HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-30 - Orange Coast Pilotr SA TllHllf,1 ,;J\NlJJ\J,' . I l'IH.' () H A N ( I. ( 0 I J N ! '( \ A l I ll I N I A . ' ' t ., I flj1-port" .access plan win~ reprieve in court. BY Fam>EalCK ICBOB•BBL ................ . A federal court Friday invalidated a lower tourt ..-r • that bad blocked an Oran1e County 1overnment plan to re1ulate which commercial air carriers serve John Wayne M.ft:"u.s. Ith etrcuit Court o1 Appeals aranted an emer1ency atay order aouaht by AirCal. Tbe action permlta the five air carrlen ~ tbe ~rport to keep tbelr exiatln• fllabt alloutloH pendlDI a full beartn1 on tbe merits of tbe caae. The elfeet ol UM, order wu to ala)' a September decllion by Judie Teny Hauer of tbe U.S. Diatrlct Court. Judie Hatter ruled that tbe CCMmtJ'• pl'ODCIMCI airport acceaa plan uaf airly benefited AirCal and Republic Alrltn• at tbe e~penae of other carrlen. Under the county's propoul AirCal would have been permitted to keep 23.5 of the 41 Jet ftlpta permitted daily from the airport for a three-year period. Republlc would have been able to keep 11.5 nllbta while Frontier Airlines, Paclftc Southwest Airlines and Western Alrlinea WCMlld have been left SHOWING STRIPES Looking like a butterfly escaping a splas h. Mike Perr~ of o.lfy,...,....., ........ ·-- Laguna Beach wind surfs off 2and Street at West Ofean Front in Newport Beach. Newcastle disease . found in 2 parrots lb PllD.. SNEIDEaMAN 0( .. .,....,... ... A tropical disease deadly to POUitry has been detected in two parrots purchased by Huntinston Harbour and laaC Beach families. But state offlciala say attempts to trace the source of the infected birds have been unsuccessful. Although the area caaea appear to ·be isolated and unre lated, state veterinary officiala say they are bractn1 fbr additloOal reports of the virus, called Newcastle disease, when the annual bird smu11Hn1 aeaaoa opens. Dr. Ralph Cooper, director of the State Veterinary Laboratory Snow/alb in San Diego SAN DIEGO <AP) -What looked Uke anl>w fell over tbree blocka of ... Sm Dlelo • a freak Uttle 1torm at 2 a .m. rrtdaJ. Tbe Nllltkmal Weatlm Semee laid tMrw WM U muelt M ID baeh ol "IClft ball,...,,..._ or lee ptlllll.•• Two pollft oftken left tMll' P*'OI car at _.. and Unl .. nltJ and toned small .......... ~ ot.IMI'. II ....... .., Robbell aaid • ftrtleal tiul.ktlp ti eJoudl .. ............. .. DialD'•&Mt .......... _,,... ,,. • o.. 11, mr. la.._ wp to nn mtaatn, ..... Aid. : in San Bernardino, said tropical parrots traditionally batch at this time of year. The young birds are frequently smualed from Mexico to the U.S. soon after birth. Cooper said N ewcastle diaeaae, which is sometimes carried by the smu11led birds, can be devutatiq to chickens. The veterinarian said the worst epidemic originated in Southe('D. California in 1971 , when some infected exotic birds 1ot loose and spread the disease to chicken farms. Tbe epidemic required 2i,.\ years and $51 mUlion to control, Cooper aatd, and 11 million cblckem died or bad to be killed because of exposure to the ctileue. A1 a ...wt, state aptculture otnciala have been attemptlq to coot.ain all outbreaks of tbe dlMue, nea tboH"' detected ID notlc boUle blrda. The recent Huat1n1ton llarboar HM ID"1ved a red- headed parrot purcbued ID a park ... lot from a man wbo ldentilied blmHlf as La.ii Saliur, affOldiDI ta a ........ . TM bUd died IOOD after .... . purcba1ed and the famll1'1 ............. ttttotllil ... .... , ....... Newea1tl• dl••H• wa1 cl9leet.ed, .................. .... tried ... , .......... tM...,. ....... ,,.. .............. .... tnfeet.ed...,.. to ...... ..... wo••• la a eoi• l•••drJ, SoUlura CaWorala dlatriet ....... , .... Al) MO. ARKANSAS 1400&rth Tremors AP LA. . = :i EARTH TREMORS -Sensors recorded an incredible 1.400 tremors over a two-day period this month in Faulkner County. Ark. Robber hits ba~kagain HU1ltlnstaa Beach police are neldna a uaan •'° robbed an Adams Avenue baak Friday, appaniMIJ the aame man wbo robbed the same bank earlier tbtl ...... TM ._ 1et'1 dalcriptloa alao reaem..._ .. ol a mu wbo twlH '°''"' U.. 1ame Seal flltaela Mak la an el1bt-day perlod .... Wa .... tb. ID tM W. robbel'J, DOlice aald tll• maa ••terecl tbe People'• ......... Sa.tqa ad Lou a8lee, tm Mama Aw. at about l :G p.m., wallled If to tbe bnneb maaqer. prodaeacl a llu4llm IDd demaaded alb . He left dll 11,•. poke said . TM ........ dalerlbld • I male CaucMlaD a ... • ,..,. . old.ftUlnlabl .. IMWMl9 ............ .. with two ruahta each. Hatter aided with PSA and the U .S . Department of Transportation by ruUn1 that it was discriminatory for the · county to permit AirCal and Republic to retain 86 percent of the permitted number of daily departures for a three-year period. PSA bad filed the lawsuit. It said it would Uke t.o operate eight fiilhll daily (rom the airport, rather than two. Both the county and AlrCa1 appealed HaU.r'a rulin1. Al a first step, the two partle1 uked .the ar.peals court to atay the judae s decision. The appeals court inltially refused. At that point the county abandoned ita appeal and be1an developln1 a new access plan compatible with Hatter's rulln1. Under a revised plan, AirCal and Republic would have ._. forced to aradually 1ive up cuarantees to their exiattac flight allocationa over a. two-year period. Al nt1bta, or slots , as they are called, were "created" they would be made available t.o carriers auch al PSA, with lower aUoc.tlou. Carriers wanUn1 to 1aln alota (See AIRPORT, Pa1e A2) 'A hero . to the people' .. . # . Coast old-tin:iers recall ' Roosevelt and his times By JODI CADENHEAD Ol .. 0-.Nll .... Today would have been the lOOth· birthdaY. of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the 32nd president of the United States. He led tbe nation in ill darkest days. Everyone who lived through It bas a story to tell: Mildred Fisher was a school teacher at Lindbergh School in Costa Mesa when Franklin Delano Roosevelt was sworn in on March 4, 1133, to preside over a nation in the midst of a depreuloo. No ooe was immune from the economic disaster that began with the crash on Wall Street in 1929 and spread across the bleak dust bowl ol the Great Plains and into the factories of industrialized cities to turn 15 million Americans out of work. Looking back on the era and the paralyzed man who helped get the country back on its feet, thoee interviewed said the Orange Coast escaped the bad years relatively unscathed. Times were tough, but the bread lines seen in large cities did not exist and foreclosures on homes seemed rare, accordtng to those interviewed who lived here at t~ time. Although the warm weather attracted a few dust bowl farmers who bad lost eveQ'lbJ.n&. most moved on when they found there waa little work in the sleepy seaside t.owns of HunUniton Beach, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach or Laguna Beach. STIRS MEMORIES -Franklill' Delano Roosevelt led n~tion in some of its darkes{ .... days. Residents of Orange Coast reminisce about FDR and his times. In Huntinston Beach many men siped up for jobs in Roosevelt's Works Projects Administration (WPA> prosram and ended up cleaninl the beaches. Others joined the CivU~n Conservation Corpe and traveled ~ the IU~Toiiiti'j)Oll9.'--· So slow that sometimes a whole daJ would Co : ln Costa Mesa , women Joined a WPA by and nobody would pull into the station. sewing program and made clothes for needy "But everyone was in the aarne boat," · children. The American Legion Hall in the city recalled the former mayor and city councilman. was built by men workinl for the WPA. "If you'd have been the only one you'd have felt _ Many Oood control channels ln the county real bad. But as Long as everyone else was in were completed with help from WPA workers. the same boat, you don't feel bad." So were the jetties from the Balboa Peninsula t.o But things were cheaper then, so cheap that · Corona del Mar. it only took a dollar a day for a man to feed a • • • family of four. Sometimes two or three months would pass Butt.er was 15 cents a pound. _steak sold for ' before Mildred Fisher would collect a paycheck 25 cents and pork chops 18 cents a pound. Gas ' from the Costa Mesa school district. She was was 9 or 10 cents a gallon. j handed scrip instead of money. "You could go down lo the ocean and they 1 Many or the children who attended the were always selling fish," said Bartlett. "Just : six-room brick schoolhouse on the comer of 23rd practically giving it away. Everything was so , Street and Orange Avenue came barefooted she cheap you didn't have to have a lot of money to ~ recalled. Ii ve on." • Everyone was poor. Mrs. Fisher, herself, Sometimes Bartlett didn't bother charging . lived with a family in town and had to depend for the gas, especially if a man needed it to get ' on friends for transportation to and from work. to work. "I felt sorriest for the children,'' she said. He had a nam e for the Civilian · "It was really bad for some of those kids. You'd Conservation Corps workers. : hand them an apple and they'd grab it, they They were called the rubber shovel gan1. l I ~ . \ wen~ so hungry." meaning that they didn't work too bard, said : Times were_so bard that .11lhrue:JJSC1:.1booK111Ll .Dbowaur~dL---J:SB.aaDrt>Mleattt~...:'.;..i' 1MK-1·~~<-D<awa-1' ~llU-UM~~"-1'-+' -1-:"ll passed a resolution that married female would have been bumming around the : teachers would be fired if there was another beaches " · • paycheck in the family. "P~le just kind of lived and got alone," A friend or Mrs. Fisher kept her marriage said Bartlett. "It was hard.Jg mak~ ~~ wases : secret. Mrs. Fisher didn't marry until 1944 or anything, but you couldmake a livm1 and when the depression was over. that was about the extent of it." • • • • • • Ted Bartlett was 24 when he arrived in Judy Ronakey was just 13 when President ~ : Huntin~ Beach from North Dakota in 1926. Roosevelt stopped in Laguna Beach on hiJ way ~ He went to work in the oil fields and later from San Die10 to Los Angeles. • bo h .. ,. t ti th t h f He stayed about five minutes and it waa : ug t •uo own gas s a on a e ran or hard to see his face through the car window. she , almost 50 years. Business was slow when the Depression bit. <See COAST, Page A3) t · • . Talks fail, GM ·.off er$ rebates . " .. • f' DETROIT (AP ) -The collapse or concession talb 1t General Motors Corp. promoted the No. 1 automaker Friday t.o offer rebates or up to $2,000 in an effort lo increase new car sales and avoid further layoffs. S ix teen hours after negotiations broke down between the company and the United Auto Worbn union, Gii Chairman Ro1er B. Smith announced at a news conference that prices on certain t•l and 1882 models would be reduced by $500 to U ,000 for 80 days beatnnlnl next Monday. Smaller rebates would be retroactive to Jan.13. G II, whlc:h ln recent montba baa bucked the industry trend toward ~. thua jolna Ford Motor Co. ud CUyaler Corp. ln offertq price ineenUves. Bar1alntn1 on contraet conct•lonl with the UAW ii acbeduled ta resume llaMa1 Ill Ford llotor Co .• wlMre ne10Uatora are. tl'Ji'I to matogtn ODtbnilm la the flel of the t..k6own ln ta1b at Gii, tbt nation's lar1e1t car muufMturw. ''1'1111 luftl UM door 0.-for ..no. ............ atd ..... •PGklMDlli J'"" 11ou. ·•u tbtJ would ha•• reaehtd •• agreement at GM, they (UAW bargainers at Ford) would have used that as the pattern. This sort of clears~ slate." Negotiations ~tween GM and the UAW, which be1an Jan. 11 at the company's request, reu apart late Thursday when bargainers deadlocked on job security and other iuues. , . auto industry analysts beUevet GM· would be forced lnto pri~ cuts anyway. • GM s ought . -and For. co ntinu es to see k -! wage-and-benefit eonceaaloDf from the union in an effert " become more competitive wtt1 foreign carmakers. = • t: "It'• not fatal, but we're 1111~1 ... •.n wunm. injured," UAW President • 11-1 ~II(~ Dou1lu Fraser said after the talks broke down. "Obvloualy, cuttin1 prices would have 1enerated more sales and meant more Jobe. This means there wUI M more layoffs. ''Tblnp are IOln8 to be worse <in the auto lnduatiy > than they Fair throu1h Sunday. ~ Local northeast winds S 15·25 mph at times below ~ canyona. lll&ba 70 to 'Jt. :. Lows 48 to 54. : otherwlle would have been bad 11111 JIMJ we reached an a1reement. · W e ' v e I oat J o b a a a a TNC:lwn on ...., -*'-conaeqaence. The American cloi,,oom ,...,.,_..,, f'I consumer has lo.t a Nduction ID den"~ the UAST _ ......... prices." ....--UAW offleiala could DOl M See CJfe At reaclltd for Immediate commeat la&tr lD tbe da1 after Gii's reWt allDOlmeemeM. Al past of a fl'aaldDrll lar tM talb, Gii bad Pl""leed J-. II tUt all .... C!GlleelDDM ..... be pullll oa ta eamu ..... ta tM form~c:e......._. .• Tb• ~ ............. ........................... ~ r . ~ ~ ; I After clearance, ill-fated crew wam't ·heard from · WASHINGTON <AP) -The pilot ol the Air Plorkla Jttllner that crubed lnte the Potomac River ackoowled1ed hl1 clearance for takeoff, but waa never heard from a1ain, airport tower t.ape1 show. Traoacripta ol the tapu, made public Frida,• offered rew clues as to ~ the: Boe1n1 737 railed to 1atn proper altitude after Hftin1 from National Airport. 'It plun1ed Into the river, kllUn1 78 person1 , .Including four motortat. on a bridge. Ttte t..,_ showed, however, that the airport was severely con seated on the snowy afternool) or Jan. 13. At Umes, as many as 15 aircraft awaited takeoff clearance. The airport bad been closed earlier in the day due to the weather. Ten ·pilots during a period of nearly 2 hours and 16 minutes , covered by the tape were heard informing the tower they were returning to de-ice their planes because of concern that too much ice h'ad formed while they waited for clearance. • Air Florida Flight 90 was not. among them. The aircraft reportedly was de-iced 43 minutes before takeoff. Afte r Flight 90 taxied into take.off pos ition, ·the FAA's !~round control asked pilot Larry 1 Wheaton to depart quickly: as 1another aircraft was waiting to lland on tile same runway. ~ "Okay," Wheaton, 34 , !lcknowledged. Nothing further ,..as heard from Flight 90. i Sixty-rune seconds later the fW ell,..dressed /thief takes riwo watches ~A soft -spoken , nstriped-suited robber posing a customer walked out of a ewport Beach jewelry store L_ridaf with a pair of $8,000 :"atches be had told' a clerk be wanted to compare, police sakl. The robbery occurred at Barr Jewelers, 1048 Irvine Ave .. shortly before 2 p.m., according to police Sgt. Doug Fl'1lcher. A clerk at the store told police the mari , des cribed as a Caucasian, about 30 years old , five feet, ~ine inches tall, about 150 pounds and wearing a gray pins tripe suit, eo&eFed the store and asked to see two speclflc models of Rolex watches. The clerk said she located the watches in a display case, and the man asked if he could hold them in order lo compare their weight. She said she gave the w.itcbes to the man, bent behind the counter to find a pillow on which be could lay the watches for comparison, and when she' looked up the man was. exiting the store -watches in hand - · at a "brisk walk." According to police the man broke into a run on exiting the store and disappeared into the nearby Mariner's Square Apartments complex. The watches were valued at $8,000 and $7,950. controller pn to be concerned had been cleared, Mcauae be · l beard from The controller told the pilot ot ''Palm IO" u UM loridaJet I us Air Jet, l'l'm lookln1 ror a wa• belnt cal.Wd. aJ90 bad 737" and asked blm to laid to the dluppe1red from tbe radar end of the runway. No alp of screen. Flitbt 90 was found. "You t.a.lkiq to that Palm! By th•, lnvest11ator1 have You ta,lldnc to that Palm?" the determined the Boein1 737 controOer asked hll oolleap at al{et.!JY w.aa In the l . ·11 the airport's Witt" radar raC!Oity Potomac lesstJla'n.-"':a:""':!m::'h'!e::""'f!ro~m!'--1--~~-"""'lll• ''. .. Seeifyoucan1lvePalm90 the runway , never having a call." ' · attained an altitud" of more But there was no respooae than 337 feet. from the Boeina 737 that had The controller r esumed his been bound for Tampa with 74 --normal handling of aircraft oot passencers and a •crew of five shortly after 4:07 made cle~r he aboard. was worried about Flight 90 "Palm90. Palm90. You on the "We may h a ve to ~lop frequency. Hey IUY! Hey guy!" operations up here a bit," be the controller pleaded 4 mlnu~s told the pilots. "I'll keep you and 20 seconds after Palm 90 advlsed . . . " CU$e of silenced guard dog settled Steve Kouracos needed a guard dog for an auto restoration f1rm in Costa Mesa. So he spent $250 for lbe noisiest dog he could find, a husky pup that was the loudest of the litter. silenced the dog without bis permission. .....,~ ..... """" Lidd, it turned oltl, was an excellent guard dog. He growled and barked and snarled like good guard dogs are supposed to. D ll'r in g a se tt I em e D t conference Friday before Judge Calvin Schmidt, Kouracos was awarded $1,300 -$800 in veterinary fees Kouracos previously had been ordered to · pay Tapper following a separate small claims court proceeding, plus $500. · · LO~D A~D C~EAR -EmpJoyees ~f Southern Elect1ic Co. measure voltage and amperag~ Cahforma Edison Co. and San Diego Gas & of siren system in San Juan Capistrano. But Lido was silenced, the result of surgery, Kouracos claimed in a lawsuit, by a 'Newport Beach veterinarian. Dr. James Tapper, while the ~log was hospitalized for the repair of two broken hips . Kouracos sued Tapper for $14,000 in an action filed in Orange County ~arbor Municipal Co·urt. Kouracos claimed the veterinarian FromPageA1 -AIRPORT ••. would have been required to fly only new and quieter jets, such as the DC-9 Super 80. Coun.t...y supervisors are scheduled to act on the revised access plan Tuesday. However, olficiala said Friday that consideration of the matter would be .stayed indefinitely pending further action by the appeals court. In issuing its r\Uing in San Francisco;--the-appeals court ••reed witb AirCaJ'1 claim that the airline would experience financial hardship if supervisors were permitted to implement the new access plan. Attorneys involved in the case were told by the court to file legal documents on the access plan issue by Feb. 8. No date was set for oral arguments, officials said. Kouracos , and his attorney, Edison Miller. a former Orange. County supervisor, contended in the laws uit that Tapper surgically severed the vocal chords beoaus e of Lido's continual barking. San Onofre emergency siren ·test reportedly goes well Tapper had maintained that he made numerous attempts to contact Kouracos before the surgery, that those attempts failed and that he considered Lido to be abandoned. Tapper s aid he felt he could not place the animal with a good home if something was not done about the barking. Kouracos still has Lido, who has two well-repaired hips, but no bark. Memorial • service set for Freeman By .roHN NEEDHAM °' ... ~ .......... Week-long tests of 40 sirens designed to sound the alarm in' the event of an emergency at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station ended Friday. A II 40 of the sirens were activated al 11 :20 a.m. in lbe 10-mile evacuation zone around the plant south of San Clemente. He said officials equipped with sound calibrating devices had reported ·some areas in the 10-mile radius around the plant were not being reached by the alarm. About 100,000 people Uve in the evacuation zone. ''It sounded like the end of the world." The tests reportedly went well -all the s irens worked -but one Dana Point resident said she didn't hear a siren while sitting in her patio within the 10-mile "Obviously there are going to zone. be adjustments made," Authorities acknowfedged that Coleman said. "That is the there were some "dead spots." reason to conduct the tests. We Another resident in San Juan expected to find some flaws." Capistrano said she had no Dana Point resident Heidi trouble at all in hearing the Fit'ZGerald, whose home is memor-ial 1ervice-will-ebe~--alaun_"lt.sounded-like-lhe end within Cfie emergency zone, said conducted Sunday for former of the world, .. she said. she didn't bear the sirens IO off Fountain Valley High Scbool and Sirens were LMtalled at the during the week of testing. Orange Coast College football nuclear station and in Sflo Juan Mrs. FitzGerald said she was star James P. Freeman, who Capistrano, San Clemente, San sitting in her patio at the lime of died Wednesday in Tucson, Onofre Beach, Camp Pendleton Friday's test. She added that Ariz., o( injuries received in a and unincorporated areas. The construction noise near her motorcycle accident. station is located about 3 miles home and traffic may have He was 22. south of the Orange County's blocked the sound of the sirens. The memorial service will southern boundary in San Diego Fears have been raised that begin at 4 p.m. at the Peek County. residents might not bear the Fami-ly Funeral Home. 7801 When completed to everyone's sirens if they were inside or in a Bolsa Ave .. W~stminster. satisfaction, the systems will be noisy pine. A funeral service will be held placed under the control of the O ff i c i a 1 s or So u t her n sirens' volume is 115 decibels. He said people do not usually experience pain until a noise reaches 140 decibels. San Juan Capistrano resident Heten-Sllebby, who was walking along San Juan Creek near La Novia during Friday's test, said the sound of the siren made it sound like the end of the world. "I really don't know what I would do if I beard that thing go off in the middle of the night," Mrs. Shebby said. "I think I'd hide under my bed rather than evacuating." The 40 sirens were installed by Edison at a cost of $2 million, according to utility officials. The sirens were installed under a federal mandate. and are part of nuclear emergency evacuation p~ans-. Res idents Ii vine in the · evacuation sone were notlfied by post cards about the tests. Newspaper advertisements also were taken out by Ediaon and San Diego Gas and Electric. Officials next week will analyie lest data. Friday's test · involving all 40 sirens lasted about three minutes. After the system has been turned over to local agencies. testing will take place annually. Friday's ruling was viewed by AirCal o!(icials as a victory. "It's terrific," commented company spokesman Mark' Peterson. at 10 a .m. Monday al Sts. Simon Io c a 1 agen ci e s in those California Edison Co. and San and Jude Churc h , 20444 communities . . Diego Gas and Electric, Ferryina re8umed Magnolia St., Huntington Beach. San Clemente Fire Chief Ron co·owners of San Onofre, say a " Also pleased with th{: ruling, an aide said. was county Supervisor Thomas Riley, who authored the plan originally rejected by Judge Haller. Mr. Freeman was a 1978 Coleman, who is in charge of bis s urvey will be conducted to PEKING (AP) -China will graduate of Fountain Valley city's evacuation efforts in the determine th e sirens · resume ferry service soon to High, where he played defensive e ve nt of an emergency, said effectiveness. Hong Kong and Macao, ending a l ineback e r and offens ive tests had turned up some "dead Edison spokesman Dave 33·year suspension, the official fullback on the vars ity football spots" in lhe alert system. Barron said each of the tO news agency Xinhua reported. Slight 1noney supply team. He was named to the All ,-----------------------------------------Sunset League and All Orange Coast League teams. He then attended Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, majoring in engi.neering. He NEW YORK <AP > -::-The nation's money s upply fell $000 million, the Federal Reserve s aid Friday, disappo~nting credit analysts who sought a larger drop as a signal that . recently rapid money growth was abating. Still , there were mixed fe e lings among analysts whether the modest decrease - following an $11.1 billion jump in the previous two weeks -would force the central bank to again tighten its credit stance, puWng new upward pressure on interest rates. ''The markets are not going to take any comfort in tb1s figure whatsoever, and rates could be under some pressure next week," said William V. Sullivan Jr., senior vice president of The Bank of New York. Indeed , prices of some government bonds irDJDedia~ly skidded alter the figures were released, with some issues dropping more than $10 for each $1 ,000 in face value. ' ... But William Gross, bead of the fixed·lncome department al OfltANGE COAST l1ily Pilat Pacific Investment Management Inc. in Newport Beach said there were indic~tions "that the Fed tightening that bas taken place over the last several weeks has gone about as far as it's going to go. I would not panic" at this week's figures, be said. The Fed said a measure of the money supply known as Ml, which includes cash in circulation and cbeckin1-type accounts, feU to a seasonally adjusted average of $450.5 billion in the. week ended Jan. 20. Thal compared witb $451.1 billion a week earlier. Despite the drop, Ml in the past four weeks has grown at a lofty 14 percent adjusted annual rate from the preceding 13 weeks. The central bL"lk is trying to limit money 1rowth to fight Inflation. Hence, it money grows faster than the Fed wants, It can drain reserves from the banking system. Thal puts pressure on interest rates to riae, sending bond prices lower. the college's football team. He received a Gauntlet Award at Fountain Valley High and a Hiller of the Year Award at Orange Coast CoUege. Mr. Freeman was attending the University of Arizona's CoJlege of Engineering at the time of his death. Survivors include his parents, Roy B . Free man Jr. and Dorothy Johnson Freeman of Fountain Valley; three brothers, John . Ro y a nd Mi c hael Freeman ; s i s ter . Susan Freeman; and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnson and Mrs. R.B. Freeman. .Burial will b e at Good Shepherd Cemetery in Huntington Beach. FromPageA1 BIRDS. • • veterinarian Dr. E.E . Anderson said. •'That ended our contact with the outbreak," Dr. Cooper observed. "But It's still out tbel'e. We've just lost touch with it.,, He said it is difficult to control the influx of exotJc bird.a that can be ~chased ~st over the ntea111Mmfer ror an resold ln the U.S. for $500. Althou&h Newcastle disease is almost always fatal to chickens, it does not a lways kill tbe parrots. The law now reqJ.drea that parrots be quarantined for at least 30 days before they can be broupt into the u.s. ooper said tbe re4eral ~t compenaat" bird alen and even pet ownen whole parrota are found to bave NewcuUe di.1eaae and must be deatroyed. ··u -don't, ... ,.. arra1t1 the blr,cl owaen will Juet biCS. Ute problem," be laldr I .:.M- ROGER~S SEVENTH i" .. NNIVERSARY SALE REG. SALE Sgal CAMELLIAS .............. '15.50 '11.50 5 gal. AZALEAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.50 8.98 2gal.AZALEAS ................ 8.96 5.98~ 4" PRIMROSE ................. 1.25 .79 2gallNDIAN HAWTHORNE ...... 9.75 6.98 · Sgal. PITTOSPORUMWHEELERI . 12.00 8.98 8 oz. OXYGEN PLUS ............ 2.59 1.99 16 oz. OXYGEN PLUS ............ 4.39 3.39 Orthos DORMANT DISEASE CONTROL . . . . . . . . 6.29 4.99 Corona combination SHEARS&SCABBARD ....... 21.98 15.49 SELECTED BULBS .............. 40% OFF WROUGHTIRON ................ 30% OFF EnjOy exciting discoveries In Roger's Gall8f'Y: See the exciting fr~led and silk creations unique gifts. accessories and eYefythlng for In our new and ex pa florist. Remember us the patlO. Beautlful new _'82...RllLo 111199 are ~-1Pf parties, weddlngs, fuoerats..holid~-.....__-· rrrtt ng or spring, Including the elegant special even's of any size. An expended HERi.AG tine wallable excluslYely at Roger's. delivery 1eNloe Is now available. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL .....ON ANTIQUD UP TO ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL IPNNO ILOOMINQ AMANQIMINT MG..,..., Opefl91DllC1a11¥••~-.... -~ .... ·Mi.-.._~~"'.....,..'-" NURSEQV • tNDOOR PLANTS • FLORIST • LANDSCAPING • PA no FURNITURti • ANTIQUES 1' ' •' I • I ~ ,, .. I I I I I -.. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 30, 1812 .41 Unlvtnity of Ariaona, the Tucaon ctU11n aakt. The newapaper had reported th~t oUMr ftnallata include W. MM a.1..W., pro'voat or Ohio State Unlveralty; Cll11Ur •eCorklt, /ormer vlce pr11ldent o CalUornia'a unlveralt1 ayatem, and Heary Kamer, chancellor ot tbe Unlveralty of Iii a11achuaetta at Amherat. UofA President Jolla Sd1aefer baa rui1ned, effective in June, to bead a research foundation. Duke Unlveralty haa aaked an alumnua, former President &lelaard Nlsoa, to help persuade the People's Republic of China to let a Chinese atudent study law at thelllarharn1ebool. Afa'r Nixon's efforts have been unsuccessful, Duke officials said. Law School Dean Palll Carrta,._ said the Chinese student, whose Identity wu withheld, applied to Duke, was accepted and also wu awarded the Rlchard M . Nixon scholarship, which carries a $3,000 annual stipend. Ni)(on ls a 1937 graduate of the Duke Law School. PARTIES, PARTIES-Mary Burton of Corona del Mar. 'who was a newlywed when tbe Depression hit. was caught up in a part~· whirl during that time. On weekends she From Page A1 Diiiy .............. would travel from Pasadena to the "Happy House" her mother built in 1910 in Corona del Mar for parties. AP ........ OUTDOOR WORK -Sen. S.I. Hayakawa, R·Calif.. s hovels snow from his Washington residence followin~ recent storm. ln recent weeks Washington has received its share of winter weather hitting inuch of the United States. Robert F. Kenedy Jr. and Em Uy Ruth Black will be married April 3 in a Protestant church in Bloomington, a southern Indiana city where the bride grew up. COAST RESIDENTS REMEMBER FDR • • • Party laurrehes Carroll exhibit The Mad Hatter couldn't make it and the Cheshire Cat was nowhere to be seen. But that didn't faze the Lewis Carroll fans who threw a tea party of the.ir own in honor of the man who wrote "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." About 100 people gathered at the Pierpont Morgan Library in New York to In a marriage made in TV heaven, Daany DeVlto, the dyspeptic dispatcher on "Taxi," has wed his longtime girlfriend, Rhea Perlman, who also plays his girlfriend on the s how , a famil y spokesman says. They were married during a rehearsal lunch break in . pri vale civil eeremony at the couple's Hollywood HiUs hom·e by &alpat Pyle, a non -denominational celebrate the 150th birthday of the Rev. Charles Lutwidge Dodson, better known to generations of children as Lewis Carroll. The party launched an exh ibit entit led "Lewis Carroll and Alice, 1832-1982," " collection of diaries, letters , manuscripts and other Carroll memorabilia. minister. The guests were the parents of the bride and groom a nd several close relatives . Th.e couple returned to work following- the ceremony. C ha ncellor Robert A. Huttenback of UC Santa Barbara and Chancellor G a ny D . Hays o f the Minnesota state university system are among rlnallsts for president of the Miss Black, an attorney, said she has chosen to be married in Bloomington because she was reared here. But he r brother. Tom Black, says he believes finances were partly responsible for the decision not to hold the wedding in New York City. He said the wedding would have 500 guests and would be less expensive in Bloomington. Jazz singer Nlaa Slmoae was detained by Montreal police for several hours in a dispute over a $128 hotel bill, but won freedom in return for her promise to perform al a nightclub In Old Montreal. "I don't carry cash," she said after emerging from a police station. T h e sin1er, who was garbed in leaUler and furs for her stop at tlle pollce station, blamed the problem on ni&htclub owner Georp D•rst'• "greed and stupid.tty." Warm weekend Coastal Sm•ll cr•lt -1-y from Point c .. ceptlon owr Ille _, w.i.rs to S•n NkolH ltl•nd lor nort,.wut Nor1hern deMr1 11'911t U to •S. tow' 1S to ». Sout,,.,n deMr1 h'9tlt '2 to ,o, tows l2 to 42. NortMr11 -Centr•t C•lllornl• wllt be .._ity 1.ir w1tll v•l•l>le 111911 c loud,. tncr••sln9 clouds wllll <Mnce ol r.in In nortllwnt t011'9t1t •nd Su,..,._,. FOQ In v•ti.ys. winds 1Sto1Skl\OIS--•ol 6 to• E • d IHI decrusln9 tod•y. Winds xtend.e 119<om1,. 1'9111 -V¥1Mte IOl\lllfll. Etsewller• mostly 119111 vu l•bl• J t Winds lflrou9" toni9'11 ex<ecil loc•I 0 reca.s ,_,,, w._ 1s1on11-. .. 1111110 > -S..S -<.,,.,.,,.. -~SMS JllllU"t '° not111eHt. Winds motlly -..111wet I to IS knots In •lier-.. West to~-•• 2 lo) '"1. Cle•r skies. F•lr throuQh ti. oer10d. H'91U In cout•t .,.., " to 7S Low• u to n . Hl9lls •I mountain re1«1s 52 to 60 Lows In JOI. recalled. For a second he leaned out the open car door and an aide stepped out to accept a painting offered by local artist Frank Cuprien. To a child growing _up in Laguna Beach during the 1930s the Depression apparently seemed as remote as a man hidden behind a shield of tinted glass. Nobody had much money and many worked in surrounding communities, getting by chiefly because the rents were so low, said Mrs. Ronakey. "I remember my mother saying that while people were really hungry in the East, out here we just have to give up a chauffeur or an extra gardener." Her mother got by on a family inheritance and raised Mrs. Ronakey alone. "While we weren't rich we managed," said Mrs. Ronakey. "There were all sorts of people. Nobody had any money. So it was comfortable." But for the most part, Mrs. Ronakey said she didn't stop to think whether she was rich or poor. Everybody seemed abodt the same. • • • Or. Gordon Grundy was the first physician in Newport Beach and Instead of patients paying in cash they paid him with crates of string beans and tomatoes or else buckeU of fish, recalled his son Wllliam Grundy. "Everything was done by barter," said Grundy. "There were a lot of charity cases. People were very prudent and were not throwing their money away." The hard times hit the very rich too, said Grundy. W. C. Crittenden, who purchased Lido Isle in 1928 from a man who paid only $45,000 for It five years before, was forced to give it away or face foreclosure, said Grundy. Unable to sell lots during the Depression, Crittenden gave the island up to the Griffith Co., in order to pay for streets and utilities installed by the company. • • The Depression caught Mary Burton in the swirl of life: she was a newlywed who q-,veled from ~er Pasadena home on weekends ft> party in the sprawling Corona del Mar house her mother had built in 1910. "I used to tell people that we got married just in time," she said. "We got married just before the Depression and the same people who gave me such beautiful gin.s gave my brother such small presents when he married in 1930." Although the hard t11 •. es often meant hamburger instead of roast beef, they didn't put an end to the gay, happy p~rties held every weekend in the beach home known as "Happy S .. 0 .. ui 0 ..... (--.... House." ~mo~~'K--------===---------------------~;;;;==;-f--::-=-::~~~~~~r:young and we were having a l--'"._.,.;...,~-111rumf;ffft:&FY good time," said Mrs. Burton. "There ·was Tll• Air Ou•llly M•n•9ement 1n<1n.,11s >7 20 C•t.lln• 6S SJ d d • A cold front mood Into Ille Olstrtct predicts 900d •Ir -Illy 10< J.Cltlllvl.. 1S 40 Eureu sz )I always enough money to buy gas an nve Midwest on Frld•y, lllutentn9 to ewry-In .. Soulll Co.It •Ir !Mtln K•M City J7 J:J FrHllO SO 40 down bere and party weekend after weekend." turn treezln9 ••In Into snow by tllr0U9ll McincNy. Les Veoat S1 O uke Ar-.., 31 2' b d f d k ft nltMf•ll. MNftwllli., Ille EHi Co.ti Tiie AOMO u sl9ned Pollullon Little RoO SJ 4J L~•-s• a Luckily her hUS an SOOD OUD WOr a er enJoyed sunny ....... -c'-b were $YnNnl ,...., (PSll ••llllOl ol ., l.oulsvtti. so 21 LOl't ltMdl u .. be lost his job of 19 years with the Edison Co. in KMlilr9Cl-INP«lftcCOMt for•llr~ Mempt>lt S4 O LMA'9i. 72 SJ Nortll winds •nd lr t9 l d Ml•ml 71 " ~ryavllle '° Jt 1930. t•m111•r•turet, some neu ierot T Mll1nuk• 77 07 MoMovl•. ., J7 "It was upsetting, but we never worried as prev•llecl In tM not111ern Pl•lns and emperatures Mpl .. 51.P JI IO Monwllello •S Jt far as Where OUr next meal WaS coming from," mucll ol IN Rocky Mo<ant•lns. •nd _ N•lllvllte •2 n -Moflterey Sf <&i 1 1111 1 r •In 1e11 o v • r '" • New or.._ n • Mt. wu'°"' '' u sbe said. "We were among the lucky one.s." mkt-MIHl•ifitll .., .... y. NATIOM ,.._York tO 31 N-IH ., ., Tiie Mldw91 colel ''°"' mowcl Into .t.tl>uQue ,. ,. Oki• City .. SI N_llO,, llMcll •5 4J 1"9 _,, Pl•lns, ~lcll •treedy Alllevllle SO 2' Om•ll• 42 2S O•lll•ncl 61 S2 W•t ll•vl .. -lr•lln9 ••In •nd All•nlAI U 3' Pllll•dOf\I• n 21 Ontu lo 61 » -· WMI IN rein wa exoe<ted to Atl•ntc Cty •> l3 ~I• to SI P•tm 5'1"19 11 '1 t.,...lOlllOW.Cr•sOMuntr•I Pi.Ins 8•111m0f9 41 n Pltllburvl\ JS U P..-. '5 '2 "ALL IN SAME BOAT" -Ted Bartlett of Huntington Beach said "everyone was in the same boat. so ~·ou didn't reel so bad ... Mildred Fisher. who taught school in Costa Mesa during the Depression. was often paid in scrip. Franklin Roosevelt led a nation without hope, courage or direction. His New Deal policies to1ether with the advent ot World War II lifted the economy from its lowest ebb. He was hated and he was loved. He was admired and he was scorned. But he wu never ignored by his countrymen who 1atbered eagerly around their radios to hear the famous fireside chats that brought the jaunty man into the homes and hearts of millions ot Americana. To the children in Mrs. Fisher's Costa Mesa class Roosevelt was revered as "The President.•' "I think it was a blessing that be took over," she said. "The children w<>illd speak of him lovingly. They felt there had never been any other president before him." But in conservative Orange County Roosevelt's name was not generally regarded with such high esteem. "My family thought he was the devil incarnate." said Mary Burton. "If you were a born and bred Republican in those days you didn't have much use for Mr. Roosevelt. ''But looking back you realize what a remarkable person he was and what be did to save the economy." she said. All his life Ted Bartlett vol o even a gru gmg admiration for the 32Dd president could cause him to sway from bis party's ticket. / "He was a hero to the people, I'll tell you that.'' said Bartlett. "He could get on the radio and talk to the people and he sounded like the Messiah coming again. ''Everyone believed in him and that was a good thing "because he lifted the spirits of the people.'' -tfle mld-MIHIUitlPI V•li.y by 81ftnlf\911M M 41 Pll•nd, Me JO tJ P .. o R.olet 5' SI •-lfto. 81M!uck 11 .cM Plt•nd, o... 47 42 Rlvenlde 60 • J7 It WM • 9eflff•lly sunny cMy over eo1.. ,, II R•old City 42 20 Red ''"" '2 " Ill• l!estern M•bo41rd -H r11Y Botton JS 2' Reno 42 24 RedweOllClty 62 It ckMfdyon.,._.c_l 911ff•lo 25 II Rlcllm-4• n $.en...-S7 It Deluxe Heavy Duty TllundeNtortM -· fore<-tor CM rlltn SC ~ 42 S.tt L•M ,. 25 S.llnH se J:J lod9y "' ttw Gutt c-SI~. r.in CMrh1nWV O 21 Suttle 47 '1 S.11 8ern«dlno 61 '1 w•• exoe<Wd from tM Olllo v.itey to Clleyenne l1 2A St Louis " 21 S.n Oleto n 47 ,,.. mld·Atl.,,ttc co.st st•tes •nd Clllc._o J3 01 St. p.T.,.,,... '' • S.n Fr4111CIKO 62 47 New I!,,.....,,, Cln<lllllMI 4' It $1 Sw Mort. " OI s.tl J-61 40 Snow wu to recut uound Ille Ctevel•nd l4 " Spoltene )6 J2 S.nUI Aiw M 41 o .... LA!lft -In nor11Wrn N•w Colum-l' I) Tueton 51 44 S.nt• ·--· u " Erttl•nd, •nd fllrt In Ille P.clll< O•l·Ft Wiii ,0 S1 WHllln9ln 0 33 S.nt• CNJ 61 42 Hortflwftt w• ••oe<tecl to tum to Denver l' JI Wlclllle 47 3' S.nt• -i. U M -In 1fle _,,..,, Pl•teou. Svnny Des Molnet JA tt S.nUI Monie• " • ,.. .. , w-oredklllCI In most of Ille Detroit 17 11 CALl~llNIA $'-<II*' se IS Pl•lns. Ille Rock lu •nd Ill• Oututll •• -4l AppteV•ll•y " M T-V•lley "° IJ Soutllwest. Et PHO 5' " ll•k•rtlleld ~ 44 TMrm•t 11 " Tem-.turn •rouftd Ille MllOfl •I F•l•b9'*t 04 •11 11 ... 11ow 63 41 Torr..,u U 41 mldd•Y Frld•y r•noed from l H•rtlord JS " IH-t H M Yum• 67 •5 ...... s In Minot, N.O .• lo ,, In H•lefl• ,. JO •• .... 0 12 CANADA 9NWMvllle, Te.-=~u ~~ ~ ::= : : ~~:!.ieo11 0141 -ot ·It II 06 California . .., ... ......, .......... ..... ._ liiiiilllali.~~u ...... R_f R_IP_DRT_ We're Listening ••• MofttrHI Ott ... 8'ee!M TW.- Titk' " 10 ...,. 17 12 TOOAY l'trtt'llltll 11:4' •.m. 4.J l'lr1t tew •:ne.m, 1.t ................. _ uui.,....__ ... t«..-1... •:•h·"'· ... S-... .... t:a 111.lft., rl•1 SetwNy ''" ··"'· Moell 91tt •: • 111.m .. rl-Setvrtey 10:••.m. What do you like about the Dally PUot? What don't you like? Call the Qumber below and your me1111e will be recorded, transcribed and delivend to the appropriate editor. The aame 24·hour auwer1n1 aerviee ma1 be used to record let· ttta to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors muat include their name and telephone number for vertfleatlon. No circulation calls. pleue. Tell •what' a on your mlnd. . 8429fl088 , FOOT PIMP 100 psi gauge. Extra long 26". hose. Universal pump. For Tires • Camping • Sports Sale price• valld thru Friday, Feb. 5, 1982 • All 110,..1 01>9n 7 days a wffk. W•atcllff 01>9n t+MtD Thurs. tll 9 P.M. CROWN HARDWARE EWfYthlng you want In a hardware atore • WISTCUFf 102• IRVll( AVE., JPPORT BCH. 642· I I JJ • H .. OI Y11W 1614SM1161.1£1 Da .. OP<ll BCH. 644-1170 • COIOMA -MAI 3107 I. ~T HWY. 67J.llH ( . . . Orange Co .. t DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January~. 1~2 wortdscope C1• .............. ~ ••••• COt'9Ctly) 1 Thoutandt of pro-Ille demonstriltors march - ed In Wuhlnaton, O.C., on the 9'h annlver· NfY of the Supreme Goun decision th.t ... 1llzed abortion to all President Rea1tn'• attention to their concerns. TRUE OR FALSE: T"-'1ttldeilt oppoMS lea1llzed ilbortlon. 2 Febnwy 21 ls the dudU1¥! for ellalble youna men who h.ve not done so 10 resister for. the drah. About .. l .. 18-year-olds are delinquent and c:ould face 5-year prison term• and S10,000 fines. a-100,000 b-800,000 c-2,000,000 S The federal 1overnment recently announced that during 1981 Inflation rose .. l .. percent, lowest annual r<11e since 1978. a-12.4 b-14.S c-8.9 How~. ·;he GNP declined 5.2 percent during the fourth quarter of 1981. What do the letteri GNP stand forl S Thou9h nine memben of the UN Security Council voted to punish Israel for its <1nneu- tlon of the Golan Heights, .. l .. vetoed the resolution. · a-the U.S. c-Greal Britain b-the U.S.S.R. newsname (10,...... It JOU can lclefttlfy ltllt perton In the new•) As Prime Minister of lndi;i, I responded harsh· ........... .,. ......... , ,. ..... ,., TH& ova 11 .. ••••1ra1 ,.,. er ... &a· ea ........... , ,,.,, •• ,,.,...,. a. 0r .. ,. Co11& .,.. eeMola ... pUlle MIYIH ,, .... DaUyl'UI&. a._,._..,c.....-.... , ..... .,., • news picture (10 ....... l'M .............. CIOl'Ndr) Scenes like this have carved a place In history for the Winter of '82. There were floods In the West, tornadoes In the South, hi9h winds and record-breaking cold spells. And there was snow I By mld-lanuary~ 76 percent of North America was snow-covered. TRUE OR FALSE: During January, snow fell in every one of the 50 states. (2 point• lor eech qu"tlon 1n1-red eotrec11y) 1 For the fourth time in h1> career, E.ul Anthony was named the Professt0nal .. l .. of the Year. a-Bowler b-Speed Skater c-Gymnast One-house veto niied Significant effect on f e~eral ,operations seen WAS/UNOTON <AP) -A basic prlnelplea and require· a legal challenge to the House fodera appeals cour<t panel, menu ans oblerved." veto of a provlsl"On of the saying ICS decision could "bne B11lcaJly, 1 one-house veto Naturlll Gas Polley Act of 1978. far-reaching effects on the work1lnt.h11m1nner: The Federal Enersy operation of the national ConJrell p11sea • law lett.lnl Reaulat.ory Commlaalon 111ued a government," Friday declared the president or certain acenclea rule under the act desiped to unconsUtuUonal the one·houae under blm Issue re1ul1Uona'that shift part of the price increase con1resslona l veto of federal haye the effect or l1w.--'l'hoee -resultinl from deretulaUon ol regulations. regulations then co to Congrea t 1 f Id u 1 The Supreme Court has and .._~me law unless v_.~~..a na ura 1as rom res en a to ~ ~ industrial uaera. The rule was already a1reed to study a within a certain period by a Issued May e, 1980, and similar issue and arguments majority of either the Senate or disapproved two weelu titer by before lt are scheduled for Feb. House. the House. 22. A ~n1 from the high eou.rt If there is such a veto, the is expected by July in a president or his agency haJ no The veto was then challenaed d e portati o n c a se also recourse. The one-house, or b y the Cons umer Ene rey c hallenging the ruhi. The le glslatlve, veto has existed Cou n cil of America . the practice ls part of more than 200 since l932, but such provisions Co ns umer F e d e ration or laws that dictate the spending of were not written into laws with Ame rica a nd Ralph Nader 's billions of doll ars. any frequency unlil the 1970s. Public Citizen. The ruling by a three-judge Under the constitutional The appellate decision, joined panel of the U.S. Court of s ystem or r egular vetoes, by judges Da vid L. Bazelon Appeals for the District of Congress approves lqWation and Harry T. Edwards. said the Columbia, by Judge Malcolm and sends It to the president. lf gas pricing rule s hould take Richard Wilkey, said , "The he vetoes a bill , it ls ret\lmed to effect. genius or our Constitution, its Congress and beco mes law only _ But the j udges delayed the adaptability to changes in the if approved again -this time by effectiveness of their ruling for nature of American society, a two-thirds majorlty of both 30 days to allow FERC to decide depe nds ultimate ly o n the chambers. whether it wants to amend the steadfastness with which its Frfday's ruling resulted from regulation or postpone it. ;::==-===================~=-===--~~~~~----.; ly to nationwide strikes in my country by calling out riot police. It was my first \ major confrontation whh my political enemies 5ince I return~ to power in India two years ago. Who am fl 2 After five year~ of confrontations with New York Yankees owner (CHOOSE ONE: Geon1e Steinbrenner, Gene Autry), free-agent Reggie Jackson signed a multi-year contract with the Angels in California. 3 The trophy awarded to the San Francisco 49ers, champions of Super Bowl XVI, was named a lier .. l .. , who led the Green Bay Packers 10 victory in Supe1 Bowls I and II. 4 Super Bowl XVI was not the first meeting between the Sa n Francisco 49ers and the Cincinnati Ben9als In the 1961-82 football season. TRUE OR FALSE: When they met in regular season play, the Bengals defeated the 49ers. Country, rock to be mixed NASHVILLE, Tenn. <AP > -Tonight 10,000 denim-clad, c owboy bat-waving yo ung people will crowd the Municipal Auditorium for Volunteer Jam Vlll, a celebration featuring rock and country music. D D l·poll 2-pole ).pal a-friend b-white, colorleu c·a long, slender stick ckurvey of opinion S Neaouations between the NFL and the NFL Players Association are set to begin in mid-February. A poll of players showed that 95 percent are (CHOOSE ONE: willing, unwilling) to strike next season if salaries are not increased substantially. roundtable Femlty dlteuuion (no eeor•I Are unction.s ;igainst the Polish government and the Soviet 5-pall e-bucket Union likely to bring an end to martial twl Or u e they only likely tQ hurt the Polish people and U.S. uslnessesl YOU" ICORE: t1 to 100 points -TOP SCORE! 11 lo IO polnte -hceltenl 11 lo 80 poffltt -Good. 1 kl 10 polnta -F8'f. •YEC. Inc., 21 ·82 The Charlie Daniels Ba nd will hos t the eight-hour conce rt featuring a surprise roster or entertainers, which has become one of the most successful pop music events in the country. All tickets were sold within 48 hours after going on sale last month. . ilutllfM·S !]SW~-? !!pJeqwo1 ~UIA-( !JauuaJqU!illS a8Jo~-z :e-L =1H~l111104S/H:>1YMJWOM 3nH1 :J•Ill:>~N a-s :q-.. :r-{ ::>-z !p-L :SQ110MH:>1YW !1.jpur~ rJ!PUI :JWYNSMJN r-S !1.:>npOJd lfUO!lfN SSOJ~-t :>-£ :q-z :mHl ·L :)40:>S<Jllt0M Last year the crowd he ard more than 80 songs from performers ranging from country music great Roy Acuff to Ted Nugent of heavy metal rock fame. Maestro's in his· nineties, hut whete? Rubinstein flailed by friends, but '100' proves too short for toast GENEVA, Switzerland (API -The friends or maestro Artur Rubinstein, celebrating the venerable pianist's birthday, wished "May be live lSO years!" -tacking an extra half-century onto the traditional Polish, toast just for good measure. The Polish-born Rubinstein isn't very far from bis lOOth birthday, bul just how far is a matter of some debate. He says he was born in Lodz 95 years ago, Western reference books say he's 93, and the Polish Embassy sent him congratulations on his 96th birthday. None of this spoiled the party. His friends thought •' 100 is much too soon," so "Sto Lat! -May he live 100 years!" wouldn't do as a toast. · The immensely popular artist - bailed " · century" -blew out nine big candles and five small ones as wellwisbers crowded bis Geneva apartment on Thursday. He says it was on Jan. 28, 1887 that be "rang the bell at the gate of Ule as a belated and rather unwanted guest." He was the seventh chUd in the family or a Lodz texWe industrialist . Ao;iong the telegrams and letters that poured in Friday was at least one that . disputed the date. "We sent him congratulations on his 96th birthday," said Polish Embassy spokesman Stefan Piwowar. "'the official Polish encyclopedia lists the ear ol bis birth as 1886 and that is his correct age as far as we are concerned.'' Piwowar said. Th e G e rman r e fere nce book Brockhaus gives the same year. Early editions of "Who's Who" -published before Rubinstein's best-selling 1973 memoirs "My Young Years" -said he was born in 1887. But the authoritative New York Current Biography Yearbook still clings to t889. According to one account of the birth date dispute. Rubinstein's ·parents said RUB INSTEIN he was two years younger than he was to keep rum from· being sent to Russia for the army. Rubinstein's secretarj., Annabelle Whitesthne, told a reporter the maestro was "full of pep as usual," at his party. "He blew out the· candles. cut a cake and the toast was changed. "W.e had visitors the whole day, coming in and out, the apartment was reall y full. His children telephoned from New York -they ·could not make it... . Ru binst.ein first played in the United States in 1906. but his tour was. a flop. Some critics said he was too classical at a t I m e w b e n ·P i a n i s t s w e r e experimenting with changes in tempos and other excesses. He later made an -. Impres ario Sol Hurok brought Rubinstein back to America in l937 and a udience& clamored for hiin everywhe re. It Is said that Hurok changed the spelling or Rubinstein's fi'rst name to "Artur" in those years with an eye toward , promoting the pianist by a more "exotic'' name. Rubinstein became an American citizen in 1946, divided his time among Hollywood, New York and Paris, and 30 years later gave one of his last concerts at New York's Carnegie Hall. He always maintained an apartment in Geneva, and settled here after convalescing from major surgery two ears a o. Oriental Ros PARKING LOT SALE Save 50 to 80 3 . TWO DAYS ONLY Sat. Jan. 30 & sun. Jan. 31 Because of the vast setection of the rugs, for the first time this sate is held at both locations. Here are just a few examples. Call 142-H71". l'vt a few word• lo work for ou. CALL 64i-H7• aod let a friendly Ad· rl8lr help you place your I ldtDda)', .. lnclo Hetlz Bolhara lndo Taba Tabriz . ClllneM 90 IJnea Reg. Price .. f'rtce .•....••. 200 79 O x2.3 ......... 350 5x3 ........... 525 6x4 ........ 550 9x6 ........•. 1250 9x6 ........... 1800 , .• ,. .. 720 Name Chlnest SUI* WaSh Chinese Camel Tabriz Antlqut UShak Sile Reg. Price 1111 Prtll 12-9 •.......... 2500 - 12x9 ........... 2500 - 14.8x10.8 .••.... 5000 1- 15.8x11.2 ..... 3000 - 18x12 .......... 3500 - 23x13.4 ......... 6500 1- 10lc7 ......... 2450 -Antique Malhld 26x15 .......... 8000 2411 c bJl1£1« ff)(MOCJ.· L.A. 'houtroom Ct>rona Del Mar .52 .) N. La Ci()nega Blt:d. 2421 E. Coast Het·y. (213) 657-5175 (714) 673-2224 .. _,... "'"'·"'••· "·h '""· l:l-:t ...... ,...""'""'Ml, IO•f) ...... l :l·t• APPRAISAL & SERVICE OLD ANO ANTK)UE RUGS PURCHASED • ' SE1S WITK ELECTRONIC TUNING AND . -. SELECJED AUDIO PRPDlJC1S. Model 5054 Ha. JI Tllnt w.c• 6, I tll Model 5054 ....... Price '1•7t.tl Specl~ Price 8 6 9. 9 5 . P-LUS 560 REBA TE CHECK OUR LOW SALE PRICES ----Tllla... d ...... , ......... .... ,~ .. - 560 .REBATE Oii Gi 25" ReMOteT.V.~. Orange Coast OAJL Y PILOT/Saturday. January 30, 1982 Romeo's advances cost nearly $20,000 Bi-okerage firm closes Agency audits mortgage loan company ~ SACRAMENTO <AP) -Golden reuchL'<l for comment. The principal I WASHING TON <AP ) A per1l1tenl Romeo H)'I he hu spent U.e lut six day1 and almoat taQ,000 on caviar and cbampa1ne , musicians and clowns. and e ve n a walling limo usine and Learjet In hopes Karine Bolsteln will marry him. But the 20-year-old daughter or a Labor Department atlorney isn't playing .rutiet She keeps· saying no. Keith Rurr. 35, who describes himself as an ex-stockbroker from Beverly Hills, says hJs money Is running out, bul he won't give up - "ever." "I think I know what real love is," said Ruff, reached at his hotel room Friday via tblephone. ''I'll never give up. Even if girls come in my room and take off their bikinis or a princess or Arabia wants to marry me and give me all her jewels and let me have as many wives as I want, I'd have no interest." flowers to the Bolatelna' houae, parked a llmoualne outlide her door, sent $200 worth or caviar and champagne to her father, and hired a Le arjet to stand by at National Airport to whisk the couple away to Plan of Callrorni1, one of the lar1est owners are brothers Frank and Dan : mortgag~ loan brokerage firms In Monaco. • the s tate. has closed Its doors and Is The Sacramento Bee said the firm •1 t>elne audited by the state Real ls 10 years old and has a reputation E state Depart,nent, an offi cial said for paying high rates on trust deeds Frlduy. 22 percent In recent months. Euro~. "It s not all true," said Arthur Bolstein, a naUv or Bayonne. N.J. "There are doiens or flowers. not thousands.'' he said. "He sent four platters or seafood -lobster tail and s hrimp -and some Pepperldge Farm cookies. But the last caviar I recall in our refrigerator was a few months ago." Bolstein said Ruff had sent expensive cigars and a basket of AP...._.. exotic nuts to his office and that he CONVICTED ~illi on aire ran cher R e~ Robin Wilson. a lawyer for the The newspaper quoted a Golden stat e agency, uid he could not e mployee as saying one or the comment on the situation, but said he biggest investors 1s the estate of the would advise the 7,000 investor~ in late singer Bing-ros by, which has the fi rm to contact their attorneys. some $2 million invested. Wilson said Golden Plan has about The, Bee said Inves tors and 2,800 loans worth an estlm~d $90 employees said that checks Issued million. them by the firm recently had The plan has about 20 offices bQunced. Employees said tf'ley had statewide, including one in Fullerton. been given claim forms to fil e for Officials of the firm could not be w11ges Stockman interview slated has received calls from limousine owners and flower shops offering him Cauble leaves federal courthouse in T vler . By The Associated.Press and Budget. their services at Ruff's expense. And T exas after being convicted this week i)n Here are the scheduled guests for CBS , .. Face the Nation , .. yes, there were mus icians and char~cs he financed and profited fr:om a the Sunday television interview Treas ury Secretary Donald T . clowns who offered to entertain smuggling rini;! that used shrimp.-boats to · programs : , · · Regan. them . he said. ferr~· 106 tons of marij uan<1 from Colombia ABC. "This we .. k With David NBC. "Meet the Press," Govs. "When it started, we thought it was into Texas. Caubll· remains free on a $250.000 Brinkley ,'' David A. Stockman . Ri<.'hard Snelling of Vermont and I • • • I .. I l t • A woman who answered the telephone at the Holstein residence and said she was Karine's sister said th e young woma n ··considers it harassment and is afraid or losing her job over it.'' interesting and flattering," Bolstein bond director of the Office of Management Bru<.'e Babbitt of Arizona. said. "But we're now considering it .------------------------~· -· .. ------------------- Arthur Bolstein, reached at his office, said Karine is his only daughter. Earlier , Ka ri n e told The Washington Post that Ruff's lavish advances were "very flattering,.but at the same time nerve-wracking. The house looks like a funeral parlor." 'Tm 20 years old," she said. "I'm not in t.t:.e mood to get married." Ruff, who said he met Miss Holstein last July in a shoe store where s he worked, said he proposed to he r last month and began wooing her in earnest last Sunday. He said he sent thousands of • HOIQSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA harassment. It started last Sunday afternoon, but that now seems like an eternity." Bolstein said a bouquet of balloons with one proclaiming "I Love You" arrived at their house Thursday night with a courier who sang "I Love You Truly." '·She popped all the ba lloons angrily," Bolstein said. Ruff, meanwhile, S..llid he canceled the wailing Learjet a. few days ago "because it was costing too much," and said he's not s ure just how much money he has spent -"close to $20,000" -or how much he has left . "If I run out," he said, "I'll beg for money on the streets to send her flowers." Sunday, January 31 in vestments. financial status of associate or would-be partner. By ARI~ (March 21 -April 19>: You'll digging deep. you could strike pay surprise even yourself by making dirt. moves, calls . contacts which result in SCORPIO <Oct. 23-Nov. 2u: Major meaningful relationships and <.'hanges occur which· lead lo possible financial coup. favorable domesti<.' and financial TAURUS <April 20-M-a y 20): Lunar adJustments. Legal decisions could cycle high -obtain bint from Aries mean elevation of status. vindication m es sage . You g a i n wider of views. recognition, you also get credit long denied by series of circumstances. SAGITTARIUS <Nov. 22·Dec. 21 >: Go s low , attend to basic GEMINI <Ma)' 21-June 201: Light commitments, check needs of those is shed on area previously filled with who perform basic ser vices, give doubts. fears. You make exciting, reassurances to dependents -and an new contacts -and could fall madly extra "pat" to pet. In love. CANCER <June 21-July 22>: Focus CAPRICORN <Dec. 22-Jan. 19 >: on direction. communication and You make indelible marks -actions. ability to win friends and utilize words comma nd more-than-us ual powers of pers uas ion. Bus iness attention. Emphasis on creativity, associate makes concession and you s peculation . res ponsibility a nd profit as result. affairs of heart. LEO <July 23-Aug. 22 ): Doors AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 -Feb. 181: open , roadblocks are removed -you You'r e asked to draw upon past get what ~ou want and experience experience . Advice is sought s urge of popularity. Focus on regarding pro perty, closing 0 1 promotion. communication and trans actions a nd completion of possible business trip. project. VIRGO <Aug. 23-Sept. 22 >: You PISCES <Feb. 19-March 20>: Key receive details o f a long-range now is to be selective -ideas and proposal. You'll have definite plan -products abound and you can stnve pattern is set and you can respond in for quality. Lunar emphasis on intelligent manner. communications from relatives . LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22>. Examine trips. visits and the putting together m at e r i a I re I ate d to m o n ey . of puzzle pieces . .----....;._ ______ -'--------------; _watt to P- for parties WASHINGTON <AP> -Interior Secretary James Watt pla ns to s pe nd $2.000 in his department's money to p a rtly r ei mburse a private Nationa l Park 1 Service fund that financed two Christmas parties he s ponsored, at: Inte rior offi cial said Friday. Tropi~I Fish• Fresh• MMine Aqu~rium Supplies S,.CW J-. JO, 1912 • Mt. 5, I 912 , ........ W:J.tt I am from the Malay Peninsula My d1spos1tion 1s peaceful. I am a graceful swimmer and stay constatnly on the move. tf accompanied by one of my brothers or sisters. I am uncomfortable 11 alone. I may even oo to the corner of the aQuanum and pout but don't hold that against me -everyone needs someone See me at AQuatic Tr0c>1cals where I am on sale under the name "Blue Whale" 10< only 2.99. 1510 W. Baker• Co8t• Me•• - -541-1391 •Comer HartM>r & Baker liii THE ATTENTION YOU NEED-WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A convenient •lternetlve to ho•pltel emergency ro0m• for: ----- ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough, Professional & Personalized Care ADULTS AND CHILDREN No Appointment Needed • OPEN: '7 DAYS A WEEK H5 DAVI A VEAR I A.M.·11 ~.M. (714) 752.S300 •••RG•llCY DOCTOH Ol'l'IC• 4'030 Birch St., Suite 107 Newport 8"ch NEWS. BULLETIN •••• RCA REDUC.Es.· PRICES ON COLORTRAK REMO.TES & VCR's SALi IMDS ...... NOW .REACH FOR RCA REMOTE! MOO& GFCHJ RCA 25" ltat. WLORTRAK wttll REMOT£ CONTROL • Auto. Colo< Control and Fleshlone CorTectlOf'I • Super AccuFiller picture tube • Qoartz crystal tuning ·-Energy·efflcient XteadedUfe chassiJll oCMLIMMY •'II MOe1LS. 0. COUHI LOWEST PICES EVER FOi 25" CllOIWI DOTE NtCa ~ oua DI&•• .. YICI Al ....:ATll -"WHY IUY AJ AK" llUYllY IMC~ OM AU NOD&S. somn.wa ....... TO PmNT OUI SAUi f'llCll IUT OUI .-.-TOI ASK$ us MOf TQ. IO-CALL t.-.un. MODIL GFCH I 'SWIVB.' ,,_._..A lMCIU9MDt RCA ColorTrak 19" ..... RCA ColorTrak 25" ....... uiu MOOa llffUO NOW REACH' f. ICA'1 11" llAl CUITUI• s49900 WMal 1'MIT LAST 11" Ill CllllTUI IOllTE s3990o ....Tl Moe&l WIPl7t. Ynl", YIHH ALIG .. ITOCS -ALL -.C• flOll CUAIAMCI. SPECllL!! ICA CILll CAIW .....,.,.... ffl•D'S CC111 If A R Lii. lll PllC£ -JIDll WHY IUY AT AIC7 .. Ask for terl{la • Viii or Miiter Charge Accepted • 3 ,.ear Plcture·Tw.~ 1 Yr. Part•. 1 Yr. Service Warranty on 1112 COlot'Trak and System Ill Conaoln • Olltrlbutor Authorlred Sefvlce on Preml'" • AH Avalllble Modetl In S~ •No Commlteloned lllHS*'l()nl •We Know Our Product tn1lde Ind Out Not Juat The Price • &uallty • Integrity • Honelty. ....Owml PllCll TMIU YOWMI ...,.... ... P11C1 ,..,... IAMIOM IDT 1r ~ 1U1 ~..::.:-=~°'"=s.• I SID MTIS l1U.- , ,,., 1100......sT .. , ........ HUMTIMeTOM IMCM ~t61-H2t RIPIC£S 1 .. L n•MAeMAYOI IAMIOM ACCISS lrtlTACMI COUii . . • . .. . . f . . ' I I ,, . , . .. 1 ' Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT /81turd1y, J1nu1ry 301 1112 Garage sales, yard sales, rummage sales, street sales . . · . no matter what . you call them,. the id_ea is the same -TURNING THINGS YOU ~O LONGER NEED INTO CASH . When you get tired of fighting your way into a crowded attic or garage, or when you need a little extra cash, have a garage salel So get into the act, clean out tho9e unwanted items, and make money doing itl It's fun, it's. pr.of ltable, and following these 1 O steps will make it simple. • '<G> .. Decide on, dates. 't Look at a calendar and set the dates and times of your II sale. Weekends are. usually good, but many successful sales have been held in the evening, just after work. Check·the weather forecast in the paper, and watch for any other large event that may attract potential buyers away, such as fairs or community events. Have your sale run at least two days -some people may not be able to come on any singlEfda~. What to sell. Everything! Th.at is, everything you haven 't used In the m l~st year. If an.it~m has antique value, or is brand-new, or has unusual vah.~e •. be sur~ to ask a healthy price for · it. Get a pa:d of paper anq ·sear~h your whole house. Look ever:ywher~. and list everything·:··· Fwnitwe. Thi~ is your main attraction and your · best sour·ce .of income. Be sure to place furniture where· it ~an be seen from the street. Price · furniture low enough to beat auctions and secondhand sales (check the classifieds for compartsons), but high enough so you can come down a little when someone shows interest. RockinQ chairs, chest of drawers, tables and chairs are all very successful at garage sales, so · feature them in your ad. Anlf.-1.· Smaller antiques should be grouped., and · kept clos~ at hand where you can watch and talk . about them. Nostafgia ite~ are very popular - display them well. . ClothlnCJ. Make sure clothing is clean, and mark the price way down. Put as many things as possible on hangers. Separate kid 's things by age. Di~play adult clothing by sex and age group. Low prices are a-' on clothes except for unusual items, which should be."tagged with an expl~~ti.on (like, "hand-embroidered flowers, dress worn t)y Mae West)." · Appliances. Thes~ will sell 'for a fair price only if they work. No one wi II take your word· for it. Have an extension cord. so .. they can be tested, or better yet ~ have radios playing, old TV sets-lurnea-ori etc. Make sure buyers understand they are sold "as is". · . Plants. The~e usually go fast, but keep them out of direct su'nlight. A good idea is to name your plants before the sale (Spider Lady, Cousin Jasper, ~ Maggie), and write a line or two on the name card about how to care for them. Write your ad. · Here is a suggested ad: "Garage Sale -desks, II Bentwood rocking chair, toys, infants' clothing, 1922 Victrola in original cabinet, many gadgets, lots of unusual items, rock collection, plants. Refreshments. 8 a.m. to 6 p.rn. Saturday and Sunday. 1234 So"-th Anystreet, Yourtown. Just west of Main and 2nd." Where to a vertise.- . Place your ad where it will be seen by people who live in the area -most people shop close to home. The II Daily Pilot is read by 88,000 adults in Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Irvine, Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley-guaranteeing you wide exposure. And with the Pilot, you're not paying for waste circulation in Los Angeles or Anaheim. Plan to run your ad. 3 times or more, and start it a few days before the sale so bargain hunters can have pJenty of notice. Make a si9n. To help make your sale successful, make a few signs m from cardboard and letter with a magic marker. A good ·sign size is 14" x 22". Placin9 your si9·n. The morning of the sale, but not before, place your . • signs. Be sure ·and add your address and any • directional arrows. This should be done about a half hour before the sale starts. Place your·sign where it can be seen from both sides of the street by passing cars and pedestrians. CAUTION : Some towns have laws that restrict'the placement and duration of garage sale signs. Please check with your town's pJanning . department or clerk . Markin9 prices. Ma,rk prices where they can be seen clearly. Office • supply stores have varoius sizes and colors of stickers • that work well, or you can use masking tape. However ·you mark them, make prices low. Garage sales are for Qargain hunters. Remember, whatever you can't sell you 'll have to drag back in the house and store again for another year. · Servin9 refreshments. ·This doesn't have to cost much, and creates a friendly ·II atmosphere. It also encourages people to stay longer . and perhaps buy more. You could even charge for expensive items like donuts, or the kids could go in. business for the· day, with a lemonade stand. Display. Make sure everything can be seen. Have card tables or II boards used as shelves between two chairs. Don't cause people to bend over unless you can 't help it. Use one table as a desk where you can see everything and take money. Use only one cash box (tin cans or boxes work fine) and make sure someone is appointed ''cashier". at all times. Arrange beforehand for a friend Who can help answer questions, relief for lunch, etc. Check your neighbors and friends. Use this sample ad as a guide. Be sure to list unusual items. Be as specific as possible. Give directions if . needed. Don't use abbreviations -many people won't bother to de.cipher them. CAUTION : Don't advertise anything you don't really have. Every item in the ad •------~M-fust be on hand at the st&Fk>f-the-981--.. ------See if any-want to-,Otrryour-sale:1l'rrs-wtl~ive"'you - someone to share expenses with and increase interest ' 6 4 2 5 6 7 8 in your sale. If others join you, be sure to include this in • your ad (example: "thrwfamily sale," "neighborhood . lailJ Pilaf _____ sal!llllile"). lillllllillGrou-p sal .... es are-a lot-more-fun,-too._ 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA. Open &-5:~ Monday thru Friday, Saturday &·noon. I • ' GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR GARAGE SALE/ MAY IT BE SUCCESSFUL AND FUN/ _______________ ..!_ ___ - . : ' I .. .. PUTTING THE BITE ON DOG _ Veterinarian Ben H. Colmery works on sedafe<rUOberman ........... pinsche r's teeth at his animal dentistry office in Ann Arbor. Mi ch. His dentistry different . Patients knocked cold so doctor keeps his fingers ANN ARBOR, Mich (A P> - Ben H. Colmery lII doesn't get complaints about hjs bills from his dental patients. But he hears an occasional yelp and knocks his patH?nts out cold so they don't nip at his fingers . Colmery is an animal dentist. working on dogs. cats and even filing down an occasional bird beak that gets too long . "It just happened that my interest was in that area," the 36-year-old veterinarian said. "Nobody else was doing it so I thought., 'Why not'~" · . A specialist in the field who is known hationwide , Colmery .does ~verything from c~anjr\·g, straightening and pulling teeth to·.e1engating jaws. The tools he uses are the same ones used on humans. but patients range from s pecially bred Doberman Pinscbers to ramily cats. An imat. owners from as far away as Iowa have come t o his e i g h f -r oom veteri.nary hosp ital on Ann Ar bor's rural west side with their pets.· · The patie nts don't s it in chairs, but are laid out on· ,an • o perating-table afte r being knocked out cold. · "For what I do, they have lo be anesthetized,'' said Colmery. ·'I wouldn't put my hani:I in some dog's mouth -when he's awak~!" A t ypical bill ranges from S50 for a root canal up to $300 for orthOdontic procedur~he said. Colmery has beerj taking hi s message -"Let's not forget the mouth ... an animal's gotta eat!" -all over the country. in s e m i n a r s f o r a n i m a ·I technicians, other veterinarians, breed e r s and students he leaches al Michigan State University's veterinary school. He jokingly calls himself "the motor mouth" of the field. A veterinarian for 13 years, Colmei'y said acceptance rrom the public has surprised him : People are interested in their pets·· dental health and are eager to have work done. "The first thing I was doing was root canals . and one thing led to another." he said. "The veterinary science is really coming out of the dark ages ... He said he had no college training In dentistry when be started -in his years at MSU in · ·the mld-1960s . no animal dentistry classes were offered. Now, he teaches an anirrral dentistry course at the East Lanling campus. "Everything that is being done on humans was first done on beagles. ·so I read a lot of books ," Colmery said .~ • "V.elerin•riaris c an do 'lnnovaUve things and fuss (over their patients). They don't have to worry about people who 'complain." Smaller docs have the most dental problems because their mouths are crowded with teeth, Colmery said. And, he said, small doss are much more liltely to be pampered. .~'They eat soft mush and yuck." he said. "The doll on dr}' food t.encf to have a lot fewer bHales than those on mush. for 1are.'' , Cavities that go unnoticed can lead to aliments later on, ... tald. . "Eventually uM animal can't ebew on that aide ol the mouth I and pretty soon the other side gets bad, too,'' he said. "I've seen people bring in animals with vague sets of symptoms, us ually the animals have not been eating. You do all the tests. and nothing. Then you poke around in the mouths and find hurting teeth. "For example, field dogs and retrievers -a lot or handlers will say they notice the dog is apprehensive about picking up a bird. Sure he'll do it, but he's not very eager." C_olmery said most of his work is done on family pets, altbouCb a lot of the orthodontic work is done on exotic show dogs. But he said he draws the line when show dog owners ask him to camouflage a genetic defect. He recalled one man who spent several thousand dollars ror a dog which later developed a lower jaw longer than the upper jaw and wanted Colmery to correct the aaw. "It's not ethical," he said, adding that it would result in the dog being bred and passing on the trait. U,neliness called hazardous to heart . ~ . " CHARLESTON, '.S.C. Cl\P).--: Loneliness may be hazardous to yo ur· hea rt . according• to scientists who say single men without close friends run two or three ti m es . the risk of developing h.eart dis-ease u t h e i r m o re s.o c'i a b I e counterparts. · Social isolation .(nay be' as im p ortant a ri s k· in the development or heart disease as ciga rette s moking, bigh blood pressure and high c~olesterol, according to Leonard Syme, a professor of epidemiology at UC Berkeley. Speaking at a science writers symposium sponsored by the American Heart Association,' Syme said a number of other researchers also have found Jinks between social behavior and heart disease. "It seems· important that you're married." He said his research began with an attempt to explain why Japanese who have moved to America seem to have much higher rates of heart disease than Japanese in Japan, even when they continue to eat a diet native lo their country. A study of 17,000 Japanese In Japan , Hawaii and San Francisco !lhowed that those in Japan had the .lowest rates of heart disease. Those in Hawali bad a higher rate or heart disease, aad those lo Sl(n Francisco showed a hither rate .still. That discovery couldn't be explain ed on the basts of changes in diet or differenCM ln such factors aa cisaretle s mokin1, ttlch blood pressure and hilh levela of cboleaterol 1n the blood, Syme said. ''Those in California wbo adopted Weatern wa11 Md five times the heart cliaeue of those who lived trad.Wonally," Syme said. Bec•us~ the traditional Japaoe1e Ulest11e la baled on 1tron1 families and stable IOdal r•latlon1blp1, Syme and colleaauea tried to dlleover whether those aoclal rtlalioGlhJpe IOIMMw kept tbt Incidence of heart dlae ... down. Tbe researchers 1tudled a randomly cbolen ~P of e.• ,, residents of Alameda County, just east of San Francisco, and round that people with no friends had two to three times the death rate or people with the most friends and social contact. furthe r study with the Japanese group showed that social isolation -as indicated by marital sta tus, church attendance and gro up memberships -was closely assoCiated with heart disease. "At first, we thought the more people you know, the better off you are," Syme said. Now, the researchers find it ii not important how many people you know, only that you have some close relationshipa. Those with no close relationships whatsoever seem to be the ones who are most at risk of developing heart disease -and other diseases, Syme said. . The researchers also found it was not important whether a person fell lonely or isolated, or whether a socially active person was pleased with his social relationships -it was only important that he had them. "It seems to be important that you're married -It doesn't seem to matter how happy you are about it." Sy me s aid. Syme said the discoveries Jjnking social isolation and heart disease seem to apply only to men . For reasons not understood, soclaJ contact does not seem to be aa important for women in towering their chances of havin1 heart attacks. Syme and colleagues are puuled by their rindinp. ff.ow , they asked, can social contac:U actually affect the health of the body! Althou&h he speculated that the la-ck of social Interaction somehow weakens the body's resistance to attea1e Syme aald he had no 1ood explanation of the finding. An Important area of future researeh will be trylns to dlscover how the proceas worb, he said. Researchers will have to study socially active and inactive people to see tf there are any physical differences, Symesaid. A atudy ll belnt conducted at the Paciftc Medical Center in San Francisco to determine whether tbere ll a direct link betw811l the amount of IOdal activity and the occurrence of hard.runt of tbe arteries, or atheroaderolla, Syme 1aid. ·~ Orang. Cout DAILY PILOT/saturday • .J•tl"uary 30. 1982 \.\.- .Alligator; AH~y lonely Families in Florida swamp area escape city life ALLIGATOR ALLEY, Fla. <AP) -This two·lane bichway that cuta arrowllu acro11 lhe state ls 78 miles 6f loneliness. But, for the handful or families who live In t~ swamp area orr State Road M, it's. a.n escape from city life and a re~um to basics. • There's little to aee between toll bootbl on the road that link• Fort Lauderdale witb Naples - not a caaollnt! station, roadtide tele phone or ev~flo • llaht. Jl traversee the Eve rclades and the Big Cypress Preserve and both sides or the roadway abound with alli1ators, fro&s. boars and a variety of other wild animals. Between the 49· and SO·mile markers. there's a turnoff to the nort.h -a pock·filled, ugly road along a canal that, as far as the eye can see, leads to nowhere. Six miles back in the 'glades on the left behind a wa ll of naturitl swamp foliage, live five families wit.run a square miJe area. It's their Shangri-La -an oa sis o f calm between the teeming, crime-r idden Gold Coast ,to the east and the southwest Gulf Coast region tttat is the nation's fastest-growing area. The Alligator Alley area. the farthest one can get away from civilization in the Sunshine State. r e mains virtually unchanged si nce Spanish explorers came to Florida in the early lSOOs. "I love it here.'" said Janet Hassenplug, a hairdresser rr,om Long Island, N. Y. "I h1Jte city life and I'm never lonely. My days are full because everything here is time consuming." She and her plumber husband, Dave, have lived here in a double-wide trailer for almost a year, with his three children from a previous marriage. Outside, on a manicured grass front yard that has no fence. Shane, Michele and Aaron are playing. Nine-year-old David is riding his ho r se with his 4-ye ar·old brother tagging behind. Michelle, 6, is busy with two tame goals. "I grew up like this,'' said Hassenplug, "never involved with drugs or stealing or hurting othe rs . I want to teach my children the principles I pave. We tried living in the city, but there children learn more Crom the streets than they learn at ho me and you can't control that." Wh i le con dition s are primitive. elect ri c ity is available through a co·operative utility and running wa ter is pumped from individual wells. Some residents have septic tanks and indoor plumbing while others use outside toilets. No telephone service is available, although one company has promised lo have lines installed within a year. One nagging problem for the Alligator Alley ramilies is that nine c hildre n of these modern-day "pioneers" are of school age Those attending public school have. gone to Clewiston. but that means a 110-mile round trip every day. One reason Jesse and Yolanda Seals moved here 2"'2 years ago was concern about their children -daughter Tanika, 11, and two sons , Running Gold , 9, and Rainbow Sky, 2. "I don't like the complications of city lire and not knowing who drives in your yard or who is with your children," said Seals, a 36 -year·old bearded marine salvage worker from Enid. Okla. "It's ·not an easy life here. but it's definitely better for the kids ." Mrs. Seals, a Mexican-Indian from Roswell. N.M .. agreed. "We lived in the city and people complained my children mad e too much n ois e or whenever my hus band worked on a car engine." She, like the other women here, has little idle time on her hands. Her days are filled with caring ror he r fa mily, a vegetable garden and an assortment or animals including geese, ducks, quail, chickens and pigs . The McCullochs are the · 'old-ti.mer.s," of the, group. Married 15 years. the last seven have.been spent here in a lar1e . trailer. Leonard McCulloch was born and raised In the Himalaya Mountains in India where his parents were Baptist missionaries. He didn't see his homeland until he left lndia in 1962 at age 19. McCulloch said be, like many of h.is generation, used drugs In the 1960s. "I never realized what we were pioneering," he continued. "Had I known, I'd never bad done it. Drucs totally destroy the peace and quiet of Ure." Now, be sald, he neither drinu DOr amoket. He e•plalned that he, hla wife, AIUaon and t.belr two daushten -a1es 5 and 7 -live here "ln order to tel out and tind America, to feel the ebaraetAlr ol the country. Thi• la what made • America sreat." be said, looklnl at nature aJI a~ him. ··---RETURN TO BASICS J esse Seals. 36. holds his son. Rainbow Sky. 2. as he contemplates life in Alligator Alley. Fla. The marine salvage worker from Enid. Okla .. m oved he r e nearly three ~·l'an. ago with his wife, Yolanda. and their C'hildren. . Nation's religious pulse beats steady By GEORGE W. CORNELL ............. .- NEW YORK -While it oft.en is claimed that the nation has become increasingly secularized and cut ofr from its religious roots, a Midwestern paper dug into the matter and found just about the opposite. The religious pulse beats strongly and per vasively, at least in the m id-American region of southwest.ern Ohio's Mia m i Va lley. the Dayton Journal Herald concluded after an eight month's investigation by reporters. "Religion woven into fabric of our lives," declared the headline on the first installment or a broad and probing s ix·part series. It was based on a ¥rvey or a rea residents. plus collected information on conditions and trends in religious institutions a nd interviews with people in the churches and outside. Also included were additional s pecial s tories on doctrinal issu es, women's role, black churches. Judaism , effects of the "electronic church " and excerpts or a religious panel's three-hour discussion. "Various voices in the past decade have told us that we . . . have dri fte d rro m o ur ci vilization's great religious trad i t ion ," t h e pape r for mixing in public issues, have sa ll ied i nt o that arena themselves, the paper found . while mainline churches. taking a cue from conservaUvea. have stepped up evangelistic efforts. Both .sides are finding "some value in the a pproach of the other." the series reports. Like churches and synagogues nationally t those in Ohio are feeling the financial pinch on budgets and programs. Although past membership declines have leveled off and contributions risen, the g.ain hasn't matched inflation and soaring energy costs. despite conservation measures. "It's very frightening ... For t he firs t ti m e in history, Epis copalians a re s pending more on heat, light and to run buildings than they are giving to missions," says the Rev. Gordon S. Price. a Dayton Episcopal pastor. • But some clergy saw hard times not as a detriment but a stimulus to faith. "It's almost as if. when times are really tough, people are dr iven lo their knees ... "says a Methodist officer. the Re v. Elwood L. Ross. The series found that respect for religion has grown lately, rever s ing previous anti-institutional currents. which. as one p astor said, "It's almost as if, when times are really tough, people are driven to their knees." editorialized at the end of the series. "That, it turns out, was an exaggeration." Entitled "God Among Us ," the series was chiefly the work or the Journal Herald's religion writer Carrie LaBriola and staff reporter Vince McKelvey. They r e port s ome g e ner a ll y unrealized patterns and prick some assumptions. A1thoo:gh mtkrof artmsion e vange lis m 's "e lectronic c hurch " contend it siphons contributions from regular congregations, the paper's poll round scant evidence of it. Most who watch the shows a lso are chur cllgoers ; most contribute to their congregations but few give to the TV preachers and. the more their supporters do give the more they're also likely to give to churches, the paper reports. lt also brines out that the "born again" phenomenon, which the media had treated as an unfamiliar rarity when Jimmy Carter first so ~haractertaed himself, actually i's a commonly held condition. It's claimed by more than half the Dayton area church memben and 40 percent of all area residents. This is similar to national findings by pollster G~ Gallup that 31 percent of AllPtrlcana ·etaun the "'*" a1aln" eateaory. The •eeriea also point• up various other Ohlo area tendencies parattelln1 those nationally. A dramatic one is the comp11ratlvely swUt ocent CODYertmce of rellliou• forces on their dual rurcuon t>f evan1.U.Sm and aocla action. CoU&fatlve cler11, who once berated mainline denomlnallonl "threw us into ·me-ism'." "Well. ma~be we got bored with ourselves in our· little cocoons ," a.¥ed the Re v. Donald Brewer-. a Lutheran. The Ohio area turned out to be som ewhat more regular in religious practice than the national average. The survey found 46 percent or the people go to church at least once a week and another 18 percent several times a year. Nationally, 'the Gallup Po ll rinds weekly attendance now at 40 percent of the population. Ninety-three percent of the Ohio a rea people believe in God, the survey found and 67 percent a re from h ouseholds that contribute to churches. Even among those -who shun churches becaus e of va'rious faults seen in them were found likely to substitute some form ol personal worship on their own. Editorializing on the findinp, the Journal Herald suuested that claims that religion is in decline aJ>e{l~n.tly reau!Lfmm..&- modem tendency of American public leaders to be less open about religious beliefs. In this century. the paper said, the Issue or separation of church and state bas been raised to such a point that it "discourased polltlcians from maktnc what once seemed sim ple and uncontroversial public atttrmations of faith . . . •'In the process we - American society -betan to soft.pedal reliclon . . . The perception crew of less reu11oa. Not so, we now realiae. Democratic socletles nd heavily on 1tron1 ltural commitments -the allty ol their moral and relict • llfe." j ' ' I ' ~ ': f I ,. .• l, .. Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/81turday1 ~anuary 30, t982 Loan· limits Heavier competition likely for Califqrnia scholarships ay THOMAS D. £UA8 Tl 1 .,, "'"""v "rob'ems in both the st1no .. J\U •t:dt:r .. 1 •OV4:mment are about &o produce another conflict between bel .. pered mlddle-clus Cailfornlans and advocates of the poor and mlnortlles. Thia one wilt be over California slate acbolarabips, deii1ned since 1.956 to help able, but needy. students attend the colles• ol their choice. Tbe cooflicl be1an last year, when the 1tate'1 Student Aid Commission raised lbe family income ceiling for acbolarabip winners to $33,000 for bouaebolds with one child. Tbe limit bad been '29.900 for moat of the 1970s, a Ume when many students saw their scholarships lifted suddenly Just because their parents received cost of living wage increases. Implied he mlgbt lherefore reduce funding 'or the whole pro1ram. Last )ear be was mollified when tbe Student Aid Gommiasion proved to him that 80 percent of lts new ald redpieots were comJ111 from families with two working parents and more than one child In colle1e -ex•ctly the kind of student the grants are supposed to heJp. But that may not be enoulh to satisfy minorities this year, with federal cuts ensuring heavier competition for sc holarships . It's inevitable that someone will feel unfairly treated and that could lead to harm for the whole scholarship program. Thom41 Eliaa, o frtt·lonct columnut baaed in Santo Monica, Onollfllt• north·IOUlh state politics. l THE INCREASE in the income ceilln1 infuriated minorities, who cbar1ed it . wQuJd make lbousJnds of middle-class whites eligible to compete for scholarships against the poor and minorities. Justices break traditional silence Since scholarships are awarded atricUy cin the basis of grades -once financial eligibility is determined l:lllflRllA f OCUS that was a big dis advantage for minorities and students for whom English isn't a native language. Now the Student Aid Commission indicates il wants another increase in the income ceiling. Last year's change spurred a record 150,000 applications for the 2S,700 new acbolarships banded out. About 35,000 acbolarship winner11 from earlier years saw their grants continued. But that flood of applications is likely to seem small this year. a s state acholanhips will become more valuable than ever to "!liddle·class youngsters. THAT WILL happen because of the Reagan adminlstration's budget cuts, which make families earning more than '30,000 a year ineligible for federally parant.eed student loans. Those loans, averaging about $3,000 a year per student, &J"e made by banks, but are repaid by the government if students default. Many do. With thousands of California students suddenly ineligible for those loans, the state 1rants will be at more of a premium. And that means tougher competition even if the income ceiHng is not raised. By DON BEMAN ._M ... ,,,_.W,_ DES MOINES -For nearly l it\ years, the Des Moines Register has argued that justices of the U.S. Supreme Court should explain for the record why they excuse themselves from taking part in certain cases. The response from the court, even when the newspaper accused two members of violating the 1974 law governing disqualification, was silence. Then editorial page editor Gilbert Cranberg wrote to tbe justices. And six of the nine, including new member Sandra Day O'Connor. responded. Attorney Rowland Young of Chicago, author of the American Bar Association's Supreme Court column,· says the letters were "nothint short of surprising" -not in substance, but because the justices traditionally have not responded to such inquiries. BUT WHAT WAS involved was not ' the · usual inquiry, says Geoffr~y Haiard, a Yale law professor who is Wicka qo~O~ <::::>_ c C2._) -. a o • ,,Pull In your legs. ·Here c another Voyager." among those drafting a revised ABA Code of Ethics . "There was a lot of beat generated here," said Hazard. "Their (the justices') integrity had been repeatedly questioned." The Register's campaign began on June 11, 1980, with the declaration that "The U.S. Supreme Court sits on a ticking time bomb. The high court's integrity and prestige will be damaged severely when the bomb goes off." The bomb, it said, was securities the justices held in businesses whose interests were affected by Supreme Court decisions. lt questioned whether Justice Lewis Powell and lhen·Justice Potter Stewart bad disqualified themselves in all cases affecting companies in which they bad a stake. Subsequent editorials alleged Powell and Stewart had failed to disqualify themselves in specific cases where they held stock. including a case in which Powell allegedly failed to disqualify himself when his wife held stock. CRANBERG BELIEVES the e ditorials led to an October 1980 Supreme Court rule chance requi.riq lawyers bringing cases before the court to list all parent companies and subsidiaries involved in the litigation. The Re~ster 's editorial crusade, based on the idea that the public bas a right to know bow successfuJ are laws designed to curb conflicts of interest, also attracted attention from other newspapers -sometimes critical. The Omaha World·Herald said in an editorial that the Register bad based its opposition to stock holdings for justices "on a slender reed of evidence" atad declared the Register's criticism of two justices "a cheap and unjustified shot." Wall Street Journal writer Stephen Wermiel, who covers the Supreme Court, last August called the examples cited by the Register involving Powell and Stewart appar ent cases of ·'harmless errors.·' Wermiel and others have suggested the real problem ··arises when the justices obey the law rather than when they break it," because tie votes resulting when one of nine members disqualifies himself interfere with the court's ability to settle cases. BUT THE MOST remarkable comment came from members or the court -beginning with a letter in November 1981, from Justice William Rehnquist and concluding in December with a note from Mrs. O'Connor. Chief Justice Warren Burger and Justices William Brennan and Thurgood Marshall did not respond. The letters. which the Register published last month. say friendships and former law partnerships are more often a problem than investments. Powell said only a "small fraction" of his disqualifications had been caused by investments, but noted that he and his staff kept lists of his investments and kept an eye ou t for possible disqualifications. "With more than 4,000 cases filed each term, there is always some chance for an inadventure," added Powell, who is the wealthiest and most frequently excused justice. And whiie some justices -Mrs. O'Connor and Byron White -said they didn't explain why they excused themselves because it is custom not to do so, White and Powell also said they were willing to do so on a background basis. "I suspect that it would not take very much effort to discover the underlying reasons in any particular case," said Justice Harry Blackmun. REHNQUIST SAID It is often a judgment call based on such questions as whether a justice once practiced with a firm representing the litigants. how much he made as a result of that relationship, and whether the lawyers appear only as a friend of the court. Given the complicated facts of each case and the law's requirement that the decision be that of a "reasonable man," Rehnquist says, it's possible that one justice might excuse himself in a case where another would feel it appropriate to participate. Justice John Paul Stevens said announcing reasons could even be harmful. "There are occasions on which a judge has personal knowledge about a lHiganl. And if one were to disclose the reason for disqualification in all other cases, the failure to disclose in the rare case of actual bias might be as harmful as the disclosure itself," he said. Cranberg says he is delighted that the justices chose to respond to his letter, but he is not s atisfiea with their responses. "They just don't have persuasive reasons for not giving a reason for . disqualifying themselves," he said. "These are lifetime appointees and they should have to answer these questions. Otherwise. how do we know the law is being obeyed. There is no way." · But a study by the Student Aid Commission last year found that only annual increases in the income ceiling can assure that the same pool · of students will stay eligible from on~ year to the next. So the commission has favored increases about equal with inOation. • Epler the state's budget crunch, which will be more severe this year than ever, spurring stiff competition between slate programs and departments for a piece of the diminished pie. Medfly saga stresses Policy needs IF THE STATE scholarship program doesn't suit influential legislators, they may simply cut it back and say financial realities forced their hand. One influential legislator unhappy with last year's income ceiling increase was Leroy Greene, a Sacramento Democrat who chairs the Assembly Education Committee. Greene, a black, felt the increase favored whites and By JACK D. EAltLY Jack Early, an mtomologUt, u preriMnt of t he National Agricultural Chemical• Aasocialion, Woahington, D.C While it is too early for the definitive post·mortem, the California medfly "invasion" appears to be well under control. and the state's $14.S billion produce harvest appears to have escaped with little or no damage. Still, the drawn.out medfly controversy has created more than its share of confusion and bitterness. ll cost U.S. and California taxpayers an estimated S50 million or more, and additfonal millions in Florida, after an outbreak or fruit flies was discovered there. It has raised a number of important public policy questions that must be answered so similar fiascos can be avoided. Though it was not until last summer that the medfly story started to command oaUonal headlines, the controversy began a year earlier, with the discovery in June 1980 of an Rural balance viewed as poverty key This is o reprint from UC , Santo Barbara, of/fee of public information. The most i>opular explanations for poverty, overpopulation and hunger in the Third World are not only irrelevant but dangerous, says a UC Santa Barbara biology professor. William R . Murdoch s aid the contentions that population pushes a region to tbe limit of its biological and physical resources. and "there's no more room in the lifeboat" for those sinking in a sea of poverty, are often smokescreens hidin1 "the real cau•es and potential solutions of hunger." The population ecologist told the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington that these causes and solutions are political and economic, not ecological or physical. In bis paper on "Food Policies: Ecological versus Economic Pet'..,.ctiv~." Murdoch compares Ban1ladesh with Taiwan to make bis point. "BANGLADESH 18 amon1 the most naturally fertile re1iona in the world. Ill population bu twlce as much arable land per head aa does Taiwan's. However Taiwan's rice yields are three Um•• hlpr than thole in Baqladab. "And wblle rtcf yields in Bansladeah 1tacnate and the ranks of the malnourlabed 1row, Taiwan la a rict·HPOrtln1 nation faced with recurnnt exceaes of ·population." Murdoch blames Inadequate food produeUon on Ute ne1leet o1 the rural z.1•t1on bJ a small, larseb' urban He o1fftn two proftlel of Third World ' countries -the first with low agricultural production and a poor and hungry population, the second with high agricultural production and a less poor and well nourished rural population. IN THE FIRST, less than 10 percent of the rural population farms more than half the land, the best half. The vast majority of the people are squeezed onto the remainder, with some 30 to 40 percent of them owning no land at all. countries, Third World 1overnments are in the business of providing disincentives to farmers," Murdoch said. The other profile is based on such countries as Taiwan, South Korea, China and Japan, countries which are feeding themselves and sometimes exporting food. They have governments which support policies that ensure that cash crops do not outcompete food crops for resources, and that encourage smaller farms, labor-intensive farming and greater integration of the rural and urban enterprises so that agriculture isn 'l victimized by the cltles. From this uneven diatributlon of land nows an uneven distribution of power - ecoraomic and hence political, Murdoch said. This translates into easy access to credit and government services and subsidies by the wealthy minority. Credit buys machinery which in tum replaces farm labor, which la viewed as FURTHERMORE their industries an expense and a source of potential produce \,hose things needed by the trouble. agricultu~l population to do Ila The poor majority, having little land . farming and to improve lta daily life. •ruLlittle capital. far~ ifttw .. eh-r -Murdodr-noterthat-land reform by lavishing their labor on tbelr land and itself doesn't solve the problem of crops, usiJlg what little capttal they depressed agriculture because lt bavetoincreaaeyielda. frequently tlvea only the len "Larae farms uae little labor per acre productive lands to poor farmers who and have low yields. Small farma have are then left wit.bout credit to buy ieeda hi1her yields in aplle of their and fertUizera and without ..,;cultural tnadeq_uate technoloQ." . extenalon aervitt·type help. Wlth more than half the land The examplea, be aaid, set by a few produclnc low yielda, and the otbel' half nations "have shown lbat lt la poulble hampered_ by lack of credit and 1upport to reverse the trend towal'dl lncreaatnt which could l"F•Uy Increase lbe yield, lnequallty and that, tn the proc:e11. the the result ia a food supply lnadequate poor'9t In the ~aUon can be fed ror the population. even wben national Incomes are H·' tnmeb low.'' · ADDn'IONALLY, Murdoch 1ald, t.be lllurdocb't paper f.I bued on t'11 book.· plltbt. of the huqr)' wonena beeaUM '"The Poftrt)t Of Natiou: ..,_Political· much ol the land II used to produce Economy ol Huni•r aad Population" nOD ·food Cropl for export.. publlahed lut year by Johna Ropkina• "In contra1t ,to moat developed Unl~enu, ~. l infestation of Mediterranean fruit flies in the Santa Clara Valley. AGRICULTURAL experts advised Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. that the infestation could be halted quickly with a program of aerial pesticide spraying. But the governor chose to reject this advice. In his view, the aerial spraying of malathion, a pesticide known to be e ffective against fruit flies, posed u.na cceptable danger to the public health. lnstead, e'rown implemented a program he con s idered to be environmentally safe: ground spraying. tree strippirfg, and later, the release of supposedly sterile flies to mate with the fertile rues. Other studies have shown that if the use o f pes ticid es was totally discontinued American consumers would see an immediate decrease of 30 to 40 p&cent ilL.the-Supply of food available, a corresponding decrease in food quality, and a sharp increase in agricultural prices across the board. According to figures compiled by the National Academy of Sciences. without pesticides to protect American crops, consumers would be forced to spend 30 to 40 percent of their income on food instead or the current 15 to 20 percent; farm prices would rise 50 to 70 percent; and farm exports wouJd fall to zero. THESE EFFECTS wou.ld be fell far beyond the borders of California or of the U.S. World population growth is going to increase the need for food in the coming decades. It is estimated, for example, that between now and the year 2021, the food.growing nations of the world will need to double their output just to keep up with wo'rld demand. Meeting this demand will require the use or all the technological tools at our disposal, including the use of pesticides. Insects are man's prime competitor for the food we eat, and a major carrier THERE ARE AT least two lessons to of disease. The history of civilization be learned from California's handling of has been an attempt to accept nature's the medfty infestation: gifts while conlronttnc and overcomiq -Some uniform federal standard for its threats. Scientific research ui the determining the safety of agricultural rields of medicine and a1ricuJturaJ chemicals ought to be established. cbemicaJs has been an unenclln1 ettort Years or-practical expel'lence combtned to fitht man's natural enemies, whether with untold hours of scientific research thef 're microbes or lnsecta. This program as pu.rsued for many months with little success. It was not until last summer, when threats of federal and international sanctions were made against California produce, that the governor reversed himself and authorized aerial spraying. But by then a minor problem, limited to a single county, bad spread widely. Instead of a s mall. inexpensive eradication job, California was faced with a mammoth problem. and testing have led to the inettcapabte I nothing else, the California medfly conclusion that malathion, if properly saga shows that the batUe is far from used, poses very little risk to human or. won, and requires serious, inteWsent animal life. It ts Intended to tiJtcertaln-ckebkHt-tft'dttn~ at-•11 mei1 of bu1a. and it does • good job or that. government. -The dangers of not ualnc appropriate pesticides, in a prudent and careful way, can far exceed the rtak of ualn1 properly app~ products. For example, lf th~ medfly eradication procram bad proved unaucceaaful, officials of the UC (Berkeley) Cooperative Elltenaion Service and tbe Marketint S.rvlcu Dlvllion ol the Caltrornia Department ol Food ud Atrlcwture tlthnated, the lnf tttadon could have COil the atate (taxPQen and cooaumen> as much aa S1.2 billion ln flnt·1ear crop lolMI and pe1t-eonlr'OI coeta. Evvy,._. UM peat remalMd. lheJ "t::4' IDOllMr 1150 mlWoa eouJd bave tacked onto the prlcetq. 4 OAANOIOOA8T The com~nt pa" oflhe Dally Pilot seeks to Inform and 1Umul1te readers by prnnt· ln1 1 variety of commentat')' on toplc:a or lntereat and al1nlflcance from informtd ob· servera and tpot!esmen . . • . . YOUTH r · Please excuse me, but, I just have-to say that all of my ' friends had a whale of a lime with the contest. OK, Uncle Len agrees that pun· was a little fist\y. I got hooked into it although some may accuse me of doing it for the halibut. Anyone who flounders around like Uncle Len has to be working for scale. But I haven't flipped out. I 'll slop nibbling at you. however, since I've reached the tail end of these jokes. It's an up stream battle to make up more stuff so I'll just cast out my last lines and gel to this week's winners. The catch of the week of all the gray whale pictures has to be Dylan Roger 's wonderful illustration. The 7-year-old lad, a student in Marjorie Holt's class at Wilson School in Costa Mesa, took first place and the $5 prize. A very close second place was taken by Andrew Thompson. 13, of Irvine. He gets $2. Andrew said he was at Newport Pier fishing with his rather and saw a j ray whale swim within 20 feet of the pier. Wow ! He noted the m ammal was about rs-reet long. tons of entries f'IRST PLACE WINNER Dylan Rogers of Costa Mesa -· ....... -f I bet you have a nice fish story ,---------------------------. to spout off to your frienc:b. Honorable mentions go to Jimmy Czaja, 13, of Newport !reach. Mlclielle-Van Vefzen, 11 , of Laguna Beach and Katy Eklof, 7, Thanh Trang, 9, and John Rogers, 7, all or Costa Mesa. Trang is a student in Thomas Barr's second grade class at College Park School and John is a Wilson School pupil. St>ecial thanks to Carrie Clark, 9, of Costa Mesa for her "Save the Whales" illustration- a noble cause to protect these e ndangered a nimals . Al so, thanks to Bobby Foster, 6, of Newport Beach. Bobby said when he grows up he plans to become a professional skier and a country-west e rn singer. I guess that means you'll be able to tune your skis and guitar at the same time. Laura Defargo, 11 , of Huntington B eac h has a question: "I just want to ask you why do you dislike amphibians! Me and my sister love frogs.'' Well, Laura, some time ago I asked my friends to draw a picture of what Uncle Len looks like. There were many nice drawings with the exception of one. It. was ~ picture or a frog. Ev~r since, I ve had this ·uneasy feeling about green things with webbed feet that hang around ponds and lakes. So for the meantime, croakers will not be accepted by Uncle Len. But there's still plenty of other stuff to draw. For example. one of Uncle Len's friends at the newspaper I SECO.VD PLACE WINNER Andrew Thompson of Irvine s ays s murfs , those elfin characters on Saturday morning television, are very popular. My fri end spent a lot or t ime researching smurf songs and he says it's time for Uncle Len to ask for some drawings or those rascals . That's your assignment for next week. If you have a difficult time drawing a s murf, you might want to listen to one or their records or tapes for about six hours or so. l guarantee you won't forget the exrJerience. Use black ink only <either ball point or felt tip) oo a piece of paper 4 inches square and send your entries to Uncle Len, Dally Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa. Calif. 92626 . so that they get to me by Wednesday. Be sure to include your na me. address and age. See you next week! Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 30, 1982 I< .............. TAKING IT EASY - A polar bear at the Nuremberg. West Germany zoo relaxes in _ temperatures that make him reel like home. .i1 Pupils map out education . FAIRLAND, Jnd. <AP> (swing set for seven children can Retired school principal John cost between S7~ and $1,000. said if he drew it to the same: scale as the continental United States, the islands would be ~ ... s mall to see. To avoid that. he, dra ws the Hawaiian lslands to a scale of one foot for 50 miles. Tresslar is still an educator as And a lot more kids can use the J ohnny Mapmaker, King of the maps and games." Blacktop. Tresslar,. S2. spends his spare time painting brightly colored dr a wn -to -sc ale maps on elementary school playgrounds. The Fairland man views it as a working hobby, but says the maps provide a good geography lesson for students. The maps, which have been painted at 35 elementary schools in Indiana, Florida and Ohio, can teach students the )lames and locations or states and stale capitals, said Tresslar . . T hey can also be utilized through games which teachers develop about historical events, he said, explaining they can show their pupils where the Battle of the Alamo took place by p oin ting to it o n the mammoth bl acktop map. · Wearing a pair of white overalls with a red, white and blue cap, Tresslar produces his maps using the same methods as other art.lats. He applies the paint with a 1-inch-wide paint roller.· pours the paint in a wheeled paint tray, starts with the ouilines and then travels to the interior. Tresslar retired two years ago from Triton Elementary School in Fairland, where he first got the idea of using playground maps. A re<:enl painting session at Henryville Elementary School, f u nded by t h e sc h ool 's parent-leacher-associaHon, -wHI cost between S350 and S400. R on Lancon i. a fo rmer teacher at Tresslar's school who is now principal at Henryville, says t he maps are a good investment. ··You look at the cost of that and start looking at playground equipment," Lanconi says ... A Tresslar says he lays out his maps according to the proper compass po1nUi-and draws them lo scale. On the U.S. map. e xcluding Hawaii. each foot r epresents 100 miles. On the map of Indian a, each foot represents 20 feet. ., Hawaii, the nation's SOth state, isn't drawn to scale ; Tresslar With the maps alr~ady cut i plastic mats. he only has to lat' them out and use chalk to mar~ the outlines. State capitals are marked as red dots on the U.S. map. with several large cities in lndiana marked with initials ol\ the state map. Rivers and lakes are delineated by blue paint. Dot of tlte Weelr---- Delly ...... -~ f'etO'o-tl ATHLETIC -Henry is a 11 :!·~·l'ur-old male hound who loves children and Jogging. If you'd like to ha\'e a running partner. contact thl' Laguna Beach Animal She lter. 20612 Laguna Canyon Road Telephonr 497-3552. ers-tacRl.e nnSlieliavior 1n c assroom By TIM PETl'IT A_..._""'' Wrtter HARRJSBURG, Pa. -After 17 years or being screamed at , s hoved and ignored .by her , students, Sara Achenbach at last has fo und peace in her class room. Has she gotten tougher with her students? No. The statewide teachers' union likes to say Ms . Achenbach accomplis hed it by doing the LEAST she could . "The LEAST program teaches teachers how to do as little as possible lo maintain control. becaust! any time you c.reate a d isruption in r espond ing to her rope over discipline," Gibble misbehavior, you lose teaching decided to become one of the 100 time," said Roger Erskine. who c lassroom teachers who train heads the discipline program for their colleagues in LEAST. the Pennsy lvania St ate "She felt discipline problems Education Association , a weren't allowing her to teach," 130,000-member teacher union. he said. In her high school English Parents agree. Of the last 13 c lasses, Ms . Achenbach , of annual Gallup polls conducted Reading, said , "I'm having for the Phi De lla Kappan fewer confrontations that tum education magazine, 12 showed into yelling bouts. that the public saw discipline as "The discipline forms I send the No. 1 problem In schools. to the office now mainly are for After her in-service day or class cuts.'' she said. "Before, LEAST tr ai n ing , Mrs . they were for threatening the Rosenberg said, "I didn't have teacher. arguing with other to raise my voice as much last students and talking when told year. The kids knew 1 meant to do work." business . l still got tense. but I The ,acronym LEAST stands didn't nip out." for the five steps the teachers The 100 teachers traine rs are told to use in dealing with provided by PSEA last year classroc>m discipline problems. taught the three-hour LEAST · L s tands for "leave the sessions to 5,000 Pennsylvania misbehaver alone:" E for "end teachers last year. As many as the disruption indirectly:" A for 8,000 teachers will go through "attend more fully to the the program this year. the reasons behind the disruptions;" PSEA said. S for "spell out directions to the · ·'There 's no doubt t.tlat student ;" and T for "track colleges haven't done the job In student's misbehaviors and training teachers to deal with progress." disruptions." -said Dr. Robert 'time-worn remedies such as Tauber an assistant professor eyeballing a student or walkin1 i n vo l ~ed with c lassroom University. "They're taught that if you learn what you should. you'll be an exciting teacher and not hav~ problems. That's not the real world ," he said. · It was only 21, years ago that Pe nn Sta le beg an off.ering courses that deaJt solely with classroom discipline. Tauber said. LEAST's step-by-step strategy is important. Tauber said. "If a teacher goes to the extreme immediately and uses his or.her most serious means of discipline and it fails, there's nothing left. What do you do next?" The key element of LEAST is the tracking. the teachers said. · · l had one child who was doing a lot of little things and I finally called him up and showed him the records I k'ept," said Mrs. Rosenberg. =~~t~=~.--&aw-hi&-lerritoFYrand-keepinf-manirgem~rn-at Penn State records of actions are also me< "He was amazed that J knew he was doing a ll of these 'terrible' things, that r had them do wn on paper and he was scared to death I would show them to bis parents -althou1h I never threatened to do that." . ' ........... UNRULY 8T\mlNT •MMIOG•MtMM -Jact Gibble, a teacher with the .,eM Manor Setiool Diltrict in llW..vtlle, Pa., UNI a chart to explain LEAST to teachers from other 1chool districts. The pro&ram •howl how to handle troublesome pupils. ' . ' in the program which was d eveloped and usually are taught by NEA omcials. Pennsylvania Is the flnt state to uae teachers who have already uadeuone LJAST tralain1 to instruct tbelr coll••IU•· "The .... ann1t new 1 but the Pf'Oll'• llv9 ~ a a11t ... to dlel wttll a problem. YCMI don't lll!llc• map deda'ona," aald .lack Glbble, a lixtb srade teacher ln ttaa Pean llanor Dl1trlct In Laao..., Ooanty. ._... fellow teaeMr Beth ROI .... ''WU at the lild of Teens giv~ $9,000 g~ft WATEJtLOO,.... lowa (AP) - Students, teachers and alumni of Waterloo's Columbu\ Hl1h School chlpped in and bought the eehool'a prtndpaJ i new tar for Chrlltmu UUI put year. 'The 1911 Ford l''alrmont, prlud at appro1lmately $9,000, rep&aeel a ear tbe ll'OUP boulht tbe Re¥. Walter Brunan in 1"3. " It ... lleome a tradition at the Catholic hllh school to stve the principal a 1lf\ and the group felt the car wa s appropriate. Brunkan, principal at the school 13 years, ln years paal bu donated his salary to students to help defray tuition costs. · Industrial arts teacher Al Schott uld atudeata la bl• elau had . been repatrlnt Brunll:an's el1bt-year-old car and 1ot lbe Idea that thl1 year's tlfl abcMald be a replacement. .· . . .. I ' Ale Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 30, 1982 Danish museum ·looks /Or 2 U.S. war fliers c ·rewmen fled to Sweden in 1944 ... .: .-COP&NHAGllN; Detuaa'rk (AP) ll l9ur name la Davia or Standish, an your B-8 wu forced down on the Danish Alland of Bornhohn • 1t1an a10. pleue 1tep forward. "-I want lnformat.lan about ---.i-111- they did, who took care or lbem, how they tot away, which escape route ~ Your help la needed to ftll 1ap1 In the Baltic l1land'1 World War II· hl1fory:-. Jn 19M, two Amerlcan Oien 1ave thre~ French banknotes to farmer Aafe Larsen, a member of the ant ·Nali resiJtance who helped them. escape to neutral Sweden. they used," he sald In a telephone lntervlew. "I want their story." Llke moet of Denmar k, Bornholm 'had an acttve resistance movement after German troepe took It' OYel' on 'April 10, 1940, The Nazis put a 1arrlaon on the island, 60 miles north of Poland, with 15·lnch guns lo use a1ain.st Soviet shlpping. One U.S. bomber was shot down on Bornholm. · SoUTH COAST PLAZA Starting Fehruary , UMI Every O.y of the.Week . VALET PARKING · BEAR STREET ENTRY MALL ENTRANCE ....... Blalloct'• .t I.,,..,. Weekday1 & S.t. 10-9; Sun. 12-5, Service Oi.arge 12.00. / I N A A C I State Treas ure r Jesse Unruh. 59 -ye ar -o ld Democrat , said Thursday he will seek election to a third term. The ru~n wrote their names and addresses -Lauren Davis, 2395 Dixie Hl1hway, Pontiac, Mich., and Glenn D. Standish, 4837 Mondell Terrace, San Die10, Calif. -on the 100-franc notes, then worth about sea each. Lanen didn't talk about the mementos before he died several years a1<>. After hja widow died late Three others that made forced landlnas were taken apart by the Germans and shipped to Germany. Two o( the airmen were killed, 18 wer• captured and imprisoned in Copenhagen , and about two doaen esca~d via the underground ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ neai:by Sweden. BE. AN ICE SKATJNG ~ Convicted ... last year, their dau1hter and Skaarup said Davis and Standish were amon1 the 10 crewmen of the Drat plane that crisb·landecLon the island after a bombing run ln 19«. They found refuge first with a fisherman, then were taken to a hotel in the iown of Haste, on the west coast, and then to the Larsens' home in Haste. VISALIA (AP) -A Coarae1old man has been convicted of llleaally divertin1 a creek for a gold mining operation. A Visalia Municipal Court jury also found H. David Jones guilty of asaault. son-in-law came acroa the bills and turned them over to th e ForsvarsmUJeet paa Bomholm, the Bornholm Defense Museum. Lt. Col. H.E. Skaarup, the museum director. decided that Davis and Standish could provide valuable information about Bor nholm's wartime underground. He wants to fiad them. Two members of that cr ew surrendel'ed, two were captured, and the other six m ade it to Sweden, Skaarup said. 19'~~~ sc ... COLOR TV I 7iiAGGW. Sm&N COLOR TV RCA I 7" DIAGONAi. COLOR TV WnH WllalSS llMOTI COMTIOL .,,. ..... SW.Otn. Alt .. a.... c-... SA VE '5000 on THE PAIR ... 3 DAYS ONLY TAKE YOUR CHOICE ~1 WHIROOol. I : ---J. -~!Ht~..!!. L'RLP ~ :=.,,._~ [ 3 ~-GENERAL-8.ECTRICr DISHWASHER- so·~ ... o-~ .. .., .... =._.. -c-......, -c...., ...... ....... S8rTTODAY ... SNCIALLY PllCID POI efl NG 3 DAYS OM&.Y AT DAYIS/llOWM ~y~ _________________ ,,, _- INiA PROJECTION TV , 3 MOOILS TO SILICT ROM . ~ =--=~-jJI •. ~..;.:::.:=-=..;:_ ..... ...... .... .-r :.-: ......... .. ,.... 1IP Oll ... ITAl•ll• Whirlpool _TRASH MASHER COMPACTOR 4IC&P 101__.NI ........ "° ........... ........... AMl&T•4 ............................ .,.......,.,.."_ ....... ..., . •• Iii ...... ~,..., .•. ..... ...... DAYll/llOWM ••• OflflRS YOU1Ml ... TATAM ARIOIDAILI PllCI · Bf an /I ' ICE CAPADES CHNEr • NEW CLASSES STARTING ·e REGISTER NOW for internationally famous Ice Capades Chalet Ice Skating Schoo[ Whether you've ice skated before or never ice skated in your life, one of these classes is for you. • BEGINNERS.WELCOMB • 2701 Harbor Blvd. Harbor & Adams Costa Mesa 979-8880 ENROLL NOW!! . . PUBLIC ICE SKATING EVERY DAY, LOTS OF FUN FOR YOUR MONEY, ONLY A BUS RIDE AWAVt.! These beautifUI entertainment centers organize your eQuipment and look. great too! Yours at Ptummer·s tow prices! Danish Teak stereo Bench 41" x 17" X 23""H plus four record compartments and two large shelves for books tapes, etc. A $149va1ue. tnts t>eautff\.11 S)fece neattv sotves tne entertainment space problem for stereo, taPedeek. tuner. TV set anCI LP albUm storage. 59" x 18" IC 38" H. rJ;~I. $259 r36~~r $275 Teak stereo unit Swedish wntte Lacquer stereo tnree _ generous sneives. s record compartments and a draweJ orovkleS space for ooolcs. tapes, $125 records, stereo. 59" x 15Y1"X23"'e'' . cabinet NA f\lmllUft~ol .. tllnlll__.-......... • Iii I 1Mln __ llf_, .... MINw ................... . . . . . ~ SATURDAY~ JAN. 30, 1992 COMICS EN'f.ERTAI NM ENT BS 87 •. SoCal CoUege /aces a very tall order in 7-8 George Bell of Biola. See 83. UCI gets quick rematch By JOHN SEVANO Of .. .,.... ....... IC there is a le1it1mate complaint concerning the UC Irvine basketball team, it may be the Anteaters don't play 1 < b.ttkeiball for an entire 40 minutes. . On more than one occuion this season, and as rerently u Thursday night's PCAA win over Long Beach State, the Anteaters h~ve had a bis lead only to see their opponent come back before falltng by the wayside. . "Maybe getting up like that.- burl$ us," admits UCI forward Rainer Wulf. "I don't really kn.Qw fo~ sure. l think_ we !eel like we can turn it on and off when we want to. "Sooner or later I'm sure it will catch up with us. So far we've let teams back in ... and t-hen beaten them. That's playing pretty dangerously.·: The Anteaters (16-1 overall, 5-0 i!'l the PCAA > hope to avoid On. radio tonight KWVE (106 FM) at _7:~ that kind of <!nnger toniS(hl (7 : 30) when they r.cst the 4!1eni (5·11 , 1·4) a t. the ~n ahci rn Co nvention Cente r . thus finishing their back-to-back meetings this week. REACHING FOR THE TOP -Huntington Beach High's Bruce Ayres <401 a nd Mike Mills <52 l b attle Fountain Valley's J ohn Kosty at left in Sun;:;et League basketball action Friday night. At right the Oilers· Dane Shackleford and Ayres battle an unidentifie d Baron for possession. Fountain Valley won. 73-67 . to get back into the title race. while the Oilers Catt a game out of first place. A prime example of what Wulf was talking about occurred Thurjctay night when the Anteaters squandered much of a 14-point second half advantage -the 49ers eventually came with fi ve points -before finally turning things on again at the end. "I don't really know if that's our problem," says Mulligan of UCI's lack or concentration. "I honestly don't think we're that good to tum it on and-off like that. In order for us to win we have lo play 40 minutes or basketball... . Edison gets some help to lead Suns.et Chargers crilsh Marina, 77-64 Barons stop Oil~rs, 73-67 · In order for the 49ers to win. they appear to need more "than 40 minutes of basketball. By JOHN SEV ~9 Of ............ Edison High Coach Barry Lejgb called it a retum to form. Marina Coach Steve Popovich s imply said it was a poor performance. Either way, the Chargers bad little trouble in disposing or the Vikings, 77-64, in a Sunset Le ague affair at Marina High Friday night. The victory, the Chargers ' 18th in 20 outings overaU and fifth in six league performances, vaulted Edison back into sole possession of first place, than.ks to Fountain Valley's win over Huntington Beach. The Vikings (11-8 , 3-3), meanwhile, with t he loss, droplled into a three-way-tie for third (with Fountain Valley and Ocean View). .. "We've only allowed more than 70 points twice this season and Edison bas done it both limes," explained Popovich. "We tried three diffe rent defenses against them in the early going and they shot the ball well no matter what we did. We never got the tempo down where we wanted it." Essentially, the game was over before it was five minutes old. With guard Mark Goudge and forward Richard Chang leading the way. the Chargers jumped out to a 6-0 lead and quickly expanded that f"o 18-6 with 3:08 remaining in the first quart.er. The Vikings certainly didn 'l help their cause, either, by losing their poise durine the first eight-minute stanza. Mar1na> usually a patient team._ didn't display much poise in continually casting off-balance 15-to-• footers. "Our 1bot selection. wasn't very good," agreed Popovich, "bat we Sot behind so early and when you're down like that you tend to press • bit ... Marina showed Its mettle by comiq a.ck to wtthla five with a 1eeoada left before the half. but a fme tbrow • CbaDa plus a basket by Pete. San~kl at the Nehemiati wine TORONTO <AP> -Renaldo 1 =mfab 1battered bi• .wa ............ ,. ......... 9-tm h~ at tMt Toronto ........ Leaf Indoor Gamea Prida1 nllbt db I 5~ elocltin11 1ix-bunclrt4tll1 of a MODlld raster daaD U.. world best • Ill mt tbe ume meet a 1•rqD. NeWti•ll, tM world ncard bolder w .uo ...... Mlt!l••· ............ ...,.. ..... ... ..... •ftll&. ,. buzzer gave the Chargers a comfortable 32·24 margin at the intermission. "They a re so s lror._g and po'(Verful up front. it's hard to defend them," said Popovit:h. Rick OiBemardo. Chang and Goudge closed the door on the Vikings in the third quarter as the trio combined to score 19 of the Chargers' 21 points in tbe ~riod. It was 53-38 at quarter's end, and Leigh finally cleared his bench with 3:32 to play and the score at 69-50. ··1 think the kids were really ready to play tonight." praised Leigh. "I saw a flash of that old teamwork w e h ad in December." Chang l~ the Chargers with 22 points, but it was Goudge's outside shooting at the outset of the first and third periods that really opened up the middle for messrs. Chang and DiBemardo. Goudge finished with 20 points. DiBemardo added 17. For the Vikings, ·they bad three players finish in dou61e figures. Guard Scott Frl.lpek had 17 points, while teammates Rick S mith and Andy Klussman added 14 and 12, respectively. The statistics, too help reflect the kind of night both sides had as Edison connected on 60 percent (33 or 55) of its shots Crom the floor , whUe Ma rina struggled at 38 percent (23 of 61 ). The C h a rge r s a lso outrebounded the Vikings. 35-25. •'I guess all we can do is concentrate on the teams we have left ," said an optimistic Popovich. ''There are just some teams you don't match up well against . . . and Edison is one ol them." or course , lhere'a some consolation to the fact a lot of teams don't match up well wttb the Cbar1ers. HUOMaS Front-runner Miller takes lead by three SAN DIEGO (AP> -Johnny Miller. noted as one of golf's great front-runners, fired a 5-under -par 66 and established a three-stroke command Friday in the second round of the $300,000 Sa n Diego Ope n Go lf Tournament. ''I've always been a good front-runner." said Miller. who compiled bis erfort over the South course at the Torrey Pines Golf Club. "I've won most or my tournaments from the front." T he South course, at 7,002 yards the longer ~d tougher or the two layouts used for the fU'Sl , two rounds, also wm be the site of the final two rounds. Miller, winner of a -$500,000 prize in South Africa early this year, opened this event with a 65 on the 6.667-yard North course and reached the to"'rnament's halfway point with a 132 total, 12 under par and a tournament record. · Fuuy Zoeller, the former Masters champion who shared • the ftrst-round lead with Miller, Curlis Strange a nd Morris Hatalsky, shared second at 135. (See MDLEa, Pa1e BU By ROGER CARLSON 0taeD ........ "9ff Faced with virtual elimination from the title, the playoffs and a n y thing resembling a s uccessful season. Fountain Valley High's Barona answered the challenge Friday nig.,t, overcoming an' early eight-point deficit en route to a 73-67 Sunset League basketball victary al Huntington Beach. The win moves the Barons into a three-way lie for third place (3-3> in the torrid race, along with Marina and Oce an View, while Huntington Beach falls a ga m e o ff the pace of league-leading Edison <5·l l. "We were fired up and got e motional," s aid Fountain Valley Coach Dave Brown. ''Getting behind at the start helped us because we were starting out flat a~ain. "But <Jerf) Hughes and (Ken) Harter decided that's it and got after it." It was 38-all with 2: 14 left in the third quarter whi!n the Barons ignited for' a tour-point cushion at the end o( the period on Harter's eight-footer along the baseline with three seconds left. · T hen, as Huntington Beach switc hed to 'man-to -man defensive tactics, it became a march to the free throw line and the Barons conne~ted on 15 of 18 in the final quarter to put it away. Hughes hit hall of his 18 shots from the field and added 10 free throws (eight in the fourth quarter> for a game·hieh 28 points, while Harter chipped tn with 12 points and 11 rebounds. There we re two other J>il issues in the game. First -the officlatin1 was the kind where the refs n1ured if there waa no blood, •h>' blow 'the whistle? Secondly, Dave Maurel: a 6·4 reserve, came through with 10 points and 10 rebounds for Fountain Varley. "Maurel did a great job, a super job," said Brown. "His rebounds and clutch followups " - The rough play i nside Fountain Valley's matchup zone played havoc with Huntington Beach's tempo a nd s t y le · (despite billing half of its 58 attempts). "Yes, it was a big reason for o ur performance ,'' said Huntington Beach Coach Rof Miller. "We never could make any runs and we missed a lot of s'bots we've been making. "We were so concerned about shutting off Hughes, then the others started hitting and forced us to spread it out tnore." Hughes never was shut of(, a nd as he did in the last meeting between these two (when he scored 34 points>. the senior killed the Oilers' zone with his long-range abilities. Brown agreed that the style of ofticiating helped his team's cause. "They (Huntington lreach) wanted to take it inside (where the traffic was) and It hurt them," said Brown. The Oilers started like they were on their way to their fifth straight league victory. jumping to a 12-4 lead with the shooting of Bruce Ayres, who finished with a personal high of 18 points. But it was the Barons night. Harter got a prayer tip at the rirst period buuer, Hughes displayed his pure touch from 24 feet o\3 ._t the balftlme bu1aer, Ha rter closed out the third quarter with his eight-footer and the Barons extended a 48-42 edce (See BOONS, P!l&e BZ> · Thursday. Long Beach State had to play without its leading scorer, Dino Gregory ( 18. 7 average), who was forced$.() the bench in street clothes wilb a severely sprained right ankle. ·And , as if that wasn't enough._ Coach Tex Winter announced the dismissal Friday of 6·4 starting guard David Johnson "for disciplinary reasons." Johnson, a senior , bad started 12 of the 49ers' 16 games thus far t h i s s e a s 0 n . i n cl u d i n g t hursday's contest against UC Irvine Che had fi ve points). Johnson has averaged 4.9 point · and 4.0 assists this year. "It was a culmination of th i n gs . It w as behavior detrimental to the team ," sajs Winter, without elaborating. Second place for de Vries INDIANAPOLIS (AP ) Elaine Zayak missed three of six triple jumps -a maneuver in which she usually excels -and was dethroned Friday night as women's national champion by Rosalynn Sumners at the U.S. Figure Skating Championships. Zayak, 16, of Paramus, N.J ., left the ice in tears and finished third overall. Vikki de Vries, 17, a resident of Newport Beach, was second. De Vries used triple and double jumps in her prosram but wasn't steady on several of the manuevers. Still , her program was good enough for aecond place. Meanwhile, defending champion Scott Hamilton wu s,till No. 1 . after two eventa in men's competition despite missing a jump he's never missed before. Doughe.rty conquers course to win Ckimbake By llOWADL -slANDY-°' .. ..., ,....... ' It really didn't make a lot of difference but the winner of the Crolby Clambake, Southern ltJle, felt that the lrvtae Cout Country Club 1ol(. course played tou1ber J'riday tbaa on Tblll'MQ ..._ ,..._ feU dwbiC play. Bd ~~ .. ftnt-rouliif ..... wttb a •• find ......... ,.... rrtdQ and when tt WM all ov• lie bad a l·•trtlle cU9bioa Oftr Jim 8aoroa ud IW'r'Jlllle. • . ..,_.. w• a llttle wind todaJ .CS It made tbe par-S .Ml ... loa1er.t.'' DouabMJ aaid ... I Jult tried tD bit UM f 11rw.,1 ••d make t•• 1nea1 la ..... .... ...., ud l .... IMll a hale· ..... CID No,. 4.'' . ' Hla round included four blrdies and two bole>'•· He 3-putted the 13th bole for pne birdle and his tee Jbot at No. 4 wu 10 inches from the cup. WbUe Douperty WOil u. tounwneDt, J Im Booroe fired the low ..._. of the day, a 8', that earned bi9 ·-atra money. BoorOI Ds hem down CID bla hack in the I• two ween after ftall111rt1 lldl at TuclGD IDd llth in the ~Hope Deeert Claaik earlier ttlil year. Boom mi11ed tyltll. tM cowH record of 13 Ht in l'r,,~J Roa MUa.,._.. durtac tbe ftl'lt altlll Cro1iJ IDutlaern. aooro. bad a ae.aa that laeludld etcM btrdtes and oaly cme bo .. y. "I bave bem a UW. doWll tbe lat \ lline days and my 71 on tbe North course at Torrey Pin• wun't toocl enou&b to qualify for tbe San Diep ()pen," Boorol Aid. ''I wa1 1tlll down yesterday (Tbunday wben be fired a 74) but I WU more retued • tben .....,. ''I llowed 1BY lwinl dowa a little bk and I. jult dld wbat I bad to do to play =.,~today. ll.y attJt~ wa madl . ...... mbnolt tied tbe eGlll'le n1cord but a ID-IDat putt on * J.l&h an-MnlJ ..... the eat» ......... for •• o1 ...... . '·* tM vletory ... , ""' • tie JM ... lltb ~· .. .. tine In front. He •lllb tbe ftDl1 two boles. "When I made those two birdies, I sort of felt like I WU tn tbe buat,.. be said. He wu in tbe Ital au tbe war. In tbe team portion of tbe toumameDt where one amateur ii paired Witb eaeb pro for th two day1, Bl& Can,on Country Club's · Jel'1")' Hel,_. ap.ln • .. tbe ......... He WU teamed wt1b Jay Cudd and the duo posted a 1JI tct•·baU HGl"e for tbe two. l"CMldl. Cudd plelled up '110 ID ...... to tbe S115 be won on hla owa ball. a.Ip Beet and amatev pa11ner Heery •mllaeet of the bolt 11"\'iM Cout Coun&rJ Oub, ftailMd ..... witb Bedl '"""' up ... Tbe ............ t ........... "'°'= SSI ~z a 1upport 1roup fw Memarw lbpltal. .. • .. Or•nge Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturd•Y· January 30, 1112 · Ertwdt j<Mns Giants• 1tatt • GatYey uye Lopes m-be gone Ford 1till 1talle«J with negotiation& From AP dllpak._ BALTIMORE -The Orlolft Ill have set Monday as the deadlbM for outfielder Dan Ford to formally approve bis trade or the deal wW be voided. Orioles General Mana1er ~e&ers 1ald he and American Leaeue President Lee MaoPbail agreed Frlday that lf Ford "abould still refuse to grant his written approval" to the Angelts by Monday, "the trade would be voided and the contracts of the three players would then revert to their previous clubl." In a stfltement, Peters added that thou1h Ford baa failed to give the Ansels his written approval, ''be has expressed a desire to play with the Orioles." The Orioles tlrought 'they had ended a three-year pursuit of Ford ,'!hen they announced Thursday that be bad been acquired in a swap with the M1els ror third baseman Doug DeCinces and pitcher Jeff Sch~ r. --.- But Ford and bis agent, BUI Moore, have indicated they were seeking an added inducement in the way of a contract extension or compensation before Ford joins th~ Orioles. Quote of the day Cotton Flhalmmoaa, coach of the Kansas City Kings : "I would rather coach a team like the Lakers or 76ers and smile 60 nights a y.ear. Bul you play the band that is dealt you." Seahawks top 'improving' Westminster Ocean View High was able to go to its bench early and often in Friday night's 59-43 win over Westminster in the Seahawks' gym, but host coach Jim Hanis came out of the game with a word of warning for his Sunset Lea1ue counterparts. ·'Westminster is greatly improved," Harris said. "They handled the ball really well and they didn't panic. I think in the second round they' II play everybody a little better." J'onntr New &naland Patriotl • htad football coaeb a. &rtaa'* bu • • been named eoordinaM>r or t.ht New York· Glanta' orrenae, the Nn. team annol.lDCed Friday. Giant.I' head coach &11 Perld• hu eoordlnai.d the team'• olttnte the p11l tflree HHON on hit own, without an orrenalvt • .,.clall1t I •• Htlaman Trophy winner Mare. AU..11 No. 33 Jersey will be retired t.onlcbt, the fourth to be 10 honored by the Unlverally or Southern Califomla. Allen'• jeraey wlll Joi thole of Mille Garret&, No. 20;-0.:J. II•...-. No . .32, and Clilarlet Wilke, No. 12, •a 11 toT mer He lam an winners . . . Louisiana Slate University, whose athletic department was crltlc:laed ....... T e a r ll er t b Is wee• for extravaeance, tentatively •treed Friday to mee t Rice In the 1983 Mira., Bowl ln Tokyo ... BUI 8rookl, the head coacb at Can l1iu1 College the last seven years, hat retired to deve¥ more time to hil family, school officlals sald . . . llm Plu•, 1the most prolitfc passer ever at -any San Die&o County high school, said Friday he'll alt.end San Dleeo State, passing up scholarships al Callfornia, Brt1ham Youn1 and Arilona State. The 6-2~. 19'7-pouncf quarterback threw 773 paues for 6,913 yardJ and 70 touchdowns the last three years . Gretzky scores No. 64 in win wa,_ Greuk7'1 &4th eoal of the season bi&hligbled a three·1oal bunt in the third period that carried the Edmonton Oilers to a 3·1 National Hockey League victory over Buffalo Friday night. Gretzky's goal sn~pped a M lie at 8:51, barely two minutes after Dave H•t.er knotted the score at 6:47 with his 12th goal of the ~ampaign ... Mike &ocera scored two third-period goals in ltadin& the New York Rangers to a come-from-behind. 5-2 triumph over Colorado. Colorado bad taken.a 2·1 lead in the final minutes of th e second period . . . Hartford traded former Olympian Rob McCluallaa lo the New York Rangers for future considerations . . . captain lloe Lemay of the Ottawa 67s signed a multi-year contract with Vancouver. Loa An1el11 Ood1tr1' first II b11tman a.. .. Gal'ftJ HJI hll club may "m•k• one more bile trade" ln . the ofr·aeuon whtch could poatlbly DYO •• veteran aecond baseman .,.,.,. IApee. "lt't likely Lopel wlll be leavtnc us -probably for an outftelder," aald Garver. "Our Albuquerque club ln lhe Pacific Cout. Leap wu th~ bett In the ml.nor leasuea and the youq ldda comlnc up wlll 1tve us an excelleAt blend." ... Way.e Gari .... one or the flrtt butblll playerw lo alp a lone-term, blC·money contract, wu waived by Cleveland FHday ror the l'UrpclM of livinl blm h1I uncondltlonal releue. Garland alpei ·a m.-,.ar. ·m wtttolt"paerftll Jtlll."'tii"'clllii::r.-'--' after lhe me aeuon, when he compUtd a J0.7 record with Baltimore . . . Houatoa Pilcher Bob KNPPI' and lnrtelder DWde ,.._ haft come lo terma with the Alt.roe. ltneo9er, 17, ... cned a four-year contract wortb • mfilioa and. Thon, 23, ap-eed to a ••·Y..,. peet. The t«ma ol Thon'a contract were not dlleloltd . . . The New York Yankees named Gnlc N.W.. field · captain, an honor held by only two other players in the laat 40 years. The othen were 'h•r•a• MulOD, who dJed ln 'the cratb of a private plane ln Au1uat, 1979, an.cl la Ge1u11, who d ied on J\tne 2, 1941. Lady Techsters' streak snapped Helea Malone sparked a 17·8 • second-half run tbal helped Old Dominion's seventh-ranked Lady Monarchs to a 61-58 upset victor)' Friday nlcht over Louisiana Tech that ended the top·ranked Lady Techsters· national women's bukelball winning streak at SS games. The Lady Monarchs, now 15--4 including a 88-51 loss to Louisiana Tech earlier in the season. had been down as ·much as 10 points in the rfrst half and still trailed by 37·29 at intermission before opening the second half with a 17 -8 spurt ... llollla Stacy, battling tricky winds, birdied two of tfle final three holes to keep a one -stroke lead after two rounds or an LPGA tourname l in Deerfield Beach, Fla .... Web Soper of Newport B.acb rolled the fifth 300 game of the Quaker State Open bowling tournament in Grand Prairie, Texas and was in eighth place entering the final qualifying round . . . Alberto Salazar goes after the world indoor two-mile record tonight when he runs at the Oregon Indoor track and field meet in Portland. UCLA surprises Beavers Trojans pass century mark in dumping Oregon From AP dlapatcbes LOS ANGELES -Forwards Mike Sanders and Kenny Fields combined for 54 points Friday night, leading UCLA to a 74-68 upset victory over eighth-ranked Oregon State in a Pacific· 10 Conference basketball game al Pauley PaviJion. The loss snapped an eighl·game winning streak for the Beavers, who fell to 7-1 in Pac·lO play and 14·3 overall. Oregon State had won 27 of its last 28 conference eames. · Sanders scored 29 points and Fields added 25 as the Bruins rolled to their flfth straight victory. UCLA is 5-3 in league action and 11·5 on the season. Forward Jerome ·Wiiiiams paced Oregon. which fell to 3·5 in conference action and 8·9 on the season. with a career-high 31 points and eight rebounds. Forward John Greig added 2! points and 10 rebounds for the Ducks. The game was tied 9-9 in the early going before the Trojans outscored the Ducks 12·2 over a 3:02 span to go ahead 21·11. Southern Cal led 52-46 at halftime. However, Oregon scored 10 of the first 12 poi.nta or the aecood ball to take a 56·54 lead. But the Trojans tallied nine of the next 11 points to go ahead for good. Oregon wasn't closer than three points after that. Scott DeBrouwer paved the way for the Seabawks with some solid outside shooting. finishin& with 14 points. •'He play-ed like Scott De Brouwer should play." Harris said. •·We're trying to gather o ur selves . We've fo und ourselves in a litUe hole now so our guys are reaching down and finding some spirit." LEADER -Calling himself a good front-runner . Johnny Mill er has shot to the top of the pack in the San Diego Open at the haHway point. The first half was close all the way with neither team leading by more than seven points. The Bruins led 33-29 at the intermission. , UCLA scored 11 of the first 17 points or the second half to go ahead by nine points and the Beavers weren't closer than five points after that until the final seconds of play. Southern Cal began pulling away midway through the second half and led by as many as 20 points late in the game. USC, Oregon State and Washington are deadlocked in a three-way tie for first place in the Pac-10. The win puts Ocean View at 3-3 in the Sunset race, lied for third with Marina and Fountain Va lley. "We're not dead yet. but we've 10t a tough job ahead o( UI," Harris said. "We need to win al least thr.ee..ol Qur l•st (pur to have a shot at a playoff spol." From Page 81 MILLER ·. • • Hatalsky had a 68 and ~Uer 70, both on the South, whlle Strange shot a 87 on the North. • USC 107, Oregon 11 LOS ANGELES -Guard Dwight Anderson scored 32 points and grabbed eight r ebounds, leading Southern California to a 107-91 victory over visiting Oregon. Four other players scored in double figures for the Trojans, who raised their Pac-10 record to 7-1 and their overaJI mark to 13·4. Mo Williams· had 15 points ; Wayne Carlander had 14 points and 14 rebounds ; Ken Johnson bad 13 points and Cedric Bailey had 12 points for USC. . UNLV 71, Air Force ot7 LAS VEGAS -G uard Larry Anderson scored 17 points, leading a balanced Nevada-Las Vegas attack as the Rebels rolled to a 71 -47 non-conference victory over the Air Force Academy. Sidney Green added 14 points and pulled down a team-leading seven rebounds for the Rebels, who are now 13-6. Richie Adams contributed 13 • points for UN LV. Las Vegas guard Danny Tarkanian was held scoreless but was credited with a game-high nine assists. ~DePaUI has top '1illing San Diego Open on TV 81 llOWA&D L. BANDY .,. .......... _ Buketba.11 an=d oil hav, ~keo over lbe at~W•t fbt •--•wtn1 rw. Channel ' will ,, ~ ot tbe Uve aetion to tbe tcrteD 'bt11Dnlnj wjtb tbe DtPaul at Syracuse basketball eneountel' 1~ nooa. Then lt'I down to 'l'Ol'reJ ~ ln La Jolla for the Andy WtWema ._ DlelD Open at z o'clock . concludlq tbe day•a aetivitJe1 at a wltla tbe Paclfte.10 buketbal1 club between CaUrornla and ArlJona. Fol towing are the top spor1s events on TV tOCS.y. Ratlnos are: .r of of of excellert; of 11 worth wat<hing; of 1 f1~r; t' forget ft. , ~ Noon, Ch•nnel 4 ./ ./ ./ COLLEGE BASKETBALL -DePaul at Syracuse. Announun: Marv.Albert and Bucky Walters. • The DePaul Blue Demons have lost one game this SNson and are ranked No. 4 In the AP Poll this week. Coach Ray Meyer's Blue Demons have Junk>r Terry Cummings (6-9) who is averaging 23 points a game with a 61 percent shooting averaoe. He Is also pulling down 12.S rebou~ds a game and has 22 assists, 27 steals and 14 blocks. In the backcourt is Skip Diiiard with 6-9 freshman Walter Downing on the front line with Cummings. ~ 2 p.m., Channel 4 ./ ./ ./ GOLF: Andy Williams San Diego Open. Announcers: Don Criqui, Bruce Devlin, John Brodie, Bob Goalby and Jay Randolph. Johnny Miiier is back on his game and leading the tournament by three strokes going Into today's third round. Miiier fired a S-under-par 67 Friday. Today's round will be played on the 7,002-yard South course at Torrey Pines Golf Club. It Is regarded as the tougher of the two layouts. Miller was the winner of a SS00,000 prize In South Africa recently. Fuzzy Zoeller is In second place along with Curti~ Strange and Morris Hatalsky . M i iier was In at 132, 12·under-par and a tournament record to that Point . . ~ 3 p.m., Channel 4 ./ ./ COLl.EGE BASK ET BALL: California at Arizona. Announcers: Phil Stone and Steve Grad. Arl1ona's Wildcats are looking for their first w in i n th• Pacific 10 while the Golden Bears from Berkeley have a 2-S mark. California Is led by center Mark McNamara, the eighth leading scorer In the NCAA with a 23.3 average. His field goal percentage Is among the best In the nation and he is also among the top rebounder!>. ..-. OTHER TELEVISION 2:30 p.m . (7) -SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES -This 26-week series presents regional teams of young amateyr boxers In a series of elimination bouts. In the f irst program, teams reoresentino Iowa and a combined team from Kansas and Oklahoma compete In bouts taped in Alt>uquerque. 3:30 p.m . (2) -CBS SPORTS SATURDAY -w BA lightweight champion Art Frias (23· 1 > defends his crown against Ernesto Espana (33·3> in a scheduled 15-round,bout taped at Atlantic City, N.J. (7) -PRO BOWL1NG -The finats of the Quaker State Open, taped at Grand Prairie, Tex. 4 :30 p .m . (28) -SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY. s p.m . (2) -NFL'S BEST EVER. m -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS -Vikki deVrles of Newport Beach is among the competitors in the U.S. ladies' figure skating championships, taped at Indianapolis. Elayne Zayak is defending he r tltle in the championships. Also: A report on the pairs competition and the Duke Kahanamoku surfing classic, taped off the coast of Oahu, Hawaii. 6 p.m. (50) -SPORTS AMERICA -Highlights of the Big Eight women's volleyball championships from Kansas State. 11 :30 p.m. (S) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL - Oregon at UCLA. RADIO Basketb<lll -Long Beach State vs. UC Irvine at Anaheim Convention Center, 7:30 p.m .. KWVE (108 FM); UC Santa Barbara at Cal State (Fullerton). , 7:30 ~.m., KWRM (1370); Oregon State at USC, 8 p.m ., KDAY (1.580); Oregon at UCLA. 8 p.m .• KMPC (11S0). Hockey -St. LOUIS at Kings. 1 :SO p.m .. KPRZ (1150). Westminster got a game-hilh 20 points from sophomore Tom Downs, his most productive game of the year. Jeff Eastin added 10 points for the Lions. FromPageB1 Tom Watson, seekin& lo regain bis position as eolf's premier performer, lopped the bi& group at 136, rour strokes back. Also al that figure were Chi Chi Rodriguea, George Burns, Andy Bean and Tom Weiskopf. Watson had a 69 and Weiskopf a 67 on the South. Rodriguez Ued two tournament records with a front-side 30 and an 8-under-par &4 on the North. Burns had a 6S in the bright, warm sunshine, Bean shot 66 and Lye 70, all on the North .. Davis, Fitzel . to be honc)red Mickey Davis, softball coach al Golden West College, and Gordie Filzel, cross country mentor at Orange Coast College, bave been named coaches or the' year in their respective spom. W. Bill RIPIRT \¥5$ -------- OUTSTANDING VALUES ! Nftl ltl2 vw ltAlll'f "l .. SIDAN a.per economy with this one ! Fully equipped inchldlng a 4 speed trantmihion. tinted gla1t, radial tlret and morel (Stk. 30m 101813). BARONS •••• lo 60-46 before settling for the final margin .. The Oilers had four in double figures -in addition to Ayres. Jim La n e (1 7 ), Dane Shackleford 06> and Thompson ( 12) made it a · ·balanced effort. But this time the balance belonged lo the Barons ·- Hughes' touch, Harter's boards, Yaurel 's o ff-the -bench performance and a style that seems ~$.JU{ace when backl are to the w.aU. Jack Nicklaus, openin& his 21st season of tour activity, remained in position at 137 aft.er a solid, no-bogey 68 on the North. Tom Kite, last year's leading money-winner, also was at 137 after a 6S on the North. "It was a well-played round, a solid round," Miller sald. "I feel good about it. about the way I'm playing." He made a sin&le bo1ey, comin& up short or the 1reen on the tough 12tb, and missed four possible birdie putta of 10 reet or less. Whale · WatCh The area ' duo will be honored tonight by the California Coaches Association at the oiganizaJfon's 25th annual ·awards banquet ln Anaheim. Fellow coaches in each sport n om in'ale and select award recipients for their ,c;oaching performance and .professional contributions of time, service and dedication to the coaching profession and athletits;- Fltzell has coached OCC to two straieht slate croas country titles. Mountain High Houaay Hill Ski Sunrise Mr. Baldy Kratka Ridge Ml. Waterman Snow Summit Snow Valley Goldmine Green Valley SOUTHERN CALIFOllNIA Saow clepdl/Ma.et Coeditlou 18·27 pow/pp 18-27 pow/pp 8·28 pow/pp 12·24 pow /pp 48 pow/pp 2•-48 pow-pp 30-5' pow/pp 48-66 pow/pp 36-48 pow /pp 28·36 pow /pp CENTRAL CAUFOANIA June Mountain Mammoth Mountain China Peak 72-88 pow/pp 1~ -RP 71 pow/pp Dodge Ridge M-138 pow/pp NOaTBl:aN cAU.FOaNJA Uftatclaaln SC 2C FO 4L FO FO FO FO FO FO FO FO FO FO Ml. Reba 98·158 pow/pp 9C Kirkwood 144·28' pow/pp FO Sierra Sid R~ch 117 pow/pp FO Heavenly Valley 100 pow /pp FO Northstar 52-130 pow/pp FO Squaw Valley M·l.32 pow/pp ML Donner Sill Ranch 168·192 pow/pp 3C Alpine lleadowa 180·211 pow/pp llL --.~..n. ............... ~----m-=-powtpp::-5C Boreal 1•-112 pow/pp IC Homewood Ski Ana 14-111 pow/pp 3C CondiUona: ht -bardpaek; pp ~ peeked powder; pow - powder. LU'tl/cbalrs: L -Ufta; C -cbail'I; FO -full operaUoa. SALIPllCI 55999 HIW 1912 ..... Loedldl Equipped with 5 tP"lf ... _,.i•llM'I, aif cond.. 1tereo I Pr•P· ~tk. SJM). {47471~ LW-,,._ StOJI Din PSIMO ' SALIPllCI S70Clti:· Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Satur~ay, January 30; 1982 ... Mustangs stg:prise CdM again Sea. Kings' 13-game streak sliced by Costa Mesa By RICHA•D DONN °' .. ~ .............. They seem to do lt every year and the Mustanas of Costa Mesa Hl1h did it a1ain -they upset Corona del Mar. The Muatanaa held a 17-18 lead 1t halftJme. and came out of the third quarter 1corin1 aeven straight points. From there the Sea Kln11 bad to play catch-up, and never did recover. The Mustan1s held on Lo sta11er Corona del Mar, 49-41 , to snap a 13-game wlnnin1 streak by the Sea Kin1s Friday ni1ht at Costa Mesa. CdM, 8-1 in the Sea View League, and now tied with Estancia, had the ball with l : 31 left. in the game, and down •S·.fl before a costly turnover iced the 1ame for the Mustangs. Lynch had the hot hand for the Sea Kin11 11 he poured in 20 points, but shot 48 percent from the floor . CdM attempted only two free throws, 1inkln1 one, and turned the ball over elaht limes. The Sea Kings had trouble penetratlnl to the basket, and were forced to shoot out.aide. That's whe re C<lM usually gives opponents trouble, but poor shooting and a tou1h Costa Mesa defense stopped the previously undereated Sea Kings. "It was our bi11est win or the year, no doubt," said Mustang Coach Tim Parsel. "We were ready for a close game. We've been In a lot before and been oo the losing end.'' The Mustangs were determined not to Jet the Sea King guards shoot outside. They played a zone defense underneath and manned their shooting guards. Basketball scores QUIET, VETS AT WOAK -Jack Nicklaus (left) and Johnny Miller are studies in concentration during action in the Andy ·~· ........... Williams San Diego Open at Torrey Pines in La Jolla. For Nicklaus, it 's the first tournament of 1982. · "We played man-to-man on <Chris> Lynch, (Kurt) Petersen and (Mike) Hess, and zoned under the boards," said Parsel. "Our defense won it for us. It was just a good team effort all the way around." The Sea Kings had trouble shooting outside as they could only hit 38 percent of their shots. Meanwhile the Mustangs, who shot a dismal 25 percent from the floor in the first hair, were playing good, cautious basketball. Costa Mesa turned the ball over only eiJ;~hl times, and was guilty of the same amount of fouls . "We made a few mental mistakes, but passed well inside and played 32 minutes of great basketball," Parse! said. "We took a lot of good shots, and covered their shooting guards real well." Jim Pelichowski led the Mustangs with 12 points, with Ken Bardsley and Dave Palmblade each adding 10. I Cc::J- u cLA 1•, Oregon SL .. use IOJ,OA90'\91 CS Oon>"-t Hiii\ 10, Clwpmen ,. UC Rlve<llde H , Cat Poly IPom...,.IU CS NONwldgt 74, CS LOI A-ltt •• Neveci.Uil V~ 71, Air Force •I Portland '5, Gonuee • 1 Cat· Devis U, Hu..-it St ~ lteCk .... Arltone St 10. C•lllOMI• JI Gr end CM!YOll 91, ~cl<Mnl•I SS Teu.-EI Pat0 S1, W\'9_nllft9~ ~ Ar~•n~60. RI<•~ '-"' South At-ma IS, ~rol• S1 SI Ala .. 8 1rmlf191\em St, South Florl<U SI EHt D•rtmoulh 43. Col~le SI W 11 lrQlnl• • P1ll.sburgl\ O CommunHy College ~, .. ,....._. V. Sou"-1 IOS, G-n WHI 102 Sant• Mqnlc• JOt, E•" Lo• A1>91tlela CyPf'aH ... Rio H-0 SNVlewU..- Colla AIWM '9, Cor--Mar '1 N•WDOr1 H•rtior u. ill Toro 40 UnlverMly SJ, lrvifte O Etl•nc:le 7•, S-k JO S....C-L...- L•OllM llffeh 4S, &....-H lllt S7 CaplUr_ V_y 11. 0-HlllS S2 Sen C..,,_ o , Mlnloft Vlelo J1 ....... &.Miiie 8 1•hop Mont90,...ry 41, 81thOO Amel S7 NMllll I w-•• u. Vin<1<11 Memorial :n SI G..-GNW LHll9e La O<il<\le41, L• AMltff-2t s.n11-n . Boise Gr..,...•2 R•n<hO Alemltol s... G.,.,. Gro .. ,,_~l.NtMe Sonou 53. F utte non ff La Hebfe .,, Tray •1 Sunny HlllOO. 8~ P•r• S4 or..,..~ M•onone Sl, Western •1 All•helm n , Bre..Ollnde SJ v alencle 3', Sava.-U C2 oil ~&.Miiie ~nl• AN 71, VIII• Peril•• SA V•ilef 70. El-. 60 Oran,. 60. TuilTn Sii Foolhllt St, c.nvon s1 Eagles' res·erves have fun,, cut up foe, 7 4-3 0 · LA HarbOr $6, LA City~ COii H19h 1chool s-.t"-Fountaln Valley 13. Huntinoton 8Hth4J E,...,.~ E•Cle•enu .... Cypreu 41 Et Do.-S7. Kemedv ~ K•l•ll• "· Pacific• 1' lo' Al•mltoo 47, ~ra U Cottege By ROBB MUNSON Of .. IM!lty ........... How would you like to be in Estancia Coach Larr y Sunderman's position? Your team just demolished its opponent by 44 points, with the starters playing only half the game, and Sea View league kingpin Corona del Mar droppea a close decision to Costa Mesa, 49·41. With lbe Eagles win, eoupled with Corona's loss, Estancia grabs a share of the league lead with a record of 8·1. The Eagles pulled out to a 19·4 first quarter lead against Saddleback and never looked back as they won big Friday night as at Estancia, 74-30. "The last time we played Saddleback, it was a close game," said Sunderman. "They are a well-coached team, but we set the tone of the game." • Set the tone is exactly what Estancia did, as the Eagles had leads ot 9-0, 21·4, 30-8, and 36-16 at halftime. "This lime we got on an up tempo," added Sunderman. ..We executed our backcourt press well. We cut off their inside game." Estancia used the playmaking of guard Jeff Gardner and the aggressive play of Steve Kraiss to take a 30-8 lead midway into the second quarter before giving way to replacements. Jon Johnston came off the bench to score a game-high 15 points, while Dan Drake added 12 points in a relief role. Doug Pinckney also had six rebounds for the Eagles. Meanwhile, the Eagles' starters played only 20 of 32 minutes, and gave up only 12 points to Saddleback during that s pan. They also added SO points to their effort. Edison 77. Merln• f>4 Ocean View St. WKtmln<ter 43 ·-USC M>.0-1>4 UC trvl~ 73, UC Alwrslde 60 Chris Maydole and Brian Midland scored 12 Tahi • Kin f d and 10 points, respectively, while Gardner dished l18Il g a VOre off 14 assists along with 5 steals. Midland also added 9 rebounds. and Kraiss had 5 steals and 6 ARCADIA <AP > -Tahitian King, with rebounds to totally dominate play. veteran Bill Shoemaker aboard, figures as the "I really can 't s ingle out any particular favorite in today's San Pasqual Handicap for pl ayer ," said Sunderma n. .. Everyone played 4-year-olds and up at Santa Aruta. great." Tahitian King , assigned the high weight of 122 On the other side of the court, things turned pounds, finished a well-beaten sixth in his last from bad to worse as Saddleback couldn't effort, but he won the Citation Handicap in the penetrate the Estancia defense, and also had start before that. He spots from two to nine pounds lroub~withthe~ughEa~g~lie~piri~isi·~~~~~~~~~~~ivien~ni·iviai~i·~~~~~~~~~~~~~i _Newport, Uni, Laguna post victories- It was a lacklus ter performance according to Coach Jerry DeBusk but the Newport Harbor High Tars remained in contention for the Sea View League basketball championship Friday night with a 55-40 victory over El Toro on the loser's floor. balrtime intermission, then spurted to a 41·28 edge after three stanzas. Laguna Beach 65, Laguna Hills 57 Tfie Artists held a slight edge in each quarter with Neil Riddell, Rudy Dvorak and Nick T~pper leading the way. AKER -P[YWOOD - --·--~ LUUm • HUDWAIE "For some reason , we're having trouble the second time around against teams that we heat pretty handily the first time," DeBusk said. ''I think we're in a little bit of a mental slump and we didn't play very excited. We just sort of went through the motions. "Don't take anything away from El Toro, though. I thought they played very well. That sophomore they have, Jeff ~Id, has really improved since the first time we played them. He is exerting himself more now and he scored 15 points tonight.·· Arnold is 6·7 and paced his team in scoring. In fact. he was high for both teams. Newport held a 21·15 edge at the Newport is 7-2 in Sea View Leal\le play and is OM game back of Estancia and Corona del Mar which are tied for the top spot. Unlvenety 52, lrvlne 45 Univenity's Brad Guess bad 17 points and 10 rebounds and the Trojans erupted to outscore Irvine, UH, in the second quarter to take command of the game. Ir vine made a rdn at the Trojans in ihe fourth quarter but University had built a big enough lead and was able to hang on. • The Vaqueros, 1·8, got a game-high 20 points from Doug Brozovich. While Guess handled most of the work under the boards, Randy Myers hit from outside for 12 points and Troy Larsen added nine. The win pushes the Trojans over the .500 mark at 54 in Sea View play, 11-8 overall. Riddell hit 27 points to lead both teams in scoring although Laguna Hills ' Brett Olivier had 23 in a losing cause. Olivier is a 6·9 senior for the Hawks. ·'Tepper. Dvorak and Riddell each scored six points in the second quarter for us as we took a 34-30 halftime lead," Coach Jerome Karp of Laguna Beach said. "Then in the last quarter, we were 9 of 15 at the free throw line with Riddell hilling 5 of 7.'' Karp also praised the rebounding of Bruce Waldrup. ' l, MD due ls Servile Mater Dei High's Monarchs (2·2) duel arch-rival Servile (3· l > in Angelus League bas ketball tonight C7:30 ) at Valencia High. UCI duo sparkles Vanguards await a 7-8 center RI VERSIDE Dorothy Lewi s and Katherine Hamilton . combined to score 46 points in leading the UC Irvine women 's basketball tea m to a 73·80 vtcLory over host UC Riverside Friday night here. Lewis, a sophomore forward on t he UCI team, had 29 points while junior classman Hamilton hit 17. The tallest player in college basketball history a nd the country's No. 1 NAIA team provide a tall order for Southern Cal ifornia Co lle-g e tonight (7:30). Biola University, 22-0, and their 7·8 center , George Bell, tangle with the Vanguards ( 14·5) tonight in an NAIA District Ill contest. Yet Bell does not start for the Eagles. The 285-pound UC Riverside transfer is usually the first man off t he bench for co-coaches Howard Lyons and Dave Holmquist. haven't won less than 21 games a year since 1976." The Eagles' front line boasts NAIA All-American Wade Kirchneyer, a 6-7 forward averaging 16.5 points per game: 6 ·7 se nior f orwa rd Mark Sontoski, who averaged 27 points and was an All -CIF selection at Bellflower High ; and 6·10 center Pat McDougall. "We're going to try to 'Control the tempo against them ," admits Reynolds. ''We'll hold the ball a little more than we usually do." the same pace this seaS'on. However .noticeat>ly missing from the SoCal College lineup tonight will be UC I rvine transfer Brad Carson. Carson· was ruled ineligible by the NAIA -a decision Reynolds expected, but not quite so soon: · · ·I t w a s a n N A I A interpretation on his eligi~ility. We kne.w it: was comint." Reynolds says: "He was second in t·he district in field goal percentage, too." "Reali:;lically, ~-t • 'going to take just aboul a · rlect game to beat them. W '11 have to· execute real well 'and we can't. __ , ____ -- AROMATIC CEDAR S L SJ995 CLOSET LINING R~. COYBtS 21.4 sq. F1'. s3 9 "Buy of the W'9<" Carton CAITOM 1x6x6 S"LE CEDAR FENCING Reg. ggc RUSTIC. DOG EAltlO s 1 19 Y2" x 3'' and Sx RANDOM LENGTHS SALE HAIDWOOD .-.sffiD,-TONGUE s3-169 & ••OOYI Reg . S]'J.00 COYBtS J2 sq. F1'. Al.DERWOOD PANRING SALE ~x4x8 FIR Reg . s99,c s 1 29 ICOMOMY GllADI •llAT FOi MAMY ~ 4 x 'xl/8" SALE TEAK Reg. s199~ \ s3200 ·:PLYWOOD OUTSTAHDIM& 9UALITY UCI won the game in t he second half after leading by a narrow 31 -30 margin al I n termi ssion. "But they've got a 6·5 guard (Ri ch Kundall ) who's taller than any or our starters," admits sec Coach Bill Reynolds . "They have all five of their starters back from last year and they The Vanguards, in fact, are a run and gun team. blessed, so to speak, with several impressive shooters. Most notable is 8·4 se nior Rick Porras who averaged 20 points per game last year and is scoring at about turn the b~l over. Playing at ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· home makes us foel good. We're 3. X 4 X ·s SALE Warriors' hoDle debut a success After a 37-game road trip spanning almost two seasons, Woodbridge Hilb rinaUy. came home Friday nl&ht. The Warrion played their first home 1ame in thell' school's history anc1 ,opeMCI the recently completed Woodbridge 1Ym in style with a 63-32 rout of Vincent Memorial. Sophomore auard Mark Forinter led the Wartlon with 18 points while David Wise added 12 and John Moreland puUed down nine rebounds to help Woodbridte improve lts record to 13·5. Vincent Memorial, aDOtber relatively new rree1anee school, bad all of tta 1c:ortn1 proftded by Uae Sarieao brothen~ Art (11) and Ken <H>. "It wu a nice one to win," Warrior Coacb Blll Sbannon aaid. ".l'be kids were really mothated to play." Shannon i• hopeful t hat some of that mot1vaUon will carry over to t10G11ht wben the Warrtora play their second home 1ame a1a1n1t Caplltrano Valley CbrilU• at 7:•. TIM teams baH met twice tbi• year, wit h Woodbrld1e wtanln1 both. .HI c ·1.4 ts1:t ti .... '81. CO UGAR o~ ~\l.I: wrru ·nus .m ~7.695 •TA.~~ UC..6 DOC. f1tg •18443 tlMYU'11!1Ltf, .... Tiii ............. • ~a.._ CGlll DAILY PHOI' aASSIFllD ADS , .. C9I ... "· ..... It, , ... It Wltll • W... M l 842•1878 ) °"' c..I "'*' '"' er.-,.,,.... lo o king forward to an enthusiasticcrowd " · REDWOOD POSTS ~~ s 49. ·· .COLLE~E ::C-POsn. BASKETBALL f •• ,.. .. ·uc l·rvine "·VS.· CAL STATE LONG BEACH .TONIGHl · 8:25 p!'m. K-WAVE Fl-108· ----......... ht C.-.,.Ry ~ __ ... 4·xsx ~,, -. . OAK pANEiJN(; _Reg. ¥4100¥9 '2500 llADYTO STAM ........ ...... ..... . LtNIT9TO ITOCIOMMAMD • -Gf91 7Mn 149•J07l 2969 CIMTUIY PL COSTAM~~- " . . ·r - , ., ·: i I .. Orange Copt DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 30, 1982 NBA WHTa ... COMl'a•l .. CI l.Men SH ft le PM9nlx GoldtnSY• P0tll•ncl s.fl o .. .., , ..... ~ .. W L J1 ll " ,, " 17 1J II ,, " 1i 10 ~04••• '<l oa ,1)1 ... o ..... Stj • Ml 1 .Ml I '°' " Sell Antolllo 0.ftvet Houtton KertM•Clly 0.llH Ul.n ,, ,. • .. 1 u10 msv. 11 tz .411 1v. u H .3U 14'h U 1' .JH! U U 1' JID U aASTUll .. CO .. l'alH .. CI Boa ton Pllll"9illftlt WeSlll"11ton NtwYor' NewJttNY A-OlwlelM Jl 11 30 14 tt '° JO ,. 1t l4 C-tl OMtltll ,. 14 " n 1• 24 1• u ,. ,. Mllw•u-• All•nle lndlan• Cllk- 0.troll Clev ... nci I l4 "'*'f'•lc-HOOtmH>Gr-.le T-,·so-Ho O•mH SC-led S-.y'aO- , .. -.,, ,..., 574 ..... .4)) 12\lt ,.., 13 .'1• -.., ' MJ IO 41. II 40' 11\lt Ito lOY> HBA All·Slllr G..,,., ti Etil AulherlOtd, H"., 10•.m .CMMell COMMUNITY COLLEGE Southweal 103, Golden WHt 102 OOLOeN W•ST -Hettoll 11, D•vl1 n. Klno 11, Myi.t •· Bow•11 JS. Je<ol>t 1, Ourflem •. E .. rll.lrl '· R••h J. Tot•'" 31 t•32102 LA SOUTMWIST -Jorden •. Mikel n. G•H n 1A, Blsllop 14, Becon l , Slloemon 10. p_ ... I. Wllt>ou,.,. 7, Wlllltm\ 1 Tot•ls. 4121-21103 H•lftlmt' Golden Wttl .._44. Tollll tout•· Goldtn WHI lt, L• Solltll-1 2', Fouled CKll l(tng (Golden WHll. Joroen (LA Soutll-sO. Grttn CLA So11tllwnt1; T.cllnl<el lout· Hon--retslOn on Cltfenie (LA SoutllWHll Southern Cal Conference c-• OwertN W L W J. Cypreu • 0 1t ·S Senle Montee 1 I 11 1 LA Soulll-SI I l 11 10 Alo Hondo • IJ 10 Golden Wesl 3 U 9 E .. t LOI Ange... J 11 t2 LOS A11991ft CC I 1 tl LA H.,bo< t 1 S 1• T ...... 'f'•G-(7•Jll Sent• -.iu •• G-.. WHI LOS Anvetn CC et Rio H- LA Soul-I el LA H•roor Cyprtt4•1 East Los Anoe*' HIGH SCHOOL Fin. Ven.y 73, Htn. BHch 17 l'OUNTAIN VALLEY -VlllM .. v• I, H~ •· Kosty 0, Herler 12. Meurel tO, Jeco1>1 •, Wblt-lr 4. T04ell. H t~n 1> MU .. Tl .. OTON IEACM Se1eye 4, s11101etord "· T"°""""" u. une 11. Av~ 11, Mlllt O, Hert<.,. O. Tot•I•· H t·IJ 61. Sc_...,0.11tn Fountall' V••i.y 12 1t 11 77-n Hvntl"91on 8MCh u 12 It U-..7 Tou t lo11ts Fo11nl•ln V•ll•Y to, H11nllr191on Betel\ 17 Ttcllnl<•I HB euls1t111 <ote" Cltrelll. Edlaon n , Martn1 64 EOllOM -St..-.ns to, Gouctot 10, Smrtll >. CllenQ n. Blntsltl 2. LNV'f 2, P1Btrn¥00 11, Moore 2, Mlll•rd o, w .. ninotoln o. F.c>lt<t 0 Toltlt.331Mt11. MAltl .. A Flllpe• 11, Btrrw I, Smllll 14, Kl11um ... U, Clloml-.. T•ndY 2. Prk.a J, B .. I I, CMMdv 0, B-0, Miiier 0 Tolels n1 .. n ... 1c-r.oo...-n EdllOll 21 11 21 J4-n Mtrllle 11 11 14 ,.__.. Tottt to.Ill; Edl$Oll II, M41rlne IS Ocean View 59, We1tmln1ter 43 WllTMl .. STIR-EH lln 10. Downs 20, Pot-• 2, P411 .. 2, Hkolt l t, Gr•ms 6, H...-.n 2. Tott ls. 14 ti U 43 OCIAN VIEW-Ot Brouwer U , Antonol)OlllOS 4, u wvlltll 11, C•rroll •. Mowr 4, Zuml>o l, 811tk •.Judge I, Wllll•m\ 1. Tote It. 21 s .. n k-•YO.rten WH lmlnster • " 6 11-43 O~n View II 14 16 11-.jf Totet louts WntmlMler II, O<H n View IS Coat• Mesa 49, CdM 41 co•OttA OIL-· -Lyncll 20, HUS s. Pet.,Mn I. °'""' •. Goelltl • Totels JO \.2 ••• COSTAM f t2, Rlt J_ l'ltkl I. -B.,d\lty 10, PtllCllOW\ltl a. Slr•v•r a. P•tmbledt tO, . "U.JJ ••-rt 0-rten C0toM dtt -1 • 10 1~1 CCKl• -10 1 It tl-41 Tole! foult Corone dlll Mt• U, CO\ta MeMI. University 52, ln1ln1 45 1•v1 .. 1-B•l<ltr •. erozowk ll 10, HHl 4, JOl'lns 2. u-ry s. Mtrttl 4, A_.,, 2, ,.,_ 1. Tote!•: 11 .. tUS UN•v••SITY-o ... n II, Myers u . Atlclltle 2. Aouw l , Stoltolf 7, CllOI 2, Lerw11 •. T_, t610·1' n Sc-..., °"9rten lrvl,.. It J 10 Jl~S University 10 1' t 14-Sl Total IOYls: trvlne 11, University t•; Fouled ou1' Btxttr llrvilltl, NHI (lrvlnel, Stolrolf CUnlv.,tlty). E1t1ncia 74, Saddleback 30 IAC>OtiaACK -L.-k l, G•u 1, De~ 14, McAlllsttr A, Ceot l, Wtlm., t. Totelt: 12•11 JD. aSTAIKtA -Gerdner 1, MtyOOi. 11, Nlldltlld 10, Kr•lu •. Tiit J. Jollnllon U, Nl<Cel!lll 4, Pinckney 2, Or.-e 1? T04t lt · 32 10.t• 74. Sc-r.o °'""1tn s.ctdltlNKM 4 11 4 10--.30 Esltnc,. " 11 JO ,._u Tote I tout• Sedd'"-<-u, Eflenclt u Newport 55, El Toro 40 .. IWPORT MAlt801t &.II II, LI,,., I , P•lletltr 14, Folk 13, Selby 2, Wolfe 4, Br- 3, S.•oer o. Sclctmore o. W•nl•n o, EnQltnd 0. To1tl1; 24 /.16SS aL TOltO -LtwlJ •, lnglell.,t tO, Trkllttt •· Fouts ?, A.-IS. M.,...mel l, Rk llltrO.MertlnWt'IO Totels t14·10t0 lc-.W~ H•woor1 H-r • IJ '° 1"-SS El TMO 11 4 IJ 12- Tottl fo\11\' ~ Hartior IJ, El Toro 12. L•a· hech 15, L•t· Hltll 57 LA• MA HILU-RlinlMY 1, lleflCk IJ. Ollwltt n, C..-t , C-I, Lltftn 4, ,,..._, O,J tllMllllO.WllllemsO. Teuts: ltl,_~S7. ~UU HACM -lt._..11 11, ""-I, M<Gretfl t, 5Mrt S, 0-•-14, Welcl"4> ), T-r IO, l40lllrl 4, F~ O. Wiii•,. O, Ttltal•: 21 lt-JO.S. lc-....,o.Nn I....-Hll.. 14 .. It t~1 ~ ._.. " " ,. "_., Tatel Mull' '-"""' Hltlt Jt, Lee- """ H ; l"outeO owt · llenO ILtllille Hllltl, Olivier (L19vne Hiiis). c ... ttr (Ltt11r1e Hlllll. Cotll IL•tulle Hllltl, M(Gr•• I~ llMtlll. 0-.k CUeioM l••c tll. W•IC1r1111 (Le11111e le•,111 ; Tt<llllk el fol*: ~ Hhlt I tor ........ ................ Wooclbrtdp 13, Vlno.nt 32 'y1MCl"1' ..... tAL.-A. $9< .... 1' It ..... .._,._ ~1 t. HtrYWt t, O•del. TNlt:ttN•. ............ ~ ... 9..-Nt t. .._ 12, .......... R--..Cl<ll 7, R-'!6, ...... ~I. LtlleM 1, C:.. 4, T .... 1:1tW6a. .... .., ........ " ....... ..._... • .. • i,_. • II.... 21 14 t.4 IJ-4a Telel t•11l1: Vln<t11t M•M•rl•I t , •11•1e11 •. HIGH~ ITANDINOI SHVlewLHtlHI .._ o-.. W L C.,OM del INr a 1 l•l•n(.. I I ~wporl H•l'tlof 1 t C"le~M , 4 UnlwertllY l 4 II Tere , I lrvl... ' • S...lto.<~ 0 • ....... Y'•0-11:•1 CoJ1• M9M•I H9W-1 Htrtlo• kOcl--•I Coron. dlll M., lht•n<I• •I Irvin. UnlwenllY•I El To<o W L u , 16 1 It • IO a 11 • , u I \A 1 IS SunMt League .....,..o_ .. W L W L Edi'°" J I 1e 1 Hu11!11191on BMtll 4 t 10 t Founttln V•ll•Y l 3 lJ ' Merine J J 11 I O<un View J J ll I w .. 1mlMter o • t U -y··o-11:•1 Merine et l'-ttlfl Veti.y Edhon •I <keen View HIHltlllflon k«ll •I w .. tMlnsle• South Coaal LHtlHI LMl!l9 Cet1l••r•no v ettev D•n• ~fits Minion Vie to S.nCle.--tt Lao11n• BNcll W L , 2 l 3 L"'OUM Hiii• l S o-... W L ,, 1 11 1 11 ti ... ' ti 14 • ...... ,·.0-11:•1 C•pl.tr-V•ll•Y et Ll4IUM a-" San Cle,,_te et L911un. Hiiis Dt11• Hiiis •t Mluloft Viejo Angelu1 League ~ W L Oftr•ll W L tl I S.rvlle BllllOP Mont-ry Meter Del Bllllo!>A-1 3 t l 2 , , , J St Peul l ) T ........ •G-17:»1 ,. 1 II 1 1 • t II M•ler Del V\ Strvltt et V•lencl• HIQll w-..y•to-11:•1 M.itr Oe4 et St Peul Se•vlle at Billlop Arntt COLLEGE WOMEN UC lntlne 73, UC Riverside IO UC t•VtNa -Htmlttoll 17, A-II J, L••ll 1', B11tlwnon l, 8eUr I. Ro'( s, Slm-10. T04el\ 31 ll·l> Tl. UC 1t1va.s101 -Hotm >, Swllt l, u wl• •. u111 ...... n, H.,..mond 10. Hlmmel""'9 4 Tole I\' 1) 1._tl t0 Ht llllme: UC lrvlne, Jt·JO, Tot•I IOYI•: UC ltwlnt ••• UC Alver\ldll 1t: t;ouleelout: Hammond CUC Alvttslctel Santa Anh• l'•IOAY'S ltaSULTS 1 .... ,..,-..u.,..1 .. ~1 l't•ST ltACe. •I'> l11r1on9S. P ... bloPlt_,,t (Velenn.e1411 11.to S.tO J.20 Mer-et Cherne> CMcH•rO""I 4 . .0 2.to AcullU)rl .. CRMnl,.U uo AIM> r..ceo· Beblto, P•otectOt•le. A.,_, Sou•douQll P••· Gtttln' Gi.w>ne•', llf04 Too Sllort, MtjQr PaltGe Time L t'1 41S HCOMO RACa. 6 l11tlofl0l, Teblecl Peulon I Plnctyl 4 . .0 J... J.JD L-bly l~.,.I 1.00 SM l ttO'Cwry l~I Ml AIMI tked: £ ....... U . Hlfll tfl R....,.,, Llellltooled. Kllltl Wiii De. SI,_ ll<Mry, T11dorulle , CMI><• le •un, J•.,...t OM, Acb<IM Tl-: 1:111/S, I U DAILY DOUaa.A 15-.4) ,eld toll ••• TMlltO•ACa. t 1/16m...._ Rov• Curle ISll>lti.I .... .... .... MluO~IMc ......... I UM tUI Foay Toy C~SMl"ll lA AIMI ret .. ileM'I al "-• llr...-rt 5110, 0..C"9w ....,_, GtlleM ........ L"'le'-· H---Horoey, .._. WIN Wittie. Wlndmllllno, Aftery .... Time: t:46. l'OUltTM •Ate. ti'> f11tlon0f. Cry1te1 Sier (Slbll .. I I.to 0.Mr•I Jimmy CV•NWte) Sm119111er'sGGICI IG.,.rr•I J.00 uo uo uo 420 Ebony Alto reced C4Urt Co<nplleno, Bronrt, Mr A-•n Time· 1.16'/I "'l'THltACE 6V>fur1onos Queen of Cornwall I T0to' 25 20 1.40 3,to Ctt Girt IPlnuyl .l.JO 2.AD Lowtty R-.Y 10.1.-sseyel J JO AIMI '"""" v .. m Clllett•lft. E •<1wve1, R•lted, T-1, G,.nctpe·1 Pooloey, Olllltw Wom•n. Dtc•pfive , N•turAllY Nlct . RtllnMe Time 1· 1s us SS UIACTA (HJ Ptld \l ... .SO SIXTN ltACE.• lllf'lon9\- ErQO I Remlrttl lSUO SUO t'-'O S.evc>y IV-....U.tel 4 40 lJID Pete• J -IG .. ,,•I ).JO AIM> receo OW·Bryln ,_,.,, OM<ut Tow, C•tt"" TeylOt, Vie (ond04tl, A Prttent of Sono, Tiie T•-· M•ll•h. R•llY On, Ful•be H•ntv. Fenon. OH -~•'tor fourth. Tlmt , t:tOJ/I SI VENT" ltACE. I I 16 mitts Ourtieno..p I De l•llouswye I UO J 20 I .to Parton'• L-• CG .. rrel J . .O l.JO O.svelo 1Toro1 4.20 Alto re<,t(I· Allled Invader, Pell11, 0""" Orum, Arnold, Bio Geo. Alllton. Time: t:.c23/S. SS aAACTA IWI pekl MO jO n ,.CK six ,,....i....i.s1 Ptkl u,a s.oo wltll le wlnnlnQ lk-•ls Ill•• llont1) U PIO SI• conto4etion Ptld "4 40 wllll to1 wl""'no 110'1\ ''°"' "°'""' EIGHTH RACE. t 1/16mlles. Miu H11ntinoton I Plnteyl 1.00 ),20 2.40 P19py'1 ~ky Girt co.1.,,_.,., Bennoc:kbl>m (Vetenn.tt•I AIM> re<,..S. Mint-•, Slerlet, Notllt "'-" 1.00 , 10 ).JO VIQt, WK ..,,, Time, 1'47 l/S NINTM ltACa.111 .. mllt\ W•nte-IV•lenNel•I ••.tO U.IO • 40 El G•toG• ..... INlc:HtrQYel l .40 UO On Your Wey IOltrl 4.40 AIMI •keel Br•HY Kn•ve, Pecllk Morol, H•ll lo Allltrt, Chine BIHi, "'"' """'· OmtM Mille, """'IOentlt l, Elfor11e•llY Time. I 43 P • XACTA U .. I H kl $116 IO. Ane-.: ~t.M), HoltYWOOd Park l'al~Y'l •IMILTS , ........................... , l'IRIT aACL OM Mli.11«'•· ,t<lfk '*-" ITftlltrl 10 • .0 t..40 UO O.ro Stet (Nlolelltr) U.tO IUO Roy•I S .... I 11~-•I 4M AIMI rectct: Sl•r Clle<k, Pine Hell Setllf'l'I, SeftO,t o.-. H.UIM, Tlten lrl\11, TOP Line "" ByeAwey. TifM· t :OUIJ, TM tit D RACL ON flltle '9'•· R ... I I<""'°' IAC._l UO t .. 1.• 511vert ....... (V1H•-•"'9ml Ml ut ..... , .... (~) .. .... rKffl o..-R•••ll, or .. -•. CNI<•, SU.~. Ve 8tfte, 1-J-Wey, T""9;1: .. &J). $1 l•AC;TA l~I ,_.. UUI. ~•ne aa.cs, °"' ,,., .. ,,.._ AC-,,.. IO"""'rl I .. •,JO 'ta , ......... l~I 4.JO IA C~o.wllotl~I >• .... r-..... , ....... WI!. ,. • ....,. l'~Ganal'.elb.~CJllet 011r. Tlll'le: ,, •• , .. 1'1 l'~M aACI. OM Mli. ,._,, 'Niki C•r• IT ... I II.JO t.IO s• AnctnA .. IOl-1 ta 40 IUO ltllytllMtfttll\IK IC--111 •• AltO r...i: o--i-TlnW, TllfW f'"9o•'- Mlli.rkk, S-"'9, H ...... ,. I Mt T 1"'41' 1'CW ti), U l•ACTA IHI Pt141 M1'• llXTM •ACI. OM ml .. .,.ce. 0.Mr1 SIMI I LMlllDI 11 • .0 dO 1.40 """' lrttt ..... ,A ...... , '.. t40 • .... ..._ -... .. ., (04llldf"tllll 1 •• AIM rec ... C-17y J ... ~ •• ~ l..cJ\ $c:r•rn4111ftt 11•11. FIMe OUI\, Qui.I .... P- JOY•· Tl"'41 t .GIS.D. U lltACTA l~SI HIO"l.)D, llVINTM •ACI. Orw mitt Plott. To Live Cl!-nl 11.00 4 • >.:IO Mlater 0 !Vet..,,_.,._,, a tO UD l"lt tlly l'r-IT-Jeri J .. Alto retM R•ll'I Rll.,,..,.,, R .... ~ "-·· -..... Holtya ...... .,. l~IY .., You, AM!r~~r. Slllr A-•' Time· t ;OJO. U IAACTA 1•11pe141'6400 ••OMTM •AC•. OM m1 .. 1ro1. Oellte Jey 10.--1 i 40 t .0 t :IO Helll CR-) 6AD >• Honor ._,,, (CiolldtWlll U O Alto reud; Foay M••~•nl•Y. Nol>le T•evetu. TeQllll• Ster Time: 1 CD ..... TM ••c•. One mll• De<• OH-8yt Bye Arnie (Allclertonl •·• •·• •.oo OH-Le~ IT-I S 40 UO 3 .0 lndlen s.-. .. CGt110tH11I S • .o. Alto rKed' c;.ntle MIU, 5Clotll9'11 Gel. S..11tall Wilt", We)oW< ROM Time I S7 4/S. s.1 IAACTA 11·11, B.,. B.,. Arnie to LA St>eOt\, H ICI '47. IO, J.I peld '41.JD $2 'ICK SIX IM-3-4+11·11 HIO ~.JO wllll ~1 winning tldleb (flVe llor\fl,. U Pltk Slk <onto4allon peld \It 00 wltll 417 wtnnlno 110.fl• llO\lt' 11~1 Sen Diego Ope,, JOllnny Mitter C11rtl1Sl•- F11u:y Zoeti.r Mo"ll H~lil!Y AndyBwn M.r-Lye Tom Welton Tom W.tlkOlll Clll Cllt Rodrl-z Georo• e..rns H•I• lrwl11 OertHtllOOrlOll ,... .. Ool .. ~ ~eOHIOI..,. Tom ltllt Gery Hell-Q Bry~e Flel- Jeft Mll<hell Git Mor9<1n Cr•IO Sttdl•r Ron Stre<' Doll JeftUtfy C•lvln P"lt Pllll Hen<oc- 0.w E kr.llltrve< Bobby CltMP9fl Jim Tllorpe Mike SlllllvM Joe lnm•n HI<-F•ldo O_!n POl'll GeM Lltlle< OollR- MerlL O'MMt• PeterJIC-0..,. T.-1 e.-.,~ JolW'IA ..... Oewe eerr ......... _L..._ Rerl'le\od ··~ T-~ JeMC:-... 1.,,,_ VM<e....,,_ O.-yC- Mertl ...... J«Oulll ~eTtfllroK• ,..M<Goweil Jim Oeftl R••C--t O.A. W.llwtno J .. ,., ..... ForrHt Ftt .. r Hdwerd Twitty Biii Cell• Scott Hoell EdS...cl Aod C11rl J•y HH t Bol>EH- AIMOtton H•I Sutton J.c .s ... .., Jim Berbtr 8N<#~le!•k• Alltn Mlller Jeff Kun D•v• Stoc:kton Fr..S C°""'ff LouGr.,...m 811tSe_, l'tUM t• °"911t¥ Peul AzlnQH MlktBr- Terry Di.Ill <>-oeAn:het 0•1• OollQl.Ki Jec_R_ GlbbyGll'*1 Nllller Berlltr JollllScllt-r Bruce OouQlei Hobllmlt""'Y-r• Tlms1.._. LIMyMlli.r Jim Collltn Bobby WedklM Berry J•n .. 0.-1• Trlsler Alan Teple Tom lnst<•P Keltll tre~ H0"'41ro Blen<•t OnldOr-. MIUHOll-Tom Jt nlllM Scott s1,,_. Vl<1orR .... -M.-e NI< C .. '°"1111 Aon Nutkollt Dorl Levin Cle ttn<tRow •-ltevln $1et., Slew S9<'•Y Urry N.tMJn O.neO;;._.y MIU~ Bobby H l<llOI\ TommyA.,on Oevld Edw.,d\ Terfy M-v . GeryM<C.d Rollert """-" Al• Meneno-1• LtnnleCle- G•ryTrM-R•ftlolb Bt"'l'H.,_1 KtflO'"" CKtr,.._ a-o_... """' """" "" .... '--"'~ l"erry "''*" Lon H ""'°' Jlf'll l(lely KtflflyKMll Nll•t Nk°"'te RonJerwwy .... ,.., ... 0..,. ll«k W...yllKk...,,,, y.,.,., """'" IMtyC ... Fr•llllC-RICllS.0- Sl!tweLi- Mlt1t ln\1111 810y ..... ,.. ... ""' Ct.,.. .... OeweeLMwlifll Owe...,.. O...."'-' ........ T-f'llYV ..... IN o..ee...., .. .,.,..,.....,_ ,...., ..... .... ..... ,...., J""' tr.,,.,., ........ ,,_.,_,,, .... 1-m U·I0-136 ., ....... 115 7~13' ... 10-13' ,,..._1. .... ,_,. ,,.._1. 11 .. s-1» 10..1-IJ1 ....._,l, 11M1-IJ1 • ....._,11 7'-4S-137 10..1-117 •1·10-131 .... ._137 ... 11-111 .. 70-t• ,, .. ,_,. .. 10-111 •1-11-111 ... 70-tJI 11 .. 1-111 ,,_,. 70..--tJI 70-6t-1» ,.,..._,. .... ._,. ,,..._..Ill 6f.70-tll •t-70-111 ,,..,_,,, •t.10-111 •t-70-111 ,, .. 7-13' 70..-111 6f.11-t40 71--140 1U1-140 10.10-140 11..,_140 11 ....... 140 1ua-wo n .. 1-140 •t-11-140 70.70-140 1u1-140 11-67-140 ,,..._,Cl n..,_ICI 70..11-10 •t-n-141 •t-11-1'1 14 .. 7-141 •t-71-1'1 IH0-141 •t-11-141 70.71-142 71·11-142 IHt-141 10.12-141 11·11-142 ... ,,_,., 10.7)-142 ,, .. ._142 14..,_,., 11-1-41 11·71-142 lf.1)-142 •t-IJ-141 IJ.10-142 lt-74-141 10.72-141 70.7)-143 JHt-143 74 .. -143 , . ..._,., u..._143 14..._143 , ... -143 70.7)-143 70·13-143 ll-70-}43 71·72-143 IJ.11-143 ... ,._,., ,,...__, .. ,...._, .. ,...._, .. 1).11-144 ,...._1 .. 7 ........ 144 ,...._, .. IW-tU 7J.1)-t4S 11·74-IU 7).71-tU 1H0-14S 74-11-146 ,,.,..._,., IJ.71-U.S 13·12-14.J 14·11-10 IJ.ll--14.J 73.7)-144 70.7.._, .. ,,.,,_,. ., .. ._,. 7).7)-146 ,, .. ._1. 13·13-146 ,,.,._,. 74.12-144 7Ht-t46 , .. ,,_,., 7>-7"-141 7~7)-141 1•1>-1•1 IM~l.41 7•11-141 70.7t-141 l~l>-1• 12-1.._,. 72·1-1• r•n-141 , .. ,._,. 71-17-141 ... ,._,. '""-1" 1~1"-1" lf.10-1 .. .,..._I .. ,,.,._ ... ,,.,._1 .. ,,.,,_ .• 7>71-1• '7·1>-1• '"n-1• , .. , .... ,. 7)·7t-IS1 1H1-ISI ,..., .... ,13. , .. , .... u, ,,.,~,., 1'-1.,_UI ... , ... , .. , ..... 1 ... 77·1'-US 1Mt-t• .. , ... ,. ,..,_,,. 7._.WO 11-WO .._WO ~loulhem '" .,.... c... c~c•> .....,.._, ...... , •• o.wtNny, ..... ...... •• Jlll'I --. u.• ,.... , • YHW M49.tl• ,._.,_,. 1111 lrll""'-.,,,,., .,,,, '" ll•rCeN111,M»lt 16<4 tit Merk M<GWlllii*, tGUJ ,,,.._ ,,. Tt11r Cer•. MU 1M 1 140 c~ 11<1o:,.a1 ... ,,_ .... ,.y ... , ... .,,. '41' ... ,, 140 JIM Wlllle, ~ ... 7t-MO Miiie ltOMt, U ll 71-10-UI ............ "" ,.,., 141 1.0 Iv,,..,, $t1S ... , 141 Tim Orellenl, \111 70.71 141 Jey CllCld, \17) .. , 141 l.,.nt't T.........,, tm 10.11 m 11111<11 ,.._,, .. , ut Nllke llt-II 11-14f Jeff T llWntitll II 11 Ml hmC....,, 1N~ 14) 1111<11 lelrd '1·11 ,., 0.•141 TllOl't lt-H IQ \Cott 51..atr ,... 1q Woody l'IUlluQll 70.7 l'1 llonnle ••-74"4t-tQ loo t'Otd 10.1) IQ •n • .,, ,._, , .. Dave Slleff 11·7) 144 Art 5<111111"0 IJ.11-141 si ... J-. '°'' 10 1t011 ,_,,_, ,...._,o JOllll M•WI IS-12-tU Brien Cllerttr 14 1 146 8 111 8 ultMr 72.74 IAt J011nt1y l!l•m , .,,,_ , .. MIOey Sllolder 1 ~71-146 P•I Lindsey 7>-l>-1• Ken Olakltl 7•7t 147 0on SIO..ey 1~12-147 M.,i. C••u-cN• 1•1>-t•1 D••ICIS-72-7 W Jee-McC-llle 7J.IO-t41 R0<ky '"""""°" 7..,2-141 Tom••G•n 7M t •• Atndy Htrlt<lll 11'11 141 Jolln Tr•ub 12.7._, .. Ed $elwr t).1J.-14* Dev• 8•1111< 1l·1• 14* Nll<lltel Bllf-• 74.14 141 Ok~ Goeu , .. ,, 14t B•be Ht,kn , t•1> ,., Ml'• Prnlon 75-74 14' Tommy Armour, Ill 11·1 lliO Tom JOM$ IHI llO Ptul Wis. 1~1• Ut Btrt Y •noy 11·1' UI Tom S<--74 71 UI Pt1• Brown 11 1~ 157 "'"-OOllU 11-1• 1U Je<' F•renr 1114 IU Rey Carrasco 1 .. 11 ISS Oouo 8-,,.,. ,,. Biii Loeffler 80.17 117 Al<k Boro 1w1-111 JM!n Hen 1e-eo-1M1 Steve We..,,,., eo.. ... J im Mel.Un 11·PU Cvrtl• Slffotd IJ.PU HowltJOflMO<l 7).PU Mlh Morley l~Pu Al JOl'lnllon ll·PU l'ltlOAY'S LOW SCOltES t. Jim Booros, .. (win\ U IOI, 2. R-r Cetwl11, U 1$1501, i ftlel T0<>y Cera•, Larry Miit t nd Boo P.-n, ti IUI Jl) ..._ .... T....,W-1 tt• -Jey c.-CSISOI J erry Ht lPttln (BIO CMyon CCI 11' -Chlo Bto 1'6001, Htnrv Hltll<ock (lrwlne Coest CCI 12• -Tim Grtlltm UOOI, Ml<llH I Drue-•• I BID Canyon CCI. Ut -Jtek McCone<llle IU!OI, Tllo,,_ hlOot I BID C...yon CCI. O•v• sn.ttt 1'2141, Tom Even\ IBIQ C•rtvon CCI. P•rne Stew.,t Wiil LAymen CBIQ Ctnyon CCI. J~ TllomHn 1'2141, Rl<ll•rct M<O•nlel 18'9 C•rtYOll CCl. SGoU Sl•9er en••>. AOC.rl Oondener C P•los v ... ciet CCI I Jl Mike Re .. o• (\31 SOI , GeorQt Kllmeln IYorbe LIMMI CCI; Ml<lley St\oleler ""IOI, Otle H•rtoo (H""lifl9lon S.e<lltt CCI. Mlkit 8-er C'3? SOI. 8 111 C-•n llrvlne Coest CCI, Boo B11rlon IU2 IOI. JOl'ln L.,....,.. ttrvtn. CNfl CCI ll:J Jim 8ooro1, Lou Senill C "°"-CCI, R~r C•lv1n, BOO Cllllotd (lrvln4 Co.st CCI; Ed 00u9"trly, Eric Welton IBIQ C•nvonCCI. LPGA tournament let~•-~.Fi..> Holli\ Slllcy '7 70 131 L~M Actem• ........ M9'y o_.. 714 140 Holly HM11e~ 1J.6t.-141 l(•tlly Wllll-111 11·11-142 Cindy Hiii •t-74-143 Lynn Stroney 11.1 144 !>CK Germtln 10.1 .... 144 J-C-r 7>7-144 Belly l(lno n .n -144 Jerllyn Brttz 6t-7~144 Slletley H-ln 71.72 144 Joyo Kumlenllt 71-7 144 Donne c-.i -1J.11-UI Alu AelnNlr'Cll 12·1)-141 JllCly Cltrt< 11-13-tO P.M Glet.ieri 13-7? 1•1 Pet BtHley 71·1] Uj Gell Hire~ 127] l•I ,,_ lltloc:k 71·1> 145 Kelly FulU ,._,. t4J Y11-o MorlQIKhl 7).11-UI O•te ECIOllllllQ 11·14 145 Siivi• 8"1ote<clnl lt·IS-14' ~·~~llHerle ;~!t :: LeAnn C~y 70.76-14' Vkkl hbor li-73-146 Be•ber• MoaneM 11·1>-1411 B .. t•ly ICl•U 1~11 141 S.ndre Soutitll lkt-u 1 ,.,,.,,. Post ·-1•1 S.ndre Pelmet 11 It 147 Sally L lttltt IVI 1 10 AUukO Hlk-7'.1) 141 Bonnie BrvM>t n 1~ 141 Sue Ertle. l•·ll t41 Heney L-•·~110<> "11 u 1 JeMI AIU 19-70-141 P•nv Rluo 1• 1• 141 C0<>nle Cllllleml 1•11 141 Belll OM>lel 11 II 141 S Foolemtn 1•·1• I .. S Cunn~ 10-11 •• Jo Ann Weshem 14.14 14' Sue Romm 11.11-1• Oolln• Wllflt IH~l4' M $ Ot'ftln 74.7 1• C•llly SNnt 14-74 14* C•lllerine ~n IJ.7!r 141 Allee Rftzmen IJ.1 141 Mindy-. 1•11-141 Slleron Berren ,.,,,_,.., Debbie Austin 1J.1._14• Vklll Ftrvon 1 .. 1)-14' Btwerly Hiike 74-IS-14' Debbie Sltlntwr 1•7l-1ft El11t MU.lllslt• 1~74-lft Pet Me.,.n 13-1._ tft Mtr!Ple H-13-7._14' J11lle Stenvtr·Pynt /!r7t-14' B Oevl..C-r 14-1~14'1 Ketlly Martin 12·11-14t Mero• s1.-11t1a 7Ht.-14'1 Bert>ere Mlu9"1e 11·1 '" BtltlSo-IHl-14'1 ll•Otrt• 5-r 1•1 wt ltobln Welton 11·1 14'1 Lindt H""' 7~74-t ... Penl SllttNll '""_,., •••be•• Btrro-'""~''° All<t Miiier 74•7._ISO Cllrl1 JollntOn 1 .. n -110 Aye-00 11.,,_ 74.7.,_150 Kethy Hite 12·1t-150 Bonni. ~r 13-11-150 Lori H11llllOld /).11-IJO Joen Joyce 12·7 llO Otbble Ano 11.1t 150 Penny Plllr , .. ,4 ISO 1'111 Stone IHt-151 l(elll RI-IH._151 Cerolyn Hiii 14·11 tSI Heney AIA>ln ,~,._UI C•rotyn CMrtlonlller 1~7._tSI ~re Hunbu1 11·1 ISi Vl•l•n B-74-17-ISI CollffrlW...._ 7~1._ISI l(•tflY Cornl!M 1•1s-1s1 T-•M Hetslon 1•7 .... 152 Lenore Mvr'-• 7t.7J-1Sl SUHn l.tdd /).7-1$1 Mery Miiis /4-7t-15' Nl.tf1'f Olcktttoll 7).7t-ISJ l(•tlly PolUtwell 714 l-111 ~ne H..., 11·1.._IU C-le J•c.11"°" 1).fe>-IU Vkkl S........ '4-79-IU ClftdY Llneotn ,4.7 IU BeOy .... ,_ 7 .. l .... tS4 JO Ann P.-lu 14---154 Peny H•Vft to.7 .... IS4 l(yle 0 18n... 1!r1._IS4 K.illy YOllllO 1 .. 1 .... 15'1 1Ce111., ~1en 1~1u c et11y "'*" '"n-1u ,._., ltrt .. tt , .. ,,_"' Ne.-cy ~ ,...,._,,.. •-Cr_..., '"''-'" J-"t It.... , .. ,._." JM P'trrltls to.7._,11, Siie ltftNtt 1 W t-1 M ....... H• , .. ,._,,, o.en1tWM 7Mt-m 01-0.ltY ,...._ •• ....... _..., ,,..,._.,, Amtli. It.-l14l-tN ...... l<tlllfM<Mr U.1 "" 1 ... -~ et •s llleft'110ume.,..nt cou.a•• ... .......... , c.e ............... uc•n-."' M .. ellth: Miil• c -.-11 ICtl ..... , ___ Al •; Oewtf .... .., IUC l,,,IMI 14. r ' Men~~· 01 UC,,...."· ... D1etie S.... M •mMteyr ... y t UC lrwlM, J.M M t,000 frw I L'-lm IVCll, t .JU; t. Mvrlnt IVCI), •.u '· J, I(_, ($01.t :tt . .4. 100 trw t Vln<enl IUCll, t:•1"/ t. Slier M r 1$0 1. I '41.), t • 0011.trl lVCO ,...... .. . '° fl'ff I Andt'10fl IUCll. 21 ... 2 Rtllek IVCll. tt 2; J MMre11011w i.DI n •1 • '°° INI I. Ellloll 1So1. J 00 u ; 2 ~:r;ero IVCll, l OJ a. > Ayrn IVCU, t<f'lltter Cll•lno -l Sluter ($DI. 22'.oi; t. f'IOod C$DI, 211.•, J.1.-r CVC:ll, Jll,U. toO lly -t, Pllllllp• CSOI, 1 ;st.t ; t ;~\""' IUC ll, I H .O; J Riie, ISO), tOO ''" t Elll041 C$DI. 44 o, l. Vln<"'I IVCll. 4t..4, J -U11 ISOI, Ml J 100 becli I PllllllP& CSOI, 1·U t , t. Oruco r IUCll.1.0S.J, J S4•M !SOI, l :Ol.J )00 lrff I 1(11-r 1501, 4;41,4; 2. LlndM lm IVCll, 4:4t,t; ), MullM (UCll, •:o.•. J<f'lltltr olwlno t FIOtCI 1so1, u1.t : 1 IClftll 1$01. '19 OS, J. LAndet IUCll. 132 1S 200 -•t t Po11.,ton 1501. 1 14.S, 1 NkllOltoll IUCll, t : 16 4, l Mea4 CUCll, 2:11.t 400 lrH rel•Y I. UC lntlnt, J 13.). U.S. Pro Indoor ,.,, ............ , Ooot""11ull ....... Jolln M<Enrot def. Stndy Meyer, .... M , Clllp HOOper del Jollll Sadri, ~1. 1 ... W , Jimmy Connon al. And-0-1. l·S, '"· Vllo Gtrul•ltls Ciel Kttvlft Cwren, •). 6-2 WCT Gold Coaat Cup (et Oetro IM<ll, I'll.I Ooot-lnelS ...... a Jou·Lul\ C•trc ctel Jo•• HI011•,.•. cter•utl, Peter McN•m•'• d•t 8 •1•u T••0<ty,IS.~ Women'• loumament letCllk ... I °"9~1S ..... t And••• J"'99r ae1, Dl•nM F romlloltr, 6«•, t .3, Wendy Tumbull dtf Pam Slltlvt r, •1, •·• !>ylwl• Hent~• <let Mtlene !>ukov•, ._., • •. M•rtl11• H•vretllo•• del Andru LUnd, •>, l•. M NHL CAMPIELLCOMl'a•aN'E SM ...... Olvlt .... Eomon1on Ceto•ry V•tUOuver 1(1 .... ColOredO MlnntM>t• St Louit Wtnnl1H19 Clllc•oo Toronlo Detroit W L T 01' GA Pb, ,, 11 10 1'0 217 1• 18 22 1l 203 ,,, .. ,. ,. 11 ,,. 1• 43 t3 ,. 11 '" ,. 11 II l3 I 14t llll JO N.mOiwk .... 11 IS IS 111 Ill S1 24 27 • 100 103 S2 1• n 11 1'S no "' p 23 10 lit 130 .. IS 14 11 J0t 211 41 H 27 10 11• 115 » WM.H COffl'E•INCe NY ltl•not" Plllltdelpllla NY Renell" Pll\\bu'Oll w es111n111on Bulf•lo Mofttr••• Bot1on o ... 0e< • H.,ttord ,..,ldlolwklen H I) • lt7 157 M ,. 11 • 701 1113 '° 13 20 I 117 1'4 SJ JO 12 I '" 207 41 12 ,. • 111 70t J2 A•-01v1tl• H 1J • 203 IS2 •I 26 " u 221 144 .. ti 15 7 70S 275 tl ,, 10 • 2:21 101 ,. tl 2• II ltl JOI 11 l'ttN'YaSc- l'IY R envt<' S, ColOradO 1 Edmontonl, ButtAIO 1 T ... y'tGem .. St. LOYket 1( ..... Botlon et Herllord Bull•lo el CelQttY, n Det roit et Montr..i," Mln~•I NY !slender\ n Pllll•41ttplli• at V.-couver. n Clllc1911 et We'111"91on, n Men'1.aocc1r MIGNSCHOOL c--... -2. lrwlneO Coron• Ott M•r SCOfH'UJ H•tl•orth, M<Crlmmon £~11< .. S, El Teret E\l•nclt \Corlnq Morreno J, Ursini l, V•sque1 WrHlllng COMNIU .. ITY COLLEGE ~ .......... . letC~Cal .... I ~OaN WEST OUALll'IEltS 111 Ale• o...rt~ llnlsr.ct first IS.-Robtrl !4•11 llnkr.ct M<- 167-Slew Glore flnl~ --Hwl. Tim Riiey llntsll<Pd tlllra T .. m \111ndtnos· 1. Cerrito\ 1 P•lomer. >. Golden W.11. Note . TOP four 1ndlvldv•lt td•enu 10 stet~ tlnels Friday'• tran .. cUon1 aueaALL "-ic ... ~ CLEVELAHO INOIAl'IS Slon~ L•'l' Sortni.en, pltcr.r, to • one·y .. r c0<>tre<t Wtlvtd WeyM G .. •-. pitcher ......... u_ HOUSTON ASTROS -Announced tr..t &ff K..._,, lllklltr, •net Ol<~lt Thon, lllfltldff. lltd .-to lt rma l'OOT9ALL ....._..,_..llL"9W HOUSTON OILERS Slo nect Cllfl Paratev. 11unle<, Ind Jolln l'loyd, wide te<tl"" NEW YORlt GIANT$ -Hem .. AM Erlltrdl ~w ceo.lftdin.tcw. PITTSIUllGH STIELEltS -A-ed tllt rH'911Mlone Of Dl<k W•lll«. etf9Mlwe llt<-lltla coull. H•mto Teny 01111n o.ftntlvt M<l!llt40 coetll, MOCKIY ......... Mee ........... HARTFORD WHAL£115 -Trtded 11411 McClenellen. Ctflttr, 10 IM N•• Y0t• R~..,. Mllr'lc""'*'•tlollt. MONTREAL CA .. AOIENS -AHitNe Jetf Ir~ • ..,.._, re He•• Seel,. al Ille Amenc.t .._ L"911'. VANCOVVall CAHUCICS -$1enM Mlle t.tm•'f, left will&,.• ....... , . .,.., centrett. Ae<ellff Andy ~1111 ... M r, Cletotn-. from N\eoiw• ...... ol '"' Ollltrl• HoCll•Y L ..... , -Hell e.lltftd, c1ttt11lltf'l'tn, trel'l'I Oellet ol tr. Gtlllut H«lley l.""'9 IOClCIR ....., ..._le«., ....... lufll'ALO STALLIOHS -$'9ntO ,,.,.. ................. cou.••• CAMI SI US -AllMllft<tct Ille ~ ef 1111 lr..U, tlMd ,_..II <M<ll. MAVY -"""*' l'evl IClllclrtMI, TMI ..--Oef,., ,,_, .. .i ..... t ........ _.. .. $T, JO" .. 'S ... Y. -Nemet frtt ...,.. _____ ,_,., WUT LlllRTY -H-l.Atrr ...... ... ....... (Mdl. Cycles to race at Big A By HOWARD L. HANDY .... Oelty~ ..... , There will be a virtual who's who of motocrosa racing on band for tonight's openin1 Supercro1s race at Anaheim Stadium with action getting under way al 8 o'clock. The riders will be competing for more lhan $500,000 in purse money during the coming season under the Wrangler Supercross Serles banner. Tonight's action includes four 10-lap gualifying races; two 10-lap semifinals; one 8-lap consolation race; and a 20-lap main event. Team Honda has entered an ou ~standlng grou1) of rider s inc luding 500cc nationa l champion Chuck Sun ; 125cc USGP winner J ohnny O'Mara, Donnie Ha nsen, J im Gibson, Darr e ll S hul tz , Brian Myerscough and David Bailey. In addition lo the team riders, Honda will also be represented by Jim Ellis, J o.Jo Keller, Ron Turner, Danny Chandler , Steve Martin and Larry Wosick. A strong local team from Fountain Valley will also be compeling1unde r the guidance of tuner Rocky Williams. Team Wheelsmith will consist or four riders -Cla rk Jones, Kevin Davis, Mickey Diamond and Mike Monaghan. Ya maha. another of the top Sup ercross teams. will have Broe Glover , the 500cc national and trans-USA champion along with former Supe rcross title winner Mike Bell. Bob Hannah, the winningest rjder in AMA history and Scott Burnworth are also riding for; Yamaha. Yamaha's s uppor t group includes Rick J ohnson , JeH Hicks, Jeff Jennings and Eric McKenna. The Kawasaki factory team will include Jerf Ward, Goat Breker and Tom Benolkin Suzuki will have l2Scc national champion Mark Barnett; 250cc n a t io n al c h a m pion Ke n t Howerton, Denny Bentley and Geor ge Holland in the saddle. Also competing against the four major factory teams will be squads from M aico a nd Husqvama. The course itself is a test of man and macnhine and is known as one of the fastest and t oughest in the series that re turns to the Southland in June at the Los An geles Coliseum. A near sellout crowd of 63,000 is expected for the com petition. Citrus five plays host to Gauchos AZUSA The s truggling C itrus Owls provi d e the o ppos itio n to ni ght when SalJdleback College begins round two of Mission Conference basketball action here <7 :301 T h e Ow l s. a ft er a 10·6 non·conference showing, are 1·6 in conferen ce play Howe ver Coac h Nei l Edwards' squad held its own in a 69·54 setback lo Riverside CC. the No. 1 team in Southern California, Wednesday night. Coach Bill Brumm e l 's Gauchos, 4·2 in confere nce play, are in second pl ace behind Riverside CC. George Turner s parks the Saddleback attack with a 3>.8 average. Teammate Dave Wisniewski carries a 14.2 average into the game. Citrus counters with the Mission Confere nce's No. 2 scorer in Bill MoraJes. Morales boasts a 26.8 average. But lhe Owls are ranked last in the conference In offense, scoring at a 62.6 clip per game. After Citrus, the Gauchos h ave a n important ho m e s howdown with Riverside CC Wednesday night (7:30). CdM, Eagles blank foes Corona del Ma r and Estancia- highs each recorded s hutout wins in Sea View League men's soccer action Friday. Salvador Vasquez and John Ursina had two . goals apiece to lead Estancia past El Toro. 5 ·0 . Eagle goa l ie Craig Neinhardt had seven saves to help his team notch its sixth Sea View win of the year against two defeats. Estancia was ranted ninth In the latest CIF 2·A aotter poll. The loss dropped El Toro to •~. I The goin1 was a little toufher for Corona del Mar. The Sea Kines needed goals from Andrew Hallworth Hd Seott McCrlmmon to edge Irvin•, 2.0. Corona d•I Mar goalie Jeff J acobl wu called upon to *IP nine shot.I In the shutout. the Sea Kln1s' eecond of tbe year. The wln hnproves Cdll'a S.. View mark to S.2·l. .. - TH£ . t 'A,'llL \' CIBCtS by 81 1 Keane BIG GEORGI: by Vtrgtl Partch (VIP) ,.,. "Quick, George. Get the bug bomb!" by Brad Anderson DE:\. ·1s THE ME~t\l'E u \ 1·~0 ~ • l-1o l 1 "Bad news, Casanova!" "THlS IS~ir RJR Mf,MoM ~ RuFF'.s HU~GRY SO IM NAl<lN' HIM A OOJ6LE·OECl<ER ~ SM\WICH ! ' Jl'DGE P.\RKER .. -~~S~~~~,--p;~~:;;;-;;;;::~ YOU KNOW. Af> 50PMl&TICATED MOO:\ Ml'LLl:\S A5 M M 15. THERE ARE TIME5 WHEN HE 15 50 NAIVE THAT 1 WOAAY Ae<)UT HIM I ® CoNFOUNt> IT, l<AYo-- WILL YoUSTOP WITH IT .. IT !<£MINDS ME OFTHE' 5'TOCK M,ARl<ET~ 1H,AT Yo-Yo? b ACROSS I Wallted ln 2 w0<ds 54 Hoodlums 58 Neal as - UNITED Fealure Syndlcale Fnday's Puzzle Solved water 6 Heliet•ne 10Batter1 140neal - IS Swan genus 59 -Ille Red 61 Hindu noble 62 Singer Jenny li+-ti~ 1& Sutficlent. ol 63 Czech riv« old ~ "It's Of'lly - 17 Prigs 111 wa1nsco1 &5 Expert• 19 ~lion 66 Re9udiale 20 AbOtninable 67 Authof 22 Hypolhellcal Ernttl 24 Aroid Thompson 26 Loompart 27 Pl'eflC9d 31 Summer on lheSeine 32 Wasllcl 33Pub game 35 Humble 31Sauttl 3t Ctlldel 40 SOltary 41 MtN llefher ~Pldl-430J...inCa 4'4 Decant '5Med 47T• s1z.- N~ • DOWN 1 South of 8 C. 13 EurQ9Hn 2 --lime 21 Failufe • N9'W 23 Apphes 3 Fashion 25 Award neme 27 Beyond 4 Hugged 211 Cosla - S Cf9* 29 Dash 8$c9pltf 30P .... 7 So IOfYY -134 AOjult • -CJt*endi 135 llumpicln t Vleionarile H Fomierty 10 DletlFlt 37 T•a It .. --of 3t Oil IOU'C. toellne ... " 40 Engllefl or t2 "°"91 Fttnefl •2 P~•lland 43 Spenlsh . ledlel •• T endencieS 46 Dull finish 47 Mtlan's La 48 Sut>jecl 49 SNeplilce 50 Wa¥t 53 Arris 55 lnNCt se Blood. Prt1 57°"'9Md IOSMdten by Haro ld Le Doux by Ferd & Tom Johnson HoWCAN YA LE,ARN IF Y,A. DoN 'T 1,AKE ADVICE ? Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 30. 1982 SHOE !~~RIP ei-~E Cf nu~~. THIS.CH EAP SOAP HAS A'w'FUL PERFUME IN IT --- (j0ftDO /// ., c.1...1'" I 'f'JC.f' p1z~rr1"' 'C(4Ck BUT I USE IT T H AT ALL THE WAY--- TIME-- . FOOS'/ GATO! STOP Pl.A.'llNG WITH THAT TVPe-WRITE~f t 'l ':\K ,. "l:\kt:RBt~A:\ by Charles M. Schul z • I f I 1-30 by Tom K. Ryan WHO EL...SE'Cl HAVE COPIES SENl'fO HIS f'106RAPH ER1HIS l-llE:RARY AGEtVt' Al\IP ROl\JA ~ARREif? • t by Ernie Bushm1ller AUNT FRITZL ALWAYS KNOWS I 'VE TAKEN MY BATH ?..?f'?-r ~? tf ';~;" - by Gus Arriola {)t\RN ! I TOLD fHE W.) WlfH 1HE C~INSAW I JUSf WANIED A ll11LE OFF fHE BACK AND 51DE6 ! \ l·Jt> DR A BB Lt~ I SoR.E. 00!'£. MORMAM CA14 ~IMO 'ie>llR ~flKT Lt:H~6. lllt"40'1 ! 0 0 0 lwACKOl ~ l9 . FOR BETTER OR t'eR WO RME ~ 'PJ LEA~I~· ~ )tX) CQN'I 80'.:>N,~R? Sell )OOR. tJC()SE IN WINN lf>EG. AH' C.DME HERE \O UVf: W\TH US'? "\ . by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont FORG~I 11" .' ... ANO WE WANT rrTo s-my THAI WAY ! • I ; ·. -Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Saturday. January 30. 1982 Dell.a Reese to sing for Capistrano church SINGEa DELLA &EESE ls to participate in a 9 : 30 a . m. service tomorrow of Capistrano Community Church to be held in the Saddleback Collete Gymnasium. Information. call 661·4898. A G08PEL MUSIC FES11VAL featu1ing the Florida Boys and the Cathedral Quartet Is set for 7:30 tonight at El Camino ColJege Auditorium In Torrance. Information, call 1213) 370-0185. .. HOW TO BE TOTALLY HEALTHY" is topic of a semina r to be conducted by Dr. Elaine Willis . from noon to S p.m . Sunday in Suite 45 of Seacliffe Village, Hunting ton Be ach. The seminar is sponsor ed by Huntington Beach Church of Religious Science. Information, call 536·5150. JACQUES GERRARD, who conducts inner dimens ions s eminars. will disc uss ways iACU~a Is f'&in--conscl ce e 1 r NEW ClllCI 111111 s ubconscious brain cells at the 10:30 a .m . meeting S und ay o f th e Laguna Bea c h Unita rian-Uni versalist Fellowship at 429 Cypress Drive. Laguna Beac h. Information , call 494-4743 .• FORMAL GROUND DEDICATION for the new paris h church at San Juan Capistrano Mission is set for l p.m. Sunday at the mission . MARK TWAIN, as portrayed by William M c Linn. will participate in the 9: 15 a.m Sunday ser vice or St Mary's E piscopal Church , 428 Park Ave .. Laguna Beach. ----Jt'OltMl!:a-etltttrSTA1rClTill"h1 Chapin. who ,. port rayed Kuthy on TV's "Father Knows Best, ")s lo s peak at 10 a.m Wednesday 11t the United Methodist Wom en's m eeting at First United Me thodist Church. 2721 17th St . llunt1ngton Beach. Information. call 536-3537. A CONCERT FEATURING Kathy Lightstone and Milenko Matanovic of the New Troubadours is planned for 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in Suite 45 of Sea cliff Village. Huntington Beach. Adm1ss1on to the concert. sponsored by the Church or Religioui. Science or Huntington Beach, is free . Information. call 536-5150. E PISCOPAL CHU RCfl WOM EN of the Diocese of Los Angeles will hold their 87lh a nnual meet ing and conference Friday and Saturday. F~b. s and 6. The gathering will be hosted by St. Mic hael and All Angels Episcopa l C hu i:c.h~­ Co rona dcl Mar. Information. call 830·5678. ~ 1 South Coast BUSINESSMEN Contact the DAILY PILOT tor Information regarding the county requiremen ts for ualng a Fictitious Business Name. RftlMlrMt Ir liquor Store Community Church 642-4321 EXT. 332 A DiniTLg .T radition Since 1922 Ser ving Lunch & Dinne r Reservations Suggested 6-15 · 7077 Services 8:30 A .M . & 10: 15 A .M . Corona dPI Mar H1qh School 7101 Eastbluff Dr Coronil del M a• "GOD HAS AN APPOINTMENT BOOK" Tim Timmon ... S1wakinl.! - You are Invited-. fo ,..,., Sln••r. r,..,,..,,.,.,. ...... ,, Oneo/ .4Merlco '• ltfo•• ln•p lrln11 Sp~akere JAN. 3 I • FEB. 4 s-doy I 0:10 a .m. & 6:00 p.m. Mon.·Thurs. 7:10 p.m. ORANGE COAST CHURCH DffiECTORY Freedom of Worship An "'You've tried the rest. NOW try the BEST!" Rn. Dr • .._. C. JecllSCNI Mew 1'fiMtW C......._ t ...... t Mewl"-tM c....._c1111rc• _.., s.ntce & .-.. Cllllrclt l lttl&tm.,.....,.. .... IO:IOA.M. '"THIS TIMI WITHllHUMG" .... ,, . 1st dtlltCH Of ltBJGIOUS SCIENCf' ~m' ,."' ... I Of NEWPOIT IEAOt I~ ', . -Chufl:I\ U"""" c ...... , .. , ot A ........ ~ L .. ; • ~ I Dr. A..,.. lwil• ~.,~,~, WORSHIP -9:10 A.M. -~ CMWC- . "RefffJ1•1 Sciettce ht Your Life" IOI I Ca!MIHlck Strwi, Mewport leaclt left, .... " ..... , . F()A IUI INSPIAATl()NAL .. ($SAG( DIAL ~~1 Y.ullt · w.4e ....... Mllti1ter'1 No. l:U-Hl2 • CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES BRAN('H( .. {Y fMf ... OTHER C'"'l)R( .. , .. ( ,,,,.,, CHURC'H <'• rHRl"T <;('1["'""' IN eoc;10... ............ C"H\IC:fll!i 11LO¥E11 January 31st, I 982 Cotta ~ -Ant Cltwclt of Cllrtlt, Sclewtf1t 2110 .... ·~Dr .. c .......... C'-dl & S--, Sc-.. -I 0:00 A."4. ....... 1-. JHO MeM Y~ Dr. t A.M.-4:)0 r.M ....... .._ S ... WM. 1·7:50 r .M. -,.,;JO r .M. lniM -Ant CWch of Cltriit, Sc ... st ....... s.~ ..... -.... Sc ..... 4Hl Mklteel-1Me9r T•I ' C1-dt & S--, Sclloel -I 0:00 A.M. CHll.0 CAA£ fl'A()VC>fOAI SUNOAV SElllYICE tluo ..... a IMdt -Ant Clllrdl of Cltrht, Sc ...... Itel & °'"· ................. .. C._..&~-IO:OOA.M. ._....__zze.,..,._ ~Cl,.._. -111r..t Ct.rd of Clwtlf, 611 .......... C._.. AS.., Sclloel -I 0:00 A.M. ...... a--J14 ...... A ... ... .,.... IMdt -First C"-"dl of Cllrt1t, Sc ...... JJH Yle U.. .._,.,. a..11 C._.. & ~Sc-.. -t:OO & I t:JO A.M. ...... •-. ))15 ... LWo M-. tlres.t.-t A.M. • 5 r .M. T--.-7 .t r.M. C-CW. "'°""""' T ueodeYt -ti » 11 )() A ... F"' SluO• T '"'• M•~ IMdt -S.Ca.cl Ce.rd of Cllrtlt, Sc...... . -ttOO ,.lflt~r .. C.,.. .. M• Cltirdl & s-My Sclloel -I 0:00 A.M. le .... 1--JSOO "r I . C_. Hwy .• CdM WED. IYIMHG TESTIMONY MllTIMGS - I P.M. ALL CHURC .. S A~ i;• tOIOlet''I '"'~.0 10 1"'n~ lrt• C"'Vtt"' •~<Mana .. ".r>"' J"'• rr·~·I~~ ot ll'tfl A~'°""'9 iAQOf'l'S CltlW c-""•Mhd AT AU SlllYICIS ,. . I HARIOR C ... STIAM A COIDIAL WELCOME FIOM TltE UNITtD CHUICH OF CHRIST CHURCH I Disc .... ef Orittl 24011"1M•~l..i c.-TYCMCtt .. I 64~5711 ---- CONCltGA TIONAl ! .......... 611 H...__,.A•e .. I w....w, c_ ....... 10~ 644-7400 I GtMS.:-. DOAMW.••.MW.t.r ......... I 0 A.M. -S.-., W.,..., ('~,.t"' S<N>Ot •f'M'I N1~ c_,,. CJ NUGHIOIHOOG CONGIEUTIOMAL t•H 340 St. A•'• ftece .. G.._.,,,., L..-a-ch 494-8061 JOH ... M. llYHOlDS Attend The MAIGAl'fT AHH llYHOlDS MIMtt.n Church of IOA.M.-S.....,W .... Your Choice Ct.rch Sclloel & ....,._., ST. MARK PRESBmRIAN CH JI 00 Mer Yid• Dr ...... ..,... leech • ... WW-McQMW .... To.ty 'Wott9 rntor u• .._ .. _. ~ ~•soci.t. ,..._. S-.y Wc.nhlp & Cliwch School-t:JO A.M. '""School -~ """-"' Fridey 644·1 )41 Flqnwutl1 l, l'lltJ1cqllf il11i11l L' 111 11 l li l ~-' 1262 •OAD ST .. HIWrOIT llACH 642-2740 Sunday S&r•ic& -I 0:30 A.M. Jesus is Lord rASTOI TOMY CUITO I This Sunday Worship In ST. AHDHWS PllSIYTHIAM CHUICH 600 St AndrPwc; Roaa • Nf'wOOrt Beach • 63, ·?880 .J>L.J--~~~---Wontiir 5.,.,,1ce1 -1:)~:45 mid I 0: 15 A.M. "GllOWIHG TOWARD WHOLEHES~ A FOUIFOLD rA TTEllH" LU~c 1 •1 • 1 Dr. Johft A. ~. Jr .. prnctliAcJ rlOGU...5 7:JO -.....-411f..t1 tt.ni ..,,de~ Child C•• 1:45 -.....-411t...t1 ttini Adi.It Cle11" I 0:15 -.-.411f..t1 t11ni 6th Gr .. & At.Wt Ct.1'" UC ~-64S.2J2J 1-=-=---==========-- PIUSBfflRIAN CHURCH Of THE CO\ffNANT 2150 ,..., ... Rd .. Co"o Mfl• -5§7.))40 lnoc• A.. ~. r .. tor ~,,,.,,,,.,. W1 1r<;hrro Jl Church School H 30 & 10 00 A Ill' Chill] Car<> Ava1labl<> Con•1111nity Presbyterian Ct.rrh 41 S Fond Ao .. L..-io luch 4'4· 7555 Rev Artnur J Tankerc;ley Rev Craig Wtlhams Ch11s11an Education Hour 9 00-10 00 AM Worsn1p-tO 15 AM "UlilSllllV CAAl fl'lllOVtOlD Al ALL SUIVIClS ---------~- CHURCH OF CHRIST 217 W. WltMM. Colt• MeM '4S.J"I WFrrrA Gmna GlowmQ Growrnq<:hurci'I SUHOA Y SHVICIS llllf STUDY ' A.M. WOttSHtr I 0 ....... ' r .M. "Deslrin9 and Acquiring" Er. 20:17 ,..,, ~MW••"" -o_, cote."-"' MW•~ ~==========================~~=============================~==========================-==~ ·Chu;ch orsr. Matthew by the Sea (TradrhOf'lal Episcopal) HOLY COMMUNION · Each Sunday · 9:00 AM (Book of Cotm1on Prayer · 1928) Church SchOol provided MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church 611 Heliotrope, Corona de/ ""' n. a.. .. ~ Hohfekl -532·220 I ST.JC>litHS THI IPtSCOPAJ.. C.Uc:tf IH COSTA MISA t.y SlrHt .. Or.Ip A•- 1:00 Holy Co• cl• I 0:00 Holy hcltari1t I 0:00 s-day School Nursery care ........ c ..................... c. 541-2237 ~ _L ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL OUCH .~-I 3209~~=1each 5-il9y l:OO A.M. PNpr ..... twp c.---5-119y t:OO A..M. a-eta~ ... ,,.. ....... 5-il9y I t:OO A..M. lllritt S-.,. ,...,_ .... twpC ,s..,. .......... ...., ............. " f:tt A I O:tl A..M.........., c .. CMAJMMATIC MAIS llrtt S-., ef ......... -7:00 P.M. ~ -, ... A..M....., ...... ...... Sent&. Wiii...,... 0. Of ..... 1'te ... Je11t P.A._. M, ...._ _ ,._. '7M 10 NEWPOITHMml luntEIAN CHUIOt 7'I .,.._DP. MIWPCMIT IMCH .... ,.,, ...... , ...... ,..... .............. ,..... WORSHIP SERVICE . • . 8·00 A M CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. . , . • 9· 15 A M WORSHIP SERVICE • . . , . . • t,O 30 A M -.c,,..,.,,__, wacOM1 1112 ....... " Hufltlft ... ft hectl Ca=_, .... l :H A.M. c ....... ~ ....... w .... 1 l:OI ...... ....... WfSTMINSTfR LUTHERAN CHURCH 1)141 M-A·•· IH.rl to S-D._., '""Y· & W1 ........ """' -WOllSHIP SllYICIS - l :JO & I 0:00 A.M. r A STOit JOB. A. S wtGGUM rHOHI HM:ZH CHRISTLUTHltlAMCHOICH Missouri Synod) 760 Ykt.rie St .• c .......... ~ Y. T_., r .. ter -6Jf.f61 I WOthHtr SHYICl-1:15 & 11:00 A.M. S..-, Sclloel & A ... ,.._ ct.1 -t :JO A.M. c ................ .., Sc .... -541·'"' All SAINTS ANGUCAN EPISCOPAi. CHUIOt Acc ...... "-I HI .... ef C-.....,. 1 ~ Bushard. Fountain Volley 963-3801 llV. STW'Hlt4 w . FIUH8, llCTOI HOLY COMMUMlO... .. : .••.....•.•......•...•. 1:00 A.ftti. MOIHIHG raA Yll.CHUllCH SCHOOL •....... t: 15 AM. MOIHfHG raA TH & SHMOH . . . . . . • . . • . • • . I I :00 A.M. MUISIH ~:II A!AA.AIU '4nt &~ s.a.y 11 A.M. S.C~ & ,_... _.., 9: 11 A.M. Sermon Topic Jan. I 0th 9:00 & I 0:30 A.M • 0 Spir:ffuai T"'"' in Yow Life" HHr-R ••• ,..., ...... C HUICH OF IBJGIOUS SCllM~CI Member of the United Church of Religious Science H AC:llff YILLlllQ[ SUITE •$ tm MAIN SfRU I HUl''11110T01'1 11£ACH, c" mq A ordlal WelcOflte fr0tn THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Costa MeSls AISTUHfTIO MITHOOIST CHUICH 19th St & HarbOr Blvd Chttrcti SUMI t :JO Wonllip 10:45 Charles 0 Clark Mrn1ster Costa Mesa North UMmD ~~CHUllCH w......, & c:a...c• School 1:10. 10:00 ....... Dr. W19-. L Stee4 c .. IST cAUICA IY THISIA Newport Beach 1400 W Balb<>t Blvd 673·3805 Huntington Beach FtlSTUMrTm MrTMOOISTCtMCH 2121 17th St 53&-353 7 WonMp Ser•lce: 10:15 ._..... ... ..........,c. .... 11....,._ Clwcll Sc....,_9:00 ._..... . Hunt1ng1on Beach North COMMUMITT UMT9 MITHODtsT CHuaCH 6662 Heil Ave 8•2"446 1 W or9Np S.,.,,lce l :JO & 10:00 l :J O S..d9y SUMI 10:00 Fountain Va•ley FtlSTUMT9 MITHODIST CHUICH 18225 Bushard St HJ.UH Rev Robert Shepard Jr w....., & Clwcll Sclloel t :JO A.M. ~ ,,...Sclloel/o., c- 7:00 •.M.-6 r.M. Or Carroll E Word. Mrn1ster Ww'llllp & Ottirdl Sc-.. t:JOA.K ·---- NEWPORT CIHTlll '"11D MITHODIST IHIM ....... A .... C..... .. Mw 644-0745 WORSHIP & CHURCH SCHOOL-9'30 AM Rev. Ken McMillan Y• Wll le W•1 1~ -AMll-111 FllST CHllSTIAM CHUl~H M.a. .. A4-i. llwllMft• leech SUleAY: ci.--e:11a IMIAM w • ...., l :JI. ll:tl .......... PM Ac .... , ......... -......., ""'-" On.1:11 -ISflllS ...... ,.,,., TW ~ 0.... Mllcom •TOMI"'- DIAW.:...OnoM-IJ6-9NI: Offlle-116-1119 ..,. I .... Cltrtlt -· t "'• HARIOll HFOllM TIM'll S..._...S.rYlcft Frid•y f.f'llltlloJ I : 15 ,,M. 'SHIR HA. -MA 'ArOT t t s n 1 n • n 1 F..-ly S.r•k« Fint Fridlty of ftM-"' 7:JO r.w. Raob1 Bernard I' K1no J.irlltlorcl'.' & ~t:71Ufl Dr Mu<;1c Anf' Sh1kler Newoort Beach Caltl Educator Nancy Levin For .. .., ........... c• 644-7201 " y,,,,c,..-w .. tct'W'n"' TEMPLE SHARON ~ 1Conservat1ve~ ¥ Rabbi Hershel Brooks 617 West Hamilton. Costa Mesa. Calif. 92627 1714) 631·32'2 I remPLE RT ........ s. *1B SHA HAT SllYICIS Fri.-t ~111.-S.t.· I O:JO &A OF HtwrOIT·llYlMlll .... I Family Se1v1ces-1s1 Fm:lay of Montn-8 pm Rel1q1ous School. Adull Ed . Youth Groups. Singles Kabbalat Shabbat 1~1 Friday of month 6 00 PM IO I I Comelback. Newport l.acht•tf J.-Weel •44-IHY C_._ 1...W L ,_.. • ~.tw Miriem VN ..... / ,•,1/..111,· f,11 ., ( ,,1,1,{ ( 1111•/ l 111!1•11/ 1. /11111/i' / •111 II I ., l\ .•• '11• \1 MARINERS CHURC H ,., .. , t ht, , ... 1 '• f1 :,, •• ,. '' 00 .1111. \\1'1•h11' .111d 'u11.l.l\ "'' "''"i 11' I" 1•th )!l•hlt I ll' I~ .1111 1!1l>l1· ( l.1""' •l h1ld11•11 1'-. \duh•' (l,.,,,, .'It'.'"",,, /1111•/· .,,, ft,.,,/,;·,,,,/ /'/111111 (' l 11 l'I 1 "l I ,, , ,,,,., "'''' ""' \nd th1• p.·.l\1 1•1 c .... 1 """" •1111'·'"'' .111 .. •mrrc·h .. n· •ll'll •h,111 )>!u,11\l \Piii "'"lt I• .11i.f ~11111 llltll•I• Ill ( h11•t 11··11· · rh1l1rl'1.111· 4 - ·Attend The Church Of Your Choice This Sunday . ·- • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 30, 1982 .E,J, surv_ives shakeup, clirigs to tiny edge . Trivia BOwt UV seems to be two-person contest TMre were tome n1m1t11n,k if' the etandln11 . thl• week, but M leMlle'rter m1n11ed to cUnc to hla aln1le·polnt lead aa both he and A1eat M finished with acor• of 10. With so many contenders on the sidelines this time uround, It looks like a two·horse race for th, championship ot Trivia Bowl XXV. as 86 is ei;ht points up on the pair deadlocked tor third position. TRlllART.1. Hop e full y , th e "vacationers" will make a run ror it in the next contest. Here 's the next 10 trivial tidbits for your lis tening and dancing pleasure. l. Joseph Melbes became better known as a semi-matinee idol under what nom de cinema? 2. In Peanuts, what character always falls asleep in class ? 3. The singer described his cigars as "short. but not too, big around" in what song? 4. An aviator becomes ao ace after how many kills in battle:? 5. Jn the movie "The Caine Mutiny," where did Robert Francis and Ma~ Wynn s pend his furlough? Top hits of week listed By The Associated Press The .following . are Billboard's hot record hits for the week ending Feb. 6 as they appear in next week's issue or Billboard magazine. HOT SINGLES 1. "Centerfold" J . Geil s Band (EM I-America > 2. "I Can 't Go For Tha t" Daryl Hall & John Oates <RCA1 3. "Waiting for a Girl Like You" Foreigner (Atlanti ---- 4. "Har.den My Heart" Quarterflash ( Qeffen l 5. "Turn Your Love Around" George Benson <Warner Bros.) TOP Lf's 1. "Freeze-Frame" J . G e il s B a nd (EM I-America l 2. "Escape" Journey (Columbia I 3 . "4" F oreigner <Atlantic ) 4 . ··H oo k ed on Classi cs" R oyal Philharmonic Orchestra (RCA> 5 . ··Tarroo You'· Rolling Stones (Rolling Stones> All l!i) (l!jJ AHO [ilj Ft1.111tS RECEIVE 01( S~ ~ 01E ... O!IOf< P\C!U'IE COOE ~SELF llEOUl.ATIOll ~'Kt" a=:=CRI I ~ Alto Pll'""' ,JrE c::: 1Eiffuli1'd-;'::c:::a ~~(RI z-c••rn1 Ori••·ins Open 6:30 NIGHTLY Under12FREEUnlflJHoted "Two hours ol non-stop thrills." From immigrant ~fired in steel mills .... to the Icy power of the super-ridl. -Rex Reed 6. The phrusc '"ls thut a chicken joke'1'' become populur on u TV show. Name both the show and the per1on who usually Hid ll. 7 Namo the NF'L player known 1s "8atmaf1" whos.: symbol is drawn on his arm pads. TRIVIA BOWL XXV STANDINGS 1.lfk~lltl ......... ,,., J. 0•• .. HIM 0 ... Ill 1111 .... _ .. __ ,ll .... _,,,..,., I, •a.-w. ~ C,.._I U 6. TIMIG-Cll H •2 '· ·c--••nv.1 "~ ,. 1.••k••-m n M t ,_._...,, II M 'MMtryl'IUIHf --..... , .. ~ ...... 8. Halsey Van Styfe is a legal eagle in what play? • 9. ln the movie "The Howling," name (a ) the call letters of D~ Wallace's TV station and (bl the station's chahnel number. 10. While Annie played bingo, her mate sought a cheerier atmosphere In what movie? • Last Week11 Aaswen t. Jack Oakie <name changet 2. ~na the Hyena (ugliest woman I 3. The Supremes c Romantics' old name l 4. Peter Hurd <LBJ portrait) 5. Camp Little Woll <Little Darlings J 6. Werewolr 1 <Great Santini> . 7. New York Giants <Dallas & Dorsett) --, I I • 8. "Oeitr Churlc11" ( M lch1ael Anstruther, 9. (H I Gutsby l b) Cha rlie ("Countdown " yuchl. dog) 10. "The Gruduutc" I movie riddle > t Send 11our answt'ra to TRIVIA. cJo lht Daily Pilot. Boz 1560, Coata M esa 92626 All entnea mu.tt be rtceu~d by Wednesday . otherunRe har/ the playtr'a last acore wUl be awardA?dJ ORANGE COAST COLLEGE FRIDAY FILM SERIES Feb. 3 & 5 • Apoc1lypae Now Feb. 10 & 12 M1nh1tl1n Feb. 17 I 19 Raging Bull ,eb. 24 & 26 H1lr M1r. 3 & 5 "2001" M1t. 10 I 12 Last T1ngo In P1rl1 Mir. 17 & 19 Lenny Mer. 24 & 21 Setyrlcon OCC FORUM -F1lrvlew I Arlington, Coile Mesa FRIDAYS -7:30 p.m. end Wednesd1y1 . 2 p.m. Admission: $2.00 -Se,,es Ticket $13.00 Chevy had the power to make this New Year the funniest ever! ~Q~/Q~(i:ij {l.GiQ~~ll~O .. "Tiii HIDll' MAI A LOT GOllG POI IT •.. n1111011, AIGll AH PUllOI. Jack Nkholsoft Is mumerlllng ... witching him work Is a plusure. In Tony Rlcllardson.·s rousing movie, Nicholson btcomts 1 hero budtlng bureauct1tlc corruption. Tiii• 11 llCMIM• et 1111 ,,. .. ,, 11erl0111 Met.'" -DIYid •~sen, Ntwlw,..- "'Th• lorder' Is a succusful Invasion of hcklnpah County, where bogus high llft '"' • qukk 111111 dMUI too ofttn lntel'MC't. Al for J1ck Nkhotson. h~ shows 1gain th1t he un •mbody H much of the 20th ttntury AIMrlcan malt - MXY. psychotk. desperate, htrolc - H 1ny movie st1r tod1y." -l'klmd Corllu . Tl..,. io.....,. M--·'°""'--l>C-• HARVEY KBTB. \N..ERIE PERAl\E \UUtAEN QV'ES ..,_.,. ELPIOIA CARRILLO -... ---~----___ ,.,_.... ___ ..,.,,c...-____ -.. -----.. _.., __ _ . New, Oflglnel wlldllfe o6' P,lntlnga b ANCY • , • "' • ••Pf"tlve 1nlm1I per1on1lltl" ... "people with fur" SOUTH COAST PLAZA HOTEL (8elboe "oom) 1 666 Antpn Blvd/Costa Mesa (h.118!11101011 t.40$)>1•1 Saturdey 1nd Sund1y J1nu1ry 30 a 31 , 1912 ! I 111.m. • 4 p.m. r. • 1)11 P11ntino1 bued upon Cl.ANCY'S 1981 /82: : P:'iOTOGRAPr..1c S.\FARI 10 INOIA 1no NEPAL . w. Ith emphaala on "Tlgera~l\thetr n11ural h1b1111," No Adm111lon Ch1ro• 111 o•igln11, unique P1lnt1ng1 shown for tile " • • Exclusl•ely presenred by • • • M C11ncy Inc I Bo• 11 1 Sol¥1ng, CA/93483 .. BARGAIN MATINEes .. Monday thru Saturday All Performances before 5:00 PM (llctpt Special Enp91ments and HollClaysl t~ Mll>;i.f•A MAll o Muodo ot llo1ec1on• LA M IRADA WALIHN "'"2•00 - .. ·-c KOn. --111/mtoo .. , ....... ... l --·"-&UMI "gfOERI OFTHf LOIT ARK " t19i>·•.a..• ...... , ... tiiii'aOll .-~UCM MY ,.,.,..., ..... ....a , ........ -----..,.a..., teO .............. .,. ..,._,. "'fl!EDS" •••.••,•• "IHARl(Y'l 111AQ41Nt'" 111 "'""'·••ua.---.-. .... ··Tifl HDUCTIOtt" 1111 .............. --·--·--! LAl<EW OOD CENTER SOUTH WAl ll IN foclJl!y Al Del Amo 21l/6Ut211 --·-AUM "RAIOlM ~ THE LOST ARK" t•.1-•.•M~t-•.tttt . I --..·-, ... tr•.1.:9;. I.Mi. 14'.1•M ----·-c-,._ "WHOM! LIFE IS IT llNYWAY7" ., .......... , .. ,,.t ... ... ----· "SHAIUtY'l lllACHINE" t111 ,~..._._ ....... ... "YINOlt"flll •t:•.r·-.-.--u• __ ..,. __ "CHARtOTS Of' ,_ •• -t ••• ~ .... ...,.., ., .... -$ouin .Coott Htwoy ot•oodwoy 494-1514 ---· '"THE 9CMIOIJt" t111 _,.,_ ... ,,_, ____ .... -·-·--. .,°"" ,...,..,.-"' -. .... -..... ---·-- ,AClflC THlATllU OlltVE·lll ,_, •EETS l flf JC• •OV• t u<1S ... S"ttl , ..... , ar HAlllOll I LVD DlllVf.IH & O~llGl OAIVf.111 • •• ro J,. saruao•• 'su111•1 , .......... , suttOAU ,, .......... Sfactlt.t• .. ,815 ... f>:00 -•\• ... •8,45 IMPORTAIH NOflCl I Cllll n1m• UNDER 12 ftlU! Ht• .. •••• WllM• ... I•••'" 5 30. St• S•• ""' 4 30tM CM-#1 SOlll'O • >'OJll •• 1,. • llADIO IS •OIJll ~CA II 'oO a¥ C.All fiAOOl "'1 • Oil! Cl!< ICUUOll• l'05llOo --AMI IOnAIU 1•11U CJNf"'l -UI Clll M IWlC> ""'"Hll~ ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN P, .Jt '•A PA'~ BUENA PAR!< 0111vE IN llftCOlf\ ..... W•tl OI Jo"O" 121..a10 '1...r ,._. .. P A(H LI NCOLN DRIVE-IN lt"C.0'" ~"· ..... °' (f'IOff 121·•070 1.l11:11n1 Son o..vo •,.,,.., at l too•rM.U•t no ) 962·2411 Wf tr.A•~~q" __ _. __ _ .. THE BOOGENS" I'll "'"' • t 'THEY CAME FROM WITHIN" 111 1 -·--·--"THE SEDUCTION" 1111 -"LOOltP" fll ---00 ... ..-- "Y£NOM'"1111 ~-" N IOHT SCffOOL" 1111 CINI ft 50\J~O iii WAY 39 DRIVE IN lllotn li•O SO ot Gutoen Gto-1 r._, 191·3693 .... ,,, ' ---·--· l ., ~ ...... -·-··-LA HABRA Diii>'! '" "VINOll"flt ' -·-· ..... ·-..,. ......... -"NIGHT ICHOOL" 111.1 17MIH --- ~ ' ·. OPANGE LHllVt IN •' • I ,., M ISSION 0111Vf IN ' . --· I "llOCIPN.._99-: .. ...... : ........ It I.I.. w '" Ii ~ ;: R . \ I ., I - Or•no• Coaet DAILY PtLOT/Saturdav. JanC.af"Y 30. 1 Ql2 -ew Globe up, from asheS .. SAN Dl&OO (AP) -"TM Milt loriDI ,lt wa1 _.hut...., in far fat,... mawr Uau &.tore.'' lt'1 not one Of tM Sbak11p1.,.... ll'a'a mott ' OUI quotM -lt came from a jourulllt ti tbe •, not tM Bard -but lt la u a ate for rellullt O&d OW.. theater ln San C whlch ncently opmed, u It wu for the orilUlal In Lindon when It WU rebuilt ln 1814. Both the Old Glolte ln San Dieto -bulll In lW -and tbe one ln London were dntroyed by fire. fM S... Dieto tbea&er wu tarebecl'by an anonlat bi 1111; tbl orilinal burned to the pound when a l&lte cannon, fired for a performance or "Kln1 Htnry VIII," lanlled .lla thatched roof. Thouaand1 of local actors, tecbnlclans, (trectora and dealanera bad participated In mak.lnc San DlelO'• Old Gaobe a focus of theatrical activity both locally and nationally. When it •ned aft.er 43 years, nearly hall a million dollars la unlolicited contributions arrived in the Cirst 30 iay1 aft.er the fire. The motto ror the rebuilding e mpaign was the phrase by 17th century ~rnalist Edmund H~we noted earlier. It took feur years to build the new Globe,- CCNnpired to just a single year for the one in Landon. Shakespeare would love the similarities in NOW PLAYING IDWAllN IOUTM UA C:•MA lOWAllO& WOOOlltlllGI COAIT ,WA WUlJ!l!Oltll U 3 0546 kvtN 551 0655 , ... C:OTUI C:I ....... CITY c:.... ..O•AM.(UCCUlU CosQ lilc».151 4184 er.,. 634 3911 •Oii•-.,..,,...~-"' •CAOEMY ME.MIERS Y°'lt CMd •tll IOINI YCN &NI YOUf gwetl 10 an• pett0tn'\anc• •t tne 1,.111tt 1nd.utt<1 accwe '~ '~ // w. Ille Is It anyway? IRI• G ~-~~ --~~"".,...,., ....... ~o•~to .-.. ... , .. -..'""""'"'' M NOW PLAYING 191EA El TOMI ••n•TDll IUCll OU.U BtN PlalJ Edwllds SaddlW.Ck Edw11ds C111ema Ctnedome -529-5339-_ liJ1 ·S88D 848·0388 63HS53 COIT& •SA IRfl• ftran!s South Coas1 PW.a 546 271 I Edwards Woodbndc}e SS I 06!1!1 , .-'. I ..o •UMS ACCl'f ID 'Oii nunltGAOOWIT I · -· ·: . • ft ' .... . .. the Sllaabethan dnl1n1 both lnalde and out, but lb• lnner workln1' or the new theater are unlike anythlnl ever beheld by the Bard. . Audlence1, enterlnl the new Old Globe tbroulh mullve oak doon, find a 1paclou1 lobby done ln 1hadel or brown and rt)at. An open teltln1 rlse1 4S reet to the roof, ~re exposed cross· beams support a peaked roof. Staircases 'curve ,ently up to the Founder'• Circle with lta promenade area overlookln1 the lobby. Oak ralllnga and ll1htina fixture• 1lmUar to tfioae of ffie first Old Globe bave helped to retain the feel of the orlalnal. Yet, while the new facility is nearly four times larger than the old , the moat distant seat from the curtain line ia leas than eo feet away, and all ·511 seats a~ proportionally closer to the 1ta1e tbu in the original theater. There is seatln& acceu for tbe physically handicapped, with multiple location seat1n1 in the orchestra and Founder's Circle. The mechar)ics of the theater mi&ht chall~ae Shakespeare's suspension of disbelief. There la a thrust stage for perfornaances ol classic playa, which would seem familiar. But the Master Playwright would be amazed at the different areas of the stage that ralae and lower to provide versatility or set design. A UNIQUE AND PROVOCATIVEn~ IRONIC, FUNNY~ CRAZY AND MOVING -JACK Kae1.a..~t.'1tM•t!l!K EXCl..lJSIVE ORA~E COlJ~T~ E~GAGEWE~T Fa1.1tM .... 1 .... lillt/ ....................... .... ednds CINEMA CENTER M•-=e:~ 97M141 Everything in our entire stock la on sale-two days onty- January 30 and 31 . Pick from our large selection of unlqutt auto gifts and clothing. If you drive • Porsche, Ferrart, BMW, Mercedes, Corvette or Rolla Royce, you· should be at this sale. We are not an auto pert• or ecceuorles house, all we sell la fine clothing and gifts with your f~vortte logo embroidered or engraved on them. satin jackets • suede J9ckets • short & long sleeve shlr1S • sweaters • crystal • apa paper weights • key chains • gold c:h•rms • sun glasses • pillows • model cars l hf11 In Bree Mall At 2004 ........ .... callf.12121 714·l80·8152 In Newport BMch At 3131 Newport Blvd. I NewiKNt leech, C..12113 r-~L.Jt\. 71e1·173·7013 Master Charge • VIS"•~ EJC1J'9SS All SALES ARE FINAL 1 11 1 ·' , ; 1 1 1 1 t1 r r ' ' J UGO TOGN.UJJ (119• .. le C ... All• ,_... I ALLllA I '" ORANGE COUNTY ., P-REMIERE · - plu1 . ·•coualn- Coualne" CPO> vmYtllUC _"_..,,c ... •r "" ,,.,... • ' :, I ' • • I 'It • • • ·.~ f; ~ ~ D~ ... ·--''THEWOMAN NEXTOOOA" UIOfnOMTiaf& ,_,e:w-•AT-.4-,1:9;'" - 6HLLIPOLI ,__.., •. , .. .. ... ,_ 2., .... , .... "THE SEDUCTION'' (R) ,,... , ........ , ... ... ·-·-····-, .. -. ...... ----.,_,_ i·c1 .vc1 r~.'> .~l!~1:~~~TON 8~8 -0 388 ....... h ........ "WHOSE LIFE IS IT ANYWAY?" 111' l'lll.L-.IAT*"'-._'1 .. 9::11 AT!Nf,TZC , ..... ,_ ... ,_ .,, .. km.19: .. CMIOW- "FOUR FRIENDS" ""· ., . .. ,_ ••• 4:41, •• ~:- ,.. .... -.. .., . ....... -.-.., .. ,...._ .... PMI MOYll NM ... ·---TTO-IA'I'.......,__.. ,. ..... ·~Tl••-- IAUY .. LI HAMllON '°"° AllEICE __._,,..,.. m OF ''WHOSE LIFE ,,, TIM ~CE IS IT lOSr AK ..:• ANYWAY?" UMA'"OUNf (9') -- BET PICTURE ~ OF THE YEAR _....Tom rum omca Awasct -NalioDcd lomd oC 8"lew Award 7 GOLDEN GLOBE NlfiMN~ ~'°' .. ~,,w,~~ .. ;'f~~~=~r•··· "· l A<P .. AIT .fl .' • ,. J ~ ... ur J.J rw u. :. , .''; Thia ... you c•n SH REDS at th••• thHtr•• ., ...... -T llW-tl(.ICI Tw. ·~ --· ........ 0160 -v .... 110 '"° C>_ .,. 1~~] CIWAllt c.IU WUT Lllf-MllU CMIT PUZ& -"' »n """"•n•c•11Ueo.u ..... 1~1 .... "° •uat.t ACCe••to '°" ,,. l...........,, "AIRPLANE" MYDIDER WITBAIDRE "VENOM" ,__,,, ...... _ '"_..,.,..,.,. ,, ............. , l·dw .irch VI E JO TW I N • ' ' • . ' ., ' ' . ' 8 -:. 0 . 6 9 9 0 ............... , ....,, . .. .... . .&ltCll---"THE BORDER" ..... ,,.. .. " . "''-· liet, ••• -, ... ,..., L'dw .i rdc, FOUNTAIN VALLEY .... · .. -.. '. .. "" 839 -1500 ..... -~ '/)llll MTHlf: ~SfAltfC • (fg)··~~· nll.1:tl,9:tl .... ,.,... .,~ .. •!19, "THE BORDER" (I ROLLOVER P d V•'<lrr1'> CINE MA .... . ::.-.. "' 546-3102 01ARIOTS OfflRE Ptll.1:tt,••• ... ,_, __ , .. .,.,....,,.,,, ..... .-----. l'rlw.t rd" l IDO CINf MA ... . . .. . 673-8:350 "FOUR FRIENDS" ,. .. .,, .. .,.,,.,. . .... -........ • .... ., •• •e:•11111 "THE SEDUCTIO ... , ..... ''THI llORO.R'' .... ~ ,..tFMS ,__ ... , ..... , ... ., ..... "VENOM" l'tlLJ:a.t:• .... -...... ...... ., .. "'' _...,... "WHOSILIPI 11 IT ~AY?" ·1-5 t • Otange Coast OAIL V PILOT/Saturday 1 January 301 1982 Cl : ..... .,,,, ..,,._ 1· I ..,,_ .. 1111•1 Goldle ~ I .._, ~ AtlleftOlt. • MOVit *** "tbe 0.W of the • Tlftldl" (11U) Howwd ~.--~.AIWtt I_._.._. ...... ....... ..,. .• ~. bllnd, IDl"9 .... .,. .... """ lfllO ~ pllnl1 wlllcll 1n911tf 1nylhlllf ~llMrlhem. .. KABC 8 7:30 -"Omni : The Ne w Frontier." A modern day Elephant Man hopes to have hls race restored to normal. • WfTH91-·e .n'VCMTM JaU 111191' a.sty Cati¥ It· profiled INOlfOll lllletYitwt end petfcKfllanc.t (R) Cl) M'lllAN1' l'W'TON 0# THI KNXT 9 9 :00 "Golden Globe Awards." The 39th edition orthe awards. honoring excellence in motion pictures and television, will be broadcast from Beverly HUis. YUKON •, \ I I I\ I l \ ) (H)MCMI. .. • • ,.. "Zulll Dewn" (19e0) B11'1 L1nca11er, Pt11r -MQll--O'T0061. The E"Olietl wage • bltl!W ll"'OQle ~· KNBC 810:00 -"Billy Crystal comedy Hour." Robin Williams and the Pointer · Sisters guest on this season premiere . di• MCMI. the Wu nallon In 19th· • * * ,_. "Tholl Llp1, .,.,,ll#Y Aftlca. 'PO' tMM Eyee" ( tMO) f:rw (I) MOVW Lllngllll, Glynnil O'Coll· e .... "Atty ~ C.in new. A flMIOoyll'lt MN'I* Pley" (1tM9) C&Mc 0.11141. llocll actot, ~ ....... Mexia Smith. An llonetl KHJ G 10:00 -"The King and l." Outstanding musical starring Deborah Kerr as a widowed teacher who runs head-on into the stubborn king, Yul Brynner. ol 9foadw1y 1tardom. 8"d ~,.. gembler'1 Ille kid 11 1 Ctllc-oo high dlfend9 en W-pMen1, la ~ wtltl 1 .., ... ol 1Cf1oo1 m8k .. lrllnda wlth ~truek prop ~ end tr~. the IChool OUICUI and promot• hll ,_with e MCJV1a togethlr they 111111d up lo • a et1otu1 oin. 'R' BLOOD PRESSURE ~ECK -Ted Lange • • "Legend Of The s.a the crue1 gang wt11cn had l:OICZ)MOllW trles to-duck his annual physical exam Wolf" p9151 Chuck con-perNCutld ,.....,., both. • • "Petey" '19711 Hywel when guest star Shirley Hemp" hill comes "°''· 8arbar• 8ach. 8Mld 'PG' Bennett. Denholm ENlotl. A on a llory by JKll LondOn. ' Cl) MOYIE • man blc:onlM 111 lnatan• aboard "The Love Boat" tonight at 9 on A *"-11 kldnlC>C*f by •••in "Bruker Mor.,,t" Clllbrtty iftet a c;ollt,-· Channel 7. the -of a .... hunting c•NOI Edward Woodw1rd. 11111 trantplant operation. 1111p end made flrlt "'-'• Jeck Ttiompaon, Au1tr1JI· · 1'R'. · ---9-MTMtAOI. ~~loll. by the •hip'• flery·-.-i....=-:f_'"--.,,-.~c-onsc:riptldtoflghlon .. .,....._,_. •o FOHZ/l..AVEANE (B)_,,._ t~~·· 'PG' Engllnd'• llde In the Boer •mtCMl'ITY ,......., •••• "Beckel" (19M) (l)MOVIE w., deCide to light 11141 TRNTAU< t:OOl LIAWITTOllEAVEA Richard Burton, Peter • * "The tncr•dlble Boer guerlllH on thel' own W!Wl'OIH'f()fol VIUAAlmRE O'Tooi.. Klno Hwy II of Shnnktng w-" (IHI) term•. I ~ THR.WVOICE England~ with the ,Liiy Tomilni CllwlM Gtq-4:J081 SOCCERMAOEIH • SATURDAY MCW1E · Archbishop Of Canterbuty din. A tutllwban houaa, Q1RMANV UON•JQ *"'* * "The Hideaways" dUrlng the 12th eentury. wile linen herMff Q"ltlng England vs. Rumanl1 Cl) "'*.IC ll#FllJll//lj ( 11173) Ingrid Bergm1n. •"*'*' as he uncon· 5:00 I Hfl.'I 8E.8T EVER 0 N1W1MNC1M 'l:t JOhnny Doran. Two chll• -AfTEIHOON-cemld huabancMOOk• on ll'ME4AU. 8 ~ dren run away from hotnl 'PO' ITAR TREK ~ ...,..,,.. and hide In New VO<k 12:00 I W ~ 2:30 G OIWGAH'l 111..AHO 8 WIDE WOft1.0 Of **'n "The HouM Of The City's Metropoli\1n MllM-a~-Gillig1n discovers an lflOAT8 SeYer1 Hawl<a" (1959) Rob· um of Art. wtlete they -M8KETIAll illlnd bush that bears 1982 United Stales ladles' ert Teylor, Lind• Chtl•lfan. balrlandld by a spirited Mlnneaoti at tnd*'8 ·-IMds 1ll'hlctl m8ke mind· Figure Skating Ch1mplon· When a~ I• found recluse. 'G' 9 L08T IJ IPACE •Meling posslble. snip, with 1 repor1 on the dHd on his ship, I chartet t:30 8 Cl) BUGS llUNHY I Thi RObinaonti .,. In dan· 8 SUGAR AA Y Pair• Chemplontlhip (from boat 1ldpper dlaeovers 1 ROAD MINNIA ger from • rece 01 prlml· L.eONAN>'I OOlDEN tndlanlP()lls. tnd.); OUke t ,..,.,.. , .. _. •·-"• to I,_•--• .. a.. llVM under the control of a ,,., .,.._ S range .. ._ ,,.. .._ "°' -_.,,..,.... It Klhanamoku Surling Cla ... a hidden Nazi fortune. OZZIE ANO HANET comput.,, • MOYIE :sic (from Oahu, HllWlll). CBl MOvE 8 ina HIATHCt.FF ANO • MCNtE • • • • "The E111eculi°'1 Of -K"" •a .. **''-'"Zulu Dawn" (11180) ~ ; *** "Mary, ~ Of PrlvateSloYlk"(t973)M*'-.-.=;:: &urt Lanc1111r. Peter a MOYIE Scots" I t972) Vaneua tin S'-l. Ned Beatty. T'he **:;'"~The Suoartand O'Toole. The EOgtilh W. • * * "Invaders From Aedgr-. Glenda Jack· llr11 American to be exer • billet struggle against Mira" (1953) Helene son. ~ Mary of Scot· cuted for daMrtlon tlnce ~:n". ~IN~;::~~!d~ IN Zulu nation In 19th-,.._ art.... F --~ A llnd II 3] •tier Iha 1..... ,., " w -11 n Africa. ·PG' ....,,.,, "' , ... r r-··· defill the r of h:W cou. ,,. .... v. "' repr._. young mother becomes a century 9m1111 boy 111 the first to the perpetual battle "-ltlve and a folk hero (l)MOVIE suapec:t somathlng'a Ill. Eliublltl 01 England. ~._ lndlvldulli and • ...,, * ** "9 To 5" (1980) wrong wnan M1rtl1r11 hid· e ADAM-ta natk>nal rights 1n time ot during ·• crime remp!IO'I J-F_ .. _ Doll" P•ton. d ......, An unidentified officer designed 10 i>t•vent her .... ...., , Ing undergroun .._,n war , __ ThrM working women turning thelt human vie· reporta shot• fired oot la e ·INSIOESTOAY -~s~..,.. .. rebel agalna1 their aubju· tlrns Into automatons. unable to Identity himself "The Bell Picture In Host: Andy Gibb. Cohost: gallon by 1 malechauvlnlll m CHUACH IH TI4E or his ioclllon. Town" Hoddlng Carter M1tilyn McCoo Guata: bola. 'PG' HOME • BUM CUISINE looks at ,_ photography "'1·v•· ... -~on-Jolin, Eddie surface h81>1)1Rff8 01 11141 performers. 'A' 7t00 8 IN MARCH OF ••. "Hlroshlm41 Survivor•" I Wt4IM WIN YOU? THI! HARO'+' IOYI I NAHCVOMW MYITIM.I NIRO)! report• Melng a car plunge inlo a ravine, but 1n lnv11tlgltlon falls to turn up eltflii Yefllcle or driver. tD 1..AWAENCE WELK "Morning-Noon-Night Mel· Odiel" 9) WAL.TWAGHP SHOW GUNI: Peggy Fleming. • CHECKINQ IT OVT Mike McKinnon reports on an eplHemlc of killing end , warfare 1mong rlvll youth ,oangs on Chicago's South Side. fll!> MA T1NEE AT THE IWOU Laurel and Hardy. Jack Haley ind Patsy Kiiiy are featured In "Moviealruck" ! 1937); the Sh0<1 IUbjecls , include Shirley Temple In "l(id In Hollywood" ( 1933) 1nd a Betty Boop cartoon: and the Mrlal I• Chapter 2 of "Junior G-Men" slamng Huntz Hall and the East Side Kids. (R) Cl) IN IEAACH Of ... ti]) PIOPt.E'I COURT al THE MUPPET& Guest: Beverly Siiis. ~OlYMPW> "Tha Matathon" uoe ~ !lnJldllh:--l-==!·~~THE~~GUT~~AR~wrTH~::..:..._-1--:·!·T~he~E~Q11=-S~howlt(l"INC9IHM:-,~'-..ll"-..-"-lll!lc...!-ll.1.L-f--~:.. ........ -.,, ;CTi'ss. f()i)j' I :: the lives of ~ people Mike Love, Ronnie laws. --:-1...----~t~TV· ~~~T~ CONCERT who llPP8*' In the medil. Allcl1 Brld,...s. .,. ,,. .. ..,.... ,..., This special leaturea tix Cl) 8TARtREK .r.. ~ .. MAOEIN Ouk11 01 Haz:r1<d": • Fr-ay" axtr1ordln1ry soloists. l!1l PAOFE88IONAl _, .............. (~ ntE WN!t<Y WOAl..D ~A& Gueaf: Joe lilam1lh. 7~ 8 DANCE FEV£A Celebrity judges; Anthony Geary. J1yne Kennedy. M*'IY Cohen. Guest; Thel- ma Houston I J repott from Kansas Cily. 10:008 AGNCUl.TUAEU.8.A. ages 10-15, from the Unit· BOWLSllTOUA OEAMANY MlllOUrl on the ,_l'l'ol· e IHA NA NA • eel States and Japen who S 125.000 Quaker State (J)Engl~~A~·~man11 weoes1et at World's of 8 <II GOUJll GOU> I perlorm their own original Open (from the Forum -.-F,_ ,........___ ft&li. -....-.-.-~composition•. ....._.....,, L I G nd l!lfl """"'" -· ._.._,,_.. ,...._.. (Z)MO\r,.. --~.,. anea n ra a!LAIM'ENCEWEU< I THAT'S CAT • CAR CAM CENTRAL .,_, ,..__.. Pr .. rie, TH.). ·:••~ni'ng-Noon-N""'I Mel· l'WfiEM I MOVIE ••• "The Big ....... ...,... (t)MOYIE ... ~ ..... ,....,._ 0# Ok. -OlO...:.. -( 1980~ L.. Marvin. M.,k Of Th-o<SieS" -..... ~ ··~"TheHOUM .... co~·~ P"*l'l'JG ----a-· ....., Hamill. A tough Army .. ,. .,._ H ....... ( 1959) Rob -__, .. , .. .., '"''"~ ....,..........,.. ~ven a .... s • * * * "The World's Great· I 8l'EAK OUT "Neighbomooc:t Housing geant leads lour young. art Ta~. Linda Chrlst11n. est •thlet··· ( 19731 JOM CAPT10HED A8C Services" Jim Coop« and ===~:::n: When a~ Is IO:'lnd Amo;. Ja';.·Miehaet Vin· NEW8 ~ts discuss" the "lfforta dead on hi• ship.• cilarler ,6nt. • coach ·~ho Is hav-(J) VOICE Of __ ... La Wor1d w., II combat. 'PG' I di -. "' -of the Santi Ana .,,.. Cl) JEM'f bo1t ak pper !IClovers • Ing a run of bid luck AGflCUl.TUAI! Habra Neighborhood t2:a08 TOM ANO strange map that feads to returns 10 hos roots In Afrl· (II rrl YOU.. IU81NESS Hpuslng Services Organl· 8 WEEKEND~ 1 hlddltl Nazi fortune G l00t<ATU8 G (fl OMHI: THE HEW - FRONTIER Featured: a modern day ''Eleph1nt Min.. who nopes to have his lac;e restored 10 normal; a look at manmade evolution that -could alter lrte dlm111e and conditions of Mara • PAE8ENTE (ll)MOYll ..... ~ ... (1N0) 8111PMf! Lecli, .Hlllniftf O'Nllll. A twce wuggle develope ~ "*'"" bttt of • ,.,. t'CNll Of people .wlttl MIOUftdint, 1114 '*'""'·~ ~·· 'A' .. oowow •• 'A "On Any Sllndty" ( 1971) oac-1ary. ,._ McOuelll. ...,, l.lwwlll T"9 -Id of motor~le rlCinO 11 .-i from vwylng poiflts of "*'. t:OO. (I) GOl.DIN GLOel AWAlllOll The Mtl't IMllll edition ol 1'-•-d•, honoung a11oelllncl In the lllld1 01 motion l)iCIUf• Ind t4ilevl• elOn, will bl tllecalt from the a.-fy•Hllton HOie! In Beverly Hilla, Cllif U81AABAAA MANOMLL ANO THI! MNJOMU..119Ta8 ~II: Donny Olmond, AayStavena 8 t1J LOVE BOAT A man meets a woman he thinks he WM merrled to 100 )'Mr• _...,, and a male p~ ahar• 1 MCret with a lady and her aon.c;J • CHLDABI ~THE ...,.. Johnny Mann no.11 1 doc- Ufnllltlry lbout IJl:e mil· Ilona of child refugees In the world. • AU.000'1 CHILOAEN Miiiion• of the world's chll· dren 11119 in a dlllcate bal· 1nce bet--. Iii• end death, hope and despllr .GREAT Pl!IW'OMtAHCE8 .. Brid1sh1ed Revisited· Home And Abroad" Sebutlan takes Charles to visit hill lither (Laurence Olivier) In Venice where he lives with his mlatress. (Parl 2)(,1 fll!>THE~S SHOP "Oumbtleads In Action" Roy Undlrl't\11 completes the upper parl of the Sl'l•Y· ~~R) * * "Melvln And How11d" ( 1980) Paul leMat, Jeson Rob1rds. An otherwise unknown gas Slatton attendant claims to be the rogntrul hetr to How1rO Hughes' bllllon dollar eata11.'R' • 8:30 &> NAlttVIU.E MUSIC !9100 8 C11 a.L. Y CRVST AL. C011EDY MOUA (Premiere) G.-11; Robin Willllll(nS, The Pointer SI .. t9", Otw Thorn11. Rick Moranis, John Candy. I ~ANTASY Ill.AND A bride-to-be· yearns for her ablertl lather to gtve her aw1y. and' an archHOI· <>gist encounters the spirit WOl'ld. Q G MOVIE ***'h "The King And I" (11156) Daborlh Kerr. Yul Brynner An English gov- erness travels to Siem to teach the children of the King I DR. 8NUQGLES zaUon. people who lid "Jol>n Matuszak" 3.-00 U GOU.EGE ca and dlSCovers • super 7:00 DUITY'8 femlllel that live in under· G MOYIE MIKETMU ' athlete. ·G· _,.. • ** "Allum Of The Tea· If ...... (%)MOVIE ,,__ ~ neighborhood• Cal 0<nl1a1,.. ... on1 **'L• "Fo•e•" (l"'~) (!I YOUR MONEY AHO YOU al THI! MUPl'ETB Q1.191t: llZI Mlnnelll. ----~ .. I ,_THE FUNTSTONES .,,.. ( 11152) Olla Robert· • ,... ~ • ...., • "°' _,... and wlah to upgrade their l---1j°"1~-lll-Dnk-A-r_,.._ MOYIE Jodie Foster, Sally Ke41er· -ILUI * ** "Uttte _.fie Mark-m-•. The V1Ctlma of br<>'len 0 1U1 • ..,...,. Cll C0UW et atruog1ea to hang on to •• ( l'34) SNrtay Tl<l\ple -· °"'VIYAHOGOUA.TI4 ••-••• hilllndlndhOml. et A tit~ hOmea and uncaring par- _,_.. ~ Mer't)ou. 1 enta. tour teen·ege girts. try ~~™ M~11Kansa1 State .·~~SHOW girl IJ raised by bookies 10 IOOthe their emotlonll ®MOVIE "Hue •nd E-" Jon Goetl and rac:liet-s. wounds through drugs and Cl) IHTIAHATIONAL * * "The lncredlbla "' •-• MOYIE •••. 'R' HOUR Shrinking Woman" (1981) dlscu-types of cotor * * ..:.:Iellc.ll«'.s Pei" -~ (IMOVE llly Tomlin. Charles Gro-lilm, 1tbr1ge--;-lllm epNd. (1958) Clartc Gable. Doris 5:300 NEWS * * "The High Country" din. A aubtHban housewlf1 hghting, Pfocetlllng and Day. Tt. city editor _of a 8i) ONCE UPON A '19S1) Tlmothw Bottoms. If .. Ill venous colOr balanclng 1 ,,., _,..,.,.._,.,,...to, Ct..A88IC U d Purl An eacaped finds hers• g.. ng !Miers .,,.... ·--............ , •-;-ight "Black Island" t-l•chael n I . smaller 11 her uncon-iournalism c ... • n and Moody are sent 10 the convlc1 and his handl· oerned husband toolcs on. 9 KID8WOALO achOol and falls In love mllnl•nd tor fresh sup. capped gitKrlend run to 'PG' Cl) DOTTIE WEST woth the tMCher ....... t-• 1 ..._.._,,. a <7•~ "a---'111 ....... .._... .. Dottie • .-..--· pt;es.(P1rt2)(Rl0 1 ... moun .. n ·-.,. ut.1'""''"'"" ........... ~~, Aw~-Cl) WELCOME BACK, aocllty that rejecls them. e e e ''°' "The Elephant WM I and Kenny Rogets &> GREAT K~R 'PG· Mu" ( 1980) JOhn Hurt, petrtorm some of her super PEAFOMtlANCU "'• '"' 7:J08 ~OANOTHE Anthony Hopkins. A dedl· hits, Including "Sorry," "Brldeshead Revisited: ([)! WIOEWORLDOF MAGIC MOVIE MACHINE cateo physician takes '"Lasaon In Leaving" and Hoine And Abro1d" SPORTS I Cll 8MUAF8 under his wlng a hO<rlbly "America· Trilogy .. S.ba.stlan takes Charles to 1982 Untied States Ladles· OR. 8NUGGLE8 deformed man whose Hie Ct MOYIE vlSit his tattier (Laurence 'Figure Skating Champion-8 tll RICHIE RICH I 1111 lhen had been spent In * * '"' "The Cll And The Olivier) In Venice where he .ship, with a repor1 on the 8C009Y DOO c'-!> frHk eahlbltlons. Canary" ( 1939) Bob HOl)ll. lives wnh his mistress. Pairs Champlonsrnp (from I ~ANO GOUATH 'PG' Paulelte Godd1rd. In order (Par1 210 Indianapolis, lr>d ); Duke ""'"'" 10:30 D fVEAVWHERE to collect their Inheritance. at MOYIE Kahanamoku Surfing Clas· I AM A FOOL Location: live tr om the Los a tamlf)' must spend the.. * * * "Treasure lll•nd.. stC (tr om Oahu, Hawaii I Accl1lm1d mime and Angetes con--.tlon c.n. nlghtinaha&lntedhouae. (11134) Wallace BHry. -EVNG- clown Bob Batky demon· tar for the Los Angetes 1:00 8 Cl) FAT~ Jack14f,Cooper, Lionel Bar· •·:OO. Cl) C88 NEWS stratas Illa key elements BOit Show. e THEMUNITEM rym0<9 ea-s on'lhe nov-"" uaad In his lrt form. e AMENCA'8 TOP TDI Eddia hu to tlke • pet to el sy· Robert Louia St~-I~ NEWS CC) FILM FEATURE I WE'MMOVIN' sdlool tor a contest son. A young boy with 1 _,.,. ... .... {I) ll"OPeYE THE ' G MOYIE . . M<:fll map joins Long • * V. "The Doberman I ~fW'l.EMAN ~·a * *'-' "King Cr1ola Johns~ and his pirite Gang" (1972) Bryon Mabe. _,,...., WON<8HOf' (1958) EMa Presley. C1ro-er-to KOi.ii the MU 1or Hll Reed When a pair of ••tn "Comln' Round The e l'ORTAAIT8 IN lyn Jones. ll)lpa laden with valuable crooks train a gang of Mountain" (1951) Abt>olt PA9TIL8 e MOVIE c:argd. Oobermans to 1tHI and 1nd co1t1t10, Dorothy n:OO I T~ * * "Thlt Cet'laln F"'· a:aoe Cl) SPORTS respond to commands by Shay. Two nitwits In hllltMI· (II Wl!K!NO tng" (11156) Bo~ tiope, Ev1 SATURDAY wh1stle. the dogs loot their 1y country become entan· 8PICIAI. "'"''*saint. 15-rounc:1 WBA-Llghl'#elgnt masters by-learning their gled ~ly Mud•. "The ~orioua Jumping e flORTMIT8 IN Ch1mplon1hlp bout lesson• a nttle too well. • """'"~ Frog Of CalaYeras County" l'AITB.I bit-Art Fri• 9nd I THE Wt:llT£ SHADOW * * * "X The Unknown" A modern-day schoolboy "Young Man With Beard" Emeeto E9pana. AON.A MAAETT ( 11157) Dean J1ggar. Jour"*YI bed! 1n time. e KENNIDYCENTP 8 ~ SPEaAl Edw1rd Chapmen. A sci-whir• he enters IN now-TONIGHT 80WLERI 1'QCM "Movie St1rs" entlal fights an -,_,. lr<>o-)urnplng con· "Gr .. t Jazz Vibes! Lionel $125,000 Oulker State • MAE YOU THEM? oot nebulous radloectM tMt. (R) Hirnpton And Friends" Open (from IN Forum "The Cotton Club" Five crNture on the Scoltilh G WILD, WILD WOAlD Peart Balley. oa.,. &u· Bowling L-In Grand entenainers wtoose car-• moors. Of ANNAl.I .,_, Zoot Sim•. Belly Prairie, Te111.). , began 11 the legend•ry • WHO'S KEEPING I 80Ul TMlif Carter 1111d otlllt )au I !'!!!!° MAL Cotton Club In Herlem In ICOM? 8HOW MY PEOPLE grMll pay a mutlcal trlb· ._,,..,.. the 111209 .,. reunited. 0 CC) MOVIE CM "'1NG 00T ute to Uone1 H11T>Pton at 1 • * • * "The Elephant Cl!> 8l'OflT8 AMERICA * * "Dayl Of FUr/' Nar· I~ lfCYUHIE White HouM reception and --Wan" (1980) Jotwl Hurt. "Big 8 Women's VOiieybali rated by VlnClnt Price. An _,..,._ 1 concert11 KennedyCen· Anf~ Hoptcln•. A dldl· Champlonlf'llpa" ln-'lgatlon Of the Cllltllng • • ''The ~ Of The tar. cated phy1lcl1n llkH Ct) MOVIE events ol daath ind Mysteton• From .,.,... g MOVIE . under his wing a horribly . • • • 1,1, "Searl_ .. ( 11132) ci...ruclion 1re 1tudlld. Clplaln 5car1e1 90M deep * * "The Boy Who Cried deformed men wtio.. life Paul Munl, GIOl'Ge Ratt. A ®MOYIE Into a.,_ to lfOp the w~" (197!l) Kerwin till then fled ~ 1910t In small-time hO<>dlum riMI • • • • "RNurrectlon" deadly Mv•terons from MatMws. Elaioe oavry, A ~ freak elllt\lbltlons. to the top of the heap dur· ( t980) Ellen Burstyn. Sam ci...roylng Elll(fh. ·G· gentle Ind ,.MrWd lemlty 'PG' • ~ PrOhlbitlon. Sheperd. Atteri,_f9tll 11:ao1(f) aACKSTAR mer1 bee-a deadly (%)MOYIE l ft)90XING auto ICCldlnt, a woman (II AMEf1CAN -by night when he e *"°' "On Any Sunday" WBC tuper weherwelght flndathalahehaatheabill· llNCl8TAHO 11 trar1alonned Into 1 (lll7t)ooec-twy.Steve tflle m1tch betwaan ty to hNI others but 11 I*'· I WILD, WILD MIT -ewolf. McOuMn. Miff •taww111. Wlllred Benitez and Row· MC:Ulld beclUM of her NAIHYiU.I MU11C CC) MOV'll' Thi• ~ Of motorcycle to Duran; NABF heavy· refuul to clllm I dMnl JULIA CHILD AHO * * "09yl Of Fvrt" Nar-racing 11 -from vwytng weight bout .,.._ 4'ftn ~.'PO' MOM COtl/PNtr ralld by ""-"' Price. Ni polnta of lllew. Ball and Mlchall Dotin. Cl> MOVIE ... Wt.,,.... lfhMllgetiolt °'the d-..g 4:00 e eNZZL Y ADtW1 CJ) OOTT1I WUT • **1 " ...... Morent" ..,. • .,. ' event• of ~aath ind A 11'11 but 1119*' )'OUlll "Special Oel!Yety" Dottle ( tteO) Edwerd WOOCIWd, Hoel I ll11et'llle-Aic:ll dlltNCtlon we atudlld. named TI!eodote "-Welt Ind Kanny R091r• Jedi Thofllpeon. AUit,..._ BreltenWd talk• to author t;IO I (I) •....nu ve11 trill to Pf-hie ablll· petrtorm aotne of '* super .. eonectlpted to flgtlt on "-Mlctlanef' lbout hie ,.TROOP 1y to ~ 1n the wlldet· 111t1. Including "Sorry." England'11ide In Ille~ lllews on ~·· ~ Peml9ntet II tildnePPed by , ,....., "L--. In L_lng .. and Ww ~ to fWlt the tlel, , ..... .,,,. end the I,.., qi renegede lnclllfll. • ........ YOU.. .. Amertca-TrMogy ... 8oet .,.,._on tMlr -~.,em. • NOVA WON.O· .MOYIE *"'*-CJ:)MOYll "A Fl9d ~ To Roger Matlin ,,,._..y ._... •**"The Hunter" (197f) a:aoe(f) TNfZMll.ONR ***'-' "Scetf-" (ttG2) TOfY .,_..,_,. A Pofttlllt IN tmpeat d IN 1e1aoo1t1-St-Mc:Ouelft, Ell Wiii· MNmR PIUI a.Ml!. a.roe ...... A Gf ... "*' --bell· munlcttfo .. •••oMIOft, led!. Rllptt "Pepe" Ttlot· •••""""' / · .,...."'"* hOOdlulrl ,.... ..iune eu1611>o0111 011 e WNYIOll • -INdl • daneet-•te ..,... HOUR to IN top d tM llellp dW· Of ....... ,_. ~ a Tll9 1>1111ncM-.-a 11 a f!IOdetn..day bounty ~ Nie 111 ""nillO bird aottan dWtng Ille F9lllWI nune.. 'A' e KNXT <CBS) •kN8ClN8Cl e t<Tl..A (Ind.) e KAiie CABC> • K,M8((8S) 9 ICHJ•TV (Ind.I el(CIT IMCI e ICTTV Cllld,) e KCOP-TV (lfld,) • KCETCNSI • 1tOCIE INll <Ol ()n,TV CJJ Z..TV (M) HBO (Cl (ClrwtNW) CJ) (W()fO NY., N,Y • (~85) • ft) 111 (1$PN) C!Nwtlme) • 5Pottloh• • (CMl9H9wl"9t-ll) \ ..... !Mo•"*'~ Glf New Mwlaerl ,..,. lft .... Cl) 8NIWI l!.P,..,..,, Q Loutevtll9. 1<911euc1ry 11 INTIRTANlllN1' CllTNIWMIKYWON.D ........... ,....,._ 0#.DMnwn••TW • ..-...,..." w11 ... A-11r .. hi• au.ti.IOI...,..., ,..... ~ • ,_,.,; Si. ... ....,_ ¥/Mle ,....... flrea Ille • V911FOfddllcueMI111 .. ct· •• ,. "Gentle Giant" """'* .. l'MllllOlf; .... .. cw-: Tony Detlla , .... 1, DeNMe w..v.w. """,.,...._,... EupbotdnO. , Ver~....... 'N __,; TeflY 0... WMY•1MIWOM.q' e9wacm • lt#tlf ~..ot.. llOUIO· Ml MCMI -.a.MMe MM WO (J3 Iii * •" "C1tnr" ( ttlO) ONN •• "DMIJI C. Oft Ttle Jodtl F°'*· OltY IMeJ, T'*d l'Olllld ...... Gf ,~.. An edllentUtOlll '°""" M 1N ....... ffOM (I) MCM1 women IO"" • .,.,.,_ MT.,..,,.._Oolf~ ***,.''Mr~" lnJuP9 end '-"' ellcMlt lllLa ...... Cllf.). (tm) Owta .......... ... lllddetl emolloM end • ••wtnw ,,.,,. ...... : Tt1e ... tn11ttettoM IMlfllnd t11e "IJ ~~-• * "01y1 Of Fury" Nar- rlled by Vincent Prloe. An lnW1St191110n of lhe chllllng events ot death and <llSlructlon are studied. ~) l.AFF-A· THON A comec:lian-hoSI and louf" comic contestants who compete against one anot,,;,, are teatured •n lh•s uMensored comedy g1me show. 8.-00 8 Cl) WAL. T DtSNEY "lhe Cat From Outer Spece" An 9lllr1tetrestroal tomcat cretlh lands on Ear1h. (Part I) D CJt ONE Of THE BOYS Jonathan Imagines that h•• v1sit1ng moti-Is hsvlng I hot etlalr with Oliver 8 MOVIE • * • "The Rounders" ( 1965) Glenn Ford, Henry Fond~-Two cowpokes hire out to break horses never dreaming they'll someday enc:0<.1nter 1 '¥111 that ll!CIU· Illy enloys the taste of -wt115key. 8 9 KING'S CA08llNG Carey attempts lo promote a rom1nc:. bet-Jillian and Biiiy, and Lauren con- fronts one of '* biggest fears Ju•t..... before 1 big piano competition. 0 MOYIE ** "The Incredible Two- H11ded Transpllnt" (1971) B<uce Dern. Pat Priest. A two-headed mon· •ter Is de•eloped during a cranlat tr81)splant. • THE WAL TONI White vllltlng Walton's Mollnlaln. Oltvla's unGle ~ lnvol\oted With In often-married divorcee. en.u.en~ Hoet1: Stan Mooneyhem. C..OI -L_,enc.. Guests: Mille OouglH, Oic:k Vin Patten, MeurMn McGo- V9rn. • U..~IARTH "The First F-ta" David AllenbotoUgtl IOOlc I at Iha ways plant Ille cwercame • the dlfftc:ult problem ol mlgr9tion ftom -to land. ~couw 8AIUT'llAl.L °'9000 St11e va. USC (.l)Mo'M • *"" "Back Ro1d•" (1981) Sally Fllld, Tommy l11 ~ A hoolaet Ind a ctown·on·l'tl1-tuck bOxer meel Ind hied ..... 10 fllld the Gllllcl lhl 911"9 ..,., 1of lidopllon two~ ...... LEGEND "Brandl LM" tit AFNCA'8•-t1W11t1Hf1-ING ... BUT WHO'S U8TENlNG? HoS1s: Carol Lawren«, Stan Mooneyham. Guests Elrem Zlmballst JI •. Dean Jones, Wllllam Shatner fl) AMERICAN PL.AYHoosE "Seguin" The yagic Ille ol unsung hero Juan Nepo- muceno Seguin. one of the 1 .. ders ot the Texas revo- lution. is dram1ti:ted. O Ci) AUSTIN Ct'N LIMITS Jol'tnny L" and Cherly McClain ara teatured in concert. (Q)MOVIE * * 'h "Sphlna" (198 t) Frank Langella. Lesley· Anne OoWn. A ruthless black market antiQUlltes rlng attempts to stop an Egyptologist from dl1eov· erlng the wner .. bOUts ot a prk:elesa 11a1ue she was permitted to view. 'PG' (S)MOYIE * **'~ "Oona Aor And Her Two~·· ( •978) Sonia Br1ga. Joae Wlll<er A young 8tuillan woman'• t>O<lng second m1rrl1ge Is enll\lened by the arrival of her lint husband's pas- sionate gnoat. 'R. OMOYIE • • "Melvin And Howacd" (1980) Paul leMat, ,lason Robards. An otherwi~e unknown gas station attend1nt claims to be the rlghlluf heir to How1<d·s Huges· bllllon .doll1r 11t1t1.'R' tO:OI (%)MOVIE • • • "The Big Rid 0ne·· ( 11180) Lee M1rvln, Mark Hamill. A· tough Army -· gNnt IMdl four young. lne•perienced r1C1ull1 Into ·the vlolence-lilled fray of World War II combat. 'PG' 10-.30. NEW8 CH> THI YEAR ntAT W~ 1•1 Patrick O'Neal hosla this IOOk at the.most-· r able events ot the previous ~· 11:00eaeC1>aa .-S AlmllCA'I TOP TEN I u·A·a·H • LOVE PLUI °"' Holt•: Stan Mooneyhlm, Art llnklelter. Guffts: Oilllann C•rolt, Meliua Sue ·Anderson, Dave Boyer. lan'lelll ........ &> IOUND8TAGE Joan Annatradleg eplna • ~---lhlsillgl "Cool _.... "Berefoot And ,.,...,_t," "a.ck To The Nlglll" lllf "Wiiiow." ~~ * * ~ "Thi Nlgtlf Pone(' ( 11174) Olftl ~ Cflet· 1otte Aampllng. A bUrTe relallonetllp .. .--enec1 ~1~8Soflt.. Clef lfld • *--· tratlon C9"1P ptlaoner .._..., "*" ~ dl.-lft • tllllel ........ _ ..... 11-~~ .... JoM M9ddeft, eom..- ~ r: .... ve.UClA .wc.-MCMI CJ) MCMI . •• ''in Old~ .. (tMl)JoMW...-.,IWW ..,,., . ..,. ..... "Winter .... (1t14) Andy Griffith, '"-'" Cir.:OV. •••'A "My~" ( 111711) etwi. ....... ~. A4ltft ........ Ttue -II.Id at I ClliMIO 11111' tetloOI mak• frillldl 1111111 the IOllOOI ~ lftd together ~ ltlnd lolP IO the Cfual """' wttlQI tlad pe<MCUllCI then\ both. 'PG' Cl) ll1AMI >NJ!! John Byner e#iowl )'O'I thing• etrano-lhltl tt\lltl, larger than tifie. W'd ..,... than an~hlng ~·ve Iller -' In Ihle encore .,,_. talion lrOf'l\. lhl Showtlme Bilarre Ubtl(y. 11:45 8 MOVIE • • •4 "El Condot" I tt70) Jim 8fown. L .. Ven Clllf. A ch1ln gang lllC.,.e end 1 white Apactue IMdlr head for Mexico to ...., • mlK1on·dollar IO<lune In gold. 12100. OUR FOMOTTEH FAMILY Hosts: 0... Ev-. Stan Mooneyham. Guest•; Mike Douglas, Wllllem Shatnet. C1rof i.-enoe (OJ MOW • "Ellpoeed" (19711) John Leslie, Kitty Sh-A man who one. atarred In 91Ntt movt91 must 18111 pan In °"* more and hope 1111 neW wife doMn't find out whit he really does for a livtng. 'R' 0 lll.OHOIE: EAT THE BEAT Deborah H.,ry and lhe members ot Blondie pet· lorm the songs from ltMIW album "Ell To The BMt" in this video pr-talion. (Z)MOYIE * • * "Ned Kelly" (1970) Mick Jagger, .Allefl Bic*· lord. An AUS1rlllen outlaw vows revenge on thOll rMj)OOSlble tor putting his mother in 1111 12:30 8 MOVIE -*"'* "fiMt Gambler" (19741 James Cun. Paul Sorv1no. A young prof ... · ~ lascin1ted by gamblll)ll 11111 delply Into debt. lS.J MOVIE (1980) Giida Radrler. Bob Newhart. The sexually repressed daughter of I.he country's Wlirdnt presi- dential lam.ty cornptic:ll .. her tattwr's attempts to conduct the 11tairs ol state 'R' · 1:00 D ROCK CONCERT GUNts· Billy Joel. Robet1 Plant. Paul ~lrtney and w inos. The Who. The Spinners • N>EP£HOEHT NETWORK NEWS (B ~ATTHE IMPAOV (CJMOVIE • • * •;, "Scarface" ( 1932) ---P..aul-Munl, Geotge Aafl.Jo small·lime hoodlum rlMI to the top ol l/141 heap dur· a=:•ron _- **'A .. Siii Trell •• The Motion Picture.. (1979) Wllll1m Shltner, Leonwd Nlmoy The former com- mander of ttwi u.s..s._ Enterprise reasseniblea his• old ci-and .. 1s on on a mls.slon to find the mysterl· ous vessel responsible lor the destrUC11on of numer· ous Federation starahlps. 'G. 1:15 (HJ THE L.AST AWANJ4 SHOW David Steinberg hosts an irreverent patocfy of ,..._ vised awards shows. 1:30 8 MOVIE *•'<lo "lhe Texans" ( 1938) Jo1111 ~nett. Ran- dolph Scott. m MOVIE • • "In S.areh 0 1 Noll't'1 Ark .. (f976) Documentary. Narrated by Bred Cr•ndllll. tJ) MOVIE • * •,1, .. 51\ock Treatment" (19641' Stuart Whitman, Carol L ynley 1:45 OJ) A8C NEWS (l)MOVIE ••'lo "B•ck Roads" (198 1) Sally Field. T ornmy L" Jones. A hook• and I down-on-his-tuck boxer meet and head_. to find the child she gal/Cl up lo< adoption two yMl'S Hr1ier. 'R' 2:00'8NEW8 :l: 15 CR) MOVIE •••,1, "Zulu Dawn" (1980) Burt Lanc1ster. Peter O'Toote. The Engllah wege • billet atrugollt egllinll the Zulu nation In ttMh- century Africa. 'PG' 2:30!= • * "MeMn And Howard" . .. ( 1980) Paul LIM1t. Ja.2in Rob1<d1. An otherw!M unknown gas tlltlon 11tendant clelma to be the • rlghtlut heir to Howard Hughet· bllllon dollar estate. 'R' (.S)MOYIE ***"°' .. BrMl<er Mor111t" ( 11180) Edw•d WooOwlld. Jack Thompaon. All91r• 1na conscripted to llglat on England's aide In Illa Aoer Wer decide to f\glll the Boer guerilla on their - tetma. 2:401 NIWI 1:10 MOVIE • • "T'h-Endletlrlg Y011ng Cllarma" ( 1tM5) Robltt Young. LaralM Day. ••• MOYll • • "Blood Of TM V- plte" ( tllSel Oonlld WoMt. a.-. Shalley • ... MOVIE *** "Titl Tai T-" ( 1961) Lloyd 8rtdgee. ~· le~. .MOllW ••i. "HOtttwood ~ ...... ( tt?t) Candice ..... -· Dick Miiier. (%)WOW .. * * • 1" "The "°"""9 (ltl1) D•• Wat11c•. .............. .. ~~Car Oft Ttle I ~ .. (l)lllCMI ··~ .. ...._ " ...... Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 30, 1812 NU .. l'ICTITIOUl IUllNIU MAMl ITATIMINT Tiit ,.,, .. ,flt ,. ..... , ere Cltlflt ~ ........ ... ... """" .......... °'-~ o.ll'r ....... J.,,., •• l"W. 6, Ii, •• t• m• "C'flTlout eUllNIM, NAMa ITATIMINT T11e 1.11..,1111 ,.,_. er• •e111r WllMUet: tUY·H•T1'1ASU1'1. taO E . 17tll. S..11• "D/' C:.... MIU, Ce. m11 ll.-rt G, $CMtweo, -.... , •• ....... "'" 9-.11, c.. OANA POINT OllOU" I• Ct llle<11ta 0-rll l'ertnt,.lllttl, > Arita C-1. ..._,.,, ._,11, Ca • ....a IKutlty hcllefltt (M!Mf'M._ I• Ct llltr111.t <.,..,etlen), 1 Arltt C-1, H•wp0r1 llHCll, Cl . fM6) Thomes Slru•, •u tote re,•--------,-----N-Pot1 8Mcll, Ce. ~IC;1T"icin au11MUS Ml<_. Hlllt, Jiii! C-o)ellele Drive. San .1.-Caol.ttr-, c.. mn Merv H•ll•, 31161 CIH Gr•Me or .. S111J.-Ceo1Jtr-, C•, ,,..,, Tiii• llllilneu ,, COlldllCltd by • teMr•I PAMlllnlllp. Dena Polllt Group, ;==a-.. ~All .. llllltY, l'l-esld9M SK.urJty h<hal\tlt (Mp. Tllla awt_. wb "'" wltll 1111 C-ty C11tll ot °''" .. CO\lllty .,. Jt1111e,,. IS, 1"2, ,.,.,., l"ublllhecl Ore1191 Coeal Delly PllO.I J ... It, U, •• Feb. 6, ltl2 JIO.IJ "'CTITIOUS tUllNHS NAME ITAHM«NT Tiie fotlowlnt perso11 Is dot11 -•-set: McGREGOR ENGINEE!tlNG, 2011 M.,1011 Wey, Coale Meu, CelllOmle tK77 R-rl W•-M<Greeor St., Merloft Wty, Coll• Me ... Cellfof'nl• .,.,, Tl1l1 IMKIMU It <..,4111c•ed b' e MAMI ITATIMINT llmfi.cl pa;1Mf'Slllp. Tll• follt'lllllf -'°"• tr• cio1119 R-..C G. Sllllwetl llUllntH •: Tiiis ... ._, was llltd wlll\ 11>1 ... NTOH PIUNTING. tOIO Nortl Cou11ty Clerk of Or111 .. County e11 Oro"•• Afte!Wlm, Cellfer"'• tJIClt J•-ry 14, ltl2. Alltft <Men Ttmpf•, t E11trecla 1"11•• 11111 rvlnt, c.llforlll• '1114 P"9llalwcl 0r""8t CO.st Delly "let 0.MY LeRey "•lllOft Ir , 1111 .J .... 1', ll, JO, Ftb. I, "12 I,._., 1-•· C.... .... Cll~• fa.lt "CTITIOUI IUllNHS MAMllTATIMINT The followlnt perso11 11 C1ol11 lllnlneu11: LISA'S CUSTOM DECOR, llJI 101111 Clrcle, Huntington loecll Celll0r11le ftlMI Liu si.._ Glltnle<k, tlll lloU Clrcle, Hwitlftllon toall, Celllonll ,,_ Tllh --•• <-•--by lnetlvldutl. LIY S.CllerMC11 Tiiis ateC-t w• llled Wltll Cownty c1 ... 11 01 Or•lltl c-tv Je11wrv JI, 1"2. Tiii.a ~-· It c:-ctecl by • fMlr•l -'-""P: Al..,.O.T.,...• Tllll .. __... .., .. Ill .. wltll Ille COlllllY Clffk Of Orll\ll Counly Oii Ja1111ery 7. I'll. Tiiis -lneu Is <Clfto..clecl by .,. lncllvldllel: Pm.JC Illa ~w .. .,,... Alk(;rt90!'5'. ------------ T11lt Mt...,_t -lllect wllll tlllt Cov111y Cter• ot Or•,,.. c-1y °" J-ry 7, 1"2. ,. ... PublllNCI 0r-. (OHi Delly Piiot, Jen t, 1', 13, lO, 1"2 1eo.12. .• Ill llllal ' IA&.TllBfH9~ SMITH & TUTMtU -WHlCUff CHAP&. 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-9371 ' ,..CllaOT'tmS SMmtS' MOITUAIT 627 Maen SI Hunhngton Bfac:h 636-6539' PAC8'1C .. W ..-.o1w.rAU Cemll~ Mortuary Chai>el-Oemtitoty 3!!00 Pacific View OftY'I Newport Beactt 644·2700 *COIMICll wonu.u111 Laguna Beach 4!M·!Ml5 L.guna H11t1 768-0933 San Juen C.p11trano 49S-1776 The devil you1ay LOS ANOl!LES. <AP> -Procter Ir Gamble ii writ1n1 Weal Cout television 1tatlon1 to deny• penlateftt rumor ll:ntinf the company to Satanic reU1tona, the company said. , Accordln1 to the rumor. a company exeeutlft •PPHnd OD the Pbll D0Hllue or Men GrUftn taleYlaion 1bow llld dileuued UM company emblem, a crete•t mooe wltb a face lltariac oat at 1J 1t1r~•\ •• a Satanic ., ...... 'ICTl"OUI e\*Nltt ...... IUT ... NT '"~ ................. ,, fell! .., .... .. ADO VIMTU•l1. QI W Wt.-• ,,, c .. &e ~ c:_ •. ti.a. Wiiiet ._ ~ fWllt Htloftl UI W Wll1911. • '1. CMlt aii.t., Ce. .,.,. . Tiii• -.1.wo la CtMutl9CI ltY 111 ln1llvl .... I WallHtlm ..... ,, ··-· .... Iliff wltll , ... c ... 111y Clffll ol Of•• Co.i111y Oii .l•1111etyU, 1m 1'111111 l'wltll.,_. 9' ..... CMtl Delly l'IMt Je11. "· n. • . .,..., .. 1• ,.._ l"ICTITIOUI aUllHIM MAMllTATIMINT The lollowl11t lltrt•n la dtll'lej "CtlTioutlU'1NJH Wtllltltef: J NAMt!ITAT,MINT OU .... llLO MARIN!: DllSION Tiit lollowlnt oerso11 11 Clolnt .. OW. 1111111 .G•te-.e, Ce t2U1 bull-let M.,_I D\lllltlel Jf., 417 c.tl• DIAMOND "D" Al'l'ltAISAL MtWSl.CGata--e,C. "621 ~EltVICI!, 7US Slet•r Ave1111e Tiii• bull11ou I'(~·--by lfll "'-1111n .... hlcll,Celllor111.tUMI • fndlvldllel. Clllfl•• I , Doflllell, •tit Alltlefl ~I Ovltlt kl Jr Ori"•· Hunll"Olon Beem C11tlof'11lt Tllll 1i.i-1 "'" lllM wllll 11w' "'4> ' ' Coullly Clorll ol Or1n11 COIHlly oft Tllla M ineo I• tOlldwtled by en J1t1uary 21, ttb. ll'ICll"ldu..I' ,.,.,.., O..rlft E. Donllell Publlafwcl Orenot Coetl Delly Piiot Thi• ""-"' ••• lllecl Wiii\ ,,. J1r1. n. JO, Feb.•. 13, na l1H2 Cownty c .. ;k 01 0r.,. covn1y °" Jenvtry 7, 1m. 1 ~1-PYllll .... Or .. c-i Deity ,.llOI, .1111 t. "· 2', JO, ltl2 Ill.et. , I ..... . ...... l"ICTIT1WI !WttNlll NAMalTATl .... NT T 114 IOll•wl119 lttftOll It do Int ..,.,,.., .. M ! I I Olllt)' Mut.UVIH, 1• leet 1111151., ~Me ... Ce.**' ECIW .... lrMw, , .... El CMlflO, ,.,.nl•l11 v11 .. .,,; Ce tt,. tlllt ~ I• <~IN tty 1t1 l ... lv!Ouel. .._.. ....... fllll ~ Wb 111..i Wiii\ Ille Ctvllly C ... 11 •I Oftf\tt c.....ly 911 Jltllierv 22, 1m. , '"'"' PUbllafwcl Orllltlt , .... Delly Pllol Jt11. n . •. Fa 1, ''· 1t12 ...., ,.,.'Ii.,.._,.... ... ...... ",..."' , .......... w ........... ........ •llAYCOM "lt..D HltVICI, ttltt .......... AM. c.. ttJtf ICI, N1t1111111 llttlt•fllC C1lc111etw let.Ice I• ce111er11te ,~ ...... "" "' llltc"9y, llftl• Aftl,(8,tlN6 Tlll1 Mlnfte I.I Clf>CNCIN lty (OI',.,....... . ICI Wllofte .I. 0-try, lec.relerY· T-• Tllll ....,._, -11..-•IUI IN C-ty Cllrll ti DfMee ~ M .,_.,, ..... , .... PYllllWd Or ..... CMtt o.tly "1111 .lltl. U, •, ..... I, IJ, ltll M-N l'ICTtnWI •USINIU NAMI ITATIMallfT Tiit 111-IM --· e;e dllllt """ ....... ! MAlt lNI llltYI CIS UNLIMITIO, 1n I', ltlwni41 Ofl,,., ..... _, e.Kll, Cellforftl• .,..., O. trl111 Wllll•. JO.~ A111t1, telltN Ill", Celllornle tM1 ltobtrl II. M11 re1, H 21 w S1111flowtr. No. R7, Sent• An e , CelllOf'flla '27CM Tllla bllslllHl la tOlldllCltCI by t ........ ~. O.trlen-tt Tiiis ..__, w .. lllld wlltl .... c-1y Cltrll ol Ot•1191t C"""l'I' 011 J ...... ,,.21,1t12 """' ""-lllNd Or .... CoeM O.lly l'llOC, Jen. n, IO, fib. 11 "· net JIMJ ........ l'ICTITIOUI euttMet.t N ..... ITAHMINT Tiit ltl-lllf ...,_ ere toiflt 11Utl11•u ... TM U.IL.EV1$10H. 11•11 La Per) l.etun• N'-I, ea. m n Or•111 e (Ollflly C eel e C•mmu11lcet1011• Comee11y «• Celllffnl• --11111111, 17111 La Pat, ~· N1tue1, c.. •nn Tiiis buslneu '' <011dll<1te1 by • corpo,..llOft. °' ..... County c-. ,_Itel'-'-' .._ .. A. ,,,., •• Aul11 ... 1 S.crel•ry Thh aYl-t WH Iii.ct wlltl Ille cov111y c ... 11 of 0r.,... C-h Oii J-•rv s, 1t12 I ' l'ltlJll 1"ubllallecl Qo-C.oesl Delly PllOt Jen, t , 11, 2J, JO, '"2 204.., "ICTITIOUS tUllN•H NAME STATIM•NT T II• lollowlng pe,,on h dOlno t>llslneu11. PALIU.DES PltOPUITY, UJtl Yle S.C~o. c.tJislr-11 .. cll, C.lllornle f2'lA SlePlll<I A. MOlllorl, * Senre Cetttle, Solen1 & .. ell, Cellfor11l1 '207S Thi• bulilltH Is COllducleCI by • tlmlleCI P¥tner"11p, S~A-orl Tiii• ti.le,,,..,! "''" 111.0 wlOI II>* Cownty Cltrl> 01 Oren11 County on J•n.,.ry 15. 1t12. ""e» Pwbllv.CI Or-Coe1I Deltr Pllol, J .... II, 21, :10, Ftb. •. 1"2 ) 12·" l'ICTITIOUS austN•H NAME STATEMENT Tiit fo1towl11g Ptrso11 Is doing t>llJlntUH : CUSTOM CAAPliNTRY, JOH c oe11_.., CO&ll'Mha, c.rrtor11ra nu' Ro«oert W. Henley, lOl7 Goolld9't. Cosl• -· C..llfoml• n.Jt Tiiis bullnMJ It c-..Cttcl by e11 1114111 .. rcJuet R-..i W Honlty This ,, .. _. w•s llltcl wUll lhe • Cou111y Cl!flt of Of• Co.int ....... ..,__ ......... J4nverv 21, 1"2. • ""-PulHI-Orenge Coe11 o.lly Piiot, """' Jan 2), JO, Feb.•. U, 1"2 Jl7.f2 Pllbtlafwcl 0r""'9 Coe\! Delly PllOI, "'CTITIOUS tUSINISS llAMS ITAT11MINT J .... :n, •• ,tb •• lJ, ,.., ,.,.., "CTITIOUS tUSINISS NAMaSTATIMaNT The tollowl110 perso11 h C1ol119 l>\ltlneu .,. CAI MILLERS MOBILE WASH OF AMERICA; 18) MOBILE WASH OF AMERICA, 124 4~11 St,_I, NewPOrt tH<h, Celllornle '*3 Ernest H. Miiier, 124 41"\ s1 .. t, Newport-.tth, CellfOl'llle Tiiis llullness Is c-ltcl 11y ... lncllvlCI""'' ErnntH Miiier Tlllt ,.....,_ ... flied w1111 Ille Cou111y Cltrlt of Or~ Co.inly °" J •nuery 7, 1"2. "11Mll "1fln2 Pul>llShed Or .... GoeSI D•lly Piiot, Publllhed 0r.,. C:O.SI Delly PilOt, J en.•. II, U , lO, l"2 IM.f2 1'1 ... 1 J .... 2J, :ID, Ftb. 6, 13, 1"2 412.., ....... ._Or ..... Coeat o.tly Piiot, J .... D , :ID, Fob. I, IJ, t• 410-l2 "ICTITIOUS 9USINUS NAME STATEMENT l'ICTtTIOUS •UStNhS The fOllOwfllt per1011 " dol119 NAME ITATIMlllff buslnene1· Tiie lollowl111 person Is Clolng THE TUNE·UP SHOP, 20>0 butlllfll et· NewPOrt Blvd., C-1• Mesa, C.lllor11I• WESAI( FINANCIAL, WO NtwPOl"I '2121 Ct11ler Orf .. , S11lle U14, Newport Slepllen G. DtBlddle, 41ll Beech, C.. '2* Gle11w00d S1r .. 1, 1r .. 1ne.• c:;.111ornl• Rwuell w. IC'-r, 121 El9\erel<1 '7714 llev, L'9W>0 llHcll, Ce '26.SI Tiiis MlnMS Is to"4UCltcl by All Tllh MlnMt Is c-uc1tc1 by •'I 1nc11 .. iduel lndlvlclual. s..., G. o.e.-. lt-11 W. 1(1-This --WIS flled wllll Ille Tl\ls SI ......... wet 111.0 wllll tllt Coullly Ct.,.11 ol Of•"91 County 011 Cou111y c1.-11 ol Oren .. County 011 J•n.,.ry 21, ltl2. Je11uery •. 1"2 JACICSON, KIDDER & SUCICLING AllerMytlltUW s.41• 1414 ............... . ... N"'""1 C.-. Ori,,. N•w"" ._.., c.. ,,_ ..... I Pwl>lllNd Or .... C:O.st D•lty Piiot Je11 t, 1', 23, JO, 1m 102.fl "1'1S1 I PubllShed Orenge CoeSI Delly Piiot, Je11, 23, lO, Feb.'· IJ, 1"1 ~ ltStW1'1 "ICTITIOUS IUSIMISS NAME ITATWMEHT Tiit lollowl119 P•rlOll Is doing bllslneuet: • A&G ENTERPlttSES. 2t70 Grace LeM, Cotta Mele, CA. '2t2' Artllut' Pontt. 1910 Gree• Lane, Coste Mete, CA. '212' Tiii• llllslneu Is <Otlelucttcl by ... lndlvldwel. A"1llK PorW Tiiis ,....,_, WM lllld wllll ~ County Clerll ol Or•1111e County on J ....... ,., "· 1"'2. 11'111111 PUblllNCI Or-Coesl o.lly Pllol, J•"· 23. JO. end feo.,J, 11. 1"2. '9CTITIOUS aUSIN•ss NAME STATEAllSNT Tl\e lollowl119 Ptnons ere C10l119 bustnenes· JOCK STOP, IOS Mein, h i-, Celllornle, tMI R lch.,d Jenning•, JOOS Wul lelboe lloule.,•rd, • 10., Newport he<h, C•llfomle '16'3 Yon Merit, JOOS Wtsl llelboe llo111e.,erC1, 9, Newport ll•ecll C..IHorllle~ ' Tiiis l>ll1lneu Is COftCIUCltCI by • Qtner•l~p. Rk,..,d ,,_11\91 Tl\ts si.-t was flltd wilt\ N Co.inly Clel"ll ot Or•noo County on J en.,.ry Jt, 1"2 """' PuDllsllecl Orenoo Co.st Delly P1101 . J•n JO, FllC>. ~. u .10. 1"2 41).., NOTICI NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN '""' p,irwelll lo S.Ctlon t• of 'the Cl•ll Code S111e ol Cellfor11lt Tiie undersi91Wd will sell et Publk salt by Compelllln Blddlfto on IM '"' dey 01 February al I I :00 e .m. on 1111 P••mfsfl wllert Hid DrOHrly ,, •• bffn SI-enet wllltl\ ••• lo<altcl et llllernellon•I Self Store11, 11•01 Mort•n Lane, Hunt11101on Btetll, Coun1, of 0r111Qe. Sl•te of C.lllOnll• Tiit ebe11CloneC1 100Cls, Challle1 ~rllledbtlowln "'9mttttnof· JOHN HOWARD, 5-e ... Hou..-IDCldS. --.1 ttteth , tools. refrltlr•tor, boa springs, -.. end m l1te11-..11ems. L•nCllord ,......,.. lhe rltM to bid 11 Ille Yle, Pll•C'l)ASft mutt be mM9 wll~ ctsll only -peld IOr el lllt time 01 pwrclleN. All P<irtllbtcl VOoefs ere sOIO H la, •net m.nt be romo .. d et Ille lime ol purclleM. S.le wbletl lo prlot t e"'ellellon Ill llllt .....,,, o4 setOemenl betwee11 '-'°"' -Olllt9111.o perty 0.ltcl INSJ-y 20, 1"2 1-..0tloNI s.11 Stot.toe 17601 ~ Lelle HllllllflttOll lltACll, Ce. l'ublllNCI 0rlftQle Coesl o.tly PllOI J en. 2J. l0, ttl2 llHl -urange '-A>llfl "'"'1.. r ,., ... v 11.::>•1u1 v., . .,, ... ".'' "'"· '"'"" Dlllllf 111· The ma.rketplace on the Orange Coast ... 642-5678 Among people looking /OT a rental, 70"/c- read real estate clauif ied atU. Estate-the comf)ltfe Oran• CDOst Market Place . . ' CLASSIFIED INDEX ....... ..,. We ...... ..,. Wt ...... For w. ....... For Wt ....... ,.,. Wt ....... ,.,.Wt .•.••.••.••...........•..................••..•.....................•. ·~····················· ••..•••........................•.....•.••••••• T1PIDY•M.Cal TAKE YOUR PICI 642-5678 IMISfMSAlf 1 Br, Santa Ana ................ $72,000 2 Br, Costa Mesa ............ $105,000 C-ll • ..... lllW ..... ~ ~-· ... r......i11 .. c..11 ... 0...-Dnr. r--va11t, ............. ln'IM ...._._ i...-N1lll i...-.... . -\· .. .. ""'-•-... a.-•• t:..~· .. ..,-........ ~ -""-·'* IUllSTATE MA•forl&lo "-'-""letS.k =='", C.-1"7 '{% ,..,. .... ==.:.•;:r:r o..ir ... 1: .... 5&I< -......... " I_,,_"' =tr:•"> -H .... TrlrPrh -..o...n ........ Or~Co Pr°' t "i'::'i:U:.°' :.-:r.!:'f.!:f.':;:· It~ £.ilM-t•11Mff IOITALS ,. 1• "'' l: EQUAL HOUSING :: .OPPORTUNITY ... ::: -, ... ... , .. 11111 ltl'l ·-"" "" ,. = IM '"" ' 0 IJl1er'1 Motlce: All real estate ad· vertised In th is newspaper II subject to the Federal Fair Hous-in& Act ol 1968 which makes it lllecal to ad· vertlse "any preference, limitation , or dis · criminallon based on 11• race, color, r eligion. :: sex. or national origin, 1tot or an intention to make ;: any such preference, 11• limitation, or dis · :: criminallon. '' -~:: This newspaper will not ~:: knowin flY accept any mi advertising for real> :: estate which Is In viola· ::,_Uon~·=.;;~~tl!e===l~a~w~·~~~ -1 .............. .. 3 Br, Costa Mesa ............ $113,000 3 Br, Costa Mesa .. .. .. .. . .. . $118,000 2 Br, Costa Mesa .. . .. .. . . .. . $126,500 3 Br. Costa Mesa ............ $129,500 3 Br, S.A.H ................... $137 ,000 AU of these properties are houses with good financing & owner~ are motivated. Call now . 1 UNITS $1811 Located in Hemet. these 1 Bdrm units have recently been reno vated. Assume existing financing and owner will help finance or exchange. =~!!.."'::.. = BllOIS: Act .. rtlttn t=:~':' f~":.. = ..... cMcll tltelr ... ~~~."' = .., .... _report ... Ti:...~!-.·' := ran--~· n. =-;,::,.1:•• = DAILY PILOT•-• =~:'!tol = ~for ... first .._ -l•correct IHertlo• 1 -·---I I =c: :: ~· $119,-500 PEIFECTCOMDO I ~~~.t = TERMS TERMS!! ror lsl lime buyers or I ~:·.:::.,ST,:; .. Owner wants out! Super investors. 1 Br, ~stm 111rw.a ... 11 :: ......_forS. 3BdrmZbathhome with woodwork, & st11ned :='.,"::":., !: 1•••• .. ••••••••••••••••• large living /family glass. pool, s pa. $73,500., t:.6.t -,.._.... I 002 area Brick fireplace. Call Mattia a 759·1221 .... ,:,.":;," =-• 1111 • n••••••••-••m-e• -N ortb-eo STa--M"eTT 1 .. SS,llMST· bargain! Call now, MOO, ntlAllC( MESA VEIDE 54&-ZIU -~· -Vacant and ready! En· =:Mtt<I If ::: ,, joy this 4 Bdrm, (amity THE REAL ESTATERS , .. _ .. ~"' -room and 4111 dining =~=· : I room home. On l! well dAYflOMh IOATSUP $555,000 ....,,_,rn·, -kept quiet s treet. -.C£111£MTS. $173, 750. c-..1 PUSIUl.S & 64Z.5200 Anxious owner. S8200 dwn buys l Br condo in La.ltes area. Outstanding valueof$99,900. Warner , a&t $59-9400 WOW! Lowtst priced bayfronl home ON BALBOA COVES. Large 4 bdrm. 3 bath, double fireplace. covered patio plus much more! Will AITD-or trade ror Eastblurrs property . LOST & flUWI - A PETE BARRETI .. REALTY I 21/JO/o FIN. A.VA.IL.AILE . · GIA.MT ..... 1eyrr., . ........ tt'7'97060• -That's right! Own this 1': newly decorated home in one ol Costa Mesa's _ finest areas. 4 Bdrm 2 -bath, with great terms. EXEC.HOME One or Mesa Verde's 0 finest neighborhoods. IBMICB> $20,00 Be111tifully decorated EXICUTIYE IUY Rep u b Ii c h o m e . Cstm bit Mesa Verde 31 G~ JDll)' leads to Bdrm, fam, pool home. an elegant living room. OWC at 12'k . Owner fam ily room and tranderred. quiet rul· .,unne~ kitchen area. de-s.r. Prestigious golf I Kitchen overlook a course loc. Priced below j energy saving pool and martet al on $.120.000. 1 spa. 4 giant bd.rms, 3 full C&1I Diana Cappel, agt batN. excellent flnanc· 631·ia& ' 1DU J\IU price. S.129,SOO. Call : ror details. 646-7171 ! tt4Zif11 ---S RXER.UPPEIS S --., ----l2111ih·CoroH '"O"VACAMCIH Far below market. For Sel ·UP cal l R ick anyt.i me 714176(). 7292 ing. 129,000. Executives m~ see. 546-2313_ I f!Wiill1a~QodAd• m'"' ----- llllO -mo ------ --· --llH .. , --"" ---... -llU ---= ., -... -.,, 675-3411 INVEST IN YOUI FUTUH.! What could be a better investment in future (lollars and the gobd life than an attractive duplex in the most desirable area of CQrona del Mar. Imagine the beach atmosphere and your investment helping you finance it $325,000. COIOMA DIL MAR DUPW! 2 yrs. new. Owner built duplex, "owners" unit has 3 Bdrms, 3 baths, 3 sundecks, skylights, beamed ceilings & 3 car garage. Both units have woodburning fireplaces. Owner will assist. $398,500. WOOO ... DGE CllBSIDE AREA! You will be delighted to entertain your friends in this youth oriented community with all the amenities such as pool, tennis, lake and a better way of life to start your family . You will love the oak plank entry and thic~ spice brown carpets & art gallery walls. $197,500. FOR IUILDllS! Corona del Mar R·2 level lot South of Highway. Great location ready for a duplex, single family residence or possibly two condos. NIDI OF OWtaSHP. 3 Bdrm, 2 bath Condo in best Costa Mesa location, large assumable Isl. Owner will carry large 2nd. Try low down . Act Now! $134,950. ,• l1Mrll I OOZ l1Mrtl t 002 •1•r81 I 002 i1Mr81 I OOJ( llM1 ti I 002 •1•rll I ~2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• C1NN YOUR t:INN NEWPORT BEACH BOAT SLIP! For sale by owner. Newport Beach boat dock. Room ror several boats. Located in Baysbcn. Includes 60 n by 75 n tldelands lease, Newport City pier permit, 50 rt U·shaped dock with water, lights & electricity, Janeway, 6 permanent access eaaement. r3CIO,OOO. (714) 542.2717 aner s p.m. NEW ()t4 1HE MilUT Delightful Westcliff area three bedroom family home. Beautiful large pool and patio area. R.V. access superb floor plan for en te r taining. Prestigious Newport location . Many extras and up grades. Seller is extreme l y motivat e d . Outstanding value at $249,000. Call today to prev iew this delightful new_iu:o~l'- ~ SHUUI . 64U235 675-3445 OH THE WA.TH SttS,000 l his superb!~ cruned builders homl' exudei- lu,un from lhl' moml·nt \"OU t'nll'r lh1• U\t•rsiud <louhl1• cloors Thl; 0\ 1111: bniii:e stain-aw. s;11lboat bar. rJm1l~ m11m. hW:l' h\lni: ronm with r1n•pla1·t·. ,.:ourmt·t kudwn 4 Bclrms, .i•-, baths. hule .1wa~ orr.1,• On1· 11( the lar.iest ~rc1s to tht• harbour a111I hoat (lcx·k Call ror ~uur llrl\ <Ill' •hll"'IOI:. ~ i~I SPECT A.CUI.Al IUY $9,000 DOWN This nicely landscaped starter condo has everything. at the rif.(hl price. from thr large living room. out to the country kitchen with private secluded patio I' 2 bulhs. larj?e 2 car garage. community pool and upstairs 3 B<lnns. All this fur only $93.900 w1ih $85.000 loan al t J:t,•~ Won 't last, c•all now. 714-894·7521 SUNAMDSMOW $750.000 Secluded waterfront home with 36' boat shp lhd wide waler view. Conversation f1rep1l In living room, fireplace in huge master bdrm suite with 2 walk in rlosets. 4 skylig hts. wtl bar. beautiful plantation shutters thruout Doo't rnw this property. Call rOf" financing possibilities. Condo 1n Vail , Colorado inrluded in package al this price. Truly a year round pa<'kage. Don't miss 1l. u ll Coldwell Banker now. 894·7521 FIBtCH COUMTIY MANOI Sl75.000 From the moment you step through the secure double doors lo your private entry courtyard you'll know this home Is something special. The fountain bubbles behind you as you walk into the Uvlng room with burning fireplace, separate dining area, newly updated kitchen with amenities like microwave. The yard landscaping features prire roses. The master suite has a private bubbling spa. This three bedroom is truly a loven delight. Call now 894·7521. EXECUTIVE HOME Prime Huntington Beach location. Beautiful 3 Bdrm 21/2 bath home on a quiet cul de sac. Formal dining room, large kitchen. ramily room, huge mast.er bdrm with balcony. Malter bath has large sunken tub. 3 car carage and patio with spa. Sales price 12f7,000. Call ror appointment. 714-194.7521 TIADmOtW. B.IGAMCI $161,000 Gor1eoul ~ase home. Rose 1arden, 111ebo accented spa plus 4 Bdrms, 3 baths . Mparate maids/pest quarters. Assumable loan. Now lilted Slt.\,000. Call .. ·75Zl OCWROMT-OCWROMT Convert this extra lrg duplex to your private residence & live on the rmest beach on the coast. Great financing available. Steal at $6.50,000. Rita. OCIAN YllW Cameo Highlands, redecor , & remodeled 3 Bdrm 2 Ba, formal dining. Very lrg yard, private beach. Rita. R&IM~ of Newport Beach Make your shopping easier by uaing the Dally Pilot Cluslfied Ads. Sell with EASE! lt'sa BREEZE Classified Ads &42·S678 110 DIGIH VIEW Charming home on Spyglass Hill. Large lot with lovely pool. 5 Bdrm, 2 story, newly offered at $829,500. WOOO ... DGE CONDO Near new 2 Bdrm 2 bath, single story end unit. French door s, lovel y n eutral carpeting, beaut. brick patio. bltn BBQ & firering. $147,000. 411-$104,000 End unjt condo, located on lge greenbelt , has spar interiors w many upgrades + great financmg PACIAC OCUH HAL ESTATI 759-1616 MOUNT A.IN RETREAT Tmn•nn,.: tn•t":> + "' 1•rs11l·cl lot l'rt•ates tht• rumann• or a st•1·h111t•c1 mounwin rl'treat Dr.ml.1111· t'lll~ S11at'lou, II\ rm + formal 1h11111i: M.1i.,11 1• hl•Jml'ct 1·1•1hn.f.!S R1lhani l\1/t' fJlll I nl W l'lllt•rtarnt'I"!> Wl'1har St_•nvu.' o"'llt'r clrn1r. lln•'t' 111 Sl211.~' At1 last. call ~il aM!i HillOUR CHA.RMB $165,900! lluntiniiton llarbour charmer orrers leaded glass windows. beamed ceilin~s. i mass1vt> old world r1replal'es All this lorate<l on prime R·2 zoned lot Could handle up to 4 units Great investment \"alue Owner will rarry balance with your cash down • Don 't wait call 962 SS85 STEAL IT! 4 11-S 115,000 Just Usted! Here's plenty or elbow room with 4 bedrooms or 3 + comfy den Hidden away on qu1tt cul de sac ready for your growmg family Act rast call 962-SSSS REDUCED Sf 75,000! Ocean view! Sitting tall and proud l "z blocks from beach. 4 big bedrms + 3 baths formal dine. Greenhouse_ Romantic spa Manv SS spend In quality decor thru.oul this beach side family home ' Don't miss the boat at only $175.000! flurry, call ll62·S58S NICE SI.ASHED $124.900! Double door entry leads to spacious hv rm 4th bedrm makes comfy den or sturly Country kitchen Take advantage of 91'2r; VA loan -take over low payments plus owner will carry paper to reduce your cash in! Great opporturuty ir you call 962·SS85 Owta WILL CADY! • sn.too Serious seller offers spacious end unit condo on quiet court yard. SI0.000 down and owner will carry balance with paymenl'I lo rit that U1ht pocketbook' Hurry Ju~t li~ted. t:•ll no•.•~ IM"'1M DOV• SHOOS Unquestionably one of the finest offerings in Newport Beach. Elegant custom built formal home, 5 bdrm, large formal dining rm .. fam . rm., library, 4~ baths. Lots of marble. Air cond. plus custom features. $1,500,000 Fee. UCHB.U ROl&s, llALTOI '75-2J7l -111111 ILlllS CD. OVER 57 YEARS OF SERVICE #l RUI FONTAIBIAU H CAMYOH OPIH UT l·S New Listing -Beautiful Upgraded Dover Unit -Sin gle Story 2 Bedroom , Two Baths + Oen - Bright Cheer! ul Decor -SP.tcial Wall Coverings -Shows Like A Model -Owner Will Carry Financing -You Are Invited To Inspect -Enter By West Gate, And Check In With Guard. Price, $425,000. ·--....... _ .. 75l91•. uc.,. ....... ......... ~_ COUNTRY CLUB ESTA.TE I ~'11 ~our ""' n pool. Sl'a & putltng f.(rttn Sirµ:. to tl'nn1s Jncl l!Olr Treat ~OUl"5l'lf to rl~ h\ 1ni: 111 th1~ i-µa 1·1ous custom holTll' Pnn..-1 f<ir belo'A reµIJt•eme nt Be first Ca ll llll\I 6.IS 0303 NEWPORT TRIPLEX Only m s.oc111· fixer IS ideal ror handvman. hu1 l1ler or ID\l'Slur I hloc-k 10 biH ·Don't 1\t'la~ <'.ill 111da~ fr45 0303 ' $122,000! MESA VERDE (\111 ,lo1U bl'lfl'll' lhli> )lrtl"(' In prl.'SllJ!IOUS Mt.,.a \"t•nle' O" nl'r •~ J11x1ous ~·ou i:ain' Siia~IOU~ hllnll' "'1th loads or pm·ar~ and t'ai.~ t•arl' 'a1ct EnJO~ Costa Mesa's bt>sl a<lc11"l'SS no"'' l' JJI &IS 0303 REDUCED NEWPORT FIXER l'nbtoht'' abl~ lo"' µm•e<l ' SaH• SS' Bnniz \O\Jr paint. l'llX>'A iirea~e. and 1ma1tina1ton to transform this lariie 4 Bdrm house into ~our tlrt·am homr Pool & spa rompletr the '4.'ttinii IA'n<ler 0"' nNl Take ad\ antai:e llO'A'' l'all f..l~ llJ0.1 HANDYMAN $127,500 Mesa Verde hxer 1s pnced below market! Located on beautirul tree lined street RV access. Owner will finance below market rates. Hurry for this one! Call 645-0303. WIMILETOH WM&! . Exciting near new home' Soaring ceilinii:s. 2 f1replaC'es. wetbar. ii:ourm'l kitchen with sunny nook. spectacular masltr suite with skylight Loads of used brirk enhance rounta1n. spa and ~azebo Community pool. spa and tennis courts complete this winner. Fantastic opportunity' To see call 645-0303 PllCID IHMfT! I nl1mate ma ~tl•r s uite v.1th 111or1ous r1replUCl' 2 additional r1repla~ In !lpaCIOUS h\ lnjl an<l ram1h room:. Wt•t llllr <.'b<-l'n· hrl•akfa11t room' t:xt·1t1n1t ll\'lnl! rut th(. ~OUlll! or ~oun~ at ht•url Communit~ 111Xll unrt pm ale purkini: (.'on\ l'nit•nl loc·:1lmn lmn\\'dl<lll' pol!M'SSICln f'rtl'l'CI for lllll'k ~Ilk l::1 II now 1;.is,0.10:1 NEWPORT . RIVIERA Onl~· SJ2H.fl00~ 1111111• l11"'11l111n11• hu:. ro1.~ r11•t•ph11·1·. rh1•1·r~ 111 11111~ "'"""· l't'llJl•l1•h,1 kllchl•n Kin11 Si1.t' ma~h·r suih' Sunn\· l>l'l\·:ih' pul111 l'11111n111n11 .' l""'I. ~1•a It h·11111~·. lll•s1 1111~ : C'ull 111~ om~1 OPIM 1 DAYS A Wiii, l:JOAM TO IPM l.ltm ..... 14) •7521 (213) 591-3321 1tfma&E4111r,HJ. ~ ' llllltilttllW (114) 12·5515 (213) 512· 1525 . It Pl_111mt I llfl1M, HJ. c • Orange Coaat DAIL 'I PILOT/Saturday. January 30, 1982 10 steps toa successful garage sale Gaf•ge u•. yard ....... futnm9Qe Miff •ltMt u let no m•lllr wllll you C911 them, Ille tdel tt the u~ -TURNING THINGS YOU NO LONGER N£ED INTO CASH. When you 1191 \Ired of fighting your w•y 1n10 a c1owded -.uic: Of-·· or When~ need. NII• ••II•~. n. ... 991899 Mlel So ... llllO 1"9 ICL clMn OU1 I'-unw911tec1 Ill-, and make ~ dotnQ ltl It t lun.11 • pt011t9bilt. 9lld kMlowrng thele 10 a~ Wl" mellll II tlmpl9 1 • ~~!t~•=•~:~:.·,he dates and ltmes of your • sale Weekends are usually good but many successful sates h111e been held 1n tl'le _,,,ng 1ust after work Check 1he -ather torecasl 1n the 1>1i>er. and witch lo• any 01he1 111ge e•ont 1ria1 may anrect po1en1tal buyers away, such as lairs or commun11y e•ents Ha•e your sale 1un at least two deys-90me people may no1 be • able 10 come on any single day 2 What to sell. Every1htng1 Thal 1s eve<y1n1ng you haven I useo 1n the last ya111. It an '"m hH-et>toque value, or is Drano-new, • or has unusual value. be sure to ask a healthy PflCe fot ll Gel 1 pad ol paper and-Ch your whGle ho1.se i.ook everywt>ere and hst -vth•ng ........,., ln1s 15 your main a11rac11on and your best source of income Be sure 10 place turnlture where 11 can be seen lrom the st1eet Prtce furniture low enough 10 ocat auct10ns and secondhand sales 1c1>ee1< 1ne class1hads tor compa11sons~ but nigh enough so you can co mo down e little when someone shOwS 1nte1est Aock1no ctirms chest ol d•1-rs tables al'd chairs 11e all very soccesslul 11 garl{le sales 90 lellure them •n your ad ............ Smaller an11q.-shoulO oe grouped and kepi close at hand whe<e you c:an watch and !Jiik about them Nos1alg1a item. ate Yery papular - display them well ~ M11<e sure clothing is clean ano mati. the prtce way down Put as many thongs a~ oosslble on hangers Sepetaie ktO s lh•ngs oy age Display ldull clothing by Mii Md age gtoup Low prtces ••a ..., on clothes except for unusu11 11ems, Which should t>e taoged With 1n e11planat1on (like, henO-embl'Oldeted llowe•~ o-wom b'f MM W•t) • ....,.._~Thew will sell lo< 1 latr prtee only 11 they wo1k No one W111 taq your WOid tor 11 Have an extension cord so they e1n be tested. or belle< yet, hive radios pl1y1ng, old TV MIS tu1ned on etc Make sure buyers undel'Stand they ate sold as ,,. ......._ These usually 90 1111 DU1 keep them out OI direct sunlight A good Idea 1s to name your plants before the Hla ($p1de< L.aOy Cousin Juper. Magg·•~ and w11te a 1tne o< two on the name card aoout how to care tor them 3 Write your ad. Hele 11 a suggested ad Gar1ge Salt -desltS. • Bentwood rocking chatr, toys. 1nl1nts clothing. 1922 • Victrola 111 original cabinet, IT'9ny g1dgets. 1011 or unusu11 Items. rock cOllac:tlOn. plants Aelreshments. 6 1 m ro 6 p m S1tu1day ano Sunday 1 ~ South AnyslrMt, Your1own Jutl1 Wftt OI M11n and 2nd Use th11 sample ed as a gu1oe Be sure to hit unusual Items Be as spec11tc as oossoble Give d111c1tons 11 ..-c:ted Don t UM abD<..,•lltOnS -many PIOPll won 1 bOther 10 oec1pne1 them CAUTlON Oon t advertise anything you don't really hive EYety •tem in the ad must be on nand at the stan ol the sete 4 Where to advertise. Place your ad where 11 will be seen Dy people who live 1n the area -most pe()C)le shOp ctose to home The • Daily Pilot is read by 68 000 adults •n Costa Mesa Newport Beach Laguna Beach, Irvine. Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley -guaranteeing you wide exposure And w1lh the PllOI. you're not paying tor waste c1rcula1ton 1n Los Angeles Ot An1he1m Pian to tun you< ad 3 times 01 mDfe. and start rt a few dlys before the Slit 90 bargain hunters can have plenty ol notlee. 5 Make a sign. To help make you1 sale sucoesslul, me-e a lew signs • lrom Clrdboard and letter wolh a megtc ma1ke< A gooo sign srm is 14 a 22 6 Placing your siCJt. The mo1nong ol the sale. out not Detore place your 519ns Be su<e and 1dd you1 a<klress 1nd any • direc11on11 ar<ows Th IS should De crone about a nan hour before tne Nie •tallS Place yo1>1 s1on where 1t can bl seen I tom both stdes ol the strHt by PISS•no c:a•s 1nd pe<11t1111ns CAUTION. Some town• hive laws lhlt restrtct the placement and dur1tt0n ot garage sele signs Please check with your towns planning department 01 ck!rk 7 Marking prices. M11k prices whete they can bl -cte11ly Ollice • supply stores hl"9 v1t01 .. 11zes and colors ol sttci.ers that work well. or you C9n use 1T11Sl<1ng tape However yoo merk them. ,,.... ,nc.. ..... Garage sates are for ba19a1n hunters AemetTO!r, whatever you c1n 1 seu yoo 11 n111e fo d1ag back 1n the hOUM and store again 10< 1nother year 8 ServinCJ refrest.mtftfs. This doesn't have to cost much. 1nd creatH a tnendly • atmosphere It also encourages people 10 stay longer and perhaps buy more You could even cha1ge lo< 111pen11ve Items like donuts. or the kldt could go In buai.,.H lor the dly, With I lemonldt lllnd 9 Display. Make aure every1hlng can De -Have e11d llblea or • boe1dl\Md • lhe!Ws ~two chain. Don't ca..-people to bend <Ml< unless you can I help 11. UH one table es 1 desk whet'I you can -every1htng i nd laM money. UM only one Cllh boa (lln cine o< boK•• WOfk llnl) Incl tnl.ke ..... ~le as>90lnted "cathler' et all times NrtNJe baloreh1nd lo< • fnend whO cen help 1n1wer QuetlfOllt .. reti.t tor lunch. etc. llca..ck your Mlgt.t»on Clftd friends. See II 1ny w1nt to join your NII Thtt wlll gl\19 you 90mlOt'8 to there lk~ With and increue 1n1trHI In yow ..... K otfllft join -,vu. be -. to Jnclude thrt In - ~ lld ~••ample. • three-f1m11y tale," "neighborhood Ille 't 01oup uln 1t1 II IOI more tun, too -642-5678 llilJPilat • aDW-ll.Coalll ~.CA Open H;30......, """ Fndey. l 1turd1y t-1100tt ·" 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L· 0 T Rtal HMwtForW. K.sttFerW. I ...... ,,.,Wt ....... ,.,w. ....... ,...w. tt....FerW. ~.~~ ••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• -....,... IOIJ ._.. 1002 ._.. 1002 ....,... tOOl .__. 1002....,.., 1002 ~ •••••••••• !!!~ •••••••••••••••••••• .. • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • j A U, C T I 0 N ! Harbor r1w Hills SUNDAY, JAM. 31st, 2:00 P.M. FREE PORTABLE T.V. DOOR PRIZE JllSt be prHat -,..,. .......... ..ctioa 4 BEDROOMS • FAMILY ROOM 2 FIREPLACES • OCEAN VIEW 1251 SURFLIMi WAY • V ACAMT Cal 644-49 I 0 to l1Hpect •ytilM lroken: Wt wil ce>of19ralw providilH) you ,..9ltttr yo.ar clltftts. Call for details. * * * * * LUXURIOUS BIG CAMYON CUSlQ~ . 1 DctflilG &Ol.f COUISI Y•W UM19UI HASH Of THI HST USTMS IM TOWM lANCMMG FIOM SH.too•· CALL TODAY U~l()UI: ti()Ml:i REALTORS , 675·6000 2443 E•tt CoHI Hlthw1y. Co1oea dcl Na• WI HAYI H Of 1HI aST USTMS IM TOWN OI~ 1l\ :::.:;·;-1.J!j; -... . . OPIH HOUSES 1.5 C.....CCMldos a.o..e, T..,. •twt-.. c ... •drel ulll•9i, ....... llitdleM. Al la So. fJf Hwy loul•. Froat ... 3 ldr111. Sll5,000. a..,. _,. 2 ,.._ $2'5,000 or b•y both for $605,0QO. 41 J .4J I 1h DcMa,CdM. MoLMHllold Worms LHI• lt•t btH rt• _.,Clhd -.d It fix.ct for 25 yn. Tot~ r• ,...wed lnlN Ttrroct llchtllo"°'- w /h111lly roo111 . Sl0.500. 1436 S..l'IMldtTtrroct * .a) ~ • I t 00 • ~ Q) ~ • >< OWMr Mys Sell! ""' .... w /3 ..... s for.,.-H•inc) + C)'IHt i:rs & spa. Elegance & dignity in this Majestic Colonial Mansion Modin ,...., Wfrt. located on the 8th green of golf course. Top quality 4 ldnn, llbr•ry & craftsmans hip thrououl with ~inest woods. abu.ndance of :::'J ';'" S~to: 0;:· imported marble. crown moldings. 612 baths. air cond .. J I 333 p ' · wet bars + more. Luxurious master suite plus 4 other oppy. Q) • BEST IN BLUFFS We have a bcCiuliful selection of homes at this 'time. All floor plans. Good views, good financing. good buys. Some lease opt ions . Some including land. Please let our experts show them to you. OPIH 1·5 422 Ylsta Gr.di, .... $410,000 1 tl2 Vhh C..W, wltll '-d S:US,000 2071 Vhh .. Oro. I lt•tl, •ltw S2 I 0,000 2945 Qmd• ........_ •ltw SH01000 407 Vista~. 4 Ir SUS,000 HELEN B. DOWD REAL TORS, INC. 644-0114 Ust & 1-.y Witt! Tilt Experts tWllOl llDGE OPENTOOAY 1·5 #lMOMACO An exquisite offering Eleaant & spar1ous 3 bdrm + family home . I lev. home w/panoranuc vista of h a r bo r coastline. ocean & nig ht light.s. Prestige comfort. luxury & securi ty RedU('ed now $695.000 lOwner fmancmg l 1~1.1 ·d1:·1i \ ~ ,1' ·:~l H • : • R1n<J ~,J() ') ,t 1 f"'r .,· 1111· f 1 lt1lull ~ • ' tw>i COUNTRY ESTATE Spacious entry 01tens lo 2nd living rm wtF P . brdwd rloors cover formal dining rm, entry & breakfast rm. Enjoy views of oce an , gollcoune, mountain & rute lites Cstm 20X40 pool w/lg spa. Sunken family rm w 1we1 bar & frp lc Assume 9~', loan Only S.199.900 FEE Call Pete JohlllOn__ Jor appt .. agt 631-1266 ant Ad Resulll> 1>12·5678 rAllC. CITY RANCHO· DUPLIX Lovely duplex in prime loc<1tion . Close to "The City" shopping center & business community. Both units now rented. Good financing. Owner eager to negotiate . Call fo r det<1ils. S207.500 Myrna Boon 551·8700 (Sl2) c L A l 5 1 bedrms with private baths. banquet size DR . fam rm and CouOF~ billtard rm. $2, 150.000 including the land. FinanrinJ! REALTORS available. Owner very cooperative. • uu L c..tMwr. 9 IMVYMESS LANE OPEN SUM. 1·5 c;;;:::;r NEW EXCLUSIVE • HARBOR VIEW First time offered. Quiet park-like selling. Huge rear yard 179 ft wide Rm for paddle tennis & pool. or great for an orchard Picturesque cul de sar street S Bdrms and Family Rm S379,500 including land. See anytime. 644·4910 1218 kFf WEST SAT/SUM 1·5 DECORATOR'S MASTERPIECE 3 5'MGU OWMHS 1lu.s would bt! ~rfect for vou 3 .Bdrm and 3 bath.<;, you could walk to the beach' Try 15~ down If quabfted owner wtll assist wilh 12' ~ fmandng. S:l 10,080. 642-5200 ~ • I t •(in ik spen' sivl not high i.n price; rea!IOn· able coet; classified advertising ~~~,~~~ ·GARDEN PARK VILLAGE HAYE YOU HEARD? 41 custom built townhomes within a plus h garden-hke community complete with swimming pool -jacuzzi and unique recreation area. Av ailable now 2 & 3 bedroom Cape Cod style ,·tll <1 ge on the corner of Fairview Rd and Avocado . Costa Mesa Furnished models open daily 10 :30 a.m. to dusk Bonus · 30 vr fixed rate loans a\•ai'lable at IJt4r~ Broker Cooperation s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 -6 - 7 8 Subdued elegance and charm best describes thi s new listing. First lime offered. Near new 4 Bdrm & Family Rm . Real library wit h brick fireplace. Gracious and spaciou s entry. formal dining room. Hu ge family kitchen with abundance of gleaming tile counterspace and island cabinet with but cher block top. A gourmet's delight. Bright. cheerful famil y roo m with brick fireplace overlooks the large heated pool and spa surrounded by artistic brick patio Priced for immediate sale. $625.000 including the land. Quiet. secluded West cliff Grove in Dover Shores. 1200 ILUE GUM LANE orEH SU~ 1-5 2-STORY DUPLEX· NEWPORT BEACH STEPS TO HACH · OWMH WILL FIMAMCE AT I l o/o Call today to see this fine duplex. Live in one unit and rent the other. 4 Bedrooms and 2 baths in upper: 2 bedrooms and 1 bath in lower. Fireplace in each unit. Some view of ocean Owner will carrv Isl trust deed and note of $230.000 at 13'1 interest. No loan fee. Ask $279,500. Submit your offer. FOR LEASE · S 1200 MO. VACANT Newly dee. Big Cyn. Townhome with exciting golf course view Unfurn. El Dorado Model with 3 bdrms, dining rm & 1 21'2 baths. Pool. jacuzzi & tennis . Vaca nt -see anytime. WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO. 2111 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD 644-4910 1Wc11 Colom" ..W USTIM'i Stylish. cla pboard, shut· tered 4000 sq fl in Don't mlu this! Bayshores. 5 bdrm. "Country En1lish " large llviogrm, dinln· home grm raneled Ubary and J Bdr 6 Den Ot 4 Bdrm , bll amilyrm Huae 13 Ba. FabuJousMaater kitchen. pant ry and Bdr. suitel360.000. family eating ar u . Security ' so un d I O,.W. t-5 systems. hardwood .,, ;r.:•lx•lf Ooora, teak and oak cabineu, wine storage.: l ·147' marble baths and tx· • temlve pueUng are on· ' ly a u mpUn1 or the quality features StlO,HOht OwntrUl·Zllt ~ ' . ' ~ ...... ,. t ..._ ~ • ; I y • j PETE J BARRETI .. REALTY DIEAMHOUSE WITH CHARM! You 'II love It here! En&lish Tudor style. lov ely tree lined street. pride of ownership neighborhood and an as-sumable loan of $74,000 at 12'"1'1 interest Full price on this 3 Bdrm 2 bath doll house Is SIOU OO Ca 1164&-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS IOllELOW MARKET VALUE lzg 3 or 4 Bdr home w/lrg family rm. spa, + ni~ docor & assume 12~ mt. A real steal at Sl76,99S. Call Patrick. PllCEDLOW ••• $172,500 Comparable properties have sold for S17UOO For this low price yoo get a premium location on a major greenbelt, 4 bdrms. 2 ~ ba .. ex-ltnllve upgrades . low m.afn t. landscaping. Short walJl to pool, park and playlf'OWld. I , 8A1JOA m. IU HOUSE AT 211 OPAL W.4!1J 1-5 s-., 2·1 New claiak eow1try Tudor home ol unsurpaued quality, 1u,erbty dniptod with Ule toucb ol Old World charm. '•aturia1 solid oak noon, ftnt9t oall cabinetst vaulted beamed cellin11. rivet roc:k lirtplace 111d extensive use of Dtveled i.aded 11111. Tbree bedrooms. lncludiq private 1IMllter' aulte, three baths. ramily room, formal dillilll room pl'9I ..,.-.. roal detk. heeltlat lslud locaU.. "47.MO. .. ... Ill ... Hoe.m Remodeled, ctecOf:lt.ed 3 bdrm. 3 bath. mitt bdrm, ocean view, S.US,000. West Bay bayh'ont. Shps ror 2 boats remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath Sl,200,000. ' Ocean!ron(Jetty-views. Marine rm 4 bdnn. 3 batn, 3700 sq. fl. $1,385,000. ' UDO ISU HOMIS 711 '14 L.90 MOii SAT/SUM 1·1 Prime Udo Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 bath, lge L.B. 2 boat slips $1,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large rec. rm .. be11m ceilings, $420,000. UMDA ISLI 14 YFIOMTS Main chaMel view from 4 bdrm s bath home with pool. $1,495,000. · Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dark rm. den. $1,350,000! c.uMAnOM COVE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm, 4 bath, 2 boat slips, $2,050,000. BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR 1 • " .,. ' '• '_, • "~ •· t, ''i r~ 11) l $10,000DWM! FIXH! Barpin! 3 Bdrm 2 bath, pool! Owner extremely motivated ! 188.500 total price. Call for more de· . llill. 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS 91/.•0/o LOAM it.cllctd SI 00,000 SPYGLASS IYOWMER f!Ull Price $575,000 Monthly Payment 12999 SOUTilPORT M01>EL 6br/4Yiba. 4100 sq fl 25 Bodega Bay Call owner 759-0737 OPIH IM llG CANYON Custom home on the golf course with 4 BR, family rm. 3 fireplaces. french doors, skylights & crown moldings. No expense has been spared on this charming home. $1,395,000. Financing available. SEE CAROLE McMAHAN AT 18 CHERRY HJLLS. SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1·5. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 CW. INST OfllM SAT /IUM 1:1 71J.WOO Completely remode&td inside & out wllh decorator quallty. 3 8drm, 2 Ba, den and mstr suite. Reduced to 1259,SOO with e xcellent owner ti nan=. 4f'OIT llACH H .. HllSI Full security building on the water. 2 Bdnn 2~ Ba1. sauna, ocean & bay views, Step aown living room with separate dining room. Ideal for boat parade & sallb<>ats . ...ST OM THI IA l Enter thru the leaded glass doors to exquisite decorator quality tbruout. 4 Bdrm, 31r'l Ba. step dOwn living room. & gracio~ dining room . FuJI security system and room for a SO' boat. 1 5 million. · TllPUI IN COIOMA DB. MAl All · with 2 Bdrm 2 Ba enclosed garages & 2 blocks to the beach. Excellent owner financing. Shirley Harris ~ .. ~~~~:.~.~~·:::=~~: 'J OO oo.• .,, •• , "'••OOil ~ • .,,,.. C• 91,10 851-1361 675-9434 EXEC. -GOLF ESTATE . NOW $67~000 . A SUPER value! Custom golf estate home. 200' fairway frontage! 5 BR. 41"2 BA. formal din. rm., recreation & hobby rms. 2 frplcs. fam rm. sundeck porch, pool. Panoramic , views from most rooms. 3 car gar. Storage galore. Call Bob Licata, 759-1221. 3 em100M cusToM , 13% PRIVATE LOAN! 4 1 Owner finan ced no le nd er qualifying! Quiet cul-de·sac. Parquet I entry brick frpl. Tiled kitchen . Pantry. Family rm. Water filter and ' softener. Spa. Enclosed off street RV pad. Giant patio. Storage shed. Fruit trees and much more!! Just $169.000! Call Bob Licata 759· l221 RVM~ of Newport Beach MOYEDOWM THE COAST a.cl DOWH IN PRICE 3 Br. 2ba home with Great family home. l5'< hu&e fam rm that can dwn! 4 Bdr 3 Ba. gigan· accommodate double tic lot! Northwood, r o o I t a b I e 5 0 r super terms. $199,900. amily /play rm or Warner, agtsse.9400 WHATEVER ! Hardwood nn and can you BELIE VE ... -------• Sl.3U50!!! Call Bhlf1. lnse option. 2 br, 4 Bedrooms -5 Baths Harbor Island Custom $.5,000,000 . 5 Bedrooms -5 Baths Linda Isle Custom $3,600,000 4 Bedrooms -41h Baths Harbor Ridge Custom $2.300.000 2 Bedrooms -2112 Baths Big Canyon $1.750,000 6 Bedrooms -41/2 Baths Big Canyon $1,700,000 · 4 Bedrooms -31h Baths Harbor Ridge Custom $1,595,000 6 Bedrooms -5 Baths Big Canyon $1 ,595,000 3 Bedrooms -3 Baths Big Canyon $895.000 3 Be<1rooms -2'h Baths Big Canyon $659,000 2 Bedrooms -3 Baths Lido Village $.595,000 3 Bedrooms -3 Baths Big Canyon $.500,000 2 Bedrooms -2 Baths Villa Balboa $249,500 2 Bedrooms -2 Baths Newport Crest $165,000 2 Bedrooms -2 Baths Westcliff $129,500 FOO LEASE 4 Bedrooms -4 Baths Balboa Peninsula S3000 per month 3 Bedrooms -2~ Baths Big CanYon $2600 per month 2 Bedrooms -2 Baths Villa Balboa $1200 per month 3 Bedrooms -2 Baths Waterfront SHOO per month 20'7I .. n Joequltt tHI Net. Acroee "-llG CANYON ............ l4N717 \ W._e & Co. lltn wide sreenbelt. 1139,500. 72'·5'H Bkr, "4-0134. . FOREVER VIEW! OF OCEAH & Ml&HI" U&HTS OPEN SPACES & PAI.IS IUND MEW TOWMHOMIS Deluxe. 2 master suites. large airy rooms. Great financing. '"Country atmosphere in Costa Mesa. All for thefow pri ce of: $137.000 Ir Slit.GOO HAL_. PAT IAUB AGTS. 673-7100 <>Pa. HOUSE SAT.·SUM. 1-1 2277 PACIFIC CBC> Of WILSONt MESA WEST TOWNHOMES EXCITING VIEWS Step through elegant doors into a lovely garden courtyard and on into this magnificent home of grace and luxury located In prestigious Newport Beach. The beautiful living room , formal dining room and gourmet kitchen of this four bedroom, 4 bath residence all overlook a spectacular bay a nd ocean view. This hom e offers living areas to please all in the family plus ample room for entertainment at its finest. Lovely pool for swimming enjoyment. $915,000 includes the land. DAZZLING! This flawless Eastside Costa Mesa home offers 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and is in excellent condition . Perfect for active family living or entertaining. An outstanding va lue at $159,950 Owner will finance. Call John Campbell for further information ~Q, Q(lj[~ P11\LTf 115-2311 Orarige Coast DAILY PtLOT/Slturday, J1nu1ry 30, 1982 .,_ MAll1Ae1 TENNIS7 llOICIS SAU Tbl only WT I.ft CypruJ Owner fa lou and Cove San Clemente. M>t.lvat«l LuJurioua 2 Ael'OM from both Tennis Bdr vu tondomlnlum, Olw1I' Clubhou11t. 111 drullrally redueed to llnw tllferld t. Firm at MU today. Linda Hart, S18MOO. Penniman • . ' Com~ . 851-1000 __ RVM~ A cot t11 • ror two .. Woodbrldae 2 Bdrm lovely corner lot, 1&% dwn, 1reat Hnanc· Ina. 1148,000. Warner, qtW...00 DIRECTORY HOUSES FOR SALE 2 IEDlOOM #8 Hollowglen CWdbrg ) Irv 5.51 ·:nx> $126,500 Sat 1 ·4 1409 Dolphin Terr, Corona del Mar 644-6400 $950,000 Fee Sat 12·4 4 Melody l.n (Wdbrg) Irvine 675-5.511 $149,000 S<ft/Sun 1·5 4407 W. Coast Hwy, NB 673-6423 $329,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2 II ..... FAM llM or-DIN 56 Arboles (RSJ) Irvine 95.S-1120 $189,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 417 Seville, Perun Pt, Bal Penin. 675-5134 $415,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 15 Royal St. George, Big Canyon. NB 642-8215 $265.000 Fee Sat/Sun 12-4 4521 Tremont. Cameo Shores, CdM 644-9060 $595,000 Sat 1·5 227 Via Orvieto, Lido Isle. NB 644-9060 Sat 12·5 2221 Mesa Dr, Back Bay , NB 644-9060 $33.5. 000 Sun I· 4 2 Maritime Dr, Jasmine Creek,• CdM 644-9060 Sun l ·5 417 Tustin Ave, Newport Beach 642-8235 $216.5,000 FeeSat/Sun 12·4 l IEDROOM 4832 River Ave (Lido Sands) NB 675-1171 $189,500 Sat l ·4 1126 East Balboa Blvd .. Penin 1·524-_, $1,495,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1660'l Irby, Huntington Bch 963-6767 $109,950 Sat 1 ·4 126 Carol, Anaheim 673-8550 $92,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 #1 Rue Fontainebleau, Big Canyon. NB 640-5777 $500.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 616 Marigold, CdM 64CHS21 $.'&5,000 Open Sat/Sun 1-6 338WalnutSt. Costa Mesa 644-9060 $145,500 Sun 1 .'5 1014 E. Balboa Blvd, Bal Penin, NB 644-9060 $995,000 Sat 1·5 1812 Dover Dr, Westcliff. NB 673-7300 $185,500 Sal 1·4 •3479 Windsor Crt. Wimbledon, Costa Mesa 64&-7434 $195.000 Saturday 1·4 212 Eboli. Lido Isle. NB 673-7lX> $487,234 Sat/Sun 1-4 110 Via Cordova, Lido Isle , NB 673-7300 $425,000 Sat 1-4 ; Sun l · 5 1612 SandJewood, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $127,900 Sat 12·4 3 Woodland. Woodbridge 644-6200 $159,900 Fee Sat/Sun 1·5 4871 Winvale, Irvine 642-8235 $119.995 Sat 1·5 420 DeSola Terrace, Corona del Mar 675-3411 $350.000 Sat/Sun l ·5 l IR ,.. FAM llM or 084 2$)48 Commodore Rd. Newport Beach 631-0680 $399,500 Sat/Sun 12·5 2635 Solana Way, Laguna Beach 494-2894 $345,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 906 Aleppo St, Eastbluff, NB 720-0332 Saturday 1·4 2001 Yacht Resolute, NB 759-1221 $489,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 u·31965 Coast Hwy, South Laguna 49+-1177 $1,165,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 542 Harbor Island Dr (Prom Bay) NB 759-9100$1,400,000 S/S 12:30·4: 30 1393Galaxy (Dover Sh.rs) NB 642·5200 $525,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 62 Drakes Bay, Npt Bch 640-9900 $&49,000 Sat 1 ·4 1515 Cumberland (Westcliff) NB 54CH151 $240,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 •452 Broadway, Costa Mesa 645-9096 $197,500 Sat. 1 :30·5 15521 Sandusky, Westminster 963-6767 $181,250 Sa 1·4/Su 1·5 2808 Cliff Dr, Newport Heights 645-4483 $56.5)000 Sal/Sun 1·5 335 Bordeaux (E/Side) CM 645-0303 $1.29,500 Sat/Sun 1·4 7 Rue Chateau Royale. Big Canyon, NB 640-5177 $659,000 Sunday 1·5 17 Eastmont (Wdbrg) Irv -. M1·3000 $134,900 Sat 1·5 201 Opal, Balboa Island, Npt Bch 8'7So-4000 $847,'500 S.t 1·5, Sun 2·5 1907 Tradewincb, Westcurr. NB 844-9080 $.W,000 . Sat 1·4 ins r.aex Lane, wwurr, Npt ~ch ..... 9156.000 Sat/Sun 12·5 1900 Commodore Rd, Baycrest, NB 631-1476 $360,000 Sat 1·5 •204 Via Eboli , Lido Isle, NB 644-9060 $.598,500 Sun 12·5 1218 Key West, Hrbr Vu , CJM 644-4910 $.179,500 Sat/Sun l ·5 2981 Quedada CBlurfs) NB 644-9060 $273,500 Fee Sun l ·5 31 Monaco, Hrbr Ridge, NB 644-9060 $675,000 Fee Sun 12·4 **120 So. Bayfront, Balboa Island 644-9060 $1 ,250,000 Sun 1-4 ••3000 Ocean Blvd, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $750,000 Sun 1 ·4 4931 Hemlock. Univ Park, Irv 644-9060 $193,000 Fee Sun 1·5 3 Kensingston Court (Harbor Ridge) NB 644-6200 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1721 Kings Rd, Cliffhaven, NB 759-1501 $650,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 2127 Aralia. Eastbluff 642·823.5 $279,500 Fee Sat 1·5 1436 Serenade Terr, CdM 675-5.511 $349,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2076 Orange Ave. Costa Mesa 548-USS Sat/Sun 12·4 4 IEDROOM 1315 Bonnie Doone Terr, Corona del Mar 644-9674 $329,000 Fee Sunday 1·5 4639 Gorham, Corona del Mar 631-1266 $698,000 Sat 12·5 ·~ Tabago Place. Costa Mesa 5.56-0197. $175,000 Sat/Sun 11-4 2646 Basswood St <E Bluff) NB 759-9100 $229,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1207 Sussex Ln ( W. Cliff) NB 759-9100 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 10161 Merrimac, Huntington Bch 963-6767 $139,000 Sat 1·5 1412 Serenade Terr, Irv Terrace. CdM 644-7211 $365,000 Sat 1-5 , 4 IR ... FAM RM or DEN urnx; E. Oceanfront, Balboa Perun. NB 675-8676, 675·8444 Sat /Sun 1-5 #6 Balboa Coves. Npt Bch 759-1221 $575,000 Sat/Suo l·S 232 Goldenrod , Corona del Mar 673-8494 $.535,000 Sat/Sun l ·5 2220 Waterfront Dr, Corona del Mar 675-3834 $650,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 210 Via San Remo, Lido Isl, NB 673-2556 or 675-3048 Sat /Sun 1·5 •2242 Heather Lane. Newport Beach 955-~ Open Sat/Sun 10·5 133 Via Undine <Lido lslel NB 675-7298 $735,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 16231 Woodstock Ln, NB 846-1040 $165,900 Sat/Sun 10·5 7 Trafalger, Harbor Ridge, Npt Bch 640-5777 $1,595,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 #18 Cherry Hills Ln, Big Cyn, NB 644-9060 $1,395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1200 Blue Gum Lane, Dover Shores NB ' 644-4910 $625,000 Sun 1·5 1836 Port Westbourne, HVH, NB 644-9060 $274,900 Sun 1·5 3024 Cleveland, Mesa North. Costa Mesa 64&-7434 $l34,900 Saturday 12·4 1251 Surfline Way, Hrbr Vu, CdM 6444910 $.129,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 2700 Lighthouse Ln, HWI. NB 644·9060 Sat 1·4 1818 Port Manleigh , Hrbr Vu. NB 759-1501 $399,000 Sun 1·5 ••1617 Bayside Dr, Vachtsmans Cove, CdM 644-9060 $1.895,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 2482 Bayshore Dr, Bayshores, NB 644-9060 $1,650,000 Fee Sun 1·5 1441 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shores, NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 333 Poppy , Corona del Mar 675-Mll $598,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 * •1554 E: OCean ft'ront <Pent>t) NB NB 67~0 $675,000 Sun 1·5 I lmlOOM 131 Via Undine, Lido Isle, NB 673-m Sat/Sun 1-4 ••7~ Via Lido Nord, Udo Isle. NB 67~161 $1,500,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 l••MMIMwDIM lG> Port a.eJ1ea1 NB CM-1840 $450,000 Sun 1·5 9Z Unda Iale, Newport Beach m.a •.ooo Sm 12·4:30 l~DOWM !ioatklul 4 bdrm "C" Jll1n In The Blurts Silpcr loraUon ovtrlooll Ill& the pool. Priced riiht at 1299.500 L.H. Bf1t ol 1&11 you ran movt' in with just 10~ down and • 121.,•,;, find ntt 30 yor io.n• ••314 Morningstar, Dover Shores. NB 644-9060 $1,350,000 Fee Sun 1·5 9 Inverness Ln, Big Canyon. NB 644-4910 $2,150,000 Sun 1·5 **314 Morningstar. Dover Shores, NB 644·9060 $1,350,000 Fee . 6 IR ,.. FAM llM or DEN •70 Hillcrest. Big Canyon. NB 640-5777 $1,595,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 I CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE IACHaOI * 100 Scholz Plaza #205. Versailles 673-7lX> $99,500 Sal/Sun 1-4 2 IEDlOOM 313 Alta Lane, Costa Mesa 675-1771 $119,900 Sat 1·4 2600 Block , Santa Ana Ave, Costa Mesa 631'.6194 $129,500 Sat/Sun 11·5 2277 Pacific Ave, Costa Mesa 673·7lX> $137,000 Sat/Sun 1-tf 2277 Pacific Ave, Costa Mesa 673-7300 $189,000 Sat/Sun l ·4 •300 Cagney Ln #101 , Versailles, NB 673-7300 $127,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 •300Cagney, Penlhse 17, Versailles 673-7lX> $132,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •2936A Camino Capistrano, San Clemente 496-9786 $127 ,500 Sat/Sun 12·5 411 1r'l Dahlia, Corona del Mar .675-5511 $295.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2H ... DEN 10 Crest Circle, Corona del Mar 673-8494 $173,000 Sun 1·4 #3 Rue Fontainebleau (8g Cyn> NB 759-9100 $425.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2143 Vista Entrada, Bluffs, NB 640-SSfiO $495.000 Sat /Sun 1-5 501 St. Andrews. Nwpt Hts. NB 673-7300 $162,500 Sat l ·4 19 Valley View, Trtl Rk , Irv. 759-1501 $278,000 Sat 1·5 2 Maritime Dr, Jasmine Creek, CdM 644-9060 Sun l ·5 l IEDROOM 2559·F Elden Ave. Costa Mesa 675-1771 $159,000 Sunday 1·5 2415 Novi a. Bluffs. NB 644-9060 $315,000 Sat /Sun 1·5 **1815 W. Bay Ave, Bal Penin NB 67U776 $475,000 Sat/S~n l ·5 411 Dahlia. Corona del Mar 675-5.511 $33.5,000 Sat /Sun l ·5 l H pM DEN #3 Monaco, Harbor Ridge. NB 640-SSfiO S695,000 Sat Sun l ·5 25 Rustling Wind, Trtlrk. Irv. 759-1501 $280,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 7 Hartford, Heritage Pk . Irv. 759-1501 $141.900 Sun 1-5 4 IR ... FAM IM or DEN •#34 Rustfing Wind (Trtlrk) Irv 759-9100 $.124.500 Sat 12:30-4:30 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 llOROOM Avocado & Fairview. Costa Mesa 548-2239 $134,950 Sat/Sun 11 am 2 IR ... DIM 7 La Serena, RsJ, Irvine 759-1501 $180,000 Sat Sun 1·5 l llOlOOM Avocado & Fairview, Costa Mesa 548-2239 $154,950 Sat/San 11 am 614 Shasta Ln, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $139,500 Sat 1 4 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE ll•OOM 300 E. Coast Hwy, #52, Npt Beach 675-3347 $68,500 Sat/Sun H HOUSES FOR LEASE l • .... FAM lM or DIH 14 Rue Oeauville, Big Canyon. NB 640-Sm $2600/mo lse Sat/Sun 1·5 4 IR .... FAM lM w DIM •2242 Heather Lane, Newport Beach ~ $1500 Mo. ()pen Saturday & Sunday 10.5 HOUSES FOR RENT l • .... FAM lM w DIM 1115 Essex Lane, Westclfff. NB 646-6789 $995/ru<> Sat/Sun 12·5 • Pool • • Waterfront ••• Waterfront 6 Pool Orange Coat DAil Y PILOT/8aturd1~. Januwy 30, 1112 ..._..,_.. ............ ..._.,.,.. · ...._,_s. .._..,_·w. HMttr.W. 1 •. He.it.Per:wt MlliittNWt_ .._..,_,Wt ~,_W. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1111 II I• IMJ IMJ la•rtl IOH •••rtl IMi C.W .. ..._ IOZJ c:.t.MeM 1024 c.tt.MIM 1024 lliusH;9'• .. _. 1141 ........ _. 1041 ................................................................................................................ ~ ................................................................................................................... . MIWPOll' SHOOS Owner needs help! Vacant and ready to deal. 3 Bdrm 2·aty with bit-In kitchea1• huae aundeck and walk to beech. NOW only 1171,500. IALIOA "LitUe House Near The Ferry" 3 Bdrm 2 Ba, dllhwaaher etc, Onl y sa.5,000 with auper financing. DUPLEX One block to beach. 3 Bdrm 2 Ba + 1 Bdnn 1 Ba, built-Ina & fireplace in each unit. 4 car 1arage & owner will finaace eatlre balance after a small d~ ~~Dt. 1315,000. NIWPOIT Hll&HTS Custom, near new & 10r1eous thruout Caee Cod. 4 Bdrm, family rm , formal dimq rm, 2 briclt fireplaces, 3 decks with ocean peelt. $165,000 and terms. OCIAMFROMT Like new duplex -3 & 2 Bdrm 2 Ba each unit -on the sand, will take small down or trade and carry the entire balance. •.ooo -best deal on the water. JACOBS REALTY 67M670 2t '' Ma.,.,. IW.. antr JOttt HABOl 1•£ CUSTOM ll'EN SAT 1-5 P.M. ON BAI.BOA ISLAND I J4 ...... c.... .......... $150,000 2JI ._. C.... .......... SHS,000 117 Mlrtlt A" ............ UtS,000 J" S J:I' t .............. Sl2t,IOO fl UOO ISLE & PBINSUIJ - llOVll._ •••••••••••••• SHt,IOt IN CllONA DO. MAI JOJ40am•d. ........ Sl,JS0,000 1136 S.1 1•1 T...,.. ...... S27t,OOO ' II BALBOA POINSULA JJl4 W. Oaufw..t ••.••••• S4tt,500 2""1t11St.off ..._,,_ Sllt,000 124 Wftf.., la wtlltrl .. S 1,550,000 BIG CANYON CONDO 41 ea,. ... Dr ............ SJ lf,000 '41 C.,. h. Dr ••••.•••.••• SJS0,000 BAYCREST & BACK BAY Utt .. t m •1 Dr . .. • • • • • • • $265,000 1415 s .... ,a •••••••••••••• $450.000 CUFFHAYEN It 11 Clff Dr .............. SJ25,000 2101 '°"91 Id $411,000 ***** llliMTIYE KEANFRONT ... ..... of• ••4" -4 "•tr to IN ... lie.fed! ArcMhctwel •Htftt H .., .............. +•2M4. ... , ...................... ... .... ._ SI ,tS0,000. C9I for • prf•• ...... BAYFlllT--5 80IMS + PIER U.a• llxWwWt'"willttft ... " .. tr.. ........ .: ............. ..... rwlll,... _. .. tar twe SS' J•llta. CKOI h f ............... ., ..... ............... 4 .......... ..... ..... + ................. ...... Hitt wltlt •nltlt flrtJIHt I ..,........... •••• of .... • • .,, ............. .::••*"'-9of I ;zt 11.tlO. ........... ... ltlOT + ..., ... ~,.. 1411'1.,,... ... + ,._., e, '•• 111 .. sut.1• WAli:9ilONT HOMES,..:. llALDTA11 ......... ~ ... !Qfl'll 'I.a~~ I WATERFRONT CMUIUCOMOO ar. a., front row , 50 • to •ll•. F/P II tt•.SOO •ISU.500 dwn on 103 AM'D. All diae Juae '83. MU SHELL Oner: 111.om. SIU.II DISPllATI! On the water. Price slashed $10,000 to $214,900. ONLY 10% DOWN & owner will finance! ! Professionally decorated with gourmet kitchen. 556·7035 * PANOIAMIC PINTHOUSI YllW .• • * SICUllTY IUILJMMCi * * Breat btakinJ view from professionally d ecorated PENTHOUSE !! Featuring 2 master suites , pool, security. all amenities. $450,000 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr, Newport Beach. 759· 1501 or 752-7373 4-IUX Prime rental area. $60.000 down & owner will finance at 12'h>. Try straight note. $224.900. 963-567 1 * ST&'S TO llACH * I fl/o AMANCI.,_ AVAii.AiU Gorgeous 4 Br detailed home. 1 blk from ocean on FEE land only $299.000. 2670 San Miguel Dr. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373 PllVACYPLUS.. OLDCDMssooo No ouAL1FY1No . SAUnowMa with th.la 4 Bdrm, fenced C 0 U ... T I y M1W OM M.ABIT You'U love to own this Immaculate 3 8r 2ba in, pool home on a quiet " Cho' "' Bd 1 tory ho 1 . snat Sol Vista w/pool ocean v 1 tw ho me cuJ·de·HC In Eutaldt .CHAIMH ace " t ·I me n prime Beat locatlon. Asking future1: Larae deck. C.C.ta ..... A beauUful It'•..,... .. ll 0.. op· Mesa Verde location. Secluded spa ws.ooo. Make olr Bkr oa.lt paneled den At· bltk yard with covered Uoa or tMcy now. 'nil a surrounded by lush landscaping. Ml-07• IWnlble loan and ttlltr eaqo anlod a 1 coiy ~tm1 til.Y t.orm ... !a b3 Ba $218,500. ~IST A80D£. 1 m1 to ruiancina. 1319,000 Call nrtplaet tbe Ivins ._, bJk ""' c • on udcb, 3 Br. 2 8a lllOK, ewsorwknds4t7-2'7N room. 'ftl«e'a more! At• torW lot, w/mlAi v11. LOCATION. LOCATION, cipen bou&eSun 1 5. 20612 OCEAN VIEW FIXER awnable low and an Owner la flexible. Call Mesa Verde near golf course 4 Bdr. ,F4ret Ln .• HBN0-2163 smK aum. 100K at anxlouaCaellller. Only ~~~ 1,.:,~ tor tall trees, secluded pool & spa. All the AIAMDOMID tOW;t, pl111 o we . 50X90 SU8.900. a 979-6370 to· · b • f t d b • STOIY + _.... lot. 3 BR. l~ BA. Btst ct., es" ea ures an est location. , ,...... A. $28.5,000. $1?,SOO &.tr! Don631·4Uhct. . LLST.A TE MOTW~TID 581115 lMMedlatt' poe1nslon! PANOIAMIC _ l#t --~ Rent till yours. Here il wtlTIWATll YllW "IALTOM 1--------1 Unique location in Mesa Verde. 4 Bdr, Is! Big 2-story twnbse 3 br, ram rm. 21, ba. OflMSAT l·I family room, formal din ing, 2 with Formal li vl n1. new rrpts' drps. As· 1acamli ... tt-1 141J•-.. , f' t ood fln · $22S 000 gourmet k ilrh e n . swnable 118000 11t at awm\llWfltcllff pool 1_r:~1 err. irep aces, g ancmg. • · cocktail patio and large 10.4'7.. Foi sale by bome-uud bricll1 .. .._......._. ~'-~ JAClll H~ 631·1266 master suite. All just 2 owner.1225000. 11\'ench doors, hardwooa "' -. ..-minutes to miles of 0y675-532Citeva 759·1206 noon' l.2% noancln& at Sunny and ll1ht and pounding surf + LOW 12&'1 500 brilbt and new oa the down payment No WATB WATll • · market. Brick front, qualifying! HURRY call EYaYWHHE Orama Ur remodeled aide and read patios, 847-6100 Set bi&b above Lacuna's borne in Harbor View-hardwood p~uet floor· ~altyWorldtBtachs1de famed Riviera coastUne French doors, pa\•ers. ~:n~=.· tb!:l 'fO:O C:....dalM• IOJ2 =• .. i find this spectacular akyli&bt at '350.000. Ask *MESA YllDE • S O OW contemporary split lvl. for paces from S million ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• WJntPOOLANO SPA • home w/d etalled Natalie Fogarty, agt. homes and realistlcaUy 1-.1 .. Tlll C Spacious 3 Bdrm, 2 ba. arch It e c t u r e o ( 675-6000; 673-6571 priced at $365,000 with a Fantastic B A, IF Beautiful area . Sl5,000 ~dmaculate I BR condo. wood I s t u r c o Ir --=:..=~::.:.:..=..:.=---1combin1t.lonolassuma -uy . ee dn. Asking s2 4o.ooo ui un.it.Swedishfrlc· BREATHTAKING ..... ,...... 1006 bleandownerfinancing land!Wellmaintained4 Sl~/mopymt.PP.Agt nr clubhouse. poo & VIEW OF THE SEA. ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• CAU.644-7211 Bdrm home with new 7~7181 bearh.Greatterms'! CANYONS & VILLAGE cpts/drps. 644-9674 or 631-7129 BELOW Earn 18% on Balboa ...-S67=..;;.:...:•=-------1Assm lg loans. 48r l~•ba, 4br 3ba nr bch Sl5SK Sprawling 4 bdrm noor Island trust deeds. Over -------•I Fam rm w tr pie. enrl Sl5K dn. OWC Sl200 mo. plan srved by 3 baths 50'7o~ Sbortorlong H.t.or Yl.w Hlh patio. E/Side. Theresa Grad pymnls. 962-1227 & features: 2 FRPLCS. term. minlmum Sl47,000 8113-1351 96.1-6682 WET BAR. beamed cell-1• ...... .,, lltr c-----E--0-· view . pr i de 0 f ........ TO ing, (am rm. lrg kitchen 675-2''6 tt\H~MDS ownership. Sausalito Lowest price i~'C:!ge * * V2 Ml. ~{!~ c ~~d'&n Hc~nG~ 3br/2ba. For appt, call Park.~ sq rt 4 Br 1~ BEACH M~ER SUITE. Din· Slll 000 2 br + 2 br~uplex at 221 Ruby. 675-7013 own/act ..... , ...... 1007 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Penin. Pt. home, 2bdrm. 2\.'Jba, den. Xlnt cond. ·orN HSE SUN Nan.acent,6«-2999. Ba family room home . · h h I 2-5 with RV acress Seller Low~t ,Pnced unit an ang area opens t · roug 4.501 Surrey LDr. Orean will carry Sl00.000 AITO ~anner s Cove End un· E~ l~l1vgEI ~!tsio t t vu. Assumable lst Ir 2nd Yllw-•, 0c.. at 12'it (or 10 yrs; Full at & attarhed garage 2 pool area w/ROCK RIM- T.O. Comer lot. Newly Pool/s pa. 4 Bdrm priceWUOO. 751-3191 BdrmBiU •• 11'2 Ba. Ask for M E 0 S p A & decorated. Pvt beach. s397.soo Sam /Ag t. WATERFALL. f or $339,000. Craig Gl ass. -7.;..;;~-=1..;.;;756..;;.._____ ll14.900 those who require the • WA TllFIONT HOME • • Pll!AD_UACH-* Sensational 4 Br home smack on the water!! Featuring French doors, frpl. professionally decorated & private SANDY BEACH. Only $249,000 & seller will carry !M>% loan at 13% ! ! 2670 San Miguel Dr. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 152· 7373 I new crpt. Owner will , consider lont escrow. I I l finance. S41SJIOQ. Owner I Act : 675-5134. "' C:.0.0'1 ANEST [~il'l\1odbrld.. fin"'· I"' moy hm "' Custom borne. Outstand· -------•-.. hi · this (including 2. as lng--.,.ch+t~t-u r e . E Side;-Jbdrm. 2ba ~· "5UJ'1'11ble loans) for only IMYISTOI SPECIAL $962/month with $16,600 down . Effective interest only 113 ! ! 4 bdrm, 2 bath, new decor. Prime rental area. 556-7035 * Sii.UR DISPllATI * I 21/1"• FIHAMC .. Spacioiis Rancho San Joaquin townhome w/PANORAMIC GOLF COURSE VIEW !! Featuring 2 Br & den, wet bar, fplc, etc. Price •lubed for quick sale & seller will help finance. 2670 San Miguel Dr, Newport Beach. 7» 1501' or 752· 7373 I I.a-Mt IST T.8. Country charmer with cathedral open beam, wood ceillnp, and hardwood noon. Only $12,900 down. 55fr7035 * TUl1LmOCI * Sim,. MOMIH. ••• is all )'OU pay when you take over existing 1st T.D. Spacious 4 Br executive detac hed home featuring formal dining, family room & frplc. Only $213,500 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr, Newport Beach. 759-1501or752-7373 JASMINE CUB **Pl.AH 4 ** Extremely popular 3 Br plan featuring magnifi cent decorating fplc, gourmet island kitchen, formal dining, fami ly room & in·house laWldry. All this & more for only $389,000 FEE. Owner will help finance!!! 2670 San Miguel Dr. Newport Beach. 659-1501 or 752·7373 S 12. too DOWN Takeover $97,000 loan at 11.5"/" . Hardwood floors, open beamed wood ceilings. A real charmer! 556.703.5 * * ..wrOIT CllST * • t l/4%AtWCIHG AVAIL .... when you take over existing loan on this upgraded townhome on FEE land!! Seller will carry 2nd T. D. 2670 San Miguel Dr, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752·7373 * * PALllMO * * HAllOI YllW HOME Totally remodeled by craftsmen! Featuring French doors, wooden shutters, plank floors , used brick & pool & s pa. FEE Ja nd w/GREAT TERMS!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., New port Beach. 759·1S01or 752.7373 MIWPOIT llACM OfflCI 2670 S.i ~ DrfYe 17t4t Hf.llOI 1714t7H·7J73 HUMTMTOM llACM OMCI tOJJMmlA" 1714t t6J.N71 C714t H6:70JI ~ lalk1rBl11 llllh11tl C....dalMw IOJ2 ! ····•s1iu,·i;;···· CORONA DEL MAI l..oYely 3 Br. F.R. home with beaut. ocean Ir light vu. It's open Sat. 1·5. 2001 Yacht Resolute. il• 2 ILKS TO WATH Adorable duplex on 35 · tot. Mountain vu. owe 1st. 1299,500. Opn Sun l ·S. Drop b y 315 Lmbpur or call Jeanne Siii.er 75f.12ZJ JASlllNE CREEK-full cam vu. Z 6 den. 2 ba cmdo. Pool, tennis, sec. On. fta. Open Sat/Sun 11-4. ltCu:rt. O.n/agt. ... 1515/721·5151 ..... c,.... f\aU view ol ocean and CataUna. Spacious 3 Bdrm. family room plus dlnlog. Guarded gate, tenait, pool, rec room pl111 more. Priced to sell. ~.000. Call for lhowtni. 552-2000 COLDWELL BANKER. FEO CDMDUPLEX Best buy in CdM. Lrg 3 Bdhome w/frplc, + 2 Bd apt. Only 1262.ooo. owe w/$40,000 dwn. Joyce .. beautifully decorated 3 +lbdrm apt St69,000. SS1·3800 1359,000 FULL PRICE BR . library/guest. SI 0.000 dwn Call tt?IBarraeu l'lnr•y.lrvilw CALLTOOAY! J,,.. DmleHI separate studio S195.000 Olnst.ma : 5.57·2'783 ~ION RE ALTY 3 8dr + 3 ffrdT. Assume fee Includes gorgeous ~-985S. Cst Hwy, Laguna l290.000. in loans. Asking designer furniture • VETS ATTN: • H.ti.-I 042 1_...:.Pll-=a:::::Rl:....4.:.:f:....;4::....;0:.:7o..:l;.:I_ m .ooo. :.>4 NARCISSUS Foreclosure sale Mesa •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• z Br + z Br. so. of WELTON.& CO. V~rde 3 Bdrm fixer. BEST BUY Trinidad ALMOST IEADY bayside 1389,000. Georgine Prine. only 543·7023 Bkr. lsld. Prime loc 3Br 3ba. Lar~e custom in ex· .. Br i 2 Br, jumbo 675·1BOOor5S8·1809 HAIDTOIEUEYE! OWC at 14'1 int. Bkr elusive area Quality loans, so. ol hwy S«9.~ Cotta MtH I 02• 1 Nire & clean 2 Br I Tom Go-lier 646·9200 ~!?l'd~~::rv~i~s3 Call for more details. ••••••••••••••••••••••• story con40. Assume ao/oDO~Oww Fila. S4 Darrell, Pash, agt COUMTIY EHG' 1nprivate 1st T.O On· 3BR2ba twnhse in Hun· ~5~ym-1.E ~/Mu 7511-1221 • I ly $89.900. O. Bourke tingtoo Harbour. Owner --r-w .....,... COM DUPLEX CUSTOM RealtorMG-9950 wifl sell for $185,000. __ ...:.4f.:..:7,_·..:..l 7:...:6:...:l'--- 100MARGtJERITE IACI IAY HOME 4BR. 2 BA. fplr, used brk Sl5.000 dwn. AJTO for MOITH END New construc tion. Owner/bldr .has ~pared S225.000. lSth Pl r & balanreatl5'7 •. Nobank Walkto thebeachfrom Medit. architecture. noexpensemth1snew 1Ustin 631.3374 bkM'OOp credit approva ls . this neat&tidy2 bdrm 3bdrm & 2bdrm . \Wque48d3Bahome ' Ri c h ard Lee . own.your .own un il. $4111.000. finanring avail. 3000sq rt of luxury living DllYE TO _,,2::13:....:-<C54~·464=1----• ocean 5 ide 0 r the Owner/Bldr: (7 14 ) w/toomanyaf!lenili~slo 2076~A•t. 1......L..... 1044 hi~way &ofrered atan ""'"'"'11 hst. Good financing "-I o .....,_ vr..-...... · "•ki ...,1._000 F vt (ucow 21st tl pen ••••••••••••••••••••••• a fordable prire 1st lime offered ! Ex· "" 0« . .., "· · or P house Sal Sun 12 4 S140.<XXI qusite48r,3'2 ba.Some ~wing call Glen ComeseethisJ Bdrm.2 l~S.~ OLDLAGUMA BayViewS650000 warlh.ut5S9·9'00 frplc, formal dining, Ro.lhn~ green li ills. Acluster of 5separatel 6'7>383.. oversize lot beauty I wbis~nn~ lrees of~er bdrm rharm cottages. Century 211Gold Coasl seclusion m this choire F.arh with fireplare & ~-1168 condo. Sunken ma ster laAla,IJOY s uite, guest roo m. openbeam ceilings.The the lowest Jri ce in EASTSIDE Low Down . +study or den Priced large nat lot has nice Corona deJ Mar. lovely fllB)OMHOUSE ~lntter!f15.Setlerf1nanc· Sl89,SOO. Call now. ocean views & Is but a canyon Crest Condo. 00 . 3 Br. l Ba. large yard mg ava.il. 646-8325 ~-:mo short walk to the beach ly 1173.000. 2 story. 2 185,000 .... 641·0763,Agt MESA YEIDE COLDWE~cf.~NKER. ~~SnC tlUS bdrm. 2lt b_ath. dinipg I IAIGAJN TIME 4BR. 3BA, Fam Rm . Absol utely fabulous room. tennis. pool & z 8dr condo, assume Isl Pool. Spa. OWC. Assume -y $13,500 Du clubhouse. t of S62,SOO at 1or;. Existing Loans. Equity '°"" " r,:e 7;~er3oc~r~~ie2~! IOCrtstClrclt Seller's will carry Sharing. Slraighl Note Jsl&?O/~ ~t~ty bath home. Walking dis-0,.S.. Ollly 1·4 110.000 . Full price or Trade. S185.000. By Srooke Tree townhome tance to high school . W . tk/uM 196.900 . Call Anne I Owner.979-5814 W/pvt patio, dbl de· town & beach Owner oottma · <» MC:Casland,agt631·1266. MEW tached gar, centr air. will help finanr.e -..hr{i'w/•iYtU~U IVmce l)wr:w· SUMMY MESA derorator colors and M.50.<XXI. ~ 67:J-8~9~tjFZ~I · l I1~1~.h~Eldernr c:' ;~i. '!r:~~h~~n~~~r ~~'"!i;~~ .. 11E.c...e-. ca 1 .. _ 1 Open Sun 1·4PM 1135.000. Don't delay. .. ...... ·-r ' 557-4579 cal~ana. agt 631·1266 !!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Sf1 I H WILL· OPEN HOUSE Diana ~-~~I-Volpe BY OWNER "NEW " CdM CSTM BLT ZJOO sq n. Wik to bch. JBr. 31"?8a. rircular stairway, skylites, grdn windows Asking ~.000 OPEN Sat/Sun J.6 616 Mangold 640-4521 637 -8778 FINANCE 243 Magnolia su9.5oo. AT f f % best buy on E·side Jim This J Br home may bt' 642·<1750 _ the best .buy in M~sa •YAAi.-blts• Verde. It s loaded with • 101,r~ 73K lst S153pitt potential and perfect for lBr 11 ba l IOK 7K dn the home owner/home I ~ l r, )overs devoted t o 11 2/76K lstS856pill cre ative projec t s . 3 ~l .,8a,110K6Kdn Priced at Sl.29.900. Call Prin.only, Bkr 667·3863 IAIGAIM IUY! Low down, choice lrvme condo. easy to buy Prime location. al· tached garage. prlred to me (or more info. Anne McCuland, agt 63).1266 ....._ motivated. won't last. (71414f4-l 177 , ___ _ THIEE AlCH IAY 3bdrm. 3ba, ram rm. rompletely remodeled. garden kitchen. sper lacular ocean \•1ew, sec. gated, walk to beach At tractive finan cing. l7141499·5663. .... _ .... _ ~~:1. seU. Only S88.000. Owner llDUC SS 0 • Great investment. call Spacious livin g rm now. ~-2000 YICTOllA IEACH w/crackling frplc! Lge COLDWELL BANKER. AITD 100/o DOWM l6o4"' QAf a._... kitcb for fam ily meals 1 ___ ..:,.F.:E.:.O ___ Ckean view. spht level •·---. °' ..... '°"' .......i.1ec1 -dt i.. ._..,, ..... ,_~~ FTEE NR H I _I I I' I I . 1--_t_H_H _0_0~1 l• L..-...1--1 '--r '--1 IL......J.1 Lltlle boy afltf b91ng llnocll· ed down by a 11111• glrl: I LEG U Y Ii .' I I t I . ~ "Women. I'll "9¥91 under11and --0-,,-5 -5-1-1-- 1 1h9m 11111.,. 10 1>9-·." I I I I I'. ·~~n:~~~"::f .,... .......... ''°"'~No J below • •ltlll N\MltfO lEllUS IN lttU( SOUAlfS rrr rr1 I ~~·~;N~f '111m I I I I I I SCUMUTS Aa1wtn .. Chelifkaffolt IOIO I .. ·~~::;::;::;:;:;ACT".'""O".'""RS---:-'.:-1 s A •• QA y VIA c I 0 RIA IKER C I M R U R l l H M l M A R l C E 0 E P A R I E l E A I S T I W L T M T U R I M E 0 l N R M I A S P N ~ R A N 0 I l R W A L A l 0 R S R A N 0 N E X J E P U l A C l 0 A E 0 I N F 0 G G Z Y M A N R I R G l R T P F M S N T G A R P S T E C E E T N S R U R I T N I E 0 N Y R A l A C C E Q M E P E M 0 R W 0 E E I E K A R H G M P E I A P 0 R l I I E M C Y H I I E M ' l E N l H I M S R H S E U A A R I E 0 U A l E N V N E A R S T E S l R M S I A J Y Z N T Y A R I I R R E P P A T I V W Q E N U E P P E le I E R S 0 R 0 R E A E N R N 0 T S . New roof. cpt, PLUS re-floor plan with a BR and ..WCOMDOSODN cently ADDEO ramily **2 Bl CONDO BA on each wing for Agent.631-5737 rm.! GREAT TERMS Perl ct I ti t .f. complet e pnvac)' Va--help you own you r own . e . oca on. e.rn 1~ cant , move in loday 4BRPoo1HomeinMesa home •toda y• Cal ltloans. in Woodbndge . (sharew1thw1a fnend, . Verde Leg Comer Lot. 646-7.c.14 · I Call Elinor for details Prired PAR BELO'W ap. Breezeway. 2 Car Gar + C/21 Gold Star Realt y Sl26·500 praisal at Sl59.500 M0<h M,..! Ori" By, l~ill\bodbrldfO 0-SAYS 2821 Tabago Plare. Then -·~--i·a-1t•91.-• •-.. lry ''MOYE rT" Call for Appl to See. ......._ ,_, ~-9157-CB..Open..llouu.Sat Can you fmd s Bdrms. 3 ~ An.<L<lrnp the pri ce & Sun. 11AM -4PM balm. big family room. ,,,,,.,,.,.,., Sl5,000!. on this Mini· Priced to Sell at $175,000 large yard with patro in mnarnnu ""'"·''~lw ~late m lower Temple WI Assuma bit Loans. a prime section of Costa DE1t_. •n 1 Hills with a "Mediterra· Cooperation W./Agts. Mesa for Sl65.000? This . ~"""" • n ea n · · V 1 e w and spacious 2 story beauty Woodbndge 3Br 2ba. I Complete Privaey, 3BR. B~n::1 ~:~ls~~~ bas a huge living room yr new. Low down · as· a bbulous kitchen with ble 11~. 1st T.p . OWC with massive used brick sume loans. Need fast Butler.s Pantry and (. I ' A bl sale. guest house Varant-42nd. Asking S125 ,000 irep ac~. ssuma 'e SUCCESS REALTY with 25,000 dwn. 20th & loan available at 13 , 549.7991 rrove m to 789 Bayview ""--na ..-.7...,.i CaJltosee,~1151 •----=...:.:;....;=---• Drhe. Open Sun. 12-4 . ~ . ....,.. "'"· Acl'06S frm TI Rock El Sc NOW $349,900 Beaut lrg brand new on cul-d·sac Avail only FUIMISHB> CONDO 2bdnn. Z•nba. frplc · 2 to buyers with El Sc age Acnl65 the street from car gar. great area. cbdn.J2SK9SS-0170 oceanfront 1n North l5000 t«al down Pay. Unlv-1·~ Par" 3 BR Laguna. A b1'g Bdrm. t ,998 A ======== ~... '" . men a · gt : d r l 'aBA . firepl ace and 75l-32t7. 100/eDOWN 2•,, BA on o. ee. walk patio owe S200K. 12•;, ...;.;;;.;:...=;.:..;..._____ Reduced payments for 3 to schools/shops, newly E II years. 2-outstandin• decor .. beaut. greenbelt 5 years. xce ent re· F.astside rondoa 3 BR" are a . S 1 5 9 . O O O. tirerrtnt home . 1239,500 ...UYllDI 3 bdrm. z bath. frplc, dbl 1ara1e. A·l cond. $U4,500. Owner wUI aa· 11st In finaacina. lorMcc.41t, lltr. 541-77z9· 2V1 ba, lge yirds l ~.000/dn OWC, Avail 494:7551 patios. Walking distance 2-l2, by owner 551·8074 Ml.Ml to= u..cOll"CS • g. -OP SAT/SUN 12-4 WOOOlllD61 3270GLEST .. CM Sbr/2ba condo. MOK dn. A steal! Sparkling 3 bd. 2 Alent,631·5661 Sl950/mo, Call agent. ba condo. rrr.1. beam • N• .. Fryer 1ui -ceil .. patio. e . unge, IWW• •--"' I 040 -· • ""·""""· pool. clubhouse Owner --. --(Investors : l20,000 EASTSIDE .............. ••••••••• equity abare> carry loan 1159,000 Pea $115.000 2 Br I Ba . Olk PllST'l61 tiff AOen, Rltr~:Jm_J_ floor fr frplc. Owner 4 ..... 11/J It.. *-~or's Rancho San North end 2 charmin11 1 financed •llS~ d•n. "" .. ,., J cw..... Joequin 2 Br + den con bdnn houses. spark line I Prlct4 h ullt do. 000.~5-1120 cond. Lr11 land11t1pfd .z s I 61 ''' • ... c..... ... lots. pril'nl' a~a. frpl , 3 Br l Ba w/nu rOol on • • •• .,., I sprinkltn. w1tlk tu tr11ot.OWP'in1nce 9'tl w/ JS~ .. C.el 3 bdrm. 2 ba. S27 K beach Owner rurv •'pt ·e w r l • t t down. No qual. on Jo~·. io.n. IM4.500. Pra Ai· M A I I M A ~1040 J4-UH loins. •1112 P1T1 1eo. Rltr. •Mm 780-0llO • :.'!. -• • • 4 ll•ttAMDS , ..... _. _ _...;.;..;..oo.;; --.._. ltlJ S 1f oew S Br U Ba oa llll, ZIA. $110 K. °"n &,.,_..... I 141 •-••••et;;~ ........ , nl·ff·llc w/lr, at· Hae.llln 1·4. •u Esrd _.................... •VIEWHOOSF.• Hma~lt IU~ on. Lmt.111.•2.U Fantastic buy I North 3br.2ba. s1•.J11. S...-r CWt Henertt II, •ll ..-TOT ... L end, 3 bd, 2 ba. llt llv.. l«'ml. ~,, ~·'~ _ ....... • fr,t, brtlflt area + 111t1t .OCEAN YIF.W • ' llf YOU IN qurten, Walk to bt1d1. N l 1 u t I 8 II o r u lldUM Ill Madtter· As111mt IOH. Owner tow11l .. 1t • lar1nt ,_ 1 ..... •/hr • .._ n.'8ff. 1111.Mt. lllMtl -·•· •••r ..... I - Aut DAILY PILOT/S1turday, J1nuary 30, 1862 ........... w. ........... Wt .......... w. ........... w.. ..._..,_Wt "-'ihtWt Ollllr ..... .... ...••...••..•........... ••.....••.....•........ ..................•.... ....................... .......•............••. ••••..•................ ....................... ....................... ....................... ...................... . "-.._. IOIJ Ml ,,,..._. INt Ml ,,,..._. IMt INdi 116' tk p1rt..... to6t IHcll 1069 S.Ch •• 1176 enm:'CNll Q1hf~ c..t.MIM JJH ~-~·••••••u ............ ••••••••••• "••••••••••••••••••••• ......................... ••••••••••••••••••••• , ............ .,........ ....................... Pt'fll?Jt.( I 600 Pt quty JllO ...... ••••••••••••••••• • OPIM SAT/SUN 8eau11ful oceanfront HIWPOIT HGTS EASTl.Uff IX'l'IAVA6AMZAI SPACIOUl:I 4BR. 2BA. ..••••••••••••• ........ ••••••••••••••••0 ••••• DU p L 11 F O I ~~':! ~~:1fi>~~ i~~~~atT~0u2na~~~'1 ~IW Prime rul·d·Hr. 3 Br, PllMIPIOPllTY t.~=:ooi,Cul· =~~.l"c:~!:.. MIWJOITllACM **Ill TOTAL Yoiurc~d 1 £a . )'l ba dbl 11, By avallab,1.\1 Prln. only ~:n1ue:~nom:~ ~itt.!:·dC:·tr::b c:r~ NIWPOIT HGTS NEWPORTHEIOHTS Uon beach home Call Hlah vlalblllty. C•3. .,. PAYMENT iaraae, lri yard. New owntr. No prln A~~umtt A G31-l579 • financing at 10%. For an =house Sat 14, 906 CAPE COD w/excep. Panoramic vltw, bay. nQWJ Won't laat lone for Ocean view. }20 ft froo· 7Xarodl IS houlH all carpet ' palrlt thruout. 13 083'" w /~0.000 dn. appt to view thl• fine St fo' N ocean Catalina, park, $13UOO! taae. U1eul1tln1 b~dd run 11 apt complu lmmed. pouulon. ~000Jlr~l505 DOYBSHOllS bome , r ail C url Art~ovlrhRltv ~~:.oE~~~~ve hillt.dty liJhtl C\lltOm I lnaolGOf\aq.oft.otb Ull POliUve rashOow Ca.Ii $500/mo . Ca ll Tom 1 ......... --...... .,_ _ , 3 br, ram room. Approx =• 10,000 eq. woer w ior~talls Qun1rdi, aat 55t·NOO -~ 1055 llfl~Dr. ·-4Brw/pool.CR ATIVE 2'10l)aqf\.~.ooo Open --:•• carry.sm .ooo. 831·7300, ••••••••••••••••....... o... W/$111 l·S 111NANCING! Satt&.an l·S owner111nt • Realtar. ~i brldte 8o1At'lous 3 Bdrm home ~ W/S-I 1·5 ~ a& I ~th atrium entry, hljh New 3aty t;fachbouse OC£AN VIEW from this --C II I ~ Ml IU WeMa4a..-ct ctilinp, step·down hv· lillCourtSlrut woodly ' Br. PRIME ClffOr. W/Ylew !"t!2.!'~ 017'0o 5513000 1 .... rGOnl with rireplace, $110 000 Walk ' LOT • LO CATION. 3bdrm, 2ba, $315,000. ~ 498·10.0 _....,... . . llOMIOf Private 4 l>cdroom, 2 ~with builtin wetbar Ntwport Hila teardown 67s,2291'!,~~~~!I Gr eat fl na n cl n g . ldu~ .. homer w/r~mo/b del~ iZ:;;y;;1d•c;,;.d~~';;; _. rmu nw,.lnlN THIWCICY NW bath home that 5hows and large kitchen with wtplanJ, super flnanc· · 1219,500. ku, am rm w ar, a. TAKE OVER 8"43 lat Sale By Owner 2BR. l8cMs. F.w, Rent In Costa Meu'a Hkeamodel OverlOOO eatinearea Huge buck lng,callUndaHari,a1t Newport Hel&hts. 2BR , THIS IS THE ON•~! fU\.avall.Call842·6113• TD•wllh$40,000down 28A.Uperaded carpela. GroY" 2700 NEWEST 1ated ZO 'IC(Uare feet ot deckana yard with alley access Comer Lot Low Down. 646-5'116 • P1Yt111nl OWC balance Great View. $115,000 •H••••••••••••••••tt•• Townhome VILLAGE with spa O\'ilrlooltln& for boats.etc. $15.500.0woer/Agt HGTS. COUNT Ry JUSTUSTED at I~. Briehl' tblny 714-545·7101, Mon· Fri. ...... .,.. COMMUNITY 2 ft 3 Br. secluded creek :ind 642-5200 171.4390 ~le~~:~'!dBr0+nl1t; Ouplexnearbeach,3 BR 28r, 2Ba end condo 3 8-5.714·770.8331,3·SPM. Eatatt$22S,000 2\lt Ri 1600-J800sq.tt.or woods. Formal dining ,250.000. 0 W NE R +2 BR, 10 yrs old, xlnl blkJ lo Capo beaches NOR1lf LONG BEA<:H 2 bdrm, 2 ba home with pure luxury Garaaes. r 0 om. 2 t 11 st om FOIECLOSUll FINANCED terms, priced to sell ial Gu/pool/spa. $127,500. v· . 1 barn/stable and extr a hydro-tubs in master fireplaces. plush carpet· A1J.. PLAY -NO WORK: •Ma.,.rtHtt · · 1240.000. fee. ownr/agnl ~~et· 496·9786 or • eounu/ff~t~. ates Uvrng quarters on 2 3 suite. dinin~ rooms. lng,woodplanklloonng Ne wport Bea c h 2 Br 1 ba R2 . TLC RAERODGERS 87S.2373or170.8S98hm . New3br.3ba Condo acres ln Exclusive woodbuming areplacea, in kitchen and nook Versailles Condo was de· needed. Low dn. Take SUIFSACllftCE --Luxury Decorator Equestrian Community mi cro-wove ovens. area, and atnum oU the """"ed ""lh today's busy over payments Prine. II C~l1I -I 071 Extras au r r o u n d e d b y private patios ' yards lami'" room make this '"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l'!!!!!!l!!!!!!JI ., • .,.. .., -•y. •-Lrorcarey 700' to beach Must se s Fr •175 000 Cl I d N t I Gardener provided h OJ d 1 h I" lifestyle in mind. ,... A>A fast. 4 BR-211 bi, new ..... ................. om . • eve an a 1ona Elegant living onlr. IS 13olme4 OOOawtttrhueassue 'agbll"' FAMILY HOME Completely upgraded 631·2J42 paint in/out. $140,000 4 ID .• 2 14. __ (7141847·7066 Forest 30 min from SJ rrunutes rrom Fashion fil'fit Joan or SlS9.Z'S3 ut ON THE BAY bachelor uml. OCEAN OWC Isl. Call Larry, Upgraded, A/C, Country S.C. Plaza, lBR 2BA, as·' Cap Panoramic View! Island 7 minutes to SC u•-,'i;. Submit terms 10 Enjoy waterfront living V I E W ! I. u s h I Y HARBOR 00·6080 Court home In Village sum 11.1 •;,. $60K 1st A ent &'11·8123 Plaza' or o.<: Alrpo~t: owner on Lido ID this 7 br C:UI· landscaped grounds Of· S.J. $129,000. W /$18K dn, OWC 2nd. .... (:atlft Just eut of Newport onial home . Large fer you an lmmarulate RIDGE MEW USTIMG A.AllACH ILTIS. tot Pl 964·1988 bdl•gt 2100 Blvd 'so. of San Dieco 761-45H Owner.agent balronyoUthe master dubhouse anda crystal C usto m Fr ench Two2Bdrmhousesw/ 714 492-210 o.lnt"t/ ........ ••••••••••••••• Ftwy.StartingatSSOOa suite overlooks the clear swimming POOL! SltS,000 IN Normandy, approx. 7200 ocean vu ft new decor. Diits S. OO Want 11 tax sheller? Sell month. 63 1 5439, 2473 water and the private Total enjoyment and re· ••••au••ULO"NS sq ft. Amenltlell too furn. only 1379,000 ! 1 &ClllS?.ln II my l/12yearnewtriplex Orange Ave . Costa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I Sandt beach. This Uni· laxalion! Definitely a ---A A IA ....................... h 't r u ror this 4 bdrm 3~; bath numerous to list. Builder H B •·PLEX or exc ange eqw Y or -=-"'~es=a. _____ _ .... ,itfo 1067 que ome on an over· must see. and priced beautiful P ortof ino has built this f or Custom 5 Br 3ba home Near beach By oi.•ner CCJndollf'Owner Arter7 38R 1'-iBA. nu cpl. slxed lot is ideal for right at Sl06,000. Submit himself. but present w/oce.an ft valley views Pri 1 1 1 C h 714 760-0734 II It lights ••••••••••••••••••••••• fanulyUvingand enter· yo ur terms t oda y rrodel in Harbor View Rusticstyhn g Motavat ocpa s ony. 85 • -wa f,aper·S 'I 11 • taming. Sl,750.000 Agent 97~2390 Separate mother-in.law economy forces sale. edseller $775.ooo. lowers price. Comp sale M Eatoh &lunged ext ·frplc· g yd· FOUCLOSURE 675-J(M qrtrs, almost new Under 2 mllllon. Serious ooo.842·'S763Gre W..ted 2900 dbl ar. S750/mo73Hl669 '5.000down! 2bdrm. 2ba 1-"----=-------carpeting, close to pool. by~~ only! 760·8430 WIDlmHT ••-• ~A.UTY 1 ... .,.._. ...... i11r.•cH ........... •••••••••••• E Side 2bdnn, new thru· penthouse right on the1--------S319,500 _vw-. __. -~""'SA Private Party Looking out , formal d in , w al e r . . 2 ' Y r s UYFIOMT W /PIH So. CAif •• .., ON UDO ISLI ~I ISHiiH lOwuts.on GleMeyre For Home to Buy on breakfast nook. 2 car old. .. l2600/mo. Contact Fantastic financing for u.c.5605 631 •6194 --------1 3 Bdrm 3 Car Garage Custom 4 Br 3~1 ba home <kean view, 2 blks to Lease n...uon Ba ck Bay gar yrd grdnr. S675. Cathy Mathews at builder or new owner. _... OflMSAT/SUN 12·4 Remodeled Kitchen with pool and spa local· ~1'."1i ~~.{o~ ~~~: N .76().'0062 _ -=~;.;;;;_..·=""-· _· __ .__ __ :-:3~~~:=8~~5te Quaint 2 Bdrm cottage e.A. ~To Sell? lSJ.SCumberland, NB 675-1771 ~:mi~ ~u. a~i~~t!s tB50.000 w/30,..~ dn Xlnt Lrg •BR Exec Style with 2 Bdrm :apartment •ir.•cH1••G•l1J Call Jacqueline for ~~L~F~dr~40p~s tobeacbes Sl.200.000 assum financing owe a.t• Home . In Preferred OwwerD~ratt ! re:i 2 cbr garage Call ~ AA ~" qualified help. 556·8011 family room, located In Call Marta,497·5132 ....................... Res idential Area. CM. 28RCondo. Ass ume F:x or etai . MILAND \agent) prestigious Westcliff. l/2to4.314CIE P'r 0-0-0 ....,.,_.,.,~ Brand New, Carpets, isling Low Low Interest 642-5200 owe istfor 10 yrs, steps. --------1 Minutes to the beach. H01•11r. -PUTY --~ 2 ....................... Drapes. & paint VA Loan Or New Loan to beach, may take note DIEAMCASTLI I Owner anxiou.s aod will ~tom.'"a~d 5 bdrm ••••• .. •••tt•••••••0 •• ~ 3102 Throughout E\•er y Available at low rate ror trade, 3 Bdr home . ON UDO help with the financine. J~~~~~~~~ homes with 2700 to 5000 INCOME ....................... Room & Wmdow. 3 Car Call Owner 581-1106 vacant and ready to This new 3 bdrm jewel For an appointment to sq rt. Outs tanding PROPERTY SECURITY AREA Gar. Fen~ed Back Y,ard. imve an to. Excell con· has all the featurdor a see,call540-1151 LIASl/Ol'TorSALE features + ocean and 4r•ECIAUST Elegant 3 br. fam. rm, Gardening Service. tflwpwt leodl I 06t dllion. •freshly painted. million dollar home . 4 br. 3 ba exec. WestcliU va lley views Libera I ~ upgraded, clean. ai r, Orange Tree. Waler ••••••tt•••••••••••••••l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!~ pnced al 1239.000. Ca ll ""'A"ed Ara(tsman•ha'p t.>me All new in & out t-available ....... 000 "·· 1. 1 frplc, lake, pool & spa Pets Su b1ect lo Ap· ""'"""'RY FRENCH ' DI C I l """"" , ~ """"' """" """lect from mu lip e un Anross from S '«t proval. lmmed Occ wv•u • ana :appe · ag used throughout. Too "'~et resid street Va toSl<N\000 I T ·1 bl l ... '"~ fNBAYSHORES PRICESLASHED • manyamrnitiestomen·• ;';nt'-immed. ot·c . ..,.,.,, lS.t ermsedavaaa e 0 Plaza S850 mo Star Si250Mo.957·8974 ~:: c~~~·r:rf ~~i~ I N NHi1~.Js 0 R T tloo. Priced ri ht.. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ tr75K. Own/art 7S2·2S50. Ctl 493-2752 s1.1 your ne s. Real Fstate, 831-8L88__ 511 PAIK DllYE master s ui te w ith Greatslarterbome AS· 1 C...delM• 3122 3Br. IBa , vacant, new ~ J ....................... CptS & drps , lg yd, $750 balrony in gate guarded sume VA lst al 9' c no CC'l:D Upgraded 2Br 2ba. yard. tm. Ov.11er 54g.2042 community with two i quallryang -OWC the HARBOR VIEW HOMES ~ . carport , no dog ~ beautiful beaches. Ex· I rest! 3 br, 2 ba. warm Modified Carmel 5 BR. 3 CTJHJ.tlWVl I~[. · ~I Alll 673 1181 ~ TWlllMMtw cellent owner financing j country 2 story with BA jacuzzi, prin only. ' u,y mo. · 3 bdrm, 2\2 ba, view, makes this a great buy fireplace and your own ask K .s;ws 714 &11 0763 [195. 12131 592~184 at $349,SOO Agent offtce. Down lo $190,000 Harbor View Romes. 5 292.'lColleRrAH 6MONTHLIA.SE Sh'!l rp 3 b r 2 ba ~l(M A Must to See Open Suo rrict lecl11ucl br, view, xlnt er lot Costa Mba. CA Terrif1 l' rental! Bring pool is pa, bbq. gar, Us 4rlr.EI from I 4. 1610 Tustin $25,000 OOO.C!M·llMO Ml111DnDJ BEACH IDEA )'our dishes. TV and c~rpet , drapes, new M T ~ . Ave. Upper Back Bay, Im· ~nnlft M stereo and move into k'hrhen SllSS mo Prof. decor, ocean vu, 4 MUST SEE mac 3 bdrm. 2 ba. 2400 UD050'LOT SPYGLASS A.PPUYAWY this cozy furnished 2 Isl last ssoo d ep Br w/pool/spa + city sq ft Cst home. Quiet l.4So.sUMypalio.4BR, S TaSIMlttr Bdrm and den Jasmine 556-7650 lites. Assume 11 78r; TIIS IEAUTY c u I· d a .s a c . Now 31, Ba, 3 fpk 's, Cedar 200,000 &NII MAIKET Near new 4-plex 2 Creek condo. Lo\•ely True value $429,900. <kean & bay·vu. 4 Bdr Sl64,soo. Yours tor d b h d b bdr b h h gardener ma 1ntained 3 bdrm. 2 ba. family rm, Won't last! Patri ck bon I DP s 700 war roe . .Y ro tu · m, 2 al eac unal yard Guarded com-Mesa Verde Nice fami· "' w1 us rm. poo , spa, Sl0,000 , • l mo. dream It• l c h e n . Transferred seller says subma·t a ll wilb fireplace. enclosed ly home w1 ~k. Bltin aenofe,ait7S9·1221 +cityliles Prof decor Owner hardwood nrs, sle!JS to s.taAM 1010 patio,garage.9"•'; 1st munil · Assume ll.78r; A great 675-3772 yacht club beach. 133 oHers on this huge 5 BR. Fam Rm, •••••••••• ............. p05 cash ri ow. Now stove, DW IG Lmmac. value S429.000 Won't Vta Undine. Ownr/Agt. 3112 bath family home norfect for bdrm. 2ba. S98,000 , $1Sl..500, BilLGrundy. No yng .singles S775 last. Plllrir k . UL ILUFFS 67>7»1 OPEN Sat/Sun . . ,... llS,000 down. -Ca ll RI 6756 6 -w ga-rdener 551-6853. 759-1221 Smale story 3 Br 2ba H entertaining. Complete with CJuisUna: 557·2783. tr, . I I. $23.10,&'11·31~ Unda Plan, spa, $30K breathtaking view. 2 fireplaces. E.s1~ cute 1 Br cottage. dn Long term financ· llAHD MIW UDO dramatic pool & s pa area and 3 car Ow.& WIU SEU CJ4 Ta SIMlttr yard area S415 + sec. an&. F\111 price $212,SOO. CUSTOMHOMI garage this vacant cus tom is now with ~Jy S5000 down, 4.ptei.-Xlntfmance. 67ir341 I Sgl or married cpl Owner A .. 553-1006 fl ol d' . I charming 3 bdrm, I ba 3UiK. 67~3/1·345·4123 ~ _.,_....," \ C1u1ryV~ New Cape Cod 2 stOI') bldg oo pri me street 2800 sq. n. + s far pkg. Residence/oHace up· stairs, rool tep deck, re· tail downstairs. $375,000 ...:;..;.=~ro.;.;·...=.;;...;.;;."'-"---• 3900 sq. · tra tllona offered at less than re placement $15,900 to the loan or l!l!!!!!!I!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!-""'..,~,.,.,..,'"'-=----- -E-as-t-bl_u_r r-.-S-2_4_5 .-0-00-. UYAlOMT CONDO ~';~ ~ ~5~1L5!rs~ cost at $.595.000. Call for financing owe. $105.000 Ca 11 I ...,_ leodl 3141 E.side CM 3 Br 2 Ba. S800 4bdrm. 2•2ba, lrg yrd. Boat Slip available. •bdrm or 13bdrm +-details. I agent Margot or Patty, GllATDUPLD!! ............. •••••••••• ~1~<;11 Rbt Milliken °"9 Sal/S.. I ·S 4l0 31st St, M.I . 673~776 S2(11,000 assumable 13'• S475~ .. ..-..-.._, ... _ 1 di 707·553-8281 1707·642·8443 $340,000. 1809 W Balboa Monarch Bay Terrace 1st 642·5161; 640-8107 ~m;'''"""'"' f:i 'r~·1:/(y 1s::1~g .... 1090 Blvd. Open Daily, 2·4 Beautifully rurn 4Br NEWPORT HG TS $199,000 --------•I Brand new 3 Bdrm 3 Ba. Y1IW PAIK spacious rooms. Fr. This home is situated doors. skyUtes. gourmet diredly above the city lc ilch + + + Good parkinClifrJlaven.on a financing. Jeanne large lot. 4 Bdrm. family Salter, agt 759·1221 room home with pool and spa. Well worth viewing. '600.000. 642-5200 A PETE BARRETI REALTY R&"M~ ---ADUl.T mobile home par\(. on the bay. 3 BR 2 BA. S68.500. Al.SO. I BR. den, l BA, tum. $45,000. OPENSATISUN HPM 300 E Coast Hwy. Urut 52 Ultra dlx 3 Units Oil the ~r 7l4·67S·3347 L- Oceanfront. All 4 Bdrm w/f1replace. The best of 5 0 K I E L 0 W Newport • priced to sell. MARKET Prin. only, A&t 631·1579 Can you believe Harbor .-------•I Ridge? This condo has fabulous view and loca· IAYSMORES 11lis lovely old country home reflects gracious living, warmth and friendliness in its 3 Bdrm and enclosed brick patio with spa Boruaa cottage in the re· lion. S28SK in financing. Move an tod ay-It's pac· tureperfect. Tim Rhone. agl 631·1266 ar rcw iD·laws or guesls.1...:;:=======-- Sellerfinandng! ca11 ror ~HEIGHTS detalls6.42·5200 S E C L U D E D CHAIM Beautiful home on 'd' 3 URE ocir.• .... VIEW Ted Hubert Realtor. ho p ' nn, opt. mat s rm, ~ .... ••••••••••••~•••••• 752.crrn me anoram1c vus. Peninsula Pt. Priced at frpks, incl lndscpg & F rom this m agnificent 3 BR. FR. MtMIESTA.TE I -,a. 4000 s'f. S3SOO mo :g.;:k':· 675.8444 spklrs, sec. pre.wire. 21'2 BA Casablanca model in the OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 ...,....., ~ aterlront Homes Inc. E.sideCM condo. 3 Bd 2~ crp5 ts. 02p1eon ~~t/Ssun, Cres t phase of H arbo r Ridge. 18671 F.nace Beautiful 2 Bdrm condo 631·1400 --Ba, gar. lrg patio, spa, W•f10llt IO% I· pm , aa an Offered at $625.000 with assumable (NrNewport/lrvine Bil ~the water. Near ten· Mlarportleocll 3169 $725/mo. Joyce Wallie. 2:IOO sq It condo In pre· Re.mo. 67$.3048, 673·2556 HUGE lot in Tujlin area I rus courts, already has ....................... agt 631·1266 stigious Lido Village -=Own'-'==er-"/A~'-· ____ financing. with 3 Bdrm. t ba. drn j tenant, great terms. Cannery \'illa~e Mobile ............ "'-'-'"""'----- Area w /boat slip High POSS. NO DOWN w frpk home Com pl re pnced S99.500 Choice Home Park f\a mashed 2 CHOICE I. SIDE assumablelO't Isl Will MEWPORT AFfORDAl&.E decorated. lovely Irvine location Call to· Br. 2ba. pool. adlts. no 2Br, 1:r..Ba. frpk. bltn also consider lease'op· WorTrede landscp'g. Almost 1:. ~YM2·2000 pets, elose to shops & range O\•en. dshw shr. lion Penthouse Bachelor. Hard to find 3 BR, 2 ba Harbor Vu acre, cul-de·sar Excel 'COLDWELL BANKER. restaurants S750 mo vr patio. Pool. $600 mo .. -s:ll-43380wn~r/A e ~'f dn, approx $68,000 on fee land. Only $224,950 with !1naocing. Ma ckey FEO ly incl util. 673·3685 .or adlls. no pets 381 -lsl 1131.r, owe 2nd 1211 Shaf k 980 Hanulton ClE " ... &"llY• 3 yrs. Gym. Pl1spa. terms.Call now! er,B r96().I J.:~1648.1-772-1801 _ ·.:.:...----"'" • ' clubhse Sec gate Wut .. sftr 1091 •llUIEVlth UDO ISLE chrm11 48r I YEAR NEW. 3 BR'zo, ~.!J~mr~~h a~~~~~~~ $135,000. Owner1Agt SPYGLASS B.EGA~E ttn•H••o•••••••••tt• STAITEI !! 2•,Ba, lg sunny patio, ba. 2 sty condo F~lc . $399,SOO with great tOl-8100 ------• Five store shopping 14>graded .. Sl3001mo Ball trash comptr. grn se r1nancing! 631.0680 From this rare Delmar mod 1 3 BR, at.le lt.t Goocli•! I center. Garden Gro,·e. Grundy_67s-~ __ ~:; ·ef;gt :~c1J:Or~2 HARBOR RIDGE OwMr-W.stW! Estate home approx 3500sq rt Owner bas purch'ased new home Must Sell ! Customiied in eve r y way . Panoramic dcean view. 29'< down wUI handle owe remainder at lJr( long term. 760·8430 by owner UIKI WATEIFIONT 3 UNITS on sandy beach. Sl.300,000 with 9600,000 assumable 1st . MA.KEAN~! 2 ba with formal dr & fam room. 3 bdrm home. 2 car Seller ftnanced Asking OCEANF'RONT 2 Br. l 7$-1234 g · I blk to beach. d ID· fabulous mountain and city light aara1e sep. rumpus 1299.000 18.8x 's gross> 1 ba $800 mo R •ta eluded. Owner wants va·ews. Mota·vated selle r w1·11· ass a· s t room, n'ice yard wt lots Submit the terms you I Writer A . 752·57~0 -3 ~ l~hse. 21, ba , rrpk th.is home sold ! Asking or fruit trees & rose need. Agt. 838 ·7733, Nace. S825 mo S23S ,OOO w /$200,000 with financing . Offered al $549,000. bushes. Much. much 974-8306 Contact us for , ...... u.twW•..t 96.1-3018 548·5128 loan-will trade equity more! Asking $93,500 additional low dn pro· ....................... Small 2 bdrm. garage for can, notes, condo, Good terms. petties. ~ 3202 !i.utable ror elderly cpl cash or submit on low SUIMIT TIADES LOOK PROPERTIES ....................... No s. 548·4181 down. Pym ts only · Cash, gems or be creative on this Walt846·3336 7•1 XHOSS! RENTALS Walk 10occ. 3 BR. 2 BA, ~~~moPr~~~r~i~~i:: comfortable 4 BR Spyglass family ------• 8UNlTSinhighdemand Yearly.Weekly·Winter, fenred yard , pool, fp. _7ro.a297 home on super corner lot. As king rental area Assume ex· 2,3,4 Bdrms. Newport 177S/mo675 6736 $525000 OIMrl.-&t• isling financing or · 8each4r8alboa. O.thts.cl ' · ••••-•••••tt••00"•" $150,000 at lOt;; and ! JACOIS REALTY 113•e•R•.-F•a•m-r•m•.-G•a•r 3BR.2BA , Xtra Wid e Malllt"-• owner will carry. Full I PIOPEITY w/wort area. RV Space. Lot. Zoned. Duplex COSJA M[l'I IDEA ar..W. 1100 ~~!.0$240,000. Call MGIS. Oshwr, No Pets 974 Fenced Patios. Front ' ~ M ....................... .,,..,.....,, Govemer Open Sat/Sun Side. Beamed Ceilfol g, MESA VEIDI c.c. Newportb f Beapch re ~~u A 6 12-SPM. $650. 642,9254 Used Brick Frp c is J·ust a few blocks Crom this shar p, ay ront ar . ant LL STA TE 1« 3 Br, l''lba. (rplc, 2 Paneling. 2 car Gar. cond. '78 double wide. • I l't car gar, patio 12671 Al· 1825,000 contemporary 3 BR with f am room-F1replace, brick patio. REALTftAI lard GG _,, • ..., 1453 OJlt I bdrm house, S39S 6'5·7JSS & fonnal dining room. Seller bought M0.000. Bill Grundy vn 1 · -"· ......,. mo Utilities paid. J PETE BARRETI A pnvate contemporary entertainment home w t3 GORGEOUS •· BA y Bdrms, centr kitcb 1 • woodsy selling, lots 01 WATBFIOMT VIEW Co mplete te· IJta Wrlttr, A.l)ftlt 751-5710 another and must sell now. A great 6'7S-6l81. ....,.,.._. 3206 962-2802 Mobile Home , 'SS . 4•PLEX •• .. ••••••••••••....... 4 ... Jl/J .. buy at $175,000. Better hurry! Mayflower. 8X30. In fair In Oran1e 1295 000 lst Bayfront, beach, 2 Br 2 Family rm. fpc, fenced . REALTY glass. toi.•ering trees. MUST SILL decorated "Bays Ide and spa Room to ex-NOW 30K below mitt ap· Cove" 2 BR. den pen· pand on & out + alley , pralsal. Ownr lving area lhouse. Assn. pool, spa, FEE LAND CONDO •ccess. Best st. in Hgts. will carry paper or take pri. beach. Looks like WITH BOAT SLJ P Prired at only 1279.500 units in trade. Open rmdel. Great assumable 2BReodunlthas 2largf -II Diana a 631·1266 House Sat!Sun 1-SPM ·Try 20% down or 6 master auiles. each with · ~ 62nd St. DUPLEX rmnlhs option. Greatly Sl.l'ldecll:. The soon-to-be e $239,500 3+3 walk lo reduced tor motivated security gated com· r ' beach. OWC. STEPS TO buyer. $484.000 Debbie munity ls easy walking BEACH Summer Winter Fratt. Macnab·lrvlne diatantt lo the beach. rents on 3+3 Duplex. Re.ak.Y ea.ms. OPEN Lari! private patio on BAYFRONT Ownr will help financ· HOUSE SUNDAY 2·S. lhe bay provides ex-LEASEHOLD Ing Call ror exciting de· 1018 Ba)'llde Cove East. rellent outdoor living Exquisite 4 BR. S BA, talb. FAMILY ROOM Newport.Buch. Outstand lnf owner nea.rUndalsle,lncludes +4BR2 •,,BA2 cargar.l1!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ flnanclni a S only private dock 60' on the wallit to beach. Take y•-ova 132t,50I. Agt . 675· 1058. matn bay. S.S0.000. down. over exisUng, Call us for -• ~ Sat/Sun l·S. 4407 ft asaume 5750.000 at the low down Asking ~~ loan al S'7l6 per w. CA*& m1hway. iri,,542,9231 SJM,900. ~:1~:e~B~;~~: ~~ ..... !!.~ ~~~ ..... ~!~ .w.:=:""" =-~2o:tz,· •. ~::·:: A LAGUNA llOYD WRDfT HOME? IN Tll VlllAGE'S RNESTMEA Three bedroom Plus 1ueat house Ocean and Mountain View $430,000 IOIBT LllDOM llAL BTATI MOIR 94-9329 494-1976 DOCl ... MMJOI ...:Vil!C!==-· ---- SHOWPLACE OF THE YW ........ Dec. lttf .... .. .,.... ........ qt h" Elegant in design & craftmanship, on Promontory Bay. Beautiful custom home: 4 bdrms, 4~ baths. Interior designed & decorated by Darlene Ferrari Lohr. Slip for your y•cht. For privatt"1bowln1. contact •tent Patrici• Perrette or M'ar1ot MacKerrow, 17111 llN2tl w11171 MM441 SEA IWFfS Just listed 3 SR. fam rm. 2~'l ba tastefully decorated family home with Dramatic pool & spa complex. Offered at $229,000. llJNTitlTON HAIBOUR DRAMATIC HAllOI Ho'MI This just listed HWltington Harbor 3 BR with open 1loor plan vaulted ceilings, secluded pool & spa, impeccable decor make this 1 home for the truly discriminating. Ofrered at $389,500 with financing available. SANTA ANA AIEA LISS THAN I 0% Down on this conveniently located 2 BR, 2 ba condo. Priced at $73,000. Better hurry! GllAT IMYISn.cT Tri-level eondo nr. So. Coast Plaza. Comfortable 3 BR with own er financing. Alkinl $122.900. RCTc1y lorCo . tond. Ca.116'5·7150. Must TD •16 .. 3 000· t' 12. 7r;. Ba. 123 E Ba y(roat. d ..,.,., ~ • · a · ' Balboa Island. Sl200 yar ·-..per mo. • beh8aled out. fixed. OWC 2nd. princ winter. SHOO annual. 646-0llll before 9 PM IUUT. '11 :_~~ 0 w n er / Bk r Kerb, days 213/478·3577. 281,\ Carpet & PDrapes. 1 MODULAIHOME .... ,.._.. 3207 car gar. No els. S450 H • ·d I •· · COST• MES• Mo Lsl & Last SIOO Dep ea... poo • Jae "' "' ••tt•••••n•••••••••••• 646-563'1 TERMS! Great Uvin« m Attractive 4·plex. 4 yrs Winter 3 Br. 2'• Ba -------C.M.164,!JOO. 646·8133. new. prin. only Agl 9m5/mo. 305 Montero 3 br, I ba. gar, renced w .... ~... ....144·0496 675-1S94or213 /335-4896. front & back . 1arden, l Ca ltf LtthterWt 2200 C... .. Mw 3222 ;.·g~~[:not Avail l lowest prtced wtettend ... -.. ••••••••••••••• ........ ••••••••••••••• ·revuuzt,950 BWldenllnvestors lase. Nrty new 3 br. 3 NBA YllDI f Cormade1Mar 20Ksqfl ba, 2 frplc, balcony, Lease. 48r, 3Ba_. Pool, Canntry VIiiage super R3 twnt.e/condo site. microwave, bar, 2 cu SN. !Jg Fam rm. Avail valuetat700UdoParlit Pvt beach access. lar . Gardener . taiarehl.@O.f1t.5114 Dr. 122 !Br for SSl.900 Saiom ~nc. only By 12.:50/mo. 3 BR 2 Ba. l1e family • and 114 for ~6.SOO. owntt. 92165 5SJ.e3aft. 6Pm. room,prdener. ill · ! Ace!L631-l400 HUNT CLUB LOT. ~e 3 br, 2 ba. 2 blks to eluded. ~mo.640-6161 ..-. ......... ....-. ........ ~----i 1 Acre guarded aate liud\. Patio, OW. 1ar. • OC RENTALS l••LA-_.•_•14•_.-..... -•,-•I comm. 1250,000. low w/opener. WO yrly. l-Sbr'sDOOto12tOO ; --. 2 bdrm +"" dwn. 493 .3395 b m m.11.51,675-6212 'Z»J:ll4 Qpft!,Um j 2 batb 241' .. moblla GMlltolf. OCN VIEW·Pvt t>th, new Lonty 3+ br. ntt. w / ' home s'Star Parlit at 00. Corner Lol. Ntwport decor. 2 car aar. 2Br. tnc."d cl opt llM 1y lli.ooo and yoU tet 8 ffeiPU. Wiii.Ji Venture 281.Sltl!Gmo. 780-1312 oti~:~ 7se.a14 moet.~ PREE apace WIMP builder. Owner 111 3bdrm. 21,,ba. fam . l'lllt. Aalllt '73-0151 or ~· rm dtn. din rm. frplc, '-PeW JIH ••· '111·4390 ~. 2.blks from ocean ......... •••••••••••• .. • ; IW!!!!ml!l!!!!••l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!•lltltl11!1•••11 DtMff lfenttlease. suoo bdrm, pool , apa. t 'I.... • UH -.1_. 11kyllpts, s~c ocean ) ~!.'.!r.!!!.!~~l ....... •••••••••••••••• lbt, f~lr. patio, nr ~'r'"'°· 754·0Ut: ... SCHOOL .... City.,._ P'llllioft Iii.ct •ocean, ~ 28r 28-·t;s1o Mc&t•ated Sellen Rul efflri111cy condo with J!.llllue, •1111 · llY rm frpk 1\~tlMft· • ._ i.tlldld. Eutl llhclltnttle. 165,000 c..a.MeM 224 n1111: •• ~;,iryr, 4M C.ll-..-. .... ... U'liat•MI -................ , ............ -- -• wtll tlh partaer. 2 Ir Id Ofc 9., Ht·IJU ..,._ !f!Ml!1 . "" • ..,.,,. --• • ~ AMI nopeta. aa1mo -~:!!!!="-· -----0":' Cf.M. localillll for If ,ou're llGl rtadlnJ the P!!.!Uii:RlM. ..... IMt : r':nt lloom f•u· luJt adt lo c1 ... 1rie4, • D. I IA, .t•llal• 11u1111 ....... , ..... , ._AA•••vtc•11t1 = 'Qo:,:.: :! ~==;.~.::; "'. :.MJ.•lf •1 1---P==---1 wall•-11t•lb!Q!. ....... 9CiiiW.a ... - 1 • 0renge Coalt IWLV PtLOT/Saturdly, Jlnulf'Y 30, 1182 ........... ht•• ........... ht•• ........... 'it. cwt:\! 4 .................... ., ............. Afakac.......... .............. .. ............. ltfatw• ....... ••••••••••••••••••• , ••••• ,.................. •••••••••• ••••••••••••• UltfN J.... 1421 .............................................................................................................. ~···· ..................... .. __ ,_.._. U40L..-Nlwl 3112 ... .,... .... lHt ....................... Ml pertlt_. l7't c:.e.w... Jl24 O..P.... 1126 ............. 3140 tkd1!9•ltecJi 314( Ml,,,..._. lHt ............................... ~{;;~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l1DDer 2 BdrlD '"' Bath •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~; •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• s a. tooetu. Ele11nt 2 F.xec 4br, 3ba. fam rm, 3 J • w/19tt-SO. Cout Plua 1rea, la OCEANFRONT 2 It 4 Br BeauUflll 1 Br. Apt. Quiet 1 Br. near ocean, •arau, WALK T 0 BE AC H. Oean xtra 1 e 2 bt 1 •1t •••1 NEWPOIJ •· ramlly Rm It Den cat 1ar, vltw, nr ocun. 3br,1ba~ 11900. 'deck patlol pool, rec., Avail. Winter. Wetklyi bid&. near ahop1 fl clean. 24 682 ''A' Ba ch elur . a tov e ai ba t~e .~ ml oc'un r• •Mo. Pl1&1h crpta, 2~\ Ill* 974..3420 - -~ 811·0841 ~ty •• e. ~.... Monthly. 8'73·1f?3. bu.lea. ZU/498-8786 or Cordova ...,~r "o11t-1537 . rertige Gu & water Adult• only. DO pets a••rMEllTS ·la. Ctdar • alasa, aun· ..... V"te lH 1 NEWPORT CREST 4 Br. ...w1eo ,,_.4144 213/.,-Gl58. (213) a.-.7 Le ect >: /mo. "8 7979 . eeo.%392 r• deck. dbl car prv ........... •••••••••••• 2'' 81 . Some ocun NU DELUXE 1 BR OCIAMflOMTI E/alde. I br, l360/mo. 2 Larae Studio Apt. with Lrg lbdrm condo, patio, aara~ fully malnt. 3 BR 1'4 ba, f1m rm. view. 192S/mo. Agent Ttnnla. spa, view, full 3 bdrm, 2 ba mo to mo br, $4 10/mo. Adults. cittan vlew. 1260/mo. wllh/dry, frplc. pool It yri ~Ila, no f:lt1. ~n· ltudy, rptc. view, S'12S 631.2262 1 aeewil 1 blt·ln bltcase, 'tllsummer. '7~ et. Walltln& dist to &6H192 Jae, •~. a•te, close to quirt at m 1 th l. Per mo 58 1 . 6 o o Newpon Cre.t townhse SA /mo 1157.2914 6'15-2010 646.$542 .......... ltec• 1140 beacll. 8/rrvJ, new' $MO. -=~.:.:...:;""'""'-'-=--- evs1wtinds __ Ol.Nly redec 3br 21,\ba'. OCEANFRONT 1 br tlll EASTSIDE ....................... fl68.56.12. mi• COUNTIY CLUI UVINGIM ~IT IEACH ':.~:~BD~pS6J! Mtt. rtltecJi UH Walk to be,ach, tennis, WISTCLtff 1;:~0 .r~a·~~5~kduyn~ 38R, 2BA. Avail Feb MMi•SWAUC Larae 3 bdrm, 2 bath, .................. !~~~ Ptta •7'33 .... r. ................ pool. spa Mtni ocean vu. Exc.,,UOOalty neat coo· 833 3743 / k d• I ~ 1585. loclda Gas & 2"3 Br Townhouse Apt. frplc, patio. garaae Guarded f 11.,, tl!nnia NI adult community on · ~RT~ Avail Feb l, l800/mo . I do. Ground level. ~ · evea w n Water.NoPeta.833·9.189 Yard, single It double Xlnt J62S 67S·9132 cowu. swmming pool, the Back Bay. Spec- £xcl111lve 2 B 2"' Ba pl, 1""115n~ ( GTS yr lu. Children ok. Spaclou. two bedrooms. •WsWt/c-M... car 111age, near Hunt. 2 bd~m ·11 ba · S3'1S lile root. cobble stone tacular Spa! 7 swim· 1111. tennis, sec 1ate. 5 Bd, den, am ly rm, 545-8407 Two batha. Private Child 1 ....,.i .... :s Harbour Chlldre,n OK t S37S d~it Ga pd st.re«, on channel adJa· mlngpooll,8 ightedten- Clale beach. S850. An 5 avail. 3/1, I bill to NHH. patio. l.-OvflY grounds' BEACON BAY ;e come , 1 • 840-68C77. N Be h Bl & M 5F d. cent to marina, Unique nls courts, bike trails, •1311 ~.~~~~K·::Y+:~ WISTCllFF ~I. Aduli complex. Bd h §f~ee, ~I. ~~J.a'No l•.IBrtri·plex,rrontun· d!n. ~dlts no cp:t~ 28Rasc>/mo. 'ut ti ng gree n 4 Br. 2\.i Ba. Bonus rm, 1 · · 1 Two bedroom, two bath Y walk to shol)t 11nd I rm . mont t o cats/dop 1495 water 11 It, new carpets/drapes, 8113-41194 l3S·502'2 achelors. 1 and 2 Famrm.3.lOO sq. rt. nr eueoptlon Dana, act condo Ground rtoor. banks S6'1 0 month, month, utilltlea paid. guPCI mi ni blinds. Slater/ Deluxe poolside xtra 2BR,2i,;8ACONDO bedrooma apartments. Greer Lake. $1095. eves &11· 1* Qliet. adult complex. o Yearly lease Broker. 11,000 rrvJ Call Dean. 145 £. I.8th Near Orange, Beach, $3'15. Water & and townhouses rrom MO-G03 ~· Walk to shoppin g. 631-1300. qt.675·6000 "u·2708or960·-gas pd. 891-7490 art. 11:30 large 2br. 2 ba, bltns, S850/mo l540toS1000per month y I l e '""' ""0" PM <bwhr, 1 "'i miles beach. 7•·5022 On Jamboree At 3 br. l't'J ba, rectntly in· mo. ear Y ea.s · Lrg. Bach. A pl. good Adults. no pets. S4~mo ' .a• Sa.n J ui Hill R d sulated, (ftlced yil.2 car 6.1F1300 Bkr. 3~~ wUpl~a:';! t~w~,e~ 4 ,'!' ~f:· :::~'! 'C~~asli I oc a I, Pr iv. fva ti o, 3 II TOWMHOMI 5.16-8362. ~~~ ••••• !~.": ~>;MOOo oa =· ~ we57t~~· 1.~t 2B R Condo . Ad u It •--c• ... yo ... LSE Kitchen, Gar. Patio. Pro{lerties673·Ml0 StAdults, 1295. Mil · 19th Fen~yards/FRPLC f'rplc .. 3 Br 21/·i ba, 2 car. l Bcinn loft apt. Frplc. II() FEE! Apt. fr Condo · ep. · vai . Complex.2BA.NrHoag. -""" " Pool, Avail 2/14. No .CM 28a.EndsdGar.NEW 2 blks from beac h. stove,refrig.d/w.2blks rentals.VillaRentals. P'eb.1. 96J.l3Z9 l62S Mo. Isl. Last & Dep. 2B R Mclain Condo. Pet$ f700 Mo. 963-2425 S•Cl1•.tt 3776 2 Br. patio, garage, pool Mo 848·3775 $750/mo 968-9110 ocean. 1.st/lut + \'> util. 67~12 Broker. 2Br. with carage, stove & No Dogs. 768-7633 Sll25per mo. Call Gerry ... , ... ~ ............... 7lll W. Wilson, 646·1.251. Furnished ai Unrurn. 1·2·3 2br, 1,,, ba, garage. GOOd /mo. 494-7222. dishwasher. Child & Big Canyon 2 Br 2 Ba. 673·7761or760·1397 To•o•e 'SJS 2beBrhl !.._baL, wpa11k to mo. Bdrm. Apts. Gym , loc lblktostores&bus oc•• ... flO..aT _......_1 ... Y! small pet OK. $550/mo. 111•1 p · k POOL HOME u.twlllalted ., ae ""' a a oma, J i s u a ool · ~ "' """,,._ "" ,.., -., mo. atnc • agt . A B 63'1·'1918 2 Br. I Ba A~t acuu • a n • P • 2 nu. to beach $460 2 br M t I t rtment On r .. , d I _,,,,,,,,. 7S9·l'221 3BR Fmhome Bk Bay •••00•••••••••••••••••• • • Newlv decor. as pd tennis, volleyball. w/C"""'rt.S440. 01 eeaan apa e o a • n uxury F ....... .,..,.lCRENTAL' Sl.200/ c llSu DELUXE end unit . like , .. __ k"'b IJ -!"" building Jn La,una apts 2bdrm 1 bath apt "',,,....., · Harbor Vlew~Homes. 2 mo a ianne BR 2 B r I entl gar pool dshwr u;Q ~a· game room. Mgr:7711Ellls,AptO Beacb.Finestlocauonin located directly across Sllac.exec.4Br.3 Ba.l Br Den, frplc, large 675·3445agnt =~:atf.manya.xt::s· ftf,f.."'*.J!tv' Adultss42.5073,' llult.Beh.846-0619. Owner:673·3115 town. Breathtak ing fromtheReubenE.Lee. block to beach. S900 swimming pool. jacuzzi. Beaut exec home! 5 br. 4 tu.stin s A r $625 No ..,. •-Spa · 2 B 1 B $395 1 Br w/frplc . pool. encl Lge Bachelor w/sep views. All blt·ins. heated Just remodeled with 7sms, 2 car garage. private ba. Westclirr area. lst> or . r7S:~n;S1·0796. 1•:=.:·~·,~.~··•••3•1••0•6• 3 if:~,, Bar.1425~·Laun: gar, nr shopping. $395, bdrm. 1 ba. utll pd, close pool, s u bt gar age. new carpeting, drapes. 4Br Twnhse, 111Ba, l ocation , in r i ds lseopt.$1700.646·5355 --"-·i 1 5489556 847·0056 to bch S360 1mn elevator Lease only. kitchen cabinets " ap· carport, encl patio. 1690 gardener, pool service .,......".......,. 3600 ....................... ..,..., ac I poo . . 848 2262. a s k r 0 r eo' up. 330 curr Dr. • mo. 1st + dep Call Av a i I Feb I s t Bhlfs. 4hbr. mo to mo ••••••••••••••••••••••• Vrly. Sml studio apr niE VICTORIAN: New Unfum. 2 Br Apt. Adults R·o s em a r Y G or .... 80BJ. ptlances. This upstairs Kath lease, 5 ort term. red. Beautirul New Custom Partly rum I mature ly decor. 2 Br w/gar . only,nopets. 1-"'""''-'-"="-------1 unitlncludesa fireplace. YIMB-6800 1250/mo. 77o.0347 rent, no pets. 494·616.L_ Deluxe Duplex. 3BR . ad.It. non-smoker 1325 ln· new crpls & drapes, bit 960-2675 964-4633. Studio S290+ • 2 block to mirrored bdrm closet •Totally refurbished Sm Seaview lrg 4 Br. ocean Spac. 4 BR. 2•2 BA. Fam 2BA. Frplc. Central Air, el\4il.213!281.()3GS ins. patio. Adults. Call buch. near shopping, doors & a spacious deck 3AdBaRms /CBousnhdarod S6NOOr vu. 7!l6001221mo Patrick. room. pool. (rpl, 955·0809 Encl Dbl Gara~s S850 Utlle Island, sparious I between l-5PM, 636-4120 K b k t? ut i Is Paid hot e I !v~lmoooknlthns. Utth1·uet1·ebsa,~ .. agt _. 1 I ~1 l •· D li67"G"V'ct . 70 • enne Uil pOf . calllornia 497 ·3077, • .,,.,., "' Mo. No Pets. Rers mo "o.lst, .ast. ep. brS.SSO/yrly 1 ona 494-27fl eluded. For appt. caJI ~1947 EastbluHs 15 MO . Loca t ed at 193 E 67S-3412 Fireplace. pool, pvt Didntnev.tinthe Al""". st ·beachfront apt. m4 >7zo.~73 Mon·Fri IA.YFIOMT LEASE W OPTION TO Vi rginia Ca ll Saber .......... _,__,_ _ _._ ,107 patio. dis~washer. on .. ., g.5PM. 4 Br 2 Ba house. 2 car 2 story, 4 + bdrms, 2 BUY. 4 BR. 2 •, BA. Realty 714·778-4000 --"' EJside, all m X·lrg 2 Br. N'ct'toctJ Grand Prix in 'T5f $900/mo Ocean View. carage, new paint & baths. rire~la ce, view.jacuizi.appraisal 1 Bdr. washer/dryer,-••••••••••••••••••••• garde apts FromS560 deckbalmmac,spacious2I~!!!!!•!!!!!!•!!!!!•!!!!!!!!! Carp .. t s S69 • mo . d . S290 000 $350. Util Pd. 1 BR . ••7.""~I. . fV"'\ r~ br 2 •""'3982 UDO VlEW Gorg 2 BR " "' · gorgeous view aer an pr.1ce . your yard, South Laguna, Duplex. 417 E Bay Ave. ..., _. I r....J /" -..:.J • 'l;J;>' • ' 640-2700 slip. $3000 per mo. Avail. pnce $250.000. $1600/mo $550 incl ut 1 I Ca II. Balboa 547-l!M 542•0190 2 Br. Adult, bearnt'd ce1I If you re 001 sore wtlO (Or Wflat) Kennyt>unkp<>rt 2br, Iba. ocun vu w /gar, fp, s~Jxi/mo 675.6359 ~-Feb. L 64CMi1~ 54486 ' ings, serve bar\.rerrige. walk to town/bch. $650. --''-'•• 3242 Beaut. Nwpt Crest condo. 'I Brsgl S365. Balboa Pi~r lots or wood. No pets was. don I feel oaa-you re not alone 499-5022. Large lBR. Ulil pd. Spot· •••u•••••••••••••••••• 4 br, ram rm, din rm. 4.._.__..ts r..niislaed 67Sl!,v~. Wilde & Co 2256 Maple St S420/mo Kennybunkpon is one of 14 d1st1nct1vely tll rt le-L 3169 less Quiet $450 ~21 E WATER oriented condo. pool. jac. tennis $1100 .;.:.:-:; ............... ! ,,........., S.-7356, 673-8803 d1Herent apartment noorplans a1 Seawind Vllla<Je po ..,. l6lh St . 645·4718 lAIX 2Br 2ba, rtp. bltins, ~·rly.S46 0686 l.,_1"-d 3706 1 2 Br. yrly, near beach 3br, 2ba upper •·plex. • in Huntmgton Beach Seaw1no Villa<Je 1s a result •••••••••••••••••••••••Steps lo beach. 1-3 Br, 2 car gar .. tennis, pool. LEASE/OPT SA.LE ••••••••••••••••••••••• S 5 so ' mo . F r a n k adults. no pt> ts, S525 or lotally personalized prores.sional planning I J bdrm, 2 bath. modern. 1·2Br, both rrplcs. S775 It ~~i~te. S825/mo. 1• 8 2 Ba F .1 4 br. 3 ba exec ~~strlirf loclHlor Yrly Marshall Rily 675.4600 lo.Ge Valencia 545-7983 The knlO of attent1or1 you oeservt> ~. ~'.::1 ~~~~r~ or 'ma65c0u1,.~tee. 5r73~.~ ah m · 4 " r. · ama Y rm · homl' All new 1n & out. SJ25 mo Util paid, no 'Oceanside. small bach. A perfect blend of nature ano hv1ng-ic.:: · • """'' ~ ~:'~ 14~1:A:o~k 4 ~n.g 'if: g ~ b~~ ~~~ ~~~·~~~dm!t:ieet0 ;·r pets. Nr.~.~do Ave , ~ ef1~~Y81~~il /,~:9:~ ~~~,f ~~~Js j nest led in a forest with bclbbhng brooks and QIJiel ~~.F2~r:!'eec~l~~s,M ~;:;r~~;.0~~~ict. $2200 /mo yrl y . SIOOO mo Agent ,.,,,,..0 7•2 .... " or 752-0025 wi.ncl.patio,rp.dlw. ponos.cooleelby na1ural cxean t>reezesAddto rmAvailnowAdltson· wshrdryr. r mpct'r , W·•--"ront Homes. Inc u1."""". $......,, wn a "-~--· ........ _, .. Milo 3707 pool. spa, car port, no 1 I 57< .,.,.,< D w · ..... , "' "'"" -OCRu.11£AA..aT that tennis courts. SW1mm1ng pools. aJacuw ano y. ...,,.,J I , gar, tennis. pvt 631-1400 Newport Hls.J fresh & 2 BR. 2 BA. loc an i<lnt W· •••••••••••o•••••••G•••E•• bd -"""'"' pets/ adults only $465. a convenient location near Sll<lpplng i nd Brand new deluxe lbr bch, dock. $1050/mo yr . .._.__ 3244. clean 3 BR . rplc. lge side area Move an now ! BAY' FR NTA , 2 rm. 2 bath, new 3650Harla549,2447 ~ .. A d l 1 IY lm-JS35·6733116 ....._ I d 18<0 646 1220 IBOlmo 675·0941 beach. pier. prkg. 2 BR paint fr carpet. Yearly 2 BRM v d empl()ymtnt and •pive got a ptace anyone woulo ,...,.,.,.,, cpt rps. p. enc · • · ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• yar . " . . : •bdrm Eastblulf home. S750 .. 1 BR. S600 Adlts. lease S765. Call Linda or •,,..r Newesda~oerr. eAdultps. oudl II ho E Ke bu k rtl ) gar w/elec opener , WA.TBFIOMT 642.5200 ~ ,... ~ pr y ca me ( ven nny n po storage, pool & jac Pr-tig'aowi Udo Ar"a. WOOOIRIDGE Sp · hose wath $1 200 mo . 644 ·1547 , Uulpd.Tll1 May27.303 Art,675·7060. $475.noeets.833·8974 Onean<Jtwobedroom.oneandtwobclth $650 /mo 673·6 11 2 ..... +"'~ .. _condo wlbo .. at WAIHIHGTOH s~~~:g ~I. 3 Br 2 640-8314 E. Edgewater t·97t·2!166 Penin Pt !bdrm. bright. • 3 Br. Condo or S C aault apartments from SA'lOOO 84().~ ;hp n;)o mo Yearly or 3 8d 3 Ba. beaut. decor, Ba. Family rm frplc + Harbor \'1tw Home. Old teacher/wife will clean. adults. no pets Plaza, S.A. Pool. spa, 11 SeOWlnd l.100 WATERFRONT lease/option possible walktolalte,spa,poollt 2 additional utility bt>aul gardt>n home. housesil ~ur hBay, $495 yrly 673·1194, garage.$7~. Nice3brapt $950, Rlla 8.ll-43380wner/Agt s hopping. Alarm bd r ms . Ni C'e l y 3bdrm.den.grdnr& Ckeanfront ont ome. 675·7996 -----549-3232or641·1460 _ Viii Wrller,Agt752·5710 Co system,adults &lleen. landscaped. auto waterpd,nopels $1250 646-3557 Lovely 3 Br 2 Ba. yrly 2Br.Adults,nopels.new I otn Hunung1on Vii1'gf 2Br 2 8a. ndo. pool. $1125/mo . Call Lois spnnlders $1250 mo an· &l()..4009. __ c:on.. .. M.. 3722 lease. I blk from bearh. lvdec stove refng, end '(V> 2 Br. 2 ba yrly apt. Encl. ffl>lc, 2 private paUos. Miller, agt 631-1266 clds gardener & pool Westclirr Sharp Igo 3Br .... •••••••••••••••••••• ~~ A . 673·5410 atio. . 979.4410 5555 Hu ,, ~~H· .,_ h CA garage. frplr. dshwhr ground level S6SO + de· 0 3 2 7 ~ I n111191on ••11.JC}f Lane un11ng1on .,..ac.. tt.tc mo. 57<.1642. .wit 730-1783, 551-4985. servi ce. 64 ·I • quiet st.bigtrees S995. 1••t1TOOCE" ... Nu 2&3BR.2BA yearly PALM MESAAPTS ~ ., = · •""'6188 Off'c 7<9 5•97 -""" P 14 > 89&9961 Sia: c 1 o u s 1 B R 1 n ....,,,. ie .. ·J ~.646·6710 Furn s1 ud io Incl F)'plr.bll·ans.gar,park 1u.1 M .. saDr . b & -" From tilt S.n 01f90 FrHWay Orrvf roortll oo Beam 10 leocJ. frollt lbhdf. Pool, ~wel. HARBOR VJEW HOMES NwptHgts.2 br.verypvt. rerrig & utal No ing t:lose lo ay 2 Br unfurn $4 25 M<Faocien,t11tn west on M<faootntoSeaw1ndV111age 28R,2BA. Yrly Rental Pleasant area! Single 3 Br. 2 Ba, den. frplc, 2 gar. Nr beach & Hoag kitchen S295 mo . ocean Brkr67H~l2. AdulL~ only, Ca ll btwn .1 N SBOO ...... .,A p $500/ ---------1 d Furn151linqs av~1laole • ()pe!l ()ally 10 AM UJ llusls. Av a I o w . nuwl nv ets. mo Twnbome 3b lb car gar. gar t'ner, bosp.Nopels.645·9095 675~9. c:on.. .. M• 3122 9-4.546-. l 51ie-t~,Arter 5PM 644-4767 patio ,ne; kr. ~· Sl,IOO. Avail 2 1182 · Ql.iet 3BR 2t,8A Condo CostoMesa 37-%4 ••-"•••••••0 ••••••••• 2 HUGE Bedrooms i~--------j~~~.~.~f.('° · ™·64H 458 Pool. Spa. Gar Smart ....................... STEP ~~EAN. Mosl Ground Fl oor. Fully ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Eastbluffs 4 Br. ramily Decor S750 mo. 759.9100. C ""r .a. DE ORO rharmang in old Corona, Carpeted. Bui It .1 n s UllYTowaCHter nn, lge yard. &42·5161 or -&92-00SOAM "'1"" 2 Br 2 Ba frpl<'. cx·ean SUPER Location' Over • • New2bdrm +den, 3 ba. 640-8107 . AU..UTIL.ITIES PAID view rro m deck SO Adults No Pets S38S 8 DAY WEEK SPECIAL Jltantation shutters. at-2bdrm 2b f I 3BR.2BA.rrplc. Dbl Gar. I S8001mo. Call An1hony Mo Apply Apl "£" • • • tached gar. Avail im-' a wistone rp c. Steps to Ocean. No Pets. Compare bdore ~ou days 642 5757. evei; & J 568-Wilson646-4477 • pool & gar. 16901mo mo67J.9127 rent Custom design wtmds~~1 =~" --• 8 Days • 3 Lines • 8 Dollars mediately. Kay 644·9060. Adults. no pets 1st. lasl reaiures: Pool. BBQ. 1 --"" """"-Newly decorated large 2 l • PM67J.8585 & SlSO dep Ref's req. cov·rd /araie· s ur I 3 .._,2 bath Br. wllh patio. po.ol. • 4 8d family rm, dining 67>2.520days Home NptShores S750 gar oe kad · OK no 1 II s easy lo place your 8-Day Week Cl assified by mail and 1t • · FamiJY Home.38r··.S900 rounde wit plus h Old COM. View, 2 sun a~/ is641-07·sJ nn Colonial home. Pool ••• Heights: 3 bd rm 2 Bay(rt3Brdock $3250 l~aprng. Adult liv I decks. beums. (pc 1975 . rrvJ • costs JUSt $8 -that s only a doll~r a day' To Qualify for this ~e::; ~.Tfs~J::~~Yn: ba frplc. S700 mo 251 1ngat1tsbesl Nopets Avail Feb s Rtl·hard •£.s1deduluxe2BR.up e special o ffer you must be a non-commercial user offering • KnoxSt 645-5110 --Lovely home in Newport I Br. rum rr-0m $465 64().llOOda. per-bulcony. newly dee . I I 800 • l&l559-!MOO Blurrs. Besl greenbt>ll w'3 lg bd. formal dining 365 W. Wilson, 1142·1971 I ~7072eves -qliet adults. 120 E 20th • merc handise o r sa e up IO $ per ad and the price mus t loc. & Decor! 3BR. & ram rm. Immaculate I bdrm, rurn. or unrurn. 2Rr2Bacondo.encl Rilr, $«)646-0100 • be 1ri your ad The cost stays the same whether your ad • 211BA, Pam Rm. SllOO SL500 mo yrly lse S395. f'IJrn. bachelor, adults. S775 mo. Beaut 2bdr m t·ondo, • needs eight days selling time or JUSt one • '161).831M, 67S.S930 Waterfront Homes Inc $345. S200 sec dep + 760·8290 pri me S C Plllu loc B1urr Condo. 4 bdrm. 3 631·1400 lst.rmve·in.548·0130 l'llarm~nt.t -separatl' l'ol Wattrfalls. s treams. • _Be_a_u_tl_ru_l_C_o_n_d_o_3_B_R_. ba\M.Sl.200monlh .......... oc .. 3740 lage 'ewly decorated. spa, pool. $800 mo • Use one wo rd 1n each box About 4 words make one 2BA. To Sublet By Feb. ---'644...._ ·2607 --SEAWINDiVIEW ••••••••••••••••••••••• near bt•arh 2 BR , 1 ~A Jll~>573·90l9: 575-0540 • Class1l1ed line Of type Minimum ad IS 3 hnes Please prin t • lJt Woodbridge Call Blurfs magnifi c ent 4bdrm,exectres1dence •H.l.'sR.,.EST S750 1 and 2 bdrm 1railers I • ~r3:30. · harbor1 ocean vu. 3b r. Large fam rm. sep in-" __ lll~J:Q.li S165 to S260 + Sl 50 • P a1nly a•7.4361 newly redec Kids pets law quaners Sl550 Agt Spanish ~late Laving ' 3 bd d 2 b o secunty. no children. no • °" 11"< 675·2967 6i7• """0,67<·7""'8 Beautirul park·hke sur-rm. en. a . .,ar. .-. ,.."·9193133 E 16th. • ..., """''. " "" d' T d front unit New paint ..-~""' r ------------------------------, HarborRldoe leasn, •Br, roun angs. err ace d l ·'dll Costa Mesa • Orangetree Patio Home . 2 Br. or I Br. + den. spa, tenn.is. pool. S610/mo. Sll-3165. Ne wport Beach Ex " ~ , pool. ""nken 11as bbq . an rarpe " s. no • I I """". ve Ho..,.. with-~• 3 Ba DR FR study k""li ( " t · pets May ro.ni;ider Sing~ Mom. 25. W•4 yr ~ ..... u '"" VV'4' rugh{y uj,g;aded.'rab vu: spar ng ou n ams small child S900 +sec old son seeks to rent • I J &~thouse.Greatror d l I l Spacious room s _,, ., .. ,..,.,_. .._. __ ~ t n Co•t" .--children: wal.k to Club guari ga e. poo / enms, Separate dimnl( area ., .,...,...,.,_ ·-<" ap 1 ~ • • I I ----...... -1111111•1 House. school. green• $3200/mo. Bob or Dovie Wal k ·in c l osets. 3 br, 21, ba. frplc. I bl Mesa by 2/l/82. 1 am 2 Story, 4 BR. 3 BA belts .. .ldealfamilycom-Koop,ast7S9·l2Zl homelike kitchen & bch.S995moancldliut1I steadily employed .• I I • w/FR · $850/mo Isl & H b v· responsible & dependa· I $ I 00 I last +SlSOdeposll. Mac· munity ar or aew IEA.COMIA.Y cabinets Walk to Hunt· days 759·1301. eves ble, but have limited • • • nab-Ir vine Realty · Homes.Cal1 75lHOS8 ingt.onCenter. 644·2573r1!'0-6175 move·in runds Please I I ID> Port Abbey Place 2 Br 2 Ba home on the I Bdrm.rum. $48$ Cute 2BR IBA F I 10 al\ • MadtHamonM1·8700. RENT S1800 moor lease bay w/exciting views or rp "· call645-8203arter6:00 • I .vu I IA _ .. _ d h goo d a r e a . $ 6 O O • ...,.;onnegotiable. as~an munc an-Adults.nopels. Brkr $530 mo. 2Br . 1118a • I ~ _ 1 C · mo /ye arly 1320 TUITLllOCI Newport·Seaview 3 BR ne · omm. tennis . Utilities Free! bi5-"9l2. twohse. adults only, • • • • Soe<tacular unobstruct-exec home . wilh frpl. beaches It docks. Be carport, balcony/patio. eaview<ISand Canyon we.t·bar. Located in pre· there for only 12000 pr LAQUINTA HERMOSA ColfttMeM 3124 lndry rm. no dogs. will • 15.80 • Reaervoir, City lights stigious security gated rm. 162U Park.side Ln, I blk ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• consider cat. Call for and roaming cattle. 2 communltx. Pool. spa & w. or Beach. 3 blks S. or 3 Br Townhouse a~l. MGMT642-1603 e Add $2.60 for each addttlonal llne for 8 times • BR, 2 ba. J M PETERS tennis courts. $1500/mo. Edinger • Newly decor gas pd . • Designed home. Jen-Call640-2S49 147-5441 encl gar , pool. dswhr. EA.ST SIDE • naire. Trash compactor, Adults ,, • ., """3 K'J e B • I u~y•-H •--le-L 37..a• ,.,... . ...,, · ..,,5 mo I 2 r. l'i a • Stereo intercom, poo . ..._._ """ -· Loaded 3b f I --.--_.. -temlis,spa.1 yrlease. Super4Br 211Ba.Close r. rp c, gar ..... ••••••••••••••••••• CHOICELSIDE twohse. ydibatcony, • Publlshmyadfor8daysstarting ·•· 11200 mo. Avail im l o park It pool . ~,+VIEW,nowS695 LAIXurystudio.spa,TV, !Br. !Ba, rrplc, bltn smallpetO~.allblln~. med late,ly . Mr . Sl250 /mo. including RENTALS 750-3314 maid service, phones. range/oven. BBQ, pool. l::>'rm.Th1sone won t • Classification • Hartman Aat 634·0328 da gardener. 640.1635. S• ..._ IU.Swlt. 499·2227 ln small well kept com· TSL.MGMTl42·l603 llJ..3122eve4rwtends. llo..ollul"CU'"TE CGpkhwao 3271M11iportleecJi 376' plex.M20mo.,adtts,no --=.===-=--=-=~=--• e Name • n .. ~oSAN JOAQUIN .._,.. -.............................................. eeta.3B1Hamillon. Quiet 1 Br 1 Ba , new • nnn~ .. n BWFFS. 3 br. 2 bacon-Hilltop Es tale, huge · , carpets "drapes, good • VILLAS, 2br, 2'i'J ba. do. rrptc. 2 pvt patios. rooms.horses. pets, kids 2 Br. 1 B:a· Couple with E.slde loc. ·Mature • Address_ e den, pool' jac .. adult use of 2 pools. adults. <* Non·smokers. $1100 small 1Dfant only. adulU only. S350. 147 E. comm. S82S/mo. March SIO>/mo644-l559 mo.831·2738eves. $320/mo. + uuls. 2450 18lhSt •• • City z1·p Phone • lit 133-9656 Newport Blvd. 1-=-=c;:.;;.;...' '-'------1 2-~. 4BR 3BA, ram. Ex~lusive area. Harbor S....tleocll 3211 One bedroom. rerrig. 2BR. l'i'J BA Studio. Pool. Ch k M 0 I d 0 • l ... , h _"'/ View Hills So uth , •••••••oo•••••••••••••• Costa Mesa . $350. Hol & cold water. gas • ec Or . . enc OSe rm, g .... tc en._,., mo. charming 3~rm . 1•,ba. Deluxe Ru stic Beach M heal ing pa Id by • Nopets,~.8523 walk lo Fashion Island & House 38R 2BA , with 64S«MI arter l :JO p . landlord. Cov'd parking. •• Charge my ad to: . • Jmmac 3Br. 2Ba. din bc h. Grdnr incl . sunken tub. 3 stories. Eastside 1 br apt, lge Walk to s ho pp ing rm/den, AC. wlk to sch I $1250/mo. 751·2'187 J D. spiral staircase. hot tub, Yard. 4005qft. S360 S46S·S476. Olive Tree, O -E • •pool.SB50mo.Nopets. Property Mgmt. 3patios.2garages,all (%13)8 -JCw.sTom/Steve ~CollegeAve • l--..s4 # Xp . ___ _ lyrlse.551-%706 Eastblufrtownhouse3 Br carpeted & drapes. lbr.S.125/mo.lat,last& 548-736'1 L • MOITHWOOD 2•; Ba. 2 patioa. over-&per Shafl> Call 1213) ._.. st\ldlos. one cleaning deposit. NEWPORT HEIGHTS •• 0 • # E~p. • 1 bdrm. 2 ba, fireplace. looks backbay. Prof. de· 1_m.=-=l3=l2=-------and1WObeOroomac>1t1· 8-4451/$48-9574 tte 1 bdrm. 1 ba. 31012 mo IQ ft. Avail immed. ror. Avail 1 yr lse Bob I men11. FURNISHED LaPtrlt Ln 1395. no dogs • •Mo,551-620'1 ~ 847·6010 W.-...t.r 32' Ind UNFUANtlHED. ~ 181M77SI • L------------------------------ -Newl>o1'1rt Cr-t 2 Br, 21'" •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• Oakwood 11"" otte<a lldOK WE 'LL PAY THE POSTAGE • Woodbridge·c~arming ba. loft ...., • "" 2br, 1 ba S450. I cb . .• r··••••••• •••••••••••••i =-~=~f~1!Jb~-~~~ u~na '. f(f~~·.i:o~i~:: ~;:~~t;:in: ·~:..'* i=:~:.rt~.~~t ~e~.'1r1~~.7~den •• :: 11111 ~ POS~~E : i •• -' ce61'J, din rm, bkrat rm. ~asd875/mo,675·S911 room. formal din In& Oocupanoy Plid. Adulu nopeta 2BR IBA, Old but Clean. NECESSARY I A/C,Janlener, bighl>: Versailles Pentdhouse room. Oar. New cpta,' •11 Mmonln ZBR 2BA. ' ·152$ 2248 Canyon Dr. No 1 IF MAILED : • upJr ed. $1t5. avail Cond o . 2 b rm . drps, 11 back yd. l600 "-ellllol1 3lllW. Wilson 631.$513 Paa. MOO. Sierra Mngt • 1 1 • 1 now! (2111171·5534 or fireplace, nice oceao mo 213 .$12.4731 da. And Much More• Oo.&U·l.Ut 11• • IN THE 0 • !114)G1... view. Gated community, 714.-1:.0 For• tnonth, or a hie· PINEBLUFF APTS. E. Side cozy bachelor • ~ ' UNITED STATlS .ij .___., 3241 doleto1hopl and water. 2 Br. 2 ~· No pets. :· w/.,.tio • ..,.,5. UUI .2 ..,.._ mo+utll.'1M-'ll4ext Nu28drmcondo.l600pr twneModelsOPtndally P!1~011 .... nn:,~f~P,.I'~-... -·•....-~ .. ·• ,.. .... t~ ···--GUS1"~S-oEPt"', .. ...,8Et. -·~,,..,. fli •• -••••H•u•••••••1 DC.renCrum llD, IMt'tnOftt'Y""&r: "twnU>tlpllrAdullsonty,• Jacuzzi, end tar .. 1111 --·--·"!!: • c:; C , .. t;'1 n ' L.1' > • OCIAtSIOMT 128' no pets sto¥e.'50. 631.fl07 ZBR, lBA. Newl7 Dec. w F11tsl c1.ass PU¥1l HO ,, cosTu.1na ca1.1,01tH1A ~ • 11 •.1etwtt1. \'I ml off Olkwood ~ 2 story, Zbdrm, Fnrd Yrd. Gar. No Pets. • g .. ~ bell. "'"'"' l'tr, Lu ~~~~~r ee l\;ba, pool, carport, pvt. '500Mo.5d·M79 .!! DOSTAGE Will. tlE PA() 8• •OOAESSU 5 • 2Br. adJta oalJ, no ot•· bedroom• Two baths. Gardin Aplrtmentl patio, $500/mo. Open Lr1 1 Br. Adult. Near • ~ Oranna Collt Dally. Pilot l'.l'I .s:,::.!•:::.·~<7:.::l•~•=-=•~1~•---1 Formal dlnio& room. ~ , •••port ltlah/No. Sat.. 2110 Santa Ana ~pool, all u~. • ..-, • J ... O..,Luu'i Home ~detoratdlnmut· ca=:i un 890lrv1ne Ave.Ph: (213)375·8107. onrovia,$41 .. D11·1r P1·1at 1 • =:::r.v~ lr1~ r.ct:::· o"/r m1:atZr ·-.................. ~-=~ l MOWtsTMITIMI i:::c~:'!.1~~!~~ •• ~ 1 • "' .... Pool. teanll ........__, a "'tr ~araa· s.--.a.•.a. Arte I ror job llttktra to chttk adulll no pet.a, MIS/mo. I I -_...., --· ' ~ ,..,,.__ HHport8Noh/lo. h 0 II Pll H I '11-119' f'tS.7111 • .... ,..., · ll05t montb. urly I Br. J lta. 1/c. POOi. 1ec 1700 leth St t t • r. ot er, i · e I Box 1 SIO 1 CJIAlll llr JIA. yard. IHH . Call UMJOO, ,nopeta. l'.P.lllO. (OM,,. 1ICl'll W~c 111lflcatloa. f ... ,... 1116 330 W I St I • ..a '° k~ 6 pool. .......,. C7M> ea.tm the Job you wut ta oat ....................... e 1 . •Y • 1 J-...mtJBJOW..111!!.!l•!!:•ll!~ltl•••••• •a . JbckJn co1do, ~~ 1:,,~~:l 1~0:; D~1~• 1Mt1,.H;',':I e Co1t1 Miii, CA 12121 I • ....... , l "h. J -:--•alt prt l ,C.fJlaaa loe. • ~. Id ill -' I • Mdla. 1n1.J ,..ec,, '" .. ?cf~•• •atfrfalli, •truiH, "8d•w111t JOll wanl'ln tbe lob w':attd -t"* .. ·a ... • ;r=r.-:re:.a· : .... --. (l~iG.:~:=•· D!bPUo&Clmtneda. c!l!l!!J.Plwt0111f =•·••' l•r. ························~··· , .. ·"--. Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Slturd1y. J1nulfY 30. 1912 ~ --i~B~ -.'I,,~ I~'" ........ · r ,.,.~ ·;". ;. i •. ~. ·· ...• :~h '~~· ,. ··~ --'"" ·, •• .f ·~ .~u ~j ( , ·~I) ; l e !; •• . ,, t. ~ ~ ._ ! ~J~ ~~ r.. :_, ''-~ .. ~ I 11. ' ~ ~t'. ~ ~., ~-~ .• \ l ~ l. ., "-' i~I • ., ~ 1-~· l:'"'l'" -•...,.__--,..-o= :;' = -~ .~ -~: ~ • o •:::: 1----- Fil C.,••• C1ll ........ .,.. ,.. • • •• 'r'I ' H•fr •• II ..... >, ....... ,_... 'JI. --•• ,..••••••• ............ •••••••• .. , ...... ,,.,.,~•••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• ••• .... ,1 .. ••••••••••••••• , .. •••••••••• ••••••••• aeet;;J•••••••••••••••• ••T•._• ... •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. bWlttld My Home . •u•• 18.11,c.~bo. Service ! •!PICl.ll• REAIONABU: f.:Xp«Caiatulan thllpr. Sl'ARVINGAt'TORS WALLPAPlR &UIOAROOrlNGCO. NDlll' CIUlon-Prt. AllAaa. TindalPl.U. Walls! lft· ~. 1n41D1. Low fl&lr~ii PROMPT. FR!! EST. W ·ltartet • 11.00 Ptr MO\llNOCOMPANV Allkindt f'retfft. 'nltonly rooC1111to wh~ !~1 ~ !! m.... rreue 'he Value • ralts. CoDttn«llon: ':'r~'f' td ai~ ~f~ ALMOITEVERV hr. Affluut Homu re.t 'cantul. Lowttt su~ Uc 330M& cOM:r:'tlon ubatea ~-,._..,t.a•care BeautY al Your HOftle adil'111, alttratlou, rt· Touch •Of ,Claae 'tn R!PAIRNEEDED. ~ AautLawAllowa. M/C mNSClllO_ me1 1'7U2zt ~· A )'Qu llbJIM~ anytime Wllh,,,. Rlcbntn of paln, iulnt. Oel11n ' Urien 711 w 17th st' DAVf:M.\-4757 . SCRUB-A-DUB Vl11,Uc/Jna.673·0IS3 ,..,._... "'berRoollna·all~pt•.- ,.,. Y w1 ""C.111. ' 979."4f ~.tw.wt ..... 1 ~lq. '7»1811; eva •uc~:M.&U-Til2 · SmaU Joi», Haadr Man. Prof.Houledeanloc ,....... --............. ,•.•••••••• New-recove,..dtClll t ~ •dayad •b)'Ml=your home Cualorn Carpentry By 1315 h•.. -Carpentry , P urnb, Xlntwork Jean G31·$018 ....................... •BRYANTS• __Ytli1l.1Ms..973.t . lltM ~•· la Mon thru "Jaf"· (Formica ' REllODEL/ADD·ONSI I Elec. -Rouonablt Houuclianln'a by ~palnUlla by Richard ~~~rin&Removal N.....,.1_.. " DAILY f\1 --• · Tiit M2·1110t or Call 6Carpentry.JJc'cl. ........ TIH ............... ~ r11pon1lblt lady, Jtlnl Sloor. Uc. lnl. IJ yrs or • · 142·1343 "QualltyRocilblllk .. PILOT ~ . • Aoawer Ad 1820 al fYrt lrwln54t.2119 S t•• '"-" work i xllll rtts. Pre(. ~1lc111lomers. ....._.,,..,..,. nneu...o..1 "145-0lCM 1 •..Cl ...... , ................ , MJ..4300.athn. c.,.rlllui Topped/removed, ex· ..... !~!! .............. N.B.-•.S3'7·7M3 . J3IBIO ....................... •JobnHeary'aRoolln • DlllCTOIY For all you Med to llnow c.,.t s.r.kt ....................... pert dfaa up1, la"ftl re-HARDWOOD FLOORS Home cteilllfta: deptnd•· ,..... PWTER PATCHIN G Uc'd ' Ins us Por' OOlf"NOW! lboul tiank~tcy, call ....................... COIPOIATIOMS novlted. '51·1471 Be•utlfull.Y cleaned 1114'_ ' hooelt. Cleaned lo 25 yn1 exp. Uc._ 44~ I Re11tuccos Int/ext. 30 •llmale ' lnsl)4!ctlon Atll ,_ •-...a...-Tl4/W ·91112 We Care C'l>t Cleaners • PARTNERSlllPS WHY NOT O~E Of and wued. W -4881 your 11lI1 f IC ti on . a,ndtd. Ins. Ref1. Color yra. Neat. Paul S45'M7 Calf aft, s 63i.so38. _. Stnm ~lean a& upbols. t:ormtd by Attocney.1 'nlE BESTI Simmons SM-"54 exoert. 963-0911 Dick Nt.at patchet a, textures Ii YOW'OallyPllot ... ~4•1suan/ Tnackmounlunlt Reu.ralN. !7-5700 Gardtnln&,846-teM I..... LORRAJN!'SHOME l'mSmall-M _j)rices ,._-_. 1ti .. 1ntS O'mllwt ServtttDirertory I Ser.let Worltauar_. '9·3'716 ,.._,__w_..._.....,.._ K6DLalldacapeMalnt •••••••••.............. SERVICE REFS 1 amall' c!ar. NB ...................... . R.,,_tatJve h••••u•••••••••u•••• ---,._ I -~--__,, R-' ... /Co Cl · DUMP JOBS ,.,__ • · ~e 'd. R ·813_....,77• ED'S PWTERING BUDGET RATES/Ur'd MJ.M71.ntlJJ Trr•wiao y•-v .. ..,,.poo.steameean. ~ ...................... ...., mm. ean-up. lSmal1MoviD1Jobs vwull&N. 1162·0510evs .... p oa_ ...., AlJTypH lnt.otEll.t . LowmlltSQ)IJobJQlt ~ _. A -• Color bri1btteera, wbt .. rown mouldln1 . UHayli!1.~a.•_-CaUIUU146·1l9l HOUSIC&.IANIN6 G.L.M1.t1JunPailltta1 ~ . Freeett. Freee•l ins 641·1581 ' INT/EXTCLEANINO crpts · 10 min. bleach. mantles wall unlu FonninJ Own Business· -· Iv• ' Wknd'a Price C\&st wort Uc #362478 · · h11 Ila; Sl25/ft . Exp'd 'depen· Hall, liv/dln. rma Sl5; .cablneli. Hardwood 4Yrs6p. Landscaping'. HAUUNOfrDUMP Nell. Call 831·4M Arter Jns. Free-i. 731-1281 P~TER,STUCCO ~Altr.elHt • .......... " ........... dablf. Also teak. Ted or ave room ST.SO: couch aollllions to wood pro· Grcmt ' Brick Patios JOBS.u llforRandy. sPJl C\J8rOM INT/.,'XT ~Job tf°~ml. ••••••••••••••••••••••• PtR Qlrliea, W21, Fin. Brian~884S SIO; chr ~. Guar. elim. bleme. 131·1528 Gntd, Prot. Service at 841-8427 . F.XPERTSERVICE /&!&-1 INDUSTRIAL SEWING ,' StmU. Compltlt $et.up....,._ petodor.C'l>trepalr. D-.ak Prices Sure to Please. a.uHUPYOUIACT .._Ta . LOWRAT£S " ti 9 •C1JTTINGoltaMct 6Serv. Reu.540-5834 ....................... 15 yrs e:f.. Do work ....................... a.2115b/7-9lW/E. TODAY! Yard/1ar11e .EXP.EB .. PitiP .. RER .. NU-BROOK ~-1175 ....... ;; .............. li'l'eeestimatn 548·CM50' t,.e•ul.,;., .. WICI & SOM mxsell. R a. S3l·OlOl UV£.1N bskprs, compa· Garden In 1 -Com p I. dn·up, etc. l lon truck. Enrolled to p~actlce NELSONS PAINTl~G Dralns cle,attcUro'!l SIO llJtlJlth .. , ................ ~..... Builders Since 1947 No~eam/N0Sh1mpoo n ions • s i l t er s • clean up'!' free h1uling as. 8'1-1983 (24 hrs) before U>e IRS. Quality Int/Ext Resid/Comm FrPhamb'e-C RMepa~_rs9033 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • flronuit, Pf'Of. service on Addili d 11 Stam Specialist. Fast aardeners Brought to ror usable 1tem1 Ha.uli I I di t at t u9 "'18 · 111 R r !! eal. ,., 64.. * •SIYU•HTS * * major a I St • ons -remo e ng dry Freeeal 839-1582 ~-ho-·rori'nterview. M'A .. l"a·.,,.. ni c ean·up, r ' reu.eo1 ..... ..... Arousuc ce ngs. es. ATLAS PLUMBING& All Size-a Installed PP ca. eve s Doon. windows, patio · . · .,... "'"" k111e ....,.v '" ahrub/tree &rim. etc. FEDERATED lk'd. Free est. 837-2637 _ , ARPk,Serv. 548·M14 covers. Free est. Reas. c-.t/COllCreh .111ar. (213)947-2828 Garden.ia1•Wanted Junk, trash. 848-4914 lnc:omeTuStrvlce PAJNTER NEEDS HEATING-REPAIR Grtal Prices, 631-9255 ...... Uc. UlON2 S49-2170 ................ ~ ...... Dryw4 Mow\n1, ed1ln1. raking, HAUUNG-&udent bas 631-41171 for appt WORK-30 yrs ex . Int REPLACE 845'1888 Tit , ·-• .. ••••••••••••"• ROBTSTEINBRONER. THOMPSONS -..................... s wee P I n I · Fr e e lie lnlck. Lowest rate. Ma_,. text Acoustic ce1fin1s. Pt opcrfy M ... ,... • ...................... - AUSl'A"rE PAVll'~G GEN'LCONTRACTOR CO~~E CONSTR. DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC estimates. 645·4312 or Prompt. Clll 75dH976. .;;;;;;:••••••••••••••• Davb Paintinir 847-SllMl ••••••••••••••••••••••• TlL~ INSTALLED SalcoaUna ·Slrip1.11g Uc.~ 645-6456 Uc.f 642.-8482 14yrsexp.l'\illy Ur'd& ~737. 1\anhou John. BRICKWORK · Small PIONITY AllKindsGuaranteed Repain.Comm./Resid. FINEHOME c.-kTllt insured. 532-5549 a.JSTOMGARDEN IN.G TREES/SHRUBTRIM jobs, Newport, Costa ~:~~:~~st~be~=~! MANAGEMENT Reis JohnlM0.&2l7" Uc. t3f7362 64S·818l IMPROVEMENTS ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• DRYWALL TAPING Resid'l/Com m'I Garaee• Yd Clean-ups Mesa, Irvine. Refs. Lie. 239534 642·0862 Orange Co. area. 15 yrs Custom Ceramic Tile Driveways, Parkins Lot Additiona & Remodeli ng Hansen's Ceramic Tile All textures & acoustic Clll·ups. 893·3S77, X 43 Free est. SS7-8271 675-3175. Hse painting-coll grad expei1ence. Call for Info. Prompt serv. Free est Repairs, SeakoaUng. -• Aoors · ~wers ·Tubs Free est. Kevin 675-9088 nlEG~HOPPER Demolition-Grading Custom Brick Masonry 7 yrs exp. quaJiU' work. and riites Chuck 675-1408 s1'cs~~~l caa.N Call anytime 972-4639 Bedric.. fndoorompletle lawn m~i,~l. Trusport Asph1lt, con-Compl. yard construe-Low rates. Dana 646· 1869 HM 112 ,,... Senk• I • ~ c:a..-,s.r.ket ....................... _ !!anlsptt111st crete & tree removal. lion, pool decks & L.J B.PAINTING .......... , ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... ..____ -•·L. -·-••••••••••••••••••••••• ELECTRICIAN -priced Dominic 642·4851 Soll prep a, planting enclosures Local rds Q UAU-TY. REAS •Expert Tree Pruning • ._.___,., ~ ~·-·-P"'P G R ~12 ••••••••••••••••••••••• C I d ....................... U 13482 H0-6SS4 .,. I LS deaning right, free estimate on Landscaping·Yd Clnups ~rated equip. Comm 'I Larry 64S-9383 aft 6 J D. Hom Refinishing ommerc1a Lan scape r AGCR~lVE LEGAL c. service. Homes-Offi ces-large or small jobs. Treet.rim-Expert maint. aiResid'l.642-7638 Hart Masonry. Brick , Antiques, kit. cabinets. Services 957-8388 Representation. Law c>f· MsHALI COMSTI. Apts. 541Ml663 Lie. #396&1 673·03S9 Jim 851.0129 14/hr Labor. llH20 Block, Concrete Ref. Quality Painti.11g at re as. fIDe painting. 645-0664 JAYE TR EE CARE • flces,3'bn.54S-842% Custom homes. fram-RESIDtCOMM 'L Mo vl no -Hauli no . Uc.388294.646-1597 rates, int. ext. res. -Complete servire and CoMNd 1t.. II H•~ .. " comm. refs. Mike . Kitchen cabinets built or w-W.• Ing, remodel. French on. wflltr 3l yrs exp Do my owu ....................... Dumping Masonry ourSpttialty! 49M6i 4 rdinisbed. restored. stump grindina 10 yrs ........ ::••••••••••••• doon, s~Lll!~!.5 & patio un•::.:.:_••1•:.:;:•uu worit. Uc d. Al646-8126 Carpentry . Masonry 1S4·9904/9M·I095 Mark Clean. quick, dependa-IN'l'tEXT PA INTIN G beautiful stain jobs 2S exp. u c. Ins. 640-9308 T9LOM YOUI CAI coven.-·.-... ..._.... :-t"'!"" LJC'D ELECTRJClAN Boo6ng ·Plum bin& ble, We do lo)' sJie jo.b. Quality work. Reas. vrs un. 642·8619 Trtt Trimmg. clean ups, lllltead al 40 • c:.111Mf MlllillcJ AU phases. Uc. bond~. Qui. work . Reas. rates Drywall · Slue co · Tile llam1d1 .. 9 e631·200h Free est. Sleve !'>47-4281 R ... /I . Monlhy service free est. wrt 752.~1/~5z-08t';0· ••••••••o••••••••••••• exper.Free est,&adv1ce n-ee est. 631·5072Tom Rftmdel. J.B.646·9990 w••ant••••8•R•~•:L••L•Y••c•L•E••A•Nu EXPERTBRICKAN D ntEPAPERHANGER -9 .,.r 648-7556 Tony's Tree · y. -CUSTOM CABINETS AllenCoost (Mike) TOP9UALITY HOME IMPROVEMENT ""' Masonry. Small jobs & ••••••••••••••••••••••• Service PROF. POLISHING Kit .. bars, gar. units. 49'7·53221499-4863 ElectncaJ work at REPAIR· PLUM BING o~:i.~ ~l~~~s~m repairs. Frplc racings. Prol., quality work . COMMlltCIAL -=:..;.:.::c=._ ____ _ =a~~~7~~~or Refs. 64S-6S21/S49-168S ADD'NS/R~'!fODELING Reas. rates. 531·50S5 , Heati!lg. carpentry, ROBJN'SCLEANING Reis. 5SH 55S, 760-10'74 ::i:~0~;~~~~~~l ~STllAL !~ ............... ~ · C.,.lft1 ~~i Lied. ~eorge ElectricourSpec:lalty! !!1ec, tile. Free est No Service-a thoroughly LANDSCP/MASONRY LG yrs o c Top quality DIUMCi! VOYAAGEen FRANCE?• IMilllllfnaltlllgllltllla ..... , .... ,............ _ . & Sons, 5S -6932 Clean quick. depend a-I Job too small. 645-2111 _ clean house. 540_0851 Concrete. Uc. ins Neat St. lk. 334950_ Turn l,ost or unused Expert pvt tutonng. all •, ..... ~ ................. FINEFINISHWQRK Add1t1ons . remo4els, ble.Wedoanysizejob. Ben's Home Improve· 3lyn.Freeest.S36·0914 6'5-0389/839-l886 space into 3 w.or~able levels. nu . time. Call ' Babw1t,ourCMhomes.1 Relll>dellng /Doorshung h~me improvement, •631-2004• menl EllpertlseHousekeeplng ....,,.. area-rooms d1v1ded , ~725Saft.Spm yr ~ul\3!".lt!.~.s.759 Randy720-l.260CdM ..,;~~·doors. patios, •-Cow......_ Service. All jobs. big or SuppUes fumished ••••••••••••••••••••••• Q~~UTYINT/EXT drywall. drop ceilings & 642-...,.. .,..., ii~·i'v e way s r e ~ .. ...., 11 ..... 5231 Trustworthy. 9$7-8003 Uc d. Refs. f"ree est. trim calJ)4!ntry to com· WMdow Cle-"tg I • CHAR RENOVATING . • ......................... sma . ..... •At.I MOVING• ••646-1067•. pletion. call Tom or Jeff ·~~ ........... ". ...... ~ .. Mature Babysitter Int/ext cabinets. boat ~S!n":b~~ Lie Carpet & Linoleum f or Repai_rs . pain tine. Top Quality. Special p.-..... atli6l·Z91J or-49l·3BS6. l.etlheSu,nshineln ~"red, :tr:,J"i.~· docks.25yrs.64S--3149 -Home . Van & Motor . ~a.reentry. Christian. re-IMMACULATE rare in handling. 2S yrs .r..':'-.............. •~ CaJl~ndnneWmdow -· ~~ · CUSTOM ADDITIONS JM~ SYttW Home. 847·4595 Dave. liable897-9262 ca.-. S..ket exp. Competitive rates HANGING SlO/ROLL _...., Clearung, Ltd 548·8853 Baby11tt1nc Mon· Fri. Kitch en r e mod. Freedes1gnHreeest Fradl Doon JACK OF ALL TRA DES Hofts67S:97550fflces Noovertime 730·W3 Stripping-disc on paper ••REPAiRs~itl.£'ss•• •RESIDENTIAL• Newborn lo 2 yrs. 6 to Sltylites . Refs. Bill Room addltions. tenant ....................... Calldayornlght. Sl'ARVING COLLEOE V'isa/MC 645-9325 Shingles flat 30 yrs. Avg I s~y $30; avg 2 sty S:30.CM.642-299S , 646-0002 Improve ment. 1n -•FRENCHDOORS• •Jack67S·3014t HOUSEWORK DONE STUDENTSMOVING UC.PAPERHANGER exp.Frttest.no.2125 S45 Chns957-8388 Mother ol lYr Old. Will I sur.ance work. decks, 10 panes installed. 6' Masonry-Ca1J>4!ntry-Tile BY J A PA N ES E . CO. Lie. ITIZ4·436. Bonded & guar. No job Clearview Windows 'i' Babysit rull or Part· Ha\'e something to sell? patios slideropeoing.S750com-Plumb-Rooling-Remod Professional call Yoshi. lnsured.641·84Z7 too smallortoolarge. llPAJISOMLY! Xlnlservice,freeest .. Tune. LYnn· 63MM89 I Class1!1ed ads do it well n0-&7 Uc 313174 pl.(unpainted) 640-106$ Stucco-Drywall 536-8700 ~ WA'n:H US GROW! Free est Tony 898·Z728 All'.J'y~s. 646-6463 Ken 613-9018 IV.~·~1 ~~~,~'~ii''. .. •-,,--" ti;llJ:f~'~J ·!_·. .;-' ~ ~,a.:<i • --• ' ~~.!~ ... ?!.1.~ ~.~.~ ...... ??~~ ~.~~ ......... ??.~~ ,, C t MQ' rket PlcD l20,000. al zsr;, ~ecure REWARD COEDS·Would Love To fttlA ..&Q•QIS buy , well established. M""' I look" Part)' with You• Call '\.~ 11111 ~' '1 denlallab, 64S·2075 ror""'~1q;n~e~hng//['y~ Les II e or Sy Iv I a ~.'L -,.. ~ • -. c ~ 1 J Martp11J. Trwst 1ng hidewa)•-quest An)'llme.161·9036 • , '"" 1' Deidi 50)51 quarters. boat"? Will Strong pro( man desires Af kw•t1U.... 9-4000 Y9Calio.l..t• '4250 ....... S... 4100 h ... s Offkel..tal 4400 lmllltssl..tal 4450 ....................... exchange writing & pretty sensual lady l8·35 : ........ :: ...................... ••••••••••••• ....................... ....................... far•..t 4150 .............. ••••••••• ........................ SC1f1ter MhJ Ce. ca~~aking duties & pay days tnltes 720-0296 ... rt .. __.. 1169 ""· BR Ba•-Li' R No.T-.. -Cond 4 B .. Fe.male room.ma.le to ••••••_e•••••••••••••••• 531ai572.,._,ft....tl.OO~r Beach Store Ne~Ft All types of real e.&tale j mmupal rent Local Forwomrnonly·total ~ -rum 1... "' Y m.. ......,_ o, r." GaraoeSpace CdM •-:.o ..... · · · in t ts sin 1n•n ffospll al & Personal 2Br,28a,ParkUdoCon-hlclds Util. CM. Mesa wlt.Tom8Si-16'8 female.S22'mo + uttl _ •-A&entS41·5032. tien'800sq h 675-4185 ~-Ref~ren ces Write By appl.10-6.548·0407 ........... ~··•••••n•• Patio, l'Yt Ent. S450 min to Northstar. ttOO share N.B. apt w/O)h~r 1 .. 7 A A240 .., · sq. ft .. 397S Birch.. .8 . Walk traffic·prirne oca· ves men re ...... . body ma ssage by Diane b Verde Ref 645-23118 el bl I mi4ll1, • . • hdTDs ~PINtaJBP~.,P o . Box ~·X~.m~as:Yo:. •~--~""i'ue556-60331" .. or~s r ....... sa-.. OOO FShrlBRApt Avail Feb 1~:J~tl~i~;nte[:fo~ ~~:1·'![;~~~.~· ~ ,,__, KMTllOUSE ---·~· "° ... . ....................... I t'll\ '366 U'l'l I .. , lsNll ..... 4500 642-2171 54§..0611 Found rin,g, NB please ruun lion poss. 11800 mo. non smoker. gate guard GAY IOOMMATE Dh. CM Area._ No Last · 642 1 · u an tor. 9'7S·ll20 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Widow has SSS fo r Identify. Call 631-2953 ESCOITS 67_5-1642. area; Sttps to. beac~. CONTACT· Largest Gay or °'P.646-5413 Single car ~ar~ge for $255 Mo-Private orrice/ N.B., ms Birch. 8860 sq. TD's/Re Loans, IOK up . bet6·8pm M/FCouples QWet % Br. l Ba. garage. tennis, ~ol, Jacuzzi. Male/Femi.le Service in 3rd Rmmt Wanted for ~· 98> Va enc1a. C.M. parklne/kitchenellespc I ft. or less. MlA tone. SO< No Credit . ./ No penalty Found : Lrg Tri Color 539-5030 pool, adu1ls. no pets. s mall kitchenette. So Ca l GR C Spacious 3BR Condo.'! mu.SJ6.IJ68. lllllOOMal.nSlH"untBch per sq . rt . Ag e nt DeoniponAssoc.673-7311 Long Haired M Cat MIC VISA 1801 lSlb. St. Apt G. washer/dryer. S250 1st · (2.lJ >s»JCMo lMi SC Plaza. S250 Incl Daily Jantr All util pd. :>41·5032. WI DOW HAS US for G E L Free-lance writer looking ~/mo.642-7~ d ~securityde~4~·3490. Prof male to shr w/fem w.11. Eve5S1·7758. ,,~.~.~~ ..... ~~~ Avail now!6 14 )848-3133 ~~ 800WlCoM10fD SqLoFl TD's. RE ~ans. IOK ~~na Be~~~-494~7~;t for person interested m Studi~ apt, rern,. ao m room. p a. cov ~orgeou s. s parious Mothe,r & son need rm· 1617 Westcurr. N.B. Want or or ng Up No Credit <;heck. No Found Litt le Blk Do rooro. board. and salary S~Ls~~~~msula. ~MJ:vo~s· Sl60/mo ~~l~~oR:~dyhome . :..-e r'.m1~ .. d·c:~~· ;~~ r~~n~~ ~;:~t~~: Nt:~.a~;:tio~~1:, J.:~:io Storace llC I ~~r73~nmsson As · ~~t Magnolia HA: ~~~j~eh:;~.:d~~~~: 28R, lBA. Al Beach. Ulil Ba.I Isl, Room & Bath. pvt . I ex c I 11 d I n g . H m . sq. ft. 2 orfice suites. S300 2600 sq. ft with front or-. -. housekeeping. Ideal for Pd.l500. ent rance. 1200 /mo Mature r esponsib e 8SH976;wk :642-0371. EXECUTIVE perim.Marll.613-6606. fice.largereardoor.set ':J1a•cw..ts/ Shfelt1ie/Srhep dmix yng collegeorself-emp&oyed 646-5743 673-4755 Female, non smoker . h I SUmS -up for machine shop. I Pen••/ m_ e o u n near t'areer woman Phone ---~-"-'-"'----1Nr Roa . Pvt Ent & BA Newport Oceanfront. f~ 1 ar~ Cux /i°°lispa ll'll Clfice space at 1600 W. l2'¥ uq rt. or S8SO/mo . I l.olt& Foiilld Br1s tol 1Su n flower Edmund in La gun a: • Soac. l or 2 br apts. l ml kg . . @ I mo. 548·1667 nr · · au w/ Coast Hwy. 600 sq ft. ,...,, 1,.., A U -t G -fi41·1TI3 962-9063 Beach al494-0U9 from beach. No pets, Xlnl NO.Smok or k1tch. F Shr F\Jrn CM Condo ~!.!!!e M S350 mo tBITAGE ~ 212sq f\ S200 Call ,_.,.._an ve n1 . ....................... ' adultsonlY.642-2351 P /285+50.646-1035 w/F OCC Student S2SO _,,,,R PLAZA JohP 549•211'7· Costa Mesa Days ••a•c-..ts 5100 Found:M1xed Shepherd, Adventurous ladies con Versailles bachelor, S47S, Room W/!!yt bath, kit. & mo incl util 642-8065 Fem to shr 3Br 2_ba Bal New luxury ornce s~ace WANTED· . 540-93S2, EveS646·068t. ....................... ~~n~~~~ispo Dana ly ). Balboa Brothel Crac- ut last, S200 sec Gate lndry pnv ere!. rem eves. lsle bayfront . apt wi tM in Ir vi ne's busiest Industrial or office Industrial bldg. 6000 sq. PIEGHAMT? ing teiml now r:~~~1!i guud. pool. spa. wgt Close to bu.s & shopping Male to share spacious & lF, $J2S+uul. 613-1388 center! Easy Frwy ac-space, 4'»-600 sq ri in ft w/sprinklers. lrg rear Preanancy testing. 2 Lost. Reward _fo r blk mg for the 9th rm. Glenn. 642-5316, Bill C.M. $'l25. S48·21.14 Newport Shores home Young Mother w 13• 2 old cess. Avail. now! Call South Orange County for ov~~_ad door It fenced I min. slide or early detec re ma 1 e D 0 x 1 e S 0 ¥~:;ia~e ~:o;53 Jo~ntt 0 631-84. U-a Rm & Pvt Ba. Empl Avail Feb lst. S300 mo son. seek~ compatible fordet.ails. evening and weekend re· ~dJ01nmg paved ~~rlt· lion. All methods or birth Laguna area 499-1669 Kinetic Sculpture Rac'l (J-g 2 Br 2 Ba upper unit. M. Pool. Clbbse. J ae . Randy S40-960l 9_4 da person to live free m ex 551·lll I 640.42)0 hearsal or rnpons1ble ~ <f"1er or R~ 11~' cont.ro! Abortion. 24 hr Lost · _blk M rat. -.·ht 6'S.3IO'I deck, f'l>k. great (()(a-Sec Gts . Nr SC Plaza M t d It l h change for babysitting. •-•rvE-IS • rock band. SC:,~~ ri n ° · help U~e Conf1dent1al. ~rkmgs underneath. ~=~-----tion. No children/pets 1252. NoCkng. 546--0067 i,!3:;(.ehc!s~ w/f~I~ ~ KarenSJ&.3288 .,_" ~ Call Regina · I Womens Center. 112S E. The Bhtrs, N B. 644-1082 T,..tl 5450 $'12S. Yrly lease. Call Nice Home Nr SC Plaza. fac.H.B.Ql:.'l.5766 2bdnn apl. 3 blocks from From 1 room to t400 sq. S46·5M9 WANTED: . · 17th St.;.• ~,!.l~ E_a~l_: Lost : Ch am i> a g l! e ,~•.:,•ueuueuueuu ... •• ........ ~-·-f;:lo)'d;-;fnobs-ftn·,., a•S:.111..,-~acfl. SZ-~""'Call ,fLf)'o~$1.UUQ,fl. ~ 00Wlttown--~i;qumr8th l.ncl1tat,r.t..I r--oUi . "' .. , • ...-..... :11 e rie\'er (2-y rs~) '~ • y--foM.~:..--. 615-..ro Gated Area .. Pool. Ocean Stacie. SJ6.Z768 lease required. Adj ~ s r 500 s ( $350/mo ~~· 400-600 sq. ft. m I I (Sj)lb$) Comer or 16th & l3 Countnes S40. 3 Br 2 Ba r I Room, S21S mo. S Houses Side or H1ghw ay. S. . Airporter Inn. 2172 Du-All itli incl ·333 3rd St. Orange County for LOlt & Fomd SJOO 0 r ange 11 n Jure d I 631-3669 . • !J' c. garage. rromSand. NB. Laguna. Room. Bath. Responsible F nonsmkr pont.Call AM.833-3223 · · evening and weekend re· ....................... 642•5221 patiO. no kids or pets. 675-8205 Private Entrance. 1295 by Mar. l .. C.M. house l7THSTIHT 213/:83-234'7 hearsal of responsible llPp.t_ & @)0.642-Ul1 _ + Util. Must be Empl, $1911.33 + ut1l. 548-1850. !l.tu Avail. NB Address. rock band Found: small brown pup I ~- Versllllles bachelor con-N~ Bch. bai kitc.b. Have Refs. 499-4722 NBprof.malewill shrlge COSTAMISA 3Roomslnc1Conferenct CaliRegin1 fOUNDADS PY wired bandannf. ••n••••••••••••••••••'- do, wll.lt to beach, out-~ • IJ~, Tr ~n~~· Eves. Harbor View home 2or3roomolfi~e suiles. or Training Room. Wet 546-5659 PCH & Beach Blvd. ScMofl& standing amenities. full ::"' .,!.; va e · 5 · . Id w / rem 3 0 + S 3 7 5 A/C, plenty of prkg. Ulil Bar Ir Walnut Cabinets. -ID( flEE S36-0713 r.tnicffolt 7005. sec.'500/mo.67a,2207, wl-. RestosbrpfeYmaoul~hwome/3~~r~d 7~ · · · incl.Avail.now.Call Pvt Telephone System. Wanted: Shop sriace_m NI found: small black M 1·•••••.••••••••••••••••• N Lido dJ 2b 1,.._b CdM. Small bachelor .......,,,,.,,2563• aft6Pu. Realonomics 675-6700 Good View . Word C.M .. N.P.Smal foreign Call: Cockapootype. injured ,31 90t!WK r nu x r ,,... a w/CM'I -trance bath ,,,_.....,,. ... RespM /F shrlgnu 3 br. Pro"•ssor Avail . r ar sho p . approx '-L·r 1 3607 • U f/ .... I I ~.--.. ,, · -· 600 sq. ft. Mesa Verde '""' ...... -ft n ,,.., 8716 i nmt ront Cl! ~ · 13 Hot unch M Chns· pr puacp ony apt. re.frig. & hotplalt, LIDO ISLE BEACH· Irvine hse S32S non· Parti'1lyP'um.640 sqf\ . .._,."""""'! • ..-· MJ..5671 ' -Noeet.s $700675-0097 $225. Refs. 673-6223 FRONT : looking ror s m k r s S 2 · 4 O 3 O area. 545-4123 Clltror ADOl. S-46-4418 13»-3000 sq. ft. by Npt. ,,., .... , 5350 uan Presthool 646·S42L Lee. 1 br steps to bay & fUm In c M · respon person. 2S+. non· eves/wknds rwy & 40S rwy. From ....................... .; ~RNING bch.Adit.s no pets 1435 .,rm · -· q!ilet smkr. finan cially Help! Need F To Shr BAYFROMT Clfice~~~!1i::;e IS04 Mr. O 'Keefe Kte•a.dru.py Attc..tisMcnsoqe 1 yrtY 673-00r2·673·5706 home. for w~;ki ng Seture, loshr 3br condo 2BR, 28A Ocean View Primeolri·"e 760 ..... 0 67s-9SlO 851-8928 lost vie 20lh It Palm Open24hrsadaf' f lfTtRNOON • ' ' · person over yrs. on water. Call Mark: Condoln DP .... W/Myself '· "'"· Huntington Beach. Sat 1daysa week EVENING 1' S.0-llte ll7' 548-5804 (71~)675-18118 7im-llpm. ·., Puppy. Rent will be Cella Mesa, 250 19. _n. -.ar BAYflONJ S....., 4550 Jan 23rd. grten collar. 69 Gor•eous girls to WEEKENDS ......... •••••••••••••• 1-« pvt. Bdrm, Bath. sun· best lime to call: morn Neg. Daya, 770·2844. si.ite. Sl7S/mo. Utils m-~ ....... •••••••••••••••• REW ARD. 536-3286 " J 2Br1~ Ba, girage, laun-deck, Kit. pri v. spa, 7_9am. Eves 493-3'18?. clci. 779 W. 19th. St. Nat to new proposed Storage· R · V .. tr a I I.er· 536-4758 · pamper you arurn. Trammg classes for. dry, b'\11 t o bu ch , charming, spacious, 2· , 851.-zs N.B. reataurlnl. 646•4419 bollt., C.M. S3S/mo. Kirk: Sauna Locals as well as @5/mu.'74-7225 story house nr Hunt· Beautifully Dec 3B R. Roommate to s hare · Attracti fr Ch OC 631-(1800. Lost;My "Sam"7yrold tou r ists Bink NJCE 2 BED RO 0 M inllon Bcb. avail Feb 13 ~Aa.Hse77 .. Nkrf OCJCJ. <Fl charming 2 Br. CdM MEWPOIT AJ--rr 760-l•~a~ves· lbat, RV, Auto storage, Siamese male. w/blue Amer ica rd . Master apartment with view of er later, Wlfum. $380/mo ''""''"" , ns or . Guest House w /frplc. Executive Suites bas of. 9116.'0M4'd • (eoced, secure. CM collar. vie. Adams & Charge. Ame rican Ex · I.he folf course. hills. includ. uUI. Call Rae Prof Shr 2BR, 2BA CdM ~+·Cindy 760-8233. fices avlil1ble nr O.C. aya . SZ5Jn» MS-16111 ~~v~~e~~2;~ l38: ~~~~~ 0711~ 1~~:.3t3~1 Dr'1A11ist.t eertNet.o••·· MtclcalL•A11t pubhc tennis courts Stevens SQ.2132 1;30pm Hse 1 BIHr Bcb. F Prer. F Shr 2BR Hse. CdM. Airport. from S3&S wtruU. ProfesaionaJ.Person lo 2112Harbor Bl CM behi nd property. 2 to8:30pm Mon-Thurs ~5311, 675·9619 Eves Wrth Prof M. Very Close service ava!11ble. Call lhareofflct space. Coast t./!llllU/1""-"/ Found large domestic ~or tolal relaxation with CAU 55'-6UI enclosed carports. all HDWs.Motth 4100 FEMALE to s hare to Bcb. $350 + •,,uui. now for l month free. Hwy, Newport Beach. "'-" rabbit. grey, Hlghcresl, I tultim, laundrY racilit~ · 2 bed l 673-3459 Eves. 640·5$11 UsallJS.9978. 66-31!13. -........ ••••••••••• lrvine8S7-5829 a professional massaat Cali'! Paramedical •· •1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• spacious room. 0 John -~ St 10-6 5411 2817 "' In 4 unlt modem spanls SIAUll MOTB. bath apartment In Hunt· ays. . I MO FllE Ai area, Avail. 18S to ..... Found: Sm Sha~gy Blk eve , · T•h. College. 3745 Long style building. 2 adults WkJy rentals now avail. lngton Beach 1200 mo. F .. 23+ to shr lrg apt near Mu ;.. C. .. sr 1 sq. rt. w/wlthout 0.a..lullt 5005 Dog. Injured Right F~ Lonely' Tonight~ Need BieMjl Blvd. Long Beach only. No children or pets $105 ' up Color TV. ~-beach, NB. '290. 646-3377 First dz:e:full service amenllles 752-2518 ... -;n................. ~ :·bbs.'!6-0'7813 FRouEnd . Compan~J .. Cla82211 Monica. .W. W..t.cl, 7 075 plea. $450 per month. Phones in room. 2274 Roommate needed EXEC olfi in lud ..W.OITllACM LOSlNG LEASE quil· ""'.a it. m ars .,_. ••••••••••••••••••••••" ~!~\•a:~ D ~:b~~·a) Newport Bl\'.d . CM. •/relri1. lo sbr borne in 111 amenl~!..i ~ro: AIRPORT: Cutlom or. lAia& buslnesstl • selllndgfioul M~~e i!:~ iii:;!~. Youns ma r ritd ma n MMDI 8*71, CdM. DI mo, lat 6 laal. pas/DJ). f6+7• ac., D lo 1800 sq ft. ~LL supp1 es an Ill· lm-l814 PIOF ESCORT would Ultt odd jobs eves . .,. ..... •c17 ._ N""ED A BUS •D f'rom•Pf"•lf lwalndoitln&: Triab,se-IDl6aft.7pm 'wlloends. Can do • Adult Studio: Stove, fri1. " .. ..--~l•te:\. D "n · llullanRll 54o. Display caaes, waiting Found: blk toy Poodle. viritly o( handymu u l 11 s, • U IO I mo . Reu. Weekly Rates ,.. !llr 3Br C.M hse. Pref DRESS? Answenn1 i lY. 2980 room dt1lr1 Beauty HaQ.Unfton Harbour .lobs. 972-952.S evu; asll •1Pvein. 4'2·0180 ~i~=·'':'?: ~fl .p:dt t ·~~~1300/mo, mall8T1ce. c°"l1ren~e S.lon balrdrjers 1~d aree,Sat.1·23. M0-5187 l.illll & Yicki'S _for:;;.::;; 100"". '"------- Af! ... _'H. .. ~o SllldDi&>erJ~~.~7rt ------·--M/FsbrS.Abomenrl7Ul =-·~i4~= . execuplan ~~~~~~rspla~t~· ~~:Le:) Uvae~I~ •ISCOITS• ~~I live-in but' -~ ...,. Bl.Colta ....... ~-113 a.OnBr/balll,furnor ------..-Abo.ma_ ;se· ,shampoo Whf . R E WAR'D ! ! BACK 6BETl'ER IQ• f/tirnt 1uardlan T ·~· .. •••••• .. •••• w.....S 417S ,,......•w l unrurn. Prof pf!rson .=!"=am.' •1.MewCw..t" IDdbair ucu 1»tW 'nlANEVER! UHRS Mal,!~ rem,~le. do a1ll Mflltr"A9fl -M•M•uneHH•UH ~ &fl 11e.n~y. 2$-40yn,15S-215Zi!H· -n• hlhemct(cua10ln . Cal 831.f'7S40r 66f.Q207 INraet n1J1_ IX mu~. Pbm • unlum f bdrm l-'I~•-~~~~~~~with Sil-•BR Hie. CM side l.ul1lrioul .mltt avail, oftkdid•llspace afterl ... .,. Bargain shopptrS r~11<1 (Oulti'll> home nlsnu . salar$ t All 11tu pd All ·--,_ ...-••~.............. for eub-leue In one ot N O~rt · • the lltt l e ad s 1n open, xlnt ref's. Bue~ :::...U. . ..._.11: &-.au-ml Credtb:Ca.mopofflan. Blckbaf.IZSO + "iUtll. *""°"' ncl111lve of. •..Ito ·· •lei" Cotta Mtu Laun · Classiffod r,•i:uhirly ~•pr#.673·0602~ ...----4HO =~ ... ~?!.! ~='::,:=•· =.llMd. 14 lo shr ~,-:=· Airport • dry·S:.i:'&n::.:"°· ~·~~i!~"r~r what ~:!!_~~ ...... ~?~ U,:~~· aOGd lou1 . -~;;;;;.::;;.:~ inlt-llfW·· •Ptfwpar1811tdt.e.t-t• =o;;,o~~f~~~ ~:•t-antu11t11 · .. -•' ............ m:,=ttJ,i::;l!lf.:~. --•-'_' ~~!::,flt--. .. ,.._ P~llic Coat ~~:~r:. .....,, .. 1WO Shr 2BR 1 •JOOh'eeCCIDiea/mo. -.. -.............. '=°'ler. Appl only I anl!I: REW'ADDI ~~nl~T~~tru~:'~ ~.:'!.1111...a· !!~ .I IO ec~ 1 or GardmGrovi,11$·3482 2~BA 'twnhie w/f'l>lc' •Amplepanln~ Sloftor~. utOaq. ft. ~)7M-489. ~~ ~ Many f()(lls U5-798' ·"'-'"·--.&llly.3br,2\i b1 Spa , Mcr w U 75t •Kitdlen •Seclyaerv. M•V...--Area '=I• .._,.. A*fo8 d • ;. .,.:.Low wt1ter P!lo.iJU)m.4114 ...,uui. t 0ep.i¥·2011 i avalllbte HHm -&... WI lltll ... ___ C!!'_~a · • · ,111111_ ..... 4211a..4 bdrm law bet F!illr Blltfs. Pvt br, ba. 1 Call,Royaa!mf!40 NIWPOIT IEACH . ..!2£ ...... f, ... ,.... CllHd COL09 ~w.-. 7tll Ill• lu ... t" ....................... !1 ll8d °'-· AulJ Comm Pool w/d. Ph1. 1• ff UN TING T 0 N Ptim toe oe i.my Pa« ... , ... ,.,..... t•t:All ll•t•D IA" ................... , ~din ltt, l;;.-".;;.T..UNT2'4 Ir. ,l!!Lm-p1IUPI Mcnrv Noli·Smkr mO • BEACH• Ctllllr1.Ntalforret11l ..._, IWd Call ft (Male) ~~IN~ CU:~ri ... . ITMT• AYllJ. WIMer. ••111 llhlhn ...... to lllare !ID· a.t~!lll 1'M7h I ... •• ..... ...., • olftte ... 1,00I II. . •·m ~ ,_ "K·"' It ...... U:' I • mu '1~ ... and '-tll. Ftm, !1111.r-fn.ml, ilce I bdrm ltome Male.»• ·11oms N•r 1 uJPrl•~Ornca w..-~ft••lil. -· ' -He ia bl&. m n1me aa mtUftl IMlt l Y,' .. tftt'rjq IH!l •~ ...... !•ny NmllNparea(Moe· w/111111 ... i1t/la1t. ~ ... .,. . .,0. rSl·ml •*1a.trAreta (1 >HS·'flOO IWlr..... and looks like a Polar Bear with ·;.e.:· wr:;.,. ..... _ .... ... CCJ CClldo a 111 CaU ... ,11111• •!!:@ •• Wstbar IOaU ....... , Nwpt ...,...-,...., ..... black .... Any http in loc•tlDI • -"' ...... wwm ' !lt..f•r•. w/alri••· ar.11m ,,,. w1.a.s 1Udo WIMlf,. ~ A•lillble ... lit ,,oor ...._•fl Int' atud· ... ---...._ a.. ·b1m will be apprecl1ttd incl ttr,: a 1. • • -. ..... = .... uorr ....... Dally, ..... w/J,.,. .. ,,__....... ..... ,.o callf{MlfHIR ---·~: ........... Sseand a-•DftlD! ' ...... ~ .. l& • ...,, ... ~ • ......, ntll JI& QI m.-• ~ --· mi. 811-1 ... .__... lllf &Ill Tnilt detd .. lltWftnll' '7 -• ti" ..... err. Ml·IMI. Ifill. 714 -lli·ltfl ' -~-";;.;:.·· •:.=:1. to asll? .......... ,.. ft . ., AnnllH '""'tJ. ....CML ~··· ~Call , ....... a •• .... ..... I ... Cll .... ~ .:t "---·-· ............. nt•111 1 I ~ ... .,...If ... • • " =· ' """""" ~· -._, .. ' ' ' t:ll Orlftgl Coat OM. V fltLOT/Saturd1y1 Januaty 30. 1112 !!t?r .. ~,1.~ ..... ~... ..... ...... ' .. '•• ~?e! .. ,, ... 1 .. 1•... ..... ....... ' .. '" MllitW.W 71M W.... 71 MilaWilW ' 71 MiiaW.... 71M ~ .,, ... ~.................. ... ................ e.-.r..;;............... ...,... ................ . .. 11111 ,:--.. • Mllll a....... I ~-Jltt.ldlaol Ttatber for alCIPTIONllT I Ml.D-loe. W1yatTtn TIAC.HEl-Jafut &~1.M · 2 PMt U.. 'fff". Wect. • .... lif C:.. roec1 unite. utan I I , letool lxptr. TYP9T. La1ua1 IUJl1 •Club, arlujjve pro-O....,...ot Protram y.jjii ltl4l=· ' 1'w .,_le atut. ~ 'Jh·Hl Coatael rd Our ll. Call ftrm ..... ,.. llfttral lhoP nttdt full·llme P/tlme, Mtmbtr of ~n.M:l117 II~ ol OptraU.1. atftet •'Ill•. lt!turatt tal•'ft"'°". XI n t ulllldAMpliury tHm. i=.~:-:; Cwler, KK-, PiT. -I ~"Pll ·I IUI ,.,.I Coa100 PROJICT llANAGH ''t °i I 1 \,; II w p m .:::..•;,,..C~I cm l Spoolol Id l Spoollll Olklualat1atfor ~liby • lnd•lch Piii, wttll more i.tun llvd., Patolma, CA. t•t Yur m •mu . Call Nra.· . l ·S. lmpartaat. Call: Jacllle 1\1 rH, S.lary + Wo19.Ml.14f·UOO l!V•llablt durln1 the UU· • • MUil ~. • Yl'I boiler :J~•low for appt . SALIM.ADY ~ST · toai•. Call Antlloay a'l!IT lum•r. Ex9erlenu MAMA.. tnllltr tralnlaa 6 I yr1 • 11tecltd 11ot(. T••• • TUNAGIRI cm ~_..,, bfr t.01· preferred but not -....... u p require project llCIPT'IOMIST/ 11ul, 1Pm._ t llt .. YOHI Aureuive t · Goad IDlftDtl'I to ~ mamt. 1klll1 coveiin1 PAIT-TIMI 9:30acn·tJ:m. Exper'd. lNn11er• to work for 1 App1Mtt 6 TV strvkt ~ c~~~l:~~·l:~ ,....Tuy. LOClkiq r IU rnw m:lnt., enaineer· t-2 Mon.Fri Workwhlle Soutb 011t Plau. tbe Dally Pilot 11· ~ eouter, parts ulu, cwate typill1. aeneral ~ carter 1': r:.e~~t:~ .3~ ~~~~1t~tl:a~~: ~l~• a~ __ lt t•ehor1o1t. ~· ~. t • ~=~~Ln1i'.!:1~r~tn~ • ( ·~ a...n. benefits. oMet dutitl. !xcenent .. ......... mont .. _ elot19111 fie Id? Thi• ly .• Oli 11nd1 or oil tVWWef .,...,..e. )'!>41, e. ...,.,..., ma w:e. ior • .... bl t .. h Dane·llrowa Co. m E. omnpany benefttt. Ell· """"-• ,.... NlldJac ,,_ u ,Ji Construi:Uoo knowledae i.-. appa,.l sbop ad· mw. ""'a • o wot .. hll l ........ perftact ~•ftrud. In our cate na dtpt. ckidllN ':tau. tar~:. ~•I• tx;b~cttrn ex~. helpful. C..U Ul~ ror vanume nt OP.Pt •y , boun, ~I• lime• • Good •tart sala.., Solid typ ln& and ror brfpt moll led. tspons • or o • g 't. buerlt1. So. cout wHll. Good Monty ' Aftw.MA.. ""'·blis .. ln& rm n•"'ar' plelllftlphOne ma,nntr ........... It rvlallt .. ' pet.r ocll t ml ca l , Plau. 545·072•. 8 . Trisit,: Pris". Contact ~ t I n1 • .. Deeded. Mii'!' PtOP t o ne ~ell •1ynrueta pro. llC.r· TYPI PbiUi llr uunther, 642· 4324 11 lllllalt; ~~n,f:a ~~ .. !ayae Airport. ~ltlou or Ill anaaer Jeet1 In 11 Western SA nrm bu open1a1 ror Extzu • '8 Ha. z br 1~ ba apt ,._.,-•· Ev•.$49·4134, If you are qualified for alaet • SaJnpeop!e. M•. &abmtt re1u~ rtceptlool1t/typl•t. SICllTAIY 1-""=..______ ~ avaliab&e rO.. manaJ•r Delivery/Salts l:hJt Polltion plea1e ull ~.!'!'!loyee btnel1ts before 2/5/82. Take ad sswpar, pleauot Patt time, 20 hour• per T111111•111•7-• ~CCUllULATION oJ a -··™ wt&ll • l'fm rent rec.tue· Call Between ll·ZPM. for app,olntmeot at, ........ ~ mercbandlJe to: EDD, 1001 S. Grand I pmonality It nHl ap· week. ~Pina• central _..._. yrs. Henredoa 7' Mia, ...... _.. .... , ............. 1 ... 561117 •smobt Ul between .._._...Apply at: Ave ., S . A . DOT ""'llaDCe. T"Pinl IJlcl. ol'llce routine r-ulred. lnunediate openln11 to btlae. 12as. l1tm appl. Every Sunday, lam· -··-..,. Del!Ftr IAIU1•·30PM ~ .. o.tpo1t •.m.mo. corres. & quotations . Some ca t c u1at o r work pleuaot eve. hn. Gll'Cleo tooil'• mlsc. apm, 1tutin1 Peb. 7. Anembltu. We will oAYtatf"/ perlOllAilea S:P.; · ......_Pr.a , PROPERTY MOMT Some lite tlnuc lal , k11owled1e valuable. 34 Mon-Fri. mo selllq, lllltam. ••· Z71'E. leth Oranae Coa1t Colleae. train. Apply 1 AM . Mortsf':"i7th St cj. Girl Pljdly ror Develop. H.OCll\vtt .Buay N..,.,. ~nter ~uliu. Coanpetltlve SomeflexlbiUtylnWOtk· liOUrly waae, call aft. ft!t!ftC.M.@1111 Palrriew 6 Arllnaton, llacOrecor Vidal•, lffl mentl'Urir:llusl bt self· Irvine, CA. due 1 op er a n eed atartlna u luy with Inc hOurs. Company fr· 1PM,1186-0l51 G1111e8ale Huse c:o.t. lleu. Admlls\qa -pt~a.Cott1Me11. . start~r • aood with Wiii stilt acceplln11 ap· n¥>tlvated selhlarttr to systematic reviews. lniebeneflt.uvall. Send Ta.8'HOMISAUS smll'day 6Sunday Jan. free to ~yen, ~Uer DENTAL~ST/RDA Ogum. Send Employ· plicatlons Feb. lst., handle : Pro perty Phone Cy Simpson at ~meloGeoeral~lec· Ftrpc11iUonopenforH· »SI t·4Plll. Dreuer, RM«'vationl/lnlo. Ah""1IOM: aper, ~rocresslve fc'e· ment hi1tory to 714 9-Si>m. manqement for shop· S58·2603 to arrange tnc Co., 206% B1111ne11 sertlve peraon with past Ida.I II bed, chaln " -~ Ambitious boys and ~':~e prut ~e. Adam Sllile 203 Hunt· Mldical/Back offlee pine centers, orrlce penonalintervlew. Center Dr .. P.O. Box lelenhone ulu ex· IMilnclaolotJMrilems. •••••••• lirll l•U years old to area. 752· 20 onBeacb Ptr. exp'd in EKG, mana~~nl, ' con· llCB'T/TYPIST IBS,lrvlne,Ca.92713. perienre Apply in WIPort WheelerN . .B. lwor\n1• one, w°'ee~•,oetetYltnnl. ~peril .Colreq~~me SK, h~~: .GflLRIDAY lNJS Venl-Puncturt atnacdidatt rundlnes. C•n· ~Est ablished export SICllTAIY penon at 166o Placentia S ramlly yard ule llOVISNG OUT SAhlLE • T k 644.o.181 e muat have pnoi:: marketin& Cirm needs Part·time boollkeepln11 AveC.11, "1/Sat9lo5.Jan29/30. Sat/ un. Evuyt n1 newapaper su scrip· flex.N.B.area.&42-6880. n!.: som.e respon. ..._.. _ _.r,:Ofc property manaeemenl Receptffy. pisttoanswer knowltdae helpful. THERAPIST I r lSZSSaalaAnaAve CM. 1ou Cheap. z old lions. Transportation Dmtal to grow F/tlmc. --b9cklf0Ulld In lbe shop · telephone ' sreet vis· 646-613l,MS.-S072 -II ant I motorcycles. old truck. nd constant adult Rovin11 A11lstant front SanlaAna.M0-5850. With some root ore ex· pin& center field. Al10 itors Various t upln& · Dev~ment. Proaram, C-1 ... lt! furniture, rookware1 supervision provided. ollice ' chalrsld e, HAIRDRESSER and perience. Min. 2 Yrs. COftllnletloo related ac· ~ , SIC'Y/llCIPT P /t1me. Member or Garqe sale 28th 29th eu Come early . .o5 E Call3to5:30~M . aak for pleaunt N.B. office, manlC\lrist with dlen· exp H.B. family prac· countina backarouad . , atturaey a must. Immediate openln& for tNDT~reediplill1 ary .... team. 30th. Desk. chairs'. cla:si Modena, Nwpt H1t1. Andrea, 54z.n21, ext. non·smkr, exper. &c x. t•. ad NB loc. Health tke. SU.36221 very helpful Must be Pleuant surroundlncs. experienced peraoo n • n1 -1md. display cues. NCR Cuh 1...;MM528..=...=:...------aa Ray lie. req. Salary plan ,vall , The Hair .._. __ "L "'.SST capable ol some book· XJnl ben~lts 'ulary. attrartlveSl&L. Position neceuary . Spanls_h Re&lster. Mirrored Everything must co! !!!!!!!•••••1!!!!!!!!!11 apen. 646-3481. handlers. s.2·11484 ~"' "' keeping & be accufale Good OllP ty for ad van· requires stronc com· helpful. Call.•J aekie elolet doors etc! Priced Sat/SW\M 1 Jade Cove _ Plti~. exp'd front ore. typut. Candidate must cement. Non.smoker on· muniution/oreaniu· Pow,S46-5760. to sdl . make offer! 315 SoYaJus. 9· down rme<f Dental Office Manager, HOUSllEIPll Some ins., It. bkkpg & be willing & ible to han· ~.IMS Equipment, 2805 Uonal skills ror varied TlllTIJMMH 12th St, Huntington ti/a, beice·2·dr fr, 2.-dr for leJ!>i'i:poANrted car ~!. !='~!~v~ :~:~: needed for busy pro· ~~a. Fashion Island. die heavy work load a rranca Rd.. Irv. daties. Good typlo1 a Mln. 5 Jean experience Beach. 980-6813 rr o s tr re e re r r i II dealerablp. Mut be lesslonal In Newport · .6'4-t\1111. Send resume & s.ilary E.O.E,S.58.QIOI. must! Call Kathleen. inallpllasesoltreework w/lcemaker. 2 stereo ma lure an d ex. =Yin~Po':t:il ~lorsi. rBeesap.ocnhs.i bMI euws ,1 o wb ne MBHCAL OHfCE r e q u I r e m e n ts lo RttM ail SaStal~ Clerk.27CoOsEta 754.1901, E.0.E. ' modern equipment. Must clear oul many an· spkrs. T~bles. lamps, AlTl'O ...t d E · Exp'd r o t 011· Classiried Ad I 1000 eaa taoners, · Or11n°eCoaslSavin"" "'--'I t of nft .... r amed rt t ch1.1n daahes basket penence . xcellenl lion returnln11 a igh transp S/hrs a day S r n ice Daily Pilot. P.O. Box' 17lh.St.CMlulltlme.ap· _.,. ... ic.ACato company . -.-. r P n s. . • ' . war:kinc conditions. Call level o1 esteem . Xlnt fr. da,) · k M p'M persoo for busy urology 1700 Adams, C. M re r In 11 top pa y & U-rge and sma II pieces .. ball stand & misc. Ngang at Saddleback Ince benerits. Sl600. + 'Sa wee 'A or · -office. Some back office 1S60, Cost.a Mesa, 92626. '" rson. SICUT"'•Y benefits. Irvine area. No reasonable offer re· Handymans odds & ends B II W./ s u BAR u incentive ir qualified. ~fg1=~~r~sa;~ exp. Need ftood rers. P/T restaurant help RttalJ -Pleaae call bet. 9am & fused. 1539 'Monrovi1 Sat·Sun 9·4. 3l3S .... 13=1~·2040="-· _____ 1 631~ -GoodH.B ~~ ... ~ltime, Thwanted. apply in.person Asskt.t M4Jr & ~':t~~,f~,~~l~~~t ~~~ ~m. 768-4751. Ave U, N.8. Sat 9-3pm. ~tra. C.M. Giesler & HOUSEWIVES .area.............. eTummy StuHer.270 S..fttnw.. 1 -·n· 1_Gi,.,":.::br,...alt=ar.__ ___ _ .~f ~~~wn '='.'tront orrice, Frr. Telephone interviewers Models & Escorts. Fem So. Bristol CM 751·3567 needed for contem· ~:CS:~nt opportun ty. ·~ ~W::, GARAGE SALE Great caraier. 2SOO Lake b d I '"" typist, hvy, ~hones. wanted. Hrly wage + Chly. Top• R E A L Es T A T E porary retail store. Must Toa_,...ct •• 1.1' "d• •. busi"ness 8114001boaE.p!r2!>°ulaa Blvd. Part Le .. Nwpt 8. an loo s. Apply .... bonus. Eves only Call M2·48S2 Aft 12. B R O K E R s " be dynamic' have good SECllTAIY .. ~• .... "'"' 64S-1$35 Newport Tire Center. pastOrtbo.exp. e~rul. Marge963.8919 ..... ......_._1.._._16_..,. SALESPERSON to women's wear bark· Immediate opening, mer fo r retired ex· SAT·SUNJAN 30·31 BOE.CoutHwy, CdM. &d bens.642-589'1 N INSURANCE ----sbareolricespace. Co ast ground. Exper ient'e parttime. for church in ecutive & family. Boot· Maytag electric. dryer ~RNITURE. TOOLS. Babyslt•er·Mature re· A ........ _11r .. ......a Needs tall attractive Hw N n. b ........t on1 ap I• S I Cos t a Mes a . 9 . 1 ~eepinc .. typing, bank· almost new. Beautyrest lllllC. 193 E. 22nd,Coata rereac~ preferred for ~rt';:~:-ror ,.,............ men/women for agency 645.~.ewport .. c:ac . '+;,m,i p1:a~er!1i~ weekdays. Ability to ing 'investme nts. mattrfSS,kingsiu.Blue Mesa.10to3Sat/Sun lilm/old ' 2mo/old. 5 pcllition with established l .. d1rwrtttr assignments. S48·7762 come In to: Apropo, •29 work independently f/tlme. Call Mr. Jones, IJld t,een couch, Draft· AUCTION days a week . Costa Mesa pl~asant croup practice. ~=rt o':e~~h ~:!~ft~ MUI~ AIDES I llAL ISTATE fa.shlon Island. N. B. 646-4&2 1e.1, Mon·Fril. 714-644·9716, Nwpt Bch. inc ard and misc. Everyt.hlna Goes! Sun· _area~_-'-"-"l:MS=----1 MI n. I /yr exp e r . and group benerns Need aJI shirts. Can earn . If .... RS 644·21652. E.0. E. nP'tST llmls. 673-IOSS ~ 11 am. (Cu b) Oak Ne wp o r l Ce nte r : Phone957·1122 Susan lil.00 per 8 hrs. Must ,. We are proud that e Saddle Maker $6.00/Hr SICllTAIY /DEC. Tax ~ea son. Newport GAIAM SALi! W...n1 set. chairs/buf· WYSITTll 640-1122. have exrer. & rers, ha h w Must have 3 years tx· Personnel/Advertising Beach C.P.A f irm. Dinin11 rm set w/bulCet, let, dUldreos brset, roll Persoa nee41ed to DOMESl'ICS Insurance Lescou le Nu r ses ve sue a suc.cessrul perience Will make & Dept has opening per 'fyplng tiO WPM.Salary, misc tables, lamps, pie· top desk, unfin tbl & babyslt6/yrold(irl1/br, full.Time Position in fGS Reglstry 351 Hospital l track record 1~. t,he repair F.ngllsh & other expansion · Nwpt Bch. llOO. Non-Smoking or. lures. houaeware, c a Pl , c h r s · everyday, Mon· Fri, Will • Hsehld Management. • • • Rd., Ste 119. Newport Ne~.rt Beach fine types of s ad d I es FU!ancial services rirm fice. vibraaor btlt & much coucb/loveseat. collee bavetomeetcblldarter NB Area. Dulles Incl Has openings fo r Beach,642-99$5 Home market •.n~ as Manufacture custom Goodtyping,shorthand. 752.5400 more.SatJanJ!l,8-43132 tbl, bookcases. bed· school at l:Mpm & keep Hsekpn c. D r iv in g. automobile sales reps in ' such need two additional saddles. bridles and exper req, Non-smoker. Cafeteria Work. Perma-Bermuda Or. C• frame. 2089 Swan Dr until approx. 2:•5pm. Scheduling It Some Hu nlin gt o n Be a c h Nunnng sales rrsons who .:*ant other strapgoods. Take Call 640·0123 between t Slil/SUn. Appliances, an· i-c ....... M""". --'-----MUST BE o E p EN. Cieri.cal. Salary lnclds branch. Inside sales no MUISIS AIDE to wor In a prolea&1onal ad to the nearest State 9-2. pt!' r"t ·Time . F No ti t 4 8 I A~ 4 C .. DABLE. MUST live. ~nefits.Enclish S~ak· progpeetl"4 attractive Exper'dallshirts.Conv. at m~~phere. enjoy EmploymenlServiceof· Weekends. Home Phone. =.aH~lm~oJt~5r~ .Mustucrificr$400. wltbin waltln& distance! 1ng & Refs Reqwred. compensat100 package Hosp. ~wpt Be~ .Bring wor Ing and have fire in Orange County. Security Guard Needed 673-4403Evea NB 1146--4364 960-4466 to Stonecreek Elemen· 521·2912 lncludin11 full compensa· your s~lle & Join usl zealous ~esire to ear~ a oor 783.381·02C> Ad paid ror Newport Dunes. ·SATURDAY 9.3 tary School. Wood·IDonutsbop p/time AM tion duringtraining Ex· ~ mir med .. dental substanual living while forb Em lo er. l2:JOAM to 8:30 AM. Mtld•llN 19791'\JSTIN AVE Gara11e sale SaL Stereo, bridge, Irvine. Please noexper. necessaey. Ap: celJent fringe benerits &c liCems.Call: 642·8044. pro~1d ing e~repe nt Sales·earn extra SS S 1131 Back Bay Dri\'e ... ••••••••••••••••••••• COSTA MESA dishes. clothes. misc call 552·0461 a Iler ply in person: Dippity includin11 company paid Office Manager needed r,rv1ces to their clients. part lime or Cull lime. NB.644-0510 ....... 1005 13911SbannonLn,C.M 5:311pm. Donuts. l8$4 Newport dental Rapid advance· rorcornm'I Real Estate 11 you are that person •••••••••••••••••••••••Matching couc be.s. l!!!!!!!!l•!!!!!l•!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!~I ment potential Some Bniterage in NB. Must ":nd want to work fu ll C8Jl66'7·8164 SBVICllEP Washer, dryer Re(n&. Solid oak rolllop desk· Blvd., C.M. auto ex peri en t'e & ave a good Real Estate lime, please c~ll Bill SALES ror sophlstiated card ro. ANNIVERSARY SALE IBM type. Set of dru~s wood. metal blueprini -------•I Driver wanted. p/time. casualty license desira· background and word 9de ror a conridenUal lm~dlateopening for a 5-8 hrs. weekly. hourly Sat 9·12 l.251 Surfhne mes: couches; mabo&. Banking · roe blueprint company ble, but would consider pr0t'e$Sing exper pre· interview.640-5777 full·time rtader·ad wage + mileage. Great JAN U AR y 3 o . CdM oak, teak rum: metal. mLEI inC.M.551-6978. nonexperienced 10 • rerably on Wang representaUve ror inside ror bo u s e wi ves . 10AM·9PM WAIBfOUSESALI wood she.Ives, desks: old FULL TIME Employment Consulting. dividual ir otherwise System. t Cote" Realt. y sales position. Must be mothers Ber. Sam. & art Door Prizes SAT &SUN 8:J0.4 trunks. 408 E. O~ean Unemployed Ex· qualified, 955·3680 assertive person with 5:-m. PB.EESoftdrinks For home, orrice & Front (nr Balboa Pier) Position available in our ecutives. Group consult· For appointment. call Parts & arcess. counter & ln\•estmenl past telephone sales ex· 548-4771 And Corree pleasure. Everythin g 673-56116 I Downey oHice. Ex· in& on current market. Cbarlieat549-8909. person. shipping " re· 640-5777 perlenre. App ly in Service Station Attendant GIFTwilbpurchase from Tupperware to ex· Misc. furniture: liv. rm. f::~ required. Con· Feb. 7th, 6·9pm SIS. J'.G.S. a.I.so has cdving exp. necessary. persoo. 1660 Placentia Part-Time. Evenings. WESl'IUNSTER ~c cars, not to mention kit. & bdrms. Old plc- Jody Love (714)675-5580. openig&s in L.A. County. Harrison Boat <.:enter. Ave. C.M 3PM lo tPM. Moo.Sal ABBEY tbe boats. 50'·120,000. tores. hs h Id misc:, 213-773.3061 & ii .... Gardea Grove. Dave or SAL~ Start, SUO hr, Must be ANTIQUE MALL US39Coley.Riv.er Circle. s.tt~n:-t-~. 531 St. An· EXP'e. r'.IA ~ Qu':1'-.1ty lron&n11.~'-'&pe1 .. orsonyoulor dhoommey Tom554-&p H you want your ad· . .IMIOHM ?!· !!_~_o67ver ~rs or mstG~dem&aiGilerAve. WF.V. laff-"i~wShol pe bet). drewsRd N tBch. CAUFOINIA FEIEUL ~, ..... 100001..Uewood Bl vd. Downey, CA. 90240 Equal Opportunity · Employer Bukin& COMSTIUCTIOM LOAM PIOCISSOI Spe I I d nJlWJ \ertisino mes a"e lo n.. -oucnoo.1s ..... e.~-. 5-£41i •un .. ,!ove arner .. ater . ..---.s•u C!a 1st. mme 11te Exper'd with ref's .. "' ... _, " .,_ . S . ..... .. _ 64l l340Don orJudy .._ .. _ _. opening. 125 lo SJOK. S'JS.412S ftAIT TIMI ach mo re people at Need xtra Income? PIT ..,...rvice tat ion Atten· ·· SAT. 9:30-4 :30 Costa Meaa Joe. Aero · "9p E d' b lower t'OSl Clussifi ~t 18 ..........,. • h · dants are Needed for Antiques. sterling silver. a.. • .,, .... b·Jf t of I __ .. __ I ... m. xpan ing yout . ~ .,..,..,.. .wuty s ann11 SUC· F\111/ Part·Tt"me. Ar.ply Cllaira: set 4 cane seat 1. K ~"""'· carrn•A• ·-........... ue.... UI e . s a· Comp lnc7H·957·6596 ..... oua<:ape, exp. ma 0• counseling firm has the way lo l!O! C<1ll Now! CtSS Ideas. Call Mlle to-at .,.._11• _,.,. San uan ladder baek·SZOO. Oak • _. ~ • bed. bdrm set , baby Escrow/Home loan ex· tfslanted. P!ee .. ~rsonncau.· ~~!'09an~t; ~gs ror 3-5 sllarp ~56!8 I day. 966-1918. . ....,., CJV4I slat bk·S50 .• Walnut rane me eh tools misc. items, ori g. artwork. ri p l ~ """' ..,, oulgOlllJ mature pebple I' I 'nn Hills Rd CdM . seat Qn AMe·S60. 2 Lyre Sat/Stin %2092 Islander Webtr BBQ, luggage, :.:1p/"hr~Joire to rorapPt. to motivate ambitious sovnBM bk ·S50. cane seal HB96&-~l8 . small apples, clothes. LEGALSECRETARV l0.13yr olds. Call 2 5pm I EXECUTIVE CAUFOIMIA bench-MO copper. rire SmaUitemstoqualJly an· decor. front door. 17442 ....... Offlu Laauna Hjlls. Recent 642·4321,ext.343~Ask for SAYIMGS.ILOAM ext&r·Sll0.:".•2"' Franklin 1 tiques.11·'500. Sat only OakSt,842·9255. Calrl. proba te ex-Andrea. . Part-Time Teller Posi frpl. never used-1250., 9-2 448 Isabella Terrace Gym Set 10". SJO. New F\lll·lime. permanent perience necessary. Ex· SECRETARY l ion ror our New din tbl·125 . twn bed COM (lop of Seaward Raft w/oars, 125. Patio employment for am· cellent typing & StH PASTEUP ARTIST Newport Beach Of rice. set . 751·0178 Rd. l Table, 125. Kitchen Ta· bilious person. 40 hr skills req'd. Call Mrs. Publication firm needs Require Cashiering & Ornate Walnut bedroom CUi w's ble. S20. Yellow Bamboo &:1t:~~ig~x~.'::!: Wins low for appl, exp. pasle·up, prodUt'· LOCATEDINFAStlOHISLAND Typing Experi enre 1 slite4piece.AppSl500. WCloltft Drexel Boot~asebS2S remd I . 93H060 lion SPft'lahst. Musi be Pl ease Contact Jane I Bstolr751·0178 Designer clothes. all Corner Writing esk. App Y 10 person: If:e :!~fr~i::':a~~~~ ~':~i=~~~ra~ee~:Pe.~IP~; Big 8 CPA firm located in Martin.521·9852. EOE · Anroir china Cab:chairs, sius. Neighborhood col· ::~~~~t~~~ POlltloa requires 1oao ..... ly........ for the City or Hunt· background helpful Fashion Island is seeking end tbl.s. chandelier. twn ledlon Some anUques Ave. Santa Ana Hei&hts documentation ex· sotmlCOMTPiliA incton Beach. Ca ll Xlnt permanent op· f . 1 Student Jobs beds, kng si comforter and misc. Sat only! 9.4 . ~eneeksome escro~ & COSTA MESA 960-llll84forlnlormatlon. portunlly ror right a pro e5SLOna secretary. HEYi ensmible. 760·9031 5L5 Femleaf. Corona del Moving Sale· Showcases. ~ bac ground deslra· .._..Offict Uquor Clerk."day bours. person Nea r 0 c. Typing 7 5 wpm • IOY5-GllLS Beawrul Duncan Phy(e Mar Picnic Tables. Plants. IACCURATETYPIST> opp'ty for advancment Airport. Call Mr T for s horthand 100 wpm, How would you like to Dining roo.m Tab led 4 SUPER BOWL full or Pool. Misc Furn. <Jfi loc ted " I t ak d m Also neededJ /time .546-4370 eam as muchas S.W.OOa chairs. Antique gull ed tools, stereos, games. Chandle r. Linens . ace a aneegan T e pboneor ers. I · "gh Irk C , .......... _.SO... capable Of working weelt?Doyoubkedrive· Desk. 714/536·1508 or Cumit.ure.401Princeton. Clothing It Misc. 805 Newport Financial ing, no bookkeeping ru · t ce . · ·area. .u1~..-Pl " 213498-6786 CM 5'5-0'lZ 1\ C M s.20364 Center. Xlnl . salary. 8:30·5. S4 hr start 9fi3.51LS;S49-1422. Sdayu week inl'luding independently, Well ~~~1.85i,f~~~ic~a~i1e1s1 J HaUtree.dk.woodS150., . own .... <>mstandin& benefits & Warner· Harbor Area. MAIL Saturday. Art or "draft· o rgan1'zed and versat1'le plus many ..... er lhlnos? Fr prov. twn bed W/ nile profit sbdng. For in· male or female. Need PIOCISSOI ing background helprul. · · · Then ""' " ~ ~Jr:Ek yp_ -Pimlned~~545-~013~1¥fk;--IMillshin~clnn-Jlu ._FU11 ~limfJ8ne.C~$ -Co.mp~t.~tive-st-a-rh~ prob~e:,~~~~~ 5poo1=ssoo I --~ -Offk~ t l.W. Airport has an im-/\pply. E ·SAY R sa lary and excellent rorus. Amer.LoomS300/0BO AMlllCAM mediate opening for 1660 Placentia Ave.. QU C I STAftlAMI Part lime general orrice bri.llbt self·atarter 11 a C.M. benefits. ' AUFI ATIONS : 964-4991 ---------==::::=:::====== SOONewport Ceoter Dr. ~~:~e t~~iv'i:~!i"!~: mall processor/ban· C •• 1 FOi ·-~ ~:~i:t~~~~~0!~1ede· AMERICAN I ""me" 1010 mcydtt IOZO NBa.o.5tOOEOEM/F ~25 hrs per wk. dyman. The right in · ,....,.,.._... ~ __,..,..VIII"',_.., pendable. PLAYER PIANO ............................................. . ~rt0ffice67S-6110 dividual should bt able Needed.par\~or~ 17141 64"-9200 3. Worltallerschool and ll!00/080.964-4991 1Sean 17 cu n rrost·lrtt 1-------BOOKKEEP.ER to wort' well with people L5 to2S hours per week V-Saturdays. TWOOAKANTIQUE relrig. 6 mo old. S360. WAMTED Familiar with taxation .._,.. Offkt It have a willingn~s to evenings and posslbly EXT. 247 CALL TODAY ! DRESSERS, Sl25 ea. Oria IS60. 20'" GT. TORK ER ' secretarial service. Ty pin & • r i I i n I • !earn. ~ ex~nence Saturday. Experience in 5.n·5936or 531·52S7 SS2>S2166 545-llm OR DIAMONDBACK Unique bualoeu op· telephone, mail. Full m mail process~g or I ad building or page EOUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPlOYER 8AM to 10PM Afpl91Ctt 10 IO Refrigerator. Hot point. Frame & forks, will pay portunity. &U-3683. time Mon-Fri. Salary handyman work IS de· makeup desirable Abili· s ....................... , Wht. sm. uptoSlOO. 536-9832 and benefits. Local tirable-, but not. ty to workrasta~dac· KARBORAREA 645'""2S IOOll9El Cofl>orate-office Good neeeasary. Good btnelit curately under pressure APPUANCE SERVICE Ne w be a v y d u t y Racers Wanted! Morning f/cf.~':"~'S!~i worti.ng conditions. Call package It. f11easanl necessary . Salary de· We buy used appliances Whirlpool washer ' traininc 20·30 miles. local mfg company. 962-32.34 working conditions. Con· pends on exJ.>erle. nee. -We sell recond .. guar. dryer, $450. 5511.0233 days 76CMl327, Steve ~l. TOO YOUHG FOi tact Mrs. Eves, 549-4834. The Daily Pilot is an appliances. 549.3077 Convection Oven Broiler S moMI!$ old. 10 speed cabinet Worker Wanted THEAllUMIS? MAllAIUCI equal op,ortunily ~ Cu~li'"-C.tt SlOO.Callaller6pm bike.woman's,1150. to Sbr F\111" Equip-d lm~diate openin11s for -STA.IT tBI e~ploy~r. omen and ( l ~ ) ~ Sink. stove, refrlg. 140. 646-2285 64S-S960 Sbop.MU52i,549-tsaS 10 sharp GirlJ & Guys The Loa Angeles Times :;:,r~:::P;i~e e n· · ! 411M-27811 I Freeur, upright. mo. Bo y's Jr . Varsity Caabler for ladies ap· wh>arel7,over& Free is looking for well· ~bmlt applications al ·-Electric dryer 115. Both Schwinn Bike. xlntcond. parel abop llbe I dis to Travel Houston, 1roomed, enthusiastic front counter. Sears Cotdspol frostless &deuld. M2·3S8S SS 080. Call after 5pm aclvancemut r:ept·~: ~h.!ew York ' people to earn up to lieo.t upript freezer, white. Magic Chef Gas oven Monday thru Friday. Benellts. So. Coast EXPNECf t.be USA. NO S4HIO per day fora few D Plot LS.3 cu ft. perf. running range aGO/blt It 17 c/f (714)962·19'74 Plan. su.072•. B. EC Wilh 2 week bouts work as p/Ume cond, 1275 or best ofrer. Kenmore refric rru. 1 _______ _ Plli1li expense paid training sales rep. Hours are JlO • t.y St. 6«).$434 S22S/blt Botti xlril cond. 2r IMIT 1111 I!· P r o I r a m · A I 1 from 4pm-9pm 6 train· c .... Mete. C4. Jf'xLS" Utton microwave 548,502:5 CAS.. trwportation guaran· in& will be provided. f ) oven, like new, 1200. ...:;:==-------l50/0BO. $31·"32 F/tlme. se>od pay . teed. Must be Neat. Your earnings as a \. ( ~ ) 641-7303 Rerrigerator . bottom l!!!!!••!!!!!!IB!!!mll!~ pvwth company. 5 loca· Sing)e, & able to leave Times sales rep. will bt NX...CIPT. ~ lrttzer. runs. 135. ATALA l• laclles· 10 spd ......._ Ov -w t h lmmedl1tel7 or Do Not based en a guaranteed Work temporary jobs Refri1erator, Washer C.11640-1933 Columbus , doubl e ;;,o c:rwaab.e~sO Apply. H11h Pay. Plus hourly waie ol $3.50 + closc!lobocne. Dryer, Freezer & Dis· 19 cu ft G·E relri11. It buttedtubUlg.SSOO. HartlorBlvd.,C.11. 11000 Yearly Cash eneroua commluiona. VICKIHESTON hwasher. S150 Each. pink. IOod con4, siso. ~lmo.GZSe C .. 1 1~ Care ' ~· ht Award. makes this an Since t1'is ii al new pro-'~IA'tES 'Newspa· per ...... ..... Bike: Powerlite BMX. • Ideal Op90rtunit7 for sram opportunities ror 540-0.00 REFRIGERATOR ; very XLNT C d r 11 HMelleepi~I N ed. Youn& People. For advancement are ex· dean. 2dr, auto defrost. COLDSIOT don • u Y rrom Z·SP• • • days Pmal Interview Call ceUtnt. Call now for PllSOtla --fl'Oltfree 15 cu ft 9Pri&ht ~~e SZOO. O BO 'wee-.J. Occasional Illa Blnaa al »7.-more loformatlnon ASSISTANT freaet.1210. ~ Own Trau. or aPlll1 in Penon at about thi• ireat. op. Personnel/Adver\11ln1 c • BANKRUPT STOCK 875-W Mlle: .. 1021 P.11Rr.Gt-5:131 I HolicbJ. Inn. Brlatot' portimlty. can •on·Frl. Dept. bas 0Dentn1 per a rners f Rilfril SJ• Walber •• • ........ _ •• Platina a Clasai~ed ad is SDrrtewu.Clll. 15'1·Zlll,gt. l.204. expansion · 'N~. Behl. Of l'Oufes We bou:~L~hem all. Dryer las. all clean. ~ 25•/FT • e•Y 11 dlahng your . Peoplewboneedpeople MAKE MONEY while at ~~rv~~r~. • Hu in . BeaCh super l'>w diicount wan1ood.548· ... S Red hi 8ttkU.11 llhane. Give us a call. should always check the bome. settln& up IP· exper .-, 'N!,.1mo~er: In nt ntnft Dri~. Refrill 17-ll cu &tin 12 cu. ft . upri1ht HI' '°"I: alto redwooo We'll do the rest Ser\'1rtDirectory lnthe pcintme.., ror eomm'I 64Mmbetween .. z, ..... , I It.·"'" dealer co.t "-"·•Int con4, Sl&O. rfn(in1. Lowest 1triu !_4Z-W11 DAILYPn~r -carpetdeanrn1.S5tol20 Fountain U-11.ay & Newport Beach DehwallnoelyStM.Gaa m.2144. 1uar Jlm or Ken 11111111 hr, work on comm. WANT ACTION? "YUIRS dry,....._ cltht1t ~ ... _._ 1011 lft1U111t.•tms. • • -.. --1 .... _,,,. Olllifed Ads MZ·5411B -u....a-u ,... -...................... : rauo PJTI..:_...,... ;,--" .... , I -.. -.............. New bidet w/pollslltd '••••••••••••••· etl'Gll~R~u:i~ •••td' , .... , ..._,hambin1r111 ..... i. . ~ •··.· . ·-·-~· ---.· ,. . ~. ~ 11 • leetlll ..... =~=· : --AM1-·S1l1r ~·-..... n OPIMM • GAAlf,~fN~1VE O•• ••••• , .. !· -...... 5.1:( .... : iaPtf. new1P1per display Hlflperson to • lJltl Harbor Blvd. ~ht, _ _flWt t 1125. ~itt 11 .• , : ....... kf1 ltCIOUll(a for Oraqe eo..t Dally • Mqtor route in Prime Newport • l!!....oocl E • G ... Orove I rww 1 .... n -· "*•••, ~ Plitt. Wirf, COU11mtul0ft and ncelleat Beach area. Low miles; ap· • W 11 MK CALL llf.all .... _. MMt 11•. ~ n·x1" 115· • .....,.., Growth apportunltla '°' ,.,.. e ~oximately 350 customers. e 5 '"'7'": CIRCULATION C •Pt • • '• • ~ en urw • ~ •IUI ,.,.., tmbttl••· Send eemplttt kd ho 2 ~s 'M\ft ••• Ir T.a.. DEPARTMENT ..,........ .... WP. .O..l!l:tm ""'*'°Mllitrellel.POloalllt,Colla e ff •Y urs :.,.,.. =~.,m. e •...-he•-....... I 1 =~"::.,~-· -· ... : : r.~;ii~%; : ....... ,..... ..... "'?." =e·--- i. .z • FOiler Ouellet at 642-mt. • ~= : OAAtJ• COAIT DAii. 't fllLOT : our ~. -·--.:!!~~-/ •••••• •••••••• .... !. ........................................... ... I ~ ,. Feetures: . .,, Air Cond. ""'5 Spd. ""'AM /FM Stereo ...-Radial Tires · .,, Bucket Seats ~MuchMore F•tur•: ... ""'AM/FM MPX Stereo , ...... , .,, 4 Speak....-. 157 I I .,, Full Style Coven .,, Luxury Feetur• "" Mueh' More . ~ . , ... 1134) (lll.4714) NEW ·'82-MAZDA . . . RX·-7 8AL••MO•O&Y ··184.9'. ::,11 =-OOMO.. -:·:: =~ . Loadedl Not Strlppedl ·~ ~=·i •:=.=:Z':laua-... . Mfg. List Price. •10,888.10 ~ ::"*'.-..::r=• --'82 --~ 11: l~YAL .....--..ii~~ IALE PRICE ML Y . . . '1 0,316 59 --AlllCOND., ___ ...,, ................ ·~··· arulleOOlltlol, AM/FM--.~ tpOr'8 "*roral l.IST PRICE 111,111.21 .rnore1c1er.001•> Cltk. > •W '82 TOROIADO BROUIHAM COUPE lncludel all power optlona, Incl • tempomatlc AIR CONO., pwr. -ta, AM/FM st•. ca111tt1, wire wheela, , automatic w/fuel aaver OVERDRIVEI (JD.1704) (Stk.7358) $ VI DIE.LI ...._..._ IALE Pm GR Y 11,41111 LOADED-MOT 1111,,Ell I LIST PRICE *17 ,44611 OllLY 03 features: · '-'SSpeed'-'AMIFMstereov-·, Cap Reduction -NONlll '-' Buckets._, Alloy Wheels · , · PER MO. +TAX ~=~~~,... Security Deposit·-NOltBI· 41 .......... .oa ..... ,3 .... 0MV., ... TOlalldYW!Olpmt.~.A7. • p . NON BI •••'r11••Tf 11r1111rl"' =·':.-::.=:r,r.:-.ar.:_,~J~:,~.t;l . .D~w" eyment -•~ s~ 111 s• rs~ •• NO MIDDL•MAN -D•AL DllllllCTI -W• -·~VIC• WHAT W•,S•LLI 1971 DATSUN 510 SEDAN 4 cyt. ==ne. 4 lpMd trans.. air ~s3395 11111a1111 11111· ,.. ....... ,,.. ...... ..., $2495 . . ;1111~ 111'11--..nTI "' ................ ,,,,,, ....... .., . t .-..11, cvetetll Interior. ) 5995· V6 engine, pwr. steering. air cond.. pwr. windows, tilt wheel, crui.. control, rallye wheels, white wired Interior. (900YYT) 1111 llTlll ·lllU .. ................... ""Ml/Piii '3395 1114 .. 1-.S . ·····-· .. . J ~Colet DALY PtLOT/k lUrday, Januwy 30, 1982 ~·-:-Hit~~-~ ....... -... --._. l•l•1 I HM l•t&1'~ na IHl"-lat-HftlaJ'll...._ ...... ff61C=--11~e. .. / 119, .......... ~ .............................. ..__ .................................. -~....... -.-... "_............... tiff AL111.;r.I t411 Yi 1 ;;••••• ....... **I IUY * * 1111 11. :.~r btd, LOllNO LIASI qldl· 1\tpewri-.r. Staadard. Y•IMaOrud, .... ua· -.1.i. ............... 'TJO'DAY 2'7'. 111tra aall1 -... ~ ............ _ ................. . .:J~ ~r11to~ .. \: QM _.,_,...,.' ~ , Stereo U........,,MlUai•t h'lll •MW, lietl, lbmilad II yr wan,'* -• fflt flll.lY c•a!atd, l1bra httawa umptMll.tl llAfllAYH Caaoa " ~ tlto A•uct1-01t 1 wUI ffMele.a.raU11 ea~. AU.= ,,.. ftl. !!!14t!tk •. 15T:fl44 ... 17tPlf.f7S-1M1 ...... ;; ............... moior. Stepped mut 1ltell·la1ulated. Pitt WITNU.PAITS ......,.;:;;71.-· .i.uu.,.vou •t111. aa.,., uUque ._. u-1: 190wc-.ilalleounttr _ ~,.-..-... Mot otr. ••·S130 • Fordtftbed... lm~carPwt• ---'--MA11111AICftOM ...... AU lint ~I OMt1a1 caaet, waltlna w/11.arllt pe bflow IGAlhall()rpn•btnch, ___.., --r m .1112 fG.M,.,·"5t IMPORT · o=.111 O~:i;.:~i: MtzMM,llMHI ·11tM91Qf7HIU ~ ehlra, Bn uty fL llOOl 'LPLMf·H72 r=: ':.rj:~: . .,.~.. ft.tte•I • ttJttJ41M.... f141 AUTOSUPPLY a..+~~TStolll • llal•. New. a Lot1• V~ = ~akMdt t:a.J:lrd{>'t"' ·r~ Dbl linll 148 34" 10.apd 0¥!'11500·IG·t7S2 .. ft e .. 11. SoUd _, ....... , .. , ... , .. AJ:!.N.Mtat"'#:p ZoomLtu •CaH.l350 .... ata 111. ltttpeu, •ma •1111 5· nntMlv~.!J~ia:'u' bi ke 20 " foldina Alldq11tDarkMabo any duk w l tll t'at c b ....... --• =m - l62T'la .llt.PACtORUtf.1791 · ~inallt·U9.ahampo0 bl.lle/~ralct 120 U t'b. Uprlibt. Xlnt Tine ... UleG1wpar Ml.1141508.rrwa_ Xlnt. t'Oll 1700 · nbw 1--~~=mi-• llUNO INNll~PllNO '-*J H7t .St.alrproducta. llHl32 Need• aomt Tunln1 dlafhy Sullllle•UZ ~.&»ltd ~tt&rmOM ._ ... EXTlA n lll .. u r ... -................... C.U13Mrl540r '77·'80 Toyota Corolla PIO. Mf,J!m ' ~~ p&lnt A I b t r I d e • I I n , PeuatOt Moeed, ar,at ... ; •• i-................... Mt. Df!tr M 1'ri hfrot, dbl )'tllow btld, .a.ts. lllllUIOA tralltr hltcb •PS Tow • ract/cni.•t tandem axle cond! lo ml 1285/bst olr OW..S K,.!_~c:'D trr,· ~l = eac. M dfi. Never rr:r:.llM w /ea1e 6 P)W& 175 zz &a.rvlv•I n· bar•. 5$1"'40 ... IOtJ :.:-:ct::~etd lrlr, Olli + xtn. All xlnt, Uu'1f.2i35aft 5 TONN EAU COVER 'T",.. re; t • t q11 ... 111.. wortl · SK. MM. 3 fie ln. 'tove ieat 115. Mal'• Nillllki 10.pct. tall ;;;;;s ................. • llinlb)', Doily biquall~ ... ,175. ttd:J:!dwi/ P\tt MO'e, '11·'11 ;13,:.;.iJtsJtn! 1 · •· cllbClllJ •lldtl. an'' tall• ca1• man frame 175: 15' color ComPeCe lti Stt, ~ •P'llted,cuuuover 7't.f!l=ff 'Si:.... tllO Ne11tn1ed.175 &11c r__........ R . Ulw!Uxboaw.tff.!lt If!!!> JllPS· Gove rnment Portlb\e TV, l/yr old. one Ume, Rolli~lal a· .U.,. CruilttL Volvo ••;;;;;•••••••••utt••• MariaGMm lvem11 ,_II --1n et. pupe, Waterb t cl , comp New men• lOt aold 1,.,1 111, Listed for ll.50.~1.-.. *ii, lalomon,i lad 11• •aomoltt.tpachae d luel w/ cnolce ltlO"--A c amp lnta, •hot•• w/framt ... \er dlt --·~ tdDO. sell a •oo Sold for "'' '"'-C t ~· SllO. Nordh <HotavalJMDUately) Nt~ort moo r ln1. ~ UTllOOYWOll& wormtd.1115.5'5·?... llkenewi1a.w.1S.""~ ' W ·8S-,9HIP Por into Call (312) CC me mberi:r' SJ200 ~~T '7J.712A .l•'-115~.Call498·11629 HAWK 400 ..mt.up to 50'l. ott your Sm Wilt Poodle Mix, 110. Ti' lAvelHt -· ltaPP.Y Valent .... Day •·1911. Ext p pimlrwlf".<fiu ...,.,.. ·-· 8:1at traJlet for 14• boat Great SalllnJ ! 10· ~~~Ei~·;:J~~ • ~Mttj~ll32 Lovesl*. ..4 w/ltddlal SOIDil Lucky Peno.I T14M-l4U ff•t11Dt .... 1"4 $lSO I U'O?U 2700 Lebman . Co m pl 11·1'71 ' , Oil Hall ,,. .. WCI' Gold ltar SapMre ..... To Believe! 4 -................. 0reai.1tlvd. CdM' wlt.rallet/aailt. Bit olr. OMLY SltfS IMMtfwS. ~...... ._ 11· I nda 1450' • DlMnood lla1, •u. UDl que Span It h l!flTm Mcwl.a.minston.1100 • · •18.*-Sl@i UU.MOTOIS AIC-lbl t Mi Olll .°"6 Beel s.i -· GoldODaa, U'-rty KHd a.u.iaa. (4, S~ I'-', ..... m1p1m, lZ 1a. SO" 13' KO.NA KAYAK Ull:e lllaodtl SS wood aloop 211Z5Harbor81vd. an...o.I'' ~c • ve AmDtN . .w. ...W . 1't Tldi, D . 11 er T~'> Portelm ulll1tr .-DI0.84M772 new. SH to apprec S125. with slip In New ort. COSTA MESA .. 1_.aoo rbstolr. Kl 1 · b d GoldlUu.l&fU·GH .Ian • Vaua. Lead Stactabl., aolld over· lit ST5 takes all. 2'70lb 113Towne.c.K."6-2752 Needs wort ~'Oeo t7t.ZIOO oN ._ n11 ze w I l er e Dlamond •• ....i Cry1tet Cinnabar et• PIClinl cratu to ..... t be h AKC ci.ow l~ yura, w/beldboar d, abelvea, -.·~r~~ll· d';11 J'rtncll 'Nautical, ,; cqanlze warebouat or Ji' r:'k c::Unprt':r IMh.M .. HsH/ Muat seu.us.irr ~~~.blkt Good female. Loves people. ~ nice cond. SlOO lllll'llliept .... ooo. u .-~~ Qr andfatlter Clocks. e;11e. SCIO 1vall1ble. :' dwnb_ btl.ls. All'lron . s.r.tc. fOJO IMour ~ windsurfer, .......... uun _,., Nffda Id laome . S300 · w.att. er-.. ..._ ~ CMtotaJ 6 In· ltlolftr. 12:53 Loe an •ZJIO ....................... IS:iO. can, ndy 642·4426 CaU&at•lT D.\VENPOl(T 6 -' -dim Riip. Please Call ! Cnr Fairview ' , . . Marine Electrician 6'2·lll03 '79 Honda CB T50 K. 6K •= ·~~~.P;r~e t: Uk~~!AT,l:.im 'iii~:::~~ lll·:ATISAU Baker1,c.11.1sa.5402 t~=.k~~!: c;t~':iail~~r ·t:"c:••/ 9070 ~~.e~er . S1800 '550.. Pets Boarded 6 Superb table l I bartaln Yow diOlce only SlO per Stamp collect Ion, anti-'2~ 0 ~·~mo Se:~n:r: SOlORIX ...................... • '76 HONDA Groomed. 5'6·2848 chain, modem loveseat at.me!! 840-MM quedoc:k cubic llrc. l 6 Camera, Sl~. TV Movie f ~~ tolO Newport Beach boat slip 250MT. $400. frieteY• I045 ,~~1tebv~ / t lilen'~lalch by RADO ~.~stoiiesh.1 statuary, &x.1125.541-2155 ~~~eafv':rtr.ei:f~: •• :::r.: ........... ~~r~~.t:~~~r~ "T.J K !::1~~~T · ..... ~ ................. ---.e c 111 w cu ers, ~proof. paid over ~· was n4 macb, Playboy poo ~ Dielel_ en&in_ e 4 o l 50 toda , a . n· FREE AKC Golden blue. Down bac k Sl.000 new, will take ma~. f1&rn., 48 Cad Mln1l•1w RI.I · .mJe. · h bp,PlthtinderS3500.' upaeer... ple.S750 Ron relriever, Ible 3\.'a Yrs. Nlhion.112$. fn..1133 PD. S4M11t N.B. DdO. a.1835 WMd IOI I ~·~Rem 1 C:~~r &U-5175 1'1·6635 Muport ....... 642·21863 562-1680, alU PM SofaSU0, 2cba1n Salt/Trade 13 Saopbiret Play pen parrot caae ......... ~............. set trii&er, s.n5. Ru1er Divorced, Mull Sell! New Da, wk. month 646·~51 EZ-BERG double bucket Free Fe: cat, apayed Jiu llO.new~ery 11,1' Canta total w/ap. '1$0, rattan &lass top W~Wl.R M·77, Canjar aet triacer, Barienl 22 Wlncb, tl.50. WANTED~ Slip. ex· for BMW/7,SlOO. allshollneed1TLC.call ~ pniaal,ll11stSeU/lhlte dialqset w/4 cbrs S350 7mm Rem mas S220 Assorted Bloch. 2082 chance for us e or &?3-S06l/770-025G &Ql2 I Piece Oak DiaiD& Ht aftereat.111112 11 CorvetU ma11 SlOO. 20"G , KER 67J.S061m G-0256 ' · Myers Place.CM. ma1n1f. 47 • t utte r. '78Husquama390 Fem Deerbound/Lab Smtnew,saerlftce llOO t' .. uy 1171 Dl-&'ilO -FrORDl:~•1ifK SM.. .... .t INh,Power 9040 157.2194 Aut~~~i~:~s mix. Loveable, obe· cuh.S3l~eve. -.................... Corninc cj{ciimit' stove ~SllO ~•Y ._: _. 'tot5 ....................... H.1.IOATSUP 'llOBMWR lOORT ....................... IMPORTANT NOTlCETO READERS AND ADVERTISERS Tbe price of items advertised by vehicle dealers 111 the vehicle claaslfied advertlsiog columns does not In· elude any applicable laxes. license, transfer fees, finance charges, fees for air pollution con· t.rd device certincatioos or dealer documentary preparaUon charees un· las otherwise specified by the advert Iser -.... '510 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Will Trade MG for VW or! , 4ff·472Jhn client, paper trained. COMPLETE BDRM S580. AllCOMPllSSOI t:t, ~ ~ away dbl • ....................... Plrff FOi BOATS For rent. 646-4419 Low miles, mint. 1479s. ~aftS Sofa " loveseat S300, 3 1-p 1 ph11e 10 aal. -.014S. Old T dd B LOSJNG LEASE, quit· WW Bassett Hound needs lov· Matt/box sprinJ s: twn vertical, code t ank, f\IU aiMl!i solid slate pool Gtnna: Aa{.rie::: ~;. tine butineu. selling out DHlf I. Sldff MoorhMa NI 673·506l!770.0256 ,..,.11 Ing ramUy w/yard, loves lllO. full $90, Qn 1130. never used. 91195. Terms. table with balls ' <'Utl. ~-·640-2314 ALL supplies and fi x· 17' Wb I 65b t I 'Offer 714-720·1440 5::f~1 w~h~l'!et s~~~~l CliMiCs fUO kids.675·1370 ~'En~~~2~os.E1>~~ m.mi . ~~· 1495 OBO. tDlsuraplincJudinc: • . xlnt "!i~~·17~·f1;:i: 91p availup to~· COM ••••••••••••••••••••••• Calico Cat, female, fixed 770-Cll0l · · Heavy Diily Milwaukee ay <'':'ff, waiting Dys · 752·7733 eves· area. '9.00 per ft Call CaU Brad. 644-2999. __....51 & d e c t a w e d . . . ILC.o PQtiaber. l~ RPM. IXBCYCLI W ANTID room rb~irs. Beauty ~IS. ' · PeuY Pattison 9M-2473. lflO HOMDA '"-" • Housetrained, gentle Dining table ' 4 chairs, Goolfcoadltloo1750BO AlmoatMW-S65 00 LEATHtii'BlKER' Salon bairdn:ers a~d Cl i 24 , Cudd bi wltiiaysS.5 O...M. t 'S7T·•D 673-23311 bedroonu et. 991).2'180 631-2242 . JACKET bydraullc cbaJrs. m1r· ~r Xl Yd <"Da nk Sidetleup to20'16/ft Npt 11r..a .... ~1s IMTOWM! ~'239 Boys' lar&e or men's ron shelves and plants cnaser. nt con · oc ' _. ,_..., • HST Offlll Blac~ Lab, 2 yrs, good Mfet.. f 'tw.ood ma It Briclpporl Mill, new coc:i· Jahn Wayne Tennis Clu_ b small aiie, llea1100able. ~ malte-UJ>, ahampo0 avail. ~67S·5703 Is. ar~~·~alnland ac· Only 7,400 mUes , <~U ~ 1 family.dog.Loves tads. rmilh&0~20X .l6 Sl~S ditlon, some toOling, family membersnip, 536.9132 andha.lrproducts. I S' Gr egor . 20HP cess. · Excellent shape 1• 5-49-2339 Dinin& set Fruitwood Jl,000 pp5'S-7827eves. !:"· 640030 bet. Jt·S Call6.'U·97~or Jotmon,trlr.Sl4oo. loth.Spttd& call 55&-9299 aft 6pm FREE to good home, lS red maple finish . 2 arm . -~ . 'Wanted: ski s, boots, after6,lllMI09 552·7120 Sid fOIO ' Must Sell loday week old Labrador· chairs 4 side chrs 11x5S All COMPllSSOI Girls Gym Newport hfe Poles • apparel for 6 yr yy ..... 16' Reinell 100 HP Mere •••••••• .. ••••••• .. •••• 81 Honda C812S. 400 ml. A~strallan Shepherd w/10 'in leaves. $23S. l bp Binks, 110/220, with ~mbersbip, $100. Call I old&irl. 640-5078 lift ShrM IOH 08. xtni cond $3500 Shiada Hull. Offshore exrellent cond. S62S. • ~.631·55211 . 146-0107 new~•hoses: will in· Kimberly,64s.l743. ! ....................... SIJ..l700orS3l·2262. Raceboat w/Tandum ... 85'7=-'-ai46-=------• Lovin&oldco~~~ruonS. Ju~y1. Freezer SJOOi 4 antique elude 2 .he. 3 ph. 220/440 Hotpoint Single oven Ml*1 111 ..&... IOll Sanaui 9090 S300. Teac '79 17' Boston Whaler Trlr, IJOOO. 951·8524 'llO Yamaha ~ Maxim, S yr vu.:aer parue ·· chairs 17S ta·, Wicker imtor. szso or best offer. electric rante1 30"x43 " 4W www...... A7300 Reel to Reel S500 l<OI~ 6h~ Evinrude lo INh, ..__ fOto dean, xtras $1450. ,._ ______ _ Steve~.111.! tlft._..~ C:"llO ~ MA UA.:t k • h M ···········•••••••••••• 08()"" ~ • ._...,.. 1t..111t. .. ~ J• --couch S300; oak dresser --· _,. "'" e . nr • e" Alto Sax good condition .,,..._ hrs. F. B, Bow plat.. ••• .. ••••••••-•••••••• __ __.....,..."""-=J=-""'--- Female Cockapoo lap $100.645-WO ~:S.tti!~ 112~~~~1.ls'ro' suo o.B.O. Ask ror Mtw IJ"'C....TV etc. r epl. cs~ over OIY STOIA"( Montesa 250 De.mo f.n· · •cdlMllice~old doc. needs loving home. 7~· Sota ttz Love seat l"lllootrewood T Saw. 536-~ · ·, Kevin 5'6-722S w/remotecontrol, S2?S. $13,000 .. 18,450. farm dys a duro Street/D1~t Bike \. lf57~ Travels, potty train, S fls. 2 matched Chairs 170. lO"Sears. R Saw Marshall 100 Wall Copy 91.\5-22'72/!63·'1333 55'1·7342eves631·5S86 Under 500 m1. $950 Three taps, full power, years ol!!.i_. all sh~ts, peach. MS-3604. Arm Sawl SlSO. :t:<>" Gas, MOVIES cabin .... u•ing Celest1'on G.E. Blac .. and White 30' Sea Ray Express Monthly boat • R v 7$1-1508 wire wheels. Com pletely neutered.. Trunks she IS a . . Tas, Heo1e Tnmmer, =-..., • • B · 1 d' · stora&e for any size, 24 ed Se · Cl littlegirl.497-6329 Din1ng/11me table , 4 p00.64s.1l20 111 your home. 40 ch TV Spkr, 1170.00 Chuck, T.V. 10 inch. 17S. Call · nsto con ition. hr sec ur i ty, fr ee ....,.._,,Sc*/ rest.or . In ruor ass I chairs $85. Dresser with converters. 24 hr movies 714·534-8687 atter&pm. 646-228S $49,000. 857·0198 launching ' washing W /Storep f 160 in its division of com· ,_ucllut 1050 mlrror$7S.857-Sl61 Mlle•••-1010 &c spGrts evenl'S. l price Violin·cheap. Guitar . BEAUTIFUL 2S" RCA SEA RAV Z4 rt F1ybridge privileges Newport ~ ........... , .......... petition. Serious in ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• Safa 9', good condition ·~··•••••••••••••••••• installed. ~.95' S99.9S nylon strin&s. Epiphone color 'IV sale 2 yr wrn· twin 470 Meres · 40 hrs Dunes. 1131 Back Bay 79 South.wind. ma ny qliriesonly Contemporary Parson Country print brown Cir Tap carrier. Fils All 496-1111 CaJJaft 6494·9947 ty FreedeJ total time. Many op· Dr. Newport Beach xlras, nice &c clean 7 ........ Slf Dillin~ Table Oak Par· tones ll00644-7183 Cars! Only Uaed Once. Mink Stole. Go rgeous Offlu ~ llit & ·'IV Jobn"s 84§=l78I Uom. $22,500, 116,000 non 644~10 SIVim/080. 857-4172. • "' quet op W /Ext, 1200 Loveseat w /2 cushions S41US1-1322 silver for your Va len· .,.,;;:.. _., IOIS 12" Sany Trltiitron &\!ch auum. 165 equi ty. Vern, "T.J .EXECUTIVE ZS'. ZSK l!!!!!!!!!!lll!!!!!!!m!!!!!!•l!!!ll!~ 752-908& 1120. 6' co uch wood Ol(ygen acc. weldin& set tine. Was Sl,000 Now •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• cont, 1 yr. old.' S32S . ~r~~e~~::hs CA ~ rt....t.1 ~1.~~ Xlnt cond. 72CADCOMV Couch, 8' gold/green frame w/3 cushions S60. on roller cart w/all ac· l250 SECRETARIAL CHAIRS 4f1·3l0t or562·1658 1r•tf a....... uu .. ,.._ Eldo. one car owner. crushed velvet. xlnl 644-T190 cessories. $400. Lincoln ~7006 131 Gold. s6s earh . QtmHIP'I Classic Bay boat 23' •••••••••••••••••••••••WANTED F.M.C. Motor newpJ11ntto hip estbid-coodS195.646-2219 Girls bdrm set. ,Bed w/ Arc Welder. all ac· S46-JIB3 , • .-. · comole. fcart Chriscraft hapstrake in· Arcr91 fl 10 Home. Send Info to v der.61s.7961 Elegant din. table, 2 lves, hdbrd. mattress, end ressories $300. 842-6418 ...... CW. ol estau. ll~me er ort, board w/hud. can keep ....................... Parduccl 780 E Gobbi ~to 9'9", 12 ·'"al...,, bl . Sal -Inf R-' H ~mbersbip f7S. RIC· ..... ' • IOl7 \411 tJ• 12 spkrs. dual slip, szsoo. S7S.i'246 r-w-&......I Wah Ca 125482 . .... __ ._ .,, ......--.,.., '" t e, drssr w/m1rror a •v.L.:.. r1 c:u eat quttball, swim. nautilus ....................... t~. rffi to reels. p · 1 0 d ---' · ..-- cost over $4000, make of· SS00 OBO 642-6173 afl Lamp ~1 Table Lamp 21oc. 64M2.00. Tom Parrot, dbl yellow head, lt-~)l'll:a: + ca5s. Make s;,e5~~~u;.,:aler~neAll '77 1'210. ~lded.. 0C AP Tl"lllrs. f,...tl f 170 ••M6• * fer.837-5521 5pm SlS 1770 w. B'alboa Blvd YD& tame w/cage ' ofter.-1376 s· S · SOOhrs mtn. Call Paul or -••••••••••••••••••••• Will Tak.e Be.st Of fer_ ------•-!llllll!Pecan DR.Ht.-' clln , lit· N.B. SCIAIJl.lEJS -· laY n. Sac. S6SO. !I MA1tR1 AUE SA[."£: ~~ chock Boals. Jim. 714-~S2·2288 or '16 35' Comet STh Wheel, Great Methanical Con· MUSTSIU ed china cab, CQst. tbl Two bed s, Ma p i e IMt'lll(IS ~. 4 ecaa le cage Pioneer slereo w/turnta· . 2J.3..628.502l rl, nice' spacious dltlon. All New Parts. Mabo1any double bed pads. comp!. $600 booll:cue, hdbrd/ftbrd, WW @5.673-380I ble, tuner. amp. eass, 2 IMh.a.t/ 'p Ceuna Cardinal, PLOBO.S52-S200. Incl Clutch, trs, Etc. with mattress. Moon 6'2·191S, S46-8S27 nite stnd. $75. 8 trk Nether -Onion _ "-a 2'r.! IOto llltrs. 2 stands Ir Aodio a..ttr-9050 l.811w. St.2.000 or beat of. Sl15 Recea\ Tune· up shaped mirror on bead· h."n••"-·-ty D-1·eners player. w/2 1pkrs sso: r •.....,-Sldist -I 1lass cab. 5 mo old ....................... fer.'73-347•. • ~s.rnc.. ,... cam Days, 499-3901 , boan1 3:-soO'h D ~"'s i & 0 writ troo 1lus lop ta· Vl-'EIGlfl' -·•••••••• •••••••••• MUST SELL S69S OBO YAC"'1Mei ·-IAcceslOrin f41G .497·5372. Eves.499·~722. s.'500080 631-7797aft6 SbowroomtoPlace f'um b&e14 cb.n$.W.l40-2I019. UtOe boy after bein&I I sol wortbll,000.641·1664 CONSUl.TAMTS c;::1s.S./ 9120 ...................... -. "Acccess. <New & Anti· 66 gal aquarium, u.oder lmodled down br, a little ~'f.'1 E~<"~~t~nd~ RCA lt'' color T. v. only 1 Charter/Power & Sail ....... _•••••••••••••••• • liljdielln tir~.·~ like '60 MGA 1600 Roadster, Sofa/Settee L-shape 13 ft. que) On Consignment gr avel filler, ~ ew &lr1: "Women, I 11 neyer ticllL S'191. Call '75.cl898 mondl ol:d: under War· Npt. lkh. 675-2960 7"7 mlnJ tent trailer in bC'~ ne'l\'. 14 X 70. CUst. plates. xln1 cond! Beige/woven like new Buis. -.Jul , 831-1750. pumps, acceuories. UndenUnd them lfl Uve e\'tl and weekends. ranty, paad$422 wllltake I "Your Vear Round xlnt co11d. Ideal for Raised lellerina. SUO See lo appr! $4000/0 BO $325.673-6261 10to5P~. ~.754--64N. tobe~Gln'." · I PO.~llN.B CbarterServke" small car.$3SO.M8·63S6. ott0967-8067 ~77S7or 64s.7S3l Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes-A-Line our famous "II ,. "I • DIMES·A-LINE ADS MUST BE • Bring them or mall them with correc:t cash to D8'1y Aloi, 330 W. l•y St .. •Cost• ~ta, DIMES·A·LIN-E PLACED BY 3 p.m. ON FRIDAY. CA. '2121 ' FOR INFORMATION CALL • Each Hem must be priced wfttl no Item over $50. 20c pe• ltne -S1 .DO mlr lmum. LOIS 642-5678, ext. 319. • No l111eltock. produce or plant• ..ii ..ii • No commerci•I •d• allowed AM/FM Multiplex stereo LO MB AR D bra ss s SPEED &hwinn 135 IOOLD leaf chow tables PORSCHE cover S4S E LECT RIC c lothes ,INFANT'S car bed . ROUGH Sawn plywood NEW Kraft series 71 SKIS Head l~m S35 with record changer Enclish Lion waste Two eod tables SZO (3l S20 each Wood Saddle pad $10. Wine drye r. works great S20 usablethrough!i months paneling :Lain intenor dual channel remote Hac:l Jr Freest) le and s peakers S4S basket SlO. 14 Inch each. 8 foot sofa 'S35 shelves S20 each Water basket Sl2. Azt« slalue Mouse rondo, 3 story S8 SlO. Mechanized swing and extenor 512 earh 15 control unit complete 180tm MS Tire chains AM/FM clock, light. polisbedbronzetray $4. Record player S20. softener $15 Chaise $10 Dishes. glasses. Boys Huffy bike. S8 Very unusual play gal. fuel storage can SSO. Chrome oak and forlargewheelsS1 Car we a ther radio S20. 10 Inch solid brass Radio Sl5. Trunk S50. lounge SS Cryst•I tools soc S20 448 excellent $25.5S7-3S33 pen SZS.548-6089 SIS Wall locker S doors cane chal:r llke new$35. surfboard carrier S8. Built-in comer seat S50. 5 pit oon s 14 . Br ass Kitchen dishes 25r·S5. candle holders with gold Is a be 11 a Terr ace . DIN ETT.E table and 5 . 6 8 C A 0 1 1 L A C 1 661n high. 18in deep ~· 1'wll sturdy 30 inch prof. Nike track shoes 6 1~ 12 i.nch portable bla.ck trumpet deco piece $14. CI o th e s is c · S l O. leaf $25 each. Desk SSO. Corona del Mar. • . S Lug ISin Chevy nms b1r stools SlO. Many and 912 $6, 2 buml'r hol and white T. V. S25. s string cased banjo 1.15. Rollaw1y bed new S50. Antique chair SIS. King cha irs S40 541-7l69 Fleet W!>Od pa r~s 2 S3 each. 2 into I txhaust solid wood chairs and plate i10 Farber"' are Typewriter portable Pair 12 inch antique Alumtnumsheets fora water bed frame SIS. STOVES $SO each . DE CO RATE your Rimsl4mShole fitsall system for Honda 360 rockers S4·SSO. Oa k "Open llearth broiler Sl5.8tracktapeguts S8. wooden candle sticks s to r age s hed SIO . La mps SS·S20 Rose RefngeratorsSSOeach. mou ntain cabinwilh old :~g s~M~rs4Sl~~~~ SSO.Highsecurityround hearth rot'ker S50 $12.844~ Variable slrob light 112. with bras.s inserts 17.50. 646·S482. 2401 Orange velvet chair S25, Baby Desk S25. Seq~·ln g Northland wood skis wheel t'Overs perfect key lock for utility box M11slon oak rocker S20 IS inch Ure and wheel 6 inch embossed sohd Ave. chair $4. (31 woo:d room machine ca binet $20. 110. Cartop ski rack eond itlon fit large Cads St. Cash only 645·3996 Old oak till swivel ortlre MIRROR '-1th wood 518 S20. 8 track stereo with brass English planter dividers all fdr 125. Antique small tables with loco $20. ts inch SIS each, SSO set. Pair of KENMORE washer and chair Sl2 Charming Prints SI SIO Chairs record changer and lions feet $4. Old pewter ART deco. 32 in<"h solid P 111 ow s. v a s es . Sls.135. Tools Sl·i20. 4Sll Zenith Black/white TV ~ de wood cltllds chair $4 !iO S5·S20. Lamps SI S20 speakers s28. Radio bowl $4. u inch classic brass table lamp SIO. figuerines Sl·llO. Wood Broadway, Costa Mesa. works good $25. 548-M:H rear en , r wheel-well gas dryer. Runs great. v 1n 1 age w 0 0 den Trunk $10 W1l'ker chair Control bulldozer. as is brass candlestick $8. Butane gas outside lite co tree table SIS. 64$-4461 befo--_ cov~rs in per fe<"t looks terrible SSO each be d stead S3S Te S20 Cash reg1~ter S50 •• B tudent doubl '".,....... condition SIS each, SZS •u .1 .. ~ n Sh SIS SlO. 2130 Doctors Cirde. Two old brass Menorah .... rass s e Westclirt area. 1601 bolh. Factory Am/Fm ...., '"" i dining. ktt<"hen and avrng mirror Apt D .. Costa Mesa. 17.50 each. Solid brass chimney student lamp Ruth Lane. 646-S:JSS FULL s11e maure!S and 4 CHROME and black radio with 6 spealrers. GA RAGE door opener. ' coffee tables .s12-sso 45 Water pitcher signed 6427589 English rire wood or $30. Many old and boxsprings sso. '67 VW lealher Director chairs 1200 value for S .. O. complete S3S. Door 1 1nch round dtnind table eHnadll l5a2bl55!• S~l21uh4oiioanayk · antiqueoill1mps ~S35. CO LORBURS T 100 rearbumperSS0.'67VW $20. eac h. Ladles .. "' ~ FREEZER h magaiine basket Sl2 L I 16 . h lid . t t Sl 5 dl5 tank S50 646-8132 0 d bi k S 0 Bumper juck SIS. Trunk h inges with safely with beautifully turned Bentwood chairs 525 . c est type, Ten classic solid brass · ove y inc so ins an camera . " · l -spee e S . antique legs $35 Large Older. Works "1ne S50. pol1's"-' br .. u oil table Strolee car seat neece 631 ....... lid. 4 doors with nnwer springs $3>. 5S7·«1k> · · each Pair p1'nk b~ade 11 fl replace tool sets ,..... ...... MASSAGER Viberator .,._ windows power slat S50 variety or lights and d "" Water healer 40 gallon S9·S24. Many oldcast lamp SIS. New Millers lined $30. Toteblg, larce belt Z speed on stand TWO pair t rut.ches Sl2.50 each 4 .Floor mats 15 WHEELBARROWS SS lamps from every era rapes SIO foot stool works fineS35.S48-4485 Iron or brus fireplace ~eonSl8typel8 liniChhtedTilJ~ pLlalldb/wootlt/leath8er,S20. S2S .. Sota 7ft noral l40. 1 p1ir.640-l146 each.6427033 i nd SlO. Rattan bar for rloor table and Sgllas2s~aor"'~~Sel0 Waoodnd andi ron sets SS·S28. 51'° · c any e Y u e Broiler· Toaster oven · · stools $30. Coffee end ceiling S3·S50 6 way """" T;x~1::~~ :fse~~~~~ Complete gas fire &o1 type stain 1t1ss limp dinnerware service SlS.645-4339 TWI N beds ISO each. PHILLIPS Intercom and sola tables , pecan floor lamp. glass shade ironingboard Sl2 Iron Sl8. Boxes of fine old $1 2. 24 inch brass about 16. $25. Gerry Matching table SSO. glass over rattan ISO ornate base SlO. 1143 W firepla ces U S Oak Nikko AM/FM stereo sllverplate on solid hurricane table lamp baby backpack SJ. PORT·A·CRIB SIS. Lawn Country French end system for camper SSS. each. Framed plrlures 15tti Stttet. ea.ta Mesa. Morris chair $45 Child receiffl, needs repair copper brau and SIB. Rollodex me 17. Housewares and linens edger needs pull $25. \ables S50 each. Two Lugga ge rack for U ·S50 Toaste r SS between Monrovia and upholstered chair S20 S2S. Portable AM/FM pewter, trays , bowls. AnUque glaaa and brass 25<'·12. Womens size 9 ffoover vacuum and antique chah·s S30 each. ~~m~rnc:1~i':x~~tli~c!!i Cofftt-1r1aker •· ~P PI Henll a St reels. Wugon wheels 545 1622 stereo with tumtable, urns S25. Hamilton &ior knobs and loc~aets clolhint: Sweaters $142 attachments 125 Kirby Garaee door opener $40. fryer S5 Wine and S48·013S Saturday 9-S. Monro'v1a «in alll')' Philco $20. Four bar Beach green porcelain S1·S8. Antique plumbing each. Jeans S3 each. vacuum sso. Iron pans parsons l ab le S30 . be•ms l't price S30 each. gl asses ra<"k $40. Chair Su nday 10-4 Bet"em 16th and lilh stools. wal nut/black restaurant malt mixer fi xtures brass and Summer skirta S1 each. Sl-SS. <?lothes 25c-Sl0. Bli ck/white T.V. $20. New Jin pipe vise $25. S25. Medici ne cabinet Costa Mesa vinyl SlO each. Two S29. Twenty's good porcelain S2 ·Sl 0 Suede jacke t 15. Swede Jacket (}OJ SIO. Four shutters 112 Ant ique a dd i n g 15. Vacwm cleaner 15. BAR and stools set S29 dinin,a chairs 15 each. working L.C. Smith Antique bath sink Maternity dresses, size Sora,loveseatSSO.each. Pit ture rnmes $2. ~a~~l~n St~t~·c~! Old china and glass Maple kitchen cabinet f'OOS ball tablt' S40 Floor lamp, (rultwood typewriter $18, Large complete S4S. Many 10·12 S3 each. Boys si1e Four rooms carpetlna Pictures U·SJO, Porsche Mesa. UO,sso. Stained i nd S2S. Electric healer SIO. ISM M pro,ertor S20 SlO. Swa1 lamp SS. Calif. Bear nag S2S. Old antique wooden lnlnka, 7 Adadis new Soccer ~. U&ht green puula cover $45. Saddle pad c lear leaded 1lan Tables S5·S3S Lamps 16 M M came ra s20 Mirror 30x46 Sl O · American Flyer traln chests and boxes U·S3S. •h~a SU. 252 Walnut, 25(, ~ spread SIS. SlO. Wine baiket $lZ LARGE desk. oranae windows end panels SS·SlO. Chair& SHIO Ranch style BBQ MO Foldln& shopping cart transformer k Heavy Six desks , school lo Costa Mesa, Sunday Hot A.Ir Poppe~. SlO, Ailee s tatue SIO . couc.bS25 eadl ..,,.51111 S4'5·S50. 3$3 LaPerle. Bookcase IS. Garclu Thermolax Copier DI 15. TOMtmaster broiler old wood framed door office JIO.s.10. Old IOlld only hm. Mlnr. Blender Juicer, Dishes, ilaases, tools . Coat.a Mesa. 831-2218 and lawn tool~ S4·Sl2 }If h ee I barrow s HI ~;~'l 1 !~\~::';!~~ 941 nd 6in with brass ~=:k ~.•I~~ ~~rl~~ ELECTRIC lawnmower clock radio U each. 50c·S20. 448 Isabella TWO rabbit hutches S45 DR~Elt $40. Lamp SS. Headboards S3·SI O 67J.0l68 • Schwinn "'•n• bike 3 pull• and full plate 11111 Street. Cost• Meu, $50. Welghl. set with Chi me clock S20. R11dlo, Terrace Corona del each. 64$.6115 hm·J2pm Lam=tn le U . Wall Ch 11 d r ens c lo t hes , s ...... d 110. Cash only. lnaertl50.Alltl4uewood ......... -Monrov1'a and dumbbells •nd bench re<"ord pl ayer UO. Mar ' Saturdl.)' bani SlJ, "1n1 si•• 25C·S5. Toys and dolla SKI boots ~'1 and 8 S20 ~i676Newport Beach. ind brass Stanley level pjlt'";'~ua Streeets. sso. Fi~ace scree~ '5. ,wo3venowood blind m. TWO. T W 0 ne w d o u b I e bed q ll m.™Plante~ 2$t·~, Ols~es 25c S5 Childs lar~t llki 11rket WOOD crates S'J.Sl4. AU sizes. gold paleted Iron bed headboard, queen alze S20. Shelve and lu1e draftln1 table sso. 64$·0118 $4. Antique wa ll ~1·0135 Saturday 9·5, Books and ma111mes 2 2 rant Drive. 'drawer dttssers mattresses l3S each. SS. Foot stool 18. Tea Jewel~ Collector and m1tch1aa 8 1b 111edlclne <"hu t wit h Sund•vt<>-4. IOc each.Lawnehalr St. Huntln1ton Beach SL2.50eadl.l40-1t46 Two new double box cart 3ahelf18. B~ad t'hlna Sto. Books Overalls S25 T)fOha 1round ps• deelcns oo ...., Lone fancy drapery rod Beach, Newland · I and Bi bles 2$t·SS sfep In beindin119 SIS mirror Sts. OW boxed lllNI tndumper abell SS. Small r od J2 . Yorktcwm andGwflad. SIARS ele<"\rk dryer. d~b~srr~ine:a:O.e'!: ~1~ SIMce rack~. Saturday and Sadiy Tire ch;ilns S2S. Trailer .1801111n_~ ~antiqs~ ~~b belaht S50.1 Work .,12ood··~-~mebtaik1ewS50.ork Saturday andlunday. =~~~: sso. &45'-i445 ~~=~ 1~1~re:'~ .,C::~ b111tch 535uo .0,,11. du1dk :.i _.... ,.f ~ uo:nch 12 feet 0,ng, 2 .,.., GLASS lamp ao, Kini . 81K! Sflnwlnn l1dle, w es t 0 f $ p 1 , "'5 c air n 110t ico 1nv vjnlap arm ,..., Inch thkk top, 1teelle11 bench 125. 3025 Samoa •pread Ill . Jltrror SNOW chalftl, new S40 RAILROAD ties SlO cniiMI', bl( tires, t llO Restaurant llubor 11nd brown ~·IW\·n w1Wld It it c hen too Is • nd S50. 541-U131 .,lace, otr Labrador. 2ftxan -. p1· "tur" pair. Gold trim white each. ,235 Q evv head men1 5 spted, both looll. Bl d c M s h a d t' Us llf t BARS1001..S 25 Inch 131 eootainen z.sc,sio. Solid Cotta Mesa. 7~·'4t4 Sl·U . 51j;;,. ~ l5. c II In a dlnne r set . l50. O Haus lripfe beun ride new. each SO v • Oita t!Cll nuorl'5t'tnt dftublc h1tht :it~~ 111t~.!'a~'. br111 siDlle hfldboard METAL atorase shelves, Metal desk S30. Hamptr 531-eGIO scale l50. C11h only. 541·81* 19 INCH color TV sso S35 'Ht f'jt'u~ t)'Pt' Sii. Boxes ol NauUcal very tlurdy 7ft taJI. Jft BABY •wina Sl7. fnfant 645 -S$l·JID plastic ln.-t 1t1 h1r1te pot PapHbecka 25c each. 1ear lilhts and rope wide, l2ln or llin deep, aut S3. Stereo and U . Maniany tacl FULL lilt mattreu and ' EXCEL.LENT tlru US Anticllll' l'r\'Stal Womtn1 clothln1 alse 10 lOc·SIO. Brass umbrella UO or IZS. 873·5el6 can ipukers $25. Coffee tables SUor l30. Sbirta tlo x •pr In I •. C ood LADIES 3 epeed tOlller Good rich P 1'T h 1..4 CRI 8 bunlf'tr pada a .so door knoh Sin (:1a:o1 SHI, Lum apretder or cane at and $4.50. deliver. tab I 110 0 t d lS'h SJ Ht'b. _wad'tra condition_ ao Kitchen brake Enstilh bike With 1 S15 · S20. Good Y tar Chriltmd trtc iitlM II. llquarium wMll ii.ht and sao rcswoodTVlra11 Vinti .. worlllftl eolld tab.!tt0 .wa:b:.~ mediu111lO. Wood table ll>.Klkhentable ckrome fe nders so TiempoP215•1SSIS.SZO. C r i b mnb i lt u . 2 lid~ St.S Ciutom $12. Dl1ll t1 a nd copper,_. tltctrlc US ED once S aallon complete rrain I H I credtna D . Clock SS. D . !lxcMn•tadl, NISICO auto••tlc 7Sl.Jm P•~SI DnU tMlnk Parrot pl•)'pel US kwl~~J~!O .. c·UM. *"" ...,.,._ 4 ioda plutk I• cw •eadl. tatll Water Md *"" • 20101 st.urtwood drelt. Good _. ... Swtllel relt~ *I~ 110. WASHER., Dr .. " Sl.50 A.by -.lkc:r S4 Rm&nd blrf 8lllM 121> _ ... _ M N~-= ...-· • M11Dolla/ Adarns rotllw .., Hair drfet llodtra Oa ft llh yer_,, Pl•r.P"I fOlftl !Mid 11 m cno -t.r ..,., llt I. ==of ,sixstr'uBlt•*•"'°a·h ~ou5r I HuaUn,u. 8eacl1 till dlalrtJPeia. m·•• u pholstered awlnl ~~0tor.~_.Movit T" • llao 11pre.d n. ·• --· lltlCllil.... ~Olk ...: JIATTRUS and bo a ... • r' I FtWuary loelt • ..._ ..,...... ft',,.....,.,· -·u1Cfllfl Gariatnl laoldtr U . ~;;;:a;;=;;.'ii:-;:;;:;I ....... •W. tlUI 1priq, ••Ul1f'lll, hlU foot MMe -u.t -iSWllllllHO pool ,.i., ' opener IS. Grtee Pia,,. tr .,_ 1eat ll ATClll U "Ir of 11010llCYCLI,..,.. -m lood eadllol• Ira•• for ouul .. w DOOi 1ot ld a l1b 111....._ ..... ,.. Da. 111111 4 ....., sntlln .. Vaportltr, a •mt .. °'· Hl7a11s rl4a.1 tirts ·-.:..::~~~ :a,,',:,:..'· •• r:.·~:f? ~~·&Ott&, .. : s:.~,..:· = ~:::t,'#. IJ~ :..:-~=-~ :.'9:;.f ~ _.,.... -i':.roT•::.: :., ..-, wtllt •· t n . Quu •ht Dr•"""'-',,,_· ~-~ 111. P•v CffnTI o. •· 11f ---Ci w .ii · •·~.._. ..... .. _ .............. =-94 ...... , .... :::•.-=.: •ltfrtltlt ......... "'-d1111•1 ......... ,.,. ..... Mt •. ::::.:r u t .I H I 1Jrf111t .c.r.•dtl ............ -.1 ~1114'9•A,!lll"1lna --------. • mA>•!l!I I hi..... CIM....... . ..,. -:~..... IL ·-~J > }i -. -. . . _y , .- Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 30, 1982 ..... _.. tlttMlliW..W tlM ... W.W tltt.._._,,.., WM.Mew HOO.-..,Mtw tlMMtet.Mtw ,............. .... ............................................................................ !!? ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Wl ... YO. WllUY WllUY IMW 9712 U.CAll CLIAMCAIS VSEDCA1ll6TRUCKS ...................... . 1tn t• ....., .,. CALLP'OR !~====================~~~~~ eomidertd: •MAftlMll COMEINOR & .. lilted bar 11d more l ~··· ~~~l:L • '8 TD ea II ~I . CHIYIOUT CIEYIEI BMW llllt CoedlUH; fully ~ACI IMW ' 18211 BEACH BLVD . .......... ,.v.m.ma DI .... ftH!49 • . HUNTI NGTONBEACH ............ 2 fNda "", #I .. °'91ttC.., I 147-6ff7 0f' IMW"tArflt.nl ltltMll'11•1 ......... ,..!.·~.......... •HarbOrBlvd.-.......,.IVY• A few remalnln& '81 ~ Roadater. l9'1t CHEVROLET uav COSTA MESA ............ Models ' Demoa are SM to btlltvt l App't A dyaamlte mlnl·trick !79-25QQ Top doUan for 5port1 still !Ylllable ! We •mot@rttO!'d . lnlck.Sban>' USOl677) -------Can, ::P.· Campers, 1Decialize In : European CONVERTIBLES! uns. Jfm Marino WE PAY 814'1,Aud • delivery and f!awleaa ITCutlaaulnt loml VcAawuen.MHooo. Alkfor U/CMGR pre-owned BMW s. nu plAnt (2'10XZJ I $1895 "11 o.tawa PU lonibtd TOP DOLLAR JIM MAllMO Where C111tomer 'DCautaranlntloml 1 • • FOIUSIDc••s YOUSWA•IM ServlceComea lst! •l·IY ( .. HID> $4500 JC ~l eond. properly ,... 11711 Beath Blvd. i:1131 Hwt1ot e1.a Sales.-Servke-Leasing GCadunewatored' mea.14l50.'75-5l58 ALAMMA•MOM HUNTl E a..•o.-· ..... n» :mW.lat Santa Ana for yean 1 owner very '71 CHV YI T~1A runs POM'l'IAC/SUIAIU f!GTOOOON B ACH 1714) 13i3171 loml <BMHll2) S5IOO IOOd. muat sell 11M10BO 3'81Har!Sor Blvd. 1 .. z,.z CloledSunda 'IOCa lomlnewtop Rerbl7S.*6 COSTA MESA WIMa> ~=~b'!"r~ or t=~"!::~r,es ~~ :;y250dt~a::d HMJH 549-1457 YOUIDOTIC 4tt-472J nupAint <PDFlll>t2•5 rack. art truck for con· &lllTISHCAIS GoOdCoovertanetded tractor. Clean. 12500. I BUY -W...111 rttd Cal. Coov. Co. 746-1211 M2-7G. ~-....... !!!!.:::.;,,,,, SWAPMHT i 1 Chevy ~T VB with .... ._. 9705 shell Sl.200 CARS I ••••••• ••••• • • • • • • •• • • • Amique/Cluak bicycle, · CallMl-6635 • 1971 rmt« acooter 6 motor 'ID DllO Dod&e R PU 3UIO W. Coast Hwy. .u iu IO IO blke. Feb. 14th, lam-tL\lOD 080 ;p ~ 531B c•'H'.'·'· Newport Beach -A M Zpm. 1731 Santa Ana or&47 2743 • · • M 642·9405 2000 SPIDEi Ave .. C.11. 846·7414. · Silver/ black, excellent I '21FordCabriolet Y-t570 673-1705 WANTED! condiUon.(ser00i84J Need.a reatorin1 xlnt ....................... IAle rmdel Toyotas and CALL TODAY!!! cond. @00. 115.3rf5 '18 Ford ~Ton Van. Auto, v 0 I v 0 8 . ca 11 u 8 jADDUIACI( IMW Sd Mounted PlpeVke. , TODAY !!! IJ1.204l 4H-494t 4 Wllllt Drf•" f 550 Rack. Int FitUn1 Bins. Premium prices , ... •• " ••••••tt••• .. ••••••u• SlSOO. 780-8827 morn, paid for any used car Allll 9707 •• 'S1 lmematloaal Scout 4 eves (foreip or domestic I ................ ....... C4 ., C-.. · wheel 4 cyl. MUST •77 Ford Econo. 250 lngoodcondilion. . '79 Audi 5000, 45,000 ml TODAY! SELL. Needs work am/fm radio, dual See Us Finl! asking price 17,000. Ev SALIS, SBYICI S.1411 tanks, ma ke ofrer . ""......,•·• 714-767-0142 .. u't'Cl """'""" c......... Wl5A•-19U Toyota 4X• s Rs. .............1 ~ .. ,.n •> • uo.9467 '73 IMW SADDLE& •cl( loaded, only 1500 mi. 'T1 Ford Econollne Van, · 3.0CS COUPE A Must sell! dys 640-1850, 18,000mi. Newtires. T• n .. llar 4 speed, beige/brown. I IMW eves/wmds 640-2018 963·511S. wp 119 PS. PB. alarm system H4tJ MAMUMfTI 0. COMO. '73 CUstom Ford 300 Van Pl'd AM/FM Blaupunkt. Ex· NWf '72 Chevy PU, many ex· convenion. 53,000 orig cellent condition. MUST MISllOH YU tras, PS, PB, auto miles.Sinkrelrig.Tape ~'!188ll•1rhorHl\'d For Your Car ! SEE!(lic491~NQ) A Pk fflS trans .• cstm. tires • deck. MSOO. 548·0682 l •l!'ta .\h·'J 5-lO oo:.i JOHNSON & SOM rHllctd to very WY.: Cl · rima, AM/FM Tape, u.c.-....ercwy $12,ttS 131-IMO ~ Beat olfer over $2750. Have something to sell ? Sell things fast with Daily 21626 Harbor Blvd: SADDLBACI IMW Oosed Sundays 962·5800. · Classified ads do it well. Pilot Want Arls. Costa Mesa 540-5630 I· 40 49 .4949 ....._, M•w HOO ...... M•w 9100 ....._,Mew HOO A.toa, M•w tlOO Alltos, M•w tlOO """...._-,-.. ""'!•!!!w~~,!!!!!!IOO~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 SPEED, RADIAL TIRES (ID#552871) (STK. #23012 ..,B 'n 1499 oown + .., toe doc '" s 159 rro '8 ""°' Oii se1s1 68 APA 1a 80 °" lllCl'oYtd~ • -. 1982DATSUN Automoble CMtol loutMnt C ......... Appt'OWHI s.Mcelllepailr 'aclltr 210 2 Door Sedan, 1.2 Liter, · 4 Speed. Fully Factory Equipped. Ser#096836 $4798 Stanza 2 Door Hatchback, 5 Speed, MetaJlic 'Paint. Ser#009853 $6488 'a1 ·2aozx Turbo Fully Equipped. Ser #605664 $14,798 '82KING .CAB DIESEL 5 Speed Pick-Up. A Winner! Ser#016560 $7798 '82280ZX z ·X "Grand Luxury!" 5 SPHd Coupe, F.ctory A/C, Tinted Glue, Power Windows Ind Door Locks, Power Alllst Dltc Br1kes, Anoy Wheels, Raised Letter Redla TlrH, Dlgltal Stereo with Ceuette Ind Auto- matic Antenna, Power Raclc & Pinion StHrlng, Low Back Velour 5 Wey Adtustei. Seats, Dull EJec:tr:ic lllmn. au.a Digital Clock, 4 Wheel Indepen- dent Suapenak)n, Crul11 Con- .. trol with """'"' FMture. NEVER BEFORE OFFERED AT THtS L9W PRICE! #432708 $12,998 '82 L'IL HUSTLER PICK-UP Rugged Ft•turn Including the 2 llter NAPS-Z engine. Ser#105933 $5988 '81 Maxima 4 Door Sedan.Executive Car. Fully Equi=. Automatic, AM/ M Stereo. Ser#105442 • $9888 '82310 4 Speed Deluxe Hatchback Ser#001n3 $5684 200SX Hardtop, 5 Speed, Fully Factory Equipped. Ser #618646 ·$7388 THI MOIT COMPLETI PARTI DEPARTMENT IN IOUTHIRN CAUFORNIAI You AUTO put a few words to work tor y~ In the l DAHV PltOT • I! \ . • f . " Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 30, 1982 . . SADDLBACI VALLEY IMPORTS ORANGE COUNTY'S NEWEST . I/BARii DEALER! Now • • • the dealer that has given you 7~ years as one of Southern California's leading . BMW dealers is adding IUBAIJU WE STILL OFFER WHAT NO LEASE COMPANY OR IANK CAN: • ExperUy staffed, most modern service & parts departments for the fN8f more importMt set'Vice after the sale. • One of the Southland's most experienced sales & leasing staff • Elimination of the middleman by leasing dealer direct so you can save evenmontf .. _ .. Sales·Servlce·Leasing IVY' CARVER I,•-.. -.-..... --.-"· .... -KllSiCM:E·R\1W 4dr, beiae. ll111t aee to -~~CINm IPlll"flt. 59-7131. ..-w~ -llAOll,......._ '70 BMW 2i002. Xlnt <'.ond. 74 2002 Tll Qimpl Rblt. Snrf, FM St t704t36private party Tape. 4 Spd, SbP1ltns, Cover, suso OBO. •'IOIMW JJCI ..=..=646-;::...;.7'7::.:.::3'------S ap .. swi roof, stereo '76 BMW 2I002. 4 Spd, 4SK tape1 alloys. Flawless mi, AC, Snrf, AM /Fii conolUoo throughout! Cass, New Pnt ' Trs, (7151C-.SI ..,. . $ Aft.er SPM, 642·0750 3201. 1979, xlnt cond., Gold metallic, SIO,SOO rU'1JI. m. 100-1393 e..'!!'::'. .......... . JAGS! JAGS! JAGS! WI HAYI Tt9M! lta IJS COWIS (ff. E. llodel) with new, high efficieacy V-12 . CHOICI Of COLOIS ltaU-...S 8 in stoct ! MOil colors available! CREVIER BMW D W. Isl, Santa Ana (714)83S-3171 Clo&ed Sunday •lt771MW UOCSI 4 sp., stereo. alloys, J.4,000 ori ginal miles. 'Ibis car must be seen! Absolu t el y Mint ! (376VDAJ CIEVBIMW D W. Isl, Santa Ana (714 I 83S·3171 Closed Sunday_ c:..rt 9715 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '73 Capri 6CY# Bright Ye&w. Beauti ul Cond. 2114.SHarbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 7141540-6410 1977 DATSUN uoz. Dynamite coupe with s speed transmission, air OUR COMPLETE INVENTORY OF CARS & TRUCKS ARE READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! CHECI OUR LOW PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY! YOU WON'T BE SORRY! '71 COURIER PICDP $3265 '71 HOIDA PlllUDE '77 maTA Sl5 I.FT/II . $6996 $3465 '79 HOllll ICCDID $6225 '79 FIAT X-19 s5154 ··------__ ..., .. ,, . .., 5 ... *· .... --'·Al 5-pd.,t/rifm.-.O.Welf''ll..a ....... ,... tonol "'7NJ8~ , .... -.-.... Laok&•Hlont.~ ' 5 apcl., air, p .1:. afnlfm, ~ A herd to find C#. 541 626's GLC's RX7's -________________ ... J, Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Seturd1y, J1nuery 30. 1982 U ........ rW ......... ... ...... .... .w ........ .w ...... .., • ..w .......... ..w .......... rted .......... rW ......... .w ..... u..4 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ~ ........... !?!~ : ........... !?.~~ ~!!~~~ .... !?~~ ~ .......... !?!! !..,.~~ ........... !?~~ !~!:~P!! ....... !?!.! !~!!P ......... !?!.! !~~ ....... !?!.! !.t! ............ !?!.~ !ff!!!! .......... !!!.~ • _.,_., '11 JtMtft GT1 Umlted ............. 'M Pendle~. xlnt ._,Toyota Celka OT tlllVanaaoo. Llke new. ?IYW ,..__ 1977 VW Selrorto A i4VOLVOWAGON COMl'MlATM prodwtioll md1 w/Lotld __....,.... roacl, no tuJt, 11100 UftbaekL am/fm atereo, 11.000 ml. All rxtn1 Wh ile ;, it'hbi"ar k -dynamite •po. rt coupe Air CGftdklonln1. 1tlek, CAll.AAC7 51pd, lmmac cond. Air, te . P ·3'19 , anrr. new paint. !!75-~ AM /FM CaHelte, 21K with low milea1e. 4 ~~ Wt 1P«lalia hi leas" ~k~~o"'I '8800/ ,.:-; 1 1118 Inter ~hchanlca · 19. iiis vw Bua. A dynamllf mi, Immaculate. f1.850 •PMd tranamlt1lon, air 'Ill Volvo 144. 40, Sedan for the butlneu n · -. --eom:t{H'J:Mf I ~ea ol 57 Porsche '70 CORONA. Run1 well 7PUlfn&erwlth4speed 131·M21 condltlon.ln1, 1terto and Runt Good ! Grut ~·••PfOfeulOftal. MIMI t7ll Jll)NOINctltaaeoand~ Speedster -whlte w/new S750orbtstolr. transmiulon Aaate 1181VWSdrocco.hpeed alloys ,Extra sharp. Tnnaponallon. Needs W.S.d'-MllP.IM'9!11111'19Jll~ ....................... lbl canvH to~ow ml. 115· A ('n __ brown/bel&tl original. <&71SPG>. 54995. Jim IOf'lle body work, StSO. 00..W ltlJ BRAND NEW ~r· /~n• 2 T fY"'o"r ~ ::WS· c 11 i or9 ~:t '74CeUca,5spd, AM /FM. Shall>! (040582). ~99$. ~:~.11!~~eo~,~~~n~l. ::rloo Volklwaaen. _ t751 c1•111 1118262Udr. 114/MERCEDES ia 213 114·533·7801 art 5. re1 au . 1 ownr. $1500 J I m M a r I n o ton. Dynamite wilb low • ~ lira AMl•'M stereo air ' ·a c II di ...... Bah R _.. 1600 CQ. ;amtrm rus. u . S3500 ...................... . 5 apd. cloth Int., radial ot'1l .2333 ..,_,6or • • 546-2799ev tiwknds. Volksw en SU-2000. miles and like new ! 78 VW Dash~er a/r , ...._u..4 N ~ '11 tl001 s.tlrk. stereo, andinore!(ser04519)0 lt71MllCIDH '77 911 8. AC, Snrf J1e,0p~s.aalr.~u~!.d~~'. 'OuaJ tcirt.~t:~Trana. llar1~t8°~ol~:a11J:~ °' dfer. 857· 72 after ...., ttOI nm • 10011 eood S99~. { 17S•t HO AM/FM Cua. Must ~el cell. 100. 673·3826 See It Buy It! $2400. 8'2·2000, 6 · ....................... L 842-wkd s 631.:.5252_ JUST ONt !XAMPl,E 4 ·door, se dan ·PP. SSB-8689 'l1 T --OBO 641-1777 '88 VW BUG, sunroof, l<.00 H.1111,_ ~l 732401 OF OU R TREMEN· brown/tao Bec ker SACRIFIC~ ~ote~~~~~ 8:Pti '7SSUPer Beetle fuel inj i!:C~~·f~•rt:~e~,e~~ new II Interior l199S WilllradeMGfor? c ........ Mt .... , SA()•)t00 Auto, A/C, AM /FM , OOUS SALE PRICES AM/FM. P,ower brakes. '78921!. 25K ml.1~ma: ownerl8200 c: n ' fully recond, 'yeltblk: clean! .MS·82SI ~-3154 4tt-47JJ .. " sharp! Runs Strong. ~.!kiM~ II TH IS :r:i:~"i~~i~Bc)on· ~r':i 7~t~4.~ r 851-1464 13@. 962-8.\98ev1 1980 v w Sclrocco. A '66 BUG. •'!:J'Jf6 r~blt '71 Seville, all u tr11! Lo -~ olr548·943S 1tA-.R.u .. ., IMW 'tl911T Int h d '81 Toyota Celica ST ex· '72 Bus good eond A/C dynamite coupj! with s rrotor. 114 · ya AMC ttOI ml, xlnt tNSO 631·3114 '70 BSlO Wgn. Air,., Cass, t!" -~ ~ --""-d b<Xtx mec ·con ' celleot cood. 1 owner., Unttd 'windows. Alpln~ speed transmlss1on. air 840-8'77J; evsll46..a533 ,. ...................... aml-l2Mon·Fri 673·4220 GoodCond.25MPu,Sar ~ n#4. · 04 4t .4949 fs1ms~ ~t· :6·d500· 500.851-1464 St.er .. new tires. 12'100 eoodluoolng, mags, and 'll BUG. sood mech '78 cont0rd wa1on, full llll2/wUdl. 100 --6 1ft!! '72220D · · w n s • 080 Ch•"•k•"•.3072 ... A Be tif I B II cond semt·auto trans pwr, nu tires, brakes, l!.ltR.&Jl~Y! ._...,, 11.llZl:m '759141.8.Mkhelins,ex· 80.Ter ~el sedan, · ...... ..., · .,..,reo. au u raz u19s Evs /wknds xlnt.~.673·3826 wwu;"' is •z. AM/FM , tape, 2031 [. lst St \spd, ~~~4;mtfm , haust, AM /FM . blue, . w!Utetbea1.e Int.; 30K '79 VW Bus. great cond ~rrze. <4:ZSR1 .. 17495. 642-7874. wkdys 833.9480 9910 '73Collpe, red/w itetop, ate, auto. mag whls. .e c. , · · beautiful.1639S,8.'ll·9829 nu: new hres, brakes, $6400 or best offe r. m a r 1 n o . • Md loaded 642-8541. 631-1743 Santa Ana 714'°'1 u1• '59 Mercedes Classil.' . amtfm stereo s mog 5411-111112. Vdltswa en,842·2000. 63VW Baja Bug ........................ 66 Cadill 4DR S500 I~ " 190SL. New conv top, "4 ~· nght hand drive, cert S s 2 O o i O BO. ·~ v w--B;g ~cond t.m VW bus, 7 pass Xlnl Runs Good. $1200. OBO '63 Buick Le Sabr~ low 080 ac. ' 75 '!.l .. ~/$701200 Sale.endsctose brakes, c arbs. rugs <f83'. ~~.~j8ed, S7 .ooo 646-3806 Dennis. stock. very clean · oond. szsoo. or best or 499-3154 ~.!iJ..'a1oO'o'Bt ~9.Y:J · 1si.sel2 ..... 68 olBusinessl/31(82 mech perfect. Only · -T~ 9767 1..9500BO 552·6789 fer.S48•63S6;831·4786. '64 VW Ca mper, runs -------- '71DATSUNS10 . . 950494-8721 ...... 9155 .:::r.":••••••••••••••• . , 1980 vw R abbit A very gd. good cond , '811 Electra. &ood .cond ! '7~Fleetwoord, m in/ LOW Ml, S950 or 1&"11111Wt1161f.:J '111·230 4 dr·stk shirt Im· ••••••••••••••••••••••• 71 TR-7 air new brakes 1880 vw_ Rabbit Diesel. dynamite custom 2 door .!h.500. i\M/Eve, 646·0062 ooe owner, no accidents, ~il\1.~::'~T°.:~t':i1· best fifer. 64G-2327 ~ • marulate 1 owner me ch '62 Renault Gardena S300 & tires stereo/cus lo D>f ani:te custom 2 door w i t h 4 &. p e e d ,.... •• vw Bug.12000. 641Mlll fast 7tl0-8l86 71 4 Door WE'VE • xlnl. ~ P.P. 0 Phone Best Off~ 0450 mi 300.848-2371 , ' ~an:mlssi!n ~~f era~kd tr11nsm1ssion. Sharp! ·71 VW Bug, 52300 '70RIVIERA 1--.......~----- 9.lckshlft, Strack stereo 642·8678 aft 6 pm · -'74 TR&. Collectors Car. and low miies. Sharp i 17530~7 l · $4895 . Jim 645-3720 Am/fm, full pwr. needs 'Ill Cadillac Brougham AM/FM S850 MOYEDI -·" ~LC: '7(. 27.000 m1, irn · lolh loyct 9756 Xlnt Cond. S3800 (304ZSM ). S599S Jim Marino Volk swagen, '70 VW, 1 owner. must work!~-~-8770 new paint . 851-0952 mac .. whrext., blue lthr, ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• 642-7614 Marino Vol kswagen 842·2000 __ see. Super clean. 12500. '79 Rivtera. loaded, lo 536 6030 '77 280Z gold air 4 spd S1W IY & Yml •.. S 2 6. 5 O O D Y s *1 DEALER IN US A 1971 '-JMI... 842-2000. ' VW '71 K/Ghia-iqnt, nu s.57·6567. mileage. ,new brakes a..roa.t tt20 new pamt ~ew 'clutch· ~ACIUrYI 1714 >993·45oo : eves ' ' · -r.•.•_"!'.'". 1977 VW Bus. A dynamite eng, clutch, Stiks, brks. '73 Rug, reblt, new paint, andUres. S'1SOO. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl6200. Flnaneing avail'. SH (7l41644·60.s4 [)(""t.I CAR\/ER 42.<n>mLIJSOO 7 passenger wi th New paint. No rust. inl.&radials.Flawless. S33..0lS3,!166·l303 •lr8dMtw !ll 00.2715 .. ~: MB '58,190SL.xlntcond. NJI l·3.59·3022eves automalirtransmisslon, $4200 firm . Pvt ply 450661·3982. C1•.c tfl5 CMYyCi.t•ttff 71 B2JO. Ht ch bk ~pd, XT M!f~ Re!!-or7~~~11rd own r l{llS-~ Valbw.,.. 9770 O'iin ertledadl. air C!JIDditTiohn· 1839719-3343V W Rabbit-A-............. •••••••••• 2 Dr. ~I SlK mi. Great Sha ! ,_,_ ...,.....,., l!>IOW40QK «<> ~et""0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• g an ow m1 es e Willlrade MG ror vw. '79 A..twood Air cond., P,Wr steering 129115. Eves & Wkn rs. 1i1 MF' •rf '76 MBZ 3000 \dsll. 4 dr, ~llKW c1v1oe>_. '66 BUG w/sunroof. good cleanest one m town custom 2 door with 4 4H 4722 E 8 rough am . Extra & brakes, tilt wheel. etc. 661.~ ft .. YrR/ ~~-l~=ac. Stl.500 nos1osvNOAYS ~-n4'7~~~gi fm st~:: ~~~f~~) v!i•::;'ai~::'. :=~~~~~~!~¥~'is~~~ • •ti. ~~~~f~rus~v::c~~~ 13149/6879). fW 9725 141SlllllS1 teS1111lSH4S.Ull '7 :MOO · S.. '760 842·200IJ. Is v e r>' s h a r P ! Yal•o 9772 5280 f 6 Mowo.ly $5591 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • 4 • auto, air, aux ••••••••••••••••••••••• '69 C011vtrtibl. ·so.·~ VW left & nght llDMD066l S4395 Jim ....................... 714·640-a ter pm HOWAID Ci.tvroltt .., Brava, 2 litre fuel mj. '79 RX·7 GS Air, snrf. 5 lank, Blaupunkt, looks THE 1982 obo _645 4007 Marino Volkswajlen, #I VOLVO o~•LH 76 B.DOCOMV. DovefQuailSts. warty, 11,000 mi. Xlnt spd, alum whls, bra, n~w. S8900 i 0BO S 'W VW 8 g mp re door, ·73 left door SSO W.2000 """'""' Lo ded 46KPP6405294 NEWPOl\TBEACH conlS6.200dys7S2·2769. sup er sten~o. S7500. 9661108 dys. 498-1376 ~EHERE! furb1she~·n~~ paint each.Western stylewbl :13 VW...:.Cam~·r Bus. INORANGECOUNTY ! a ' . 13 555 ev 545-4612 CLEAN. 847.7271 eves. 900 series 3 doors, 4 tires-interior Reblt eng. rims ror Super Beetle '76Seville. Needs Repair , __ _,._,.:...;,.,....,=---. --doors & Turbos ava1la· ea.548-9744 Many Xtras Best SALIS. SllVICE mx> HIP! US fll§TI 80 X-19 Targa, 12M ml. '79. Mazda RX 7, 33,000 '73 MII 45051 ble NOW! Come in & clutch, front end Mu st Offer 964 5128 Aft er -951.ssz.t ~ el • fuel inj, am/fm rass. nu .. $8500. 540·3903 or Met.beige. 640-2669 drive Road & Track ~seen to app reriate. ~~~ ~:i5~:~ '~e53~~r .Q..P_M_;_ _ ovd!f~rt,\Rv '76 Seville, xlnt cond. ~fh~v~;,~s&r~08 ~spd, 34mpg, 57650. 556-7827. '80 MB 450SL cham· Magazine'schoiceofthe 644.8199 A u t o m a t i c ~ VW convertible. A EXPERTS 62,000 mi, full elec. 83l·8330al'l 6pm. ~lt111 9740 pagne, leather cass, al· BEST sports sedan of transmission. air c:ondi· dynamite deluxe Rabbit w/s nrf. RR front '74 F1AT5 sr>eed l24 Sport ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• loys. Must sell. make of· the '808! '79 IUS lioning. and stereo The ronvertible with s speed WLE llCE 631·3S41or549-4146 Coupe, MlfSTSE LL fer! 559·51Z7 IUCH IMPORTS Must see to appreciate. sharpest one around transm1ss1on Brazil VOLVO 646-7536 '71 MB200D Diesel. xlnt 848DoveStreet,N B Must sell S7900 or best \3S01'WX1 S3495. Jim Bronze (886ZYVI 1966 Harbor8ivd Trade your ~Id stu_ff for '79 nat. Xl9, mint, Sspd. lt74MEICEDES cond. snrf, p.p. 963-0926; 752·0900 offer. Mitch Breer Marino Volk swagen. S8995. J im Marino COSTA MESA new goodies with • ~· . CONNEU CHEVROLET .... ,. 11 , ••• r-I I \l ~ " SU-1200 ,E~r7225rari Red. S5400 IEMI450SEL 752·0607. l9tll HarborBlvd .. C.M ' 5489001 842·cw>_. _____ ~olltswa•en._81_2..:_~ 64i.9303540-9467 I Clusifiedad_.642·~_8 '"" Diamond condition! .,. · Bamboo leather & 1975 210S 6 ·7170 _ 1 A.tos, Mew tlOO Wot, Mtw MOO A.tos, New tlOO A.tos, Ntw 9100 Alltos. Mtw 9100 Mew HOO tea..61 9727 stereo (81428). w 4SOSE body Loaded 1 i9 3SK GLE. 35.K SDr ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... ••••••••••••••••• $13,tt5 Pvt Ptv833-00P __ I Auto.snrl, Mint! $6200 1·········································•111111••······ 1978 HONDA CVCC. A -642 2288 r~~::i~. t:~~~:~:~: !~{5 ~~~'~!::so and ?-~-.~-.~ • ...;:..; •• ;::..:.·.= •• ;::._ ••• -.!-?~-.~I FORD MOTOR COMPANY AND THEODORE ROBINS FORD ANNOUNCE ty and s uper clean. NEWPORT BEACH '*I ~L. mint cond. lo ORAMCiECOUMTY'S • (lBJX64S). S399S. Jim mi. S37_.SOO or make ~f NEWEST Marino Volkswagen. m2 MERCEDES BENZ fer. Financing avail. Authorized 842·Dl0. 2 2 0 D Auto ma t ic &15-2715 SUBARU DEALER Honda Civic '73 Sl700 ·1 lrans~i~sion and a!r '78 300 CD Coupe Must Drive! Great ~~1orun.g. This one is Sunroof. Wire Wheels, ~+"i; Cood. Call 661 ·7908 Just like n_ew 1215!1?91. ExtraTank Sl7,750. .,._, Anytime I 1599S . Jim Marino 497·64!!.4 ~ '80 Prelude, red, snrf, 18K I Vdlcswagen, 842-2000. MG 9742 mi. ~1 pen cond ! S7000. '10 Ml 6.9 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jra~~8£~! 646-ti:IU Silver/blk llhr, all op· '80 Prelude. 12.600 mi, lions a Mercedes can of. ATIIHTIOM Sales-Service-Leasing amtrm cass. ate. s spd, fer. Co'w mileage: This t SADDLllACIC bronze, 18000/080. owne.r caristofthelasl MG SUlilU C213)4!3-0404 aft. 8pm 200 6.9's bit in ·so. PP OWMHS 13 L-2040 49S.494' UlfJHondaCB350, 500. <2131456·~ T~~,~~~C:~':;,R '77 Toyota Corolla Li.ft Good Condition. S350 '76 Mercedes 450SLC. Never u~. S?S Back Aut.o. pb,. A 1r Must Sell 646·0210 62.<n> mi, dk blue tan rood am radio heater I h I f Maria631·7797 Ive msg radial. t"ires .• «.ooo mi·' .__ 9730 eat er. e ec. sunroo . ..., _,... poll shed alloys. ori g . 642·4361 •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• owner 1<n>.675·0836 MG MIDGET ·71 Ulll!JaauarXKE,4 2cpe. ·m~ES 1--d (.1ean.Cream.Class1c Toyota '765 :dnt eOncl 48,000 orig mi, .uper c ean. ll 500 494.4027 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 19.SOO. 544·1870 mech .• ~g_~. Reg. gas. '<• TF f 11 500 '79 Corona, lux ed .. 4 dr, ....., ...,.,., '" . u >' rest wt AT. AC. PB, PS. tilt whl, A Mtw ~ '7S 450 SL. Xlnt Cond. nu. spare eng. & parts 4 spkr AM/FM stereo, I -~11(1 Rblt Eng Moving. Must SIO,<n> L2l3!33S·7732 xlnt rond. I O'A'Tlr PP 12 cyl, yellow hardtop Sell ! $19.500. Private '76 MG Midget , Xlnt $.YS0.857-4544'-'---- Coope. Low mileage. I Party, 644· 7266. Cond. low mileaAe. S2SOO time owner. S14.000 F ir m . S 4 ~ I 2 0 2 find what ~ou want 1n I __ ...:.1.:.;1U44-81:..=..:..=:..:1=-3--Want Ad Results 642·5678 Eves wknds Dail~· Pilot Class1f1rd:1 I . ~.~ ... ~ ....... !!~ ~·.~.-.~ ....... !!~ ~ ... ~ ... ~ ....... !!!'!! ~ ... ~::: ....... !!.~~I DE LOREAN MOTOR COMPANY 3 YEARS CAREFREE D~IVING ONLY DEALER OFFERING 3 YEAR WARRANTY ''CAR OF THE FUTURE'' ASK FOR JOE DONOVAN 547·7504 I ' %~:S + %1~!~:.~n lllATIS flOM - .. OM 1HIOOCll POD IOlltS FOID of base sticker pnce of bUe atlci<er price * D11M8 J4 MO. UMITa W AUAMTY Fully sell contained 1nclud1ng. gas/eltc relrio . forotd. air heat8f. oas stOYe. roof rack & ltdder. Ser. A34975. Sitt. T0715 s3•=-=' Original list -120.2~7 54142=-w.. $11,Jti ALL USED CARS LISTED HERE -AT OR BELOW . WHOLESALE BLUEBOOK PRICES -STOP • SHOP • AND SAVE NOW!!! ' J l 1. °""91 Collt OM. Y PILOT/leturday. January 30, 1912 ~ ~ ~~·~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... . SllTA ANI 1401 K n.111 A .... S.... Ale DOUIUUIATE DOUIU REIATE SALi 'I I I-CAI AlllS With 2.2 liter engine, automatic transmission. tinted glass. vinyl body side mouldings. maximum 2900 cc 4 cyl., S-.pd., low mount chrome cooling, power steering. mirrors, bodyslde mouldings. rear step bumper, $6977 wheel trim rings. P.S.-Compare our price to c~,... JOO other 4x4'sl Ser. No. 500'l80 Stk. No. C9005 ~AM D; JOO $8477 $6377 CREDIT HORINE 835-3691 J ear..... 9932 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • '79 TORO brghm. gas. VE'M'E '77 EX COND fUllY. loaded, mint cond. T· TOP /RACK $8750 MUST SEE. 830-5081 •ALL OPTIONS• ..... '957 WHTW/TAN INT ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• PP 714-551·0736 FOi SALE '75 T·lop. auto. AC. PS, 71' Pinto hatchback, PB. PW Xlnt cond. clean.4speed,newtlres1 497·5488 497-~ luggage r ack.gooa '78 ·vETTE L82 transportation car 11200 4 spd, Recaro radar. 080. mags, all opts, 15,000 mi, 642·1570 Jerr mint. Home 159·0685, 631·7797 Maria work 966-1818 X6S9. V6 Pinlo Hatchback. Was CallJ-' 9933 In wreck. Bod y and ••••••••••••••••••••••• frame damage. All else '68 XR7 G Serles. Special OK · VS. 147.000oriJ mi). Edition model, chrome new lrans & radiator. eng, wire wheels. new pump, very good whls & radial tires. Elec sunrr. Ures. no broken glass. Origcond. '800. 751·6045 lnlerior good. Reds "-'-9935 avail. A great deal for ......,.. mechanic or parts sales. • ••••••••••••••••••••••• Must selJ all together. FOR SALE. 1981 Dodge $700, make ofr Ca ll I Ari~ "K" car. Special 968-SM4 aft 7:30 pm. Edition Almost every possible extra. Very nice ..,_. '960 car Move forces sale. •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• 731:1677 '74 Plymouth Station • .,,. Dod 0 rt ,..... 8 t Wagoo, good en1lne and ..,_ __________________________ __, ... ge a . ,,,..w a . bod . .997-8679 tery. Starter. S400. Auto. -'77 Vol t ed •mlOlll 1'7UCIMI IR.CIMAT COWi .... WMOM ·--............. ---··-·-___ ., ___ ·---.. -· -~·-----_., ____ SJt77 S2477 1maw. 197'C»ll CllfOM ··----·-. .,._ ____ ..... =°"'.,._ ....... _ :i-·--SZS77 SJJ77 1m1U1C1 C8fl'WTCOWI ~ .-:.;.·..;.=...":..;..:I: ... -S2777 1'71CHIY NOeftlCA&O ~ 't':" .:: ::,oo;: -12777 IMIUICI -Al. ~--......c '"' ,. -=~~.".:;~ 56577 , ... po. PINTO •cJt ....... _. ,... ,__, •s ~~--......., .. Cl'W., SJ177 'Cass & Spkrs. S40. are wgn, un · 661·Z371 roof rack. good cond . .644-7512 Fwd H40 i 4 Ouster stk shift · new ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'h . '77 RANCHERO, new eng, t;lutc , rrptg_. UP.· tires. shocks. 12000 080 hol., Yln. top. Rec avail. as is? 979-2688 21 m . 1895 760·3628 Dependable trans. "69 1'•d11-W.d H70 Fairlane. 4 dr. 20 MPG. 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• new llres. stereo. S62S 63 T-lllD SANTA AN 08064S-1876 Very sharp. New ever· A DODGE _. 'IMIS Afj '71 AHta. $2700 xthing, $4,950. 75!Ll!!!L_ FOi A ... SIT JSm rlean. 675-1070. YICJO '974 ::::.::::::::;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.::;.:.;.;.;.;.::;.::::.;.;.;.°';.;.u;.;.';.'•••'•c•• .. ••15 ••-:. 'iiti,1~ ~l:fil,:~ ~~ii~~-r~~::; i~;;~r «.Wknds Rerondltion Radiator. The DAILY PILOT is the people 's ~~~ew. ca 11 oon marketplace for new and used cars along the Orange Coast. ......... -............ .......... Ut.IMJlf Call 642-5678 1112PWD2DR STANDARD PWD HATCMUCK , DAILY PILOT HERENOWI . 1112 BRAT 7tTOYOTA CAllMO COROLLA ..... ...., ....... a.. ............. ........... --·a.qi.. --" ..... ,.... ...-__ .... .,,.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• CA.OILLAC CLEARANCE SALE! I 979 CADILLAC COW'I DI VILLI .. ASTIOIOOF" (150WYCJ s9195 ltlOCADLUC &DODIESB. (300YHC) s1~995 -- I tlO CAJHLLAC COUPIDmU.E (n7ZJJ) sn,995 1971 CADILLAC R.EITWOOD llOUfiHAM (623ULA) s9995 I 9IO CADILUC SPUI (872YMY) 514,995 ltll CADILLAC &DOIADO tmM5J s15,915 1'1tCADl.LAC SlftUDmSIL lllMQX) s11,15 ·Ofrer sood Ulru Monday, 2-1-12 ,_ 'N~ ,c . •HAllOl&VD . •1ii Have 10melhin: to sell! Oalaified ads o it well. Alltos,UMd ••••••••••••••••••••••• BUICKS AT AU.PllCIS! lffJlmmA Restored. (JZF933) .SZt'5 1976 ... Al COUPI Loaded. (203PCY) Sl4'5 Im ISTATI we.M. 3rd Seel. (600TZV) SSHS 197' IMAl 1VllO Powerful economy (700WYBJ SSHS 1•snua Tw o-tone Lim ited. (71nRSJ S6HS IHI lllUll Four-door (206ZPKJ S6ft5 IHI CHUIY Fooc-doot. (970ZPS) ""' IHI -Al COUPI LOldedl ( 1 BJJ063J $7"5 IHI CIMIUIY w.M. LOlded! (1BJZ781 ) Sltf 5 WWtHrte s-is,.dlt RIVIERAS Cbake of many. Our selecticm includes: ,,. ...... "11alOCHAMe. Gold with tan le1thef & on ly 28 ,000 miles! (419880~ '"'' ,,. ...... Brown with velOuf trim, Landau top a only 28.000 miles! (113ZEO). SI l,tff 1mll'9A • While with blue velour trim a a llJPfl' looker! (3&3WHO). '"" '"' ..... Gold ...... tan 1"t* Ab1oluttlV toadec:t Including a powtr r.11unoer teat! 114XUT). '"" -,,, ..... c..., ........ OOll'A MllA 19-2 •• •• •• •• •• •• ••• USE YOUR • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••• • •••••••••••• •• • • •• • • • REBATE TO BUY • ••• •• •• • •• •• BELOW FACTORY llYOICEI • •• •• ••• • CHAMPS ARROW PICKUPS SAPPOROS SJMmATI tall&OW FACTOIY IM¥OICI ..... " SJlll&OW MCTOIY IM¥OICI SOMETHING DIFFERENT! . SJMmATI s1•-.ow FACTOIY IM¥OICI . u....al Can. Classics, Antiques, Race, & One of a kind! t . .. -~ lllll1! t~lli Sil 'ill IPICIAL IALI .. 1982 CHIYROLITll BRAND NEW 1982 BRAND NEW 1982 CAMARO S· 10 PICKUP Lolded inc. automatic trans .. tinted Fully factory equipped including an glasa, air cond., sports mirrors , tilt economical 4 cylinder engine. 4 whl., lf)IC. Instrumentation, AM-FM speed transmission, power steering, sttreo & r\lye wheels. (Stk. 295). AM radlO, gauges & tinted glass. (Sttc. i'Sf072 ·5·6449 SEE US THIS WEEKEND . · .. WHERE OUR· REPUTATION IS ¥0~2.Y~~~fEE! CONNELL CHEVROLET Serving Costa Mesa for 22 years. 2828 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 200 ....... ... ..... ............. .._,,..., ........ '12 MUSIAll IL SEDA•· Automatic. pe>wer steering, pe>wer brakes. GL Package, and much morel (Ser. #17174). '76 TRIUMPH ft·7 4 NIMd, caaMtte. (llfYYA) (33135) SUPIR YALUI - '11 HOIDA CIVIC 4 speed, 8 track .... ges saver. (822RST) (33718) '80 MAZDA 626 'Automatic tra('ls... air conditioo <1CAW152) (33"788) . I MPORT SPECIAL '76 MG Recing Green in color. Only 38,982 miles! (647SFL) '71 mYOTA CUlllOA Loedld, with ell ti. ex· ,, .. (Ser. #0211.0) Only iGAIO mllel. (33129) '71 IADZA HA'IClllAC~. . Auto trana. el r cond. P/Sf1'9, ek. Plus, llfultl. <211WY> c-...1. · '4295 . . '80 COLT WACiOM Automatic trans.. air cond .. a rare one. (M0#302904) (33791) ECONOMY '79 DATSUN 210 HATCHIACIC 5 speed. AM/FM stereo. red w/reclng stripes. Only 35.624 miles. (900YDL) 74 DATSUN IZIO Auto. trans.. orange in color. Lots of miles left in this one! (M3JMC) PRICED TO SELL '75 AUDI FOX Auto. trans .. 2 de. hardtop. Exceptional car1 (943SXF) MUST SEE! I '81 TOYOTA CBJCA Blacic on black, 5 sp. trena .. air cond .. pwr. ftr .. AM/FM CHI., c ruise, tilt wheel. (1 BWW204) BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL . $463, 173 USED CAR & TRUCK INVENTORY MUST BE SOLD OUT AT SPECTACULAR SAYINGSI 76 VW VAN IUllLITO/I You C8l'I alt dOWn or ltand up In this one! (624NY1) '8 L ITAltflll 20AIO mllft, stereo, 1lr. full PQWer, l lr, lmmKU· llte (lOIYPZl (Jll21) '82 R.ARESIDE ... PICKUP '&I CHm CAMAllO Auto trena. fedorv 1/c, 110Wer stwrtne, vinyl roof. (2DXQ99) (msl). '79 CHEVY . MONllCM10 ~. P/ltme, V4, euto, elect wtndWI, stweo. custm wtlll, ttlt, etc. J7,,.. ml. (~RF). (D21). LOADED '78 FORD : 1-lllD DIAMOND JUllL!E. VI, et, fct e/c, full ....,, ..... ,. brb, .... •! ... ts, Afn.P:m rdo atr, Mr. t. .... "" ..... lnDUZVl (nl46). '4588 'II COBRA MUITAN9 TUlt80. 4 cyl, 4 NIMd, stldt shift, siower steer· lne, POWer dllc bl'111et, nllow. (1910041 ) (33141). TURBO COBRA '71 CUTUSS ....... BROUGHAM. Ewry con- wtvebtl extra. 11.-1 or1t. mllel, feet fr'llh. lMIXZP) (33771). ~· '71 LTD WMON 10 ......... full pOWer, _,,, cnitee, Hit elr, lk. Jt• mllll. (IGXZIU (131M). ALL NEW .. 1981· PONllAC .. 4ql.. ... lllli•cted..P.• ••••• 1r ...... .. Frcllltwlleelclrm aEAGE UM 1-1t-'ert 10< --.. ..._.. ... llMOe ... , .,.., ..._. .... Olt ............... ..._. •lld -eolldltiOllt • AclW .........., .......... " ~lie-- OR .. 5995.Down Plus Ta.Uc111e&Da1 .. ._,,_ DD . •LT.·5 11~ . . RIYE _lllE_TODJlYI • • • MILEAGE SAU NICI MttUO .... ._ le & Dec. Pee. IHI.ff .... ,._ SHI.ti lall11MDM¥"-...... _.IHMDll 'at ... fw• ..... ef ........... ,....... .-.......... lllt.IJ,.. .... fw 41 ~ 117Jl.M ............. A.P.a. 11.41"-. Dtfw1e4 ,.,.._. ...... 17lllM•w•• .. .,.... IMMEDIATE IEllYERYI . . ,.. .. ' . -