beginning lo leave il in the jud1e's hands. He made his decision and I'll stand by it," Carol Ann Davenport said. The critically acclaimed book, "385 Days," by Dr. Ronald G lassner, was banned at Woodland Hith School last sprla1 after Mn. Davenport perused her dau1bter's copy and complained that it contained obscenity. The book la about American servicemen wounded ln Vietnam. 00 .. ANGl COAST Daily Pilat CIH ............... 714'142·Mn M°"*•a~ .... M2~ Thom• P. Haley ~-a...•-o-. Robert N. Weed ............ Thomu A. Mufs>hlne ·-Mich HI P. Harvey --.oi... L. Kay Schultz o..-.;,,,a.-. Kenneth N. Goddard .Jr. ~oi... Bernard Schulmen <:-.... Char ... H. LOOI ............... Carot A. Moore ........ MAINC>na ..... .., ... c... ..... c •. ,...,.._:._1-.,c...-...ca ... 'f:iE.=.tT,c::: .. p,s:: ...,_ ~~ ...... ~., ~ -~ ---------~---~~--=~-~ FromPageA1 DC-10. • • m ernbers scr a mbled down • emergency chutes and waded through waist.deep water. Several passenger s said afterwards that the runway was icy. But an airport spokesman described the runway as "safe ... Ms. Goldman said attempts to salvage the plane could take a week or 10 days because of tides and since the landing gear is embedded in mud. She said officials would decide today whether to remove the craft by building a ramp or with the help of barges. Investigators were to talk to the cockpit crew, including the pilot, today. He was one of fOllr people still bospitallzed. ••A pilot or co· pilot, stuMed. walked past us, and he was saying, 'I couldn't stop the plane , I couldn 't stop the plane'," Jeffrey Carr, a college student from Attleboro, Mass., said after the accident. "He was In a total state of shook ." Passenger Debra Carr of Sandwich reported the runway was "sheer, smooth ice, just like a skaUna rink" as she walked from the wreck. PutyourseU ona91eat. palrol-ts. Rental Shea & Sid School 210iW. c..t.Mwy. ~ ...... ·c1. ~•lldt44 RCS -the most suc- cessful ski in men's downhill Worldcup "My lnlormalion ls the plane hit an lc'y slick and skidded. But that's what t he Natlon•I TranaportaUon Safety Board .. trytn1 to find out," World Airways spolre1man Mlcbael Hendenonsatd. ~:::::::::::'.:::::::::::::::=:::::::::::=:;;;::=:=::::::::::~~~~=:'.~;::::"""~=:=::=~=:7=:--~~ ~---~ ' (' ' Coiistitution Conclave? Backers of balanced budget amendment seek support WASHINGTON -.(AP> - Backen of a bal1nctd·bud1tt amendment to th• Con1Utut.lon say they are near victory ln t h c l r c a m p· a I g n I o r a conslltulional convention, but are plMing their real hopes on Congress. • Their chief lobbyist says it may take prodding from voters lo get Congress to act. ••There is no q u est.,ion , politically, you aren't going to have a convention," George Sn.y der I president or the N allonal T axpayers Union . conceded in an interview. But ht prtdlcttd tbat, "A• aoon u we 1tt another 1tat1 - or lt could happen any Umt now -the United States Senate wtU <PHI the resolutipn and send It to the House of Repru entatlves." Snyder says he lhin~s Rep. Peter Rodino, D·N.J., chairman o f the House J udi c.iary Com mittee, who opposes the amendment. wlll block House action. ''But the end of the scenario will be by the elections of 1982 every candidate running for Congress will have to take a position on this very vital Something looked fishy, 41 charged SAN FRANCISCO <AP) - Don't gulp, but if you've been enjoying some tasty salmon in restaurants in Los Angeles, San F ra ncisco, Portland, Septtle, R eno , La s V egas o r Albuquerque recently, you may have been contributing to a c rime. · In fact, some of the salmon served in Chicago or New York restaurants may also have been illegal. - Feder~I or slate undercover agents aren't going to ~rrest you. But if the salmon consumed was among the hundreds or . thousands of pound or fish taken illegally f r o m t h e Kl amath River in Nor t hern California over the last few months, the sellers or that fish could be In big trouble. Enforcement officials from the U.S. Depart ment of Interior ended a six-month investigation Friday o f an a ll ege dl y m ulti·million dollar fish ing sca m . With the h e lp o f California and Oregon agents, 41 people were arrested or indicted in nine cities in the two s tates. As much as 500,000 pounds of chinook and coho salmon and s teelhead trout may have reached the black market, a spokesman fo r th e Interior Department said. The fish were sold initially for Sl.25·S2. 75 a pound but fetch~aiL prices -or $'1-Sf a pound. •'Once the fish gel into the -maJor trade lines, it's hard for us to trace where it's all going," said John Sayre, the Interior Department spokesman. "But we know ror certain that restaurants all a.long the West Coast and some in Nevada and New Mexico were getting some of the illegal fish. There's aJso a good chance some of the salmon reached the Midwest and New York." Most of those a rrested for selling fish illegally from the Klamath River were Indians from the Hoopa and Yurok tribes. Nineteen of 23 suspects were arr ested in Del Norte County, Calif., and held under $5,000 bail. Three were arrested in Humboldt City, Calif. Fifteen buyers in Medford and Klamath F alls, Ore .. were also arrested or under state indictment. The investigation began last summer at the request of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, which wa s con cerne d a bo ut the depletion of salmon and trout in the Klamath River. The river runs through the Hoopa Valley Indian reservation. Federal and state laws allow Indians to Clsh the rivers for their own s ubsistence a nd ceremonial use but prohibit the sale of fish. The fish population is considered lo be rapidly declining but is not on the endangered species list. "This activity, when cons idered with heavy ocean fishing and other pressures on the resource, threatens not only future runs of the species but the future livelihood of both Indian ...and 1100-lnd.ian-eemmerciaJ-.nd sport fishing interests ~·· said Inte rior SeMetary James G~ Watt in a prepared statement. Because of the destruct.ton ol s pawning grounds and overfishing, Interior spokesman Alan Levitt said spawning runs of s almon are only 10 perceot ol what they once were. lHUt," SnydW' Hid. The Con1Ututlon requlrH Con1res1 to call a con1UtuUonaJ convention on the demand or S4 of the stale legislatures. On Jan. 18, Alaska became the 318t state to approve a re~luUon calllna f o r a balanced bud1et convention. "We are not giving odds on It, but I think we have a 1ood chance of getting addillonal states this year," said David Keating, Washington spokesman for the Taxpayers Union. Snyder , a former majority leader of the Maryland Senate, said the three most likely states to be next are Wash ln1ton, Missouri and Kentucky. He was interviewed by telephone during an airport stop in Atlanta on a flight to his Florida home after a lobbying stint in Olympia. Wash. The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee approved a balanced budget a mendment 11 -S last May 19. Snyder said backers are within six votes of having the required two-thirds majority to get the measure through the full Senate. The Constitution provides that amendments may be proposed eit he r by a cons titutional convention or by two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress. There h as n ot been a constitutional convention since the first one in P hiladelphia that drafted the nation's basic law. Backers say an amendment is needed because Congress will rtol balance !he budget without it. Opponents say it would rob Congress of flexibility to deal with economic conditions. Opponents have also argued that a constitutional convention, if called, would be free to rewrite the entire Constit4tion instead of just dealing with the budget issue. Snyder, however , said, "The r e are more safeguards, if and when there is a constitutional convention, than there are with the present-day Congress." Doubts have also been raised about the validity of some of the petitions because of variations in their wording. Even Ir the goal of 34 states is rea$ed, a legal batlle ls expected. W ashington, Missouri and Kentucky are among nine states -tn wtrtch-rcorfslftutiona convention petition has been apprOlled b y_.one...bouse.,-but not the other. Others are Rhode Island, West Virginia, Ohio, Montana, California and Hawaii "I wouldn't rule out any ~of them except Montana, which ii not in session this year," said Keating. Fo g du~ t o night Coastal 1.-CtouclrMllJ IOQ"lltf ronfQfll and Tutwl•Y morn1no with vari""4• hl9" cloudlftKs T-y COHlal low 'l. lnl•ncl • Cot•I•• nloh ... Inland I• Weier S6 E l\twllere, 119111 v"riabla •lods tllrOUQll ~ twce91 w~slerty S 10 11 -noh In •tt~-. Smootll wu. Westerly s-11 I to 1 IHI. F09 and low clouds l"creu •no late thlt nenlno anct TUH<l•Y U.S. summary TM snow11orm 11181 ·-• out ot Ille R0<klfl IHI -k moved Into c ... ..sa. ~ uw11lnue<I to punl•ll \flt Great l.Akn arN -ftO'lllefn New Enoland •llft wlnd-t>lown snow A blhord lmmoblll reo much ot 0Nllclll9an, -II• 9usty lll9h wlndt rak..S C--. Sn-ll119erecl !ft Ille Great l.tkH and nor111ef"n P1elns °" SunOev. with more str-wlnctt In IM llM\llem and <•ntr•I RO<klfl -~11114 UI> to IJJ mph SuD·Uro 1emperaturts were repor1ed ac:r"" Ille -Nlluourl River Vallev to t.M -r MlnlulCIOI Valley _, ... _tem~Hl IAkH. Snow...,,.11 frOf'l'I ralft -warm temperatunK pUS-rivers In ll'lt Pac:lllc Nor1-o .. r lllelr banks Ctnclnftatl Columi..n Denver OHMOlftK O..troll Oululh £1.e...o F•lri..nl\• H•r-tfOf'd Htleft• Honolulu tndnapll• J,_.u l(..-1sClly 1.HVt9" 1.llllt Aoclt I.CK Ar>oelft Loulsvlllt MtmPlll\ Miami MllwauUt Nlpt"SI P Nasllvlllt New York Otlla Chy Oma-., Phlladtlhla P-nla Pllbbu .... PUaNI.~ Rapid CllV Reno Rlcllm- Salt I.alt• S8" oi.oo Saft Fr8ft Seattle SI. t.ouls SISteMMi. SPOllaM TU<toft T~sa w •Ill lf\9bl Wlcllllt JI 10 01 IS 0. .01 "° .0 s 1 1• s .. _,. ...a n u JO Ol ,. 03 JI U OJ 41 12 .Ol ti •1 .,. II • 0. ~·IO ,. . H 1'I 40 u ., 5J Jt II 40 11 ... ., l -J 01 ·• ·21 ···-~ ,. 24 )4 ll SI 4.J 10 -4 JO IS ., ,. IJ 1 21 11 n n 0 20 . " 0 l2 11 " SS U ... •2 l6 ,. l ·10 •I )I .. n 0 " )2 " • IJ t• E11re1ta FrtMOO 03 \.tfl(tsl~ 10 ~BM<ll .04 Nlllrysvll .. Monrovia Mofllebello 11111,11¥11• N_ .. ft Newport llMch .1' Oellland Ontario .10 Palm Sptlft!I' Pa~ Paw Aobles Rlvenldl 1'941 Bklfl RtdwoodCllV .. _ A aln wn forec•sl today, '-reacll119 from Ille Pacific NOr111wnt lftto ll'lt northern Rockies, with snow et hl olltr elev•tlons. Sftow or --~...,.. ~1 lrOf'l'I Ille Grtal l.akH and ()fllo Vtll•v lftlO Ille central and nor111ern A-laclllMIS. Sunny skies were torocnt from southern Cllllloml• Into tllt souttwm Pia Ins end owr Ille Soutl>fftl CM.1..0.lllA Sacr- S.llMs s...a-n11no Temperatu<n •round Ille nation et mid-day Sunday rAftOtd from• low of 10 bet-,_ In Thief Rl .. r Fa tll, Minn , to a 111911 of U In Fort lau<lerdtlt , Flt . Apple Valley ....... ,...., ..... ,_ S..\fmont Bit 8Hr 81"'°" Blyltlt Cata II NI CulverCllV Temperatures f'"IJ NI La 1"<111 •1 1' Sl JS )() JS M U "° " SI IS 10 •I .. 4S •• •S S-JOM Sant• ...... Santa a..-. S.nla MM1'1I Saftl• Monica Slo<klon TaflMVallty Tllermtl Torrance Yum• , SS SI SI 1S S5 IO It 12 u '5 SI 14 •1 71 SI n SI ., n 4S •I 74 '° 11 .. 70 ,, .. 45 11 10 10 •1 JI 10 •I 34 • .. u .0 u 40 .0 • JI JO l7 u .0 10 l3 l6 ., 41 ~ ,, ll .. 34 ,, ,. .. •7 , .. ......, PAii AM ACt pUl(O " n ···-n .. Btrmud.11 71 SI BotOI• 94 IJ Guaclal•ltr• 11 0 Gutdtl-•• .. HewaM ., " Klntston 11 10 MonlttoB•V 13 10 NlllHtt.n IJ SI Mtrlda 'O .. MealtO CllV 1S 0 MOnterrey n SJ NHUu tJ .. San J...,,, PR tJ 11 T .. UC:ltAllN .. M Trinidad 97 .. veracnu 71 n CAii ADA C••o•rv 33 " Edmonton .()ol .fJ Nloftlretl II u 011••• 17 4 R .. lna -· ·1'1 Toronto u ·• Vencou..., ~ ,. WlnftlPtt ·I• .n . Tide' , ... , Sac_,,... IO:~P·"'· TUaS0.'1' l2 01 01 .01 .OI M .10 .17 .SI .'1 ,.. Ml L• Pre. llATIC* •• ',·' SURF REPIRT Flrtt ,_ >: 12 a.m. 2.0 AllNftY An\trtllo AMllorttt A•vlllt Atlante Cly 8altlmott • ,,,.,1,....,,.. .,_.,.Ck ... ton auttalo C~lnWV Gllk aeo n •• .Ol '4 JI -~~ ~·);.-.. i~~, ... ~ ................... ..... ... .... _s-ei .......... ... .,.,.. ... Matt ow 34 21 .... : : ·--.... J n w 2 .,,, J w , It w 43 ·H .IO j:;'• '.~-,, JS .1' _....... IJ 0t .:a. ~=-C-Y 21 " .01 I ·l OvtlMll tw T .... \I? l ltlte CflMtl. Flr1t ltltll t :IOe.m. s.• SacOftd-4·7tp m. 4.1 Saceftd lllth 10:54 P·"'· U Sun MbS:21 p.m., rl1ttt:02 •·"'· Get GREEN cash for WHJTE elephants with a Classified Ad Call 642-5678 ....,,........., ........... We're Listening ••• ,. What do you like about the DaUy Pilot? Wbat don't you lib? Call the number below and your meaaa1e will be recorded. transertbed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour an1werln1 atrvice may be used lo ~cord let· tera to the editor on any topic. Man~ rontributora muat Include their name and telephone number for verification. No circull'tlon calla. please. • 'Fell m wh1t'1r an younntftd. r ----------• ------ Orange Cou& DAILY PILOT/Monday, January 2&, 1982 8 ,.,.....,.. PRISOM VOWS -Two convicted murderers. Sabripa M. Parks. second from right. ancl Alfred Ludwig. right. were married <JI J effer son Parish Correctional Center 1n Gretna. La. Performing the ceremony w;J s Rev. Emmitt Adams. while witnesses we~: Deputy Grace Anderson . lcf~. an.d bride~· mother. Doris Monaco Lud~1g sat~ he a'\d,. his wife. both sentenced to life behind bar~\. ma~· nc•ver live together a!\ a wedded couple . ., \A • Oh ! FOr some· -Vegemite· CM importer hopes to introduce Aussie spread to U .S·. M e nti on Vegemite t o a displaced Australian or New Zea I ander and a dreamy. faraway expression may come over their faces as they recall what, to them, is an obsession a kin to our predilection for peanut butter. Beyond w hat they could car ry here in their suitcase or acquire in special "emergency" ration packs, most Australians or New Zealanders were as likely to find Vegemite in the United Stales as they were a kangeroo. But now t~eiemite.drough is over, according to a· Costa Mesa importer that has some 30,000 six-ounce_Jar:s~o! the-Stuff_ sitting in a warehouse waiting for a dislrtbutor. Diana R. Todd and J ess Dines o( AU&tralasia Ventures not only hope to appease the Down Unde r fiansplants but also convert the masses to the health and diet wonders of Vegemite. as applifl;(f to crackers, grilled cheese and meats, soup, stews, gravies. milk, grated carrots. raisins and chopped nuts and "cooked mashed brains." "Prior to lbis ven\ure." said Ms. Todd as she sat surrounded b y crates or her beloved Vegemite, "Kraft of Australia had set up emergency six·pack ration pack~ges w!tti .handle~ m arketed for overseas aifdjcts. And even though this stuff is hea vy, U .S.A.-bound Aus- tra Ii ans a re lege"ndaTy t or never leaving ho,m e without clutching theiJ' jars· and Uns of Vegemite to tide themselves and fri ends o ver t he rough , Vegemite·empty road a head." M s . Todd, a n ative o f Australia, has been marketing Aus tralian produ cts in this co untry f or 13 ye ars . But Vegam1te is a r ea l cha llen~e. · ·:::,on"ie oetractors say tne cream y, tangy, dark brown yeast extract tastes like coal tar, axle g r ease o r dried • 1 , I 1 anchovy -flavored varnish." the Los Angeles Herald Examiner reported Friday. Its acceptance was s low even in Australia when it was first developed by chemist Cyril Percy Ca llister in 1923 to compete with the British export, Marmite. · It is claimed to be the richest known dietary source of vitamin B complex and is an excellent diet snack as well as a flavoring. Babies in Australia with their faces and fingers smeared with the brown.1>as1e are. as common ~s jam-smeared tots over here. "In our family it is primarily used as a bFeakfasl s pread on toast." says Mi chael Burgess. senior Aust r alian trade commissioner at the Au stralian Trade Consulate in Los Angeles. "It is something that one must put in one's luggage, Perhaps it lakes a n acquired tast e to appreciate it, but we hope it's accepted here." Ms. Todd. who has already begun notifying thousands Ol delighted Aus tralians by met that Vegemite is here, said a s ix·pack sells for $12 .25, plas S2.50 for shipping in Califorrua. A single jar costs $2.84. "One thing must be stressed," s he said. "You must approach Vegemite with the thought of •a mere smear.' It is to be used sparingly, not piled on in g~ like peanut butter. The Initial taste shouJd be on buttered toaM or crackers, and then you IO from there. Al first, your face may Crown, but your body will s mile.·· Patricia Thornton, presidell&' of the Australia-New Zeala"d Americ;an Club in San Diego s ays. "Ah , it's something we grew up with in New Zealand. We associate it with good farnit)' times. You long for H if )'OU can't get it, but Americana might have trouble with it at first. I've seen people taste it bf the spoonful, develop a stricken look and practically choke. Oh God, that's not the way to do it.•· f. • FDR still esteemed NEW YORK <AP) Nearly four decades after his death. a majority or Americans retain fa..vorable opinions of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. In the lates t Associated Press-NBC News i>oll. 63 percent said tn~y h ave a· ·generally favorable opinion or Roosevelt. Eleven percent said they have a n unfavorable opinion of him. and 26 percent had no opinion. In the poll, 1,597 adults across the country were contacted in a random, scientific telephone sampling. The error margin for a poll with this type of procedure is 3 pe rcentage points either_ way . Next Saturday marks the lO Olh annive r sa r y of the De mocratic president's birth, and November 1982 marks UM SOth anniversary of the first of his four presidential election victories. He died in 1945, shortly before the end of World War JI. In the latest poll, more than 60 percent in every age group s~a they have a favorable opinion Qt Roosevelt. t F o r e xample , among respondents aged 18-24, ravorabJe opinions or FDR were held by 61 percent, while 11 percent said unfavorable and .n percent said they were unsure' Meanwhile, among respondent& aged S0-64, favorable opinions were held by 69 percent, with 18 percent unfavorable and 12 percent unsure. , • I. . .. act fashioned, rOmantic dinner-dancing is back in style. ... and rhc Grand Poruac now offers you an ~111 to c~c with your favorite memory. Soft tinkling dinner music, clcpal candJ~lit W>k sent• the p-andcur ol ftami ... tablcsldc ~ookcry. The ulti~ly dancelblc Fred Can'Oll Trio ls fcalurcd Thund8y throu8h Slllurdly 7 to 12, and soft plan<> other~· Valet parking. , --~THE REGISTRY H~~-~ IM*ll) MKAntlur l!liule\-.nl (714) '1n-8'777 ""'...,,.." llo4~1·1fT"""'"'" I~~ ----~ ____,,,r=,,.;==;;;m,,.,~~ ------------ UNDICIDID Former Rep. John 8 . Anderson, R-111.. says h e ha sn 't decided whether he· u r u n f o r t fi e presidency again in 1984. He ran as an independent in 1980. & !&££& Soviets said sharing command • ID Ethiopia war KHARTOUM , Sudan (AP) -remainlnc rebel stron1holds. But the other Soviet mllltary men were with Erltrean rebels claim that four sources, reached by telephone from the Ethiopian force, and that lt was Soviet 1eneral1 are abariq In the abroad, aald the Ethiopian forces bad backed by six MiG-23 and 21 MIG·21 command of a major new Ethiopian made "no s p ec ific mllltary warplanes and a number of Ml-24 campalen to crush their 30-year~ld achievements" tbua far. helicopters. war for the Independence of They said the chief tariet ls the The diplomatic sources ln Addis Ethiopia's northern province. v I l I a i e 0 f N 8 k f 8 , a re be 1 Ababa said Menglstu shifted 30,000 Bolstered by huae shipment.a of b d l b 000 f soldiers from the Ogaden, In Soviet weapons, the Ethiopian army ea quuters n t e 6• · oot southeast Ethiopia, to reinforce the , drove the rebels out of Eritrea's mountains of northernmost Ethiopia. estimated 80,000 to 90,000 troops In cities arter mld-1978'. But the Representatives of the Eritrean Eritrea. Insurgent.a claim they atlll control the People's Lit>eration Front In These reports from tbe Eritrean countryside In the mountainous Khartoum sald ln interviews that warfront cannot be verified, slnce territory of 3 million people fourSoVietgeneralsandtheleaderof foreign journalists have almost no bordering the Red Sea. the Ethiopian regime, Lt. Col. access to the area. Diplomatic sources ln Addls Mengistu Haile Mariam, were in the The EPLF secretary general, Ababa, tbe Ethiopian capital, Eritrean capital, Asmara, directing Ramadan Mohammed Nur, said bis reported that the army launched an tbe operation. forc es we r e prepared for lbe many men he had, but diplomat.a ln Addia Ababa estimated his strenfth at 8,000 to 10,000 lighters. Se me re Ru ssom , an EPLF me mbe r , sa id the Ethiopians attacked rebel positions In the area of tbe Barca River west or NakJa in November. He claimed the Eritreana killed 1,200 of the attackers and wounded an equal number. Tbe rebel11 repulsed an Ethiopian offensive against Nakfa, launched from the port of Mersa Teklay, in December 1979. N ur said lbe Ethiopians mounted the offensive at this time because the Erilreans have been weakened by fighting among themselves. and the Sudanese. il!J ij , t offensive last month to crush the The rebel spokesmen claimed 2,000 offe nsive. He refused to say bow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..:...:..:~..:...:..:..:........:..::..::..:._.:.:..:..::..:..:..:.;.:......~...;..;...;:;;;.;.;,,.,_;.;;;.;...~~~~~~-=-~~~~~~--'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~_;;_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--- TO RETIRE Assemblyman John Th u rman . D· Modesto, says he wlll retire from the state Legislature at t he end of the year . Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday, January 25, 1982 Feaiher$·fly over SF pigeon trapping proposal - SAN FRANCISCO CAP) -Some people call them "feathered rats." They are poisoned, cursed and kicked. Thousands of dollars are spent to remove the chalky residue of their presence from buildings and monuments. The pigeon, -or TOCk dove - reportedly came lo the New World with lhe Spanish conquistadores in the 16th century. City dwellers have been keeping a wary eye upward almost ever since. The challenge of controlling the hated but gentle squab appealed to Frank Hainze. He spent a year in Reno, Nev., perfeclina his skllls. And then he asked San Francisco for pe rmission to trap bird• on a contract basis for private companies. In Reno, nobody aaked for a permit, Hain1e said. But feathers flew u he araued his plan before a San Franclsco Health Department board a dvlaina the public health director, who holds permit power over the pi1eon plan. ''Thia would be a aad city if we could not er\joy their aon1a. their cooina, theiT presence," said Richard Av a nzlno, president of the San Francisco Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. after the hearm,. Halme's critics were not silenced by his assurances that the pl1eons would not be harmed in b1a one-way traps stocked with food and water, or on their trip to the Sierra foothill• where they would be releued. "We can take them out and dump them some place, but who'• 101n1 to feed all those bir<ls?" aaked Martella Visse r. She aaid she has tleen feedln1 pigeons in downtown San Francisco for the last doien or her 79 years. "I've had several attempts made on my life," she said, and six times police have picked her up because she fed lhe birds in forbidden places. Generally. she says, the police ignore her. A vanzino said there are hundreds of people like Marietta Vlller in San Francisco, feedln1 the thouaanda ol pl1eona that bob and peck la Union Square and Golden Gate Park, that perch on and foul the City Hall dome. Halme, a 30-year·old Hilton Hotel bartender whose denim jacket wu wrapped around a tuxedo shirt and black tie, said he trapped 2,000 to • 1 3,000 pi1eona In Reno. iq "No pigeons have been ir\iured. by 1e1 t u o'il lA 88 sb my process whatsoever," he aaid. ml Even so, Avanzlno passed out 1ruesome ~ of pl1eon carcua· es he said were recovered after a pre vious trapper failed to maintain his traps, and the city failed to inspect them. lOO's: 15 mg. "tar" 1.0 mg n1co11ne. KING· 15 mg. "1ar". 11 mg. nicoune. av. per c1gare1irbv FTC method. Warn ing : The Surgeon General Has Determ ined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health . .. ' .. Nobody does it better. ntis-·is·-your world. This is your Winston. Smootli. Rich. Taste it all. New lOO'spack. iJlStO ' Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, January 2&, 1982 W'hy the delay on return to prison? In the past 10 years. Alyn · Brannon. a former member of' the Saddleback College Boird of Trustees, has been convicted three times of bo o k - m a kin~-r e lat e d offenses . including two charges that were felonies. The first case came in 1972, another in 1979 and a third in 1981. The latter was described by investigators as one of the largest sports betting operations they'd ever seen. When Branrron pleaded guilty to one count of felony bookmaking last year, Orange County Superior Court iudge William Murray seemed to think that Brannon needed something more than probation or work furlough time in the county jail. He sentenced Brannon to two years in state prison. Brannon would have been eligible for parole in 16 months were he to receive credit for good behavior. Well, guess what? Brannon was released from prison after serving only four months of the term. He was let out to attend a family member's funeral. Now, a hearing has been scheduled to determine if Brannon should be returned to prison to complete his sentence. We 're not ·faulting the authorities for allowing Brannon to attend the funeral. What's disturbing, however. is that he will have been out of prison for two and one half months before the late February hearing is held on his possible return. The case has the appearance of Brannon getting preferential treatment. That is not the way the system is supposed to work .. Responsibility needed A bill pending in the Legislati.tre offers senators and assembly members a simple. clear issue on which to demonstrate resf??nsibility. --Tnis doesn t happen that often and the bill doesn't have that much of a chance. . Th~ bill in question is SB884 b y Sen. Robert Pres ley. D·Riverside. which received 5-0 approval last week from a Senate committee and goes to the full Senate. It calls for a conflict of interests provision to prevent legislators from representing paying clients before most st ate. regional a nct lncul agenl'it•s Current law · bars them from representing clients before state agencies which license or regulate professions. A similar bill was stalled twice last year. Penalties under the new bill would range from a reprimand to a jail sentence. The bill has some chance of passage by the Senate. but then it wou l d h ave to go to the Assembl And ther.e Hes the problem. The Assembly speaker and most powerful man in the lower house is one Willie Brown. who in his law practice represents c lie nts before San Francisco agencies. However . he's not the onlv ope who has done this. Others who are lawyer -legislators or arc hitect -leg is lators have appeared in behalf of clients before other government bodies. Such a practice clearly gives the ap p earan ce. a nd the s uspicion . of pressuring the public body in be half of the applicant because of the counsel representing him. not the merits of the case. This practice s hould be stopped Legal victory lwllow About 1,400 United Airlines flight attendants fired in the late 1960s only because they were married have won a hollow legal victory indeed. A federaJ judge in Chicago ,last week ordered the airline to off er the women ~heir old jobs back. But ,when the line has just laid off 1,000 attendants because of flight cutbacks the case calls for a Solomon. And there have been no openings since October 1979. Was it only 14 years ago that women could have been barred from a position known then as a stewardess only because they were married? What kind of reasoning went into a decision liike that? How could we have gone aJong with it? We did. And now the legal and financial chickens have come home to roost. And they promise to bring along with them some black crows of human problems. To be settled by litigation is • whether the 1,400 women will receive retroactive pay. About 300 plaintiffs will go to the top of the hiring list due to senior ity. Which means 300 already in line fall back. If they are hired, they will receive the top salary of $25,000. The legal bills for botlt sides have to be heavy. United says it would cost ,$10 million to fire the attendants now working to make way for the "class of 1968." And the airline says it wou ld take another $21 million to retrain the attendants in the 1982 ways of the friendly skies. Another issue has rea't-ed its ugly head. While the efforts to overturn the marriage ban and reinstate those unjustly fired were necessary, they have set up competition for jobs between the plaintiffs and those women and men who now serve as flight attendants. Hindsight is wonderful: and almost always embarrassing. not to mention painful. ,Opinions expressed In the &pace above are those of the Daily Piiot. Other views ex-pressed on this page are tr\ose ol their au1nors and artists. Rea<fer comment Is inv1t· ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (71 4) 642-4321. L.M. Boyd/Nagging ancient No matter h ow ancient the literature, somewher e in it are plaintive references to nagging. Our Love and War man lists no complaint ; by man against his mate that dates back further. It's not exclusively a woman's habit, please note. But when committed by a man, it's usually called something else - griping, fault-finding (carping, quibbling, whatever. ' You know how a spider web is woven with circular strands on outgoing spokes? ll 's only the circular strands that are sticky. The spok• are dry. Slmp&est way to lilt your friends, 11y1 .& client, is count the telephone numlllra you don't have to look up. Jt'• Mid by the Norweaians: ''The laaier tbe man, tb• more he promiHI to do tomorrow.'' ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat • ~'"'" ,,..,., •er of 1"' -•• ,. -.. .,., Wl~t.-~w~·· ... Q. What do you call the shape of a football? A. Prolate. New York City law requires every apartment front door to have a peephole. Q. What proportion of the world's diamonds are mined and marketed by OeBeers? A. Mined, 40 percent. Marketed, about 85 percent. It sets the prices. And others who come up with diamonds don't tend to buck the system. Q. Where's Somen Tasavalta? A. That's what the Finns call Finland. Q. Don't a lot of women start losint some o( t.helr hair after ace 35? A. At lease nine out of 100 do so, according to medical records. Thomas P. Haley Publiwr Tllomas A. MUrpltlne Editor BarNH Krei.-ch EdllOl'llrPlll Edftor Citizen Legislatur-e backed Declaring California's full -time Legislature "a disaster," Sen. H.L. "Bill'' Richardson h1,s disclosed plans to introduce a constitutional amendmtnt to tum the clock back to a part-time citizen Legislature. Richardson, who was elected in 1966', says he is now one of the very few remaining members who served with the "c itizen-legislators." The -b~gisiature-was cbllverfed Co full time 'in 1966. More than half of the Assembly are members elected in 1978 and 1980 and less than half of the Senate was elected prior lo 1976. The change, says Richardson, has been costly, inefficient and totally unnecessary. "It has done substantial damage lo the democratic process by discouraging sizable numbers of Californians from running for office and the overaU quality oJ our Legislature has decreased since the advent of a full time Legislature." RICHARDSON CONTENDS the citizen-legislators were "more mature and substantially more experienced in a multitude of human endeavors because each of them had employment other than in the LeJislature and were more diversified In their overall economic knowledge. ''They were not only legislators but wage earners in their own communities," he said. "They were on the Riving end of taxation as well as the spending end. Most of the year they lived and worked in the communities they represented. Their constituents we re their customers, suppliers, day-by-day friends and acquaintances. Seeing them wasn't just a weekend phenomenon.'' In contrast the senator pointed out, ·'the full-time !egislators tend to be isolated from the realities of the world. Most of what they see and h ear IARl IATIRS em an ates from the legislative environment, an environment filled with narrow special interests with loud emphatic voices." He said the full-time leg.is lat.Dr loses "the more balanced perspective the part-time legislator gained by constant exposure to the market and social forces that exist in his district. Richardson recalls that the reason advanced for a full-time Legislature was lo attract a better quality person to public office. "rt is obvious now that the opposite has happened. The salary is not e nough to attract top quality executives nor could higher salaries guarantee that quality would be elected. "The iob, however, 1::. attractive to those wno choose bureauu·acy as their way of life Currently there are 31 members of the Assem~ly who are former employees of that body , advocates or people who earned their li ving from government." "IT IS THE BEST job many of them have ever had," says Richardson, "ancl subsequently the fear of losing it is paramount. Many a le_gislator's vote is com promised when his e<:onomic livelihood rides upon the votes he casts. A part·time legislator whose primary income is from outside the legislative world ts logically more independent." The senator scoffs at arguments that because of its population the state needs a full·time Legislature to deal with Its problems. "This presupposes that the Legislature has the answer to all of the soc ial problems and that a democratically elected group of people are somehow wiser than the cumulative knowled ge emanating from an unfettered society." Suggesting that many of the problems are the result of govern ment interventions , Ri c hardson said .. American government w~s intended to be a limited government and it shouJd not be necessary to have a full-time Legislature for a free people." He said while he has 14 co-authors for his proposal he doesn't think he will be s uccessful witt} it in the Legislature and will eventually have to present it as an initiative. Youths moving toward conservatism Students are more serious about their wor~ than they've been in years. That's what colleges a r e r eporting . Administrators say they even see a difference in attitude between this year's freshmen over the seniors. The freshmen are partying less, talking politics in bull sessions less and spending more time at the library than at the local pub drinking beer. "There clearly is a much greater respect for authority among freshmen." one professor was quoted as saying in The New York Times. WHY IS THAT? What has suddenly caused young people to become more conservative? This kind of a report from the colleges would warm the hearts of many Americans who were sick and tired of the revolutionaries of the 1960s and early 1970s. I have mixed feelings about it. The protesters -it didn't much matter what they were protesting -irritated me, but i( I'd been their age, I probably would have been one of them. They were such well-meaning, bright. idealistic idiots. I knew a lot of them. When the protest-children of the 1960s were 10, they began to be embarrassed with their parents because they said all their parents were interested in was money. When they were 12, they turned against their teachers because they didn't want that narrow kind of education. The following year they s tarted s moking marijuana and listening to loud music that drowned out any thought that might enter their heads . By IS. these young people had bought the Playboy philosophy that the traditional rules about sex were confining, artificial and anti-social. That's the way it went, and by the time they were 20, a lot of the bright· est young people were uneducated ,~,, -Al-DY-RD-Dl-IY_ ........ 4 pot-smokers, sleeping around with a lot of different partners, growing their hair longer than was comfortable as a badge of their age and protesting the war in Vietnam. They ate naturally grown. organic food for their health, but didn't wash very often. The conventions of their revolution were more formal than the conventions of the society against which they were protesting. Why this happened and why many young people today would support President Reagan and maybe even a war in Vietnam is a mystery to me. There's no sense in an adult trying to understand young people because they don't want to be understood. Parents and educators who say they understand them are kidding themselves and older people who try to be one of them by joining them and going where they go or dressing as they dress are laughed al in private by the kids_ It's a strange thing that everyone old has been young a nd no one young has ever been old and yet the young seem to understand the old better than the old understand the young IT'S TOO BAD that moderation. o p e n -mindedne ss and the middle-ground of any issue is so dull to . us. It's only exciting 1f we're radically this or radically Lhat The excitement is out at the extreme ends of a position. I'd like to see .Lhi.s new breed of <:olleg.e student study hard, drink less beer and find out all they can about nuclear energy and devote some intelligent attention to bringing about a national policy in regard to it. With the exception of a few protesters lert over from 10 years ago. young peosile don't care about issues like that one way or the other. A Most of the activists of the 1960s are gone now. ~Fe approaching middle age and they're tired of their own rebellion. They've joined the rest of society and taken a job with the ins urance company. The only vestige or their rebellion is the solar panel on their roof, if they were lucky enough to be able lo pull themselves together so they have a roof. lsn 't there something acceptable for kids in between radical conservatism and radical liberalism? Does the pendulum of the philosophic clock have to s wing to such extremes? • Country putdowns penned by own meniliers For all you quiz lovers who have been clamoring for another assault on your . brain-box, here is an unusual one I have devised. consisting of quotations about different countries and nationalities. Most of them are ironic putdowns, I ~ -IYl-11-Y U-1-111-~ penned by members of the same nationality. One-third correct in identitytn1 the country Is a respectable score; if you can also name the authors, you shouldn't be taking a qui&, ypu should be pvint one. Off we go: 1. "Wherever -extends her sway, she ruins culture." 2. "It la easier for a -to become an atheist lhan fbr anyone e lse In the world." i . ''In --we threaten the man.. who rjQal Ute alarm bell~ and leave him in peaee who starta the Rre.'' 4. "We -.,.. too potdcal to be c • poets; we are a nation of brilliant failures, but we are the greatest talkers since the Greeks .·· S. "ln --the dead are more alive than the dead of any other country.·· 6. "A --is someone who can get in a revolving door behind ,you and come out ahead of you.'· 7, ''In --a 'good' discussion is one that lends Itself to arguments rather than answers." 8. "No place in ---where everyone ca n go is considered respectable." 9. "The ---a re addicted to tension as a welcome way of Ufe , as a stimulating spl'ingboard for individual and collective ~dvancement." 10. "One trouble with ua --is that we're fixers rather than preventers. '• 11 . "--will never prOduce any great idea or 1reat achievements, because lhe people don't Uke or truet anyone who rises above the ordinary.·· 12. "Given extenaive lelsure, what do the -do? They eat erabl • . . take a!tel'DOOILIUlPI • --cat.cll..crtckeU , r-r lake batha . . . make paper bout • . . have three meals in one and produ.e. cbildnn ... ANSWERS 1 "Germany" (Nietszche)'. 2. ''Russian" <Oostoevski >. 3. "France" <Chamforl). 4. ''Iris h" (William BuUer Yeats>. S. "Spain" CLOrfa). 6. "Hungarian" (Attributed to Michael Curtii). 7, "Italy " (Pileggi >. 8. "England" (George Moore). 9. "Japanese" (Yukio M atsuyama >. 10. "Americans" <Gen. Doolittle). 11. ~·Switzerland" <Francois Bondy). 1.2. "Chinese" (Lin Yutang). lllllY• Newa nub for Gene Autry: Tbe Aqela don't need Re11ie Jacteoa -_...,be can pitch. R.C. ..._, .. __.._ ............ .,....,._ .... _...,... ....... ~-··•1 ............ ,.... .. ....., ... ....., ..... -----~ .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday, January 25, 1982 s Revere-naes Radio station's gift saves re -enactment BOSTON CAP ) -The re ·e nactme nt of Paul Revere's historic ride, threatened by clty budget cuts, will be given ru11 rein lhis year after all. thanks to a $4 ,000 gift from a radio station, supporters say. "We appr eciate the financial s up8ort and s pon sors hip from WR R. It is most gracious," City Councilor Frederick Langone said Thursday. fie earler had criticized the mayor's office for cutting funds for the aMual parade §Ind ride. Because of Proposition 2'1'J , a tax-limiting statute approved by vot· ers in 1980, the cit y earlier announced that it couldn't come up with the $2,000 supporters asked for this year t o stage the April parade and ride. The Patriots' Day parade is one of eight parades, including St. Patrick's Day parade in South Boston, that the city plans l<> withhold support from this year. The North End Allied Veteran• Council sponsors the parade and rc-en11ctment of the ride In which Revere galloped to Lexington some 200 years ago lo warn the colonial.I that the British were comlna. The council wanted $4,000 iniUally, The city offered nothing. but trimmed its request to $2,000 because of budget squeezes. The city offered nothing. The Patriot's Day parade starts at City Hall and winds its way past ancient graveyards where many Revolutionary patriots were buried.' ll ends behind Old North Church where a man dressed as Paul Revere takes off on horseback lo retrace the historic ride. Snow pack sets r ecord WAS HI NGTON CAP I FITNESS P CIAL North America set a J an uary record for s now cover last week and is threatening the all-time m ark , t h e Nati o n al Weat h er Ser vice reported. D o n Weis n e tl , a weather service sate llite • • • ) SHAn ur -LOSE 10 IN. ' I LIS . Unlimited Visits CI Mo.I • FREE AEROBICS .. ~ ............ LAND'S·END Land's End, the most famous headland on the National Trust to purchase it. Th~ new ownt'r or lh<' expert. said snow cover the Englis h coast. was bought ror more than S3 million by tip of Cornwa ll is David Gold s tone r e a c h e d .. (Designed for the Mat•Jre Woman) a local radio station director who defe ated an attempt by 1 R · 5 mi 11 ion -s quar e --------------------~__::....___:_ ________ __: _________________ kilometers • Cardiovascular fitness D~rUocrats seem headed for real convention • Nutritional Glidne • Finn' Tone Party's 'reform ' rules will be thrown out if national committee adopts report • Fabulous Exercise Eqaipment WASHJNGTON CAP) -The Democrats are moving toward a 1984 convention that, for a change, could be a real convention. Th.is Is the thrust of new rules tentatively approved by the party's latest reform commission -a convention where actual deliberation lakes place, where the presidential ticket is picked. Because of rule changes that followed the s hatter ing 1968 meeting in Chicago, recent Democratic conventions have been little more than rubber stamps. Delegat es were bound l o presidentia l candidates well in advance of the nominating convention. Things had gone so far by 1980 that a disloyal delegate could be thrown out. ··R eform'' rul es also encouraged a proliferation of presidential primaries. And because of the media attention they got, candidates winning highly visible early victories tended to snowball to an insurmountable delegate count. The delegate totals mounted from one Tuesday primary to the next, and the rules tied up each delegate won. All that was left for a convention in July or August was lo confi rm a decision made in February or March. In politics, especially Democratic Party politics. anything can happen. But next lime things should be different -iJ the party's national committee adopts the report of its Commission on 1111 llllYlll Presidential Nominations. The 1980 rules bound delegates to vote al leas t on the first ballot for the candidate who won them in primaries or caucuses. If a delegate tried to vote for an.other candidate, the vole would be disca rded and an alternate brought in to cast the vote for the candidate who had won it. The commission threw all of this out, requiring merely that delegates who run pledged to a presidenUal candidate "shall in all good conscience reflect the sentiments of tho6e who elected tbem ." Conscience and political reality are the only guides. Of P,>U_rst. a delegate wbo goes to the trouble to win eledion to the convention as a supporter of a presidential contender is likely to stand by his man . No wholesale desertions are expected. But a perfectly feasible prosped is for a candidate who wins a commanding bloc of delegates In the primaries, but for some reason is discredited before convention lime, to lose the nomination. Democratic delegates at least would have the option of looking toward the November contest with the Republicans instead of back to the primaries. Another important modification in the rules.is the provision of more than 500 delegates who will go to the convention totally uncommitted. These will be Democratic me mbe rs of Congress, governors, big city mayors, state party chairmen and vice chairmen and other Democrats in public or party office given automatic delegate status. The objective of this rule was to bring m ainline Democrats back into the conventions. Many of them, with elections ol their own lo worry about , have avoided presidential conventio.n$ because of the controversy and divis ion displayed there. Others have been embarrassed by running for delegate slots and being beaten by outsiders riding the coattails of special causes or hot candidates. At future conventions, these party regulars could provide a bloc of seasoned and independent delegates capable of stopping a candidate who may have run well in the primaries but who might lead the party to disaster in November. Also, any candidate who fails to line up a winning majority of delegates in advance, wiJ1 have to win over these uncommitted delegates at the convention. And that's what conventions used to be before all the reforms, a place where leaders a nd supporters of the party got together and decided whom they wanted lo run for president. • Free Aero~ Open To PubNc 10 Classes s25oo Guest Pass 71~964-5242 Nearly 2 million due audits HOUSE OF TAILORIMG Al TERA TIOMS FO R MEM & W O M(M THE PEANUT BUTl'ER, WINE AND POPCORN MADE IT TASTIER ••• AND NOW SO COAST Pl A!A ~40rn1 lowf'r lr .. rl bf CorO\l\f'I Check of selected returns brought record penalties WASHJNGTON CAP) -Sometime this year or next, nearly 2 million Americans wtU open t.belr mail and learn their 1981 tax returns are being audited by the Interna l Revenue Service. The experience will cost some sleepless nights and, on average, extra tax and penalties of about $2,000. About 5 percent of those taxpayers will be chosen by the luck of the draw. But 90 percent will be audited because some of the figures on their returns set off a warning in IRS computers. The remainder generally are spinoffs from leads developed from returns originally selected fo r audit. For example, if an audi ted return showed the taxpayer did a lot of business with a particular individual, that individual also might get audited. The IRS has fought successfuJly in Congress and the courts to prevent public disclosure of just what triggers the computer alarm. But it is generally assu med lo be based on average deductions acceptable at various income levels. Despite fewer audits, examination of selected returns in 19M resulted in recommendations for a record $9.4 billion additional tax and penalties, including S2 billion on individuals. Thal compared with $7.1 billion in 1979. The higher a person's income. the greater the chance of being audited. In 1980, 1.14 percent (114 of every 10,000) of non.business returns c laiming income under $10,000 we re audited ; 2.03 per cent of t hose claiming $10,000 to $15,000 ; 2.66 of those between $15,000 and $50,000, and 8. 74 percent of those with $50,000 or more income were audited. Short of a formal audit, IRS subjects most returns to two computer checks. -The arithmetic on almost every return is ch ecked by computer. ln 1980, 6.5 million individual returns had such errors. About 3.6 million of those errors were in the taxpayer's favor by an average of $315. The remainder would have cost the taxpayer an avera1e of $203. -Second, the IRS computer cenerates notices lo taxpayers whole returns carry deductions that cle•rly are not allowed. For example, a penon who deducts funeral expenses for a relative automatically gets a notice demandin1 that t.be deduction be dropped and taxes rec:orqpuled. • But In a full-lledged audit, a ta..,.yer comes face to face with an IRS a uditor or revenue acent. If you're select ed, IRS will check your records, listen to your story and outline any proposed change In tax liability. You can end the dispute on the spot by agreeing lo the exam iner's finding. That could mean you'll have to pay more tax or that IRS will give you a refund. If you disagree, you may appeal to other IRS authorities or to the courts. Carrying your case to the IRS regional appeals office will, in most cases, require that you sign a sworn statement outlining your argutnent. If you still don't agree with IRS, or il you skip the I RS appeals process, you may -within strict time limits -file s uit in U.S. Tax Court and delay paying the disputed tax until the court decides your case. Or you may pay the tax and file suit for refund in U.S. District Court or the Court of Claims. ~HI t 'IAtSECtl 'T '81 ZEPHYR 11;\; Ml.E \\'ITll Tl llS .\I> •21.8.58.o. \l'N :W:l:l INlll \ f'\\')11.\1 \•J\l,1~1\lf•\'1111\ l'\\\11 "' f>I 11 MKJ.l • l'KJI 1.111!1.l I~ 1<11 I I'll l'l(JI I. M 17 I 1~1 1~'.: 1,w·,·~:!:.~~l I! ,. ll:!!• ~ ontDl8 ON MLE Ill"\' llM. Lf..A:O.f. A I .1011~so~ a so~ '"'fll\-\HHllH' I S40-fiH:iO The Clulnge Starts When You Do ... FINAL WEEK JANUARY SALE SA .... IPIOM SOOfo to 70% OI MOii. D1•l•&..,1rW u_....,,.... .. aa...,. The Time To Start Is Now .•. The Place Is "Powers"! Chanoe It Al/I 0.1ma11a1Ny •mpt0\11 lhe way you IOOk feet and aapeal lo ochers We 11 make lhe C/\enge Easy Incl Fun .. en e>rep;are 'IOll IO• OOOO<lllMY Alf classes ll•lofed to 'f0'.1' age ar<i ncea\ IN ORANGE COUNTY 3 TOWN l COUNTRY. ORANGE .17'~ 547-1~8 )ohn KODe11 Poftrs CALL OR COME IN TOOAV ... ...__......, ..... ,..... ............. h...., .... ...,_..._,"....., __ .. ...... T.-.. ....... ..W1 l1 ..._.,. ... Sale Ends January 31 , 1982 ...... w .................... ,,, .... ,... ...... wu'ne. 11.IClllC .- ml'ml .............. c.... ..... CAlfm ... •1 2 I ....,, . ... ••• &46-1737/64&:.I194 WEIGHT WATCHERS · MAKES IT EASIER! INTllODUCDf G GOLD CARD from WEIGHT WATCHERS " WE WILL REDUCE YOUR WEEKLY FEE TO ONLY SJ.00 AVAILABLE ONLY UNTIL JAN. 31. 1982 HmlB'•HOW 1. JOIN BEFORE JAN 31 , 1982 AT A REDUCED RATE OF ONLY t11.00 (with coupon betow). 2. ATTEND 12 CONSECUTIVE WEEKllY MEETINGS ATTHt REGULAR FEE OF ONLY H PER WEEK. FROM THEN ON YOU_P,U ONLY Sl PER WEEK UNTIL DK. J1, 1912 AS.LONG AS YOU RETAIN YOUR SAME REGISTRATION NUMIBt. >--'lllAT'8 AU. YOU llAft TO DO-NO OONTaAC'N TO • ..,., • ..--~ EXTRA BONUS-II' YOU ACT NOW ... ~---------... ...~----------14 .... , 14 • ...., ,_Tm.ti.Am .U.DTYOU CAU. 8H·SMS WEIGHT•WATCHERS. ' I Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Monday, January 25, 1982 THE ·-INSURANCE INS'l'ITU'fE FOR HIGHWAY - -... . .. 1178-80 ... els wldt tile-BEST 1978-80 Mod.els widt the WOllST bas1U'allee ~1U'J elat• experience ins1U'allee IDJary elal• experience (A relative injury claim frequency of 100 is average) (A relative injury clafm frequency of 100 is average) , . l&eladn l&elad•e •ec Kake ... , Siu Pre4111ea q Kake ... , Siu fn4111eaq o, V"'Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser s.w. I 58 Dodge Challengert 2 Dr. s 162 ·01 V"'Oldsmobile Toronado ~c. I 58 Fiat Brava •• s 156 V"'Buick Estate . w. I 62 Toyota Corolla Tercett 2 Dr . s 153 V"'Oldsmobi le 98 4 Dr. I 62 Datsun 20osxt 2 Dr. SS 150 .,...,Oldsmobile Cutlass s .w . c 65 Plymouth Sapporot 2 Dr. s 149 .,...,Oldsmobile Omega 4 Dr. SC 66 Plymouth Arrow+ 2 Dr. SS 148 .,...,Chevrolet Caprice s.w. l 67 Dodge Omni 2 Dr. s ~ 142 .: V"'Pontiac "Bonneville s.w . I 67 Honda Preludet 2 Dr. SS 140 .,...,Oldsmobile Delta 88 4 Dr. I 69 MazdaGLCt •• SS -139 .,...,Pontiac Catalina 4 Dr. I 69 Hond a Civict 2 Dr. SS 135 .,..., Buick Le Sabre 4 Dr. I 73 Datsun 21ot •• SS. 135 Mercury Marquis 4 Dr. I 74 Plymouth Charnpt 2 Dr. SS 134 .,..., Buick Century s.w. c 76 Mazda RX-7t Sport SS 132 .,...,Chevrolet Malibu s.w. c 78 . Mercury Bobcat 2 Dr. SS 131 Mercury Zephyr s.w. SC 80 Toyota Corolla t •• SS 130 ·.,...,Buick Century 4 Dr. c 83 Ford Mustang 2 Dr. s 128 .,...,Chevrolet Citation 4 Dr. SC 83 Honda Civict · s.w. SS 119 Dodge Aspen 4 Dr. ) 84 Plymouth Volare s.w. I 87 tjapanese·made. Souru: Highway Loss Data Institute. Car Sitts: I= Intermediate, C=Compact. SC=Small Coolpact, S=Subcompact. SS=Small Subcompact. Body Styles: SW =Station Wagon, Spec.= Specialty, .. =NO( detem1ined. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safe~ QIJA.LITl' is more than skin deep. More people has ranked cars according to the frequency wit buy General Motors cars than those of any other which they are involved in accident injury claims. manufacturer-and have for many years. These We are pleased that GM cars (~) are the customers have their reason: they see greater value ' , highest in this rating. in GM cars. It may be reliabili7;~ durability, fu el c We believe these results reflect not only our economy, are:earance, serv.iceabi ity, or safety. But cars-their quality, sizitJweight, and design-but whatever t eir value perceptions-they have made how and where they ari 'driven. · us the world leader. . It shows that our cars and customers go well Again, let us reminq you ... drive carefully and together. We hope it will continue that way. b ckl ' . . . u e up. . . General Mo.tors · Chevrolet • Pontiac • Oldsmobile • Buick • Cadillac • GMC Truck ' ' ·~ ...,,. MONDAY, JAN. 25, 1982 CAVALCADE COMltS TELEVISION .. 82-3 84 86 .... _ _, ......... -........ _"" ....... ._ .... __ ;II ~-~---• - \ Charles H. Goren challenges bridge Q£votees. See Page 83. Thousands came to air base, stayed for life By JODI CADENHEAD CM ............. A more unlikely candidate as city historian for Costa Mesa couldn't be found. Ed Miller confesses that ~ hates to read and can't stand writing. "Now I like history a litU~." he said during an interview from his office al city hall where he has worked 11 years. "But It's boring to me." Yet for more than a decade this custodian of history has AT TH ll It ll N D ll Z Y D U er ...... l'I •••• Blnhday Ball "~ .. .,.__,, AT THll R~ BAllROOM \N BALBOA Saturday v light .. _ .... .... -....... _ I I I IM _, lll1ITI 111% ............... .. ................... ,., BUY V. I. WAa 80ND81 ---· ROOSEVELT ERA Dancers aided cha rity . • .. been .tracking and preservlnc the past before it disappeared forever with the death of uae who lived when Costa Mesa was a railroad boom town called Fairview or a place named Paularino. ' » His sold-out history of the city called "Slice of Orange" was followed by Ch~ "Haybumers of Orange County," a book about the horse-drawn trains that operated at the turn of the century. But Miller, 53, says that hls new book. "The SAAAB Story, The History of the Santa Ana Army Air Ba4e," will be his last. For one thing. it cost $22,SOO for him to print himself. And it was hard work tracing about 300 of the pilot cadets who trained at the sprawling Army base during World War II. Few people moving into Costa Mesa today know that more than 1,000 acres from Fairview Road a nd Harbo r Bourevard to Arlington Drive and Wilson Street were once covered with 1.3 million square feet of Army barracks and 28 convalescent hospitals. All that remains of the once bustling military base is a plaque at the Orange County Fairgrounds. A corner of the original base later became the Air National Guard Base. Although Miller was only a high school senior when the base was finally closed in 1945, he decided its story had to be told. And tell it, be does. History buffs and nostalgia-lovers will find 215 pages crammed with· photographs and inter esting lid bits, that might otherwise have been forgotten. -Bob Hope, Jack Benny, Jeannette MacDonald and Jerry Colonna were just a few of "tl{e Hollywood stars to visit the base. -Some of the bygone bot spots frequented by the cadets included the Circle Lounte, the Rendezvous Ballroom\ Cadet Cafe and Bob Mu1'phy's Balboa Bamboo Room. -Tires were the first commodity to be rationed, I • IAll 80UNDARlll -Twe colleges. pne high school. county falrsrounds and park now occupy site . . . followed by su1ar, taaoline, coffee, and meat. Stamp No. 1 out of a book of 28 was aood for one pound or sucar bet ween May 5 and 16. ' -Cadets had to be back on base by noon Sunday at which time they would carry a peMy in their fist durinj inspection to remltkl them not to swing thelr arms. One of the most interesting stories Mille r un covered involved the disappearance of two 16-foot murals that had been painted by Sgt. John Otterson, whose paintings hang at the Empire Slate Building and the Yale Fine Arts Museum. The ·murals r e mai'ned at Orange Coast College until 1961 when the college turned them over to Maxwell Air Base. Miller located both murals In a store room at the base and they are now at the Costa Mesa Historical Society's office. "No single event did more for Orange C ounty than the air base," said Miller. "Because many of the,cadets returned to live." Between 18,000 a nd 26,000 cadets a year passed through the base for pilot training. In the closing days of the war the base became the fourth redis tribution cente r in the country for returning veterans. From Nov. 1. 1944 until the following year. 81,000 soldiers stayed at the base. When the base shut down for good , the property was sold pieceme al to a number of buyers. including Orange Coast College , Orange County Fairgrounds, the city of Costa Mesa and Southern California Bible College. The largest site went to Macco Corp. of Corona del Mar. The company paid $4.7 million for 249 acres to build 1,000 homes in what is now Mesa del Mar. ·. "Most people will loot at the book with nostalgia," said Miller. "It was their first OPEi fte •••u.o• t • ~ ...... ._.,._ ......... I ...... .._ ___ ,,_ __ __ ...__._.....,.. --...... ...,._ .... ______ _ . 1 A YllJ Hw Mew Yar ·1 ... _____ , __ _____ ......,_. __ .. ---.....---.... ,... .... ----. ..... .._ .. _....., _____ _ ----·-·---... ---.. .. _,. ....................... __.. -······· ..... ~--... ;-:::-~1 .. -=.. .. .........:. ,;;.;: ._ .... ~ z-naa-.... -----:-..:.: :....-.. -: ---··· :-r.:.: ·-·--:--..: -·---.... -. ' . ~-=! ., ... -........ ., ... C-0 . ..--.. ~ ... ,,... -··-. .... •11+DDV'f -~.-...... .,.. O""'--' Q-·flf" """-' TIE Fii zanE Crill ....... , .. , -:. ~.:· -:.. t. .::-:::. ~~i}.1 ..i. §"_~IJ~-~ -----------...... _. ,~;~~R -_., ..... : .;-: j .:§ ~·:]: ................ :"----·~~ . ::-...:~ : ...•• •.:.··1 .................... r __ ,...t c.e..... .·=-:~ 3~!~ t ~1!,~==..:.::5 ------w ;;::_;_ j·~1i 1Hll:LP WANT II: DI 1-==--~w _.,_,, .--... ·-.-·-·- ' NOW OPEN i • Sunset Cafe ANO TllAILUI PA&lt t f'IATVRIHC Delicious Meals Ju" South of 1t.. CouMlr Cl•b t warg·• uaJ-ag~ I _o...... ...... 6111 u. BOWLING ............ II' 'SIJ _. SPOBTLAND ~ llOWLDIO ALLEYS P.AVILIOM BALllOA ... ------' ........ ,. ... ". . .... -• expowre to the aUitarJ ad they have fond tboupts about it now." OLD ~DYERTISEMENTS Cost a Mesa historian Ed Miller. inset. documented how loca I cares attracted cadets: notic<.· ration poi nts for March 12. 1943 groceries. below. •LITMY MA•uvmtS -Enlisted men of lhe 414th AB Squadron were photographed, above, leaving main gate on 631, S. MAIN--OPIH ::,:1 P. M., SAT. TO If P. M. l=I•J:@:r!'1:1•E OLEO ....... ·-..... .... 17! l&TI :.......: ..... 22• .... -... ..... .:;:.;..::.:_ · ··· _ PEP ~~ ...... I! Shortening~· 11 .... " .... ~11· ·-..... u, wmm -.. 1r ----------•111111 .... II' Mazolaa:-_,.53c ';!rte IPPLE ~._·~21· :u.a.m -n· MAZOLA ~.:.~~ 27e .nu.:=.:...."'"11~ 7 ..... -·--·""" 2'il I ...... o,..,., .. • ... Ile ...,,. TOM. S-Ce.... .. '"" COCKTAIL .. 14 .. un..uu::::~L • .;;;--.ft!!! " -.... _...I ~--ICJc ,..,. TOMAT~. v_::-~ PINEAPPLE . .. _ _ 14 ... -....~it -•ae 1• .................... .,.. 1~ --.-TOMAiOU--::. -:'I "' SUPIEMA . .. 7- 6 -. _...._., --lftll! 2·1.,.-~7.11 =--21e ...... ST. llANS ......... v-1.,.. _ _PEACHIS ........ __ _ IJ ua. .... .........,.. • -14e JI ·---~· IK -2C)c ..... PEAS.......... .. ... . ,_ PEARS .... .. 10 ......................... l't.r: 10 ,_...,...,_ 1~e ...... HITS . .. £-,.... APPU SAUCE ~ 5 -~··-13e1s ---~ .... KIAUT . . .. • "~ GUPIE JUICE ~-7-= II ... "_ .. ,_ 14c1 ou. .... ....,,_ IOC rn. SPINACH ............ \.... Nl~LETS . .. ... . POTATOES IOUN'Gn_l!j Grapefruit iiU:.-. 65e YAMS ·4k 2Sc.~ ... 25e a Newport Boulevard for 5-mile march to Cadets, at parade rest, named home states. 1: Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, J1nu1ry 25, 1982 ,_ •ANN LANDERS •HOROSCOPE SNOw'/ MONTEREY -A frigid Pacific storm that d~ted Northern California with snow didn 't sp a r e t he Mo nte r e v ·B a~·· Tl1e Send a Valentine message to that f special person in your life. Put rt in 1 print in our special Love Lrnes col- umns ori Valentines Day. Sunday. Feb. 14. Here are some examples: (A) 2-lnch Ad $11.00 • (8) 1-lnchAd $7.50 (C) 5-Line Ad $5.00 (0) 3-line Ad $3.00 ... Ml ctmmME UMnLTHE OCIAM FllDES SOLID LOVIALWAYS JOFf ttlJ Cllristmaa la for giving; New Years ia for fun But Valentines Day Is the tin to remind you Y<Mrll THI OML Y OMI! Love toAnniefrom Bob To Donna from Eddie Roles are red, Violets are blue, I know this is romy But I do love you! FRED Happy Valentine's Day Love, Gloria •Just fill in the form below. or c all us at 642-5678 and we'll bill you. But hurry, all ads must be in our office no later than Fri· day. Feb. 12. ---------(COUPON)-------- Please publish my Valentine message as written below on Sunday, Feb. 14. (Write one word per space. 3 line minimum. Com- pute charge at end of line.) I I I I I I I _____________ sa.oo I $4.00 I ----I $5.00 l ----$6.00 hone ____________ Zlp. ____ _ Check or money order endoled Plellile bUI my VISA or MASTERCARO (circle one) • .. Bring or mall to: lllllJPlill s urro unding hills are glis tening wh ilC'. providing an unusual backdrop for fishing a nd sailboats. "---------------------- PROTECT YOUR VALUABLES Home ••• rl11111. , ..... lns!Jrance and Documentary Photography ' 754-6630 .. Qi ......... 6 u.u-Siert A Dining Tr.adition Since 1922 Serving Lunch & Dinner Reservations Suggested 645-7077 If ,~ott don't ,,·ant • to drink That's ottr bt1siness COSTA MESA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Call 642-2734 Alcoholism Recovery Services 301 Victoria Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Approved for Medicare SPIRUUNA SEMINAR Tues., Jan. 26th 7:30 p.m. 1 ... At The Park 1855 So. Harbor Anaheim Dr. Micllael S•sane of Irvine Health Center Complete Line of New Products I POil l•CMIMATIOM: ,. Students just pan·ots? DEAR ANN LANDERS: "Last La ugh In Lafayette " describes a parrot named Al ex at Purdue University who · is being taught tt va riety of responses to assorted stimuli. including s ha pes and colors. While the tutor seems lo be lie ve this feat constitute s real communication. it is my opinion that Al ex's a bsorb-and regurgitate approach strongly resembles a technique tha t is ver y popular on our cam pus es today. If a parrot at Purdue can do as well as t u i lion-p aying s tud~n ts. i t cert a inly va lidates our comp laint that too m any ··s cholars " can get by if they simply mimic wha t they hear . T hey do n 't need to understand anything. I a m prepared lo say students a nd parrots a re really c ommunicating whe n they can expres s their own ideas in the ir own words. So. dear Ann. you need not eat you rs . HUMAN PARROT IN ATHENS !G A.l DEAR ATHENS: Dr. Hannah Gray, president or the Unive rsity of Chicago, s aid it best. Actually, she doesn't re member saying it at all, but I was so impressed I wrote it down -and promptly lost the slip or paper. He re's the reconstructed version: .. How remarkable that so much in· formation can go into one ear of a college student and out the othe r , without engaging any part or the brain." That ls about as accurate a description of the "absorb·and-regurgltate" approach as you wil• eve r hear. Thanks\ Hannah DEAR ANN LA NDERS: My husband h as been h aving a n a ffa ir with his secretar~· for two yea rs . lie repeatedly denied it until I caught them together. He insis ts it 's a ll over cla ims they still find each othe r attractive but are "controlling themselves:· Both m v husband and hi s sec retar v be lie ve I s hould : · 1. Trust him. 2. Accept the rela tio nship as a platonic boss-secreta ry set-up. 3. Never again suggest tha t she get a job in another office . 4. Re grateful lo be married to this "wonderful " guy a nd ke ep my trap s hut. I do not ag ree with any of the above. S h ou l d I ? .J UST AS KI NG I N WISCONSIN DEAR JUST: Obviously you do not trust your hlfsband, nor do you believe the relationship is platonic. <Nothing iii your letter suggests that he s hould be trusted.> Demanding that the secretary be ~MW UMBS ousted from f he office wUI net you zero. So now you are faced with that same borln«i que stion: Would you be better off with him or without him'! Only you know the answer. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I gel madder a nd madde r as I read all these articles on Herpes. No distinctio n is made be twee n the kind l have a nd t he type acquired through se xua l relations. I have had Herpes s ince I was 17. Al that time. I not only was a virgin. but also I had never e ven kissed a boy. You per formed a great service when y ou a lerte d you r r e aders lo Herpes Simplex II 1 it was the first t ime I had heard or ill. but ple ase explain that there is a diffe re nc e bet wee n the v~nerca l Her pes ,a nd the innoce nt cold -sore t~·pe ALSO FRO M IO WA DEAR IOWA : I have repeatedly made the distinction between genital Herpes and the other kind. Either you are not a steady reade r, or y our paper is cutting my column. I hope you see TIUS one. Can dr ugs be a f riend in time of stress') If you keep your head together cart they bt' of he/p ? A nn La nders . new booklet . ··T he Lowdoum on Dope:· separates the fact from the f ictior1 . Get it today. For each booklet ordered. send $2.00. plus a Long. self-addressed~ stamped envelope '37 cents postage 1 to Ann Landers. P.O. Box 11995 Chicago. Ill 60611. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT IS lT YOU ANO l WMO A~E CRAZY, OR \S M' £VE*'Y80DY ELSE~ ,..,.~·~.IM~~~~ t.>.41t~~ .... '\to...,..0f'H Gemini: Change due Tuesday, January 26 ARIES <Marc h 21-April 191: Focus on soc ia l a ct ivity. inq u iries. in tell ectua l c u r iosit y a n d e le m e n t o f s urpr is e E m phasis a lso on fulfillment of ho pes. as pirations. Lines of communicatio n open a nd d,ia lo.g_Qe wi.U e nsu.e wi1h a very romantic individua l. TAURUS <Apr:H 20-May 20 >: Way is cleared for progres s in coonection wit h business or career . You 'll be involved with de tails. cha llenges and a need for locating s uitable m a t e r ia l. Aqua ri a n fi g u r es prominently a nd could provide exam ple of le a d e r s hip . Yo ur pos it ion will be strengthe ned . GEMINI I May 21-June 20 l: Emphasis on communication. long-range pla ns and t ravel. Be ready for change. a variety of choices and confrontation with me mber of opposite se x. Le arning process will be stimulated. You receive message which aids in resolving dilemma. CANCER <June 21-July 22 >: You 'll be com paring prices in connection with home improveme nt. Purcha se of luxury item could be on agenda . Do mestic adjustment d o minates Sfe na ri o. Fa m ily m ember discusses l?<>rl'bwing . le nding and interest r ate s. LEO <July 23-Aug. 22>: Focus on legal affairs , partne rs hips. public relations. ability lo perceive potential. Refuse to be aatisfied to know that something merely happened -find out why it occurred . Pisces. Virgo persons figure prominently. VIRGO <Aug. 23-Sept. 221: Obtain hint fro m Leo m e s sage . P a tie n ce and p e r sistence become twin a llies. Keep resolutions concerning diet. nutrition. medical or dental appointments. Cancer . Capricorn persons play key roles. Money arrives following delay . ~IBRA <Sept. 23·0c t. 22 I: Relations hip is tested: changes occur. plans are revised and a n unnecessary burden is remo ved. HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA A ri es a nd a n o th e r L ib r a f i g ur e prominently . P erson al magn e tis m is e mphasized a nd powers of pers uasion s urge to forefro nt. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 211: You gain added independence. logjam is removed and you'll make new s tart which fe atures a pioneeringr conce pt. Focus a lso on home. pro perty. longst and ing negotiations and news concerning older relative SAGITl'ARIUS 1 Nov. 22-Dec. 211 : You regain sense of direction. puzzle pieces fall ..Jnto place a nd hunch proves accurate. , Accent also on shor( trips. visits. relative s ' a n d favor a b le responses to inquiries . C a n cer. Ca p r icorn. Aquarius pe r sons fi g ure promine ntly. CAPRICOR N I DC'c . 22 .J a n . 19 1: Spending spree could be par t of scenat io. Ha ve fun. but reme m ber recent budget resolutions. Gemin i. Sagittarius persons figu re prominently. You'll locate ite ms tha t had been lost. missing or stolen. Gain indicated through written word AQUARIUS (J a n . 20-F e b . 18 1: Circumstances favor your efforts : cjoors previously c losed will be opened . Lunar cycle high judgm ent. intuition prove acc urate and you'll gain objective. Ta ke ini ti ati ve. i mpr int s t y le . d is pl a y enthus ias m a nd s ho w that you are a le ade r. PISCES (F e b . 19-Ma rch 20 ): Open line s of communication. che ck files. b e c o me m o r e acli v e within group. organization or club. Ge mini. Virgo, Sagittarius persons ,play significant roles. Romance is highlighted and aura o r intrigue could dominate scenario. =t.::.~A 857•4775 .:.~--r---------~---J ~-------------------~"14 ~"'---~--~..----~----------~------------_.;._ __ ..;.~ ·-··· .... ,By PHIL INTERLANDI ot Uiguna8each . ' l ... I ) ~ t l "'. d ·i .• 1• I • "He did say 'witchcraft,' didn't he!" " Moni lowers • expectations I haven't read' it yet, but I just heard there's a new book coming out, "401 Ways to Get Your Kids to Work a t Home:· by Bonnie McCullough and Susan Monson. Offhand, I can only think or two. Perpetual cruelty and their own .Swiss bank account. Most mothe r s entering the labor market outs ide the home are naive. Thev stagger home each evening, holding the mail in their teeth, the cleaning over their arm . '\ lamb chop defrosting under each armpit, balancing two gallons or frozen r:nilk between their knees, and expect one 'Of' the kids to get the door . G ROW UP, mothers! Kids don't breathe in and out unless they're paid scale. Their contention is. "Who asked you lo. work'? It's not our fault you 're not fulfilled s hrinking jeans and fighting stubborn stains ... You're not going to believe this . but I or:iginally went to work in 1965, to buy a flMA IOMllCI ATWIT'S END Barbie doll a wardrobe to go to the Ohio State football ga m e with Ken in a cardboard car.· One year later I couldn't have a doll languishing in dust balls under the bed dressed better than I, so I worked a few more years to buy a few things for myself. The rest is history. As you can imagine. I tried every trick in the book to gel the children to pitch in with household chores. From shouting, I got varicose veins of the neck. Nothing more. I progressed to ··Dirty Looks" and "Martyrdom," which also got me nothing. I thought I was onto som ething one day when I discovered the TV dia l was loose and I could carry it around in m y pocket like the distributor or a car. When they performed. they got 'l'V : when they didn't .they got withdrawal chills. Then they got sm a rt and went to a neighbor's home. Moral: If the home is everyone's castle . . . let everyone clean it! Symptoms of hepatitis DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: I suppose It doesn't make any dUference -yet, I'm curlou. I'm 1ettlng over an auack or hepatltl1. I wonder what kind I've bad. I undenland that there are &wo main types. A ud 8 . Naturally I wonder how I contracted mlae. My dodor say1 It's likely ihat I've had Type A, which he catts lnf ectlous hepatitis . I must have picked 1t up from some food or drink Infected with a virus. We're very care ful to refrigerate rood in our house. SO I still wonder how I picked up my hepatitis. -MRS. N . OEAR MRS. N.; Mos t cases ol' hepatitis are mild. So much so lhat they may be confused with an attack or flu . Especially if no jaundice is present. The patient may have fatigue ror a week or so followed by nausea. vomiting. Arter the acute attack. pati.ents like yourself feel wrung out and debilitated for at least a month or·more. Treatment consists mainly of rest in bed . until blood tests indicate that the live r T JOUI HIAITH OR. 'PETER J. STEINCROHN inflammation has subsided. The incuba tion period is about four weeks in hepatitis A : about 12 weeks for hepatitis B. The disease is milder in children. more so in older age groups. Hepatitis A variety is excreted heavily in the stools. It ma~· be picked up from apparently health~· pe rsons. But outbreaks may be caused by uncooked food or by the virus involved in salads. custards. sliced meats. et c. Hepatitis can be serious but is rarely fatal. The virus of hepatitis B rarely appears in the stool. It rarely causes epidemics. Sources of infection ma~· be contamina ted in s trume nts. n eedl es a nd bl ood transfusions. It m ay be trans missible in homes. hospitals and dental offices. In this t ype s ymptoms may not come on until three or four m o nths after infection. Jaundice Qccurs in less than 10 percent of these cases. Immune serum g lobulin given to contacts is muc h more errective against hepatitis A. Nevertheless it should be given for those exposed to any type of hepatitis. Travelers contemplating visits to foreign countries with questionable sanitary s tandards should be immunized with immune serum globulin before depa rture. FOR MR. B.: The reeling is that computer tomography 1CT1 should not be used as a routine screening procedure. However. it is the method or choice in severe head injury. and where there is sus pected presence of brain abscess. spontaneous hemorrhage into the brain and brain growths. ' FOR MR. W.: .Pharyngeal gonorrhea is a small but s ignificant venereal disea se problem. It is quit e often overlooked. Patien t s respond to trea tment with pe nicillin or s pectinom~·C'in. If in doubt. have vour doctor lake a s mear-<.·ullure of your ·throat with a cotton·tipped stcrill· swab. Dr. Steincrohn welcomes reader moil but 1s sorry he cannot answer personally. Letters of widest interest Will be answered m t11s column Send your questions to him m ca re of the Da1l11 Pilot. P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa . Calif 92626. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­ ' GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CH~LES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Q.1-Both vulnerable. as- South you hold: +KQ83 ~AK1092 0 84 +A7 The bidding has proceeded: s .. ~ WeK Nord! Eul I ~ PaH Pa11 1 + p ... P ... 2 o Pa11 ? , What action do you lake'! A . -Remember. partner could not act over your open ing bid. Now. he is simply seizing the opportunity to show you a long diamond suit, little or no stre'lgth and not enough hearts to raise your suit. Even though you have a pretty good hand. you have nowhere to go. Pass. Q.!-As South, vulnerable, you hold: +KT& !VS OSS. +J109U2 The bidding has proceeded: Weet Nerdl Eu& SHth I ~ P .. 1 NT P ... P ... D1t1eP ... z+· , ... 2 !V , ... 1 What action do you 'take'/ A. -Think for a moment. What hand could partner po11ibly have that would warrant a firtt·round pas1 ot a one heart opening bkl to his right, followed by a third round cue·bid ot hearts? There isn't any. Obvlou1ly, partner couldn't ad over one heart becallM thaL wat hi1 bell 1uft, Ud now he want• to ,a&y heartt. Pua. Q.1-Bolh vulntnble, •• outh you hold: +Q94 ~A8754 OKQIO +JS The bidding has proceeded: North Eul South W eat I+ PHa 1 v Pa11 2 + Pa11 ? What do you bid now'? A.-You are in slam ter· ritory. and we would recom mend vigorous act ion except for the fact that we are un· sure just how useful our dia mond values are going to be. We can advise partner that we have a good hand with substantial values in the un· bid suit by jumping to three no trump. Q.4 -Both vulnerable, as South you hold: +AJIMZ !V7'542 0 7 +M The bidding has proceeded: N erth Eut Se•lli l !V •• 7 What action do you take'! A.-Thlt it close. We would be inclined lo bid a quin two heart1, but we do not object. even mildly, to the ag· rreulve bid of four hearts-there ate a number of minimum opening bids that partner could hoicl tbat would offer excellent plly for four bearta. The one ~Ion that mu1t be ruled ouL i1 a double of one .,adt. Oalr oa very rare oeeulou II IL .... to make a low-level 'j,= double when JOU .... la the suit whldl ,.,.... .... bid. Q.5 -As South. vulnerable, you hold: +Q106 ~AQt763 OQJ5 +K The bidding has proceeded: South We1t North Ea1t I '\J Pa11 2 + Pa11 2 ~ Pa11 3 + Pa11 ? What action do you Lake'! A. -Partner's rebid is not forcing. In fact, it tends to show a hand that is weaker than a normal two·over-one response but with extra length in the suit as compen sation. Partner cannot be u good as six clubs headed by the A·Q·J with an outside en try. so 'you are unlikely to make nine tricks at no' trump -indeed, if he doesn't have the ace of clubs, no trump might be a disaster. Pua. ~ Q.e-Both vulnerable. as r South you hold: +A~OBU 0 814 O.l +Aft& Your right.·hand opponent opens one diamond. What ac· I.Jon do you take'/ -A.-Since you have a good opening bid. we 'would not fault you severely If you opted t.o doublt. · t hen bid apa4et. However. we feel that 1ou won't make pme unleH partner baa enourh to UL v~untarlly, eo we would e~ a aimple one •l*le ..... .. , to 9" how lM aue· tloll developed. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday, Janu1ry 25, 1982 ... I HAPPIER DAYS -Sheikha Dena Al-Fassi, holding daughter Hesseh, and ex·hus band She ikh Mohammed Al-Fassi, holding son AP Turkei, are shown outside their Beverly mansion in 1978. Mrs. Al·Fassi is seeking h of his S6 billion fortune in a divorce suit. MARRIAGE & . REMARRIAGE Ja H b SEMINAR Sat., January 30th Kathy & Bud Pearson 8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. "Many things you've wanted to know about marriage and remarriage, but didn't know who to ask " This Seminar is designed for: The Seminar is about: • Those wno have just been separated or divorced Growing. Love. Kids, Ho'us•no. • Those wno have not yet married for the first time Finances. Relati6nsh1PS. etc • Thoee wno have lost their male In everyday oommon sense. • Thole wno are afraid of re-matriage understandable. • Those wno went to rema1ry someday wher•you-hve 1""1S • Those wno are remarried St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church 60I Sf. An*••• IMd-Mew,.,. IHd Acrw tr-.._.,.,. H ...... Hltlt See.of Semirw Cost 11 110.00 per pe™>n ii pre-registered. 112.00 at door (Includes lunch and materials) F0< further Information call (71•0 831·2885 ,~ l/,od1 y0<1d .... • It is worth the price to have at least one thing in your tire that is absolutely perfect. Newport Floor Covering is proud to be chosen to 1introduce to your a rea R.S.·V.P. a nd all its richness. beauty and brilliance unequaled in any carpet. R.S. V.P. is a classic European velvet and has pinpoint surface refinement and a sort wool-like luster rarely seen in nylon carpeting. If 1x•rformanl'l' 1:-. :1 <.'lln:-.icll•ral wn in pur('hasinJ,! ~·our l'arpl'I ~ ou Cl\\ t• it to mursclf to s<.•t• R.S. \".P. F:ahric;1 <ll•s i~nt•d and t•ng im•t•n•d R.S. \'. P . using ANSO~ IV NATURAL LUSTER nylon. a fourth generation fibe r that gives added stain a nd soil rt•sistanct• in addition to posili\'l' control for the life of the carpet Most import41nt. R.S. \'.P~ is backt>d b~· t~ahrica's. outst~ndi.n~ ' sE'rvict> r••cord and t•om mitmt>nt to" ard "Quaht~ without Co mpromise." C'umt• s t'l' \\ h~· ~·our <h.•t·onatinJ.! hudul't <lt•s<.•l'\'l'S R.S. \'. P . • CARPETING • DRAPERIES • LINOLEUM • FLOOR 1 1l.E • WOOD F'LOOltlNG • W'At.I. t'AP~K New1>ioi1 . ftoor Eoverlns 3500 E. Coast Hlpway, Corona del Mar. Calirorn .. taas 675·1836 • Serving Newport area for 28 years • Orange Coast DAILY PtLOT/MQnday, January 25. 1982 T•E f.\MILt' Cl•Ctl •lff Gl:OaGI: - ,, by Virgil Partch (VIP) "A bread and butter note? Don't you hofto thank them for the rest of the dinner?" "I hate Mondaya." "It's nice you think so much of me. but I can't drive like this!" ~ ,, ·w~. ~ Ev~rr W1~ ! wiavER HEARO ~ ~~A 5'THm\ 10 A CHILD~¥ I RfMEMeEA 0AC.K WMEN ALL WE MAP WERE WOOP-00RNIN6 CATS MOO~ Ml' LI.I NH NO, I H,AVEN1T FIXED 7HE Doo~BEt,L )'ET ... ACROSS 11ron Ind Slone - 5 TwelltY 10 Pertodl ,. ··D1111Cr' t5 lnertgll , . ........,, gooee t7 lebld 1'Tr ..... Ot· lllCI 20Wlmlr911f 52 Adjust• 55 Bring to mind st Eacitel 61 Men·sneme 62Wtler9Anna went lol:.li=&& 13 ~ ~ HolHtli 640odn 65 llundert .. TheP9n4• leucfl t7 Afllrmetl¥el 22 Spollld DOWN 23 ~ 1 Subjolrll 2• W.-Y 2 HoodUn 25 "F .. of 3 llMlrd: Pref. "T OIF" • DruNI 21 Slfotllll: 5 Olldld 2 WOf'dl I ... eoftly 44 AlcGrd • 32 Cerrilgt 7 ICMd"... 47 ~ 33 -... 0.... • ,.... ""' 41 n.11110 SS """9n t..... St ,._ ""· • Unll .... pontdgl ... " u AMlt • 0!1*11... ......... 21 TlleHuneer 13 ~,,... ... TlleOld lod 2 WOf'dl JO 0.0..... 54 ........................ .... 4H...... t0 ltllliA IUlllll 3t ....,_, 61 Loud eound ._. ......... ._ a-.... 't 1rtnt • S4 v. \ 11 ICIOftlltl 41Mef:M, ti,,. UIMped""' _. .,,_ ,,._...... .... 11,.... ........ ,. ..... ·-.... I.... .,.. dlllf ..... It .......... '--41 ...... -•UNlllJ. I • PUNtTI SHOE "r'Oll KNOW HOW A eASf(ETeALL PLAVER EAfS A OOU6HNUT? &EE:!-rrs ~OAPE:P wrrn ACCESSORIES! by Tom K. Ryan by Jeff MacNelly &E~fO~IT e;.a< ~ YOO'RE "rn~. by Ernie Bushm1ller AND EVERY BODY IS BUYING - WATCHDOGS WELL1 EVERYBODY EXCEPT--- SLUGGO THERE HAVE BEEN LOTS OF BURGLARIES LAT ELY----.--__., GORDO l f!i/WISEO M'r' #IP IJAPPl/o.J6 VN ONE OF ~STIE~f t'L~K,. •INKERBE;\I\ MI:ti!Cvf ~~ THERE A P/!A UAJOER f1', PRIAICE? by Gus Arriola by Tom Batiuk HEK E I STAND I NAKED AND EXP05E.D TO THE ,-------------------------WHILE ~ ROOT!> A~E. ENCA5W IN 1HE F~ZE.N ~l AND BEETLE.~ AND G~UB5 CRAWL.. U~DE.R f'IV..J IT'S ~T A Vt.Rt..; PRE:rfQ UFC:! ELEMENTS ... FR.ANKL-Y', POC, WHA1"'S "T"O S1"0P Me F"OM ~l!"T"1"1N6 UP .•• BARK ! '™AT~ f)EOt.>~ i'ME. S~'f1C: £.\.f.C.1'~1C1f'I IN 1~E C.AT 's fV~ WILL ROI&) 'f~~H 'ie>OR '100'1 ~O bl'Jt 'fOlJ E.IU.R'7 .. \ (:,() AllE.AO, 'f .. i 01 'f, ~O!(;~ ~I 'j -_ .. --.. . -·-. _____ ... __ ----------- by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont ~ PIPN'"T" KNOW 1"HISY CARRI ISP 1"HOSe.' by Lynn Johnston ''U~LESS ~&HIFIGET" LOST "'"™ A ~, t If MlettA.:L DOUGAN o1 ................ Notes rrom the local club'acene: Hawaii Is known for uportln, 1u1ar cane, pineapples and music 1roup1. n the latter catt1ory we find M constellation of schlocky Polynesian acts with lnterchaqeablt pal'U. Even thoae performers from the island• wbo would prerer, we suspect. to 1lve a stralchtrorward routlne seem somehow compeUed to include at leaat one hula number and a rendition or "Hawaiian Wedding Song" in every set. Perhaps they are victims or our own expectaUons. A happy -nay,-dellchUuJ -exception is The Fabulous Krush. compri~ed or eicht immensely talented Hawaiians with· nary a ·1rass :;klrt among them. The Krush has been· making quite a name for itself recently, wlth two album s on H~waii's top ten chart in the past year and a gree nhous e full of bouquets from Oa hu's entertainment critics. All well deserved. we ml1ht add. The Krush. now appuring at 'the Kona Hawaii on Harbor Boulevard in Santa Ana as part or their annual mainland tour. is difficult lo define. We mi~ht s a y t h ey a r e a co m edy · country-rock.gospel-swing-lounge act with the occa sional rc m alc impersonator thrown in for spice. It is tht!ir aggressive elecliclsm' that gives the Krush its wide family appeal. Each set includes at least one tribute to the bag band era. ·with the Krush donning appropriate costumes <Indeed, costume chan12es are a bl« part or their act) and pu:king up trumpets. saxophones and trombone lo blast out numbers like "Sing, Sing, Sing" and :·Take the A Train." Then there are the gospel routines, highUghted by a rousing "Operator, Get Me J esus." A litUe Hawaiian stick dancing. An Elvis impersonation 1weU , no one's perfect ). An intriguing musical rendition of Rudyard Kipling's poem "lf." The Incredible Hulk singing "It lsrtit Easy Be Green." All played and suni with immaculate skill and terrific energy. They're a great group. The Krush, and they'll be holding forth with two shows a night at the Kona until Feb. 7. 01.on:s AREN'T MOLDIES: The Crazy Horse Steakhouse off· Dyer Road alone the Newpof\ Freeway has long been established as 0 "range .County's prime s pot for hearing name-brand country acts. Now manager Fred Reiser is tapping another entertainment gold mine with reprise acts from the '50s. Most recent of these were The Coasters and The Drifters, two of the more popular black-music-for -while-kids outfits from the sock hop days who proved, to the delight or a highly partisan crowd, that they are still musically vrable. Although these vocal groups play shamelessly to our nostalgic needs. they have updated their material by energizing the arrangements and speeding the tempo. Both shows consisted of pure. joyous rock and roll. The Coasters, who launched their career in 1954 with "Down in Mexico," boast only one original member -bass singer Bobby Nunn. The new gu_ys sing in a style that is faitbfuJ to their predecessors. Theirs was lhe most satisfying of the routines. Vet The Drifters drew no complaints. Led by original member Bobby Warren Hendricks, they presented some rem arkable vocal harmony visually enhanced by a lot of choreo«ra!)hv. Both acts projected a warm stage presence and communicated nicely with the audience. It was a gOOd evening. THE1 BEAR FACTS: H you put the Marx Brothers and the Sons of the Pioneers together what wouJd you gel? Riders in the Sky, one of America's strangest western music groups. Ride rs combine s good s inging in the Chev'J has the ~ to make this Hol .... Season the looniest ever! ~e{i)~~~ ~QOO~~~~O lroJ :::~ NI' I •• •~ '"' •(ii), ORIGINAL Coasters group. Bass singer Bobby Nunn or the the sole member still with the "Tumblin' Tumbleweeds" vein with an off-beat humor that keeps the audience in stitch.es. Their tongues are almost in their cheeks when they perform, but not quite. Riders will appear Thursday at the venerable Golden Bear in Huntington Beach, alon.w1th Dirt Band rounder John McKuen, who began bis career al the Bear years ago. McKuen is a bit of • comic himself. and the night has promise. MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE · ,,,. ~· .. ,., ... ''"""· 1110 ........ _..-... ...,•W.,.ol l'l'IJ_.•CIOJ'Wll'llf'b ..,._"'OO}'N"C~ ~l ill !Ell 4H() FILMS ll(C(llll OI( SE~ C1' rHl M01ION "1CluAC COO€ OF SHf llfGUlAflOl'I REm lPGI At sn owt "' 1 :00 Ilk> Eainomv S... ,..,,_ Sor John Goeliud CHAIUO'fS Of' RRE IPGIAt 7:00. 1:20 I Aochard Dreyfuu .... UFEIStT NllYIMY1 CRI At r==='='o=o=1='='=0=1=e=··~o===> I Peul Newmen ·-ICEOP llAUCE (PGI Sloowt at 7tM 9:20 We At 5'\0Wt at 7 :tl. 1:)0 No Economy See••nt , RAIDEM OF THE LOST MK "GI At 5ftowt •• 7:00. 1:1' N• llc•n•mY SNUnt I nolutlOMifY Cuw F, vnd .,Of,.-.. n e.to. Yow AM cs reidt0 ,.. your _.., II no AM Cl9t r·ad•O .,.h ttft.lttOn -·_..-... , \IOW "'""AM -••le. Mor,.n F11rct11ld 1HE IEOUCTICm CRI Dressed To Ktll IRI John 8elust11 NEl81.-tAI Tome 9andill (PG) Np ....... I c~:;r •n ,.,_ I IPGI Nine To Five IPGI le * 'iiu:1 ii.;nolds IHARICY"S llMOffJIE IR I ZOOT SUIT IRI MIDERSOFTHE LOST MK (PG I & l'tun Gord on (PG) Ttmotl\y Hutton TM'SIPGI Cannonbell Aun IPGI l>t'•ve·1nt Open 8: 30 NIGHTLY IF Unde• 12FAEEUnleNNoted -------·-------·-----• Olllf e1'4rts f .. t!Mry 1, ltl2 ,....,"" .. ~11 .... ....... c.-.... ...., ....... c.lllenlll, Offtr ..,ir. , ..... ,, 1, 1 tG """.,.., .. ,... ............ . c..... .... ...., ....... Celllflll.. --_......._ Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday, January 25, 1982 'ti/ t'!IH1 i1i1/\'•d •Humor and eruticism in a tender and entertaining WQr4(: ........ a...,ltal a lowe alfalrnU, aaew.-e ..-, .... ... 1eanaa -tlle tne =~of [R] "2" O .... . .. , .,. Whose life Is It anyway? llllA ll TORO HUNTINGTON BUCH OllANGl B•tJ PIJ/d • f d .... ,.o, s rOOl~t• tl~ I dw,uo~ C111Pt11n c;.,.~do111e ~?9 ~339 '>8 t ~1180 1148 038~ b )4 ?~~ l COSTA MlH lllVINf Edwa1ds Soulll Co.t~I l'ldld '14& '; 11 I fdward' 'Noodb"ll<l" ~~I Of>~'J •9AAOAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Performances before 5:00 PM (Eacept Special· Enpglment1 1nd Holld1y1) LA MLllAUA MA.L Mrrooo 01 llo•ee<ons LA MIRADA WAUC-IN 994·2400 -c -n· --"""°" "TA!tS" -11:11.-.1ta.-•• ·--·aML•l'Wa "AlllNCl OF MALICE" -,,... ••·•·•.••tut LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK ·IH ... --·····-"ON OOU>EN PONO" -U:tl l.M. I.JI, 1 •• t• .. LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAllC IN Focurty At ~ Nno -I --··--........ ""AIDE.RS OF THE LOST AlllC" --.H---.......... , ... ..,,. ---· ..,.., c-wna "WHOSE LIFE IS IT ANYWAY~" ,, ........ , .. ,, .. ,. "" --· ''SHA"ICY'S MACHINE" 1111 .................. Foculty 01 ConOlewood 213/531·9580 , ............................. ..., ...... I .. , I ,.,.. 16 iCS& 0.-, ...... ,.... ... ......... ..,.., .... .,...._(llftt .... .... _,. "AEOS" tl"G1 ., ..... .U.T Alt"°""• ·SHAAKY'S MACHINE .,, ,,. , ......... .... .... -_,ec.;.-:.=.:--.. ""AOTI•" -...... .&.--,_ .... 21J/6J4·_•_2_11 __ -.-____ _ --·--·-...... ~··Of' THe LOST MK' I ···-=-·•M.e:Mt•t..• "' LAGUNA -----"CHAlllOTS Of' FIAE" -' .......... ·-··· ..... ,.,, so . COAST WALK -IN Souln Cooat Howoy 01 l tOOOWOJ 494-1514 "MOl>E"N "'°9UMS",... _____ ... ,., ... __ "HINE TO Aft" 1111 ____ ... ,_ ..... _ _.,,. ....... --.....cMT'lll·--.. "ATLANTIC CITY" I'll -.-...... .. .... __ ,,... ........... - ... ~ ", ... 915 ··6:00 ,_, .. ,..,945 IMPORTANT NOTIC(• CtUI OREM UMOlll 12 F"EE! ""U' ••• W•r•ot ••• I•••'" 5 30. Sol Su• ""' 4•30,111 Cllif-Jr SOllllO ••OU~ !M 1,. t ~ IS rOUA ~(11 ~ C.U ~ WIT>' Oll!Ot accfSSOltY llOSITOo -~ UI l'OllTAIU • .U CM-St CllWH•S UI Oii Alt IWllO ANA .. llM ANAHEIM DRIVl·IN 8U!~A PAlll BUENA PARK DRIVE IN b~o•n Ali• •••• OI ll\Ott 121-•070 BU!NAPA~I LINCOLN DRIVE-IN kin Oteeo ,,., at 11100'""'" (\o I M2·2.UI tlfl .,. ~~'f ~ ..,,~ .. -.. .. - -oe.ATH VALLEY",., -·:lllllOTlL H£lL" 1111 --~ ..... ,_ "THE 8000ENS" ,.. """' "THEY CAME F"OM WITHIN" 1111 _,_ __ lOftU.-fllil "GHOST STORY" ,., """' "THE HOWLING" ,., MOllYl.!OA_I_ "DEATH VALLEY" 1111 -"MOTIL HeLL" 1111 Hl·WAY 39 DRIVE IN . 'I ... --··--"IT .. INI" 111• ''ON OOLDI~ fllONO" - "111 .............. c•N WAIT" -• "STI" C"Al'I'" 1111 ....,...."' " to"l It SOIJllO Clllf II S011!00 ·~· !Vlli:IJJIJ:lf"'·o111'71--;--:-=.,:: .. :'.,::-=:::u . __ _ 1'\.111 .. , .. HOUCTION" 1111 "T .. f'tNM. CON,LICT' lllJ """ "MANI~ =-N&ION" 1111 "LOOIClll" '"' . -Cflit 'I JOUJll>-CINE If SOUND ,. "A .. ~ ... ----·· ... -LA HABRA OrllVt IN "ON OOlDIN POND" -·-......... -•lttc• ................ "HIAVIN CAN #AIT" ,... 17MM2 k ----. ·~ ·' ORANGE 0'11VE 'N .. . .... .. . .... MISSION (Jt/IVt IN . . . . " .. ---~-...,,, A " N f 5l n l.'1 • 1 11~ "Tl IOLTl~lllllNDA" "11..0 DI LA .... Tl .. . _ ................ ~ M7· ltl ( "flllOOUtN ~Ml"' __ , __ .._ "Al9'fl\.A .... --- .. ' • .. lfteVI... IPMlllt end .-n·~~lo ....... a.. ... '*"" ;· ... ................ ...,_ .. (ttlo) o.Mretl IC.-r, ~ Or_.., A .... """"' ...... petty ltwOllQll dlftclll Afl1ce In -ct. of• women'• 11ua- Nnd. Ml(Z')MOVll TUBE TOPPERS KABC • '7 :30 -.. Eye on L.A." Child pomoaraphy is among toplca . KOCE 11 7:30 .and KCET a 1:00 ~ofltlel...;ot-­..................... olttlO. •111a. .. "~°'--wt/I'' (ttrlt ..... c:.i- ~ ........... ..... ... *'Y.., .-. l--.n ~---~.., ... Of.., ol ..... hl.rlllnl ____ .,..,..... Illy tlle alllp'• fiery• ..,...,.. C411141in, 'PO' ,_, O'TOOla. ........... ..... bitter ....... 1111'* ... Mt .... -... ~ ......... . _ .............. . (1tMI 1111-... Ill, ~Qi.-.~ ...... ===-= "'~°' -~ and ............ of'* llWIMlnd llrlMy oeoldel 10 ~-.. -· r .. ~~ •a*'+ ... atotti"Q "A.ti 1ha ... "(IM4)._ .. ,_, ~ llllott. I A r-. ...... 111111 II US1M1 to ..... .... • ,.,,., lie OOIMlllted .. ebollt 10 be ~. .. Brldeshead Revisited: At Home and Abroad." Sebastian takes Charles to ._'ld&i..L..bii-..Lathe.c j n Venicc.~P •• slot' below . tM. MCMI • •• .,,,. ..... ...,Tllirz-""'c..,.1or~-.M'""lnr...--1 ~~T.,_...., ... .._..,....,.... Wino•" I 11401 "'"" ODeron, Allpfl Aldwd• Men" (1174) ._. .._ -~~· ..... (I) "°'* CAUi KABC 8 9:00 -"The ~merican Music Awards." Annual awards ceremony is broadcast Crom Hollywood. '°"· Tiie ~ NI FOtm eoc c autully •"*1• tlle llW•• ol ...,., 1,.uftwefte, ll 11 (C) MCMI 1tr. "*"' Oltttl A OOlitOt Meurlty .,.,d .... r '• •t•a ~ lhedowy .. .., wllO l'llUl'dlnd • CIM'C)Ua co-eel. • * * * "SO BIO" I 1103) Jane Wym1n. Sl.,llng A con lrtlel ~ foka I I e:oo1•• NIWI CHAM.ll'a ANClaLa I THI fMTa IHAOOW THI JlfflMON8 •• HAWAll"44 ~ Out of M.000 for • P"OnY Clllrity. • IHOCK CW THm NIW "The LMdlcepl Of PIM- _.,. AoOlf1 ~ - oentr.-on ..,..,,._ ot peradlM • lllultrMed In KNXT 9 10:00 -"l..ou Grant." An angry motlier c laims her son was damaged by a newspaper story. •• "4utVWll Aun" (1N0) ,...., ore-. Rev MNlend A f'OUC) Of '-'-80"1 •klfNlie llPOfl • 08"0 of .,.,. __.,. In ·~ Atl- -dellt1 'R' Heyden. A widow le dluo- polnted by lier onty aon wtlO ..._ "" 10 find lllt own wey delplte '* 81'16- .... deoolollon 10 """ ··--·~ (I) OMNIWI I MCNIWI N9CNIWI • M()Vll I • * "TN High Country" {1981) Timothy Bottom•, Linda Purl. An MC"Pld conYlcl "'° Illa hAndl- ~ girlfriend run lo t~ mountlln• flellng a aOciety thal refects them 'PG' uo • wnooue IAa<. KOTTER • KceT ..weeEAT: CAUFOfNA ~L AEPORT ........ AEPORT (1)8NIW8 tll IAANIY~ 1:00 e cea NIW8 • N9CNEW8 8 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN • A8CN&W8 II YOU ASKED FOA IT \ F1e1ured: "Modern·Day ThrM Muallet..,a" •nd "All'lcen \loodoo C..emo- ny" .;·w·A·s·H Hawkeye turns "811111 to solYe • rash ol robberies for Which h• Is Ille prime 1uapec1. • JOKER'S WIU> OVEREAIY Guesta. flullSI Jean.Pierre Rempel, mylhotoglsl .JOleph Campbell (R) 0 l!l MACNEll / LEHRER AEPOffr• ()) TIC I-'C OOUOH 9 ENTERT AINtootENT TONOHT An lntervll'f" with "Air· ~"star Robert Hays QI THE MUPf'n8 Guest: SI-Marton CB)MOYIE * * * "'f111 World's Great· -Athlete" 11973) John Amoa. Jan-Mlchael llln- c.nt. A coac:h who la hav· ino • run ol t>.o luctc • returns to 1111 roots in Alrl· ca · •nd discovers • super athlete. 'G' (O)MOW * * "Tiii t<ld From Nol· So-Big" ( 1978) Jennifer Mc:Alllsler A 12 ·)'18'-okl girl fonds herself In and out ot trouble whtll running the town newspaper 'G' (S)SHOWTIME LOOKS AT1MO A ullrlc tOok II laken at -of the ma)O' -Storie&, people and .,,.,,,, of 1980. 7:IO 8 2 OH THI TOWN F .. lured a vltll to a Los Angelea JAZZ dub. •profile ol Los Angetea 1Nirahs1 Jane Golden: a look at a g.roup ol urban pioneers who .,. '"'°'Ing old Ille· ' torten hOnlla.. 8 8FAMILYFEUO • LAVEAHE a 8HW..EY &eot#AK'f 8EYEOHLA. A report on cMd P<>tnoo· raptly, • poo< man'• IOOlc at Rodeo Drive, • prof11e of Mel Blanc. 1111 men behind Bugs BoM y voice: a loofl et cures for lnsomnl• TELEPHONE TERROR -Carol Kane portrays a teen-ager frightened by threatening telephone calls in "Wilen a Stranger Calls," to be aired at 9 tonight on\KNBC <4> . • M•A'l•H Ma) Houffhan·a !lance .,.,._ ,, the 4077th and llN>Clc• Frank by ulllng him to bl his bell men • TIC TAC DOUGH MACNEIL I LIHNR REPORT 8D GNAT PEW'~ "8 rlOHhHd Aavlalted· Home And Abroad" Sebutlan ,.., .. Cllartea to Vilit 1149 latlllr (Laurence Otivllr) In Venice whlfe M liYea with hie mlatr-. (Part 2)0 ()) ~.M. MAGAZJHI A Pl111burg11 man's lnc:ted· Ible apor11 memorabilia COll.ctlon; a lem&le magi· clen'I allemc>I lo catch a bUlllt In hit mouth. 9 YOU A8KID flOfl fT Featured· "Modern-Day ThrM Mualclt-1" and "A f r1can 1100000 Caremo. Cb'~ *'**'It "Bananu" (11171) Woody Allen, LouiH l-A product 1 .. ter. bOfed with 1119 everyday routine. goes to a amall Lahn Amerocan country and blcomll • doctator during a poltlicaJ U~Yef ·Pd· (Z)MOlllE ** "Patrick" (1978) SuHn P8"fleligon, Robert Helpmann Though In a 0"9 com•. • young """ la 11111 able to ...., r-. tor wrongdoings by unlealhlng Illa .,_tu! paychoklnellc powers 'PG' 8:008 MR.~ A Ila loNI her ablllty IQ "pop" and with It 1J01S the power '"•' kaeps hit !torn permanently tiding away O IBum.EHOUIEOH THEPMINE Cflerlla ..._ 1111 '""' 10 blcOml • caN8' of line lurnltura. O 8 MOYIE * * '.+ "Ride Thi High Country" 111162) Randolph Scott. Joel McCrea. A pair of CSOWfl..and-oul gunmen are hired to guwel • INp- ment ot gold. 8 0 TH.AT'a ~ Featured: an ~ t>oomerang ,...., member. • man wtlo tries to •-• 104-ton lrtln with "I• IMlh a C.Ql•w ~ "Pac 10" Oregon Stele vs Washington .. P.M. MAGAZINE Jlme" ( 1949) Jolln Wayne, John Agar. T~ tough trelnlng thet a U.S. Ma<lne -oeen• """" 1111 rlbllll-OUI rlCNlll retlMll In the eaotur• Of lwo JllM. eMEAT PIJVIOMIANCU "8rld11head Aavl1l11d: Home And Abro ad" S.baatlan lakM ClletllN to visit hi• lailllr lleurencl Ollvtlf) In \lenlca wlllr• hi !iv. with. hi• ,.,.,,.... (Part 2)Q ()) ~ARAMa (I) IHOWTIMa LOOKI AT1•1 Thi ,_. at0<1M, people and evenll ol 198 t ... IHtured In 11111 yeer-.nd · r...,.. GMOYE • • • • "Kramer 111. Kramer" ( 1979) Ouatln Hoffman, Meryl Streep, A man belllM ""th hie ••· wife for custody Of llllir young aon afler atMt walk a OUI on them. 'PG' a:ao 8 (I) PNVATE llHJAMIH Captain lewis It promoted to Inspector 0-11 and ~ ant1clpat• -having lo dHI with Judy r AU .. THE FAMILY Miiie INl'1 decide If hi wants to be In the welting room or Ille delivery room during '"' birth of .... beby. • 8PH8TBN/ ~ (Premier•) Leonerd Blm· stein and the lllenna Phil- harmonic perform 8eetho- Y8'1' 1 "Egmont °""1ur•." Opua 84 and Iha "Sym· phony No. 1 In C Ma)or," °""' a1. ~MOYIE * * 'h "Liiiie Oer11f\o•" ( 1980) Tatum O'NMI. Kris- ty Mc:Nichol Al aummer camp, two ·~· gll1e compete IO -WhO wtll be the lln1 10 loM "" WOlnl-ty. 'R' t:008()) ... ,. ••• " Wllln • major ern-ll'om ~· . .-.~ Iha! meml>lf1 o1 Ille .onttt .. bl tr....,.,... CR) 8GIMCMI ••~ ''When A Stranoer Calle" C 1919) Cllert" Durning. Tony Bec*ley. A Loa Ange1M polloemetl lol- lowa Ille lrlll of a homldd- al 9'C8Clld mental petlent. e O THIM 8 CAN MUllCAWAl!Oa Fwi--di In"" .... ol P09 I rOCk , 80UI and country~ wll bl~ .. nted In thla annual _.,da ceremony. to bl telecast from the Shrine Audllortum In Holly.wood. I MERV OIW'FIN llEANSTIJN/ IEETHOYf.N Ille --· ol o.uguin, Moiwt. Ceunnt. ,,. ...... MdPic-.(RI (8)MOW • • • "Coat Miner'• Deughttf" ( 1980) Slaay Spa cek, Tommy l•• .ion., 8aMd on Loretta Lynn' a au1otliognClhy. A young g1r1 lfom • poor '"""" In rurll Kentuelly mMTIM a mud! older Ioctl boy who .,._. her rlM to ''"dOm In I~ music lndualry. ·po· 10:00 8 (I) LOU GMHT An MCl'Y mother delfN "" IOf'I ... dameged by MWIPll'* -· of 8 • Mnl8IJonll holtege caM. ......... "'°""8 .. (J.fmlCANN/ff (P--1) Hoel Alexender Scourby lnlr~ the wortc and pllllotophy of '"' 1even contemporery Amerlcen ertllla who will be proll*l In future lflOwl. • .MOVIE • *. "The Hunter'' (1979) St-~. Ell W• lach. Rafptl "PllCHI" _Thor· IOf'I leeda • d~~ 1119 ... modtfn-day bounty hunter. 'R' 10:30. INDIPBID8fT NITWONC NIWI • MWa•tGYOtM WON.D Martin Agronalty eiq>IC>r• "" Impact of the 1-.00- munlcetione revolution. • "'°""8 IN ,.....CllNN/ff !Premiere) Hoel Alexender Scoutby lnlroducel Ille worfl Md phPloeoptly "' '"' 11ven contempor"'I Alnettc.n artlata who .. bl proflled In M\n ahowa. ~MOYIE * * * * "TM EleC>hant Man" I 1980) John Hurt, Anlhony Ho9'1lne. A dedl· clle d phyalctan """ under hit wing • horribly deformed """ wtl09I llte till """ tied bllfl ..,.,., In dlMP ,,... •llllibltions. 'PO' • 10'.AI CZ) MOVIE • •~ "Silent Scream" ( 1MO) A1b1cce Beldlng, Yvonne O.C.lo. 9-tl coll-e• atudent• take ,_ In • loleOodliig Gld --..... • .WV ... ... uneohildl'IUder- commltted )IW9 ..... 'R' 1,. ••• ())08 .... • IAl'UflDAY NIGHT Holt: DMl Arnu. ~! DMI fttrnu .k. • Ko.we A pttwete ~ trlM to IUm • CllMt'• IUlcidl ·11110 a ahor1 !rip to 1MY atr- lor lllrnMlf Md .. wife. 8 THmJUISOCMI George ca1ch11 dlaco ·-· .IAHfON>ANOION Lemont 11 ottered • or.no Plane> by • wealthy eccen- tric 11 hi wltt move tt out ot ···~ .............. .. I ttlO) lidward Wooctwerd. Jee* T~. Auetrall· -conactlpted to tight on England'• aide In the Iott War decide 10 flOlll Ille Iott guerillu on their own ·-· 11:ao. ()) QWCY ~ and Sem in-11- ""' wMn • dOllft ~ ~ Ill In • tmalf r~ community. (RI GGITOMICIHT ~I hoal: Joen RI_., Guetta< Rlctl llllll, Angil Dlclclneon. 8 9 MCHNI NIGHTUNI 8THEOOO~ 8obb'f Aigga ~ o.c. In ~ and maneget to wio ~hlng. lnelud· ""' Ille tPerl"""' llMI. •LOVE.~ l'TYLE ~T: COt«M IHOW. MPOftT -~MC NIW8 11:11 (R) ITAHDING M>OM ONLY ··An Ewnlng Al The Moulin Rouge" 0-ge Hemlllon hoata M exciting -Wno lrom the Moulin Rouge In Perie l..eurlng tevlall cc. ~. pr_.tille danc· .,.. Md loe>n<>lch lntetne- llonel variety ect1. 11:GO. aHA NA NA GUMI: Bobby Rydell. eO MCMI ·~ .. ~ .. (1•771 Mar- lo .,,__, a-. °'~ din. A hi tpltlted _,.. ettMlpl to cope ....,. mo6- .,,. ut*-' nWrtege. (R) .MCMI • •~ "The Amulng Apel" (1977) ~ .. ry. Llllle-known 11011 abOUI the '1ruggll lor llK· vlv81 of men't dolMI r .... l'-.,. ,_.., In tllla atlldy ol varloue ~ of llPll •ound ""wortd. • WCE DOI IGI M au..tS: Ben v-. Pie Zadora. Fllittl Bfown, Jw, Johnlon, Tlld a-. • LOW," I UC>M em. • M08TIWMT 9'ocll ntuelc'a relt'llflg ,,.... -¥llNll .... In IM~taipedllWIM ... FoNfll .. Loe Anfllet, ~_,, ........ .......... cutl "°"' -o11111~. 11: 11 {%) MCMI • • ''Thi fWum Of Tiie s.c.-8-1" (1M0) Marte Arnott Gordon ~ Tiie ,,.,..,. "' • orowc> °' °*"' ltudlnf• active In ... ~ -- -· dwli'IO 1"9 'IOI gatfllf for • ..-.net reunion. 'A' 1l:IO Gal TOMOMOW au.ts: Battlar• Weltera. Meat Loaf, JICqUlllne ~ ut.jR) • GENE AAJTflrf ..... w .mWON<NIWI 11:M <ID MOVll • * "Night Of The Juo• ""'" ( 1980) J-Brolin, Cltfl Oonnen. A lotJNW police offlctt teunc:het • dleper ... -di Uwough "'8 ....... of New Y0<k City '°' hie mlMlng deugfl-ter. mlltellenly tddrMIC>Ped by I peydloplthlc Cflml- 1181. 'R' 11:40. ()) M,.'ll'tCll( Benecell ln-ligel• Ille ~-of 123 mil· llon worth of French lmp(8Mlonlatlc peinllnga. (RI 1:00•..,. "Waatern Jamboree" (1938) ·=OUT ••• "Women Of SJrtw" ( 1_..) GIN L.ollobrlglde, seM Cotinery. A ~ man~ to pin-. lrol of hie unde'. Ion-- """" Ille help of • bellullM -· (C)lllCWW * * • 1.+ "'-"' Tango In Perla" !1973) Merion BrM· do. Marla Schnelder. Directed by Blrnerdo Ber· toklcc:I. ,,,. mlddle-eged man wlloM unfllilhf\.11 wife ,_Illy committed aulclde and M ~ )'Ol#'O -meet and begin I compllcalld ell air throughout which they '9lTleln Nlfl'lelMI 10 Nd\ other.·~ Cl)MOW I • "The Children" (11180) Martin Sheller, 011 AogerL A "''"GI radlOICllff cloud '"'"' • group ol lldloo6c:tlildi en Into mur • --lomblet with bladl tlngemella. 'R' 1:JO. • OtD1.: IAT THI llAT ' Deborah H.,.ry and Ille rnemb« • of 8londle per. torm 1111 10f9 from their llbum "e.I To The S..t" • In this video pr-tetlon. HO 8 INTIJWf,....,.,. TOtmHT An In..,._ wltfl "Air· pmne" Mar Rober1 Haya. != * * "MIMn And Howard" (1MO> hM LMMt, "- ....... An OlhlrwiM unknown OH 1tatlon ~ delnll .., be lh8 ftgllltul ""' to .._d H.,...... bl!Uon dollar ...... 'R' 1:•1 .... l:tl ..... 1:11 ..,. • • "llt'l)roper Channell" (1911) Alen Artcln, .......... ~· A "'*Of mleun- dlnllll'dintl ceu.. • IOdel WOttter lo belllYI ''* the $.)lilt~ d.ugh-• ., of • aeperated coupta ia 1111 vtctllfl of ctlld abuae. 'PG' 2:t08 NIWI Cl) IHOWnu. LOOKS AT 1tlO A utirlc look la tlllen JI a.(l)MCMI • • "a.meDy And ...... (11n) Sid CMMr, Jullel Miiie. A cute, cuddly koele .,_ "nwr .... " the tlOIY o11n Auetrlllen ftmlly. ·o· lctl (%) AWAl!Oa TMIA Tlfl •:GO (8) MCMI • • ~ "81ck Road•" (1911) S.ity f'leld, Tommy L• .ion._ A hOOlllt and a down-on·hl .. luctl bo•tf ,,_. end l'IUd _, to llnd lh8 cflild .... g8W UC> '°' adoption two yeer1 _,..,. 'R' • OOtiMJNfTY l'ROClllAl•MO •: .. CC) MOYIE ** ''Aoed 0-"(1981) Stecy KMCl'I, J.,.,,.. LM Curl& Ttwsda•'• •... ·-~ "'·"·~· e:oooo ••• "9 To 6" (IMO) .i-FonOe, Dolly Parton Thr .. worlllftO - ,..,.. llQAlrl8C "*' tubJu· gallon by a mell cheuvlnltt bou.'PG' (() * • 1.+ "Any Number Can Ptey" 1111491 Cletk Gable, Alexia Smith An llonMt and cerlfr" gem· bier'• .... la bMet with • --Of traged!M. e:ao ••• ''Pliper Tiger" ( 1976) D•Yld Niven. Totlllro "'"'-· ~ tutor of the kidnac>Ped eon of • · Japan111 ambanador cau-politlcel terrorlam wtien hi act• out many ..... of heroism '"'' had ~Nlly lmp(eued IM boy .. .JO ...... "Hold Thal Uni" ( 19621 8-y Boyt. Leo Goree., Thi Boys gel lmlolved In crooked IPOf1 • ~l>llng. (CJ * * 1-i> "Thi Cll And T~ C-.," ( 19311) Bob Hoe>e. Paulllle Oocklerd In order to colltct their inlllr•lance. • ltmlly must lplfWI '"'nigh! In• haunt· ed~ 10:00 • ''Blood 8errler'' ( UNIO) Telly Se ..... Eddte Alblt1. A border petrolmaro trlet to l>fiflg lllndownel's wno trafflc In Illegal alien worll.,. lo juetlce • (J) **'h "Falto" (19801 Dom DelulM, Atw. Ban· croft. A portly ~ .. • ., !Inda ttlal nothing CM detnpen hie deelre lor food -·~ ~ , .... In love ·PO' 10:10. • • * "Thi Hunltf" 11970) St-~. Ell Wallech. Relpfl "Papa" Thorlon lleOa ·, danoer· OU1 life llS a modern.dey bounty hunter 'R' . 11:00~··~·(19591 ONvte e11 Havllland. on Bogetoe. A man .11....,,1a to prove hi 1181 been libeled but ruina hil CUI when he has trouble remembering details 11:30 CJ{)** 'II "Zulu Dawn" ( 11180) Burl LancHllr (%) •• "I(...,_.,. .. (IMO) T .. wyl Ntlkadll, Tlutomu Y1m11alll. A looll-11111• tlllef .... - and cerrlM out the reepon. lltNllllM of • J...- -'O<d wllO ... --pectedty tcllled to prOVlde ... lieu!-•· with "'°'' time 10 enact their ~.'PO' 1l:IO. * * * * "Kr-\It, Kramet" ( 1979) Ou.ttln Hoffman. Mli'yl Streec>. A men battlll with hi• ••- _.,. lor CUllody of !heir young IOf'I •fl• an. .... out on them 'PG' 1:00 CC> • "l(tondlll• ,_ .. j 19801 Jeff Eaat. Rod &.lger. Tiie ~ J8dc London ..,. out to ...i. Ilia fortune during lh8 Gold RI*!. 'PG' CJ) * * ~ "Any Numb« Can Play" ( UMll) Clertl Gabie. All .. Jt Smith. An ,_, and eeflfr" gem- bier'• Ille la blMI with e -*of tr~ t:ao 00 •• * • "Bedlec'' 11"4) Ricnard Button. Pltlf O'T ooll. t<lng Henty " of England Cl ..... with the Archblehop of Cainllf· t>uty during the 12111 c.n- tury. II * • "Young And Fr•" Eric Lateon, I.A Stein~ When tr~ tore. • )'OUnQ boy IO join a wegon Waln In llle N9Q9d ..... lie ,.,,..., • young lndl.tn girl and blglr'8 e MW We. 'PG' 1:46 Cl) •• "Melvin And How· ard" ( 1N0) Peul LeMal, J8lon RobWdl. An Other· wlM unknown gaa atatlon attand.nl Claim• to bl the nglltfUI hllt lo Howard Hug1111· bllllon dollar •late.'R' j S:OO 8 * * ~ "The Mating 5-'l" 1tts11 Gener..,. ney, John Luno A woman ~ Into her eon'• llOme 1n t~ guiM ol • ""''"' 10 concNI her Identity from her aociely daogflflt·ln- law. l:aG Cl) * * "Barnaby Ano ...... (11177) Sid c-. JuMt Mills A cute. cuddly koala bear 'nafrtlel" Ille story Of an Auatr allan ,...,,_ .., 'G' •:oo CC) * • "Superdotnl" (19781 David JanHen, Donna Mills. A lanallc will acop " nothing 10 keec> • football t~ from winning lhe Super BOWi • * * "Legend Of~ S.. Wolf" ( 1975) ChlO Connor•. Batt>wa 8.cll 8Mld on • llory by JllCll London A writtf la kid· napped by 1111 CllW ol • Mal hunting ahlp and made '"" m11e by thl sflip 'I fiery-tempered cap. tlln 'PG' 4=*» (%) * • • "Autumn Sona- ta" ( 1978) Liv Ullmann, •nor1c:t eeromen. A pt"os- pe<ous concen p1an111 os reun11ed with her es1r1nge<1 oaug111er ano • re,,..,lng end deepliy emo- 11on al ballte baglns t11twetf, them 'PG' 0 CE.lE8RITY 8UU.SEY£ A P11t1burgh man' a ~ed· 11>11 IPOf1• memorabilia coll~loon: • hou-1• who helped publlcill Ille dangers ol OES: Und1 Harris surl• In Hawaii: Chef Tell on cuntng beef coats 9) MOVIE • * * "Sands 0 1 lwo !Premiere) Leonard Bern- etein and IN \lienN f'M... harmonic perform 8"1no- van·1 "Eomont Overture." Opus 84 and 1111 "Sym· phony No. 1 In C Ma)or," "" llp8tlment I l**CAYETT MGltfwmt GOOOeft JOHN DARLING_ ·CHANNEL LISTINGS 9 KNXT ICBSI 8 KNBC (N8CI 9 KTLA !Ind.I e KABC lABCI D KFM8 ICBSI 1J KHJ·TV (Ind.) e KCST (A8CI • KTTV (Ind.) • KCOP·TV !Ind.I e KCET IPBSI e KOCE IPBSJ (OJ On-TV m Z·TV 1fl.J HBO 'C CCi~mul (fJ IWORI NY., N.Y. fl) IWTBSI t i IESPNI $; IShowtime) 0 Spolllghl • (Cable News Network I ~~ * * ~ "Thi Friaco t<ld" ( 11179) Gene Wilder, Harf'l.- aon Ford. A POIWI rabbi llnda hlmNff ln"°""9d In wtld frontier mlMdven- tur• with • detlng benll robber when he lr•vela 10 San FrancltcO 10 1111• - a rww congregation. 'PG' (8) H80 8NEM< PMYEW:PaflUA.RY A ,_ hoal lnlroduoee Ille "Chengee" Fecld wll" • .,_,.,, a family Hperi- ltlCM the grief Of Mpar• tlon trom lrlenoa and f atlllllar lurf oundlngl. (C)MOYll • * ~ ''Thi Night Poner" ( 19741 Olrll &ogeroe. Cher. lone Remptlng. A b&.wTe r~ .. ,......., .,.._ ' '°""" SS GM. CM end 1 lormer-. trallon camp prlaoner when !hey meet by c:MltCI In a hotel e1ter the-. 'R' (l)MOYll Brideshead'~is remarkable series- tory on PBS unfolds slowly and gracefully; is faithful to Evelyn Waugh yTO•JORY ,._ ..... Pr91 W'"9r NEW YORK -'' Brideshead evisited" on public TV is, quite imply, one of the most remarkable daptations fro'bl literature ever produced for television. The ll·part series continues al 7: 30 tonithl on KOCE (50) .and at 8 on KCET (28) after a two-hour premiere episode a week a10. ~ The -story unfolds slowly and racefully. as faithful to Evelyn augb's novel, published In America in ember 19'5, aa teJevi1ion probably can be. Tbere is a careful attenlioa to aettlns, to mood, that la only partially realised by the rader. At. one point ln Ep68ode Two, Cbwles Ryder and bis friend Lord SebasUan Flyte, are followed tbrouclr the llreetl and CHU ol Veake for nearty five minutes. Not a word Is 1pokm. Tbe caat la out1tandln1. notably eremy Jrons ( • 'Tbe Freacb Lieutenant's Woman"> as Charles, and ADU.., Andrews ("Danser UXB, ..... upcomla1 "haaboe" on CBS) u SebalUm. 8'r Laurenee OUvltr mu• bis llnt appearance cm Sllilode Two u 8ebutlan'1 father, Lord MarebmalD, ud Slr JobD GelllUd returm toward tbe end ol U.. boar as Chara.• fatber, Sd••=· ... ..... ~·· opw la Uae 1prl•1 of 19'4 wltb c•arlH 1 disillusioned captain in the Brltlab 'army. His company is moved durtnc the night to an unknown destination. Thi new camp, Charles learns the next morniq, is Bridesbead CuUe -and that sUn memories of bis lint meetln1 with Sebastian, at Oxford, ln 11122. Much of tbe remainder of the novel ia in Chari•' memory. Charles drives to Brldesbead with Sebastian one afternoon, but t•e nobleman's son cuefuUy a'YOldl aD1 contact with bis family, espeelally bll sister Julia (Diana Quick). Then, one afternoon during' a break In Ult ICbool year, Qiarlea rec:eivea a telelf8!D from BrideabUd: "GravelJ lnJureil. Come at once. Sebaltian." Epilode Two be1lnl wltb CUrles la bia ftnt extended visit to Brtdelbe..t Cut.le. &ebuUaa bu broil• a 1mall boat ln his foot, bul ii CClftftMd to I wbHldlalr for a lbODtb. •• 1 believed my1tlf verj near to heaven durtq thole laquld daya at Brlcleabead," CbarlH 1111 ratber omlDOUllJ u t:pllode Two....-. "It ii thus I lllEe to remember Sebutiaa, u be .............. . Bat 18'1 a ba:r= e for .. Pl'•• Cbar•. ID palater worb • tbe flnt Ume wl olll, in a room attached to tbe e .. u.. Tbt twe fNDcll learn about wine, ud f« Clauiel, &MN ii HpolUN for &lae ftnt time to a aubJecttM& wW ..._..a ..... ..._. la ''Brldeabeacr RNl1lled" - 'It Sebutian'a rellcton. "rt's ao d.iffl~ult belq a Catholic," Sebaatian teUa lUI companion one luy altemooo. "Who was it uaed to pr•7,· 'Ob, God, make me 1ood, but not yet'! ' •'I auppoee tbey make you bellen all sorta ol nomeme, •• Chari• MJI. "I• lt nomeme!" Seba...ttan ub, DOt upecUna u answer. SebMtlaa, ..,. able to walk, lnvUea Cbarlel to Veaice, to apend • fortnlcbt wltb bil f•tber, wbo i1 livlnl tben la self-exile wltb bll mist.nu, Cwa (Stephane Audran). •'I had been fWI ol curiollty to meet Lord Marcbmaln," Charles aay1. "Wb• I did IO, I WU ltnlcli bJ bll D011Dality, wblcb, u I aaw mqr. ol blm, J loand more to be 1tudled .. .'' Tbe Yacatlon 1oon 11 over. ''TIM fortnlpt ln Vealee p....S ... ctlJ Md 1weetly -ptrb1p1 too 1wMtlJ," Char• rememben. "J wu clrowDlnl ta lloDey .'. But u tbeJ an about to ... "· Cara · warn• Cbarl• or lb• MarebmaiDI: •'They art full of bate -llate of th••••IHa ... ADcl, .... caatlOH, •·a..•I• clrlab too much.'' ''ftat frlmd JOU wen IO ........ aboat," aaut.• fatber llb • lala return to •--· "clicl be die?" a.art. .... ., .. umplr Uaat Ille W ..-~ of &111• 1um••r la Veale• wit' le,.., .. h•aaa.uuHntd..._ •• ,., Ill snee. FCC head queatioru acce•• rule By JEUY BUCK stations. It was approved by tbe FCC ah.....,... over the oppositiOll of then chairman LOS ANGELF..S -Mark S. Fowler, Dean Burcb. ' • c b a i r m a Ii o f t b e Fe d e r a I The rule was intended to encourqe Communications Commisaioo, said local staUoos to produce community recently be questiooa the value of the 0 r i e n l ~ pro gr a m s and t be 10.year-old prime time access rule. production of shows outside of tbe ''I believe that the rule may well control of the networks. It did not distort lbe marketplace for achieve lta intentions, bowever, and proerammlnc,' • be said. ''It produced largely a proliferation of pre-empts the jud1ment of tbe iame allow1 and otber cut-rate marketplace particlpanll, ln WI proirum. · cue tbe aetwons, tbe produetioe If tbe rule la appu.led lt proaaably commUDltJ Md tbe afl'Wawa." will baYe little lmmedla&e effect cm SaJtac be wtMm "tlM wlldom ol the pracrammlftl aclledua. ol A.BC, tbl1 rule ~. 1topped abort, NBC aad CBS. Tbe net~ aftlllates boweftf, Oi achocatlnl lll repeal. can be expected to vt1oroualJ oppoee Fowler, UPOlated cbalrmaa lut reatoradoD o1 tbe half bour to tbe year bJ PreNdeat Rea1u.·told tbe networks, Juat u they now oppose Academy of Televl1lon Arta ud expaDllon o1 tbe network .... ......,. Scleneea that be tboulJat lt WU UIDe to a full hour, tM FCC ablt ...... Iii '1nllt-Mp n. ...... ball bour o1 Ume lilM concept" ...S . I•" broadcutea proHd t•=wety ,.... .... '° .. freedom to IUCeeed or fall • tWr affiliate llatlw, ud It bl alllO ".:• Mid tUt wbl1e be did DGt t.blM aided tbe fort•• al tM ........ .., the prime time nle waa oa 1 belplq _to clrtve up tbe prtee o1 colUaloa eourae wltb Uae Flrat H•ertillltl beeaUH ol tM leU'ekr of Ameaclment, "It 11 a ral• U.at mlau&ll lt er.aa.d. ....... malbtplaee ....,. "°"*' ......... ol 1111 ...... oa 1 .....,marlltill 'Wl'Glll WQ.'" to o•tll•l•I lalt plallo..,ear .., ''T•e Pl'l•e U•• H .. 11 Nie .......... .._._. .. 9'1_~ r.n.ta tM .... of ptr'• tM meaU II little ~ .......... 1-98 ............. w .-. If .. po11lllle. TIM .,_. lai!'l ...... 11 .. lll••t u.ar , ....... ..at......... ......... ....... ,..,. --af= ... '=:r::,;r~ p=='9M-.. ·°"·m . .. ............. .. •• ., I ff r ...... h ~··511•1 .... .. .... .., .... SH c e ........ la ... • I& te ......., lflQIJt• rtt." •. PONTIAC, Mich. <AP) -It was a victory born In the fertile football mind of Coach Bill Walsh, carried out with cool efficiency by quarterback Joe Montana and saved by a determined offense. The San Francisco 49ers are champions of the National Footabll League, 26-21 wlMen over the CinciMati Bengals In Super Bowl XVI. Yes, the San Francisco49ers, thatsamesadsack franchise that limped through consecutive 2-14 seasons just a couple of years ago, now rule the roost, hoisted to the top olthe mountain by a creative coach and his talented quarterback. "The difference is simple," said 49er flanker Freddie Solomon. "Bill Walsh. Every week, he keeps comingupwithsome moreX'sandO's." The San Francisco playbook <Is chock full or 11111 Pilat . MOt+OAY, Jen. 25, 1912 STOCKS CLASSIFIED C6 C7 options for Montana. Most teams have 20 or 25 pass plays in their arsenal. "Bill's offense has 60 or 70," m a rvelled Montana. "BiJI Is way ahead of everyone in making game plans. One game last year, we had over 100 passing plays. And there's a formation for every play." t e UCI baseball team hoping to shore up pitching staff. C4 . Silverdonie Ah, last year. The 49ers remember it well. They were 6-10 also-rans then and glumly watched their Bay Area neighbors, the Oakland Raiders, win the Super Bowl. game's most valuable player. "He is one of the coolest competitors of all time and he has juat sta rted. He'll be even better In the future." That would be hard to Imagine for the Ben1al1, who saw Montana complete 14 of 22 puses for 1~7 yards and play the Super Bowl as lf it were just another day attheoffice. '·We couldn't think of the Super Bowl after that,'· Montana said . '·We had to concentrate on improving our record. We had three rookies starting in the defensive backfield a nd P'e starting for the frirst time." That is Walsh'sslyle. Hewasn'tafraid to tum his secondary over to those raw rookies, Ronnie Lott. Eric Wright and Carlton Williamson, and he certainly wasn't concerned about giving the football to Montana All Montana's magic though .. rpi1ht have been wasted but for the defense that refused to bend even a yard late in the third period. Threetimeathe Ben1ats tried to score from the l·yard line. Three times - twice with just 10 players on the field because of a mix up caused by the noise and confusion -the 49ers stopped them. "J oe will be the great quarterback of the future," said Walsh uftcr Montana was named the The problems started early for the Bengals. (See 49ERS, Page C3> Bengals admit pressure hurt Inability to. capitalize early a key P ONTIAC, Mich. <AP ) - Forrest Gregg's pa ins taking preparations failed to keep his C in c inna ti B e n ga ls fro m suffering a severe case of nerves in their first Super Bowl. G r'egg, who faced Super Bowl p r essure t hree ti mes as a player, attempted to tailor the routine to make the Bengals feel a l ease durin g w eek -l on g buildup for Sunday's meeting with the San F rancisco 49ers in the National Football League c h a mpions hip ga m e at the Pontiac Silverdome. Just minutes into the game, he realized il hadn't worked. The Bengals failed to cash in when the 49ers fumbled the opening kickoff. "THEY WERE a fr a id or ma king mistakes," Gregg said a fter his club fell to the 49ers 26·21. .. Those guys wer e not light all week long, not at all. · · 1 think th al maybe when we got that first opportunity a nd didn 'l c~pitali ze on it, they thought loo much about what could have been." The Hengals came up empty a fter the fumble recovery on the o p eni n g k i c k o ff wh e n quarterback Ken Anderson was intercepted on the S·yard line. But tight end Dan Ross said he had the jitters before that. "I think it was the first time tha t anybody in this lockerroom had been in the Super Bowt:· s aid Ross, who caught a record 11 passes. · ·1 think we were kind of awestruck. didn 'l. They didn't let it get to them ." GREGG TRIED to keep his cl ub relaxed during the hectic days leadjng up to Super Bowl XVI by holding off on curfew u n ti l We d nes d ay night , s heitering the _players from 'the media on arrival , and letting them spend the night before the game with their wives. - Ross said the coach also tried to calm his players down at halftime after they had fallen behind 20-0. "He told us, 'You're playing nervous, you're playing scared. Just go out and pj.ay your type of football,'' Ross said. With Ander son le ading the way. the Bengals cut the defi cit to 20-14 in the fourth quarter. But they got no closer. A nde rs on attributed the Bengals' slow fi rst hair more to m 1s lak es tha n nerves. The Bengals also lost two rumbles. "I DON 'T. THINK we were lig ht in the firs t half. no," Anderson said. ··we just made mistakes. You can't play in the Super Bowl and have that many turnovers and expect lo win." BENGAL SANDWICH San f'rand sco tight end CharlC' Young is fli pped over b~· Cincinnati 's J im LeClair css i and Bo Harri s Sunday after making first -quarter ..... r.-s reception from Joe ~1ontana The 49er~ ht•ld on to win Super Bowl XVI. 26·21. cles p1 tt• a st•<·ond·half c:omt•ha<'k t•ffor t b~· l he• Bcnga Is • · 1 walked onto the fi eld and it hit me where we were -in the ..>Uper Bowl. The big difference is that Oaey played loose and we G r egg, a Hall of Fame offensi ve lineman who played on two winning Super Bowl clubs with the Green Hay Packers a nd on e w i th the Dallas Cowboys, had said he wouldn't be satisfied ir the Bengals lost. Alltloug h he was sm iling in post.game interviews, he said be hadn't changed his opinion. · · I ' m n o l h a p p y . I·' m diasppointed," Gregg said. "But we d1dn-'l quit. He's just your average Joe That's Mon_tana, this year's Super Bowl MVP PONTIAC, Mi ch. <AP> -The nicknames poured in for J oe Montana last year, but none seemed to fit the way they did once upon a time for "Broadway Joe" Namath. "Joe Cool," "Golden J oe," "Frisco Kid," "Sir P ass," "Midas," "Beaut" and "Big Sky," his persona! favorites were among the entries in a contest to find a ha ndle for the kid from Monongahela, P a., who grew up to become a star at Notre Dame. But does this one fit? "Most Valuable Player of Supe.r Bowl XVI." Namath was Montana's idol, but today they can look each other in the eye. Namath won his Supe r Howl and now Montana has won hls. The kid need not take a back seat to anyone. . HE'S A WINNER, this J oe. the Moses of the San Francisco 49ers, the player who did the most to guide the 49ers out or the National Football League wilderness. Heroes fulfill promises or at Jeast expectations. Montana did just that against the CincinnaU~engals. He was the story during Super Bowl week, adorning al least three national magazine covers, the subject of almost consta nt attention. Then, with an ease and confidence that almost seemed routine, he provided the perfect finish to a stunning one-year turnaround for the 49ers. Consider what heroes and dreams are made or. and then consider the accomplishment of this Phillies sign pitcher PHlLADELPHJA (AP) -Free·a1ent pitcher Larry Christenson has re-al1ned with the Philadelphia PhllUea after leqtb~ and sometimes vitriolic comments by both aides. Pbillles Gen~ral llana1er Paul Owens confirmed Sunday that the 28·year-old ri1bt·hander bu a1reec1 to a rour-year C!Ofttract - three ,ears IUaf•nleed -for more thaa SI00,000 per teaaon. The Phillies had planned to announce the •ilDlnC Monday, but Cbrlatemon dlleloaed the deal in an Interview with several telniaion aportseasters S.turday nllbt while attendln1 a baaketball 1ame. 24-year-old from a coal-mining town in western Pennsylvania. · • , M iddJe-class family, high school star, No~re Dame hero and, finaUy, a Super Bowl MVP quarterbcack in his third year in the pros. HE'S BLOND, articula te, patient. He seems to thrive when the pressure Is the greatest. When he was a junior at·Nolre Dame, he took his college team to a national cha mpionship. When he was a senior and the Irish were in the Cotton Bowl, Montana brought them back from a 34·12 deficit in the fourth quarter to a 35.34 triumph. The comebacks would become a ramiliar COMMENTARY pattern of doing business for the kid with the sllng·shot arm. His passing percentage of 63. 7 led the NFC and the 49ers' 13-3 record proved that he could perform quite nicely in the big time, with big stakes or fame and fortune. When he tossed that winning touchdown pass to Dwight Clark in the National Conference championship game against DaJlas two weeks ago, you knew the guy had magic. Yet you had to wonder if he could do it again. · So, he not only took his team to the Super Bowl, bis team won it and he was named MVP. WE SHOULD have known It would lurn out this way. · He dJdn't bend during the hoopla called Super Bowl week. He seemed almost to thrive on it. The beadUnes fn the national ptess re ad: "Montana lla1ic," and "The Wizard of San Francisco." Yet, IHlldn't seem to rue him. ' No controversy surrounds th4s newly found wonder. No bra1adocclo, no cockiness, but an elan that's 1enulne. ~ He loves bones, and he has lhla ranch and thJa wife and tJUs biatory called Notre Dame. Just your avera1e Joe. The 1enlua el the 41ers ii Coach Biii Walah. The heart II the kid named Montana. BAD START Things didn't look good tor S an Francisco e arly as 49er Amos I .a wrencc (center > loses a grip on the opening kickoff . lea~lng to a Cincinnati recovery. The Bengals were unable to take adv'aritage or the early break, as* San Francisco intercepted on the ensuin~ series or downs . Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT/Monday, January 25, 1982 .---------------------------Todd'• attack coats him 11 ,500 Blazer1anap1treak In BOiton PONTLAC l IUly &ay Bates 1corcd 16 of hla m • M ch. -New York • 1ea1on·hJ1h at polnt1 In the fourth Jet. quarterback Richard Todd has e • t quarter Sunday lo lead PortJand to a been fined a reported Sl,500 for an • altercation with a spom writer, a 123·ll9 victory over Roston In the lone National 1pok••man ror the Nat onal l''ootball Lea"'ue 8118ketball As1ociation game In Boston Boston -~•1--~..a • wu JcadJna 85·84 when Baatu m•cte a tHm Ol;'Vftf.,.....,.. Sunday· three·polnl play with 9: 40 left. Robert P1r11ll, t'rank Ramos, public rel1tlon8 director, who led Boston with . ._ personul iscason hiih of 36 here for the Super Bowl, said Todd was lined by points. then sank two tree throws to Uc the sconi NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle for Todd's nt 87, Buh~s followed that with a pair or fret> _____ locker-room run-in w . ..,.i~th...___IM'owa.-to tlv~e.oruand lhc.Jead I.or good. l'tle Pl~ett pre fe rs playing to watching SteVe Serby, wlio covers t e Trail 81aiers snapped I three-game losing team for the New York PosL streak with the success. From AP dJ1patcbes PONTIAC. Mich. -Oakland EE Raldtirs quarterbuck Jim Plunkett, 411 t named Most Valuable Player In last year's Super Bowl, says he was more relaxed playing in that game than watching the latest edition Sunday from the stands. · "What l don't like about sitting up here is I get too nervous," Plunkett said Crom his front-row seat in the press section before the San Francisco 49ers powered past the Cincinnati Bengals 26·21 in Super Bowl XVI. ''I'd rather be playing, having the fu~. experiencing the· excitement." Plunkett, covering this year's game ror a te levision network, predicted al the kickoff that San Francisco would win. "The difference 'LUNHn w i I I b e d e r e n s e a n d turnovers. and I think San Francisco has the better defense," the Oakland quarterback said. . "I think Joe Montana has to be given a shght advantage because he's having a great year," Plunkett said of the 49ers quarterback. By halftime, Plunkett was on target, with the 49ers ahead 20·0. Plunkett explained: "The 49ers have had Cincinnati off balance all the way .. Cincinnati will have to start playing better defense if they're going to get back in the game m the s~ond half." Quote of the day . Cl~mson Coach Daaay Ford, after being mformed that his Tigers bad been nJmed national champions in the final 1981 Associated Press football poll: "That's. great. ~·m tickled to death for the players, the assistant coaches and the university. Jt really hasn't s unk in yet but it will. It's like Satchel Paige said ... I keep looking back afraid that someone will catch us. But l guess they can't, can they?" There was no indication whether Todd would appeal the fine. The fight took place last November after Serby approached Todd In an effort to patch up their strained re lationship. Serby had been Tooo critical of Todd's plav and had written that TOdd ·<!id not deserve to beat out Matt Robinson when the two quarterbacks vied for first strtni with the Jets in 1979. When Serby approached rum, Todd told him to ·•get awuy from me." Serby and other witnesses said at that Jfoint Todd grabbed him about the neck and threw rum into a nearby locker. Serby, who suffered racial cuts In the incident, filed criminal assault charges at the time but a Nassau County district attorney ruled after a police investigation that there was no cause for prosecution. Gretzky scoreless, but Oilers win Glen.a Anderson scored once and ~ had three assists and J arl Karri ' connected for two goals to lead the Edmonton Oi lers to a 7·4 National Hocke League triumph over Colorado Sunday night. The Oilers got goals from six different players -none of them Wayne Gretaky, in scoring five straight times in the second and third period. Edmonton look over sole possession or the overall NHL lead with 69 points . . Darren ~eltch's SO·.foot sl~pshot with 2:45 remaining hrted Washington into a 4·4 deadlock with the New York Rangers. Ed Job.nstoae's second goal of the game had given the Rangers a 4.3 edge after Washington had jumped in front, 3·1. The lie extended the Capitals' winless streak to nine games. including five losses and four ties ... Rangers' right wing llon Du1aay is suffering from a partial separation or the left s houlder and is expected to be out or the lineup for 10 days, the club announced. Duguay, who has scored 27 goals and 47 points, was injured in the second period of Saturday's game against the New York Islanders. Wadkins aces way into Phoenix lead He promises not to play it safe PHOENIX , Ariz. <AP) - Jerry Pate, in the hunt for the title in the rain-delayed Phoenix Open. recalled a court esy extended by this event in his early days on the pro golf tour. "They gave m e an exemption <from qualifying) my first year, and 1 went on that year and won the U.S. and Canadian opens. When I came back they said I'd made ·em look awful good. "Then I won the tournament that year and they said l 'd made ·em look like a genius ... And it"s holding true again. For reasons known only to the s ponsors, a picture of Lanny Wadkins -a non-winner for almo.st three years -was selected to grace the posters that advertise this yea r 's tournament. And, g-0 1ng into tod-ay' s rain-delayed final round , Wadkins was in the lead, four strokes clear or the field. • Country Club course and four in front of Mo rris Hatalsky. HATALSKY, WHO scored the first victory or his s ix·year career last season, birdied the 18th hole Sunday for a 68 that left him at 202. '"Lanny 's in a pretty comfortable position." Hatalsky said Sunday. ·'He won't relax tomorrow. I'd like to have been a little closer. We'll just have to wait and see what happens ." J ohn Cook, who had a 67. was another stroke back at 203. Larry Nel s on . the PGA champion and leader through the first two rounds, slipped to a pa r 71 in the warm suns hine and was six back at 204. Also at that figure were Pate, Scott Simpson, Jay Haas and Mike Reid. Sim.pSOO-had a 63, Pate M, Haas and Reid 66s. H A PPY MAN l.annv Wadkin~ had a hig smile on his fact.• Sunday and for j!oocl n·ascm. after' shooting <.in K u n d t• 1: · p a r 6 3 w h i t• h 1n t lucte ct il hol l' 1n -11 tH' Wadktns took <1 four st rnkt• h.·~td into to<la' ·~ fin;.il round of lht.• Phot.•1\1x <>pt.•11 J.!Olf t 11u rna mt•nt Kings settle for fifth tie Gamecock women's team shrlnktng Two more playe rs have dropped • oft the nationally-ranked University o r South Car o lina women 's basketball squad, leaving but seven players on the team , The Slate newspaper reported. The ~aper says that standout freshman Medina Dixon and 6·6 sophomore PtaJUcla Allen have left, bringing to four the number to leave the squad since the resignation of former head coach Pam Parsons earlier thi s month ... Eu sebio Pedrou of Panama overcame one.point penalties in two rounds and scored a unanimous decision over J uan LaPorte of New York to retain his World Boxing A ssocia tion f eat herwe ig ht title Sunday ... Pbll Mahre, the first American to win the overall World Ski championship last season, virtually clinched the title again Sunday when he d e feated Swedish ace Ingemar Stenmark in a special slalom race on the Lauberhorn course ... Andrea J aeger, a local favorite. and Pam Shrtver will be among those trying to end Martina NavraUJova's three-year reign in the Chicago Tennis Championships to begin toflay. With Ch ris Evert Lloyd, the world's top.ranked player, skipping this event. and Tracy Austin and Hana Mandllkova sidelrnea w tn back Injuries, Navrafilova-s- toughest challengers appear to be Jaeger and Shriver. Television, radio Following ;ire the top soorts event<> on TV tonight, Ratings are: , " , . excellent; " • " worth watcn1ng; • ., ta1r .• lorget 1t [el 8 p.m .• Ch anne l 9 ./ ./ ./ COLLl;GE BASKETBALL: Washington a t Oregon. Announcers: Mike Walden and Pete Newell Arter suffering lheir fir st Pac·10 setback of the season against Oregon State Saturday the Hus kies will try to st av in the conference' !Ille chase The hosl Ducks, always tough a t home, are 3·3 in the Pac-10 and 8·7 overall Washington Is 6 1 and 13·3. RADIO No events scheduled Montana just passes his 'test ' PONTIAC, Mich (AP> -Quarterback Joe Montana, the Most Valuable Player in Super Bowl XVI, gave himsetr a passing grade, but not a high one, for his performance in San Francisco's 26-21 victory over the Cincinnati Be.ngals Sunday. Asked what he thought his mark should be after completing 14 or 22 passes for 157 yards. Montana grinned. "Oh, B·minus, maybe C." he said. Why that low? "There were times I should have gotten out or there on the blitz, times I could have done better." Montana said he felt that the 49ers' Super Bowl victory was vindication or a team which was underrated all year. .. People around the country still d1dn 't believe in us ... he said. "even after we beat Dallas. Pitts burgh, Cincinnati and the others.·· Montana was asked if he ever thought that winning the Super Bowl could be this easy "Who said it was easy"'" he said. The 49ers quarte rback said his team's poor field position through much of the second hatr dic tated a more conservative play selection than San Francisco had used in building a 20·0 halftime lead. "We did exactly what rcoach> Bill Walsh told us not to," he said ... At halrtime, we said we can't get big penalties and let the momentum switch. But the first four plays, there we re three pe nalties 1n the st.-cond half. CBS gets •• act going After suffering slow start By LARR:V SIDDONS A•S.-.t1W .... Y CBS, llke the ClncinnaU Bengals. had 1 rotten ~tu rt Sunday before regrouping for a very rcspectuble showing In Super Bowl X Vt. The network probably came out of the 1ame better than the Bengals, who 'Jost the National Football l,eague championship game to the San Fr ancisco49ers , 26·21 . Each, however. will have things to mull over ln the off season Armed with 23 cam eras, 100 m icrophones, 14 videotape machines. four graphics generators •(ld the innovative "Chalkboard," producer Teri\Y O'Neil and director Sandy Grossman generally presented the sighL'i, sounds and statistics of pro football's biggest game in easily un~erstood fashion. BUT THE PRI MARY problem for CBS came rrom a most unexpected spot -the announcers' booth, where veteran play-by-play man Pat Sum mer all and c ritically acclaimed color commentator John Madden worked. Confusion seem ed to have overtaken the pair in the early going, with each making mistakes on such ~OMMENTARY basics as names and description of key plays. Many itmong the 6timated 100 mitlion viewers across America must have heen left wondering about what they hadjustseen On the 49ers' game-opening kickofl fumble, Madden accompanied a replay by saying the baU was knocked "from Armstrong's u ms ." Amos Lawrence was the kick-returner, a fact reported correctly on the original play by Summerall. But the former NFL kicking star, working his 14th Super Bowl on radio or TV, soon made his own ~laring error. He told the nation Johnny Davis, a reserve running back, scored the 49ers' first touchdown. when in fact Joe Montana got the TD on a quarte rback sneak, without so much as a fake. That •call was quicklycorrected. .... WBJtADONE or two misidentirications," said o· Neil. "Pat was blocked on Montana's touchdown, and had Davis scoring. But we corrected it, and we we nt on from there." There also were two cases in the first period whe re penalties were virtually ignored or improperly reported by Summerall and Madden, one for illegal procedure and the other for illegal use ()f hands. The second penalty was initially described as pass interference by the aMouncers, and later brought a brief and again -confusing attempt at clarification from Madden. While the Bengals continued to sputter through the second quarter. the announcers slowly turned things around. Summerall. who a ppeared to be grasping for things to say a s he went on about Bengal kicker Jim Breech's size-5 shoes before the opening boot, started to focus on each play, and Madden, wearing the Super Bowl ring he won as coach of the 1977 Oakland Raiders. began providing insight on why the best team in the NationaJ Conference was beating the best team m the American Conference so badly "The turnovers are killing the Bengals." Madden said. noting the 49ers had turned a pair of fum bl.e recoveries and an interception Into two , touchdowns and a fi eld goal BVTHE SECOND half. as the Bengals' offense came alive and put some s park into what could have deteriorated into one of the dullest Super Bowls, Summerall and Madden were rolling, with more analysis and anticipation of play calls. It was a lso the tame when O'Neil and Grossman made their finest showing as the Bengals , trailing 20·7, drove to the San Francisco 1-yard line. The 49ers stopped the Bengals on three straight running plays twoontackles by linebacker Jack Reynolds, the third a TD-saving open.field tackle by linebacker Dan Bunz. O'Neil had said before the game he would keep a c lose eye on Reynolds, and that attention paid off with dra matic footage of the veteran linebacker s topping250-pound Pete Johnson in his tracks. BUT T HE FOR MER PGA cha mp wasn't yet counting an end to the winless s tring that has exte nded since the 1979 Tournament Players Championship. TOM KITE, the 1981 leading money-winne r was 66·206. British Open champ Bill Rogers had 73-213 and David Graham, the defending titleholder in this tournament and the U.S. Open champ, was 76·211. Wadkins started the final round two shots back but moved in rront with ~ string of four consecutive birdies -three or them after irons shots left rum putts of less than three feet -on the front s ide. His ace, a 2·iron s hot on the 231-yard, par·3 13th, stretched out the lead and he pulled away another stroke with a chip of two fee t for an 18th hole birdie. VANCOUVER <AP>-Jim Fox scored his second goal or the game with 45 seconds left and the Los Angeles goaltender pulled for an extra attacker , giving the K lngs a 5-5 t ie with the Vancouver Canucks in a National Hockey League game marred by a bench-clearing brawl. College basketball JOHNSO~ & SON "l can't play it safe," Wadkins sa id after he'd s cored a hole-in-one on the way to a spectacular, 8-under-par 63 in Sunday's third round. "This course has thrown up four rounds or 63 already ltlis wee k . I 've got to keep on truckin'." W adklns, who missed at least a month of the 1981 season with a hand injury, took a 198 total into the final round. That's 15 strokes under par for three trips over the 6,726-yard Phoenix The tournament was thrown a full day oft schedule when a rainstorm interrupted Thursday·s play. Pincay captures feature ARCADIA (AP> -Laflit Pincay, with a little help from a pair of four-legged fr iends, enjoyed a very s uccessful weekend al Santa Anita. On Sunday, before a crowd of 25,497, Pincay rode Super Moment to a two-length victory in the $79,850 San Marcos Handicap. A day earlier, with 1 crowd or 58,072 in attendance, Pincay guided.To B. or Not to a slim triumph in the $68,500 Sierra Madre Handicap. Le Due de Bar, ridden by Walter Guerra and carrying 111 pounds, was third by t hree lengths and returned $2.60 to show. Little Bonny finished fourth and Yvonand was fifth and last in the event for 4·year-olds and up that was origina lly scheduled to be run lJn Santa Anita's UU1 course but> moved lo the main track because of recent rains. Woodland Lad was scratched. Fox batted in a waist-high rebound at 19: 15 for his 19th goal of the season moments after Los Angeles center Marcel DioMe won a faceorr from Vancouver's Thomas Gradin deep in Canuck territory. It was the fifth straight tie for the Kings and left them winless in 15 games. including seven under new Coach Don Perry. Andre St. LaUTent, Marcel Dionne and John Paul Kelly scored the other Los Angeles goals. The Kings are l·l0-9intheir last20games. Gradin scored twice for the Canucks, with Kevin McCarthy. Ivan H1inka and Gary Lupul getting the other Vanc;,.ouver markers. The Canucks now are 2· 13·6 in their lasl21 games. A r e a teams travel If you're interested in watching any of the three area com munily colle1e basketball teams in action this week, check the price of gasoJlne, because a ll PCAA C•I. --W L l"ct, W L l"cl UC lrvlrw • 0 '000 u I .. F~uno SI 0 I 000 IS 1 .. S.11J-SI I 7SO • • tOO S.111• ll•ber• ) uo • 10 l7S Lono ll••d• SI. ) JSO s 10 ll3 Cel St•te Futlet1on ) uo I 11 01 PKlll< J JSO s 11 JI) UlehSI I J lSO l 13 ,. P•cfflc-10 Conference CMf. -W L "cl, W L l"cl o ... oons1 7 0 I 000 14 t .llS Wat11l11Q1on I .,, 13 l llJ use ' ISi " ''° Welfllllqlon SI J us " S!IO UCLA J Sii 10 .. , Or-l soo I SD C•lllor11I• s , .. • • SCIO ArlrOfl• SI • UJ ' . di Stentord • 10 6 10 .JIS Ari Ion• 0 ' 000 s " .JIJ WCAC C•f. --W L ""'· W L P'llL P-nllM • 0 I 000 " 6 ,M7 Sen Frencltco 3 I .ISO " 2 ·'" GOllt• .. > ' 750 " • -647 Pof11•nct , , SCIO 10 , •• S.11U1Ctere I 1 uo 10 , .• SI Ma~•, I J uo ' ' .m SMID .... I J uo • • -Loyole I , .uo ,, ,. . "' We9tem Atttletto Conference c ... .._ W L ll'ct. W L ll'cl. WyOfftlll!I • 0 1,000 ,. . ·'" Hewell s 0 1.000 I) t ,.., Sen DleGDSt , , ... II s ... •r..-v-. • ' .sn 12 ' ... TdaJ.•IP-' , ·'°' 1 ' .161 Ulell J J .JOO ....... Celor-St. , • .m r • .All 111-Mexke I ) ·''' . ' .,, Air l"orct 0 1 -l 11 _,.. Presents ... SouthwHt Conference c .. 1. s.- w I..""''· W L l"ct. r .. n •01 000 U OIOOO Tn .. Al.M 1 too 11 • 713 An.•ns.A~ 1 .. , IJ t .., TCU ) soo I I SCIO r ••• , 'If(" .,. II • W7 "°"""" -II • 7l3 Bey lo< -' . tOO Alce 100 10 I 1el SMU 1 s .. , • 10 J7S Big Eight Conference c .. 1. *-w I.. ... 1. w l ll'Cl Mluovrl s 0 I 000 It 0 I 000 Pete the .. Greek'i Ke"W,SI 0 I 000 .. 1 llS NebfHh 1 soo 10 • •ts O•lehom•SI , soo 10 • •U "•11"' J HO •• tOO O\lehom• J HO 10 • •n low•SI J lSO • 0 lH Coto<•OO 1 • 100 t I S1' Picks Of Southeastern Conference C•I. s.-T he Week W L l"cl. W L l"cl T..,110-90 1000 13 . J .113 Aleb•m• , ISO u .J .116 Ktnlvcky , '" ., J .tOO LCMooltlene SI , ·'" I 4 .Pl AU1tur11 .soo 10 • ·'" MIHIUICll>i JOO . ' .,.,, Geerol• JIS ..... Vanck'11111 >IS . , MoJ Florlcla IU • 12 .uo MIHIHl~SI. 0 • 000 . " "° Atlenffc CoHI Conference CMf . .... W L l"ct. W L l"cl. HOflll C ..... IN ) ' .w ,. 1 .m Vlr9lllla • I .IOO " I .... ....... _ 1 IOO lJ J .Ill Nortfi c.rolTfti St , .Ml " l Ali! '"'-•YI-• JJl 10 •. w °'*• • )Jl . ' .. CIOfntoft s ·* ..... 0...9leTe<h • .1a l IO .)JO Super Moment, who carried the high wel1ht of 125 pounds, covered l~ miles in 2:00 3.5 and paid $4.20, $2.80 and $2.10. F.orlion led most of the way before being passed by the 5·year-old Kentucky -bred winner late in the stretch. :~~:~~a~~1:~:. contests require New Parts .De partment Hours up~ere·s how the week shapes · • Now Open 8 :00 am -1:00 pm S a turdays The win was worth $45,900. Super Moment earned nearly a half·mlUJon dolla.n In 1191. Forlion, ridden by Marco CHlaneda and c:arrylns 11' pou ndt, finished second by seven len,U.., and returned S3 and a .JO. The S5 exacta ol Super Moment and ForUon paid DUO. T he victory WH tbe second of the day for Pinuy, the only Jockey to record more than OM victory Sunday. The Plctr Sht, ln which bettors attempt to telect the wlnaen ol races two t brou1b seven. returned Sl.•1163 .•. There WU only one wtnn1ni ticket eold. > TVllOAY '--------"'T"""------------~------------------------..:---------------;.._..._ ________ __. .....,.catc.ew-e LYXX•L~7 •CAPRl•CONTIN£;\\TAL• MARK \'I• LlN OLN•COt G.AR•XR7•ZBPHYR ~--""a,.....cc.11••,"'· ..... tDAY .-c....e.w-. s... ~MRe•O-.CMtt, ,~ ....... ....... ~. ............ •Mllf'fl. •:••""· p .... ,. .-.c.~. O......Wlllet LA ... 111 ti, r·••·"'· .. ,.....,. -· ,_ 1os r 1 r11•C11rw. r • ._"'· . JOHNSON&SON L I ~COLN ~IE 1618' Harbor Boaleftftl. Coeta 'Meaa . . ... -.. R C U (714)~ , -~-~----~ ~ R - I INCHES SHORT Running bal'k Pett· J ohnson 146 1 of lhl· <:1nc 111nati Hl'n gab 1-. s topped at t h <.• goal·llnl' on t·r11ti<il fourth·down pla~· during Sun<ht~ ·..., Supl·r AP Wl,..pl>o4o Him I Th<> Hlt·1< gn.tl l11w .... 1.111d d111·111J.! thi..., "l'l'H'" \\,1 .... 11htrt111H·ntal 111 tlw1r :!Ii :!I \ 11·ton Midwinters West Regatta set MISSION BAY -More than 50 Thistle Class sailors and their crews are expected to convene here Thursday for the 11th annual Mid w inters Wes t for the international class . The regatta will continue through Saturday. In addition lo the California sailors, skippers, crews a nd their families arc expecte d from Florida. Michigan. Ohio, Texas. Washington, Oregon and Arizona. The Thistle is a one·design, ce nterboard . 17 ·foot hi g h performance s loop that a lso ca rries a s pinnake r and 1s c<ipahlc of planinl! in a 12·knot breeze The bo<1t "a!> des1~ned I)\ Sandy Douglas ;,ind originally wa-. built of molded plywood In recent years the boat has been built of figerglass. but the old \\oodcn boats are s lit I com pel1l1 ve Andy Fox or Orlando, Fla .. IS expected to be on hand lo defend his l 1 ti e won in the 198 I Midwinters Also competing will be runner .up Larry Klein, Detroit. Mich. and third place Skip Kemp for Coronado. There "'rill be practice racing on Mission Bay J an 28. Three race!' Wreckless takes series Wreckless. a Capo·26 sloop s kippered by A. G. Kading, Capistrano Bay Yacht Club. was the Midget Ocean Racing Class ( MORC> winner in Cupislrano Bay Yacht Club's San .Ju<in Series Saturday and Sunday. This is the rirst year that an MORC group has sailed in the series. Runner·upwas llol Fool. u Choate·30, co-skippered by Greg Baffent and Ron Dougherty. San Diego Yacht Club. and third was P ep p e rmin t Patt y, a Nelson·Merit·25 s kippered by Roger Ritzdorf. Balboa Yacht Cl ub. MORC are hoats JO.feet and under which s<.1il under a c;pet·1al hund1caprull• Overall and Cl;,is.., A "l'ne-. winnC'r 1n thl· pc rfnrm<.1nt·1• Handicap HaC'1ng Fll·l'l v. a-. n a whide. ..,k 1ppt·red hv Kcnnv Kuhn. Capo BYC. -.1·<·<11Hl wet" Li g htning. Angelo P C'\.koff. Voya~crs 'V, ano third W H'> Va I k ~ r i c. B 111 M u r ra v . ('a po BY(' PllRF·H I Holo K1k1 , Hick R<.1ff. Capo HYC : ~· Sko<,hi Tiger. Rob Strang. Ca po II YC . 3 Daybreak. Hob Gates. Capo BYC' W. SKI REPORT ~~ Mountain High Holiday Hill Mt. Baldy Kratka Ridge Mt. Waterman Snow Summit Snow Valley Goldmine Green Valley SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Snow depth/inches Conditions 18·24 pow /pp 18·24 pow/pp 24-36 pow /pp 44 pow/pp 24·36 pow/pp 30·36 pow /pp 62 pow/pp 36-48 pow I pp 24·36 pow /pp CENTRAL CALIFORNIA June Mountain Mammoth Mountain China Peak 70·90 pow /pp 136 pow /pp 72-97 pow I pp Dodge Ridge 72·96 pow/pp NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Lirts/chalrs 6L 6L 41. FO FU FO FO 2L FO FO 3L.19C 3L FO Mt. Reba 96-156 pow/pp 6L Kirkwood 144-240 pow /pp FO Sierra Ski Ranch 123 pow/pp FO Heavenly Valley 103 pow /pp FO Northstar 60·138 pow/pp FO Donner Ski Ranch 120-144 pow/pp 3C Alpine Meadows 180-276 pow/pp llC BoTeaJ lS0.1"92 -pow /pp F0 Homewood Ski Area 78-152 pow /pp 3C Conditions : hp -hardpack ; pp -packed powden: ,pow powder. Lifts/chairs : L -lifts: C -chairs; FO -fuJI oper&lion. will ht' ...,ailed 1ns1cle thl' b;iy Jan Wand the final tv.o rnc:es in lhl o(·t·<.1n orr ~11s .... 1on Hay Jan 30. Vortex races to victory Sofl Southe rly to westerly winds prevailed Saturday for lhi: first race of South Shore Yacht Club's wintt•r l11bachi Series. Class A winner was Vortex. ski ppcred b} Bruce Twichell, Voyagers Yacht Club; second wa-. lloratw. Don Bartz. SSYC. and third was Salac:ious. Dick Schlcsinger.SSYC. Cla-;s B winner was Pintado. Duvt• Williams. VYC. followed by ~l e:-./ Pt.'ll.', l't•tt•r Fycr. \'YC. <.1nd !.ollqmp. K Jren Bluel. Rah1<.1 Coro11th1an Yal'hl..Club In <'la:-" I· t hf· I rnph,\ winn<'r-. \H 'rt' For Sail. I.\ It· \\'ilhb. SSYC. lmnr.11 \lin11r1l\. 1'.1ul Rlank ~~' < '. and Sn11 Joli. C 'l.11r Snov.. SS\"(' The• rluh at<.11· hl·ltl a Sabot fl• g .t I t iJ \\ I I h t h e f o 11 0 \\ i n J! rc·-. u lls Sf:~IOH Phy llis Willits SSYC'. 2 Gi l Knudsen. SSYC. ,Jl';'l:IOH I Worth Houghton, SSYC.2 Pr-ll'rZ1ka.ScaScouts. OUTSTANDING VALUES! MEW 1982 VW R.ABBfT "l" SEDAN Super economy with lh1s one• Fully eou1pped including a 4 speed 1ransm1ss1on. tinted glass. radial tires and rrore' CStk 3077) (Ot613) SALE PRICE 55999 HEW 1982 SCIROCCO Coup e 5 spe ed transmission metallic p aint. rear window N I per/washer. alloy wheels. stereo cassette and more• (Slk 3235) (017765) SALE PRICE s 10,495 HEW 1912 VW RAllfT CONVERTllLE 2 Door. AM,IFM stereo, metallic paint, sports steermg wheel. white sidewall 11"'5 & mQ(eL (Stk 3240)(003279) List Price $I I, 165 Dfsc...t SI 170 SAUPllCE 59995 Orengo Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday, January 25, 1982 ca FromPageC1 49ERS SUPER BOWL CHAMPS • • • • After recoverlnai a fumble on the opening kickoff. -Cincinnati had gutden ol)pOrtunf , movinr o a firs t down at the San Francisco 5·yard line . But thti Beng!ls came up s ho rt when Dwight lllcks Intercepted an Anderson pass and returned it lo the n . I "We had an opportunity right off the bat to scor e," said Cincinnati Coach Forrest Gregg. ''When wedidn'l, I think the players started thinking about what could have been Instead or what was." Reality for the Bengals was a 49er march to the game's firs t touchdown. It was a 68-yard drive, climaxed by Montana's l ·yard plunge. Thirteen of those yards came on a flea flicker, of all things. Montana handed oft lo Ricky Patton, who turned the ball over to Solomon, who returned it to Montana, who threw for 13 yards lo Charle Young. ''WE KEEP SURPRISES in our back pocket," said running back Earl Cooper, the only man in the 49er backfield who didn't handle the ball on that play. · For lhl!1r next trick, lhe 49ers halted Cincinnati at the San Francisco8 as rookie Eric Wright stripped a completed pass from Chris Collinsworth and rookie Lynn Thomas recovered the ball. Thal turnover launched a 92·yard drive. the longest in Super Bowl histor y. For the touchdown, Montana threw an l l·yard pass to Cooper. "ll was just a fake up the middle," the fullback explained. Now it was 14 -0 and things were getting no better ror the Bengals. Starling from thci r own 34 on their next possession. they drove lo the Cincinnati 5. On fourth and one with 18 seconds left until halrtime , Ray Wersching kicked a 22-yard field goal for a 17·0 bulge That would have been a perfectly fine halftime lead, but the Bengals girt-wrapped three more points Archie Griffin fumbled the kickoff and Mill McColl recovered for the 49ers at the 4. Wersching returne<l ror u 26·yard fi eld goal and the serious Super Bowl was turning into a laugher forlhe49ers. "We cc•rtainly appreC'iated the point~ ... Walsh said. BUT 1WALSll WASN'T overly comfortable . ··with a Ken Anderson on the other side, 20 points aren't all that much.'· he said. In the drt•!)s1ng room, C1nt·1nnali tried to regroup, '"I told the team we've been down before." Gregg said. "I referred to our first game of the season when we came from a 21-point deficit to beat Seallll'." ln the49er lockerroom. Walsh advised his team to approach the i,ccond half as if the score were 0-0 and to avoid maJor penalties that rould reverse the momentum. ' The advice was wasted. F'lags fell all over the field and before tbc 49ers knew what had hit them. Anderson had Cincinnati on the scoreboard with a nine·play, SJ.yard drive. lie went the final 5 himself and now it was20·7. Then, with just under seven minutes left in the period. the Bengals came back for more. Anderspn's 49-yard pass lo Collins worth drove them lo the San Francisco 14 and on fourth·and·one from the 5, Pete Johnson smashed into the middleoflhe line for a first down at the3. CINCINNATI HAD four cracks to gain three yards. A touchdown would put them just six points awa)'\with light years left in the game. Twice, Johnson barged into the middle of the line. managing two yards on the first carry and none on the econd..Dn..tbiul-down,-Aftde~pa1aed to Charles Alexander. but Dan Bunz stopped lhe play for no gain. Now 1t was fourth down and the Benaals tried Johnson again. Nothing. ··1 saw the 49crs raise up al the snap of the ball," the 2SO·pound fullback said. "I figured I could go under them. It just didn't work. There just wasn't anything." ''We just had to stop him,·· said49ers linebacker Jack "Hacksaw" Reynolds. "We knew he would get the bull. He's like a Mack t ruck." G reggdid not regret t he play call. ''IT WAS THE first time we've been stopped on that play this season," he said. "If I had It lo do all over again, I'd still give It to my big fullback." The 49ers survived even though they had only 10 players on the fi eld for the first two plays of the stand. Edison, OV 1-2 • rellUl1n It was a week in which only three ranked team s escaped defeat. Edison was s hocked , so was Ocean View, and Servile was ripped by St. Bernurd in non·league action. The results'! A big shakeup in the Daily Pilot's Orange County prep basketball rankings, but ft~d1son remains as the No. 1 ranked team despite iL'i 72·71 overtime loss at Huntington Beach J\nd Ocean View remains No. 2 des pite Frrday·s 62·60 loss to Marina. Corona del Mar moved up to third arter winning its 12th straight and Estancia, despite splitting !CdM was a 40·35 winner Wednesday). actually moved up a notch lo fifth. The only other team to-win a pair was Brea-Olinda. but the Wildcats' stock continues to take abuse bccuuse of a very weak schedule. Brea-Olinda 1s Orange County's winningest team with an 18-2 record, but is al the No. 6 plateau The new kid on the block is Huntington Beach. a team with a deceiving 9·8 overall record. The Oilers share the Sunset League with 1-:d1son and have become a team to be reckoned with in the past two weeks . Huntington Beach 1s lied with Marina a l the No. JO s lot Among last week's r anked teams -Edison, Occ<.111 View. Estancia. Fountain Valley, Marina and Laguna ll1lls could do no beller than s plit u pa 1 r nf games. Daily Pilot's Top 10 Orange County Prep Basketball Pos. Team I Ecl1~on 2. Ocean View 3. Corona del Mar 4. Fountain Valley 5. Estancia 6. Br1:a -Olinda 7 Servile 8. Mater De1 9. Esperanza JU. ct1e1 lluntington Beach M<irina Record 16·2 11 ·7 12·2 12·6 14·3 18·2 12·7 11 ·7 14·3 9-8 10·7 DU"*'"<* LOWCM fflllf' "°"""' COMll One o f the best on·t1me records going That's style Fares that save v9u money everv dav on every flight That's style, too A1rCal we do more than get vou there we get vou there in style' SAN fRftNCISCO SJ9 565 • J9 J9 42 42 SAN JOS£ OftKlftND R£NO PHOENIX FRESNO J6 lftS V£GftS leO 65 65 65 64 55 59 - Orange Cout OAIL y PILOT/Monday, Jllnuary 25, 1982 PARDON M'E \';rnco uve r Ca nu c k cfl'f('nsem an Kc\'ln '.\'I C'Carthy st a ~·s low while s lopping t ht> ru!>h of King-;' forw~fd Greg Tt•rrion during Sunda~ .. s match I in ' .... , ......... Vancouver. Kings jum ped to a j .o lead . then needed to scramble lo get a 5·5 tit'. ttw t·lub's 15t h strai g ht c·ontest without a victor~·. This college conference got tired of slowdown games MIAMI (AP> -It baa.t't revol11tlofttnd <:ollege ~aketball, but the ~·secol\d lhot clock certainly ls _., ve and well In the Sun Belt Cont erence. \ Adopted In 1978 on a ·oae-,_., expertmental basis , the shot clock --tashlbnfd atter the NationaJ Basketball Auoclatlon's M·second ine~han.lsm -ls thriving In its fourth season. But unlike lbe NBA's clock, which forces a rut.paced game , Vic Bubas, confere n ce commlasloner , says the Sun Bell clock merely encourages a team to play a "normal" game of basketball -not too fast. not loo slow. t StaUaUcs back Buba•· claim. - Eighty perce nt, or 10,871oflhe13,MUha&l taken In 129 conference games durtn• the ftnt three seasons of the shot clock . were ,.a1ed ln thl rlrst 19 seconds of Possession. Fifteen percent -2,019 -occurred d1,1rln1 the 20·29-second timeJra me. and onJy 5 percent -839 - came with less than 15 seconds remaialnt on the clock IN THREE SEASONS. there only were 15 violations of the shot clock that resulted in turnovers. "When you have a 45-second shot clock, you can hold the ball -If you want to slow it down -until "WE DIDN'T want lo put in a shot clock that there's maybe 20 or 25 seconds to go. But then the would make you racehorse up and down the floor," question is, you're not assured you're 1oin1to1et as says Bubas, who pushed for Its adoption after good a shot as you would have cot ten if you decided to watching New Orleans struggle to a 22·20 victory play bas ketball rightaJWay," says Bubas. over South A la ba ma in the championship game of ------:-::::;i-:;iiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii the Sun Belt postseason tournament in 1977. 1 "In fact, 45 seconds is eternity if you really kno w the truth about It," adds Bu bas, t he highly s uccessful coach a t Duke University from 1959 through 1969. "And what happens is that due to the fact that our teams do not have to race up and down the floor, they get down the floor in a normal fashion and they j us t decide to play basketball. The average shot comesoffin 15seconds ." Sampson tough in ·Virginia win LOUISVILLE , Ky. (AP> -Virginia didn't want to get into a running game with Louisville a nd center Ralph Sampson m ade sure it wouldn't ha ppen. Sampso n keyed a surge at the beginning or the second half that moved the Ca valiers from a 38·35 ha lftime lead to 48·38 with 15:25 left in the nationally televised college basketball game. Zillgi~t - 0 ~insurance agents ~ and brokers Wright Retailers: lnsUTance CO!llS rising'> Contact us ror u compel1t1ve quote for a Bustness Ownen. Package Policy which includes most coverages needed to protect your bu~inc~l> We also write Group Medieul and L1r<' for small groups as well as lurge 3931 MacArthur1 Newport Beach, (714) 75!4'055 This week's ~peclal UCI I ~. . a questton T he third·ranked Cavaliers went on to poat a 74·56 victor y over No. 17 Louisville, dealin1 the Cardinals their third straight loss of the season. Virginia now is 18·1. The slender 7-4 center ignited. the Cavaliers during the spree. hi~ting a 19'-footer at the opening or the half. two short jumpers and two three throws . .... arms Anteater baseball team may score more runs, but "Our plan was to control the tempo or the game. and once we got the l~a.d we were able \o .do that ," said Sampson, who f1rushed the game with 26 points and 10 rebounds. 197~ CADILLAC COUP E DEVILLE Options include dual comfort seats, Cabriolet top & Cadillac wi re wheel covers. <895WQVl. sg795 By JOHN SEVANO 01 Ille Dally 1'1194 St.IH Ask most experts and they'll te ll you baseball ' 1s 75 percent pitching ... if not more. Using that a s a basis , UC Irvine's 1982 baseball team may be in for a long season. ''I'm going to have to get more mileage out of my pitching staff than I did last year," admits Coach Mike Gerakos. "As a team we'll hit as ,.,e ll <as I ast year! and probably score as ma ny runs . As a unit, we should also be better defensively. So it a ll comes back to one key area -pitching." The Antea ters finis hed last season with a 31 ·23 overall mark. 13·15 in the PCAA (s ixth place). At the plate UCI hit a respectable .314. On the mound. however. UCI was a woeful 5.~. "Pitching ·wis e, I have confidence in our ability to perfor m at the Division I level," says Gcrakos of his current staff. "It's a matter of keeping them healthy. I can't afford to have any of them hu rt " lJ nfo rtunately, Gerakos already has problems. Le ft-hander Josh Randall. who was 7·8 last year , d1dn 'l make the cut academically and left school. Senior right-hander Andy Bisnar, who sat out last year and was expected to be the ace or the staff BASEBALL this season, is currently scrambling for enough credits to become eligible. And. Junior Cas Soma . a walk -0n last year, has been ha mpered by a bad back and is JUSt now start.mg lo t.hr-0w again. "Look." says Gerakos emphatically, "we're not going to take a back sea~ to anyone . I know Cal Stale Fullerton I a PCAA pawer) bas a lot of people coming back ... but so do we. "I think il helps that this is my second year here because my players know me and there are fewer adjustments that have lo be made." The Anteaters open their season Friday. Feb. 5 at Southern Cal College (2:30 p.m.). Their first hom e game will be against San Diego State 11111::::!11::-Satuc.~dl...6 (ooon dpuble·Ju:.a.~r~ ~ _ A s for a r undown of the 1982 squa , here 's how it looks by pos ition: CATCHER -Grossmont College transfer Steve Barnard has nailed down the starting spot here. A good receiver with a strong arm, Barnard hit .388 last year and wa~ named first team All-South Coast Conference. ' We kne w we bad to strengthen ourselves behind the plate and Steve is who we wanted," s ays Gerakos. FIRST BASE -Senior Ralph Gedies, who s at out last year. gives UCI a left-handed first baseman with experience. Gedies hit .230 with 2 home runs and 26 RBI two years ago. SECOND BASE -Mr . Versatility, Dave Glick. this year's team captain and last year's first baseman . moves back to his customary position at second. Glick. a member of the state champion Orange Coast College Pirate• two years ago, hit .361 last year. "For a c0Ue1e baseball playe r, tl's tough to find anyone better," says Gerakoa. "He 'll do whatever you ask of him. He's a total team ~layer." Whale Wat elf ,... ...,.-...;;~., Trewl "'9 1119'l~ lllolrcl IN ~: '*"""' AU. •• View "" "'* -lltie: wtlllll. • • ,... ...,, In dlys gone 11¥. fl'om "" I did! al lhlt &Z' ~r • With eccommodetlOns or 38 ~ th9 Allure tr..ia from LldO Manna Vllla99 thru scenic Newport ••Y bef°'9 wenturlng onto .,,. ~ for a flbuloul. ,,.. to be forgotten look at ~ ... ·-~- Gel i..oy '° Mii dilly llMng ~-I CllNoW'°'lldlitMI I ~!~ 714 '7S.Mt4 GlAAKOS COWAN GLICK SHORTSTOP -Mike lnglehart was a backup at second, third and short last year and seems to have nailed down th e shortstop position this sea s on. Ge rakos desc r ibes him as a "s uper athlete." Strong defensively . lnglehart's only we;:tk ness m ay be at the plate 1he hit .211 last year). THIRD BASE -Junior Mike Rupp is one of those hard-nosed competitors coaches love to have. Rupp played last year at Santa Ana College where he hit .415 en r oute to being named first team All-South Coast Conference. LEFT FIELD -The duties here will be split be tween junior Steve Hayworth and freshman Paul Hammond. Haywort h hit :315 from t he right side or the plate last year. Hammond. meanwhile. was the Del Rey League's Most Valuable Player He a u.ended St. John Bosco High. T en c·oo~& Sedan!! ToChoosf' From AlSimllarSavings! Cad11/oc \'olul' Proll'Clrrm St'rlll,.I' Agrument A ooaloble AJICert ... l>oKtTop._.s.i, AJJ,......,,..,,r ..... ....._ Louisville managed to cut into the lead and trailed only 5§·50 on Jerry Eaves' 16-footer with ~i~~ ~~~a~~~~~;e:cuh\n~a~:f~~~·e.in~~~i:dat~~~ ••1~1 u~~== :: :mr.•: Ca v a liers outscore the Cardin als 18·6 the 600 H b B d remainder of the way. NA9 ~osto ~~~ Iv · Louisville Coach Denny Crum said he wasn't DILL~ .. sure if his team would have been able to overtake ~ (714) 540·1860 Virginia with Sam pson dictating the Cardinals' ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ offensive s trategy. · · 1 was very pleased with the effort that the team put out," he sa id. AL openers set NEW YO RK <AP l -The 1982 American League baseball season. including a record 82 1 night games. open Monday, April 5. in Baltimore with the Orioles hosting Kans as City. After Baltimore and the Royals get the season started on Monday. four day games and two night games are scheduled for Tuesd ay. April 6. Texas will oppose the Yankees in New York. Toronto JANUARY SPECIAL APPROXIMATELY plays a t Detroit, Clevela nd at Milwaukee .and Boston at Chicago io afternoon games, with rught contests set for the Angels at Oakland and Seattle $ a t Minnesota. The Minnesota game will m ark the openlng or the Hubert H Humphrey Metrodome, a new enclosed stadium being constructed in downtown I 97 PER MONTH Minneapolis. The AL schedule in cludes a r ecord 1,123 playing dates and just 11 doubleheaders. · h h' In the s econd round or openers. Toronto's CENTER FIELD -Carlos Rivera, w o it ho m e debut com es Friday. April 9 a ga inst 35 Hours flight trlining Includes 20 hOur1 dual lns1Nciion. 15 hours SOio CPC priwrte·pilot kit, 35 hours ground training. °FM ~ ment to obtlin private pllOlliC:ente under FAR PART 141. .272 last year, gives Ger akos speed and a good a rm in the outfield. Rivera will also see backup Milwaukee. Detroit will be at Kansas City that duty in the infield. Junior Darren Kelchner, a night. Cleve land's traditional Saturday home WESTERN SKYWAYS transfer from Santa Ana community college. will opener will be held on April 10 agatnsl Texas. a lso see som e action because of his bat. Boston's home ope~er against Chicago Is. set for Monday, Apr il 12 with Texas home that noghl for its opener against the Yankees. RIGHT FIE~D -When Gerakos accept~ L,h~ . The Angels open at.home Tuesday night. April Jc;>b a t UCI, the forst playe.r he contact~ was Junior L3, against Seattle and the final home opener will rigbl·hanjer Ron Cummings. Cummanes ~r.e~d ~ al ieettle ~r.¥1v ·Q~l ...AetiUG +'~-b..J).p~d ... at ArcaJ1a Rlgnaii'Ohalfoh~at"Ot.'L~ opposing the Ma riners. CitrusCol~ge. He was an All·M1s~on Con~rence ~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ selection last year. During his three years in high ~ school. the 6·1, 185-pounder hit .477, .467 and :477 .. CPLL.CTQtt'S COIUIEf' 1·1141 .... °"'...... .,._Cl S1.t1 PITCHERS <Starting) -G4:rakos will go with ~".:!!'!... =.. J::.. essentially a four-ma n rotation. assuming they all ~ :rs tau• stay healthy. Left-hander Dave Woodhead (4·4, "'..._ ... .,,. .• ., ... 5.20 > has o ne s po t nailed d own. So does ..,..c..e..._vi ..... right·hander Dennis Cowa n (1-0, 6.49), a Fountain 1===·='7=14='_...===·==~ Valley High grad . The other two spots depend on who 's available. Gerakos is hoping it's Bisnar and Som a (3·4, 5.99). lf not, freshman Eddie Deese (9·4, 1.60 ERA at Sonora High ), fi gures to crack II••·~ the rotation. PITCHERS (ReUef) -Two former Orange Coast College craftsmen will carry the bulk of the load. rught-hander Larry Hicks (6·1, 7 saves. 4.82 ) s hould get the first ca ll , with left-hander Gary Brahs close behind. Freshman right-hander Cory Collinge (South P asadena Hi gh) also figures to see action. . Of course. it's the· latter pas ition Gerakos Is concerned with. tr they can stay healthy so, he believes, will the Anteaters . 8th Annual 552 Club CROSBY SOUTHERN PRO-AM GOLF TOURNAMENT Thursday Jan. 28 & Friday Jan. 29 .,.....C••tCaakrC .. 1600 I. C...t Hapw.,, Mew,...t le•c• Only Orange County t:ournament fcw.PGA Jouring ·Players in 1982 -vour: Chance to See tne Top PGA Money Winners of Tomorrow . . • -· E>range Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday, January 25, 1982 SCOREBOARD · SUPER BOW\. XVI ... ,. 21, Bent•I• 21 le-!If ca.a ... " S.n FranclKO 1 1J 0 •-M Cln<lnn•ll o o 1 >•-11 SF --·-I run CWertclli"9 kklll SF -Cooper 11 oau trom Montene 1weru1tl119 lll<kl SF -FG Weoclllng,, SF -FG -1<111119,. Cln -AlldenOn 5run18rH<ll klell) Cln -Ross• pau from A.-non 18tM<ll .ie111 SF FG Weo<lli119 40 SF -FG WenclllllQ u Cln -Ron 3 pass from Ano.non I BrH<n lllO I A 11,210 SI' F lrtl do.ni ?0 Rusllu-yards •~121 PHSlllQ yareb , .. Return yard\ SI Passes t•JHI S.C ks Dy S-It Punts ._.. FumblH·losl J·I Penaltles-y•ds W5 Time of "-'61on n · U ........... stattttk• °" 14 7•n .. " JS-,...2 "' -,., •SJ 21·•1 RUSHING -San Francltco, Patt°" 11·». Cooper t-:... Monlena ...... IUnv 5·11, J Davis J·S, Clark .-monus 2. Cincinnati, Johnson 1'-lt. Ale .. noer S· 11. An0trt0n •·U , A. Griffin I·•· PASSING -San Franclsto. Montane 1•·22-0·157 Cln<innell. A.-rt0n Js-;i..J.JOO RECEIVING s.n Francisco. Solo..- •·52. Cl-•_.S, ~ J.IS, Wll'!Oft 1·72, Youn9 H •. Petton 1·6. Rl119 1». Clnclnnell. Ron 1"104, Collln•-lh S·IOI, Curlis >-4J, K re1der J-l6. Johnson J ... Al••-• J-3 Super Bowl records TllHe are Ille lndivl-1 -team re<Of'Ch Ml or lied In lhe 1"1 S .... r 8owl by IM Clnclnn•li &.n9al• and the S.n Fr•nclsco •ters ( 11 records •• ,.. Mt eno 10 liltdl INDIVIDUAL MO\I Tciu<-. G-o.,. Ron, Clnc•nnah, 1 Ul\arMI by ••9'11 others I. Mos l Fltld Go•I•. G •mt -R•y Weru lllng, s.n Fr•nclsco, • Csttarto by Don Cllendlet", Gr""' 8•y. 1 ... 1 Most Compltllons, G•mt -Kt n Anderson. C•nclnnatl, U Colo record, '' •ll•rMI by Fr•n Terk ... lon, MIM HOI•. 2' •ll•mots, 1'7• •nd Ron J•wor>kl. Pllll•delpllla, ll •llempl.s. ltll I Hl9llesl Completion Percent-. G- (mlnlmum ol 10 all...l>ptsJ Ken Andtr»n. Cine lnn .. 1, n S percent, U ot :... 1o10 rec-. liMI SIMr. G-hi', lt'1, lotkpercenll Most Receptions. Game O•n llou. Cincinnati, II Cold rK<><d, t . Geor;e S-r, New Y orll Jell, 1MI. Most Touclldown RKtPllOns, Game O•n Rou, Cincinnati. J lslWrMI by lour olllersl. MO\t Kickoff Reiurns, G-t -S, 0.vlcl Yorser. Clnc•nnall ,_....,by hoo otMnl TEAM Mo$1 Pofni. Fourtll O...rler Cln<Hlnetl 14, Oll•reo b1 four ollltr IHm11 Most Field Goell, Game Sen FrMl<•SCO, • ISl\arltd by Grffft 8•v. 1 ... 1 Mosl FlrU Downs, G•m•, Tum - Clnd nn•t l, U Cold r.c:O<d, Jl, Oelln, 1'nl Moil First Downs, 8olll T .. ms, GarM - O Clnclnneli J4 end S... Francisco ?O (old re<ord. o . OHl...O 11 •nd Mlnntt0I• tO In lt171 Moil Pesses Compleleo, G•mt -u . Clnclnnall lolO rK<><O. J•. Mlnnesot•. 1'111 Most PenH Comol•IMI, 80111 Teems, G•me -Jt Clnclnnell 1S •nd Sen Fr•ncls<o u Cold record.,., Mlnntsol• J• and O•~••no 12. lt111 L•r9ttl Hellllmt Luo !>Ml Frenc1sco 20. Cinclnn•ll 0 Cold record M•am• 17, Mlnnoot.e o. 1'70 Lo~st 5<0<1119 On•• '2 v•rds, Sen Fren(l~<o COid re<ord. " .. ros, O•ll•s vs Plllsbur9'1, tt7'1 MOSI Ft~ Downs by P•nelly, Game. Botll T .. ms -lo Cincinnati• •nO Sen Fr•nclw:o J lold re<<><d, S. •ccomollsllt<l lwlct l Hl9llHI Complellon Percent-. ~. Tum -13 5 oercenl (lS-of·~. C1nclnne11 v• S•n Francisco. lold record, '1 t, 0.11 .. vs Oen.er, 1'7tl Mo11 Po>ncs Se<ono Hall. TH m , Clnctnnell (.,..,.0 by •-ollltr\I. 11 Most Finl Downs 8y P•nally, Tum •, Cln<lr\lull Cs/\ereo by c-0111tnl. Mosl Pleyen Wltn 100 Or More Y•r4' '" Peu Rec eollon1 Clnclnn•ll, J, Colllnsworttl 11011 -R-1100 , .. ,..,.., by P1ltsbur9'1, St .. l_,.ltl -Sw-. 1'7'1 Most Kickoff Returns. Te.,,,, Gemt Cincinnati, 1 ""'"""by lwo ollltr>I • II Jllll. 1•. 1 ... ; Green B•Y INFLI :13, O•kland IAf'LI 1' I J.,. IS, lttl, G'•tn Bo (Nl'LI ». Kensas Clly IAFLI 10 Suoer Bowl MVPa XVI Joe Monlene, qb, Sen Fr•n<ISCO xv Jim PlunUll, eb. o.lileno XI Y T .. ry 8reftNlw, Clb, PlttsburOll XIII Terry ~-Nw, qb, Plll\burttll IC II Harwy Merlin, de, •nd R-y Wlllle, di, 0.llH XI Freo 811etnlllotl, ... OaillenO x Lynn Sw...,., wr, Plll•burllfl IX Franco Harrh. rb, PlllH>Uf9'1 VIII lArtyCIOMe,fb,Ml-1 v II Jakt S<oct, '· Ml-I VI R099< $1-11, qb, 0•11 .. V Cm.ck H-ltY. lb. Oall•s Iv Ltn O.WMlll> qb, Kan.us City 111 Jo. Nam41llt qb, New York J•O 11 8ar1Starr,Qb,Gr...,8o I B•I Sl•r. •• Green B•y Aoed to Suoer Bowl NFL ,1.AY0,'5 WIW-C ..... f'u-,.fts ......... ,c-· NY Glanu 21. Pllll-lplll• JI A-"c .. C-• Bufl•lo 11. NY Jets 27 C .......... S-lflMI• N.....,I C~etK• OlllH ll, Ta,.._ B•y 0 San Frencltco JI. NY Glints J• ._. .. c_• Clnclnnetl Jt, Buff•IO ti San Ole9041, Ml.,,,1 ll Coll C......_eC111,..__.,.., NMleMIC...._t San Frenclscott, 0•11•• JI •-•c....._. CIACl,.....l JJ, SM DM9e 7 5-.... XVI San Francisco i.. Clnclnn•tl ti Sant• Anita SUNDAY'S RESULTS Ulr!lef ... u yt......._,.,. m .. 1...,.1 l'lllST RACE. t •n lurlon9• Windy's Oullt ISlbllltl t IO •Ill l 40 Tiit M••'*' cB1 .. •1 "60 •>.., Btrlolinl Cloolll t 20 ••COHO ••c•. One mll• oe<• Sllervld Junior Cl(u.Olerl U 00 • fO • llO LIU• S-1-lltrl t llO •JO Hlelll•no •yro H 1 , _, , J.40 Also ractd: ~ 0..,..1,.., C"6rleus HeWll, Ardens P9rry,•FasNon Aoor•. Callnul, Ten Pttcenler, Popler Or .. m N Time· J 01 l/S. U DAILY DOU8LI Is-!) paid WO fO THIROaACl.Onemllepece I Frosty H-r IB•lontl 7 llO J 60 J 60 811bbl Hac>y IAUINM J.10 7 40 Mr. N.M. C~rHul J.llO AIM> raced' A.L WttellS, Howdy Mon. Rey Del Cimino. Andy• Foroel•bl•. Andy• Lily Tlmt J 01 ., IXACTA U t i Da•O '30 JO FOURTH ••ca. One m ilt pa(t Lot•n> ~---IJ. 51\err_,,I t Ill S.70 •.OO S11per s ... N CF. Sherrtnl t 10 •.411 Slelller CWl.,..,dl 1.~ AIH r•<td. H•I Clltri•, F•ll ••one, ReneH Chance, Windy Rene• N, Teel Henery, C-lry Lobtll, Torrid BHu Time 7:01. ""™RACE. One mllt pact Lora L-ILonool 1S 00 I Ill • .., 8urlle's Bri9M1P I Kuelllet I JI Ill 10.111 F•lllmenlo IK-.191 •,IO Also raced: Teel Wive. IC:•nl••IO•, Rtach For Tiit Sily, Noble Rlnv, 8rllli•nc J•Olt, Julie H•rper, Ge"y J uruor Tlmt J·OOJ/S U 1£XACTA Cs-ti Datd "'SJ.00 SIXTH RACI. Ont molo pece M1c AdlosA IKuebtwl 1s 1111 t.00 •.40 Cool G•Y IAublnl l tO 2 60 S<otcll Ooul>lt ILl9fllllilll •JO Also ••od Tiit Maestro N. Wlntarlo, C'll•rttrl• Pl•Y. Bundy And Ory, lde•I Gem Tim• 1·s••1s U E XACTA CJ It paid llJO 50 SIVINTM RACE. 0... milt P«• 1us Marirw (Auoonl n 00 t to • 40 CrOU9"1e IAn0toon1 s 40 • 60 Sen M•rlo CKutbltr I •Ml Al•o r•c.O· ScolllSh t.ocn, C1p1e111 KnoQlll N. O•lmeld, Su•tan Hanover, Pllaro Time I SI llS U I XACTA ll·Jl paid Silt 00 E IGMTH RACE Ont milt pact CourlgtOUS Red CK11e1>lert 17 Ml 8ye 8yt Victor CAndtrsonl Desmond 10.somttl I Ill l.00 •Ill uo 1 40 Aho rac-•o· ,..ult ~O<llet. t..anteroury Line. c..omtl"< Time 'OO JIS Also feted Counselor Cooney, Tumln; Wllttls, WU 'S Rtb, Loom J e l, TulHI,· lmmarwnl luue. Sl>ort•nQ Cl•si. Rooney, NINTH •ACE. Ont mtl• P•<t MlsclltevOU'I Tiit Tllllly 11..-. Time 117 ~~.~~.0~11Rulltr lA11b<l\I lfO !: !: SECC*D RACE. t furlonvs R'1ylllm And Bl.,., IC1m~lll •.Ill 8-•-W!Cltn IH•rri•I ,. JO '·'° S.40 Aho r•«d' llama. AmHer, Eloci ..... 1 Bii of 8teu lsi-m.tltrl 5.JO J Ml ltoy S, Country E•o<tU, Flr\I Cllanco. B- M•m• Tia IH-yl •.to Go L AIM> raced My FevorlltAunt. Owen Mint Time 1 01 llS IH•• Haw, ..... .,..,... , ....... ~lllon•bl•. PEXACTA .,_.l ... Tlf~'9 (;•rel• Time I II U DAILY 00U8LI CJ 11 palo SI0.60 TH1aoRAc1.111i.m1111 Reconfirm C ~i.-1 J7 .10 t eo S.fO Mail 0 G,..,. CMcHarvutl 1 to •to Conscious E ltor1 I Slbillt 1 J.llO Also raced Salt• Goal, 8rtak end Try, Olden A911, Tera Orivt T•me l 451/S FOUR TM RACE. I~ mlltt O.nah Rl09e 10.1-un •ye>l 10 •·HHrt &.e1 10r1eoa1 JIO 110 llll 1t0 7.to PIKt, a·Su\low, PO<I Y•l•l• CH•nwnl Aha r•<•O Mentwl Knlglll ol Gold T•mt I IO •15 FIFTH RACE. Ont m llt Hl9l1 Counsel I Plncay) 9 00 4 10 1 IO Oorcero IOelal•ouss•Yll l IO J Ill H•<•wlno CPltrcel J fO ••s6 r•c•O Oefl•n<t:. Always, &ell. St~ncharrv. Fteet Temoo, Mr M•Uto. 0199""' Potnl Time I U 1/S. U I XACTA 19-3) oalO '46 50 SIXTH llACE. t 'n lur1Dn91 Gl•mor°"' Sinn CGutrrel I .0 • 00 l 00 Perme-hly CH-ltyl • 10 J 00 Brusll Wllll F•me ( Plnca.t • 10 Also raced. l,ce Froli<, H•*••lan Stwtu. Unlor9tllal>lt, Bliulul Momeni, Ro101.,., Snow Oen<tr, Aeel Affinity, My\f\etn .. Sec ono Orono ltmt I 1Mf5 U f'ICK SIX It S J 1·•·31 paid U .S7•,JO wlln '"'" wlnnin9 llO•h lfl•t norsesl SJ Po<ll Sia <on"'l•llon paid 01 IO w•l11 60 Wlt1t1lng h<k•I• "°"' norse>I SJ Pi<ll Sia urelcll consot•llon paid lll> 20 wllll 11 •lnn1n9 lk kfl• "'"" llO<ses. one scr•l<lll TENTH aACE. One milt pect Gary Goller I0.>0m•rl 1t IO 10 IO t,JO Don C••l Star IAub•nl II 60 7.10 Su Rove<" HOOOI 4 fO J •mes Hondo, Sco1c11 T lmt Allbee. Fl•aton N, ~rty /4fr. CNmp..-qne Prine.•. Cool 11 Man, Raut lWn Time 1:02 U E XACTA II 31 paoo '41•.'IO Alltnoan<e •.m ~ • • ,,. . " UC Irvine schedule Fri • F...,_ S -•I Souihern C•I COll- S e I . Ftb • S •n Diego SI Cdouble·lle-r. 'lODnl TuH. FtO.. Cnapman Coll- Wtd Fe«> 10 •I Cal SI 0om1.._, Hiiis Fn Fe«> 11 UC 81r1oe1ey Sal , Fe«>. I) Unl...,nily ot New Me•ico Cal LnY~, 1 pm I • SEVENTH RliCI .• furlono:. S11n • F•b. .. •I Nh•dl ·L•• V•va• Pro..Oest a.. CS-m•lott > l,llO • oc> 1 oc> I double.fie-• 11 a rr. I J ohstan CH-...) 4 tO 1 Cl Mon , Feb U •I Nolda l a \ V- A~lrlous IPln<•YI J 10 lnoont Also rec.a Son9 lo Remember, P•<lllN. Fri., Feb " UCLA Ablsl11I•. FHlurrno Sal • Feb JO -•• UCLA (doubtt·M•dtr. Time I 10 2/S. noo<>I "E XACTA IS·ll o•id '" 00 Tut• .. Feb. n Ar .... P•cillc NOTE Tiii\ II Ille fir" lime In 1" 5-r Fri., FOCI i. Cal SI Oomin9.,.r Hiiis 8-1\ 11\al Ille tum lllal ;alntO tllt ..-1 U l"ICK Sill 11-4·)'4 t-~I Da1d S1't,U :UO S•I . FtD 11 US lnlorn•llon•I ylfdS from s<nmmage, 1 ... 1. C•n<lnnali wllll orw "'""'"'9 llc kel h i• llorw>I SJ PKll Unl .. r"ty C-•.nt-r. noonl oul;ainltd s.n Fr•nclsco JSlo yard\ 10 J1S S•• consolat•on Dlld l l ,Ito JO •1111 •I Mon., -ell 1 C•I Poly P-• Super Bowl reaults wlnnln9 llck•h Iii•• 11orws1 Fri., -ells -•I c ,,.om•n co11eoe f'AST SUl"Ea aOWL GAMES EIGMTH •ACE. 11r. mil"• S•I , Merell • L• Vernt College hi .. M•Y I Cel 51 Lot An .. IH SOUTH AME•tCAN Z:ON• looub1t.-r, noon I' C•t ....... ~•I Tuts .. MaY• Cel SI Fullerton• C.........S, ._._, Fri., May7· Unlwr"tyol Sen Oleto" M ...... S.l., May t el Unl•trllly et Sen Olo(IO Jos. Altj-ro Cortes ctolomblel del ldouble.flffdW, noonl' Adrien Clarll, lo·1, •·•1 Arturo GonH IU TuH .. May 11 -•I L-heel\ SI • • <Colomblat dtt. L90 aolle, 1·S, ,_., 6·2. •·• Fri., May .. -•• UC Sen•• 8¥Mra• Cal llMMe• ..... u,,....,, Set .. May U -UC Se111e Berll•ra ........... J, U ....... y l ICIOuble-.-1' Silltl9t cleftOtH PCAAGtme I Victor Pe«I (Par~y) Ott. Ditto ...... All t•me• tlert el 1 :>0 p,m unltu t ·I . S·7. •·•. •·•; Fran<h<o Gonultr 01nerwlwlnolOIMI. IP1r.•gueyl clef. Jow L O•mlenl, .... ,_., -(_ > . NBA WHTeaN CON,eReNCI 1. ...... Su Ille PMenl• Golden Slalt Por111nd Sen 01190 S•n Anlont0 Denv•r Hou.ion Kensasc11y Ulall .... 111c:oi.i • ..., W L l"tl 30 11 1n 71 U •7S H U .tlS ,, 17 .s.t 11 II SSO IJ 2' HJ M~IOlvklea ,. u tSO 21 10 SH '' n ,..., 14 ,, 341 '' ,, ns o• 2VJ ~ I ,,,, II s IV, 12"' 1) 0•11•• 11 7t JOO u IA.STE RN CONl'l RENCE Bo\1011 P111110.lpl\l1 W•>lllnvton New Vork New J•rwy tndl•n• Cnouoo Delro11 C••••••no Att..,lk Olvlllea JO II ,. 17 11 " " ,, ,, ,, C .... ,.•IDlvllleol 131 101 ns ..., •Jt 71 14 .•St " '° .. , " Jl 07 II Jl •Jt II 2" JU 1 ll 11S s-y'•S<.,.. Por111no Ill, Boslon 119 -Y'•G-• Sulllt 11 New Y°"" T""4ay'sG-• M1tw.,"w •t l..ak.., 0111 .. 11 Allllllla cnoc190 11 W•S/llnvton Pnlleoeloni• 11 S.n A111on10 1no1 .... 11 Hou•lon Nt • Jersey al u .. 11 College SUNDAY'S SCORE Ytro1n11 I•. Loul•vllle ~ Community college stats GOt.01£ft WIST Til-41 H•llon 8 o¥ttn King o .... Je<ol>• Enrllart Ourh•m Mytts M•rllno Rtv1' G l'U. " 41S JI ~ ?0 2U ?O J)(O " 1"1 . .. 16 1' II 11 , . Bradlty • .. I MtGH-) ORANGE COAST lt-IJI 0 ..... 8H~IY » ~ G Krolln!tldl 11 HJ 8•1dwln 17 11 l110m1> JI Ill T KrOhnltlOI JI ti C•lnoun 71 •S N•nson IJ 11 M•lllrtu 11 1" H•ll•n 14 It 01m•lanle lo lurMr Ooods Wl\nlt w\au Ooyl• Htll Molcl1•11 Ht1d Fuuhtr Bryant Ground Ou•ol•y Rud SA00LE8ACll llMI G ~ 10 ,.. . .. 11 21]. J• 111 I~ U 1 " .. .. 6S 10 ,. 11 lt II 41 ~ 10 11 ,. WCT tournement ,., Mule• City) $1 ...... l'IMI I '"' II IJ I ..... • II '"" ..... ". 11 1 12, II t '" SS •• 4 s •.O 3S JO I) A ... 11 ] 10 I ., S> . " JI I I I J I 3 O• ..... "1 IU ,,. 10. •• . ' •• ,. ,, JI 11 I ! Tom11 Smid Cit! JOhn Seori. l·6, 1-• .... I 6, •·2 !Smid wins l l00,000, Sadri wlm '40,0001. "" Futures tournement c.1 ......... cu1n, OwM<I s-.... ..... 1 Glynl• Cole. (8rll•lnl de! Lelllfl Anne TnompM>n CNtwporl Nows, Y•.I. •-• • ._. ICOIH win• '5.0001 ~l'IUI M•rforle Black-COitaw•l·S..wn L'!D IAu>lr•ll•I 0.1 BerMr• Jordan CKlt19 ol Pruuo•. Pa l·Oi-Oeslor ILOllQ 8te<lll, •·J, •.• Phoenix Open L•MY W-lns tS·70-tJ-ltl Morrh Het•lslly •1 .. 1 ... -201 John Cooll 70 ..... 7-lOl Jorry P .. t 71 ,.t-lof-104 S< Oii St rnP1oOt1 75·""'"3 -104 JeyHIM .... ...._:MM L•rry Nelson U ·10 II 104 Mike Rtld 70 ...... -104 0 A. Wtibflt19 11-•t •S 10S Tom Purtr., """t-10 10i Andy 8ttan IMI... 106 Mike Donald 71 .. t-lot-X.. Bruce Lltllkt ,,,., ... __ Fuuy l0tlltr lt .. H5 106 Tom Kilt 11-•1 ... 106 Fred COUC>ltS '°""S-7) 207 O•n Pohl tl-t•I0-207 Bob Glider H•71·"1-to7 &en Cre,,.,.... 10.11 ... -201 Jim Simons 61·11·•• J01 Torry M..,,..y 70 71·"6 207 8111 K r•lnrt 10..t-tl J07 Ont Elcheli.rger 10·12 .. S-JOI G1~y Giibert 11 ..... t -JOI Tom W••Skoe>I 10-t>·ll JOI Crel9 St.Oler 69·"1·12-JOI Lon Nlelwn 6'·"6·1J-JOI Bob EHt-i..7~7J-20t B•rry Har-II tl·ls-61o-20t Georo• Archer 11-11 ... -:iot JOhnny Mllltr 70..•IO 20t Rotitrl T""'-1 11·t J.11-20t Curtis Sir-H ·10·70-20t H•le lrwln 7l_.7,.t-20t tltltll Fer-10.10-t•-:iot Miki Siittlv"" 11_. ... t -tOt !Im Deni U 71 ... -JOt i<ott Hoell 11•..--10t Cllvln Peete 7•·"1·tl-10t Ru c e1ow.11 11·104I 10t W•yne Ltvl 12 ... ·10-JIO Jim Coll»rt 69-71 70-JIO ~I Hen<OO 11·11 ... -110 Homtro Blanc•• 12 .... 11-211 O•n H1llclorson 10,70.11 Jll Andy Nortll 71-10.70-'ll Boo 8y,.,.,, 7J .... 70-J1 I 8oby Wldltlns 7l•Hl-111 All.., Mii~ 74 ..... t 711 David Gr_., "1-1• 111 J.C Snead 7J 10 ... -Jll Ken Grt.., 70·70·7'-JIJ J.<ll R..,,..r 71·>0·11-Jl2 Ge<><Qt Burm ti IJ.11-JU 8111 Call• 71-13-JIJ L.-aro T"°""""" 10... 1• 11J 0on J•nu.,., ••-tt-14-112 P•ul All-12·11-t9-J12 Y•ntt Healner l•·tl·11-113 Ltt Elder 1"1J·10 JU Peter Jee-12-71 70-213 8•11 RQ9et'l 10 70-IJ-111 Tim SI,,,_, 10·71 17 JU G•ry H•ll•r9 10·10.IJ JI) R09er M••lble n-1~1J -11• Deep••• Hatting NIW~T ,..,,., ~· -JI •nolt". 1 0.H, JI mec1< .... 1. 1 llno cod. I bla<k - baH. SJ rock h"1 l0."9Y'l Lee-I -S. •1111•••• lt5 roCll <od, I c-<oo. 5 Wind bass, 1 <•ll<o tins. It meclltrel, DANA wtfARF 13 •nv.... , ban. * ro<k coo, JO ma<klrtl, I lln; cod, 10 <- cod OCEANSIDE 4S anoiers ,. ,,. ... IU rock tlsll. U mackerel SAN DIEGO 11 ....... 1 -.. •nolen· ,, m a ckerel, 132 rock llsll, 101 roo coo, I llng coo. I .... L-. ~1-lftH'• ~ H&M L ........ I J• •nvltrs: 345 ro<k cod,• v J "2 t . F I FC Super Momeni ( P1nceyl • 20 2 tt 110 I double·-· noon I .,v1 -J.,. •.1 ;.-n r•nc sco CN I Mon .Marcll t -a1S.nOie90S1.11p.m.1 _.,.l'IMI U , Cln<lnnetl CAFCI JI F<><loln 1~1-CS.I J 00 2.20 Tuo Merell • 11 U.S Internet-I Sntrwooo Slt••rl FerOo T ayge11 Oel <-cod NHL CAMl"81LLCC*l'EaeNCE Edmonton C1191ry V'"'COUVtf Kll•ts Colw •oo Minnesota St . LOU!\ WlnnlP"9 Cl11cago Toronto Oe1rol1 SM'ftMOM- W I. T 01" GA-. ,., 17 • , ,. 104 "' .. 21" I" 221 0 IS J• ,11 "' ttS 41 I) Jt 10 19) J34 )6 10 32 • 1.0 ,,, 11 N• ~h Ol•!Meol "14 IS ltl 1"S SJ 1l 21 • IN I.. JO 11 JI 10 IN 114 .. II 22 9 711 JJ1 '3 IS 11 12 103 J ,, •J U 16 t IU 104 )7 WALES CONl'lalNCE l"alrk k 01•1•1.., NY l>lanOt" 21 13 6 191 15' 60 Pllllldt llltll• ,. 16 ) I'll In se NY Rengtr\ 21 10 I 112 IN .. P•ll>bur9fl JO JO • IM 1'2 • Weslllneton 12 ?t t 11] 101 J1 Bull••o Bo1lon Mon1r111 Ouebe< H•rtlord A,.._Olvl•I• 29 11 9 '" Id •1 ,. 14 • '" '"' ., ,. 11 ,, JI• 1• 60 JS " " 714 '" ~ 11 24 II 1U 1'11 U s-. ... s, .... Kl11t• S, Vancouver ) WlslllllQlon •.NV R•nve". Edmonton 1, COlortdo • Teeli .... '•Gem" Cel;ary 11 Boslon Mlnne\Ot• •I Toronto Harl lord •I Cl1•<- T""4ay'• Game• MonlrH l •1 o..ec.c Wlnn11»9 •I Oeiro;I Plltsbur9fl •I NY !\landers E dmonlon •I SI LoulS Pl11ladtlDfl•• al Color•OO KlnQI 5, Cenuck1 5 kwetoyl"- ~lnt l"eriM ' L01i At199IH, Fo• 1t ITtrrlon. Hardyl, 1 JI 1 Los At1911 ... St Laurent 1 I 801ell. Mulvey I, •·s1 ) LOS AllQ<'IH , Dionne JO CM Murpl\y, Cl\ar1r-1. II 11 • Vancou-. Gr1dln ll CSmyl, Wllham\I It 17 Pena111-. Cllerlr-. LA. 32, Wllll•m>. Van, J1 KtllY, LA, S l4 Ste ............ S V•"cou"•'. Gr•d•n 24 t 8old1r•v. Helw•rdl, I 'll • V.,.couver, M<Cer'llly • 1 Boldlrev, Halward I. IJ n I Y•ncouwr, Hllnka 11 1-0oNIOI, "71 Penall••• Vancouver bench, wrvt4 bY 8r•\•r. 1 Sl, Kelly, LA, • 10, Wlllo•m•. ll•n, • 10, L Murplly, LA, 1 ... W•lh, LA. IJ SI H1n9sleben, LA double minor u S. Hudy, LA. maeor maltll miM.Ondu<t-99mt mt1conduct, 11 '' Ch•rlr•w. l A major ;ame mlsconoucl, 11 ... W•ll•. LA, mlnor·m•Jor q•m• m1\tonouc1. 11 491 Wllll•m•, Van. II ••. Oel<><emt. Y•t1, trlolt minor m•tor.9aml' mhtonOv<t ti ''· Smyl, van; maior 9-ml\Condu<I. •• It Roi•. Yan, m•1CI'-m•S<ondvCI It •• Tlllnl f'e,..... I LO\ Angele'\, KeHy I (FO•, TernonL 11 4J t Yan<Ou•tr. Lue>ul I, It 14 10 LO\ An9e10. Fo• It !Turnbull, Olonnel, 19 I) P•n•lttes 8otdtr•v. Va n • 01. SI L aur1nl LA. • 10 W1lll•m\, V•n • 10 Hanqst-. LA, 11 0 s not• on _, Los A"9f••• 10 10-11.31 Y•ncouvor 1-Jl·•·ll Go•lies Los Anotl•• Kt4tl\ vencou-. 8rodour A 12 ... s Weekend lranHctions IASl8AU Na-I Le ..... PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES !>09rwd l •trV Chr~t"'loOf'\· ptlc,._., to • tour Y••r con1rac1 1'00T8ALL Neti....11'-llL,e .... !>AN FRANCl!>CO Of;RS Annovn<MI 1110 rellrtmenl ot P•ul Hbltr, 11all1>a<1o MOCKEY NetleMIM«Uy L- TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS Stoned Frid P•rhni, c~l•r. to • tour year conlrK t CO\.LEGE TEXAS A&M Ntmecl Cll•rlt\ Tl1ornlon •nocl•lt alllltht director lor all •Dort• OctPI football. eno W•lly Groll .. -·••e attltt llc 01n:ct0f' for flNnci•I att•ir\ XV -Jen U , ""· OHiand IAFCI JI, Le Ouc Oe 8ar IGuerr1t J to Unlvtr;oly · Smid·8•1•n Teroc1y, ..... 1.5 ...... -.Pllll~ld!Y.llt~.H.,._ _,,.. Alsorac..i L!!l!.'~Clr ,,,_ __ ., Mw+ --~----~--~~ ~ ------·---"?'--=:~-)«V~ ~mt&lr;i\fAl'<.r.tr. ~ill~~ ,.. •.. ' ~. ~ ·-"J'"""" "''•~•1c· Los A~ies ,,.~~I ,.' ' U IXACTA 16-SI paid n• 50 Fri., Merell l2 -Gon••9a Unl¥erslly l•t G!Mntl•. ararlll :--------- (double·lle.oer, ,,_,, si...IH l'IM I XIII -Jllll JI, 191'; Plll\buf'Clll IAF'CI Jl, NINTM RACE. I l11"mlles. Sal , Mar<ll20 UnlvtrSlty ol Waslllf191on Y•n Wlnllslly Ott C•rlos Klrm•yr 6 l "'l 0 111 .. CNFCI )1 Bellelomant IM<Hu-1 14 00 • .0 • tO (Ip m I IW•nllslly win\~ 0001 . ' OeXnl~erCAJ~11~S. "71, 0•11 .. INFCI 27. Tan;aroaCMtnal tlO 700 T1111 .-c11u e1uverneC011-~l'IMI XI _ J t "11 n-i d F SwlllBird lGuerr•I tfO Tllun .. Mar<ll U SoullltrnCel Colle9f Pllll Oenl·Klm Wir w lc k Oef Minne le ~FCI 14 · -r 1111 IA Cl ». AIM> raced· Plenty O'TOOle. 8alllewlnd,· Cdouble·M-. ,,_,, , Klrmiyr.CMsio MOiia, 6.1 . ._J, 6.3 (Deni, X SOJ It 197 .. Pl c. FCI JI lmpet1 ... 1 ~"·Gr•<••~ Tues • Merell JO •• Cll SI. LO\ An;eles Warwlo """ lll,0001 -an. • "· llsbur9fl ~ · Tlmt I G J/S. Frl , Aprll J ~rdlrw• • O•llHINFCl17 UIXACTA l6-Jl palO"*)O S •I . 40,11 3 •• Popoerdln• Womenatournement IX -J en l1, 1'1S Pllhbur9'1 CAFCI 1". Attt-t JSttJ ldOUble.nt...., _,.. (atSNll .. I Mlnnesote (NFCI t ' Tllfl AP"ll.. el UC Sant• Barbara• s.tftlffMI ~. VIII -Jen 1J, lt7•, Miami CAFCI 2•. Fri .. '.l.or11 • •• , Loyol• Marymounl' RoSlt CAslls-Wenoy Tumbull Otl. Andre• Mlnnesote (NFC> 1 Hollywood Perk Sal .. April 10 Loyola Merymounl J eeger-Belsy N•;elsen. •·1. lo·1, •·l ; Anne VII -Jan. 1', 1'71, Ml.,,.I (AFC) 1'1 SUNDAY'S aESULTS (dOUble.-noonl' Sm1111·Kallly Jordan clel Sue Berkt,,Ann Wnlllnvton CNFCI 1. , .... ......_.._.,_ ... , TuH ,Aprll ti UnlWrsityetS.n 01e9>• Klyomur1.1 S .•. 1 VI J"" "'· ttn; 0.llH INFCI >•. FlaSTRACE.Onemlltpect Fri Aprllt•-CelSt Fullerton• OevlaCup Mleml CAFCI J Soan Ovl IAftdtr-.1 1 00 •JO J.to Si c.', APf'll 11 el C•I St Fulle rton EASTERN ZONE y J"" 11, ""· 8alhmort CAFCI "· H H Cll-r (Todcll u 60 lo.40 Coouble..,._, -·· (II -11•1 O•llH (NFCI 13 Gypsy Sam CWlsl\ardl •JO Tuts., April ?O ""-rdlrw' ~ ·-•• ""''"""'"I IV -J .... 11, 1'70, K•tlM• Cily CAFLI n . Also ractd: Flnel s-9. Stmlnol• c111.i, l'rl . Al)t'll 23 •• L-Beecll SI • ~ MlnnesotelNFLll Stn9• RI•. !ipry's ~I. Gentrel Sll•er. S.l ,AprllJ• LongBeecl1Stcnoonl' J04\ Younvoae 1Sou111 Korul ael Alta Ill -Jllll 17. 19't, Now York .Hh IAFL) 819 Sprlt19, 8e<I Glenv•lt Tues . Aprtl J7 •I Loyol• Mery-I' ~•rc111, t-•. lo·2, lo·J. Kim C-llo 15.oul!I u. a.111..-1 (NFLI I, Tlmt J 03, Fri . April JO -•IC•• St. L ... An;eltS' KOrHl dtl Manuel Y•lleremos ...... 1.5 Camel. Where a man belongs. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 8 mg. "ta(. 0.8 mg. nicotine w. per c1garene by FTC method. ca .c•. ( I ' .. • .... , 4 o c I I 4 A ¥40 Orange C(\att DAILY PILOT/Monday, January 25. 1982 l Garage sales, yard sales, rummage sales, street sales ... no matter what you call them, the idea is the same -TURNING THINGS YOU NO LONGER NEED INTO CASH. When you get tired of fighting your way into a crowded attic or garage, or when you need a little extra cash, have a garage sale! So get into the act, clean out those unwanted items, and make money doing it! .. It's fun, it's profitable, and following these 10 steps will make it simple. Decide on dates. Look at a calendar and set the dates and times of your • sale. Weekends are usually good, but many successful sales have been held in the evening, just after work. Check the weather forecast in the paper, and watch for any other large event that may attract potential buyers away, such as fairs or community events. Have your sale run at least two days -some people may not be able to come on any single day. · What to sell. ) Everything! That is, eveJ)1hing you haven't used in the • last year. If an item has antique value, or is brand· new, or has unusual value, be sure to ask a healthy price for it. Get a pad of paper and search your whole house. Look everywhere, and list everything. Fwniture. This is your main attraction and your best source of income. Be sure to place furniture where it can be seen from the street. Price furniture low enough to beat auctions and secondhand sales (check the classifieds for compartsons), but high enough so you can come down a Httle when someone shows interest. Rockinq chairs, chest of drawers, tables and chairs are all very successful at garage sales, so feature them in your ad. Antiques. Smaller antiques should be grouped, and kept close at hand where you can watch and talk about them. Nostalgia items are very popular - display them well. Clothin9. Make sure c lothing is clean, and mark the price way down. Put as many things as possible on hangers. Separate kid's things by age . Display adult clothing by sex and age group. Low prices are a must on clothes except for unusual items, which should be tagged With an explanation (like, "hand-embroidered flowers, dress worn by Mae West)." Appliances. These wi II sell for a fair price only if they work. No one will take your word for it. Have an extension cord so they can be tested, or better yet, have radios playing, old TV sets-turned ori etc. Make sure buyers understand they are sold ..... \" \\ . 5 . . . Where to advertise. Place your ad where it will be seen by people who live in the area -most people shop close to home. The II Daily Pilot is read by 88,000 adults in Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Irvine, Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley -guaranteeing you wide exposure. And with the Pilot, you 're not paying for waste circulation in Los Angeles or Anaheim. Plan to run your ad 3 times or more, and start it a few days before the sale so bargain hunters can have plenty of notice. '"" Make a sign. w To help make your sale successful, make a few signs Ill from cardboard and letter with a magic marker: A good sign size is 14" x 22". Placing your sign. The morning of the sale, but not before, place your II signs. Be sure and add your address and any directional arrows. This should be done about a half hour before the sale starts. Place your sign where it can be seen from both sides of the street by passing cars and pedestrians. CAUTION : Some towns have laws that restrict"the placement and duration of garage sale signs. Please chec~. with your town's planning department or clerk. · Marking prices. Mark prices where they can be seen clearly. Office Ill supply stores have varoius sizes and colors of stickers that work well, or you can use maskin9' tape. However ·you mark them, make prices low. Garage sales are for bargain hunters. Remember, whatever you can't sell you'll have to drag back in the house and store again for another year. . Serving refreshments. -~------~~~~·,.. w:a:31c ....... _... .... -~ I -:a-..,,,._,,._.. _ __..o.:;;;i~ Th ts doesn't have to cost much, and creates a friendly .~·~phere . It also encourages people to stay longer and perhaps buy more. You could even charge for expensive items like donuts, or the kids could go in ~ business for the day, with a lemonade stand. ,. Plants. These usually go fast, but keep them out of direct sunlight. A good idea is to name your plants before the sale (Spider Lady, Cousin Jasper, Maggie), and write a line or two on the name card about how to care for them. Write your ad. Here is a su~gested ad: "Garage Sale -desks, II Bentwood rocking chair, toys, infants' clothing, 1922 Victrola in original cabinet, many gadgets, lots of unusual items, rock collection, plants. Refreshments, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m . Saturday and Sunday. 1234 South Anystreet, Yourtown. Just west of Main and 2nd." Use this sample ad as a guide. Be sure to list unusual items. Be as·specific as possible. Give directions if needed. Don't use abbreviations-many people won 't bother to decipher them. CAUTION: Don't advertise anything you don't really have. Every item in the ad must be on hand at the start of the sale. • Display. Make sure everything can be seen . Have card tables or • boards used as shelves between two chairs. Don't cause people to bend over unless you can 't help it. Use one table as a desk where you can see everything and take money. Use only one cash box (tin cans or boxes work fine) and make sure someone is appointed "cashier" at all times. Arrange beforehand for a friend whcr-can hetp-an swer:-questiornt;-t"elief...f~+unc A-; ete. Check your neighbors and friends. II See if any want to join your sale. Th is wi II give you someone to share expenses with and increase interest 6 4 2 5 6 '18 in your sale. If others join you, be sure to include this in • . your ad (example: "three-family sale," "neighborhood lailJ Pilaf _____ .._.sa-le"). -Grou_..p sate-s are.._a lot-morellillllilifun._.too. - 330 w. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA. . 4 GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR GARAG( SALEI Open ~5:30 Monday thru Friday, Saturday 8-noon. MAY 11 BE SUCCESSAJ[ AND AINI l 1 I 'I .. •. ;· i (· '• ~ I ·: '· , ' Confused by all the conflicting food bargain claims? \<7 \\'hen you want f ood bargains -pnces you can count on. the proof is in print ..... in the grocery ads in the Daily Pi lot . Shop the Daily Pilot . get the facfs. compare ..... then you know you ·re really getting the most f or your moneJ:J. \ SHOP WITH MONEY-SAVING COUPONS FROM THE .. lailyPilai rtlllCINOTHHS -.L NOADWAY MORTUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa &42-9150 IALnlHGHOH SMITH & TUTHILL WHTCUFf CHAl"IL 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-9371 ... Cl llOTMllS SMITMS' WOlrTUM'f 627 Main $1 kunt1ngtoilBHch 536-'6539 rACINC Y•W MIMOltA&. rAU Cemetery Monuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1flc View Drive Newpor1 Beach 644-2700 ti42-4321 . 'Pray f~~ p~y no h~Jp. PEKING (AP) -Some YOUDI Cb1nese who want pay raises are 1otn1 to temples to pray to Buddhiat imqes, a letter in tbe Pekiq Daily complained. · Others pray for 1ood health, protection from disasters and solution.a to job ualpment.s that keep husbands and wives apart, while still more pray silently, the letter said. It said, "We don't deny that many problems remain to be solved in clotbinc, feediq, bouain1 and tranaJ)Ol'tlna people." But lt added that only sweat Md banf work would briq modernlaaUoa and hither llvlnl atanclarda to Cblna. Hoarders warned ~~~~~~~~~~- --. ........... t--- LaeM. llOTtC• NOTICE IS Hl!llEIY OIVl!N tllet IM l•t'-'"I 1.._ el ,_ « t...ed '"'"9rtr -..... -11J 1M "'°'><• OeHn-Ill , .. Cltr of G•l• MeWI lw • -led lfl .. <-_ Ill ,,..,.., <•OI S A L I S 8 U· R Y , dert: ler'1 lrow11 lt•yce u111.., Z · b b ( A p ) e kyt1e, ...,., "" ScllwlM ,.....,.., 1 m a we -••crc•e. lor ·• 11.0 '~"••1111 Gasoline boarders have S<r--. 91c¥c ... ._.., .,. • ...,,., be ed th r CrulMr lkyc .. , Ber'• 0.-Sctoiw!M en warn ey ace 10 '"· lkrc ... ..,.., , .. Hlllty t w o y e a r a ' "M1111" 8Mdlcrutt. lkrc ..... ,., imprisonment at bard •tec• 1c11w11w1111ttt•r• lkrc ... Girt'• McCoeMtcl WOITU.UllS Leguna Beach 494-9415 labor and fin-Of •t,""" Oret19e Murrer Sll11tr•y llCytle, ..... • """" Sceoter, Surl .... rd, Oetel C•ltttd u n d e r t o u g b n e w w.do1,.. IMd • o.1e1 ..., "'"' I I trol l COi~ WMdlflt Ill ... ue -con awa. NOTICI! IS l'UllTHl!ll Ol'ilN !Ml Laguna Hells 766-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495·1776 He•DI LAWM-MT. oun Monuert • CerT18 lefy er..,.tory 1825 Gillet Ave Cola.Me .. ~S564 0 ... Ener1y Minister 11 no -_..,.,.. ..,...., .... Si b M koni Wninl _,.,.. .. "" ,,..."" witlltfl M¥9fl m 8 8 , OU OI ...,_ .......... tt1t tll*keti-. e1 the meuures, aald tbe ""' 11et1ee ... tttt• ...,. .. tM11 .,.., re1ulatJona would curb lt1 IN ......... 11 ""'-•-.•1t1 • City II C.-. -.e. lfl 9Ncll c-tt1t • • a rt if l c I a I ' • f u e 1 .--tY1•..., • .-.. .-1k -•• shorta1es tbrou1hout ... u,... .... -. ... -. the former Brltl1h OetM~~T!:-1• • colony ol Rhodesia. o.t.r"*'t Tbe r::w:Uona were ~ 0r ... c..c Deity~. ,,_,a,,. Im poae after four t-=-....,,...-.,...----...iac~ months of 1asoltne 'P1nd whlit fOU want In sbort-.es. Dally Pilot Cle11lfleds. J , ' , --·--------........-... --...... ...._ _________ __ Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday. January 2e. 1982 .. ,a .. T ....... 8'tlAU , .......... , T.O. llllVICI COMPMY M _.. .........,.,.........,,. ........ ClAS .. • eel& ....... flf n. WIU ...... AT .. UaLIC AUC:YION TO TNI HIOHllT l lDOllt ,0. C:AIH , .. \ ............... .,. ...... ------------------..---------- -··-~ ..... , ... , ...... ............. c-... ...... _ .._ IW K Wl9r .... 0.. f/f TNll Ill • .,...,.., ........... -.c .... ~ T•UITOlt: ~llY H, lllAU lalll,.ICIA•V: A•THUll I . M8111TZIL eAd MallllL J , MllllTZll.IMlllllM ... wW."telM ............ ~ ... ,_ ""'*· .... ..,, ...... 1 ... ., Offtclet ...... Ill -"*-.. .. 1111.uNlr., Or ... ¢ellllty; .... ... ti 1•11•1 41tKrlkt Ille lell-1119 ..,...,...,, Tiit lelld ttltrreel le IA t11I• BNrlfl•lt .......... 111 ....... .. CM ....... c:-.er .. Or ........ I• •• , ... !" ........ : "•itc•" 1: Ulllt .... .._Ill Ill City el ......... , .. ""· '-"' .. Or ......... .. c .............. -•• , ... "' IN Ct *"'••llo&M ,...,. rw..-. t11 0c....-.. ltft, ..... '""· ..... 11•. Offklel _.,.., .... c-,. "AllCIL J: A11~-....... ~Clllll lflterflt••lllllMl l•-·-... 111 ................ c-... Ai'el el Lii 1 el Trect ....... II*' Ill# llled 111 MM *74, .-eea It te 4J lllCluel ......... ..._ ..... ~--ellkt .. Ille c..,. 11 ....... .... '-''·"---"' ........... .. Ntk ...... _ .. ~ .... .. o.ci.r.-. .. ~ c:-. ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• •.. ,.. ..., .. _.. ·- •••••••ee••••••e•••e••• ~··••ee•••••• ......... • \\ I , . I TAY LOI{ ('0 i I ') I'' --------1; I "; : I I:. ' M1W BCLUSIVI -HAllOI YllW ' Fint time offered. Quiet park·like setting. Huge rear yard 179 ft wide. Rm for paddle tennis and pool, or areal for an orchard. Picturesque cul de 11c street. 3 bdrms and Family Rm. $379,500 including land. See anytime. ~o W1SUY M. TAnOI CO., IWTOIS JlllS. ........ .. MIWPOIT c:eue. M.I. ... ....,,. , .... """"' ... ----~ "· '"'· Ill -11«11 ...... -.. Offklel .._ ... et IHI ~., CYM C..-UYIM61 Tired of 11rd work? Need a new lift 1tyle? Y• will loYe tllla Im· metu1ate. I Bdrm toe• domlaham . Dlacover bow .,.y It would bt for you to llave a carefree life for oely suuso.1------111!!111-I .... ..._. CAU.NOW. ..wLYMAllUI .... '"OKIM' ..... ''). 8Rf MY ........ , ..... .,_ ....... ..._. ElCCE"1 THl!llEl'llOM ell ell, .... MIMrela ............ , ......... . ............ -..... wlllltut .. ,..,., ........ ,., ... ·--... ..... -........ . "AllCILJ: l!••-Cll • audl ............ " ta/are ~klll••r NI 1trt11 111 111e Artkle eflllllM "E__., .. el IN Oeclaretle11 u11der Ille Sect1011 HeMllltCtl Ill -II Artl<le Mllltled .. lellewa: "UtllMlet", "sett..,._ -E11er~· .,.. "C-ArN Ee•met1t". U lee lt1111d Drive, N••P•rl lee<ll,CA "Cll a .. , .. , -Ht er.,.c- de1l111•llo11 11 111ew11 tlHlve. 110 warr111\.)' It 9 lve11 tt le Ill c_,. ........ or CWl"eCtNU)." T"9 ..... lk lery WNlff Mid Geed el T....t. 1W r-el• llWMdl w deleull lfl !fie ••111•11•11• u c ured tllereey, -. .......... _... ........ _ le tlleU11d11•A11•-DKl9' ..... .. Del ........ ~,.,,....­ ........... MCiee el.._ .. ..,. II etecU.. lo tau• .. ..,... 1111•• le ... , Wll4I ....... .., ..... ,.,, ............. ...... .... -....... ..... -...... ~ .... Mike .. llrNctl -.. elecU-le Ille Rec:..-Ot-12, !WI" lllllr. Ne. 19'11 Ill -IGD -IOM, el WI .. Oltklel llec:enh. s.111 ... •Ill .. -· -•• .._. ceve11e"t or werrMty, ••fll"eu ., ...,..1.0, ........... tttte, _....... • ., fft<lli'llW.W: ... lo pey ............ 1111 IWlfle ... ..., Ill IN -Ill --lly Wiid o.d el Tnm, wlttl 1111-t 111 ...................... --.lfeooy, ......., IN-· Mill Deed el Trwt. Ifft, C-9" -U-IH el tlle Trint• .... ol h lnllb c ....... lly WI .. 0..0 ol Tr .... Wd .... wUI .. lleld ... T....-,, .. ..,_., "· Ha al J:IO p.m •• el tlle ~ Av- Mtre11ee, • .. Clvk C-,.,.._,,,.. -Eett °'9pfNft A-, lfl .. Cll"r e10r ...... At Ille tlnw el ... lllltlel lllAl!lulleft O<I tllls. notjce, t• lotel -el t• u11peld bllet1ce of tlle ••ll .. t1e11 wcured llr .... ....., detcrleM ..,.., lrinl alld ...,,,,_ cesb, e._. e11d ao .. a11cu It U0,00.lt. Tc ..... "' ............. bid ........ _, ceU C7t41tJ7....._ 081•: J_., IS, 1"2 T.O. KllVICE COMPANY ...... T.- •r~McM11ti... Auh-Sec-y 0..Clty ........ w.i o. ..... u. .... C71411»4m1 P\ltlllNd Or .... c:-4 o.lly ,,__ JM . ts. F• I. I. 1-ls.a NOTIC& CW TlllUSTE•'I SAL• T.1.-11-t- Of't F__, 17, 1"2 el 10:00 .-elect: a m., •1 IN lrolll Elltrance ef SAFECO Tltle 111"°ret1Ce '-"'· HS He. Bn>OO,.ey, lt1 l"9 Cib< ·el S-te Alie, COUtlly .. 0r-.. 511 .... C.lllOrnl•. SAFE CO TITLE I NSURANC E COMPANY,. c..._euon. '"T .... , ... vnotr ,.. L-Fenn S.CIWitY IAllCJ Contract,. •-ul.., br OCEE RITC1H allCJ BEVERLY RITCH, -aflCI wll• u joint •-ts. recorded l /S/tO •• do<u_..,. no. 400 In -usu. p~ IS.7 of Offlclel Recorc11 111 llw ofllce of Ult Rec:orclttr ol Orenoe County. Calllornla, Dy reuon ol deleull In tl\e pay..-1 or portonnenu ot oblloa110,.. 1uurec1 tllerebr lnc:ludlnQ '"° broach or clofoull. nollce ol which wH recorclecl 10/Slll es clocumtM no. 4471 in -UHJ, -,.., ol sold Offl<lel Rec-. will sell •I public auction lo tl\e 111911M1 .,._, for <•"'In ._,_., ef ,,. Unl- 51•tH1 wit-I Ml\'-H.,e,.aAl_. warranty. •.,,.-eued or lmptl.., es to llllt, POHesllon, or enc:umbre11<H, for the purPOso ol paylno obll9at1on1 wcured bY solcl L-F...-m Security L•flcl Centrect, IN lnt..-HI conve,.ci 10 ••Id Tnlitee ....... .., L-Fonn S.curlly ~ COtltrect In PF--1Y 11tuat.., In ttw Counl-t of Or-. S1411e of Calllorllla and -rlbecl H : Lot 6, lloc-A of Tract .... 13', u _,. on • "'"' recorded Ill -11, P990 )fol Mltcell-~. 111 IN office el llW C-r recerWr el Ulld ceunty TIM ...,...., ... ._. .... Hllmate Of ces11, • ._. --tneft .. of Fec.n.ery 11. 1'92 It Pt, .... ; ulO _, wlll lntl'MM untll d919 of wto. Tiie ure•I add••n a11d otlM• cemmOfl llKigfwttlOfl, II •"Y. of tM •••• P•-rlr delcrlDed abon h purport.cl 1.e be' UNKNOWN Tl\t under1igMcl TMllf• dlKi.lm1 eny lleblllly lor ..,, lnc:orrect<WH of IM 1lrHI tdd•e•H -otlwr <omtnOfl detlOfl•llOfl, 11 ony, -,,.,.111. Oetod: J-y I, 1"2 VENOOll· 11081!11T C. REMICK afld MYRA T. llEMICK, -•ncl .... AOORESS: 201' Or-. Ave., cose. Mue, CA t2627 Telepllone OH> IMJ-JS47 $AFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a COtllorollOfl Trv1I• AOOREU: l03 W. Stll Sirwet, S... 1..-nenlll\O. CA '740J Tel.,.__ 11141 ... JSJI ly: K•Y.._lcu , AMiii..,. Sec:r-y Putlllllwcl Or..,.. C:O.st Oellr Piiot. J... "·JS, .... '· 1"2 J~ -P\trN•i!M -t:•lltt-_,,.,.O<l.'•I f tNtomuw.1i1mt rvfll• e~hfthtM.6l8f r .. ._)ft '"'"' Th--l•I ~,,.,..,ft ~••n lflt AltJi t\lr• ~,t.,..,._ AJh1'lrt11wl e• R-. -·-d twft)Motri\ c;...v._, """""''""" ... ,_.._ .. ~_._. .. Ifft.& I• ~tr' c.,~,••f-9 Offi«MM .. ................ ·~,,_.,., .. ., -~ lt1111ak"••H illtw" ....... llSllSS,lblSl· MOT. rJIAllCE SllYIClS ~trtlhr-f'ftor1 HIPl.IYMlllT & PllPAUTIOll "C'toiltti .... lr....-1 ..... JvttW.i.tWl'tl' .......... f'll .... MllCMAllllSE """'-::~ ...... ,.,1' t .... .,,~ ............. '" ........ DID t)ft .. , .. .......... f..-6..,_.,~ ....... _._ ,....., Lt•ftl ... r. 11..-, ·--... ~-...... .. tl!M( .. ,~ .. , <Wtw.rw•••.,..• ..... =:~~ ,...,_ ... (AM~ Cil•t ant..,•• K.r ~f' ....... 1tt t.1 .... c..w, •• llATS&MN (..,.., um.o um.no ,,,. ---~ -J~ ll.W -ll<lt --.. -... mo -Ult This newapeper will not knowinf ly eccept eny advert sin& for reel 11tai. which Is In viola-tion of the law. BllOIS: Acl .. rffHn .... dttck .... ~..=.r;:...t; DA.IL Y PILOT•-• l.wlty for tllt flnt I.correct l•ttrtlo• .,. := Hamel for~ ..., ..•.•.................. :: ....... f\111 --1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• DIEAMHOUSE WITHCHAIM! You 'll love it here! E)iglish Tudor style. lov· ely tree lined street, pride or ownership neighborhood and an as· sumable loan or 174.000 at 12' •'. interest Full price on this 3 Bdrm 2 bath doll house is 1104. . Call 646· 7171 CdMFIXH $2ZS,OOO ~ue beach cotta11e paint, carpel and imafination! Excellent location. Motivated owner will help finance. Walk to beach! Hurry , ca11673-SS50 THE REAL ESTATERS -.OW MAIUCn! 4 bdrm home in Costa Mesa. Won't last at 1120,000. t yr home war· ranly. Owner-assuted f~CUli.. Call 9'19·S370 ALLSTATE REALTORS STAITSMAIT IN COSTA MESA Assume •1.000 in loans at al2 rm. family room features cozy fireplace! 3 larce bdrms. Sparkl· in& clean condition. Only -Bhtrs. Lease option. 2 br. $12$.000! Call 673-8~1 wide greenbelt 1139,SOO --;~t -=Bk=r~, 644::..:.Tlt-'-'·0=~""'"4Ll-X---i rimtt :... "THMS" -,..,. •I> -----------.n Beautiful triplex near South Co ast Plaza. Owner will cerry rinanc· inc at 12•,;. P rice 12&1,000 Excellent. ex rellent locetion Call 1Mtl1 : •DISHTID : •IAl&AIN : I MeuVerde'sflnest! Va· : cant, owner wents out! -Large 3 Bdrm. 2 bath : home family room. -brick fireplace. quiet I trtt·Uned strttt Close to shopping. call now, ..... 546-2313 I ~--1 ! --1------... -1 HAllOl RIDGt ::.: An exquisite ofrering. ... Elegant & spacious 3 ::: bdrm + family home. I ::: ~~ ~~ r l~a:~r:::~ -coastline, ocean & night Uchts. Prestice. com· Iott . luxury & security. Reduced. now 16115.000. ,.,,. -- SOMERSET '"A ... Delightful 2 Br rondo rloR to So Coast Plaza & airport industrial area. Beautifully de- corated. Great Slllrttr home 1m.~. 1s1.31s1 CoufW..WPCMT MAI.TORI 2Stl LC.-... ,. c.r-... ... 115·5511 ---------- LA9UESTA $133,000 A great oprortun11y priced we I b~lo w market. Owner wants rast sale & will help finance. 3 Br 14 • 81, ch.uminc fl oorplan 7Sl-3191 (Owner f111ancingl. Al\. · I ~.5,WI VllWTOWMHOMH !!!!l!l•!!!!!l•!!!!!!!•!I!!~ Master suites. View or ---... --:: SIWON S :! ~tJ! Wit fer S• 1111 114 da Isle -Newport ~ Bee c h . C u s t o m ~:,: waterfront home · mi priced fer below market ~ for quick ult. MAI ap. 11i. ~raiaal 14.4 million · fill JI» educed lo onlr 13.6 :;: million. &tiler wU carry fl• 30yearfln1ncln1at 10~. ;:: Room for 3 larie yecht1. ri• Indoor/outdoor pool/ape ~~ with retractable roof. "'' Un derl!ound wine fl» fl• cellar. parate 1u11t "i' AND maid's quarters. :It World's moat romantic :l: master suite overlook· :l: Ina entire harbor. rlfl Broker consideration. -To see call Rick. Bkr. mnao. '1292 anytlme. Ocean & Ni1bt li1hts. Qliet Area. Parks. open spaces. Sl37 .000. X Int fin. Halor Pat Alts 751-llllOS, 673· 7300 SI 0,000 DWN! FIXEI! B1r1ain! 3 Bdrm 2 beth. pool ! Owner extremely 1111llvated! •.soo total price. Call for more de· tails. $t6:23 l3 THE REA L ESTATERS IMPICCAILE ~., ., Alfi: - Located in presU1ioua Spy&lua. this 3 Br 2 Ba wtlJI formal dinl111 room and family room bu fabu.loua rmuntain and city U1ht views. Good rlnancin1 offered by motivated ow ner. ..... -C..M•f •u c...,. •T c..t to NII at $50,000. NOTica TOCllaOtTOttS tt;:": = 0,.8UUlTlll .... l,.a• C.... *' cs.cs.'"'_."' u.c.c.1 c.c-i -1tt tlilJ"'-. '-tt.t.ltLIJ1&.1L.IJIL.1'1J"1'4--n;~,,______ = .. credllen el HOWAllO IC. KIM efld ---:'"t ' (\ l 1---------.,,. SUNHEE L. KIM, Tr~ • ...._ ri -...._ • I lleme addrH1 11 14111 Mulberrr •-~ -·-' A•et111•. City Of ,,,,,,,.., c_,, .. =· = Businessmen or.,.., s....., Cellfenlte, t111t •..,.. ..,,..,, - 1re11ll•r t• •llOut t• 11e "'•" t• ·:t=&,.. -I/ ~011 art do111g j MO HAMMAD 5AEIDI l"AEZ. ,_ = b111i11••• 1111dtr a 't Tr .... me.......................... "' .. 1'Jt 111. Coif ... ~. Allt. H.Jt, City ,::::a : f'icflrlou 8111i11tu ! ., 1111ttenot1, ~, ., 0r.,.., sc• .,,.,,.....,.. -.'Vamt p ott rtq111red 1 1 ot CelllwNe. ~ "'4 "" la"' , ......... ,, -:...~ flle ~ It • tf ......... le ~ ... -. v. "' IJINHIC llnu ._,.._. 111 ..,.,.. .. : •11 ••• "' Pro/tutaltl •Codt. Ste. :~ :~~--=::::. =:: moo to l79J01 ro /alt a "YOOUllT CONNaCTION" lflel f'ictillou 8111i11eu COtllmCIAL 2 alor9, 1 blodl to ocean H down. Owner wJJI c1117 btlaDte. IMS.000. .... ~,...,. ...... •671-7Mt• tecMH .. ,. Via.,,.,.,.., t, City ~pl•:t;ourme111ce Namt Stattmfftt 'Giid r. u , ... a ... .... _pert a.tll, c.tllltr .. ~..... -th• /lout It -bh•IMd. fo.r. r1 ...... .... Slllle el Cell'-"'11, -• ,.-T lie eu11l ,,.,.,,,r w111 11e readln1publlc, /our cO!Ufadfw tlffb. f'..U I c...__..."'., • ...,,,.1..,.-, pltcxte WE at "" DAILY .... of l'••ruerr. 1"2 et 1t:• e,m, •• Dal'• Pilot P/'Of -"·t:-''" WISTlllN MUTUAi. llCllOW Y " ,._. ,,. -n co""· Altll~ Merli"'~....... c1 ... mte1.141·5f71 11or11. eau ,,., GA4 ·. ..._..._1,t•tS.Y.,..SCl'ftl, OIPARTM£NT a.I 111~':.:0:..!":~":'::.:::'.:..-u2-m1 izt. u2 /ot 142171 ::fiE~";=-;;;: r· ;;;:~~,~ ;~ . PiZ " Ille Tl'....._. ....... ..,.. Miid• o( • ---......... ., ... , •• , '* ~·•rt:-· ~ II 1'1&'1 wlllU... • ,_ to Mil tt.lt bitft'lt Olttd:J_,,,,. • DAILYPILOT ,. ......... ,, •. ~=:'Seeldl~-....,.., latlleDAILY LOT mVICIDIUCTOIY 8'urt111 It 11 th' You will be deU1bted to entertain your friend• in IJU youth oriented com- ! munlty with ·all t ht anwnities, pool, tenni.a, lake and a better wey of lift lo start your remlly. You will love the Oak plank entry end thick ~ct brown cerpeta. art gallery walls. 1197 ,SOO. '75-141 I m-611.1266 We heve a brand new Vu phone at REIMAX and we are looking rorward to uslst1111 our heannc •mealred friends with their rul estate needs Call Anoe MacCasland. agt. bet ween 9-$ TTY 631-12166 ..... e••••ee••••••e•e•• Eani 11" on Balboa lllaDd llult deedl. Over SK= 8llort or lonl term. minimum . ..... tty .... -671-28" - IYOWIB ISLAND'S MOST CHAR Ill NG SGL RES. 3 bdrm + loft, FrenelL doors • windows. Flnesf -appointments tbruout 214 AmelJIYtl. Open Sat ~~/gt~~ ~~ MIWPOIT ... TI Custom near new • coreeous thruout Cape c.od 4 Bdrm, family rm, formal dinin1 rm. ""!- brick frplcs. 3 decks W/octlft peek. $465,000 6 terms JACOIS IEALTY '7M,70 Hllll' ~ou read tod11y·1 l.1llSS1ricd Ads? H not .\1>1.i"re m1ss1n1: the best ~arg11111s 1n town! HA .. 1111£ -FIDCll llAllOI llO VU OF a.,. OcMI & WttJI ...... M1 dfh ... ..., & ..... I e:: tlllh.,..5700 Mio ft. ml•1Ha, ..... wt1114M._.,,.._. ... ,._ -....t.L,.. .... _. ----.... _.. 1111,rua • ...a -& .,.. ............... C8ltem fer ... ,.rtk.... ............ • ... hit tr•••• ., ... Lm m ..._. ..._. SUtO.OOOt.e. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. REAL ESTATE l•Jb w c. ...... ..... N."tli'Pftrl f\, ... h '11·1411 II\ M~r""' Aw 8.oh ... t.i-1 67Uttt Ell: 111111 1L11n ca. OVER 57 YEARS OF SERVICE 115 CANYON New Li s ting -Beautifully Upgraded Dover Unit -Single Story 2 Bedrm 2 Bath + Den - Bright, Cheerful Decor -Special Wall Coverings -Shows Like A Mod e l -Owner Will Carry Financing -Call For Appl To Show. You Are Invited To Inspect. $425,<XX>. ® ·--.......... RfSIOENTIAl AEAl ESTATE SERVICES . f#o POI OMI COM Live happily ever after in this cozy owners unit & receive rent on the attractive 2BR + den rear unit. Both for just $289,500. Assumable loam too! IN NEWPORTCENnR 644-9060 nfNtCNAB-·a~- MAllOI ... BeautllUI "KIDI·· lnstcn" with panoramic view • BR + fam rm. Great ftnanciq. EQjoy tbe private • HCuritJ of Newport'• most deelrablt Id· dnll. --Jerry Tbom ... 151.fJOO(PO) ,......._. o-ea c-o.i1, ......_ 1::Hlll:::::•:ANTl:_:.:·.:.D .. A.:.°':.J~~·!!.P!;!1!i.e!!1!::::=18!1~U' c~~Mll·!lm!!LJ· J_.,H, ,_ ... .._ _________________ ... . . ! , . !; '· " r :!• ... , ~,. ~· •l· .. ~; ... .· :: I• ... ' ~· .. .· .. I .;., I r· .. I : I ·' If , ~· .. - Orange Coast DAILY PtLOT/Mond1y, J1nu1ry 25. 1982 ,, Occun & jetty views. Marine room 4 ~drm . 3 bulh. 3700 ~q .ft. $1 .385,000. ' , .. UDO tSLI HOMES P.rime Lido Nord bayfronl 5 bdrm. 5 .~j.lth. l.~._ L. R. 2 boat slips $1.500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam rci lings, $420,000. ·-· UMDA ISLI IAYFIOMTS .~ain channel view from 4 bd rm, 5 .:~ath home with pnol $1 ,495.000. f.l..agoon view from 6 bdrm. 5 bath. <Playroom, dark rm , den. $1,350,000 ! '" CARNATIOH COVE ·S'pectacular ba yfronl view 4 bdrm , 4 ~~ath, 2 boat slips $2,050.000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR l~' h,,y,·d• Dr,. "'< B r,/) 0101 Fw • Ad hi Wo.tt's Worid Soft, Soft Jacket! 7351 t,A6ci B~ ~-HERITAGE . REALTORS NllDOM HOUSE 3 Br. 1 Ba. large yard ~ 000 .••. 641·0763, A MESA YllDE 3 bdrm. 2 bath. frplc. dbl garage, A 1 C"on d Sl34.500. Owner will as· sist in rinancing. llOf Mcc.nh, ltltr. 541-772' ,. Walker & lee Reel Estate 1 S9 I \ 0 ,. Detached Rome 3BR. 2BA w/fam rm in University Park $875 Plus SIOOO Security Walk to Pool. Park, Shopping & Schools !i!J-4141 or 85 7-2040 A .(I.:_ IA.<erf1eld patio home, sgl ram1ly, 3 br or 2 br & den. (•omm pool, avail Feb IS S72S mo tncl gardener 559.5927 an !P!!)iWkn_L_ Woodbndge. lge 2 br. 2 ba condo, rrpk , a''" lge 2 gar w1opener Walk to lake &i shopping S69S &JG-000 L.,_lelldt .)241 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 BR 2 Ba EMERALD BAY 1 sty, nr beach, lov· e l y Sl 200 mo 213 2116-~lt __ Niguel Shores 3 Br. 2 ba home Gate guard. Priva cy Adults S8S0 d ease. O wner 633638 3 OCEAMFIOMTS 24 Hr Secunty, 12 ma orr pvt bch, fis hing pier, 2Br. adlts only, no dogs S750·S8SO·Sl.OOO t 714 1 ~~~l..._6 __ _ Oean 2BR House Nr Bch Sm Vrd, Gar. Kids & Pets OK! $750. 494·2S76 WOW!! Won't l•st! Newport Cretl townhousr. newly ~. 3 br, 2'2 ba Walk to beach. tennis. pool. • 51>1 Mini oct1n view Avall. feb. LJ.95DJ mo. l yr leue Children ok ~11144 3BR. 2BA Cul·dt-Sac Lrg Vrd $12$ mo Kids & Pet.OK. 64.5-7818 -Easlbblffs 4 Br. family nn. lge yard 642·S161 or ~8107 -BLUFFS 3 br. 212 boa, den, pool , good lot> $1000 Agt 644 6368 , 644-0134 Westcliff 38r. r r +sml ofc. New cpts/paint 1195, 646·6789. 631·21.!.1_ • u Heights : 3 bdrm 2 ba frplr, 1700 mo. 2SJ Knox St. 64S·Sl tO _ Bl uffs Great Loe & Del'Or ! 38R. 21,BA , Fam Rm . SllOO 7§0-~. 67S.S930 -- 2 Br. 2 Ba Bay front. comm beach. tennis, docks S2000tmo Agent - 640-99001 b'7S·3767. Newpon Crest Condo. 3Br. some w1ocn v~w -.tsOO moiar631-0460 Did unit. 3 BR condo, great location near Hoag Hosp • comm pools , adlts only . $800 mo. LUSK REAL TV 67S·3411 2 BR. 2128 A Condo Newport Terrace. Gar. t:arport & Pati o . S700 1 mo 63 I ·S800 , ~2199, or 1213 )347 2S44 3 BR 3 Ba Bluffs condo, Sl150 Dollie Johnson. 700.1966 75-6000 a t Bdrm Eastblutr home aut o s prinkl e r s Gardener $895 857 4828. 642-0350~---- 5BRFAMlLVHOMt.: 4 ba. lge yard, gardener SJ7001 mo 646·S3SS Bii.ir Condo. 4 bdrm, J baths Sl20Cl month 644 2607 Canal Front. Newport Shores. 4 Br + . Lease or option to buy SlSOO mo Tennis. pool. walk to beach Agent 646 t044 or 645-2805~--- Blurts magn1r1ce nt harbor ocean vu. Jbr. newly redec. Kids pets Sll65 675-2967 __ Pnvate commun1t \ or SEAV IEW. 2·4 'er homes. Cully equi pped kit c h e n wi th nut·rowav~. 2 rrplc's & wet bar Sl400 & Sl700 a m>_!llh ~~ NEWPORT CREST 4 Br 21: Ba Some 01•ean \'lew S92S mo A~ent b.11·221fB:__ __ _ lllw/IHtSUp 3 br. tba Sl!IOO fin.l('e Johnson 1!7S·094 l Beach t>ottage nr Bobb\• M<'Gee·s. frplr. pa1 10. pool, spa. panl~ rurn Mature person. $450 mo + 1st & last 67S fii70. Wed Thurs ooh· ..!.. ] .. Fill SPBW. .. W..1A~o~y fora JOd111d latllt DAILY MOT •¥1C1 DlllCTOIY DO IT NOW! AtltPwS... Yow-D~Pllot Senke Dlrenory ReptHtftt 1tl ve MJ.U71,tatlZJ c ..... ..,. •• .,.. ........... ..... Iii ....... , . ,... ............ w.c;;;c~tc1~= ..... j;;;_:;;;:···· ··:nmoooaa~··· ·HAiwooo;t.Ooii .. ;;:e;:..::.;:;;; ;;;.:u;;-;;i~·,;.· ·~~;::t::~· lleamcltan~uphola Freedttrp7ftfffft 1~ PIJH ln1t1lltd, t' Be1~ycltued Ca11Wa(IU)4J3.-41fl IW. Uc, liu. 1J 1rt ol hM. H J.IUt trwk mount Uftlt Room lddiUw tenant alideropenln!, f750COGI llld waxed. _.l IT14)1U·.., eve1 hlllwlocal cualomera. !D'S PW ERING W uar. NS·S'718 lmproverne..'t In · pl.lgab!t~)@=1085 ....._ D61utmwtlco!!!f l n.ii*rou. Ul·~IO T •· ·1 .,,_,, AJJTyptt Int. or !xt. poo • eteam clean. suraac• work, aeckl, ,_,..tllflll1Mlt ....................... 80NBHINECLEANING c.e..P..... ~-FrMn , ColcW brl1htener1, wbt p1llol •••••u ... • .. ••••••t••• DUMP JOBS ~uU~hri~an y Cpl 25 yn exp. I.Jc. 4*41. PLASTER' STUCCO crpta · 10 min. bluch. m«l67Uc3um •SiPICIAL• HmaUMovln1Job1 Cl L rat • our BDadld. Ju . Reta.Color Aepair.NoJobtooaml. Rall, Uv/dln. rms 11s: An.Y cialfbucJ.atrlpped CaJl lllKEMe·l.Hl un n \ .Nu d •. aprt.113411 Dttk ~1645•4119 ava room fl.SO; coucb ....................... or re1lued, l lt 75. A Haul, clean~. concrete ILtM/LGCal el.~ W ·B PAINTJNd , 110: tbr ~. Guar, eUm. Touch Of <?tau In· l't@val. Dump Truell. ~ Ctucutan KMJr. SPICIAL! rNTJEXT, " t. I ...................... ft~ ::X1.tr~~al~ork i=::t terim, 711 W. 17th St. ckaerv.842·71311 Self·lltarier • 11.00 per .,.u, LI gu.9313 ..................... .. all you need lo know myself. Ref a. 531-0101 Fotmed by Attorneys 11 C.M. 642·7712 HAUUNG' DUMP ~fluent Ho mu J'm Small-Mr p rlcea Dr~~\::1~~~0air:io •boutbankruptcy,call NoSteam/NoSllampoo Reas.rates. 557-5700 k•rl111 JOBS.allforRandy, are smaU! Cdll, NB. Freuet. 1161042·9033 t-----7 ... 14....__135 __ •• .;;.162=---1 St.utC:."6Al1ti1t. Fut ,._,,__w~.......... ....................... 64HM27 W-T• Ellp'd. ltllnm.-.n A-••pwu BJNO• ~ ...__ ......... ._ nus f ....................... oLM p J.-··-,~ -dry.)'reust.839-1582 ....................... CLIAMUPYOUIACT EXPER.PREPARER · IUIWl lm..al HEATING-REPAIR ••••••••••••••••••••••e-.t/"-....a.... Cr o wn mouldln&. Topped/removed, ex· TODAY! Yard11ara1e Enrolled to practice CUlt.worlt.UcHU471 REPLACE 645-1611 •WICI & SOM _......,.. mantles, wall unl\11 pen cle1111q11, lawns re· ctn.up, ett. l ton truck. bd th IRS Q u Ins. Free est. 731.a81 Buiw.rt C!•-ce 11147 •••••T•Hn0M•••PSO••••N•~5••••• cabinets. Hardwooa novated. 751-3476 ~$25.6.11-1983 !24 hrs) at:::.. c!t. M9.24~: ty CUSTOM INT/EXT "••rfl M•19-.t -· · . ·-'·"I t ood P "· ' --EXPERT SERVICE ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• Adctitiona • remodelln1 CONCRt"TE CONSTR ...... ona o w r.,. WHY N010NE9F 1ulln1/dean·up, dirt, "'-I'-Doors windows patio Uc •-· 642 8482 blems. 631·1528 TifE BESTI Simmon& shrub/tree trim etc. M•a.., LOW RATES PIOPllTY _..... ' ""-' ' --. G-....... ' :.:J.. • ...................... NlJ.BROOW c:.u:.1175 MAMA•IMINT ....................... rovm. rreeest. Reaa. c:...lcTlt Dry.-.. ...,nan1,ll48-6684 Junk ,truh.848·41194 BRICKWORK: Small •-------"------1 PJR QtrUts, W2s, Fin. Uc. #3lOIM2 549·2170 ••••••••••••••••••••••• la!D Landscape Malnt HAUUNG-&udent has jobs N t C t NEUiONS PAJNTING Or1111e Co. area. 15 yra StrnU. Coomplde Stt·up ROBTSTEINBRONER, ·n=~·c;;:~1~·ri1~ .. DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC Reaid/Comm.Clean-up. tge truck. Lowest rate. Mesa, r~Ji~re: R~~.~ Int/Ext Resld/Comm =:~e.Callforlnro. H en. Reu. $40.~ qEN'LCONTRACTOR l'ioors . Showers . Tubs ~tyrs exp. ~Uy llc'd & Lt Haulinc. 548·2489 Prompt. Call 759-1976. 675-3175. Acoustic ctilln11. Reis, 962 •it• hd..ctl.,. Uc. •391M63 645·6456 Callanytlme972·4639 wund. 532·5549 Fonnlng Own Business; Thanky~u.Jobn. CUstomBrickMasonry Uc'd.Frteest.llS7·Je37 -6 ~•••••••••••••o••• nNEHOME -......,._ DRYWALLTAPINq 4YrsExp.L1ndscaping, TREES/SHRUBTRIM Compl. yard construe-PAINT!R NEEDS Prompt, prof. service on IMPROVEMENTS _ _.. AJltextures,1coust1c Grmg &i Brick Patios Garqe•YdClean-ups lion, pool decks ' WOU -30yrsexp.fnt major apples. Steve's Additions• Remodellng •••••••••••••u ••u•••• Fteeest. Kevin 675·9088 Gntd. Prol. Service at Freeeet. 557·8271 enclolures. Local rers. /ext. Acoustic cellln1s. •••••••••••••••••••••• J.D. Hom Relinishing Antiques, kit. cabinets. Fine aintln . 645-0664 AJ!pk. Strv. 541-1514 • 131. 90 /Wk DNftli.J Serric" Prices SU re to Please. Hw C.. W.lct 64M512 Davis Paintln1 847-5186 ...... _ -SN Hot 1unch. C'.M. Chris· ....................... 498-21tsb17·9,W/E. .. .................... Hart lluonry . Brick, PainUn1 '1theGame, ....................... ~ UanPreschool.646·M23 E.M. Design & Check Gar de ning -Comp!. Q>mpanlonAide,Deslres Block, Concrete. Rer. Pedersen'stheName! lchencabinetsbuiltor AIJSl'ATEPAVING -.-.4'-CGN'l'WACTOlle a. ... ,Sw'flc" Pa c k a ging I S H clean up & free hauling Uve·iDPoeitionw/Co,n· uc.36112!M.646·1597 Uc.2311534 64z".0862 refinished, restored, Sealcoating . Striping Uc. 113491182 770·6SM ....................... MT LI P CB H a r v e y for usable Items. patible Person. 833.1471 Muonry our Specialty! Hae paintin&·coll. irad beauillul stlln jobs. 25 Repairs. Com m./Resid. Hardison. 545·3701. Michael 645-6734 II -a... II Clean quick depend• 7 yrs exp, quality work. t""'n~ex~. 642"=-·.;;.;8689;.;:.' ;;,_.. __ u c.13'7312 645·8181 U-U•••coMSTI --........ic...1 Garde . w led omtew•-9 bl a, do • I . b. Lowrates.Dana643-l869 _,, .... , ......... ~ . ..un • . nine. an . •••••• .. •••••••••••••• e ... e any s ze JO • 11 ••• ., ...-t'OIOI . RESID. ~ustom homes, fr am· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mow1ng, ~g11'1g, raking. Want a REALLY CLEAN 1'1631·200h Mike Shill Paintin1 Af. •••••••••••••••••••••• Joe ~mpanaro Asphalt ing, remodel. f'rench ELECTRICIAN -pnced s we e P 1 n I -~Fr e e HOUSE• Call GI h ....__.. fordable Quality Lie. COMUllCIAL Paving ' Roortog. doors, skylights & patio ri1ht, free estimate on estimates 645·4~72 or G' 1 Fr · 1 .,u '!,&123am ...... ..., Free Eat. Mark. 645-4290 . ~IMDUSTlf•L R urf I · rovers. 1148·3652 lat"" or small,. obs 645-5737 ir · ee es · .,..., . ., •••••••••••••••• ••••••• ,,.. ..... 2890 • es ac ng , repairs, PEP GIRLS cleaning .. ~ ROBIN'SGLEANJNG •ABC MOVING·E~p .. 1-""-..-oAiW'~~-----1 DEUMGI sealcoat. s triping. service. Homes.()(fices· Uc. #39662! 6~3·0359 ~ Service-a thoroughly prol .• low rates. Qwck, ..... Turn lost or unused ~AM/eves. • ..................... Apts.548·0663 RESID/COMM L ....................... 1 house M00857 camulservke.552·0410 ....................... space Into a workable Driveways. Parking Lot FINE FJNISH WORK 20 yrs exp. Do my own Carpentry · Masonry c ean · · HANGING $10/ROLL area· rooms divided, Repairs, Sealcoating. Retrodeting /Doors hung Ca•aton. G....... work. Lic'd. Al 646·8126 I Rooting . Plumbing Ex~ Housekeeping *A,. I MOYIMG * Strippine-<lisc on paper drywall, drop ceillngs ' S •S Asphalt Rand 72CH280CdM ••••••••••••••••••••••• UC'D ELECTRICIAN Drywall Stucco · Tile SUpplies furnished • Top Quality. Special Visa/MC . 645·11325 trim carpentry-to com· Uc 631-4199 CHAR RENOVATING Hw lepalr QuaJ. work . Reas. rates Remodel. J.B. 646·9990 Trustworthy. 957-8003 care In handling. 2S yrs Scott plftlon. Call Tom or Jetr ...... ,. Compl. int/ext & cust. ~~~~ !i:i·ai~d~~e Free est. 631·5072Tom GeneraJ Malnlllinance <tJallt~ Work, D~nda· ~~v~i:.~~~J;~les. UC.'PAPER HANGER at661·2913or49J..3886. •tt••••••••••u••••••,., cabinets. 25 rs. 645·3749 All Co M'k ) TOP QUALITY Repairs & Decorating le. efs. Call am & Bonded ' guar. No job • .....__ AOG RESS IVE leg al CUSTOM ADDITIONS en nst I 1 e Electrical work at •Qualitt • Ray 640·5144 Bob Dwight, 673-7012. STARVING COLLEGE too small or too lar1e. =-~ ............. .. representation, law of· Kitch en remod 497·53221499·4863 Heu.rates. 531-SOSS Ben's Home Improve-HOUSEWORK DON E STIJDENTSMOVING Freeest. Too 898·2728 REPAJRSFORLESS ftces,24hrs.54.>8422 Skylit...s. Rers 8111 ADD'NSIREMODELING El-. S I It ' ~nt 8 y J A p ANES E CO. Uc. 11Tl24·436. •-_. Shingles, Oat 30 yrs . Plans. Llc'd. George Cl ""'"c ~rk pedc a >d'« Sentice. All J'obs. bio or Professional Call Yoshi, Insured 641-8427 .-r-•• Fr · Aill-tf•• 646-0lm Pilmer&Sons,557-6932. ean. qlllc · epen a· " 839-500S WATCH US GRO W! ...................... exp. eeest. 770·2725 •u•••••••••••••••••••• ,.. ble. Wedo any s12e1ob. small .. 964·5231 , . STARVING ACTORS •BRY~NT'S• t•AllS OMLY! 'T9lONYOUICAI Ahdo~~o~~·p;:.!'!~ee~~: •631·2004 • jRepasrs .• ~8;l ~tin g , College Student cleans MOVINGCOMPANY WallcovenngRemoval All1'ypes,646-M63 lniltead. °!,.!ax. 40 mo. M windows, doors, patios. Root Co•triilcJ I ~!~~ ~ nstian, re-homes in C.M. & H.B. Fast & Careful. bowest jAIJ'l'YPes. M2·l343 BALBOA ROOFlNG CO. wtty. 7sz,.M11/752·0892 lo ajor Repairs driv e w ays . r e . ....................... · ~nd. ref. 1142.9383 Rates Law AIJows. MIC ,....., .... r 1beonly roofing co. with · PROF.POLLSHING' Remodeling. Doors plumbing, etr . Lir BF.STMASONRY 1 JACKOFALLTRADES c II S d 'II Visa Uc/lns.673·0853 ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• construction r-ebates Serv" h . 8'2·8951 848·2464 378711 Pb!lfi0.0635 TILE & LINOLE UM Call day or night, I 0 ege tu ent wi , . PUSTER PATCHING tee al your ome or · Gre 675.4394 I •Jack 675.301._ Clean .Your Condo to u )~ re looking r~r a bet· Restuccos Int I ext 30 613-6143, 6'73-8229 business. Rlck 675-0344 'SELL idle items with a ~II with t::ASI::! Perfection Wayne. Call ter job, you wont want p 1 · fllbet Roofing-all types. WANT ACTION? Dall) Pilot Classified It's a BR EEZE Ha\'e something to ~ell• 1 WANT ACTION?, Ans wer Ad 11498 . to miss the employment yrs. Neat. au 545·2977 New.fecover·decks. Classifed Ads 64:1·5678 Ad. Class1f1ed Ads ~~·5§78 _ Cl<!s~.1!1ed ads do .!.l well L}ass1fed Ads 642·5678 642-4321. columns in Classtried. ~ 1dl! 1~ 642·56711 Uc 141llm. 543.9734 ~~~~ ..... -··.. ..... . It N I I ....................... BllDOIT RATU/Uc~• Low ... lml JoM 01. Freuet. IM. Ml·11J' lwlm!Al•tll111 ' ;;~~;;~ .............. . INDU8TRl~LSl!WINO 6 C\lTl'ING ol f1brid· Free.Umatet S41M "' ....................... TILEJNSTALL~!>jt All Kindl Guara•~ Refs John NO-ntf Custom Ceramic Tiie ProcnpUerv. Freutti ChurU7S.14tl r ... s.mc. • •••••••••••••••••••••• •Expert Tree Prunlna• Comrnercl1l Llnd1cide Services 157.Gll JAYE TREE CARE Complete service 1941 stwnp erindlns. 10 yn exp. Uc. ln1. '40-93111 Expert s1tapln1. thinnin1 'stump removal. 7 yn exp. Ins. 6'75-21121 Tree Triminei clean upa. lloothy HrV ce frff est. 646·7556 Tony's Tr-8 Service • ,......, : ••••••••••••••••••••••• Credentialed formll ~~1y~x.!~~~~~~h~t:.t i grade. Corolla del Illar. 644-1147 r,,... Stnlct • •••••••••••••••••••••• TYPING -Fut, ~­ curate, reas. Ca11etfe trans. 631-4065 eves. w....c ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• "Let the sunshine In" Call SUnsliine Window Cleaning,-btd. --w&-8851 •RESIDENTIAL• Avg l st)' S30; av1 2·1t)' S4S Chris ~7 .8318 ClearView Windows Xlnt service, free est . . Ken 673·9011 , Orange Coast DAIL V PILOT/Monday, January 25, 1982 l._. dtt Mu 1U1f11rn 'tlluwCM 1>1.1plt• 11• '\mft • tw.1_, • r~lntt. + Utll a.n 911 1111111 lnt'I ltlO Ill:!, MS 116\ •• *3 •ft ~pm klnw. 2lilt, 2RI\ Pool IAl(Wllt Nl•llt'I Sllor(',, t' J1w 300 Yr~ lfl 8.-ilrll "'•mllr, 1w1 honw 1n l100 Jl'fr. &311 ~111-4 t:ve'I ICUVdM t'Ofnm ijuu•t ' 1171 0'1tiO 1>11)'¥ 111 IM!W . rurn 'rt'nn1,., M lo' Shr 2800 Sil (I l.ux POUi. J1t, tv, wbht't tlm Nr SC.' Pl,iu S3M dl'jC'r Sleflli to but't1 • · Pvt khlillmfttt', pvt t•nt Mo Rm rr i.m furn !al l250 t' I WO bl It ~ rroo lift' ~ ~.3490 t111ted Arru l'ool <>1·e1ir IWroom with kilrh prl Side .or ll111hw11y S N b d ' l.u11una Room. R111h r 11• •n ~hoppintt Priv111e Jo:ntranl't' 129! '~"..· l62 lS20 i Utll Mulit ht• f.mpl Rm In pvt h orn11. llli\'t' lld 49!14722 t mploy1.1d ma ltt p rer. f.ves ~~lthout klt 11rlv Resii F. ~·~. Shr 28 R. ---28A In CdM "137.50 + • ~ t\im. relna. mlcruwuvf, Uttl 700.:11'13 kit. priv., Ph<lnc. swim Non -. ming pool, steps to Rt•h ·smoker M <!Br. Iba 1275/mo. ~·5366 · apt S200 mo li;t & last & ·------ser dep. Avail 2·1 112 ~-~ .... !~.~ ?.~!'.~.~ .. ~?!~ ~~.~ ...... !?~! ~?~ ..... ?!.~ ~~.~~ ..... ~!.~! ~~.!~: .... ?!!! ~.~~:.~ ..... ?!!~ &lere•Offiff IJIOq ,, ~o 1q rt lnou11lrtll FO ND Sol Pt1ln1 ~KING Mtu V ... ArH , •aae V.otk fut rt'nt Sl1nw1e male. AdrOi'St ~ 023 841 t!IM l'N 546 GT12 llTAILVACI <.i Hltt)of Blvd 12*1 i;q ft + •ol'll&r 3" •c:a. fl R(lllonomh·» 61~ ti700 ANTF.O· found f{'male P.nah~b lndustr111t or ufrlcl.! Oull~Oll pup111t· V11: 11a~-... 400-600 aQ fl In A11am5 & llrookhun.t South Orao~\l l'u1tnt> for 1 i2 11117 t'\ l'rnna ond Wt'{'kt'tld re ht'ari.al of rt'llt)()nbtblt• found CJkulatot m:k buo<l t"all bt't S & G I'M OJfita Mesa. buJy Nwpt rall Rl'1tlna t'42 470U Kl\'d 9400 It frl't' stand 546~9 Lo~I I Whltl' Shadow. !RI( bldg, (ully tmprovrd plt'liM' help Uli fllld hi m Ind rrvt ldt!al rt'ta1I or 4550 Sht'\'I' <lot: l'oodlt• mix , BRANCH MANAGER GllA T WISTERH ISLOOIUMG FOILlADIRS I Dur to our {·c>nttnued itmwth, we ore bl•l•ktnll an l0<Jl\•ldu11I t:oan-WtolQflltl• TICtMCIAMS (~ fX'rcl~t' It Wttjlhl lw health chnlC' Ii row 11111 ro with opv·1y ro1 11ubtit11ntrnl utf,•unc•t• ntt'OI S3. 75 14 ~o hr ~1,1rtm& 64~ 7717 COURIER Oranl(r C'oaNI S11v11111i. HOUSl«HPll Nur.ln1 Pffm pot11tion '~hr' wk HUISH AIOI pl~ Hunt lh1rbor b<•f 1':Xper'd 1ll 11h1fl11 l'onv &pm. tn3 1S21 Kita 11141> Nwpt Jlrh Jlnn11 your ~rn1h• It Join u~' HOUSRH,ER Jo'rr<' m1r rrwd d""' 111 S u n u n d M 11 n & ltfr an~ (',111 642 !!044 llousekt't'11101i 11nd rhald t·url' t.,41111.111,1 ll1·Jrh !•,w•r•11.•,.•-----• An•u U4 t K700 1•:1a1 N•:1':1H:1> dll,)"», <t97 3!l8J r\l') Jnd IMMl-:Ul1\'H,I. 't' Wt'Ckenth S.Crttsits h u~ irnrn{'d '' tlmt• OIJ''"'llll t;ood dm•lni: llf~11.•~u•r•a•nc• ... ••---•1 fl!t'Ql'd llou~ ll.3011m S with & wrlhout ~hu1 thund GtMrat Office N1':V1':H A n :1'. 111 m l' 11 II I. I 11 du f .G. . 7:14 lllOI 1.700 Adami. /\Vt. l: M •: O •: II a N o J> r 111 11 I: :. I 11 r W111 k r10~1'111 llcmw olf1c•e. llt'nl SI OS i.q rt ••••••••••••••••••••••• 25lbs. 2' h11(h, wht & 631S840_aft.4 'turugc ll \' I n1t lt1t ;1prit•U1 w'brn pulrh julil l''or Lell!ll': orrit•r, l!tlt sq :.~ul. CM S35 mo Kirk : bt.•forc 11111 lk1l(c l'llllar fl • warchouxe, 2508 ~11 h l~ w ~llvtir slurls ll<•w11rcl' fi. Grtiat ll1t•. Strt'et vis ...... W.ttd 4600 1!•"1039 eve)>, or Iv rnxi: f o r a Hll AN l'll MANAGF.~.U;NT j/061 Iron In uur MISSION uuton-.>b1Jc bUlrs rcpi. 111 VICTOR ability Forbes Hd . ••••••••••••••••••••••• 831·4~dya DELIVERY ---------llu11t1111:11111 ll e u 1·h brllll"h. l1"Si1Jc· Hul1·s. no 'ft:mporurv lfrr\'tt't' VIF:JOorftcc 1.agunu Nigul.!I I by Rrtirt'<.I t·plt• rtt'tod 2 3 Ur. F0tuid l'olllt! Ml~ Dot.: Uri ver 111•r1lt-d 1 m rrwy I. Joann: 499 3~7( 2 na unr l'Ondo or apt Ill Nr Sunflower & UrJMtot.1 •dcal l.':tndidttl4' shol!)d 111u1l1ilely lot 1'1111111111..: 4!i'1·<&844. Uluff:i ar1:a, u11 lo ('allti-1H773or002·90G3 Jl0Sl>Clil\2 oruwltl'~t·urx ~'rmln<X' R1.'lt11hl<'& --$700 mo 002 5533 · , ot 11rrv1ows e:<pcm•nn 8eJch Stor1', Nrw1iort , , . IPeno.ais 5350 l&Sll Supervtsorlnthl're w1•1J i.:rooml'd l'nrl Wulk tn1fflt• pnnw lc:x·u liarajle, loronn 1M Mar ••••••••••••••••••••••• tail nr rinimcial arcu time. Mon, Wl'd. f ra ' · • 5!'lli &\2<1 •:o •: M r IJrllSIK'l'ttn~. ullr:t<'li\e ·--------·1 1•111111>t'11~atmn IJUCklllll' 1ndud11111 lull t11mpl'n~<1 Ooo'ty A•ailablt 111111 rlu rini: I ru111in1: t-:x ror ~i:fr nM1ll\ att•tl 111111\ l'l'llt•nt fr11111e be111·ftt ~ t.'lll(er lo lt•Jrtt Mrkl~ & 111dut.h111: l'OltllJarl) 1Jl1td I) 1 ~tr N k 111 ~ 11 'I' F\im. NB Apt S.JOO lnt',lds ~·au Stephen 751 4739 Util. M Prof. Cungeniul R f -Non·Smkr 642.8363· c:1p emale w 3 )'r old, lii:J-1401 l'all675 1636 A wml Mcnsaae for branth udmmi~tru _!!!!!!!!!! _____ _ 1100! 800 S<t ft 1175 4185. :.1rrt1 I tf-..U • \'ou wlll be responsible 1 G-11 811'.!0. llhk for lll'Y Osx·n 24 hrs a dal' · · dt-nlill ltu1Hd .ul\'~llC'I' ~II! W'JS 11\1.•nl l~ltt'nl1al. ~rlW () It l) ~; II I) 1-; S I\ auto • )1111·r1l 111 i & i n rSTOMF:H S1':tt \ jt 'E after 8P M 0 ,' toi.hrYourhome Pref 2 ~1·75fl _ u Y ~ · r~ 646·2563 art 6P M. HeWs.Mot.ts ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4350 SIALAH MOTB. •m;;;;t:•;:;~\;;;;•;,• Wldy rentals now avail se<'url' 731 w 18th St 1105 fr up Color TV C M 673·7787 Phones in room 2274 ---- Newport Blvd CM tR..tal 4400 646-7445 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1617 Westrhrr N 8 Want MllD A PUCE? r10anc1al inst 7000s r ~eas. Weekly Rates Isl 0~ At~nt5.t1·~2 ~t~he,iettes·Pho~es EXECUTIVE Z Channel Movies Sandpiper, 1967 Newport SUITES Bl. Costa Mesa 645·9137 IN .... .._.., -4 175 HEllTAGE •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• PLAZA lrowll'1G,.._.H .. Sr. Citzens ll5S·6221 ............ 4200 ....................... Su\er/SUmmer. weekly. l Br .. sleeps 4. Balboa · ula. 675·0680 New luxury off1re SIJ3C't' in Irvine's busies t renter! Easy Frwy at·· cess .'\\'atl now! C' all fordelails 551·1!31 6_4~42)0 • DB.UXE OFFtC ES• f)-om I room to 1400 sq Ys ... l..tals 4250 rt FromSI 15asq rt No ••••••••••••••••••••••• lease required AdJ OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br Atrporte~ Inn 2172 Du Avail. Winter. Weekly ~u;a11 AM 833 3223 Monthly. 673·7873. Palm Springs area <Mon· lnH STIHT terey CC) condo 3 BR 2 COST A MESA Ba, furn w1atr1u"\ 2or3roomortire sulle!. GoTf, tennfs Dail}. A t. plent} ofprl<R L'nl weekly & monthly rates 1 incl ,\\atl now tall ava il. 714 ·5511·8001 1 Realonomacs 675·6700 ~5PM,askforMark. r SQ rt Mesa \'erde No. Tahoe Condo. 4 Br 5 area • min to Northstar S400 S45·4123 wit, Tom 85H668 - Dl.x Indian Wells rondo, 3 j ~AYfRONT br, pool, spa, tennis. I Plj_~~face i60-9-140_ l200/day. 631-0772 1Co5ta Mesa. 2W sq. ft JI' Ing. drywall lined, dbl swte $17S mo Ills m dr. at'cess. $75 mo cld. 779 W l!lth St 1146--4152, 146·9501 ~l·~- 1 ..... tosa. ... 4300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• F, 00.45. 3br, 3ba. furn Lag Bch Ocean Front Condo S300 E,•e s 61-5276 Housemate wanted. non smoker. share large 2 bdrm. 2 ba apt w gar Near Ocean No San Clemente. S270 + 11 utt I CaJI Nicll 496·5484 lea\•e mess eon recorder 38R Hse Behind Back Bay. Mellow. Clean ~~yrs. S250. 979·8886 Prof male to shr w rem gorgeous. spac1ou~ Nwpt Shores home 540-96019-S Randv Mature respons ible Female, non smoker Newpo rt Oceanfront SZJS/mo. 548· 1667 NEWPORT Executive Suites has or rices 3\'aalablc nr 0 l' Airport, from S365 w full servtt'e 3\ aalabh.• Ca II now for I month fn•1· Ll~a-8:1.1· 9'J7G I MO.FREE .... rtc~..ter F'irst class full scrv1re EXEC. olftres. mrludes all amenities From S22S mo 64.t.7 189 NEED A BUS AD· DRESS? 1\nswermg & mail set\·1ce. c·onferem·e room \dJ OC A1rpor1 SIOO mo ii~ 833·0092 5ro & 572 sq ft SI 00 per <;q rt • 397S Birch . ~ B \g_ent 541:5032 NEWPORT EXECUTIVE STE. lXc ~esk spal'e .\ct1\'t' IMMMu/I t/ 7 days u week 11011. pt>rsonnel manaite D..tal Ofc Mqr • airport area R t; In· ••H t>9 Gorll~ous girls 10 ~1•·11~ and outs1dl! i.alt'b F:Othub1a~t11·, l'ffi1·1l'nl H'l>l ofr l'all Paul or •• ~~•~••••••••••••• t>ampt•r you Jal·utii. actt\tlles and organ11ed w bkpi.( ~~-t NC~n~ t'll~·~~·, ..-.Si ~~~11r 11:;a!~ as ;:11na: We offrr an t'Hl'llcnt =~ 4h~~j"d ~~~ 1~~111~~: 752 5111. Opporl•Hy 5005 \tile rt r 11 rd Mas t er salary bt•nefab pat·ka1:1• Mei.a 546 3000 FRE-E RENT ••••••••••••••••••••••• t'hurl(l' \me'ncan ~·x along w11 h tht• 011 LOSING LEASE. 111111 · 1 ' porlun11} for 1.ro I l>iNMf'CC>M/Hlkor Up to3 mos if you a<'I by ting business ~clhng oul preu · I> 1 n e.r s a 11 f~i011ul i:ureer ,:rowth llunt Harbor 25 fi11ur Peb Isl Pnme H B or ALL i.upphc.i. and fix .~elcomt• 714 1~4s 3433 Wt't'k li73 1521 before ltt·e luc. Cum pet at I \'I! ture.1ndudin1t 2 112 11~rbor 81 ( ~t l'lt'a~e send you 1 rt· !!pm, Rt la r.ates Xlnt exposure Otspluy ras~s. wuttmi: Jo'ortotalrelaxat1on...,1th sume~ith salarvha:.torv t uooul :.hop,pttmt·. \~I . lall110~._9fi0.~7I room t'hatr:.. f\i·.iut y J prolt'Sstonal massa~t· 111t•t111r1derlt'e to j r1t1cxiicr nl't'e:.:..in \µ • H U NT I N G 1· O N Salon hatrdr"l'l'l> and Stt•\c 10 ti. :H8·2817 , r1I\' an ~r:.11n 1>11111111 BEACH• hydrauht t'ham •. m1r Lo1wl~ T1111111ht ~ Nl'cd Elna Sal•itl I r>onut :.. 11154 . c·wport IOIOS/FS..ltt rvr:..)>hl'l\e~andplanb t'nmp.im"'CallMomt·a Rer.'•alMCMCIC)er Bl\d ,l'M • • 3 PrivatA Ofrit•i•s 1\IM>. ma kl· up. ~ham puo !I~ 11122 tOO C 1_ " -I h 00 CM11t10 ~:~c·row llornl' lo.cn 1•i. • •2 Staff Areas atl( ~·r v.r ,0 . l'UIWS Would l.o\ e To I Def Rio I pcnl'Ot'I' I' art I llrtl' Ill • • Wl•tbar lalltiJI !I 5<1 or l'art\' with Yuu ' ('all s,s h 1\lailablt' llOW·l:.l Floor aftt•rti. Ht'809 l.n .lie o r S1 I I I !I / cs-,D21ecio, I \lart r~O 1201 (all 171-ll&l8 3133 Lid Partner:. for )\tart .\11y11nll· 71il·90:lti. I A. '10 I GENERAL OFFICE Offil'e spat'e for rent. :185 in~ up to ilalt• N l' Slroni: prnr man~h·sire:. GW '1'>1'1111: & lti:ht ho11k sq ft Sl!<'ond floor mu1·h11w :.ho11 (i ll'Jl prett~ M'nsualludy IH :J!i I k1·l·111ni: I' ..rt t 1 mt' PreslilltOus Westl'ltfr J>Olcrtltab l'all l);l\111 da~:. lltlt•:.?20029(; 1\1011 frt, flt•xthlt· hi ~ area $1.00sq ft Mt'd1ral il4 97S ltrbl I ti-I~ ::..121 Bid&_ CullQ;t5 ti501 l'ost a Mn u 1. .i u 11 PROF. ESCORT GREATWESTERM 1lry SI IK ~ro:.:. 1>l'r mu Trish. ~9 8096 art 7pm SAVINGS S255 Mo-Pm·att• urftc·t' parlong k1t<'henettl' :.p1· ll6!0 Main St llunl Bt'h Daily Jantr ·\II ut1l 11d 114 1 071>3. \gt·nt lwfts._... Linda & Vicki's OpporiwNty 5015 •ESCORTS• BEAL'Tll' I AN 1·ar1·1•r \A F.OF. M f ,\\'a1I now• til-1 111411 3133 •••••••••••••••••••••••1 IJ.\t'K&RETTER onent1'tl hJ1t,t\'lt:.t & 36% R.tuni '111\N 1-;v1.;n' 24 11 HS man1t·un:.1 for J hti:hh :-lcwport Beat·h. 11rr mt• P1'11111sula l0t·at1on. 300 lmt':il $.'lS.000 ht rt> 669-0207 I lcl('Jlt-d 'alon 111 t'."h11111 (h.\ner i20 1130 1 Outc•.ill t blJnd \ 11 SJ1tth sq ft 2omtl'i.~1tt'.~: ~l~s. Trvst ~rmo ~a!k tl13~ OHdS 5035 F\Jm Ofrwe Nr jl;H l'I\ u· I·• .. •••••••• .. ••••••••• Center tiOO Set Fl Ila r & Sattler Mt Co Qq~rn1ght F .1t·11t11t•,. \II I\"• of ~.I :1 1, ~-7~ EH•:; . .,..'lt r~a t:. J ' -10\'t'Sl lllt'nt:. s1nt•t• 19~9 OHtce to sharl'. dwntwn SpKialilMcJ Mt l' M Con~I rut•t ion 2..dTOs orientt'Cl prererred l'a II 642•2171 545•061 1 for details 6-12 ... 372 d's. PENTHOUSE ESCORTS M fo'l'ou11h·:. ~~~:10 \"IS\ I ti-IO-t.023 lo~r P.irt ltme. I~ 111111!. 10 kt•\ 2 aftt•rn1wm' ~t=...k l>tann S31i 2032 IOOIUCHPH Fut ...,011w11u11h total l'Jtl t1m1• l1•.11llni: to h1MI,\' mas,a):t' b\ l>t:tn1• full 11 mt•. f (' hook (;ti;.~10 e\'e:. . ()(face ~pan• for lt·a~t'. Sl75 mo RallK1a bland Ry allJlt 10-11 5-111 o.io; kt-e1wr fur 1110rt11.111 t' W1 qow has $$$,f or IJ\11rS011hl.1Jd,\ fttr1lu1111,.r l>rukl•ra111· 111 N1·~1111rl TD :. Re Loan~. 101\ 1111 1-:.ivn 1)1:.t'f St•od liu~ 111• Jc· h. I! ro" l h u 11 No l'rl'<lll • No IJ••nalt~ c-ard 1r vo~Mbl1· PO llox p1,1rtunrty. :.alan c·um !Jennison.\s:.ot• lii:l 7311 I 177421rvuw!l27 1:l nwnsuralt· w11 h l'\ S 1wra•nt'l' Non '!t1ok1•1 ~urnish~d o 1.ai:una 35% Yield Tra¥ef 545( ttn•frrrt'<I rail l\:ll1t•. 1175-1739 I GtMral Offict l'lerk l\t•wpurt < 'c•nll'r OH1 rt• llJ' lmrnl'tllJlt• Oiic.•nrni: for t 'lt•rk ~ti h 10 Ke~ h> 1 ouc•h 10 l'roC'l~ SJ It·, llt·fKJI" &. ('rt"ltll"Jnb Call 644-4460 c;t1wral SUNSHINE COMPANY NOW HIRING 31 Positiot11 ilt: •SEt'RET.\HI \I. •OEl.I \' t-:ll Y •M \lttn:Tt~t; •OIU>t:H ENTllY & <Yrm:H ,\II~: \S $1000 Enthsh Tudor Bid!( 33.'.. Slf;.73.'i :.t·01:.11nl!d l:.t Tl> ••••••••••••••••••••••· i40 :l:'>t ~ r. .. desk~. bath. Wl'l 1111 13 3.1 (l('rt•:. l,11111 JI l My for lll'H'C ur l ' I'.\ I . I !I .. I MO EXPER MEC bar IX't'an \'lcw ~t·1< .\cl l' I ,, n t 11 • S .1 11 l'uupolllo 1:1 l'ountm·~' l lt·m·ul po:.1111111 111 luod YOUNG PEOPLE !ttrMOllHt dt'<'Or S3i5 1wr mu 1 11crnard111ot'ou11t\ 1~,, SIO 1;.11 :i.il~l romm11•l 1t' 111 r tt · rRErr...RR"'O 499-5361 int 0111\ monthh 1lut• 1 ~ hrii.:ht. rt'!<JI. a1·1·urJl1• nr; " L•1g~a Oeat·h -150 & rt I )r 20'. '""'11unt I i i 11 "! & I\ pinj.! 'kllllo \'\l't•ll1•n1 17141964-5354 S.130 Sutt able fur t Sm i51-'8..~ dJ 01 19:1 tt!l:I ation ,p1•ll11111 & 01 i:.11111:1 ---------Bw. ~94 0318 • .indi52 il!JI C'-'' •••••••••••••••••••••• !tonal .ih1ltt \ S.il.1f\ (i,111•r,1l l.Jhor --'-1.-.....c~tttS/ Jabs Want~. 7075 11-1<11 ml & SlllKJ t".111 li1tlf Slur.ti:" I' I rtr1t011tals/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mr •~melt\ 'l-IOllll!ll l'rl•Jll-t'o11111n 1'luh 2252SQ.FT. 1 Lost&FMd YuunJ? marrt•·d m••n 1'01ill t'\ltn1111,t11u11110.1l t'.111 1o-ll ~1 ltll H:ln,1111 COIONA DEL MAR I·····.................. 1<ould hkt• ••111• )Uh> ""'' • OU k 111'' r CH .. Ill J II I .n1n1 Tut ... S.it , I 1 & ~kencb l ,111 110 .1 ,.. ~·r NewportBalboaSa\lnl!i. ~-..ts 5100 \Jrlet\ ol h.in<h m.in 1'n\Jll'1•on~ ho~p \1111 t11·n o r rll t' t'li•c l. Building. .-\1r rondt1111n •••••••••••••••••••••••• Jl~ 972 !152.'I l'\t'> .i,.k I~ JI lht• t • .ir<lt•n, 1511 1.,.,lll'l F I ICJm ~pm mg. ratl>t't.ing. ul1h1tl!s SCRAM LETS f for lhll lill'llllt'Hl'. l..1i:ut1J Ht h l'i·rm '""'""" ~:ni f\ :ind janitonal S2250 pt•r • ~ lll'i~ li•q•I 111 1<p111 Sm.ill rronll7hl 4' 673 ..a400 ANSWERS ~.~~~' ••••• ~!.~~ 1 .. ·.~~'.1.~',\~11~ • .,~ ll.;.::""1 • ... \rroebJ nrull \l't'm:-.-nsl;cu:HI\ OPPORTUNITY S'll!h ll.•muw I' 1', "'"""°' ... 111 h1' 11t·r ,;IHI. Flllll\Y ll.ilho.1 II \MMEll I "k rm ~1·1<µ11rt \°n11t·1 I '-11"1k' 1'1111' "111'11 '''" l'1·n1n:.ulJ l\p1· 1:'""' Yuu rt• .t\\rulh 11u1l'I m l..a~ ~·1rm .\ r \ H 11;•· 1'"'1111 • "'1111' l>.ull ~tit' l!t•f,, S,11 '''I! tht'n•."'1•allt1llh1•l1111\ to ltt1· l~jlt'. mt,c· . 11n I •h~ 1 1·"~'1"''1 '11•· 1" \lt,I "" Sup1•1 l>c-1.111 lhl' houi.t• l•.tllll t•r ,rtllkt'f'OOI,\ f\ltl 3i:l:l "'"k" lhi• 01 ·111"1 c "·''' l't•NNI' 1ri:J :ri!ll "~·· ,., ··well, Yt~ mJ '.1~1 111· \ns Sen kt·. pl~nl ok l'lt11111· •d.! .1 .. ~x c·h111•kled ... but I Ill 11111 :-; II ~'.\pl'r pr..r hul 1JUll 1ni:. 11 . on ~ 11 h a I ~•II t ra111 J 11 •hilt 11.AMMl-.R . :>.llj ~r.!:lli --------• Lost & Found 5300 I \n' St•n l'll';1, 11k HANOYMAH-P /T ~.dtll'.1111111.ilh 11111•111t•d 1·0 llour~ flt'\ l'n·f..rr.1 t ·1.1--1l11·il \ti, 111111 ulll' I hit• \ M {'.ii I 11 1• II\ ''''i"hnppn•~ • 1•111 11 llrun· •17:1 t!l.'1~ Neat. mature prof straight rema le, non smker, to shr 2 br. 112 bu apt. Close to beach S19S/mo . incl utils 536-ID!O 2 Christian Prof F 25 30 Shr 3BR, 2BA .i\pt w s m SIOOULll. 549·7189 Luxurious suites U\'a1I for sub-lease m one or Newport s exclUSl\'c of ri ce complexes :\ irport dose lncludcs • Recept phone trial Rtfttal 4500 1••••••••••••••••••••••• 'l;I\ E~p.•r pl'l'f. but '"tll ••••••••••••••••••••••• I Ii Jiii :1 l ll'M '""' · n . 397~ Rarc-h 11111;0 •• , :~IH •re~. Uke living alone. but can •t .atrord it? Over 25 female wanted to share with same beau furn 2 bdrm. I ba apt Costa Mesa 1275 mo Util Pd 751·2100 or 493·9560/Lasa Male to share spacious Newport Shores home Avail Feb 1st. S300 mo . 540-96019·4 da MIF rmmte needed to shr 3br a pt very close to beach. $260 mo. 675·5048 MICHRISTIAN RM MT t:: 2BR IBA .. E C M S2lJ mo 63H796 Dan M/F to shr 3 br house. •L·111111es •Janitorial •Ht>rreecop1es mo •1\mple parking • Kit l'hen ·~c·t ·\'sen available · (;all. Roxanne 975 (}740 .r~111'11;5032r l~~ls ~::-' '~'~:·~ ~~l I FAROUENDFRAEDES I \11.1111111•111 Manai:t•r . \'\ .~ .. IM·nc·m·ed. mal Ufl• l'UU 11le 11.·aut ma 1nt.111wct SQ ft l'Onnl'le l tll Call: 14 Ulll l ( ·11 .. 1 a \1 I''·' up ind bid!( w avprox \1lulh. n11 l>l't' \pl HI t 8 h •19 h rm·d,d XlntS W ~kct~.'!l t i50sq rt orr spat·t' F'ul • 642~5611 I :..i•~n h1111u~ •• I.:! 190i un mg on eac · ~ Santa \·,.a lot· l';1ul Main St 380 s11 fl Sl.95 mo Sierra :O.lgmt Fraf!kJ1!l i52 5ll l 1 IUCJC LAI/Male I APT MANAGER 9> 641·132-1 lOO sq Ct 1<1th front of l_.c1st Jan 7 1n L.111 N~lt'Cl for J \en rut:c.. N........v.rt Beanh, "" iN r1re. large reur door. st•t BeJc•h Whtl l' around all .idult 12 unit 1·umplt'\ ~-..... ' """ r h h 1 h ...,. ....... f · m II n 2 br. 11 .. b.1 .i111 Newnnrt 81\d,JSO SQ ft up or mar IOC S 01> rn>Ut .,,,.,.,.n1 or JI f, ' -..... r ... <.n llH -,.,19 J\atlabll' for nlJnJ):t'r lo 900 Sq rt. ',·ail at oc. 32' -f' a l>Q t or ;oo.ioJ Ill() .,?' '"" h I ,, " ...,. '~ l' (' wit .t arj!t' rt'nt n•"u1· a i.q rt Sierra Mgmt l2W .,.,,,an ·'''e "'1 ' l.J.tot lnsh St•tterfem :"o tlOll ;39 17-12 Co64H32-I ~·ost a Mesa l~a'.)1 10 ~all'lt' l,ur~ lll1<1l \TI•.·:o.:1'0L'.,:'\1' Offict P'rh. la. .>l().93S2, E~es 616 Oti8I Warner Ed" .irch 1111 r r 1\pprox 300 sr. located 11ndustrial bldg. tlOOO .)Q Re~ard th ~ ;1~1c1 3:130. Ll\e m. help d1~Jl>lt•d HB. SIOO tm -i-uttl rt. w spnnklers. trg rear t t'\' IW2 09M prur e~s1 on a I ~ oma n ~ d d & f d I I C~td Me!>il ~I 31<12 714 847.5079 overne.a oor enci' l10~t Gt'rt11an Sht•11 - 213 592 1636 ad)otmng pa\'ed park I •an blk. !I mo;. mJ It• •~RT FRWY mg Corner or Rl'<l~1ll & I ISlh Rt\'l'rl!lclt'. Npt llt:; ATTENTION: Advertisin2 Sales 1-:xper newspa1)('r d1,11la' ,,il1•,111·r,nn to handle kt>y a1·m1111h for t>t Jnj.!1' l'11a:.t ll,111~ Pilot Salar}. rnmm1:-.-wn .incl <'\<'t'llen1 IM!nents Gr111<1 h opporl un1tw' for prr~on with caret•r .1mh1t1011' Sc•nd romple11· resumt> to :\larJI f1·11d1•I. l'O 11<1\ I~. l'o~t.i :'olesa Ci\ 92626 'l:o ph11cw t'.cll' pleJw An Equdl 011ponu111t) Ern11lmn ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT 330 W BAY ST • • COST A MESA CA. 97676 ""£OU•• OPP()llfUNllY ["'PlOYEll .......................................... ··- t·a.,u:ilt) hl't!ll~t' ue"r ·' : . . .• hlr hut ~oc1ld c•on,tder P•.RSO!'\ 1-.lllll'I prt' OOllt'lllJHll'll l'l'd Ill I fern.'Cl mu,1 h,1\1· j!IH,111 dl\trlUJI if utht·r~l!>l' .)t'nM' or h.umo.1 , i:cl hf t.'\I benl'ft1' t11mp1·111" 1· I i~~ ~ppomtm1·nt. 1.111 1 ~alal)_l'allb-lti!lil!J l ( 'hurhe at ~9 8~ I t-' li s abohJ:-!'ART TIME tJl'll'tUng:. Ul L ,\ <"oont.1 1; !lpm i-:wandani: 111111 h LEGAL SECT •~1t11ation t•xp Se\\111irt ('l'flft'r. Mna ll r1rm Nnn Mmker S.Hi 313:1 Mainttnance Man l>l'pt•ndablt•, t'X ll('n t'rl<'ed. ru1111mt' d.n~ ro1 vrf1l'e bldl(S Nt•WIJWI llt.•ath Phont• Ii~ l 1521, !I to 12 w1-ck da)' M.\KF. MONEY ~hilt· .11 hom... ~t'tlt111! up JI' pmntmenls for c·nmm I 1·;irpl't dt•un1n11 s.'1 to 520 hr, work nn rom m Female J>rt'f ~1ti:1 ~1:us 1·uun\l!lt11,: f1r111 hJ' I C11Jl'ntn~1> for :I 5 ~hJrt> lilll):Ollll! ntJIUI l' lll'llllh• 111 lllotl\,tlc• ;1111l11t111u' I lO i:1 F cJllL' (',di 2 :1pm ·~ 1:121 1•\I :11:1 ,,k ''" \ndll'<I PASTEUP PERSOM ~1 Ila\' a V.l't•k 111dud1ni: S;111;nhn \11 111 drafl 1 1111: IJ.1rkl!r"u111I helplul I Full t·111npa11\ lwn .. 111~ \pph l'~.l\N\'S \\~:It 11.1;0 l'IJt'1•nt1.1 \\ 1·. (' ;\I rastt-Up Peoplt MANAGER .'l:l,1lt:<I. pan tam~ Wnrk ~lu;,t ht· 1·nlhu.1a:.ttt ~ 15 to 2.i huur' t•t•r 1<~1·~ wtr nsllt\ .1tt•d \11ph 111 t•11·111nl(' .incl 1•0"1hh t1l'r~un \ans Tcn111~ S.iturd.,1 ~:,p1·rh·nt·t• 1n Shoe:.. 1250 HJ nJn1 "I ·•d hu1lcl1ni: or 1'Jl!1' l'lt\\'\. In lllt" .'>51 330-1 rr\Jkt•UIJ d1•,JtJt>lt• \htli • l' lo 1<11rl. IJ't JrtJ JI MARIE-Ti-NG- MAHAGEMENT TRAINEE $1200 permonttl YCMIC)-18-23 Year Old Ptople !'ref. •lllCll PROMOTIO\ POTE:\TI \I. -Sl'Pf:HllTH \l~l\li •C.\<;11 noNt s~:s . •l'ROFITSll \Hl:'\fi 17141964··5473 MECHANIC M ;11·i:rl'i:11r Yai·hi- hi.11 l'lan·n11.1 f · \I MEDICAL ASST I' T E'I' cl lro1lf ••I• Sonit· in' . It ltkl.11i: & l\Jlllll! r.i~h1on t..l.11111 \ B ft.ti U:l>ll MB>ICAL OFFICE F \p d front 11ff11 1·, l>l'NMl fm h1i..\ 111'11111~\ ••l'fi1 ,. So1n1· hJI" offll't' •'\I• Nl'•'<I i:nocl r1 r .. ti1•d li.•r11·r11, ~·111111 1111 II II Jrt•.1 !I-Ii' filHl-I MEDICAL RECEPT lltl\I fronl nff1r1•. 1•\ 111·1 \I 1•n h '.\ "" 110 rt l°l'llll'r 1;11 11.170 \l11lcll1• ,lj!t•d t'Olllp.11ll111l I In 1•lfl1•rh l.111\ I' fl I ri•1rn & 1\.11 h • 1111,1111 ,1.; S.1J ~II ari•:1 1•111,1· 111 h.1~ &h1h Hl'f n·'l11111•il •:i3 2-111.1 :'tli•11•b I. ~:"' nrl, 0 11\ Top SS li-12 111.1~ \ ri I! • urJll'h ur11fr1 111 ''"un· nrt .... ,dr'• S.1IJ I\ •I•· p1•ncl' un 1'\lh'll1·nc 1• l'h1· LlJ1h l'tlul '' .11 lltUJI 111111111\Ullll\ 1'11111111\ 1•r \\Olli<' II dlll' m111ur11 11'' .1 rt• 1• 11 c·1~11.1i:c1l 111 .1p11ll Sulinlll dl•l•ltt-.cll•lll' .11 lru11l r11u11lt•r Or;Coost Dai Pilot 330 • lay St. Costa M•so, CA. ---------, PIX·RECEl'T. ' Work lt·mp11r.11\ 1rih·1 1l•"•'loho11w \ lt'I\ I II ES'l 11 '\ & \. ... son '1 E:-. SIO 11100 PERSOHHEL ASSISTANT 1'1·r~ur111l'1 '''' 1•rt"111i.: I li·pl "·" 111'<'11111~ ,,,., 1'\p,Ul'llN1 \pl 111 h ~·Ill.int I.II 'l'I I II I'' fll 111 t,1 .. l 11p111.,: 'l1111th.1ncl '''l'"r n•1 \on ''""1,,., i.11) 01:!:1h..t "1'1'11 ~· 2 Phone Ad•. Sales f11p 'l'urt' 11roi:r.1111' 11• .•lt•I .11IJ lohn \\ ,, 1111 \111~1r1 1:, .... Ill~ r11111 11 .. ~t, I 11 lt.1hl< fw1111l1· ltll1•11••ti·cl Ill 111,1I..1111.! 11w1111•\ C:1111cl fulun -1 ... 1111 1•111 pln1 lllt'll\ ,:,; j'jj,(t ,RES SM AH Fw1·1 ti 1111 \ 11 1>11 k q.01 '1> .111cl ll1•I.. I .ill i.11; 7kt l !I "' \111.. ... PRINTER ~~I \111)11 I.. lllfl '111,11111 11111 ~ 11111\ \1.111.1.,:1•1111·111 I l"l->11 \ It '' 11 lj~.1.1 I' I l .1-h11•1 • I I'' ,\ "knit' "" 1·w t .rl I .\l 1, 1101<1·1 i.;,) "71111 "k1h. Models Unlimited •1 ; \l'l•rl:. I .it I ;i I l 1 .1C'l1' ' 11,, 1·11t 111111•1 ITll'll 140111\'n for ·•1!•'1111 1, 1,1 111 I ·1H""'• I • Ill Oul t.;111111! J.."lt;nllll'l1 " ;) 1111~ l't'l"~t.tltl\ .1 \IU•I 111• MOTB. MAIDS \hh• lfl tin .1 \ .m1•l I or 121 11 ltrnt' po~tl '°"' for rluth" 'lll h ·'' I\ 111111! ~mall m>ld. t'd\1 SI::!~ ftltni: & ht• .II ,._,..,. "'llh to\ldrt i;;:1 t~20 tthc1n"' ln\111~1'' 11t .. 11tni: NURSES AIDES 'l:t't'll .rll ,h1fl, ( .1n 1'.11 II S1.t oo I' t' r ~ h 1 ' I. t•' I' U U I 1 l' '.\ U r ' I ' ll1°j!bf I'\ :1:.1 110 .. p11,il Hd .1., 11!1. \1·1<111111 llo.•,11·h •i.12 !19;\.\ E/side C.M. S'l50 + 1i utils. 645-1688 Lady 20·30 to share 3 bdrm dplx al the beach Skyli,hts. cable, ruur. equip d SJ00 + I 2 Uti , 642·3331 Ken ......... ,.." P ao I a r 1 n o. ( M 631 1173 FRO MT AGE s.t9-967_1. _ _ -- FUii noor avail at 15.000 $200 Reward! Amh1t1ous bo\·s and , 111rl:1 10 13 year$ old. 10 •••••••••••••• : IMMEDIATE OPENING : e Motor route in Prime Newport e I 'IUl'inl( 1uth ''''lll1•111 • 111 J fin I ,111 11111111 1)14 11\'I' \ '' ,, • I II I I I I II I' \\111 kcl"".er1• S.11 ~1111 ii. \lt~Hl,1\' ~I 1:1 I 11 ·1 ,IO ld1•.1I :0.1111.1111111 1111 !'\l tt ilc·ttt 1',111 11.u h.1r.1 Im Int c• 1 1 t 1·" \ 11p1 .ti i\,\lj 114/KI 111•1 v.1•1•1) 'I d' \I Rmm t need e d im med i at ely M F Newport Terrace. pool, jac. student prlrd 1275 +Ult. 646·92!1 NB pre(. str M wall shr beaut. home w adult l1+. 13'7$. 700·08Cl_2 Prof to share 3 bdrm. 2 story tondo in Corona del Mar. Male or remale 1•m:B sq rt Flex abl e orrice 'use the Daily Pilot Loc!t Rox ram ti~· pit· space rrom 796 sq rt & "f'ast Result" service tures Call · 972-lti72 work one or two t'\'l!n· I 1n1ts a week ii elllnl( newspaper subsrrtp· t1on:1 Trani.por1a11on up. O.C. Airport area. directory. Your NEWPORT HACH Found ticrni. She fl blk Lab max F'. ,vouni:, \'ll' Balbo~ Pen 673 27!10 and ronstant adult supen·1s1on pro\'tdctl Call 3 to 5 30PM. ask for LOC. Minutes to O.C. Airport •t820sq. ft Reception - 7 offices. •390Q sq. ft Reception 11 offices & c'OOf room Can be com· baned ror 5720 sq rt Avail 1mmed. F'or anro t•all DVM.IMC. -1!!1~49· I 020_ Pnvate office. answering service is our specialty. ~all 642·5678 ext 322 SEU 1rllc 1tt•ms with a Oaih Pilot Cla~stfll'll \ti 1>12 ~711 4450 F 1err1er max whl. f 11\ndrea. 642 4321. ext l'ockt'r mix hlk. M wht 1 343 Sarmyed, M Shepht'rd ---... ----111 mt:<bl&bm, M Pom1•ra man mix bl I an 1111 31i~ 1 Auto Dthiltr l2S Mesa Dr CM Wanted. no exp • nee , -but does help Wax & ~eR...tal 4450 pohshcar .l[ood 4'"t ving ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• rec . 18 yrs old min , r--------. Image 1\uto Salon. <: M 645-1171 Rrnmatt to s hr new service. copy machine. Babys11ter needed CM r--beaut..l.BR, 2 sty hme telephone Avail now~ tHamilton & ll:irbor1 I Irvine. l300, util incl 545-7306 P16i2 3281 731-8630 __ cince space at 1600 W Babys1ttet. must enjoy Ntlt. mature Mt F' 20·30 Coast Hwv 600 sq ft . pla,ying with children I ,.. smkr to shr 3 BR S52S. 212 s<i n . 1200 Call nighl per week + some San Clm panoramic vu John : 549-2117 days O"'n trrm Cd M ome. 1260 + u t 1 I. WArirED~ area. Colle11e student ok .sat Industrial or cHflce Reliable w/refrrcnccs Luxury Condo, &pace. 400 600 sq ft In NEWPORT CENTER fi13·7343 Harbor Ridge, s1r;1igh1 South Orange County tor l&bysiltcr Needed for flt. pror. 1500/plus evenmgandweekendrc [X flent Office S <ihrist lan Mom. My 7$2 '~J~ _ f\40·~434 ~k~!1ooor responsible C8 f.pace 1 ~bl:.:~~~ust Be r. 2BR '''""· w1 Call 1te11ln11 500 to 200 square feet ,----- in quiet M/f' H.B. S~·~ --i--Available for Lease IAIYsmll Ocac~ an•a. Low mill's : up e prox imate!~ 3511 \'ll~lornt•rs e e Weekday hours 2::!0 5:30pm e • Sat & Sun. 5am·7am. Minimum • amount of eolkctin~. for de e tails l'U ll Brun· Ca rtv or e • Foster Ouellet al 642·4321 · • •••••••••••••• ---~-'Daily Pilat · .... · .. · · ·.. .. ·· ·., Advertisilg Accutt Exec. lmmedtete openm11 for adv1•rt1s1n1ot account executive to sell buth ~eekh & daih newspaprr advertt~tn.11 to u ~ 1dC ,·a net} cif re.t1a1.11 B{'('OllOl:..1 Mu~t he :.elf startl'r, wt 1ng to aeve op accounts 10 a new territory Spare salei1 exJ>('r need~ Suln ry P,lus romm1l>~•on (Jtncfil~ Semi resume to Carol mson, 1>111ty 1'1lot, Po Rox 1560 Costa Mesa. CA 92626 No phone call~ please · Ne~pe~~~ c~!!!n11<1 display person with man•iitmcnt 111lilit1e~ I I ITD utll incl Call Call Wm. F. Cote I Person needed to meet ctys m 2019 1•vei1 MIWPOIT HACH (pr more Inform ation 6 yr old girl anen<'hool. ~ Primt olfi<'e spact ror , t:~ to approx. 2.4Spm • Must be lnnov11tlv1-. t'llpablt' of ori.:un1111tlon & lmplemenlln,: nc•w produrt prn11ram:. • Send mume to C11rol Ohno. Ually ralnt P 0, Box 1560, C.:Mb Mc~u. CA~ • . I Proltulon1l wonun leat.~.750,to2.000sq everyday. Mon-Yri . ..-a.z1rold room· r1 1v1il C h oice> ; MUST BE OEPEN· mattta1t.1rtt1NBCon· Newport Center loca· 2075 laft Joequln Hint Rd. 1 OABLP. MUST live ~ C... do. Otu1 Vltw• 142$ lion. C1ll William F Acfotl from 11Q CANYON 1 lrithirt wallin1t dutan<'e tn.mt U..t'9rlltf111erdetalb. I to litonffrtek F;le~ll· ..... ':~,.:'eic."S:.: .&.cote Realty "'=~ 1~:rne.w~fed•bs~1 dc1.~i ~~~M1~~:'c~·1 C IWfl •.... 1w ... .,.. '.:";;'.at 11••••11!!!aft!ltr•5!!!!!:30p•m!!!!!. ~ \ F.quaJ Opportunity Employer .: . • _::.-...:.:::1.~!i::~~~~===l!llt.._;~;:::--M2 ~71 • • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • ' •. ' • •' '• I L VM CHARGE RECEPTIONIST II i' ltl'ltef. t"on\ llu~p for pn•:.ltJ.!lllU' ~.t11111 Nwpl lk h ltt·ha h 1<1Y1r11JO\:.p1•11pl1•&1-.1n nn1•1tll'CI nurst·, d1tcl1rat h,111dlt• lrn•1 ph1111t·~ lod & With ~111111·~ t'un ~lu~t h1• l.1 .. h111n 1•110 l al' I l\t r s s I 1111 l'. I 'l'IOU' Op\>' l 1 mi ·"' 1;..12 ik).I I 1 ann•111e•111 1111 I ht• r111ht 'lur.;mi: J.l\'l'"lfl H1rha11I Ot11·llt•lf LYM Salon ~nu \1•v.111111 7 :J & 3 I I :10 l'orn 1111,11 I 1•ntt•1 Iii \ It NH an•a l'o.~ Jll1tut11· Iii I "~"1111• """ 111ciiI"11pl1· 'mile~ nl'ecll'il. , Int -h1111hl.1ll\,11-, 11 ... i.. 1h1 benefit~ C.tll ti-12 ~.it S..·1 "" 11111 ti"" 1111111 11\11 \ l'llPI EXECUTIVE SECRETARY LOCAnD IN FASHION ISi.AMO Big 8 CPA firm located in Fashion Island Le; seekin~ a professional sec retary. Typin g 7 5 wpm , s horthand 100 wpm . ca pable of workin g independenl'l y, we ll organized and ve rsatile . Competiti ve s t artin g sa lary and exce ll e nt benefits . CAI.I.FOi~ ·~ 14)-640;9200 EXT.247 EOUA&. OPPOATUNITV EMP\.OvtA ALL JOBS FREE ~..W. OFACE 2 ynrs rollea" and u m ilth aptitude nr1•clt-d to JOIO top N~wport Buch Corpor11tfon No lyplnR 1s ntcessary l>ut company would ltkr s omt k i nd o r accounting experience This ts an entry ll'vel pos111on starting at S800 m;;2~;~r WORD NOCISSOI TWMll I ) t-ar 11ener11I office expt'rience and r111r typing wall land you \artety posrtron with 1n1eres tcng Irvine publtshang company G real opportunity to team word prort>ssor Salary $850 UIJ Rita JolltlOft 752-0301 SHll'PIHG Cl.EU Entry lel'el po~tlton for 1·h~an cut person with good driv1ni: rec·ord Good adva nt·e ment 11uten1tal. excellent b~nt'f1t s Start1n11 salary S750 Rita ..... 752-0301 ACCOUNTING CLWC 2 )Can general acrounllng experience needed lo Join ooe of _ lr \'lne 's f 1ne$t compan1e~ Friendly atmOl!phere an beau11ru1 s urroundings Salary 51100 up .; unusually Rood benefits RitoJoMIOll 752-0301 ACCOUNTING CLUk Expenenc•ed person for s mall orco un 11 ng depurtm1rnt tu handle ar counb payablt'. acrounl:. rccet\able &· ll!lht pa)·roll Somt EDP ? btg plus Salary to St6K Rita JohMoA 752.0301 TWt& Import.int !lie~porl Beach compaO) seeks bright trdtnt'(" ~ho ran 11pe a t 40 "Pm Co mpJn ) o rre r <; e~rellent bcnef1Ls and great p111e n1 1a l Stjrting salar) S6i!i Rita JolltlOft 752-0301 DA TA PROCESSING International ln 1ne h3srd rompan~ ~eeks 1nd111dual with t>~ perience re\ 1ewmg nut put. mai:nN1t· tape 1•1 n trol a nd t·o ordin,11100 of rerx1rt.~ l'l1 nu, po:.111on ofrer~ Jn i:'l·t'llent :..ilan . fi month rl'\lt'I<~ and.ha~ .1 :111;1) 1<~k ; 30am to llpm Rita Johntofi 752.0301 SECRETARY LtJ?ht hackRround rane 1r good lyp1s1 a~ there as J lot or dtr laphonl! Compan) has beaut rful v rftcl'~ 1n f"a ~h 1on lloland and has an "' r etlrnt l)ent>r1 t flJt'kJ)lt' S<ilJn lrom S!llMI up . Rita Johntofi 752-0301 ACCOUMTANT 2 years publ1t· arcounltn~ back.iround with one of tlw big 16 f>relerred and 4 year de11ret• 1n accounltnl! This 11os1tt0n ts for mternal audatnr with maJor holdtnit romp;my orterm.i a tremendous ad\' aMement potrnttJI ~·~c·ellenl benl'f1I~ and ~1.1rtinic salar) to '261\ CalCtny 752-0301 . TB.UIS II D\'l' Sf\ era I opentnRs for r ·q>enenced ll:ink and Sa\ '"lo?' & l.oan Telle n Good oppartun11y for .1dv1n cement Jnd rxrellent btnef1ts c•c.,., , 752·0301 CARRY FOX AGENCY I Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday. January 25. 1982 !~?~ ..... ?!~ -~~----...-----------"1:..,., .... ...... .... .w '!~ ..... !~!! ~~~ ..... ?!~ !~~~ ..... !!~! ~ ............. !!.~! !.·.~~!~ .. ~ .. !!~~ ~ .............. !!~! .................. !!?.~ ................. !~~! ;;.;;; .......... ;1.tl '_!II ______________ _. llCllTAIY T'&.IPMa. P\lrt'brfd Pit 81.111 pups, 'i:1:1.;!~t~lin~':!!t Pltl'Ob. Amatont . Yo1 • SAtelAIL ........ •••••••••••• .. •• A ue11llve Hum1n Resourres Monf11Ct Com1J1ny In rrr,_.,.uw..J..~US lllwuow.1100. AU. •upplltt and fix Wf2 C11" • z Perrhe1 N.H •llp Up to f3 P\ntopowerw11r11ltr ••MOHASSU• • ' Mana1tr will have thf opportunity to Nrwport Burh ho ~)~ PftlOll whh~::; }41·9610 II.IN hlrl!Mlhl1 080 644 6829 Wat~r.:o~r erZ~d~ 0 $11m 7S4 1820 uCAI "'" ..... tS labll ~h 1 res ulta·Orlented oPmina for 11 ~tiretuy trlephone ulta n U111a Ai»o. lovublt1 10 Obpl1y fUfl, waillna &°'91M IOtO SlipForreit lift wide to WlletlDn•n tHO You c·an Now Buy or daparlm•nl Ill med ll meetina with aood Olflllnl&ltlon porlenre Apply In IT1> old female. g1n1er room cbllra. Beouty ...................... 32 ft Iona 1250/mo ··.······~~··,··.····:·· l.4'Ut' lift)' nt'W t'llr . " " 5klll~. t')'ll for 1m·ut1t<'f penc>n at IMO Plact'nll11 t'Ob' 125 961_82111 Salon hairdryers and BllboiCovn&?S·llS6 :m :AP JU.P 80 ( J7 fort111n or Ovrnollri. al employees' needs. Skllla l'n merit ' attention to dtli1I Avec M AKt: ao.dtn Ret pu1>5, hydr1ullr rh1lrs. mlr .., • ..,,._. - ---V8. I-Ow mile1111t'. white ~ptr ,.,m Di~t·ounl~ c 0 mp e n 5 ll l i 0 n . be n e f Its . Non smoker, ul11ry Tlll-:RA PIST I nhnl thamp lines. sho!S ' l"Ol'S,llhtlveund planhl fbmnaton Hudman ' ... Sterett '°'° With blut top 1~300 Ptrson11h ied St'f\ tt'fl, OrKa nl1a lt0n a I be ha v lo r and St.IOO.Call : K•l••. Uevelop~nt Proaram. ~dAl96.:.MS 76i4 Abo, make-up. shampoo Pede Co .......... ••••••••••••• 644 ~ Ocllvt'I")' lo Home or Of communlc1Uon would be helpful. _ fi!Q:~ t• time Member ol SmWhtPoodltMlx.110 and halrproclw·is Ex«llentfln111handcon· MWilly's JeepSt11 W11n nrl' <.:allthuck Cohill Progres.,l ve, dynamic company needs SICllTAIY tr:wd11r1plln1ry t•um Loves Kids CAlll 63le:~ dltlon rz.soo or beat or llJ SJOIACE XJn1 COnd C:ood OH M1 Auto Mlltr 731 2400 ... a lake· charge. humanis tic leader. J\ill·lirrw. cheerful. tx NI.YT ' fffihn\ bkgrnd. 848·7117s after II, • rtr 491·6329 Monthly bo1i1t ' R v lmiOBO G4Hstp ..,_._. t7H Ple .. se send resume and salary perlt'nrcd 1ndlvldu11I ~~lcp~~f 1{.r8 11 ~ P/ia~·~5i~ ,,.. .. ,.. 1045 1 11t«a1e for any size. 24 ,.._ t560 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '" with strong typing & p''"P ~5780 ....... •••••••••••••••• AllCOMPllSSO lbomla oonsole. walnut hr atc url t y , r rel' •••••••••••••••••••••• MIW&USID requirement.s lo: !lhorthand talt'nt5 want vr t.: • •'rec! Shellie Setter Mix. 1 hp Binks. with eun w/bmch 11000. Pete launching ' washin a l>Jck up, •• ton, 4 sp . All-A IOMIOi! Box 1002 t'Ci. Apply in person with TIU SHVICI Female t t mo. needs yd. eG/080 536·9832 _,!47 7«615SHll24 ~ri vlleau Newport v.s en11 St ,500 080 Orange county's oldest Dally Pilot l't'Sume to: Mr. f'uente!> Trainees ok. A1>ply 641>-4871 --Story It Clark Pl aoo up· Dunes. U31 Back Bay I ~·'7003 eve111wknd!I ' lt'adlllg deult1r~h1p .. Costa Me.sa. Ca. 92626 at Robt!rt Bein, Wiiiiam Newport Tlrt Center, lllwlllh:::t t0-50 J1cuzzl J.806 P.Ortabh: rlabl, walnut flnbh. Dr. Newport Such-170 Ford 1 Ton Flat Red. 8 er 0 re y 0 u b 0 Frost & Assor. 1401 3000 F:. Cont Hwy .•••••••• .. •••••~••••••• Whlrl~I b11th . neur brand new St500 644""510 Good <:ond w/new Trs anywherc.l'omtln&seto Recept . Buuty S11lon m C:M. nt'lll 11ppe11ranl·e ' fnendly • mu~t • C 1111 00·4012 JQ!'. a.Pit ~ail St .. N.8. CdM ' I new J.c..~MO>lt46 -183.9381 Radials, PS. & PR 11956 1.111 "lhe GTV6 and lilt -**I BUY * * MOVING -Sanyo refri g, ~ IOtl 080 494-0039 Spidt'rVeloeel SAUSMIM SIC'Y/IXIC , ~SITTH , Good Wied F\lrnlture Ii 175. Hitachi TV. ISO ....................... Tr• f Uf..._ bll Datsun vu. lungbed. IEACH IMl'OITS SIU.PICASSOS for prdtlg101.1s t.ui:una lcirtT1me. F.ves,S111 Appbances OR I wlll Ot!sk rhalr. 125 . Sony f"orSale:HeadSkis,Bln •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• xlnt cond properly 84110oveStrttt,NH. IYPHOMIE N' 1 1 d On ITEK Ouiad Npt &ellorSELLforYou tuner.' apkrs, SlOO 10 dm~. Poles, siie 150 AircNft ti 10 mamt $4tSO li75S85!1 752 0900 lilld~hl'rworldrumou~ mt:~:t :~md:~c~<~ llt'111·h Nt!ar JW MASTllSAUCTIOH ' bike 5.645-0803 $.'50673·0829 •H••••••••••••••••••••·111D·t -.,u klngc ab l~Harbo~Blvd.CM artlats 11.000 wk In Pr()(l!Ssional manner & ~~~f~ c~~12 8~:2 ~r ~jM6!6.1 Ul0tU Eltt. guitar. I pirkup sl;. --.;.,.,_. ,.._.W..t.d ea,:p~~nsht'il. 5 ~pd : 31 7170 lec~t Good clental orgamu llonal skills, SO WPM and good spellet. Ex· ceUent working rondi· t1ons and fringe! btner11s ~-~16Dana tome potenllal. Leads lop level skillsa must 9~M-6PM' . ~ solas. New. S98 Lov· w1sml amp So~ndli ... • 1095 '771'210, loaded. OC: AP ~ 494 9'J,l4 dJi. 6 • - furnished, new c·ar ' IWtdter p lfl ~ 188 SI great perf for beginner 500 hrs min Call Paul or --IMW t712 Hawaii vacation inrl'n • c l'ypist--esuts "*'O teperii, 960 Honda SO nds work •••••••••••••••••••••••JI 714 752 2266 '75 Chevy 1.u'" blue ••••••••••••••••••••••• •lhfC... Full·lime, must know diets, Conv Rosp N B area. frtt rnt!dical. den tal 'llre ins. C.11 · Jant. 642.1KM4 RE. Sales CAIEEI OPEN HOUSE COST A MESA I NEWPORT TUESDAY JANUARY26.1982 7:30PM CALL MISS RICH 714-645-0JOl Call today and get all the answtrs to what a future in residential Real Elitate sales could mean to you live plan Mr l'o11plr. 1714lll3l-ll03l Part Time Wanted For SI! EA<.:a JlY 957·57oe ~·Chris496 i458 LOSING LEASE. QUll m. . or w wh11e shell. r rpt ~. ,. KING INNERSPRING -. t111g bus111ess. selling out 213 629-502I mags panels am rm 61~. Sec'y/0,.r...._, · Mon-Wed-Frida)' 1-;XTRA FIRM mallren Redwood hot I ub. II AU. supplies and rix· ~ ·,93 6.W5 • SalesPart·Time M.....,. I tluil1firactors0fflceo set. never used. worth dlamhe l t<r ~Xoo40· RwO luresincluding tl10 '66 i,ton 6 ryl • spd BUOY VIStT Exc11l11~ ''areer opp ty ta I Lee at 873-807 IS.'IO. sac S248 dt!I. Never ~!"!....". s.. Display cases. wailing ••••••••••••••••••••••• mags aood t'orld S9SO W~AStl*iTOM ror bri ght entr~et_u· TYPIST/llClrT used queen sz, worth ............., room t'hllirs, Beauty is SJX PAC 8' Cabovtr 49ot.3284: Un~n ' Hamilton & person interested m in· (}ppor1unity for bright. Ol!I. cash only. S218 del 1.5 gaJvaruzed p1.,ei.. 12· Salon hairdrytrs and camper. Hydro j:irks, , :- otht!r people you will St'e 1 ernat 'on a I tr :iv e I, dependable stU·starlt'r Usual)}:_homt', 754-73SO long, 2" ms1de diameter. hydraulk 1·hairs. mir· 110 hkup $500 1bs1 ti.\ Ford Pirkup w ut1llty on the money yuu ran I languages & young peo· 1) pe liOwpm al·curatcly. -------s 1o 1 ea loo · 0 r .•• 1 rurs. shelvt'S and plants 548-SOtll aft 5: m b l' d . I 1 k e n t' w , make as a Los ·Angt'les pie Rap1dl~ expanding aµlllude (or rigures. galvamied pipe . .s<> rt Also. make up, sh11mpoo S2,3S010BO 548-08.'12 TI mes cirrulation del't European based student good phone personality MUST SILL Call 540-8278 and hair produets Mae.tlld llaft 9 I 40 .64 ~.Ton Good Trs Rblt field rep Many peoplt-exrhange program. & bl' able to h11ndlt• Mahogany double bed Antlqu_c:_ radw, 7.cni lh l'allG31·9754or ••••··~··~····~··•••••• Motor Sl300 ae~t Ofter 00 the pit circulation lo1·ated, In Laguna hea\'y phone trarfH· with mattress Moon S500 Nt·w l'rafts m!ln arterG,898!illO'J CimatlJ, r1t~ b1~s" red. AllStk 971_2590 Ask •·or sales program eurn tteae.h, 1s, st>ek1n g . a Pleasant workin g 1·ond1 shaµed mirror on ht:ud Router~ 4 100. ~:lt-t·t TV Rollo dean. 7~~ SleveAfternoons rrorethanS200a wcek pe rs on str~ng 111 11ons1nC:.M.Please1·all board Cords$100559·9~9 HIAshr 1091 . . 9570 r worlti g . 1 . r w secretarial skills but ~armella ~S-2600 ~080 631-7797 art 6 -· • eo _ ... M XK .. or n JUS o·a c anxious ltl rapidly US· I 1--c t ~·················.~···· ~ ..... • •••••••••••••••••••••• hours earh day 81gnlng s u me man a er 1a 1 Women with trans1>0rt<1 -. -"-· oos tl2 l'olor Sanyo, 19 re Xlnt. cost 1700 now n l''ord Mon v.8 Auto up new _Times ~bsc·rlp· responsibilities !hile de t!oo to hooseclt'itn. part ~ngLo! Oask HS2all T0reek. CC M~lp m>tr rontrol. G wks old. S475. 839-1949 good cond · p ,5 Cali t1 ons 1ntheirrom · r "h .. t1me.$.\.00 1hrlyMu~tlll' . Ye l. 00, a S'l700follpnrc:SaveS3002yrwurr l'OSt8S625 L.. Todd91'J8.4116·r11 munlties. We pay hourly ~ 1~~ r~m ~~111~fn~~~u. fost. thorough & tdfl Dbl 8d St, S800 10' 6<'h, Ca l I 714 .975 14 13 or Will )Ut'nrl~·t' $495. i\lso ~:-;-/ 9 I SO . a em wage+ generous 1·om e un . •a nent Oianl' 7 1 ~ 14SO. Twn Bd, S30. Kng 97S.t485 12" GF. t•olor Slll5 Call 74FOHOVAN missloni ir yoo have a & Germany .. Stutrng 91"1!nti6 Bd Compl.Sts0.645·1l355 113r<XJ2!i ••••••••••••••••••••••• Good rnnd . \'II cng , l · & sala ry $16.000 + .--': " t979HONDAXL:ISO mags pancling&refrig ~::k ~:/~:1:;rn~c~ilh benerits Sendresumi>or ~M <.~u<t J l:f~d i gre1en 2HPELEC.MOTOR Montgomny Wa rd~ 1600 miles. nice bike Sl.200 .PP846-l543 · people! talk to us ahoul letter to. A S.S.F. .. 228 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '.:;::J ~ ~6 ~9 x nl Complett ly enclosed. AM f'M stl'rt'O 11honu. 2 5. 545-9579 art 5 m_ ---W-'.......i 9 HO this great P time OP· No. Coast Hwy, Laguna Mii 1005 t ,, · -·-Dl/4'0volt. 3ph ~m spe akt'rs. SS S '77 YZ400 Dirt bike Good -.- """"unity Call .. 0n Fr·i Beach. CA. 926SI ~· 8' lOOISe ~·uow bark sora. $75/080 536·91132 bT.l 0018 condlt"ion..,,,,,. •••••••••••••••••••••• ~' '"1 • ~ -----•••••••••••••••• ••••• •• I\... I bo ' ..,.,,.,. ..... ~ YOUR trtH361 ext 1204. SEC'Y /IECEPT ff "" sz 11 Y x sµr , Plonttr Rc•1'1t'vcr SISO. 642·442£ ,...., .,__ Sal ~rson wantedfo~ -.1th book~eeping skills *, JOO/~S~A •TO ·h *r :,!!:!~.,.,both 2 mo old '11 ft. ol pant!led dr3pes., and Garrurd turntable 73 Hooda CB 350 Fair GOOD USED CAI! . r "~ d . I nllques out 0 .,,., ......., n oor to ctlllng orr $.<J() • • Anythmg considered. 111 ivewoi:rien sshoe llmt' .x-~ reSUf!!t'S Cliw lntenors. 711 W l"ont;mp glas· ·n1·1d wtitt! xlnt cond w11h ll.\ll!li2 I ing Windshield. xlnt 1977thrut980 dt!pt_. m Fashion Island 10· C & R Constru<'.llon, 17th11A2 C.M.642·7712 . ~ '. a · . 1 rond.,$0.964-7958 P time . upt<r pre l!iBS Sunland Ln . loslu "' -I corree & end table rods~S250~4930379 tiJrrard turn l.ibll· w11h --~ terred. 64G-7810 ~Maa CA 92626 AITTIQ E WALNUT Worth S1200, lake 1400. VW Bus Heavy Uut) c•an & dU!-1 l'O"t'r Sli5 I JULIE H S -"RETA.RY-ERVl,_C_E-'-ST \TIUN \T I 4 PC BDRM SET ! 673-4743 Luggage Rac·k 1125 I l\111bi3670S XX O OX X LO v r. "'""' ' ' sm Eves, 673-8199 t'·d , ....... ood • d-67~ .... ., • . OOXXOO Jc 2daysptt wl'H. Laguna TENDANT P llmt: Ap ,--. -. 1 u e-ll·ucu, g ton · --"='"""' llt•aullfol I A (Ir TV. 'l OAVIDY • ,Acctg. orf1re. non plyShellStat1on l7th& trlgwall clock rhime~,1100 Dinellt> St•t -.·s 1Ramset,lt9:>.Elt'.imin11 )rwmt t'rl'c't1t'I T\ ---- 1 smolttt PO Box 1134 lr.ine B ~. onental vast S7S j duurs. I& Porta potty. shell $175" t:a1am11ran.1 John'i. · 7 111 i.o,,_,,c.-y • . . ' -' ---' • 631 5979 S20 M7-l!J97 ~: · ' ·1bo· h II I '78 XR75 HONDA •Beach 926:12 _ r,·ice station Allt'n -• _..,, .16 sai at 0 · Sansw Tc•:it Dirt bike xlntcond 292S fiarbor Hh•d -=-=._=== ... ,..y dant, exp .. rer. req . prd ntq. oak sewina c·ab .B.E :AUT ~POSTER 18; kmgsize waterbt'<l,I A7JOO Ht't'I to Rt•cl S.'>Ot SJ50 • 646.8127 C.:OSTA MF.SA 229llH bor Bl d ~·-age~ & up dav shirt w mal'h 1175. Antq oak King si wall'rbt:d. mo 12&. 4!18 3282 R11•hJrd 000tl7J-lll2l -'-----j] 9 2501" CostaM:!a.CA~7 Someone! who doesn't Sun orf 9 hr d;n · table S.100, l.•mp SIS. uonlessmall,htr.linens t!~:t!me~~ 1·79 Kawasaki KX 250 1 • '!JI miftd woning for a hv· ~s wk + comm, NR Antq oak c hr S4 0 & bt!dsprd. usl'Ci. 1 .vr. J F.F.PS-<;overnmt'nl, Mtw 13"ColorTY Xlnc Cond. Must Sell WE PAY AnEqualOppty Co. j t:ir~~r:!~~~~ iiskj M4·i151 11.5!;39'22 xlntt'OOd.S275 W1llhdp Surplus 1.1sterl ro1 1MemolHOntrol.S275 S5C!1080.7~·28fl7_ - Restaurant. Nowacrept·1 glrl omte. Expr or ~:RVICESTATIONAT Anlique oakHoosier.xlnl mov!" a sHmblt• S3.l9GOO,Sol~forS4-tOO 9552272963733.'I '72.BM~ R7S5. 18.~ TOP DOLLAR inc appll taliou ror new tn.lnee. 642.9237 TENOANT. P T l'\ en t'ond, $250. lll90 c·IO<'k. ~·1]60 -For I nr~ <.: u 11 131 :111 loah & M.tH ong. m1. xlnt cond. moo FOR USED CAIS Sandwich Shop. part -ings & wknds. nt'at aµ 1150_~8127 Amer Oak t·~rio r ab. 93!·~961 fat 2239 ~.t firm. 642-1882 ALAM MAGMOM time help. Hours 10·2 SICllT AIY pearant'e & handwr1t Applcm1Cn 10 IO ~urvt'd i:lass sirles S47S f'ridit. S7S. 22 Sun•1\•al ri ••••••••••••••••••••••• Tr~ Utilty t 110 S IU PMExrellent pay.152lS EX~Tl~G front orfic·e ing Ap11ly at. 2590 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 631·5979 -I ne $7S, lov1· s1·:11 StS IG..rtl 9010••••••••••••••••••••••• ~fa~it,r~~v~ Springdale. Huntington Potll~ioo in photogra,PhY Ne~rt Bl , C M__ HARBOR ARF.A 2 IX· 7' sofa S200. Corkt 11il ~11-~3 ....................... lITILITY TRAILER COSTA MESA Beach lbetwffn 8olsa &: stucho Typ_ing and hght ·pping ReCel\'lnR APPLIANCE SEl_lVl<.'E table blto lights with car Top Carrit-r Jo'it11 All! C.top lo•! 1!96/bst oiler McFadden) bktpa, skill! required. Clerk.Some Expeneni·e Webuyused1pphanc-t's St00,tablt"lampl30.t•all Cars! Only Ust'd Unn•, i:! rt Game Fisha Evns.45-0418 549·43_0_0 549·14~7 SAUs.IOATS 642·293.'I for a I. Rl'quired but Wiii train w~ sell m·ond . guar $59-7~_art ~Em -~ ~.1-1322 ribt-r11lass boat S.175 Aalto s.rwc ,.... WE IUY Boat sales experienre West i\irport ~rt'a M F ~ba~rt!!:__ _549·3077 Two Maplt' hutrhes SSO & 64ti :l86ti I Acc...!;.n 94 ClEAM CARS helpful. selling advertis-SICllTAllY/EXEC. 40hrweek ~-5344 Rerriger ator 1220. 1150. Dresser S30. Maple FAN powertul adJ I •••••••••••••••••••••• TRUC.,S i..., space to boat owners Personnel / Advertising rt'arhe~ (;r Christ 1 an Freezer 1200. W11sher1 din tbl.2 Iv~ s:IO. 25 1·0 fl heighi 5·.9·. 2· bladt', S7S lotfl. Power 9040 AND " ;;"comm'I. Hottest new Dept has opening per Pre-School . p time. dryerll3Sea.W/WSIOO. ss. ~· hke no refer 96HIOOll •••••••••••••••••••••• ATTIMTIOH marine magazine. Xlnl expansion . Nwpt Brh Mon · Fr i . 9 -Ip m 646-SNI 14SO, case S20. Mapll' l'lfH FOR BOATS MG inromr Potential. Draw nitantlal services r1rm. 963-715S; 536-1112. Wshr. clean .5. dryr, l_bl_Y!I ~S4JI 968-6813 WU against comm after Good typing, shorthand. rlean -.S. Rt!fri&. clean Waterbed w1dwrs. m1r 2 Pr. rrutches 112 SO ea 536-119 I OWMllS tr a 1 n Ing pe r i o d . exptr req. Non -smoker TeodMr FF SI.SO All work &ood j r ors & ta b in l' t s 640.1146 tO' CJ:'et\S Tahitian. hve· TONNEAU COVER ~i M7·9327 Call 640-0123 between Coocl..tor S48-8513,548~ New-$1 200. sell $3:>0 aboilrJ shp avail Call, Fits MG's. '71 '81 Sales girl, outgoing & ~2. For N ... Proflt b· !love 4 bumt!rs ' oven. I 83!!:~3 _ -Judy Of" Harvey 642 4fi44. M Never used. S75 { . ....,.I 18 Id cltHCJ• Pro•r••· 1as.whitt!S7S. lsofaSetteeL-shape l3rt 1Mhc••••• tiwn .9AM&5PM · aria631-7797 lvemsg J~0~~r/~1r~~ p!~ Place •P to IS ™-4SO&ull for Ch,!js l Beige woven hkt' nt'w W..ted IOll 17 rt Whalt'r, tis HP .1 ·-a.- CONMElL CHEVIOLET ~ H.rl••r K . : I l "'r \ \! t _ .... \ 546-1200 tlGHIUYH Top dollar.. for Sporh & CREVIER BMW 1'e bcltirlca '12 IMW'a AN Jten! A few remaining '81 Models & Demos are still available' We spec1abte in. Eurovean dl'11very and nawles.s pre.owned BMW's Where Customer J Service Comes Isl ! - Sales-Service-Leasing•· 208 W lsl. Santa Anl 1714) 83S-3171 _<!_losed Sunday~ 1982 MODB.S HERE HOW! • Clleck ow CJOOd Wctbiof DIMOamd 9UAUTY Pu.OWHED AUTOMOllUS aswel•olllet' .. .,....... .. .., ...... CtlorC...a. ' • TODAY! SALIS • SI.VICE LEASING SADDLEBACK IMW 2t402M.U~ ,.WY, MIS~YllJO Avery Pkwy oH 1·5 831 -2040 49S-49.c9 Closed Sundays time. St!cond Glance. Secretary J•-M Sl .. ilfl la 22 ru ft WH tin-hse.!s:J?:ibi36261 ~iJkh••;;;·;;;t·~~ .. ::i·l tra1ler, radio ro'er~. UTEIOOYWOll 2122 W. Ocean Front. NB bee. Secret~ tta.t la Yaw C... relria. frost frM. side by ~·h & rhair to mat<·h -rondllion also :.,,, 1 center ronsole $6500 Up to 5()'", olr sour body Cars. Bugs. Campers 1'--------- 675-3361 Ell'Clron1cs <.:o 1n lllllity. Teedt..,.... side,127S/olr.673-4084 I' loose cushions l.1kt' rklthln1t s1x't'!l I 2 . rirm da 752 7733. t'V s~ti'!l'!.te.536-9832 --------~Laguna Beach has an .. y"...._........_c--. Relria.2S cuft.s11w11re new. santr11·l' SISO 997tki79 645--031S HARDTOP FOR FIAT Sales immed. opening avalla "'4 Sal -.. ..,... maker, gm. like nu StSO MB·Drl _ 'I I JET SKI I ~PIDER Good c·ondi JOINASUCCESSFUL. Ille. If you are an exp'd SBOO C'n 1j'rC: 968-~13__ _ r:EVER USEO Ronks Mink.. Only used~ hour~ S1700. IH)!_l._S225.673·639_l NATIONWIDE ~if ~r~~7 ~i~~ f~~ l113145Ju4 --Refrig. Admiral. 20 t'U (I. 1200. Qn b_drm $540. ..~.':'!"!'!~ ..... ~~.~~ IJiH905 ·74 Olds 98-wrttked Will SALES TEAM l70+wpml & able to de-dean IZ80. 642 672' side glass top dint'lle $225, t\crordion sat· S2SO. bt•:.I • • St'll parts. motor anrl Be one o( over 600 1n-al with """Pie tartrully. E AC H ER I nrant Xside mattress box springs llahan madt· fruntahni 13 lost.Wllaler I lransingoodcond ~enl sales a'enls O"V Development Program. . --Twin S80. roll sro. Qn Xlnt rond Nc>w 40 hp 962-7520 selling products o the handle correspondence. p time. Member or BRAND NEW Sl:Kl MORF: ~ ! 770·0901 lk ~u beg. books 5411 1:192 Men· L'nder warranty i - 9t4's . .\udi"s Ask forl' C: MGR JIMMAllMO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 1~at•h Blvrl Ill NTINGTON HI-: \Ctr 842-1000 WE MEED YOUR EXOTIC & IRITISH CAU Thos. 0. Murphy Co .. a stat typing. p~ones & a transdisr1phnar~· team Maytag washer & dryer Ou· l k . bed SISO l'rombone. K111R :Ill Con $.'l900or bc>st orrer ... ~for C'....t~ Pioneer in specially ad· variety o( admin. duties. S""cial ed & Spanish S71!Q pair 673·5477 a 1 1ng shz . r' d · ' t't•rt Tenor "'lnt nm1I Mitrh Hrt'c:r 5-111 9001 --~-call us' Some accounl· .-~ . · • ·. sml & gt> 1· e~t o wr~. . · . . ••••••••••••••••••••••• vertising since 1888. ing or .bookkeeping ex important Call Jac·k1e CCMMMftaHOllCalt rugh1 sland.S:lOOfor:lpr ~hde.nawlt'ss with t•on ,J\i r1 (iranrl Flanb , IM PO RTANT -------- ne Most &citiltc) ,_.Of Yow IMW hrchose Or L..GHC_...le MclareftlMW!! e., OrL•os• ly 0.. """ ,._, I c114,s22.533i.. I ORANGE COUMTY'S I OL~EST ~~oup!:vfd; sr~e~~~ll'eed per. desired. We orrer PQ1?~6·5760 Sink, stove, rernfo! S40 L~ash. 720-036:1 (~~~;~ mull's $.'>00 luadt-d All or 11~rt DO<'k NOTICE TO ~EW~nT calenders. specialty excel.pay &benefils 1n· TECHNICl1\N I 49-IZ7f6 ·,·ooch&lo\•es t•at.nuh-1 1 mooring t atalina READERS ANO Kl items and executive cludingour Ceramit· Cap3l'1lor St-an, 17 cu rt rrost rree b\•bt.'1ge.S..S0011r rorrl'e I T~Y-ha 1\va1I Assurnl'_ luan AO\"ERTISERS M DTS gilts to their customers 4DAYWOIKWEEK Mam4a<1urer needs an refng 6 mo old. S.100 tbl.S250 720-o.11;3 Studl'nl. Good \'oncl ' Xlnt terms Sfill .000 The _price or item~ ~' Sal~Sen 11•eLeas1ng - Thi . bl Company is located 2 f)J111 ~velTechnman Orig~ Dk ood bd s I SISO 644·1096 979·~ adverll~ed by \'eh1 l'le l . --.. ·· . I J:V""f\/CAR\!ER sis your oodg OP· mi fromCoast Hwv &8 Chemistry. Ph ys1es. 545·1037 kw . ~r~'·· pc. I --18'Century all,·arnished ' dealers'" the vehicle NewµortAt'arh-l'L/I & ~s~ !~d gconli~~~d mi from 405 & 5 Frwvs Electronil'S Background R ( . H . t sl~S~~ S47l I t' new. Office Fwrllltwe I I da.<ISIC w full ('U\'('r 352 class1ried advertising ft-12 9-105 l tr'<I I c ~.lllt. AIAI Please tall ror appt Helpful pay. Com e ngerator. otpoin J ---. ~..... IOI Olds enR Mo s I ~l'll columns does nol in ' l'L.A..l.J '"'-..1"-t: 1Av1n income from repeat or· Te loni c Berke 1 e y. me_nsurate with f.x Wht Sm. UNUSED QIJEEN tn;o 1 •••••••••••••••••••.••• 157~ 673 9321 · I elude any apphcabll' 1 ··tWl' moAdeHI TT0,E11Dta.~ ·n.. ·~~~~ ~. ~.:;~ ders. Commissions are per 5 0 n n e I o e p 1 penence. Call for Appl _ _64~6625 &x Spnngs & Mattress Burroughs 9500 with auto 13 . 0 _l w-. 1 ,0 h taxes. hren~e. transrer .,.. , M n pald immediately H you 714 494 9401 546-2490 licyct.s 1010 Cost S675. Sell $200 reader S4. 9SO . Ru r DU) 00 "113 er. " p. • rees. finanre charges. \' o I ' o s c· a l I u:. 'iO BMW 2002 Xlnt Cond ::~u~';1~rr:ire~~~(:~~ . . It ••••••••••••••••••••••• s:i110 I roug hs 9500 Wllh elec start & steenng reesror airpollutionron-TODAY !~! I ComplRbh Snrf.FMSl · John E Morrisse)'. Ttlesll·~ MEN'S SCHWI NN !Rattan-r-nd d; set w 4 rEas~ette. usodt'd s4.9so ~ 673·9321 trol devire certirications · Tape ~ Spd. Shpskn~. ~ci . &LADIF.S'3SPD l l'ane chrs S200 Rattan co Air Pr oc-ts Inc 48'11 Pacem3ker sport or dealer documentary t'oHr. SH50 OBO . ~c!,:~~J~r~~ ForClass1r1ed ,\cl Immediate opemngs lo s.50ea Cash. 720-0363 etagere f15 Antq tbl !1..1.411.11·8111 risher. ISK W 11 en . preparation charges un-1 1 St6 i973 Green Valley. Arizona .\CTION "-ork pleasant eve hrs Girls Nish1k1 12 Spd-set. s:icxi..11r 720-0363 <Xrice. like ne"·' side arm loaded w elect ron1 rs. less otherwise sperir1ed I TOYOTA·YOLYO "ii 3201 . a ,. . ~ u n r l. t"": • 85614. DaTi~1~~lot :i~~ ~ge~c!o111:,~· Touring Hand le Ba rs COM PL 8oi\t SET ~~1~~~1~~1evx~r c:=~~~· ::~: 1r0~15rar~1~-C:~~ 1?.>'tht> adv!_rtiser .... ".,...11•• am rm bra •\D \'ISOR 1PM.966·01SI . ~~~!!!'w Sl7S 645"4199· Oblbed.Sprs,$100 desks lmelal;t wood ). r1sher Pvt 1598 1821. ~ 9510;. Cttfewore I HSI l84~da~!> Ha,·e somethinJ? ~ou 64251\ill "··llth1~n .. s·rastw1thDa1I.' ~_,.,__ 673-116;19 (' d I & "U1.J7•0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ""H•·•lOJ wuo.uu r-.:. 9715 ~ant to sell ? Class1r1ed -"' ,., re enzas mf ta '"'! "" 6' Camper w Bubble Win I -..,... • ~do.it -.;ell 642 5678 PllOC Want Ads msert l rule n Ann corree I able. -.'00d1. 7'x4' Teak 1·on ~·Egg Harbor Sport Fis <lows. Wht & Red 116r, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ( (, ) ) 'tf ewspaper Carriers for foutes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • Gooclltma .. • Super Trips . ...... ,,, •. CALL CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Illy Pillt . 842-4321 20" IMX llKi desk and lo boy S250 rerence tbl w ll bloc her, Sleeps 4. Twin Eng, 842,9463 Top Dollar '71 c.ri. $100. , Redlint. w/Takagl I pc earh.962-3597 fabric: swivel th airs. Must See To Appreciate ,._; -- 1 -Poi.id st.J.2252 crank, shotgun seal, hvy chrome base <.:all Steve Bes t 0 r re r . W 1 11 ......... • du t .v r i ms . a 11 o y or Linda 751·627 1 Consider Tradi'na For CliMH:i 9510 ·72 Capri 2000 Air. l'J56. b I u n " For Your Car' gd cond SIOOO or bst ars/seat camp . ..,.,or JM 2113 Copier w1stand. Real Estate Private ••••••••••••••••••••••• JOHMSOM&SO.. ~9772 best offer 536-9832 ontempurary Parson Sl200orbestorrer Part . '175-4797_ 'UTTIEST U..C•Merc~ insert i rule Olnlng Table Oak Par-_964·95041962-0105 -~ .... / '57 T llRD Dcbm Rarers Wanted! Morning quet Top W Ext. $200. Smith Corona Elec Like ~ • 2626 Harbor Bh ••••••••••••••••••••••• training 20-30 miles. 752-90til neww/rast!. SIOO, .. ~ ........ !~.~~ ~~,;~, ~~Mesa ~40·$fi:lO I '$Vio1~~3r1. .t ·da 760-0327 eves 851-3922 Y"'CHTI .... '-IOOISUKZ) Premi um pri1·cs ..._. .............. ~ 1025 "' ~ paid (or any ust•d t•ar 1111._.,M.....,... MATTRESS& Apero 200 bond rop1er COHSULTAMTS tforeittn ordonie:.t1l') ••••••••u••••••u••••• BOX SPRI NG Good cond. 11200 Will Charter/Power & Sail in good rond1t1on MOW 25• /FT Pd s.u>. Sell S2SO. acrept 1200/dwn 1100 Npt. Bch 675-2960 See Us First ! + tax 411 mo O f; I. Redwood 2x6 &erlting. ~ yr warranty. Pillow !!I>· 67~8S89 "Your Year Round , 1!~llll~•Rlll!P.l~I Cap 1·os1 S4964 He~ 4·~' long; also redwood Comfort 964-8008 10011M Ql•rterServirL _ _. \.Jlue S2~111 92 Total' &fencing JLol mweostr pKriecne TYPIWllTHS. lotfl. WI tHO ~~••rJ••l "e~!es s~~o:s 1 ~u ~·:~~ u 8 r 121 Chest ol drawers. SSOO to '900 Valut now •••••u••••••••••••n•• 11 ime 64i-981S. $12.SOea. '9.95 + tax & strv1re Santan1 35 6 bags, fully i--••••••-1 Otoh\er.· Ordl'r Youn.f Olympus 01111 ·1 w/ 640-1146 Ask about Word eqq'd. Volvo diesel. .Tod.a:v!· . ·.1. I chrome body. USO mm Procesaors 164 .17141640-4925 ltw11Me.e6.W lms+Olympus7Stol50 12131702-8670 ..... c d · lfl7n..~uW.d toomlens•uae.$350. "Symphony" Vict rola -orona o. moonng. Thrtt lops, full powu, • .,.,. .,..7., Cabinet. Xlnl rond a· APF.CO any paPC!r copier Fernando St. Bal 4 ryl _.. h 1 C ........ " d s 900 r Id -ooo ..... ~1... -~ •1ff •· omplett!t sora, mulli-rolored W/stan . 1 nr s. ....,, ,v, .. ~ .... .,=----! C New bldtt •/polished velvet541·7095eve. prof set-up 975-1262, Laur Good Race restored In Senior lass WllUY brus plu.mblna fl~urn. 4-.......... 1055 751-'341 R«otd. 2Salls. Ctr Rlts. in Ila division o( t'Om· l/SJo:D CARS & TR lJ('KS pdSllOO.~llS51$. -_,..-M I 0 petition Serioos in-COMF.I NOR 955-2272/983-7333 u••••••••••••••••••••• any Xtras 1 tS . q\lriesonly CA LL. f'O R C & Selling Everyt hing. MEl'ALDESK• ...::9'1!M~'/64~-----1 FlllAl'HAISAL -,~,.. 111 IO"'O Sofas. tables, desks. SECRETARY DESK lD MacCrtgor 25'. fully 76M5n Cormirr-Detillo ·-• • kitdlenwue. 551·9553 Ri1ht: dr1wers. Left : equipped, S7900 or bt!st "!!!!!!!!!•!!!l•!!!ml!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I •••• •••••••••••••••••• 1 . ty-writer Op•n pull ... _ cv -F CHIYIOLIT Vlvllu Th7rl1tor 285 Sofa 9 good tondltlon "" . "' u-11""-·--·-.. AUit.in Huly. 100·6 111211 BEACH Bl.VI> nllh ISO. Vlvltar 75.205 Country print. brown lyJ)('Writer Is ready to ·::-.~.,./ Needs Paint' Tunt-up. HUNTINGTON R•:ACll Cnon mount 1100. 'tones!J00.644-7183 ,o.SJ.2S.96UOOI 9071 hi in h111e. SUIOO 1474017w lkertl 00. S73·0IZ2 I......., 1070 ........... •••••••"•• .. lt'lnn. $40.0812 549.l)) I IMO '• .. ••••••••• .... ,...... 1017 BOAT SLIPS FOR RENT ?ICAf COMY ...................... jParrot. dbl yellow bead. ••-=::.:•.:;;••••••• ~i.2~.~~:·· 30'. Eldo. OH nr ownu, POISCHES EESHOND ..... AKC., ync. ti me wtcase • ~..!~J .. · • newp.tnltoblgllf,lt bid· WAMTID Champiltt. ,.,,, Pett playpen. Sic. S85e a saroao. 646...:..~ Ml.,..iw.t.• .., ttt•t 1 how . P 't pt y . 1 Findlft~e11a ' ra1e • dbt yellow head. Da1 wll, montbt41-o551_--:--- 21.3/9'7·134hfU • , .m. Yl'&. time •lu ge • WANTED : Slip. 0 . ~ ,66 1~1111· :..11" \luflt'l ,,11 .. it .rt Pia 'hrt'lfr Pu,.. 4 ,f' H uy H71 = Sic. MSO. 3 cbuae for au of :=.. .1 TulM •• 1h11111 nm•· ll Mclntha. AKC. -EA '•-•H••••••••u••H•• , 4 eHa 'race m1111lf . 47' rutter. "'II ,._......,, ..__. O(f•r. :-ti11h·r ,11111 1t•a1I m Ow 1 msoa • m..»i -_,, .. 11.11h 1'11111 n 11:-!'1l••ct !n4).._. 1 "'•COMP 157·• ,.___,, .......... _._., c-. ----.,._ -"" !'.,11..i 11h1'"t ~I!'!' )illfl DOBERMAN PUPPIES S hf, I pllaM SO 111. AMAZON PAllOT lt'Sall Boet Sllp. Sl&O per dilima. Aft Ntw Puts. Mt1tl'lan11l11·' .1rnwttrni: 111·)\ T1lflt'I 111111 hi1111:hl tt 'I~~ -1 ~:!is.=~ T~~~· ~h tar,. .::t:D uoo. mo. 11_-6. l1tl et.tr~ ln. Etc. t~· 1·11m111111: "hu.:" 111.... ltir II 11.'1 '°'"' 1•,111 ~··'* ._ .. m... 1115 leteat Tn•·•P· \t'ilr Ir ~1111 h11\1• a \1111r 1ulh1 an11 ltitl\,~ DllmU& m... : Mttrid Conurt, ST ' s11, aullablt . CIU, Oa • 4"·Ml. 1·am11t'f' th:ir~ not ~1·1 •14ht·r th1n1:11 thr•lhti .... 9720 .... lflvr '°"""""'to I.ti! .._.,,...,. """"' Harbor. ,., .... 94711. lift+: u l .. I. 111•11 II nu• l>;i11) 1'11111 r1.,.,.,,~ .L ...... iii.-..~~!!!!!!iif!ll!i~~~::=:::=:::=:::=:~~~~~~=:!~ ~~==1.Ja~--~~fitd~ldll~.1~~1t~w~•t~l~J:::;;~-~ ,._~.,.~~· -::::::Jj!!ijj!!~.JIG~ ... ~b::~~~!!!!!!!!~!'ililil11j~""~h~a~l~'l~~~~~1r~1~:1~~~·1~_J~~~~~·~t~·~~11:1>a~3tei~~~1~---: I• 12 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday. January 26. 1982 ·Mot. ln\porled ..._,, ,..,...w Alltot • ..,,, W ......_,_,,rt.cl ...... ..,,.w ....._ 1_,1.w AIMI. U'"9 Altel. "* ...._ UM4' ~.~ ......... .. •.....••.•.......•.•••• .......•............... .........••••.......... ······················: •..................••..• ;~~~~\................ ................••.•... ................•.••.. . .... ~ ... . .,.._ tu .._.. t1Jt ..,a••.._ '740 M9 '742 ~ ........... !?!~ !~.!!!P!!.: .. : .. !?! ~ ............. !!.1.~ ~:~~ ........ !!~. :.:·;;;~:t""r''r·::·,.·o··,~· •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• I ~ ,. ~r • li it• 11111 140Z, icrul 'Ill RX7 GS.'"· 11unroo1. •75 450 SI '&i MO ~w rain!, Ttr('•. ~I COUNTY'S '7t IUS 1!~4 Ru r k Sk )'~~k , 511 us RIST! Bluo. Coed 11701 •·ood Stt 10 11pun•1· ~ apd. c•••· new BtuA w blu• int a .. Battery. Rtauh1lor. NIWIST 1Mu_..., to 1pprt't•1111.. t 111·~ .. 11!.~~1• Wt h1vea1ood1fitttion Or Beat Call Evu, Dlllr! tll31G:fi 1'lltl9.. l~relU'• SIOOO ~?-~IMll 11~. rn.1m7 prfrwl (0 Gtrwr~tor. Slartn. W1r Aulhorlud MUit Hll moo or bl'•I • D'04'""""" o f NE w ' us£ o ~- s .. 11 . $11 .110 0 r f>, lllJ. Uu1rh. Throw oul S HARU Ut:ALtrn <lftt Mltrh Km•r 63 IJulrk ~ Sabrt. low ~roi«U' '8Ul111tan1,. Vt. auto, fW t7JS ~ o~ r1 I 54118001 ml . lld rond MUST ' 1 al d'· b .. mi.11 ..... n1. lll'('I' t rut..r, ~~ SL'IJ u;ooonou9 I""" art. ur. Jll, .. c , .... ....................... -Tarhomttt'r. Spt'ed '11 1>1uhl'r, iiu nrf . r. '.,, 0 -1 .. """" C...., orit rond 13000 0 80 Ar1v11. 21Hrt• lut1l lrlj . WANTED MB7.4SO SEL. Oml'h•r, $17~ 'runt• Ull . ....L I AM/FM , t'llU s:i~oo. 'Ill •:lt'l1ru, good C.'Ulldl ...................... ~7«~'!------ Wmly . 11 .000 1111 ,1111 wlll trud" my 1974 '~ $2717 lh·~l oi.rcr ~ lllllO 9()(•1• Yam Kl'OOlt'r Uflt'CIWIWr. no lll't'ldl'lllS. '68 XJ\7 0 Strltli Spec. '81 Mu1t1n1. V•I, auto, 1•01111 1 S6 .i!OO rt n Rolla Royt•e Silvu 451ill •19B372 ~l·IJMJ tw0-431111111t l800 Ed _, ... _, h I 752.:l'IQI Shadow t-;u·t•ll <'ond ~ ' 1.,.... MOOF.I ., , n.._., c rolllt! ena. ntW pant. mint rood .._. 9744 ._ "' BUS fuel tnJ r1·bll c.llec ft 15 wn whJ1, tltt aunroo(, lt!00/080. M4 eM$ 'TU •'1111 l< lf1 nt•w Int. S 3 6 · 0 0 0 v II I u ~ Ht:RE NOW''! ' f '1 """"""""'"""'' '7'J Monie Carlo, n t'ed1 ori ..ic> 1139-$243 --nc" tn& 13000 ftrrn 16'47VEl.7.I l'all 700 8702 ~·M"c"'e"r""'"'11°•1111 Sain Servk•·l~ulnic ~na. •unruo · • t•r t·u. work 11100 'U MUSTA ... 1115 ~ • .. s XI . "' Ill Wlbl lntr um goo.~ C~PLAtlMfi • . I ......-.. tn • vi. lo miles, rht r"". 6i 2SO n1 lon<l Lu 4 sp. 11uto ovcrdr. nl<'l' SADOLllACI '7• vw B~ Xlril .. ,1.. C 11 .1.c7 _M2_1i42 __,.. ., M1 Rru Gd MOOO 0110 "at. nc1~ i1"me work. ns1 SU1.1.•u ,·~ .... •rM• ... 7L., • " ..,,.. •1111••1111111••••11•• orl1 own tr I S,000 . .._.. 9727 ll:B-8.\37 • " v -........,.., ~ ... ..., WI' spec-rallie in loses 16 Monu 2+2, 4 ryl. 5 is D~ood t'Ofld, runs S.*5ev wlrndl. --cir 631·5682 31·2040 4tS.4t4t 96041131 fur the bustneu u sixt. Konis, SPoiler , lo well, /bfstofr 1 --1~~~~ ~~l~:li ~~ ,....;,.. t741 ,.,..._ f761 V.W '73 C11mpt'r. G11ud t~uUv•fi prolessionut mt 12459. 760·8708 144).5267 '68 Muat111& ronvt, SSOOO ~1·2323 · · ' · · ~11•11•••11•11••11•11n 11•••••11•11•11••••11•• cmd. l3500. ..... s.tectioll '78 Malibu Cll5$k S/W I '74 Monaco. 2 dr, air, or bnt offer. lmmir. l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~s~~~·~n~.~~~Y~•td~.~~~·!u~~ca ~11~000~ ~1ta2 owntr Grea1 sh a pe ~~ ro~! 110001~d ~~~~-·~~~~~ Good rond S3200 <194·3988149H682 urho t\nW · •-lt&S~2 8174 D...v'-t 't°--- • Gray, w Pan•h tnl llhr. Sl.500 b~l off ti40·1H22 15200 ORO !IG . IO~S Mowta ~! 12~l_681·2613 'llOD50PICKUP S'antaAna 714/95.U414 ;:1· ;~/~0~11~~ ~K ~!'!'-~t 2'2A4 h • •• NAWi~~ '77 Montt Carlo Arr. ~IOOorbestolfer pp POI SALE '79 XL Arrord. full) eQUIP . snrf, lo mr, xlnl 1:9'.)d ! an. 4 67~~~ --7~62& Ponct.. t750 '78 Ct'h ra GT. 5 s pd. _ Pwer, Sir. 8rk. Perfect ~53l8or947 2743 71' Pinto halthbark. ---11••11••11••••••••••11• 1 Uf\b k f k {' \() I ( ~ rond I owner S2595 cltan, 4 sl)ffd, new ltrH. ~Honda Acrord 3·Dr 5 spd. ofr. lo m1 Scl500 673·6708 or 83 l 3849 Merudn htn 9740 'W ~E Super dean. i:d i2 914 Porsrhl' part:. or ae · 11 '" 115, am d llli7 VW Squarebar ,/ ,, ,,/ • F.ves. 642·8874 Days ,,_.. 9t4 luagagt r arll ,aood 11•111111•••11••••••••• mech l"Ond. Reg 1111s woole New '74 2 O reblt ~ tllpe Xlnl nin · Newm11ine, 11200· /1<\' Hui•• lij-.1 12.!;!l 681·26.!!_ ~··111111•1111••••11•• transportation car. $1200 Ml ......., ~"""" ••a""'" Guur no maJOr re11111rs 964·8008 77 RANCH ERO new • ,,.. .. ,.,.. ~-·-""!.':_<NOJ Webers. many ti<lras SOOO PP "~I 2252 ,,.,,,,\..,., '•·"'""~' ·71 Vega. re-built en11. . '080 ·-_.M ... _ '7S 450 SL XI I l" d Judv6424012 ' " h ..,,.,. b f ll[es~shocks,$2000080 . 642-!570Jeff ._ ft'Ctuwl . .n on · 1-,_ . IHurris> il Bu& Rbll Ena . Nl'w n('W eater ,,,.;.,.,1 sl or ~~9~2688 631-7797 Maria '81 Civic. 4 dr. w1ll trad<' to ONW Rblt Eng Moving. Musi 'S7 Porsehe Spttt•dslrr :iO<.:orooa Ruos wdl Pnt, 'frs. f1awll'SS Cond '67 Cadlllu· Limo. Good tl4Z 7471 c PRI FOR for older pickup + cui.h ~ tfH? Sep II! 1 64 19 4·7 5 266 00 Pri V;&le Replit•;& SllSOor best orr 12450 6'll 3982 Shapr Malle OH er '78 Monie <.:arlo, snrf. one s~ereoitape Dti~~~· ::{' V6 Pinto Hatchback W11 PP,968·5747 Compare House of Im _!ft~ _67~ 1()17or6311013 • 67532041\ -• b739.'il0 Days 642 4429 owner $3,600/olr ·, " · 1n wreck. Body 1nd ports Direct lease and 60 Must ~ell ·10 wht 914 Al nn YctlTo 9772 F.\•es S41H37~afl 6 grired forqwrk sale. re frame dama&t All else is Sta Wgn, Good rond mos sermble pymls 78 450 SLC loys . a m rm r as:.. i9 t:urona. lux cd . 4 dr. ....................... . utll eng . S 1.200 OK V8 141.000one mil. 30MPC S2100 080 AT AC PB PS 1111 whl •'821t........&-D•VUIL..• 62 Impala. 2 dr. good 1!42_2219 ......., ltans •. ridlitor . """-'~---· D 1 a I 2 I 3 o r s.TIOOtobo llJS-3786 · ' · ' · #I VOLVO DEALH -• -h ond H h b d -.... ~ • ""' 714 MERCEDES 1s 213 Milan Brown, ---4 spd. 4 spkr !IM FM INORANGl"CCHIN'rY ' V6 AllOs>tions 3700 M1 mer" ! rg esl 1 u.colll tt45 pump.verygoodwhls & JolJMr 9730 or714/637·f333 26.000 Miies Porschf928 61~, RF.D ! slereo. xlnl i·ond. I • Garage K'ept !...ike New der' 67~ 7961 ....................... 11res. no broken 11lass. ....................... -PcrfeC'I 29K m~ S·~rN'•ke nu ~r. PP. ~250. !l.S7-4544 SALIS. SERVICE Lisi. $19.500 ·57 Ckevy 2d r Hr dtp. '76 Unroln Town Coupe. Interior good Reds 'UXJ64.2. lt7'MEICEDES 675C6000allD6e7a5n9929 Leaseor:4J.makeofr. VcAsw.. 9770 AND~ING ••539·141t •• ~~or besl. ()(fe r ~,e:.r. immar S3200 a vaihl. A greal dteasll~~r 2K Mi. Leather lnl. "'Ill ,. ; · General Auto Leasing ....................... OVF.RSE'ASl>El !VERY 9917 ..,.,."""" mer an1c or par s • · · J Lo ded M s II' HNI 240D 714~73·4311 '00. '6S VW left & riRhl · f"XPER,TS ' c_... "n i..;guna VB. Auto. 2Dr. i9 Mark v C'artrn. xlnt Must sell all together frans8ferred. u~7 .seoo Sunroof, easselle & ' '66 ~L. xlnl cund. new door. ·73 1er1 door SS-0 ' ....................... Mags. AM FM. $425 rond S8.500 $700. make ofr Call Day 966-1202 E ve, speedtrans (39403) mlr. new 11re~. oew e;arh Westem style whl f.AIUllCf '68C-rol27 4~3233284 171415482661 968-~all7.30 m __ ~ $12,'50 paint Ask for Mary '70POISCHffl4 nms for Super Eketlll VOLVO 4spd Ong $2500or~st ttt. ttl2 M ,.50 '73 Hatchback. f sdp. Maida 9731 JIM SUMOMS 6_73·1~_aft tiPM 78.000mi. am1fm in dash ~ea 5411-9744 1966 HarbGr Blvd 5-*6 1171_ _ trC8'J good cond! runs well' ••...................•. IMPOITS MG '742 radio.$.1200 ·i.i Rabbit. AM f'M l'ass. COSTA MESA 0..roltt 9920 1rn't77'00 • .. :x0 co·Ni>° ;i;'c;~;:Gh;a·:;;~d~~~;~ ~7348.l~f.L 1301 Quail St ....................... 964 ll008 snrf. nu I irts. $7500 6 ..... 9303 54;. 946 7 •••••11••11 .. ••••••••11 T TOP Rfll'K $11750 nu rad i a Is $ 3000 '78 Pinlo Wgn 4spd, 4 Nt.-.:WPORTBEA<.:H . ~!41!2'673•0322 _. · ~ •lr..dMew 'll •ALL OPTIONS• ti44-678.S ' cylinder.arr.casselle. 833-9300 ATTIEHTIOM '72VW BEETLI'.: ·111 Volvu GL. 8K m1. al~ Ciwv~Clt••Hte WlITW TAN INT '72 t:o~t. V ti eng. 4dr. clean.S49-12S6. l....tt 9755 EXCELLENT l"ON D xlrus! Superb auto 2Dr -'c1.1.ocLI l'P 714 SSI0731i MG ....................... • Sl4 500 Don63103111 cv • --•· air. ps. gd t·ond S9SO ..,._.... t960 0 '6A.lir.IS '62 Renault Gardena S300 S2600 -' . · 1 Air ("()ftd . pwr steen1111 l'orvelte '81 $299 mo Call Lon s.;1 0672 ..................... .. f'or Class1f1ed Ad TONNEAu"cov fo.:R Best m 11r 848·8695 'IO 245DL WlllJOll & br9akei.. t1l1 wheel. ell· S7SOdeh\ ers411 mo ..,9 Zephyr Villager wgn. ·74 SAT RN ACTION Fits MG'~. 071 °81 646 IMSO •61,...._11 YW, 4 spd OD. xlnt rond 1314 68191 dose lease. glass lop. VS. loaded. lo mi. prof Radio. buter, ps, A I SNP IT i Y8lf -.. Call a Never use<!. S7S '756 Good rond. runs good. Zl.000 m1 $9,900 e\e~. Mow ()Illy $55'1 lru spokes. loaded marnl $4900 540 3836. sba $l~ 838 5180 AGll'fl Daily Pilot Maria631·7797 h·emsg ~~~~ ........... , new tires $1250 080 wknds8.Sl·L34S HOWilD Clt••ro&e+ $ll.400tROll~J1P0aymenl 759 ~-_ '74 Plymouth Station S~t AD·\'ISOR I 492.7313 ---i7 VOLV0264 Dove Quail Sis I r 1 Wagoo. good engine and 642·5678 ~ . '#l DUL(R IN U.S.A. VW KJT CAR Air, loaded. i<lnl . NEWPORT BE:t\CH Crneral Auto Lea:.rng Mlst919 9952 bod ·~ 997-8679 __ y~~= Little 1s H111!1 L'.lu:.s1(wcl K....,. 631·2991 133·0555 f 714·67_!4111 _ ~11111111••1111•,•1111" ---4104 • d 11 ti ~CAR\/ER NEEDSWORK .S500 --~---I 65 Mustang. pmed 10 P.tiac ft65 ~'~--~-=~:,~. Just ffiO\t'tl anlu town ~ 1 ?.,,.5 .... ~~etu'·~~~ .. ~1 ... ~~ft·s l"-Jl , __ 54~5.~73·14~ __ ;1Volvo.2dr. 4CY Good a 11 ~our a(l\'ttrt1:11ni: Clas~1111,t :11her11s111i.: 1, sell Call wknds unly ...................... . • • • • Tht•n 1:1•t a1·11ua11111•1I 1.~~with b~.: r~·adl·r~hip mm Cond. Runs Well Ideal rlollar i.:11 larlht•r' l.1~t J l"-·tlt•r WJ~ tu tt•ll mu rt• 644 2027 13 Ponuac Grand Pnx. -.-..... --tiai "1th .lht> l'lal>l11f11'll ,\1b ancl biu r·~ult·' T" nlJt··· , ..... 2nd Car 494 2647 HIUr bu~uw~:. t'\ t'I'\ llJ\ lltWI<' about lhl• ~ttn u·t• ---xlnt rond. Sl .250 0 80 ._::llOI Th h ... "'~ ~ v,. • ~.-At((i"""°"OHll" u ac:lt• .\our ol<I stufr fur 111 1lwCIJ~s1f11'tl ~t'tl111n 1uu ha11. to uffrr hk Maktt \Our l>hu11p1n1: S48--0ll32. unUIO ~ USU lllU'4illl4 t') rt>l t' casre't "a\ 1our !'lass1hl'<I Jd. •·all "*"""'""'llK"1' .. ,...,.,... I new i.:001l1l'S wllh a F\n<I wh.lt rnu wanl in ul 1h1~ "''"'~PJIH'I JINlCJI uur lo" rah·:. 10 t'll!!terb\ Ul>tnl(the D,111\ · ---to find Jtl!il the 1~?'' Joel 1 •oda\ 642 56711 ClOStO WNOATS --1 0~1fled atl 642 56711 p~I) P1I01 i.:1ai.s1freds tH2 Stii!l ila.'. t;l2 5tiill Pllor ('la<,1f1ed \d~ \l{!!t Ad _Help~ ~2 56!! WJnt \cl Rt»Ult~ 612 f>li711 : ~en 11·e:. ~Oil ne.,, ' MATCH THE NUMBERS ON THE MA" WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES 0 • • • ATLAS CHIYSL.a-Pl YMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel 5'6·193" 3 blocks south ol San Diego Freeway off Harbor Blvd Complete ,body shop Sales Service. Parts Service Dept. open · Monday lhru Friday 7·30 A,M to 5.30 P.M. and 8 A.M. to 5 P M. on Saturday HACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach Tel 752-0900 Ca ll us. we re the specialists lor Alfa Romeo Peugeot Saal> & Maseral 1 THEODORE ROllNS FORD Modern sales. ser111ce. parts. body, pa1n1 & tire depts Competitive rates on lease & daily rentals 2060 Harbor Blvd . Cosla Mesa 642·0010 0< 540-821 t G) JOHNSON & SON UNCOLN MEICURY 2626 Harbor Blvd . Cos1a Mesa. Tel 540-5630 57 Years of friendly family servace -Orange County s oldest Lin· coln·Mercury dealership • SOUTH COAST DODGE 2888 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 540-0330 RV service spec1ahsts , custom van converStons NEWPORT IMPOITS 3100 W Coast Highway, Newport Be1c h. Tel, 642-94051540· t 764 The Ferr an HeadQuerters NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Slreet. Newport Beach. Tel. 833-1300. At the triangle of Jamboree, MacArthur & Bristol behind Vic· toria Station. Sales. Service, Leasing & Part1. Fleet d is- counts to the pubhc. • MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa. Tel. 540-9100. Orange County s largest Cadillac dealer Sales Service. leas· ing • DAVID J. PHILLIPS IUICX~AC-MAZDA Sales • Service • Leasrng 24'888 Ahc1a Parllway Laguna Hills 837-2400 f1i) CHICIC IVERSON POltSCHl-AUDl·VW 415 E Coast Hwy .. Newport Beach. 673-0900. The only dealership an Orange County with lheM three great malles under one roof I • ALAM MAG NON PONT1AC·SUIARU 2480 Harbor Blvd .. Costa MeN. Tel. 549-4300. Sal .. ,. Sefvlce, Leasing "Mr Goodwrench." 0 HOUSI 0. IWOITS MllCIDIS 1941 ...... ---·Lee-.t 8862 Manc hester Blvd,, Buena Park (on Santa Ana Freeway). Take ~each Blvd. offramp -aharp right on Manctt .. ter. DIAL MER-CEDES (213 or 714) '37·2333 IOI LONGPRE P'OHTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd .. Wes lmanster. Tel. 892·6651 Orange County's oldesl and largest Pontiac dealership Sales. Service. Parts. • SAIL CHEVROLET 900 South Coast Highway Laguna Beach '°Cllrry'• ... It ..... fw ,.., .. SALES HOURS. Mon ·Frc. 9-7. Sat 9-5. Sun t0·4 4941·1131 546·9967 • SANTA AMA DATSUN 2001 E 17th S t1'9el, Santa Ana Tel. 558·7811 Your Qngjnal Dedicated Dalsun Dealer. • MIRACLE MAZDA We've movedl Our new location is 1425 Biller S treet, Cotta Mesa. Tel. 545·3334. S top by & v111t our brand new lhowroom and see why we're the 11 Mazda dealer in Southern C.litornia. Sales. ServlGte, Parts and Leasing . • AMAH8M MAZDA "°"" o.c. ....... De-.r .... kee '-"Ice""-c...N tl01 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim ~1820. Just north of Santa Ana Frwy. on Anaheim 81Yd. Cell 1.11 f1rsll "WE A~E HARD TO FlNC>--eUT WORTH ITI" • 28402 M?r~~ .. 'JkA~A~,kwy. exit We offer what no IHs• compeny or b1nk can. 1. Ultra•modern MrviGte dept. for ht cleas efter sale MfVlce: 2 Factory 1uth. fllClllll• &. body shop: 3. Ellminetlon of the middleman --teeaing dealer dlrKt. 131·2040 41Mt4t FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, OR TO BE PLACED ON THIS. AD, CONTACT YOUR DAILY PILOT REP. ' COST A MESA DATSUN 2&45 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa. Te l. 540-6•10. Serving Orange County for 16 years 1 Mile So. 405 SUNSET FOID. IMC. (Home of Willie lhe Whale) 5440 Garden Grove Bl11d . Westminster Tel 636-4010 • FtlANIC PROTO LINCOLM-MERCURY Servace and Paris Deparlmenl always open 7 days a weell 7 30 AM lo 6 30 PM 848-7739 0 CONNK.L CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd., Costa Meu. Over 20 y .. rs MtV lng Orange Counlyl Sales. teasing, MNk:e. Cell 54~H200: sc»elal p1rts llne: 546-!MOO; body shop line: 754-o400. • • ROY CARVER ROUS ROY~W 1540 Jamboree Roed. Newport Beach. M<MM44. Sai.t. Service. Parts And Leasing • MM UASI..-. IMC. 730 W. 19th St .. Costa MMa 8427194' S.V. tr~. energy & frustrmtlon. Call ulffor all of yout leMlng needt, We ..... all mak" end models o'l ca,., tNcb&v--. J I I I "' I , 1111111 ClllT MONUAY JANUAHY I'• l 'll\.1 Irvine woman rescuellfrom fire in condo By J OHN NEEDHAM 01 Ill• Dally Pllot s ... 11 An Irvine woman was listed in critical condition today at UCI Med ical Center's burn unit after being plucked rrom her burning condomamum during the early morning hours by a UC Irvine student. Palriciu Mars hall, 28, was discovered tnippcd inside her hom e a t 14 Claret at about l a m today by Steve De Salvo, 23. and a companion, Sonia Gerlitz. Oran g l' Co unt y Fi r e Department s pokes m an J im Sims i.aid De Salvo and Miss Gerlitz wrre driving past the condominium block, located in Woodbridge , when they saw Mi ss Marshall 's residence in fl ames. Sims said De Salvo , a biological science senior at UC Ir v ine , the n heard Mi ss Ma rshall calling out for help from inside the condominium, now nearly engulfed in flames. and re -entered the building. De Salvo I.old fire fighters he found Mi ss Marshall near ly unconscious in the ups t airs hallway, where she had taken s he lte r after being unable to escape the burning building down the stafrs. , Sims said De Salvo carried Mi s s Mars h a ll o ut of the condominium and onto the front lawn, where s he was treated by paramedics a nd ta ken to UCI Medical Center in Orange. A hospital spokesman said Miss Marshall is suffering from s econd and third-degree burns. • * • • • Y• llllTlll llllY PIPll I J OHANC1lCOUNIY L ALHOHNIA <''1 C~Nr s Sims said the couple stopped their vehicle and obtained fire ext1ngu1s h c•r s 1ns 1de the co mplex The) the n tried to enter lhl' burning residence to put out ihl' fir<'. b~1l wcrl' driven back by flames Sim s said a neighbor or Miss Marshall's, Lewis Sangerman. also attempt ed to e nter the reside nce lo search for othe r occupants. However, Si ms said (See FIRE, Page A2) FIRE SCENE This was the re m ui n~ of an t r\'i nt• condominium after fin• gutted the ~t ruc·l urt.'. nitil'all~· Delly,. __ .., •k-·- bu rning its oe<.·upt.tnl. who w;,as carried to saft't~· h~· two pu~S l'l'Sb~· who fought tht·ir way through th<.1 flamt>s . Nuclear plant mishap spews radioactive steam ROCllESTER. NY 1AP1 A s tea m lube ruptur ed in a >rimary cooling system at the Ginna nuclear powe r plant in Ontario. N Y .. today. releasing radioa ct i ve s teum i nto the atJl)Qsphcrc, a federal official said. being cooled with extra water. he said Richard Sullivan, spokesman fOr the Rochester Gas & E lectric Co .. which operates the plant Radiation was released into the atmosphere from 7:09 a .m. to 7:42 a .m .. PST. and the wind wus blowing from the northwes t at 14 m,J?h, the t-iationaJ Weather Service reported He said radiation c hecks s howed the "dose rates " to be no higher than back_ground level. or what could be expec ted tn nature. The reactor was s hut down and the pla nt '"appt>ars to be fa irly s table ," s aid Gary Sanborn. s pokesm a n for the Nu c l e ar Regu l ato r y Com mission. The reactor was Monroe Count y Publt c Relations Officer Cla re nce Rasset! said the release had been "isolated and terminated." "Surface conta m ination is not expected to occur.·· Sullivan said in a late morning status report. "The plant s tatus is now stable." "Further radiological releases are not expected to occur," sajd " , ... :~'t1~1''Y'' . f/\ NEWPORT'S NUMBER TWO ? Thi!> S7 million mansion on exclusive Harbor bland 1 ~ said lt1 he :'-Je wport Beach's ,_ o.lly -....... •Y CMrlet ~ ~l·cond· highe:-.t prttl1rl home. I t has nine bed rooms . H pri\'alt• hl'ctC'h. u llg hthoust.> and a fon·"t Home price ceili~g lifts Newport Beach estate number two at $7 million By STEVE MARBLE or•~· D•llY Piiot s-.H The house price derby in Newporl' Beach u:.ed to be pretty s imple. The top spot on the list belonged to John Wayne or rather his former bayfront house which sold for about S.S million. But that was s everal years and several million doll ars ago. -The top s pot now Is he ld by Howa rd Ahmanson's Harbor Is land estat e, a huge spread built in the late 1930s for violinist Jascha Heifetz. The Ahmanson mansion takes up an entire tip of the island and sold for $10 million. Real estate agents, though, now are s hooting for the prestige of the No. 2 spot. Real esta te agent Bar bara Aune says she has the new No. 2. It's Ernest Ka nzler's $7 million wood, brick and stone mansion on Harbor Island. The one-acre lot is located on the opposite end of the tiny i$land Crom the Ahmanson home. · The place has its own beach, its own llahthouse, nine bedrooms and a private forest. Mrs . Aune, a real estate aaent for Macnab-lrvine, says the place ii more like a castle than a house and is deslfned to look 100 years old. It's llctually only 10 yean old. Kanzler. an Inventor. a milllonaJre and a b11chelor, designed the place himself. "He didn't even have a blueprint," Mrs. Aune explains, "he just sat out on the beach and drew the plans in the sand and went from there ." She claims Kanzler is a former student of the late architect Frank Lloyd Wright. She says Kanzler also designed and built his own car . It was called, not s urprisingly, the "Kanzler Coupe." But the house, she says, was his special project. She says the two-story, 5,000-square-foot house Is built with planks from an old wooden aqueduct in Oregon that Kanzler purchased and r ipped apart. The slate used on the roof. she says, was flown in from the East Coast. Workme n . she says, spent two years carving the door s and staircase inside the house. "He felt that Newport was too plas\ic and he didn't want all thal. glitter and got.,," says the realtor, who sold Kanzler the tip of the island when it was liltJe more than a sandy spit of beach. The then-desert ed Island Up had been owned by Newport's pioneer Beek family which parted with It only a fter seeing and approving Kanzler's plans. Mrs. Anne says that Kanaler has now lef\ the island because •'he likes to move around and gets restless.'' S he says he's looking for a nother lsland. "It's a special house wllh a lot of heart in It." she insists, adding, "and it's going to take a special person to buy It." At $7 mlllloni it'll take a lot more than j ust "special" to buy t. . There 1s "no danger to the public al thi s time." said Sullivan. The pl<.1nl. located uboul 18 miles northeas t of Rochester near the s hore of Laltc Ontario. was shut down a nd a "s ate emergency," the second highest n .u c I e a r e m e r g e n c y classification, was decla red . Area fi re departments were m obilized. No residents were evacuated but non-essenti al personnel were evacuated from the plant site. said Sullivan. About 45,000 people li ve within 10 miles of the pl ant.~Rocheslet, the third largest c ity in New York state, has a population of a bout 300,000 , a nd it was s n owing at the time of the incident. the weather service said. Sanborn said the tube leak in the s t eam ge n e rato r ··(;;. apparently leaking al about 75 gallons per minute." Ginna bas a hi s t o r y of s tea m tltbe problems . according to records. Sanborn said· the reactor vtliS- being cooled with extra wa~. called "makeup' water , .. aJMi apparently was not overheatiQi. A reactor coolant pump, sbul during the initial eme rgency. had been restarted and was a1dmg in the procedure. he said. 49er fans 'violent' Stabbings , s hootings mar San Francisco celebration SAN FRANCISCO CAP) For the faithful San Francisco 49ers ra ns intoxicated with triumph. the giddy hours after their team captured Super Bowl XVI was a · · ~ia nt Chris tmas morning" lh'al. for soml'. turn<>d lo confrontation~ Arter the 49ers be at the ('anc1nnat1 Bcnl-{al:. 26 21. San Franciscan!> gree ted the first l·hampionsh1p in their team's 36 years with u street celebration as jubilant :JS any since the one unleashed by the end of World War II 2 Newport projects face council action Newport Beach City Council members are scheduled tonight to tangle with two deve}opment controve rs ies. both h aving drawn stiff opposition. One or these is the $100 million Ne wpo rt Ba nnin g Ranc h project, a proposal to develop an old sheep r anch with offices, homes and industrial buildings. It will be the fifth time the council has tackled this issue . T h e seco nd expec t e d controversy on the agenda is the Newport Center expans ion plan. The council, on a split vole, a l r ead y has approved this project. ll r esurfaces in a different light this evening. <See NEWPORT, Pa•e AZ) But as the jubilation wore on. t he re were rep<>rtedly several slabbing and shooting incidents and police clashed with some or the thousands of celebrants in a botlle·throwing m elee in the North Beach section of the city. Scor es were hospitalized with mostly minor injuries and there were no fatalities About 100 people were booked ror investigation of drunkenness be fore violence erupted. said Inspector Joseph Toomey. "Now San Francisco is No I in two things being weird and football," s aid Rick Tas ker. as he hung out a car window and blew on a whistle near the North Beach intersection of Columbus Street and Broadway, jammed with about 6,000 celebrants. Horns, firecrackers. sirens and church bells echoed through t he city above lhe s hrieks or fans. tens or thousands of them. who poured from bars into the streets. forcing police to close o ff m ajor thoroughfares and divert buses. In the fas hionable Un ion Street tirea, thousands danced In the street as a rock band staged a n impromptu concert, playing "We Are The Champions" over a nd over. Othe rs commandeered a Municipal Railway trolley bus a nd danced on top a s 49e r s logans we r e painted on Its sides. At Union Square. celebrants ha lted the famed cable cars. ''There has been an ongoing conrrontation for about three and a halt hours between police Runway conditions 'poor' in crash BOSTON <AP> -A Delta Air Lines pilot reported conditions on a Boston airport runway were ·•poor to nil" 37 minutes before a World Airways jet hurtled across it into the sea, the head of a fede ral crash Investigation team said today. Patricia Goldman, a National Trans portatio n Sarety Board member, heading a team of 10 investigators, said the World Airways OC-10, F llaht 30 carryina Z08 people, w as the lut plane 8chcdulc d to .use the Logan lnternatlonal Airport runway Saturday night before additional clearing. "I'm not certain" whether \he pilot had been warned or the conditions, s he said. The warning came at 6:59 p .m . Saturday from a Delta DC ·8 pilot. who was not identified. The p\ane cam e to rest up to it"8 wlnp in Boston Harbor after railln1 to stop on the runway, ln freezing rain. The plane broke ln two, but no one was killed or seriously injured. Tbe lM p as•cnge r s and. 12 c r~w <See DC· tt, Pa&e Al) • department personnel a nd the citizenry," said police service aide Mike Conner today after t he North Beach fraca&, Dozens of office r s were di s patc h ed from o uts ide dis tricts to he lp q u e ll tbe dis ruption. wh ich began to s ubside cirter midnig ht, he said. A bout 40 o ffi cers received minor injuries. he s aid. Toomey said this mo rning, however, that the number of officers injured SUPER BOWL COVERAGE -Page C1 may have been much s maller. "It's sti II a little conrusing," Toom ey ltaid. "Some or these guys might have been hurt - hut not t oo bad -a nd we haven't got the report." In apparently the most seri<>tis oolice inJury, Sg. Al Bierman's right arm was broken when he fell during the bottle-throwing "a nd somebod y j umped on him." Toomey said. A harried Central Emergency Ho s pital dis patc he r . who declined to give his name, saia t he re had been h alf a dozen s hootings and stabbings am id the cele brations Another•s ix were in stable condition after treatment at Mi ss ion Emer~cncy for s t abbings. broke n bbnes a nd o ther <See ROWOl', Page AZ> ORAIGI COAST llAT"ll Low clouds and fog late ·· tonight a nd Tuesda y morning. Variable high c l ouds and cooler Tuesday. Lows tonight 42 to 52. Highs Tuesday 62 at beaches, 701nland: llSIDI TIDAi A rtaMwl!r ho.a acclaim for "Brideshtad Rtvbfted ," which rtaumes if s ll·port series on tt levmon tonigM. Set P•86· ,fa • • • • • • Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Monday, January 25, 1982 ~ortgage ruling Will have ·big impact on Coast WASHINGTON <AP> -The the rulln1 and many other .S. Supreme Courl 11rHd--owner1 •e watttnr-tO-SR"'lh• t 1 ay to decide whether states court's decision before trylna to n prohibit HvlnlC• and loan sell.> soclaUons rrom requlrln1 Such due-on·Hle clauus In pie to p~y off mortt11ee as home mortca1es are common n •11 they sell thelr hornet. nationwide. They require the . The justices said they wtU homeowner to pay orr the Mar uguments that such a batance ~ the mort1a1e If the litornla law is superseded by mort1aced property la sold era.I re1uJaUon of the aavinc• wltbout prior consent of the d Joan Industry. lender. (Such a ruling will hue A 19'16 re1ulallon adopted by ' mendous Impact alOl'll tt.e thtt Pederal Home Loan Bank ~ange Coast. Some loans' have 8 o a rd , an ind e pend en l en assumed in anticipation of r~ulatory agency, allows such lue Chip stamps r Reagan home? PHIL SNEIDERMAN tMD_..y ...... S&aff In his second attempt to purchase Ronald Re agan's l'acific Palisades home, Huntington Beach real estate ~ent John W. Saunders has.cut h~ cash offer but has tossed in a bonus : 1.5 million Blue Chip Sl'amps ,.Newport cops hunt suspect t_it~ weapon ._Police s pent the pre-dawn hours Sunday combing Newport Beach for a bearded man who tQrrified three people by pointing a gun at them, pulling the lri~er and then pulling it again when the weal)On didn't C\r e. "Nobody was Injured in the attempted robbery late Saturday an the Newport Heights area of Newport Beach and officers said they are unsure whether the gun was loaded. Malcomb Crump told police he \()as standing in front of his h~use with his wife and a friend ~·hen a thin, unkempt man walked up, pulled out a weapon end asked for his wallet. ' Jie said the.gunman pulled the l'r'i~ger oo the we_apon but that nothing happened . Other ~lt nesses said the would-be l'tlbber pulled t he trigger a second and then a third time i>Q inting al each of them in tum. pmcers said the man ran off after his third try. · .\tpollce s aid they spept several h'o urs searc hing bars, restaurants and motels in Newport. .. Cooling off period seen for Tuesday That warming trend that q'llade Southern California the t'nvy of the nation over the w~e kend is expected to cool Tuesday. The forecast for the Orange Coast called for s unny skies 1 o d a y • bu t s I i g h ti y coo I er tl!mperatures on Tuesday, said ?'at Rowe of the National Weather Service'. ~."You'll see variable. clouds tihd not-so-warm temperatures t<S morrow," she said. Highs of 77 .today were expected to drop to t1ie mid-70s,on Tuesday. Beach ~~mpe ratures today were expected to be about 68 degrees. Callin~ to 65 Tuesday. Overnight lows tonight will range from 45 degrees inland to 50 at the beaches. · Cockfight closed down MART INEZ <AP> -More than 100 illegal fighting cocks have been ro11nded up in a raid on a remote farm as officials .Cracked what they called "The tlawaiian ConnectiOn." =.: A caravan of county offioials :cfloved in on the farm and seiz~ 130 birds after a chase across a .muddy barnyard. :: A'ntone Morais, caretaker of the farm about 20 miles northeast of San Francisco, watched the capture or the birds be admilled training. Saunders, ·ln an interview today, insisted his bid is legitimate. "I'm offering $1.5 milJion," he said. "I consider that a very serious offer. "The reason I threw in the stamps was because I thought it might b e fun , a bit of tongue-in-cheek. But then again, the Reagans might need thel'Jl. They may have some books that have been sitting around for years, waiting for some more stamps." The R e agan house . a five-bedroom, four-bathroom structure with a panoramic view of Santa Monica Bay, has been on the block for the past year with a $1.9 million asking price. Saunders offered that sum in August, but he was turned down when his financing terms were deemed unacceptable. He wanted to pay $300,000 down. with the balance due with interest seven years later. The 39-year-old local real estate agent lowered his price by '400,000 this month because of reports that the Reagans would accept a s little as $1 million for the home. Saunders said he mailed his new offer, which stipulates a $200,000 down payment with the rest due in seven years. on Friday to the Reagans' real estate broker. Jim Wilt, manager of Coldwell Banker's Brentwood office, wh.ich is handling the Reagan sale, said today that Saunders' offer had not yet arrived. As a result, Wix said he couldn't comment on Saunders' offer. But he did acknowledge the real estate man's skill in attracting attention. ··He has a very effective publicity person," Wix said. ''The last time he had an offer, he sent it off in the mail and promptly went on the 'Today' show to talk about it. "If everyone's gullible enough to go for it, well, that's their business." Saunders.. hjmself, however. insisted his trading stamp offer. is not j11st a publicity ploy~ He said his firm has been offering trading stamps to all home buyers as a way of showing that real estate is still a "blue chjp" invesment. The 1.5 million stamps offered in the Reagan house bid would be worth about $1 ,500 in cash or perhaps double that in merchandise, said Saunders, who said he formerly worked for Blue Chip stamps. Saunders adJTlitled he still has not personaH~ vl~~d the Reaean home. He said be became interested through photographs in a brochure and because or the name value of the property. "It just started when I looked al 90me pictures of the home, aad it's just sort of snowballed from there," he said. Slunders, a bacbeJor, said he wotiJd hire an elderly couple as c•~takers for the Reagan house 11ftt11Ulhl spend weekends there htmffff; if his orrer is accepted. Reagan'• addreaa on /our channel,, Pres ident Reagan's annual Slate of the Union address to a joint session of Congress wUJ be broadcast at 6 p.m. Tuesday on · KNXT (Ch a nnel 2), KNBC (ChaMel 4), KABC (Channel 7> Rnd KCET <Channel 28). Channel 2 will air a special report on the address and Channel 4 will air a Democratic response and analysis at 6:45 p.m. Tuesday. ._ ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat . c .................. 7141142.1171 AM OtMf d1111rt1ne"'9 M2-4U1 Thomas P. H8'ey ............. a....~o-. Robert N. Weed ~ Thomas A. Murptune ,_ Michael P. Harvey ............ Ondor L Kay Schultz ~-a.­ Kenneth N. Goddard Jr ~~ Bef'nard Schulmen c...... requiremenis to be written lnt< morttliie9ontricts-. --- The nqulreme nts allow lenders such as savings and loan associations lo then re·lend lhe money at the prevailing interest rate . Because of climbing interes t r ates. that means greater profits for the lenders. For home sellers who intend to buy a new home , the requirements often mean that n e w mortgages at h igher interest rates must be obtained. Several Calif9rnia residents s ued sa ving's and loa n .USQ,Cialinns th»t excrclaed ~h•ir. due.on.sale options. The residents charged that such clauses in their mortaage contracts violated a/California law. A state trial judge, handling the cases as one, ruled that a federal luw. the Home Owners Loan Act of 1933, and the F ed e ral Ho m e Loan Bank Board's regulation s uperseded any state law that might govern s uch contract provisions. A California appeals court, however . reversed the trial '¥dee •nd rttled~ttre'-!tate­ u w governed. Th e slate Supr eme Court refused lO hear appeals from s o vlngs 1rnd loan Hsoclalions. In three Reparate appeali, fil ed w!_t.h the nation's highest court, luW)'ers for savings and loan associati.:>ns throughout California urged that the state co urt's "er r o n eo u s and dang e rou s" rulin g be overturned. ·•Failure to uph old the e nforceability of due-on-sale clauses may threaten the HEROIC Orange Count,\· fir~man S(•ott Nelson talks to Steve DeSalvo ~rnd Soni<i DfAfY ...... ,_ .... k .. f'll IC~ Gerlitz. DeSal\'o r~scut•d Patricia ~1arsh<dl from her burning tnndominium in I n ·1m· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From Page A1 From Page A1 NEWPORT PROJECTS • • • FIRE ... Critics of the Newport Center project have put together a successful referendum drive. leaving Council members with the choice of dumping the project or putting it to a citywide vote. FromPageA1 DC-10. • • The council's job tonight will be to set an election date and decide what it wants to say about the project in the ballot wording. · Some critics of the Newport B a nnin g Ranch project . meanwhile. have put council members on notice that they may go lhe referendum route if Miss Marshall was alone at the time of the fire. Sims said the cause of the blaze is under invmes tigation. He said the fire caused an estimate d $80.000 worth of damage. It took fire crews about '15 minutes lo extinguis h the fl a m es, Sam s s aid No fire personnel were injured. the d eve l o pment pla n i s Purse with $1,625 a pproved as submitted. members scr a mbled down The Ranch plan calls for stolen in Viejo em e rgen<'y chutes a nd waded cons truction or 238 homes. through waist-deep water. 430.000 squa~--fe-e or-omc~ -A Mission 1ejo woman Several p assenger s s aid s pace and 300,000 square feet of attending a party al a Laguna afterwards that the runway was indust rial buildings on vacant Beach home told police someone icy. But an airport spokesman land west of Hoag Hospital. stole her purse containing St ,625 described the runway as "safe... The land -owned by Beeco during the festivities Ms. Goldman said attempts to Ltd. and the Newport-Mesa Ellen Peterson told offi cers salvage the plane could take a Unified School Dis trict -is the purse was taken during a week or lO days because of tides inland of Pacific Coast Highway party at a home .on Griffith Way and since the landing gear is and dotted with oil welJs . Saturday night. He r pu rse, em bedded in mud. She said C ritics of the project want minus jewelry and cash. was Id d 'd t d homes built at a less dense ratio. found abandoned under the n nc aTitablli y onhe-l era nvings and lo11n induttry and the availability or credit to home buyers," uid an appeal filed on behalf of the Pan American Savings and Loan Association. The Home Loan Bank Board a lso asked the court to resolve the issue. "ff allowed to stand, the Cali fornia ruling will serious ly impair the federal government's errorts lo control federal s avings and loan associations' mortgage rates," government lawyers told the justices. High court to decide ERA status WASHlNGTON <AP > The U.S. Supreme Court said today it will decide whether the proposed Equal Ri ghts Amendment is dead. But the timing of the court.'s review could prove a crushing blow to pro ·ERA forces. According t o co urt c le rk Alexander Stevis, the justices will not even hear arguments in the case before June 30 the co n gressiona ll y approved deadline for ERA. The justices, agreeing to s peed their deliberations to gr ant review, said they will review a ruling by a federal jud ge in Idaho that the proposed amendment died three years ago. U.S. District Judge Marion Callister of Boise ruled Dec. 23 that Co n g re ss acted unconstitutionally whe n it ex t e nde d th e r<.tlification deadline from March 22, 1979 to next June 30. Callister's decision also said that state legislatures are free to re sc i n d previo u s ERA ratification votes. Although the judge's ruling did not block the ratification process, feminist groups view it as a major psyc hological s tumbling block to a final sax -m onth ratification drive. In today's brief order. the high court said it will decide whether Callister was right. But the court's orders did not inc lude a ny tim e table for hearings. Stevas said he did not expect the ERA case to be argued this court term , which is expected to end in elirly July That means the chse would not be scheduled for argument until next October. at t he earliest, a nd the controveri.y could be moot by then. Meanwhile, Judge Callister's ruli n g hangs over pro-ERA forces as they strive to gain additional st al e r a tification votes. If ratified, the ER A would become the Constitution's 27th Amendment and ban discrimination based on sex. The E RA ratification drive s uffered setb ac k s an the l egis latur es o f thr ee non-ratifying stales Georgia. Ok l ahoma and Illinois in recent weeks. offi cials wou eci e 0 ay wa nt less industrial construction whether to remo' e the craft by bleachers at Laguna Beach High ff l "t d building a ramp or with the help and no offices. School on Sunday UD ers Cl e of barges. There also is disagreement LOS BANOS (AP> _ Three Investigators were to talk to between developers and critics Thieves gel gems men h ave been c ited for the cockpit crew. including the over proposed roads. park land Burglars entered a Laguna investigation of illegally hunting pilot, today. He was one of four a nd drainage . Beach man's hom e over the two wild bo:lrs in the foothills people still ~ospitalized. Beeco has agreed to bankroll weekend. taking jewelry and southwest of this Merced County "A pilot · or co· pilot. stunned, S4 million worth of roadwork as other ite ms valued at $2,365. community. Six caged dogs and walked pas t us, and he was a_ cond ition to the projec t . R ichard Stoll returned to his a s laughtered pig were found in s ay ing, ·1 couldn't s top the iocluding construction or a new Weymouth Place home to nnd a the back of a pickup when the plane , I couldn 'l s t op the road that would run parallel and screen removed and a window men were stopped on Highway pl ane'," J effrey Car r. a college west of Superior Avenue broken. 1~2 west of Los Banos. student from Attleboro. Mass ... ----------------------------------------- said after the accident. "He was in a total state of shock." Passenger Debra Carr of Sandwich re ported the runway was "sheer. smooth ice. just like a skating rink" as she walked from the wreck. "My information is the plane hit an icy slick and skidded. But that's what the Nation a l Transportation Safety Board is trying to find out." World Airways spokesman Michael Henderson said.. FromPageA1 ROWDY • • • celebration -rel8ted in}uries. a nurse said. ·'They are taking care of people as fast as they can and admitting them to the floors as fast as they can," said nursing supervisor Cathy Nichols at St . Francis Memorial Hospital. "All the rooms a re filled ." Poli ce said dozens were arrested for disorderly conduct. assault or resisting arrest as the celebuUon grew morti frenzied late at night. Visit prole8ted Put yourself ona91eat pair ol skis. ' RC!9- -the most suc- cessful ski in men's downhi 11 World cup Chart• H. LOO. .............. C.ol A. Moor9 ._._ ... ,' MANILA, Pbillpplnea <AP) - About 100 Jranlan students protestin1 the visit of Iraq'• vice president bumed the em11es °' Iraqi President Saddam Huuein ~ and U.S. President Ronald Reagan ln a nolay demonstraUon today. ...... Shoe & Ski SchOol ZIN w. c.-Hwy. ~...-.CA .,,,.,,~ • • • 4 APW ........ BENEFIT CONCERj F rank S111t1l ra ll'an!' rorwarcl f~r a ft'\\' \\111·ds from C111gt•r Rog(;•rs al a l'l'tepl1on in tht> Rainhm\ Room of , t•w York ':. Ro<"kt'felkr Cl'nler. Tht• l'l'('t•plwn Sund a~ ni.g ht follmvt·d a c·ont'l'rt ·\\'Ith 1.uci;.1110 Pel\ arott1 al Haclio Cll\ :\lUSll' llall ror lht· :\h•mon al Slo an KC'lt t·nr1 g ('ann·r <.·1·nlt•r 111 :'\t•\\ York Yank 8 ritai1fs h ighest paid exec U .S b o rn Ri c hard Giordano, a lrecidy reported l o bl' the hig hest paid executive in Britain. got an increcisc last year that took his annual ~nlary from the equ i vall•nt nf S507,5 18 lo S892.177. Bnl1s h Oxygen Co lntern<1l111na l ~aid in its annuc\I reµorL "The company certainly A judge has t•:-.tal}ltshed a conservatorship to handle the affairs of British pup singer • Sheila Ro<>sa ll . 1.1. ho has St'vere allt•rgics and needs ex pen!'.1vt• treatment t o s urvive li e r lawve r . Le onard Curry. told ·Sonoma County S up e ri or Court Jud ge Ke nneth Eymann that Miss Ross<.dl .. 1s s tuc k a nd Ronald Reagan's longtime political s tratl•gi st. Lyn Nohiger, donned his Mickey Mom.e tic and brought out his irreverent sense of humor to bid farewell to fcportcrs as he left his While Mouse job Nofzig er . des c ribed by thinks h e is worth U\e m oney ," a com pany s pokesmal1 said. Giordano. 4 6, wh o reportedly likes to ·be known a s "Di ck" around the office, became chie f executive in 1979. He formerly headed the U.S. company Airco until it was taken over by BOC in 19711"' • s tranded. penniless and in danger of dying unless she obtains proper treatment." M 1ss Rossall, 32, is allergic to hundreds of synthetic items . from televisions to s having cream, and needs oxygen treatments, antigens .and speciall y treated organic food to prevent a llergic rc<.ictions White House De puty Press Secretary Larry Speakes as ·'the only me mber of the ad m inislration with enough guts to dress punk," left the White Hous e to make hi s living a s a po{itical consultant. writer and public -;peaker Wllh hh1 brolht1r looking on and u doicn protei;t eu marching OUL'ilde, lh Rev. t'rHk a. Hal(( wH in11t11lled as the »evunth president or Ltt..foyne Colle&• In Syrllcu.t•, N.Y. mP rolher, Secretary ot Slate AJexander M. Hall J r., and their sister, attorney R e~1na H aig MHedllh , joined in the cl'lebrut ion with a c rowd of 3,000 at lhe J esull run , l ,800·studenl Roman CathOllc college The prot es ter s demonstrated agains t the secretary of slate outside the Athletic Center where Lhe installation took place, but Haig appeared relaxed and s hi e d from di sc u ssing politics or foreign policy. He conveyed to his brother the regard s o f Pres id e nt Reagan. Actress Shirley MacLai.ne s p e n t l h e w e c k' e n d vacationing al' the country hom e of her long-time friend, former Aus tralian foreign affa irs mini s ter Andrew Peacock, the Melbourne Sun · reported The couple travele d to Peacock's country hom e in southwestern Victoria , where they s pent the week e nd sunning and strolling on lhe beach, the paper said. The 47-year·old a ctress. whose films include "Being There," ''The Apartment," "Irma La Uouce ," "The Trouble With Ha rry ," and "The Turning Point ," is vacationing in Australia. VACATION ING A<"I l'l'!'\:o. Shi rley M ad.;.i11H.'. Ii . :.pent the weekend \'acat 1011i11g a t the c·ount n hnml' ol \ncln•\\ J> l' iJ <: 0 l' k I 11 \. I l' I 0 I' I a Au:-.t ral1a Fog due tonight Coasta l Extended forecast "I Al!Mlnv AlbuQut •m•dllo U.S. sttmniary. Ancnor•Qt A\l°t#Vlllf Atl•nt• ~now \Wt"pt trom thP t•\tern All•nl< Cly 8alllmort OO ot.n throuon 1r. uPQ<'r h•ll ot th• 81,mingf\m MIH•n•PDI ll•lltv ana 1n10 th<' Gru1 81im•r<-k L•kes rt91on tod"• ,,,. N4t1ona1 801\e We•thf'r Ser ¥t(t w1d 8oston (IOUO\ .. ,,,. S<•ll•r•O OYPr ttw Browns••"~ Northw~t w11n rain l•ll•nQ on tM Butt•lo Or•9on co•" tn nor lhwr\t•rn Charl,tn SC W.Shlngton. otr1c1•IS ev .. cu•IP<I 67 Ch.,IUn WI/ roldtn1' of tn• Cau •d• R•n<1•. Chnenne 1ur1ng Pl>'•lblt llood•n9 Chlca90 Sklo wttr mo\llv clear O•tr tr. Clr1<IMalt rot ol lht' 1o0Utr.rn and ustern U S Cltvtl•nd Winds thal IMll••H 1111 Colorado Columb"' Rock~• al 'Pffds of uo to t•O mPfl O•l·Ft Wth Sund•v. 5"aUerl"9 <•r wn\dOW\ •no Otnvtr o'\.m•a•nq ~. HWd 1od.lv 0-S MOt~ _ ••• ,. IOO•'r bHICt•h <•lffld for O.trou 1now ~prradinQ •CrO\\ t"• 0 P'hO Duluth Vattov and th<! mid Allanllc Coast El PHO slain ano sc•ller•o over New F•lrbanks Enqland Rain was u.,..;t.a o .. r Harllora Norlh~rn C•ltfornla. the Pacific Htltna Nortllwt\I ...a N northt'tn Pi.ttuu Honolulu The •t •1htr \rrv1ce ortOl<t~d Houilon \unshtnf' 1n tne Sot.Ith 4ncJ ~· ot H~ 1nonapli\ Pia In Jacksnvll• T emotrbtvuu~ around lhe nation Ken\ City uriv todav ,.,.,qe0 rrom 11 Delow at L•s ve9u 1nte,.nat1ona1 Fall\ Minn to •• tn ~O Wt\I Fla l~alif ornia ,-. ·" L• l'rc. ,. • 01 s. 33 .. 3J 1 , 11 23 u ,. 3' u L1tllt Roell •O 32 lO s Loul,vlllt ,. ,, ... ,, Memphis •O 30 -3 I• 21 Ml•ml 0 ,. M1twaullf'e' .. 63 ] • 3t ,, MPll-St P 11 ., N•'"W'iltf 1 •O J8 13 u IS • t~ New Orltan• s. 36 N•w York lO u 01 Norfolk 3' )'I 3• ,. H ,. ,. u Olll• ''"' 3 0 01 Om•h• 1J u 07 OrtanOO SI J1 ,. ) 69 l8 u • Phrladphl• 17 • Photnl• St ., PlllsburQll '° 11 Pll.tnd,IM • s ll Pll•nd, Ott ,. J o: Rapid Cltv .7 .,. RllmO u n A1cnmono ·I• ·26 S•lt l eU ,. • Se.Ille so lS 01 St L04.11S II .. 01 St P Tamoa ., u SI Ste Marie II 13 OJ SPOUnt u J7 Tuc\On ,. ,, Tulsa St :i. wunln91n 3) ti bt •b 1J 5 11 • 53 ., 51 10 0 11 lt 19 •S 30 .. 37 11 1S 61 43 .. ,, .. , . 64 "° 0 l3 3• 11 01 SURf RIPORT • 'r't, N:.:~~ • .'":::;~;·~";~~e ';,Z:ic::: ••i?ftiillliil•··~-... .., _________ _ Southern C•lllorn1a temper•turu woulO OiP TU.MMY •lonQ wtlll IN CIOuO ltve1' Low clOUO. •ncl 109 •lono lht co•\I. w llh • downlown LO' llnQelu , temoer11ture near 70j I~ ,,,_. tore<a\t for $04.llllem c.111orn1• on I IHl\day Leoti... Hunllntlon 8Mh Huntington Pier Sant• Ana River Jtllv tOlllSt.N_,1 77n0St.N-1 8att>OaW""9 S.n Cle"*"-Pie< Tr al al.., TeNy't . ...., ..... t-3 M ,_, , , , ,_, ·-"'--poor -poor - ...... _ ,_. s• s. n S3 n SJ u MounY,W, •rN \ will r\•vf vartabfe hl9h CIOUdin•"' r ... ~ ..... ,.. Wind' re•t hrnQ 10 mll'\ n,., 111911\ wlll rH ch n Tuncl•v. w1t11 1~ a1119tno to U OYem19"1. CT Slrtetl 1.1 QOOd U TOMOflltOW'S TIDES. HIV" t ·tO a.m . l-•.It. m s ... 11 Dlrt<tlon Soulll-SI. o-,l'lletM•wy hG-.e11• ·, We're Listening ••• ... ...,0&4 CAllFOltNtA Baktrsll.io u JI Blyth• 10 Eure~• SS 05 F-r•~o SI :It L•ncaster S1 lOsAnQelK 18 SS M•rV\Vlllf' SS ., Ntftllo bS Oakland SI ., Pa\O AoOIH St 37 Red 81ull SI 40 RtOwOOCI (11• ., ., S•c.r•mrnto 0 "° Sa ti nu ., •• 5•n 01190 n SI San FrM><lsco SS .. S.nl• e ..... r .. b• AO S.nl•Mafi• 10 s1001on •• ., Thtrm•I IJ Barstow so JS 8198ur .0 , . 81shOI> SI IS C•tatlNI 68 •s lon9 Bt9Ch IS "' Monrovta IO 31 Ml. Wiison n .. Nt•POrt Beach •S .. Ontario ,. "° P•lmSpr1~ •1 31 Pas.den.I 11 31 S.n Bernardino 1• "° S•n Jow '° ., S.nta Ana 11 ~ Tahoe Valley 0 ,, CANADA Cat9••v " It Ed,,,onton U ·U Montreal 21 ·10 Tides , ... , Second 111011 10 s. p.m. 1 • TUESDAY ffrlt low J lJ a.m. l 0 "'"'' 111911 • '° • m 5 t Secono low • 2• p m o 1 Secono hlQll 10 S• p.m. • O Sun "U S:ll p,m . rlM\ 1·02 a.m. Monouy r .. o.~ 11 "°" oo NII - )QI' O.Mf Dy ~ )() P "' Cell~· I o"' •lid "'°"' coo~ "\JI D• OPh- What do you like about the Dall)' Piiot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your message will be recorded, tr•nscribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. 111 ...... v and Sw"<I.,, II ,a.. 00 not ,....,. ruu• copy 0y 1 t "' 111111 lltl!Ot• 10 • "' -Y1Nt c~ "'' 119 -"' The same 24·hour an1werin1 ae"iff may be used to record let· tera to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone num~r for verification. No circulation calls, please. Tell us wh11t's on your mind. f 642·6086 ' Orange COaat DAILY PILOT/Monday, January 25. 1982 PRISON VOWS -'l\\o t•om ·1<·H:cl munlt·n·r .... S;.sh rtna· :\1 PC:t rh. :-.<.·rnnd rrnm ri.l.(hl. and Alfred Ludwig. right. \\'t•n • murried ;it J t•fft•r son P<.tns h ('orrl'l·l1onal l't•nlt·1· 1n Gn·tna. L.1 Performmg lhl• t·erem on~ wa-. &P W ...... Rt•\' Emmitt .\d<t Ol!'\. w hile w1tnesse:-. were lkput~· (;rcn ·t· Andt·r~on . l<.•ft. ;.sn.d bride's mutht•r. Oons '.\'fonato. Ludwig said he and h i:-\\ 1ft'. hoth -.t•ntcnn•d to life he hincl ha rS- ma~ Ill'\ t•r hn· togt•lht•r as <.1 \\l'dded couple. ' -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 I Oh! For some Vegemite CMimporter hopes to introduce Aussie spread to U.S. M e ntion Vege mite to a displaced Australian or New Zea l a nde r a nd a dreamy, faraway expression may come o ver their faces as they recall wha t , to them. is an obsession ak 1n to our pred ilection for peanut butter. Ueyond what they could r.a r ry here in their s uitcase or acquire in special ··emergency" ration packs. most Australians or New Zealanders were as likely to find Vegemite in the United States as they were a kangeroo. But now the Vegemite drought is over. according to a Costa Mesa importer that has some 30,000 six-ounce jars of the stuff sitting io a warehouse waiting for a distributor. Diana R Todd and J ess Dines of Australas ia Ventures not only nope to appease the Uown Under trans plant s but also convt•rt the masses to the health and diet wonders of Vegemite, as applied to cr ackers. grilled cheese and meats. soup, stews, g ravies, milk. g rated carrots. rais ins and chopped nuts and .. cooked mashed brains." "Prior to this venture," said Ms . Todd as she sat surrounded by c rates o f her beloved Vegemite, "Kraft of Australia had set up emergency s ix-pack ration packages with handles m arketed for overseas addicts And even though this s tuff is heavy, l.i S A ·b o und Aus - tralians arc legendary for never leaving home without clutt•hing their jars and tins of Vegemite to tide themselves and fri e nd s over th e rough . Vegcmite-empty'road a head." M :, To dd , a n ative o f Au!>lralia, has been m arketing Aus t rallan products in this co untr y f o r 13 ye ar s Rut Vega m1t e 1s a r e al cha llenge. · ·:-,ome Ol:.'tract0rs s ay tnl:.' creamy, tangy , dark brown yeast extract tastes like coal I a r . ax le g r ease or dried J l , j l J a nchovy -flavored varnish," the Los Angeles Herald Examiner reported Friday. Its acceptance was slow even in Australia when it was first developed by chemis t Cyril P e rc y Callister in 1923 to compete with the British export. Marmite. It is claimed to be the richest known dietary source of vitamin B complex a nd is an excellent diet s nack as well as a fl avoring. Babies in Australia with their faces and fingers smeared with the brown paste are as common as ja m-s meared tots over here. "In our family it is primarily used as a breakfast spread on toast," says Michae l Uurgess. s enior Au s tra l ia n trade commissioner :tl the Australian Trade Consulate in Los Angeles "It is something that one must put in one's luggage. Pe rhaps it takes a n a cquired tci ste to appreciate it, but we hope it's accepted here " Ms. Todd. who has ulready begun notifying thousands o( delighted Australians by mail that Vegemite is here, s aid . a s ix-pack sells for $12.25, plus $2.50 for shipping in California. A single jar costs $2.84. "One tl\lng must be stressed," s he said. ''You must approach Vegemite with the thought of ·a m ere s mear.' ll is to be used s paringly, not piled on 1n gobs like peanut butter. The initial taste should be on buttered toast or crackers. and then you go from there. At first. your face may frown . but your body will smile." Patricia Thornton. president of the Australia Ne w Zealand American Club in San Diego says, "Ah. it's something we grew up with in New Zealand We associate 1t with good family times. Ydu long for it if you can 't get it. but Americans might have trouble with it at firs t I've seen people taste il by the s poonful. develop a stncken look and practically choke Oh God. that's not the way to do it.'\. . FDR still esteem ed NEW YORK <API Nearly four decades after his death, a majority of Americans retain favorable opinions of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. In t he latest As sociated Press·NBC News poll. 63 pe rcent s aid they have a generally favorable opinion of Roosevelt. Eleven percent said they have an unfavorable opinion of him, and 26 percent had no opinion. In the poll, 1.597 adults across the country were contacted in a random, scientific telephone sampling. The error margin for a poll with this type of procedure is 3 percentage points either way Next Saturday m a rks the 1 O O th a n n iv er s a r)c.. of the Democratic president"& birth, and November 1982 marks th~ 50th anniversary of the first of his four presidential election v ictories . He died in 1945. shortly before the end of World War II In tlte lates t poll , more than 60 percent in every age group said they have a favorable opinion or Roosevelt. F o r exam pl e, among re s po nd e n t s aged 18 ·24, favorable opinions of F'DR were he ld by 61 percent, while 8 pe rcent said unfavorable aod 31 percent said they were unsure. Meanwhile , among res pondenl5 aged 50-64, favorable opinioll,.'i were held by 69 percent, wilh ~9 pe r cent unfa vorable and 12 percent unsure. Old fashioned, romantic dinner-dancing is back in style. . .. and the Grand Pon.age now offers you an evening to <.:ompctc with your favorite memory. Soft tinkling dinner mu k . clqpnt candlelit table sminp. the grandeur of ftarni~ tableslde cookery. The ultimately danceable Fred CarroU 'Dio is featured Thursday through Saturday 7 to 12,, and soft piano other cvcninp. V..let parking. TH E REGISTRY HOTEL IHMCMI Mx A.nhut 8otllf("\af\I ( "14) 1~2·f'"1" 0• .............. ,.' '"""""'""' llorlt.r ,, .... l • Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday, January 25, 1982 Hl l' Tension grows f for Poland Parliament By The Associated Press lime since the Impos ition of martial la w broadcas t his sermon nationwide. A two·day Parliament session. t he first since martial law, has started amid increased security in Wars aw, P ola nd . Som e obser vers said the arrival of a brigade-s ized contingent of police in midtown Warsaw this week e nd might also be in preparation for opening of the untV'erstty and Feb. l price hikes that will quadruple the costs of some goods. "Brothers and sisters, pray for those who suffer, pray for all detainees to be quickly released, lift up your hearts," he said at Mass in Warsaw's Holy Cross Church. "We must lift ourselves from the depths by ourselves." HIGHWAY WASHED OUT L'ndt•rminL·d port 11111 of I hl· ttaslbound lanes of Inte rstate 90 west of Sn0<1u<.1lm1t.• l'a~:-. summit in Washington forms wat L•rfall ro r Ola Ii i<.• Crl·t·k Ttw <·n ·1·k 11um1Jl'd Ion:-. ot n ><·k <.ill<l dirt wa~hing out portion:-. of th<.• h1ghwa~ ·.., shoulcll'I < 'll·c1nup <llHI rt>µair:-. nf th<' ~tatt•~ rnain l'HSl ·WE:'~I h1gh\\<t~ an· <·xpl·1·11•cl to tCJkt• a Wl•ek Official sources s aid leaders favor continuing li mited reforms in the nation's factories to allow some worker self-management, but faces opposition from some hard·line party leaders. The orimate said the cleriy is negotiating for the release or the thousands still interned and organizing help for them. "We are not keeping statistics of achievements," he said. "We must. however. add that the efforts by the church are not without fruit." Flight data unraveled Acceleration eyed in fatal crash Allowjng laborers to have a say in running their factories wa s on e of the princip a l demands of the now·suspended independent Solidarity union. Government spokesman J erzy Urban, in an article in the s tate daily ijepublic, said trade unions will be allowed to exist but act according to their name. "Thus they will s top playing the role of political opposition," he sa id. Urban also de fe nded the m artial l aw r e g im e 's requirement that workers take loyalty oaths -a move strongly condemned by the influential Roman Catholic Church. "Sometimes these operations are painful,'' he said . "Yet people should pay a good but mod e r ate price for t he i r beliefs." Archbishop Joseph Glemp. the spiritual leader of the nation's 32 million Catholics. called on the Poles not lo despair Sunday, and the government for the first Glemp did not call for an end to martial law but told his countrymen to "follow a path of truth " "l n lhe fervor of conflict and struggle. one must not defame the authorities or the ruled, s peak untruth a bout them, exaggerate flaws. pass over m erits. make them look ridiculous," he sai.d. .• the tone of Glemp's homily was more moderate than past s t ate ments and considerably milder than a letter he signed last week with members or the Polish episcopate. The letter ,' which Glemp mentioned but did not read during his homily, was read from pulpits nationwide Sunday. It ca l l e d f or "the re·establishment of the normal ope ration of the s tate" and accused the government of "actions v io l a ting human no bility a nd confinin g civil rights" which it s aid we re "preventing a n ational agreement." WASHI NC.TON CAP) Federal investigators said today the flight data recorder salvaged from the Air Florida jetliner that crashed into the Potomac River showed the aircraft failed to gain adequate acceleration as it took off and never rose more than 337 feet. · But the investigators said they are not pre pared to say why the Boeing 737 failed to accelerate s"fficientJy in the minutes before it cras hed Jan.-· 13, kiUing 78 people when it clipped a busy commuter bridge and plunged into the river. "Jl would appear that the aircraft was not acceler atmg as il should have," s a id Francis Mc Ada ms, who is overseeing the investigation for the National Transportation Safety Board. But the board's chief investigator, Rudolph Kapustin, said, ··There are just too many possibilities to speculate ·· why the plane fai led to accele rate properly. McAdam s r evealed th e fir s t information from the fligh t data recorder to reporters at a U.S. Coast Guard ha ngar at National Airport. where lhe pieces of aircraft wreckage, strewn about the hangar floor were being examined. Court gives Indians taxing 10K Tribes may collect levies on resources from land WASHI NGTON (AP > -The U.S. Supreme Court, giving the nation's Indian tribes new and powerful economic leverage, ruled today that tribes can collect taxes on natural resources taken from their reservations . By a 6-3 vote, the justices said the J icarilla Apa che tribe can impose such a severance tax oo oil and gas extracted from its reservation in northwestern New Mexico. Wo r ld, a private group that advocates a conservative foreign policy, Kissinger bemoaned th.e l~ck of even the "beginnings or a consensus" within NATO on s uch topics as East ·West relations, Central America. Africa and the Middle East. Ray, wife attacked lie also said lhe recorder showed the aircraft llfttd off from lhe airport runway wl'll hcyond the normal takeoff point. but he added that how far has yet to be determined A number of witnesses have told investigators they saw thl' liftoff at about the 5,200·fo<>t m ark of lhe runway. A norm a l lifto ff du r ing s nowy conditions. a~ were present Jan 13. wo uld have been aboul 3,900 feet . mvesligators said. The critical eockpit vo1cc rct'order, ulso sal vu~ed from the bottom of the Potomac Ri ver last Wednesday. was still being analyzed . MeAdams said The invesllgators were also examining l he tape of 1·onversation between the jetliner and lhe airport control tower. Kapustin said it had already been determined that the pilot did not speak with the to1Acr after he began his takeoff roll McAdams said thl' infor mation from the fli ght data recordcr,Jias been sent to la boratorws at the Boeing Co. 1n Seattle. wht're it will be fed into a computer in efforts to re-create the plane·s Jes!> than a mi null! of flight lie said that the Air Florida jet reached a speed of 144 knob. nor mal for liftoff. but that the takeoff speed was not reacht•d until we ll beyond the normal li ftoff poant. Once airborne. the jct increased its speed to only 147 knots and quickl y began to lose power. gaining a peak altitude of only 337 feet. At t he point it crashed into the ri ver, the plane should have reached a n altitude of 1.000 feet to 1.500 feet M ilitary di vers . m eanwhile . contmuaj lo !>carch the water for ~mall pieces of planl' wreckage Almos t all of th-e maJor pi e.eel'. induc;lin g both engines. havt· been rl'covered. Di vers recovered lhc body or an infant during the weekt•nd, the la!>l of the 74 plane passenJ?cr~ lo be rl•moved from the river. ··Based on . . the conception or Indian tribes as domestic. dependent nations, we conclude that the tribe has the a uthor ity to impose a severance tax on the mining activities . . . as part of its power to govern and to pay for the costs or self.government." Justice Thurgood Marshall wrote for the court. NASHVfLLE <AP> -James Earl Ray and his wife suffered minor injuries when an inmate struck them with a metal ashtray stand during weekend visiting hours at the Tennessee State Prison , Warden Jim Rose said . HOUSE Of TAILORIMG AL TERA TIO NS FOR MEN & WO MEN Plane ~rash probe set Rose said the attack Saturday on Ray, who is serving a 99·year sentence for killing c1vil·rights activist Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., was not , racially motivated. SO COAST PLAZA 540 8491 lowpr LP••I by CorouH•I •Ht t 'IA)SEf)l'T LAREDO. Texas <AP> -A twin·engine plane was ci1vmg at an estimated 45-degree angle when 1t crashed between two r unways and exploded, killing all seven aboard. the airport director says. Anti-bugger vows refund '8• ZEPHYR t f I FITNESS SPECIAL SHAPE UP -LOSE 10 Ill & 8 LBS. Unlimited Visits ( f Mo.I • f Rlt AEROBICS (Designed for the Mat•1rt! Woman) -• Cardiovascular Fitness • Nutritional Guidance • Firm & Tone • Fabulous Exercise Equipment • Free Aerobics Open To Public 10 Classes s25oo Guest Pass 714-964-5242 MagnoWa It Talbert near Stater. Mnet • Nation al Trans por tation Safety Board fin vestigators planned to inspect the cha rred wreckage of the private plane today to determine why it plummeted to the ground Sunday morning. LIVINGSTON. N.J . <AP> -The manufacturer or an Sl8,000 anti-bugg ing unit has a gua rantee for the country's 1,300 largest firm : if his device doesn't detect a listening bug in their company within 60 days. he'll refund their money. II~ S.\l.E \\'ITI I Tl llS .\I I •218.58 .... THE PEANUT BUTTER, WINE A~D POPCQRN MADE IT TASTIER ••• AND NOW WEIGHT WATCHERS® MAKES IT EASIER! r Mortgage rates going up WASHIN GTON <AP > -T he nation's homebuJl<1ers, having just completed their worst sales year since 1946, are getting more bad news: interest rates on federally backed single-family mortgages are expected to rise again. The De partment of Housing and Urban Development has announced that interest ceilings on home loans guaranteed by Federal Housing Administration will climb on Monday from 15.5 percent to 16.5 percent. Soviets return to Egypt CAIRO. Egypt <AP> -The foreign ministry said today that 66 Soviet technicia ns were returning to Egypt. It appeared to be a move toward patching up relations with the Soviets, strained when the late President Anwar Sadat ousted hundreds or Soviet advisers. A foreign minis try spokesman told The sociat.ed PreH the advisers · the high da m at Aswan and at several iron, steel and aluminum plants built with Soviet aid In the 1960s. Kiaainger wb NATO unity WASHINGTON (AP> -T)le North Atlantic Treaty Organization gradually couJd disintegrate unless its member nations achieve 1reater unity on dealing with global crises, says former Secretary or State Henry Kissinger. Speaking Sunday lo the Committee for a Free F• M Actiln Call Dair Pillt Al-YISOI &42-511l \l'K ~11:1:11111\\' l'\\\11" '"" ''""'""" 1'11'11 "' I H 11.l(KJ 11 l'ICll I. 141·U 14 Mii I "" l'Kll I • .Wt7 I •11 Harry Augenblick. president of lhe electronics fi rm Microlab·FXR Inc .. says industrial bugging is a larger threat than mos t companies acknowledge. Microlab estimates there are 100.000 listening de vices currently planted in U.S. corporations. 11\1 1,1 I ti ~ I \\ I II io; "!." IM N !'I.I.I •;:111111< ""° O'l1l.£ll8 08 MU; DI"\' llR L l:ASI:. A I .JOHXSO~ a. so~ I 1\1 Ill \.\tf H< I I<' .540-f;()30 FINAL WEEK The Change St•rts When You Do ... The Time To Start Is Now ... The P#11ee l1 "Powers"/ Chanoe It All! 0<1ma1tc:•lly ''""'°"• !he way you IOo~ leel and llPPe&I IO ocriers we M m.t~e '"" C/1e"')e hsy al>CI Fun even P<-•e y0u tor --,.,, ~ ,.lo<ed IO your 9941 ano need• IN ORANGE COUNTY 3 TOWN a COUNTRY, ORANGE )ohn RObe.1'Powers CALL OR COME IN TOOAV -JANUARl-~ SALE UVtMGS .. OM ~. te 7rYe OI MOU. BICllllC .-1 --- Sale Ends January 31, 1982 INTRODUCING GOLD CARD from WEIGHT WATCHERS -........: WE WILL REDUCE YOUR WEEKLY FEE TO ONLY SJ.00 AVAILABLE ONLY UNTIL JAN. 31 . 1982 RED'S HOW 1. JOIN BEFORE JAN 31. 1982 AT A REDUCED RATE OF ONlY t 11.00 (with coupon belowl. 2. ATTEND 12 CONSECUTtVE WEEKLY MEETINGS ~AT_!H~ULAR FEE qF <!_NlY •5 PER WEEK. FROM THEN ON YOU PAY ONLY $3 PER WEEK UNTIL DK. 31, 1912 AS LONG AS YOU RETAIN YOUR SAME REGISTRATION NUMIER. >---TllAT'S ALL YOU llAVS TO DO -NO CONTILACTa TO·----<- EXTRA BONUS .:...1F YOU ACT NOW COUPON f'Oll YOU ~ SMl4 .101N wmaHTWA 1'CMmM f!llROMLY IH.OO...aMJAN.lt.1MI .IOIN W.at1TWATCIW f!llRONL Y ., 1.00 MiNM .IAM. ''· , ... ......... .,,.._.. ..... llf ... t.._ ............. , ........... t.-.... •··-~-c ........................... .., .......... .... 8H•HOI WEIGHTS WATCHERS. - '. H/F Orange Coast DAILY Pll.,OT/Monday, January 25, 1982 ~In N•I •'" 101 II l "'1\ Clo"' (hq Pf""' {IOW ("9 OllU" u o 1 1110 21 .. -"' .... ...c ~ 1 ~ "" IMlt ptl t" •at» Mlii ..... Hellrlnl 1,JO S tO llo-"' CM1t ptl .. J ttlli HtlmP .JI tO U --IV. "''" ... , ~ f//I a..• .. UJSO •rac. .. J. ~ •• p c ""' ( IOV ( ... Dwllar I . u lft tOI<'--Hem I"' 'i I • • "'It~. ~ j ~J 10 ~ ~LI t.• 1 1)$ 11... , :::•~II :· : J !..th llo " -O\Mi fff U S • . rtO 12h . .,r1,!., . ,... • 1~1='pf11JJ " •t' I~• '-Ouq" Ut ·' t:lOO l4\\ • ._ fn ' I •I ,, ,..._ '- "'"" t ... I I-... C>tctP ft.UI " •> )O / -wlP I ,)llJ ,,, ,. -YI l 'I .. '" I. • 7 .,..._ "' Ouq ll"IC2.10 .• I I~ .... ~EDf ,· .=· Vt lllntll 2 !iO • 2t1 JI -YI ()y~ .tl J ,. 6\11 •eel .it It JI 17"-.,._ w1"' "" "ll'l" .Jt 1 J ,.._ " -•~ -"!"'-•• ''° I lt 10 -" '"lftcl• (IOU (.l!(j eu lfl 10 Hen ,__"' 1 0 0 ... 0 H ,. -... M V.oO .0 1 IO , __ ... -C-< -1 00 WI J 11'4+ Ill. H 1...-0 ,,.. 4 U\4.,, 'i a -A-o\ -Cl l tno I *' t 1' v -. '-II Sy1 I II S4 d~tllt Hltltfl tAo t 407 _.., + "' u., ... i 4 .!"! ~ CIS J IO 1 40t a-.-"' heltP .. • M n"-" ...,1,.., .u 1 Ml ~-" ACIJ 1, ?! .. -.. CCI t .. Ul!o . "' Eet<O' ' » ' , It v. 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CntryTI .n • 41 •"" "' E•Ge• 1 1.• • 4S 22\0-"" •noll pf l lS • JI\~-"" Ai,!\~ , , 32 11"4 • 'lo ~~~~!::. t,40 S ;: ~~= ~ Excltr l,f9e , 10 13V•-H l~Tt< .54 20 I ,,_ AICM I 1 .• , 6 J2' 231/•-"' CessAlr ,IQ 6 WO lt\lo-l\19 Ea tat J 4 U.12 '9#o-';\ lnldSll 2 149 n~ + ... Al'llltue s t » 411'1-.,. Cllmr•n 1_4 11 214 in.-"' _ ,.._ _ 1n111eo 111 J7 w "" "-t .• I W dJS~I (llm 114 t.10 I di~-II> FMC I .0 1 167 24 .. lnttolll JO I'°"-'It Amr<» '·· • 2' IW.-"" Cllml pl '·'° . II ll""-"' F•p • 44 211 IS • , .... lnllll'fl" .60 s 41 ""-" Amrc,,, 2.tir>.. s JI-"" ClltmSp .IQ II 113 ,.,..,_ ... FtlM'CI .29 ' 14 " "" llcpt.t 2.10. •. •" IS • '.4 AmHlta I.to 6 .. JO.,,_ \"• ClltrtCo 113 JlJ 1 -"" Facet tJ 44 SV'I . . lntt rco 2.• • 157 d44~-"" AmAar 1.10 11 lD .,... V. Clltrl WI . 11 JYa v. Falrclld .tO J 1'1 11 v. lfltrl•' 1.10 I 16 2'1'1-V. AmAfr " "' ~ "• Clltrl pl I.~. ISi ...... F•lrc pf l.60 . 4l ,.~. .... lnlrtk 2 • .0 • " l2 M ir wt • • .. 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FHSllSn 2.lOlll • IS n~ .... -1-oJ -ASLI'.. . . 11 ~ 14 CluellP .7• 7 406 1S -1" Fi!Pa 144 IO. 2t-o.. JWT t 1,44 t II 21 AShp. • .. ' " 1~-I.It Ctuell pl 1 . I 104. "' FIPaMt .0. s tn l'J ••.... Jmtll' I.all " 7l 22V. ArnSed 2.JD S 102 ~-•. . Coacllm ff J •V. V. FIUnA ii.CM t t 1S _ 11, Jllwrt .AO 6 12' 16">-.,, ASterlt .a tO Ill 11...,_ '-Coa.ttl «> «17 3' "' FtValll ,.0 S .. Ill>-'IO J Avr pl S.40 ., t S1 • A~ .• 6 13' 2'...,_IV. C•ll pt I 13 I » Ill. J 12 S J I tVt •· ATT S.40 , ,.,. ~ .. Coc•C• 2.:n I oos lDft. to l'tWltc 2 4 • 71 -'" tmtw . • .. ATT ... a,••.. I 27'~ "· CCoolleecmon I _ 137 17911 2•1:-'!· ;, Fl•nFdS iO I U 12 -YI Jtf>nl" l,01t •• 1• 11 .. ··· "' .. n --~ n -FlfftEn :S2 II SS 10..-11. Jelfl"I" l.J2 S 40 ~ 1/o ATT pl ,,,. • • ' 2tY.-I;\ ColoPtl 1.20 • SSt 1'1'1-... F temno 1.l• 1 lS ,_,_. ... Jet<:,,, • . . ao DVt •••• AW-1 .. 20 • 10 12'11-Vt ColfAlk n I 20 1CM'I ... 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CnPw pr).ts • U\lo ''• GAmOll -,. IS2 ~ • .... t<IOClt • ' 10 s 144 n•.. • v. AICyEt 2.12 S S5 111'1-CnPw llfUJ 10 14 Vo Gn8csll .a • 4 1' -to ICI-pfl.M 2 .MY, Atllllcfl 2.JD 1 1'51 ~ ... ContAlr 40 4"' • °"' GClnm .. t II » ~. IClmllCI J..O 1 18 '1'--" A•ll< pf J.75 .. r300 JI ContCOO ,'4 .. 64 S....... . GD•ta n JO l2 I~ " Knt11tlld .'2 t I 21V.. AllllCpf1.... • 97Y... CntlCp U O S 12t 2.fl ._ G<IDyn 7l I 2t9 .n V. lt099r .IQ 25 lDdt1 -YI Aa..tCp 4 ti 11~ . . CnllGrp UO 4 202 d30 -1 GOyn Pl 4.U • S.Vr YI Kofmr 1 J2 11 t I 21 -"!. AUIM 1 .Jt 1' 1., d23 -I CnlGil llf 2 ,. JO 16';\ + V. GenEI l 20 I '411 Sl\'t-Ya lt-t I 40 10 204 1s-.. • "" A,jjtOU A' IS a t 14 -I.It Conllll 1 S .. J2'-• \II GnFcts 2.20 7 1SS 111~-... Koppr pf '10 II cf1''h-°" Awc:Q t.a 41122' 1.v.-''• ContTet 1.56 1 Jll'I m~-1.1.. GGlll .«>eSJ 21 111•. t<rMlllr 10 I Att<optl uo .. ddl7 _.., CIOet.tl SS .,,, 11,,..._ \/. GnHO$I I : .• ' It~... 1Cr099' 1.n. 42 24V.-V. Awry • 10 2 23 -"• Conwd I 1.20 7 t3 21'11 + 'A &':l1r I ·:1 11 'tt; m:-~ ICulllm .ID • ~ •'1. A..wt 1111 U l1't .,,,._ '" CoollUn .Olr JO 1' 3 -V• G~ol 114oe ltt 2112 J7V. to ICYotOC ?le 14 Ill J2 ... Awn J 1 OA ,,...,_ ..... c-'14 • n 4~-'I\ GMot pf us I 11\'), .• -L--l - AW\n 11 st 24V.-1'-C-1 pf 2.to •• 3 "' -IV. GMot pt s 10 ~ ~ 11. LtTCO I 16 43 JI"' "--.-a -C-L.111 ,ID t ti %7"10-~, GNC t .CM IS 33 13 . LLCCp I Jtt., aTMtQ .. to IV.-\'I C-T s .So< 3 1' lS ..... GPU II JSl 6\lt-l't LLCCp pl 4d~ \lo a.Im< n .• • •s 14-"' (oPPwd '·'° • s M:V.• \!.. GenAe I 7'10 ,. ,....,_ v. l TV •• ,, 1 l20 IJ~ ........ AO '1211 ~ v. C«dur• eo 1 JI 7"-.... GnA•lr ~ •V. .... lOUlnl' It 70 20 -'t. Uctor ;a 11 10 n v..-v. C«eln 1 .44 t 14 lit\ &~l/ont t: ~ ,:! ~~ tt la<O.. 2.40 • 12 ta •1> aeldwV t,.O 11 lf1 47,,..._2 C«nO U2 I 411 ~ V• GTE pl l.SO , U._ • l'I La rnSM . !! ,!~" •"'-'!If 2.0I .. J .,_," Corr811! I .7' 12 J "" L.ant8y 1.10 • ..., ~ hltQI t.• • • ~ '-cowi.s 1 II tt ""' •• . g~~,P~1 HZ ~ 1~111: ~ Lanier 1 M 11 11 19 ~ v. hllYMf .10 • G I 2......,_ ..., Coxlld I .2' 11 SI J:Pfo-"' GT F t pf..... 110 Sl • I lAwllnl .n I) )1 Ill'>. \'\ a.tlGE , ... ' '2 ,,... . C••lo n 20 ..__ .,,. GTlre l.SCD s ,. ""' "" L•••"' .122' 1&3 .. .,,._Ill at11c.t I.JD II I ts'h-Ill Cranit U GI • IS dlOY>-1 O.ne1co 1 114 S'llt. Lter1o 1,«I 6 409 ~ ·~ ........ ' 106 l3V•-II> CrayA.t 17 • 11 U-1 ... Gnllacl .Oii? I~ IHto-1 Lswyf r I.st I .0 2t + 114 =:•,,.: ~:, :·•• '" ~~on" 501; ~ 1!-~ &!~!\., L~ii 11: ~~: ~ t:;~~ 1·:'! ~ =.:.: •llOfV• ' " ' " 14 ... Croc-H 1.40 7 l3 17~.. GaPtc 1.2012 •U " -"' l eflV•I • IS 114 9'111Am U 1 611'6 1e • V'I CrON llf2,ll •• I ~ 14 GaPw 1113.7•.. 12 U \1,. Vo Ltllmn 1 ...... 431 '""· •• atlAltt 111.10 • 1• lJ -Ila Crml( I ... 7 ) 16>4-\.'• G•Pw pt1.56 · I 1'V•' '4 L-r 1 .JO 6 14 llV.-YI a.nil Tr 1.QS 4 ., .,.,._ Vt CrwnCk 1 .a 2' _, GaPw Pfl,S2 ' """..... 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"acPw 2.16 6 n) 11~" !1,,_ ~ t SJ Jiiii-,,_ VeEI" (ll'U1 .. d4D '1 -V'I l"acl"fff 11S . rt U V.-\to mitre .at • IS ,,..._ "' VltlallJ IOt t0 I 19" •• l"ac;Scl I .J2 t JS It -\Ii S 11\Pl"t ,561' 4' t ..... Vorneot • llM I"'• '-,.a<TI 1.41111 107 It -"" Sl119tr . 10. S m Ill'>-Ill Vlll<ln< .'2 I J2 11111 ••..• PacTlll I , a I~ ..... ~ ..... I-SP .. l 13\l'r+ 14 VlllcnM , .. 1 ' ,,.._ .... P•l...W .. ,, us IM -" lYlltel ·C" 27 ,,..,_... ---- lll'almk 1:20 S " U .••• I In 'eo 10~ ,r, ;} ~ Wleotl 2.14 I t It -'6 PllllAl'll .. t" .. Wett• ,,,., ••• 1100 ts'-+ 111 P~•c t 'i m 11\lt:.:i.. "'':, ~~'• ~ =:;·11; wac:-1.,.. 1 tJ m.--. ~~" s 1.a 1 1 ttllt-~ SMoOn ,_. to n '17~-" .~."~ .-1,a •12 12'"'= ~ "tl'Clyll II nt 171'-" S-1 t 1.IO 7 114 Vflt-1~ -'" -.. ~_,... t.J4 S a 11-. + t.'t 5-YCP Ille IU7'1 Miii-" ~ W •. " llM •. PMlll>rt • 16 • "1 ~ ... SMl.111 ). ,_ 6 10 20 -111o WI~ .ts It 2J7 1'14-~ ,.MHtll l.tl t ~~ -, tAI,, :II JI Iii .....-n I I it ~ ... ,..,.,..,. .'2 14 43 )I + ~ 1 Jtf7 tO , 2 1• 14 WIOflls 11.Jt .. • dU\6-WI ll!Mtlft I 1 to a • -'h "" • ff 1\li • 141 W•IO. ... IO ._, I0\4.-4Vt Pet'°'rt '' 15 tt.,._ 0.-G U t • U ""·.... W•ltJlft t • 9 Wh-14 1tev1 .. , .• • .. " -v. ~ ,: : l ~~ ~ W•IU ""' *' . , 11 ao -" ~IYClfl ft.JD 12 I 1' · ·· · · 11, ' t S ZM 1+14:_ \It ~~ 1' .. • I II ,,_It::'~ !'MWfl ,,. J ,. • " .., 1 * 1 14 10\i •L _,......., d n lll'Hwy " 1.a 6 S 21 + \lo SC•llEd t:24 • !S2 -,.. Wel'llr\. U O llt IOll 1-\.\ .,.._ 6 lSJ 1114-" SMllC• i-:.2 • .. ~ " WMllOt tM e • .-... '41 P9ft0u 1 lll ~1 ... Sol..OE iAI 6 o ll\li .••. ' ........ I IM S • ,,.__ ..... ~ "'.J1 . dO M ~ SNU tt 4.st s J I ~·~ WlllWI t.a S II 11-. ..... ~ .It t " J~ ..... ; .. K U O • 61 it"'+ 111 W.•1 ••• .. 11 flt ..._,, , .... "' ~ ... 11'1' ..,. 1 ,.. ·~-Ill w.tllllt •• '* ,. •141 • .. ..... L 2.M 6 ,.. 16tll .. , • y .. 1.60 • • 2 II .... + ... Wl'fOll .Jlt I 1 "' , ••• lll'e~t..pf •.JO .... a ..... U~ 1.S6 S • .~--I~ ~. t6 eA ~~-~ =::r I •• 12'1 .,...._ '4 IM 1.W 1 ID - --.. ...-~ t.a • t1 n ... .,. .NM "J U\6-" WtltMk l,M II IS =•"' ....... 1 ,. ,, ..... l..... f ' ... = ,,. s .. . .••. ................. ·-· -.. ,. .• t1 • ".... • ..... ""-" .........._, ,,.,. .,,.,_ -lrt j l ~I -'I' all .. t .. 1 " ~ ........ ...._ .... f!i!!tl • -" Alt ll 6*a -1w. ,_.-.. ·~ ~ ..J 't:;: ,II.. llS • •••• ._ ... • ,. s ,. " .. =-lA II .. ....._ \' 8 .0 1' · · t .__, w.nT I .4t •• II ---\4 .... , ... ~ ?!==IA .. WllAlf\. , 1.. t + " ·"14 wt.-.... n 11 ·,·it l "•I "'1..'. WAit " J , It ,,.._" """a.I ........ ""· ... !!Ir ta t$ .... ""'9 I I.• I ut TM-"' P'S IM 1 1tt Ml WCMA I .J4 t .. tt\4-" "9trlll 1 A i • ,..._ -. ... • a u ..... w~1 s .. ...-.1"' t-P f TIU Lt llw Ntll o/ o 10-parl N1W• °"how lo mw o,. uour JMJ incotM taze.1.) The tax ruJea on deductin1 an office at &tome a re 1 tough on taxpayers. But last year, the Tax Court ~ and even the Jnt.emal Revenue Service -took a more li beral vlew on some ot the requirement.I. One o f the tou1h rules to m e et for an om ce·al·bome deducUon bas been t.bat a "port.Ion of the dwelling unit" must 'be used "eiccluslvely" for busines9. The IRS has treated tbla as meaA101 t.bat an entire room had lo be devoted solely for bualness, or at least a portion of a room physically separated from the rest of the room. For this reason, It barred an office-at·home deduction by a c'olle1e profeuor who prepared his lectures, etc., In his bedroom, which had a desk. chair, file cabinets and bookcues, but also a dresser and bed in another area of the room . The IRS claimed that the room bad a aplit uae: therefore it failed to qualify for an otnce·at-home deduction . But a 1981 Tax Court case pointed ~ out that the "portion o f '' the building d idn't necessarily ~ J" ~~~~ ~es;ro~::S~~ IYllll PllTll~-z had s hown tha t a .3,.. _ sep a rate part was used exclusively and on a regular basis as his office. Th e r efore it qualified for an office·at·home deduction. This can be good tax news for many of you who use part of a room in your home for an office. Another requireme nt is that the office at home must be the principal place of business of the taxpayer. Here again. the IRS had taken the tough view that an individual can ha ve only one principal place of business, even though he carries on two separale businesses from two difrerenl offices. Thus, if an individual had one principal place of business in an offi ce in the city. while he had a different secondary business that he ran from an office at home, the office at home couldn't qualify, even though it was the principal place of business for the secondary business. But in 1981, the IRS relented. ll agreed that an offi ce at home that is the principal place of any trade or business, even a secondary one, qualifies u a principal place of business. Thus the individual taxpayer co~l~ deduct the cost of his offi ce at home to run his sideline business. The ruling is logical and favorable to taxpayers. U a residence or a vacation home is rented out, the expenses allocable to the rental period can be deducted with certain limitations. Bui if the rental is to a member of the family, the IRS holds that the owner is still viewed as using the dwelling unit few his non·deductible personal use -even though be is paid a fair rental charge by the relative. Because of the complaints r aised about the IRS' tough attitude. Congress in 1981 changed the law to have such rentals viewed as deductible "outside" rentals. This change is retroactive to aH post· '76 years not barred by the statute of limitations. So if your deductions were disallowed by the IRS under the previous rule -or you didn't take them because of the unfavorable attitude of the revenue service -check now whether you can obtain a refund based on the change in the law. If you (regardless of age) sold your principal residence at a profit after July 20, 1981, you can defer tax on the profit if you buy anothe r principal residence within iwo ·years <instead of only 18 months) at least at a price equal to your selling price. E ven if you sold it before July 21. 1981, if your old 18-month replacement period expires on or after July 20. 1981, you get an extra six months to buy a replacement home . Tomorrow: Business auto expenses . 'Gold metals quotations Gold By The Associated Pr"s Selected world gold prices today: London: morning fixing $373.50, off $3.75. London: afternoon fi xing $372.00. off $.5.25 Paris: $367.48, off $4.21. Frankfort: $375.01, off $5.01. Zurich: Late fixing $370.00, off $7.00 bid; $373.00 asked. Handy & Harman: only daily quote $372.00, off $5.~. Engelhard: only da ily quote $372.00, off $.5.2S. Engelhard: only daily quote fabricated $390.60. o(f $5.51. Metals . . NEW YORK <AP) -Spot nonferrous metal pnces today: Copper 77~·80 cents a pound, U S. destinations. Lead 30 cents a pound. Zlnc 42·43 cents a pound, deli vered. Tln $7. 7016 Metals Week composite lb. Alamlnum 76-77 cents a pound, N.Y . Mercury $400.00 per flask. PlaUaam $.1S6.00 troy 01., N. Y. Silver Handy & Harman. $7.805 per troy ounce. Goldcoim NEW YORK CAP) -Prices late Friday of told coins, comp.red with Thursday's price. Kna1errud, 1 troy 01., ·$396.2$, up $2.00. t Maple "'ar1 l troy 01 .. ··~· ~p $2.00. Mexican 50 peso, 1.2 troy oat, $478.00. ~p S2.:50 . Autrtan 100 crown .. ~troy 0 1., $37S. 75, up S2.00 Source· Oeak·Perera .. Ora• Coat DAILY PILOT/Monday, January 25, 1982 Mfla .. Hut'fH't IAUI T.S...._ .... , '!'.o. M•vice ~MY .. .., ......... , ..... ~ .............. .._,._. .... ti trw1 Wl&.1. UI.&. Cll IFllD Actor's kin accep_t __ $65,000 settlement LOS ANGELES <AP > -The aurv lvln1 family of comedian Freddie Prlnze. who died In um or a aelf·infllcted gunshot wound, has accepted a 985,000 settlement In a suit acainst one of his doctors. · '1 'm very happy that everything is over," Prlnze's mother. Marla Pruetzel, said Sunday from her h.ome In suburban Van Nuys. "To tell you the truth, I wanted lo go to trial but my daughter-In-law decided not to, so I went along with that. In a way. I really think I have to say l am glad that the whole nightmare is over, because It's been four and a half years now." Avalanche camea hiker to hu death SAN GABRIEL (AP ) -A 19-year-old hiking in the San Gabriel mountains with his girlfriend was killed when an avalanche of loose gravel, snow, and rocks caried him 300 to 400 feet down the s lope. Ste ven Weiss of Arcadia and 20-year·old Rebecca Griffin of Upland were hilting at about 3 p.m. Sunday in rough terrain in the F.alling Lear Spr ings area near Glendora Ridge, about three miles west of Mount Baldy Road when the avalanche struck, said Sgt. Mark Thompson of the Los Angeles County Sberifrs Department. Evangelist injured in three-car crash LO~ ANGELES (AP > -A 19-year-old woman, injured in a three-car collision that also injured evangelist Oral Ro be rts and his wife, wa5 re lt!ased after treatment at Lo s An geles County -USC Medical Center. Tami Moore. of West Hollywood, HHRn was treated for face and leg cuts suffered during the accident. She was released from the hospital Saturday night. Roberts, 63, of Tulsa, Okla .. was riding in a car drives by his wife, Evelyn, also 63, westbound on Fountain Avenue in West Hollywood when the accident occurred, said California Highway Patrolman Ken Gazaway. The Roberts' car veered across the center line and struck Ms. Moore's car head on, Gazaway said. Midair crash probe 'could take montru.' VICTORVILLE (AP) -Federal authorities. say it could be months before they determine the cause of a mid-air collision that killed both occupants of one small plane while anothe r made a successfu l emergency landing. Pilot Frederick W. Freeze, 67, of Lakewood and his passenger, Cletis M. Minniear, 70, of Yucaipa, were appar ently killed immediately Saturday when their single engine 111111mc11 plane plunged Into a street In lhe Victorville business district, breaking "Into a zillion pieces," fire department dhlpatcher Ron Jen_klns said. I Police chief flayed for 'sabotage' talk LOS ANGELES (AP> -Loa Angeles Police Chlef Daryl Gates' suggestion that criminals posing as Soviet Jewlsh immigrants maSt sabotage the 1984 Olympics had been criticized by a police commissioner and a Soviet Jewish community leader. Reva Tooley, the president of the Los Angeles police commission. accused Gates of "unnecessarily whipping up fear." "It is my belief there is no basis to speculate that Soviet criminals are systematically using the Russian Jewish community of Los Angeles," Ms. Tooley said on Sunday. Homeowner lotteries hit by prosecuton LOS ANGELES (AP ) Prosecutors have moved to put a crimp in the operations of homeowners using lotteries to male houses with otherwise hard-to-find new occupants by filing a S2 milliQn suit against one such operation. The United Stat es Diabetes Foundation of Palm Springs is running an illegal lottery and a Palm Springs hoUSI( at stake is worth less than the $2.5 million claimed, state and Riverside County prosecutors asserted in the suit filed in Los Angeles Superior Court. UC Davis Medical Center threatened SAN FRANCISCO (AP> -The UC Davis Medical Center In Sacramento is in serious danger of losing both Its state license and accreditation, according to univers ity Vice ChanceUor Elmer Learn. Learn told the UC Board of Regents meeting i.n San Francisco that the state Health Services Department and the Joint Com mission on Accreditation issued 66 citations to the hospital in 1981. U FW to boycott Dole label products KEENE CAP> -A boycott ot all products marketed under the Dole label was announced by Cesar Chavez' United Farm Workers, who have been on strike at the West Food Inc. mushroom plant in Ventura s ince November. The UFW said it was enlisting the s upport of other unions in boycotting markets that sell Dole products. Chavez accused Castle & Cooke, the parent company of West Foods a nd distributor of Dole mushrooms. bananas and pineapples, of adopting "an unyie lding posture " i n negotiations. THEO~::N:. BEANE. Point, ~a ln~ermenl al Wilcox. long-time resident or A ~c ension Cemetery Corona del Mar. Ca. passed resident of South Laguna. O Connor . Laguna Hills away arter a brief illness on Ca. Passed away on Sunday. Mortuary d1reclors. . January 21. 1982 Mr. Wilcox January 24. 1982. Survived GENTILE -was born In Oskaloosa. by his wife Florence . WALTER GENTILE I owa H e att e nded daughter Janel. sons Tod resident ol Costa ~1esa, ,ca. Os kaloosa lliah School and and James Beane. Mass of Passed a a on Januar) 23 " Christian Burial will be on "! y . ed .~ 1.;niversily of Iowa. in Iowa 1982. He 1s surv1v by 11 ... Ci ly Iowa He \\ 11 a Tuesday.January26.1962al wife V1rg1n1 a SP:-.-1ces veter~nofWorldWarll:-.He 9:30AM at SL Edwards Monday,Janu;i:-y 25.1982al resided in Southern Catholic Church. Dana 11 . OOA M al. H arbor California most or his adult L~wn-Mount Olive Chapel life. Loved ones surviving -----------with Re".. Bruce Kurrie. him include his wife Mary .J r ""' Presbytenan Churc~. 0~ lhe Wilcox. his sister Elizabeth ,_Cl llOTHHS Cov~nanl . oCCi c i .ati~g . J Wilcox or Colorado -.L. llOADWAY Services under the dtrecllon Springs. Colorado, brother MOaTUAIY ofHarborLawn-MountOllve William w Wilcox of 1 b~:.~o~~-=Y ~g.~~~ry of Costa Mesa Newport Beach. Ca. and his 642·9150 ilOFFMANN daughter Linda Silvey or IALTtlHGHOH SMITH & TUTHILL 'WISTCLlff CHAPIL 4Z7 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-9371 LEO M. _HOFFMANN, a ~=~~r~:i :e~v~:e s~I b~ AT l'Ul&.IC AUCTION TO TH• HtOHllT llDOla l'OR CAIH t .. , ...... ,._ ...... "" ....... _., ..... ~..._, ... r .... ..... .... ..,. <-... ...... - ..... " .. ..., .... 0.. .. TNll ... .,,.~i'r' llNe,.CIARY : AltTHUR I , M&RTll&. e11f M•R IL J . MlaUI&.. ..................... .... ---~ "· "" .. ....,, .... .,,.,, Ill ........... Offlclel .......... ....-. fll .. .._.. •O-. Qwltyj ........ ., '"''' NKrlh• .... '•"-'"' ~I Tiie te11f t•lerref tt 111 tllla ..,.,. ........................ .. (el...,,.., ~ .. Of ...... ,, -.cri.M•--.: l',11,CIL Ir Ullll Ne. U. 111 IN C~ty ef .._, ...... c...My .. 0r .......... .. c.llMntle •• ..._ .... •ecr-.. Ill .,. c.....,.._ ,...,. ,..,... ., ()(...., .. mt, lft .... ,,.,, ..... I 114, Offl<lel ..... ., M1411 C9Wlty. l'ARCILI: A11 ~ -e!IMY~ Ct/Ill IMMM1 ••_..t11 c-llllN 1M 1111«•1 111 Mii le IN C-ArH Of ~ I.,, Tree!~ .......... ... fllef In -.. 174, ,. ... , at •• ti lllCNllW, Ml~ ....... fft IN Offlee ef .. CNlty RecW419t fll Mlcl C-ty, .. _,, ......... ~ lfl .... At11<1t tllll ... "OefWU-'' ef ... Declet ....... c-11. CeNMIMt ellll RHltk'*-,_.. .., Qc-., 2', mt. lfl....,. nttl'\,.... •.,, Offlci.1 It«-tll ..W Oeull4Y CTM ''OIKteteMM•·>, Md •Y ttft'Mltl ..... lflt ___ .... ...,...., EXCll'T THfREl'ROM 141 ell, .... lftllltr•lt -eti.r llyfrMe,..._t, ............................... ""'' .. -'•• Mtrv. •• ,__ 111 IMlr-Of r.-. l'ARCILS: ........... ", . _,, _,., lt/ett pet'llcwler1y wt ....... 111 Ille Arttcle tlllltllf "E-•" et ... Dec leret1011 111tftr lllt leclltll He•lfllltl Ill -II Artlclt ......... et foll-a: "UUllti..", '"Sett--EncrMC ........ t" ..... "G-Al'N ··-"'· 0 S•• hle11f Otl•t. Newporl .. ecll,C.A "Ill • Sir"' -• 0< -dul111ello11 la allow11 •N•t, 110 ••tr•llly h 111•••" •• to 111 C-ple-t O< COtr9CIMU)." Tl>e ..... flclety ......, Mlf Dtef ef Trwl, llloy ,..._., • llnecll or,... ..... lfl IN ellllllelltlll HClll'ef llltrellly , llerttMtn •me-Mii .. ,.,..... tc .........., ........ -o.c ........ Of o.f•lllt -~ for Sl!M· -,wrllt ... MCICt Of -II -ef tlec:tioll It CMIM Ille ~ IO wll Ula pr-ty lo aatlsty Mid GllllieetlDM. ...., ....,..,.., ._ 1111dlnltiftM ,_ ..... llalle• .. _,, ..... ., ....... tc Ille Re<erdld Oc._ 12, 1"1 " IMlr No. IS.. lft ..... 1GS) ..... 1004, 1M Mid Offklel Rec-.. Self Nie wlll Ille-· 111111 wllllOul covenent or warrenty. ••PF•U ot lmpllef, ,....,flll9 , ................ Of ~..-alle ... to ,., ............... ... prlftclpel ...., ol Ille MtoOl --lllY Mid Deed ol Tndl, wl91 IM-I at )ft Mid ...... _..,.., ..... eoM ... fl ..,,, _, IN ,....,. tJlf Mid o.ct ol TrUll, '"" cl\er .. • ...., .. _ .. , of 1111 Trual .. -Of 1111 Irv.ts tr'ff..., .., self Deed ol TrUll. Seki Nie will Illa Mid ... , ...... ,. F*-Y ••. ,. •• z:• ,.m .. e1 -~ Av-tftt•enc•. le h Clvk Cefl4et • .,...,,.., -E"I a--A-. lft IM Cll'r olOf ...... Al 1111 lime of -llllUel pWllcetloll ....... Mlle•, ... lotel -Of I .. 11npeld llleleftct Of I ... 011111 .. lltll IKllrM lll'f llw --rtlllM dHf .. lnKI -... .,_ "-· ·-e11d efve11cu la iso.to.n Tc ............ II• _,.,. llllf, .,,_.. -· cell 11,.l a1 ...... Doto: J_., U, 1"2 T.0. ~RVICE COMPANY esNlfTr\IAM ..,_Mc.Mlllloft ~s.c--, O..CltylMl •• W..1 0r ..... CA ...... (7141 ... Pulllll ...... Or ..... Cont Delly ....... J .... u .... 1,1, ·->»a NOTICE CW TRUSTll'I SALE T.S ..... ll·S. On F.-y 17, 1taet 10:00o'cloc.k 1.m . al the froftl EMrMKt of SAFEC9 ~~~~~·mi:. ~"W.!' ~: County of Of-. SC•• of C.11~. SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY,• <,,,_ellOll ... Trvtl" u-r Ille l.OftO F°"" Security L..lnd Contr1<1,, ta.<uted Illy OCEE RITCH and BEVERLY RITCH. --wllt " jolm 1-b • ..c:wWd J/SllO " 00<--.,., In -13"). P99f' IS.I of Oflklet R1<0<dl In Ille olllct ol the Recoroer ol Or1n11t County, C•lffornle, by r ••son of Oel1ull In IM pey,,_I or perlorma11et 01 obltQ1tlon1 stcurtd lhtreby tncludll'IQ IN lire•<" or cMleull, notice ol "'""" wu recoraeo 10/S/ll u oocvmem no. 4>t71 In -1ou. ~ 1'47 ot Mid Otllci.1 RtcOf'O,, will Mii ti puOllt •1Ktl0n 10 ,,,. 11'91Mtl l>lOeor lo• cull In 1-"11 money ol Ille U11Uoo Stain, wllllOul '"' cov•"•nt or wtrrenty, exp.-Of' Implied H to litlo. PO,_llon. Of' tflC--H. lot lht purPOM ol P•Y'"ll olllll9ellon' secured Oy WtlO LottQ "°"" S.Curlty Laftd Conlrecl. u.. lnlttHI con,,.yOO lo Hid Trvstoe .. Mid Lono Form Security uno Contretl In l)+'-rty tlluettd lt1 "'9 C-ly of O<-. Sltlt ot C•llfOl'rWI Oftd OH<tlbeO "; Loi •. 81o0 A of Trecl Ho. U., ea _,, °" • maco rec.-1n -21, 1>999 34 ol Mltcoll..-M-. In Ille ofllct 01 Ille COUftly rec:ordor of t .. d <ounty. Tiit -Id NI-• end tsllrneto Of CO\ls, ··---edVIMOf H tf Fdlf'uery 17, 1"2 It U",Q ... ; uld amount win Inc,.._ untll dttt• ot Wit. Tiit 11ru1 tddren end olller common do'\1-llOft, If '"Y. of IM real pr-rly dn<rlbeCI 1oon Is P11rl>Ol'ltcl 10 l>t: UNKNOWN TM ~IGNd Trvstto dllctelms eny llalllllly tor ..,y lncw~trwu of .,.. ,,,..., _, -~ ,_ Mli9"1Uon, II ellY. "-" ••lft. Detect; J_., I, 1"2 VENOOR: ROBERT C. REMICK -MYRA T. REMICK, hulMNI end wilt ADOREU: 207• 0."'81 Aw .. Colla Meu, CA •2'17 Telephone 1714) .. 2.JJ.47 SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a C.,._ellon TrvslM ADDRESS: JOJ W. Jiii 51,..t, Sen 8ernerdlno, CA '2"°3 Tei-.-11141 .... HJ, 8r· Kay H-lck\, AHl\lent Se<rttery PulllllNd Or ... Coetl Oelly Piiot, Jell. II, JS, Ft&. I, 1"2 1»42 P'IHCl•OTHHS SMmtS' MORTUA&Y 627 Main St Huntington Beach 536-6539 34-yenr resident of Balboa held on Wt!dnesday, January Island. Ca. Passed awwa y ,on 27. 1982 at 2:00PM at Pacific January 22. 1982. He as a Vi e w Memorial Park mer:nbcr of the Holy .Name Chapel, 3500 Pacific View Society al St. John Vianney Drive. Newport Beach In Catholtc Church aod 8 lieu or flowers the family veteran of World War I, U .~. has requested contrlbuUon11 Army. He Is survived by h•si to charily or donor'!I choice wife Florence. son Elwyn E. 1 Pacific View Mortu arv or Carson. Ca .. 1 grandson directors. . "°'1(1 TOCR•OITORS and 2 great· a ra ndsons. 01' IU&.K Tl'AMWIR - _,.. PAClftC Y•W ~, ... CemttefY Mortuary Ch1pel-Crematory 3500 Pec1f1c View Oflve ,..._Port Beach 644·2100 - NICO.MICK MORTUAl•S Laguna Beach •94·9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan C.p1strano •95·1776 ·- M•MO' LA.._MT. OUYI Mof1uery. C.""tery Crematory 1625 GISl8f' Ave . CoslaMesa 0 ... ~~ ..... .. 11eca. • ..,_.,. u.c.c.1 Recitation or the Rosa.i;y Will _.,. --NOllCO h hettllly 1lvt11 lo lltt be on Tuesday, January M. ,._ ..... K cr•dllor• Of HOWA"D K. KIM ,,,. 1982 al 7:00PM at St. John &.•OALHOTICI SUNHEE L. t<IM, Tr ..... _ ....... VI. anney Ca'"oUc Church. llom• address " '"" M11lkrry u1 NOTICE IS HIRl8Y OIVfN INll An11uo, City OI lrvlM, Covnly ol Mass of the Resurrection ,,. 1o11ow1111 !Wms et,.,... ... •-Oretite,Sle4ttf C .. INrll4•,1Ntew1i will be on Wednesday , :;11:.;::-:.'::'c':::;'C:-.. : •••11•••• •• •t1o111t•111o "''" 11 January Zl, 1982 al lO:OOAM tor• ,_1911 111 emu.,,..,..., ,,., ;',~~.:,:M!!. 5~1'.!.!:.1.; at St. John Vlanney Catholic .. ,., aoy•1 ••••" "''" 0111•11 "'° E. c.it ... f'I«•. Apt. H·ll, c.1ty Church. Interment services •1c1c ... ..,. •• .,.. Sc""""' .. _..., or ,_.....,_, c:-t11 ., orMtt ...... a• HolySepulcher Cemeteru 81'"1'· •ov • 81•"' sc11w1n11 ot CIMINMl411. • . '· Sc:remlllltt 9kYc;le, 9oy'1 ltecli Huffy TM ..,..,,.,, to lit tr-~,.. la Services under the direction cr11INr 111<.,cte, ...,., o,_ 1c11w11111 ... ,._. 1r1 ~" .. 1 All '*' 111 i4I BaJt.z.Beqeron Smith & It Spd. lk,.c•~tot'• 11ec11 ""'!'t. Jr ... .L..!!~--~.,,_.. Tuthill Westcl~rr Chapel ;~t~:=,i:c:;!<~':.' !r,';: ~~o~~o~:: Mortuary or Costa Mesa. (),. .. ,. ,...,,., su,,.rey l lCY< ... *''" .. ,...Vie°""-.... 2. Clly 648·9371. ScHter, hrflllHtd, 1)4tld Celtt•f ef N_,..,.. Wdl, County of 0r.,.., LASKOW Wofflllt ......... Oeld -Sii-...... , C..lflll'lll,t. AL ERT LASK OW e .. '"41.............. '"' .... -1re111l•r wllt •• B • NOTICS IS 'URTHeR OIVIH tfltl c_,,..... "'or ~ ... ,. .. , ..., resident or lrvlnf', Ca. "11e -.....,.. -,........ "'' .. "..,_.,, ,.., •• tt:• ...... et Passed away on Janu1ry 24, _......., ... """"'w!Wll-won•N MUTUAL e1c.-ow 1982 He l5 survived bu hl1 m '"' ........,. • •tc•• " coo. Aftll: Merit"' -.. .......... • ' lflit ...et<t, .. l"t. eMr9tl INll Wflt -........ 1t 1•1 $. YorM ltretl, wlle Lllllan. Services wlll be 111 IM f!Mlr, tt...,. •-·or 111 ... 1u1i.. "'• TllllClll,cetlfwllle .... held on Tuesday, January cttr of e... ..., 111 M11<11 c-.,.. T~ .. '"' .... ,., tMlfll cte1M1 26 1982 at HarbOr Lawn ~vt111111•MN«P11t•1<-•len 111 t11e _,..,...,.,.•,.,...It ' . ...,._ .............. -.... ,.~,,,.., Chapel. Sttvlca under lh• .,..._:.._..,,,_._ · '-'•• .. -••Tr_..,_, dir ection o f Harbor "LNUH ell ....... _...,....,._..,... l.awn·Mounl Ollv• Mortuary a.11 ,...IClt .., "" ,..,.,...,..._ ,., ... oett ~ 0, C·Otla M-· 540-55M "'*.._. Orlllll OM• 0et1r ,.,,.., YHr• •": -.. ... LCO. • ,,..._.,.,, ._ .,. ... , J-y '· •• "' ll ~ ...... , •• FRANCIS K. WILCO X, 'f'nd what UOl·ltl2. Franclt 'II . 1 Dolb-l'lkllCl.,.lfltd1. A~•lll'W*' ,., .... '"''-'"'i•~ i..w ••-Prt ..... W1.J•1"''-· Tr•,ft• SlmcES M'H,...t>lr"'1UI'\ OOLOYMlMT & mPAIATltfl ................... ,.., . .,.... M 'tll'•"'r4• ......... ..-..,... 'ii. t lfflCMAllllSf --"'"'(tn ..... ,..f'tttJ\ t •• , ... ,-4tW,..,.. ... l 4ii0 0... .,.,.,.,(,.. t'\.Ml(tin c., • ._ .. ~ llonn Mo.iwMW (.et.A\ ""..,.. l.l\NGl''S ........ , ... ~.~ M1w-tOdf9Y<i. ¥. •fll•trf M~ .. ltu.lrWfn'l'lh ofr~ tVfn • t.Ja ... ., ..... c.~~'!C.: ........ (' ...... ~··N-dl K..# ~~.O...tt••• """"' WTS &MMINE £llllPllENT w..,.. Metlct: THE ~EAL ESTATERS All real estate ad· verllaed In tbla newapaper is subject to the Federal Fair Hou•· ---------1 ina Act ol lMI which C....-UVIM61 m1k• it ille11I to •d· Tired of yard work ? verdae "any preference, "'...,. a new Ufe atvle? lln\ltalion, or dis· ,_,.. ' crimlnation bued on You will love thll Im· I II · maculate 3 Bdrm COii· race, co or, re 11on , domlnlum . Discover aex, or national oriain. .._ ..... ~ It ... ould be for or an lnttntlon to make ..,... "' ... .-acwsm -HAllOI vn · First time offered. Qulel park-like setting. Huge rear yard 179 ft wide . Rm for paddle tennis and pool, or great for an orchard. Picturesque cul de aac street. 3 bdrms and Family Rm . $379,500 including land. See anytime. 644-4910 WISLIY M. TAYLOI CO .. UALTOU 21115-.......... ~ M'_r#.,.'POIT-CM!, M.I. '44o4tl ! any such preference, you to ave 1 carefree llmltatlon1 or dis· Ufe for only SlU.950. --------criminatlon.' C NOW, MIWLY MAllllDI . ... ........... ....................... >Hll --- 1bls newspaper will not ltnowinf IY accept any advertising for real estate which Is In viola· tionollhe law. BtlOIS: AdTtrtfaen .... ~ ...... .., ... ...,.... .... CclMFIXEI $225.000 Uniq ue beach cottage needs paint. carpet and ima&inauon! Excellent location Motivated owner will help finance Walk to beach! Hurry. call 673·~ You will be dellahted to et11.enlin your friends ln that youth oriented com· 'munlty with 111 the amenities. pool, tennis, lake and a better wa y of ure to start your family You will love the Oak plank entry and thick spice brown ('arpeLs. art gallery walls. S197,SOO. IYOWMll >e ---------.... mo -- ,..,.. .... ~.n. DAILY PILOT•-• Wlllty fw ... fint ltlcorrtct huertloa -,. :: ........... w. ... . ................. ; ... . THE REAL ESTATERS !:! "-rd I 002 IB.OW MAR Kn! ~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,. 4 bdrm home in Costa MM HEAM HOUSE I Mesa Won 't last at WITH CH "'IM' Sl.20.000 I \'r home war· • !"" • , ranty oWner.ass1sted You .II love 1t here. Am emu. Call 979 ~370 Dlglish Tudor style. lov · ely tree lined stre~t. LL$'rATE pride or ownership fl"t neighborllood and an as· sumable loan or $14,000 REAL TORS al 1211', interest Fu II prire on this 3 Bdrm 2 ST ART SMART bath doll house is IMCOSTA MESA Slot. . Call 646·7171 Assume $81.000 '" loans -Bltlfs Lease option 2 br. wide greenbelt. $139,500 Bkr, 644·0134. ... ; TIJPW .,.EIMS" Beaulirul triplex near :.~ South Coast Plan Owner will cauy finanr· -1ng al 12•,. P rice !': S21118,000. Exrellenl . ex· :: cellenl location <.:a II ~-·Ml ~ E •DESERTED •tO I •IARGAIM : MesaVerde'sflnest! Va :; I cant, owner wants out! -Large J Bdrm. 2 bath : home. Fam ily room. -brick fireplace. quiet I tree·llned street Close to shopping. call now. :: S46-2313 t ~rnitt1 1 ..... -HAllOl llDGE ::: An exquisite offering ::: Elegant & spachious 3 1 tt• bdrm + family ome ... ::: ~e~s~meo;'~a:~t,•::i;~ -coastline. ocean & night al Sl32 mo Family room features coiy fireplace~ J large bdrms Sparkl· in& clean condition Only '"'·""' C•~ '"U t!Wt~ .,. ........ I Cele ), •Hkl a. I ' 175·55 .. :.J!)' SO MERS ~;T ··1\", Ot'hghtful 2 Rr 1·ondo close to So Coast Plaza & airport indust rial area Beaut1rully de· eoratt'd. Great starter home $147.950 7SI 3191 COLE Of 11awl'Ot'T MAL TORI uuLc-•M•r· c-Ml- .75.5511 LA9UISTA $133.000 A great oprortun11y prired we l 17.c-l ow market Owner wants fast sale & will help finance. 3 Br 13• Ba. charming floo rp lan . 751-3191 675-3411 m-631-1266 We have a brand new Vu phone al RE/MAX and we art> loolunl( forward to assisting our heanng impaired friends with their real estutt> needs call Anne Mar(;asland. agt . between 9·5. 'ITV 631·1266 ISLAND'S MOST CHARMING SGL RES. 3 bdrm + loft, Frnicla doors & windows. 'iaelol appointments tbruou~ 214 Amethyst. Open Sat ~~=~ ~~~ MEWPOITHeTS Custom near new a goraeous lhruoul Cape COO 4 Bdrm . family rm, formal dining rm, • brick frplcs, 3 deckl w ocean peek $46S,OOO 6 terms. . JACOBS REALTY 67M'70 HaH• ~ ou rt>all toc1lly 's Cl~s1f1l'(i Ads• If not . b\OU n· m1ssmi: lhl' best uri:ains m town 1 HARBOR RllliE -FIDOI MANOI 110 YU OF ..,. Oc.-I "'1Jil ....... M19Atlt_,..., I .... •• ..... tWa 5700 14 ft. retld1ue ...... .._ wltta 4 bed. .,_,, .._. .... r&. ....... t.L ra _,:::er: ..... Mite_.. llapl••· tw I .,... ....... Ii•• .. al ... fw ... pertk...,. ......... ,, • tit. 1M1t tr..._ of tllh Lo.is XIV W..-.._. UJ00.000 .... WATERFRONT HOMES, INC RI.At ESHTf 14 .,, w l "'" tt .. ~ N,.,..,.~1 A.• ... h 6Jl-1400 c1-. M.01011 Aw li•tt-w l.Lmd '1U ... mE 110111 ILlllS ca. OVER 57 YEARS OF SERVICE llG CAMYOM Ughts. Prestige, com· ::;: fort, lu.x.ury & security :;; Reduced. now S6tl5.000. -10wner financing>. Agt. = ~5660. --=: SMIWON S· VllWTOWMHOMIS I Master suites. View of Ocean & Night ll&bt$. ~el Area. Parks, open • spaces. $137 ,000. :<Int Fin. Hal or Pat Agts 7Sl·990S, 673· 7300 New Lis ting -Beautifully Upgraded Dover Unit -Single Story 2 Bedrm 2 Bath + Den - Bright. Cheerful Decor -Special Wall Coverings -Shows Like A Model Owner Will Carry Financing -Call For Appl To Show. You Are Invited To Inspect. $425.000. ® Sl0,000 OWM! FIXEI! Bar11aln! 3 Bdrm 2 bath. pool! Owner extremely rrolivated ! $118.500 total price Call for more de· talla. 546-2313 THE "REAL ESTATE RS :;: o.,,..,._.., for s• mi • 4J Linda Isle · Newj>ort ~ Beach Custom :l~ waterfroot home · 11~ priced far below market ~ ror qllck sale. MAI ap. ::: pralul S4.4 million · r1• Reduced to only S3.6 :: mllllon. Seller will carry YT• 30yu.r f111ancin& It lO':t-. ~~ Room for 3 larae yachu. 11• Indoor/outdoor pooltspa :: with retractable roof. ~~ Underaround wine ru• cellu. Segarate auest liiiilliiiiii••--• :: AND mai ·, quarters. i~c "'ILE t111 World's most romantic ,.....'""" "' . -- :: master suite overlook· Localed in prestigious ;: in& entire hubor. S9Y&lus. this 3 Br 2 Ba m1 Broker consideration. with formal dining room To aee call Rick, Bkr. and family room has _ mneo-72921nyUme. fabulous mountain and dty liaht views Good financlnc ortered by motivated owner. -.i • .. -····---··-... -· ... ··--·····-· ..... -... =~ r. ,.I j e ••'f' · I : -''° I· : -,. {.. I 5 Busine~~~en : : If you art do i ng I ~ b11•1nt•• under o : Flctlttotu Buaiuu :;: -.ornt p are rtqtdrtd ctd 000 RC ~-tyk)rCt) COMt•'CIAL 2 atorel, t block to ocean m~ down. Owoer will cany baluc1. IZ65.000. .... ..,~ .. ..... •'1~1 .... ·--.......... ,. RESIOEHTt4l REAl ESTATE SERVICES . f#o POI OHi CDM Live happily ever after in this cozy owners unit & receive rent on the attractive 2BR + den rear unit. Soth for just $289,500. A.5$umable loans too! IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 bv low f8"'1ntU olld Pro/tssfoM ·Codt. Stt ------iimm•tf'!1'00 le l2Ull lo../ . I flCllllOllf Bt1tlllfU MACNAB · JWWE __ To pl1ce )'OUf messaae before the rttdla1pubUc, --· Nomt S1011mtnl ·and Ila llf U pu bh•lttd . f ~r /owr "°"*"''w IOHlcl. Wt al '"' DAil. Y Pll.01 CGft Mlp '°"" boc". CGU tlw L£GA4 . F• Ad Actila Clla ..., Plllt AeAlTY HA ..... Beautltul "Kw· inatan'' wtth panoramic view • BR + fam rm. Great ftDllldq. DallY Pllot Cl•tntd. 941.wr1 Df PARTM£NT °' ~---••lluHJJI Sit. JU /ot . ,.,.,.,, .,.,., ... ,. .. . 11-VISll 142-5171 . £*>' tbl private • llN'il1 If N1~·1 mOlt d•lrabl• ... drm. -· JtffJ TIMMlllD II •1.-<PO> . .. 1 .. -. •: . ... .. I.: .. . I • I ~ " I . I ~ I .'t " I· j .. .. ·. I • • • • Ylll llllllll llllY PIPll 0 H A N (, l U H N I Y t A l I F 0 H N I A ;,> 5 CE N TS -Irvine-Woman 'rescliellfrom fire in condo By JOHN NEEDHAM 0t ... o.ii, '*' s- An Irvine woman was listed in critical condition today at UCI Medical Center's burn unit after being plucked from her burning condominium during tbe ear1y morning hours by a UC Irvine student. Patricia Marsha ll , 28. was discovered trapped inside her home at 14 Claret al about 1 a.m. today by Steve De Salvo. 23, and a com panion, Sonia Gerlitz. O r ange Cou n ty Fire Depar tment spokesm a n J im Sims said De Salvo a nd Miss Gerlitz were driving past the condominium block, located in Woodbrid,ge, when they sa w Mi ss Marshall's residence in flames. Sims said the couple stopped their vehicle a nd obtained fire ex tinguis h e r s ins id e the complex. They then tried lo enter the burning residence to put out l he fi re. but were driven back by fl ames. Si m s said De S al vo, a biological science senior at UC Irvine, the n he ard Miss Mars hall calling out for help from inside the condom inium, now nearly engulfed in flames, and re-entered the building. De Salvo told fire fighters he found Miss Ma rsh a ll nearly unconscious in t he upstairs ha llway, where she had taken shelter a fter being unable to escape the burning building down the stairs . Sims said De Salvo carried Miss Ma r s hall o ut o f the condominium and onto the front lawn, where she was treated by par amedics and taken to UCI Medical Center in Orange. A hospital s pqkesman sa id Miss Marshall is suffering from second and third-degree bums. Sims said a neighbor of Miss Ma rshall's. Lewis Sangerman. a lso atte mpted to e nter t he residence to search for other occupants. However , Sims said <See FIRE, Page A2> FIRE SCENE This was t he remains of an I rvim• condominium a fter fin' gu_lled the str uctur e. triticall~· o.11y ... ..,. _..., aro.r11 !'...._ burning its occupant. y,•ho w&.1 s carried to saf<>t~· h~· two passl'rsb~· who foug ht their wc/~· throu_gh t he f1&.1mt•s. Nuclear plant mish'ap spews ·radioactive steam ROCHESTER. N.Y. <AP > - Ra dioactive stellm was released into the atmospher e for 93 m inutes today when a generator t ube ruptured at the Ginna nuclear power plant in Ontario, N.Y .. ofricials said . Som e workers were evacuated and the reactor was shut down. A ·:site emergency." the second high est nuc l ea r emergency classification. was declared at the plant, about 18 m iles northeast of Rochester near the shore of Lake Ontario. There is ""no danger to the public at this time,'" said a utility spokesman. The plant "a ppears to be fairl y stable ," s aid Gary Sanborn. s pokesman for the N u clea r R eg ul a t o r y Commission. The reactor was being cooled with extra water , he said . Ra diation was re leased into the atmosphere from 6:09 a .m." to 7:42 a .m. PST, and the wind .-was blowing from the northwest at 14 mph, the National Weather Ser vice reported. No residents were evacuated but non-essential personnel were ordered from the plant site, said Richa rd Sullivan, spokesman for the Rochester Gas & Electric Co.. which operates the plant named Co t form e r board chairman Robert E. Gi nna. M o n roe County P ubli c Rel at ions Officer Clar en ce Bassett s aid the release had been "isolated and ter minated.·· "'Neithe r s u r face cont ami nation nor further ra d iological releases wer e ex p ect ed lo occur." said Sullivan. He said radiation checks showed the "dose rates" to be no higher tban background level. or what could be expected in nature. About 45,000 people live within 10 miles or the plant. Rochester. the third largest city in New Yor k state, has a population of a bout 300,000, a nd it wa'"S snowing at l he tim e of lite incident, the weather service said. Sanborn said the t ube leak in t h e s t ea m ge n erat o r "ls apparently leaking al about 7$ gallons per minule." Ginna ~ a h ist o r y of stea m tu be problems. accordin g to records. Sanborn said the reactor wu being cooled with extra water. called "makeup water," ana ap)>arently was not overheating. A reactor coolant pump, shut during the initial em e rgency, had been r esla rte!i a nd was aidin~ in the procedure, he said. 49er fans 'violent' NEWPORT'S NUMBER TWO? This S7 million mans ion on exclusive Harbor Is land is said to be Newport Beach"s Delly ...... -"CJMrtff .... s econd highest price d home It has nin(' bedrooms. a pri\"ale beach. a lighthouse and a f orcst. Home price ceiling lifts Newpor t Beach estate number two at $7 million By STEVE MARBLE Of Ille Delly l"llet Stll" The house price derby in Newport Beach used to be pretty simple. The top spot on the list belonged to John Wayne or rather his former bayfront house which sold for about SS million. But that was several years and several million doll ars ago. The top spot now is he ld by Howard Ahmanson 's Harbor Island estate, a huge s pread bum in the late 1930s for violinist Jascba e1 e . , The Ahmanson mansion takes up an entire tip of the island and sold for $10 mUIJon. Real estate ag ents. t bou1 h. now a r e shooting for the prestige of the No. 2 s pot. Real estate agent Barbara Aune says s_be hu tbe ne_w. No. 2. It's Ernest Kanzler's $7 million wood, brick and stone mansion on Harbor Island. The :;_ __ .__..,w......,..-lm is located on the 'WO'll• •ad ot tbe tiny island from the Ahmanson home. T he place has lta own beach , its own lighthouse. nine bedrooms and a private forest. Mrs. Aune. a real estite a1ent for Macnat>-lrvine, says the place la more like a castle than a house a nd 11 deslped to look 100 years old. It's actually only 10 yean old. Kamler, an Jnventor, a mlWonalre and a bachelor, destined the place himself. "He didn't even hne a blueprint," Mrs. Aune explains. "he just sat out on the beach and drew the plans in the sand and went from there." She claims Kanzler is a former student of the late architect Frank Lloyd Wright. She says Kanzler also designed and built his own car. ll was called, not surprisingly, the "Kanzler Coupe.'' But the house, she says, was his special project. She says the two·story, 5,000-square-foot house is built with planks from an old wooden aqueduct in Oregon that Kanzler purchased and ripped apart. flown in from the East Coast. Wo rkmen, s he s ays. s pent two years carving the doors and staircase Inside the house. "He felt that Newport was too plastic and he didn't want all that glitter and gold," says , the reaJtor, who sold Kanzler the Up of the island when lt was little more than a sandy spit of beach. 'Tile t,..,..h_e_n-·d"""e_s_e_r-te_d,........,i_s,...la-nd til) had been owned by Newport's pioneer Beek family which parted with It only after !leeln1 and approvln1 Kanzler's plans. Mrs. Anne says that Kanzler has now lett the island because "he likes to move around and 1ets restless." She says he's lookinl for another Island. "It's a special house with a lot of heart In it," she insists, adding, "and It's 1oin1 to take a s pecial person to buy lt." At $7 mUUon, It'll take a lot more than just "special" to buy it. "' Stabbings, s hoot ings m a r San Fra ncisco cele bration SAN FRANC ISCO IAPl -For the faithful San Francisco 49ers fans intoxicated with triumph, the giddy hours after their team captured Super Bowl X Vl was a ··giant Christmas morning" t h at. for s ome . turned to confrontations. After the 49ers beat the Cincinnati Bengals 26·21. San Fr anciscans greeted the first cha mpionship in their team's 36 years with a street celebration as jubilant as any since the one unleashed by the end of World War II. 2 Ne wport project s face council a ction Newport Beach City Council members are scheduled tonight to tangle with two devejopment controve r sies. bo th havi n g drawn stiff opposition. One of these is the SlOO million New p o rt Ba nnin g R a nc h project, a proposal to develop an old s heep ranch with offices. homes and industrial buildings. It will be the fifth t ime the council has tackled this issue . T h e second ex p ec t e d controversy on the agenda is the Newport Center expansion plan. The council, on a split vote, a l r e ady has a ppro ve d thi s project. It resurfaces in a different light this evening. (See NEWPORT, Pa.ce A!) But as the jubilation wore on. ther e were reportedly several stabbing and shooting incidents and police clashed with some of the thousands of celebrants in a bottle-throwing melee in the Nort h Beach section of the city. Scores were hospitalized with mostly minor injuries and there were no fatalities. A bout 100 people were booked for investigation of drunkenness before violence erupted. said Inspector Joseph Toomey. "Now-San Francisco is No. 1 in two things -being weird and football," said Rick Tasker, as he hung out a car window and blew on a whistle near the North Beach intersection of Columbus Street and Broadway. jammed with about 6,000 celebrants . Horns. firecr ackers. sirens and church bells echoed through the cit y above the shrieks of fans. tens or thousands of them. who poured from bars into the streets, forcing police to close off major thoroughfares and divert buses. In t he fashion able Union Street a rea. thousands danced in the street as a rock band staged an impromptu concert, playing ··w e Are The Champions" over and over. Others commandeered a M unlcipal Railway trolley bus a nd danced o n top as 49er s logans were painted on its ·sides. At Union Square, celebrants halted the fa med cable cars. ·'There bas been an ongoing confront atio• for about three and a half hours bet ween police department personnel and the citizenry... said police service aide Mike Conner today after the North Beach fracas. Do ze ns of officers were di s patc h e d from outsid e dis tricts t o help quell the disruption. whic h began to subside after midnight. he said. About 40 officers received m inor injuries. he said. Tooipey said this morning, however, that the number of officers injured SUPER BOWL COVERAGE -Page C1 may have been much s maller . '"I r s still a little confusing," Toomey said. "Som e of these guys might have been hurt - but not too bad -a nd we haven't got the report ... In apparently the most serious p91i ce injury. Sg. Al Bierman's right arm was broken when be fell during the bottle-throwing "and somebody jumpe d on· him." Toomey said. _ A harried Central Emer gency H ospit a l dispatche r . who declined lo give his name, said there had been half a dozen shootings and stabbings amid the celebrations. Another •st.x were in stable condition after t reatme n t at Mi ss i o n E m e r gen cy for s tab b i ngs, broken bones a n d oth e r <See ROWDY , Page AZ> .. DRlllil CDAIT lllT"EI Low clouds and fog late t o nig ht a n d Tuesday ·• C~0_..0__.di..,,.•tl;i;-• ~O~l;:;;:;ol.-;S;;;----DH>ming. ¥ariab1~ high c l o ud s a nd coo l er Tuesday. Lows lonlghl 42 to 52. Highs Tuesday 62 at 'poor' in crash beaches,70inland. 111101 TIDY BOSTON CAP) -A Delta Air Lines pilot reported conditions -&---.IWLLiH&\IWD....UtPllin.;i;utUKJl.)'...We~ "poor to nil" 37 minutes before a Wo r ld Airways Je t hurtled across It into the sea. the head ot a federal crash investigation team said today. Patricia Goldman, a NaUonal Transportation Safe ly Board m ember, heading a team ol 10 lnvesllgators, said the World Airways DC-10, Flllhl 30 carrying 208 people, was the lut plane sche duled to use the Logan Inte rnational Airport r unway Saturday night before additional clearing. "I'm nol certain" whether the pa o a n warned e conditions, she said. The warntn1 came at 6:51 p.m . Saturday from a Delta D C -8 pilot. who w as not identified. '. The plane came to rest' up lo its wlnls in Boston Harbor after fallin1 to stop on t.be runway in free1lnc raln. The plane broke In two. but no ~ waa kllled or seriously injured. T he ltl passengers add 12 cre w <See DC· 1t,.Pa1e AJ) A mM10er ltitU acc&alm for BTideahead Re-oislted," which re.tumei Ua JJ -port H N I on telmfton tmdghl. SH Page IM. • 1 rvine woman- res~ued from fire in condo By JOHN NEEDHAM Of Ille O ... y Pllet S'9ff An Irvine woman was listed in critical condition today at UCI Medical Center 's burn unit after being plucked from her burning condominium during the early morning hours by a UC Irvine s tudent. Patricia Marshall, 28, was discover.ed trapped inside her home at 14 Claret at about l a.m . today by Steve De Salvo, 23, and a companion, Sonia Gerlitz. Qr a ng e Co unty Fire Department spokesm an Jim Sims said De Salvo and Miss Gerlltz were driving past the condominium block, located in Woodbridge, whe n they saw Miss Marsha ll's residence in fl ames. Sims said De Salvo, a biological science senior at UC Irvine, then h eard Miss Marshall calling out for hel p from inside the condomln.ium, now nearly engulfed in flames, a.nd re-entered the building. De Salvo told fire fighters he found Miss Marsha ll nearly unconscious in the upstairs hallway, where she had taken shelt er after being unable to escape the bur ning building down the stairs. Sims said Oe Salvo carried Mi ss M a r :s h a ll out o f the condominium and onto the front lawn, where she was treated by paramedics and taken to UCI Medical Center in Orange. A hospital s pokes man· said Miss Marshall is s uffering from second and third-degree burns. '• • Ylll lllEllll llllY 1'11111 .. OHAN GE-COlJNl 1 L A L If OHNIA ~'>CE NT S Sims said the couple stopped their vehicle and obtained fire extingui s h e r s ins ide the complex. They t hen tried to enter the burning residence to put out Jlle fire, but were driven back by flames Sims said a neighbor of Miss Marshall's, Lewis Sangerman, a lso attempted to enter the r esidence to search for other occupants. However , Sims said <See FIRE, Page AZ> FIRE SCENE This was the r emains of an Irvine condom inium a rter fire gutted the struC'ture. critiC'a lly 0..ty ,,_ ,_._., •ICMMll[....- burning its occupant. who was carried to safe ty by lwo passers by who fought their way lhrou~h the flames. Nuclear plant mishap spews radioactive steam ROCHESTER~ N.Y. <AP> - Burs ts of radioac tive steam w ere release d into the atmosphere today for a total or three minutes when a generator tube ruptured at the Ginna. nuclear power plant in Onlario, N . Y .. officials said. Some _ workers were evacuated and the reactor was shut down. A "site e m ergency," the ·s e c o n d h i g h e s t n u c I e a r e m ergency classification. was declared at the plant, about 18 miles northeast of Rochester . near the shore of Lake Ontario. There is "no danger to the public at this time," said a utility spokesman. The plant "appears t o be fa irly stable," sa id Gar y Sanborn, spokesman for the N ucl ea r llegulat-o~y Commission. T he reactor was being cooled with extra water, he said. Radiation was released into the atmosphere in five-second puffs , totaling three mioutes' worth. according to Jack Bryan,. public information officer for the s tate Disaster Preparedness Com mission . T h e re l eases occurred over one hour, said Jay Dunkleberger, director of the Bureau of Nuclear Operations for the state energy office. ~ Earlier, tM-National Weather Ser vice s a id" rad iation w as released into the atmos phere from 7:09 a.m. to 7:42 a.m. PST, and attributed that information to the state OUice of Disaster Preparednes8' Tbe wlftd wa1 blowirul from the northwest at 14 mph, the weather service said. No residents were evacuated but non-essential personnel were ordered from the plant site. said Richard Sullivan. spokesman for the Rochester Gas & Electric Co., which operates the plant rnf'm ed ror ror mer board chairman Robert E. Ginna. Monroe Cou nty Public Relations Office r Clarence Bassett said the release had been "isolated and terminated." Neither surface contamination nor further radiological releases were expected to occur, said Sulli van_.,..He s aid r adiation checks sflowed the "dose rates"• to be no higher than background level, or what could be expected in nature. About 45,000 people live within 10. ml fes o(lhe plant. Rochester, with 300,000 people, is third largest city in New York state. The leak was in the primary· pressured water system. which ca u sed som e radioactive m aterial to get i nto the secondary steam system and caused the secondary system to have a pressure buildup, saJd Barbara Thom as-Nob l e, spokeswoman for t he s tate health department. The pressure forced the em ergency release valve lio o,1m'-... Co let out the pressure, she said. Dur ing that process, she said, the radiation escaped. T h e second ary syst em normally contains rela tively low pressur~ non-radioactive water which turns w steam from heat from the primary system. 49er_fans 'violent' __ ~~~_._S_t-abbings, shoo~ings mar San Francisco celebratfon NEWPORT'S NUMBER TWO? -This S7 million m a nsion on exclusive Harbor Is la nd i~ said. to be Newport Beach's ~ .... ,_..,Ola __ second highest priced home. It has ninr bedrooms. a private beach. a lighthouse and a forest. SAN FRANCISCO (APJ For the faithful San Francisco 49ers fa ns intoxicated with triumph, the giddy hours after their team captured Super Bowl XVI was a ·'g iant Chris tmas morning" t hat , for some, turned to confrontations. After the 49e rs beat the Cincinnati Bengals 26·21, San Franciscans greeted the first championship 1n their team's 36 years with a street celebration as jubilant as any since the one ' unleashed by lhe end of World War II 2 Newport ·projects face couheil action But as th!'! jubilation wore on. there were reportedly several stabbing and shooting incidents and police clashed with some of the thousands of celebrants in a bottle-throwi ng melee in the North Beach section of the city. Scores were hospitalized with mostly minor injuries and there were no fatalities A bout 100 people were booked for investigation of drunkenness before violence erupted. said Inspector Joseph Toomey. "Now San Francisco is No. 1 in two things -being weird and, football." said Rick Tasker, as he hung out a car. wind,aw and blew on a-whistle neartne North Beach intersection of Columbus Street and Broadway. jammed with about 6,000 celebrants. Ho rns, firecracke rs, sirens and church bells echoed through the city above the shrieks or fans. tens of thousands of them, who poured from bars foto the streets, forcing police to close off major thoroughfar es and divert buses. department personnel and the citizenry," s aid police service aide Mike Conner today after the North Beach fracas Dozens of o fficers were di s patche d from outs ide districts to he lp quell the disr upt ion, which began to subside after midnjght. he said. A bout 40 officers received minor injuries, he said. Toome~ s aid this morning, however, thal the number of offi cers injured SUPER BOWL COVERAGE -Page C1 -.l1 + .. may have been much smaller. "It 's still a little c_onfusing,'' Toomey said. "Some of · these guys mjght have been hurt - but not loo bad -a nd we haven't got the report." In apparently the most serious oolice injury, Sg. Al Bierman's r ight arm was broken whe.n - feil during the bottle-throwint "and somebody jumped oo him,'· Toomey said. t Home price c~iling lifts Newport Beach City Council members are scheduled tonight lo tangle with two development con troversies. both having drawn stiff opposition . One of these is the $100 million Newport Banning Ran c h project, a proposal to develop an old sheep ranch with offices, homes and industrial buildings. In the fashionable Union Street area. thousands danced in the street as a rock band staged- an impromptu concert, playing "We Are The Champions" over and ove.r. Others comm andeered A harried Central Emergenc)' Hos pital dispatcher, who declined to give his name, safd th ere had been half a dozen shootings and stabbings amid the celebrations. Another•six were in stable condition after t r eat m e nt at Mi ss ion Emergency for s t a bbings, b r oken bones a nd othe r I [ Newport Beach estate number two at $7 million By STEVE MARBLE Of llM D ... y ...... Ste" The house price derby in Newport Beach used to be pretty simple. The top spot on the list belonged to John Wayne -or rather his former bayfront house which sold for about $5 million. But that was several years and several million dollars ago. The top spot now is held by Howard Ahmanson's Harbor Island estate, a huge ----'!'pread tluilUn..the. late tn>s for vioUAiat-Ja~ha Heifetz. The Ahmanson mansion takes up an entire lip of the island and sold for $10 mUUoo. R eal estate agents, thou1h, now are shooting for the prestige or the No. 2 spot. Real estate agent Barbara Aune saya s he ha1 the new No. 2. It's Ernest Kanzler's $7 mllllon wood, brick and atone mansion on Harbor llland. Tbe one-acre lot la located on the oppoatte end of the ~~-tf--tttr\O'"t!tlmMH'nHn-tl~Mrlrnslllllllnhome. The place baa its own beach, its own ll1htbouse, nioe bedrooms and a private forest. Jira. Aune, a real eatate a1ent for Macna~{rvifte, HY• the ~ la more Uke a castle than a home and is dellped to look 100 yeara old. It'• actually only 10 years old. Kamler, an tnventor, ~ mlllk>Mlre ...,s a bachelor, desiped tbe placeblmself. "He didn't even have a blueprint," lln. Aune uplalnl, "he just Ht out on the beach and drew the plans ln the sand and went from there." I -I She claims Kanzler is a former student of the late architect Frank Lloyd Wright. She says Kanzler a lso designed and built his own car. It was called, not s urprisingly, the "Kanzler Coupe." But the house, she says, was his special project. She says the two-story, 5,000-square-foot house is built with planks from an old wooden aqueduct in Oregon that Kanzler purchased and ri ped apar:t.. __ The slate used on the roof, she says, was flown in from the East Coast. Workmen, s he s ays, spent two yean carving the doors and staircase lnside the bouse. "He felt that Newport was too plastic and he didn't want all that glitter and gold," says the •realtor, who sold Kan.zler the Up of the island when it was little more than a sandy spit of beach. . --'<l'fH~1hen dasert:ed tslHd tip had been owned.by Newport's pioneer Beek family which parted with it only after ahing and approvin1 Kanaler'a pla.ria. Mra. Anne aaya that Kamler hu now left the island because "be IUrea to move around a_nd 1eta reatleu." She HY• he's looklnt for another laland. "It's a special house with a lot of heart in it," abe lnlista. addlna. "and it'a toln1 to take a special penon to buy it." At f1 milUoni It'll take a lol more than just "special'' to buy t . · ' It will be the fifth time the council has tackled this issue. T h e second ex pected controversy on the agenda is the Newport Center expansion plan. The council, on a split vote, aiready has approved this project. It res urfaces in a different light thjs evening . <See NEWPORT, Paice AZ> a MunicipaJ Railway trolley bus a nd danced on top as 49er s logans wer e painted on its sides. At Union Square, celebrants halted the famed cable cars. "There has been an ongoing confrontation for about three and a half hours between police Runway conilitions 'poor' in crash BOSTON (AP> -A Delta Air runway Saturday night i:>efore Lines pilot reported conditions ad~l~lonal cleac;tn,1 ... <See ROWD~, Page A2) ORAllil CUil 1111-11 Low clouds and fog late tonight and Tuesday --mor'mn . aria e 1 c loud s · and cooler Tuesday. Lows tonight 42 to 52. Highs Tuesday 62 at beaches, 70.inland. ·liSIDI TDllY on a Boston airport runway were I m not cert.am whether the 'P"-~t?-minutes before-.--pllot had been "••med of-the-· World Airways jet hurtled conditions, she said. A r~ hGa occkaim /or "Bticlubead_Revi '' which resumea if• 11-pori aeries on te~ tonlgM. See Page EM. across it into the sea. the bead of The warnln1 came at 6:59 a federal crash investi1atlon p. m · Sa~urday from a Delta te am said today. D C -8· pilot. who was not identified. Patricia Goldman, a NaUonaJ Transportation Safety Board m ember, headin1 a team of 10 inveaU1ators, said the World Airways DC·lO , Flitht 30 carryinc 208 people, was the lut plane scheduled to use the Loaan International Alri>ort The plane came to rest up to its .wtnp lta Boltoa Harbor after falllnl to s top on the runway ln treealna rain. The plane brolr• ln two, but no one was ldll41d or aerioualy Injured. The tH pa11en1ers and 12 crew (See DC-11, Pase AZ> t JI .. t ' I~ I Orange Coaet DAIL V PILOT/Monday, January 25, 1982 ~·· Mtl~. 01 .. Olf AlfO CllfCllflfAtt U O<ll .. , .. ,, r.' i..lfO'\ N•t 'Nin Ntl Ml" Ntl ~,.. N~I NI~ Ntl ~v ,. t "°' (to~· CnQ I .. I lod\ CIOH CllO p ['"" (IO~ Cl'tt .. t llCJ• Cle~ '"' p' Nh , .... ,,,. -~ Ollllne 11..,_ , 11 """ .. 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Mir wt , , m 3"t-._. c ... vlll I 40 S IS 211'4-Ir. QIG\ S I.SO 1 TS U-'"' llPow pf1.0. llOO t• '-Mlllerw 1 SO. 1 SS ~ ~ PSvCol JM 1 lit I~. Ttll.V pl I ' 1•'\ Crt '"" II II~ v. CllU 1 20t II 11 "" • llPow l)f2.:15 '''°" ISV.• .... Mill8td I JO I II 1911> " .. ~OI pn to . IS • 11. T...oy. 17 24'1 )1\4. '-Mir Ill J.• · • 11 UV..·· • CH's,..1, 80 · 6 13S 1~ ._ I'm"',,_., 1 JI 47'• • ,,.,, II Pow pl• 11 • uoo 2t • 1 MlttR 52 1 IS ••-°"" PSlncl 7,60 7 m 21 ""' Tndl'<fl • in 10 A.._, 12 ct '"""" · Cllmfln I 4111 24' 17~ Ill SQul<e I 02 • 1'I i.·~ . II Pow pl4 '1 .. rlOO JO • "-MlnnG' J 16 S • 11'1.-PS In 111 I.CM tlO 1... 'II Ttnnel 111> 6 JI "'-· • AlnW s a.as • 121 -~ ..... Cltm pl I 20 . • """' "' •'9• . IOI> • ., 16V.-"' ITW .... • n 11 ... MMM J II "' 54\'t-'• PS In pl 7.IS . r lO .. v.. Vt fefl<lr n 4 J1 lf'lll-.... Alrf Ill 1.7'.. S ltl'll..... CPtml pl 4 60 40 • v. Ellrlne 6' ' lff 21'4-~ lmplCP 60r •. 147S cl 7tt.-1 Min PL 1 11 • 71 II>\+ ''II PS In pt 1.'6 . 1200 S7\'I.. .. 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MnlOO 2 I 4S II.,,• '" PSB-0 pfJ0111 ' ttlO "'": 11'11 ~-s~ 1 ~ ~ 2 ll !t~ + '-AGflev I-•· II 16Yt +' Cllrom1 I 10 ' 11 17 111 F-" m JV)-'• lkllS. 2 W» • •22 1•'1. • Mon ... 1 ... 1 tn 24..... PSEG llf7 U 1100 .. lot 1 1 1 o ' AHtttl\. n 1 • IS•Ao Cllr " FedlC.0 I JO ,. 41 U'• 1n1t rco , •• '" 044\li-11'11 MonSI I IOt • ,, 14\'4 . PSEG pf7 40 rlSO .. • "' TiPK 2S II :it d24'--1'111 • ........_. ,· .. S •• S ••• C V r •. SJ• 4111 + I'll FdEIP 16 ISi S1 • -. Inlet pl I 7S I dt1"' .,, MONY ... 7 60 ' -lo\ PSEG -···. -70 .J '1•• TuUt•t I . • S.S ltio -,._ ,.._. ·•• ,.. l'h-llt htyswt 14 I FdMoQ 1:12 7 M 19\<J+\• tnlrhtt11011J3 l6V.-lt. MooreC 1801 14 31-.. \ft Pvt10"'' • •tl4dl~ ~· Tull ln i. 11 31, :: ,_.: ~ 1~: ·~ ~ ~::r.~~~I ... I .~ ,;~· "' l'edNM 16 ,., N-,. lnlrt~ 2 60 4 IJ » MorM s .. s 11• 24V.. 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LeflVal s 10 11"'-YI 8klaGpl IO 1100 -\i; '.4 's tAO I "' UIPLpl JIO . • ,.~ .. 141 eMllli'MaSll'U \to-1 OMO -JO 53-3 _"Glllelle 1.1011211Jl.Yt,,.,.Lellmnt"9 .. 611f4"'···· iln 1:10 ·; .,~IQ alM IMS Ud?S -ll'I UIPleti'° .. 721 ...... , ... =~ ~ J ,:::.:·-DalNll .20 •. .. 11'>-\\ g·--=... ~ ',~· '" ~-, ',·: ; ": ~::-1 1 I I~"' , .. s m n"-"' UIPL pf U6 • " " + .. ... ' ,_. .... t •t 1-' 0.11,_IY I.It • * -· It IHSW , 4 ". • • l "';" ·.,. S ' '1 • IJ u 1311;-Yt n t ! llV., UIPL llf u .. ' 27 di.,..__ " .._ • ......... ~IAOI aM.~+.-0.-1 .20 7U10 1.:w.-v. et:: -1M Ul"o • 6'4 1 1 l~V. MIO ~~~ -Y-Y- e.Q t t.• .. 17 IS = ._ Don'9! 1 lllO •J ~IY) g=~ M . ! l~ I~ : t=o pf1ALS ~~ ~ ::.., : , 1010 6 11 J 21~·~ I~ l.44 1 .._ • t.• ~: ~ 2.411 t n~ r: ~ 9Mlll t= S t '4 ~ O.rtll. n JA 1 "8 4'9' + -Gcltkl) 1.56 S 17 ~-._ L•vlSt 145 • 15' ~-"'"It 1 ti i .. I• :"° 1j!, ~ 2n::: :;: Va~yln .~ S 1111 d IV.-\II =-.. ~ 1::t: ~ Dal~ ,, , .. ,, ........ Gdr011•l1.t t .. " ,,..._"' UVlllF 114 m >J'6-116 ,~ --• 41 '1011t.: " 't '20 s ,.. 1~ "'. VM\Dfft 1.11 1 n IJ--~ ...._,_~·:. 4 " _ v. DotT.,. .. 121 .-. ..... =~Jr, '·:':'!ff ,~ .... LOJ' 1,101111ot1 2J • , ,~10 011 -'" ; ·,...,tit ;7-. -. v.,.~o n ,Jt' 11ft IS -" .. lit II ••• •• Do•U » .. 41._ " ~ict t n ' .., J -"' L=~ll ,,, • • IM ..... ut . s t\'11-YI tlt . .0. ,., 11 = "' VllflMI .u" 101 2Sflt-"" 4 111,. Peyco • 7 a'°"• • ll ,. ~LI 111" IA1•1's !! ~-I'> ~ · .. I 41'14• '14 t 64 ~JO -1 Vero .40 S • 1\'11 ••••• ... • .. a. -~ Deytl'\. ..... 1.-... • I ·~ 1i ,. v.-... llfEH , .... II fft ~-··i.; y~' ... l1' lO -1111 as dillt--VeMo .• IJ u-. ... ~ l ... ll JS IS '>\ ,. 0# IM>-1'-LloMI .-.. 2'0 1 -"' Ill 1.tt S .. """--"° IT 11 7 t m-.-\I Vkemllfl'.~ .... ,....._ .. .. ,., ~' .._,. Office at home rulings eased fThU ii ttw rizth of a 10.port ,me, °" hoto to Mave °" your 1911 income tan1.J The ta.x ruJes on deducting an office at home are Lough on taxpayers. But last year, the Tai Court - and even the Internal Revenue Service -Loot a more liberal view on some or the requirements. One or the tough rules to meet for an office-at-home deduction has been that a "portion of the dwelling unit'' must be used "exclusively" for business. The IRS bas treated th1s as meanin& that an entire room had to be devoted solely for business, or at least a portion of a room physically separaled from the rest of the room. For this reason, it barred an office-at·home deduction by a college professor who prepared bis lectures, etc., in his bedroom, which had a desk, chair, file cabinets and bookcases, but also a dresser and bed in another area of the room. The JRS claimed that the room bad a split use; therefore it failed to qualify for an office·at·home deduction. But a 1981 Tax Court ease pointed out that the "portion of " t he build ing didn 't necessarily mean a separate room. The professor had s hown that a separate part was SYLVIA PIUll ~ used exclusively and on a regular basis as hls office. Therefore it qualified for an ortice·at-home deduction. This can be good tax news for many of you who use part of a room in your home for an office . Another requirement is that the office at home must be the principal place of business of the taxpayer. Here again, the IRS had taken the tou&h view that an individual can have only one principal place of business, even though he carries on two separate businesses from two different offices. Thus, if an individual had one principal place of business in an office in the city, while he had a different secondary business that be ran from an office at home, the office at home couldn't qualify, even though it was the principal place of business for the secondary business . But in 1981, the IRS relented. It agreed that an office at home that is the principal place of any trade or business, even a secondary one, qualifies as a principal place of business. Thus the individual taxpayer could deduct the cost of his office at home to run his sideline business. The r.ullng is logical and favorable lo taxpayers. If a residence or a vacation home is .rented out, the expenses allocable to the r entaJ period can be aeaucted W1tficerlain limitations. Buf if the rental is to a member of the family, the lRS holds that the owner is stiU viewed as using the dwelling unit for bia non·deductible personal use -even though he is paid a fair rental charge by the relative. Tomonow: Baslaess •ato espeues. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS rn.900 WJ,000 S27.IOO SIJ,lOO SOl,400 4'7,900 411,100 110,900 US,700 lJ0,700 lOl.300 7",SOO m ,ioo ts.,lOO JTS,300 UPS ·AND DOWNS ...,.. '""l14 ... 1 lrMllf lni iol'.,..Cll 4 S.U...lnd' s HoMfl"• .~ ...... Inc 7 1-'110"' I Y°"*" 111< t OllM 7.tAlll 10 NIMJ.'°9f 11 WlftttrJadt It all•lr Ind IJ Trico s UN~re ,, 0r8ft91<4 16 AOtnlTrtt -I Stltl1lee 1 UMC Ind J EAL wtO • I ,,...c:pAln I "°'" O.SE • 1'"'541W 1 ........ 0 .. ~ ·~ It 0-..T"' s II .,_,_,II' IJ --Cl!~ u ?.:t~:.r •u f'St!GUlllll ,. Iefl £M GOLi COINS ~. '• -I'll .... P<I Up "41.0 Up 10.0 Uq 16.1 Up 11.7 Up 11.l U11 t .J Up " Up ,,, Up •. 4 Uo " Ull 6.1 Up U Up S.J Up s.o Up ... Up .. P<I Oii 30.0 Oii 13.7 Off I) 0 Olf 11 .. Oil 11 s Off II.I OH ,_. OH t .O Olf 1.7 Off ., Olf ... Oii u Off 1.1 Olf 11 Olf r.s Oii 1. NEW YOltlt (Al'I -PYket late ~rl .. Y ef tald col,.,~ wllll Tll11rM10'• enc. . IC,.....,..., I troy oi., t*.2S, 1111 H.eo. ...,._ INf, I troy or., N'6.U. ""u.oo. Moatc. JO -U lroy °''' t4N.ll, ,. U.JO • ........... IGI t rown. Wot I""' 01., WS 1S • .. ., .... S...rce: 0.-·......,• -~ 1.1#1 -Salft. ,,_ .,.,.,. -.... 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