HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-31 - Orange Coast Pilot-mllll llllY PINI 'Jr~ l ;\ 'f ! ·" '' f' if ' I ~ 1, ' I ) H J\~, , t t ' ) I: N • I J\ I I I (}H NI A '>O c le N 1 <., Hayakawa pulls out of Senate race, stuns GOP MONTEREY (AP) -U.S. Sen. S. I. Hayakawa ended bia campaign for r e -e lection Saturday in a dramatic retirement announcement that stunned the California Republican Party convention here. It was not immediately clear which of Hayakawa 's seven opponents i n the June a Republican primary would be helped most by bia withdrawal, and Hayakawa said throu1h an aide he wou.14 make no personal endorsement. · The 75-year-old former San Francisco State Colle1e president wu a weak fourth in recent polls of GOP voters. Hit cltmpaign treasury waa nearly empty as he had been dolled by cbar1es he bad been ineffective in the Senate, often doline off to sleep. Hayakawa did not refer dlrecUy to the problems of bia re-elect.ion campaign In bis unexpected retirement speech tQ more than 1,000 California GOP leaden, saying only that he was unable to both campal1n for re-e lection and perform bis Senate duties. An aide, Sandra Conlan, said Hayakawa believed be could win re-election if he stayed In the race, but that he reco1nized "the hard facts of life" such as bis failures in the polls and fund raising. Recent polls put Rep. Barry Goldwater Jrr., San Dte10 Mayor Pete Wilson and Rep. Pete McCloekey ahead of Hayakawa for the GOP primary. Other candidates in the race are Rep. Bob Dornan . President Reagan's da ughter Maureen, State Sen. J ohn Schmitz and former Loyola law school dean Ted Brulnsma. Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. is expected to be the Democratic candidate. After early comments that he Deify ..... ~.,a.... .... BEFORE WEEKEND RUSH -Corona del Mar jetty had a peaceful silhouette. Friday. The tranquility -captured with a telephoto lens at 1/2000 and f-stop 45 disappeared when Saturday's warm weather attracted beach crowds. Coast politicians protest Schmitz remarks Twenty-one officials register disapproval in coalition survey By STEVE TRIPOLI °'_.,_ ........... All 21 local officials who responded lo a call that they comment on recent statements by state Sen. John Schmitz regis t e red som e form of disapproval of the rem arks. the group that organized the effort reported Saturday. t o comment on statements made in a recent Schmitz press release. Schmitz, a Corona del Mar Republican , characterized some foes of anti -a bortlon legislation as "bulldykes" and "hard, Jewish and (arguably) female." all public office at the earliest possible date." Irvine City Council member / Larry Agran called the remarks ··an affront to decent people everywhere. Racist, sexist . . . statements not only d efame e ntire groups of Americans; they undermine freedom itself." Another 44 officials who also were asked for comments by the Women's Network Al e rt, an Orange County p olitical coalition, did not r espond, members of the coalition said. The comments touched off strong reactions and a censure of Schmitz by the Senate, but some, including Schmitz, maintain the publicity has only helped his campaign for the R e publican U .S . Senate nomination. Fountain Valley City Council member Barbara Brown wrote : ·'As a parent. I have used Senator Schmilz's remarks and com menls as a lesson for my children. He is the antithesis or the type of person, citizen and American we would wish them to be." In a separate development, seven top officials of the California Republican Party condemned Schmitz's remarks in a joint statement i,ssued Saturday. The 65 officials contacted by the coalition, all e lected officehold e r s whose constituencies ar e wholly or partly in Sch m ilz' s 36th Several of those responding used wording which left no doubt about their own feelings on Schmitz's remarks and what they feel the voters should do with him. Several others said they feel the voters that elected Schmitz must now pass final judgment on him. , Senatorial District, were asked Newport Beach City Council member Donald Strauss wrote in a letter to the coalition, "John Schmitz is a disgrace to public office and should be voted out of Huntington Beach Mayor Ruth Finley said "I believe the voter must now act, and pray that the majority or the electorate is made up of rational human Silence worries guard Prison inmates write letters and .complain, or worse ByJEFFPAUER ... ....,~ ........ To the press it was "Murder Cit1," to the American underground it was the birthplace of the Symblonese Liberation Army and to the men sentenced to stay there it was both home and bell. To Robert Jones, a )'OUlll man with a family to support, Soledad prilon meant '240 a month and steady work u a IUAJ'd. Jones worked as a Soledad Prilon suard - the job was officially termed "correctional officer .. in 19'4 -tor 27 7ean. He retired in the summer ol 1978 and moved to Colla Mesa • abort Ume later. At•. be is well sp()ken and in IOOd pbyaleal shape despite the broken neck be received in a riot and a stabbln1 elven hJm bf an inmate. For 27 yean Jones lived in a world of rioleaee and 1Ueace. an unarmed man outnumbered IOO to OD• by the men be WU paid to "c.'Ol1"ed ••• Four ot bis co-wor\:en were murdered by lnmate1 durtn1 1970, earnin1 Soledad the nickname "Murder City." JOM9 outlind tbe · •lolence1 but aatll receaUy the 1Ueoce - eom.tMac be aaid U..t all suardl cleftlop in Ume -~. • • AQJODe wearin1 a badp aqaertencn what I bel• to r .. 1 u a JOUDI man," be saict. "That tbe world II divided lnto two lidll, JOUn and nerrone wbo doe1n't wear a bltd1e. Yoa · I , retreat into yourself, you uaociate only with men and women in your profeaaion. ln my yeara at Soledad, thole feelln1s increased. "What you said -or didn't say -could have an immedJate impact on your life. It takes two inmate. to Jump and kill a suard. You learn to say just enouih to 1et by, and notllint more. By the time I left Soledad, a~ I could mana1e to a 1traqer wu a brief hello. I'd like to chan1e that now. "I knew the prison well. In fact, I helped build IOlbe of the Willi before it opened. It WU to be a model prison -correctional faclUty was the term they used. Everyone bad bilb bopes for It. Spece outdoors for inmates to exerctae, no lmpollq w•ua, a better place to do Ume.and to wort. The pri.lon of the luture, they tboqht. :'When tbe lnmates started murdertnl In 1170, It wu well ... a shock. From tbe ideal prlton to • llurder City.' Tbere wu a deep feelln• tbat IOIDethinl had IOIM very wrutl,. •'Soledad Prtlon-any priion-la like a tna .. animal. It hal a We, a metabolllm of Its owa. I called It 'lbe averap. • U you bad a kuds IW flturinltbe aftfqe you could make It u a suanl. lfnot,youdidn'tttandacttuee. ''Yqu drive to won. tbe pl.el cloM bebilld you and you start ftsurtq tbe a.erase. I med (IM GVA&D, Pa .. A.I) beings who will join me in ser ving notice that democracy is not served by intolerant . self-indulgent leadership s uch as his CSchmitz's)." Others were milder in their disapproval, however. Women's Network Alert member Leonore Penfil. reporting a conversation <See SCHMITZ, Page AZ> Fire kills dad, injures 5-month-old GARDEN GROVE CAP> -A 23-year-old man was killed and his .5-monlh-0ld daughter was in cr itical condition with bums over 30 percent of her body after a fire spread through their home early Saturday morning. Richard Garry Peppmuller died from smoke inhalation and the sudden impact of but when he opened lbe dOQr from bis bedroom lo the hallway, said Fire Inspector Brad Spell. His d aughter, Tina Maria P e ppmuller . was in critical condition. but her chances for survival were good, said Kim Copelan, a nurse in the bum unit of UCI Medical Center. ''Sbe had a lot of smoke lnhal1Uon," said Ms. Copelan, adding that the baby sustained first and second degree burns over 30 percent of her body. Spell said the fire appareptly be1an in the Uvlna room IOfa wbere it may have smoldeNd for hours before eruptlnc. He said the cause wu beUe¥ed to be a cigarette but was still under lnveatigaUoa. The baby and PeppumWler'a wife, Mary Ellen Peppmuller, were aleepin1 in the bedroom with him when the blaae roared throu1h the Vancuard Street home at5:50 a.m., Spell aakl. Mary Ellen Peppmuller tied tb• borne throuth the bathroom wbadow. ''She tboulht (her taubeM) bad left thf'OUCh lbe .......... ••• unaware that be bad colJapeed outside the bedroom, SpeUaaid. • Peppmuller'1 mother, Jean D. c1eena1:.-PaaeA1) might withdraw if he did not improve hil place la the polls, Hayakawa chanted bis position laat summer, uying repeatedly he wu in the race to stay. His withdrawal took his own supporters by surprise. A Hayakawa-for-re-election hoapitallty suite nearby was colorfully decorated and at.oeked with refreshments for a plaMed vote-seeking reception later in the day. His intentions were a closely g uard e d sec ret al the c_onvenUon, although Ma. Conlan said he notified Republican leaaers o f the U.S . Senate Wednesday night. The first public hint came when Hayakawa was granted permission to appear before the convention separately at Its opening session. rather than during a later scheduled join\., appear ance with his seven· campaign foes. .. . • Poland food riots feared WARSAW , Poland (APl - Poland's martial law regime bas form1lly detained Solidarity leader Lech Walesa, sidetracked his offer to open talks and may close factories in Gdansk for the next two weeks for fear of riots over food price hikes, informed union sources said Saturday. Tbe sources said Walesa had been informed b e wa s ''detained ,'' rather than sequestered as first reported when martial law was imposed and his union was suspended Dec . 13. They said he has accused the communist regime of ''dishonesty and warned that people should not trust the government.•' A ha m r ad io operator in Britain s aid a c landestine broadcast from Poland Friday nicbt claimed Walesa was seriously ill in a Warsaw jail and that Solidarity was arming lo battle the government. Previous reports from Poland said Walesa was well treated in a villa outside Warsaw. and that Solidarity leaders still at large were urging passive resistance. Demonstrations supportin1 Solidarity and attacking martial law were held in scores of cities in the West Saturday. (See Page A2 > The union sources, who have contacts in the Baltic port of Gdansk. said authorities may close some fa ctories there for two weeks to let price hikes scheduJed for Monday "sink in.·• The prii:e of some foods will rise 400 percent. the biggest increase In more than a decade. Previous bikes in 1970 and 1976 caused bioody ri~~ in Gdans k and Warsaw. Solidarity sources said their union formed in Gdansk after food price increases In August 1980 a nd th e first labor federation in the Soviet bloc free of Communist Party control - <See POLAND, Page A%) Fonda best actor in Golden Globes HOLLYWOOD (AP> -Henry Fonda, Meryl Streep, "Arthur" and "On Golden Pond" scored top honors Saturday night al the 39th Golden Globe Awards. which proved a wa rm . sentimental occasion. T h e evenin g 's biggest applause came for the award to Fonda, r ecuperating al bis Bel-Air .home after a long hospitalization because of adverse reaction to his heart medic1Uon. His honor from the Hollywood Foreign Press Association wu accepted by daughter, Jane Fonda, who told the Beverly Hilton Hotel International BaUroom and national television audiences: "My dad doesn't believe in these things, but I'm still happy for him." Miss Fonda salute d her father's "courage and spirit and determination," adding that his recovery was "because of a woman named Shirlee." Shirlee Fonda, the actor's wife, came on stage to report that her husband is "getting well, he's painting, he's walkine with a cane . . . " Fonda was named best dramatic film actor for "On Golden Pond," which also won for belt dramatic motion picture and for Ernest Thompson's script. Tbe Golden Globes were telecast by CBS, with Linda Gray and Robert Preston as masters of ceremonies. ON THE INSIDE LINE 8TARt8 Rt:aE - Beautiful desilft, if done rilht, is actually less expen•lve to manufacture, says Lynn Smith Spttalny. Sbe ou1ht to know. Her l ·year-old Mechanical Artist company hn ewlftd into two more which are explained on Pase Dt. set:•s AT B'S -Whether 1he'1 addre11tn\u~1e Cou.nt.y Board ot or J!ppearlDI iD comm•DltJ ta.eater, Shella llcCanaa la e'•IUent, eatbuslHtle and ener1eue. Tllat'a partly wby 1tae•1 the cov.r model for SlJle -pra8ied • p ... Cl. FAVORITE -Henry Fond'a won best c,tramat ic film actor award for "On Golden Pond'' at Golden Globes ceremony Saturday. "Arthur" collected the mc.t awards -for best comedy or mus ical, star Dudley Moo"9, supporting actor John Gieltud and for the song, "Best That You Can Do." • Meryl Streep won as dramatic actress for "The French Lieutena nt's Woman " and Bernadette Peters for actress in a comedy or musical , "Pennies From Heaven." ca EWS CUT? -When you get that sinking feeline. you ma.y have to paddle lon1er this year before the Coast Guard arrives. A proposed merger bf Districts 11 and 12 and cutbacks in cutter personnel are outlined on Pqe A4. . "" M --=I .. .. .,. ... • .... = uaDLY CllANGD -Canal ~1 Pia., .. 't ... , .. w . Biil 11 rou want a calftall ..._. lib arwtma med to jl &:; JCM&'lf ... to llO Ulen. \ eAt'-'tf'tWTMCTte*I ClewCMlta ............. U1t on Pal8 AT. \ ( I Orange Coa1t O~LV PILOT/Sonday. January 31, 1982 ThouSands rally: for SOiidarity By tile A..uoclated Preu Thousands of supporters of Poland's independent trade union raised ''Solidarity" banners u they rallled in cities around the world Saturday ur1ln1 an end to martial law in Poland and freedom for labor leaders jailed there. The chief U.S. rally was in Chicago, which bas the laraest Polish community o utside Warsaw. An estimated 10,000 turned out to hear AFL-CIO, President Lane Kirkland and Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig speak at the International Amphitheater bedecked with "Solidarnosc" banners. Repression in Poland ha11 "cast a long and dark shadow over East-West relations," Haig said, and he read the crowd a message from President Reagan. ·'There is a spirit of solidarity abroad in the world today that no intimidation can crush," the message said. ··By our actions we demonstrate our solidarity with the people of Poland. Their cause is ours." The AFL·CIO organized Solidarity rallies in all SO states. with major rallies in 16 cities. Demonstrations also were held in Vienna, London, Brussels and in several cities in West Germany , a s we ll a s in Nottingham, England, and Cardiff, Wales. An estimated 2,400 Japanese union members marched in Tokyo. Many of those arriving at the Chicago rally carried posters bearing the face of Solidarity leader Lech Walesa ; others carried signs -one read, "Send Russia Our Wheat in a Nuclear Missile" -and jars were passed * * * From PageA1 POLAND • • • "will stage protes t actions against the price hikes as much as possible." But they said such protests should not ··result in destruction of the union." The sources said Walesa had offered to open talks with the regime la st week in the company of his advisers and presidium members, but that officials had refused two of the advisers. Bronislaw Geremek and Tadeusz Mazowiecki. Th e so urces s aid t h e government agreed instead to give Walesa advisers Jan Olszewski . Wladyslaw Sila-Nowic ki a nd Wieslaw Chrzanowski , but that talks had not come about. The sources did not say why the talks had been delayed, or if they had been rescheduled. but that the government planned to organize new leade r s hip e lections from rank-and-file Solidarity members, a nd that "Walesa advised u n ion members to elect those activists who are still detained." around lo collect donations for food tc1 be sent to Poland. K Ir kl and told the rally, "The thousands assembled here are part of a worldwide movement . . . of plain people who cheriah, for themselves, the rl1hts claimed by Solldarnosc ... Whatever ground we cede to the ene mies of human rl1hts, we surrender of our own freedom." lo Washington, Archbishop James f(ickey cele brated a special mass at noon in St. Matthew's Cathedral. P'ollowing was a march to Lafayette Park across fro"1 the White House for a rally featuring Sen . Henry Jackson , D -Wa sh . From PageA1 SCHMITZ • • • with an aide to U.S. Rep. Robert Badham, R -Newport Beach, quoted the aide as saying that ·'the congressman hoped that he would have the good judgment never to do or say anything like Schmitz said. He (the aide) also said Badham feels Schmitz was voted into office and his constituents must vote him out if that is what they want to do." Statewide Republican officials who on Saturday condemned Schmit z included leaders of both houses of the Legislature and the s tate 's R ep ubli ca n congressional delegration. the state party chairman and two s tate representatives to the Republi ca n National Committee. In a written statement, the G 0 P leaders reportedly said ·'the remarks of Senator Schmitz is Csic > an anathema to the very principles and foundations of the Republican Party. In the party of Abraham Lincoln there is no room for bigotry." Schmitz, according to The Associated Press, described the party leaders who signed the sta t e ment as "p h ony , hypocritical politicians," and said the attacks would help his campaign. Oth er local officials who . .r.esponded to the request were cou nt y Super visor Harriett Wieder. state Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson . Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather, Newport Beach City Council member Philip Maurer, Irvine Mayor David Sills and Irvine City Council member Bill Vardoulis. Also, Fountain Valley Cify Council member Marvin Adler, Huntington Beach City Council members Ru.th Bailey, Jack Kelly and Don MacA llister, Laguna Beac h Mayor Sally Bellerue, Tustin City Council mem bers Richard Edgar and Urs ula Kennedy , Newport. Beach City Council member Evelyn Hart, San Clemente City Council members Karoline Koester and Alan Korsen. GRAFFITI-STAINED SEAWALL ~ A painting festival is planned a t Bolsa Chica State Beach to . turn the seawalls into a two ·ti~red mile-long mural. While a youth ' pe r c h es o n the sea wall a passe rby vie w s a graffiti -marked wall and a painting of the Blues Brothers,·which its artists say can be touched up. Cover-up Planned for Bolsa seawalls ~ Artist festival to transform eyesore into colorful mural By PATRICK KENNEDY Of Hie D.ity PiMt Staff • "We just wish we knew who p_ainted those pictures so we could ask them to do some more and to give lessons to rangers and lifeguatds. We've formed a committee to paint a 30-foot-long gray whale on a section of the wall but we're not artists," he said. assistance to the mural festival. But he says he's a little disappointed at the present condition of their work. Officials or Bolsa Chica State Beach I, want the Bl'alfiti-stained seawaUs below the bluff transformed into a colorful, two-tiered mural more than a mile long. .. Laurei and Hardy are a little bit abused with graffiti," he said. To accomplish this, the state Parks and Recreation officials in Huntington Beach have announced the "Bolsa Chica Seawall Mural Festival" and are asking commun ity artists for painting proposals. The seawalls are located along the sand and on a service road coming down from the blufftop. The road Is used to service coastal oil pumps and pipelines between 11th and Golden West streets. Perry apparently didn't read an April 1980 story in the Daily Pilot that told how Sam Adamov, of Costa Mesa, and Joe Slockbower, of Buena Park, came to the newspaper office wearing paper bag masks and admitted they were the mystery artists. "It wouldn't take much to touch up, but that's what makes the project questionable. You do something ni ce and some kids come along and make a mess. But that's the chance you take with public art," he said. Lifeguard Per ry says he hopes if the community participates in the proposed mural, local citizens also will look out for the wall and immediately report vand?ls. State lifeguard Dave Perry says the mural idea had its beginning in 1980 when two then unknown artists used sections of the 12-foot-high wall to paint skillful depictions of Laurel and Hardy. Charlie Chaplin, the Blues Brothers and a dark-haired woman. Contacted at his home, Slockbower, 29 , says he's s urprised that the paintings have spawned the official mural festival. Slockbower said that they chose to paint the walls in the winter so they would not draw a lot of attention. "We, thought we might get cited for painting on tbe walls ." He says artists outs ide the community also are welcome to submit painting proposals to state recreation officials by phoning 536-8807. He says recreation officials will provide background paint. "We mostly like beach scenes Like whales. dolphins, waves and surfers," Perry said. "But any painting in good taste would be an improvement." "We recognized the paintings-as a definite improvetnent over the blslc graffiti on the walls," says Perry, 27. A bronze sculptor. Slockbower says he and Adamov, 31 , who has a sign company in Westminster. will offer Lagunan . .nes in crash A 19-year -old Laguna Beach woman w as ki lled early Saturday morning when the car s he was driving left Pacific Coast Highway in Laguna Beach and struck a light standard. police said. The woman was identified by the county coroner's office as Cynthia Bemth. Police said the accident occurred at about 2:54 a.m. at the intersection of Ocean Avenue. Four escape Catalina mishap SANTA CATALINA ISLAND (AP ) -Four people on a pleasure flight from San Diego to Avalon escaped safely Saturday after engine trouble forced the pilot to land 300 feet offshore. The four . who included a honeymooning Wes t German couple, were picked up by a passing private boat. They were reported safe. having lunch on the island an d making preparations to return to the mainland via boat. s aid Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy John Radeleff. Fly°ing the s ingle -engine Mooney 201 rented from San Diego Aviation was pilot Rosalie laea , 41 , with her 22-year-old son , Michael, as co-pilot, he said. Both a re from San Diego. Their passengers, Theo Matz , 31, and Paulette Matz. 35, are honeymoone r s from West Germany staying with Ms . laea, Radeleff said. The four took off from San Diego at 10:30 a,m., but as they att e mpted to land at Airport-in-the-Sky on Catalina Island., "she had trouble with the trim, the thing that keeps a plane in level flight when it's in the air," Radeleff s aid. ''She couldn't stop it on the runway, so s he gave it full power and took off again, expecting to circle around and try it again," he said. "But when she came around. she lost power. and somebody s melled s omething burning. so they made a forced landing in the water " The four climbed out on a wing where they were picked up and taken to shore The plane sank in about 20 feet of water shortly after they were rescued. Ka delelt said, adding that the Federal Aviation Administration will conduct an investigation. Edwards bound over Thomas Francis Edwards. accused of the September 1981 murder of one adolescent girl and the wounding of another as the two waJked to a picnic, has been bound over for trial on charges stemming from the shooting. The judge who bound Edwards over for trial reportedly also ordered that he be tried on the special circumstances of "lying in wait," which means he could ge t the d eath penalty if convicted Edwards is accused of the fa tal s hooting of 12-year-old Van ess a lberri an d the wounding of her friend Kelly Cartier. now 13 a s the two walk ed near th e Blue J ay ca mpground in C leveland National Forest Edwards was arrested in Maryland several days after the murder-shooting. Newport Surf and Sport N "It's A Whole .. Way of Life" ~'\'~ !:J\ )-( l: 'r'i/\ IU"VIVAurlA" 'Olt Tlfl IH• AGI OVERTURNEQ -This van got the worst of an accident on Pacific Coast Highway Saturday night in Huntington Beach. Details we re Delly ...... ~" Lee .. ..,.. sketchy. but police reported only minor injuries in the crash, which occurred between OftANCK COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P. Haley ~-°""' E-Ofllcer Robert N. Weed .......,,. Thoma A Muf'l)hine 1 .... Michael P. Harvey ...-.ow.. L. t<ay Schultz ~-oi-­ Kenneth N Goodard Jr ~0..-f.::d Schulman Chari" H. Loos ............ =:...Moofe t ,, t • Brookhurst and Magnolia . CIHslfled ectY~nt 714t4MZ·M7' All other IMP9r1ment• 1424321 MAINO,FICE DI Wttt..,. It., C..U Mfte, CA • .-..11--· .. IMO. C••-· CA .... C..YFltM l1ID Or-C.tt ~llH ... C..,... No -"9flM, lllvttr .. -, ••lel .-., er eclYerll-• '*"'" rMf~ ,...._ .. wl-'4119Cl•I ..,mlnlen ef<:oity•r-,." • r -" 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~- FromPageA1 FIRE ... Peppmuller·, who owns the home, and his brother , Greg Peppmuller. a lso escaped unhurt. Spell credited a neighbor with saving the baby . Lyle C. Bebber, awakened by his dogs barking, ran lo the fire-engulfed home and wu told by the youn1er Mrs. Peppmuller that people were still inside. Bebber broke throu1h the bedroom window, 1rabbed tbe baby. and cHmbed back out tbe wlndow with her, Spell aald . STORl #1 2224 Newport 81¥d. Newport hech e?s-m• Open 0.Uy ' ' ' ·~ STORE 1'2 210Yt Merine Ave. 8•1bo• lll•nd 973.1129 Open Dally ·- !FDR remembered ! Wreath laid. at gravesite in Hyde P.ark on centennial HYDE PARK. N.Y. <AP) -A prestdenUal Wl'eath waa lald on •"ranklln D. R00tevelt'a crave .. 1,000 people aathered ln the cold Saturday to commemorate the · lOOth anniversary of the birth of the 32nd president. Lt. Gen. Willard Scott . superintendent or the U.S. Military Academy at West P~lnt and representative 01 Presiden Reaaan, placed the wreath on · the rose garden gravesite in : Hyde Park. A wreath was also placed on the grave of FDR's wlfe Eleanor. During the day. 2,000 people visited the Roosevelt home. said William Hubbard, chief of visitor services for the National Park Service, which operates the site. Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, · families planted 500 trees in : honor of Roosevelt's efforts to end the "Dust Bowl" or the Great Depression. , In Warm Spring s, Ga ., From Page A1 flddlera and banjo pickers serenaded visitors at the Uttle White House. the frame cottaee where Roosevelt died. "It's just what the president would have loved," T.W. Starlin, chairman or the Advisory Commission on the Little White H o u se, said of Saturday's events. Roos~velt came to Warm Springs to seek relief from polio in the area's mineral springs. In 1932, he built the simple frame cottage that became known as the Little White House. He died there on April 12, HMS. The cere'tnonies in Hyde Park came a week after an electrical fire damaged the top two floors of the Roosev e lt famil y mansion. As a crowd stood on the steps of the mansion , Gov. Hugh Carey recalled the former New York governor who went on to serve as president during the nation's darkest days. ''Roosevelt was a man for the GUARD SPEAK S • • • noise to figure it. Too much noise meant something was going to happen. Too little meant something worse. You'd always hoped it would happen in someone else's block." But knowing the average wasn't enough to keep a guard alive when Soledad Prison became "Murder City." The reign of terror began in January of 1970, when Jones's friend and fellow guard, John Mills, was working Y Wing. "J ohn wasn't the regular Y Wing guard," Jones remembers. ''Another guard called in sick and J ohn took his place. Y Wing was a rough one. Late that night, someofthe cons got him upon the third tier -decoyed him up there somehow- and when he got there they beat him up real bad and threwhimdown to the floor. "When I got to him, I couldn't even recognize him. I carried him to the infirmary. where he died two hours later. Here was a guy studying to be a counselor, turned into a pile of blood and bones. I was screaming for someone to bring me a shotgun so I could go back up there and clean some people out, but I got my senses back, luckily. "John Mills was my friend. After that, it got harder to get close to people. "A few months later we lost another guard. a fellow named McCarthy. One or the cons, a· big Cuban guy nam~d Pannell, called McCarthy up to his cell because he had a letter he wanted m ailed. present," Carey said. '/Crippled by polio, he mlaht have resigned himself to the s upposed llmlts of his disability, put his physical suffering before the traged.les or those on the bread Hnea and soup lines, In dust bowls and in Hoovervilles, those whose d es pair need n ever have invaded the stately quiet of Hyde Park. .. As a people, as a state and as ·a nation, we must rededicate ourselves to achievinl his vision , to rebuilding crumb- ling cities, to bring opportunity to those who have none, to making government an instrument of compassion, not the servant of special interest.·· Roosevelt was inaugurated in March 1933 and served until his death in April 1945. He led the natio n out of the Great Depression of the 1930s and through most of World Wa r II, and was the onty man ever to be elected to four terms. "When McCarthy slid open the mail slot on the front of the cell door, Pannell shoved a long s harpened piece of metal through.it and caught him in the neck. He bled to death there on the floor. .. After that, things were extremely tense at Soledad. None of us figured that anything would happen to Ken Conant, another guard. He was a ministe r before coming on as a guard -a real nice guy, everybody's friend. THE CUTIING EDGE -Robert Jones of Costa Mesa. ·a guard at Soledad Prison "He did a favor for -a con, sent him to Vacaville for a few months treatment in their medical facility. When the guy came back, he was doped up all the lime on valium and Conant thought be was a mess. So he took away the guy's valium. A few days later. the con rushed into hi~ office and put a shiv through Conant's eyes. Fair and w arm L IQlll v•rl•bl• winch lllrouo11 tonlQlll .. u•pt wtt1eny a lo IS knots In •tternoon, Wttlerly •-II 1 to l l"t. F•lr SAiies toniQhl •ncl "'°"""V H•QM 41 lo SS L-• 10tol5 Norlllern deMr1 lllQl\I S8 10 lit, IOWI ?I to le. Southern -r1 lliQh\ 61 to IS,low1UloO Northern .,,d Centr•I C•lllornl• m0111v l•or lllrOuQll -•v uo111 P•r11v clOucly In eWlrHne "°"" lodey •net toniQllC. FOQ In v•lley1 and •lono north c...u Coole< -.y U.S. summary Extended Sn-hit IM -r Midwest •ncl rein mo...cl from Ille ,..,..,,,.m l>l•lni 11\to t,,. mkl·MIHIHIPl>I Vattev ..... S.turd•'I'· ti wH c louclv or r•lny In most of t.lle Eest A•ln wn scetlered from Penn1ylvenl• to Te•n •nd llQlll -•n clotted ti,. P..:llK Northwttt (Otit. Temper•tur•' wer• ••ti b•low nro in the -1bern Pl.m~. but row to tlle ~ •lono Ille m ld·Atl•ntlc Coest encl Ille SOI •n<I llOs In Ille Sout'-est. For IO«Ny, 11111nder-storm1 were forecast 10 1'1reed elOnq Ille Gulf Coest st.ies, wltll ,,_ 111 tll• Olllo Velley, Oreet l.akK reolon -New Enoienct. Rain elto wes foACest to '°"'t"'ue In tM mklclte -nor111em All.,,tk Coest, encl tafr SAiies were predicted lor ,,,. ..-.m hell°" the country. TemtMreturet In 111• northern Pl•lns -IM UP119r Great L.ellfl reolon 11\0uld llR In the 1eens 100.v. with reecll"9' In IM 30\ --lrom the northern All.,,tk Coest 111"""911 the Olllo Veltev. the centre! Pfeln1 •ncl ecro» the nor1hem Rockies Into , .... Peclllc MorthWHI. Southern 1tMe1 will ,,..,. wer,...r lempere!urft In Ille SOI -~ with FIOrlde wermlnQ Into the '°'· Tem _ _...,.., •round the netlon et m'-"er Selurclav renged 1,.,,,., e low ol 11 MIOW HA In OavHs Lake. N.O .• toe 11'9fl ol 11 In Fort Mv-rs, Fie. Ca lifornia ,elr """"""~y.""' ... '°' e1141 lew cloudlNH mel11fy ••ot't 1eutll co ell tonlQlll e11c1 eerl y Moncley. Not mu<ll tempereture <f1M9e. """'In 0...... C-y wlll lie 63 te .. et the lleeclles, .. to 7J "''911d erwH. l.owl45toS>. lllle1141 velleYt on u:pect 1119'1' -·,. -. ... el'll -y. ~· Ne••- Mou11telns wlll lleve nortll•HI w""'9 U·U tnoll tHfl lnci to -""""' ....... ~ ........... forecast Felr fhrOUVf1 the perlOCI HIQll\ In coest•I •re-s 61 to 7S. Low• u to S2 HIQlll at mount.tin •HOl1s S2 to 60 LOW\ In ffW JO\ • NO&& V \ 0•p• (1 "' .,_ .. .,.,,. Temperatures NATION HI Le Albeny • °' AlbuQW S2 20 Amerlllo 4Q • Anchor-u IS A-viii• SJ JI Atlente 67 «) Allentc Ctv SJ 11 eanlmore 4' It Blrmlnotwn 11 so Blimarck .01 _., Bohe «) 20 Boston ,, It Brownslllle 71 n Butta lo • 21 Cf\erhlnSC SI 4J CllerlStnWV ~ ... Clle~enne '2 It Cfllu90 l3 ~ c1nc1 .... e11 SJ • Cleve lend 41 lJ Col11mbul .. lJ Oel-FtWl'tl u .., Denver .. ti Oe1Mol~ Detroit Honolulu Hovston I ncln ec>I Ii Je<Unvlle J-eu Ke111Clb USV99M Little RO<k LOVltvllle Memplllt Mleml Mltweuw Mpl .. St.I> Hetflvllle New Orie- NewYorti Horlotll Pflllecls>lli• ..-n1a Plt11bu ... Reno Rlclml-S.llL .... Sffttle SI LW!S 19 30 u S7 :M 43 22 SllOUne Tu< son TUIH WHlllnqtt1 Wl<lllta CALI,OANIA ll Appl• Valley ~ B•~er1flelo Jll 8er1tow SI 8Hurnof'tl 61 BIQ BHr It ~~~~a ~ Culver City ... ~~::.:: 2t L4t A•i.. 21 Merysvllle It Monrovi. «) -·bello ao Mont9rer ?J Mt. Wiison 2' HewpGr1 8Mdl n o.t11enc1 4l 11'•11'11~ 32 PetedeM -PelO AOllMI ---------------------Alversk*e 1tec1e1un lllf RIPDRT ' RedWoocl City Se<rem...to S.lfnH ' s... eer,,.,-dlno S.n OleQID .... 9eeCll A"'I zw.ie t Seftta-'<e 1 ........,, 1 S.nO .... C-'Y 2 Outtooll for.........,! Little c...,._, ... -t I 2 J .... '" 1' 1' 1' If S.n Frencls<o S...JOM S...toAN ............. Sent•B--• .... ... Dir leflte MMl4I , t w Seftte MoNce Ste<Uen t I W T..._V8'1ey : : : Tlllerrnel Torr- y- We''e Listening ••• JS :M 3' 24 32 HI Le u ,. '° J3 ., ,, ... . l4 °' S3 23 ... .. .. " SS J7 S4 32 72 .. SI J4 11 u .. . '° ,, l4 " u .. .... 1J 4t .. ,, .. ,, " 11 .. .. .. ,. S4 " ,. J:a 63 IS 6S .. 51 J1 '° JS .. 41 '° " ... JI " 47 S1 • 4$ Ot 7• .. .. 41 1' d What 'do you like about the Daily PilOl? What don't you like? Call the number below and your me11a1e will be recorded, tranacribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour answenn1 service may be used to record let- ters to the edJtor on any topic. Mailbox contributors muat Include their name and telephone number lor verillcaUon. No circulation cans. p&ease. Tell us ~at's on your rnlnd. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday. January 31 , 1982 HONORING THEIR FATHER Franklin Delano Roo~eve lt 's two surviving sons. James. left, of Newport Beach. and Franklin Jr. lay a wreath at Franklin D elan o Dally ,., ... ""49 ., Lee ll'e'l'M during th(' vioknt 19i0s. l'Xamines I wo weap<>ns confiscated from in mate~ "A few months later, another guard was beaten to death in some squabble over athletic equipment. Even some of the cons wanted out. They told me they'd rather be at San Quentin, even Folsom, than at Soledad. Those were miserable years. ·'The prison was overcrowded and full of factions. We had the Nuestra Familia -who wer e supposed to be working against the Mexican Mafia but were even worse, the Aryan Brothers, the Soledad Brothers. the Black Muslims. "The people in Sacramento wouldn 't listen to our problems until it was too late and guards s tarted getting killed. No one was ever convicted for those killings ... Jones said. · Except for the "Murder City" years. Jones rem embers his time at Soledad as interesting, sometimes e nlig ht e nin g . He was an acquaintance of Donald DeFreeze and Eldridge Cleaver. and became friends with a few inmates. Some have gone straight and still write him. "De Freeze began organizing the· Symb1onese L1berat1on Army during his time at ........... Roosevel t M em or ial in Washington on Saturday , the 100th anniversary of FDR's birth Soledad," he remembers. "He was my clerk for a few months . I think he helped Cleaver write ·soul on Ice' while they were there. DeFreeze was a very quiet. well-spoken man. He was respected by the inmates and he was the kind of guy who was always trying to talk things out rather than fight. "He wasn't the type to go around getting people excited. He didn't like violence, but when he used it, he went all the way. I was surprised when I read the papers a few years later and found out the police had killed him. ''The hardest part of being a guard is the way you develop relations with people . In prison. you can't become good friends with anyone, even though that's where you spend most or your life. "With the inmates. you can't be too friendly and you can't be too hard or they'll write letters and complain about you. or worse. You learn to offer just enough. "A prison isn't a real private place though. You can't be around that many people without them fi nding out about you. It's like some or them can read your mind. "One day. an inmate in my wing said · Jonesy, you're a nice guy and I know you work hard. Let me give you $28,000. I've got the money in a bank. Because you're a nice guy.· "I knew the kind of deal he wanted to make. Just as there are crooked cops, there are crooked guards too. They get on the payroll and bring tn drugs and alcohol. He was ri ght -I was working hard and I needed the money - but I wouldn't play with him. I had to have him transferred out of my wing -I didn't want the temptation,'· he said. "'Guards bring a lot of narcotics and alcohol into prison. but visitors bring more. Women visitors give their boyfriends and husbands a kiss. and pass a balloon filled with drugs to the m. It's real hard to prevent that kind of transfer. "Al Soledad. drugs were my worst enemy. I led classes and rehabilitation groups to try to get the in mates away from narcotics. All my life I've hated drugs. "I busted my own daughter when she was 14. after I found grass and pills in her room. A few months in a half-way house cured her. She said later it was the best thing I could have done. I knew she needed help but I didn't personally know what to do. So I turned her ov.er to people l respected. (''I'm stiJI active in drug prevention here in the county. If I can keep just one person from becoming addicted to narcotics, I'll feel like I've done my job. - "'You'd think that 27 years in a prison would sour a person on human nature, but it didn't," he said. "I lea rned that most people are good and want to lead clean lives. "Just after John Mills was killed, a bunch of the inmates who thought it was terrible sent his wife a long letter of sympathy and they all signed It. "When my daughter became ill with kid· ney disease and needed blood. 50 inmates volunteered and gave their own blood. I didn't even know that they knew she was sick. I never asked them for it. But they did it anyway. That was before 'Murder City' and the rest of it. ( guess." The sweetest Beef Stick· sale ever! OF OHIO Save $100 per lb. on a~ stick Save50~ per lb. on a rut piece - Your ntllrby Hickory Fanns"' is your year 'round gift stort': IN &oath Coast flaz• "' L__.C_.....Mll ............ s. Diep ..... ., I C .... .... = .... ..... ........ .__,a ........ 540-6991 a ' Orange Co11t DAIL:. Y PILOT/Sunday, January 31 , 1982 Slower, fewer rescue operations? Merger of 11th, 12th Coast Guard districts would cut crew along Orange Coast. By ALMON LOCKA8£Y DeleyNll .......... Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! That familiar dlatress sl1nal or ships. pleaaure boata and aircraft may elicit a somewhat slower reaponse with the cutback or Coaat Guard rescue facilities In Southern Callfomla. But all Is not lost for pleasure boats operatln1 off the coast from San Dleco to Marina del Rey, accordlnl lo Coast Guard offlcials al the teetering 11th Coast Guard District headquarters In Loni Beach. Rumors that all 11th District operations were to be merged with the 12th District in San Francisco were somewhat pre mature. according to Capt. Jim Mitts, chief or boating and public affairs at the Long Beach headquarters. The possible merging Is being discussed at conferences in San Francisco and the final decision will not be known until Feb. S, according to Capt. Mitts. But the rumors that all search and rescue ' operations in the Southland would be transferred to San Francisco with the proposed · merger simply are not true, Capt. Mill! said. Vessels in distress calling "Coast Guard Radio Long Beach" for search and rescue will , be answered quickly -but actual assistance may be slower than usual in coming, according to Capt. Mitts. ' The reason is that the Coast Guard air station at Los Angeles International Airport is being decommissioned and only the Coast Guard air facility at San Diego will remain ln operation. Furthermore. the cutback means that only two cutters wlll remain In commlaaion In Southern Callfornia -one at Newport Beach and one at Marina del Rey. Bolh will be on a standby basis with one crew lnatead of two. Thia may mean that rescue operations wlll be slowed, said Capt. Mitts, but not entirely lost. Distress calls will continue to be monltored by Radio Coast Guard Long Beach and San Diego. Capt. Mitts said one or the distinct disadvantages to Southern Callfomla shlppina and boating would be the decommissioning or the cutter Walnut which is charged with maintenance of navigational aids. ·'The budget cutback and merging or the 11th and l2th districts, if it occurs, will mean that all navigational aids along the Southern California coast wlll be handled out or San Francisco," said Capt. Mitts. ·'That and the closing or the Los Angeles air station would be the most serious setbacks to boating in this area." he added. Meanwhile, yacht clubs and other boating organizations in the Southland are mounting a letter writing campaign to the Department or Transportation, under which the Coast Guard operates, objecting to the cutbacks in service and the possible merger of the two districts. "An yone wanting to write a letter had better hurry." said Harry Gage. Newport harbor master. "The discussions are quite far along." Boatlna organlzatloos point out that tbe greatest small boat traffic la between San Dle10 and Point Dume, the coastal llmita or the 11th Coast Guard District. The 11th District also 11 In charge of boating on the Colorado River. According to Mitts, the cutback wlll result In the 82·f00l cutter Point Divide at Corona del Mar being reduced from 21 days a month or Instant readiness to 10. Instant readiness means that a crew Is aboard and can cast orr on a rescue mission with five minutes notice. The decrease In readiness days will result in the Point Divide being reduced from two crews or eight men to one crew or four. Men not on duty will ~ on call and can be summoned in an emergency -but the crew roundup could take as long as two hours . Not only Newport Beach but Dana Point and Huntington Harbour would be adversely affected because of the heavy traffic in and out during the peak of the boating season. Rep. Robert Badham, R-Newport Beach, said he is concerned about such reduction or sea and air rescue ability or the Coast Guard. Long Beach city officials as well as officials of the huge Long Beach Marina have also expressed concern and are voicing their Objections to the Department or Transportation. Regardless of whether the administrative and engineering divisions or the 11th District are removed to San Francisco. the cutbacks of search and rescue facilities are expected in March, the beginning of the heavy boating season in Southern California. .. ~ ......... BEGINS REIGN -Newly crowned Miss Chinatown U.S.A .. Stephanie Shu Shiu. 22. of Lemoore. presided over Saturday night parade in San F'rancisco marking the Year of the Dog. Battered women saved from cycle, future risk :sy SANDIE JOY Of-D-. ...... S-, Battered women and the men who abuse them aren't sickos. They have hopes and dreams li k'e everyone else. • Often, the batterers are nice i men, holding good jobs, and are I respected in the community. I explained Gillian Marlin or the Women's Transitional Living · Center <WTLC >. "Batterers aren't creeps on two legs,'' she said , "but every once in a while, there's a side to their personality that no one else sees." That side is a tendency to be violent toward the woman in his life, especially if the men were r aised in a home where they learned to deal with stress by becoming violent. That's where WTLC comes in. The location of the largest of two .shelters in Orange County is a closely guarded secret because or real dangertothe50lo60 battered women and their children who fiv e there. · Whe n a battered woman fin ally leaves her man, he becomes desperate, Ms. Martin said. even homicidal. Many batterers keep weapons such as guns at home. Once admitted to the shelter. women can stay up to 45 -Oays while participating in intensive counsel i n g a nd therapy exploring the relationship from which they came. Most people think or the battered woman as the one with the occasional black eye. "But," Ms. Martin explained, "for the most part. WTLC cli ents come from a relationship that's a hell <0f a lot more violent.·· For example, she told a group of Pi Beta Phi Alumnae meeting last week at the Irvine home of Marylou Liggett, one woman fina lly left home when s he awoke to find her husband had set her bed on fire -with her in it. Another left when her husband r e peatedlx slashed her back with a razor blade. By the time a woman decides to leave such a relationship, Ms. Martin explained , her self esteem is rock bottom. She needs help to realize she isn't responsible for the way she's been treated and to learn she has a right to express her Throw Git T111io1 11~ Fi1~ e motions. Often, she is entirely without a means of support. There's a lot of overt financial control by batterers, she said, because th e man becomes increasingly fearful that the woman is going to leave him. It took one woman three years to save nickels and dimes for busfare so she and her children could leave home. Ms. Martin said . Spousal abuse is a highly prevalent, hidden crime. Ms. Martin said. noting the center's hot line receives from 1,100 to 1,400 calls for help each month. During 1978 in California. 1.7 million adults faced a spouse with a knife or gun. according to the California Coalition Against Domestic Violence an d a handbook prepared by the Crime Prevention Unit of the state attorney general's office. More than 32 percent of the female bomicide victims in Ca liforn ia in 1971 were murdered by their husbands and nearly 9 percent of the male homici d e victims w e re murdered by their wives. Violence creeps int-o a relationship slowly and subtly. Ms. Martin explained. orte'n. it begins with a single slap. WHAM ! Afterwards , she said , the man will blame th e woman for making him so angry and, inwardly, the woman accepts the responsibility. feeling she should try harder to please him. She becomes more and more placating and he learns early in the relationship that the way to maintain control is to be violent. A battered woman feels she doesn 't have a right to express her a ng er, Ms . Marlin explained , and that only compounds tension. Soon. she said. a slap becomes a punch in the eye, and, usually. bruises a r e in places where clothing can hide them. The real issues never get addressed, Ms. Martin said, and the episodes become more and more violent until the injuries require medical attention. Neither partner ever dreamed t hat would happen. she said, because he never Intended to put her in the hospital and she never thought the violence would get that severe. There's a lot or mental and physical abuse in a battering relationship, Ms. Martin said . When the woman starts to be beaten for things such as going to the s tore w itho ut his p e rmission, it becomes a catalyst for more violence and the woman cuts herself off from family and friends. One or the r easons many w ome n stay in s u c h a relationship, she said , is because when they walk out the door. the threat to t heir lives actually increases. So, Ms . Martin said, the wom en stay out of emotional devastation , because or the children. for fear that they can't be adequately protected by the police. because of their high investment in the marriage and because our culture condones it. ·'Children who grow up in violent homes becom e either tomorrow 's batterers or victims," Ms. Martin said. So, when the sheller helps a woman, t he children also are being helped. Of WTLC's admissions, 40 percent return to their home within a week, usually because they feel they have to give the relationship one more try. "Some batterers do change," Ms . Martin said, if they undergo counseling to learn anger management skills. something that's taught in a s upport group for batterers run by WTLC. The motto at the sh elter. however, is "Once a batterer, always a risk.'' The risk factor is known. she said. because WTLC bas seen second wives of batterers. ··studies have shown that the women the mselves don't provoke the attacks ," Ms. Martin said . ''T herefore , changing her behavior doesn't help. Ir he doesn't get help, she must." Of the women who stay at the shelter beyond the first week. Ms . ~a rtin said at least 95 percent don't return to the battering relationship.· Tbe center strongly discourages it. For women who choose to r e main in a battering relationship, WTLC maintains a support group in addition to the hotline. 992· 1931. . Your ln11r Power to Ch1111 Thiq1 A SPECIAL VALENTINE'S JEWELRY SHOW . • . . . . t You've heard great things aboUt the Yoga Center since t970. I these busy pressured days don't you owe yourself one night a week to learn how to relax and vitalize your body at will! Also, you can enable your mind to experience your inner Superconsc1ous Self with its wisdom and power to change things! Y• lll'T UYI Tl nam lllll WAY -TIE W11L1 Tl Fm I lllllll W mllfltm m 111111 IWllllUI. nDE'S -•_,.I llU. You'll be taught the htghef Yogas by one of the few mast«s 111 the world today Ramakrishna Ananda111s 1nternatt0nally known as a master not only of Yoga but also of Metaphysics and Mysttcism A practical. ullj)felenltous. humorous. Western· born Guru. he transmits enhghtenong COfllGIOYSlleSS as w8" as 1ntem•tl0Mllr '-'*' M•t1• ""° marvelous concepts and techniques. a..... ~ voge. ....,.._ ano -·· pllyllCa COME TO THE FREE DEMONSTRATION. Tera~ Madhava F , EE will demOnStrate the natUfal and easy ••atciMI of Halha Yoga and show you how 20 mlnut" a day can vltllilt your heart. lungs and brain. slow dOwn the aging Pfocela, tone and trim DEIOISTRATION YOUI body. and entble you to malntein a wonderful MflM of wel1 -betng, Tultion Is reasonable and the benefrtl ere l>floeless. TOMORROW Also you w1~ leem the FUil Bleath-can add years to y04J/ Nfe. ...,, Fil 1st AT 7:31 at the YOGA CENTER OF CALIFORNIA _-1!, "°"lliiii ~loMI '°""'1ationJ 445 E. 17 .. ITIEET. AITA Plllll 141-1211 ,,.,_, TllltinMdlrWflSt1'ltlJ THE ArrENTION YOU NEED-WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A convenient •lternatlve to ltotpit•I •lfUfrgency room• for: I ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough, Professional & Personaliz~d Care ADULTS AND CHILDREN No Appointment Needed • OPEN: 7 DAVI A WEEK 385 DA VS A Y!AA I A.M.·11 P.M. (714) 752·8300 •••RG•NCY DOCTORS OPPICI I 4030 Birch St., Suite 107 Newport Beach FEATURING: CLOISONNE IN GOLD BY MARJORIE SAWYER & PAM SPURLOCK AND THE W ORKS OF SEVERAL OTHER FINE JEWELRY CRAFTSMEN RECEPTION FOR THE ARTISTS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5th. 5:00 to 9 :00 PM i I . GRB&"l"TBINGS I SOUTH COl\Sl PLAZA J333 BRISTOL STREE. T COSTA M ESA !7 141 :~1 05t(l NEW! Fish Sandwich Platter 8 1. 9 _9 You'll love our crispy North Atlentlc fish fillet on e warm bakery 'bun with shredded lettuce! C~mple.~e with fresh cole slew end golden fryes. its great for lunch or anytime! Try our Chicken Sandwich 0Platter. too!. ....... c...1111 ...... ., .. s.. ............ ............. ... • • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 31. 1982 Guard the shore! Watt's heading for Anaheim By CHARLES H. LOOS OfllleDlllY ........... Watt'• comln1 to Oran1e County. That's James Watt, President Rea1an'a controversial secretary or the Interior. He's scheduled to appear Feb. 18 at a fund -raise r for Con1ressman Wlllla m Dannemeyer, R· Fullerton at the Anaheim Marriott Sorry, tree-huggers, it's by invitation only and, oh yes. $125 per person. • • • THE O RA NGE CO'UNTY Coast Association, one of the good ole boy pressure groups In our neck or the woods , Is electin& officers again. The slate includes Ken Fowler. president; Cuba Morris and Don Walter, vice presidents; Jack Feeham, treasurer, and Ralph Ki ser . J.'rom the llst of names on the ballot for directorships, It seems just about everybody In the association is either a holdover director, or up for election. Pick 25 out of 3S. Who will be the 10 also-rans? Noteworthy: The_re are some good ole 1irls among the no minees for assoclatlon directorships. Examples: Marian Ber1eson and Norma Hertzog. With 25 holdover directors and 25 new ones, plus officers, do you suppose the association has difficulty finding a table big enough for board meetings? • * • , MAUREEN REAGAN seems to be making a career out of making speeches in Orange County. Her third in a month is scheduled Feb. 1 at Irvine's Registry Hotel. lt will be before a • • Bird flu cases ns1ng Three humans in county have contracted disease The incidence of ps ittacosis , an influenza-like disease that can be transmitted from birds to humans, appears to be increasing In Orange County. According 1 to Robert Haight, veterinary services chief for the county Human Services Agency, 59 cases or psittacosis were found in birds in 1981. And , he said, three humans are suspected of having contracted the disease. While the number of human cases in the county is low, it was reported in a recent edition of the Orange County Physician's Bulletin in an article written by Haight that "there has been a s ignihcant increase in human cases in California , in cluding one death due to psittacosis.·· In humans, symptoms of the disease include headache, weakness. malaise and sweats. There also may be a mild cough and chest pains. Humans generally acquire the disease by inhaling airborne particles from dried fecal matter of infected birds. The disease, in both humans and birds, normally is treated with chlorotetracycline, an antibiotic. Symptoms in b'irds vary widely, Haight said. Parakeets and canaries, for example, may show no symptoms an'2 s uddenly die. ... BARTS. CHAPMAN, M.D. Diplom•tr Amet1an &»rd of Ophth,/molofly illnounc~ rhe open1n1 ol his olficr lor 1he f#«f~ ol G.MtaJ o,.lttft•D4att 17862 PUERT~ /UAL. SUITE 110 MISSION VIEJO, CALIFORNIA 92691 Coni.1et lenws Other birds, such as parrots, macaws, cockatiels and lovebirds may sbow signs of ruffled feathers, listlessness, loss o{ JPJ>elile. wl\tery green feces, trembling and unbalanced gait. During 1981 , Haight said, five pet shops In Orange County were placed under quarantine after psittacosis-infected birds were round. lnfected birds were isolated from the public and • given medication. Persons handling the birds were required lo wear face masks and change their clothing after being in contact with the birds, Haight said. Haight said in the last three months of the year three humans "probably" acquired the disease. Positive determination could not be m a de, Haight said, because antibiotic treatment Interfered with blood tests. One of those who caught the disease was a pet hospital operator. Haight said. He added it is not known whether the incidence of psittacosis in birds is actually rising or whether better detection practices ma ke it appear that way. The 59 cases identified in birds in 1981 compared to 49 in 1980, 53 in 1979 and 10 in 1978, according to the physician's bulletin. --T ropiul Fish • Fresh • M~rine ~qu.vium Supplies s,.ci.. JA JO, 1912 • Fa I, 1912 ,_,... llllktil: Uf I am from lhe Malay Peninsula. M y d1spos1tlon is peaceful. I am a graceful swimmer and stay constatnly on the move. if accompanied by one of my brothers °' sisters. I am uncomfortable if alone. I may even go to the comer of the aQuarium and POUi but don't hold that against me -everyone needs someone. See me at Aquatic TrapicaJs where I am on sale under the n ame "Blue Whale" for only 2.99 • 1510 W. Beker• eo.te MeH -~ • SG-1311 • Comer Harbor & Baker ._ VALET PARKING Another South Coast Plaza Amenity TOMORROW Every day during Mall Hours. Bring your car to Mall entrance between Bullock's & I. Magnin. Senice Charge-$2.00 SQUTH COASl? PLAZA luncheon gathering of the World Trade Center Association of Orange County. • • • A CHALLENGER has charged forth to do battle with Mission Vlejo's Chuck Kenney for the Republican nomination In what will be (If the Democrats and the state Supremes have their way) the 43rd Conaresaional Dlstrict. The challenger is Stan Leero. a 45-year-<>ld attorney from Rancho Sante Fe in San Diego County. He'll announce his candidacy Tuesday. Legro, a former Marine offi cer, once served on the San Diego Planning Commission and worked for the Environmental Protection Agency in the Ford administration. Th e 4 3 rd , und e r D e m oc rati c re-apportionment plans, would take In southern Orange County and northern San Diego County. • • • ZND DISTRICT COUNTY Supe rvisor Harrie tt Wieder says a survey or her constituents reveals that 88 percent of those responding are concerned about crime in their neighborhoods. And she's announced that her 2nd District OFF FOR MANZANILLO -Thirty-five yachts crowded the windward e nd of the line Saturday at the start of the fourth bie nnial CH GET A $2.50 CHECK FROM SCOTCH" VIDEOCASSETIES WHEN YOU PURCHASE A SCOTCH BET A L-750, L-500 or VHS T-120 Scotch Videocassettes- The ·Truth Comes Out Citizen~ Advisory Committee wlll be 1atherin1 Thursday to hear more on what's being done about IL This time the citizens will hear, from a panel or Superior Court judges who . will discuss "Criminal Justice: The View from the Bench." The meeting al 7 p.m. at Garden Grove's Acacia Rest.aurant will include a no·hoat bar, hors d'oeuvres, dessert items and questions. Reservations at $6 per can be made throu1h Jan Goss or Jack Stevenson, 834·3220. Two previous advisory committee meetings on crime involved a panel discussion by police chiefs in the 2nd District and talk by District Attorney Cecil Hicks. • • • CONGR~MAN BOB Badham has been elected chairman or the Republican Study Co mmittee, the party's legislative service organization in the House. The committee, which includes 152 or the 192 Republicans in the House. has a start or 16. Tiley research propos ed legislation with Republican goals in mind. San Diego·to·Ma nzanillo race. Mexican vacht Primavera 1 No. 221 was over the line ·ea riv a nd had to restart · HERE'S HOW TO GET YOUR $2.50 CHECK: 1. Buy a Scotch V>Oeocassene Bela L 750 L·SOO or VHS T • 120 oetoie April 17 1982 2. Fill oul this check reques1 to1m W11h the customer servtee card trom each package tnc1ude date cash reg ster rec111p1(sl or 1rwoeoe(s) with purchase c1•clea 3. Mall to· SCOTCH VIDEOCASSETTES 12.50 CHl!CK P.O. Box 4070 Young AIMflca, MN 5S3H •· In 6·8 weeks you wrll receive a Check tor S2 50 made out ,otntty 10 you end the rel8•1er named (One 52 50 Checl< for each Scotch Beta L • 750 L ·500 or VHS T· 120 purChllM<I L1m1I I 0 Up to $25 l Endorse the checl< and like 11 to your dealer 5. He will sell you a new Scotch Vldeoea$$elte (Beta or VHS) at ht$ regular rate~ pnce taking the $2 50 cheell as parl ot ~our payment A net result ot S2 SO olf One $2 50 check per eaCh Mure videoculette purchased 8. Llm1l IO redempuont (checks total4ng '251 per hOuMhOld Order lormt must be poe!meltled no later rt11n ft,orrl 17. t982 Ofter good only 1n U S A Th<s oner kmtte<l IO l"tOme Yldeocassene users only and nol ava~abte to commercial educatJOnl l. 1nst1tutionat or professional purchasers Check mvSI be used w11Nn 90 oays after r-c>i 1. You wilt also receive a trM eubtcrlptlon to Feet Forward, our v1deophile newsletter Please send my cheek 10 ,.. ..... ____________ _ AOo'91~ ----------- C•IV-----S•olt _ ZtP ___ _ My retailer is Name ___________ _ AOcl•HS ------------ C..v-----Sl•lt-ZIP ___ _ Numbe< or Qu•Mv.ng P1Mcn1ws ------ 1-n •--VHS __ Bela VCR Horne Enceriemment Produc1s Oepar1menl3M St Paul. MN ss 1 •• FED CO MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES RDCO LA ctm8A (213) 837·4487 3535 S LA CIENEGA BLVD . LOS ANGELES 90016 RDCO W MIYI (213) 786-6863 14920 RAYMER STREET. VAN NUVS91 405 ffOCO PASADENA (213) 449-8620 3111 E COLORADO BLVD PASADENA 91107 RDCO CIMITOI (213) 86lJ.7l11 11525 SOUTH STREET. CERRITOS 90701 FEDCO COITA MEIA (714) 979·2660 3030 HARBOR BLVD COSTA MESA 92626 FEDCO IAll DRO (714) 262·2411 54TH & EUCLID. SAN DIEGO 92105 FEDCO IAll IUUIMDllO (714) 888-' t8 1 570 S MT VERNON AVE • SAN BERNARDINO 92410 STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS 11:•AMlll:llPll • LA...U•IAll ......... IMJMllOITOMI 11:• llOOl II t.tl Pll • CIMITOI • COITA MIU• NIAlaA .. • lllYI ITOMI SATURDAYS • AU l1a11t.tl • 11 .. P11 IUIDAYI • AU ITOMI 11:• AM 11 l:te P11 -·- Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 31 , 1982 -. ~ , Public favors Reagan plans, poll shows NEW YOltk (AP ) -Public opinion favora lb• uonomlc propouta PrMiclent RH1an mad• ln hb stat. of tbt \JDion addreu, accordinl to a n•w Aaaoclated Presa-NBC N•w• poll. P.ople who had hHrd or read about t he apeec:h 1en•rally aupported the prealdent•a propo1al to tranaf•r feet.rat pro1rama to the atatea and all'ffd with hla atatement that ralaln1 taxes will not balance the budlet. However, the poll reported no si1nlficanl chan1e in the president's job rat1n11 after Tuesday's speech. In lhe nationwide telephone poll , 1,589 adulta were contacted Wednesday and Thursday in a scientific r andom samplin1. Forty·aeven percent Hid they thin\ Rea1an ii doing a &ood or excellent job aa president, compared with 46 percent Jn an AP·N BC News poll the week before the speech. Thlrty·aeven percent said they think Rea1an Is dolna a 1ood or excellent job In handlinl the economy, compared with ~ percent in the previous poll. Yet SS percent said they see Rea1an's handling of the economy as one of his strengths durlnl his first year in office, while 37 percent saJd they see It as a weakness and 10 percent were not sure. Among the 65 percent in the latest poll who said they had heard or read about the State of the Union address, respondents split 2·1 in sayin1 they had a 1enerally favorable opinion of it. Amon1 those reapondent1 famlller wlth jhe ap.-ch, U &Mtrc•nt 11td they approve ol the prHldent•a propcwal to shift a number of federal pro1ram1 to state and laeal 1overnments. In the 1.Pffch, Rea1an said he wants to transfer to the atalea more than 40 federal pro1rams with •n annuaJ coat of $47 billion. These would Include welfare, food s tamps and many transportation, education, community development and other social and health programs. Reagan 'also rejected Increased taxes on alcoholic beverages, cigarettes and gasoline as a means of helping reduce the projected $100 billion federal bud1et deficit. CHANCE TO WIN MM CLUB MED VACATION fUN, lNl(llTAINHlNT ~rkl2£S ~""IS( ..... , ........ ,.. AWGlt•• .. , ............ .... :t:~. l.S.V.P. 111.aYIY 61i!l4 Wulnut A.-cnu.-. ln1n•·. ra 02714 (714) f>S l-2029 SAVE •t .110 SAVE80° SAVE80° SPECIAl:I 70 oz. SP•CIALI PALMOLIVE DllllWAs.G LIQUID Softens hands while you do the dishes. ·~2.29 SAV•&O' WET WIPES MOIST POP.UP TownmtS with Lanolin Added ~l.49 PHOTO~ Cameo Framed COlOI DIUHIMDITS 517 1110 . . . .. ,.. ·' ~ " ,., . . , .............. ~~· tu. llOUUI er . 1.2 u. WMlllflUll ID. ........ <••> • D. USOllEJfT <••> • TODDlll (41'1) .BUYS for ·SUNDAY, MONDAY & TUESDAY WE HONOR YOUR CREDIT! "Ml N K "Dlf'FD(NC( .. . AD PRICES PREVAIL SUNDAY JA N jlst THAU TIJfSOAr ffB end HAIR SPIAY ... ~ 1Jjg ~ ~· 1 oz. la( u. ~".. -- IRONING ~~~~ JI'\.. ~I 4Itj@J11> CONTINENTAL COMPACT 1250 SYSTEM HAIR DRYER u. YOUR CHOICE 8AV•30' NOXZEMA sue cnAM •GIWELISS •MEDICATED l~ 1.99 SAVl!ISO' MAX .... nlDGTll CORTI ZONE ·5 HUU If KCOMDI From itch. rash and irritation :u~ 2.49 SAVE•1.ao R£GUUI, or CAf'FtlNE ·FRU EmAmENGTH DEXATRIM APPE iii ( CONTIOl ~ 2.294.29 ·2 IPllDS • 2 IDT KTTIMIS . '· SP•CIALI MOTHER'S "IAllEIY WAGON" COOKIES • lllftl AU.ID OAT9UL • NTl F1.11D NTmAL ··IASPllllY Fl.1ID 11 OL SIZE 999 .. SAV•~O' CADBURY'S CllOCOUTE UIS Ass·r. FLAVORS. , Soz.IUNG age SIZE UIS u. n.11u•.._.. ...... ,. .. , .... Play exciting, sophisticated video games on home TV. KT lllCl.WU: Joystick and pad · die controllers. Combat Game Program cart· ~~~ .. ~:: 13495 ATARI "CARTRIDGES" "AIJllOl)S .. 29.95 24.95 ...... 9.99 PROCTOR-SILEX 10 CUP COFFEEMAKER wttll "DlW.fOl·TWO" CeffM s..t.c 1-.t ~-M 19.99 =-= 3.00 =.=-16119 • llllllllC1lrlr lilib .... " .. 111 MICI"' c.i... J .• C.-Al Ml t.n. Ins Sllnl hr Y• ..... lll9CI f,.. l'llc9. SPECIAL I 100% ACRYLIC ULTRA 4-Plv UITTmG • CIOCMlT YARN ·CDlOllS JY, ·-l .. ':ca 79t SAY• 80' NOXZEMA MEDICATED SHAVE Concentrated For A Closer Shave i:.z-:-1.49 -- li=i•JI mno THERMOMETER 0 I,'• ~' •1 I SPECIAL! (B~~ SAVE30° Oral, Rectal or Security. VAS Ell NE PUii PITIOl.lum JILLY .. Clllll YOUI PIMtlACllT Lm YOU ' • 1~ .....DOCTtl COLD SUIOlll OW ........ wtll M """ .. _. .. ,. . ..,. ....... Ill •n lltt:r If Ill .... -. VICll VapoRub Atlltvlt dlatreu 1 99 of eoldl. Ju.llZI • DllNUILI SHAVERS ., .. 99c ·· ....... -.. ,.. ..... ,.,.-... " ..... IUCM----llu Iii __ .....,,, 7 ,.....,_.._.., ...... ..,.., •• M.LIY-.,., ......... .. ,., __ ........... ... ~-.,....Or.••-- a,_ _ _.., lllM.._, I Ill ____ _,. ... Flltll ...... UllTA.__ .. , ................ ' , • -··-41-• ... New ticket policy established SACRAM ENTO - Passengers traveling on th e "Spirit of Ca lifo rn ia '', th e overnight train that trave l s between Sacramento, the Bay Area and Los Angeles. will no longer have to make reservations for coach sealin g , t h e California Department of Transportation has announced. Effective immediately. travelers will purcha se tickets directly at the train s tation ins tead o r .maki n g advance reservations . The new policy applies only to coach s eats . Reser vations are st ill required for roomettes and bedrooms. ··We rea lize t hat passenge r s have ~ad diffi culty making reserv ation s for the overnight train due to complication s with Amtrak 's n e w computerized reser vations system .·· explained Lee De ter. c hi e f o f the department's division of mass transportation. "This new procedure is bein g instated by Caltrans and Amtrak to make it easier to travel o n -t h e S p i r i t o r California." T he new overnight service was s tarted October 25 to provide co nv eni e nt a nd economical ser vice to C aliforni a 's maj o r metropolitan areas. The overnight train offers a $69 r ound trip fare between Sacr a me nto and Los Angeles, or the San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles. Stops along the route include Sacr amento. Davis , Suisun-F airfield, Martinez, Rictimond, Oakland/San Francisco, San Jose , Salinas, San Luis Obis p o , Santa Barbara , Oxnard, Glendale and LA. The southbound train departs Sacramento at 7 :55 p .m .. stops in Oakland at 9 :50 p.m. and arrives at Union Station in Los Angeles the following day at 9 a.m . The northbound tra in leaves U ni o n Station at 8:25 p.m. with a 7 a.m. stop in Oakland the next day. arriving in SacramentQ at 9:30 a .m. Elegant ~ Trut yourself to hotel oomfort and 9tyle In the European ltldllon, f ust 8 miles from Los Angtles amldlt pat mUleUmS, p1lerits and shops. , ~dancing, dining, ftne rumtshlngs, penonallled .emct.Call (213)5n-1000 or your local Hlion Rmemtion Sem:le. 1 so South Los Robles Orange Coa1t DAIL V PILOT/Sunday, January 31 , 1982 .. TM .. CALL TOLL F1££ 800-63 ... 6381 SPECIAL •I Landmertc Lucky Bruk Pec:klge 3 Days end Sl Nights ~ . • < • : • .. 1, ' .: .: • ~ t ' ~ ~ ' ( ... c 4 l t ~ ' • • ' ' • • t ' < t ,. • .. • . . .. '• • • l • ~ ~ '• • ~ • ·: . From sea to shining sea, Republic flies you to more cities ttian any other airline. , \ We serve more than 170 cities. Coast to coast. Canada to Mexico. That's almost twice as many cities as the next largest airline. . Nobody serves you better than Republic. With con- venient schedules to more cities. Special discount fores (just a few ore listed here). And our famous personal attention. That's the Republ ic spirit. So wherever in this big republic of ours you wont to go, come aboard Republic-the airline with a small town smile and a big city style. . 4• : From Burbank DENVER Nonstop HOUSTON LAS VEGAS Nonstop PHOENIX Nonstop SALT LAKE CITY Nonstop · From Los Angeles International EUGENE Nonstop SPOKANE Nonstop TUCSON Nonstop From Ontario, Callfornla LAS VEGAS Nonstop PHOENIX Nonstop TUCSON From Orange County DENVER LAS VEGAS Nonstop PHOENIX Nonstop SALT LAKE CITY Nonstop $115 !Jle·W3'/ 1129 On~-Woy 139 One-Woy 146 One-Woy 165 One-Woy 1128 One-Woy 1282 Round Trip 149 One-Woy 140 One-Woy 142 One-Woy 1193 Round Trip 1261 Round Trip '40 One-Woy 142 One-Woy 19"7 One-Woy Fores ore subject to chonge ond conditions moy include od¥once purchose, ~cofic days of llO¥el ond length of stay roquorements. Discount seats moy be lomoted j .. • . .. t . ' • • • ' . . • . : • "• Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 31, 1882 SCA.G panel ignores • • • 1et noise consequences I ' "Fatally n awed'' is the way ~me Orange Oounty government airport officials are describing the suggested use of the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station as a l~cation for a major regional· 'irport. We could not agree more. , New studies on the use of the large military aircraft base as a ile for a commercial airport ijave been called for by the Southern California Association of Government.s, a r egional planning group. that, ironically. !cotched co n sideratio n of commercial use of El Toro two years ago. SCAG ·s action followed Closely a r ecommendation by the c;ou nty governme nt's "blue fibbon" regional airport study co mmittee that Marin e operations at El Toro should be r.elocated. The committee said s uch a move would free airspace. and thus reduce potential mid-air tonflicts if a regiona l airport were constructed elsewhe re in fhe county. But the committee also said \hat s hould ot h e r s ites b e unacceptable . con s ideration ~ould be given to El Toro as a site for a comm ercial airport. What both SCAG 's aviation work program committee and the eounty's blue ribbon panel 11µparently have chosen to ignore arc the noise consequences or t heir recommendations . If. as is so often stated. a major reason to construct a new airport is to solve existing noise problems, like those associated with John Wayne Airport, there's abso lu t e l y no s ense in trans fe rring those problems som ewhere else. Use of E l Toro by comme rcial jets -including much heavier and larger aircraft than permitted at John Wayne - would c r ea te severe no ise problems in all communities s urrounding the Marine a i r station. That list would include Irvine, Tustin and El Toro. to name a few. We have re peatedly pointed out the other obvious problems associated with commercial use of the base. The Marines will not give it up without a fight. The .,c o s ts of r e I o c a t i n g b a s e operations would be staggering. Yet. despite the clear and unresolvable problems, these r e gional a i rpo rt s tudy committees refuse to let go of the El Toro proposal. Wh y? Probably because the base and its runways are there. That, however, is not a good e nough reason. The re are just too, man y oth e r i mp o rt a nt considerations . Airport authority iffy There is another matter on the regional airport front. Orange County government rs being asked by the counties of Los Angeles. Rivers ide and San Bernardino and the city of Los AJ'lgeles. to enter an agreement to study formation of a regional a irport authority. which. it is presumed. would be made up or rhe same representatives who participated in the study. Four members of the count' :Jloard of Supervisors last week ~bidicated they feel the idea has merit. A fi fth . Sup e rviso r T h omas Ril ey, e xpresse d ~oncem about such a move and asked for a week's delay in the vote on the issue. That delav was ~ranted . · Problems center on whether the county would benefit from a joint powers agree ment for the purposes of studying the issue. Would such a move commit the county to subsequently joining any regional airport authority that. mjght be proposed? What would it cost ? What would happen to t he county's role in regional airport matters if it chose not to join the regional a uthority? These questions, and others. deserve answers. And, to us, it seems the county should keep well away from any joint powers agreement until some very specific answers are provided. Letter, result disturbing ! A gas company lobbyist who was fired from h is $30,000-a-year J<>b for writing a personal letter to Secr etary of the Interior .tJames Watt says he is still in a state of .. s hock and disbelief." \)e. Almost any American would Timothy Dono hoe, who worked for seven years on the ~taff of a Texas congressman before joining Ense rch·. a Dallas-based oil and natural gas company, was disturbed by news ,,Jeports of re marks Watt had aoade to a group of California fHrmers. · · 1 neve r use th e words Re publican s and Democrats ... Did .w att. .. ·· It's liberals and Am,~r1cans. 3 Writ ing o n priv ate s taUonery, with h is offi ce a ddr.t ~ss, Donohoe asked the secret ary for clarification of the re mark, "whi c h could be cons tr ·ued as ques t ioning the ~ 11 a t r i o t i s m o r c e r t a i n '• -, • individuals .. For the record. Donohoe noted. "I am a n American and a libe ral. And th e Washington lobbyist for a SJ billion energy concern." He did not receive an answer to his letter. He did r eceive notification from his boss that he was being fired for "lack of j udgment" in writing a letter to Watt. It seems a copy of his letter was sent to the chief executive officer of Enserch by a Watt aide who said that Watt's remarks we r e "part o f a joke the sec r e tary told at a political fu nd-raiser" and not meant to question anyone's patriotism . So Donoho e wa s pere mptorily fired . As noted by columnist Richard Reeves on this page. it pays lo watch your words in Washington these days. Timothy Donohoe found out the hard way. o~ in ions , expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot . Other views ex- tSfe ssed ''" tnis page are those ot tneir authors and art 1sts. Reacfer comment.is 1nv1l· ei. Addr ess Ttle Darty Pilot. P.O. Box 151>0, Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Phone (7 14) 6111-4 321. ·----------------------------------------------------------)11 L. ~\l~. Boyd/Overcompensations ll Winstco Churchill as a youth both atammerec.\ and lisped, ao be became ~··1reat 9P eater. Lord Byron was bijn with 1 ' deformed foot, 10 be l>ftame not j lust a poet but quite an ~lete tbe flnt modern man to i.. m the Hel. \eapont. Row many ot ae cluaic "overcompenaaUon" ea can you , -:all to mind? Quite a •• meet pn>ba •bly. ~"ltvit.able" la a good .,.ord, but you rarely bear it. Pt q>le are nesative. ORANGE COA\ST .~Daily P~"at " ~._..-,..., .. IMt_., ... ._ .. , 11• M., C..-.... _..,_Hf"!'._~. It ... IM.C...~CA-.. l They say, "Inevitable.'' "Coni&'ble" Is all right, too. But you only hear "incorrilible ." "Oelible" is a fine word , but what you h ear la ''i ndelible.'· Likewlae never "domitable," only "indomJtable." And not "b6otic," Just "antibiotic.•• Same with "descrlpt," lt'I alwa.ys "nondescript." Too bad. /\mona the Indelicate proverbs ol the Olde Eqlilb: "It's a bed coot who can't lick hla own nnaen." T horNts P. Haley Pub II sher ~"A.MU""1ne E ditor BarlNlra KrellHch Editorlel Page Editor In lie detectors we trust? WASHINGTON -My new image of the Reagan administration is of the secretary of the navy being held in a chair whiJe the lie detector ·is strapped to his arm. The man from the White House. looking at the needles and gauges on the polygraph, begins asking whether the secretary is now thinking or has ever thought bad things about Ronald Reagan or America. THIS BUSIN ESS of giving lie detector tests to Defense Department officials to see whether they are "leaking" to the press is worse than nutty. They trust a man enough -John Lehman -to run the United States Navy, but they don't trust him enough to believe him when he says be has n 't been talking to reporters! I a m not sure, by the way, that Cabinet members and senior military officials, including the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, are actually being strapped to machines. A nurse in a white uniform may be shaving parts of the men's bodies and placing suction cups or electrodes near their hearts or minds. I tried to find out how it works by calling Deputy Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci, the truth man, who gave the test.a to the 25 officials after leakage from a Jan. 7 meeting of lhe Defense Resources Board. Carlucci's office referred me to another , which referred me to . . . Nine telephone calls later, an Army lieutenant colonel named Erik Opshal said he was authorized to speak about the lie detectors but he did not know ho w they worked. H e s aid the operations could be explained by an office called Services Investigations Services, but that office was not authorized to speak to reporters. · So the use of the polygraph machines has stopped at least one leak -I couldn't find out how the damn things worked. That is probably about all they ~,· ----------------------~ '-'!'~ RICHARD RllVIS 1'i. will accomplish because leaking is a time-honored part of the American gove rning process. Whethe r Ronald Reagan and his merry men like it or not. the United States is a country that, fo r better or for worse. conducts the public's business in public. Pres idents, Secretaries and secretaries all try to influence the flow of public events and public opinion by letting various cats out of secret bags In this case, someone wanted lhe world to know that the administration's military buildup plans would cost $750 billion more than the president was admitting. So, out c<1me the lie detectors. This is irration al another one of t he disturbing indications th<1l, for a lime. the United States is bemg run by a bunch of zealots. The facade is tolerant exemplified by Reagan 's own pleasant face -but these people, from top to bottom, seem to have real trouble understanding that there are sincere American viewpoints other than their own. SOME, JN FACT, seem to be moving bt!yOnd zealotry to fanaticism. James Watt. for example. In December, the secretary of the interior had told some California farmers that, as far as he was concerned, the nation was divided into "Americans and liberals." Later, Walt said he was joking. It was some joke to Timothy Donohoe, who was a lobbyis t for Enser c h , a natural-gas company. Donohoe wrote Wall a ·letter s aying he was "an American and a liberal .. Watt had the letter sent to Donohoc's bosses in Dallas and the lobbyist was summarily fired ro r ''ba d j udgment " in daring to criticize an appointee of the president of the United States For a couple of more years, it seems, people are going to have to be a little careful about what they sa y -or think in America. The superpatriots in power understand only some of the things that make this country great. Begin's split-cop personality riles WASHINGTON -Using a refined tough-cop nice-cop routine, Prime Minister Menachem Begin is softening up the Reagan administration in hopes of throttling U.S. pressures against Israe l in his climactic battle for a continuing free hand on the Palestinian West Bank. A secret Tel Aviv cable to Secretary of State Al exande r Haig from U.S. Ambassador Sam Lewis exemplified tough-cop Begin. Lewis warned an alarmed Haig that the low estate of U.S.-ls raeli relations bad brought Begin to s uch a high pitch of nervous agitation that a major Israeli invas ion of so uthern Lebanon t o liquidate S.000 Palestine libe ration forces was highly possible. Forces to do it. he said, were in readiness within three miles of the border. After receiving a private letter from Pres ident Reagan warning against military acUon against Lebanon, Begin put on his nice-cop hat. On Jan. 19 he sent the president a soothing letter: barring "clear provocation," Begin wrote, there would be no invasion. That sequence of e vents aetl the pattern for Begin's tough-cop nice-cop routine. Lead with a right to Uncle Sam's chin , then graciously retreat to show that American interests are not beyond Begin·s consideration. The threat-retreat pattern 1s pointed in an om inous direction : condition Re~gan. whose policy on the West Bank re mains a complete m ystery, to keep it t h at way so Israel 's implacable takeover can continue. A counterpart to Begin's now-reduced threat of a Le banon invasion is his thre at to annex the West Bank -if the American president gets out of line. The a nt ec edent wa s Begi n 's annexation of the Golan Heights. That r:. .. ~ t E~-~ 11111 IBAI~@- was condemned by the U.S. But last week the U.S. vetoed the UN Security Council resolution putting internationa l teeth in the condemnation. Key players in Begin's West Bank strategy are Israeli citizens in Yamit and other Jewish settlements in the final portion of the Egyptian Si nai scheduled for Israeli evacuation by April 2S. That is when the Sinai returns Wicked city worries Dad My younger daughter was going dowri from Cambridge lo spend a weekend with a friend in New York, and when I mailed her the inevitable chei:k for the trip, l added the inevitable note warning her to be careful in that wicked city. Whal the people who comprise the Mo al Mi1jority seem to imagine Is that people like me. who disagree with the m . a lso sanction or tolerate a good deal of what they call "immoral." What they fail to see is that nearly everyone ls ·-moral" by h.ia own code, ~ IY-1-11-Y U_ll_ll __ 'f') eo that whet we have a.re differinc moral syatems that place different Import ance on various a1pects of behavtor. Like moat parents. I want my daushter to be H "motal" u pouible but I don't think that drlnldnc and smoklne ~ immoral: they are Just fooll1h and unhealthful, in the ••me way u eaunc too much. I d01t't happlm to thillk that two JOUDI people 'iving together is "Immoral," tbough• / that also may be fooli sh of them. A marriage contracted without love or hones ty or sincerity is far more immoral, in my eyes. Sex is only a part of morality, and it is the larger context of commitment and fidelity and openness that determines the moral quotient, so far as I am concerned. Indeed, what turns me off from the Moral Majority, and their Ilk, is their almost morbid emphasis on sex as the core or morallly. They say nothin1 about the ultimate immorality of war; the inexcusable immorality ot nuclear weaponry; the shockln1 Immorality or envlronmentaJ pollution: the basically un-ChrlaUan lmmorallty of prejudice a nd bigotry and racial discrimination; the crhnlnaJ immorality ol a society that falls to provide jobs for everyone wllllng and able t.o work. We are In a bad state. spiritually and s ocially. and the Moral Majority worries about pornography In the book1hop1 a nd explcit a ex on the screen, when lnju1tlces. indifferen~. rapacity and vtolence are tearln« the world ~part. Theae are whet make New York, and ever1 metropol• Ilk• It, a wtdled city. It l1n't what my dau1hter may do there that botberl me; it la what the dty may do to her.· ' to Egyptian control Many of these early settlers were encouraged by their government to make new homes 1n the Sinai wastes !'laturally, they resist eviction. To get them out by April 25 will require the full weight of the Begin government and nearly a half-billion dollars i n government subsidies. The exodus could spill blood. A Begin spokesman says it will produce "the greatest trauma in our exis tence .. But this withdrawal drama. indescnbably tragic for the Israelis who were urged to go there by the ir government, becomes a trump card for Begin in the battle for the West Bank. Offi cials here are br acing themselves for the predictable Begin onslaught in the wake of the world television drama of the evacuation : we do this for Camp David and the Americans. but J ewish settlers never again will be forcibly pried away from their settlements. On the West Bank, Jewish settlers are dug in even more tenaciously than in the Sinai. The Reagan administration's reversal of former U.S. policy that la he le d West Bank settle ments "illegal'· shows why Begin is not pessimistic about winning the batUe for the West Bank. Since Reagan took office, Israel's settle ment policy has led to the seizure of m or e Pales tinian lands and a s ignificant increase in Israel's West Bank investment. Unlike their predecessors. neither Reagan nor Haig has made a public issue of this creeping annexation of Ar ab territory. a change from past performance interpreted as assent by the Israelis. Other Washington signals taken as e n couragin g by Begin are more s hrouded. High State Department offi cials talk privately about the virtual ·impossibility of pinning Israel down to an agreement with Egypt on the "full'' Wes t Bank autonomy promised in the Ca mp David accords. They say there are so many loopholes in the 1978 agreement that it ia a "sieve" unable to sustain the presumed commitments of Camp David. Such private laments Quickly reach Begin's ear . They work to Begin's advanta1e. His negoUators with E1yp\ are making full use of these loopholes. Moreover, quiet U.S. pressures on President llosnl Mubarak of £1ypt. to Rign almost any piece or paper titled "lsracli-E1yptl1n acreement on autonomy" encourages Bepn to resist re al conceaslons1 even if Mubarak refuses to play sucn foolish 1ame1. But the prime mln..ister'e beat weapon ls White House anxieties about touah·cop Bestn. and tu .tcts ot IWief wbeo nlce-eop Belin lUel owr, wblle the West Bank ls l.De.urablJ ldM Into Becln'• F~ caruter1 llree.1. • • • ~ Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 31 , 198~ Cranston's uollkely candidaCy may help others~ By CllA&LES G. BliLL Dr. C~• C. BfU it o 9'0/faor o/ poHlkcal ~al Col State FWlmon. U.S. Sen. Alan Cran1ton'1 recent announcement that be ia thlnkini about runnln1 for president In ltM le bard to take seriously. To be aure, Cranaton la a proven vote·1etter in California and, aa minority wblp in the Senate, he ls becomin& a national political fi(ure. If Cranston ls serious, he'll become the filth California political figure to go for the White House in recent years. Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan made it -Jerry Brown and former Los • Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty didn't. But Cranston's age argues against his candidacy. He will be 70 years old in 1984. Ronald Reagan. the oldest man to be elected president, was 69 when be ran in 1980. But while Reagan looks younger than he is, Cranston looks older. Thin, painfully thin, almost bald, Cranston looks old in pjctures and on TV. 1:111f11111 a111m In fact, Cranaton la a runner and ln excellent health but lmaaee couat ln media politics and the aae factor could hurt hlm more than lt does Rea1an wbo is three years older! And Cranston's vote·aettlna power may be overrated. To be sure, be won re·election last year by a landslide 1.8 million votes over Republican Paul Gann. He did this while Reagan took tbe state by 1.4 million votes. Six years earlier, Cranston easily defeated another Republican, state Sen. H.L. Richardson, R·Arcadia, by 1.5 million votes. Cranston's only close victory was when he defeated Max Rafferty by 351,000 votes. · But Cranston's three wins were all scored over weak opponents. The GOP was badly divided in 1968 -Rafferty I screa01, ,. you scream, ~~:,we all scream had defeated the incumbent GOP Senator Tom Kucbel ln the party's primary. Six years later, ln t.be middle of Wateraate, no serious Republican wanted to run. 10 tbe oblcurt but ambitious Rlcbardaon ran -knowtna he'd lOH. Last year'• GOP nominee, Paul Gann, tried to tide the tax revolt into office but dlacovered there were other lasuea, too. And, after aervt.n1 12 years in the U.S. Senate, Cran.ton bad built a powerf\ll political bue in California. But Cranston bu faced no strooa candidate in his three election victories. He hu certainJy not faced a dynamic and attractive candidate li"e Ronald Reaaan! And, outside of California, Cranston is not well known. As minority whip -in the Senate, Cranston has an opportunity to build a national reputation. And, of course, as a potential presidential candidate he'll receive -bas received -national press coveraae. By BILL HARVEY Bill Harwy sleeps fitfully in Huntington Beach. The other night, I was awakened by a piercing agonized scream, the kind that makes you aware that there is somewhere. a person being cruelly and mercilessly tortured. Since it was the middle of the night, it took me a few minutes to determine that I was the screamer. It took only a few more seconds to determine why J had screamed : the cause reoccurred But firs t , J ha ve an absolutely beautiful wife. Ann is a member of Mensa. she's a wonderful cook, she 's all of the things that a man could ask for and more, including someone to talk to when you need someone to talk to. She has class. She's witty. She's marvelous company. She's capable and independent, but she can also be very cuddly and make me feel very needed. There is . however. one fly in the cheesecake. Oh. it's not her fault. I'm s ure that what s he has must be hereditary, though I have never summoned the nerve to ask her father. Ann has frigiddjgititis. Oh, you can't tell it to look at her. Usua lly, only those ver y close to frigiddigitills sufferers are aware that t he s ufferers ar e s uffering from frigiddigililis . Frigiddigititis has been around for Cranston'• potential candidacy raiaea questions abOut the polltlcaJ future of Massachusetts' Ted Kennedy, former Vice President Walter Mondale, and California's Gov. Brown. All thrte are potentiaJ presidential candidates In 198' or beyond. Two -Kennedy ~nd Brown -have r un ror the White House before. Jr Cranston attracts substantial political support in the next two years what will these other Democrats do? But, perhaps, Cranston's candidacy helps these three. Cranston "checked" his plans with Gov. Brown who is reported to have 'said be will not be a presidential candidate In l~. Cranston's candidacy combined with Brown's statement takes a lot of polil.icaJ beat off the governor. Brown bas been accused of running for the U.S. Senate simply to keep his presidential a mbitions alive. With Cranston in the 1984 presidentiaJ race, Brown's d enial or any near·lerm years, and you're probably aware of it . only not by it's technical name. For those of you who aren't aware or what frigiddigitilis is. let's break it down. Frigid. Havi ng to do with, or in the process of being, very. very very cold. Digit. The numbers one through 10 or those appendages furthest from the heart, also called fingers and toes. llis. From the Latin. meaning you've got something. " Frig iddlgititis. Unfortunately. those close to a frigiddigitilis sufferer usually suffer more than the sufferer. Example · You're lying in your bed. The window is open and it'~ about 40 degrees In the room. but it's a water bed. and it has a heater. and there are five blankets on top of you. so you're nice and toasty. lying on your side. Suddenly, you hear a little mewing, and someone snuggles up to your back. An arm wraps around you. Pretty nice, huh? Except that you know that al the end of that arm there are five fingers that are about 2 degrees above absolute zero. It's heading right for the middle of your stomach. What do you do7 If yo u're awake, you take immediate evasive action. Despite the possibility or severe frostbite. grab that hand with your own hand. Hold it. After all , your hand is tougher than your stomach. Put several layers of blanket between you and the offending digits. presldenUaJ ambiUona taina crediblllt~ And Cranston'• preatdentla candidacy may actually help bot Kennedy's and Mondale's presidential ambitions. For the next two yeara Cranston can assume the leadership In crltlci1ln1 Reagan -auacklnt hllf policies from the U.S. Senate noor. As long as the president remalnil1 popular s uch attacks could be polllically dan1erou1. But Cranston. aai a "stalking horse," can test the lsaues1 probing for Reagan's weak spots, and draw the lire of Republican defenders. Ke nnedy and Mondale can remain above the fray. .I Then, if Reagan 's popularlt1 crumbles, Kennedy and Mondale woul6 step into the ring. ;.. Jn this light, Cranston's candldac)' makes sense. It helps develop the lssu.._ for 1984; protects the more vulnerable candidacies of Kennedy and Mondale· and poses no real threat to Cranston whose term of offi ce runs to l986. Very ca r e full y s hake th e frigiddigititis s ufferer and whisper "If you'll roll over, I'll snuggle your back.'J If he or she complies. make sure thllt all of the digits are well away from you. Hang on for dear life. If you're asleep, there 's not much that you can do. You might make up a sort of explanatory note, and circulate iJ around your neighborhood, so that if the neighbors hear screams in the night. they will be less li kely to call the police. Mak"! a list bf all or the sufferers· good characteristics and read it each time you are awakened , screaming, during the night. Bu y lots or gloves and socks in the sufferers size. and leave them around, making frequent mention that In the old days, people orten wore gloves and socks to bed. Whatever yo u do, do not Jet the sufferer become aware that he or she i~ a sufferer. It takes only a little thought on the part of the sufferer lo discover that the suffe rer has a lethal otrensivf weapon readily at hand • L ately . it seems that I am only. frigiddigitized whe n l have done something that did not meet with Ann's approval. · Sometimes. ·too. 1 hear a little giggl~ J USt before it happens. You don 't s uppose . · '• . Lives count more than alcohol program dollar~ To the Editor: Earl Waters' a rticle .. Alcohol Programs Seek Tax Dollars" Jan. 18 mentions a lot of dollars but makes very little sense. Concluding that too much money is already being spent on the problem or alcohol abuse is to show a lack or knowledge of the scope or the problem. He tells us that we should just accept the fact that lack or self-discipline is a problem that has always been with us and will always be with us. In order ~o MAILBOX do this we must overlook a tremendous body of research which indicates that alcoholism is a progressive disease, not a matter of lack of self-control. We must forget everything we have learned about addiction and the addictive process. IF WE ARE willing to accept his views, we must also accept the fact that. alcohol is the single largest contributing factor to death among teen·aaers. According to a study by John E. Davis, professor of alcohol and drug abuse at the Univers ity of Ma ryland, alcohol -related dea tbs among adolescents have been increasing l Lo 2 percent annually since 1966. · A 1978 report to Congress by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism said 3.3 million teen-agers, or about 19 pe rcent of the total adolescent population. are problem drinkers or are u sing alcohol for destructive purposes. In Orange County (according to a 1978 Alcoholism Council Survey>. 27 percent of the youngsters surveyed, between the ages of seven and twenty-one, had reached lbe status of problem drinkers. tlJr . Waters would have the "do-gooders" who are concerned about these facts fade into the past with the temperance movement and prohibition. FURTHER, HE c:!laims that the Scent per ounce s urcharge would make a lcohol ·•cost prohibitive through t-axatlon." Be doesn't tell you th1t beer 111111111 I reenly beard Gov. Brown lntndl to back a bUI eoataUaJD1 looDbolll to pay welfare lo striken. And I t.boupt be had run out ot rulODI for people to find aal 1o won. ...., __ ......................... . ......................... _ I ..... ..-... ....... ......, ... Detl,f't .... • AW, COM'ON, TOM-9' LET'S ALI. PLAY AIRPORT! and wine, the favored drink of young people, are now taxed at pennies a barrel. Then to top off bis reliance on myth, he drags out the old chestnut that ·'only tho1e who want to help themselves can be helped." 1be entire treatment field has abar.doned Ulla view in favor of lntervention. Mr. Waters would have us make money . expenditure synonymous with cost. What price would be put on the life of a c'hlld? What price would be put on the lives of the nearly 20,000 teen-aaen who are killed annually because of drunk drivtng? How does be deal wttb the fact that 10 percent ot all deatba ln the United States Involve alcohol u a factor? He fails to addren tbe co.ta ln human terms. And bis views are a perfect example of t.be need for publlc educaUon Protrama wblcb ln lbe foaa r11n would even aave ua eome ol our precious money. , MARIANNE C. RJCI: ~. Newport·ll .. a·lnlat Pride N atloaaJ FedtraUon of PaNnta for Dnaa FrMYouth B'*' rnany 1ao,,.. • .aldt To the ldltor: r wu lnte:rest.td to read your artlc:le about Mr. Jlm Wood, president of the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce on Jan. 8, regardlnl bis feelings about Tbe Irvine Company and their leaseholders. Being personally involved in the situation, I am Impressed that Mr. Wood had such accurate foreaiabt to know that the Irvine Company wu, after 25 years of conslatent appraiaal procedures, goin1 to suddenly escalate those apprataals 50 percent to 200 percent ln one year. MY P&ll80NAL land quote from The Irvine Company baa Increased 17 percent in the lut nlne montba. No doubt as a real eetate developer Mr. Wood feels tb.11 ll a reuoaable profit to make ln nine moot.bl. However, tbe appraisers and broken I have contacted tell me the market bu been down or at belt nat for lbe past 11ar. Mr. Wood aeema to feel lhll laC!J'UM ll la order and wu predletaba. Not betq la the ...a elt.ate buabMll, I rely CID tbe real ...... mmmUDlty to adYlle me and kHp me abnaat ol wbat ll ..., on la tbe muat. My Glib' queltloa for II r. Wood la, bow many boma on lntae leued PfOP'f'\1 bu ldl llna told llnce be~lmew net tbe ......... lntne CompqJ ........ , On bow many ot tbole ..,. did be advlle tbe buyen of WI otmoua ebanp in Irvine Company position? Did he have this foresight and do something with his knowledge, or does he just have good hindsight? TERRY A. SHEWARD . Dre11e1 /ii. po1ition To the Editor: Re Mrs. R~gan's wardrobe, I want to make this sueestion: Mrs. Reaaan miaht perhaps make a small charge to each of these dress dHlanera for • · modelina" thelr dresffl. Maybe that would put aalde thole wbo would charae that she la tettinl some intanllble benefit for wbtcb she abould be taxed, lf the char1e were say $1 per appearance then 1he mtaht pay taxes on that $1. These w11s who want to crab about tbll should be reminded that Lyndon Johnson "donated'' a parcel of land - for an alrfteJd for the town ot Johnaon City. Tb1a parcel eadtd "C belq a COit of mllllona of dollars nchadln& 'the electronic btaeom. pavement, etc., and l~ated 10 miles from the little town ol Jobnaoa Qty but rltbl at tbe door atep1 to Jobnlon'• Ranch HouM. Don't worry bu& maa1' ol • appro" ot the way the Re.,.... an doAnc and :~~-::~-:. ~~=-.. ~~c: .. ~ t much as possible to keep him alive and healthy. I want him to last out his term at least and perhaps pick a better successor than Bush. HANK STRICKLAND Prayer;'s nourishing \ To the Editor: Over the past 40 years I have evolved from a science student to a professional scientist. In the forefront of my mind and my deepest regret is our country's abandonment of religion , marriage and the family unit. THE YOUTH or our country wUJ always be tomorrow's leaders. Yel. they are nourished from radio, TV and almost all mass media -by images Cit s uper·stars living life in the fast lan with sex, booze and drugs as their logo.1 The choice we have now existed smce the beginning of time. We choose the carnal or we choose the s piritual way of life -as in Ure beginning we had God's word, we bav~ it now and we shall always have it. Would God's word in the classroo~ even prayer, hurt. maim or twist young minds? No , for it Is the s ubstance ot life! ' MIL TONS. ALLJONE Believer• penalized?. ',' To the Editor: , Because of the court ruling in Llttlf! ~ock. Arkansas, a school teacher who' believes in a creative God and many ~ them there do, must teach their pupi that the earth created itlell and lh1 God had nothing to do with It. If u._. should tell their pupils that God creatw the earth in their opinion, or eveo that God may have created the earth, lhei would be in violation of the law. The Jaw in effect denies their religious freedom. , The contributora to Bob " Jones' university in South Carolina have bee._ Illegally derued tax exemption for ~~ donations for many yea.rs by tbe l~t; This ls because the univerait1 follo~ religious principles and discouraa" datloa of and intermarrylna of ;i' races. They are btin1 llles.i al penalised in vlolation of the1r rellli ' freedom. The Constitution be damned. JOI BOLDING e I I' l.f!tltrs from rtodtri art wtlcomt Tht NQht to condtTI&, lttttri to flt ipact mlj ellmanol(• hbc'/ " Tt3trvtd. 1..1.tttra of ~ words or It&& ""11 ,,_ gtt>nt ~#trffl(~Al lftrtrs m."'1 tften.dt '10ft0turt GM address but nomta "'011 br ulMwW Oft r I q11u1 1/ auJ/1ctnt rto1ort I• oppartnr P0ttl')/ ldU noc be peibhMfd. Lftltrt tMW tt'lfOphCIMd to S.2·-Nam• and,. p#lon • ""'"~ o/ tM coftlnbw(or "'""' br "*" '°' vtrt/1cot1on J>Mrpo•t• r ' j .. e a a !SC ,• _______ ........ -.. ---'SJ ......................... ..-:••• •··-• .,.,_ . .,,.. --· Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 31 , 1882 J - .· L sen 'P 7 SSS 2 2 s a a a a a VICTORY SIGN - J ohnny O'Ma ra holds b is fis t in t he a ir as he wins t he thi rd qu a lifying race d uring t he Supe r cross C h ampio n s h i p at An a h e i m Sta d iu m .,...,, ..... ,.......,..., ........ S a turda y n ight. O 'Mara finis he d third overa ll-. Danny Cha ndle r (right> came in second in the race. .. Roberto Duran lbses decision to Wilfred Benitez. · See. P.age 82. UC e eseapes Long Beach gives Anteaters all they want ByJORNSEVANO °' .. ~ ........... It was an escape e ven the great Houdini would have been proud of. Saturday night, the UC Ir vine ba sketball t eam was bound and shackled for more than three-quarters of its game by a gutty Long Beach State squad. The Anteaters, however, made the most of the time they did play and the result was a 71-59 d ecision a t the An a h eim Convention Center before 5,179 in attendance. "Whoever made up.this stupid sch e dule o f p l a ying t he m b ac k -to-back i s c r azy ," submitted UCI assistant coach Bob Schermerhorn. "It's hard to beat anybody -no matter who it is -back·to·back." For most of Saturday night's p erformance. t he Anteaters (17·1 overall, 6-0 in the PCAA> played as if they'd never get out of the 49ers' stranglehold. UCI trailed throughout most of the first half, and a good portion or the second, before finally rallying in the closing moments of both to pull out the victory. •·w e were ready to play because we w e r e on TV ," d efended UCI guard Rand y Wh ie ld o n <ES P N w a s br oa d ca s ti n g th e ga m e nationally). "We wanted to show 'em, we just didn 't play well. We better start doing better or it's going to start catching up with us." The Anteat er s trailed 22·14 with 4: 16 left. in the first half before Kevin Magee and Ben Mc Donald fina lly directed a surge that put the Anteaters in front, 26-23, at the intermission. With Magee a nd McDonald supplying six points each, the Anteaters outscored the 49ers. 12· l , down the stretch to hold the advantage at intermission. "I told my players for us to be three ahead at halftime ... with PCAA 1t1ndlng1 e-fw-· o.. ... W L W L UC Irvine • O 17 1 l'roftO S!Me • 0 17 I CAI St• .. Fwilenotl J J 10 11 S.nJoteS-J J t I P•clfk 1 ' • n Utel\St•.. 1 4 4 14 l.ofto8MCl\Sw.. 1 s s 11 UC S•ni. ._. 1 S • 11 ~··k­uc ll'•IM71, l.-8H th St.leS9 C•I S..W FU11er1ott 70, UC S.nta 8.,C.r• St FresnoSC. .. 47, S...JOM St•l•,. Ut•h Si.te•, P.c:Hk .0 TIMirMl•Y'I GMlet San Jow Si.t• •t UC lr•lne Fresno s .. 1. •t 1.-8Hcl\ Stet• C•I s .... Fullenon•I P.cilk UC 5-8¥W• •I Ulell St•le, ,., the way we shot . we had to la ke he art.'' said a re lieved Coach Bill Mulligan. Indeed, the Ante aters , the na tion 's best s hooting te a m from the field at 59.4 percent, s hot a m iser able 39 percent during the firs t 20· minut e stanza. And, things didn't get much better in the second half when UCI came out cold again and the 49ers ra ced out lo a 54·48 m argin. Just whe n matters looked hope less, though, is when the An teater s s t a r ted pl a ying basketball again. A basket by Rainer. Wulf and two rree throws by Whieldon cut the deficit to 57-54. 49er guard Bruce Mcc ree then missed the front end of a one-a nd-0ne . . .and the roof fell in. McDonald hit a basket, Wulf added another. and then ,P4agee hit s ix straight points to put the Anteaters in front, 64·57, with 2: 19 to play. "Subconsciously, we tend to slack off and Chen pull it out in _ t he end," said McDonald. "If we play Fresno like we've played the past six ga mes . we can forget about it. "We have to start thinking to ourselves t hat we want to play ba s ketba ll f or a f u ll 40 minutes." "It's just one of those thin1s." added Wh ieldon. "I don't reaJJy know how to explajn it. We just ha ve to break out of it soonbor we 'r e goin g to be in l g trouble." Of course. much or UCI's problems the past two games ha ve to be credited to the 49era. who played without their leading scorer Dino Gregory (sprained ankle>. and had another st.arter <David Johnson) dismissed from· the team Friday for disciplinary reasons. "We played as ha rd as we could, so I'm disappointed that we lost-but not ashamed. We had a chance to win, and I certainly don't think the score was indicative of the game," said 49er coach Tex Winter. Actually, part of the key to UCl's victory was a change in defensive strategy by Mulligan, who switched from his normal 3·2 zone to .a box-and-one in the second half in order to slow down t he 49ers torrid Craig Hodges. "We're not going to continue to play like this. When the time comes to play Fresno, we'll be re ady," said Magee. That time will be this week. Miller coolly confident SAN DIEGO CAP> -Johnny Miller was careful to get all the d iscl aimers in t he proper position after taking a 3-shot lead Saturday in the third round of the San Diego Open Golf Tournament. Big A packed for Supei-Cross Opener "I p robably shouldn 't say this," Miller observed after he'd re tained a solid lead with a 4-under-par 68. "And I'm not saying I've got it locked up. I might shoot 80 tomorrow." By HOWARD L. HANDY °' .. o.Ny ..... SUtf Promoter Michael Goodwin of Laguna Beach didn't have to go to Las Vegas to roll a winner. He rolled one at Anaheim Stadium Saturday night. The largest crowd fiver to witness a sporting event at the Stadium, 70,205, wat c hed a thrilling opening of the Miller High Life Supercross season on a balmy night with the 7-11 combination finishing in the first two positions. Donnie Hansen of Canyon Country riding No. 7, led a wave or red-white clad riders in the front echelon to capture the first event of the series. Mission Viejo's Jeff Wa rd on No. 11 broke tnto ~e red wave with his g r e en Ka w asaki t o finish s econd. But the next three places went to Honda riders with J ohnny O'Mara third. T he 20-lap feature was a fitting climax to a night of rough riding by t h,e pros with the a mateurs ta king over today during an 11-hour stint from 9 a.m. to8 p.m . Jn the main event, Wa rd j um ped out to the early lead and found a groove goin1 through the washboard in front of the left field stands. Hansen watched as he pulled ahead through this same area and when the time w as righ t , h e u s e d the knowledge to take over the lead a nd Ward could never catch him. "The roughest par ( of the course was the series of bumps right down here," Hansen said. H e wa s r e fe r r i n g to t h e washboard bumps down the left fi eld line. ··I was r eally con cerned beca use it was so rough through there," Ward said in agree ment. Then he also ~reed that Hansen ha d watched hiJTl at that point on the first three laps. passed him there on the next one . and took over his route until tM end of the race. "I went into the first tum at the start of the race in first place but cam e out o f it second-best to Jeff ," Hansen added. "But I finally got into a g roove and settled in for the rest of the race." Except f or Ward 's persistence, the Honda riders. had things pretty much their own way most or the night. The spectacle of high flying machinery at break-neck speeds with the riders t hrowing caution to the winds, made the opening event a success. Goodwin, whose offi ces are in Laguna Beach, was pleased with the crowd. In the 10-lap qualifiers that got the capacity crowd in a festive mood, ha lf of the 16 riders making it to t he main event were riding Hondas including winners of three of the races . It took Bob Ha nnah on a Yam aha and Mission Viejo's Jeff Ward on a Kawas aki to break the Honda monopoly in the fourth qualifier. Mark Barnett, wearing the No. 1 plate e mblematic of being the S upe'r cross defe nding champion, came from last place in the opening qualifier to finish third aft.er a great ride through hea vy traffic. While he moved up to third to qualil y, he couldn't get past Bill L ile s as t h e two battle d "Has Mala·~ gone Gucci? Ra,.,U coach ma(/ ~e more impr~ssive title, too lt nettSsarily follows that if Ray Malavasi is to h;tbe darling of Bever ly Hills society, be sbouJd have a more impressive title with the football teaM • The society PAI• recently ran a picture of Mala .. 11 at a lavish function tn the company of his employer Georcia Frontiere, Madame Ram. Ordinarily, Maiava.ti wlll appear in a Rams T ·•llt:Jt. ample be11J droopid1 over hll belt end to dreu bbn in a tuxedo is tantamount to pourtn1 perfwneqn a hof. 8ut tbere wu old Ray luxurious ln black tie at a talllt wttb tbe lady president. J>Nsumably, the two WOlllll later do the"Teus two.step. Tiii eaptioll aaJd tbat allo .. at.ct at the table wu GeorPa's elll'Telll husband Dominic, who wu not la the pieture. Wa.L, TllDE A&& tboee who •ucb the Ram or1anlutlon'1 rather bbarre IDOftmenta • who .a, DomlDle ii yeey much in the piclure. Furtliiermore. It la u&d Dolllak lllJOr• th• co...., fll ~ .... U4 -........ eOMb to dl_. .Wte Often ud tM two HOOP luapa to .... -MllaYul ii also nport8d to ........... , baft tea wltll oai>ma ....... Ill.,.. plMJ • ........_. ~.all ti ......... read to ...... &be ,._..,.._..••s•~....-..a.realie.I -~Daa ·=--.. ., ...... ..,.. .......,., .......... . Met .._ ........... olmmealelaain. TM 2'Drtll MIUllt tbt 11•na1 will uaumt nePOllllbWUet btyond tboM fll bead eo11cb. a SPORTS COLUMNIST Now, before you Insist none of this makes sense. conaider when was the last Ume oo th1a scene anytbina m8de 1eue. neck-and-neck for the final three laps. Donnie Han s e n o f Team , Honda was the winner of the opening qualifier with George Holland on a Suzuki fourth. Darrell Shultz and Ke11ny Keylon made it a one-two Honda finish in the second heat with Ri c k J ohn son and Ke n t Ho w e r t o n t h e o the r two qualifiers. J ohnny O'Ma r a of Canyon Country captured the third race with Danny Chandler and Jim Gibson giving Honda the first three places. O'Mara· had the lead, lost it, then got it ·back on a wild ride over the washboard in front of the left field stands . He almost lost the lead going to the final turn when a slower rider got between him and Chandler. The fourt h q ualifier was probably the closest of the njght. ·Wa rd a nd Hannah staged a see-saw battle until the veteran Hannah passed on the inside to take command at the finish. Then he paused a moment, that part of his statement done, a nd added: ··But I 'm probabl y the greatest front-runner that's ever played the game. "My record shows it. Let me get in front and I'm hard to catch. "I didn't run a way and hide from the field, but I'm in pretty On TV today channel 4 at 2 good s ha pe. If I shoot par tom or,row, anybody but Tom Kile has to shoot 68 to even catch me.$:<> that's a pretty good margin-'.' MILLER, WHO has led or shared the lead all the way, bad a 54-bole total or 200. MS lhota under pa r on T orrey PlQes ' South course, stretchln1 7,002 yards along the cliffs and cra1s overlooking the Pacific Ocean. T o m Watson and Jaek N ickla us failed to make a decisive move on Miller, bul tk e ver-present Tom Kite was there. Kite. who led the 1981 tour tn money-earnin gs and st~olle a verage , vaulted into sole posse"ssion of second witb 1.be best round of the mild, Rmaf day, a 6-under-par 66. It wu lfae aoth consecutive round at par or be tte r for the amasla11y consistent Kite and "" Nm a mtotal. 11Than tbe best I've pull9d for a lon1. loq time," said Kile, wbo bad an outltandtq ne.d of 21 finishes in the top lt'la 38 tournaments lut year. He IG&Un a playoff at the Bob Rope Cla11lc in hll first .. 1tart tlPs aeaaon. "And," he n id, "I '" ~ putting pretl)t "" ,_ .... . · yblle. But tlda was ......... , Gedal. It w• a lot of tun. "But I'll have to ptar ••r IOOd round tomorrow. Tbe way Jobuy's plaJiDt, I'll ba" to aboot another ee or 87 to bave a lbance." ( I .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 31 , 1982 1,.---~------------· . Boldlrwv ~ Canucka' victory Indiana'8 Knight cleared of charge Fram AP tlapa&eltel BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -An m Ohio State player'• claim tbat Indiana Coach Bob KnJChl cuued blm out durtnc the cloelnt Hcoods of a baaketbaWaame two weeb •to hu "no bull in fact and did not lake place," accordlnl to a • joint statement released by lbe two univenitles Saturday. The incident erupted after the Buckeyes' ..#' Troy Taylor was called for an intenllonal foul acainat Indiana's Jim Thomas. Taylor later said be went up to Kntaht to apolo1l1e, but that the Hoosier coach called him "every name in the book." '·After a thorough ,invesliaalion by each ihstitution," Sat.urday's 10•10MT statement read, "Olllo' Stale University and Indiana University have resolved the misunderstandina ... ,Both institutions have decided that it is fruitless to discuss the matter further and both consider the matter closed. ·'Coach Bob Knight of Indiana and coach Eldon Miller of Ohio State are agreed that the safety of the players muat have. top priority," the statement said . Quote of the day . San Francisco 49ers qvarterback loe Montana, rating his performance ln th~ Super Bowl: "Oh B-minua; maybe C ... there were times when I should have gotten out of there on the blitz, times I could have done better." Stacy retains twC>9Stroke lead DEERFIELD BEACH, Fla. - Hollis Stacy fought off blustery winds and a late surge by JoAnne Carner Saturday to keep a 2-stroke lead in the LPGA tournament. Stacy shot a par-72 despite wind gusts of up to 25 mph, while Carner, winner of the inaugural tournament be,re in 1.0, rushed to a 67 and 211. Carner bad five birdies on the last eight boles for a 32 on the final nine holes. ThroU'gb 54 boles, Stacy had a 7-under-par 209 total over the 6,074-yard Deer Creek Country Club course. "It was wild golf out there today," Stacy said. "It was very difficult to play. You•re hitting a lot or knock-down and three-quarter shots, then it the wind lets up and you have to make a full swing again. And some greens are more exposed than others, which makes the putting tricky, too." Five-strokes back at two-under ·214 were Lynn Adams,, 't'hO had held or shared second place for two~ds . IYM ....... Ht Up tbNe eoall, ri1 includinl two on a power play. to • lead the Vancouver C9J1ucka to a f.I yl~tory over PhUldllphla ln the National Hockey Lea~Saturday nitht. Tbe Flyers are wlnlu n thtlr lut five outlnp ... EJ.Mwhere, uy Laflnr aet up the tYinl toa1 and •cored the 1ame·wlnotr at 7:3'7 of tbe tblrd riod aa Montreal raUJed for a 5-3 triumph over Detroit . . . Rookie Brea& Suuer'• third-period 'aoal lifted the New York lllanden put Minnete>ta, •·2 In a rematch of last year's NHL playoff finalists ... Rod 8ellutt scored bis second 1oal of the aeuon late i~. the third period to aive rittsburth a eouuHv 2 ·1 win over Wtnnlpe1 Kevin Lavallee scored the winnin1 goal midway through the third period to lead Calgary paat Buffalo, 3·2, and hand the Sabres their third stral1ht Joas in Western Canada . . . Washington 1oalie Dne Pam made 40 saves to help the Capitala defeat Chica10, 5·2 ... Kick Valve 1ot hia'sUck on a shot from the blue line by Borje Salaa.1 and deflected the puck past goaltender loM Garret& at 18: S7 of the third period W\inc Toronto to a 2·2 tie with Quebec ... Goaltender Gre1 Miilen made 52 saves, 26 of them in the final period, as Hartford shaded Boston, 3-2. . . Ford gives·his OK to trade . •• . • · Outfielder Daia Ford has · 118 formally approved the trade that sends him from the Angels to the . Baltimore Orioles, ending speculation that that deal might not be consummated. The trade, in which the Angels acquired third baseman no.c DeCiacea and pitcher Jeff Schnelder, was thought to be in jeopardy when Bill Moore, Ford's agent, said bis client wanted additional compensation because the Orioles were not among the six clubs Ford could be traded to without his approval. Ford sent a telegram to Orioles ' General Manacer Haak Petera Saturday, indicating he had agreed to amend his contract and approve the trade ... Veteran first baseman Steve Garvey, about lo enter the last year of his six-year contract with the Dodgen, says he would prefer to spend the remainder of his baseball career with the National League club instead of testing the free agent market. Garvey would be eligible for free agency if he were to remain unsigned at the conclusion of the 1982 season, but said he would "sacrifice somclhin~ rin11nc!ally" in order to remain a Dod!!!'!r ·Nehemiah in record boo~s again Reeaklo NelaemJalll established a • world record in the 80-yard indoor hurdles and Olympian leanette Bolde• shattered the women's indoor record in the 60-yard duh Saturday night at the Dallas Times Herald Invitational track meet. It was• Nehemiah's ~d record in as many nights. He broke th~· world record in the 50-yard hurdles at Toronto Friday and his time of 6.82 seconds eclipsed his old standard of 6.89 in the hurdles Saturday. Bolden ran the 80 yards in 6.60 seconds to break the old record of 6.62 set by Allee BrewD .•• The team or lolua Paal, lolua Palll lr. and Roll S&om•elea of Germany held onto the lead Saturday niaht as three Porsches led the pack one.quarter of the way through the Daytona 24-Hour Challenge. Kings finally untied FromPaoee1 LA breaks loose after 16 games ;!:~~~~ .:d· .:. INGLEWOOD (AP> -Centers Don .Bonar and Marcel Dionne s cored two goals apiece Saturday , leading the Los Angeles Kings to a 7-4 National Hockey League victory over the St . Louis Blues. The victory snapped a 16-game winless streak for the Kings, who hadn't won since beating Colorado 8_. on Dec. 23. Los Angeles was o. 7 .9 during that stretch. They are 14-26-11 for the season. The win alSQ extended a Los Angeles unbeaten streak to seven games since the Kings had tied their previous six contests, an NHL record for consecutive ties. The Blues, 24·23-4, led 2-0 after the first period on goals by Mike Zuke and Perry Turnbull, but the Kings stormed back wtth four second-period coals to lead 4·3 entering the final 20 minutes. Los Angeles winger J .P. KeUy tipped in a shot by Greg Terrlon at 1:'2 of the second period and ·s I C ·1.4tSl·:ftl .. I ' · Dionne got his first goal of the game only 28 seconds later during a power-play, tipping in a s h ot from . the point by defenseman Ian Turnbull. Center Blake Dunlop put the Blues back on top at 5:36 of the period, but the Kings went ~ck in front on a pair of goals by Bonar within a five-minute span. St. Louis' Brian Sutter scored to lie the game again at 1 :04 of the third period, but the Kings went ahead to stay when Dionne scored on a breakaway at 2:30 later. Doua Smith and Alan Hanpleben added goals for Los Angeles later in the period. The victory was the first for the Kings under Coach Don Perry, who had an 0-2..S rerord in his first eight games as Los Anaeles' head coach. Perry succeeded Parker MacDonald at the position earlier this month. There wu no announcement on the status of Los Anceles left wln1 Paul Mulvey. professional golfer. KLOSTERMAN IS thought to have signed a new contract recently as part of one or those five-year revolving agreements. If this is the case and Klosterman gets the shoe from Madame Ram and Dominic, they will be required to continue the salary until Klosterman finds another job. Klosterman is enamored with the Beverly Hills and · Hollywood scene and would be loathe to leave . Perhaps he mlgbt choose to ail in the Polo Lounge aod collect hit money from the Rams. At any rate, the new chapter forms an interesting and worthy addition to the continuing saga. As mentioned earlier, the Ram atmosphere is entire ly unpredictable and it ii possible to picture just about any tum of events. SWl, it ls a trifle difficult to envision Ray Malavasl in Gucci shoes. '88LN 7 ... a atruch.nd. ..... aell11nar 964-;6400 O~ ~\LI:: \\1TII TillS,\1> •7,.l.95 .1011,,0, ·' ,0, ' ' ' I' ' -., I ' \• ) PHot Logbook - Carttfid commntanea uclUliwlJI in Ute pogsamfor .-er,...... a.. lndtft:lua1 attenuon. · llT9clm:IQ\a.• lar 4'** and PllJDCIMbt wmgbt CODllol. lmolllDeDt Hmtfec\ SEMINARS STARTIN• ,..._crllOllcatl~ WEEK OF FBRUARY 22M )J'ooTBALL !IDEVELOPMENT ~A~P 3rd Big Year "The flnelt IMtructlonal c;arnp In Southern C811fornia'' U.C.l"IM --~ (MrNoht Bow Dev~... 10-l8 T•C•1ec111t1s UC1A. Ctl. •llllOn. 8'¥\J, Mmna ... Mmna. ... It .. V~ard.s can't quite stop Biola ,. c Tall visitors barely stay unbeaten LEADS WARRIORS - Sophomore guard Mark Foringer was one bright spot for Woodbridge Saturday night as he ted the W~rriors with 12 points in a 42-34 loss to Capistrano Vall e y Christian. t Warriors .. ~: . h.~ded hoIDe loss Woodbridae High suffered its first loss in the school's newly completed gym and the first setback in three meetJn11 with Cllpistrano Valley Christian this year, dropping a '2·34 decialon to the Eqles Saturday night. a, aou •UNION .............. It ... Davtd venua Goliath Saturday mot in an overpaded SoCal Collete fym at the Van1uard1 of Coach Bill Reynolds took on the very tall Eatlea of Blola. Biota entered the aame ranked No. 1 in NAJA baaketball circl• and carried a 22.o rffOrd as well. But It wu too llttle too late for the Van1uards as Biota nipped tbem, 14..Sl. Led by All-American 8·7 WMe Kirc hneyer Biota survived a second half 1ur1e of the Vanguards. KJrchneyer scored a 1ame-hJgh 21 poinll, and tallied eight 1trai1ht points for the Eagles late in the second ball u the Vaneuarda were cloain1 ln. "We had 11 tumovera tn the first half," said Reynolds. "We came into the second bait more relaxed. We realized that they were human." At one point in the first half, the Vanguards were down, by 17 points, but a half-court jumper by Mike Roberts at the buaer decreased the lead lo 36-21 at halftime. Biola was in total command in the first half, hlttinc on 89 percent of its sbota. (18 of 21). As for the Vaneuards, they shot a respectable '4 perceet Cl of 18), but turnovers were coetly. •·we pressured them in the second half," said Reynolds . "We were. surprised that they (Biola) were flustered by our press. It created problems for them ." With 16: 12 left the Vanguards cut BJola'a lead to nine, u Dan M.orlenaen acored from an offenalve rebound. And then wltb t :'9 left Mark Rocbt's 15·foot Jumper decreaMd tM, Vansuard deficit to four. Wltb tbe crowd 1oln1 wUd, the Vanauarda pulled within one polnt u Roberti made a bucket with Just 5 aecoada remaUW.,. But Biola'1 Mark Santotkl bit OD a pair ol free throws with only two seconds left to flnilh all scoring. "We came into the came knowing that we had to lboot well and minim ize our , mistakes," said Reynolds. "We played intenae. The crowd w14 great." The Vanguards were led by Roberta who scored 19 poiota. while hitting 8 or 11 from the field. Rick Porras poured ln 16, and Roche had 12 second-ball'; polnta. SCC outscored Biola -.a . in the second ha lf, but fell Just short. ' "This· wasn't the best game-, that we have played," added Reynolds, "but the second ball was our best half of play all year." The loss drops the Vanguards' record to 14·6. Biola's 7-8 center Georce BeU , was used sparingly during the , first half, and was 2 for 2 from the field. Bell's passing sparked Biola's offense, while he uaed a slam dunk and a sky book to score. ·'Bell did more for them C Biola) than I thought be , would," said Reynolds . ''He really got their offense goin1. We couldn't cover him." .... The Warriors had opened their gym with a 63·32 route of Vincent Memorial Friday night but fell behind early to Capo Valley Christian and couldn't recover in time. The Eagles hit 15 free throws in the final period to hold off Woodbridge's comeback effort. T he Warriors came into the fourth quarter trailing, 23·15, a nd rallied to close the gap before Capo Valley Christian used some c!Utch free throw shooting to pull away. It's unanimous- Duran may retire .. :. "We aot bettind, but we still had a chance to win it near the end," Woodbridge coach Bill Shannon said. "We just didn't play real weU in the early part of the game." Sophomore guard Mark Foringer led the Warriors with 12 points. Capo Valley £hristian had a balanced scoring attack led by Tim Ingle (15).. Matt King (9), Kevin Wright C8 ) and Dave McElroy (8). The loss dropped Woodbridge to 13·6 overall. Elsewhere: Servtte 55, M•ter Del 50 In a typically tuHed meeting between thesl' two Angelus League schools, Servile used a big edge at the free throw line to hold on to the lead in the final period. A total of 46 fouls were called in the game ~d before it was over. five pla,ers had fouled out. Malt Beeuwsaert had a game-high 21 points for the Monarchs before exiting with five fouls while Mike Fielder contributed 10 ..points for Mater Dei. Beeuwsaert also led his team in rebounds with 12. Steve Krallman wa s high-point maii for Servile with 16 as the Friars improved their Angelus mark to 4·1. LAS VEGAS CAP) -Wilfred Benitez grew up feeling Roberto Duran was ''the only boxer that could beat me." But when Duran got into the ring with Benitez Saturday night, he suffered a loss that might have ended his long career. Benitez pounded o ut a unanimous lS-round decision in defense of the World Boxtn1 Council super welterweicht tit.le, then praised the 30-year-old Panamanian and said he thought Duran could continue boxing. But Duran didn't know about his fighting future. "You'll have to speak to my manager," he said. Said manager Carlos Eleta, "Yes, he should retire." The loss almost certainly cost Duran what be wanted most -a third right with Sugar Ray Leonard and a chance to wipe out bis loss to Leonard in New Orleans on Nov. 25. 1980, when he quit in the eighth round. That night, he said he wouldn't fight again, but he came back and the only re as on was Leonard. Some time ago, the man who became a Latin legend as "Hands or Stone." said, "I am looking forward to Leonard and if I lose to Benitez, It's all over." Leonard, who was at ringside as a television commentator for Home Box Office, had said Duran would have to win for a · rematch to be possible. But the 23-year -old Benitez was just too slick, too strong for Duran, boxing with clinical precision and controlling the tempo of the fight almost from the onset. No one seemed surprised that Benitez won, but there was surprise that the decision was as close as it was. Judge Dave Moretti scored it 144-141, judege Hal Mill'er 143·142 and judae Lou Tabat 145-141, all for Benitez. GAUCHOS ROLL PAST CITRUS AZUSA -The Saddleback College basketball team stayed within hailing distance of Riverside in t he Mission Conference by posting a 74·5' triumph over Citrus Saturday night in the Owls' gym. The Gauchos. who host the conferen ce-leading Tigers Wednesday night, fell behind Citrus 10·2 at the outset u the hosts went into a spread offense. But with Tracy Mitchell hitting three straight baskets, Saddleback soon took command. ~Ill RIPOil ·- ---- OUTSTANDING VALUES! MIW ltl2YW ualT "I. .. S.AM SJoer economy with thla one r Ful ly ~pped including a 4 IOMd transmlulon, tinted glau. radlel tires end rro,.! (Stk. 30m co1e1s>. .. Mount\i!l HJah Holiday Hill SkiSU(pise Mr. BGdy Kratka Ridae Mt. Waterman Snow Summit Snow Valley Goldmine Green .Valley SOVTREllN CAUPO&NIA SDOW deptla!IHlaet CodftlHa 18·27 pow /pp 18-27 pow/pp 8-28 pow/pp 12-at pow/pp 48 pow/pp 24-48 pow-pp 30-5' pow/pp 484 pow/pp 3M8 pow/pp 28·36 pow /pp CENT&AL CAUJ'O&NIA June Mountain Mammoth Mountain China Peak 72-38 pow/pp us pp 78 pow/pp Dodce 1!!dae 84·128 POW/PP NORTRDN CAUl'OaNIA LUt1/cllaln 5C 2C FO 4L FO FO FO FO ro FO FO FO ro ro Mt. Reba M·158 pow/pp IC KJr)wood 14'·* pow/pp ro Slefra ~Ranch 117 pow/pp ro Heavenly Valley 100 pow/pp FO Northstar 52·130 pow/pp FO Sq.uaw Valley M·lJZ pow/pp ML Donn~ Ranch 1•·112 pow/pp IC • Alpineaeadowa 180-218 pow/pp UL Suaar BoWl ltW'N pow/pp IC Boreal 1•·112 pow/pp IC Homewood Ski Area 84·151 pow/pp . IC CobdlUona: bp -hardpack; pp -..-elttd powder; pow - powder. IJft.a/chaln: L -llfta; C-cbaln; FO -hlll SALIPllCI s5999 tlDt_,Nfl YW Loededl Equl1)Cled wtttl 5 tpMd trw"'""'6on. .., cond .. 1tereo & PNP· (8tt.. .. ~ (474112). Lllt,.... ... 11 ... . .. ... SALIPllCI ·s.-nx:~ ... Or•nge Coat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 31, 1982 .. Oregon St~ slloves USC out of a tie for first Bruins capture their sixth straight victory; Fresno keeps pace with UC Irvine by dumping San Jose St ., 41-36 Fre•AP.dll~ LOS ANGELES -Center Charlie Sltton and 1uard lA•ter Conner acored 11 points aplece Saturday ntcht, leadJn1 elcbth·ranked Ore1on State to • 72·$5 Paclfle.10 Conference trasltetbalt victory over hott Southern Calll•mia before a crowd of 11,004 at the Lot An1eJes Sports Arena. Guard WllUam Brew and forward Danny Ev au added 14 and 10 polnta, respectively, for the Be~ven. who are now 8·1 In Pac-10 play and tied for' first place with Washlntton In the conference. Ore1on State la lS-3 overall. Reterve Rob Holbrook had nine points and a ga'1'!e·hlgh 12 rebounds for the Beavers, who ret>ounded well fl'Om a 74-68 loss at UCLA Friday nighl. Guard DwJ1ht Anderson led Southern Cal with 16 points, but he made only slx·of bis 22 field goal attempts. Forward Mo Williams added 13 points for the Trojans, who saw their seven-game wibning streak snapped and fell to 7-2 in conference action and 13·5 for the season. Tb~ Beavers took a 20-8 lead in the early going and stayed on top the rest of the way. The Trojans drew to within two points al 32-30 late in the first half. but Oregon State ~cored the ftnal five points of the half and the first four of the second half lo go' ahead 41-30. Southern Cal wasn't closer than seven points after that. UCLA 84, Oregon 61 LOS ANGELES -Michael Sanders and Rod Foster led a balanced UCLA attack with 16 points each. leading UCLA to a convincing 84-61 victory over visiting Oregon. Kenny Fields and Darren Daye added 12 and 11 points, respectively. for the Bruins, who won their sixth straight game, raising the Pac-10 record to 6-3 and their overall mark to 12·5. Oregon forward John Grieg led all sci>rers with 20 points. Fred Cofield added 11 points for the Du'cks, who fell to 3-6 in conference action and 8-10 overall. · • The Bruins scored the game's first 10 points and led 30-10 after 11 minutes of play. The Ducks narrowed the gap lo 38·29 at halftime and got to within four points, 42·38, early in the second half. However, UCLA outscored Oregon 38-16 over the next 13 minutes to take a commanding 80-54 advantage. Reserves played the final minutes for both teams. The Bruins have won their last nine games against Oregon and hold a 40·9 advantage in the basketball seMes between the teams. Freano St. 47, San Joae St. 36 SAN JOSE -Senior forward Rod Higgins netted 16 points to lead Fresno State to a 47-36 victory over San Jose in Pacific Coast Athletic Association action. Fresno overcame a 20-18 San Jose lead at the hatf, tying the game 26-26 before pulling to a strong eight point lead 36·28 with four minutes or play remaining. Higgins, who was Fresno's high scorer, had Basketball scores M-ts.Felrfleltlll IOCl G•••o• W•S11ln91on 18. SI. Bone¥entur,• .. l.OftO I-u .s. ~ .. ~, .. Felrlelofl ~ln"°" 'IO, 8111llmoo n Botton u. "· w~ 10 Alder 7t. L.ef•°""• U Communhv college ......... c.......... Seoldle-11 74, Clln.s SI Sen Bemenllno IS, Soulhwnlem 71 ill 1¥erSldt CC 60, Pelom¥ SJ ........ ,..,, .. ,...._.... Ante1....-ve11eyto, H...coo 1• M--11 •• Comc>lon 7S Oanel'd ... Glenclele 4' S.nte &.-• M. c.-.ron• s. West L,Ol Angelft 15, Vtnlur•., High school ....... L...-S.rvlte U , Mete< Del S7 ---Ce po Velley Chrhtlan •J, Woodtlf"k1o9).I A< ... myl.a-•·•-111. He-1 Chrl•ll•n •1 Women , .. ._ UCLA tO, 0.-14 Arlr0"41 St "· S.n 0-SL S7 elcht rebounds. Ju.nlor forward Chrla MeNealy had 15 points and four rebounda tor San Joae. The victory cave Freano a 17·1 aeaaon ree0rd and a PCAA record or s.o. San Joee fell to t.e overall and 3·3 ln the lea1u.. Cal State Fullerton 10, UC Santa Barbara 59 Guards Leon Wood land Ricky Mlicon acored 24 points apiece, leadln1 Cal State Fullerton to a 70-59 victory over visiting UC Santa Barbara. Wood added a game-hi1h seven assists for the Titans. who beat UCSB for the second time ln three daya. Fullerton evened its PCAA record at 3·3 and raised its overall mark to 10·11 . Center Richard Anderson led UCSB with 23 points and eight rebounds. Forward York Gross added 16 points and pulled down a game-hJgh 10 rebounds for the Gauchos, who fell to 1·5 In league action and 6·12 overall. The game was close most of the way. The teams were tied 52·all with 5:48 remainlnl but the Titans rattled off 10 consecutive points at that stage, all by Wood and Mixon. to lake command. Wood was 12 of 14 from the foul line and the Titans were 22 of 28. The Gauchos, meanwhile, made nine of their 14 free throw attempts. USF 86, St. Mary's 84 MORAGA -Wallace Bryant s ank an eight-foot turnaround shot with eight seconds left in a second overtime to give the ninth-ranked San Francisco Dons an 86-84 victory over unheralded St. Mary's. Quintin Dailey shot a career-high 40 points and Bryant had 29 points as San Francisco improved its record to 19·2 and 5-1 in the conference. St. • Mary's is 9-10 and only 1-5 in conferenc,e. Gaels' forward Peter Thit.eaux, who scored a career-high 31 points, hit two free throws with 36 seconds left to lie the game at the end of regulation time. David Vann scored two free throws with three seconds left in the first overtime lo tie the game al 76 an<l force a second tie-breaker. In that, Bryant slammed in a shot with 48 seconds left to give San Francisco an 84-82 lead. But he missed a foul shot and the Gaels' Brandon Bennett sank a pair of penalty points, setting the stage for Bryant's final score. Missouri 59. Kann• St. 58 MANHATIAN, Kan. -Steve Stipanovich, Jon Sundvold. and a productive Missouri bench rallied THE AlllY SCHOOL A catholic Bowding High School for boys. CAW HOLY CIOSS A Summer Camp for boys g to 14 ....... o6d. Q>nducted b'y the Benedictine Monks of Colorado in Southern Rockies. Country En- vironment near ski areas. C••• ,, ........ r • S..t Cl11111 ........ Monet., ........ c...... S f wlw4 SWu • Al ,....... Acce,IMI ... ... a ....... DlllCTOll OF ADMISSIONS THI AlllY SCHOOL IOX HI CAMOM cm. COLORADO 112 I 2 "-: CJOJt 27MH I -Oil-...... , ................ .,....., ... MIWPOltT llACH C714t t60-2t41 COMPUTER INSTRUCTION SO SIMPLE, CHILDREN CAN MASTER ,.,~re your children. ltuclenU Md yourMff fOf today~ computerlnd wortd. We haw ettendMs from "'9 I 10 • ,.nlng • headltart on the IMYlt•bfe future. Md we•• helptng own.n unfock the c•pabllltlet of their Appi. If. TltS-IO. Tl 99/4 and '•t computers f' I with• unique slmpllftff Instruction coutM. D•lly and evenings. Mon-Fri. C .. I tod.ly for partlculMS-04' vfslt the Center. the No. I Tigera from a seven-polnt denclt ln the first ball to a 59·58 victory over No. 1' Kansas Slate. Stipanovlch, Mloourl's e:u Junior centel', scored 20 points und Sundvold, bomblna away over the Kauas State zone, had 14. Missouri led 57.52 when Ed Nealy fouled out with I :03 remaining, but Ed Galvao and Tryone Adams each sank two pressure free throws to make it 57·56 with 31 seconds remaining. Then Stlpanovlch, on a pass from Suntlvold, s1tnk an uncontested bucket and the Tigers let Tim J ankovlch have an uncontested basket at the buzzer. The Ttgers, l,-0, wore down Kansas State's bench after Wildcat starters Nealy. Randy Reed and Les Craft all picked up three fouls in the first half. North Carolina 58, North Cerolln• St. « CHAPEL HILL, N.C. -Sam Perkins and James Worthy keyed a 14-4 scoMng binge in the second half and second-ranked North Carolina went on to a 58-44 victory over No. 17 North Carolina Slate in the Atlantic Coast Conference. The Tar Heels held a 29-27 lead at halftlme beiore Perkins scored four of his team's first six points to start the second half and handed off to Michael Jordan to set up the other basket. After N.C. State got two baskets from Thurl Ba iley to close to within 35·31. Worthy and Perkins scored two bas kets each in the next three minutes to give North Carolina an insurmountable 43·31 lead with 12:46 to go. A technical foul was whistled on Wolfpack Coach Jim Valvano and Jimmy Black converted one of the two free throws . Worthy followed with a basket with 8: 18 left. giving North C~rolina a 48·35 advantage. Virginie 77, Duke 65 DURHAM, N.C. -Ralph Sampson scored 23 points as third-ranked Virginia became the first college team to win 20 games this season, whipping Duke 77-65 in ACC play. Sampson scored 17 points in the second half as the Cavaliers quickly stretched a 20-13 halftime lead to 21 points. Sampson was not much of a factor in the first half, but he didn't have to be. Virginia took the lead in the first few minutes behind the strong Inside play of Craig Robinson, whose ba~ket al 17:08 put the Cavaliers ahead for good. The CuvalierR controlled the board.I •1ala1t the shorter Blue Devils, who shot 33.3 percent from the noor the first half. Tena A&M 71 , Teicaa 69 AUSTIN, Texas Claude Riley tossed in a jump shot from the corner with five seconds re maining in overtime as Texas A&M squeezed past fifth-ranked Texas 71 ·69 in a rough Southwest Conference game. The loss before a sellout of crowd 16,231 was the second in a row for Texas and also was t.he first at home this season. A&M 's victory pushed lts record in the SWC to 5·2, the same as Texas', and enabled Arkansas at 6·2 to take over the league lead. OePeul 92, Syrecuse 87 · SYRACUSE. N.Y. -Guard Skip Dillard had 28 points and 6·9 forward Terry Cummings added 22 to pace fourth-ranked DePaul to a 92-87 victory over Syracuse. The Blue Demons, 18· l , extended their winnin& streak to 13 games by overcoming a 29-point performance by Syracuse's Tony Bruin and 17 points by reserve center Sean Kerins of the Orangemen Bruin collected 22 points in the second half. Iowa 76, Ohio St. 66 IOWA CITY, Iowa -Iowa 's Mark Gannon scored 19 points and held Clark Kellogg, Ohio State 's leading scorer, to just two field goals in the second half as sixth-ranked Iowa posted a 76-66 victory over the Buckeyes. The junior forward hit seven of nine from the field, connected on all five of his free throws and pulled down six rebounds as Iowa boosted its record to 15·2 overall and 7-1 in the league Pepperdine 92, Loyola 79 MALIBU -Forward Orlando Phillips scored 31 points and grabbed 12 rebounds, leading Pepperdine to a 92-79 West Coa st Athletic Conference victory over visiting Loyola of Los Angeles. Phillips made 11 of his 15 field goal attempts as the Waves raised their WCAC record to 5·0 and their overall mark to 12-6. Guards Dane Suttle and Boot Bond added 16 and 14 points, respectively. for Pepperdine. Center Leonard Agee led Loyola with 18 points and 10 rebounds. Kevin Sparks added 14 points for the Lions, who fell to 1-4 in conference action and 3-15 overall. GENUINE OAK PARQCIET TILE REO. 58C Lustrous sold wood tiles are pre-finished In our SALE own plant for fine quality at great savings. .,,.-"29~ Sll8l.f C1ASSIC 6" x 6" x 5116" ~ EA. @mst rong SOLARIAN® TILE REG. 1.09 Beautify a room in hours with lovely patterns and SALE colors. Shine stays bright k>ngcrl 89~ ESSEX FAIR PA TTERl't 12" X 12" SQ. FT. 1003 VINYL SELF-STICK TILE REG. 89e So easy to install-simply peel off backing and SALE press in place. ~ no-wax1 79e IWC>Qlll PAAQOET PATTVIN 12• X 12• SQ. Pr. EASY-CARE VINYL TILE REG. 59( Floors will stay bright k>nger with our easy-care SALE 100% vtnyt tie. Ideal for kitchens and dens. 49 e CIW'IITT PA~ 12· X 12" SQ. FT. ECONOMY SEJ..F-STICK TIU:: REG. 40C Install a new ftoor qu~ with this neutral-toned SALE tie In laundry rooms and kitchens. 29e ~TllE PA 12• X 12" SQ. FT. y A..OOR TILE REG. 2:K Select quiet adaptable shades for budget· SALE saving ftoors ii many areas of the house. 173A C l'ellLfl1I.£ AA Tn:Rrl I 2" X 12· SQ. FT. VINYL PRE.PASIE> WAl.1.PAPER E.xcltJng selection of colors and de- signs. Easy to hang. Washable. ~~TIOtW.CCMXIPA). N'lf.RICM ~(~A> REG. 6.95·9.95 SALE 449.(j9J NATURAL GRASSCL01HS REG. 19.95 Take )IOUr c:hdce of four styles In simple-to· SALE ~=:,.~graudoth for glamour! 14s WIN>OWS 10 MURALSR£o. :u.95 Add• new demenslon to walls ii~ room with SALE w-cab.~photomurals. 249~ I~ w:n,t)!1 ';":1,~~ ~I-"SlllTA AllA WESTMINSTER SANTA ANA COSTA MESA •1 s.. 11111 lid m w. n1 ml Hnr !j ~11111 St 111111.n stnet 11111nn ,:: -··· ... ..... 14MrW11891 I 551-1324 •ma 541-1111 MS-1121 j t l ~ I j '~ t f ' f ' • I l I ~ . . • . ; • • J , • i t • 1 .... , .. l I 1 Orange Cout DAal Y PILOT/Sunday, Ja'nuary 31, 1812 Race Is on to Manzanillo 81 AUION LOCKABBY ...,NII ........ SAN DIEGO -Thlrty·tlve crack aalllna yach\1 bit. the atartlna line with blllowln& aplnnakert here Saturday in the fourth renewal of tbe biennial San Dte10 to llanaanillo yacbtTace. Hundred• of apectator boat• rln1ed t he atartlq area off Point Loma to ebeer the neet off ln a brlU 10-12 knot nortbwetterly breeae that bad "chutea" popplnc all alone the atarUnc line wltbln aeconda after the atartlnc alpal. The scratch boat Merlin, aklppered by Mike Satterlee of San Dleco Yacht Club was a bout .0 aeconda late on the leeward end ol the. line, but wlthln an hour had carved out a comfortable lead over her arch·rival1 Chrlatlne, skippered by Fred Prelu, Pacmc Maraners Yacht Club. Christine started about the middle of the line and Preiu chose a weatherly course that wouJd take him near the Coronadoa lalanda, seeldn1 better wind ofrsbore. The four Santa Cruz.sos, speedy li1ht displacement sister·ahips, were closely bunched · astern of Merlin 1ivin1 promise of a spirited boat·for·boal race down the Baja California peninsula. The Mexican entry. Primavera, skippered by Jorge Dipp of Acapulco was over the line early and had lo fight her way back throu1h the spectator neet to restart. The fieet was broken down into four classes with Merlin heading Class A. Merlin 1ives about 21 minutes to Christine on the corTeCted time scale and about 15 hours to the four Santa Cruz·50s. Heading Class B is Ben Bennett's Choate·40, Arriba from Balboa Yacht Club. Topping Class B is David Meginnty's cystom 42·foot sloop Deception from California Yacht Club, Marina del Rey, and the scratch boat ln Class 0 is Dust 'Em, a Peterson·38 sailed by Stephen Soares, SDYC .. There is a total of 60 hours on handicap time between Merlin and Aquarius, and Ericsoo-435 skippered by John Belanich, Mission Bay Yacht Club. Merlin owns the elapsed time record of 6 days and two hours for the l ,llO·mile course, setting the mark in the 1978 race. Christine was first to finish in the 1980 race in a close battle with Drifter, another ultra-light displacement sloop. At Manzanillo the fieet will be headquartered at the Las Hadas Hotel where several of them wiJI gear up for the Mexican Ocean Racing Circuit ( M EXORC) a six race series over courses between Manzanillo and Acapulco. Local entries in the race are Arriba, Ben Bennett, BYC; Celerity, W.E. Ostermiller, BCYC ; Hana Ho, Morrie Kidc, BYC; Night Train, Mike Abraha m, NHYC; Tomahawk, John Arens, BYC ; Warrior, Al Cassel, BCYC. British· basketball the newest craze LONDON (AP> -Basketball is booming in Britain where more than 40 Americans are playing in the National League and helping to promote the game. Crowds of up to 3,000 have attended National Lea1ue games, and recently the English Basketball Assoc la lion <EBBA> clinched a television contract worth about $3.74 million. That is small compared with the National Basket ball Association's $88·million, four.year contract in the United States, but it.is a huge strid~ for a sport that was little more than a novelty in Britain unW recently. THE NATIONAL LEAGUE was formed in the 1972·73 season and includes more than a million registered players, ranging from schoolchildren to the former American college players who earn an average of $28,000 a year plwi ,expenses, a fiat and car. Attendance has risen by 50 percent over the past t hree years and the national finals at Wembley Arena in March are expected to attract a sellout 18,000 crowd. The new television deal, which will bring players like former University of New Mexico star Marvin Johnson and ex-Princeton ace Bob Roma into the public eye. ls a great coup for basketball. "These television deals will totally change basketball in this country. It will put English basketball on a business footing comparable to the way pro basketball, football and soccer are run in the United States," said American Peter Sproggis, development officer for the EBBA. BASKETBALL, PLA YEO in Britain between September and March, traditionally is a game played by tall men. Alton Byrd or Crystal Palace.• prob a bly t he best known name in British basketball, is an exception to that rule. Byrd, a former Columbia University standout who was selected for the I vy League All Conference team, ls just 5·8. Tom Wisman, the former University Qf New Mexico coach now with Solent Stars, said: "You don't have to be tall to be a top player ln Britain." * Racquetball * * Volleyball '* Aerobics * NQutilus '* Circuit Training * Hqncl>alt •• .Jacuzzi-Sauna * Juice Bar * Ski Trips 557·4~01 t•A' 1A-.C11t1..._ (I llrt)or It Adlml) Fit 10-13 4.97 Pkg. Of 6 Men'• Crew Sock• Cotton I stretch nylon socks in white o~ white I stripes. 99~ GE® 3-wey Light Bulb 50/ 100/ 150 watts. Low for TV or security; high for reading. 12 EJpOSlre lmllp & Prilt 1.19 28 EJptSWe Dmlep & Prilt 2.19 24 EqttStre Dmlo, & Prilt 3.59 31 Expesse Devtllp ' Prilt 5.11 . •2&6 13" Dieg. M•••· -orte Color TV With AFC Automatic Frequency Control and black matrix picture tube. Simulated walnut finish and retract- able carrying handle. s94 9" Dieg. Mees. B/W Portable TV 100 % solid state circuitry with instant picture and sound, compact & lightweight modern cabinet. KM80920G • «.······. Jet System · 1250 ·&.77 26-53 'h •' . ·t :,· I . t~r·. • !" ' •; i ... .. . . : .. i '\, • .. • ' .. ' ' ' • ' ' < ·, ... ·~ :-... 2.47 Magnetic Photo Album 12 mou nting su r faces , 8 'hx11" each. Holds photos up to 8x1 0". 9.96 MacGregor Soccer Bell #4 -#5 synthetic leather. FIFA Approved. Al ............ :: ........ $7.11 3-Day Sale as~ Box Kleenex®.Feciel Tiaaue Save on box of 200 sheets. In white or pretty powder- room pastels. Swiss Steak Dinner With whipped potatoes & gravy, veg., roll & butter. Sally Smar • Kitchen Set Durable plastic sink set in popular colors. 2.44 ~~r4Reg. Claaalc Tee'• For Mi.- Of comfortable cotton with updated necklines. Sporty colors. Fiberglass Belted Radial Whitewalls ()Ji Reg. 48.97 -P155/80R 13 37.97 Plus F.E.T. 1.52 Each •At••.._,,....,..." e KM Sp«lal • The Se•1an leA e M1 •1rn Stfllnl, hpu• , ............ I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 31, 1982 .. • 1.50 REBATE from DOW • ... ltofe Dllpkry tor 0.-.. Zip-Loe@ Plaatic S.ga Zip-Loe® seals in the flavor, seals in the freshness! Get several! s1 21h lb. Slug a Sn•ll Killer 47~ 3 Days I-Pack, Easy Wipe® Cloths Rinse clean for repeated use. Strong, economical. 12x13• ea. Waahable ... raucker Sleeping Piiiow• Plump polyester fill, polyester I cotton ticking. Save. 1.57 Piece M•t• tor Decor•tive T•ble Setting• Pretty place mats enhance table settings. Stripe, frame or dobly design. Acrylic I polyester I cotton. 84¢ Pkg. of 2 Trouaer Hangera~!!!!JL.f.I.~ Hold pants by cuffs to hang out wrinkles. 2 hangers in set. Save. \· •& Monaanto® Nylon Knit• Men's placket-collar sport shirts. Solid colors. Save now at K mart. •MoiieMtoCoJi>."91. TM 3.90 Women'• Embroidered I Shoe A comfortable sport step-In. Sizes 5-10. 19.98 Chronogr•ph Alarm Men's quartz L.C.D. watch C.-.11.U Oh LC0 .......... 1&.ll _, •l'J/11/ "' -I •. Ill. '.1 '•,/,1 2.48 40 Sanitary Napkins Kmart® brand. Soft, absor- bent. Choice of regular or super. 2 Fors3 Silicone white c aulk o r c lear rubber sealer 'Net wt -~~ AUTO SERVICE HOURS 8 AM-6 PM DAILY 1 f'~~~-_./~~\ CLOSED SUNDAY I • ' .. "" ' Mon. Thru lat. Only ~.,.,.,_,,o_ ~-'tCll'lt....,._ ..WO Dllo And DNln INlre lpeolal At lftln .. FOf many U.S. can. tlucka. . SOve. On Sale Jhru lat. lnclllld .............. 54.88 •mont11 .. ttery Top, side terminals. Many U.S. wa. ~t trucks. ~ I 4.96 Sa~Pr~ ..... Can IC 1Mrt® 10W40 Motor OH Meets SAE and new car speclftcatlons. All-star ~ay for sports Pro Bowl, NBA's best set ay HOWAJlD L. HANDY w .. D.it¥,. ..... For tt.o.e rans who have been lookiDI for an end to the football season, today's NFL pro bowl contest from Hawaii Is the lut scheduled attalr for lbe elongated 1981 season. Channel 7 will brinl the action live at 1 o'clock. Basketbal.l rans can ettjoy the NBA all-1tar game lhls morning when Channel 2 brinp the a ction live al 10 o 'clock. For the coUe1e ca1e fan, two game.s are scheduled. Channel 4 will bring the Wake Forest at Arkansas batUe here live at 11 while Channel 2 will air the Southern Alabama vs . West Virginia contest at 12:30. Golf addicts will have an opportunity to view the final round of the San Diego Open on Channel 4 at 1. Following are the top SPorts events on TV today. Ratings are: 1111 excellent;11 1 worth watching; 1 fair ; 1 forget It. ~ 10 a.m., Channel 2 I I { ./ NBA BASKETBALL: All-star game Announcers: Dick Stockton and Bill Russell. The East will have a dream combination at the forward positions with Larry Bird of Boston and Julius Erving of Philadelphia In the starting lineup. But the West has most of the statistical leaders and wlll Include Kareem Abdul-Jabbar In the startln{I lineup at center. He is Joined by Adr1an Dantley of Utah, Lonnie Shelton of Seattle, George Gervin of San Antonio and Gus Williams, also of Seattle In the starting lineup. ~ 11 a.m., Channel 4 ./ I ./ COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Wake Forest at Arkansas. Announcers: Bob Costas and Lynn Shackleford. This game will feat ure two of the most underrated centers in college basketball this season. Jim Johnstone (6-11) starts for the Wake Forest Demon Deacons while 6-10 senior Scott Hastings is the Razorback starter. Johnstone leads the Wake Forest attack with 12 points per game and ranks among the natiom leaders In f ield goal percentage. Hastings Is a two-time All·SWC select ion and is averagln{I 20 points a game. ~ 12:30 p .m., Channel 2 I I COLLEGE BASKETBALL: South Alabama vs. West Virginia. Announcers: Gary Bender and Billy Packer. The West Virginia Mountaineers are coached by Gale Catlett and feature the play of 6·2 junior guard Greg Jones, the team's leading scorer. Russel Todd. a 6-7 senior forward, also plays an Important role for the Mountaineers. They also have 6-7 freshman Lester Rowe. South Alabama's Jaguars have only one returning starter in Rory White; a 6-8 senior. He is joined by 6-8 forward Reggie Hannah, the team's leading rebounder. ~ 1 p.m., Channel 4 ./ I I GOLF: Andy Williams San Diego Open. Announcers: Don Criqui, Bruce Devlin John Brodie, Bob Goalby and Jay Randolph. ' Johnny Miller takes a three-stroke lead Into tOday's final round over consistent Tom Kite. Kite, who led the 1981 TPA tour in money-earnings and stroke average, is second at 203 after firing a 6-under -par 66. It was his 30th consecutive round at par or better. Veteran Tom Weiskopf is neict at 204. Action on the South Course a\ Torrey Pines Golf Club concludes today. '9 1 p.m., Channel 1 I ./ ./ ./ NFL FOOTBALL: AFC-NFC Pro Bowl. Announcers: Al Michaels, Fr an Tarkenton, Russ Francis and Lynn Swann. Ther e a r e six rookies and 2S first-time participants on the two teams participating In this year's Pro Bowl outing. San Francisco quarterback Joe Montana joined the NFC squad this week after being named M VP in last Sunday's Super Bowl XVI. AFC and NFC rookies of the year, Joe Delaney and George Rogers, pace the rootlie contingent along with Cincinnati's Cris Collinsworth. Only two Ram players are in the game, Rich Saul at c~ter and Nolan Cromwell at safety. OTHER TELEVISION 10 a.m . (4) -SPORTSWORLD -Olympic cl')ampions Dorothy Hamill and Robin Cousins are among those taking part in the second wort~ pro figure skating championships, taped at Landover, Md. Also competing in the team event on Cousins side will be Linda Fratianne, a former world champion and 1980 Olympian. Dick Ent>erg and John Misha Petkevlch rePort. 4 p.m. (7) -SUPERSTARS -t973 Superstars champion Bob Seagren heads the llst of veteran competitors In the second men's preliminary, taped at Key Biscayne, Fla. Others In the field include former NBA star Pete Maravlch; 1968 Olympic skiing gold medalist Jean-Claude Killy; long Jump world-record holder Bob Beamon; and former football players Pr eston Pear son and Mercury Morris. S p.m. (7) U.S.A. VS. THE WORLD -The first In a ser ies of 12 programs featuring U.S. amateur athletes competing In dual meets against international teams. This week: The U.S. vs. the USSR In a series of boxing matches, taped In • Moscow . RADIO York Rangers at Kings, 6:50 • Wll8l£SAI.£ • LARGE SELECTIOI e SAMPLES llOIGIT TO YOll HOME ASK AIOIT 011 llAIAl1t£ Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 31 , 1982 NllA WllTl•NCON,lalNCI Ullen '-•"'• .......... OeldenSl<I• .....U•ncl 5-fl Dleeo "MMtc .,.., ... W L )1 II 2t 1) ,. " J1 11 n 11 13 JO M.._...Dlvlaleol "<L Oa 721 - ,HO 1\lt .Sti • .561 1 .561 1 .J02 11 '-"""-Denoter Houaton K'...nwaCtty 0.llH JI 14 ... , - U 10 535 SI'> '1 22 ... 1"> 1A 2t .n• ...... n tt .310 u Utall u 2t .310 1S IASTl•NCO..'l•INCI 80llOll Ptlllecleljlllla WellllftOtOll New Yo<k New JerttY Mltw<lllll .. Ati.nte lndlene CJ1ke90 Detroit Clevel•llO AllM!tk 0 1• .. lea 32 11 )0 " 12 10 10 24 It ,. C9Mre1Dlvi.ie. ,. 14 It 22 ,, ,, II U 11 ,. I '4 S..Wy'ak- No Gemft W:-lecl ,_Y'•G- .144 - ."2 211> ..SU ,..._ .OS llYt .442 1) .• ,. - .463 t .442 10 .•It 11 .409 ...... .1'0~ N&A All-Ster G.,.,. et Eett Rullwrford, H.J , 10 e.m .• Chennel 2 All-star rosters IASTl•N DIVISION ..__ U.Urry Bird, Bo&t CS> 2• 0 .. J11t111a E"'1119· Plllle CS> 2U 2 .. 80llOyJ~. Plllle IU M·Kelly Trl1>UCll•, O.t 1t.t »·Bliek Wllllems, H .J. 1 SS c--. SJ.Artis Giimore, CN (S) It 4 1 .. eob t..e11ler. Mltw 13.3 00-Aober1 Perl>I\, Boot 1•.t G- 1·N•te Ar<N~ld. Bost l sl 14.t 11-ISlell ThomM, Del Isl 11.4 •·Sldtwy Moncrief, Mllw 10.1 20-M. A. RklWlrd90n, N.Y 19.S WHTl•H DIVISIC* ,, __ •·Adrien 0...tley, Utell (S) JO t •t..01111le Sllellon. See Isl t•.7 2·AIH Englisll, Den U t JO.Bernard l(lng, GS 11.6 c~ J).K. Abdll~Je-r. L A (S) U.t 25-Mows AM5-. Hou 27.t ol3-J ec k Slkme, See 1t 1 G•re u.Georo-Gervin, S.A hi n s 1-Gus Wllllams, SH fsl 24,0 U-0.1111ls JoNlsoll, Plloe 11.S Jl·E•rvl11Jo1Wuon,t.." lit 10-Norm NI-., t.. A II t s --'1•,,., COLLEGE UC lrvtne 71 , Long Beach St. 59 LONG llACH STATE -H~• 21, MCCrM 6, M011>V 1~ Leck 4, Payne 11, Tye 2. Totel1. 259·13 S' UC l•YIH~ -Jollnson I Fuller 1. wtlleldon 16, WUiff t. Mc OOflelO 14, "'- 2'. Toteli. 2111-1111. Helftlme: UC Irvine, 1 .. 11 Tote! louh lon9 Beecll St 11, uc lrvlne 14; Foul..iout Tye (lonQ BH<ll SI I Biol• 64, SoCal Coll. 61 atOLA -M<Dou9ell 10, Klrcllmey•r 21. Selltosltl u. CW>dell I, Eiits •. Bell 4, f lel• 1 Tot•ls: 2t 11-17 ... SOUTHl•N CALI"O•NIA COt..t..EGI - R-rts It, Porr~ 16, Roelle 12. Plulm•r 6, Mortenwn J, Corsi •. Horvnenn 1 Totlls JS 11·1261. Heltttme· &Iola. i.-21 Total louts· Blole 16, Soc.et Coll-10 College ratings NCAA blVISION 11 1, Nebre>lt~ flt 2. WrlOftl St , Olllo 1 J. NortJwldQe 4,Wtti.yen, Ky S. NOf1110.ltole 6. Ylt9 lnle Union 1. Secrecl HH'1. Conn I. SDrilltfleld, AMU t . 81"°"""""9 SI .. Pe. 10. Cheyney SL. Pe 11. Nort,,_I Mis.our I 12. Central Ftorkle 1J. 8elllmore Cly, MO I•. Dlslrkt Of COfumbl• IS. Ale1 .... Ancllor- 16. AlbMty SI., Ge lie Ylr9lnl• St•I• 11. Cat-SI. B•Drslleld 1t Llvlfl9ston, Al• 20. Delle St . Miu NCAA DIVISION lft I. St Andrews, N C. Cl> t. State<\ lslelld. N. Y J.AU9Vt11-,lll nl'el UPMI•. N.J S. 8etoll, Wis, •· Ottertieln, Ofllo 7.WldeNf.D•. I. Hemllton, NV. t .,_oenoM,Y•. 10. S<renton, Pe . 11. Wls·Mll•-e. 12. Ct•rk, -ss. 14. Olllo Nor111em 14. Gro .. City, Pa. IS. St. t..ew.....c:e. N Y l~J ,,. 14·2 UJ 14.J IQ U.J 121 15-J '°' 10.t 100 1SJ .. 11·1 ts 11).3 .. .. 1 ID IS~ n 1>-J n 11-l 63 11-4 S7 ... s .., 11-4 J2 10.J n U·l It 11.s 11 1).] u U-1 1t0 13.1 1S1 U·J 1Jt 13-1 IJt 12-1 Ill 11~ 1U 1J.l '°' IM .. IM 1t ,,., ,, ·~ .. 1).4 ., 1M SI 11·l '1 COMMUNITY COLLEGE SadclelMlck 74, Citrus 51 IADDLaaACK -Dodcls 12, Turner ll, WlanlewYcl u. Doyle 20, Hiii 10. Mltcllell • Totals: » .. 1414. CtTaUI -Newmyer •. Nlorete• n . Fella "· Cotey •. AdolPMOll o. Tote 1 s 21 •• se Helftlme: Secldlebecll. U -11. Tole1 fouls: SaOclleNck I). Citrus 16, TKIW!k •I -myer CCllrus l MIHlon Conference c ....... "lverskte CC ~lelle<k SM eemerdino Sen DleeoCC Sovtllwftlef'n Citrus Petomer W L 1 0 s J 4 J l J l • I t 1 • • ...,....,.,o_ Alvenldt et S-~k Citrus el S.. Di.to CC l'etom.w et S-llefnerOlno HIGH SCHOOL o... .. W L n , 1J 10 13 10 10 10 • 1J 11 11 . .. Capo Ch. 42, Woodbridge 34 CAPO VAU.aY CH•ISTIAN -lf191t U, Wrl9'1t •• ·-2. 1(1119 •. MCEiroy •. T-..S: 111 .. ttO. Se,,,.• 55, , Meter Del 50 MAT•• o••-C-J. Ter11eM s. J•<llMll 1, •"~ 21, Fle1C19r 10, Perkin• 1, MHtMr I, ~Wtll 2, T04elt: 1114·2' 50. llaYITI-Chappell 7, ltuetlelft t , l(rellr11an 16, AMruM<I\ 1, ()'91*1 11, Jo.Mn 1, 8..cllett 2, Ducllerme 1. T ... lt: •• ~ u. k.,..lltYOllll11en Meler Del 14 11 It t>-JO S."'11• 1 tO 12 "-JS Totll4 .-.. AMter Del 1'; Sentlle »: Fouled out-Te,..,.11 !Meter Dell, J•<llMll !Meter Dell, 8ffUWW•r1 (Mel~ Dell. Clle-11 IS."'11el, Merv•kll ltetvlte1. Angelus Leegu• L...-w L S."'lle 4 I 81tNc> _,..,.._.,. J 2 Mater Del t l t:.·~~mel ~ ~ -......Y'•G-Meter Del et SI Paul Servile e1 Blsllop Arnet Santa Anti• SATVIMIAY'S •ISULTS o-.. w L. IJ I 14 1 11 • 1 I • 11 lmtl ..... ytMit at• M_.,., ~laST aACl ... vr10fl9S. 51\are I.lie Gold IY-•utla) ,_.., 2.60 2 20 Prln<e Fe-ICe~I l.00 1.AO Flr11 SID (Dlezl 2.IO Also re<ecl: Star Career, Non, Sunup to Sundown, Lek• T.,....., Stormy Prlnct. Tim~· 1 , .. llS llCOHD •ACE.• lyr1on9t. Sl•ble Pal IGutrr•I 10 20 •.ID uo LoterllvtMn (Dfe11 1U O 10.tO SonGelleflllC..._I UO Also raced: t'v A P>et. Grih •ftd Fnu. S-1"'9 WlllO, Neely, e.... Bl-. Soy Rey, Bold IC 1111, Cec>teln Orient Tim•: 1·ot2/5. U DAILY OOUaLI IMI DalO U I 40 THt•D•ACE.1 ll1•mllo. • Nor111etn Sivie (C>Hlenede) 4 .0 l .20 1 IO Gressy (G .. ruil •.tO 4 ID Proudly We Heil I Torol • "° "'so re<.O: Won't Give An ln<ll, Berune, Herb Wine, Jennie"• 1,,._. AIJ!umn Go4d. Time: 1·Q l /S "OU •TH ••c•. "urfon9s M~slt•I Grey f Pineo) J.IO 1 .., 2.10 Merble COUr1 lYetentuel•I l .40 1.ID TtlleroullO IHerrlU J.IO Also reced· F1nqe1, Panter. Tremmel Luci!. fmDOrUnt ~mo. Gypsy Dencer, Klledlve. Tim•. 1 :fll JIS. ""'™ •ACE. 1 ..,. mlltt on turf Monko IY•....,,,..•I » 20 14 20 I 20 Pettru IS•lnerl U AO t..O Lord Trendy IAJmuUtnl l IO ..... 0 re<ed> J im.Ml, Gt'lttle, De ... Yau, R-..1t-i. B-. K•r .. m , Fl-. Tim•: 1.ftl/S. $S EJCACTA llo-31 peld V4J SO $1XTH •ACl.6 .... lvrl0119t F ebulOUt Mf'tk ( AsmUSM'll SS tO n 00 10 20 H•temolo IC.SI-I 1 40 S 10 N•Uwe 8ell0 1ve1e111uel•> • 001 Also reced ~Ive, 1tenu1. Sir Pelt, Guvltetlor\, Slran Prow , Chez Corn. Meel< Force, J ,..lne1cll•. H-y Ew:or1 Time· t:lt1/S. SE V INTH •ACI. 6 lurlon9t Tlme to E.,,_ (Pln<eyl 1 00 3 4CI 2.IO Journey el SN IAsmutse111 1 tO 2 ... Ser ecle Spy f DIH I 4 .10 Also raceo Better Wltll •ve. Colmen, B Rlcll Georoe, De lly ReDO•I. ComD•nv Cl\elrmen T Im• I 09 1/S. U lllACTA CMI PAld M\.00 n P'IClt SlX 12+1 10-1-71 peld 1100.m 00 •ltll two wlnnlno ll<kets (SI• !lorMll U Pick SI• u1mofallon paid tAM CO •1111 ISO wlnnlno lkkets (llve llOrw•I EIGHTH ltACI. I l/16mlltt Flvt Ster F119M l Pln<•YI 11 ID t .20 ) .., hlllllen 1(1119 csi-meu rl •.20 ,,., ICl119 Go Go (Deftllovssey•I 2.., Also reced S<ore T_,ty Four, Bold Eeo. Helio-En.,,,.,, t..o .. I• Btue. Kr11sewll1. NINTH •ACE. 11/1• mlleo. Donald IA-Mftl I tO 3.tO 2 ID See R!Ot ICMl-1 J.20 1AO Dori's Dencer (Pln<eyl J.60 Also receo: t..eU9"11111 River, Ronen Scotl, Bets B .. u. Umell<u. Cl'lerly N' H•rrl9911, Bl9 Dtnnls. ~-Time 1·0 11s U I XACTA 1 .. l l peld ~1 00 Attendellee: 40,7•. Hollywood Park ""-rs Utt • ...., TENTH RACE. One mlle DK•. \/utcen Bey ICl"09Nlnl l J.00 4.tO •.tO P•rllft9 IA ....... 1 l-.0 l.20 Renoml (Goudreeul t ID Aho reced. My Dlre<I 1(1119111, H H Clipper, Flnel 5-, Mepte Gemt, Me1ter Velue. Lucky Card, Julie H•rper. Time· 2'01 4/S. tJ IX ACTA <SO-SI peld UJ1 SO ""'---7.110 IATV•DAY'S •ESULTS (, ............. _....I "t•ST aACI. One mile Dtct Big Spriflt (J. AUblnl 1t,ID 10.40 7.00 Aftenles ITHSlerl 10.00 •.OO ,_leky Direct N IGouclrHul 7.JO Also reced: Our Jeff, Brets 8oy H. Centlo Kid, Jovel\ N, Kl119i1ty H-ver. Winier PrlftU A, Mt. Or .... m Bell. Time· 2:1W 2/S. HCOMD •ACI. One mllt D<Ke AlldY'S Mtr1llo l _ _,I •.40 4.tO ).60 Body CN<lwt ( "°""'' l .tO S.tO llty Ott Ctmtno (0.UCWHul S.00 Alto raced: ~ Def, W-ut s... HYstllll' DWI. MicftMfs T19tr. 5-1y Old Al, S-.....,, .. ....,.. Yenlc. Tl,,,.: l :Ol l/S, ti OAI&. Y DOUeu C 1..i1 peld l'K.00. Tttl•O llACL ON mlle Dec•. 8rlllltlll Je<kle (C,.....,.I n . .o ,,.., 4.20 Doullle Oet H (,.,.,111111 UO UD Alita Mee.,.._ IA..-.nl >.Ot Alt• r•<e• ICelllUtt•, .. ..._ a 1--.. •kti.,. ...._ ... ,, A!Wn llllNer, Htmt CMllC•, Vln•r<wtK. ,._.,,.,,.,,, 11 l•ACTA IN l _.. t10t •· llOU•TW •ACI. One f'lllle 111«•, 111 .. MMIMt li'wll.,I 1M a .• 1• S-Mertt ltC......,, ue t.te Cr••st•t• I A ndt r ttll l t .10 Alto , ... , IC91v• C!\111••· c-.1 .. ICnlelll N, auii.n H-•r. Mitro H-wr. TlrM11:•vs PIPTM •ACI. One r11ltt pe(e, IC.I . Kl"' IV•U_..._,.ml 7.60 4,Jt UO Sir "•Ill Ol'\lnd\ll t• •·• Tell•"-(""9fl) ... Al .. rKell:~DeMe ""'•'· ""'" "-'t, M,V", attc;k • ..,.. A,,_y't L.i.n, -N.M. Tlrlle: 2:00415. .. I llU•CT. c 1-71 Mid tttuo llXTM •AC&. ON f'lllte -·· "•~ Wlllll 1Ceudttt4.!l 11.20 Ut t,00 OK'I a""y(V•ll ......... l It.a t.• Tl-'-'*" 9-($M«"1) • It At .. rec.d, DIM ....... TIMr N, ••Ille .._.,,, •• 0960. Dawty• Devit Tlf'lltl 11•21S. .. IXACTA 1441 ,._Id .... IO. •llVINTM •ACl.Ont mlle Pt(e. Joeit'I CNlce CWltflems) 11.4D J-IO IAO """"'Girt IAclterlNlll to.oo •• Attrld Allll IV•~ml I.JO Al .. ttcff! Fltra Dot N, ~ It ... OolM Melt N, Of-ll Meyfly, 0..... Mklltlle, a.-1y .,_.,.__ Tl-:l;jt, U Ix.ACTA IH I NICI Sill.SO. llONTM ltACI. ON mile Dtct. BftlolA-lt..lthll\1111 17.tO 7.20 4..IO Meple I' rltr I AMlllll I s.oo J.6D t..eoperd (Acktfm.tnl t.AO Alto raced: Cre19 Del, Rembllnt Willie, Flylnt ltlvef, Mk,,..ls Glory, K C-'• HHllll, Cordon Argtnt, TIQtf" Alme,.urst, ~II. Time: 1:SU /S, NINTM •AC:E. One m11e 1ro1 Slt..,lT,..._fT_lll 20 IO S4C> UD S<ottl•ll L°'" (Gouor·Hul 3.20 t 4C> E•treordl,..,.... (BeyleHJ 2.00 Alo.o rKed! Sir Rus, TorDIO\ Kn'911t, AlldY H..,ley ,....r,cor-m Time: ,,WJ/S U IXACTA (4-SI paid "9.10 TENTH •ACE. One mlle P•O. ,__ Red ($onNvllle) • 22 00 11 .0 11 ID l>f'y Seek <Goudree .. 1 •.OO •·OO k ot ell Time~ (Wlsl\•dl 10,00 Also rec.eel: ""°""' t..OC.11, Mulll H•-. Torrkl a-. Gery Goller. BrellCly Aftd D,.,, Pfloeftl• Jack. Tim~: 1.00 11S U IXACTA 11-21 peld it41.10 NHL CAMl'IELLCON~l•IHCE Eomonton C•loary Viencouver Kiftts c-·- Mlnnesot• St. t..ouls Wlllnlpev Clll<e90 Toronto Del roll Sm.,..DIW ..... W L T 0" GA"'-JJ 12 10 2tO 211 u lt2211*"'" t1 1• II llD Ito 0 14 ,. 11 204 1•1 ,. 11 SJ I ... t:I• JD NernsDlvlalea 11 " u no 1as ~ 14 23 • 7CM 210 S2 "2211 "' m., 11 14 10 n1 us .,. 1S ,_. u 210 ,,. Cl u 2110 1n no • WALIS CO.."l•IHCI 1'.Vkll Dlv!Mea NY lslendtrs lO ll • 116 "' .. Pllll-IDllla 11 II 4 203 111 60 NY Re....... 7J 10 7 112 1'4 U PlttsbUr9'1 21 72 I ltl JOI 50 WeS11"'41on 13 2t I 112 JOI '4 ,._Dlvlslea Buffalo Monlrtal B~ton Out bee He rtioro lt 14 t 20S UJ •I 11 11 11 233 UI .. 11 1• 1 101 111 ., 2S10721t 10t f7 14 l• 11 165 210 ,. ~Y'•k-. IClftttJ,5'. Loul14 Herttoro l, eo.ton t , .... ry J. ...... lo 1 MontrHI S, De1roll > NY lslendtt\ •• Mlnnetol• t PltUbu'11f' l , Wlnnl1»9 1 Ouebe< t , Toronto 1 Yencouwr •. Ptih-lpl'lle 1 We~i1191on s. Clll<eoi>2 T-y'tG- NV Renee" •I K ...... " Cotor-et Boston Outbe< M Hertford, " Plll•bul'Qll et Wa\N"91on, n Toronto •t Clli<eQO. n PlllladefpNa •I Edmonton, n Kings 7, Blues 4 '< ....... 11'.nHi "ln1~ 2 1 ·-· 0 • ,_, 1 SI LOU•~. Zuke II (Nill, 8r-nKllldlel. • OS, , SI t..oul .. p Turftbull 21 fSvlar, F.otrllol, t JS PtNl11et "'-"ertt«I Sit... 3 17; I T..mbull. LA. 3 21. I TumbYll, LA, •· sa. P Turnou11, SIL. • se. Hardy, LA. 1 41, Wlltoft. Sit.., IS 54, ICtlly, t..A, 17:72. Pe•ue, Sit... 11·n Sec_,..... J t..os An991u Kelly I (Terr ton, L MurPf>yl 1 47. • L°' Ange~ Dionne n Cl Turftbull. L Murpl>y>. 2 10; S. St t..ouls, Dunlop 1S (Brownullldlt>. S;J6, t t...os Anvelts, Boner t (TOIOr, Hardy), 1 "· 1 t..os An9eles, Boner 10 IFoxl, II ll Penenles -s..tter. Sit.., 1.00. P Turnbull, Sit... t · ». Niii, SIL, minor.major. 3· U, Terrio.,, LA. ml110N N1tor. > IJ; t..ePolntt. SIL. s·oo. hYtor. L.A. s 00, Beker, Sil •• 00; M Murpt.y, OA, • 00; Welts, t..A, H · U TlllnllP9ttat I . St. LOUIS, Sutter JS (Currie, F.ottkol. 1·1M; t . LotAllQltles, Dlorllle J2 (unenlllecll, J 44; 10. I..°'.,. .. ,, Smttll 10 (H-leben, M. Murpllyl. 1 OI; 11 . t..01 A119etu , Heft9sl.-n l IHerdy, M. Murl)lly1, 14:ot. Ptllelllet Niii, ML, 2:04; Wtllt. t..A, 1:04; I T.....0..11, LA, 1:5'. Sl>ots on 9D91 -SI Loul\ 1+1·20 Lei •noe1es 1,...1o.iJ Goalies -St, t..oui" EdwerClt. t..H Angeles. Lessard, Keens. A -10.•. U.S. Pro Indoor ( .. ,_ll1•1•Fl•I .................. Jotln Mc!:-clef. Yttes o.Nttltla, .. I. .. , • ._.; Jimmy c-. def, Ciiio H..,_., M . 7-4, .. l, .. 2. s-.HloMIO.-... McE11roe·Pe1er Flemlnt de1 Tim -yott .. Semmy Glemrnelve, 1 ... 6-3 Women·• toumament (etClllC ... I ............ ,.,.... W-y Turnoull Otf. Aftdf'e• Jff9er, .. ,, ..0; Merline Newralllove del Sylvie Henlke, ..... w . WCT tovrnament (et.,..,.., ..... , .. ,, ~ ..... " Peter MCHerntlr• dal. J-t..uls Clare, .. t. W ; Ivan L.tfd 09'. Ellol TtltKlllr, .. 2. U , ... len '*90 Open .-..ny ~ •"41*-• T-tel.. ,, .. ...._,,., T-WtC... • ... ,...._ .. 'f-•--.,..........., l'IAllY ,..._ .S.,._,._. ~..... 11.U.,._. C"'1ft Slra119t .._.7-7,_.,. Oii *t-..,11..__ Nklll'.... ,......._JO) ••Y """ 10-1M1-JD1 J•d1 Hl<k.... • ..... 1C>-3'1 ...... , ee.n 10-71-107 Tom """-11...e-• AIO....,._ ,,....._. .. -..., Clflfllpett 12-10--,....r Ja'*-, .. ,...._. .. 8lll "09ff'S 11 .. ...._ .. Gery He1lber9 7M7·11-- Merk Lye ... 70-72-- Morrls H•l•~Y "*'.._., Jim Tllor'pt 70 ... 7t-JDt Devt 8ttr ,._11..,_JOt C~Mn ,.._.. '1·11·71-10t Jeff Mhcllell ...... n -10t HowttO Twl11y 11·7IMl-10t Peter Oc>Atrlluls 70•1·71-tOt Hal Sutton 70·71•7-JOt Den Halldottoft • ._...7t-20t Devt Elc.llefbe'V"r 71•1·12-210 Jol>n Cooll 12 .... IC>-210 Yen<e Heat-69-11./C>-'10 Merk Pltll ll .. l•lC>-111 Don Jt..uerv .-.10-12-110 Jel Orekl 13•7·1C>-210 Ptiil Hanc°'k .-.10-1 211 Ron Streu 71 •7·73-111 JOfln Lister 71•7-71-211 Maril O'Meer• 11*12-211 Gene Littler '9-10-12-211 Mike Sulll•en 1~1>-211 D.A. WelbrlftQ 6'·11·71>-tll Jlrll Dent 7C>-11·1C>-211 Hele lrwln 10..7·76--211 Cralt Stedltr ... 10-74-212 Joe lnmen 70*1.._112 Boll .,,,_ 1>•7·12-212 Bruce l'lel.,.r '1·7f>.7j...-lll Forrt\I Feller 61-72·11-tn Ru Ca-II 4t-1t•1 t-212 B111 c.11.. ...12.11-212 J .C. Sneed 7J• .. 70-212 Clll Clll ROOrl9UU 11 .... 11-JIJ ROCI Curl 71-7\.71-21J Jol>n Adems 70..t-7.._111 D~n Potll 12,.._7S-21> t..en<t Ttn Bro.<IL 11• .. 7>-21) Denny E-Ch 10-10-7>-Jll Jerry Pete 7~7·12-lll Fred Couples 72.10-11-211 Oout Te-I 6._70.75-214 Buddy GerdlWr 11•1·1 214 Jtll Kern ,._7J.71-2U Jim Barter "*" 114 S<on Hoell 10·12·12-214 Jey H•es 70.12·71 ti• Ed Sneed 71·71-12 114 Bill Se-10.11·12 -214 Bruce LltUlle 71·11·12 21• All•n Miiier 11·71-1)-JIS De•• Stockton 6t-7J.7>-11S Don R-6t-10-7.._11S Pet McGow., 12 .... 1.-216 Al Morton U.13·14-11' Lou Gr..,.m ... 74-74-tlt Boll E•lf-11.11.1 :no PGA loumament (el 0..rllttll INc:ll, ,le.I Hollis S1ecy 61 10..1 20t JoAnne c. .... r 11.11•1-211 Jove• Kaunltr'\111 11·7).7C>-1U Jtrltyn 8rltr tf.7~70-21• t..ynn Aoems .,_.._,._21• BerNrt Mo-u ll ·IJ.49-JIS 5-• 5PYrlt:ll , ... ...._,.s Cffl<ly Hiii ,._74-7? ?IS Holly Harftey 1l...,74-11S Ge ll Hlrete 12·1)..71-21' Judy Cle(k 11-1 .. 11-111 Lynn 51,_, 1f.1J.11 21' Mary Dwyer 11#7.-216 8tlll Dantel 77-11•t-217 Nen<y !..-•·Mellon .._, .. ~111 80ftnle Bryent 12 1S-1C>-111 M.J. Smllll 1 .. 70-71-211 Siivia Ber10f .. c1n1 71-7~71-217 Pat Breo1tv 7J.IJ.7'-217 Jene 81elo0 71-7).71-211 Petty S-14·11 11-111 Dalt t.. E-'1119 11·1•12-217 Kathy Wlll1worth 11·1 l·IS-111 t..lllde Hunt 7~7 .... t-211 kvtrty Huae 74·7~211 Selldt• Heynle ll·J).72-111 B9tsy King 12·7N4-111 Cetlly $,,.,.. 14·14·11-21' Al..,llO Hlk-7 .. 7).72-21• Yulto Morf9u<IN 11-11-1 11t Doi Ger-10-1 .. 1~ n• Vicki Ftr-7 .. 1J·11-120 Muffin Sjwtter-0 .. lln 1•·1'-11 ZIO Pem Nl lller Gletttn 13 11·1S-ZIO Donne c_.i JJ.IH no Pel Meyers 13-1 .. 71 no RoberteSClwr 7._IJ.72-111 Susie McAlli~l•r 7~14-12-221 Petti Rluo 1•·14'7>-n1 Seftdre Peltner 11·1 .. 74-t21 S-re ,...,. ... 1 .. 1 t21 K•lly """'' ,._1._1 221 LM Aftll (-y 70-7 .. 1!-221 SMiiey Hemllll 12·11-11-111 Merge S1-feld 13.1 .. 1>-m Debbie s.irv-, .. ,,., m Cetllerlne OUW-11 7HH•-m SYOMY C ...... llqflem 10.11-1 m Jo ""n W•"*'> 74-74·7 m ~11, Llltle 1 .. 11.1s-m Vk l!I Tabor 7HJ.7.-m A1e .. ftdr• Retnll•rdl 72.7;,.11-m B•tll Solon)on 13.1 .. 1 m Donne Wiil•• 73-7~7S-m Sue F09flme" 74·7•1S-m Sue Er1t 74-7H6--m Robin Welton 11-1•1S-11• Mer111a H-1l·1•1S-114 De~ Allllln n .1.,1.-m K•tlly Martin n .11-1 m J enet Alt• 11·70.n-n.s Berber• Mlrrellle 11·1•11-126 Btverlev Devis <-14-1~1 111 Juli• s1-.r.Pyrw 1~1•1t-221 C~nle CNlteml 1•12·1 t21 Sllaron B•ren 1'-7)-79-221 Allee Rllrrnen 72.7...,_221 8t•trfy Kless 1s-12-t1-m Mlnoy ~. 1 .. n -t1-m Sue"*"' 11.11...._m Pro bowtlnt ..... .... °""' ( .. .._.,.,..,..,,_, ......... Art Trtlk def. Mel A<wtt, t .... 100 ITr- wlna uo,ooo; Acotta wlnon,0001 ................ Tretlt dilf. Matt lleffl. U.-103. IDegal aid to UCLA basketJ:iall players alleged LOS ANGELES (AP) -A Southern California contractor negotiated contracts for s everal Brubu before t.betr colle1e eli1ibiUty bad expired, the Loi An1eles Times said today. off-limits to Bruin players lut Ausuat. • D..,.• Time• lnvttetlonel ·W-'t l.Aflt J"""" -1, Car .. '-ewlt. HwtlOll, ·-a. °"""" Thoma•. -Tnu, tO.V.. l , Vtronlu ..... S.11111 Cerollne, It. IOV. 4, Sheron Moullrle, Teu• Te<ll, 1 .. J, S. J•Ole Ovrllem, Alltitle Melt, 1'-4- wo ...... •t 60 Ytt• -1, JHllMtte ..... Wllb AC, •.60 Hew -Id re<orelt 01e '"'Of'111 t.62 lltY Alke 9'own, Itel, Oell•• t. l11tlyn Atllltrf. Med•lh1 TC. • ., >, Dl- Wllllema, •II. 4, Jeole wu111111ton, Houtt•n, 6.to. S, Lellt111 HOCl9tt, TtaH Womtn't, 1.0. •. Dolly "'"'•OOCI. 5ovtll Cerollne. 7,01. ...... , .. Y•• 1, •r""e 0.Vlt, •• , •• •: 11. 2, "-illip lflHK. T(U, t 14 l . Htf'KMI Wtlktr, Geortl•, 6.U. •· J•fl PllllllPt, AtllltllU W•U, 6.71, 5. Ctly Dull119 , Otilellome. U2 Women'' tO yard ""•di" -1, c .....,. Ytunt, f-191\ D~lllnMll, 1.41; tits_.,,. re<ord 11¥ ~le Hl9'1lowtr, Olllo Stett. 1 .... 1, Hl9fltowe,, ynell"'twel· 7.41, l, BenlU Flt19erelel, T--· 1.W •. lie Mau•-~ LA Merecurfltes. -Kim TllfMr, UTEP, 7.7'.t , UNle w .... Y. TIU, .... Men'• .0 Verd llurOltt I, R•nelclo H<tlltfnlefl, A"'lflk Allk , 6.aJ N-W«M re<trd. Ole recertl. HeNffllall, •-"· 1tn. J, •Ml M1111urn, ""•llecllff, 1.os. " s1ew Parker, ACU. 7.12 •• Tony c emDl>ell, uneuec-. 1.u s. w 1111e G ... 11. Ttnrw-. 1.11 6 Mlllll Sl-..-t, U1C. 1 20 Coll ... Mlle "•ley -1, Oklellome. Fred Wiison, (G(y 0..11119, Don 81y, Den Certer >: u.n. 2. Horth T ...... l : 11 > '· Ye .. , Soutlltrn, J : II.SI 4, Tt••s·Arllft9ton, 1:21.,.. $, Alc.t, J ,._... Men't ., -I, David Pet.-k k, Te,.,..""· 1:4t.7t.1, JOlll\ Mertll•ll, Vlllenovt , 1 SO.Ga. a. James AMYs. •1111e11c Attlo , 1 so"'· •. Semmy Koskel, SMU, 1 SO,. S, Tom MelontY, Artcen .. ,, I St •S •, Fren<l~o Meief'ldei, Rkt , 1.SJ.14. women'• 440 t, Gwen Gardner. LA Mercurttlfl. S.. U . 1. ROMIYI• Bryan I, LA NeturltH, S6 l7 l . t..eSllon N.00, UCL.A, 560 Mtn 's tOO I, Sten ley Redwine, Ar u n .. s. 1-10,10. 1, Mark EnYffr1. Pec:llk CC. 1·10 7J J, Peul Wllllems, T•r tnc. I: 11 2t •. Grtt Harf)our. 8ay1or, 1 11 tO s, Maril Aeu. 1(-\, 1 U U M411's T-Milt -t, S..lelmen NyemDUI, UTEP. l .tt.tt. J, Mlh llMe, Yl<lory TC, l :J0.11 J, Stew 111111$. Provldeflu, I 34 Jf. 4, llenoy JK ...... Atllletk• Wnl, I ,. 11 s. David Taylor, Arun .. s. I JS,Ot •. Cr•'9 MHb<tck, NV PC, l:JI, .... Selary arbitration ll1t Major •-D••rers who ...ommed to w iery •rbftreUon Tueso.ty AMfEIUCAN LIAGUIE BALTIMORE BtllllV Ayel• Mlh F1e11-. Al Bumbrv, D•vt Ford, S.mmy Siewert, Gery Roenl<lle, Tim StoclderO BOS TON Cern•v t..en•lord, Glenn Hollman CALIFORNIA OOll AeM CHICAGO Bob Molinaro. Dennis La mp, 8111 Almon. Ron 8eu"'99rlen. Grt9 Pryor, Tony Berneterd, Rk ll DollO<I. Sta .. Trout. WaYM Nord,,_n CLEVELAND -urry SorenMll, ~ry DYbllllSkl, Ed _It_,, M IU Slenlon. Rkk S..tcllfft setllt<I DETROIT Lvnn Jone., D•ve Toblk, Tom Brookeni, Jee~ -rrl•. Den Pe1rv. Lerrw HerftCIOll KANSAS CITY Jim W"9hl Renie M•rtln. O•" Oul~berry. J•m'• Ovfrk, Wllllt Alll.ent, u L w .. N1191on Mlt..WAUl(EE Th•d Bolle•, Peut Molitor, R-y Let<ll, Jim Ge11lner MINNIESOT• JOl>n Ces1lno, R- Edell.toft NEW YORK -Tommv Jonn, Aon Devit, Den lle...,mo, Bobby Br·own OAKLAND Dworw Mu'llll•, Rl<uv HendtrlOtl SEATTLE Julio CNI , Mike Perron , Floyd Blr!lllS1ff, G1ry Grey, SlleM Rewtey. TEXAS -Bvmp Wllh, Mark W•-r. R l<k Horwyc:utt TOAON1'0 Emte Wllllt, Berrv Bonntll, D••• S1elb, Al w.-. Mnleo, Jim Cl•llCY ttltltd. Jerry Gervlft \tllltd, Allredo Grlllln, Wllllt U~llaw, Mera Bomec:ll, Host.en""-'' NATIONAi.. LEAGUE ATLANTA-Leny 8raotord CHICAGO -Wlllle HtrnellCltr, Keith Moreland, S.W H-rwn CINCINNATI -Mike t..eCon SenlfCI, Frenk P-t. Mike O"Bffry, Tom Humt. Merlo So4o, Rel•I t..encleolo~ HOUSTON Dl<alt Tllon, Fr•nk LeCorte. Kiko Gere••. Boll K-r. ltrrv Pull! t..OS ANGELES -Pe<lro c;..,.nero MONTREAL -Aodnt y Sco11, Scoll S.-rtoll. NEW YO•I( -Effls Velent•nt. Ntll Allen PHlt..AD£t..PHIA Ml~t Proly, Bo Dier, DIUDevls.. PITTSBURGH Odell J onu. Omar Moreno, Ecldte Sotomon. Garv Ale•-. J eson T!lompton, llod Scurry, Vi< tor Crua. ST. LOUIS Ken Oberklell, Tom Hen-, Boll Slllrley SAN DIEGO Br-lo Perkins, Berry Ewens, JOIWI urr .. SAN FRANCISCO Gre9 Minton Misc. Supercro11 Klcko" ·12 (MAMMlml ... luml ._. .... ( ..... I 1 Doftnle H-(Hon!HI. l Jtll W•r11 IKeweMltll; 1 Jollllny O'Mere (H-•I. • Derrell 5"11111 (HOlldal, s Boe> HeM•ll (Yam•M>; .. RIO Jotlfttoll (Varn•llel; 1 Bro<k GIO"'r IVemehal. I . Jim GlbM>n CHondel ; •. Merk llernett ISurul!ll. tO Denny C,_..r (.._I c ...... .._11, ... 1 I J im Hollty IYem• ... I. 2 Jtll Hkll.• IYam•tiel ; 3.Jlfnmy Ellis 1-.1 ~(lllllfltN<lll (T'we~ftrnNlal First rac;t -I. Ron Turner (HOAClt l: 1. er1e11 M.,.,_.. <Hondel. St<tlldnice -1 W.,,.... Rtkl ISurullll, 1 Bro< Olo\IW IY.....-1. ~ 0-llflen 111 '-1 FINI rece -1 Donnie H•-fHondel. l 8111 t..lie. (K-•MlllJ , l -rll B•rwtl (Sulukll; 4. ~ Hotfencl (SllNkll St<-rece 1. Darrell 5""111 (HOllNI; J, K-y Ktylon !Hondel: a. Akk J-- IYtm-1; 4, ICtftl H-'Oll (SYNllll . Tllw• rac. -1, JeMlly <>'-• 1H.-1; 1, DeMYa..-. (HoftN); ). ~Im G._, 1...,._I; 4, Tomhflolklo\ (K--lll. Fturtll rac.e -t, 114* H-•I\ IYtn'lellel; t. J•ff went IK-•s.a•ll; a. c""'' s.... (Htftdel; ._ s-tw Mer11n 1-.1. •nt-• -noc-1 Pro Bowl a reDlBtch ofQBs HONOLULU CAP> -A r e matc h of Super Bowr quarter~cks will be featured In today's Pro Bo wl, with Joe Montana. lea~ln1 the NaUooal Football Conference against Ken Ande rson a.nd the Ame rican 1''oolball Conference . Montana, who wlll be maklne his lirsl appearance in the Nat onal Football League's all-star game, guided the San Francisco 49en to a 26·21 victor y over the Cincinnati Bengals in lasl Sunday's Super Bowl. It will be the third Pro Bowl appearance ror the Bengals' Anderson, but his first since tossing two touchdown passes in an AFC triumph in 1977. The opposing coaches in the Pro Bowl, the AFC's Don Shula of Miami and the NFC's John McKay of Tampa Bay, agree that working with the league's fin est players is a pl easant experience. "THIS IS my lh l rd time coaching the Pro Bowl and it's a On TV today channel 7 at 1 joy to work with these talented p l ayers," s aid Shula. who guided the winning team in the 1965 and 1968 Pro Bowls. then under an East· West setup. ··You find they want to work and they want to win.'· ·'These guys know what to do," said McKay. making his Pro Bowl debut. "All you have to do is work with them a little and turn them loose." The nationally televised game, scheduled to start at 1 p.m., is expected to draw a sellout crowd of some 50,000 to Aloha Stadium. J oining Montana in the NFC backfield will be running backs Tony Dorsett of Dallas and Billy Sims of Detroit. The wide receivers are James Lofton of Green Bay and Alfred Jenkim of Atlanta. Among the NFC reser ves is New Orleans rookie George Rogers, the NFL's top rusher during the 1981 season with 1,674 yards . ANDERSON, THE league's top-rated passer during t he 1981 season, will have Houston's Earl Campbell· Qnd Kans as Cit y rookie J oe De laney a s his run ning backs in the AFC backfield. The wide receivers are Tampa Bay's Frank LeW1s and Denver's Steve Watson. Included on the AFC defe.nsive unit are linebac ke r s Jack Lambert of Pittsburgh, who will be making his seventh Pro Bowl appearance. and Oakland's Ted Hendricks. in the all-star garr.e for the sixth time AYSO team plans visit to Europe Fifteen members of the boys' 15· year-old A YSO Region 120 <Costa Mesa1 soccer team will travel to Europe this s ummer a s part o f a youth soccer cultural exchange. The visit will include a week in both England and Scotland, with the boys livi ng with the families of Jlost teams in both countri es. Besides soccer games. a variety of sightseeing and cultural events are being planned. Team me mbers are: Chris Ph en ix. Paul Able tt. Steve T yssee. Curtis Watton , Jetr J ones. Mark Mehren, Brandy Breeze. Todd Rowatt, Jimmy Cla rk. Gr egg Stadler, Jeff Ohland. Ma rk Cassady, Mark Sarver. Matt Stephenson and Greg Huntt. Accompanying the team will be coach Dick Mehren. overseas coordinator lain Dover, team mother Kathleen Kant and Don Tyssee. area director for A YSO . Dover. a former soccer eoach in Scotland, is responsible for organizing all overseas activities. Old-Fashioned, Family-Style SWAP MEET , Sam Gilbert, 69, the contractor, alao helped provide players and their f amllies with good.a and services elt.ber tree or •t hu.ge discounts. the Times The NCAA listed nine rules violations when It placed the UCLA basketball pro11"am on two years probation last month and mentioned two unidentified Bruin boosters. But the Timea said those lnlracUOll$ pale by comparison wlt.b many others al the school datin1 back to the 1980s. s tereos, clothea, airline tickets ind scalpers' prices for their basketball. season tickets, the Ti mes said. Receiving any of the above listed 1ood.s at a discount or for free are vlolaUona of NCAA rules. Some players got money to purcbue cars tbelr h'ethman year by sellln1 four years' worth of aeason ·Ucketa tbn>Ulh Giibert for u much as Sl,000 a year, the Tlmes quoted a former UCLA head coach as aayin1. Gilbert then l\dded the players to lood cu deals, the BY•RY SUNDAY, 8 A.Ma· 3 P.M. Hld. • Ne~at.lfta contract.a for p1.,ers with collell•la eUSibfUt.f rem•lnin1 ti a vtolalian of NCAA rules. LarTJ Farmer, In bb ftnt 1tMOa aa UCl.A'• be8d c:oacb, bu been quoted a aQllll OUbelt "II Ute a memblr ol my , •• ..,... • 4• Btd die 'nllMI la.id Fanner, a former. UCLA 1lar. ptae.d Gilbert'• home The newtpal,M!r aaJd It had conducted inter.tewl wttb more thu 41 people connected with the UCLA buketbaJI prof ram dur1n1 the put 1$ yun, many of laem former Bruin players and coacbel. Playen no Mlped UCLA lo Mven of Ila NCAA ·record 10 NCAA cbampionahlPI Hid lbey IOl cars, newepa,per sal . . The former coach wu not~ Tbe nm11 aa1c1 that out.rt. 1111 wlf• and otben cloM to hlm declined to be Interviewed. \ Starling F1bruary 7 ORANG• COA8T COLUG• AUDITORIUM PARKING F1IM9w & Arlington, Colte Meta Space for Sellers -$8.00 For reservations, call 556-5880 or sign In at Swap Meet. Fm P1rkiJ1g -Frtt A'"'is1ion lo 8t1ym/ -- I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 31 , 1882 s. s o ·a success u ara e sa e. Garage sales, yard sales, rummage sales, street sales ... no matter what you call them, the id.ea is the same -TURNING THINGS YOU NO LONGER NEED INTO CASH. When you get tired of fighting your way into a crowded attic or garage, or when you need a little extra cash, have a garage salel So get into the act, clean out those unwanted items, and make money doing itl It's fun, it's profitable, and following these 1 O steps will make it simple. " Decide on dates. Look at a calendar and set the dates and times of your • II sale. Weekends are usually good, but many successful sales have been held in the evening, just after work .. Check the weather forecast in the paper, and watch for any other large event that may attract potential buyers away, such as fairs or community events. Have your sale run at least two days -some people may not be able to come on any single day. What to sell. Everything1 That is, everything you haven't used in the II last year. If an item has antique value, or is brand-new, or has unusual value, be sure to ask a healthy price for it. Get a pad of paper and search your whole house. Look everywher~. and list everything. Fumitwe. This is your main-attraction and your best source of income. Be sure to place furniture where it can be seen from the street. Price ·furniture low enough t'o beat auctions and secondhand sales (check the classifieds for compartsons), but high enough so you can come down a little when someone shows interest. RockinQ chairs, chest of drawers, tables and chairs are all very successful at garage sales, so feature them in your ad. Antiques. Smaller antiques should be grouped, and kept close at hand where you can watch and talk about them. Nostalgia items are very popular - display them well. ClothllMJ. Make sure clothing is clean, and mark the price way down. Put as many things as possible on hangers. Separate kid's things by age. Display adult clothing by sex and age group. Low prices are a_. on clothes except for unusual items, which should be tagged With an explanation (like, "hand-embroidered flowers, dress worn by Mae Westr' Appliances. These wi II sell for a fair price only if they work. No one will take your word for it. Have an extension cord so they can be tested, or better yet, have radios playing, old TV sets-turned-on etc. Make sure buyers understand they are sold "as is". Plants. These usually go fast, but keep them out of direct sunlight. A good idea is to name your plants before the sale (Spider Lady, Cousin Jasper, Maggie), and write a line or two on the name card about how to care for them. Write your ad. · Here is a suggested ad : ''Garage Sale -desks, II Bentwood rocking chair, toys, infants' clothing, 1922 Victrola in original cabinet, many gadgets, lots of unusual items, rock collection, plants. Refreshments, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. 1234 South Anystreet, Yourtown. Just west of Main and 2nd.·· Use this sample ad as a guide. Be sure to list unusual Items. Be as specific as possible. Give directions If . needed. Don 't use abbreviations -many people won't bother to decipher them. CAUTION : Don't advertise anything you don't realty have. Every item In the ad must be on hand at the'start of the sale . Where to advertise. Place your ad where it will be seen by people who live in the area -most people shop close to home. The 9 Daily Pilot is read by 88,000 adults in Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Irvine, Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley-guaranteeing you wide exposure. And with the.Pilot, you 're not paying for waste circulation in Los Angeles or Anaheim. Plan to run your ad 3 times or more, and start it a few days before the sale so bargain hunters can have plenty of notice. Make a sign. To help make your sale successful, make a few signs m from cardboard and letter with a magic marker. A good ·sign size is 14" x 22". i.Placing your sign. The morning of the sale, but not before, place your • signs. Be sure and add your address and any • directional arrows. This should be done about a half hour before the sale starts. Place your sign where it canoe seen from both sides of the street by passing cars and pedestrians. CAUTION: Some towns have ·1·aws that restrict the placement and duration of garage sale signs. Please check with your town's planning department or clerk. Marking prices. Mark prices where they can be seen clearly. Office • supply stores have varoius sizes and colors of stickers • that work well, or you can use masking tape. However · you mark them, make prices low. Garage sales are for bargain hunters. Remember, whatever you can 't sell you'll have to drag back in the house and store again for another year. Serving refreshments. This doesn't have to cost much, and creates a friendly II atmospher.e. It also encourages people to stay longer . and perhaps buy more. You could even charge for expensive items like donuts, or the kids could go in business for the day, with a lemonade stand. Display. Make sure everything can be seen . Have card tables or m boards used as shelves between two c~airs. Don't cause people to bend over unless you can't help it. Use one table as a desk where you can see everything and take money. Use only one cash box (tin cans or boxes work fine) and make sure someone is appointed "cashier" at all times. Arrange beforehand for a friend who can help answer questions, relief for lunch, etc. Check your neighbors ' and friends. . . llSee if any want to join your sale. This will give you . someone to share expenses with and increase interest 6 4 2 5 6 7 8 in your sale. If others join you, be sure to include this in • · your ad (example: "three-family sale," "neighborhood . llill Pillt _______ sale'-'). Gro-up s._ales a ..... re a lo-t mor-e fun 111111 , too ..... 330 w. Bay St., Costa M6sa, CA. · GOOD'LUCK WITH YOUR GARAGE SALE! Open ~:30 Monday thru Friday, Saturday &-noon.. MAY IT BE SUCCESSFUL AND FUN! I ., I, 11' f I \ Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 31 , 1982 • Axton paid hi.s dues • on the road TOGETHERNESS -Hoyt family to movie locales. ~i Is Thomp~on • • turning into a caricature? ASPEN, Colo. <AP> -Saint, heretic or strange potato? With Hunter S. Thompson, it's hard to tell. Though be has more or less retired from the spotlight, the J>('rennial wild man of American journalism continues to provoke controversy. William F. Buc kley, commenting on Thompson's political writings, said Thompson elicits "the same kind of admiration one would feel for a streaker at Queen Victoria's fi..neral." Mor e r ecently, Thomps on has been pa rodied in a movie panned by critics "Where The Buffalo Roam" and as Duke , the bald, vicious, foreshortened elf in Garry Trudeau's "Doonesbury" comic strip. Literary critics suggest that the man is teete ring on a fine edge between brilliance and burnout, living off the reputation he earned 10 years ago with the book, "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas." ls Thompson , a t a ge 43 , becoming a caricature? "You don't really t hink of making it in America as being a cartoon cha racte r " Thompson says, somewhat bemused. ' "It's hard to try and run around and be norma l when you're confronted constantly with movies and comic strips. People only see the strange image. The re ality is much more ~mplex.·· Some of the highly-flavored reports a bout Thompson a re true. The portraits of t he deadline-busting, pistol-packing "High Priest of Gonzo Journalism '· who ingests prodigious amounts of alcohol and other substa nces have their roots in fact." Murder clues lead to Vegas Vermilion. By Phyllis A . Whitney. Doubleday. 30t Pages. $12.tS. If you're a fan of Phyllis A. Whitney, you 'll doubtless enjoy her latest novel, "Vermilion." Ms. Whitney, the author of 26 books. is billed by her publis her as "America's most popular writer of romantic sus pense." Ms . Whitney leaves the details of the romance to the reader's imagi nation, but she does weave an intricate tapestry of suspense set against the red rocks of Arizona. This time. the damsel-in-distress is Lindsay Phillips, a youn~ New York City fashion IOOl llVllW designer whose father . J ed Phillips, is mysteriously m urdered in a Las Vegas hotel room with his own dragon-headed cane. An anonymous letter, mailed to Lindsay a year aft er her fa ther's de ath . prompts Lindsay's trip to Arizona, in an attempt to uncover the murdere r's identity. Lindsay's h alf-sister, Sy bil, who hates her, lives in Arizona with her husband, Rick, and their 9·year-old daughter. Marilla. Lindsay has been in love with Rick for years, since before he married Sybil. The plot ultimately centers on a group of people who were J ed Phillips' guests in Las Vegas at the time of his murder. All are members or the family or fri ends of the fam ily. Everyone, except young M"arilla, seems to have bis or her own motive for wanting Jed dead. Even Lindsay, who was in New York City al the time of the mur der, seem s a little emotionally unbalanced. She has retained an ima ginary , and aggressive, playmate from childhood named Vermilion, who seemingly atte mpts lo take over Lindsay's personality from time lo lime, particuarly during moments of crisis. The identity of Jed 's murdere r is a 1 surprise. Although Ms. Whitney bad scattered the proper clues and motivations along the way it still seems a bit contrived. Carol Deegan Associated Press · Confessions of a Roml•I Plceoa. By NJcllola• Meyer. Dial. 378 Pace.. '14.1$. When George BefJlini's uncle Frill is on bis deathbed, he finally agrees to marry his longtime girlfriend, Violette. After the marriage vows are s poken, the dying man croaks, "I hope this lasts." It is this odd sense of humor. and ouUook on life, that Fritz leaves as a le1acy to bis teen-age nephew, George, In Nicbolu Meyer's latest nov~l1 "Confessions of a Homing Pigeon." uncle Fritz is an American expatriate, llvlnc in France. He sends for Geor1e. who has been living In New York City, after Geor1e's parents, the "Two Flying Berninls," are killed in their dttua trapeze act. ••CoafeMioas" ls a humorously told story about love and Ion, the ~ln and pleaHret ol teen·•ae "addled-aaence' and the strenl\b that .. ,.._from o.din8 "a JMPOM'' ln ut,. Carol Deeaao Aseodated Pren •1 LINDA IAN8EN GI gas .. n.. 2 ...... A teddy bear of a man with a rumbly voice, Hoyt Axton not only sln•s. compotet music and acts ln moviet, he now alJIO bu a television show. "The Hoyt Axt.on Show I .. the .Pilot or which baa been seen on NBC, l• a one·bour aituatlon drama about a country ainpr who bu been on the road and away from hia family tor 11 yean. The performer's wlfe dies, and he 'bu to come off the road to become a tuU-Ume father to two teen·aaers and a 10.year-old 1lrl. The part won't be too foreicn to the 43·year·old Axton, who has been sin1in1. writing sonas or acUna since he was 15 and bas paid his dues on the road, too. Currently, he is playina the part of a wealthy cattleman in "Endan1ered Species," a n MGM feature being filmed In the Sheridan-Buffalo, Wyo .• area. It is Axton'• third movie. He has also played 15CH80 sln&inl dates ln the put year and found time to tape various POPULAR PARODY -Hunter Thompson ha s new wr iting plans. Thompson himself admits to having "courted brain damage like some courtesan of darkness." In some respects. Duke. the cartoon character. is an a ccurate portrayal; The wise-child expression, the patented cigarette holde r . the shades. the s.hot glass and the impious r e m ark . S l a nte d brows, high cheekbones and nea r ly bald pales give an Asiatic cast to t he faces of both character and man. "The caricature's been terriby hurtful to him ." says his friend Ralph Steadman, an artist who illustrated ''Las Vegu" and ta Tbompeon's partner in his upcoming book, "The Curse of Lono." "They've tended to make him out to be a buffoon, and he 's not. He's actually a great sentimentalis t ... a sort of John the Baptist or the wilderness. He's got a message." The son of a West Virginia insurance s alesman. Thompson started out as sports editor of his Air Force base news paper in bis late teens. He moved quickly to Caribbean correspondent for the New York He rald Tribune at age 20, followed by a stint as South American correspondent for the National O~erver. His first book, a study of the Hells Angels in 1967 , was moderately successful. But it was his second book. "Fe ar a nd Loathing in Las Vegas," that became a counter-culture classic a nd made him a star. A campaign book followed, a nd in 1979, "The Great Shark Hunt," the so-caJled Gonzo P apers. Vol. I. "The Great Shark Hunt" was a best-selle r, but it was not a critical success. Disappointed critics felt that the book was largely repetition or his previous work. Steadman, who's known Thompson for more than a decade, sees him as an idealist, the idealis m roofed in bis small-town upbringing. ··He grew up being very proud of the American Constitution, that part of American history," Steadman s ays. "And then people like Nixon came and walked all over it, and be couldn't take it." Thompson's espoused many a cause during the heyday or the counter-culture, and since then , from his candidacy for sheriff of Aspen in 1970 Che got 1,068 votes to bis opponent's l ,533) to the re-election campaign of Sen. Gary Hart. 0 -Colo .. 10 years later. "It's in my best interest to have a good 11enator," he says . "It's bette r for me if the air is clean." . lfST SlllflS l :: FICTION 1. "An Indecent Obsession," Colleen McCullough 2. "Cujo," Stephen King 3. "TM Hotel N•w Hampshire," John frving 4. "Masquerade," Kit Williams s. "NobM HouH," James Clavell 6. "No Tim• For T•ars," Cynthia Freeman 7. "R•m9mbranc•," Danielle Steel 8. "TM Judas Kiss," Victoria Holt 9. ''Spring Moon," Bette Bao Lord 10. "The C.nlln•I stM," Andrew M. Greeley NON· FICTION 1. "N•nr-Say-Dlet Bools," Richard Simmons 2. "J•M Fonda's Workoot Book" 3. "A Few Minutes Wit" Andy ROOMY," Andrew A. Rooney 4. "How To Mall• Love To • Man," Alexandr• Penney S. "C.....," C•rl Sa911n 6. "P•tttftftden,'' G•ll Sheehy 7. "A Llg"t tn '"• Attic," Shel Silverstein 8. "•lvls," Albert Goodman 9. ''WellM W•tclters JU.0.y Mtlltl Cookbooll6' . 10. ,,,,_Lord Oed Made fl9eM All," Jemn Herriot Courtesy of Time, the w••Jcly newsmegazlne. televll&on epllodn for the upeomln1 aeatoo. "I've been home 10 days In the ~ut four montha," he Hid ln an interview. "Its 1etlln1 so my doa does n't know me." But AJU.on baa companJonahlp, because hla whole family workl toaelher. His mother runa his record company an"Cl handles publlc relations; his father deals wtth radio 1tallona for blm and h1I wile of a llttle more than a year, Donna, plays piano in hl• band. ·'It's a iood life," he said. "The fact that the entire family works In the business helpa everybody understand the separation Umet." The Axtona have three children from previous m a rriages, two of bia and one of hen. Axton bu bad his own record company, Jeremlab Records, for more than three years, which had three sinalea In the top 10 country chart and one album on the country chart for more than a year. His latest album, "Hoyt Axton Live," was on t he chart the last 38 weeka of l~U. He t ut a single, "Flo's Yellow Rose," theme sooa to the TV series "Flo," for Elektra Records. Axton came from a musical background. POP MUSIC Best-sell Ing records of the week based on Cashbox m agazine's nationwide survey: 1. "I Can't Go For That," Hall & Oates 2. "Pl\yslcal," Olivia Newton-John 3. "Centerfold'," The J . Geils Band ~. "Waiting for a Girl Like You," Foreigner S. "Let's Groove," Earth, Wind & Fire · · 6. "Harden My Heart," Quarterflash 7. ''Tllnt Your Love Around," George Benson 8. "Treuble," Lindsey Buckingham 9. "c:omln' In and OUt Of Your Life," Barbre Streisand 10. "LMtlter and Lace,'' Stevie Nicks Hi• Cather w11 a mualc teacher and h1I mother was an Enallsh teacher who wrote sonp u a hobby. · He wrote his nrat ballad at a1e 15, rtcht u r o und the time hla mother co-wrote "Heartbreak Hotel," an early Elvis Presley bit. His first hit was "Greenback uoUar" of Kln11ton Trio fame, and be has allO penned pop songs "The Puaher Man," "Joy To the World," "I've Never Been to Spain," "Wild Bullrtder" and "Bony Fingers." He estimates his son1s have sold more than 25 million copies alto1ether. "Every two or three years, I'd get a hit by someone elae, and that'a enough to keep you rolllng ln this business," he said. Axton professes great disdain for alcohol and drug abuse. "Why spend your life druaged?" be aaid. "It'd be ju.st like 1oing out to aboot a movie and puttina s lue all over the lens. You won't aet a clear picture of what life's all about if you're drugged or drunk. Booze is just as bad as far as I'm concerned. cou1111r I WISTE Ill Best-selling country-western records of the week based on Cashbox magazine's nationwide survey: 1. "Red Neckin' Love Makin' Nlgttt " Conway Twitty ' 2. "The Sweetest Thing," Juice Newton 3. "Lonely Nights," Mickey Giiiey 4'. "I Wouldn't Have Missed It For TM World," Ronnie Milsap S. "Blaze of Glory," Ke nny Rogers 6. "Lord, I Hope This ~Y ts Good," Don Williams 7. "You're My Bestest t=rlend," Mac Davis 8. "Have You Ever Been Lonely(" Reeves & Cline 9. "Only One You," T.G. Sheppard 10. "Watchin' Girls Go By,'' Ronnie Mc Dowell GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF DEAR MR. GOREN Q. -The oaJy Rule of Eleven I know i1 how many men are permitted oa the football Ueld for a play-you have twelve, you get a pea&lty and loH of downl So I wu 1v· prlled lo fiad a reference lo Ute R.le of Eleven la yo11r co1 .. n a wlalle ago. Are you tr yi.mg t. pull my le1. or wbat?-J . J . Taylor, Palm Beach, Fla. IThi1 que1Uoa baa been awarded t~ weekly prize.I A.-How shrewd of you to appeal to one of the world's great football fans so that you cou ld win a book! The Rule of Eleven is perhaps just as important to bridge as it is lo a ball game. Actually, the Ru le of Eleven is a slight misnomer-it is not really a rule at all. It is simply an easy method to calculate. when your partner has made a fourth-best lead against a contract. how many cards higher t han the one led are held by the other three hands combined. Since you know how many you hold . and can count how many dummy has. you can work out how many are in \.he other concealed ha nd. Here's a si"'!ple example: Dam my Q 9 2 You K 10 7 Suppose that partner leads the six of t his suit, and as a result of the bidding you can determine that this has to be a fourth-best lead. Your func· tioo is to determine how many cards higher than t he six are held by declarer. The formula is simple. Sub tract the card led from 11 . and the answer is the number of ca rds higher than the six that are distributed in the othn three hands. You don't have t o be a mathematical genius to work out that 11 -6 • 5. Now you know that the three hands combined have five cards higher than the six. and in your hand and dummy you can see all five. Ergo. declarer has no card higher than I.he six, Thal 's comforting lo know. All you ha ve to do is simply cover whichever card 1s played from dummy and you know that declarer cannot win the trick. The Rult' of Eleven is avai lable to decla:-er as well. Consider this case: Dwnmy A Q 2 Deetarer 10 8 3 Your opponenl leads the seven. which again you believe l o be a fou rth-best lead. Using your new·foJJnd aril hmetical ~kills. vou work out that the other three hands have four cards higher than Lhe seven. In your hand and dummy you see those four cards. so East has no card higher than t he seven. Your left·hand opponent has l~d from K-~ 7, and you can play low frortr dummy confi· dent that your eight is goin (' to win the trick. Why does the Rule or EIPven work'! In effect. each suit consists or thirteen cards numbered 2 to 14 (the ace). Since the leader automat1cal· ly has three cards higher than the one led, those do not count in t he calculation. So deducting 3 from 14 gives you eleven. Q. l -Neither vul nerable. as South you hold: •8 <vAK94 OA7653 +J87 The bidding has proceeded: Nort h EHt South 1 • 2 • ? What action do you take'! Q.2-As South. vul nerable, you hold: •63 <vKQI0854 OA5 +984 The bidding has proceeded: South Weat North Ea1t Pus PH1 I+ Pa11 1 <v Pa11 1 NT Pua ? What action do you take? Q.3-As Sout h. vul nerable. you hold: •AQJ8 <?Jl062 0 7 +AKQS The bidding has proceeded: North Ea1t South I <v 4 O ? What do you bid now'! Q.4 -Both vulnerable. as South you hold: •Kt0543 <v 962 0 74 +Q76 The bidding has proceeded: South Weat North EHt 0 Pa11 I O 2 0 3 O ? What do you bid now'! Q.5 -Both vulnerable. as South you hold: •AKJJ04 1;;1A985 OKJ5 +8 Your right·hand opponent opens the bidding with one diamond. What action do you lake'/ Q.6-As South, vulnerable, you hold: •JI08752 <v K976 0 63 +5 The bidding has proceeded Nonh Eut South I o Obie ? What action do you take'/ Look for answers on Monday. Send u y qH 1doa1 for t1U1 colamn lo: Claarle1 Goren aad Omar Sharif, eare of tltls new1paper. Eac:la week a priu of a eopr of die aew "Goren'• Bridi• Complete,"· • $9.95 val11e. wru be award· ed for the que1tJoa Jaclaecl t he beet received. Wonders never cease UNITED NATIONS CAP> -When the ancient Greeks catalo1ed the wonders of the world, they listed seven, of which only the pyramids ln E1ypt survive. • The pyramids now are on a lon1er and 1rowin1 list ol natural and manmade wonden -the World Herita1e Llat. Launched by U N ESCO, tbe u ... N . Ed ucalional, SclentUtc and Cu ltural Organisation, in Um, the lilt Includes 112 sites and monwnenta in more than 33 countries. For eicht U.S. nationa l parks and Independence Hall, beln• on the list ll a matter of pride and preaUce: but for some poorer natlona tbe PfOlram offers expert advice and, rarely, financial help. •'The main thln1 ii tbat tbil NCOIDI ... this reaour~e. 01,mplc NaUoaal Parlt, as an lnt1raat1011a one, ratber lban oat wltb boundartel that's a United Stat. reeource.'' said Don Jackson, 111l1tant superintendent of t h t 808,000·acre park ln northwest ern Wublqtm. Tbt park WU add9d to u. Heri&q• List la October. aloq wltb lb• Mammotb Cave la central Kentucky. Sixty-one countries have signed the international a1reement to cooperate in preserving significant natural and historic sit•. Among those which h ave not si1ned the· convenUon are Great Britain, the Sovie\ UnJon.~ Israel and China. As a result , neither Stoneben&e nor tbe · Great Wall are listed. However, the old ci\y of J e rusalem a nd the Western Wall were nominated by Jordan. Signatories are invited to nominate slt• or works of "outatandin1 universal value," wblcb m ay be nature or wildlife preserves, l~lollcal forr.natioos, arcbaelo11cal ftnda, buUdlnp or monumental worb of a rt and sculpture. 1 Ar1entJna's Loa Glaclarea, the Great• Barner Reel ln AuatraUa, tbe H4ad.&nubed·IA Bl10n Jump in Canada, WMt Germuy'a ape,... CatbedraJ, France'• FontalDtbleaa ebateau, tbe Ruin• of Quirlcua ID Guatemala, tbe Mdna Ila' Fea, Moroeco, and tbe nalDI al KJlwa ltialw aDd ot SonlO Numan ID T'M••la .,... addM '° tlM Ult • tbe ............ al World Herll••• CosnmltlH ID S1d••J.J Australia. ............... -. __ dMtt•. ·-· ..... _ ... _ .. __ -.. ---............. ------------..-- I• r ' I f ,. .. -· ;ff •' ~--- .. ' . . . ., ,\~··· \ .. f , ... ~. , 1 0 I • t t f" I .~ I.I ~~·lli''!_ 5 ·~ * ... -· -.. ===" ••• -.. ___ .... _. ··--.. wr -> . , . ... ... . . .. .. "" ,. ···-#· ..... -..................... ,,,, ... ,,.._. ... ,.-............. , ............................ .. . .. . . . . . . ......... . .,,.,... .... -.... . ,,. ~· .. -· ) • . Q Orange Co .. t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 31 , 1812 •.-.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .'This tittle charmer has our number' BY NOU LEHMAN .......... ...., A fellow editor and I met over the copy machine a few days aao. and aa lt spewed out lta treuu...-he told me he'd found the beat used book store he'd ever been ln. He said it was up in Fullerton and he'd stumbled on it while lookinl for some old copies of James WhitcomJ>e . Rlley~·a ~. And the weekend before he and hil wife found a first edition of Grimm'• li'aifll T<Wa at an antique store book sale. It was $1. He explained this quest for children's books in answer to my raised eyebrow query. "My wife's starting her grandmother box,'' he said. ''Really? What's the arrival date?" I asked. "There isn't one," he griMed, "she's just hoping." Well, being grandparents, or even thinking about being grandparents not only sends people on projects, it seems to bring out uncharacteristic behavior. sometimes. I've always understood that grandmothers were the traditional ''idiots" about their grandchildren. Grandfathers, so says tradition, took them in stride, patting the m on the head now and again, U$ually at breakfast, and handing out allowances that appalled their parents. Well, like everything else these days, that seems to ,have changed. Across the street, it's grandpa who has 1randdaughter on the hip. Down the street, who has the 1ara1e and patio in a turmoil? Grandpa. And it's 1ra~dpa who's building the Victorian mansion for aranddaughter and grandpa who's taking 1randaon for som e mild surfing (mild is for the child, not the grandfather>. Around our house? Seems to be about the same. We've been grandparents for a little over 13 months now. We have a girl grandchild -ertremeLy bright and very beautiful. <Now, I didn't say she was the brightest or the moat beautiful, did I? So I'm not prejudiced. It occurred to me, but I restrained myself. We don't see her too oft.en , because she lives in Carmel Valley with her parents, two dogs and two cats, Neiman-Marcus offers women men's haberdashery approach For years women have envied the m e n 's haberdashery approach to wardrobe building. They knew men could buy classic. quality pieces which would retain longevit y of style, and make it possible to build complete wardrobes, piece by piece, without worrying that the basics would soon be outdated. Now Neiman-Marcus is offering the same kind of approach for women. Called the N-M Club, it refers both to Neiman-Marcus' own new label, and to the area within th~ s tore carry ing the distinctive new line. This area also integrates some classic collections into the department. Beautiful , feminine , and classic, the collection is built fr o m s wat c0 h es of interlocking natural fiber based on several color COVER: Against Irvine's· Heritage Park's slide Sheila McCanna wears a muted plaid cotton skirt, with tM pufled-sleew short Linen jacket playing off against the color in thia modified dirndl. The high neck on the 100 per cent white cotton blou&e, p~ats and with its ruffled·V gives the mixed .tuit a Gibson Girt look. ALI are from Neiman-Marcus's N-M Club collection. The Jacques Cohen espadrilles are from Accessories. Cover story photos are by Charles Starr. palettes for each season. As m e n have always done. women will now be able to buy N-M Club clothes a few at a time each season to maintain a co h es ive wardrobe. Desien e d f or th e self -assured collector , the N-M Club appeals to the woman who wants a look and concept that's distinctly American and projects co n siste nc y without sameness. The clothes are s uitable for th e bu si n ess woman , th e suburbanite and even the prep pie . Featuring s uperb tailoring. enduring quality. and distinctive design. the N-M Club fabrics inc lude si lk s , ve l vets , and gabardines, but with an ex pande d con ce pt of "c lassic." For ins tance. classic s kirts h ave the newness of soft dirndl shapes and classic blazers have variety in shoulder treatments. All the classic sweaters -cable Shetlands. Fair Isle, cashmere cables -are in new. fresh color interpretations. A Sunday Section Sheila feeds the only duck curious enough to swim close to the shore at Heritage Park in I rvine . She wears black gabardine slacks. a white silk horizontaUy tucked blouse and a double-breasted silk tweed jacket. All from Neiman's N-M Cl ub col l ec ti o n . s h e accessorizes with a light burgundy snakeskin Judith Leiber Belt. Her b lack patent-grosgrain bowed shoes a re from Neiman 's shoe department. of the Orange CO<l3t Daily Pilot Thomas P. Haley PubHlher thomas A. Murphine Editor Nora Lehman Style Editor Michael P. Harvey Marbtlng Director Marjorie Fendel Aet.llleleaManager For News Call 642-4321, Ext. 205 For Advertising Call 642-4321 , Ext. 25 ~ Main Off~ 330 West Bay Street, Post Office Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626-0560 - • and glven half a chance, her grandfather. 1 think he'd ' build a room right off hers if we'd let him. An impending arrival in our area means he han1s out around the front gate or makes up things to do in the garage s hould her parents bring her in that way. I've pointed out that all this is unseemly behavior, but he just nods . (There is a side benefit , though. The garage is cleaner.> He's nuts about her; I have m y silly moments ; her great-grandmothers think highly of her: but the real cuckoos are her parents. · In the first place, they discussed ha ving her for six years. They weren't sure ... well, actually, I'm not sure what they weren't sure about. But, finally, the decision was made and. after the proper interval, she was born. From the beginning it's been a dual arrangel!'.lent - from delivery room to baby sitting. As a matter of fact, our first call about her impending arrival came from the delivery room. We were able to. identify the site, because in the ,midst of questions about the doctor's ETA, how the mom was doing and so on . an overly calm voice said : See 'This Little, Page C4 IARAIE Old fushioned, romantic dinner-dancing is back in style. ... and the Grand Portaac now <*rs you an evening t~ coq>etc with )'OUI' fM>rtte memory. ·'T Sdl tinkling dinner mumc, elegant candlelit ~ 5CUif9, the ~of flaming tableside cookery. The ultimalely dancablc Fred Carroll Trio ls fcalurcd Thunday through Sarurdly 1 to 12, and 90ft piano ochCr aminp. Y.alct parking. fiijld , Colvin Klein Jeans SALE /fl ·l///:_ QlaCSli.var ~ THE REGISfRY HOTEL ~~[; 56 FASHION ISLAND · NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 644-7030 r .. 6 The Adrien Arpe/· Complete Skin Care/Hair and Makeup Makeove~27.50 "This week, the eKperts who helped write my beauty books are here at SFA with my One-Stop Sk in, Hair, and Beauty Shapeover created ius t for you." -Adrien Arpel. Our team of makeover experts bring you ... THE SKINCA RE WORKSHOP: The Adrien Arpe,. Acupressure Facial-with professional deep skin cleansing, electric brushing and skin vacuuming, P,ressure point skin firming massage, and Thermal Seal Treatment: a heated, elastin-collagen masque for face, neck and throat. your hai(s texture and condition; and a styling with blow-dry, wet-set or lamp-dry. Lastly, you 'll take home a fully illustrated point-by-point 12-page skin, hand and hair care guide, with diagrammed eye and face makeup- by-number instructions. · More good news? Our Salon perm is on sale, too: resularly '75, now iust 37.50, including cut. shampoo and styling, Call 540-3233 in South Coast Plaza, and ask for the Beau~ salon-where.we are a the things you are. ________ ......, ____________ ..._. ________ _..._, Orange Cout DA.IL Y PILOT/Sunday, Januaty 31 , 1982 Aga i nat th e background of Irvine's H eri t a g e P ark Community Center. Sheila McCanna ~ors a turquoilt, beige and pale violet plajd akirt with a hip-bone length lin e n j a c k e t i n t u r q uoise . Th e high-necked blouse, p~ated and ruffled. is 100 per cent cotton. A Judith Leiber beU pulls the outf it togethu handaomely and her metallic shoes have a slight purple cast to them to blend nicely • ~ with the beU and muted color in the skirt. SHEILA McCANNA: Orange Coast lady of fashion· "The butterflies never go away," she tells a member of her class. "but we can get them to fly in formation." Sheila Mccanna is conducting a training session in public speaking for county employees -mem bers of the pla nning depa rtment who must often present m a t erial t o t he Board o f Supe~visors or . what is infinitely harder . hostile homeowners. Her butterfly line identifies with and reassures them. Division chief of employee benefits and management for the County of Orange, she directs the administration of employee benefits, tra ining and development and internal communications for more than 10,000. Certified as a program director and See Sheila, Page C6 C4 . . Miss DuFort ·D uFort-Sc hwe i tze r T.he engagement of Gisele Du Fort of Piedmont and Bradley Schweitzer of Cosfa Mesa has been announced. Miss Du Fort is the daughter of George Du Fort of San Francisco and the late Mary Du Fort. She graduated from Piedmont High School and attend ed Georgetown University. Washington. D.C. Miss Du Fort made her social debut at the Winter Hall in San Francisco. a benefit for Children·s Hospit al. Her fi ance is the son of Mr. a nd Mrs . Davict Schweitzer of Costa Mesa . He graduated from Estancia High School and a ttended UCLA where he was a member of Sigma Nu frat ernit ~·. A June wedding a l Sherman Garde ns. Corona del Mar. is planned. Miss Badham and Mr. Ostman Badham-Ostman • · Rep. and Mrs. Robert Badham of Newport Beach have announced the engagement of their daughter, Phyllis Anne Badham. to Bradley Ostman. also of Newport Beach. Miss Badham is a graduate of Newport Harbor High School and Cal State Chico where she earned a B.A. in broadcasting and government relations. She was an intern for KABC-TV Eyewitness News and a member of the staff of KCHO -FM while attending the university. Her fiance. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ostman of Newport Beach. graduated from Newport Harbor High School and Cal State Chico where he earned a degree in busin~ss management. !I January 31, 1982 Miss Wagner Wagner-Brand The engagement of Toni Wagner and Scott Brand. both of Newport Beach, has been announced. A May 1 wedding in St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Laguna Beach. has been planned. The future bride. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wagner of Newport Beach. graduated from Newport Harbor High School and UC Irvine where she earned a B.A. in linguistics. The future bridegroom. the son of Mr. and Mrs . John Brand of Anaheim. graduated from Magnolia High School. Anaheim. a nd Cal State Fullerton where he earned a B.S. in finance. . ·-' Maddock-Farson The engagement of Diane Maddock of Costa Me sa and Dr. Keith Farson of Newport Beach has been announced. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald L . Maddock of Costa Mesa. She graduated from Estancia High School. Costa Mesa. a nd attended Cal State Fullerton. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Farson of Palm Bay, Fla. He graduated from Purdue Uni versit~· and the Illinois College of Optometry . A March wedding is planned. Ranson-Huf fine The engagement of Renee-Ina Ranson and Charles Huffine, both of Costa Mesa. has been announced. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ranson of Costa Mesa whil e her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy L. Huffine of Costa Mesa. The future bride graduated from Costa Mesa High School and attended Orange Coast College. The future bridegroom graduated from Estanci~ High School, Costa Mesa, and attended Orange Coast College. He is employed by McDonnell -Douglas Corp .. Long Beach. An April wedding is planned. Shoffner-Loynes Former San Diego State University students Karen Shoffner of Newport Beach and Jack Loynes of Laguna Niguel have announced their engagement. The future bride, a graduate of Newport Harbor High School, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J erry Shoffner or Newport Beach. Her fiance, a graduate or San Rafael High School . is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Loynes of Laguna Niguel. They plan to marry Feb. 13 in a ceremony at the Gorda Liz Restaurant. 'This little charmer has our number I • • • From Page C2 . "I have to go now. We're having a labor pain." the voice began to fade . "We 'll call you ... ·"From the delivery room? Lordy," mumbled the ~oon-to-be-grandfather, after we'd hung up, "I'm not sure I'd survive that." It's a whole new world, folks. We heard later. her father gave her her first bath, right after she was born. We also beard they stopped at the tennis club on the way home from the hospital with the new toy. No one ever told me I could do that. I didn't know you could take an eight-day-old child to a Mexican restaurant, either and that it beats the heck put of taking an eight· YEAR-old child . . . anywhere. Well , actually I did not mean that about an eight-year-old. I've learned a lot from them. A little late, but ... And another thing I didn't know. nor did his father. was that our 6-foot-2\.11 . first-bom would, like the U1er, tum to butter when anyone menUoned his daupter's · name. -It doesn't look Uke the )>utter will harden up, either. I • This kid really has his numJ:>er . Hi& first word was "hammer ... Hers was "daddy ... That's not too dumb. is it? Then, the other night, my mom reported s he'd talked with the small one's mother. and now that she's taken to cruising around on her feet, exploring, she's running into a bit more opposition. ApparenUy, she's taken to throwing the little body to the floor when all hasn't progressed according to plan . . . her plan. A first attempt at assertion. Later we take college courses in it. Her mother has taken to leaving the roo.m. Another approach is to laugh. While this has all the earmarks of a temper taf'.'lrum to me. we all see the world through our own set of glasses and I was reminded of that durin1 some light-hearted chit-chat with our our kid. When the baby's new behavior patte rn was mentloned, he said, with great eamestness. "Oh. it isn't a temper tantrum, mom. She Just gets frustrated and hugs the floor." Miss Buss Bu ss-Carpenter The eng~gement of Michelle Buss of Huntington Harbour and Brent Carpenter of Van NuyB has been announced. A July wedding in St. (;harles Catholic Church. North Hollywood. has been planned. The future bride is the daughter of Bernice Buss of South Lake Tahoe and Dr. William Buss of Huntington Harbour. She graduated from Los Alamitos High School and USC. The future bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J ack Carpenter of Van Nuys. He graduated from Crestline Carmelite High School. Encino. and USC. Miss Pelton and Mr. Cluck Pelton-Cluck The engagement of Tammi Pelton of Tustin and Bob Cluck of Laguna Beach has been announced. An April 17 wedding in St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. Newport Beach, has been planned. The bride-elect. the daughter of Nancy Pelton of He ber City. Utah, graduated from Foothill High School. Tustin. and USC. She is marketing executive.with IBM. T he future bridegroom. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cluck of Laguna Beach. graduated from Laguna Beach High School and UC Irvine . He is a stockbroker with Kidder Peabody Co .. Newport Beach. "Hugs the floor?" How 'bout that? Well, her father used to "hug the floor," too. and I too used to leave the room. Eventually, he'd quiet down. ' Then one morning he missed me. He picked himself up, found me and promptly threw himself to the floor again. A non-verbal question. "How dare you walk out on my act?" That was the day I took to laughing. Postscript musing: I wonder, when we're north "ext time, lf I should tell ... ah! no! She has everythin& under control. Why should I give her any hints? She's s marter than I am already. Who else would I try to find a cashmere sweater for in a sbe 24 months? You see, when we were in SeotlaDd. we got her this really adorable Uttle Black Watch kilt ud the swealer would have been perfect with it. You know the color. That really dark green. What? Who did you aay was idiotic? Ob no • , indeed. that's her 1randfather you're thlnlrU.1 alJotat. The Mormouaet• Pupptta (inlet) pocked tM Turtle Rock Community Park Building with lrviM'I young. There were o few· parent• sprinkled about, cu well. TM Monnouuta dido puppet drew at the Turtle Rock Community Park Building and packed the house. Artist, Big Brother and lots of officers A FLOWER CHILD: Irvine painter Connie King is exhibiting miniatures, and large canvasses of flowers, as well as paintings of children at the Newport Beach City Hall Gallery. Connie has Ii ved in Irvine, .with her two daughters, since 1976. An older resident of that young city. A SECOND TERM PRESIDENT: Judy Banning. who was re-elected to the presidency of the board of directors of Planned Parenthood Association of Orange County, has a loyal board, most of whom stayed on with her. Besides those pictured they are Mrs. J . Bicknell Lockart Jr .. Mrs. William Brunson, Mrs. Robert Taube. Leadie Clark, Ralph Jensen. Deryck Kent. Mrs. Ronald Perkins, Mrs. Lawrence Somers, Mrs. Richard Steele. Fred. ·Golding, Elizabeth Gregory. Mrs. J .W. McCarthy, Karen Nobumoto and the Hon. Bruce Sumner. More are Daniel M. Brigham Jr., Karen Heath Clark, Susan Laza, James Witmer, Susan Waggener and Steve Saxon. It's a rather large board because there are more: Mrs. Alvin Cox. Jim Famberg and Marie Kelly, plus Emma Wharton. M.D., Ellen Donnelly Davis. Sonja H. Rhodes. Mrs. Murray Granger. Barbara Hall-Holmes and Joe Cordero. Now. if you don 't know someone in that group, you must get out into the world more. And you teen-agers. there's a teen-age program you might be interested in helping with called the Peer Education Program. Phone 973-1733, Betty Patterson for further information. SPEAKING OF TEEN-AGERS: Molly Reilley, who is a sophomore at University High, where she enjoys playing field hockey and tennis. has been na med Candystriper of the Month by the Auxiliary of Hoag Memorial. Her favorite committee is pediatrics. There's no mention of how many hou rs she's given, but it must be quite a few , because Becky Martin, with 500 hours ; Leslie Redick, with 400 ; Day Bishop and Lisa Boling, served 350 each : Kris Kerrigan earned 250 ; Mary Ann Logan contributed 150; two young women . Theresa Provenzano and Linda Pick. served 100 and J enn y Beilfuss and Grace Flanigan each served 50 hours. This seems to be a week devoted to young people. so we'll give credit to those dedicated pink lady volunteers in the near future. BOWL FOR PETE'S SARE: Big Brothers /Big Sisters of Orange County kicked off its ''Bowl for Pete's Sake" fund-raiser. scheduled for the week of February 13 through 20 in participating bowling alleys throughout the county . February 20 is Celebrity Day. and will be at Regal Lanes. Supervisor Tom Riley is advisory committee chairman. Bill Brooks is bowling committee chairman. "Bowl for Pete's Sake" is similar to a -walkathon in that pledges are collected at a predetermined rate, i.e. a few cents are pledged for each pin knocked down . Among the bowling centers participating for that week are: Aztec Bowl . Carter Bowl, Co llege Bowl , Fashion Lanes, Fountain Bowl, Goldenwest Bowl . Highland Bowl, Huntington Lanes, Irvine Lanes, Mesa Lanes, Regal Lanes, Rossm0ore-80Wl ; o·range Bowl, Saddleback • Lanes, Valley View Bowl, Village BOwl, Westbrook Bowling Center, Westminster Lanes and Wonder Bowl. Four out of the five supervisors were at the kick-off luncheon: Chairman Riley, Roger Stanton, Bruce Nestande and Ralph Clark. Harriett Welder was unable to be. there. But Brad Gates and the Hon. Bruce Sumner were there representing law~ enforcement. Robert Fluor couldn't be there either. but made certain the luncheon was excellent. t Orange Cout DAILY ptLOT/Sunday, January 31 , 1982 Continuing as directors of the Planned Parenthood Association r.-----=========================r of Orange County are Darlene Gerkin. Corona del Mar: Susan Laza. Irvine: Judy Banning. Newport Beach and W. Bailey Smith of Laguna Beach. Mrs. Banning and Smith have been re-elected to serve second terms as president and first vice-president respectively At the Big Brothers/Big Sisters fund-raising kick-off luncheon at Fluor Corporation 's dining-room. Tom Riley. Jack Carter. Michael Dante. Jimmy Boyd and Huntz Hall look at .. Bowl for Pete's Sake" poster Manny Silvira. left. who is not yet matched with a Big Brother. ts featured on it. He is 8. as is Priscilla Avalos Joshua Wi lliams. m the middle. is a tall 7. Mark Daukas. of South Coast Repertory 's 1982 Educational Tourin9 Company. "The Fitness Game." shares the spotlight with Meghan and Kathleen Kilgallen. Becky and Jennifer Andrews . all over from Huntington Beb.ch. and m the back row. from Costa ~1esa. Laune and Bobby Murray. South Coast Plau Costa M .. 967-1611 \ • I • THE DESIGNE R SALON AT SFA PRESENTS THE BEST OF SPRING '82 · February 415 DAVID HAYES -Spring '82 Collection Personal appearance by the master of ensemble dre1.sing-Thur~day, Feb. 4 .J-5 P.M. February 819/ I() BEST OF THC AMERICAN OCSIGNERS COLLECTIO ' Vincent Knoll, SFA 'S Buyer will bring a special collection from Ne ..... Yor~ featur- ing O!>car de la Renta, Bill Ria,~. Halston. Geoffrey Beene. Adele <;1mp,o n. M ary M cfaddC'n. Mollie f'arni~ Jame~ Calanos-'ihowing dayt1m<' and <'vening wea r. February 16, I 7 ADOLFO -Spflng Bl Collection Cen Blal.ely, SFA '\ Buyer \..,1// cu~tom11C' your selecuon to wit your Hyle and color preference~ or you may choose from an extenrn e collec11on of t~aYelin~ stoc/... 1\ll coltec t1on~ informally modeled 12.J p.m. Upper level, South Coa't PIMa SAVINGS UP TO 50o/oOFF SUITS Reg. Up to S385 ............ Now From 899 SPORT COATS Reg. l' p to 8285 ............ ~ow From TROUSERS Reg. V p to S85 .............. ~ow From SHIRTS Reg. Up to S40 .............. Now From TIES Reg. Up to 822.50 ........... No\v F:rom g59· 829 814 . 89 Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday. J1nuary, 31 , 1982 SHEllA McCANNA: F'rom Page C3 instructor in Interaction Managem e nt and Suggestion System Aclm6nllt rator. under her adm inistration the eounty has won two national awards a nd saved the taxpayer more than $2 million. Three ••e 's'' describe her: ebullient, en t husiastic and energetic. She not only h as made her dep artment one or the county's most productive in t he seven years it has been in existence -but also one or the best and most tightly budgeted. She's also president or the firm Stepping Stones to S uccess. An organization presenting lectures and seminars on m anagement. supervision , motivation. communication and self-improvement. she especially focuses on helping women to help themselves. Speaking to a Rotarian group recently. she started he r talk with ··1 bet you'd like to know how 1 feel about women's lib ... The murmur in the audience made her go on . .. Well." s he said . "I'm crazy a bout musical comedy and 1 particularly love ·Flower Orum Song.· There's a song in th at musical called ·1 enjoy being a girl.· Well. I enjoy being a girl." She pauses . "But. 1 a lso like ·Molly Brown ' and Molly Brown says ·Ain't nobody wants me down. m ore t han I want to be up.· That results in laughing, understandably . Assured without being overbearin g. s he has taken hold of her life A single parent for many yea rs before marrying "Mac" Mccanna. county chief deputy public adminis trato r public guardian. four year s ago. s he realizes s he had to get her life organized. She 's done s uch a good job of it that s h e almost invented the t e rm .. actualizing ... Sheila McCanna wears the linen jacket with the black gabardine slacks. white $ilk blouse and Judith Leiber belt agencies. but for any non-profit organization in the c:ounty. This last is a service that few are aware of. Born in Chicago. s he moved to California so long a go. s he says. s he fee ls almost like a native A graduate of Los Ange les High. she studied at l.JCLA. gradua ting with her degreC' in psy<'holog~· She 's done so muc:h gr aduate wo rk in bu s ine ss and manage ment. s ht• could have ht·r mas tc•rs if s ht"d maintaint•d some cont inuit~'. "If Mar weren't so interested in the theate r . I would have long s in cc gottt•n m~· MBA ... s h<.• I au g h s . · · Rut wt' Io\' c ht• in g involved in plays ·· six .children three girls and three bo~·s. Sh<•ila has twin girls : Lori. a law student at Hastings Law School in San Francisco. and Leslie. f!l'lling an MBA in Investment Banking at the Wharton School. University of Penns~·l vania Her son Mike is an undergraduate at UCLA. Mac 's daughter. Li sa. goes into the Air Force in March to study compute r tec hnology. His son. Kl'vin. is in the Nav~· in San Diego. and his e ldes t son. Tony. Tun~':--\\ift'. Tn:-.h c.rnd thl'ir daughter. Amber. age 21 :.!. have 1ust moved bac k t o Orange Count~· from the northwest. "The othc>rs are all going off." At 1-Ientage Park ·m f rume. Sheila strolls along the lake. She wears a three·prece turquoise silk dress -a camisole. shirt 1acket and dirndl sktrt. r:ach piece can he worn separately. making 1t an excellent dress for a trave/111µ husme.~s tcoman These are from N.-M silks. made especially for .Ve1ma11 \farcus m Hong Kong A multi-colored wooden necklace mixes nicely with the Rologna Figi stopped sandals and the silk·IJUclded beU All accessnnes are frnm Neiman-Marcus F'ashion Island. Splitting h er s pare time between acting in community theater and United Way of Orange County North/South. s he co-c hairs the Orange County Employee ca mpaign : c hairs the New Horizon Committee1 which analyzes how the United Way is perceived by the community: and is also a member of the Management and Volunteer Assistance Committee. which provides training for management. staff antl volunteers for not only United Way "We live in a marv('lous mo bilt• hom e park in Irvine Wc.\'t' both had houses." s he l'Xplains. ··~ind we don't want to do that again. We have too many othPr pro.1ects to keep us busy.·· Togethe r . the McCannas havl' S hc tl<.1 l a u gh~. ··but that's all right. we'vt• got the one with thl' ba b~· .. Sheila an<i Mac· are prc>sc·nlly appe <.1rin g in Pres ton Jones· "The Oldest Li ving Graduate ... a t t ht• Ana Modjeska Theater. in the Anaheim Cultural Art Center. Relax, enjoy and touch up later B' \'II>.\ l>E.\~ Ol0t~e O•lly Ptlo4 St•tt Ol•ar \·1d;1. I ha''' nt'\l'I' ""rn makeup lx'forc. but I am no" at a pntnt when• I must Thi ... 1 ... un l·mh<JtTassing q11<.•stion to a'>k al m' a~l' hut \\ h.it I \\Ottld ltkt• to knm\ ha~ to do'' 11 h I ht· ust• of c:olor for th<.• ups I st'l' nn pmhlcm Ill kl'cping tht• t·olnr on the ma1ont~ of tht· ttmt'. hut hO\\ c1oes o ne ket·p it on when onl' is with a male companion·• In addition. 1r tlwrt• arc an~ pointers ) ou cun ~in· nw on kt'l'Ping makeup o n in ~eneral. I would app rt'l'late it Dear L~·nn . Sincc•rel~·. l.ynn Yes. thcrt· c:onw s a time when wt• must wear makeup ·to he at our lx'st T he n<.1tural look disappear~ ut a bout Hi. For ket·pm g makt•up on in general. I Monda~·. February I llelga reprC'sentati ve present s des ig1wr ·s s pl'lng collectio n. through Tuesda). f'c•h 2 Informal modeling. Coul urc• S<t Ion . I l JO a m .3 : 30 p . m Bu llock~ Wtlsh11·t· Fas hion Island. P<·r~on;tl ..;hopping a\'ailable daily by <1 ppn1 nt mt·n t ('a 11 Ca rol La ndis. rxtC'n ~1on 12 .'lll or p agt•. Ma~· Compam South Coast Plaza. I nforma I modC'ling daily from 11 : 30 a .m ·2· 30 p.m . Zodi<.1c R~m. Neiman Marcus f ashion Island. Pt•r sonal s hopping available daily by a ppointme nt. Call Personal Shoppers. a nd paJ!C Nordstrom. South Coast Plaza. T hursday. February 4 Re presentative fro m St. Joh n Knits presents the designer's sprin g tollectjon. Informal modelin g . Cout~re Salon from 11 :30 a. m .-3 p.m . Bullocks Wils hire JFashion Island. David Hayes presents h is spring collection in person for the Children 's Village fund-raising fas h ion s how. Presented by Saks Fifth Avenue at t he Balboa Bay Cl ub. Cocktails and luncheon : 11 :30 a .m Show: t : 15 p.m . Mr. Hayes will be available for consultation at the stor~ from 3 p.m .-5:30 p . m. and Norm Cypers will stand-in "for Mr. Huyes from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m . on Friday . Feb. 5. I would sa~· take time in the morning or be fo re ~·ou go out for an e\'ening to put your makeup on properly Be sure ~·our foundation is e\'enl~ and sm oothly applied over the entire fa ce To m a ke ~·ou r c heek color en dure. tr~ a VD~ cream blus h rirst the n con•r with a little powder blush. Blend well with u brnsh or cotton ball for a natural look. Several hours afte rward. you m<.1~· want to do some s light repair work. Don't 'Jh,, 'Xewporl '71ear:h Chap/Pr of ~· r:ord,a/ly 111Utl'1 you and your /rrttnd. lo alltt(ld :JI Buncheon :la1hion Ohow .11/, Opttr:ia/ 9.,,,,/ 'lJtt"fnttr X>ouid Jfaye1 _,,,.,,,.,;-;,,, /,;, 1142 .S,,n"f .,,tf .S111n1Hr Gollttclion from Odl :Jllh !:ifwn11tt ~ (Jo.,/ !Pt ••• :7Jl"'""y. ~? 4. IHI 2' • .t .. :JJ.,cu 1111 ll c;..,, }(~ <lMHI/ .}(fW{' If 11'1 6-"~"" " Oft -. .._,,, ___ ..__ _ ci.-........ "·' 71 • ""'-., ,,, ' ;.id<i more fo9ndat10n or powder O\'t•r a faC'l' that has been coll ecting <iust or ot h t·r impurities from the a ir Instead. if ~·ou ht.1\'t• rlry s kin . ~·ou tan frt•s hen up by pn•ssing a dampened tissul' or cotton ball light I~ on ~·our ract• I .int•n be auty blotters <•n• a\'atlahk to soak up tht• ac·cumulution of oi! an<i grimt· 11' ~·011 han' oil~ skin ~c·it lwr pro(·t•rlun• \\Ill <11:-.t urh ~·011 r m akeup and ~·ou · 11 look frl'sht•r m11C'h lnng<.•r. With careful appli<.-ation of ~·our l'~ l' makeup. s hudow. linC'I' and mas<.'ara .. ' 011 s hould he set for the d a~· During your lunch hrt•ak or 1f ~«HI art• going out ror th(' l'Vening and ha\'cn"I tlmt• for a complt•te makt• ovt•t'. you might want to touch up under·l'~·c· shadows s light I~· llowl'\'l'r. tissuc•s a roun<l ~·mu· t·~·l's a rt' rl e licak. a nd s hould be handled with t•an• and as little as possible. For a long-lasting beautiful mouth. s hape ~·cH1 r lip~ first wit h a pencil. following .'·uur n<.1tural lip line tr you a rc n ot happ~ with the s ize of ~·our li ps. redl'fim• that natural lint• b~· pen ciling just outside th<.• liplinl' to make them <.1ppt•ar largrr a nd just insinl' thl' natura l lint• to makl' thl'm look s malkr :\ppl~· ltp t•olor \\'ith a brush . first a eoa I ,·crt t <.'all~ t hl·n anothe r horizont a II~ . Finish with a light eoat of gloss. Don't hlot. If ~·ou folio\\ this procedurl'. ~·our lip color should sta~· on for scvl'l'al hours . Rcmemlwr that lic kinf! a n<l wetting lips ts a hahit that remon•s the colo r a nd <lnl's out the lips And Lynn. don't wotT~· about ~·our lips tick or makeup wh<.'n you are engaged in activities with a male compan ion . C hanc·cs arc he has his c~·cs closed. and in an,· l'\'l'nt he has otht•r things on his mind . . J u~t rel ax ;md cnjo~· ~·ourself You can touch up lat<.•r. Warm and Coz Skiwear • • Roffe down parkas w ith either stretch pants for warmer days or insulated bibs for colder days are not only warm and func tional but beautiful and colorful as wem Sal91 ,ancl ·~rl Rentals 2500 W. COMI Hwy. Newport Beach. CA 631·3144 lllJPllll· ... ~ SUNDAY, JANUARY 31 , 1982 Want to know how STOCKS 03-4 to sell your house REAL ESTATE 05 . h ? ENTERTAINMENT 06-7 -,:-..;::.. in. a urry . . . . D5 ... e wotnan turns passion intO ·profi-· • • I Graphic designer. now runs three companies · BJ MOY IA.NE SCAaCEU.O ............... Lynn Smith Spltalny la a woman wtth a dealp for life. Beainnin1 •ix years aao u • free·laneer ln 1rapblc desip. abe now dlreda three companies and bu founded an Ol'IHl•atioa for proleuional art dtrecton in Oran1e County. "It isn't what I planned to ao oriainally' II she admitted in an interview at her Irvine office. "I majored ln theater uta dwinl eolle1e 1ean in M asaacbuaetta and was 1oin1 to be an actreu. But my father was a designer, and my lint job waa ln a desip studio.'' She left her career to marry a medical student and spent five years as a full-time wife and mother. Her two children, a son and dau1.bter, are DOW ages 8 and 10. tNIHtPHFNtUR "When we moved to California, I was restless,!' she said, "so I took claues in printinl and typocrapby at local colleges and discovered l bad a strong production interest." IW .. " ....... ~ &.-P- paper looda -auch 11 paper toys, stationery, areetiq cards, calendars and lnvitat.loaa -for; sale ln department stores. •· Sevm employees work for her now, and ber, new offlcea have room for at least 15, ab• estimates. Wblle declininl to live dollar amounts,' lb. Spitalny said 1981 business tripled ttlO' fl1ures. In addition to her businesses, abe la actlv4J in local education. She sits on advisory boards at' Oran1e Coast College and UC Irvine, wben lbe.. helped develop a certificate program ln des'ip for, the extension school. She bu tau1bt an orientation claaa for the pro1rall) and will begin a new ,claaa in bualneu~ principles for 1rapbic designers. ' "I wu once asked after a lecture lf I'd; experienced discrimination in my job became 1'111~ a woman," she said, "and I said no, but I tno.,; some women have. Actually, I've bad more, problems with being young than beinl a woman ln business. I'm often mistaken for the secretary. "I did feel discrimination when I tried to lease a house in Irvine. Five places turned me down . because I wasn't married. I suppose I could have sued them, but I didn't have time. I just needed a place to live." She juuJes a job and single parenthood with the help of babysitters and a youn1 woman deaiper who shares the house. Her company, The Mechanical Artist, betan five years ago to provide fanal art for advertisin.I agencies, corporate publlcatiom and help with overfiow from large projects at other companies. "But as we got into more creative work we bad an identification problem," she said. "So in September of 1980 I formed Schema. HER OWN BOSS -Lynn Spi~alny 's graphic design business continues to expand. · "Mothers have a good sense of respomibUity to work," she said. "Maybe that comes from getting up in the middle of the night with a child. It's the same with a business -problems just don't get better if you neglect them.". Organizing her time is a necessity, she added, aa)'i.n&, "At home and at work, I have to realize I can't do everything or be both places at once. I have to delegate work and have a cooct backup. Thincs are best when tbe crew caa runction without you.'· "We can function as an extension of another company's marketing department to -work with putting out new products, a corporate identity, and the like. "More and more a designer baa to know business principles to understand a client's needs, backgrounds, goals and stratelies. I can't depend upon a client to dictate to me." The 32-year-old designer wants to go beyond just promoting new products and be involved with the design itself. "I believe in beautiful but functional design," she said. "If done right, it's actually less expensive to manufacture." She discounts the stereotype or • businessman being an uncreative person interested only in numbers. "Business is a creative field," she protested. "In order to be successful, you have to look at avenues your competition doesn't see." Her own business acumen told bel' to apeod a ruu three years stabilizing Schema, but her design instincts have come up with a third company, Confetti. "If I had time, I'd put to&etber a packqe on it and look for investors," she said. In a business where employee tumover la high, she baa kept all her original staff. "I have to keep in touch with eve ryone," she said. "A pat on the back helps encourage individuals. Perhaps a Confetti will produce functional and frtvioloua (See DESIGN, Page DZ) Century 21 founder builds new business By KEJ111 TUBER Delty ............. ll ... - In the 1970s, Art Bartlett bullt 'a real estate franchising concept - Century 21 -into the world's largest franchising firm in dollar sales volume. In the 1980s, Bartlett is building Mr. Build Inc., a new Tustin-based rrancbiS· ing company that intends to unify selected independent home remodeling contractors into a brand-identifiable national organization. "The fact is that houses in America are getting older and older." Bartlett said, "even in newer communities. · With the cost or housing continuing to rise, I expect more and more people to remodel." Bartlett incorporated the company last spring, but only began selling rranchises around the first week of October. He has established 10 national regions thus far -Was hington . D .C ., Chi cago, Ohio, Houston, Dallas and five in Calirornia -and plans to add another 10 as soon as is practical, perhaps this year. Bartlett has divided California into five areas - Orange County-Los· Angeles South bay, San Diego, San Fernando Valley , San Gabriel Valley and Northern California. Thirty or the company 's nearly SO franchis es to date are located in the Orange County -L os Angeles Southbey region. Obtaining a franchise is a relatively expensive proposition: Licensing rees are $18,900. In addition, the remodeling contractors franchised by Mr. Build must contribute 6 percent or its gross revenues, $300 a month for advertising and 1 percent for performance bonding. What does the contractor get in return? ·'There is strength in unity and there is power in size," Bartlett s aid. "Each franchise holder remains inde pendent, continuing to m a k e th e. important decis ions that make his company prosper. ··But in linking his name <See MR. BUILD, Page DS) STARTING OVER -Art Bartlett hopes Mr. Build's success will duplicate that of his Century 21 real estate venture. Study supports use of visual aids • ID • meetmgs -Overhead projection greatly favored By SANDIE JOY .............. Usina an overhead projector to empba.size her talk, the senior project manaaer for the Wharton Applied Research Center told an Anaheim audience last week that use ol audio visua l alda can 1t1niflcantly influence the outcome ol bullneu' meetiql. Lynn ()ppenbelm said a study OD tbe eftectlveneu ol buaiDesa meetinO revealed that UM ol overhead projection 1l1alftcantly affected meetlq participants• perceptions and belped tbe meetlnl leader reach ac_...... Tbe l1UCIJ WU conducted by tbe Wbartoa Center at tbe Uni\':ol PIDlllylnnla in Pbll under a ll'Ut from IJl'I A Vlaual Divia60D. 8peakin1 at tbe N atlonal Audio Video AuociaUon eoaf ere•ee at tbe A•alMim llantou llcUI, 111. Oppr'W• ' said the study's findln&s suuest that visual aids -and overhead projection, In particular -could improve the productivity of business meetlnp. •·overhead projection poaltlveb' affects presentation," she a aid, "and can ha•e siplftcant Impact on bualneu efllcleney.'' For example, abe said, meetinl leqth wu reduced by 28 percent when overhead projection wu utlliaed 1n the 1tud1, a fador that could NRllt ln aavtn1 a. bualneaa aneral bundred thousand dollars in manatelq8llti \I~. . · Notlnl that tbe toal ol any meetlnl la to readl a eoDIWUI, , abe said data aaalyala from tlae atud1 revealed tbat wben overbe8d projedkJD wu med, a lar1•r ptrce•ta1e of partlclpanta -M perceat - reported tb•J mad• tltelr ~ i .......... , -"-tlae "The less time spent in . monologue, the more efficient the meeting." -L"YNN OPPICNDfli ---r-· ID .... lb-mcmth , ''TM Effedl ol die UH ~-lld Projection on lf1lae11 lfeetbtli," • IJ'OUPI ol M.l.A. 1tudeat1l eaclb wltla prlor market DI or bu1iae11 J. uperience, were uked to ..-. 1roup marketlnl dHlalom • lntrodudioa ol a new produet. In 12 or the mMUnp, tbe pr11 .... faworiq ln&nduet• of Ute product UHd onrt:nd p~J•dioa while tbe pr11 ... ~ opposed to introduction used white board. In a do9ell other meetlnp, the roles were reversed and, in a third set of 12 meettn1s. no visual a.idl were used. It was learned , Ms . Oppenheim said, that use of overhead projection can have an lnflumce on the actual deciaion reached. When the presenter promotlnl the "IO" poaitlon used overhead projection, 17 percent of the meetlnl participants voted to IO with tbl lll'Qduct. , W.._ the ~ter oppoeed to tbe ~I lntrodud.loa Uled 0 ........ projection, .., ,.,_t of tbe peltldpmta YoUd aplmt tbe IN'Odlld'• lntrodudkla. Tile 1tud1 also foand that r.•• IPI are pefteiN more a •orat.11 wben tlatJ uH o\'er-..d proJeetloa, Ila. 0,.11ilt• said, \baa wbm tlalJ UM wlllle bQ9rd or no Yllaal aid. Tia• preaeatere wlao ued o\'erlaead proJeeUoa wen alplfte..U:r bette.r ,...,.,.., . - she said, as well as more professional. more persuaal¥e, more credible and 1Dore interestin& tb!ln those ualn1 white board or no visual lid. In looking at the meetlq dynamics, Ms. Oppenheim laid it was learned that 1roup consensus was achieved more rrequently when overhead projection was used rather thm no visual aid or use of white board. The findincs su11eat that visual aids -specificallf, overhead projection -cou1cl improve the productlvltJ Of buslness meetln1s . 111. Oppenheim said. •• '•The use of' overbea• projection In meetlnt presentations leads to a aaaalllii' percenta1e of total m~ Ume spent ln ........_" M researcher said, "mil a fuiS perceala19 ol tlme spent la • hlteracitlw mode. ''Communlcationa eape"- pnerall1 be8ne t.ut tM • C.See VllVAL AIDI ........ . •• Orange Coaat DAIL V PILOT/Sunday, January 31 , 1982 l ·011111 CDllT ITDCll Following are the stock market activities of publicly traded Orange Coun#y firms for the week ended Friday, January 29. Data provided by Newport Securities Corp. -T -,----- ' S!IO UlDOUUTD~ A!.141 ALJ •OC• &nW •1r•• I ll•or Intl. 1(0 9 .. " .... "."'°"\ 10 llfti.-Or•nl• t 1 laoluuf\ Inal. Bit 11 llotual, I••· 91t~ 1\ l rldt ford Pd. U TO• till t a\.J.r. Tru•t '\ C•phtr•no lie • ltl c.,., llCarcn•r rt•l 11 Cortron Coro. C~T• 18 Ch•••P••~• CHIS l9 CH U•n• lan!IC • 10 Col•••n. !h• • 11 Colt.1etil1 la•. · 11 (OM l'CO, 1nc, r:MltO ~l g::;:~· c!~:• cMrH 1'i Cowh,1lon COVT• 26 Cl>•-• Chel CU!!ll< 21 Data pov1,. OPV" 21 Deta t,.,.n OTJI# 29 D1tu. DATM• )O Down•Y S.•, DSL 1• tax:o, •••· ur )1 ClP Micro. ,.,,. B El4o,.aoo Ban~ tl.D• l• C.1.1h• Corp tMLx• )~ Cvol\ft ton Tien • • 16 h oout. In~. UT 11 Par Vest tln rvr )I rtrer •••r .. r. runt 19 Fluor Cor"p. rL• t 110 tlt.1orocareiott fCIUf' It 1 For ltU•r \.. rlt tt• 1t2 .J•nera l l i.ato. C£,., •J Cu1t ral ""•,..... Clf'"I 1.-. Col a n \t. M. 0Wt1 • WS CrtAt W. Moap t)VH J •6 H••H" rna. -t17 Htl Ion•' lcs MJl..1 i.a lilt rt UI• h MI M•tB ti:9 t-wlt"1)1'1 ln'" l"'f' SO (•roriti, lr\c. -~I Kvh h oh. U L[ ~2 I.Ag. HI 11• Ul LCINA 'S., Ltf'lt•r lnal,.u LU-~-Lt oft roun' ,.., Clllllll ~~ L(I'! 4l••H·I· l A'f" S6 Lull'l•r Kea L.UTftU S7 McCo•b• Cor~. ~a Herc..,ry Sa., "''L 59 l"!ICl'Olt•l""Of'\, "IY~& to Mort hout t ll'\d"1U:5 ~' M!;t O.t• co~o1"5l t.? Ma tlOna l !d. Htt 1 bl Ma u•l•• Food ti&!Jr. bW Nel l ?n a 1t'I li(lJt t..5 lewol')rt Coro. ~DIP' 66 Mtwpo,.t. U t e:• WOif 67 Mt WPO,.l Ph•r'• JiWPM 68 Mtw Wor'ld ~() .. ,.Dtv 69 N'uct••r ~1. ! H"t!'l • ~ 0.1•· tea 00£1 11 O.nl••dlc:• ;iov1 '2 P1Clf le' Sc h n P$J 11 rar.cro,.d h:U rarr 11.i Penn P1r... ~oro PP&".'" "'; P~ o•r My~-o PSl'k lE Pre•ltJ c~ . rnr • 11' r,.1ntronl c PTJfJ:1 T9 ••tllocr •P· o. l9 1'a11PI '"!.. C...nl. PIPT~ 80 118 lnoustrt•• llU~1 81 Jl:oa•ttOOr Coro 11~ • 82 San.,.,. e~ro. , ••• 11 S.ertav .. Ot l ,. St\ lt"Otl Svt ~1..r·w• eis 3l h t rt-r11ut J !\LV • !t. Sett~ lrtt'l. 'i%t &" "'"'" "'· ,,.,. .. .,ll ~a Ster4•,.1' L '· T'DL-• &9 "'tatuU r'°' Pe • SPF 1 90 !tant Hyoro. STe" QT Sw••UOv,in-. sv~ 92 5)'8\ '"•t lt:'J .. • lO«'ATIO• ,,.. '"• AAaf\ele .. VPOt"l .. alh 1 ..... . ... ,. ...... h Newt•"" l•at t'I trlijtf'I• Of'i•ft4• hwport h•cPI Po-wM•l" W•\ l rul h r t.on Cott• tite1• &ft•l'l•l• fft¥H ,.l l t•CI\ S.t' J "a" C1p anah•I • Ana he I• "•WPO,.t l••r~ Cotta ~••• Sift\• .. ,.. &naf\tl" Or•n&• Hevport Be1~n "•vpor t leaoh P\l l lt rlon .. ""°" •••f"" Slnt.t Aft• Ir• ln• ' An1r.• 1 e Cotta •••• ~nt• i\na ~vport. ft••c" T'Ua1 l" S.nu Ana Jrvln• Ant~•L• .... C>O,.l •••tr S.ni: • _,,. lr•ln• lnah• • • t..a11Jn4 ~\l•l Anet\•'• fU• ll" Sanu An• Or•n•• Newport. ~tech lr•tn• ""•._., .. W.•port Bf'•"'ti Or•nc• "'"•Ion Vle\O C....cu"a Ht l l t frvJn• t...c.;fta Ml '11 t "' &h e \tot Coet A f'!6»_. fr'Ytna Munt.c. •••i!n S.nt• An• fu\ hrton r'ot' • l>-•a• Nt wport 81u Jn f•Jl te ,.ton lf"•lf'I• .. 01&.e !"~3.a S.l'\l• An• N1111vror t lteeh ("01t • M•u NfflillP'>t'l Bt•ch .,..,. ... ~~.,. .. "'I An•"""'• """o..,rt Se•cf\ ~nt ~ •"• •ti•tl!i•l• ••"'""'rt "-••""., r,.w,ne Tr'l lt1tt S.nu An• lr'll r,• U e .. ft• Mt\\• Sr"'"• lif:WP~ .. • 'i••""" T •e tln 8u11;n• ,.,. .. ll•vpo..-t Se• ' VUPa !.e~t• ,f'\. Cou a """'• .S.n r l•••nt• ~rlt•n r;,.o'!'• A"l l 'le la i--•• ,,--.,, ........ -----; I MOUT '•1001,rlao S IP1 Pl~ 1TU• (WO 01-t1101.n c"u or • , ,,. •• ·-···················· ···-·· ..... _ .. ....,. ........................ ·····-····-··· Mtorocioapu\•r Sva 8owul .,... 6 •Y•• 11o•.o• .. •oe\le , .... Wvl\ U . TY Mot..,rk M .. • •U•• • •het • ~::!:f en•r•v 011 tlt ld -.u1p. ··""'"4 .. nliitnc I'\••· '".'"·' • ., •. ~rv,oe t u t.lone ,,.01.•n foOd pttod. U IDAO U I u•&o US>AO KU OTC OTC ~.so .s6 l .n .:n e.oo 2 .00 •••\ rat •\• In•••• 16ttihnt OTC OTr HUDAO H&IDAO U~AO llO llO ra111l toooai Mia1n•tla t •P• pro1. "h. voe.ct door a hnktn• I), IS 15. 75 '· 00 9.00 .11 .81 . so .so OTC llO 12.00 Mttftl"• toeh Of"dl . s.vtnc• & loan Mllltar' •r•· tncr. Co•••f"Ohl lan1ittn1 .-.e1 ttl'I c•r• ..-. i.o•e ttu• ld•r• ._dto • 1elt. I Tran • Po-we,. •wH l,1 •fa. Ml croproc:•t•Or tt•• 5o•o• eltet. 1y1. S.'4'11'1&.s • loan lh ct. t 'f\, l IW\lt'.h•'\ ..,ltrov••• eo•Jnlf•,., "'""'"~ flt Ctr'Onlt't Coep1.n.t r •ra. fl4otor Ho••• S.•\n1u • loal\ OTC OTC MUDAO OTC UIDAO US>AO U!DAO U!DAO NA SC AO MAllDAO UC &SI llO llO s.oo llO 16. z~ .t i 1.00 •.TS • JS l.H J.18 7 .~1 U lllAO I .so OTC 10. ZS N&:IDAO I I . TS OTC tlO &SI • .00 WYSE 9. T~ .~ 1. 7S ~.oo :u~ 1.00 f ./S •.2s I . )I I , 7S }.6' a.~ 8./S 10.so 11. 7S ,66 •.00 •. ~o nt-_., l,,t.,~rt"'!'"f' 'fAS!J._() 1'.-.o \1,\0 lion • ••••. ' co•H. .,SI lb.U Z6.H Fh10..ocarbqn ohtltt-a MASDAO f\, 7~ 6.1'!1 Pr•c••t t'('nCrt l• NA-.>AO •• T~ a. T~ "'t1\co.p11ler .sya NASDAO 6.00 6.1)() CO•P-''-•'" ;jhp\ay ,,.,. NA!l>'O 6, . '' "oo•~• O E e. ;><, 8. JI 'Opt~API ta la NASDAQ '1,9'0 t2.~0 He1111th nt•• orr ~ .2 ... PO\lll•r Cot\• & l •t•n•1 W&SDliO '·,.' 'ii.?~ lan1tt ,.., "°'SD•O "' 1~ U. )'I\ l••i.tnod tt 411'\0.t U Pr· 3 IU SD&O t q '. t' Core H •N·y Proa. Jllec•••~•r hra\n•h Sewer ,.,.,., c•.s trr. "'rlD Ctiart ••corO•r- tr\M U h pare ~ac• Trat-lt 1ntr•'ltnai.tt C1t.rtth r l'••l •tttt• ' part. Sl•lnt1 4 lo•n S.etC~ddll tl'll'"" C"'dt, ln,utt. t'rO"ea' ... I\ r a ta •"'"' t4r.,tn111 o~ 11&311&0 WASDAO U lll•O U SDAO ,AS'AO .NO •• 61 1.1, ~o "° '\,00 NASDAO 1,1] OTC l.00 ASP: I.SJ Ott: •.1< U SDAO 1. 3 A~! I~. Vocanona l hoa• !ilJ1V rO S! 1 •.A~ ''"t ftloif re.su ur•n• "AS'AO 'i. ~O Dr1J1J Ot •"'O'lfrv IU.5DAO q, 1' Ytt>r1t\f'~ lqv'~ t tUSDA~ ,,. ~t; r!ect. ...... ,.. l.,,ttr tfA5DAO ~.00 Dri.1• •f4r. fUSDAO ' ~o Dev. Co•out-•,. Sya~••• MASDAO .a,1c • 10 10.00 1.•o .•o "° 10.'0 I.I~ l.00 "· 1~ ~:l~ 11.~ 1-.:.h' q_r,I) .. .,,, ,., .... ,:~, l. 61 s." • •.t 0.6T 1.1 >.l~·tl -e co.•t, •-n-11 • '·' 10.161 t -10-11 l'C (I, t OI • •· lD·ll . l.• z.01 r .. 11-11-10 llC .10 1•.T 11-11-~o tlO fO.TTI IJ.,1.10 .q.o llO • z.6 .!).) -•1.2 1.1 }. l6 0.,. •.n O.H •o. l • •• n.8 ~ .. )J.) 16.• 1., ~ .2 IT .6 : 1g:~i1 "" 110 6.01 .a • 8~ Ui ~f:~ •Zl.S CO.CK, • ).6 O. TO 10.• -•o.s 10.011 .10. 7 (0.01) NC O.h 12.S -6.. 2.0} 1.8 • a.1 r.u J.• •-10.11 •:-t •-•o ll:l~==~ 6-\o-•• 11.p.eo ,_,._,, ''·l'·IO I 010-~ I 10.)1.10 6-J0-8' •1-11-eo •· I0-9' 11-)•·80 •1·)•-80 12-11-80 S·l 1·1• 12-11-80 t-)0-8• l· l 1-1' 6-10-81 n-1•-•o "·' 1-10 'I· 11-80 -1.9 -2 •• MC llO WC o.6l '.11 0.10 12.• ~-,0-81 1.1 11-11-eo ••. 8 6-2•-•· -1.6 2. 76 ' ., ~:; .t1.::g IC /, 0• -.s ,.., Mr .'1 NC I, ll •c o.os ~.6-12·"·80 •·~ 10-11-81 6.• 1.p.81 I. 6 •Z-/8-10 .1 •. 0 10.261 A-"' 1 .. a, ,, .. ' .. , • 1.6 .so 10.8 s-,1-e1 • 1.• 1.~8 1.9 •-10-11 NO (0.'6) • 11-11-80 o ?.I 0.11 ~l.J 12°)1·60 • 1.8 OJ9 /~.Q '1·1 •·I' NC llO 10. 161 -• 1.a o.1' 21.8 -).? 2.~1 2.• IC 0.09 s.;. llO 10.191 · •.S I.If 9.1 •IO,~ (0.011 Nr 0.6~ .10.1 0.80 .10.• o.u NC 0.11 -1" .8 ', lilQ .. 1 .1 NC -1., .. c..1 .. -· 0 .. ,, .. •10. 1 1. ea ,q o.o• '·'" o.1s 0.16 (0. lk) 1. ~ 1 J. t •2.: '9. l ., . " ~-l•-90 8-11-9 I •1·1'·10 9· J~-8 I 11.' t.9f' ll-10-80 "'"'"'"''' ,,_ ll-80 •1· · '·~O •-•o-! • f .. ), ·'' 1-1~-81 1 1 .. ' 1.lH1 b· to-•• ..... t•-~? 7 .. q.~· ' -~' -8) •· 10-SI , _. ,_,1 Ho!Dltat '1h~. trlft lnro •ro·•••l'l~ Pr >d "'t.· ""1 ~*""'e"• !lee. \flit,., ' '""'' ~l ! I Cet •UDAO NA SD AO O SDAO 1.00 1.1' • e. 1 0.02 ' .. ,, .. it '·'' -~· , ·''·a~ •Ysl NAllOAO ••SDAO ~." 10.00 • lJ o.~1 11.1 ~ , o,,.. • 1.6 o.~1 ,, .. 1.1~ 11.61 -.• 1.11 6.• ''~'"-~C o. '0-B l 0 .. 11'1.lll~ .~9 .60 MC 0.01 M.O Ol l and f'l.-a .'5 .1~ HC 10.101 4iohr i<•al ln• Syt t'o•• l"or.•tr.,c:t tr.n CottP\l&.~r prsna !"'t 1-rav •••'••• Concr'fftt ''"'o~•t•" '•UI l r\lr'f'llt!.!r• tto .. "'oriat ' op. &v•. t e l•O"O"'lf' 5yt•, ""I\ 1 At'1'1 ~ •• 11r1, lnlt•r•t•~ C1N "Obi If' Pto-tt't l'l'rtlllnt t&'lh .\ .. ., '69Dl0 .~I .! ' lft~F " .. G '0.1L •ASZ>'O ''·X 20."'~ OTC NO I. 1~ NAS040 , II , 1~ wur ~.1~ \.~• &St ,,,1~ 7 11 lliA~a'Q ~ ... ?~ ~ ... 15 ?TC llO 2. ·s 'A~llAO l. '1 7. !J Ul l. l~ l.~l ~Hl \l ~O 11. 1' llafl•l'tC IUS)f'Q ~.lC, Dtci •al ., ... 09¥· ~Ti" lol,•U ~.'I s." 9. 6~ 8. ~o , 1,1')0 • 7' KoM ponat,.uct to" .,sr 8. ''> Wt t.-tr r ••oval 11Jt !U SD&O ~ ~O Hft T1orte•ltO Pro.1. !U SDAO t t,00 ,r:>J, .. • •«•· .!Ot'l1o r• OTC NO N<'. 0,0\ .10.t l.1' l. " 1" .8 Lllil t6,-., !IQ 0.09 •9.• -1 J.~ 10.~S) -'.6 .u 15.6 • ~.E • 1. J flO IK -J.1 ••• 6 o. 21 16 •• 0.•9 )2.' o. 17 •1.9 (.161 ... .., J HJ. 7 t ,_ ''·• .. _••·a ,_,,_,, T-'1-~0 •-1 •-81 I.JO-'• 9-1·-~. F-JO·" 11-1'-14 •·JO-~• ti·,., ... , , 1·' t ;I: -l.' . ~~ • ~.' 10.()ll ... ~c.' 1. ,o 7.9 , ..... ,, ...... -c 1.U ~c •. 11 110 17.)~I 10-1 ·-·~ •.& 11-)1-~0 • 1 9· 10-!C. 8.0 1-10-61 1.1· -81 . . "r"ll'Ul .wn •""• • '" 104\0·• /I 1600 , ....... , l.OO• 40. 1'1 .,,/I 0 I, ,.O,ll<lO • ll. ,,. 0 L ti!\ I 11~ 4, tilt 'iif ·' '· '·' ., •. •bl 17•,U(I 11, ·1e11 q •• o .. ,,010 1.0•l 11.11• II .629 ,,,60 '2, 7,6 ·~.\•] it .•01 •. 1eo 6,,., tli,tH9 111,000 ,,,,,,. 10.t••1 11, 907 10.0~1 •b.08• 0.189 ti~.~" SO, Olf • ! ,9~• 1, li' , ,111 2, lh ~:m .. ,91"\ '.1q~ ,,,&lt QI l ,Qq' 7, ,:c; l 1,-.' I 'C'. ''\0 .,.t '2 AQ.~,. 18,oOT 10f ,., .oeCi t • -.. 1 '"· ii2 n~ ',/ill. ,,. .tti.1 "·''' ~1. , •• ; :~~~ n• ,.,,?C,. c ,•2E 1,0f!t tf ,940 ~n.•~> h, .. oo , ,_T .. 111.11e • , , ,t.60 l•.Hil 1 • Qa ,Qlct 'I ttO -1, I" _, '1 ., ... , ,,.,~ •,f)lil ·', t)O ll~.000 1' ·'" 0 H~, '" ·~ .,., •0• •. l~; ,, .. ,. 1•0 ~,. -,. •H ··""''' :H ... 't1> ·•O• HI -·· -~· 10 ''L ..,,,,,, • ,. t 1~~ 1. lilt 9 I ,l'~ -1,nc J. l'~ l ,•ue 1~9.119 1.~M '·"' ,,. -~'. '.~., l'. 2<'• ·~. ,1., «D .. ~~~ -11• m. 1h -7•6 '. ''" .7,~ ·!'1 1.00 ''" ,., "'· ""' '• C•~ . ' .,•&.,(j '·"°' 17. '. 1•~ -!'~ .. , .l •• , • '\t 'f I ~ft~ 12• -!,HP _,. I .~lt • I I\ .. " .,,-.')IJ ~· l 0,7 • ,..i; ·'· •'-·~. n '' .t0' ·JI ... •f1 '··· t,11, . '. '" rn ~.'!',.r.OlOIY fl'lo l ~J.'T• 9• t eltr l I• roe -• ~~ h •P· !ti' T °"' 96 fran1terr• E• TSU ,,..,Jf\4 .... ,. •• ,tr." Sltf''fl"::tt USDA~ 1.6) Z.61 .15 0.59 6.~ 1.1• .6, •C 0. '0 llO O.ll a.a 1.1 ~9.~ J2. 9 l·lO-• I 9-lo-ao 11· l •·IO 10-1 t-!O 9-10-80 '· ~&l' '4, ·~~ ... ·"'"" ... ~ t I 91 n1 I••""· O TI 98 tl\'U Ke1l"el • ll"YIM' Co•puttt' ptf"pf\ .. t Q L.Acun• t411lt M.4:0h1•1 tn~tN&tM • Nt voo,.t 9-••t'h Ot l & 1•• up. & dr-. r•n1ttt ,..h ·a.ntnc ft Poll•" ''" OT~ h Sl>lO MA.!DAO •&!DAO lto:l o.s6 ~.25 ··~ • ~... 0 .01 .19.0 o. •9 • •.I 6•1 ',682 1.n• , ... , 1, ~ill _,. ,..,,., r"'>Jntatn tallty IWOlcet ln•tr. OTC "° llO 10 .191 6-10-•• 99 t:l ~ r•• r1ua1 10i1 'l•roo Jn' 't. t0-1 Vt• Co .. p. IOl VCS Intl !~l :~t!~e inl • lr"l"~ Or•n~• lr1 l!'\e AnaP'le t • Np\lllOOt't l!•a~'1'1 Gardt n Crou r:ric inetrt~• l Conl'l 011 flolo tool• l •Q· tn1, Arch. PJ •Mtn• l r•. "•tourc• ll:•oo••rr rr •l cf'lt. ,.,,.,,,,,d'"' O SDAO 6.~0 n sc ·~.oo O SDAQ 1.1~ u soao .H Ul S. 75 1 .~s 11.aa I.~ ••• ':l: -19.2 o. n •• a 1.11 1K (0.lS) • 6.8 0.1] • '·" co.01 -••.9 21.~ '·l'·•· 11.• 11·)•-80 ~-l l-81 '" 7-J•-8• 11·''·80 •9, J>! •o~.~re 11.~ll 1,590 "'·•&• . ,. '1 •• 00 ·'Q' \It • ' ••• 1 ,, l 11\d r;., U SDAO • JI tO'S llttpercoro J~P!I• IOD Veattrn Dt1. VDCL •Ol lle.at l •nOa 8~. W83A T,,11l lri Nf'wport 8.t•r:h S.nu An• '"unt.•lr. h i. ~f'"C>Of'l 8.t!•"" f >1l hl'tOt'I Co•o1i1t•r -:'ontrolh r.t IUIDAO 8.00 8.~0 S.•1conGuotor device• ISA.SDAO 6.98 1.1~ :,U c~:g~, e. • 6-Jo-a • 6-10-81 1.2 •2-11-eo •.S 12-J•-tO 1.11.e1 9.S 12-1•-80 ... 119 11.,.•0 •0.606 •• stc ·" 1 .,. S•n••n• USDAO ).ls •.11 h ro.to•Ct l fl1airtnt ,,.od OTC _, '.1, .. 0.1 .H ~ o.u • ~.9 CO. II) llC 2. Ofj l . 11>2 . ,.~ ... 108 Vil !or~ Co. • l09 ll',.1 It\'" t.n•""CY v•tw f 1 ~"""'. :r.~ ·1 .,. ')tl •f'MSGat ltSD&O 11.>5 •.00 -~9' .. ~-2 A.\ltO P•rt' l ~ec. WTSI 19 ~0 \9,SC) '"'·" e tr TOU \OOUUI ~·u TO UCUYI IDIPO'l sr::u•n1u COIP .• llOllTTILT ... suno "TH 01&9111 eouan sroa n POJt• ~,, !r'::~~:~J1~:~s .:~:~ ~~~:.~m·~~::om~o~1 ~:~ ?'~~m .. ~~.~.~~m~,? ,~m:mc~i ~~~1~::!" bUn•l•t .rro,.tt •r• aad• to aaaur• th• ecour•cr 11\d U Ml Sn••• or th• d1t• cont•lned ln th••• t1bl•1, vhl'!b .,.,. b•••d on 1ourc•t bt ll•••G to b• r el h bh, but 1uc" •cour •CY and t1M lln••• .,.. no\ 1"8t'a.nt••d •nd ltwpart. S.ourtt h l ano t.hlt "'""' .. Kll<ID1 SIPC P•P•r •••U•• no l t1tt1l1tr tor anr 1nacoureot\!. or un\tM l lnt•• or tb• dat• oubll•h•d l\er•. lnro,.u tlon ooep1 lt4 br Anti Yanc•J · From Page 01 VISUAL AIDS RECOMMENDED • • • time spent m monologue, the more e fficient the m eeting because more real' interaction of ideas is allowed lo take place." involved in meetings, this waste continues to mount." indication that use of overhead projection leads to a 28 percent reduction in meeting length could produce an hourly savings for s ma ll bus i ness es a nd individuals equal to several billion dollars. Stuart L esse r , market development manager of 3M 's Audio Visual Division, who also spoke at the conference, noted that Ame ric an bus iness is concerned about the billions of dollars wasted a nnually on poorly run business meetings. He said 3M hopes the study will help ma nagers find and maintain a higher degree of business meeting productivity. Noting that some specialists believe as much as 60 percent or executive time is s pent in meetings, Lesser said, "As more executives be co m e m or e "We've always known that overhead projection was an effective means of getting a ~rip on audience attention," he added, "and this study supports our contention and underscores the importance of adding visual aids to conduct effi cient and effective business. sales and training meetings." The corporation's analysis of the study suggests that the 28 percent reduction also couJd be translated into a ti me savi ngs of 42 extra working days per year for the average executive. High lights of the Wh arton study are available by writing to JM 's Audio Visual Di vision, Box A-P , St. Paul. Minn. 55144 . Lesser s aid the s tudy's From Page 01 DESIGN FOR LIFE • • 'woman is more sensitive to the need for praise and feels freer to give compliments than a man might." Not surprisingly, both children say they want to grow up to be artists, she said. "'Ibe kids would like to have nie home more," she admjtled, "but design is a large part of my life and always has been. Others might complain about having such a commit ment , but I go to design conferences for vacations and take home trade literature to read for recreation." More jobless Orange County's jobless rate climbed two-tenths of a percentage point lo 5.4 percent In December , the highest that figure has been since the 6.1 percent reported In August 1978, according to the stat.e Employment Development Dept. Tbe increase was attributed to a loss of 1,600 ' jobs in the construction and manufacturing secton , and in ,avemment employment. The total number of county unemployed now , stands at 62,500, the department reported. while 1,090 ,000 a r e working. · If The Bid For Your Solar Hot Water Elccaeded The Gal c.ompany Umft -CM&.Ul-sou.a DAYS 12131 311-1011 a.c.s. COMTIACTOI • As with most areas of design, though. her interest in trade magazines is more than casual. ··My big dre am is to publish a design magazine," she said. "Most existing publications showcase artists or design winners, but one aspect not covered is a dissection of projects. "I'd like to' go back and talk to a client three years later to find out how functional and cost effective it turned out to be. Designers need to do more follow-up, but loo many are busy r\Jnnlng a fter new jobs. Actually, the biggest source or business can be old cllenls." But no matter how large her compa nies become, Ms. Spitalny reruaes to become trapped in the mechanics or keeplnl things runnin1. ''I hired a production manacer to take a lot of the adm.lnlatratioo problems, and othen handle financial and billln1 procedures," abe said . "I keep my finger on lbinp, but I be1an as a deaiper , and I would.n 't want to live that up." : ()<'(•:tnfront I ,o ts The final 30 ocean fron t homesitcs. A walled and sated private residential community in a n Clemente. P rivate beach and private w im a nd Tunnif' Club. I nterest only financing auailable <714 ) 498-2830 or <213) 277-9470 . t ~ .. -' . , :z: .. _ r.' -, ' • Branch out to Beneflclal Computer Services. • I ii .. . t !• I i Is your computer system overloaded? Are you tired of paying skyrocketing prices for mediocre quality? Ar e you fed up with 1nd1fference or poor service? Let Beneficial Computer Services shOW you a better way. As part of a maior f1nanc1a1 services organization. Beneficial Computer Services has the resources. statf and expertise to handle your batch processing or on-line software development Beneficial Computer Services uses IBM 303ox·s. and otters MVS. DOS. OOSIVSE. and VM operating systems as well as CMS SPF. TSOrSPF and CICS capab1ht1es Find out how you can stretch your computer services budget Talk to Benef1c1al Computer Services 0 ·-.~ , ... ... Call Bob Hamic at (213) 381-8737 Beneficial Computer Services, Inc. 3700 Wilshire Boulevard. Los Angeles. CA 9001 0 CHINA $1995 frOlll LAX zo -..2 JWy 1912 8e1j1ng. Nanjing, W ux1, Suzhou. Shanghai Dr. U Kyaw Win 24941 MmttBJ Drin La91111a Hilla, CA CALIPOMIA QUALITY TAX·EXEMPT TRUST 92653 l 7 14) 831-2000 12.40%* DOUBLE TAX·EXEMPT INCOME FOR CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS • C.llfomla Quality Is comprised solely of munlclpal bond• rated at least "A-" or better eltber by Moody'• or Standard Ir roor's. • Interest free from Pederal Ir C.llfomla Income taJles. • rlo coupon• to dip. • Relnftstment opUon anUable. • Nontllly. Quarterty Ir Seml·Annual dhRrlbuUons. • rlo redemptJon or management fee. • Vnlta In multJples of n ooo. Sponsor: Van Kampen Merritt Inc. FIRST FAMILY OF TRUSTS M aking a start i~ prnbabh rht: musl irnportunt' srcp to" arJ SU\ ing. There i~ u ":J\ 111 tul..c 1hc initial step anJ.l..mm ) uu'rc on lhc ri,l{hl truck tcm unJ u n:,l{ular. schc:c.lulcd Ml\ in.I{~. J u'I ju in lhc Pa~ roll Sa' 111,l{i. Phin 111 \\Ori...:\ littk i~ 1t1l..cn mu nf cuch flU' chccl.. hi'' unJ lhc purchu~c 111 l .S. Su\ ing, BonJ,. '"u Jon't htl\C 10 \\Orr~ uhmll mal..in,I{ This represents the ut annual Interest Income, after annual expenses, divided by the public otterln« prices as of January 22, 1982 CSerles II. It varies with changes In etther amount and wfth the particular payment options. Portions or lhls return may be subject to state or l~al t axes to non·CaUfomla resldf'ftts. a 'pcciul clTor1 to flUt M1mc1hi11,I{ u,iJe euch pu~tlu~. h''i ull June for 'uu. Aulomuticallv. · The hucl..' start pilin~ up. 1he interesl ~l'l•" '· und \IHI rcali?.c 'ou H ' foui'1J ;,.,e surefire C rovv-ell, VV'eedon & Co. N[WPOlltT CEN TCllt 187 I AN NIC01.J'5 ORIVC NCWl'O IH 8CACH, CALl ,.ORNl ll 92880 17••1 e••·taOO • WU\ lo SU\t:. WIM'n 11111111111 '"'"of viiur •11t •"Ill Into l.'.S at l•IU• 8 11111/; llil11°ft' ~lr•ln;c lo h11lld 11 brl11}111·r /11111rr /M Cf(IUflV Mlll f11 '""'for flOllntrtf II ...... -..... 0.. ..... ... .. -........CMlllOll I .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday. January 31 , 1982 NYSE COMPOSITE TRAN ACTION OUOU ftC*\llt(l.UOI lUOHO• fMI .-1•'t'OU,llllt0Wtlf, ,,~(mt.,.. tono.. OtTIOlf ••o (1110101.TI \TO(ll C U llANOU ANO •I l'OllTIO a't fMI llA\D A•D llt\Tllll f n · .. 31 . 1982 Deficit, rates seen as drag on economy A sure-fire way to sell any home in one week 8)' ROBERT J . aauss PEAR 808 : It 1eem1 you're OD tile aide of bome buyers aa you've Delleeted bome sellers, llke me, wbo bave uasold bomea. From readbl1 )'Our articles I k.Dow we're la a "bayer'a market" where cub Is king. But my houe baa beeD U1ted for 11le wttb three different realty brokers ID the last etPt months. Two "sales" bave falletl tbroulb because the buyers cou.ldD't l(et Dew mortgages. I've moved REAL ESTATE llllllli away rrom the area and the bouse ls vacant. I don't need much cash from the sale but I'm tlred of maklD1 $453 monthly mortga1e paymemts oD my vacant house. What should I do without cutting my asking price? -Eva E. $100,000 and its fair rental value ls $600 per month. Ask your agent to run a newspaper want ad similar to this: "One-year lease with option to buy, $5,000 moves you in, S650 per month rent applies to purchase price, open Saturday and Sunday, l to 3 p.m." The ad should also include a description of the features of the house. Unless your house is a real loser, I can virtually guarantee that ad will cause your agent to go crazy with offers from eager buyers. From experience, 1 suggest you warn your agent to take bac kup applications j ust in case the rirst a pplicant's credit and income background Isn't the best. Although you may have to wait up to a year fo r the tenant-buyer to exercise the purchase option, it is 90 percent certain your house is sold if the option contains reasonable seller financing terms. .. Report availa b le Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 31 , 1982 • Wrap-Around Kitchen • Wood Framed Skylight : Fireplace • Broom and Linen Closet • Cathedral Ceilings • Lo.rge Enclosed Patio • Drop Ceilings in Kitchen • Mile to the Beach • Drapes and Carpeting • D ouble Oven DEAR EVA: I know of only one sales method which can sell virtually any house within a week for top dollar. This is the method I used to buy my current residence and I've used it to sell many houses. too. lt is the short·term lease with option to buy. The new Bruss Re port "How to Avoid Mortgage Lender Enforcement of Due on Sale Clauses" is now available. To obtain your copy send a $2 check payable to "Newspaperbooks" for Report 82112 to The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 259, Norwood, N.J . 07648. • 2 Car Garage with Automatic Garage Door Opener • Natural Oak Cabinets in Kitchen I To ill ustrate. suppose your house is worth From Page 01 MR. BUILD FOR REMODELING ... with ours, these businessmen join what they know best with what we know best, and we b e lieve that the ·combination will remodel the remodeling industry. advertising campaign in the Orange County-Los Angeles Southbay area Feb. 12, Bartlett said. By that time, he said, the budget should be around $12,000 a month. business life, so 1 left. "I looked around for a year for another project, and created Mr. Build. It's a very exciting project." CORAL BAY ,8 9r950 TERRA CE MODELS NO: OPEN! "Never before has this fundamental aspect of the indus try been put on an organized basis, and we are certain that the impact of Mr. Build will be quickly felt throughout the $80 million remodeling industry." B a rtl ett add e d that national brand advertising and marketing in addition to other fr anchisee s upport programs will enable fi r ms to dev e lop more n e w business with better profit potential. Bartlett capitalize d the company at $100,000, and bas since loaned the company several hundred thousands of dollars. In some regions, he said, he has sold 49 percent to bring in investors. Mr. Build will kick off its "But as more franchises a re awarded, that number will grow," Bartlett s aid. "Nationally, within the next three or four years, I expect to see a budget in excess or S30 million." Bartlett r esig ned a s Century 21 's chief executive offi cer a couple of years ago. R etireme nt was -and remains -the furthest thing from his mind. "I'm 48 years aid, and consider· myself one of the m ore knowledgeable fran ch ise m e n in tb e country," Bartlett said. "I love it, I e njoy working. Wh en I sold Century 21, 1 stayed on for some time. But I e n joy mor e the e ntre prene urial par t of WE'RE A LOT MORE THAii A BELL Oii YOUR •LL 8-11'9-~11'9 t1"'ou1 Se1co1" •••c"•r a.i. .. ,., •• 11'9 •• ~ ..... .,, O<OlecliOn -... -and ._ .. s.-Cl9t'llrll -oOn B a rtl ett believes consumers will tum to Mr. Build because of the protect ion it offers. The home re pair industry has had its share of Oy-by-night operators, who have been know t o leave work incomplete or not up to standards. "There's no doubt about it," Bartlett said. "Because of the ripoffs in the industry, that's one reason we see (Mr. Build) as being extremely attractive for the consumer. "We place a bond on every project. guaranteeing the work. Some contractors tell consumers they don't need one, and that's the same contractor that skips town or goes bankrupt. Many of those contractors wouldn't even qualify for a bond." COSTA MESA FEATURING ONE AND TWO BEDROOM PLANS 1872 MONROVIA COSTA MESA SALES OP'F ICE OPEN DAILY 11 AM · 5 PM Closed Thursdays Marcor Exclusive Sales Agents Call 831-8123 ... ~...,_ ..... __ ._. ______ ,_._'"_ _____ .. ___ __, ___ ,...._....., .. ,.... .. ___ ..... --•··•······· w....,.,...,.._•"on Yo<I< Ol'OClll'Y ... (1191 ... """' on • nMfOy, 24·l>OUl .. -day c.nlrel .. !Ion II Ille 9'or* •ndiU IM fire t>uroiarv or llOlduo w COii Ille oc11cie "' llte~ We'll take yo11r old home and ive _you the best view in an Clemente. Slnot°" '*"'111._lon 1t Ul hted,o.-- cu11-. cen QIMlll!y lor • a1u 111e dlacounl on their -And to•~-19-. mike retPOnt• 11me even -··---·~ •• re comouter•1in9 our .... '°" But 1m0t0Yement1 eren t "" lo s.-W•"9 -gettong belle< lot 21 ....... And loday ..... IN I•-.. '" IN 1ecut1ly lkls•nna '" the --"'"' -10 000 c.et""'9r9 •nclud•no • woo. renoe of oog .,.., 1rNll ••••~ 1..ous1ne1 and ----· To""" ouo ,_. IDOUI °" s.eco... _,...., 11.ioon wnte or.,.,,... Cl'(°"' new l11<>loly a1 2'88 Newoott BM! °""9.,._. Iii\ SEACOAST \I ~CURITY S\'STEMS 2488 NEWPORT BOULEVARD • COST A MESA CAUFORNIA • 92627 • (714) 642·3490 WATERFRONT ~'~~~~ 11% interest, (I I~ A.ER.) . Fashio nable Waterfront Homes fro m $700,000. With 5200,000 down, the Lusk Company will finance the entire loan balance at 11%, (11~% A .P.R.) for 5 years. First " . trust d eed assumable with no prepaymen t penalty. 1% loan o rigi- nation fee. For appoint- ment or details please call sales office collect at 714/536-7584. Trade In your old home and move up to the extraordinary design and exquisite vtews of The Pinnacle. With our guaranteed trade-In and other great nnanclng programs, you won't flnd o better buy on the entire Orange County coas t Only 6 ho mes remain In thJs limited edition community situated high above the Rea on q uiet cul·d~sac street& Rich Medite rranean s tyling, skyttght.6, tndoor atriums, sooring cathedral celltngs, spa· like mll8tc r baths, und so much more. Chooec S bedroom8 or 2 bed rooms plue bonus room In up ~'911!!ill!lioo ..... to 2,360 aquare feet. Climb to the top. Visit The Pinnacle today. Starting a t 8260,000 ,. • 30-year fixed rate loans at 12*%* • G uaranteed trade-in • Financing for b uyer of your cUJTent liome Models open 11 to 5 dally. Call (714) 498·2218 or (7 14) 436-0145. IJ•ulk"•9'tiO\""' \....,..,.la,lon Oti11fUht) (t"c n.alnt.uln"" th.. 111t11ltt.-n( -''"'"'"" ......... l'n(To< ll"'1 flM"'-lllJI tlf.•NIW lloil~ ti 1••11- lk'ltthtft. ...,.,h~'"'·• •t• 1W'til•r-..wik ''" ,.,-.. nrrt'k111n1rw •tf1tt.t4'~t11k•n. ·rll~< "'••llll••OfMI f.I I un1lnu lhul ~All '""" oh.• Nifl llk"IC'• F""r Tum t,•n "" .--------..,...---.;;......-:.... ~01 f •tthrh.>L ... ._..,.. ~ ...... 1111111 .... "'"l'Uloko UtMI f'tfCht Hft ,,,., .. ,,, ... , . . Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 31 , 1982 - 1 -'World War HI' ·could be better 8Y f'asD aOTBENalaG caUled by 111ln ahortal•· He, tao, la MeD u a many of whom 1eem more easer lo rtak tbelr .,.,..._..._ aemiUve aoul via a brealdut aeene, lD whteb bt lives than the typical twlce·a·month aoldltr. The NEW YORK -It'• l>eHmber 1111. Soviet telll hb IOll <Meno Peluce) that commWlilta don't battlea are fairly authentic, heavy on blood and troop1 land ln Alaaka latmt OD blaclunaWa1 lbe chew Wbeatle1 with opeo IDOUlhl. a1ony. But the old·Wtatem syndrome of more United Statt1 Into endba1 lta 1rala tmbario. And Uke Mckenna, Gorny la a paclftlt with bluk hat.I d.Yint than arrived on the acene, with Neither llde will buqe, ud American and Sovlet healthy fean about military machtamo. none ot the-aofdler• ever. needlnl sbav•, defy leaden aquare olf ln a 11me ol nuclear chlellen Quite rt1bUy, it turna out, becauae tM top crediblllty. that ll not a same at all. Soviet 1eneral has ordered a small force lnlo Tbe snow·swept scenes look aeml.AJu kan. but NBC'a 1"Worl4 War 111" Sunday and Monday Alaska, wilbout Gorny's lmowledle. Tbe purpoee th• white stutr la the d epartment·store ,1 nl1hta la about tbe poulbUlty of tbe nnal war. It of the mluion la lo bold America'• oil DiDeline all·weatber variety -the price for ftlmin1 ln Loi wonders what mi1bt happen ii both sides hoatace until the 1raln emberlO la lifted. -,'Tbe An1elel. alternately ralle lbe mUltary ante and neither KGB ll convinced America will not_,.,. In a The movie could oYetcome these cosmetic apptan wiWAI to fold. pre-emptive strike ao we can •calN without flaws, but' not lts paperback·novel dlalo1ue and I I It'• a mAkt·belleve movie with borrtfylDI dan1er," the 1eneral tell• Gorny after tbe fact. lack of any all-encompassln1 tension, except for , aeeda o1 reality, particularly the reallaation that a The burden of fi1btln1 the Sovietl falll to Col. the final scene each nl1ht. The secret ne1otlatloos nuclear capability aervea u a deterrent only when Jake Caffey, a cereer offtcer not we ..... 1 1eneral between McKeMa and Gorny should have been r each~ conalden beln1 deterred the paramount strlpea because he won't play toy aoldler. David electrifyln1, but weren't . priority. Soul la forceful aa the antl·authortty fipre. For all And McKenna's post.summit request to an Wllb this premiae "World War Ill" couldn't the usual reasons, Calby Lee Crelby plays an aide seemed to parody the tension that never was: mlaa belnl auspensef~l but lt should have been intelli1ence officer, who happens to be in Aluka, "You 1ot a ci1arette?" better. It never is totally lnvolvln1 beyond and Caffey'.• former lover. . Guardsm· en. ::1 d~'t smok~; .. curiosity over the ftnal outcome , which NBC bas Cartey s troops are National Neither do I. asked reviewers not lo dllclose. It's an unusual request, but It's not the pracUce here to spoil the suspense anyway. The show is also overloaded with character ' clicbes. Every Russian talks ln stilted language, spiced with "comrades," and looks like a subject from a 1950s American propa1anda film. The presidential advisers a lso are a series of cardboard stereotypes : the Jewish liberal, the publicity relations·minded \VASP. the bombs.away military men and the serious woman. In the opening scene, President Thomas ~McKenna, played by Rock Hudson, is awakened by a n11htmare and then seen in the universal .. morning posture of stumbling to the bathroom, serving to illustrate both the president's powerful burdens and his humanity. II. Ill. George C. Seo~ In "TAPS" IPG) "BOOGENS" "ARTHUR" Ptu• "TIME BANDITS" <PG> . ' .. Two llOln ol •n-stap thrills." UDWUllll IOUlll COAIT rl&ZA S001• Cw11 Pia,. Co11.; Mt!o.I ~•61111 •"•'°"' Or•.qc 63' 1~n _,.. __ ...... .. a11eWme ..,...., .... --~ tlletr'M ....... ., lDWAMS fOUlllA• u u n I0\1111 ... Vlky 139 I~ ITAllllll•n~ °'"• 6391719 NOW PLAYING -FecAeed lllU £L TORO .. T ... TOI IUcel OIWl8I &ea Plaza Edwards SadcMeback Edw.,ds Cinema Cinedome 529·5339 581 ·5880 848·0388 634·2553 COITAMUA ,.,_ Edwards Soutn Coast Plaza 546-2711 Edwards Woodbndge 551-0655 I llO ~-ACCVTID l'Oll TNll-'AfMMT I !XCLUllW ORA-COUNTY INGAGeMINT • ~ • NOW PLAYING llWAln IOUTll UA ClllllA EDWAUI WOODIAIDGl COUT PUZA °WH!mjfUIAlf 193 0548 kvint 551 0655 , ... caTu '*EMAi .a an~ ., ...... "'"""''• Com lolesa 751 41t4 Orlfllll634 3911 ,.,.. .... _ ACAO(WY .. fMHM '""'..,.,wilt_,, I""'_ ...... o-• to ""Y ......,,_ at Ille 11\Hlr .. lncl!Ut.o - 1111m 11111111 m1111 11m~ 01111 m1mnn1u1n1 um·mn 11Hw1 1~11 111 ftlll ·onrm mm·1m1a1m·111a111a11111n111111 111m mnim 11111nn in~ L~m111 11111am 1.11.111·11111n11 11 11111 a111111 IWI 11 111 1 111 llU 1111111111·ftlllDI11111111 Ulmll·llll!lll 11 NII lllUll IRI :n·-·-..:..11iw .=1 I 1111111111111111 ~ .-i'r-T-~·~-,..._....__c.-.,,.._....._ NOW PLAYING •an c•• llWUIDI c•u com AMC...-mu 0ranoe (714) n• 3911 eos~ MH.t 11u 1919 4141 0rancie 11u1 n1 0340 • c.191 ...... UleUUca lllAllD• •YHm W-t714)8130S46 EJToro(71 4)Sl l SHO Allahewn t714)17911SO ,...,.. tAU.fT ~ ll0•-1 -IO•OOI ,.,.._...,., FOUftllll V*'I (714) 962 2411 • 'Tiii MIDH' MAS· A LOT GOOIG POI rT ... T'l ..... ,AHla AHPAISIO•. Jeck Nkholton I• mesmerlllng ... watching him work It a pi.uure. In Tony Akhardaon · • rousing movl•. Nkholton becoma a hero bucki ng bureaucr1tk QOrruptlon. Tllla 11 •lclMilM• It 11111 Ct~'' ••• ,.. .. -Onlcl A111en. New1w"k ·• 'Tiit Border' II 1 successful lnvMlon of hcklnp.h County. where bogue high life 1nd 1 quick ugly dHth too often lnt•l"MCt. As for Jack Nkholton. he 1how1 1pln that he can embody u much of the ZOtll c:tfttUtJ ArMrkan m11te - ... ,. PIJ(hotk. ,_,.rate, tltrok - • 1n1 movie star today." -lllrMN Corllll. TllM ..... ,,.. __ ,. ____ _ HARVEY tCll1'8. \N.am e acme vwaa11Q1VES ....-. ELNJIA CAltllU.O ---------__ ......,.. ___ .,. ... _ ---------· -----· __ .. ___ _ A--~--..... , ~· .... -~""---· ~ . Fromlmmlgrm pwlonsftml In steel mills ..• to the Icy power of the super~rldt. I *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Ptrformancea before 5:00 PM !Except Special Enp11111111ts Ind HolicllYS) ~-w.1-.-.... tllOlifMTO&ns-.. -W.Y -----OllL·.------n. ''"IDS".-. .. - ... ·~te.t.·~·;.: .... • .,... NDUCT'IOM"' .. ... ..... -..... --.... -- LAKEWOOD CENTER WAl k IN ... --·-..-··ON OC>U>eN '°NO" ,.. ·-·"'"'*·-·- -C.~·-­"T""""' ·-·--···- LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAl l!l IN focul'V Al Del Amo 21J/6U-f211 --·--1 "IWl>Ett Of' TtC LOST AAt<" .. .,... ......... .,.. I ... AG UNA --·--··WHOM UR ti IT ANYWAY?" --.-. ... -"' ..._,. __ "vaNOll''• ... .._ ___ _ fac:ully al Candl••aod 213/531·9510 :;:----:=:::..:.-: --............. __ _ -"RIDS"CNI •JM.t:a..l;JI --· "IHAllKY'S MACHINE" ,., ·-· -·· .... ·----·--·-... ___ _ "VINOllll"t111 ·--·---··· -----·•CHAlt1()TS Of',._ .. ,.. ,,..._ .... _.,,,. SO . COAST WALK·IH Soutl\ Caa11 H1wa., al lfaadwa'( 494-1514 ---· "THf~··111 _ ,,.,_ ... ,. _____ _ --·--"f'OUft ,,....,. .. "' __ ,,.., _ ... ,. ___ ,,.,_ .... Nit" -.." ...... e·16 ,. '--6:00 " ..... ,,.,. -e~45 IMPORTANT ltOTICl! CIUI nRllt UNDER 12 fRU! MMW ... WM.., .... 11•1 lu 5-30. h i h• Mtfl 4;30PM ~SOUllO•TOUllUI L-"•llAOIO ISTOUll ~ ,., II() ~ [NI llAOIO 'llllTll Of1 '°" llCCUSOlll l'QSll1IN -lllllC ,,,, IOll1*l I• 1111 a.A OIWHiS llO Git ,,,, MOil A~AMf ... ANAHEIM DlllVf·IN ---·· ... -·---.. ·-"VINOllll"• -1-y ti Of l-$1 "NIG.HT SCHOOL" Ill Cllf( " SOUJID "THl-~----Q-.---.-.... ---.-... -.:..:::~ -"Tltlla MNDnl" ,,_ 179·fll0 "SO ANO TMI LONIL Y WOMAN""' --"![Vil.IN.Miit" "ICMOOlGllL~..... tlflt ,, _ ~ ·•,..A. ~·iii~ BUENA PARK DfllVf IH UMOll\ --ol ·-12M()70 ;., l .... A J .... LINCOLN DRIVE IN \~oln •~• Wetl Of l nott 121·•070 "<* OC>l.MN POND" ,,_ -''THE CONCOIUME-AIN'OllT • .,. .. ,.. Clllt II tullliO . .. . ~ ~ " LA HABRA ,1111vf ''--·-·--·--•n·lt62 --...... --~·-··· "THI eooc.NS" flt -''Tltl[Y CAMI f'M>tl WITMIN" Ill -·--·--''THI 98IUCT10N" flt -"LOOKP" 111 ---·--· ---··-"VINOM"'tlll -"NIGHT SCMOOI." Ill Cl"f "SOUJID ---· "TMI IOMIR" 111 -"TilACttDOWN" 111 C• A IOUllD ------· ---·-"VINOll''111 -"NIGHT IOtOO&." Ill -·llO• ..... ORANGE 011 1v t IN --· ••MOOPN '='9-" ,,_ . ._TO,....,. I I I l! . . .. C'-vy had the power to make this New Y ecr the funniest ever! ~ara~a~ ~Qe&tA'A l!r.~O c.-..._.. •• 1 .... 1•1 TDDAl'·S CIDlllDID .RllLI ACROSS 77Greelclettw dMdel 37 A-...: SI. letts 1 Follower• 71 ChlneM 180Annex 39 Mwttlme 108 8uddNlt &Auction off mile 18 t T axl timer 42n..t. mount.in 10Antenna 80Nab tl3 Force pi.ttorm 108 Bombaatlc 14 Climb OY« 13 MlltPI 1MColnof «Pwtt ... t talk 19 Cathedral ee s.iior yote 48 NcMle 1t0 Carry 20 Pwt of a 17 Benk 187 Helm 48 Zing 1t3 Uniform fOfllt amployM poeltlon 50 .,,.,.., )llCket 21 Munc:ftMj.. 89 a.ba let Ventllltl 51 Alt! ..... t15 P*nllef 81f't,lor lngfedllrlt 188 Actor'• pert S3 eurr.m. tot 119 8leiNltl one 90Heevy .... t71 Hulnor "'°" 121 Doe9 • '""' 22 Reputable 92 Rat• 172 Hlrbor bolt 55Eplcur9 chof'I 24 Oetlllw CfY 94 Dulllng 174 Jollon 57 0rlf P1"91 t24AMAmem- 25 Hlltorlc eword 175 Reply 58 Enoour9gl blr per1od MUnder t77 MIM 59 Appoint-125 Reel 2e M8118rd 99HMtlng entrance ment 127 FoloMr: glnUI i.rnp 178 In addition eo Smell bottta &If. 21 Cholfvoa 100 Miik• 179 Work power 61 Pr1nt 1288cmnot• 21 COlumnlst bellevl 111 Metelllc meMUrl 130 Siik 8udlwtlld 104 Declmll 112 Mlnul 13 Nettwof: l•brlc:I 29Aafw11 beN 113 Clollby Suf. 132 Label 30Augrnent 105 Tiit 184 Fiber ptant e5 Winner'• 134 "-Cid" (wlttl "out") 107 Accompeny DOWN "tMe" 135 Herdln 32 Uftnecll-111 Aomen deity 1 Seit ee Minute 137 BoflClt• Mf1ly 112 Piece anew contalnlt pltticle 138 Wtllel hub 35 Dodge 114 Singe 2Chlnlee 87 P9tty 140 8ullflgtlter 37 Poncple 11e Conclmlng tribe querTel 142 Hunt 38 8tltdlecl 117 ChlneM 3 Before. to etG,.....lend goddell 40 For.at name Keeta 71 Salll 1~ Peaa6onet1 Cf991Ur• t 18 Bird, In old 4""" 73 Prime 144 8altlc Finn 41 Abounda Rom• 5 A8plc:t cNrlctll' 145 Toeepot 43 Plua ctlllt 120 Altrlngent 8 Pw.ued 75 Exl8t 148 Sycophant: 44Gt.-19tt• 122 Guido note ~ 78 8lbllc:al 2 WOfdl 45 Trwnple 123 Smell ftafl 7S..legll outceat 148 Alohl 47 Heedwear 125 Trenemlttld I Minimum 79PMC:e eymbol for •-Shrtnlr 128 Beer 9 DlmWMlfl goddell 150AAnameel 49 Moel tidy wttneee 10CNld'• at Polllh ,,,...... 51 BMtbldl 129 lnMct egg compenlon t2Aftemoon 151 Infuriate 52 Bynyof 13t Perform t1 Be lli perty 152Plle 5o4 Exeevel• 133P ... 12 Terdy ...~ t 5o4 Word wlttl 5'Comme!ICI 138 llblcel king 13 Scottlatl memmel 'llPOf 57Yeeraand 137 "ellen dty megl9trltl e5 Wllltl llghtty 1traw ~ 139 8coCtWI C9P ,.~ ea Allow 158 Wrtlf) 58PYogt-. 141 Zodlec l6gn 15Center 91 Lufl 151 MatrtclMte ta~dlltl t•2 HcMtlng ti 8"llecul 93 Pr9ftx wlttl Ul1 Beertng ... Pweonellty devtce buttlnekl Donlldor t82 Went by cw MEuctty t45 Ship'• t7 Ff9ftdl Dowell 1140lcklnl' - defined holplQI: erUde 95 Thllta DerUI "Dip out 2worde 11 Landed 97 Cape 185 Sited ftlfl 70.JtlplMM 147 s.i. tot one proper1y ta Thllone: 1N 8rtatte drema 148 Trtbll tt Bureeu Lit. 170 Alut-dl - 72 W..._,, eymbol · 23ComPeee 100 '""'_,,. 173 Prec:6oul lndlen 153 Pr.-3 t Mefnber of t 0 1 Dldelf'll )ewe! 74 Jecob'• 154 -~ U.ftock wlldly 178 Y• In Bir· brother t55 AeQ,.. 33 8prttl 102 Delcordla celonl 78 Puebto 157 Gott mound 34 Or9gl 103LMnsnv tlOMA'a~ lndlen 169 Hlghwey 38 Old: Ger. 108 Ffatemlty bor U! CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR ANSWERS .... 5 :15 I I Ol'lve·lns Opa11 1 :30 NIOHTLV Undlr12FRHUnlnlNotad ® lllOClltlUNOlll If "'*'""O ""'_,..,..., . "'-..... Al.l Q Ill MG.'~ MCIM M MAL <II M llllOTION ~lUlll COOi C1f KV lllOIA.J\ftoN Orange Coat DAJL Y ptLOT/Sunday~ January 31 , 1982 NDAY AW. R ATS a.oo uGo TOO..AJJI • (ll9r .. \• , ... ,.,,., ....... , '" ORANGE COUNTY PREMIERE plue "Coualn. Coualne" ''°> 1 I o I .. I -• ~ , BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR -Hew Toa rum Clttlc:a Awcad Hcdkloal loard m 8"tew Awcad ? GOLDEN GLOBE wARRfNlfMIN~KEATON rt llYIAMOUNT l'ICTIJRCS • •. CXlRl'OPA110H • A 1.UllClfTS Ptm!VW , • ! ~R~TOhCMLXW \ft l Thia W.-you e11n ... REOS at theM theat,.'1 •= · . ............ , ...-..... rw. ·-..._, _,, 641 OllO -V• 1)0 6tt0 °""tllS• U~3 • ...... cmlMWllT ........ Til CIUl ~ W-111 JU~ l ... CUTaC-.0..~lloul~l 411• .. ..,..ltuttO•Ott ••AM1:IACC1Pno..-011,._....,...., l•M:AOEtn ..-M _..,.. ____ '°"'-1•10-1 . '*'_ .. , ... ____ ' . .......... _, T "THE WOMAN NEXT DOOR". ............. .. , ......... "' "THE SEDUCTION'' (R) ----1·d N .I r d." -~-'-! ~. ~ !.~ ~ T 0 N B-l 8· 0388 "WHOSE LIFE IS IT ANYWAY?''"'' ""-,,. .,.,_ ''"· .... AT~(tif,TIC ....... -U T ... a:11, -· ttr:• SHAf~KY'S MACHINE C:Ml8•- "f0UR AtlENOS" OF .j llAUCE ..... _ _... .. .......... :t"". •• I when life isat its finest ... when k1Ye is at iU fullest ... WIW UIWJE ~AA ITC f'ilt11> IN' Ml._, l'locluctlOft A )(.UK lll'Dt!U. Fil• KATHARINE Kl!!PBl.fR.N HENRY roNOA JANE l'ONM "Oil GOI .DEN POND" ....:! UOC'G MdCE(t.. 00\.\£\ COIL'H .\ "llUA.\I LA\Tf.AI • ,~tGIU~~ -·~. Biilet Gll.B£RT ..::..:;.! BIU.1 \l~\I ~" • -:.El.\l:ST~ ~~-::--:.... 'AAD.rnncu MYllOOIER WITH AIDRE ..... ,. ........ .-.... MTJ8U11.-• .a.-ll.i•,1- ''VENOM" P'lll. 1:11, 1:11, ,., .. .,., ... -· •M.1::11 1':11. -· 19:M I'll d e.., VIEJO TWIN ' ~ ' •· '' " 810 L99Q ........... _,.. "'"••f! ..J .. u . . .. . I ' ----"THE BORDER" -.1 •. e:te .. ,-., ........ ... , ..... ,."', ------t•dVJd rdc.., FOU NTAIN VALLEY " .... · .' ," 839 -1500 "THE BORDER" Ill ROLLOVER I r>dw,irch C I N f MA " '. : · .. ", . . . . 5 4 6. 3 1 0 2 .~. _ _,,_ .. WHOSE LIFE IS IT ANYWAY?" ...... ,_ -....... ...... . ,., ... ,_ --,_.. • .. THE SEDUCTIO ... JM, .. ·-·-.. .............. "VENOM " .... , .... .,.,..,..,.,._ .• -·---... ----''WHOllUR lllT ANYWAY?" (IQ ..lt._V • Ya'f 1411 TO THI 90TTOM O' THI MA . .....,..; IWOll*.I .MOYIE * * "New YNl'I F.Yll./' ( 11180) Roz ICetty, Kip NIV*ll. The dlec; jock*Y 111 e p.ink, roek Club recelveu e '*"'-ot phOne Gell• prOfn- ISll>g 11\el someone will t'* murdered In her hOne• •vwv hour bet~ nln11 end midnight on New Y-'a£w.'R' (%)MOYIE • • "lo,,.,. And Llers" 6:'6. CHAllTOPH£R ClOIEUP e:00 I MUOIOU8 NEWS .... io.ITY MUl.c ANO THE 8POKIHWON> I DAYllMAK LA. Yount AHO THE ..... l =:s.~ SUNDAY MOAHINO Bruce Morton tetk• with people who knew and worked with PrHldent Frllf\ktlf\ Oeteno RooMYelt: H*YWOOd Hale Broun Inter· lllew• 82-year-otd painter R81MtSawyw. @O••T~ CloeaJP Ql)HeOINMK PMVllW:FUAUARY A ,_ host lntroduQH the movlea, apeclata and sport• ....,,,, ~klg to Home Sox Olllee in Febru- • ~· l:OI (I) DOTTIE WOT "Spedet OellYety'' Oottle WHI Md Kenny Rogers perform some of her super hill. Including "Sorry," "LHIOI\ In LN VIJ\g" arid r, .. ~~'JFs • A08IRT ec:HUU.EA PEMl..E7 • ~THE I :C:S CENTUAV I 0 DIAECTIOHS 1 a AofUCULTuRE u.s.A. I (C)MOYIE • • "Thunderbirds To The I Reecue" P98 I) Puppet~ I The pilots of five specially I equipped rocket ship& I must save the ttv9s ot pas· Mf19411• trapped on • I tupet&omc tran&pOrt. ·G' I @ MOVIE * * ~ "Papltlon" (11173) I Steve ~. Dustin I Hollm.en. A palf Of Devil'• I ·~ conv1c11 19«1d their I UIM p!Mning I~~ gwow: . I • • • 'h .. The cet Ana The I CM>ary" ( 19311) Sob Hope. I Paulette Goddard. In Ol'der to collec1 th41+r Inheritance. I a lemlly mull sper1d the I i ht In a heumed house. :00 TODA Y'S AEUOION WHmEY ANO THE • "°90T I I TOPCAT I IT 18 WNTTtN .~ I • DAY OF DISCOVERY I ~YMOAHIHO I • YOGA~ HEAi. TH I O PUBUC PUl.8E Qt IUNOAY MAIS 7;ao 9 COMMITMENT D RAIN90WPATCH Gu.t: ~Hamill. I UTTl.E fl*ICAL.I CAMPUS~ JMMl'f SWAGGART MIS~ AOOEM (A) Cl) TV.a LOOKS AT LENMNO a= TOMOMOW (I) eo.woNFl IN THE KITCHEN WfTH JAMIE A high 5Chool baMbell Ster enjoys cooking u much u llhlellc•. 8 IUNDAY MONllNG Bruce Mor1on lllllc• with peopM wtlO ·-and WOflted with PrHldent Frrilln ~ Rooeewlt; ~ Hiie Broun Inter· vlewe 82•)'Mf-old painter IWM18ewyw. I TM8 •THE LR PONVEANO ,...,. ..... ONAl Dll••ONe I LLO'IO OGllVE ILl!CTNC COfM/'AHY <"> I ~~~ AD~ A~KJNO ~ w......ca (l)MOYE * * "The AmUlng AcMln· 11#99 Of Joe 90" Puppets. A meglcel Invention enebtM • 9-1*W-old boy to ~ • mpeclel .gent IOf the World Intelligence ....__.·a· .MOYIE * '* * 'Al "The Elephant MMI" (1980) JOlln Hur1, Anttiony Hopjllns. A de$- celeel phyelc:len ''"" under .. -""' • l\Ot'rlelly dlfOtlNd "*' ..._ Mte ""'. "*' hed ~ "*'' Ill CflMP ff'llM uhlbltloN. 'PO' PROTECTION J oseph Cali stars tt an FBl agent protecting Vicki Kricglcr rro m assassi n a tio n by a forcil{n government in ··Tod i.l~"s F'BI .. tonight at. 8 on Channel 7. 1:30 D OOY88EY Gu .. 11: Fethef frank Weg· ner. Mery Immaculate Church. PeeOi~. Helen Fish. Metenethe Village, Sent• Ana. Benjamin Cr-. 8totlsh author. art- ist lf\d lec1urer. 8 TOOArl BLACK WOMAN D MEET1HO TIME AT OALVAl'N I f'AlDIJllCK K.. PRICE THE NATURAL Hl9Ta..v ~A 8UH8EAM .. light And Lile" Sir George Porter Investigates the mystery of creation. (Pert 11 Cl) THE LAHAYES !:YOUR-..£ * * * ~ "Dey For Nigl\t" ( 19721 Jacqueline Bluet, v alenllna COl'tese Olrec;t- '"' by Frencol1 TrullllUI l'h e fives ena loves of lllm p.w fOf'tnerl ere studied In a m.~ vie-within-a-movie 'P<.l' e..oo D NEWS CONf".tAEHCE 8 VIUA ALEGRE D (U ORAL AOeEATS SI llUSAME STREET (RI ~ IT ttl WNTTEN •.30 • Bl.tr.:eNESS JOUANAl. u a ,_,.EET THE PAESS 8 IT Feeturec:.I: an lntervt-with MonteHt1b' I OAYt')F0&8COVERY THE~1'0RLD TOMOAA(YIN Cl) FACE'f 11it NATION l1J) ICEHNf :l"H COPQANC.I MOYIE • • • "Popeye · (1980) Robin Wllll eons. Shetley OuveH Whtie ,..,thing fl)( his leti-, 1110 1ip1neclt-eet- klg aalto< vl1 II•'• • qualnt hetnlet where "'' ptelcs up • loondllng antl e ak onny -''-'1. 'Pl)' 10:00 8 Cl) NBA 8AIKET8AU Lkle ooverege o f lhe 32nd annual All-SI 11· game. IHturtng the top stars 01 the East playing egalnst lhe aters of the 11'1•151 (from the Brendan Byro lt• Arena E11t RulherfOl'd. 111.J.). a a sPORTSw1:1RLO WOl'l<I Pro Figu<• t)katlng Ch•mc>tC>nShlpS (lrorn Lan- dover. Md.). D MOVIE * * * "Little Miss tAark· ., .. (1113•) Shirley Ternple. Ade>lphe Met\IOU A httle girl os raiwcl by boOt<IM and recllet_... IJ NEW ZOO REVUE D HEAALO OF TRUTH • REX HUMBARD tD THE LAWMAKERS Correapondenll Linc!• Wertheimer and Coko·• Roberti Join Paul Ouke lo r an up.to-th4t-mlnute tum· mary ot Congreulonet activities. Cl) MAGIC OF OIL PAINTlNd {))MOVIE * * ~ "Fllao .. ( 1980) Oom Deluise. Anne 8encroh A pof11y compulslve .. ,. find• that nothing cen dampen hll desire for food unttt he tett5 lrl IOve •PG· 1~ 8 (11 KI08 ARE P£0P\.ETOO G~ta: ec:tor Adam Rich, producer Gerry Merst\111, wntnloqu1111 Jay JC>hneon, ~ Ketle FOJd and Glenn Spellman. I AOeERT ICHULLEA JVll1I('( FALWEU. OPENMM> ID MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING (C)MOVIE ***'.+ "8enan11 .. (1971) Woody Allen. LoulH ~. A produc1 t•tet, bored with hie ~ay routine, goes to • llTllJ11 Latin A!Mrlcen counll')I end becomn • dletetor during • pollllcel upheevat 'PG' QMOVIE • • "The tnoredlble Shrinking women .. (tgao) ' Liiy T omlln. CheriM Gro- din. A llouMWlfe finds 11 herd to c:ope wfterl "'* ' IUddenly begin• to 1hrlnk lnllU. 'PG' 11•e aoou.me M8QT'Ul.L St. John'•"'· 0-getOWf'I at Landover. Md. • MOYll • • • "Teacher'• Pat" ( ttse) C'9t1t Gable. Oo'1tl Dey. The City edllOI' of a wge __,,.,., gow 10 • joumellam clMI et night ldlool and ,.... In IOve ....... ~ • MASTERPIECE THEATRE .. The Freme Trees 01 Thi· .... Friends In High P18C41S .. The aon of the Grants• lleed ~n lindl hll WI)' Into the dynemlle ltorege hut,(Pert4)Q 89 WAIHINOTOH WEEK IN REVIEW (R) 11;30 8 dlJ THt8 WEEK Wl'TH OAVIO BRINKLEY D TEARY COLE· WHITTAKER • CHURCH IN THE HOME '1l) WALLSTAEETWE£K "Are Yoo Better OU?" Guell Alan OrHnapan. pres>aent end ct1111rman, Town..na-Greenspen ena Co.,toc.(R) IH8IOE THI Hf\. Hostt Len OeW90n and NH:k 8uonlcontl review 5Upet 8owt XVI ena pres- ent llWlrds fOf lhe best otlen11ve and delenslve players, coach and play ot the year 12:0011 LOST IN SPACE John l• oonsldeted a proze catch on a hosllte planet. D SEARCH • MOVIE • • .. Tarzan And The Amazons" ( 1945) Johnny Weissmuller. Johnny Shel· field &) THE DUCHESS OF DUKE STREET ··e1o1som Time" Lottie returns from llnl1h1ng schoot with an une~pec:ted guesl (Par1 t4)(R)O '1l) MATINEEATTHE 8&JOU Laurel ana Hardy. Ja<* Haley and Pa1sy l(elly are teatured 1n "Movleltruck" (1937). the SllOll subiec:ts include Srmiey T ample 1n "Kod In HOiiywood" ( 19331 and a Belly Boop cartoon: end 1he M<lel I& Chapter 2 of "Junior 0 -Mer>" starring Hunlz Hall and the Eut Side Koels (R) (C_,MOVIE • *'"' "The Frosco Koc!" ( 1979) 0-Wildet. Herro- son FOl'd A Pollan r•bbt fonds l'olrnsell lnvotved on w•ld frontier rp1111dven· lures wolh • daring bank robber when he travels to San Fref\CISCO to tlke over anewcongreglloon 'PG' MOYIE • • • "Soys· Night Out" (1962) Klm Novik. Jemes Garner When • Shapely young co-ed under1al<es a sea research project, 5'1e finds lour businessmen more than wllllf\g to lease an 1partmen1 to aoel her on l\er study 0MOVIE * * * "9 To 5" (19801 Jene Fonda. 0o11y Par1on. Thrff working women r«>el ageonlt their ..,bju· ornlon by a mate cheuvlntst bc.•ss ·po· (Zl MOVIE • '* '<\ "Carny.. ( t 980) Jodie Foster Gary Busey. An advenlurou1 young wo1n1n Joons a cernival 1rcx1pe and team• about too hidden emotiona and frustrations behind the sur ,_ l\ap9inlss ot the pet10f'mera. 'R' 1~30 8 Cl) NCAA BAIKETllAU Re glonel coverage of Sot..rth Alabama et W11t Vlrl)lnle: Cincinnati 11 Vlr- Q!I•• Tech • DIRECTlONI D THE 8AXTEAI ''S.>llorns Up" II§) P£MP£CTIVE Featured: Or. Fernando Alfkll, memb4tr Of the Mextcan-Ame<lcen Medl- cel Auociauon MOVIE • • • '"' "Breaker Morant" ( t980) Edward Woodward. Jack Tl\omp1on Austr•l1· an1 consc:rlpted to light on England'& llde In the Boer War decide to light the 8oer guerltlaa on their own terma. 1;00 D (9 wta<U ·ANDY WIU..Wottl 8AH DIEGO °"'" Anal round coverage of this TPA ..,,.,.., (live from Iha TOfrey PIMS Goff Club In Le Jone, Cell! ) 8 THE *MT.JJ'8 8 9 THIE PRO BOWL The NFL'a ennuat 111-ater ~ IM1utlng the bel1 playert of the American llnd National Football con- fer-. wtn be 1.-..f live from Aton., Stadium In HonolUIU, Hewell. • TBNTALK '"T-l'allc: On 8'no6alng" CHAtlll LISTINGS • ADl\M.11 • W...THllOAT CX...IN f 8 KNXT (CBS> 8 ICNBC IN8Cl 8 l(TLA !Ind ) 8 KA8C IA&CI • ICP:MB ICBSI • l(HJ·TV lllld.l •KCST IABCJ e KTIV (Ind.) e 1ecOP-TV (Incl ) • ICCIT lP8S) 'e KOCJi ... S) lOl Qn..Tv IYJ Z·TV 00 HBO re> 1e1,.m••l > IWORI NY , N.Y m twT6Sl (ESPN) (I) (51\0Wtlme) • *1119(11 e (cable Newt Nt1wor111 '•A Fir'st llme For E-v- 1hWlo''~ M t1 now Ctippled, .... opellt • ~-, .. ,.~ Cfler9" wftfl G1u11no O'Aourlte't dMttl, ~ f-I flMg llQU4ld. • WU. M.D WllT • MOVll . *... "'TM Ofounctltl9r Con1plrao1" C 1172) 0.0,.. ,....,.,d, ~ ~. • AMM.i. •• MCMI e • * "loflo Of FreadOll'I" I '93411 Paiil ~. tll•· abeth Weich t. b•aoll •14Mldore ...,,. ,_ ... ~ elrlOlr _, joUI neyll lo Alrlee In M81Gh ol hit tOOll 2:00 • OM.UGAH'I tll..4ND .MO'M • • * "8IO JIM Mc\.Alln" ( 10621 JOf\n Way<'lt. Nancy Olt0n • AOVDITUflU ~~AT WfTH JUUi HAMii Act•-8lld "' I0"9r Julie Henta gulcMa ~· on a tour of the Nttlon1t Oattery of Att lr'I Wlalllng1oro, o c, CC)MOVW * '* "Double Trouble' ( 19117) Elvll Pr11le y, Annette Dey A young 8rot· t1h llelre11 becomae 11tr1Cted to • temoo1 AmerlCan PoP tinge. Cf)MOVIE * • I ··Sund•)' In N- York" ( l964) Clift Robert- aoo. Jane Fond• Alter being lliled by her bO'f· Irland end trtvellng to N- York to vlSll Iler brother, a young women coneldera her position on virginity 0MOVIE * • • "The Hunter" ( 19711) Steve ~0.-. EN Wal· tech Relph "Pepe" Tho<· son teed• • dangerous life as • modern-day bounty hunter. 'A' [ZJMOVIE * * * "The Boy Friend" ( 1971) Twiggy, Cllrlltopher Gable Wiler\ en eu111ent stage maneger repteces the female teed If\ • sl\ow she becomes a 111r and fonds romance as well 2!30 8 OILUOAN'S 181 A~m D MOVIE * * * "Sheflock HOimes And The Peert Ot Death" I t9H ) Basil Rethbone, Niger Bruce Sllerlock Holme5 and Watson se1 out to lrlvHtiglle the mys- tery surrounding • II Olen ~m W PAUEHTE 'The Mlklf\g Of A Mayor" (11,;MOVIE • * * "II To 5" (1980) Jane Fonda, Dolly Parton Three wor111ng women rebel against thlor &ubju· gatoon by a male chluvlnost boss 'PG' 3:00 IJ LAST OF THE WILD D SPORTS AFIELD 0 MOVIE * * * "ChealM!f By The Dozen.. ( 19501 Clifton Webb, ~anne Crain Ufe ln the 1g2os 11 hec:tlC for the very large Giibreth lamlly SI AMEJUCAH 8'CYUNE 8i) MOVIE • * • "Lillian Russell" ( 1940) Allee Faye Don Ameche A glamorous g1rr11 Me on the Ille t800s is tolled with muilG ana Cledlcaled admirers ()) STA.fl TREK While gathe<lng vegelatlon samples on a Hern4ngly tranquil planet. !(Irk and ~k witness an ambush Q!SUGAARAY LEONAFIO'I GOLDEN Ol.OVO 3!30 IJ BLACK LEADERSHIP: A N£W DIRECTIOH D OHCAMPUS Fallurf!d a group of SIU· dents eno tacully mem- bef & from Peppetdtne Unt· verslty journey beck 10 the Chumash lndlan cullure m MOVIE • • • • "The Execution Of Prtvete Slolllk" { 111731 Mer· 1tn Sheerl, Ned Beetlll 8i LOI ANGELES WEEK IHREVIEW (C)MOVIE • • • '" ··oay FOi' Night (1972) J1M;Quet1ne Bisset. Valentina Cortese D1tect- e<1 by Francois. Trullaut The hves and love& 01 him pertorme<s are s1uaoea In a mov•e·w1th1n-a-mov1e 'PG' 4:00 IJ INTERFACE D SUHOAY location Silverwood Lake '" Hesperia. a campground for handtGapped P*Ople IJ l1J) THE SUPEMTARS Coverege of the second of lour men's qu1111y1ng rounds, the vete1an·s corn- petnlon, featuring Bob Seagren Jean-Claude ICll· ly, Pete Merovlch ana Joe Frazier (from Key 81s- CllYM, Fie I D MOVIE • • "The lncredoble Two- Heeded Trenaplant· I 1971) Bruce Dern. Pet Priest. A IWO-fleeded mon- 911< 11 developed durtng a cranlet transplant ., MOVIE • • ~ "Ulyues" ( 11155) Kirk Douglas, Anthonv Ouonn &) WALLJTREETWHK "Are Yoo Better Oft?" Guest Aten Greentpan. president and Chatrmen, Townaend-Oreen1p1n 1nd Co . Inc (R) Cl) VICTORY AT SEA .. Midway II East" Ame<I· ce·a first majo< VM:lory In the Pec111c. Midway, sll•t· tered Jepen·s dreams of dominating the Peclflc QIMOVE • • • .. Machine Gun McCain" (1970) JOhn Cea- Nvetea, Britt Eklend A paroled conviet plans to rob a Mefle-c;ontrofted C•lno by bombing muc:t'I 'OILesVegu, MOVIE * *'A "Fat-o" ( 1980) Oorn Deluise, Anne s-on. A Portly complllllve •ter find• that "otfllng cen dampen hi• de9lre fOI' fOOCI untU lie. I ... In tow. 'PQ' .MOYll **.,. "Sphln•" (19811 Frlnll 1.Af19111•. I.tale)'· Anne Down, A rut'*- ~ m1thl enllqultlae rlnO .. t~t to •lot> II\ Egyptologllt lfOfft dlacovoo «lnO the wNrMOoull Of • ~ .... alle •• S*fl'llttecl to 1/19w. 'PO' (J)MOYll • * "Unde V~" 4:IO I ..wl• "'.cw W~TONWlll< .. MWW("J <I>••··~ ®.---.c ~ .... ..,.,.,. A -llOllt ~ tlle mo•I••. 1pecla11 end ...~~to TUBE TOPPERS KCOI'. 8:00 ··Solid Gold ... Mlkl' Lov, und KJSS are omong guests . KNBC 8 9:00 ··world War 111 Premiere Of mini·Sel'lcs sturrinJ;? Ho<'k- lludson and David Soul. KABC fl 9:00 "Slapshot. .. Pnul ~ewman plays un aglnf{ hockl'Y 'ilar KOCE 9 10 : 30 f cstl vul... Som<! or the Betty Goop are shown ·' lkt ty Hoop IX'~t films ,,r Home Bo• Olllee In Febru- 1:00 i F~ TtiE NA TIOH ITAR TAEI< 8 U.S.A. VI. THE WOAU> IN OLYMPIC IPOfnl (Preml1re) The United S111.. nalionel boxing teem takes on the nallonel !Nm lrom the U.S S.R .• currenUy ranked number 2 tn lhe world (lrorn MOI· cow), 89 FIRINOUNE "R .. otved This House Appro\IM Thi Economic tnlllellv.a Ot Prealdent Reagen" The MCOnd pert of • debate betwMn Wil- liam F Buckley and JOhn Kenneth Galbraith •• pre- Hnted '1l) THE VICTORY GARDEN CJ) M•A•S•H Hot Lipe celebrelH he• iust-grariled d•VOl'oe l11J NEWS IH}MOV1E • • ·~ "Paplllon" I 1973) Steve McOueen. Dutton Hotfmen A peor of Devil's Island convicts spend their time plennlng their escape f0)MOVIE • * '<\ "A Fistful 01 Oyna- m111 ' ( t972) James Coburn. Roa Sle+ger An lroStl revotuuonary ena a Mex1c11n lhlet who team up to rob banks IO~W wond up t>etf\g heroes of Iha Me•ICln revolution 6:30 1J CBS NEWS D Nl!ICNEWS '1l) THIS OLD HOUSE Bob Vala asseaaes the !'louses heating plant and Norm Abrams builds the Ir am1ng 101 ine breezeway Q ()) WELCOME BACK, KO~ @) YOU ASKED FOR IT [C)MO\flE • • ·~ "Ouentin Ourwetd" ( t11551 Rob4trt Teytor Kay KendaU K~ Louil l(I attempts to create 11 naoonal 11a1e out ol a leu· dalsystem $l MOVIE •* *" .. Freaky Frldey· 119771 Joaie Foeter. Bar- bara Hems The world Is turned upside-down for a mother end daughter who meglcerty swltc:fl bodies one 1a11tu1 dey 'G' -~- 8:00 IJ D U HEWS D MOVIE • • ''t .. Tiie Dartf\g Oober- mana.. ( 1973) Cherles Robinson, Tim Considine A group of con men lfllln a gaf\g of Oobefman plnach- e<s to Garry out • --01 robbeflet. but they life ootsmanea by a young lndl•n boy wl'IO loves lhe dogs 0 ICOJAIC m M·A·s·H Radar helps our a l1rT1b meant tor a G<ee~ tes11val and Frank IS Cl'leeted OUI ol an opporiunoly to per. secute • young 10IC11er (I) MOVIE • • ·Jes11's Goris" ( 1975) Sondra Currie, Rod Cam- eron An embtlle<ed widow Ol'ganoLes a group of wom- en 10 avenge the vicious murder of he< husband Eli) LIFE AROUND US '1l) IOROERUHES This documentary exam- ines the plight 01 refugees from wer tom Central Amertc:e wl'lo have fled 10 Calotornoe Cl) C8SHEWS 0 CHARLIE'S ANGELS An aging movie queen nlr'ff lhe Angels to flna out Wl'IO IS 1rylng to drive her Insane )usl u 51\e II about to meke •comeback. ~Hl!ICNEWS 0MOVIE * * e "Popeye" ( 1980) Robin Wiiiiams, Shetley Ouvan While ... rchlng for his lather, Ille spinech-eat- •no 1111°' vl1hs a quaint h•mlet where he picks up a louncllinO end a tllof\ny sweefheer1 'PG' (Z)MOlflE * • '"' .. On Any Sunday" ( 1971) Documentary Steve McOueen M«1 L1WW1ll The world ol motorcyete r1Clng I& -n from varying points of view. e;ao D FIGHT 9ACK WITH DAVID~ I THAT'S HOU.VWOOO THE JU'Rfl80HI ExP*Ctant lather Lionel'• actions lhOCk the Jetter- tonl Ind the WllllMe. • WHY 1H THE WOALO? C9 CHl!CKlHQ IT OUT FHIUfed: • repor1 on IC>t*Y pelnf anifllnO: • pro- file of dMlgnef 8etey Oon- telel: en lnleMtw with Oelllllld Rl!dftte' h .. d coecifl Tom Flof•. Cl>aNIWI 1:00 e Cl) eo .....uru D 811Vcoa< IHOWCMI "~er1flbovnd" A hotel owner end Ill• grenclaon try to help • fllN!y of ltlendly ellen1 ffC~ before Ille lfleriff Ind 1'1111 POI!"' get t'*" l\8flda on them. (Pen 1) e a oooe.., Tiit "'9ftghtan tlltow 1 ~ blrttldey .,.,,., kif Denny. D CMlll IN THI HOM Ol'APNCA Stet\ MOOMYf11n1 Ind Carol L-.not hCllll tNa ~atYonlM­"*' ... mlhn peool9 "" A"tc. wM IMIW bMfl efleGlld by war end drought end the result• ot auGta events I MERV OfllfflN TVTAHKHAMUN'S EOY" 6!) NOVA "A Flelc:t Gulde To Roger Tory Petlr'IC>n" A portrait of tile min whOM best- Hlllng guidebooks on Ol'nlthOlogy have play.a a p1VOl81 rOle on turnlf\g bird watc:hlng Into 11 ma11 tj)Or1 11 pre1«1ted. Q 7:30 .. ADAM-12 • EL DOflAOO: THE • GOU> KHIHO THE l.EOENO This apecil81 eumlne1 1ne t<ulh ~Ind Ille legend or the gold kingdom [C,MOVIE ••• ,. "The FroSGO Kid" ( 1979) Gene Wiider, Harri· &on FOid A POiian rabbi fonds hlm&ell lovOlved on wold lrontoer m•sedven- tures with • dar1f\g bank robbe< when he travel• to Sen Frenctsco to take over 11 neweof\gregaroon ·PG· <l))MOVIE • • ~ "Foolof\· A.round" ( 1980) Gary Busey, Annette O'loole A naove country boy Ir-to win a beaulllul. soph1111c11ed college coeel awey from her snobbish !lance enel her OQu&lly uppity t11mtly 'PG rz"MOVIE • • *'"' "The Howling' • ( 198 I) Dee Wallace, Patrick Mocnee A women reporter ts menaced by 8 kolle< who seenis 10 be a --oll 'R' 8:00 IJ Cl) ARCHIE BUNKEl'r& PLACE Archie takes lhe 1aw 1n10 hos own hands alter Mr Van Ren..._ os mugged and the poloe.e can 1 fond lll~CIUH, D Q!CHIPS Ponch constdets qu1t11ng the CHP to t>ecome & roe;._ Singer 0 UNDERSEA WORLD OF JACQUES COUSTEAU IJ ())) TOOAY'S FBI 8en ..arches IOI an •~sas· stn preying on lore'9n olll· clal1 who heve retocaled 10 the United States D rr II WRITTEN m MOVIE • • • •, "The Sugerlana Express· (197 4) Goraoe Hawn, W1ttlam Atherton A YOIJf\11 mother blc:omes a tug11tve and a fOlk hero Clurlf\11 a crome rampage deS'gnec:t to prevent her Infant IOn'I adoption (I) SOUD GOLD HOii Andy Gobb Conost Marol)ln McCoo Guests KISS. OIMe Newton-JOhn, Eddie Rabbitt. The Foor Tops, Moke Love. Allele Bridges. Ronnie lews &) NOVA 'The Hun! For The Lagoon Killer" Tiie tn1enS1ve 1nves· hgallon launcnect by the Cent&f tor Otsease Control to discover ine microbe responsible lor Legion· naore'a disease IS tracecl ~ MASTVV>IECE Tl4EATAE "The FlerM Tr-Of Tht· ka· A Real Sporuman" When a leopard lnvedes the Palmer home, Here- werd Insists 11 musr be hunted down and destroyed (Part 5) t:> OO MOVIE • • * "Popeye•· (19801 Robin WMhams. Shetley Ouvell Whole search•f\11 IOI' has tether. the spinach-ell· •ng Hllor visits a quaint hemlet where he picks up a loondhng and a OJklnny sweeiheart 'PG' (SJ MOVIE • * ·~ "The Shining' ( 111801 Jack N1th011on. Sllelley Duvall Otrected by Stanley Kubrick A former achOOlteecher hired IS e wlnt11 caretaker tor a remote, and 1pp11rentty haunted, Coloreao hOlel, 11 snowbound th«e woth hos wtl• ena ctelrvoyenl young son. 'R' 0 THE FOUR TOf'S The precise harmonies ol the Four Tops are INtured In such SOUi CllUICS as ··e.emaaette·· end "Stand- ing tn The Shadows 01 Low·· t:aG8CI) ONEDAYATA Twa G THEWON.D TOMOAROW t:OO. Cll AL.ICE Vere. hOolled on eoap operu. quite after Mel relu.. to allow hef to w•tch them et work D <BMOVia "World War Ill" (Pert t) (Pret'lliltel RoCil HUCllOtl, Oevld Soul. The ScMel Unlofl 1'91ellef• ageln1t a U.S. gn1tn ~bergo by Mlztng the AINkM pipe. line, CllttinO Off the United Sttt•· oll tuPPfY, • WILD KINGDOM "~Of Medaoeecer" e o MO\lta ..... ~·· (19771 Peut N9wmefl, MtchMI OntllMn. A M1nOr 1MOU9 lleldl~ ,..,,, ...,. the IC)Ot1 of lloclley • --"'*' tt deddae to ~ MO !ti iMtO* ~ l~~o ... HAW Oueett: lobb~ Bara, .,._ '~· 06Met .--.. .KW!.,.,,_, . ...,.., ..... ntUTM ..,,_ ,__ T-OI TN- 11.. "' ,.... 8(10ftlt!len" W"8fl I leoC*O In ...... the P-. f\Oft'le, Here- werd llltlet• It rnuet be llu"tecl d-own tilnd cMltrO~ (Pert 51 O • NootlM)AN ~YMOUll "~n" The treglG Ml• 01 unsuno n.<o Juen Neoo- muc.no a.outn. one ot the letderl Ol the Te .... r ... o- lutiOn ... dr11n11111.a 0 • GAUAOHP: MAO Al HILL 'the 1rrev1Went GOlftedlMI I P<>k• llul et t09k!a ''"O-HIO lrom Cllrtetmu 10 N• tn TV commerclal• 1!06 CZ) MOVlll * • • "The Soy Friend" ( t871) Twlgoy, Ch•l•topher • Gable When an eulatent 11ege meneger rec>laC•I the lem•le lead an 1 show. she beCOmea • lier ond llnd1 romenoe u welt ·~ 8 Cl) THE JEFF£ASOH8 One of George'• &tor" I• dostroyecl by a lire D WOALDOF SURVIVAL G MIATHOFLW:E 1C)MOVIE • * "Double 'Trouble · 11967) Elvia PrHIOy Annette Day A young 8nt· ash heiress becomes attracted to a famous Amerocon pop 11nge1 OJ MOVIE ••• ,., "Back ROlldS ' (198 t) Sally Faeld, Tommy Lee Jonet A hOoiter and • down-on·h•l·luck 1>01er mee1 ana head weil tn search of a new me R 10:00 fJ ()) TRAPPER JOtiM, M.D. A aoct•l work& is b<utllty beaten while 1ry1ng 10 rehablllte1e a paar of teon- ege pro&lllUIH Dm NEWS 8 ERNEST ANGLEY «I) INDEPENDENT HE'TWORK NEWS fli) MEUINO Of MINDS Merge•et Sanget, Mahat- ma Gandhi and Aelarn Smith jOln Steve All811 '°' a discussion 01 populetton control lree enterprise anel social morahly tParl t) (H SEX IS A THREE- LETTER WORO Man -on·lhe-s tre.,1 responses and expert Op!tltof\• ere used on this documentary to 11n~wer some ot lhe most-1.\ked ques1ton1 on the sub1ec1 ol sexuat11y 0MOVIE • • The Relurn (198 I I Jen-Mochaet Vincent Cyblll Shepherd Two peo. pie who had e cto19 encounter wilh an a.hen spacecrall as children await Iha ah8rls· 1mm1nont return 10:30 m JERRY FALWELL (I) JIMMY 8WAQGART m 8ETTY800P FESTIVAL Some or lhe bes! ltlms of ine 1rresos11ble Belly Boop ere featured 1nciuC11ng L•I· tie Kong Crazy lno(etl· loons end • Little Pal f(' MOVIE * * • '> "Breaker Moroni ( 1980) Edward Woodward. Jeck Thompson AuS1r1111- ans conscrop1ed 10 hght on England s soele on 1hc Boer War decode 10 ltghr the Boer gu8f1llas on rneu own terms S MOVIE • .. The Children t 1980) Martin S1111i.ar, Gil Rogers A strenge raelooactove cloud !urns a group of M:hoolchtlelren onto mur· detoos iornblu with black fingernails R' 11:00 fJ D Cl) a NEWS 0 PACESETTERS 0 WORLD V\SION SPECtAL Eli) TOP OF THE WORLD C MOVIE • • •', "Day For Noghl 119721 JICQuehne 8•sse1. Valentina Cort6$E' 01rec1 ea by frencols T rutleul The IM!S end loves of him performers anY stuC11ect 1n a mov•e.w1th1n-a· m ovte 'PG Z MOVIE * '"' "lopslk:k ( 1976) Mar- gaua Hemingway. Anne 8anaolt A lop lalhoon model Is humillated ana lrustrated by her un!WC· cesslul attempts to Jen· tenoe the men who rarea her to prison 'R' 11:Cll (OJ flOUEA ll<ATE ~fl H :111) C88NEWS (Q)MOVIE • • • * Altered States ( 1980) Wllllem Hurt, 81aor 8r0Wf'I A Harvard sclen· 11111's genetic structure Is allere<f when he conducts rnlnel·e•pendtng experi- ments with l10latt0n ten._• and po-rlul halluc1no· gens ·R· 11:'° 8 SPORTS ANAL D 700CLU9 U o:Dl HEWS • MOVIE * • • • 'The E•ecutlon 01 Private Slovlk " ( 1973) Mar- tin Sheen, Ned Beatty The hrst American 10 be ei e· aited for desertion &Ince the CMI War represents tile perpetual battle ~tween tndMduel end national rlOhls in lime ot wer. ., TALl80FTHE UNEXPECTED "The M*'l\OfY Man" A men tries to Improve hit mem· ory l>K•uM ~ mu1t rernernbef the combine· tlon to a loc:ker thll con- tain• hi• beg • IHEAK PMVIEWI Roger Eberl end a.tMt Slalt .. ,..... "On OotcNin Pond," "WhOH Liie It It Anyway?" end "Four Frlendl." Cl) MOYIE • * ··ote1 A OMdl)' Hum· ber·' ( 1915) Owy Colllna, Oenwne .Jor\911. An unem- ptoyed actor poaee " a ~r1•1 1" order to con money trom' a woman IOI· rnerrted by nlgfll!NltM ftMOYll • * 14 "Th• Gen91tar C11r~· (P"1 4) t tNJ) MICllMI Nol#t, 8rien len- b411\-luoteno ~ '"*' "i..te" Dlln'IOnd .. lt'lfrlnolno ""°" Ille lefrt10fY and .,.,.... 10 ~ hlfll eliminated W~tly 111M; THI N>aCPON> .... Tiit ..., to • fMllly IOt1\IM lllr• l'odtford 10 llnO Ille pet8"ta' ltllWI . • MCW-. • • 14 "The 0 1n911et ChrOlll41M" (Patt 4l(,Nt) MldlMI Nouri, 8'1111 '-'" bet! Luc:leno dl.ecovw• 11\11 "Leo•" Diamond It lnlrltlgtno uoon h .. terrllOI')' end err~ to hew lllM ellmlneted permeneruly (Al -MllMOHT- 12:001 =.,..wt * 'h "Aendy Aldee Alone" ( 1934) John Wayne, Alber· ta V•1111hn A GOWboy mlll· tratt• an outlaw oeng to g11tier 1111klenc;e egelnet lhlev• who rlided en IAprtia COMpeny olllOe SI THI! DUCHE81 OF OUKESTAEET 'Bloaaom l ime" lollle 1eturn1 from lln•ahlng IChool With ltl uneJ1pec:1ed 0""1 (Pert 14)(R) Q Qal MOVIE • • * "Money Fr0"1 Heme ( 10S3) Dean M•r· 11n Jtlfry Lewi• A men IS torcea to atop the taVOl'lt• horse from winning an omportarol riw:e when a o•f\11Sle1 take• care of me debta ,,.,. man owH $MOVIE • • * 'Tho 11tane1 • ( 111801 M ichael Caone. David Warrwir Whole 1nvest1gat· ong a r alh of Shtp dosap- pearances In the Be<muae Troangh1 11 1ournau1111um- bles acrots an 1sol11ted 400-yeo,.oad colony ol p11a1es ·R QMOVIE • • • • , l• Cage Au1 Folios" (1970) Ugo Tog· no.ul. MICl\81 Serrault A nightclub owne< tries 10 prepare hos transvattre lover for a V•ll't bV hos son·s loancee s lather . !he morals comm1ssion1tt of Fronce ·R 12: 15 U MOVIE * •• "Jene Eyre" lt117t) George C Scott Susan· nah Yotk Based on Char- lotte 8ront111's riover A young Engllsn governess lalls on love with • men Whose wote os meel t2:20 'H l MOVIE • * '" "Pepillon" ( 1973) Steve McOueen. Dustin Hollman A peor of Oev;t'a Island convlc;t1 spend ,,.,.., tome plann;ng their escape 12:30 r l ' MOVIE • * · rne incredible Shronkong Women" ( 111801 lily T ornhn, Charle9 Gro- din A hou-tle llnda It hard to cope When she sudel8rlty t>egons to Sllfonk 1ns1ie PG' 12:45 6 NAME OF THE GAME Glenn Howard rushes to Atrac:a to rescue a kod· napped editor 1:00 BUSINESS JOURNAL C MOVIE * • • ·~ 8enanas" ( t97 t I Woody Allen Louise la!>Ser A product tester. bored with hos evefyday roultne goes to a smaH 1-a11n. Amtwlc;rn coun1ry and oecomes a diclstor durong a pollllcal upheaval PG' t:30Q!NEWS 1:45 0 ATONE GueS1 actress and poet Fr a nee Nu yon 2100 m TURNABOVT @I A8CNEWS IS, MOVIE • • '• 'fatso" (1980) Oom OeLuoae. Anne Bancroft A portly compulStve eater fonds that nothing can oampen h15 desire for food unlit he tans In love PG· 0MOVIE * • "New Year's Evil'' 1 I 19801 Roz Kelly Kip Nrven The Oise 1ockey 11 a punl< roe~ c:luD rece>ves a serhu ol phone calls prom· •Song that someone will be mur Cler eel on he< honor every hour ~!ween none enel m•dn•ght on New Year s Eve R Z MOVIE • • •., .. On Any Sunday" 1t9711 Oocumentery Steve Mca-Men La-111 The world of mon:ircycie rectng 1$ seen from verying po;ntsol v- 2:151) NEWS 2:301J TODAY'S REU010N !C MOVIE * • ,, "The Frisco Kid .. (1979) G-Wilder. Herrl- son FOl'CI A Poffsll rat>C>i Unds hlmHll tnvolved In wild frontier misadven· lures wtth a dsrlng bank robber when lie 1revets to San Frlf\CllCO to take ov.. a new tOf\gregatton ·PG· 2:450 NEWS 3:00 8 UFET1"9E8 <HIMOVIE * • 't .. CeUIOl'nla Dream· ong .. ( tll7111 OennlS CM1- 1op11er. Otynn11 O'ConnOf A square young man from Chlcego arrives on the C•l- 1I01nta beech acene Ind bf!cOmel onvolved with the daughter ot en egtng beach bum ·R· 3:30 8 HEWSMAKERS rsJMOVIE • • h "l na Shining .. ( t1180) Jeck Ni<:hOlson, Shelley Duvall Directed by S1enley Kubrick A former ICl'loOllNcilef hlr.a 11 e winter cereteker tor a remote, end eppwenttv • heunted. Colorado hotel, II lf\owbOIJnd thefe with Nt wife end cleirvoy1t1t ~ng ~·R' DMOV11 * *.,. ··s.1e1·· ( tNO) Mer· tin Mull, TUNdey Weld A happily marrlecl Marin County coupte -...,.i by t ...... trendy ~ Into exploring lllternetlve tlteatylM. 'R' (%)MOV11 ft** "Tiie Ilg Red OM" {IMO) LAia Mlnln. Mettl Hernlll. A tough Anny-· ge.tnl IHdl IOut ~. in.•perlenc9d NCf\llte lftto Ille ~ .... frey °' WOttd W8" H cornNt. 'PO' ••• .,..M:e •::to~ M0\111 •• "OOUllle TtOUl>i." ( 1987) Etvll Pruley, A.Mee .. Dl!r A.~ er.i. ••h 11elr111 becomu •ltrected to a fll'f'OUa Amettaen poCI lino-· ••OD MOVS ••• ''t To 5" (tteot Jene .._.., Dolly Ptrton. T .. ,.. -111no ~ ,... ............. .......... _.. .......... lloaa. .,.. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 31. 1982 .. More talk about who should wear the pants ~ : , , ' j DEAR ANN LANDERS: Thu la for the man who waa mad because he wu crtUcl1ed for dresslna up In hla wlle's clothet . Doesn't he know women have been wearlnc trousers. oxfords, vests and fedoras ror at least~ years? Tucked Inside my 1randl1tber'1 Bible waa somethinl dated July 1919. It was in Grandpa's handwriting and sounds like somethin1 he would have made up. I think It ml1ht amuse your readers to see what people lau1hed at S3 years ago. "Pants were made for men. Not for women. "Women were made ror men, not pants. ''When a man pants for a woman and a woman pants for it man -that makes a pair of pants. "There .have been a lot of Arguments as to whether the word pants is singular or plural. "When a man wears pants, they are plural. Wh en he doesn't, he'd better stay out of sight or he might get arrested. Taurus: Setback becomes victory Monday, February I , 1982 By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES <March 21 -April 19 ): Focus on in vestments, financial prospects, special payments and collections. Emphasis also on home, family, domestic adjustment, remodeling and beautifying surroundings. Gift purchase also is on agenda, could be related to anniversary or other occasion to be remembered. TAURUS <April 20-May 20): Apparent setback is transformed into victory as circumstances turn in your favor. Focus on lllllCIPI personality, your appearance and ability to be al right place at right lime. Judgment and intuition are on target -take initiative in streamlining techniques. GEMINI <May 21.June 20): Meetings take place, decisions are arrived at and you will be given added responsibility Older individual, perhaps confined to home or hospital, supports you and will lend benefit of experience. Taurus. Virgo, Capricorn persons figure prominently. CANCER (June 21.July 22): Your views gain popular appeal. Emphasis on powers of persuasion ability to win friends and influence people. Caree~ gets boost, persons you respect confide in you and seek your counsel. Aries. Leo, Libra natives play key roles. LEO <July 23·Aug. 22 >: Obtain hint from Cancer message. You're asked to participate in ~i v~c or political. project Break from past indicated, you gam greater independe nce and you'll meet someone who stimulates creative process. Watch Aquarius! VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 221' Review direction instruction and determine long-range policies '. Lunar e mphasis o n journeys, e ducation publishing and abstract principles of law. Spirituai values come into sharp, clear focus. Family .obligation can be fulfilled. LIBRA <Sept. 23·0cl. 22>: Invitations , calls add up to increased social activity. Overcome temptation to mix business with pleasure. Protect credit rating, utilize ability to be shrewd judge of character. You 'll gain insights which later aid in protecting assets. SCORPIO <Oct. 23·Nov 21>: Take time to review, revise and make corrections. Let others know lhat you are serious, solid and willing to perfect techniques. Emphasis on public relations, contracts and possible dealings with attorneys. Walch Leo! SAGl1TARIUS <Nov. 22·Dec. 21): Pleasant s~rp rise due fro m o ne who performs basic services. You'll be given more leeway, you'll have greater freedom to imprint your own style. Co-worker becomes ally, shares your interests and goals. Watch Virgo! CAPRICORN <Dec. 22·Jan. 19): Overcome tendency to base actions on impulse rather than logic. Home repair or safety devices could stretch budget. Be ready for change, a variety of messages, news of family member who travels and a necessary domestic adjustment. AQUARIUS <Jan. 20·Feb. 181 : Territorial rights are defined . Stand tall for principles, avoid self-deceptfons and be willing to let go of false concepts. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces persons figure in scenario. You'll be asked to consider property values and possible purchase or sale. PISCES (Feb. 19·March 20): What begins as a f!lere whim could lead to serious hobby or ~us1ness. Keep. an open mind, give full rein to intellectual curiosity. Make inquiries, check with o~der individual. a!1d become familiar with legal rights and perm1ss1ons. Watch Capricorn! Burger King to siay MIAMI (AP> -Officials of Burger King Corp. said they have decided not to let the Miami area's high crime rate chase their corporate headquarters and 700 employees from southern Florida. The No. 2 hambur1er giant, which started its fast-food restaurant chain here ln 1956, announced Nov. 25 that a study was under way to evaluate the feasibility of movin1 its main offices, cltlnl in part the city's soaring crime rate. The decision to stay was bued on business factors analy&ed by a consultant, but the direeton also were heartened by a survey that found 70 percent ol ill employees here wanted to ilay ln Miami despite crime, said Chairman Officer Louil Neeb. • 1RUFFELL1S UPHOLSTHY 1• ••ii• It 0 .. .... ' ·--ltUNAll09aft. .MITA .. IA-1 ... 1 IW. "ll you want to make the pants last, make the coat first." -WEST COASTER DEAa COASTER: I am pm.&•1 Grandpa'• ea••Y for Its lall&orleal value. HUartoua It la no&. Ta.aakt fOI' leW.1 ... kaow wluat tlaey IHllted at lit 1111. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Ten years ago I nursed my husband through a long, terminal Illness. I was faced with huge financial problems and family trouble. After two years of stress I caved in and had to be hospitalized. POT SIOJS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT NATIJRE WINS ~ EVERY BATTLE IN THE END, 50, WHENEVER THERE'S A CHOICE, I S IDE WITH NATURE. Support group will organize SUPPORT GROUP for functionally impaired senior citizens will begin Monday at 7 p.m . at the Irvine Senior Center . 3 Sandburg Way. The group is co·sponsored by the Orange County Human Services Agency. For inrormation, call 754·3889. STOP SMOKING CLA~ will start Tuesday at 7 p.m. in Orange. For information on the group, s ponsored by the American Lung Association of Orange County. call 835·5864. HlllTI lllP AMERICAN RED CRO~ of Orange County is offering 10 Standard First Aid classes beginning Tuesday and continuing through Feb. 24. Classes will be held at various locations. For information, ca II 835-5381. GROWING OLD vs. Growing is the the me of a lecture sponsored by Hoag Hospital at l :30 p.m . Wedne.sday in Newport Beach. For information, call 760-5831. DIABETICS and their family members will be offered a lO·hour course on the disease beginning Wednesday at 7 p.m . at Pacifica Community Hospital in Huntington Beach. HUMAN SEXUALITY -A Fresh Look at a Hot Issue, is the title of a series of four classes offer ed by Santa Ana College beginning Wednesday at 7 p.m. The course will be held at the Mariposa Women's Center in Orange. For information. call 547-6494. MASTERING STRE~ and joy is the s ubject of a day-long seminar sponsored by St. Joseph Hospital Saturday in Irvine. Harold Bloomfield, author of "How to Survive the Loss of a Love" and "Inner Joy" will lead the event. Cost is $20 For information. call 633-9111 , ext. 7201. I I lltU~J.feb.11 In the ei1ht years since my husband's death I have made a success of my career. l have received promotions and an award for auperlor pe rformance. I've made good bualneu decisions, taken on the sole responsibility of my elderly roother and 1one through my child's divorce without collapsin1. Yet there are atill many people who consider me odd when they learo I bad a nervous breakdown. Why is it that even well~ucated people don't seem to understand that a person can recover from mental illness? Please print this, Ann -they need the lesson. l'M OK, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU? OEAa OK: Here'1 tM leuoo -amd I ltope the lporamuaes learn. <Love your 1l1aature! > DEAR ANN LANDERS: Next summer our church is helping to sponsor a trip to Florida. It is open to anyone. Several families have signed up already. I am a young man in the 11th grade. My sister ia a sophomore in colle1e. We are thlnkinl o/ slgnin1 our1elve1 and our parent.I up for thls trtp. It would be a nice vacallon for us all. The quesUon: Would It be proper for my parents, myself and mv sister to share the same room'? If four stay In one room, the HVio1 11 $120 o/f each person'is coisl. This would mea.n $480 to us. Otherwtae. lt would be two to a room. We don't do 1nythin1 weird or abnormal like some or the people I read about In your column. But if we go on this trip, I don't want people to think we are oddballs or possibly Immoral if we all stay in one room. <Dad and I would share a bed, Mother and my sister would s hare one.) Wh at do you think ? - PERPLEXED IN UTAH DEAa PERPLEXED: Aay motel maaaaer will teU you It ls not uauual for ramWet to double up to 1ne money. 'DUak DOUai•I or It - no one else will. Newcomers club set to meet ' . . ~ ' . ~ i i Huntington Beach Audubon Society meets 639·9635. p . m . in the Fountain ! j Newcomers Club meets Monday at 7:30 p.m. in Va 11 e R t · 1 Tueadayat10:30a.m .at the home of Mrs. Peg Si1ma Kappa Sororlty Ce nt/r . ;~~e:r.~~~. j Alisio's South, 1670 Old Fenton . For more of West Orange County i n f orm at io n c a 11' / Newport Blvd., Costa in r or mat ion ca 11 fl'!eets Saturday at 7:30 640·5275. ., , ~n ~ ~ ~ .:0 :t ~~n m c0arl ~ ,.----------------------------: 964.2QM. Alpha Omicron Pl alumnae of Orange County meets Saturday at 11 a .m. for 85th birthday party an d founder's day lunch. For more information, call 973·1550. QJI r.AlllllR VALENTINE'S DAY! Cards available· '\°' I LIDO DRUGS 3445 via Udo •new port beach •phone 675~150 Costa Mesa Women's Club meets Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m . for a rummage sale in the Clubhouse, 610 W. 18th1~--------------------------~ St.. Cos ta Mesa. For more information call 540·5770. Newcomers Club of Newport Beach meets at 10 a .m. Wednesday at South Coast Wholesale, 2915 Red Hill Ave ., Newport Beach. For more information call 640·9335. I I I I A ntique Bottle a nd I Collectables Club o r I Orange County meets I Monday in First Federal I Savings and Loan, 18th I and Main streets, Santa I Ana, at 7:30 p.m . For I more information call 547·1355. OAS I S gene ral membership meets Friday at 11 a.m . at the center, comer of Fifth and Marguerite streets, Coron a del Mar. For more information call 759-9471. Sage And S urf 20% OFF Wedding Invitations and Social Announcements with this ad social event, from to paper goods to WHiltL-IGIG® America•• Favorite One·Stop Party & Paper Centers PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Additional spaces are now available in a newly develaped section of Pacific View Memorial Park. Pre-need purchases qualify for discounts from $90 to 1145 per grave. Discounts on crypts are 10%. , OOuble interment in a single grave may be arranged from $820 including endowment care. ~PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK ' ANO MORTUARY .l I Gu•llJ Inn I 111 Coftw•ilan W.y 8rlng Your Preaaure Foot 35(X) Pocific View Drive NeWJX)tt Beoch. California • (714) 644,2700 I AneMlm ------------------------------- 0 ,,_. Btothen t . . ' • I ' ' •. '• '• '• I .; ., '1 I I I • p • 0 • s s • G A 0 :uuoosoc a a z t 3 a21 a ss2122 2s2s sq Orange Cout DAILY PtLOT/Sunday, January 31 , 1882 . Over s 1 Q0,000,000 In 1.981 Thank you, Orange Countians for allowing us to be of senice to you in your real estate transactions in 1981. We hope that you will select RE/MAX again, should you be in need of the professional services of a real estate company. B~~iJl:~~R Coste Meu , Irvine ~ ... RE/MAX Costa Mesa ..... RE/MAX eo.taMela QR~ Coet1 Mela a..r-.. letdle RE/MAX Newport Beach ........... RE/MAX Newport Beach ,.....T_.. RE/MAX Newport Beech ~ CoetaMMa ' .......... R~AX Irvine a. ....... RE/MAX CoetaMeu ........ R~AX Newport Beach ~w._ /MAX Coste Mesa Cwt ttert.rts n RE/MAX Costa Mesa Not pictured abolle: Rob Bauer Irv, Jerry Jon• CM, Vicki Rico Irv, Bob Burdick NB. Craig Gia• NB, Curt Hert>erts Sr. CM, t<9¥1n McMullen NB, Cetol Riley NB, Rlctwd Creighton CM T~ o c•c . losed over I 00,000,000 in transactions in 1981 ... And for 1982 ... TWO programs to choose from: 1000/o dl .... ct cw.,t-OR 1000/o •terrecl cwept ~,.. Ws 111 ._. _,..-.. a/MAX•,...,... ...... c1.,_,1 • , ........... RE/MAX Costa Mela ... ....... BROKER/OWNER Newport Beach • 234 E. 17th St, ca.ta Mesa 611·12" ••• 15 Corporate Plaza. Npt Bch. 71f·~221 ••• 4412 BarrMCa Pkwy., Irv. l~Mt• ... - '! I ~ ' SU NDAY, JANUARY 31, 1912 Bankers and bookkeepers are in demand. Check today's listings , classification 7100. Real Estate-the CorTiplete Oronge QxJst Market PlaCe CLASSIFIED INDEX ~.~~~ ............ ~.~~ ....... ~ ~.~.~ ....... ~.~.~ .... : .. ,~.~~ ........ ~~:.~~ ....... ~.~.~ ....... ~:!:~~~ ........ ~:.~.~ ..... .. · '"-rel I OOi I 002 ._,.. I 002· •••rll I 002' G1•rll I OOZ' G1•rll I 002 cn.tr• I 002 I 002 ...............................•.............. ·······················!······················· ············~·········· ............................................. . l1.._Y•M.C.. 642·5678 .USFHSAU SEIYICES Stn0rt °'"'"'Ofl £MPl.OYM£NT & PIUUATIDN &-.1 ...... ._ JMWa.1tH• tit ......... lUf IHJCMANOISE "-11 -. ... --. -.11 ...... i:..,, __ ..... .. -.. ...... a. ..... _ _..., -..s1,.. Dor» -·~·S.· -. ....... TIAMSPOITATION Afttrlft C•-•Sol< llf'll °""1<C.n =~-·· -H .. .S.I< hM Tr...,,Trnti r=-~"'i .... AVTllfllOllLE C.wtal · A• ... ~ CIUJI('\ Mtttf•hon \ t'hi( ta Spont ..... , Jlt,.,, tWMtflHH h r .... -. v-A ... IAUIA( -·-Alli$, IMPHTC.I ~.., .. Al•.._.• A .. A"°""Kt1I<) lllW l.'•pn ~ o ..... .... r.,1 ...... lloftd. J ........ , ,,_. ~"' .. ""'-''•• ..__ ...... ...... 1'm~,.,., .. llt;M ...... ........ ,., •'tl!ltfUI t\lr•('" ti:-:,.. 11 .... t;: ....... r_. rn-• \ ... , .. ,... \ .. ,. UTIS, IO . ICilll '°"" 111111 IUlt 11m ill!< ,. !&JI EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY NNN5'l.A HOMU Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm. 3 bath, mstr bdrm, ocean view, $425,000. West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats. remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1,200,000, :: ,......,.,Notice: '"' All real estate ad :: Ye rtise d in thi s 1.w newspaper is subjert to :: the Federal Fair Hous· ::. ing Act of 1968 which 11• makes it illegal to ad· :: vertlse "any preCerenre, 1• limitation, or dis· 11• crimination based on Oceanfront. jelly views. Marine rm. 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq. ft. $1,385.000. UDO ISLE HOMES 701 VIA LIDO MOU SAT /SUM I ·5 Prime Lido Nord bayfronl. 5 bdrm. 5 bath, lge L.R. 2 boat slips $1.500,000. race, rolor. religion. :: sex, or national origin. •>» or an intention to make :: any surb preCerent·e, J4!il0 llmllat1on . or d is :: rrimtnatlon ... Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm .. beam ceilings , S420.000. LINDA ISLE IA YFIOHTS Main channel view from 4 bdrm. 5 bath home with pool. $1,495,000. '"'° lOCoO 11.--u.i l..O 2lOI :zw -flll This newspaper will not knowin,ly at•cept any ad\•ert1sing for real estate which is in viola tioooHhelaw. Lagoon view from 6 bdrm. 5 bath. playroom. dark rm. den. Sl .350.000 1 :: .................. 1 CARNATION COYE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm . 4 bath, 2 boat slips, $2,050,000. llQI JU nAl UJI le --------- IUOIS: Act.trffsert ..W clMdl tt.tir odt .., .. report .,.. rors -.d.lattfy. n. DAILY PILOT os..-1 IGbllty for .... flrstl h1corrtd iHtrfio. ..,. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J.11 B"y'->I· Ci• .. ·, P f, 1~ 6161 .... ::1--............. 1 -::: HalMs for Sale ........................... !i':: G.erat I 002 THE REAL ESTAT&:RS RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTAlE SERVICES OPEN IM llG CAMYOH Custom home on the golf course with 4 BR, family rm . 3 ·fireplaces. french doors, skylights & crown moldings. No expense has been spared on this charming home. $1 ,395.000. Financing available. SEE CAROLE McMAHAN AT 18 CHERRY HILLS. SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1-5. Anx ious own~r $8200 ~ dwn buys l Br condo in not Lakes area. Outstanding IN NEWPORT°CENTER 644-9060 valueofS99,900 Warner. l(f: llgl 5.S!J.S40() .... -lllll$ mo IOllll ----.... .... -.-ii --Q I ----QI ---- 1111• ~ ---lllW 1111' -- 675-3411 CHANGE YOUR POINT OF VIEW! Get away from fences & walls & look out in the beauCif ul blue Pacific & lights from Laguna & Dana Point. This custom 3 Bdrm plus den has one of the largest lots in the area. The rooms even have high ceilings & closet space galore. Call for an appointment & see how this home can change your point of view. 5685.000. IMAGINE MOVING INTO A HOME wrTH MOTHIHG TO DO! Spend your leisure time doing what you enjoy. This immaculate 3 Bdrm home looks out into one of the loveliest yards in Corona del Mar. Neutral beige colors throughout 'lends itself to any color style. A real pleasure to see & even more pleasing to live in. $378,000. FEE. VIEW HOME IM COIOHA HIGHLANDS! Add -on potential. New listing on FEE land with excellent finan cing available. Call for appointment $350,000. anaTAIMEIS DBJGHT! in Irvine Terrace and you own your land. Lovely 3 Bdrm home on co rner location. formal li vin g rm .. plus. spacious family room with rustic fireplace. plus patio. Workshop in garage. Call about excelient nnancmg avallat>te. ~~5.000. YOUI LUU HOME IM E.UTILUFf! If you need a 4 Bdrm. 212 bath, l story near schools. shopping & tennis club, in one of Newport's fin est residential areas. look no further, you ha ve found it. This home docs not back up to any street and has a lovely view of Catalina & even Palos Verdes. All of this for under $300.000. Malu ll'lolll' JIO Oci ~ lletn!I you 'n• nol mi1111 au1l11hlt• lo Mllll atlwr f1mil~· b)' _., m• t~m f« 11le 11 Cl111Hi•d. Cell A a .. sl•wy of Jollll D. LMl A S. 2111 leat C.-...... wtlY c--.. w.. ..... ___ _ CDM'1 ... ST OPIH~l·I 703 IOD Completely remodeled inside & out with decorator quality. 3 Bdrm , 2 Ba. den and mstr suite. Reduced to $259,500 with excellent owner financing . HEWPOIT IUCH HIGHIJSf Full security building on the water. 2 Bdrm 21f.i Ba. sauna, ocean & bay views. Step down living room with separate dtning room. Ideal for boat parade & sailboats. FINEST OH THI IA Y Enter thru the leaded glass doors to exquisite decorator quality thruout. 4 Bdrm, 312 Ba, step down living room. & gracious dining room. Full security system and room for a 50' boat. L5 million. TIJPLD IM CORONA DB. MAR All with 2 Bdrm 2 Ba, enclosed garages & 2 -blocks to the beach. Excellent owner financing. Shirley Harris :'!~, ,~:.~~!1(.!.:~~~·::::~~: 851·1361 675-9434 oeutROMT.-OCEANFIOMT Convert this extra Ir~ duplex to your private residence & hve on the finest beach on the coast. Great financing available. Steal at $650,000. Rita. OCEAN VIEW Ca meo Highlands. rede co r. & remodeled 3 Bdrm 2 Ba. formal dining. Very lrg yard. private beach. Rita. 759·1221. R&" M ~ of Newport Beach IA YFROHT A horn(' with the ultimate features for a luxurious life style. 00' boat slip, 3 BR. fam rm & formal dining. Stained glass everywhere, Jennaire. central vacuum & air cond. marble fplc, extensive security systems. bayside patio & 2nd story balcony. $1,750,000 Bobbi Ry~n 752-1414 (Sl3l LUXURY OFfHIHG OH SPYGLASS Charming Southport model w / breathtaking 180 degree view of ocean. Catalina. Newport Harbor & coastline visible from most rooms. 5 lg BR. 41 ~ baths. 3 car ~arage. pool. spa & much more. New on the market. $1 , 100,000 Myrna Boom 551-8700 (S14) LAKEVIEW CUSTOM HOME New Tres Vistas custom home at Lake Mission Viejo. Sup~r quality fe atures thru-out w /oak cabinets. doors & trim. Stained glass windows. elega nt parlor & magn ificent fireplaces. Cedar lined closets & panoramic views! $899.~ Jerry Thompson 551 ·8700 (Sl5) HAUOR IJDGE -4 BR + loft B e a u t i f u I I y d e' c o r a t e d "Ken sington" w/view of cit y lites. Loft ideal for study or den . Lo vely spa in entry. 3 car garage. formal dining & more! $725,000 Darlene Herman 752· 1414 (516) A WHOLE NEW WOILO OF LIVING Beautifully decorated 2 BR condo home on Balboa Peninsula. You'll love the rich carpeting. exciting wall coverings , plantation shutters. new light fixtures & br ass hardware. Steam bath & whirl pool. Totally secured building w/heated bayside pool & rooftop sun deck. Excellent location, boat slips & good financing. Low cash down . assumable lsl & 2nd and seller financing. $315,000 Bill Wedmore 551-8700 ($17) MOITHWOOD "Plan 4" Beautiful two story. 4 BR, 21~ BA. fam rm & formal dining rm home. Shows like a model w /prof. landscaping & spa. Quick access to Santa Ana & San Diego Freeways. $259.900 Fee land Donna Godshall 644·6200 (518) PllYAn llACH ACCESS Spectacular remodel. Ca meo Highlands, $295 ,000 L/H or $393,000 fee. $207.000 financing avail. at low interest. Sdd S minutes to beaches, 5 BR. 5 years old . Peninsula Point. $459,000. COMDO OWMH W /FINANCE No qualifying necessary 2 BR. 21fz Ba. next door to the pool and spa . $119,500. ONE ILOCK TO OCUM Cameo Shores, owne r wi ll finance. $9'l5,000 fee. IHi CAHlOH LEASE McLain 2 BR condo. $112.5 mo. GEUY' CDllTA STARNES COMPANY -~-- ~ Merrill Lynch :..~\ Realty llllllla THE .. US AIE ALIVE From Spyglass. New Bedford 4 BR. 4 Ba. pool size d yard. Att ractive finan cing. Open Sun. 1-5. 14 Morro Bay. S6l5,000. CUSTOM IRtclC W /OCUM VU Decorator det ai led entertainers dream. Built around <.'Ourtyard with spa and starlight. $695.000. 7 I 4·552-1714 4 Bedrooms 5 Baths llarbor Island Custom 55.000.000 5 Bedrooms 5 Baths Linda Isle Custom SJ.600.000 4 Bedrooms 41 2 Baths Harbor Ridge Custom S2.300.000 2 Bedrooms 21 :i Baths Big Canyon Sl.750,000 6 Bedrooms 41 2 Baths Big Canyon Sl.700.000 4 Bedrooms 312 Baths Harbor Ridge Custom Sl.595,000 6 Bedrooms 5 Baths Big Canyon Sl,595.000 3 Bedrooms 3 Baths Big Canyon $895.000 3 Bedrooms 21 42 Baths Big Canyon $659.000 2 Bedrooms 3 Baths Lido Village $.595.000 3 Bedrooms 3 Baths Big Canyon SS00.000 2 Bedrooms 2 Baths Villa Balboa $249,500 2 Bedrooms 2 Baths Newport Cresl S165.000 2 Bedrooms 2 Baths Westclif( $129.500 FOR LEASE 4 Bedrooms 4 Baths Balboa Peninsula $3000 per month 3 Bedrooms 211 Baths Big Canyon S2600 per month 2 Bedrooms 2 Baths Villa Balboa $1200 J>er month · 3 .Bedrooms 2 Baths Waterfront Sl. "O per month 2071 Ian Jo..,en Hlh Ad. Acro11 from llQ CANYON Newportltactt M0-1777 llAUTIM DOYB SHOIH Unquestionably one of the finest offerings in Newport Beach. Elega nt custom built formal home, 5 bdrm, large formal dining rm., fam. rm ., library, 4lf.1 baths. Lots of marble. Air cond. plus custom features. $1,500.000 Fee. Ua&ll IOll:IS, UAL TOR '7S.Jl73 11.\HH<>H RE.\L'I '\' 4 VIEW LOTS COIONA DB. MAI Ocean and bay views Crom these 4 contiguous R·2 lots. Desirable location quiet yet wa lking distance lo the beach. $595,000 each. 75% ftnancing available. 11.WFS "C" PUN Terrific location overlook ing the pool. Sp:tcious 4 bdrm. 3 bath condo. $29,950 moves you in ! 30 year 121f.1% financing. $299,500 L.H. full price. Living rm. opens onto large patio perfect for summer e ntertaining . 4th bdrm . i s downstairs -ideal as an oCfice or teenagers room . LEASE OI IUY Full security bayfront building with swimming pool and boat slip available. Nicely decorated 1 bdrm, ba yview condo available for immediate occupancy. Lease for $1200 per mo furnished or buy for $299,500. LAU HAVASU Superb dese rt ho m e with breathtaking water and mountain views. 3 bdrms. 3 baths. large gourmet kitchen. family room and pool. Overlooks the golf course. Completely air conditioned. Only Sl60.000. Owner will finance at 1212<;;. interest. INVESTMENTS 7.lACllSl-l on Highland Ave. just two blocks from the fwy in Northeast San Bernardino. Great visibility. Approved for 120 condos $2,100,000. 5.5 ACllS * CUISTUMO Ideal estate site with a view from SaddJeback to the ocean. Within the city limits . but private a nd secluded. Horses OK. Owner may exchange. $695,000. IAUO.A ISUND COMMEICl.AL Prime Marine Ave. property is seldom available for sale. Act fast! 100% occupied building with attractive brick.facing. S498.000 and owner will finance. COSTA MESA SHOPPING CINTll High traffic West 19th St. corner location. Completely leased to desirable tenants. Motivated out of town owner wiJJ fina nce. Aski ng $477,000 L.H. 17141 673-4400 121 ll 621·2121 TM Haritor Arff'I ~t btablilhed b• h'* eai-w '=~~.~, S@\\o11~-~£!fS":: ·-... CV.' • '°""" O •ooiro"Q<' ''• 6 .. ,o...t.lt<I -d• ~low lo .,.1, 6 ,,mplo -d• ,.,.., ....... ol -h ..... , .... ol ... -·· W U A L T 0 I I' I I I' S N I P 0 R I I I I' t I LYE£T[ r I I I I ~-,_ I IN COV[ I 1--., ........ ,,...;;...,t,.........l,..;;...,I'"""°" do:~~ =:::o ";'~ 1 = ~-------I Id tor IM IRS. IM lab~ t.-._.R _U,....N__...G _E,_N._.....j. c11n gnnMCI broedlJ end MIO. I' I I I I ·s •• ~. ,,..... ..... bell! .__.__ .......... _ ...................................... -'°' -:· I lATBRl I I n I l"l!~a:i~rE ,.,, ............. •~w0 r r r r r r r r r r 1 •; I I I I I r I 1 .. 1 l I I ICtiJMm ....... 11 a dfh 1111111• • ~ ' . t • ., ' .... Ba Orange Cout DAIL V PtLOT/SUnday, Jam1ary 31. 1812 Callers get'CIA weather' 1 This Andy quite handy LAFAYETTE, Ind. tAP) -Dial the wroa1 number for tlme and temperature and you may aet Rey and Kathy WalonJao'a "CIA i nte {llaence weatherUne." , Mortician, 56, considered semi-jack-of-all-trades The couple's telephone number la only three dltlu off the one that yie lds a recorded ·me11age on the weather; and they 1et a lot o calla now that winter's here . AP ....... M alonjao estimates some 25 people call them mistakenly each day when the weather ii· bad. and about 10 call when the weather Is good. Sometimes, the Malonjaos read this message to callers: ·'This Is the CIA intelligence weatherline. The weaJ,her in Moscow today is cloudy and overcast. Two American agents have been dispatched to investigate. The current temperature in Moscow is 22 degrees. In the Middle East. the Saudi Arabians report a sunny 87 degrees and a 12 cent.per-barrel price increase of their oil." EASINO FEAR .Jc..rr. a -l ·Yf.'Ul'·Old IC'l'min'"tl l'IH\l'(.'I' 1>atit·nt. undeq~oes h~·pnotherup~· trt•atments lo c.·urb depC'llClt-nt·l· on dru)!s und ease f<'ar of ct~·ing . Jeff's mother. lert. ancl 1hc•n1pis t:-. Paul St('\' a1·t. center. and Dick Collins work with bn~· Hyprwtherapy eases pain of dying child Calendar 'public record' SAN DIEGO <AP> The m ayor 's appointment calendar is public r ecord and reporters have a right to look it over. a judge has ruled. Superior Court Judge J . Perry Langford said the only exception is personal, private or privileged material that could be deleted. The ruling came in a s uit fil ed by Larry Remer . editor a nd publisher of San Diegoo Newsline . a weekly newspaper trying lo find out b ow much time Mayor Pete Wi Ison spends on city duties while he campaigns for the R epub l ica n nomination for the U.S. Senate. Newsline a ttorney John Mc Evoy said be will file an amended petition asking that Wilson's appointment calendar for the past two years be made INDIANAPOLIS CAP> -With a Superman T ·shirt hiding his thin chest and a baseball cap covering his bald head, Jeff hardly looked like the sick little boy he was. But at age 4, with less than a month to live. he learned how to use hypnosis to ease the pain of life and accept the loneliness of death. Jeff's mother, Betty, who asked that the family name not be used to e n su r e privacy , says the hypnotherapy treatments her son received al Riley Children's Hospital here played on his stubbornness. im agination and sense of humor to make death less frightening. "He always had to be in control, he was really cranky and stubborn and he could aJways make me laugh," Betty says. ··He hated the hospital a nd he was afraid of tubes and needles and doctors' and nurses' uniforms. "So when they asked me if I wanted to try the therapy on Jeff, I figured as long as they didn't have to poke him or stick him, it was worth a try." J err was diagnosed in January 1981 as having neuroblastoma, a cancer or the red blood cells. Initial symptoms include high fever, weakness. weight loss and irritability . The disease is treatable, but only 10 percent lo 15 percent or patients ''You know what, Dad?. Now I can make it go away.'' available to reporters. . survive because the cancer is usually D1ITI llJlal widespread by the time most patients I ~I come to a doctor. t'Kt;EMAN JAMES P. FREEMAN. age 22. resident or Fountain Valley, Ca. and student al l'nivers it y of Arizona Passed away on January 27 . 1982 Sur vived by hi s pa rents Roy and Dorothy Freeman. brothers John . Roy Ill. and Mirhael. sister S usan . grandparents Norman and Franres Johnson . grandmother Myrtle Freeman. Rosar)· will be recited on Sund ay. January 31. 1982 at 4:00PM at the Peek Family Colonial Funeral H ome . Westminster. Ca Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Mon day . February I, 1982 at IO:OOAM al St Simon & Jude Catholir C hurch . Peek Family Colonial Funera l Home directors. 893·3525. 539·9549. Jeff was treated with drugs and chemotherapy for about seven months after his disease was diagnosed. In July, Betty and her former husband. Steve. took Jeff home from the hospital to spend his last months at home. "J e ff was real apathetic , constantly in pain," says Steve. "I thought then, 'Let's quit everything and Jet the boy die with dignity.· " The chemotherapy treatments had caused Jefrs hair to fall out. and side effects of the treatment brought on nausea. An abdominal tumor made eating painful. his mother says. and Jeff was given the drug methadone to control the pain. Shortly after Jeff came home. his parents decided to let therapists try to hypnotize him, mainly to lessen his fear of the pain involved in eating and to decrease the nausea. They also hoped it might decrease his ---------..... dependence on methadone. , ,..c1•on•s 1&&.•0ADWAY NOllTUilT 110 Bre>*'way Costa Mesa 642·9150 LUTZIHGHOH SMn'H & TVTHIU WISTCUff CHAPll 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 64~9371 According to Dr. Gail Gardner, a .., Denver psychologis t who has pioneered hypnotherapy with dying children, most work on hypnotherapy and cancer has been in the last 10 years. Ms. Gardner described the ideal candidate for hypnotherapy as one who is "open to the idea, who wants to get wetl, who wants to alleviate pain, and who has some ability to use the imagination, which most children do." With Jeff. the therapists -a chHd psychiatrist. a psychiatric social worker and Betty -had to be wary of the child's feisty nature during hypnotherapy. "He was clifficult. he was resistant, he didn't want other people messing with his life."' says Paul Stewart, an Indianapolis psychiatrist who has used hypnosis on children in his private practice to curb nall·blting and other habits ... But I think it was effective." Jn August, Betty, Stewart and social worker Dick Collins attended the first hypnotherapy session. with Stewart doing most of the talking. A videotape of the session shows Jeff surrounded by the therapists in a hospital treatment room. Because he was so weak, Jeff sat in a small wheelchair. The video camera was unobtrusive. ··Do you want to learn how to use a special talent. a special power to make you stop hurting?" Stewart asks on the tape in a soothing monotone. "Maybe sometime when Mom talks to you like this, you'll feel better and be able to go to sleep. And maybe you'll be able to eat and know that you don't have to hurt." Despite Jeff's minimal response during the session. Betty says she saw him improve over the next week. When she heard him singing, for the first time in months, she knew the treatment was having some effect. ··I could see a difference from the first session," she says. "He would get frightened and his father and I would talk t o him in a sort monotonous voice about his 'special power.' It would help ease his s pirits." During the second session. J eff resisted less. according to Collins. wbo did most of the talking. The script was similar to the first session, but J eff's responses were more relaxed: he would respond verbally instead of remaining silent, and picked up an imaginary fork in his hand and made eating motions when Collins talked about using his "special power" to make eating more pleasant. Jeff died Sept. 10. about two weeks after the second• session. His parents are convinced the treatments helped. even though Jeff was never able to hypnotize himself to lessen his own fear. "My only regret is that we c9uldn't have done it earlier when Jeff was more scared," says Betty. "Maybe he wouldn't have experienced quite so much pain." Steve says the best part was when Jeff turned to him and said, "You know what, Dad? Now I can make it go away." Camulian criminal nabbed in· Calif omia LONG BEACH I AP> -An international crime spr ee that s panned more than two years has ended for Robert William Cameron. one of Canada's 10 most-wanted criminals. He is being held in LA County Jail. Cameron had just begun serving a seven-month sentence for assault and failure lo appear in court when he escaped from a ·rruro, Nova Scotia. prison. ,_Cl llOTMlllS s.M'THS' MOaTUA.IY 627Mam St "'ntinglon Beach 53e-M39 Scouting award elusive Man who earned 32 merit badges 'too late' rAClfllC Y1IW .-..OllA&.rAU Cemttert Mortuaty Chapel-crematory 3500 Pec1f1Q View OrtWt Newport Beach 644-2700 PHOENIX, Aria. (AP> -When Jobn Nick was an e11hth·grader In Green Bay, Wla., be earned 32 Boy Scout merit bad1e1 -11 m«e than required for the rank or Ea1Je Scout. But Nick couldn't pan the 1wlmmln1 and llveuvtn1 teat required for the Ea1le Scout rank because be s uffered from a con1enil1l spine disease. Now a Sl·year-old retired Ubrarlan, Nlck said he a\111 would like to be an Eqle Scout. A Boy Seouta of America offtdal, however, NYI Nick la about 41,.... 1 :"'=~,::• ~l:~·belan h1I flaht la m• l8d ClemetotY won bope in lt1t after a coart .ma.... fWa.. ordered the or1ant1auon to mM• Co1ta..... "rtuonable aeeommodaU." wben ,,,. ... ___ l40_ .. _M ___ 0.,,., .... ' I baadlap ... tM ... , ....... require d tas k could not be p erforme d . The 11wlmmin1 requirement has been waived tor handicapped youths since 1973. He petitioned the Arizona Governor's Ortlce or Arrlrmatlve Action. With the ald or the office, Nick's petition was considered by the Boy Scouu national advancement' aubcommllt.ee. Tbe subcommittee rejected the rtqullt without explanation. "They Hid, •If we 1lve the E11le award to him. tbtn eveeyone wlU 1 want lt,' " uld Gall Parln, who1 bandied Nick '1 c .... T .J . Van Houten of Dallaa, auoelate naUonal director ol Boy Scout.a of America aald nothlnl can be done because Nick left acoutfna ln 1U1: 0 Jt'1 not retroacUft. '' QUINCY(AP> -Rtehar~ G. "Andy" Anderson la not a Jack·of·•ll·trades, but he'a a reaaonab&e raealmlle. There's Andy Anderson the count.ry-and·wes tern dlac Jockey, the first voice many resident.a ol thla small Sierra Nevada town h ear In the mornlnt. . There's also Andy Anderson the fire chief, Andy Anderson the mortician, Andy Anderson the college Instructor and Andy Anderson . director o f emeraency services. "I don't know if I would ever want lo be a full·Ume anything," Anderson said . · · 1 like the diversity."' Besides, h e added. "The funeral business is not that busy. This is a s mall town. People live a lon1 time up here.·· Anderson, 56, is a mortician by trade a nd , he said , a sem l·jack-o f-all-trades by chance. His firs t job was as a 16-year-old "flunkle '" at a funeral parlor In his hometown, Herrin , Ill. After a stint in the Navy, he went to school in San Franci sco a n d got hi s mortician's license. His radio career began by accident about 30 years ago. A friend who owned a station in Red Bluff needed someone to broadcast a softball game. "Somebody got sick. so I did it," Anderson recaJied . That led to a music show and eventually to KPCO , the only radio station in Quincy. a logging and tourist town 100 miles northeast of Sacramento. Anderson mans the microphone from 6 to 8 a.m., five days a week. He 's a lw ays been a country-and-western m an. Anderson said. • • 1 cut my teeth on Eddy Arnold and Tex Ritter.'' "He has a tremendous following," said Tom Guarino. KPCO 's n ews man . who some times joins Anderson in early morning banter. "He's been a most fascinating guy to work with." Guarino added. "When I first came up here, he virtually adopted me. If I needed any Information or any assistance. he was there to help. He's like that to a number of people." Anderson. a sort-spoken , friendly man with a deep voice. quick wit and grin, joined tbe volunteer fire department when he moved to Quincy 27 years ago. He was elected chief two years later and heads a team of 42 firefighters who cover 14 square miles of territory. Anderson became director of emergency services for Plumas County five years ago after spending 11 years as deputy director. He also teaches a fire training class at Feather River College. Anderson's part.time jobs AP ....... KEEPING ausv Richard .. And,·" Andt>rson is a hard man to keep up with in his home town' of Quint·~·. Calif Andt•rson is depicted in three of the five jobs he dot•s. From top. a:-. a mortiC'ian. a disc jockc~-. and rire chief leave little time for anything else, particularly vacations. "Lord. I don·t know t he last t ime I had a vacation ," Anderson said. "I guess I would miss it if I thought about it. ·'The business I am in (unde rtak in g ) is pretty confining. It's not something you go off and leave." His only hobby is fl ying his light plane, which he said he uses to travel lo out-of-town meetings. Anderson's work aay starts about 5 a.m. He opens up the station, which doesn't broadcast at night. shortly before 6, makes some coffee and then goes on the air. ··I am in my own little world for a couple or hours, .. he said. After the show, he goes home for breakfast with his wife. Gayle. and grandsons . and then goes down the street to the fire department. Anderson said he • has never thought about how many hours a week he puts in at his jobs. Sometimes duties conflict. There have been mornings when he has had to put on a long·play record, phone relief and leave the radio station lo fight a fire. His radio trademarks are the ·~ tune "The Orange Blossom ~ Special" and his signoff. "Take ·: good care of yourself. If I'm lucky. I'll get to see you." . "Which means your house : might be burning down or you're :.~ dying," joked Kent Textor. sports editor and photographer ~ for Quincy's newspaper. the • Feather River Bulletin Are your participles dangling? Former English teacher runs 'Grammar Hot Line' BLI$, Idaho (AP> -On a cattle ranch near this tiny southern Idaho community, theres a woman who cares that this sentence contains an error in punctuation. And should Fran Wallace's ne ighbors find the m selves stumped on their syntax -or short an apostrophe, like. the sentence above -all they need do is call. Ms. Wallace. who traded a career as an English teacher to manage a famlly ranch with 80 head of cattle • r u f\S the "Grammar Hot Line." For the price or a telephone call, the se m aslologically uns ure can receive a definition ; the tongue-twisted, a pronunciation ; the syntactically confused. a quick parse. Why a hot line for Bliss? "That's just where I ha ppen to be.·· she says. Ms. Wallace, 57. began the hot line a long with a n Englis h tutorial service when s he moved lo the ranch last month. "It's my particular form of volunterism." she says. "Generally , I'm afraid to mention that I'm an En1ll11h teacher b ecau se people lmmecliately start worrylna lf their participles are dan1lln1." She'd heard of a similar telephone service run by the En1llsh depa rtment at a California colleae. Wben she sent out mlmeo1ra phed nyers adverlisini her tutoring pro1ram, Lan1ua1e Arts , Vnllmited, the bottom or t.he sheet had her phone number and the words: "'the Grammar Hot Line: A friendly. experienced teacher will answer." A teacher ln tbe area Ukld the Idea to much he sent tbe fben home with his students. Two local newspapers wrote articles on Lhe Mrvice, and phone calla started comtnc ln. One youns woman called to aak about footnota on a term par:r. Another penon asked ror be p lD edltlq. Several ....... eallM jU1t to taY they liked tbe Idea. with one man even offering to help with the phone payment. She dedined the offer. So far. there have been about a dozen callers. Ms. Wallace says she doesn't expect too many calls, since Bliss doesn't have too many people. She also says there's nothing particularly wrong with the way people who live in southern Idaho talk. "I think we have here In Bliss a particular idiom that Is useful and accepted ... s he s a ys. There's also a more formal langua1e spoken. "They blend." she says. "I want to stress there is a time and place for most every form of language. I'd like for people to not be so defensive about it." Still , she says, English usage is "degenerating rather rapidly," and she places most of the blame on the media. Although language "has to be a growing and changint thing." she says "some of the thlnp that are happenln1 are a little confusing to our youn1 people." Youn1sters frequently hear poor grammar and pronunciation on television and radio, she says. ·'They believe that because they hear it on television, it has to be correct. " "A well-known broadcaster said just the other day that ,: American small cars are ·some · safer' than foreign small cars:· , she says. naming no names. Newspapers and m agazines : are just as guilty. "I see headlines in papers all 11 the time where subject and verb ~ do not agree." she says . "Subjects and verbs have to agree.'" Ms. Wallace taught En1lish fo r 12 years in I~abo and Southern California and has written and published poetry. short stories and plays. Her new • tutoring program offers help for t individuals or groups of adults in Ir : speaking, writing. preparin1 • reports , creative writing and speechmaklng. • She doubts her hot line will • spread much beyond the •• • surrounding Magic Va lley. Her 1 goal, she says, is simply to have people enjoy EnJ{lish. "Maybe I can get people u interested In langua1e as I am ," she says, "set them to enjo~ tbe very best language in the world. the best that·s ever been put together." Nancy may be taxed W ASIUNGTON CAP> -Nancy Rea1an'a hlCh·fuhlon, coet-tree oftlclal wardrobe may have a rrlce t.af after all -if the nterna Revenue Service deeldtt the lifta amountell to Income for tM llnt f amlly. Several tax tawyen II>' that under u:lldnc lepl preeedlat. tb• u.o. .... ot dollan wcwtb ot apparel mlpt be eoealdtred part of t.be Rea1am' lneome becau1t lt waa donated by dt1i1nen who stood to 1U. publldt)r by ba¥tn.I Mn. R_,. wear It. • If Uaat 419teralutloll ..... madt, U. 1lMpM ...W bl liable for taxes on the value of the clothlnc. the lawyen said. White Houle offlciall refUled to dlacua the laaue Wed!Mlday and one tax expert said be aerlouelY doubted the a...-would bi forced to pay the taua ti the cue ever went to a Jury. ShtUa Tate, t.be ftrst ladJ'• .., prt11 eeent.u"J, had Mid lln. Rea1an accepted ••••~ IOWDI, d•••1ner ct ..... " IPOrt dodlla • .. .._ .. .._ leadla1 clt1t1••ra. W•ll• reful ... to ..Umat.e U. ..._ ot • tM fl9 dot"'ll• lln. TN maclaotk...._.., ..... ............ -... saua DHPllATI! On the water . Price slashed $10,000 to $2 14,900. ONLY 10"4 DOWN & owner will finance!! Professionally decorated with gourmet kitchen. 556-7035 * PAMOU* PIMTHOUSI YllW,• • • SICUllTY IUILDtMG * * Breathtaking v ie w fr om profession a l ly d eco rat e d PENTHOUSE!! Featuring 2 master suites. pool, security. all amenities. $450,000 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr, Newp<>rt Beach. 759-1501 or 752· 7373 4-IUX Prime rental area. $60.000 down & owner wi ll finance at 12'.r. Try straight note. $224,900. 963·5671 * snrs TO IUCH * 109/o FIMAMCl*i AV AIUILE Gorgeou.s 4 Br detailed home. t blk from ocean. on FEE land only $299,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr. Newport Beach. 759-150 1 or 752-7373 * WATllFIOMT HOME• * NIV ATE IEACH *' Sensational 4 Br home smack on the water!! Featuring French door s. frpl. professionally decorated & private SANDY BEACH. Only $249,000 & seller will carry aori, loan at 13'( ! ! 2670 San Miguel Dr. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373 IHmTOll Sl'ICIAL S962/month with $16.600 down. Effective interest only 11'1 ! ! 4 bdrm, 2 bath. new decor. Prime rental area. 556-7035 * satll DESPYATI • 121110/o RMAMCIHG Spacious Rancho San Joaquin townhome w PANORAM IC GOLF COU RSE VI EW !! Featuring 2 Br & den. wet bar. (pie, etc. Price slashed for quick sale & seller \\ill help finance. 2670 San Mi guel Dr. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752· 7373 11.50/o I ST T.D. Country charmer with cathedral open beam. wood ceilings. and hardwood fl oors. Only Sl2.900 down. 556-7035 * TUITLEROCK * Sl27t ,_ MONTH .... is all you pay when you take o,·er existing lsl T.D. Spacious 4 Br executive detached home featuring formal dining. family room & frplc . Only $213.500 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr. Newport Beach. 759-1501or 752-7373 JASM .. CRHIC ** PUH4 ** Extremely popular 3 Br plan featuring magnificent decorating fplc , gourmet island kitchen . formal dining. family room & in-house laundry. AJI this & more for only $389.000 FEE. Owner will help finance!!! 2670 San Miguel Dr. Newport Beach. 659-1501 or 752-7373 S 12, tOO DOWN Takeover $97 ,000 loan at 11.5"; . Hardwood floors, open beamed wood ceilings. A real charmer! 556-7035 • • MIWPOIT CRIST * * t'l•O/o AMAMCIHG AV AIL . . • • when you take over extsting loan on this upgraded townhome on FEE land!! Seller will carry 2nd T .D. 2670 San Miguel Dr, Newport Beach . 759-1501 or 752-7373 • • PALllMO * • HAllOI '1EW HOMI Totally remodeled by craftsmen! Featuring French doors, wooden shutters. plank floors. used brick & poo l & s p a . FEE l a n d w/GREAT TERMS!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752· 7373 MIWPOIT IUCH OfflCI 2'10S.~Dmt 171411lt-1Ht 1714175J·7l1l H~TOM llACH OfftCI fOJ2.._ ... 17141 .. ,. • .,, 1714t 516-70)1 OPEH 1·5 2007 I+. 3 Ir, I lt..t S 195,000 2945 Qmdld1 w/'-1. •ww SlS0,000 I '73 Vltte .. Oro w /lad, .Ww SJOS,000 653 Vltte a.h. ••w SHS,000 401 Vista G ...... 4 Ir SUS,000 HELEN 8. DOWD REAL TORS. IMC. 644-0134 OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 P.M. ON BAI.BOA PENINSULA 209 lttllSt.co.dos ........ Sllt,000 2137 E. 0c ... lt.d ........ Slll,000 I 72l P'lcaa dlt S.. .......... S2ts.OOO 124 W. lay, Oii wahr •....• S 1,550,000 2104 W. 0c... frOflt •..••••• $725,000 IN CORONA DEL MAR 3024 Oc... llYd .......... s I ,350,000 1536 Setwadt Terrace ...... $279,000 ON UDO ISLE & PENINSULA 110 V°IO Gtwoa .•..•...•...•. $369,500 11 l Via a..,.,.. ............ $355,000 700 Udo P.tr. #22 .......... $59,500 700 Udo Poril Dr. # 14 ........ $56,500 CLIFFHAVEN 2001 Killcp Rd ••••••••••.... $415,000 HARBOR RIDGE 12:0B-3:00 P.M. ~4 McrbOllM ••.•••• : •••••• $2,200,000 BAYCREST & BACK BAY 2298 ...... Dr ......•... $265,000 1415 s-Hogo .............. $450,000 ON BALBOA ISi.AHO 124 Grwld C.al ... ·~ . . . . . $150,000 I 17 MsiM An ............ $295,000 Jot Saipphirt, lot ..•.•.....•. $329,500 BIG CANYON CONDO 41 C91YO" ltimd Dr ........ $319,000 45 c..,. ltlmd Dr ..•..... $150,000 ***** HARBOR RIDGE~REHCH MANOR 110 VU of loy. Oc.-& 11icJM ligllh. MOCJIHk...t cpllllity & dttail ftwotlc)hovt tt.is 5700 ~ ft. l"ffidtKe. s .. ti111e to sMd yow-own decor for tt1is fonltat '-'-..... 4 Md. library ....... ., ""'· ........ f-. ""' -IJl•o.""Mt 111a1t.r Mih with fireplace, ••deck ,_ & apo. l"'P'fttlYt -' anto. for the ,_+ic.... llolMOWIMI, M the IMst trociffolt of tWs Lo.is XIV M.or hone $2,200.000. LINDA ISLE--UCEPTIONAL OWMr _. cOMidtr exci..cp for r•ch or co1111Hrc iol property 111 C allf. b~ holM • w.t.r wltll boot slip. LONJe & opn floor ,.... wltll •0111C11Hc Wcowr/qolery. Lor9f "'°'..,. Mih Oii wolft" Wffh VU + 4 fClftllty ~ M91r wlllitlH lltcluded en staiiltd ~ ........... koi pool, fe111.,.., fo,.el di•.,.., & 9o•r•tt kffct.. S2,600,000. 1" '-d. LOVELY LINDA ISLE-URGE Prot.cttd by .,......, & • w8hr with f"OOlll for j t.o.h. A "show~eH" ill e•ery w.t· L..'9f lllOIMr bcht + 4, f~ clft. nL. lar'9f '-'-""· with ,.... ............ bor, dip po~ • spe. Sl,395,000. 631 -1400. SlfER8 YU---OWNER AMAN.· lsptclely ..... tri-lt•el ..._ wltll tttHtlf1I 4ecor tty 4ecoretor = ~·~!:!!,!. .. ::..!':~ f-...+ ..................... .. .................. _,_. ,,. .. lfl& UMfUISTIOMA•I YllW OCIAM & IA YflONT CLOSt.UP! O....w9 W, ...._, St75,000 WATERFRONT HOMES. •NC REAL ESTATl ~·"""~Pr~--~ ?43& w ~ .... H"'Y m Mot""' Aw Nfwpori Bt«h IWlii. IWnd HI·•• '7wtll vrange U>Ul UAll. Y 1-'ll.V 11~unoay, Januaary " 1 , 1 ~o.: AUCTION • I HDr r1w Hills SUNDAY, JAN. 31st, 2:00 P.M. FREE PORTABLE T.V. DOOR PRIZE J111t t.,,......-' re9ster et tt.. o.cHH 4 BEDROOMS· FAMILY ROOM 2 FIREPLACES • OCEAN VIEW 1251 SURFLINE WAY· VACANT Cal 644-49 I 0 to iltspect •PIM lroken: We wll cooperah pro•idiltcJ you reqlster your cff•11h. Cal for detoHs. * * * * * WXUllOUS BIG CANYON CUSTOM DCITMi M>LF COUISI YIEW Elegance & dignity in this Maj<'stte· Colonial Man sion localed on the 8th gn•cn of golr <'Oursc. Top qualitv ~raftsmanship throuout with finest woods. abundan<'e <lf imported marble, crown moldings. 612 baths. arr <'on d .. 3 wet bars + more. Luxu rious master suit e plus ~ other b~d~rns with private baths. banquet size DR . fam rm and btll~ard rm. $2.150.000 including the land Financing For sull' by u" ncr Nl·w111.1rt Uea1·h bout dO<'k . Room for 11rveral boaUl. J..oc11tt'd m 8ayshore lndude~ fiO It by 75 n tldt>landj lc>ase, Newport Cit) p11•r IX'rmll, SO ft li·bhapcd doe k l41th wJlt>r. llJ?hh & WTSIDE electrlClty, gan.Jiway, & permanent arrrss IEAUTYI easemenl 1300,000. 17141 642·2717 after 6 Charm1ng 3 Bdrm 2 bath p,m. home In prime location. ~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Greal financing terms ·--------------avallbale available on I this one, and no qualify ing Price $149.SOO 111.my, call us for com Pletedetail.s. li4G·7171 THE REAL ESTATERS TRIPLEX '"TERMS'1 He.iutiful triplt'X near JSouth <.'o a ~l Pl ;.11;1 Ownt!r will earn· r111ane 111 11 ut 120, Prll·~ ~.000 Euell~nl. t•x l't'lll•nt lot·at1011 Ca 11 ~16 2313 I s62.200 S~I lam1l) homt• l·om 1>lt1l'h rt'OU\ ,1ted rll•un "" J 14hl)otlt', t'Ut\.' a' a THE REAL ESTATERS -Bluffi. Leas~ opt um 2 hr. 141dt' i:fl'l'llbdt $139.~ llkr, W-1 0134 I ~~l!~~l~~~r~'I!t IMTIOOUCIHG Die Ri1con Serving the Newport Be ur h Real Es tate community for mE 110111 ILlllS ca. OVER 55 YEARS OF SERVICE 2920 AMDIOS MESA VERDE OPa. SUH -MOOH-4:00 Lovely One Story Four Bedroom Home In Desirable Mesa Verde Area Located On A Quiet Street Designed For Family Enjoyment Owner Will Assist Greatly In Financing Priced At Only $139.000 759-9100 ll 2C•,-et•,_. H•wporf Cewhr . ::-.--:-. EXCITING VIEWS vu be~l flourplan he~t pnrt• Onl) $399.900 with 9~.·, f1nanl'lll l! (.'all 1 Pete John~on. a1H for 1 appc fiJ I 1266 Step through elegant doors into a lon1 ly j.!arden <'Ourlyard and on into this magnfft tent home of grace and luxury lorut ecl in prestigious :'\ewport Hea t h The beautiful linng room. formal dining roo m and gourmrt k1l<'hen of this four bedroom . .i bath r(•s idence all o,·erlook a spe<'latular bay and ocean ''it•\\ This hornl' offers ll\'ing areas to please all in the famllv plus ampl l• room for entertainment at its fin est. Lcl\·e l~· pool for s wimming enjoyment. $975 .000 inC'ludt•:; the land. *'ATFIONT• RE:DUCEO! 1 1!\ hoJt :-hp. 1Jfl\,1\t• beal·h. lltl' & t•heery honll' 3 large lwdroom~ I & 11l-n. 2 baths. fln·plat•C' : Jnd rn ur h mor.-' Will , trJdt• do"n' 014111·r \~ent 1;-;3.9111; o r ' tiiS iOOO S!ii9.(Xl0' ' ' available. Owner very cooperative. t IMVERMESS LAME I Dtitch Coloftial OP'EH SUH. 1•5 Stylish. <'lapbourd. ~hut ll'rl.'d ~000 ~Q ft 111 HJ"h11r1•, ~' hllrm lJfl!l' 111 mi:rm. clln111 NEW EXCLUSIVE • HARBOR VIEW First lifT!e offered. Qui et pa rk -like selling Huge rear yard 179 fl. w1d~. Rm for p<iddle tennis & pool. or gn•at for an orchard. Picturesque cul d<• sac street. 3 Bclrms an<I Familv Rm. $379.500 including land. See anytime. 644·4910 · 1211KEYWlST SAT/SUH 1·5 i:rm p.inl'lt-d hhJr~ ,md 1111( L1m1I\ rm llu l>!l' I k111·hl.'n . µantP ,11111 family l'at1n i.: art·J I Se 1· u r 1 t y & ", u n d j DAZZLING! , This flaw le~:; Easts id<' Costa ~I esa home off<.•rs 3 bl•drooms. 2 baths and 1s 1n c•H 'C'lll•nt <'ondition Perfc•rt for actiH· family h\·mg or a entertaining \n uul:-landmg ,·a tue al Sl59,!l50 0 \\ nt'r '' 111 finance. ''~lem:-. hJrd"ond floors. teak Jntl nJk I r.ibmet s. Wllll' 'tnrai:t• DECO 1 I marbll' bath~ and ,., I RATOR S MASTERPIECE I trnsl\e p:mt'llni: an• on ~u~ued . eleg.ance and charm best des<'ribes this new ~~ai11 ~'~1~r~~~; of th•· 1 C<ill .John Campbell f11r fu r1her rnformalion ltstmg._ Fi rst t11i:ie off~red .. Near new 4 Bdrm & Family Rm .· S.910,000 FH Real library with. ~rick fireplace. Gracious and spacious 0"11~rt>J1-~>11 • 1 entry. Formal dining room. Huge family kil<'hen Yi ith a~undance of gleaming tile counters pa<'e and island l'a bin et with butche~ block top. /\ gourmet's delight. BriJ,!hl. cheerful family rodm with brick firepla<'e o,·erlooks the large heated pool and spa surrounded br artistic brick patio. P!iced for im mediate sale S625.o00 including the land. Quiet. secluded West cliff Grove in DO\'er Shores. Hpfloy•iewColtdo i I Ele1rnnt Eni:hsh motif I I crown mould1nl(. 1 handrar\'ed frplc. ~hut I I lt'rl>. hrass appl~. l'lt' 2 br. 2 hJ. full 'et·untr I 10 1, f1n U\Jll Li-c opt &IQ, Q<-t~IJ~0 lJC0JY~ 675-2311 I ~ I 1200 ILUI C.UM UNI OPEN SUH 1.5 2-STORY DUPLEX· NEWPORT BEACH I 5283.2.SO %S 1120 : I I 1 Nflt."""llW'j"""'"""~-~-~-~-----"""M"1 STB'S TO llACH • OWMElt WILL RMAHCE AT 13% Call today to see this fine duplex. Live in one unit and rent the oth~r. 4 Bedrooms and 2 baths in upper. 2 bedrooms and 1 bath m .Jower. Fireplace in each unit. Some dew of ocean. Qwner w11l carrv 1st trust deed and note of $230,000 at 13' 1 interest. No loan fee. Ask $279,500. Submit your offer. FOi WSE • S 1200 MO. V AC AMT N.ewly dee. Big Cyn. Townhome with exciting golf course view. Unfurn. E! Dora.do Mod~I with 3 bdrms. dinin g rm & 21h baths. Pool, Jacuzzi & tenms. Vacant -see anytime. WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO. 2111 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD YllW IAY IOCEAM 644-4910 FtMAMCIMG! FANTASTIC! I I ...... r••. 'J' ~ , -=-,. ~ ~ II WOA ISLAND OPEN HOUSE AT 211 OPAL Newpo rt Heig hts F.lltate! Exc•llent view thru lar1e picture win· dow. A must see for only I MZ9,000. Call for men•• details. 546-2313 BLDRS. CL.OSE·OUT j Fant1Stic large tri·level custom dftillned condos nr best beach areas From S78,SOO wll h speciltl low int. flnan r Ing. HURR Y call 8IJ7·Z14t811T. 11.5.000 down. ownt•r will tarry the ftnanrinR ~per sharp 2 Rdrm. 2 bath townhomt condo. Pool, u una, and spa Great terms! Grot bargain ! llOIJ.900 C.:all now.~2313 S."-._ ...... ., ... I ·S s..ct.y 12·5 New class1r rountry Tudor home of un~urpall~td quality. suPtrbly desl11ned with ~' tourh of Old Wnrlrl <'harm Jo'catunn..i solid o:ilt nnnrs fintst oak rabtnt'l'I. v11ultcd be11ml'd cc1lln1C~. river rOl·k rirt'plart 11~d extensive use or beveled k'ack-d 1(1im1, Thrt'C hc.'droom" inc:ludin1e pm1te ma.'t'r suite, t,hrtt bl.th.,, ramily room. rnrmal dln1ni mom pl1r1 upam1ve roof deck Jo.xcttllml l11l11nd klc•Uon '547.$00 THE REAL ESTATERS ----- l 1 1\ co tta1e f o r I two ... Woodl>rld1e 2 1 8dnn, lovely corner lot. IY~ dwn. 1reat rlnaM· ln1. SJe,000. Warner, If.•• MOVIDOWH THICOASToM 00-.. .. PllCI 3 Br. 2ba home with ...._, f .. m rm that can •ccommodate double pool t ables or f1mlly l.1lay rm or WHATt VER ! Hardwood n,.. and on )'Ou BELIEV E llJU•?!?Ctll ..... c.. .. THE REAL ESTATE RS TENNIS? The only LOT In Cyprus Cove Sin· ('lemtnle At'f'Olll from bolh Ttnni• OM\I 6 Clubhouse bt Umt offertd ! Firm Ill 1115.•. Penniman fr Q!mp!nx,ISl·tO.!!O __ ,, • . .... .· , I : ' . : . ' - Orange Coast Market Place ~-~~ ........ ~.~~ ....... ~.~.~ ....... ~.~~ ....... ~-~-~ ....... ~.~~ ....... ,~.~.~ ....... ~.'!':~ ........ ~.'!.~ ........ ~.~.~ ..... .. l1•rll lit! l1•rtl lltl l1•rtl IOH 11•111 llt2 l•r• lltJ l•rll 1002 t1•rtl 1002........ 1002 ._... lffJ l1•r• IMI ..................................•........... ···········~··········· ................................................................................................................................................................ . IALIOA 6 units-great condition. All 2·Bdrm l 'h Ba nea r the bayfront-excellent rentals·S6SO,OOO OCEANFRONT Like new duplex-3 & 2 Bdrm 2 Ba each unil·on the sand, will take small down or trade and carry the entire balance. ~.000.best deal on the water. NEWPORT HEIGHTS C~tom, near new & gorgeous thruout Cape Cod. 4 Bdrm, famify rm, formal dining rm, 2 brick fi replaces, 3 decks with ocean peek. 546.S,OOO and terms. JACOBS REALTY 675-6670 Hit .... ,.. 8'cl.. COf'Nf' JOttl ...... Y1IW Charming home on Spyglass Hill. Large lot with lovely pool. S Bdrm, 2 story, newly offered at $829,500. # WOODlllMI COM>O Near new 2 Bdrm 2 bath. single story end un it. French doors , lovely ne utra l carpeting, beaut. brick patio. bltn BBQ & firering. $147,000. 4 •-Sl'04,000 End unit condo, located on lge greenbelt. has spat'. interiors wt many upgrades + ~reat financin~. PACIAC OCIAH 1t1A1. HT A Tl 75'0 1616 RfDUCB> $20,000 ,_HAl_IOl--.. -,-•• -1 EXECUTIVE IUY ---.ayoo•y 1 s Cstm blt Mesa Verde 3 _....,. "" • Alu dh YALMI With reasonable down owner will c a r ry balanre at U 81.4 In· terH t! Luxurlou• 3 bediwnt 2' 1 bath .. eaa Verde s ho wplace. Formal dlnln& room. in· vltlna family room and 1W<f firtplaces. Pri~ I location, neat the Men Verde Country Cl ub 1229.500. C11ll lor more financing details 13.50/o FINtclslCJ A• ..... NIWUSTIMG Don't mlu thlat "Coun t ry t:n1ll1 h" home 38dr&Oenor4 Bdrm, 3 Ba. Fabulous M11ter Bdr. aultto l360.000. r".,: . "' . . ·, "" ~ t 1 -• , Submit nice aize down 1-------• and owner will help ron· OPIMHOUSIS 1-5 C...CCNtdos flDTEIRANEAN MlSTERPIECE IN NOITH LAGUNA Just completed, this s pectacula r residence with breathtaking views features 3 bedrooms, 3 ba ths, numerous dec ks, 3 fireplaces. high ceilings, wet ba'r, workshop plus a den and family room. Final touches include a wine cellar and spa/tub in the master bedroom suite. Offered for $675,000. For more details con tact Mike Easley 499-4174 Lingo R1.tbun S AXER.UPPERS S lZ .wts • Coroaa ............ 12 4 Bclrm. family room. very spacious ! New con-crete drive & patio. As· sumable loans at an er. fedive rate of 121 ll';. Full price $146.950. 151·3191 CdM FIXER $225,000 Unique beach cottage needs paint, carpet and Imagination! Excellent loc ation. Motivated owner will help finance. Walk to beach! Hurry. call 673·M50 #lMOMACO Bclnn. ram. pool home. An exquisih~ offering. OWC at 12',. Owner Elegant & spacious 3 transferred. quiet cul· bdrm t family home. 1 00-sar. Prestigious golf lt>v ho~ w panoramil' rourse loc. Priced below \' 1 s t a 0 r h a r b o r . market at on $320.000. C"OOStlinc, ocean & night Call Diana Cappel. agt Ughts Prestige l'Omfort. slderably with financing at IJ 5', ! Handsome 4 bedroom 211 bath Mesa Woods POOL bome bouts a formal dining room ror entert aining. a relaxing family room, and ro1y fireplare. Very prlvue, beautifully landscaped lot reatures a crystal clear pool! Perfe<'t home for year round enjoyment! Close lo the Plaza. $199,000. Don't woit. <·all no"'! Un In OM R...tTheO.tr Attract 1vl'I} rt.'mOdcled duplex nest led on an O\'crsiu'fl lot in Santi! Ana lkii:hts . l: n in C'Orp()rated area G r~at rental location Owner anxious and will help finan<·e Too good an op· portunat} to pa ~s ! $189.~ Sec today ' '-.tr Tllllor ityllM), TAD OYH PYM TS. uthdHI ctill•91, NOQUAUFVINC . ap w.d ldtdieM. Al ill prox l9000 dn to asl>unw So. of Hwr localt. low Int. VA In 2 story Froat Hit l ldr• pool · fixer SllS,000. ltar -'t 2 Rcalty World18eaC'hs1dc I._ $295,000 or 963 7010 .. 0 .. VACANCIES Far below market f'or set ·UP ca ll R i C'k l!_nytime. 7}_4.£.71!(J.7~_2 _ 631·12166 luxury & scl·urit y R&"M~ Rl.'dul·cd now $695,000 I Owner fi nanrang). b 11 J b o t h f o r t'la:.Mril'CJ 1\ds, ~·our om·· $605,000. 411-41 l'h ~tOjJhh<>pl!•!.'Jll'l'flh•r. WANT A(."flON? _Qassife9Ms 1~t_Sli71l_ DcMo.CdM ·-------C:.. 'l~ I\ T --t-' . }~' ~ ·~ . J I ' I Find what '/;ou want in Daily Pilot lassifieds. THE REAL ESTATERS RESIDENTIAL REAl ESTATE SERVICES OP1H OM . IALIOA ISU Panoramic view or turning basin. Lovely 3 bedroom with slip for la rge boat p lus 2 side ties. $1 ,250,000. SEE SUE EXLEY AT 120 SOUTH BAY FRONT. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060. --. --- PllV ACY PLUS .. with this 4 Bdrm. renred In. pool home on a quiet rul-de-sar in Easts1de ;~I , !" ii \~,I 4 ~ ' • ' ' • .\, 1 ••• ' ~' r) , o 1 , .. l ~ ~· I ' ' r> o • l , ... • r n '' ~ ' L l Costa Mesa. A ~aul 1 f u I '""!!!!!!J!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!ll~~ I bark yard with <'O\'i!MI 1-5-P-l ·E-A·D pa t i o a n d a r o z y ' O.U. T fireplace an the h' ing ASSUM. LOANS I l\h'l>a \'erde cxerult\'l' room. Thtte's more~ \s PATIO HOME g1\'es you mon• httlllt' for S-net"A" Del-IM Z Ir cCNtdo dose to So. Coast Plaa & airport I•· d11 strial area . •.tiWJ dtcorated. Great stcwter llolM. · Sl47,950. tot Yon """' sumable loans and an Place to swim & pla\' I lhe moncv' -I bedrooms. anxious seller Onl~ tennas an th as lo\ t·I\· 1 2 bath>. larl(e formal OWMr SaJs Sta I SUll.900.Call979-S370to· adult c·om munati 10 d1nan1t mum . se1>arate Ntw ..._ w/l lt•f'ls day Irvine 2 bdrm. 2 b.ith fomal~ room. and an an-for 9roclo•s li•i•9 A $128000 l'all now' I taque firepla1·t' for rnol +-t ..._ & spa. LL$'rATE · want l'r t'\t•n1nJ?s ~~ ... ! #'t ~SIDE CO ... DO Spac·aou:. rornt•r lot 1s e•bery wcry., • E-" llt'arl\' '• J1'rl' and has a 4 ldrtft, Ii rary lri REALTOR~ 2 ston c·ondo with :! 1'0\ered patio and room f-.ity rwt. Mow of. bdrm. ·tile kat<'hen. rear for a pool & spa 1 Owner ftred at $598,500. OCEAN FIOMT yard. double garal(c. ah· 1'111 <·onsactcr all oHl•r:;, 333 P-l leadt U.its sumable loan. 1\skinA nnam·ml( 1~ nei:otiablc. -rrr Laguna Beach un 000. Stlfl.500 <'Jll ror ;in ap Wood b r I d CJ e obstrurted White Water µomtmt•nt Doaottst · Views of Cresrenl Bay 2 Ir ......_.. model, A verv sparious 28 R MacArthw Vllage ~ --.,..r,:......a-~. ti•-2BA. dine/rm. wetbar. Delaht ....,.., -,.. fireplareand brk k patio i\iisumc hiitn balam-c utry •lrrored + 2 Terriri<" Studios ' below markl'I ankrcst wwdr•s. Good a s.- Prime property OWl' at loan on this vlcitant I MtftlGblt I st TD & low interestS895.000 tr \OlJ°rl' m thl· m:1rhl hrtlroom Condo Lu,hl~· owe 0 2.d. Very 494-7j51 for 0 alMll'r1·Jr.h1•,tm · land:.t·a1u·d i:round~ --t.:y at--' Sl 4t ,OOO., .._ to1·ht'l'k thl• mall\ au11i-:•frar tht· 1·ommun1l\· ,_. .v. ~ ... ..,.,4111.-,,... ..,. .11h1·rt1Sl'(I for ~111.• 1n PO O I. & T •: ·N I S 4 Mtw, Lii ~McCOIMU:ll• t'la.'i.'1r1l"I t'Ol'RTS' Super 101';1 \ -----1 t1Un! nos .. to South MolloMtecrW Wonie~1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 coa.,t Plaza' Prfrt"d lo LHM llos tt.n re- l :wll ut $88.5001 St•t• now. .,.ahd ...t is flied • • l'Jll9i92390 for 25 h. Tot., re-I • 8-DA Y WEEK SPECIAL•• I ni~:1~~1. ~"r.!..::: e 8 Days • 3 lines • 8 Dollars e 11 I witll fa•llr rooM.I $34',500. 14361 e Its easy to place your 8-0ay Wee k Cla ssified by matl. and it e j SeunadtTerrau 1 • • costs 1ust sa -that s o nly a dolla r a day! To Qualify for this • I special offer. you must be a non-com mercial user o fferi ng COLE..°!L'::°"T e merchandise for sale up to $800 per ad. and tpe pnce mus t • l!-!!!!ll!!!~-111111!!!~~1 zsu Le-... ,. • be 1n your ad The cost stays the same whether your ad e 1 Uttte is l ig!! c;;;::;:;r needs eight days selling time o r 1ust one e r ta.'\S1r1Cfl A!ls an· n•all~ • • ,mall "111."1pll'lo 111·1111lc•" MEED HEL'7 4 k ~alt~ 1·;1lb IA 1th ht~ f'l' lll'lp ~·ounwlr to .1 e Use one word in each box About words ma e one e .11lt·rsh1 11 and 11,1 ~ n · 11i·ai1111~M·lt•t·111111 111 • classified line of type Minimum ad 1s 3 li nes Please print '""~' r.1 pl.11·t· '1111r ~uahhl•1t 1 1i111dul~ plainly • 1'1;1:.~1f11,1 act. 1·all t~wl,1) m tht• O.\ILY PILOT • l)l2 ~ijX m :Lr W,\NTEO .\llS : f------------------------------, : ~~~tW~or; : I : GARDEN PARK VILLAGE I • I • HAVE YOU HEARD? 41 custom built • I S 1.00 e townho mes with in a plus h I • garden-lik e comm unity complete e I 10.IO with swi mming pool jacuzzi and • I e unique recreation area. Ava ilable 13.20 e now 2 & 3 bedroom Cape Cod • \ ~-----i~----+-----+-----+--1-5-I0-"1 e style vill age on the corner of • I · Fair\'iew Rd and Avocado. Costa e 1 1 Add $2.60 for e1ch 1ddltton1l llne for 8 times • Mesa. Furnished models open daily • I e 10:30 a.m. to dusk. Bonus: :.>yr fi xed rate loans e I . • available at 1314 % • Pub lish my ad for 8 days starting e Broker Cooperation e Classification • e Name • : Address : · • City Zip Ph one • e Check or M.O. enclosed D • : Charge my ad to: : • D LIP # Exp. • : 0. # Exp. : C.M. Offiu Cc1i4 Offlu 54a.2.IH ~Q, 675-2311 ~lj~J20 ~6\_LTf ,~~~~~ FOREVER VIEW! MEW Ot4 THE MARIET Delightful WestC'l iff area three bedroom family home. Beautiful large pool and patio <Jrea. R.V. access superb floor plan for e nter ta1ni nl{. P res t ig ious Newport lotalion. Many extras and up j!rades . Sel ler is ex tr emelv moti v ated . Outstanding ·ralue at $249,000. Call today to prev.iew t his delightful new properly. SUZA*E SHULER 642-1235 675-l 445 RtStOENflAI Rf Al fSTAT£ SEljVIC£5 OPa. HOUSE 12-4 92UHOA ISU Gorgeous rustom bayfronl with pier and slip for 3 large boats. 4 bdrms. li brary. family room $990,000. For a ppoint ment a nd admitt ance through securi ty gate call 675-7656 WCY ROSE IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 I I I ---1 TELL MORE PEOPLE ABOUT YOUR E SALE! I I I EXEC. -GOLF ESTA TE NOW $67~000 A SUPER value! Custom golf estate home. 200' fairway frontage! S BR , 41h BA, formal di n. rm ., recreation & hobby rms. 2 frplcs. fam rm , sundeck porch. pool. Panorami c views from most rooms. 3 car gar. Storage galore. Call Bob Licata, 759·1221. 3 BEDROOM CUSTOM 13% PRIVATE LOAN! Own e r fin a nced no le nd e r qualifying! QuJet cul·de-sac. Parquet entry bri<'k frpl. Tiled kitchen . Pantry. Fami ly rm. Water filter and softener. Spa. Enclosed off street RV pad. Giant patio. Storage shed . Fruit trees and much more!! Just S169.000! Call Bob Licata 759·1221 R&"M~ of Newport Beach UMQUE HASH OF lHE HST LISTINGS IN TOWN RAHGI.._. FIOM $89,toO ... CA.LI. TODAY REALTORS. 675-6000 2443 Lisa Coa•I Hltf11n11. Coro.a It.I Mu WI HAYI H Of THI llST um..s .. TOWM TIADEEOUITY Owner wall lrade b•J? ~111ty In 2 year nt'w l'On do ror 3 or 4 Bdrm home In good Or . C l ) neighborhood 75t·3191 . c:: <,ft f ( : "°1-' PHUPl f' I :f ', 9>/40/o LOAN RHtlctd SI 00,000 SPY&LASS IYOWHER i;\ill Pric:e S.S75.000 Monthly Pay ment $2999 SOUTHPORT MODEL 6br ·4• ,ba. 4100 sq ft 25 Bodega Bav <.:all owner 759-0;37_ presents lHE ILUFfS-TllNA PUN End unit with view! 3 Bd rms. lge patio $295.000 includes land . 2653 Yrsta Ornodo. Ml 0,.. S... 12-4 SHAR, WIOA ,EHIMSULA POINT 3 Bdrms. 3 ba ths fres h paint. papers and carpets. Big family room. Fimmc:mg available. 1525 E. Ocee, Ml 0,.. S•. 1·5 MESA VERDE-+tOVE RIGHT IH Neat 4 Bdrm. fa mily room. quiet street. move rig ht in. $173,750. 2862 Tabogo, CM 0,.. S•. 1-5 MEWl'ORT IUCH-6 GAR.AGES 3 Bdrm. 21 -i bath. low ma intenance with lots of storage and work space. 1806 ~Ml 0,.. Sa 1·5 SPACIOUS DOVER SHOIES High ceilinged ,3 Bdrm. den. dining room. Pool sized yard Fee land. I ltl GalcuJ, Ml 0,.. S.. l·S UMtVHSITY PARK 'AT10 HOME 4 Bdrm. or 3 and den. country kitchen. detarhed home $157.500. 48 S..-TrH, lrf. 0,.. S.. 1-4 HEWPOIT ClEST-lJKE MEW Beautiful end unit. 2 BR .. den. 21~ ba. 2 decks. a rail. now. S2t5.000. 19 hccspodt Ct .. Ml 0,.. S•. 1°5 SUNNY CAPE COD-IALIOA 2 Bdrms and lrg bonu s roo m. Owner will assist right buyer. 1706 Mll ..... , .. ,.. 0,.. s.. 1.5 HARD TO FfMD "CAPE-SllllS .. Single story 3 Bdrm . Move in cond ition . Sec it today. $145.000. 425 ~.CM 0,.. S. l·I • L------------------------------• ' i r······· WE'LL PAY ijiYf5TAGE ·:~~ii.~:-·1 i • i BUSINESS REPLY LABEL : e OF OCEAN & tMHT UGHTS OPIM SPACIS & PAllS 11AMD MEW TOWMHOMIS Deluxe. 2 master suites, 1arge airy rooms. Great financing. Coun try atmosphere in Costa Mesa. All for the low price of: Signs are great to gave dareclions to your garage sale. bur 10 let peopltl know you're having a sale. you should schedule an ad to run m the Class1f1ed secllon ot lh1s newspaper! It's the best way to tell people what you're setltng. when and how to gel 10 the sate Call lod•Y and let us help you WOfd your ad. HAllOI YllW HILL5-¥11W Spacious 4 Bd rm. famil y room. Broadmoor. Assum<ibh.• fin ancinf,?. MIWPOIT SHOllS OM CAHAL Big lot 4 Bdrms. 21 :1 bath.'\. sand y be<u:h. pools & tcnn!s. S250.000. IA YflOMT WITH IOAT SUP Ex<'ellent financing to new owner or builder. Fee land. Call for details. . . • IU f'IAST CLAS$,(IU1llfNO tJ COSU MU A CALIFOAlllA ~ •• • i ~ !! PQSTAOE WU tlE P4IO 8~ •OOACSSH 8 • : ~ iii1C1o·;1iar 1 : • a I • • I lox 1MO I •. • 330 w. lay It. : • 1 1 Cotta Meta. CA 12t21 I • f • I • ······~·······,·······~······ s1J1.ooo & s1n.ooo HAL ot PAT IA&a A6TS. 67J.7JOO OPIM HOUSI SAT.•SUtl 1-4 1.%11 PAClllC .. Of WLSOMt rlSA WEST 1lllllE IAILY PUT Cwilaus· M M2-5171 . • llACH COTTAGl-MWPOIT Co7.y home with dininJ< room. 2 Rdrms. fireplace. Sl55.tMIO. OW<.:. • MISA DIL MAl-WB.L AMAMCID fo;x(·cllcnl l Hclrm. fa mily room. htr~c as.-1umuhl<.• M . $135.0IM), ,. . r. ~) .. ........ Wt ...... llwWf ......... Wf I ....... lier LL. .....___ ..__ ...... ...................... ................ -._..._.._ , ....... ,.,.. , ......... Wt .......... Wt ........ Wt u........._..__ .. ....a.. • ...a ....... eeeeeeeeeeeee-MeeeM 111111•••• I HHelHIHI •lllllllMllM-llHI • ,__ .._.--.. ,. IOll 1111 I rl I .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... ....................... •••• tm t•r llOJ 11•1.. tm I I ti ll02 l1•rtl IOOJ •••rtl 1002 llMrtl IOOJ C.W .. Mw llJ2 ,._____________ ........................ .......... .. ........... ....................... ........... ............ ........ .. . . ........ ... .......... ............. ............. ... . ...... . ..................... . :rcr.r.~ '~!rc~:! ... -c ............ (.~:,c~·;~~~I UOOISU OlOCDMSIOOO Low daft p~1~0 lir.lbe,froritrow,50'\0 TRADE/SWAP home -used br 1rk. O,.S. l·S C 0 U NT I Y OP9t TODAY 1·11 11141.0..,,.. ,. t t ..... Choice location, best Ocean View ! 4 bdrm Beach Hou se. Privacy! Excellent owner Cinancln1. $675,000 JOAMN •lllMAM COASTAL AllA PIOfllTllS 67Ml70 671-76'1 HOUSIS FOi SALE J l9IOON 402Columbia (Nwpt Crest) NB 64().6258 $149,900 Sun 1 ·5 ~ Elden, Costa Mesa 557-4579 $117,000 Open SWI HP M 2592 Westminster CE/Side) CM 646-8325 $129,000 Sun 11 ·S 2308 Cliff Dr, Newport Bch 546-2313 $429,000 Sun 12·4 534 F1ower Circle, Orange 642-8235 $95,000 Sun 1·5 4 Melody Ln (Wdbrg) Irvine 67~5511 $149,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4407 W. Coast Hwy, NB 673-6423 $329,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 Z •plllFAN 1M er D8t 56 Arboles (RSJ) Irvine 96S-l~ $189,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 417 Seville, Penin Pt, Bal Penin. 67~5134 $415,000 Sat /Sun 1·5 15 Royal St. George, Big Canyon 640-5777 Sl , 750,000 Sun d 2221 Mesa Dr, Back Bay, NB 644-9060 $335,000 Sun l ·4 2 Maritime Dr, J asmine Creek CdM ' 644-9060 Sun l ·S 417 Tustin Ave, Newport Beach 642-8235 $265,000 FeeSat/Sun 12·4 •19 &capade Ct (Nwpt Crest) NB 642·5'200 $215,000 Sun 1 ·4 1706 Miramar, Balboa Penin Pt, NB 642-SMIO $325,000 Sun 1·5 2034 VISta Cajon, The Bluffs, NB 963-8182 $315,000 Sun ~ ·5 ••10 Balboa Coves, Newport Beach 642-8235 $595,000 Sun 12·5 1 Island View, Woodbridge, Irv sss..'343 $271,271 Sun 1·5 1018 Bayside Cove East, Newport Beach 642-8235 $484,000 Sun 2·5 l 19ROOM 20612 Egret Lane, Huntington Beach 960-2183 $110,000 Sun H PM 1909 Meriday, Santa Ana 963-6767 Sl~.900 Sun 1·5 16161 Eagle, Huntington Bch 963-6767 $134,900 Sun 1 ·4 2653 Vista Ornada (Bluffs) NB 642·5200 $295,000 Fee Sun 12·4 425 Gloucester (Cape Series) CM 642·5200 $145,000 Sun 2·5 32S Rochester, Costa Mesa 64.5-9096 $152,000 Sun l ·5 •22525 Over lake Dr, Lake Forest 962-8891; 770-1756 Sunday 10:30-4 4501 Surrey, Corona del Mar 759-1221 $339.000 Sun 12-5 •958 Goldenrod, Costa Mesa 546-2313 Sl&>,000 Sun 1·4 2117 Highland Ave, Westcliff, NB 673-7300 $179,000 Sun 1·4 2885 Regis 1.n, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $128,000 1610 Tustin (Npt Hgts) CM 548-9882 $190,000 3227 Clay St, Npt Bcb Sun 1·4 Sun 1·4 759-1221 $199,000 Sun 1-5 303 Vista Serte, Bluffs . Newport Beach 642-8235 $229,000 Leasehold Sun 2-5 4fJ6 Broadway. Costa Mesa 673·5354 $159,950 126 Carol, Anaheim Son 1·5 673-8550 $92.900 Sat/Sun 1·5 #1 Rue Fontainebleau, Big Canyon, NB · 640-sm $500,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 616 Marigold, CdM 640-4521 $385,000 Open Sat/Sun 1·6 338 Walnut St, Costa Mesa 644-9060 $145,Soo Sun 1 ·5 ll26 East Balboa Blvd .. Penin 1·524-~ $1,495,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 212 Eboli, Udo Isle, NB 673-7300 $487,234 Sat/Sun 1·4 · UO Via Cordova, Lido Isle, NB 673-7300 $425,000 Sat 1-4; Sun 1·5 3 Woodland, Woodbridge ~ 1159,900 Fee Sal/Sun 1 ·5 420 DeSola Terrace, Corona del Mar 675-3411 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 • ... PAN IM tr DIM 2048 Coirunodore Rd, Newport Beach s:n.-. • $399,500 Sat/Sun 12·5 2635 Solana Way, Laguna Beach 4M-8' $345,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 ••341650cean Blvd .. CdM 673·53St Sl,250.000 SJn 1-5 15521 Sandusky, Wealmlnater 983-6'187 1181,250 Sa 1·4/Su 1·5 2808 Cl1" Dr, Newport Hei1hta 845-4&1 ~.a Sat/Sun 1·5 335 Bordeeux (E/9'de) CM M5-CDfl1 '129.500 Sat/Sun 1 ·4 201 ()pm, Balboa Island, Npt Reh m.4000 1847,500 Sat l·S. Sun 2·5 1111 CUmberlad (WestcUff) NB •USt ... Sat/San 11·4 WI llill Lim, Wtlldllf, Npt 8dl ••• urr.-81111111.N ~ • 875-5030. 3637 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar e111 "'91. Veuat 3 wller. rtP 11 Sl41 ~ ~B '•t ll'UlhyCtradMc: (1) Jo'l'etichdoora.hardwood 114Vlettltece , CHAIMH Bdrm,._ tenifk raml· •/tlUOO dwn on io·~ m w • · eu. noon' 1.211: rlmrnrio1111t DRAMA'rt<.: CONTt:M It a true·DIOO la-the GP· ty room. Covertd~atlo. AJTD.AlldueJune '83. Sll.OOO eqult)' for MBZ $297,500. PORARY on 4S' lot z Uon or btl)' now. Tllil 3 Jldt ,~ .... di note.a or low dn. Only 8dr famllt rm + 3 Ba "all-oi::• urry, MUST SELL 1106000. (2) 3 Bdrn on stoty llv rm .• t11e mstr .. A_,, 1 bl to .. ·a"h, ..... " vi.--te land 1 b h Dramatic remodeled 11uitc w iflrc iil•n:. ,.,."" ""'" .... THI-Rf Ar E S fA IF f.. S --- -- Owner: ISl·cmt. ee s eps to cac home ln Harbor View dumbwaiter to lae de<'k. l'Omt!f' lot. w/mini vu. TU '200.000 eqt. S23V.OOO French door•, 11•vers, 1·• I f Owner II nutble. Call DI aub owe I t f 10 " u NI or c11tert111n lng . a or yrs. skyUeht at S3SO.OOO Ask lge groups 1695,000 Ol1111a Cap~I. •st for La../..... Call Diana Cappel, a~ ror Good termil ' imrenna1mn1 Info. or BlJVtJJI nft"38Cfrm , 63MJM. Interested in Natalie Fo1•rtY. ugt. 2~a ba home overlooking my exch1111e program· 675-6000; 673·6571 Victoria Beach. au f U you're looking (Or ll bN ter job, you won 't want to miss tht> emplorlll('nt rolumns in Classlrled ()peo...,._Sat/Sun 1·4 ~Solana Way EdnaL&lndbtra • Aaaoc. ...... 1118 Sandi Ln, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $124,900 909 Van Ness, Santa Ana Sun 1·4 675-SSU $147,950 Sun 1·5 •452 Bolero Way, Park Lido, NB 953-9117 $135,000 Open Sun 1·5 NEW ON MARKET. Sharp 3 bdrm + study l.ge strad11 p11t10 + lae sund«k. An xl nt buy at ------- '(' .000. The Ldw~on Rea lt y ,.,-. ~ .1.: CompJrt) .......c,... F\111 view 0( ocean and Catalina Sparious 3 Bdrm, family room plus dining. Guarded cate, tenrus, pool, rec room plus more Prired to sell 1440.000. Call for showine. MZ·2000 COLDWELL BANKER. FEO DIRECTORY 2600 Block, Santa Ana Ave, Costa Mesa 63l:SlM $129,500 Sat/Sun 11·5 2277 Pacific Ave, Costa Mesa 673-7:nl $137,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 Versatile Spring Sepa'ates C A M E 0 tlGHLANDS OPM HSE SUN 12-5 4501 Surrey LDr. Ocean vu A&sumable 1st ft 2nd TD. COmer lot. Newly decorated. Pvt beach. $339,000. Craig GI ass. 2001 Yacht Resolute, NB 75'-tm $489,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ••319150.t Hwy, South Laguna 494-1177 $1,l~.ooo Sat/Sun 1·4 542 Harbor Island Di (Prom Bay) NB 759-9100 Sl,400,000 S/S 12 : 30-4 : 30 1393Galaxy <Dover Shrs) NB 642-m> $5.25,000 Sat/Sun l ·5 •204 Via Eboli, Lido Isle, NB 644-soa> $598,500 Sun 12·5 1218 Key West, Hrbr Vu, CdM 644-4910 $379,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2987 Quedada <Bluffs) NB 644-9080 S273,500 Fee Sun 1·5 31 Mmaco, Hrbr Ridge, NB 644-9060 9875,000 Fee Sun 12·4 u13) So. Bayfroot, Balboa Island 644-~ $1,250,000 Sun 1-4 l~l J ackson. Midway City, Westm. 846-3336 $93,500 Open Sun 1·5 1525 E. Ocean, Balboa Penin Pt, NB 642·5200 $495,000 Sun 1·5 124 Via Ithaca, Lido Isle, NB 67>4562 $695.000 Sun 1·5 1806 Beryl {HbrHlnds ) NB 642.5200 $175,000 Sun 1·5 1087 Glen Cir, Costa Mesa ~9800 $229,000 Sun 1·5 •829 Sonora Rd, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $139.000 Sun l ·4 u101 No. Beyfront, Balboa Island ~ •.ooo Fee Sun 1·4 2333 Arbut.us, Eastbluff 642-823.S $245,000 Leasehold Sun 1·5 lOOOGrove Lane. Westcliff 642.cJS $540,000 Sun 1-4 22 Lucem, Harbor Ridge, NB ~ $495,000 Sun 1-5 7 Rue Chateau Royale. Big Canyon. NB 640-5Tn 1659,000 Sunday 1·5 ••DX> Ocean Blvd, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $750,000 Sun 1-4 4931 Hemlock, Univ Park, Irv 644-9"60 Sl9a,OOO Fee Sun l ·5 3 Kensingst.on Court <Harbor Ridge) NB 644-6200 ~75,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1721 Kings Rd, Cliffhaven, NB 759-1501 $650,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1436 Serenade Terr, CdM 675-5511 $349,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2076 Orange Ave, Costa Mesa 548-1168 Sat/Sun 12·4 4 lmlOOM •3130 S. Timber, Santa Ana 979-2390 $148, 750 Sun l ·5 2920 Andros (Mesa Verde) CM 758-9100 $139,000 Sun 12·4 240 Eboli, Lido Isle, NB 673-7300 $450,000 Sun 1·4 7 Shooting Star (Woodbridge) Irv 67~3411 $197,500 Sun 1·5 2607 Bunya, Newport Beach 642-823.5 $968,000 Sun 1 ·5 1315 Bonnie Doone Terr, Corona del Mar 644-9674 $329,000 Fee Sunday 1·5 •2828 Tabago Place, Costa Mesa 556-0197, $175,000 Sat/Sun 11·4 2646 Basswood St CE Bluff) NB 759-9100 $229,500 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 12(17 Suuex Ln (W. Cliff) NB 759-9100 $275,000 Sat /Sun 1-5 4 • .... FAM lM w D9t 2032 Swan Dr <Mesa Verde) CM 631-JJlll SZll,500 Sun 1·4 2591 'WUIO Ln, Colla Mesa • .., SID.• Sun 1·5 320 Vista Trueba (Bluffs) NB ~ ... 500 Sun l·S 48 Sequoia Trt!e (Univ Pk) Irv. 6'2.m> . $1S1 ,500 Sun l ·4 31191 E. Nine Dr, Dial 1.24, Lag Nig a-m sm,ooo Qpen Sun 10-5 2.862Tabaco (Mesa Verde) CM 60-5100 1173.750 Sun 1·5 14 Morro Bay (Spyglus) NB S1714 •15,000 Sun 1·5 .U Alta Vista (Ealtblu(f) NB 87a.m> $325.000 Sun 12·4 3051 Carol (Eutbluff) NB m8SIO SD,000 Sun 12 :3G-4: 30 1908 Llnal .... Verde CM ...,., "'5,000 Sun 1·5 •llD linel"" (Wlmbldn Via> CM ..... ... Sun 1·4 35 SJea..-e Creek, Trtlrk, I". al 1111 -· Sun l·S 14 •• ·"1 ":r leb ..... 1863 Boa VI.Ila (Mesa Verde) CM 640--'210,900 Sun 1-4 ••Ziii..,..., Carmadel Mar 64Z·al5 Sl,895,000 Fee Sun 1·5 ••219 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle, NB 642·8235 $2,250,000 Sun 1·5 •961 S. Boone Cr, Anaheim Hills 675-3411 $259.000 Sun 1·5 1209 s.til80 Dover Shores 642-1235 $319,500 Leasehold Sun 1·5 • 1'59 Galaxy. Dover Shores 642~ $495.000 LeasebolSun 1-4 4626 Courtland. Corona del Mar 673-~ S238,SOO Son 1·5 2'131 Holliday . Newport Beach 631-7215 1245.000 Son 12·5 • •1706 E. Oceanfront, Balboa Perun, NB 675-8676, 875-8444 Sat/Sun 1·5 #6 Balboa Coves, Npt Bch 75&-1221 ~75,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 232 Goldenrod, Corona del Mar 673-8494 ~.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2220 Waterfront Dr. Corona del Mar 675-3134 9650.000 Sat/Sun 1·4 210 Via 8an Remo, Lido Isl, NB 673-2556 or 675-3048 Sat/Sun 1·5 •2242 Heather Lane, Newport Beach ~~ Open Sat/Sun 10-5 133 Via Undine (Lido Isle) NB 675-7m ST35,000 Sat/SWI 1·5 16231 WOOlllltock Ln. NB lil6-10t0 $1~.tOO Sat/Sun 1().5 7 Trafalger, Harbor Ridge , Npt Bch 64C>-5Tn $1,595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 #18 Cherry Hills Ln, Big Cyn, NB 644-teeO $1,396,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1200 Blue Gum La ne, Dover Shores, NB 644-4910 $625,000 Sun 1·5 1836 Port Westboume. HVH. NB 644-9060 .$274,900 Sun 1·5 1818 Port Manleigh, Hrbr Vu, NB 759-1501 $399,000 Sun 1-5 **1617 Bayside Dr. Yachtsmans Cove. CdM 644·M> $1,895,000 Sat/Sun l ·4 2482 Bayshore Dr. Bayshores, NB 644-9060 $1,650,000 Fee Sun l ·5 1441 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shores, NB MS-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun l ·4: 30 333 Poppy, Corona del Mar 675-SMl SS88,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 * • 1554 E. Ocean i''ront <Pen Pt l NB NB 67s.a?O '675,000 Sun 1·5 1251 Surfline Way, Hrbr Vu, CdM 644-4910 $329,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 S •IOOM 131 Via Undine, Lido Isle, NB 673-7300 Sat/Sun 1-4 ••7m Via Lido Nord, Lido Isle, NB 675-6161 $1,500,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 l••MMIMwDIH 1930 Port ~lsea, NB 494-1840 MS0,000 Sun 1-5 92 Linda Isle, Newport Beach 675-7656 9990,000 Sun 12·4:30 126 Vla L«ca, Lido Isle, NH 673-7300 Sun l ·4 • #7 Bodega Bay, Npt Bch 640-m> $585,000 49 Nighthawk (Wdbrg) Irv Sun 1·4 551·~ $344,008 Sun 1-5 ••314 Morningstar, Dover Shores. NB 644-90!M> Sl,350,000 Fee Sun 1-5 9 Inverness Ln. Bi& Canyon, NB 64Mll0 G,1'0,000 Sun 1·5 ••314 lllol llinpt•. Dover Shores, NB · 644-9080 Sl,350,000 Fee Sun 1-5 , ..... ,.... ..... •'10 Hllcrelt, Bil Canyon, NB 64(),STT7 St.•.a Sat/Sun 1·5 N~fl8 t.)'pnsa Point, Ulg Canyon, 640-5'm $1.7 Million SJn 1-5 COteoMIMIUMS '°' SALi IAaaol •100Scbol1 Plua ft05, Versailles 873-7300 "9,IOO Sat/Sun 1·4 l•IOOM •25 CQOn blind, Blc Cyn, NB 173-'lll 1111.eoo 12 :30-4: 30 ••• llsll .. Cevtl, Newport Beida .. S.l~ 'l277 Pacific Ave. Costa Mesa 673-7300 $189,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 •300 Cagney Ln #101, Versailles, NB 673-7300 $127,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 •300Cagney, Penthse 17, Versailles 673-7300 $132,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •2936A Camino Capistrano, San Clemente . 496-9786 $127 ,500 Sat/Sun 12·5 411 1h Dahlia. Corona del Mar 675-5.511 $295,000 Sat /Sun 1·5 2 II,._ DEH 10 Crest Circle. Corona del Mar 673-8494 $173,000 Sun 1·4 #3 Rue Fontainebleau (8g Cyn) NB 759-9100 $425.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2143 Vista Entrada. Bluffs. NB 640-5560 $495.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 Maritime Dr, Jasmine Creek, Cd M 644-9060 Sun 1·5 l lfOROOM •412Carlotta (Orig. Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $218,000 Sun l ·4: 30 501 Ave. Largo, Bluffs, NB 640-5560 $272,000 Sun l ·5 2559-F Elden Ave, Costa Mesa 675-1771 $159,000 Sunday 1·5 2415 Novia. Bluffs. NB 644-9060 $315,000 Sat1Sun 1·5 **1815 W. Bay Ave. Bal Penin, NB 673-0776 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 411 Dahlia, Corona del Mar 67~5511 $335,000 Sat/Sun I .5 lU,._DfH #3 Monaco, Harbor Ridge. NB 640-5560 $695,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 25 Rustling Wind, Trtlrk, Irv. 759-1501 $2$>,000 Sat Sun 1-5 7 Hartford, Heritage Pk. Irv. 759-1501 $141.900 Sun 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 lf:DROOM Avocado & Fairview. Costa Mesa 548-2239 $134,950 Sat/Sun 11 am 2 II,._ DEH 7 La Serena. RSJ. Irvine 759-1501 Sl&>.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 l lfOROOM Avocado & Fairview. Costa Mesa MS-2239 $154,950 Sat lSun 11 am DUPWES FOR SALE l .. ,.. 2 .. 31S-3151h Larkspur. CdM 759-1221 $299,500 Sun 1·5 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 2 IEDROOM •700 Lido Park Dr #38, NB 673-7:n> Sun 1-4 2 • ,.. FAM RM or DEN ~t15 Monrovia (Regal Club> Sp. 23. 646-813.1 $64,500 Sunday 10·6 l lfOROOM 300 E. Coast Hwy, #52, Npt Beach 675-3347 $68,500 Sat/Sun l ·4 HOUSES FOR LEASE 3 • ... FAM lM w DIN 14 Rue DeauviUe, Big Canyon, NB 640-5777 $2600/mo lse Sat/Sun 1·5 •19 Montpellier, Hrbr Rdge, NH 644-6200 $3300 Mo. Sun 1·4:30 4 • .... FAN IM w DIN •2242 ffeather-Lane, Newport Beach ~ $1500 Mo.Ope_n Saturday & Sunday 10.s HOUSH FOR RENT t•••AMn.w DIM 1115 Essex Lane. Westcliff, NB 6*6788 1895/mo Sa.J/Sun 12·5 • Pool * • W1terfront * • * Wlterfront 6 Pool PRINTED PATTERN 'A950 SIZES 1·18 159 122 llYl .. TBIACI Fantastic Buy ! Fee land! Well m.aint1ined 4 Bdrm home with new cptstdrps 644·9674 or 598-6748 CDMDUPW Best buy in CdM. Lrg 3 Bd home wlfrpk, + 2 Bd apt Only $262,000. owe w 140.000 dwn. Joyce Waltze. aj!l 631-1266 2 ILKS TO WATEI Adorable duplex on 35' 10( Mountain vu. OWC lst $299,500. Opn Sun 1·5 Drop by 315 Larkspur or call Jeanne I BIOU!.OO v. 1th d.isl1t• -· teg159·122l w:u~t 2 Floating ~k1rt ~ 3 Superbly f1111ng pants • • The. easy· ev. t no works • ht>Jut1fulh for vou all l<flrln)1 J 0nd su'm mer &-v. 11 m 1·n•pc. 1·ouon. k:mts 3 Primt Dmlexfl 3 Bdr + 3 lfrcfr"' Assume 5200,000 1n loans. Asking 0!9,000 2 Br + 2 Br. so of bayside S389.000 4 Br + 2 Br. Jumbo loan . so of hwy 1449,000 Call for more dela1ls. Darr ell. Pash . agt Re Max 759·1221 Pnnted Patlt'rn 1950 b'' Ronrue llellt>r 1·omt>i, 1n Mis~ S1z~ 8. 10. 12 14. 16. I!! Sm.• 12 t bu~t 3-1 1 blouson takt'~ 13 II ,·ards ~I lnl'h. skirt 21, 'di. IS m'·h, pants 2"• n1rd~ St>nd S2 50 for th1,· Prrnt· cd Pattl'rn to 0 ,\ILY PILOT . llo:. 59, Old Chl'bt'a Sta . Nt'v. York COM DUPLEX ~ y 10113 \dd SOI· ro; iOO MARG UERTTE JHbt.lgt' c1nd ~Pl'C'IJI New con s truc tion. handhng Pnnt Name. Medal. arl'hilerture. \dd rt's~. Zip. Style 3bdrm & 2bdrm . :'I.umber and Sm.• $400,000. financing avail. I Sensallonal su\lnl(:1 on Owner Bldr (714 ) \t.'l\Sat1onal c•lothcs are fITS -;.c;:.;,l ___ _ )oon.withour l'iEW 1982 W time offered! Ex- t PR 0 MI !" E Iii T q~1te4 Br.312 ba.Some I OESIGM:R P \TTER N tia) View S650.000 , CATALOG You save S50 675-3834 1 10 S500 and mort• when - you sew' \II tht' top -------names. ne'"t' I ca~' to I aux ENJOY sew des11rner looks 1n the lowest price in d r e ~ s e ~ l' o ut !t Corona de! Mar, lovely sportswc.ir Plui. SOt· C.anyon Crest Condo. on· BONl:S CO L' PON for I) Sl73.000 2 story . 2 . any p.illl'rn or )Our bdrm, 212 bath. dining 1 l'ho1re Send SI so for room. tennis. pool & I Hook ':TT now rlubhouse -I 0 CNSt Circle IWloo 111.d I 006 Opt9' S... O.ty 1.4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·~ ~,J 'r·~''''''" dll tArm. Earn 16'. on Balboa Island trust deeds Over 50' • eqwty Short or long term. $0000 minimum ........ ty.RJtr 675·Zl'6 OPf.N 1-5 1101 Balboa ATTRACTIVE 2STORY +modern apt nr bays. S38S.OOO. W bltn fabulous finanr 1111? Sa\'e m UHIHALTY IZllt 434-ffOI Slll 000 2 br + 2 br ~uplex at 221 Rub 675·7013 own _agt_ ..... , ...... t007 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Penln. Pt home . 2bdrm, 2a.,ba, den Xlnt cond. MW crpt. Owner will considtr Iona escrow. Will finance Ml~.000 ·Owneft~1 61Ht34 c.... ...... 1012 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... ""'Mith $347,000 Vie w . Pri de o f ownership Sa uu lito 3br/2ba. For appt. u ll Nan. aam. 844·2111. JMMINI t RgF.K·full ~ Y\I, 2 • den. 2 It• cc.do ,_., teula, MC'. 0. ""· °"" Sat1•11 11-4 •c.t °""''"· MISMJ11t1UI •. <i/\njt¥"1l"!i) fi?-'J-8~9~ 1141 E. CoHt Hwy., C. BY.OWNER "NEW" CdM CSTM BLT 2300 sq fl Wlk lo lx'h 3Br. 312Ba. rirrular ~twrway. skylites, ~rdn window s As k ing m .ooo OPENSati Sun 1·6 616 Maricold 640-~I 637-8178 VJtw. .... °' .. Pool s pa 4 Bdrm $397 .SOO Sam 1All t i00-l7_Si ____ _ CdM'sftMIST l'ustom home. Outstand· 1n11 ar t hlll'l.'ture. beautifully dt<'Of'ated J BR . hbrar)' /guest . separate stucho S1t5.oel fee. Includes icoraeoa designer furniture. lM NAR<.:ISSUS Wt:t.TON ii CO Georainc 67H800 ot MIMllOI MUST SR TMSllAUTY <XHn • bay vu. 4 8dr w1bor11a., rm. pool. •Pt. + ct\Y lilt!! Prof. df'ttr ~-ll 7". A •net vah•e Mn.•. W•'t last. Patrlr ll,. •ll 1 .. '· . , , I I ,, 1 ., .i f p .. "-ttFerW. ,.....,_We ......... w. ......... Wt •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~ ....... !!!~ ~~ ....... !!~~ ~~~~~.!!.~~ ~ ............ !!!! ~~~ ..... !!~ ~~~~ ..... ~!~ ~.!'!~~~~.~.!!!~ ~.f.~~~.~ ... !!!! ~~,.~~~.~ ... !!.~~ ......... ~.~ ... !!~ MIW ON MAlllT Choice 4 Bdr l ·story home ln prime Mesa Verde location . Secluded spa s urrounded by lus h landscaping . $218,SOO. LOCATION. LOCATION, Mesa Verde near golf course 4 Bdr, tall trees, secluded pool & spa. All the best feature s and best location. $~.000. M0T1V A T1D • • as Unique location in Mesa Verde. 4 Bdr, family room. rormal dining . 2 fireplac~. good financing. $225,000. JAClll HAMN.IMAM 631·1266 RVM~ of Costa Mesa . 1 Mllt toltect. a..S.""-'a SAUIYOWMll STOf'THIWOILD 38R. 2BA. 1110 K Open Rollin& 1reen llllts. Immaculate 3 Br 2b1 Here'upl1etto1e1 olf! u •• "'· whlsperina trets otrtr o cu n view h 0 me Located Just A SHORT """'· -n 14. 20612 Egret 1«lu,,lon ln th.ls choice Ftlt!Utl: wr1e dedt, STROLL FROM TH•: LIM. HJt•2183 rondo. Sunken muter oalt paneled den. As· BEACH. you'll rollow S40IOTOTAL suite. au est roo m1 awnable loan and seller lbenaaatone path put 1 etrYOU IM +atudy or den. Prk vu fananclna s:ne.ooo cau pkitt rt'nce to the re- Excltlna 28R Medlter· SlH .500 . Call now. ~orwknda•t7·2'7M tently rtn0vated OLDE raMan twnh5C w/bar & S&·2000 OCEAN VIEW FIXER LAOUNA CHARM ER. vt Uo, 556·6516 COLDWELL BANKElt. Sl7SK ass m. lOOK ut Unique 3 bdrm. rtoor NO QUALIFYING Spec. FEO 1ov.•z plus owe. 50X90 fillll IH'Ylctd ~a baths tacular 3 Br w/~ool ONLY Sil 500 DH ~. 3 BR. I~ BA. Best 1 u turcs: OC AN VU Best are a J ST $lm.v.M0' p !Dol\&31·.alllla . MSTR.SUJTEw/frplc .. & I form. dine rm .. country $136,000. Bkr84·0709 ~s Bdrm s1Tsty PAMOIAMIC style kitchen w/all the **11. Ml TO Sm>ke Trtt townhome WNTIWATH YtlW imdem conveniences & i'2 • W/pvt patio. dbl de· 3 br ram rm 21, ba c 0 z v L I v R M BUl'ff tidied gar, centr. air, new ' crpts ' drps Aa: W/OLOI!: FASH. 1.,0G """ decorator colors and surnable SS8000 1st at BURNING FR PLC. ~west priced unit lo warm firelights. Near I0.4rk. For s ale by You'll alsu find ex· Mariner's Cove r-:nd un· pool . a pa, .ten n Is . owner. 1225,000. tensive u11e or cedar It ' attached garage 2 Sl3S.~. Don t del ay. 0y61S.M20/evs 7S9·1206 paneled walls. leaded Bdrm. I' 2 Ba Ask for call Diana, agt 63J.1266 e I 11 a w Ind ow :s & 8111. Diana Pietenpof. Volpe ALMOST IUDY akyUtes. Ofrered ror on- Sll4.900 Large custom In ex· I y: S365 . 000 FULL ut..-"'brld-elusive area. Quality PRICE! CALL "'""' ,,. throughout. 4 Bdrms, 3 MISSION REALTY Rei lllJ ba w/w1ldemess \•iews 985S. Cst Hwy , Laguna I OJZ 4BR Pool Home In Mesa SUS.000 ..._. 4f4-07l I Verde Lrg Corner Lot. 55 I ·3000 L.ot-o YAI• l E ------· Breeteway.2CarGa r + l9ZOll1rra11u Phi).lr~ln• ••WOODBRIDGE 4f7·1761 • Lagi!M..,... ATTM:IUILDHS Much More' Dri ve By. ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Vacant lot, So. of PCH 2828Tabago Plare Then "'!'!""'!"'I'°" 5 BDRM """W-FREEDOM Owner!}:l°;=rdmate Call for Appl to See .• ~.'.~ ........ !~.~~ Beautiful execut1 vt• Nearly 12 ac surrounds 67111771 957.ooss.OpenHouse Sat BEST BUY Trinidad homewith 3 t·ar guru~e this 2·sty home. Pool, w-& Sun. 11A M·4 PM . I Id Pri I B b d all th l S spa. hrdwd noors F P Priced lo Sell at Sl7•.ooo s . me Ol' 3 r 3 a an • e ex ras ee ( ~ OWC k Woodb 'd ' b t t In living rm & llmil" Wt Assuma ble Loans. at 14', ant B r n ge s es o , """""rationW. A ts Tom(io.tier646-9200 day Opn Hse 1·5 11 19 rm. Assume~'. 30 yr ~ --Nighthawk . off Cuh er .11 FA NT AS T 1 c NE w loan. Call Pete Johnson. By owner: two 2bdrm 10/o DOWM-Ow• FM. Warner. then left. Ask HOME IN Al.TA VISTA ita631 l266 houses on I lot Asuma· 3BR 2batwnhse an Hun · for John Gorgeous ocean. cit y j··~~~!@i~U ble 11'1 I.St T.D. OWC lington Harbour Owner and l'oasthne ,.1ews • MUST SUI Beautiful ocuofront Prol dttor, ocun vu. 4 duplex Two 2 bdrm~ Br w/pool/1p1 + city FantHllc flnanctnic Ill••· Au ume ll.'18'1r. 11v1ll11ble Prin. onl y True valut $429 .&oO. M!SJ 1579 __ _ Won't lul l Patrick --------T9'0re,ait7Si-122l R&"M~ . - c-eryY~ New C•pe Cod 2 story bldg on prime street. 2.lW sq. n + $ car pkg Residence1orrice up· 1Ullrs, roof top deck. re· tall downstairs. 1375.000. a... s.t/S.. 1·5 4lOlhUt,M.I . 67U776 DISPEIATE Must Uquidale • units. 2 yrs new, fabulous views o( ocea11, golf course etc owe. c .. 11 me today Rhone a 631·1266 FEE LANO CONDO WlTH BOAT SLIP 2 BR end uml has 2 large mllliter s111tes. each wilh swi derlt The soon to bt-seru ri t y galed r um munity rs cu~y walking d1st-anre to the bearh l.;ir!(e pn 1att! patio on the ba~ pr"' 1dt':. ex t•t•llent outdoor II v 111.1: UOOISU IAYNOHT Sl ,000,000 Ctwmln1 2 adrm 1Jlus den, 2 bath. pier and shp to 11ccomod ate 40' boat North side. For an up· pointment to see th is ex elusive property. call $40.WI ~ . HERITAGE fff AL TOR~ -------- ~--- MEWPORTHGTS VIEW Beaut.• lit w/numerous ame nit ie s Own er financing at 10':. For an appt to view this fine h ome . c all Curt --...rHEIGHTS SECLUDED CHARM I\ pri,•ate conteml)llrary entcn ainmcnt home w 3 Bdrm' renl r k111·h . WtJOds} l'lllll.1:. lots Of HAR I OR RIDGE C u s t o m Fren c h N0tnwndy, approx 7200 IHI ft Amen1tld IOU nume~ to hst Builder hu bu1 It I hi s for himself. but present el•onomy fo ree11 u le Under 2 million St·nou UIQutnes only' 7f.0 8430 by..Q_wnt!r_ EXTUVAGAMIA! PRIME PIOPEITY NEWPORT HG TS CAPE coo Wlt!Xt'l'll tional VIEW OF OC EAN ' HARBOR Ex ponSIVt! 4 Brw/pool <.:RF.ATIVE FINANCING! OCEAN VIEW from tbu. woods} 4 Br PRIME LOT & LOCAT ION Gr l!al f1 n u nL•in 11 S279.SOO THIS IS Tm : ONE' HGT S C 0 l' N T R Y CHARM ER w 2 Rr +Its ~or geo us and only S250,000 O WN E R Fl NANCED RAE RODGERS !':1·' RVM~ R.UCID SI 401 MEWLYUSTID Whitewater vit>w ol Lu lie Corona b«ach. shows lilte a model, attP3 Crom ~lllld. $ Bdrm :J.400 sq ft, OWC Call Tim Rhone. l26e RVM~ COUNTRY FRENCH IN BAVSHOR ES Charming country 3 br. 3 bu home has pri vate ma s t er s uit e wit h bakony in gale J!Uarded community with two be1ut1ful beaches. Ex· cellent owner f1nanrans makes lhu. a great buy al S349.S00 Age nt 675-1058 LEASE/OPT or SALE 4 br. 3 tia exec Westclirf home. All new In & oul Qllet, res1d slreet Va · cant -imme d ore JP._SK_Qwnla i52·2550_ Newport Heights 2BR . Comer Lot Low Down. SllJI 500 Owner/ Agt 771-4390 FORECLOSURE ift ~rtHts 2 Br 1 ba R2 TLC needed Low dn Take cwer payments Prine 42nd. Asking $125.000 \\•ill sell for $185.000, [Ul]. h 1gh1 1 g ht 1h1 s 3 1024 with 25,000 dwn 20th & SLS.000 dwn. AITD for ~i \\bodbrtdte bedroom, 21 2 bath re· Pormna. 64G-7464. balance at IS'• No bank Reilly s1denn• with full Sl•curi· •VIEW HOUSE• cr edit appr ovals ty system. s pa, t wo 3 br.2ba.Sl39,SOO.Su~r )lm•SHAJt--P•lA-S•f•Sl-D•E-I R i "h 3 rd L ee · 551-3000 fir e p I a ces and terms.Owner,495·5707 6 PUX 213·4S44641 __ lt?tBarrann n111,1r .. ar dumbwaiters too Just •OCEAN VIEW • -... lnilw I 044 listed at '595.000. <.:all N i g u e I S h o r e s """"'Yl50/o DOWM ••••••••• Mike Easley forrnore in •ownhouse . 1 ~r"es t Owner will finance lo •••••• ••• •••• • PRICE ' · • " " Outsta nding o wnc·r financing at S only $329.SOO Agt 675 1058 ~n Sat Sun 1·5 4407 W Coas.!.JhghwaL.. Ultra dlx 3 Units on the glass. lowcrrng trees.--------and spa Room to ex GORGEOUS & BAY pand on & out + alle> \'IEW Complete re· act•ess Best st an lll(ts dcror:tt ed "Bayside Pnced at only $279,500 Qive" 2 BR. den pen· <.:all Diana, agt 631·12t>G thow.e Assn. J)OOI, spa. pn beac·h Look' hke rmdt•I Great aJ>~umable Try 20'. down or 6 rmnths option Greatly o. '•k for Carey oJ ; -2242 1--------oormati011 model S289,000 ownr qualified buyer Well WOODllJD,._E RED UC ED 4tt 4874 ...., ""II located, good looking 6 • • ~- units + 4 car garage + 3brt2ba condo s.lOK dn. on this rore \'anderb1lt I e OPEH SAl'iSUM Ol'eanfront \II 4 Bdrm w fi replat'l' The best of Newpon pnred lo sell Pnn ~ly~ t\gt tl.'11·1~79 Slt5,000 IM ASSUMAILI LOAMS foc this 4 bdrm 312 bath beautifu l Portofino roodel in Harbor View. Separate mother·m-law qrtrs. almo s l new rarpetmg. close to po0l S319.SOO ample parlting, Below 11 Sl95011no. Call agent , in the Park H o me ~ L" p ti · I N I times gross. Nan Fryer, 644·2999. 1.-irge spal'IOUS ~ bdrm., 1ngo i!Jf8 c~~: home 1f ~~. Caltodlir644·7211 1klvestors:S20.000 2'1ba,Separa1ema:.ter •.it..... 31, ba. dbl gar 8} ,..,\.MJL.Y HOMf': ONTHF. RAV »tJO)' waterfront h\•anie un Lido in 1h1~ 1 br l'OI on1a l horn~ L ar ~e bakon\· off the master sui le· O\ a looks the v.ater and thl' pnvate bandy beac·h This uni 1.1ut> home on an O\'er :.1ied lot 1i. 1dt'al for farruly lh ing and enter tauung Sl.750.000 Ai.:l'nt 61~1-~_ -reduced for motivated buyer $484,000 Debbie f'rall ~hl·nab lr\'ine Rl.'alty 642·8235 OPEN HOl'SE SUNDAY 2-S 1018 Bayside Cove East. Newport Beach $180 000 Newport 11gis teardown v. plaru.. super fana m· mg, call Linda Hart. ain 6.11·1.2G6 • I R&IM ~ tJn NIGEL [31\IUY & ASSUUl\TES MEW SUMMY MESA T o wnh o me fro m Sll7.SOO 2336 Elden. CM. -------.-------•I Open Sun I 4 PM . 557.4579 MISAYEIDE 3 bdrm, 2 bath. frplc. dbl OPEH HOUSE farage. A·l cond 243 Magnolia $149.500 134,5()9. Owner will as· best buy on E·slde Jim sist in ftnancing. 542.0750 lfllf McC..2t' lJtr. •YA As.-W.1 * "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!54'!!!1!!1·.7!!!!7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I '101 2' r 73K lst S7~3pill "' 3Br 112 ba llOK 7Kdn SB.LllWILL FINANCE AT 11 % 'Ibis 3 Br home may be the best buy in Mesa Verde. It's loaded with potential and perfect for the home owner home lovers de \'Ot ed lo creative projects Priced at $129,900. aau me for more info. Anne .. •~YEIDE• WllllPOOLAND SPA Spacious 3 Bdrm. 2 ba. BeaulifuJ area. SlS.000 dn. Asking $240.000 Sl&«i/mo pymt. PP Agt •7089 EASTSIDE $US.OOO 2 Br 1 Ba, oak tloor & frpk. Owner fllWICed W/LSr; dwn R·Z 3 Br 1 Ba w/nu roof on Ir& lot. OWf'inance < 11' 1'f 76K tst ~piti 3Br111 8a, llOK6Kdn. Prin. only, Bkr 667-3863 ==:l Spacious li ving rm w/crackUng frplc ! Lge kltrh for family meals. New roof. cpt. PLUS re· cently ADDED family rm.! GREAT TERMS help you own yo ur own home t od ay ! Cal l 646-7434 C121 Gold Star Realtv ••WALK TO SO. COAST PLAZA and live in this 3 Bdrm with pool. spa in security gated commun ity 196.000 In loans at l211'f Call Randy for details \\bodbrldte Realt t 551·3800 tm81rr111u Plc•J,l r-vlff 100/o DOWM Reduced payments for 3 years 2-outstanding M .., R I o..i .., Eastslde condos. 3 BR, A " A 2'12 ba, lge yards & tlGHLAMDS patios. Walking distance 5 yr new S Br 2.5 Ba on to shopping. cul·dt·tac wt lrg as· OP£NSAT/SUN 12·4 auma ble 11.S,..r loan. 327 OGLE SI' .. CM Curt Herberts II, agt ...-As""""'en""t"'"',63~1·"'"566'-=-l __ _ FUIDOM HOUSE 3 Br. 1 Ba large yard $915,000 .... 641-0763, Agt. -======-........ oc. 1040 MIWCOMDO SO DH .. "................ • ARTIST ABODE. I 1 to Acent. 63l·ST.l7 beach. 3 Br. 2 Ba UOK, Beaut. lrg brand new open house Sun l·S 20612 2bdrm, 2•2ba. frplc. 2 Egret Lil., HB960·2183 car -gar. great area AIAMOOHED liOllO total down. Pay me nts S99 8 Ag t · 2 STOIY +poof 751·3297. $17,500 AMm lg loans. •Br l~ba, Immediate possession! Fam rm wtfplc. encl Rent Ult yours. Here it patio, E/Side. Theresa is! Big htory twnhse •mi with for mal li ving. -=:...=~-----•g ou rmet kitc h en . E. Side,, 3bdrm. 2ba cocktail patio and large +lbdrm apt. St89,000. master suite. All Just 2 110.000 dwn · Ca 11 minutes to miles of ~Claris=::::tina=:..;:;55:..;7-=·2'7""'83=·=---i pounding surf + LOW •V!TSATTN: • down pay ment. No Foreclosure 11le. Mesa qualifying! HURRY call Verdt 3 Bdrm fixer. 847~100 PNt-. oaly 543-p Bkr. Realty Wocld/Beachside ; ·HAID TO l&llYlt Hite 6 dun 2 Br. I atory condo. Assume U'-' private l*t. T.D. On· Immaculate l BR condo. !1 •·•· o. Bourke Did unit. Swedish frlc· lReall« 541-"50. nr clubhouse, poo It 'IR, l l!IA. rplc. us"ed brk beach. G63re1a7t ~~ms! l a n.ooo. m 11 P 1. ' __ ....::=.;:...;· ""u..""----1 1'lltla,Gt.J1701lr·cOOR 4br 3ba nr. bch. Sl5SK. • Dlln TO 11$K ctn. owe. SLZOO mo. Jl7' 0... A••· =mnll. 962·1227 6 Cbelow lalt It> Open -..H lat/ha 12·4 flllS'MI flff C.. .. 111611 ldrm. 2 4 .._ J'la k ._ ~~~L!or .. I dlnln1. ,. 6,., J c• ~ .. ...-lll .. •utJ. Prl114 te uttt l~Coltt '"'·"'· ...... ._ .,... .,. w/ JltMt a c.I ._...._: • pt ••rl• t equity share> bdrm & bath \'1ev. of the owner No prin Assume hills and futurt' park I -----13.093'. w1SSO.OOO dn Decorator's Rancho San Pool and srhools d11:.1• MOITH EMD 000 firm. 496· ISO_L_ 1 Joaq111n 2 Br + den t·on· hy • Walk to the bearh from do. Sl89,000. 955· 1120 Uus neat & tidy 2 bdrm LAb Fonst I 055 OV.'n ·\OUr·OWO u n it ••••••••••••••••••••••• , C.tYtnW. Ocea·n s ide of t he I 3 bdrm. 2 ba. S27 K highway & offered al an · down.Noqual.on lO~', afford able pri ce. WoodedS.,mte~ loans.11112 PITI $140 000 BAY FRONT LEAS EH OU> t::xq111s1te 4 BR. 5 Br\. near Linda Isle. IO('ludei. pn\'ale dock 60' on the main bay S.50.000. down. & assume S750,000 at 760-0660 · Pnvate 4 bedroom. 2 ' OLD LAGUNA bath home Lhal shows IAIGAIM IUY! A cluster of 5 separate I like a model Over 1000 low down. choice Irvine bdrm r harm rottages. f t f d k. d b E. ~ .. h with f·1replal·e & square ee 0 ei· mg con o. easy to U}' lf513C·.u•auaft.. leu'"'E -· wi th spa ove rlooking Prime location. at ""'"';,w: ""'" open beam ceilings The secluded creek and MUST SEE THISIEAUTY ~·-· ~2-9231 tached f.a rage. prked 10 large Oat toe has nire woods Formal dining sell On y $88,000 Owner tumE lOCK ocean views & is but a r oom . 2 c u s t o m moti vated. won't last O,... s.11 1·5 short wallt to the beach fireplaces, plush carpet ()('ean & ba) ,.u. 4 Btlr " bonus rm. pool. spa. + r1ty ht hl Prof decor Assume II 78', A &~al \'alue $429,000. Won't lat Pa t rH·k. agt i~l221 IEACH BARGAIN FEELAMD Great investment. call 35 Syc..ore Cl'fftl SS3S,OOO. ing. wood plank Flooring now 552·2000 New on market. This MYSTIC tlLLS in kitchen and nook owe 1st for 10 yrs. ~ll.•11s to bearh. may take note foc trade. 3 Bdr hnme. \'acanl and read\ to rrove in 10 Exrell ·run· dilion. freshly painted. I priced at 5239.000 Call Diana Ca ppt'I u J(t COLDWELL 'BANKER. home is theqwntessence Absolutely fabulous area, and atnum off tht! fEO ol quality & style. Spec white water ocean views family room mak t> this SI h I 2 t from th.IS 3 bdrm. 2' • home a tr ue delight * * NGLE STY ... cu ar 5 ory entry. 4 bath home. Walltin\dis· bdrms. 2' ~baths, family $314.000 with assumable 3 Bdrm condo in Wood· rm. 2 fireplaces. dining lance to hich sc 001. first loan of $159.453 at bridge 93~'. loan and rm. lower level master town & beach. Owner 12'"" Submit term:; to owner 111111 carry Call suite. Intimate sky.flt will help fin an r e owner PRICE SLASHE D [~I 'j~deta1lsbrldgt library or conversation MSO.OOO 76 ... 4519 I N N E w P O R T I area. wet bar. Lots of HEIGHTS oak Superb decor. As· Owneriagent Great starter home As R&"M~ Rei l111 sumable 1st T D Owner sum.> \'A 1st at 9', no , wtJI cal'T)' 2nd T.D Ex· I quali fying owe the HARBOR \'I EW HOM t:s 551·3GM c-ellent value at 1365.ooo. j .. "'""" LAKESIDE rest• 3 br. 2 ba. warm Modifil'<i Carmel 5 UH. 31 DESPllATE ! CUlYEIDALE :.'!.::.':":., Comm pool. spa. tennis fireplace and your own askS300K ti-14·5~5 tt:tBarruu Pll•y.lnlff I 3 Br 2,, ba home 1·ountry 2 ~tory with BA ja('U2Z1. prin univ Woodbridge l Br 2ba. 1 Pnce reduced $10.000 crts ' clubhse S210.000 olfice Down to SI00.000 1 Pric• ltdilc•d yr new Low down as Outstanding 3 bdrm. 1 17l 4t 4t4-l l77 Exceptional fin anr ing A Must to Se(• Op1m S~n $25 OOO I ,, d f family r m. 2 balhs, -with:.l'f,down OW<.' lge from I · 4 llilO Tustin U B 'k B sume oaru .. ee ast large comer lot. Highly . 2nd & 3rd. Ce ntury i~ve ---pper ac· • a), im sale upgraded Immaculate YICTOIJA llACH 21/Berg Ask for Bam · • mal' 3 ~rm. 2 ba 2-100 SUCC ESS RE1\LTY Ass umable f1Danc1ng AITD I~ DOWM R.968-8891or770 1156 . NEWPORT HGTS I !IQ rt c~t home ~Ull'l ~9-7991 Pncenow S142 500 ° . --Sl99.000 r u I d a ~a r '\ 11 ~ t\l·ros·frmT R""k EIS ... DAYIDD CAUSOM Orean view: spbt level )lisliollYieio 10671 Brandnt>w3Bdrm3 Ra.• $164 .500. You r ~ for ~ "" • ... • floor plan with a .BR and ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,pac1ous r oom~. Fr j Sl0,000 or. Sl700 mn on cuJ.d-sac A1·ail onlv llEALTOI IJ].f 293 BA 01n each wm g for FOIEClOSUIE doors. skyhll's. j!ourmct Owner . tobeyers w1thEISc age l'omp.eh~ pnv_acy. Va · ~OOOd ,2bd 2b ktl('h +• + Goo'1 1175 3772 ~32SK 955017L__ LalJlllaleach 1041 . cant. m.oH in today · ~nri h/:;:i· th! f1nanc1ng J t•ann1• ILUFFS uruvers1ty Park 4 BR. 2' > ••••••••••••••••••••••• tshare with w1a fnendl pen t g 2 j Salter agt 7~9-1221 Priced FAR BELOW ap· w a e r · Y r s ' Single story 3 Br 2ba BA. Fam room. green THlHAICH IAY praisalatSlS9 SOO. old ... S2600 •mo Contact • Linda Plan. spa. S.'101\ belt lorat1on . ('Obble 3bdrm, 3ba. fam r m. OWHEIS YS Cat hy Mathe ws at 1 dn lonf term financ slone drive & entry. completely remodeled, " A., 830-9237: 778· 1980, Ive I mg F\il pm't' 5212.500 l many xtr;is! Must see' garden kitchen, sper MOYE rT mess Landmark Assor 4 Owner A"' S53-l006 $175,000 w min dn tacularocean v1ew.ser And d rop the prire --H ---~ --- 0 W C at I 2 '• •, gated.walktobearh.At· Sl5.000! on this Mini · OwMrDnperm! I AVEl~YER .. 1 IAYFIOHTCOHDO 1 Owneragnt 552·8046 or tractive financing ElitaleinlowerTemple 2BR Condo.Assume F.x-W)th4 c~dos in Hawau,, &at Sli p a1·ailable I {702 ) 588·8123 (714)499·5663. Hills w11h a "Mediterra· isling Low Low Interest will qualify for new loan. 5475 000 n ea n . . \I i e w a n d VA loan. Or New Loan 111111 use SJOl!.000 equ!IY OcUMFIOHT I nMACNAB· HI~- DUAM HOME IH TUmE lOCI Up g rades everywhe re . beautiful custom br ick jacuzzi overlooking hills of Turtle Rock. Carpets & draperies are decorator perfect. Located across from com m . pool & spa on quiet cul-de-sac sl. owe Lg 2nd. $354 .900. Pal Aden 855-4343. WOODUIDCH WATHFIOMT SPICTACUL.AI PAMOlAMIC LAKE & mou n t ain view s i n t h e prestigious gate9 community of Arbor Lake. Private beach & community boat house, dock & spa. Maste r bedroom. living room, formaJ dining rm & a en. One of the better waterfront locations. Owner will assist in financing. Only $271,271 Pal Aden (714 )85.5-4343 MOITHWOOD'S -SHADY HOU.OW This gorgeous 2 BR. 2 BA ho m e is loc ate d on a cul·de·sac street just s teps from a Community Park. The corner location lends itself to privacy & a spacious open reeling . New fin ancing available at bargain rates. Don 't m iss this one! $151.900 Kat hleen Kelley 8M·4343 .w. .... .w.www LMVllAm.Y AIJc.ta omc. Park aeao1 PutO di AJJota •1oe Lacuna HWt. CA 8898.1 ('l'l4)811HM3 Complete Privacy. 3BR . Available at low rate. for down Ca 11 T1 m a fabulous kitchen with CallOwner.581·1106 Rhone,agl 631·1266 Be ~utiful ho me on ...;;.;;;;=~"'-'-'=-= --Peninsula Pt. Pn<'ed at Butlers Pantry and tlu. rtleocll 106' lotvalue guest house. Vacant-.... r................. 675-8676_ _ __§75·84441 rrove In to 789 Bayview I Drive. Open Sun. 12-4. llAMD MIW UDO Wahrfront I 0% NOW $349,900 CUSTOM HOME 2500 sq fl condo in pre FUlHISHID CONDO m> sq. n. of traditional -.--. ..... ~............_ stigious Lido Vil la11l'; Across the street Crom degance + 3 car gar & lEDUCID: UDO Area .-1boat slip lllgh 'I oceanfront in North boat yrd oo bst Lido St WATllflOHT assumable 10·, 1st Will Laguna. A big Bdrm. 4bdrm or 13bdrm + This home features s also consider lease OP· 11,BA , fireplace and den). 4ba, lrg. din rm, bdrms. 41., baths. li v. lion patio. OWC S200K. 12'7<. Cam rm, lndry /sewing nn, formal din rm, 60' _Q.43380wner1Agc S years. Excellent re· nn. opt. maid's rm. 3 dock & spectacular bay CLUH & AllY'. tlrement borne. 1239.500. frplcs. incl lndscpg & views from every room 494-7551 spklrs. sec. pre-wire. Financing open to your 3 bdrm with se:arate crpts. Open Sal/Su n. o(fers. 12,300,000. s'•3rm99·1ysorooo m.tahn bath, I HUii 1-Spm, 210 Via San RalphFurra &AsS()(. ' · wi g rea McCOIMACI • Retro. 67S.3CM8. 673-2SS6. 673•0619 ftnancln ! 631·0ti80 A steal ! Sparkling 3 bd . 2 Owner/A · ~~ HARBOR ~:11.~0~:1~~. '!1'.\abr~~~ Ull) WATERFRONT 15 0 K IE L 0 W RIDGE pool, clubhouse. Owner 3 UNITS on s andy MARKET OWMrMllstW! carry loan. SIS9,000 Peg beach St .300.000 with Can yoo believe Harbor Estate home approx Allen, RJtr, 494·7578 BIO,OOOassumable Isl. Ridge? 1'lull condo has 3500sq fl Owner ha:. Fantastic buy• North llte Writer, AC)Mt fabulous view and loca purchased new homt' end. 3 bd, 2 ba.' lgc liv.. 752-571 O lion. ~K In Ci~":nclng Must Sell! Customixcd frpl. brkrst area + guest Move in todar ·1t s pie· i n e v e r y w a y quarters. Walk to beach n...-t...&/L.-11 •5 ture perfect. Tim Rhone. Panoramic ocean view Assume loan. Owner ~ --ut&31-12.66 29~ down will handle help finance. 1279,500. New 3 sty l>eachhouse OWC remainder at 13'. p..., Allen RI Lr, 494. 7578. 1911 Court Street long term. 700.8430 b}' :.11 · Walk in or ciill, OWMr North end 2 charmln~ l 67S.22tl or848·3133 ------ bdrm houses. sparkuns r •'TBLUFF cood Lr1 landscaped Eastblurr. 1245.000. ADULT mobile home UN I~. prime area. frpl, ~. 2'-\ba. lrit yrd. park. on the ba,y 3 BR 2 Prime cul·d·sar. 3 Br. sprinklers. walk to 507'.000 assumable 13r;~ BA.'68.SOO. At.SO. I RR . ram rm. den. pool. Ca n beach. Owner c arrr. lit. 642-Sl&l; S.0.8107 den, I BA. furn. 145,000 convert den lo 4th br loan. 1264,500. Pea A . •-·-I04I OPEN SAT/SUN 1·4PM ~house Sat I 4. 906 len., RJtr, ~·7578. =::................ 300 Eu~~ Hwy. ETf:~rtukovtrh Rlty A LAGUNA U.OYD WRIGHT HOME? IN Tll VllAGE'S RETAllA Three bedroom Plus pat house Ocean and Mountiin View $430,000 IOlllT LIBOM llAL IST A Tl •Olll 94-9329 49Wt76 .Bkr 714-t7~13:M7 720-0332 SHOWPLACE OF THE YEAR P11•'4llhc. ltll hM .,'"M11111lll1 ... 4•'c" Elegant in design & crartinanship, on P romontory Bay. Beau tiful c ustom hom e : 4 bdrms, 41/\ baths. Interior designed & decorated by Darlene Ferrari Lohr. Slip for your yacht. For private .-,wing, contact agent P1lrki1 P errette or M ar1ot ltlaellnvw' "'" • •1 wn11t1a 1•a So. Calf. Realty 546-5605 631·61t4 NEWPORT BEACH AREA 5'YGUSS $200,000 UNDEI MAllCET Transferred seller says subm it all offers on this huge 5 BR. Fam Rm, 312 bath fa mily home perfect for e nte rtainin g . Comple t e with breathtaking view. 2 fireplaces. dramatic pool & s pa a rea and 3 <:ar garage this vacant custom is now offered at less than replacem ent cost at s.595.000: Call for financing details. RARE OCEAN VIEW From this ma gnificent 3 BR. FR. 21 ~ BA Cas:ibla nca model m the Cr est pha s e of Har bor R idge. Offered al 5625.0CKJ with assuma b le fi na ncmg . NEWPORT AFFORDAllE Ha rd to find 3 RR . 2 ba Har bor \'u on fee land Only $224.950 with terms. Call now~ SPYGLASS EUGANCE From this r are Delmar model 3 BR. 2 ba with formal dr & fam room. fabulous mountain and city light \'iews. :\loli\'atcd seller will a ssist with financing . Offe red at S549.000. SUIMIT TRADES Cash. gems or be creati\'e on this comfortable 4 BR Spyglass family home on supe r corner lot. As king S525.000. COSTA MESA AREA MESA VERDE C.C. is just a few blocks from this s ha rp, contemporary 3 BR with fam room & formal dining room. Seller boug ht another and must sell now. A g re at buy at $175.000 Better hurry' SEA ILUFFS Just listed 3 OR. fam rm. 21 2 ba tastefully dcl'orated family home with Dramau c pool & spa complex. Off ercd at $229,000. llJNTltliTON HARBOUR DRAMATIC HARIOI HOMI This just listed Huntington Harbor 3 BR with open floor plan vaulted ceilings, secluded pool & s pa. im peccable decor m ake this a home for the truly discr i m inating. Offered at $389.500 with financing available. SANTA ANA AREA LISS 1MAM 109/o Down on this con veniently located 2 BR, 2 ba condo. Priced at 573.000. Better hurry! GllAT 14VISnelT. Tri-level condo nr. So. Coast Phtu. Com for table 3 BR with own er financing. A.,king Sl22,M . ! .. - ·: .. ~ ;1 .1 ... .. ~1 I I j I ·~ 'r ~ .. ·' . ' .. . . . • ¥ i I 0 5 5 0 0 4 0 6 3 a 'j ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .._..,_Wt · 1Mllitt,_Wt .,_Wt ._... OlllPW..... ,_:dj1ll r;.uda hbll ......... ,. hti1I .._...,.,.'II II U.fu 't1I "' ......... """' ,.,...... '°" s.c:a •• 117' c= ...... n· .... ,..,. +, Jtff c:.w...... llJJ c........ l224.,.... JJ44 Ml ,........ JHt NFrut.... JHt ...... ~··············· ....................... ........................., .... '' ..................................................................................................................... ....,... •.............. ~~ TAKE OVER l\t'..: let ;;;:;; ...... ~............ Uperadecl Z8r 2b1, yard, .... ,....... 4 Bd ,.~~~!lYI !~· dlnPlooln1 2bdrmpool .,2b• W/ll~o'"k, 4/$ Br z Ba. ramlly rm . TD' with ltO 000 down Of1111 Coodo. ror c.M. '•...... Cl rpo rt 0 0 d 0.. 3 lidrm: 21.; ba vltlw nn \,NOUIUI .... me. 11r ..... /mo l>il.Uq rm .. l blodc from DOVER SHORES PlY~nt OWC balanu Salt 81 Owner. 2BR, 4.p1n Xlntflauee. /mo.A' 873-llll ~. {2tl}5'2·41e4 ' 'tfMll ln auocl1Uon. Adult.a. no ptts. l~t. tut N ff Hl1h Scbool. It lO'..,, Brilhl ' ahlny 28A. Uptrldtcl e1,.,.lt. •· mGOn/l·Ju.•m Sh 3 b 2 b .O/mo, Call Charley, ' •150 dep Rel • req U 000 I mo A 1 en t ZBr, 281 end cond<' 3 Great View. SIS,000. ........... 1141 :ff. r a . W>IMOO 675-mDdaya. .!:~~1·;::~---- Beautiful 3 Bdrm, 3 bath, extra wide lot at 1472 Galaxy Drive. Dining room, f amlly room, 2 car garage, patio .. View of Back Bay, Fashion Island & mountalrui. POOL & SPA. $739,000. Owner motivated & will finance . bllLI to Capo 1Ht1cbe1. 714·$45·7101, Mon-rrl. -~ • ...... , ........ •••••••• ::rpe~pad bbq, aar, ••• Heipu: 3 bdrm 2 Newport Hta fresh 6 Gar/pool/spa. 1121.SOO. t.s.m .no.ml,3-SPll. -TDWUXll MCllW'eh 81y Terr1t1. ' rapes, new bl rrplc S700 mo 2$1 clean 3 BR ' rplc 111 Ownr/al\. 4M·97M or NOR11tLON08!ACH SMO.ODO. ta W Balboa Buutllully furn 48r ~~:f1~e~ l:U 't 0 · K.ooxSI &u.sno · yard. saso ' 646·lz20, 83'MMOO VlrJlnla Bavd. ()ptft DaUy, H . home. PIDOl'amlr vua, 1 ~II Blutl Be b 642-5200 'CountryClub~t.t.. Ttd Hu btrt Realtor, I.Pl. .000 a/I. s:tSOO/mo. ~?t.W -Be11ullru1 Condo. HR. a. at 1reen ell ..;;..;;;"-=~-----~-New Or 3baCondo 7&>om W~ront Komea Inc, 3 bdrm, 2 l>a. l11mlly rm, 28A. To &iblet By Ftb. ~~~8A' P~!c~~ :~~· IWbor Rld1e len".' Br. ~ 1071 1.wtury'Deeor1tor I 8.1lol400 Me11 Verde. Nice rarnl lat. Woodbridge. Call ?S0.83M 675,5830 • · 3 Ba, D.R .. P.R .. study, ....................... Extru COST ... MES~ Mau J*rf.... 316' ly home w /(pk Bl tin Mer 3:30. hllJlly up&r•ded. rab vu, Fr Sl75 ooo r., " ,,_ · stove, OW/OD. Im mac 957.4361 81"1 . 4 bdrm, 3 auard 11te, poolltennla. LOUIS HaSOM. •a. '13-1464 4 IO.· 2 IA. (? f S.4?·?0ee Attract ve 4·plex, 4 yr1 ••••••n .... ••••••••••• No yn1 aln11e11 . $11S t>atJw. Sl200month '1200/mo Bob or Dovie UP1ra<led. A/C. Country l J , new. prln only. Ast. canner,, Vlll11e Mobllt wt gardener ss1.68s3 Clrlngl!tree Pauo Home, 64"2fl0'7 751.1221 lllA~ToW7 Call Jacqueline ror quallned help. S56-I011 ( Harbor View Homes, s br. vie.-, 1lnt er lot f&!,oot. *·1840 Court home In Village S.C. Ptua. :tBR 28A, ... f4NO!t, 6'4~ Home Parlt F\lmlabed 2 494.mo, 131.:iw · 2 Br. or I Br. +-den, spa, ---~~ii:iiiiiiiiiiiiii S.J.(129,000. i um 11.1%, SIOK lat Leh..__ .. ..._ •JOG Br. Zba, pool, 1dlt1, no tennis, pool MIO/mo Blurts ma1nlflcent illlACHILTIS. W/SllK dn owe 2nd _.._ ' pets clole to 1hOP1 ' E.Ade cute 1 Breott11g~. 581·3165 harbor/ ocean vu, 3br. Mew lnfr.t .._ tGt. Pl. 9'4-1981 ' ....................... restiuranu. S7SO mo yr. )'ard area $415 + sec newl1 redec. Kids/pets ll.496,oo6.euyterm11! 714L4f2-2100 Blilden/lllVfflOrt ty ind utJI. 673-MSS or S1I or married 1·pl 2 Story, 4 BR, 3 BA lll&U75-2M7. $S'dock.reeslmple •-------1D ..... / ~J:1e~c~~0K:a:. 1·525-16411,1'772·1801 857·ZCMO w/FR • S8SO/mo. Lst' Newport Beach Ex· ---=•:..:·~=-'·5880=;,.._--I ACUHTATI fWhS. 1100 Pvt beach access. UDO ISLE <"hrmg 48r f..sideCM 3 8r2 Ba S800 lut HI.SO deposit. Mar-eNJvt Home with pool TAllOYH C\lstom s Br 3ba home •••••ii.'a.·:.;i:;;•x••••• Serious princ. oaly. By 21,ea, I& au11ny patio, pr mo. Call Rbt Mllllbn nab-l n 1ne Really '~ houu. orut ror ~fk loan at 1716 per w/otean fr v•lley views. Near beaeh By owner ovmer. 559.12&5 Lftl'8ded $1300/mo. Bill 8.'U·U16 All. Made Hanson 551-8700. t'hildren; walk to Club mo. or 12s.ooo down, Ruslicstyllng. M«ivat· Principals only. Cash HUNT CLUB LOT. Grundy 875-'181 House, i cbool . s reen· OWCbalance. 5 BR 3 Ba, edlK'lltr. ms.ooo. lowers price. Comp. sale I Acre cuarded eate OCEANFRONT 2 Br. 1 TUITUIOCI belts .. .JdeaHamlln ·om· 5416-.s.> or 831-7215 evs. -" dwn 03 3395 h Writer All 752 ~710 cd view ol Sand Canyon Homes Call 7st·lOM llACOMIAY 2 Br 2 Ba home on the bay w/excilinl vicwa ot 1Slanda 1.nd main rhan · nel. Comm tennis, beaches " docks. 8e there ror only 12000 pr 111) lovely 2 sty, 1245.000 •·-~·UTY p ,000.8'2·S763Grec I comm. $250.000. low ba; $800/mo Rita Spectacular unobstruct munlty. Harbor View Vince. UM9QI ESl6M LAliUMAllACH 'm.ois1o1r · m: --•· · E i .. -c .. ond Reservoir, City light s l830PortAbbey Plare C.\alom 4 Br 31' ba home 10 units on GleMeyre · 5""' "'c 0• 3 Bd 21' and roaming cattle. 2 RENT S1800f mo or lease Loaded 3br, frplc, gar. OPIH SUM. 1·5 with pool and spa local· Ocean view. 2 bits to Cor.ner Lot. Newport ....... """'""tltecl Ba, gar, ,lrg patio. spa, BR, 2 ba J M PETERS on ne oliable. pool.+-VIEW. now 18U ·- ~.=; ..... • • UDOH' LOT Lek IUOft1patio.4 BR. 31.1 Ba, 3 lplc'a, Cedar wardrobe, hyd ro tub, dream k i t c h en, bardwood nn. steps lo yatbt club beach. 133 Via Uudine. Ownr/Agt. e'l291 OPEN Sat/Sun •J.S 4.\28oleroWay,N.B. ed on t .l acres ocean. l.oned ror com· Heilhts.W!llJtVenture ~· .. •••••••••••• S72S/mo Joyce Waltttl, D"slgned home Jen ..... Se 1 BR OCRENT~ 7S0·3314 Near Superior' lSlh Pllnoramic vu. minutes m'I: 3 comm'I, 1 apl.8. w/resp builder. Owner -l202 a 63~ ___ " 1...:WJ>Ort· av ew 3 Quiet, spacious adult t be h $1 200 ooo lll50,000 w/'¥'7r dn. Xlnt ~. •H••••••11•••••••••••• naire, T~ash compat1or, exec home , with lrpl, S. ..._ Mldo b 0 8(.' es. . . . assum. ftnancln•>. owe. 771-4390 1~ LS CHotCE E. SIDE Ster~ intercom, pool, Wet·bar. Located in pre· c.,11..... 3211 ., l dbl. ~.~ .. r~a~t~!d ecn .. ~I. Cal1Marta,497·5i32. . 5"1A 28r. P•Bll, lrplc, bltn tenrus, spa. 1 Y~ le~se. •lllliOU5 secunty gated .............. ••••••••• • " l/Jto4.ll ACll . Yearly-Wfflrly·Wlnltir, range/oven, dshwshr, $1200 mo Ava il 1m-community. Pool. spa & Hilltop Ealate buae PO~~TDr~!" ~~·~v:~!:1~~~~: HOISE PIOPlln llam Propert, 2000 Own-~w1'lllzfitnOaMn!e older 2Be,3~~ ~Brmalbos, aN. ewport patio. Pool $600 mo, 1".1n4:. d I a At!. '6.Y3 032M8 dr tennis courts SlSOO/mo. rooms, hones, sieu. klda ---CUstom 4 and 5 bdrm •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• '" ' '"""• adll~. no pets ltl I ,,:i3,122mane e'"& '~· d a Call640-~9 ~. Noo·amokers. 11100 Penthouse, Bachelor. Well·lit location. Owner homes with 2700 to 5000 l~OME 2 bdrm house at rear or JACOIS REALTY IJamllJ.00 ~· v w .. en s no. &11-2731 eves. 3>% dn, approx $611,000 fll\ancing.$13S.OOO. sq rt Outstanding ""'° large lot. Central Costa PROPERTY RANCHOSl\N JOAQUIN H.bor¥t.wH ... lit 11~~. owe 2nd !21'! .........._... features + ocean and PROPERTY Mesa. Askin& SlS0.000. MGIS CUtt! 1 !><!rm houst.'. S39S VILLAS. 2br. 2•2 ba. Super4 Br. 21, Ba. Close s-.t•a 3211 3 yrs. Gym, Pl /sp•. Ofc1'3-9117/eva 998·6126 valley views Liberal SPICIAUST Bltr, 64.S..Q!6. • rm Utilities paid. den. pool & jac .. adult to Park & po o I ...................... . d ubhu . Sec gate 1.__._..._ termsavailable.S28S,OOO 67S.61Zl --~2802 _ <'Olllm. S82S/mo. Mm·h $1250/mo. indud ing Deluxe Ru stic Beach U:~i:O· Owner/Agt Ou~dlng 3-tfdrm to Sl,S00,000 ~e~ !1!~'1\~~feu~~ Ha •••Dtttrt '"'° 3 Br. 1'2ba. frplr. 2 4 ldrwi 21/1 lo tst.833·~. gardener 640-1635. ~=n :t~~. 2:~io~!~~ homroncul·de·sat'.Ex· Ctl4t3·"75" stityourneeds. a....t '2400 car1ar,patio.12671AI· Famlly rm f pc.renct!d 2·story. 48R 3BA. fam. Jllw/IHtSHp spirahtalrcaae,bottub, MAii AM Offill cellent condition. Large 6 6 ...................... , lard, GG. l690. ~·1453 yan1. S62S per mo rm, lg. kitchen, $850/mo 3 br1 2'ba. Sl908. 3 patios, 2 garages, all c; i J I I > .1 , :>:>, ... • ) lblktobe1ch. Landin· yard with many fruit J PnCltyUt• .._.,....., 3206 f!46·Qmlbeforc9 PM ~.s.c.9-8!23 BruceJohnson675-0!Ml carpeted fr drapes. eluded. Owner wants trees. Custom spa. See &c ~ emclency rondo with ••••••••••••••••••••••• 28R Cll"l>t't & Drapes I lmma r 3Br. 2Ba . din NEWPORT CREST 4 Br ~per Sharp Call (213> this home sold! Askine t'Ompare ror value. kitchenette $65,000 Bayfront. beach, 2 Br 2 car ga r No Pet<1 S4SO rmiden, AC. wlk to srhl 212 Ba Some ot'ean ..:e~l3::.12=------ S23S,OOO w/$200,000 $179.500. $10.000dn. 13r, intonbal Ba. 123 E Ba yfront. Mo lsl&Last SIOOU11p &pool,S8SOmo No pets view. $92$/mo Agent We 1 J lfw 3Jtl 8 ( .. •• loan-will trade equity DAYIO D. CAILSOM CLJ111.ijJ.M rn.: . I or will take partner. Balboa Island. SI 200 641156:!7 I r lse. 551·2706 631 2262 for cars, notes, condo, llAlTOI 33.9293 I !.If '-* , 642.0671 winter $1400 annual •1ouste wuh ocean , icw · ••••••••••••••••••••••• cab or submit on low • 714 641 0763 ---Herb d 213/478 JS77 HOITHWOOD Newport Crest townhse, Ml'wtw tw•led down. Pym t s only . THllWFfS 292St'olle1te AH• I ~'--~ys · 2br 2ba 2283 PaC'ihC' 3 bdrm. 2 ba, firepla1·e. newly redec 3br 212ba SinaJe family house, 2 S113S/mo. Agt , Vickie, Customized 2 bdrm L'osla ~h~a.CA_ Groer" ' 2700 .... , ..... 3201 wtdblJ.arage 673 4928 1750sq rt Avail 1mmed poolWalk to beach. tennts, bdrm, l'IJ ba. Living Good Properties . home on outstanding ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... ••••••••••••••••••••• 3 br. Iba, 1tar, rc1H't.'d 1950Mo 559·6207 ,spa.M1n1 oceanvu room, formal dlnln1 76042l7. : ereenbelt location. I ... .......... Winter 3 Br 21. Ba froot & bark gardt.'n W-db d h --Avail Feb l, SSOO/mo 1 room Gar New cpts ' F APPUYAWY &Nh$2Z5,000 $695/mo ~Montero \iew Ch1ldren°ok A\•a1l 0 ~1Js~1 ge c arm ing yr lse Children ok drps.°I& back yd. s6oo ·~ # J ' Ol .. s..ct Mamtl'lyrmw1wetbilar~ Ta~-M-' bdrm ' 67S-IS&4or21J /33S·4696 ~673·5719 g cuttage3br,2'i 545-M07 mo 213·512·'781 da, BR . ex can pavers t e • _......... 2 . 2 ba home with -.:..--ba, I yr old, rrpk. cath • ,, 3 •2BA, Xtra Wid e 11'¥1ny «her extras An Near new 4·pl ex 2 barn/stable and extra C:O....cW Mw 3222 MESA VHDE ceil'g, din rm. bkfst rm. IMMACULAn ..:.7.:.:14:..::-M0-=-73llO:.;:·=----- Lot. Zoned. Duplex. outstanding value ad bdrm. 2 bath each unll living 11,uarters on 2.3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Le~ 481\ 3Ra Pool AC. gardener. bigblY. BLUFFS, 3 br, 2 bacon· Nu2 Bdrm coodo. S600 pr ~.:.·~~· ~~n!i:.. $31S,OOO. ,~ssu mable with fireplace, enclosed acres .1n Exclus i_ve l..ea.w Nrly new 3 br. 3 Sp;a, Lrg Fam rm'. i\va1i upl(raded. $895 avail do, frplr, 2 pvt patios. mo, S100 moves you in. 'J Used Brl t'k Fr It' .1 1oanat 12.5 '· S... A.9o I 010 patio, garage. 91•', Isl F.questn1n Community ba. 2 frplc · balcony· March 1 ~50 979 58H now• (213J271-S534 or I&! ol 2 pools, adults. Und 63 1281 Panelin1 2 car Sar 0...s..cltlr 1·5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pos cash .flo.w Now su rro un ded b y microwaGve, badr, 2 rar 3-BR_2_& lot! fam1lv J.?141..631-6030 lbllmo64H559 _000 · 'I 2034¥hteC•r-3bdrm,2ba,$98,000 , S159,SOO.Bi11Crundy, Cleveland National gar. ar ene r r o ·'d". 'i-..•--L ....,, SIS ooo dow n ('all Rltr,67S.Gl6l. Forest. 30 min from SJ Sl2SO/mo .om. ur en.er ,1~ ~--3241 Exclusive aru . Harbor 645·7155 •.t6Mll ChrlStin .557 Z783 · -Cap. Panoramic View ! 551·4&13 alt.6pm lJl_!!k'<l_!795mo 61.Qlillil ....................... Vie w Hi lls South . SPACIOUS 4BR, 2BA, a. · · s ·unit. C.M Apt 1980 A 8318123 1 8 Sk It h d r 1 OCR" ... FIO...., rharmlng3bdrm, 1•tba, VIEW.VIEW OWNEIWIUSELL gent . !.fie3 br.2ba.2blksto Yll-s,was ry,rpc. 5"'" "' walkto Fashionlsland&C..i._ .... _ ~~ool,Cul· S13S,000' takeo'ver with only SSOOO down. :~~51260,000 548·57113 MEatah bt>ach. Patio, OW, gar 2 mstr Bdrm~. 2'J Ba. ~Hr.Se<·urity,•1 mi olf bc h Grdnr incl . Ulfuml•1d 3425 --'""""'~=..,;;=---· SlOl,000 loan. John 'agt charming 3 hdrm. t ba. &c1a.,. 2IOO ;;~1J;~~.~o yrly ~1l'i';; $800 John. Hiil ~~.~~Us ~~~'.nn~> s~:~· $1250/mo. 751-2787 J.D ..................... .. =~;~~!!:"~,. 7 ~~~ ~~o~~go~~a~a~~ Be=~B~~~ndo w;t~·1;~·;h;it~~;·~ii" OCN VIEW-Pvt bch new . -oc RENTALS $750 mo (714) 499·3816 ~rty Mgmt. S.CJUIA .,.. OCean C.tall·na par on t .. n water. Near ten 1112 t " 1 .. __ 2 "a a • 28 1 s br's •>oo to S2000 CHARM 38 -2BA-d Ea<itbluff townhouse 3 Br 3 Br. 2 Ba. a/c, pool, sec · • agentMa rgotorPatty, "" my yearnew np ex ._..,., 'r ,.ar, r. .. r · yar · 2'1 Ba. 2 patios. over· gates nopets PP $830 I bills, city U1ht.s. Custom · 707.55:u2811707.642.8441 nis l'OUrts. already has or exchange equity ror 2Ba. Sl~mo. 760·8382 750_:3314 Open 7 dayi; walk 1 , to 0 bch & pool looks backbay. Prof de--~. · · · · 3 br, fam room. Approx :.--&1... 1 OtO tenant. great terms. condo or~ Owner A'rter 7 lrg Jbdrm. 2,~ba. (um U>vely 3 + br, ex er w / Simi se. wner 499·3il38 ror. Avail 1 yr lse Bob 2700aq ft. ~.000. Open ~ USTl .... G -priced S99.SOO. Choice 714-760-0734 rm d d r 1 rnt-d yd pur opt $550 2bd d 1, b 2 0 Beaut 2bdrm condo, Sat!!kan l ·S owner/agnt l"ISn " ••••••••••••••••••••••• Irvine location Call to· a......111t.. Li~ en2 b·1 .. mf rm. rp r. oc RENTALS 750-3314 d rkm, en.I ' da ·. · 847·6010 pnme S.C. Plaza loc. ... , 64.S-4413 TYIO 2 Bdrm houses w1 MIHIESTATE dayS52-2000 _...... ka 0• ... s romocean ---· -ec 5• n,ew Y re ec · Newport Crest. 2 Br 2'> waterfalls, lllreams, ocean vu" new dtror. OPENSUNDAY 1 • COLDWELL BANKER W..ted 2900 enl/lease, Sl400. panoramic oce110 vu. j ba lo(t frplc pool 'spa spa, pool. $800 /mo. ClffDJ::W/J..n Furn. only $379.000! l&67l Eni ce . ., FEO · ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~1~--O..PoW 1226 A.BH S7SO mo 494·0120. sa~na' Oce0an ,:iew' (114~J..90li;67S-0540. 3bdrm, 2ua, 1385,000. -at.rick a 758·1221 <NrNewport/lr'\•lne Bil Pri\•1te Party Looktn1 2br. frplc, patio. nr ••••••••••••••••••••••• •--Ml--1 3252 LeueS875/mo 675·5911 LIJ borne w /remodeled HUGE 1 . T . For Homt' to Buy on Fashion Island & ()('ean J bdrm , po o I • s pa . ~ .-.-. Upper 2 Bdrm 11.; Bath ldtdl. fam rm w/bar, gd • with 3 :i:~. ~s~~.ad:~ •lllAl IYIN• Lease ()p(ion. Bark Bay $7501ease. 640 1177 skyhghts. spec O<'ean Ex•••~•b•l•b•••;•••••••3• Versailles Penthouse So. Coast Plaza area, lg ftn. avail. Call 642·6173; r • w'frpl" home. Compl ra. STAaTll !! N .760-0962 ,.........._ --3--vu. StalO mn 754-0S20. r::g· arr.vie!' ~rm,.!mea· Co nd o 2 bd rm , d«k paUo, pool, rec .. 646-5Cll6 &l ' ~ ----.rcMtM 224 ID6-8631 · • "' n. fireplace. nice ocean S«wity sate, SS25. • · -derorated, lovely Five store shopping .__..~ ....................... Qu~ ... 1-2Br. 2Ba. studi·o. _Slm5 974-34.20_ view Gated community. m.~160 640-4844 JUSTUSTED WATallOMT landsrp'g. Almost 12 center. Garden Grove --· lose hops d Duplex near beach, 3 BR ....,11ST aou 1 acn, cul-de·sac. Excel Seller financed. Asking ••••••••••••••••••••••• D UP L E X F 0 R I liv rm, rrpk • lg kitchen. Mislioll ~ 3267 ~ tos ,,1 7~!'41w1~tert NU DEWXE l BR 2 BR 10 Id I l -_.. f' · M · k -ooo 8 8 • .....__ •wJ .. ..., .~ refrio, wshr,dryr, dbl ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,..., + Uu · ,,.. "tll Tenrus, st•· view, rull + • yrso , 1 .n NOWJOKbelowmktap· 1nanc1 ng. 1c ey ....... <. x11 gross)~"' • -U"'ll 1 " 3 BR H b f 500CarenCrum -~·-' tennl, priced lo sell at pr"''"A'. "--r lvlng area Shafer, Bkr9fi0.1980 Submit the terms you ....................... Features 2 Bd 1 Ea. car gar. patio $49S mo stud r'pl a. am S7r~~ SA.--~!r· lt·ln bkcue, SZ40,000.lee,ownr/agnt will-:_.,1,,::,"'p"aperortake ...,111 I g.1"' IOfl need. Agt 838-7733, ._... 3102 garage&lrg yard New Of c 9 4. 549 1343, y. r.5v8•e1w.604~3 -../molS7·2914 -23'73or.,.,..•"""hm ~ ··~ "" •" 97'"""" Contact us for ca-'·· pa1'.nt thruout 631-61fi6 ___ per mo · -c• ... yo ... 9 '"' ',.,..,._ units in trade. O~en ...... ••••••••••••••••• ........... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... • I ..... nd -"" " H S Su M additional low dn pro-SF£\JR1TYAREA lmmed posess1on ~ • It 3240 evsi .... 5 Luxurio us thr ee --------i ouse at/ n t·S ------.-1 ""-ant 3 br, ram rm. SSOO/ C 11 T ·-..,.• oc ... -'•-It 3•6t bed T b h MLSZIS,000 456 62nd St. DUPLEX Olcl1 tl•U•OCMIMI .-.es. u~. ded mo . a om ........................n_.oc ., rooms wo at s Open Sunday 1.4:30 1239.SOO 3+3 walk to 3 bdrm home. 2 c~r upfra . clun. air. CamardJ, •et 559•9400 4BR Condo. t'1 8A 162$ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Formal dining room Located otr PCH. beach.OWC.STEP~TO garage, sep. rumpus 1.1xaaoss1 ~~:os1:"r;t::is~5t':t ~~!ia-~~&Dep No l,~·r~GI TS :;c~ly dec~~inm~l· Ri ver, th is home BEACHSummerW1nter room, nice yard w'lols 8UNITS inhlghdemand Plaza S8SO mo. Star --------. en. am1y rm. J one~ ff sq l t features new kl.tchen, rents on 3+3 Duplex --'al A Excl"•ive 2 B 2'2 Ba pl,· avail. 311. 1 blk to NHH. acuui 0 ma s e r . . · of fruit trees & rose '"'"' area. ssume ex· _Real FJ;tate. 831·8188 .., bed 3 open beam ceilings, Ownr will help ~inane· bushes. Much. mur h isling financing of spa. tenms. sec: gate Pets, child OK 3000+ sq room. car iarage clubhouse, pool, steps to in~. Call for exciting de· roore! Asking S93.500. $150.000 at JO'. and C:O....cW Mw 3122 llOMI Of ~.. Close bearh $8.'IO Mt 5 rt $1500/mo . May go Fe~~~ ~oa~\hs31 ~~~~'. tbeswf.Ownerwillhelp tails. FAMI LY ROOM Goodterms owner will carry Full••••••••••••••••••••••• THILUCkYFEw 96213!8_ lease option. 01una, agt Realtor. finance. Come and see +4 BR 2'i 8A2car gar. LOOK PROPERTIES price $240 ,000. Cull Rent In Costa Mesa·~ 4 Br 21 ~ Ua Bonus rm. 63H2166 '"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WISTCLIPF Exceptionally neat con· do. Ground level. Spacious two bedrooms. Two baths. Private patio. Lovely grou nds & pool Adult complex. Easy walk lo shops and banks. $670 month. , Yearly lease Broker. 631·7300. 482'78ruce Crescent. walk lo beach. Take Walt846-3336 979-5370. 6MOMTHLEASI NEWEST gated 20 Fam rm, 3.100 sq ft nr 1"' over exlstlne. Call us for ------• A Terrific rental! Bring ·Townhome VILLAGE Greer Lake $10!!5 eves I'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~.~ down Asking OllerllllEst• LLSTATE your dishes. TV and COMMUNtTY. 2 & 3 Br 840-~ WISTCUFf 3BR Upgr1ded Twnhse. Stereo and move Into 2'2 Ba 16001800sq fl of 3 b I' b ti · Two bedroom two bath New Ca rpet, Tile ..._._,c=o•..a.. ....................... . . . . r. 2 a. rt'cen y m· . ,_. .., Malllt"-REALTORS this cozy furnished 2 pure luxury. Garages. sulated.fencedyd.2car 2B R Co ndo. Adult ro~do. Ground rtoor Kitchen. Gar. Patio, 14M 4 1 201 FwS. 1 llOO BdrmanddenJu mine hydro·lubs lnmaster garKlds welcome Isl Complex.2BA.NrHoag. Q\iet,adultcomplex No Pool,Aval12/14 No DOCISIOl I M 4 PLEX Creek condo Lovely suite dining rooms IOO ., dep $700. Avail I 1625Mo. lst. Last& Dep.1 pets Walk to shopping Peta.S700Mo.96J.2425 ....................... • gardener maintained .......... bu0 • f' I . "'eb. 1 -~1329 I No nn.. ... 768-7633 I ..,.,,. rm. Yearly lease. l•-------•INewPGrt Beach De Anu """" ming 1rep ares, r· _ ~ _,., Tont imt -. ... ,1 ... ._ 1.,4 b f p ..... i In Orange. 129S,OOO. tst yard Guarded com· mirro-wa ve ovens. 2Br withiarage.-stove • Big Canyon 2. Br 2 Ba. 631-73008kr. 'Lfw<lchsd 3525 ~ -~ "' cond.ay ro~ douarb .. le. w .. 1.dnet. TD $163.000 at 12 7' • munity. pn'vate patios & yards. "' _.,., P k I -•-l.515C\lmberland. NB "' n ed. owe 2nd prt G d dish was er Chil d & I ..... Imo atnc • agt ...................... . __,SACllflCI WESTCLIFF Flttplace, brick patio. Ill nc ar e ner provided small pet OK ssso mo ___ 759-1221 IMJCAMYOM LSI DEUJXE end unit, Uke 700' to beach. Must sell Lovely 3 Bdr~40j,':s $60,000. Bill Grundy ~~~Own fr / B It r ~~~: ~;~::,'! r~~1~~ 536-7979. Harbor View Homes. 2 2BR llr Lain Condo new. 2 BR. 2 Ba. frpl, flilt. 4 BR-21.1 ba, new family room, located In 675-616L You r r ri ends and Island, 7 minutes to SC. FANTA.5TIC RENTAL' Br. Den. frpk, large Sll25per mo. Call Gerry C:ingate. many xtras. ~;g :::.oc~llll~:~~ r1est11ious Westclirr. II ob Ile Home , . SS . neighbors use Classified Ptua or O.C.Airport Spar exec 4 Br 3 Ba I swimming pool, jacuzzi. 673-7761or 760-1397 ·S.A line. 1625. No 64.S-ml .... inutes lo the beach. lh.yflowtr, 8XJO. in fair when l h e y h a ,. e Just east or Newport block to beach '900. 2 car ~arage .. private POOL HOME pets 775-2580, 7Sl-0796. -'-"'------------• Owner anxious and will cond. Call MS-71SO. Must something lo •el I. Blvd. & so. ol San Diego 758·9293 -I oc at 1 on . Inc l_d s 3BR Fm home Bk Bay D ....... .....,. 3600 -------•I he!pwilhlhefinancing. bebauledouL They'lltl'll you howwell '75:-1411 Ftwy.Starting atS900a 4Br Twnhse. 1•2 Ba . ~~if'· r:•b~er~~cr i Sl20067trmS34C4aSllSuztanne ••••••••••••••••••••••• TOUI IUT IUYS For an appointment to llAUT 'II it worked for them! month 631 5439. 2473 carport, encl patio. S690 J1?.SO mo 770.0347 I -a n Buutlful New Custom OP9fSUteAY l·S see.call540-l1Sl MODULAiH~I tilT.:otttrt~ t' .... Dtttrt. ~~:.ge Ave . Costa ~th~·':!s.:iioodep Call Seaview lrg 4 Br .. ()(.',ean ~~::ccu~r~~~1~:~: g:!~~~~~en~~a~~~: NEWPORT CREST He.ated pool l JIC. ....... 2400 ....... 2400 z B I d ;-T~a.lly "f -b. h-.. S vu. Sl6001mo. Patnck. lse Sl700 646·S3SS E)lcl Dbl Garages. S8SO •Plan 1 TERMS! Great living ln •n•••••••••••••u••••• ......... •••••••••••••• Wts enc 1 ~age. "' r" ur 18 ""' m agl 759-1221 · · Mo. I.St. Last fr SSOO Dep. Outatandlo1 location CM 164.500 646-8133 'no petJ. /mo. 3 8 R Co n d o N r Bhlfs. 4 br. mo to mo Loe at ed at 19 3 E w/partlal ocean view. . . . . 7'13W. Wilaon.631·4889. Adams/Bushard S600 lease, short term. red. Virginia. Call Saber Mint cond. 2 BR 2 Ba. S.Cll•lh I07' Wllarfr.t 4 BR, 2 BA, adult.a/no Mo. No Pe1s Refs. IAYFIOMT rent,nopets.494·6163 Realty. 714.77s.4000 lowatpricedinlhearea ....................... Cl 'J g:stemp.rental3·6mo. 545-1947 2story , 4 + hdrms, 2 Spac.4BR.2•2 BA ,Fam tt$1e,IOO. •-.-------•! ~t~~ weekend ,.., .. ~°!"<!:7la,..!!.. near 4 Br 2 Ba house, 2 car bgorat1~.~ ~I r e p11 a ced. room. pool, frpl, 955·0809 GCOLUMBIA 1• ·~ .. a_.,....., ....... _... . ...., '"°""' garage, new paint & """""' ''iew Per an SIS001mo S19'STOllACH 3BR B .. t $69• slip.$3000per1M.Avail -- l Bdr, waaher /dryer, yard. South Laguna. SSSO. lnt'I. utll. Ca ll. .... '· -. .~ . • :: .. ... •' i;_• ((lf1'1conderoga > . 1111 A, nu cpl, ,arpe s "mo Feb.l · Eastblurfs. 15 MO . Perfect rental or vara· C.nnery Village super wallpaper·skyllghls· ~2700 , LEASE W/OPTION TO BWP'FS•ZPlan lion beach home . Call values at 700 Lido Park p11111 SPI~ IKI &blngled ext..lrplc.lgyd· Cute heh home. lBR w/ BUY. 4 BR, 2 12 BA. Ji Free atanding 2500 sq.ft . now! Won't l11t lon1 for Dr. t22 2Br for $S9,900 , ...,.. ~ ™ft dbl&ar. f7SO/mo 731·0669 ti(!r. kid oil, now • .,.,. view. J'acuzzi. appraisal bo Sl24 5001 and U4 fo r SS6.SOO. -..,,., 4 BR, nus. lowest · · ent.8.11-1400 '"Sl'IMS .. SHAUGHNESSY E. Side2bdrm. new thru· RENTALS 750-3314 price S290.000 your pricedatM.500. ~ M d . d out. rorma I din. I~-price S250.000 S16001mo 320VISTATRUCHA .... AIDlmR'l'lB i.------• ost es1re unit at THE breakfast nook. 2 car -"!"'I'-~100 INearNBTennl• Club) •• =-AL' 11 a LA4MIMA .. LLS SPRINGS. this one has it all with gar, ynl, grdnr. $675. Hda• 324J l"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!i!i!!!!~I Beaut N ..... t Crest condo . .L.llA .1.259 ,,_.,._ c:.....i... .. 2 bdrm + d the in ...... ,.,.,., ••••••••••••••••••••••• Eastbh,rs 4 Br, ram ily -.. •-™•---en. sou m exposure, great mounta ....,._, WAT""R t d d d 4 br, fam rm. din rm . --2 b tb "' •A bit ----"-""'-------• c. onen e con o rm. loe yar . ~2·5161 or "' lwllh ......... d ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~....... 3706 ••••••••••••••••••••••• hc1t1e. Yrfr m 100 Ulil paid. no pets, Nr. Coronado Ave. 541.2197 ~~w --.. . ..,.,!,s·i;/P'.n.m.:toa~ views,rdrivate stonewalled 70 ' Lrg 4BR Exec Style Lux 2Br 2ba. ftp. bltins, 641).8i07 pool, Jac, tennis s1100 backya .. ..1th t r( JI / k Home. In Prererred 2 car gar .. tennis. pool . ..;;..;..;...:..;.;..;.__ ____ yr!y.646-0686 --•-UMO lymo ... Dl .. !f,aadR.1ou,p1et, .. e' . WI wa e a roe spa. Residential Area. CM. Jae. Stt 1ate. $825/mo Spacious house with -.... , ...... l707 l'!!!!Bm!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... r.E .. Beautiful modern furnitures in Brand New, Cupeta, 7141mes. swimming pool. 3 Br 2 WSl/Of'T., SALi ..... , ............... .. A E A Ty real.~-eu.oisa or natural woom and desert tan. Close Drapes •• Pain t. HUMBOLDT ISLAND 4 Ba. family rm. (rplc + 4br,Jt;uxec Westcllrr Old tuchtr/wHe will "'1!!••••••~[~H~1•t•~rt1Hd INt._•!!1!!!!!!!!!!5590!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. to pool and tennis. $350,000 furn . Throughout Every bdrm with 40• dork 2bdaddltlonal utility ~~· Allldnew1 1~ ~t ~us.ult your Bay. '!! ... .i. ................. r= owe. Call (714) 340-.t679. Room' Window. 3 Car $2 2 0 0 I m 0 " r I y rm s Ni c e I y -Q· m . s r"""" II· \A:tanlront Front home . .... ,,,, ., 14 Gar.Ftll«!CIBackYanl. ~ Ir landscap ed , auto r ant -immtd . ore M.3557 _.................. Garduln1 Servl<"e. :~~ront Homes. nc s~nklen Sl2SO/mo. in· S1JllO Own/a 752·2$SO C.--.;.:~:;.;_ .. -....,---3-7_J_2 ,..SCHOOL MOMT111Y C.C. Oranae Tree. Water. <' ds fardener fr pool 2 BR. 2 BA. lot' In xlnt W; ••••••••u•••••••••n•• ?II ;~ ( ~·· a ,:1 t.~ •,J. .i ~ llGOvlted Sellen Real St~e and sophistication throughout Pets Subject to AP· ....... J244 serv c~. U0· 1327 , ~/amorta67. ~:!:,el In now I UTOOC•AM .... •~1-~ E l ~·t. lmmed Occ ........................ S5f.4!1a.Oflice7~·6m. -.,.,,.,. --'* 11·"' ._,., ice · th totally upgraded 3 bedroom, 2 ~llo.157-1174 WOODlllD11..I HARBORVl"'WHO ... ES 4bdnn "'-stbl·:.f ho-~-Furn. studio. Incl _tt C.ll.locltJon. bath 300 I u I lfi t • 3 Br 81 " "' .,. 1111 """· r efrl11 ' utll. No P an . 1Y1l n cen 111 PMIDllYI WAIU•MGTOM · 2 ·den, lrpk. 2 Sl200 t mo . 644"'541 : kitchen sus mo ~ mountain/falnvay views, extenaive J8r 181 vacant new 3 8d 3 Bit"btaut. decor. car 11r. 11rdtner. 6*8314. m.-.. · ,.,, I , . .. . ~ r • •• • ; ) .. NMIOI ... Gre.t ~adon for ~.Room for••· pemian, Dleen ArtulloVlch Rily 7JMll2 Spanish Ulework, l~h landscaping. Cllli 'd,:P., " yd, S750 walk to lue. •P•. poolfr ll,100. Avail 2/1182. Harbor Vln-H ortt~ . ·l~ Offered with s~ecia l rebate J111.0wnerMt-J042 1boppl111. A larm m.&\50,644·~ beaut. «arden hom1.1. C..MIM l7J4 u • and 8)'1lem, ldulll 6 I teen . .._ _______ •I 3bdrm, dtin. •rdnr fr _,, ................ • · 1 proaram low wn payment at 1 YtAR NEW: 3 BR 21 ,. " c (,I $199,950.Call (714)3o4CH679. ba. I atJ coftdo p 1" 1125/mo . Call Loli Home,NfoShores •. S7SO w1terpd,nnpetJ1 Slz.10. \l.~D/.fllO •lli , Award·winninl Casa Bllllca with spectacular view of ocean & city H1bts 3 BR. lam rm & rormal dining. Gated tOUrtyard entry & 1pa. Custom earlhtone decor lluuoul. Great auumable ftundq S575,000 Belle Partcb .... u • c ,.... ,. . .., " ...................... fSW'OITllACN IU fl1lblllt1. C·I . Orm ..... QI ft. ,,.. -.cm....,w111. ........ ft ....... ...... ~~-~ .. r:L~·at·• ... f 'GI THI mT .. ,...,_. SlllllS PIGf&IM CALL OUI 2 OflllCB PALM •••s IAMCHO ..... 714/JZJ.16tf 714/141-467' RCk1ylorCo trub comptri irnta"e Miller u • f;:~~3B~dor~~~·S: ::.:r Sharp iat· 3hr'. A J. JU IF. PAID ~\ .' :"J:c•,::,c J;J,~~ , -· 1 .. _~ 1 N rt <itiet 11t. bill trct'll. M$. Compart before you Jt•I : unt Y f1VfTllL' n cwpo ti6C'18 Mfl"110 rent. C1111tom dt11l11n SIJM w/3 111 bd. formal dinln11 -• -1 • • leaturt11 · P-1 RR" 'f1m rm. lmma"Ul"l'' Nwpttlals. Zbr. vtry pvt. "'ov'rd /. 1r...,.1~.:, , .. ~r·. nrt~, z"' b1. lrplt. Twt.,., new J br. a b1, ' "" Mr bf h , u ' ~ • Nb~. , Pldo. pr. Pan, pool, SUOOrm yrl~ 11... ,.. r ac o•• ro.ndt wit 1 plull ~-~~='-141..=-=-S-=121=--j~SJS/mo,ID•7 Wllerfrenttlomf1lnt . '92:.~!fll.145·..S Im* ..... A ... h · I.._, 1ara1e. •L.L.• ... ,._._ Gl-1• Qlill 38R l1r8A Coftdo. i1111Uallllt. No,.U ...... ... ....,IJ I _.. •' _. Ptll. ..... Oar Smut a•.rw. ,,__ MoJ!ll.MMlll cp . =:.:::-.:-.':"·ab~, RAWOO>/VIEW 0.... --........ _•W ~ IOI!!! -.. _.11111 .. ,......._,. m. •· 4'*9.nect m..,_te ·-,....,._ ....... ,._ -• "• ~· Anil i•· Llrll 11111 nn. HP la· •aA.htlr.DMOar, •: r.n. ~. -l =-~· r,. iiiiei.llJ'44·-· ==· 8INt A• .... ONla.NePtta. - -...... + tAli . . -••t!Hlll ........ ~ ... ·~ ~ • i , • i i ' Oranot Collt DAILY PllOTlhndar. JinUllY 31 , 1112 Llltl,._. !Ht IHI .... •••••• ........ , .. ~ LOllNO LEASE, qiaH· tllll bullntla, aelllnl Olll ...... All. •llPPUH and fix· ,...... • tst.•~•••~ Afzlwat1u.fn. ~slwahu.fn. Afullll• ,Jf:.-lwwhu.fn. ._ 40M, .......... 00 Oflle._... 4400 wrea 1nt1ud1n1 11£ flf( Display cues, w1ltln1 Call: room cbalt1, Beauty Salon halrdryer1 and hydraulic chairs, mlr· ""'!!!~•'1!!4J.•11!!6•7•1•!!1!t ron,ahflvn i nd plants. ~ ~ .................................................................................................................................................................................. . M:s1 -•ltedt l740C.W .. M• ll2Z C..Mn9 JIJ4 t' H ,.ltecti ll4C ... ••rfltedt lHt Nwpt Bch, ba, kltch, Grandma Typ., w1ntcd Nt:£D A BUS. AO "••••••••••••••••••••• ...... ••••••••••••••••• n••••• .. •••••••••••••• •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• •H•••••••••••••••••••• lndry, car, pool. ttnnil, for Hie w/3 auya. Rent OR£SS?. Answerln~ & H.l.11 FINEST t't111rm1n11 1cp11rutl' c·ot 2 RR.111 BA Studio Pool. MAllMllS WALK ~ .. Av all •·eb. \111 Ne> ·CM. 63t·~ r;::;,,s1:~~jc"ocn~r~9::~te lpanliJ\ ~tatr !~van-! lllie Newly dc,•onttcd. Hut It cold w111er. au 24'3 Br. Townhouse Apt. OMTHI IAYt -· R.ponsible J nonsmkr SlOO/mo 714.8J3.0692 •autlrw park like sur iwar beach 2 BR, 1 BA h cat 1 n g ea i d by Yard. sin1le ' double One ol a kind luxury CdM Sma II b»chelor by Mar l. C M house -~..:-.. ro11ndin1s Terraced fl~ IWldlord. Cov d parkln& car 1araJe, near tlunl. apU Z bdrm, I bath apt w/Uf! ~otrance, bath, 1111.3.1 +utJI.5411 18SO $lite: Avail. NB Addrc:n "*· ~nken &H bbq, __ ..fil.3-3017 Walk t o 11hopp1n1. Hatbow'. Chlldrc:n OK. localed directly acr<>H •llt rt:fn1 'hotplate, NBprot.male wlllshrl1e 3Roomslnc1 Conrcrcnce 1parklln11 fountains 3 bdrm, den. 2 ba, 111r, S46S·S4'16. Olive: Trel', MIMllMr1 trocnthe Reuben E. l,c:e. RZ:S, Rcfa 613-Q23 Harbor Vl"w home or Tralnln& Room Wet Sp HI o u' room s front unit New p11nl 2190College Ave Le. I Brtri plc:x, front un Jiast remodeled with fum. rm ln C.M .• quiet w If em . 30 + U 7 5 O;tr' Walnut Cabtnels Separate dlnin11 area and rarpet Adil:<, nn ~·U!17 It, new cupela/drapes, MW ca111ttlng, drapei, home, for workln11 700,MQ2 PV\ Tc:lc:phonc Rystcm Wa lk ·ln closet i.. IH'IS May conidder NEWPORT HEIG HTS mini blind& Sl ater / "*chm ca.:rets' ~I» pt1r11on over. 32 yrs RespM/fo'shrlgnu 3 br. Good Vi e w Wort.I homelike kit1·hun & small ehild. S900 H l!l'. lge t bdrm, t b» 31012 Beach, 1.175 Water & P ances. Is upstairs ~·*4 Irv ine hse 5325 non Prorcuor Avail eabloets. Walk to Hunt· M 644·6824 La Perle Ln 1395, no doas gas pd. 891-7490 aft. 6:30 :::~~!'fe:dar~e~:~;!i 1 i... pvt. Bdrm, Bath, Muo 8 m k r 5 5 2 4 o 3 o Partially Jo'urn 640 :111 rt lngt:>'11\i1~~11~rn, S411S 3 br, 21, b11. frplc, t bl 700.0'IS9 --PM __ __ _ doors' aspaclous deck cft>ck, Kit priv. spa, rvrstwknds ~A I 546·~111 heh.~ 100 lnrlds uttl lllTOWHHOME overlooking thl' b~y charmln1. sp11rlou~. 2· Htlpl Need fo' To Sh r ClficeSpace forl.A!lllil' .. ~1..,,no~t~ days 759 1301, c\'I~~ IAYTIMIERS Fencl'd yattti,FRPLC S1800month Ut11Jt1csm •tory house nr Huot· 28R 28A Ocean View CoronadelMar UlllititS Free' 644·2578 ~0.61!.L 2 Ba. 1-}icl•d Gar NEW eluded fo'or appt. call in&ton Beh. avail fo'eb 13 Condo In OP. W tMril!t'lr 615·951_!) _ •·ut" 2BR IR1\ "'r"I". SPA''IOUSl 8 ....,..M 1714)720·2473 Mon Fri orlater,unfum $360/mo •· o.... R t I b " " r r ' . " r. .,_, o 11411-3775 ' includ. ulll. C11ll Rae "' • ...,py en w1 e PRIME BAYfRONJ LA QUINTA HERMOSA good are a , S 6 O O ~thedral eel.lings, walk Large 3 bdrm 2 bath S..5PM. Stevens 543-2132 l:30pm Neg. Days. 770·2844 . lti211 Parkside l.n, t hlk mo I y e a r I y R r k r in r loset, d1shwu hcr, frplc µulio ·ga rage' lo8: m Mon-Thurs Eves, 493·3787 Next to new proposed W. OI Beach, 3 blks S. of 675 <t912. flreplat•e, gu age, pool It Xlnt ·~. 67" '91ft2 · UDO VIEW Gorg. 2 BR. Roommate to s h a r e N.B. restaurant. ~4_6·4419 .,. .. ,_oar I • u n d r y , a c 11 i l ,, . . .,. " . r di II.&.&.&. U...&-1. 41 00 -.......,,.... Cottew.to 3124 ~ 2 bd b 1375 p,a 5• .---charming 2 Br. CdM 147°5441 •••••••••••••••••••••• S450f'too.399 W. Bay SI. rm. 111 a , SIOOO/mo675-6359 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Guest House w/frplc ,,... .......... Ir:.. Luxury orri ce i.u1 tt!s avail immed juJSt south or -!OS f'rwy 011 hilch ex ).IOSure Beach Blvd Fu II ser vice . Call agent 842-6636. a..,..1t.. 1741 3 BrTownhou e •, 646.-tltl ~:1'~~~'711t& ~11:r~: Large1BR Utilpd.Spot· SIAWKMOTB. $325+.Cindy 760-8233. ............. •••••••••• Newly dl.'cor gas pd . den . Adil n o pets less Quiet S4SO 2421 E Wkly rc:nt.als now avail. F Shr 2BR Hse CdM IAaxury studio. spa, TV, encl gar . pool. dswhr 2 Br. patio, garage, pool 119:J.8' 16thSt 645 4718 SIOS ' up Color TV. With Prof' M Very Close maid service, phones , Adults. IW2·5073 719 W Wilson 646·1251 Deluxe poolside xt ra Steps to beach l 3 Br. Phonr• In room 2274 to Bch S3SO ~ • ,Util lSwtt. 499.2227 2 Br 1 Ba A~l ~/mo. 1·2.Br, a.~h frpl"s ...,75 & Ne wp ort Bl vd l' M G73·2459 Eves. 640 551 I large 2br, 2 ba. bltns, '"" ' •• 646 744S Ml,.,.,tleadl 376' Newly decor ab pd CHOICE E. SIDE dswhr, 112 miles beach, S650 per mo I m --·------~-s . ..;..J~ohn-"-"-. __ _ Attractive & Cheap OC Airport 76-0 1b114 eves, !lGG-0644 da s ••• .. ••••••••••••••••••encl gar .. pool, dshwr. 1Br, lBa,, frplc. bltn Adults, no pet~ S450mo. maculate.673·250711111. t.a>Al'LACE7 F' .. 23t loshr lrgaptnear OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br. Adults. 642-5073 rangetoven, BOQ. s>0ol. 5.l).~. f'iEW·BEACON BAY Reas. Weekly Rates beach, NB. 1290. 64tq:m Avail. Winter. Weekly I Spacious 2 Br. I Ba S39S In small well kept com· Frplc .. 3 Br 21 7 ba. 2 car. Lrg 2br. 2ba. vu. deck. Kitchenettes· Phones Roommate n eeded llonthly.673-7873. 38r,t•i Ba S42S Laun plex S420mo ,adlts.no 2 blks rrom beach wshr •dryr , c mpctr, "Z"ChannelMov1e~ wJrefng,toshrhomein ~ss1onal Person to share office spar ... l'O&bt Hwy, Newport Beach Specious studlOs one and two bedroom apart· menls FURNISHED end UNFURNISHED. Oakwood also otlers •All U1.ilitles Paid •tmmediate Occupancy '$1 Miiiion In RectMtlon And Much More• For a montn or a hie· time Models apen daily 9am to 8pm Adults ooly no pets dry rae, pool. 548 9556_ nets. 3111 Hamilton __ S'ISO/mo !J68.9110 0 W, gar, tennis, pvt Sandpiper, 1967 NewPort CdM 1200 mo, Isl & last ntE VICTORIAN· New One bedroom. rerrii: $.)SO 2BR. 2B1'. ~I int bC'h. dock SIOSO rrr.:> yr Bl Costa &!esa~5-9131 1~~ ly dttor 2 Br w gar . Cost<i Mesa S3 50 Cond. Nr Br h Be st 1L~~·673~ lfttHc.ts 4175 Shr 3Br CM hi.I.' Pn•f newcrpts &drapes.blt 646-ln41afl ert .30PM _ Area.NoPt'ts8333307 W.ATEIFIOMT ••••••••••••••••••••••• non ~moker $30-0mo, ins, patio. Adults Call I br. $325 mo, 1.st, la1>t & w-:\ LK T 0-BE \ C tt Prestigious Lido Area. lroww's Grotip H"' shr ut~. 645-6330 betweenl·SPM,63G 4120 clt'anmgdepos1t 1 1 2.<ii+ den condo w1boal Sr Citiens l!SS·G221 M FshrS.Ahomt>nrl7lh 667 "G" Victoria_ $470 4.!19-i•S.!.. 5411.9574 Ba ch l'I or · s l 0 vt• & slip. St900 mo. Vearlv or --SI Own Br·b11th, furn or Fireplace, pool . p\·t re!nge Gas & . water lease option possible S.-rR..t• 4200 unrurn Pror per:.on patio. dishwasher. on paid. S300 mo_530·7~I 8:11·43311 Ownt>r A_gt ....................... ~ 40_r~. ~ 2152 e\'l'b E side. all In X·lrg 2 Rr ..... ~.~.. Furnished., unrurn 1·2 3 ,;:..---• -OCEAN VIEW rde Fr SS60 -.;;_.. u Bdrm All t b G Y m '(Wet 2 Br 1 Ha garage, SHr 4BR Hse l'M side ga nails. om .AP.AITMI S Jarurn. Sauna. pool '. pool, adults, no pl'lS Lla«kbay 12.50 + '• Util 645-3683 - A1rport are.a. Avail I~ to IOOO sq. rt w without al'OO!"~i~~ NEWPORT HACH AIRPORT Custom or f1l'eS, 600 to 1800 sq ft From 90' per s r Mullan Rily 54_0 ~ 551-2841----Beautiful gardt'n apts le n n 15 . , 0 I Icy b ll 11 . 1801 15th St 1\ Pl G 1 mi to beach Wk ly or ~t·~- 2 Br Adult, beamt'd t•eil Patios decks Spa . heat basketball. 1¢amt' room ~-!!!!_642·1340 rmnthly 3 br. 21, ba Rmmt Wanted M to i.hr ·-f ings, serw bar. refngt'. paid Mulls. no pets Hunt. Beh 1146 0019 Studio apt, refng. and <~~ t21l_>5~2·41~ ZHR apt 1200 Mo Pl ease exec up an lots of wood. No lll'l!o 2BR.2BA. $.525 par~ing on Penins ul a llG &12 6381 22.S6 Maple St. $420 mo ~W Wilson 631 ~I Br w1frpk .. ix1ol. cnC'I 1275 675.0612 rt s Vocoffoltl..tals 4250 l'a t.'O! e · ".AMewCowupt" 548-7356, 67J.~ PINE BL(.; FF A Pi-S. 84gar7 ~ shoppm~ $3!15, ' _.:..... -u •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• Prof M ~SO Shr 2BR . FUii servire1 cu:.tom lbr. 2ba upper 4 plex. 1 z Br 2 Ba No pets _........, 12BR. IBA At Bearh Util OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br 2' 11\t\ Twnhsc w rrplc. offlt·e & desk space Unf 2 B , "d It Pd SSOO Avail Winter Weeki•• Sp··, •1 •· r w $37 5 + .. , 0 C adults. no pt'lS , $525 Patio. \'I e w. f rri IC'. um r nllt " U !> 646 :;743 ' y " • .~r Airport tGIOC Valencia 545 798J 1aeuz11. enrl gar . JlaS only. no pets I -----Monthl.y_ 1113 78i3 '.ol'ul + Oep 1151 2089 "&..-to Appreciate'" -sto,·e s.sso 631-6 I07 960 2675 Spac I or 2 br apls. 1 m1 Palm Spnngs area I Mon F Shr Rluffs p,t hr. ba 159·8978 RLarllgeS.1DEBRCOdo~•FOns1Ra1Tr• sPar1~ 2 story. 2bdrm. 2 br. l' !Iba. gural?l' •Gtuod I arrdoul~· onbelal)'.r~·•2N230<7pets. terey C:C> condo 3 BR 2 l'omm Pool. w d. l'kng. .. ., l'•b I t t loclbk tostorc-s cx lus. -"'--""'-" Ba.furn watr1um Mrrvo'\•,Non-Smkr.~_:-_-;__R..t_. 4450 w incl pat111, rp, d w. pa't1 3 0• ~0·0cam!l)()o r 0. vpven 2 mi 10 beuch 5460 2 br Versa1llcs bachelor. 1475, Golf. tennis Daily. mo Ind util 760 9717 ~1 ... pool spa car port no .., G weekly & monthly rail's 1 -. , ••••••••··~···~··•••••• · · · , Sat · 2310 Santa t\ n a , w l'arport. $440 lst. last. 1200 sec. atl! av a 11 7 14 . 5 5 8 800 1 Ma!e. 20-JO Home Nl'~r Storeor.Off1ee 1350 ~4 rt =,Ha~ul~9 ~!~ $4oS Ave.'Ph :121.'1)375·8t07 I ~gr·m 1Elhs.A111D guard, pool, spa. w~I g.5PM.askforMark OCC Sl70 Mo 75 1 ~11\11 Ml!Sa\ierde An•a 2 BR M \' d .xaut1 u I r. Apl wet ----. ---631~ No Tah C d H 5 ar a · n.~-.-r -1 -B -Q-Owner 673 3115 rm Glenn. 642·5316. Rill -- 1 nr5'11! 1149:; 545·4123 • 'esa ere up· bldg, nea r shops & I.Re Ba che lor w srp - ----min toocNo~nh.sota'r4 :.00 lor2M'!>,toshurelux.ury NF:WPORT Bfo:\l'll Oekwood i per New -decor Adlts. buses 213 '98 ~1on or bdrm 1 b:i. util pd. do:.e Lrii 2 Br 2 Ba up""r unit, '' .., 2800 ft 3BR c 'I p I $475 no ™'IS 1133 89~ ~ ~ u "" .. ~ wk Tom 857 1668 sq . . , " Pnme 10<.' on bu" ac Abo. make·up, ahamµoo and hai r products Call 631·9'754 or after 6, 198·8809_ IT'S EASIER THAM YOU THINK •.• lo own your own bu11I ness. Let us show you bow. We have almost 500 Big Red Quickprint Cen· lers in the U S and we're planning ISO new centers this year Take advantage or ou r I• years experience Crow with U5. EXCLUSIVE ARE~ LOCALLY AND NATIONALLY Cash re· qwred. 128,000 which INCLUDES working capital Total 1nvdt ment as low u $66,500. Wit h r1nancing ror qualified individuals Complete par k age includes : • Site Select ion •Leasehold lmprovrmenh • four Weeks Training • EQl.lpment • f)-aochise Fee • AdverttSing F"und •Accounting •Opening Supphe:. •First Month's Kent •Security Deposit and lnsuranr'e • Now 14 offices throughout the L' .s lo serve you CAUCOUECT CZ1ltl71-l0l0 Ste•eforbta orc .. TolfrH 1-800-537-7070 ... c;. .... Local Distributor Sells Unbranded Gasohne 1n all 4 Grades & Diesel Fu el at Compet111 ve Pnces. Priced Daily Sale COD w Cashiers Cheek or Load to Load Credit w SI0.000 Deposit A cc t (;1111 Bob i l4 ·752 1677 or Bill 213-966-3685 Lion Mktng Co"-----Garden Apartments = 1 213 597·0956 to b 1· h S 3 ti 0 mo det-k. frplc. great lo<'a· - - -home ~r S l fl laia Cst llwy ldl'al ror n•tail J• 3 Br Condo nr SC ----848 2262 , a:.k fo r uon No t•hildren pets a.t•toShore 4100 wowner.abscnt S d:n:. and or offlrl'UM! 1.000 M-'odwilHJ Newpoft Beech/No. 880 l1Vine I Plaza, SA. Pool. spa , \:.1d~ 11 0 b;;;0s:ii~d~t ,2 ~.? s,e ma r ~ G or $7~ Vrly lease Call ••••••••••••••••••••••• pc r wk s 3 so m 0 toJ.OOOsq rt ;J\ ail Co needs associate with garage. SiSO ;J<>t 463.1 Lloyd. Jacobs Realty c;. y ROO MA TE ~~7790 I $25,<n> to 101n est OC 549,3232or641 1460 Quiet WalkmR !.list to --61S6C10 A M ' --til4llWS i'IOO Firm m fast expanding s~in 646·5542 Clean, xtra lge 2 br, 1 •, CONTAC'1" l.argl'st Gay udo Waterfront Lul<UI) f(X)hl MesJ. bus' Nwpt t•hemical field :"io exp 2Br Adults.no pets,new· -EASTSIO F. ba twnl\sl' ·~ m1 ocean 3 Br 2 Bu, rrplc. garage, Male/FemalcServ1c·c in Condo Shp an11I 2BR Blvd 8400 ft fri·~ Mand necessarv IA'lll train Newport Beach/So. J}l~a· d11eoc ... ~150ov:;.,9r~4r4nt0g. t'nc·I 3RR, 2BA t\\•;il Fch Adults only. no pets ~~o64" 2n~4~71ds or pets So (.'a I G R l' 38A en or mo us rm ~ '"ll bldg, fully impro\'cd Must hav~ management (~r1!1~s~1, " ~· L'ith 5.585 lnclds Gas & ~960-2:J92_ --~--"" --t_2_l3Hf!O J040 1'um _s.sso +•,t,i5·~140 inti npt ldl'uln•tailor abilitv and start 1m· (7\4)642•5113 PALM MESA APTS Water No Pets SJJ.9389 4:e I BR. deluxe decor. Versailles bachelor con Pro( male to shr w rt>m --.n offmt Rent 9S' Ml ft By mediate!~ S2.000 mo 156Dlesa Dr -----all bltns. rdrig. gar. do. walk to beach. out gorgeous. s par1ous forl..t 4350 011,:ner 6JI ™OJft I Should make $40.SOK tst 2 Br unfurn $~25 •foshide/~ffeH $365.714·960·5742 standlng amenities, full Nwpt Shores borne ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ueach Store. ·t'14porl vr Writtr d ~932 co ---------AdullS only. Call ht wn Child welcome. 2 BR. L-tJ sec.Ml/mo 673·2207. 54().960_195 Randy_ (' S (.'dM $40 W lk rr I i> 1 Pilot PO Bo ISOO OCE ........ FRO,....., 9 4 546-9860 cpts. drps. pvt patio ~---.arage parl' a Ira ll'·pnmc IK'a a.a y . x "'" "" • ..._.._. lt4Z NrUdonudlx2brt •~ba Mature respons1blt' _ _1_60-_0240 1100• 800 sci rt 675 41~. Costa Mesa CA 92626 3 bdrm, 2 ba mo to mo 2 HUGE Bedroom5 Sto,·e. pool, lndry. No nucr Upr f/pdkcplonly "" 1 k --3 o I G-:-\ h d ralS doos $49S water & ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• rema e. non smu er S 1 f bi 14 I. 1ving. ame. p one an 'tll summer.1750 Ground f loor. fully ~aspd.. Guarded gale, tennis Nopet.5$700675-0097 Newport Ol'eanrronl mg e ca~ i.:ar~Re. or -----hesttimetOl'Ontai·t 675·2010 Carpeted Bui It in~ 5 E 8th N 0 courts, swimming pool. 1'e 1 br, step!! to bay 4r p tmo. S48·166'7 rent. 9llO \ ale~cnt. (. M i..e.trial l..tol 4500 -- (at 161h) (714) 645-1104 ......... '-" Loll vie 20th ' ·Palm Huntlnllon e.acb. Sat Jan 23rd. 1rttn collar REWARD. 536·3216 s.1M758 l.olt: My "Sam" 7 yr old Siamese male, w/blue collar, vie. Adams & Newland HB. 752-4138; S23>2&.18 ev11. Reward! Lost: Spnnaer Spaniel Puppy. I ' Mo, Liver & Wh t. R F.Wi\:lD !! ~ . REWARD Medical wnter looking for unique writlng/llv- 1ng h1deway-quest quurtera. boat?! Will exchanae writing '' catttalung dul!es • pa)' minim.al rent tocal Hospital It Personal Rerereoces Wr ile Hospital Publ. P.O. Box 2183. N. B., 92663 Found ring. NB please 1dentlry Call 631·2953 bet6-8pm found . Lrg Tri Color Long Haired M Cat Green Eyes Locust Laguna Bearh 494 7346 Found . Little Blk Dog Ellis & Magnolia HR. 834·4S93. Shellie/Shep mix yng rmle round near Bristol 1Su nrlower ~ H 773, 962-9063 Found_. Mixed Shepherd. male nr del Ob1spa Dana Potnt. &31·8239 Lost: Reward for blk remale Doxi e .So. Laguna area. 499 1669 Lost · blk M cat, wht markings underneath . The Blufrs, N B 644-1082 Lost. Cha mpagne Retriever t2 y r s> t50lbsJ Corner of Hilb & Orange t lnJured ) IW2·5221 Found : small brown pup· PY w red bandanna , PCH It Beach Blvd !)$.()713 Found small black M Cockapoo.type, injured nght rront leg 536·071.3 F'ound: Mixed Australian Shprd Var. 17th & Tuslm. CM 646·8181 Lo s t 7 M o Old Koonhound f Wh t IA bile ears Vic Modale It l.Jster. ti B 963.93 . .n Found Tan Dog W Wht Chest tl2"1 Brookhurst & Ball Aoaheim ~5862 5150 OCEANFRONT I br till S PER Location! O,·er 14 · 1 t!ar range. tile r_., cobble stone ........ •"'J .... 35 ~ mo_~·1368 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....... __.__ .... :;o Adults No Pets $385 ~2708 or 960·3989 ...,, uui. ""ts. no pets. ~ f Sbr .-.Um CM l'ondo 8 . h ..,.. ........... 6·15. rurn·SSSO un· 'lo Appl~· Apt ..... _ .. l.ro Bach Apt oood street.oncbannel adja· yr!y.673-0072 j673-5706. W/f OCC Studenl 12.50 Offiuleatal 4400 N,' .3971 5 8~,rc 88GO~'.t. ~ 5015 ..................... .. furn -S 5 o o wk d y s " -r, ,., ,. cent to marina. Unique 3 bdrm. 2 bath. modem mo incl ulll 642 8065 ••••••••••••••••••••••• t or ess " IA zone,.,., -..,.-' AH.tis Massaqe 833·3743, eves wk nds 568-WilsonfH6..4~7i I 01· a I. P rt' Pa tio. 2.BRSB50/mo. rroo m>. No children or eves 1617 Westchff. N B Want 1 per sq ft A 11 en t ••:::.:::.:.·w··_.···::~··• Open 24 hrs a da1' 7»6427 Newly dl't'orated largt>Z I Adults. S29S 859 w 19th 738-SOZ:Z rmanc1al inst rnoo~ r I ~l·S032 ..,,,..,,~ no. j da s a week Br with patio. pool. St C,,!___ 2BR.2•,BACONOO pds.752·2141;673·16SO Mature adu lt to :.hr 1 161 Ooor i~ent541 ~32 W led 800 to 1000 Sqft. &tergy field Call after 69 G y I I --------k d 0 '"' 2b lb S4SO I h Id OK 2 Br. 2 ba/.rl" •Pl. Encl. buul. house w/frpk & ---an i p.m 1159·1770 orgeous gr s to BEACON BAY garage, t s "· no r. a . c I . SBSO/mo ( d h h jac H B 963 ~766 EXECUTIVE in NB or W CM for Lorig ---pamper you Jacuu1. pets. S.SSO/mo 64_!_·0763 _ No pets. 2563 C Elden 731.soz:z garage, rp c, s w r. ' · · · --Terf!l. _St or age 11 (' HicJtte.! letww Sauna. Locals as well as 1 Bdrm , month to • E·side duluxe 2 BR . up· ~L675~4_!.527·1408 $54S. m>. 675"1642· Gated Area. Pool. Ocean SUITES 644·~ Fmanc1al Partner Wanl to u r i s t s B a n k soonlh , utilities paid. per.balcony. newly dee:-. 2BR IBA. Old but Clean. ~·-... ?!~ S.Ct ... ate )176 Side of Highw ay S IN I ~~ ft with front or t'd. S3SO.OOO Needed In /\me ricard. Master. Sl,000 mo . Call Dean. quiet adults 120 E 20th .. 2248 Canyon Dr No i""~•j;,t·~~t. • Frplc, •••••~••••••••••••••••• ~~~: ~~a~~e R~~5 HUIT.AGE rice, large rear door. set \'l'Stment 1A•ell Securl!d Charge, A~ricao Ex· l&\.675-6000 $490646-0100 _ Pets $i00 Su~rra Mngt stove rdrig d/w 2 blks 2Brl 18a,garage.laun· UUI M t be F: I PL.Al.A uµ for machine ~hOIJ. by first Trust deed on press. Diners all ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beaut 2bdrm rondo. Co tHl·l324 -ocean. Isl last+ '•11 Ulll dry, blk ~o beach. ~8\'e Rer: 499 ·~~2 1'\t'IA IUXUl"}',offat•c ~pat·~ 32'1' asq rt or~ me! .\ppraised Property IA'elcome 714 645·3433 48r28a,moothlyrental. pnmc SC Plaza lor s:.iO.IBR.pool.ladh.no $600/mo.494·7222 DIS/mo 974 7225 Eves in Inanes bu s•l'~I 12AOLogan t\\·e l n11t, 7l4_:~113Q 21l2 HarborBl.CM i,, blk beach Coast Waterfalls. strt-am!>. pets 325 J 17th Place NICE 2 BED ROO M ----,-• . N?llter' F.as) frw~ ,J t' I Costa Mesa DJys For total relaxation with Properties673·5410 spa. pool S800 mo &16-5137 art llAM OCl.AH FRONT apartment with view or LI DO l~Lf. R 1-.,\( 11 n-s..~ Arn1I now' l all S<IG-9lg Eves 64n Ofilll MCMrf W..t.cl 5030 a professional ma ssage S. Clt•.te 3776 l714J673-9019. 6i~·~O E-Sadr ~07 ) barht'!or Most elegant apartment the golr course. hills, ~~:~r~~~<'.'gn/ n~~r ~r~2i~, 6 40_4230 lndustnal bld 0 g'. 6~ ~~ $2o.ooo .. :;·25:::~·e·r"u";e·1 Steve 10-6. 5411·2817 . •••••••••••••••••••••••I a~d 2 bdr?" tr,11lrrs apt w palm S.175 t:til ~~~·~'.}fne~~lo~=l~~nn•~ gubhc tenn1s .C'ourt~ srnkr. rin a aH'aall y _ rt w s~nnklHs.lri:r~ar buy. well estahhshcd. Lonely Tonight? J\Oeed ~Br 1''2 ba. walk to Sl65 .to S2ti0 + SISO ~_@L4320A>,'l --town Rrt•athtakinl! eh1~d propert y. z St.'<'ure,to shr Jbr l·onf1 o •DRUXEOFftCfS• ovt'~e.addoor&fl'nced dc-ntallab,64520i5 Company?C11l1 Monica beach. 225 La Paloma. secunty, no rh1ldrcn. no 2BR 18 \ Nl'wlv Der views All bit.ms, heall•d enl'lost'd caq1orts, all Ofl water Call 1\1 ark f)-orn l room to 1~00 ~'I ad)oinmg pa"ed park ----• 9SJ 1822 Apt B. $450. 637 7918 pets 642•9193 133 E Ullh. Fnl:d Yrd, Gar No Pets pool. s 0 bt i: a r a j.(t'. bul lt1n5. laun~~ ra.{'lht) 17141675 !SAA iam·llpm. I n f'rom SI IS a Mt rt No Ing Comer of Rl·d,hill & ~s. Tn11t COEDS· Would Lo\ e To Costa Mesa --~Mo. ~3-5-178 elevator Lease only ~Y~:"b~'i:.~~rn2s~d~~~ best lime to rall morn l1•;ise required ,\dJ ~ :ri: r 1 n ° · l M DHctS 5035 Party with You~ Call Af~::J!:..c. Single Mom. 25. IA' 4 yr Lrg 1 Br Adult Near S850 & up 330 Clirr Dr onlv No children or pets 7 9am 1 1 1\1rporter Inn 2172 Du ---' ---••••••••••••••••••••••• Le s Ii e or S y I v 1 a· ••••••••••••••••••••••• old son seeks to .reni shops. pool. all u111 pd ~-lOCI pleas' S4SO per month Beautifully Dec J BR . J!OOt ~ajlAM .~:..3223 't~:edN f's~a~fro~~. ·~1 Sattlft'Mt,. Co. Anytime. 761·9036 .... ,.a.d 1106 ~ ~~ ~P~,s2n f0!~ 1884 MonrO\'la, ~·0336 Almost beachfront apt ~\·ailable Februa ry 2BA Hse Nr ocr I r 1 I 7TH STREET l' a r . s h 0 p . a pp r : 1( All types or ~eal estate Strong pro( man desires ....................... sleadiiy t!m ployed. Mesa ~erde 2bdrm clean S900 mo Ocran \'1ew. ~.a 11 c1 w n er I 7 14 > 966·~77. M k for J J . COST.A MESA 1 l~2ll00sq!!_ 1142.8711; 1 mvestmentssince 1949 pretty ~nsual lady 18-35) Yrly. Sml studio apr. responsible & dependa s pacious. ups tair s. det'k,1mmac,s1rn1•iuus 2 1!42·<1.1311 -Prof Shr 2RR. 2B,\ ldM 2or 3roomomre suites.1 J.200.~ sq rt bv Npt ! SpeckllaMc)ia da):'Slrutes720-0296 :~r.l~o~~~k~r ~~ui~~ ble. but have limited adults no pets $435/mo ..!!!::..~~-Adul.t Studio: Stove. rrlR. 1-t<;e I Blk fr B~h. ~ .r~er Ac. plenty or prkg lJt1I rwy & 405 rwy . Jlrom hd TDs cl util.2l3/28l·0365 move· in ru~ds Please 673-119-t; 675-7996 _ Hesaport IHclt 3169 u t 11 s., ~ 2 6 O mo 5.'J8.s.111. 67S·9ill9 E'E-mcl Avail oow l:u11 . 1 sso4 Mr o Ke d el 642.2171 545-0611 Linda & Vicki's ,. UtUe l51and. spacious 1 call645-8203arte~ 0-"oillt 1126 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $495 mo\em~492·0l80 FEMAL E to s hare Real~m_1c:.i. 67~ 6700 1 115~-8928___ -WIDOW HAS SSS for I brSMO/yrly S530 mo. 2Br. 1•,Ba ....................... PAii NEWPORT l t.p~twfthFtanishd ~~~·~,:me~~~r;:i·nt~ 600 sq rt Mesa \'l·rde Sforoge 4550 TO's. RE Loans. 10K B:~=:R 67~34 12 twnhse. adults only. DUPLEX: Large 3 bdrm. IDIDTMENTS orU...,.lla.cl 1900 Be h. area ....................... , Up No Credit Check, No TIIAN EVER! 24 HRS l.07 carport. balcony patio, 28x18' livmg rm Some N'M ••••••••••••••••••••••• mgton ac S200 mo 545·4123 Storage·R \' trailer I Penalty Denmsson As· 669_0207 .... ,..... lndry rm. no dogs. will ocean view Rl't'ently de WifftefrH ADh 96().(872. -8 AY FRO ....ay boat c M S35 mo Kirk soc. 613-7311 ••••••••••••••••••••••• consider cal Call ror corated. 2 car gar cou~ay CLUI .-.Um It unrurn { bdrm ~ 631-<9lo, --( Outcall ) S350. Util P d. IBR. appt l>SO' 4951490 "' p offi Duplex. 417 EBay Ave. TSLMGMT642·1603 .mo. · apt. All util pd All <olL~H'.:fti,'-l•t .. \. ....!!.~ -ice 760'9440 &at. RV. Auto storagt>. :Arlto..c._fth/ BalboaS47-11S5,542.01 90 --IBr.nearocean,garage. UVINGIN amenities 84~Q6_}9.__ ~U ... U~ ..,, cnita Mesa, 2so sq fl fenced, sel.'ore CMI P~/ Forwomenonly·total UST SIDE clean. 24 682 ·'A·· NEWPORT loaa 4000 '-fl'JD•"'"".d•·-"'· .. t suite Sl7S:mo Ut1ls m· S25/mo646·lli08 Lost&Femd body massage by Diane. 1BrsglS365, Balboa Pi er SS75 mo. 1 2Br. 1•2 Ba Cordova Dr 66 1·1537 , BEACH It -.-•u-"'"' cld. 179 W 19th St. -,....................... By appt 10·6 543.0407 Savage. Wilde It Cu twnhse. yd balcony, t213)4()2..2657 lCOllect) ................ -.;.... ~-~---851·8928 ..... W.ted 4600 • a• c.-.ts s 100 615-6606 II t OK II bit h Balboa lnn S90 up •••••••••••••••••••••••1 PENTHOUSE sma Pt' .. a n~. Large Studio Apt wit An adult community on weekly Kitchenoette. Oldest & largest agency ~E,..,.,...RT 1 2 BR E d c M 0 ••••••••••••••••••••• Z I~~ lJ1iri· o ".ear ~a~hk l~~ rm. This one won t ocean view661. S2116092tmo the IBarkS Oay7 Spier· ocean front 615·8740 All clients screened with Exec~lv~ &.i't'es has or. :ar 1st .. XI~~· ceare or PREGNANT? HCOITS Marshall Rlty 675·4600 TSL MGMT 642.1603 · tacu ar pa. sw m· .-.Um, NB Apt $300 lnclds photos & rererenres. rices available nr o.c premises (former on P~egn~ncy tesltng, 2 M F Couples -Mllifll9• leodl 1140 ming pools.Blighted ten· Ut1I M Prof. Congenial. Credits· Cosmo Poli tan AllllOM. from S365 w full site manager). 631 3123 j mm. slide or early detec· 539·5030 <keanside, small :ac~. Lg 1 BR w 2 wlk·ln ••••••••••••••••••••••• nis courts. bike trails, Non·Smkr. 642·8363. Good MomingAmerica·. service anilable c1111 week-ends 631·0871 9.30 lion.Allmelhods or birth ""M-'-'C'--______ V_.l~S-.A f.7 J1~;Y91~t ~5•9~~ closets. inc I pa t1 o. lrg lbdnn condo. patio, ~~cthte'i~r~. 81 r: ne/ 2 af\er8PM. The Tomorrow Show now for 1 month free to6 wkdys rontrol. Abortion. 24 hr free.lance writer looking Or7 .... 6925 dshwshr. carprl, pool. wash/dry, frplc. pool & f\tm BR, Ba & Uv Rm. Usa833·9976_ help line Conr1dent1al. for person interested In ..,, S400 +sec. 645·0362__ 1 l bedrooms apartments. Patio, Pvt Ent, Util. in· Newport Beach, 641·1899 -Lo..-. /I t/ Women's Center. 1125 E room. board. and salary jac, sec. gale. c ose o and townhouses from I MO. NH ~• ft•H lith St . • 110 East OCEAMFIOb ~ tW1119oaleach 1140 beach, 6/mo new. SS!iO. S540toStOOOpermonth cld. CM Mesa Verde. GatdenCrove.895·3482 WA-rfCettter ..._. _H74 _.9495 ~P~T~h~pora~~lguh: 2 bdrm. 2 at . new ••••••••••••••••••••••• 968-5632. OnJamboreeAI Rel.~ ·-".",... ...................... . paint 41 carpel. Yearly -First class · rull ser\ ice --housekeeping Ideal for lease S765. Call Linda or 11 San Joaqwn Hills Road Laguna Niguel Shores F I EXEC offices. include~ ~. sc11u •£TS college or self·employed 060 b k t 'f l114 >&4H~ non smok er. gate iiuard Share 4 bdrm home bet all amenities. From ~partwlity 5oo5 Mlll"L I career woman Phone ~.·5'!.7 lbd.rm. bright, . ·Kenne un por . f'() FEE! Apt. & Condo area. Steps to beachl. Bay and Oc!ean. Avail $225,mo __ ~~ .. 7189 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ANSWERS Edmund tn Laguna .-....... ,., I D'dn 1.. •• he rentals.Villa Rentals. tennis. pool,.jacuzz . F b 67 2637 fl PM Costa Mesa L au n Beach at 494•0429. clt'ln. adults, no pets. I t ne WIO t 675·4912 Broker. s ma 11 k 1 t ch en et t e . e 1 5· 8 6 ~ & 512 sq ft SI 00 per dry-SI lK gross per mo. Outlaw -Prison $495 y rly. 6 7 3 · 11 94 ; Monaco Grand Prix in '73? washer/dryer. 1250 Isl. Fe ma le roommate to sq. ft .. 3975 Rir<'h • N. B 641·0'163 A enl Eyelet Novke Adventurous ladies ion· 675-1996. t'V"\(~ 2fBr 1 . 2 2 Ba .. Contdo, poo1. I, &securitydep.493·3490. srhare 1 N~apt w/othe 11 r A11ent541·5032 _ High quality Emeralds 111 Cunner -Tnba 0 1 -ly> Ba.Ibo• Brothel tral'· lovely 3 Br 2 Ba. yrly C "-..o I r...J Y" -v rp c, pnva e pa IOS, .-.Um room, pvt ba, cov. ema e ... .., mo + UI . DANA POlN'J"s best loc wholesale prices. Im WAJTINC for V U ing team> now recrui'- lease. I blk from beach. Wha )Ke .,..,,rt ground level S6SO+de· gar. pool. Sl60J mo 645-2398 200'to500'at7&-int'lall porter. AP'PI only Al\erreadingonablood ing k>rthe 9th Annual .,..Imo. A&l. 67H"10 If you re not sure who (or t nnyt>un.,..., posit. 7»1783, 5R4985. .,..,, °".,.eves fShr 38R Apt Avall t'eb U II •-J . 97• IL20 donor's data card that I Gr ea I A r c al a t cl ~ --was. don't fttl ~-you re not alone s · B R · ...........,., 31th CM A N L t . • anitor. " 11141784-4009. woned f th IRS the Ferndale Cross·Country Phi 2 • 3BR. 2BA. yearly "A ,..,,., .. n"""" s one or 14 d1st1nct1vtly Pac ' o us I In Bal Isl, Room &t Rath, pvt ~· -rea. o ast • H U N T I N G T 0 N I b hn<>! • e rl. ed Kineti c Sculpturt' Ri.re• f'rplc, blt·ins. gar. park· ""n .. ,.,.. ........ • . Eastbhlf. Pool. ~uiet. enlrance, 1200/mo . or •...,.1146·5413 BEACH• a ler tc1an I nn lna. Close to bay & different apartment tloorplansat Seawtnd Vmq Pleasant area! Single G73-475S Srd Rmml Wanted for Own your own J ean broadlY and said. "Sil -~-_ _,,. ecean. Brkr f75-4912. in Huntington Brach. Seawind VIilage IS a result Adult. No Pets. SSOO/mo S~aclous 38R Co ndo. IOIO S/f Wt. , Sportswear Shop or Jr11n down. please. I've been y,..... 549 t -., .. -4767 NrHoa~1 Pvt Ent & BA. I SC ••3Prlvale0ffices Program. Offerint all WAITINGforVOU." 11>~ ....._. M• 11122 of totally personahzed profess1onal planmng. .,... Xlnt "'-Smok or kil"h 1 · Plaza. $250 lnttl • •2Staff1\ra,•s. Natl on a 11 y Kn o~ n ••••••••••••••••••••• • ===•••••••!•••• The kind of attention you deserve. ...... ,,._. cm~.,..+ so. 1146·103$.. . utU, ~ve 557.nsa. • • Wctb~r R r a n d s 5 u r h ; s Loet I "-d SJOO 2 fl\~ for ~ ! ~A t:ouponJ Sf1P TO OCEAN. Most A !>'rlect blt'rld of nattJrt and IMng-2BR. 2BA. Vrly Rental. MdMr 6: aon need rm Avallable now-h t f1oor Jord•che, Chic, l.ee. •••••••••• .. ••••••••••• LlC.:Wnlnt'S. S40 rlwmlntin old Corona. ...-..... in a 'or .... w .. h ,_.....1ng ""oolu .. ""' ~ ..... l Av a II Now . 1800. Roomlndry•/ripvt bpath1 klfl. & n'U immed. M1F. non· Call 1714 1848·3133 !Awi. Vanderbilt. Calvin Lost: Kl.'eshound 1.aa ----~t;3114!1 I '"'"'~ I' C: . .X " .....,.,. UI "'"' ~v·~ B-1182 An 5PM p v. rer. em. smkr Irv C'Ofldo. SZ75 c r I Br. 2 . frp c. ocean ponds. cooled by natural QCHn breeles Adel to • er . Clole lo bua 'shopping. e H ju d Ing . H m : Klein. Wrangler. over Niguel ol couriic Lott&,_.. UC I v I e w r r o m de <' k that tenrus courts. SW1mmmg ~. a.iacuui '"° BAVFRONT CONOO·La C.M.1225. 548·2114 _.._,,.,wk·, ., ..... 0377 ms Mo-Private oU1cc1 I 00 other brand s ---~~·5017 ....... •••••··~··•••• ' •tmo. Call Anthony Z8r 28a aec bldg $875 I -·-· --patltlf\l/kitchenctlc spc lt900.00 to 111.500 00 in illays 64Z..5757. eves & a convenient IOc.allon near Shopping and 'A 1i Adil j lr~ Rm' Pvt Ba . Emp F will share lux pool1spa 1ll600Miln St.Hunt Bch eludes be~'nnin11 inven , .j,~-1~. emninumenta""vou'v•IV\t a pl-anunnawould rm. va now. son· M. Pool. Clbhae, Jae . ........__ nr S.C. Plata w/ IO"' . r I I I.AIU REWARD! ...,_..,. ,,..,, '"', "..-'"'" iv•-ly. 67S-6'n$ Sec Gt.s, Nr SC Plaza. ,_,., Dall)' Janlr. All ulll pd ·~ • II are or o , .... 2et• prOU<llyc.allhome.(EvenKennybunlq)Ortl) Brend ne1W dell&llt lbr l250.NoCltnt.S46·0067 malurt M S350 t mo Avall.now!(714)848·3133 f ashion Center, lr••n· ,.,, hvh stt-9708 In&. fi xtures. Orand .. Old CDM. View. 2 sun· One al'IO two bedroom. one i•ou l'WO """' condo. cpt/drpa, fp, encl N'iceHome NrSC Plaza. . I <>Ptnioa Produr1lon11, .. S dftb. bnma. fpt. 117$ adult apartments from ~00 gar w/elec opener, I 54._1717 Fem to ahr 38r 2ba Bal N!W\'Ort Beach. pnme tAlso lnfant/Prelten C"tM COL09 Aull Feb s Richard ~ md stor11e. pool l J1c. 1 laM bayfront. apt w/lM Penat11ula loulloo 300 5 C ~ •Dda. ~ USO/mo . 673·6112.1 Room. Im mo. 5 HOl&SH ltr,ms+util 673·1388 aq.ft 2~~tet'.S300 ~ 612.~1,: r lmMAM ll•&mDD •7072evn · ~28.\3 : fromSand.1118. v-.. Motbff w/3•., old oermo.MarU73M06:_ · (Mlle) 1•2B•C'Clldo.encl.11t. inttunti onvuiq UDO WATERFRONT.1 87U200 ... 1Htl1 compatlhle <Int. .,.ce at 1600 w WehavuPl'Oduetthatia He is bi1. His name is "Kahuna" .-... ms mo. Niet" J br apt. '850. Rita I ~. eM. no 1mokln1 or penan to live free'" tx· Colll Hwy. 800 aq h. to milk whit mariarine and looks like 1 Polar Bear with ,.... 15555 Hvnt>ngton v11119t Ln Hvntinoton lltlcn. CA Writ•. A•. 7SU710 drinldn1. prof. M over chanp for babyslttln1. • 212141 ft., IZOO. Call 11 to butter. People are black noee. Any help in loeatlnl .. ffCI rt cm•> l!le-996t 2ar.2a., Parll Udo Con· 40,@5/m6SM'°'3'7 "-•·-Jolln:$41-21lL._ makln1 110.000. per him will be appreclaled and ~ :'.,.1,:,":m f'l"Oll'l ll'lt s.n Diego F~ ~ nonh on llut'h to do. Puoumle bay • Pvt Entr, Huntln&ton II -.akr, IBR lBA, DDWllon L1111111 B<h lftlMllll. No Ua• la not a R...,' nnio•. CIMllrvift Otrtt"tory McF.-0. 1Nn WftlOll Mcfdln tos.wicl Wllgr, oceea YMw. WIN op· Harbour. Lua, Gym , ... /mo bt. lilt, •• a. r aa.f. SIM/mo, inlaprlnt! No dlrttl r.."nnu a.611ed.. t• lol~t r.--Millllllt. ~ -10 Ml UI -!.!.:"..!,OH· ..... mo. = Pvt k... •. -· .... AYIU. hit lit. Al ... -· m Jr.a I& ..... ,. ..... 1n10 <•II ..... CM.I. ....... •VO!.......... ..,..., _., --....... 7Sl-4'7Jtaftl ...... I --U-!01.. ----~ ~ -· ~--• .~ _ -: < • .. ................................... ~-.----...:...-----..... ----. -·-------.~_.. ........... """ ...... -~--~---~._.~-,. Orange Collt DAILY PtLOT/SUnday, January 31 . 1~ C.,••• Ci• we•a.••utl ,_ t wlf•h•lll It 1r••h• ,..... _... ..... flll ............................................................ ······~~·it••• ••. ..... • .................................... ~;;r ••••••••••••••••• ~ ... ~ •••••••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••• rN.L ..... ol lYt Old Will FINEFlNlSHWORK Bac:khOtl Servl u : * ·IAL• R!~ONARLE HOUHWOftK DON! STARVINGCOl,l.EGE HANGINGSIO/ROLL 8Al..80AROOF'INOCO flrNll Babysit hal~ or Put Remode"!'_./Door-hun11 d1Crhin1. 11redln11, Low Ally c air band-stripped PROMPT. FREE EST. 8 V J A PA N ES E : STUDENTS MOVING lln ·disc on paper 11w only rool1n1 ro with «u.tA ..llft..1m11.li3l·INI Btrub:maJeOCctMc nte11 . Construction: or rc1. lued, ue 7$. A ALMOST EVERY J>rolt11loo11. Coll Yothl. co. Uc. #TUM341. V 1145 9325 con1tructlon rttbatu • .11 ~I BlbysltUn&. My Home Custom Carpentry By lldcl'n11, allerathm1, re-Touch Of Cius In REPAIR NEEDED __ lmured. 641·142'1 UC. PAPER HANGER 67~679,.fUl.8229_ r II CV.Mon Frl.AllA&H "J ay" cformlca 6 pain. malnt. DHllJI' lerien. 711 W. 17th St AV ~4..7ll__ txptr c1uca.s1an Hakpr. ' OROW! 8onded l 1nr No Job Hubtr Rootlng alll)'Pff '1 A you ply Tlle1 MHIOf or Ca 11 con1Wtin& 130-161 l: evs .!.Y.C.M. 842 7712 Small Jobi, Handy Man, Sdht1rtrr 18.00 ~r ~'TARVING ACTORS too1m11ll or too luae New recover-decks for» Tt'OdtrLovln1 Care Answer Ad 1820 at •731S Ca rpentry, Plumb, hr Arfluent Homu MOVING COMPANY f'Ue · Too 898·2'121 l~r_M 1111Z.~•t7)4_ l0,day11d Bab)'alttlnt1.1mytlme. &e.4300.:Mhrs_. _ ~ ~u.u Eltc R easonable f ut fi CarefuJ. t..ow~l WALLPAP ER ...... ortl..._ In lht 6!f . . 919, l c.,.t Srtlct .... ~J.t!..l~!'ri'..1!!1••• ....... yon········ -~ SCRUB·A·DUB Rites Law Allow• M /C: All klndli. •'reet-t. "Quality RoOIInlfg, DAl&.Y Baby1ittt r, your home. ....................... i~~R ~> Topped/removed ex· Muont)'·Cal']>entry·Tile Prol. Hous~<'le1nln1 V!H. Uctl'lL!!a·oea__ SJl/roll. Uc~ ~e · ." ·O ~ Pl.OT llftl·l :311Pm, Moo thru WeCa,..etpt Cleaners • A E HIPS pert clean up1 lawns rt Plumb-lloofina·Remod I t k J l!!!..!3~ p... _ _l!(!!'m MS. •John Hmry's Roof Ina • •YICI .*873 Steam clean l llphols. forme~ by All~elfoo 751.3476 ~ co-wall 536 8700 Homll l'leaning. depend•· ••rnttl••••••••••••••• p_ ._... Li<''d ' Ina. SIS ror DlllCTOIY y W Tnarkmountunit ..J• · WHY NOTON.:OF tledwecNI....,.. ble. honest. Cleaned to F\nepalnLlnl by Richard .. 1 ..................... ~timate ' tnl ct100 -DOJ'tNOW ! ...................... _ortr.a~a_r. __ MS·3'1l!I C..-Woodwn~ TllEBEST•Slmmons ....................... ~ur n t lsfart ion Sinor. ~c. rna. 13 yrs or •BRY~NTS• 1 ~Clt~l!.!.l ~•ll:.ti.11:....!ll~~---~,_~ ':'~'l.~:'u~<'~~c"a~fw ~~ri~~::~:rsc,·•e:~i c:·;~·;;~··~·;~,·idY;~ ~ Klia;u!. 646M6f-, ~~,~~~~,?e~s LO~AINE'S HOME "-:t ~•.l custome.z.10 A~altcov~nna R~~r,i~ ~.'!'.~~'!' .• ~ .......... . ~ro~:y J lot 7l4/PUl.62 cn>U · 10 min b eath m11~t es. wa I units, R rape 'nt and waxed. 832·4881 SERVICE. REFS c.to.P.... .._..,./•~ 8UDGET RATES/ut'd R lt't re ory ..... -1--llaJJ. IJv/dln rms SJ5; 1:11 b1nets. Hardwooa eald/Co~m Clean·up. ---Owntr1111. 982 ~ 25 yrs exp. Lit'. 41tt941. ••••••••=r.:; ......... l..owmin Smljobs OK .. lrenntallvt • H..Ct ava room S1 SO: ('OUt'h llOllltlon.s to wood pro • .H•ulin S411·2489 H.... HOUSICIEAMIHS .Bonded. Ins. Reff . Color PL.ASTER PATCHI NG Free_gt Ins. IMJ.7~1 J. 671.-.st 122 .... ..... $10. chr ~. Guu .. ellm. blems 63 ·I .hirnuni Own Buainen ; .. ;;;;1 ................ Eve& ' Wknd 'A Price exoen 98lMlllll Di"., RetlU<'l.'OS Int/ext 30 --~~ar.~...u-=A"'1IO••r,·•5•.:.ty•••• pet odor. Crpt rrpair 0-ttlc 4 Yn Exp. Landscuping, DUMP JOOS N C I · . --· ----~-p t m ""' -.--• J,a ,._. Jn. fxi " ... · ts yrs exp Oo work Grtblg ar Brlrk Patios &Small Moving Jubs tfc 8 I 631·43il9 After I m Sm11ll My prices rs. at au ~.LL ..................... . ••••u•ettl•••••••••••• .~tg"ftt lxC~E:~INC m tll. Rtrs: Sll·OlOl uv"t1~rhs•k;;5°;~~·;:• Gnld Prof. St!rvlce at ll MIKE 646-1391 · --ll!e ,arnall ! CdM. NB Neal patches' texturu INO~STRIALSEWING P/R Qcrlies W2s Fin d bl · P epen. NoSleamtNoShampoo n i 0 n 5 5 i j t e r s Pntes Sure to Ple11Se HAUUNG & OUM p Professional Houseclean Exp d. Ron 673-6477 t &ClTM'ING of rabncs Strnts. Com'plett Set·up e:.~·~~~llk Ted or SlainSpecialist.Fast gardeners. Brought to 211.Sb ·9'W~ JO~.uldorRandy. ing by i 1ramily wr~ C L.Mangun .Pain~ing ED'S PLASTERING f)oeeesllmat.es $4804SO •S«v. Refs. $40-5834 di')'. f)oeeest. 839·1582 ~our home for lnteniew. G ardenln g -Cum p I 641-8427 (:1~j~ smue "8 I. Oust. work. L1r #362478· All Types lot or Ext. ~~ Ami.ct l..ir c-.t/C.CNh--fief. guar. l213)947·2828 clean up & free haultng CLIAM UP YOUI A.CT ---·-· 11)!1. Free est. 731 8281 64.S·82S8 ee est. ;;1 .. r.•; ............ .. :t.t! ......... ••••••••• .. CiiiWiCl(. ""iSO°M••• ••o•••l••••••••~•·•••• Drvw• --forusableitems. TODAY! Yard/garage -...T.. CUSTO.MINT/EXT Pl:ASrt::R&STUCCO ••YYUGHTS•• Prompt, prol service ~n BuildersSlnte 1947 , THOMPSONS ;;1.~.................. Mlchael64l.6lli__ cln·up, ett. 1 ton trurk. ....................... EXPERT SERVICE ~pair Nojobtoosml ~II S~~es lnst:~5ed maj~ apples Sttve s Additions . rtmodtling CONCRETE CONSTR DRYWALL1ACOUSTIC Gardening Wanted . 631.1993 24 hrs ~XPER PREP AR ER LOW RATES 00-4203/G45-4l99 reat res, S.'Jl. t'. v 548-8514 Doors windows patio Uc. 11393383 642·848? 14 yrs exp 11\illy lic'd' Mowing, ~glng. r:ikmg. H11uling/clean.up dirt ~~roll~~ ~~lrJ<'t l{c NU· BROOK 545·1175 ,. •• ---Tit ...... rove,; Preeest.Reas c.....icllle ~ured 532·~9 s wc~p~n/. Fre e shrub/tree trim'. ell'· at.rC::s.r~t.549·24~: ty NELSONSPAINTJNG ~ ..... i ................................... .. ....................... u r.11310942 S49·217Q_ ........ ~ ....... _. .. ~ .. , DRYWAl.LTAPING, ~~mates 45·~372 or !_unk,trash.848·411~-----. ----Int/Ext . ~esidtComm Oralnscleared fromSlO ~omto~mlsCee'r'v11.mf~~!'e's't Stal~oaLlng . Striping JM PROV EM ENTS Flpors. Showers . Tubs Pree est. Kcv!n 1115.901111 CUS'ro~t yAROEf"!ING 1 e truck. Lowest ratt! Income Tax ~ervlce Llr d. Free est. 837·2637 fteeest. M&M 642.9033 C uck 675-HOll AUSJ'ATE PAVING FINE HOME Hansen s Ceramic Tile All textures & arousllt' . -5HL._ --Hi\UUNG Studerlt has I FEO~RATED Ac?115ll~ ceilings. ~ds, Plumbing Repairs n """ Repairs. Comm./Restd Additions & Remodelioit ~II anytime 972-4639 Blctric-' , Res1d I/Comm I ~rompt Call 75!1 1976 631·4871 ~J?l_ PAINTER NEEDS ATLAS PLUM BING& TILE INSTALLED Uc.11397362 64>8181 rl • a.•lllgSrtktt ....................... Cln~~.893·~1?~ Thank ou John_ M••Y WORK-30Y,rse~8 Int HEATING-REPAIR AllK.indsGuaranteed Driveways.i.!arklng Lot I ••••••••••••••••••••••• E~RIClAN pri.ced 'f!iE GRASSHOPPf.R TREES SHRUB TRIM ..... :••••••••••·~··••• /~xt, ,Ac~s~1r ce1 ings. REPLACE 645.1688 Refs John 840.9217 Repairs'";:,ealcoallng. ......~.-PEP. GIRLS clea~11ng nght. free estimate on t:omplelelawnm_au~l. Garage&Yd Cleun·u s ~RICKWO RK S!l'all Dav1sPa~nting ~Ml86 TrttS....lc1 S&~Asphalt ~ service. Homes.Offices largeorsmallJobs. lnduor~t11nt.s1>cl'1ahst t'reeest. 557_8~1 Juhs, Nrw1~orl. Costa Pamting ~theGamc. Pr..rtyM•OCJ••llt ..................... .. Lir631·4199 ~-41.~ A .M8·0663 Ur. •396621 G73·0359 _OQ.@!!.!!'.~2·48~1 _ · --· -Mesa, ln •1ne Rcb Pedersen sthcName! •••1••••••••••••••••••• •E11pertTreePrunin1• Alhneyl Uc.•349892 770.65§4 -RESIOICOMM'I-. -Landscaping YdClnups Tr~n::~io~s~h~tti~~on-O'l~3t75. l.J<' ~ 642·0862 .A'::i~IHT Commercial Landscape ....................... MKHA.U COMSTI. Cutfodors, G-..r-' ~yrs exp Do my own Treetn.m·EXJX'rt ma1nt rn'le & tree removal Custom Bnck Masonry Hsepainting·eoll grad Orange Co area IS yr:. St-rvices 9~7-8388 AGGRESSIVE LEGAL ~ustom homes. Cram ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11ouk Lie d. Al 61_6·8126 _Jim 8Sl·Ot29_ Soil prep & pluntrng. Compl ~·anl rnnst rur 7 yrs exp. quality work . expenence. Call for info JAYE TREE ~AR E Representation. I.aw of· 1ng, remo~el. Frent:h Ho.It l~r UC'D ELECTRICIAN Opcr\ltt-'<.I cQ WI> Comm'I t 1on, pool d tl' ks & !Aw rates. Dana 646· I_~ and rotes Complete service and fices,~ ha. ~5·8422 doors, S.\tJ..l~~~~s & patio /\JI phases. lie. bonded, Qual. work . Reus rutes Gwral S....lc" & l.t~kl.J_li12_:1638 l!Ol'losures t..cwal ref1>. L J 8. PAINTING f6l·l I 12 stump, grinding. 10 yrs Alfwff.,-1 covers._,.,,.._ exper. Free est & advil·e f'reeest. 631 5072Tum ........ ~.............. S4 hr Labor StS·S20 t~~85l2_ _ QUALITY REAS ----exp. Uc. Ins. 640..9308 ••••Hn•••••••••••••••c...... Allen Const tMikel TOPQL'ALITY -TreeTrim &Hemoval Mu\ing Ha ulinl(· Hart Masonry Orick. l.ar 645-9383aft""L a.fW•"'9 TrttTriming,cleanups. TIROH YOUI CA.I M~ 49'7·53221~99·41163 -Electn ral "'Ork at Home Repairs Dumpin" Block. Cunnl'te Rer Qual.il,)' Painting at reas ••••••••••••••.-•••••••• Monlhy servire free est Instead of wax . 40 mo.•••••••••··~··•••••••• ADD'NS1REMOOELING Reas.rates 531.5055 700.9W5or 673;9043 " u c.368294 tl4G·1597 rates, int, ext. res. J.D.Hom~efinlshing 646 7556 Tony's Tree wrtY. 752-$007052·0892 CUSfOM CABINE:t"S Plans. Lir'd George ------7~ ~!_~·009S Marje. Ma!1oiir:n1ur S11el•h1ll>' ! comm refs M 1 k e ~hques .. kit cabinets. Serv1re PROF POLISHING RKJefts .. ~~!s.ga1r<:.°9n11~~. Pilmer&Sons,557·6932. C~llectril·11~.1rkSper1ahy! H"='*-11 ....._ __ ~ l'lcnn. t•uil'k. d1•11rndll 497·5664· • Fmw!!ttin .645·0664_ ~"'------ Serv. ice at your home or . '"""652 ............ _ Additions-. remodels. ean. ciw.r ·. ~lep~nda _,_ ..._______, bll! WI! do an\ M11' joh -,~,;-EXT p rtNG-a.-•a...11--1 ,, ... _,_ R k ,._,._._ h ble We do an) size Job ....................... 00•0 •0 •••n•••••••• · "• . AIN. -aw;, -,.•r ...................... . .._...ess. 1r 675·0344 WFMw ome impro\·emcnt. · · Carpentry ·Masonry WantaRtALl.Y Cl.~:AN !63U!Ol~I• Quallty work Reu ....................... \'OYAAGEen FRANCE? .. ,..,..... ....................... 1'indows, doors. pat1oi.. •li3l·!004• Roofing · Plumbing HOUSE~ Call Gini:ham EXPERT URICK,\, D ~t Steve S47·•281 Bl!& Expert p\1 tutonng, all ••••••••••••••••••••••• CHAR RE NOVATING d r i v e w a Y s . re Aoor Co•lriltc) , l)rywall -Stucro ·Tile Girl ftce csl H45 5123 Ma.'l;(>nry. Sm:tll Jnb~ &. TIIE p 'PER HANG ""R levels rlex time Call Bab · lnt tex t cabinets. boat plumbing, ell' L1 r ••••••••••••••••••••••• Remodel. J .B 646·9990 rcpaln.. frpk fat'lll"S '' '"' D 1 · · iys1t, our GM homes, I docks. 25 yrs. 645-3749 378711. Ph 960·003_5 ___ Carpet &. Linoleum For I H-OM-.E IM PRO_V_ "" ... ENT HO BIN'S CLF:ANINC R r " Prof .. quality work. Turn lost or unused 558-7255 uft. 5pm yr& up, anytime. CUSTO't ADDITIONS •I v r.m -~rvn•c a thnruui:hl.v ~e i.,,,~J·45.'>5J 7tl0·1014 Frt!e l'SI Steve 547 4281 ....._....... c1a-a... 642.1!482.646.5759 " JMlldaSvst1t111 ome. an & Motor• HEPAIR·PLU MBING ----spare tnlo a work 11ble ..-w ... _., Kitc hen r e mod fteedesfgn~freeest Home.847"1595Da\'l' I Heating. <'a rpenlry . dcan hou~c S400llS7 l.ANOSt'P MASON RY BOCOANOVPAINTl!IOG area rooms di\'lded. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~::l:d~ a~~.Y:.i9t~~~ Sky lites Re fs Bill ~ additions. tenant Fre.dl Doon elec. tile Fre< est Nu 1'.:xpert1se Housekeep1og Conrrt•te Ln'. '°~ 16 yrs 0 C Top qualtty drywall. drop cei hng. & "Lel the Sunshine In" N.B. area aft 5 759-6466 646-0092 t mp r u \'em t' n t . 1 n ••••••••••••••••••••••• JOl1 too small. 645.2llt t Supph~ rurnished 20yn. ftt~ l'~t 536·0914 Nl'at St lir. 334950 tn m carpentry·to rom Call Sunshine Wlndo111• Babysittlna Mon-Fri. I ••••• sur.anre work . decks. •FRENC~OOORS• .. ,kep air s .-~u i ntinf.-. I111Stwort.hv 957·8(!0~ Mo•IMJ __ 645·0389 839·1886 __ pll>t1on Call Tom or Jeff Cleaning, Ltd. 548·8853 "'-·born " I p11t1os . to. panes .rnstalled, li "a""'nl"'-• c ri•tiari, r" ••••••••••••••••••••••• QU1\LITY INTtEXT '!.l.!!lll ·29J3 or:_49~·3886 _ •RESID ENTIAL• ·-to 2 yrs. 6 lo Tired of PlainWalls?ln· 77 I 3 '.,,.. ., 0 ' I •• 1 MOVl ... G• 1 • 'd R r L \ t t IMI\ 2 l 0.8067 .ll' t317_4 _ shder~ni~. S7S-Ocurn • liablell97·92il2 IMM"'CU• "'TE "" , . " . ut' es r'r ee est ........... 1 vg s ~ ...... : a\'g s Y S::.l. CM. 642·2995 trease the Va I ue & "" -Top i\ I t Spe I "·'6 067 _,,...., ••• C... ·· 957 8388 -In.. .~Li_unpamt )~Q..106.'i Ji\';;...OF A-LLTR·'U.;S-,,..ua II} c1a __ !!.<!:!._~,I __ •!_._••••••••••••••••••••••• ~__, .. ns . Have th' t 11~ .... autr ol Your Home REMODl-:L ADD ONS "n " " r. c....-.a S....iut I l0are ·~ handhni: 2S) r!) I . . REPAIRS FOR LESS Clear 1ew Windows aassm:ad~n!o i~ .::11: . ~~ ~. :~.~:~s of 25 ~,;arpe~~;nl~ ~~m=~nio \f .;Jr_ ~~~; ~~ Homes 67= OHH·es ~oy~~r:i:u~~ l~;5~tes i~I) 1.i~ H~ss~~e~s lh ~1re:e e!~~hi~Jrs ~~I ser\'iCe, rree6~~~9C)18 ~ .. ~~ ... ~ ..... !~~~ ..... ?!.~ !'!tc=eiu!J.~~ ~~~ ..... ?!~ ~~~ ..... !!~ ~~~ ..... !!~ ~.~.~~ ..... !!!~ ~~~ ..... !!.0.~ ~.~~ ..... !!.~~ ~~~ ..... !!!~ ScMah& A T01'9265 Assemble rs We 111 Ill £Jin ~KKEEPt:K Cleft.tYDiit Dmtal Employme nt Consulting Gel OfC to $1200 ......_.._ 7005 0 t .1 · lr;un. Apply 7 AM g Fam iliar with taxation !'art time fuc. Wed, Ro\'IOll Ai.sl.'>tant. front L'nt'mplo yed E x Self molivalion and or •••• , ...... vi;,1111..····· !ccougtants sa'g~~ ~~:O~a~; tt ~:e Mol·Gr~gor Yuchts. l63t CONSTIUCTIOH &. St'C'retarial :lef\'l<'I.' Thur afternoon tu ~tart. urrll'I! & (' h u Ir:. Ide. el'Ull\'es Group ronsuil. ganlzalional skills will i·"Ji"'tf.i"" . your math aptitude ~aef'nUa,Cosll!_~'a LOAM L1n1qu.e bus111ei•i. op <.:al1Patril'e!><t977 t7 pll!a~ant NII 1JfrH·e. mg on eurrent market. tand cholceposillonwilh tl!Prunc boo. iM. Cbns· um b1a av1ngs. a v ariety p osition PIOCESSOI QC?rtumt_y_64~·31l83 · • ---non~mkr. ex1)l'r & X· Feb 7th. G·9pm SI!'! established company esr .646·M23 g row ing finanrial Benlley·H•yes & Assoc ATTIHTION: IOOkKHPEI Ra~ he req Salar.\ t7!_41,67555~---Bentley Hayes & Assoc 'I""~ I~. bas two excep· •114 Brookhollow Dr. A b't' b d Pus1hon re4u1rt.'!. lo<in The Polo Ston• m s,c, Clertllypist o~l~~_llt &.•iroM!lellt-'&tCJ 1.570 Brookbollow Dr I ER N t1ona.t. ra r e.er 01?· S.A 549-2625 Personnel gi':11s'1~tr~ea~l~1d~~() dot'umen ta l1on l'X Pla1.;a rl'<IUlrl'lo J "l Our ,\j!rll·ullUrl' Dt-nlal omre Mana11t'r. Exper \Ir Qualit y ~tt4 , SA . 549-2625. I NI portumltes available. m services 100' ,•free. work one or two even· pencm•e, solTI\• es1•row & 8ookkce11cr tu t ;i kc l>i\•~•00 in North lr\'ine NH, restoratn c pr al' Spec1ahst lmm1•c11ate Personnel services 100', I ENDS its ~.autlful An!lheim ACCOUNTING CLERK lngs a week gelling Lille ba1•kground d{'s1r<1· t·hargt• or arrnunts n,ecds " C'lt•rk lYJJ•bl til·c. seeks team orien· oi1ening. S25 to SJOK. -"rree'-=.'-------- adrrunistratlve offtre needed for 11 multi· newspaper subs crip· blc. p.ayabll! Pleui.e i.end re-l i t•nera 1 0 rr ll' e c x lated indiv. looking ror a Costa Mesa lot· Aero Girl Frida.y ror oe,·elop· Training classes for: branch travel agenry in tions. Transportation sumi; 10 Mr l'~tm·~ t::'s\~fb f~~1!:r1c1~f highl~ r~~n!>iblc pos•· 1 Comp Inc 714 95i·6596__ 1T1.ml Firm Must be self· •·-••--ntin~ Irvine. 1 Yr.accounting and constant adult ~~:P~~t~1'~!~f.~~\ ~1~~n~~a~n0fri~·t·~ hTht• Prrsonnrl 11100 1orreturnrnJ? JX1h•grh F.scro"''Home loan ex· starter & .good with Dr's A1sht.t UHll""""" or bookkeep1n( expdttr supervision provided C 1 p · 714 544 0120 l'\l' estN·m ' nt r· ri · figures Send Employ C.rt,.._oto.l1t U..estorl ...._.. a must. Tr1vel agency Ca113to5:30PM . aslr. for \,;e11ter Xlnt 11;1 a,ry .olo St~t'. 3333 lln~tol. . . mge benefits. SlliOO ... l_X' enee Part lime to ment histor ' to 714 MedlcalL•A.11t We're seek1:'!°'8':"fn. knowledge a plus. 40 Hr Andrea, 6-42-4321. ext. ()u{~andmg ber1d11s & l M 92l>26. We w1ll rall llVIHECO. int·entl\'t' ir qualir1ccl sturt ~1hr850·120! -Ad Su't ~03 H I· dlvidual expertenced in wk . Xfot tompa o y 343 I prol!t shu.nn~ For in Y~}?r J ronvt•111t•nt m AcJr:faihnDi•. ~~~t90 Gwra!Offiu 111J:aea~: un . benefits. '900 mo. lo terv1ew phone • ltn•~w _ - -I F,qual opp Employer m:NTAL - CA.LL55t-Hll ~~g':geai~nlkoi~~ ~~ start. Call Tom mie AUTO JarkieEk.\P .. IOOkKHPH onho rrontuHlre. F T. Full·t•me. permanent GllLFllDA.Y haodleinverstor report· 833-29T7 forlnlerview . LOTMAN 1 AMEAICAH ~ lflookkeepNnl•cded. 1 'i:d h'pist h\·v phonei. employme nt for am· ~e some rfs~o n Calif. Paramedical & in g a t' c 0 u n ti n g. for teadinc imported car I STA.TE IANK 2 day:. 1wr "'et•k Small COM PA ILiy past (>rth~ '-'"·11 helpfu·1: bilious person. 40 hr .. m ;0 g~~ .u~time Tecb.College,37451..ong Knowledge of FNMA · dealership. Must be 500Newport(.;cnll•r0r. loc•al rnf1i t11m 1lany 1 f"lll gdbcns 642!>9'J7NB weekksomenights &Sat. ... anla "na.,,,..,.""""· BeacltBlvd.LongBeach AES. GMMA and ACCOUMTA.MT maturt and ex ·1 NB640·5100EOF:M F ~li441 EXP IJSIOIJ DtWtaiOfcM r liook eeping ex p pre· HOUSEIHHI t-L.. w.-&.....1 7 075 Flfi..MG and a general Tbe Irvine Co. has an perlenred Excellent Qlbrnet Workt•r W .mil'<! Af"lll f"lll "'-th . · . •fq . , rerred Apply in person: needed for busy pro· --and . ..---. ___ ... ' c· II Sh "'·It L' I YOU ........ ~rLE "'" USlaSlll, l' fi t ltnl ress1onal 1n "'ewport ... •••••••• .. •••••••••• investor accounhng Immediate opening for ....... mg •"'ou1l1ons a to r ..-u Y r.i1u•11JJt'< ,... '""" and orgamzl'<l w bk pg 1• Young married man ba.ckground are re· an Atcounlant lo our WolfgangalSaddlebark Shopti45·,!l521,519 WK.'i 111-23) exp .idu~ wek Pd mi• Jewlkly.loHIDlt Beach Mu s t be would like odd jobs eves qiared. A~rit'ulture Di vision. 8 M W I S U B A R U I BANKING carl'lena Work 1'1•rrna CONSIDEIED and hol1davs Cost a SOUTHCOl\ST PLAZA responsible w o,wn •-wk•nds. Ca n do a T e pos1't1'on 1··nvolves 831·21MO 11 .. nt .. ~·ti 3000· COSTA MESA Lransp. 51hrs a dar. S "' "' · · --If you are lookm1t ror ' , , OPENINGS IH: '!.'t..-sa ,,.. .:.._ __ -----------days a week AM or PM variety or handyman 1"-1ntant preparallon & analys is •"!O MECHANIC rrore than just another pa rt TI me ~ N fl •SECRETARY Dllltal Frollt Ofc. Ge.rd Office Salary open' ~fs req ~· 972·9523 eves: ask ~ of budgets. rinant'lal Expr d. Must havf' uwn job, rnnsidcr 11 i·arel'r ~1'\'kends Hnnw Phmw. •Mt:RC HANl.>1SINt; Nt'ed alert pcr~on for I ACCURATE TYPIST I can m4164a.6962 da\'S Who needs a live·in but l Io n 1n vo 1 v e s well as all phases or Newpor.t Tire ('e ~ter , terview1n g rt•r 1he t'a:.hwr for IJrllt•• JP •Gt:NERALLA BOR plea.santgroup 11r.11·111·e ing . no bookk eeping INSLRANCE Bill. This ch~llenging posi statement & forerast. as hand tools App I y with us, Wt• iffl' '" t.13 ~ Ey~:. . I •ORDER ENTR Y in;ihon with estabh>hed Take phone orders. fll . , , ~ notaf/limeguardian? responsib1Utyrormonth generalledgerarcounl ~E.,J!9~stHwy,ldM followinj!.po!>tllon~ parcl:.hop.hhl•rald1~y ;\NnOnlER ARt:AS Min 1 y r l'l\l'l'r 8.30·5 S4 hr start Perto11aU.llln Male or female. do all end closings. accurals. ~~~~~~~~5a~r~~ Rahys 1tter·Matun· rl· ;i<1\i.1111·l•rnt·~1 1111yt ~ MOEXPH NEC Nrwpo r l t't•nler : ~rene;;Hr=~~~~ ANg:ci u.dtrwriter marketing, fi x meals. forecasting. securities communlcatlonskillsre· ferent·es prcfl!rrcd for •TB.LEIS llt'll l'r1ts Su ( u;1st IHSOMEAREAS 114().1122 d 3 Newport Bearh Agenrv home nights, s alarh ~olio. assisting with quired. Knowledge of t9mi.old & ~mo old ~ fllll or Part llmt• He l'l.11J ~45 Ui:!I B I . DENTA.i-A.S-SISTA.MT J_mme 545·01 i Salary open Pehs1on open,xlnlref's. Beat recoociliationsand t 1 daysa wce~<.usta Me~a CJUlresa min of l~ear Ptuth[l!> 23POSITIOMS •~xJX'r'd RDA. rtime ~Office andgroopbenef1ts area pref. 673·.0502. special projects. Tram· ~';d ers!~~ e~:sJ>~~ area 966-lJG.5 rl'<'t>nt rxpenenl'e in all CA.SHIEi FOi IMMB>. HlllMG Nr S <.: Pla1a 545 4553 Part lime general orr.re Phone 9SH 122 Susan Uve-inNurse,goodlocal ingin cash management wtt.h salary h1storylo. phase!' or l'Ommcrnal t' llml'. j?OOd '"'~·1 l7141t64-21t0 OOMESrlCS duties. and 1.1brman . IN AHCE references ~lt:;:n :~~o':nn~;id~. Pena••• Dept. IA.IYSITTEI banking telll'r I ransal' 11rnwth eompan~ ~.Ion• Full· Time . Pusitwn '" m:itur~ mhd1v1dual ar· Expanding employee 558-392& perience isrequlrecl THEllYIMECO. Pe rson need rd to lions ~~~o0?~2~~\tt·~~ Counter Kitchen. PIT, I Hsehld Managrmt.'nL ~rox ~cxfi~e~:;.6~0 · benefit firm in Santa Carpent.er Needs Work hubysit61yrold girll1hr . a ~~ · · Ru by 's Sandwir h • NB Area Uut1l!s lnrl -AnahasenlrylevelPoS• Ha ve ~Ton Trur lr. & These growth positions ... allwe DI•. e\'eryday, Mon Fri Will •NOOF ~art;>or Bl\d , l M SJloon. Aft J 645 1100 Hsek pn It .' I) r1 \ 1 n I(.' ~Office 11100 for person 111•1th good Many Tools. 645-7987 are enhanced by attrac· P.CS. lo1C·ltS12 hove to meet child after Of'EIATOI (utcnng Worker CREDIT -1 Srheduhng & Some I T Y P 1 n g · r 11 in g · grammar & tvpin g skills ·Ask for Brad. live salaries and ex· ir.t.., CA. t17 I l srhool at l.55pm & keep Great hours! Mt er ~.:Xpcrienl'l'll Prt•fcrrt•d Good h , 1 Clenral Sularv l1wlds • telephone. ma •I Fu II to assume a· \·anely or cellent benefits inrlud· until approx 2 45pm noon evenin11. 1>art · ~u.11 or Part Timi! Mon assist" c~~t11~~~~sf.e~' Benefits F.nglish Speak I 117 bMonrri SL la~~j duties lnsuranl·e back· At-l:UUNTIN\i ing rompan y -paid MUST BE OEPF:N time. Quahrled t·an· ~'r1. Apply tO,~M tu 12 with t•ollertinns i\c. ing & Refs Required ~n ene (}~ Gocooda gro u nd helpful ACCOUNTS medical. dental and vis· Actor's Workout. begin DA 8 LE MU ST Ii H dldate should ha \'e a 21'M to 4 Lon s K1tl'hen <'Ural" t••pinu g•neral ~1-2912 orporall' 0 ire Nons moking orfl c e · d r tu lk d r ......,., S H "'-RI d ~ , eo• "' -----1'orktn.R rond1t1ons Ca II SaJ S7 ._,, d ton coverase. an ree ning Feb. 6th. 425 30th wit n wa ing 1slanre min o I iea r ex at-:"" . 11r::vr , ~· orr1c~ dillies Exl'ellent Donut shop. JJ time. \M.I 962.3234 ary 50 1!> -e banking pnvileges. For St .. N.B.SIOper session. to Stonecreek Elemen penenceonNCR775 cHarbor at larnaiie> rompany benefits F.x noexs>er neres~<in /\p.,-------. -pendmgon sk1ll~&ab1h PAYABL£ ronfidential considera· 7.1 m. 714 675·5590 tary School. Wood ~\ ____ perlenre prrfl.'r r ed ply'" pers(>n Dlppity GENER ALOFFICE. ty Call 549·808• ILea\t' liC?"please sen~ resume Ambitious PT. students bridge, Irvine. Please •STATIMEMT l'hild Carl' & l.q:ht Good startin~ h:tlary Donuts .. t854 Newport Bo~kkeeping exp, ~1te -'me=s:::.:sa=-=-e~l. ___ _ CLE.II with salary h1~tory to OK. 3:3().8:30PM . t ony call 552 04\it arti:r l'IOCESSIMG/ Housekeeping Nce<ll!d Puhhshing firm nrar Blvd J~ i typrng. pl fl ex Call i .. -------• " Personnel omce.r, or da&) Outdr assistant for S:30pm. RUl«i From 2 SPM " cla ys J,ohn Wayne Ai rport -• 9-lpm641-0763 Insurance Por.:rn~:c~~tui~~~ ~f~~.~~~~bl.~;[~~ al c('lom'em.TV. Crta141.SAanlathryo~+. Ent ry level position. ~1.'Ckl )'h 01·ras1onal t:aJI Mrs.Eve.!._S4!48~ f.iertromcs I TOOYp,uHGu ... '°s11 .ADMIMISTUTIYE Bank related experienre V\emig 1 Own Trans 1 C.twr S....lct THE" 11 "ESl SECIETA.IY manufacturer has an 12131 434-0677 bCr 9A . Banking preferred. but will train J;l.1~Jir 631 S338 I The Polo Store at s.c EledrODiC Immediate !>penings for ~~~~~~t~nrf'~i~:a~Y! Columbia al\9PM. TELLER motivated individual fffftleXI l'lua r e qu ir es a IO sharp Girls & Guys Ponderosa Homl!s Risk Clerkwithl·2 )'earsex· S i Appliance &TV service who is serious about ' r ustome r s e r vil'e c!!f!/ whoarel7&over&Free ManaBement Depa rt perience on an EDP av ftCJS t'OUnter, parts sales. f'ULLTIME beginning 3 rareer in LOAN person Exper in to. Travel Houston. ment IS seekm11 an ex system. Will handle/\('. ...tLAMil good hours. benefits Position available In our banking general offlre work re· C ations Miami, Ne"· York & per 1 en l' e d Ad counls Pavable fo r 3 •----•....11.1-Davis·Brown Co. 411 E Downey office Ex Qlllred Please send re· M:,ial l Throw!houttheUSA NO m1nistral1\'e Serretark ~ "--l7lhSt C .. ".6 1684 perience required Con-Our surcess in the 1n SERVICE sumt' to: Mr11 Monroe. st EXP ~EC:! w. ith 2 we.ek to t Rt divisions. 910S. Brookh ursl Ave ' "''" ·/ft.El lact: dustry allows us to pro: The Polo Store, 3333 S ·2564/ exJ>('nse paid training Manaa5g!~ 5 our 8 AnaEheim1.()pCa . 92804 N -~~ Mf AMAw .,, Jody Love vlde highly competitive Rristol, <.: M. 92626. We ......... I> r 0 R r 11• m '' I I .Please call for interview qua pty ~""' or a very nr~e. 213.773.JOOt salary and benefits In· Immediate opportunity will call rou ror 3 ronve· 2JICI ~ trans1>0rtat1on 11uaran apPointmenl : EmployerM/F !lll HadButt212bunl1t,cobmplex chJdingMediral, Dental. ror a person to audit re-nicnt intervie11o• tfunt•nr,on Bea"h Uni·on tred Mu~t be Nedt. in ·1· b. I fr. ' a apt paid vacation and more rord changes. assist in -----H h h I 'D. Single. & able to lea\·e Ed Smith avai a e or manager CALIFORNIA preparation of manage Oehvery &Stock Person 1g c oo 1stri ct immediatel\' or Do Not 17141546-8901 STOP!! wrlh a large rent redur· M "'. me nt report s a nd 9.5•J0 Mon·Fn Must be seeks an El~ctronic Apply. High Pay Plus Take tune to relax and lion.739·1742. FEDERAL Apply Oll·rrilOlo l2or perform some ret'ep· ,1 p 1 Ener~y t Co mlnunica SJOOO y 1 l' h HllDftUC INC ·"~· t h ....... 11. 1 2 io 4 or call Personnel . d . u nt•at, c ean. cr~unab e ti,,..• '"'ci·alist. Position ear Y a s ftnRDV , • "'IVY a o...... s s m Apartment Manager. Ex Dept 1114 ) 760.5000 t1orusl ut1es , .. ust type with good drh·ing re· ~"' ... ~ Award makes th1:. an 17802GiUette Ave pie with Daily Pi lot perienced couple. Beaut S..~ & Lo• JO wpm ,\dvant·emenl l'11rd pply tOi\M to 12 plaru;, designs. in!. ta lb. Ideal Opportunity ror lrvine.CA92713 Classified Ads. And ir maintained 44 units. 100001.altewood Blvd opportunit) and ex-or 2PM to 4 Lori's modifies. operates. and Young. People ~·or you ha\'e somethini: to Costa Mesa Adults. no Downe~CA 90240 ~ rcllenl benefits Con Kitchen 3077 s llarbor maintains computl'med Personal Interview Ca ll Equal()p~y &ell. rail a fri endl~· p e t s A p l Equal f:!u!\lt)' -....:. tact elet'tronir l'ner11y Miss Sames at 55i·:"""' s;;;Bank (Harb()r at Curla"c) man·1o"mD t st '"""' Employer /F Classified Alt-Visor at +salary/bonus R42·4907 Emp oyer SJ " • .. ~ .-n sv. t.'ms , or apply in Person at t111•••••••J &42-56!!.__ W ... d,,.M. Iii 0f c .. .i K<ndri'k _\_ --as 111•rll as telephone Holiday Inn Bristol & 't:".\.. 7ffl ~:... 7005 ~ ..... 7005 't:".'11w 7005 Newport FARS33W·l383EST !:~~fi~ay~~~:t: =~: gpplirant will s:eewix.t M._ - .......... ••••••••••••• ........ ••••••••••••••• ............ ••••••••••• ........ ••••••••••••••• · · ---hvt knowledge of rom· ,_ ..... ley CW. WE HAVE THE ANSWER! Yoga In The MornlnCJ! •Peace or mind• Whole Body •Healthy Body Approach S.... & Lo• Oelivery1Sales puter mlcroprorcs~or. F.oE 4001 Madlrthur Rl vd. CaJI Between ll·2PM ele('t ronic ll'('hnol111t \'. ''"!l••M•••M-/F11l NtwportBeach.CA. 545·l157 lnl'ludinit 11 h aitlt• 1'" Delivery person F Ii ap· knowledac ol proi:ram SELL idle items with a Eq11al Oooorlunlty PlY in penoft. Allen Beck mlna. Appli<'al1ooi. will Dail)' Pilot ClassHitd Emp&oytt"M fflH/V l-lorisl 291117lh St CM bt a ('ceptt'7d until M_ 1••••••9!!!!!!1 ~-3804 •· e b ru u y I • t 9112 T1lepllDH ~ratorPf:r. Tuts. ru Sat , :t PM ·l! PM. with more hour11 av111l1ble durin11 the Summer F.xpcrl enl'e prererred hut not Mttl!Sll")' Tk e ideal t·andidate must hil\'c a minimum ol' 3 years exper1enre estht>r workinl! for an m- suran<·e agenl'~. hroker or m a Risk M ana11e· ment Department In llddit1on. the 1111altf1t!d ind1v1du .. 1 muict lYP<' OOwpm, use u 10 key hy tou1·h. ha\'e llhOVl' a\'erage :iptltudr for numbers and 11 baMr knowledl{e ror ~urel~ hands IN helpful. For 1mmedil1t \! l'On ~ldcr11t1on pluHr suhmll rr:<ume or a1111I\ In pcr11onto PONIDOSA HllES 3112 Bu:.inl'ils l'l·nh'r Ur Plllt DENTALA.CJSTIROA m:-:~arf:P1>' 11t ltcH>m • "· .... • • • • • """ • • •• : exper. progressive pre· ventatlve prat't lft'. I • , NB 1 Int area 7S2· 13ZO I I ':~ Advll.w... S*s iinta1 c~ ~,.·;:-•Breathing •Toning T &1111·200 ~ lr\·l~·.I'.\ !Uil!i • Deep • Tension Relaxation •Meditation ,_ DIMOMSTIATIOH , .................... w Clirtet ....... ., W9'.M.Wltf:JtA.M. YOGA CENTER 0tc•=-.... , ,,.. ... (lthm T uahn & lrviftt 51.) u.11 F.llJ>tr, r«t. P/Ume. hrs. , ~ 'lxper. newJpaper display H ltsPtrson to .; ex. tt.8 _ate•. IM2·flMO. 1 I ~ handJf key accounts ror Oran1e Cout Dally SEU. idle items with 11 I • PllOC. Salary, eommlulon and exttllent Oally Pilot l'.lui.lfil•d ; : be~. Orowth oPPOrt11nltltl ror person Ad ; :.· •Ith cuter 1mbitlon1. Send eon>plete ________ 1 1 res11me to Marji Fendel, PO Box IMO, Costa • Mesa CA. ma. No pMlle cal.la, plfue. An "",qual Opportunity l'.mplo1er. For CIMllfied Ad ACTtON C.11• Oaib Pilot AO.~ISOR . ..,. ltlUltll 112\I Yorlltown AH' f.,nt1nll(11t1 "''111·b, C1\~ lil41964·33.19. ut 220 Appn~~~!r~1nth:. •:i,1,uil ()t1portun1t~ In our ul<'rin.i tle11\ t:mtilo) t•r M •· Solid t>"111n.i and --------• l)k11Sllftl 1llwln« m11 nnt•r 114.'\°Ck'(t If ""' tre •1u11llfil·d ror thi.~ pciMtlClll 111«.'&llt' nll for appointtnc.'nt at. 66ao f.x\ SIZI htttw~n tAM64·•PM l.illlt Miu MuHtot 111\ oa • Tllft't. 1k1111C nlftC' ti llpidtt and rt"lad In t hf l>ially Pilot Clu11r1~ lledkln aboc II iu Mlil ,_. •• Tuff('( .... •i.t3 ror 8 •· Yot <'Ill M' ,., ''"ft ....... CllMr llll11a tllf'Olll-Dli" ""' c1 ... m .. ML.~--· • 4 •• a o u o w ••• cu ••• 4 4 • 0 •• os+sscc 5 563 £522222 a 2 2 2 a 1 n Orange Coaat OAJLV PtLOTJSund1y, J1nu1ry 31 , 1982 ::~ ~?~ ..... !~ ........ ~~ ..... ?!~. ~'!.?~ ..... !!.~ ~?~ ..... ?!~ ~.'!'r.~!'!!'!! ..... ?~~ ~?~ ..... ?!~ !~.?~ ..... !~!! : .. ?!.'.' .......... !~~ .. MAIL Mfdlul18at'liotnl'" l'ROPf.RTY MOMT , s aile11>1un utra IHI SICllTAIY Silfunly Ouard N~etitd F.G.S. th " n 11 l' n Int: s r II r 11U1omuh11,, ~uh'~ rt•tts In llu 11 \ i n.itl on lh· ill' h hri;n<-tl '"""'\' 1oall''· 1111 111·ui.1~11ln11. a1tr111·thl' 1'bm1..,n~alio11 p111·k1111l· lllt:lutJilll: (Ull l'llffilJl'OSll llun 1lunnl( lru1111ni: EK l'l'llt·nl rrrni.:1· h1•1wf11, Ul('IU1hn11 t'OlllflUli\ !'Jiii d\'lllJI lll.1p1d ,tlh 11n1°l' 1r.i111 1101unt1ul S111111· uuto l'1Cporlt•n1·l' & l'lloMllllly lln~r\w 11c~ir..1 bit. but would 1·1111,ldl•r > nonoxpc r11•nt·ed In d1\'lduul 1r ot ht•rwis1• l quahfil'<I f'or Ul)Pllllllllll'Ol, l'illl 1..'harh~ 111 ~9 11909 J ... GS ulsohus QVenings in L.A. <.:ounty INTERIOR OF:SIGN SALF.:S Opportunity for 1·ri-atl\'t self·motivatccl 1nd1v wi~ood sens~ or l'olor & dt'!llgn Flex hrs. x lnl t-omm • train a\ ull . .Qall496-6323 Ironing person 111 do my lronlng in your horn~ E xper'd with ref's 67~725. Landscap;_-:-exp -,;a 111 tenanre personnel want· ed Please call. ~93·0935 for a I. LEGALSECRJo:TARY Laguna Hills Rert'nt Calif. p robate t'X · perience neressary. F:x· cellent lyping & S H skllls req'd Call Mrs Winslow ror a p pl . 837-1000 Ule Guards. Wat;;:g;re ly lnstrur tor:. wanted for tht City of Hunt· 1ngton Be ach Call 900-8884 ror 1nrorma lion Liquor Clerk. d-ay hou;; QPp'ty for advancment 1\lso needed p lime night rlerk C M area 963·SllS; 549-1422 __ PIOCHSOI PIT , l'X p'd In •:KG, HWiy New1wrt Cenltir (lllrt tlrnt1 or rull tlnw l mrne dl11te op cnin•. for Ncwpurl Ou nu ANNIV RSARV SALE 11ubll htni: rl rm 1w11r 11.~J,!.1Vunl Punl'I u re d ~ v1 w Io P ~ 'r • •Hr d {~116417 1114 panlime. for r hurr h In ll:30AM lo 1·30 AM J A N U • R y 3 0 • J W \iri111rt h11s un 1m '"....., rrut vultd l'I i.lurtcr to , to• I • Mr 111 9 I 1131 Bar k t111y Urlv(' " ml'dlall•o11,•nin11 .ror Me.lclllttcl&Ofc h 11ndlu . l'rt111l'rt)'Si\Ul> wt'ckd11y1Ability 10 NR llM.C~IO 10AM 9PM hrli:ht ~\·Ir i.111rt1•r u~ u Wllh ~omc fronl ofr cl• ll'Wnu111:~nl for ~hop JIM IOHM work independr11tly -SaYICI llP Door Priil'S mull 11rot·ci.1111r lh un 1~ricnl'c Mini Vri; 1Hn11 <'l'nlt'h, offH'tt PIODUCTIOMS 646~19 1.J.Moi1 t'ri l ror~hlblillll'di·urdro FRt:ESo11dnnk5 dymun The rli;.·~hl in l'XP II H r11m1ly pr111· m..1n11~1·ml.'nt. ' con N"'t'd xtr11 lnronw! I' •T SICllT A.IY u hrs "1et'kl)', hour Iv And corr""' dl\ldu:il \hCl\lld bl' 11blc li\'t' M2·*2. ,,,,..hon rundinl( .. Cun oPj)Ol'\unlt)' 11h;irin1 ~U(' t• R. t'ntl"Y lt:vt•I pol11llon Wlltlt' ., m1le1111u Great GWlt"EST~rlMth,NpuSrT1·~.URIU' tu work wull with 111:oplc MIDiCA.L ASST d1doattt mu~t hu\'I' prior i~i1 1d1:1.111 t ull Mikt• to with 0 C advcrtlsin11 r" r h c.> u s e w Iv t• i.. /\""L',Y r & ha\'l' II wlllln11nc'" lo Ptllnw. t•xp'cl front •)fr prt. >vcrl)' mlllllll(l'lllelll day !Mi6_19118 I rr.ithcn Bd llum & aft uur h•11rn Soll'I(' ex1wr1l•nl't• SotOI· In~ It bkk ii • b;u·k11rounJ 1n \hl' ~hop SA.LISl.ADY a11~nl'Y Xlnt typ n11 re 5 ~ n ANTIQU t: MALL 111 mall 1>rtK·ei.:.an1: or typmQ f a,hlon iS1and Plllll l'\•nll'r f1dd l\lbo lil't'di•d Mon 'fueii & qulr~'tl 919 7000 1 ~ >t77I 11751 w~tmini.tl'r /\v~ hJndym..111 work 1' <k N R , .. O:""l · t'tlll,lrU1·t1on rclall'tl IH' Th • 9 ' •. S Gardt'n CJ rove 'Ir ii b I\'. h u l ll IJ I I ..... "" \'OUOlin11 b11l·k~rou111I • urs ... ~m pn~"' : 11•1 . e !k'f'VIC\l StllllOO /\1t~nd1rnl lll'l'e:s~;iry UOOll b1•1ll'f1t MIDICA.LOFFtCE very hc!11rut Must bt' II, 30am upm f,x1pu d SICUTA.IY/11111. Purt·Tlnw. Jo:v1•nlngs '"'!!!!!!!!!ll•~!l"·tl.IOOlllllllll--•I 1111t k ll(ll' & ph'us unl f;lqi'd rront ofrin• 1·a11a~ll' or bOnlc book South <.:01111t I luu Perso11n~l/Advrrt 21111¢ 3PM lo 9PM Mon Sat i· ~otklng rondllioni. t:on ~lin.oi1Sofor bubllY ukro,lofgy kl'l'PlllK ' bt' a1·rurull' ~7~s734 ra~-;,.. !~tlll~: 0~:~~11 H~r Start. S4 20 hr. Muiol b1· t'halN· 5Cl 4 l'lllll' ljl'lll tact Mr £ves 549 4113~ "' ll'<' me Ill' c.> ll'\' IYPl~t Cand1datr mu~l " l''inun"l·•I wcrvi""ll fi rm di> Pn:r over J()yri. or ladder bat'k 1200, Oak ~--~-~"'i• f exp Ncl•d good r\•fi.. be wllhni: & ublc to han SOS • ' " " " J~ll.t· t:rn1e. ti7S 2270 5hll bk $.'lO .• Wulnut canc A G110d bl•111•f11s Fulltlm1· dlt• huuvy work loud 11 (,ood tY1>1n11. shorlhilnd, S\orYl('e Stalllrn 1\ lll'n !!l'llt Qfl /\Otw $60, 2 Lyre ~ :T 11 o . o.17 """• ' "" <I & I ...... ...... Id r· cxper rl!ll Non·smokcr d N d r bk s•o Art:UMULATION or 311 iiw Loll At11Crks T imcis 1• urea".' """"· .,.~ resume :.u ury :""'"""er wor ,1mous Call 641)..0123 belween a11lli ure cc cd or .. , l'llllt' s eat I• lookln& for well Mode. ls & F:111·orb Ft•m r,t11u 1r emc11t~ t o artists s1.0001wk Ill I 9-2 .. \Ill PurlT1ll'I(• 1\p11I)' 114!nch S40 , ('Opper r1re Yl'll Hl'ort'doo 7· ~ora. 1troonwd. cnthusluslk Only Top SS (;l11s~1hed i\<l • 1000. <'Ume potenU~I l.eads · ;ii Shell. 2500 San Ju1111 l'llf.r RI(). •2" F'tankhn beige, S'llJS Sm 1111111 people to earn UJI 111 &12·4852 Mt 12 01111). Pilot. P 0 .~x rurmshl'd, nt w cur & yuinn llllls ltd C'dM (rp • never Ubt'd S250 , (;ardt'n 10()1~ & m l&t' s.l().~l>t:r day rorafow Model uftll-lttd JSOO..,C~1s1a Mt')Ul !t2ti26 . ll11wu11 \1arat1on inccn E~ rhn tbl $25 . two bed Sat/Son 94 277 ": lfith hours wortt 11s p time Need11 1!11 a~rol'll \'l' p·r rental ugt'nt nc\•d1•d., ll\'e~n Mr Copple. 5e\.'f'etary ~UI II.A St'l ~ 751 0178 Pl_!!rel2C M 642·0237 ~ales rep llour~ art' rnrn women for agt'Ol'\ £'refer ex1.1er . must bl· li'7S_ · -SA MGS OA.M Omalt' Wulnul bl'<lroom Garag\•Sule llugt' from 4pm·911m & triun assignl»l!nts. 548·7762 · 21 Pis tJll 7U 557 01112 Sall':> Mgmt SALES Part Tifl'k' Tclh•r Po"' Mill' 4 Plt't'e \pp $lSOO S..lurday & Sunday Jan 11111 wlll h\•. provided MURSESAIDES -P T rt',t aurnnt ht·lp GRANO OPENING 11011 for uur New &tol'r 751017ll 30·31 9·4PM Ore)ber. TY.our t'arn111gs ih a Nt.'ed ull shifts t:an l'arn wanll'(I, u11plv in lll'rhOll Newport Beuth Offll'c , king sz bet.I, rha1rs & 1~~ 11ult'~ rep will be ~I 00 11~r 8 hr:. Must Thl' Tummv 'Stufrt•r 270 Nt•w t:alif rorv breuk~ SECRETARY llcc1wn· Ca~hit•m1i: & l\rrrc:url'hm11 lllb l'h:ur:.. hWldr~ of other 1krm bJS ..... on a guaranteed hu\'e exr~r & r t•rs ~ llns~o!~M 7513Sti7 all sales rttords! Jan T)IJIOj! F.xpl'rll'O('l' cndtbls.t·handeher,lwn l8l8 Po~Whecler N R ~rl) ~llRe of S350 i t.i•st•ou ie Nurses Rt::\ I. F. S 'f ,\Ta-; pn.iduc:ing $12.000.000 10 1-:me rson F.lcctn r ('o Please Conlal'l JJnc beds, kng St <·omforlcr ~ne~ous ro,~m1ss111n~ Rt'itistrv JSI Ho~ Hlal B rt 0 K E ll S & ~al~. superv1sori. l'llrll has an imme!lial<' "llt•n ~1artrn S21·98.'l2 1-:0E cnsem_!?le 760 9031 SattSon A11pham·t•i., an St~lethisisa~ew.pro. Rd .. Stt• 119, NcJport SA U :S P ERSON 111 over S7.~.000 •\l'<'el)t ing f or u Su n llcaut1ful Oun1·1rn Phyfl• tlqut-s. two 4"8 ~l us~ gdam opportunities for Beai·h &12 WSS hhurcorril'l' ~11ui·c Coahl 1ng 11uuhty 11pplil'u1HS to Secretary Sde1·tc1l 111 Shxlcnt Jobs l>tmng room Tabll'. 4 doors. 409 Jfolmwnod Dr. u 'ant·t·~e nt lirl' cx N--.-~ Hw\ Newvort llt·ui·h ~upen·ii1e Oranitt· l'o dJvidu11I must huH' l:IHHI HEY! 1·har~ Antique guildtd NB 646-4Jb.I t>ellent C.ill now for urstnJ! &I.Sm Mr Wareham.~79771 serrl'tarial skill~. 10 IOYC! '--IRLS Desk 714 53G ISOll ui WA.REHOUSESA.LE morc 1n fo rma11n 11nl NURSESA.IDE ---S.\IES -wpmty1110i:.shortht1111I ~ z131498 .78f S s about th13 grcal op· F:xp('r'd all shirts l'oiw. REALEST"TE ' ' helpful Will bt'rt':.lJOll~I lluw would ~ou hkt• lu ti ' AT&. UN8·Jo . ..i portunity. Call Mon-Fri. Hosp Nwpl. Brh Hrln)! "' O...Coll CloHn blc for typing tiuulJ 1•am a!> muth a:. SSO 00 a lfalllrl't'. dk wood $150 . For home . orrll-1• & ~H~!...~!..!204. )OOr smile & JOln us' SALES S7SOto s.1200111w~1r y~~ lion:.. deuloni: "'lh \\l't'k?Ou vuuhk1•1lr1n · f'l-prov 111o nbedw Ollt• 11leas urc Enrythrng MA.MA.GEi Jo'rec mJr med . dt:nlal We are prood I hat Wl' 4uah f >, No 1 h .tr~ 1 i·oi.tumc r~ O\ ,. r 1h1, on 11~\'ll'!>. 1m·1111' 11111a std$00 9111 ti8'.l!I from Tup~rware to l'X Food sen ire r •t • ti &lifeinb Call·t>4280H haH• su1·h a bUl't't'S!>ful bal'k:. (;1!>h ria1d da!I) ilhtitie. film", mail i1r1· p.irtlt·~. bt•;Jl'h parllc!\, ot.1ccars,nottome01111n .· ~ a :--~ tra1·k rl'o'orcl 1n the Go to work now l:.oll " I th th " "ppl 8010 th bo t SO> $20 000 I a k e · o u l ( on t a l'I OHrl'(I Manager need ell Mt11i tinl\' 1,0.,.,r .. 1.('llt'h l)annit s:olc~ onlcr~ I' u' ni:lll\ 11 l'r 111Jl~ "' mte:H e a b. • M r 0 f ,. .1 u I .,. Ncwport llt'm·h "f llll' ' ,.~ r l'lw11 v1111 would µruhahy ••••••••••••••••••••••• llti39Colev 1<1ver <.:1rl'lc. ' anagttr 0 pt'ralion~ or -.omm n l'a r#'l lalc Hom1•" markl•t and •.1, ll50·121i0. pr1~'ahl\' t·nim l4llfk1ni.: II ARBOR Alt f:A f \' toH ·scwhoµl' bcl 93 1 37 LauH•I Can) on Brokerage 111 NB Musi :.ui·hnel,'(jt11o 11 .t1ld1t111nal 5Jlt'l>llt'r~on. malur~. fo r Wj oHcr an t·~t·t•llfi•nt foru..' /\PPLJANO:St:RVICE Wa rner & Sl ..t ll'f I ~:very thing m u•t 110 ! Sall!iltn 9 4 I J Ud(' CO\ e. Spygla s II' down hlll·d sdu. bl'1g~ 2 dr rr. 2 dr rrob tf r ee rdri ~ w Ice mu ker 2 stereo ~pkr:i Table:1. lamps, chain.. d111h('i.. bll!>ket ball stand & misc Handy1TU1n~ oddis 4t end~. Sal Su n 9 4 3135 Suma Ira. C M Giesler & Gibraltar Great garager. 2500 l.ake Park Ln • Nwpt 8 645·8535 f1.JRNITURE. TOOLS. llll>r 193 E 22nd.t:osta Ml'Sa l0lo3Sat·Sun A.qHA 4 yr Coff ~lust i.arn f1ce $400 !HJ0-4466 _ SL'PEll BOWL full or toob. stereos. game:.. furniture 401 Pnnceton. C M 545-0795 B \d., Pa1·01ma . l' \ ha\l' a )!ood Real E:.tale salt':> rrson,_ who \\Jill 'Jar) o1111I bt•11 1• 1h "''\l.ll-'I'' \'l'l(l.~S 913312139831996 ba •knr u d nd "'Crd lad1l~app11rel ~hop. <Jd pa r k -•"t' L'11r 1111 ""' ' Webuy usl'<lapphance3 tAJ.13.il>l>onorJu_d.v M ~ ... ·-G~E-R r ~ ... u n a ~I lo ~or IO a pror1•ss11111.1I \ anc~nwnt up pl 0 ). mcd1alt l'OO:.lll'rllllllll I lht•r 12.\t'llr,ur .1gt• Wesell rernn<I .. 11uar ·' Solid oak rolltop desk : "'"A roecs~rng exper IJrl'· almosphen" ~nJO~ bt·ndits So Coa~l · ' :! Nt·ut. h11nc~1 .111.t dt· " ood I bl • TRA.IMEE e r abl\' 1111 W ang k 1 h I l)ll'asc appl\' Moncla) 1 bl l!.(lplia!Jce. ~49·3077 SWA.PMEET w , meta uepnnt SALESPEOPLE Srstcm. ~~kiu~1d!s1~1~'t111t'a:~'.; ::.'.~~;,_ 545 07l-t 11 thmfh f'ruhtv.llll\M. !111!~1~rk 1:n1•r ,1·h1111l.t111I IMngerator. llotpotnt •:"er) Sunday. 8Jm ~::.·~~c~~:~.m;~t0fi: Looking for an exc1t111g 95.'i 36llO :.ub;tanllal h\ Ill!( whllt• 1 · SJturda\·~ Whl Sli5. ::pm. :.tarting Feb 7 ~,.,. h d k Id career 10 thc retail Part:. & al'e~!>s 1·uu111er pru\1d1ni: l"Hellt•nt SECRETARY 1-l'.\i.LTOll\Y' li4Hli2S Orange (.'oai.1 <:ollcl(e, ~;~nk~ tl4VOl.'SS.E~sosde0an <:101hio0 field ~ This •iersoo. sh1ppt0" & re s·•.•r\'IC""" to 1hc1r 1·l1l•111s.· 1•un tllllt'. 20 hours 11cr -• .,., """" r •·11 •·1•-F • 'di " d' I I • .. < ,, u• Mok Tvpln" & l)An .. r·1I --..... '"''"''' .•. """1 Ne w h l' a\ )' du I ,\' arrvocw & i\rhnl(lon. ""'onl (11r D,.lboa Pier i rapt Y expan mg rclao 1·e1vong t'XP nN•cs~a~· If vou arl' that lll'rs1111 .. c, · .. · "' .: • 111\M tu IOl'M ri .,.. <'lathing chain is lookinl! llarnson Roal Ct•nlcr. Jn<l ~·ant lu work full uHu·e roultnl' rcqwrcd I S Wh1rll)ool WJ ~ht'r & l'osla M~u i\dmo!>"on til.l-5686 ror bright. moth·at(ld. Gank-n Gro\e, Oa\t' or 1,~. i>lt'a"" 1,,111 11111 So ml' c· a I 1· u I at or lndu~tnal l'onlrul.. dl')cr,$-150 !).'Ill 0~13 free to buy~rs , S.-llt'r -----.. -,-""' ~. k I d I bl 1)1\1 1 1 t• () H I R~ .. r,at1ons Info G\'m St!t 10'. S30 ;,e11o• re!Jable """"lc to flll lh(I Tom«' 0 •""' l'ot .. f11r ·.1 1'1111f11l1•1111··1 now I' l!t' \ a u a 1• I ' '" 1~•\ • • '"I ro1 t'r ....,._ · position';'°-;r :\1 anai:rr ___ "!"" ~ -11111~n ot•w .,40 ~iii " Somt'fll'x1h1!1l\' 1n work . :tn1S S1 .. ndard St IT": \l' 11 ER I 11 r o1 n t ~· n.'1"' H'1.1 $51i·~880 Rafi 14 oars. $25 Patw Trame(' & Salt'SJwopll' t , 11111 hours l11m11an~ Ir I Sa111,1 \11.1. (' \ !lliO~ 1 ll\·\d11p11w111 l'rui.:r:im. SIOO 1 all. a~t.~r 1tpm Tabll'. S25, Kitchen 'J'a P"8 TTIME c t R It 1 ... r· Is· .• ,. llOW Ml'lllll1•r "'I t>4G 228.'i 1---blc,$20 Yellow Bamboo XJnt (lmployt'l' bcncfits -() e ea Y 1111:1' uo:Ol' Iii. a\ al l'llu ~ffillllA"N"' ______ I indudmg men•handi:.t'l l>9pm Expand1n1t )outh & ln\'t'Slment I n-:.u~ toG~ncral ~:ll•1· 1·11uJl111111h trJ11'4J1,<"111hn.tn lt•Jm Sot.in-Cold...pot (ro,tlc!>' \h!>t' fumllure II\ rm. Drext'I Bookt'aSt', S2S d1s1:ounts Appl~· at l'OUO:.chnl! firm hdsl • tm· lo . 20ti2 Ro!\llll'~-1 em11lu~ttrm r h Spt•('IJI 1•d .& SpJOl:.h l uvnght frl'C/t•r, 14hlle kit & bdrnh Old )JI(' l'orncr Writ•.n& Desk .. SR. LOAN Miler' O openmi:~ for 35 !>hJrp l 640-5777 I \'enh•r Or . P O Box I 1~11111rta1~l <.Jll .J<J1·k1l' l~J t•u rt . 1wrr runnrni: lur es. h:.hlcl m1'(' I S2.'I Other M1sr Items. S lltpost 111Jtgvon~ ma tun• 111•011lt' I 1956.S,Jrvine, l'a 92il3 l tltJp, 511> 57•i0 t'Ollll. S2i5 or be~l off1·r Sal Su n. 9 S 531 St \n 545-2022 roiOl Bay \'1ew Herit~Plcna to mol1\all' a1nh11111us ,Hfo;l'Jo:PT I O;o.;1ST ' SEC'Y/RECEPT I uSECRETARIES••,n :r-:N,\t;f:HS 1).1()~:~ t!':~l!.SRd.NwpJJ!rh l \'_l'SantaAna He1ghts PROCESSOR 14~·1~c.''r, Or ~O; 13 ~ rolcb Call 2 :ipm TYPIST l.<11tu11J l11lls I lm1a:d1 att· o1wninl! lor l.OJ11Sh1p11t•rtut.11.w11 ty oo ",i.: _\lJ: I! r ,. 'k' i r\ l' 2.l"x l.'>" htton m11·ro" .. , c Wi ii Start a~""Pt•no Jll ti42 4321. e'<I 3-l:l \!>k for firm R~wn·' i:e1wral I t'\l}('nl.'nn·d lll'n;on 111 t'<0n,1i,:ers 11 ~ ur or 1 k • ., "~ .. \ndr"J rr k II I I 1 ..... a11 1'r11~ loS21.1.M,MI lht• l>a1h 1•11111 ;i, l~\~~l. I l' lit'\\, .... oo . . . , " • ; 642·5678 Col b.• S plicalioni. Fcb bl . • ~ 11 IC't' < 1 ~., Jl'l'Ura t• ,ittrat1l\'l' S&I. 1>oMl1Un ( nOf 11111 l SI!! IMt t lti 303 um 1a avings. a 9 \ ~ p 1 ~1 . ••,O "11 m reiiuin·~ ~tronJ: 1.1m1 •.1· .1 ~ .. ~ Salt·~ml'n 111 liifft•rt•nt ' 1' leading finan rial or ·5p~-_ PASTF.UP ,\RTIST m1111mom tall Mr !'o lllUlllt'atll>ll ori:anlla t.xp llui~ullanl Ot"' aro·u~ '11" fornHni.: a Hdrigerator Wai.her r I l o ' I ' ' ' ,1 :.· ,. , •r, , 1 1 , ·' • ganizalloo. has an im Pubhrallon firm lll't·ds W1n!'o.lo w fur appt . t11Jnal loklllio for iam·d IJIRl'IOdt·r~ \~~ .1111: ' 1r1•l4 h1· Jlolc lo \\Ork 3 t>ryer. ~Tl't'lcr & 01:. ------------------ mediate opportunity 10 exp p..tl>le up. produi· ll3i •~-_ clulll'' Good I\ vini.: J ~ Bm·hbl 1"1 f.<J~. hour-. 1·11011lt· 111nl.'::. a I hwashcr $150 F.a r h I.he Loan Department of ll MARKETING 111111 ~IJt'l'li.lh:.t ~h.l'I ht• RECEPTIONIST/ mu~l' rull l\.1lhh·l·n Nt"tll>QM 113311190 ~n·1• \\\'l'k <:ood Muncv & ~Iii~ Docp 1040 ......... 1050 its beautiful Anaheim fa.,t, alTUrdtc & 14l'll 11r rA.RT·TIME I i~l lllOI Jo:,l) t: Tn1_r... l'r11e~ l'on'tal'I RF FRIGF.H \TOil \Cr\ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• admi nistrath·e orflce I SURVEY ~a n11ed :'\1'"'~'a fi1'r 92.Mon t'ri Work whill' Oran"c l'oa~lSa\tn"~ :\Ir t:unlhcr. H12 4324 , . i • l\f.ESHOND Pups ,\l\l' DAVENPORT& Selected applicant w1ll 1 k d h I "' "' Se<-retan· To 5111.00i) L'.xt ~I I dcJn .. 2 dr. JUlll ddru~l L'hamp •. 1r0 ~1 F "t•I • L.O\'ESE."T. Sl'O be responsible for do!> a1• 1t roun l' ll u kid,., Jn JI ,1•hool I liOO i\dJms,l' M :-.:n Loli. or \Jnt'I\ Ill r -tl9390ti0 h " <p • r "' " .. mg ('Ol\Vent1onal loans ll'SISTANTS Xlnt pl.'rm.11H•nl nv \rL\Wt•q1hone. I\ Ill'. folt• SECRET A.IY this l(ro~mg l'llltlllJn\ TB.EPHOHE SA.LES s 0 w \ I II I \ ~~~""" -_ _!Hf> tilU d r M IJOrlUOll\ for r1i,:ht l'u!ll>lrUt'llOn kn1ll4lt•di:1· rr r The\lll~od\11ul11h.tntlli· FTpO,.,llH)fllllll'llfnra,., Maj?ll' l'hd (i;i,., U\l'li :!lJW'i lJ-lSJftliJ>lll Sup<'rbtable&tibargatn an . or exam 10 1 n It I 5 pa:.o n ~ l' a r 0 t' lw!lprul l'all li3l ~21iO for l 11' ma nai.:,i· 0 x'-'1'l' . or tr .H'el plar.·,, a~~1h~t "11 h :.c•rtl\ ,. 11t•r,1111 w11 II 11a,1 range S200 b .. 1 & Ii t' r Sm Wh1 Puodll' ~I 1:1.. SJO "hao"", modern IO\'t' :.eat various d oc umenl s ·\•"''"'rt .l'all ',tr 1' riir .. 1 11Hllpuh•r 1rm • 11t a<I 1 l~"l'l' it'"';{''' iiu,\ K r r • •• S . .,., " 1n1i .. 'b " i l1·l··11hu nt• '"I•'' l''.I. enmor1• fl' fll! nr J••\l"'Kod• 409 t ales escrow instrUl' OPE..il ..iG S a•>ix 5-lf t:riO 1 ·~· \am·cl'Tll'nl 011portu111l' ~ 11111>io ,v 11111' a1•1• v.11h .. .,,. bs 0 • h 1 ,,,, • • Siii I ev~- IJOOS. title and appraisal , """ """ " . '' ' RECEPTIONIST i~.:! tiil l l l' Ir f 1· 1>' \ .11 111 11t' rl t' 111 1· \PI' I\ 111 """" ·1 °''t \Int 1·•1111 ~ ~lliti 1 h reports. deeds or 1rust1 PASTEUP PERSOH l'on)!l'OIJI pt•r,onJht \ I RET RY .-.. .. 100-1 1r·r!'oOll "Ill h~ lll'Nlll .11 ll~iO l'IJt'l'llllJ ~ 5025 .llW\j?I: l' arr \lo Cil!>l<'r . r r MOEXPER.MEC. 51la.\:>Jll\l'l'k10dud1111: •11d prof"S'.lllllJI mall -s.EC I .. •• ft'\\Jfc:lt'I \\Ith i:o•H I \\l'l'~I 19 r ,. L' f I C()Q(EISPAHIEL blue Do~n bJtk or coo or ma nee w 11 h v • • <· d 1 wnl'C 1b ;11111 J 111111.1 cu I v r. n· ril(. I \L·i· 2 1 1 k h c·ush1on 5125 979 9933 Loan Com mil I ee re SJturda~ .\rt or draft· ncr l.mds lh1s i,:nl1f,•n op r.x11an ini.: emp _t".H l IOrlllll 11'11 t; It \11 I ST I 11 f.1 n l 111nk. good rnncl Sl50 " JIU~. ) ai· aH' I ------" loan t•losing expenenre F\111 ('(lffipaO\ locndol!'o md1L~ll'\ .. leadt'r llt•nllt•\ \m1 ha!'o t'llln lc\'l'l l>llM I' 111n1· \11•111h1·r ur Rd 2 d I r ;').~l 3322 S50 nel4 upholster\ quirements Substantial $1 000 111g barki:rotm<I hl•l11ru1 1111nu111l\' with 11111:111111( ht•ndlf hrm Ill S;rnl ~• Dl•1 l'lupnwnt l'roi:r:im. ~>198.1.1 all ,.,hot~. ~100 Or h:.l 11fr Sola Sl50. 21·ha1r\ and moderate typing \ppl.\ l'Jo:N:-;Ys\\·t:n HJ\t':.0 & .h~ol' 1570 ll01olorperson~•lhl!IHMl tran~h,11phn.1n 11·Jm ng nor. 011 r1 \L'l• l'h 968-8523 · sk'lls lti60 Pl.tl'l'Ol1a \\1•, l:lrookhollo" l>r. • 111 i,:r.1mmur&typ111!!~k1ll' l\Jnest gold.l5 d .1war 1 " 014 \\'Jr'. --- l are reqwrt'd Onl~ Per Mo.th (.,'._M_ S .\ .•·•9 """"" 1'1•r.·1111111·l tu J.'isume " ';.or1t·t~ "'I N11f t.o r .... 111111:. hki.:rml nu S225 548 0073 fl'ITWlr Lm ~" p1·npk 8 Pll'l't' Oak Din1n1t set qualified apphrant:. l714tf61 3555 -.... """"' ·' I .• I I b k llt'l'l''s .1r~ Sp.llll'h ._ I 'cell:. .. d home. s:ioo Sl300new. sarnflCC $600 should apply. ----------1 SC'rV1('ei> 100', free I ~ur11~~ "du~a~•jt~ r aut·I ht•hirul t_;~ll .I a1·k11· COlDSPOT l'all liJl iion cash 531 4399e\e l11!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!1!1!!!!!!!!!!J!l!l'!!I!!!'• Past~UoP.opfe RECEPT-TYrE Sonlomllklll i,: 11ff11•t• r''l'l'·51"5'1j() r tr 15 rt hi . ~ ----We otrer an outstanding :'\('('(Jt!d, pJr\ lllllt' Work s \ rorm ha~ 0111.•nllll! fllr SJlan Si~ In $1(.'\() dt• I 11211 YUfhJ SI . Tu..,1111 TIEE TRIMMER r:•l(~:e $2ll~·u 011ni.: •1'1101111.'l> "R P~11pll.' • c:mlPl.ETE BDRM $580. benefits package 1nclud ~ 1• 1 "" h k r •1. ·~I ion 1 .1 t, 111~1 I -·" 1 t i:JI i~ll I '.\. t111 '. \•·ar,... t'\ll"rlt'l'o'I', b'l<. "".'" T l'u11:.. To' S2~0 l 11 Sofa & to,·eseat 5300. · d I d · ,, 0 """ our.. pcr wt•e · ' ~ ~ · · J.l''nutnl! Oil :.k1I" & J >th 15011 :.ompu~ l>r . ;\ II " ~ ' ' , ·' ~"" S\'lO Pl·t~ ll11ardt•1I & '.\1atl box spnna~ two Ing enta an \'ISIOn l'\enmg' <11111 ll0~'1bl\' ~S W M . plc11,a11l I\ l'all 549llOll7 tlA'll\'t'I 55o til22 I "'.tllpha~l')ollflr••l0 \\Url. IR-.f -w . ... roverage, an cxrellenl L• Saturda\ Expl•ril•n•·•· 10 pe™H1ah1~· & llt'at ap 1 m,•,,..a_gcl ,, imil,•rn 1.,1111 pmt·nt c ng $100. .u~ht'.r ~9n5. t;roofl1Cd ~,; Z&lK S80. full $90. Qn Sl30 salary and good growth A\ IC:ll: Jd buddinl! or pal(t' peJrann· T\1m1i: 111d I I 1 ~:'"'llt•111 1·11111p,11p 11r Dryl'r Sil.'> .• ill ilea frfftoYou 1045 Runk:. $2 00 \I.I. ~ential. Please contact ft ll m.tkt•uvdt•'ftrahlt· \hih rnrre!> & quolJt1on' f t.·rou i.: \up 1,,1, & worit good Siii llg5 I ••••••••••••••••••••••• :'\ F:\' ER L'S EI}'' n8f~{0i,e~~~ a~3.17/~: ( .L, t~ to 11oork f.1:.I .1n1t JI' Sumt• hit· l1nJnr1al • EXECUTIVE h,t·n1·f11 , lnrnt• .1n'.1 St>ar.. 12 1·u fl uproi:hl I FRE F: \l\l' (juldt•n 0<!:0901_ _ _ rmremformation ~l ! l'urald\' under pre,:.ure dut1c,., t'nm11l'l1l111• I I l'h·J.~'. <'a!I h1•t !.1.1111 & ~l.'t'll'r. xlnt rnnd Sl50 rt'l ncH•r .. Mulc. :i•. Yr' 1811.fl't. rrwtwood. maple nt'l't'~~ary Salar.\ dl" ~•urt111g ~JIL!n With '.!lJm, 11'11 ~.:.1 I ti1S 2144 ~ lli60. ah 5 l'M nm~h 1;() x 20 x 36 $145 Ora lot otcash? pend:. 011 expcncnt·t• ~)~l l•mat11· rc\1•·14·, SECR.ETARY TIUSTOFFtCER D f' Columbl•a TtiencaJI The Dail) Pilot " .m Phont• l'\ S1mpwn JI I I bpef' •-..t.: I Washers dru•r:-. lat1• fo'tw -f'• t•al sp \ -d hu' rntng set ru11 11oood I Iii .... Tho•.. 8 3' ·-••al mode ls . SI 00 u11 ~ •. J ~. . red maple ftmsh. 2 arm c ass ""'· '"' equ a l 11puo rtu n1t\' 55 2fi0 t o arr:in•'l' "' d &I ·'l·"M•n •wt•TI < 1J ll ,. .. I 111 Jc1 .is a1 l' >U,111t·~~ I) I · "' •""'~ h' ~ • cha1n 4 side rhrs 37 '< 55 Sav 1·ngs tilings talclng up cmpluyc.'r. Wo,,·n Jn!I _pt'rsonal 1nt~n1c11o ' 1 · · e 1 \'er v It u a r 119:1 f:l02 • • " space inyour LOCATEDl .... F"rHIO .... ISLAUft I "'l(r for rl'liri·i t'\ 'Masterrha.r 'l' \'1,a • w 10 '" lcaH~. s2:i~ Clftdlo• m1nurll ll'S · t' en RECEPT/TYPIST " ~ " ""' t'\'Ull\l' & farnil~ Bonk J ~22MoKmo; · fla,..sctl Hound nt•ctJ, Ill\ li46-0llr. •...at home.ttems you 1'0Ura~t.'<ltoupply F:stabl1s ht•d t·~po rt B 'g S CPA f ' I led ·n I kt'l•11111i:. t\111ni:. hunk --" rni:fam1lv 11o \Jr<I lo\t'' AHOCllmOfl haven't used in Subm11 .ipphcal1on .. Jl markettni.: form nl.'ed,., I irm oca I 1111! & 111\n11111· 11" lie-a.... 8020 k d.5 1)5 iro . I F'reett'r SIOO .. ~ d~llqU( 910S Brookhurst. ages.maf be just fronll'OOnll'r Ht'l•epl Ty111~1111.1n,l4 l'r F ashion Is land is seeking F 111111· <'.Ill )Ir Jcont''· ,~ .1 -•• ' I rha1r. $';5 t'a . \\1t'kt•r Anaheim what someone Ori Coast I tl'll•phom· & i:n·i·l \ 1~ I .i 11,11 llith, :'\14111 lk h ••••••••••••••••••••••• l Jl1t·o t Jt ft·mak I l\t'O t'tlOl'h $300. oak !ln•,wr Eq ual Op~I) etse neeos. Dai Pilot 1tor~ \'at lOU' t 1 IHllj! a profess ional s ecretary . TYPIST & d e ,. I ·' 14 t' If SIOO 1>15·3.'9;0 Employer f F Soglveu,a 330 .lay St. dutie:>.lltl'Ur.ll'.\ .tmu~t T y pin g 7 5 wpm . T.I\ s, .. ,, .. 11 '\1·l4 1111rt WANTED llOUSl'tra11ll·1t i:1•nll1· ; : SolJ SL25 l,o\e ~eal call .. it'seasy to Co C P1eiL,11nt surrnund1111!' h h d 00 11,., .. h C' I'\ rorm 20"GT.TO,Rl\t,:R. t>t:!.ZO! "'7' :> mat•·h·--' ''h,1r ... Little is l iCJ!! Oass1fied Ad.s are really small "prople 10 people" sales r ails w11h big re adersh1p and big re sulls' To plat·e \Our rlass1f1ed ad. 1·all 1oda~ &t2·~ staM.so, A.. I Xlnt bend1b & 'Jldr\ s orl an 1 wpm . ORDIAMON"R K '"~ -'t'U ' u use classtlied to T\jllllj! ·~I Wl'\I SJl.11\ IJ Al fREE Ill j!UIKI hOITil' I.'\ ~CJl'h ~S-JW.1 getyour t>andson Good opp't~ for Jd\Jll I c apabl e of w o rkin g I ~)() '\1111Sn"1k111i: or I F'rarre &fork~.~llll)a) I \\l'ek old Lal>rJdor I . --some cash. PIX·RECE". 1•1·mcnt Non~mokcron fo·t· uptoSIOO 536·9832 I \uslraha11 Sh1·11h1·rcl 1°.•hn1nf(S8SJ:amDe tablc •. h~ Work ll'mporary johlo ly IMS Equipml'Ol. 2!!05 ind e pend e n ti y. w e II l' au~ resser "'' ........ l'losetohome. Barranl'a Hcl . In · ed d t'I i~Z·5·HMI -m~ t>JJ .!).~28 mirrorSiS 8.Si 5161 ..... ,.._ \'ICKI HESTOS EOF. 559-WOI o r g a m z a n v ers a I e. Mttct.andise 5 rmnth.s old 10 spN.•d IA.l\mg rnmp:in111n Juel\ Sof-9 --~ d -=·=·= & \SSOCl1\TES I R;~taurani c 0 m pet i live s la rt in g ••••••••••••••••••••••• bike. woman'lo. $150 I 5 \'r old l'1x·kl'I S11J111l'I . a .. I! l'OO lllOn ~04100 Ml•at S11.-er & Port1t1n S alary a nd exce lle nt ._~ 80051 tW1-5!HiO 'St.t!Vl'IHti !IOUi i lountr~ pn~t . bro"n -----..... ..,..... -I ---I lom'!>SI00644 1183 PERf8HM~ Control P c r ~11n lo ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bov ·s Jr \'ar s tl\' 'F 1 l. k I ---s• SI b f 'ts . • 1 • . 1 l'ma e 01· ap1111 .op Lo . , 1 2 . h •••••••••••••• : IMMBNA.TE OPENING : A.S I ,, A operate Hohart • ll'l'r ene I . Spool l ab1nel S.'i-00 Schwmn Bike. xlnl eond I dog. net'<IS IO\ln)! homl' I \ l'1itll .. w l U!> ion~ Personnel Ad\ en Ising Experienred l'rderr..,11 l C .&.I I FOi APPOlifTMIHT \mer Loom S300 0 80 ~ 0 80 Call arter Spm Tra,'els poll\ tr •Ill 5 I Sl20 Ii rouch wood Dept ha~ O~OIOI! per but will train 9 .30 \M to ,,_.. 964-4991 Mondav lhru Friday \'D s .>I d . II .h t . rra. me \lo 3 ('USh1 nns $fill expansion Npt R1·h 6PM Mon-Thur Ii \M l<I 17141 640 9200 AM ERICAN (114196i·IBH n~t:red Thi~h '~l'(:~lo~ I I*! jj!I() -f'lnan1·1al ~en·1te~ firm !PM Sltnfla~ \pph • Pl.AYER PIANO little rl ~9i 6329 G1r~ hdrm ~et lkd 14 Good typing. shorthand. IOAM 10 12 11r 2PM tn EXT 247 ~ OB9_91H l:>!ll -hdbrd. mallrt:'i.' 1·nd Motor route in Prime Newport e • Beach area. Low miles: ap· exper rl.'<J Non smoker IP.\I Lon·, l\111·ht'll • 20"DIRTlllCE r.Hilw1 80501 thl(I, drsH w mirror ~l~_betwreo 9 2 307i S Harhor Ill\ cl EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER TWO OAK A:O.:TIQl'f. $5010 80 536·9832 , ••••••••••••••••••••••• S.'>()() ORO fi42 fili:I art e proximately 350 customers. e • Weekday hours 2:30·5:30pm . e Sat & Sun. 5am·7am. Minimum Pre-school Tt'a1•her for tHarbor .JI l'11rmtf(i.' Drl ORESSF.RS. $125 ea 1 . * * I BUY * * :111rn H.R. S<'hool E~prr Si\ 552·5266 \T'LA 091 ... -.-10 d-.., pref Ovcr Ill Ca II ST AURA.MT 'C ''1 1 b auu·~ ~~ Good used f urniture & Pc;:an OR set. -I 1•hr~. ht e amount of collecting. For de· • e t ails call Bruce Carty or e • Foster Ouellet at 642-4321. e ~8788 Waller sst's sef\'l<'t' 0 um u s· o u l' \pphanre:. OR I ~ 111 ~'<! ch1nd t·ab. 1·u~1 tbl I F• buttedtub1ng.S.SOO ·."llorSELLfor''ou "ad:.. l'omnl SHOO k11rhen J.11.'rsonne .xv 67" ..,..., -;o O?<" ·~ "' '' •••••••••••••• Whl'lhcr ~•JU'n• tou~ lni.: or sellinl(, Classif1l•1I ucl \'CrtlStOI( Will !.:<'l ,\ llUI' messai.:e to thl' r1i.:h1 peoplc Call T111la1' &&2-5618 Area Supervisors, Unit Managers, Assistant Managers The Good Earlh IS the newest molt1-ul'llt openiting dlYISIOll ol the General Mills Restaurant Group With 5 units currently under construcllOll, thts lull wvoee resteurant conoept hU alreedy pu1 into geer 1 nltlonwlde el\pansion program which will e>tcite any IOOCI service manaoer 0< area supervlS()( Our ppansoon will talce us from a base of 7 company owned units tOday to well over 100 •fl iost a lew sllol'I yen Company owned restaurants are currently open 10 California. Ullh and Plloeni• Tll09I je>jnlng us w~I enjOy an abOve avetlge COIT\pef\llllOll P8Ckaoe plus unprecedented ptOITIOCIOn Oj)PoftVt'llllel fl you have a h1StOI'( ol stable employment 1n tood wv1ee manegeMtnt and are free to relocate llY«ll tttnta to ldVlnOe '(°.Ur career. tntn nJlh your resume alOtlg wittl your •*Y flittory and • btltll llttef °' introdUCtlon to Rictlatd J Maglio, The Good ~. P.0 Box 68. Mlltland. Floridl 32751 l>on't delay We win bl 1nttMeW1t1g In your ar11v«y IOOfl An Eqvtl Opoon~1111y A"INl\81,... ~llOft Emp4oyer MIF/HIV •• f F'rcn~h scr Ca 11 Mark -~ 1 """!. MASTEIS A.UC TIOM 1::t2 l9l5. S:l6·11.'i2~ ~n \101.lJ.0·2 filO 7092 Bike · Power hi l' BM X, 64~6_ 16, 13. 3-9625 Oranj!r Cnunl\ Oe~IJIOl'rS Retail CC> ) I XI.NT Cond . fully 3 500 r 1 Ot'i'>l f(n ( l ) eqo1 ppe!I S200 0 RO 4':l sofas ~t'w $91! l..m Showroom 10 PIJt'c t'urn A.ssist.tMgr.. 552-6292 l'St'lllb Sll8 Sh•t•11t·r-& \H'l'l':\S 1:'\1•11o' & ,\nll SdesPtf'SOMtf lllTI I Rale11(h. 3·s11d. exrl'll $_~.F.H'TOHY !l~i ~iOH •1ul'l On (;on~1i.:nml•n1 nceded for i.'OOlcm· rondilion.SI~ !\ING l!'\:O.:F:RSPHI:'\<: lktM~ 4!lli31ll. ll.'ll li50 porary retail slor(I Must 55911529 t:XTRi\ FIRM OIJllfl'" Jflto5f'r.t be dynamir & ha,·e good women's wear bark Mans 3 spd "'l<l. Bo)!> 10 't'\. ne\er U'l'd . 14 11rth l"'"I! )1 "alt•r he.fl . ground Experienre spd S65. La!11es ('(In S.C..'Q. sat• S2~1!di•I :l.o·ii·r \11uan us modl'I. Stt·rl'O need ooly apply. Salary turian 10 spd Sl25 Xlnt u~ed IJUl'l'll i-I. 14orth rnn~ole llar11la' l'ah. + tomm Pleusl' l0all or ( ) tond Da'~ !!Ji Ji44. ~. l'a~h onh~ S2~ll ilt•I t.'fld lbl. lam!J!o. ant111uc rome 10 to· 1\pro1>0. =29 ( ~ ) 491).~ · l <iuall~ hnmt', ·~ ,:150 I m1mir:. ,\II xlnl <·ond' Fashion Island. N B ~ I -----n.. .., .... klRc) j ~ 1,.-a1'00 na~ Iii:! :II 11; 644_ ~. t;_Q E -Materials I025 UST S ----M ELL \'l•n ~lurd.' hunk hl•1ls Saddle Makt'r Sfi.00 /Hr ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mahoi:an)· douhlt· h1•d 14 mattrl'lil'l'l>. S75 Must have 3 vears ClC 'N MOW zs·,FT Wllh mattr1·" M1111n 9hl! l50K I perienre Wilt' make & Redwood 2x6 n"kln". h "' h I repair English & other ewspaper "" " !\ al>l.'u mirror 110 \'JI ~ t{·pei; or saddles 4·4':l'lon.11:;1lso rcdwood board ___ , • anura"I Ure "UStom (cnc1ng. IA WtSl p rH'l' 55000 80 tt31 ;7lfi ufl ti ••••••••••••••••••••••• " ' ' I" ar J 'm > K •11111!1~!!!!11-----•I Nl'W ml·n·s l4 K "old 8070 suddlcs. bridles and ,..u 1 < r en " other strap11oods Take c e e s ~'time, 646 988.<i Sola Settee I. 'h11111· l:l fl hn1t•elet. Jld $1200. ~t·ll .. a r r1 r t ~u.., 9!i.'>-2272• 9f;., i:l.l.l ad to the nearest Stair or JOUtes 1 chaln saws, S11hl Hi" ~•ltt> 11o•ml'n hkt• nl'llo Employment Servire of· I 1 $125. Homellte 10" S&~ $32.'i. ll7J.ti21il llilppy \'alt•nt1n\'1> l>a~ nee in orange county. in Hunti•ngton Beach, Poulan 27"szoo.1.tk1·nu. <.:;iu h "' .. 111 , sumt: 1.u1·ky l'l·r:<on ' 00f183.381·020 Ad paid Miao rope 75'Xl " Sl5 i· • .. 1 1 11rnn 14<T Gnld Stur Saph1rt• fOf b •Em lo er To~·ota Lnd t:rs llrt• & 1:rui.hed ~·i:lq·~ \Int I & l>lumnnd Rinit. s,.,;5 :~II or •part/tlm"'. In· ~·unta·1n "alley & Newport Beach •'! te4) _G!!A S.'lfl 65fi9 l~ll')d SI~ l;.!li 22'i.I (ri~d l'<"n. l.iht•rt\' lli•;ul ru " rv Y1 ~:11·1eant din tahlt'. 41 "'''·I Tll' T111·k. S'J~ 0 I" t'T ter~t in art/de<'orating. c-,. & 1~11ms tu fl'U", 12 1·h111r,, liolcl Rini.t. SZ.~11 Kol2 fil!il:'I Unlimited opportunity .......... 1030 ti IN m·t•r S.1000. m.1 kt· of 963·6055 Mon Wed. 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• fl'f 11.'17 ~'121 4 inm 1 V1v1t ar Thyri stor 211r1 m -r --... -u~ -, Oa.sh soo V1vlt;ir 7S ~~ " II t t' r h ,. 11 . I' II m I' ""' :4111 w rranw. ~t·ul1•r. Ill'.\ lmmr!llalt• opening rnr II ! Ca non mo Un I S HIO likr rll'w $J;e, 1;.11; l:ltt."1 rull li mc re11d cr -1d I ~·llkl'ni SIOO 11730ll22 ~t•llvtfor1nllldr l •Good E .. .J.rlCJS CALL jo 1ym11u:. OM 1 wit h Mo\'lllJ:'1""t'S\"11·Slm s:.k'!lposlt\on. Mul'll be • YCI• l'hmmc Hod~· 14SO MM t<in11 lk•cl ""Bi•dihn11. 11113\'rtlvt perllon with : 5 Tri CIRCULATION ''""' i Olympul!T~to l~tl SIM. Ouk II.ill Tr1•1" PSUJt telfpf'lfm" llll~ll ex· I • uper ps DEPARTMENT l'A•WYI IA.1\ll fd'nM' $.'l~I s:L'IO Ill' lli·lll'h. Sl~lll perlence Apply In 1 G .... lllt. lf40.mG Oat! lltll lk·1I St:I . 5"1KJ petl!Otl. IMO Pl1centl11 : • real Prizes 1\tnni,. .. l.W.'1 1,.C, fi.1.'..'i I }lt~~'r~r.:w~.yn .. T·n· t1•0MIS 111 K 111II111 t t' w u t ,. r h 1• 11 ...,,a.r.s:o1111V1 "' "' ~mm 11ntl llll ll-ns. Xlnl w ht•udbourd, 11h1•1\1•:., . nil Club. exrhlRive pro. NICI l400 IMll mo H·r~· nll't• r11n1t Stoo shop needs full·tlme 642-4321 P•:NTAX llOi\lJTO firm ~'Wltill.12 s 1le1person . Xlnl 1Mntflt1. Ca II 17141 Ulmpittl' -~h·rn. = W.\~T \\'TIO~~ ••Man· rr1 u . _ ~a m o.cmei l 111N1tr'"' \d)l !U:? :,.;;" • l>iurm nd c11rnn11,, !"'llr ~haJit'. ~. i1 1•;1 . c, t-:M .1ppr t i.lllWI a!\ S.KIOll 11r nrio!IOl\•t1. l!l!I :II~ 1111\ 1· l4U t::\l t:lt,\l.llS. \\J(' \:.tAKl~t:S. ~'T.\Jc nnm:s. o" tt:'H:Ts · Y11ur 1•lwNl't' 11111\ SUI l"'r :.IOIW~ I t>Ml Mlillll r.11 .... ·i. Watt'-b\ k .\DCI M'1".1lrh tironf, pallf 11\W $1,00ll ftH', Wiii t .. h Siil f)4lt ti1 It N It Sak· Trlldt-tl s..-""°' l!t,.. ( '•l'\'ti. 1111.e .... ..,._, MtltJldlll•r .... , .. . .. ~ . . .. Orange Coast DAILY PfLOT/Sund1y, J1nu1ry 31 , 1982 n t' "1111 ll7IM111D 11• I tt114••• 1110 M111••11• ............... INh.W tHl .. s.r.ke,P... .._:•/ '• tl71AlletW.W HM • ......... ............. ...................... ....................... w-.. 1011 llf IHI ....................... IA&ct.-..1 t4H Clll ltt tlJI ....................... _ ............... . "9lv7 Olly Mllwi1all.-t JEEPS Uovunm~nl 11\iUllaedllOlld ~hll\'Po'll .................................. ~ ... ~ .. ··••• '1'70'DAY2T'.extrata111 .............................................. '•Ford~TonV•n Auto, W1.-YOU1 ~- .. ......, l4SO ltPM S1arphu Li11l c d for l•bk! with b11ll1' Ii tue11 LOSINO. U;ASt, Quit fully rontalned, lnbro UTllODY WOii i '7JCADCOMY Sd Mounttd PlpeVlre IOOOU• CAii o..llWdb'-ITSOIH) D.ltlllo, Sold ror 144 Good t•ond 1495 ORO WANTID llnablllinett.•tllln&out motor Stepped mul. Plia&-11PtO~-' otryour Eldo. ooe or owner. bt Int fo'illln• Blnll i\1}'thlaarontld.-rt'd: · •mo Por Info C•ll 1312' 531:1119 20"GTTOR-KER i\IJ,,s~plJH 11nd rill· Malleofr. nesm • boct_L.llg>__Ht5:1HU2 newP11Dtlol11ihntbld· 11$00 760H27 morn, 1mthrul• llriaas rt Miii. new t'Oft· ~Htlil ·~llt223t • D•CYCU OR DIAMONDRACK ~ :c ~~r w Uln •·3112 4 Midttllll lire.~ dH. l'lS.1111 eves_ ~ .Uoa, .. ,. toolln1t. Oicypn •<'t'. wddlna 'il!I Al1T¥>11t new 16S 00 Prime• Forks, will pay roo~ 1chuln · e:uut~ Tim lo'-Jl brand new. 14" X 70. CONVERTIBLES! ..._ W..ttd Uto • •· •"9 .. ~TllT t'VH on rolltor urt w/1111 au• G.112242 11P tol lOO. M6·11832 Salon halrdry.un and 11 ft ut•raman. Solid Raised lttltrlna. 1150 67Cutluulnl lo ml ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·------•I t'fSIOl'in. l400 Unc:oln hydraullr r halrs mlr· deck with c •I c h Q.BQ.1157&7 nupalnt (210X1.J) 11995 a.aau IUYH Arc: Wt ldt r , all 1u· Mink Stole Gorat>ou11 Old Teddy Bear•. rors.shelveundplanti ntt.S149508.675·6890 ..._fwS. 13C«i&ar~1n1loml rwwn I lip IMllb. llOtno. with t«!,IOriff s.100 IM2 11418 silver for your Valt'n ~rman, Amerir•n 9 or Also, make·up, shampoo ••• .. ••• .. ••••••••••••• ~l 'lV 1-.HSD> 14$00 Top dolJan for Sports ., 111 o._,. c..ey. llWIUft6i.o...: will In· Sol• GO. 1nrr11 Rl'd He11t ~ Was Sl ,000 Now t~sh. GtO-~-and hair products. S11_.c .. t22 IMPORTANT 82C.daane.,aiorl-d C11t1, Bu~•· C11mpcn. ' ~a a-,, 3 ph. !201440 Lamp $3$, T11blr I.ump ...., Mll_·7000 Call 6.11·t7M or ~~~~~=e t~ned!~~:le NOTICE TO foryean I owner very 914's, A';t ~ C MOR .atr.llSOorti.!1tolh1r. S1S 1770 W 811lbo11 Blvd WA.,..D after6,M ·ll809 lrlr.OB, +xtns Allxlnt, REA0£RSANO lo 1ni<BMHl62llS800 ~ .... ! •. ~ ' --!!JL___ .._.CW. "'" TV a.lo. ADVERTISERS 70Ca lomlnewlOP _ _,....., ••••!!!!lll!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!tlTwn bed s , M aple be hi S'7 R. LEATJHAECKR'EBTIKER ' ;,.-. ...__~ tOtl hiq4~~::i~ The price or items 'paint l701H0Yl l2895 YOUSWA•IN •.... ood T s mem rs P 5 Ill' rwn. --ad ertl.sed by vehi le MStyl1rksharpori1 18711 Buch Blvd •OOl~!• aw· bookcase. hdbrd/ftbrd. qlldball, 11w1m. nautilus &ys· lar•e or men's ••••••••••••••••••••••• 21' Klnp CNlser, Volvo ck:Jers in lhe vehi~le nu paint <PDFJ!l8l 12695 H\JNTINGTON Rl-~ACH m. lO Sean. ~. S11w nlle Slnd. S75 8 trk ~4~.T~ small size.Reasonable ansui 9090 $300. Teitr diesel W/ c ho ice GoodConvertsneeded Arm Saw, llM). 3:1' Gu~. player w/2 spkrs SSO, Typewriter, Standard, 536·9832 AT.JOO Reel lo Reel ~ N ewpo rl moo ri n & • classified advertisin& Cal. Conv Co 146·8211 *4~ . .2000 TN. Htc11e Trammer: wrgt iron ghm lop ta Everest like new steel 080613-CMZ.2 15.500 Call496·9629 columns does nol In· WIMIB 11•-~3720 • ~et4 chrs~·840•2019 nCll lasllc~.857:0144 . Wanted: skis. boots. G~E Black and While I . ~~::. u~:ns:~~~lac:S~!~ SWAPMllT YOUllXOTIC Mlle•••-IOtO 65 gal. aqu~rium. under Show cases, glass counter poles. & apparel for 6 )'r TV. 10 Inch. $'75. Call INh. SMfta/ rees. rinance charges, Antique/Classlr blrycle, & lllTISH CAIS •••••• ................. gr avel faller . ~ew wistorage space below old arl.640-5078_ after6 m.64!:_~ Dodi 9070 reesror air pollutiont·on· ~~ :~rel~t:. ~~~~ LOSING L£ASE., q ult-pumps· accessories 4'LS1006'L ~ 646·3372 ~·-~ BEAUTIFUL 25 " RCA ......... •••••••••••••• lrOI device certifications 2pm. 1731 San la Aoa Una business selhna out Sl.25. 754·6494. -·---__, • "'--Be h bo t u d at d t AU. s ue'.s und fix . -Obi sink S40 24" 10.spd ..._Its 1013 color 1V s.ale. 2 yr wrn· ,.., .. !"I.rt ac 8 s P or e er ocumen ary Ave , C.M. 846·7414. lures 1n':\'!iina. · Ml_rt. See To Behe\'e' 4 b 1 k e. 2 0.. r 01d 1 n g •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• 1y. Free del ror saJe! See our ad un· i::aralion charges un· ,29 Ford Cabriolet Display cues. waiting G n11' q u e SP a n• s h bike1brake S20 eal·h Alto Sax good condition 'JV John's646-1786 der classiriratlon 1002 in eas otherwise specified Needs restoring, xlnt h . ' a.eons (4. 51,, 6'1. 9&H832 Sl50 O.B.O Ask for 12"SonyTrinitron,touch today's paper.. bylhead~~.!.ser --3 room c airs, Beauty 7'1 I Poreelain Ganger ---Kevin546-7m !l!.----1 9510 l'OOd.S.SS00.675· 175 S.IOll hairdryers and Jars & Vases Lead '77·'80 Toyota Corolla ront. 1 yr old S3 25 NtwportMmi•• •-......... 9550 hydraulic chairs, mir· Cry s t al, Cin ~a bar trailer hltl'h S35 Tow M~hall 100 Watt C~py 497-3101 orSS2·MS8 Da, wk, month646·~51 ....................... 4 WMtl ""•" ron,lhelvesandplants. French Naulical & barS95 551·4413 Cabmetsusing Celesllon Cstm HJ -•'l console. part WANTED: Slip, ex l~·j~;;~;1j;;.~rs;~~:·4• Abo,",'lke·up,shampoo Grandfather Cloe.ks. Men 's Nish1k1IOspd.tall Spkr, St7000 Chuck, destate,lifetuneeHort. change for u se or WlllTradeMGforVW wheel 4 cyl MUST and hair products. Paintings, Oriental & In frame S75· 15" color 714·534-8687 up to 12 spkrs, dual magnif. 47' cutter or! SELL. Needs work Call631·9754or dian Rup Please Call ponab.le T\i 1 vr olrl Violin·cheap, Guitar, turntables, reel to reels. ~1-2894 499-4722 hH 646·l48l I'd 3100 W. Coast Hwy Newport Beac:h 642·94~ WANTED! Late model Toyotas und Volvo s . C all u s 2925 Harbor Blvd COSfAMESA !Zf·ZU WE'PAY TOP DOLLAR POIUSIDCAIS ALAM MAGMOM POMT'IAC /SUIAIU 2411 Harbor l:Uvd. COSTA M £S1\ 54t-4JOO 549·1~57 WEIUY CLEANCAIS ANDTIUCKS COt'~Rl CHEYROLET ·. ' .. ' ' \1 ! S4t>-1 l00 __ after6,898-6809 631·7393 5150 581.6824 · · · nyloostrinas. Epiphunc &8-trks + cass. Make -----l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J1·982---'-T-o_y_o-ta-4-X4 SRS, ISTATI SALE John Wayne Tennis Club -·--. Calla!t6494·994'.!_ _ ctrer.498·1376___ H.l.IOAT SUP ...... / loaded. only 1500 mi. Stamp collection. anti-family membership, , lrYIMCo~t Office,.,...twt& MARRI AGE SA L E · Forrent. 646·4419 ca911Ct 9520 Must sell ! dys 64G-1~. TODAY'!! ___ ....._ ______ . QUf clock, cubic iirc. 1 " SlOOO. 644·9030 bel 9.5 CC membership Sl200 ~ .t 1015 Pioneer stereo w turnta· SllHf MoorilM) Ml j ••••••••••••••••••••••• evestwknds 640-2018 __ 3 ct stones, statuary. wltdys plus transrr ... e Ca ll ...... ~............. ble. tuner. amp, cass. 2 orrer714·720-1440 PlmlEST lilhos, washing ma ch. 714·975-1485__ ECRETARl/\L CHAIRS spkrs, 2 stands & Audio I EX. COHD. misc. furn .. '68 Cad Girts' Gym Newport lire (3 > Gold $65 ea1·h. glass cab. 5 mo old Slip avail up to 59'. CDM '57 T·lllD ·72 Chevy PU, many ex· Eldo.496·7635 ll'Embership. sioo Call SHELVl .... G ~JW3 MUST SELL S695 OBO area. S9.00 per ft. Call IHTOWM! tras. PS. ra. auto Kimberly,645·1743 " --· worthS l.000 641-1~ Peggy Pattison 955-2473· IESTOffEll trans .. cstm tares & P15ay pen par rot cage Hot point Single oven SAT SUN I0·4 Plmos & OrcJ-s 1090 Rt:A 19 .. <'Olor T v only 1 wltdays s.5 (005UKZI rims. AM I FM Tape. lSO, rattan glass top electnc range. JO"x43" Starkable, sohd O\'er ••••••••••••••••••••••• w Stdelieuplo20' S6tfl . Npl Best offer over $275-0 ~u:/~hg~ :J: $50. While brick sheet seas ~at·kang chrates 10 Yamaha Grand, new. un· ~~p~~·~~d!~ll laa:~ Is. area. Mainland ac· ~·5000. _ _ __ • no-wax linole um , crganazc ware oust> or limited 10 yr warr, blk ' . cess.&13·2968 ____ _ 631~ rusbioned. 24 'x6 · SSO. garage 500 available. ebony. 675-3518. 67S·7367 $290. 548'6719 N.B 1977 GMC Coming ceramic stove ~364.5 SH10/of£er. 1253 Logan Magnavox video cass re loGh, Speed & .IMMY 414 top, SlOO. Roll away dbl Unit E tnr Fain•iew & corder, 7 day programa · SW tOIO power steenng, power bed.~. 548-0145. MOVIES Baker>. t: M 758·5402 Upright piano, l'Onsole ble. SS50 _548·9673 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1•1 rrodel Excellent rondi· Shlada Hull. Orfshorl' brakes. ca s set le ' Uloking ror a home or your own? You'll finp many homes ad\'ertised ror sale in Class1ried e\'l!J')' day. in your home. 40 r h TV r~ lion. f799 Call 675.0898 loth & M.n.e Raceboat w /Tandum --------chrome wheels, tow bar, converters.24hrmovies Bear Cal 250 St•anncr. evesandweekcnds. L-1-nt Trlr,Sl000.9Sl·8SZ4 head bar and more! & sports events. t price S2 5 0 C Hi n A r m . ..,...,...-1lir.t93TDJ ) installed. ~.95 & S99.9s Camera, Sl.&S T\' Mo\•ie flll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l•_!!_!!_~_!!..!!.!!!..!'I ........................... Stor..-tOto ... IM lltca Gold SADDLHACI IMW 491Mlll Box. Sl2S. 546-28SS Antique Dark Mahogany Gmtral tO I 0 ....................... lt57 Tla•dtrtHrd 131•2040 495•4949 lipra ght. Xlnl Tone ••••••••••••••••••••••• Three tops. rull power, ~.d•~ .•. ~2022ome Tunini:. DiaghyPockOCJt 1-·.-·,·.S•T•O•l•.•A•G•E-•I wirewheels Completely Tn1tks 9560 ......., """ restored. In Senior Class I••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ -to9ll •lcry CrYlsNtcj Monthly bo at & RV in its di v1s1on or rom· 1979 CHEVROLET Luv ••••••••••••••••••••••• •RshilMJ storage ror any size. 24 petition Serious in A dynamite mmi-trick Complete Ska Set. UM~d I hr St't'Urll}'. rree quinesonly trurk Sharp! CIS03577 J one time, Rossignol 180 •91t8anGlasspar launrhing & was hing S3995 J im Ma rino skis. Salomon bindmi:s 1 dinghy privileges Newport 761-4519 ~olkswagen.841·2000. & poles Sl60 Nordacu New bottom painl Dunes. 1131 Bark Bay '7tl Datsun PU, longbed, bcnssizt'512M S60 '112Llc Dr. Newport Rearh I xlnl cond properly --~-·6719 N.8 • 4 HP Johnson 644-0510 Clouk '66 1!13llll $4150_!75 ~9 SportilMJGoock 8094 ·~&servac·ed -••MG•• 'ii CHV 12 Ton. runs ••••••••••••••••••••••• • D~nghy, Dolly I Will Take Best orrer. good, must sell $800 080 Shotgun, Reminl{lon, 1100 •Fitted, canvas rover T..-.artaffoft Great Me<'hanac•al t:on · ~e!b675-9ti06 magnum, 12 ga. JO" •·=~ompl"t"parkaoil ••••••••••••••••••••••• dillon. All Nl•w Parts ·72 Ford F 250 Camper OKI. !!16-6772 ~'avail ;e~aralel~J Aircnlft ti I 01 lnrl Clutr h. trs. F:t c $pe<'1al. hvy dty wood I.st S75 takes all Z70lb 67).7724 A~ 6 ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl1S Recent Tune-up rark. grt trurk ror ron· weight set, bcnrh pres~. I -~ --~-·· r.-..w..tecl Call. Days, 499 3901. tractor Clean $2SOO Top Dollar Pid For Your Car• JOHHSOM & SOM U.C•Mtrelff'Y 2626 Harbor Blvd: ~ta Mes;i 540·5630 squat rark. t·urling bar Boat trailer for 14 boat, '77 T210, loaded. OC AP 49'1·5372 Eves,499·4722 ti42·!~.c_ & dumb bcljs ,\II iron Sl50 673 0732. 2700 500hrsmin Ca ll Paulor llll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!llllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!llll!I~ ·71 Chevy •,T vs walh 1•-------!J!iC!~~-_ ~·t>an81vd.:.£d_M Jim 714 752 2266 or '60 MG,\ 1600 Roadster. :.hell $1200 Men's Nordica ska boob. 13' KONA KAY 1\K ltke 2LHi29·S021 Cust plates. xlnl cond ' ___ Call~l 6635 9 med worn one tanw new See to apprec· Sl25 '69 Cessna t:a rd an .11. Set' to appr! s.1000 080 ~ 6JI ~· 673:.!_~ *>:!'J.:o~e.f.M_ 641i-2iS2 Ud1p. $12,000 or best or ~'ry57 or ~~ 7!>31 SOlOFUX loah. M-.......ce/ r~ &;3.3474 Mdl A. Shay Repro. Mint or-ec· • 9020 C•-•r• oit-"-/ t·ond. musl st•e to ap '1IO lY.iO Dodge Ram PU S.SIOO OBO. PP 846·5318 '!~7_?7._43 Vms 9570 Completegym fofhome _..... :"T .. -s o 500 080 Us0 as ad,·0 r11·s4 d 1'n ••••••••••••••••••••••• •...:...i. 9120 pr er 1 · ~ .:: .... M .. El · ..,_.. 562 S2CX> 857 4J72 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Playboy $300 645-0295. a.nne et'ln cian. ....................... ' ----Ti Ford Eronohne \'an. j ----h Oes1gntlnstall/repa1r 7x7 mim tent trailer an l8,000ma New ll res IBUY CARS! CASH!!! 673-1705 Rufler •lstamlessmalr ~.workS49·2S20 xlnt cond Ideal for '52 MG TD Repltra in 963·511!'> l b81Tel .222 Rem. Canjar . -smallrar SJ50 :)48·6356. M' C d' · r I ~,,. lriggnr, S37S. Ruoer -~ M.n.. --------anl on ataon . u ly ·73 (.' :l -· F d 300 \'· """' " " -~ p II I ""uipped F V 963·3538 us om or an ·~II!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! M·77. Canjar set trigger. &,ii,.... 9030 u ma.n r amper-stee -.., t·orwersaon 53.000 onll 7mm Rem mag. $220 1·•••••••••••••••••••••• shell-msulated Fits ----males Sink rcrni: T Jpe , _______ _ 673-5651>7700256 Avon Redrrest" 2 HP Ford8ftbed S850 192tMtt·udft I dt'<'k $4500 5480682 WilltradeMGrorVW or ------Ev I n r u d l' m o l o r 842· t980 IMll· 1959 · ----Good R c Sell lh•nits rast with Daih· .11 11 1 · -I Rl'produrt1on Roadster unnang ar PilOl Wa.nl ,\ds. · I ~/WI se separate Y Motorfuct•es tl40 See 10 bt'ltC'\'e! i\pp't 11~\l' s(1mt'lh1111? tu St·ll' 4ft·4722 Premium prices paid for any used car (foreign or domestic:' In good condition See Us first: .!888 llarboa Rl\d t' oM J .\ h·" a ~o 0330 Alltol.l.,arttd ••••••••••••••••••••••• t705 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1971 ALFAIOMEO 2000SPtDH Silver blark. excellent condition. tser00684 J CALL TODAY ! ! ! SADOLllACI IMW 131-2040 495.4949 ... 9707 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '79 Audi 5000. 45.000 mi asking prire S7.000. Ev 714·761·0142 IMW 9712 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CREVIER BMW n..&ciHIMJ'l2 IMW's AN ltere! A few remaining '81 Models " De-nos are still availab1°! We specialize in. Eur 'lpean deli very and fla• le~s pre-owned BMW's Where Customer Service Comes 1st! Sales·Ser\ire· L.eas1ng 208 W. 1st. Santa Ana (7141835-3171 Closed Sunday '·-1 ... ...A-. .... _ tlOOI ------846-002I -•••••••••••••••••••••••• 644·!3301 hre('ord. t1a.,M£1l-<l<id~dn11."e!! ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!II!!!! .......... ._ __ ,_w Alltot,Mew 9100 Alltot,,,._w 9100 Diesel mgintt 4 cvl 50 Peugeot Moped great ---••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• •••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• hp, Pathrinde'r s.1500.' cond ! lo ma. S28S bsl orr A.tot, Mtw 9100 A.tot. Mtw tlOO I A.tot, Mtw 9100 A.tot. .... 9100 642~Sl75 641·663S La.sa 536-2135 aft s ••••••••• •••••••••••••• ·••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• SADDLEBACK VALLEY IMPORTS DEALER! Now • . . the dealer that has given you 7!t2 years as one of Southern California's leading BMW dealers is adding '''''' WE snu OHR WHAT NO LEASE COMPANY OR IANK CAN: • Expertly staffed. most modern wvlce & parts dep1rtments for the fNfJI more important llt'Vice after the sale. • One of the Southllnd's mott experienced sates & le11ing staff • ENminltion of the middleman by leaing dealer direct so you can tlV9 I Dlvorred. Musl Sell! New Moe..c d.s/ --- Ranenl 22 Win<'h. $150. C1:: 91 SO Assorted Bloc ks 2082 ••••••••••••••••••••••• M ers Place. CM 19 Honda CB ;50 K 6K loGh,Pow-;; 9040 m1 Header s1soo ••••••••••••••••••••••• 642·~~ Ron C~H FOR BOATS _ --~3M_HI '76 HONDA 250 M 'f $1100 642·2663 Hon ----'73 Kawasa.k1 750 H2 Tri pie S750 Ron 642-2663 t7' Whaler. 65hp. trlr. xlnt c·ond. $7000 £irm 0\'S. i52 7733, e\'t~S fi45.0315 ... f.Z·BERG double bul·kel Classic u· ,t:uddy t·abin for BMW 17. SlOO. miser Xlnt rond. Dnt·k 673-56511770-0256 _ '!-"a•I _gl00675·!'>!03 _ '78 Husquarna 390 15 · Gr ego r 20 HP Automatic. mml, S975 JohnMn. trlr $1400 673-56511770·0256 ---~_p120 ·~BMW RIOORT I hi' Reinell, 100 HP Mere Low miles. mmt. S479S ' OB Xlnt rond $3500 673-56511770-0256 __ Mll-li00or631-2262. 19111 Honda CB 350. ·79 17' Boston Wh aler Good Condition. $350. l<X»lp & 6hp Evin rude, lo Mu.st Sell 646·0210 hrs, VHF. CB. Bow plal .. Stizuki 50 dirt & street etr repl rst over bike w/helmet. $250 Sl3.000 . S9.450. firm dys Call Brad, 644-2999. 557-7M2 eves 631-5586 I tlO HOHDA ll' Sea Ray Express ~. Bristol condition. OWMr Mltat $49,000. 851-0191 WMow! Only 7,400 miles Exrellent shape. MUSTSIU 1976 24' Sklpjark Volvo. Call 559·9299 aft 6pm twin MustSell loday '81 Honda CB125. 400 mi. excellent rond. S625 l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~l~&S7=-"4S46;...:.;_~----1 Sf.A RAY~ n Flybridge 'I) Yamaha 650 Maxim. twin 470 Merrs · 40 hrs rlean. xtras Sl450. 141-2917 total time. Many op· 646.4925 lions. S22,500. Sl6,000 non Montesa "~" Demo. En· iwum. S6S equity. Vero. 1'ooN 700 E. Gobbi. Ukiah. Ci\ duro Street/Dirt Bike 96482for moredelails Under 500 ml S950 751·1.a Classic Bay boat 23' .........__..._ .. •....1-~ Chrisrraft hapstrake In· -..-.,.. board w/head. can keep ... /SllNlt 16 .!!!2J2500. 675 ·1246 •••••••••••••••••••••• Previously Owned . •79 Southwlnd. many Boston Whalers. All •tras. nice 11 dun . Sizes. Schock Boats. 117·*f080. 857'4112· 673-3150 '73 EXECUTtVE 25'. 2SK ~=-=~-----mi, loaded. Xlnt cond. INh. ..,./ ...:;ca=1"'"'1m«ll&l~="----1 a.ttr 9050 WANTED F.M.C. Motor •••· .. ·~·•••••••••••••• Home. Send Info to V. YACHT1*6 Parduccl. 700 E. Gobbi, COHSUL TAMTS Uk1 Ca. 925482 Owter/Power6Sall Tl"tlln. y,...e j Npt. 8dl. 67S·2960 1 "Your Year Round '78 ~· Comet 5lh Wheel, j Charter Servlce" rl. nice ' spacious. I .... WI '"' /080. 552.5200 , ....................... ~ s.r.ec.. , ... ,Creal Salling! 10' &Ace-...• t .Lehman . Co111pl : w/ln.11tf/11ill. Bel ofr. ·-~===~-1 1 ••·*·Slfl..__ __ , Aii&mOM LJhodtt 31 wood sloop. ..._ •llll 11ip in Newport OWl•S ,._. won ... 080 TONNIAU <.'OVER ._.MllMl-1171 RaMO'a, '71·'11 Diiiow t!iledallrftr, Newtr ..... "5 •c.11. Mam-mr 1" ... .. ---- YEAR-END DEMONSTRATOR CLEARANCE HUGE SAVINGS NOi ON THE SENSATIONAL 1980 Rm. Factory incentives allow us to pass on substa~­ tial savings to you . Rover combirJes the quick handling of a sports car with the comfort of a family sedan and the utility of a wagon . ORANGE COUNTY'S ONLY ' AUTHORIZED FERRARI DEALER .; 3100 W. C::O.st Hwy. Newport~ i-1$1217MtlQ~ ... ~ ~ton-Martin • Fenari • Rover •J~r .. • •i F4 Orange Coast DAtLY PILOT/Sunday, January 31, 1982 Mtw ,_ ..._. a.1rW W... ..,,,w ........ ,,..w Mlel, l.,1rtid ......... 11rW Mti1. ... 11W ............................... , ............................................................................................................................... . _...,.. .-W t11J ..._ t7JOMlra••.._ t740Mara•• ... 't740 G t74J,_. tnt I I IPICIAL IALI ON 1982 CHIYROLITll I BRAND MEW 1982 CAMARO Loaded inc. automatic trans .. tinted glass. air cond., sports mirrors. 1111 whl .. spec. Instrumentation. AM·FM stereo & rallye wheels. (Stk. 295). (101959). I · 59072 ,, BRAND NEW 1982 5-10 PICKUP Fully factory equipped including an economical 4 cylinder engine. 4 speed transmission. power steeri ng. AM radio. gauges & tinted glas.s. (Stk. 475). (1 14482).' 56449 SEE US THIS WEEKEND WHERE OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR GUARANTEE ! ""\--lo-S... °'*"-'""'1·••1 CONNELL CHEVROLET Serving Costa Mesa for 22 years. 2828 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa .......................................................................................................................................... I MOO&S ... MOW! Che• nr 1••4 HlttHee ef I MOt 114 9"ALITY 'll ·OWMID AUT~ .... ............. •r rUrL ClllwC-111 TODAY! SAUS• SBYICI LIASltG SADDLEBACK IMW 21402 MAMUmTI NWT. MISSION YllJO Avery Pkwy on 1·5 831-IMO 495-.C949 Cosed Sundays t760 '71 1200, atlrk, sttrto, 1'72 MERCEDES Bf:Ni ·s~ Mcrrcd1•a l'lus1r l•-------1iS t14 11. flllria.tilli, n · MN ll loolu&ood SM 2200 Autumot1 r l!tiSI.. New ron" top, ATTINTION hlu.t, AIVFM. blu•. 642 MM wkdJ• 631·~~2 lr1n~m11 Ion uni.I 111t bralto . 1·:1rbi.. rull• MG ~~"!fill,"*· 13~ 1121 ra.-.... 97•5 t'Ulldltlonln~ 'rhii.unl' lJ rncr h perfert Only OWMllS '&4WC,rl1Mbndcltlve, .,. • just Ukto new m~J'JJ '9,~<l!M 11121 TONN•' \U <'OV L'U fully restored, 17.000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• s•911• J I m Murin o '' r.n 080. 117S-3Zll '80 Brava, 2 Utre fuel lnJ, \ldh~aum. ~-2 2000 1975 JIOS F'i\K MG'~. '71 'HI ~ --- warty, ll,000 mi Xlnl w 4.-.0St: bod> Loaded • Nevl!r llitod, m ... lerce t7'6 ront. 16.200 dys 752 27l~. '10 Ml 6.t p,1 Pt~11.'13 0037 _ Mana631 7797 1\11 m ll ••••••••••• .......... .. ev545·4612 ' S.lver1blk lthr, all up Mu.\t i.ell l979 300 SD and !!"llf!!l!!!!!!J!l!ll--~-i #J DEALER IN U.S.A • '80 X 19 T11rgu, 12M m1, tlons a Mt>rredes ean of l*IOJOOC.:D fuel inJ. am trm e11u. fer. LA>w mlleaae Thi~ 1 1 hrtcM t750 ~ Sspd, 34mpg, S76SO owner l0arls 1or1h11 las1 -J..60-~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• . 831·8330aft 6nm. :m 6.9's bit In 'llO pp ·im ~L. mint <·ond. lo '64 Porsche JSGSC. xlnt .... $49500 213 5289 mi. s.17.500 or rnu kc or cond , no ru11t, $8100 ...O~t.,~CtHlt• '74 FI AT 58peed 124 Spurt ~~-1-1456' -r1•r fi'ina11l'ln11 avail 01!9 PP,897-3791 ~•.-t"""loe>_. C-OUpe, MUST SELL '76 Merct!de11 450SL(', t145-2715 1978 lnt"r Mechanil'a ClO~toiuHOAYS 646.7S36 irl,IXKI ml, dk blUl'•tlHI • .--._;..;;.----leather, elel'. sunroor. '711 300 CD t'ouµt• Repllc1 or ·57 Por11the Wt 1 79 Fiat, Xl9, mint, 5si1d, ""llahed ul loys. url ., Sonroof, Wirt• Whtol'lb, Speedster white w /new ~errari Red. SHOO ;;,,er. $2l,OOO 675 0836" f.:XlraTank S17.7!JO canvas top low mi. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 642· 722S. ---497 U494 Xlnl rond S9~ or be5t T .. If 121 -'75 450 SL Xlnt t'ond fr C 11 8 • Ha.do 9727 Kbll Eng Movini.:, Musi MG 9742 ° er a " · AIE HEIE! •••••••••••••••••••• .. • Sell! Sl9.500 Private ....................... ~4~~3 7~~l~fl 5• 900 series 3 doors. 4 1978 HONDA l'Vl'C fl eu_rt , 644·7266 -2' doors It Turbol availa· low mileage hatchbark -MGM IDGET '7l '77 911 S AC, Snr r. blc NOW! Corne in It w i t h 4 s p e c d lt72 MElCEOES <.iean. l'ream. Cla:.su· AM FM Cass Must See! dri ve Road It Track transmi slon Very prl.'I 250 ~1.500 _ 494-4027 S~950 ]'f_M9..:.~9-Maguine'a choke of I.ht ty and super rlean 4 d uo r , s c d a n . '54 Tl'', fully rest w 500 SAC RfflCE BESI' sports sedan ol t18JX64S) S399S Jim brown tan Ile l' k l'f nu. spare eng. & 11arb i8 9211, ~K mi. immat· I.he 'Mis! Marino Volkswa11en . AM FM Power brake~. ~l~OOO 12131335·i732 new tires, cstm 6 spkr IEACHIMPOITS 1142-m>. power sttt•nng,a1r1·on· '76 MG Midget. Xlnt stereoS18,750,6442S83 848DoveStrttt,N.B. Honda Civir '73 Sl 700 d1ttoo1ng thr082FZB> t:und. lo-. mileage. $2500 .00 911r. xlnt mech rond. 752-0900 Mu st Dri ve! Great SADDLHACIKIMW firm S ~5 120 2 gd body, pp S0.500 t9fB HarborBlvc1.C.M '--------Cond Ca ll 661 7908 131·204_9 495-4949 F.Hoi. wk~~ 7S!:~_a.fLS & wkn<!!_ 631-7170 ~me -Aaltot, New HOO A.tot, New 9100 Autos. New HOO Aaltos, New 9100 n.. Most hcitiRc) P.tOfYow IMW Pwclaest Or LHMC.Wlt Mclcrt11 IMW!! a.,OrL.asc 'a> Prelude. red. snrf. 181\ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• mi, air, pcrf rond! S7000 ~-7250 ·so Prelude, 12,600 m1. am1rm cass. a1c. s spct. bronze. SSOOO 080 12131443·0404 _!!H. 8IJm. ly Ow"'°" "•' 171 J 22·513 L 1----- "' Ho.do Accord ORANGI COUNTY'S 4dr. beige. Must see to OLDEST apprec. 548·7831 & Jag1111r 9730 ••••••••••••••••••••••• futll!S ·Sl.•rvire·Leastng l!IOOJaguar XKE. 4 2 l'Pl', xlnt rond "8,000ong m1, -~~ ... 544: 1870 A Meow L""99 I JtllJllClrXIKE 12 ryl, yellow hardtop '70 BMW 2002 Xlnt l'ond. l' • -.. t 1 1 I l'ompl Rblt Snrl. ntl St h~w: s:1.:.'~l!t' I Tape 4 Spd. Shpskns. 714·t>.14 0013 Co ver. SH50 080 .__ 9732 &16i973 - ·]31Mw -l ;~·j·e~:;;·cT.'1L1;~,~~t1 3.0CS COUPE prod~·tton mdl w Lotu.~ I 4 speed. be1)(e brown. Sspd. 1mma1· rnnd Air. PS. PB. alarm s~stcm eh· ~.000 m1 S8KOO \M FM Blaupunkt ~:x. Q.BO ~·0370 1 l'Clle~t .l'OOd1lton Ml'ST Maida 9731 SEE. lht'491BNQI ......... , ... •••••••••• redilc~d to BRAND NEW S 12, 995 l!ltl2 626 2 dr SADDLHACIK IMW 5 spd. doth int . radial @~·~0_49 49~.4949 ti res. AM FM stcrco. :ur and more! 1ser045791 '74 BMW 320 3.0 l'S l'oupe. lmmaculule Lo Mi PS. Brake:.. 1\1r'. ,\I loy Whls. Nt•w Paint. lnl. Trs. Ell'. Sl7 .SOO v 17549 J UST ONE ~~X,\M l'l.E I OF OUR TREMEN DOL'S s,\LF: r 1un:s HOME OF THE AFFORDABLE LEASE PLAN!! ONLY '12 GlC CUSTOM 3 Dl. HATCHIACI Only -... -.... ,,,.,, • .,., -01.C c .. -l Or --C1Wt OIC ~ 1111&•• -.,, ,,.. -_,, --_ ... _~_ n,....,,,,., .,, ... pha ....... ou•~TH AIU LEASE PlAH OroglNi ...._ llllSCID Nol -RIM,. tolot ~ lfSll SI .... , .. A MONTH anallei• mania 601 S. ANAHEIM BL VD. 956-18.20 .. -------------------•----------... ! ~.!.!!.ti73·5~ t:ves '76 BMW 2002 4 Spd. 4SK TH RO l: G H T II IS 1------------------------------.j WEEKF.ND' I The DAILY PILOT is the people's marketplace for new and used cars along the Orange Coast. Call 642-5678 DAILY PILOT mi. AC. Snrl. AM tfi'M Cass. New Pnt & Tri>. I l&lm. A~tt SPM. 642·07~ _ 1 3201. 1979. xlnl rond . Gold metallic. Sl0.500 ~·· msma I • 2031 C 1st St Sllta Ana 714/953-4414 I firm. 714· 760-1393 -Sale ends dcr..l' ltlO IMW I ol Bustnesi. l J I 112 l20i -- SOMETHING DIFFERENT! ~ Cars, Classics, Antiques, Race, & One of a killcl! ! s .speed . Safa r i aa•w ~-------------------•.-----~~~---~: ~gen~.~r rondil~n· ~ •• ' Aldos New tlOO IAlltos New tlOOIA.ldos. Mtw .... ,....._Mew ttoO I Ing. stereo cassette and WE'VE " l ~ .................................... llf!llll ........ ,, ~~·.~:.~ •...... !!!«!1~::.·.~:.v: ....... !!~~l~.~:.v: ....... !!~l~.~:.v: ....... ~ ••••• .. ••••••••••••••••• ••••• .. ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• rnort ! EXCELLENT c 0 N T 0 I T I 0 N ! MOYEDf _ ... DE LOREAN MOTOR COMPANY 3 YEARS CAREFREE DRIVING ONLY DEALER OFFERING 3 YEAR WARRANTY s 1000 REBATE ''CAR OF THE FUTURE'' ASK FOR JOE DONOVAN 547-7504 :.r; ~ ....... ~ :-.; ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~r.s~~r, ;~"==· USED CAR LIQUIDATION '74 2002 Tll -~J~ !r7o.o336 pnvate part~ y~i: --. ......, -. ......, .,._ :.r; ._. :-.: :. ~ ............. !.?.'.~ ~IG in;··~· Low Money Down Delivers 73 Carm 6l'Y. Uri,ghl _ • ,_.--at Yellow l~au11ru1 l'ond _. -R:8! ~~n~ts M1.S22000BO 14H llllJ Sl,CISlllfU)4UJ)j south coast Dodge '74CAPRI spd. alum "Ahb . hrJ. --. -.-. -.-. -. :-.: :-.: -. :.r;--.. '79 RX· i r.s 1\ir. snrf. 51· 4 ryl. 4 ~pd. good l'ond :.uper :.tert•o SiSOO s599 dOWn de11·vers s799 dOWn de11·vers Sll~QR0646-!700 ~Lf~\N 84!·7271 •------------.-.-~ .. --.r.--.---------Dahm 9720 ·;9 Ma1.da RX i . :1.1.000 •••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • nu.. $8500 5.40 3903 or GIANT DATSUN 1 CLEARANCE SALE • 2845 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 7 4 4 • 410 1977 DATS UN 280Z. 5.'i( .. 78'l1 9740 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •Ml.~o med Merc•«Ms too MW cmyttlillg ebe? • Compare House or Im I pons Dirc(1 lease and 60 mos. sensible pymt~ D ia l 2 1 3 o r 714,MERCEOES Is 213 or 7141631-2333 Dynamite coupe with 5 i--------t speed transmission, air l'oodltionlng. stereo and alloys. Very clean. <844WYB>. ~995. Jim Ma rino Vol kswagen. 1142·~-· -----. ~-- '71 DATSUN SIO LOW Ml. lllSOor best offer. 640-2327 lt74 MllCIEDES 18a4SOSEL Diamond condit ion ' Bamboo leather & stereo. 181428) SIJ,'95 .IMSLEMOMS IMPORTS 1301 Quail St NEWPORT BEACH '722200 4 spd, sunroof. am1rm . etc. S37SO. 642· 7745 -'74 Zt<>D, auto. air. aux tank, Bh1upunkt, looks new . S8900/0 lt0 I '71 4 Door 966· 1108 dys, 498·1'371l 1 !lick shift, I track stereo ~es_. __ , AM /FM.11.W. ; __ 157;;;;-...;;tau~--• '71Mil4IOSI '"Tl mrl. pkt, 1lr. 4 spd, Mtt.bei L . _640 2ti69 I new paiftl, new clutch, '80 MB 450S L cham· -· ""utinl 1V1il. .-.ne. letther C'ISll, al .:;•.=..:::rr.:...:15~-----I ·~· Mllll 1tll, mike or 'T7 BZlO. Htthbk. SSpd, fet! 95l2'7 sut lnl. Oreal Shape! it MB ml> Diesel, xlat ... E•es 6 Wbd'1. C'ODll. lmf. p.p. 1a.-.: 1979 Olds Culllm Stereo taoe a11 t•lt v.nee1 & m0te• • 164XICA 55497 or48 \!11 167 mo• 'll'ferreo rnce 186 ~4 88 1980 foro Mustang T111 wnee1 \unroof ru\to1n wneel\ .luto <te•eo caoe & more• •8S<l1TS 55997 or 48 @ 181 mo * oetem•,, price 191'!4 20 1979 Mercury Zephyr Sunrl)of v1nv1 too stereo taoe & 111ore1 •34831 54495 or 48 (cil 131 mo* OeferrPCI orict' \6017 11 t..----~-.-. .-.-. ..... --.-.-. s699 down delivers r~--· ........... ---. ... --'J'; ..... ---~ 1976 Forti Pinto 4 \O m1pes sterto taot' & more• • BBl!TO 51997 or 24 @ 79 mo * Ot'terreo once HS96 11 1975 cnevv Malibu Auto air oower steennq 1a010 & more• • llS IS 52297 or 24 t' 92 mo· oeftorreo orKe 11028 44 1977 Oatsun 8210 Thi\ econom1ca1 lltlle car is reall\' sharo• You mU'Jt see 1t1 • 3S4TIU! 53397 or36 @ 113 mo; dt'ftorred ort" so n 40 1977 BUICll 11t9al Auto air cruise oower wino~ oower lo<k\ 1oae1eo1 •09J424 52975 or 36 ~ 96 mo.* oeferrea pnce U IS8 60 ~tll:::.::-=~_...-~--·-'JSJ.---'°"'...-.------~ 1978 Oodge Challenger Auto air stereo taoe custom wheels ' more• •22'WllK 54997 or 36 @ 158 mo• Of'ferreo orice 17449 70 1977 Oodge Surfer van loaoeo converston with auto caroets oane11n9 custom wneeis oower steenno & more1 •IV190•o 54997 or 36 ~177 mo* oeierreo once H 182 86 .,.. ... _ .... :1: .... -~:.r;---.... Plus ... these super Specials 1981 ooooe van Conversion Loatlt'O with •Cl' oox custom oa1n1 t>av w1noo~ 2 n1gn O.ln cna1rs custom wneeis & 11res a11 cruise oower st Penno 111t wlleet auto & more• • 1V410SS 1978 Dodge van Autn oower steernlC)' ITl()(t!' • 1NSS2l9 s4997 1990 Plvmoutll Atrow A Qfe.lt httlt! fuel ~ver• • 167 ZED s4797 1980 OIOS Cutlm V·6• cruJW OOWl!'r Wtn<10W\ \tereo & mo<e• •i 388 I 56997 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 31. 1982 Fl ·W... ... 1rW w...-.irW ....... ,,.... w...-.1.w AIMe.UsH Alhl.UM4 ~UIH AIMe.UIH •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ .............. !?~~ !~!7.' ........ !?!.~ !~!:!P~ ........ !?!.! !~~ ....... !??.~ ~~!!! .......... !!.'.~ ~~ ......... !!~.~ ~~~ .......... !!.~~ !?.~.~~~.~ ...... !!!.! '1V W< GU : 3.51( rnr IMI VW llubblt l>it'Mll' 197' VW fhbbal A VW '11 K1(ihh• •Int, nu ·n F111et••uord , mant '711 'Vt."11't: L82 7t..,STAM• UT·lllD Alllo MVi. Mint 1 lli200 U)'namlhH'U.\lon1 2 door e~lom z door with 4 l'ftll, t lutth, Shits. br~~. cood,. sun/moon roor. 4 spd, Reraro rad11t, PASllACI VHt lhlllP Ntw l'H~r 142,221111 w I t h 4 Ii 1> c ,. d ~ tran11mlJ111lon 11nd Nt'w paint No rust llhrlnl.. lo ml. must i.cll. maaa. all optJ, IM OO m1, WholtHlt Blue! Book Jtl!ln&. '4.950 7511191!, W.. 97,. """"'mlili.lon, roor r•wk, 11t~<'DM1Uc This ont SOOO fi rm Pvt pt)' TI&tMI mint Home 759 otlU, l?tlXVB) - • and low mlll'll Sh11rp' '" \' u y 11 h ur v ' IOI~ , ~-•1J18X_~_ S4JZI Y• tt74 • 0 ••••••••uuu•••••• tl04l'.SM I UIHl5 Jim OOMDOllll) 14395 Jim '72 l\u> Lo Ml 1111 N1•w 7t ...... ~ r-ttJJ 'J1leodote Ro«>1na Ford, ....... ••••00•0 ••••••• Ol.tMllCOUMTY'S Marlnt1 Volki.wa"t'n Marino Volk3wuut'n L-..,, ~"'"" Rrouaham Ext ra __,.. .....,,.uar ...... Bl"d C"lll' 71 Veaa Auto. 41K M1 "' ' " ' r~•,. "'"""" h 1 M I ' f •••ooooH•••••••••••••• ,_,.,JUI .,.,. • ' " ll SZl95 00 B I OH • MIWIST kUIOO .1142-2000 , ti315.'murtl10"92 Be~~Oth~ru~ov::~~.~ ·~~7GS.nt1 ~hlk!<'lal Meu. 842 0010 or ftcC'oodliaon"~udiul~~ AiathoriJ~ 1m VW Hu) A dyn11mih• 73 VW C11 mpcr Bus Vat•o 9772 714 040 5280 afl t r 6 Jlm tAbuon modrl. 1 ro~ 54Q.12ll, llkr Nt'w Cati I Uon $ave on New Chevys SUtlAltU lH:At.t:R 7 p u H n au w 11 h Mwly Xtr•~-S3000 Ht•NI ....................... • -mg. wltt' wht't'l&, new '78 Mullana. T To" Ork ti46.Wl •utom11tlt·tr11nsm 1~sion. '?flt'r 9ti4 SUll Mier #I VOlVODEALH 7611.DOCOMV. rlldlnl urea. Ele<' s~nrf Bit.It'. Xlnt Cond ·$3700 ----•I .I I • r~+1;-ovettwill(I, ;,11r <·ondltlon li PM_ -INORAN(;Jo'('O NTV ' ~lldt!dJ~49K PP64.Q ~-Ori_Jt•ond . 7Sl ll04S Or Bell c.11 ,.;,·i:~. IAise l!Ulll\'lhanl( vulu11 • ..... ••. • ..,._, + ~ Ina and luw miles The l9'> VW t•onvt'rtlblt' J\ ' 'tiClldUhu· Oroughuan Dodlp ttlS ~!t63__ bit•? Pla1·t• 11n ull In our cle1nt st orw In town . dynamiti: d1:luxc Rabbil S.AUS. SllVICIE new paint ....................... 'till Mustan& v.11 uuto l-4J51 ond f'ountl l'OI · • 982 • l!l82 MOOt'l.S 1038134 1 $4995. Jim l'01wenl~le _w1th 5SPt'C!I 1195__ S3lil~ fOlt S~L~:. 1981 Dodgti new palnt.'mlot' l'Ond' u1n1111.That '11 wtwr1·11~·u • 1 • HF.RE NOW!!! Marino Volkswllgen . transm1ss1on . Br a Y.11 O\'F~lf~~~lft'-·nv '76Sevtlle Nt'00:1 ltci>a lr. Alil'll K r ar. Spet:lal l2200/0BO.ll44.6965 }'It· look wht•n llll'~ H Sales·&!rvlce-Leaslno ~·~·-· Bro nze . l88GZVVJ ~ L'XP "'R·.1:5 • rm> 1-:dltlun. Almost every 7 ,-M , . v· 21 ountlanitt'111011alu1· • • " '00.'65 VW ltifi & righl $8995. Jim M 11 rl nu r. ,., · 951 ., .. 24 passlbleexlra. Very nice 4 ustang, <tsv. 6. SADDUIACIC dnor. '73 le(t door SSO Volkswa en 842·2000 _ __::.,., -I "ar Move fort•es sale MPC. el~n. needs some Alltot, UMd CUT p ' ICE SUIAIU ellt'h Western style whl -· -lAJlLE tlCIE '76 St•valle, xlnt rond, 73l-l677 ~S700 64 1·11480 days •••••••••••••••••••••.. • • 131·2040 4tS.4t4t rims Cor ,Super Reetle 1~~an!~onAILil~~xi"rl~~ VOLVO 62.00-0 mi, full elec·. ''Ill Dod t Dart-New Bat· '00 Mustanl(. liCyl Auto • • • '77 Toyota Coro1i;Llri .!!!_a. 5411.9744 615-3500 1966 llarbor Ulvd w / 5 n r f . fl R r r 0 n t ' t J. rt $400 A to x In I c 0 n d s m 0 )( CADILLAC Back Auto. pb. Air 1m VW Dasher." suprr 1m vw au,;: A dy numlll' t'OST;\ M ES1\ I li3~1..QL~9·4146 t~~ : Srpkrs: s~o. Cer t HlecJ. 63 1 971<1 . • I I • eond. am radio. heater. rlean deluxe sedan. 7 passenger with 4 Sj)et'd 646-9lOl 540·9467 C....rolet '920 66l·2371 548~ -• Chewro els • radial tires, 45,000 ma A u t Q m a t 1 c transmission Agalc '°74VOL.VO WAGON •00••00••00•••••••••00• Ford 9940 '70 Mu8tang Grande 302 cLrlBINC" • • S2900. 642-4361 transmission. air rondi brown beagt' original Air l'Ond1t1onin11. i.t1t k. * lr..d Mtw '11 ....................... VII 75K Mi. s11;io tRM '9 9765 t1orung, and stereo The Shafl>! t<M0582I S.'>!19S $2750<19-19302 Clit•~:-••tt• 1979 FOID LTD 551 !1768 ·•••••••••••••••••••••••••. Torote sharpest one around J • m M a r I n o ·~ \'d,·o 144 IL>r Sl'dan 2Dr. '-back! W"'-"u 19. <I i.pd. 4 l'}I, t·h·an SALE! *Brand ..... W '82 CL.....yy ••••••••••••••••oo••••• i3SOTWXJ $3495 Jim \'olo..~wagen ""2 2000 R G d' (' \I d t AWV" 0S51bl>l,tofft•r I """ Riii:' • '19 Corona, lux ed .. 4 dr. Ma rino Volkswagen. ~ "" . u n ~ ou 'f l'a t ' r ron . pwr s eenng Wholesale Rl ue Book H Back ,. ... _ fte C I AT. AC, PB. PS, tilt whl, 842.21JOO 'IH Baha~ -R-;,lored ltiOO Transportation Nl't•cb. & brakt>S, lllt whcel. l'll' llt&l27I ~9 1256 • ~Ye oupe. • 4 spkr AM I FM sttreo. Dual Port New Tran:. Wllll' bod} wurk. S!I~ l3149 fi8791 S4 I 00 '72. 8 ryl . fa::.lbac·k I t7t CADIUAC • 1 6 liter engine B U xlnt rond, 1 ownr PP. '79 IUS See II Buy ii ! S2 10-0 fii$ 91511 Mow o.ty $5598 Theodore Robins f'urd. &~72 COWtE Dl YIW • lttes radial lttes H 0 $5698. S216.857 4S44 Must see lo apprel'iate OR0.641-1777 Aaitos, Used HOWAJlD C~•roltt 2000 Harbor Bh d . Co1>ta "ASTIOIOOF' &\ ballery. bucke1s. etc • '80 Toyota Cehra GT Must sell $7900 or besl '75 Super Beetht. (uel tnJ. ••••••••••••••"••••••• l>ove1Quu11Sts Mesa 642 0010 or 'l)j Mu::.lang. 111·~ tr.in~. • No 2526,~967 Mowo.ly Uftback, am/fm stereo. offer Mitrh Breer I fully rerond. yt>I blk. GtMrtlt 990 I Nl::WPORT 81-:ACH ~8211 auto 1•onsoll', 1tood l'll!l (ISOWYC) •••••••••••••••••••••••••.•. ps. snrf. ne w paint. 548·9001 $3495.962·8398l'\'S ....................... llt:_055j ·7-7 RANCH l-:RO, ncw S260I! ~ S9C7 s9995 *Brand New '82 Chevy • l6500. 838-3719. 1977 vw ScirOl'C'O A '72 Bus. good -cond " r. . 't SEE us FllST' Ores. shocks $2000 0 80 'G(j Mustanl( \'H • Fl • ~-~ I 0 Pi k I '70 CORONA. Runs well. dynamite SPC?rt coupe tinted windows. ,\lpine Will trade M(, for . • asas!979-2688 I S20000110 1910 c•ftll I "C • Hts•~ ~ c up. • S750orbestofr. with low mileage. -I Sll'r new tirt's $2700 499°4722 lns Wcha\'eai:oodsele4•tion -----· 7515912 --Tinted glass. radio. 19 675-3204 Agent speed transmission. air oao· Churk 494.3072 ° r NE W & SE D 'II FOID lSCOIT B.DO DllSEl • 111er engine. 1ad1at 111es. $6298 • ronditloning, stereo and ------99051 Chevrolcts! Wholesale Blue Book OldwnoWlt 9955 (300YHCI 8 u 1 '74Celira.Sspd.AM/FM. alloys. Extra s harp '19 VW Bus. i:reat 1·onll AMC llBGB973J •00••00•••••••••••••••• SlJ,995 • No ~:S~ Mowo.ly • reg gas. I ownr. $1500. 1678SPGI. 14995. Jim $6400 or bes t oHcr •oo•••••••••••••••••••• $5175 _ •'79 TORO bri:hn1 . .:a~. S46-2799 eves &wknds 548 8W2 '711 1·011eord wai:on. full fully loadL'fl. 1111111 runrt ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• --'--'-'-----· -Marino Volkswagen. · · · b k Theodore Robins ford, Ml'SfSF.r 11.'IO SOHi *Brand ~ '82 CL-'81 Corolla dlx sedan, 842-2llOO. 'Ill V.W. Buit. i:d 1·ontl r>wr. nu t ire1i. ra cs. ZOlO Harbor Blvd . t'o~ta ' ..!. · • , • • "ew r.cvy • P/B, PIS. air. aulo. Ex-st0t·k. \'erv c·leun. xlnt 5.1200 673 3821; M l'S a . 6 4 2 o o 1 o u r PWo 995 7 1910 C.ADILL.AC cell. $6100. 673-3826 '71 v.w. COii•. $1~060 5SH789 llid& 9910 ~1121_1 -••••••••••••••••••••••• COUPE DEVIUE eFow-Door Cavalier Sedan!. '81 Toyota Celica Super. Wh i te with b la<'k . ·Si Baja rebuilt 1835t'C. ••00••.••••••••••••••••• "72L.aguna V8./\uto.2Dr. Dependable trans, 'ti9 FOR SALE (n7ZAI) Pwr s1ee11ng. 1ad10 18 • loaded,excellent cond,I AM/FM Cassette. 21K KYB shocks.new tares.'63 1lwrk l.eSabrc,llow Mags. AM f'M . $<125 f'airlanc.4dr.20 MPC.2' 11· Ptnto halt•hh111·k. Sll,995 .e"t1ecren91oe.11n1edglass. $6998 owner. $.9200 ml. lmmarulate. s7•350. '67 Sq. bac·k. rear-end. 1~! · iict. cond ML ST ~9-! 32lll new tires. stcrco. $1j2S t'leun. 4 11r>ced. Ill'~ tart·~. • • 851-1464 ' 8Jl-6S2S rus.tom int am fm Si'.LL Sl;(X)OB0 549 tilOS 'li9 No v a . N t•c d ~ 080 luggai:l' ra r k .i.:oo d No374817072 Mowo.ly 1981 VW S<'il'O<'CO S speed stereo. rheep tran~po 170 RIVl f:llA Bodywork $400 0110 -J!:IS'_18?6 truru.pona11on l'Jf Sl200 1978 C.ADILLAC •• • ••••• ••• •••••••• ••••••• • ·~~iT:tot:~~~irf !Jn~~-transmission. air rondi· Must sell ll'i00080 l'.tlll 1\m fm. full pwr. lll'c1h l'all Tcrry, 516 7252. '71Fietta. $2700 000 FLEETWOOD • *Brand New '82 Chevy • S7500. 851-1464 tioning. stereo. and al· 631-~17 *ork: 5450 550 11770 SJ9 627~ ~'!Wt· rle_an 675 1070 ti42 1570 Jcrr · 1 l~'S Dynamite with 10~ '66 BUG-w~nroor. iioudj ·;9 Rl\ll'ra. loatl1·d lo "IW>Che\' C11a11un PS. PB. ·ss Torino wiin . runs liJI i797 Mana HOUGHAM • S· I 0 fteetside Pickup. , • '80 T e r ce l sedan , mal es and h ke ne~. runningrond.fm slerro. mileage. new hrJl.t·~ \ar. Stereo. 2-IJllMPG l!OOd. good 11rt·~. \"6 P1nt0 Hatc•hba1·k Wa, (623ULAI V6engone.pwr steering • white/beige int.: 30K OCQX580l Si995 Jam S1400 497·3101 ancJ tar~ $7500 S4000 495 0816 Sl:Dl tlst olrfHO ~72!1 Jfl li in v.rec·k lio1h Jtld s9995 • e"1ncted glass Jarge1 lank $6998 ~,;~w5~i;~!~.b~a~:~ Marino \'olkbwagen., --K.l3015.1!11iti l303 'iti .l'he\'t;lle Dix. J <'. orw~nds I fram.·darruii:e .\lll'IM· • • r ert. $5200 /0 8 0 g.u.21JOO ----'69 Cot1 .. rli~ '(fl Elc<'lra .. i:ood rnnd ' :.lerro. lug ral·k. front ,i l Tonno. new patnl &I OK VS <47.000ong m1 1 No 2469(7055 Mowo.ly 646-ll06 Dennis i8Sc1rocro. blau ster. al S3200 obo "~5 10071 oneov.ner. no at·t1dent~ dtSt· brks. wht blk. \Int tares. ieood cond. l!IK new Iran~ & radiator, 1980 CAOIU.AC ••••• •••••••• ••••••••••••• • loy whls. fg Its. ,·er~· ·m \'W Bug comp re &I0-1311 fast $795 l'ond. must :.ell Sl!l'J5 onJ. St-65 645-0960 I pump. H·I) !!ood whb & SEVILLE •*Brand New '82 Chevy • T...... 9767, clean!~ 855-8~1_ furbished-ne w paint 962·11398t'\'~ ---llH'S, no broken iela~s (872YMY) ·······················'1980 vw Sc1rOl'l'O A tires-1111erior. Reblt eng Cocllac 9915, -EST.Alt SAU I lnlt'flOf ltOtJd R<·d:. SJ4,995 eCava11·-Hatchback cllll.lfttllll•• '77 T R 7 b kes I h r d ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• '74 ,. .. _"" Capn' 4dr I 1979 t' ·' I \ d I f "'' ~-... . · a1r. new ra dynamite roupe wllh 5 c utr . ront en .. tu:.t ...._:, • • mat:ine a uru I J\"JI , grl'JI t•J ur Air COlld pwi steenng • & _tires. stereolrass. lo speed transmission. air be St'ell to apprc1·aate COMTEM,LATING HCtphOflalty clean, Granada $4500 Onl~ llll'chant(' or Jl.lfh -.alt•-. • slereo spl m1rtors s799a nu.~.J00.848-2371 conditioning, mags. and S2850 C.ADILLAC? orig owner. $1950. 7ti00m1lt'l> Toprnnd I Must :.ell .111 lol(l'tht•r 1981 CADILLAC • llnledglass e1c • '74 TR6. ~llectors Car. stereo. Beautiful Brazil ____ 644·SJ99 We spec1ah1e in k <•:.l':. Ph:673-7778. 67345$4 S700. makc ufr l'Jll B.DOIADO No 7629~ Mowo.ly Xlnt Cond. $3800. 1 . Bronu t450ZSRI S749S 'i8 \'W Dasher. a 1·• for lhe hul>irH·i.s ex -"IKJ F'lesta ;\M f'M.1\1r. !Mi8~afl 7.JOpm (639045) .. •••••••••••••••••••••••• .. 642·7614 J i m M a r • n o am fm t•ass. 4st>d s:i.soo l'\'Ull\'e&prorrss1onal ·-dc,9 MaShlbu l'la~~tt·., 4h WOO 171\ Ma """*"' 9960 * N '82 CL-volks 2000 off ._., .... __ ti I IOI' •• ,er.i:re,,c·ot "P """·1~1 , s15995 • Brand •w ftllll:'vy • 1971 Spitfi I wage~._&t2.:_ ___ or er 857-23i2 aftl•r -..,.. ~ on 1111 nL•wtirl'sSJOoo .-''""' 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• , ,.. 42 000 · ~ 1um VW bus.7 pass Xlnt 6m. _ OfNewl982 ~:1288orti3l 30lli ·1'3TBong57K S2950 '1;11 1·i1 l'l~mou1h S1a1111n eR~rl/2-tonPickup! • · ma. rond S2SOO or b~st of. '68 vw Bl'G. sunroor. Codiloc:s 1 ·-. . . . TB ong 77K $1250 OLIO Wagun. ltooO l'llltllll' Jlld 1979 C "DILU J.J59.J022eves fer s4s..sJS6·8Jl·H86 n~w & in1or1"or Sl!l"!\ o.J-I St 111 iH ll!J•nn: tla~~u· 151\ I atlnwr 64ti-Olli!I llolh• ~ !l!li l«ii!I • C • Ra •al wholes pwr • • --~ ~ .. nvW " oc . 1111 \ 1•rY l lcan $.11l011 .I' I . SEVILLE DIESEL steering & t>rakes V8 s7"' • Valuwagew 977 1980 VW Rabbit ,\ Cl'!OS-I0-315-1 NABER~ ·ss1~9159 '74 Pord Panto Runab11u1 ·;1 llu.'ll'f, ~lk ~h1ft . nr11 J685WQX) • Ho rears eac ••••00••00••••••• 00 ••• dynamite custom 2 door "66 BLIG. sunroof. reblt .J ._. .19 -M (' 1 1 auto. SllOO 975 5111:11 or I l'llJ.!. l"lul<'h. l'rJ•li:. up No 0003/6890 How o.1y '70 VW, I owner. must w 1 th 4 s peed rmtor. SI-ISO ouo lh·, ("" \1)111 \ "I . onle ar 0• 0 1111· f:Vl'S!\.C,1 K-12.'> hot. \Ill lop H1•1· ;l\,lfl s11,995 .......................... .. see. Super rlean. $2500 transm1ss1on Sharp! ~~-iJ . (!_\'S 8-ltHi533 · ,/ " .,/ • ''":' rm i·a~s. xlnl rnt11I ' • I 21 inpg $1 .!l'J~ il~l :11:211 5.576.567 (753087>. S4895 J am --,,._,""'··111'•' SliiOO P1>!lti2·0ll.15 Uncoln 99451 . •*Brand New '82 Chevy e · M . , 'i t BL"C. good mt•l'h , "''"''' •,.111 .,._, 'Hlll"lati 11 ~"'•rn s 1, •r ••••••••••••••••••••••• PCM.tioc: 9965 Uflcrgoodthru • '73 Bug,reblt.newpaint. an no Vol k~wai:en . cond, sem•·auto 1ran3. I 1 u .~"·"' •1 ,l ·111 \'t•rs;11lll•S,ll'athL·rml.I••••••••••••••••••••••• ~lvnda,.2.1112 •4·DoorCavalierWnnnn! int. 4'c radials. Flawless 842·2000· St i 95 Ev ~ wk n d ~ .fi ~alle. Jlll'\tra,• l.o ~~u.~11119/~/" l all I ~!lpt~;7 ;d~ ~~ ~~r,~t 1 1979 FORD I -·-~ • All cond pwr s1ee11ng --:i-·· • 12,450.661·3982. Wiu trade MG lor W &12 i874, wkcJ~·~ lf!J 9480 ma. xlnl ss.iso ':~' 3.114 IConette 99321 t'fJnd:Sci.S95 s,1$1151;0 :r•~Ms.·~ r.:TOP NABER~ I flllled glass 1111 whl etc $8198 • 499 ... 7•2 E•n. '63\'W BajaBug am8 12Monf'nt11:1 -l220 I....................... \\hot~hJlt 1.1u llu11k ('\l)lll \ .No5438~5 Mowo.ly ., RunsGood.S12000RO atll!_!i'knds l\'F.TIE '77 EXCONn lMIRwy 99501 1:.iOWPNI ,/ J .-I • .. • ToplareyourmeSS3l!e --~l~ I TTOP RACK SXiSO ••• ... ·:······: .. ···:··· $6150 . . ••••••••••••••••••••••••• before the '73 VW Bus I Owner ·t>t \'W c ampcr . runs ·-~REATIUY. • \1.1.0PTIO'\S• 72tOLON ' P\HI\ TlwurlorL• Hobm' Foret ~IO ll.\RBOHHl.\D •*Brand New '82 Chevy • readang pubhl'. Clean S2SOO \er)' gd. good L·ond. 13loupc.red~hllL'lllJl. \\-lIT W T\'.li l:\1' !I pa~3. -~·>i.:on .•\lnl l :DiO llarhorlll\IJ ""''·' l'OST.\~H:S.\ • . •• phone 675-9565. 63_1.:...~-Sl.500. AM E\ e. 6~ti·O'iti2 l~t'<I, SllOO IH2 11.'>ll pp it.i 5~1 117;11; shJpt' lttti ,303 ~' "' J r; ~ 2 00 I 0 ti r I 540-1860 • Cavaher Four-Door Sedcm. Daily P1lo1 - Classafled.642-S678 Swiss 'Ill \' W Camper. ~ffi\"WBIJ.!!~$2000 'fib l'ad1llJt 11>11 S.'>00 ;5 Tlt'IJ, JUlo. H '. I'S. ·;1 ~lu~IJOI.!. lll'll lop ~K:?ll I • Air cond pwr sleerong • Many x tras. I yr on eng, 'ii \"W Bug, $2300 OHO -. • l'H. PW Xlnt t 01111 lle\4 p~m.1 JOO. \lnl 1•111111 I Have something to sell' I loll wtll 18111e1 engine s9299 • S2500640-4342 __ 645·3720 ,51 5!112 ;,r,oo J!li 5-IRR. l!li 5:vlli 2"l(Xl •i3C1 955.1 Classified ads do 11 well I • ere --------1 I No 64927006 How ()My ....._Mew tlOO ....._New 9800 ....._Mew 98001.Aattos, Mew 9800 1 .Aattos. New 98001.Aattos, Mew 9800 IA.tos. New 9800 Aattos, New .9800 •••••••••••••••••••••••• .... ....................... ....................... ..................... ~. ······················· ······················.·I············· .. ····· ... ······················· ······················· •* Brmtd New '82 Chevy • SANTA ANA DODGE : "At Johnson & Son, !ill~!-~~:=!= We a.-e off e..1 .. .-1 D10.-e • ......................... .. 1401 M. T•ffn Ave., Santa Ana 835-3691 VAN CONVERSION HEADQUARTERS 1982 VAN CONVERSION DOUBLE REBA TE DOUBLE REBA TE SALi .W. '12 YAN COMYllSIOMS ' 2600 cc 4 cyt.. S-Spd.. low mount chrome mirrors, body91de mouldings, rear step bu.mper, wheel trim nngs. P.S.-<;ompere our pnce to other 4x4'sl Ser. No. 500'280 Stk. No. C9005 tlh 6 cyl • 31 gallon gas IMlk. b<1ghl m1mn and t>umpers, Cull carpeting and jW!tlong, ci.-tom mag w'-ls rool rack and ladder • Custom pain• cusrom rool 11,. r~ $8977 ~"tZ. $7977 '111-CAIAIB With 2.2 liter engine. automatic transmission, tinted glass, vinyl body side mouldings. maximum ooofing, power steering. $6977 ~'!:; JOO Jot $8477 $6377 CREDIT HoRINE 835-3691 ,.,. ..... MOMTCOIR ·--·· .. ...-... =.-:::.;:.:;,;;: um ''"~ .,.. .... --·--· ---...... ~ mn lfHIOMI a....WMOM __ ...,_ ... _.. ..,..,,, ___ _ -·-----SZ417 ' ....... ~ .... ---__ ,,, :.:~-....... .-, SJIJJ .. 1111,. '°' .... ClfMTmTC .. II ·-..as ••Brmtd New '82 Chevy • than quali"" •Citation 4-Door Hatchback!9 ·~~ • • Air cond pwr stee11ng • We a_.e off erlug the elosest I: ~~b~6:7doal ::es°"" 58698: " , •..........................• thing to eost-free driving. 1 *Brmtd New '82 Chevy e I• 'h ·ton Van Truck! Dkk ,Johnson . lnlt 11~ 111 l'-Sou l.i lll'ol 11 -~ k rn 11~ ".\t .Johnson & Son l.inl'oln ~kn .. ·u ry we urc olll.·ri ng thl'l'c rc markahk pro- gmms for our ~n:ut litt k car, the ~k n.:ury Ly1Lx." ,\ 15"'--'t9-k loo_,.. ll11~n'"l••111'''"l'w1l l11ll\• I""' 111 ,., th, I \II,·, ••• " .. ,,,Ju_ t P' k'\ ti .i111 '""'"' ..... , Ul&l ..... tlfl ht ~o.' '".th ... I \ti\ I " \\Ut,!\" , ... 1111\ """ 111C .... llt.1\ '" fH~\ ,, "' u \'11,'e·t\ tll fl""'•t "' l••n '" ,,._, .~'"" 1•n111t. 111 ,._"" _ _,_. ... .,_ .... ;tl l•H ''"II•'''"""'"' .... :!~JUI 11111 .... Llli.•411 \l\MI" \\Ill I•" ...... 11 ... h.1h1l,1I '°lolillh 1at1K'\ llK l1Mlll1j11111 .. "•tlj "' 111\'hHfllll: ull < IMllllo(\' • lllHI Jllh ..... i. .. hulh'll 1•111, 111. 1 •• 111111 kol•ir \rnl 111 .... , ........ \•HI 1 .. '''""\ oh.-,,,....~'""" 1•.lolp ..r11t t1111l..,·1 ....... 1 . .,_.. .,........_~ .. _..,~. t ~" \1Ufl.nu111..i11p '"" n11t• h•~••k .. 1in1•1lh • '"'"''''~ • lu11t 1111111111""''111 :!i.10 111111.-... "111.11, '"' ''"""' n ..... lli. ••oh 1hh..i-. '"'' ''"""'1111 1hf, l1o11lo.1l "'" n111h .111 ttn., """' .. 1 ....... lllMI , .. , "'· "'' I ,, ·~ 11!11111.t ... ,, .,_, .. " .. I 1"""''111' In total these are the best offers on any small cars sold in America. And it is as close as you'll come to cost-free driving. 1. :\C OL~ -ME , r 1616 Harbor Boalnwd. Coata 11 ... , • Air cond b19 mirrors • l • pwr sleer & t>takes 1:>19 sa99 • lank H 0 sp11ngs e1c • No 8:m7016 Mow ()My • l e•••••••••••••••••••••••••~ '•*Brand New '82 Chevy • 1 lnmma Four-Door S~an! ~ • A~dfo-~; cond . radial • I • whites hnled glass \16 sa898 • appearance <>Piion. elc • No 884717116 Mow o.1y • ··························~ •*Brand New '82 Chevy • ·~~"~~11!port Coupe! 1 • 111 cond AMIFM. radial St398 • • wholes. etc • No 5005'6946 Now 0.. e:-························~ • *Brand New '82 Chevy • • Camaro SDOrt Coupe! e Atr cond AM ~M 1111 • wtil Mled glass \16 s9499. • whites cove1s etc • No 4481 /7064 ...._ o.ty ~························!9 GM QuALIT'f )f~E PAQT'; ~·~~~ ...... ------------~--~----------~-"-1 =--'$ ' -1 • ~--------o-range __ c_o.1t __ CWL_v~P-L_ot_•_undll_~_.•~.~-~-''~·1_• ______ ....,.._.. ........ -.-~---~----------------~------~~ . s A L. E ISOSSJ •'7'712 Buy or lease for less at Jim Marino v.w.-1suzu. t-\t~ '82 RABBIT L Fully equipped with stereo. prep., 4 speed and more! SALE PRICE s5999 list Price '11,590 our D'scount 1,395 · SALE PRICE s9995 . '81 VW SCIROCCO S Loaded with alloy wheels. rear window washer & wiper, s speed, stereo cassette. sparts seats & more! List Price s9470· our Discount 101s SALE PRICE s9395 '81 VW JETTA Loaded with s speed, air., stereo, prep. List Price · $9055 our Discount 1040 s A '81 DIESEL COUPE Loaded with steel belted radials, pawer front brakes. aluminum wheels & more! Sticker Price s7064 our Discount 569 SALE PRICE 56495 . ' '81 P/U 4X4 Fully equipped with decor. pkg., ultra mirrors. power front disc. brakes, and more! • • .-Sticker Price 58358 our Discount 1163 S t-\t:~~-·91 l·MARK DELUX. DIESEL 4 DR. ~ Fully equipped with s speed trans., stereo. steel belted radlals, and more! IUOI •OJl57 ' Sticker Price our Discount 7839 844 SALE PRICE 56995 '82 P/U Loaded with ultra mirrors. tie down hooks. and much more! Sticker Price '6444 our Discount 849 SALE PRICE s5595 MEV, STUPID CAT, '(OU IT'S A TAPE REC-ORDIN6 KNOW WHAT THl5 IS? TO MELP ME-RELAX, AND 60 lO SLEEP... . ''CLOSE YOUR~eves •• LIE BACK .. FEEL THE TENSION LEAVE VOUR BOP'(" '''(OUR 1DES ·ARE MEAW .. '/OUR ARMS ARE.HEAW .• VOUR 80t'V IS MEAW-. II ' NANCY \(_you -ARE NOW ABOUT TO ENTER A PEEP SLEEP-A DEEP PEEP SLEEP ••• II ' •HClllTI OF COURSE, VOU WOULDN'T NEED IT BECAUSE VOU SLEEP ALL .. THE TIME ,.. ANYWAV! OH, DEAR-· I'M vETTING A TOOTHACHE AND OUR DENTIST IS OUT OF TOWN FOR 1112 ~Future Syndleete, Inc. OH, DEAR --WHY DID I EVER COME TO THIS PLACE ~ THE WEEKEND NON I FEEL WORSE THAN EVER YIUI 11111111. llllY PIPll ''WE ARE ASOUTTO ENTER A STATE OF COMPLETE RELAXATION II By Ernie Bushmiller l'LL GO IN HERE --MAYBE I'LL FORGET MY TOOTHACHE f) I i I I J • y The Shadow of a Doubter -YOV OON'T 1 DON'T KNOW YOU LIKE ME . WELl. ENOU'1H TO 00 YOU I LIKE OR Dle>L.IKE SAM ? YOU' ~ . "1UM. QUTEA • LCG»J' 'Qai ... ( \ a ,,, ,,, $ W HEN 5AM TAKES l.INOA MAY·TO LUNCH .5HE ORDER5 A COCKTAIL &IT DOWN ! WE'RE OOIN(; TO 5'TOP Pl.AYIN(; (;AME& f YOU CAMe '1'0 MY OFFICE ANO TOL.D ME YOU MAD THE-AFTERNOON OFF' THEN YOU TOLO ME YOU JU&T TOOK OFF: • GARF'IELP/ WMERE ARE YOU? 5AM, l DON'T KNOW WHAT'S WRONCJ ~'VITH ME ! OOMETHINC,'6 HAPPENIN(; TO MY MIND! PLEA~E. HELP ME! . . . -. . .. ' . ' . FUNKY WINKERBEAN ... FEAiURING SONGS 8',> suc.H A~6T~ A5 mou.y HmtHET' AC-DC. I LED Z£PPBJ N VA~ HAL.EN AND MAN4> ~E ! MOON MULLINS 1J.f 15 AL.BUM CAN~T BE FOOND IN AN<J 610~E5 PND lb ONL.t,> AVAi L..ABLE lMROOGH 1Hl6 5PE<:JAL lV OFFER! .. 00 BE SORE AND C.AL!l 555-12.1 l. 10DA'tl ... WHSRE1S !.ORD PLLJSHBOTTOM? IN IH"' l<ITCf-U:N, Ct..\PPING COUPONS ... NO,.-ICE! HOW e o-rH or--rHe Ke:"T'"CH UF'S H AVf: 1,..eAKeP ™R O UGH "1"0 "T'"He! "T"A &L..1! e>eL-ow ... Do You RE',ALLY SAVE A LoT BY USING · THOSE: COUPQNS, J..ORD p .. ? oH ,MY, 'IE:S ·'OVER IHE' '/E/>.RS I 'VE SAVED ENOUGH 10 PAY FOR ... FQf< ... 2 ' b Tom Batiuk to ORDER. t;()(JF( copq OF 'LAWRENCE WEL.K'S H€A'J(,) METAL FAUORITEt> '! rwrr~ 1555 -I ZI Z. .•• WELL ... A PAIR OF Goop SCISSORS! 1lle Greatest Sook Ever Wti tten ~Drabble ~MM ... l'M Off 1"0 A ~000 ~1'AR'f, 8U'f WAA'f 00 I wR1fE NE~'f '? \ \ 2 l LI ID B 1.- £ v· -6 I bet -i~ WHAi A PRE1'TY A..OWfR! WIU.. '1:)0 GET 11 FOR ME, L-IMPIP L-IZAR'7? OKAY, MINNIE ••• ,; : t i ... ! ., WE CAN'T ! W~ SCHE'OULED i:-oR A LIVE ~NOSY C,,.,..,..' 5F'OT AND IT'5 TOO LAie TO CHANGE! WE'~E COMING 10 '<0\J IN A MINUTE AN(/ IHllZTY SECON'7.S! ~UT IHERE~ NOTHING MERE!! 0 i I ... : s i ~ 2 1 1 • OOQ ROMA~TIC 1~1l!Qt.uOES. AR£ 6ECOMllJG MORE L..11<e lllli~ P'1DUWf•lf~I .. . . . HOLD 11/ DON'T COME L.IVE TO ME! THE~'S 13EEN A MIS TAKE: THE~e:·s NO UKRAINIAN EGfr DECORAl•NG FAIR HERE AT T Hf:. UKRA.INIAN HAL.L.' TWO .•. ONE. •. 't!)()'R£ ON.' PICTURE IF= YOU WIU-••• ' - .. .. -- .. . ~GORDO VOtJ S>roULO KNOW SV NOW1 SOWeER, . . ~~IALL'I Wi 'EAJ RE iA llSNAl6SANCE SPIOE:R1 LIKE. M'ISl:LF/ For Better or For Worse . Gus Arriola L n Johnston ......-----....~-....... Cf\N WE. SEE.. -i14E. DONUTS you BOUGHT, MoM? .. --.. -• •• !\-• PLEASE? PLEE.EEf\SE.? CANWEHA'/E ONE'? HALF ~~ E.AC.H? NO. THE'/ ARE. R>R.~ D\NNE.R-AND( THATS '11-iAT. MARlNE ROOM I l • I ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT • S. IA _,,_. ee • Newa of this incredible .,Fat Oxidizing" Diet Plan -la apreading like wildfire~ •• Fanta•tic teatimonials and teat reaults are continually pouring int· The Amazing MAXIMUM-LOSS Capsule Diet Plan- ., So Awesome in its Attack on Fat Deposits ... Noticeable Results are GUARANTEED! The diet plan of the 21st century is here today. It's the incredibte MAXIMUM-LOSS Fat Oxidation Diet Plan with the once-a-day MAXIMUM-LOSS Diet Capsule. News of this power-packed diet capsule plan is rapidly sweeping America. And it's no wonder ... the remarkably fast MAXIMUM.-LOSS Plan has been developed to trigger within your body a high speed fat oxidation (fat burning) process that literally attacks fat deposits 24 hours-a-day. It's the MAXIMUM-LOSS Plan's relentless minute-by- minute. · .. hour-by-hour assault on fat that produces the most mind boggling weight loss results ever imagined. By constantly destroying stored fat and flushing away excess fluids, your body actually oxidizes fat up to 10 times the speed of boring exercise. down into over 450 active and specially time-released beads. . . that release continuously all day long to control hunger. When you ta~e this amazing capsule and follow the MAXIMUM· LOSS Diet Program, calorie intake is reduced to provide for ultimate fat destruction. Relentlessly -minute-by minute. . . hour-by-hour your body is forced to Oxidize (burn) fat at an incredible rate. Fat deposits are constantly being attacked every day ... even while you sleep. Fat simply doesn't stand a chancel PAM RICHARDS (ABOVE): ''Wlrtn a /ritnd took this pictun oJ, my husband and mt. . .I wtltlrtd a wltoppint U5 lbs. I lrod tritd just about euerythln,g to lou weizlrt, but nothlttt stt~d to work. Thtn I tritd tht MAXIMUM -LOSS Copsuk Ditt Plan ... " Yes, so awesome at carving away clinging layers of fat. .. you can witness truly remarkable results with lightning speed. Imagine ... stepping on your scale and realizing you have lost as much as: By following this remark· able Fat Oxidizing Plan ... you'll feel more energetic PAM RICHARDS (RIGHT): .. Tltt MAXIMUM· LOSS Ditt Plan worbdfosttr than I tvtr imatintd. Tltt first wttlc olont I dropped 16 lbs., and I wtttt on to /ou 115 lbs. in rttMd tlmt. My husband trnls mt lib 11 MWlywtd attlin. " • 7 Lbs. in Just 3 Deya 16 Lbs. in Just 1 Week 24 Lbs. inJust2Weeks starting the very first day. And one of the best things about the MAXIMUM-LOSS Plan is how your hunger is controlled. HU"'GER IS EFFECTIVELY CONTROLLED *You can thrill to losing so much weight in such a short period of time, that people who haven'ueen yeuin a while The MAXJMUM-LOSS Capsule Plan effectively controls won't even recognize you ... and when they do ... you hunger. Constant hunger simply does not interfere with simply overwhelm them, wi~,h your. new thin. aur.-ctlve your weight loss progress. As your weight begins to figure. That's exactly wh~n happitned to P.am Richards, p{ummet down,. you should use your good judgement and one of our best case h~tories. Of e&.;rse results may vary. not let yourself become too thin. It is very important to eat depending largely on how much you are over your ideal properly. A nutritious diet plan is an fmportant partDf the weight. Make no mistake. this incredibly fast non-stop fat to~al MAXIMUM-LOSS Program. Yes ... the MAXIMUM- oxidation process is one of the most sure-fire fat slasrunu LP~S Plan triggers ULTIMATE_ FAT D~SJ'RUCTION ... developments ever I . • Yes, thanks to this m~ical science w~nd~r ... you can at And you'll be experiendng more than just incredibly ·. last conquer your old ene":'ies of the past ... Ra~enous fast weight loss. With the amazing MAXIMUM-LOSS Fat hunger ... and that madden mg urge to constantly tuck and Oxidation Diet Plan .-Inch Loss Is Absolutely Fantastic. snack. Instead. you'll feel satisfied ... and in control of your Check your tape measure as you lose up to: appetite, even while your body is oxidizing excess fat by 8" Off Your Waist ' 4" Off Your Thighs 7" Off Your Hi s Yes, dramatic. . . truly visible results are just spectacular! But the amazing thing of course ... is the pure simplicity of how this remarkable fat destruction process all begins. Yes -the ease of this medical science fat oxidation program is a true wonder. HOW THE MAXIMUM-LOSS FAT OXIDATION PLAN WORKS T.,e Program starts by taking just one super-powerful MAXIMUM-LOSS capsule in the morning. Within minutes after taking your first MAXIMUM-LOSS Capsule ... you'll begin to feel its awesome effectiveness. Within your body the MAXIMUM-LOSS Capsule breaks If YOU IUD llOTI-lLSI, IUD T1IS The Maximum-Lou Did Plan is an extremely fa st and effective means to conquer obesity. It causes you to lower calorie in take which is essential to the rapid red1Jction of fat and body we ight. Na turally, the incredible resulti5 ,... .... -....,; ____ ...;:;;_. described above may not be achieved solely through the use of the capsule. You must follow the entire Maximum-Loss Diet Plan to achieve the fastdt 'results. Even chouah the plan causes people 10 drop pounds and ahrink inc;hcs rapidly. it is still safe. However. before beginning this or any other weight loss program. you should check with your physician to make sure you are in normal health. Individuals bcina treated for high blood pressure or depression or who have heart disease. diabetes or thyroid disease should only ust·as <tirected by their physician. t a 2 the hour. PROVEN SAFE Doctors and Medical Experts all across America are hailing the remarkable MAXIMUM-LOSS Diet Capsl:Jle Formula as The Best Diet Aid Evert And it's no wonder ... in numerous clinical tests it has been proven thoroughly safe time and time again. In one such clinical study, dieters who took the MAXIMUM-LOSS Capsule Formula lost TWICE the weight as other dieters. People from New York to Los Angeles who have tried the MAXIMUM-LOSS Capsule Plan are overwhelmed by its remarkable effectiveness. The MAXIMUM-LOSS Plan has been proven by scores of the most stubbornly overweight people. ~ow it's your turn. EXPERIENCE ULTIMATE WEIGHT LOSS In virtually no time at all you'll begin to experience the rewards of your fast weight toss. Imagine ... receiving compliments from your family and friends almost every day. And as you walk down the street ... or through a store -you'll feel a new sense of pride and increased self· confidence. And that's just the beginning! 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Check Quantity Desired 0 Full 21 day supply ......•..•.•.•.• only S 5.95 (plus 35d postage & handling) 0 Full 42 day supply •.•. SAVE $2.001 ...• only S 9.95 (plus 55d postage & h1ndling) 0 Full 63 day supply .•.. SAVE $4.001. ..• only $13.95 (plus 75" postage & handling) Total amount enclosed$------------ CHECK 0 Cash, check or money order (Make checks pey1ble to Richelieu Ph&rmacals.I ONE 0 Charge my: 0 Master Charge 0 VISA Account No.----------Exp. Date---- Neme ______________________ ___ Address----------!-'------~~--~· City Stitt ----- RlcheU'eu ,Pharmecala , • ~ 10 Richelieu Pe.a. Dept. T-826 ... ; :) ~ Canton._.thlo 44710 ___ _ ------------~­:.,. Daily Pilat January 31, 1962 ·' ------------=======~================~~~~~~---~ I I HALEIGH GH I I THEfTl 5em 1119~ •a,..... ID ~/WI.." F1lmlly WMkly, 941 LellllglDn Ave. N9w 'fblk. N.Y. 10022. W.'ff pey S5 for ~ Q!Altionl Sorry..,. can't .,_.., oflef'I FOR DONALD 't REGAN, S.0ftWV of the Treeaay Wll ...._ ru. evs come down bllow .. 10 ,. ..... lewl7 w... .... pr.- ....................... the~ID­ .... OD It cmt .... '.,,...? -LO.B .• S....Fe.N.M. • It Is simply Im~ to predict the exact Interest-me level that will be reached. However. Interest rates have Gouemment Indebted to public. fallen rapid)y since Oct. 1 and I expect them to dedlne even further In the months ahead. As of Sept. 30, 1981, the pubk debt outstm ldS-ig was $997. 91:6xl. The Interest on the public debt totaled $95.6 billion. Using a Census Burau population esdmam of 230 m8on people In the U.S .. the per<apb interest cost on the public debt was $416 during fiscal year 1981. FOR DIANA NYAD, swimmer. spor1SCat1Rr and aushor ol 8'* Training For ~ WI.-..._ !i1C* booll .-::W? -M.G .• 1..11* Rock. Ark. • Of al the fttness books published during the last decade, few have demonstrated~ research in- to female physiology. Even fewer have been written by people who know about fitness through decades of pro experience. I wrote this book with the care of a coach preparing her inexperienced team. FOR Ol.EG CASSOO. fashion c1a1gncr Did JIGa --.ch..,.... abet lopped? Ha. ........ ...... .,..... a.ll out .... the d ........ try to u.p It a -=nt? -S.A.. ~ N.Y. • I was Into men's denim suits In 1965. and there was not much rapon.se because the public w.-i't ready. Then other people got tnto It (Ralph Lauren for one) and It became more acceptable. Trends start by gc:i9llp In designing room and fashion drdes'; FOR .10D1 ntELEN, _. ol FOii Friends ...... )lllMI....,. ..... -........ In,.... do JIO'I ...... cCM1Jf •11' al -ID w? -.l.H., n.t. .... • Yes. I have five older brothers, so from the start I felt more at home with boys. In fact. I've always had an cntounge of men. and just one dose girl friend whom I've known for 15 years. I prefer men because they're &as sensitive. FROM ntE •ASK'" EDn'OR Middle age ls bad news nccording to John Ch....llcg He cals It "the time you do more and more things for the last time -and less and less things for 1he first time," His solutk>n? Winstead of caD• Ing "myself 54, ru use the Celsius tcale, which makes me 12." ... Meanwhile, Du RadMr has in~ the prob- lem of identifying anchor men ai large gatherings: 1'hey're the ones wtth the dazed looks eveiy time the conversation wanders away &om themselves." . . . DiMlep Moon denies the gorgeous sable he gave to Suean Anton was an engagement present ("I'm staying single." he declares) .... Prtnce. 0.... is trying hard to cure her addiction to bubble gum . . . . When Alice F• and Don Ameche rub shoulders on the Feb. 14 Night of the JOO Scars spectacular. aired from Radio Ctty Music Hall, It will be the first time they've WOfked to· gether since 1940 when they made the movie L/Jlian RuaeU . . . . hul Newmu, currendy starring In Absence of Malice, will dnct a revival of A Strukar Named Daire. starring his better half, .-..... Wood- ward .... \Nord comes that actress Terry Moon has brought a $35-mlllion suit against llowmd ....,_.s estate because she claims she was married to him at the time of his death. She's also comlng out with a book (Howard Be Thy Name) In Con nay which she 11 tel aD about her "late spouse's,. sexual antics and power plays .... Se.an eo.-,,·s 18-year-old son,.._, is treading In Dad's footsteps -he's given himld the ~n light on an acting career . . . . How does a starlet react to meeting a superstar for the first time? Rogrime's Deb- bie Alen was a bundle of nerves waiting to get her ftnt gllmpee of ........, ~ Recalls Debbie, MMr, Kboduiard Cagney was in his short terry bathrobe when we were Introduced and I~. 'He has the pcettiest legs I have ever seen."' . . . With three major lllnesaes behind him. Sir Uurenc:e Olvler, 74. has no lnten· tlons of retiring: "l'U keep working because I like it. and I need the money. I'm a dreadful spender and don't .,,, know the meaning of the word 'save ....... Ala.Mdlr AndrwMa, 40, dumped by a..... On.-. for Russia's 5-1111 Kllmov, closed that chapter of his Ide by marrying another heiress: M.r.a. Oppaheim. Allen daughter of a London financier. PRO a..t. Urtna •en. AMOCWv edrninlllrator for Tnilk SIMty ProsJems, N.tional Highway TrafBc Saffty Admtnllndon PROAflDCOfl CON o., ... v. l..wwv Haldi ....... (R.-Md.). member. Judiciary Committee Should Drfwn Be RHc.ted Pfriodlcally? .... .-.. ........ ...--.··-·.,.,a. ...... ..... '41 l9111111111AM.--.M.Y ltlft ... lllrlltllr ... ..... It is unnecasary and admlnistertng such a Pf<9M1 would be prohbl- tivefy cosdy. I also am conccmed that 9eflior dUzens could be un· necessarily deprived of their only means ol transpcxtadon. ap«ialy In rural and suburban ..... If they wen IUbjmed to M overly llrin· gent tat. I belew the mator cam ol people beconm..a unftt to clrM ...... ~­ Maryland akeedy ~ v'*>n tats upon NMWlll ol one's U-ewry four years . I I I I How Strom Thunnond Exercises Power At 79, and with hia G. O.P. controlling the Senate, Thurmond no longer wreatlea nor wrangle. hia colleague. Into •ubmialon. He'• learned that polltfa fa, Indeed, the fine art of persua.ion. By Allon Dodda Fronk Fl t 79. Senator Strom Thurmond has done what few men his age have been able to do: He has changed hls ways. Aher 28 years in the Senate, the South Carolina Republican finally has power, rather than mere Influence. over his colleagues and the country. And hls whole style of doing things seems different . No longer does Thurmond wrestle a fellow senator to the floor as he did in 1964 when he pinned then· Senator Ralph Yarborough of Texas in a publk hAllway rather than yield to a plea to attend a committee meeting on a civil-rights bill. No longer does Thurmond oppose a bill by talking continuously on the Senate floor for 24 hours. 18 minutes. a record for filibusters that still stands. These days. Thurmond works be· hind the scenes. meeting senators in the cloakroom. smoothing out poten· tial disputes and scheduling legislation with the Republican leaders. If a com· mlttee fight is about to erupt. Thur· mond temporarily adjourns the meeting. takes the quarrelsome sena· tors aside and explains In his courtly fashion that some other. more polite way can be found to settle the Issue. Why the new man? It is due In part to President Reagan's victory in 1980. which swept a Republican majority into the Senate for the first time since 1954 Before the election. Thurmond was thinking of retiring. of spending more time with his 35-year-old wife and their four young children. But because of the change ln majority. Thurmond replaced Senator Edward Kennedy. a Democrat. as chairman of the Senate Judklary Committee. generally regarded as more Important than any other committee except Rules and Appropriations. With his new power. Thurmond finAUy has begun exercising his will and slyly utilizing all the subtle (and not-so· subtle) lessons he learned while losing hundreds of )egis&etlve battles. Now Allon Dodd• Fronlc. a former Washington Ster nodonal sialf rtpof1e•. now wrlau for Fori>a. he's even contemplating running for re~lection In 1984. "There are lots of things to do." says Thurmond. "You can't undo everything the Democrats have done in 28 years in Ju.st one or two years. But we're turning this thing (the coun· try} around." Thurmond. as the senior member of the Judiciary Committee. also en· joys the privilege of serving as ?resi· dent Pro Tempore of the Senate. In addition. he is a ranking member of the fourth-ranking committee. Armed Services. and gains clout from his spot In the Senate leadership. Among Republicans. Thurmond has served the longest. And he has the ear of the Presi- dent: He meets with Reagan two or three times a week, and calls him when the need arises. Thurmond has surprised some Senate observers with his flexibility. his recently found moderate stance (once widely viewed as an ardent seg· regationlst. he is now regarded by some as a moderate pragmatist.I and his even-handed treatment of Demo- crats and )unior senators in commit· tee. Says Senator Paul Laxalt. the Nevada Republican powerhouse who is the ?resident's best friend in the Senate: "He has been very responsi· ble and it was a great surprise to a lot of us. but he hasn't been the least bit arbitrary. - An example of the Senator's effec- tiveness: When Sandra Day O'Con- nor was confirmed by the Senate as a Supreme Court Justice. no one voted against her. thanks largely to Thur· mond. By permitting Senator Jere· miah Denton. a freshman Republican from Alabama. 10 voke his concerns before television cameras In commit· tee about O'Connor's stand on abor· tion. Thurmond secured Denton's promise that he would not blemish the committee's record by votlng "nay." fnstead, Denton voted "present" in committee and. after another dose of Thurmond's Southern persuasion. voted "ay" on the Senate floor Thurmond says he listened ex- tensively to Denton and talked sohly to him. "I explained to him that the people of the country wanted a lady." says Thur· mond. "and that the President had nominated this particular lady because she IS well qualified. If you talk to people in the right tone and the right way, they see you 're not trying to pressure them, to Impose your will . In Thurmond. wife Nancy and children (from le~). Nancy Moore. Julie, Paul. Strom 11: Some say Nancy, not Strom. will run for his Senate seat In 1984. other words, you persuade them." This wasn't always Thurmond's ap· p roach, however. During his nearly three decades on the poUtical side- lines, he most frequently made his mark either as a cantankerous maverick (he switched from Democrat to Republican ln midcareer to support his friend Barry Goldwater for Presi· dent ln 1964) or as an unyielding symbol of the Old South His special combination of wildness and political savvy shone through. partkularly in his personal life. In 1947. while beginning his term as Governor of South Carolina. the 45-year-old Thurmond shocked his constituents by marrying J ean Elko. a 21-year-old bobby-soxer who at the time was president of the senior class at Winthrop College in Rock Hill. S .C . The marriage took. and the first Mrs. Thurmond proved to be an adept campaigner who became im· mensely popular before dying of a brain tumor in 1960. Again. in 1969. Thurmond left many people stunned -and brought tears to the eyes of old men every- where -when. against the advke of his political advisers, he married Nan- cy Moore. a 22-year·old former Miss South Carolina. "Some of my ad- visers said it would be polltkally damaging for me to marry this young beauty queen." recalls Thurmond. "There were headlines all over the country about the Senator marrying a bathing beauty." But again. Thurmond had chosen well . "Politically. 1 think people just trusted me... the Senator remarks. "They took a wait-and-see attitude. As time went by, Nancy began to win them over fast . Now she is extremely popular in South Carolina and Washington." So popular has the smart and pretty Mrs. Thurmond become that many people believe she. not her' husband. will be the 1984 Senate Republican candidate in South Carolina. Regardless of whose name wUI ac· tually be on the ballot. Nancy Thur· mond Is her husband's biggest sup· porter. "Aher Strom had been here 28 years. to suddenly have the Repub· llcans In the majority was a great renaissance. a new beginning," she explains. "He Is very enthusiastic. He sees many of the thi~ he's been preaching all these years -bke the limited use of power at the Federal level -being Implemented .~ Not everyone is Impressed. To Thurmond's attics, all this new power simply means the Senator is more of a menace than ever. As chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. he presides over the most wide-ranging • forum for the politics of the "New ! (eontfnl#d on poge 7) I I I I ·-~ .... ~""",.. ... ~···1 v.4'¥'•...,..,-· ... ~-••••••• , __________________ _ Scne204 Now Use the attached coupon and save 20¢ off too boxes of KLEENEX® Brand Facial Tissues 200's Sale up to s4oo by Mail Receive s4oo in KLEENEX Facial Tissue coupons [16-25c coupons) or 5200 in cash when you submit 9 proofs of purchase from KLEENEX Brand Facial. Tissue 200's ,------------------------------------------------OFFICIAL REFUND REQUEST: , .,,, encloeing nine (91 Product Code Symbols and ·· 0 Kimberly-Name _______________ _ Clark Corporati0!¥' symbol and words from Kleenex· facial tissues '"'-l'llflll 200'1 as detailed In the Official Rules Address ________ Apt. No. _____ _ Pleaae send me: (Check One) Ill City Stat z· 0 M.001n ooupona-16 at 25C each. -----e ____ •P--,R-_,-,-llld-, - good on future purchases. Q OFFIOAL RULES:· _u:;:._ • OR 1L'9.llbCl:ig•t&W't••~· "'OOUCTCOOf 0 $2.00 In oaah MAIL TO: IU.EENU • n.u. Refund Ollilr P.O.Boatm TWO BOXES of KLEENEX® Brand Facial Tissue 200's aO'ilON lJIM one covcion per purcNle Good~ on RUDml,..... ,,_. 2 BOXES Any ocrw ute • treudullnl , __________________ _ --- 99% tar free. The pleasure is back. BARCIAY Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. Strom Thunnond lcontlnu~d {tom pog~ 4) Right.~ those bent on oudalol/ing abor· tion, Instituting severe )all terms for criminals, weakening clvO-rights laws and changing scores of other laws. "From a civil rights and cMI liberties point of view, he remains a substantial threat," says John Shattuck, national legislative director of the American Civil Uberties Union. "I'm afraid I can't give Senator Thurmond even quietly good marks, but he's fair. He knows to be open with people. then vote them down ." • There are many who work for the Democratic minority on the Judiciary Committee who believe Thunnond Is changing things drastically. They argue that he's not really a new man. but that. being powerful. he can af. ford to appear gracious and above the fray. Thurmond's committee Is indeed an important one. The power to ex- amine the constltutionallty of almost any bill gives Judidary a broad hold on legislation. Thunnond referees the battleground for some of the most ex· treme senators of both the polltiatl left and right. He could make the com· mlttee his soapbox. but has refrained from much grandstanding so far. He has been content to stt in the middle. controDing the docket and carefully monitoring the pollticaJ drih of the Senate and the country. When "the former Iconoclast directs his committee. he focuses on diminishing the power of the Federal Government, which he regards as dangerously out of control. "The Federal Government has gotten into every facet of people's lives and IS go· Ing into areas where it doesn't really have the authority," he says. "Gov· emment ts best when It is closest to the people. It now takes a 20-percent toll to get the [tax) money up here and send it back to help them." B ut as long as the Federal Gov· emment Is handing out money a nd he can't stop it. Thurmond makes certain that his constitu· ents get their share of the pork barrel. As a chairman. Thurmond tries "to avoid the necessity'' of getting In a public tussle with gadfly membets who behave as he once did. He understands their motives. though. because "when you're not a chair- man. you do more freelance." He claims he would still filibuster If necessary but smUes ~dly to in· dlcate that having power enables one to work more quietly. "Probably now." he says, "l would be able to get others to cooperate." Though he cut the Judiciary Com· mtttee staff considerably when he took over. Thurmond sttU has more than SO staff members in his Senare and committee offices. He runs a loyal. hard-working team that pays at- tention to details, like sending per- sonaJ letters from the Senator to every couple In South Carolina whose 25th wedding anniversary is mentionec! in a hometown newspaper. Thunnond also attends to detaOs at home. where he frequendy discusses politics with his wlf e after they have put the chUdren (Nancy Moore. 10: Strom fl, 9: Julie. 7, and Paul. 6) to bed. "Strom has a lot of energy.'' says With Justice Sandra Dov O'Connor: His maneuvering made her confirmation unanimous. Nancy Thurmond. "Even when he was a solo vote. a 'naysayer' so to speak, it didn't dampen his spirits or his ,Joie ck ulure. He's committed." Thunnond and his wife skillfully work the Washington social whirl. where many decisions are made away from public view. Comments Mrs. Thurmond. "We're not a part of the ;et-set social scene, but there Is a great deal of communication that goes on, not only between the legislators thermefves but between the legislators and Administration members and diplomatic members. Debate and decision are influenced by friendships. and I guess debate and decision would affect the outcome. which is power." The nearly year-round schedule of the Senate and the high cost of air· fare mean that the Thwmonds spend most of their time at their Mclean, Va .. home rather than at Thurmond's voting raidence In Aiken, S :C. The Senator jogs every morning and the chOdren follow him on their bikes. Thurmond says his secret for a long, happy life Is simple: Once he's dealt with a problem. he simply puts It aside. "l just do the best I can and don't worry about It," he says. ''When it's time to go to bed, I go right 111111 to sleep.'' ILi fAMllY WHllLY, J..,uery 31. tm • 1 .......... Th~ Sa/IN ... lush. pluth velour pull- owr goes with almOlt anything,. any- time. anywhere. Elegant stand-up collar with V-~ softly shlrnd at the lhoulder . .,_ roll cuff tMf'leJ and shlmail hem. 80% Cotton~ PolyaW: m.chine wuhable. U. m..-66. PlnJi. 76. Cream-30. and~ Greea-71. MJSSES SIZES: .... __ ................. _ S(f.JOJ. #(U -J4) . . .., --1n L(J6-JI). WOMEN'S SIZES Sl-4'::.•2r SATISFACTlON GUARAJH!ED .OR MONEY BACHI FOR FAST II you·rt not P'ERSOHAI.. SERVICE GompleWy dtllght~ 14 -.... • My wtth yow purch&M I } 7~, .. ~ -•tanydme.lorany l'i; _ · CAU (602) 747-SOOO ruson-JUA rttum 1110 ....;;;;:~-~~:!::;:::::;~.,.... chutt °""" 0tilv us for• fun fl.st refund '-----~------------~------ ------.---------.:..--·--------" •FllVP •flJVS COLOll NISSU .,_,,.. TV '1tK1 l'CAME------------------------~s-"""'' .__ ____ .._ ____ .._ __ __... __ '---____ _. 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ADOAESS I I N.Y. s..,......., ...-. 11111 .__ CITY STATf m__ I £lldollO Is '---JI\ Cllldt • ..., .. --~ UMfTB CUST. IBW.1'1'111HIU I I .,..IOHORANELSON ..................... I I s.to: _ _,...._EJ,., I !..!!..-----~~'!!-~!"~~:!'!----~~~ W(SJCHlllY snun1 ... II fill ctlM Check rlte1e quality Jeature1: .TWS TOIOllOW'S WEATHER TODAY! .PIECISIDtl IHIWt CLOCK IOYEIDIT .f llE HAIDIDOD CASE .llCHL Y HAllD PAlllTED .CUCKOOS EVHY QIAITO HOUR 50 MILE POWER BINOCULARS tlOtlPllSIATIC lEtlSES ! 3--IATHROOM PLAQUBI EACH ONE IS FRAMED IN REAL WALNUT FllSHED WOOD! AS LOW AS s1?.~ II SUS OF FOii! EACH ONE IS A Iii 5%" x 4%" ~ I l I Investment Tips F1om Paul Samuelson By m.,,.. Spaeth Euay /omlly wonts a IO/e way to ln/follott·PfOO/ its hord-eal'JVd nest egg. But becouM tlwrc en so many in~ opCions tA'Clllable today, it can be dt/ffcut to tea which one bat sub Vol' needs. F« 10me c:oncme gtdddna, f AML V WEa<L Y apob to \ .. ~. Sam~lson: Tab teock and~. Dr. Paul A. Sam~lson. profaa« of economb at M.I. T. Dr. Samuelson ~ tlte NoMi Memorial Priae In Economic Science in 1970 and hos been aw~ dorens of other major prizes, fellowships and honorary degrfts. His experience ~ a pro· fa1/JCK, ~. wrU7 and con· tultant to almoa euery Praident since ~ War II has proukled him c.orh an ~#lent perspec;llw on lnuatlng. Q: Dr. ~· tf a family has a faw thoullnd dc8s sawd. but Ill membes are not ftnandal exparts, what's the 98Rlible way for It to Invest? (Awuming that the money Is for future tm -down~ on a house, colege, aedlement.) A: My advice is to cliuersl/y. Don't put aD your eggs In one basket, however good tt may be. Do three things: One. hold a nest egg on deposit at your local savlngl and ~ bank, but get a NCN1 account: one that pays you lntmat .-1 ... I.a you wrtte dMCks tlO pay your bLlla. What funds you don't need for monthJy tranMC· lionl, Invest In cet:lftcates ol d8posit [the most popular varieties n1f9! &om sb< months to two-and-a-half yars). The mk'llmum lnW!lb'TM'nt Is about $500, although It varies. The return now is about double the Interest rate for a pm1book savtnga account. :rwo, buy common ltocks thr~ mutual funds. [Thae are large funds, set up by brokerage houses, which are Invested In the common Slock ol many companjes. By buying IMres In a mutual fund, you can hold a gratm' v~ of stocks than you could ~ ably hold individually and tt.. is -riA< of loss because YoUr ln\1'85bnent ls dlversified.) Three. get top lntere!t rates from one of the sewn1 large money mnr· ket funds. Your Investment ls 100 per· cent Jiquid -cashable on demilnd - "and you can draw on It overnight if you need It fof an emergea K:Y- Q: How shoukl a family divide b savings among these opHons? A: No one can dictate the magic pauportions. It depends on the famiy's to&erance for risk and reward. Penonaly, my ~ Is lnftntion. So for me, the prudent mix Is d\il; 50 peroent In no4oad (no saJia commis- sion) common 5lock mutulll fundl: 30 percent In large money market fwlds, and m perClnt In an inll.nd t.lk deposit. (U you don't sleep well at night. you might put a thkd In each of these areas.) This nq,e won't make you rich overnight. but it should be recession-proof. Q : What about the new ··All Severs" certificates? A: Forget the MAD Savers" c.ertifl. cates If you're single, unless your In· come Is over $20,000. For a couple, even If each partner is earning that much, they hawen't much to gain. [The intl!rest on .. Al SeY8i"S" ce· d8c:ates is tax·&. but uni.. you're In a high enough tax bradwt you may be better off with an Investment that Is taxAld but pays a hif#m yield.) Q: What .. some common lnvd· rMnt mistakes to avoid? A: The most tempting one Is put· ting aB of your nest egg ln a pa!ISbooM account at your local bank. These have been a rotten deal for 15 years. Why take 5 to 6 peroent lntennt-an· nually when prices are rtslng et 8 to 10 pecc1t a year. and you an git 10 percent Oft more with sat.ty? Q: How about savings bonds? Should a family be pealodc? A: These Mw IOng beat the MC· ond wont investment. Now the Gov· emment admits that and ls making plant-to Improve the Interest rates paki. Until It does. common sense says to pass them up. Q: Analy. how about Investing In gold? Or stamps? Or antiques? A: Only the few anartd and quick- est tmd up --In thole lnvelt-1'111 mentl. Why rilk your nat egg? ILi f'AlllllU' M.BU.Y. ~at, -•• ,..... ... .. ------·~apa•,....ICE•-----.... pnauc NO'llCE •2,160,000.00 GeMllwte Stone ae.r-nce .. aow. •5 .. c:anat Uatll .NI '•'•t. F~ 28• _.o..Me-..•ctr11f ................ Ill ---·---~--.. ---... ....., ...... IOf9UF'ME. Paole'aLllf.,_.._.,._tmd-eCllfll4'10f't .... __,IO._....I 1 1 I ,. ' 'p ..... Q.tlQ.OQO.OOleu 1 e dGenalll'9 ...,_......., ......... .., .... 1111o..-w~ . ..._ .... .._.., ' a •• .. •·1 ............ -. __.. 111 •• ,..._,°"'c.s ••Aueet · •u ••• · 1 .... a...... cf** ................... -,., ........... _., ... _. .. ...._ewe'' ............ Ml , ........... C.IF .... ...._._ ........... .....,~ ... ---Clllelputdw. -----------------------(]===: NlllleCMf.ity tal!ld.., IUnd1IDlslled. ""'1UIB QJniry _ -- caiac Sile ( ~2) --S10 llef ct , $_ _ 0 -QIJ1llD '911.J ..... 1ID ~ .. -Cdllllld !Wt ·is dlllld lar lllnlila. or ., llald as UDHhllUe. ~----16~--·--- D t••mllMETWnT ... DTl--~lllltlll ... ,.... ~-FW!yl.-illm ........ , , ... g:;;.i.IM01-- 5DSCl.=1--- S18t9, _____ z1p ..... ..,...,... __ _ .... Oefecfl lllld meil C.rtrtlcete l*o* dotr.d line t»lotw ••pll•tlott d•,.. --· You can't be turned down for this Insurance if you're 50 ta 80! PRIME LIFE 50 PLUS la ltfe Insurance protection that can be youra for the .. 1c1ng. Pl .... call toll-free or mall the coupon below for free lnfomurtlon. Not only I• no phyakal examlndon required. but the poHcy la actuelly IMUed to you without a aingle heelth quMtionl And, beat of al, the co.ti• just Sl.15 a monthl With PRIME LIFE 50 PLUS-life Insurance ... * Everyone age 50 to 80 la guenntMd ~I * TheN la no physicel u.nlMtion requlNdl • TheN .,. no hMlttt queMlona to llMwetl • Your policy bullda cnh vatu•I * Your beMftt doee not decneM aa you grow older! * Your premium wtll never 1ncr .... 1 Your protection can never be cancelled by the compeny aa long n you pay your pr9miuml An lmportllnt Opportunity for P90ple Over 501 PRIME LIFE 50 PLUS is a remarkable concept In lffe Insurance, the resuh of the effort Colonial Penn Life has devoted to meeting the insurance needs of mature people. Everyone age SO to 80 is guaranteed to be accepted during a guaranteed aoc:eptance period. And the cost is just $6.95 a month. ats a Month •.• For Gu8'8ntMd Ufe lnaurancel No matter what your age, your sex. or the condition of your healttl. you're guaranteed this protection for $6.95 a month. That's less than 25¢ a day. And, once you're enrolled, your protection will never decrease as you grow older and your premium will never increase. No lledlcal Ex.n ... No .......,. Oueetlonel You don't have to take a medical examination or answer any health questions to get this protection. We are able to guarantee your acceptance because benefits are reduced in the first two yean. We'll send you full details. along with your guaranteed acceptance application, by mall. . -- PwfUIWlt Ufe ~ Prot9ctlonl PRIME LIFE 50 PLUS is whole llfe Insurance. It does not decrease as you get older and cannot be canoefled by the company, as long as you continue your premium. 'rt>u're guatanteed this protection for llfe. llMUd by Colonlel Penn ur.-Reted A+ (Ex«*lent) PRIME LIFE 50 PLUS is undefwritten by Colonial Penn Life Insurance Com· pany, specialists in wving the llfe insurance needs of America's mature populatk>n. Colonial Penn is rated "A+" (Excellent) by the A.M. Best Company, a re- spected insurance reporting organization. This Is an indication of Colonial Penn's soundness, permanency and finandal stabitity. Act Now for FREE ""°""811onl 10 get Free Information about PRIME LIFE 50 PLUS In time to take adv~ tage of our upcoming guaranteed-acceptance period. please act before March 10th. Just mall the coupon below or call Toll Free 1-800-227-3900 (In CA 1·800-632·2122) any time, 24 hours a day. We'll send you Free Informa- tion by mail. No salesman or agent will visit you, and you witl be under no obligation. Even if you are not old enough for this insurance, you may wish to pass this information on to another member of your family or to a friend. WV A•ldlra: The PRIME LIFE 50 Pl.US Plen 8Vtlil.t>le In 'f04JI state will be delcribed in the lnbmlelon we wll Mtld you. NJ A11td1nta: Avllhble to ege 74 (mile) llnd n (femlle). M Autdenea: Av...,._ tor agee 55 to 80. NY A11td1nta: ~lo 9 72 (!Nile) Ind 75 ('9mllle). lrlfomlMiofl Wll be sent lo you by hnn...ica Ute ......... ~.• l'llembet d .. ColorUI P9M Group. AL, CT. GA, • ... llO A 11l d1 nta: W. will Mf'CI you W°""8tiorl lbolJt LIFE Pl.AN S5 Pl.US. -............ : Plen not-lllble in yCNt -·· IP. Colonial Penn Ufe ln5Urance Company ........ oac.. 5 """"c-,._ ~ "' 19111 • Licensed in 49 states, the District of Columbia, the Wgin Islands and Puerto Rico. Policy F=orm Seti•• 3·82·572 ....... """"'Coupon to: ColonW,.., Ute~ Compeny 4ee Devon Perle Dml9, Wayne.~ 19087 Or Call TOll·Free 1-800-227·3900 (In CA 1·800·832·21221 I am interested in PRIME LIFE SO PLUS insurance. pt .... tend me lmpor· tant information and an applicMion by mall. Also. please send me my FREE copy of "Your Social Security Handbooll." I understand no uleaman Of" agent will visit and I wm noc be obligated In any way. ~Ml Name ----.,...-----Diie of Birth ---"---'---1.,..._""'10 Mo. Day Yr Addf ... _____________ ~$ex __ _ Bald Can Be Beautiful By Suaon Gordon 0 n a Tonight Show ap· pearance last year, Burt Reynolds took plenty of people by surprise. Though self-assured and sexy as ever. there wu one big dJfference In his looks: i I Reynolds had a receding hairline. He candidly admitted that he had worn a toupee for years. but a director had encouraged him to retn<>ve it for a movie they were working on. U a man does have the gene. what can he do? Arst. the bad news: Ac· cording to the Food and Drug Admin · lstration (F.D.A.). no product on the mari<et that claims to reverse balding is effective. Amino acids, essential oils , protein and vitamins are all useless. In 1979 the F.D.A. closed down all bustnesMS that performed synthetic: hair Implants -the Implantation of colored fibers Into the scaJp -after investigating many complaints from consumers. The synthetic fi>ers were invariably re· jected as foreign objects by the scalp, which in many cases became seriously In· fected. Implants. however. should not be confused wtth hair transpiants (here's the good HlrslM ft ls:~ WIRfam Proxmire ~fore. news). which are a safa, during and •r his 1972' hair transplant. surgical method of pet'· manentJy replacing hair. Hatr By taking it all off. Reynolds transplants were first performed 20 demonstrated three things: One. bald· years ago by Dr. Nonnan Orentrelch . ness can be sexy. Two. it's not unmas· a New York City dermatologist, and culine to wear a wig. Three, although the technique is now a routine offlce medical science has accomplished procedure performed by dermatolo· many mtracle.s. It has gone nowhere gists or plastic surgeons on patients In itS attempt to cure baldness. under a loc.al anesthetic. Small piece.s About half the male population can pf scalp, called punch grafts or plugs. expect to go bald to some extent. about four millimeters In diameter, are Male-pattern baldness (alopecta). the taken from the back of · the head typical male hair loss, begins wtth a where hair still grows and are then thinning of hair and eventually results transplanted to the top of the head. In a "fringe of Caesar," a ring of hair The procedure may Involve several above the ears and around the back sittings of an hour or more. Within of the head. ftve to seven days the patient can Male-pattern baldness Is an inherited shampoo. But It will take six months trait that can be pasaed on by either to a year before hair Is long enough parent, but becau.e It Is sex-limlteo -to style. cautions Dr. Carlton L. Car· the male hormone testosterone must penter Jr.. clinical professor of der· be present for it to take effect -1t matology at Louisiana State Uni- afflkts men. not women. Mbmen verstty School of Medicine. At about who Inherit the trait wt1l experience an $15 a plug transplants are expen- all-over thinning of hair but will not go sive. bald.) Certain conditions such as A similar procedure. a flap opera· streu or chemotherapy can cause hair lion. performed by some plastic sur· lo•. but this Jo. can be reversed. geons. Involves transplanting wide Male-pattan baldness cannot. strips of hair. but this surgery requires Balding takes p&ace as the hair f olll· hospttaliiatiotl . A hair piece Is a satis- des mtniatwiz.e, producing hair that's factory option for many men and much finer and shorter than before. It when made of human hair. it can look begins any time from the late teens very natural. Hair weaving is another until the age of 40. "If a man hasn't temporary approach. Human hair Is started to go bald by 40. he doesn't anchored with tiny knots to the hair have the gene for baldness, .. says Dr. that remains on the scalp. The pro- Vera H. Price. associate cllnical pro· cess must be repeated every two fe.a10rof dermatology at the Unlverstty months though, as the hair grows out. of California. San Francisco, and a Hair-growth research Is currendy pioneer In the study of hair io... being oonducted In the United States and Europe, and two drugs being s.-i Gonion 11 a I-lance wrltrr rpec....,.li devek>ped hold some hope for 1'111 ., ~.,.. slowtng down baldness. ~ I I I One Of The WortdsMost Loved Singing Stars! Jim ·· R••ws Lnt Chance! Songs Never Defore In A Jim Reeves TV Treasury HAVE I STAYED AWAY TOO LONG I LOVE YOU BECAUSE l'M A FOOL TO CARE IN THE MISTY MOONLIGHT MOONLIGHT AND ROSES (BRING MEMORIES OF YOU) OH WHAT IT SEEMEDTOBE TAKE ME IN YOUR ARMS AND HOLD ME YOU'LL NEVER KNOW MONA USA ITS ONLY A PAPER MOON CAROLINA MOON OH, HOW I MISS YOU TONIGHT ROOM FULL OF ROSES YOURS SWEET SUE, JUST YOU MEXICALI 'ROSE MARIE MARGaE THE SHIFTING WHISPERING SANDS AUF WIEDERSEH'N SWEETHEART His Exclusive New TV Album That's Sweeping America No singer who ever liwd has so touched the hearts of people all over the wor1d. Jim Reeves' popularity just grows and grows. It's so great today that a new Jim Reeves Museum has been opened in Nashville. And to celebrate the opening, this fantastic new Jim Reeves treasury is being offered on TY. Mrs. Jim Reeves proudly presents it to TV viewers. Here is your chance to get it. We believe it is the most beautiful Jim Reeves Treasury ever put together. These are NOT the Jim Reeves songs everyone already has ... but 20 all time favorites that have never been in any Jim Reeves TV treasury. See the list on the left. And hQw Jim sings them! As Mrs. Reeves says. "There'll never be another \40ice like his!" OFFER WILL NOT BE REPEATED If you don't play this beautiful album more than any you've ever owned ... and enjoy it more ... 1t won't cost you a penny. But please order yours now. It's not sold in stores at any price and we do not plan to repeat this advertisement in this publication . Mail the no- risk coupon today. MAIL TODAY• NOT IN STORES ----------------------•• Suffolk MarketJng, Inc., Dept. JR· 111 ; 1 360 Lexington Avenue 1 I New York, N.Y.10017 I I Pie ... ruah me "'-JIM REEVES album on )'OUr uncond1· I I lional guarantee that 11 must be the most beautiful album I I've ...,.., heard or you wm refund my puronase pnoe I IO I enclose $7.98. Send Record Album I I O I enclose $9.98. Send 8· Track Tape. I I 0 I enclose $9.98. 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He Mid .,,. couldn't eel Al firlt it .. -.y -but then. one night. cant accidenlfy meets the ,.., Karen and she finds hefseff caught in a part ihe ,... iitltelQ9d to pley. Noni Pict••~ AFMIRI OF 1lE HEART: When Def8k Thorpe oftefad Jeuica $20.000 to phoCograph his jungle epedition, she jumped at 1he chance. After all. she had photographed other Wildltte in their nelllrat habitat. But could the handle anything as wild as Derelc Thorpe? taking lhese~ romance-filled novels (AST value) by best-selli allthqrs F ,E M9l'y c.non-. SHAOOW ANO SUN: When Anna HMlpeon'a PAYMENT IN FULL: Fitted Britt IOOk the ••lgrment to CO't19f" Phillipe. she wtlh memoriee of hlif lcWing aftU in GIMce. w only trying ao eneu19 the COYeted staff 8w8h l9CUml to Cart Duris and finds him a pa.ition at La Rawe magazine. But soon she's diffentnt men: cruel, violent. almost pagan. twept -.y by an~ atbKtion and 6hatw s..ht torment Ind pwkJf\ • a IUddenly, nothing m1111ar.-not eYen the P9inful priloMt of kM on a remo1e Greek iNnd. knaw1edge of Phllllpel engagement. NO 09UGATION 10 IUY MY MOM llOOU. CAllCIL MYTm. .IUIT llM. COUPON TODAY 10: n.. ........... ~ 1• • ..,.. ........ ClftM, ft.J.11112 THE SILHOUETTE BOOK~ a 19111111 ed ~of Simon & Sdlulllf. .• __ ,,. -... . "".vtt-... ~· ' \ '~~ .. . ~ ): ~ ~ \ \\ ~' ' . ' ·-· ~"""-,~··"'""··· -------1 I \ .. FREEBOOK I I CEHI FICATE I I The SUhouenm Book Club I I I na 8rtul~....., ClllDn. N.J. mn2 I ._, piew send me FREE Md~~*'· "9 • m:i1ir'Q I ~ papelbedt Rom.nces c11ec:i~ 1his .,, Unleea )'O'.I I I heer from me lifter I r9C8N9 my • FREE . p1eae send me 8 ,.... ful.length. Sllhoueftt RomencM eo ~ Md't montt1 • I I IOOn • IMIY.,. published. I uildel•ld tt\11 )'O'.I will bill me lof )ult 5 ofhm •Si.75 .-11 (a eoc.i ofSl.75). wilh no •ll••••'llplrg. I I ......... -. ,...... dwgls. ni. 9ltl book• afweys mine I FREE fNe('I mond'I! I Ther8 is no minimum numbef of book& tNI I must buy. and I c:.-. I I c:.1Cll HI .,. lgl'llellt rtV time I wiltl. The lwst. FREE boo"8... I mine lo ~ tMf'I if I MWr take a single tlddilionel boOk. I I I Nifne,~~~~~~~~~~-I I Addrws,______________ I I Citt--------------------I I s...., ______ llp. _______ I I ~ (11 lrldlf 11. l*tnl or ouaroian must sign) I I °""' ,.,.., 10 OM I* houMl!old ...... July 31. 1912 I ~ luOllCl IO.,.. aftlr 11110. I llNDNO~-llAILCOW'ON10DAY fW•1Z.t8 I '-----------------· Eaa!I Tube Knitting ey Roaolyn Abrevoya K nit a dozen Items with one simple technique. Tube knitting is not only unusual, but also easy, requiring only that you know the basic knit and purl stitches. You can make hats. scarves. purses, eyegjaS6 cases. ~ soc.ks. mittens and gloves In a jffy. And when completed. tube , knitting Is just as pretty on the wrong skie as the right side. Scarves have always been easy to make, but the tube·knlt scarf Is special becauae It will lay flat, something that most handknit scarves refuse to do. You can tube-knit a T~ knit your chUd a long scarf-hat. a twin· peolced hat and mittens. peaked cap or a hat that's reversible -with each side a different color or solid reversing to stripes. You can also delight a ch1ld by turning a twin-peaked cap Into a "cat hat": Embroider eyes and some whlsken on one side and then tum the twin peaks sideways so that they resemble little ears. Complete Instruction~ for aD of the items mentioned. with photographs and lllu.strations. are available In the "Tube Knitting" booklet. 1 352. F°' your copy send $1.25 plus 25C poetZl9e and hand.ling to: FoMf)I Mielfy ~ P.O. Bax .C.V. Dept. C, ~ &adon. Ne. lbtt. N. Y. 10018 Be sure to include leaflet number, your name. address and ZIP code. (New Yori< State residents, please f!lll Easy-to-do Item': add sales tax.) llLI from PtJrM lo scarf. QUIPS & QUOTES ARMOUR'S ARMOURY What make. o happy m~d life. What maht a pafect pair? Wall. there are many thfngs a wife And huaband haue lo shore But If I had lo c~ just one, Their ta/Icing It would be. If both w...e talkers, I'd .ay noM Of that. Cll they'd IOOn .u. Bodi llwners? That I awr 8rlngs dullness and /rultratlott. A talker and a ~ner? The perfect combination. -Richard Armour Putting your money where your mouth is: On pov day. we olwavs houe a uery ~I. elegant and ex· pensive-dinner, starting off with soup -Cream of SaJorv. -RoMri~n The eve haw It: A man walked Into the office of the registrar to declare the birth of a son. ''The child's Christian name?" the clerk inquired. "Xrtrdcjkz. ~ replk!d the father. "Are you Slavic?" asked the clerk. curiously. / "Oh. no," answered the happy new father. 'Tm an optician." -Dorothea Kent 1HE EARLY BIRD GETS •• ? The trouble with being punctual la that when you omue. nine thna out of ten. nobody ii there to ~dote It -Thomas LoMonce l'AMILY WUltlY, .1_.,31, Im a 1S Sadat Peace Coin January 1982. Pbila· delpbi&. lMM announc- ed today the release for sale of one of the rarest and moa important silver coins 10 have been mimed in recent history. The Sadal ~Coin-'11UCk in . 720 fine silver and measuring a large crown size 35rnm -was issued as legal tender in 1980 by the Egyptian GovemmenL Struclc for peace, in commemoration of the Camp David Accord, where the Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel was signed on March 29, 1979. Moreover. the coin honors Egypt's Nobel Priu winning presi· dent. Anwar Sadat. with a magnifi- cently decmJed por1rlit. Only l 00.000 of the Sadia Pace Cains ~ suuc1. making it a mintqe that is quite tit.erally hundreds of times rarer than U.S. Silver Dollan of the past. ln&erMtiooal Monetary Mint is offer- ina these l.arse brilliant uncirculat.ed Sadat crowns at the Special Investor Opportunity price of only $25 each. You may never have a better oppor· tunity to own trus highly sought after coin. Invest.ors who respond from trus publication may pul'Chasc from I 10 I 0 individual Sadat coins at this price. Be- cause of the extremely limited runber available, orders will be filled on a first-come. first-served basis with a strict limit of 10 coins per customer. All Sadat Peace Treaty Commemorative Crowns arc accom- panied by a certificate of authen- ticity and are fully guaranteed. Coins classified ''Brilliant Uncirculated'' have never been placed in general circulation and arc stiU in mint state condition. To qualify for this offering call Lee Collins toll free at l-800-345- 8502 (in Pennsylvania call our Special Opentor • 1~2-5 I~). Dept. SC· I ~7 for credit card orders, or send check or money order to: lntematiooal Monetary Mint. Dept. SC-1~7,390 Pike Road, Hunting- don Valley, PA 19006. An addi· tional $2.75 is requested to cover insunnce, post •• and special hand- ling. If not satiafied. you may return your Sadat Peace Coins in their original condition within 14 days for a full refund. This olf'er expires February 15. 1982. r,m hif.M.• Ambassador's Carefree !trry Nothing bNta the Incredible eae of this soft allp<>n dr981. It's loeded with tashton feetureg llke COlltempor&ry tnipunto stitching on t.he flettering y~ full eictended ...... encl • CXlllYeOient hidden aide pocket. 'WNI It with Its own matching cord bel1 fat • city IOphisticatBd look. Or let It looee -skimming your flgunl for erdau compliments. u.. )'OIK t8'Ty dr9u .. a ~· 0r..a It up and be wined and cffntd. Or weer yours tor all the hours In-between. It's that *9atlle! In cool. ... YQfe acetatemyton beend. Sizes S .10,. M (12-14). L (1&18), XL (20-22). Choose Red (22). Yellow (28), Royal 84ue (35t or Appte Green (11~ Our terry dr ... is IO 1rTMlatable, you'll want to brighten your wardrot>e with all four Sp(ingttme cotors ! No. 497-42 $ 98 EACH 2 for 119- 3 for •2~ 4 for •38.a ilfAAIAIU•eR 711 W. Broadway • Tempe. Al. 85282 1111 .. MIMWDC>fl, 711 Weet Btc.oway, Tempe. Arizona 1162182 -, "'*',,.. 111e r.., o......., ..,._et •·• NCfl °' 2 tor 11ue .. .3 '°' m.~':·. ~°!. j 1314 I ""°'"~ that It. lor any r-. I Oo not C'-to_, my pun;-.. I c.n I 19111M 11 w.lllln •..,. '°' • 11111 refund -11111 tflet tM ,_ OWT It mine to kMP! I c... .......................... 1(1-tat •C1•ut LM-1'1 JCL .. AldC22) Rorel ... C35t AclPle °'9lfl 111) y-.,.(2111 CffECK METHOO OF PAYMENT Tote! 10< 0.-S I ::J My check~ 1::::........-· • /ISO :J Muter earn 0 VISA I I I I I I I I I I I I I j I I ; AZ -io.nta Ide! .. '" In. I 1souy no c.o.o .,, 1 ~~~~m~ I TOTA&. • I Mo Yr C81d bDtlft !CNcll or M 0.) -TO: l'UAK ""NT sign.1ure x __________ _ ~-. I -:----,-,,.-,-n.-,,,.------LAl-1 Nl-IM-----2'110tl _____________ Apt.Ho. __ _ I I I I ------------Stete ___ ZIP ___ I --------' Let's Spill the Seana Into the Soup Kettle Theae hearty bean soups m ight be just what you,re looking for to pleoae your palate and pocketbook. By ffi0tllyn Hansen HUNGARIAN BEAN SOUP I pound dry uvy beAna 6oapewam 1 Y, lbe . ..obd, "-'-pork bun 2 &artt oJoaa, chopped 3 dowa prtlc, mAnced 6 a.pe.., ... cup~ 2 tuepooM CAIW81/ .-ck I y, -.,oo.e Mii 1 cup aoar cream F,..,. s-*v ..... 1. Place beans In large saucepan with 6 cups water: bring to boiling. boil 2 mm · utes; remove from hat; allow to stand fOf 1 hour. 2. Add remaining ingredients 10 beans and cooking liquid except for sour cream and parsley. Bring to boUing: cover and simmer 3 hours or until beans are cooked 3. Remove pork. cut into smaU pieces. Skim fat off soup. Sor in sour cream: re· tum po1k to soup Cook over low heat untU heated through but do not boU Gar· nish with parsley. Makes 3 quarts GREAT LAKES MINESTRONE SOUP 2 cupe (1 lb.) dry Mvy beMe 341 ... wMIT 4 rablelpoom " ... .we oil ~ cap IMly chopped bnoca 1.1\ cup ..._ chopped ot*lfl y, cup ...., chopped cettry 1 dow ..,tic, ........ 2Y, ~ diced ncchlnl 1 pq. (10 oa.) rr_.. ait •-beena, chnllld l ,~ ... ) AIOMd ..... hodl Of llab becoll I beef boWllon C-.. I wMpallft .,_..a.- 'h t-.pooeuk 111 1nepoo11 or..-iao leewa .,., ·~ eroued w.ck pepper 1 can (29 OD.) whole tomatoa, dl1IJned 'h cup uncooked PMtlfta maceront Gnt.dPVDMMnche.e 1. P1ace navy beans In large soup pot With water. Bring to boiling: boil 2 mklutes: ..-mow from helt and let ttand 1 hour. 2. Meanwhile , hat oU In large soup pot. Add carTOb. onion. celery and garlic. Sauti until vegetables are tender. about 5 minutes. StJr In zucchini and ~n beans tf. FAMILY WHKl,Y, ~JI, Illa Cook. 5tirrtng occasionally. for 5 minutes 3. Stu in navy beans and thelr soaking Ii· quid, ham hock. bouillon. basil. salt. oregano an.clpeppa.. Cove:. bring to boU· tng: reduce heat and simmer until beans are tender, about l hour. 4. Stir in tomatoes and pastina. Continue 10 simmer 30 minutes or until macaroni Is tender Stir occasionally. Remove ham hock. d1ce meat and return meal to soup. Serve with grated Parmesan cheese. Makes 4 quarts BlACK BEAN SOUP 1 'A cups (~ lb.) ~ ba.di narUe bana. ,.... 2 ....... 2 oa. pork, diced ! oa. veal, diced y, amd omon 'h b-vle.t I clow prlk ~ ta.poon blld ..._ 1 rtb ceMr\I. 9neJy chopped 1 q1. co•wonHM Sall F-twtau hehly ground black pepper YI cup llMly chopped, fuDy cooUd MDObd ham 1. Soak beans overnight In 1 quart water. 2. Next day, tum beans and water Into Du1t:h oven or 3-qumnaucepan. Bring to boiling. reduce h«at and simmer covered 1112 to 2 hours or until tender. 3. In separate saucepan, place pork, veal. onion, bay leaf. garlic. basil. celery and remaining 1 quart water. Heat to boiling. reduce heat and simmer covered until' meat is very tender. about 1 hour. Meat should stay covered with water. If It boUs away. add more water. 4. When beans are tender. strain. Re· serve cooking liquid. P\ace beans in food processor or blender with l/4 cup cooking liquid and proces5 unt!I punied. 5. Tum pureed beans Into 3-quart saucepan. Add con90mrru1'. and salt and peppe.r to taste. Bring to bolling. reduce heat and simmer. uncovered. for about 1 hour. Strain : rerum to saucepan. 6. Drain cooked meats and Masonlngs. Remove bay leaf. discard. Tum meat. sea.sonlngs and 1/4 cup of cooking llquld Into bod procasor and process until pureed; add to bean mixture. 7. Hqt soup to bolling, stirring. Taste, adding salt and~ If you wilh. 8. Serve with chopped ham on top. Molta 1 quart Nott: This recipe Is from John Bruno. owner o f the Pen and Pencil Rataur.nt In New York City. W. -.. '-ltl And we got It-an outpouring of your frank opinlou, suggestions fOf "Observations." ewn a sculptor's offer al his Bfe-slze bust al a fawrite from Mobil's "Masterpiece The- atre," Rose the maid on Upstairs, Douin· stmn. Mosdy, last November's Invitation to teD us what was on your minds brought hundreds al (luestions-some easy. like "How many gallons in a barrel?" (42 If you mean oil bul 31 for fermented bevefi9S~ Some hard: "/dare you to tell tM whole "°'Y of~ ecouomia." Wc'H try, bit by bit. In future. "Observations." OK? Yo. .-..: Since tht • 1aMM ltna of 1973-1974, .. hoe tM USA cbw one .... ~ thing ro mote ua ia. wlnerobW?" Sure: American. are c~ more. gowrnmnt • ftWng the Stn1119tk Petrol .............. wt record numbers of ... oO ..U. an being drtlled In the U.S. • • N9Ult of tht lllUng of prb c:aub• Whit._ .. MGblfl gmoffM from cool?" Well our ....... h9w ....,.._. • W8ll to coeNrt wood akolllol m.defrom co.a (or~.._ or biom .. ) ~ into .............. ._..,,_ 1•0llM (though IMklng gMOllne flom crude oil ii •Ill ~ "'°" econombl~ But lhouldn't America .. Qp#cw oil poMbk olkmalioa?" anodMr rads Mb. Of cw That's wfty we're worldng on thingl thlll might make a ligN8cant conlribution to America'1 energy supplt11 from..,. ,o eo&ar power. . Crt• ucl ......... We don"t think It's a good idea. however. to generate power by having dogs chase a cat on a treadmill hooMdtoagenerator.asourmld-NoYembercartoonsuggested: not only are felines and their letter-writing friends due our apo1. ogy, but also reassurance that the two resident cats you see here will keep a(\ eye on future columns. And thanb to carefuJ readers who pointed out that Columbus couldn't have navigared to the New World with a sextant (as we suggested In October) since that inlb'ument wasn • t Invented until the 1700s. Sorry. Reel cllk.U.. Aa for tht 20-odd out-and-oul boo. we got. well we'I )ult keep trying to Mt out the fact&.. Re.aly. though: "monopoli.tk,. t.cly dac:rtbe an lndullby In which men thM 40,000 companla (AOt counting MrVke ltltionl) .... produce. rdne. diltribute Md .... oil and It• products. t-. )ult the rutor oil ClOfllPllllla and ycMI ltill h9w M lndulb'y much aa. CObCllntlaud thM llUIW. or ...e. or ........, or ewn cereail malwrw ••. or 1V Mtworb. lhlMa, of counc. for the much more numerous complimen1.1. One &om tht Rh. Chuta R. Thnewlt r..&li c:.ught our eye llnc:e he.,.. trained•• petrolan •ngineer andnowlam EplKopelpriat: "Hong In tltett:' he wrote. ··111111lah.ooye~ tlwd 1H Med IO cltol~ polltfcloN and odten 111ho mab fl •ftpOf•bW atat~ men.._ .. A.Na. k'• a feet: How much does Mobil make on every gallon al petroleum products It sells around the world? Just 6. 4 cents ln the 12 months th'°'9' last 5-pt. 30, down from 6. 7 c:enll In 1980. Moblr 0Mzzaa .. -. ..... 01c1,._~ ,.. .... ..._._.._,..,,., IOOf7 •-MiMCc • Hall and Oates Doing It Thel1 Wa9 8y Ken Paulaon T heir friendship was born ln an elevator going down, but Daryl HaU and John Oates now find themselves soaring to the top. The hottest rock duo of the 80's, H~ and Oates are riding a streak of hits Including "Kiss On My Ust." "Pnvate Eyes'' and ''l Can't Go For That." Their Voices album sold two mUlion copies last year and their latest, Prluate Eyes, Is ~ just as bri9Wy. the duo broke through in 1976 with the stngle "Sara Smile." Hall wrote the song for Sara Allen , his sometime co-writer and compa· nlon now for eight years. Although he laughingly concedes that "she was dis· tinct!y underwhelmed," a disc jockey in Ohio was considerably more en- thusiastic. He began playing the tune off a year-old al>Um. Soon the station was swamped with calls. and the duo's record company was similarly flooded ~ w.u with requ~. That fluke 19- n lted Hall and Oates's career. "She's Gone" and "Rich Girl'" soon made their distinc- tive brand of rock/ rhythm and blues a staple of AM radio. It's hard to be- lieve now. but dur- ing the late 70's, the duo hit a three-yea dry speD and not one of their sir9es dented the Top 40 . Hall, 31. says the slump Qi!lve them a c;hanoe to reevalu- ate their music. "It's very hard when you have people breath- ing down your neck saying. ·u you don't sell as many copies of this one as With their new- found success , though. came a label that irked them: "blue-eyed -~ soul." a phrase long Oates & Holl: Soulful and succasful. used to describe white rhythm and you sold of the last one, you're.slJp- ping. "' During their "down period." Hall and Oates worked on developing a rougher edge to their music . eliminating the outside producers and slick California studio musicians who were molding their sound. They began producing thetr own records. worktng out of their New York City apartments. "That was the bat thing that ever hap- pened." says Oates, 30. "It's like we started our career all over again." The two have been friends for 15 years. Both grew up In Pennsylvania: Hall In Pottstown and Oates In North Wales. They met In 1966 at a sock hop in Philadelphia where their respective neighborhood bands were to appear. While the performers waited back- stage. two gunshots rang out and a free-for-all erupted on the dance floor. "Evetybody split," recalls Oates. "We all ran out It. back and Daryl and I met In a service elevator going down. We became friends at that point." By 1971 that chance meeting had evolved into a musical partnership. After e>q>erimentlng with electric folk. PhlJade]phJa soul and futuristic rod<. blues artists. "I think it's a racist term ." Hall says. "It's something that white people dreamed up because they can '1 relate 10 soul coming from themselves." In time, Hall and Oates learned to laugh at the image. even recording a new version of "You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'," a 1964 hit for the original "blue-eyed soul'' pair. the Righteous Brothers. The pair's personal Uves revolve around their music, but Hall Is a voracious reader with a lov~..f! hlstoty and collects antique armor. Me's also the proud owner of two macaws. Ralph and Alice. named after the lead characters on The Honeymooners. (''One of them doesn't shut up and the other one never talks." he explains.) Oates enjoys skling, playing rac· quetball and watching auto races. "I like to do things that take my mind and grab It so completely that I have no time to think about music," he says. Althou.gh Hall has recorded a solo album. ~d Songs, and Oates has plans for one, they see no end in sight for their partnership. "We have a distinctive sound developed and you don't want tox:rew around with that," says Oetes. 1"he door has been opened for us and It doan't stay open Ken Pauleon 19 o /rftlonc« ~.,,.miking in loOIJ. Let's face It -AM success l'IWI eonlitmparary mUlk. ls such a fk:kle thing." ~ , , The World Wildlife Eund announces ... Baby A~imals of the World Twenty-five finely crafted bone china thimbles, band-decorated witb 24 karat gold. , Each thimble bears an orlgina/.cJesign created exclusively for Ibis collection by tbe leading wildlife artist Peter Barrett. Issued in limited edition. Advance ordering deadline: February 28, 1982. w. ildlife brinss a ~pt:<"ial beauty imo o ur world -and among the mosr appealing of all wild creatures are baby animals. Al play. they seem as high-spirited as children ... wllh a grace and semlen~ that has delighted artists since time began. No\\·, this charm has been captured in the fas. ctrwing form or miniature portmiJs in a new collection issued by the World Wildlife Fund - the Baby Animals of the 'iibrld Thimble Collec· lion. To create the an for this collection, one oh he world's finest wildlife anises, Peter Barren, has been commissioned Each thimble portnys a dif· ferem bah\· animal, shown In its narural surround-~· And. Barren's talent makes every animal ponraJt come alive. Look at the thimble portraying the baby koalas perched in a eucalyptus tree. Barren has deftly caprured the so~ of their fur ... and even the quizzical expressions on their bces. Or examine the three frisky fox cubs with their fluffy tails and alenJy pointed ears. Every o ne of the animals in these original designs is jusr as appealing. , Mln"'tures tbal ddlgbt tbe ">"' Peter Barrett's arr is especially captivating In mini- ature. For when you hold one of these Lhimbles ... tum it to admire ii from every angle ... you'll be continually fa,,clnared by the ftne detail. And you'll be intrigued by the special features that give each animal its own personality. The thimbles v.·UJ be crafted for the World Wildlife Fund by Franklin PorcelaJn in fine bone cbtna ... 1he "aristocr:ac of pprcelaJns:· And each thimble will be encircled top and bodom with a band-painled border of pure 24 karal gold Yet the price for each lhimble Is jusr SU. 50 -excq> lionally reason.able for a coUealon of this quality and beauty. '"""' ,,. ,.,,,,., #U#ofl To show these delistllful thimbles to best advan- ~. )UU wlll receive a banlwood dltpkly sbtlf at T H I MB LE CO LL ECT I O N no extra charge. In any mom of your home, thh collection will add a spec ial 1ouch of beauty ... certain to be admired and enjoyed. Baby Animals of tbe rJf'orld will be issued m limited edition. a\'ailable onlv until the end of 1982. And the accompanying application is \'alid only if postmarked by February 2R. 1982 -so • please be sure to mail it to the Wo rld Wildlife Fund, c/o Franklin Porcelain. Fr.m.klin Center. PA ' 19091 by th.at date r ' [ --!! to !. - ~ Ill .. L ~ , ' , ~ -! • ' ~ -- f -.. - " ,. • • ~ • ..... ~ -r 0 • - 1bis band.some bardtl'Oud . display shelf. desig11ed 10 display tbe complete thimble collectio11. wfll l:w prodded aJ n(I extra cbarse c ,.., """"""' ;-----------wascR:P-r~Q";.-;~c;T;(;----------., I I I I I I Baby Animals of the World Thimble Collection Vtllllt only If pos""'1rll«I by ~·28,1982. Lint/I: OM coll«llott prr prrsore. World 'l'ildlife Fund c/o Franklin P\lrn+,lln t'rankhn U-mt'r. Pl:nn)·ylvanla 19091 Pleasc.-t'n!t'r my sub5cripuon for &lb)· An1mais of • Vfbrld. a collt'C1ion of 2S chlmblt') \kMgnt'd !)\· Peccr Barmt. craft~"tl In flfll' honl' i:hina :md h2nd-decoratcd •1th 2" k2r..u gold. A hardv.uod dl'Pia)· shelf will he f)ITI\ided as pan uf m~ coll«tkm I need send no lnOl'lt'}' nt""" Mr rollL·cu\>0 •·ill bt' !lef1I 10 Int' • 1he flllt' of Ont' bone china 1hlmblt' each momh. and I •·Ill be hilled s12.c;o• f11r ~xh 1hlmblt' In ad\'ance of It~ )hiprne!nl ..,.,.. ... l' ............... Si8Juaurc ----------- Mr Mrs, .,... ~~...,. ~ .. accan--- Mi.\S ___________ __ Addrns----------~ Cltr------------ Su&c _______ ~·P-~~- 3146 ' ------------------------------------- Miss Louise Griffin fo_rgot the rules of decent society ulien she smoked a cigarette at the 1910 Cappelli Bros. cin:us. -- In the crush-P.R>Of pursepaCk. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking ls Dangerous to Your Health. But elq11umts nft1e1' forget. • I I [ ---· Tim TRUTH AllOUT LYlllG For centuries we've cha1te1 ol ~ ~ looked for easy ways to spot from ~50 to 6040,.. he the Ian amongst UI, from notes. Kraut says your best the ancient OUnese praclk:e bet ls ~ to someone ol forcing a aapect to dww on the phone because such dry rtca powder and lee If duel .. paUleS and lncor- he could ....,_, to the Net words are belier predic- modenHjay ~-ton than nonverbal rues~ And we'w wondered: blinkalg. ~or lack ol Can you unmask a lis just eye oontact. by looblg at and~ to As to who can best spot a him? Accordiiig to one ex-aar. "'The old adage about pert, the answer ii yes -kids having a special tnsb'ld and no. Whte an · 1ait ts not true." says Kraut. ~at Comell, Robert .. Adulls .. betta at bodl ty- Kraut found that c:eta1n Ing and detecting it, tf noc sUlllll can provide !Jlid1t tip-!hanks to pradice then be- olis that someone ii fllbklg. cause they are better com- He W01n 't lying. by George. 'They mtd1t tnaew your mW\laDs In general." .....aBY~ When I oomes to the eftecb ol alcohol, what's In your mkld may be more lrupoct.atd than what's In your glass. Ac.- uorctng k> new 1111 r d 1, people wl act In c:ertMl stereo- typbl ways when they ttunk they're drinking alcohol. even f they're consum- ing nothing stronger than tonic wem. And. oonwnely. when peup. .. actual- ly drtnblg wdlm but think it's tonic. lhey'I act Nildwlv tuber. Aa reported recently in Psychologv To- day,~ G. A1m1 Mmlalt and Demeris J. ~found that 11M11 beoome men BED...,.. more eexualy arowed and ... .mo.. In 9Udal lltulldofll when they blliew they'N dmlg,g boom, ewn f l 'I Nilly jUll tonic. Simlmty dee d:Jed won.-. NPQltad '-Ing more .....-ly ~. allhoudi ~· rnuodkft.g actmly b.and them to be -. IO. Thele women allo became more ~ 9Udllly. whk:h 1 r d1111 aarba to the ladt ol cadkience many women haw In oontrollng alcohol's effects. Furthermore. In testing aloohob. lt WM found~ dlUle cxpedlng alcohol but gllllng tonk began acting inlDxlcated and ~ around the room -one man .wri trted to make a dMI wllh a fmnale r II I cher. Mlm1whie, alcohob mq>ec;tllig tonic but glldng \ioclm d had the ......... and cnwd ~ CWl'I .. ~ the ecPu•it ol double YUdkal. w•-DA• tmn Ir's been proven that breast .W~ can ddec:i polential pmbier1. earty and saw coundell ~. Now refl d1 at the lJntwrsly of Florida sug- gas that _.ty ewning is the belt tk1'8 for women to examine their breasts. Wom.n'a flngas teem to be ~ mun MnlltlYe be- tweer\ 3 P.M. and 9 P.M. repum U.F. ~ student Prtya Nnl+tm. But Nee- ~could ftnd no tpedf- lc tk1Mt dumg a woman'• monthly cycle when her m..... .. men ses\tldve. A woman may be wry leJlll- dw one day but nut the ncxi dur1ng the same menstrual pha., she N!pOl1S. ~ T"9 ,.,.,,.,,., ~ ~I lft#IOfO<I 11'9., ,,,._ ""'*N Y, 10012 a..STAKD For that sadllttc Wow who lnwnflld Rubik's Cube, one good tum deserves another. It scema Hungarian professor Emo Rubik recently dr~ ln on the lnter- M&>nal Olhdo Olam-p ......... pb ... ln &-a -- and, mc:e Othelo 11 his~ game. decided toc:haler9 the world's top players. Hen. he lalces on America• champ Brian Role. a 17-year~ New Yorker who &ilhed tecond overal. We in plea.ed to announce that when l came tu Othelo, Brian, who can solve the Cube in a must •elpeCt.a· ble 21;, n*1utes, ~trounced Prole9Ur Rubik, who was then head tu mutter that famous Hungarian retort (by way ol Brouklyn). '°Walt til year' .. 1WYS (Al Aquarius) 5'wt.y - Cw! Q)annlng 59: Su- mme ftahde 45 . .._. -, -Fanah Fawcett 35: Tommy Smochen 45. w.d- a.dlw -Joey Bilhup 64. ~-AbCouper 34: Ida l.upm 64. Frtir.v -Hank Aatott 48. S...- ., -Ronald Raglrl 71 . "*'LY WBJQ.Y, J-r 11, 1m e" COMPARE OURVITAMIN PRICES! We probably could not offer you quality vitamins at these advantageous low prices if we sold in stores. But with mail-order, they're yours. So act now. Save as you've never saved before! ... , .. ... , .. --- MEW "S.D.D." '''=-~ ~· ..,..ec:::ta • .. ... , ... ., •. -.. 111.11 OIL OF EVENING PAlllROSE m =.....-=. ... ll.'1P ,_ D !.I ................... ...... .. ITMll .....,"· ...................... I FllllTEll" ............. 'SYMD..mM---. =:-I cm ll'fAlW ,. _ I -----~,-MITNnON ....... 1 GROW STRAWBERRIES BIG AS TEACUPS' 25 for s295 !>O 101 S !> 75 100 tar S10 'lSI 1200 for S19 951 Y• --...ct ...-'-)lilt JO 91 .._ ~. ••ezwt GiMt ft1ll -IMrriw.. ......, • ,. ..... .., ......... .......... ... .,_ ................ . ......... ~ ......... ..... ....... .---· -•&kiilllw ....... ..._ .......... .. ........ .,.. .... "'Y ..... ··¥'9l ... _ ............. _ _..~~.STOCK NO. TD. MAN CHURi AN APRICOTS RARE OPPORTUNITY I llt ............... ,... ........ .,......,..~ ... -~..,.Y-... • .. 1'1 ... -. u. .. .., ...... ~ ..... , v ......... 0 ....... PULLY GUARANTHD.......... t ·1 Me,..._. tf y.. '-'Y we'll 119¥ .. ..._. I _,_,,........,. "-* ................ . ..... 2 HOUSE OF WESLEY. N.-y Otvilion -8loomilllloft. IL 81701 I CHESTNUT QM\."( S l.50 ea TREES : • .lr i z :\ .a I Qt $~ Z\ (i .,, ,, ::.o TM1.-.............. t"9e Men ...... ,...-......... . ""-............... _ .. .-rt TCllly _. 11 ..... -... .... fer ........ ~ ....... _ ... a..e-t (C .... ew ••• . tJ . .. __ ............. . ...... tr-. v ..... MlstW.t ......................... ..,...._ ........... v_,.. ............ a .. att.._ ...... Aa ..... ~ ... ... ................. _ .. ,.. .. ..... ........... c.m ..... .. STOCK NO. 1M SWEET. JVICY GRAPES 3 ,,,. '" 00 $1 50 ea. ~ ;~; ~~ ~~ NIA8AllA-....... a .... ............. ~ u.we • ............... .... -. ........ ., .. COflCOAD -.......... .. ....... ~ ...... .. u ........... 0 ........ -... .............. ,. .. . ........... ......, . AaAWAfll -......... VF -...-......... 1 v ............ dleM --llW-................. --·· ... •dr .... Pla'9t ..... • ·-M .... , I ·---'" ...... _..9' ____ _ .........~-.-..-. RED DELICIOUS APPLES THE STAmARD Of= EXCEUENCEI EL BERT A PEACH "~ ~2 75 ea 2 f0t S4 95 0(\' J J> • • 3 for S6.95 Rid D•liDUI Apple • • V.... .... ...... olrw.Nd ......... A•,1l1or ...... .... ........... ............ .......... ... v ...... ......... , .-. ... raotM '" to Jtt.-. ......... , .. \1 $2 75 ea. 2 for S4 95 ot\ · 3 for S6.96 &..-.. ef ... ,....._,A._ ........... ............................ .e.N ......................... .. ..... ._.. .............. .. _,. -· 1124 .... _ • -.... ......... " ............... ... -. .. -...... ....... ~,.. """ " .... .............. 1 .... YWll,.. ..... ......... ............... , .. , ... , .,_ ......... cem. ............ ............. SHOP BY MAIL -NO CROWDS, TRAFFIC, WEATHER PROBLEMS I FR OM HOUSE OF WES LEV • Bloomington, ILL 61701 -a Pages Of Plant Bargains -Plus Sp ECIAL BONUS 'CHOICE 5 YEAR OLD COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE ONlY $1.00 each REG. $2.00 uch 3 fOI $2 76 6 fot SS 00 Now you CM'I p~ ttto ._-popular, -r.-.Utiful Color.to Blue Spwuce et tttis IPOCi•I low Pfice -only SUM> oacft. "-ven.etilo Btuo Spwuc. are lovely• lfnglo OZARK BEAUTY EVERBEAAING STRAWBERRIES SPECIAL -10 Pl ants Sl.95 AN llVllRBEAR ING 75 Pti "tt . J H u::JNALL 100 Phnts "l !15 Trut yourt.Mf to l"• 111t11e1t, most tusclous- u sllftf straw .. rrles yo11'•• ner tasted. Thosa are 01arlc .. auty Ewer .. arlnt .. rrles and they trow as llit as teacups! They are • firm, deep red IHtrr)' -• mout.,·waterlnt d•llthl for desMrll, P••-•••· freulnt and ••tint fretll. Stock No. 551 ec:cont plentint1. • • privecy row or wind'" two•. end • • colorful c:orMf •ouping. Its rldl lil--0.uo foliego "'*• it • _._ litht all .,_ round. You'll ,_;.,,. IOlac:t nic.ty brendMd 5-year-old trari.,.entod tr~ thet .,. at '-t 1 to 2 feet tall. Havlnt .._, ... ,...,...... !ho root svstorn is ..ti •"'°Pod end will hotp tho t1M tot off to • fast start. Order your fully tu•rantood Blue Spruce on the convonient coupon. ONE OJ' THE J'ASTEST GROWI NG TREES Stodl No. 307 SCARLET RED MAPLE Qo\"# $l Q Q CCI '2 l(H s I 15 :I'"' S:? !JO I I,, C:4 !JO GROWS MOST ANYWHERE ONE OF NATURES MOST RICHLY COLORED TREES Wonderlul llhOIM tr•, R..t .....,._ (Ac. rut.r-.1 prod-brilht.,.., lo•-in •Int that tum to bl'illiant -9ot in_ fall. Hardy. o-...... ..c. Fast1'0Wina. Grows~ to 315 ft. You rowive strone. heavily root9d 2 ............. to4ft.collac:t9dtroes. Stodl No. 719. LOMBARDY POPLARS 5 for •200 1·' •01 ~ • 1'1 ' I 'I ~ J'ut trowont trH, LOMBARDY 1'0"· LAR (I'. Nit••) 111nd1 1tra1tht 1na tall. Add• beauty and n tue to your yard. Nice for tereen•, la"H· bordoo, wind· b•Hker1, ·backgrounds. Noted for tlHtr 1racefu1 btauty -often trow ieveral fftl • )'Hr. Voll tot healthy, 2 to • fl. lrHs ready for trans11t1nlint. Stock No. •It. Sl 50 ea . l •o ~· Oil • ,.,, 'J ~ 0 CREEPlNG RED SEDUM (Wl•l••I• •inon1laJ • re· markable wine. Grow• NnMI)' wltll wiforou1 twll•lnt wines that trow to form a illthlly w-lnt, tlllclcl)' ,olia"d 111eclmen. The moll 11ruthuk lftf thint h•ll· pons late In May wllen ........ lllu•wlotet flow· or clu1lert toem to cowor eworythlnt In "'"" Get 1tront 12" to 11" falt'lro wlnt plants. Stodt No. l1 • , 4 for S l 0 0 _ I ,,. •I ~ '") ' .. . . Hardy 9round cover, $.clum 1PUrlum or Ora1on•1 Blood flll1 1rOUl>lelPOh with attractowe, thick ewertrHn fotia9e all year •nd red, 1ur-tlke flo-r1 June lhrouth Se11tem1Htr. N-1 no prunint. Grows l to 4 In. tall. Vou t•t hardy, northern nunery 9rown planh. Stock No. 24.Z . PR ICES -SLASHED · tA VE UP TO 50°/o ON OUR BIG NURSERY STOCK SALE 'AMILY WUKLY. ~ 11, 1112 Page 1 A SPECIAL SALE ON OUR MOST POPULAR TR'EES & HEDGES-ALL FULLY GUARANTEED ELEGANT BLUE SPRU C E HED GE Vll"Y SNCIAL -100 f'T. "llO TWIO DOGWOOD HEDGE Only 20 for S2 .98 l'AST Q"OWINO SILVC"-a"av ••AUTY AU TUMN OLIVE 5 f o r S2 .98 10 •or '!> 4'1 10 •or \!I •a JO tor \l • •'I (Kl ... nu1 euev1t"o1i.1 Weleom• In •nr. .......... lleAu• of t.,.lr unuau•I 111v .. ..,..,, cotor. "•"1rowlnt, e•ety •II .. -"· •9'Y .,.,.y. Male .. '"rfect ...... ,.. or ec,..n ., .......... c-M ct•.,.. or left to •ow to 11-20'. HH ,...,.,.t yellow•wltlte -•o-M1 In May. Qrow1 In .,.er toll, thrl"" In ru(1 aun or ~•1tal lllM•. "tant 1¥1' te i~o~'~1r1o1~n trMt .-.o· • .,.,, te• ful •rHnl-Order -••· ' !:, •. . ~ .. ~i HARDY. NEAT, PERMANENT PRIVET HEDGE 10 for S l.98 •Of.,. S7 50 60 f or S1 I 00 100'°' S l7 60 lt'a the lwent ... lint hedtlit pl.,t tn Am .. cel A f_-p_..,., ....new. •one lived end MMlh· :10 lor S 7 75 :ta lo• SI095 r.o for $19 95 fvl ..... t. PRIVET CAmur Riv .. NCN'tt\I ,..,,,.. T1111 -tlhtl lllY•• ... tue "tant (Pie.a "u"'• en1 11-u1 will M• l"K• ..... .,...,ty te p.9Cticelly no ewe. It jult cen't be be9t f04' you• ye .... St•o ... no..tll..,. rown tO to 11" ._... to •m ound you• P9'io , yllrll. lttw you• 1~~~~!~. jy:''t'=·..-~ ,t. ;::=.:~:.:;~. *'"· etc. C-be mainc.'-d et eny heitht. llac*lent fo• u• •• wind~-•. -.-........ "-t 1~· ...... You ,_ ,. '° 3· ....,."· :•~ .m":t .. t!::l ::cw .. r·~~':.C:: ;::~ ~::: :111 Order • -Y • you cen pomtbly u• whi&e _., you tu•n you• yenl Into • t91e•1'1ac•. ONer now. ttlie .... 1-. Not lh_... to c.lif . °" ArQ. 1-•s•t•o•u-N•o·.-'_ .. ______________________ ~1 Stock No. 571. 110 FEET OF FRIENOL Y FENCE On I y 10 f o' $ 1 9 8 40 lo< $7 50 110 ''" ~I 1 '>0 OF S HARO N HEDGE ~tf11I _.._ .. , et rM •"lte or "4',.._ _.. -·-In • ,.,.._ ·-............ -ty. ii ..... ..._ ........ -...... tlcoel, leftly ~ tor ,,_r ..... ..._.. T..._ ...,_Y lllNM _... .,_ naturalty te I · · 1e ft. for•• ..... ,_..~ ..... -or-M .......... ,_, • -t .. _. .......... L ........ ~ ........... _...Re•efSM,.,. ,..._. .... ._.. .......... ~ _..... ............. _ ..... ...... .._ ............... _.._.. .. ,..._~f•lt.TMtr-•• ............. ._ ......... Tllla ....... f-.fte w MI ... a otWt ........ -.-r ........ -....... .,, __.., ......... ONer ...... ... ......,. .......,., t·r •• •-... .,.,....._ st.-Ne. 11•. SEND ORDER TOOAY TO HAVE BUSHELS Of PL.ANTS IN THE FALU CUSHION MUMS 8 for $1.00 16 for S l lb ~4 tw $2 50 lmaeinc! A yard full of CUSHION MUMS for less Lhan. l 3 cents each! Produc..-c load s of fall blooms on each ~uncfod p lanl. Make wonderful cut Oowers. You get cbok't' neld·grown root dlvlsion5.. Very hardy -thrive even In poor soil with little care. OUR color cboic:e or pink, bronze, red or yellow. Sorry, cannot bt> shippl'd lu Arr.wna. California or W-.,bingtun. Stock No. 256. A CUT FLOWER FAVORITE RAIMIOW OF COLORS! GLADIOLUS ~ BULBS ~.,...~.;,. - 40 lo• St <,tr 80 ,, S2 s: soone. h•Uhv. ~'"' *9 bulba d\81 witl tiiwe you .,_,,lfvl fl-. ttt;s y-. ORDER NOW. St:NO NO MONEY. On dtilwery .-y $1.00 for 25 bullle, SUI& for ISO buli. cw $3.85 for 100 bul._ plua COO cMI.-We Prf posqp Oft .......... onML 9lodl No. 410. G IANT CLIMBING TOMATOES . Vines Grow 1Z'·11' -s...tilMs 25' T.all ,, ..... TOlllltOIS u, To , .. Acroa -w-... 2 lbs.! Enjoy pawing your own big. ...et, juicy. winHipened ~ a10el 1his YMr -ewn If you don't h..,. room fw • .. f'den. It Uk• only • few feet of ..,_., bec.auM 1hae big crimton tomatoes will •ow on • tnlollis. Or they will out·yietd other ..n.ties wtMn •own u • bUlh 10meto. And how ~do ~I W. h•• a.tttn from customers who hft• hif'Y • mucrt • 2bUlh•of1hne tomatoes from jun one wine! Thne dlmben .,. plump and smoo1h, whh meaty cenmn end salid diYitiona, excallent few canning and sauc. and Nting frnh. EASY TO GROW -eMn beginners hne good luck wnh 1hem. They produce crop att. crop all tummer lone- •itlht..fr• and dfoutht-f'91istMt. Saw money and eat beti. 1hit y..,. Stodl No. 839 P~ekfl Sl 00 JumLo P ... ~\11 SZ 6~ 0< !>!.80 -4 01 S17.8!> HOUSE OF WESLEY. BLOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS 61701 SUMMEA aLOOMIN~ HIBISCUS for $1.0 0 (H. MOIClle\lt OI) V o.. u n now el\loy t ll-toreeo\ll floweo In yo\lr nortllerfl 110-. 0\1• Mnut lonal wlftter llertly Hll•llClll, the kind Of lulh lt .. ullel r:-:. ':: ,'~.,~!o~i:;.-.::. ~!·:~~ :;~~-::~~:: eaotlc llowen \IP to 8 " ecrou ... •IMI u11 ~~o!~ .:!:;•:1~u~n ~.:.'"J~11P::~~.E~..,: 1161• plenh i to 4 feet tall. You end )'O\lr ne .. hbo11 will It• fterlled •t theM .ainazlne flow •n. Ml•M COIOfl Oflly: ...... p lr•. :.~·~1-:::::~ =~1!1'!:..t"5,~1::i::c., 1.1~· ~-~~"f,!:9:~.:.":..::::·:: fr-111'-r OWft , ........ He"'Y Car ... t1on1 -lt••••Y Y•r-oHI 114•ftb ttl•t wlH M-In .a t•l-w of tllM .. -red, PIM • ,, .. ,_ o r -lte. TIMM aro ..,.,...,.0_1,.. ltewtteo.. Stro,.. C.rnatlon• retur" ,. .. , efi. lll'ffr. St-No. IN SERVES All AMERICA WITH OUTSTANDING FLOWER BARGAINS -OVER 1,000,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS c U for $1 75 18 fo-S2 50 38 tor $4.75 Oatorful CREEPING PHLOX tr. Subulnl) HARDY COVER '"°" SLOPES AND llANKI CROWNVETCH 5 for Sl.20 10forS2.J5 20 for $4.65 , ..... a·~ a .OOI 50 for S9 29 L8't .... ---"' .... ......_ ... ~ ~ --1"9--. .._,... .,,._.. fll o-uucldli IC.- ..._ _'81..-..h••11• ,,_ ............ ................................... _. ..... Lowly~... .,.. __ .... .._.. ..... ..,........ -lw•uwww.._ -· ~ wsc1hc yes, .._ ..-. of color in ..ty ...... -IMPORT ANT REASONS WHY YOU CAN ORDER l'OWI only .a.out 4 ""· ... St.9¥• ..... •r-2 _________ .... ______________ _ OUR Clhoioe of red, blue,-whha or piM. FROM HOUSE OF WESLEY WITH CONFIDENCE ..._ • wonderful wrvund ..,_or bonier. You ........ stront ftOitNm"l'OWft fiaW diw· 1 ilionl. Gntwn in pmrtiat ... flf Ml IUft. Stodc No. 247. •. .,, ................... -·~ .. _ ..... ·::::-..,.,_ ·.:c-· .... ... !!l:U...:-.:::: =: :,;.• .=..i;-:.•:..:.=r•.,....::.:::.... ~.~,w.:: .......... Owwwosuu .. 1 ....._ i.. ... •uhw4 _. lft - or ........... g,_ toe.....,., fll 1D-1T. "-· .. __ ....,,._..._._ .....Mt. ........ 221. 2 We _ .. •• t• .,_lttt -· tll .. ~ "--_. "f11lly ~ ....... IW _, ..-... • o-v-.............. " .................... .,..... ...... "99inty ....... t---------------.... t tie• eM ..... fw •-~ ttMNettw, I•,....,,. .. SHIPPING LA8&L wmtlfl -ca,_ AM y-_-....... ...._ -·-....... t. .... ·-................................... ..-1ce. _,,In----· -~ ....... -= ~ .................................................. --· ------ ~NT NOW-QllOWS OUlllNO WINTall THICK •LUS-GltaaN SPREADING EVERGREEN S2.00 ea. 3 for ~.00 -6 for $7 00 -12 for $13 00 CJuo ...... • ...,._ ..... 111111 kasl E-in_.._.. ____ ... _ ........... ~ ........... el .-._ '-y-.._.. ... EVER GETS MORE TMAN r to 10"' TALL! Dow t-t fine in .......... .... -...... --... ,... """811. In --_......_.._.,.~v ......... 11...,•"• 1r,._...._.~ .......... IZ7. PERIWINKLE 10 f $1 Do 25for Sl.98 or . 50 for $2.98 100 for $4.98 ....... 12 '"°""'..,...of ...... ...,_ .....-PERIWINKLE CYlllm ...._, • ........... bNudful ............. flow. .... "" ....... -....... ._. ...... ... .. '-' --of yow pnl. v ... ... hMhtty, nialy rootlld ........ Graw 4 tD • in. ... "' tun, .... poor .... too. One plent ..... 2 ... ft. .......... ·I A BEAUTIFUL UEE ALL THROUGH THE YEAR "PAPER WHITE" WHITE BIRCH 3 for $2.50 -6 f or $4 50 Lonly-Uller•.WHITE B I R C H CB. f'llPYrifwal la .,_,tiful Y9f-nMHMI. In .,.... end - brit"t .-...... -...... - aHft to ~ eold in felt. And, in winter, .... .-ful _ .. end ..... ., • ...._ -• loftily ..... Int ....... y-... '-dy, --- ·-· 2 to 4 ft. er-. StOClk No. 111 FAMOUS FOR ITS BEAUTY SINCE BIBLE DAYS TREE ROSE OF SHARON ~112 ~o"~" \\ 00 ea 3 for $2 00 8 fl)f $4.00 fHllMlcua ~ One of ........ ..._.Hui ft-1ftt er-. Its rich, "'-'"*~ ...... -_..... In ..id•-wtdl Me W-In dellp ...... of .... ,pilllk ............. .._ ritftt *outft to t•. Emy to •-· F• trowifte. Hardy. o-to 15' ..... Ewetllent fOI' 1111••-°' ....__.......,...... y_ ..... dloim, ..-ey....--..., ..... I .... ._ ...... rto4'•· aodlNo ... . FAIT GROWING -0000 SHADE "Golden Stem" WEEPING WILLOW l for $1.00 3 fo< $2.50 -6 for $4.76 C..,i• Niollel One of die f-.,_... ._. ..._. 0-• "'UC'h •-'lht IO ten f-e y-1 Slender • .-ful, ·~ ........ .._ ...., .__ In ....... ~ .,_ cft .... to beeuttful 90ld in 8Utunln. Aftd the fDW DDll!ftd b9rk "'*• dlil ._ • tho.piece In winter • wl n .. -. Very henty. Nice 2' to 4 ' __ ............ --v ·-..... Slodl No. '90. PERSIAN LILACS A riot of color! Seo,.. of F'-91 3 fo« $3 00 -6 tor $5.00 (Syrlnt• •11 .. ark> TIM lllec t"at ••RY U · ~ta .. ,, It t"• lo•ellett of elll T .. _ ~· :-.:~.::.·::· ... ~:.J--.::.::-:.:.~ for IOH• of e11t ftowera. •-tlNI .... .,._ --V91fY ... ,, to 9rew. , .... I• r.-:::.:.~r:-::-.'!-.:,'" ~-:er= A• lde9I tr••••ntlnt m~ock No. 644. NATURE'S LOVELIEST StOHTS "Pink Mist" SMOKE TREE 2 f0< S2.75 3 fo r $4.00 ~~~: .. c:~~r:-:.~::. ':.':~·~~ .. ~::: .-11 ...._,,. " ..,,.... tort• -•II cltt .. .... of ..... t ............. ,__ ...... ... MM!Uf ... _ .. of n.ff~ --.. It ... . 1111• ............ r ........... tr• --· T ... ,. I• f ... " II ...... wHll e -llflll arHy ef ... -tel ..... ,. .... f .. ..... Qrewa to tir•. ~~IO-y ...... a .,._. .,.. ..... t.. I . Y-,. ... . .... -. ... ......._t .. t tea· tr .... ........ 7S7. ,._..,.....,_ E_..._. The~ 8loolM Otten ..__ 10" Acr-1 Pink FI ow er in I 2 tor s-4.so MAG N 0 LI As 3 for $1 00 IPAINO BLOOMING -T"-"-tiful .... ,_._ 1-11.,... .. , W-in m~ine wi• ..... -of bMutiful ... '*'-· often _ .... 10" --u. .......... y lowely; will W--._ wlue of y-r praperty by "'9ftY doll.,.. -..., riclh ..._ folt-•• ft_.. . ................. .,w. ..... ..,.,., order. FRAGRANT MAGNOUAS -widl We. -.Y· Jooklne. ,..,., ... ..._ .... f«*s ... ......, .... ... -Niii: ........ -hsdy, --to ... end .......... Not "-""·-to-3 ,_, _,_ .. lllaallline ttMir .._. off. Y-,.. .... choice !lend ... , .... 2 to 4 foot ..... S1odl No. 511 . Page 5 I Prize Winning R 0 S'E S on I y $1. 7 9 lJ f or $5.'9~ 6 for $10 49) WHAT A BARGAIN CLIMBING BLAZE-Enjoy .-t bums of b6t, serlet blooms In June, •in in , .. , -lfld --In between. Thia is the ~ of die cllmbenl H.nty end .,.. .... llodl No. llO. CLIMBING QUEEN ELI ZABETH - ... -.Id be "'°" ....,tiful ...... .w _ ............. pi .. cfllftlllr ~ yaur tNllil enll .._1 llollkNo.211. M,.I ..__ (12 lor S2089) (18 for S3098) ALL STRONG VIGOROUS ROSES Thew are 111 llarely, 2·Y••r olel flelel1rown '°'"" Titey are lnelhrlclually le1Mle41 •M IUl~eel wltll full planllnt lnttruct1011• l11Cl11decl. You are auuretl of ....... lflce11t Mooma aflel "11w111t color ., .. after •• t11-..i-t ti•• tat• 11trlnt. wmmer ano Mlumn. Motl are ClouM•llloomen. All are 1111ra11l..... HE OUR f'ULL t-VEAR QUARANTEL CLIMBING W H I T E AMERICAN BEAUTY. Thia ii .. ell·ti-f-119. Blooms abuldndy. proctuclnt IOf'l90UI ... -va of IMeutiful ..... bloom.. lllM*No.870 • CLIMBING PEACE -,,._ hut1 ..... --y IDld ...... with pW& -jult • lowely • dla fem- "-hytwtd ......... ..,.,.. tllMI• .,., ............ . P£ACE -(f'ormer AARS Wl .. NER) LoHI)' Y•llOW roM llftlff wttll phlk. Doullf•. IOnt ta1tlnt Moom• up to I " llCflJM. QION)' ell .. .... rettttantfoll .... An unrhralOCI llee11ly. NalloNI Golel Moelal Wlnner.Stodl No. 14t -L.ar .. , full, ,, ... wety lltooma • Por· fecuy ... poll. v.,,. fra1ranl. Protlflc 11trlnt·to-fall lltoom· er. Ql,,en 111111 .. l ratlnt of all rM ro•a 11)1 AARS. Stoett No. llS. CRY S LER IMPUUAL (f'or-r AARS WINNER) .. ,. .... " taper941 lluelt ope11 Into 1.,.,. crlmeo" ..__, wlttt _,. ox·lltOOd o.ertoMI. A rlcll~ wlbrant ro• wltll Mell petal -flt. Stock No. ttl. Q U EEN E l..I ZAilE T H (f'OFMIW AARS WINN•R) ,.,.., .... , IOft ....... of _. Ml_,.. ...... .. ... ......... ..... ...................... ...... ...... Mft1' .. ...... ,,.... .......... .,_ ECLIPSE -Hlghly dlelrable for its tone point9d. .,icten-y•· low buds that °'*' to '°'"°""' ..... cupped, I~ bl-. A i..illt bloomer! 9todt No. 311. FOR TV NINER -( .. _., AARS WIN..:R) Ha1 wlwlelty contralt· Int retell Of Or-ient• red •,..lllfl9ttt cllrome yellow! Tttlt Clr•mallc ro• tlftt you an atltllMla-or llloom1 all •m· _, ...... Stock No.~. MIRANDY (fonMr AARS WINNERI A Nby ..... ,_ wi1h ridt ........ . ... '°""' "°"' .. ........ -..v open to ..,.., "'°"' .................. ... No. 53L NOCTURNE CF- ., AA.RS WINNER) Pwhctly1 .... p • d, •rti cri.-,.. 4-8''~ ... • o I • o t y. moroon .............. ..-v ., ....... 14#1 .... , ••• for ....... llMkNo .... YOUR BEST BUYS IN GUARANTEED NURSERY STOCK ALWAYS COME FROM House of Wesley, Nursery Division, BloomingtOn. Illinois 61701 SEND YO UR ORDER NOW FOR HEALTHY, VIGOROUS PLANTING STOCK TO KEEP YOUR GARDEN ABLAZE WITH LIVING BEAUTY THIS YEAR Carp•thian English Walnut HARDY STRAIN ONLY S7 95 2 for S14 95 -J for S21 95 (Jrq/MuR~) A 1rUfy ~ w.w.y, ... h..ty ..,... ii • ,...... ...... ~ ....... & tD7y....,Our ....... ... ....... tn. .... .... -.... will produce ... ...... nuts with ... th-..i ....... The ........... tty -···-~·w·t:fi~~ of ..... is ........... ~ ............... ,... ....... 1·2 Foot T,_ Stadt No. 891 To llYll• .,,. ,,_ rKeiff t._ netcfl t•ed• and •uallty, -.ry ....... .Unt. Aini•. ""· hi• a•• llou• ••ant lt _.ru11r ....._... IMfon ••-'"· Ma.., of ,,_, frietlld1 Mar e~or tMlll!I .......... of UIO "'OIWY1Ht .. oHon llllM on..._ .,...., too. AIM. tllh cala ..... ...,,. ........ ~ftioul caU ... L (~tc-...... I• all ....... _, ........ a••••••old.) Special BONUSESI HYDRANGEA TREE oC\\1 J5C "" -now rou ca11 ....._.. o• C9IOr , cM ... "I Hydra...-Troe. Good 011 •••••·•of sa.oe or More. S-rr, o .. r one 7Sf .. ...,. per cu••-•· ... "'.. • .. -"'" .... tlttMll ... "color c11a..,1.,.. Hydra..... Troe CHr•. P.O.) It CIO_. wltll ---of --•Ito flOWerL ... Aueult .... f10wer1 turn a IM9utlfut Mulllft·plM end, finally, In tit• tatl, to a roral ...,,.. ,... An 011eellent troe for __....,. or .,_ .... , .... ntlftl. ••oci.tty ltice In .,_.,. of tttr ... any to 1•0~ f'ut pow ..... Vou receiff cltOlce z1 to ,. nurMrr erown tr-wltlt •Ito•• ou1root1y1t-L Stocti No. •H. Chil111rsfron1 '14-hitt 10 pink 10 purplt 111 your yard.' BURNING BUSH o"\~ 5 0 C H 7our .,.., tot11t1 a .. eo Of "'°" i a• .,_..,..,... • l-1Z" 8urfto ..... , ...... Alolu • .. t .ae Ditto, for o•I)' 1.1\4'..._, poo• wm-foll .... flalftl., fall ...... aed --0 ........... ~In. Only o• 1eia .. _, ... m-order. stocti No. zeo. RE:AO OUR FULL Pf>OH:Cl ION GU>\f.ANTC f " wltltl• OM roar of rocoi.tt of 11our • ..., rou are not comptotoer atllfied In ..,.,, t..:?. wltlt your platltl jldt ltETUltN THa SHIPPtNO t:L for a froe repa- -llt or ptlf'CMM price rofu,.., your cltoA.. '" euara•too ....... to M •llOrou._ llMltttr altll flflt ctau I•.,,.,.,, way • ..... 7 BEFORE YOU ORDER See Special Rose B•gains On Next Page ------·U• This Easy Order Blank-------· HOUSE OF WESLEY. ll•rwy Diwilie• DEn. 24-101 .................. ,,,, ADORES$ CITY STATE ZIP CODE HCM STOCK NAME OF ITfll con MANY NO. I I . TOTAL ____ _ lllinoi. lt..._ta ~Mio..._. Ta•----- TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED -------------------,--------------.