HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-06 - Orange Coast PilotI " WASHINGTON <AP) - PrHldent •••san wlll tell Coe~reea DOt nek. that um year • fedWal deftctt wm reaeb =conl •·• bllllon -the eet ever by more tba.o 930 , IOUl'ees laid Friday. 'l'Hy said Beaaan will leek dom..UC •~reductloaa of 127 blWoa ftw -lncludinl Medicare, Medicaid ad fooct ltalDPI -but that the delictt woulct probably fall only tlifhtly, to •1.5 blWon. One aource aald Reqan will aeek an 18 percent lo.ereaae 1n apend1fta for tlae Pentaaon and related defedle PfOIJ'am1 -to '221 billion -U • part ol blJ profram to "rearm America." The IHI budcet ta 1tlll officially under wrap1, for releaae on Monday. But sipiftcant chunka of the plan were being leaked all week by administration and congressional 'offlclala, amoas others. CHUTE TIME -John Belanich's Ericson-35 Aquarius from Mission Bay Yacht Club and William CreW:.· Farr-36. Pelican Express pop spinnakers after the tart of the San Diego·to-Manznaillo race and engage in a spirited The leak& became a delu1e oa Friday, and aourc• on Capilol Hm provided Tbe .uaoelated Pren with a copy of an adnllnlatration doeument belo& used to brief con1re11lonal leaden on Rea1an'1 t983 spendlq plan. The document 1bow1 tbft Rea1an ta IOlnl to aa.k for cuta in education; public bo•lna: Medicaid; Medicare; aid to fam ilies with dependent children; food 1tamp1; cblld nutrltlon; aid for tbe blJnd, elderly and hand.lcarped. The prt1ldent wU a1aln try to eliminate the Le1al Services Corp., accordln' to the sources who provided admlni1tratlon document•, which also ur1e cuttins back on ener1y ualat.anee for tbe poor, mua tranalt and Amtrak, and b1ahway programs. 'the sources, who asked not to be ldmtifted, said Rea1an would shun major tu tncreues to help ..., ......... .., ..... ~ boat-for-boat race for the lead in their respective classes. Aquarius is a Class D entry and Pelican Express ls in Class C. Today's update on the race appears on Page 82. Fullerton standoff ends, woman dead Secrecy plan submitted A man who barricaded himself in a Fullerton home Friday after a shooting SPl'ft that reportedly left one woman dead and at least one other wounded surrendered to police Friday evenin1, officers said. The man was identified u Gary PUce, but few other details were avallabje late Friday. Pulrerton police said Pike barricaded himself Into the home at 3013 W. Olive An. at about 3:30 p.m., leaving the body of a woman be alleaedly bad shot on the lawn outside. Police said they could not approach the body of the woman, because Pike was armed. Officlala said one or two other persona, apparently both women • also were ahot during the incident, wblcb reportedly was tbe result of a domestic-quarrel Tighter control over information proposed WASffiNGTON <AP> -The Reagan administration bas submitted to Congress a plan to let government officfals invoke national security more easily ln keeping information from the public, a shift that would reverse a 25-ye.ar trend toward increased government OpelUleSS. The proposal, which President Reagan can implement on bis own authority, 1'ould require tb~t government .offlclala claasify documents as secret even •'if there is reasonable doubt . . . about the need to classify information." The proposed presidential order , obtained by The Associated Press on Friday, would drop President Carter'• requirement that government secrecy be balanced aaainst the public's right to know. Carter's order also Insisted that information be reviewed after six years with an eye toward releasing it. The draft that th e administration bas sent to Congress states simply that •'information shall be classified as long as required by national security consi~erations." The admlnistraUon, however, backed off on phrasing cohtained in an earlier draft of the order, which declared that "classification shall be determined solely on the basis of national security considerations." That phrasing does not appear in the new draft. On the other band, tbe RQpo proposal dumpa a section in Carter's 1978 order wblch st.ates that 1ovemment officials must "determine whether the public i. terest ln disclosure outweichs damage to national security t mieht reasonably be expected from disclosure.'' Carter also required that government officials determine that possible damaee to national security be "identifiable" before the aecreey stamp could be applied. Reacan'• draft would not requJre "identlflable" · damage before an official could label a do cu ment Low-power license for Otlofrl!e near "confidential," the lowest or the three se<:recy cJaasifications. Spokesmen for the House and Senate Intelliaence Committees said the draft was delivered to Congress on Thursday. They said members would review the proposal and make augge:stlons for possible changes. Although administration offtcla:b have said coniressional opln.iooa would be considered, there is no tuarantee that the word.int will be chan1ed. 1'he president has set no deadUDe for sien.inf the order• but offtclala ban said they want to move quickly. For the pa al 25 years, successive preaidents have moved toward reducin1 government aecrecy and openinl a willle ranre of offidal information to the public. The Reaaan administration. howner, has complained tbat the covemment has aone too far toward such openne11 and sbould exercise greater control over sensitive information. close the huge deficits, but would recommend shuttinf tax "loopholes" to the tune o $7.2 billion for the year, and would re commend unspecified manaeement steps that would aave an additional $20 billion. The unreleased budget documents includes a Ust of programs he would not seek to cut : Head Start . Urban Development Action Grants, Community Development Block Gr an ta; revenue aharins~ National lnatltute1 of Health; Alcohol, Dru1 Abuae, Mental Health block grant; Soclal Servicfls block 1rant; Older Americana Act and Minority Bualnesa Aaailtance. But the conareasional aourees also said many of the pro1rama tar1eted for reductlona in 1883 were c ut a year ago, and predicted there might be stiffer resistance this time. Baby, mother . I l • d • itlTA ·t reunite in 1ri ,,~~ A 3-month-old boy was reunited with his mother Friday after he was found in Mission Viejo, more than 400 miles from home, with a woman with a psychiatric history who had ''borrowed" him. The mother. Linda McGee, came by plane from Oakland to the Albert Sitton Home in Oranee to retrieve little J ames Marco Houston, who was last seen Wednesday with Linda Ruth Nelson, 32, of Oakland. Ms. Nelson, who was found with the baby Thursday night, bad been booked into Orange County Jail for investigation of kidnapping, said sheriff's Lt. Wyatt Hart. The boy was discovered with Ms.. Nelson after Oakland police notified the Orange County • ~ sheriff's department that I., caller from Mission Viejo bad reported the baby there. "We took him and the suspeet into custody . . . in MissioD Viejo at 7 p.m. last night," said Hart. "She CM.a. Nelson) had struck up a conversation with a man there, and asked him to call the mother of the chikt." Ms. McGee said she bad beea "looking in garbage cans for her baby the whole night. I just want lo thank everybody." Hart said Ms. Nelson bad been driving a compact automobile, but he did not know why she was ln Mission Viejo. He said authorities found the baby· unharmed and fully clothed. Th& woman offered no resistan~ (See BABY, Page AZ> I Setback reported iq_ ~deportation f igbt ·~ A San Juan Capistrano couple bas lost a round in .their eUort to block the deportation of their adoptive son, but they vowed Friday to keep fighting. David and Ruth Willet said they were informed Friday that the House Subcommittee on Immigration will not re-hear its reje.ction of a special act that would allow their 26-year-old son Samuel to stay in the U.S. Samuel, a native Liberian, was adopted by the Willets 10 years ago. The couple was working for the Peace Corps in his native country. After seven years together in Liberia and Kenya , then a two-year separation forced by the question or Samuel's immigration when the Willets returned to the U.S., the family was reunited last year when Samuel obtained a one-year visa to come here as a student. But the U.S. government has never officially recognized the adoption. saying that Samuel was too old to be considered adopted 10 years ago. He has been ordered to return to Liberia by July 5. The Willets sought relief through a speciaJ bill sponsoTed by U.S. Rep Robert Badham, R-Newport Beach, but the bill never made lt out of tbf immigration subcommittee. ; The subcommittee ha, .. rejected a request for a netr hearing, saying the Willeti missed a deadJine to ask for il. The Willets say they were nev• informed or the deadline. ~ ~ David Willet said Baallam--"' office told him Friday tb.t Badham will meet with Rep. Romano Mauoli , D-Ky ~. chairman of the subcommittee, early next week in an attempt to unravel the mess. Beyond that they don't know what they'll do~ they say. ?', "We're kind of up the creek:• right now," said Willet. ~ One thing they've said they ~ will not do is let Samuel go. ·: "There is absolutely no way.·· we are going to put Sam on ti • plane and say 'Bye, bye, it'$ certainly been nice knowing )'Olt ~ these 10 years,' " Mrs. Wille\,· said. • "We're just praying that in the·~ next couple of days he'l\. <Badham) be able to convinC\,: Ma zzoli lhht people a~~ interested, and or what'• happening to us as a family,' ~ said Willet. "' Payments probabl U.S. may pay billions for Poland relieves Poland of Its massiv ... financial obligations, $26 billioq" owed to non-Polish creditors. -t · 'The only difference now ~ that Poland owes the money ~ the U.S. government instead ~ U.S. banks," Leland said, "an4~ we will do everything possible ~1 collect it." .,: ~' URllCE CIAIT 111111 ~ lllllET•Y ,. a I i' c1 ptlvt ta tlrtt·ft"oor. w&MoWleu e1amlaln1 ~ «:*apmea aald. A fourtb bosta.ae, a M·year-old doctor, wa1 rel ea1td · exchange for food a few boun later. Tbe three others were ldentlf\ed u Dr. Paul Bowman, chief of the hoepltal'• JeukemJa service and the favorite doctor of Goulet'• eon: Jean Marie Cox, the boy'r favorite nurse, and Jo Cumminp, a ptycboloetst. ChapmH said O'oulet had prepared a tape about hlJ views on leukemia which be asked to have played on Memphl5 radio stations. However, after the 8·minute tape· recorded by police was broadcast, GouMt said be was dissatisfied with its quality, (>C11ice said. • DllllJ .......... _,, 9ery ....... ON HER TOES -Clad in modified tuxedo and black and 1 wh ite sncakt'rs. member of valet parking crew at South Co<Jsl J;>laza hurries to serve another customer. L.eave the parking WO.es to valettes By •JoJ)r CADENHEAD Of UM rialtY "11.t Steff No more driving around in circles looking for the closes{ parkin~ space. No more jostling packages , No . more forgetting two hours later where you parked your car VALET PARKING. long a part of ritzy restaurants and'f'Jhcv hotC'ls. has arrived at South Coast Plaza.· 1 Uari Angel. manager of .. Angel's Valettes" admits that t~ first week of busmess has been. well, slow. Because the service is adjacent to l. Magnin and BullQck 's some people think that the parking is only for those cu~tomers -;a id Angel Others figure that they have to own a Rolls or a Mcf\Ced es or at lcust a car without a collection of worn dents ANGEL WANTS to make it clear that the valet~s, a~ the~wn. will park anything for ft. . ··People who do not hatce a Mercedes thinl< th~~ can ·t use it.· said Angel. "Tl)..-t's too 6ad-~caure Wf! • .want evervone to use it." ~ · During the recent Christmas sease>n. South ·~\ • Plaza off1c-1als hired Angel's valettes ·t<>-parU cars on a I trial basis. THEY WERE parking 200 cars a day. Business was so brisk tbat South Coast Plaza decided to become only the third shopping mall in the country to pffer valet parking to its cus.tamers. ' . A spokesman for South Coast Plaza said that the company is working on a validation plan that would allow• customer s to parl(.!or free. • CarJ are parlced in a reserved lot. Cuvomers ate helped out of their car and assisted with packages. Tll~ $2 fee is g~ for as lqng as the customer is inside the .rnitll. Th~ v•let service is available sev~n ddys a week during 411 mall hours. • OAANGf COAST ""1 Daily Piilat \ CIHIHled .cfvertllfnt 714'M2·1171 All other cMpllrtmenta "41-4321 'Pli• 9•11111l was rH• bf Bo•maa, Wbi>Hld, "Jeanieets tbal raearcb laboratories are betn• flU1Jt "'80Jel1 to flnct a cure and •not the ca\.ase of leukemia . . . on• m111t find the ca-, belo,.. you tan ftnd a curt.'' Goultt toroed the bd•tafee Into• the amaU room shortly before 1:30 p.m1 Thursday. •l:le smok~d marijuana, and •Ito • played J>Oker wttb the boetarea. \Vith whom he apparently had -developed a .i •tea'l cotnractesblp," o1d Chief folice tnsl)ectOl' A.L. Williams. 'VVUUam:s *aid the ordeal did not appear to be wearing· on fGoultt, wbOm be described u calm. although occaalodally Irrational. Chipman said tbe hostages"' moods were "super.''' At lust t.wo of the boltqe& were handeulfed, and the room h•d no bathroom or running water I offlctala said. Hospital apokesmao Jerry Ohipman said Goulet's l·~~•r-old ·~. Robert Michael, dled Dttc . 27, 1980, after ll'ean:nebt at St.. Jude. The hosplta!"was founded 20 )ears aeo by eWtdtalner Danby Thoma.. who was in telephone contfft with ofOclals durto1 the lticUleint. ' ' ' ~ I • ! ResOluti<>rt 'ti8ks' Israeli ' ! FO .. QIT BUILDJ,NQ REOPENS -Peg Forgit and architect aush Hill 1itand in front of remodeled> bri.ck building in Newport Beach . that for decades housed Forgit Hardware. • The hardware shop closed down last )tear. s hortl y after Al Forgil died . Tt)e ·aid cutoff .... architectural firm of Hi111 Danielson and Associates has rehabilitatea the structu,re tq its 1920 look. The firm is to be one of several businesses occupying the building al 115 22nd St. IJNITED NATIONS (AP> The General Assembly called on B • b k • aUU.N.membersFrldaytostop us•ness set ac S •n county :Jr'Ut J.'r~l-:: =~g1S:~ ~=· . · ' Ct 11 tbe •nnexalion of the Syrian · Go~~:":~!~:kiding reaQJutton C9Rl t.Fibute to 1·obless rate pas..a¥...21 ~th 34 abBtellt.ions. • The United Stat-es voted "no." By KE1'111 TUBER December, the county's jobless Burroughs· 5900:6900 series of U.S. ~bus.ad.or Jeane .. J . .,... ..... ...._ •• .._ rate rose to ~.4-percent from 5.2 mainf~ecomputers. Kirkpatrick said she wu "~ry Arthough the nation 's percent in November. • Diacovlsion Associates, pleased that that many unemployment rate took an Economic Deve lopment headquartered in Costa Mesa·, members" ·of the Ge.oeral unexpecte<r tum for the better, I)ep~rtment labor analyst Alta bas seen its workl9rce slump to Assembly were not prepared to Ctldforttia'& Jobless r..:ate Yetter ~lined to speculate on 250 from approximately 800 ill S IUJ~Qn ~t;iis obn.oxious increased•allgbtl)l',.accordlng to lhe county's Ja,nuary resµlts, the last six weeks at its C~ res.Qiu*'>." )lecause of.~ U.,S. · the Labor Depanment. b.u( said.1 the department is and· dost.a Mesa faeilities. That diplomaUc campaign, the votes The state reristered a gain of experleridng a steady increase 200 ftgure, spilt about nenlf ln favor fell short of the number one·tenth ol a percenta,.e point in unemployment insurance between Carson and Costa usually accorded General to 8 .7 percent in January claimsin localoffices. Mesa , will be reduced to Assembly resolution.a against compared with 8.6 percent in Former and soon·to-be between five and 10 within 11rael. December. The nation's fiaures ex-employees of several Orange the next few months. Japan·s f'oretp Minister Abdul Halim 1 decreased thtee percentage Coast firms are likely adding to Pioneer Electronic Corp. i~ Khaddam of Syria said the vote points to 8.5 percent from' 8.8 that s teady increase . buying the MCA Inc. and was "a great victory for the percent. Detroil·based Burroughs Corp International Business Machines movement of peace and It will be another three weeks has laid off 60 of its 1,150-strong Corp. joint videodisc venture, freedom." He charged that before Orange County's January labor force at its Mission Viejo e ff ectivel y ending the there .. avere ·'threat.• ud s t,atistics are available. In facility . That plant produces manufaeturing and marketi~ blackmail practiced by some o pe rations of Discovfsioa U.S. offioiala" to swing votes · From Page A 1 Assoc\ates. l against the resolution. Those few wbo remain will be Israeli Ambassador Yehuda Z. BABY FOUND responsible for maint.aiDing .the ·Blum caUed the resolution a • • • patent portfolio. "sba~e,s,~ument" and said Clos ure of International it w.QU\d not ."'contribute to the when taken into custody, but Nelson suggested that she take Tel ephone and Telegraph-.$ advancement of peace in tbe Hart said she was "a troubled James to her home so she could Datanetics C9rt> $Ubsidiary io Middh: f:4\Sl. ·: indtvidual "~ , try on some ~by clothe$ she Fountain Valley Int, December "Nor js this its intention," he I& ~hit bad told polij:e had. ~ce .said Ms. McGee resulted in the layoct of 220 l~l added. "Similarly, it will not that Ms. Nelson, an Oakland agreed. expecting the baby employees. .. d e ~er Israel from doing . neighbor, had visited and asked would be returned in a few An analyst with the elate everything necessary to. •ecure ush~co!J.ld b9lcl the younester. minutes. Economic Dev e Io pm en t its.sYrvival and existen~e." .. Accor<ling lo Ms. McGee, Ms. After a half-hour. Ms. McGee Department in Sacramento said N ' · .. went to the Nelson home and Ca lifornia's un'employme•t .ati·on' 's DIOne· y· Q'l .. pp" Iy found trntl it was locked and Ms. totals probably rose becatlSe ol p~ N~~on's car was gone, police recent weakness in fbe , $ Sale's. ae.rospace industry and the ·~:._-·ps by .1.4 b!•H!O•D "We've considered this a coconnsttriunctJuoned • ..!tolur.mp in tb' t.l£'tJ 11.ll kidnapping from the start," said ~ Oakland police Sgt. Frank Meanwhile, an analyst witb any imptovement in the economy. Moschetti. the Bureau of LaboT' Statistits Lt. Hart said she will be in Waspingtop att.J:ibuted ttle r el urned to Oakland. wbere reversal of recent sbarp ~1.tl Beca~ drop in the money supply lf.eperally was in line with ex~ctatlons1 there was little ~cf o bong prices. 'lbe stock market, which lost eround most of the week, already was , closed when the numbers were • released. "'•4 •• , authorities will decide if charges nationwide unemployment to. the will be ftled. declining busihess activity. Police have referred Ms. "Many of the industries that Nelson, who also uses the last typically lay people off were so name of Thomas, for psychiatric depressed they bad no extra observation three times since people to lay off,'' said Deb9rd 1978, Moschetti said. Klein . Oriental Rue SALE ... Save so· to so 3 -~ Chinese 90 lmes • Chlnest 90 lines • lmf>enal Pal Kerman • Chmese Super , Princess Bol\hera 11 Chlnese Super ' "Tndo tdxi t ab;i Imperial Pal Kerman C111nese Suoef Wash Chinese Camel Pnncess Bokh.ra T.abir • ( 'I l I a • q • --r·· ---------- AP ..... AWA~J? WIN~EAS -:-Ac~r Jack ~lugman, st~ of the teleVJa1on senes "Quincy. and Geri Jewell. co-star oflbe series "Facts of Life," share laugh during Media Awards Banquet of the California Governor's Committee for Employment of the Handicapped. "Quincy" was honored as best dramatic series. and Ms. Jewell for individual achievement. Haltak Perlman, one of the world's greatest violinists, is now Dr. Perlman. "He's tickled to death to be made an MD," said Dr. Alben P. Sabia, who along with Perlmah r~eived an honorary medical degree Ulia week from the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, S.C. Sabin, who developed the oral polio vaccine, read the citation to Perlman, 36, wbo was stricken with polio at the age of 4: "To a careworn An attorney for Pulitur Prize-winning author Norman Maller bas told the Sul)reme Court in Boston that throwing out bis divorce from actress Beverly Beatley would be an "unconscionable" mockery of justice. But an attorney for the writer's fourth wife said this week they we re never prope.rly divorced and called Mailer a "trigamist." ·'There bas already been a divorce," Monroe Inker, Mailer's attorney. told the state's Supreme Court. "This is a dead marriage. But now -four years later -she's saying I want to go to New York and get another divorce, where I can get a better settlement. That's world, you are a refreshing spirit of coura1e and joy. You have transformed music into a healing art among nations." Sabin, presented an honorary doctorate of medical science, waa lauded as a great healer and humanitarian. Charleston Mayor Josepll RUey Jr. said a street would be named for the 75-year-old virologist, a native of Poland, who is retiring from the university in June. unconscionable.'' Maile r , 59, and Miss Bentley, 52, were marrie'd in 1963 in New York City. They were divorced in March 19fl> in Barnstable, Mass. Miss Bentley ch~ged that the divorce settlement left her unable to support herself and the couple's two chlldren and asked to have the divorce dismissed six months later. The Supreme Court is expected to rule on the case in about six weeks, the lawyers said. Miss Bentley isn't able to support herself as an actress and on the $575 weekly alimony and $100 weekly child support, insists her attorney , Gerald Nlsseabaam. llnc:e Oov. Gt•r 11 8Hh4t'• daucllt•r, ••" .......... alrudy w twSH aaa-w11 precaaat llllD, lbt Ud moN U... p111lq battrut wb1a 1be , llW U art.icJt ID I m11111M ........... "'811 ud llll trtp&lt bltMI. .... tbe Valdoeta IDotMr, due to deliver la M•r• leai'Md lattr lbe hu mon ID COmlbOO wttb tbe ador than the 1uapecwcJ: A t•t Pawed she wun't carryln1 twlna .thl• ume, but trtpleu. laels l"Wd, zt.y .. l'-old aon of former Prea1debt o.ald a. roN, says be won't leek political omce thh year for "personal and bu1lne11 conJlderationa." "I have many years of aervlce to my country and party ahead," be noted. After a recent decision not to run for state controller, Ford bad been mentioned aa a possible candidate for the Republican nomination from the 43rd Congressional District. A snafu is preventing a disabled 71-year-old World War 11 veteran from receiving the Bronse Star b1a wife says he won durln1 the Batlle of the Bulge. Berna.rd 11•a11 of Huron, S. D. became ellfible for the medal because o a chance in Army regulations in UM7, but never applied. Npw bh wile, Helem wants him to have the medal, but be h suffering from Alzheimers disease and is not well enough to slgn the application. Mrs. Maass says she would sign for him, but the Army says she would first have to be declared his legal guardian, which would coat $250 in legal fees. Beadle County Veterans Service Officer Robert Lladblad said be was trying to get the matter resolved. Recurrtn1 neck pain from an injury suffered in a television studio accident last month has put U.S. Sen. Paula Hawklu back in an Orlando hospital. Dr. Mward Farrar said Mrs . Hawkins, 54 , bas "tightness and muscle soreness which i s progressively reducin1 the range or motion of her neck." She was admitted to Orlando Regional Medical Center late Wednesday. Farrar said the Florida Republican was "pushin1 too hard" in her work and was unable to carry out a program or exerciies and therapy at home, according to hospital spokeswoman Cyiitbla Sadler. Conti nued fai r, cool In "'°""' ..... '· H'91'6 this wwll..,-i In Ille 40\, ._ 20I to low JOI. lf...-.n __, h'°"' 41 lo SS. lowt u to as. SWINrll ...,, NtlhS 5' to u .1ows•w ... -. Northe"' ..... C..tr•I CM!fon\i. Small creft -i-v f~ V-• wlll II• mottly l•lr 111111 wllll w Senta -k •. LO<•I -1,....1 clo11c1111ess _,.. cMnc:e of • few ...... 1swis1tnot1. lflOwers ~from non- otlHtrwlM lltfll verl•lll• winds Sundey nltM. s.r-flllrTlff lllte4y ~ _...,... e11upt _.,,, I lo• over lll91Htr re119u tonl9lll end 12 llnot1 ~ -•rlY ,.,...1 t to S11ncley. Loc elly clenH 109 In 2fMt. l'elf. soulheHI $•n Juq11ln V•lley. Continued cooJ with wlclHpreed • , freett lnlend vltltey .,...._ U.S. summary Arctic air-WM 1om"rat11ru Exteltded ,...,,.,,,. ~ .,. Mldwott .. ,.,...,, --•• tc.......i freon' 'orecaat =~-~ac:,_1°.,. J' Tiie 1111-~ cold 'Plllod Into P•l1f'f cloudy Mel cool wlttl <'*'<e tlle l!ltermolll'Ulll r..ion. Utilll -of ~ at tim.. Windy In ttie fell from _...., ..._ Mexko 1_, mountalM. Coest.111 hlth• H to U. _,.......,,, T-. a ... ac:ras OW UWS 411 lo JO. ~alfl hlthl JS to mld·Mlulul ppl Valley. Ille 42. L~UtoU. Mf'tllwe•n1 Ofllo Valley aftcl 1M ---------_........ 0.-l.alla T SuMy lllla -•llod from I.. empe•atu•e1 t1«tllen1 Mel c-ral fl't•lns encl • ' • ' 1'ac:lllel .. .,. ... c-t.. ...... * .... ,.., "' .. .....,,..., $eft ,,...,." Vall•' of Cafffonlla • St1owon --. ~lntht IOUtMMt. Tour• 111roca1t ca11oc1 tor .,_ .,, llHI• 1110wer1 from the Pacific Nottllw9lt !Mo h llOftMrn llOClllM, ......... --9"*'"',,.,.,. ... ee1ter11 Great Lall•• lfll• 1"9 ftert11ern two-thir ds el Ill• A•••••<lllans encl Ille northern Au.ttttkc.tt. AMI -fot'oc4IA lrem ~ T ... 1 ac:,_ the Gwtf c .. tl l"'to ~ Mel CM!Cnl Fl«kla, afld ... , IM mkf.AtlMtlc coest, efld ~·"' llftlY ........ e.,._ ltt' 111• so11111wutern ••sert1, c:allfffflle, ........ I..,.._,. .... ,......, •c..tr.i ............ .. ..,._,. ............ , .......... .... ~. TOI..._....,_.,.... .. ,... .. ........ ""*'r ...... f-• .__. u .......... "' G611119W. MeM., ... ~ _. • 111 irert M'°"" ..... AMMlque Amerlllo ........ At141ftta AtlMkCty ....,._.. 9'tnll""""' llM!atck BOite ...... hlf•lo Cllar1ttn5C Chal'IStflWY ow.,._ Cllkaec> c111c1....-1 Clevel811d Celllmllw Del-l'IWtll .,....,... OHMolrm DWalt llATIOM ,..,., .... mDJ .... .. ~~-==--Jk ........ ...,. .. ., Ocd_.4 mmm ---=== • IUlf llPm· -..0 ... ... %-. , .......... ' ........ I lllflO...,~ t OlllleM tor~: um. dleftet, ... ... -.... • • I tt • " • II ' ,... ........... ......... .., t I 1W ' t w I I 1W ' 2 w SI 1.ouls SIP·Tempo StS .. Maota ---lie TUC90fl ·~ Wklllla 21 IJ ., .. 11 ·16 2t " S6 • U II 02 • MileY: handed sente nce LOS ANGEt.11:8 <AP> - Gr11ory Ma.Uh•" Kiley, confeued accompllee of convicted Freeway Killer WJlllam B. Bonin. waa aeotenced to 2S yean to We tn prlaon Friday in the death of one of the >'OUnl vicUma. Jflley. 20, who pleaded IUilt)' to one murder and te1Ufiod a1aln1t Bonin, wu sentenced by Superior Court Judie Bonnie Lee Martin under a plea baraaln with proeecuton ln Loa An1etes and Oranae counUea. One other murder count and two c:ounts of robbery and sodomy were dropped u part of the aereement, which enabled Miley to avoid the death penalty. "It's exactly what we •treed on before," said Deputy District Attorney Stirling Norris. "This was all done months ago." He aald Miley wlll not be eligible for parole until serving at least 18 years and el1ht months of his sentence for the strantulation murder of Charles Miranda, 15, of Bell Gardena. a.lty ................. ...... A jury last month recommended that Bonin, a 35-year-0ld unemployed truck .driver and twice-paroled sex offender from Downey, be put to death in the gas chamber for the murders of 10 young men and boys in the notorious Freeway Killer case. He had been convicted Jan. 6 after a two-month trial and still faees four more murder counts in Orange County. ENEAOY IDEAS -Department of Energy secretary James B. Edwards. center, discusses Orange County's Operation Powerplay with J . Robert Fluor. right, and John Phillips. president of Newport Beach-based Engineering Supervision Co. The trio spoke at a Friday luncheon at Fluor Corp. 's Irvine headquarters . The nude bodies of the 14 victims were found slumped in alleys, on side streets, behind gas stations and mostly in industrial areas near freeways. The killings began in August 1979 and ended in June 1980. Shared saving of energy endorsed 500 fe tuses found in c ontaine r By KE1'111 TUBER O.ltyHlt ............. Dep artment of Energy Secretary James B. Edwards told business leaden Friday he favors energy conservation cooperatives between private industry and utilities -sueb as Operation Powerplay in Orange County. He warned, however, not to look to Washington for financial support. LOS ANGELES CAP ) "The private sel:tor should be County coroner's and health able to band.le it themselves," department officials Friday Edwards said. They 1hou1d be were investigating the discovery willing to make investments. of a large metal container that We'll give moral supi>oi:_t. but as held as many as 500 human far as expenditures go, we're fetuses wel1hln1 up to four trying to cut down everywhere pounds each, police said. possible." Tlie coroner's ofrtce was The purpose of the luncheon scheduled to inspect what police m e et in g at F l u or Corp . believe to be scores of boxes headquarters in Irvine was to inside the container, which is 210 publicize Operation Powerplay. feet long, eight feet wide and a cooperative begun last year eight feet high and is used at between the Southern California co.natructlon site.s. • Edison Co. and Fluor Corp., 'The coroner is In the process Pacific Mutual lnsuradce Co of of taking ~gs apart. n Ttbe : iiqewport Beacb, '"Ure Jrvhre co .r oner. ~ de Pa rt men t > Company and South Coast Plua estimates 1t s going to be over Shopping Center in Costa Mesa 500 (fetuses)," said police · Detective Larry Kallestad. Each of t be s e 1 a'r g e The grisly discovery was commercial businesses aereed made Thursday afternoon at the to reduce their energy use Martin Container Co. in during periods of peak demand. Wilmington, where the large A central computer monitors contaiMr had been returned their varying energy de mands from Santa Monica after being and, just before a pre-selected rented by Mel Weisber1 of maximum level is reached, Woodland Hills, said Kllllestad. signals one or more of them to Weisberg is believed to be the "shed load." owner of Medical Analytic Laboratories, a clinic previoualy loc ated in Santa Monica, Kallestad said . Weisberg was not immediately available for comment. ·'They made a rather 1ruesome discovery. They're all in formaldehyde, in separate plastic containers, labeled with women's names, dates, going back to 1979," Kallestad said. By shutting non-essential energy functions, such as decorative waterfalls or unnecessary lighting, the uUlity is provided with a capacity that it could otherwise achieve only by bringing Into play more expensive fuel and operating equipment. In return, the companies receive a rebate on part of their electricity bills. One Fluor executive estimates bh company saves around 21 percent on its bill t hrou1• participation in the ptoiram. John Phillips, president ot Newport Beacb -baaet Engineering Supe:rvlaion Co., said Operation Powerplay - based on an experimental program in Los Angeles -baa res ulted in a drop of p:,:l demand of more than 25 per among the buildings inv(>lved. So why isn't this concept mort popular? ''Part of the answer ia became it's so damn simple," Phllllpt responded. "The reliance ia on the ma.1' energy user. Most u.sen don't understand the impact - they're placed in adveraar1 role s with the utility companies." Another reason the prop-am hasn't gained more acceptanee. accordina to Phillips, is due to • lack of publicity. "Nobody's pushed it," be aal4. "Executives don't unden~ the program. because they've never bad it ex.plained to them. · "Wha\'a strange about thia la that there's no product to aell." Fluor Chairman J . Robert Fluor opened the meet.Int by endorsing Operation Powerplay, but stressed that conservaUon la "not the only answer." "There is no reason to believe that conservation -a n• conservation alone -will lolve our nation's energy problems," Fluor said. "We have treat energy development an d producing capabilities ln Uala country that we are not taldna advantage of. We in the Unitei States can -and in my opinioa must -move ahead vitoroua1J in the development of our OWD domestic energy resources." USA IC. 111 And Iota of them! Bw • eet of theM tovety muga avatllble In red Of blue for )OU( eweettt11rt tNa yeer. Great for coffee. te., or Wlf'm cocoa In front of the fire on V•ntinea pa~. SALE • All ate>Nt open 1 de,. a...-; -W"tollff open Thura. tll t fl .M. ·~ ,, l j Can~on airport site opp.osed Nestatlde 1ays facility should be built.at. P~ndleton ~ · ' TO RUN AGAIN -State 8y PaSDBUCK l!ICBOB•llllt e( ............. C&Una aeveral concerna, lncludlnt potential nol" Impact.a on raldenUal areu; Oran•e County Board o Supervi1ora chairman Bruce Neatande baa declared bia opposltlon to construction of a new regional airport ln Santiaco Canyon east of Oranse. Neat.ande said this week that be believes a regional ,airport should be constructed al Camp Pendleton Marine Corps bue in north San Diego County. "Lets face it. San Dle10 ls growing to the north and we're growing to the south," Neslande said. The SanUa10 Can~on alle, owned by the lrvlno Company, haa been under 1tudy by the Southern California A11oclatlon Of Governments. a reatonal pl1nnln1 OTJanlntlon. and a county committee made up of bu1lness and industry leaders. The board chairman cited potentla I nolae I mpact1, construction coat.a and PoSSlble air space con1estion problems for his opposition to the Santia10 Canyon sit~. While sayinl be reaUzed that noise problems associated with John Wayne Airport must be resolved, he added, "But I'm not for iolnl ahead and relmpoalnt a Newport Beach problem somewbere elae.' • Refenine to preliminary noiae contoura developed in the studlea on Santlaao Canyon, Nestande uld, "One can conclude that the community would be dramaUcally altered." Nestande ''Id that be believed tbere is sutnolenl room on the sprawlln1 Camp PendJeton base between San Clemente and Oceanaide for both Marine activity and a re1ional airport. "1 know it can be done and they (the Marines) know it can be done." Auemblywoman Marian Bergeson plans re-election bid. Lawyer due records copies .Berge.on t,o aeek thirdt.enn Judge orders. agency to provide material to NB. attorney State Assemblywoman Marian Berieson, R-NewJ)ort Beach, bas announced she will seek. re-elect.loo to a third Assembly term repraenting her Orange Coast district. The 54-year.old RepubUcan, who bad represented the old 74th Assembly District since 1978, ·aaJd Friday she will run in the newly reapportioned 70th Assembly District, which includes Newport Beach, Corona del Mar, Laguna Beach, Dana Point and the Saddleback Valley to San Juan Capistraqo. In announcing her re-election bid, Bergeson said, "With new changes in Republican leadership, I expect new committee assignments which will be beneficial to my district.'' Berge s on serves as chairwoman of the Assembly Education Committee and \.recently bas been appointed chairwoman of a new select co~mJttee on education. $he also sits on the Assembly L~)>or and Employment and Public Employee and Retirement committees as well as : one looking into revisions of the state penal code. A Newport Beach resident, B~rgeson was elected to the Newport-Mesa Unified School District Board of Education in 19'4. She also wu elected board president. During her years with the school board, she also was elected pres ident of the California School Board Association. · Bergeson and her husband, Garth, are the parents of four children. The federal Drug Enforcement A1ency has been ordered to provide copies of legal records it allegedly seized from the offices of Newport Beach attorney William Yacoboui. The seized records reportedly relate to one or Y acobozzi 's former clients who was arrested in connection with a Hawaii cocaine case the DEA was in vesligating. Yacobozzi has maintained the seizure late Jan. 29 was improper and that the DEA Rent hike brings mobile home suit A 79-year-old Newport Beach woman who says she makes do on $400 a month, is suing the owners of her mobile home park+ because her rent has more than doubled. Her 69-year-old neighbor also 1s planning a suit. Beatrice Quinlan and her neighbor Jean Bennett filed suit this week in Orange County Superior Court against Pacific Land Co., owners of the til')y Newport Terrace mobile home park in West Newport. The suit alleges that the rent increase is unreasonable and, in effect, is a form of eviction. Mrs Quinlan says her monthly park rent went from $120 to S250. She says on $400-a·month income, she can't afford the increase. The suit, filed for the women by Orange County Legal Aid Society, is asking for an injunction to block the rent increase which went into effect Jan. 1. John Barr, a spokesman for 'he owners, says he believes the two senior citizens don't have a case. He says the rent increase is the first at the park in more than two years. ·'The landlord is generally cast as the bad guy in these kind of cases," says Barr. "We don't like that but we've learned to accept it. "We also realize that nobody likes a rent increase. But it's not out of line.·· The case is to be heard in March. Four join board for di8abled Four new members have joined the board or directors of the Dayle Mcintosh Center for the disabled, an agency providing independent living services to Orange County residents with handicaps. The new directors are Shirley Klein of Laguna Beach. chairwoman of the Orange County Council on Alcoholism; Susan Downie of Fountain Valley, a speech pathologist at Fairview Hospital; Don Adler of El Toro, vice president of Christian Re so urce Management in Orange; and George Moss. of San Marino, president of a Los Angeles manuJactwing firm. Model Home Garage Sale Sunday,Feb.7 11 am. to 4 p.m. Furnishings from 8300,000 model home in San Clemente for sale at half price. Includes bedroom and dining room furnishings and accessories. • Old(Npen • ~ ._ ... • lmM*r~ • ...-...Doort ·~"'°'9 • THE AIRY SCHOOL A ~le eo.rdlng High School tor boys. CAMP MOL Y CIOSS A Summer~ for boys; lo 14 YNr8ofd. Conducted by the Benedictine Monks of Colorado in Southern Rockies. Country En. vironr.nent near ski areas. c ••• ,.....,..._,.s..11~ ...... ............. , ........ ~ S ' vk1d SW..• Al FelHlts Accnplcd ................. DeUCTOI OF ADMISSIONS THI AIRY SCHOOi. • IOI .HI CAMOM crn. COLOIADO 11212 ~ CJOJt 27MH I -OI-...... ...._. ... , ............. ,._., ... MIWPOIT IMCH C7141 t6Wt41 •9arden carts Model A's•••• •typingtables wheelbarrows• recreational vehlctes*golf carts• model trains*blkes •planos•cars ref rtoerators *skates•••••• If It's got wheels, you'll move It faster In a Dally Pilot classlfled ad.Oilt 6A2·5678 and a f rlendly ac;t. vlser wm help you turn your .r~•stnto. I agents took material not connected with the Hawaii case, including his appointment calendar. Federal Judae Andrew Hauk in Loa A.o.celes Friday ordered to DEA to provide copies of the material to the attorney but said that Yacoboui must pay for the cost of making copies. A apokeaman for the DEA said it could not comment on the case. Yacoboui said some of the material was bis defense packa1e prepared fat · Jesse S. Bernal, wbo went to trial io a cocaine case last summer in Hawall. Bernal now faces drug charges In a separate case. The Newport attorney said DEA agent.a also took numerous confidential notes of a meeting he had with bls former client. The DEA reportedly had a federal court search warrant for the records. ~ .............. SCIENCE TALENT WINNER Niels May.er. a 17-year-old Corona del Mar High School senior. shows electronic waveform recorder~ designed and built for the nationwide Westinghouse Science Talent Search. Mayer was one or 40 students across the nation selected ror a scholarship He plans to enter his recorder. which transforms electric wave s hapes into digital form and passes the recorded information to a computer for analysis. in further competition. Bolsa wetlands tours set today Two-hour walking tours of the Bolsa Chica wetlands habitat for fis h and birds are scheduled every 15 mintes today Crom 9 until 10 :30 a.m. The 200 -acre reserve near Huntington Beach is south of Warner Avenue off Pacific Coast Highway across from the main entrance to Bolsa Chica State Beach. Members of the Amigos de Bolsa Chica environmental group conduct the tours. We're plottlng to save you moneyl And we're succeeding! Plummer's warehouse program gives you the best value on flne contemporarv furniture! ~;&.:~Teak stereo Benell ~Teak De* --~===-re: The most fUnc:t1onal deSlt for lt5 stze.CY."xn·· X 28YI" H l'M> drawers and bullt ·In bOOll ~It. .. It Iii .,._ 0.-a.Ir' WOOd bade UphOISt'ef'ed seat yanous co!Ors & l:>acll, vartolJS S 79 $79 val...... .... .. s59 colors. $95 val swecllstl White Lacquer Wall System • ,! •-™ >"-'!-----'-------~------;....----------------.-.--.:...,_ ___________________________ o_'~l"D9~-c~~~111t~D~~~L~Y~~~L~O-T~/8e;.:_:tu~rd~a~y~,F~eb~rua~~~~e~.~1982:.:: ____________ ~~::;'~ . HAllTFOJ\D, OoM. <AP) -One of Conn.cttcut '1 outhoua. ii rniuln1. So an two pound.I ot fish atlca, • Jud1e'1 robe and flve pound• of • chicken lep. The dl1cl<>1uru car:n. tb.ll week when atate auditor Henry helter made bla annual report lo the aovernor on what's no tonier nailed down In Connecticut. Becker said the toll came to-. $303,308. Tne privy was taken from Wadsworth Falla State Park ln Mlddlef\eld. . Connecticut Valle7 Hoapltal in Middletown re~rted the lou of rive Pounds of chicken lep, two pounds of fl.lb sticks and seven Jan ol peanut butter. The state Commwioo on the Deaf and Heartna Impaired repOlted that a $58 calculator WU "dropped by accident into a wastepaper basekt." Apparently no one heard it fall, because it got tossed out with the trash. Deeter said security appeared to be worse at the University of Connecticut's Storrs campus, where, among other items, a computer terminal valued at tll.UO dlHppeared. One of the mote inb"lplnl report.a 1howed the los• of •.442 ID lawn mowers, bait••• carts, Hndspreaden and· other equipment from tbe Department of Transportation at Bradley International Airport tn Wlndaor Locks. The department's explanation: ''Building contents blown away." There was no elaboration. Increase in abortions told ATLANTA (AP> -More tban 1.2 ·million legal abortions were performed in the United States 1n 1979, nearly one for every three live blrtbs, the national Centers for Disease Control reported Friday. Legal abortions rose by about 7 I percent over 1978, according to the CDC. Twenty-nine women died after legally induced or spontaneous •t m time ferYalentinet Ligmdation of . BANKRUPr STOCK of Faahion laland Jeweler SAVE 40°/o to 80°/o Big Selectlon Wedding & Engagement Rings. Precious Stones, Diamonds, Gold Rings. Pendants, and Earrings. 14 kt. & 18 kt. Chains. Bracelets, and Charms. Many Custom Unusual and One of a Kind Items. )711·1141 <:1-.=·==·0~=-.:r- abortions. "-------------------------------~• Model 4930 Model 5048 Model 5264 sso Rebate ·Plus 5 Yes Picture Tube Warranty-1 Yea PW Warranty and l Ya Senice branty-Yes we like Magnavox becalse it makes our costars b.,. , I I HT•W.t1'1e c letf Ill 5--' & ,.,..,.. I 25" llAGOllAL SYSJEll\ I Wiiia Mfmced s,Oc• ,._. 1-te CCMltrol ...t * Ale's bdlllnt ht•d•d ~• Wtn•ty-We D•' 5-d Ya11ToA s1r......-w. Slltt. Dtl•lf" ff_.. 5enlce It. * c-•o.1r MOTTHIC~T AIC WI Sa&:TMIST9' UP MODIL AT A UAOll P11c1. s31s.s311-s311-s319 19" STAI IDJTE ........ .. ......, ......... ........ prtce ..... ". prtcelllC>r-.. Ca•ty C41Forhiu Nautical Notions ~OUAR'TMDl1 AVA.ILA8L£ ONLY AT THt: iftCU'tC llOlUlrS ~ srotU'.I USTE.t>: / in Ladies' Shoes mootsle's tootsl•s IADIES' SUP·ON SHOES ·· a nautical theme In navy/white, red/white combos. Rubber tops for lasting comfort, high heels for a fashion forward statement. Whole sizes S.10. 16.99 COSTA MESA 17th & Orange (Mesa Center) WE DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE THE lARGEST SELECTION OF INNOVATM CHILDREN'S RJRNffiJRE ... AND ITS ALL ON SALi NOW1 INTRODUCING OUR NEWEST LINE Of INNOVAJM RJRNrTURE THAT WIU GROW WITH YOUR CHILD RtOM CRtl TO COLLEGE: CHflDSMCE CRIB responds to your changing needs and spoces Conll'em to YOUTH BED as your chlld grows. 6-14 YRS. A Otb COO\l'8rt$ to Youth bed CHIU>SMCE IUNICIB> with comef deSI<. ,JtOtog8 and sheMng units meets your child's needs for Sleep, study. storage and ploy CHILDSMCE PlAJ'FORM BED continues to wOl1< tor your teenogef too! ShoNrl hefe with 80"h sheMng and storage units. This entlte system con travel with him to college •Lt "tf .,, 1.-:J o'J tw I. .... l'.l •• :i !1 • r.f ·1•1 .~1 ,>! •Id f J <ti ~'" N 1{, •·'1 .. I 'l ,fl <:c rl l 1U ··~ •iO 1ef •1q ... tfj "') .. ') .. •/\. ! :.a •,fi j ~ f ------· ·-·""'"---- Oninie CCNlt DAILY l'tLOT/lat"~· 'ebru.ty I, tlll GM's hope_ Production of small cars planned to capture California market By THOMAS D. BUAi For almost 20 )'tart, Californians have led the natloo la bufinl foNtp cars. llore than ball the can sold ln Callfornla today come from Japan or Europe. But General Moton, tbe world's 1 Jara est automaker, says it'a about to •tban1e all that. And GM llu spent $30 billion over three yean -with another $10 billion or ao already earmarked for the baWe -retoolla1 almolt all ita usembly plants to build smaller can. Tboae new small can, tbe buce f1rm believes, will soon belin eatlnlr Into the imports' share of the 0 .S auto frade. Calllomia is a major target. ..Tbla state Is a big opportunity pla~ for us," down market,'' be said. "But It also allows us to convert to smaller can at a time when many ol our plants would be closed down anyway because ot bad sales. U we bad bot sales, we couldn't have converted to small cars nearly u fut. It's been Ulte takln1 a pJt at.op under a yellow na1 ... McDonald aald GM will continue preuing for relaxaUon of the federal Clean Air Act, but ls willing to keep livinl with California's separate smog controls. ' I A . Wlllllll flCUI "IF WE SIMPLY went back to mfetlng the 1980 requirements, by 1990 we would have the entire country in compliance with federal' health standards except for parts of California," he said . "We have always ltnown that parta ol California have a special smo1 problem and need different treatment, but we don't believe the rest of the nation should have to do everything CalifomJa does." Defen~~ ·priorities disputed ' GM president James McDonald aaid in JlD interview. ''It ls a trend-settln1 state. We won't change the imports' penetration ovemJgbt, but we believe ,we will change it." McDONALD BELIEVES GM's first coal in California should be to push imported cars' market share down to pre-1979 levels , with domes tic , automakers selling 65 percent of the ,state's new cars and trucks. •'The market here tu med around in the 1979 gasoline shortage like it never has before," McDonald said. "That was •when we discovered that fuel availability makes an even big1er ·impression on customers than price. , "At that point, the Japanese had huae ~ventories of small, fuel-efficient cars r-.and we had to change our product line. JBut now they haven't got anyth.ing. we haven't got except a slight cost ,differential. But we're going to match r~hem there, too." McDonald's firm had its worst sales 14n two decades last year. But be says be ~xpects auto sales to swing upward in ;ws year's second quarter, starting in r.April. ... ,. "MAN)' VARIABLES we don't t&ontrol can affect sales," he said, #Ustin1 lJ'lllat.ion, ln.terest and federal economic policy. "But we see some real 1f>OS.Uive Indicators: Real disposable ,.income (the money people can spend l,after coverin1 taxes and other 1~sentials> is continuing to rise despite the recession, the relationship of debt to rsonal income ls at its lowest since 977 and an income tax reduction is ming in July. So we see an excellent ance that 1982 will be a turnaround ar." In some ways, McDonald said, the l slack sales of the last two years have helped bis company. "It's iau,h to ln.troduce new cars in a How true will McDonald's opUmlstlc 1982 forecast turn out? Much of the answer depends on interest rates, which impact most heavily on real estate and car sales - the two largest Investments most families make. The lower lending rates go, the easier it is for middle-class families to make major purchases. Most economists predict a continued slow interest rate slide; so McDonald has cause for optimism. But GM will also have to convince CalifornJa car buyers -ever more skeptical of U.S.-made autos -that its new small cars do, as McDonald says, "give the buyer more, dollar-for-dollar, than any import." Thol'l'ltU EUaa, a jree-lance column~• baaed in Santo Monica, analuzie• Mrlh·aoulh 11ate iuw1. By STEPIU;N A. CAl'IBONE . Dr. CQmborw if on editor ai Public Re11arch, SJl'ldicated. The Reagan Administration's plans to modernize and improve the combat capabilities or the nation's armed forces have given rise to a dispute between the Army and the Navy over which of them ought to receive the greater share of an increasing defense budget. The outcome of this d1lpute & likely to determine the course of American military strategy for the foreseeable ruture. The dispute has been engendered by ~wo separate, though related, changes 10 the military-strategic balance between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. The first is the change in the military balance of power in Europe. As a direct consequence of deploying some 250 SS-20 missiles, the Soviets ha~ gained theater nuclear superiority over NATO. Ttie second is &be change in the 1lobal itrategic balance. Soviet politico-military operations in Africa, the Middle East and Southwest Asia have pf aced Moscow in a position f.O cut off at its source the supfly of oU and other raw materials vita to the West. Moreover, the growing capability of the Soviet navy is makin1 it increasin1ly difficult for the U.S. to approach those regions by sea in order to oppose those opera.tlona. BOTH CHANGES bave important implications for American 1trate1ic planners. In Europe, the Soviet nuclear advantaae upsets NATO's ts-year-old derenae plu to malte early use or nuclear weapons to equalize the Warsaw Pact's historical superiority in conventional forces. A number of proposals have been put forth to redress lbe nuclear imbalance, but a baTance is lbe most that NATO can hope to achieve given the current political climate in Europe. A nµclear balance, however, is far less tban NATO once enjoyed. While it m af ..s&-ve ~deter .,Soviet use or nuclear wea\)ont, It will not testort to NA TO its option to use nuclear weapons to offset lhe Pact's conventional superiorlt)I . Consequently, NATO will be forced to expand tts conventional forces. From the Army's point of view, the very least that will be required or the U.S. under these circumstances is a significant increase in dollar outlays for newer. more advanced weapons with greater "f&rSt·shot kill" capabilities. BEYOND THAT, the U.S. might find itaelf compelled to increase the number of tacUca.l air-squadrons deployed to Eurppe, improve its command, corqnumications and control systems. incrtsase the mobility of its troops by providing more helicopters, armored fighting vehicles and tanks, and to increa,se the amount of war materiel 'Facing the reality of job change Reprinted from tM UC Clip Sheet, a need all the psycholoeical resources we - . -~ - biweeldil of the Uni~litll N~ ()fflce, can muster," he said. Uniwnit11 of CaUfom*tl, Bnkelq. With rising unemployment, the secret LOS ANGELES -Millions of is gradually coming out of the clofft respectable Americans carry around a but government as well as most 'rty little secret. They are between employers, unions and educational bs and they don't know how to cope institutions have ipored job transition th their unexpected and demeaning aa ., major problem in American life. status. For example, between 40 and SO percent "We live by an implicit social of the manufacturing labor force turns contract which we feel promises us a over every year. certain kind of work, status and income if we do our part," says Professor Marvin Adelson of UCLA . ·'When the contract is broken, through no fault of our own, we feel betrayed and outcast at a time when. we Wicka THE 11JRNOVER rate will increase in the future, Adelson predicts, with the accelerating pace or technol<>eical and professional change, bualness failures and shifts, and the erowlng interdependence of the world's economy. Advance thinking and planning, however, can soften the traumatic blow of a job change, says Adelson, whose own background illustrates the possibilities or transition. He took a bachelofl'"s degree in electrical engineering then earned a Ph.D. in psychology. After workint as an industrial manaeer, he cha.n1ed to an academic career. Now a profeuor in the UCLA School of ArcbJtecture and Urban Plannine, he ls a Murbt who views architecture as a social force. Adelson became interested in 1001-range job trend• durtn1 the Kennedy administration, when he headed a study on englneertn1 and scientific manpower for the moon-landinc pl'Olfam. start a new personal trowtb ewye. ' -Prepare youreelt in time by takila• courses, readi~g •-"id ~~~~ln1 'U., library for the ~~ent ~ i..~r'• quartedy a.nalJsia of lon1-ran1e occupational outlooks. pre-positioned In Europe. For their part, Navy planners do not deny the dangers posed to Europe by the Soviets. What they do deny ia that Europe ought to be the principal theater of U.S. concern. They contend that the Europeans are capable of providinc all of the additional conventional forces needed for their defense. Rather than become more deeply involved in Europe, Navy planners argue that the U.S. should turn its attention to meeting the challenge posed by the Soviets to the West's vital political and economic interests in Africa, the Middle East and Southwest Asia. As events in Angola, Iran and Afghanistan have made plain, the U.S. :is without the means for meeting that challenge. More specl/ically. the Navy is arguing thal the fleet should be expanded by one-third , to 600 ships, and its amphibious warfare capability improved. Taken together, these efforts would enable the U.S. to oppose Soviet interventionism in peacetime and to destroy the Soviet fleet in wartime. After the periphery of the U.S. and Europe is protected, and after American control of the seas is secured, the U.S. might then be free to again focus its attention on Europe. SO FAR THE Navy seems to be winning the dispute. Press reports indicate that the Navy's shipbuilding budget will more than double in 1983. More importantly. it has been reported lbat the Secretary of Defense bas directed each of the service secretaries to prepare their five-year budgets so that the rorce struclUtt and war plans of the Army and Air Force will be in support of the Navy's strategic plans. The Army. and its supporters in Congress, have not resigned their r position in the dispute as a result of this directive. With respect to Europe, it has been objected that to reduce the U.S. commitment to NATO now, at a time when America's reliability is already being questioned by some of its allies, would be the height of political Irresponsibility. Moreover, a lack of American interest in Europe might tip the political balance in some NATO countries in favor of those who would prefer accommodation to coolrontation with the Soviets. The result would be that NATO would do less, rather than more in its own defense. Witb respect to the Navy's plans to oppose the Soviets abroad, the Anny would like to know how, after meeting Its 1oals at sea, the Navy will be able to affect the land battle for Europe. • AS ONE ARMY s upporter put the point, "you can't really cope with a great Eurasian land power Ulte the Soviet Union by nibblin1 on its Ranks . . . " Or, as another supporter put it, under the Navy's program, the U.S. could end up "controlling the empty oceans" while the Soviets had the land. These objections are sound and the Navy will have to answer them in turn. Meanwhile, the Navy can rest its case on the irrefutable proposition that, no matter how many troops, tanks and weapons the army bas, they cannot be of use in Europe, or anywhere else, unless the Navy can carry them across the oceans to their deatinatJooa. The question beinl dbputed between the Army and the Navy la not a new one. One qulte stmllar to lt occurred in Britain prior to World War J . "Continelltallst" and "aa.valllt" went at each otber in an uneiMlbl1 sen.es of battles ln tbe 1onrDment and U91 public prints. In the end, when Brltaia wu forced to fi&ht, tt wu u botb a land ud a naval power. Uthe U.S. ta ever f~ to ftOt again, one suspect.a that It, too, ril have to do so as both a Ind ud a uval power. • There were smurfs-to the rlpt of me and amurfi to· the left of me. Thoae ornery rascals invaded just about every inch of epace in Uncle ~n·s cubbyhole at the Dally PU~ new1roa111. Jenny i>a~y6, Newport Bea~h remiMed One ~~·aa&. -.iurf• are m ~·· l 1~1 t~ eau hey Uve around alf sorta of runp. So whx •r~ smurfs "blue? Uncle Len bu never seen a blue musbl'OOQ\J~ltft!J>! for' tbt dMs that are colored Wjt.h a Cti¥dla.. It looks like Oncle Len l9 just .&.OiDI to l_lfve to &et UP. early some Saturday morning and watch the smurfs in action. I've beard one or tJ4eir records and they sou.At! Ujle t •otfet'n, version of tba f*1notss cblpmunk cartoon characters. How Jl)any of my friends remember Alvin and Dave and the rest of that 1ana? Maybe you were all too young to baYe seen them. Well , Uncle Len· baa seen enou1b ·smurl characters in the toy stores and pictures or them on l'ecord albums to be able to decide which picture was a winner. •Longtime contributor Amy Sutter, 11, or Corona c'lel Mar 6ad the best or the smurf ca\1alcade of entries. She took Ute $5 first pme. Coming ~ second was Uncle ~en contest newcomer Jeff Arntsen, u. of Laguna Beach. ~ gets$2. Honorable mentions go to Molly Deneher, 8. of Newport Beach, J ennifer Leavitt. 10. of La1una Niguel, Karla Eriksen. 7, of Fountain Valley and Neil. 7. and Eric, 9, Sands of Laguna ~ea~h. Neil and Eric are cousins of second ~Jace winner Jeff. 'CONTEST AL~R.1' · Mo'°e leuers arrivecl In the fast few weeks on the controversy surrounding who can enter the contest. The verdict isn't 100 percent in, but all the letters 1aid teen·agers s hould be allowed lo enter. Everyone agreed that youth should be any ~rspn under age 18 (Of course, pf those letters were written teen-agers.) Let's have some response from my friends who are.under age 13. Notice that this contest was won by 11-year-olds. And there w~re plenty ol teen.agers who .su~mitted pictures or s murfs. Uncle Len wants to remind evuybody th.al \racing pictures ia a Nb-No., AM artwork must be original to be fair. But it's OK to use a picture as a reference for )lour drawin&. Since next Saturday is the day . before Valentine's Day, let's have a contest search for the best homemade Valentine card ' I _J ... o. ·J : FIRST PLACE WINNER Amy Sutter of Corona del Mar ! • 5MIJRF 0 C RD5' SECOND PLACE WINNER Jeff Amtsen of Laguna.BfGCh design. Since Uncle Len can only publish one page. what I'd like Lo see is the cover of your card only .. You can draw any design that is appropriate for your best friend or sweetheart. • Remember to use black ink ooly ·(either ball polbt or relt tip) I'd love to have card covers don..! in red ink. and maybe ru be able to get the big, fUMy people who run the newspaper to work some magic and have the winners appear in red . But all my friends should still use black ink. Use a white piece of paper that meUW'eS • 11\cbel square and send your entries to Uncle Len, Daily 'Pilot, P .O. Box 1560, Co§ta .Xela..Callt. ~ J10 that they get to me by Wednesday. You should mall them by Mo.nday or 100 can deliver them to the Daily Pilot office at 330 W. Bay St. in Costa Mesa. Include your name. address aod age with your entry. And if you have a special Valentine message for a friend, Uncle Len will try to include it in the colunan. Good luc.k! He'd rather fly than switch .Miscreant $aurus.crane evades jull-$ca~ fowl hunt EVANSVILLE, Ind. <AP) - Love calls and ambushes fail~. but a helicopter finally belP,_ed ~oo officials recapture a s-rOOt'- talJ ttane wbo apparenlly forgot be wasn't supposed to bC!! able to fty'. " The Meske?' Park Zoo'~ male sa'urus crane bM'bil fllcht ten- dons r emoved in 1177 ia an operation desilMd to keep bim earthbound. 'lat lbal didn't stop blm from taki.nl Off tato the )Vild blue yonder ldtweeL Officials speat a week tr)'inC to entice the r .. 1 bick to bis f. . - . .,,, ...... llLAWIATD-John Hille~ J .D. the chimp romp bi John's bedroom at the home olllr. aDd Jira. Dave Hale. }fahl, a bret!der of exotic animals, said John and J .D. have been nearly inse.,arable since th~)' were born two weeks ~pa.rt t~ years ago. J .D. bu his own room in the Hale's spacious ranch houSe and often eats at the ,.mily dlrtner table. Unlikely ~b.+others~ Boy and chimp raised together as siblingJ in family~ BY ED SCHAFER ~ ........... "'- CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. John Hale is a 2·year-old who sometimea.. t.b.ink.s he's a chlalp. His buddy'1.D. is a 2·year-old (hlmp who usually thlnks ~·s a boy. . ''They were t>orn twC) weeks apart in Septerpber lt79," said Maxine Hale, the wife of an exQUc animal breeder. "From their earliest <iJYS they bave ~ toge.tber,'' she said. "They would lay there side bY side with their bottles and not have any idea t.hey w ere different.'' J . D. began walking first, of course, but as soop as John found bis legs tbey learned how to get Uato mischief together. .. Neither one of them was tall enough to open a door.•• said. Dave Hale, the boy's father. "so John would lean against the dO<>r, J.D. would climb on his ~hot.Uders to tum the knob, and off they'd go." J p ., member of an endangered species, lives with tbe Hales in their spacious hilltop ranch house. He has his own room and, when the Hales' daugMers are around to keep an eye on him, eats. with the family. "He can handle a fork and spoon a lot better than most humans his age." said Hale. L'Sut you have to watch him. He's quick.·· The Hales said J.D. has added a lot to family togetherness. "The other kids love him," said Mr11. HaJe. "The girls treat blm like a little brother a nd take him ever ywhere with them. Then, of course, there's the simple entertainment value.·• "We don 't need to watch teJevision," said Hale. "When those two start playing it's the most bllarlous thing you've ever seen. And when you laugh, it just spura them on." But tears quickly bring sympathy. On a rece1tt viste, J ohn was feverish "ltb the croup and the chimp P"'' hi• ardl around the boy, kissed hu face and tried to console him. The HaJes said J.D. h~ never embarrassed them. John has, however, on occasion. "Not long ago we were down in our gift shop 81lsi 1 gave John a banana." said Mra. Hale. "He took it and romped of( yel~. ·Hoo, hoo, boo.' Everybody in the shop cracked up -including me." J . D. serves a purpose in tbe community, too. "TB.y love to have tum come and vi.sit nursirfl homes and charity event.a," said Mrs. Ha le. "We try to do it whenever we can." Runaway finds home Eventually, the Hales know, the relationship betweel) cblmp and boy will have to end. "We've been told t.bat when chimps get to be about 10, they get toueh." said Hale. "They say that a time will come when we will not be able to discipline John in front of J .D. Even now. If we spank JD., John cries an'd if we spank John. J .D. comes after us. NEWARK, N.J . {AP> -A shaggy, mixed-breed dog that backed up traffic on New Jersey's Garden State Parkway has finally found a home. The white pooc h, after a lO·day stay at Kindness Kennels in Rahway, was adopted by M~~ Georce Watts of Oolta Nedt u a Christmas present for he~ The dog caused a mile-long traffic jam Dec. 10 on the Garden State Parkway's Gov. Alfred Driscoll Bridge, which connects Sayreville a nd Woodbridge. It eJuded captors until It was grabbed by David "But we'll worry about th•t when the lime comes. Rlgbt now it's fun for all of us. We do wonder about what John will tell ~hildren. ~is!\er; who lOOli &he dog to the nioo County SocJety for the revention of Crue lty to Animals. his childrP.n, though." · (10 point• for each qunllon an1we,.d corrtelly) 1 In his first State of the Union address President Ro~ introduce<:\ his pl~ns for the "New Fedenlism." TRUE OR f ... lSE: The plans would transfer ftnilllcial responsibility for many social ser.-1ce programs from the states to the federal government. 2 In the face of rising budget deli~its t¥1r, Reagan said he would continue his policy of tu (CHOOSE ONE: increases, cuts}. 3 Congressional committees have ~n debating Mr. Reagan's request for an ad· ditlonal S100 million in military and economic aid tor the Latin American nation of .. l .. , where rebel forces threaten the U.S.-backed government of Jose Napoleon Duarte. 4 The Commerce 0eJ)4artment said the lndeic of Leading lndicatort, which is often used to predict future ecOftOmic trends, (CHOOSE ONE: Increased, decreased) 0.6 pen:ent In December. • newsp1ctµre (10 po("tt·" you enewer IN• qveetlon conectly) We5tern leaders called the police reKUe of U.S. Brlsadier , I General James Dozier a defeat for terrorism. General Dozier, shown at left shortly after his release, had been held pmoner for 42 days by the Red Bngadet, a terrorist gtoup in (CHOOSE ONE: I Italy, West Germany). This group has been responsible for many other kidnappings and bombln9s there. peoplewatd1/spor~ight (2 Point• tor MCh qu"tlon an-* co"9dly) 1 In a special ceremony, UN Secretary-General Javier Perez de I Cuellar prese~ted a s<?1d UN peace medal to his predecesSOf'. I .. f .. of Auwu1. 2 Henry Fonda won the Golden GIQbe Award for Best Dramatic Acsor fo r his performance in the film (CHOOSE ONE: "On Colden P'ond," "Chariou of Fire"), which won the Best Dramatic Motion Picture. award. 3 Robert f. Kennedy ind Emily Ruth Black announced thaJthey will be married in April In Bloominston, lndiatla. the bn&'s hometown. TRUE OR FALSE: The sroom is the sbti of the late John f •• Kennedy. '\ 4 Super Bowl XVI quai'\e rblcks •• f •• df the Cln~tl Bensals al1d .. 1 .. of the San Francisco 49ers ~ once tfiWJ at t~ all- staf Pro Bowl In Hon()lulu, where the AFC del-4 ft. NFC team. S Uf1'Y Bird 9f the (CHOOSE ONE: Bostgtl Celt~IJ>"la 76ttfl) ltd the East to a victory over th4West In "8.\'• All- Stat Glme. I . , I .I .., = - NURSERY0 DWARF CITRUS 5 gal reg S15.00 S8.98 SELECTED SHADE TREES 5-15 gal. 600/o OFF INDIAN HAWTHORNE reg. s13_50 STAR JASMINE & a: 98 TEA TREE 5gal valuestos13.50 ~U. ESCALONIA 5 gal reg s12.oo GERANIUM, AZALEAS & MARGUERITE DAISY 1 gal. STAR JASMINE, TEA, TREE, D'AARF WHEELER! I BOXWOOD & LAVENDER STAR FLOWER 1 gal . DIOSMA, ESCALONIA, NANDINA AND VARIGATED PITIOSPORUM 1 gal. • COLOR PACKS reg. 1'2.69 4 II BEDDING PLANTS & PONY PACKS reg . s1 .19 ss.98 values toSJ.75 s1.98 values to SJ.98 s1.1a values to sJ.50 s1.48 s1.69 5.69 INDOOR PLANTS 6" HOUSE PLANTS B" HOUSE PLANTS 6" CYCLAMEN BASKETS reg. SALE S1Q.95 '5.95 s2a.95 $15.95 sa.95 '4.95 250/o OFF FLORIST VALENTINE ARRANGEMENT '21.95 reg. '29.95 SILK FLOWERS 250/o OFF r ~ ----· .. ~------ GARDEN SUPPLY reg. SALE . SS.98 2 cu. ft. ROGERS POTIING MIX sa.98 FANTASTIC ... PATIO SAVINGS ~ 30 # • • • • i TROPITONE reg. SALE ' i : TAOPI KAI : : 42" TABLE SET 1725.00 '379.00 : • • : 48" TABLE SET 1758.00 '379.00 : • • : CHAISE '237.00 1165.00 : i MARRAKESH i : 42" TABLE SET 1718.00 '430.00 : i 48" TABLE SET '751 .00 5450.60 i : CHAISE s212.oo '190.40 : • • : CANTINA : : 48" SQ. RD. TABLE '966.00 '676.20 : • • : CHAISE '340.00 '255.00 : • • : BROWN JORDAN : : TAMIAMI : • • : 42" LEG TABLE SET sr79.00 '389.50 : : 48" PED . TABLE SET S855.00 '427.50 : : CHAISE SJ19.00 $199.00 : • • : 18" SIDE TABLE s110.oo '75.00 : • • : MAUNA KEA : : 48" LEG TABLE S875.00 Sfi12.50 : • : CHAISE 5389.00 '272.00 i : ENSIGN II : I • 42" LEG TABLE S695.00 '417.00 : : . • 48" LEG TABLE S731.00 '438.60 : • • : CHAISE SJ29.00 '209.00 : i UMBRELLA S289.00 1199.00 i i ICE CREAM SET : : 30" TBU2 SIDE CHAS. 1235.00 s179.95 i i ALL/BERT . i • • • DANGARI • • • : TABLE/W 4 CHAS. s1 ,ooo.oo M.00 : • • -' m ROGERS SOIL ACTIVATOR s1a.98 12 # '12.98 '7.95 BANDINI 2-WAY 24# BANDINI 2-WAY 20 # 59.95 S17.95 514.95 BANDINI SUPER BLADE SS.95 '5.30 '9.80 '9.99 40# BANDINI SUPER BLADE s12.95 14 # PAX SUPER CRAB '12.49 8 oz. ORTHONEX '4.98· '3. 70 16 oz. ORTHONEX S?.98 '5.98 ORTHO SPRA YETIE s1.98 SS.80 BANDINI LAWN SPREADER SJ4.95 '25.00 AMES® SHOVEL S13.99 '9.99 AMES® HOE s12.99 '8.99 AMES® FLEX. RAKE s10.29 '7 .99 WATERWANDS 59.98 '5.98 COLOR PRODUCTS 10" RED CLAY POT REDWOOD CRATE ' 14" HANGING BASKET s13.so SS.95 S24.95 '14.95 s42.oo '29.00 POTIERY LG.MEXICAN PEDESTAL 22" MEXICAN LOW BOWL 10" RED CLAY POT 10" RED CLAY SAUCER 12" REDWOOD PYRAMID BASKET 2" x 6' REDWOOD STAKE 114.50 '22.00 14.70 SJ.00 SS.40 13.60 '7.50 '8.98 52.99 .s1.75 '5.98 '2.60 14" MOSSED RD.BASKET S14.00 '8.50 20" BAIL HANGER W/EXT. •1s.so '8.98 Prices eflect1ve thru Feb. t5. end = llm!!!!: -I subJect to quent-...... Illes on tien<i SATURDAY, FEB. 6, 1912 COMICS TELEVISION UCLAneeas comelJack to subdue Trojans .. P.age 82. By •OGBll CARLSON o1 .. .....,,, ........ Kaa1as University bu htt the ' jackpol again -a4dint two rn9Te Edison High football atari to lta ro.ter -quarterback Ken Major and fultba~k Dave Geroux. "H won't be lone before maybe it's going tp be an all·E~ backfitld at Kansas," says Edison High Coach Bill Workman. The addition of these two AU·CIF Division I stan 1ives ' Kaosu seven Edison products over th~ past three years. Already there are running backs Kerwin and Dino Bell, quarterback F-rank Seurer, defenaive standout Troy Seurer and linebacker BUI Malavaal. Several other Edison stars have, or are about to mate their choices. Linebacker Rick DiBernardo has confirmed his choice of Notre Dame Che had made it known weeks before his heart was with lhe Irish> and tight end John O'Callaghan and Bretl Blanchard have decided on San Diego State. The Ubiversity of Southern California, which was recruiting DiBemardo and Geroux heavily, failed again in an attempt to secure the Edison stars the Trojans coveted. Kerwin Bell was the prize that got away two years ago and use has come up empty-handed ever since. DOUBLE TROUBLE Jeff Haun (left> of Southern California College and UC Irvine's Mike Inglehart each try to complete double plays during Friday's baseball opener for both schools at SoCal College. Sliding in to ' Deity ...... "'--"" a...11.-r break up the DP tries are Ralph Gedies <left> of UCI and Todd Russell of the Vanguards. Game ended in 2·2 tie and was called because of darkness. See story, Page 82. "It's funny," says Workman. "Almost all of our kids seem to want to leave, to get a change from the area." 'fbe major reasons for Geroux hynch ties Sailors ·up • ID knots, 53-44 By •OGEK CAJlLSON CM•Ollty ..... Mllfl Chris Lynch tied a hangman's knot and stuck the Sailors in it Friday night, scorine 22 points in pacing his Corona det Mar High teammates to a 53-44 Sea View League basketball decision before a crowd or 1,400, wfllch filled Newport Harbor's gym. The victory, epsy by standards set in this series, keeps Corona del Mar a game 1,1p on Estancia in the race for the title with a 10· l league record ( 16·3 overall). Estancia, 9-1 and 18·4 overall, travels to Corona del Mar Wednesday night. Newport Harbor falls into a tJe for third with Costa Mesa. Should the two finis h that way a coinflip would determine the CIF 3-A playoff team. "I looked at the standings for two five-on.five and I thought Lynch, all of days," said CdM Coach Jack Errion. them, played well. "A win tonight clinched a playoff berth, "Hess moved the ball exceptionally a wi\l Wednesday gives us the title, a well against their woe and Lynch just win rlext Friday gives 11s the good draw had-a great game.~ in the playoffs." Lynch bit 10 of 16 from the field, and Errion's Sea Kings displayed the rest of the Sea Kings were sharp, everything you want in a winning team Kurt Petersen and Hank Goebel adding -and it began with Lynch, who simply ei&ht points apiece# Hess with the took Newport Harbor's zone apart with playmaking and de ense and Garth• his outside s hooting, penetration, Olson and Dave VaoSteenhuyse playing rebounding and overall game. well at both ends. The Sailors went with a box.and-one Newport Harbor's only player ln for a while in the second half, but double figures was Byron Ball with 14 nothing did much good agalnst Lynch, counters. who did everything but sweep up the It was close only for a while as the confetti and write the story. lead changed hands nine times be· "It was a nice, team game," said fore Vansteenhuyse pumped in two Errion. "We were a little loose with our long.range missiles to snap a 14-all ball-handling, but we tr_le_d_t_o_._pl_a~y __ ...... s._a_m_e_. __ _ The Sea Kings moved to a 32·22 lead with 5:32 left in the third quarter as Lynch stole the ball and fed Hess for an easy layup, then Lynch took a long pass from Hess fer another-~ ~ CdM threatened to break it open. The Sailors came back, pulling to wilhin 34.32 behind the shooting of Scott Liner, but that was it. The Sea Kings were in command and kept the pressure on the icy Tars, who shot 33 percent from the field (17·of·51). CdM shooters, meanwhile, sizzled at 69 percent (23-of-39). The Sailors made a little noise with their press, but not enough, and DeBusk agreed: "With two great guards, Corona del Mar had no reason to worry. They have great poise." Estllncia puts Uni i~ one tough spot Vikings still alive after 67-55 win MAYDOL.9 SMITH Lakers nip Washington LANDOVER, Md. CAP) Norm Nixon antt Kareem Abdul· Jabbar s parked a 11 ·2 fourth-quarter rally after Los Angeles bad blown a 15-point lead and led the Lakera to a 90·87 National Basketball Association victory over the Wublneton Bullet. Frhlay night. The victory ended a two-pme losing streak for the !Aken, who b~ 1<>1t llx lD • row on Waablnctoo'• home court aioce the 1976-T7 aeUOD. Tramn1 73·7~ the Lakera streaked to an N ·75 lead with 2: 29 remalninl u Nixon '1cored four Points and Abclul-Jabbar addedllve .• Bul tbe Bulleta, wbo have lOlt four Ila a "°.! t •lalo rallied and pulled to wtwa 8H4 on a buket by Jeff RuJanclwttb t:OC left. But MJchMI Coo9e1' laU oat Of two free tbroft· re..· the Lakert and, llfter a ....... :. fteld t.-1 atteibil by Rul..S:Mkoa ..-.ct two more roa1 -1b0ta wttll 11 JeOoadi left. ~11c Jobn1on 1cor 12 IDr Lai \\Abl• ...,... ... wt~ • IOaf '-Jury. -fGiDt .. to bl x.,.,... ~ Lia Aqel• trabMr Jack CWTaia nld .. bUur7 4icl -.... to ......... .... By CUllT SEEDEN °' -Dllltr ........... Huntington Beach High basketball coach. Roy Miller slowly walked in front of bis bench and surveyed the damaae. His statistics &irls meekly banded him their individual stat sheets for his perusal after the visiting Mariba Vikings had banded bis Oilers a 67 ·55 Sunset League setback in bls own l)'m. lt didn't take any Johnny Wooden-like wizard to unearth the reason for the setback. ... WE NEVE& warmed up for 32 minutes. We just didn't shoot that well," Miller noted after the aame. Indeed, 22 field eoats all ni1bt and only three ln the second quarter won't win many 1ames -especially in the sticky Sun1et Leaaue. Marina, by 1atnln& reven1e lor a firat·rouncl ae\back at bome to the Ollerat DUiied into a three-way tie with Fountain V Uq and Ocean View for third y one ol tile three all PN"llJWD' will the l•IU•'t No. 1 .. I temnl to the CIF pllfo(fa. '•&Yer al nee we la1t to R•tln&Mm Beach at heM, it ' put • beblnd tbe a.MP~-ewn ~ tboup we did b•t Octan View:· noted Marina Coach Sti•e ~cb, Ulf ft ..... t.bat 1•..-•· •'n s.a. We~ .. WtoWID~cm." lo 4l•t =blcla't iPl~Jwt. W~ .. pumptq ID • r.:::t .. ~ .:= loUrtla ........ .... tlM OOln ............. from able I clddt'.-... Vlkiatl kept tlMlr ... .,.., .... ... They wrap up the s~son with a home game against Ocean View and1 a a road finale at Westminster. "OUR DEFENSE gave them problems with their shooting," continued Popovich. "We managed to pull them out of thelr zone near the end of the firs\ half. When we spread the court. we started to pad our lead." Padding a lead is putting it mildly. After the Oilers had opened a 15-10 first-quarter lead, the Vikings battled back, eventually assuming a 22-20 advantage. Huntington Beach would not lead again. Marina outscored the Oilers, 2().8 In the second quarter to take a 30·23 advantage. But the Vlkinp came out in the third quarter and reeled off 10 'straight points to take a 40-23 lead. And with Smith bitting four pivotal free throws without a mlaa and John Berry acorln1 ab of bis 18 points tn the fourth cnaa.mr. the Vikiqs held on ">r the victary . and Major choosing Kansas were as follows : 1. The coaches; 2. The atmosphere ; 3. Their ex· teammates; 4. The situation at Southern California (in the instances or Geroux and Di Bernardo). The latter is due to two or three factors . First, USC's dismal performance at the Fiesta Bowl. Secondly, the annual tentativeness of bead coach John Robinson, who is the subject of rumors every year about whether he'll stay at USC or leave for the pros. And, there are sWl more rumors about a possible investigation of USC for infractions and potential sanctions. USC was also going after O'Callaghan, but the tight end decided to go with Blanchard as a package to San Diego State. Major chose Kansas after getting his choices down to the . Jayhawks and Michigan State,, while Geroux had pared it to Kansas or USC. The Kansas situation is apparently very attractive to Edison s tars inasmuch as the demeanor or the staffs are much alike . "Yo u don 't ne e d an appointment to see the bead coach at Kansas," says Edison Coach Bill Workman. "And you don't need one here, either. It's very much the same type of situation. You know, we've got four or five kids in the office all tbe time, it seems (when not attending class or practici.ni oo the field)." Also making choices are Bryce Malavasi and Craig Dumity, each beaded for Fresno State, while punter Troy Richardson i.s down to either Southern Methodist or Cal State Fullerton. Greg Eskridge and Theo Langford, who transferred from Fontana and Chatsworth to Edison before their senior season, appear beaded for the University of Minnesota, but they haven't made it official yet. Decker's mark highlights ~Ones Games I i I t I I ! , . ·~. t I! ' ..... ' l ' , . Fro!1f!r 81 ~....... ------TIMES GAMES. Norway's Grete Waitz in 1980. ,.._ Decker was also tr"edited With a world indoor best in the 2,000 meters, a 5 :53.+. witb tbat distance timed as" part of the ' 3,000. She receiilly ran women's fastest lbdoor 4: 24.6, and also bas the top times ever on the boards for 800 meters, 1:58.9; 880 yards, 1:59.7; and 1,000 yards, 2:23.8. Joan Hansen fmished second in the 3,000 at 9: 15.9, and Patty Sue Plummer thir~t 9: 18.1. Paige, who heiiU\lle previous indoor best of 2: , beat Mark Belger, who was ti ed in 2:05.8, and Joel Ngetic _of KeQI 2:06.1. MacGregor, a 22-year'~l~ • kindergarten teacl)er in Hal1le Pool equalled Rosalyn Bryan!'S indoor standard for the 500 set 9 -1977 . June Griffith of Guyan. was second to MacGregor 1 :04.5 and Gwen Gardner third in 1:05.0. Padllla, a former Brid$m Young University runner JhO won the 2-mile in this med iA. 1981, overtook pacesetter Ray UCI, SoCal . :1 .. settle for tie r • • ;..s -t 'j(\Jrvine -~-- I I · B88kethall scores ~ POrl Boes, Gauchos battle foes -Hlah echool -.. ~ LMlllle ~ Coach 1ahdy Gillis· c orona d•• Mar n ..... ..,, ()ran&~ ~ College H~.!,..,1..w.51 1 t>t~ttia comttnu~ their hi.Mela S1, un1-•11Y • .AAUt to saeak llltp the Costa Mna..,:;.. S:C" 41 J)«>uth Coast Conference Marlna'1, Huntington &Nell u 1ShaughnessJ basketball Edlton71, WostmlMter S4 Q r playoff picture tonight c>«anvtewu. ,,_.1nva1..., ••• ~ ·~-........ 1 wa·tb ~ cao.e w..-....... en Wkf<)Y ._..,.e OanaHPlsM.~9e«llJt • bostSanta ~a. s.no.nwne.M,c.i•r-va11tY At s'addleback., the .,~H11t1M.M1M1onv1eio• ;<:i&'J~ of Coach Bill .,...._ ....._ Bs•mmel could move· 5,Matee.,.. 57• .... -"~ 1iio a tie for ftrst ht the SeN1te1t,St.Pauua Mll sion Cotaference La~:;-..,.U::.1 • • basketballrace. L.es,......, •-.. ~.. Both gunee be.liA at ..... 6'81'* ... ~~-'1:30. DeP.aul meets ·MargUette' ,~ .. " I I Jll I I BY BOW.Aab).! w•fliriy In O(_....,,,..M <i:Ri'w.' I f l L For thou anow-boubd ... .....,.. &o watell tie J Bln1 Croeby NaUonal Pro--.U .,_...,l from Pebble Beleb •• alMtt: nm. 4lfteD s.-. 1 play. It mu1Uie a. NfraW.,atabt. , / Even wltb the r1lM 'lhat Oflea IUtii!tu California ~wa ·~ tM PebbM !Mac~ area, the lempefatMNI.,.. aucheo mate tboA m the tolder ~ tr.laM wJtb eDVJ. t. The Clwb)' Qamtieke wtll be seen oa C......,. .2 today at a:~ with v~ &cully1 epct ~at Summert)J head.in& a U•t ol alx ao.o~ , For ballletbeU.J..,,, two c;,\iep 1•m• are on tap today with .chQ.Df,t t brinlln.I No. 4 ranked DePaul at ¥al'INette at ~ followed by the Arliooa State,. at Wa~hlaston. State. encounter ._ the aame channel at 2. The sport.I variety shows include aame day coverage of the European 11-ure •~atu._. champiooM.lps from Lyon, Fraoce oo CbaaneJ 2 at 2 and tapect eoverase of tbe meq-_ llDd lee d~lni finals in the U.S. qb&1'lpionanp oa Wide Worl4.~ Sports (Channel 7, ':~>. I. Followl09 are the toP sports events on TV i•Y· Ratings are: ( ( ( .t Excellent; .t .t ( worth watchi09; ( I fair; I forget It. ' • •I ... ·r I COLLEGE BASK ET.BALL: De Peul at Marquette. • Announcen; Dick enbero ~nd Al McGuire. Marquette ,Kolds a 31·23 edge In this MldwesJ rivalry that began In 1917. But e>efjaul has C1ome on strong and has won the last four In a row lnCIUdlng a 78-71 decision last year. Terry Cummings is among the nation's IHders In scoring and rebounding. DePaul is rated No . .c In the nation this week while Marquette Is unranked. ~-2 p.m .. Ch•nnel 4 ./ ./ COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Arizona State at Washington State. Announcers: Barry Thompkins and Lynn Shackleford. Two teams with nowhere tq go except up In the Paclflc-10 Conferenc:'.e battle. Washrngton State ls S-' and Arizona State 34 in Pac·lOplay. 3:30 p.m., Channel 2 ./ ./ ./ GOLF: Bi09 Crosby National Pre>-am. Announcers: Vin Scully, Pat Summerall, KB.-i Wright. Frank Glleber, Tom 8rod(shier and C!lfl Ventur\.,. Geqli l3,ums Gas ahtf,round lead afti' salva~9 t 69 In. ~rt ~'\. He 1akes • two-roul1d tdtal of 136 Into ay's round at Spyglass Hiii. Hal Sutton, a rookie J?ro, and Jim Simons are a sing le shot off at 137. Friday's competition took pJace under bright, warm skies. OTHER TELEVISION 2 p.m . (2) -INTERNATl~L SM..!ltil CHAMPIONSHIPS -Same day co•a~ ~ European Figure Skating CtlaJW>~Shlps, ta Lyon, France. Also: The world~nt speeds cMmpionships, taped at Alk~r. tfte Nethe111ncl:I. (7) -SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLD~ll GLOVE$. • . 3 p.m,.m -P~O BOWLING -The finals of ttfe BPAA u:s. Open, 1al>ed at Houston. .C:30 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPOR~,... Current World Cup downhill leadet Steve Pod""'Ski and 1976 Olympic champion Franz. Klanvv.r among the competitors in taped eQiYeragir World Men's Downhill sk iing champlomh Schladmlng, Austria. Also: The~men's ·~ • dancing events in the U.6 . figure Skit Q championships, taped at lndtanaPolls. 1981 U.!. anti world c~Tt Scott Hamlttotl ~s --~· tough opposition from David Santee, ru~~a t-r both tit~ Mt·V"r. • 6 p.m. (SO) -SPORTS AM'EalCA -HIQl\la.Mis of the f i r st North A mer I c an open Ila rate championship, taped in Connecticut. . RADIO I. Basketball -Cal State Fullerton at Utah ~ta.•· 6:30 p.m ., KWRM <1370); ~ Jo$e State at L'9" Beach State, 7:35 p.m ., KLONl(t8.FM). ,__ Hockey -Va.ncouver at Klng,s, 6:.50 p.m ., 11'1.P (1150). , • , .... ' . .. ------ oursrANOINu VALUE S~ -I ~ ---------- QD. ...... ~ tM llaat kWlrl ol tb• a..J View lAal\M m.a'1 bubtMU rac._ !moved a •teo cloMr to a Cir playoff '"9rtb Frtclay •llbt wltb a eonvt.DUI trr.a wbl °"' lal:lil•et. 11 Tcb-beat lrvlM ID otW Sea Vlew actloa Wbile lldllon wra;,.ct up at leul a ahare of the Sunlet Lea~ 00• With a '11.at win over Wt1tiDIDlter. Here'• bow It went: · Costa ""8 81, Mdchbectr 41 The lluatanp had-a 1care tor a wblle u Saddlebaek bit 1 of 12 lD tbe flnt period but the lluatanp 1aapped out ol a ll·lt 1ame with a 21·1 leecnd period and breeled home to up tbelr Sea View Lea1ue record to M, fOOd for a Ue with Newport Harbor for third place ln the race fw a CIF 3-A playoff berth. Keo Bardsley 1cored 22 poJnta and Jim Pellchowald added 12 points.· Bardsley bit 8ol1' from tbe fteld. John Strayer led the reboundlol corps with olne. £1Toro58, trvtne 51 Irvine Hieb Coach Al Herring la still trytn1 to ft,ure this one out. Ilia team had a »25 lead after three quarten, then saw El Toro blitz ita way to a D -12 marain to capture tbe five-point victory. 'f Sophomore Lance Neal scored 15 points for Irvine, but the winners aot a 19-point effort from Sonny Lewis (8 polnts in the fourth period) and 15 from Todd lqlebart (11 comlng in the final, fren&ied fourth quarter.) "The last quarter wu a combination ol a lot of tbinp," said Herring, wbose team falls to 1-11 in Sea View Leacue play and 1·11 overall. "It wu a press, no c~. grabbing, pickine. loose balls and simply an out-of-control game," added Herring. El Toro's win gives the Chareers a 3.9 leaaue record, 4·15 overall. Edteon 71, Weetmln•t•r 54 Ed.laon clinched at least a tie for the Sunset League championship u coach Barry Lei&h used 11 players in a relatively easy win. Surprisingly, EdUon was outrebounded, 3642 in the game but the Cbaraers bad enough offensive firepower to keep the aame out of reach. Ill ar.t Goudge paced the Cbargen with 16 points while Rick DiBernardo bad 12 but the Edison starters sat out the entire fourth quwter u IAteh UMd tbe chance to alve bii bench 10me · playtqUme. Jeff E11tln turned in a 1trona performance for Weatmln.ater with 11 points and 13 reboundl but the Liou remained winless (0-8> in Suuet play. Edison ii now T·l ~ leaaue. 20-2 overall. Brethren 47, Wood~ 44 Sophomore 1uard Mark Forinser, playln1 on • badly swollen ankle, acored 1' of hb aame·hl&h 1,1 points In the second half but it wun't enou1h to overcome a poor fint-half performance as the Warrlon went down to their el&hth defeat in 21 outinas. The Warriors could manaae but 14 points durin& the fint 16 minutes of play to fall behind by seven at the intermission. Foringer. who twisted his ankle at the end of the first half, tried to lead a second half comeback bid -but the Warriors fell just short. Actually. lt was somewhat Incredible Woodbfid&e could field a team at all u every starter but Forin1er was sidelined with the flu durin1 the week - and Foringer ended up with the Injury. Dana Hiiie 94, Laguna Beach 59 Scott Swartzbaugll, David Rhorer and Ron, Rentrop combined to score 51 points as the Dolphins (13-8 overall, s...t in league) smothered the Artiats (9-13, 2·1) in a South Coaat League encounter. The Artists only trailed .c>-33 at the half, but didn't have the ftrepower to stay with Dana Hills in the second. Neil Riddell led the Artists with 21 points. Swartzbaugh, meanwhile bad 22, Rhorer 19 and Rentrop US for the Dolphins. Mater Del 57, B. Montgomery 51 Three starters finished in double figures to lead the Monarchs into a second-place tie with Bishop Montgomery. Both teams are now 3.3 in Angelus Leagu.e play. Malt Beeuwsaert paced Mater Dei with 16 points and 12 rebounds while Ron Tarbell had 14 points aod Chris Jackson bad 12. Mike Wnek led Btabop Montgomery with a game·bl&h 20 points. Reg. SC}95 ~ ......... .,_, ....... ...., .... Reg. s142s IQ ........... , ..... _ .... ·-··· SALE Reg •. s2100 s151 Reg .. s159s -t•S--............. ·Reg. $~9 Reg. t4700 ·SALE .sgs S~LE s1e ~View By aOUllUNION ............. WbeQ Oceao View R11h and Fountain Valley aquared olf Friday D1fbt at Fe>untabt Valley, you em.w lt wq IOlnl to be • creat 1a1M. TM Seahawkl and Fountain Valley'• BUOOI bad met twice be{ore with Ocean View winn1D1 both 1•mea by two polnt11 eat midway In.to the U1i.rd quarter ol the cnactal Sunset IAaaue buketball encounter. Ocean View took control because of a aeries of Fountain Valley miahape. With 5:05 left ln the third quarter Jeff Hu1bea aprained hla ankle, wbtle teammate Ken Harter &9t bis fourth foul ud wu forced to 10 to the bench. It wu a devutatin1 twin-burn for Fountain Valley and the Barona could, not recover. - s2500 ( I ' •uellent •leotlon of Al the ~e the Seabawka led, 25-22, but increased the lead to u many u 15 poinu whlle eventually couttne to a 55·44 victory. The wln keeps Ocean View'• CJF playoff hopes alive. The Seabawka are 4·4 in lea1ue, as la Fountain Valley and Marina. I New •nd Used Miijor •8'1d "It would bave been a barn· burner if Hughes hadn't been injured and Harter hadn't been in foul trouble,"· said Oeean Vlew Coach Jim Harris. "They (Fountain Valley) were dolng a areat job ... Ocean View parlayed 13 fourth.quarter free throws and two field aoals into an ll·point victory. The Seabawka also took command of the boarda in the second balf, llmitin1 the Barons to just six rebounda. ''Ocean View played 1ood defense in the seeood half," said Fountain Valley Coach Dave Brown. ·'They had good patience with their shots, and didn't let us have any second sbota." Jim Usevitch led Ocean View with a 1ame-blgh 22 -points, while grabbing 11 rebounds. Dimitri Antonopoulos came off the bench to score 10 polnts, while Mike Judge had 9. WE OFEIR OUR OWN CONVENIENT FINANCING COME IN. AN> COMPARE OlATERMS SHOP IN CONFllENCE -cu·----' OllS ~ --.c:AI. ~ -- PIANOS •nd ORGANS FULL SIZE PIANOS AS LOW AS G'---~ ORGANS from ""-$-~-:~__,·· ~$~!~-~l ·c....._.. ........ ... ._.... .... ..._. ..... ..._ ........ .._ ....................... ~°"'-..,.,. ........ -...--..-.. ·-~ ......... _ .... .................. t.W_.. .__, .......... ·--·--_°"' ___ _ ___ ,_... Before being injured, Hu1bes had 14 points. He momentarily came back to record four more, but was forced to ail out the rest of the game because ol his injury. SOUTH COAST PLAZA 545-0415 So, it's a scramble. Each, along with Marlna, is 4-4. Mediterranean-Styled Condomlnluma on the Bluff INTEREST IS AVAILABLE (13.SO/()A.P.R.) Oetaile at the Sales Center I • FIXED RATE FOR THE 1st 5 YEARS A vi11w ••• A practical/1 maint•nance-fnHJ lif111ty/e, and Huntington 811ach, tool Welcome to an uncommon residential opportu- nity, and a luxurioua new, practically maintenance- free ltfatyle. It's all avallable NOW. and In your choice of 8 architecturally designed 1 It 2 story floor plan arrangements ranging In size from ap- proximately 1524 to 2142 square feet. Out.tandlng appointment. /Of' ,our elegant, neio llfutyle In- clude: Carpeting 11 Wood-burning ftreplacea • Microwave, plue a continuous-cleaning oven • Cathedral celllDgll • Ceramic tile counter tops • Distinctive hard-1urface entry f e>yera • Private •patio. deck or view balcony • Double, attached 2- car gara .. • Red tde root, • Pr..-d at.I bath tuba • Onp pWlman tope with oval baalfte. Community om•nltl•• Include: A completely furnlehed recrutloa bull~ wttb lounge .... mbly room and men'• aDd twomen • ehower. ~. hot water swlrl-pool ll)a. • 2A3bedroome, 263 bathe &om $139,950 to $179,950 IMP not to ecall (114) '65-0NI (114) """'7011 . . - .•• COL1.EG2 IJll9 Bible M, CMst Colle~ 47 .;c,th .. MA c:ou.•~ -I"''" I~ ~ " MkMI ''· •• ,,....,... .. ~6. Tlltlls: a1•i. . _pe•'JT c~•o• -T. H•,...., u, D!l•lll•r ... Hertm•ft 10, M. Hel\Hll 7, Ekhe111w9W7, lklti...,udJ. Tetela: 17 1•n '\elfllme: •ti, Lift 8111M. Tetel IOuls: lHe ~ eel~ 24, Clw"lll Clllelll tt; l"ou6ecl out: Peto (Life lllblel Mlcllel ILll• 81bl•I. Hartm•" ICllrlat Cell .... ). COMMUNITY COLLEGE Golden We.t 100, Eaat LA 74 HU LA-A•rt 16, Tll._ tO, 0-V. I~ '-Iller U, l'rlCle, t ~1e I, ~1 4, ~..,_t.J.,._2. T--~:J014·1t74. ...-N wan -Haa.. 1>. o. .. 1s 10. KlllO '· Mytn 12. a-JO, Jee-'· Dllftlan! t, l!,..fMlt I. ltevb J T-1: Jf n.•1• Hamme: ~ w.sc, **'· Tolel f1M111: Ooldlft w.st 21, Eell LA 27 Fouled-: Price (llest LAI. Tiii ....... (Ellst LA)'. J Kells IGoldtft Wfttl. HtGHSCHOOL CdM 53, Newp«Nt Marbof 44 COaOMA O•L M.Aa -LfftCll !J. Pt•rMft I, ..... •. OlllOft S, Goebel I. Vell~4. Totals: HMI U N•WPOR'r HAallOll --.. lier S, Falk 1,.s.....,-6, lell>Y t, Sell 14, Uner I. Toi.ls: 1U·U4'. k-.., O.rtH't C-delMer 11 14 11 ~ ~ HerllOr t 11 14 ._ Total lowh: CGrww del Mer 13, N-1 HartlOr 12. FOUIH out: ~ (C...-di! Mui. Eawncla 57, UnlveraMy 41 asTAMCIA -Kr•IU 6, G•r<Mer'lJ, Mldlend" 4, MeydDle 16, THI 10, Joflnston 4, ....... It,"'°'......, 2, Mcc.ellllt 1 T-1: 11n.2611. UMIV••llTY -Rou" t, Slolrotf 2. G-25, Utvn 4, Ral<llffe 1, M.,..-. 4, Cllof,. Totals: 111.14 .. Sc-.., 0-"9n E1tencle I 14 10 u-51 Uftlverslty 10 t 1 -Total IOult: E.stenc~ 14. Unlver\llY 21; Techllluts· Gwu IUnl-yl El TOl'O 51, lrvtne 51 l~IN• -~I, Bester 4, 8ro11>111t11 S, Ntel IS, .W-4, U-y t , _..,.. 6. Tot•la: 21 •tt SI. l:L TOllO -Amold l , 1Awl1 It, l .. leNrt IS, Hammet s, Fouts 2, MMtln1en 2, •k- it. TotAtls: 20 t•Jt 56. ~ ... Ola,,.,.. 1....... 14 u 12 11-il El Toro 4 I IJ Jl-T_... ..._, Irv ... n . El Toro II. F...-°"': llMel (I rvlM 1 Com .... 17 S9ddleb8ck 41 IA.ODLS&ACIC -b,;-.or114, L-k 1, Mc~lltsw ~ 0.Prlftt 2 Ceoe >. Wei,,_ >. Gena 6, MoflcrMf it O'Leuohlln t Roe.I-2. Totalt: 1' 1•2141. COSTA MSSA -S.dMey ZJ, Pelk- U.. ala,_ ._ t, $tr-1, J. Field A. Pelmblede I, C:-4. G. Field 4, EdMn 0. Totals: ti 2:W0 7. k-.""OurW'I S-lebeek ,. 1 17 ...... Cost• Mew ,. 11 12 I...., Total fooAt: ~k 24, COii• -ae 17; Fouled out: ~Ill-C5"dletle<kl, Caoe C5addltbeclll. Moncrief C5addleb•<kl. Slr•Yer (Cale Mewl. Menna 17. Htn. Beach 55 MA••--Flllpeto It, llerry 16, Clwnllc 4, 5mlVIJO, IC....,._ 11, T•ftdYO Totell: Ii IS-It '7. MUNTIMOTON a•ACN -Lene 7, "'"""" 10, Mano. J, s.1av• 12. Slleekteiord IJ, Thom-10 TCllMt: tt 11·14 SS le-. ""Ola,,.,.. Marin• 10 JO II I._., HIUltl ..... 9Mdl IS I 1J lt---53 Tot•I touk· Menne 11. Hunllngton ..... 17. Edltlon 71, Weatmlnater 54 W•ITMINIT•• -E•stln 16, Oowra 4, Petlile ta, c;r..,.,. 2, Nlcolel I, P•tel 4, N- 4. ...._..,, 1, $11rewst>yry I. Totelt JI 12·14 SI. l:DllO*-StepflenJ I, Wetlli"910fl •. 0--.. "· Smltll I, °*" •. 81N15*1 2. LMWy 1, Olller,_do 12, F•bl•n I, M•lor I, Mlll•n12. T-1· io11-11n. "-.., OloMWf"'I WHtmlnoter a 10 17 1~ Edlton 11 21 12 ,._71 Total fouls WestmlnsWr u . EdlllOfl 1S Brethren 47, Woodbridge 44 wooo.,uoo• -Fcwtnow 11, --'· ... •r ---1, R~kll 6, lkHM 5. Tftal,,111•ts44. ta ntaD -Hewlllno IJ, ~ 2, i.ann nt 2, Sia It 12, H111r y 6, L .. cll 2, l"arrlfl9tin II. Totals: 11 H 47. k _ _, .. ,,.,.. WOOISbrtcl9t 6 I 14 ,.__.. 8rtl'lrefl 11 10 IO lt--47 ~ ...,.., ·vcAb111'9 n •• ,.,,,,_ , .. Meter o.I n, Blahop Mont. 51 81IMOP MONTOOM•aY -Octave 12, 8rHdeft IJ, W...11 20, Muooz 2, Sell J, R11mMy t. Totals: 21 •U SI MATl:a D•I -Ceo• 4, Tarbell 14, J•cll .. n tt, ... uwaMrt 16, Fl•IOllr a. -...i1M2, ......... I TOlals;14t-20S.S. ._....,~ 8W.,. Mo:u ... 44 ~ 14 14 10 1J-S1 Met« Del 16 1S IS 11-6'7 Tot•I '91111: 81tl'loP Moo\ltCMefY 11, -Del 10; •owled 01.11 : Wnek I 81allop Monl90f'WV). HIGH SCHOOL WOMEN lrvtne 17, El Toro M •L TORO-HoH!>ft J4, McGMI 4, Cieri< S, Cene ... r 6, OeMllloft IS, Selley 2. Totals: Jtt-21"' 1•v••• -SteMtnel\ 10, Tr ........ 11 '·It. Oden 5, E. Od9n :i., Pnlttt 1, Monll I,-. 1 Totals: 17 l>-2767. k-llly~ El Toto 10 1t 1• 21-1 ...... 20 ,. \I , ,,_., Tlltal ....,, El T-2'. lrvlne 12; ,...., eut-McGiii CEI Torol, Cter11 CE! T->, K. C>eetl Cln41w)' CdM eo, Newport 32 MaWl'CNtT HAa.Oa -0-12, W•.,... S. Adll"'-1, llelclle I ,. Total\: 13 •12 J2. co•ONA Dl:L MA• -E-... 4, R_., J, K-17, '--~. °'-10, G..-V n , 11\cH-•• 0-1' TOCIH' Te\lllt:" ,., ... ktnllly~ New-1 H-1 • I II-Ji Coro,.. dlll NIM 10 1J IJ 1~ Total Mub: Newport H•rbor 6, C~ dlll Mer JI, 8*9dleb9ck 44, Coat• M•M 42 COSTA.._..... -Uui 7, L-I. HNI n. Seeetr I, ~le 0, A,_n1 2, McA'99r 1.•lllllae.9ii4.TMata· ll ..... 41 IADDl.SaACJt -Terr-2, JoflnllOfl 11, MtOlflftll tO, Mocl'lllVlll 4, H...,.-1, TebCIO, ,..._m 0. Totals: 141 .. 24 "· tc....,o-tttn Cotta Mele t 12 6 ls--.G s..leO«.I< n 20 • ,_ TOIAI fol.Its: c..te Mew 11. 5ecltllel»Ck. 11; Fouled out· _. (Colla Mewl: Tecllnk el to.ii Cott• Mesa - Eatanda ... Unlveralr 44S UMIV•ltSITY -Contrera "· u-4, Zlmmerm•" i., HlnH l, Newell S, Mebl.lbar• 2. ToQlt. It t-tt 4'. l:STAMCIA -C•penler •• Vetc;r.r 4. Howi.ncl 6, C-y 2, MacMIHIM I,~ II. Cl>rlstnwl t, ....,_. n T-1· 211J.J:2 .. 9t.-..,O-...... Unl•enlty 2 t 1S »-4 E11eMle 11 1t 11 t.- Totel IOult: University n , l!lleftcte tt; Fouled out: Contrere CUnlvertllyl, Underwood (U11lvertll'l'I. Hlftet IUnlvenltyl. Ub. av. 44, Avalon 22 AVALON -Rk ........ 4, Mau ti. -... 4. Mer-4, F•lllMe 0. TOUlt: 11 •tt ti. Ll8allTY CM•tlTIAM -........ ti, Lo<llerble •. r.y1or •. Che..-t 14. ,__ •. TOC•lt: 17 ~ts 44. larw119~ AvelOfl IJ 4 2 .-U Ll"-rtY OrlSti.. t 16 I 11-44 Total loub: A¥elofl 11, Umt1y OW1IUM 16, Fo111ec1 out• t.oclterltlt C Liberty Clltlll ... I. Same Antta ~•IDAY'l ••IULTI mae uv.,.._.., ...,_ .... -4_.., ,..IT ltACL ,.,., fur'°'9 IC•pel1.1e'1 Netlw 10...rr•I S.00 J.20 UO ltlslflQ kM CMINI 4 to IAO Fency Guy COet.,_..,., UO Alae -: E-lw .JofWI, Moorbll Ster, Sir Onld R , Mr H-r•ble, Shoe In, Pueblo Pleasure, Tr•vellftt Groundt, Oemrt's ""'8. Time: 1:1'2JS. HCOND RACI:. 6 fw""'91 S.-y R .. Clleck) 4S "° 11.40 SAO Stw'1 Sotondld IP1-yt 1.00 2 • lmpl...tytuff (~I Uo Al .. r...O: llwlCln Pllll, 0-.. Flllff, Fl .. t Meflndlt, LMN NeQrt, Gtorloul Gron. Time: 1:112/S. P DAILY DOU8UI ( 11-31 paid UJJM. TNl•D ltA<m ...... l..rlonQs. French~ CASm-) 61.IO ltAO tel.All H•llll1.1JeflS-l-l 4 JO JJO Windy 5coet ICMrncol 11M Alto r41C1d: I Low Company, Air 8eron, Tercelre 111...S, .,,_.,.,,Court, O.•kl H .. Wllll119 allMf, ~ HI Joe, z1noer a .. lllc'1 ~-lly. Time: 1:1'l/S flOUaTM aACt:. 1111' mllft. T-• CMicHartuel 5.10 J.JIO ut AJtrloua (l'tftu'l'I l.4' J.IO ICe bur• ITonl J.a RuMlen cruise, I 00-7 4 D Bowen pumped horm 30 points and Art Kin~down 18 rebounds as Golden West Coll lted East Los Anieles Colle1e, 100.74, in Sou fornia Conference basketball action. • T tlera upped their numbers to 4-6 in tonf...-ee and 17-8 overall M Tndett Hatton dded L4S patnta. Tyrone MUea bad 12 points ud µ J)ayja chipped in with eipt rebounds. • .-·-- Alw ,...1 ~ --~. """CM; ~ .....,,. TW...1l:•t1t• """Mea.•tw .... Of ..... "..;.,..., CMc 1) . t.• .,. •a ~te--ICN ll*llel 1' • 14.Jt V ..... (V~) 1M .Hflfty, ._. -....., INllOIMy, Lal•, C.... Cltrll, .......... t. 11 .. llflt Olrl, !MM &M9eiw. Tl-1111U/t, ti •llACTA 1..i1 _... ...... M•TM uat. OM mite . .....,.I IMr1tWy (,.Mey) 7.• 4M ).a 8fflltlC~C....,_,l , ... I.a HWIOll ~ CM£H.,.....1 4_.. Al• r .. I Vet\NMr, llMIM, , ... , (Mee, RM Sly,._,_, Ule8'•· TlfMI llM 1.11. HV.lfTM UCL•~._, ..... v~.._.,,._..,, u.• • • ._. .............. ,~, ,, ...... .._.,.., c.t 111.u .. 1 , ... AIM recM: ....... Hert. Mlltlltr luteMft, f-••~. MM•fOolfw, ,.._,..,~II. Ttme· !:IS. u 1aACTA c•n ...,. a:nuo. U "°' lta IN-,+7•1 ...,. •11-.• wltll to wlfN"8 tic-. ctt ... _...,, SI ~ SI• '911 ............ •tN.00 wttll HI wlmlola tkllet• , ........... ,. •\::!!" llAC•. I~ mll• °"turf. OM (Dli.-.a.,.1 7.IO S.00 UO us-enc~> •·•SM atrrylkllll l~l UI At .. raced: Metclllno Or•11t• o.-. ,_.. Clw'nw, ... _ Tl .... : 1:.0. NINTH llM:•. t 1/1' mll•s. "'la .... M,....w (~I I .JO S.JO I.II Arteence IV...,.-'•1 t 60 , .. ON Bold"--l""<eyl lM Alto rec:M: Slllld!Ylde, ClllO ""-"• ~ C-, Clp!M11 TUfty, llldlen O., ZM .... Fleet 8acL Tl .... : 1:0 4/S .. 8JU(;JA CA-JI pejd SltO.JO. AIWMIWe: U,11L Cro9b.l.~rnement ,.. ._., 0--.. ...... "411Sutllcll Jlmsi-•rvceu.uM JecltNk~ O.nnyE-m 80ClbyWdl.,. Tim SI""*" Morris H ... IP.y HublrtG,._, 1tuc..-.1 CWtltStr ... llollGl- GeM Llltler O•ve StodCIGn FredCouplH Tommy \lelen(lne MerkO'MNtt 8obli•- J•yH- Forrest Feller Jeff Mltcllell Cr•lo Stadler Clllp Beck .,..,_I,. 1M1-1'1 1t-4i6-m' ""n-1• "-70-IJf ,,..,_,,. " ... _,,. 7U7-1410 70.70 -140 11..,_,. 11•1-140 11·10-141 71-70 141 70.71 -141 71-70 -141 ,,..,_ 141 70.71 -141 71·70-141 71-46-141 ,,..._141 ... 7S -141 10.n-1c 11·71 -ld ... ,,_,42 Colleaewomen UC lfW. t,blf ,_..,..._I ,..... M•. 1111.,..-. ell dof. CleusMn, ...... ,, KM11"9 (I) dtf. Scott, •1. •1. EllOOQe Ill def. ~W ..... M ; Me. Myers Ill Cllf • a..c11. W , M, NI-Ill dof. N-... Ml. •1; Serr_(U...,, Wono,•2.W . a.... Myert-M'f9" Cit clef. Clevs...,.N•I ...... 7·5, •·>: M•llory-Kttlll\O c I I def. Gomtr·K~ • ._I, M ; Nl-~rr- 111 -.-Scott. W ,M . Men'a aoccer "'°" ICMOOl. CflM a. 11 •••••ell• cor-dlll Mer scorl119: McCrlm,,_ '· Mc:Gukloll1. ....... ... .-. Ealencle acwtllg: Ursini J. \/~a 1 Ga.le ...... a.__. 1 Coste -. -1nQ: OetllH 1 .. __, ...,_teorlfto: Jotln 1. e1 T-2. U"'wnltY I ':t' f I . . • • UCl"'lllo~~I UC 1,.,1,. 000 010 •1-1 I 2 SoC•I Col.... 000 000 200-2 6 S c-.... Colilf9 171, Hkltt (71, 8rtM It) -l•rnercl; F rld9y tlld ScMloCltf" ac... Slemord 2. CS F"""'°" I MIMKtn Conference CMf-0-... W L W L a1venld9 CC 1 I H 4 ..... ~.. • J 14 10 ..,. ..,,...,. s ) •• tO '°"' Di ... CC 4 J II 10 ~ 14 912 CKr111 1 1 11 1J "•lomer c 1 • 17 T ...... t0....11:•1 .. "~Ill .. SalNlelNlcll .... lfl...-.niat,.....,_ left Oleeo CC• ltlwn'* CC Southern C.I Conference ~· O..Wall W L W L Cypre11 10 o· 11 s laMe~CC t 1 It 1 LA Soulhwetl S 5 11 It •:o HoMo s ' 14 11 Gol ... Wtst • 17 • l!HH .. OI......... 1 11 14 LM~CC I t 14 LAH•...... 2 I • 17 ' , ..................... ,,, M.M.lt·W...Mt.JI LA~ .t..'.U':..U ll THI cm"\HO.,... CMTL ~ • ...... ~"~.,..... ....9 ---,::t., ........ TICKETS evellable at Clrcua Vargua location• and at all Tlcketron outlets. For more clroua Information, call (714) 821-7040 8 Winners In Today's Classifieds! IT'S EASY! Find your name and address in today's .... classified section. then call 642-5678 Ext. 272 ~ day, so check the classifieds in the . . . to claim your tickets. Winners each Diiiy Piiat -------------T__.,.19-C7:•> Oelden Wnl et LA HerllM LA~etCypreu S.ftl• Monica CC et Rio -~~=====;:=========::;;:::;;~;:;;:;;;:;=====~~~=-~~~~==;:~ LU AftOtlH CC •I Eul Loa f ..... 1 .. H~L Sunaett.egue LHaMe Offf'ell w L w L Edlr.on 1 I 10 2 HunlinotOfl 8ee<h S l 11 10 F-.il" Veli.., 4 14 I .......... u • °'•..,View ll t WtalmiNler 0 I 2 11 • ..._.,.. 0-11:•1 OcHn VleW •I Merine Huntlngloll llHcll et Edltan F-Uln Velley •I WHtmln1ter Sea View League ~ Dfff'•I w L w L CoronedelM« 11 " > E11eMI• 10 11 4 C•l• Mew I 4 U I HewPOrl Harbor I 4 ll I Unlvertlty 7 s I) t El Toro J • 4 IS lrvlne I 11 I 11 S-llllKll 0 12 1 " _.,..o-17:•> El Toro M 5.--ck Cott•Mewel lntlne • .......,..co-11:•> Est encl••~ de4 Mer Unl•ertlty el Newpott H•rllor EI Toro. ca.ta Mal• I rvl ne 81 $eddl-..Cll South Coaet LHgue LHaMe Gwrell W L W L Cepl•tr-V•ler 6 l 14 I s...c.......... ' , 11 • Mlulon Vlefo S 4 12 12 Dene Hlllt S 4 U I ~Hiiis J 6 IS 1 ~-.._,, 1 1 t IJ ........ .,..Gell-.(7:•> l...-9eecl> et MIMion Viejo .._Hills •I Clplstr-V•ll•V Seit Clllmlnte 91 0.... Hiii& Angetua lHgue a...aa-GwrelC w L • L Sefvlte 6 I IS I --. Del J l 12 • 8111M41 --l J 14 • 81 ..... AINI 1 1 t Sl P•wl 1 4 6 11 MMM.,.,.._ (7:•>. -.. flilftW 0.C •I Sl. PMll ........ .,..GM-.17:•1 5'. Paul et SW.CO AINI "''-"'°"4oon-v •I s.r .. 1i. Women HIGH SCHOOL SunMtLeague • '-'-Offf'ell w L • L ,OUM41in \/el..., 1 I 14 •7 Edlwn • 2 11 S Hllftl..._, 8Mdl • J 14 I ou ... v-J ' 4 u Marin• 2 • J 14 WnlmlMler 0 I I 1• TWeMf'IO- HunllnvtOfl llMcll •1 Edl'an F-lell\ V.,ley et W•lmlnsler OcHn V-•1 Merine see View LHgue u.e-O.....it • L • L Coron• de4 Mer It J 12 6 El Toro 10 2 1S • !119"<1• • J 14 • Irvine 1 5 12 It Cotl•-• • 11 I Unlverslly l • a IS S-llMcll l 10 2 1• HewPOrl H-r I 11 1 11 ...........o-5-leO«k •I El Toro T ..... y'sO- Coroneeltl Mer •1 Ellene~ Coste Mesa et EI Toro 5ecldle0eclt et lrvlne H--1 H-•t Unl,,..."1y South Co•at League I.Him 0.-ell • L • L MIMI., Viejo I 0 20 l Cepl•t,_ Velley 1 I 12 ( 0.na Hiiis S 4 I 6 Safi c-. . a s • ' LAltwM llMdl 2 • 6 II l..e9llM Hiiis 0 • 2 16 T-*f'•O- L ....... llMdl el Ml11klll Viejo LeewN HIHt el c.istr-V•I..., Saft Clef\'WM et ~ Hilb D D lfOX REBATE MONTH ON ALL U: 19• AND 2s·COlOR TV SE1S Wl1H .ELECIRON~(UNING AND SELECl'ED AUDIO PRODUCIS--. .a-JI Tin Mwe• 6, 1912 With Remote Control • - by Virgil Partch (VIP) by Bil Keane "Could YC41 !.ave out the kissing part?" ~:\RltlADtKE by Brad Anderson DE:\~IS THE MENACE Hank K~tctium ~ '.-> "Don't bother checking the TV Log ... we only have one cholce ... dog cartoons." -~.'TW WERE RE.Al.LY NICE 1004Y IMR(V/JOF Y<XI." GARt'l•:LD ~00~ ~l'LLINS WE MJC;HT A& WEU. U0 eACK TO &PEMCU fAAMb, A6&EY ! l DON'T KNOW WHERE El.SE 10 L.()()t( FOR HEtl~!i' .__"" I THINK TH' ON l-Y ® "THIN~ THAT'LL SOLVE TH' LITTER PR 1-EM IS TH' PoPULATloN EXPLOSION . ACAOS8 51 SlcntlOuMI 1 AcMn1aOI eo Low &lndey I W81Hngton'1 13 .Mdlton'I MICCIMO' Wtt a.ct. 11 w..., .. Contllner 14~ 17Hut t5 Hewe tun M Steoe ll*dl Hrtiffl'titi II..,._: Fr. ti tnnlr. "'9f. 17 l!llunder TO WM'M 11 Court... 71 9umrnety 20 "A lllecfl - DOW 1 fNltdrtntl tTlde 3Seor9d ... 1 ·~Ind ooller SMedhem U1bf11I• 1 ... ,,.. by Harold Le Doux by Jim Davis IN THE CATNIP AGAIN,GARFIE.LP? by Ferd & Tom Johnson SURE. WHEN SoM~oNf C>RoPS A PIECE Of l..ITTE~, T~ERE 1LL BE SoM~oN~ STANDIN ' RIGHT NEXT TO ~IM To CATCH IT. PUNt:T8 lkW'sA~T! SEC MIM? ~ llaE ! Tt:ltlBLEttEED8 SHOE GORDO AMA1tN Gf MAN /~THE a.IL'/ ANIMAL WHO OEJ..l./3ER- ATEL'I PUTS HI!> NECJC. IN A NOOel!f .4 ~L><- 11t.APPJ:Rf 2-6 ~tl. CAM I lSl'- ~H ~ Ql)L~1'\0N? ---..... ~ -----·-· - Orlngl COMt OM. Y PILOT/Slturday, FtbtuatY e, 1812 I l70N'f MINl7 f'UP<\111\Je AN OCCASIONAL-ME: FOR HIM ••. OH, DEAR--- LIFE IS SO COMPLICATED IF I'M NOISY, AUNTFRITZI GIVES ME A 5PANKI NG·-- 1HE OJNIC.- ().::: o -=--o 0-- by Jeff MacNelly ~.11112E'' M'M .. ~ by Ernie Bushm1ller --AND IF 11M QUIET, SHE -...-~ ... GIVES ME VITAMINS by Gus Arriola by Tom Sattuk TME CUNIC.. 15 lAMER£ lXXJ (:I:) UME.N ~ HAVE A HEA~.J. OR~ FE£l 5K.J< I OR WHEN t.()(J Dlc:nT !>1UO'J ~A ~T 1lE ~t<:MT BEroR.E. 1HE CUNIC .. 15 5TOCKE:O WrJH smrE·OF·lHE·AA'T MEDICINAL.. AID5 UKE ~IRIN, MNO-AIDS ANO COTfON BAU5 ... ~ Of WHICH~<.;'RE. AUOWE.D 10 ADMl~l5TER WllHOOT A NOTE F~ <..\'.XJR PMENT5 CJJ-Sl6NED PR 1ME 5URbE.ON GENERAL ! 1\4£~.'~ MO'f "'""' 'bl a.N' llSK '400~ 6\C. &4'-0111.ER ~ "9l'tTUAt 'iO\l ~AA~ A ~Sfl()tl A60Ui l.\fE., N.-.>l't~ fUL flt£E ~COME 1b ME. ~. ~1~ 'bJ~ ~rr0 HMM, 1 .. HJSi" t...IKe ONES OF ,-1-iOSE! AFRICAN e>ASeNv l POGS •.. A SH .. eN,-&Al'tK/ by Kevin Fagan . .. f ......... WA.~OTOH ( P) -Nature an belu .ar,..S to ltlpplemeat lbelr wDdera111 ' lllfa1 ·witb more muadaae Mata WI yur--.r.to .,_ teka earryln1 campal1n ......... -. . -• . Jt.. all pa.rt ol Ul effort by eoa••n•tlon orfanlaatlone, b. o r r l fl • d b Y' a • a I • • a4ml.DlltraUoa pollcl ... to 1• ib• couatry'1 .. umet•d u .a\ • 1.1 1 o n b a r cl • c o r • ··~ta . to put doWD tbelr beet .-ea and 1et into tbe akty. • .-, ~ poUUca. . "W• bavt • blu ... cadre ol . r:avtlta wbo can --pl)' about p and are w11U.Dt to lnv•t ·Uat• ·~ban any otbet 1octal ~·.._,la. America today," C-ld ·J . Michael McCl01key, ;:~" ~ of UM Sien'a Historically , moat if,vlro•••ntal 1roup1 have led awly from lar1e-1cale volvemtDt in elecrtlOM, fearinf ~at 1ucb efforts would be YillVe JD SJ'OUPI that draw btlr membenhips from both l)emocratlc and Repubilcan .· hnka. . · But tbe pe>Ucies of the Reatan MtmJntafraUon and Interior Secretary James Watt have ~hated a sense of ur1ency ln the ,nv1romnental community not uen linee the 1ate lteOa when iDUUom ol Americana marched -.alut dirty air and poUuted riven •• : Tb• Sierra Club reports membenhip baa 1rown by 45 percent in the last year, to a new blth of :15,000. Other sroupe report similar larce Jumps. M cCloskex said that for the tint time the Sierra Club plans to mate ·endonementa ln some conpeaional races. In addition, lta political .arm planJ to raise '300.000 and 1et out volunteers tor precinct work lD a bout 30 cona.reu,iooal races. The Leasue of Comervation Voten e.xpeda to raise a war ~hat of more than $1 million iwbicb it wW_ use In about eo '~~races. I The~ both erou.-are 'talktq about is no match for the tlar1e donations corporate jpolltical action committees iralle. But the environmentalista iaay lhey wilt substitute shoe lealher fol: money. "Wt plan to re-institute door-fo-door canvassin1," MeCkllkey 1ald. "Muy raee1 ar. dedded by a 1mall maratn and we tblnk mllltant, well-ortubed tnter11t '10UPI can p1q u IJD»Ortlnl role.'' EnvtroemtalaU.tl bad a trial ~run IUC ,.., fia Ntw 7erHY. where ftve national 1roup1 aot out between $00 and 100 volua ••r• to eanv111 nel•hborhooda, answer pbonee and tul ~n~elopea for 1t1bt can4ldah1 tor th• atate L•I ltl•ture . Slx of tbe poUUdamwon. Manon Edey ot the Leaaue ol CouervaUon Votera aald the drlvt wu an attempt to show YI h a t environmental · ll'OUPI could cro on tbe state level. Sbe .. Id 26 atatea have tbelr own environmental political ... committees, wan bait of them created mjust the last yeu. ·'We •t'e serious about reacbina the American public in a bit way," she said. "Our problem Is not lettinf people to care about environmental issues. They care, but they haven't been making the connection between their concern and specific elections.'· -In addition to becoming lnvo\ved in elections, environmental groups, wblcb traditionally have made their ' of tbt cJUet where the adl are 1cbedUled to run la Roebllter, N. Y .1 ae«ae of t.U recent nuclear accJaent at the Glnna atomic power plant. All the ads a k for contrlbutlona to lupport their etforta, and Rea1an admlniatratlon olflclala have labeled the campaitn• • 'fund·ralllng gimmickl.' · Watt, wbo used to Joke that be wu tbe beat fund·ralaer the environmentalist• bad, baa become 10 lncenaed at what he belltv• are mlutatementa or h1I poeiUoo that he ba1 stopped meettnc with paid staff of environmental 1roupa. There are some who are concerned that the 1rowtn1 mllltancy may make lt even ha rd er in the future for conservationists to aet their views known. Some say tt waa a mistake for 22 top leaden ol environmental groupe to come out tn support tor Jimmy Carter in the 1980 elections -makinl their endorsement at a White House ceremony. But leaders in the new political effort say Rea~an's environmental policies are so bad they have no choice. "The administration's hard line ls pushin1 the environmental movement into electoral politics," McCloskey says. "The Democratic Party doesn't own us , but the Republican Party is actinc like lt has written ua off." appeals through mass mailings, L; """R'• •ha•n are start.tni to use televiaioo and ~ • ..:;; newspaper advertisements. Friends of tbe Earth paid ...."""' • enoi•lh $28,000 recently for a full-pace •~., -e. ad in The New York Times which blasted President Reagan FOLSOM CAP> -An African for appointing re1ulatora the lion named Simba might die gro\lp accused of thinkinl "the because the zoo can't afford environment is something you enough freshly killed chickens dig up, cut down, take apart or that he needs, his keeper says. pave." The manager of Folsom Zoo, The Natural Resources TerryJenkins,wasquotedinthe Defense Council published an Sacramento Bee today as saying open letter ureing bureaucrats the 12-year-old lion weighs about at the Environmental Protection 350 pounds, but should weigh A1ency not to quit in the face or about 400. what it called intimidation by Veterinarians at UC Davis say EPA Administrator Anne Simba has a kidney disease. ..... GoTsuch. Tbey have prescribed chickens "1rnnouuus1 .. H• -· _ h bes edi in B NAMlllTAnMa"T .._ •tllK The Solar Lobby is running as t e t m c e. ut Ms. Tll• ... ,_,i.e --· .,. "°',.. -----------televiak>o spots featurin1 actor Jenkins said the zoo doesn't """::~~~OM Fiu.D suvicE. OllAMNCOUWTYMUeo• ~. ... ... J aclt Klugman talking about have chickens to feed Slmba and ,., s .• , ... ._,~ .. --.ca. -aw11ia"AL cou•T bu th __,, -•u"" -~..... "ICTITIOUlavtttetSS 1o•ernment indifference to must y em or depend on l!cs. Net1011e1; E•utro .. 1c ,...o.a-u• NAMelT•n•un altemative enerorv aouttel. "'--donaliool. Celcwletef' Service <• Ce llfor,.le ....... .__.C.. ..... llO Tiie l ollowh19 portOfl h dol1t9 .,, yuv <~-1. IMS. •lkM<f, SoMta "l A IN Tl f'': eAN K 0 f' -'-": -----------------------..-----------------------~JUoe.C:..'21115 NEWf'OttT,CellfwWec.._.o... OLA$09W YACHT CHAllTUI Tllla WI!-la <~led tty• DEFENDANT: MICHAl!L L. AND Dl!LIVl!•Y COM"ANY, Itta LINCOLN'S 8tRTHOAY PARADE DAY \'W...-•~ Gtel!U.INO, .,. l"dh•lll'6el; e"d Cllflllerre ~. H....Uft8l°" .. .,., OOl!S 1 lnuill S, ~. c.lllomM.,._ Wllme J. Gentry, IUlllMOMI Cerl W•Yll• OIHOO•, 1' .. t s.c-.,..T,_.,,.., CAM...,. ce,.llerre ~. """""V'°" e.ecti, T11i. ....._. •• ftled .,,.,. .,. lfOTtcat Y• ._. .._ ..._ n. c.111er111e.,.. c-ty C....-of Or ..... C-y °"' nwt ~ _,., ...... ,_...... Tiils ~ h c-tecl bf .,. J-.11,lm.. ................ _,...... ..... ~ .. ,... ........................ cartW.~ ,._,....., Or-CMll o.lly Pl ... ..._ Tiits ......,.,_ -lllocl wltll tt. Jen. n , JO. FA'· IJ, 1• ....., If 'I'~ ....,. to IMll tN .....,k e ef.., C-ty Ci.R of o..,,.. ~' "' Mt.I ll1ll •tt-y lft tMo INIHltr, .,... ....,._ • J..,...,,, 14• IC. ,.. ... ~J!..~.:.:.:=.:::.::." ,._....,Or~~··!,!.~ "'CTlnOUI aUllll.SS MAMIUTATaMUf'T Tiie lollowl"• persOft II dolft9 _,,..u ... Nl!Wl'O«T •OOf'ING, Jin E. u, .. Str•I, C.l.e Meta, CMlfonM tit.27 AVISOI U.. Ill .... _., it fl Jafl. l'6, U, ..... 6, I-a,«I .,..._.,..._.._u&, •I• ••4111Hcla • •••H ... u11. ...1111( ,........ ............ LN .. r-----------....,___. ..... Sl Uatlll ......... IUl.vel c-Je• ............... -.~ llecer1• Im-diet.a-lo, do •st• -o. IU ,..._._. -rtl.e, II ... , "ICTITtOUI 9UllllHS MAMa ITAft•llT Tiie lello•l•t ... rMft la llelttt ............. Iii etewft• • .,.... _ r..,...,_. ,...._, • I . TO THE 0E'l!NOANT: A Clwff CO"IPIOllll llH l>oa" flled by Ille u_:~~~~!!!l!!!!!~~!!!!====~======~~:....J Tiiis llettmt"' w• lllecl wflll -Pl•l,.llff -'""yew. 11 \'Oii wish lo It County Clef'll. of 0.•"90 County on defend tllb .......it, YO<i lfMllt, wlllllft J-o..a.t Frla. Jn E 1 ... s1.-. c..u~ c.ai11omN tlU'l Tiiis .....,_. Is ~led o., .,. ............ J-o f'rtti PALISADeS ""OPE•TY. t.itl Vie Secr-o. ~str-leecll, Celltomlet»M Slelfflofl A. -lort, 40f Senta Cecelle, Sol•"• &Hell. C.lller,.le '207' GREAT READING COMING SUNDAY February 7 J-ry ti, 1"'2. • de" MW 1M1-.. 11 Mrw4 Plflllt °" YOll, Ille wllll IHI _, a wrlt- Pv«tllllleCI Or-Cool! o.lly Pl~ '""9MO to ... ~Ill. Ulllou you Jell. U , .,, F.O. 6, I), lta >62~ Oo IO, y---wtll be -'-°" Tllh MIMH ll C-cled tty • llmlled~p S....,....A~ Tiiis ..........,. -fllod wltll Ille C-ty cior. of Oreft90 C-y Oii J_,,, u. Ha ... .. ...... "tCnnOUI SUllHU. ...... .,.,.....llT Tiie loll-1"9 ... r.-II dOlft9 lluN-•: LISA'S CUSTOM Ol!COll, MJI ee1111 Clrct•, w-11,..10" •••<II, c.lllemle.,.. 1..llO~~--.,, ...... Clrclo. -..... , ..__, c.tllonlle ftW6 Tllls ......... ls~.., .. ............ u..s.a.--. Tiii• ............ -Ill• wllll ... c°""'' Oeor1l of 0r.,.. c-1, ... J_,,, 11, 1"2. ....,... ........... 0r.,.,. c..11 o.lly "' .... J .... ~.,Feb.6,ll.lm MC Pl(TrTIOUS llUSOe•U ..... tt.,....llT Tllo lallo•lllf por-Is "'"' ............. , HAPA HAOl..a HAWAIIAN STYLE FOODS, SU Edeweter. 8elboa, <Allfor'N• ... I JOM9f\ Andr .. , t'11 AINcef'e, ...,,..,....,. llMc:ll, Cot I-• ftW6 Tlll1 ~ 11 c--tty .,. ............... .,....,,. ""*" Tiiis ........,,-"..., .1111 .. C-"IY Clertt of Or ..... C-y °" J ...... ,,, ... 1-. VALENTtNE'S DAY WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY "'CTf110UI eu11111•u NAM9 STAT•MllllT 9"11k•llOll fll .,. ......,''"· -tt11s CM#1 IN'\' -e ,.,,..,_.. ....... YOU lor h retMf.........., lfl ... cemplelnl, Wfll(oll ceuld rosull 111 Otrllhll,,..,.l ol ••oe•. tekl111 ol ,,,_, or propfffy er otller ,..,lof ...... "'*' ...... Or-C-t Delly ....... .. ..... J .... "· 22. .,, ,,._ •• "'2 Jlt.cl "'*I..,_ Or ... C-Deity Pitel, NINETEENTH ANNUAL LAGUNA BEACH WINTER FESTIVAL FRIDAY, FEBURARY 12 thru MONDAY,FEBRUAJlYl$ FF.STIVAL OF ARTS GROUNDS ARTISTS & CRAFTSMEN'S FAIRE 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. Exhibits, Food and Entertainment Adult donation St.00: children under 12 free ANNUAL PATRIOTS' DAY PARADE .. Salurday, Feburary 13th-11 :00a.m. VALENTINE'S DAY FEBRUARY 14 Llve ~tertalnment-Barber Shop Sln&lnl PIE EATING OONTESr ·ARTISAN'S FAIRE Tllo lollowl"t ""°" 11 clol"t ....., ...... : YOGU•T OOHNIECTION, Mell vi. Operto No. 2, Newpert •••ell, c:.lll:o .......... M-See .. f'eu. 26tl a. Coll ... Piece. ,.._ H41, ............ <Alll:onMe nu1 Tiiis ...._. Is ~IM tty .,. lfldMduel. ~S.ldlf'- Tlll• ............ -fllocl -... Cout1ty Cleft! of Or ..... C-ty °" J-ry21,1m.. .. , .. . Pvbll .... 0r-. c.out o.tly ...... . JM\, 21, .,, F• 6, 1', I-412-4' • ------~· ,....... .... "'ttiec°""'°'"'· Detect~ 4, 1''1 J .... 19raOll,Cle111 Klf'ft a. Gren!, o.p.,ty . .......... co•••TT. 1ta•1.•a111 a DAvtoeo. ,,,. ..................... . ....... C..to'll ...... ...... Or ... CoNt Delly PlloC, !""'· U, ». ~ 6, 1l. 1• 4tUI. ------------· J ... ··!"-'· , .. ~ .--. "1C1'1TtOUI ause11a• llAMaSTA.,.... .. T Tiie lellewl"I porHll Is dOlllt ....., ........ CUSTOM CAll .. ENT•Y. JIJ7 Coollilee. c.a ""'"' CeltfWllle .... 11-1 w • .........,, JN1 Ceel ..... Cost• Mou, c;..11..,,.. .... Tllla NiMSt II c;OftCN( .... Illy Ml ll'Ctlvlchoel ......... _..,, Tllla ~ WM fllecl wlttl .. c ...... , C::lort: of 0r..... C:-ty °" J_,,, JI, 1•. ..... llt(Tt,,.. ....... ...... ITA,.._.llT Tiit l .. loWl"9 "".., It ... ,., ......... , AOO Vl!NTUaU, 6tl W. W.. •ltl.c....--.c:.. .... ................. cw ...... , ut W • .,.._, tltra. C.-. ....... Ca. ... 11111 ...._. .. ~ ...... ............ ........... , .. ....._._,... .. C.-ty~ofor ... ~ .,...,.,,, ..... ,........ air...,. CMll o.llY M.!i. "· u. ...... '· ,.. ' . . $EM~7 LIV.IN&QN1 chatfi0la01' of the Oranae County delqwonnt.o the White House tonf~renc~. 9(il1 A¥1Ht,. w\ll 1p,eajc at 10~30 a.m. Sunday a t. the Unitafl'1an"U nhrersalist F~A~owship, 429 Cyp~s Drjye~ 1:4.C~nl Beach. " I t ,. I • • ''ISllAEL IN EGYP'I\# H-,n•l'!! oratorio, will be perforrned •t 2 p.m. Sunday at Valley High School Auditorium, 1801 S. Greenville, Santa Ana. "tbe concert, performed b)' Irvine Symphony Orchestra conducted by Joeeph Bela Hu~Jti. is s ~qe,Dt ror the Jewtsh Community .. .. Valentine's I: Art Show /Sale .. ' Great gifts from Huntington Center <tally thru Feb. 10. ·Freedom ot Worship An ···vou·ve tried the rest, NOW try the BEST!" ·"· Dr • ..._. c. Jerlr..-. lliw ,,_.... ari.fl. " ...... M.wn..pit arw.-a.rc. ' s.ca.y s.r.lc. & ...... a.rd lstl1&~ .......... .... IO'.MU4 . ''R.tuntTo EM'' :"'! -ehurc1J. q[Sf. Miftthew:liiY. the Sea · ., ·~,,f;i'radmoneJ.fl?~~/) •'" HOLY COMMf.!NION-Each Sunday -9:00 AM s /~ ol ~!'d'/ef.: /f/Z8) Olµrcf) ~ .,,<Wlded .. . MEl{ra HAL ( of CommunHv COnareaatk;vta/ Church · 61 f ~91/J~,~~;,1 Mar · · ' llie .' ..... JJohlM -532-2201 .. A "d>URSE IN MIRACLES" is set for 7:30 p,m , Ttlur~day at New Thought Christlan Cbu.rcb , 1929 Tu sUn Ave., Costa Mesa. lnfo1'matiott1 call ~2 . GHRISTIAN SCIENC:E CHURCHES BAAHCHfS Of! THE ~HEii CMIJ!ICH T~ ,tll8T CHIH'Ct< OFCHAl!!T &OfNT18T IN IOSTtlH "'ASSACHU8FTTS "SPIRIT" ,....,1 ... 1912 Cott...__ Pint Cl.rdt etf Qrht, Sc._.... Hlt...._Y .. Dr .. c..teMne C ..... & S...., kllMf -IMO A.M. ........... ntOMneY ... Dr. t J..M..4:JU.M. w..."" Set. W• 7.7:50 P.M. -f ·t :JO r.M. trf)illl ....:fflW Q' rdl of Ci.tit. SdaMid ·' t ................ sdlW 4161,. ' 'llw IMMr Y•I , • ~ 1-SW., 'ic-..-10:00 ...... CHLO CARE PftCJlllDlD AT IUNOAY HAVICE llwtlattx ...C. .:.._Ant a.rdt of Clwtst, Sc ....... ..... °'"· ............. .. c ...... ......, le .... -10:00 A.M. ..... ~.'-IJf .... St. =.--...::.: ...... a.rd of Clwtst, UltltliDfh• c..._&~~-10:001..M. _..., Jl9M-..IM ...... A-.. ... ~ .... --...... a.a.dot~. Sc ...... . JJOJ ... Lw......,.,. .... Cllilrdl • ......, W.... -t:OO I I 1:.JO A.M. .......... JJll Yle LWe ....._ ._ w.-•AM .. s r.w. t-.. .. 1 . • , ..... 0...C:..,,__ r--,. -•"»t '"'°"Ill .,,,, 9lffY T .... Me.,wt INd-Sec...t a.re.ti of Clwfst, Sc....... . >totredfkva..;·.,,. .. c_ .. .._ C..... • ..., le._. -I 0:00 A.M. • .....,.._ _ JIOO "I" L c..t :.-C .. wm....-'nSnMOHY-1....,s- . I r.M. AU C ... c:tm , 1 A• "'9 cOIOlltr.,....ioea _____ .......,.,.._..._ ol lt.ell-.-~ _ ~C-.~AT~~H 1.. -Cffll1~ c , ,. •• • r ,. ~Missouri Synod) . 7U flderie St~ Ce1t9 ...... ~'l.T_....,,..._-df!~I~ l•' · • •·· wo•SHll SHYICl-l:IJ & IJ:OO A.M. ,..,~ ......... Clwl-9rHAM.· . ~ SdlMl-l••H6 ., ·~od gets 'll~~~ i~·~~~N ~ton ~,~.: ,'y;l{~~, ,~ HOUSTON <Al>> -~,.,at Christ • l" lir•MerQIN numl>er anti autborWf 'Olt (.f(u~ the King Lutheran Chutch m beln1 H kW to ''•'II• 4 ... crt.a:Cbe dfnlrlbuthMl, RamiNJ 'i,16. slve to God the way mqdetn Amer+ett.M 8'lY• to ·'"'oll•m1il bu•ldu1 of06'9 then '1lll• ·~nit t Caesar -by plastic. • . < 1:1 1 "li.~ra•act.ltlfll•llp. • 'Wl 1 "We believe tfie i!Ontrtbutlons Mil be made t••1t:11 111 ••tti~ 't > ., Ji&.'I u .. rdore1 promptly'~c•UAti ~e wut~uMly pay n. BlLQm J •:-i:-:: !I' 0 1:.;JJ111 1ii•t 1 01111•11 • "} UuHr 'credit card bills a~cl (heo wonder· •t'lhe)' .e, l.Uie1e1U111fJe\U-t'J' b tt 1 l 1, •• have anything left OY~r". 'N\>W they e~tt'fMai their .~l>O<•rf'l(lllfi"4•'tl1 J '~1·• '(IJl~,J,.111 ie pled1e on the credit dh:l and pay Mter111 l the .. r•H11•• • 'bitl!W •VORlt (AP> .,.. •A lons·tlJJie•atttnel~ Rev, Ed Pet.erm~n aald. ' ., ' 1' 11 .. •ttfulrtb Meler Hy• smu1iUDc Bibles tritolCh 1J. beean earlier this d\onth, when 'Texas • il'fMlt" tM Bible contrebend" abd~ on Commerce Medical Baiilt~ wbtcb bandies the '""' ~itt~ t.b•etlurcb."1 11 q ~,,,. • church account, desl"1ed ~tat fC)l'rftsth•t can ·~ ·1b:.f r .. THeJftev. Kiang Wen·Han, vie!etptHtdent df be dropped lot~ lhe 'tollectlon plate, Sllld bank J I tMVi'~tly rormed Chinese Chriati.llatCouncll offtcel' Richard Ramltez. ' , ' ' 1 '' dl>fe$~t>thatr• view 1.,, • visit. •wLuthei.ii< . The forms contaitt 'th member's11Vh1a or ur: merica headculartera .... t,n~ · ·;q . A~ wncOM£ nil M UllH CHUllCll 0, CHllST c1nmna.11 C..Wn.l 61 I Mlleb'"""" A'(9~ c ........... 644-7400 o..-.w .• ...,....._ 10 A.M. -W., w.,.., c-8c"Oqi -.. ..._ ew. MW• CW!fUntUL amat • HOSt."-'•,._. et Gl1111p•, U,.. .._.., 4t4-t061 JOHM M. HYMO&.DS MAR•Anr ANlll IHNOUJ'S, MWdw. 101.,N.-S....,W...., C~llk"-'&.._, .. .. . :•·~a .i .... Attend The Church of '·'f}ltpnolttl1 (' t''ltl''~LllltiQ!ttJ ~1Il.u1~1 t_.l .OAD ST .... ~ 40 . . 5...d.f ,Mrl&c. ...; tt£Jd ,.u t • :-.,;;;;;i.;,..'""""';;"~ .......... w., Orn. 'ljiiw!a ...... ,AST041'1'CMY ~ Costa MeM• PllST UMITID ~.....::-'"'"'"""• ...,._ST CNUltqM 19th St & Harbor91vd . Cllltrcll Sdied t:JO W~I0:41 Charles 0 Clark, Minister Costa Mesa N&th MUA._. UHl'f9lCntC)OttfOlllCH w....., .. c:a....11~ Mf·IO:tlAM . ,,.W...L .... l l I fflS8TIBuMOtUICH1C» M ~ , .. 11 1MO~a4..c .......... ...1.117>11*>• ·!:\ lrwce A. lflnte. ,__ Sunday Worship & Church 5chool 830 & 1000AM Child Care Avail.et>Je Clmrc'll 4t4-7HI I ~tw. t:Tt1o Williams J H r I· l ··. ·.\II 1<11\\ r• MOl18tG- lclO (I) "'°"" ..... "Kloe lolomon'• ..,_ .. (1'601 Deaofall ~. l twwt OtMfll' A .... hunW OUldM. S*"Y through dwtttet Altlca In -dlofa-··~ &land. CZ>litCMI .. , .. ~~ .,....TAIJ( \lllWPOWT IATURDAY YON•l9 i~AN Feeturtd; Or. F«nlndo A~ member of the Mu.lc:an-Aln«lcan Medi- cal Aaeociallon. ~~FPT\JAE * * ~ "Honayauckl• Roel" (UNO) Wiiiie Nelaon, Dyan Cannon Whli. on lour, 1 Texaa ciounlry· -tern linger ~ lnYOl¥ed wtth the Mducllve daughter of hi• aldeklcl< -though he 11111 loYM Illa 1t~-a1-hom. wile. 'PG' t:20'11NEW8 l:aO 8 DUSTY'S TNBtOUeE I THAT"8CAT 'M:aET'rEM AMERICA: THE IEOONO CEHTUM' I IPEAKOUT CAPT10NED ABC NEWS Cl) VOICEOf AGRICULTURE 9 rra YOUR BUSINE.88 ~~SNUOOLEB • * '~bltds To The Aeacue" ( 1981) Puppet• The pilOtl of liw epeclalfy equipped rocket 1hlp1 mull -•he llYll or paa- 11t1g1t1 trapped on • 1~,~~:a 8IG 8WE MAR8l.E 9 SUPEAFAIEN06 M4RAClE IN THE IHNEACITY A look at Ille contrlbulk>n• Pflvsle IChooll are making lo the community I TUAHA80VT YOOA~~TH Cl) INTEANA TIOHAl HOUR • SHANNO THE W1HO 1:.IO 8 t.IAAl-0 AND THE MAGIC MOVIE MACHIN! 0 8SMUAFS 8 DA. SNUQOLES D 9 RICHIE RICH I ecooevooo D DAV£'( AND ~TH IJ ::'srOPf>A.RD An inl-with the Tony award-winning Br11tan pll)'Wf'lghl. wnlCh 1nc1ue11a I eegmet>l from one or Na moil recent work1, ''Mackoon·a Hamlet. Cahoot's Macbelh." 1>«· formed undet la dlrectlofl 11 Sen Dieoo Stet• Unlvlr· al1y (S)SHOWTIME lOOK.8 AT 1MO A .. ,Irle look .. llllan 11 tome ol the m1j0f ,_. &lorill. P4M)ple Ind 9Y9nll ol 1990 0 MOV1E • • *'"' "Scarlece" ( 1932) PIUI Munl. GtlO<ge Raft A am1ll-tlme hoodlum r- 10 lhe lop of fl>I t..-p dur- i PrOhlbttlon e.«> Cl) POPEYE TWE AIF\.EMAH D MOVIE •*'A "Hll The Ice' ( 19431 Abbott and Coetlflo. Ginny SllTllNI. Bud Ind Lou get Into trouble with b1nk robbwl tD MOVIE I* * "The Flame And The AtrCM'' (1950) Burt Ulnca1ar, Virginia Meyo In mediev81 lllly. • moun- tain rebel lead• hla people In revott 11Qalnll thl Hn- l4an1. 5) GEOAOE CALEB BINGHAM A looll It ....... 81 tl>e Mn· alll\'I and ~ul ol4 pejntlnga of the MillOUrl Artlll .. ~MOVIE **** "S1yon1r1' ( 1957) Marlon &et.do. Red Buttone An Ametlean )14 -h• 1 polgnenl effllr with thl 11« perlormeir of • femed Jep-ICllng c:ompeny CB)MOVIE *** "Pc>peye" (1980) Robin WNllerna, Shelley Ouvlll Whill ~hlng tor 1'111 flll'tll', \hi eplnaetl-ell· Ing lallot Wiila e QUelnt hlllftlet ,.,,.,. .... plclc1 up • founOllng and 1 lldnny ~·PG' t:aO. (I) TARZAN / LONE ~ e CB q> _,..,. llOWB'~ • MT 'A~ • 0 llOta I LAVIANI .......... • THSWON.D MTMm llAVIJt Cln•m•1ogr1pller DH 8at1lel1 cepl\Kte 11'11 '"" cydl of one of natur1'1 ~ llldl.-ltbM bulden, • CHANNEL LISTINGS ,.,._ ~ iOI lf l lh c 11 m SHERLOCK, -Mel Ferrer stars as the infamous Or. Moriarty in the "Save Sherlock 'Holmes" episode of "Fantasy. Island" airing at 10 tonight on KABC (7). the ~ NarretlCI by Henry For\Cle (l)MOYll! ** "The lncredlbl• Shrinking Woma.n" (1980) lily Tomlin, Chlriea Gro- din. A hol.aMwlle llndl It hlfd to cope ""'*' IM IUddanly begin• to atvlnlt lnain 'PG' t:OO • LEAVE IT TO 8EAV9 •=Al.EON * • ·~ "Hlk:ll" (1979) A young girl II brought from lier grai>df1U-'a All)lne home to Uv1 In Iha City. •.30 8 Cl) BUBS 11UNHY I AOAOAUNHER e a SPtOEIMWf 8 ozm AHO HAMIET 8 9 HEATMCUFF AHO MAAMAOUICE D MOYIE * * "Godzlll• 1/1 Megalon" ( 1978) Klleuhl· ko Sualcl, Mori Mikita. A mammoth lnllCI wltn met· Ill l\andl 11 e.t1 10 protect the ~ler kingdom OI S.1opll ffom Ille t11<111 of man·• nuclear 1.91tlng. • OONSDAY ntE OUITAA wm4 FREOEAICk HOA.D 10:00 D SP~ STA.RS 8 gHA NANA D 0 GOLDeE GOLD I THUHOAAR • CAA CAM CENTIW. ., MOW *'A "The Trlll Beyond. (1934) Jofln Wlvrll Verna Hillll &ii THIS oLD Houn Ci) VOTE.R'S PIPEUHE "Or1ng1 County In Wesn- lngton" Jim Cooplt tr1\/lls to wun1ng1on o C to Interview Of lngl County' I four congreHmtn on ,_ 1ffec1Jng our ooun- ft OOUEGE BASIC£T9AU Texea-Et Puo at New MexiCO (B)MOVIE * * ''T'Nil 11 EMii" (1981) ~..,.,. Flllft fooltge and drtmatlc !ICIMllOIW ... uMd 10 t .. the llOty ot ElvtS Prelley'1 ~te llnd eer_. 'PO' (S)MOVIE • • • ..Norin By North- -r ( t9511) Cary Grenl. Eva Merle Saini An ldwr- t1slng man'• NI• II cllenged dr1111cally when hi lS mls- llken for 1 CIA egenl 10:30 8 AMERICA'S TOP TEH • WFMMOVIH' .THE WOODCARVER'& WOAK8HOP mJ POfmW'TS IN PA.STEl..8 (C)MOVIE * * '"' "The Frisco Kid" (tll79) a-Wiider. Herrl· son Ford A Polill't ••bbi finds himMll Involved In ....id frontier mlaedven- tur11 wtlh 1 derlng bar* robber ....nan he tr•veta to San Francllco to 111<1 over a new congregation 'PG' Q MOVIE *-I• "Popeye" ( 1980) Robin WHll1m1, SMiiey OuvlN WNll -cNno for IWI l11'1er, Iha~­ l"Q ullor vleotl • quaint hwnlet .....,. he pjck• uo • fouodllng and • lklnny 9Wllthear1. 'PG' H:OO D D»FY / SPHDY • TAAZAN e a wm<INO SPECIAL "The Jolte'I On Mr Little" All unuaual \MCtllf .... out 10 out-1rlclc a.n In~ Uve pelf of Pfanklt ... D WILD, WIU) WOAlO C# AHIMA.1.8 I IOUl TAAIN 8"0W Wt PEOPLE: I08 JONl*UNIV!MITY • CAMPINQ OUT • MMNCAN IKYUHE 11:80 8 Cl) 9LACKIT AA .. llUWNU.E 8 9 AMINCAN MNDSTANO I Wll.D, Wll.D WEIT NA8tMU.l MUSIC JUUA C*.D ANO MOM OtCfMP.NlV • 80N>IMJNl8 '"* ~.,., • .,,,.. ,,_ lhl plgihl Of ~ from -tom Central Ameflca wllo ,_ fled '° Cllfornla. -AFTEINOON- tH011=:::.- ~ ~.,.....,.,_ .. • L09T .. 8""'2 On-Tl/ Z·TV H80 ICltWm.txt <WOA) NV. l'I Y. (WT8Sl • MOVIE * * * ~The Glory Guys" (11116) TOl'll llyon. H- ~.· • ADAM-11 e 1UMCU1M "Noe Attd PMta" • NTll Thi career of c1ennet11t Pill Foum.in II treced from hit roots In Dixieland 10 .. Pf-I llalUI .. top fourllt lltrlCllon of the C¥--.1Clty. CB)MOW •*'A "&ctpe F~om Aic. llU" (1979) Qrlf Eat· wood. PltriQ Mc:GooNln. A llard•"•d convict, returned eftlf hll lltat llCape trom ''Ule Roe*, .. pllnl lo break OUI lgak> 'PG' (%)MOYIE **•'4 "Thi Wey WI Were" ( 1973) Barbre St'9iaand, Rot>ett Redford. A ~ college couple In the t930e dbcowr th8l lhelf pollUcal differ~ are atrC>flg _.-ugn to ;eop.. •dtte their marrilQI 12:15 MOW •I "Bllmlby And Me" (1977) Sid C-. Juliet ~1111. A cute. ouddly kOlll• belt ··nanat11" the atory of an Aumtrlllen flmlly ·a· 12:30 8 Cl) TOM ANO JEARY e uow I l 'A "LIYe A Uttle. LO\'I A Liiiie" ( 1969) Elvll P,.... lay. Mlchlle Carey A phO- logrlpher lor • "girti." mega.zlM h11 trouble with I jNloul girlfriend. D MOVIE • * "Sllln Olton" ( t95a) 8'11n Keith. Rick Jaaon GD AOAM-1a • PHOTOSHOW Tough ShOta" Joo Goell Wf9'>1 uo the --with millOellaneoua 11«>1 on pho- togrephy 9 KID8WOAlD (C)MOYIE * * "Miiiar Eklddwtng" 0 MOva I** "The Ma~OUI Lend Of Oz" Some ""'I llml11¥ 1n11at><tant1 of fhl Lend Of Ot help 1 young boy ln4 hll wooden Irland In lhit lllmeel •11Qe pro- duction by the Children'• Th11tre Compa(ly end School ·G· 1:00 8 Cl) KWOCY KOALA 8 THE MUHST£A8 Eddie I teacn. ~ he nu an ovet·1C1lv1 imegln•llon about his lam lly ti) MOVIE I a I "When Worlds COi· llCle" p 95 1) Blrbar1 Rush. Richard Oen A rockll Jhlp II hurriedly erected In cue Elr1h Is ll.lbjlcled IO • me1eorh1 ahOW9' m POA'TIWT8 IN PASTEUI "L9ilenl" m)TWEMOST ENDANGEAEO 8PEOU ... OEOAOf ADAMSON John Houtton n1rr1t11 • profile of George Adem· aon, • man who llu epan1 mo11 of NI lie devolld to the care «Id IUMYll of wlld Q111M lrt Eat Afr1ca 9 U.IA VS. THE WORLD IN OL YMPtC UORT8 (Premleret The Unlllel SlllM nlllon1I boxing team tlkll on the n•llonat t..n from lhe U.8 S.A. currently renked number 2 In the WOf1d (from Moe- OOW) 1:30 I Cl) ao t.MNUTU ~T*>OP UrlleM It cen find en .. Plfl bugler, F. Troop 11 doomed 8D W:WA ''The Hunt Fot The Legion Kltlar" The lntlNlve ln- Oglllon leunched by lhe Center for ~ Cootrol to ~ the microbe r~alble for legion· nalf9'1 dlMIM II tr~ • ........... ""'" lllnOft. •lmlllY o.-M Jf ., I • Thi llatllf ~ llftd uon.I _. INI IM Cofft. ~ 8 MCMI .. Orl)Mn Trllln" (1t11) .- llltMrry, ...... Mlafte. ellOI\. !=J!JKUOX ••• ""°9M1bo" (1QM) CIMt Oeble, A11a Ollfdnitr Wfwl • cMM\tlllOti O\'lr· -, .... '" ~ with "" .-01 II\ ~. oon llicta8'iee CZ)~ * •• "The Eltoll'lo ~­man" ( 11179) "oblrt ~ lord, .,.,,_ FQn41e, A Lal v...,. cowboy etMll •• 12 million thoroughbfed llor• to U\'I him lrOfl'I hll uplOltatlW _. 'PO' t::IO. CM I !QAN'l lllANO .MO'M *** "Thi ~ Hot Summ11" (IHI) Peul ~. JotillM Wood- wttd. • MIOl 8TC>ffr "l'Olend! Stop The Pr-I" llllMvlew9 with Polllh tlld W.t*n journallatt lfl ~ In en ulmlnatfOrl of the IOlal OllWOl'lhlp WI· 1*'lly .,fotoed In Poland ~N>QCIHOW Rimed hlghllgft\a of IN '971 ''Wlnfa OYllt ~ oa'' tour by P_, Moe.rt· ~ and Winge lnOludee parfor"*-ol "M8Yfle rrn Alna&ed.·1 .. ,Jet•• end "Vllt«day" 11 well u 1 ._ light lhOw (H)MOW *** "Popeye" (1980) Rotlln Wllllan19, 8~ Ou\1111 Wlllle ~few Ille'"""· 11'11 ~­'"° llllot vlllta • qutlnt hamlet .,,,.,. ........ \Ip a faun<lling end • lktMy ~·PO' G MOVIE * • "Hawk The Sleytr" (1981) Jac:ik Pe&anoe, JaM Teny. An ~lur­ ~ manene.te lheald of 1 bend of wari1on to fignf hie ..... Ul'ICll, the 0-10rd who kllled hll f1thet Ind II holding an lbbell IOf ranaom 8:00 D MOVIE • *.. "The Pflnoala An4 Tne Plr1l1' ( tM5) Bob Hope, I/It~ Meyo. Bue- ~capture en ent•- ,....., Ind a ptlnceM and hOld lhltn hoel!IQI on lhe Spanish Main • 0 PAOFE.8SIONAl llOWL.EA8 TOUR $131,000 BPM US Open (from 8ig T 1un Lanla In Ho&llton. T .. ) • MOVIE •• "Str11191 New World" ( 1975) John SI.Ion, Kllh· ._., Miiler. Aatron1u1a rltumlng to e:.rth aner tllO yelfl In ~ Mimlllon find solanttsts who hl\'I devllOOed eter- nal lffe end prirniliYll whO IMI with jungle beUll .TOBE~ Ct GREAT Pl!flFOAMANCEa "Brld11he1d Revllllld Tiie B1Nk Light Of Dey" S1but11n returns 10 llCl'tool -™nolY bent on his own dHtructlofl afler hll mothlt CCtelre Bloom> lllila an Odord don 10 wllell over har eon (Pert 3)0 S:.30 8 (I) BING CA088Y NA T10NAl PAO-AM Third..-ound pley In Ihle prC>-Qllebrity qolf tourna- ment (from Pebble BMch Goll Link•. Monterey. Cllil.). fl) MUNOOAEAl ·-·~ LOC•llon LOI Angeles Convention Center. Coo- ferance on Aolno G GAIZZLYAOAMS Grizzly Ad1M1 Ines lo IMCh I ,_ neighbor to respect tl>llr environment end Its lnh1bilant1 fD OYEWIWE (Premllt1) ·Thi Streng« ' A ment81 pellant •Ilka of1 the holpitlll g<OUndl of Wwds lalend end winder• ;n10 El eer"<> (Spllllal't Har1ern)O le INTAOOUCIHG BIOLOGY (l)MOVIE • • "Th• 1ncr1dlbl1 Slvinlllng Women" ( 1980) Uly Tomlln. ~Gr~ din A ~· nne11 II herd to cope ....nan ..... IUddenly begin• to lhtlnll lnllu 'PG' (%)MOYIE * • "Tllll From A Flying Trunk" 4:.aG 8 9 WIDE WORl.D ~ 8POftT8 t982 Ur>lted Stalll Figute S\'.atlng Chlmplofllhlp1, fea'turtng tne men·• Inell- ~ and Ice dancing ct~mplo111Npe (ffom lndl· en1poll1, Ind ): World M1n'1 DoWtlhlll Skiing Ch1mplonahlp (from 5cht11dm1nG, Aumtrla). • IOOCE' MADE IN OEJlfANt'( ~ ...... FltlllnCI G INTAODUCINO BIOLOGY (t)MOW * * • * "Sayon1r~" ( 1957) Marton 8fallelo. Aecl 8uttone. An American jet -h.. • poignMt aftall' with the .,., pettonner of • lllntd Jap-IC11"Q company CB)MOYWI ••'A "HOn1y1uclll• ~"(1NO)WW.~ • Dy.-. CaMOft. wtllll on tour, e T.-.. -tty· ...,'"' llt'Ot' btCotrlM lnYoNed wltf\ the Mduc1,_,. dlughtar of hll 1ldllcldt ...,. lhol9' ha ... io- ,. •la)'-ef..ftOIM ..... 'PO' eMOYW ••• ... To r (1tt0) .... Fonda, Ooly Penen. Tllr• WOf1llrlt women ,.,.. ~ tllalt aibfu-e .:rr· ... ~· ..., ....... ONll ~ • Sf Al' T"9C -~ • lllOYm ••1A "tllg ~" (111') JoM Wayne, f'lctlirct loON A ~ "*' at N Wtlt -..~N Army 1ncf -(M1'~1t ....,.1n ... ~,. toc•tt Illa llkt11•Piied . .,.-on TUBE TOPPERS KTLA e 8:00 ''The Birds " An Alfred Hitchcock movie about bifd.s tcrrorizlns n town stars Tipp! Hedren. KNXT 8 9:00 "SUvt'r Streak." Gene Wilder stars in a nutty blend or comedy, romance, action and suspense as ht' becomes involved In murder on a cross-country tram. KOCE 9 10:00 "Austin City Limits." Willie Nelson and Guy Clark are featured. • IOUOGOt..D Hoet Arldy Gibb. Collolt Marlfyrl McCoo. OUMl1 Oevo, Rick SPflngfleld, Mlekey Oinev. Kool & the Qar>g, the Little River lland, Geofge Clflln Ci) 80CCER MADE IN OERMAHY AUtilrtl vs Finland Cl) M•A•t•H Thi ~ Col. FlllQo lhowl up It the 40771h ag1ln, con11lncad th•f ttewkeye 11 a communist ~thlJ.ar 119 LAWMNCE Wl!UC "lrt l..o\'I With LO\'I" {Q)UOvta *I* "McUntoctll" ( 1963) John W1yr11. MIUf .. n O'Hera A cettlll bllon lfllll to handle 1· group ol dllgruntl«I lndl-end COQI with • fiery, Cletlf· mined 11¥11• It Ille .aatne '""' 1:30 8 LAST M THE WILD •=~A ~ "A Tale Of Two Cltlll" l~ M-111 learns 11'111 h« t11hlt wno n11 bMf\ mi.atng for almo11 20 yelrl ti llive Ind IMng In P1rY (Pert t)(A)Q (I) wacoME BACK. KOTT£A G•be ane1 111e s-1noo• becOml IOc*ICI In a tomb wlfh a mummy for thl night wnan they oo on • tleld trip tothlmuMUm. ())MOVIE * * • "North 8Y North· _, .. ( 1959) C«y Grent, Eva Merle Saini. An ldwr- tillnO men'• tile 11 ChenglCI drU1icllfy when hi IS mlS- tlken for 1 CIA egant 1,MOVE **I• "TOUCll 01 EYll" ( 195!1 Chwtton H11ton. Oraon Wiiies A Mexican poOc1 inspector end hll American brldl become lf'll VICtiml of a smalftlme gangater Ind • ahldy Shefllf du<lng 1 murellr 1twes1oge11on on the bor· Cler -EVBING...._ ----a.-oo 8 Cl) 0 C88 HEWS a ca H90 NEWS 8 MOVIE • ·~ "Eal My Dusti" (11176) Aon Howltd, CMltopher Norri• U THE WHITE SHADOW llr) 8ATT\..E8TAR GALACTlCA fll) WERE YOU TWERE? "Portr111 Of Two Artl11t" Tiie wortt of mater pllM· 8<1 Hughie Lee-Smith Ind JICOb L.awrar>Ce 11 tee. lured Q Qli)~AMERICA Kar•ll Fint Nortn Amer· oc:en()pan'' ·~ea w a ca NEWS D ENT'Un',....EHT T.-WEec lnle"'-w11n ~!chard Burton. Sammy Davis Jr . H\9 S tetler Brothers and LIOMI RlCNe end the Com· mock>(• fD WHYtN THE~ ft) STAHQNG AOOM ONU • PMSrHTl "El M-•ro Prlmltlvo Sen- IOI" Prlmltlvo Santoe end hl1 orehlltre ere f111urld, pMying • ver11iy of mut1ca1 ~ from I.he Antlllll I Cerlbb11n and L1lln "'""lea 9 .. 0000 TAITE Fellured· J1ck Whlle revlewl San Diego r11tau- ran11 Ind glvel COOlclng ;a.TWE MUPPET'8 0-.: Pet« Sellefl (Z)MCME *I-IV. "la C• Aull FOllel" (1979) Ugo T~ ntm. Mlctlal Serr8Ull A nlghtdub owner trill to prepere hll lranaYllllte IOYlf f()f • vlllt by 1111 Miil 'i fl1nc1e·1 lither. th• morats commlMlonef of France. 'A' t:00 8 Cl) WALT Dl8HEY "The C11 From Ou1er ~ .. An 1111r111n .. tr111 tomcat crut> l8nOI on Eartf\. (Part 2) e QI ONE cw nt• eova Gra.nt landl Jonllhan the ~ he nelda 10 1tay in COiiege but won't 1111 n1m where It c1m1 from. prompting 11'11 boy• to thlnll thll hi 1!ole 11 8 MOVIE ***'"' "The Btrdl" ( 1963) Til)C>I Hedren Roel Tmyfor 8 9 l(JNQ'8 CAOS8ING len ,,MOlllo to ..... 0- -~IOn. 'PO' * + ''lllie II IMi'' ONt) Ooo.melllafY, """~ Ind dllllftdc ..... ltol .. ... i-i to ttil !hi •I.Orf of IMI ~· ... and ..,..,, 'llO' ..'°.I &MT~ ltllOQll. t:ao T'He TINTH MAN NAltMll.I MUie MOVll ••i.··~,.Of'll~ tru" (19711 Cl4t1' CMt· .ood. 1'1trlc* ~ A herd1n1d convict, r9'1Hned •ttar 11111 11ta1 wape from 'the Aocti." s>IWM to brMk out 1g411r1 'PO' (ll)MOVll •it "Up In emo.te" f1171J Clleeeh end Chong, £$1 Ad1m1 Two drifter• emberll on • °''*"°°""ll'Y trtp, lruatretlflg the In ar>d meeting ""' odd INOrt manl Of elllflcien llong the•ey R' Cl)MOVll * *. * "1'19Qll>o full" (19801 Roc.t 0. Niro. Cetlly ~erty. Bo•tng chemplorl Jlke la Mott.a'• eplltud• for vlol1nc1 bflngl him -In the MG but dilr"Ptl hie par. IONllllle 'R' tO:OO 0 QI llU. Y CAY8T Al OOMEOYHOUR Ou.ti· Morgen FalrcNld, Aober1 Urich, the Manh•f· 1enTr1n1f« 8 NEWS D 9 FANTASY l8lAHD A MCUrity guerd meela the famou1 ~llCtlve Shei'IOCk Hottn., and Mr Aolrite 11 told by • woman lhet he 11 lhe falhlr OI hit dllld Q D MOVI£ • I I "Red River" ( 1943) JOl'tn Wayne, MontgornetY Clift A young man end hit 11ept1thlr q<jeffll over 11'11 route of their ca"ll drive tD PORTIWT OF A L£GEHD "The 8each Boyl'' .., INOEJ'ENDEHT NETWON< NEW8 Iii) TWE GOl.DEN AGE OF TEL.El/18ION "The Comldl1n" Mickey Rooney llera 11 en ego- tiallcll comic wflO thr....,. .. •""'by ~·no 9\llfYClnl around nim Ci) AUSTIH CtTY LIMITS The llgandlry WUlie ......_ son and Teu• aongwritlf I alorytllllr Guy Citric are l11tured. t<>:ao m NEWS ~=IN MVEW • • "Hot T-$lllr11" ( t977} Ray Hobnd. s~ l..ewlor A i--n-_. f Icing benkn.ptey decldll to attrecl mall peirona by holdlng -t T ·lhlrt con- tllll R 0 MOW * "WllO'I Thal Knocking Al My boot?" 'A' 11:00 DD 9 CBI NEWS 8 AMIENCA'8T~115M tD M'A•l•H E""YOf'I ii tn 1111 UIJ'-when they Md out thll thllr -oancY supply ol hght bulb• tuma out lo be an lea aeam..cnurn~ • PMONEA: CEU. Bl.OC'I< H Ci) 80UN08T AGE ''Aupar1 Holmll'' (RIO ~AOaCSHOW Fiimed hlghiogl'lls ol lhe 1976 Wonga 0...... Amen· ca IOU• by PIUI Mc:Cen· ney end Wlrlga lnclud• pe<tormanoet ol "Mavm rm Amued," "Jet" end "V11terd11y" 11 well 11 e .._ llghl eilow. (())MOVIE ... ~ Leg9-(19a0) 8at- blrl Biii•, Jeu1e St J1m11 An arablllou1 1dv1rt1a1ng 1xecut•v• slop• 1t nothing to teM 1 tucrellve latdlel' hOllllty eccount 1 t:30 f) ()) NEWS II Q! SA TIJROAV MIGtrr LIVE 8 MOYIE * * • .,, "Bltltl Of '"" B~" ( 1Me) Henly F°"" d•. Aoo.r\ ~.,. ~ by bid _.,_. Amlrlcarl troopt elem I l'l\llalve Germen ofl1n1lv1 by de\llloplrlg a brllllent ...... if A8CNaWl • MOVIE * * 1A "Big Jlke" ( 197 t) John Wl)lfll, Alch1rd BOON A grtmld mltl Of Ille Wiit dtll9a bOlll llW Army end 1111 Tent Aengare In 1119 elfod9 to locate Ill• kidnapped ~dtOf'I. • 11J OHE ITEP 8IYOND "Thi Aetum" u.uwnant Hllnmlt% end S.9'1'11 Klf'loh 1-s a erMI pmol on 1 routine mltslon 11\ llni W-. _.,.tie 10i4f1t (JJ.-. ··~ Oewlon'I Mtf• f'lllQll'' .lllOWll • * ~ "Tiie Ou11lder" •tw11nt ~. WllMOn A~ \ftNllto~. ttellnd to jOln thl ~ fOf llldlPllldMce .,.. (l)MOVll • * * 'A "PfltnlOm Of Thi Pat.U.," (1t74),.... Wiii llflme, Wllern 'H1¥ A doldlcated rod! '"' rol ~a.-w·~ figured l'MOl'nM l\eUlltlfte • fabulcMll roc:ll olMb .,_ he II llWlndled CM Of h6I "'-'• WOtl\, Ill ellOot ... roel! ~--'PG' 1l:IO. "°"" • • ''They .._, ....... 8ral11" (1H.4) Watter Stoel!•. Ntlllly Calf• A handM Of Third Aeldl io,- allall 'l"IQll • IMl-ditcitl etlorl to O•ln world IUP'lfMC'/ by •bducttllg • promlMflt American ICMft- 1111 .. Oart °' ....... Alf ... OUt plOt. (R)MOVll * * "Frldey The 13th" ( 1980) Betsy Plimar, Adfl- -IOrlg. The r~ °' • a.nm« CM't). CIOeed 20 ~· _..., ettar ""• murderl, 11tr8Cl1 I Wldfo. live klll•r who knlfff un.....,,ectlng •-·lglt'I 'A' (t)MOYte • * "The 1ncredlbt, SlltlnlUng Woman" (1NO) Uty Tornf!n. ChanM Oto- ~ A hOollw4fe llnda 11 herd 10 C09I """"" l"9 IMlddenly blglnl 10 """"' lnaia. 'PO' 1:00 6 MOVIE •••• _."True Grit" (1N9) JOhn Wayne, Gian (:amp- 1>111 A merlhal and • T Ill· -Aa.nger llalp a your10 girt who .. Niiling r-. upon ,,_ who C*'9ld the 0.111 °' "" 1111\ar O AOa<~ Ou11ts· The Rotting Ston11 8 EWNHG AT TltE IMPAOV Host· David Stllnber9 (C)MOVIE • * ··Performance" ( 19701 J-Fok. Mlclt Jagget A hood on the ""' from tne mob llndt senctuery In fhe llotne ot 1 burned-out lor. ""' rock lter ·A' 1:ao• MOVIE •••'t\ ·~efto, OOMyr' ( 1970) Batt>ta Strelland. Watt•r Matthau An .,.,_.,,._.'* melc:lwnafll• deddla Olat the moet .... 11>11 IPoWI lof a cam.. ketous ll*'dlaM II,_.., {2)WOVE • *"' -stey Al You ~· .. ( 1MO) Mwclllo Mall'*"' nl, NNINlll Killlkl. A merried. middle-egad ,,_ emb.n• on en 1tt.1r lllltt\ 1 ._.... Gft1 wtlo l'llt)' .... ,....t.d 10 him 'R' 1;AI I MC NEWS ~ ..,. • * "A-Soldllr Named Joe'' ( 1970) Derwlll ~ ..... Lang Jeltrlel Q!NEWS Cl) 8HOWT1ME LOOKS AT 1lllO A .. Uric IOok 11 laklfl II -of "" '"''°' -•ton.. people and -t• of 1880 2:-05 MOYIE * * "Tiie Return (t98t) J1n-Mlch111 l/1nc1nt, Cybill Shepherd Two peo- ple wno lied a cloae encounter with a.n ...., ap1cecre1t 11 children ....ittn..ii-·~ EllBllllllENllGlllllflll Variety mar;ks weeken'd o.n community plfiyhouse stages lb TOM Trr\18 ............... Somethln1 old and 1ometblnt new.In the realm ot comedy crop up on local community theater 1taaea this weekend, while a brief drama la on tap at UC Irvine. The oldie la "Send Me No Flowen, which opened Thursday at the San Clemente Community Theater, aharina a debut with "Alfred the Great," Ucteted for one more performance oo the UCI campus. The newer v eh i c 1 e , .. Div ie lo niii-...... -----....... ,,...._,,_-. Street," arrived Friday at the Newport Harbor Acton Theater. --------· Jack Sharkey. the El Toro playwrtaht who'• directed two or his own plays at San Clemente's Cabrillo Playhouse, takes his first shot at another author's wort with "Send Me No F1owen." Stan Mannin1, Joan Ray and Rich Roberta bead the cast for the comedy. Others in the product.ion are L. E. "Swede" Neuen, David Men, Chrilt.y Tomlinson, Charles Ashbaugh and Steven Cligutb alteroaUna with Carl Casanova. Performances are Th~rsdays Whales f es ti val set Dana Point Harbor hosts its 10th Annual Festival of Whales beginning today and running for tbe next three weekends. Flo, the famous 28-foot humpback whale balloon deaiiMd by sculptor john Perry, will noat over tyyscelebration which coincides with the southern miaratioo of the California Gray Whale. Whale watch excursions are scheduled hourly both today and Sunday in addiUon to many other day-lq eventa. Reservations for whale watch cruises are necessary, and may be made by callin1 831·1850, or '96-snM. A printed list of f{Vents is available al the harbor. Dana Pollll Harbor is located at the eastern extreme of Deo Obispo. throu1h Sat\ltdays at 8 p.m. until Feb. 71 at tbe playhouse, 202 A venlda Cabrlllo, San Clemente with reservations available at '92-0MS. "Dlvialon Street" mak.-itl first Or101e County appearanee with Nancy Eblen directln1 the comedy about "Slxtlea people" aurvlvtnc in the Elf.'Uea. Cut mcmben John Ssura and PIUllp Giarr 1ori will rotate in the rolH of a Serbian architect and a former radical. Performances wlll be 1hen Thuraday1 throueh Saturdayt at 8 p.m. and Sund•1,• at 2:30 until Feb. Z1 at the Back Bay Hilb ScboOI theater, 390 M.onte Vista St., Costa M~a. Call 831-5510 for reservatlona. ~ Playing a final performance tonllht ii '' Alhd the Great" by larael Horovitz at UCl'a Fine Artl ,Little Theater. Robert Gro1an ls dlrect1n& the drama. Cast members include UCl studentl Lee Clark, Colleen Newbry, Brad Bartram and Esther Moszkowlcz. CUrtain is 8 p.m. and ticket.a may be ordered 't W..17. Four other local productions enter their clostn1 weekend.a with final performances of: -"Bodiea'' on the Second Stage of South Coast Repertory. 6SS Town Center ·Drive, Costa Mesa (957-4033 ), playing tonight at 8:30, Sunday at 3 and 8p.m. -"Wlaat Are You Dolnl la My UfeT" at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente ( 492-9950), completing its run tonight and Sunday at varying curtain times. -"Flint" at tbe Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse, on the Orange County FalrlJ'OWlds (754-5159), on stage tonight at 8:30. -•-n.e Sevea Year Hell" at the Westminster Community Theater. 7Z72 Maple St., Westminster (847·4033), winding up tonight as 8:30. Continuing their respective engagements are "Tbe Play'a t.be Thlag" al South Coast Repertory (847-4113), "Paint Yoar Wa1••'' at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse (9'19-5511), "heel Street" at the Hunlineton Beach Playhouse (847-0465)~ "Come Blow You Bon" at the r,lission Viejo Playhouse and "Romaa&lc Comedy" at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse (494-0743 ). "Two hmn of non-stop thrills." -Aexf&d v ltr~1fELroBE TO DJWMUJS THEATllES NEWEST ADDITION mw.48118 TOWN CElYl'ER ~-!IN SOUTH COAST p~ . THE MOST BEAUTIFUL TllEJ\.TRE IN THE WORLD IN.C!INEMA #I ••• PllUBNTED IN 4-TaA(;K. DOUIW STUEOPBONIC 80lJND i IN CINEMA #3 ••• • • • • • • • • • • • .. i t IN CINEMA #2 ••• 1HE MURDER OF111E CEN'llJRV ••• 11tE SCANDAL OF 1lfE c::ENnJRV ••• 1HE wYE AFFAIR OF 1HE CENl\JRV •.. AND1HE CEN'1lJRV WASJl.Sf BEGINNING. pll<illM~ ~ FRI. 7:00, 9:45 SAT./SUN. 1:15, 4:16, 7:15, 10:15 IN ClNEMA #4 ••• BURT LANCASTER SUSAN SARANDON ATLAXTIC ·liJ ·A P~JL\!:cTURE. FRI. 1:30, 10:40 SAT./SUN. 2:15, 1:30, 10:40 As tM r.mperotv,. rtses. ..,. ~ begins. DD¥ MEAT G WIWAM HUkT (!!I .. Or11ng11 COllt DAILY PILOTts.turd•y. February 8, 1982 &TIM """''~ MISHO =-··-10... ..... -~·-­moeu ...... IUCll u. ll~IHI -~­tUUU -------~ ---- Send a Valentine message to that especial person ~A your fife .. Put tt tn print in our spefial Lov~ Lines col- umns on Valentines Day. Sunday . Feb. 14. (A) (8) (C) Here are some examples: 2-lnch Ad $11 .00 1-lnch Ad $7.50 5-LineAd $5.00 llMIME C ... STIMI UMntTHE OCEAN FIHDS SOUD LOVIALWATS JOIT IHJ a.Ntma1isfor1lvln1; New Yun is for fun But Valent.Ines Day Is the time to remil:ld JOU YOU'ii THI OML Y OMll Love to Annie from Bob To Donni from Eddie ROies are red, V~•~blue. I lmow this is corny Dul J do love you! (0) a.Line Ad Happy\fV:~ne'• Day $3.00 ~e. Gloria Just fill in the form below. or call us at 642-5678 and we'll bill you. But hurry, all ads must be In our office no later than Fri- day, Feb. 12. --------·(COUPON)-------- Pleaae publish my Valentine message as written below on Sunday, Feb. 14. (Write one word per space. 3 line minimum. Com- pute charge at end of tine.) f .. ~MONDAYA~SEATSl2.00 UGOT~ (1 ... "' ,. c ... .-.. • ....,, '" J ORANGE COUNTY PREMIERE plua -Yl..c•nl C111t , Ii Y ,,.., .. "Cou1ln- Cou1lne" (PG) .... • I \ 1A\., 1 ., t•., ( ,. • .. A •• t I Ji,,AIA•• I I I I I •BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Performances before 5:00 PM (Exctpl Sptc:lal Enga .. ments and Holld1y1) -C -W·--~ ·•TA~ .. -1t:11.He.U1.-- TUIT9"" MUI_, IACIO llAV IOantiAfOAY'9 ... 'C '""°" ...... ------. . .,......_ __ --·~­••llAJ0£9'S OF TitE LOST Altlt .. --..--U;Jt.I: ...... ,,.,_ ---·-~ "'wtt()U un •• t1' AHYWA'I'? .. .... --. ..... -..., ··ii00£AN ~Roel.DIS"' -_ ............... _ .. ... _, __ _ .. FOUA IE.UONS---LU O __ _ ___ ..._ .. REOS .. j:;·•'""-- -::;HAAKY'S MACHINE .. 11t1 j' ... IAT , ... I .. ,, ............. a:a, ..,. .. THE SEDUCTION"' 11'1 .... OAT .,._..,, __ t t,_t_ LAKEWOOD CENTER WALl<·IN ... ~ ........... .,.,.,... "OH GOU>£N l'OND'" -,, .. ,_,, .... , .. , ... ,. -e econ. r-nn _,.... ·TAPS" 1N1 't'41& ........... kll,1 .. LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WALIC·IN focully Al o.I Amo 213/634·9211 -----ocuny ol Cono1ewooe1 213/531·9580 ~·.... .... ........ ., 1 .................... .-.., ... ----------_,. ·REDS"" IMJ • ......... t:a "SHAAKY"S MACMHC· '" ....... -•'V£HOW'"' .__ _._...,. __ A TlANTIC err.,.. 1111 .......................... ---·--· ........ I .. WOE.AS OF THE LOST ARK"" ------.. CHARIOTS Of~ -...... ~ ...... ,, .. ... ,,,...,~ ............. ---· --- ' ----"°" .. THIE BOROEll~ 4111 .. AAOTillE" - _,,..,_ _,,.._ "''·--·----I OAT.-.--..... - Pttlflt"tH£ATitnlJW!Yf·llrTifi\P M S 111nc11 •Ou• aucas-1Pf-D ,,.. DA• Al HARIOll llVO ORIVf·IN & OMNc;( DalVf·IN I A• ltl,.U IU-t&I-• J&{f '"*''°" 111-•l Al -II-IN .... , ........ , 0..•815 \tf \·•6:00 , .... ,,,.,.,.9.45 IMPORTANT NOTICE' CIUI OREN UNDER 12'FRU! IUf'Mf 1M _.,,,.., Mfl' '"'•ft• 5 3(). S-11 S•ft Het1 4'30Ptl C..flSOOllO •l'OIJllUtCAllMlllOIS ~~ If 1oO UO CAii MOO """' GfT10I< llCaSlGllY l'OSITDI --Mii !OalAIU t•llU CM.fl llll'IMIS 13111111 Alll Ml*> ANAH(I ... ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN h••-ov 91 ot lemon St 179·91SO '"AU. .... ,.,. TWICll .. ,_ GOOOeYE, EllllMANUEU.E"" 1111 -"SECRETS"' 1111 CINl f'I 5()UtrtO ---~ ···ctwech & Chona::Nieit l5iii'"tfti• .. SHAAKY"S MACfflNE"" 11t1 --Sl'AIP0"11t1 -'"•USTIN' LOOSE"' Ill> ~f•o •• WJiUNu I Chffeh & a-z ..... Mc>M'. ·uo In Smolle .. 1111 ~--------' tUlNA PAl1M BUENA PARK OAIVf ·I N __ ___, __ . 'TH£ •OOGEN1·· "I -lrnc04n "" W•ll OI .,,.," .. VENOM"' ,.J 121 .. 070 &IJI "" P.A~• LINCOLN DIUVE·IN tH\COtn Aff w e.-Of .l\Otl 121·4070 fi.Iiiill.iiii' ""800Y AND IOUl" 11t1 -""80UlEVAAD NIOHTS" ,-. ---· .. THE 90fUIE:R" .. -"a.EECH I CHONO'I Ion O.eoo '"" 01 ._,..,..., C1o I NEXT MOVW" 1111 962•2411 Ctltt 11 SOU1C1 .. , ..... ?1~;f J "'AATHUft" --··sf1111P£S··,.. """"' .. STIA CAAZY"' '"' _c _ __,. ___ ''TAPS""' -"'THE CANN0"8AU. AUN .. ,... ;:Ill( fl SOUllO ...--·--'" __ ._ __ _ "ON oou>•,: '°"° .. - 1 ··ooooen. IMAM•• , .. ,.. .. THIE nacnuc ~N.. "'SIECW"'"" Cllll II !C!\ll!O !NI _ CllOl ff SOUllO ""' ~·~llA. LA HABRA i.)~ 1v1 ·~ ""--·--"OM~ fOND•'"' _,.. .. ,. -_. -a --"THI IELIEC'TltlC "°"81'MAI(' ..._ 171-1162 ·- ~ '-.. .. ·---__________ $3.oo I ORANGE OlllVF IN I "THI UDUCT"ION _,___... __ ··· -___ $4.oo I $5.00 $6.00 . -------...-...--.---City ___ ...., .. THI. 800QI...... I "ID ANO'"' LONILY .. vu:;... WOt111H-" -~~---'-~""-=----''ICHOOLOl&~a·e ~ .. ~ ".. ' ' •• 't MISSION DAIVf IN . 0 __..,_.. __ ·an.11.ouCTtON" ... -"L()Ot(P" ""' ( an.nvt:rt to TRIVIA, cfo the DaUy Pilot, Bor 1560, Costa MeJO 92626 All entries must be rec~d by WiiMl!Bl!f.tJtherWflt half the pla~'s Uuf "ore wiU be OU1'l1'ded.) II n rMimilow cuts tour LOS ANGELES <A P > -Sinter Barry Manllow. ·bedridden in his Paris hotel with bronchial pneumonia. has been ordered by doctors to cancel a nine con cert European tour, a s p0keswoman said Publicist lle 1d1 Ellen Robinson said the Grammy Award winning s inger became ill in Paris earlier this week after completing a month·long l'nited Kingdom tour. PG -!: NOW PLAYING lDWAll.Dl IOUT'll ua CMEU lMtUN ~ COAIJ Rt.Ua Wt'llm •ste< 193 0~46 ,,_ ~I OU~ TOW• ClUlll CUil.MAS rAClflC IOUTfl C:OUT _, __ C. U Mou \ 418• ooi~e..tll(7Ut 494 IS14 _..__ r •tAO( ... ., ... l .. "' .-.. "°"" '8111 .... llO!tWt "°".,., ~ ~ .. .,., I L ~ ·~· ~,M,,._. •• ,..~ ..... .cso.. . B~TPICTURE OF THE YEAR -New York F1lm CrtUcs Award -National Bomd of hYiew Award I GCll!fOllATl:)H ~N~~Ulftl ·,, I I l\AA. llGllTS Re:;DIYCO' , ! :-f ~· 'tlhl9 W99k you can IN REDS at theM.theetre1 ··~~T ... ..,...,__ ·~ "'5~ ••• 01~0 _ v,.,. no'"° ~ll• u•J ... -i .. MA WUT UIWAMI IOllTI CMIT PlAZA W "1 Jtn T-COTUIClmlAIC..lloW 1)1 •II• llA~IU .... tw•OI ..... -_.,,. •• oar-- ·~MY ~!!':c!'::'t~r::~--..::-1110- ''Masterful" ..,... L A Tlmea, S"e11a Benson . \ "Wonderful" -Newsweek Magazine. Jack Kroll ~(RI Antique Photo ii"~'' 1R1 Exhibit /Sale ~..-o""""riv•.-•n.,.s o-,pen-8:30-~ NIGHTLY See largest exhibit t,..:::U~nlt.r~~1~2~F~R~E~EU~n~l~enN~o~t~ed~ ever of S. Cal. history photos during Huntington Center's print, photo & art sale daily thru Feb. 5. Super glfts for Valentine's. CAU 642-56 78 anti Jet a frien<Uy Ad· .. voor help you place your ad lcxlay. f; • 1.t0 . I"' o INI f,1;, ·-~ .... -· -· - "NUMBER ONE PICTURE OP 11IE YUR ... '~--••U• Wfll.-.ot't~ -GoklctlGlobeA.War4U BEST PICll.IRE -DRAMA BEST DIRECTOR Marte Rydell BEST SCREENPlAY 'f!F I . . • . • • j . ...._ .... --·~~-, ... -.- HARVEY KEITEL. \N..ERIE ~ \U\RREN ON'ES .... _.,. EL.PtDIA CARRtL10 ~~Bl PLUS. "AIRPLANE" MYDOOfER WITHDDRE JOHN HURT "NIQHT CAOISl.,O'' (Jci). '"FOUR FRIENDS" NeiShbors • ti "VENOM" 1111 .. .....::: =: ~ , ... PLUS "BODY AND SOU~" ... ~-.. ,-.,,, .. -. .. INDEX T1PtlctT•M.tal 642-5678 AMNOUMCEMDHS, rmotms' LOST & FOUND -.. ....... Cw l'ltol i....iMt<ft Liii • ,. ...... ,.,_ .. llonelO•bo ~ ..... S£IYIC£S S...nlll...,of) ntPlOYlffWT & l'tfrWTIGM lklloob IMlnttlooe JoeW1nlt>d lltip '"'"'" M • r MEICHAllllSE =.. -::= .... , .. ". c--•l.<i·-"' r.... 1111> ~" .. '"" ....... c.. ... ~i. -._~ ,.,...,, u•-k II~ lllottl-· M.IM't'U•fMl'CM.t-' ~ •rtlf'd Mu.wta.I lt™runw"t' Offn t'lir•' t:q•IP ..... =~~~~~~\ -.,.lllCC""'" .... Rf'M•YrlM 9., ~'r-H1F1 "'''"' IOAn&rwm £11tPMDIT ~ ........... !off•Ott ................ , .............. ....._ • .,..l,..n.r =·· ,,. Ooru -JitoHd • NI 1 -..si .. .,, I TIAWOITATIOll ""'"" =t.-~A"" ....... ~ ::::i~s.~~.::. Tl 1<111n Tr•• •I !',!t~~~~.ru AllTOMOllLE --~c ........ lft-Vdtttln ~ ·-..... • -Un·• Tnotb v--i..-..... Aoo1•W111ttd UTOS, IMNITO U-11 "''"" ... Atd1 A-Hol<1 ... ::=' ~ .~.,,.,, ""' -= ~-i;~ •• ~ ...... .,.., llCll \!lll'I • ,_, ........ ~.: =:i;.11., ... te. ~~ \--\ ..... ams,o c;.w..i ' O' It 11 '1 Meflc.: All real eatate ad· verthed I n th ia newspaper II subject to the Fedttal Fair Houa· Ina Aet of 1968 which smkes It llleaal to ad· vert.lse "any preference, limitation, or dis-crimination bued on •• race, color, rellalon. 1J11t 1a. or national orlaln. :: or an intention to make u. H Y such preference, ~ limitation, or dis-•• criminat.loa ... MIWPOl1' COM»OS ,. ri: Thia newapaper will not 1llll kDowinf ly accept any : advert sina for real : estate which is in viola· = 1_tlon=""'of;..::the;;,;;.;;..;cla;;;.;w.;...:;. __ _ Studios, 1 & 2 bdrms, from $88,000 and up. All have good assumable Joana with low down payments. Pool, rec. room, s~parlting, sauna & jacuzzi, and some with ocean views. :1-------- , ... SllO gm ~ Die l>IM ,,.. - 11.tl& M> 11111 -111110 ~ -am -.. -IDOi --.> ---Im llllt -111111 --lllfl ------ •• -.. -----9'lllll 9110 lllD t ilt ••• tllO , .. tl'lt 1111> - DAVIDSON REALTY DIEAMHOUSE WITHCHAIM! You'll love it here! El'lglish Tudor style, lov· ely tru lined street, pride or ownership ~andanu· swnable loan or $74,000 al low interest rate. f\111 price oo this 3 Bdrm 2 bath doll house Is SlOC,000. Ca 11 IW&· 7171 THE REAL ESTATE RS Great family home. 15~ dwn' 4 Bdr 3 Ba. flgan· u c lot! Northwood, super terms. $1119,900 Warner, act S58·!MOO llJllllS Cateo This beautiful upgraded 2 bdrm + loft with view of bay & ocean baa 3 patios and~ perfect for entertaining. Owner will consider lease option. LIN>ISU 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3 car garage. 40 foot lot. Sunny south patio. New kitchen & bath. Ready for 2nd story addition. WISTCUPF YUAS 3 bdrm, 2 bath condo. Extra large patio. Fireplace in large master suite. Pool, jacUDi, rtt. room. Excellent financing. $249,000. t4IW10IT emT Move right into this beautiful condo ,decorated in the finest of taste. ' Included in the purchase price is over $1,000,000 worth of furnishings. Great tenm. rfAllOI RIDGE ~---!lllmll•• STEAL 1'X-C•M•4•M• .. •E Mo ve in tomorrow TRADE/SWAP Seller gone to Aspen. Ownef''s may trade: (1) Cul -de-sac location , 4 Bm twh. C. Mesa. lowest price on the $18,000 equity for MBZ Ridce. Shows bet.ier notes or low dn. Only than a zmdel. Call Int $105,000. (2) 3 Bdm on and I Wiii get you ree land steps lo beach --------1 throui}) the gate Tim S200,000 eqt. S239,000 Rhone. agt 631-1266 or sub. owe 1st for 10 yn. TENNIS? The ooly Lot in Cyprus Cove San Cleme nte aCJ'OllS from both Tennis Courts & Clubhowse Isl .. 1 .. ~ R&IMt-X time off~ed! firm at -Bl=rl=fs=. Lease==op=t=1o=n.=2=b--r. Sl&s,000. Pendunan a. wide greenbelt. Sl39,500. Company• 851•1000 8kr I '44-0134. Call Diana Cappel. agt 631-1266. Interested In my exchange program· ui 675-3411 COIOMA DIL MAI DUPUX.I 2 yrs new. Owner bUlt duplex, "owners' unit" has 3 Bdnm, 3. batba, 3 Rmdeeb, skyligbta, beamed ceilings & 3 car garage. Botb units have wood burning fireplaces. <>Mier will assist. $398,500. ,... OF OWlaSHIPI 3 Bdrm, 2 bath Condo in best Calta Mesa Location, large assumable 1st. Owoel-will carry large 2nd. Try low down. Act Now! SIM,950. POI M-..SI Corona del Mar R·2 level lot South of Highway. Great location, ready for a duplex, single family reaidence or ~- SOUND°' 1HI SUD Wmt WHm WAm '11Wf Mapiftcent brick courtyard introduces you to th1a custom 3 Bdrm ph• den boine witb one of the largest Iota in North l.afLIDa. Has,000. W "I TO 1HI llACHI Oonna del llar duplex in mOlt desirable area witb a pool. Ool)' sm,ooo. ------ -.. ••• DUPUX Cute 2 Bdrm furnished units. 'h block to beach. $220,000 OCIAH ~ DUPl.IX 4 Bdrm & 2 Bdrm. 100' to beach, Owners will help finance. $240,000 ~Uh MAM4~•rr SPICIAUS ONM MOUSI Newport Crest. Large 3 Bdrm 3 Ba end unit. $219,000 or $890 Mo. Open Sat. 1-5 201 Columbia 67~JO BURR WHllf REA LTOR . Inc. ' • t ' ... " t ~ • 't I .... ; ' t ' ' ; ' : ,. Secluded wa~ hOme with JS' boat slip and wide water view. CclllveruUoo fltt'j>lt In Uvtni room. fireplace In bute master bdrm 1ulte With 2 walk iD cloaets. 4 skyll&hts. wet bar, beautiful pbaation shutters tbruout. Don't mill t.bls property. Call ror rananclnc po11lbllllle1. Condo in Vall, Colorado Included In pacbp al t.hls price. Truly a year round package. Don't miu it, call Coldwell Banker now 894-7521 SPICTACULAI IUY St.OOODOWN This nicely landscaped ltarter condo hu everythin&. at the right pnce From t~ lar&e llvinl room. out to Ille country kitchen with privu a«haded patio. 1 Yi baths, larce 2 car aarate. community pool and upalain 3 Bdrms. All w. for oaly teuoo wtlb sas.ooo loan at 13,.~. Won 't last. call now, 714 ..... 7521 ON THE WA TEI. SHS.000 1'hii superbly crafted builders home eiudes · 'luxury from tbe moment you enter the om'liud double doors. The (lying bridge 'staircase. sailboat bar. family room. huge • livin& room with fl replare. &CIW"l:ntt kitchen, 14 Bdnm. •~baths. hide-away office One d the lariest yanu in the harbour and boat dock. cau toe; your pnvate shov.ing. llM·7S21 NZCH COUMrlY M..+MOI S17UIO From ti.a moment ~ attp throu&b the MCure double doora lei 10UI' private eat.ry· • court1ard yoa'll know tbl1 home 1.; IOlneUllDI speclaJ. The fowitala bubblel be9dnd JOU U 10U WaJlr into the liYIDI room1 wttb bumlnc ftreplace, aepente dinin& area.• newly updated tttcben ri.b amealtlea like =y .. nae yard laDdacapiq featu.re1 , "*f, nae muter Ide bu -a prlHle .,.. ,,. three bedroom la tndy • I kmn~CalJllQfllM-7stl. . Dicuml "°9"41 Prime If-:£°" Beach location. Beautltul I Jdta Mt . JM>me Gii a Qailt CW cle llC. 1oraal ....., room, larc• kikhen. family room, btan muter bdrm wltb balcony. Miiier '*' has Jars• 1unkea tab, s car 11r11t an4 paUo with spa. Saltt prtet SllT,•. Ca&) for appOlntment. 71UM·TU1 1IADll'IOMM. a.MCI ....... FOREST E. OLSON, REAL TORS MOUNTAIN RETREAT Towering tl'ftl + overalied lot creates Ille ~ ol a secluded-TD01mtain -tttttet DramaUc ~try. Spacious liv rm + forma l dining. Massive beamed ceilings Bil11ard sire ram nn w/entertalners wetbar Senous owner drops pnce to S228.500! Art fast . call 962-55E HAllOUI CHAI.MEI Sl65.t00! Huntin(ton Harbour charmer offers leaded glass windows, beamed celhngs, 2 massive old world flrepl1cea All this IOl'ated on ptlme R-2 zoned lot Could handle up to 4 units Great investment value. Owner will carry balance with your cash down ' Don "t wait -call 1112-5515 STEA&. IT! 4 •-s 11 s.000 Just Ustedl Here's plenty or elbow room with 4 bedrooms or 3 + comfy den. Hidden ... ., on quiet cul de aac ready for your ll"OWinl familJ. Act rut cau 9112·55& IBUCB> $175.000! Ocean view I SJttln& tall and proud l y, blocb from beach. 4 bl& bednns + 3 baths. Formal dtne. Greenhouse. Romantic spa . Muy SS 1pmd In quality decor thru-out this beach aide family home! Don't miss the boat It only 1175,000! Hurry, call 982·SS85 PllCI SLASHIO $124,fOOf Double door entry leadl to specious llv. rm. 4th bedrm makes comfy den or study. COldry k.ltdltn. Tue advantaae ol t~~ v A loan -tab over low payment.a pl111 owner will WTY $HIP;ef to rtduce your cub In! Great Clpldt\IDlty ll you call 112·'515 lf you've never placed a <-1assllled act you 're in the minority! Try it once and see how quicklY you • get result s Phone 642-$18 COUNTRY CLUI ESTATE ()wn ~OW" OWA .,,ool ~ &.. autJ.m& ireen. Steps to tennis and golf Tf'eat yourself to resort h\ 1n~ m this sparious custom home Pnred far below replacement Be first Call now 64.5 0303 NEWPORT TRIPLEX ' Only ~S.000' Fixer is ideal for handyman. bwlder or investor. I block to bay. Don't delay Call today 645-0303 SI 22,000! MESA VERDE Ciin you belle\ e this pnce m presllpous Mesa Verde~ Owner is anxtous -you gajn! Spacious home Wllh loads of pri\'ICY and eas~ care yard EnJO)' Costa Mesa·s best address now! Call 645·0303 REDUCED NEWPORT FIXER Unbehevably low pnced! Sa~ •! Bring \'OUT pan\l. elbow grease. and 11111gJl\lll'co to iransrorm this large 4 Bdrm house into your dream home Pool & spa complete the 54.'tlll\3. Lender owned Take advantqe now! Cal164S-0003 -TOIMCH Approximately l~ mUea alOQ& rea'°9al trails. Exquisite townbome featul'ft tile entry, fireplace. 3 kin& alae bdrm1. CbarmiDc covered:r:tio and mlDl yml. Near 1cr11 of part tnila. Tab advuta,. DOW olthla terrific buy. Call MS-GD WlialTON WMB! EulUna near new home! Soartna ceUU.p. z flreplat'eS, wetbar. eounnet kitchen •llb lllM.)' nook , spectacular muter Hilt wn skyll&ht. Loads of used brick eahaatt fOUQtalo, •Pl and 11aebo. Comm11111ty pool. 1pa and tennla courts complete thll .wlnaer . Fantastic opportunity I To Ht call MMI03 .. NIWPOIT llVlllA •Only 1129.500! Hu~t to•~omr hu !IOI\' O"Pt1tT. tlJHfT '"TllniTf mom. n.'fft'u1.w.1'-' - kitchen. Kina 1lae r'n11ler ~ulte. Sun•>' pri\'lle ~lio. Community pnol. "Pll 'tt'ftllll bHt buy! Call 845-0303 ; t n "l dm't like to talk bullnea, but 1 can't gel it out ol my mind lbere'aaomething flahy about the Parker merger." HllllCIPI 8uday, Febnaaey 7 By SYDNEY OMABB A&IES (March 21·April 19): Emphasis on social activity, aura of celebration and romance. Be prepared for signlficant changes. special relatioastllp and good fortune in money and love. Gemini, Sagittarius persons figure prominently. TA~U8 (April 20-May 20): You can re-est.a yourself on more $0lid base. What seems a restrlctive measure could actually prove a boOn. You'll have more time to improve techniques, to discard nonessentials and lo atreanillne techniques. GEMIN• <May 21-June 20>: Lines of communication are extended -you make contacts, imprint style and you receive felicitations from m ember of o pposite sex. Exciting "flirtation" could be part or scenario. CANCEB (June 2l·July 22J: Financial picture commands attention -purchase helps in improving domestic situation. Lunar cycle bigblights re latives, trips, domestic chances and settlement of financial claim. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Moon in your sign highlights initiative, excellent timing and circumstances favorable to your aspirations. You rebound from setback you gain allies and could be invited to join an exclusive group. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22): Whal appeared nebulous takes on solid form. Means suspicions, a s pirations, desires, fears and romantic inclinations are no longer evanescent. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0cl. 22); Study Virgo message. Some of your desires are fulfilled as burden is removed, assignment is finished and added recognition accompanies efforts. You'll get pulse of public. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Ambitions 'will be more clearly defined. You can make new start and you are likely lo be in contact with one who inspires greater confidence SAG11TAJUUS <Nov. 22-Dec. 21» Spiritual values, possible ~tudy or travel plans are spotlighted. Family member seeks guidance in regaining sense of direction. What appeared lo be ' a "lost cause" is revived. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Dig beneath surface indications -you'll perceive truth about feelings of one who means much to you. Gemini, Sagittarius person s likely to be in picture . Personal horizons e xpand, n e ws received concerning travel and money. AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb. 18): Go slow, check legal requirements, lake time to gain second emotional wind. You have ally who has yel to make intentions known PISCES (Feb. 19 Marc h 20> Dialogue exchanged with one who perfor ms basic tasks. Slate needs -be frank be graphic. if necessary. Don't be intimidated by excuses. "'hard luck" stories. IUiH IDTICIS lllANN ROBERT THOMA S MANN, resident of lrvUle. Ca . P assed away on February 1, 1982 He was a me mber of the Masonic Lod1e of Culver City Foshay Lodge f467 F&AM. He was a retlred Major with the Rtne Brleade, his Majesty 's Arm~ of Great Bntaan He is s urvived by his .... ire Imogene of Irvine, C11 • daughter Barbara Stoemer of Laguna Beach , Ca . broth'er Charles Mann of London. England Graveside services Friday. February 5, 1982 at 2 OOPM at Harbor Lawn Memonol Park with DT John Huffman Sr , St. -----------·Andrew's Presbyterian Church of Newport Beach, ~-..... ------...... -om c1atmg Services under I.AL n lllGllOH SMITH & TVTHll( WISTCLlff CHA,ll 427 E t7th SI Costa Mesa 646-9371 P1DCi lllOTHIU SMm4$' MOITUilY 627 Main S1 liJn~~ach rAc..c Yaw MIMOmA&. , .. If ~*l M°'tuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Paciho View 011ve Newport &each 644-2700 MICOllMICI MOITUAalli L.auoa Beach 494-9ot t5 L*>Una Hills 768-0933 Sen Juan Capistr ano 495-tn& , the direction of Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive Mortuary of Costa Mesa 540-5554. BLACKSTOCK VE RA BLACKSTOCK , resident of Newport Beach. Ca , passed away o n January 30. 1982 Survived by l brotbeT G«>rge Capps and several . nieces and nephews. Services Friday. February 5, 1982 at 2:00PM at Pacific View Cbapel with R ev . J i m G i llmore , off1ciatine. Interment will be at Pacific View Memorial Park. Pa c ifi c View MortullJ')' directors .. • \ Indio's fete of dates has 'Arabian Nights' flavor INDIO (AP) -AU Baba and th• l'ort,f 'lbtev• won't be able to mak• ll tbl1 year, bot thou1and1 of Southern Callfomla.na, mqy drtued ln Arablan costume, wW. wH rejuvenated 1n the la~ 1930I and waa 1otns 1tron1 untll World War 11 w~ all f11t1vals were balled. Arabla.n motll and aome of lbme camels and oetnchet march 1n the parade, wb,tcb abo featuret Queen Scbeheraaade and her The event lJ the National Date Fe1Uvll, held every February to celebrate the end of Lbe desert date harvest. lo 1tte t.bt date fettJval wu resurrected wl\h the "Arabian Nl1hta" theme. court. ' The · Arabian Nltbla, al10 called 1be Thousand and <>rut niJhta, bell.nl with the •tory of Kina Shah.riyar. who learna hla wlfc baa been unfaithful and orders her killed, vowln1 to marry a new maiden each niaht and have her beheaded the next morning for 1,001 niahts. Indio, a small aartcultural town 20 miles south bf Palm Sprlnp, transform• IUeU for 10 days lnlo the land of the Arabian Niahta. Part of the theme Includes ostrich and camel ucea "Ben-Hur" 1tylt. Pt(TITIOUlaUIOfHI I U P •II I 0 • C 0 U a T 0 P Oat.riches and cam•ll are as common as cars and the town's only dress shop that specialises ln Arabian eottumes does aome landorflce business, aald Nick Sidener of the National Date Festival. "It's like 1ettin1 1ea1lck on land," Sldener said ol the $1 camel and ostrich rides. "They 10 around the arena about ball a dozen Umes." But the beautltul and talented Scheherazade, the first of those maidens, contrives lo tell the king such Irresistible s torle1 that he keeps her alive , day-to-day, until the ni&htJI have all passed. By then, the king had fallen in love with her. •AllMITAT8MaNT CALI POaNI A, COUNTY OP Tiie l•llowln9 Hlttft II tlelnt O•AM•• -•: 1tt Clvk CeM« on ... w..i l(RLLla SO,TWAlll , tltt P.O ...... '#Hkllff on,.., iultt •UO, ...._, SM&eAM.CA'21'Cll hedl.~~ MA•lll~Ol'llAJQUU 1(1"' ltell•rt Keller, UU PaTITIONa1t:JESUlllA.tOVU: The F e b . 12-21 festival, s ponsored by Riverside County. is like a big count.y fair with dates as the theme. Exhibits depicting the date, citrus and agricultural aspects of Riverside County can be visited by the more than 250,000 people who attend annually. The camela, whtc b are the one-humped version, are saddled while the ostichee hne a sulky eart attached to Utem. Jockeys are uked to dip Into the feallval's wardrobe collection valued at $10,000 and slip into something more Arabian before they mount the beuts. Bertha Balbaatro , a 20-year-old student from Blythe, Calif., has been chosen to nale over the festival as this year's Scheherazade with her ladJes in walling. SMrlntlbll .-i.oce, NewPOrt l .. <111 ••SPOHO£NT: ICATHL.IU!N ST~l Celllonlla "'6S. VAtOVU Tlllt _..,... It condue:tM bot .., IUMMONt (l'AMILY UWI li.ctlvW..-1. CAN MUM.a•a 0-l(lm a. Keller NOT1c•1 TMt -•• flletl wltll Ille v .. -.._ .-_ Tiie ,_.•et 'Gou11ty Cttrll of 0r•fl99 Coumy ., .... ...-.. .,.. ...._ .,_ ..._ ~J.ltlJ ........... .,.. ,...... ...... . l'leufP ....., ......... '"*' ......... . P\1911 ..... Or ..... GMM o.ily Pllee, If , ........ - ---. el• ,_. 1,IJ,10,17,1"2 •• .., ........., .... ~.y._ ........ ..~----­... ...... ,...,,_,. .. , ..... __ AllllOI No major accidents have happened, Sidener said, despite the often stubborn delerl\)lnation by the camels and oslrfcbea to go their own way. To lop off the festival every night, a cast of 100 will perform one or the Arabian tales. This year il is "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp," Sidener said. PICTITIOUI 8UllMUI NAMl ITAT11MaNT Tll• lollowl119 '""" I• t1ol11t t>vtlneu•: Sl!A llOH 01vallt$, ..,I G ....... Clrclt, H..WlftOI.., '9«11, Calltorllla .,,... Ullef Ila'"' tleMaafaf•. •I ............. ~-·"'-.. ~le. -... Utl. ....-............. LH le....._ ... ........ MU...,._Mlc....,.,c_ .. ., .......................... The first date festival was held in 1921, but interest waned and the event was shelved. lt Another major event l! the Arabian s treet parade on President s Day, Feb. ts. Jemn Deen 11'-l,,.tOll. ltfl Gorden Circle, H11ntlf>t'Ce11 -..Cll, c.llferllla f'»4I Tiiis bullfteu 11 'Oftdllcted .-, ... ll'ldlv._I """" ,_. ... _ ....... ... -.... .-.......... .. 1::.,.., .......... -........... . 1 TO THI! a~OENT Bands, floats d ecorated in J-0 . "'"'"1119tM Tiie ill9tl..,_ ,,_ fllecl • llftltitll ~Nne ,,..,, .......... II .,OU !ell to Ille•,...... wHNlll JO•~ of e. •••• tlWlt .... -•• wtW4I ... Storytelling still alive WELLSBORO, Pa. (AP) -Rain beat steadily on the tent as Kathryn Windham told the story or Marlin, a lazy Alabama fiddler whose playing was so sweet it charmed rattlesnakes. One day. he dropped his bow and the snakes killed him. ··But late at night, you can still hear the strains of 'Amazing Grace' drifting from Fiddler's Ledge," whispered Mrs. Windham. Her tale was part of the magic created laat weekend on a gas lit green nestled in the Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania's DQ...rlbern tier. A striped circus tent became a theater of the. imagination, as four nationally known storytellers and scores of locals spun yarns at the rtrst Northern Appalachian Storytellers Festival. Ghosts of Alabama fiddlers and steelworkers maxed with rheumatic Maine farmers -whose uncles bad been raised by canriibals. There were magic eggs, talking donkeys and evil rogues, a peanut-craving catfish and a featherless r0oster wearing little bib overalls. ''Storytelling needs nothing whatever except a teller and a listener," said Mrs. Windham, a retired newspaper reporter "It's very exciting and exhilarating and it buoys me up. I can be very weary and al.most depressed. Then you get with a group of people and you get lo telling stories. and you get high on it." The festival -a miniature version of the national storytellers gathering held every October in Jonesboro, Tenn. -was organized by Mansfield State College, a small school seeking an identity as a folklore center . "Maybe instead of listening to rock ·n· roO and watching TV, we can get our kids telling stories," said J im Glimm, an English professor who plays the banjo and tells stories himself. With the advent of television and s tereo systems, storytelling was on its way to becoming a lost art. But it is enjoying a modest revival, thanks to re newed interest in oral history and folklore. ''Stor ytelling and m onologues are slowly creeping into folk festivals that used to be only music," said Maggi Peirce, a Belfast native who now lives in New Bedford, Mass. Mrs. Perice and her colleagues, all well past middle age, grew up hearing and telling stories. "We had storytelling in my home as a way of life," said Doc McConnell of Rogersville, Tenn. "We were always asking lo hear about the time grandpa's team of mules ran away from him, or the face they saw in the window of the old house." McConnell, a grey-goateed cowboy In a bright red shirt imprinted with a black bull, took audiences on an e bullient roller coas ter ride- through his hometown with a combination of one-liners and }om es pun "mountain lies." "From R6kersville, you can go anywhere in the world. Most people have already gone," he said. "We used to didn't have a town drunk in Rogersville. We were 10 small, we had to take turns ... We got some 'Welcome to Rogersville' signs ; we just put '* back to bac.k ... " According to McConnell, it Is so dangerous ou tside town that "the tooth fairy carries a sun.." And on e winter it was so cold that beagle dogs had to put jumper cables on a rabbit "to get him started." At the other end of the regional spectrum, soft-spoken Henry Hatch -a retired forester from tiny Islesboro. Maine -told dry, understated tales of set-upon farmers, cooks and seafarers. Do~g a pair of bll> overalls, Hatch became an aging·'farmer peering throuu rimless glasses at a porch-side visitor. "You're looking right pert, Sally. I 1uess you're coming from the funeral ... •· Hatch said one man, 1uspecUng bla son of tipping the family outhouse into t.be creek, made his point by re-telling a famous tale: Georae W ash.lnitoo saved box lops and sent them to Sean to get a hatchet. Kia father diacove.red the death of hb t•vorlte cherry tree upon comina home tr-om a poker tame... And when Oeorte conftHed, bU father took him inside for milk and cookJea. When lbe Maine boy confessed lo ttpptq the outhouse, he received a 1ound t.bruhini -and no cookies. The difference? When Geort• cul down the cherry tree. bia father was not in ll. Enro~ent d~clininfJ . Tiiis ---w• Ill_, wltll Ille CIMlnly Clerk ot Dr•-C-.ly Oft Jerwerv 14, 1"2. NOTICE OP DEATH OF LILLIAN MAY ANGOVE, AKA LILLIAN MAE ANGOVE AND OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE HO. A112074. PlllW> you, ~ •au1t _., lie..,..,_ -Publl.._. Or-CM1t Oally Piiot, 111• tewrl ..,.Y enter • llldtmenl llOTICI! INlllTIQ ••os COftt8lftll'lt lftjulldl ... "' otller .,.. ••c .. PT OP Plt04'0IALS: s..1.., Jell. 11· n , JO, Feo.•, ua 25'-«I concernl"f dlvlslM ol prOHny, llf090UIS llliltll wlll lie recel-.-, W*IMI .._.,,, tNlcl cVlltody, dll._ tlW City ., ,,..,, ..... ectlft8 ......... lor PIU mm -'· --~. c..u. ..... well Ille City of lrvl.,.·PIHlllc f'a<lllU~ 1-----------oOMr ffilef .. may be er-.t W ... Gorporatlllll. Owner Oft .. --. In tfW 'ICTITIOUS aUllNl!IS covr1 Tiie gernl1llment ol ...... office of t11e City Clerti. IO<....i at MAMI STATaMmNT i.111"1 Of,_..,°'_.,,,., -t71tt Je,..llone Road , lrvlna. Tiie lollowlnt "r•Oll 11 doing <0Uf1•~Pf'-,,..may- C:.lllor..U '1714, untll 2.00 P·"'·• Oft ...,., ....... , '"""· T I I h I M6rcll 10, 1"2. .A.F.H. EL.l!CTROHICS, ,_SN OATEOJ-y U, 1"2 0 a e r s • DalCRIPTtON 01' woaK: The --Blvlf Drive. Ga.ta MMe. C:.lllorlll• lEE A. BRANCH, beneficiaries, cred itors ••,.,.,of""-1 of .. Anlma1 c-mn. c1ert1 and Contl,.,...nt creditors of Centw ioutad •1 mtt s-CMIY9ft °"1-1 f'renr Hl.-r, 11111 S.• lly JENNY v "'°RENO. '""' Avenue In Ill• City ol 'lrv(ne: Oepyty LI II Ian May Angove and ca111orn1a. T"9 •"'" <ontllu 01 Bluff Drive, Colt• Mew. C:.lllorlll• Lerr.._ c. T--... A__., p e r sons who m a y be <..,•trvctlno tovlldlf191, tenet"' ...., ~j, -• ,, '°"""'"" l>Y .., ms ............. MIWt otherwise interested In the ••11•· trHlft9, "111111 .. · pavlne. 1nc11v1c1ue1 A.........._CA,_ le~ w4tfl --le lr11tellofl (7HJ "1~ will and/or estate: -oe-_.,,_ •~o-nt• Albert Hlrmer .. ...._,a. ...,11, ' E~'-t't Etllmtite -U .1 mllllofl Tllll -... fll«I wlffl llW ""411....., Or-r~st OeUw Piiot A petition MS been flled OrtMIMO Of' P•OPOS.AL.S: TM Cov11h Clerk of Ora11119 Co.'"ty °" Fee 1,1J.10,t7,1"2...,_ '~ by Ad a I y n Angov e .,.--.11'""' 1ie pu1111<1y-'" -J ...... "' "· '"' , .. ,.u..-----------Harwlck In the Superior ,..., •12'00"""·· Oft Merell IO, l"2, Ir .... ~11_ 0r_ r •••• O.llw Pllol, ----Ille Cllf of INIM Coufttll Che-•. rvv .___ • ~ •llllo«. Court of Orange County 11200 J•mbore• Roeo, 1rv1ne, Fe0.•.ia.20.u.1m 60?-t:t. -----------r e q u e s t I n g t h a t Calllorflla. Adalyn Angove Harwick o •Ta 1 .. 1,. o co,. T •a c 1 PlllJC •m "~~:~:;:~s be appointed as personal =u.~·~::ir.~:"';;0::,::~11:; 1-----------1 Tll• '•"•"''"' ,.,,.,n " 001 .. , represent at 1 v e t o ~-•rvct1cin"' "• 1rv1 ... A111me1 c..-. "~~~!~:::." ~o:o El'IG•NEE1t•No. *° a~minlster the estate of f.::•u.0J"~::::"~1~ Tll• 1011ow1n1 peraon 1l dolnt Nat ion•• Aven11•. cut• Meu, L I 111 an May Ang 0 v e Oepart....,.I, :tlOI M<G•w Ave ...... butlnn• •• CellfonlleftU1. (under the Independent 1rv1 ... c..i11orn1a A_..,.--.,.. PAaK WHOlESAL.E, ius ca1v1n E. e.o, tolO Meli.Ml, of U0 OO ........ ._....,I II I Of Conc.ord Strwt, C.ta Mesa, CA ft6JI. Costa Meta, Call*'>lo '1621. Admlnlstrati«?f'! of, Estates docun:..nlJ.. Ooc~hwC::-ie: ..::uac1 HENRY SUNG PAltK, IOU Tlllt bvainMs 11 cOftdu<Md by., Ac t). The pet1t1on is set for rcwen_.ttonelU-veof SIO.oo. GollcordStrwt.C•taMeM,CAmM lnctM-· h I I De t N 3 t Tllh -Inns It ~-tecl b't en Ca11tln E Beck ear "9 n p . 0 . a PROPOSAL OUARANTl!I: Eacll lncllvld ... I. TlllS It.et-I ... llled wltll tho 700 Ci.victheCeC~tter 1osrive, ~ !'8~~.,":<,':':' .b\1111: HeftrYSVne"•"' count' c1er1i of°'-county.,. West, In I y 0 anta l>Ond In u. -Of len llOI percent Tiiis ttetl,._I wM filed wlUI llW ,::.oniarv l . ,.., Ana, California on March of u. to1a1 111c1 Pf'lco 1119.,..,._ to u. county cierti o1 Or-coun1, °" ,.,_ 3, 1982 at 9;30 a.m. City el 1rvlne-P111>11c Fac11111et FMl.J.1"2 P111>1•-0r-Goe11t 0111y Piiot C--llt*I • a ....,_ .. Ulal 1,,. ,.,_ Fff •• IJ J0, 17, 1"2 SS..C IF YOU OBJECT to the .....,.r, ""'s..-i 1ucca11Ce<l. w111 Pvf>l•-<>r-coett Delly Pl .... ------------nrantlnn Of the petition Mtlf lntoacontt-actwlllllfleDwtler Fett.•,!J,10,27.tC S1M2 '" .. ,,, ' IW <MtSlnlCUon of Ille Animal car. you should either appear eo..ter 111 eccor-.co wlt11 c-1rec1 PmJC 1111( -----------at the Marln9 and state 0o<-u. f'1CTmousau11Nau your objections or file :,•:~,!.:'5~~"'!~=:::c!': "==:~:,:.:::-T 11 , ~~~01:~!:""!::,0 ,, •• written objections with the 1>et1uctJ ... Alternate •I tAnlm•• Tiie 1011owlne per1<1n 11 ••'"'' dol"' .......... ._~, court . before the hearing. ttHllll Cllfllc lulldlft8) -AOdlU"9 butlnn••· • LUCl(Y 1 ORIVE-IN·OAlllY. 1112 Your appearance may be Altitn1a• •1 <"-•Cot •-i. u••Tv McKEEVERS. 1JO e .. 1 ~~:! E..,_, s-. AM, eou-. in person or by your =~.!!::!~!~.~!..": 11"'::;.;,~.:=:~a.ot~ca.....po. YOftOK-o.o,1,.,.Lo1••.,... attorney. or all b4dl., to wei"'9 .,,, 1,,,.,,.,....llty In Fountalft Vllley, C:. f110I f'OUflteln Vllley, Celllomla .,.,.._ bid ond l M d I '"' Tlll1 ~ I• <OftduC-lly en Tiiis ...,._ I~ Ulftc,..ctH by .., I F Y 0 U A R E A ~-I of .,.0 O::.r •••r 1 " lncllvlclual lncllvld..., C R E O I T O R o r a PllOJECT ADMIN•ST•ATION: The E-.i ar-Yanv 1C-c11o COntf_. Creditor Of the <Ofttract II to Da -..lflist-by "" Tiiis sta...,_t -llled wlltl ,.. Tlll1 N-wn 111.0 wltfl , .. ,...,....,, Cltl'-......... Wlll'MJ_,.,.~nyaf C-tl' C'-'11 Gt~ ..... County..,. C::-..ty a..11 .. -.,.. C......,..,. ._ deceased, you must file 1rv1-PU1111c Fec11111n eor-••lol'I. J.,,...,., n , 1m J.,.u•rv•. 1m your claim wlttl the court All civetttcM ,.., .. ,,.. 10 11~11 pro1ec1 """" f'111ea 0 r present i t t 0 t he Pf'llW to tt.-_..ine of bid• sNn 11e Pu1>11.._. Or-co.st o.ov Pno1 Publl..,.. Or-coeot 0et1y Piiot. dtrec:tecl 10 tho "'-le<1 Moftaver City )..,. 1l, JO. FICI. I , IJ, 1"2 *"2 "•b •. IJ, 10, 17, 1"'2 .0S.C personal representative Of 1,.,1,,. 111411,...,_ • appointed by the court is11-0e1ebv. within four months from o.pve,c1""c~ the date of first issuance Gl'Yof '"''"' of letters as provided in Gl'Yof ,!!'.,.. Section 700 of the Probate Pulllk F~111u.. Cor11out10t1 Code of California. The Pv1>11..., 0r-co .. 1 o.11y 1111o1. time for filing c laims will "" •. •>. 11•17· ita nw2 not expire prior to four months from the date of the hearing noticed above. ----------- YOU MAY EXAMINE uc~~~:~=:~:Ss..1ec1 the file kept by the court. -Is lbldsl wlll be recei ve<I by If you are interested in the :: ~tryof~":1;:.;,:1,.':,~ =.~1:: estate, you may flle a c...,....et1o11,o.i-ror111e.....,.,1n 1 .. request with the court to or11ce of u. Clh c1erti. 1001.a et receive special notice of 11200 Jamboree Road, '"'I"•· the Inventory of estate ceu1o,.... mu. ""'" 2:00 11 "'·• Oft assets and of the petitions, Mao'~~~o,_:~10N of' wo1tK T11e acc ounts and reports wor-Is -of., interim Fuell"' described'4n Sectton 1200 s ".oc'"" 10c.e1• •• 15im s.-i ea..,.... , · Avenve In Ill• CllT oi lrvlne, of the Callforn1a Probate ce11torl'lla. T"9 work contlttt ot Code. t•Mll'lt. ~ -concre4• pev1,,., pl,lnt. Hrvlce lslend, euoll¥ H. J.itek Hall, Attorney ........ -. elKtrtul swltcll board, at uw, ., Dov« Drive. lltftt ...... CMln link lencl"ll .,.., Suite 33 N•-e.ach ...... alld SUCll otllet 1 ...... no! I ... _. • , menl'°'*' tNit .,.. required by Ille CA.; (714) 642·1'41. Co11trect Oocumenls En9 lnH•'1 Pvbll-0r.,.. OMtt Delly PllOC, E1tlmete: PO.GGO. Fee.•, 1, IJ, 1• ~ OPENING OF PltOPOSAL.5 Tiie l-----------1-'' .iu .. !Mlllcly _.. --.,. .._ reed et 2:00 P""·· °" Mer<.11 to, 1m, '" ~ .. ,-. tlle City el INlfte C-.Cll CN,.,..,., 1-----------~:J~"'bor•• •oed, I rvln•. PICTITIOUI aUSIMRSS 0 8 T A I N I N 0 C 0 N T It AC T ,._... ITATIIMmNT OOCVMIEHTS: Pt-S..ClllcotlGftl Tiie lellewlne """" h tl•ll'lt •"• •If COfltract Oocumentt ror IMltlMH M l t-truct... ol Ille ll'ltetlm ,Ulltftl Mil.UM SVPPlY, 1fS7 I(.,,.... f'eclllty, CIP ..,., ln8Y Da _._ Covl1, c.i.. """8, California fti*. from "'9 CHv of fl'VIM PIHl!lc wwt.1 stanl•f M. Jeranllo, Inc., • Oeput,,_1, 2'01 Mc.Gaw Avenue, Calllomla '-.tloll, IW Kl"IM1 lrvlM, GallflDntl&. A '*1refulldab4e ltt Cour1. G81t1 """8, Cellflllmla '1iK. of UJ .• -411 Da •-... I• eecll .. 1 el Tiiis ~-s h c-'9cl '' • tlocvmenb. O.C_.1 •Ill be ,,..,.__ corporatloll: lor •n .odltlorwl cMrtit fll U.•. SCM\ley M. ~o. Inc PROPOSAL Gl•AltANTEE Ea<ll Stenley M Jeranll•, _, 9'lall Da e«-lecl by • Pretlfent cet11fled °' ,_.,._,, Cllec" °' • lllcl Tlllt ~t w• flled Wiii! ........ In lllO -of .... 1101 perQtnt COUllty Cltrlt of Or-C.,,.,., "' of Ille IOU! lllf IM'let peyollle to I .. f'eONoryt.tta. Cit, Of lrvt ... ·PllllllC f'ac11111 .. p Cllrporetlclrt .. a .......... t"-' tlte Pvltll._. 0r-. c-Dally .-ir.4, bldclar. If Ills.....,.... la et~ Wiii ....... u.a.n.,. ,, ..... ''"" lflle. -act wltll .. o.m.r fer cOM1Nttloll fll "" '"*Im f'wef 1119 1-----------1Pacllltl' lft tc:cordllftt• wlttl C...rllCt Dec~ atO IT EMS : aeto ,•141 fer 1--------_,,;.--1~1'\Kl"'" of tltt ....-im ll'lltillll PICT1TtOUU"5fllH& "~::::e.·s ••o .. T HIUYIO: TM ~fTAft•MT TM 0---fltM .. ro)e(1 ......_ .. ~ --• '"' 4'91~ e11r ., ell 11141•, t• w•tv• •nY L AHO S OISTlllBVTO•S '* ll'llormellty Ill e _.. Mii l6 1!18llt Su11>arl4!r Avenut1 C•U• MH•, -=·~=:e;::r.=,r~ can..,,.-. ~r~t Is '° llO .-nw.-w _, IN T .. M. IM!tll, * Merrtll ~. City et lfWll, et"""* 1W t11e ~ .. c-t.e ...... ~t'JIW. V.tM ·~ l"k...._ C:...atlM. ~O. U., '"" ...,....Dm., All ~· feMtlW .. Hitt ~l IM1e a,._,c.........,,... ..,..., " .. _...... "' ... ~I .. ~ ......... It CMlllK*f .-, 6 ~ti .. ,,..jitct ..._.,,City ~ 9't,,,IN,(1M)1 ..... ,..... ,...._.. -flied.... ...~ ....... C-ty OM e# Or .... c-ty • =..a:== ,__., ...... -..,... ,,....,,...._~ ,,..,.... or-. CW! Delly "'* o. ...... ,,__ .. ~-.a "" ...; ,... ..... ~ o.& 0..IY l"llM, • . • ...... .. 0,.&.11.... ..,. .. REPORT OF CONDITION Consolidating domestic subsidiaries of the NewPort Harbour Na tional Bank of NewPort Beach, in the state of California. at the close of business on December 31, 1981 published in resPQnse to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under title 12. United States Code, Section 161. Charter number 16131 Natlo~I Bank AecJlon Number 14 Dotlar Amounts lnThouunds ASSETS cash and due from ' dePoSitory institutions ...................... 2, 119 U.S. Treasury securities ......................... 92 All other securities ........................... 150 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agr~ments to resell .................. . . 4,865 a. Loans, Total (excludin9 unearned income> ............ 31,255 b. Less: Allowance for possible loan losses ................ 333 Loans, Net .................................. 30,922 furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises .............. 711 All other assets .............................. 1,()23 TOT AL ASSETS .............................. 39,882 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of Individuals, partnerships, and corporations ............... 4, 137 Time and savings dePoSlls of lndlvlduals, partnerships and corPoratlons ............... 29,547 All other dePoSlts ................................. 20 Certified and officers' checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 801 TOTAL DEPOSITS ........................... ~.sos Total demand dePoSlts ............. 4,958 Total time & savings deposits ... . 29,547 A II other llabll I ties.. .. . . . .. .. . .. .. . .. . . . .. sn TOTAL LIABILITIES <excluding subordinated notes and de bentures) .... , ..••.••................ 35,082 C~PITAL Preferred stock No. shares outstanding -None Common stock a . No. shares authorized 675.000 b. No. shares outstandlfl9 S00,000 ,(par value> .'2.soo Surplus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2,500 Undivided proffts and re~rvt for contlngenctes and oth4tr capital reserves .•••..... , ...............•... <200> TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL •.................. , ,,8()() TOTAL LIABILITIES ANO EQUITY CAPITAl. .•••.••.•...••............. 39,882 Ml!MOlltAfllDA (amounts Mlltlftdlng · as ofRPWtclltt) Standby letters of credit, lotal ..............•.•.. "7 Time ~•rtJflc.t.S of deposit In ctenomlnatlons of s100,oooor mor.. •••........................ 22,069 ToUI dlpOlftl 31,661 We, the undersigned direc tors attest tht correctn.ts of this statem9"t Of resources and 1'-bfntlH. Wt decNlre ttttt It l'wat bMn examined by u1, and to U• belt of our -nowtectge and beli.f Is true and correct. lsJ Medine carotnttr IS/ Wlftlam ~-Schmidt , IS/ lit~ Flegg I 1. Thomas e. Gruenw11d, \'k:e Prffldent -.. ~mptroUw 41' eM ~mMH•'* do~hin11..--­IOK1a,. "'91 tf\fs ~rt of Condition Is true ano ~orr.ct eo u. best ot mv li!nowted9t •nd IMI .... I ls/Thomas E. ~ r. ~~~a. ........... • l Author gains due respect but intentions questioned DUBLIN, Ireland (AP) -A century after bli blrtb, Dubllnen are at lut embrad,Qi lhe memory ol. lhelr 1candaloul ion and 1ra11d llterary exile, James Joyce. But '1 yean after b.lJ death, the debate over thla titan of letten raaea on. Waa be a 1entua or obfuacator? Pomo1rapber or morallat? The most outra1eoualy Joycean event lo a year of centenary celebrations will be on Bloomaday, June 16 -the day in 1904 on which the events ln "Ulysses" take place -when RTE, the lrlsb state broadcasting service, baa scheduled a 24-bour, non-stop reading of the author's moat .famous book. Some think lt'• • ite•t ldea. Otben think lt'a dd. "l can't lma1lne en1one llatenitll to tt. After all, tbtl"t are loq, ion. pu.111• wblcb are extremely borlnt," Hid Niall Montgomery, a Joyce 1cbolar and enthusiast. The Roman Catholic Church, outrapd by Joyce's work ln bla llfetlme, bas declined official comment on the centenary even thou1b the 1ovemment aaya It fa happy to join lo bonorln1 a ••world-renowned literary figure." As befits a writer more widely talked about than read, the bi1gesl cootroversy to erupt coneems a musical written and composed by English novellat Anthony Bur1ess, called "" ......... STILL DISPUTED -James Joyce. show in file photo from the 1920's. has caused recent nap because of radio show based on his life. Welfa~e .di~ty wo.rd with Americans ·WASHINGTON <AP ) - ''Welfare" has become a dirty word. A government-sponsored poll asked 1,000 people last summer to select from a list which programs should take the biggest cuts in any stale and local government bu di et-tightening. Thirty-nine percent picked "public welfare programs" to suffer most. The poll was repeated in October and \he question was identical with one exception: The phrase .. aid t.o the needy" was substituted for the word "welfare." This time, 9 percent of those polled urged that the burden fall heaviest on "aid to the needy." The Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, which sponsored the poll , concluded: "It is possible that the public perception of 'needy' is so altruistic and the term 'public welfare' so negative that each produces an over-reaction, albeit in opposite directions.'' "Blooms of Dublin." Bued on "Ulyuea," the wort wae broadcut Mooday bf tqb llilb state radio and the Britllh Broadcutlnt Corp. It reflecta the book'• bawdy splrlt. &me memben of the Radio Telefla Eireann Sln1era, who are record!Qa tbe WOl"lt, objected to the te~ and were backed by the lrlab HOU4ewivea AaeoclaUon, wblcb demanded cancellation of the broadcut. When the •talion said the sln1era could decline to perform -but would not be paid -they chanced their minds. One uPMt alnger, June Croker, denied sunestions they bad ··abdicated from their moral stand for 80 pieces ot silver." A correspondent to the lrlab Times newspaper noted: "James Joyce would have appreciated the nice com blnatioo of narrow morality. musical mea1)-spiritedness anel all -embracing concern with money ... " Another reader, Seosamh O 'Brian , ran courously disagreed. •'This is still a Christian country and the beliefs and customs or the vast majority should not be of{ended by I.he 1 percent or 2 percent who wish to impose their godlessness through filth on their own media." Born in Ratbear, Dublin. on Feb. 2, 1882, the author of "Ulysses" and "Finnegan's Wake" both loved and hated his country. "He wanted to free people from the demands of church and state which imposed conventions upon them," Richard EUmann, author-of the standard Joyce biography, said in an interview. Ellmann, an American, is Goldsmith Professor of ~b Literature at Oxford University. England. "I think the Irish have been a little slow t.o recognize Joyce's greatness but they have done their best t.o catch up now.'' he said. Ellmann will join Norman Mailer, Tom Stoppard, Bur1ess and other writers at an international symposium in Dublin in June. "It's a great tribute to him - 78 years is quite good staying power for a writer, you know," said Ellmann, who rates "Ulysses" the fiction masterpiece of the 20th century. •'I think Joyce was the first writer to show us in En&Jiah what modern literature really ia," be said. However. En1Hsb writer J.B~ Prleatley said in bis "Literature and the Western Man" that Joyce did not invent stream-of-consciousness or interior-monologue and what's more: "Most of what we have been told about Joyce as the great modem master of the novel. changing the course of fiction, opening a way for later novelists, is nonsense." Novelist Evelyn Waugh once said of the Irishman: "He wrote absolute rot. You could watch him going mad sentence·by-sentence if you read 'Ulysses.' " But American author John Updike defended Joyce in a recent BBC radio documentary: "There is the Joyce who's the kind of mountain and the bugaboo of the writing courses and of the literature courses. We're apt to lose sight of the less intimidatine and kinder man who sang family life and always had an eye out for the bumble, the grits of existence as well as the ideal and the beautiful." Joyce's ambivalence toward Ireland led him to choose exile in Europe from bis early 20s until bis death in UMl, but be continued to write almost exclusively about Dublin. Educated l>Y Jesuits, he became a fierce anti-Catholic, like the autobioeraphical Stephen Dedalus in ''A Portrait of the Artist as. a Young Man.'' An expert lingulat, be confounded even bis admirers by creatln1 a 11 b berlsb lan1ua1e-of-tbe-nl1ht In •two years later, be left no adequate explanation of lta oblcurltles. His best works were banned lo Ireland i n b ia lifetime . "Ulyaaes,'' a chronicle of a day in the life of Dubllner L«>pold Bloom, wu P\lbllahed ln Paris In 1922 and, only after leqtby lltitaUoo, became available ln tbe Unlted States ln lNS. It •PJ>e•red three yean later' in !:naJand. .. .......... "'"'''''''' ....................................................... . ._... llU l•rtll I IMJ .. SEE YO UR AD IN PRINT IN 124 HOURS Place your Dally Pilot classified a d be fore 5:30 p.m. and it will run in the next day's issue. ....................... SfWl.gppEISS u .... c.... T YACAMC•I rar below market. For •ll·UP call Rlcll anY!I•· mneo-nn OCIAN I ILOCI ~ larp R·2 corner lot. Stlltr will help nn.anc-1 a 15,000 ! .... ~,,..,. ...... *671-7060. STB-STO tmWIOIT HfiTS frl a ·tiersaliii ruuoo total price. 3 Bdrm 2 bath, f1mlly room, brlck ftrwlace, R·2 lot. Room to &likt. Alley 1cceu. Clll 111 for more In· 'il!Uon ~231.S a11 VllWIAY fOREY£R VIEW! °' OCIAH I MMMfT u.tn'S OPIM SPACIS I PAlll _..., MIW T0\1¥tl IOMIS Deluxe, 2 master suites, lar.Je airy room.a. Great financin1. Country atmosphere in Costa Mesa. All for the loW price of: SIJ7,000I1119.000 HAL• PAT IA&8 A•TS. 67).7300 ~HOUSISAT.-SUK 1·4 ll77 PAC..C l9e OF WLSOMt rlSA WEST TOWNllOMES The Daily Pilot is the only afternoon Orange County newspaper to off er you this 24-hour service. AHDOCEAN! ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Newport Hei&hta r= Elllte! Excellent view ~------------.. thnl larae picture win· Stop by our office or call 642-5678 and a friendly ad-visor will help you place your ad. You can charge your ad or use Bank Americard or Master Charge. DAILY PILOT 642-5678 dow. A mu.;t see. only "29,000. Call for more details. 546-2313 THE ~EAL ESTATERS Anxious owner. $8200 dwn buys I Br condo 1n L..aMs area. Outstandine value of '99.900. Warner. Bg\ S59·9400 SI 12,000 MEWPORT IC:H ! B eaullful upgraded 2 Bdrm 2 bath condo Vaul~ cetlineed IJYin1 room. brieht sunny lntcheo Attached 11ra1e. Bargain cash out price. Call for more detalla. 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS ·-----People who need People Yw doa't need a gun to Th0AJ1tL'1YwPhalLOlth1e "draw fut" when you 19UCED $20 OOO pie« an ad 111 the Daily ~ SERVICE DIRECTORY Pilot Want Ada • Call DICUTIVE 1UY lull about! naw-642-5671. ~blt Mesa Verde 3 Bdrm, fam, pool home . OWC at 12~. Owner tn.nafelTed, quiet CUI· de-aac. Preat11ious aolf coune loc. Priced below marbt al OD $320,000. Oa1I Dlllla Cappel, II\ ., R&"M~ *COM ST ARTEI'* NSTUSTEO Priced foe fut aale! IJ· awne low 111terest lit. Cozy fireplace + beautiful k itchen . Mdivated owner! Only I 1235 000. Call 873-8550 tlli*1 $20,000 DOWN! A beauty, 3 Bdrm 2 Ba, Woodbrldae . Only Sl48,900. Patrick. •st .. " R&"M~ NIGHT LlfiHT + IMlv •ltw apacloul-~ Bdrm In E11tbluff! Eleaant forma I dinln&. French doora and window•. Sweeptnl views lhruout ! Iii T94MIS, POOL &MOISES nm lavilb utile bu ' Bdr + 1 I C. The lit la 214K at . l~U'°. 50K UD· der market. Call Tim Rbcrle, •It for abowln1 ,it,,t • •, t\I ~.'. RVM~ lW-S llcnAltl ., Bdrm. pool l ap1, DtW c1rpeta, very but ftaancln• 1vall1blt. Jn. v.tor'I abould leap It tbi• one. Fu II prl ct , .· c;::.. ' -t""'~'• II• I' RESIOENTIAt. REAL ESTATE SERVICES OPEN IN BIG CANYON 110.htMml"- SAT & SUN l·I 1 story custom home on golf course. 4 bdrm, family rm, beautifully designed & decorated by Canterbury Interiors. Financing available. $1,395,000. LUCY IOSI IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 1-L\H.B<>R RE.\LTY l°"°DOWM The Bluffs. Spacious 4 bdrm. "C" Plan overlookmg the pool. Only 16% down with a 12>,.;% fixed rate 30 year trust deed! A super value at •299.500 L.H. Popular. floor plan with one of the bdrms separate from the rest of the house. WSI OR IUY The perfect bachelor pad ! On tht Peninsula with a view of the bay. Full security ba,Yfront building with pool and boat slip available. 1 bdrm condo for rent at $1200 'per mo. or sell at $299,500. Try a lease option. DISllT HOMI Terrific value in this custom built desert home in beautiful Lake Havasu. 3 bdrms., 3 baths, large gourmet kitchen, family rm. and 1><>91. Super location overlooks the golf course. Just $180,000 and owner Will finance. HOISIY? An incredible site to build the ultimate horse ranch -estate. 5.5 acres in beautiful San Juan Capistrano with a spectacular view. Private and secluded yet only minutes from town. $695,000 owner will finance or may even exchange. VII# LOT CU COIONA D& Mil Bet you didn't think there was one! Wei}i_~ __ bave not jun one but 4 conua~ lots with l>ay and ocean views in Old Corona del Mar. You -can buy 1 or all 4. $595,000 each with attractive terms. -· r . 4 l" •tu :ii .._.,, .ua ·~ •o:c ,., •'1 ,.) 'I! ,.. 1• ... \ ... ,·, ,·, ·~ ,, .. , '' '1' ·~ --·~ ... ,,., ')I '•l ; . ~ .. •.: •II I~ ,rl ••• 1•1 \(Tl ;) ii, ltl ; I 'I~ 44. ,_ •• u~ 'll ··2 ., '-{ O'> • !>I .,~ ,nf I J 1<:, •IJ •h1 -D ."" • r> .. ") 'l i ;fn •J ·.I I'll 0 CDM'951 WHITEWATll Have 1ometbln1 .1ou SELL idJe Items wlUI a want lo sell? Classified Dally Pilot Cluslfled ldsdo It well. 642·5678. Ad. 642·5678. vu Sl.tlll to uod, compltt.e· 11 &rand new 5 Br. Call me l Mt It today. Tim Rbone, •at Ul·lZM or ?»tm LAOUISTA srn .... A treat opportu11lt1 priced wtll below •rht. Oner waata IN'-eale • will btlp flDIDct, I Br 1'4 la, eurmta1 lloorplaa . .. , ~ \ I I .. -·-· I, '~~JeiJ&,vlewa. Marine rm, 4 l I a .,_iQl, IQ. ft . $1,385,000, I . . UDO IS&I HOMIS P,~ UIO.,. SAT/SUM ••• LWo Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 bath, lie L.R. 2 boat slips $1,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large tee. rm., beam ceilings, "20,000. LH>A ISU IAYNOMTS L~goon view from 6 bdrm, s bath, P yroom, dark rm , den. Sl,350,000! CAIMATIOM COYI Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm 4 bath. z boat •lips. suoo,ooo. ' BILL GR UNDY. REALTOR . ·. (, .. 11th <* a bJU In Vista. eol6IOUS I secluded 2 IR + den or 3 IAY YllW BR 2 be. Complete with Co dinin&E fa m 1•1f , mplete redecorated "Ba""lde Cove" 2 BR, lireplact. Ven I poo & ,. sea view. $120,000 by den pentbouae. Aun. owner. 1~515l pool, · •9a, J>rj. beach. -=~=-==:::.-.-r t.oob like model. Great _____ ..,.! uaumable ·Try 20!. MO OUAIJPYIM6 down ors months option. &...t.. ••cM Greatly reduced for 3Br, tea pool $1CM,00if. mot iv 1 t e d buy er. 4Br, 2 ~ Ba Condo S484.CXXI. Debbie Fratt . $139,IOO. Both xlot Macnab-Irvine Realty Dlilhborhoodl. Call for M2-8235 det11l1 Jo· An (714) OPIN SUM l·S 9 I 4 • l 4 6 2 o r l~.!_ .. JI .. EDGEWATER _..Inf REALTY (213) 434-4411 ,... .... •ecti IU SAT/Sii 1..C .211G1m,a..1s1. NEW a.mlC CURIY TUDOI Unsurpassed quality, superbly de- siped with the touch of Old World charm. Featuring solid oak floors, finest oak cabinets, vaulted beamed ceilings, river rock fireplace and extensive use of beveled leaded glass. Three bedrooms, including private muter suite, 3 baths, family room, formal dining room plus ex- pansive roof deck. Excellent lsJand location. S8n,OOO ~. llW BTATE-TENflS COURT! Cauzl11f ...... 1Hdt ....... .,.., ...... ~_. ........ . ....... a...n ,. .... -, ... llCt'tl •"' Cl-•~torel YllW of .._ .. _, lltlft,T .... MC.t- tr • .....,'......,.,.. .... .,... ........... J ............. ... ..... MllM ............... . lgg) ':1.:000 ~·· ............ ...... ,_ .............. ..... = ,._, ._ ,._, locUr I mdw,....,.,...._._. ............. 6a'=t' ... ... ,=· ............ ...... a.t ....... [ .......... ,.. ....... ~al-....... . ., I! ! 2 S ,000. '7Ut00. -BM.BOA ~EAIRONT Pre•111 «r •••d..atne.._ .., 4 ,.... .... Stet • d ......... ce .. •l•d ••hr 11ltt wit• •P•• • ,, .. t ' YU. 4 ............ ,.. ......... , .......... ... ~ ..... S7tl.OOO. '31·1400. ,,.. lllNE CllAllND. AllJ CATALINA VIEWS! • cMOfAGMDt Beautiful French Country style. New coostructioo. l block from t~ ocean. No details spared from French cachet tiles in the gourmet kitchen to the copper rooster weather vane. 3 BR for '795.ooo. Vi~w! V!t:_w!_YieJVl IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 HOUSES FOR SALE JlalOOM 221 Via Ithaca, Lido Isle, NB 673-7., '349,500 Sat/Sun 1·4 ••1033 Bayside Cove E, Coves, NB 644-9060 $680,000 Sat/Sun l ·5 4 Melody Ln (Wdbrg) Irv 675-~ll $14!:000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 1118 Sandi Ln, U>Sta Mesa 54&-2313 S12t,900 Sat 1·4 2 • ~ FAM lM °" DIM 5 Oakgrove (Wdbrg) Irv ~1-3000 $186,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 2 Maritime Dr, Jasmine Creek, CdM 644-9060 Sun 12·5 221 Vta Orvieto, Lido Isle, NB . 644-9(8) Sun 12·5 8 Whitewater, Jasmine CreetJ. CdM Uf.9000 $335,000 :)UD 1 ·5 250'l VJSta, Bayshores, NB 644-9060 $195,000 Fee Sun 1-4 3!11 Bayview TerraceJ. Costa Mesa 963-6767 $210,000 ;:,a 1-5/Su 1 :30-5 23Cll Cliff Dr Newport Bch 54&-2313 ~.000 Sat 12-3 OPEN DAILY 11 ·.S P.M. New LUH!)' Condoa 1-1·3 Bdtlftl. ,....._PooJ ... s,e sto.•eeSIJA,llf Nl~TUIACI. 771J New_ A,,_ ffwdlc ...... Ca. tJ646 (714) lf7 .lfl3 •• .,,., """'1 llWftlT m A1A SPT&ASS-1~ DOWN 'Yes! For 10% downloµ Caul own this lovely, 4 BR 3 B Tradewinda Model! Sales price reducf ed to , $495,000 for last sale, e~ceUent financing available. Immediate oc· cupancy. r.., lease o~on. Call for more information. MBA YaDI Lo\t~lY One Story Four Bedroom · Home Ill DeJdrable Mesa Verde Area -Located On A Quiet Street -I>e,tiened For Family EnJoy- medt -Owner Will Assist Greatly · In Flnancine -Priced At Only $139,000, (!) u c.,!!~ =--~ . ....,.. c...... DIRECJORY 631-1851 $259,000 SaVSun 12·5 2100 E. Ocean Bl, Penin Pt, NB 644-9060 $795,000 Sun 1-4 2'312 Redlands (Eastside) CM 842-6368 $149e:!n SiaVSun 1 ·5 Z113 Miramar, · Pt. NB 67Ul61 ~.ooo ~VSl}J) 1 ·S 1900 Commodore Rd, Baycresl .. NB 631-1476 $360,ooo Sat/Sun 1·5 •1472 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shores, NB 642-2510 $739,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1·5 1901 Tradewinds, Baycrest, NB 644-9060 $325,000 Fee Sun l ·4 338 Walnut St, Costa Mesa 644-9060 $14.S,500 Sun 1 ·4 4931 Hemlock, Univ Pk, ltvine 644-9060 $193,000 Fee Sun l ·4 • 7 Bordeaux, Hrbr Rdge, NB 644-9060 $695 000 Sat l · 5 •204 Via Eboli, Udo Isle, NB 644-9060 . Sat 1·5 112 Via Koron, Lido Isle, NB 644-9060 Sat 12·5 3 Kensington Court, Hrbr Rdge, NB ~ $S75,000 Sat/SUD 1:30-5 * •3711 Seashore, Newport Beach 642·823.5 $820,000 Sat/Sun l·S 2127 Aralia, Eastbluff, Npt Bch ~ $279,500 Sat 1-S 1436 Serenade Terr, CdM 675-~ll $349,500 Sat/Swi 1-5 ~Yacht Wanderer, Npt Bch 759-1221 $439,995 Sat 1·5 2001 Yacht Resolute, Npt Bcb 759-122:1 $489 000 Sat 1·5 4006 Inlet lsl«!i._ COrona del Mar 675-3W $~.~ Sat 1·5 1115 ~Lane, Westcliff, Npt Bc'h 646-0789 $225,000 SaVSun 12·5 4627 Courtland, Corona del Mar 673-8550 $359,900 Sat 1 ·4 : 30 3013 Nestall Rd, Laguna Beach 4117-3511 $229,SOO Sat/Sun 1-5 2651 Crestview, NB (Baystiores) 644-2'282 00,500 Sun 1.-5 1610 Tustin Ave. <Newport Heights) CM 644-?282 $190,000 Sun 1·5 J~ ... LOFT' 214 Amethyst.t...BaJbOa Island 644-9060 $4~000Sat1-S; Sun 12·4 23 Half Moon Bay, Spyglass Hill, CdM 760-0297 $675,000 Sat/Sun l ·5 ••12t Grand Canal, Balboa lsld, NB 613-QlOO $850,000 Sat l ·4 1505 Miramar, Penin Pt, NB 673-9060 S6SS,OOO Sun 1-5 J4 Narbonne, Harbor View, Ridge, NB 631-1400 $2,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 * 1033 White Sails, Corona del Mar 7~1756 $397,SOO Open Sun 1·5 1200 81ue GWQ Ln, Dovu. Shores, NB 644-4910 ~.000 Sun l·S 14 Bumi.Qi Tree Rd, Big Cyn. NB 644.4910 $750,000 Sun 1-5 ' 1251 Surfline W ~y, Hrbr Vu, CdM 644.4910 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1441 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shores, NB 548-~7 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-4: 30 2515 Windover, Harbor View Homes, CdM 644-6200 S498.SOO Sat 1-4 : 30 18 Cherry Hills, Big Cyn, NB 644-9000 Sl,39(),000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2700 I,.iihthQuse Ln, HVH NB 644-llll&o ~t900 Fee Sat/Sun 1·4 )106 Dover Dr, westcliff, NB 644-9060 $299,SOO Sat 1 ·!i 25 San Tropez_Jlrbr Rdge, NB 6"-&00 $!!Q,OOO Sat/Sun 1-5 2515 Windover, HVH, NB 6"-6200 $498,500 L.H. Sat 1·5 1647 Reef View Cir, Spyglass Rdg, CdM 644-'300 '425J9.00 Sat 12·4 1020 Wlli.tesails way, CdM 759-12.21 $429,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 333 Poppy, Corona del Mar 675-5.511 $598,SOO Sat/Sun 1-5 2242 Heather Lane, Newport Beach 955-<U, $2&i,OOO Sat/Sun 2227 Arbut~ (Ei!luff) NB 675-3411 ~ Sun 1-5 1609 S. Doreen ay, Santa Ana 631-n&fl $144,900 Sat 1-4 133 Vfa Undine (Lido Isle) NB 675-7298 $73.5,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 I .. OOM ••SU"!!,,. Bay St, Peninsula\ NB 63l•ltw.~,DOO SattSWl l·S * ~ J2a "-d. Lido 1111!, NB v•~ 1.•000 Sal/Sun 1-5 I • ... FAM IM w DIM 126 ~a, Lido life. NB 673-SUD 1·5 ••314 · ·, Dover Shores, NB • 6"-,8080 Sl,350,000 Fee Sun 1 ·S *i.! Ji)', Ngt Bch ,l>O Sat 12·5 1 ~,!.~Mesa Verde) CM -~.qoo Sat 1·4 " . ~··~,AM_., DIM 25 ~ J1ay, So1-1U. Hill, NB 158-C1@'1 m~.ooo ~Sun 12-s: so • '75-U70· 2tlt Mtw,..t ~ w JOlll 2 lmlOOM 7715 Newman Ave, Huntington Beach 847-8933 $110,000 Sat/Sun 11·5 2277 Pacific Ave, Costa Mesa 673-7., $189,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 2277 Pacific Ave, Costa Mesa 673-7., $137,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 4111h Dahlia, Corona del Mar 67>~11 $295,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 . 2 II plll DIM 4.S Canyon lslan<! Dr, Big Canyon, NB 631-1400 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •501 St. Andrews, Nwpt Hgbts, NB 673-7., $1621500 Sat/Sun 1·4 209-19lh St, Peo.ulsula, NB 631-1400 $319,000 Sat/Sun 12·4 •2 Maritime Dr. Jasmine Creek, CdM 644-9060 Sun 12-5 l llDIOOM 7715 Newman Ave, Huntington Beach 847-8933 $124,000 Sat/Sun 11-5 201 Columbia. Newport Crest 67~ $219,000 Sat l·S 411 Dahlia, Corona dei Mar 67>Mll $335,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 862 Bear Creek, Costa Mesa 67>3411 $134,950 Sat/Sun l·S TOWt-fitOUSES FOR SALE 2 llDIOOM Avocado & Fairview. Costa Mesa 548-2239 $134,950 Sat/Sun 11 am l llDIOOM Avocado & Fairview, Costa Mesa 548-2239 $154,950 Sat/Sun 11 am 904 Lombard, Costa Mesa 646-7434 $154,500 Sat/Sun 12-4 DUPWES FOR SALE 2 • Z IBIOOM 2001 Kings Road, Newport Heights, NB 631-1400 $415,000 Sat/Sun l ·S J•,..zn 604-ro41h Heliotri>pe, CdM 752·1900 $265,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •••211 1114.'Jrd Street, Newport Beach MM910 $259,500 Sun 1-5 HOUSE FOR LEASE - • ..... .w ....... ••14.'12W. Bay Ave, Npt Bcb m.e870 S3500/L&e Sat 1·5 5"11ASS l~DOWN Yes! For 10% down you can own tills lovely 4 BR 3 BA Tradewihch Model! Sales pri'ce reduced to $495,000 for fast sale, excellent fanancing av~le. l(1Ull'9Cli:•te oc· cupancy 1ry ltfSe option. Call for more informa~. tnaASI $2 ____ MAml ~ 'l'J'ansferred seller ~ys submit au Olten on this buge-5 BR1 Fam R'm, 3~ bath family home perfect for en· tertaining. Complete with breathtaking view. 2 fireplaces, dramatic ~I & spa area and 3 car garqe this vacant custom is now offered at less than replacement cost at $595,000. CaJI for financing details. IAll OCIAM ¥llW From uu, magnifi~ent 3 ltR. ra. 2~ BA Casablanca model in the Crest phase of H~bor Ridge. Of- f el"t'd at .$625,000 w1~ !..ow interest assumable 'rmancing. · IASTAWF5 flMIST This beaUtifuJ 4 BR 3 Bkbome bas it all -magnificent view, parquet floors, large custom designed f ami· ly room. plus except.iooal assUD,Ul· ble financi.ilg. All this could be roun !or.Only $299,950. Call now for further'frifonnation on this fabulous new listing. >' . 5"411.ASS 8 14.ANCI From this rare Delmar model 3 BR, 2 ba with formal dr & fam room, fabulous mountain and -city light views. Motivated seller will assist -withfinan~ertd lt~,-000. COSTA D AlfA MESA VElll C.C. is just a few blocks from this sharp, contempo~ 3 ijR with fam room & fonnal c1iDfilg room. SeUer oought another and l'Dlllt sell now. A great buy at $175,000. Better hurry ! SEA•' ffS Just listed 3 BR, (am nn, 2"'2 ba tastef~ decor;tled family home with Drainatic pool & spa complex. Offered at $229,000, . LAWFN&Y7 Try this 4 BR + family room witb formal DR and large Jot . Seller will help fmance. Offer~ at $210,000. HUND~mt HAllOUR DIAMATIC HADOI HOMI This just listed Btintba&km Harbor 3 BR with open floor tlao vaulted ceilings, secluded poot & spa, im- peccable decor mate this a home for the truly discriminating. Of· fered at $389,SOO with financing available. lllllllTON BUCH NPOIDMLi Thie 2 BR condo is loc:ated 2 mi. from the beach. Good starter home. Nu cpts. comm. pool, garage. Great VA loan to assume Ii: own. will carry small 2nd. $118,850. SANJA ANA AID HAllOI Yft-4UM 'ilD Quiet, PU'k-lik~ setting, 179' wide rear yard. Rni for paddle tennis and pool. Greait for orcbU'd. Picturesque cul de sac stn!et. 3 Bdrms Fam Rm. $379,SOO Incl. ~land. See doW, I z 51ary--. . ......., .. ~ 4 emm, 2 Ba in upper. 2 Bdrms lower. 2 Fireplaces. Some ocean view. Owner wi11 carry T.D. of $220,000 at 13%. MN 1ew prb Ult.HO J lJ-ilnlSDm' OflN.SUM 1-1 Wl5UY M. TAYJ,.OI CO .. llALTOU ZtllS..~ ....... teMiiWPOlf .. "'919 C8"a tu. 64+4t 11 Pete Barrett ~l"~ presents MOii FOi YOUI MOt41Y: Newport Beach cottage, ftcellent condition 2 Bdrms. , "-"'lace.,..,fonnal dining & builtin irik~. 1iJe root aod new plumb~ $J.SS,OOO. MOii FOi YOUI MONEY: Central • locatim in Costa Mesa. 3 Bdrm l~ bath, atl refarbiabed : Paint, fJ(J(O, kitchen, baths, drapes, etc. Full price $98,500. MOii JOI YOUI MOMIY: Quiet street in Newport.. CUstomized 3 Bdrm, den. 3 bath home with 5 garages, concrete rear yard for equipment, etc. One ol a kind op- porb.mity-lor $175,000. MOii POI YOll MOMIY: Assumable 1st and owner will carry 2nd Tl). Immaculate, re-decori:'!ct Bdrm.ho. with huge open family r00m. ~ice area convenient to acboola. PETfj BAR REIT REALTY .. * WAT9tl'IONT.HOMI • * PllYAft llAcH * SensatJonal 4 Br booie smack: on the water!! FeaturlJig French doors, frpl. prof euionally de- corated &: private SANDY BEA<Jl. Only •.ooo 6 seller w8l carry M>% loan at 13~ I 21870 S. Miluel Dr. Newport Beach. 7»1fPl•7Sm3 ltJ.ttl~ Ta.Dcww fgz,000 lotn at 11.5%. Hardwood floors, o~n beamed "ood ~. A reil.l chatmer ! faM.7035 Jr S1IP$ TO llACM • 10'1tMUMCI• A'fM All.I Gorgeom 4 Br detailed 00me. 1 blk from ocean 6n FEE land only $291,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or -'7S2-m3 •II~~* A vallable on this brand new townbome ! Featuring 2 master suites, encl<VJed garage &: private courtyards, only SlH,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 75~ 1501 OI' 752-7373 * lUIT\80CI * $111' Pll MONTH •.• is all YoU ~y when you take onr ~I 1St T.D. Spaclotls 4 Br execltive detached home f eatur- ing formal dining, family room &: frplc. Only $213,500 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr, Newport Beach. 75~1501or752-7373 tMsTOI .SPICW S962/month with $16.600 down. Effective interest only U % ! ! 4 bdrm, 2 bath, new decor. Prime rental area. W-7035 Wt•• C11S ** PlAM4 •• Extremely popular 3 Br plan featuring magnificent decorating fplc, gourmet island kitchen, formal dining, f a1nily room & in· house laundry. All this & more for only $389,000 FEE. Owner will help fmance!! ! 2670 San Miguel Dr, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373 4ftD Prime rental area. $60,000 down & ~er will finance at J2%. Try stralgbl n«e. $2.24,900. 963-5671 * mm DISPllATI * 12VJ% lllMAMCM Spacious Rancho San Joaquin tow.nbome 'w /PANORAMIC GOLF ~E VIEW!! Featur• iq 2 Br & den, wet bar, fplc, etc. Priee 11.Ubecl for quick tale at seller will help finance . 2670 San Micuel Dr, Newport Beach. 75~ 1501, or 752-7373 I lft IST T.I.' Country charmer with cllthedral QPG beam, w9Qd ceilino. and hardwood floors . Only $12,900 down. SM-7005 ~1tt:,o.;c:. Je~ ~led l>y craftamenl _._ ..... '*-~· woodi9n ...... , plank I 'lted brick 6 po~l ·A epa. E~ land •IGUNr TEIUlll f 1S70 San lli1uel iDr., Newport. Btacb. ••«7sz..ml 10%DOWM 1.e.cff._. •tieAYIDI• JorJY~·· Wl'nlPOOLANDSPA I dutstand~Hewport Sl>adoul I Bdrm, 2 ba. u..&ni... 3 90 Beaullful area. SlS,000 i~':. ''~:Ida~, ss.ooo.toWM dn. A••'"' $240 ,000 ~. $175,000: alk'6& 1Y o•a Sia/Ill) pymt. PP. A&t. ~w• g ......_Ternc• ~7ec>-::....:.:7t11=--~-~ ... UT~ 12-4 z Bds, + Conv den.1-. 41DMTWNHM m OGLE ST .. c-.. ea. OU' lot. pool ... tP•. ~o s., L o w _ homed. occup. Assume " VIEW-VIEW ex~t fmanc, rm.ooo .... ma ~·-" ln· Newliort Beach 3 BR, OYIC. ~ ... -· ~ ba con.do. Fqi-11111 ~TED, .2·3 BR lo ~. lo • dbl &ar. room with fireplaee . ltJe. Feoonly. P.P, din.ins room. plus livtae rttlllft. Old CdM. :i:nuali~~~~~: Larce 1ox21 b1lcooy Mf:lON , -~12118 .. • •It WCllCl!Ariclf9 w/ocu.n view. $225,000, couNrtY 84CiUSH ~ DUPLEX-4Br + ZBr, I l ...... •dtt, CUSTOMMIWrc>IT yrnew.Oood-.ssumable ~ •greded. Hie r.allltTlldorH-.. Assumable financ:ang , eatry · & •lrrored 3 Bf( family rootn, d~. $398,000. 709 & 709~ -----""~-­""''*""'" ._ .., («11111 dining room and Orthld Call a51·9W for HEWC~ $b DM -bl. I It TD & brukraat nook. 3 a Owner/bkr S .... ftreplaces Fr~nch doors A&eot. l· 1~, OWC o 2ad. Vert and windows thruout IT OWHEA By owner two Zbdrm _..,ahcl SI 49,000. Prtca! to sell. $39$,000 Li ve II\ Corona del Mar boules on l lottiuma- 06eW, U. ,,,__ 631 S6•t ror~~rezE, ble 11'\i*''t .. OWC • 2 1111ster BR. ~in ba. din· 4.2nd. As. bt'' ~ l!S,OOO OMlf'Says Wt --U)I• condo. 2 fplc's, 2 with 25· •.<JOth " Maw a..."''~.:;· ..._I.a.cl 1006 p1tios, dbl ear Pool, -=-Pomo==u::..:..,.=..::640'1;<..:.:4'4~. -- .., 91111 • • ..... , ............ ~ .. •• laetmi, tennii 640·2494 MESA vml .... pit 41tn & apa. Defer part o/ mon'i..11 .For ·~: ~ ::-:·1~· ........ ., ""Y ~ payment on Balb:.1 f.:m M;'~'ve~ con: 4 .... llttrary taland property. Lew do. 1118.000. 751·23S>. ~ r& Haw of· downortrade. fered at $591,0fO. .._.sty, Ritt>. lll Poppy. 675-11,6 SHAlPIAftSIDE UUI C0U Of *WFORT MAI.TORS lltlLC....ltwJ. c..--. ... 178·1511 OMLnnDOWM HO POINTS C>Nner '1ftJ ftnaoce to ._ .... Loam quallf1edfier. Well Sl.elll to Bay, 3Br1 2 81. locat.ed, '9otm1 I nf'<lll)' remo~led. lCIQt. units + 4 c I" cv--1e + lone term fin,anci~1 ample pir'kirtg. Below 11 Owner 1erow.-can TA -~~~..:..:,_-~• Ii~~ . .., ~ _211 NEWOHMARKET Mippman for aptt. "'--.-,'*" 0...$tit/SIHI 1·5 6'13-0l~---­ "Cowitry ~gUstr" • Owmmg C1&Stom B11Ut decor. Fabulous Mlilr Horne. 2 Story, 4aR. BdrSulle.38dr +Den 3~BA. Breakfast r,m, Yiew/tt./Oc._ s;J60 000 frplc, Many Xtras. Open Solar {>()QlJ!;pa, 4BR. 1900Commodore Rd NB Sat/Sun 1·5 Wkdy Appt s:l17J00. Same/Agt $117.501 · 222 Coral Owner All 160-1756 ff;l'l[~'tfl',)5 >(HITT •• ,-.. 4 00 • • 67s.al'Zl Open Sun 1-5 Ni;W MooP~ ,....., _ loi:IMuteSalls TOWNHOM! ._ ..,, Opfti&lnl-4 ··~·~··~·.::_··~¥ OC!AH ILVD. 2336 Pldito ~_,,.CM ~<..,g..Jl..4..Y Watch the whales mi· $SH519 ~·~ grate •outh from thiJ -=.;'..:VJe=---IY OWMB • cha.rmins tiome etched. MESA I 2 STORY HOUSE In the l)furfs overlook in& 48R, 38A. am Rm. 4 bdrm, 2~ ba 2 frpk Otlna COve Owner win Pool, Spa. OWc. Assume l HOUSE FROM SAND consider exchange and Existing Loans. Equity ~ndeck · Oce11n view will provide excellen.t 'Sharing. Straish~ Note Lowusum.10% lsl financing. Je nnifer or Trade. Sl~OOO By ATS7S0/~0. ·• Sucholll!!I· Coastal Area Owner.979-5814 _ Ownerfll\anCU1_iava11 .•• Properties _ · V"J' I''' 61 1 la:DUCED~.000 ~ 720-0366 ~A /~70* ASXING~,000 C:....... IO 3BR+l lfa, 76K at OP94SAT SUM IJ.S ....................... ~-rr~dn. L541ogszr:Lvo OWHEI WILL Fl.H. uARornOH Lowlnt rate,noquabfy. ·~ooo Ing. 20 yr loan Cute 3 Bd ~. eoro.odetM• llU ti. Ba. approx taso sq a..tSJ.OOOMO. ••••••••••••••••••••••• f\. conveniently located SSOO c,_.. to MUST SEE near ,.B, •hopping . ch.~ Open Sat/Sun 1·5 SLW,m . ~n q\.lick· Peg 4Br. 2Ba le. ·patio. 1020 Whltesails Way. Dluneh:ln. aitl 559.9400 fenced, ~b gar, 'plt.ns. Ocean & bay vu, 4 Bdt dshwshr, etc. Graituated w/bcflus rm. pool. spa. • payments U 'M (ixed + city lites. Prof d~cer. tale. s~ 2"0.Jtoyal Assu~ 11.78~. A g~al PaJm Dr. Ow~erJbkr. value $429,000. Won 't 642-77'3 last. Patritk. act MESA 'VBDE 1s.1221 3 bdrm. z bath. trpk. dbl .CUSTOM LUDE saraae..,,A·t cond. IACllAY. HOME sµ.~ Owper will IS• 11Y I~ DOWN sist II\ financing Ownr /bldf ~a.a -§Pl'red OU> CDM $5000 COUNTRY CHARMER n's l.rut·$5000Jf the op- tion or buy QC)W. Thi$ 1 8dr family rm + 3 ~ bom, l bUt to beach. 'Oil earner lot, w/mini vM. Owner 11 flexible. Call Diana Cappel, agt for rrore f111ancln1 info. 631·121M R&"Mt\< ---- loyMcC.,.., lltr. no expense In th~ new. 541°772' uruque counlt)' ~glish !!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!1!"14 8d 3 Ba h~JOOO sq .. ~· ltR) I\ ol IUXIU'Yl ...... /l<XJ-Brlni~I: rime UC ED .n-ny •Ille• . ...to list. r I S$ho. ace 3 Bdr. Ask.in& SSJ5, . 'Fl>r ;vt lift rm. w Qwetsl\ showing '1: 1-f".(ilen Reductdt.oSll5.SOO HelJwa.rth;•~ CAPE' C 0 D STYLE Like au l Bdi. f1m rm, lrJ J>OQI. Submit on lease otiUoft. ~te reduttd tc) $l'l'9,IOO. Cholce Mesa v .. ~~. ~£~~: 4BR. ZBA. + u{~dts. . Callf~lr; GOU: COURSE 1HE~c0· FIONtAGE CharmTnf contem · llOS,000 porll} 4 Bdr fam rm IO'l down or less As- formal cUqj~~. loveli-sume loaof, 3 bdrm pa.noracnfc vu or lusb house . ""''i>ta r h eolf greens Secluded '"'~~13t"""'l;;_....,.~---­ pool are•. P1¥1dle tennis 12.75% LOAN crt. JACKIEHANOLEMAN Asauma bl11 w / IO'k '11·ue6 down. 2 bd~ ba COii· 4o nr 9>. tl1u. lti ... ,. ... Adult . I 1 t ) r I ) r •• t OflMSAT l ... :lO 4M•ADWAY F.atat1 1111. Clean s bdrm, ,,,ac. l&e yard, OWDll' lllJ1 help finance. Require!• court con· nnmu.. sw.ooo. MAUIY STAUffll SUUOMHALTY '7J.HS4 100/oDOWN ~ YoU I be111UtuJly ~18d2 Ba111 flmily det1cbed home. Alklo1 SlJUOO. C1ll Pt D~mtron, ait Uolvtnily Part 4 BR, z~ BA. Fam room, areen· belt locatlon1 cobble !!!!!!!!!!!!!l!m!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~l •tone drive • entry, BRING OFFERS! F.uuide Jarae Buccola with 1ood financing. ~ owner i1 leav iqarea. OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 JSUREDLANDS DR. P•JOO.eOalaAat. -.:• $70001! styUte bri&btens thla spac J BR "Family Delllbt" tMlhm. Hi&hl)' uR1r1ded W/ &reenhouae" Win dow in kitchen, tile patio 6c much more! HURRY save~! 6'6-7~ Centfl 12/ Gold Stu ,.. 102' imny xtru! Must see! 1175,000 w/ min dn. owe at 12'4 % Owner/1ant !W·IMM& or (702) SIMl.23 BnMtut with tbe breUtnl Wbitt wata' view from 1arce deck. Bacbelor . perfeet beach home with flNplace . Take over extatlq loan + owner will help ftnaDee. Only Sl'lt,000. can Gale Mabon (f14) Ul·S500 CcuwaL ...... ml9mAL SlmCB .,.... . I 04 Woodl Cove, acrou from •••••••••••••••••••••• 11nd , 1cro11 from TUllUIOCI forar Beu. Davia re- XIDt tinan. CID Ulla 1pac. lideaee, Dew 2 Br, deo, a (Ql~nneyre Model t Ba, jac., maater Ba, 1p1 boJDt 1111ro11ndtd by oceao view deck. 2 JO"leOU ladap,. Thia c· extensive views beaUl7 bu 4 Br, am rm mabot.. ltoa. brau •rorm.d.lo.rm.Jpali06 , ftaded 11u1, • I 'I'll you muat aee ! cent. VIC, full HC •• , •. , calltoday. ~ K. ~down, owe TbeReaJ llltlte Brkrce bal. 1a.s~ 414·1215. 752-1123 &G-mt ,AT10 HOMI FllEYEI VIEW Cozy 2 br Or1n1etree 4 Bdrma, 1uest/m1id'1 home with ul,fuded qrtn, family rm, 11me = J'ewru:iree!~~;; nn, 3 frplcs, 1p1c decks l B I ff 6c much mo,.. '800,000 poo' · r n I o e rs . Freeland Realty 8.11·1196 $123.SOO. SujJerb fln an. G The Rel.I !lstlte Brkrae JNVFSroR BAR AIN: 752-1123 Wh itewater view, NEW LISTING Laauna Beach ahow piece. 3BR 2~BA, sp1;2 decks, skyll &ht, 1ta· ln1lasa, partial 1ol1r, 1350,000 /$75,000 dn. Some flexibility , no yenta Jotm 13"1578 WSl'ontOM Cl with borne• now. •OCIANVJEW • Nl11ael Shore• lo•isho1&1t 1Jar1t1t model lllt,wu ownr ••m . UDOllU IAYNOMT Cbann'i!i'!°~'! plut den, 2_ ~tlli. pier 1nd 1lff. to 1ccomoo1te 40' boa . North alde. For an ap. poU>tnnt lo'" thla ex· ch.11lve property, call MO-IUl •--~~,,._......_ __ ~ Unb Pomt Golf Course home. Open Sat/!u.D. Prin. OftJ&; Aa· p ..... Peimf ::Zs~~o~'~:.ned:: 2 Br12\ti!tf~nli0me. -~ New carpet, dnt cond ......_ Vw.,. 1067 Canal Front, Newport Owner ..nu CODJlder lone ._,.. Shores, 4 Br. Dea. eacrow. Will finance. •••••••••••u•••••••••• SZ5,CIOOdowD, OWner will liOOOdn. no quallfylna on U lJ,000. 0 w n I A at Ow.rD ....... ! caro:· M111t sell! Malet 2 BR 6 dast, 2~ ba con· 1.m.5=""1.S4=-:..-----ZBR Condo. Ailuma Ex· atf«. Tennis, ~I. wal~ do. Apgr~1 12700 mo ilUn& Low Low lntereat to beach. A1ent 14&-1064 L'f.ll. Walt to beacb. ~ VA f.oan. Or New Loin ••JIOI .--.. 00 1'" I Mlin~a un1t1. Available at Low Rate. . 1-·~ lit TD Mlwnable. OWC CallOwner.581·1106 1s·F10M SAND •--L.....c--£. 2ndTD.Brc!Prl42·WS ........ ........ ...._. ................ .......,..___, Two z Br homes w I -~ ~~~ .. .!!!! .=rc:.11.:~·iJ~cor. ~~ll;!a~~ ~~: ~_:;-~, OFF: TMIE S~·~ND lftlnil. *315.000. Auume mt .:ft-""" located in 1'wo2 eann~ "'°" M'4 '!.lat. Owner/Ast 0 the NPtB~b backb1y eean vu' nu decor .. 120' Sf.:rr:n. H. MO-fl88 area. This home offers from sand, fllll1. Both fl&IOUS IOYCI many upar1des. 3 Bdr. forl37t,OOO! P1triclc, •at Udo 1 I d B o blah wwnablcs lrg lot J 11.UflFS 1 an · Y wner. and owner will help. ~e S'""" 3 Br 2bl S9acioas 3BR , ZBA ...... 500. Call for direc· , · R&IM~ -----UHDH MARICIT Owner flnancea~-frg beach · house, den + bonus rm. Compare at 1155,000. Delia. a gt ·' '·'•' R&"M* """I Home . On 56 ' Lot. ....,, · Pl111. 1P11. S.WK lncludea Architect's Tttl~'t1ona1Jerry,lY&.3t -737o. dn. Lonf term unanc· plans tor additional .,... IRI_ ing. J\11 price 1212.5()0. Bedroom & Bonus O..HMS.• 1·4 OwnerA&t.553-1006 Room Plus Owner's UOwatrAll. VIEW VIEW! 1.961 Rolls Royce Silver '827 Bruce Crescent is :J Br-2"'· ....... s1sc.ooo Cloudll.OverS360.000ID r . . 0 w/exls~g ~101,000 loan. Assumable Loans at ~11; Conv~eLld~ No qu1Utyina. 831-lW. l 2 ~ % · I s 6 o • 0 0 o · Sands home oa Ira lot, Jom,yt. 714·51823 mps to beach. Cron Sl W•fl_, l°"o O...Hw RivertPCH •Superior. NW'Pt'PPIENINSULA $21.S,OOO. Jerry, 631-7370. 2.5cm aq ft condo in pre· TtadiOonal Rlt 1tlgiou11 Lido V1l11ge lltoSP M Sal&Sun Y 2 bdrm, 2 ba. Windsor in The Terrace. Terrific in· vestment or starter home. Everythin& wilhill walkin& dis ti nee. Pri~ below ma rhl for q .. cksale. 1129.000. Oceanside, No. end. Nnt tl> beach. wtth I Pric. Slubed Newpon wbitew1ter. Sall Sell., Heights Assume VA .at leue or option. z· 9'1., and owner will REALTOR, 494·83141 carry the rut. 3BR. 497.5.119 28A, frplc, and omce. $00,000 Open Sun l ·S STOIYIOOK CHAIM 1610 Tustin Ave. Agt. Arel w/boat slip. Hi&b New3story beachhse By owner Oceanfront wwnable l~ lit. WUI lllll Court Street borne 4 Br + 2 rentals. ~ consider lease/op· Walk in or call Seller will carry T D '1ioo 875-2291or848-3133 Price S'775,000. Call Paul &11-43380wner/Age .~.-...a.....-,._,._. Marlin. 144 -7383 or --1173-SSOO Newport Beach pen· O...W/S-12·4 ..=..;""°~2282=---­ reelSMUG& PRIVATE ' t-EWPORT HGTS ~ ~dn2B:.S~:n°: MOVE RIGHT IN -- thouse studio w bdrm OPIH SAT 1·5 area ~.OOOeqwty ·as-lt44PorlC..-s sum $68,000 at u~c:, SltS,000 IN SZSK 2nd due or reftnan ASSUMAJU LOANS for r.e oc' Owner/Alll for tJ:us 4 Bdrm 3.,.. balh JB.\llome ....... ., bric* paUoe, ·~ Ct" commt11'17 of ~ SA~SUM IJ-1 11e!:l:~ o':::., .m ... IY ~ ... ~ .. .o.a nnaoc. .... .-. 0... -._...,... ~ 1·5 3151 er.ann.. DI 1,m tto.M Wiit -•-•-...· ""°;;..;.;..;:;;22112==----- ,..._. CD tlo t I hive ' leue optlou a-.'. avail.Ible In lbe &Mfa. We hive apared do ex·. A&l.181).1171orMt-ZZIZ pense In this new re modeled 3 BR 2 BA S.C' lh I076 boaw. AJJ new modem .... ._ .. •••••••••••••• ldtcbftl W/lt.aliH tile. ....llY ....... rr.dtdoonlrwisldow1 • IWWr Beach bome. l.hnlout. Proleqlonally aoo.• uaumabk VA landlcaped.1Too coa11l. toati. AakiJl1 sut,soo amtnlt.ies to lat. LI tor· Dmn.1s Nespor All ner lot. RV acceu. -..ZSor-.-0 $'5.000 with 1 combina· tion ol asaumable loans 1°"-DOWM &ownerftnancin(. Lovtly 2bdrm, Zb1 COD· 2298 REDLANDS NB do, XI/yr fixed lolJI avaU BACC BAY AREA w/p1yment1 under 131-11151 831-5067 w.oo. Dbl aar, pool/1pa. 2 bike to C1 pl1trano ,_._ Beaches. s121 ,soo. Oeen WIAllMOYIMwl Houar Sat/Sun. OR Free lmmed. Beaut. 4 choose 103 lntereat br, LR. rim. rm, 2~ ba, w/a.o.ooo OR VA &erma.. pool, sa11111 Ir alarm. Qwner/Agt : '96·t'llS. Furn. or llllfum, Direct· S... AM I OIO 11 frolll owner, $295.000 ........ ••••••••••••••• tr ake otter. S&lldpointe Perfect.loo MS-S217 /IM·3641 Pia SI 65,000 lDVELV 3 BDRM + 2 Spacloua 4 bedroom balh c~ndo . Great biJme boast.a super U · financ1n1 Seller aumable tio1ncin1! desperate Open house Form1l dtn1n1 room 21'7 Vista Laredo. f&mllY room. and TWO Blllfs 1 lo S Sal/Sun firepfaces BeaullfullY S34-4842 Bkr_ c us to m 1 zed w 1 t b DOV-SHOllS Ca s 1 b I a n c 1 h o , -akylieht. ereeobouae IXIC.HOMI window and mucb, Med style courtyard. m o c h m o r e ! Pool, jacuzzi, overlooks Landscaped pool ailed bl!>'· Galaxy Or Forma I lot with eoteraiein& Dinma Rm, 2 frplca patio• Owner motJv1tecl S'138.000fee. and will consider ALL M2-2510t644·4MI olfers ! Call 979·2390 of North [ a 1 u n a Privacy & seclusion are beaches. Ame11iUe1 are aome of the amenities oceao and 1un1et view1 you'll love in this 3 Bdr all Oak cabinets and home wtspa, towering rtoors, Italian tiles, ~ + room for ex· custom wooden blinds, pwlon Sellen have IOI burning fireplace, !'1¥>Ved. Assume IOU! or SP.lcious and NEW SU0,0001t 10.8'A.. Call to kit41en. ele'Clric 1ara1e tee Diana ail 63)-1266 CAHYOMCIJST Spacious condo, 3 Br 3 Bii w/den. Comm. pool, jac .• & lennis court Just listed. Call Bill or Lindi 631.(814 or 646·5096 63l-8Ul9 buulirul Portofino TAll&L llALTOU Harbor R1d&e Lucerne. model in HARBOR l•-------Elltau Model $825,000. v l E w . s e p a r a l e THI aUFfS No qual, 2 story 5 bdrm. ~ is 1100,000 under mother·in -law qrtrs, On ree land! 3 Bdrms. lot'ded.1189,500. A1111me appraisal' 10% down. alm>st new carpeting. end unit with privacy Sl44,000al 11.53 . PP and brick pal.io. Low in· terest rlnancina. ~.000. 1625 fDLLCR EST 494-7551 ..-T HEIGHTS • ~ ..._ t1W1 SECLUDED :tr 116&COlll!\a • CHAIM UDOS~'LOT LgSo. SUM)' patio,' BR , 311'1 Ba. 3 fplc 's, Cedar wardrobe, hydro tub, dream kit c hen , hardwood nrs. ateps to yacht' club beach 133 Via Undine Ownr/Agt S'JS.7291 OPEN Sat1Sun SIMSATIOMAL Orean views from thlS 2 bdrm condo w1lb fireplace • decks A pnvate contemDOrary entMaulmentbome w/3 Bdrms, centr. kitch . woodsy satmg. lots of elus, towenng trees. and spa. Room to ex. Ekvator rrom 11ra1e Ir pend on & out + alley comm 11n1 t y po o I access. Best st. 10 Hgts 12~~ .... ~ FOi Pri~ at only $279.500 ~ "., -I Call Diana. agt 631·1266 .. 1tyle? Thia home maka a 1t1tement IM 2 6c IOOd lute Un· led in th la area ped for someone · wboilacC\.lllOmedlOen· 1be fastest draw in the l.ertainma on 1 lavish West a Daily Pilol scale. Located in one of Oassifled Ad. 642 56'18. Niguel'• most pre allgious coastal com· munitles. Large low rite asaumabw loan. Shown by appointment only. 5'311,000. PRJVACY-v1ew & charm . French country oottaae + guest Muse on estate siie lot. C.ompletely remodeled. park·Uke 'rounds. 50 be1rin1 fnat tttet. en- tranet courtyard, brick patiol, deck overlookln& the coutliae. Definitely European in character with American creature comfort. ms.ooo l714t 494-1177 lOo/e DM/I n'e IMT. 3 br, 2~ bal ram. rm, din. rm, dol gar w. opener, ataloed gl11s, fenced, ocean view. $2#,000 497-1051 SI0,000 DoW11 Lease-option avail or lake over low lntemt rtnanctn1 011 tbla sp1ciou1 TOJ> of the Worid home . Lliht. air}' residence reatum 3 BR + den on lar1e level pooJ.1111 lot. $221.500 with your term• or tnde. Call ontr·aaent. Wrn.lbllrat4'7-1611 smws 11u 10% DOWN MOYIS YOU .. Yes! For 10% down you can own this lovely 4 BR 3 BA Tradewtnds Model ! Sales price reduced to $495,000 for fast saJe, and excellent financing available. Ready for im -. mediate occupancy or try lease op- Uoa Call for more information. SHIMPUCE OF THE YW r1•tdaDtc. ,,., .._ of -..111111• l•svJ!'c" Elegant in design & er man.ship op Promontory Bay. Beautiful' custom home; 4 bdrms, •~baths. Interior designed & decol'ated by Darlene Ferrari Lohr. Slip for your racht. For Pr(vate abowirur, cootact agent Patricia Perfet{e or llareot MacKenvw. ,,.,, 11w.1 .-om wa .. ., Xlntterma. 760· 1977 dole to pool. $.119,SOO. and viewot Back Bay. 8J3.33S2 Larry Nelloit uper~~~~bdrm . s.rs.COS1\11i!:'.t4 26~~AJ~!.. M09UAUFYING/ ~1.~1::n~~u~r~e NEWPORT HGTS 642-5200 ww. ~J'fu~ 3/r loan. Open House. Sun· 1180,000. Owner ls so new dreambouse, 3 B 2 day , l-4pm. 906 Aleppo rmUvated I'm sure you Bl. ram rm. cul·de+11c, St Eileen Artukovich won't believe it ! Linda 2 car car. lrg lot, beaut. _!!ea!ty _ 720-0332 Hart, a.&t 631-1266 kitch.. owe Lease oe-Uon avlil. Hutty, •oo' Harbor Ridge. I partner • lut! Sunn Han, aO wanted to build custom I home. 758-0481. , .... D•tCOtldo 2 BR 2 Ba bea'Ullfully de· c orated &i fully furnished ! Ocean view. Huge clbbse w/pool, spa & gym ! 2• hr sec. $ltl,SOO. otben nearby to MSO.ooo• owe o. w c Submit down. M/111 Henry,S31-&661 OOVEI SllE °""' HllSe Sat & Siil 1 ti 5 1459Galuylne Handsome custom residence on approx. YI acre. 20d0 pool & jacuzzi. Large patio. Flexible ·floor plan includes : formal dining rm. with beamed ceiling, super family rm/kitchen with tera cotta tiled noon. 3 Bedrooms & convertible Den. $486,000 L.H. 0.../ .... HJAH7 1'11 llW custom home olfen the ul· __.in ele(ant liviq, db· warm wOOdl Uied tbruout, beaut1ful bevel lelidlid Windows, a library, family l'CM»ID Ind elevator. Tbere la a mlittr bedroom suite with balcony overkM*•n1 tbL.ccwWnt &. city ll1btf. There are 4 additional bedroQa.111, pool• ape, alr condition· a ·,••H'ID .,.._. fs 3 car pr11t. °"""' • ..,. 4 ~ : •• HERITAGE •~ ~ • I I t f al. R&IM t\< ~---· ... _ ·- OUECOMOO 2 BA 2ba coodo in quiet area. Inter recently painted. New drapes in LRtOR ~cl I car 1ar. Pool SB9.900. fies flnan . Take over exiatin& loans. 631·1098 s....~ 1016 ....................... OClMROMT UMIT !!!!!!!!!!•!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!I with super view or wives, rockl. coast. Ex· . . REALTORS --------1 qwsite 2 Bdrm 2ba AffOIDAILI 1375,000 WATaROMT L*J1M Y l.L Spacious,clean 4Br.2"' 4'7-17 I Bil. d/w, rp. new kitchen tile. built.ms. 2 ~alios, 2 IOlherleaUshlh sWldeck.a Beac hving !••••••••••••••••••••••• at=~irooo ~Wt.._. 1100 1 short block lo ocean 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Br 2 Ba's in each unit Some ocean view, sum mer rent. Owner will htlp finance. Pol'I Con do convers loll ' ¥tAMTID,FAMILY 4 &-. 2\'t Ba + Family nn. 6 2 car gar. Owner will help finan ce •.soo. DWUX UJt.500 3 &-. up, 3 Br . down Some ocean vie• 2 I sinile car prices Li ve in one, rent lhe other .... &CraicJO'lriff 14M2bl DOalSIOE R.L •EXCITING• &hlhWt With or without fu.ra , 3'x&4 Grttnbner Hm l11 Laguna Hills nlcat 5 star pk Gf ........ Be11tiful ~160 Keywnt Hm · 28r. 281 This ls the best U1 town. "'Trt1tec11 Be111lif11 Belair 11.H. w/frnt kit, 12111 h rm. 12110 Mstr Bdrm. fAd patio. Nr. Hoac HOIP 124.SOO. Q.ASStc MOIUHOMI SAUS Z706 Harbor, ~e 206·A S4MH1 , ... i . • ·Orange COllt DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February e, 1982 • 5995 Dowr: Plus AND 5500 REBATE AllD 59 SAU NICI S4nLOO ,._ .... le. & Doc.. .... Sffl.H o.-..... UOt.tt 333 · ta.SIZO. .. DMY"-ect.rp,SZO.OOhc•1 laf .... .Mlltt.to,_. .Ly ...., ............. .,s1n1.t0o_...r..-.Ce11i•.,....,.MStuJ ra ,.. ............. uotuo ..... ...,.,.,.,.JO.J~.Dehne4 MONTH ,.,.... ..... S7Hl.70 • ..... "4 ~. 5·500 FACIORY REBATE . 'BRAND NEW 1981 PONTIAC PHOENIX· · OR 599 5 Down Plus · Tax, License & Documtnt.., Fee AND S 11333 AND 57 50 REBATE OfllY ~NTH UL1 P11C1 Hnl.OO ,._ -.1c. & Doc.. .... Sttl.Ot h-.... UH.to . ta. SIJ7.00DMYmc-cti.p. SJ0.00 Dec•aal•f '"· -4 Sno.oo '-· 5750 FACTORY REBATE ._., ..... tw • ..... ef UZ62.t0 0.-P.,...t, c..ai w trM., -4 SI IJ.lJ ,_. _.. tw 60 ...... U14UO ""-• c ...... A.I.A. 20.J~. 0..........,.,.... price Sto62.70 • ..,...~.--c ...... 4 cyl. fuel IRfectecl ..P• .............. .- Frollf wllMI driYe BRAND NEW 19.82 Plll~JIAC 6000 FACTORY REBATE BRAND NEW-1982 PONTIAC J-2000 s OR 5995 Down Plus AND s13200 · .ONLY ~NTH SAU PWCa SUtl ,._ta. le. & Dec. Fee. Sttl.H hww ,._ S40z.t0 tu. Sl47M DM¥ ._ ....... SZO.OO he• lay Fee. -4 SU0.00 ~ ...... flw e w.t etf SUl4.t0 Dew9 ,.,_.., c_. er lrMe, -4 llJJ.00 ,_. .... M ...... S2t71.0t ...,._. diwp. A.I.I. ZO.JJ%. hhnM ,,._Sit.JM.ff•..,. • .-~. I 'twv. Tax, License & D~wtary FM AND SJ 50 REBATE ·5750 FACTORY REBATE ( •1 I I' . I l I -t- f I l I -..r.~ 200 ·····~!-!!!!··········· ~ QUJU.l'IT UNlTS CM GftEA'r'~UM LOAN OWC OftEAT TERMS arm.G3. INCOME "PIOnRTY $11CIALIST SeJed Nofn mulu~le \IJl 11.a. "Terms av1ila1il~ to Aityour~ . I ~ • ·-nmtt 0763 . 2925 College Ave ~~M~sa.CA,. STUL!! 136.000 pr unit, 4 blks to OOND.-~ dwn. L1nd1 ff.a1' .... GH2A - Wll 5100 BY WRITING THE MOST CREATIVE LOVE UNES! Say "I L.oY8 You" to your special someone with a Valentine's Dav Ad in the Dally Piiot Classified Love Lines for only S1 a line (3 llne minimum). If your ad is lound to be the most creative by our panel of judgls. you'll receive S100 ... to sperrd on your Vafent1ne. of course. ...... ..-. 4310 Oflit.... 44M Oflel..... 44 ·····•·••···•·········· ....................... ...................... . ..................... . <'A>Glpattble Fe,na I• tt * D&UU OflflCIS • *cnor ~nee. WO eq. ft =I r.v.:r.J'"""· ahare2 Br.\ Ba.Cbatm· fte l room to 1400.q. ...wolTCIMTll Mm.a Verde Ar .. ...., eva lnalllt 2blbfromCdM ft..Fromtl.l511q.ft.Ko II 1..,0fflo 54.Mm. __ _ Sol&th L11uu. Ocun beaeh SIDO + l; utill. IHH requited. Adj c S.C. Studio •P•tt la C.M ~ ol HJpway. Cated f1H100. AlrpotUr Ion. 2112 Du· ~tOloolaq R •vall. tuharew/Hnout Arta, Pool, Pvt En. ren.i. totblrt tbr fum eont. C.U AM. W -1223. Av.U.blt for w.uc art.ill-approx. 915/mo trance, Bath, 12~. + twnhae. Woodbrld&t. t7THSTUIT C.llWIW1mF.~tt C-Of.0,5S7·'27' ~ =~~~mpl,have Pvt. ba. Non amkr, COSTAMUA tormorelnformaUon Sta-e UIOO ft, bUJy, 2330 _a. __ .vn. ,_lllt't. m + .,., utlta 2oraroomotncuultea 1*C &" •-~ Nwpt Blvd. c.M. Prka. • • • suse. 110.-a. AIC. plenty 01 prka. uui o e awl lllO/im. 87~7711 LA.SHAJCISPIAll Adult ~ponalble person lod.Avill.now.Call le lnvestmen Nawport Blvd. rt· 4S4 Elmhuttt to lhr pvt ocean ,canyon B.ealonoml.et 675·8'100 640-5777 furb!J~ bid& for olfice Q>t'-Kda vu home. L•I Bch. 800 aq. ft Meta Verde · or retail. Open nftera, You are the winner or In». !ves4i'r·60T2 1 · li)'ench doon, exposed } two fre, UcktU (S19.00l to a r &e br house. 1 art · $4$4123 (2) otnces tor rent1• ap· brick, HOO tq. ft. + 1000 value to the Nwpt. •I priv. 075/mo. prox. 400tq. ft . Avau Im· sq fl . r n c d yr d . CIRCUSYAl•A.S MldlelleS......, BAYFRONT med. 1'15/mo. Superior Owner/A&t:87H389 Laauna Hiiis Mall Rmmte wanted. Share Prirm otfice. 7to-M40. Ave. C.M. 845-9'108. C-rdd Feb. f ·ll home , Dana Pt. non-~beutl ..... 4471 CitySbopplnaCeotn smlcr. Ftm. 1295 utll In· Qiltaa··•·. ~es7.'1mo· 250. Utslq. Inn.· ....... •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Oranae cl 8&1·8525: 831·18'l6. -K' .. " Ila •-a C·l Property 2 Br l Ba Feb 19 22 2BR at the Bch, 128$ mo dd. 779 W. 19th St 0.tftu•t.t house In h1&h traffic To claim ticket•. call util. pd. tst + last &sl.-ZS. .....,.,. .. , ana ol Weslllde Costa 642 56711, ut 272 873-581)4 MEWPOIT 2.SOOsf,avall monthlA> Meu.TerrificforAntJ Tickets mu.st bt claimed ------ElecuUve Sullet baa of· rronlh. l tenant or u1dlv qi.If Shop, Accountin& by );'ebruary 19, 1182 M/f'sto shr lge house In fies avaUable nr 0 C executive awtta F\llly <Xfice. Law Offitt, etc * * * C M. Own rm &t b11 Ail1lort, from $365 w iruu e q u 1 p e d & r u r n XJnt parlung. Will dis .. -.. -b --S200/mo.~l07aftS 1 1 bl C 11 Secretarial services cuss remodeling to swt ..... are 2 rapt w/pool C.M house. F 2$·35 shr aervce av11a e a avail Free park1n1 Approx. 900 sq. ft. ex $!S0 rro Gas 'i wtr pd mw for 1 month free n..iuxe aardeo S'"tlln& 642-50'130 64SJOZ6 w1F.av1ul immed.1200 U..ISJ.1976 .,..., " "' eluding the yard . ---r_· + Ul1ls. &t2·l1056 Call Mon·F'rl 8-6 PM $500/ mo . 548 .54 42 , tub. pvt yd, laun, rp, E • ----S3> & 5'72 sq. rt. Sl.00 per \114) 644 WSO mS829 .... . CM 645 4293 or 8 5, Bh,fa Im/mo. f".nvate aq. ft., 397~ Birch .. N 8 Prime Newport ~ach of, ·~=------1 . ,~ . 8JS~7S Bob S. bath &t bdrm. lutchen Agent 541·5032. n-..... .,, n newly re-Offlc• or ·.a. t h 1......_ e.nv. 64().1871, 546-2429 ... ., '""..., lfBWllV--•••Ht1u.tw.. ROOIM 4000 Fem houumaleloshr3 --------CWficeapaceforrent.385 modeled, beautiful • ..,s .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Br townhouse. pool , M25+. prof./nonsmltr. lo sq. Ct . second rloor. Marlc673.e606 near Costa Mtsa Post ttr&t ..... 1-.cla l84 M1¥4fCri •ocl1 316' !''urn. rm for rent 1n sauna + lots more Lake shr lge rental, 1275 mo Prestigious Westchrr Officel400mo. 5"48·5809 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ........... •••••••••••• Newport. $2 5o1 mo . Forest area $300. + util yrly · Ba Ibo a Island. area Sl.00 sq. n. Med1cel N~Zrlrt i:i=~h ~ 4~. WALK TO BEACH 2 Br. Steps to t>tarh. 1·3 Br, ~emale pref 645·3448 aft. &<!ep.855-9471.831·8368 JSevin,67S-~. 633-5579 Bldg. Call64S-i501. Im, 1237 sq Ct. al 86, a sq. ~!.~~ .. !~.~~ with stove & refrige. t-2Br. both trplcs. S775 & · Roommates n·eeded to Olbdrm11rmln11 N.B. hae·dincl ft Private entrance. N.8., 3975 Birch. 8860 sq. Private yard, small pet $650 per mo l m· Room for rent in my share condoln~autiful /bath. g11r, In ry. ~Mo.Privateoffice/ Sierra Mgmt . Co l\.orless.MlAione.50' , ......... lt_.M1C1cbltli•it• ••• &o JU Ht 0C P'lrm In fll& e1pand1111 ~ fttld. No up oetnan1 wltl tr1ln llblt lrlYf muastmtnt ability anct tt1r1 lm· ftllfdi1tely 12.000 mo ~ m1kt MCJ.$0K lat yr, ....... Ad tt32 C/O Dally PUot, PO Bos IMO Cotta Me11 CA 9Z824 GMniName.J)hont and bell tiine to t'ilflt•~ Waated· tav .. tor for arowla& dupery con· cem... Oya W..184, eves 5fl·m5 U37·2118 BEAUT¥,5110P Vtry busy ahopin C.M ..,...,1.149 .. 1.39 5'1CTACVLAI I mSHor 'OllM.I • Ntwport 811dl Loe • Full Une Store • Glau Bird Room tr Front Wtndow • Fomuca Do&" Cat Cal~ • Electronic Re&ilter •Hlth~ilius • N1tt f'Wures • G roocniftJ ,. IC illty w /AaiveGroomlna • Well Stocked With Merehanchse • In The Bu.sineu Over5Yean Sacnfice pnce for quick sale $39,cn>+ Inventory at wh>lesale COil. (Less than replacement cogt! ). For informa lion ca II ~l-:11113. ok. ~/mo. 53ti-7979 maculate. 673·2507 a . ocean view home. Just a Newport Bluffs 1210. ph, uUI. pool. tennis. perlliog/kitcbene,te spc ~l·!:'Jl.4 per s q ft Ag t n t 2 Br. upstaln Apt. near WA.TaFROMT fewstepsfromthebtach Ask for H~nry . 1714 1 non smkr. S375 mo . l.8600M1tnSt.HuntBch 541·S032. IMTBIOIDHl~H Be •....... Ellis ... 75/mo. . . al Victoria in Laiuna. 644-4876 631~ Daily Jantr. All ut1I pd MEWPOltT HACH nd- -.--d ----""' • " Preslie1ous Lido Area. G f 1 d k Sh A .1 ,17 3 3 •F\JLLSERVICE• l ustnal bl g. 6000 sq Bring your practice or Water paid. Adults . no \',+ den condo w/boat arage. irep ace. ec · M/CHRlSTIAN RMMTE Ml f r 3BR. 2BA Hse Vlll ·now. 14>848· l 3 ......, Offlct re• ft wtsprinklers. frg rear start your business in pets.CaU 545.2000 Agent. slip Sl900 mo Yearly or nice kitch. rull bath. etc. 2BR IBA . E C.M CM S325 + '2 Ul il. Non ,......, overhead door & fenced thU busy studio Large I $350 mo neg Da vid Smkr 1179-9992 rvn Spa r • .. •&11tesrromS49 I b •. DD1ee. lease/option possible """'"' .. ~ S2_13_rro 631 4796 Dan \A ice ce or .,..-ase adjoining paved park· s amp e I 1 r a r Y • ............., Co d 1.. •Branchofflce·S90/mo b $41Sllc)21._ 1138-4.D!Owner/Agt . - -t'emaleroomnwtetoshr ~ rona e .... er Call 752.6408 Ull.C.OmerofRedhill& SlO.cn>Jyr ase incomt 2 kids ot. All extras S p acious 1BR .1n ~:eni~=mp~v~~~~ 2Brhse.CdM S325mo forl_. OS ___ 6_15-&SIO Paular1no . C M ~!~~5ct!~::r :~c4~~ Front WI.it. patio Avail EastblufC Pool. Quiet. Non·~moker SJOO mo' + ,, utll 673 2670 •••••••••••••••••••••• Pn..tW.leect.loc. ~9671 "-·s 2/10. 17381 A Kee Ison Pleasant area ' Single Isl last 833·88l4 · Mom tves I Garage. stor111e only· full Luxury oCfice su1 tes MEWPOltT CIMTH t3Xl-3000 sq fl by Npt <Slater at Bearh l Adult No Pets $500/mol · -MF Shr F'urn Laguna orP11rtllll ava.il 1mmed JUStsouth &c1•1t0ffict fwy & 405 fwy From ..._.,tol.o. 5025 &ll·bXI 644-4767 Nice light room· It I BeJch <kean View 2BR I ll9l·l4t5days only or 4a'> Frwy on h1tth ex S,.Ct S504 Mr O ·Kee ( e ••••••••••••••••••••••• -----kitchen pm Good IOl'. · n-h Bl ""·II .,,,.. 2000 ( I Hu" TI" ~ T 0 M Qwet 2 Br I Ba iarage. Ea!tC M Yard s.411.5998 2BA Hse (25 40) $400 No D ... G.,.... PDISUtt ~ac vd ru -to sq I Aval a 851-l!928 * * • pool adults no pets --------· I Ulll '*94-JOlJ forstoraiteonly HB service Call agent bleforLeue ---JOHHMIMGEI GAlDEMS I 1ao1' 15th St. Apt G. 2 nns. NB. BR. slud). ihnrnt Wanted $18() Mo I 960-~.960-5260 ~~ . Cail Wm F Colt' 7"~~1r:i:.i ~~an l~: Q&WalluelC ~~~:;:,:rll:I00/~7340. -~~~sfs~~pool. Hec .. 11&-otl ,Offkel_.. 4400 rormoreinCormauon ~d Formore1nCo call Costa M'esa Close to G.G & San Spar 1or2 br apls. 1 m1 PVT--ENT BA Fo ~ 0872 ••••••••••••••••••••••• execuplan *Cote Realty ~11 - - - -You are the winner of Diec<> Ftwy. Balconies. rrom beacb. No pets. h r Pool home master w b11 1617 W~ILff. N.8. Want •. I '"'stm""nl lndu.ttnal Park Units for lv.'O free tickets IS19 001 palioe, pools. Jacunis, adult.sonly 642·2357 ~~:~~ l :er~o :;;: S275 No dnnk dru11s financial insL 7000s.f. .. .. o: nv~ "' lease ISOO. !900. 3000 & valuetothe tennis ft laundry rac 'IBarhelor Beach Apl CM 646-~ · ~511riafttr5 00 lst floor.A_J~t541 -5Ql2. AMtwCotlcept 640-5777 3700sq rt units. Avail CIRCUSVAIGA.S 4901 Hell Bo is a Avail now y rly lse -----M F'f 3BRhm L li\IUservice/custom for 1mmed occupancy l.agunaH1llsMall Ollca/HeU,846.1323. I Sl50/mo. C~ll art 4pm 2br dplx, N.8 F pref l or in •I? EXECUTIVE o(fir.•deskspare. ------OHice & warehouse Feb.9· 11 . ""~3148 blk bch. x mkt S225 Bchrd Ocean Vu. frplr. SUITES Nr. o.c . Airport a Shop c 1 ~$350New carpets, ,,._.,._ 8'15'5l6S.675.8330 ya S3301mo 494·2246 IN ''SeetoApprecillte•" ...... R ... al 44SO spare with carpets. ty ptng enter pamtanddrapes Stove. lBr. l blk 10 bay & brh. ---• Condo lo shr 2br 2•,ba. ua..,. .. 41 759.8978 ••••••••••••••••••••••• drapes & wet-bars p~;a~9g_e22 no ref rig. Carport $400 mo. lse 673·6210 or N1rehome nr. S.f" Plua frplr. pallo. dose to nau••• Beal·h Store, Newport 36<.38• a sq fl Ca II To claim li ckeu. call Adultsonly .nopetsor eves67J.2493 S45-1717 fkh10CCS285631760tl l PL.AU J;iflc~-~ite t WalktraCfil·.primeloca 642·~.M~n·Fr~.8·~. 642·5678. ext 272 chtldnn. Security de· FantastlcOcnfrt vu' Pvt furn. bdrm. LR & • I Newluxuryofficespace . 1 lton !~sq.rt 675·4185, 550 sq rt. Industrial Tlcketsmustbecla1med posit Sllri. Go direct to U"""'r 2br. xtra lge rm s bath All ·1 . I M M Fwshr2 Bdr2 Ba apt. In lrvine·s bus ies t Set'fiil ret.ana . reception & 6731401 Stora~e . Work. We st 982 Across Crom Pac1nca S750yrly.642·3912 Ve_!'de.C.M.:.5§6-~ Dys 1146 ll.21. t'Vl'S cesa.,Av11il. now ! Call sllge .Joe . for llJIO)ed. ~RTILYD C.~.:.~'!965· * * * lS03 Delaware St. 112 ,.,.., ull s inc es11 HB 12~ mo. Tammy I l'eflter! Easy Frwy ac-e areas Avail m pre by February 19. I lbpital DELUXE SPACloUS Room ·sz45 Pvtentranl·e 840-~ rordelails sufllease Contact ~tty Spht !hop 600 sq rt R_..W..ted 4600 ~~--- · UDO 2 Br 2 Ba Crplc & &cooking. W9rking ITllln LJrge Howr CM Near SSl-1231 640-4230 17141851~0291 °'51gner/bu1lder rel1tt· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ttt::f: 3142 ~~o Adlts $1000 _l~r_LagBs_h .494-4459 OCC Sl70mo IL.in• ;on'll·thuii.: to sl'll ' ISELL Hiil· lll·n~~ "llh a ~os~MN~wpo~~ 4B~v2d ~1;~~il::S~e~~~~r~~~ Roomate nttded. k1trh 548 ~. 751 SJ68 1.ia!>..~ifl\'ll J<l:.doll wdl 1,> 1 a11h Pilot I. l.1,,1f1l·1I ,,..._...,17 esa · .. ••••••••••••••••••••• Lge IBr+den. Yrly S4SO. pnvileges Mesa VPrde -....., .., services. Jm 559-1128 I G=~w~!~;n!e~~ UAdt111ut+S3001 secunty ~~des~·1i04nr31 ldry . • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mature Empl F Nteds Lile roof. cobble stone ts. po6 • eMI gar. ~-uu __ ._.__ • Sm Apt Nr Bustine stftiet. on channel adJa ~ 640.:.507~ Hohtl, Motels 41 O • 8 ---•~-l3~ cent to manna Unique Ltdo8ayfront,2br,2ba. •••••••••••••••••••••• • •DAY WEEK SPECI A'L • Wanted Rm. Board for 2BR950/mo newly decor Beaut SWAIK MOTB. A Handicapped M Student 7311.5022 beach Yrly be S9'15 mo • I Days • 3 L.lnes • I Dollars e Nr CM S400 Mo + Wlcly reolats now a\·ail r ~m. 83 3484 732 5310 2BR.2"2 BA CONDO 67J.l283or6'75-355t $105 & up Color TV • ~·.1· l· ' - S850/mo $425 Clean I BR . part Phones m room 2274 • It s e asy lo place your 8-0ay Week Class1f1ed by matl a nd If Responsible ma le 26. 738·5022 ~·1~d~:~1~:.~~~~ ::.~~Bl vd CM e costs1ust $8 -thatsonlyadollaraday1T0Quallfyforthis : ~r~~~hst>C M ~ ............ ~!.~! st Sat1Sun_ _ HEID A. PUCE7 •• special o ffer you must be a non-commercial user offering e _ 1 .. ,t:•/:..,.nt/ Orangetree condo I Br. Nr Lido nu dlx 2br 111ba Reas Weekly Rates merchandise for sale up to $800 per ad. and the pric e must yrty $440. Pool. tennis. 14>r ftp dlt Cpl only No Kttrhenettes-Phonts e be in your ad The cost stays the same whether 'your ad e :.:.::::•••••••:••••••• m.&1121 ~ S!SO· 675.oo97 -ed h d I - R.E. LOANS 2nd TO's from SI0.000 SI 0.000-$600,000 Up to LS yrs tully atmrt1ied 1st TD's s 100.000.ssoo.ooo Income & romm'I wraps 2 Ma.o.. Dolan Stra1&hl eqwty loans l ._Dolort Brok.er calls welrolT!f. 937-0131 Moskr'filt•clol 2 Bd 2 b d 1 r I .. Z .. Channel Movies e ne s e19 I ays se hng time or 1ust one e 1 l'L---+•'tr SOOS , a up ex, rp r. Sandpiper, 1967 Newport _,,,_....., -l.aplla•adi 3141 dshwhr. garage SS4S Bl Cos~a_"!_esa6,4S·9137 • ! ••••••••••••••••••••••••-------! ••••••••••••••••••••••• tm.Ajl.675-1642. On the beach. hotel • Use one word tn each box About 4 words make one Costa Me sa Laun -St:u , 1dll• lh'mli With J OCEAM FIOMT rpoms. kitchenette & • classified ltne of type M1n1mum ad IS 3 lines Pleas e print • dry·SllK gross per mo Oa1h Pilot r!J,,lfll'rl All =~1f:tate invt1tnw.i11:~.1 .. S,.tU'C , .. MTOt MJ.2171 Hl-061 I WIDOW HAS SSS for TD't , RE Loan.a. IOK lip. No Credit Check. No PftWty. Deonlaaon As aoc. 173-7311 Hm»CASH1 Tru1t Dttd money available. tad or Jrd TD'• oo rcs!HntJal Qr in tome proptrtlu. We ~ I fuJI rlD&e o( m>rt111e covera1e al very competitive rates. Courteay to Broken 714 ·760·1531 a1k for Sltve or Duaoe w..w ........ for 2nd "TDs up to SI MUboo F..aay quahfml lMln Downey Sa VlllP 9Q.1AO'f Brent M uarrie -- ••••••••••••••••••••••• *•I mc..tah 5100 • •••••••••••••••••••••• PREGMAMT? Pre1nancy te.stfng, 2 min. sUde or early det.ec· Uon. All methods of birth control. Abortion. 24 hr help line. Confidential. Womrn'sCenter, 112$ E. 17\h St .. 1110 Ea1t. 547.9495 Actor's Workout. beain· rune Feb. 11th. 425 30th Sl. N B SIO per session • 7 IOpm (714J67S-SS80. HwY... SIZO ••••••••••••••••••••••• MAU IOtftOMt ~ IW<t ~OMI llllLl Plart a HAPPY AD in this column for only SJ.25 Call642·~ YOU'REllAT21 HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAUIEM KA.MIG May the rest or yoor life be as btautllol Ii "'Ollderful as you are' Love Rulb" Bob : Tumyour unusabfes • into • usable e cash.Call • Daity Pitot e classified • 642-5671. Most elegant apartment S.CletnHk 3176 bath S290 +S290 seruri-• plainly • 641·0763._AJ:e~L \rl · building in Laguna •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• ty deposit 2306 w Beach.Flnesllocallonin NICE 2 BEDR_OOM Oceanfront. Newport • • .... ~ .... "'."".--.. .... ~._.....,.•""'•"•""'•-•11111•~•,...•..-•111•"'•111•"'•111•""'•""• ..... •'•"•"'"•"•"'"•"'• 111 •"'• 111 •"'•""•"""• 1111 •-•'•""•,.•""•"""• town. Breathtaking apartment With vie w or Beach.673-41~. r-----------------------------.., views. All blt·ins, heated the golf course. hills. ----• I I • pool , subl. garage, plrlJlrc tennis courts RftfHoftllts elevator. Lellse only behind property. 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• • I I • Sll50 • up. 330 Cliff Or. enclosed rarports. all lrowft's G~ H• • I I • ~. lxaltms. laundry facility Sr. C1tzens '855·6221 I I 1n 4un1'tmodernspanish -------• • 1 bdrm. fireplare. large v-""""-................ 11.2s elect. Ckean View $600 style building. 2 adults Y____, ".,..._ .. • I S 1.00 I • Ill). 494,5570 only No children or pets •••••••••••••••••••••• I I pleas S4SO per month OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br • 0 IO • Ocean Front. lBR. + Available February Avail Winl~r. Weekly I 1 . I den.lnOldMedV1ll1on Call o "•ner (714 1 Monthly67]-]~3 • I I . Cliff Overlootmg Ocean ... ~ nl38 p 1 Sp t M 13 20 '"''"" a m nngs area on· • 11 • I • fl'rl>lc, Uaded windows. terey CC> condo 3 BR 2 ~&l~.p~:r·~~ B~~ Afor::.:.~ Ba. furn. w atrium • I 15.IO I • Golf. tennis Dally. I I 640-5&29 ••••••••••••••••••••••• weekly & monthly ralts • I Add 12.ao for Heh 1ddltlon1l llne for a time• I • ttuportlHdt 3169 Wlffletrtt A.9h avail 714 558·8001 I • •••••••••••••••••••••• F\Jm & untum ( bdrm 9-5PM. ask for Mark • I PIH NEWPORT apt. All uttl pd All No Tahoe Condo. 4 Br !'I • I I • ,... amerulles.S46-06J_S __ nun to Northstar $400 • Pub II sh my ad for 8 days starting I • APAITMENTS ROCllM 4000 v.t Tom857·1668 ....................... Mamrroth 3 bdrm condo • Classification '1 • COUNTRY CLUI UVIMGIM NEWPORT IEACH Laguna Beach .M.otor Inn. SllS-SllO/night 98S No. Pacific Coast 499.5304 e Name I • Hwy, Laguna Beach • Daily,' Weekly, Kitchen Large Big Bear cabin, • Address I aV1llable. Low winter pool tbl, color Iv . 2 • I • rates.494·52!M rrplcs. Sleeps 14 . C' 5'5-8116 • 1ty Zip Ph one I e Balboa Inn. S90 & up · . . I An aduh community on weekly Kitchennelte, Completely inter:ior de· • Check or M." enclosed 0 I • the Back Bay. Spec· oceanrront.675-8740 corated & rumished 2 U. tacular Spa, 7 swim --bdrm condo. Palm • C I • nungpoob,8ll1btedten ~. enl. no smoking or Desert. close to shop· harge my ad to: nis courts. bike trails. d.nnking. pror M over puig_ Sl~mo. s.48-7960 • I • put t I n g g r e e n 40. S28S/mo ~·063'7 -O ~ # E I • Bachelors. l and 2 Pvt Entr, Huntington ...... Sllwe 00 • L..... --------------xp. ....,rooms apartments, H bo Lux G m •••••••••••••••••••••• • • I • .-.. ar ur · Y • Prof Shr 2BR 2BA CdM and townhousel rrom Tennis, Pvt Bch $295. Hst l Blk rr Bch. F Pref 0 # E . I • SS40lA>SlOOOpermonth M).U1 ~1,67~9619£ves • xp. I On Jamboree At ~ L • SenJoaquinHlllsRoad elTllle roommate want· FEM AL! to share • ------------------------------' --=m:::..!•)144=-·;;;;;1.IOO=--• =J1·: B~\!.;!v·l~ spacious 2 bedroom. 1 e r········· WE 'LL PAY THE POSTAGE ······-·····1 e ~~~~~a!t~bndo mo~":.~~an llPM o~ ::~Pl;.~nt~~H:!· • : 111111 NO POSTAGE : • _..-:;'1:=.~-=12;.::::B:..::rot:=.ce::.;.r:.-. -1 t UTOOCIA.H , =bdrm home bet ••• ,: ~flcN:ATsls~:(~y 0~: ·: --------~m. bach wlbath. lo· Bly and Ore.an. Avail OMTHllATI cl. ~friJ 6 utll No Febl.m.2S37alUPM One ot a .ind luxury tltthto. PY\ entrance. . UNITED STATES ap&.s. 2 bdnn, 1 batb apt szts mo. 815 OS49 or FShr3BR Apt. Av11I Feb • i ,; , • locMt directly across 675-1171 uk for Sue. Dh. CM Area. No LHl .~ BUSINESS AEPL Y LABEL "> • rromtht Rtubfn E. Ltt Cd.M Rm iQ NICE otf?et>.~~--• -Just remodelfd with ~lex. To Prof Mllture Rap M/F shr lg nu 3 br. • S ''"ST CLAU ""MtT NO u. cosrl MHA. CALIF~••• i • ~ ta,,,etln11. drapes, q~tt M/F. Rffs. Non Irvine hse $32$. non kitcbd cabinet• 6 •P· Smkr 1185 + Ulll. 1 m k r SS 2 · 4 O 3 O • ~ 8 • 9"~ Tbl1 11p1&.1lra · ..cva/~ • I unit lncludet a flrtplatt --· ~ B prof h j •• ..... •• mlrrortd bdrm clout Worilln1 fem . 25·40. 1 • NHarb~:"8J~;~1 ~!J! ... cloon Is a aPttiOv.1 dtdl bOl bt'b. N.B .. unfurn., 11 30 1315 overlooklna tbt bay. ...-nllr l300. 875 t706 ~· + · e u l • ._,...,.,uuudnln· f!A_4. _ ·-----t thldld. ror .,,. H it bta.ded (or fem w/lft· EASrBLU'FfN.B. •• • l •• <71417»,.71. ·.•ee·PTI fHt lo achan1t tor Ft•. to abr w/ume ... __,.Mtlal or hapkpa rin. ~Br 1"' Ba condo. t11• SUO/l'QO . 7&9 ·1990. • • ~ • f Ull. br -· • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • What a neat way to send a Valentine message to your sweetheart. wife. husband. parents. grandparents boss , teacher , or friends. ' You~ own pe~sonal message will appear in our special Love Lines columns Wednesday , February 10. Mail the ~o.upon below witfJ your message & payment to: Classified Love Lines. Irvine Mirror po Box 1~60, Costa Mesa 92626 or call 642·1667 a'nd ~ will btll you. ' ----------------------~-----Please publish my Valentine message as written below on Wednesday, Feb. 10. (Write one word ~r space. J llne mlnim41m . Compute charge at end of line. I Additional line.s •t 33C per lint, ·" ____ 1.32 --___;,,:..... 1.es ____ 1.11 ____ ........__ 2.31 I ' I ! 11 '· r \ c:.,.t1W1hhPJ ....... .... N , ~-,_..,_.., h I' I 1 ........ .-,.; ........... •'!'! .. ,................ • ...... =~····· .. ~ ~ ......................... _ ............................ ... NIW YrJ..8::f 11 Cr,t WA'1 DRAnftl!S I ,._.. C:.... ,.... •BRYANT'S• BUDOET IA1'D/L4t'd llfld. .Sftlth Cllatocn made. W•rk Topped/rttN•td. n • z 1'tlJ~l Wa1Jcovtrin1Betn0ol Lowade.SmljObtOI.. ~rr.. •. m ... I'll"· eau tor,... .. Mt. 'Plftdeu..-.u ,. ..,...,'it am Color Ma-J.W rr.a1..1.na. ..1-1a1 C-.JC11sa... JGD/!!T.OMO a'*5. 7S1.Jm ....._.. I W l I I 4 o Yo t1 r · _.U ck ....... ,,..,. s..9t/Ah •111 ....... , ............... a.... KADLanda"peJlabat. "-;;;;r................ Hou11cleanl1s. Ecp, l'm Sm11l-M~J.r1ce1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• ~-:::::...=.:::=:z..-:c::.='l"! 11tOMPSON'S "'-~;; ................ Rteld/Comm.Clean1p OOllPlOBS ~ ·-•cuta•· M&Abr II! C NB PLASTER PATCHING INDUSTRJALHWING _ ._1._ .NV .... ,,,-' &N ll'lll ' n~t .... ,, ..... Int/eat. ao t"'-NGoffab..a-OONCR!TECONSTR. DRYWALL/6COUfrlC UU.ulln • ·M• HmaUMovln1.ioo1 11 do WlDdow•. P.:xp'cl. R(!ol7M477 nca _..... W I II fh• tMPIOVUSl'ilTS Uc. #31113313 MZ·"2 i•ynup. Fully He'd 6 f'ormlna Oft lllllatti; CalUI IW·l3tl ..,.. Maureen O.L. lbnatm PllnUn& tJ!· Neat. Paul54J..p!l PNitestlmatet $41.0UO AddlUoal6a.m>dtUa1 c::.n.lc,. lnllnd. sa2·5Sd tYnEx1.LandacaDlo1, HAULmGlrDUMP .._Ta cu.t.wori.Uclal2471 Neal.pattblCAtptum ... ... -· · _, ................ ,; DllYWAUTAPINO Ot'Gl& Ir Brlct l»&Uioi. JOllS,akforllapdy, ..... _.._ ............. lnt Fr•llt. 731·1211 h tJ. 4 ......... •••••••••••••• Hamm'• Ceramic Tile All tntum Ir acouatlr ~ Prof llfnlee at t'1 EXPU. PIEPAJlEI PAINTER NEEDS ED'S PLASTERING ••Sln»HTS• * P1oan ·Sbowel"l ·Tubl Freeelt. Knlnf7S.to81 Pri~ &!rt to Pleue. CUAMUPYOUIACT Enrolled to practice WORK-30ynup Int All'l'ypel Jot.orEJ.t All Shu lutalled --·,=-twe-OlllanYtlme'72·4'39 'Mowln&, SlO, SIS. tao. a.2Wbn·UW/£. roDAY! Yard/saraae before lbe IRS. Quality tut Arouat.lccelilnaa. &U-8258 Freu1t GrealPricet,831·125' Uc ,_ a.MC.. Haulina/ Dumpl~, Landlcaplna·YdClnU)I cln·up, etc. 1 ton trLW?'k. alteu.cotl.s.t·UlJ _DavitPainti.nt~7·Sl86_ PWTER•STUCCO 1lt · .. •••••••• .. ••••••••••• ~.f0-7M-9806,a5S $ Treetrim·E.apertmalnt I .01·1913<24bra> fEDER.ATED LJ 8 PAINTING Oepllr.Nojobtoo•ml ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• w.HAUCOMSTI. Cbllilure, Full Time _.. Jim~l-0129 H.aullns/cleao-up dirt lDcomeTlaService QUWTY REAS. ~/&U-t1" TIL£1NSTAU.ED ~tom ~-l 1,.,!rt1J' Monday -Friday My CM BlcMClll GARDEN SERVICE shrub/tree trim, etc' S31-41'7Uortppt. 1..arry645--9J83aft 11 ..... "I AUK.lndsOu1taote.d ..... rtmcho1e , , ~enc 1bne 11 Hr. .. ... •••••••••••••••••• TreeTnm/Removal J·-.. lrub ... ..... u-Rm Jotm U0.11217 doon, 11t1liOta a patl 14Z-OUl2 ELECTRJClAN _priced 842-1337 aft 4 .... , · --r%SI r lNT/EXT PAJNTJNC ..................... .. * I • ' I eoven .... MSZ ri&)ll free ett.imate on TREES/SHRUBTRIM •••• .... ••••••••••••••• QuaUtyworlt.Reas. Dra1111dearedlrom s10 Qiat.omCeramlcTlle ,........,_,. Qe•r61S.,.,lcn lar-'oumalljobt ~Strflctt Omae&VdClean-upa BRICKWORK : Small Freeest. Steve547-4281 Plumbin1Rep1ir1 Prompt,erv.Freeest. ..................... P/RQ&r...._l'ba. Stmta Coaipl. Set·UP • Strv. _......,.. ....................... Lic,...J3ll$62l 67·30359 ...................... , Frteett. 557-8271 Jobi, Newport, Cost1 BOGDA.NOVPAJNTING Freeest.M•Me-429033_ Ctluck675-"°8 .......... •••••••••••• PEP GIRLS cleaning • --• TreeTnm' Removal De Ution-G din Men, Irvine. Refs. 16 yn O C. Top quality A1l.ASPLUM81NG' ZS Vra Exp. Free F..l. Rell. 540-sat C\JSTOM CABINETS service. Home1-0fficet· UC'D ELECTRICIAN Home Repelra Trans":m Aa~1 ll I 67~317.5. Neat Sl. llc. l34950 HEATING -RtPAIR Reuonable Work. Guar. Kit.,ban,&ar.u.nita. Apt!.541.o&Q Qu.aJ.wort·Reu .ratea m989Sor673-9043 ret & t a ,coj· Hart M11oory. Brick, 645--0389/839·1886 REPLACE 645-1688 Jotlo492·d2 ~1.'!.7! ••••••••••••••• Refa.84.5-6W/5'9-181S Catelid•a.~....... Fteeest. 831·50'12Tom GuAJ Solleprepr~ ~~.':~'1. Block, Concrete Ref QUALITYINT/EXT Crti.,M••m•ld TrMSerrice c.,. .. , ......... •••••••••••••• TOP QUALITY ............. •••••••••• Operated equip. Comm'I Uc. 311821N. 1411-LW7 uc'd. Refs. Free est. ..::;: ......... ~ ...... ••0 ••u•uu•••••••• .. ALlSJ'ATE PAVING ~linl · Strtp.1n1 ~:comm./Re1ld. Uc. nmc 145-8181 ••••••••• .... ••••••••• Homl~ Eledricalworll1t TRACTOR, Ideal for lalteald'l 642-7638 MuonryourSpecialty! ""646·l067u •ExpertTreePrunln1• ~~~~~:K All pbue., lie, bonded, Reas. rites. SSl-5055 small acceu areas, 48" General haulioe ' mov· aean. quick. depend•· Quality Pt~ Low winter =~'1.T Co~rcial Landscepe R._ ... .,!,_,,Cd~I eaper.Freeesl&advice ElectricourSpecialty! wideKubotaaklploader. 101 Tree work gar ble..Wedoanysizejob. ra•-Jn feet. Hon"'sl, SetviCft ~'7.aaa ..... y ,..,.,_ · "" A1leo Conat (Mille) Clean, quick, dependa· hr. lns'd. 642·5006 l'I ea nu p yr e ~ es 1 •6311-2365• ... 11 ..... •ble. ........... ~ Oranie Co atta. t5 yrs JAVE TR EE CAR£ ~~~:ar:1• Lot Repairs aUna. CHAR RENOVATING 497-$322/'99·4843 ble.Wedo1nyai1ejob 71~4.W'l EXPERTBRlCKAND .... _......., expenence Callforlnlo Co let.e I d lot/Ut·Cablnet•·Boat •"D'NS/REUODELING •631·2345• H..tiJ•• . v---~ s II . ... • J&rEPAJNTING andrat,es6).1112 st~mp &nn~~'Y·t~o 1 .. "r1 SltSAlpbalt Li.t&Sl .. 199 ~--•d .. 4" n.u .. .. ...................... Ha•vk .. 9 · ·~ .. , ma JO~ • Comp!. paintlni;nl/ext ' uu.:a.a . ...,yrs . .....-.. , • PlaOJ. Li"'d. Georae 11:11...-,._ --'--Ca t M -NOfta•n ~pie fac111gs esp 'c Im 640-9308 ' .._. _, .... ..., .rpen ry aaonry ... •••••••••••••••••••• ·~..-· ri • Free est. w rates ~·:..=~·-=;.;.·...;..;;.;--~-cysTOM ADDITIONS Piltner&Sons, M7•:rz. ....................... Roofing . PlumbinK Wanta REALLY CLEAN Refs. M1-4S.5.5, 760·7074 Compl. handyman R.E. broker will manage Tree Trimiog, clean ups, .... .,. ...................... Kitchen remod . ·Additions. remodels, arpet & Linoleum For Drywall -Stucco -Tile HOUSE?CaJIGlncham LANDSCP/MASONRY service your orflce bldg in re Monlhyservirefreeeal . =u Refs · Bill home improve me ot. Horne . Van & Motor Remodel. J.B 646-9990 Girl. Free est. 6'5·5123 Concrete. Lie, ins Uc IM~ Evs 642·1305 tum for office Bkkpg 648-7.556 Tony ·s Tree AGGRF1WVE LEGAL ftepnlentatioo. Law of· ftcea, 3' bn. ~ windows. doors, patios, Holm. 8'7-4S95 Dave General Malntena11ce ROBlN'SCLEANINC 20yn. Free est 536-0914 PAINTER NEEDS serv. avail 548-1927 Service ..... driveways , re ·,..,...Doon Repairs&Decoratine Ser\11ce-atboroughly ~ WORK!JOyrsexp,1nt Reftai1 .. lllJ ,......._ -- 1\redofP11inWalls!ln plumbin1. etc Lie ........................ •Quahty•R1y640.S144 cleanhouse. 540-08.57 ::;;:;? ................ ext AcoustJrceihngs ....................... --.. crease the Value ' 378711.Pb980-0ll3S •f'RENCHDOORS• HOMEIMPROVEMENT •.\BC MOVING -Exp . Davis Painting 847-51~ J .D.Hom~efinishing R~;;.:i;•&•;;j;,~·;k;lj;• ~~h'1~of ~·~ Ho~ JM aw.. System 10 p11nes installed, 6' REPAIR-PLUMBING i.uu .._CU TE prol., low rates. Quick, SUPREME PAINTING Anllque_s. kit cabinets Credentialed. exp, car· TMOHYOURCAI SoUdwcx!i..:.ee::s 0 Free'd;?IJl]freeest slideropening,f750com· Heating, carpentry , ~ LA carefuhervice.5.520410 lot/ext Wallpaper Pl.Mpamting.545-0664 ing. Specializing arades ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~of wax. 40 mo. Room additions, lenaot ~ainled)640-1065 elec, tile Free est. No Cle~S.-.kff *A-I MOYIMG• European craftsman --•••vRtflOlr lthr4.644-m9 wrty.~5007n.52·0892 ~~~o;'·.C~~~~~~. Bl improvement, in· Fw•c•R~ J<>btoosmtll 645·2811 Homu87 97MOffices Top Quality Special Unbeatable pric es ....................... WlitdowCa.-lilcJ PltOF.POLISHJNG Tile> 642.8809 or Call suraoce work. decks. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Repairs. pa1nl1ng , care Ill handling. 25 yrs 980-ltro COMMEICIAl ••••••••••••••••••••••• SenieeatyOIUbome or Answer Ad 11620 11 pebos •SPECIAL• carpeotry.Chnsl1an,re· LORRAlNE'SHOME exp Competillverales P--'-/tMDUmtAL "Le\tbeSunstunelo" ~.Rlclr875-0344. 4.:m hra T1G«l67L1c313174 Anychalrhand·slrlpped 1Jable897·926Z SERV1CE.REFS. Noovertime.730·1353 ~-.. •EMODELIMG! <.:a11SunshmeWmdow Mx8't~· 64Z-,3' . REMODEL/ADD-ONS or re~lued, '19.TS. A JACKOFALLTRADES Ownlralll. 962·0SlOevs STARVJNGCOLLEGE ••••••G••••c••••••R•O••L•Lu• Turn lost or un~sed Clearung,Ud. S48·88.53 , " r__... S..ke ·c·-nl"'. Llc'd. "-lld h "'-I d ho I HAN IN SlO/ ••••••.,.. M••••••••••· -r-· • -""' •J Touc Of Class In· ..,.. 1yornic t. c.i.p. a y, usec ean1ng sn.JDENTSMOVING Stripping disc on paper spare inl-0 a workable •RESIDENTIAL • Ba"--lt, our CM homes. J ....................... 25 yn. lrw10 548·2719 leritrs 711 W 17th St • Jark 675-3014* serv. Free est. Please · d · d d A 1 t S30 2 t vr-WeCare CrplCleaner1 , • · -----call Carol, 646_6502 aft CO Lie. JTl.24-436. yasa/M_C ___ 645 9325 area-rooms 1v1 e . vg 1 y . av& s Y :rr4rs'J,anytime. Slumclean&uphols. Condo s. Structural. •A21C.M.6U·7112 REASONABLE lnsured.641-8427 UC PAPERHANGER drywaJl,dropreifings& ~Cbri.5957·8388 -IC,646-5759 Truck rrount unit Gr Id I~ C. En erg Y Gcmdnil g PROMPT FREE EST 4 00. WATCH US CROW! Bonded & guar No JOb tnm carpentry-to com' ClurView Windows Babysittln• Mon-Fri Wortcuar M.5-37111 Calculations. by Prof........................ ALMOSTEVERY ExperOayWork srARVlNGACTORS toosmallortoolarge pletioa CallTomorJeff Xlnt~rvice,freeest Newblm td 2 yrs. 6 to Shampoo,· steam clean engineer.847-4102 Gardening -Com pl I REi.N~~-~~~D ~AUTY MOVING COMPANY Free est. Tony 898-2728 al661·29l3or493·3886. Ken - -673 !IOI! S::l>,Oll.lf2.'29ll5 Color brighteners, whl Corpotatiolls clean up & free hauhng -------18 5· required I Fast & Careful Lowest WALLPAPER lloofiRcJ INF~ • UP cared clJ)tS . 10 mio. bluch. ••••••••••••••••••••••• for usable items Masonry-Carpentry Tile Daya Eves Rates Law AUows. MIC All kinds. Free est ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.ookmg for a home of ~C!!'i my C.M. home nr1 HaJI, liv/din. rma $1.5. CORPOUTIOMS _Michael645·6734 I Plumb-Roofing Remod ~ J299 __ ~5·4259 V1Sa l.1_£/lns 673-08.53 Sil/roll. Lie 330980 REPAIRS FOR LESS 1our own' You'll find lllUI • Placentia, C.M.• ave room f7 .50; couch & PARTNERSHlPS Gardening Wanted Stucce>Drywal~700 TopQuaUty •Reas Rates p~ Norm64.5.()88() Shlllgles flat 30 yrs 11\3n) homes .idvenist-d -.mt hr G OM O E PTd ba h I h --. eae Free est 770 2725 for sale in Cla~s1f1ed $10, c $5. uar ehm Formed by Attorneys Mow11g, edging, raking. H E IMPR V MENT c e or ornes ••••••••••••••••••••••• lliE PAPER HANG ER --_:___ d 1 ri ca.re for your infant, pet odor Crpt repair Rns. rates. 557-5700 s wee p 1 n g F r e e nle floor3 Fen ring _ 1213)4.39-8907 F'ine pamlmg by Richard Prof . quaJ.Jly work BALBOA ROOFING CO el'e~~ ~18 _,s, FT/PT, my 15 yrs up. Do work ,._,.__Woodw ~....... est11n1tes 645-4372 or Plumb1ng -Allsmall lliEBROOMSQUAD Sinor Lie, ins. 13 yrs or Freeest. St.eve.547 4231 TheonJyrooflng co with C.M.bome.63H880 mysel!.Refs.531-0101 -o.-....., ..... u...... Jobs28yruxp9792265 n. .. utv.ftellabl• =a,,... localc"•tome""' construrt1on rebates. .-=;;.;;;;...==.;...;..;;.;'-=.;..;....--1 -~-...__ ......... --......_.._._ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~'"''··' • ,.,,....u, ~ ,,,.. V.JI • ., QUALITY I I •'''I ., NoSttam/NoShampoo Crown moulding , CUSTOMCARDENING EuropeanCrafuman Housecleanin1.673·Sl21 yoll. 63J.4.410 Papenog/Pamhng 67J.6743,6738229 To Place your ·•fast Resull" ...... ••••••••••••••••· St&in Specialist. Fast mantles, wall units, Resid1/Comm 'I Ben's Home lmprov./ KOUSF.c'LEANIHO Pamting'a lhe ~1me, Free est. Janis i.52:...0231 Huber Roofing-all types. For all you need to know dry. Freust. 839·1582 cabinets Ha rd wood C1n I.IP! 893-JSn, X Q_ Ma.int. 964 5231an.2 Part/time only. Bi& Ca Pedersen's lhe Name! New-recover-decks Service Directory ad Call Now lboutbantruptcy,call K.as.zShampoo&Steam solutJoos to wood pro-TiiECRASSROPPER Ha l'e something )OU n,yonarea.~19 uc ~ 642-twi62 W11lpaper contractor & _Llc•-411802 5411-9?34 714/835:9162 12' SQ f\. Over 1000, 1~ bleim. 631 l52a Complete lawn ma 1nt want to !tell• Classified I Will Clean your House H.se palllUng coll grad Pamltng. Lie 3211240 0 C Me wport Roofina 642-5671 bt. JU Have somelhin& to sell? Thal S.d No Xtra Chg F\nd what you want 1n Indoor plant specialist ads do 11 well -Call Pleue Ca II 968 0836 7 yrs exp, quality work. 23 yrs. Gary Gompf "QuaUly Roofing rOr Classified ad.s do it well. Rick, 642·6194 Dady P1J.ot Clai.s1f1eds. Dominic 642·4851 NOW, 642-~78 ~-4826. Linda Low rates Dana 646·1869 ~--4366 Fine Homes." 645--0104 C:.Pool 5150 LostlrFotM 5300 JoblW..ted, 7075 twpW..ted 7100 HetpW_.ed 7100 Hl(pWcmhd 7100 HetpW..t.d 7100 .... W.ted 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ride/cu pool wanted NB Found Yorkshire ter Lady w/re1 nurse back· Aut M h • BPauty Delivtry Dnver. O\ler 18, • • * Housekeepers wanted. 1 Bch to Civu: Center LA. ner female ShorecllU 1rnd avul .as nurse/ 0 ec GftlC Posh Newpor.l sa Ion r1t.1n, bnng MVR 1690 Oll.84E J. FOSS full , 1 part lime for Start work 7 -8 AM CDM 644.2211 760.0940 rompanion Nwpt area Whee I a Ii g n ·I 1 I e seeks stylist Poss. ren· P11rent~.!..C M 3901 Marcus Ave small retirement home 642-Sll4 . • 8SH16S ~rhanic1l Own tools tal. Tele I lam 6pm Newport Beach LOST Loving oran&e d 50~ comm HUNT 675-2492. o.t.IHYC)Mtlist You are the winner or tn Laguna Bearh Musll Lolt&"-d 5100 Manx M cat. Thunn & Youn&. marr1e man AlITO CENTER. 182.5 --wanted for ti1gb quahly two free tickets ISI9.00J be able to work some ........... 1 ........... Bay,C.M.831·83'11 ~dkelinkdat' od. dCaJonbsdeoveas Laauna Cyo Rd. Laa Beauty Operator fr Irvine office Moo~ Wed vaJuttolhl' weekends Pleasant FOUND ADS ARE FIEE Cal~ 642-5'71 -· .. w Bch4f4.m2 833-8916 Marocurut atallons fOT Start immed11ttly worttmg eond1tions f or ,.,.... SJSO variety of handyman • lease F V location Days 559.5111 eves CllCUS YAIGAS ~.!!_494·9"U8 •••••••••••••••••••••••Jobs 972.~ eves. ask BABYSITTER 10 our S70fwk . Call Kathy 59574 Laguna Hills Mall Housekeeper.hve infor S Atlalltis Massaqe ror Bill. bomt for JV, yr old For 968-7~eves643~----Feb 9 II yr boy & ralher Sun, Open 24 hrsada'/ --occasional short term b-MANICURIST Also DINTALASSISTAMT CityShoppmg Center Mon off Non-:.moker 7 days a week Help W.t.d 7100 overnights. 673·2129 -beauty oper w I follow Exper'd ROA. (/time Orange Room . board . s a I 69 Gorgeous girls to ••••••••••••••••••••••• Babysitter-My Home A.dams 1Harb-Or tMesa Nr S.C Pla~545 4553 Feb 19 22 675 3793 AM, S23 4120 AccounlspPayW1ble With 6 Yr Old Girl l Verdearea>5491005 DENTALASST ROA To claim tickets. rail PM pamper you. Jacuzzi, Robert armington . -----542.s6711 exl 212 Sauna Locals as well as c 0 mp a n y n e e d s 5 JOAM ·7 4S AMk3 ~r 41 Boat Cleanmg. 8 hrs pr exper, progressive pre Tickets m~l'tle claimed HOUSBUPERS 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l,..touri s ts Bank energellcPersoninAt· M0!1'1"gsperwee IC wtl,S600prhr,Fem venl1t1vepra ct1 ce bFebruary191982 Americard. Master counting Department, lrvme & Mesa Drive preferred 642-4783 Call N~t1rvine~r~~752l320 Y • I TheSeaclJHMotel. l66I ....... ~PJ Charge. American Ex· Experienced required, CM 646-4651 I Monday. Dentist • • • So Cst Hw Y • L B Lost m 30th aim press . Dintrs all Real F.state Preferable ~•o• GENER~LOFFICE 494-97t7. HuntioglOll Beach. Sat 33 ~ A 11 , I Jan 23rd. green collar. welcome 714 /645·34 Excellent Salary . IAIYSITTEI IOOKKEErER· E>l~l.1cexper'd As sis· Book eep11111 exp, ite llNSURANCE-Exper acct REWARD . .536 3286. 2ll2HarborBl.CM ~~&workingcon Person needed t o ACCOUNTANT tanl needed for busy typing. pit flex Call assis tant for co m 531>-43 Strong prof man desires dlfi~~11Cos51t1•1 MfeosraAor: babys1t6 yroldg1rll hr RealeslalfDevelopmenl pc-art1ce 9_:1l!~~10'763 memal Imes w maJor L..:;.o;;.;;s""'t"':'""P-l_e_a_s_e_r_e _tu_r_n_I prettysensualladyl835 ce.""' y p t'Veryday.MonFr1 Will Firm requires 1n S46S170AskforToni General Ins brokerage r1rm IO "ROSIE",spayed salt& days/rut.es720-0296 po1ntmeot 966-1333, havet.omeetchildafler diV1dualw1thatleastl DETAJLING IMMEDIATE NB. s alary co m ~Fem. Schnauzer 1--------• EOE. school at J.55pm & keep Year bookkeeping ex Steve's Detailing need~ OPENINGS OYnsurate w expl•r. for ta1te0'from Leeper's An-ACCOUNTS until approx. 2 4Spm penence Position In hardworking clean rut I Gelling back mlo the Job an appt r a 1 l <7 I <I I tiques l~ Purple nylon Lillia I. Vicki's R.ECBYAIU MUST 8 E DE PEN eludes responsibalitaes energetic detailer ror 1TUrket • 544·5S22 collar, OC he 364155. dSCOITS• CUH DABLE MUSdT live mvol11ng both ronstruc longlermemployement •M•ecl.lthelAnsds':imtnbal~rs •-------~ n..... needs d 1 within walkmg istance lion & property mgt Call6ll.a<IO ~ ~ tmurance ..,... me 1ca ion. BAOC&rBETTER Establ_1shed export to Stonecreell Elemen management account ----•ElectrorucAssemblers TS~usut• ... CE Owner heartbroken. 1lf.ANEVER! 24HRS marketing firm needs lary School, Wood mg. Please forward re · D 0 G L 0 VER •Packing A " A" GeDerou.s reward Dys 669·0207 ucounu. receivable bndge, Irvine. Please SUOYlo WANTED" Kennel help, •Wal't'house CESSOR 837-6790, eves ah s. ( Outcall) ~lerk.Dut_1es are code & ca II 5S2·046 l a ft er TRA MMEL L CROW (wdl tram I 9S7-8S89 VICTOR Responsible . se tr I alSC ~ 111vo1ces & cash re· 5 JOpm. CO s.dr'Ollk T.ch Temporary Strvice starting indiv . to pro· Lost: Gry wht med. Selective, attractive yg ceipU into IBM Systems 17941 Filch Rd Test, calibration. mam ___ 556-85~-~a~'f.~~~~n:n~~r I haired Cal, nurry tail, £.n's ladv -ould like to 34 Computer. prepare ea-1.-·-o Irvine CA 92714 ·-·--& repair ·~""r Offi tuon I Yic. Mesa Dr &r Santa "" ' " monthly statements. ,.....,,. · ...,.,.."', ~ .. r ~ ct Fas lls mvei.tment Ana. l ·28. Reward meet emotionally & weekly sales reports, f,ITIMET&Ul r 546-5344 Full-lime. permanent firm Stat1st1cal ap ~ flnanc111ly secure. etc. Xlnt benefits & Excellent opportunity IOOIKHPEI employment for am ptJtude, typing. 10 key sh a r P · · u P ' l Y Pe salary. Non-srooker on· for eapenenced person Experienced, p rr. ELECTRO MIC b1tious person, 40 hr reqiared. Computer exp Lost: Siamese Cat, male, neutertd, gray. Cross eyed. "Marsh mellow", Tradewlnds Ln . Bayerest, NB REWARD 646-9144 gentleman for shann& ly. IMS Equipment. 2805 in attractive Savings '& ~for appt. rail. AS S E M B L E R week. somt nights & Sal preferred Call. 640·0123 walks, talks, beaches. Barranra Rd . Irvine Loin. Immediate open Monrruesrrhurs1Fr1._ Challenging position for Bookkeeping up. pre lll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![l!!ll-!!I boatin&, mlns, travel. 559-6Mll ing offers varied duties person with at least 2 ferred. Apply In person· etc Sense of humor EOE C1ll Linda 754 1801 BUSBOY & years electronic as 6.ll·2288.-'-------1.;;;;;;~~----I EOE ROOM SERVICE se m b I y exp er or Female Wanted Stnsuati• OrangeCoaslSavings Day shifts for hotel equi v alent Ca ll Lost: Pll'?'Ot. sml green Slim Temporary or ...._Asslst.t 1700Adams,C.M restaurant Exper. pref. 714 855 -9230 for 1n dusky Conure, H.B. Lasting Relationship To bee. Y -'· Contact Jan 497-4477. Lerview area,reward,848·1659 Leave Message Adrian Investment Flrm,1-88•_-.. ,_•.-----• ext.275. Em_;;.;;.;...plo-=---t-Co-1 N t Bea .. h re •UWJ• CAFETERIA ymen nsu ling Foand ·Fema le 64.5-1839 Sensual Slim ewpor '· · TaLER Uotmployed Ex Jewtb ly JOffe'Dll SOlITHCO;\ST PLAZA ~A MESA _ GIRL FRIDAY Balboa Make your shopping, eaa1er by using the Daily I Pl IOl Classified Adi. --I .... Waahd 7100 Hllp W..ted 7 I 00 . ...................... ··············~·!..~···· Journey Man 1Sllills MAJCEA '""°" Maintenance Man with STAIT Hl:IE expenence m plumbing, 1bt> Los Angela Times electncal & carpentry is looking for well· work Full time .. M t F groomed, eotbu1lastic 7 »-4PM Salary · com people to earn up to mensuralf' v.lth ex 540-SSl>perdayforarew penence Approx $8-SI(} hours work as pltlme per hr Apply m person sales rep. Hours are btwn 8AM 12 Noon or from 4pm-9pm Ir tratn· send resumt to .. 711 W mg will be provided. 17th. St Unit C 4 Costa Your earnings as a Mesa. Ca &2627 Tull!s sales rep will be -Lir..'!. ..... .,SIST. based OD a guaranteed 1'¥~ -hourly wage of SJ 50 i' Xlnt oppt'y ror take generous comm1u1ons. rharge Legal Assistant Smee this 15 a new pro- Able 10 assume all gram opportunities for r*spon independently & advancement are ex- w1th corporate law cellent Call now for knov. ledge I person rmre mformal1on about noo-smkg office 1n tJus great opportunity Ne wpo rt Center Call Moo-Fri. 9512361. ~-~.days & mJ_hts_ ext l.204. LEGAL SECRETARY Laguna lhlls Recent Calif probate ex penence necessary Ex cellent typing & S H skills req d Call Mrs Wins low for appl 83'7·1060 MAKE SIS wor1ting 2 hrs per day. as helptog hud to M S person Must h ve 1n VlCiruty of 43rd st NB 675-611311 MES> HEL'7 Help yourself to a Heap1nii selection or Quahf1ed Hopefuls mthe DAILY PILOT HELP WANTED 1\DS ---- MAMAGl:I TlilMEE SALESPEOPLE Looltmg for an exc1tin& career 1n the rtlail clothing field• This rapidly expand1ng retail cloWng cha1n 1s looking for bnght, motivated, reliable people to fill the positions of M aoaier Trainee & Salespeople Xlnt employee benefits mrluding merchandise dlscoonts. Apply 1t · Miier's o.tpo1t Heri~Hna 1428lCu ver Dr lrvme.CA. Will start acceptin1 ap phcst1ons Feb I st . 9-Spm. Doberml.fl puppy, bl1ck Gw Average qui res s l ron g Ad -Permanant work, part eNtJves Group consult· •tan. 54G-?2lO m1n1strali ve & Ea· Newport office sttks (2) lime . Fe ma I e. n o UI& on cWTenl market, llU.ILAIR ecutive Secretarial full-time Tellers Ea weekends. Home phone, Feb. llh. 6.9pm . SIS. Fcxmd: Gray wlute fem In ~oUngton Beach background Good perlence pre(err~. but 673-4403 Eves. 1714 )675-5.500. Peninsula Type, non· smoker, 1ood skills, refs. sal neg Med 101 Super Detail Person • 67).~I ( t ___ cc .... ~ .... > __ , > lone baired cat. El PLWECAL1 HEI.!. skillt, S/H required. Ex· will train with strong Carpel cleaning helper. Camino Dr, CM. 54().41136 p 1m p hi R d' g• tremely heavy work cashiering experience ..,, .,,th-. ~eek. Costa Lo.l ·. REWARD for a · syc c ea 111 .. I d r tpaced de Uinterestedpleaseapp ,,.,...., '"' " P l P-eot future 01 · ~as · · -uesa area Over 18. ""i.......1an H·..i..., 10 moe. 15 • ...... • Id.line-Oriented job Non· ly at HCorporate Plaza. '" ~· ~ ·~ ~~~ ~~ 'rmle. VJt ~wnita de la 7 1 4 / 8 7 1 . 5 1 2 0 . smoker. Call Carrol. .,,way. , · Dtrella A S\erra. San 2l3/81M·mll. Lie 640-0123 WESTEIM Chad Cort ENGINEER r..n-.w HAIRDRESSER and manicurist with cllen tele, gd NB loc Health plan 1Yail The Hair Handlers 642.8484 cnS.. •mn -.Clemt-nte. 412-6078. All Readings. Pvt' Con F9llAL SAYIHGS Couple on the move ~ fidenlial Ambitiold PT, students #4Corporate Plau nttds lovin1. dependa· Loll: med. 1ize dog, OK. 3:»B:JOPM. (any Cout Hlghway ble, mature l1dy to care brown 1'/bl.ck. Looks I 1 tlll & day). Outdr auistanl for Newport Beach. CA. for 2 school age children OrM.te~·· Eaper'd Air Quahly Spec11bst. lmmedl11te opening. $25-JOK. Costa Mesa loc. AERO COMP INC. 714-9$7-6596 Full or Part Time. No Sundays or Eveninga. See Steve .. H.W. Wriahl Co 12& Rochester CM. ( ( __ <CS ____ ) ) ~u~me. 1s1.1osa. A'iJ:..... ::~:VcZ~i ~!T~n;!ii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E •• !!!!!•o!!!!!.E!!!!!.!!!!!M!!!!!/!!!!!F~!!!!!!! ~v~r,:~~~~sit&~ ••••••••••••u••••••••• (ZJS) 434--0877. bfr 9AM· stays, drivers Ill' & ref f110UDd~tpooT,erriDoe1r· ~I -=aft=9P...;;M;;.:... -----1 lttllltJ. Aunt. req'd. C.11 Mr1 Miller te, ..,.,...,, ,.,,. H 7005 Lie. required. 4·day 67S-83 #Mls., Bun t', Great ...... ,.. Apartment Manager, EX· .,eek, Wed -Sat. Call. . ~ a.JUe, Lrub set· ....................... pttlenced couple. Beaut 66C12 Clllld C../Htat.r ·t.r. ~. a Pup-~SJ 1.90/W_u. l(Ch-'·. maintained 44 units. ~----1--ir.-... UTY---with auto rrom l:§o to p6a lAVlNE ANIMAL ""'1UiXh: ~.II. r,. a.ta Mesa. Adults, no KA 7::1> 4 day l 3 dayt wit. ,C A Jl E C t N T E R . UaD Prescbool. Mll·S423 P e l s · A P . t Mankvriat wanted, pre· t'UISeCUlively SUS Irr 1 11!9 +.W,/bonua. 842-tl07 ftrably wUb lolJowln(. +trans C01t. l6quire aft New~paper Carriers for l'outes ~'w..... 7071 WeetdaysM. Piette .contact Salls 7pm.6'73·2516 .._LOSIS ................. •••••• ARTISf WANTED. Mid· Mi. AvJnue, 5'0·S233 WANT ACTION! 1111,...D RellNd Gentleman non· dlea&eor retired pertOtl .X.. ClatalfedAdJIU-N?t Rid • wbt male Sib. 1mllr will ucb Ute to do p/thne work at 1'11kJ laat lltf4wpt am. dl.t1ea for reduced rm b o me . E 1 p r . I n •pio!fttld,541.-7 nntal (1loplnt) wat.rcolora. Cell C. "CAT LOST"' 5*7117 903* far iotervtew l"llWAID" Retponalble Finn lab -------•I 1* 'Wfi!ir&. Burmese Woman to bo11aecle11 , _AnMIQtt i aa,ft.-v .,... e1e1·not }'!!!:! lliobtl:-ssar-Am bl tfOU. -bo ,, "' , • o l 4 . V • c l n I l 1 lqlllb Homtll.eeper SSrtt 10.-11 ,,an old, to ~Wtllt•lalter • City _,.. Nfu.ees aeGI .,,. OM or two enn· , .. .,,._ See leUJ· lltt·ln altu.Uon la lDp a wttk 1ettln1 ~ ~IUd" Or111• Co. wltb ao otwtP•Ptr aublcrlp· ~ '-11WJ Git .. ,. N.I. pDd!Qdr& "°"*1 , Uom. TrauporttUOD ,, .... 4Ul1 netft °'*' ,_.. Al A.Ide-aad co•ataat dull · •• ~ (lld lo O:s nix (W/JihnJlll ,.,.w._pto•if•d. ; aUft. CaU i Karil~ OaUtol! ... , uk for • UJ•PDli.!Hllllo.:;...~ AMiii, aa~_at_ .:..tf".':::"ttl--C.ram ~-.. in Huntington BeOch, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach ... -... -.. t SICllTAIY· .-..w • aceeu. coun er liloctlaie Q>mp1ny ln -· J*'ICD, "blppln1 Ir rt· ::.:zort Bucb hu -------· * * * 5 PAM GARAGE&: Fan· ~-~:r~z: • for I 9ecretary SWAPMHT MAllOMWC4HATH t.utlc price.. Must see l ,,_........_ 0 with IOod or11nl11Uon Every Sllnday, 8em· 171.a"--• • Moote Vllta, C.M. ~ rove, Dave or lkllla, eye for acc:11racy ~T!· Oraa1e Cout lrv'hi~'"" _S. ......... t l&i........_11.._. ____ _ .... n..-..-..;;.;..._-....:;;.;.;;... ____ 1 6 attentloft to detail. If, Fairview ' Ari· vou are the winner of Garaee Sale 2/S·2/'I --------i NoD•llllOhr , u lary ~Cotta Meta. Ad two tree uctreta (Slt.00), &-4Pm 818 21at Slrffl, PAIT TIMI IUOIJ. Call: K1Ue, Se I I e /re:_:'! ~~Yv•~: valuuotbe H..8. <alley!. tools, bikes Mpm. Elpand1A1 youth ___ .-,_U50 ____ 1 ticm/lnlo. C.CUS VAIGAS _et_c_. ------counaelln1 firm bu,________ $56o5110 t.a1un1Hilb Mall Le qnty or •porting .-,. for I 5 •harp SICllTAIY/UIC. lll!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I Feb. 9.11 &QOdl, toola, alot macb outPf mature people Penonnel/ Advertising'"" Oty Sboppln1 Cuter replicu. furn, yd' a bop to inotivate ambitloua °'Fl-hu ooeninJ per A~ 4 yr Colt Orance eqlip, clothes Ir ever-~lhrolda. Call 2-Spm. apamklcl . ~wpt Bch. M~iacrifice.'400. Feb.19·22 ythln1 lo btwn. 9U8 ICMIU.ut. a.a. Alll for Flnaocl.ahenlcea firm M0-'411 To claim ticket.a c11l Pelican Ave. <b1wn •Allllne!!!!!!!!'!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Good typln11 1horthand. Nu dlx Wblrlpool Wub/ 842 -56711 , ut '272 Garfield It Ellis) F V -= SlfOlll exper. NQ. Non· Ory din rm tbl, + more Tlctets m\&6t be claimed Sat l!AM. 982-0SSl -------llf am>ker. Call 840·0123 Sat l.23 Marine BI rut dr by February II, t98Z EST An SAU ,_., U. ,..,.. between9-Z. Village lM. 673-68S3 ---*-*-*-i.> Year Old Temple City Needed, p.n Ume Work f1ea Marltet-Barealns DESIGNERS J EANS· Estate China, Glass, lStoZSbounperweek, SICT"Y/ADMIH ealor'e ! Andersen Newnot2nd's,50%off Potties, Books, Paper eveninp and poaalbly TUechariepersonror school, 1900 Port Irvine Garage Sale Goods , S tamp$. Saturda7. Experience IA N.B. Adver. Promotion Seabouroe, N.B. Sat, Sat , Su o , M 1 s c: F'lreanns, etc. Fri/Sat ad building or paee r 1 rm Ty P 1 n g / Feb. 6, 8·~ n~n. Hahld house ho Id 11 ems 9-4PM. 1621 Bay tliff makeup desirable. Abili· Sborthand/Phones. Sal. items, ski eqwp, toys, M2..o&s7 CI r c I e , N B . N o lY to wort fut and IC· open.&42·409'1 mucbmore. Yard Sale-gas stoves, Pre~vi.;;..ews~·----- curately under preasure -FANT · G If I b b I necessary. Salary de· Service Station Allen· ASTICSALE rru1c. furniture, hshld o cu s , 1cyc es. da I dao•· ar• N•"ded ror LAGUNA BEACH goods. Sat /Sun 9·6 253 chalrs and ottomans, TV pen on exper eoce. ... "' "" s s bl H and h The Daily Pilot 11 an F\111/ Part· Time. Apply at/ un JO·S. Ta es. aoover ~~.M. ot er misc +anti· equal opport unity at ShelJ, 2500 San Joa· ~och ~olonial dinh. GAR AGE SALE . ~~~-FrCMl.Sat 8-4 1884 empi....er. Women and qi.in Hilla Rd, CdM. · couc ·sew. mac · Sat/Sun. 730 Tustin !!!...~~'-----..,, _._,__ __ __.._ ----1 Arri can art, 10" rnd A c M (Bt h •· mlnoritlu are en-Sewers ve.. . . wn ISi "' T.....,._F~! ~edtoapply. woven sisal rug, lamps, 16th Sts > Elec self Good.i::_'""!rr'om an i·~ues SAMPUMAIEI kit. utensils & more. lo I · r "'~ .& applications at the Lane 00 Catalina c eaning oven, urn. to clolbing. Price to franteounter. HuntlylooBcb898-l991 bet "--t•-B......i.-used bricks, VW mags,. sell 411 So Cooper, C...t --------i · "'n"' • '"""'"· plant.s & misc Bolsa at Euclid, Santa Plot StudeotJoba f\im.iture, dishes, misc Rerr11, garage doo r Ana l 0 •.._St. HEY! ::~: \~~· f~~~~ SSpa: apel~er, rockrttu~btler. G_AR_A_G_E_S_A_L_E_! !--1 C -r IOY$-GllLS · · "'"'roruc pa 5 "' est Refrigerator S25 oat. MeN. CA. How would you llke to uigdale tllB, H.B equip., mast' IOam lJS ' Draperies. book's. end um as muc:h as $50.00 a l SAT /SUM 9.5 2151· C M I tables. toys , bab y MSWIX weelt'Doyoulill:edrlve· 828W.l8thSt.C.M. ISFAMILYSALE clothes .. dishes. misc. Work temporary JObs in rrovies, picnics, plua . Beoe(it ror Nwpt Soccer kitchen items, garden cloaetohome . · parues, beach parties, Refng, dressers. hght lnt'I Sat/Sun 8-4 tools. hoses and much. VICKI HESTON plus m1ny other tblngs" fa. corner shelves, k.11 •'78 E 16th St C M much more• Come by 6 ASSOCIATES Then you would probaby acces. bootcse. bulleltn • --" --and wheel and deal 54G-0400 probably en)O)' work ing brds. 4c misc. Sat Only fUm & appliances. Sat 1730Santa Ana Ave. Pti<1I'OMODEL: Allrac· forus. 9·1. 111 Diamond. 1 10.s, Sun 10·2 1S67 I' Cost.a Mesa -&45·50$4 tive-needed for full QUALIFICATIONS. Balboa~land. .Orao&e,Clll Saturday only ·216 -·-·····--·-· .. ~···· .. ~ c.r.r•·1...., cro•pt. ; lkota. Oor••* , .. _ ............... . "'* m..1.111 .... ..,,. .. '°' ,.., vaa.. Ciwill a.met...,.. .. • •· te:ISl7 . Wu fl, ... Now Wf9/f9ftwllal .. ~ lft1 121) .KJ-4511 ............ Nl·70ll S.tp ·~ ,. w • Ntw mirrored (Ul>ta, ...._ c.. "'=,~ i.a WI ..._ "'"*" planttrt • tablH maJDbenklp '71 Rae ... ;i;i. ............... •actLm.•. ,•zm,151.aoa~•m. ~awim oauUlua ._.., tott ...,..,._.,... ~"'-I z lot. -.GOO. Tom ....... •••••••••••••••• Pna loc, Mil a. ......,. Preelotm II llllrbluol Freocb Kines: oearly 11' KOJilA KAYAK Ub Pdtu.114:ftHU! I• table, 1 pc d1o rm Mt tbt mo1t dtlectable mw. See'° apprec am. JlDdl •pece lot.., IAI Jllft l.Dd\ldlna china cablAe&, atoeatiotl your toosu• m~. C.M. •2'7SZ bott ll50g•Dll ~rt ' Untoware bu ever es.-rfeneed. A t1•c11 = ,. ___ di'aWfft. 2 O\ltcb. tftd fantuy In cbocolet•.••· • ._..,..... • tablel Uateptable). Ot· Ordtrnow.931·T4M p!, m.71JO ..._~ 9"I ~ Maplt rocker; la Natura.I au patio heater. a-.•• .. 21•st/ .. --.-.... ~·!1!1111-.·,•·~·.-. colt" teble w /rattan flQ. 14• metal paUO\lm· ..,,.. fOJO,.. 1•11; 11 o\ler1turred brella w /table, $50. 10. ............. •••••••••• llJ Gt&anticEJtateSale!! chair; 4 pc Indoor, out VlaOordova f7MOlll M.,U.eEledriclaa l;vtrythlna Ooe11 door Nrtlonal: •ma II · o.iJnllutaJl/Npalr llootblf ~at • IV 3 Pc Sola SlOO. Q>rner coUol1 area rup; laree A..,..WC• J@lwartMf.ZS» acnp for IQ lilt, ae Tbl.$10.a.;11A1Ll1ht, mirror etc CASH Membeublp USO .• ..-.. u.....a...... br ucurlt1, fret 110. HarbJe Cfe Thie, ONLYl875-7143 . ~ -:::;-:-lau.acbto1 • ••Pia& •. 2 Brn & Wht Club REDECORATING Llk _,.,_"' toJO prhlltfll· J(ew,ort own SSO 21 s Drwr Sacrifice! Kln1 Bed WI • e ....................... Dl9* 1J1 Back lat Dreuer n6.' Vanity Brus Headboard. S300 '!f'W rotest areeo print Avoo Redcrest ' 2 HP Or Newport Beacla. Ttft ' Sett ·'50 Two 080 Bocklbelves, $35. lined dlJI&. "'/wood rod. Ev In r 11 d • mo t or ..... JO Bdl 125 Ea' Detk llO Dreiser, S3S Mlsclttllll Pd SUOO.sell $300, 0 E IQ/wW 1eU Hl>arately. I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! S,_;,.r Sew.loll Mach. rromto12tofl0. '720 1029 Dlbwabr-good road ~. -=.at=-::=------• w... • Art dtto beveled mirror __ .._ . .. S'7S F\lr Coall, S'7S & I IUY fUIMITUH tbl Pd $1200-sell $400 2 AY«I Redlhau.u, lZ 6 • Tt f 1 t•lew soo. Wheelchair. Sl25. Les 951·8133 m:.1165 · mtr m>unll, oan, xlnt ••••••••••••••••••••••• Col.lap Whl Char, SUS ' . &48-3831 A1rawft fl IO Sa! Walker, S30 Tbl Jewelry 1070 &35 Cubic Yrcb Fill Dirt. Sevylor 9' raft, CVC ................ ..,, ..... . Linens Sl SO to $30 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SI OO Load. A val! CdM 800lb capac. Salls, rud· r.t.er W~ Loada Or Garage Sile Heavy 14K 30" aold March lst. Call 752·78'70 der, keel + pump All 77 1'210, loaded oc AP lteim! S< to SlS Sat & cllaln Paid ~OOO Sell DVllJ • GYM 1125. ~ _ ....,. .. _ ....... "-IJ Pa··• or Sun JHPM llO Via SIOOO. lllSS22'72, 957·3083 '""' .....,w•.....,""' .., ~ILidolsle>NB ex223 _WteoewSJ.50 s1s..goo1 lolh,rowlf' f040 Jim. 714·7S2·2ZH or ~Fal'lllly Sale. Antiques, Emrrald Jewelry, Buy Mhc•••CMll .................... ~ .. -=2.1MZ9-=-'=-S02~1------~~. c~~~e~u~ s!!i:K =·~ r~~d~m~e~~ .. ~~~ ........ !!!~ WH FOR BOATS ~!'!!!!~~.~ .. !!~! machine. stereo, & misc. AJlSlt. 78H009_ ~ Wanted. Two "$100" SlMlt I '77 PUCH MOPED 1562 Pegasus, S.A.H 9 4 Rolu SSJ1old GMT Weetem Hawaii .O' Owens Tahitian, live· GoodcoodS3250BO WEARE MOVING! ITll&ter like new w/warr coupons. aboard slip avail. Call, 5S7.a393 L&e selection or home $1200 Dys 642 1387 ev C.11 aft. S, 8'2·S19e Judy or Harvey 642-4644, 1979HONDA EXPRESS fum:DRset,LR sora& 84&1~ _ ... al btwn .9AM•sPM. (red)$300.Helmet$40. 2 lounge chai r s. Valentine Pearls. 9 MM. ...._. IOU BOATSHOWSPECIAL 9fi8.7Meor752·132S waterbeds Ck 1 n g & 16" Necklace. Sacrifice! ••••••••••••••••••••••• WeUcrafls-Cost +S%-Moped, MotobeC!ane, xlnt twin ), desks (also 962-1539 Marshall 100 Watt Copy Cal1ChlpBlshop6'S-6015 cond.ltlon.$175. children's). chairs & For sale "'4Ct diamond CabinetBusingCeleslion Previously Owned 499-14.19 much more Free rlng,S'l,000 Call646·6468 Spkr. $170.00 Chud, Boston Whalers. All tlidutcwdtt/ giveaways ! Sat/Sun aft6PM 714·534-8687 ---Sizes Schock Boa11· Scoolen 1~. 2221 Fraoc1sco Dr, T~ Y-"'-.,..., """" _ N.B. 645-5267 Moc.Mltary I071 G -d -d ,,,,......,., ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Studeo , oo Coo . 32' rashing boat trawler, ttlO HONDA Sat f·2 & SM• f· I $150. 864 1096 xlnt mechanical. food HAWI 400 42U.16 .. Pl,CM AllCOMPHSSOI Offk .. wniftwe& electronics. Owner H.uONLYS,OOOmlJes6 .......... bi&H, took, I hp Binks 110/220 with .......... IOIS delperate·askine 54000. 1 s ··LI K E N E W ' • ! doors, llardwr , neweunlllOl'les • ..:all in· ••••••••••••••••••••••• willtalk C.11636-251S (91'2374 ). W11 UHS; lllicrowGYe w ;,.._,.. elude 2 hp, 3 ph 220/440 200 llM must ae!l NOW for Misc._ __ rrotoc. $2:SOor bestorrer i8 2'7"1fl BAY LINER ONLY SI J95 SJS.9132. SSOO ~~\ow "v1dona" Fly bridee. IAUa MOTOIS If you\ e never plac~ a 128l.9S + tax & service VHF radio. bait tank, 2ll'2S Harbor Blvd. Oassi(ted ad, you're in 8"Mootrewood T Sew. As k about Word depthrinder.outngeers. COSTA lllESA the rrunonty • Try it once $70 IO"Sears, R Saw Processors ~amp. gen , AM ' FM I 979 lSOO and see how qwrkly you Ann Saw, SLSO 30" Gu, 21Jl 702 8670 tradt stereo w1tb trailer • get r esults Phonl' Tu, Hedge Tnmmer. rwr. tr . · r Call 646-2843. Will sell lllll8HoodaCBl50, &42-Sll78. 100 645-3720 vo ice um1ture or sale. ba.lanceol loan Good Cood.itioa. pso. Oesb. chairs. conf ta· '"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I Must Sell646-0210 tllO figure rmdeling ID our l. Over 12 years or age. comm'I diaplay acb. No 2. Nut, honest and de· ex.per. oec.. Send photo to I pendable. . 642-5678 Milc1l1 IMS 1010 ble. etc. Some never r-•• .. •••••••••••• ••••••• used. ns..7501 '79 Bayhner Liberty. 20', Must Sell loday WSING LEASE, quit llOhrs $9800 /0 BO '81 Honda CBm.•mi, P.M. Novelties, p O. 3. Wort after school and ...._ . . ting business. selling out Uaed Gestetner Mdl 320, (714)970.2250, ucelleot cood. $62S ALL supplies and (ix recently recood. New 'S9 Classic 19' Chris ""'llS7;o.;_;-OWS~------ mcydn 8020 Dof1 I040 Fwaltut I050 ~1includloe 1 , ~~r. $350 960·Sl4t. Craft Entirely orig 'i.>SUZUKI GSSSOL ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ..,..,pay casea. wa tang · ---Xlnl cond. Sll,000. Sn lOK mllet SUSO Box 225S, Newport I Saturdays. Beach. CA . 926113 for CALLTODAY ! app't. 537·5936 or ~1-5257 . 8AMU>l0PM A8liqrrts 8005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mans 3 spd $50. Boys 10 AKC Chesapeake !fay room chairs. Beauty Executive High-back. Riddles Yacht Sales. 963-UJ94 spd $65, Ladies Cen· Retriever, ma le, 1 yr Dining Rm tabletHhrs. 4 Salon hairdryers and brown vinyl Gunlocke N B orCall 675-3217 1980125 YZ. Ptr clerk·l)'p1st1 some $ bkkp'e helpful out nol 1""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!~~~!!I COFFHTAIU 30 in X 60 i11 l.8th Century oeceuary. Great work · 1-: lne atmosphere, NB. Hrs 9·2. Call Jud y 51491 twian 10 spd S12.5. Xlnt old. trained. Very reas rms old. Semi smoked hydraulit chairs. mlr· Desk Chair Orig over 1979 A-po-I I 0 ca b-i n d D ood h Lo glass top /brass legs. .._1 d 1 ••oo L'k S200 XLNTCOND. $800. TEACHER con . ays 837 -3744. lo g ome. ves ran.sue vesan pants. ... 1 e new . CnJ1~r. 2S' Fully ~wp Call64Z·S9l7 Private school teacher 49&-5548 klcb & wtr Call btwo Chrs lgt brown/brass Also, make up, .shampoq 2U/592· l573 -for oavigauon & r1shmg, needed. Out or state !bys Mongoose Bike s:is. 7PM.SPM631-9'760 ~~bo S8~1~:w · sell and hair products IBM l)']lewnter with 19" xlnt rood. Sl8,900 ·~i;~s~n· Good Clipper Ship Hatch Cov· er inlaid Abalone shells. One of a kind Valued S2 5 0 0 +Sl2SO Ptnme. 7 days, 2 hrs. daily. AM delivery , LA Tunes. $100/wk. Laguna Beach. 494-8496. cndentialsOK 646·1«4. RaUylOspeedM1xteS85 frfttoYCMI 1045 C.1163l·915'or carriage $245 S 1C 832·'1342eves/wknds . TEENAGERS lbl.h c:ond.76().~ ....................... 2BrownstnpedHerculon aner6,898-6809 manual portable with • ., , 646-3192 Sofas siso 1bolh > ---CL~s1c Bay boat 23 Young Aggressive MUST SELL Loving comparuon, Judy. 540-5021 JEEPS· Go~ernment case s:.> &59·~--Chnscraf\ hapgtrake an 71 HOMDACll75 TI4-731·76SO Leaded glau Tiffany PIT omce au11l.111t wanted for mental help " aloobol.itm treatmeot profram Must be or 1aai&ed. efhc1eot. & persooable SS per hr Ml-OS32 Ptr Secretary /Typist Gd. hrs. ar gd. Pay. Call aft. 6PM 67~2 R.eceptiooi.st, part tune. 5 ~ys. airport area. no tyPin&. 752-Slll Receptionlst Part-time weekends, help for Clu bbouse or. fice. Call. 673-6170 Mon· Fri. . tttnagers to work for 5 yr old Cocker Spaniel. . Su rp I us LI st ed r or Snuth Corona tyrwrlter. board w/head. can keep Ll.ke new. 6.000 mi. the Dally Pilot a s ~Y"l~,o~an~~cvya;I~ Sleve646-9046 51, ludeabed couch, gold ! S:U96 00, Sold for $44 orhce mo de Uses sllp,SZS00.645-9246 --540-SZ!l Sal . d rr t Free lo gooct home Herculon. S65 Hut For Info Call 13121 tarbon ribbon SI OO ' . D .d esmeo in 1 eren Gray IExcelleot Cond > • circulating imitation 931.1981 Ext223t CA.,.,.,. · 21 IMP 1981. Volvo V8, 11 Harley 1v1 son. areas Now rorming a S6C> All 5 00 Mon f'ri Sbtpberd cross puppy, 3 frplc. like new . S60 I -...., ........ sttteo. fresh water cool· Dresaer 1200 CC. $3000. crew. be able to work 3 962.ffYT4 rm Call760-605S Queen Meehl headbrd.1 MOVIES hh 1017 ing. VHF, hke new ..;;~.=.;;~----- hours. couple tames a 10 Spd bike.Sears good F Collie. uble. spayed, $35. Maple rig stand. SS 111 your home 40 ch TV ....................... II~. 673-5151 '81 KZ-440 5,900 miles Tu.!. ~:!s MC~~ia! ooodlllooS10 healthy. needs good I Maple mag. rack . SIO 1 converters 24 hr mov1u Parrot. beaut double 33· hberglass diesel SISOO 213.514.1359 Mr,...Guother. 642.4324 ___ 499·1439 1 homf S.SI ~1 ---Desk. S20 5411 4463 I & sports events I price yellowbead, yng, tame trawler. It ke new M-F(714-&t2-tM2~) ExtZll Ladles' sgl spd bike, 2e' I liw..,t I050 Must ~II' 56" round Ma U'ISta.lled S5o9 95 " S99 95 w/cage & playpen Musl $42,IU> 6421.234 i6 XR75 I wbls, S4S Men's 3 spd ....................... pie Table with 2 leaves. 496 1111 sell~. 673-3600 lotlh, l..t/ GOOD CONDITION r ..... a. I Operator demountable bike, 20" I * * I BUY * * seals JO. 6 Ca plain 's Silver ·1110 Corre maker Seneg.al Parrot and cage a.arttt-9050 p?S 49$-llOZI Amwm11e Service 7.3 whls. ns 104 Via Good·--' Fu & chairs Make reasonable ~Calder L1tho "Com 113 mo old $15 After 6 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Yahama SRZ508, '80. ex· alul\. Many benefits. Ex· Coroova N B 673-4063 . u:>CU miture ~er. 83'.'.execullve desk po s 111 on ". w c er I ~ y ... CHTl .... G 1ter l, wincbhidd, 11&1· penence only. 362 Third ' Appbinces --OR I will th s.s et h gh th t 1 s J 9 s "" " _.. · St.SteC,LagunaBeach .. 16M)Molerielsl025 sellorSELLforYou w1 r urn i au en ic1 Y "-os&°"JDM IOtO COHSULTAHTS pge rau., 650 mt. llu . -••••••••••••••••••••••• MASTSlS AUCTION ~aakcll leatberbl charr1r ~ 2739 ----....................... Charter1Power & Sail nu, $1115S411-8791 TB.IPHOME SALH "' t reasona e o er Ktl.N i A.ntJque Dar~ Mahogany 77 Yahama RD 400, Gd. F/I'positionopenforas· Red~2~ft!'t.ng, 646-1616,Ul·'625 64&-29:11_ --u a,.,x1.31,siso I Upright Xlnt Tone. N~.~~YearR~~~~ cond Many extras. sertJve person with past .. <!>'long: also redwood <!>sofas New S98. Lov-~pc sectional sofa. re 964 6112 _· ~.dZ.c ~e Tuning. Charter Service" MustSell$800968·2518 telephone sales ex· eseats S88. Sleepers. uphol hke new Also ......, .,..,.,vu banging s had es , beautiful colors Must sell 5.l6-834S aft .• Engl oak china cab . trophy or gun case. $450 ODO tpd $6501. 760-9031 Ant>que oak icebox $4.50. 76G-8531 Antique Primitive Pine Jelly Cabinet from PA Xlnl cond. ISJ.11049 AHT19UES Old barber s chair, 2 ca.sh registel'3, hre call box, lo be auctioned Wed. Feb. 10th. 12•00 noon. 17300 Redhill Ave Irvine peraence. Apply iq rencing Lowest pme S199.fACTORY9S7 ·570! easy chair. must sell Men's Ntshtk110Spd,lall WANTED Ma so n -loah,SCltl 9060Matar"--t.S./ RECEPTIONIST / persooatl660Placentia guar J im or Ken KING INNERSPRING ?>1>~7·8412 frame, S1!1. 15" color Hamlin grand piano,••••••••••••••••••••••• a..t/Storol)t 9160 TYPIST. Laguna Hills AveC.M. ~me. S46·988S. EXTRA FIRM mattress ~· sofa, drk green pnnl. portable TV, I /yr old, xlnt cond. ivory keys Laser ~ 13672 with no ••••••••••••••••••••••• :m yr old bronie onental Temple gong only $800! 644).8688 legal flrm Requires TEXA.S OIL COMPANY Oaytubes,usedforwine set, never used. worth overstuffed.SSS .!.00.581~ Call collect. 1·324 752S ITllStS'77SOBO W~ED~dM~o ~:~~ emeraJ office skills, ac· racks or decorative $500,sac S248del. Never 644·4555 Dear Cat 2SO St'anner, eves 830-0891 P--'-·-c1 700 E. Gobbi, Amer Oak Curio Cabinet., S47S. Oriental curate typist, 61 wpm needs mature person for walls. SI. ea New Bidet h -"'u"" Vases. $45-S15. French. minimum . Call Mrs. short tripe surrounding with polished brass fix· used queen sz. wort Chandelher. $120 End ~. Chinon 3Smm SLR Brinkerhoff Oak Player 40 ' Quality Sailboat Ukiah,Ca.92$482 Winslow for appt , Costa Mesa. Ct>ntact tures New polished $Jl9,ra.shonly,$2l8del tables. SSO ea Twin Camera,Sl4S.S46-28SS Rebuildable. SllOO. Time Share Leue. S2SO '73EXECtrrlVE7.5'.2SK &'17-1* customers. We train brass towel bars & r1x ~home, 754.7350 be<b. S4S ea Designer ffDIU ·ETS IGood Wood ) &45-4199, Mo. w /S2000 Down mi. loaded. Xl.nt cood.. Wall Clock, ~. OBO 631-5879 Receptionist, Ute typing, Write D.L Dickerson. tures. 956-2272 , 957.3063 king comforter.sheets & .JWUUI'\. I 64S4XJ 613-9042 Callm-0568 filina, must have car Pres., Southwestern es223. MUSTSB.L decor. pillows. SISO ANSWERS Sliillg IOU CoolpetJUon Sabot 2 Set 2S'<llassis-mountlll.H. $100/m>. start + oppt 'y. P«roleum, Box 7119. Ft 5'llll Board Ft Lumber Mahogany double bed 760-!031 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Salls. troO Best OC'fer Fully sett-cont. rool air. ...;64l)..2950~=••9-;;...5""p""m"". ___ 'Worth, Tx 16101 J"xl2", a· 12' length with mattress Moon Girls Drexel bdrm set JO ~ac twait Complete Ska Set. used 640-4337 cab 11r. 65,000 ori1. mi, .,,..Cft IOU ····················••4 HARBOR AREA APPLlANCE SERVICE Reatainnt Male Ol' Female. Full or Part lime Apply IIH2AM. The Rollaserie, 2ll1 Brilt.ol St. C.M. SALIS ....... M-.r For fun Nautical Gift 41 Clotblne Store. Ex· perience pttferred, full time. Cbarlies Locker. m.Q'.10 TYPIST ClEll( Take all sus Call Will shaped mirror on head-matcbmc pieces. S500 e rory -ooe time . Rossignol 180 Wanted. 25·36' sailboat xlot cond. S4100 firm. Part time , 9am -lpm, 645-SIQ board. al\Spm~ ......... WdlNDO bl .. slus, Salomon bindiogs Wi.11 trade equity an lrg 3 ~ 567-4639 Mon·Fr1 SS.S.S/br Re· COOOBO 631 T19'71ft6 GlASS TOP DINETTE """ "'1 on my oc. & poles Sl60. Nordica Br 2"'2 Ba NB area T._._'T ti q11res accurate t)'pmg c_,.., S22S.Complete8edroom was so ugly, that on bootssiu5"'1MS60 townbouse w ocean vu ~.... 9170 B ~,.... IOlO 8 .,.~ Oa" Dininf set Halloween hJS parents S48-0ll9 N. B. 59203 ••••••••••••••••••••••• <I 4.>50wpm Apply Y .-~ .. SSllO. MaU/box spnngs m-'-him •tand 1'n the 23·-·•-roo• .. _ .. _•"'"ln 7t.h P I ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,.....,. -cnf ce S600 ..,.. " """"' ~""" ~11 Feb. I to: ersoone Minolta xG7 Telephoto, ~ SJl~~ ev: ~wn ":'· ru11 SSO. Qn Sl30, wrNDOW Kneaul ~~1senslalo~ Satd. Good Cond Saal, Enunada with 20~10• Dept., City or Fountatn Wide Angle Lenses S32S. N uEoV Es RS2UO OS. EAD~ ~ Lion akin, Sl,800 . Zebra imcm skus w/Tyroha 1 Motor, Oars, Paddle addihoo. S2000. 5.21-ZlTt. Valley, 10200 Slater New Cond. 645·4199. Loveseat w/2 cushions skill Se d blndin'5 ar Scott Poles. $375 963-5272 Ave .963-3321. ~ $120. 6' couch wood T10-0i01 Net ~ II or Ira e noo. Sz 9 men's boots & IDGH PERFORMANCE ~31' Alrstream. Twill E.O.E. n-I040 ~T790w/3 cushions $60 Dmette ~l S&, end table I. 21J/962·8MS carrier, S15. 104 Via CAT' N1cr1 18. xlnt OeO n~ 'J~o . .., TYPIST ._,. .,... S20. lamp SJS. T d S Cordova 673-4063 cood. . Rob 846-8018 . -41 vea, •"•••••••••••••••••••• bdrm o~d 67~ en auorte tor age Ski ll>ots·Nordica 5111 &r y ......... 1-... t llt Accurate so wpm, 40 hr. KE~OND Pups AKC Girll set. DIC w/ ---Cabi neu S20·SSO Oalt SANTANA 3S -·-·r per week , company Cl\amp sire. M/F. Pet & hdbrd. mattress .. end Waterbed. Klng Size, W / couch 549-1411 II\;, I~ men's. Childs SI Loaded sss.ooo ••••••••••••••••••••••• benefits. Apply In show . P v t ply tble. drasr w/m1rror Matching Nieht Tbl. ""REWOODroR SALE 6. Skis Aul.bier lSOCM , SchockBoats 673·2050 VAMSnLI We buy used appliances -We sell recood.. guar appll ances. ~g.3077 Sears Coldspc>t frosUeSs ~right freezer. wrute, 15.3 cu ft. perf running t'OOd. $21S or best oHer. 644).~ COLDSPOT rrmtfree lS cu ft upright freezer. S2 l 0. 675·2490 RA!frig $100. Washer $95, Dryer SSS. all clean, pe-·. 213/""" ... ~ ft8 Hiii\ OBO 642·6173 aft 0-autiful Sol1'd Oak ... Rossi gno I l 70C M . ,...._ tra"-r, euv .... Ill· ·-· ..... ......,a pm . _,., DIC • Delivered/stacked. 152.0729 2 Phoenix Sabota with "'v" ..,.. 1 -SALIS Spm Brand New. Sells for .,_ ____ ,.. trailer . Used twice. Ing. wtll·balaaced, •II Aareulve aaleaperaon ~ COCIR SP.AHi& Old Sturr & misc. SllOO. Sal'rlfice ssoo. ~ieu. Oak cord l200, C-.it G_. 1094 n le, Loe kin a d n wort good. 548·448S Stars 12 cu. f\. upright freezer. xlnt cood. Sl.50. needed to Hll market __.ly~ AK.Cp1JP1,2 black,have -torall. Poker Tble·Foldable, ~rord11 S716000·1290VJ or v. :?:'.~ ............... 5 m 5.Eves. l!!00/080.875-tOOI ales tr.aininl material ~OA~~~AZA allabots,$3000rbstorr. moW.BatboaBlvd. J75.6.1i·OOI. ~vauava . . SOI.OR.IX WESTSAIL lZ' - to b11.1lne11ea . Cham· S.Sl-3322 Newport Beach Sda,f'ineQ>od 8'S22S MlstS..tolth•e! Complete Gym for 14 Factory boat, 3 <'YI ._Sanke,, ... pica Unllmlted, Call Mr WMJllSS G Shep. pure bred pup. MO~G Must Sell! Oalt 545-375) 4 unique Span. Galleons Home. $300. MS·029S volvodsl. Loaded. 2 boat & Acc...W1 t4tt · WanhtOt-2806 F /time evening Parents from Omny. Brst~_pc, orig $600. New Custom made Oak 14 s~ •~ 7t,;) Pore ownerwant.s1ction1od ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. :.,_ waitresl, mill. 3/yrs din· Fmle 12 wits . s2so. Sac, ~. Pen ere tble ...-..a ra" .. cabinet •nd IJinles' Jars• YIHl, lead will ac~ any sensible i--------• -ner exper. Ref's re· 496-Ql62 /WI 1 Rivi f bd ~u... ,.. .. crystal. cinnabar. Fr otrer At our dock Emit ATTIMTIOM F /time u leaperaon Cl\ired. Apply 3-Spm. No AKC Golden Retriever :1mt:01 sf:r~ s l~st, tables$S5, $85. 831-7887 nautical, erandfather Minn t Y . B k r .... • needed to work on pbaoe calls. Jolly Roeer. pups, Champ. lines, oril $2200, Sac. SHOO. Kit tbl SN. liv. rm C!halr clocb, painllnes. IJldlan '""1.-..14_,/S411-4~.-.l92.;.;;_____ OWMmS lall»a ltlaDd. llult l>t 400 So. Coast Hwy . aids & wormed. S19S. ,Smkdpdnat~. Btfi a . z end tbls $40. All ruea, Please call CATALINA 2'1. inboard, TONNEAUCOVER ~ ::= :~.;i Lg!ma@each. ~11M. ZS" Cir Cml n , SltS. llatcond.M0-1401 :n·?-WlllaeUortrade f'\tsMO'a, it·'ll 173-G1D. WMIHOUSI a:Z23. OOLDENRETRJEVER NO JUNK. ALL MINT ftoral velvet sofa 1·. _or_.______ Ne-verllMll.m « ••RS WOMB at''x.J.S"U'ETON Fem, e moa, AKC, szoo. CONDmON.-.52LO Good cond. Gold ' 16' Cata ma ran w I IMtl.Slfpl/ llarill'Gl·Tm l•••a SAM& ReJMI driver. llut have microwave oven, llle tolo!t!lj bome. 847-Tm MUST SELL complete brown S'TSM0-8241 trailer/ l'Albox. Sul\lkl Dodia 9070 lamedlateOl*)!D1fon YaldCallf. Driverw Lie. D1W1$UO/OBO.Me-730S 2 Sbepberd·lhlamutt ClOllUall of bomt. Anti· 4 ft. redwood roffee la· 12Strallbtte.54t·4'8l full·tlme reader-ad 4'7·1741 --It d 41'*, ~"':ffD TV, all ble.4/mo'uld Coill2SO Color Aftalyttr, »easter ,.._.unforlukte llUYAPPUAMCIS pup•. 12 • 1 ' e · boutehold 1tems. NB Sell-541'°'82 bnndnew'90wU$150 . .... pcdJon llUlt be lM 91'7.aW :::04, all sbota '2$. S4M.U4 .,.... C.UB.$31 ....,.u · ltb Mis 'Y ilH ~~ d.in. rm table, S ----1----~ra:...• ....................... Refrt1. 12$0., W11ber, Goldtn Retriever 6 Blk Shnmona btdubed, ad upllol. chain, end Ekdl1e Dryer uo Volts, ~rleact A.pp 11 ·r~ ' I$ t ·~ bl)ryer'-Fr~ier. ! 11· Lab mi1 PllPPltt, Cf) OcmdBO, ~~~ prin/St, '150 tabla, mlac. l•mpa. dis· Waahinl Macblne, Wt_•h llllOBlh oW llndtr War· ,... • p _ ...... •••••••¥•••• .!~er .uo. r.ia . .AvallZ.13.842·5131 .v•-1-eva at. bet, •11 bed frame, kit. 8111a w/Cabind, E~c· r.-r,paki'4%2•1lhalle pil'IGI!. 1• raeenUa --•Poodlel "R" People• IEVINO-MUSTSELL iumtls. twin aprp ' tric Wac. Heeter, All P.54M711N.~. Aft., c.•. WISTlllNST&Jt Rlfrt,..tor. late model, Elaborate kln1·1lu mattreaa. bed/divan, wart ftte, l20 Ea~h. Ltl ...., ~· T1M Mole ABBIY WI) clean, autodafrott, T·Cupt, 101o SISO to ••ltrbed, ,Pedutal eocN antlqou, cllalrs, ....._ Qt .. , Door, $15. ~avOJ video c:ua. ltil, Villas•. 0 · U~~~:1've. fW.-..oeD ~eta arded ' •t1Je, l~ drawer•. inu1 ml1c. Ite ms . MIK:11 o • .,. leblf. ff. .,_~p9o1~1,:: ... f!!b~. •w -Refrla. froetfree, w/mlnor, 9'25.S'coucb· ._ mo tiled. ato ft ver. _ ·-· · ... u ,. .. , aJ.oppLDoll OAR~!!~ROV! lcemaktr, Uh new. Gtrm.1n Shep. pup•, /queen aleeper, $125. 8' t'OUCh, '75. Table •t• 8'71-17'3 MJ~wavt 1.V &n~tn· • 1111 --tz50 ..-AJC£. * p&rull, •boU .,,. cblll'I, llO. ldO table Slow. V•ot llO, ~ "'· lOOlan ot •vlM wk· -. '1 _, dlia Dall.ti· C'OIQltt• tor 1 Jr w. UouMd Q\lffQ lllUrtt• w/eiWl'I • Qbl• bed btftdbip Scott pol" J J • U u U 8·.11 U 1 JlltlOtaMrlA&. Rllllna, ca;__. Sl50., ldrlftratot·Wblrlpool, vlt'a C'Mlftealt, AKC 6 8ol Spttnp. Top ol w/ftame, Sll. ShU SU . tt2 · nt• i .... MM..-.-• ... l'M......_ ____ , • _____ _, rr..,,.. mbedw/oJtt -~~ sr, =r· ,..,...lt":.br.:· cna tilt UM. $ PalcS, ... lamp, $ee.1.&a1 u elet. <2IS BIAUTIFUL 2$" RCA ........_........,.........._.......,. __ !*4.p!Q.-... • •1 • A!Ug,P..itrt blanket. SH Miu • .,..,.. am/fM tu.taer mklr TV ult. J )'t •nt· ltl• oetor ., .• C1l ft ~ ltt. PQI AKC, , c II TMI ..... IOU TulaN Dr ...... INOPt • It: _,.SJ .. rr..tddvtl)'. Prottltt1 fretnr llP· ·~1Tttlea :~~-0 ... !!..rr me: l401 6 falrvltw). ptaitr ttcotder sso: TYJolm'aMtt• ,.._ flll r,_ aWI .,.a ........ -g,,• f1tnll -.... IMW.51'.8tO ••---"'.-....;;;;;---.--• tff....... YlllilitfWli.Mali. -fft_ • 4....,cWntn.;lbar A•1r11 . luellaat .. l. ,IYr.Ltiri'al'P, Md••...,,.. 0.1 . Wathr • 011 lttoll ...... I OM' b~==~~~~_!!!!!!~~~!!~ lllllil .,..._ •~ I DtJtr 1110/ea. tlec: -~ ' • _,... ..... ,._ ...... =~=----t-;-r..-mtr .,., .-:'.Qil • tn ~ -:1 -• .i I ... •Uttlf:,• el.Ht!' ~git~ f ~ ... ,.... &aetHeat .......... ...... ... Mlll•tJlll tliiL WUlllll nMMI ------ 67$-2144. Washers/dryers, late models , 1100 II p • Del ivery, fuar . Mastercb1r1e V Isa a.2840 Kini! New GE 34 cu ft refrlg. aide by aide, w/ice water 6 Ice maker In · door. Paid $1460 sell $975. &-Im. 9 to 5; 9S1-30S3 ....................... " COMNHl ~ •1f't'"10U l ,• ',.!!) I 100 ltlOCHln 'l1TOMP/U AT, air. flall power, tMHIUY• C::. 1teertn1, r:.••r Top dQUan for Sporu • cUNttt11 w' ap, Can, BllP. Campere. limed ,wa. cl 1593. tl4'a. Audi'• PHI AIUorU/CMGR 7'MUt 0.1....... J1i4 MAIJMO DDl. lltSt .. S.A. YOLISWA ... M 1-4471 1.1111 •acb Blvd. -----. --· ltr4Cowier. ll.500 or but HUNTINGTON BEACH a..11 U alfw. ll020ran&•. C.M. 141.2000 ......... IO-as7. ~ Tab Ital Offer. -"w"""'""rons ......... _"_T_t.Nr __ k_Lik_e WI MllD '°"9t lledlaakal Coo· new. Ha• utll ~JJllty YOUldOTIC clldoa. AU Hew Paru. •/tool bona. alo111 AlllYISHCAIS l9tl autc.b. tra, Ett. lidea Beatotr s..auz -ans a.not Tlllle·up. · • ~ Call. Dan. 4H·lt01. '• 9170 e7..m2. lv•,tlf.4TZZ. -••••••••••••••••••• !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'I llovinJ: Sacrifice! '70 . . Wf'ORDCABRIOLIT Ford \'an. Good Cood. . - Needa r•torin1. x'lot MMecrr •. -..o.n 3lOOW.Coa1tHwy. emd. @00. f7W1U "II Window Doc11e Van. Newport Beach " Lo miles, Id paint. 845 80-~ ~:..· .... ··~·c;r· W.17thSt,Cfll.845·22« WANTED! •t. • IPCI.. '5~re .~!: 13 Ford 300 Vao Coo· Late nx>del Toyota1 and ,.tf cOod. Beat offer vmian. Pd ~. SAC Vo I v o s . Ca I I u 11 Wlata>40M "'500, 53,000 on1 ml. TODAY !!! Slat, relri1, tape decll:. JO 'W llDSL, exceUtot se.om -.. -~-• :eoad. Rtatored. Srd '11 GlllC Yandura, /lfffW, ..... Wll:daya (wlSl.t) no rust carpet, .,....... all.000 OD rebuilt, Sl,40t. 'a Allltin Bea&el IOI. Call btwn 7Pll ·IPll · 100/1. Needs lttle Cl'fLYIS1·'760 .Wort:._ Gocid! SUOO "13 Ford, conv lo miles 1.-rlrm. Call Gerry auto air ,·d cond' ~m.a10 ' • l ~c..pe. All ori1. ..._, ! ... ,uta. Xlat re1tor1ble .._ W..-4 flto t : ~ 59-1171. .. ••••••••••••••••••••• : :'I 110 TC, tnlpby Win· WE p A y Pftmjum pnces s-ldfor any wsed car <foreicn or domestic l in rood cooditton See Us Finl! llUY CARS! C~H!!! 671-1705 WW tnda MO ror vw or Good Ru.naiftl Car. 4ft-47ZZ Autos Wanted CASH PAID! Run.Gina oc not. SSO to f7S to ~. Open Sun- da)'I. Ft• towlna. 891·3300 ......... Drted •••••••••••••••••••••• ....... 970 ...................... 1971 WAIOMIO 20t0SPIDB SilYet/ tQct, excellent I MODILS .... NOW! c .... , •• , 1••4 telettlee .. 0 MO. .. 4 9UALITY ,ll·OWMIO AVT~•wtl ............. .... '111. c..-.. c.. .... TOOAYI UUS•SBYICI LIAllHG SADDLEIACK IMW H402 MAHUMfTI • P'IWY. MllSte* ¥91» AWMY PklW off 1·5 131·20«> ~ Closed Sundays condit.ioa. (l«OOIM) _______ .. , CALL TODAY!!' S .... HAQ IMW I OIANGE COUNTY'S 131·1040 4tS..4t4t' OLDEST ~ .............. !?! .,..._ '79 AUDI SOOO ""' Xlntcond.lowm1 1 . 54,2. 3341 1 Sala·Service-Leas1na '8>, Auume lease, Audi 4 ·pll'. I'd prof. restore· TOP DOLL •• ! :tiaD. worth ssOK, lie, A • ·Jll.IOO.fD.SlS7 FOi us• CAIS Wll!!lllJ!lllM~ !ODO S, immac loaded. no mooty down. lit & last rm. already p11d Days. '114 /851 ·1844, Evm, 714/~S7ZS IO't' CARVER IOJ.S«Jla·fMW • 11 T·Blnl. aW>. pa, pb, ALAM MA-..oM • ~)d•l eo.d. no ruu .1 POM'OAC/SUIAIU ~ @'750.145-STll 3'91Harlior Blvd. ''4Wllllllrh'ft tHO OOSTAllE.5A f :.....•••••••••••••••••• 14t-4300 lff-1417 :t888 llarbor Rl \'d ~'ts Dodae Pwr Wp. 4X4. l'1-t·• 'It••"<"'"""" .. .:.,.._ Irk ft Dr Tm SEY-. idle Items w i.t~ a ·~ u " -~u '""........, S :onrbl. New clutch, Daily Pilot Classified Want \cl Result 642-5678 '78AudiSOOO. Must Sell' BeatOfrer 07-4288 '71 AUDI tOOLS. auto. radio, aood trans. 165() "8· 7304 •MMllc ..... , .. Of,.., ..WPwca..Or i.....c..w• ~IMWI! llrOf&.MN IJOir ........ l _J1J41 SZZ..5333 lt711MW 630SCI Automatic. w bite/ red leather, all ootlons. Ex· cellent condition. Low miles. A MUST CAR !! ser«nal. S4Dl'BAallMW 131-1040 4tS..4t4t '81 320i, 5 apd, 4800 ml, a/o, disc brks, tinted glass, am/fm caa1, sun· root. alloy whll, white w. lll>Cha trim. 117,000. 4 mo. warranty. A real creame"f! 532.4409 .,...... t7ZO ••••••••••••••••••••••• IUNJ DATSUN CLEAUNCE SALE -· ?MS Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 7 I 4/54Q.64 I 0 ''1 230 SL. l Owner. 2 ,... AC. Orte PalAt. 9739 Xtra Clun. Sl2,ts0 Firm. PP. 4H·IHT, OIAM6I _1_..-.~w_11~~~~ ''71450SL COUNTY'S 11111 "71450SL IXCLUSIYI Mint Cood 121,000 MASllA Tl Eves 113-224.4 DEALllSHIP! "10 JdEL CW.le, lm· We'll driver aQYwhere mac. road. dk &rttn. ...;;;;:;;;;...:;..;;;""'"';;;:;.-.=-----i I.II the world! See us at na Id. STOOO. 49HZD IEACH IMPORTS 11 llOSLC, ivory. Al· 644-91158 .. DoveSttfft,N.8. l\GDe......_ 9731 751-0900 '75Mtllor631·3320 M t725 W.. •••••••••• JJ9H.vtlor8lvd.,C.M. 'f1250SECcov. reblt enc •••••••••••• .. •••• ••••• ••••••••••••• 631-7170 White blk top. Alkin1 1979 FIAT e~:,~~~ ps,oooaao.1351 SPIDER 5 apd... cloUI int .. radial M1u11..... 9740 Blue with tan ltltarior. Urea, AM/FM stereo, air ••••••••••••••••• .. •••• 1112 MERCEDES BENZ 20,000 LOW miles. wire and 111>re! <aer04579) •Ml.,.......• 2 2 0 D . Auto ma t l c whee II . AM / r M ,~7549 _ ...... ._._ • tranamlulon and air " --a • cond.lt.ionin&. This one is casaelte4du1,•&e rack. JUST O EXAMPLE ...... just lill:e new. (2utllt). '7.000/beat o rer. Call OF OUR TREM EN· -rltllg .... 7 $5995 . Jim Marino Dave It 61'1·1.371 after 6 DOUS SALE PRICES Compaf-e HoUse of Im· Vdbwagen, 142-2000. p.m. TH ROUGH TH IS , ports Direct leue and 60 * * * WEEKEND!!! 111>1. sensible pymta. M & Mra . Art ~ _ ~. _ D i 1 I 2 I 3 o r '7'Pa~ot504D 4 ap, A/ , aorf, CIH, ltlnl. cood. M6-Ql'7 r • 0.A.rcoe -"""' n#4, 714/MERCEDF.S i1 213 8392Tamaru Dr. Apt. A or1l4/13'1·ZISS ·• 230, pa, auto. loot• 41 HuntinetonBeach llWB -------• runs 1ood. $2100. You art' the winner or 197' MllCmlS 6C2-~, M6-r780 two free tickets <Slt 00 ) 2031£ 1st St 11M1 JOOTO "701ERCEDF.S300D va~'-:e1~~ y AIGAS Slrta Ana 714~14 Options ltlclllde sunroof 51.000 au, sunroof, eictra -41stereo. (10241). lank, service records La1uoa Hills Mall Sale ends close Slt,500 Sll,IOO.S..- Feb 9 11 ot business 2111&1 ...... ~ ~""s CityShoppm&Center _.. ---" 'II llOSL ls.ct Oranae 198H982 IWOITS STSO/mo. S'JSO delivers. Feb. 19 . 22 LlOl QuaU Street Pi.000 t-Otal payments. To claim tickell. call NEWfORT BEACH 411 mo. closed lease. 842 5878, ext 272 lSWtl!S IJ).9300 IOOU.90) Tickets.must be clauned II "ZC'Nil General Auto Leasinf by Febni~ry.19 •. 1982 DISCOUNT 79 450 SEL. like new. 673-4311 • IO.B mi, leue/ buy / MG 9742 '78 Flat Wp 121. All rblt. HIEADOUAITEIS lrade.1162·3140; 549.1342 ..................... .. Runs on Rec. SllOO. . L~OR BUY 080. IMl-2'708 t!' _ . ~ -_A _ '8> Brave, 2 litre fuel inj, ~ n#4, warty, ll.500 m1. Xlnt {'()nd. S580C> 752· 27ta Ev ~12 Scll lhmies fu)t with 0111ly Pilot Want Ads 11m ~IL 1st SI. Salta Ana 714/95.l-Ul4 To Place your "Fast Result" Service Directory ad .... Call Now 642·5671 bt. JJZ ATTIMTIOM .. OWMBS TONNEAU COVER F\ts MG'1, '71·'11 Never 1.11ed, S7S MariaaHm Ive msa t ·Meedltn. pocp. 5$t-0217 Ad. i s :~ ~~·s~wYouCanUH ~--~-~---~----~-----~--~ ' .... .~ :! Our Famous Dimes-A-Line i :: , :- ~ .· j ·: .. , , • our famous DIMES-A-LINE .. • ... DIMES-A-LINE ADS MUST 'BE PLACED BY 3 p.m. ON FRIDAY. FOR INFORMATION CALL LOIS 642-5678, ext. 319 . ~ NEW LE CM $541~ . .. '9leoma1•.-. rool, AK/FM stereo and ·~·&s VW left & n ghl --. 1bese are au iaed cars for sale with low down payments. 48 month financing Ot\ approved c~il First payment. March2l.sl1 mo re . st k . 4 5 8 door. i3 left door $50 Serl61348. ~~=-----PIAMGI co~r each. Western style whl .. ~JEV/'-~ ~.'f!a:~! ·~e Y A ~ Ha~vd.IT' l-'-::--:-VVl-:-::8:-o~-=-:---:-_1'-:-­ dynamite deiiiiie flaboil rm -~ wlltnlpeed 1""'sao=---v-w-s't1111 If you re loolun ,r a e · Cr'ansmils 100: -S raz ii dynamite co -•1'YI ~:-~· tt~ue~b~;:n ~M~ J I f:~l~n\; ~~~m:!cs 'a~d '_111_,.Set'l ......... r"'"a""' • ...,good ..... ,.,.c'-on-d-!1 columns in Classified Vcfuwagen, 842·2000. =:!.'f~~-~I ~~Utn;,::c1deot1 ~.~.-: ••• :.:.!... ~·.~!~ ....... !~~ J i m M a r· I n o '111 Buick EJ«tra. SADOlBJACKVAUEVIMPORI~ 'OlfAMGE COUN;J'Y'S ·.'NEWEST ' " lllBARU u :DEALER! · . . . . . ti~ ... the .... that ha given Yoo 7Vz r:'~ one of Southern C.altfom js Ing 81.fW deafen is adding FABULOUS LINE Of ' I Vcikswagen, 842·2000. F'ull Pwr. $3000. '70 VW ~ug. Rbll ting. · ~ -- gbod cond Orig. owner C... 9915 $2500. 951-31%7. Pr1 par ••h••••••••••••••••••• 1977 vw Co"v~rlible. COMTIMPUTIMCi Dynamite River Blue CADtUAC7 Super Beetle Convertl· We specialize in leases b I e . <4 • P e e d for the business ex· transmis1110C1 an4 very ~utlve&pro(esslonal sharp (053852). '899~ ~WtdicMt J i m M a r i n o V<tltswagen, 84?·2000. "' 1912 ~~· 16 VW Bus. 9 pass, very How hi Stocki good cond Air cond Fuel injection. 90M NAftFRS ~~~t~ SK-'181S. CADTLLAC 1<4 Super !JeeUe. Eicel 1<~ H.11\~· ltvtl lbld.. 4 ~l owner. t • ...i.1 Ml-..• S40~)t00 44,000 n1i. ~· "95'5162 '65 Squareb~ck , new paint. new brakes. refill enc, twin carbs, l2 volt p>0/08(), 6i4S-Sp16 Must Sell '74 S\lper Bee· tie: Rblt-i, See to AJ>· preciate $ZSOO. 840-9112 '19 Rabbit Qlesel. .Del wee 4dr, 5 sod'. ,ate~, AC, 20 Gal tarik. UK mi. ~. 64.1.-0, 955-0730 tvd & wtnds. Denni.\ '62Cmvert. Sharp body• paint. U950 , Ph 7141•11838 '79 Con~e~le, wbjte., Qwnpagne Edltion, lo mileace~nt cond S79X). 7Q).~. ·m Baja BIUI. Sl.200/0fJO. Call (213)592·37"1 mom· inp before Uam. 7ffMtwood Brou1bam. Extra shlrp! Muat sacrifice. l)est orre.r over $9,000 114~ afl!r 6 pm THIW._EST 51L1CTIOM of la.te .11104.el, low mllea1e Cadi!~¥CS in ScQhem ~lltomia ! MAURS CADIU.AC 2'00Harbor Blvd. ca;TAMESA 540i-1860 'll CP Ede Vl LLE &cl)' rouih. rans ok. @O. STS-9961 "'o c~IHLLA~ COUPS DIVtLLI Optinns Include dual oomlort seals fl Cadillac wire wheel <'Overs. (1ACM6$5). ,-~·hl[l ~ .:~·'·V'""'! ET r I\ '1 1 r.4-.. I !Oll ,. ----·--- *B•OS *COURIERS ** MEW 1981 MUSTANG 5800 I • s A ·L E 5 A L E 5 A , L E s A t E 11211 •1011 UOSSI • 414111 ~~"" '82 RABBIT Fully equipped with stereo. prep . 4 speed and more1 SALE PRICE s5999 Fully eou1ppea with leatherette seats. tinted glass deluxe package & more1 List Price Our Discount s11,'.i90 1,695 SALE PRICE s9995 '81 VW SCIROCCO S Loaded with alloy wheels. rear window washer & w iper. s speed stereo cassette. sports seats & iflore• List Price 9470 our Discount 1015 SALE PRICE s9395 '81 VW JETTA Loaded with s speed. air . stereo. prep List Price 59035 o ur Disco unt 1040 SALE PRICE s7995 113•?1 •OJ8'7 '81 DIESEL COUPE Lo aded with st eel beltea rad1a1s power front brakes alun11num wheels & more' Sticker Price '7064 our Discount 569 SALE PRICE s5495 '81 VW P/U Fully eQulpped with s sp . body side moldings, stripes & more• Sticker Price our Discount s7400 905 SALE PRICE s5495 '81 l·MARK DELUXE DIESEL 4 DR. Fully equipped with autpmanc trans . stereo. steel belted radials & more• Sticker Price '8042 our Di scount 848 SALE PRICE s7194 l'\~'IJ '82 ISUZU P/U LOaded with ultra mirrors. tie down hooks. a11d much more1 Sticker Price '6444 our Discount 849 SAtE PRICE s5595