HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-09 - Orange Coast Pilot* * * • * * DUICI ClllT YDIR ·11111• DAllY PIPER ··: TUESDAV .. FEBRUARY 9, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS . Newport Center expansion repealed By STEVE MARBLE OflNDelly,.._S..., The Newport Beach City Council put an end to months of controversy early today by repealing the Irvine Company's $123 million Newport Center expansion project. The development plan, the subject of a s uc cessful referendum drive, originally Barber to stay • in center By RICHARD GREEN Of , ... Dally ~ ... Staff Jim Anderson the barber has won has battle against the Irvine Company. a victory that means he'll be able to continue cutting hair an a company-owned shopping center an Irvine for the next five years. •1n a 2:30 p.m. ceremony Moada)', Anderaoea •fs!Md a five.year e~ion on the lease for tbe University Park Barber Stylists shop. This represents a policy reversal for the company which had drawn sharp criticism from AnderSQn, his customers, city officials and other shop owners when it tried late last year to cancel the lease because the shop didn 't attract enough foot trarfic. Following the ceremony m the shop at Culver and Michelson drives, David M Koch. director of property management for the company, downplayed the role public pressure played in the company decision to extend the lease. "The pressure didn't have as much to do with 1t as the cooperation of the people here,,. Koch said. looking around the barbershop at Richard Radies, owner of the University Park Coiffures shop and Roger Elgram, owner of In & Out Photo shop. Elgram's shop was to have displaced Anderson's Instead an agreement was reached whereby the photo shop would occupy 900 square feet of unused space at University Park Coiffures; which as adjacent to the barber shop "We 'll all be happ y ne 1 ghbors," R adi es said. beaming. Asked why the reared lease cancellation had become such a big issue, Anderson said, "We've been here for 13 and a half years and a lot of people have drifted through <See BARBER, Page AZ> was to be put to a citywide vote in June But the council -on a 4·3 vote agreed to toss in the towel and call off the election at the request of the Irvine Company. Robert Shelton , a vice president for _.he development firm, said it was unlikely that the project would be given a fair chance at the polls . ··Our discussions 1n the co mmunity." Shelton told the council, "clearly Indicate that as a consequence primarily of the leasehold controversy there is an anti-I rvine Company constituency that will seek to s trike at the company by opposing completion of the center." He called his firm's request an "unhappy conclusion" but one that "we hope will mitigate the •rw.,...... BIG FINO I.I Ranch ~1sll·it of thl• San Dtt•).!o polin· clt.•partment fan~ part' of SflAOO in l'<l'-h lound In :1n un1dt>nt1fied man Ill .1 trash l"an Th<' man -.ai<I ht· lmincl lht· <·.1-.h "htlt· ('ollt•<·tini! oln nt'""PaJ>t'r" loi .1 l'hurC'h func1 rat"IOJ.! Tht• man who ;.askt•d ht~ 1cknt 11' ht• kt•pt '-l'Crt•I ft•ar-.. tht• mnnt'' harl ht><.'n "tashed h~ nno! 11l'all•r-.. Candy court order Sweets go to wife in battery case OTTAWA. Kan u\P1 Stevt• .Jackson will Ix.• g inng his wire a hox of c•:.rnd' for \'alt•ntim"" Da' h\ C'ourt order · · Franklin Count\ District Judgt• Lari'\ C1n1r-..t•n orrlt•r<.•d the gift m lieu of a (ine after Jackson. 22. plearl<•<I guilt' to ;i c ha rge of batterv on his wife. Coursen sus.pended a SSO fine and ordt'rcct .J .ickson to buv a box of candv for at least $20 and pa' court co"ts · The sheriff's· office said Jackson \vas charged with batten· Dec 28 after he allegedh· awakenen hi s "if<.• b' hitting her on the s houlder and ar"m ann orctrn.•d hN In gii outside to get firewood for the stove · Nixon loses round on· tapes Fe~ral court . rejects illegality claim on screenings WASHINGTON <AP > -A federal appeals court threw out today ex-President Richard Nixon's appeal that lhe federal covemment is actine Illegally in processing his White House tape recordings for eventual public screenings. · The three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals also ruled the 1overnment was usin1 proper and constitutional methods to separate Nixon's "diary" recordlnaa. which will be returned to him on privacy 1rounds, from other recordlnp that wUJ be made available to the public at 11 deal1nated centen. The panel's decl.lon ufbeld a ruJin1 by a lower federa court, wblch said the General Services Administration'• rulea for proce11in1 the tape1 were conaUtutlonat. Nixon claimed the procedures l · violated his constitutional rieht to personal privacy, Political privacy and the presidential prlv'llege of confidentiality. The ex-president aaid the GSA administrator should have es la bllshed regulations lo m I n i m i 1 e c on s tl t u' l o n a I infringements aod 1u11eated, for examf.le, a system In which the adm nistrator could have made available to the public only tboee recordinp relating to Watergate, or could have restricted the availability of recordinp to a fixed period of years. The appeals court, In an optnlon written by senior U.S. Circuit Jud19 Carl McGowan, said tbe regulation• permit Nixon and any othen whose rlgh ta are thiettened &1 dlsclolure to ot>Jeet and obtain Judicial review of any 9dvene determination by the GSA . McGowan said that Nixon claims he has the right of an Individual to operate personal and business affairs outside of the public's view or listening. ''Mr. Nixon, however, can claim no such broad rlaht of privacy with respect lo bis life while president," McGowan wrote. "For presidents and ordinary citizens alike, a personal privacy interest protected by the Fourth Amendment must find Its source In a legitimate expectaUon ot privacy. "Mr. Nixon while preatdent could hav~ had auch an expectation in some materials, 1uch aa diaries or other com munlcatlona rHpecting personal matten unrelated to Ma public duties, but no& in material• related to the coaduct ~8" NIXON, Pile· tU> divisive c lim ate we see developing in the community " Councilman Philip Maurer, who voted against repealing the plan which the council approved last summer, called it "a black day for Newport Beach." "If we rescind this project there will be a lot of inflated egos in Newport Beach," said Maurer, "and I won't let that group ever to do this to the city again." Mayor Jackie Heather was joined by council members John Cox, Don Strauss and Paul Hummel in rescinding the massive expansion plan. ·'I feel this issue has been dealt with in a destructive way and pushed into the political arena," said Cox. "I don't lhink the Irvine Company should have to put up with th1~ mob scene." Councilwoman Ruthelyn Plummer. who voted against repealing the pro1ect, charged that referendum leaders used .. diabolic deceit and d1stort1on" to gather signatures. Ron Covington, an elementary school teacher and leader of the referendum drive. said lhe drawbacks to the Newport <See CENTER, Page i\2) Reagan attacks critics Says Democrats pre]Xlring 'horror stories' on budget DES MOINES. Iowa (AP> -President Reagan. going on the attack against c ritics, says Democra'1c demagogues are preparing "horror stories" about his 1983 budget but offer no reasonable altemative. Reagan was taking his sharpened sales pitch to the Republican-controlled Iowa Legislature today where he was expected to continue the ad-libbed slashes he began Monday in Minneapolis at the ltaftel •two-dQ ......... s; ,,. ......... WU 1W1' up the promotional tour a Indianapolis lat.er today. Similar ouUnp through the West and Deep South are planned next month. total speding in 1983 wall be higher than in 1982 and that this year's total is higher than 1981 because of automatic escalation created by Democrats. "We have been reducing the rate of increase that has been built in," Reagan said The president complained that while Democrats criticize his budget because of the $91.S billion deficit it projects. they have nothing to offer themselves except higher taxes. ..._ 'Uld be -11l not back dow6 on hia Plana for greatly expanded defense s pending despite suggestions that Congress, especially the Democrats there. will insist on some cuts. While Reagan drew cheers from Republicans, about 5,000 protesters jeered him and his policies As Reagan appeared at the fund raiser. the demonstrators gathered in 8-degree weather outside the Carlton Celebrity Room It was believed that Reagan was whisked into a r ear , entrance and did not see the crowd The bundled-up protester s carried placards. some reading, '·Fill lhe Missjles with Grain and Prlme Rib and Let the Good Times Roll," "Mr_ President. You Are Wrong , .. "Put American Back to Work Stop Impom .' 'Money for Jobs. Not War " They also chanted. ··we want 1obs ! .. and "Hey hey, ho ho , <See REAGAN, Page A2> • "You have to get about 50 miles at least from the Potomac River and the District of Columbia to get back to the real world," Reagan to l d an approving crowd in Minneapolis. ''In the days ahead you are going to be subm erged In demagoguery about the '83 budget," Reagan continued. "You 're hearing all kinds of horror stories about the people who are going to be thrown out in the snow to hunger and die of cold and so forth." 2 firms join move to cut air fares Reagan fired his impromptu rem arks at a rally for Sen. David Durenberger, R-Minn. Deputy press secretary Larry Speakes said some of the barbs were written on the flight from Washington but that Reagan thought of most of them as he spoke. "They came from the heart," Speakes said. thumping himself on the chest for emphasis. Reagan said Democrats are accusing him of cruel budget cutting when he actually has not reduced the budget. He said NEW YORK c API Cuts of as mu ch as 52 percent in transcontinental air fare~ have spread throughout the a1rhne industry. with Trans World and Eastern airlines following reductions announced by United Airlines, Continental Air Lines and World Airways. The new, unrestricted one-way coach fare between New York and Los Angeles will be $149. TWA and Eastern off1c1als said Monday. That compared with the previous $310 TWA rare and a $205 fare on Eastern. Both airlines said they would raise those fares to $169 April 1 The other airlines announced reductions last week Rapist sentenced Gets 15 years for 'sickening' act A Halloween night kidnapper and rapist who was tracked down by police when he left. his wallet at the scene of the crime has been given a state prison term of 15 years, eight months by a superior court Judge in Santa Ana. In handing down the sentence Monday against defendant Vfncent A. Clawso12, 19, Judge James 0 . Perez described the circumstances of the crime as "sickening." Those circumstances lncluded the robbery and kidnappine or a 74·year-old Los Alamitos man out w1Ukin1 his dog, and the rape ol bis 65·year-old wife at the couple's home later in lbe evenlq on Oct. 31, 1881. Clawson, a transient, pleaded JuUty to char1ea of kldnappin1. robbny, forcible rape, false Driver to blame? VICTORVILLE <APJ - lnvestJ1ator1 who 1t.ayed up all nl1ht tons ptectn1 fact. to1etber uld a weekend church bus accident ln which two bl1h school tudents were killed may have been cauaed by driver error. imprisonment. burglary and grand theft.. De,Puly District Attorney Martin .Engquist, who said the defendant could have been sentenced to life Imprisonment. called the term imposed by Perez adequate. "The sentence that he got is appropriate ror what he did," Engquist said. Clawson would become elleible for parole consideration after serving 10 years or his sentence. According to investigators, the defendant accosted the elderly Los Alamitos man near his home. Clawson robbed the man or $13 and. dissatisfied with the money, forced the old man to drive to· his home, where b1s 64·year-old wife wu alone. The dl!(endant , accordin 1• to En1qu1Bt, tied up the man and ransacked the home. He then raped the womab, tied her up and ned lb the couple's car. However, in cleantnc up the home ~he followin1 day. the couple'• .0-year-old aon found a wallet "belonatna to Clawaon, who w• Immediately located by police and cbaraed with the cr1me. TWA 's 52 p ercent cuts. e ffective today, will apply to flights from New York to either Los Angeles. San Francisco qr San D1eJ!O TW/\ <ilso announced reductions rangin g from 44 p~·rccnt to 49 percent on transcontinental far es from Wa shingt o n . Bos ton and. Ph1lad('lph1a to California In addition Continental cut its prac(' for some transcontinental roundtnp flights to $258. Continental, which had been charging $298. said the new fares would apply to flights between its West Coast and East Coast serv1ce points wh1ch make stops 1n either Denver or Houston Contin e ntal serves Los Angeles. Sa n Diego, San Francisco and San Joie on the West Coast and New York, Boston , Philadelphia and Washington on the East Coast 10RANGI COAST WIATHIR Mostly cloudy tonlgt\l and Wednesday. Chance of occasional light rain 1~creasing Wednesday Little temperature change. Highs 58 to 64 Overnight lows 48 to SS ·INSIOI TODAY Donald P.oton i3 one o/ the /no rtmaming World War I /lying atts who, al.though lte never got o 11Jot CU tu Red Baron, recalll an ~tn with the famed Germon aviator. See Sto1111 Photo, • .P.agt AB. 111111· ____ ....... -·----·---- PRESENT Sam Matar holds tattered mbrella. part of 26 tons or scrap metal u.mped in front of his Monterey business as irthday present from brother John .ol Chicago. The junk is VolkswMgen Sam sent bi rt hda~· last .Jul~ 1 ecycling drive on move etitioners rally against throwaway cans, botlles Boisterously singing in pport of their cause, members • f Californians Against Waste fficially have fired ttie first alvo in their battle against rowaway beverage containers. '"" Traveling in caravan across Southern California, the group iprmally filed petitions Monday Jn Orange, Los Angeles and San Diego counties in the hope of qualifyjng their bottle and can ~ecycling initiative for the ' ovember ballot. ' The initiative -loosely based on Oregon's recyclln1 law - would require that beverage distributors and retailers place a five-cent minimum refundable deposit on all beer and soft drinks packaged in bottles and cans. A retail store would be required to redeein any empty container of a brand found on its shelves. A bout 25 supporters of the recyclh1g initiative. carryin.z /)fficials querying :fake record charge .:8Y The· Associated Press : .. A former medic's account that Army records were faked to conceal high levels of radiation received by soldiers who witnessed atomic testing in the 1950s "doesn't ring true," a federal official says. bavid Miller, a spokesman for tbe Department of Energy in -Las Vegas, on Monday said former medic Van R. Brandon ~·may be rememberin1 tlncorrectly. ·· "\1 ,, Brandon. a retired postal worker from Sacramento, said 1Sunday that exposure records on {housands or soldiers who .p bserved atomic blasts in the J 950s \Vere phony and the real records were kept secured in a .. ,hot book." On Monday, Miller said the ·tnilitary might actually have been keeping two lists of participants: one with those who had received the maximum dose of radioactivity and the other with names of those who could receive more exposure M lller said if Army officers were doing something wrong, such as overexposing troops, "It would be crazy to keep a record of that. Thal just doesn't rin& true." Many tats were conducted at the Nevada Test Site, 75 mllea northwest of Las Ve1u by t.be now-defunct Atomlc f!aa1y Com mission. The Department of Eoerif now direct• underlJ"OUiMS t.tin1. In Wasbinrton, Army Maj., Chu ck Suits. a Penta1on spokesman, said, "'l'he DefeDle Department is involved in an investigation right now .... It is following up on the char1es made by Mr. Brandon." Meanwhile , a national veterans organization and a group of Canadian veterans pressed Monday for action on Brandon's charges. ln Burlington, Iowa, the head of the National Association of Atomic Veterans said she hoped other soldiers would come forward and discuss their experiences with atomic testing. signs and singing, showed up Monday morning to deliver petitions bearing the signatures of 49,252 Orange County residents to the Orange County R egistrar or Voters for verification The signatures, of which more than 500,000 were collected statewide, are some or the 346,119 needed to qualify the initiative for the ballot , explained Julie Finkelstein. Southern California director for Californians Against Waste. Additionally. petitions bearing 84,163 s ignatures were filed in Los Angeles County and petitions with 105,391 signatures were delivered to the registrar of voters in San Diego County, Ms. Finkelstein said. Petitions are to be filed in Northern California counties between Feb. 22-26, she added. The organization's treasurer, Amy Hewes, of Sacramento, aaid the petition drive had cost $135,000 . She said the or1anizatlon hoped to raise another $600,000 lo campaicn for the measure. In explaining her reasons· for 1upportin1 the recycling meHUJ'e, Ms. Hewes pointed out that Californians throw out seven bHllon beverage containers each year. She said that amounts to 13.000 bottles and cans being thrown away each minute. Ms. Hewes said a recycling Initiative enacted by the voters is necessary because similar recycling legislation has been defeated in the California Legislature nearly every year since 1973 Seven s tates, Oregon . Vermont , Maine, Iowa . Michiga n, Connecticut and Delaware already have recycling laws, she said. (Golden West's Williams dies "' ~College creates.annual scholarship in his memory i· Golden West College .h~s j t:eated an annual scholarship m 1 emory or public relations · irector Bruce L. Williams who ~ ied Saturday of cancer at the :. ge of 53. i'. Mr. Williams , a former i newspaper reporter. combat '-correspondent and magazine editor, started work at the i;college in Huntington Beach when it opened in 1966. t Memorial service ror friends nd family ls sc heduled aturday al 10 a.m. at the First nited Methodist Church of range, 161 S. Orange St. Memorial donations may be made to the Bruc.e L, Williams ~ cholanhip Fund at Gohlen est College. The scbolanblp will be given annually to a ~olden West student whose goal }s public relations, a college ~pokeswoman said. Mr. Williams lived in Oran1e lth bil wife, Dr. Louise Spivey, n instnlctor at Golden West. In 1989, Mr. Williams w11 mong organizers of the flnl unUneton Beach City Festival blcb in 1978 became the annual OftANCMCOAST D1llJPHat Community Feslivaf involving five cities. He also was active in the United Way of West Orange County and vacious c:itiaen advisory panels for city and county government officials. In 1980. the Commtaatoo on Public Relations for California community colleges awarded Mr. Williams its PRO Award for best promotional campaigns. Before coming to Golden West, Mr. Williams was director of communications for the United Methodist Cb-urcb, Pacific and Southwest Conference, in Los Angeles. Prior to thaty he was a reporter for 10 years, includln& four years as a war correspondent in Korea and Japan. He worked on the Nashville Banner, the Geneva Daily nmes in New York and tbe Schenectady Union-Star. During the Korean Confllct, Mr . Williams was a correspondent for the Pacific Stars Ir Stripes. The Army awarded him a commendation for writin1 a story from a SUCCUMBS lirlH'l' Williams. public relations di rector or GQlden West College. is dead ut 53. Korean foxhole about a squad of seven aoldters and the mementos they carried lnto battle. 1 He later worked as associate editor of two national Methodist maiazlnea: To1ether, and the ChrlaUan Advocate, both based In New York. Mr. Wtlllams"'ll aurvlfed by hl1 pa,..a., tM hY. and Mrs. Harry L. Williama of San Clemente; his wilt; a daupter, Carolyn Pi~d ol Euaene, Ore. i 'two ton1, <.:al\lin and David Of Hunttn1ton Beach : two at.epdaulhlerl, Susan and Sheryl Splvey: a 1Llter, Winifred of Botton. and tbr•e 1naoddilld.ren. • ' Anotlier snowstorm. hits Winter warnings spread frqm Midwest to New England ~ 81 Tbe ~lated Prell A 1nowatorm plHtered much of the nation from Oklahoma acro11 the Mtdwut lnlo New En1land today, closlnc hundrtda ol schooll and tyln1 up ru1b·hour tramc in the urban Northeast. New snow collected •lmoet a root deep in Kann• and elsewhere ln the Midwest, which has been hit by almost weekly storms since early January. Winter storm waminss were in effect in central lndlana, central Ohlo, the northern panhandle of West Vlr1tnla, western Maryland, the lnt.ertor of east.em Pennsylvania and the Catskill Mountains or New York State. At lea.st two people were killed in Oklahoma where up to eight inches of snow fell. The hithway patrol issued a plea lo radio stations to tell travelers in the central part of the state to find lo~ging and slay off the highways. Schools closed in cities such as Baltimore, Philadelphia and Boston as the storm reached the Northeast In the predawn hours. "We've had numerous mul· tiple-car accidents." said Cpl Jim Sartori at the state police headquarters in Boston. The worst of it's on the East Coast right now." Police in Providence. R.I .. From PageA1 NIXON.:. and ofricial duties of the presidency." The court also said that government archivists must listen lo recorded Dictabelts that Nixoo said were made for his personal diary. Nixoo claimed that listening to these recordinp also violated his privacy. But the court held that the diary materials are commingl ed with official recordings and it is not always possible at the beglnnins of the diary re~ordings lo learn whether the recording is private or official. Tape reeordlngs played at the Watergate trials are already available for public listening ln Wa1h1ncton. but they conatitute only a small portion or Nixon's White House tape recordino. The appeals court cited fta'U'• esti:a~~ tll .. B L 4+ -,.._ •• prffldential ma eow In ~ ~~ ol tlllejGSA. Hitler's art in Virginia NEWPORT NEWS, Va. <AP> -Museum officials say they are just trying to show "an unusual aspect of Adolf Hitler.·· not to glorify him by displaying four watercolors he painted. The paintings, usually kept In the archives or the U.S. Army Center of Military History, will be shown Friday at the War Memorial Museum of Virginia. Hiller fancied himself an artist as a young man. Many of his paintings were destroyed as the Allies invaded Germany during World War 11. These four are the only ones in U.S. hands. Remap hill stalls SACRAMENTO <AP> -A long ·stalled, Senate-approved reapportionment plan for the four State Board of Equalization seats has been blocked again with the Assembly's rejection or the measure repo1"d do1e111 of accUlenll on lnltrltat.e 95 ln the metropolitan aru, Tractor-traUer trucks we... wiable to climb tbt hilla and cara tryln1 to avoid the 1talled trucks skidded lnto each other on tho Wlllnded ht1hway. Some lnJuriet were reported. In Indiana, where anow depths already meuured about a toot, another 10 Inches was forecut. Schools closed in lndianapoll1 where the snow fell at the rate or an inch an hour. The Indiana Toll road wa1 closed for a 10-mlle stretch from Angola to the Ohio stale llne after a truek carrying liquid propane gas jackknifed, skJdded off the roa• about 11 p.m. Monday and began leaking gas. The toll plaza was evacuated. Up to eight inches or snow in parts of Missouri left a cover of 20 Inches on the ground in St. From PageA1 Louts, which wu paral1Md by • two-foot snowtau 1 week aao. Sleet and treatn1 raln made drlvtn1 baurdoul over/art.a ol Kentucky, Arkan.sas an Texas. Brldtes and overpaues in Dallas were 1lazed with ice. Freezinf rain, 1leet and snow in Mary and and Delaware forced schools to close ln 1everal counties. Numerous schools also closed lo Connecticut, which was cau1ht o(f guard by the storm. One Oklahoma state trooper was urging no one to try to travel through Grant County because there was "a good chance they will not make it " Temperatures this morning dropped below zero from Monta~a and Wyoming to Wisconsin and upper Michigan, with readings colder than 20 below in some areas REAGAN ON A TI ACK. • • Ronald Reagan's got to go!" The sponsoring Anti-Reagan Coalition claimed to represent more than 60 groups disenchanted with the president's policies. They Included fired air traffic controllers, homosexuals, women's groups, blacks, Indians and teachers. 1 n his speech to the Iowa lawmakers. Reagan insisted he expects his tax cuts lo rescue the economy in the long run. Outside, an estimated 1,200 protesters marched in opposition to administration policies. Some demonstrators. who came from labor. religious. women's, elderly and civil rights groups, carried signs reading "Reaganomics Rob6 tbe Poor and Gives to the Rich." Coast to get I: .,,t,.t • ? aaeaa r81D. The· chance of rain for the Orange Coast will increase to 30 percent tonight and Wednesday with mostly cloudy we1lther predicted, according lo the National Weather Service. A 1pokesman for tbe weather service said only light showers are likely . Daytime t•m.,....__ are e.xpected to be from 58 to &t degrees. dropping to the 48 to 5.S-duree rJ.Jlae at nlsht. Scattered drizzles were reported throughout the county this morning. Varilble cloudiness should hover over Southern California through the end of the week. From PageA1 Inside, Reagan told the legislators: "We must bold firm to our tax cuts and reduce the budget even more. We have much to do before we see the light. but I think we are at least approaching the bend in the tunnel." He blamed current economic problems on his predecessors. ·'Forty years of uncontrolled government growth and mismanagement, 40 years of removing the American economy from the hands of the Amencan people, have resulted in a painluJ recession that grips us today," Reagan said. He said recovery "will take spirit. courage and strength for the long haul" and warned against Democratic obstructionists. From PageA1 BARBER. • • "I "d like to thank all the people who have helped us. I'm happy to be here." The earlier Irvine Company decision to cancel the lease was c riticized by the Irvine City Council. which demanded that the company preserve neighborhood business eatabUsbmenu. Responding to the crttici.sm, Irvine Company Prsident Peter Kremer made a rare appearance before the City Council several weeks ago and promised the company would be more responsive to the needs of retail shops leasmg space from the company CENTER DEFEATED. • • Center plan "are just loo great." .. I take exception." Covington said . "to the theory that we can be auctioned off for a few more dollars , for a few more businesses. •·And for you t the council l to point the finger and say we've been destructive just isn't true We never intended to do that ·· By law. the Irvine Company can not resubmit its plan to expand the shopping and professional center for at least one year Several Irvine Company officials, though, hinted they may wait longer than that. "We have no definite plans at this point,·· said Shelton after the vote. .. Hut Newport Center will be built out that's its destiny." The plan lo expand the center with a hotel. office buildings. restaurants and a residential tower was approved by the council on a split vole following months of debate and bickering. The referendum drive was launched s hortly after a disclosure that three council members had met privately with top Irvine Company executives. including the firm's prf.!S1dent. U nti I this week. it was e xpected the council would call for an election . which the Irvine Company had predicted it could win. WHAT MAKES OUR SOLITAIRE / • COLLECTIONS SO SPECIAL? Color. clarity, cut and beaut'/. These are the standartis we judge dfamond:s by. And we accept only the finest for our diamond collection.s. That's What makes each gem such a joy to wear. Let our experts shoW you thtt difference true qualtt;y makes. From our diamond collection In 14 karat gold. the rtngs shown are priced from $300 to $10.000. Pendants from $150 to $5.000. Eanings from $250 to $7.500. SLAVIC K'S Plnl .......... 117 WM~ rJw bats~ ~n. r111fiDn111111111(71~..._,.,.~ ... AlloOr..w ~ Mllllll·• Olllt· ... -.... • ) A~W ........ SMILES SHARED -Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak, left, grins with West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt as they chat during p hoto session prior to' their talks in the Bonn Chancellory. M wkie resting after surg e ry BETHE.5DA, Md. (AP) - Former Secret.ary of State E dmaad Maakle was in "good condition and in good spirits" a fter undergoing back surgery at Bethesda Naval Medical Center , a hospital spokesman said. Lt. Cmdr. Ronald Arrison said an enlarged spinal disc was ~moved from Muskie's back Saturday . The operation lasted 8t,.; hours, according to Gayle Corey. spokeswoman for the Muskie family. Muskie , a former COLUMBIA, Mo. <AP> - Singer Clllabby Cltecker has recovered from a bout with pneumonia a nd h as been released from a hospital, officials say. Patsy Moore, a spokeswoman for Boone Hospital Center. said the 40-year-old Checker was released on Sunday. Checker's manager said earlier that he planned to , resume his tour. Checker, famous for the "Twi.t" ~ el the early 1960s, wu preparing for two concert! in Columbia last Tuesday night when he became too ill to perform. His manager attributed the illness to the change in weather from the Southern states he had been touring. Democratic senator from Maine a n d one -time presidential candidate, la expected to remain in the hospital for about two weeks, she said. Muskie's back problem stemmed from an accident in the early 1950s, shortly before he was elected governor or Maine I Ma. Corey said. Muskie fell through a stair railing while doing repairs at his Waterville bome and broke his back. NEW YORK (AP> -=-Stu Gel& says he hasn't mastered the tenor saxophone yet. but he'll keep trying. "I'm :till teaming," Getz said after pla)'in& at bis 55tb birthday celebration at Fat Tuesday's, a Manhattan jau club. "I learn somethin& new every day." Fans included wife, Monica, his son St eve, manager of the club7 and Ilia uncle, Benjamin Geta, a New Ydrlt prilltef'i "He played at my wecld.i.aC 39 years ago,·· the elder Gets said. But it was eaaier to make people happier then. "It's a tough audience," be said. "Youn& folu are bard to please." OMAHA, Neb. (AP> -Lar!l a 1 f aaya b.11 Ute ba1n t been the aame 1Jnce bt knocked LJ•••t• .. 8'Mak.y" PIM•t to the 1round 11 ab• pointed a plltol at tben·Presldent Ford ftve yean •I<>· "I ltarted taklq llte ooe day at a lime. I 1tarttd appreclat1n1 people mon," aald Buendorf, '7, ~ new •sent ln charp ol tbe Secret Service in Omaha. Whenever be beara of another aaaa11lnallon, be· rellv• the event, Buendorf Hid. ''After (Efypt.laa) Pnaldent Sadat WU killed, I tbou1bt of tbe revlewln1 1tanda l stood ln front of," the •1ent said. Sadat wu fWlDed down last year while seated oo a reviewinl 1tand. Protectfnl public officials la a stresa-ftlled job. Buen- dorf said. "You are always lookinf for the unexpected. The clays often are Iona. tbe duty ls strenuous." he told The Omaha World-Herald. NEW YORK <AP) -The Metropolitan Opera says it will present soprano Leo a tyae Price and me110-soprano M a r llya Horne in concert together March 28. The concert, with James Levine conducting t he Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, will be taped for TV broadcast at a later date. The program will have arias and duets plus orchestral selections by Handel, Mozart, Orasini, Bellini and Verdi. The concert will be a benefit for the Met Opera sponsored by tbe Metropolitan Opera Guild. • Drizzle likely P .. 11y <'°""Y with (NnU of llqhl Sflow•" CMslat loW •1. ,,,,_ .. Coatl•I "'911 H , ln..W '2 W•r so EIMwlle,., lttlll orlebi. wlrlCI\ U<9PI ~ .... ,I •o .. --·In •fter"oo" 01u lo ?·IOOl solltllwH1erty ,_11 Con•kkrabl9 c..,.IMu wttll drlui. •••• lOfllflll! U.S. summary Snow.,_. , • ....,acrou IN M>UlNm arid c•ntr•I Aooi. •• _,, of ,.,. ceft11 •I Pi..._., erlCI eoutMnl "'1• of MlllMlrl-1111~ A,,.,...,.. of rain, freerlnt r•ln aftCI ''"' he l•tlefl ....... ""'"'<"'''•' TUM Into,__,. 0..-- -----""'-· ....... 11911• rain •• ac-rw -....,, ,,..,.. IN -r Miu!~ Vali.y '° "°'1M"" G.of'01411. ll•ln •nd lll11nd•rtlorm• -•• rePOr1•d !<om -··'" TeHs l"to Ark•"'" -L..,lllaNI c lo11d1 COY9r"9 .... ,._., Of the '°"'"''Y. H<9CIC from Monl•M to Mlnne.o••. w,..r• II w•• mo.tty "'"""' II W•• wiry cold 0¥., tM ""'11•-nntr•I ac-. wtth readlntt below •••o from Mo"'•"• to Ml"netola. Al llle Hme llm•, llOlltMr" ,OloricN "*I loW D . ,Oor -·· it.. N•llonal W ... Mr Servi<• pndl<t.cl ,_ lf'em Ill-• lhrovofl much ol ,._ Er19i.na •ftCI IN Greet lA'!e wtth ral11 -IN ,...loftM-1. .A c!Mtnc9 of so-I• predk-lfl ,.,. Gre•t e.ln. wllfl tu...,.._ ,.!ft lfl ,___" CAlltoml• -~ P•rtly ,_., t11le1 llff pre4tctllld .............. T•m--.. -u. neu... et lllNnd•y .... ,_ ,......, ,,..,,.. • FrHno l •n<•ster Lont BM<ll Marysville Monrovl• -1-lleilO Mt.Wit_. Hffdlff ..... port llNcll o.lll•ftCI O..U.rlo P •Im Springs ,._ PHollotiMt 111v ... 1ldlt 11 ... a1ut1 A~Clly "•"" S4'<r- S.lln•• s." e .. ._dl,,,, S."G•IWWt S...J- $MUIAM s.n .. e ar1>llr • S."q(Nl S...l•-.. 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WIOttUDAY Plrlt low 4:11 e.m. •.t "'""'..,. •O:tle.m. s.e SKend tew 4: .. P•"'· 4.6 S.Cetldllltfl H:Up,m. 4.6 hft .... 1:11 p.m .. rlteu:ca a.m. MMtl .... 1:S• a.m.,rlps7:16o.m. What do yoll Uke about tM Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call lhe number below and )'Out mt11aae will be recorded, trana(ribed ahd delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24-bour anawennc Hrvlce may be used to record let· ters to the edilGI' on Ml)' t•c. Mailbox conlributor1 mu1t include their name and telephone number tor vertncauon. No clrculaUon calls. pJeue. Tell us whal'I on your "'lnct. Orange Coat DAIL. Y PILOT/Tuesday. February 9, 1982 Sam-~~eks permanency .. County man hopes for reversal of dewrJQtion order I 8y STEVE IOTClll:LL °'....,,.. ..... WhJle Llberlaa-boro S•tn Wlllett la ~mbu.fti!l a ·'" a San Juan Ca ano fllt ftM .... reataurant t 11 week, Rip;• Robert Badbam wUl be. I• W Hh1naton attemDtlAI to t'll'D . around a declllon tbat would aee Sam deported July 5. Sam, now 28, waa adopted by David and Ruth Willett a ct.cade aao when the couple worked for the Peace Corps In Liberia. The San Juan Capl1trano couple waa 1ucceaafuJ In obtainin1 a student vlH for their aon, and, until recentb. Sam attended Saddlebac-. C'oll•1• where he took bu1ine11 and accountln& cluaea. But the House Subcommittee o..n lmml1raUon baa ordered Sam deported next aummeT, citing a 30-year-old provision of the Federal Immigration and Naturalization Act as the reason. That clause says Sam was too old at the lime ( 10 years ago) to be considered an adopted child. He was 16 when the Willetts adopted him. His family's request for a special act of Congress was rejected by the subcommittee last fall and a deportation hearin& held in late December resulted in an order for him to leave the U.S. Another setback for the family came last Friday when an aide to Rep. Badham told the couple the immigration subcommittee bas refused lo re·hear lbe matter. "It's absolutely not fair," a tearful Ruth W111elt said this morning. "There was a white couple in Palos Verdes who got a private bill through to adopt a 21 -year-old white Yugoslavian boy," sbe said. "And he had not lived with the couple. Sam has been an integral part of this family for 10 years," she said. An aide for Badham said the congressman will be meeting with Rep .. Romano Manoli, a Kentucky Democrat and chairman of the immigration subcommittee. this week, "in an attempt to turn this thing around." .......... ""9 WAITING GAME -Sam Willett. the Liberian-born adopted son of David and Ruth Willett of San Juan Capistrano. gri~1 hamburgers at a fast food restaurant while awaiting word on efforts to turn around a deportation decision. ''Jn essence," the aide said, "the subcommittee's rejection was based on the fears it would set a bad precedent for future (immigration) cases." In addition, the letter to Badham assertedly stated that Sam's case ''lacked merit." BuL Badham intends lo persuade Mazzoli that he did not have an opportunity to testify when the deportation issue first came before the subcommittee .. .. He was not afforded the opportunity to s peak," the aide said. And while Badham lobbies 4k' Sam in Washingt.On , David 31' Ruth Willett's friends and fellow churchgoers are contacti.\ll other legislators and sendiJIJ telegrams to Washington. ·~ Meanwhile, Sam plays a waiting g ame , workida part-lime al a fast foo<l restaurant. I ' UCI bowl team disappointe d A member of UC Irvine's college bowl team •owed Monday the squad, which finished .~ixth Saturday at a regional tournament in Stockton, will do better next year. Hugo Jimenez said his UCI teammates wer~ surprised by the serious preparation displayed by some of the other 13 squads. The UCI team competed in four matches in the double-elimination tournament at the University of the Pacific. (One to a f amJJy wNie the supply l.&sl.s.) The ·~bowl " matches two four-person teams ... al co•pete to answer questions a bout science. math. literature and -other subjects. Irvine beat San Diego State Uniyersity, 185 to 100, but then "lost '·to Cal State Fresno, 290 to 150. In the consolation bracket, UCI beat Cal Poly Pomona. 150 tb 100 (after trailing at half 90 to 10) but lost to Stanford University. 300 to 195. The "players" win points by beating opponents to a buzzer before correctly answering ule qoest1on ! · · 1 n both the Fres no and Stanford games. it was just a matter or beating people to the buzzer," he said .. And they beat us a lot... ' Jimene z said he will sugg~ that UCl select its team earlier next year so the squad has more, lime to practice. as did the Fresno and Stanford teams. , Fr es no Sdte won the tournament. eammg a trip to West Virginia for the national collegiate championships. · "Light Cuisine" 1 foranew weigh of life Free cookbook from Republic Federal Savings 162 slimming recipes that don't stint on taste or full nutr~ion. A prized collection of easy·to·pre- ~re meals from the Callfomla Home Economics Association. "Cook light-eat right" Is the theme • of this delightful cookbook. Everything from hors d'oeuvres, soups and salads to entrees and des· sert.s. Also, low calorie pre-planned meals for busy people. 92 ~ges with color Illustrations. Drop by for your free cookbook and get acquainted with Republic's many services. Ask about -CHE~N;-ourinterest·eamlng-ch«king occoun~nd-tfte.~ t&x-deductiens..for-tRA ~ and Keogh plan1 for the self-empl~. Inquire about tfie hlgh yields available for these retirement accounts and current rates on ReptJbllc's Tax-Exempt c'.11 Savers certlflcates. .. EvelY tim e the Roo.ter Crowa your Money Orowt REPUBLIC FEDERAL SAVINGS ... I I II Orange Coast DAILY PH.OTfTue1day. February 9, 1982 Grading of beef studied By Tbe Aleoctated Pre .. · The ,overnment ls beaiinning heuinil this week on a proposal lhut could change the look - and possibly the taste·-of somo of the beef Americans eat. The proposal comes from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and affects the department's trading service which ranks beef according to quality and yield . The change would involve the quality grades only. The yield 1rades -which reflect the amount of usable meat a carcass provides and which most consumers don't see anyway -would not be changoo. In general, the proposed switch would lead to leaner beef. It would reduce the amount of marbling -the tiny flecks of fat running through the meat - which beef needs to qualify for the higher grades. To produce marbling, ranchers must feed their cattle on grain rather than simply letting them graze on grass. Grain ·fed b eef i s more expensive to produce; that's why the top grades of beef C05t more. The N.ational Cattlemen's Association had petitioned the USDA to make a change in the grading standards. The final proposal is roughly in line with the cattlemen's request, but requires more marbling than the ranchers wanted. The Community Nutrition Institute, a consumer group. also wanted changes to promote the marketing of leaner beef. But Ellen Haas. consumer director of the institute. said the US DA proposal. was "just a reshuffle of standards without any consumer benefit. .. Note : Consumers do not always see a quality grade on the beef they buy. Government grading is voluntary. and some major supermarket chains have their own standards and quality rankings. Hearings on the proposal will be held in Salt Lake City today; in Atlanta on Thursday; in Washington, D.C., on Feb. 16; in Des Moines, Iowa, on Feb. 22; aad in Dallas on Feb. 25. The last major changes in grading standards took effect in 1976. They also lowered the levels of mar~ling required for the top grades. COSTLY COMPARISON -The 58-ton . M·l . first all-new U.S. tank in about 20 years, has been counted on to offset by quality a 4 to 1 Soviet advantage in numbers. Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger. however, has .,. . .,..,... said that the new tank. the most costly ever built by the U.S .. may disappoint hopes· of the militarv that it would be better than the Russian tanks it might face in combat NATO waste said • In billions Two defense experts ca ll system ''logistic. ni ghtmar e" List growing on pr.esidents' t • secret taping WASHINGTON (AP> -Now it turns out even Harry Truman may have recorded some of his Oval Office conversations. That lengthens the known list of presidential tapers to Franklin D. Roosevelt, Truman, Dwliht D . Eisenhower, John F . Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson and. of course. Richard M. Nixon. Aides to GeraJd R. Ford and Jimmy Carter said conversations weren't taped during their presidents' tenure. Spokesman David R . Gergen said President Reagan is recording only hjs interviews with reporters and not his private conversations. Although the fact that Kennedy taped some of bis conversations was well known , The Wa shington Post on Thursday told of the logs that s howed which conversations Kennedy taped. That list added to an alrea'dy imposing body of knowledge that Nixon wasn't alone in bugging his office. although he surpassed the others in scope and volume. collection, there are scattered transcriptions of monitored telephone caUs, whkh was the way ll was done " A man who worked ln the Eisenhower While House sald an Ampex tape recorder was in a cabinet in the office of secretary Ann Wh itman, a machine modified so il could record for three hours. Ike 's reason according to the source, was ~ mangled English; he was angry at being misquoted. Among the transcriptions is one of June 29, 1954, where Eisenhower chews out his vice president. Nixon , for attacking Democrats over their handling of foreign affairs. Twenty years and a few months later, Nixon was forced t o resign as president by incriminating Watergate revelations from his own tapes Nixon always maintained he got the idea of taping Dr. Benedict Zobrist, directar of the Truman Library in Independence, Mo., said there are 10 tapes that "we think were BRUSSELS, Belgium CAP> -France and Wes t Germany as winner 10 all countries. made in the Oval Office" during Twoleadingdefenseexpertssay an exa mpl e of weapons' "Rather than four or five Truman 's time but not "There ,are .none from t he Oval Office, as /ar ,as I know." in a report made public today duplication. different countries competing necessarily with Truman's conversations from Lyndon B. that the North Atlantic Treaty They said the cost of research and then deciding upon the best consent. Johnson Organization wastes billions of and development for the U.S. tank. each country for its own ' · They a r e r e a l I Y .. President Johnson sent word dollars a year by not developing Abrams tank, was $1 billion. reasons, proceeds with its own unintelligible," he said. "You to me that he had learned that and using the same weapons. Perry and Laberge contended tank, regardless of the merit of can hear somebody walking as one of my first actions upon Calling the current system a the countries should have held that tank," the report said. across the floor. hear a word arriving at the White House I "logistic nightmare," William an open competition for the best "The present system is a here or there. But you can't tell had ordered the removal of the Perry and Walter Laberge tank and then produced the logistical nightmare," it said. what was said at all." recording devices h e had claimed that if war broke out in The tapes were not among installed there," Nixon said in a Europe, some NATO forces Truman's papers but were sent sworn affidavit in 1975. fighting side-by-side would be A;rl;ne urges' un;on to Independence in the mid-70s "President Johnson said that unable to s hare ammunition. l.t l.t l.t by the Roosevelt Library in the recording he had made of his ··Today. NATO wastes Hyde Park, N.Y. conversations while president perhaps several billion dollars a "Some of the old timers told proved to be exceedingly year in redundant developing, t t l · 1.f. us that as soon as he learned va luable in preparing his since development of essentially 0 accep ayo s about this (the taping> he had memoirs and he urged that I the same equipment is the system pulled," said Zobrist. reinstall the recording devices." duplicated four or five times "We• Are not even certain it's Director Harry J . Middleton of withinthealliance,"lheysaid in DENVER 1AP ) Union million without cutting service Truman(onthetapeJ... the LBJ Library in Austin, a report published in "NATO's me m b c r s work 1 n g for or the number of flights, Warde Not much remains, either. of Texas. said there is nothing in 15 Nations," a bimonthly review Continental Airlines must accept said Sunday after he addressed Dwight Eisenhower's recorded the files to prove or disporve of military matters concerning layoffs from among their ranks a closed meeting of Continental Oval Office conversations. Nixon's claim the Western alliance. so the financ i a ll y troubled employees. "We don't have any tapes, but Nixon still is fighting to keep Perry is a former U.S. deputy airline, which lost $60.4 million we have a bout 47 pages of his recordings secret. Of the secretary of defense. Laberge is in 1981, can get back on its feet, Warde said he told the transcriptions taken off some more than 5,000 hours on tape, a former NATO Assistant President George ,-arde has audience that Continental hu kind of device. whether a the public has been able to hear secretary-general told a union gathering here imposed layoffs on non-union Dictabelt or tapC' recorder... on ly 30 conversations -the The report cited the separate Thl' objective of Conllnental's workers. but mus t furlough said John Wickman, director of tapes played as ev1dence in the development of battle tanks in "prosperity plan." is to reduce union members as well to the Eisenhower Library in 1974 cover·uptrialofNixon'stop the United States. Britain. the comp;rny's payroll by $100 n·\'enw its losses Abilene. i<an "Throughout the heutenanL<t . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~_;_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---"'--~~~--"'== OPEN HOUSE u_.. nli4RSS cana Open Sunday Food To Go Patio firing So.To• O,..For ....... 979-6735 Also Located On Balboa Island ENTEAT AINMENT NITEL Y COCKTAILS & CASUAL DINING 11 A.M. 'TIL 9 P.M . 545-1718 '\ \ H_.aaack quilts- Send 'ftle vebird Bouquet. Valentine's Day, Feb. 14. } r . ~UffiU~ Nuke test observer says data fa ls if ied SACRAMENTO <AP> - RadlaUon expoaure records on tbouaanda of aoldlera who oblerved atomic blaata 1n the 11501 were falalfled while the real readinp were kept in a secret "bot book," a former medical corpsman aaya. Retired postal worker Van R. or tbe dol1meten. The uaodatlon contends that vet4'rana of nucilear teats who Ille clalma with the U.S. Veterans Admlniltratlon tor nuclear-related ailments are routbaely told they were never exposed to dangerous levels. Brandon aald some ot the readlogs reeorded ln the "bot book," "as beat I can recall, Brandon, a member of tbe National Association of Atomic Veterans, said he knew about "tbe bot book" because be handled animal experiments in five atmospheric nuclear tests in Nevada and the Pacific in 1955, 1956 and 19S7 were way over' I the accepted safe level, "dependina on where you were'' in relation to the radiation source. On the "very dirty" tests, he said the readings were often "at least ball again" as high as the accepted sate level. TEST OBSERVER -Van R. Brandon, a former U .S . Army medic, claims radiation exposure records were falsified. At a news conference Sunday in a Veterans of Foreign Wars post ln suburban North Highlands, Brandon described bow dosimeters, which record the amount of radioactivity absorbed, were worn as badges by soldiers participating in the tests. The association, based ln Burlington, Iowa, is undertaking what it calls "the largest manhunt in history" to gather information from observers of the teats in order to support medical claims. bold hearings on the matter. Brandon said he had been sworn to secrecy by the Army, but decided to talk to reporters because "I'm scared of what. my grandchildren can go throuib" because of possible nuclear-related genetic damage. He said high-ranking officers kept the books under lock and key except when recordings were being made. But he never knew what became of the books A vice president of the association, Jess Clark of San Jose, said Sens. Alan Cranston, D-Calif., and Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, would be requested to Having come f o rward , Brandon said the Army "can try me for treason. If they do, they're going to open up the whole thing." Auburn Dam minus funds? SACRAMENTO (AP) -The proposed Auburn Dam is left with no money in President Reagan's 1983 budget, the Sacramento Union said. The newspaper also said that two Northern California utilities, the Sacramento Municipal Utility District and the San Francisco-based Pacific-based Pacific Gas & Electric Co., are talking with the federal government about buying into the Auburn project. A Washington-dated story said Sunday the only money for the Auburn-Folsom South project in the budget proposal is $5 million to complete recreational facilities at Sugar Pine Dam, a small reservoir high in the Sierra. Elsewhere in Northern California, $2.4 million is slated for fire safety work in the Wawona Hotel in Yosemite National Park, and $5.S million to buy land in Lassen National Park. In water development programs, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has budgeted a relatively modest $108.6 million for California, nearly half for routine maintenance, the Union said. Another $600,000 was proposed for anotber11tudy relat-ed to the possi ble deepenln1 of tbe Sacramento Deep Water Channel. But $4 million was set aside for work on the channel that serves Stockton, and $5.3 million for improvements to the Port of Los Angeles. Other corps spending in the proposal includes $12.3 million to keep up construction of Warm ' Spring Dam in Sonoma County, $5.S million for channel work below the New Melones Dam, $4.3 million to design a dam for Cottonwood Creek west of Red Bluff, and $900,000 for bank work along the Sacramento Rl~r· and tributaries. About $60 million would be spent on the Central Valley project, including $38.2 million for the San Felipe portion, $11.9 million for six small irrigation projects in the Arbuckle, Colusa and Orland areas. and a $9.9 million loan to the Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District to finish enlarging its main channel. As for the Auburn Dam, 3S miles northeast of Sacramento, construction was slowed five years ago by an earthquake in Oroville that raised safety questions. Work has bei!o going on for more than a decade, and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation spokesman Jerry King said it would take another 10 years to finish it. But King said the price, estimated now at about $1.l billion, is cheaper than some other projects the utilities are considering. Body of heir to be exhumed LOS ANGELFS (AP) -The body of Herbert B. Lutz, the EH Lilly, heir found dead in a rundown apartment rented for him by bis second wife, will be exhumed for an autopsy, the coroner's office says. Lutz' Jan. 13 death was originally attributed to "natural causes. but no autopsy was done," Philip Schwartzberg, ai;sistant chief of investigations for the coroner's office, said. He would not comment on why investigaton ordered Lutz' body to be exhumed next Tbunday from Forest Lawn Memorial Park cemetery in Glendale. · "We are saying nothin1 other than that the I investigation is continuing," Schwaruberg said. Tbe '17-year-old Luta' first wife, Evelyn Lilly, died in 1970. She was the only daughter of Eli Lilly, founder of the giant lndlanapolis-baset =:i pharmaceutical house. • .. Lutz inherited $3.5 mlllloo ol the Eli Lilly fortune but in 1981 was found incompetent to bis estate. ~ ilillii~iii!iiiiiiilr-----i t ,.,. NURSERY DWARF CITRUS 5gal reg115.00 '8.98 SELECTED SHADE TREES 5· 15 gal. 60D/o OFF INDIAN HAWTHORNE reg. 113.50 57.98 STAR JASMINE & sa 98 TEA-TREE 5 gaJ values to'13.50 ~U. ESCALONIA 5ga1reg 112.00 GERANIUM. AZALEAS & MARGUERITE DAISY 1 gal. STAR JASMINE, TEA, TREE . DMRF WHEELER!, BOXWOOD & LAVENDER STAR FLOWER 1 gal. DIOSMA, ESCALONIA, NANDINAAND VARIGATED PITIOSPORUM 1 gal. C0C.OR PACKS reg. '2.69 4" BEDDING PLANTS & PONY PACKS reg. si, 19 '5.98 values to '3. 75 51.98 values to '3. 98 51.78 values to 13.50 s1.48 s1.69 s.69 INDOOR PLANTS 6" HOUSE PLANTS 8" HOUSE PLANTS 6" CYCLAMEN BASKETS reg. SALE •10.95 '5.95 128.95 115.96 18.95 14.95 2511/oOFF FLORIST VALENTINE ARRANGEMENT '21.95 reg. W.95 SILK FLOWERS 2511/o OFF Orange Coast DAILY PILOTfTue1day, February 9, 198.2 Search pressed for girl CONCORD (AP ) -A 2-year·old girl snatched from a parked van while her parents ran an errand may have been the third child in Concord threatened with abductton within an hour. authorities say. Tara Elizabeth Burke of Pittsburg was kidnapped Saturday as her 9·year-old brother, Jeremy. watched in fright. -Only 45 minutes earlier, two men , one matching the description of the Burke kidnapping suspect, attempted to nab two 5-year-old girls, police said. s 41 .......... Tara's parents, Elizabeth and Steve Burke, who had been in Kragen Auto Supply for five minutes, said the girl is allergic to milk and needs at least three calcium pills a day. She said she hoped the abductors would "give her a lot of love because she's used to pretty much constant attention." As the search intensified for the tot, police looked for a motive and said the kidnap may be connected to an earlier incident the same day in which two men attempted to take the 5-year-old girls. HAPPY REUNION Kathy Cochran and her 3-~·ear-olcl daughter Natalee. of Hawt horne . wen· reunited at the Philadelphia International Airport Sunday. Natalee had been missing from her home for more than a week when she was rescued by the FBI in Lancaster, Pa. Her babysitter, Jody Finkle, 19, was charged by California authorities with kidnapping. • • • FANTASTIC ... PATIO SAVINGS === TROPITONE reg. SALE TAOPI KAI 42" TABLE SET '725.00 '379.00 48" TABLE SET '758.00 '379.00 CHAISE 9237 oo 1185.00 MARRAKESH 42" TABtE SET '718.00 1430.00 48" TABLE SET '751.00 1450.80 CHAISE "l72.00 '190.40 CANTINA • 48" SQ. RD .• TABLE '966.00 '878.20 CHAISE '340.00 '255.00 • ==BROWN JORDAN== TAMIAMI 42'' LEG TABLE SET 48" PED. TABLE SET CHAISE 18" SIDE TABLE MAUNA KEA 48" LEG TABLE CHAISE ENSIGN II 42" LEG TABLE 48" LEG TABLE CHAISE UMBRELLA ICE CREAM SET rm.oo '389.50 '655.00 1427 .50 1319.00 '199.00 : 1110.00 '75.00 : '875.00 '812.50 t389.00 '272.00 '695.00 1417.00 '731 00 1438.80 1329.00 '209.00 '289.00 '199.00 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 30" TBL/2 SIDE CHAS. '235.00 '179.95 =====AWBERT====== • DANGARI : TABLE/W 4 CHAS. ·u:~o.oo '940.00 • GARDEN SUPPLY 2 cu. ft. ROGERS POTIING MIX ~# reg. '8.98 SALE 'S.98 ROGERS SOIL ACTIVATOR 12 # BANDINI 2-WAY 24 # 118.98 112.98 99.95 '7.95 BANDIN! 2-WAY 20# BANDIN! SUPER BLADE 40# 117.95 '6.95 BANDIN! SUPER BLADE 112.95 14 # PAX SUPER CRAB 8 oz. 112.49 114.95 '6.30 '9.80 '9.99 ORTHONEX a.1.98 '3. 70 16 oz. ORTHONEX '7.98 ORTHO SPRAYETIE •7.98 BANDIN! LAWN SPREADER '34.95 AMES® SHOVEL 113.99 AMES® HOE 112.99 AMES® FLEX. RAKE •10.29 WATERWANDS 99.98 85.98 '5.80 '25.00 89.99 '8.99 '7.99 '5.98 COLOR PRODUCTS· 10" RED CLAY POT REDWOOD CRATE 14" HANGING BASKET 113.50 '8.95 124.95 '14.95 '42.00 '29.00 POTfERY LG.MEXICAN PEDESTAL 22" MEXICAN LOW BOWL 10" RED CLAY POT 10" RED CLAY SAUCER 12" REOWOOO PYRAMID BASKET 2" x6' 114.50 122.00 '4.70 13.00 '8.40 '7.50 '8.98 '2.99 11.75 REDWOOD STAKE •3.60 '6.98 '2.80 '8.50 '8.98 14" MOSSED RD.BASKET •14.00 20" BAIL HANGER W/00. •15.50 Pnce1 ettee1 Ive tll1u l'et> U and 1ut>jeel lo quenl· 4' 111 .. on nenO 2A MOST BEAUTIFUL GARDEN CENTER Open 9 to 5 dolly • Son Joaquin Hiiia Rood ot MooArthur Blvd • A01011 from Foahton Island In Newport Beoch NURSERY • INDOOR PLANTS • FLORIST • LANDSCAPING • PATIO FURNITURE • ANTIQUES • > ......... *'- ~I ) ~p ,, "' ti, ". '' II 1• ,.,, it I 11' 1, ~ . ., ,, Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOTfTuHday, February 9, 1982 Nuclear plant not public playground ln Southern Callfom.la'-it ls axiomatic that notnlpg concerning A. nuclear power, or B . beach access, will go smoothly. The latest example is Southern California Edlaon11 dispute with the California Coastal Commission on the question of limiting public access to beaches in front of its newly expanded, $3.3 billion San Onofre generating station, three miles south of San Clemente. In quick succession, about a week ago, the utility filed a. lawsuit in U.S. District Court in San Diego against the state panel, and proceeded to build a fence on the beach in front of the plant Edison sa \'S t ht• fen rt· "a!'- allowed under provisions of its construction permit granted l>~· the Coastal Commission in tht• .1970s Furthe rmore. the plant 1s located on federal land on.>r which. Edison believe~. th<.' commission ha!-. no authonl\ The commission , never Home loans The U. S Supreme Court finally has agreed to hear California's plea whether home loans by federally c hartered s avings and loans can be .assumed by a new buyer of the home At stake are millions o f dollars in home equities on thl' Orange Coast alone. But the court won ·t hear arguments until the fall and a decision is not expected until the spring of 1983, at which time value of the equities in question w1 II be even higher Appropriately. the case to be heard involves a Huntington Beach house and Fide lit v Pederal Savings. which sought to foreclose on the property when Reginald and Margaret de la C uesta declined to pay th~ outstanding mortgage 1or trust deed> balance A trial judge backed the Fidelity position. while the slate Court of Appeal ruled in behalf of the couple. Now the nation·s highest court will hear the casP F e deral regulation s bat:k requiring a new loan State· chartered sa vmgs and loans cannot block a loan a s s u m pl i o n u n d c r CJ " t a t l' willina to yield control of anylhini havtna to do with the coast. dlsngl'et's It contends lhe f e n c t' w o u I d 1· l' q u i r e a n amendment to the Ol'l1?1n al "ermit. Without a waiting lor Cinal commission approval or ~isapproval, Edison simply erected the fence. At the same time, however. it offered the 1tate about $3 million for park development lf the commission withdrew objections to the fence. It might have been more reasonable lor Edison to have awaited final commission action next week in Santa Barbara before proceeding with either the lawsuit or the fence building. But with the plant now within weeks of receiving a low-power test license for its new unit, the anxiety to keep t he public at arm 's length is more or less understandable. Now. presumably. it will be up to the court to decide if the utility was within its rights to restrict public access to the beach in this case. Meanwhile, the fence will remain. • in limbo Supreme Court ruling in 1978 known as We llenkamp. But even that ruling is under attack. Legislation 'is pending in Congress that would allow any institution state or federal to demand repayment or the loan w hen the property c hanges hands We try not lo exaggerate. but in th e present market circumstances passage of such legislation might mark the end of ho m e resales on the Orange Coast and across the country. Much has been written about young people not being able to buy homes because of high interest rates. But passage of the legislation also might. in effect. lock many people into their homes and prevent them from moving into larger or s maller homes or to other areas. We have s upported the concept of home loan assumptions and welcome the high court·s acceptance of the case But we wis h home owners along the coast with federall y charter ed loans didn't have to wait another year to find out what will happen 'Smile' catches a frown Pacific Southwest Airlines. which uses the slogan "Catch Our Smile", is catching an expression from Orange County Supervisor Thomas Riley. Only it's a frown. It appears thul R1h.•\ I" not µleased with PS:\. "h11·h operates two rl1~hts clath I rom .John Wa~·nc A11 pol"t . hl·l·,1uw certain of its adH•rt1!>mg in<·l11clt•s the fa cil1t \· s former namt·. Orange Cmlnt~· Airport It """ Riley who suc·rcssfull~ propo,1·d that the airport he• 1·l·nam<'d I 11 honor th<' latC' art111 The supervisor has sent two letters to PSA since October to complain about the Orange County Airport references. Riley initially wa s disturbed by advertising placards affixed to Orange County Transit District buses, and a large billboard m north Santa Ana. · The trans it distri ct advertising campaign ended in November. and the billboard came down -only to reappear in • the Santa Fe S prings a rea. alongside the Santa An a Freeway. If an~·th1ng. Rik.' <11 ... pla.' t•d his disµlcasurt' in hi s most n·<·l•nl lt>tter to PS:\ on•r tht• ;.irln•rt1sing 1 " " u C' F o r t h t• 1 r p a rt . PS .\ officials sct·m .i hit pc·rpll''-=l'rl h\ t ht• supl'rnso1 ·._ "' :in<'l' Ont• --11~gestccl th.11 Rilt·' ''"" h<.•1111:! ;int a,IWnt!'-t I(' Which may be true. Riley has been less than enthusiastic about PSA since it mounted a legal challenge to his plan to regulate which commercial air carriers serve the airport. It's pretty much boiled down to a Ril~ versus PSA issue. A spokesman for the airline says the offending billboard will be repainted within the next 30 days. That should put the matter to rest at least we hope so. John Wa y ne Airport 1s confronted with far more pressing problems than what to call it. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Piiot. Other views ex- pressed on tn1s page are those ot 1ne1r autnors and artists Reader comment 1s 1nv1t ed Address The Daily Pilot. P 0 Bo• l~O. Costa M esa. CA 92626 Phone (71'1 ,f,42·432l. L.M. Boyd/ Prairie dogs Ranch pilots say they can spot prairie doa villages from the air. The llttle animals clear off sb.nlba for 30 or •O yards around their dens so predaton t.bat want to sneak up on them can't find cover. lo Sumo wrestling, you 108e, lf any ORANGE COAST D~ilJPilot part of you other than the soles of your feet touch the mat. If you're reasonably active, you lose about 1 percent of your a\.ren,ih every year after age 25. So contends a University of Florida physical education professor. Thomas P. Haley Pub II sher T_~s~. MufPl'ln• Editor BartNtra Krelblch EdltorJ•I P•g• Editor . .. ·~-------..... ~~"""'6< ... ~ ............ ~~~~~,._~_,...,,..,.. .. lm'!~!ill"~~~lllll!lmlll!~ ..... ~ ... . '· Soviets eye Antarctic riches WASHING TON -In a development that gives literal meaning to the phnse ·'cold war,'· President Reagan's intelligence advisua have warned UaaL the Soviet Union may take the top position at the bottom of ~he world. A classified report, now under review by the National Security Counc~, w~ that the United States is in danger et losing its leading role at the Squtfl Poli -just when decades of lnv~mell\.... might begin to pay off. • IF THE United States loses its • foothold in Antarctica by default. 'it would be a historical irony -a reversal of the way we acquired Alaska in 186'7 from 1 Russian government that couldn't see the potential value of tbat inhospitable icebox. In 1959, the 12 nations with interest in Antarctica signed a treaty \hat suspended territorial claims for 30 years and reserved t.he contiJ\ent for peaceful research. The treaty has been observed scrupulously ever since - probably because no nation tbougtu a scientific laboratory in the world's most hosti-le environment was worth quarreling over. · But that attitude has changed no~. ln recent years, the scientific ....e.irch ,.,. moall)' by AJnericau and· -...iana' acting independently -has ~al~ _ that there's a lot more to Ant.rctka than penguins and paralyzing cold. The continent could be another Alaska in the value of its natural resources. For example, Antarctica has been foutu\ to have huge beds of krill. a shrimplike species that may well be the world's richest marine protein resource an important copsideration for a country like the Soviet Uqion, whose agrkulture routinely fails to meet the de.,,ands of its hute population. .\J,\tarctica also l$ known to have oil under allUijll ice; some experts suspect .... . J!111111191 ls ho mqr~ than Alaska. And scientific stucl{es indicate that minerals are abundant. 1'fy associate Dale Van Atta, just back from a personal inspection or Antarctica, has seen top-secret CIA and National Security Agency reports and an exhaustive review by a 14-agency Antarctic Polley Group. These docaments note that lhe Soviet presence on the frozen continent bu increased gruOy in recent years. The Russians now have eight bases in Antarctica to our four.ft-. tbouah t.be U.S. scientists• .ar sdtt ~•ad••af" rtre Soviets in -r~arch. · Part ot the 0.S-preeminenee is due to the Amttndsen.Scott South Pole Station. the Amecican base lbat sits right on the s pot where six nations' territorial . claims meet But the policy group expressed concern that the U.S. presence will diminish, despite the longstaJ1dtng presidential order that the United States will maintain an "active and influential presence" in Antarctica. "CONTINUING DECLINE of the U.S. presence and level or effort in Antarctica will force the abandonment of the prestigious South Pole station to probable occupation by the U.S.S.R .. " the group has warned. The ease with which the Russians could take over the South Pole if we abandon it was made clear in February 1981, when a Soviet aircraft -an IL-14 equipped with skis -flew 12 Soviet scientists from their base at Druzhnaya and landed at the U.S. base. This and other developments, the policy group warned, may have given the Russians a new "mobility , flexibility and reach .. One confidential document said that the U.S. program·s budget is already .. dangerously close to a level that will force a choice between a mere presence and a low.visibility but quality research program.' ShouJd the United States be reduced to a "mere prese.oce," the advisers warned, tt wouJd forfeit J"5 Ua1Jue11u.J role ln "determibing Ufe political and economic future of this continent, its surrounding oceans and its continental shelf." The vacuum would be filled. no doubt, by the Soviet Union. Why not giVe states defense, too? You've probably been wondering what the phrase "the new Federalism" means. Everyone·s talking and writing about it. The way I figure is that it means pretty soon now we won 't be paying too mu ch 1n taxes to the federal government in Washington, we·u be pay ing too much in taxes to the government ln our state capitals. The wholE! problem of how best to waste our tax money will be turned over to state government. We needed a change and President Reagan is giving it to us He's giving it to us good. The question now is. has he gone far enough? IF THE PRESIDENT really wants lo reduce the bureaucracy in Washincton and cul taxes, why doesn't he atart with the most bureaucratic, tax·spending government department of them all the Defense Department~ Why =·i be turn over to the states \be res bilU)' for their own defenH~ jnst •• he proposes to tum ovei-welfare ~ams to them? If it's good eno\&O IOI' food stamps, why isn't it good eQO&tgb for defense? " , The Def@se Department carrenOy spends about 30 percent of evel')' 'IQIJar we pay in taxes. At the Pent.a.,.. .. they set the high bure.aucraUc a~that other government agencies can only hope to achieve If the President closed down the Pentagon and turned over defense problems to the individual states, he could cul taxes practically in I~'' -11-Dl'-iD-·ili-fY_ ...... §t hair and biilance the budget aJmost immediately: As I see it, it would be a lrade-0ff comparable lo the one the President proposes when he says the federal government will take over Medicaid if the states take over Welfare. The SO states would each handle their own defense by forming their own Army, Navy and Air Force. The federal government, for its part of the bargain, would take on the responsibility ror the horse racing, numbers, and lotteries programs now b~ing run by many states. As I see it, there would be about as many advantages to the people of this country in having each state defend itself as there are in the states taking over in the areas Mr. Reagan suggests. An example that comes to mind is KeeP t~e-~f ounders ~: at-eam Thoughts at Larte~ -Ameri~a must rilmain the one country in U.. world wbwe everyone can flee to when be feelt bls has become intolerable, or lt loses the largest part of. the dream or its founders. -Film actresses now do on the IYlllY IARlll screen t.be Wpcs they used toJSo off.the screen ln order to ge\ on Uic ac~ -Falth, H they sly, ii boWlnt there ls an ocean becauM f~ b•ve H~n a brook; blind faith la blUe~ wlat JOU have been told about tJte timel ol lbe tide in uaat ocean. -or all modern 1taU1Uc1, tbe naUonal 1ukide rate 19'ma to me the moat aroul)' unrellablt, almply con1lderin1 the num* of one.car fatalities thal al'e unaccoun\ed for. -Presidents require two terni• becauae they bav. to ~ tbt aecood rour years trJln ~ ~a.uver on the # what would happen in case the Russians decided to declare war on us The Russians would have to decide which states they wanted to fight, and they probably don't even know the names of all 50 states. Inevitabl y, there would be a migration of people from the States that provided the least protection in time of war to those stales which have consistently provided heller service to their citizens. Alabama, Georgia and Tenoessee spend a little more than half as much per citizen on education as such states as California, Michigan or Oregon. for example. Their defense outlays might be expected to be comparable. If a state legislature voted against raising the taxes it would need to buy its own battleship, its own fighter planes and its own nuclear warheads. that would be its own problem. The federal government has coddted some states long enough. THE SUGGESTION has been made that the bus companies may get rich under the President's plan because poor people will be leav1ng some s lates in droves and going to others where the welfare payments are better. The situation could gel worse if people started leaving the states with inadequate defenses to go live in states with good armies, navies and air forces. If this happened, the answer would simply be more new Federalism. Tum over the Customs Bureau to the states and let them control their owo immi1raUon rates. If Montana didn't want a lot of people from Kentuckyf for example, it mlght establish a quot.a as low as 35. Each state would have its own border police to prevent illegal entry from adjacent states. Finally, when the new Federalism program Is complete, we mJCht rewrite the preamble to .the Constitution. It would begln, "We, the People ol the Untted States, ln order to form a mote imperfect union . . •• Re tbe IRS declalon to offer tax pnparatloD belp only to \.bl bllDd, the illiterate and members ol eoa,,..: /.n they tryhlf to tell UI tolDltblq! WORB.JBD .. i I t ~·---·-------------- Orange Cout DAILY PtLOT/Tuesday, February 9, 1982 How-to · books hurting video games cash take ·~· .,. .......... NJ:fi YORK (AP) -Tbtre'1 trouble lD Vldeo Game Ctty -code books. Memorise tM maQual ud Yff'll tet houn ot plartn• time fot juat one quarter. More IDd IDOi'• Yid.o butfl bave beH tnb•n1lnt tecllnlqut1 for patten pla;111, .1tadln1 arcade ownen, wbo P'OIHd u estlmat.ct S5 bUll90 tut ,,ar, to the ed1e of f1nalldal bnftlpac.. Now the OWQer1 faee a new pro)>lem -a 1rowln1 number of beat·tellinf paperbacks by vldeo ••me wilU'dl that aervt u bow·to manuals. "Of courae lt '• 1oln1 to hurt butlneH," uld Irvln1 Tauve, co-owner of Mancbeater llualc, a New Hampsb.ire comp&Qy that owns about 'JOO video 1amea. "The loqer a pel'IOG plays oo a quarter the leas quarters I 1et." There are at leut nve paperbacu on *he market: Sirnet'• "Mutertq Pac·llan" by blaclrjack expert Ken Uston; Bantam'• "How To Muter the Video Games," Pocket Boob' "How to Win ,t Pae-Man," Slmoa • Scbuster's "Ho" to Beat the Video Game•" and Warner Book1' "Scorin.g Btc at Pac-Man." Tbe boob ranie ln price from •us to $3.95. "Theoretically, you could have • user,'s manual for each of these games," Uat.on said,. , SPOIL &PORTS -Arcade owners take a dark view of manuals on how to play video games a long time on a single quarter, thus . hitting the management where it hurts - in the profits. The origlnal preaa run on Uston'a book was 500,000, and accordin1 to Signet spokeswoman Fem Leiber . EdiBon, store orders before the book was released required printin1 of another 2!50,000 copies. Aller two COWNl- FLOWERS 21M ICMICtl Herbot BM!. AnaNffn,CA 750-0451 Fountain Valley DAVE'S FLOWERS of Fountain V•lley 18079 Harbor Blvd. Fount81n Valley 839-1010 SERVING COSTA mlA • lllMNE NEWPORT MACM CORONA-Del. MAR HUNTINGTON MACH FOUNTAIN YALUY Hal Mm, NY ••w·PIDa ... Jjl4ilffi 2640 Harbor Blvd., Com MeH '<Hil(fKS. "Alway1 the Season1 l'btar FLOWEIU ~If.NITS ~ACCISIOIUlS 2913 HARBOR BOULEYM: COSTA MESA, CA nS2I weeka ln bookitorea, Uaton'1 book bu climbed to No. 5 on B. Dalton'• mus market best-1eller list. Bantam '1 entry, written by 11 -year -old New Yorker Tom HlracbteJd, baa sold about &50,000 copies and recently appeared on The New York Tlmea man-market paperback list. Pac.Man bas received so much literary attention because it Jenda itaelf to more thorou1b analysla than attack Jbd reflex 1ames. Uaton said maie 1ames like Pac-Man require "the most skill, about 90 percent, and only 10 percent hand-and-eye coordination." Attack 1ames ranee from 90 percent hand-and-eye coordination to ~so. be added. Uston turned bis attention to Pac-Man ~hile awaiting the outcome of court appeala on his banishment from casinos in Atlantic City. He la an expert blackjack "count.er" who can calculate the chances of a hlth or low card tumiDJ up after se.eral decks of cards have been played. Ustoo's book is the moat elaborate on Pac-Mao, still one of the most popular of all arcade games. He provides diagrams of patterns for the original arcade games, gives advice . on how to handle new pro1rams and tips on how to play the various table models, some of which look, sound and play like the larger arcade versions. "The manufacturers are so worried that everyone's going to master these games," said Uston . during an interview conducted recently over a Pac-Man board at a Broadway arcade. R ·-EMJNDER "But look, I juat meaaed up," he said u h.l.s Pac·Man wu cau1ht by a purauln1 monster. Until he waa dlatra_~ by 1_u.o.w.d wblch. bad 110\erect around hla board, be had effortlessly reached a score Jn excess of 50,000. Novlcea have to scramble to 1et ~.ooo. Uaton, who It wrltln1 a secood book on arcade games, doesn't consider hlm1etr an expert al ~~ jual;...at an.al)tcln1 -At recent arcad• party held to promote Coleco'• new line of portable, self-contained 1amell. lncludlna Pac-Man. SHUnERS CUSTOM QUAµTY SHUnERS Designed, Finished Installed ~ 28 Years Experience Manufacturing Quality Shutters FINEST QUALITY SHUTTERS AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET TODAY •.. AT FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! can (714) 548-6841.or 548-1717 HElllWOOD MAMUFACTOIY 19n Placentia Avenue • Costa Mesa. CA '1262:1 Order Hrty 1 Avoid DtMppolntment hi ow aw-4-wl ..... floww .. A 11FLOWERS BY DEBRA"W. '1100 '!:?~ FLOWERS 1215 Baker Costa Mesa 556-7870 6013Warner Huntington Beach 847-3212 It .... fw y ....... Dey, _. fw ... ..-chil 4.r. ~ ... tfiie flMtt: I OOO't of htll at flowen. Ntn, caM111-. ......._ ....... _.to_, ....i We Ml .---------._., ......_ pricn -4~,.t .. ...._w ... , ... .... _ .......... (71 4) 7S1-470S 0,.. Vukallau 0., 'tll 7 P.M. 'LEE'S FLOWERS . 714-540-3135 5711 WMbnln•r Ave • ._ _________ _ WMbilMater .MILE SQUARE ..._ __ 191_-2S1it ___ ... FLORIST _______ _.,.. 11$1tllroolduwl9t. IO'YoDhc...t on IOC81 orders pieced by Fet>ruaty 11. Phone Orders aooected !Visa/MC eocepted) L&'SA.owas Founl8ln Yeley 839-5200 ..._ __ n_•-_25_69 _ _... SEA CLIFF Huntington Beach Ct • DAVE'S FLOWERS of Hunllll...-.. ech 8861 Adams Huntington Beach 964 3718 'FIFTH A .AVENUEW' FLORIST ....... ............. 842-069.6 FLORIST 2119 Main St. Huntington Beach 536-0707 •i WEST PARK FLORIST 14740 lem:ll~d. • W1i11 I 1t11, Ca. 897-7710 HERITAGE . FLORIST 1~74 Culver Or. Ste 0 . JI.Cl BIRCH STREE 1601 Newport at.cl... C.M. 641-00fJ N~WrottT BEACH, CA 92660 Order~ This Is the week to expres.s your love with the FTD* ~11:> U llo~~M llouquet • Daisies for lasdng friendship. Camottons for romance . And a beouttful FTD Heart ~n to treasure throughout th9 year. • All In on e>eluslve Gkm ff.art Dish by FTD.• Generally ovolloble for less than $18.5().•• · Or ask your FTD florfst about the •>«:luslve Gloss Heart.Bud Vose. Generally avolloble for les.s thcin $12.5().•• Because flYefY ~lenttne deserves ftowers . t ""4 ..... ~··~"='=-~-=~=-=-i:t .. ~.=.r--==t~~ed~i:~,.~ (lrvtn. Ranch Mkt.,shoppf"9 center> 646-4479 JERI'S FLORISTS CALL 962-9990 18512 Beach Blvd. Hu~nBeach Credit Cards Accepted By Phone HUNTINGTON BEACH FLOWER ·MARKET 17955 fteach Blvd. -(otTalbert) Huntington Beach 847-9614 WESTMINSlER I MEMOIUAL PARK R.OllST :·e · 1415 I hach llYd. WntwMster 893-4552 AllPOIT ROIUST J .... s.e.u.A .... . ,..... ... . 55~1744 . .· ALICIA'S llLOWllS• e.'rS 1111 c:. ...... w., ..... ._ ... c. • ................... Mt...-1 ..... IJJ.1113 . . Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tuetday, February 9, 1982 . World War I f lying/ace re~alls the glorY,,Gftltl fear., of.air fiittlia ~ PALM BEACH, Fla. <AP> -.. The secret was to aet on t.op were deltroyed In a fire re.rt combat. before he had scored L .....-:~~~--it wtt .. clear day early-tn-191'1 -so-you h-ad tbe-td-vantate. irgo, bat-he-stttl trarhts-tunk, · hts first ''idtt." The Sopwith Camel waa crulaing Richthofen generally flew at helmet, ao111les and Ule mo1t "lt wu close. I turned and ! AP ...... MEMORIES OF WAR -Donald Paton, 82, So~with Camel pilot in the first World War, has vivid memories of fierce air combat over Europe's battlefields. He had 11 confirmed "kills" and two probables. ORANGE COUNTY'S •LARGEST * VJDEO *OUTLET • All NAME BRAtl>S DISCOUNTED RCA -SANYO -GE MGA -JVC -SONY QUASAR -HITACHI PANASONIC -ETC. ••NEVER •• UNDERSOLD •EXAMPLE • Panasonic. Programmable Video Cassette Recorder ~~ ~ • 6 hours of recording • Progr9f'l one "on" and one "dtf" cycle for unattended recording • Electromc Cloek and Timer • Remote Pause/Edi! Control • Tape Counler with memory UMIOXEO IP£CIAL OFFEA : s499 •PORTABLE• VHS SYSTEMS INCLUDING CAMERA $988 v!~ RlghtS988 MOVIE CLUB RENTALS WIDE SCREEN HEADQUARTERS • MGA • ICA * GE =~ • Qmsar- .. at 14,000 feet, In search of enemy about 17,000 feet, and when he treasured garment of those war '!law th1a German comln1 after fl1htera behind German lines spotted an unauspeclin1 Brttlah pilots of yesteryear -the white. me. I went into a dive and be near Arraa, France. or Canadian plane, he aod part silk acarf. followed me down. Suddenly, I The pilot, sllk scarf snapplng of bis cover would awoop down "It kept you warm, but It wu swun1 to the right and he In t he sllpatream , hunched and knock them out of the sky." a lso a badae of honor," he says. whlued past me. his guns 1oin1 forward, scannln1 the sllles The London-born Paton Most of the ptlots, Paton adds, where I would have been." between bis twin Vickers vividly recalls the 21Aa years he had the scarves specJal·ordered Aerial combat was In close machine 1una. Suddenly, servedasafl1hterpllotwlth the ·trom 8 fine haberdashery ln encounter, he says. Planes fired headin& north across hls path he Royal Flying ~orps ln E~rope. London. at each other wh.ile only feet saw the famous bri1ht red At 82, records indicate he a the apart. "You'd get in the middle German Fokker. youngest living World War I ace "There was a spirit or nobility of a d_QA(lght and discover -Its ptlot -Manfred vorr ---a-title-fll'fit given In that war a.m.ong pilot$. 10 those dq1-It. severalof the enemy swanning Richthofen, the Red Baron! to pilots who destroyed at least was a gentlemen's war in the air around you " "If he didn't have his fiveenemyalrcraft and dogfights were a sort of Paton became a double ace, h duel." 'umbrella' with him, I'd have Paton says he saw t e Red totaling 13 kills -11 confirmed attacked him " remembers Baron again a rew months later The famed Sopwith biplane, and two probable D ld P ' f h d · U dlt' says Paton, was tricky. "It was O!l a . a ton . one o . t e un,, er s1m ar con ions . . If h d He was awarded several dwindling number of living Both limes he was about very sensitive. you a 8 m .. d a 15 1 nc 1ud 1· n,. the W td W I fl · I th 'I A f clumsy fist, you woUldn't make ,.. "' or ar ymg aces. " went ree m1 es away. ny o ~ a good pilot in the Camel." lhstingutShed 1''1ying Cross. after him, but didn't get close would have risked almost enough to fire. With the cover be anything for a chance t.o bring With 71h hours in the 110 bad, it would have been foolish down Richthofen " mile-an-hour Came}, be was sent to stay there." Still strikingly handsome with to the front as a lieutenant. He The Red Baron's 'umbrella,' gray hair and a thin mustache, was hlter promoted to captain Paton explains, was an escort or Paton lives a quiet life in and made flight commander of a 40-50 German fighters that retireme nt with his wift', groupofsevenplanes. always accompanied him on Shelagh. Paton remembers when he patrol. Man of his war momentoes first experienced fe ar in ,' . .. ' . : ·' .. After the war. Paton went to South Africa , where he was Involved with experimental agriculture until 1926 He then moved to the United States and became general manager of five plush New York City hotels. He retired in 1970 II \ • ... Dally Piiat TUESDAY, FEB. 9, 1982 CA VALCA DE BUSI NESS TELEVISION 82 83-4 8 7 A 50-y ear-old manual .i sn't ideal for getting modern-day. advice. See Ann Landers B2 . D 0 Man's concern aids bald eagle in hunt · for wintertillle meal SKAGIT COL1NTY. Wash Rud Bullt•r 1s a bird watcher a eanng bird watc·her . 'Buller SJ)('nds countless hours watching b:.ild eagles and other winged s pN·1es of the Pacific Nor t h w<•st area of Washington state ft•ed upon fish he grac1ousl~· provide" He patwntlv dnv<.•s his old beatup \'olks\\agen ttlong tht• snow~· b;rnks of Skagit Count~ l'l\'t•rs and wht•n he spots a hkel~ ft•t•dini! spot stops Rullt•r unloads fish he has let tha'' o\t•rn1ght. pla('(•s thl'm on rot·h along th<• nvcr and then dnvC's off But the.• rc•t 11·t·d man and admittC'd natun• lO\'t•r <lot'sn'I motor far Ii<' parks his C'i.lr 1n tt spot that won't cl1straet th<.' l'aglt•s and using his \'t.'h1ell' as a hhnd sits and wa1h Thl' wait usual!~ isn't long ThL• bald eaglt.• t'ommon to thl' an•<.1 hut hampt•n•d h~ \\'tntcr weather 111 its hunt for food . sp1t•s the fish ;.rnd !'>\\t'l'p:-. in to makl• a · <·a teh .. T ht• sight 1s rC'\\ard t•nough for Ruller And orcas1onallv thl' elder h mun ha:-to reallll' a mort' common bird suth as the <:l'O,, nr "Pi.ll'l'o\\ ma~ tr~ tor their share of fish UNLOADING FISH Bud Buller unloads frozen fish J mm front e nd of his car a long r iver In nor lh\\est art'a ol Washington state. Buller lets fish thaw d uring the night and ............. in the morning places them on rocks a lon g t he edge of nvcr for bald eaglt•s to feed upon. Thal dot'sn't happt•n often O nt• or mnn• bald eagl<.•s are usua ll~· statione d a<'rnss rivl'r to shoo i..l\\'i.l~ intruders F o r Bull l' l' such f ow 1 p 1 a' 1 s a mt• 11 o" an <t t.•ntl·rtainin~ ,,·a~ to pass a wink1"s da.\· EAGLE'S LANDING With wings spread. a ba ld eagle p repares to land and in doing so WATCtFUl EYE -An eagle rests on limb of a downed tree and watches other eagles reed on opposite side of river. Bald eagles come from attraC'lS att<.•ntion of eight other eagles and a Ion(• crow 1Id:1 at l'l\'t•rs1d<• lt•t•<h ng :-.tll' as far away as Alaska to feed on spawned fis h In Washington. · -' A fish story th!J,('s real SACRAMENTO <AP > -A fis herman angling for sturgeon ca u g ht a Volks wa ge n van inst ead after he hooked the vehicle with his line and reeled it in lo shore when it noated by in the Sacramento River. The van plunged into the river after it sailed off Highway 160, a levee road, at about 60 mph late Sunday. The driver, 48-year-0ld George Nicks, suffered severe facial cuts and was reported in fair cond itio n at Ka ise r Hospital. The cause of the crash was under investigation. Nicks. who climbed out of the van . r eac hed s h ore a fte r passers-by built a makeshift bridge with wooden pla nks ENJOYING THE VIEW Bud Ruller puffs on cigarette as ht• sits in his car a nd watches bald cugles feed He uses his ear as a blind to watch t he birds Highway Patrol offi cer Jim Koroush said witnesses reported that Nicks was driving north when he swerved off the right shoulder. overcorrect ed, then crossed the southbound lane, narrowly missing a car headed south. The van crashed into an irrigation pump tower. smashed through a wooden bridge and hit the water. Koroush said. FEEDING ON FISH -An adult bald eagle uses its wings for balance as it feeds on spawned fish at edge of rushing river. Snow-white head and tall feathers indicate an adult bird at least' 6 years old.· Bfrds With black and white feather s over large area of their bodies. such as eagle at right, are 3 to 4 years old . ----------...---·---'1 YI F °'1nge Coast DAILY PILOT/Tuesday. February 9. 1982 •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMBECK •HOROSCOPE Advice • ID 50-year-old manual out of date DEAR ANN LANDERS Several weeks ago a young man wrote to you saying he was consumed with sexual desires. but his moral teachings a nd social position in the commun1tv made it impossible for him to engage in sexual relations with a woman You advised him to satisfy those urges by h1mi.t•lf no partner involved . I remember reading ~omt'l hmg in m~· Boy Seoul manual SO ye<1n. ago under the heading of "self-gratification." !.o I looked it up in order to get the exact wording. lt s aid. "Any habit that causes sexual arousal and results in the consequences of throwing off the natural secretions of manhood will detract from the manliness of the person who engage;; 1n this h<.tbit ·· Now what do vou think" Can 1t h<.• that the great Ann Landers gave the wrong ud .. ·1('l'" ALBANY FAN DEAR AL: I think the sam•• as I a lways have. Now here's a question for you . If you wanted advice on what to do about cancer. h igh blood pres'iure or ALL HANDS ON DECK Officers Clnd crew of the British submarine HMS Courageous stand at attention as the big sub enters the San Diego Submarine base Navy officials dlabete~. or matters dealing with elect ronics, nuclear fission or aerodynamics, would you consult a book that was published 'SO y.-ars ago? Thanks ror writlru~. DEAR ANN Like: "8urga1n Ba~eml'llt BI ues I am look mg for a decent g1 rl I a lso want someone who ti1:1s compassion. a sense of humor and son\ethmg above the eyebrows The problem l met such a girl recentlv. but s he has confessed that s he 1~ no virgin in fact . she told me very opC'nly that she has had several lovers. Is it possible for a woman who has bl'en promiscuous to be a faithful wife" I am ambivalent. disturbed. torn and SEA HClll~G FOR TRL'TH I'.'/ WOIH'ESTER DEAR SEARCHING : Yes. it is possible. But the operativt• question is whetht>r you could forget her past and accept her as she is. Many a virgin bride has turned into the town tramp, while the girl with the purpl.- past settled down and became ·a good wire .,,.... ""',..., _ said the submarine is on an .. operational l'ru1se" and will be in San Diego until the end of lht• month Gemini position strong Wednesday, f'ebruar~· Ill ARIES (March 21 April 19 1 You can s uccessfully settle µraclitul 1\s ue!'> Domestic <1djustment 1s on agenda Focus also on dependents. employment and µcl!'> By utilizing quiet diplomacy you make significant gains Wha l now seems out of reach will soon become available• TAURUS !April 20-May 201 Emphasis on creativity, affairs of heart. childre n . s peculative ventures and the "'inning of contests. You·11 see people as they arc and could thwart efforts bv onr who would deceive you. Pisces. \'i.rgo natives fi gure prominently GEMI NI <Mav 21 -Junt> 201 \'our position is s tron'gcr than orig1nall~ an ti ci pa led . Persona I possess io n s. including property. require professional appraisals Relations hip intensifies and long-term agreements are part of scenario CANCER cJune 21 .July 221 Don't jump at first offer. See pictur(• as a whole. obtain long-range view Outline sales promotion. determine pulse of public and re p I ace t r.a d i ti on w i t h 1 n no ,. a l 1 v e procedures Relat1 ve relH•ves '1H1 of burden. Aries is m picture LEO <July 23·Aug. 22l New approach results in progre ss Highlight independence. originality and willingness to get to heart of matters. Focus also on money, personal possessions and ability to u se material at hand. Aquarius and another Leo figure prominently VIRGO <Aug. 23·Sept. 22> You're on POTSHOn BY ~SHLEIGH BRILLIANT . •l l ft WHV o() THE THINGS T'H.AT MAKE YOU FEEL S AFE SO OFTEN MAK£ ME FEEL THREATENED'? . . • HOIOSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA right lra<'k mone~ will tx• <1v;11lable plus moral s upport from fomtl~. loved ones Cancer. Capricorn. Aquarius Pl'rsons µla ) important roles. Timing, Judgment remain on target Gel tG heart of mi.llll'fS and do "'ear bright colors. U BRA 1 Sept 23-0ct 22 > What had hl•t•n CJ source of fear. doubt and irritation could no\\ hl' tram.formed into a definite a~set You II ha\'C access to material prev1ouslv restricted lfonzon~ expand. lines or ('O mmunication open and ~·011 participate in prest1g10us social affair SCORPIO l Oct. 23-Nov 21 >. Your counsel will be sought. prC'stigt~ rises and you make right m ove at right time Emphasis on friends. hopes. desires and profit from career. husine;;s or recent stock purchase. Another Scorpm figures m unusual scenario. SAGITTARI US 1 Nov 22 Dec 211 Open Imes of commun1cat1on with those in positions of authority Express views. preferably in writing Your requests will be granted. Know it and t akl' care with what you ask Be s ure you can cope with what you get. CAPRI COR N (Dec 22 Jan. 19 , Circumstances take turn m your favor suddenly people agree to your requests and are enthusiastic about your propos als :- concepts Domestic picture is more · harmonious, you'll have more money and love. AQUARIUS (Jan . 20·Feb. 18 1: Maintain independent stance especially in dealings with those who claim to know more about what s hould be done with your money. Insist on definition of terms. Dig deep for story behind story Pisces-. Virgo persons are In picture. Pl CES c Feb. 19-Merch 20l : Trim verbiage make meaning~ clear in direct fashion. Accent on ability to represent self in plausible. legally correct manner. Capracom native will become ally. You'll rebound Jrom apparent setback. Ultimate decision bringt; plea~ure . I a3d mother. As Barbara Walters says ... "Go know." DEAR ANN LANDERS· In regard to the 17-year-old who is confused because her 40-year-old aunt insisted. "There as no such thing as love ... I have this to offer q AllN LANDERS I was divorced at 23. widowed at 48 and am now married again to a fine man. I have been in love and I have been loved. but never have 1 been loved bv the man I was in love with. · I settled for home and family. security and companionship because there was nothing else. Love just never worked for me Rut J am not complaining l know what I have and I am satisfied I also know how much more I might have had 1f love had existed on both sides at the same lime will see themselves in m) column today'! Millions, you can be surt'. Thost> or you who are loved by the ones you love are indeed the luckies t people in the world. Take care of il. It's precious. CONFIDENTIAL to Nel•d tlw Hight Words· Borrow a re~ from DISl'i.Jl'h Nt.•\t To love and be loved is the richest of all blessmgs. Deep down I will always reel I misse.d out on the mos t magical experience of humankind WISH IT COULD HAVE BEEN FOR ME to knowing when to se1zl' an oµporlunil' the most important thing m life 1s to krw\\ when to forgo an ~vanta~e Drugs'' /low much 1s tuo nwd(' /!.. pot CJK ' Is c:ocame too much·' If you re un dopt' 11r cons1dermg 11. get Ann Laru1Rrs new bouklel DEAR WISH: I wonder how many married people <men as well as women> ·The Lowdown 011 Dope ·· For earl1 hook/et ordered. send $2 f~J plus a long. self addressed. stamped envelope t 37 cents postaqe 1 111 A11n Landers. P 0 Bn.r 11995. Ch1cag11 Ill lillfil 1 Weathering I'm a worrier. Especial!~ when the '-'Cather is bad and I'm housebound. • EIMA BOMBECK AT WIT'S END Like. where are the Nielsen families and why do they watch all the s hows I turn off" They're the most well -kept secret s ince Judge Crater. !'lot only have I never seen a Nielsen family. I have never known anvone who has ever seen a Nielsen familv or· even fi!Olten a Christmas newslette·r from them In m v mmd. I visualize them as a family of pale. hollow-eyed TV Junkies where the "Daddv" carne!-. the• TV knob a round · in his pocket. .. Daddy" likes women with good posture. a good car chase. and has seen more Bowls than the latrine officer at Ft. Dix. 1s going to confusl· lhl' ans\\ t·r of sex education exper ts like m' -.C'lf "ho said. ·You com e from Ohio . ., MY ULTIMATE AIM m life 1s to be offered a television series called "The :'\11elsen Family" so I could turn them off. I suppose I'm borrowmg troubk. hul where 1s our vice pres1dl'nt . Gt·orgt• Whatshisname·• I haven't sel'n hide· nor hair of the man si nee h t• at tc•ndc·ct u wedding or was it a funl'ral ' '.\lo. I remember now. it was tht· inauguration Some ~ay he's keeping a low 1trof1I<• Sandra Dee keeps a low profile And where is Mrs. Tucker·s Inn·) Mv hus band and J have been looking for a whipped cream experience in some little lodge oH a country road for a long time. It has to be the onlv restaurant in the world with an unlisted phone number He wa~ a n1ce-look1ng man . i..IS I remember him . and spoke well ot hi-. 1oh I certainly hope he's a ll nght I'll be glad when spnnJ? come<, I \\Ol'I'\ less m the spring. And what in the world do all those a nchorpersons do with those papers they s hufne around all the time·' Dan Rather ~tides his one at a time to a faceless person off camera. J essica Savitch marks things on hers John Chancellor straighten§ his hke he's putting them back in a ream. and Roger Mudd folds his and takes them with him when he goes The news 1s on a teleprompter. so how t·om(• they fiddle \\ ith all those s heets of papl'r" of Laguna Beach AND WHAT'S GOING to hapJ>('n to the test-tube babies when they grow up and tisk the time-honored question. "Where did I come from·"· Have you any idea how that "I'd like • r.iae to get out ol 'alw•ys·bein&· brokenomica. • " GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHAAIF · Both vulnerable. Nort.h de ala: NORTH •A9U "'Q9051 0 12 • J 5 WEST EAST +85Z •K& c:::i K 103% c:::i J7 O IUO• O J965 •A 107 • 98432 SOUTH • QJ107 c:::i A8 o AQ83 •&Qt The bidding: Nortll Eut SHOI Wut p ... r ... l NT Pua 2. , ... 2 . , ... s. , ... '. , ... , ... , ... Openinr lead: Two of •. Plan the play of the hand before you commit yourself to lhe first trick. By doing so. you might be able to emulate what today's declarer had to do to land his four spadt' game. Art.er his parlner opened one no trump. North used Lht' Slayman Convention lo pro be for a 4-4 major fit. He then invited game by raising his partner's major. Since South could hardly have more for hia opening. he accepted with alacrit.y. • West led a trump and. when dummy came down. declarer realized lhal he was in danger of losing a trick in each auit. Since he could not afford to have East win the fint trick and ahlft to a dla· mond. declarer cbOM to give up OD \be trull)p finesse. He rose wltb the ace, and took care to play the ten from hia hand. Since h• wanted to ret rid of dummJ'a diamond. the jadt of dub1 waa led ·at trick two. WHt won the ace and reverted to a trump. Ded&Nr dropped the jack under tut'• k.inJ. preaerv· lnr the •ve.n. Eut mact. the expected ahift to a diamond, but deelater ,_. with the ace, euhed th• ldor.qu"n of clube, dlacardlnr dummy'• rernaJnlns diamond, and now • had to go about selling up dummy's hearts. He led ace and another heart. West won the-lung and cleverly continued with a low diamond. However. declarer did not have to risk running this to his queen. He ruffed in dummy. ruffed a low heart with lhe queen of trumps LO set up the suit. and could now cash in on his earlier unblock· ang plays an the tr ump suit. Dt'clarer was ablt' lo cross to dummy witb t.he seven or trumps t.o the nine. Thal drew the last trump and al the same time provided the • entry to the board to cash the Jong hearts and bring heme a welt-played contract. R11bb•r brl•1• claba UtN-.M•& tM eHllt.r)' ate &Ji. r...r-4eal brMlc-, ..... t.. o. &.Iller bew -•&Wilt,. .. •••'tT Cllarl•• Oerea '• "f••r·Deal 8ri41•" wm t.ecb ,... di. '" ........ ... &Mdte ., ..... ........ .. ...... tk& ... .W.1&.M can.., ....... n1W.we. , ..... , .......... . .... H .'15 i. "'Geft .. r._. o...... ~.,. •. . .... .. ,,.,.,_,P.O. ht tH, NenreM, N.I. 01M8. Make cMelr• p&JUM t. N•w .. ,.,."'9eb. [ \ n " rl II ' I l . I I I Long service rewaf.ded Huntington resident !uJnored fo r 40 years with firm By PHIL SNEIDl!:RMAN °' .. ~ ........ Terence Doyle deacrlbes himaelf u a man who ju1t didn't know when to qult. The 62·year-old Huntington Beach resldenl wu honored recently by the Federal Envelope Division of Champion International Corp. for 40 years of service with the company. Doyle worked his way up from envelope machine adjuster to production manager at the farm's Seattle plant He was transferred to Southern California three years ago to help the company open a new facility in Santa Fe Sprin1s. Though he's officially retired, Doyle said the company may be calling him back as a part-time consultant. Doyle says be owes his four decades In the envelope making business to his early interest in professional roller skating. In 1941 , he was an apprentice ma c hinist with another company, performing at roller rinks in his spare time. A fellow s kater who worked for the envelope company suggested Doyle also apply. Soon after he was hared, World War II intruded. A Canadian native, Doyle attempted to enlist HONORED -Terence Doyle. 62, has been honored by Federal Envelope Division of Champion International Corp for 40 years of service. in the U.S. Navy. He was turned down because he was not a U.S citizen Yet in Jan 1942, be was drafted by the us. Army. R eaumina his wotk •l the pla.nt after his mllltary t.our, Doyle witnessed many cbanics Ln the industry. , "We used to have a tremendous number of people making envelopes by hand when I first started." he recalls. "Now, that's been virtually ehminated. ·'The machines used to produce 3,000 envelopes an hour when I started. Now they put out 50,000 an hour." Doyle oys there Is much more emphasis on plant safety today than during his early years on the job, when workers sometimes lost a finger in the machinery. The Huntington Beach man dad some traveling to Aus\raUa and South America for the company, and he plans to use his retirement years for more traveling with his wife Lois. He's especially anxious to return to New Zealand, another place he vis1ted on business Doyle says he's keeping busy bicycling along the beach, swimmi ng , playing the accordaan and keeping up his stamp collection. ''I'm even thinking of getting a surfboard," he says California home resale 'v olume registers first big increase LOS ANGELES <BW > - California home resale volume in December registered the first increase in s ix months , the Ca lifornia Association of Realtors has reported. The December statewide seasonally adjusted annual sales rate of 291,218 units represents an increase of 14 l percent above November. However, the year -to-year co mpari so n o f resale transactions shows a 41 percent decrease in resale volume from December 1980 "With the more than 200 basis point decline an m o rtgage interest rates in November. activity in the resale market had begun lo improve," said Seb Sterpa, C.A.R. president. 1"However, the increase in Interest rates over the past two months may have arrested any recovery. Without a reversal or this recent trend and more sign ifi ca nt interest rate declines, activity will continue to be severely restricted · H not resolved, the inherent conflict bet ween government a nd private sector credit demands will fu rther limit the extent to which any home resale volu m e increase can be s ustained during the r1rst quarter or 1982, reallor!> caution The statewide median sales price increased a margmal 0.2 percent to $102.791 an December. According to the realtor's associatio n . prices were appreciating at a rate or 5.2 percent on a 12-montb basis. the second lowest annualized rate of appreciation to 1981 "The magnitude or the current economic downturn and resulting weakness in the bouain1 markets will continue to constrain price increases." said J oel Singer, C.A.R director or p l a nning , r esearch and economics The median time on the market of existing smgle-family homcs sold during December was roughly 74.5 days, an 1 n c rcasc or 3 9 days from November. The inventory index or unsold homes declined to 20.5 months , a decrease of 3.8 months from the November 1981 mdcx 'The invento r y index ce1lculates the number or months it would take for all currently listed homes to sell The decline in the index reflects both the increase in sales activity and a declinc m the number or unsold listings." Smger said Traditional mortgage financing arrangements as a percentage of market sales continue relatively small. In December, only 19 percent of exiatin1 single-family home sales involved conventional finan ci ng or a cas h downpa y ment and a n ew inslltulionally originated first mortgage loan. Foreign farm cash up SACRAMENTO <AP) Foreign investors increased their holdings of California farm land by 57 percent during a 20-month period of 1980 and 1981, says an o rganization that specializes in land data. 25 Available for Immediate Delivery I G reat selection of the custom 42. 45 or 48-inch conversion. Includes 8 inch color TY, bar, separately controlled rear air-conditioning, power Chauffeur divider window ... PLUS many more features! The Sacramento Union. in its Sunday ed i lions, quoted the Homer Hoyt Institute of Was hington , D.C., as saying international in'vestors owned 705,000 acres of farm land in all 58 counties at the end of the reporting period last September. BUY O R LEASE. (213) 868-9931 (714) 521-9624 ~ ROGER PENSKE CAUfORNA'S LARGEST CADIUAC DEALER WHEAi! ntE • AHO CD FMEWAYS MEET IN DOWNEY (F0RM£Rl.Y 808 SPREEN CADILLAC) WE'RE A LOI MORE THAii A BELL Oii YOUR •LL Behind the bell Beh1"d the famous Seacoast sticker. Behind all the stal«t-<>Hha art protection (jevlces we make and Install, Is Seacoast central station. When an •farm oo•• off on your property, we get the algnal in a nearby, 24-hour·•·day central 1tat1on If the 11gne1 Indicates fire, burglary or hOodup, we call lhe pollce or fire department Since our central atatlon la UL lltted , our central atatlon customers can qualify for 11 al.iable dlt<lovnr on their Insurance. And to lncreAM our reach, make rHponH lime even faster and Improve efficienc y wt're comP'Mrill"9 our 1bltt0n BUI ~It nn·t MW to &Mco .. l Wt'\19 bffn ~ttlno b9tter for 21 ~And todey we·,. the leaden In the a.curlty bulln ... In th• l\atbor .,..a with ~ 10,000 CUltome+'a lncludtnv e wide ranoa Oj big end 1mall 1"9tall, Industrial 9fld oomlNIClaf tltabCWhmenta. To find out mott about 8Mcoltt centr•I 1tatlon Wflte or come by our new faolllty•t.2.418 Newport Blvd .. Costa M .... 2488 NEWPORT BOULEVARD • COSTA MESA CALl~IA ' 92827 • f714t M2-3490 In Kem County at the southern end of the San Joaquin Vall ey, foreigners own the most or any county -106,122 acres. the institute said. They also own 102,540 acres in Butte County north or Sacramento. The Union quoted a U .S . Department or Agriculture publication as sayina that foreigners own about l percent of all of California's farm land, but feWer than 1 percent or the farm and forest land in the United States. A bout 80 nations are represented on the list of foreign Investors. ·· lUFFELL'S UPHOLSTUY ... 11-.h•t• _._~_' ltll MAllO• IU D. COSTA MISA -141-11144 • V~ne's Att Show <net gtfte trom Hunttngton Cent• dally thru f«), 10. Orange Coast OAJLY PILOTfTueaday, February 9, 1982 .. .f . 4 , . . ,, •' MeaLIY SAHl•M '"'" IULeY OTT 'UMINO Local firms tell promotions JI m Mayfield ha s been appointed direct or of Mel Thompson & Associates, Executive Search Division Mayfield is a former managing associate with Korn/Ferry Int er n atio nal , a Lq s Angeles-based executive search firm with offices in Newport Beach. Services Inc. of Irvine He li ves in Costa Mesa. Beach offi ce of the Big 8 public accounting firm of Ernst & Whinney . • William J. McClellan has been • elected president of the board of directors of Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Orange County He lives in Corona del Mar Tom Sumlno of Irvine bas been appointed vice president, sales planning and control of Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A. * • ~Terry Bochaoty has been Bob Sasseen has been named senior vice president , loan administration at Her itage Bank, Orange County's largest andependeot bank • J erry W. Neeley, chairman of the board, president and chief execut1 ve officer of Smith lnlernat1onal Inc . has been elected to the board of directors of Avery International Smith International 1s located 1n Newport Beach. named national sales manager for VH D Programs lnc He pr eviously work ed at D1scov1s1on Associates to Costa Mesa * • Jo~I K . Harris has Joined * Costa Mesa-based Spaghetti Pot investments lnc. as director of educational services. James D. Ott has been named c hi e f financial officer and cashier for Liberty National Bank, a full -service bank now being organized in Huntington Beach. * Frank L . Speers has been promoted to vice chairman of Newport Beach-based Avco Financial Insurance Group. • Mlchu l Harwick has jomed J A Stewart Construction Co. of Westmins ter as project manager • J udlth A. Puke has been appointed manager of Glendale Federal Savings and Loan Association ·s Huntington Beach branch • Richard P. Riley has been named general manager for Manufacturing and Consulting Donald R. Horflaoder has been named a partner at the Newport OVER THE c OUNTER NASO LISTINGS NEW YORK IAPI ComCIH NASOAO ciuoc-1 CmlShr "-Int""'*'' bids Cmwh1 •"" -often Dy CMPep .ma rket ~ n 114 Cordi• Mender. Pf'lce1 do Cro1Tre not lnclucM rel•ll CutlrFd s markup m•rkdOw" Cvcnron 4'n •"'-k•i1S1 pt or commlnlon for Ote0.1 ' ,,.,.., l•E ll•lv., NIDMeY OeylM I 11"' 13V• Kemeft t AFAProt ,,..., ,,..., 011"' • ••n. 11 1 ~:!)l;~r AVM Cp 4~. 4 .. O.klOAg 13' > n""° KimCMll Accu··~ ,~ ..... 0.ICenT II II Klf\911\t Addl111W IO .... 11 O.weyEI J 3 .... K-G Ad••->-. JV. 01eCry1 14 d Kl\-V Afletll 1 JO ~ Olan(ru JI 37 Krelff Allcolnc fll>fJ 41 Oocutt 1 11 11-.. ICutKu All.. 2~ 3 OotlrGn I-17 "merea 11Vt 11"'-OoylOll IS ISi') ~~:, AFur11 4 .. 4 7-1' OrlefCn 111<11 J1Vt L.afteCo AGrfft I-'"-DvnllO S 11"'-IJ Lll11vs Al11Gp 1 ....-. .,.,., P.vrlrn 1 1;v., 14 LtdStor !:'~r~: : ~"' E'elllVM u .. LlftBcll Ao!.1< "-, .... Econuo ,,..., 11\lo ~~rn AltHMe S--1:::~ 11:: 11\lo NiG1.fOll ...... • 11 t9 leM«I -,gt MedM;E ANldlle ......... IEl-1 I tl 14 Ma IPt "119SA ll'l't 11 EMO.• IJ IJI? Me O<' p "119AGO ....., 10• > EnrMel"° J•. 1'-~.~:'I "PP'l'C ti''> I~ E R ~ -" .. p+dMI 1' ...... II IY OF"O ..... Me Ir.ti I ,.,..,..,G ,. '"" Enlwlill ~ t.\o Molrion 1 ,..,Clllp n.,: n~ EQ11ISL ,...,. , •• MeulLP 1 ·• EqlOll ..... e<. Mol P1 "llGtll IS u~. vlFSC ~ "• M y 011 Atte11R• 1"-1011. l"eOrlTk ' ~ln BIMrdC& Alo "" S'l't S IS. .. Mc F:';7' BellyP '"' S... FermGp )7 11\io M<O...Y 8-HE 10 1014 Fidk:Ot J4h U MldnW Jleslc R 9 l 7.14 Ft811Sy• l1\4 >7'11. MdlclC• 'BeulFr 10Vt 21 Ft&o.tn » )1,1/. MldlRH Bert1Mll •~ 1 FtEmpS 11 "'" MldlB-1 11 .. 11... ,.... FtWftFln •\· .... Mllller e ... 1P1 ~ 2 F1eoBk1 D n1& Miu tG BeUL • 291>'> Flk:llJ' 11~ 11'4 ¥Olea 1 :r~t :~.,, l! =~:ioc~• J~>i. ,,~ -Col BlrdSoft '"' 10 "-•o U'• 14"' ~"";I., Blrlcllr •'• 5' F°'"'lllll 1', 1 ... NIDrVRH Btyv-' '' Frellk(p I~ "'" Mor1111n Bon.,.r , ... I 11·1 Fr-El i.•·, 17 MolClul> 8rwTom 10-\. 21 FrH SG J0•1, ~ Mut ller B11ckOH '" t• Fremnl 1 ••'n •~ NarroC Buffeh JO•. ~ FullrHB ,,.,. ,,.,, NOIA • 8ur11upS II'• 12 GnAulm 4\'t •V. NJllesc CNL l'ln 1 1• C.110.•0 t''• ~ NYAlrf CPT ' " u·. GnAIEll ,,..., ,, NlckOG CalWISv Jl.\1 l7 vEFn t•. "" Hkolel C..,redH 2'-2' reScn • ••~• l•'f> Nletv. A Ceo En 15' 16 ' 1 I reyAdv II 7• Nielsn 8 CeoSw 1 .,,, ll' 11111tsl ••''> U NOCerG• CplllAlr >'"• •' yroclyn ~ I\, NwtHGs CereCp 14.,, IS' HamtPI "" U'h HwstPS Cl\erRI• lS'• •' Hardwh ~ l'-No•ell CllrmS 1 10 to• HrpRow ""' "'' Nucrp , Cl'lf'IHOu ' ""• 17' HarpGp 30•. J0'1'1 HutrSy • Cllml.. 16 11 HartlNI 10"• 201') O<eener ClletUll 11'~ " Hecllng s 151,, IS>i. OllilvyM Cllvbl> 4~ 4S HenrOF 1S 1511> OflloCe1 Clr11co • .., 1 HOIObm ,.. J\4 Ol\Ferro CUtSoG• .... I Hoover t'!o ... Oti.rTP CIUUIA l4"• :M' HorlrAI J... 4\. PCA lnl Pl•UIB 12', XI Hyettfnl 14''> 150.. Pabst& CfarllJL 2S ~IMS lllt It•<. , ... PcGaR CIOwCp 411> 4 111trelno • .,, •>i. l>auleyP ColrTlt 11\'t II Intel 14>i. 15 P"rMf C~M J..I• ~I 111trcE11r S'. 5 ... PeneEnl MUTUAL FUND Stra•Ct tl'.., 2A' • ._., '"' Penlefr 11''1 IJ"e ~EllP n ... ~ Pelrll s 1111> 1' P.it11>oft 11~ II PltllaNet t~~; :r~ :h UPS AND DOWNS .. YJ Ple<ceSS TOK s :&3..., •• TIME DC t-. 11'> 311/a l7 Pln"lll ?1. '731') Pk>l\Hl8 11./, 1 5·1• PletllM ,..,, 11 Pos1l1 lo''> 41 PrflGM ~ JO'"' PrtStey11 'r•.mP••, n•;,. :13.,, rtdm 24'1• 14''1 NEW YORlt IAP) -The lol-11\t II• T0<umP '2 .. •llOwt IN Ow< . the • G_, TeKmA ,...., 7H• \toekt end warrenlt 1""1 ,,.,.. 90"° uP ~::.':: : ;:!Z ~., llw most --the ,.._, -on '"" 1'~ Pl'Ollr" I , .... POS•NC fl 17~ IJ' 1 .,.Ofr<fft--1 Of <...... r19e'dleH Of -- T!!.elOryl loo •Y _.. I ~ .!, No M< .. ltlet tredl"9 .__ $1 er• "'9· -1714 P11rt8.., ISYJ 1• "-tOCep 101, 10"' O..llrCh 14\of IS lttgenPr 1J\• n..., Reycl'lm T.uota ~ --• udecl Ne! -perce'I'-clleftOH --¥ricoN ° ll'I> 2• dlftereno -"-"'..,...,. < ....... TYtOftFO IJ'• IJ\I) Old ptlet --y's latl OlCI ptlCe ~ s Aeymlld lS'n ;,. Rn•e l 1'\<. 2•vt AoedE• 14111 ~.tl>o llobl>My J7~ ••1. Rowlon 15 uo.c. Rouw , .... ,.-. 5' ,.. . . 14'-,..., !Gd S\• SI') SIPaul ._. .. 0'.\ ScrlDH ~ 5'> S'-MM<>f 641 ... 64 ... SvOMr ,.,., ''"" Svcm\1 ' 21 7'V, SllMed 1~ 11 !>llwmut ,.,.. '"' SlereRt s ltl'll , ... Siiicon• "'° ' SCetWlr Ill<. U Y, SwEISv 11'11t ""' S1-y11 '""" 101<. SldMl<ro n""" 'b/t ~:::~f 1.-. , .... St•rlSI Ullo 1• ,......,. .... ,.... , .... II """ Jj•, ,, ... . . .... """ ,,,. UnMcGll 10 ~ US Enr S>o • US SUr 16 1•', Tro 11..-12'• •8th 3'1.\ »v. ~~~~~ ti\>'~ 4 v .. 111 ~ ,.,, l V .. Nll t 21"1 JI" 4 Yon011• t.oVt 10 S Vek:ro ,...., 15 • YletraSI • '', I ~~J .~:~ .~: Wtl\Enr 17 ... 11-. 10 Weldltll J... 4 II =~..r ~"'!:~a WmorC 20 10~. 14 WIMrO • n 12'-> 15 Wot•Alu 9' 1 ,._ •• w....... ··~ .... 17 WOOdLOI J3 l3'1. 18 r~t:~ ,:~ 2;:: ;: 11 • No1 -•u111e 11 J2 u 1• JS 5'o. S'... I ,.,., ,,.. 7 !~ ~~ NASDAQ SUMMARY ; l"• l YJ NEW YORlt CAP) Motl e<I••• Oftr • ,,,.... ...... lhe-<OUlllH Jlocllt "11'.l'"" l>y NASO 1 !J~ !j~ M~tr V~~ JI ... AS~~ C";O... I 47"' a•'• 1E11Rt• 1 .. 000 .._ •''> "1 ,: aJ•~ l•T Newprt s ISi 000 ""' ...... 11 llE ""' 11\tet 141 100 14"" JS -\o 11 IS... IS"-Gtnetl ,., ioo ,... ,.. -J-i. 1J :&3~ ~::-APOl.C 141,IOO ...... II~ -tt.. U n•'> n~ Conlrcp llS,100 ,.. '"' IS 11 l1' AlrFla IJO,too •V• .... _ ,:°'.! ,. -JI'= CmpVkl llUOO • ., •"-.,. 11 o v. 41,,., BrwTom 101,000 Xl'>lo 71 t'I<. :: •I'll '"" AO.,..nced 1!0 1Q 17''\ ., ... Oecllned '· ,., ,, .,... s•.-Un<he"Otd J,O«I 11 13 11•~ Total lswtt l.Jn u It''> 10 N•w 11'9M II 14 ~ l~. N•w I~ ID H :r-:;~ TC1UI Wlft ,.: 30,Sn.ooo 1• N•mt Plasm Th 8Hr<l Q ,,..,.., Al•ultq> Mo..-" Cr11r8n Ger IMO ~~:fv'1 GllmSv ln~a WI\ Modulln KyGonLf Am Pee Petra ' UllllRSll Olb,..,118 MrSl,..k NTe<ll ~ OllJRe<9 Trn'"u VtoeTGo CoBollv o TlwtlOC., WrlQll!W Namo Corn.IS • Delco II CmpVld Ar.cc.ePI Toon Vil Sci AhBCm CallonPI OlaW.I GeoSy 1 Mc'°"' Sepe .... SlllrplGI MUM BlolPf!r 1 Bllu t SwF<lr\ Tlprerv vortec P•tl>v ~~!~ 11• HLH l?J lntTolel RepRJ.cl Slere!h ~ U"5 u~~. .cr't. .. VPPc1iu ,.. • I& VP 11.I J"'° + '"' Up tO,O J • \lo Up t .1 J • .... u.. •.1 ..... • "°' VP •> ~·I· . .,,. Up •.J 1"• • '"' Up •.J n •. • '"' Up •.O 1'• _. -,.. Up St 1.. .... Up U •\. • •. Up J..6 1••., + 1 Up S 4 5 • •• Up S.J 5 I<. Up J.J S 'lo VP S.J ~ + I Up S.I 1'°' < Vt Up S.O 1"" + "' Up 4.1 S'-> • '-• UP 4.1 1'-\; Up 4.1 1"o "' Up 4 J l • .... u. 4.J l • ... u.. •.J o • .. Up 4 J DOWNS Lett J 1"1. •''1 ,.,. w. .... .... ., Po 2 ... '"" 1·~ 11... J ..... ,..., 4 ... 1 ... 12''11 .... ,..., l ... ""' J'-J\') ""' '"'" C"9 1 ,,.. '"" ... Pct Oft H.C Oft U I Oii 70.0 Ott 11 • ..... Oft 11.1 I Oft 114 > Oii 111 I Ofl 151 Oii .... Oii "1 Oii 14.J Off 14.J Off 14.J Off 14.I ()ft '" Off IJA Off IU ()ft 1)4 Ofl IU Ofl IJ.O ()ft 12' Oft n s Off u ' Off 12 s Oii 12 s Off 12 s HEW YORK IAPl t •lvl11 llvlloek. FlcMI 14 21 NL In• RHll J J7 l.. Fund I '3 I SS Pro S.rvlC .. , Tiie 191._lnt !i llullek 14 U IS S1 G•t Soc I SS NL ltlel 14 01 Nl Grwtll S 40 S.. MedT I• 01 NL !;teedm.,. FUllOS ~•tlont ~lo'd C•lldn • .. 1 Sl Hllnco • .. NL '"' FO '.., NL Nal8d • " • Fulld 7 ZI NL !?'-'"" l •. ~ ~LL ,,,. .......... "''°'. Ol•ld 2 SI J,. HI Ykl tu NL JP Grtll IO ts 11 " Muluel ol Omelia '"'°"' ... NL • .. ~ •llofl ot SocUflU.. Hllll< ' n IO • Lt Mun I 07 NL JP lllCO • ll 1 Ot A .... r t.11 NL .t>ru Sf p t h IO. lllVH( I 0 NL O.•len , Ill<., -"'°""' ... ''° P11rltn t '° NL , ... u. • 01 NL Grwttt 4 SS 4 t5 >Putnem Funds O<e.n s ,. NL !tie prk:tt et wl\lch NI WS I 44 t n Thrift I. NL Jolln Hancock fncom 1 71 e.. Conv U ft 14 Stein Roe Fell ,,.,. M<Ufltlff T•Fre S1 I~ Tnnd ,, .. NL x y y. ' Ta Fro •. JO • 02 1111 EQ IS SI 17 8al•ft ,, .., ~L coul• N• -CeoTNT •S1 NLFt-let Proll Vt'"''"° I'll .. '•~• MulSllr at0 NL Oeore 111'1J C•()p 11.10 NL Mid 11'•1 auet C11t S111 lit• NL Orne 7 ~ NL Grwttt •37 1011 Nen1T 331' NL Onrffl •M 10 Stock U OO NL val,.1 or boual\I Chert Fd 16 7J 17 14 tlldust l U NL US GVI 1 .. I SI N•I Avie 7,'-J NL HI Ylo U.40 14.l SSttlln~Tll tS !! NL lvalUOI p1,. M1ot Cllp Dir UM NL lncom •.•1 NL Tu E.c 7.11 '·" Nat Ind II ti NL tncom s ;n s 71 "' NL thereel ~,. ,c11estnut :12.At NL Fst 111.....,.. 1tautm11 t.0$ NL Net SocUfttiet. 1,. ... , 1·., in Stretlnv S.• •.4' .... ...., olonl•I FunOI llnd ""' IJ.Cll t4,10 Keml)tt Funds. B•l•n '·" 10,. Ootn 11: .. 11: .. 5-1 Giii 10-M NL Allio t4 2:2 NL Funo 10.0I •un OIKO •. ., t .to lncom '·" ,,,. BOnd l.C» l lO Tu Ea ,,.. " .. S..llGrtll •.• 10.36 AcOf'n F 711' NL Grwth 114 7 '1 Grwtll 7 't 1 10 Gr-'S1 10 4' Grwttt 714 111 Vitia n'• 13'75 i::.•pG~ ~N~ 14• AOV IJ.SS NL HIYld .. 12 .... lncom •<»•., HI Yld 107165 Preld 56'410 Voyao 11J11JUrmo•Gt •..a 1 .. A future t1,JO NL Inc..,, J.12 • U NetR.. S 'O • 4S lntlld 11 $3 17 lO Inc om S to • U Quawr 13 71 NL fmpt W l .. ll II '1 AIM I'-a.it" •.JS I0.22 ()pin • 36 6.. Mull 8 •tit • 3' Stock 'o:J '74 Rel110• J t1 NL T"'t Cep t Ot , 1' ~~~ :: ~ :rn cJ:•o~ :~ ~ "~ ~rE:• n: rn ~,;m :rn :rn ~·l'A Ea ._,_ 1 OO Rever• 1 OS H\, Tms Inv 7 JI NL HI Yid I 71 .... Cwlttt All 1 tit t ti Well IJ.a Nl h<ll 10.41 11 • Fo I e •.IS Sll Safeco Se<.. Trav Eq IO 2S II 20 "'llN"-"al' Cwllll CO ·~ I MFl\dOtll 417 517 TOIRI llJtlJ)O NE~1i!..,,,....:•11 Jt !~ .;~ :u:.c"J, :J] :t AllrtllT 10.7'11nCom"ect IM tMFounde"O.-Kr:tt...,.Mns £quit 11.J711• ln<o •11 HLTWftCSel IJOJ HI. Amerk en ~· Comp F• l.ll .... Orwtll '·°' NL UI Ill 12.n IJ JO G rwtll 11.7' IJ '° SIPeul ,,,_ T....C UI 4.., 4A7 A 8•1 •.n '·" Concord ... JI NL lncom 11 27 NL '" 112 IUI 17.,. l11<om 1.n • " Cepll 11 ff 14 .. USAA Amcp S '3 •At COftllOCtk:"' Gen1 Mut.. 7.11 I .OJ CU> 84 •.11 1.«I R .. Eq 11.tt ti... Grwtlt ti:i. IS.11 U~ ?r:c :·: :t ,. Mull 10,SJ 11.$3 ~und llAO tJ.7• Spotl "·" NL '"' Kt 4.11 1.45 Tub S.11 us S9KI 22.A>I NL Unf Accu SU NL Bond 101111.M ncom s ... •.t4 ,.,.kllll Group· Cu• K1 U2 ··" Ntul>er09< km: S<.,.,.,.r Funds· If Mut . ., Fd 11\v HI t.1' u11 eel 5.14 •-11 AGE unoveti Cut St 14.17 lUS Elll'OY 15.92 NL Com SI 1ui NL ::.ted ,....Ji NL Grwtll t.'2 10.Jt Con.t Inv 11 ts 11.75 DNTC UMvall Cus S3 6.!I I It GllerG 27.40 NL 0.•tt OM NL Ac<m I ia lncom 7.7' uo Con1tel G 14.. NL Grwtll -·" Cu• ~ S.o:J s so LIMY l.JO NL lncom ... , NL lloftd .:.n !1: ICA 7111 a.16 C00\1Mllt .. 1, NL DDtlOft -··" '""'"' 4.11 .... M•llhl ........ u Intl Fd "" NL llllGltt 1111 ··~ H ~" .. 11 1.33 (try c... ,,.,. ''-» Ulll• _.,, TuF,... ll'artn 12.n NL MMll • IJ NL Con '"' • .,,.1·,. Wtll Mt 1 OJ 1.•1 0.l_e,.. ~ lncotn -ell •· U • 41 S<llu• l"-'S NL S-1 '3.21 NL 'ldt • ,._, CO-et· o.<•t 12 )5 ll 50 VS Gov -ell Mau 11 45 12 SI lffwt Gt 17 22 NL 'hFre " ML due 11·" .It c,. M s H • 01 0.lew 1' >t 16,IJ Ceplt -...i• LHll\lltOft ~· ......, Inc .. n ltl s.t.11rltv ,,.._. "' llK 11.44 't13 (fttrp 1211 tUO 0.ICll 612 .... (quit _.,, CP ldr IO.h II SJ =~i:·:r ':·~ :t !-quty ._S~ !·!! =:" tr, ;,,. HI Yid l.J:2 1.'2 Ta Fre '-" S.43 TuFr -•If Goldfd l-U NL u e lllGI ._·., ul "'invest 1·:;_: 1-i;-2 Scll:l't US •.02 Mull II IJ.40 14,07 0.ft.a t IO •. ., Flll'lds IM GMMA ... NL .. .. ..... v Vtntr ti.ts • • .O ~Ir ep 2,44 NL CMrce 1 • a S4 Gr-t.11 Ml HOltaFd 11.10 NL Ullte ... 6 eft9 lt.71 ll.11 ~';'c·~.. :.~ "J~ : t ~a: :t :r.-IO\Tr ""r'.J" U• ~:r04 I~~ =t :: .. =' ~~ 1H~ So~t~uz.t: ~L ;:Jr ... ~1 "atL ~d "'" uo 10,,. .. aw llAS NL T Pee IS.ti NL Llndflr It.fl NL Omooe '., NL Siii Shs '"" NL FllM u:.. or-U.41 NL Oro'(fllt o.p,: •• Op IJ... ..... 1.eomt·t ~: OM WM ,. .. , NL Sollgm ... G!'0141: lfl<MI "' ~=~:r ,::: ::n ~,!;;' ~.1' I)~~ I lt~ ut.~ t!t ~~ It:: :t ~"?/.Jd,~" =~rrrw ;:: 't~ k;." &' :~ ~ l"fo11k1 174 4M LIYlll tUI •» SK .ft ~l L-A•ft: OOOtft 1.~ 1... UC• •.ft ),4' \lalice ~· A GtllFd .,, 7AI "Mlne t.2' NL ~"' tut ML, Affl118 1A 1.00 Hl'f'ld M.J2 11.JO Un Ill< 10,JS 11.~ ""-tli 't.l : ::i·~~'-9 ! : s~ ~'. ';<. tJ: :t ~,.!.., u" t• • g.~ gr: ,t: ,:,~ fF,'"' ._ J:: ,:-;: ~~.': ~ 1.61 li 'tJ._.. A lnvetl t.71 NL TlltG C ...0 ML F OA 411 4.71 fflUlll .. I.ft I 15.11 17.tJ 9-UIS US t A Inv 111 t.22 NL E ... 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JI -1"2 ASter11 .• 10 )II 12''t-.,, lll>lr \ 411> 6 70 $'' 1'109~ JI • '''""-,., ITT pl() 5 7/ 431 M p() I 5 S.S 13 ~ Qyep of A 1 -7 20V. • ''> Tlgerl" 113 ,,,._ lit AmStr IQ 1 13 27" • 'Jo Cler•E l 10 10 163 0?4', '' FnCpA > 4 •3 to.. .. lnlTT pl 7 21 ) '14 ' I ur • 0 I fl-It Tlmel \ I I• 244 Xllt,-" 1'Str"' s SI 1 31 .. ClvCll I ID a 101 l'I I FnS8•r I l•t s• ,.,.. .... 11\tTT DI . so • 0 ''> I' t ::"'~ovo::.. lJ ,,,,, •• ,., RC.I\ ,-., A'!a-"~ ' Timi pl81 SI II ••• ,.,. ''• ATT S 40 7 •3" SI... ... Clevft J 16 6 JOI IS'• Fln!Fed 57 14..... ~. lnlN'1h 2 11 UI lS.. \11 Mu 't 10 1~4 ~t"--; RCA pl 4 U 4J"> '• Timi plCA SO . 121 57'/'J !TI::: 1,.! I~ ~:~ ~ C1vE1 p1 I 40 1100 •S\11 ~lrutn 60 ''°"" 10'. '• 1,,trpce 1 so 78 ,.,., v•" --ACA p1 t 12 DI 11•~ t TlmelM 111 JO wr. -"- An !IA 370 1' 1''• \11 Clevtpli 60 1 •1 1'• Fl~lln• llll S ,. l7 lntPeoof 5 1 t4 N80 1Gt 4 1J 1J RCA!IA lt.S . 51 nl'I-... To"""" J40 I 11 W'I 'O •Weir 1.10 .I ?I 1)~ '" CIOrO• .. • 4SI ll•J • I llr1 _, >Al ... I'> lnll>Go I tO I JI 11 > '• N81 n 2t lft 2t -II) RLC '4 1 •1 ll!t >tt TOOSllp I 4 J6 7~ • '• AWll pl IQ y470 ........ ~:::~~ 1~ I '; :~::; !'; ~~~~".K;:: ; ·~ ~~. ~ :~:~~ I .. 1! ~ g .. ~ ~~~B ~ ~ ,TI :~¥> . ... =:.~Put :en wi!: ,: .. :. :~ +~~.' 1 ~ ! in lf"-.. •W•t pl I ts yl'O •• ,. ... oaCllm • so ., 1 ,, F1C11V 1 ,. •II> ' lnPwti 1 21 1410 IS • •; , "·-• ,., ,.. ,., TOI~ JI ' 14 • '. iSW,: ~ ,~ .~ ~-1~ ~:!'ti' 1 ~ J m: n~ 1:=. =::;,~~ 2: "s Jf;W· ~ ::::r.d ~ ~ ~ :; :~ ... : :: E~~..J ~.~ y: Im ]tf-i: =::: "t :1 ~ E'\ ~ +:,A.,, .!:101 ?! n ....... Amiee I" I alOI H '" oloN' •I 1' ' llNBo 71111 4 Ill 401'>-"' towlll pl2 JI HOO IS '• NVF ISr I "4 J .. ~ l<I Reybl 60?2 7• 1311. lo. Toro<;.o 2AO 11!. ,.., 'MPI 1 40 'l 2 .. , ~. Coleco I ... 10 ,., FNSIBn 7,10D • n 13'11. •4 lowePS 140 1 14 11'' '• 8 S Reymdl I 1 1t II ~ T-o 14 4'l 131,.._ .. Arno<; 60 l1 ,~iz ·~ COit,..., uo 1l n n •.. ·~ f'tlP• , .. 17 111\t I-•"• 2.. • • n.. N•btc J 05 • n ,,...,_ -Ray!ll \ I 40 t 11• u ... --. Towle .. I •S 11\tt ..... ' C01p,Pe1 1 :io ' 1"4 17... .. FtiP• wt 1J ''· 1·32 lpco~ :io II J •• .., Nll<O J.7411 » ... "' "'t".!'' IO • no Ill!. .,. TO'\'"U l 20 ttl n• ... -1 i=. "\ ~ 'i ~ ~~: :".· ~.~F\ 3 ! ·~ :~~ --: ~:~==k":. ~ ~ ·~ ~ :;:~!o 3~ .r ~ :~... .: ~:::; -:~ n: ::~~ .. ;~_r".;~~·:! •. m~ ,..1 .. -' ... TW~1; \ 11 !~ ~.S4,. ~if:,': •mtt Of M . I '\;; Col..... 1.i1l .. 16.... 0.. l"IWbc 1 .. 14 11"' -O.. _ J -J _ N•r<O M J0t n 1•-'°' ._. -" -• ~ .. •ms"'°, .. I 117 21 o .. ColllM\l lO I 170 H>tt->tt f !ICllll J. '~. JWT• 144 t d in... Ne""'• 1t0 I 11 t•"'• '4 R-JOit 76 12 "" TWCpf 1 4 14'•• '• """°'. 40 • 10 -•• ColGI• 1 .. • •s 1t"o t F "'Fas 7 S11 I I "' J"'"" ''°IO '" ,, ., NelC... ' • 11 11~ "' RM<t . IS ..-.,_ ... TWC pf '., 17 ,,...,_ \lo ... O!Ct>oi' I l6 • SI .... '• Colul'cl 60 It )Al St•. -.. P'IH1E" ""' ,,, 11Y .. JIN•' 40 • II .... NCn~I 60b • I• 1)1;., RMn8 t S7 • 171 63''>• I'•• TWC pl t.. ,, 22~1 A Cley I 37 • SI tel • CSO pl 01S.JS · r280 '3 1 Flemr19 1,24 I 13 U~ JRvr pl S 40 3 S6 , 1 Nel01$1 110 I 321 l211a Ill flel<llCh • S .. llVt II. Transm I 411 • 1JCXI JI""-'°' ~\ .~' ~ Disabled ~ getting ahead While the Reaaan admlnl1tratloa'1 bud1et·cutters a.re 1luh.1n1 tunda to desltn and lnstall equipment to help the handicapped. prtvat.e industry and the band.lcapped thenuelvos are maklnl surprlsinily lmpresalve proaresa on thelr own And this hll Uttle If anytblnti to do with 1981'• International Year of the Olsabled Person, generally dlsmlued tn th1J country as a dismal failure, deaplte otticial atat.ementl or opttmlsm. Jn fact, so far at least, the ~ handicapped seem t-0 be more than holdine their posltiona ln the • ,.. ~a~e s0 'u t~eg 1eene[a~ lfllll PllTll ~Z joblessness .. Surveys ::I-- again are underlining that qualified handicapped workers have a lower rate of absenteeism than their physically able counterparts, higher dedication lo performance and a higher quallly output. From the corporate side, there are hundreds of positive examples or what U.S. corporations are doing for the qualified handicapped. As a sampling. -IBM has for many years modified buildings and redesigned equipment lo accommodate the handicapped; -Sears Roebuck's handicapped roster includes repair technicians, attorneys and retail managers. AT&T has developed a program to train managers of disabled people (which will survive lls breakup). Xerox is training disabled people in computer·related jobs where al present there is a s hortage or physically able quaJifled workers. -The Travelers Insurance Companies installed a variety of sophisticated equipment that includes writing machines to enable a disabled person to write out his/her program in Braille and video screens to advise the hard-of.hearing that the telephone ls ringing. In the words of Edward H. Budd, president of The Travelers, which has some 100 disabled persons on the payroll, ··we have to have qualified people to do business, and lo overlook qualified people because they are handicapped would not serve any purpose.'' From the side of the handicapped, this nation's blind population of around 470,000 offers the most outstanding examples or people working, earning wages based on their productivity, paying taxes and generally smashing our stereotyped images of the blind into sawdust. There are workshops for the blind across the nation. where men and women operate complex machines, such as dnll presses and electronic sealers: run switchboards; assemble writing instruments ; make brushes on high.speed equipment; conduct complicated sewmg operations and package the widest variety of products. None of Uus tells the fulJ story, though, of what earning their own way does for handicapped persons. It's not just that the earned income means increased buying power. It's also that nothing beats a job for giving a person a sense of self.respect In 1982 particularlv STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES ... ::.i.ne 601) 190 71'• t ·• '.:SO pf nlS 15 , l60 'S Ft.ilV I011 1" 17"'° J•m•w 11 S 116 ' ''• N•IEdv 1~1 7 79 14'u-V. AtpAlr 10 lOI l~ ,,.. Tr•nln< 2 12 11 14t. Al\l\eul 1'11 • ..., .,, : -ComDln 1 IO 6 ., 71't .. Fle•I pl '.. " o-.. ,,,, Jaj)f\F I lie •1111 '" ... NalFG 1 '° s " Jl ... t-"' RtpCo .., • 7 221'> '. T ., I Anl•lrs 16111067 "'• • .._ CmDEn 1 t0 I 262 dll'e l't Fleal pt• IS 10h2t J•llPtlt I S7 & 2'I 15'• N•ICiyp 1 • 7 131 10V,..... ... RtpF'l'IS 1.10 IO , .. lt14-'• T~~ICP~ ~.87 1': !~~1~ NEW YORl(IAPI FIMI OOW..J-•"9l lot -....,, ,M> •. Antin SJ S 1M 13' 1 Como. I JI 10 22'9 1S"-'-FHg1SI • It 1J H -"-JtrC Pl 9 J& rSOO SJ"°+ I. NIHOM e4 J""-l't ~•P_!I!, ! «>1• •. 1s2 M""1,~ -. ',,.• Tr611ten 10 :7t 7 S.... .. 1'ntlln• 440 I & 6-. CmSwn 20 I 141 l'o FloltPn J• t>t 1'0.. '" Je•CPI IJlO 1110 IO'l NM6Ct• 46 I 27S 7 Ito "N\,.. • • 7'" T..,.P_.1~ 100 .. A~ J• I] m u-. , Comdr! ,. 103'1 ., ' ,. ' Fl•EC. IO u • Ill-> ' J trC pl 1 ,, I 12\. • NMCIEll\ «>10 IJ:H IS-~ RNY pl,\l IJ . J 10\'> •• ,, .......... -I . ... pel!P"" t. 1J ""' I , Cm#E 180 7 ls.6 10 • Fl•PL ) 04 1 174 11'~ , JewelC 7 J• 6 lo JJ><. • '°' NMI,..!> Olt tS 46 1--1.4 RepSll Ja 2 S03 U\oo • "• r~~l1 '° : I~ .... ApPwor740 rlOO .. •''• CwE!IA 141 9 ll't 'Fl•Pw l lO• 17' u • .. " Jewl« • lO 4'o t NPr"tt..S. S I--· .. RtPTt•t• • ... n -'" TARll, It t) lllt-.... ApplMg • "' II • '• c .. e pl ''° &I 12•.. • Fl.Sit' 711 ' • ,, JllnJIH 111111 nn )7'• '• NS.....1 ,, uo " _, ~~PJ!cin ~ • ~ ,J?_ll> ~ Tr•-Y 1.-• 21 fl-" Arel\1 10 21 JI', C""E pl 1 12 l7.. '' Ftwc;.n 17 9'1 10 , .. JC>MfF 1' 11 18 'II l'o NISvl11 I .. • 12 ~ 0.. "'"""' ., , ~ • ..., T I J JI • ---~ ArUt !IA 1 6 SS • ', C#E pf I• lSOO S1 •I Fl..or 10 9 1)70 01''~ ~ JOIW>C/I I AO 1 I 24 • .. 111~.11""41 1 2471,1 , 1 14'A-:; \.\ Revco l 76 11 105 J•~ l't rev " ~ --.. ••ut"' 2. 16 s 'Ill CwE p1 J 11 JO t&l , • '• FooleC 710 1 11 JO Jonlon t0 1n n •, N ISll ,70 ,.,,.._ ""' Revere a ti tJ v. J':~on ~:';, ''; l::% At<llOS l•O •1511 11 -'• ~=~= n! .~ !~ ForOM 1101 11l\ ,,.1 Jorr.::1 I 6 J20 •7~ '\ NllOM 1.«) UltlClltllt--111> Revlon I .. I .. JI';, ... l~l~I~ · ·1114 ~-. .... •r11~PS 1.21 • • ••·· comes 11111 • ,. tl\\ '• ForMK rn • •• m ... v. ~g1 ~• ,~: ·~ ;;.~ 1'• ::!"'...:'1 • .: 7 ~ ~~·iA :::~,~ ~ ~da~ ·v; rr1e111e1 40 1 10 12 _ w. •rl 10.70 . rUO .,._ _ "" ComES Of' IO rl220 °'' ''• Ft0.1r I 31 t6 ''• \1 y ' n Trl•PC 111 S Ullo " Ant cit t0 S I• a..-' Com .. t 1lO11 J01 •11.o "• FIHO•O IOI U 101 11'~ .. KDI n -l(~ll l ' • NewP pf 1 t0 1100 IO'o "eynln 1 llO • UI] ...... '/'J Trlco • II I tO II-\lo :~~~:.IO~,~'~· •• CoP•v<> JJll S6 10'• •• FO\IWll .. ···~ l]I. VJ ICOT 104 1 ... ::::.:~~ • .: ·~-.... ;~l~~~iu,;;.~dol,·.,·.· •• ~ TT~!.",'Y Plftll) ~ .'u,, '1~-=-~ •rmedil , ..:. : Comocy ti u I .. Foloml " .... KLM ,. 111 }l'• ''• NE"!IE11.t0. fl 1S-...• ,.,, "• ... , -.. -E , ... T .. Armco 1 IO S ,.S 23'-'• Com!D<. 11 111 1J ' " Four P" )0 ~1 _. ''" K 'll•n .. 9 1'19 , •• ' "o NY!>EI; 1 S '10 14\fo + .... Rio an 110 • :i.s 31.. ' T•lnO\ 1 10 S D I~ _. Armc of 110 • ~ '• CPIVWI \ 11 uo JO • I Fo•SIP .... "'° ~. .... l(eovAI ' AO s 170 l•l.o • NVS pf l,, ••50 JS "'°°'Of IO t04 17 ... Tvcol • 70 s .. 11-.... • _, ... ,,. ,~ ~ ConAQf .. 8 ]7 II'• Foaoro 14012 , ...... ~ "'K•h"• 140 6 n II '• My•p1 J11 ' ,. Rll•A• IOIO .ao 1t Ty .. rCp .., 1 ,, 10 -\lo ~.... ... ' ' ,., ,. • c.oneMI 110 I 61 1'I I , Fre:Mc loO • 17'° 19•. • .• l(.,,;:s, 8 1 ' " ~ Rol>\tlw I 40 10 JS ?2.. '• Tvmll\r II ,,, " ~~~"11,~: l~ m:-I~ ~~'i.~ i~ t I~ H~ ~ =~.,.'~: .:·~ :; ::v •.. ~ ~:~::'' I~~ 1~ ~~ :: =~~~:03 J,~ ~ HE'~ a~O(gt~(i~·,·,~ .~ 6222~ ~.1,:'! ',-:. uu~L, ,-...~ •• ~.'°1-,".~:-' •. •rrowE 1610 101 11>' • '' Conrac 90 U )7 n• • '• Fuciue tO IO ~ ''I l(l(CCtyLPSl) !! 5 Sl8 12~ •' Newml tAOe IJ SIS -'°' " " --..,, ... "' "' -T -Ar1re 10 JI I l'O>'ll-'• ConECI ) J& S 1951 JJ• > F\1111 pt I tl If llE < "4t P> "' .,. l'IO 1s•·1 Nwperk 16 I 711 OU'4 .. Roell Tl J 04 I JD ,, .. ' ,., UGI pl J 7) t20 10 • "'I Arv•" ' n • ,. ll'-~::::~ ~ •• t ..J.. !06)1 • ' ~ ... t -eo~--d,A~" 7 KCCPPl ~110 .! 14!".'. '. NlaMP ' .. ' ,,, ""' .... RO<kwl ,·,. • 44] Jl\oo. '. UMC 0 60 • ICM • -" Arvin pl J 1 21... "' ·-• "' r ~ ~ IC L ,..7 n -OI•,. "o NleMpf l 40 llOO JI"-. . R-lnl Of• IS I ISS • S UMET I~ • J\') . Aurco 10 11 aSSt n .._ ConE ~ I • ll>tt "o GAF' pl I 10 SS di~ 1'-l(C'>o \ I 4S7 JO•, 7• J Rklnl !IA I JS 4 St'"'• l ''-UNCllH 4 114 ·-Vt Oi C""Fd\ 2 12 1 IS) l'l•• • G• TX J 40 I J• ]\ " 1(1nGE l 11 S 109 IS • NllMpf 4 IO •IOO lSYt-fYI RollnW4 7 IO I 27 SS '/'J UNR I 6 • >tt ::::o :,,: : 9 II~ i:; ~ ConF DI• Sil 10 /1 GCA• 10 t IM 171'>-1'• l(anND 1 a 1 15010'• 1 NleMp4 •IS dO J.l""•l RCIMln 7 t1 11... .. VSFG Cpl.10 7 2t6 d + \'I A\l!IO Oil '6 11 '.11't • C"iFrl I S1 4 S3 JSl.o' ' GEICO • I 11' J714. ''• KenPLI 140 6 tS 1' ' 1 o NIMpl IO&O r.10 74"' I,_ Ro•ll~ l 5' • '3 It'-'"" U11INV 4.SS. S 11 ti -I"' AMIOGl.llO I 61 11',, • CnsNG l 1' 6 •1 0 '• , .. I Gel< pf .74 1 "411> ICePl pl1 J1 1 1' ~111i1C~ SAii J1~ • 'O" 1"1 ~ RolmCp D 19' >4''t t''o UC•"'9 > 7 • 47~ i. 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I m4 • Mt 1[11 '6 • ~..... t • 1 mil• .. t~" ... ~ "I&.' \Jt 1i .. •= 14 . mt:" ::ir:r l·! • 1a 1Pll • -• .sttl • '9'h ~ ·~il --II' t:a t t! ~i.-Ill , ~ 10 -v, "-• tt aU U l4i ~···•~,.i. i • ;: ;I! t I ~ WIMert .,, «N-1~ ii""';'; -ti lt 1j·· I •; flt lJ:! $,,..,..._: "il ~ -i ~;iu " · ·~ arr -id tr ~·14 ttr=· lit': 'Ti n . ~ ~~~?t: ·ra_,·~~ ,f ·: w: ,m;: im5., .. , ·IE:~ ~t!',r.'~'s .. ~. ~ft r ~J::, i.1~.; . ., ·~~·· ·-::." i ' ::.i !.l!:t.ii ~-~~,,, ". 11~ .. ~~~ lf;,'":'IM"~-!r'l -J~ E!~·. ""tt l!!, ~~ ~~~· .• ,~ 'J...: ~ .. :"' -,. ' : .. -.t. :. •n.!9 • 1L !?! :: I a.1. l!:!:n i~~11.l1t ifi ~~ • • ~ ~~':1 ne ,._ 5:c,·,J·J,,_ "',~ ~:t· : .. ,::.. ....... ,,.ra'u"~n l!H ~i ii'1t-s f~·; a:~·.\lllj] ~:t .:ii~ l1i~ ·~ :! ill U i.~ 1~1-:1·11""''O.;1· -·:liq ·sr..~ M: ~ii· " ., ··-;-, ~ r :\ 9: ;;1 ~Ii:" =r.r,td :l r.; -~, ! 4:~.. • -·· • ~ =. ~~ f='~ ~ ~,,. •11J I t • t llllO \J .. .. f I , , MefA I t • ~ t-f 1 .. I 1 viii ' W• ..... '•"' '"' ..:~ :• O ;." :•i' : ~·-ri: •. , ~ ~--,._..;,;;;;,.,;,, .... ..-.. .-~ .. -..11191.._ ............. iiot I J • jJ J ' J J , •• . .. Handel's 'Israel ' no 'dejavu' BJ &OBUT FISHEil .................. J<11eph Huaatl" UCl prof~r of mualc, bu a "-Oduml fat lhe abulou& wotu o!. Handel Lui Aprll, almost a year ••o, he directed a multl·wonderful performance of Hande l '• "Mea1lah." Then, in VCJ'a Crawford Hall, he wu able to impreasively mastermind the art of nmnulum performin1 and bleacher echoes. 8'4 lut Sunday was no 'deja vu' when Hualli, the Callfomia Chamber Chorale, the UCI Chamber Stn1ers and the Irvine Symphony round themselves stuffed into the Turtle Rock Community Center auditorium lilte a cake mto a sandwich bag to perform Handel's "Israel in Enpt." By all accounts, this general purpose room is not equipped for this kind or musical performance. "Israel in Egypt" is far too sophisticated in its sounds to be handcuffed into a wooded alcove. Audiences have the uncanny ability of sensing performer distress ; it gets uncomfortable. The musicians are the cooks and we're the guests; and ln this case, it was Handel's stove. And rightly, you don't ask the banquet chef to wear woolen mittens. It was a shame, too. The performance was well thought out. and at times even bad an oceanic now in the abundant harvest of single and double choruses. The high tides of pleasureable oboes were loot beneath the murky sea. Part I of "Israel in Egypt" sets immediately to work with highly s uggestive moods and orchestrations or the plagues and eventual escape or Israel from slavery. Flies and lice, as do blood , hall and darkness, each have their moments to punish oppression. The chase and prayer scenes of Part 11 present a baroque clockwork with choruses each of a thousand gallons of air. The work ends rapidly: Handel knowing, and Husru well aware, that once the story is told, don't add appendices. Next year, let's play in the gym. ~---NOW PLAVIND---- llllA El TOflO •OIAHGE Monn Brea Plaza Soddlebock C1nedome (714) 529.5330 (714) 581-5880 (714) 634-2553 •COSTA MESA r<>UNTAIN VALLEY WESTMINSml EdWOrds Town Cenrer Fountain VOiiey U A Cinema (714) 751-4184 (71 4) 839-1500 (714) 893-0546 • o:~<O(XJ[~Y ~~~- JACK NICHOLSON ~ THE BORDER I\ UMllEll~ 11110 l'ICIUll( - f AS1 CASH\ un£R 10 CASH coN\JtR1 '(OUR Cl CAll 642-5678 IN A ClASSIHEO ~~~R Will \-11'..lf> · A fR\tNOlC'<~~ ON \\-It '(0\J CAN • Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT(Tuesday, February 9, 1982 .. ' New productions welcomed to stages ' By TOM TITUS under the direction of J ohn Spindler at The Re.iinald Ro11e drama "Dear Friends," ! of-..,_.,.......... SebasUan's, 140 Ave. Plcp, San Clemente. Darrell orl"inally a telev11>1on production, is the latoat 1 f'our new productions -lncludin1 a pair of Sandeert and Llsa Cutler play the leadina roles. Showcase offering, with Jun Koba directtn1 the ~ Pullti r Prii winners -mount the staaes of the with Randal Saunders as the American lieutenant 1tudy of lour modern marriaRH Cut memben Oranae Coaat'I p~feaslonal , community and · Performance• of the Rod1era and are Tom Kl ein, Murcia Wtlsoo, Edward Staneck. collesiate theatera thla week, offerin1 comedy. liammei:-stein ahow will be Jiven ni1hlly e}(cept Olona Freedman, Art Frankel. Corrine WllUama. drama and music among-them. --- -"Mondoys at varying curtain tlme4 tbrouah April 11 Alex Koba and Carma McMurphy. Start.lo• thlnp off tonl&ht ia the venerable at the dinner playhowse. Call 492.99:50 for ticket Pt>rformances will be given Fridays a nd "501-&th Paclflc" at Sebastian's Weal Dinner information. Saturdays at 8 30 through March S and 2 p.m. Playhouse, while UC Irvine loUows Wednesday Moliere 's comedy-ballet "Tbe _ Bouraeols March 7 at the Westminster Auditorium, 7571 with "The Bour1eoia Gentleman." The Gentleman " plays a four-performance run, Westminster Ave at Hoover Street Reservations TV · Ins pl red d rem a Wednesday through Saturday, at the Fine Arts are belng taken at 957 2515 or 894·6786 "Dear Fl'iends" arrives INJIRMlalDI Village Theater on the .UC Irvine campus. Drama The other Pulitzer Prize winner Is "A Delicate at Showcase Productions chairman Robert Cohen is directing with James Balance," earned by Albee in 1967 for his probln1 in Westminster FTlday, Penrod choreographing and Peter Ode1ard drama of psychological terror The Irvine while Saturday will be providing an original musical 1core. production will open Saturday smce the Turtle o p ening n I g ht for William Needles. a drama professor at UCI. Rock Community Park auditorium will be closed Edward Albee's "A Delicate Balance" at the takes the leading role in the 17th century comedy. Friday for Lincoln's birthday. Irvine Community Theater Curtain ls 8 p.m. Wednesday throu1h Friday and 6 Eileen Fishbach is directing the show. which "South Pacific," Lhe Pulltzer Prlze·wlnning p.m. for Saturday's performance, which Is sold features Art Winslow, Jane Nigh , Valerie Mcilroy, musical of 1950, begins a two-month engaaement out. Call 833·6617 for reservations. Co rbett Barklie, Richard Drake and Betty Young. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~ G ..... •!WltM..l&Ullr ........... ....._.~ .. ,... ........ ,_, A IWW.O.NT ~ : • . NOW PLAYING ', ~ · 11&ctnc..u ()lflgl 6343911 l .. AllllS CHllMA cerml AMC: OIAMll MAU c.u 111esa 97t 41'1 0.1111ge 637 0340 uac_.. WtS1mtMtet 893 0~46 OUllGl Dllflf.11 OrlftQt ssa 1022 UIWAllOl IAllDUIACIC lllUIA 1'11111 Dlllft·I• El 11110 511 ~HO llueN Pat> 821 4010 THE P O RT THE.A TR f "' .1 ·t>2b0 EVERY MONDAY ALL SEATS $2.00 uGo TOCNAlll ORANGE COUNTY PREMIERE plus "Cousln- Couslne'' <PG> • • .'IJ'lt E COAST t-n'IY COllONA GEL MAR MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE "4.L Q ~ AHO@ FILMS REC£1Vl I Ht SE.Ol ~ IH£ 1.4()f l()H P<; IURf C..OOl ~ SElf REOlllAll()fj NOWr' DAl~Y A INE At A~ Six Cine omes yt:~n~tty ~1~~8 30 NoP-No Econ. SNts r UMOUSINE SERVICE TO SNOW SUMMIT Phone 714 -494-2805 . W, 1$Zlaii CAI.£. flOa IBMYATIOMI •BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday thru Saturday All Perform•nces before S:OO PM (Elctpt Spec111 Eng1g1men1s and Holkl1ys1 LA MIRADA MAU o M11odo ot to1oc1on1 LA MIRADA WAllC·IN 994·2400 MO... c ec:on • ....,,.,,. flMTTOl9 "TAPS" i... , ............ ._ ... .-. nc•rfa °"MA.a~ 1.e.c-oif lllOR:TMrOAn......,...·ec:e• D&&.Y ----....,.0... ............. ..... ~ _,,_ 'REOS j;' • • - I ~-·---l "RAIOERS OP: TH£ LOST ARK' __ ..._ .... ,, ........ ~ ...... .. .....,.-.,~·.»•CMM"9ll-a ··WHOSE LIFE IS IT AHYWIY'" . ...... ••kll , ...... .. , SHARKY'S MACHINE" 111 ...................... na •• ai .. 1 "THE SEOUCTION" 1111 ................ ___ ,,. ....... ,.,. 'liiOOtRN l"RotlUMS" -....... , .,.., .•. ·-.. , ..... ,1';11. t..• ... "FOU.. SEASONS" -....... , "-'···~·· LAKEWOOD CENTER WAllC·IN u~ .. ,... ...... -.IOMD4 • ON OOLb£N PONO -1JM.111~t.» r M 1e1e ~ c teon · tMOnh MIU'T1a. 'TAPS 1Pe1 ,,..... ,..,. ·-.. , ... LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlK·IN fOCully At o.t Amo 213/6M-9211 --·--"AAICIOtS OF THIE LOlf ARK' ................... , ... -LAGUNA ...... ....._.~ .... _ .... , .. oculty o• CondlOwo;! 213/531·9580 I"--................... , .. .. .... ____ _ ..................................... -·· +--- REOS" tflOOI .....•... SHARKY'S MAOtlNIE _,, , ............. VIENOM"IPll tH- 1..,.ll.UIC..t.aTD ·.......,..~ "ATlANTIC CITY' ,., ,. ...... ·-............ .. -cm>.a ...... ~ CHARIOTS Of' l'lRIE" " t ......... ._..,, l.:M. 11"' so. COAST WALK·IN ioull\ Coo11 H1woy 01 11oodwoy 494-1514 -------,,.._cawnoM ... 915. ··600,-·, ... •8<16 IMPORTANT NOllCl' CMll ORfN UNOUI 12'FRU1 H•1H • ffllt W••n•• Mef' '"'"It. 5 3(). 511 Svfl .. lh 4 30,M Clll( H '.IJUllO • •oY• A"' CM MOO 1$ ¥0UA SIUl<Co -"° .,. 'All f\ALO() ""'" O«l10ll "'1UOllf POSITO< -8111N1i AM l'()lllAIU 1•AU Clltf."• ~INS 1311 ~Ml MOil AHAHllM fT'W au. ...... 1'w.::e ,... ,,. ANAHEIM DRIVl·IN G0009YE. UIMAHU£Llf -l••••Of ti ol l•"'O~ ~' ·•SECAETS·· 1111 179•9150 Cll•I II SOuNO ·S..ARKY'S MACfflNE" 1111 ,. Ct>Hch I Cllona:_ Nke !SiHmi· . S'nl:;u" "" i ·~h • c11oz ...... Mowie" 8USTIH~"~ ~,1".,s:· "'' 8UI '<" PAii~ BUENA PARK ORIVHN l•ncotft AM WMt Of l"o" 121·4070 l u! "'"' PAii• LINCOLN ORIVf·IN l•*'C:Oll'\ 4¥e W•W of IC"'°'" 121·4070 __ __, _ _._ "THE BOOOENS" 1111 -"VEHOM"1111 "800Y AND SOUL" 111 -"BOULEVARD NIGKn" -'' lf•1•.11•mi..t1"'111w•n•fi•1r-.~.c:u:;'=~;:::'.s son O..Oo lrwy 01 t•oo•"""' (Sol .-n MOV11E" tlll 962•24fl C•IOf fl SO\lllO Say "I love you!" with Hickory Farms DMIB __ ~;_",_:r_;_;~_·1-_0l_y _ ··.t.1tn.n.··--"Sn.~S· t•I -c ~--..,.,_ ''TAN" ... \hlentine's gifts. Give your swt•et ht art a Eif t of old-time country goodness from Hickory Farms~" Lots to choose from. in almost every price range. Let us send your gifts. we'll handle the details. Assorted Candy $}99/lb. reg. S259 lb. It's from all over the world, in dozens of scrumptious flavors. Offer good February 1-2 t Your nearby Hickory Farmsr" is your year 'round gift store: (INSERT STORE ADDRESS) Cl1V82Gt'™'rlll "°"' Corpnf'IUIOf\ on • ., valid al p.1r1K 1p~tiJ111 llil'km"\' f',mn ofC ·~10• ...... . South Coast Plaza Lower Carousel MaU OPEN DAILY 'tl'IL 9 P.M. SATUBDA\' 'ftL 6 P .M. SUNDAY 12 TO 5 P. ~=~1''°":',J ... /iiM .. , ..... ........... . ,_,. ..... .. ...... .-.._. ... ..,_ _.,..... ..... ... ... -..~ ......... .. ~ '"SJlfl CflA,zY' t•1 .,. __ . __ "OH OOU>EH PONO" --'THE IUCTMC HOfllKMAN" CUtf " IO\IHO ... l~ t<A811A LA HABRA DRIVl IN •)9A ~(,f -"THE CANNONeALL flUN" -c• R SOUNO __ _ '"------"OO<>OeYI, t:lllAMWl 11" ..i -"U:CflltrT'r' ... C...lt~ ORANGE OAIV t IN I "'ntl HDUCTION _,,__..... .. -... - "THI eooc.,. .. 111 I ··ux AND THE LONn.Y ··w.:OW· WOtllW' •1 -lftt-~ ........ -----llll..;;._ __ C'IOtOOL019'L tftat ... Dr pt .... ',,... -I ''-.._.,. _,_.. _ _...., "THI llC>UCT1C*'' t1111 -MISSION OIUVf IN . ·'LOOKllt" " Jl. I '4 ... ... • A WAllNE ~ D ·Iv! 1 ·i • Orange Coast DAILY PILOTffutlday, February 9, 1982 THE t'..\MILl' CIRCl'~ BIG GEORGE by V1rg1I Partch (VIP) "Mommyl Billy said a bod word.'' "I didn't mean to. It was a misprint." "Golly! I can SH cttar to China." by Brad Anderson Z:f "We rattled you off, Marmaduke, but you know how to find your way home again." , WE'RE REAW, LORD •.. LET 'ER RIP! I Jl'DGE P .\RKER WHAT MAKE5 ME FURIOU515 THAT &AM DRIVER 06VIOU5LY KNEW EVER't'ONE WOUL.D 6E LOOKIN<;_....... F()f( LINDA MAY C,REER' ACROSS SO Negative 1 Leg SI Ofllce cllrtt s Herring S3 Falhtr Arab 10 On - -SS Tlltt. with S6Grett 14 Ctuitlng 61 Aoclf•• Hi Sn1t 62 HotM 18 Pine fruit tllplor~ 17 Rout sllotr 3 words -.11mm1 2 wordt 14 Count~ l!I 19 o.linquent 01 85 S..1 20 C'"*°1 VIP 66 Matured 21 <>c.tl bird 67 Ms T yltr 22 61$/44: Moor• :· 2 word• 66 Rapt 23 -cloth '80 Conf\lte 25 H .. ttn DOWN 2t Thlc*tl 1 Dllel - 30 Farnll'y Oii 2 Ciecn river 31 a.ma 3 Vanlton. • O 2 word• M Minor 4 EflOlltll IPI t 2 Wiid ox prophet !I Exempts 13 Depend 3f~ •-chm 18S.- 38 he""' 7 BNt-10-24 8lcyclN 39 MUtuel • front. 25 Floch ,....,. 2 WOfdl 2t MOw ,2 "~ • Colulntlll 27 Olllfnc11on '3---•i..n o·a-2ts...,_ ... ...-r Llw"Y 2t Sn\111 4$ -""91 I........ 31 PIWIQtllTI '1 '-" to NOW9 Scotll. 32 ~ .... ~ 33c.1fr • a... 11 ..... 31 MolMltnt ~L....., I Ufsa 37 Awlr\t WHILE ~E WERE WORRIED TO OfATH, FE>Jl!FUL b0Mfn41NG HAPPENEDTOTHE LITTU ~~­CE~ Of TV. HE WA!> Off 6AU..IVAtfflNC, AAOUHO TOWN ~liH HER i 40 Prlv1t1 rOOl'l\I 41 Grell( left« I 46 Styhll 48CUddlt ··~ 52 Std.Im )°'II i...t--t--1--1 53 Enoe' lldlW 5" Aumcalt SSPrMl 57 Mttll MForcl~ stPNflx kw ----., IOWl*\*I 13 LAttuol \..()()t(, l'M MOT C«YIN{;) ~ l'M Hllln'' l'M JU~f MAO~.P'MtoO! Tl:MBLE" EED8 antM INPIANS POfl1srr51P'1N& COi~ ANP HAW A CfWJFFEtJft WNO RMPS 60&1'HE 1D 1HM1! SHOE VISIT OUR BANK I I -l 0 0 0 GORDO W'E PAY 5!i'6 INTEREST ON YOUR SAVINGS 0 0 0 t '(;NK \' "INKERBEJ\N by Charles M Schulz --------1 WAS WROH6 ... ™AT'S ™E FIRST TIME l'VE EVE~ SEEN ~ A 80SM PILOT! ~ ~ by Tom K. Ryan HMM i si=Nv -n+EM S'v'MPA-IHV CA~P5 AND 13-IL.L MY A!C:oum: by Jeff MacNelly ~T UNTIL Tht'r' CCM~ UP W ~ (){ 1"AT 4*J ~ UP ON 5Al.£~EN. ~ THE:."( ~IZ.l~H ~ eot"'-1. ~ ~"TU THI': Mll.V At-JO~ iO-n-IE ~Win< ~ fi(().o\ 1lV-"f'~I~ Tr:~, U.,d.~.1 by Ernie Bushm1ller YOU DON1T PAY ANYTHING by Gus Amela by Tom Bat1uk --~~~~~~~~-......, I CAN'T 88...IEVf <,()(.) (:i)T A ~NICAl CAUED ON ~ IN lHE GAME LA5T Nl6Hf,~ ! .. .. CAN :r HAVe SOME: POPCORN , ONCL-e POC"rOR? by Kevin Fagan .:) . ~ } .. . . •' I h ,,, Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Tuesday, Febr'l•'Y 9, 1982 ., t..-00188 NIWI OHAM.E'I ANOILI NM IAll<.ITUU Allenle Hewt11 Yll. Loe Mgelel Uill .. • THI JlffPION8 8 HAWMFM..o "rm A femlly Cr<M* - Don't SllOOt" 1 ......... AE.PORf UNOEMTAHOING HUMAN MHAVIOR iSSogy" &MOVIE •• •14 "The Wey We Were" 118731 Berbra Str~. Robert Redford A ~ COiiege couple In ,,,. 1fl30t cl*-lhal their polttlall diner- -1tr0fl(t er1llUgh to ~ wdlze IMlr 1'Mrfia09. UO . WELCOME 8AQ(, KO°""' 9 KCET HEWSeaAT: CAUfOfMA CONOAE.88IONAL REPORT G IUllHE88 AEPOflT (l)Q!NEWS 9J 8AAHEY MILLEA ~MOVIE ••'~"~Won--." I 196&) AnM Bencroh. &le Lyon w~ w11h vary;ng bed&ground1 1no posi- tions lnlerrelele 1n 1 Chi· -mlSlllOft aclK>o4 CS) THE LOI ANGEl..D 8IO LAf'F Of'F Contesiant• from the Los Angeles arN vie IO< the Chence 10 be finalists in Ille" 1981 N111on1I Big LIN Off .. 1:46 [l.) MOVIE • * • • "R101no Bull 11980) Robert De Niro C11hy Mori.t1y Bo••no champlOn Jel<e la Motl•'• 1ptlluda for violence bnnga hlM ~ 1n tile 11ng l>ul d11rup1a 1111 per ~~le 'R' 7:00 ti CBS NEWS D NBCNEWS D HAPPYDAYSAGAIH fJ A8CNeW8 Q) M'A'8'H Wlnellester and Hot Ups get lood po1M>n1ng trom en Imported can of pheasant end Hewlleye la r89rl- rnended for fighting CD JOKEA'S WILD &;) ~EASY G~I Leny HagtnM fRI ~ OOCCAVETT Gueal actreu Mona w...,~ ()) TIC~ OOUOH 0 ~RTAINMENT TOHIOHT LB0r1ard Nlm<>y dlacuaaes Ille IHmtng o1 "Star Trek ti" Qt TME MUf>PETS 0~1 BobHope (ff) VIDEO JUt<E.BOX (O)MOW "Lei The Balloon Go On Tiie A.in' nof) 20NTHET~ F .. lured • IOOll onto pos1· dlYOrce relallonshlpa. wnet Loe Angelea wu like dur- ing Work! War ti, a mftn wt>O cl1lma 10 own just about every 4!> r p m record thll was ever pressed a a FAMtl. y nuo U LAVl!AHE & SHIRLEY &COMPAHY Tiie Foru drops ON a ~ -Moraan Fairchlld plays a danceroua romantic aame wtttl Ferua.ndQ Allende -uslna her power to keep him interested in an atf air that threatens her marria1e and b1a careeT -on ".iamingo Road" at 10 tonight on KNBC (4). ttHPf1M bundle et IN Qltl•. 9C)8111Mnl • EYIONLA. FNIUtect • tool< •t .,._ trend• In aleepwt111t: • report on apeclel tfftc1• for televlllon, a report on heedllctle c:urM.. e w·A·a·H Outing • cold enep •• pelt of longjohM --.110 Hewie· •from home~ • much-toughl·•ftet com- ll'Odlty I T1C TAC pouGH MACHEJL/LEH~ REPORT '11) NEWS ()) P.M. MAGAZINE A former "Moonle'a" escape from the Unlllc1- 11on Chutch, collagen 1n1ect1on1 lot remov1no- wrinld .. and _,, 9 YOU A8KED FOR fT Featured "Plrlllha Attac:ll BruH'a River Of Death · :IDMOVIE * * "The 8lectc Hote' ( 1979) Mulmlllen Schell, Robert Fortier. Yve1te Mimoeu• The crew ot a tutunauc aoKMhlp di._ cov.,a 1not11er veuet perched on Ille eooe ot • l0<metl0n which pYlla .,,y. t11lno nearby Into a giant vokl whet• time and ~ ceaM toexlal 'PG' 8:00 f) ()) SIMOH & 81MOH A wealthy Ind beaullful Houston 10Clallle hlr• A J and Rick to rind the llance whO lilted her el the .,,., D Qt FA THEA MUAPKY A pretty bank robbery eccompllee don I I he habit of 1 dead nu<1 and o"9n to help 'F1ther Murphy wi1h the children at Iha 0<phan- ;' ~ "Fl1ta 01 Fury ti" Bruce LI fJ 9 HAPf>Y DAYS Fonzie ~a Ille Lone ~o CD P .M. MAGAZIHE A former "Moonle'1" ~ from the Un<tk:l- llon Church, cotl1gen 1n19Ct1ona 10< removing wnnlti. and KM• -~ • * • "Relwn Of Th9 Sev- en" (1116&1 Vut Brynner, RoOef1 Fuller Aher one of the "Megn1llc:enl S.-" le kidnapped, hi• former comrldea COOl4I 10 hi• r .... cue SI Uf£ ON EARTH "Con~t Ot The Waters" Oavtd Allenl>OtOUQh looka et the astounding ftah dynasty with ita 30.000 d•f· lerent 1P9Clel O '1!) HIOVA Finding A llOICe SeYerll YiellmS of -e .,..ct. dlaeb1lltlea relate llOw they overceme the4r ll•nd~s Q CJ MOVIE • * • "The Asphalt Jun ote" ( 111501 Sterling Hay den. J1me1 Whllmo<• TM polloe ltl belfled by I crlm1nel m11termtnd'a t\alf-nvlllO<l-doll•t robbery Cl)NOYll * *" "Salem'• Lot" 0910) o."1d ~. Jem. ....._, A ~ "91unw to hi• boyhood home to put en end to tr<Mll>Md MM'IOl'IM but tlnd• lhal • ..,..., mya1er; ehrouds lllatown 'PG' 9MOVIE * • • ~ "Soldier Of Ofenge" ( '919) Edward Fox, ._ Penl\alloOft 8Uc ~II a Clutch uni..~ 00 ,,.,.., eepe- r1te W1l'fl ~war l>reaka out In Eurooe. ·PG· UC> 8 !1Jt LAWIN! & SHlflLEY Leverne a1ana detlng • married min Q 0 YOU ASKED FOfll IT F .. tUfed "Plr1nh• Atteck 8tU11'1 Ri-Of C>Mth." tD AU IH THt! FAMll Y Grendp1 Archie b<lnge Glorle' a little belly 110me for 1 o.,... or poller with lheboyl t:OO 8 CJ) MOVIE "01~ou1 Comp1ny" (Prem!erel 8-1 Bt1c:lg-., Certoe Brown The true atO<')' or hardened crlmlner Rey JOhnson. wt>O efter 27 YMI'• ol ctlme and lmc>rls- ~t became • rMj)eC1· ed cltlun, la totd a a eAET MA\IEAICf< A l>eaullful con "1111 tries to relllndte the bitter_, ,-~herend Ma~ a o THN!IF• COMPANY The roomma1.. S()er>d 1 bucollc _.end II Cln- "'(1 _.., •• lwm 0 0 YOU Alt<£O FOA IT 11etu..S: "BrUlllanl Cap- ture World'• L1roea1 Snake" and ,"Hor&el Of Ol<tot>ertest." ID MEIN OIWFlN fill AMERICAH PU't'HOUS« · 'Senae Of Humor Any F r1end Of NicholM Htc:llle- by' a II A Friend Of Mine" In an 80ec>tellon Of Ray Bradbury I "-l .. Or)'. a stranger In town IMChM • young boy eome ~ ....... In ln.lld!INp and '"" po.-Of .. Imagine--lion O G URONE.Mni "~t Of The W1t81'a" OeYld Att.nb«ougll ladca 11 IN ... oondlnQ lllh dynuty with It• 30,000 dff. ..,.,..,lpedel 0 cm..,.,. • • * "Tiie Ollence" p11131 s-i eo.v.y, T,.. vor Ho.ard While 11 ... lng cto.n • child moleet•. • London Oelecttve lilowly edgM hltneelf towwd 1 MrVOOl l>teekdown R' ['ZJMOVIE * • ·~ "Sury Al Vou Are" ( 11180) Merceflo Mlllrolen- nl. NaallMll Klnskl A married. middle-aged man emblttla on an aftalr with 1 teen-ege gift WflO may 1>11 relai.cl to lllrrt 'R' •.30 8 9 TOO Cl08E FOA ~ ... .,_ ..-... ~ ... _ 11 ....... ~TOHART WllJI• on veoallon 111 H .. 111. tfl. H.,,, 119001ne ~In• mwca. plot ln'<IOMng . ~ - olN of JonMMll't Q • PNYIN ANO TI4I ""'9UMH .. ,,.. 'll•D•fei." IUa ~~­~ wltll AndN ,....., ..,....,. ____ * ~ .. ,., ocwnllO. ;MOVm ••• "T'N ~ .. ( 1MO) o-p 0. tooct. l"rtlft Ven 0.-.. A 11116- 0W.O mu.IO ptot.Nor rent• an Old ~ lh.i ..,.,. '° ti.,_., by • ,...... ..... wltll • IO-&r.::-tQ--'"' * *.,. "T~ l"l1llftg" (tMO) Jeol( HICllOleon. ~ Oull9ll OtreQed by Stlrlil¥ ~ A tomwr IClflooltMClh« hired .. • winier cieretttller few • --.. end ~II)' ~. Colorldo llOt• ... enowbounO then! ..on .. wife and~· young ~.'R' CIMOYll * * "Oii leughlllQ" ( tMO) Robby ler'90!\, ~ ()uMHlo. A ~'"9 ~ ClrlYef .. 9lded by a -1 "'°"*8Y In prO'llng ,..,_. ·-I of a mutO.. ctiwge. 'PG' ....... .,..,. ~NRWI • MimlCAH "'-'""°'* ··s.n.. Of Hum«: Any Friend Of Nlcflolu Nici!• by'1 ta A Friend Of Mine" In en adeptatlon Of Ray 8r adl>ury'• lhort llory. • 1tranger In town INChM • young boy -YilluabMI ..._. In friendlhip and IM poww of Ille~ lion 0 10';36 (%)MOVIE ***• "Tess" 119711) Nutuele KlnUI, ~er Fltttl. U-Mugtlter of e poor Englleh fernier l>ec<>mM the victim of her family'• upntlon• and her own bMuty 'R' 11:00988(1)9'9 NIW8 8 SATURDAY NIGHT Hoat· Kirk Oouglu GUMll Sam & o. ... (ii NM.HOCKEY "34th Annu•I All-Sier a-" 8n4e~ A lelevlelotl docutnenlll)' ()ti loulee'• -with • IUlclde hotllne could .._, to a OMdly llollure. CD 8ANIOAD AMO 80H Fred eccl6ent.ily fir• an entlque gun IW\d tMra IN worst wMri ,,. neighbor oo.n·1- • DICKCAWTT Gu.I IMhion dMigfw Perry EJlll (Q)MOYIE "Penor-Blue" 11•8 ()) ALICE Ao'• third ea-huablllld -1"al they -l1JI merrlad. (R) 8QITONGKT Hoet: Johnt1y Ce~ ~' .... c.,,.,., ,,.., ~ 8111 MCNEWI H9GIHT\JNa • 000 COUPl.E F.itlr and 0.:. t-*' IN time Feb photognp.d hie ~ tor IN Pl9yboy C91 lter1old. • LOW."21!1 CAN smi "LOYe Anet Murpfly't Bed" Sareh end Jotv\ .,,,,.. 1-eap«alaly ··~ And The Loet Dog" £lee.. nor pull., ad In the~ IO< a loal dog thel ahe MY· ., hid. f£) KCET i.wa&f.AT: CAUfOANIA COHGAE88IOHAl. MPOAT G CAPTIONED A8C NEWS 11:40 00 MOVIE ..... Modern~" TUBE TOPPERS KTLA e 8:00 -.. Fists of Fury ll ·· Bruce LI demonstrates his Kung Fu defending his honor KTrV • 8:00 "P.M. Ma1azine." A former Ptfoonie tells about his escnpe rrom the Uniflcatlon ChUtth. KNXT 9 9 :00 -··oan1erous Company." Beau Bridges is star or macte.for·TV movie premiere. See ttory below. KNBC 8 10:00 -"Flamingo Road." Michael Tyrone bombs the Clarion's office. See photo at left. au.1a: awo. ~ d.U. 0-•· Pudgy, Moor•'•~~ -~AWMJN4 ITY\.I ''Low MO TM Under •tandlng" DDdo'• lluebend le fooling 1tound. "Love And The ~ancy'' lr•'I ""'-It ~ ti*< "'" baby (C)MOYll * ......... ., lktddwlng" .MOYie **'A "The MW\ Who Saw TomomiW' 11911) Oocv- mentuy Mart•ted lly <>non w..... Fooeaoe of -II he p<edlc:ted and drwnatlc re-ct"Mtlonl or h6a -COfTl9'lee ... looti et IM 17t!M:entury Fr..c:h ph'191C1M, MlrOIOgef and myatlc Mlchel de Mollre- °""8, known u Notitre· ~'PO' 12:06 8 CJ) M(Nt ... Clt01'411TI LU ~a Jennlf9''1 '*" 10 dl.uede Herl>'• ~ and lnforma him Of the plot (R) U:aO 8 8 LATE NIGHT wrTl4 DAW> LETTaMAH GuMll: mlor John HOuM- men, former middleweight champion Jake LaMott• 8 MOVIE • * * * "Cocoenula" 111129) Mane 8rolhe<I, 1(1y Francie. A group of Ul\iM tall .. °""' e rM«t hotel In the cl.-,. of the Florid• lend boom • WB40EHT NETWONC..wa (l)Wt4AT'8 ~ ~ ~ .-11ng·e hletoq and curr9nt t~. rode medicine 11 I Rofllng SI-concert; the flrlt p<ohnla•-- tler; llOw IO rnelle money. t2l40 e CJ) Mdcl.ouo McC1oud dlaCOYer'e t,.,.I • hellCOpler trllg9Cty waa not an llOCid9nt. IR) 1.:008 MOYIE •**'At "Inherit The Wind" ( 19e0) Spencer Tr .. Cf. Fredric: Metctl tD MOVIE ..... "Act One" (19831 0-ge Hmmlflon. Jaaorl Aoc-0. 1:108 MCME **~"I~ You. Good- .,_., (tWfl) "°" L-ve. E9i Mamllw\. 1:.1= **'Al "Honeyeuckle Rme" (tMO) Wlllle ...-.on. ~ Cant>On WNte on -. • • Teua country- ~ lir'O" ~ ~ ..... the~ deugh• Of hie aid81tldl -"'°'91 he ... lo¥u hie_.,......._. w!te 'PG' , •• ENT'ERTA.Nmlf TIMOHT Leonerd Nttnoy dlacu- tM fMmlng of "St1t Trek II." alNEW& (l)MOVIE e Y. "The Stu<I" (111781 Joen Colline. Ollver Tobi· u. A waiter adv~ hll car-by Ueac>lng wOh hie l>oa'twlte 'R' .UYIMOMTMI OOMIDV 8T°"9 (%)MOYIE • * * 14 "le Cllge AUil F<*N" ( tt7t) Ugo Tog- nam. ~ Serrautt A nlghtdub -1nea to pr8'Nff hit t~tlte IOYer for a vlelt by hil ~·1 fl1nce•'• l•ther. Ille mor81a ~of Franoe. 'R' 2:Q)!= * * •.; "The Frleco Kid" 119711) 0... Wilder, Hetrl- ~ ford A PCllWI ral>l>I llnd9 hin\Mff ln"'°"'90 In wild frontier mludven · lut .. with • dlfing bank rOC>ber wMrt he Ir• ..... IO San Ff~ to Wk• over •new conoreo•tton. 'PG· 2:2111 Nl:W8 2:.80 MOVIE * * * "Thunder In The Sutn" (ttSllJ ~ Hey· -cl. J9ff CMt>dier A low ltlangle OCC)U(S during the 1850a emong • group ot 8aaqllM journeying 10 the c.lllomla ..tneyerd1 CIMOVIE * * ·~ "Fallo'' (1NO) Dom 0.U-. Atllte e.nc,ott A portly oomput.iw .. .., find• lhet nothing C8tl dempen hie~ lot food untll he 19111 In kMI. 'PO' 2:408 NEW8 2:NG MOVIE * * "Shattt Kiii" (19Te) Richard Y n1gue. Phlllip Oertl. A mwtne l>lologllt .,,., ... oil compeny 8)l9Q>- 1Ne 181 out to ~ a & 10.000 llounty fOf IN eec>tur9 of 1 greet .wte llh8'lt ae10CZ)uow ••e'A "The Wey We Were" ( 11173) 81rbr1 Streiaand. Rol>er1 Redford A young COiiege couple In the fll30I di-fhal the!< polltleal dltf- .,.. 11rong ~ 10 jeop- erdlze 1'*' rnerrl9ge 3: 15 CH) MOYIE ** •·r,. ,. EMs" pte11 Ooa-11wy Fiim roo111g9 end drllfl'lallc r.aMtlOne .,.. ..ea to tell the ••O<Y of EMa Pr.uey • Hie and Clf-a:20• MOYIE * * "Fe>r1 WOr'lh" 11" 1) ~ lcott. OeWt 8f1. an. A gunellno9r ·turned· ~men"'* Ill•• hie pr°'"89 Wtui • 11•· ahoOlfr " ... root• efl'eo. tlve than wordll In dMllno with ......... .....,.,,Is I~ (I) OOOt<IE 000 TO THE H08AT Al. Cooltl8 lndl IN "°9pltll 1 IC8f'f ~ but get• by wltll lhe help of her tnenda 4--00 D MOVIE • *"' "BeNnd The Mewl" (1940) Lloyd Moten, Oorb ~ A cruudlnQ ,_.p8'>8fman expo ... corruption In hi• town's oovernmer11 CS) Ml.COME TO M\AMI, CU8AN08 F'lorid1 It douded with prejudice and problem• ror Miiie ""'° muei come lo JOHN DARLING ·' ~ Wltfl ... ~ rw1-•1•~MCM1 ***14 "Oey ro-NlghC" ( 1112) JeoQU91ine ...... Vlllenllrut Cort-Direct· eel by 'tancolt T Mfeut Tri. it¥t8 and lo.-. Of lllm pertonneta .,. lludled In a movle·wllllln•••tnovl• 'PO' ':al> (l)WHO W~ TO• A HMO -~ • • • • ""eolnf lull" ( tMO) Ao'*1 OI Nero. Cllthy Mor~. llo•lnt ~J-LeMona'• •e>tllud• for 'tlolenct bf'lnga """ ..... In "" l1ng but ~ "" per· eon.I lb . .,.. We-d•r•da1t'• Dafll IMe-HolJW• ·-MOR.Ht.o- 7:00 ~) e * * ~ "The Cal And The Caner(' 11931) Bob "°"9. Paut.11e Oodd81d In ord« 10 oollec1 their 1nlletltanoe, 1 l1mlly must ~the night In 1 haun1- ed llOUM CH) * * * "An Scr.-cl Up" c 1111e1 Luigi 0111er11. Ntno Blgnamll\I ~ by Una Wertmul141r A group of Souttwn ~ tty to find WMHh and h9'>- ~ 1n NortMtn lt8I)' Cl**'"' "Ode To Biiiy Joe" (11178) ~ Ben- ton. Gtynnl9 O'Connor 8Med on l"8 ~ by eot>- 1>19 Gentry A lonNnled lMn·aget'I put expen- encM oompllclrl• hit tlret true romanoe 'PG' 8:00 ()) * • ~ "AM. Al\y Gltf' 1111591 Shlr1ey M11elalne, Oevld Niven Job and hua-- l>end·hunllng occupy Ille time or 1 Q1t1 MW!)' etrlvecl In N.w YOf'lt City ll30 ct) • • • "The P-d Is Courege' (1M3) DIR Bog1tde. M8lll Peradly A World W1t ti 8r1lllh Officer. Ctianee Cow1td. '9pMled· ty outwit• the Mula wt>o llletnpl 10 hOld him ... wer prlaooer t:00 0 * * •;, "PlftChclltf Grand Prla" Animated Alter Illa C8f deelgn II 1toten by an ex-c:ollMgue. 1 brllll1nt mech1n1,i:: decldee lo build .,, awn bel1er redng m8Chlne and oomc>t'I• wlltl his ...,,..... 'G' 9:30 ID * • "LOC*lng For Den- ger" 1t115n eo--, Boye. Otto Aeoctww. The Boye lc»e .., Army coolc.lng PC>' In North Africa 10:00 (HJ * * "The tnglOrioua 8aat1tda" I 1111111 8o 5....,. eon. Fred Wllllamton Two men IOf'm an unuwet lrlendthlp during their effort• 10 auNlw enemy lllllCK• and 'lllolent de9ltl during Ille tumulluoua d8ys of World Wit It Cl) •• * "Nori" By Nort,_t • I 11159) Cary Gr8nt, Eve Marie Saint An adwr11sing rnen'a Ille ts c;f\8nged drMl.tc811y ....... he le mtst..., lo-e CIA 10:30 (!)':-* * 'h ''Pitt 2 Soun- der" 11111e1 Herold s~ t•. Ebony Wright. A rural ~ tMllly of •h- croC>P8fl struggle to build • .:hool In l.oui91Ana dur. lt'9 the Oepr...ion 0 **~"'The ManWho s-Tomorrow .. 111181) Oocutnentwy Herreted by Orlon W... Foot~ of -· he predlcted end drwnettc r.-crMllont of Illa life cornpr.e 1hla looti 111 the 17lh-<ienlury French phytletan, utrologer and myttle Miehe! de Notitr•· Dame. known • Noel••· demus 'PG' 12..-00 0 •• "Women In The Rain" Bat1>er• Lu,,. ......... Seret<>oe" (11137) Clerk G11>1e. JMn H4RM TN tulVy Nugh. .. °' a .....m.y --bl'....,.._._ r-u. ""' IMGMd ~ • ~ tllN llOOll1e • • * '4 ...... Frlgl1t" (ft60) Jene '/tlymall, MM• ""8 Dlettietl Aft« pleM> Ing Int--to a frMnd, the ~ In • llllltder -llMN out to .,. gwlly (JI)*** 'h ''Tiit ~ ....... (tteO) Jcft1 ..,, AtletlOny .....,.. A ... oaled e>l\yMclan tlltll• Vft//W .. MnO a ~ dllt«IMd -....... Ufttll "*' MO ~ t1*11 Wt~hM~ 'PO' 9•• .. HMll'kTM Sl•yer" 1t11111 I J101t P*-. John Tetrv An edWlnturoua YOUllG MMl eniata the aid or • band Of warrior'e to fight hi• eYll unc:ll8, the OYWIOfd who klled Ill• tether and .. ho6dlnO an abl>MI for tM- *" (%) •• * ·~ 'Le Cege "'-'• Foltel" 11117111 Ugo Tog nUZI, MICNI SerrlUll A nlgfltelub -. trlel to p<~ Illa trana-t11e lover for a 111111 by hll ~ '• ll1nce•'• father, the mor• oommlaalonet' of Frence. 'R' tt:aO CC) * * •• "8~•" ( 11157) Mllt1on 8tendo, Red 8utlon1. An AmerlcMI jet -"-a C)Olgnant etfalt ...tth .... ..., e>ertormer of a l......eid J.,.,-llC11ng COfl'IC)4ltly t:OO CJ) • e •;, .. ,._Any Girt" I t"91 SNttey Meclalne. Devld ......... Joi> and llu• llend·hundng occupy the time of a glt1 ,_iy ltrlved In N.w Yonc City 2::60 (%} • * *'At "Le Ceo-Auic Follea" ( 1919, Ugo Tog· n&al, Mlche4 Serr1ult A nightclub owner trl• 10 preoere his ttW1a-111e lover fOf 1 ,.,.,, by 111a eon'a flencee'a lither tht morell commi~ of Franoe R' &:000 * • * "O-Oey The Slath Of June 'I 19541 Rob- ert T•ylot. Rlchetd Toad A.. 19-rolel In the Nor· mandy ln~esion loom cloa· er. t...o mlNtary olf1ee<1 .acti review thejr M(>arate memories or 111e 0111 they bolll 10"8 (C} **'~"The hiking P1tcel" I 11178) Anlmeted A young girl. 1 petrot and • toed n1ua1 °""'come • horde of eYll -pents to rree • W\Ufd ·G· 3':30 (.HJ * • "The Evtciors' 11117!1) Vic Morr-. '*-8 H1tper Two young i->P1e tn0"8 lnlO 8 hQuM Wl111 lhe not0<ioua reputeuon of cauaing the dNthe of eny- one dering to 11"8 there 'PG' 0 * * "Young And Fr .... Eric Litton, I A Stain Wiien lregecly forces a yOU"'O) t>oy to jOln a w-oon trlln In the rugged -t. lie ,,_,. 1 young tndl9n girt lnd~•-llle PG 4:00 ct) * * * ~ Pert 2 Soun· der" ( 1117&) H&told SytYM· ter. El>Ony Wright A rural l>llCk lemily or .,.., ... cre>pper$ etruogte to build •~In L°""*'8 dv<· ·~ the OeprMll<>n 4:30(}1 • * * * "Touch 01 Evil" 11958) Cll1tlton Hea- ton. Orton Wellel A Mex•· can polioe lnapector end hla A merrcen bride 1>ecorne the Yictlml or • amallllme gMlOStet and • lhac1y lherltl dv<ing • """. der lnVMtlgauon on Ille border 5;00 CS) * * ' The lncredlbi9 Sl>nf>lllng Wom9n" ( f9801 Liiy Tomin. ChltlM Gro- din A ~fe llnd• ti hard 10 cope when al>e suddenly begin• to lllrlnk 1n Sire 'PG' 0 • • '" Fatso" (111801 Dom Deluise Anne B•n· croft A portly cornpulSIYI! eater linds thet notlllt>g can d-.pen 1111 o.sire for lood unhl he lalla In lo"8 by Armstrong & Batluk CHANNEL LISTINGS Herwy'. friend Char11e, • pr~ )c*er. oomM lor ....... • ce FVT"t llUl.LSl"ff 1198 IJ Albert 8roou. Kattwyn H1ndd. A tllm editor tnea ~ to win beck the ,.,..,, °' l'lle womanhe~'R' l'M ~Y. Rt:ED! 1 GAYE rr IHE OLD COLLEGE il<Y, 0u1' 1 .JU5T CN-fT GO THROU6H WITH IHIS MLID- COME ON, 0REN~/ OON'T 0E 5UCH A BASY.' 00 'IOU REALIZE HOW IVIUCH SOME WOMEN PAY AT SPAS IN 5WllZE~LANC' FOR A MUD0ATH LIKE YOU'RE 0 l(NXT ICBS> 0 C!) KNBC' !NBC I l 0 KlLA (Ind J H 0) I< AHC. (ABC I c 0 KFMB ((A~I • 0 KHJ TV (lno I ,, a:> K(ST IABCI [ 0) I( TTV llnd I s Cl) l((OP TV I Ind 0 On TV Z Tll HBO IC•n•md~I IWORI NY !WTflSJ I ESPN1 t5how11mt I Spot11qlll NY IB)MOV1£ * * * "The CompeUtlOn" 11980) Richard Oreyfuaa, Amy Irving Two plaolat• •• • San Francltco mullo competition find 11111 tti.lr loY8 ror eacn olt\er Qlll· nlctl with lhel< prof~ al em1>111on1 'PG' 1~ D OJ RAMINOO "°"° MICNel Tyrone l>Oml>S the =-MDIGKT~ WRESTLING STUNT.' 12:00 D SHA NA NA fZl l((E l tP8S1 B l(ablf N""'' N1•twork1 ci.non·· offloe. ~ 1njufing Slcipc>er and Alicia ~: Rol>er1 Gullleume. 8 9 ,NIT,..., lllAND A ....,trtloqulst'• dummy ~ to llfe and a televl· alon actor went• t o b«:orne lhe CllMecter he portreyed In hie ...... (RI • .-.EDOUOIAS Cohoet Jim S11lfo1d 11) 1(()(£ IPB!'>I Convict, con man movie subjects 'Dangerous Company; true ; 'Any Friend' adapted from Bradbury story By FBED &OTBENBERG A~T........_ ...... NEW YORK -Tonight's two TV questions are: Can a convict change bts stripes, and can a con man change his lune? "Dangeroua Coflpany, .. a CBS movie slarrtng Beau Bridges, is baaed on the lrue story ol Ray Johnson's strucgle to 10 straight after 'rt years of crime and punishment. Johnson is a remarkable man and be does eventually team to Uve in the 1tt1aJ l•ne, but um weakly conat.Nctecl movie doesn't fully capture bis acbievementa, m0Tin1 lnlltead in too many~. Over on public televlaion, "Any Friend of Nlcbolu Nidleby la a Friend of Mine," is the lates't of P8S' "Amerlcao Playhouse" series. It's adapted from science fiction writ.r Ray Bradbury's abort story about a dreamer wbo comes to a very sleepy town and masqoerades u Charles Di~eos. He never can atop cooni.nC blmsell, and tbe plaJ, bU1ed u a comedy, ii never the a.a.at btt amuatn1. "D.,.,-OWS Company" alrsoa KNXT (2) at t ~t. ud "Any P'rimd" aln f:::,?rr UI) al I ud OCl ltOCE (50) at Tbe latter ·ato.-y ... ~lvoa aroui>d the limited ed.steoce of Ralph Spauldi.ns . e 12-JUf·Old IMnc with b.1,1 crand~\I • in Green Town. 111 • in the 1940s. Ralph's life is shaken up by the appearance of the mysterious man Fred Gwynne. Ralph, played by Brian SVTUSls, la drawn to the stranger and helps bim record bis la teal work ... A Tale of Two Cities." The relalioosbl~ wqrts for Ralph, since it brtnss some excitement to bis life and some appreciation for the classic "A Tale of Two CUle.." Ralph needs to dream; every >'OWll boy does. But thb Dtctens feUow ii put 50 and suppoeedl.J put f00Un1 blmself. Ewen though Dickens li nol tryt.na to burl others by bla maaquerad•t a.e meeu some reaenttn.at. Tbt locel barber, a lonely man who sees 1l1I companionabip with Ralph beln1 undermined by the new arrlnl in town, tells Di~bns he's • fraud. Ralph'• crandmother doesn't realise wbo bt't supposed to be and calla bim llJ'. Dlcbon. Only Raleh's 1randfath•r '' accepting: "AllJ lrtend Of ljlchOI Nick.leby la a trieod of ml•·• Gwynne's dl~ fJnalljJi lPI• to . Ralph the Pffd to ma..-' U.. charade liDce he'• a mlMht.11 faUed writeT and tllah tb• ~ ....... ate'• ever wanted to do. l• rWal'rlD1 Diekeoa ls wiut be mutt. to 1urvl.._. "We make do " bl ..,,_ • t It ·s valid to make the point that people can construct wha~ 1t takes to cope witb llfe, but there's 1 difference between dreamlnc and haUucinatinc. After all, then 11 a real world out there. Ray Jobnaon discovers this ln "Danaerous Company." When he's rinally paroled from priloo, a tuard advlaes him that, ln moat states, ex-cons can't vote, they ca'l become berbera, undertaketa or archlteda, and they can't even drive cabll. Today . Jobnaon is a aucceuful security conaultanl to national corporatlona, but the movie doun'l ad~1:1-ateb' explore thia evolutiaa. The bu.U~ c6 b1I new proteuklDaJ and penonal life would seem to be unique enoulb lo build a movie around, and "Danceroua Company" could have eiam.iMd wbetber tbeN .. llf• llt4r' prtloG. lnl~'-lb!t • dweQi-.. ae Ida W• In ,..._, .,..,.. .. , I• UaM Jqlut'°8l Md tr-.. ...... Ullia .a, two 1M11 to ~ fr'Cllll h&liam PrtloD ID )J ....... Aa a trip MOYie, \bl dram.a lin~t .-~alMcl. That'• partlallJ beeaua Jobaloa, a har dened crlmlnal, 11 depleted u bappy:,.wuct, and played too 1weetly by Br1clpa. .. i .... "'.·. GOING 10 GET~ WIN 5100 BY WRITING THE MOST CREiTIVE LOVE LINES! Say "I Love You" to your spect.I someone with a Va1entine's O~ Ad In the Dally PUot Classif led Love lines for only $1 a line (3 line minimum}. lf1your ad Is fol.Ind to be the most creative by our panel of judaes, Y.QU 'll receive $100 . . to spend on your Valentrne, of course. '·"' ......... . " , I : • ) ·. . .. .. •, . I I I· 1: ' I I· !· i· ,. .. :· . . ,· I •• , .. l. I t I •. ,, I. 1· I I ' '· •• I I .. 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ID addition, Uncoln Commitment ~•rage include• another 24 montbt/24,000 milea, whichever comes ftnt, on certain component& and 1y'ltem1. During the extended warranty period, you pay only tbe ftnt $50 per eligible repair vl1lt. • CONTINENT~S $2000 INTRODUCTORY 0 FFER. Thia special lnvltatlon means you can get up to a $2000 cash bonu1 on any new '82 Continental. •A $750 CASH BONUS ON ANY NEW CAPRI. Apply lt to your down payment or get a check direct from Lincoln-Mercury. •A S750 CASH BONUS ON ANY NEW COUGAR. Apply lt to your down payment or get a check direct from Lincoln-Mercury. •A $750 CASH BONUS ·oN ANY NEW ZEPHYR• Apply it to your down payment or get a check direct from Uncoln-Mercury. YOUR LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER HAS IT. THE OFFER WITH THE BROADEST PROGRAM RANGE AND VARIETY IN THE INDUSTRY. MERCURY LINCOLN Cath bonu1 often limited to one per cu1tomer. Dealer participation may air.ct cuatomer coat on Continental, Capri, Cougar, and Zephyr. Ca1h bonu1 amount1 lower m Teu1 and Loulalana. All often apply to vehlclH delivered now tbrougb Aprll 3 f.rom your participating Uncoln-Mercury Dealer. See your Dealer for complete deU1U1. Seat belts aave llve1-buctle up. •Tbe only thing• not covered are accldenu, abuse. tire•, and fluid•. LINCOLN-MERCURY DIVISION @> • • I • - -. t. EVERYBODY'S TARGET Fount ;1111 Valle~ lligh·s .Jeff Hughl'" h.1 .., ht'l'n .11 th<' rt'ntl'I' ol thc 8<.i ron ... "IHTl'"" "11 h DlllJ Piiat TUESDAY, FEB. 9, 1982 h1 .., lt·thal 1111tsi<l<' s ho11t111g Ill•., ;l\ l'l'.igm~ 20 i poinh .i ~.inw ,,.., .1 "l'l11e11 .111d 18 I 1111 ,1 I \\II \ 1•.11 1·.11 l'l'I' By Jp_!!N SEVANO °' __ ........... The continual punishment an Olympian -or potential Olympian -endures through four years ls hard to imagine. The oonstut grind, the dally ritual, the pain and agon1 these athletes subject themselves lo usually goes unnoticed but (or one brief moment when tl'1e whole world is their audience. Greg Louganis knows the sacrifices an Olympian must tolerate. For 13 year~ now he has toiled and sweated for one goal to be the best diver in the 1984 Olympics. FOR THE TIME being, however, that ambition has been placed an a·state of limbo. Some time this week a decision -a critical decision -will. have to be made concerni ng the youngster's future. Numerous dives, sever e training with weights and an awkward fall have l e ft Louganis' left s houlde r in a shamble Originally diagnosed as a n "impinchment of the rotator cuff." doctors who performed exploratory surgery last Friday a lso found .. a torn this, a severed that and so m e bleeding," said the 22-year-old UC Irvine student. "The doctors knew the shoulder was inflamed, they just didn't know to what extent until they went in there '' LOUGANIS WILL meet this week with Ors. Robert Kerlan (Rams' chief physician and consultant to Lakers, Dodgers. Angels> and associate Frank Jobe fo r more testing. The final decis ion will be based on a evaluation of Kerlan, Jobe, Dr Sammy Lee (former Olympian. coach and a "second father" to Looganls) and Dr. Ben Rubin . <w ho p erform e d Friday's exp lo r ato ry proced ure ). Naturally, the ultimate vote will be cast by Louganis. "Right now, the doctor is my coach ," said Louganis. "My top priority ls the '84 Olympics. If that means I have to sit out to do 1t, then I may have to. "1 With the '84 Games less than three years away , time obviously becomes a factor. Louganis has three ways he can go : ( 1) he can ignore an oper· ation and continue to accept the pain. <2> he can undergo an, imprncbment operation, which would sideline him anywhere from three to six months ; (3) or he can go through a major procedure in which his damaged left shoulde r would be totally reconstructed -much like a pitcher's arm that has gone bad. There arc two problems with the third choice, though -a one year (minimum ) recovery period, and the possibility of Ii m i ted rotation with hi s shoulder. LOUGANIS doesn 't know which route to take, "although -Hughes..--he's jllst -like a burning fuse Barons' star doesn 't show. a lot of emotion, but he's the igniter of Fountain Valley's success By ROGER C.\llLS6N Of .. Oelly ,_ S- Tbere 'S one nice thing about playing Fountain Valley High's Barons 1t doesn't take a genius to figure out how to defense them. All you have to do is get a half dozen fans and have them sit on Jeff Hughes, keep him on the bench. lf he gets away and on the floor. assign your best defender and pray . Hughes as In a burning fuse has Ignited the Barons' offense for the past two years with h is lethal outside shooting and when the term outside Is uaed, well. 25-foot range Is a more accurate description, at a better than 50 percent clip. A shade under 6-3, the Fountain Valley senior has averaged 18.1 during a two-year span, covering 46 1ames. Tbil year's pace is 20.7 per start (Sl pertent from the field> and his stats at the-tine are the same as when he was a junior -74 percent. A star at Fountain Valley as a freahman when be averaced 19.3 a fame, be allo quaWies u a transfer, btcause be left after that first year when hil dad, Rex Hughes, moved to Laa V«1aa aa an us.istant wtth UNLV. But after a year the ltuct-ramUy left Nevada wben Jetra d1d plcked up with Convene Shoes in TeJCu, but it didn't laat Iona wtt.n it \vu reaUl!td Jeff would be lnell1lble ror a YHr, because of that state's attitudes toward any type of t{ansfer. So. they came back. a week before the 1980-81 season began. to the delight of Fountain Valley Coach Dave Brown "The one ingredient we were missing was what Jeff could provide," says Brown. ··He 's a beautiful mech anical s hooter .'• continues Brown. "with superb wrist action.·• For a quick evaluation of Hughes. simply follow the arc. A great deal of it is because of natural ability. but Hughes has something extra going for him with bis dad, who was Redondo Hlgh's coach in the glory era of 1964, later to coach at Long Buch City College, and as an assistant at Nebraska. USC and Las Vegas, in addition to t.akinl the head coachina job at Kent State. "My dad has just worked with me," says the Fountain Valley senior. "I started shooting In the seventh arade and a lot of It has just come naturally. But my dad always works O\lt With ~e. sometimes I get In a bad hablt. ·~ Hughes hu become acc.,m.cl to belna the tarcet or opposint teams, but It doesn't matter what the d~.1ou won't be able to read ~·lfu~· expression. It's ail buainesa for l{u&bes-e~en ln colleae, when he dtcldes whet.her it'• Colorado State, Sant.a Clara, 1 Portland Univeralty, Loua Beach State, UC lrvine or elsewhere, It's a butlness rns~r that he'll pursue. If you've seen Hughes. watched his form . realize his range. the fact that he's not being recru1tf'd heav1er. would seem strange. But Brown cltes Hughes' play during tbe past aummer as a primary reason. !'They <college recruiters> go so much t)y what happens in the summer The one ingredient we were missing was what Jeff could provide. He 's a beautifu-l mechanical shooter with superb u.nist action . -Coecti De" Brown (prior lo a seolor'1 fioal re1ular seuoa>.'' aay• Brown . •·JeCf really a~ldn't have played et aJI bec11t11e of a bad pull in hb le1. Ke _,.. ll•'9ni about 50 pertent thm alMI a loi of people are Wllthinl then, and UMy dcn't ~t him." Bro\Wi, for one, thlnks soMe mistakes ere belna made by would·be ~ruitera. ''Jeff has everythin& u 'a shooter. And he'll aet better as he cct.s atroncer. Hia delivery ts about as cood as you can get . He needs to Improve bls ball-handlln1 a little blt and his defensive quickness on man-to-mtn out .. away from the basket. but that will improve with maturity ... This is Brown's 13th year with the Barons and there have been some outst andin g shooters for Fountain Valley in that span (i.e. Scott Ford, Roger Holmes, George Barrios and Jeff Christensen), and Brown is hesitant to start a rating game. But you might look at is this way. Right now, with two Sunset League games left and perhaps a few more ln the CIF 4·A playoffs, Hughes is No. 3 on the all·Ume Fountain Valley scorlnC list, behind Holmes' 951 points and Christensen's 943. Hughes is at 836 with at least two more eames and maybe more Jett, and tt'a Without the benefit of a llOl>hornore- season for the BarobS. The sixth man as a sophomore on Blsbop Gorman Hi1h's varsity, chances are he would have been ln FV's plans at that time. "Simply as an out.side shooter Jeff certainly hu lo be one of the top two or three to come out of um area," saya Brown. And, t hose numbers bave been ac:cumulaled •••Inst virtually every conceivable defense aimed at hlm. In '6 1ames for the Barons, Hu1hes bas been held to less than double fiaures oRly five times. He's had a bl1h of S4 and been ln the 20s or better on 22 other occaalana. A lot of pressure for some, but not for Hu.rhes. "I worked Jtard durlna the (8" BVGHF.S, Paa• 0), • INJURED Greg Louganis' Olympics future may be in jeopardy. r · m tired of taking pills for the pain ·· The logical choice then. and the one Louganis 1s leaning toward, 1s hJS second option Of course. the sudden tum of events comes as quite a blow to the silver medalist an the '76 Olympics Not that Louganis hasn't been disappointed before, mind you. President Carter 's pullout from the '80 Games certainly didn't set well with 1 him It's just with the 1982 World ·I have to compete with myself. If I get beat , it's usually becau se I beat myself.' Games around the corner, and the Olympics shortly after, Louganis' latest disappointment couldn't have come at a more inopportune time. "l'M GOING to dive,' insisted the UCI drama major "It's not just four years of work. although that ·s the only time you hear ' a bo ut us . I 've bee n diving toYi:•rd this for 13 years now." Louganis, who has been at the top of his class for some time. figures to be the diver to beat at the Games in Los Angeles. He was only 16 when he ca~ured the silver m e d a l . (in the 10-meter platform) at the '76 Olympics. and he's done nothing but gather awards since. Lougan1s 1s a three-time NCAA champion (he has also qualified for this year's NCAA championships, but it's doubtful, with hi s injury, h e will compete 1. the 1978 AA U Indoor ; and Outdoor one-and-three # meter champion . the 1978 world champion in the 10-meter , platform ; the 1979 Pan American Games three and·lO meter champion. In (980, he made a clean sweep of the U.S. Outdoor Championships, was the U.S. Indoor one-and-three meter cltampio'tl ; a nd, in '81, was crowned the 1981 U.S. Outdoor one and·three meter champ. That's a lot of diving. "THE NATIONALS really lake a toll on me," admitted Louganis. "It's like a diving marathon and you have to make every dive count. ''I've been known to sleep for three days l get so exhausted, or 1 I c r y for hours to get my emotions out." • It 's not unus ual to find Louganis competing in three events (one meter. three meter, (See LOUGANIS, Pa1e C2) PCM MOVES UP TO DIYI ION 1-A MISSION, Kan. (AP> -The l Pacific Coast Athletic Association on Monday was \ placed in Division l·A of the 1 National Colle1late Athletic i AS'sociallon , the NCAA l ' announced. Tbe NCAA said the conference f 1alned the new at.atus after two of lta member 1chool1 -Pacific I University and Utah State University -were 1iven a l·A I claasllicalion. Two other PCAC achools - Fresho State and Nevada-Laa Veaas -already were clasalfled l·A ( ... C2 Orange Coa1t DAILY ~!LOl'!Tuetday, February 9, 1982 ··--.-; .... ______ ...... __________ .., , Oroom arrested • robbery ewpecl INGLEWOOD -An E "off.and-on" borae-raclna croom hu been booked for lnn1U1atton of . robbery lo a 1trlea pt beblod'\be·~ holdups at Hollywood Park race tract, police Lt. Ray Smith said Monday. Jimmy R11·8rown, 21, of nearby Compton waa arrested Saturday near the racetrack for lnveaUralJOif or pouea11n1 and beln1 under the lnnu nee of PCP. a dru1 alJoiknown u "an1e1 dust," Smlth eald, addln1 that he waa booked ln the robbery case later. after be had been 'Doug Fr1·1z s'uccumbs ldentlfled as beiDI aou1ht ln l.be e'ue. Police lnvestf1atora believe "be bad worked after long illness ,, ;:r,TJ~!r. otr and on at different race tracu ... Doug Fritz, a former athletic II director and an orl1lnal member of the Saddleback Collece faculty in · physical education, died this put week in Carson City, Nev. after a long illness. He was 51 at the time of his death. Fritz was the Saddleback baseball coach from 1969 through 1974 and the campus field is named in his honor. When he became ill In 1980, Fritz stepped down u athletic director. He bad served the Saddleback staff since 1968 and bad tau1ht at Costa Mesa , lltarlna and Tus tin high schools. . Al Compton College he was an All ·Am e rican community coll ege catcher in 1951 a nd la ter played ,.uTz professionally in the Detroit Tiger organization. He received his degree at Long Beach State and earned his master degree al Chapman College. Fritz moved to Nevada shortly after leaving Saddleback College to 'be near his family. He leaves his wire, Priscilla and two daughters. No funeral is planned and the family bas asked that no flowers or donations be sent. In a resolution honoring Fritz last year, Saddleback district trustees declared that the field named in his honor would serve as "a tribute to t h e e nergy , enthus ias m and dedication or Mr Fritz to this district From Page C1 Quote of the day S&H .Joaea, former Chlca10 Beari player now coachln1 the J)enver Broneot' defensive Hoe, on 88·year-old O-eor1e Halas's return to callln1 the shots fol' the Bears: "Amaun1. This Is like Orvlllo Wright comina back and decidlal to run United Airlines." Yankees open spring training tOday -. The New York Yankees open II s pring training today with pllcbers, catchers and selected other players invited to the early camp. Owner Geor1e StelAbrenaer, impressed by the fast start by Oakland last year, ordered the early Yankee opening . . . An arbitrator in Chica10 hu ruled in favor of Cincinnati ln Its pay dispute with pitcher Frank Pa1&ore . • Conner leade Beavers past Cal . Lester Conner scored 20 points m for Oregon Slate as the Beavers s truggled past California, 5T·SO. Monday night to move Into a first-place tie with Washington for the Pacific 10 Conference bas ketball lead ... Senior forward Gres Skulman and sophomore guard Rklty Norton combined for 19 points as Arkwas's bench produced Z7 points in a 79-619 win over Texas Christian University . Freshman Keith Lee scored 24 points and grabbed 18 rebounds as 14th-ranked Memphis State dumped Ball State, 75-04 . LOUGANIS OPTIMISTIC. • • 10-mete r platform) during a particular meet. Such a practice isn't highly recommended, although Louganis approaches it as a test. "J don't really know why I compete so much," he said. "It's a challenge, a challenge of my · stamina in pressure situations." IN TIIE '84 GAMES, Louganis will have only two events (three meter and 10-meter platform> to concern himself with. Of cou~e. there's the competition, too. "In '84 , I don't think the Russians will be my chief competition as much as It will be the Chinese -and I think that will surprise a lot of people. "Loe Angeles will be their first Olympics. They didn't want to compete until they had a chance to win (in diving). They are very strong." Loucan.ls got a !int-hand look at the Chinese when be competed in an international meet last year. In fact, "they have one woman diver now that's as 1ood u most men, and that's including myself." . sm.L, IT WILL BE Lou1ani.s everyone will be gu.nnlni for -includ.inc Louganis. "I want this to come out right," said Louganis in a soft-spoke• {Dinner. "I'm a competitor, but I know when I get up on the boards I have lo compete with myself. If I get beat, it's usually because I beat myself "It's scary to be No. 1 and usually I make light of it," he added. "When you're No. 1, they're all looking to beat you and that's an awful feeling. "Honestly, when I'm in a meet I'm rooting for eve rybody to do well because that pushes 01e to be that much better That's what makes the good divers great, they keep pushing. "WHY DO I DO IT year after year? Because it 's all worth It in the end. My goals in diving aren't like most divers. I'm not out lo win as much as I am to bringing more people Into d1vmg. l want people to appreciate diving u a sport. Diving is an art and I would like people to realize that." or course , m order to do that. Louganis is going to have to get well acaln -soon. "It will depend on the damage, but if it takes only three months to recuperate, then that will leave me two months for the World Games trials." Louganis explained. "It's all quite frustrating because I'm in a stale of limbo. I have to pretty much take things one day at a time. "The layoff will probably hurt me psychologically more than anything else. But I can come back ; I have come back before. Either way (the rest> it could work to my advantage." The injury ls nothing more than another challenge -in a long list of challenges Louganis will have to meet . . and overcome. Lopes' future __ is .with Oakland WINNING ROUTINE -Greg Louganis shows pictttre perfect form. Bask~tball . scores Cof.:.r o.._51 S7,C.lllorftlat0 -.C:lllitt ,._ #llxl<e St .... Dnk• ti lll'Oflt-11 "· f;.°"9911.t " Tn <....,_ID, VMI It W. CM'041M•, 0.V_ .. Wllli.m • #«V ... Vl1'9li'lle T9(11 J•dMIWll .. n, South••~ n Cot I Ct11t_., • NI! l<~i.1-71 OAKLAND (AP> -Second baseman Dave Lopes was hope(ul about the future followinc bis trade from the Los Angeles Dodgers to the Oakland A's for minor league Infielder Lance Hudson. "I had said one lime during the course of my career that it was Inevitable that I would be traded someday, .. said Lopes, a lour-time National Lea1ue All·Star who bas played all his nine years in the majors wit.b-lbe-Dod1ers. • "My main concern was once I was rejected ... that someone else wanted me," he added after the trade waa formally announced Monday. "Oakland showed a tremendous amount of interest in me, and I'm extremely thankful for that. I will pay them back for wantina me here in Oakland, believe me:'' Lopes, 35, is the first member to leave 1 Dodier Infield that bu etayed tocether for a record nine yea~1 an lafleta t.bat lncludes himself, Steve Garvey. Brn Ruaaell ahd Ron Cey. Referrln1 to a recent dinner wtth Ru.uell. Cey and Steve Yeqer, Lopea aald, "That wu a very dlfflc\llt altuatton . . . at the dinner it tot quite emotional and we had to cut ll k1Dd of abort." He Hid he would min pla)'tn1 for lhe world cbamptona, "but I'm looldn1 forward to t1t.abllsbln1 newer relaUoolb.IPI ber. ln Oak.land and doll\I whatever 1 can to help thb team wtn a world champion.ship .. th•l'• m,y concern rl1ht • now." \ -----··---------'\·.I CaUfomlan heads Indiana Peoent Fruk llartaaJ, a CaUfornla rnl • eatate a1ent and a mlnorlty owner of , the Indiana Pace rt, has been named prealdent of the NBA franchlae ... Terry Labome wu awarded second place in Sunday•• Busch Clash followln1 a rovlew of f.hoto fltlllh films. NASCAR offlclala said the n ma 1howed L1tbonte'a Buick Reaal "an inch" ahead of Nell BooneU'• Ford Thunderbird ... The International Auto Sport• Federation Is expected to anoounce today the cancellation of tbll year's Ar1enUne Grand Prix . . . All·pro wlde receJver lamea Loftoa of Green Say · predicts that NFL player• will atrike ... West Vlr1ini1 hat moved into lh.e naUonal rank.in&& with a 19-1 record and holda coUe1e buketball'• longest wlnnin_1 streaki.,.~~ in a row . . . The owner of the Colorado l\VCltlet formally uked permission to move the nnanclally lrOUbled hockey team to New Jersey while a 1roup of Colorado businessmen took steps to buytbe ch.lb and keep It ln Denver . . . The Phlf adelphla 76ers, despite rumors to the contrary, want to sl~n Darryl Dawkln1, not trade the 6·11 center T~evision, radio Followlno are the top 5')0rts events on TV tonl;ht. Ratlnos are: ., .t .t " excellent; .t " / worth watchln;; t t fair ; .t forget It. A e p .m., Channel 9 ./ { ../ ../ NBA BASKETBALL: Laker s at Atlanta. Announcers : Chick Hearn and Kei th Erickson. The Lakers are attemptln; to overcome Seattle and get back In first place in the Western Conference, Pacific Division. With Magic Johnson sidelines, the team came from behind a 23-Point deficit to win Sunday ov,er the Boston Celtics. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was the catalyst for the Lakers In this one. Atlanta, although in second place in the Eastern Conference, Central Division, is 12 games behind Milwaukee. OTHER TELEVISION 11 p.m . (9) -NHL ALL-STAR GAME -The Campbell Conference vs. the Prince of Wates Conference, taped earlier In the evening at Landover, Md RADIO Basketball -Lakers at Atlanta, b p.m., KLAC (570). ROSSIGNOL FP RtR S2i0 1/2 PRICE' CMV Re it SZ'60 S 17988 HPM Reg S240 Sl698' 626·R RtR '180 1/2 PRICE' K2 710-FO ~tit S270 V2 PRICE' 355 s Rtit S275 1/2 PRJCE' 305 M Rrg S230 1/z PRICE' 510 Rrg S240 S16988 PRE 1200 Reg S265 1/2 PRICE' 1100 Reg S245 IJ8988 Rrg S280 MARK Ill Reg S265 1/z PRICE' AUTHIER EQUIPE F Rei: S2% S2()918 ESPRIT Reg 5280 .... ' Costa Mesa near playoffs Cost.a Mesa Hlab moved one 1tep cloter to IU rtrst CIF playoff berth since 19M Monday nt1ht • with au.83·50 rout of Irvine In the Vaqueroa' nm. The win Improves the Mu1tan11 Sea View Lea1ue record to 9·4 with one 1ame remalnlni. The Muatana.s close ou~ the re1ular aeuon Wednesday n11ht a,ain.st El Toro while Newport Harbor <M> atlll haa University (1 ·5 > and E1tancla (10 ·2> left on lta ·scheduie. Ken Bardsley led Cos ta Mesa to the easy win over Irvine <1·12). Bards ley hit on 16 of 22 shots from the floor and finished with 33 points. a season-high for the 6-4 senior Jim Pelichowski (10 ), John Rishebarger < 14 > and John Strayer 00> also finished in double figures for Costa Mesa as the Muatanp shot S6 KEN BARDSLEY percent (35 of 62> as a te am. Mustang senior Jeff Field was scoreless bul Cost a Mesa Coach Tim Parsel credited him with much of Mesa's offensive success. Field passed off for nine assists. In other action: Saddleback 69, El Toro 60 Larry Davenport, Saddleback's 5-11 senior guard, had a game-high 26 points to lead the Roadrunners to their first Sea View win of the year. Da venport connected on 11 of 20 shots from the floor and Saddleback outscored the Chargers, 19-8. St. Paul 72, Mater Del 71 (2 ot) Mater Dei appeared to have the game locked up, leading by fi ve with 16 seconds left in regulation. but St. Paul tied it a nd won in the second overtime. • •-o All.SOP SHOCK RACER Rl'~ S58 HIGHLIGHT Rl'): S20 1/z PRICE K2 '~ TEAM Rl'!! SJ! 1/2 PRICE OLYMPIC Rri: s12 1/z PRICE BARRE- CRAfTERS AP40 Reg Sl6 1/z PRICE SKIWEAR 1/ UPTO /2 PRICE PANTS up to l/2PRJCE Roffe Fera Obermeyer Europa WARM UPS &BIBS up tol/zPRICE Roffe Fera Obermeyer Europa ROSSIGNOL TEAM JR Rei: s 100 112 PRICE' 160J Rrg S62 72 l/2 PRICE' KN El SSL JR RACER Reg SllS 75 1/2 PRICE' This Is it. The biggest ski sale we've ever had. Half price with half the season still left to enjoy it. And not just a few items - we're blowing out all our win- ter merchandise at up to 50%. These are big names at big savings - a lot of them below cost. So hustle on in before it's all gone. At 50 below, we're expecting blizzards of custom- ers every day. PARKAS up to •/zPRICE Roffe I· era Obermey1r?r E:.uropa SWEATERS up to 1/2PRICE Demetre Meister Lido =--~ NORDICA COMP S Reg 1295 112 PRICE POLARIS "Reg S275 l/2 PRICE HURRICANE Rr1t S200 VEGA Rtg. Sl60 No.IA Re~ Sl60 Sl4918 •11911 1/2 PRICE •IWPOIT llACH ,aahlon Island IMIWftll l11ff111"t • &rMdlwey M4·ZUl -o.4- Umlted quantmee. Nol all slzee .mt colors In all stMee. Not all tterns In all ltOfft. IANGE XL-S Reg 5255 SJ8988 XL-FLEX Rtg. 1185 113911 SALOMON SX 90 Reg. S255 118918 sx 70 Rt~ '190 113918 SANMARCO AX 1 Reg. S255 l/2 PRICE BX 1 Reg st 95 1/z PRICE LX l Reg S200 112 PRICE ~ SKI BOOTS NORD ICA SLALOM Reg Sl 25 l/2PRJCE All Ski Hats All Gloves 1/zPRICE All After Ski Boots 1/2 PRICE Ski Grabber 1/zPRICE Allsop Boot Ins Allsop Warm·N Dry%PRICE Selected Ski Bags l/zPRICE Selected Boot Bags l/i PRICE I i .ut m w. .U2 • .>It UVt .)11 U VI &AIT&llN CONl"&llaNCa A"-Cl<Dt,,.._ M 12 .11' Boa ton l'tlll14elpt>ll HotwJ-y W1llll"1110f1 HewY- " .. » u . 101 1~ n 2• n ,. -·~ 12 .,.. 12 4SI 13 C-•ICM• ..... Mii•..,.... J2 1• .... Atlallta 19 U .,, Dtlroll 20 21 4» 1 ndl•"• lO 21 ,,. c111c-11 29 .m Cl .. eland 11 " JJ9 '-MT'•k-1.allen '"· 8ol;lon 11J Pllllac191pN1 123, CNca90 101 0.11.,.r 11•, w..,.lnQlon llS Mii•-• 107, -nl• '1 H0<11ICW112'. Kanw• City 110 G.,.Clen Sta'9 11', S.. Amo...lo 111 Ne• J-y 110. Cle.,.1-M $a•ttl• ... s.. Ole90,, Por\llnd 100, ..... YOf'll" T.......-10-No~,._~..., COLLEGE Top 20 I VorQinll I S71 , Honn (.Moll.,• l DtPeul Ul • Mluourl UI s 10 ... 6 Dr•IJWI SI 1 1 u••• 8 Arlr.Ml\I\ , M1n""'10l1 10 Alllla<N 11. Wttl Vlr9lnl1 u KtfthKky n 101no U Mtmpf\l\St IS Kan .. •SI "WalleFOl'nl 11 S1n Fr1n<•\CO II FrlV>OSI 1' Wl\lllnqlon 10 c.-oeiown. o.c COLLEGE UCI 1tat11tle1 11 1 If 2 10-1 1'1-1 II 1 16·] 16 l I&] 15-4 11 ) 1t-1 IS S ,, 1 16• '"" IB ". ... , 17 l "s 1 1'/ 1 a.o 1 °" I 00- 9'iO 121 l'J'I i..1 Ml SS. SOI .. I '30 l11 ]IU 1eO JS. 1111 ... ltO G "' l'I Pb A"' l<t¥1nM-JO 20] 13" S.oO R1nc1Y~,.._, 10 131 lll >01 8•n McOon••o 20 •• 31 219 Reiner Wulf JO S9 29 .... Ktvln ~ ullt r 20 .s n 11 J Bob T llO<nlon " ,. 23 ,. L.o,.1ro Jon"~ 19 ,. 12 .. JOh'1 B•rlll:~'I " 11 10 ,. c;,.,,, T 1vlor 10 IJ • JO A•O Ct•C<>O 1 J II Curt1\ (tO\\lfy • 2 0 M•rk !apmn 6 0 l lot••' 10 uo ]10 I S!O HIGH SCHOOL Co1ta Mesa 83. Irvine 50 110 U1 11 0 /] H . , ] . 3 I l I JI 0 I OS 11 s COSTA MESA 8UO\lt• )) Pelle-• 10. R••""b.t'9ef ••. Slro.-10. PalMl>I-J, E-2, C-2. -"'O •. G l'lelclt,J l'leldO r .... ~ 3513-1113 111\llNE C..rver •. 8a"1er I, 8ro10•k1' I Hui I Jonn> I> U•~ 11 Mu101 J lolol\ JJ •• !O Saddlebeck H , El Toro 10 aL fo.Q -i.-1• II, 1,,.......n I, ,...,_, II, A•M._ U. IU<llltr 4. MertlftMn t, Hemm .. I Totoh U 10-IUO IADDLAllM:• D1v.,_.i K , LI*<• t , M<Atll ... f $, C.aoe 10 ~•IM1n t , _, ... •· we1ton1, O.Prel110 Ttt••• n tUo" ac_,,ow,.,.. II Tor• i. 2• 1 1• '° '"4tlell9cll n n 1• 11 •• fotol touh: El TOf'o It, S.cldl•b•O i. St. Paul 72, Meter Del 71 12 ot) MATall Dll Cook 4, T•rbell it. Jtcll-1'. heuw• .. rt 11 MtaQlwir O. ,,..., IO, ~"'' J, NHWlh JX Toi••~ 1• ,,.1111 IT, flAUl Fou 2 R1mer1u I Cl•mtlltt 17, Qulrot •• Slt'l<lewll( 'I Qolnl .... • 10 T041h 11 1•2' n • se.. .. ,.._ Miter o.t ll 10 u 12 I • 11 Sr Pout It 13 1~ 11 • ~ n Tol•I foul• Meler Del If St Paul u Feuleil oul A-le• ISi P111U c .. ,,_,, 1$1 Paull. Jack_, IMll•r Dell Sea View LHgu• t..-0-..••11 W L W L Cororta clet "'-' E\11n<l1 C0>t1 Mlw NeWPOr1 HerbOr UnlverJlly fl Toro Slo<l .. IM<k ti I 10 , • • • • I S l •O I IJ I IJ w..,._,., Oomft 11 •1 ES11r><'" •I COl'ono a.1 Mor u .. 1 • .,..11y •I Newpor1 H1r110r El ToroetCOll•MUO ,,.,,.. •t Slddleb.t<k Angelus league L_.,. YI L S..-rvltt • 1 e .. noP MofltQO<nHY 1 J Met•r D~t 3 • 81\hOI> Am .. t 1 • SI Peul 1 • W-y·•G...,Hll Ml SI P1u111 8l~l'IOI> Am•I 8ish0p MofltQO_,.Y at Se,. 110 It J II • •• • I] • 13 • 16 •• It o ... , ... w l u I ,. ' l1 9 1 • I 12 HIGH SCHOOL SOCCER Sea View league w L E•t1n<11 r l Coron• oe1 Mir I 2 s.ddlebl<k s 3 El Toro s s lr'Wln• • s Nf'WOOrt H•rtlOr • • Un•"•nity J I , ... ,.-.. 1 1 w--,·.o....., Corona 0.1 Mir •• El Toro $4tddle!M<k 11 UNV~tty Eit•n<•••tCost• ~ Irvine •t N-1 H1r110< U.S. Nallonal Indoor (M~.T-.1 Flntll ... S ..... T GI I I 1 1\1) 0 '" I J 0 J/1 0 •• 1 s Ro><,. hn11er <Ml Mike Clll•ll ._. 1 S Joi>" Ale•-• <»• Bruin Gc>'tlfle<I 1-J 1• G-Mlft' Otl Jeff 8orow .. k. M ... 2 V1Ml<k -def T .... rry Tuta ..... ~· ... 1 Johan l(rtek de! Pelo..,,.. •-4 I l. Women·1 loumamenl , .. ._c;_,, Jllntll-~ Miry UlU Pialtk def Pat -·-1-t &-4 And,..• Le-de'! ~y Colllr>t, M . 61 (leudl• K-0.I Eva Pl1ff .... , ... , Colteo-women uc1 .. 111e1,0r..._.c ... , ....... lllt ... IVC lrvlM) d.f ,__, .. J. 6 J· M11 .. ry IUC ,,.,,.,_., Oel Q•tt11n ..... W , S.rrtno 1uc 1r.in.1 ,., KllOnly, 1 s. , ,. 1<•111 IUC ''"In•> ciel t lvln, •'4. t 2. lerln9 IUC ,,...,., "1 tO•••ln. •O, .. J Glo<dlMti. IV( lrvir\t ftl ltla.'1 t I • I ~. i'ttd Gt Ollt(ll IOrenOt 1,.110 11 f•I Nl•on Iii.do-•O l• • 1. II.awl lttlll(j IVC lrvlllel .. , K-o llvln t •J M , r. .. rd•"941• C.eept•m•" IVC. "•Wit) 091 O.rwlll a.J.,, •·2 • J NHL ,...._.,..,o_ All,•t•r 0-11 ~-""" NHL leaders Grtlt~y EOmor>lon I' Stutn•. O\.oet»< S.•ard.CN<- M.eruk WeV>lnQton llou v NY ,.,.,_,. Smith. Ml,,.,.t.Oll l rollfer NV l\la,,q,.r Ol9fl111,IC"'9o T1ylor, Klnet AIWkr.on. Edmonton Wre1tllng HIGH SCHOOL 0 ·-,.. ,. .. •O ,.. JO u ,. ,, CdM U, N...,....., He,,.., • A n •• w so •• SI j,J ., " SI 101 """''"•lco tCdM) won by lorl•ll IOI .,.,..,.. tor1e•I "" UJ ., ., " " as ll a •• " I IS HOieman 1Newpar1 H1rb0r) pl,,,_ \1¥'1111,. S1 171 C-t• (Nf'WP0r1 HArbOrt plt>ntd S.pitinaro, l 03 119 McN•ntt tNtwPOr1 Hertlorl plt>ntd Hohltttor. J 31 US Sommer 1Ntwpor1 Hart>orl p1nne<1 Rl11len0.Cll. S 1J 10 -Ge\lll!VI ICdMI pinned HlnlO". • «> 148 Av• 1Newpor1 HorbOrl dee Loftus. 1-4 151 Pe,,., tN•wporl H•rborJ o•c McPuko SJ 110 ReYH ((OM I a .. SIO..-. 1 > tee StoU9 ICOMI won by •orlell JOl -<Ill l(dMI •on Dy lorlolt Hwl l UOWllJ,,... ((OM! won Dy fort••• Mondar.'• lranHctlon1 8ASl8ALL A-... 1.. ...... CHICAGO WHllE SOX N1m.O A,_i Vuq~z lo lwndl• Laltn A"'WIU" plo.,.... ....,...._~ Announ<.O 11\at SI••• Trout. 1>11<"•' ""°" '" •r1111rall0ft, wNte ti.I -won 1n orbilrotlon wllll 8111 A'"'on lllfle- lr>CI 80C>t>y Molln••IO. oum.io.r MINNESOTA TWINS SIQn-.1 hrrv F•lton, p1t(~r. ano M•rk Funderburk outfl•ldH to on&!"·V••r tontr.ch N-lu-(INCINNATt REOS Announud ,,.., the te•m won •" •rbltr•tton •1th Fr•n• Pl\tore. 1111crwr LOS ANGELES OOOGERS Trllde<I D•HY LoPU u cond bowmen, 10 IM Oo•l•no A s tor l...C• H-.. lnllelder MONTREAL EXPOS S1onM S<Olt S.ndt>r'°"' ottctwr. toa thrtt Y••' tOf'ltr.c.1 IASIC(TIAU. N•-1 IMll-H A»>CIOllH INOIANA PACERS Nemod Fronk ~rtan1pr~t l'OOltALL NotleMI l'•-11 Lt- N E W YORK Gl4NTS SIQ,,tO Jett Bedn•'tll. detenUY• end M t<••Y Flttverotd, _,.,A---. T-• we11on •net L•rrv Colt•~. '""nlrtQ ~''· Ktvln E•••H •nd Mlk• lu•ll. ••lellu , !><ott Phllllps, w.ot re<•'Yf't. Ht,b~ ~Pt'rK•r and L•rrv Werti. t1net»<k.,, HB prep golf saved Oil com]Xlny, two. area courses come to the rescue When the Huntington Be ach H1&h.. School district cut golf from the school programs. several local companies and courses came to the rescue. A check for $977 was presented to the district hy the Cht'vron Dealers of the area, proceeds from a tournament held for s uch a purpose. Fount;.un Valley Mile Square Golf Course. with Jim Casp10 as head professional, will provide free gree n fees for Ocean View and Pountam Valley Huntin gton Seacliff Country Club in lfunttngton Beach is offenng the same package to Westminster. Huntington Beach, Edison and Marina Brian Lake. president of the Huntington Seacliff Corporation, was instrumental in securing the donations along with a guarantee of golf balls from several companies. "More money will have to be raised for e xample. to pay the $42 per school lease perc~ntage required by the County of Orange before free play is permitted," Lake s ays Mile Square leases the land from the County of Orange • • • SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA collegiate golfers will begin their 1982 tournament schedule by competing in the 12th annual Gary Sanders memorial invitational at Pomona National Golf Club Thursday and. Friday. Among the favorites to capture the individual title will be UC Irvine's Dave Beatty who was medalist when the Anteaters tied UCLA, 299.299 last week al Bi g Canyon Country Club Beatty ftred a 68. DelendinJi? champion of the event 1s Ron Com mans with lhe USC squad the defending team champion Commans has turned pro and will not defend his title • • • THE COSTA MESA GOLF and Country Club men's club did it again. The group, under lhe direction of Steve Pappas and Tom Throp, report that their Toys Fore Fairview tournament raised over $3,000 in cash and $1 ,000 in toys and gifts for the hospital. In addition. Len Peverieri donated a color television set. Incidentally. Bob Hale had a net 60 to win first place for the second consecutive year In the competition. Congratulations. • • • ON the upcoming tournament trail . Lee 't'l'evino will be among the contestants in lhe Los Antieles Open at Riviera Country Club riext week. When the pro-am is presented on Wednesday. GOlF HOWARD L. HANDY F'eb 17, former president Gerald Ford and Bob Hope are among the celebrities Out Palm Springs way. at Indian Wells to be more specifi c, Gene I.1tllcr and the Hebert brothers. Lionel and J sy, are among the contestants lis ted for the Vintage lnv1tat1onal March l0-14. The event will be held at the exclusive Vintage Club. The lle bert brothers ea ch won the PGA championship, something no ot her brother c-o mbmat1on has ever accomplished Lionel, the younger of the two. won in 1957 and Jay captured the PGA title In 1960 lnc1dentally. this year's tournament will be nefit Angel View crippled children's foundation with season tickets priced al S40 to include all five days or action Daily prices are considerably less than a year ago at $5 on Wednesday and up to $10 on Saturday and Sunday • • • JOllNNV MlLLER WILi, BE back to defend h1 i. title at the Los Angeles Open. Feb 18·21. Miller won th<' Andy Williams San Diego t>pen last week und earlier had won $500,000 in a c;pecial event in South Africa · Others who will join Miller in the h eld include Mark O'Meara of Laguna Niguel, Hale lrwin. Tom Ki~. Ed-Fiori, Bobby Clampett, Bttly Casper, Craig Stadler. Dave Stockton, LaMy Wadkins and Jerry Pate among others. Spectators at the LA Open will havt an opportunity to have tbeir owo 1olf awinl photographed, analyzed and fetord~d on • permanent dis play card which can be uied by their own club pro as an instrucUonal tool. A $5 donation entitles the participant to: three swings on the computer swing analyzer providing 1mmed1ate. simultaneous feedback on seven diHerent aspects of the swing . ao instant photograph which shows in stop action eight consecutive parts of the golfer's swing, and brief advice on the good or bad points of the swing from a PGA teaching professloruil. . . . . . Orange Coast DAILY PILOT(Tuesday. February 9, 1982 From Pjie C1 HUGHES IS THE FUSE. • • 11u m nfor because I knew lbi1 y~ur would dcpt•nd a lot on what I d1cl ... ~u1ys Hughes · So 1 was ready Toward the Rustlers play at LA Harbor Golden West College, coming orr a convincing victory over East Los Angeles C~&e . wiJI trv to make 1t two straight when the R ustlers travel to LA Harbor tonight (7 30> GWC, 4·6. 17 8 defeated the Sea hawks 48 46 in first round action o f Sou thern Cal Conference basketball play back on Jan lS The Hus tlers boast the top scorer in the conference in guard Truiett Hatton who 1:arries an JIU> average into the coflteat Woodbridge, Brethren duel Woodbridge High's Warnors make their final regular season appearance tonight in free·lance basketball. playing host to Marshall High of Pasadena m a game that could be the key to their Cl F playoff aspirations. The Warriors enter with a 13·8 record . but on the heels of a tbree-game los ing s treak Mars hall fell to Woodbridge earlier. 50 ·16 Ttpoff is at 7 30 ,-- I end of Jut year there !\Ome gurnt!:! with a lot df ~mphas1s to stop me, so 1t hasn't bel!n that big ot a ,·hange " "He's r eally improved his poise," say-; Brown, "the way he res pondi to press ure Hti's playing the game harder and t-ach week he's playing more auresslvely .. So, the Barons enter the final week. lied with Marina and Ocean View at 4.4 and a game behind second place Hunttn.aton Beach in the wild, wild Sunset a C.:IF 4 A playoffs berth to but t.:Vo of them And 1t appears crystal clear, 1f the Barons are to ea rn a playoff berth it 'II be behind the play of Hughes Vortex wins H ibachi race Vortex, skippered by Bruce Twichell . Voyager's Yacht Club, was th(' class-A winner m the second race or South Shore Yac ht Club's Winter lf1bach1 series Class B winner was Me N Pete , co.skippered by Fyfe and Colwit'k. VYC, and the class C winner was Immoral M1nonty, Paul Blank, SSYC In the small boat d1v1s1on the winner m the senior sabot class was Betty Knudson . SSYC, and the JUntor winner was Worth lloughton, SSYC The healthcare plan for employees that actually ~rovides for their care. Gret~ky, ·Cmnpbe lls favo red LANDOVER, Md (AP> -The Campbell Conterence, led by record·breaklnl acorer Wayne Gretzky of the Edmonton Oilers, seeks a second atraltbt victory over the Wales Conference In tonight's National Hockey League AU-Star game. A crowd of 18,130 is expected to rill the Capital Centre. where only o n e sellout has been attracted during the current sea son as the Was htogton Capitals struggle through their eighth campaign The Wales Confe rence had won five straight All-Star games under the format adopted for the 1974.75 season. with no game in 1979 because of the ChaUenge Series with the Soviet Union. The Campbells notched their first decision last year Yacht race ends Brisk winds off the Mexican mainland brought the last of the 35 boats in the San Diego to Manzanilla yacht race safely into port Sunday night and Monday. General chairman Fred Frye said the finish times are being fed into a computer to determine the overall and class winers on handicap time Final results were expected today for their eyes for their teeth for their body right down to their toes FHP isn't just an insurance company. It's a Health Maintenance Organization with seven medical centers in the Los Angeles and Orange County area alone. Family Health Program provides the dentists. The doctors, including medical specialists. Emergency care. Hospitalization. Eye care. Preventa- tive care, including regular checkups. Even family counseling. We don't just cover your employees' medical expenses. We also pro-. tect your employees' health by providing care to help keep them from getting sick in the first place. Head to toe. A ff DE RALLY QUALIFIED HMO Fos t e r , Mets reach 8greement For more information on the group health care pro- gram that gives you more than just insurance for yoyr money, call (213) 429-2473, Ext. 513 or (714) 898,.3516, Ext . 513. JllEW YORK (AP> -Georae htter and tho New York Mets tuive reached agreement on the CiftclM8ti slugger's request (Of 1 fl mllUon, interest·free Joa, th• final hurdlt to com,._ a tr14e Md formalin a COQtreet, Met.a General Manaaer Prank Cuben said Monday. Tom Reich, Foster's •tent~ spenl Monday In Caltfornla. " attending to business for some of hia other clieots. He waa expected In New Yort Tuel4eJ. to con<:ludc talks with c....-.. which should deliver Fciiter. a 33·year-old lert fielder, to the Met.a. Cuhen and Reich spent two da11 together '" FlorOf a lut w ekood and reacbed •agreement on • tontnc:t *hleb • will Pll.Y Foster SiJ million over the next nve year'IJ1 P6st.er wa.a receiving $800,000 n year from C!1lclnnntt as he entered tbe ~ xear or his contract. • U •o Foster·-req__ue~l 'f~~ '°'*' which kept ~ Hedi uvm ilantng him agarn. Cp•h"n aald Lhi loan was tbe t1\tbJect of the Pjorfda talks, but added: "I'm not al liberty to report on that." C 19112 fHP ' .. . .. ' ~ ... ~ .......... ~ ........................ '""" ................................ """ ............ ~~="t'~'"."7""" .............. ""' ...... '""' ............ ""-F' .. Orl(lgJ Co11t OAIL Y PILOTfTu .. day, Febru1ry 9, 1982 valu& .. ---------,_,.--- I ~,.ft11la. l1 ~·Ung i12M.F-I l orown Ktnt1Jeky f;'rJed Chicken plus bl'Own l(entucky Frltcl Chicken, with IOldtd wllf't tlftMn pieces oi Juicy, gi ~ alnglt mvtngi ot colt •"w. masf'ted tour roll1 • 1 11/ge colt al1w. 1 largt 1 go1<11n brown Kentucky Frltcl Chlck1n ,,, (,) ;;»i potatOH and gravy 1nd 1 roll I INtl'ted potatots 1nd 1 mtdlum gravy o 0 Limn two otltrt lltt pUtCl\iM CO\lpon good Z 1,.1m11 two olltrs oer P11rcnue Coupo11 good umu two Olttlt I* 1111rc~H Coupon good 1 onty 10t coml>lnatlon wl\ltt/darl! Oldtrt 1 I O(lly IOI combltlitton whltt/Cllrk oroers I only fOr Q)lllbinatlOn wM1/dark 0rtStr1 Cuttomti pays tll &ppllciblt utts \Ill C11ttomt1 PIYI Ill APC>li"blt Mltl I» Clltlor'Nf P'Y1 all IC>l>i~t>lt UIU 1A.t I Ofter expires l'ebruary 21, 1982. I Offer expires rebruary 21 1982 I Otter expires Ftbruery 11. 1982 I Pr1ct1 may v11y ii P1f1ICll)lttr19 1oea11ons Pt1ces may v1ry al P1t11Clp.i1tlng loullona P11c1s may vary " Plfllelpatlng toeattont I CO<Jpon good only In Sootlltrn I Couoon good only In SOUttltrn Callf0tn11 whtrt I Coupon good onry In SO\ltntrn C.llt0tni. I cauro11111 """' you '" tht mtm you 11,. the r!llMWsl\lp sul 011ht Kentucky wnere you '" tht memoersnlp ltll ti in. 1>e11nlp ... , OI lilt l(tntue~y Fritel C~lelttn Auoclatton 9 Kentueky Frltd Cntcken Auociatlon .. fllliii'llW_..... __ COUPON -• ----- •_IS!_ntuck.J ;t'ried Chicken ._ PUIUC llTICE ORANGI! COUNTY MUNICl .. AL COURT HA.-J..-Clel Ol1trkt 4691 Jem••r•• aeulever41 , New,... -di. Cellto,..I• tU.O PL ... INTIFF: MARC R. TOW OEFENO.\NTS JAMES BRIDGEMAN. NANCY BRIDGEMA"' end DOES I 10. tnclvslve. SUMMONS flRU AMENDED C ... H NUMBER.,.,. NOTICE I You ... .,. --·· Tiie c°"rt mey -I• ... ..,11 ,_ wlt-t , ... , Ml"I '*'"' ...... u -..._. wltllln • uy .. R-llMI letwm.irt .. 11 ...... . II you w1111 to -k Ille iMl•lce ol en 1ttorney In t+l11: metter1 vou 1houd do •O promplly so that your written rupon~ ti eny, mey be Hied on llmt, AVISOI Ua..t M tide •me...S.d9. l!I trlkMI _... d9cldlr contn U4. tin eudlucla • mo1101 que Ud. rHpollU •11tro • JO di... Lu la h•formeclon q• sl-. SI Usttd Otwe '°'lcller ti con1<tlo O• un •£>09td0 ft'1 tstt •sonlo. dllberl• n•certo lnmeo1at1imtnt•. de @'U• m•n•ra. 1u respur,•• 1Krlt11,. "' ha'f 11oun•. o~ y.r re9•'t,.adl • tiempo I TO THE DEFENDANT e civil comp1e1nt ,.., lll•d by Ille plelnlltf •c:i•1MI you II you wl\11 to oei.nct ltllt lawsuit, you must within 30 o.rs attor thl' \vm~ l1 serYflJ Of"I you, f1lr ..,Ith thl• court • wrlth!n rHl>CIM• to the compl•lnt. Unl•u you 00 so your t11tt•ull wlll be •ntereo on appl1Catlon ot the pl•1nt1H. and th!\ court may •nter e 1udQITM!nl •oalml you tor Ille reilel oomencted In the complaint, #hlch could rflUlt in c;iornl•hment ol N4Qtl, taklnQ ol money or property or other rettet r equ~it•O In the complalM. D• TED O«emlltr 29, '"' J, Peter\On, C~r~ By V L 0 1,.,,t'O, Dti>oJty LAW OF,ICES OF 114.t.RCR TOW eruo G. "-"· EtQ. ,,., D•.,.Stt"Mt, Fourth F-, New Port 8Mcll, CA fl..O (7U > 7U·J<l1J Publl .. ...O Oran90 COol•I OdilY Pilot. Feb 1, ~. 1&, 13. 1"7 1'1-81 l'VIUC NOTICE SUPERIOA COURT Of' THE STATE OF CALI FORNI ... FOil THIE COUNTY OF ORANG IE 711Clvk c ... tor Orho West $elltl Alte, Cellto"'1a tJ701 PLAINTIFF MEREDITH WI LLS, DOLORES YOUNGER, lndlv1dull•, WILLS .\NO YO U N G ER INVESTMENTS•• OE F ENOANT HA L FAEELANO, BRU CE JOlllES. lndt•1duel•, CALIFORNIA INVESTMENT LEASING CO~PANY , INC , a Corpor auon. encl OM• 1 thrnuoll 30, fnctu\IV~ SUMMONS CASIE NUMB Ell 1Sl11• NOTICE! y., M•• -...... Tllo c ... r1 m-. *<'-... 11111 yo11 wlt~t yMlr '61.,. -rd ""'°'' you r<KjMNMI wltllln JO uys.. RH41 llM tftformallOft ....... tf you w1sn to W}e'k t~ .tc1-..1ce of •n ,.uo,.n@y in thi\ malt~r. '°" should do \O p,.omptly $0 tt\.tt your wr+tten r•iponse. It •n~. m•v be flied on· Hmt AVl~t Vlted IM tldo ................. Et lrl .... nel .,.-W<ldlr cOftlro Vd. 1111 ••lllo11cla • meno1 •u• Ull. respe1141• ..,t,... de JO dlu. L• ta tlOformeclon q• "-SI Usteo OIHH \OllC 11 ... , coni.elO.,. un abo9ad0 en e~tt a\unto deberl• nacerlo •nmrdta1•mt'n••· Oe •i•e m11n•r•. w r~\OUltSt-4' Merit.. \I h•v alc;iuna, ~ ier reQlstraoa • tiempo NOT1c'e OF DEATH OF LORETTA THUDIUM BICKELHAUPT AND OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A-1 12017. To all heirs , beneficiaries, creditors and contingent creditors of Loretta Thudium Bickelhaupt and persons who may be otherwise interested in the will and/or estate: A petition has been filed by Allan A. Sigel 1n the Superior Court of Orange County reQuestlng that Allan A . Sigel be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of Loretta Thudium Bickelhaupt (under the I n d e p e n d e n t Administration of Estates Act). The petition is set for hearing in Dept. No. 3 at 700 Civic Center Drive, West, in the City of Santa Ana. California on March 3, 1982 at 9:30 A.M. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should either appear at the hearing and '!>tate your objections or file written objections witt} the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be 1n person or by your attorney. PUIUC NOTICE NOTICE INVITING 8101 Nollce h hereby given 11'1•1 Ill• &o•fd ol Tru\l•H of Ill• cont Communtty Col9-Olslrlcl of Orenot Cou11ty, Cetlfornl•. wilt re<elv• ... 1.0 bldl yp to tt.00 e.m .. W•dnoMtey, Fobru•ry l•, 1"2 at Ille Pur<llMlng Dopert"'*"t 111 said coll090 dlalrtct loc•led el tS'IO Mam• A•Ofluo, cone Mu•. Celllorlll•. et .. l\l<.h limo Hid bld1 wlll be PVll41cly -""" eno rMd tor: PlllNTING & BINDING OF ORANGE COAST COLLEGE CATALOG. t9'2-t3 All bids ere to " In eccoroence wllll the Bid Form lnll•ucllon• and Conclltlons end Speclflcetlons whlct'I ••• now on Ille end may i. -ur..:I In Ille office 111 Ille Purclleslng A911nt ol' salo coll-dl\lrlcl, Eech l>lddtr must 1ubmlt with his bid • ce.>lller's che<k, urtllht<I Cheek, or blOOer's bone! m-peyebt• to Ille o"'•r ot the Coe\I Community COl'- 0 Isl rlct Board ot Trust .. , In an emount nQ4 le" ltwn live percent 0"'1 ol Ille •um bid •• • 9u•r entH Ille! IM bidder ..,Ill enter Into tllt proe>ot«t Conlrect II lne .. ,,.. is ewarclod to l\lm In tile O'ftnl ol l•lluro to enter Into such contreci, Ille proc..O• ot tllt che<k wlll be tortelleo. or In Ille t.se of • bond, 11\e lull lum tnoreol will be lortello<J to wold colleoe dlftrlc I lllo bli:'<ler may wlthdr•w his blcl tor a period of lerly·ll•• 101 d•Y• ttlwr Ille date l<tl for Ille opening trier.of. Tht 8""rd ol Trustus reMrvH the f•l•lio90 111 rtle<tlng eny afld all bids or to wah* .tnv '"tQul•rltl•1 o' lnform•llties i" •ny bid or •n ow biddi119 "' NORMAN E WATSON S.Crflarv, 8""rdol Trustee• Coesl Community College Olllrk t Publl\hecl Or•090 C.,.st Delly Pllol. Febru•ry 91 l•, 1'82 ~Jl..tl PUIUC MOT£E NOTICE INVITING SEALED l'ROl'OSAL.S t810$) FOR THE CONSTRUCTIOM 0,. SANO CANYON AVl!NUIE WATER TlllAMSMIUION MAIN SANTIAGO AQUEDUCT PAR ALLI! L TO IRVINI! Cl!NTl!R DRIVE l"RG.ll!CT NUMBER U17t Jllfl THI! IRVINI! RANCH WATER OllTRICT IF YOU -ARE A C REDITOR or a~ contingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your claim with the court or present it to the personal representative appointed by the court wlth'in tour months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Section 700 of the Probate Code of California. The time for filing ·claims will not expire prior to four months from the date of the hearing noticed above. NOTIC.E IS >lEREBY C.IVEN tnet th• Irvine Renell W•l•r o .. trlcl lnvilel and wtll rtcolv• se•led pre>PO$al• (bld•I up to the hour ot 10.)0 A.NI. on it. 'Ith O.y ol Merell, t..n, •I IM olflcr ot lfW EnglMer/Archit..:t, as Qinn below, lor tumlslllng to .. Id Olslrlct ell trensportallon. meterlal1, tQulpmtnf. l~bor. services. •nd w119t1tt neouary to comtruct "'"' work lor tr.. 01\trlCI. et wlllcll llm• said prooowls will be publicry opened and read e-.it tne office of. lrvlne Rencl\ Water Ol"rlet 1880'1 Bar-A-YOU MAY EXAMINE the fife kept by the court. If you are interested in the e state, you may file a reQuest with the court to receive special notice of the inventory of estate assets and of the petitions, a ccount s and reports described in Section 1200.5 of the Cal1forn1a Probate Code. Dennis Booth; Allan A . ir vino, Cellfornl• 9171$ Saki OIOi lllall conform to ana be ••"'°"''~ to lllt conlrect OO<u..-nts tor .. Id work H lle11!1olort approvod by ••Id Ors trlcl and mull be •«ompanlf<I by IM s«urlly reterre<I to therein COPi.\ 01 tnt cont re< t 00<um.nts ere on Ille and may be tum1ned In ltw offlu of tne Oislrk t and In tr.. offlco of the Enolneer/Arcllllect al Jolln Carollo Enc;i;neeo, tOMO Werrwn A .. , Suite 100, Fo..w11ain Velley, CA n10t Copl .. may tit pUrct\aw<! el the office ol Ille Engl.-r/Archlte<l by peymont 111 '30.00 per wt end !hi• con h not retundable r•c;iardlUS ol NM1'4' t716LK NOTICI! TOCREOITORI OP BULK T•ANl~aR 11eu . .itt•t•1 u.c .c.1 Nol le• rs ,,.,.by given lo "oclttorl of tllO •llt>tn n......o .. ,, ... ltlM • 1>111- lrenat•r I• eboul to bo med• on P•"onet proP•rh 11er•l11etter deKrlti.cl. The nemes end t>ustnou _,.., Of tllo l11undld tran~ror1 ere· Rlcherd tnd Grotc,,.n _..,., IOU Beker. COiie Mase, Cellfornlo .,.,. Tll• netnn end bln~s -rHs of the lnte-lrensl•,.... ere: Ctwng ~ -Seunc;i Soot. L .. , H H Funhlll Clrcte, Apt. A, Hunllnc;iton llM<ll, CellfonlU. ,, ... Tll•I lllO property POr1ltwftt h•roto It doscrlbo<I In 911norel ... furniture, fl•tures1 equipment, tr•O•n•me, QOOdWlll. loese , lee••hold lmptovem•nts, covenent not to compete -frenchlM. end Is locetod et· IOI$ Bel<.,, COiie Mew, Celllornle '26U The b~""' neme u»d tty Ille l•ld trensferors al Mkl loc•tlon 11 ALT"" OEHA DAIRY Thh bulk trtMI•• f\ subloct lo Celltornla Uniform Commorclal C- S.<11011 •tO. That Hid bulk trensfer ls lnt•-.i to be conlumm•I~ •I Ill• olltce 111 SERVICE ESC.ROW COMPANY, P 0 Bo• 118, Wutmlnste r, Celllornl• '2.aJ. on or ettor Merci\ t. "'' Th•t IM I.st d•t• '°' flllnQ ctelml In the etctow rtf•rr•d to ,,_r•tn h February 1•. 1911, So I•• •• I• known to wld lntenOe<I Tren•l•r9" wld Intended Trelltleron u...i th• totlOwlnc;i ecldltlonet buslnen nemu and addreues within'"" thr.- YH" last ~I none Oettd Fet>ruery 3. 1"2 Cllanc;i Sue> LM 5eunQS«*LM tn1..-frenslen•H SERVICE EICROWCOM .. ANY 142128Mdl81'111., w ............ cetr ....... '241' Publllhed Or•ncie co .. 1 Oa11y Pilot, Fobruary 9, 1"2 .,.,.,,, NMIUJ FICTITIOUS 8UltNl!SS NAME STATl!MIENT Tllo lollowlnQ per-ere OolnQ buslneu •~: W0008RIOC.E TOWNHOMES, I 7100 GlllC'lte, I rvlne, (A t17U. W•rmlnQIOn Men_,.,_, Company, • CelllornlA corporetlon, 11100 Giiien• A•e .. It vine, CA 911U E G Wermln9ton EnhrPrh*' lncor-oo,.•1•d , a C•tltorn ta corporetlon, 17100 Glll•tt• Irvin.-, CA .,,,. T111~ buSlnou " conducted by • llmll•d par'lntrv>lo. CorPoretlon N•-: wenntnQton --ment C.-Y JarnH P Wermlnc;iton Pre1tdent CClrJ)Or •lion Heme E G Werml"910f' EnterprlW\ tncor-•led E G W•rmlnQton Prt\lclent Thi\ •lal""""'I w•> 11100 wllll IM CounlY Clerti ol Oranoe County on Jan '1'I 1911 ""'u Publl•lled Or•090 CoH1 Delly PllOI. Feb 9, 1&, 23, Merell 1, IW? •U.fJ PVIUC~ Sigel, One Wilshire Blvd., Suite 2323, Los Angeles, Ca . 90017; tel : (213) 624-0262 ...... ,,., Ille plaM -~lllcollom NOTICE OF MARSHAL'S SAU ert roturr""' Ne. nu•z Plans •11<1 spe<llic•llon• will be PLAIHllFF El OORAOO BANK, :;'.~1::;,"':':', ·~·d:~,~~511;~ • Cellfomle cor-•tlon. (nonre1..-) lo cover Ill« cost ol DEFENDANT. JOHN RODEFFER, Pubhshtd °'"'-Gout Oellv PllOI po\tage end "-dllnc;i •I •I I TO THE DEFENDANT A <lvll Feb 2, J,9, 1"2 14 Under the pro•11ions ot Ille By virtue of en Ue<utlon 1""911 on compl4lnt ha• oeen llleo by '"" Calltornl• Ulllor c-. Ille Dlr.ctor of Jenuary t . "" by the Muntctp•t pl•lnllll -IMI you 11 you .. 1111 10 Ille Oepert,,,_.o# 1-rlaLRAJteu.-~~o~u;r~t'.. Cenlrel JudlCl•t Olslrlcl, defend tnl• 1'•w•ui11 you mu•t. within ____ ,...._,....,....,.... __ ,...._, hu O.ltrmlnod the prev•lllr111 r•t• al Coun of Orange, Steti on:illrorftfi, JO den -r 111 .. "'m"'°"' is W!rncl NllJC llflC( ••Ott tor tne lo<alitY In whlc-rt the upon • l~I enttre<I In ltvor of on you, file with lhl• court a wrlllen wor-h lo bit pertorm.o end the trvlne EL OORAOO BANK, • Celllornla rell>O"!W 10 tllt complaint UnlflU you R•n<h Water 01\trtct has •doell4'd Hid corporetlon M IUOQ<Mnt croclfto" •net d<>M>, youro.teultwllltM!enterfllon l"S916 pr•••ltlnc;i rate of ,._, A COPY 01 IQalnst JOHN ROOEFFfll end eppllcallon ol the pl1lnl1H end thl• NOTICE CM' TRUIT!Ell'S IALIE the~ P•tvtlllnc;i ratH are on Ille et It. K ... THY ROOEFFEll .. jud;ment court may rnter a juOQmont eoatn<t ..._ f'TA-1• olflce ol the lr•lne Renell Water deblo,., llloWlng • Ml btlell<e 01 you for Ille rell~ oemandtd In Ille On Tllllndey, "*'-'f 11, tta. •I 01\trlct el'lcBl\all I» m.OO •••II• .... to '7 ,043.61 Klualty duo on sakl ludtlm.,.t comptalnl, which could r•wll 111 11·>0 A.M.. IMPERIAL MNCORP, • eny lnl•••Sled party on r~~\t. A on tllt del• of tne l•s..an<:e of \aid 11ernhhment ot wac;ies, l•td119 of Cettfornte Corporellofl es duly copy of lu<ll wage rat•• shell bo e•ecullon, t heve tevle<I UflOtl •II Ille monof or propertv or olhor rellef 1191>0lni.ctTrust .. ~Jtl'IClpU,_I posteo on lit• lob•lto by 11'1• rlQl'll, 1111• encl lnlorut ol uld (O(IUO\ted In lllt compl•lnt to 00.0 ol T,,,.. ~..-F.....,y 17, Contrector judQment dtbton In lllt -r1y In OATEO· MArc1111, 1'et Hit es instr. No. ao7, 11oo1< tMM, 11 shall IM mendatory upon Ille tilt County Of Oren11e, Siii• of LEE A. BR,.. NCH. PAOll JO, 111 OHklel Recwa, •11e<wt.M Contrector 10 "'"""' 1,_ c:ontrect 1, Celilornle, clHCrlbed HfoHowf: I Al PORT OP CONDITION Consolld•tlno d01T111tlc su~ldl•rln of ttit Ne!Nport Harbour Natfonol Bink of Newl)Ort 8Hch, In the 1tete of Cellfor11la, at the close of b"slness on 0.C•JJ.'.'lber 31, 1981 published In re$ponse to ull m•dt 'by <:;omptrolltr of tht Currency, under title 12 • Unit~ Sutes COdt, Section 161. Charter n"mber 16131 National Bank Revlon Number 14 ASSETS Cash ant,t di.It fro~ Donar Ameun1s In ThouSMd& depasltory Institutions ...••. . 2, 1f9 .. .. 92 • 1SO U.S. Treasury 'ecurltles .... All other securities ......•.... Federal funds sold and securities, purchased under agreements to resell , ....... , . , ........... . 4,865 a . Loans, Total (excluding unearned Income) . . • . .. • .. . 3USS b. Less: Allowance for possible loan losses Loans, Net Bank prmlses, furniture and fixtures, and other 333 30,922 · assets representing bank premises ....• ,.. . .. 711 A II other assets . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . ~. 1,023 TOT AL ASSETS .. .. . .. .. .. .. 39,882 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of lndlvlduals, partnerships, and corPoratlons . Time and savings deposits of Individuals. 4, 137 partnerships and corparatlons. 29,547 ... 20 . 801 34,SOS All other deposits ............ . Certified and officers' checks . . . TOT AL DEPOSITS ..... . Total demand deposits . Total time & savings del)osits 4,958 29 547 All other liabilities ........... . . . 577 TOTAL LIABILITIES <excluding subordinated note<; and debentures> . . . . . . . . . . . 35,082 EQUITY CAPITAL Preferred stock No. shares outstanding -None Common stock a. No. shares authorized 675,000 b. No. shares outstanding S00,000 ,(par value) 2,500 Sur,plus ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.SOO Undivided profits and reserve for contingencies and other capital reserves ........ . (200) 4,800 TOTAL EQU ITY CAPITAL ...... .. TOTAL LIABILITIES ANO EQUITY CAPITAL ... , ... , ..... 39,882 MEMORANDA <amounts outstanding as of report date) Standby letters of credit, total Time certificates of deposit 987 in denominations of S 100,000 or more . . 22,069 Tota I deposits. .. . . . . .. .. . . ........ 33,668 we. the undersigned directors attest the correctness of this statement of resources and liabilities. We declare that it has been examined by us. and to the best of our llnowledqe and belief is true and correct. 'SI Madine Carpenter SI William A. Schmidt t sl Richard Flagg I, Thomas E . Gruenwald; Vice President and Comptroller of the above-named bank do hereby declare that thi'!> Report of Condition is true and correc.t to the best of my knowledge and belief 1 /s/ Thomas E. Gruenwald 1-29-82 P-Or-Coelll Dally Pllo4, Fob.t, ~'1-«t Ml.IC NOTICE NMt7• NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of' aUUlTRANSf'IEll tl«I. ~•M1 u .c .c.1 Nol le o 1' here«>y 9lven to creditors 01 Ille wltl\ln ..-tr.,..1ter11r• 11\al e bulk trenster I• about to be m-on ptr1ona1 proptrt't f't•r•ln•ftet dot<rtbed TM n6me'l •nd bus1n.si •ddrrss of lne lntendt<I tren~teror. ore J~ and Fleur Yfl9'\lay•n. tl4JS Jeffry Road, lr•lne, C•l1lorn1• 91714 Tllo l~tlon In Calllornla ot tho chief e .. cultve olfict or orlnclpel busln•n oftl<• ol Ill• 1nttri<1to trarulororts· .. mea.atJow All other t·.u,ntft•S.' n•m•t-end eoor•l\t\ ~••Cl by tn. onl•noed tr•nsferOf\ w ithin thrH ~ear' l•st pelt so l•r u ~-to the 1n1enooo tranifHM•,.. ~ ..ifft• n•nw •nd re,•O•nce of t1'• lntend.o tr.en.U.ree .,...____ _ Touran Sa ta h i R•n1bar. 9Sl1 M•rc;iaret , Cyi>,'tu, C•lllornt•. CellfortW•~ Thel lhe pr_.iy C>1Prtlnenl llOroto I• dH<rlbed In QeM'•' •• LUNCHEON RESTAURANT end I\ localed •I ,,,.lS Jeffry R....O, Irvine, Celllornl• "'" The businHs name u...,d by Ille ••Id tr•nf.feron at 1•kt •oc•tlon i\ JASOHS LUNCH BOX Tllel said bulk transtor I• 1ntl'1ldtd to bo consummtted at tho 0111ce ol ESCROW ENCOU,.TEAS. INC., 11310 Boach Btv<I., Hunt111gto11 Buel\, Celllornle .,,._, on or f!ler Merell I, "" This bl.i" lr•nsfor IS Sllbl•CI 10 Celltornla Uniform Commorrlel C°"" Section •IOI> Ti.. nome -•OdfeH Of ,,.. perwn wllll whom ctelm• may ti. filed " ESCROW ENCOUlllT E RS. 17'10 Beech Blvd . Huntington Beectl, Ceutornle 91(,47, -lhe lest day tor 1111"11 <1•1"11 try any c1'9<1ttor •fllill it. F•brua ry U , 1981, wlltth h lh• bllsln.,s dtY befort tht conwmmellon date •pee 111..i abOv~ Dele<I F-....y 1, 19'2 Touren s.1e111 ll•nlN • 1n1..-rranJfel"ff isCltOW ENCOUNTERS, INC. ''"' •oec.11 ....... H..W ...... lleKtl, (e. ftM1 •K-Ne..1 .... P Publllhocl Or•• (Otll Dally PllOI, Fet>rueryt, 1'92 .,.,.., PUU NOTICE NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS CALLING l'OR 8105 S<hoot 011lrlct: COAST COMMUNITY COLI.EGE DISTRICT. Biii ONclllne: 11'00 A.NI. 111 Ille I Ith OeY of -ell, 1"2. l>te<e of IMd llo<.•lpl OFFICE OF THE PUllCHASING AGENT, MS. M ... RIAN PERRIN. COAST COMMU,.ITY COi.LEGE DISTRICT, 1J70 ADAMS AVE., COST ... MESA. CA 91'14 Proiect ld•f'l1ittc ahon Jr\famc OR ... NGE COAST COLLEGE 800KSTORE FIXTURES ANO EQUIPMENT.. BtO N~? ...... Piece Pion> are on Ill• Office of Plly\lul Fecllltlos PiennlnQ (Trelter Complu>. Ooon A or 8, Jolln Potter, Director, Cotst Community COll•Qe OIUrlct, 1l10 .\dem• ,...,. . Costa Mesa.CAt74a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ltwt the •bOve·Mmod Scl!Ool Otstrlc I of Orenoe Cauntv. c .. 11orn1e, •<I~!>¥ end throuc;ill IU GO•ert1ln9 B.,.rd. ll•rein•lttr •••••••cl to ., "OISTRICl," Wiii te<el•• UC> 10, but not talrr ,...,, tilt a!>cwo-stt-.i limo . .. aled bid' tor I~ awerd ol • contrec I for tht ebove pra,e<I. B Id> >hell I» re<elved In tho pie« 1~n1111..i ebove. and sll•ll be --end publicly reed etoud •I 11\e ebove.tteteo II~ •nd piece. Tiier• wlll be • U0.00 dep0\11 roq11lre<1 tw ee<h wt of bid document' to guarantte th• rolurn In c;iood condition within 10 days after Ille bid openlnQ clet• CHECKS ONLY/NO CASH Eech Diel mull conform end be '""'°"''.,.to tl>e conlrecl ~u,.,,..,h. E•ch bid "'•II be ec;compeni.cl by tno \tcurlly r.terreo to in IM conlrect cloc umfntJ <I"<! b'r t~ 11,1 of prOl>OM<I 1ub<ontrector>. The DISTAICT rewr•t• ,.,. rlQl'll to reje<I any or ell bid• or lo welv• any lrrtt uterll!H 01 lntormellhe• In ""Y blO\ or In llWI bkldlnQ. Cler-by; MOHAMMAD OAOASHZAOEH ewordo<I, end upon any •ubconlrector l.OI 19 of frecl 'ISO H otr ~orded By·J.Oatlre, end EHTRAM HIEJ ... DHASHEMI unoer him, to pey not less then Ille ln8oot-.JtlP-sJStol7,lll(futlv•,of i----... -IUC--lillllli-flC_( ___ _ ()eputy OAOASHZAOIEH. lluSllencltntlWll•es sptclll•d r•les to ell workmen mlt<ell-. ,,_, In IM llffk• Of .... ftlll The OISTlllCT ne. oblelned from Ill• Director of the Oeparlrnonl 01 tnClu•lrl•I R•letlons Ill• 11•neret proalllng rel• of per Cll•m •tOe> In tllt locellty In wt>tch this work Is to be pertorrNCI for tech craft or tyoo ot workma" needed to •••<ute th• contrect. T,.._ r•IH •rt on lilt et 11'1• DISTii ICl Offlu toc•l~ ., Coe JI ComMunlly College Ol•lrtct, IJ70 Adems ... _. COii• MtY, CA '7424 Coe>I" mey be Otllelno<I on r~uost A copy of tfle9e retH shell be po>lod •I IM jotl\lle. MACKEY & ALPERT lolnl tenents n ltldtor(•I, In h oftlc:o employed by !Mm In Ille ue<utton of lllO County RecorO..-In tr. tounfy of P-----..... ----.......... - 1S7t1 RI--. ... °"'""· t tll• C-'Y Recorder of 0rMlf ,,,. contrect. ~•noe: "'P No. ~n·tl ftll "-· 011n1Y. Stile of C.lllornte, WILL Ea<ll bid or PnlC>Olel melt be mllde Moro commonly known u 1 Sllffm ... ~.cat-•••4J1 !ELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO out or Wbmli.<I one form furnltMd Rlmro<k, Clly ol lrvll'lo, C4ul'llY Of 121lltel.-HIGHEST lllOOER f'OR CASH etpertofll\tcontrecldocllmOnb,enct Orenoe.StetealCallfoml• Publl•lied ()r-(out D•llY Pilot, (peyaltlo •I "-of .... In l•wful mu\I be KC-led by • CHiiier's NOTICE IS HERE&Y GIVEN tMI J~n J•. f'tb ) •. 16, 1911 01·8' y OI mt Ut1lted Sl•lffl et. lNI cllec•. • artllled <lleell. or a bklO.r's on Tuts$y, Merell l'lld, 1'112 11 ) 00 -ro"t of IM .. UUAL THRIFT end boncl In en emount not loss lllen 10'!1. of o'clocll p,rrf et County Cour1f>IMISe, PUIUC llTJ;E LOAN bulldlno et 102 Wett First Ille •mount of Ille bl<I, m-peyeble l.o ..01 Jembor• 8ouleverd, II'""'' "' troot, Twtln, Cellfornle tt..O •II IM order of. or tor the lteMflt of. uld CourtllouM), City 111 .,._l!Ort &Mell, ltfll. tltte..., ~I con .. ,.... to Olstrlct,esthtuwmeybe, •nd .. cll CounlyofOrenge,SteteofCailfomle.t MN.m.. now ....., by 11 -Mid Deed of blO or -• ,,..11 be M•le<I end ... 111 sell et P\A>llc euctton to IM 1119f!fft "CTtTIOUS BUSINIEU Ttldl 111 IN cir"'911Y tltual.ct In Mid 111~ llll l~ •-I I -DI t kl bidder, for cell\ In lewful -y of Ille ..... /o\E STATEMENT tv--' ••~e-rllled H : "" w ,,. _,,,. ery o me 1 r United S!Allos, ell IM flQhl, Ill .. end Tll 1 11 1 0 1 • """' ,,_ et or before tt. time In tlllt nottco • o ow nQ P<l"0n• •r• 0 n; Tiie East 90.00 f-1 ot IM Wost )10. provlclod. n.e ebow ,,,..,oonoc1 ,,.00 Interest ol Mid fudgrnoftt Cletlllon tn bulinoss es. ft91 o1 ""Soutll 41&.00 f.-t of tot !f ......._11 tit QI•*" ., ouerentoe IM •bO.,. ducrlbecl projler1y, or '° AVALON Mill~fVRti.G. tt F•lr•-F"""9, •• _,,,,.m. tllet Ill• blcl<Hr Wiii ... ,., Into • mucll tllt~ .. may be PltUSMry to Corporal• PIAa, Suite 210, Newport 111 a... I, P1tgt 71 of Mll«t'-Oll contrecl wltll Ille Olstrtct If ewero.ct uttsry said uecutlon. wllh eccruect Beech, t:e, 92660 epa In IM offtet of Ille (6UM lnt•rHl -Cotts. Assoc le ltd Beverage Company, Recor~ of MIMSCouftty. .-th• work. elld will II• dn '•'•d Dated: 1'4'1rvMY i. Itel tnc. t• O.lewero corporellon>. n70 Tit• tlr••I tddr•o encl otlt• lorlelt•d If th• •vccu1ful ltldd•r Herbor Olvl\lon E•st 2•tttStr .. t. Ver-.. C•. 9002J omrl'IOll Clt9itNtllefl, 11 My, ti refu .. , ""-' tntowldcontrect. Tiiis bu•lnots It conducted by • ••I pr09trly dffcrllted ltloft 1, Th• loero 01 DlrHt0'9 of Ill• corporollon. .., to 1191 m eon.-. Coat. Dltlrlct -tho rlQM to ,..,le<t Auoclet.ed Be.,.,. , C .. ltcwtlle, eny encl ell bkh, end towel-. ...., end eon-iy, '"'· ,. ... ~ Tl'\ltt .. -'1Clelmt •11 lrr-.ilanty In •nv bid. Honnen M. N .. flOft, lltlllltt; '°' My lllCWl'e<-.. Pullll•hocl OrenQe (OHi Delly Piiot vtca Prosl0...1 atnltt ...,_ ...., otW ,_ Feb. 2,t, n12 su.-: Tt'llt ftet-'1¥• 111.0 with IM t11elttfl.tteny, ............ n. county Cl•tll of Orange Coullly on Salct MM wlfl tie m.IM, ._,. wltlltwt ' PlaJC llftC( .Jltft111rv tS, t"1 • PtlltM ev..,e111 °' werremy, .,......, °' --.......... ______ ,...._ IHU&MANe&.L.A lfl'IPI .... =.-:::·== .,,_, wtfllM l<ltwektu>N lnct..i """ ot .,.. ,...<•> _.,.... , .. A_ .............. 7lt .... ~ .. T,,., ..... -... Ut AfltlllH., C.. • ...., !Mr-, ff P"l'tldld lfl Mid Mllit(ll Putllltltlcl Or#!Ot Coast O.lly Piiot tll!llMOI, If ,,,,.,, .............. et Jen f•, at. ,,..._ 2, t, "'' »'"'2 teld o... o1 T""'.1 ._, <fir• - •• ,... ... If .. T Nllllle ... Of IM tfVlb ~ W .._ ~ .. Trt1tt .... "" ,,.,... ... ...,. .. lfNt .. ... ,= .. l'M . ..,,. ~ .... °""'"' ,.AMe ITAftUllT' Trul lttrtttftrt enc11t•• .,.. , T ... 1011-1119 ,_,_, .... dtlflt ~I""""' W tM _..,..,...a ......... bullnttUI. Df<let .... tit Opf*lll Md ~ o. 9ARl'lllG ... , ... ,RISU, .., .......... wrlttM Netlce .. t0'1t$!0ull •l•.,,...._llt"ll .. y, CA OefMAt _,. ~Mt'-tt .. II Tiit tt1& ...... ....., • ..,..,~ ....... .. O 8Alf/lllO llcfe.R"?'IHS, • OeftMjtt ._ 1~141!1 " ... I te .. C.llfernl• "'"""•ti.ii, ..._ Sltlla ,..,... 111 tltl ~...,. h ,.., Rl,_,,.....wv......,,CAf90t. ,,....,'9llallllll. Tith IMlllMU It C~..-1 lly t ~ ,,__.,,~"* ~"".-e:'iA.wtO ll'ITUlfl•tSH l#tltlAI. t.ANClOttfl ..... , .... ~ :r.:::-c. " ..... n11t.........,.. -lllH Wlttl.. to*-e:::Of. Clllflt• C-..elCW-... CMlty Oii JM. = ~~1•1171 "· ttn. ..._ ,_., l'JO) ..... .......... Or ... c-. .,...., """ .......... Or ..... c.. 04fly fllllt, Jell .... ,.. 1, ... ,. ,.,.... ....... ~n.... .ttMli PICTITIOUI auso1ua NAM• STATaMINT Tit• lotlOWlng oortoftt ,,. dOlno autlneuet. SKATE MANAGIM~T PROPERTIES, 1901 '"''' t.eno, AnelMIM,C.,.,_ Rollef'l I!. ~r. 1'tlt Sen a1e1, MIHIOll Viejo, Ca. '2'9t Rotlln IE. OsllwM, 1'571 ........ o.1ve, Mluton v1e1o. ca. m1s Oor•IO fl C.,r.,, •NO H-til!Ot ftMll,OrMQlt,Ce.mt' RoMl'I IC. lllloO, lflt T,....u.., 1AM,5aflUAM,C1.~ Tltll ll\lt111 .. 1 II C~lltttd W t ..,....., ,,.,_.,,ljl, Oer ... ~.CWTM, '"""*"' Thh ~ -flled WIUI tN COllflt, Cterk of o .. _. c:-11 on JMwtry "· ltb. .. ,..,, -..- DOn f . RltM, Mersltel, Orlfllll County Geretd w. "-"Oii,. 11002 LA l"H Ad. SUit. U., Mlulon Vteto. ca. '26fl ow tJ14)11 llublltlteO Orenvt Coelll o .. ,, l"IMM, f'tll.9. 1',U, !Wt tlH1 ~ L---- SURl"UIS .. ROl"ERTY SALE •aouHT ~OR BIDS .. OR THB SALIE 01' SUR .. l.US .. ltO ... R'TY COAST COMMUl'llTY COLL•O• OllTRICT fft.W-.A- C-.. MeM. Cell..,,... Pur•uanl lo C•llfornle Educotlon c:-Sections 11,..:1, 11441, ¥c1 11~. no(k• ts hof'eciiv QI..,, ltlal th• CoeJI Community Coll-Ol•lrlct 111 0 r6"9e county, c.lltornr•. •Ill rK•llt• ..., to, I llO lelff.,..,, tt:OO e,rfl,, Moft<ley, Merell I, "" ""''" btch lo< tho sate of: <OUNd~ Wflkh 11'9...,, O.Cl•rod surptu' lo lllt MHt Of Ille 1>111r1<1. lllditllllt lltJtr~ll.,1 end ltld lormr ere •••II•• from lllo Purche•l"11 Oepef'llMM et the .tllow -...s~ Cali Mn. ,..,,111. 1'141 Ht·SHO lor 9'dclltlonel lt'lfenNtlOll, /\I NOIUAAN f . WATSON s.cm.ry. ....,,, ot """'"' 1"111111"'*1 Dr' ... C0.91 D•lly Piiot, ,.br.u.rv•, ,., ,,. . , -~ Tll• tor-lnQ Kheclllle of par diem wec:i-s Is beM41 upon • worittnQ cley of •IQM m houn, TM .... fOr llollde y end ov•r11me wart! INll IN! el leest llmt•nd-11 . It lhell bo m•nd•lory upo11 1110 CONTll!oe'TOR le wltorn tho COl'lrec:t Is ewerded, end 11po" en y sub<ontrllCtor unOer lllm, to pey not t .. 1 lllen tN 'Miki ~lfi.d r•I., IO •II wottimt11 .....,1oyeo by tt.m In the .. «utlon of I,. contrec:I. No ltlddef may withdrew rtlt bid lor • porlOcl ol tidy (tOI deys efter Ille d•W Ml lot IM openlnQ of bldt.. A PtY!Nftt bond tnd • partormence be"d. wlll bo req11lrod ptlor to •••cullon 01 Ill• conlreCI. Tiie H~ bllfld tNll lie In tM IOttn Ml -111 tlltc-•tdO<-t~ Gowmltlll .... 1'11 lly Normefl I . WetflOft ~ry. 80tf'll Of Tl'll-• PllbllMld Or ..... GoeJI Otlly Plio., '"· '· , •. 1'12 ~ -. -. . . . Basketball g o e s: cold Wooden favors shot clock By HAL.90CK .,.._....._ lo Uit lut two weeks ln Januury, there were a dozen collese basketball games In whkh the wlnnln• Wms •~red fewer than S2 points. That.Nib of 52, by the way, belonged to Penn State and the Nlttany Lions managed that total only because their game against Pitt stretcbe.d Into two overtimes . The Punthers managed just 48 that night. Instead of the January thaw. collefe basketball, like the weatherman. supplied a deep freeze. Here's a score from college basketball In January; Colgate 25, Princeton 24 Takes you back lo the days ot the two-handed set shot. doesn't it., THE SAME NIGHT that Colgate and Princeton put the ball in the Ice box, North Carolina Slate beat Georgia Tech 49.4-0 That at least . was a partial defrostin,g. ' Twice in January, freeilng Maryland has scored just 40 points in a game w1th different results. Lefty Ortesel's Terrapins lost in overtime against Virginia 45·40 but beat Duke 40·36. Here are some more icicle scores. Top·ranked Missouri 41 , Kansas 35; St. Bonaventure 30 , Rutgers 29; Kentucky 34, Notre Dame 28. in overtime: Wyoming 27, Brigham Young 25 And. for the piece de resistance. High Point 12, Elon 10. High Point., Not that night. The slowdown is beginning to disturb soml! serious observers of college basketball The solution is simple. It may be time to put the shot clock in the game. That suggestion comes from no less an authority than John Wooden, coach emeritus at UCLA, who won 10 NCAA champions hips including seven in a row -in his last dozen year!> on the job. "Yes, J would favor a shot clock," Wooden said. "Not 24 seconds like the pros. but maybe 30 or 35 seconds ." THE FREEZE STRATEGY 1s used by overmatched tea m s lo prevent ra cehorse shootouts against superior teams. and it 1s clearly a valid approach Wooden and other critics appreciate that. "I can't criticize a coach for us ing that strategy if he thinks it will help his team," he said. "But the beauty of basketball is the action the game provides. And the freeze 1s no action at all." That's exactly the point. Fans are paying full price for a game and shouldn't be forced to sit through a game of catch which simply shortens the real playing time in the game. "I remember one year North Ca rohna State and Duke played a game," Wooden continued "They were both fine teams. but they played a freeze game. The halftime score was 3·2 and the final was 7-5. 1 think. That ·snot right, for two ftne teams to play a game like that. .. That game -the actual score was 12·10, N C State -was played in 1968 in the Atlantic Coast Conference tournament On the other coast at the time. Wooden's Bruins were in the midst of a 47-game winning streak. Later there would be an NCAA record 88·game winning s treak with powerhouse teams led by Kareem Abdul·Jabbar, then Lew Alcindor and later Bill Walton that could blow you right off the court. Natur ally, some opponents tried to freeze UCLA out of those winning streaks. "SURE, WE FACED IT," Wooden saul The way to handle it is with a pressure defense not a full C'lrort-press--:-btrt -an aggressive. -pre~sut'e defense. And when you get the ball, dvn't shoot wildly Just play your normal game. taking good, high-percentage shots " Or, you could put 1n rules that would force the other team to play the game the way 1t wa ~ designed to be played. instead of turning the ball into an oversized ice cube. A shot clock, forcrng a team to surrender the ball every half minute or so, would achieve that. The teams in over their heads would squawk, of course, because it would deprive them of a chance to steal a game. But a more sensible course would be for weak ·sister tea ms to schedule opponents in their class instead or tryrng to knock ore the heavyweights with boring ball R eaga n salutes 1NHL players WASHINGTON <AP> -President Reagan seemed as impressed with his National Hockey League guests as the officials and players of the NHL were with him. And the president, ever the entertainer -he even skated in practice with an NHL team while making a movie back in 1939 -made everyone feel at ease with his opening remarks at a luncheon he hosted Monday at the White House. "IT'S A THRILL for me to see Gordie Howe ... Reagan said , referring to the legendary right wing who retired two years ago at age SJ. "l remember my mother taking me by the hand to see him play "Gordie , would you believe I was a teenaJ(er?" the 71-year-old chief executive added amid the laughter or the 40 NHL All-Stars and assorted league representatives. Reagan didn't s pare the game's current superstar, Wayne Gretzky. from his eommenl'I, e ither. "Rumor had It that our team here in Washington is trying to get you," Reagan said to the 21·year-old scoring sensation. who was seated at the head table. "I was told Edmonton gets two first-round draft picks ... and lhe state of Texas." The president also saluted the sport. "This rugged sport has connected the border with Canada and the United States and it is somethinJ that should never be overlooked," he said. "We're more than neighbors, we're trlends. This sport rep~sents what Is best 1boul that relaUonshh>." NHL President John Ziegler presented • replica or the Stanle~ Cup and an All.Star jersey wlth the No. l and "Rea1an" printed on it to the president. \'111E ONLY WAY ~e roQ)d come clOse to honorfnl you was to see th.at ~ eot a repUta or what these cenue.mc .,Ork so hard fol' -lb• St1nle_y <lip." ' "( thoqht I WIS gettlnt Ute real lhln1." Hld the pret11Smt. "1 ..,., an>l.lom to have Lt dhpl1Jed boro." . -.. ..,.. 1 · A, ......... A NEW HAT Formt.•r Ood~rr Davt.•\ I.opt•' triei-. on ha s nt.'\\ Oaklund Yi-. t·ap afll-1 thl· trade wai-. romplctt•d \tonda ~· Magic's fans still booing By The Associated Press Earvin "Magic" Johnson , tiis image scarred three months ago by a messy coaching c hange on the Los Ange les Lakers, is still s miling his way through the bas ketball season "As long as I'm s miling, it means l 'm having fun on the court." s aid Johnson, whose wide, infectious grin 1s a s muc h of a trademark a s his nickname. "The Lake rs are moving and we'r e e xciting." THE FACT THAT Johnson believed the team was n 't moving a nd exciting led him to speak out bitterly after a loss to U tah Nov. 18, saying he would r ather be traded than play a half-court offense with the Lakers. ,. Orange Cont DAILY PILOT!Tuesday, February 9, 1982 • Andretti to fight l'ICTITIOUI 8UitNUJ IU,.lltO .. cou•T o~ TH• NAM• ITATaMaHT UA'a Ol'CAU'°"lllA l'O• INDIANAPOI.IS <AP> Une 00 May .... b"l race ''" 10110.1111 111reon " 001n1 n1a~NTY Ol'Ou110• ..,. .. l>U•lnen u tn , ... ._._,. ot "'9 A•Outi.n If lt 's a n e w year but oftlclals penallted him v1010 1>1.u1. ,.,, w1rnor Aw . ION VAN TAAlll M. l Ad ttl h I r I ~lletl .. HllftClntten8Hcll.C•t1"'1 NoAll2001 rao n re as on e ap or pass na c ars All•• o 0 1111r11 11 .... to1t 0•0•11 To '"ow c Aute Fo11 vowed to cont In u e on the l rac k a s h e ve11nu ... o. M""11nv1en .. ec:,. C:• CHA~I o' NAM• b.ttll i 1982 f d h It t1MI Wfllf .. ~ IM oetlllOn of S-Ven ng n or move on t t" lrac ·s T111, wslfW11 1. t-..c1ec1 11y.., ,,.AN,, .. -n 111..i w11111tw , .. ,... ., victory in last May's apron while le~lVlna the lflcll•ick.111 11111 tOurl fOr •n order tll1no1no c 0 n t r 0 v e r • I • ' pit area. AllM o. OllllnUfl•m Pllltlon•r. 111m• from SON VAN d Tiii• •la'-1 .... , '"" wltll Ula TltANtoJOSO .. VAINOCMANal.. In lanapolia 500 Cfllnty Clerk 01 Oren111 Ctuntv on IT Ill Hlltl8Y 0 110111eo 111a1 ell T he Au t 0 m 0 b i I e _.,. •m Jwwery u. IC De•ttfll lfl•erol•d II\ ... Cl matter C ~'ti Co I t ..._ I ,..,.,, ..... , -11\h <OUr1 •I 10 ....... , om~ on mm t ee F------------,11011&.1110 O••noe t .. ,, oelty > ,..., .., o.-1,,_, J w ,_ ca11w tor tbt United States ,1amovs au,1••11 Piiot J•" ''·at F .. t. •. ,.., _.., "'"Y 1111 • ..,..1011• .. r ,,,_.. "' fi\CCUS) hH d eclined Tiie ,:~!:,~:;:'~, d01,,11 PWl& ll1lC£ M,~1~;:::_~::1°,.,.0 ""' • to hear And re t ll 's ~.,.,. .... : copy ot 1111\ oro.r 1o '"°"' <•uw be a~peal o r a U.S. Auto 80AT WOtllKS, JOI ~Ill Strffl, publhlllcl O!IU ..... for IOUf IMw110r1 a..dl, Cllllofnl1 fJMJ l'ICTITIOUI a Ullll•H lUCCOtl .. -~t prior to llW NV ol C Ub appeals pane l Oret fle.,y, .ot l •tll SlfUI, •AMatTATIMEllT 1ald llearlno In Tiii Dally l'llot, • d e c i is ion de c I a r in I "••_, 8Mcll, c.i1......, • .,..,, eu!C:..~0~~-1no N''°"' .,. 00•r10 r1•••PaD11 01 Q1ner•1 c 1rcut•110~ Bobby Unser as the 1~~·:.,,:i-• Is c-...,.., bv •" tu.,.1.AM Lill ~ w •·•-llf"~~:':~:!:.~4:"~'Y1:!~'- winner o f the 65th o,..,......, w1teJU,-PGr1 ... c11 tAn..i llOfotAl.OH PltENHtit i r th ld' Tiii• .. ......_. w• tll«I with ""' Manlll .,_,,.. 8i•wll 4>4 All'° J .... Ol I ... runn ng 0 fl WOr S COll"IY Clerk OI Or•nte County on Aft., ll-18N<ll. CA'7..i s.-tor tour• richest auto race. J81l1H1•Y n, nm T~m .. conion B1 ... 11. 4>4 Au.o ..... o""'" Unser was the r1·r s t "'""' A.,..,H-POrtBM<h.tA., .. > ...... 11eo1M1J• l'Ylllltlleel Orange c: .. ,, !>Illy Piiot, Tiii• bv•lneu 1' <oll<luct•d lly •n At1w11ey 14 Lew drive r across the finish J..,. u . 1'10. 2, '· "· 1• ,.,. n '"""'1d~· a1swu "CTIT10UI 8USllllH •AMIE STATIMlllT Tll1 tot1ow1n11 p1non1 er1 doln11 O..t11141U ... !EUROPEAN PAINtERS, JS6 CHI• _ _. St,, eoti.. -... C• mv Vllcll .... r Belllk, J1' c .. 11 -.. SI , Cote. MHA. 0 fU17 Jlrl Ileen, 11' Cot11 MeM St., CO.II -... CA '2627 T11l1 1>v1tneu II conc1uttec1 by • Qentr1l 1»r1ne<lftlp Vllcllmlr 8etllk by M. Belllk Tllll sletemeftt WH Ill.cl wllll In. County C:ltrk ol Or1n111 County on J1nuerv U 1tn ,~TIOU& auso1au •AMll ITATaMallT Tll1 tollowtno penon II dolno blitlnlU .. ; LOtlU!TTI VANllETTI l TO , 1.0tlllETTI VANZETTI, Jlt >Sin Str11t Slrlll, N-1 BMch. CA t1..., LOREnA JO 8ALOIVIA, lit Utll Sir-."-' ... Cll, CA t16'.J Tiii• """"'" I• <~'"' .,. en lnlllvldu.I. L.oretta Jo 8elcllvi. Tiii• st•ment •• Hll4 wllll 1111 County Cltrt. Of Or-Countv on J.,, "· 1"1. ,,_ Publl-Orenv-c ..... O•llv Piiot, 1'111111 F.t> l, t , ... ll. 1"2 Hl .. 2 Publl-Or1n99 C-•I O•llv PllQt Jen It 1•. F~ l, t, •"1 1n.t2 l'ICTITl®S 8UllllHS 11~ ITATmMlllT FICTITIOUS IUSfllllS T lie followln11 perton II doln9 llAMIE STATIIMlllT IMlllllfls 11· ' Tiie tollowln11 P•non It OOlflll PROGRESSIVE AVI AT ION O..slneu11 OEV ELOPMENT, >JOI S.1vle• (II JAYNA ASSOCI ATES· :oronadel-.CAtl•H E N T E RT Al NE lt S, 11> J A y ltlCHARO A. GAO&OIS Ill, :llDt MILBURN, 5'01 Wer-A .... Sulle i. .. 1 .... caronaclllMer,CAfUU. SI. Hunt11191<>n 811<11, Ca. '1... Tllll ~NH It conllvctecl I>'( en J1mes Milburn Smllll, Sl9' P..iue •ndlvlch,.I. Or ' HunUnvton S.1<11. C• '1... RKlllnl A. Gldbot• 111 Tiii• tiutlneu Is Con<IU<lecJ b~ ... Tllll •lit-I w•t Ill.cl with Ille 1noi.ic1ua1 ::oointv ciert. of 0r.,. County on J.,, J1mn Miiburn Smltll I 1"2 ,.,_.,_ J 81Hlll Tll~ otet...-1 Wft 111.0 wllll IN Ctuflly C .. rll ol 0""111 Coointy on F .. S,I.., "'II* tl'vllll•lled Orenve coe11 Oelly Piiot, Feb. t, 14, 21, IMr<ll J, 1•~ t l'"'1 l'ICTITIOUI auSlllllfU llAMIE STATIEMEllT Th• tollowtno per •on t\ do I no °"''"'"" YAMANO INTEllNAflONAL. 1°'4e Ape<he Alvtr Av•., Fountain V•lf•y, Cellt 9210I Ooneld K Vam.1no. IOUI Ap.c ... ltl•er. Fountain \'1110 Calif t170I Tllll bu\lnes6 I• CONlu< 1.0 by •n lncllvldull OonllCI ll Y""""° Tllll 111..,._I ••> fllt<J wttll ll>e County Clerk ot O,.nve County on FeO S, 1"2. l'IHM) PubllSNcl Orenvt C ... \I 011ly Pilot, Feb t. 16. ll. Maret\ J ,.., s~n PVIUC llltE l'ICTITIOUS 8USINIESS llAMIE STATllMl!llT Tf'1t fotlowlno ~r,on' ar• dolno 0..1lneMU" CALIFORNIA OIEUl SERVICE, _. H1rtlor Bl•O (Olla Mell CA '1'1• n• •-.... _ it.-1 .. ,.U AM, C.....,.,,.• 0141 '41,ltil PublllNcl 0raft9' c ... 11 OaHy Piiot Feb 1 t , 1'. U, 1'81 j,._t; PUIUC NOTICE PUIUC MOOCE l'tCTITIOUI 8 UllNUI NAMalTAflM ... T Tiit loft.wfflt ,......,,, ,,.. de4nt ...., ....... ; "11110 .. IUTIU WHT MOMa 1.0All, ,_ tttll Stteal, New,.rl a..tll,c.l ..... mtJ f'tllOl'EtllTIU wan INC .• Cellterftl• ,.,._etloft. IOI 2"11 \t....t, New,.,, lee<ll, (;ellto"''• n..1 Tiii' l>VtlMU .. (Ondu~l•d by • (OtPOtttl•n. ll'roflertltt WHI, Inc 0-H 5"'11fl, ,, ...... Tl!lt .UtA'TWll WM lllClf wllll ttw '"""'Y ci.r-" 0r..-oa , ... ,,., Oft J-ryn,1., ,,.,.,. , .... I,._. °"""' COltf o.llY "llel, J•fl 24. Fell. t, t, i•. ,.., ..., P'ICTITIOUS 8UllNl\J NAME STATEMENT l f\.-•ottO•lnQ Otr,on '' 001n9 Tllll 1111..,_I w•\ 111.0 with Ille 1'1-0-IM J Siemer u Orelle• Bev Or , Ce><ona def Ma• CA t14JS --------------1 bu"n•\\. a\ Co..nty Cler-01 Or•nve county on Publlllleel Or.-.ge c,.,.,, Oelty Pllol. Jlf\ulty u. ,.., F.i> 1, '·I•. n . I'll S4J.ft Fl11 ... Publllhed Or1"91 C:O.\I O•lly Piiot Ji n "· 2'. Feb 2 9, 1"1 197.17 NIUC "11Cf FICTITIOUS aUSlllESS MAMIE STATIM&llT Tiie lollow1n11 pe,.on h 001n11 bU\IMUaJ· THE COSMIC: GARDEN, lU Uni Sir HI, Nl'#IJQf1 B .. cll, CA '1..i. OOREEN ANN GUNTHER, 11°"° OoWNY A-. • !03. htlllowe<, CA to70. Tllll tiu><ne·u ll C-Y<le<t by 1n 1ndlY~"'-t Oor_,G...,!Nr l'ICTITtOUS IUSllllSS llAMIE ITATIMAlllT '"• foUowu,9 "'"°"' •'• OOfn9 O..•IMH .s THE AORIAN COMPANY. 107 E 11th Sir-. No 1000. Co.la -.. Calltornl• mn B Mo Adrlall, 143 St. Clalt StrMI, COlll Mnl, Callf.,,,,11 ~,. Lucy E . .t.drlen, ... 3 St. C111r SlrHI, COile Mew. Callfoml• ~· Tiiis 0<i•ln11• I• conouctl<I by • 91ft'ral~P 8 M.. Aclnen Tll~ ,.....,_, w• Ill.., .. 1111 Ille County Clerk ot <><•-County on Jenu1ry2'J, 1'12 Tiii• •u-wu 111..s .. 1111 ttw County Clerll of O<-Co•mtv on Jan .. ,.,.,, 1'1-.n Publl-Or-c~·· O•llV PllOI, 1', 1•1 Publl•-Or-COlll Delly Piiot. J.,. U , Fib. l , t , 1•· lta 377.ft Feb 1 t. 1'. U ,.., 5-UG FICTITIOUS auM•ISS ·~ STATEMaNT Tll1 tollowlno per~n h oolno AUQuot P .. 1 Rot" t)41 WlndH Or Ora"9fl, CA.,... TM• Du$1nHs " conou<1eo Dy a OI"'"' P..-tnerlhlp Oauoll• J '>l•mer Tt\11 tlll..,_t "as tlloo w11n tne County Cieri. 01 Or•flO<r Counly on Feb S, 1"1 P'1'"'7 PublltN<I Or-c ... 11 Dall• Pilot Feb • 1' 73, March l. IW'l •:i..11 l'ICTITIOUS aUSINESS llAMIE STATIEMENT The foUowlno "'"°"' •rt OOfnQ Dutlneuu LIFEPOWER, tSIOI Htniev Or westmlMltt, CA n.u Mary -vuml VllWk H•fl. U•OI Henlty Dr . WHlmlntltt. CA 91.al Ma re.... Mlf1nl "O " S..rt• 1c1t ct N•wpor1 _,.,,CA '1..0 Tftls Dullneu " conducted DV t ....... 1 ~ -,,vi.w~ H•ft Tiii• sta-1 "'" t11ec1 .. 1111 1~ Counh Clerk of o,.nqo County on Fetl S, IC FICTITIOUS I USllllSS NAME STATEMENT fhf' follow tnQ 1Mr\ons •r• OolnQ blllln•u 11 CENTEq FOR RE11REMENT PROGRAMS 1:101 Oov• Str"I S..lle 400 Nt•-1 6H<h Calllornia '"'° Aenitit SluT\rr\f'I 4S:OO P•rlll N•woor1 &e.cn C.alltorr'I•• 92..0 ~AS F1nMK1AI In< a C•liforrtl• co,.oor•Oon 1J01 Oove Sire-et Su•tit 400 Nt •-1 Bffct\ Calolornl• t2660 q,,_ Stimmel SAS Flnar.tl1I, Inc Slt•lf\ A Scott Pre'\~I ft\11 •Ill-I ... , 111...S .. 11n '"' Coun1y Cler• 01 Or•noe County on J..nuery 21. 1"1 Fll1 ... Publl\necl Ot1not Coe1t Delly Piiot F•b J t, "· ll. ,.., S,..., PVIUC llOTICE P'ICTITIOU$ 8USINIEH NAME STATEMENT Tnf' toUo-.;1nQ ptor"M>n\ •'• ootn9 tM.n1n•s\ .,. MISSION PLAZA APARTMENlS 17>1 Mll<IWll Slret"I Tu•l•n, C• '7tl0 RANC:O 2,._ 8 .. swood Newoort Buell, c:..111orn1a 97"60 L v•e Rand•ll, , .. 4 Bauwooo, N•wPOrl Buell. Ctlltornl~ t'/MO lhl\ bu'\lnHi I\ c.onchJCt•O Oy en in41•10u4'1 Lv,.qeno.11 Thi' \t•tti'TM"nl w•' fllfld w ill\ tfw Coun1, (110 ot Oret\Qft County on J•ru.;•rv ts t912 ,,,.,.,. Publ"lled 0<.,,0t Coelf O••lv Pilot. Jan It, U r~ 2 • 1'111 l1H2 PVIUC •TIC£ l'KTITIOUS IUSllllESS NAME STATEMENT T "" follow1n9 p•r \on I\ Oolno bullMHM MOTIVATION ASSOCIAT ES."°"' Ola Mill StrMt. lrvlM, C:•lltomll '27 It Blfb<lta Trt••• SI.,.,., -I Old Miii StrHI, trvlrw C.lltornla '1714 TllJI bu>lr>n• II <ondu<IOO bV •n ll\dlvkfu•I Ba<t»r• T Sloan fllit f\11-1 .... tllfd Wiit\ tne County Cltrk ot Or•nve County on J•nu•r'f •• 1"1 P'1'12'4 Publitlleel Or.onoe Coest 0 1llv Piiot. P'ICTITIOUS 8USINISS NAME STATEMENT l ftt toltow1n9 oer\on u do1nq bu'ln•U ., \/Alf NATIONAL AlLE NTOWN BUSI NESS SCHOOLS. AqlZONA AUTOMOTIVE I NSTITUTE , NATIONA L I NSTITUTE OF ELECTRONICS SKAORON COLLEGE OF BUSINESS fAM PA TECHNICAL I NST lfUT E , KENTUCKY COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY , ARKANSAS COLLEGE OF TECH NOLOGY , NAT IONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. O•I Blrct\ Str .. t. Nt.,P<>rl e .. ct\ Calltornl• '1..0 NEC Rt .. Otnl S<t\0011 In< ~ C•Utornta <orporat1on ,,,, 81rcf\ Str•e t frr4e.,port B••ch C•hforn••,.. ,,..., Tf'lt~ l>uSUW\S I\ (.OftdUCted Oy I POraUon NEC Rtto0tn1 X hOOh,ln< J tlfrrt A Brill Tf\t\ \t•tef'TW'nl WM fllfJd Witt\ tfW> County Cltr-ot Oran~ County - O.cem""r JI "" l"l1- Pubtt\lwd OrM\9f C.a.\t O•••y Poot,• JA~ " ?• Feb 1 • 1'111 137.-, PVIUC NOTICE The n ext day, Coach Paul Westh ead was gone. a nd Johnson 's 25·year, S25 m illion contrac t with Los Angeles naturally led people to believe that the man who perform s with s le ight of hand on the court had made the coach dis appear with a flick of his tongue. "If I had known they w e re going to fire the ooach, l w o uldn't have said anyth ing at the lime I did," said J ohnson. l'ICTITIOUS austNESS NAME STATEMENT Tiie to11ow1ng p1r1011 Ii ooln9 OUtlf'WH a1· bli•I"'""· All AMERICAN BUSINESS "''"" Publl•...O Or•nvt Coe•I Di lly Piiot. Feb t , 1'. tl, Mar-th 1 "'1 SU.fl Roy E O~lv & Company, CO<POr•fl WOods 81d9 I•. Suit• »O. 9111 Wot llOlh Slrffi Ovorl.,,d Peril K.anw•'4710 Jt n 7• Ftb 1 9 I•, 1'81 O._.J 1-------------- ''But I had t o say something about the s ituation. Whe n w e m ove the ball, teams have trouble defending against us, when we don't it's a lot easier ror them ... Since Pat Riley took over a s coach, and a s peedup o ffense replaced the slowd own s etup under Westhead, the Lakers have gone o n to post a 33-14 record, third-best in t h e National Basketball Association behind Bos ton ~d Seattle J ohnson h as done n othing to tarnish h is place alongside Larry Bird, o ne of the b est all·around players in the league . IN-ADDFFl6N to his 1-9-point -sconng-aventge a nd nine r ebound norm per game. Johns on is second in the N BA in assists a nd firs t in steals. He is the only p l ayer in the game who has proven himself al each position forward , guard and center But the s igns that has popularity have taken a nose dive are unmistakable He was a dis tant fifth an fans voting for an All·star s tarting berth. boos o ften overpower cheers and there were reports h e would be dropped fro m 7 -Up television comm ercials . Pll.0.GENIC OF HOLLYWOOD IJ0..111 Wtoon lrwlM Ca t771• Kyp-.-. IJ Qu .. 1 -· lrVIM, c..n 1u Tiii\ Dusi,,..• ll <-ut:IM by •" INllvlOull KypS...wr Tllll \181....-t .... tiled wltll llW C:ouftlV Cl•O of Or1<1Q1t County on J1nu.,y IS. 1912 l'ICTITIOUS a USllllSS MAMa STATllMlllT The tollowlnQ per\on i1. do I no bvliMUM --C61tl"~F~llJU~..UUl Santi t..tiel, Fou,.111n V•ll•• C• '110I Dale Palmer Wiii 171SJ Senta 1 .. ~1. Fountain Vlllley, C:• "1709 Thi\ bUsl,,.., " conauclltd by •n lndlvlOllll 01•• Wiii Tiii• •ta-I wa• Iii.cl .. 1111 IN Countv Clen. of Or•nQlt Countf on Jen11ary 1'. ,.., OIRECTORV, i.u ...,._,_, COiia Me", CA '2to2'7 RICHARO JAMES STORY, 141J P-row. Colle Mew, CA m11 Tt••• -I• , __ ~ .,, lfldtvlcl ... 1 Rk-J Swry Tlllt lt.t'--1 "" tllM wllll IN Coo.1nh Cltrt. ol o..,. COUl\ly on J811. "· 1"1 l'ICTITIOU& au1111•ss •AMa STATaMllllT Th• tollowln9 tNr•on I• doln9 w.tneu .s. RAIN80W SPORTING GOOOS, '"' Ii hi -·· T-"'· ~ ....... ,,.., Bruce S Sw•ncutt tJtl £ hi SlrHI, TuslinC.lltorn11•21MO Tnls Dusirwu 11 <ondu<led by an lncll•lduel Bn.c•S Swancutt Thi• •tat.,,_t .... llle<I wilt\ ,.._ County Clerk of Or•nQlt County "" J•n~ry ?2, ttl'2 F1f1W F1al1t Publl....., <>-. '°'" O•Hr Pll01, Publlslled Or-c: ... 11 O•llY Pl~ Jen l•. F.0. l, t, 14, ttll Jl4..ft Feb 2, 9. 16, Jl, I.., 4 .. .., NU "11CE l'ICTtTIOUS eUstlllllS NAME STATEMENT ''" followlno per\on 1\ do1no bu•lnenH COAST CLEANERS. I W1ndflow•r. !Nine. CA '110 Gene Edwaro Poc ll.,d, Ull UftlwnlfV ltvlne CA t1'1S Tiii• buSlneM 11 conduellrd by tn lndlvld,... c;..PIC.llMd Tllh statt..-1 w•• flied wllh tfW County Clerk 01 OranQlt C:ounlv on Fe11. s. IC FttUet Publl.-Or-c: ..... 01lly PtlOI t'eb ••• n ""'"" 2 ,.., •».t7 PllUC llllCE FICTITIOUS I USllllEU NAME STATEMENT Th~ foltowin9 Pf'' \On\ •rf' 001no O..\INUH R c; AG POWEqS •a E 11th St an1 c .. 11-CA'1•17 t:h~"d•f Grainl PQwe-r~ MU Am1ooi Wey N.-..oort Beacll CA tl..O Gleet\ H -·· IOI Amlvo• Wey NtWPO<"I Bekll, CA '7MO Tllll buslneu II <onOu<lt O by 11usb1nd -wilt R G -• Tiiis •tatemH•I .... filed ...... , ... CouftlY Cle•• 01 Oran~ County on t f\I\ bUJtfW'H ., ( onouc t•O l)y • ~rwral perlrwr>ftlp .----------...._ __ RoY E 011y A Co l'ICTITIOUS IUSllCIEU Miry Ellen 011y l"orlMf NAME STATIMl!llT rn1, n•ten'Wf"1 ... , Wf'd won thrt t ht' follow1n9 p1tt\on '' oo•no County Ctttk of Oran~ (CM.1ntv on bu\1ntu ., Jenuarv 1a, l'jl7 OIHGHV vAqo, 117 JoeM Str11t, TNOMAS WELl.S AL.aw c._111e11 ,.. 11 ... __. ~ ~ Stitt• ne .... ,.,,-·ca n-Publl"*' <>-(Ol\f O•lly Pll01 Ftb 1 t,.. J. 1"1 537-tJ NIUC llllCE FICTITIOUS aUSlllESS NAME STATEMENT fne to11ow1n9 Ptr\Oft\, ere 001no t>u\tN>n ~ TRES BIEH SOI Aven ldt Vequ•to San Cl•m•ntf C•Hlornf• .,.,, l •" l M<Cull<>vo" S1• 61.,.bird C•nvon Aoctd L •Quna BP•cf'I C•tr•orn1• 9'1*S1 JacQu•• Swf'fl 1U ) Cat•tln• Laouno s ... cn Callloml• ttU1 T1111 bu\•ntu I• <onductfHI by an un1ncorporattc1 •HO<lallon 01-tllan • pertntnnlo l•" L Mc:CullOUllh 1111\ Siii•"""'' .... flltcl .. ,,,, , ... Coun11 Clerk ol OrenQ4' Counly on J1nu.ary lj 1492 Cott• ,,.. .. ,C• 92671 Fvmlo Nl•O•k•ml. 111 Joe nn Slrttt (<Kii ~ Ce '1•11 Tllll """""' " <Oftdu< l...S I>'( an 1NS1wiOtHI '""''° N~lt•ml '"" stal-t .... Ill"° ...... , ... Cour\ty Clerk of Or•nve County on F•llru1ry I, 1"2 Fll2:Jt1 Publlslleel 0r""9 Coe•t Oallv Piiot F•b 1. • "· n ,.., s~ FICTITIOUS aUJlllESS NAME STATE MElllT Th• tollow1n9 p•r\on •\ doing :>U\lne\\ ai BOBCAT E .. qfH MOVING ;PEC:IALTIES Jt.JO Lln .. ton Plec:e :ost1 -... CA 92•2• PETER GRENFELL OIBRUYN 100 Lltlll1on Pl.C~. Costa """· CA nu• Tiii• ""'°""' I> <-..Cted by •n ndlvid11•i "-'" G. cit Bruyn When h e was introduced as an All-star s ubstitute t o the crowd at the New Jersey Meadowlands arena. he was the only player who was booed loudly . FICTITIOUS aus1111ss NAME STATIMEllT FICTITIOUS IUSINUS NAME STATEMENT The rollowinQ o•r~o" h do1n9 Feb I IC Tlllt st.t-t wes flleo wllri Ille C:ounly Clerll of O<-County -Jen t'ltlHI 11 1"1 l'l"'-il Publ1111t<! Or.onQt Coe\I O•·•• P1101 "'"Ml Jan 1' 1• F~ 1 • ,.., J17 .. 7 Publltlleel Or-C:oHI Delly PtlOI, T llt tollowlno Perso11 ,. Ooln9 bv•lne1111 """"'" ... NORI.IN PAPER COMPANY, .01 Pub111Nd Clr.O"IJIO COISI Dally Piiot. Feb 1 t 16. ?3, 1"2 SllM'l FIG t 16 73, -rt111 1"2 6J1.t7 ··All the residual e ffects of the W esthead incident haven't worn orr, but in Los Angele s h e is being c h eered more than ever," Riley says . "People stall get on h1m an other places . But when you are prob a bly the mos t celebrated marquee name in the game a nd lave your life in a fishbowl e very day, you can expect som e negative publicity " WILOWOOO COMPANY, No 1 8aruna Court. Ntwport Beech, Catllornla Alan K..-, JIO WHI •.500 so . S.11 l akt City, Ullt\ M107 Tll" bvslne11 I• conckKttCI by an lndlvlOull At•nKnud-. Tllll sllt-1 wa\ filed wllll llW County Cler-of O<anQlt County 011 J.,.uery ts. ltll ,.,., .. , Publl•lle<I Or-Coe•t Dally Piiot, Jen 1', 26, Ftb 1, t 1"2 l1..e2 8 rookv1tw WAY , Co••• MIU 1------------- NIUC llOT1Cf C•lltorl• m2'. Otnnl• Arthur -..orlln, •Ot Brookview Wey, Co•lt Meu.1------------- Calltornla m2' l'ICTITIOUS 8USllllEU Tiii> OUtlnen " <-lt<I bV an MAMI STATEMIEllT 1no1v1o~i• A NO<'lln Tht to1low1n11 per\on " Oo•no Tllh •~I -~ tllt<I w11n lne l>U•l~'~"'!~IATES 210 AwnocM Counly Clerk ot OreftQI C:""nly on 0 11 Mer, S..ll• IA, Sen Clemente. Jenuary IS, 1'81 If I mn l'letM4 Cal ti."r~sllna C Honrocl<, llOI PubllllWd Or-Colsl Oeilv Piiot Ori NI I Jen It. U , Feb ?. '•I* )JI.ti Nallonel Pert. ... L<tQuna Out. -------------~-D_E_l_l_H __ l_m ___ C_l_S _______________ ~-~~-~-------,~~~s••<~d~~h· llmlltd l)ef1Mn'llP Olrl .. lne C Henrick r ... Cl ..Ol'tBS """"II Tiiis 1teiemen1 .... 111..S with llW SMITHS' WOftUMY County c .. rl< or Or1nqo County on LOVE Ca., and Donald Carr or San Diego, Ca . a sist er J.,..,.,y n . 1912 6'17 Main St. Huntington Beach WILLIAM MARS HALL F'resno, Ca a nd 13 J ulia Mae Topolesk1 of Big 53&-6539 LOVE . a resident or great grandchildre n B ear Lake. Ca, bro ther& Newport Be11ch, Ca Passed Graveside services will be David o f Ph1ladelph1a. away on February 6. 1982 held on Tuesday, February Penn~ylvAnia and Murr or 1'111'21 Publl"*' Orll\Oll (NII O•llY Piiot. Jan U . Fib. 1. '· 1•. 1"2 ~ PllUC "11CE 1-------------1 PVIUC NOTICE NS t14J4 FICTITIOUS I USllllSS NAME STATEMENT T n" tottow•nQ ~r1on\ •rt-doino t>u>lntn •• CENTURY COURIER SERVICE. 1JHI P1uo Oe Vll•nt•• t aoun• Hilh C:allrornfe ~?UJ G•ll L Gorw.o. 7111 Jhl Sl<HI. Wnlmln•ler. C:•ll•ornl~ t!.e:J Moll1mmild ~llOI E'1tfa1t, ~7 Wot P•lm Orlvp Ho C, Gllnoa•e Calltorn1a '1207 T llts bu•lneu " conoucttd by a 99nerat swrtner,,.tp G.t1l L Gon<oe Tiiis "a11..-1 wn tiled wit h t"9 Countv Cler' ot Or•nQI Co.."IV on l'ICTIT10U~8USllllUS "AME STATUAIEllT T ne tollow1n9 peri.on ~' do1no t>t.ntnf'11 a1 I AI LY NCH ll EALTY. I BI l YNCH REAL TY COMPANY, !Cl l YNCH REAL TORS. end 101 l YNCH REAL ESTATE COMPANY 1.0 c"''"""l•t wav. S..1tt ''· T""'"· C• 974'0 loulw JN" liberty Lync:ll, IJSU WIWmbly Or . Senta Ana, Ce t170S Tiiis l>Ull,,..• ii <onclu<llCI bf an 11\dlvld"'I Loutw L L ync II Tllh tt•tement w• fll..S .. 1111 llW County Cleno ol Orenoor County on Jenuerv :rt. 1'8? 1'1--Oecem""r ti, 1911 .. ,,.,.. Pubfl~lleel OtatlQlt CoeJI Delly PllOt Publl•lltcl Or-COl>I O•llv Pllol, Ftb 7 ' ... 13 1"2 4'1 .. , Jan " 16 Feb 1 • Itel 11'-U MN·~ FICTITIOUS au5111ESS NAME STATEMENT Thi tolto•lnQ Ge""°"' •rt do1n9 bu\H'W'H ., AVAlON eqo 1<ERAGE COMPAN Y, "C:oroo••tt Plaa S..•t• UO, NtWDOrf BH<ll, Ce tlMO A,M><t•l9'd 8# ... rr•Qe Comp•nv Inc f • 0.fawar• COt'PO"•HonJ l720 Ea>t ?•tn StrHI V•rnon C1 iOOJJ Thi\ bus•nrn " <O"IOuct•d by • cor~•hOf'\ ~~to<•ilf'd S.v•r~ Comoeny "" Honner. M. Ne•'°"· Vice-Prettdent Thi' \tft~t ""'~"" •11~ with t~ County Ct•rk of OranQf' Counh Of'I Jenuer'f IS 1"1 F111111 IRELL A MAlllEl.LA All"'t .... Wllnw S<-klllrd , .. Ave If IM Sl•11. Stt 7'e Les Arl .. M , Go -1 PuOllShe<I ClrMIQt COl\I 011ly Pl!ol Jan 19, 1•, Ftb 1, 9 1'1117 JIS-11 FICTITIOUS a USllllESS NAME STATEMIEllT Tftt" tooow•FWJ ~""°"' •rf' 001n9 bv•lntt>ll lHE JOH N BOHLS ORGANIZATION, 1 .. 47 ~l<Ar111ut B•vd , S..11~ O S, lrvl,,. Cellfotnl• t'/IU WESTERN EICEC UTIVE SEARCH INC • Ca lltornl• corPO••'-.... , -Annur Blvd S..llt O S, Irvine, c .. 11torftla t711S Tiii> O..slt>HJ I• con<lu<l...S by 1 corpOrlllon Wttltrn E •Kutlw S.erct\, tnc Jotlfl8ollls. p,_.-.,1 Tllh 11at..,_1 ,.., 111..i .. 1111 llW County Clen ot Or•fl91' C:ounlr on January 2:2. 1"1 MAI.COL¥ A DAI. Y A'*-'t' .. UIW 4111~ ...... -.... , ottkl ... 1110 New,..-t llMcll. ca•-• n.u l'H1U1 Publl.-0--c ... ,, Oallv P11o1, J•n 24. F.O 1. • "· ltll o~ l'ICTITIOUS aUSllllESS "AMIE STA'fl!MEllT Tll1 tollowln9 tNtlo,.. ere OOln11 O..llntU •• PINEWOOO APARTMENTS. 141~ Reel Hiii A•H'.-Tu\llrl, CA .,.., rAaACY•W MIMOIUA.L. r Ml Ceiretery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Fac11tc V1f!W Drive NewPort Beach 644-'1700 Born September 16, 1908 m 9. 1982 al Harbor Lawn Pomona. Ca Cremation and lnd ianapola'I, Indiana Memorial Park Ser vices bur1alatseabytheNeptune "~~~~!::!':::s PIHE.....000 COMPANY, Clo Roy -------------·• E Oely A C_,,v, Corpor•te w-. McCoaMICll MOITU,AR•S L.aiguna Beach 494~15 L.aguna Hills 76&-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1n6 HAIUIOlt LAWM-MT. OUYI Mortuwy • Cemetery Crematory ... 1625 GISier Ave . Costa Mesa ~ IA&.TI -~ Slil1'M • 1VTMLL Wll1CLl'P CMAl'IL 427 E 1711t St. ec.a ..... M&«t71 ~11rv1vl'li hv hi<, w1(p Esther under t h e direction o r Society Tll• tollow1no "''°"' .,. dolno o f Newport R each. Ca . lfarbor Lawn Mount Olive SCHNEIDE R 11u>lnet .. s: ,1CTmousaus111us daughter Sharon Ras ins o f M o rtuary o r Costa Mesa I s A D 0 R E J MIDWAY ASSOCIATES, 78tl HAMIESTATIEMENT Cost a M esa. Ca . sons 540·5554. SCH NElDER. resident o r ~:.:.:~~nlll, MIOWIY Cily 11u!1':i:.::~•owlng PlflOn h Oolno George Love of San F er· LEMON Irvin e, Ca . Pass ed away on G.t.CKG.GOEN,G-•IP..-t,..,, '"' SHE,.l.OC:K HOl.MES nando, Ca and Louis Love JOSEP H WILLIAM F ebruary 7, 1982 He was a 1141 H•,,,.., "-· ~•ow•y cu.,, ACAOEMYOFINVESTtGATt<>N,1B1 or Oregon. also 12 g r and LEMON, age 68, resident o r member of the Lions Club. CallfomleftW SHEtlll.OCK HOLMES OETIECTIVE ild h ROBERT M SMITH, Generel AGE NCY, and IC:I SHEtllLOCk. ch ren. brot er John Costa Mesa. Ca. Passe d The Amencan Association of P1r1 ...... 1...., ""''" s1r111, s..11e 110. HOLMES 1Nvesr10AltON, a o Love or Santa Barbara, C a ., away on F ebruary 7, 1982 m Retired Persons. a member Hunt1nvton9Nc11,c1t11ornl••-C•r1tenn1a1 Wey, s..110 "· Tu111r.. C• George Love of Alhambra. C hapman Hospital, Orange, of the J ewis h Federation Tiit• business" wino conducted 11y mos Ca • sisters Eva Buser or Ca. Survived b y his wife Cou n cil a nd many othee' uertne~M ~1111 0,1v~~~ ... ~~ ~1W w11emD1y Glendale. Ca. Elizabeth Margaret. son Bruce of o r tianliations. H e la Tlll•t1•.....,tt1...iwtt11t111 c011nty Thi•~· tt c-uc•eo by •n Mahoney of lnd1ana. Helen Westminster, Ca. sister survived by hla wire Ruth or c .. rkotOr .. eoun1.,~Jen...,ytt, 1Nl1Y'°"fotinv LvMll Oeggendora of Walnut Kathryn Witt of Bettendorf. lrvlne. Ca., sons Robert of 1* Ftuv1 ,11 .. ,ta.,._1 .... ""'°"'''11 1111 C reek , Ce Funeral services low a . He retired in 1978 Tu s ll n , Ca ., d au g h l e r f'\IOlllMcl Orange c ... ., o~v Puoc, co11"1Y c .. ,,. of Or•n .. c:oun1y "" wiU be held o n Tu:esday, rrom lntentate E leetronlcs Miidred Schr'ttbt!r of New ~""·'· 1'.U , 1m UMt Jen111rv1t. l"2 F e bruary 9, 1982 al 2:00PM In Anaheim. Ca. where h• York City, N•w York aod 1------------1 Pu1:111,._ Or•-c;o.•t 011~1= at Pacific View Mortuary was anenjJineet. Hewasbom Alice BeatA>n or Lot Ange les, Piil.iC -~ F•b '· •. ••. u. 1m 49'•i C hapel wtth the Crescenla In Canlo n1 Mioouri. He Ca .. 5 arandchOdren. also Valley Muonlc Lodge #652 m a r r I e a M a r gar et survived by 2 aiaters and I PICTanouuu•111ass F&AM orrktaUng In lieu of Schroeder I of Davenport, brother all or Frovldence. Tiie r:..:T:=•.-r,. OOI~. f 1 owe ts m e mo r I a I Iowa in Chlcaco in 1937 Rho de Island . Fun eral 111111 ....... : contributions may be made During World War II h e services will be held o n TH• vlSUALtSU, • ....., .. to the Maso nic H o m e ser ved ln the U nited State• Monday, February 8. 1982 al~~"· c..-•1 ""''· Cellfofllt• Pacific View M o rauary Navy as a Qua rte rmaster 2 :00PM al Harbor Lawn Jttttrt J. tt""'ter, a ~ .. ttlrf'rtors. 2nd Clas1. The body w .. Memorial Cha~!. ~rvlcea ""-· c--•1 MM, C•llfOtftl• GAJlDNEll c remated. ~rvlces b y the under the dlrecllon of.,.,~., .. l.VfW' ,,.,,1, .,. ~ E D N A M A R I E Neptune Soclfty Harbor 1 .. wn·Mouot Ollve IAvfft.,., c.r-•• -., c.11fot'Al1 GA RDNER . resident of PDORtN M ortuary o f Coata MeH. mu Colla Men. Ca. Puaed J o H N vt ( 8 I LL 1 *·»St '"" ""•'-•• '~'" l>Y • away on February 5, lM2. PERQRIN, a rtaldent o r · 1.-r••~:, •Sttal ~ICT1TIOUI aua111au NAME ITAHMaNT Tiie toll-lno .,.,Mn, er• OOiflf ~1 ........ tHe (Af!MA•SAlllDl.INO OflOUP, ,.,,, ~ A-. lrvlM, c.i1tar..ie mi. '9ftll\' ,....,11111 & AIMIC ...... I fl( , e C.llfonlle c_...,eCIAll, IUft Hei. A.,.nue, '""'"'· Cel .... tDI• Tllft htillMt It cencN<tw DY • COffOrOtlM\. ~ .......... . l'ICTITIOUS IUStlllSS NAME STATIMlllT fht tollowlno "''°"' er• dolno 0..>lneu 1l: YIU.AGE WEST .t.PARTMENTS. 11'19 Tutlln VIII-Wey, Tu•lln, CA n ... ROV E DALY & COMPANY, (;Ol'po<--l lOll 14, Sult. SJO, 1717 WUI llOlll St....t, 0-1-Part., ICantH'4)IO. Tiil• bt,.ln•u It <enduct.ii by • QIMr•IP<W'M ....... t1tqy I . Oily & Co ¥Mv Ell..-O.ly, ...,,,., Tllll tlat-1 wa tltecl wllll IM Ctun4Y Clerll ff Or.,. CAUfllv .,._ J.,, II. 1"7 TMOMASWILLS ALAW~--Mll•-' c.-, Df'lwe.141"9 na ............. , ...... ,uttlltMd OrMOa Coatt Ollly l'llOI, l"IO.t.t.1',H.lta ~ ,~tTIOUS au11,.a11 NAMll ITATaM•NT0 Tiie !'041-lnt peflOl'lt •rt •Olflt --·"· DIXIE'S CMll.O CAltE, 4lt2 "'••'~' Clrcte, lrvlfl•, C.a1nMfll• '111• l.•wreno Sflllltl • ..., ,, ... ,., ClrClt ,....,..., (Ill..,.... '2U• oial• 1.. s111p,, •m l'l .. •tu Clrt It , I fVIN. (.ell+omif "714 flllt bull~\ It ~IH 11Y •" llftl11Corw.rw -lallfll elfllr tllMI ~~~.~t.::'"~r:: ~frrh:~ ~~!f::a;or C: l!:u~!!.~ ·· OfPOl'RMTY ' c!':::, ·~:;;-:: t~~:!:', '= Fr e 1 no , Ca. , 1 rand F e bruary e. 1982 at H o•1 iufocU oft-. ..._ )'OU ,,_ry u . itn. ""™ ._ .. , .... fl( ey• "·A. $eftdll119. ,.,......,. t ."" ....... Ltwrtftt• s.-i.., ~au,rhtera Linda Carr M emorial Hospital. He b UM,..._..._ Dall1 ,..,..w..~eoatto.11,.-ai.t. iof Tl!xas. Jan Petton of aurvlved by hla Wife ol '4 Pllol C' ifhd-A.da t0 J9fl •· ,,_,,,, 1,, 1,.. me Santa Ana, Ca,J;a JOMS rear•,, <>Dal Martej bis aon ruea UM ~ CoMe. of lrvlne. C a .. 'tund1on1 1 o h n-ve r Ir l n--a" a ~ Daniel Brouiue of Anaheim, dau1bter·in·law Ka.thy or P'boDll0-1171 I Tiit. .._. -11 ........ "" C-ty CJar._ 9f Ora .... '*"""t 911 J•-"'"·'- Tllll .....,.... -tllM Wllfl IN c;w..1, Clefil ., Or.,. c°""'' .,. JMIAll!'Y14. I- e1d11 14, Suite uo. •111 WKI 110tn Slre•t. Owrl-Pert., Kanll• '4210 Tllh bullne" II conouttl<I by a llmlltd i»..-nNP tlloy £.Oily & Co IMry Ell..-O.ly p..,,_, Tllll ftl'""""1 •M Iii.cl wllrl - cou..ty c 1er11 Of Or-c:°""'' on Jen ''· ,,., TMOMAS WIEl..U AuwC.,W.,.._ ......... c..w Dn ... , , ........ .. ew..,.e.edl,CA- 1'111 .. PuOllslleel Or ..... Coatt Ollly f'tlOI, F•b t, t, 1',U, 1"2 ~ NOTteaOP NOft.llllU"°9ft1a1.,nv 1 Nolle. lt llert•Y •111111 IN>t lllof\ \lft4ef'J .... Wiit not lie,_.,... few .,.y ..._... ... lllbltllth ~rMtM lly I Ol f't' W. a,_, "" -ott. 1'len mvwtt .... weftNtM•-.>•IM VR• .. ., of,__.,, l'lll. ~EA COHSTRUCTIOH l'r""SMa 1-.sa Ftwlde SI , .s IOO ~a...11,CA .... .. .......... °' .... c .... o.lty ,., ..... , ..... , ..... ,., ...., MLX91a ---~-~-~~~--...;.! .. ' i 1 • IUHALS l~YvtN,.hf'lf ·-\•1 ....... ..... 11 ......... , .... ' "' t ... INll""" t);'ft t'..tom1Nwn1 .. t ftl Tw.._..,.. • ._.,. To-.,_,""" l ft.I ~,.,_,•wt• °""'" "' l ., A"i tVu ",."' l •lw• "fif"' •• ,.Gt' •• k-· k_,.._, llolri>llOl•I ~tlftfrw .. """''"•' ......... . \ ........ "*•" .... ,....w..r" GM•fn '-M:•• \X"f1tt llt ... , .................. l~•I Mf'fW.•I "i••-"' k...._.t"'••Mtd ,,.."' ", ........ BESS, INVEST MIWT, FINANCE -=~=,:, I•\~'""" U9()'Jt1 ' ln\ ...... 1tMc4 \&Mt\ lu I.A.fl ~I~ Y.•otf<I Mot1u1n TH"' ANNOUNCEMENTS, PHSONALS & LOST & FOUND SHYKES 0.PlonlCNT & PlfPAHTIDR 'cMot .. la"6..r1*' J .. v....i .. 1 11t1,v, .. ..s "'. MBCRlflDISC ""'"I""' ~ ...... AYrUca M.wu ....., IMW.ftl:\a•tt>'I•' l•mtri'~ t 4j\H...,f'f\I \lb Ori«• tt~1\°__,~- t.n•ll'~f" '"""' l~ttuktt.11(J(9\ Jt-•ttr\ LnnMd MKbH,tf\ M1""lf•ftt'flU' M1.,n!llthrl-. .. ~ •nh d Mll"'H'•l 1n\tr119totnl' Offttf' twrn • t quiJt r ... ~~': t::: f:.:.~ ""°"""'t,ouic .. .... Ofr kN ..,r •"' f\•r ~~ •r .... H ,. I ~trt'o IOATSlMHINC CDUlrMENT ~-· Bo.l~ MllM ...,".,~ -.. .. ,,.,...,. • Cf;ffl' ..,.,, ........ --·R<M l •"1.., -..s..1 INl-9 .. '*''" "'""'"""'" .... -ll .. _ TUNSPOITATIDN A1rrn ft '·--·-•JMnclon " ..... -Md.-t ,r.._ "•'"' Mate• Hll\11 :i..w K"M Tradtt' r,.,~ !:~.,:r~!':'~.,.~ AllTOMOllLE ~•fW'f•I Aftllllilwnl:l41Ult .. ltt "'.1tt0fl \., ... ,It ~~~~~·~ r,.,_, , .... ~=~~' WfOS. IMNITCD \i~•«•I AJl11 Ktrna•u Alil'h AiAll• tlt1•tt'' • 111111 ~· U»l.At1n .~,,,_,.,, ..... ''""'" J-·' J..-~., ........... .. lll .... Mt4tif'•h .. ,.,,.., »li lllll• ·~ .......... ._ .... 1·..-..... k-..... 11-i·~ M"'n -~ ........ ~ .. T~"'f . r • .,..... \ ..... .., \uh .. UTIS. NlW AlllS. lfSf I Of•ngt Copt OAlL Y PILOT!Tuelday. February 9, 1982 I Among people lookfng f '!1';..a rental, M read real eatott claslifaea 00.. "-tri For S. I Hoaft For W. Ho.Mt '9r Wt ...... ,_Wt ···············~······· •••&••················· ••••••••••••••········· .....•••••.•.•••.....•. ......••••••••..•.••••• ••••••...........•.•••. ····•··••········•·•·• ............................................. . • ...... 1002 o ... ,.. 1001 GIMf'Clll 1002 o ... ,.. 1002 CarwclelM• 102 o..r.. 1026.,..., .... 106' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• LOW INT. FIN. VllW LOT COUMTIY ENGLISH w/pool und spa. Fonner * * LOW S E C L U D E D t BR and ronv den condo Jtlll 8( MPT HEIGHTS AVAii.Aili P9IMSULA HOMES COIOMADlt.MAR O\JPLEX·4Br + 2Br. 1 model ' Mini ocun A SED That's rl&hl! Own th1~ R od d Cholcelocationwlthba> yrnew.Goodaasumable view ! SlOS,900 30 yr CHAIM newly decorated horlw em eled, ecorated 3 bdrml.t,bath. and ocean views. 75,~ Assumable hnoncing, fixed !flt~ loan! Low VAl.U[I, A private contemporery In ooe ol Costa M.eaa's mstr bdrm with ocean view "1lQ,000. rmanctng. ~s.ooo 1398,000. 709 ai 709Va down O. w. c. MI M entertainment home w/3 ranest areas. 4 Bdrm. 2 , Orthld Call 851-9135 for Henry.'Owners,631-6666 Take advantage Bdrms. centr l11td1. balb. wiUI great terms West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats, ' ~· Owntr/bkr. ~ le 111 1040 Beautiful Woodbr1dce woodsy sethn&. lots oi EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY E\111 price, $129,SOO. Call ·--,.• oc homr with apa. Pnced lo 1tas1, towering tree1. fordet.al)s, 8"·7171 remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. •H•••••••0•••••··~··• .U.. call Ed B for de llnd spa Room lo ex ATTM: IUILOHS ARTIST ABODE. I m1 to iJ panel on ai out + alley Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 WI VACAMT LOT bel<'b, 3 Br, 2 Ba SHOK, access Beat st 1n Hau. ~· ,...,......,Notice: All real estate ud vert11ed 10 tbia newspaper lS subject lo I.ht Federal Fair Rous· 1n1 Act of IMS w"ich makes it Illegal to ad· vert.ise .. 1111 preference. hm1tat1on, or du;. bdrm, 3 bath. 3700 sq.fl. $1.38.5,000. ~c%~loSuFboPrCdiHnate ket~if8~212:12 ~I \\bodbr1dge -Pn~ at only .'!"1~ I Ruhu I ana a .... 1. - •--T S~ UDO ISLE H"a...tH $ZIO,OOO SMALL DOWN! • -O ~ A Dlv1s1on of 67a.1771 Take ovu 10~4 FHA 551 ·3080 • • Well maintained mlly PrimP T.idn Nord bavfronl. 5 bdrm, 5 ll.irborlnve111,.~nl Co loa.n.3Br.1'11 ba.Cbo1re me man P'll•>.lrtlH " THE :REAL ESTATERS ----- ~~bi~nar~;1ft,r0~ bath. L«eL.R.2boatsups$1,500,000. H.B. locat100 Walk 10 U,..INdl 1041 2 Ba family room. lrg ~f1 ~ch~ & l shippin~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Canal Front. Newport ,,.., cnm1nat1on based on 1M race. color. rehg1on. :~: s.ex. or natwnal ongm. •• or an mtenlton lo make ::; any such prefetfnce, 1n ltm1titt1on. o r dtS· =: cnnunat1on .. lot. Owner wall be i·ery Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large .,.IGHT LIGHT Y • o eac A Lot Shoru. 4 Br Den helpful With r1nanrmg " S9l.OOO Ask for Jim $2S.IXX>down. Owner will Full price $ISO.ooo rec. rm. beam ceilings, $420,000. + BAY VIEW ~8149 A_&t_. For A L.ittt. carry Must sell! Make 7S1·3191 Spacious 5 BOrm 1n JASMINE CREEi lrfilt I 044 I acre + bldg Sile, aent otrer! TeM1S. pool, walk I.NA ISi.i IAYflOMT Eastblurr1 Elegant Superb loc ation ••••••••••••••••••••••• ly sloping partel short to beach Agent 646·1044 forma I dining Frenrh excellent cond111on 1 2 DE.r• ... ,.. TE I distance from tennis & or~21Ml5 "l'•t 0 11 This newspaper will not r--.......c..~---~!Z knowin~ly accept any DREAM HOUSE ~: advertising ror real WITH CHARM! .... , estate which 1s in viola· You 'II love it here! z:: t.ionofthelaw. _ E}iglishTudorstyle. lov· """ --------• ely tree lined street. pride or owners hip ,,.., alOIS1 Adnrtilen 1: .......... cllitc.k tt.W ada ~ .., cmd .report .... .-ron.._.....,.Ta.. !: DAil Y rtLOT as-• = Wlllty for the first =: h1correct h1ttrtl011 .... .,. ..... neigbbomood and an as· sumable loan or $74.000 at low interest rote Full price on this 3 Bdrm 2 bath doll house •~ S104.900. CaU 646·7171 THE REAL ESTATERS ::.:. ---------4·--------1 ..... :: HmMs for Solt *'14YFIOMT• IOATSLlr &l)lj •••••••••• •• • • • • ••• • • • • ssss.ooo ::1 ~ 1002 11., ••••••••••••••••••••••• WOW ! Lowest pnt·ed w.• bayrront ho me OIS :~: VIEW TOWHHOMES BALBOA COVES Large Master IUllei V.ew of 4 bdrm. 3 bath. double Ocean & Night lights fireplace. ro1ered patio , Quiet Area Parks. open plus much more' Will !'..'41 ~ces Sll7,000. Xlnt AlTD-or trade for ··•• H 1 p F.a3thluffs ptoperty . ~"'' a or at Agts • .....__lo ,_1 7Sl·980Sl..673-7300 -yProp. ~1 •DESERTED .,~trG;o. *BARG AIM l!!!--!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!1m11!11 Mesa Verde's finest! Va· cant. owner wants out! Large 3 Bdrm. 2 bath VIEW VIEW BARGAIN! ,.,,, home. Family room . )~ bnck fireplace. q u1et ~: lree·lined street Close ~ Mp111g. l'all no". ·~ii8Mi Spectacular hidden 2 story home m beautiful Mesa Verde Elegant covered entry wa). formal lil'lllg room and dining, family room. gounntl kitchen 4 huge bdrms. 3 baths. beauurul v1ev. from rear yard Assume 'ery high loan Price $239.900 Ca II ~2313 ..... 91/•%LOAH Redilc.cl $100,000 SPYGLASS BY OWNER FUii Pnce-SS75.000 MonthJy Payment $2999 SO\mf PORT MODEL 6br 41,,ba 4100sq ft 25 Bodega Bay Call o~er 7~-0737 $112,000 THE :REAL ESTATERS COLDWC!U. BANl(eRO "'"' NEWPORT ICH! "'a Beautiful upgraded 2 :,~ ·Bdrm 2 bath condo GREAT RNAHCIMG '""' Vaulted ceilinged living Compact & charming 3 ~: room. bright s unny BR.FRhomemrneodly "'" k 1 t ch en A l l a c h e d Baycresl. Room ror boat :._,., !a:upgn~~ B;.~1Raro'"r mocasrhe or R\1. Expansion poten· vu• '"' "" I tiaJ. Fabulous starter :: det.atla. 546-2313 OOnll. Atlt about tenru -raa j!!S2tl!!!,(XX)!!!!6!!!!.4!!!!4-!!!!9!!!!0!!!!60~~·1 ..... •COM ST ARTER• 5 -----JUST LISTED '<*' Pri~ for fast sale' As ~-orPOITUHITY sume low interest Lsl. : knocks often when vou Cozy fi repla ce + ....., ~result getting Oath beautiful kitc he n Piiot Class1r1ed Ads to M<t.ivated owner' Only ;: rearh the Orange <.:oast ~.<XX> Call 673·8SSO ,.lll marl<t>t ''"' Phone 642-56'18 THE :REAL ESTATERS "II V18J ''" IW ..... BIG CANYOK-All VIEW View frCllll •row! Costywd ..try to tMs tow Ai 111• wfflt Z bt*u• ,... dttt. l'macy .t ...-lty. ltd:lllM CS.cor. , .... pool ...S.,.. $350.000. WATERFRONT HOMES, INc. Rf.Al £ST A Tt S... RmM, Ptq1111Y Monotrrnml 2436 W COMI tt...y JtS ~IM l'lewport IW1eh lWIOI hWld 611-14" 67UMI UIK&RNlf DELAWARE Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, doors and windows Bdrm plu s den. 2 _.ao1A beach Ownr hu~ in playroom, dark rm, den. $1 ,350,000! Swl.'eping views t~ruout ' r1replares. vaulted ceil yrWoodnewbndLoge 3dBorwn2ba, l rluded plans for cuslom --•u•D•O-l•S•LE--• CARNA TIOH COVE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm. 4 bath, 2 boat slips $1,900,000. BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR ;l' ' 1 •. 1. lJ• v· NI\ t.'~ ~IOI W ~:sLJ< Y ~ ~YLOR CO. HEA LTOl{S "1 nu· l ~14f.> llG CANYON IROADMOOR HEW EXCLUSIVE Plan 4. 4 Bedrms. Family Rm with fireplace. Formal Dming Rm. 212 Baths Newly decorated. Beautiful new cpt.ng & window coverings, new marbfe entry floor Pool & spa. Spacious play yard. WESLEY M. TAYLOR CO., REALTORS Z 111 Sail JoaqMin Hiit Road M!WPOIT cana. N.I . 644-49 I 0 S AXER.UPPERS S 32 .wts · CorOtlG "O"VACAMCIES f"ar below ma rkt't t'or s et.up r .. 11 H1CI.. .in)'tune 714 7fi4> 7292 WAHTED: LlqwJ partner to com plete cu!>tom Newport Bt.•achho~ FHLAHD! Tremendous profit tu ~hare' C.ill Bkr 714 760 7292 anvhme If \OU rr looking for J bet · ter Job )'OU v.on t v..int "' ea.'y "~ d11ltn1t )our tu mL'i. the emplo\ ment I phone Gl\e.t l·all Wt• 11 rolumns m Cla!>~1rit>d do the rest 642 !1678 GE GEORGE ELKINS CO EMERALD BAY MODERN Ocean View•Home. Superb Modern Stylin6. Sharp. Clear, Clean Features. Many Special Attributes. Excellent Financmg. Undoubtedly One Of The Best Priced Homes In Emerald Bay . $695.000. ·--........ _ .. 759-9100 # 2 Cotpoi ... Plall M.wportC...... E.ASTBLUFFS ANEST This beautiful 4 Bdr 3 Ba home has . it all-magnificent view, parquet floors, large custom designed family room , plus exceptional assumable financing. All this could be yours for only $299,950. Call now for futther information on this fabulous new listing. '::!::.' S«:\\.otllA-" t.~s· :::: ~ 1"y CIAY 1. l'OUAN ----- •=·~~~ ----.. ~-- A wilt wu painting tht ctll> lflO a• Mr hvtblnd WllChtd Only $305,00Q Ca 11 mgs and 11llr11ct1ve as w · as villa $175.000 Spel' 67~ sumable Cinanc1n g sume loans. Need fast tarularviews! IAYFIOMT $349.500. sa~UcCESS REALTY MISSl4~~~ALTY $1,000,000 r£4fi~j}l!I 642-5200 ---_549-7991 By owner Laguna ~:.7~~h.2p!~~d~W~ __ -~L~ Uruvers1ly Park 4 BR. 211 Beach 2 Story Ocean to acl·omodate 40' boat BA, Fam room. green Canyon View~ 4 BR. North side f"or an ap· 4 lfDllOOM HOME belt loration. cobble JBA. 2 frplc's Complete pointment to see tb1s ex in Costa Mesa J yr home stone drive & entry· md lnlaw Apt. Lrg Lot clus&Ye properly. call warranty and owner will ITlllOY xtras' Must see' S3SO.OOO. Owner assist ~11.SI assist with tin11nc1ng Sl7S,OOO w' min dn F\na_nCI'!&. 494:..4819 Sl.20.IXX> Call 979 5370 0 W C a t 1 2 '• '. -Costa Meta I 024 Owner/agnt ~2·8046 or OwMfr w• FllHmce! ··: ... HERITAGE ALtSTATE REALTORS ---UJSert 1 rule GONEw1thlhe WIND' Sbr .. Mansion·· owner' STEAL THISWKNl>' S2.fl.500 6'. dn owe Noquahfymg ' !IS7 0744 mse~1 rule •SIOOO• •REIATI• o n brand n e w lownhome' r e11tur1nl( pmar). 2 master ~uite:. & den loft overl()(>k 1111! hvmg rm at Sl23.9SO I . Walker & lee Real lsrare B9-ISOI High. on a hill m V1~t.1 . set'luded 2 HR + den or 3 BR 2 ba Complete v.1th d1n1ng . f.1m1 ly. fireplace E'en a pool & :.ea 11ew SU.0.000 b> CM'ller 714 -lJ3 5751 OUTSTANDING VALUE! Immaculate 3 Bdrm LUSK built home 1n Harbor View Hills Master Bdrm suite. family room. kitchen & breakfast nook look out on one of lhe loveliest yards 1n Corona del Mar Lowest price 1n a ru S299 .SOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• 17021588-8123 North end 2 Br unit REALTORS RV ACCESS WOODIRIDGE CrHent Bay buch ter l~!!!!!llll!!!!!!!!!!!!m!!!!!!!!!!lll!!!~ Great comer location m nfic buy ' $149.000 s.'5CXXI dn. no quallfyUlg on 2 BR & den. 2~ ba con do Approx S2700 mo pmls Walk to beach ~I .OW, 833-8100 Mesa del Mar 4 Bdrm. 2B~&'t:~~BtA I ~VI~ R.E fa m II y r oom. n e v. 497 17 I Panoramic • I kitchen 11:rpllanr~ lo' el) yar Fu II pm·e Lakefront V1ev. LOIJlllll NMptl I 052 $142.IXX> 7Sl·3191 P r o f e l> s 1 o n .i I I ) A••••••••••••••••••••• Flf:B)OM HOUSE 3 Br I Ba large yard $95,IXX> 64 I 0763, Ail MESAVEIDE 3 bdrm. 2 bath. frpk. dbl garage , A I ro od Sl.34.SOO Owner will as s1st m financing Roy McC.rcle, llJtr. 541-7729 * MESA VEIDE • WITii POOL ANO SPA SpiicK>US 3 Bdrm. 2 ba Beautiful areu Sl!l.000 dn Askrnl( $240.000 $1605 rro pymt PP ARt 7li0 7(81 HEW COHDO SO DM Ajent 631 !1737 MESAVBDE Landscaped Beal·h & •OCEAN VIEW • Tennis Club Good Nigu e l S h o r es Financing Owner Of tov.•nho use . largest rered a t $29 7 000 model $289.000 ownr M2-8362 _ .s:um GROSSMOHT OCUHFIOHT LEASE/C>nlOH 4 Bdr. pvt comm . only $3500/mo trade Ownr l.::661-Mll Ldleforflt 1055 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 111 Univ Park This 1s 1>t'rfert for the sma II family. 2 bdrms. 2 ba central air ('Ond cov ered £atio Assoc1at1on pool tennis d ose by Walk Lo shopp1n1c 1--------schools and l'hur1•h PARKWOOD ESTATES $~,500. 4Br 217 88 21SOSq Pt BEITER TllAN MODEL HAS EVERYTlllNG Cul-de sac st reel Sun&Sa1l II Club $210.IXX> Wllh $160.otO al 12' t .. ic.itt ,._ "-'--1 No points or qu.,hrymg ~Q 1.AMPV5J1a:ll'\'HOIC. 770-0:M7 Owner Agent :~,;~~ ~~:r 10~~ 1 ~O 000 ON Mrwportleoc• 10" ' 2 bdrm M-V rde ..,., ••••••• ••••• •• • • • •• • • • • I "'~" e l'OO· 4 rm" + bonus rm. do S'919.IXX> 7Sl 23IMl _ pool and 1arurn Owner Harbor Ridge Lucerne I MESA VBDE will help fi.nanct Only flit.ale Model S625.000 4BR. 38A. r.,m Rm. Sl.82.IXX>.Call64.$-9161 HomP IS $100.000 undt'r PooJ. Spa owe Assume I appraisal ' 10'. down ExlSltng Loan:. Equity I Xlnt. terms 760 1977 Shanng Stra111ht Nole 1 or Trude SIM.000 By WhJI " Wondnful \\ orld Owner 979 5!114 ! I pf Shoµ111111? rtl?hl .11 ~our ft11Rl'rt1 1'' l'I l'rl *VA 111'2% • I cl av' D ,1 1 II r ii o t ....-.c,.... 2 bdrm plus den condo Secunly guard. pools, Lenrus S:llS,000. Assumt 9l• ,.., lsl Owner Agt 0 887 '11'.J'I, H 640-6188 FIHllOUS ROYCE Lido 1.sland By Owner Spacious 3BR. 2BA Home On 56 · Lot Includes Architect ·s plans for additional Bedroom & Bonus Room Plus Owner's 1961 Rolls Royce Silver Cloud II . Over S360.000 lll Assumable Loans al I 2 ~ .. '} S S 6 0 , 0 0 0 714·~·1623 JUST REDUCB> JI 2 blocks rrom beach and only 2 yr.> old Ocean view 2 & 3 bdrm units Thrtt bdrm unit great for owner occupancy Ov.-ner financing avail Only al.000 Ca II today m~o ALLSTATE REALTORS ..._oftkYr! 6°/• 0..-..y Owwr! Lovely 3 br N.B Gotr Course view home ' Appraised over JOOK STEAL 1249.500' OWC Noqualirymg! llurri.-nll now967-0744 JBR +l 11ba. 76K at . GetGREENt·agh Cla!>s1r1l'<I \cl, To µl.i n· ~pill w poss $5500 dn. ror WHITF. t'lephanb \our ad. I j II 1>1:! si.;11 SEU. idle items v. 1th a pnnonly Bkr667 3863 with a l'lai.s1f1l·d \ti .ind 11;'1 .1 t'l;1,Mf1l·tl \rt Dail) Pilot Clai:.s1'1ed LWEOPTIOH -~al!t>4~51;iK \'1,orht•lp,nu Ad $4,000 .............................. . RIM SI ,000 "'°· e e '"' 52~.,;:~·••• 1 : 8-D~! ~~.~.K. ~!:!.~IAL : "11111111 .... ~,... ~:1hr ~:i1c igi;~du~1r~ 1 • II s ~sy lo place your 8-0ay Week C1ass1l1ed by mail aM 11 • ....,.lllcmd 1006 paymenh t3'. fixed 1 • costs 1usl SS -lhatsonly a dollar a day' To Qualify for lhis • rate Stl9,SOO 2960 Royal e soec1al offer you must be a non-comme rcial use•r ollenng • ••••••••••••••••••••••• Palm Dr Ov.ner bkr e --------•I 642 n.u 1 e me<chand1se for sale up to S800 pe r ao and 1he once must Defer part of monthly ONE-YEAR VOLING e be in your ao The cost stays the same whether your ad e payment on Ba I boa • 4 neeos e1gn1 days selling 11me oriusl one e Island property Low bedroo m 2 11 bath e down or trade Meadow home 15 close to e Use one word tn each tx>J AbOut 4 words ma1<e one • Iii u-...ot... Rltr South Coast Pluta and e ~sty. . the hub or Orange Coun • class1f1ed line of type Minimum ad IS 3 lines Please oronl 675-21'6 ty Ideal for the youn~ e plainly e professional' f orma • r-----------------------------.., • By owner J•'J br. 2 ba. dm1nf room. 1011ltn1t e • all remod Copper ram1 > room and a I I plumb. lath & plaster I warm toasty r1replare e I t e ~o.<XX>. 613-~39-_ P r o r e s s 1 o n a I I y e I t I 0 landscaped yard High I e CoroMdtlMar Z2 balaneti assumable loan • I ••••••••••••••••••••••• b k I 100 e al elow mar et 1n e I · MUST SEE lerest. and owner will , • 1 10 SO e Ocean & bay vu. 4 Bdr help with rinanctng. e 1 • e w/bonus rm. pool , spa. $204.900 Call for tn \ 13.20 +city lites. Prof. decor. formation, 979-2390 e 1 • Assume 11.78": A great TAI llULTO S e I 15.IO I value. $429,000. Won't • I as t. Pat r I ck . a g l ~ Vlllacp e I Add S2.IO for Heh 1ddltlonalllne for ltlmH l20.IXX> down A model. e I • As sume $122 .400 at e I e t2"•"{ owe at 13'" • 1 Publish my ad for 8 days starting e 1!78..i.500 Ph J44-6426 I 4BR Pool Home m Mesa e 1 Class1flcat1on e Verde. Lrg Corner Lot. e Name e Brttieway 2 car Gar + • Muth More' Dnve By. • Address 2828Tlbago Piere. Then e --------------! e can for Appl to See. • City Z1p __ Phone .. • 157·09S9 Open House Sit/Sun ll-4PM Pnred e Check or M.O enclosed O I to Sell at 111sooo e Chargemyadto • W1As111mable Loans e t Ccop!raUoo with Aats1 _ e 0 ..,.. # Exp I Int. I 04 4 e lillliil e t II I ' I '\ R~A:1~ ~ ••••••• .. • .. ••••••••••• e 0 !!Im # Exp t ~--·--· • l..------------------------------• I . r·-··:···· WE 'LL.PAY THE POSTAGE ••••••••••••• , t L0¥a.Y 'AMLY M .. Charming, well kept 4 BR home ln Mesa Verde area or Costa Mesa. Features fruit treet, BBQ • RV accaa1 &ovely pantllne and more! $-134 ,900 MadeHne Crawford 153-1414 CT20> : ! 111111 ~~m;.~c,r i : • ti II =~I~: 0 : • •• U~llfO SUTU \1 • ,, I. BUSINESS REPLY LABEL ~ I ·.~, >.-. • ••\! <l•U•U'-'""° II CO\fUAOA (ALllO'lllo• ~ . . .. . . . .. --. ...... ,. -' Fill t J ..,.,, c:.,.tS..fQ lllditctl ..... . M.11 ~ ,..... ..,...... s .... .... ~···················· ........••..•......................•........................................................ ·······'··············· .................................................................... . nr..w. aUyouneedtoknow ~ll1team elt•n. !1..tXTRJCIAN -priced nllO~SHOPPlR DUMP JOBS BRICKWORK: Small Palo.lloa'atheOame •BRYANT'S• 8UOOETl\ATES/l.Jt'd .-u. •boulbankr111>tclic11l Qilor bri&btentn• wht riCl\t, fret aUmate on <:ompletelawnmalnt. 'Sml1Ulovin11Jobt Joba, Newport, Co1t1 Pedmen'atb•N•~1 waueonrlncRemoval towJnift.ftmljc*OIC '1157 a-DI 7l4t83S-tl Clll'I · 10 min. bleach. larftournallJobt. lndoorplanhpeclallat Ca11MIKE84e·1391 Meu. Irvine . Reta. Uc.mM w.oei2 All1)pp. tu.aw Freest.Int. ,,;,; rlf II ...... Kall, llv/dlft. rma SU; lk.. 9'73-03$9 Pominidt,!:48Sl HAULlNG,DUMP 875-3176. HMPlinlill&·~ll.uad ~ l'aALLyouply ........... , ... , ...... , ~room S'f.50: couch lJC'DELECTRICJAN ,a_ ..... __ ""11l·YdC'-~ JOBS,ulltorR111dy, Hart M11011ry. Brkll, 7 .,11 -...,~uaUtu wor ... tt••••u••••••••••••••• fora FlNE HOME '""• cht $$. Ouar. elhn. Qu.al. wolt ·Reas. ratea ._1UK41.,, w Bt--" c R f ' ....,.. 1 • -Ht 30day ad IMPROVEMENTS petodot. Crpt "'pair. ~est. 631·5072Tom Treetrhn·E:tpert m.a t. S4l""2'7 """• oncrett. e · IHWralel. l!ll Ml·l· PLASTER PA"" NO In the Mdillonall Remodellnf 15-yra exp. Do work roPQUALJTY Jlm&sl.0129 CL1AM UP YOUI ACT Uc. 3882N. 6'6-l5'7 L.J.B. PAINTING Rtlhictoa. ~t/ext. 30 D4K. Y m,yse!f. Ref a. sn.oLOt Electrital work at GAIDEti SERVICE TODAY ! Yard/ &araae Masonry our Specialty! Q UALJTV. RE~. )'!'!·Nat. Pi MS.Zt'11 PILOT __ El IN. NoSteam/NoSltampoo JW.t.ratea S3l·S065 TreeTrfm/Removat cln·i..,. etc. 1 ton truek. Clea.o, quick, depend•· Larry14$-t31hft.1 Nuti>t~fi~iture• s.,ltWs SMVICI cdt.Sf StainSpeclaU1t.F1al Eletttlcou~Speclalty l e42·1337aru 1Z5.S3H993(24bn> ble.We.'tr.~~eJob. INT/!XTPAlNTINO h..t. ttJ.IOt ..................... .. DIUCTOlY --•<-OONTUO'fWt dry. Freeest.839·1582 Clean. quick, depend•· Mowtnc. 110. SlS, $20. TREES/SHRUB TRIM EXPERT BRlCK AND Quality work. Re11. ED'S PLASTERING **~'* * OOJTNOW! Uc.t~ no-uw' c:.,.t/U ... ttf'y ble.Wedouyiliejob. Haulioat Dumph11. Garaae&YdClean·up:s , Muoory. Small Jobs, 1'-eeest. Steve5'1-4281 ~ lnt.orExt. All Slus lnatalled. A911,..,. 5-*-....;.;;...~-....=-....,;:~=..;;. ....................... •631·2345• US..$20. 75'-9904, 155.0095 free•t. 657·8271 repairs. Prplc faclnaa. BOGDANOV PAINTING Free e1t. Grut Pricet, Ul•lfAA Your Dally Pilot MecHMICOMSTI. NewYr'sSpeclal' Crpt R~D/COMM'L/INO Man I DermUUon·Grading Re11.661~. 760-7074 16 yrs O.C. Top quality, PWTERlrS'l'UCCO lit Service Directo.ry ~ustorn hoines. fram· i..,hol. cleanin11. Scotch 3> yn ex~. Do my own '-'ti Senk" Transport. Asphalt, con· LANmCP /M~ONRY Neat. St. Uc. 334950. Repair. No Job too sml. ••••••••• .. •-'••••••••• Repmentatlve mg, remodel. l)'ench &\&lrd, Free est. 972·8839 work, Lied. Al846-8l2G ....................... crete & tree removal, Con ret Ll . ~/839·1816 '4$-~fgu..&H9 TILE INSTALLED 642-1671,txUU doors, a)Q'Ugbta & patlp c...t/C:O.Crett RoorCo-'--TreeTrim&Removal Soll prep It planting. 3>yn. ~eee~t.cs:~14 QUAIJTYINT/EXT "' &I 1 AllKindlOuarantecd llll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!f covera. IM8·3652 ••••••••••• • ... -., Home Re~alrs • ~ated equip. Comm 'l Uc'd. Refa. Free est. •••••••••••••••••••••.. Ilda John 840-9217 -= ••••~••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1--. 3 It id'I ., ... 7638 Mo..._. MCIE """8 c:--.t~ THOMPSON'S C.J1'el IJ Linoleum For ,,.....,.,,pr ·904.3 .,,_. • ..., **646-10670 DralnulearedlromflO CUltomCeramkTlle ...,, ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• /V\NCRETECONSTR. Ho-Van •-uotor e,1• 11 General bauUn1 & mov · ........ ••••••••••••••• '"'··"t Pt Lo I t PlumbincRepalra Promptserv. f.'reeeat. •••••••••••••••••••••• CU<"IV'l.M C w .. ..,, • ,. _. •• ., i T k •ABC MOVING ·Exp., _.... y g, w w n er u Chu k87E l•OI P/RQtrlies·Fin.Stmts o1v ABINE;rs Uc.#383383 8'2-8'82 Home.Mi~Dave. ••••••n••••••••••••n• ng ree wor • gar prof. low rates. Quick, rat.ea in effect. Hooeat, Freeett.Mtr ... 642·9033 ----'=uc;;;.;;;..~"~;..;;.....-- Compl.Set-up&cServ. Kit.,bani,gar.urute. ~·-I F b b TRACTOR, Ideal for cleanup F ree est ca-·1 .. 'servi·ce.u".'"lO rellabJe.IMS-5648 ATLASPWldBINO& 25YrsExp.freeElt. Re Refs. ~l/S49.J88S ---"J _...--. CH or t e est lil e &c ll ••" 714-842 4597 rerw ~"" n--·--b'· W .. G u . 540-$834 ••••••••••••••••••••••• linoleum flooring. call an acreas ar~as, ..., · J•E PAlNTING HEATING-REPAIR .._._... .., ora. uar. Corpeaht PEP GIRLS cleaning Greg 67s.,c39c. We're wide ,Kub<?ta slllplo1der. Howtde .. g •A-t MOVtHCW• Comp!. painting int/ext. REPLACE 8'S·l688 'John 492-3382 • ...................... service. Homes·Office•· proudofour work ! $.llbr. lns d. "2·5006 ....................... Top Quality. Special Free est. Low rale$ ,.. ri1 M llf T Strtke FINEF~NlSHWORK Apts.548·0663 friilltu lefllblllR Ha.dytm• Want a REALLY CLEAN care in handling.~ yrs Compl.bandyman :~ .. !'~.~~~ ..... ~ ........... , ..... .. Reroodeling/Doors bung ,.--" od G----• -t 9 ....................... HOUSE? Call Glnghafll exp. Competitive rates. service ---n •Elpert Tree Pruning• Randy720-t260CdM Wit or&, wwwnn ....................... Carpentrv M••onrv Girl. Freeest.MS·5123 Noovertlme. 731).U53 Lic.'412000 Evs642·1305 nu,,r-u. ""A-mercialLandaca- ........ ...................... -••••••••••••••••••••••• SPECl"'L . ., a.ii ·~ ...... .,.4 1MIMT l,NUI r"' CHAR RENOVATING ADD'NS/REMODELING * "' * Roo(111g ·Plumbing ROBIN'S CLEANING SfARVJNG COLLEGE PAINTER NEEDS _,_., Services 957·8388 Driveways, Parking Lot lnt/eXl·Cablnets·Boal Plans. Lic'd. George Any chair band·slripped Drywall· Stucco · Tile Service-a thoroughly snJDENTS MOVING WORK!~ yrs exp, int/ OraJ\4e C.o. area. 15 yrs 'free Trimlng, clean ups. Repairs, Sealcoating. docks. 25 yn. 645-3749 Pilmer & Sons, 557-11932. or reglued, $19. 75. A Rerrodel. J.B. 646·9990 clean house. 540-0857 CO. Lie. #T124·436. ext. Acoustic ceilings. exndpenence, Call for info. Moolhy service free est. ALLSTATE PAVING Sealt'OaUng · StriplnJ Repairs. Comm./Res1d. Lit. l!n362 645·8181 S •-s CU Touch Of Cius ln· Gener 1 u · lnsu~ 64l 84Z7 D · p · t' 0•7 5186 1 rates. • ~· 5 6 T · T .. Asphalt STOM ADDITIONS Additions, remodels, terien. 711 W. l?lh St. a mamtenance WA'OCH US GROW! av11 am mg .,.. · 96U IU .... 6-7 5 ony s ree __ .;;;;U:..:;c.=63::..::l...::-4.:.::t99~--i KI t ch en re mod. . home imp rove me nt Repairs & Decorating IMM •cu• "'TE SUPREME PAINTING ..=Serv::::....:.;1~ce:;__ ____ _ Skylites. Refs, Bill windows, doors, patios: #A21C.M.642·77l2 •Qi..iality• Ray640~ "' """ SfARVINGACTORS Int/ext. Wallpaper R.E. broker will manage ~ ............ 646-0002 driveways . re •••g HOME IMPROVEMENT .~~=~~!s MOVJNG COMPANY European craftsman your office bldg in re· !~ .............. , AGGRESSIVE LEGAL ***** plumbing, etc. Li e •••••n•••••••n••••••• REPAIR-PLUMBING Fast & Careful. lowest Unbeatable prices . tWll for office. Bkkpg Reading & related skills. Representation. Law of· TiredofPlainWalls?ln· 3787ltPh960·0635 TREES lleatrng. carpentry. . Rates Law Allows. M/C 960-1~-_ serv.avail.543·1927 Credentialed, up. car· fices 2Um. 545·8422 crease the Value & JM llA.o syr.t.... Topped/removed, clean elec, tUe. Free est. No HorTE cleaning: dependa· Visa. Llc/lns. 673·~ ,__.__ a.fWtW.g ~· Speciali1ing grades ~~.;;.:..;;;;:..::.:....::...:::..=..=--1 n..auty of Your Home ...... U"" la~ renov 7ct u 76 iobtoo•mall. eu.2311 ble .. bones. t. Cleaned to p..a..aa.... ,...._,, ....................... l •. 11••.7779 A -t1·-1JC Free design free est • t"'I WU • .J .... C::--•.. ___ .,...,___ satisra .. 1on. U .... H• _...,, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'O ln'I "'-'" With The Richness of R i I ~-. "'",....,... HANGING $10 ROLL J.D. Hom Re(mishing .......... •••••••••••• Solid Wood.496·6961 Room additions. tenant K&DLandscapeMai.nt. e pa1rs, pa. ~l n g, LORRAINE'SHOME ••••••••••••••••••••n• I Antiques, kit. cabinets, W'-dow~ TIR.OH YOUR Cil Custom Carpentry By improve men l . in . Resld/Comm. Clean.up. cliaarpeblen897try.~n11t1an, re· SERVICE. REFS. Fine pamtin~ by Richard Slripping-disr on paper F\ne painting. 645.0664 , ..................... ~ .. •---ad of 0 surance work, decks. UHauling.548·2489__ """' n...-Sinor. Lie, ms. 13 yrs of Visa/MC 645·9325 --''LeltheSunshmeln ......., wax.' mo. ''Jay". (Formi·ca & . -vwutrans 962·0510evs happylocalcustomers. •· .... /R.....I "·II"·· 1.:-Wlnd ...... 7c"5007 7c""""'2 paU06 F,,.nrun· g Own Busiftess·, JACKOFALLTRADES · UC.PAPERHANGER ...-*9 ... ,....r """ ~nsrwae ow .... · "'-' I .,.. . ...,.. Tile) "•2·8809 or Call 77(). L. v ... "'op""··"ty/Reas Rates Thank you. 631-4410 Cl · Ltd c•o ""c3 .,.. ---~7 1c 313174_ 4 Yrs Exp. Landscaping. Call day or night. '' ......., · -Bonded & guar. No job •••••n•••••••••••••n• earung, . ....., . ...,.. POOF. POLISHING Answer Ad #620 at REMODEL IAD()..ONS Grtklg & Brick Patios. •Jack675·30lh Pref. bachelor homes C.fotltPm.HllCI toosmallortoolarge, COMMBCIA.L 20% Monthly Discount =:.~k1~~~~~ or 642-UX>, 24 hrs. &Carpentry. Lir'd. Gntd. Prof. Service at REASONABLE <2U>4!9·8907 25 yrs exp. Lie. 4o!IMI Free est. Tony 898·Z728 /IMDUSTllAL •RESIDENTIAL• ---------1Cabinets. Counter tops. 25 yrs. Irwin 548·Z719 Prlres Sure lo Please. PROMPT. FREE EST nJE Bl_tOOM 89UAD &oded. lru;. Refs. Color WALLPAPER lE:MODWHG! Avg 1 sty $30; avg 2 sty MysittlRg Doors, Greenhouse win· ratioftt 4911-~1~.L7JI & W IE_._ ALMOST EVERY Quality · Reliable expert. 963-09ll Dirk All kinds. Free est. Tum lost or unused MS. Chris 957-8388 .................. , .. , dows. Finish work. COf10 Gardening -Compl REPAIRNEEDED . Housecleaning.673-3121 SU/roll.Lic.330986 space into a workable Babysit, our CM homes. l 754-4420 ··~~iA~ .. o~s"" clean up~ tree hauling 1 __ DAVE645·4757 . Reliable Lady to Clean c.to.P~ Norm645·0880 area·rooms divided. ~l~~~ei~s a~o~;e~.:~~ 0~ YT".,'!· .. ~r~~· Carpet Senice & PARTNERSHIPS for us~ble items . I Masonry-Carpentry-Tile House or Boat. ~~ei::S. ~~rs~ Col~~ THE PAPER HANGER drywall, drop ceihngs & spider and read in the ....,,......,.., .....,.s759 ••••u••••••••••11••••• Formed by Attorneys M1rhael 645·6734 _ , ~lumb·Roofing-Remod 873-86M expert. 963·0911 Dick Prof .. quality work. trim carpenlry·lo com Dai Iv Pilot Classified Babysitting Mon · Fri. WeCareCrptCleaners Reas.rates. 557_5700 Gardening Wanted 1 Stucro-Drywall536-8700 lilc.cimTa I'm Small-My prices Freeest. Steve547--4281 pletton.CallTomorJe(f M!<1ioo about M1~s Muf· Newborn lo 2 yrs. 6 to Steamclean&uphols. -----Mowing.edging, raking, HOMEIMPROVEMENT •••H••••••••••••t1•••• 11, CdM NB QUALITY at66l·291Jor 493·3886. fet's Tuffetandbought 1l 5:~. CM. 1142.2995 'l'ruck mount unit Drywal s weep in g Fr e e Tile floors . Fenring EXP ER. PREP AR ER ~p·~":on·673·6477 . Paperlng/Patnling RooflRg for S9 9S. You can sell INFANTS & UP cared Work uar. 645·3716 •••••••••••••••••••0 •• eslimates. 645·4372 or I Plumbing-All small Enrolled to practice Freeest. Janis552·023J ••••••••on••••••••••• your tuffel and lots or for, my C.M. home nr1 KaszSham"""'&Steam DRYWALL1ACOUSTIC ~5737 w... 28 rs exp 979 2265 before the IRS. Quality G.L, Mangun Painting REPAIRS FOR LESS other things through 19th Pl """' 14yrsexp '°'·llyl1c'd&. · c:=-:J!!l!::_ · · Cust work Lic#"""•78 Wallpaper contractor & D ·1 Pl Cl ·r· d & acenlla. C.M ll!<sqft,OverlOOO,lor ru CUSTOMGARDENING , f a_t_~~~t.549·2A..!!__I · · ""°' p · Li 0 Shingles. Oat. 30 yrs a1v 1ot ass1 1e 646-5759 Th Bad N msured. S_3_2_-~4_9 European Cra ts man Ins. Free est. 731·8281 8111tlng. c 328240 ,C, e~p. Free est. 77().""25 Ads. ·call 642·5678 at oXtraChg --Resid 'l/Comro ·1 Ben's Home lmprov. FEDERATED 23 yrs. Gary Gompf --'-'-" ..... _-'--"-'--""-'---'-'-''--• .:..:==~:==--- Uc'd childcare, loving Rick, 642-6194 DRYWALL TA PING Ctn-. 893-3577_, X_4_3 and Ma int. 954.5231 aft. 2 income Tax Service NELSONS PAINTING ._,.-'366 ~ R~ Make v. our shopi Ing •-· h' All 63 •"7 r t Int/Ext ResidtComm ~"' d°~=ns 1p., Have something to sell? Freetextures & acoustic WANT ACTION? ___ 1..,_1 or app · Acoi.istic ceilings. Refs. Have aomethmg 10 sell' "Qua 'ty Roofing or e~1er by using the ally -----· ___ _. Classified ads do it well est. Kevi.n 675·9088 (.1assi!ed Ads 642-~7~ Classified ~ds 642· 7.§61_ lic'd. Free eat. 837 .2637 Classified ads QQ)t well. Fine Homes." 645-0104 Pilot Classified Ads . a.-&tat. o.itus/ cwotstote .· .... ~ HcMtMtu • ....._. ......... u • ....,,,_, Homesu.t.Mwd ................. ••• ••• IWta s. 1100 Propet1y 2600 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •.•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• M~leach 106 ~s.Hoft• 1100 .............................................. lalloalslmcl l206 CoataMna l224 1Wi9••ac• l240 Mtwportleodl l26' Mtwportleoch l269 a.-• l276 •••• ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ crwMt" CDM DDb. iraut.irul too ft. x 200 .n ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••!•••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• •••••••• Harbor Ridge, s partner . Great rentals, red"uced ronta~e ~n scenic Bayfroot. beach.. 2 Br. 2 8 1 d HOM E FOR RENT Harbor Ridge lease. 4 Br, j""~ B.R , B Co c Broadmoor 4Br wantedtobuiJti custom2BrDblw1deacrossfrom toS280.000~Call RogueR1vermSouthern Ba. 123 E. Bayrronl. 2Ad~i.senc\s~~~· 2 Bdrm. S600. Fenced 3.Ba.DR .. F.R .. study. P"0:3 s ·2(; A S ndo. 2bahome.sepdining& horm. 759-0481. Hughes ~ Supenor & sn-9667 ~'eingon. ]rees. water· Balboa Island. si2oo m w :,::U:, 631.4889 yard & garage. Kids & highly upgraded. Cab v.u. DeOOr ~8s0 rr:,r.7:-,s~!,l, ram rm, Ocean view ., Placen~1a. .. S22.950 ~ ~ ..,.. f , .. -.ose to town. winter. Sl400 annual · · · pets welcome. 545·2000. guard gate. pool/tenn~. · · Gardener $950/mo ..._,Ylewttlls Terms hke rent. Agt ._,,......,. 2000 $40.000. PO Box 469. Herb days 2131478.3577. VIEW FROM N:eot,oofee mx>tmo. Bob or Dovie Or492·0590.AskforAnn. 493-1357 Spacious Family Home 5.5'7·9300or962·1868 ....................... Grants Pass. Oregon 1 EVERY RM 38 21 b -dbl ~gt 759·1Z21 New po r l C rest'-=::...=::..:... _____ _ Alanyext.ras-Lge fee lot H.B. 4-P~EX. ~ br, 2Vl ba m36.1·50.H76 .. 149L_ Capittl90 leodi l218 New 2Br 2',.,ba, micro. r h a. enc gar · ' -Townhouse New I y ,_..a..cf or nwbl,terma$48S,OOO 1;:~~ .;:i:~2~~er~~~t owners unit, frplc. •~ ,.._ ···~··•••••··~···•••••• spa ss5o, 541 4165, ~~le. bRaut patiG. '8GCA.NTOM carpeted and painted. 3 shed llOO Bkre'IS-4494/~·1300 950 557 9390 Super lax benefit.a. 2 yn ~ • O Capistrano Palisades lux , 6?S.l7SI ~· osemary O.Goff COWM bdnm. zi, ba. Walk to Sl6. · Agt . · or new, Onl_y $39.000 dn. By --.nft 270 ocn yws. brand new side --1 3 Bc1nns. 21'J Ba Pool beach. teMis. pool. spa. COME SEE Gorgeous 962-1868 ~I, agt, 972-~300. • ....................... , by stde duplex. 2 master 2Br. IBa. nr S.C. Plaza. 2 bdrm condo, new c t. Jacuul & Tennis. Newly Mini Ocean view. Av all 4BR, 2'hBA. Fam RM. '75 5th whl lrlr. 35', ate, 32 U·2YRSOLD 10 Acres avocados. bdnm/bas. walk lo bch. full sec, pools /spas, ~-f 'd I t I.> dee. VacantSl 200/Mo. immed S850 mo I yr Pool 2 Frpl's Terms lo t $7900 Rancho Cal 12•1. int e7nn ..,.,2228 Adllsonly SSSO 546-4529 '"""' n g, poo • enms, · · · · ' ' · w spa~ ren , · l{UNTlNGTON BEACH Sl6S 000 X In. 1 1.n'vest' x~-· ....,...__ · -b ba--h · r 1 handball, clbhse. No We:9eY M. T~ Co. lease. Children 0 K i=o.==------ • OHeaP!.?._r DLaan1 .. e'.' .,.1.200042. 631·30'77,548·3663 --S2.472KFtP•12.000dn. ~3288· ·"-.. Mor 3222 3 r. 21 ~e. rpi~,; pets.~ lst. last $200 Realtors 6«-4910 640-1644or545-8407 """ ... .,.. NWPT BCH 28 I 1 · to be h "P 'd '' ...,,. -gar awn ma mt f7..., ..._ Also 3BR. 2BA.Pool, . . · r. poo · mi. ac · " e · ---•ouu••••••••••••n••• ·.,..,.7002 640 1c·oo U9'· 788·7633 Beacon Bay 2 Br I Ba. S 92 0 A )acurn bch SlO 000 l.25% tax shelter 1st yr. ltlal Estate horecliffs Mo to mo lse 2 rm . .....,. • · ~ -l-1...-A ·1 •1 t I J ... e11 3400 ~00· wner/ gt. Bkrtowner675'-4Q!Q..· __ · Cal1Pb~2-9300, ~ 2800 Brl"'i ba ram rm living F..astsideCondo2 Br. I'"-'.....--l244 IAYFtlOMT uoNncl 1tttune.,,..,,,., . 25· Airstream wiroom. --•••11•••••••••••••••••• nn kitchen 2 rj,cs lge Ba frplc, garage, •••1111••11•••••0 ••••• 2 story. 4 + bdrms. 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• II ocean view. 2 BR. 2 Ba , furn beaut .. microwave, overlooking pool area. Sl500 mo. IM/opt. 673-7300 Carol. a . --------•!across street from IMCOME Want a lax shelter~ Sell yard. Pets/k.ids ok $950. ~/rm._~~J, ___ ~me.newJbr.Jba . ! baths . fire~_la ce. GuardGated DREA.MCA.STLE beach.$6000.SeeatHun PROPERTY myl/l2yearnewtriplex tst /lut. refs req I Yr New Condo l400 sq ]a~j,r~~:;x,p~~oos'?°l.l ~~view. ieAal)~ la~ieG2~.~~~m . OH LIDO lington by Sea Park. SPECIALIST or exch~nge eqwty for 644-0164 ----ft JS' Beamed Ceihng. . -·--. F~ 1 per mo, va1 Deane Home This new 3 bdrm jewel 21871 Newland . Space rondoor. Owner After7 Microwv 2 car gar WOODBRIDGE Jbr 2ba · · has all the features of a I JO H B or ca 11 Select from multiple un 714-700-07:14 SPYGLASS HILL wlopener Pool Sec !Ip atrium. detached -_ lL~_mp240-~- million dollar home 1·737"9466'. . llS. Terms available to ---Spectac~lar ocean vu. g arci; MORE' $69s Mo home. Gardener incl. nr oova SHORES UPER VA CATION RATE Exclusive Indian Wells Condo. pool. spa, gotr. tennis, prof de coraled, 2Br. sips 6, Wknd /wkly /mo nlhly rates. (714) 549·1930 wkdys' ( 714) S86-4130 Detailed craftsmansh.ip 2 bdrm. 1 bath. new swtyourneeds. Rentals J+ family. forma l dm +uSe<: Call6Jl-5628 pool /lake Yr lease S875 Nr. new 4 bdrm & fam ll!ed throughout. Too & d ••••••••••••••••••••••• ing . pool & s pa N.-1 --28 -18 ~ rm. home in quiet. manyamenltl·estomen· carpel r apes J-.. u....--"'-·-1-L....d S200()/mo.Ga.rdenerand ice cean r a. ---1~ .. LS secluded We stclirt Beautiful adult park. .-.->nlrmHft' pool rare in cl. Agt enclsdgarage.yard.new 11:1"11•"' I.km. Pricedri ht. towspace rent. 6411·8612 ~ •••••••••••••• .. ••••••• 700.9333 paint & carpet. No pets 1Br.1 ea S650 F qrove. formal din. rm .. ldboal.a.d l106 2-8 R 18--A Fr--1-r-$550 +security 2544 2Br.lBa. $700 4t5 Br.2 Ba, amilyrm .. library w/b,rlck f~lc . r-a..-• ..L./ .. p Dining rm .. I block from h"" f k t b l -;::;;;! ~ • ••••••••••••••••••••••• B · d C 1. · Oran ge. house A 2Br.2Ba SSOO I NH H h S h 1 _e am. 1 c en. oo _,,,... 1500 IYMtJ)U!'f\'lfOC I! (21 2bdrm homes. eame ei in gs ~·ZT78. 3Br 2Ba $1250 · · ig r 00 · &spa.12.500/Mo. ICclllda.W.- , ...................... =.!-Of ';7 1700/mo.thruJune.An· ~~ Old CdM s.s95 LeRaisorRlly83J.8600 I L11~/mo Agent W~M.T~Co. "'9flni1Md l42S 2 c e meter Y lo ls . 71'1 64 t·0763 nual rent. $750 & $850. -----lll. ZIA. 2 Br+ d d S · --Realtors 644·4910 •••••••••••••••••••••• Westminster Park. S900 :?92.'i College Avt> Can be un!um. 675·9667. Soectacular ocean & city Newly rmdld. No Pets. . en con ° on an Bh.tf Condo. 4 bdrm. 31 -aut. 2bdrm condo, forbothOB0.847·7946 Costa Mesa.CA.. ----------fights view from every New Bil ins w/DW. Joa~uin golf course. baths.Sl200month 3Br.stud3.3 Ba,l~.. prime S.C. Plaza toe. CoroMdelMar l122 room Large2 Br frplc Frplc,elc.LrgPvtyrd. Ava 1 Mar 1. eves 644·26<Y7 I BALB ABAV LUB waterfalls. streams . Slt,000 C-rcial -----•••11••u•••••••••••••• ma n.y amen i't le s ' 723 Center Street. $725 752•8581 --~ 1 or 2 year sub -lease. (fia. pool saoo mo CONDO .. Balcony, ocean Prw.rty 1600 ·-LEV "LLEY Upgraded 2Br 2ba. yard. Sl200/mo Call Anlhonz rm '-t + Dep Ava1·1 -•"'ECO .... DO CShoanal Front. Newport 12.~1 mo .. unfurn or 14)67'9019·, 61t """"'" . ••••• ?;;~ .. •••••••••••• iv..-"' carport. n 0 d 0 gs . · · "' · · """"'~ ~ res. 4 Br +. Lease or partially furn . beaut •~-=.;;..;.;:; ... -=c=.... . .::..;..;::~....=..::;..:.=._ view, guarded gale, sub· ' Ten SMtter $7~/mo. Agt 673·1181 days 642-5757. eves Mar.1.646-6423 l bdrm m spac1~us Ion, OPtion to buy. $1500/mo . bay front & view. 2 1--------• terranean parking, MEWPORTllEACH Near new 4·plex. _2 ---wknds631·6630. 4 Br. 3 Ba. hse .. frplc, greenhouse window, Tennis. pool, walk to bakonys 2700sf 2 park WESTCUFF elegan~ ct'1ubho~se I & High visibility. C-l bdrm, 2 bath each unit ~ 3 2 2 Br 1 Ba .rottage. frplc. fenced yard. No pets. enc'd p~tio, central air, bearh. Agent 646· 1044 or ing. new ly dee. Unit Exceptionally neat con· gym . u an ea ty Oceanview. l20fl. Cron· wit.!1 fireplace, enrtosed ...__. 14 beam ce1l, 1 car gar. S780/mo. + dep. Agt. f~.As.snpool.apa,len· ~2800. #314. 1mmed. occupan-do Ground level ~2960 ask for Lori. patio, garage. 9a,r,i Isl. ........................ ~/mo. 673-1.249 Eves. 642·5722 ms . ~ear Northwood ; ry .. Contact Gary . leas-Spacious two bedrooms. Ltown-Al-~g~~exis~ngbbui!~d Pos cash .rlow. Now Luxury l rt·level CottaMesa 3224 3bdrm, 2 ba, dble gar, Shopping Center. SSSO llCWCA.M~ONLSE ing office 9.4 Mon·Fri Two baths . Pri vate Br 3 Ba '!:Er·~ h m0g""" fsq.0 .or w.11 SLS9.500. Bill Grundy. townhome . 3Br 3ba. c•mnrt and patio Yd permo+SSSOdep.+SIO 2BR McLain .Condo., only&45-5000Extl6l patio Love"'"rounds& 4 · · xec. ome. 1 ·"""sq. t. wner wi Rltr,675·6161. Pool. tennis. P\1 beach, ...................... , -rv · · cr edit check . Rod $ll25permo. Call Gerry . -· · pool . Aduif ~omplex. f~\~~ n~l~tyr~d~c. di~~ ~~f.15,000. 631·7300, sunit, C.M. A8t. 1980 \714)84().2268 IEONEOF o'::~de~~:~~Oil!e s.52-5742,M1·6611Agt. 673-n6lor760·1397 '~1~r:i~nvduo.1:a~~· F.asy walk to shops and side & out. lO'k assuma · j!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!ll priced. $248,000 WC. Noiporl leadt 3169 Re~nU~~? ~a's duplex Fenced yard. 2 ~rondo. l~ ba. Wood· avail. 2 15 St Joo: banks. S6 70 month. ble loan. $275,000. $1300 6'l5-'iff75 548·5763 ••••••n••!•••••••••! .. NEWEST ga ted ZO grdn.r inrl'd, pet OK. bndge, all upgrades, llGCANYON 644-?~ Bkr. ~~~{~.lease. Broker. per mo. 752·2550. Oceanside 17,000off /com· CaMery Village Mobile Townhome VILLAGE Ol5 $750. 5SM8'74, 979·3080 Luxurious three 4.5 Br. borne 3 Ba . ·~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!1""'!!!1~ • OLD mercial. near rrwy . Home Park F\Jrn1shed 2 COMMUNITY. 2 & 3 Br. 541Vi855,64S·7301 &..p. IHdl 3241 bedrooms. Two baths. Eastblutr. 11200 /mo . I~ SClllDAM 1010 Sl2M. Good financing petsBr. 2bat' Po<>~· a~lts. n~ 2"18a.16Q0.1800sq.ft.of 3br, 2ba. ram rm, Mesa ••••••••••••u•••u• .. • Formal dining ,room. 644-l.547or640-8314. HewCOlldaC.M.. ....................... MEWPORT ILVD Mr. Rossi 851-00ll. • c ose 0 s ops C" ... luxurv. Garages. v_.... Bit IRS 1'mmac oc·· .... -..... Rkhlydecorated Ill mut-2 bdrm. 2 ba. Nr. So Cst 8442 ft c 1 t d 2 restaurants. 1750 mo yr-~... ·~ ""'""· ·m ' • ~""""' ed tones. 3000 sq. rt. PENTHOUSE VILLA Plaza, Waterr1tlls. HOq&JALIFYIMG/ builsdqln gs ~i:~ ·s5 SUM.C M Bargainless ly \nclutil.673·3685or ydro·tubs in master ST15incl(J'dnr.557-6853: MOIH.IHOMIS J1cuui orr master BALBOA.lbdrm+den. slreams.pool.sna,enc ASSUME Freeway window thanlOyrsold.$238,000 1·525·1648,1-772·1801 suite, dining rooms. ~m>;831-3J65. \\mi of pvt bch,24 hr bedroom.Jcargarage. fpc. pano;amic qcean garS750mo .. LOW~LOWDOWN3yr Owner financed with £~£.,5 ..... 5763 Teac he r /wife w i ll wooihumi.ngfireplaces, CIM4rm<'Oltagew/ securily,lotsofcoves& $20SO month. Yearly andBayViewSkyhghts .. _759_-0934_ .S5J-?360 . new areamhouse, 3 Bd 2 responsible down pay· ~..,, .,..., housesil your bay /ocean micro-wave ovens· petsok, today '375 rocb, 2Br. adlts only, lease. Ca ll 631 ·7300. High Security. Water & ~ --- Ill, fam rm, cul·de·sac, ment. TRJ .. .,v5155 OOO fronthome 646.3557 private patios It yards. OCl\ENTALS 7S0·331' onl.y·nodogs.4fochoose Realtor. gupd.f750lle.M6·7010 arge 2BR 3BA up· 2 1 1 t Ilea 1 rw;A , • Garde net provided. Rem>deled 2b / k from. -.Wto llOOO. m•> graded. m Newpprt Ter-~ gaowcg i · u . $245,000 l.Qcated m Costa Me~a 2Br mobile. Lido Pk $700 Elegant Uviftg only 15 r w wor -..is HURRY! 3br. "fixer" in race. Rec tac .. jaruui. ' · ase o~· COROHA.PA.CIFIC these 2 Bdrm 2 Ba umts lmmac 3 Br Twnbome minutet from F.ashion sbooll&!i~ds$450 POOL HOME Corona,kid·petl350 .@mo~_+_util,.l!.4?·}917 ':=t~~.~uH1n~~ng: 11.ALTOIS 644-8567 are great rentals. They $1Z7S Island, 1 minu~s to s.c. OC-R~~ 750-3314 2BR, l~BA. f'81c. View, 3BR Frn home Bk Ba y OC·RENTAL 750-3314 1im------- ~·· •• I I t f I R&IM~ OllerltlA• .... ....................... ~Wt ..... 1100 ....................... •DC1TING• .... w. With or without furn. have patios & garages. Waterfront Homes Plua or O.C.Airport. OC·RENTALS New ~t. Ider Cot· l13lOlrmCa11Suzanne ~rt Crest, close to THllLUFFS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!1 Assume9SK tstloanand 631·1400 Just eaat of Newport Hbr'sS200to$2000 \aft.~o.875-0349 ils.3445agnt fr tennis courts. 3 OWC2nd. SEAVIEW ' F rmer Blvd.&so.ofSanDlego 75Q.33JA open7days Forlease2bdrm,2ba. Nwptffgta,2br,verypvl, 23~ ba. tile entry, Onestory.endunit CO\" --'-J · b 0 Fl'wy. Starting al $900 a a Lovely Laguna Beach gar. rfr beach fr Hoag trash cmptr, $950 mo. tr e d 'Pali o T .,.. o ".~. 3Br 3 a. Ocean rmnth. 631-5439, 2473 MISA.V DE home with washer / holp.Nopels.645-9095 Ptuib"lse/oPllobu~. bedroom. two bith VleW. $2000/mo. Dennis On nae Ave .. Cetta 3 Bdrm , 2 bat b ' dryer swimming pool Super Harbor/Ocean Vu. 673-,._Catol, agt. Adults only. S800. month ~l~Us & Assoc. Mesa. ~~~~l:~··v~~:wa~~~rh ek, ~~Y furn. st2$ 3llR. 2ba. Sl18S mo. 239 Lease/Op\ion. Harbor ~~~~.lease. Rroker. Lrc 4BR Exec Style 1 • m>._.wvv OctanVu.6'75·2967 Ridge Crest 3 Br 3ba, ~!!!11!!!!!11!!•!!!!11!~•· Home. ID Prer.r•ed eardentr. $77$/mo. Ph 1_ ..._ XI f' ~· I"'! "' 545-~74 ...,.... ...... JZH 2 Br. 2 81 . w/stone frplc, ....... nt man .... 60.000. i-------• Residential Area. CM . • ....................... f!d . pool ' gar . 6"~_ .. Brand New, Carpets, Lo?tlw Ho.I Thrf!e and five bdrma. ~/mo. 675·2520days. Westdiff. Sharp II( 38r. DrepH, • Paint. 3 bdrm. i ba, water, landlc•_,. y rd Co -1 t b' Tbrnjhout £very fardenerlncluded.1795. munit,y~t 1and ap~: J~9t ,~~· ~f6 .tH~t Room. Window. a Car childdl.6"·2778 mlerowave OVt(I, di•· THflLUFH t!;SH1!7. Gar. Fenced Back Verd. Clean a Br. 1 Ba. duplex, hwuher, 2 or 3 ba. 1775 Ont story. two bedroom, Gardtoinl Strvict, enclacl Jat_.t...i>rlv1lt to t87S. Mon thru Fri twobttbcondo. Endun· 2bdrmr~rkl.1do <.:nndn . Or111•• Tree. Water. i@ard. NO PETS. $485 ' 11'·18M121 eves wkenda It Gorseous 1reent>ell. nr Jlo;ia. $$9$, li1t htxt + Peli Subjett to AP• _ :W:M8tl · 71U!IH025 Covtrtd palio with SZOOdep 78.7., • ., VILUIALIOA Attrutl~·~ oondo Modern ~urity build Ing. Onan ''It'~. l ~room II COf\\'\'rtiblt' den. Adult.son)\· Yl'Ul\' luae. 1800. ·mu nth". Realtor. 63"7300. pr~·~· lmmed Occ. ·~· &Qlictit and Indoor/out· w _, -=~=-::;=='---~ J20? l1JllO o.9ST•• ';-~:9'.:~.~'ii1~1::: OCUNFIOMT doorcari-t.Adultaonly. Be11.tiful a bdrm. 211 ba m.--. .. ....................... Sharp 3 b~" 2 b1. rt,rl& w/d pet 011 Lr1 •Vr.fvt comm .. f9U month. Vurly townho"-with ()\•e1u1 HU 9001/1111_1 bbq, car/ '800/mo + iec refa' ttnnil, poo etc avail. i.e. Btoker.&31-7300.. vitw. 2' tlrepl~r cs IBnALS carpet, Clr111e1, ntw s..eMl t.5pm· 5se..o10i Option post I bit enclcMd 2 r1tr 1111ra11l' .:;;::.=u...;:~.:...::;::~~-•Yearlr:Wee~lf.Wl11ter kttcben. ,195/mo . af\Jlm • usoo t mo . Owner Bll·fn•. 11eutt1I. ..,,~ U.4 Bdnu, Newport lst /lut. $00 dep. W~ 1" 8 1 Ba 11 J.i!l-GM IAVl'IOMT qt.Inc~~ 759.9103 2150 "-"•Balboa. : S!tTISO 2 Br i"' a:· avaU NoltllVW.28r.lten.2 ba, Pl« and allp for '"ft MIWPOITH6TS JACJ!!SAL, ty CHOeCIL SIDI p . Oaraie. yard: m 1~•.r • .,':~{\ :~: t::l· Furnllhtd • x i;Jd.' den. family rm . ... ~ -... """'-··I ... 1'4.Ba, frple. bll.ll ,,...~.IU-07&1, ~IJ.r, &176/ftlO dtM.7':on!'v:.c1I>•~ f:!t.311.1 blk toNIUI .......... •Aas. us A rea In w.a~ r•M•l,,.u, d11lw1br, It d , ..... JJ•O !!:IY!· _ = eo1trla and ft . ~~~~,.a::iy+ :! 47Ml1J . ~lli, P~. p':'f:. ~1'i _ .. , ................. ._....,._. . Jijj · Shott tann or .._ optklft. Dtt111. •II\ .............. ol Hamil&Gll. tlr.Jla. Dialft1, , ............................ ) .. ra le~tt auot .. .. ,_ ... , == b a._.. Rm. Near LAllJOIDTJ1Cor7.a ~.....,..111.,. . ...,._.. SIUtdlt ..._ wlt.ll a lieaell. l.1111 ••ao •-.a~o.waw, l.l!!!!!..l:!~~~~-·......-.......... ......_--~~1 •:Nle la Daltr:"Plloti:Vla•lffH Brthr t·u .uu:· !1!:11111& •t AnlL • Ail ...... .~p;-gc.,..; ' a Orange Cout DAILY Ptl.OTITueld.y, Ftbruary 9, t982 ftt f1rffttr ilfo,...fion flflrdlrtt odrtrffslltf ........ , ii th Scltoof1 ~ l11frvcfion1 Dirtcfory . · call loui1t Griffifft, u2.un e1t 111 ·Flight Training W...w T1 ah ilag T~1 1.,...., &pwltv.ced Staff Introductory flight lessons Private license through ATP Formal ground ·schools in all courses New instructional and rentaJ aircraft A complete line of pilot supplies Flight school FAAJOPPENA The John Wayne Airport of Orange County 19331 Airport Way So Santa Ana. Ca f)MattiJ ~714) 546-4300Aviat«Jn r • BALLET• TN' • JAll. • TRIM TO RHYT~ • AEROBICS • CHILOflEN •TEENS• ADULTS ..................... PRACTICAL SCHOOLS IN ANAHEIM trai1lng men arid wom.n (co-educatloMJJ to become employablt in the fiekJ• of * CPHIJ• U1* DAY & ElDllll CONSES .,. W..'CC~ • wrTms lfalCY ~~ ..... ,........ ........ _ rucuwn ASSIST Del * lfllJA1* & IUllm *SIM DlllY C714t 634-4565 IHO L IAlllTT AYL ANAHllM ., ~ ~ llJ . \ ~. ,'I _ .. - COMPUTER ClASSES AND COMPUTER TIME RENT AL .. THE WABASH APPLE, INC. cowvra TIMI UNr AL Business Accounting Word Processing Inventory Education Entertainment cowvra CLASSES Introduction Programming V1sicalc Word Processing Graphics Home Uses Entertainment Robotics --------------------------------------- FREE WITH COUPON 1 Hour Free Computer time/W time w /purchase of 1 Hour at Regular prices Rates • Entertainment • Learning Programming • Do Your Taxes THE WABASH APPLE, INC. C~erSyd"9t ZJ7JO If T-~ 8 T-17141 7'a.JU6 ln,Saddleback Valley Plaza Al*,,., .. ,, IJulfw-.. [~A.pea ,,...,. .. u.tw.. ..,..._fl u.tw.. I A.pea tuw1h Ulrfw'll. ..•....••.............. .•••.•.••.••.•......... ·······················1······················· ~.~~~ ... ~!.~ ~~ ....... !!!.~ ~.~~~.~~.~!.~~ Htwport leocll lHt iTEP TO OCEAN Most ••••••••••••••••••••••• h . Id C e 1 BR refnfo( ml I no l..oJrgt> 3 bd rm 2 balh p1n1 NEWPORT ~:~la 111r';plc 0o7:aan pets S37S l,nctl') f.u 11 frplt' patw. · i:arJ~e · M \ 1 e v. r r om de r It 851 2l7S Xlnt 1625 67S 9q2 COUNTRY CLUI SllOOim> Call Anthon) lbr lbarondo JJ<" p<H>I F"rplr 3 Rr212ba 21·ar , UYING days 642-5757. eHs & rarport. o"look1~.: t~nn1' 2 blk, from be uh Bachelors. l&2 twdroom "1mds 6Jl-66JO C.-f15. full Se! :SCI ( OJ'\l $i5() llYl 968 9110 apl.s & lownhoUSf'lt Cute2BR I BA Frplc Plaza area S-47!1 $.~SO olrg lbdrm rnndo patio ~'rom~'IOOO 6« 1900 good area . $600 furn or unrurn ~Jll v.a,hdn frpk pool &l'lj() FEE' Apt & Condo ! mo ye a r I y B r k r Tm, 646 ~ 631112211 1 fJ1 i.er .:Jtc• rloi.e 10 l'ffltab Villa Rentiili. 675-4912 QI.let IBR (1Jrd1•11 \µl lt'arh ti m11 ne14 ~.-..i 675 4912 Broker 1 M7Sm; So of Hv.} W 14 Caqil'h Bit '" I !l6ll56.12 I Lar~ lBR Ut1I pd Spot Olarming I BR 1 yr 0 R ~'rld!lt' $3'10 (;J, f\lmL\hed & l'nfurn I 2 3 less Qw •t S4SO 24ll r lease. Nev. rarpet + rl' Pd Nr Bu' & Shop~ lldrm •\P1' G.\ m 1tihs1 Js47l8 der. garage. lnd11 rar ~ 3563 I Jani/II s.1u na pool Nopels Avail M,m·hG 21ir2R.I nuuph 1•1111 lt·nn1' 'ollr\l1all ~~l2 Rr t Ba ~ar.igl', 714 883·2123 7 9l'M .:Jr 1 , hihl 1111 111 i-I hJ,k1·1ball ~dme rnom pool. adults. nu pets I. a· . L tarn How to use Wang, IBM 0$6 & Oisplaywrlter Xerox 8eO c .. (714) 5568 , C11~111 .. Tra1111t. .... ..._ D911 • h .... • S t .,. 14"tf MORI MOMIY Become a Word Proceselng Specialist Excellent CarMr Opportullities WORD PROCESSING AND INFORMATION m~ ~·~· ~''!~C?l-S~r.:~1a Ana. Ca t17<17 A ....... ol~-~-l-11 ....... OWliE COUNTY BUSINESS COLLEGE I IOI S. ~II.VD .. AMAHBM BE A PROFESSIONAL HAYI RIM -LIAIH -N•All * SECRET ARIAL •LEGAL •EXECUTIVE * WORD PROCESSING * ACCOUNTING • BOOKKEEPING TO ADVANCED * DATA ENTRY FULL T1MI P\.ACEMIMT ASSISTANCE CUSSES NOW FORMIM~ Call Now 772-6941 Accredited Member Association ol Independent Colleges and Schools F1nanc1al Aid Programs Available Morning, afternoon & evening classes. Pac~ :Jravef 'Scfwof 610 L 17"-Sl s.ta Alo 17141 543.9495 M ft' hMI IHJ Finanr1al Ald Programs Accredited by the Accredltmg Comm1ss1on or the Na tional Assoc1at1on of Trade & Technical Schoob ... 4 bdrm home bet 81~ Md Qirean Avail now f7~Jl37 aft I PM FShrlBRApt A\llll reb 2Uh. CM Arte No l.11t ot S*S413 NBprol m11t wilJ ahr tie Harbor View l\ome W/ftm 30+ S37S _..'7tO-OllOZ ........ ...--.__ - 44tt NIWPOaT EltcuUve Sulw1 h11 of fica avallablt nr 0 C ~r1. rrom SJl.S w1full wvlce 1vull1bl1 Call now for 1 month free l.aum.9976. ----- 8outb l.•111na. Ocuo Side cl Hl&hw1y. Gated Area. Pool. Pvt En trance, Bath, 129~. + 631 '.m •q. rt. $1.00 per Util Muat be empl. have llQ ft .. 397S Birch .. N B ~~.E2 E._v ..... es__ ent S41·5032. f. child ok. 1hr lux 4br fice space for rent. 385 rondo, pool, teMj1, etc. sq. rt Sl'cond Uoor $275.~$12a{'olaacy Prest111lou1 Wutellfr ........ -.......-.......-......---.__.....__1 are1 St.00 sq ft. Mtdlt'al F Rmml shr Spacious AIAo Call~"650_1 _ 2BR. 2BA. full Fae CM ~ ~ Apt. p!O.l=_!len. SU.<W6 Resp M1ture f z5.35 Needed lo 1hr 2BR . 2BA inCdM $32S + ~ .. ulll 760-3!173_ Prof. 2S 3S w/retp Jub to shr houst tn N 8 Av11l Mat. 1. l · 718-6826 MtF 30-SO to shr w/F. ONE 8LK TO BEACH Balbo1 PeOlnsula Pt X lg 2 Bdr. 2 Bat,b Apt 1700 sq ft $350/mo yrly, uttl S25SMo-Pnvate utrice partdng/kltchenette spr Ul600 Mean St Hunt Bch Daily Jantr All util pd Avall now'l714)848-3133 ..wroRTHACH AIRPORT Custom or· fices. 600 to 1800 sq rt From90< per sir Mullan Rily. s.&0·2960 pd 673·S622 art 6PM m.Ol62ex312Ann execuplan Spec. view. sec. gate, pool, J&C. N.B. S2t5tmo "A"-• Co.c.,t" + It hselt28 760·9307 f\ill serv1ce/cus1om M/CHRISTIAN RMMTI<: off1re&deskspace. 2BR lBA . E.C.M. Nr O.C All'l>Or1 13 mo. 631 4796...Qan ··Seeto Appreciate!" Female roommate to shr ~!!!!!!!!711!!5911!!·8978!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2Br Ilse, CdM S325 mo. r 12) offices for rent. BP· prox 400sq rt. A\•ail 1m med $375/mo Supenor Ave_:S.M.645-t'l~- + 'l'2 util 673 2670 Morn/e~ Rmmt Wanted. 1180 Mo HB ClllSrott 2 ofhces w warehouse 841Hl872 ----Pool hm. Br Iba 5275 spart avail. wet bar. ut1l incl. Nr fw ys " OC Furn avail N o Airport. immed oc drinlt drugs S4S SIOS rupanry. $S90 mo ~rs 00 54>-0636 __ M Ftoshr2 Bdr 2 Ba apt. Prm~ Newpon Bearh or HB 1245 mo Tammy fire 944 sq ft newly re· Dys 84 6 3321. e~es modeled. beautirut 840-223S Martt 673"606 Rmmte wanted, Shan~ Newport Beach 564 N. home. Dana Pt. non Newport Blvd 33&. '34. smkr. Fem, S29S ulll in BOO. 1237 sq ft at S5< 8 sq rl 661-8525, 831 8626 fl Private entranre 2BRNBApttosharew Sierra Mgmt Co re1nale over 45 1197 SO 64\.1324 .-1, Utll 645·7460. art ~ NEWPORT HACH F to Shr Lrg 38R House •FULLSERVICE• NB Area All Pnv S27S M Office Spau M h II S48 0087 •S.utes from $495" ~<' e e, · --•BranrhoHice·S90/mo. Resp M over 25 to shr "ftll 7c~ "'"" JBR Condo w 12 resp f'. l.iiiiiiiiiiiiiil....,m~oum""""'miiiiiiiiiiiii'i in HB Nr Bch 1175 + 13 Util Call 9&"6390 Eves. 7~~0_21¥_5 . I So.MtL..-1 Ocean Side or Highway Guard Gated Arn Pool PYt f.lltraoce. Pvt 81Ul. S29S + Ul.JI ltfusl be Empl. ha\e rtrs 499-4722 Evts 050 ••••••••••••••••••••••• COIOHA DEL MAI ~ sq fl in Newport Balboa Savings Build mg. Air ronditioning. cafl)ehng. ulllit1es and jarutonal at $1 per root Mayd1Y1de ( 71 +t '73-44" IJIJI UJ.Jfft HARBOR A Dl\1\100 of llarbor ln\t!>lment Co . c1u ... -) [·,.;:-?-: .... ,........... ·~ .... ,,...Wcil .......... _.IO~- -f6J•544~ ,..•••••••••• ••• • •• • • • • 1rn AIH I I~ nu IJt'h I' r,., storaoe only It C-ta ._. __ 0 382 ... it~lO &II i w:.1 11un1 fkh >i-16 01;19 ll!OI 15th St !\pl <i ... ~ .. 11 nrum ~ Br 1\nl i\l:lull~ .$:'100 rro 642 7340 0..-G:::r • ..,., ·i· .. I" f "i u 11 '"11\ nn ix·t~ -.pae I or 2 br ;ipb I m1 "' .. I IR. 2 IR. l BR. ~~119~,,,' " "1 1 ., 'ltio 267:, I from bearh No 1>('b, ~9S40. 960 S260 HEWPOIT CEMTB bteltwt Of fie• Spoc.e ~to 2000 sq fl. Availa Ille for Lease Nel'ly tltornr Ga~ pd ,~150 ~!Ill 211 ,, ~I int I adult!.onl.' 642 2357 • Offlcelfftfal 4400 ~nh pool. bbq Adults n~ J1h1ll "''I"'" l't••I lth11 lund "' Hd1 llt•'l llHr. 1 blk to hJ)' & ht•h. :Rooma 4000 Hotels Moteh 4100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Af lwllh hrmslted UuufwNshed ts. 642.5073 t. 1•111 1, ti i: .11 .1 i:, , \1t'J "" l'l'l~ 1!33 33117 S4Clll rro lse li7:1 li211l or I••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••;•••••••••••••••• 1617 WestrhH. N B Want •••••••••••••••• ••• •• •' •••••••••••••••• • • • •• •• .ee . -~tu:-. m' i..11 .!:! • '· DELUXE 2 IR I I.. eH-s 673 2493 fmanrial in st 7000s f ~ •-h 37'"0 • .....__P-'-···•-3107 ~<'IOUS 2 Br 1 Ha $3% • "" 1 1 ~·antaslll'Ck·n frt \U' l~lboa Inn $90 & up n the beach. hotel Isl floor A11ent~l..so32 ·--.,o.-ac .. ---3Br 11 Ba· •• .,< I ·,,.,.,., ' "' 11 1:·11 11rl>d1 rll'" frvll' µaim kl Kt h t kt h tl & :R ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• • 2 .,......, .Jun , 1 11 1 5.l'IU 1 · · lipper 2br xtru h(I' rmi. v.t•e ) 1 c enne le. rooms. 1 c ene e -- Call Wm F Cote for more 111forma t 1011 '*Cote Realty & Investment 640·5777 encl gar tJ w asht•r rla rhl'lur & I fl1 \pf, \II ~ H. •• ftlJ{Cf ocr.• ... fllo...... di}' fa<.' ,200. I 548 9S5'i t\lU ,,llh",!~~'.1'-.·,'. 1 ··111·1 l!.H I ~hw~ht•r fl50yrlJ 642.3912 ' OC'l'llnfront 6758740 bath. S290 +$290 Sl'CUrl I EXECUTIVE t I I " ~ """" ". r I I ~,, '"''k•• Jlarm. bJlron) · 1 I'" k ty deposit 2306 w SUITES SpanisnEatate 1ving ' 2 bdrm 2 bath new irep ace. poo · 1"1 1 \1t11lh $165 before DELL'XE SPACIOllSd ,1 kenl no smo1 Ming or l 0reanrront Newporl . . Buutl/ul park·hke sur pamt & ·carpel Yearly pal!o. d1shv. a'her on RRESIDE COMFORT lll'M 960 4til4 UDO 2 Rr 2 Ba rrpk & nn mg. pro O\"er Be t'h 673-41$.c 1N Due to m&Jor expansion roundings. Terraced lease S76S Call Linda or E side. all m ' lrs: 2 !Ir 1..ir gt> I H It cl c•" n ClOSE TO IE •CH lrg pal.lo. Adib SIOOO 40 fl85 mo 556 0631 ~1 -a ___ ----1 HHITAGE d tenant, EXECUTIVE pool.Sunken gasbbq. Art67S.7060. g,ardenapl~FromS!>StJ "l>Jtin& \..rd 1111 "" 6756359 PnXFRmmtShrHme. Ho.Its 4175 1 PLAZA ROWrNC .oneorthe sparkling fountains Nua3BR.2BAy;;rl) ~~·2841 I" bJlmn\ & 1•1tlll'clr.il ~ im 3Br 283 <\pl LtdoBayfront.2br.2ba. lBA No Pets No •••••••••••••••••••••• oldeste$tablished09771 Sp a l' 1 o us r oom) Frpk. bit ms. gar. park • 3 Br Condo nr S <' tl·1hn~ frµlc cl "' """' :! riir Rarage Sma I I nev. ly deror Beaut <.1utch-en art 7 aro,.,.-, Gn:MIP H111 'I New luxury .off ire spare pror exec suite com !ieparate d1n111g area ing Clo<e to ba, & Plata. SA Pool ~Pil ~pa. 1 Jr port 'rn 11d '. 1· h 1 1 cl "k \ a rd · bearh. Yrly tse $975 mo I!'\ 646 8694 d)'S 968 7138 Sr C1tzens 1155-6221 in Irvine s bus ie st 1 plexes. has omces for W l " I " , S750 adulb unh $46~1 t. up "''"ht'r dner hook up. . -----~tr' Easv Frw> ac I ho~"'l;k: {1t~~eent s& ocean Brki:,6754912 -gar~~3232or&H 14611 2651111.irla ).t'llll• .111 built Ill'> <'Jll for 673 1283 or6JS-JSSI Wor111nt rem 2540. i, YacatiollRttrtah 4250 ress Ava11 ' now' Call lease or mo to mo ~a'-'--'· Wallt lo lfunt C>:ean f'ront Lra I BR. --I .cp"' 3 Br Condo $695 mo blk bl.' . NB . unfum . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ror ...... 111 From S 19S to $530 m"'ooCenter Ba. Frpk Yrly Adults ly .. rtA st0,0 rAfna And 11nol 1 ;1r111ir1 • .. 11111 TSl.,IGMT 642 1603 <•" 3 -'t • kl 551-1231 640-4230 S I • uu~ " Br Adult.s. no peb nt·~ l"'1ar .! 'Ion 2 Hr I' t 1•1 '" A\a1I now non smkr S'l75 67S 1106 >CEANF'RONT 2 & 4 Br ~ Serv1res 111cl Recep .,,.1 Bdrm.furn 1485 No Pel s $600 Mo ~ ~ ~ " " ,.... • 11 ....., 41 I " .. Avail W111ttr Wee y ----t1on1st. err eta rt a • 673-4894 ,paho~ 979l4IO $.li!I rn> 23lll'.'-Jlll.t '"·' !He~ih''&1~'1ri'., i\5 11:;!r -)le~ to be3rh 2•, Br Rmneededforfemw Ill· !fon.!!!!1. . .§"73·7873 •DB..UXEOFRCES• Word Proressmg. Photo A4ults. no pets Ba Ibo a p I er I R r PAL)1 ~ff.SA A PT5 \\l' llJ 375 1!107 V.ater p31d Adults no f11>lr lmmarulate cond ranl in xrhan11e for Palm Spnngs area I Mon . f'rom I room to 1400 sq Copying Computer Ar Utilities Pree' S36S mo Single Adult 1561 ~1e"a Dr EASTSIDE pt·L' r.111~52iM'MI \gt-nt .R>SO 673·2507 Agt babysitting or hspkpg lettY CCI rondo 3 BR 2 • n f'rom $1 IS a sq rt No rountmg, Telex Mail & no pet Sa\al(e Wilde & 2 Br. unf u r~ ~-&25 Dl Pl.F'\ :! hilrm I h,1 nort'l' Spacious 3 BR 2 Ba. fpk. 957 8390 Ba . furn w at n um I tease required AdJ Mess e g e Sen 1 c e LAQUINTAHERMOSA Co 675-6600 Adult.s onl). lall htwn 1rh1lcl11k $4i5 IH UH T 1 HGT ON de<'ks.gar.SMO f'urn rm ror rent 111 Gotr. tennis Dally. Airporter Inn 2172 Ou Telephone Ansv.ermg .18211 P1rb1de Ln. I blk Penn Pomt lBR upstrs 9:4 ~98§0 675 i!Hli. ti41l \:H.1 673-9060 a.gent N ewreo rt. $25 0 1 mo . weeklr & monthly rates pont Call AM ·833•3223 Fal'1hlles incl Con ~ie8:ach. 3 blks s or ~~g~~trhs':9~ulye~~~~:· ~~~ J.~drPla~~n1~·~ -~~~~ ~l~~ 1i~~:;;1·~1~;: Sp.cuo:~P~'~?rhelor ~~~ ..... !!?.~ ~ema e prer 645-~48 ~t-i~i~~.·asllr!;~:J.coo 1 trfH STIHT ~~~;~aT'~~~::1~~.<·~:;~ 147·544L 67S.7996or673·!!~ 'aterfalls, stream~. Heaull land~rn11111~ So & 1 Rr f'rom S3SO mo ! Br 112 Ba. garage. laun Room for rent in my No. Tahoe Condo. 4 Br S COSTA MISA prlcg. 24hr 1 da~ v.eek • L.,.. leach J7 41 ~f_i:_;67~~~9. ~~t354~0 Pl'L' LE~;WMH> A l'TS ~~~~ ~~ ... ~ <ka 1~011~:s~ dry. b lk to be ac.-h . ~an view home Just a nun lo Northstar S400 2 or 3 room orrire suites arl.'e'Ss Loc.'ate<I ~ 11h111 2 ........................ --' 2(0) f\tllerton, fi31 11397 p11l~o<.. pools. J9CUZZIS. ~ll'l_lO..:. 974 7225 -rew steps rroi:n the beach wll. Tom 857-1668 A 1C. plenty or prkg Ulll min of oc Airport at Luxuey studio. spa , TV. WT SIDE APT. MANA<a:H tennis & laundry rue NICE 2 BE o RO o M ~ Vlctona in Laguna Mammoth 3 bdrm condo. mct. Avail. now. Call Jun c t 1 on J :un nwid service. phones. SS7S iro 1 2Br. 1'2Ba Semlrellredrouplt'.for 4901 lf e ll . Bo lsa a rtmenlwilhviewor ,arug.e.fireplace.derk. $8.HllO/nighl Realonomtcs 675·6700 boree MarArthur IS wk. "99-22Z7 twnhse. yd ba Irony. 16 unit romplex 10 c· :'vi I (.111ca Heil, 846-1323. J: golf course. hills. nice kilch. rull bath. et.c 499.5304 Blvds. Con' enient ar· 122(). furn, Sm, rozy, s1ndmall pet Toh~· all hlln~. Maintenanl'l'l'XP retr EXTR tt NICE 2 bdrm. 1 public tennis courts ?!5~0 neg David Latxe Big Bear cabin, Pt'Qlik who .1Tl'1 '1k"·k, 1111:1• cess (rom Do\'e St 3901 bacb. Nr Bch. Ulls pd. ryrm 1~onewon l ~9(14J.1 ba "·h Yd Ut I Pd behind property. 2 .....,. -Pool tbl. color tv. 2 an apurtnwnt cKI 1r' MatAtttlur Rl\'d Suite No pell l Resp emplyd, last F.''\1dl' JHr 2h.i. 2 ~tor) nr "" . • enclosed ca'!,orts. all Have ni~room Ill 4 bdrm I rp I cs. SI ee ps 14 m l'la,i.1r11•d Will 'our 21 1. Newporl Re a1·h aCilt. 49M200. ]"SL r..1GMT 6421603 I"' I Pat I 11 f rµ It 2SSRlrOSJ6..I ha22nlr6 uunt 'lrbr buillins. laun ry rac1hly l'c>N me. kuse pnvoo1leges. u.~ Jd lie.· llh1•r1'1"' To plJt'•• 714 752 7170 Tell' x • " r m4unilmodern spanish onsfftO tr SJ mo. = HJUrJc l'J 1tli!!'l4lil! m2310or277i78 . t .. wport ltach 37 69 flj(KI rro. b40 Ot.l'Ji i')ld gar. encl patio. no style bwldtng 2 adults lst, last. 833 8814 --. ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'e8liBJI' A.VAIL. HOW pets~ rro. bldasl + only No children or pets Roomate nttded. lotrh • • . • '.~.ii .. OC£N'FRONT 2 & 4 Br. APAITMEHTS l.Ju.:1• I Br t'Jr port. S2SOser. 842·3889_ -pleas ~ per mo nth. pnv1leges Mesa Verde Avail. W111wr. Weekly/ Spadous studios one Beauttlul garden apts pool & 1,uodn Adull, H~Oft Available February Area. SZ50 tnd ldry· ' Mqntblx. 673· 7873· •nd two bedroom apan· Pauostdecks Spa. heat no ~ S41S t S26S d.r HartMMr 3842 Ca 11 own er l7 J4 I utJllt1es 549· 1043 Want •omething xtra menls FURNISHE(> paid. Adulls. no pets I ~~~2931 W 19th St c•••••d•••d••••••••••••••• ~1.38--RM. 1215 t Sec. Lndry special 1n a 2 Br ~ UNFURNIS .. ED. 28R 2BA ~ ....,""" 1uar e gate. tennis F S If • r S d. Townhou.w. rompltttly O""'··.....,. ·• ... ._ -w· ·1 631 u.., ESd-b h I 1 rourts swimming pool ~ ......... 111...-.1........ ar 9 5 r an • I rum!tlll$. Mo. 760-9117 • All Ut*'6tl Ptild PlNE BLUFF' APTS w fncd patio S3'i~ \ t1l ttle roof. robble stone _ ~-f R : ..... vvu .. so Y'-· ....... I~---~ I l't'07~ .. r t-oruP. . • T'-.~~-J,00 Lea_ye.Messa&e.67~ .-~~··_ .. Wll s1·00 OC ....... _,.. ..... , 2 Br 2 Ba No peta. nA 631-4320 Agt street. on channel ad JI •••"•••••••••••••••••• o om o r en t Io ""'"~v"' ·•~ ~ •· lJ I W Be1ut1ru1 lrvint Home s bdnn. 2 ba mo lo mo ~ Patio. view. frpl~. ntE VICTORIAN Ntlw· w~~ll\ll~nll n que s EA I M D wilh Married Couplt. 'tllsumrmr. S'1SO ·s1 Million1n Jac11U1. gar .. gas stove. ly d~r 2 Br w 3ar . 1;m.5022_ VILLAGE C.11 · fl}2010 Rec:re.tlon ~·~i107 _ _ nev. rrpts 4c dr1pe~. bit !.?!!Z~u_...__.__ ..... OCEANFRONT I br till And Muell More' BeauuCul 1 Br. Apt. (J111r1 ms. patio ,.dulls Call 2 BR. 211 BA CONDO New 1&2 bdrm luxury ------•-•! 6·15. furn·USO , un bldg, near s hops & bet~~~ l SF M 630 41 20 SllSOimo adult •pt.I In 14 plans. I s.At.-furn· UOO. wkdys FOfamoolh o11 flfe-buses. 213/498 6788 or J§l_G V.,!..ctona S470 7~---BdrmfromS490.2bdrm (kfanSideoi Riahwar . *33·3'143. tVH/wltnds time Modtlsooenatllv 213159'7~. VACANT 2 Rr 1 b11 no l.ocJMleech J141 from S570. Townhou1e GuanlGat'tdAre~.Pool. ~· -- -:'c:i~ Munsonb' 2B2!s1BCAa.noy1donbub~le~no ~slsc·r;~o~ $410 mo 1····oc···E·· ... ·:.,·;;;O•::;•••• ~ =rf~1~'.;o~3~i ~~tr~t~T· ';.u~':~ ftlm.2br.2ba.lfepatlo. ... 11 S390 ~ ~"' "' Gasfor~lftl •htlt· Empl1 !\ave reh. tmnla ·~I. Overlook· Olkwood Prts. 2nd oor 0-P-1....l 3126 M05l elegant 11part~nt ina paid. From San 49!M'J22'Evu. ~y. ll&O/mo •. Short ,,_ _._ Sferra Mii Co. 641·1~ """' I bu1 ldtnJ tn Laguna DI Fr d · N rth ~~l!!!!~!!l!!!!!!lm!!!!l!!!!!lll! \Hrden ~rtm.ntl 3BR 2ba ti Cl t !•••0 ••u••••••••••••• Bearh Finest loratlon i.n ego W'/ nvt 0 ~ <!'. 1~rm. ~-~ • nope ose o ,harp a br vuy lrg 11 8 1 ht k oo Bearh lo McF1ddtn m w.1Yt. e;t.~ ,kl,. • \?enallltt View of t11r NewpoftBMch/No. s c:hools & frw y duplex bit ma encl ar I ~wn. rea 8 ing then WeslonMcFadden ln<lrY rf~. \ltft 1Mt. l\o.a--.aa~ 2BA. Nlt'el.y 880 Irvine SS.ZS+dep. Avail now Simll child ok0 Nr ~Cl! views All bll·ms. heated to Sea wind VI Ila gt. Pre( E/11 e c M I .,.._ u ....... (ttelhl ~%MS •·MI t~.'>< ""'"•""I pool, s ubt garage. 1n4 <199 o..1 ~f\630 ~'u.f1!. ~~· !t2·---1 ------.!! a aJa. 'e'""' 7.,.,..'!:!."" elevator Lease only. -. ., · -nci ~ a · ; ' .i.tCh ,.... 311' (1MJ ... l104 STIJNNING large 2 8~·i H"'"'9CMtltoclt JU01 IBSO & up 330 Cliff Or. roonwaw 122H11260 ....................... Ne•port Btloh/So. Ba. garden apt , 7pool0 w •••••••••••••••••••••••' 494·83. I.. rec. area $435 - -----l Br 11.t ba, •• • to 1100 t91fl St 1 Sl · 2 bdrm1 l '~. ba. S375 :i bdrm, fireplace. tarce "9ch. 125 t.a Palomla. {PoYl111 tetlll +1315 oepc>11t. Gas pd 1 deck. Ocean View S600 I . ·1'll (714) MMtta &Side rourplex 2 Br I Nr Bt1ch Bl ' Me rad· 1 rm. ousro , ................. ~ ........................ __ Ba, w/lrt sundec:k.. aar du. Adlta no pets 'Ocean Front. 1BR. + wllaun«'l ry ht~o~. ---den.lllOldMedVilJaon , = no pe · · Otltlu poolaide 1tra <ll/fOYerlooldna Octao. la¥t· 1-0". re14 \OdaJ • ,. • =2br, 2 ba, bltftJ, Ftpk, Leaded wlodft1. ~ ~t lC J 1nldt ,_. old 1tulf r., . l~ mtlel btub. c:uport. lffel, Pwt Bc:b. • ad. ..:'~'.:j . DO ptt,J. aoomo. = 2.uL .$850 Mo. • BY WRl11NG THE MOST CREATIVE LOVE LINES! .. .. Say "I Love You" to your special someone with a Valentine's Day Ad in the Daily Pilot Classified Love Lilles for only $1 a line (3 hne minimum~. II your ad Is found to be the most creative by our panel · of j~. Y.Ou'll receive S100 . to spend Oil yoUJ-, Val1nt1M, of course. • 0 ft • a 0 a .J, m ftp ... n -m mft e= on an n ~r-, Ftbru.,Y I. 1112 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •........... ~.~ ·~···············~·· LF.OALSECRITAIY 1tc.ft Ml f(11her11dryer .' fltt Btadl Stor.~~por\. Walk traffic• • ~· I UOD! IOO sq. . 115-4115, f71.140J. . SWe lllO A. ~ - ..,,.Office --··••111 Gitt ;;!aay.-Secret•l'J mod•h . SIOO Up La,una Klllt. Recent l\~-/&tnwb.., VI I h 0 ~ t 1 • p I 0 I Dt l iv tr 1 I 1t t ~=•l,;. ~~: ~ otv.'ot· ~wltd,., a1cepU9n ~rereha ' •· ctllent &yelna • 8/H • ..,.. Orab'• Covnly £ • I e r 1 • a c • • • Ki .. ,....,~'!'-- lltlllt req'd, Clll Mrs. OlausluDJcat• Altft· ~. hr PtHI· ''lllS'' ~ Wln1lc>w ror appt, ey medl a.uilt•llt for .. t • C-lroller of 1Mtrow1ve outt. lkt 83'1·UIO Al'a. Hand .. variety of ata~ Real !'.ltatt MW tOS0:5"· _ Ll&bt OfUce/ L~bt =Ible dutlet, aood DIVtJos>fl'tnt Company llUY UPUA.MCIS u • ...t.u "'"I .. u • Mtrttarial sklllt ln J'ashloo J:sland. Not• • -957·81J3 ,._._ ""~ es . ...,.., · /1 J. Xlnt belltfH,I. 1 Man t Girl Of flee ._ SHl"days.9'0-Wl!:nc. Clll Sandy Btadehaw.' ""'8141 Retrta. 1250., W,er, MIJtlAIUCk (714)75,3.8111. Cochran, S!X:JlEt.AllV/RECEPT. °'1"9t, Frttz-.f, le STAITH•I ~.UvlnptonACo., hwuber suo a The t.QJ An&tlet Times Irvine. Prttt11lou1 Arcflltec· , .... •• ...... •-•----- la look Ina for well• R &C £PT lo NI S 1 / t11re • Co1utructlo11 Rtn'lrtrator. late ~del, groomed, enthu1i11Uc TYPlSt. La11t111 8U11 l\nn aeeb an efficient. vt17 clean,•* 44if~st. peqple to earn UJ> lo 'le1al firm. Requlre1 wtlJ orpniml. maturf .•90l!O __. •$50 per d_, for a ft¥t aenenI office akllll, aC· ~ wll.ll bus~et1 of· 8efrl 1, tr qt If ~ee . hours work u p/tlme ante typilt, et wpm Jiu apptarance & ttemaker, like rrew . sale$ rep. Hours are minimum. Call Mta. fn.db' phone ~nner. p .548=449i ~· from 4Ptn·9Pm • train· Winslow ror a ppt. ,.... have tood offi« llefriae ... tor-"Wbirlpool. ing will be provldt4. •lOIO . sldllalrtype~m. lm· $dt rJ. Side. Harvest Your earnin11 •• a ffiitiura.it ....U.te openlAJ. Send .......... k N $350 Times sales rep. will be Male or Fe•le. r.11 or ,.._ to: lb. Lage! ~, e ew, · CD. auuantetd Part Ume. Apply It: Kervlftator lt.J CV rt hourly wage ot tUO + to.lZAM. n.tlloU.uette. Fr0ttless tr~ r P· generous commlNions. 2111"8.UtolSt.C..M. ~ ... -.-~,,.J r1lk fut rn.t•trs Full·&ime, permanent Since this ii 1 new pro· ~ )lrpl0.S40-030% emplo)'ment for am· grant opportunities for RctaU ~..c Lad1 Kerimo~Walher Ii 1~111!11111111 _____ 1 bilious person, 40 hr adv•ncement are elf· Ataflt•I MfJr & d-er. $200. ta. Sears Wfek, some nigbta & Sat. c f "~, t St c •• ._. ·'" •~ cellent. an now or -.1"1.-1 U:SlOovt .,......,....,, frip, $150. Xlnt Cond. :&.!~~ .. %&· ;,-., ... caU.wtl~me. Newport lhd. te• 93'.0U I ....... '"" .. furbished bllt ror o(fice .....,.,.._.., ----;.La or rttall. 0pett ~raf\tn = offtce aetts (2l Freflcb cbi-s, ...... m!ilil!I -=~----.---o1, T 11 E bri~ noo Ill· n. + t 'M.rt... ,......_ 53 mo e era. x-~/AJ.:•;~J. rd' .1Ji' ia. ~ ltH ••:·~"•••••~ .. ••••••••• ~:iJ'~Wire:tr::~ C _...... + . •-••M••••,•n••••n A •tee1 cashierin& experience. -~=-'1UM-.a$i.5,000''t'D. M •d•f' Uintemtecipleaseapp-.... ••n H ~-fl44 Mo. a days a ffk 1u t f.f 1'-te Pl ................ , ... 1... m 1G-•1 • Gorceo'tt ilrla to v a ...,rpora au, C l Prooert.Y a 8r1 l la. .~ '--pamper you. Jac"f&i, Q>utHlWght5~M houte · 1n lliO inmc __.... MhL -· Sauna. Locals aa wel •• • -area of lfesUMe Cotta AH~ ol ~al estate tour j st s . Bank -"""--...--------r FIDllAL SAV8"GS Mesa. 1'.ntfic fOC"'Alltl· liMStftntss1nce1M9. Amerlrard, Muter APT.MANAGER J4CorporatePlaza cuie 5'op, Auoenttng fffc .. ~.. aiaree. American Ila-Sem6'"'1Nd tot11>le, for Cou1Highway <Xfice, IAw Offa, etc. JMT'Dt pros, Diners •H Mid\ ~a in C.M. Newport Beach, CA. Xlnt putlnc. WUJ 411· '1Qrlt71 HS.0611 welcome. 714/64S-3U3. M~e""' req. £.0.E. M/F cuss mnodella& to s'1l: tilDOW HAS SSS for 2112Harbor Bl. M ~:-;-~..om~~---ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i A~. 900 aq. ft. ex TD' R -;-_w ....... ..-d chadilll tbe )'&rd. !t E ~oans. lOK ,__.ana.er Beauty $500 /mo . 541·S40, ~l'<IOCred1l~heck.No 1-.a.ayw.;•5 Alliltant lmpGrt Sales Posh Newport salon 770-5629 ~: Dennasson As· Lll::COIT"t! llanacer. $1950 Mo. 2 seeks stylist. Poss. ren· ---toe. '7311 n.,.,,,-........ Yrs Sales Mana1ement tal. Tele. llam-6pm: ~-. .-, CASH? on..-.-;ui:.n H Esp. lpeal, Read Ir 675-2492 ar ~~ta,~P Trust Deed money ntANEVEBI i&H 9 Wrlte German "1---·-----ne ......, -esa ost availible. Znd or ltd 669-0207 Enallah. Coordinate Bea~ty . Oper~to r & • Officel«!Omo.548·5114 TD'eonresld~u.·alori,n· IOutca.111 lllutettaa Procedures. Manicunst stations for t W1 Aseist in formulating lease. F.V. !oration. lliclldllall ..... 4S ~~-·.ro~lrr1aenag .... oef Ftmale Wa.nted SU8ual Poli,.., &r Planntn• ol 170/wlt. Call Kathy ••••••••••••••M• .. ••• ~ rut . ~ atY -., • ~1455 SU..0688 N.B., 3915Birch.._,141. n111tpge coverage at SLllm1 TemR ~r~t .. o,r 1 ~~~Jt!m11,1unkicatde eves fl or less. MlA SOGe, llOt very competitive rates. ast ng e tao._.-.. P ...... _..,n. Ta ea !>-MANICURIST. Also per sq. ft . Aaent Cou.rteay to Brokers. Leave Messa e Adriea to EDD llOl S Grandi beauty oper. w/follow 541.so.12. HA·'1S0·1551 ask for 645-1839 Sensual Slltn Ave. SA. Sota Ana.! Adams /Harbor 1Mesa lnd18tri I bid MIO S!Jve~Duane. G Avera e DOT 183.11'1·014 . ~d Verdurea> 549-1~ • ft. w/s~le~~trirri':r Mww A•.nc.Mt Palm-Psychic Readings Paid for by Employer. IOOIKHPEI overhead door• fenced for . 2nd "l1>s up to $1 Past, ~=~~-future A.uodateba SoftB•s•reDEng. Busy insuranre com· ~C::er':t:Sedruf~ l4Ulcn Easy qualifica· 1 1 • 1 8 7 t · 5 l 2 o . Mut . ve . · · e!ree pany has openine for Pa u I ar in o. C . 111 . ticlllDowne~Savings 21315'·~ Lie · = ': :'!e 8!: • fast-paced person to ~9671. . ... -All Readinp, Pvlft Ooo· tan . f handle accounts nay a. .... v. fidenliaJ me 0 com-r: ~3000 sq. ft. by N)lt. Bnnt McQ\larrie pater laniuage Design ble. bank deposits & fwy fl ~ f~. i"rom LONELY OR BOR_ED ? 6 implement ~rtwear ag~ocy statemen~s . $504 Mr .. 0 Kufel' 5rE/ Elcitina ladles will e.n· tat ... ms " review Paid company benefits. SSJ-tm ·-·--/ tertaln you bJ. phone. uistini tat ..... cltages & Attractive salary rom· For Rent-5,000 sq n IQ· ~ n~ & phone Hor .... mensurate w 1th n - du.Wial .blda. Avail im· •H•••u•••••••••••••u ~-C~ ~ ~ ~~r:n..;h~!e~~~ perienre. Call Sally: med. For more into caU h•a ac-• 5100 gn0412t>, ' sMwear products are -=-5'9-~9'23=·------1 tWS-811 ,.......... •• • • • • • • • • • • . ed 8 Indiatrial Park Units for wau.4.a. ~1 ,_._. s.r.ktt 53' treat · U 7 01 mo · IOOnt ATTIHDAMT leaae. t.5G0, 1980, -• ~111•yF~"st'1·ng, 2 -•••••••••••••••••••• f/tlme. Tate ad lo Assertive person. · •• . ..-.a ,.. ""' ucp Emplo1meot Develop· Newport A r c h e s 3700,IQ. ft.-.... AnU. dll.alideorwb'del~· •PIOF * ment l>el)l., 1001 So. Marina. Call btwn. 9AM br unmed. octupanc,. tJan.AUmethodsofbirth UAr.f.U . ,.._ ........ A Sat A Office fl war-ebous control; Abortion. M hr Mon-Fri 840-NJl VI_. ve. n a na. & 5PM, 642-4644. Mon· space with carj>el•. ~ be, J:onfidential C A,_t~ oA5d. ~dof T Fri., ask for Judy drapes Ir wet-bars. Womn'sCeote.r, 1125 E. I •:e..e& a ..... ~-.-.. paa or BUSBOY & 36'·38• a •tt. f:l, Clll 17tbSt .. UIOEast. ,._,.,..... byemelqxer. ROOMSERVICE ~.Moo· Fri. s.5. 547.9495 ..................... .,.. AU.enlioll Homemakers: Day shirts for hotel 5.50 sq . rt. Jnchastrlal •-•r--~ SJOO Sdlle.e.& Need.3peoplcwbohave restaurant. Exper.prer Stora ., .w .... , W.ut _ _..._ ... -1005 10..lUm. hr-S.per week. Coo'•"' J "'"' 4477 C.M. . ..... •••••••••••••••••• ,_.._ Can .... _'"' t.o ..,$8/hr. -~· an: ._,. . •H•••••••••4'••••••••9...-• . ~u ..,.. ~ ... ~ 'ft< cau 54111o-1M2. ""'4-...... ll11•9'1 W_._ 4 IAat: Parrot...aml green. ill 90/WK 1-'-'-------- ........................ dusky Co~ure, H.B. Hot 11lftt'h. C.lli: Club-CAStlBJ:ALES ~nlres' IP~~.'/o,"!aro am.,mrar .848·1659 U.OPrescbooi.8"-5'23 A"1MTIOM: HOUSIW EDCEP'T. r 'I HWA.RD• Ambitious boys and ~UUme. Apply : rown C: ~o~~ 0{o 1N2t Loli: Ore and white ..... W-.4. 7 011 Otts 1 .. 13 )'tan old, to Hardware. 31Cf1 E. Coast Udo ff male cat fn Feb 5 vie ....................... wort ooe or two even· Hwy, CclM. area. ave r s. " S LA ~ Gentleman 000·1 i.; ~u...::;=-----1 613-59&6 Broob·,..reat t. ,.,. k .11 h l't in&I a week gettin& CWldC.rt n..•ett/ Loe.t· Blk ' wbt Fem ddt.ies for reduc rm UOIU. Transportation _ _..._ lovm· g, dependa· .... soa r w1 nc ed I e oewspapef . su~crip· 1 Couple on the move ,.. • ~. -•-, "KabJ·ua''. !!°.!!1 (sleepiDI) d t •t d It """""' . ......,. ....,. _.u.,, aa coos a.. •. u ble, mature lady lo care ....................... !lfqltjfTJ.19116. ~~------1 1u;per•l1lon provided. for2scbool aee children ....... Lost: •" Gnma n QillishRousekeeper CIU3to5:38PM. ask for In their home. Must be O,.a ....,, ltM d. 9 mo old M. Wl11·vtbe·i~fe,~ent .. cesatio':e1kos Andrea, 642·4321, ext. avail for ov ernight ••••••••••••• .. uO•u• ARD! 131·1173 .. 1 .. • .. .aa stays. drivers lie & ref Costa Mesa LIClll· , young obedient Oran1e C4. with ·JU> req'd. call Mrs Miller dry-'Uf~:'ntmo. mf'l Lab Huntington smaUchild . 710-4341. 67S-3ll93 ·--·c' .; ,. HarborFebl/112846-4838 Young married man Auto Mechanic "-'-'OfcM~ ~'"' --.&UI TS wouldlikeoddjobseves Wheel align -lite _ T Pff SHOP ~£ & wkends. Can do a mecbmical Own tools. ti'tthll5., effirient & or. ~WI IAINlfBS variety or bandymaa 50°-" comm. HUNT gan. w/bkpg exp. 4 da y •Newporiii!aehLoe. ....""' jobs. 972-9525 eves: alt AUTO CENTER. 1825 wk. Pd VIC." holldays . * r.UlJM.-. APast-Poucb -ror Bill. Laauna Cyo Rd. Lag C.M. s.~. •GlusBlrdlloom Jlaeer-Famous -W.eed 7t BcMM·3m,83M966 DENTAL SECRETARY- &FrolltWllldow P~RAM ....................... ••WSfT111 aper. Are you looking • Formlea Doa 6. A wje · pelntlng the •cc ......... 1 -' ror a rewardin• career catC..(et eelJiq u •kr llusband "' ~· ..,. needed.5 days per .. • Ele<tmiiclleckter ntcW TV. "Deir, If I llCllVAM weell in our home to sit opptyWitb xlnt potential • Hlgli Orilflip fal. wllll you call an am· a.• for .l8 mo old boy. for personal growth & •NlecP\ltlU'W ~u when the Establ•"•'"•" '"'apor• SH·SH5 aft 6 call recognlt io11? Our •GroomlUJPadlltJ ~RAJllsover!" "' ~ "' ~ tcPrllTt modem progessive ofc w 1Adl•ear..1ee martetbl& firm netdf . seeks your expertise to •WeU&ttd..s . • accounll reulvable MBYStTl'D·mY home. complimedt a highly WitbM~ Tu-your: clert. Duties are code A 9:30am·11 :30am. M· motivated & skilled •InThea.-. ._. '" inputinvolca•eashre· W·F,N.8.area.64M099. team. Xlnt benefit Over S Yeart • ""usabtes oelpts into lBM System Bibysltter·•Y Home . pat'kaae, inrl med ins, Sac:rlfKe Pll~forquick Into 34 Computer~ prepare With 6 Yr Old Girl. + permitageof produc· sale $38,080+ iaftci~ • usable monthly 1tatemota. J:l>AM ·1:4$ AM 3 or 4 lion. $16CO if qualified. ~i:a~,;f.·ee1&ent I cash.tall weekly sales report•. McmlnCSPtf'•eek. Vic : N.8.640-7922. cost! l. Daily Plfot etc. Xlnt beodila • lMDe • Jina Drive. Dentist For IJlformation call: salary. Noa-maker on-Cll.MM&St ~DA ~-Im. • Claaifiecl ly. IMS Equipme.Dt. 9l5 Dlfreetih1per'd Assis· • . MZ.5'71. !:~ca Rd.• lrvhte. Uu tbe Dally Pilot tant needed for busy Have someUWl:f.to Hll? __,,._ ""'-E o E ·•rut Result" service pradlce Classffd au It wtlt. · · · 548-Sl'io Ask for Toni • . • • • . ctittt'tory. Your atrvfd b our DETAILlNG .-....:....M. Sleve'• Det.alliDI need• ~ lwdworldag clean cut, Cellto<"'9~ 1Z2 enertirtlc detailer for ~term employement. axikkeepu•I exp. pre· rmre lnlormation about needed for cootem Newport Beach. CA •zsza lerred. Apply In person· this rreat opportunity. JIOl'ar)' rtt&lhtor.. lluat ._, ---------- ·a...........a.. a ,__ ~ Call Moo-Fri, 957·23&1, bedynamlcflbave1ood ·-/"'DM•u · 19'bfrigendor -,.._.. ... '""" women's wear back• -• •"' '" WESTIN<IHOOSE. SOUTHCOMT PL ZA e.... ....... around. Experience nte charge person lor Side-by-side. Frost free, COSTA MESA MANICURIST need IW11)' appJy. Salary N.8. Adver. PTomotion wtpte. $195. 760 -0998 GIRL FRIDAY. Balboa Scuh>Wred oaila. Rent + commlssioo. Ple.-e fl r m . · T Y p i n g I 080 Peninsula. Type, non· booth. l*>/wk. Be )'our call or co1M In to: Sborthand/Phones Sal.Hotpoin ---. _t_r_er_rl_g~a...,.)>t-.sz. smoker. 1ood skills. own bo'5. 646-3313 Apropo, 01, Fashion open. 642-4097 coppertone. xlnt rond. ms, sal. neg. Med ins. MOTa Island, N.B. 64HU2. Sewers 1125. 9113-9934 Super Detail Person! Front offlre rterk. Part E.O.E. S.uf'U MA.KB ~ 9020 67J..3591 n~. 1142.3030 SALIS tlmti.nf oo Bch 898· 1991 .............. .,. ..... .. ..._...,.. S•• Newspaper Delivery & Aggressive 11lesperson SR. A.CCOUMTAMT 80)'5 Mongoose Bilc.e $35. li\ill or l>art-Time. No Stuffing. L.A. Times to ~tr!:i~egll ~:~:1 Rapidly cro•ing multi· Rally lOspeed Mixte $85. Sundays or Evenings. homes on Ba Ibo a to busa·n·sses. Cham· branch.company bu an Botbgd. cond. 760·~ See Steve. H W Peninsula. Van or sta· .. I d te eed r a Bl.ke16"boysorgJrls1ncl W r i g ht Co I 2 6 tion wagon req. Early piocls Unlimited Call Mr mme 11 0 If t 0~ training wheels ~lilt RochesterCM. AM. 1900+ per mo . WardaUM·2805· :, ~'!:rfak!eo~~: 0~~ condSJS s.s7.~u • HARDWARE SALES S411-844l; 644>-Hll. Sales entire acct 'g depart· Full time. Apply in Nursing F1time saluperson men!. tr you are person : Crown LYN .needed to work on qualified you will be Hardware, 1614 San Balboa Island. Must be ~with this rareer 3·11 full or part lime abl .. to work weekends. ~uru·ty RE ba"k u•g·-1, N.B. h'ft M d. t i •· '" """'°'' . . . ' . mi_"" s 1 a. e H'a on ... Call Annalee at 752·6771 ground preferred. Start· HllUMAKERS treatments, good salary or~. ing salary open depend & working cood. · II" t M-·VerdeConv. Hosp. mg upon qua 11ra ions. ' Telephone interviewers ...... SALES For Interview call Pat needed by nation al 631CeoterSt.,C.M, lmmediateopeningfora ~ market research( firm 548·558S full-time ruder-ad ..=:...=:..:.:..· -----ro r varied s u r ye y t" f . 'd representa 1ve or ma1 e .,,.,,.,_t Jo .... studies. No selling. Part-PART TIME sales position. Must be ..........,." HE~YI /time evenings & 6-9p E • d'"' th I Ith ...... _ .. _ H 1 m. xp .. n mg you assert ve person w IOYlf '-IRLS w...,..e~. our Y pay counseling firm has past telephone sales ex· ..-- Reply in own handwrit· opening, for 3.5 sharp perleoce. Apply in How would you like to ing, inrlude your phone outgOing mature people pel'900, Ul60 Placentia earn as much u SS0.00 a number. to : Trendex. to motivate ambitious Ave .. C.M. week? Do you like drive- P.O. Box 85703. Los 1~13 yr olds. Call 2·5pm. in rrovies. picnics, piua Angdes. CA !I007J:___ 642-4321. ext. 30. AJk for•------• ·parties, beach parties. Housekeepers wanted, 1 Andrea. Sales plus many other things? full, 1 part time ror l"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ JOINASUCCESSFUL. Then you wouldprobaby small retirement homer: NATIONWIDE probably enjoy working SALES TEAM f In Laguna Beach. Must orl.9. , be able to work some Paste.up P~ Be ooe ol over 600 in-QlJALIFICATIONS: weekends. Pleasant Needed,parltlme.Work dependent sales agents L<Werl2yearsofage. working rooditions. For 1.5 to 25 hours per weelt. selling products of the 2. Neat. honest and de· .....,, II 4M-9'S8 evenings and possibly Thoe. D. Murphy Co., a pend.able a..,... ca · • Saturday. Experience in pioneer In specialty ad· 3. Work ~fter school and HOUSBCEEPERS ad building or page vertising since 1888. Saturdays. the Searlirr Motel, 1661 makeup desirable. Abili· 1'hroo&h our sales force, CALL TODAY !· So Cst Hw y. L.B tyt.o workfastandar-we provide Imprinted 537·5936or531 ·52S7 ~!7.lL___ curately under pressure calenders, sperialty 8AMtotOPM INSURANCE-Exper arl"l neressary. Salary de· Items and exet'utive $ assista nt for rom. pends on experience. gifts to their rustomers. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! m!rriaf lines wtmajor 'IM Daily Pilot is an This is your big OP· j SSS SSH MUST SELL at" Young Man,, Varst· ty Schwinn 81.t'yc.le. Gray !Excellent Con4.) 16(). Aft 5:00 Mon-Fi'\. 962·tB'74 -10 Spd bike-Sears good ccmdition $70. 499-1439. I Ladies' sgl spd bike. 26" whls. $45. Men's 3 spd dem>untable bike , 20" whls. $75 104 Via Cordova,N.B.673-4063 Mans 3 spd sso. Boi• IO spd 16.5. Mall.$ Sclurjnn lO spd 1125. AU in Xlnt Cood &37 .;n 44 •5548 Mlclftg Mattriah I015 ....................... MOWZS•iFT Redwood 2x6 &ecking, 4-~' long; also red,Yi'ood . feneing. Lowetl prire guar. J llD or Ken anytime, 646·9885. C:-rm& fllpl,..... 1010 ··················••••4 Minolta XG7 Telephoto, Wide Angle Lenses. $325. New Cond. 6•5 · 4 199. ~ ... f equal opportunity portunlty for good rom· 11\S brokerage irm in employer. Women and missions and continued NB. sala r y r om -minorities are en· income from repeat or- lll!nsurat.e w/exper, for couraged toapply. ders. Commissions are an appt call 1714 ) Submlt applirations at paidimmediately.Jfyou 1040 SUIVEY TA.IRS Dop PAIT-TIME ••••••••••••••••••••••• 644·5522 front COUJ1ter. want independence and INSURANCE 'S Coast a selling rueer contact:: Auto rlaims dept. has I Pilot John E. Morrissey. new posltion for out~o-lJO la St Phone &OU25-733S. 2851 mg person. Must have • · 'f ' So. Camino· El Grtco. communication skills & '"'!!!!!!!C!!olfa!!!!!W....!!!!!!C!!!A!!.!!I Green Valley, Arizona lite typing. Salary rom -= 15614. , International Corpora · KE~HOND Pups AKC. tion Needs Loe a I & Champ sirt,, M IF. Pet & Dependable Men & s how . Pvt pl ) W~n to take Surveys 213/al'7·~aft 6J>!!l_ Coor to Door. INo Sell· G Shep pure bred pups. Ina> No Experience Re· Parents from Gmny. qi.I~ Convenient Hrs Fmle 12 Jik s. $250 . to Choose from. Eun 4964182 mensurat.e with ability. Paid company benefi~. Calf Mel: 549-9923. Crom SlOO to S200 Per AKC Golden -Rft n-e-ve7 PULSUIX week + Bonuses< Call to· pups, Champ ltoes, Work temporary jobs Sales, p/time, The Mole da.)' for Interview. Call shols & wormed. 5195_ closet.o home. Hole. Lido Village, ex· . Kmat833-~ ~711114 LlGALASSIST. VICKIHESTON l eer-~-673-4655. TEACHER -OO=LD_EN_R_e'T'_Rl_E_V_E_R X.lnt oppt'y for take· &ASSOCIATES Secnt9Y Private school teacher Fem. 6 mos. AKC. $200. charge Legal Assistant. --~0400--Part time for .(rchitec· needed. Out of slate tolovingho~~7-77a7 . Able to assume a ll PH<YrOMODEL: Attrar· tural olfice. Exper re· credentialsOK.646-1444. 2 Shepherd-Malamute respon independently & live-needed for full qiared. O>ntact Lrnda pups . 12 wit s. de -'. with corporate law figure modeling in our at Tellpltw9Pfr .. or wonned. all shots S2S knowledge. I person comm'I display ads. No 549-2338 Answering Service 7-3 tM6-a3 non-smk g office 1 n exper nee. Send photo to shift. Many benefits. Ex---------- Newport Center P.M. Novelties. p .0. SICRETARY perlenre only. 362 Third Golden Retriever & Blk 644-~.days &nights Box 2255, Newport Someone who doesn't St.~C.LagunaBeach Lab mix puppats, 16) ~Sec-'-aBe~cbt, CA. 92663 for mindwortingforeliv· T&8'HC>titESALES $Z.Avail2·13.642'.$939 • • ·-r pp inc. Raises without Uk· •Poodles "R.. People• lmme t.e opening for · m· ., " vou're worth 1·t. 3 Fff position open for as-' ... "# · · h T-Cups . Toy. $250 lo exper. legal sec'y -rn PIT c1erk-typist. some girl office. Expr. or Mft.ive person w1l past $550. Pets Boarded & rapidl,y expanding pre· bkkp'g helplW but not trainee. 642-12'¥1 lelepholle sales ex· stigious Npt Brh law necessary. Great wort-perience Apply in Groomed. 546-2848_ firm, Musi be self ing atmo&.J!bere, NB,. =c Front Office penon at 1660 Placentia German Shep pups . starter. Mag card II ex· Hrs 9·2. Call Judy Secretary Wanted. 75 _A_ve __ C._M_. _____ AKC. see pari!Ots. shots pef'. Real &.tale back· .::.~;o;:c..;:l.::.:49c.:..t _____ WPM ACt'Unte. General nPIST romplete for I yr w. ,.....,..,i helpful Salary! 2 h vet's certifirale. AKC &<"""" . Ptri~. 7 days, rs. Office, Organtutlonal Arcurate so wpm. 40 hr. ~~Cal l Hilda . daily.AMdetivery.L.A. Skills,llWordProreasor per week, rompany :g~a~~e~~~~~46_e._S2_7_5 --1 Times. $100/wk. Laguna Experience r,equlred. benefits . App I y in -If you'rt' 111 the ma rket Beach. 494-8496. SllOO Mo. + Benefils. pel"30n: Golden Ret. PQJ>S AKC. for a better car. be ~ure PIT _Se:..:...;;:;cr...:..e~ta"'"ry'-/T-y-p-is_t _1 Cootact Mr. Toko. Unit-I 1<8 Championship Titles to check the man~. autos Gd. hrs. &r gd. Pay. Cati t d I n d u 1 t r i e 5 , Jtwtfs ly Jo....... 493-6861 _ ~~~™~ for sal e in aft.6PM675-042 n~lll05 SOlmfCOASTPL~A YelJowLab. Male. COSTA MESA lYr Lovi'n Fun . ( l ) ) . -c c,...-~o~-~, > WAl'J'RESS /WAIT ER $300. 5SHOll4 w/car for wlt'ker basket AKC Chesapeake Ba Y · '11111Chstrv.9:30-1 :30pm, Retriever. m;\le. l yr Man·PWi. Elm $159-Jl75 old, trained Very reas \ftly. Must be neat. to good home . Loves pti'lonable & ftMrgetic. kids & wtr Ca II bl WI\· t7t-074l al\ lOam for 7PM-8PMg;Jl·t760 __ 1,.;;aU<..;;.;_~_....._ __ AKC Corker Spaniels. IMf. M!f For Valen· tines. $150. 839.2972 ' ------~-,. .... , •ose ••••••••••••••••••••••• **I BUY i * ·~ Good used Fumlt11re & •---.;..;...._------; Applian('tS Oil I will 1el!oriELt.ror You • MASTllS AUC-TlOM ,.., ••et. •,n.'625; ~ IOfu. Ht*. • Lov: eseat1 $88. Sleepers . .. ' " .. 1 Cl8 -• I.: I u 11"11•1111••"' ..-.~1rW w...-.1..w ._.,._ COHN EU CHEnOLET .'.JI.,. 11.,r 'A•r 11 111:'\f\\H,\ 546-1200 -~ - "79 Lincoln Verullle~ IJghl blu' Xlnt t'ond . S1ll00631 2345, MHOIO Mwc.y "IO ••••••••••••••••••••••• WHOUSA&.f ..UllOOk 7srwow..-1184UMX> SIHO Theodore Robins Ford, 2060 Harbor Blvd • Costa Meu 6H 0010 nr ~11 EAALEllE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 6-46-UO) 540.,4'7 19116 VOLVO Diesel l64 GL This is 1 deluxe sedan It is loaded and immaculate 1098475 l 112.500 Jim Manno Vd.kswagen. 842-2000 ......•.•.............. "01 Wiii trade MG for ' 49'-4722 Ens •79 Aettwood Brougham Extra sha11>' Must sacnfice Best offer over 59.000 714~S280after6 m THIWGEST S&ICTIOM of late model. low mileage Cad1llaci. 1n Southem Cahfornia' HAIEIS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 5_40-1.860 'lllCPEde VILLE Body rough. runs ok mo. . m 9961 78 Ci»' de VIie. mint ~ . btanud nu red11I wit-wall T A Um. spec touring suspension. AM •FM 1-lrt s~reo. all llhr uphol . run power. Clll Peter. wknd e\ts 673·1409. 9 s ~on rr1 • 1191 ia""StYllk-. io.ded. 11lnt t'Ond. lo mi $8995 PP. m-m• 1m ,4220 '79 Stvme. Xlnt t•ond. 33K. SI0,500 Slh ('f. lonl t'l.r. ~"70S4 '19 St\•lllt. blk •rt)' Int. 3$,000 ml, n('W lift!\. SI0.600 or htt' ovtr leut. tall ~ ~lg7 Ct.5 Mon·t'?ll -- ... . , . . '. IUlll CQllT TUESDAY . FEBRUARY Y 1982 ORANGE COUNl Y. C ALIF ORNI A ~"" Cl N 15 . : Newport Center eipansion repealed 11 By STEVE MARBLE O( .. Otllly .......... The Newport .Beach City Cotlncll put an end to months of con\roveray early today by repeallns \be lrvln Company'• 'U23 million Newport Center expansion project. The development plan, the subject of a successful referendum drive, originally Barber to stay • in center By RICHARD GREEN OftllehltyP'l•SIMf Jim Anderson the barber has won his t>atUe against the Irvine Company, a victory that means he'll be able to continue cutting hair in a company-owned shopping center In Irvine for the next five years. In a 2 : 30 p . m. ceremony Monday, Anderson signed a rive-year extension on the lease for the University Park Barber Stylists shop. This represents a policy reversal for the company which had drawn sharp criticism from Anderson, his customers. city officials and other shop owners when it tried late last year to cancel the lease because the shop didn't attract enough root traffic. Following the ceremony In the shop at Culver and Michelson drives, David M. Koch, director of property management for the company, downplayed the role public pressure played in the company decision to extend the lease. "The pressure didn't have as much to do with it as the ctoperatit>n of the people here," Koch said, looking around the barber.;bop at Richard Radie:i, owner of 'he University Park Coiffure!t s hop and Roger Elgram, owner of In & Out Photo shop. Elgram's shop was to have displaced Anderson's Instead an agreement was reached whereby the photo shop would occupy 900 square reet of unused space at Unive r sity Park Coiffures; which is adjacent to the barber shop. "We 'll all be happy n e i g b bo rs , " Ra di es s a id , beaming. Asked why the reared lease canceUation had become such a big issue , Anderson said, "We've been here for 13 and a half years and a lot of people have drifted through "J "d like to thank all the people who have helped us I'm happy to be here · · The earlier Irvine Company decision to cancel the lease was c riticized by the lrvisle City Council, which demanded that the compa n y preserve neighborhood business establishments. Responding 10 the criticism. Irvine Company Prsident Peter K r e m e r m a d e a r a r e· appearance before the City Council several weeks ago and promised the company would be more responsive to the needs ·or retail shops leasing space from the company. was to be put lo a citywide vote In June. But the council -on a 4-3 vote -agreed to toss in the towel and call off the election at the request of the Irvine Company. Robert Shelton . a vice president for the development firm. said Lt was unlikely that the project would be given a fair chance at lbe polls. ·'Our discussions in the com munlty." Shelton told the councU, ''clearly lndkate that as a consequence primarlly of the leasehold controversy there is a n anti ·lrvine Company constituency that will seek to strike at the company by opposing completion of the center." He called his firm's request an "unhappy conclusion" but one that "we hope will mitigate the divisive cllmate we see developing In the community." CouncUman Pbillp Maurer, who voted against repealln1 the plan which the council approved last summer. called it "a black day for Newport Beach.·' ·'If we rescind this project there wilJ be a lot of intlated egoS" in Newport Beach," said Maurer, "and I won't let that SCIENTIFIC Physics professor Jim Rutledge explains operation of a machinE.· t hat ca n isolate material s at lo\\ !Hiltl'W1'9ff~ temperatures at a science clinic for hil!h school teachers at UC Irvi ne 'Science clinic' he.Id UCI faculty lectures high school teachers By GLENN SC01T But she added: "There has collegiate coursework. To 0t .. o.1ty,..._.. been enough concern about complicate things, Or. Miller Tbe high school teachers education in general that we're noted that the state Legislature heard lectures on subjects as maybe turning things around... is becoming less willing to fund small but basic as quarks and In offering the science clinic. such courses. neutrinos and as large but exotic the UCt professors bad to tiptoe Neither the UCI professors nor as a deadly new disease from along the highwire of diplomacy. the high school teachers were the Amaz.on. They didn't want to give the paid a penny for the Saturday It was all part of the first simplistic impression that h.igh event. Dr. Taagepera said she ·•science clinic" presented al UC school teachers have failed -has attempted to address the Irvine by faculty members o nl y , s he explained , that current crisis "hair out of trying to improve the academic educators at all levels must de speration , half from quality of their freshmen. work harder to· coordinate sell-protection." To achieve their goal, the efforts. She teache s f resh men professor s in the university's Their attempt seem ed to chemistry. In ract. she drew a science fields have focused on succeed. few laughs during her opening the training their students "We're pleased to have this remarks Saturday by telling the receive prior to college attention paid to us as science teachers: Thus, about 100 high school teachers." said John Kalko, a "I've been trying to teach s c i enc e t e a c h er s fr 0 m physics teacher at Woodbridge freshmen chemistry for the last throughout Southern California High School in Irvine. during a five years ... and I'm getting a -but especially Orange County lunch break little tired of hearing my -were on hand Saturday to tour Said another teacher, Jim students tell me sulfur 1s a theuniversity'sscience labsand Gregson of Wi lmington's colorlessgas " hear the latest news of scientific Banning High School: "All this Sulfur actually is a yellow sorcery. information will gradually filter solid. The day-long workshop was down to the students." A neutrino meanwhile, 1s a organized by UCI chemistry Or. Taagepera and colleague subatomi c p a rti c le which professor Dr. Mare Taagepera. George Miller both said they co-discove rer Dr Frederick who has mad e head Ii n es sense that the quality of new Reines of UCI explained during previously with her efforts to students is beginning to improve a lecture has never been shown prepare students for the rigors from a low point about three to have mass. or weight. of a university curriculum. yeers ago. But they agreed more A quark is hypothesized as She was careful to note that improvement 1s necessary. another particle that may the clinic by itsell wouldn't solve They said remedial classes in cluster to form neutrons and the problems s he said are the sciences still are necessary protons -once thought to be as common to higher education for many students who aren't sma ll as you could get , nationwide. prepared out of high school for according to Dr. Riley Newman. Nixon loses round on .tap~s l\nd the infectious Chagas' D ise ase. said Dr . Stuart Krassner, afflicts as many as 15 million people in South and Central America, and no drugs or vaccines have been developed to counter it. F e!leral court rejects illegality claim on screenings eroup ever to do this to the city 11gain." Mayor Jackie Heather was joined by council members John Cox. Don Strauss and Paul Hummel in rescinding the massive expansion plan. "I feel this issue has been dealt with in a destructive way and pushed into the political arena." said Cox. "I don't think the lrvine Companv should have to put up with tfilt mob scene." Councilwoman Ruthelyn Plummer , who voted aeainst repealing the project, charged that referendum leaders used ''<habolic deceit and distortion" to gather signatures. Ron Covington, ao elementary school teacher and leader or the referendum drive. said the drawbacks to the Newport <See CENTER, Page AZ> Girl, 13, says suspect shot her, friend By DAVID KUTZMANN Qt .. et.tty ..... S&.tfl A 13-year-old Lake Elsinore girl told a closed preliminary hearing that s h e and a companion were gunned down last September by a man who pulled alongside them in hi s truck in Cleveland National Forest and called out. "Hey girls." According to transcripts released today, the witness, Kelly Cartier, identified former Costa Mesa resident Thomas Francis Edwards, 37, as the gunman who wounded her and killed a companion, Vaness a Jberri, as they hiked near Blue Jay Campground on Sept. 19. Edwards was ordered to stand trial in Orange County Supenor Court on murder and attempted murder charges following his preliminary hearing on J an. 29. H e also face s s pe cia l circumstance allegations that could lead to imposition of the death penalty if he is convicted Edwards is scheduled to be arraigned Wednesday an Santa Ana. The defendant's hearing before South Orange County Municipal Court Judge John Griffin had been ordered closed by public defender Mike Giannini. However , transcripts of the hearing were opened to pubUc inspection today They showed that t he prosecution 's key witness. Miss Cartier , identified Edwards as the man who pulled up in has red Datsun pickup truck where the girls were hiking and opened fire without provocation Questioned by Chief Deputy District Attorney James Enright, the witness said the truck passed the school once and then came back in the direction they were walking. ·· We were walklng a litUe farther <down the road) and then I heard this car coming and I told Vanessa to get over to the side of the road." Miss Cartier said "Then <the truck > stopped and <someone inside) said. 'hey girls.· and then it jus t " "Then what happened after that?" Enright asked. "Then, he said , 'hey girl - girls and then -then -he shot ... ~he testified Mass Cartier. who s ufrered head wounds m the attack, said the assailant "got out of bis car a nd he opened the door and then <See EDWA&D6, Pase A%> Sallta Ana Freeway widening studied Widening or the Orange County segment or the aging and deteriorating Santa An a Freeway from six to eight lanes to relieve congestion is now under study by Caltrans. In an apparent shift from a previous position , Caltrans regional director H einz Heckeroth said Monday that the e ight·lane alternative will be con s idered in the overall planning f or futur e improvements along one of the county's busiest north-south traffic corridors. In the past. Caltrans has objected to widening of the freeway between the San Gabriel River Valley Freeway in Santa Fe Springs to its southerly terminus at the San Diego Freeway in Laguna Hills The department, instead, had supported spot widening or the route, construction of bus express lanes and installation of mete ring devices to control onramp traffic now. Caltrans officials, including Heckeroth, decline to say if they will ultimately support widening of the freeway to eight lanes. But members of the Orange Co unt y Tran s portation Com mission say the state's willing ness lo s tudy t he eighl·lane proposal shows there has been a definite shift in attitude The freeway now is being widened to eight lanes in the segment between the Sao Gabriel River Valley Fr~way and the Los Angeles downtown business district ll also is eight lanes wide after merging with the San Diego Freeway in the south county Other options that Caltrans is weighing in its study will range rrom doing nothing other than minor improvements to expanding the freeway to 10 lanes five in each direction - through Orange County. After receiving a briefing on the rreeway widening study, transportation commissioners.,1 voted to endorse Caltrans ' request to seek $600,000 from the federal government for design studies on the potential project. WASHINGTON (AP ) -A federal appeals court threw out today ex-President Richard Nixon's appeal that the federal 1ovemment iJ acUnt llle1ally In processme bis White House tape record.inp for eventual pubUc screenings. prop er and constitutional methods to separate Nixon's ''diary" recordings, which will be returned to him on privacy grounds, from other recordings that will be made available to tbe public at 11 deslaoated centers. ' Administration 's rules for processing the tapes were constitutional. Nihn claimed the procedures tlolated bls conslitulionaJ right to personal privacy, political prlvacy and the presidential privlle1e of confidentiality. $300,000 donated to Music Center ORANGI COAST WIATHIR Mostly cloudy tonight and Wednesday. Chance of occasional Ji&ht rain ·increasing Wednesday. The three-jud1e panel of the U.S. Court of Appeala also ruled the 1overnment was uslng The panel's decision upbeld a rulln,-by a lower federal court. which said the General Services Camly court order Sweets go .to wife in battery case . 01TAWA, Kan. <AP) Sttve Jackson will be giving has wife a box or candy for Valentine's Pay -by court order. · Franklin County District Judge Larry Courscn ordered the aift in lieu or a fine after Jackson, 22. pleaded l\dlty to a charge of battery on hls wtf e. . Counen suspended a S50 tme and ordered Jackson to buy a box of candy for at least $:ao and pay court costs. The aherifrs office said Jack.ton was charced with battery Dec. 28 after he allegedly awakened h1s wife by hittina her on the stioulder ana arm and ordered her to eo outalcle to 1et firewood for the stove: ' The ex·prealdent said the GSA administrator should have eatabllsbed regulations to minlmhe constitutional lnfrln1ementa and suggested, for examr.le, a system in wblch the adm nistrator could have made available to the public only those recordings relatin• to W ater1ate, or could have restricted the availability of record.ines to a flxed period of years. Tbe appeals court ln an opinion written by aeftlo.r U.S. Circuit• Judge Carl McGowan, uld the re1ulatlons permit Nixon and any other• w"°'e rl«hlt are threatened by dlaclolure to object and obtain judicial review of any adverse determioaUon by t.bt GSA. M cOowan said tbat Nixon clalmt he bu t.be l'labt of an lndlvldual to operate penoaal CS.. NIXON, Pale· A!) • .:II Edward and Florence Schumacher of Newport Bead\, lormer owners of Global Van Lines, have contributed more than $300,000 toward the construction and endowment of the $59 mllUon Oranae COunty Music Center, It was annoul\ced Monday. Mra. Schumacher la a member of the Mualc Center'• board of directors and baa served aa vtce prealdent for aS>eclaJ events ln connecUon wttb uriou1 fund·ralaera for the performlnf arts center to be built In Cetta Me1a. She bu allO been acU~• lll the O.raa11 County PbUhumOAlc Society and the Orancc County S7mpbocut ~laUOn. Edward &bumacher la still pretldent ot the Aaabtim·bi.led movtqnrm. The Schumacheu' con·• t.rtbuUOll of aecuntiea valued at more than $300,000 was pledged in 1981. ·'This magnificent gift Is doubly appreciated because It represents a most generous financial commitment by a ramlly which has already committed unt-0ld bour5 to the srowlh of the arts ln Orange Cou nt y ," said Henry Seaeratrom , music center trustee chaltman. To date $20.6 million tn pledl•• ·and 1lfla bat been raise<l tow•. ·d the construction and e.ndowmeftt of • main 3 ,OOO·tea\ theater and a 1,000-teat theater to be built on land dQnat.ed by the Seaentrom famllJ. When completed In 1IM U>e 3,000.ieat UMat.r will be oN1 tbf third ln tbll country capabM of pro.tdlnl aympbocu, open. ballet and mUsleaJ thHt~r. J Little temperature change. Highs 58 to 64. Overnight lows 48 to SS. INSIOI TODAY Doraald P.olon •• OM of IM ftW" rtmcinino wo,Jd wa, I flying ace• Jio, oUhough ri. ntvtr got .o #tot .at tM lttd Baron, rttalb on ~ wW1 the fam•d Germa" .aviator. Su Sto"l/. Photo, Pog• Aa. lltDll t I 11 ·' • ____________ _... ... -·---·--- ' Orange Coat OAJL Y Plj..OTIT u•adey, Feb u Budget 'horror stories' charged Re~ 1ays Democratic demagogues off er no reasonable, alternative UCCUM8S -Hruce illtams, public relations irector of Golden West Uege. is de~d at 53. • • DSS MOINl8, Iowa (AP) - ,.,..... ........... Oil the attatk a1ata1t crltln, HYI Democratic d.ma101ue1 are preparln1 "borror atorlH" about Ida 1ID bud'9t but olfe:r no reacmable alternative. RtafaD WU taktDI bla sharpened aalea pltcb to th• Republlcan-controlled Iowa Le1lalature today where he wu expected to continue the ad·llbt>.d alubea be be1ao Monday la MJnneapolla at the start of a two-clay, Midwest trtp. Tb• praldent wu wrapptna up the promotional tour at Indi~polia later toclay. Similar ou\lnp throu•b the West and Deep South are planned next month. "You have to get about 50 miles at least from the Potomac River and the District of Columbia to 1et back to the real world,•• R eacao told an approvin1 crowd In Mtnneapolil. "In the days ahead you a.re goin1 to be submer1ed in dema1oguery about the '83 bud1et, · • Rea1an continued. "You're bearlna all kinda ot horror ltorta •ut the people wbo are 1oin1 to be thrown out In the anow to hun1er and die of cold and to I ort.h." Reaaan fired bl.a Impromptu remJrlta at a rallt for Son. David Durenber1er, R-Mlnn. Deputy press secretary Larry Speakes aald some of the barbs were written on the fiilht from Waahlnaton but that Reagan lhou1ht of most of them as be spoke. "They came from the heart," Speakes said, lhumpin1 himself on the chest for emj>hasil, Rea1an said Democrats are accusing him of cruel budtet cuttina when he actually baa not reduced the budget. He said total speding in 1983 will be hi1ber t.ban in 1982 and that this year's total is high~r than 1!191 because of automatic escalation created by Democrats. "We have been reducing t.be rate or increase that has been built in." Reaaan said. The preaid~t complained tbat wbll• Democrat.a critlcise h1a bud1et because ol tbe $91.5 billion deftcit lt proJecta, l.My bave nothlnc to offer themaelv except hl1ber taxes. Re11an Hld be wlU not back down on hJs plana for areatly expanded defense spendina despite su11eatlon1 that Congress, especially the Democrat.a there, wlll lnailt on some cut.a. While Reagan drew cheers from Republicans, about s.ooo protesters jeered him and bis policies. As Reagan appeared at the fund raiser, the demonstrators gathered in 8-degree weather outside the Carlton Celebrity Room. · It was believed that Reagan was whisked into a rear entrance and did not see the crowd. The bundled-up protesters carried placards, some readina, "Fill the Missiles with Grain and Prime Rib and Let the Good Tim.. Ron:· "'Mr. Pr .. ldent, You Are Wron1," "Put American Back to Work. Stop Import.a," "Money for Jobi, Not War." They aJao chanted, "We want Joba ! " and "Hey bey, ho ho, Ronald Rea1an·11ot to 10!" The sponaorine Antl-Rea1an Coalition claimed to represent more than 60 croupa disenchanted witb the president'• pollclu. They included fired air traffic controllers, hoD)osexuala, women's eroupe, blacks, lndlana and teachers. In hJ1 speech to the Iowa lawmakers, Reaaan insisted be expedl his tax cuts to rescue the ecooomy in the lone run. Out.aide, an estimated 1,200 proteateu marched in opposition to administration policies. Some demonstrators, who came from labor, religiouaf women's, elderly and civl rights aroups, carried alps reading '· Reaganomica Robs the Poor and Gives to the Rich.·• NEW CtftEF -David Tappan Jr . has been named president and chief operating officer of Fluor Corp illiaD18 f GWC uccunilis 1 Golden West College has iereated an annual acholanhiP. in ienemory of public relations ~irector Bruce L. Williams who Youth gets 15-years for kidnap, rape Fluor post goes to Tappan ed Sattirday of cancer at the ge of 53. ' Mr. Williams, a former ewspaper reporter. combat rreapondent and magazine ditor, started work at the eollege in Huntington Beach when it opened in 1966. Memorial service for friends and family is scheduled Saturday at 10 a.m. at the Finl United Methodist Church of Orange, 161 S. Orange St. • Memorial donations may be fPade to the Bruce L. Williams ~cholarsbip Fund al Golden tWeat College. The scholarship t-rill be given annually to a .6olden West student whose goal ,ts public relations, a college 11pokeswoman said. · Mr. Williams lived in Orange .fiith bia wife, Dr. Louise Spivey, lo instructor at Golden West. In 1969, Mr. Williams was among organizers of the lint Huntington Beach City Festival which in 19'18 became the annual Community Festival involvin1 flve cities. He also was active In the ,United Way or West Oran1e County and various cilizen advisory panels for city and county government officials. ' In 1980, the Commission oo ,,-Ublic Relations for California community colleges awarded ,,ir. Williams its PRO Award for ~t promotional campaigns. Before coming to Golden ,West, Mr. Williams was director of communications for the United Methodist Church , :t>acific and Southwest 'Ponference, in Los Angeles. Prior to that , he was a reporter for 10 years. including four years as a war correspondent in Korea and Japan. He worked on the ·Nashville Banner, the Geneva :Daily Times in New York and e Schenectady Union-Star. During the Korean Conflict, r . Williams was a orrespondent for the Pacific tars & Stripes. The Army warded him a commendation or writing a story from a orean foxhole about a squad of even soldiers and the ementos they carried into attle. He later worked as assodate 'tor of two national Methodist· a1uines: Together, and t.be bristian Advocate, both based New York. Mr. Williama is survived by ·a parents, the Rev. and Mn. arry L. Wiili.ams of San lemente; bis wife; a daughter, rolyo Floid of Eugene. Ore.; sons, <.;atvtn and Davtd of untin1ton Beach ; two pdaughters, Susan and Sheryl ivey; a slater. Winifred o( oaton , and three andchlldren. ....,,.....,..er arreete EL PASO, Texas <AP> wenty -flve suspected JDUI.,_. of Wetal aliens were ted and 115 Meldcana being ulbt acrou t.be border were ken Lato custody In the aeeoad art of a Border Patrol ckdown. A Halloween night kidnapper and rapist who was tracked down by police when he left bl.a wallet at the scene of the crime baa been itven a state prison term of ~ years, eight months by a superior court Judie In Santa Ana. In banding down the sentence Monday against defendant ·Vincent A. Clawson, 19, Judge James 0 . Perez described the circumstances of the crime u ·'sickening." Those circumstances included l'erll Newpwt ·j ... -:: ........ "·':, · , •.... :-. :. : , l •Cl'fl::E the robbery and kidnapping of a 74-year-old Los Alamitos man out walking bis do1. and the rape of his SS.year-old wile at the couple's home later in the evening on Oct. 31, 1981. Clawson, a transient, pleaded guilty to charges of kidnappina. robbery, forcible rape, false imprisonment, burglary and grand theft. Deputy District Attorney Martin Engquist, who said the defendant could have been sentenced to life imprisonment, lr•ln• Teruc• 0.llJP't ........ CENTI" PLAN DUMPED Graphic shows areas of expansion in Newport Center that the Newf?Ort Beach Cit~· Council repealed early today. Plan was. to 1~clude a hotel. office buildings. restaurants and a residential tower. The Irvine Company project was under the threat of a referendum. FromPageA1 CENTER DEFEATED. • • • Center plan "are ju.st too rreat." "I take exception." Covt.nitoo said, "to the theory that we can be auctioned off for a few more dollars, for a few more businesses. "And for you Cthe council) to point the fmger and say we've been destnactive just isn't true. We never intended to do that" By law, the Irvine Company can aot resubmit its plan to expand the shopping and professional center for at leut one year. Several Irvine Company officials. though, hinted tbey may wait longer than that. ''We have no definite plam at this point," said Sbeltoo after • tbe vote. "But Newport eeow will be built out -that's ltl destiny." The plan to expand the center with a hotel, office build.inn, restaurant.a and a residentlal tower was approved by the council on a split vote foUowlnt monU. ol debate and blctmn,. The referendum drive was launched shortly after a disclosure that three council members had met privately with top Irvine Company executives, including the firm's president. Until this week , it was expected the council would call for an elecdon, which the Irvine Company had predicted It could win. From Page A,.1 NIXON. • • and l>Usiness affairs outside of the public's vjew or listening. "Mr. Nixon, however, can claim no such broad right of prlvacy with respect to his life while president," McGowan wrote. "For presidents and ordinary cltiiens alike, a personal privacy interest protected by the Fourth Amendment must flnd its source in a le&itlmate expectatioll of privacy. OftA-*OOAST 1111y~1at CIHlfflecl ......... 71411414111 A• otfMlf d1pa""'9nta Ml~ "Mr. Nixon while president could have had aucb an expectaUbn ln some materials, s uch 11 diaries or other communications reapectlnc peraonal matters un11elated to hia public· duties, but not in •materials relai.d to the conduct 6Dd official duties of the presidency.'' The co1.art also .. Id that · 10Ternment arc:b1Tlat. must ltateb to recorded DJctabelta lbat Nlxoa said 1Were made for bil penMIUI cllary. Tape reclot~Slayed at~ Watertale trla re already available for pu c ll.atlAlna ln Wublnltoo. but 1 eoaaUlute oaly ·a lmall poltloa of Nlxoa'a WbU. HoUM tape rewc dlnlll· • called the term imposed by Perez adequate. "The sentence that he got is appropriate for what he did," Engquist said. Clawson would become eligible for parole consideration after serving 10 years of his sentence. According to investigators, the defendant accosted the elderly Los Alamitos man near his home. Clawson robbed the man of $13 and, dissatisfied with the money. forced the old man to drive to his home, where bia 64-year-old wile was alone. The defendaftt, according to Engquist, tied up the man and ransacked the home. He then raped the woman, tied her up and fled ln the couple's car. However. in cleaning up the home the following day, the couple's 40-year-old son found a wallet belonging to Clawson, who was immediately located by police and charged with the crime. Another snowstorm plasters Midwest By The Aasoclated Preas A snowstorm plastered much of the nation Crom Oklahoma across the Midwest into New England today. closing hWldreds of schools and tyin1 op rush-hour traffic in t.be urban Northeast. FromPageA1 E.DWARDS. . -~ I guess he put something in there ... " "Did you see what happened to Vanessa?" Enright asked her. "I just know that she got shot," she answered. Miss Cartier said the gunman quickly drove away. Asked by Enright if she saw the man who said "hey girls'' and fired the shots, Miss Cartier identified Edwards, a burly man arrested by authorities in Maryland days after the shooting. She said she saw a gun pointed at her and Miss lberri from the truck window just before she wa s wounded and her companion killed. She said she never actuaHy heard any shots. though she saw a gun pointed at her from the truck window. "It just happened so fast that I dido 't -I dido 't hear anything," she testified. Sbe said that she saw the gunman get out of his truck after the shootin". I New snow collected almost a foot deep in Kansas and elsewhere in the Midwest, which has been hit by almost weekly storms since early January. Winter storm warnings were in effect in central Indiana, central Ohio. the northern panhandle of West Virginia. western Maryland, the interior of eastern Pennsylvania and the Catskill Mountains of New York . State. At least two people were killed in Oklahoma where up to eight Inches of snow fell. The highway patrol issued a plea to radio stations to tell travelers in the central part of the state to find lodging and stay off the highways. Schools closed in cities such as Baltimore. Philadelphia and Boston as the storm reached the Northeast in the predawn hours. "We've had numerous mul- tiple-car accidents," said Cpl. Jim Sartori at the state police headquarters in Boston. The worst of it's on the East Coast right now." Police in Providence, R.I ., reported dozens of accidents on Interstate 95 in the metropolitan area. Tractor-trailer trucks were unable to climb the bills and cars trying to avoid the stalled trucks skidded into each other on the unsanded highway. Some injuries were reported. In Indiana, where snow depths already measured about a foot. another 10 inches was forecast. David Tappan Jr .. who has served a variety of administrative roles during his 30 years with the Fluor Corp .• was named today to fill a newly created role as president and chief operating officer. The announcement was made by J . Robert Fluor. who remains chief executive officer and c hairman of the board of directors for the huge , lrvine·based multi-national corporation. Tappan, 59. of Newport Beach had been vice chairman of the board, and Fluor said that position won't be filled. Both Fluor and Tappan are major stockholders. Tappan's salary is $685,000 a year. according to proxy slat.ement.s. "Due to the company's rapid growth. I have concluded thal we abould now cC>mplement my role as chairman and chief executive officer with the new position of president and chief operating officer," Fluor said. U oder the new system. Tappan will be in charge of Fluor's operating susidiaries. The firm , which provides engineering and project·management services and also runs diversified natural resource operations, has a worldwide work force of 40,000 people, a company spokesman said today Tappan will be responsible for s trategic planning and day.to-day policy decisions, the spokesman said. Tappan joined the corporation in 1952 as an administrative a ssistant. He became vice president for domestic sales in 1959 and then was put in charge of all sales operations in 1962. In 1971, he organized Fluor Engineers & Constructors Inc. and became its first president, according to a company news release Stolen child, mom return home LOS ANGELES <AP> -Little Natalee Cochran is home today following a 10-day cross-country hitchhiking trip with a 19-year-old babysitter who was arraigned In Pennsylvania on a federal charge of unlawful flight. WHAT MAKES OUR SOLITAIRE • COLLECTIONS SO SPECIAL? Color. clartty. cut and beauty. These are tlle standardS wejudge dramonds by. And we accept only the flnest for our diamond collectlons. That's what makes each gem sueh a joy to wear. Let our experts Show you tlle difference tnJe quallty ma~. From our diamond "collectSon rn 14 karat gold, the rings shown are priced from $300 to $10,000. Pendants trom $150 to $5.000. Earrings from $250 to $7.SOO. SLAVIC K'S AWJlilMWl9ata ~tl7 Whtrf w &a;$~~ I --------....-.---- r ·~· IMILU IHN'!D -Egypt's President Hoanl Mubarak. left, 1rina with West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt aa they chat durin1 photo seulon prior to their tallu in the Bonn Chancellory. M uakie reating after 1urgery BETHESDA, Md. CAP) - Former Secretary of Stale Edmaad Muakte wu in "I~ condition and In 1ood spirits" after under1oin1 back suraery at Bethesda Naval Medical Center, a hospital 1pokesman said. Lt. Cmdr. Ronald Arrlson said an enlaraed spinal dlac was removed from Muakle'a back Salurd•y . The operation laated 81,AJ hours, accordin1 to Gayle Corey, spokeswoman for the Muskie family Muskie, a former COLUMBIA, Mo. CAP> - Sln1er Cllubby Cbecker h~ recovered from a bout with pneumonia and has been ·released from a hospital, officials say. Patsy Moore , a spokeswoman for Boone Hospital Center. said the 40 -year-old Checker waa released on Sunday. Checker's manaaer said earlier that he planned to , resume his tour. Chec~r. famous for the "Twist" son1a of the early 19601, wu preparln1 for two concerts in Columbia laat Tuesday nl1ht when be became too Ill to perlorm. His manaaer attributed the lllneaa to the chanae In weather from lbe Soulht!m states he had been tourlna. • Democratic senator from Maine and one -time presidential candidate. 11 expected to remain ln the hospital for about two weeu, she said. Muskie's back problem stemmed from an accident in the early 1950s, 1bortly before he was elected 1overnor of Maine. Ma. Corey said. Muakie fell throuah a stair railin& while doing repairs at hia Waterville home and broke his back. NEW YORK <AP) -Stu Ge&a aaya be haan't mastered the tenor saxophone yet, but he'll keep trying. "I'm still leamtn1.-· Gets said after playln1 at hla Nth birthday celebration at Fat Tuesday's, a Manhattan Ja.u club. "I learn somethin1 new every day.'' · Fans Included wife , M on lea, his son Steve, mana1er of the club, and b1a uncle. Benjamin Get&, a New York printer. "He played at my weddin1 39 years aao." the elder Gets said . But it waa easier to make people happier then. "It's a touab audience," be aald. "Yount folk• are bard to please." OMAHA, Neb. CAP> -L~ .. 11e1rf H)'I b1I Utt bun t bMD the 11m1 alnee bt knocktd LJ••••• "l4l••all1" Jroo•• to th• 1round H 1bt potnttd a plltol at tbeo·Prwldent Ford ftvt yean •IO· "I ataNd taklnf lift OCM day at a Umt. atarttd appreclatinl people more," aald BumdOrf, '7, tbt new 11ent ln chart• of th• Ster« Service ln Omaha. Whenever b1 hura of IDOtbtr HllHinaUon, ht rellv• the event, Bu1ndorf aald. "After (Et)(ptlan) Prt1ident Sad.at WU killed, l thou1ht of the r1vl1wln~ 1t1ndl I 1tood ln front of,' th• •cent 11id. Sadat wu funned down lut year while Haled on a revtewtn1 1tand. Procectint public ottlelala la a 1trt11-ftlltd Job. Buen: dorf 11ld. ''You are alwaya looklq for lbt unHpecttd. Tb• daya often are lon1, the di.ity la 1trenuoU1.'' he told The Om1h1 World-Herald. NEW YORK <AP> -The Metropolitan Opera saya it will present soprano Leoatyne Price and meuo-eop.rano Martlya Horae ln concert to1ether March 28. The concert, with James Levine conduct1n1 the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra. will be taped for TV broadcut at a later date. The pro1ram wlll bave ariaa and duets plua orchestral aelectlon1 by Handel. Mourt, Oraalni, Bellini and Verdi. The concert will be a benefit for the Met Opera sponsored by the Metropolitan Opera Gu.ltd. IN CONCIRT -Leontyne Price will join soprano Marilyn Horne in concert at the Mtropolitan Opera March 28. Slwwers on way? Coaatal Extended forecast Mo1llv clouelv ton111111 e nel Wednt1C1e y Ciiano ot 0<<ttlone1 llllhl rein 11><,.Hl"t Wtdl'lttdtV Lllllt lt-elu,. <IWI ..... $0UTH EllN CALI FOllN IA COAST AL ANO MOUNTAIN AIUAS Cou1e1 low • ton1t111. M llltfl W•-MMV Weter ,. llll•nd low U tonlt lll, M 111011 WHMMln verl•Dle C-lllHI .,., COOi wllll tllOwtrt et ti~ Loc:el Ollth wlMt In , ... mo11nl•lnt (Mttel 11191'11 M to U L ••• 111 •O• end low tr SOt Melllf'telll N9"t ~V 111 OOI. Lowt In ~ U.S. iummary Temperature1 Snow fell ecro11 l llt toult1trn Alt>env P lelnt IO tr. Ollie Vallo-·· with Albvq.,. ,,..,. t ..... • Inc,_. ol -•--A,.,,.tlllO 111 P•'1• ol Olllallom• -cen11el A-¥lllt Mlt...,rl Atlante Arctk •Ir mowel et! ~'" Lellt Atlenk CIV Mlcllltet1 end ecrou mu<ll of Ille laltlm-nortllorn Allanllc Cout, cllpplnt l lrmlrtQtlm 1emperat11re1 to frltld lewt lltmarc k " ... -.,_., Wt,. "-'"' ..... .,.., "'"'°"' Honll Oaute, ""' tor lotlon Ille moll ...,,, .... , .,,._ <It•• .,,. lrowlll ¥11• 1tmperat1irff ...-. llelow rero In Ille lllff•IO 11ort11 • r" PI a In• •~ct "PP•' CIWlrlatn SC 1111111111pp111 .. IOy. CNlrlllnWV Sllawera and 111u11d.,.llowtrt Cllevtnnt co 11 t111111ct acrou tll• tower Clllc• MIHIHlppl V .. IOy. Clflcllln1141 l.ltllt .,_ w .. torK .. t * Illa Cllntand OrH11 .. 111 end from IN Olllo vallt v Cotull'lllUt •1111 0••114 Lilll" 11110 New •no••ne. oat·" w111 lla ln end • i.w tllundlrtllowen Oenytr _,. pl'Mktecl from 1llt '°"lllHll Ott Melnet llllo tlle mto-Atlantlc c o .. t O.trott Oulvtll California' Ml ~ ""· ,, .. 1J 0 JI 21 • u ., ,. JJ u » " 11 .JO ~ u .. 0 ·IJ It ,. .. ,, .Ala 11 " u n .u ,. .. •t JO .. Ii ·16 .. ti 10 :61 .. " .. J I a2 .It u u ·" ,, ,. ,03 " ~ .. •• .J 24 ,. 11 .. ,. ., » ,, ,. Orl•PlllO u ""'"·~ 11 .. ., 12 ...... "'" " &J 10 ·II 71 u .. 0 14 "llltllVrtfl 14 .. h u tt " 11 S4 .01 to 4 ,11 u » 14 n ,,. 40 JI ·'° 0 a2 UI ,. " .oa ,. , tO ·11 0 • 2.tt ,, u 0 » .~ to as 40 ,. n IJ .• ""•llCl.Me PlloM,0,. •• ..-en., "'"° k it L•k• '""'• II Lovlt ""·TemtlO 11 Ito lilarle ....... ,,. TY<Mll TulH WHlllnotn Wlclllta • CALl'OlllUA ,. 0 JI U ·IS u n u 0 •• ao u 12 11 .. 1'·12 u , " -JT 11 so ,, 1t 11 • ..... 11.1e1 u ., llYltlo U •11rMe SI JT ,,..... ,. . l.611C•~· ,. ., .10 .OT .2t .01 ·°' . .. .04 tJ .1' JI C•lltlel•••lllt CIOUOlftlU .... .... , ...... C•llfer11I• <Mtttl '"' • _,.Ill _.. .... , wm Inert-SUlfl REPORT 1.•AllllM ti U .Ot ::t:'lllt .. - '""'""' wftll "' In<'"'" (,,_ ofre111w.. .... , TIM H114llMI WHl!Wr loenko ... , ltll'IJerolvru wlll ce11tt""' "'' .. lllrevtll WtlllltU.,, wltll llltlll r•11tlflt ft'Wll h .... , 4lt Ill 119 -telllatellle ~ ... Ill-· -tteM. "'' • .....,., Wiii '"-........ .... , tllt \Al .......... 111, tllt "" 0110111, M•n•I•"''"' Ol ttrlct T•Y'• A~L 1·1 M I I ....... .,.... ., ., .. ,.., .. -......... .. - Oelllentl ST • ,_..... .. .. ..... "" ... ........ Cttv It 44 Tide• TOOAY 'Ti:'"-ftWt Ill "'°-"Ill• WlllM7_,_, I 1 •• .. :: liK9Mtew •:n,.m. .1.1 Tiit ""*11 fw tlW ""'tf ltl41 - 11 ctlltlf!llM dlellcll • """"'' tftl' leulfltnl CellflMlte ~ ...... c~t-. T..,...-Ml.trtt .,111 .. e llllt Htftt wttll ecc .. -..ty WlllfY UlldltlOlll TfllltldO tl1to111ll .... ,.... ..., ........... ........... I I I 1 I ... ... .. We're Listening ••• I IK9M 111ti11 tO: .. f ,!n. U W•M•INY ll'lrtt... 4111 e,,,., I.I f'lrttllltll 1011•··'"· ... liKMflew 4tllt•""· ... IKeftlllltfl ll:th,,,,, ... 14111Mtl1:1111·"'" tl1H61G •·"'· ~wtl7:11 ··"'" ,, .. 7:16f.lft, ; What do you llkt ~bout th• Dally Pilot? What don't you llke? Call lb9 number below and )'OUr m111111 will bt recorded, tranacrtbtd and dtllveted to the approprtatt ldltor. 1 The 11me 24·ho:ur an1w1rlnc wvtce may bt uatd to record let· ttrt to the tdltor th aay topic. llaJlboa contrtbutora mu1t Include thtlr name and telephone number for verlUcatlon. No ctreulatlon Cllll, pltaae, I TtU UI wbal'a on your mind. ' I Orange Coat DAILY Pl,LOTfTU~Jdly, February 9, 1982 H" Sam· seeJi~ p.eti"ranencj -l ' l C aunty man hope8' for rever1al of deportat~on order Sy ITIVS MITCHELL of ............ Whllt Llberlan·born Sam WUlett la irtmn1 hambur1•rt at 1 San Juan Caplltrano fut food r11taurant thl1 wttlt, Rep. Robert Badham wlll be In W11hintton 1ttemptlna to tum around 1 decllton that would Ht Sam deported July a. Sam, now 28, waa adopted by David and Ruth Willett a decade a10 when the couple worktd for the Peace Corpa ln Llbtrla. The San Juan Caplatrano couple waa 1ucce11tul In obtalnln1 a student vlu for thelr ion, and, until recently, Sam attended Saddleback Collete where be took bu1lne11 and 1ccounUn1 clusea. But the HoUJe Subcommittee o.n Imml1ratlon haa ordered Sam deported next 1ummer. cltinl 1 IO·year-old provlllon of the Federal Imml1ratlon and N aturallaatlon Act 11 the reason. Thal clause aays Sam wu too old at the Ume (10 years a10J to be consld.,red an adopted chUd. He wu 16 when the Willetta adopted him. His family's request for a special act of Con1re11 was rejected by the subcommittee last fall and a deportation hearln1 held In late December resulted in an order for him to leave the U.S. Another setback for the family came lut Friday when an aide to Rep. Badham told the couple the lmmiaratlon subcommittee haa refused lo re-hear the matter. "It's absolutely not fair," a tearful Ruth Willett aaid thiJI morntn1. "There waa a white couple In Palos Verdes who aot a private bill lhrou1h to adopt a 21 -year-old white Yuaoalavian boy.'' she said. "And he had not lived with the couple. Sam haa been an lntearll part or this ramlly for 10 years," ahe said. An aide for Badham aaid the congressman will be meetlna with Rep .. Romano Mauoll, a Kentuck y Democrat and chairman or the imml1ratlon subcommittee, this week, "ln an attempt t o turn this lhin1 around." - Dmlfr ........... WAITING GAME -Sam Wmett, the Libertan-bom adopted., son of David and Ruth Willett of San Juan Capistrano. arms hamburgers at a fast food restaurant while awaiting wor<l on efforts to turn around a deportation decision. ~ "In essence," the aide said, "the s ubcommittee's rejection was based on the fears It would set a bad precedent for future <I mmigration) cases." In addition, the letter lo Badham assertedly ~lated that Sam's cue "lacked merit." But Badham intends t o persuade Mazzoli that he did not have lln opportunity to testify when the deportation issue first ·came before the subcommittee J ··He was not afforded th~ opportunity to speak," the aide uid. 1. And while Badham lobbies foi Sam In Washington, David a"" Ruth Wlllett's frleods and reno..; c hu r chgoers are czontactina othe r legislators and a.endin~ telegrams to Washlniton. 4 Meanwhile , Sam plays l1 wall i ng gam e . workln& pa rt -ti me al a fas t roo ~ restuurunt UCI bowl team disappointed 'J n A member of UC Irvine's colleae bowl team vowed Monday the squad , whic h finished s ixth Saturday at a re1ional tournament In Stockton, will do better next year. Hu10 Jlmenei said his UCI teammates were surprised by the serious preparation displayed by some of the other 13 squada. The UCI team competed In four mat c hes In the double-ellmlnatlon tournament at the University of the Pacll\c. The "bowl " matc bes t wo four-person teams that compete to ans wer ques tio ns about science , math. li te rature and other .subjects. Irvine beat San Diego State University, 185 to 100, but then lost lo Cal State Fresno , 290 to 150. In the consolation bracket, UCI beat Cal Poly Pomona, 150 to 100 <after trailing at half 90 to 10 ) but lost to Stanfor d Unlveraity. 300 to 195. The "players" win points by be ating opponents to a bun.er be'fore cotTectly answerln1 lb(!I question ~ "In both t he Fresno and St anford games, at was JUSt i matter of beating people to th' butter ,·· he said ··And they bea\ us a lot." :· J 1 menez said he will suggest that UCI select Its team earliet next year so the squad has mort ti me to practice. as did the Fresno and Stanford teams j F res no St ate w o n th~ tournament, earning a trip t · West Virginia for the nationa collegiate championship~. ~'Light Cuisine" fOranew weigh of life Fr~e cQokbook from Republic Federal Savings 162 slimming recipes that don't stint on taste or full nutrlUon. A prized collecHon of eeay·to·pre· pare meals from the Celifornle Home Economics Association ... Cook llght-eet right" ls the theme • of thts d~llghtfµI cookbook. Everything from hors d 'oeuvres, soupa end salads to entrees and des- seru, Also, low calorie pre·planned meals for busy people. 92 peges with color lllustretlons. Drop by for your free cookbook and get acquainted with Republic's many services. Ask about CHEK/IN, our lnterest·eamlng checking accounts. And the new tax-deductions _for IRA accounts and Keogh pl1n1 for the aelf-employed. lnqulre a6o\,lt thenlgn~le{d,~ ovalleble (or these retlre<Mnt eccount.11nd current retea on Republlc's Tex·Exempt AU S.veca certlflc:etea. · • ·-' Every time the Roolter CroW• your Money Orowa . . "" .... • A4 H/f Orang• Coaat DAIL y PILOTITuHd•v. February 9, 1982 millu~rn~ Japan .air crash claims 24 lives Laker air empire goes on the block TOKYO <API A Japan Air Llnt1 DC·8 wlth 174 peopJt a board hit a aeries of llaht potea 11 It came down for a landln1 and alurnmed lnt.o ahallow water Ill the ed1e of Tokyo Bay today, kllllna 24 Jap1ne11e pauen1en. there waa nothlna unu1ual about the apfroach and no warnln1 of tro ub e until there waa 1 "sudden Jolt" 1md the plane hit the water. ' LONDQ.N (AP> -Sir Freddlt Laktr'1 banJaU.Pt alrllne emp\re went up for 1ale today after a 1rouf of bank• and a 1e1lon of Joya tmployffa talled to rettue tht out-ratt travel company. Tbt IDOlt profitable pieces of Laker11 bu1ln e11 -the Arrow1m lth and Laker Air Hollda ya pack11e tour compant .. -were the Oral on the bloel<. Wllllam Mackey, one of four recelvera natned to take over Laker Alrwaya' flnanclal attalra when lt crashed Friday. 1ald he hoped to have the two businesses aold by tonlaht. lnapecton probe Tokyo hotel fire TOKYO <AP > -Offlclala be1an H fety inspections today at 980 hotels. a day af\er 32 people were killed, lncludJn1 an American, ln a qulck·spreadln1 fire In a 10-atory hot61. More than 300 people were In the Hotel New Japan when the fire bro~e out. Slxty people. ' includJni two other Americans. were hoapltaUzed. Haig in bloat at USSR, Poland MADRID <AP> -Secretary of State Alexander M. Hali Jr accused the Soviet Union and the Pollah military aovernment today of "a wUlful violation of solemn international accords" becauae of the martial law crackdown In Poland. In a blistering attack on the two countries. Haig objected to talklnt In Madrid about improved relations between East and West when past agreementa have been violated. T billa rise for fifth week up from tht 18.84e percent of th• prevlout Monday. Compromue eyed /or El Salvador WAS HINGTON (AP> - Liberal Senate Democrat.a art urfint Prealdent Rutan to coneJder a ne10Uated end to the Salvadoran civil war, wamln1 that otherwise U.S. combat troopa ml1ht be needed to block a leltllt victory. But a hlgh-ranklnt State Department offlclal ruled out •such talks Monday. saylna a negotiated settlement that &Ives a share of power to leftist auerrlllu would amount to "handlnl over" El Salvador to the communl11ts. Piwta in craah were 'buddieA' I HOMESTEAD. Fla. CAP> The pilots of two planes that slammed together over the swamps of the Everalades National Park. kllllna all el1ht people aboard , were llylng buddies who took frequent air trips toaether. a nelahbor aay11. The victims, returnln1 from a seafood festival In the aouthwest Florida town of Everglades City. weren't found until Monday, one day afler authorities said their planes plunged Into the mud and tall sawgrass of the Everglades. Cauae of Ginna accident revealed '"' .,...,.,_ STRIKE ENDED :'\ur'lt' llu;wl Ll'lllin1.•n. l<.•f'I . <.•ml>t\ll'I'' \s htahula. Obin. Ct'nl'ral :"iursl·s \ ...... 11c·1;it ton pr<•.,1d1.·nl \Jar~· Hun~·on ~Tonda\ lllJ,!ht uftl.'I' nlll''i<'' \Ot<.·d to l'rul ltw11 11·1·ord 570 da~ "' nk1.• [}t>.,p1t 1• -.omt• 111 11('1 rw........ t ht• !Iii 'triking nu1"•.,1•-. apprO\l'cl .i ho,pltul 11111.•1 In n•111rn th1•111 111 !he• positron., tht•\ \\orked lwln1 1• lht· \\,lll.11111 011 .ltth :!I I !1811. U.S. to build new chemical weapons? Af ter a day of chan1lna <' 111ualty fl1urca, 1 police 11pokesman said tht other 150 pa11enael'1 and crew members were reacued, but 78 were hoapltallzed In serlou!I condition, and the real we re sll1h\ly Injured. The only forelaner aboard waa a South Korean. who wu slightly lr\jured. Seventeen minutes before the crash, Capt. Seljl Kataglrl reported he was entertna normal descent pattern• as he neared the end of ll domestic rnaht from Fukuoka. in southwest Japan The sky was cloudleu and headwinds were moderate But the Jetliner clipped s everal stanchions extending out Into the boy with landing approach lights and pancaked Into the water al 8 47 am. Nobuchlka Shlkada, 20, of Fukuoka. Hid people screamed but the stewardesses Immediately took char1e and told people to remain In the cu bin "I w1111 11Crald It was foln1 to 11l nk. bul it Klayed leve for an hour untU I was re11cued," he said "I never want lo fly u1ain." Haneda Airport. built on reclaimed land about 15 miles from central Tokyo. has been u11cd primarily for domestic flights since the new Tokyo I nternatlonal Airport opened In 11178 at Nerita. 45 miles to the northeast Two inmates killed in prison flap The n01ic section of the jetliner broke off and was partially submerg<'d under the fuselag•. whi c h came to rest . PETROS . Tenn fA P 1 comparatively undamaged. in Seven white inmates at Brushy the muddy water Mountain Penitentiary look four 'There was a great shock and guards hostage ju11t'long enough the front part of the palne was lo steal their keys and shoot four gone," said a surviving black inmates 10 their cells, passen1er killing two of the prisoners and Eight hours later. the last rn1urmg two others. authorities person aboard. a crew member s aid today wh o was not Immediately The white prisoners gave up Identified, was rescued from the a nd the guards were released crumpltd cockpit. Although all unharmed• in Monday night's eiaht crew members survived . incident. which lasted 40 the pilot and co-pilot were minutes in a maximum security serious ly injured. cell.block of the prison 40 miles WASHINGTO N <AP > -Reagan request for s20 million Although t he plane wa s northwest or Knoxville, said President Reagan has offl clally to Install production equipment apparently too low as it came in Warden Herman Davis noti fied Congr ess that the for oew nerve gas agents at the to land. offi cials said the reason A11ked whether the attack was administration wants to resume Pine Bluff, Ark . ar11enal. was not known They speculated racially motivated. Sgt Kay production of chemical weapons. But Reagan told O'Neill it could have been due to B r ad s haw . a pr 1 son WASHINGTON IAP> Glnna but ha s rearr1rme d a c hemical w ea pon s are malCunctloninthesteerlnggear s pokeswoman. said. "We don't nuclear plant operators turned longstanding U.S policy against necessary. or the airport's instrument know. but it looks that way .. off a set pf emergency water uslngthemflrst landing syst e m , a sudden Dav1s saidthe mmates.armed pumps "somewhat too late," The Unit ed States hu not ·'Considering the current turbulence or pilot error. with a .25-caliber automatic causing a second release of manuf actu r ed c h e mi cal worldsituatlon,parlicularlythe About 500 rescue worker~ pistol, took the guards hostage radioactivity during last weapons since 1969, but Reagan. absence or 8 verifiable ban on using vehicles. helicopters and at 4 50 p.m PST and notified month's accident. a Nuclear In a letter Monday to House Prod uclng and stock pl lint boats converged on the plane prison officials over a radio Regulatory Commission staff Speaker Thomas P O'Neill Jr., chemical weapons. the United and the debris around it Rescue lie said he didn't know how report said Monday D. Mass . fu If ti I ed a I e ga 1 States must also deter chemical operations were hampered until the inmates got out or t heir cells. WASHINGTON IAP>-Ylelds requirement f o r formal warfarebydenyln1asienlflcant 3 ,000 gallons of fuel were although they may have sawed on shorl·lerm Treasury A safety valve opened and certification before production military advantage to any pumped fro m the plane to throul(hthebars securities rose for the fifth released the radioactive steam can resume possible Initiator ... Reagan's m I n i mi z e t he danger o f "They forced the guards into stral1ht week In Monday's as "a direct result" of 1huttln1 The pro posal to restart letter uld uplosion the corridor, took their keys and dctlon.a, reaching the hiahesl down the pump1 "about 30 manufacturing chemical Reaian adde d : "Such 1 Most of the seriously Injured s hot the Inmates in their cells," levels ln just over four months. minutes too late," Hid the draft weapons la likely to encounter deterrence re q u 1re 1 apparently were in the front or Davis told reporters who officials said report, prepared by Themla P. tough opposition In Congress. modemlzatlon of our retaliatory the plane Many were covered gathered early today outside the About $5mlllioninsix-month Speis, assistant director for Opponents of chemical capability , as well as withmudundsludgewhenthey prtsonwalls bills were sold at an averaae reactor safety of the NRC's warfare came within two Senate Improvement of our chemical reached rescue stations Davis said 12 or 13 shots were d_1_s_co_un_t_r_a_te_o_r _1_3_.9_33_p_e_rc_e_n_t. __ d_lv_1s_1_on_of_s_y_s_te_m_s_1n_te_1_r_a_u_on_. __ v_o_t_e_s_l_a_sl__._y_ea_r_o_f_d_e_le_a_t_in..:::.g'--a-.:.:.w..::.arfare protective m_ea_s_u_r_es_._ .. ___ s _u_rv_1_v_in_g_p_a_s_s_e_n_g_er_s_s_e_id __ n_re_d_10_t_h_e_1_so_-m_a_n_c_e_ll_bl_o_ck_._ Giff -..... °""' Sunday Fiii To Go Mo llnln1 S..Tele 0,.Pw ........ '7M731 Also Located On Balboa Island .. , '. •ta• t I .... . ... ENTERTAINMENT NfTEL Y COCKT AlLS I CASUAL DINING 11 A.M. 'TIL 9 P.M. 545-1711 t \ \ Hauiaade 9ullts- Gifts • Antiques 142-3112 Send'lhe veblrd Bouquet. Valentine's Day, Feb. 14. l __ j ~UffiU~ Stars support bill on animal research SACRAMICNTO <AP> - Saylna 101t pet1 1hould not become vlcUm1 of painful reuarch, al~ Hollywood 1t1re are ur1ln1 the Le1lal1turt to bar poundl fh>m provldln1 1nlmal1 for laboratory t11t1. prt1ldent pro tem. 11ld nine atatta have law• that do the ,1amt thin• u hll btll, SBl~. and that tbt National ln1Ututea of Health doean't •UH pound anlmall In rtHart'h He 1ald laboratorlea are better o ff u1tn1 1nlmal1 ralud 1peclftcally for reaearch. ·'The heartbreak of IOllnl a pet 1hould not be compounded by the fear that It remain• aUvt su fferlnl 1omewhert In a laboratory experime nt," uld actreu Loretta Swit of the television Hrlea "M.A.S.H." S he appeared at a Pl'tll conference Monday to urtt pasaa1e of a bill by atale Senate leader David Roberti, D-Lo1 Antelea, which would prohibit pounds from sellin1 or 1ivln1 stray anJmals to laboratories to be used for research. Laboratoriet don't know the 1enetlc or environmental back'1rounda of 1tray do11 and call, and pound 1nlmal1 tend to die 1ooner In a lab 1ettin1 than reaearch animals , the bill's 1upporten 11ld. M1. Wyler and Ma. White said pound anfmala are attracUve to labs because they can coat more than $100 less than a dog or cat ralaed for research. but Kanaly uld there are "hidden costl" Involved In u1ln1 atraya. NAMED JUDO! :\1uu1Wl' J o ll 1· d u n <' • d l' p u t \ I (' Jl <i I uffutr!-1 SN'l't•tun ·to Gov Edmund Arn\\n . \,us numl•d bv lhl' ~on•rnor :\111nctu~ to t h <' :\1 on t <' r <' ' (' o 11 n t ' ~uniC'1pul ('0111·1 Bargain canceled Also at the conference were Gretchen Wvler and Steve Kanaly of "Dallas," Betty Whlfe of the "Mary Tyler Moore S how," Earl Holliman of "Policewoman," and actress Gloria DeHaven. Roberti , the Senate's Holllman, preaident of a 1roup called Actors and Others ror Animals, said allowlna pounds to sell or give animals lo laboratories "undermines public confidence in the animal shelter system." SACRAMENTO <AP ) - Disagreeing with an earlier decision, a state appeals court has ruled that a convict whose probation Is revoked can be sentenced to a higher prison term than he plea-bargained for originally, 'Adults only' renting barred SAN FRANCISCO <APl -Children may llve In apartment buildings prevloualy reatrtcted to adults. the California Supreme Court aaya ln a landmark decision lh•t l•ndJorda contend wlll pit renters a1aln11t each other. The 5·2 declslon Monday wUI affect nearly half the housln1 In California, Hid attorney Eu1ene Gratz, who handled the cue for a Loa An1elea couple. "All it means la that families with children can now compete freely In the hou1ln1 market," Gratz said. The decision did not apply to houaln1 reserved for the elderly. Attorney Richard Hamllln said he needed to study the case before decldin1 whether to appeal for his client, Marina Del Rey Ltd .. owner of a 388-apartment complex In Marina Del Rey near Los Angeles. Gratz said he thinks the rulln1 will s tand because there are no 1roundl for appeal. Plane loae• engine LOS ANGELES -An en1lne broke otr • Continental Airlines Jetliner when the empty DC-10 ran into the tractor that wu towln1 It from • maintenance base to the Continental terminal. orricials said No injuries were reported in the Incident Monday, and authorities said the en11ne problem had nothing to do with any defect In the plane - Just with the collision The plane was maklna a tum at about 10 mph when the t<>w bar between It and the tractor broke and the air craft kept foing, said Continental spokeswoman Domini Nash. She said the rtfht wing struck the tractor and the en1lne broke away. The plane waa beln1 towed to a Continental satellite for a flight to Denver. F etwea guarded LOS ANGELES <AP) -Hundreds of human fetuses were being guarded at a 1tora1e container company while the dl1trlct attorney's office decided whether crlmlnal char1es would be filed for Improper disposal, ortlclala uld. "The county la provldln1 a security order ao that we don't have any break·lnl at the 1tora1e company." David Chlldreu of the County Department of Health Services aald Monday. He said the ahlppln1-1tora1e container In which the fetuses were found Thursday "la evidence right now." JI eta' bill backed SACRAMENTO <AP ) -Vietnam war veterans who ml1ht be 1ulferln1 from poor health because or exposure to Aaent Oran1e and other herbicides would receive state help under a bill sent to the 1ovemor. The Assembly, In a 81-0 vote Monday. sent AB14 by A11unblyman Patrick Nolan , D·Glendale, to Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. Some veterans 1roup1 claim that A1ent Oran1e. a defoliant widely uaed to clear jun1le In Vietnam, 111 allll caualn1 health problems In veterans who were expoeed to It. The 1lle1ed problems Include akin condltlona, headaches, nausea, birth defectl and cancer. Pot diapo1al delayed LOS ANGELES <API -Althou1h a federal jud1e 1ave pottce approval to bum more than five tone of marijuana that takes up too much apace at headquarten, th• 11r1eant In char1e of property says other hurdltl may delay the bonfire. Police alJO need clearance from a California court and the 1tatt Bureau of Narcotic• before torchlnl mott of tht u.aoo poundl of pot aelled In the West Cout'1 lar1eJt rtetnt drui baw, Sit. Ken G afton 1ald. HOU\f-or t All ORlt-K, ,\ I ' 111 f\ ''I )t I. I ' ' "I ti ,•. W • ••·~I 1 l 1.\ I' A, ' '' I II NURSERY r:NVARF CITRUS 5 gal reg 115.00 18.98 SELECTED SHADE TREES 5·15gal. 60D/o OFF INOIAN HAWTHORNE reg. •1uo 17.98 STAR JASMINE & la 98 TEA TREE 5gal valuff to113.50 Tu, ESCALONIA 5 ga1 reg •12.00 GERANIUM, IV.ALEPS & MARGUERITE DAISY 1 gal. STAR J~MINE, TEA TREE, OW\AF WHEELER!, BOXWOOD & LAVENDER STAR FLOWER 1 ga1. DIOSMA~ ESCALONIA, NANDINA AND VARIGATED PITIOSPORUM 1 011. COLOR PACKS reg. '2.69 4 '' BEDDING PLANTS & PONY PACKS reo •1 19 '5.98 vlk.les to '3. 75 11.98 51.78 values to t3.50 '1.48 11.69 1.69 INDOOR PLANTS 6'' HOUSE PLANTS 8" HOUSE PLANTS 6" CYCLAMEN BASKETS reg SALE 110.95 '9.15 '28 95 '15.18 '8.95 '4.98 251/oOFF FLORIST . VALENTINE ARRANGEMENT '21.95 reo. W.96 SILK FLOWERS 250/o OFF 640-5800 Or•~· Coa1t DAILY PILOTfTUHday, February 8, 1882 Moscone bust hacked SAN FRANCISCO I APl Artists and 1&rt 1tudenta carrvloa 4lbstract picket ail(nl end C!han~lnt "Buat or butt!" protested the art com ml11lon's rejection of sculptor Robert Arneson'• bust of slain Mayor Georse Moscone Monday's demonstration In tront of the San Fran cisco M uaeum of Modern Art drew lS prote1ters who called on museum officials to put the controversial work on public display. The $37 ,000 sculpture wu removed from Moscone Center In December after some people objected to the references to Moscone's murder Integrated lt\to the work The cerumlc head and pedestal have been locked up in the museum until Arneson and the commission settle differences over the $18,500 the city paid him and the Sl8,500 due him for the comml~sloned work. . \ .I " I} ol ,, I 11 II •I ,,. .. \ { George Neubart , the museum's associate director. said the museum wu "not trying to hide the sculpture but merely protect It until we hear from the artists and the art commission .. .. , .. ,....... -~ MOST DESIRABLE Singl'r .\ncl~ Grhh gl'I ... t·nngratul:tlon I•. kisses from .Ju cqull' Krnkas 1right1 and lkn1s,• Bl.1m<l;1 "• uftc•r being selt•Ctl•<I "most ck :-;irablt• 111 lhl· .\l';1r .. Ill .1 / nut ton\\'Hft' l':tmpu" poll c;1hh "a~ JH't''''"' t•d 1 hl· ''" ;1rd .1t •' I TI.:\ FANTASTIC ... PATIO SAVINGS I,: TAOPI KAI TROPITONE reg. IALE 42" TABLE SET I 48" TABLE SET '725.00 '371.00 '758.00 '371.00 '231.00 •1es.oo •1 CHAISE MARRAKESH I 42" TABLE SET '718.00 '430.00 I 48" TABLE SET '751 .00 1490.80 !' I CHAISE "272.00 1190.40 CANTIN A ! 48" sa. RO. TABLE W .00 '178.20 : CHAISE '340.00 '25&.00 i ==BROWN JORDAN Z TAMIAMI 42" LEG TABLE SET 48" PED. TABLE SET CHAISE 18" SIDE TABLE MAUNA KEA 48" LEG TABLE : CHAISE '179.00 '389.50 '666.oo •421 .eo '319.00 1191.00 •110.00 '75.00 '875.00 '812.50 •389.00 '272.00 i ENSIGN II : i 42" LEG TABLE 1695.00 '417.00 : : 48" LEG TABLE '731 .00 1438.80 ! : CHAISE '32Sl.OO 9209.00 ! i UMBRELLA 9289.00 1191.00 i f ICE CREAM SET ! I 30" TBL/2 SIDE CHAS. '235.00 '179.95 i =:z::== ALLJBERT : I DANGARI : TABLEM'4CHRS. •1.~.00 '940.00 i • • GARDEN SUPPLY 2 cu. ft. ROGERS POTIING MIX ~- reg. '8.98 SALE '5.18 ROGERS SOIL ACTIVATOR •18.er '12.98 12 # BANDIN! 2·WAY 2•# BANDIN! 2·WAY 20 # BANDIN! SUPER BLADE ~# BANDINI SUPER BLADE •12.ae 14 # PAX SUPER CRAB 8 Ol. ORTH ONEX 1e oz. •12 49 '7.95 '14.98 '5.30 '9.80 '·" '3.70 ORTHONEX '7 98 '5.18 ORTHO SPRAYETIE •7 ge '9.80 BANOINI LAWN SPREADER '34.95 '28.00 AMES* SHOVEL 113.99 '9.91 AMES~ HOE •12 99 '8.91 AMES" FLEX. RAKE 110 29 '7 .91 WATERWANDS 99.98 '5.98 COLOR PRODUCTS· 10" RED CLAY POT REDWOOD CAA TE 113.50 '8.95 14" HANGING BASKET '24 95 '14.95 '42.00 '29.00 POTI'ERY LG.MEXICAN PEDESTAL 114.!IO 22 " MEXICAN LOW BOWL '22 oo 10" RED CLAY POT 14 70 1 O" RED CLAY SAUCER '3.00 12" REOWOOO PYRAMID BASKET 18 ~ 2" x e· REDWOOD STAKE 13.eo w· MOSSED RD.BASKET •14.00 '7.50 '8.98 92.91 '1.75 '9.11 '2.80 . '8.80 '8.98 'rtctt "'"""' tllr11 flit!> tt, enCI IUl>jtOt to 11111nl• .. Ill" on MM MOST BEA UTlFUL GARDEN CENTER '. ,,. " " I• I/ I 'I I 'IL .. , ln "' 1/1 Open 9 to & dally• San Joaquin Hiiia Aood at Moo.Arthur l lvd • Acr011 trom ,all'llon latond In Newpott hoch NURSERY • INDOOR PLANTS • FLORIST • LANDSCAPING • PATIO FURNITURE • ANTIQUES _._, ______ _ _, . . ' I !1 -· ' ' D Dally Piiat TUESDAY, FEB. 9, 1982 A 50-year-old manual isn't ~ D CAVALCADE BUSINESS TELEVISION 82 83-4 87 ideal for getting modern-day. advice. See Ann Landers B2 . ... lllTllGTDN BllCH If BUNTAIN VllllY Murder probe pressed Complaint sought following. arrests in Huntington slaying Huntington Beach police investigatons were meetin1 with Oranie Cou nt y District Attorney's officials today, seeking a murder complaint against a 22-year -old Long Beach man suspected in the Jan. 12 slaying of Huntington Beach salesman William K . Norman. Gerald Henrickson, described by police as a former tugbolft engine worker who is now une mployed, was arrested Friday at the Long Beach Municipal Courthouse on the murder charge At the same time , a 17 ·year-old Cerritos youth was also arrested in connection with the slaving and was turned over lo Ora~e County Juvenile authorities Huntington Beach police Lt Merle SchnebUn said it has not been determined yet whether the teen-ager, whose name was withheld, will be tried as an adult County population older, more varied Norman wus found stabbed to death in the bedroom of his co ndominium in the securit y-ga ted Huntington Landmark Communitv Schneblin s aid the two s uspects have been lmked to the s laying by items allegedly taken from Norman's home at the time of the slaying TRASH FINO Dommi(' Munoz of Huntington Beach savs he often finds food . s uch as these 75 loayes of bread. in dumpstl'rs bl· hind grocery stores H e sa) ~ he f11eeze -. th1· Deity ........... Pllett d1sc·an.led food and gives it to ·friends He said he r<.'fused to be photographt.>d Ix-cause he ft.an·d ii <'<ntl<I hampe1 hi s tra<;h d1ggin,:? .I l'l I\ ll ll''i Trash bin 'pot of gold' Huntington man's scavenger hunts keep him in bread By PATRJCK KENNEDY Of I ... o.i1y ...... S'-ft Dominic Munoz of Huntington Beach is sort of a modern day Robin Hood who says he takes from the trash bins and gives to the poor His specialty is grocery store trash bins. On Monday morning he drove behind his favorite grocery store and snatched 75 loaves of bread that had just been t ossed into a large dumpster He says the store manager came out and yelled at him to get away and the two exchanged angry words B u t for the 26-year·old Munoz. a part-tJme a~phall worker with a wife and tlhee children. it was just another day of bargain hunting for food. "Trash digging, that's what it comes down to," Munoz said "But I don't care what people think. It's the smart thing to do because grocery stores throw away good food I get it and give it away to friends who are starving I can't understand why they waste good food." Munoz says his father has been a trash digger for 15 years Munoz, a burly, red-haired man, s a y~ he 's following 1n hi s father's footsteps Sometimes Munoz c limbs completely into the trash btns in sea rch or di sca rded unpurchased food , he says "I know it's still good because I've been eating 1l for 15 years and I'm not dead," he says "If the bread has mold on 1t you don 't eat 1t , 1f the baloney package is swollen. you don't eat the meat ·'I don't ha vc a high school diploma, but I can tell 1f food is good. it ·s simple .. Munoz says his father 1s 76, h ves in Costa Mesa and still digs in grocery store trash bins for 80 percent of hi s food He says his father's most memorable haul was a find of 500 eggs. "He was giving eggs away for days," Munoz says "We ate eggs with everything." Munoz says he also has had goo d find s and that he 1mmed1ately freezes the food and then gives most of 1t away. Munoz says he goes to the markets early in the morning so recently thrown away food is sllll cold "If you freeze 1t right away. the expiration date don't mean nothin'." he says ··I · ve gotten dozens o f packages of baloney. cases of yogurt. cottage cheese I mean enough to fill a refrigerator - boxes of apples, oranges, ice cream. frozen dinners, cakes. "You name it and grocery stores throw 1l away while it's good." Executives of local grocery m arkets say food may stiJI be good for a day or so after its expiration date but If it's not purchased by that time it's tossed away "We have a responsibility to the customer to only sell products we know are safe and fresh," says Bill Wade, vice president or advertising for Alpha Beta. "I'm not sure if trash digging Is unlawful, but It's not a good way to get food," Wade said. "Kids ride by on their bicycles and yell things at me or people give me disgusted looks," Munoz says. "But when I give away free food . I don't get disgusted looks People s mile." By 'EFF ADLER Of Ule Delly l"IMC $'-fl OranJ(e County grew larger, and its residents became older and more diverse between 1970 and 1980 That 's the conc lusion government analysts have drawn from 1980 census fitures. released r ecently a fter two years of compilation. The 1980 census sets Orange County'..s population at 1,932,709 people, up from the 1.4 million counted in the 1970 census. Current population estimates, however , place the county's population at 2,027 ,000 people , acco rdin g to county demographers. The census also sets the county's median age <middle> at nearing 30. an increase or more than five years from the 1970 census. M ore significa ntly, the percentage of non-whites living in Orang~ County increased from 3 percent in 1970 to nearly 14 percent in 1980. The county's Hispan ic population Cboth white and non-white) was set at 286,333 by the new census, or about 15 percent of the total population. Also, Orange County has more than· 2S,OOO black r esidents . more than 20,000 Japanese residents as well as large populations of lndochinese, Filipino, Korean a nd Chinese residents. The census reports that the median value of owner-occupied homes in the county was $108,000 in 1980. Cities which had the most expensive median bou.smg O.C. Population 1970 1.4 mill 1980 1.9mill Latest estimates 2 mill GROWING Graph ~hows the increase 1n Or·ang<.· County population O\ t.•r tht.> pas t 12 \'ears prices were Laguna Beach, Newport Beach and Villa Park, all with values of $200,100. Although the number of people living in Ora n ge County increased. th e number of school-age children decreased between 1970 and 1980 , accord.mg to census figures The number ol children between five and 17 dropped by nearly 8 percent. Bruce Nestande, chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors. commented that the census shows "we 're becoming more ·mixed' <1s a people. so cially a n d economically, so that there is probably no longer a s ingle Orange County lifestyle so often portrayed 1n the natrnnal media " He declined to immediately identify these "items," saying it could Jeopardize the murder case He said an informant notified Long Beach police that someone had possession of items taken from Norman. The informant was questioned by Huntington Beach police. leading to the two arrests. Schneblin said. The slain man was identified as a salesman of promotional materials who lived alone. Norman's Orange two-door Dat sun auto, which officers discovered missl11g a fter the murder, was found abandoned several days later in Long Beach Valley sets hearing on funding law The Fountain Valley City Council will conduct a special meeting at 7 p m today· to consider the required second reading of a revision in the local ca mp aign contr ibution ordinance The council meets at City Hall, 10200 Slater Ave The proposed rev1s1on would raise the anonymous campaign contribution limit to $50 . Currently. a candidate must identify anyone who gives $10 or more to a campaign The change was approved by t he council las t week 1n its first reading If the second reading is approved tonight. the revision will take effect 1mmed1ately Bottle recycling hackers hit county Rough times for Irvine Company Bois terously singing 1n support or their cause, members of Californians Against Waste officially have fired the fi rst salvo in their battle against throwaway beverage containers. Traveling in caravan across Southern Ca lifornia, the group formally filed petitions Monday in Orange, Los Angeles and San Dieizo counties in the hope of Tenants eyed /orex-FV school sites Fountain Va lley School District trustees have agreed to seek a 15-month tenant to occupy the dis trict's former headquarters In addition, the district is proceeding with m or e long range plans to redevelop the buildings and property. located on the northeast corner of Talbert Avenue and Newland Street. to provide additional income. The district is seeking tenants to occupy two existing office bulldinp on the property while the redevelopment plans are prepared. Excluded from the 15-month lease are the distric:t's maintenance and ware house faclUties on the site, alon1 with 1everal softball diamonds. Bids for the 15-month lease are 1cheduled for opening on March 2. The trust.ea wUJ voto March • on whether to accept • bid. Tbe dlat.rlct a1ao wUl be.am' seeking btds from contutunta Interested In preparln1 m • rkelllll document• for redevelopment. of el&bt ol tbe 10 acres at Newland and Talbert. The property Ja iooed ror com merclal·professional uae, and a condominium office complex could be built on lhe 1:::.. qualifying their bottle and can recycling in1t1ative for the November ballot. The initiative -loosely based on Oregon's recycling law - would require that beverage distributors and retailers place a five-cent minimum refundable deposit on all beer and soft drinks packaged in bottles and cans A retail store would be required to redeem any empty container of a brand found on its shelves. About 25 s upporters of the recycling initiative, carrying signs and singing, showed up Mo nday morning to deliver petitions bearing the signatures of 49.252 Orange County residents to the Orange County R egistrar of Voters for verification. The s1gnature1> or which more than 500.000 were collected s tatewide, are some of the 346 .119 needed to qualify the ini ti ative for the ballot , explained Julie Finke ls tein. Southern California director for Californians Against Waste. Additionally. petitions bearing 84,163 signatures were filed in Los Angeles Cou nty and petitions with 105,391 signatures were delivered to the registrar of voters in San Diego County. Ms. Fin~lstein said. Petitions are to be filed m Northern California counties between Feb. 22-26, s he added. The organjzation 's t reasurer. Amy Hewes of Sacramento, said the petition drive bad cost $135 ,000 . She ea ld the orcanilation hoped to raise • another $600,000 to campalsn for the measure. In explainini b.er rea ona ror 1u pporllng t.be recycllna measure Ms. Hewes pointed out that cahfornlen1 throw out s ev e n b l ll lo n beverage contalnel'll each year. She aald that amounts to 13,000 botUea • end cans being thrown 1tway ... -.. :. ol~auw. ' LARGE TARGETS DEPT. -Recent bbtory for Irvine Company executives has been a lime that ran fairly be c haracterized as a period of agonizin~ reappraisal They have been fightin~ battles on too man~· fronts at the same time. A tl pparen y, ~ llR~Pllliirllif,11 ~ TOM they were losin g. on a ll of them . ' It started some time back with mas ter pl anning for the final phase bu i ld -o ut of Newport Center, the commercial and high-rise complex in Newport Beach on the hilly knoll above Coast Highway. Then there surf aced the question of increasing rents ror resident 1al leasehold properties m Newport and Irv me Finall~-. there was that barbershop m Irvine IT ALL ADDED UP to an enormous public relations pratfall for the ranch company that has been a pivotal enterprise m the history. tradition and growth of our coastal region since the early da~·s when oranges and cows were big business. The way things have been aolne for the landl development ranch hands in recent times. they may a ll now wish they were back in cltn.as and cattle. Just look at the record. Irvine Company brass trotted out a pretty well wrought proposal for final development phases of Newport Center. It was promptly assaulted on several fronts and ended up with a Newport Beach committee circulating petitions to stop it • THESE FOLKS GOT enough signatures to neutralizt a Cit y Council approval of the plan and rorce it into a vote of the people. No sooner bad this come to pus than the co~ sto rte<t notifying som e leasehold residents that thelr lease rents would rise upon renegotiation. Screams of foul filled the air Next thing you know a commltlee claiming 4.000 me mbers formed to do battle against the company on the lease hikes . Meanwhile, over in the city of lrvlne. there was Jim Andtrson·!§ barbershop out. in University Park. H~re. the company ex.ecs felt the barber was not creating enough root traffic for the shoppina center. DESPITE THE FACf that Anderson had been in ft ~. Cit&ttM' committee preparmg to call upon the lrvtM Company business for more than 13 vears at thl' loc<1t1on . thl• fr\'ine Company people notified ·him that his lease wouldn't be renewed. .Now plain citizens and the Irvine Cit ~ Countil its<.>lf were rising up to the barber's deft•nst· Meanwhile. the residential leaseholders in Newport or at let1st some of the vocal ones we re vowing to 1oin opponents or Newport Center when that master pla n C'a me up for a vote next June. Put it all together and th<' Irvine Compan~ was abruptly suffering Excedrin Headache Number 412 A real biggie. Thus it was in recent days Irvine Compan~ President Peter Kremer appeared before the Irvine City Council and vowed more consideration for barber shops Mondu~·. barber Jim Anderson got a new lease. Irvine Vice President Robert Shelton in the early pre·dawn hours today was before the Newpot't Beach cou: "ii asking that the Newport Center plan be scuttled and the election be rall~d off be<'ause or "'th(.' cllmate in the community · · YOU SUSPECT THAT the ranch people have indeed beaten a strategic retreat on a couple of fronts and will pause to re-group. One thing about the Irvi ne Company is that 1t '!;so biK and so visible that peorle J\lst love to tung rocks at it I And just look tit al those gla,ss windows. . - I .. I . • I l i I I Long service rewarded Huntington resident Jwnored for 40 years with firm By PlllLSNEIDERMAN ot .. Otltf,.... ..... Terence Doyle describes himself as a man who just dldn't know when to quit. The 82·yHr·old Huntlnat.on Beach realdent was honored r ecently by the Federal Envelope Dlvlalon of Champion International Corp. for 40 years ot service with the company. Doyle worked his way up from envelope machine adjuster to productlon mana"er at the firm's Seattle plant. He was transferred to Southern Califomla three years ago to help the company open a new facility ln Santa Fe Springs. Though he's officially retired, Doyle said the company may be calling him back as a part·lime consultant. Doyle says he owes his four decades in the envelope making business lo his early interest in professional roller skating. In 1941, he was an apprentice ma chinist with another company, performing at roller rinks in his spare time. A fellow skater who worked for the envelope company suggested Doyle also apply. Soon after he was hired, World War II intruded. A Canadian native, Doyle attempted to enlist HONORED -Terence Doyle. 62, has been honore d b ) Federal Envelope Division of Champion International Corp. for 40 years of ser vice in the U.S. Navy. He was turned down because he was not a U .S citizen Yet in Jan 1942. he was dratted by the U .S Army ResumlnJ hla work al the plant after t\18 111Ultary tour, Doyle wltneued many chances In the Industry. "We u sed to ha ve a trumendoua number or people makina envelopes by hand when 1 first started," he recalls. "Now, that's been virtually eliminated. "The m11chlnes used to produce 3,000 envelopes an hour when I started. Now they put out 50,000 an hour." Doyle says there is much more emphasis on plant safety today ,than durtng his early years on the Job, when workers sometimes lost a finger in the machinery . The Huntington Beach man did some traveling to Aus\ralia and South America for the company, and he plans to use his retiremeot years for more traveling with his wife Lois. He's especially anxious to return to New zealand, another place he visited on business. Doyle says he 's keeping busy bicycling along the beach, s wimming, playing the accordian and keeping up his stamp collection. "I'm even thinking of getting a surfboard," he says California home resale volume registers first big increase LOS ANGELES (BWI -to be severely restricted " California home resale volume If not resolved. the inherent in December registered the first conflict between govern ment increase in six months, the a nd private sector credit California Association of demands will further hmtt the Realtors has reported. extent to which any home re~ale The December statewide volume increase can be seasonally adjusted annual sales ~usta ined during th e first rate or 291 ,218 units represents quarter or 1982 , realtors C'aullon market of existing single·family homes sold during December was ro,ughly 74 5 days, an increase or 3 9 days from November The inventory index of unsold homes declined to 20.5 months. a decrease of 3 8 months from the November 1981 index. an increase or 14 ) percent above November. The statewide median s.ales However, the year· to.year price increased a marginal 0.2 co m par is on of res a 1 e percent to $102 ,791 in December transactions shows a 41 percent According lo th e realtor's decrease in resale volume from association , prices were December 1980 appreciating at a rate of 5.2 "With the more than 200 basis percent on a 12·monlh basis. the point decline 1n mortgage second lowest annualized rate or ··The inventor y index calculates the number or months it would take for all currently listed homes to sell. The decline in the index reflects both the increase in sales activit y and a decline in the number or unsold listings." Singer said. interest rates in November. appreciat1on in 1981 activity in the resale market had "The magnitude of the current begun to improve," said Seb econom ic downturn and Sterpa.C.A.R president. res ulting weakness 1n the 1" However. the increase in housing markets will continue to interest rates over the past two C'Onstrain price increases." said months may have arrested any Joel Singer, C.A.R. director of recovery. Without a reversal of planning, r esearch and this recent trend and more economics. significant interest rate declines, activity will continue The median time on the Trad1t1onal mortgage financing arrangements as a percentage of market sales continue relatively small. In December. only 19 percent of existing single·family home sales involved conventional financing or a cash downpayment and a new institutionally originated first mortgage loan. ~ ..................... -'-~~~:;.,_~~~~~~~---~~~~......,,, 25 Available for Immediate DeUveryl G reat selection of the custom 42, 45 or 48-inch conversion. Includes 8 inch color TY, bar, separately controlled rear air-conditioning, power Chauffeur divider window ... PLUS many more features! BCJY OR LEASE. ~ ROGER PENSKE (213) 868-9931 (714) 521-9624 CAUFOANIA'S LARGEST CADILLAC DEALER WHl!AE n1£ e AND CD FREEWAvs MEET .. DOWNEY (FORMERlY 801 SPREEN CADILLAC) WE'RE A LOT MORE IHAll A BELL • YOUR WALL Behjnd the bell Behind the famous Seacoast sticker Behjnd all the state-of.th• art protection davjces we meka and install, Is Seacoast central station When an alarm goes oll on your property. wa gal Iha a1gnal 1n a nearby. 24-hour·a·day central station. It the slgrial lndlcatas lira, burglary or hoodup, we call the police or fire department Since our central 1tatlon 11 UL lltt•d. our central station cuttomers can quallly lot a slzebla dlSC!ount on their ln1urance. And to lncreaN our reach, make ratponH time even l11ter and Improve efficiency we're eomputan1lng our 1tahon But lmptOWmenta aren't new to S..Cout. We've bffn 09tt1ng better for 21 yMta. AtWJ today.,..,. tt. i..cien In the security business In tl'la l'lartlor arH with O¥tr 10,000 eUltOt'nel'1I lncludlnO 1 wide range of big and small retell lndustriel and oommerGlal •t.abllltlmenta To flnd out mort lbout Saeco•t cantral 1tatlon write or coma by our new f.clhty It 2488 Newport Blvd , Cotta M"' ...... 2'488 NEWPORT BOULEVARD • COST A MESA CAUFOANIA • 82e27 • (1t4J 6'42-3490 .Foreign fann cash up SACRAMENTO !APl Foreign investors increased their holdings or California farm land by 57 percent during a 20-month period of 1980 and 1981 , says an organization that specializes in land data. The Sacra m ento Union, in its Sunday editions, quoted the Homer Hoyt Institute of Was hington, D.C., as saying international in\testors owned 705,000 acres or farm land in all 58 counties at the end of the reporting period last September In Kem County at the southern end or the San Joaquin Valley, foreigners own the most of any county -106,122 acres, the institute said. They also own 102,540 acres in Butte County north of Sacramento. The Union quoted a U .S . Department of Agriculture publication as saying that foreigners own about 1 percent of all of California's farm land, but fewer than 1 percent of the farm and forest land In the United States. /\bout 80 nations are represented on lbe list of· foreign lhvestors. . 'RUFFELL 'S U'HC>LSllaY -l1i;t l'u _._~. ttU HAUOl IUD. COSTA MHA-141·1 INI Valentine' 1 Art Shaw/ Ortat gtft• f rc>m Huntington e««er ·daltvthN Feb. 10. Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/TuHday, February 9, 1982 111111.IY lf'llU •11.IY SASHlfll OTT SUMl"O NO,f'l.AfllHll Local firms tell promotions ' Jim Mayfi e ld has been appointed directo r of Mel Thompson & Associates, Executive Search Division. Mayfield 1s a former managing associate with Korn /Ferry International, a Los Angeles.based executive search firm with offices in Newport Beach. Services Inc. or Irvine. He lives in Costa Mesa. * Beach office of the Big 8 public accounting firm of Ernst & Whinney Wllllam J. McClellan has been • elected president of the board of directors or Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Orange County He laves in Corona del Mar Tom Sumlao of Irvine has been appointed vice president. sales planning and control of Kawasaki Motors Corp . US.A. • * Terry Bochanty has been • J erry W. Neeley, chairman of the board, president and chief executt ve offi cer of Smith International Inc .. has been elected to the board or directors or A very International. Smith lnternat1onal 1s located in Newport Beach named national sales manager for VHD Programs Inc. lie previou s ly worked at 01scovision Associates in Costa Mesa Bob Sasseen has been named senior vice president , loan adminis tration at He r itage Bank. Orange County's larg~l independent bank * * Joe l K. Harris has Joined James D. Ott has been named * Costa Mesa based Spaghetti Pol Investments lnc. as director of educational services. c hief financial officer and cashier for Liberty National Bank. a tull·service bank now being organized in Huntington Beach. • * Frank L. Speers bas been promoted to vice chairman of Newport Beach-based Avco Financial Insurance Group. • Richard P. Riley has been named general manager for M anufactunng and Consulting Michael Harwick has joined J A. Stewart Construction Co. of We s tmins ter as project manager . • Donald R. Hofflander has been named a partner at the Newport Judith A. Peake has been appointed manager of Glendalp Federal Savings and Loan Association's Huntington Beacll branch ' OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS HEW YOAK CAPI ComC.tH -~ t11tmtG• "" t'-Ptfltelt ••"• t• SltewCI "; J ,.,, HASOAQ ~tlon> CmlSllr u• . ..., ••• ln811W'11 12 ... IJl't Peoc>Eap 101 • '°"' S..1Mr11 J7"1 .. UPS AND DOWNS '11owl119 MQNst ~ CmwT•I 11 13''> lw.Sout n'"' "" Petrn • ,, n v, ~~E~ , • ., l"e """ -affe" by ConPIP 14"' """ JMn,bV ... , It P•lll-IS tS•1, 1S U ''> ~rut ~ff Of Cordi• 10 J••lco ' """ .. Pllll1Hat ~ TOK \ :s:i·~ •• Monoey. Prlcu oo C•o•T•a ~n ~:7,~c1, '"' ,,, Pl•rc.SS 111/• l1~ TIME OC I'"' 1•1 not Include r•tall ClltlrFd • Ito iv. )llo 11 Plnkrtn 52"1 SS\li ~:::d°~·. '.l:J'~ :s:J'"' m1rk11p ~rll-n Cf<"'°" •~• •Vo k1t1SI pl n "n"" PlonHl8 .. .. v • 2A"' H V1 HEW VOAK IA PI TM 104-lnt lltl or commlulM for 0 •OH ' 13\11 leE Kalver I'"' 1 S-1• Pta•lln. I l'lt Te<umP ., ~ Mlowl IM Oof~ -C-MondAy. g1~':" ' 11'4 Ill/• Kaman • ""' " Pfl\11 Sift •V. TtlcmA llV> 71''o •to<lt" and w1rr 11111 I hat "•"• VoM .., AFAProt 11'11 1]\li • 1 .. JU ll·t• ~=:!1;~~ )011) •1 PtflGM 321,., "''• Tenant • 1••1t II IM moll ...cl _,, t,,. mos1 -on ,."" 30'/o Pr\Stevn 26'1 77 T .. A8 • JOV. l()ll) percent o4 <'-,...,oieu Of --AllM Co •• • ·~ DOlbA' 11.,., 2~ Klm~ll 1~ ..... Pr09rp 1"• 1 ~~~c>r. 12h IJ''o It>< -Y· Accur•~ , ... ,-.. O.tC•11 11 1 Klnotnl I I" PoSvHC ""'' ,,~, ~. UC::. -:.r::· i!;:~~.:~:r:.. ~ AOOI"' '°"' II O.weyEI l J\li KloOfG ~nv. Purta.., ,,.,., 17"' ~_qyot• • u ... 43"' AdvAou Pot J I-> Dl•Cry\ 1• tS Kni::,11 IS'" t• ~~f~ ,, • ., 12 rleoPd »'') iiv, oitlorenc• be-ttw ,,...,,..,.,. <IOMftl "'IBM! • 10 '°"' OlanCr'll JI JI Kr • 1 10'# 10111 ·~ .. ~ TyW>nfd uv. 13i,, Old ode• -~V'• 1 .. 1 bOcl ori<• Allcolnc 111'11 4l Doc11t1 ' 77 11·~ K 110 I"" IS A•91nPr I ••• Un Mc Gii 10 ~ 4'11H 1\io J OollrGn I~ 11 11 • Am•rH 11\') 11-., Oo~DI IS 1511') I:.~~~ n~. n•,., lbyc!W>I ~"' S1'1t US Ent S•• • """ ' A•rmnc1 22"' 13'"' us Slit .. """ A Furn 4'11•1·tt Or i,n ?ti. 11\li L.e...Co "'" » """• . »··· .n•.-, US TtO I?"' 11•~ "" AGtNI 19'0 I~ OuM1 s 11\o 11 AlnGp I = '1\io ~[Im I IP<. 14 tu:s~:. 1''4 ,. .... Ro•dEx 12"> 11'-Vll•l>ll ...... i.• .. H-List ."'t ~· "'" "._ RollOMy II II ~~r.~"J t -I Pta""Th 1 ... Ull IU ::!~f:! 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"· Up ... 81v••M-·~ I FIEmfr: 11 ""'• MIC118k ' n n 1. JO ll na Nol "'11J11table 11 rr>SHU 1"' . .... Up ... 8MllM S• • S Ftwn In •1-< •a. MIMI r 1"'-.... Si.rtSt '"' , ... 11 VldeTGo , ... . '" U11 •.S S-tP1 1\11 7 Fl~8ks t2 no.r. Mlue1G ISi• 1• 13 Co8ohv o l . .... Up •.J Betrl > 1'I'> Fiie J' tn. 1114 Molea , """~ 1• Ti.lf0C4> J . .... Up 4.J 8evMo1 IS IS Fl1N I• 21"' lllllt MonfCOI SYt ~ 2S WrlQMW 0 .. Up • > 81~o IJ'1> 14 Ft11rocb 1 1o.r. MorwC •• ""· 81rdSon .. ,, 10 ForestO 1~ 14'~ -·'lo ts•11 7•V• Blr1Cl\f •'• s• Ft><m~ll 71,. ,,.. ,,,,,, RH • '"" DOWNS 81yvoor ' t•i. Frank f 10•11 llYJ MoJ,,ln ~ .... N...,,. u'1 Cl\Q Pct Bon""J ""I II I FronllE l•h 11 MotClub BrwTom ~ 11 FtMSG JO\/.~ M II r S-'11 S!, I CM!WtS y J I Oii lS<' 811cklwe '"' '' Fremnl ' 1•V. ''"' ~ •c "'" 21V.. l O•l<O h , ... '• Dtl 1• I 8ufl•I\ 301'-JO FullrH8 11V. Jlllt ~~l~Q 1 .. 10 NASDAQ SUMMARY > CmpVicl .. ., "" Dtl 10.0 811rn~ 11'• 17 GnAulm •'~ •'4 NJReK 19'"' 11\li • Aract1Pt , .. "' Off 11,t '"''• , .... s Toon S'" ''" Off 11 s CNl In 1 1" GnOou ~'" 3""' N'l'Alrl ,,,, J .... NEW VORK iAPl Mott tKtl'le over 6 lll•S<i .... I Dtl 114 C PT \ IS IS'• GnRIE1t ISll> 11 HlckOG IJ.\i, ui~ 1,,.-< ounter '~':~~ •1f.:1..S "!"'"' N~SO 1 Al•8Cm U lt l Oii 11.1 CalWtS~ ,.,,., J7~ vEFn 9'• '"" Hlcolet ""· """ Ham. I C11lonPI ~'"' I ()fl IS 1 '""'adH 1\\ 1' r•S<n • 1••. ""' Nt•l•n A •11<. &:II.It MCIC nuoo 31.. ll'-"I'._ • 01aW'JI ,~. .,, ()fl "" CapEn IS.16 I I I GreyAdv 11 16 Hlel•n 8 41'1'\ .. ,,..., En A•• , ... ooo ~ .. ,, "" 10 GeoSy • "'., 1"> Oii .. 1 CapSw I ll~• ll' lllnt1t ""~ U NoCarG• CptnAlt l'• • Gyrocs,1,n ..... 1'J. Hwt NG• &J\., tel Newprt • ISi 000 "'-.. ,,, II Mcloul , .. " OH 1',J c e .. c p ... ~ IS'J. H•ml IS'. IS\li Hw\IPS llE 11 .. Intel U 7.700 U'-1S .. 11 s. ....... , .. '"' ()fl 1f l I~ I~ ... c;.rwtL ..7.100 , .. , .. l I• IJ !>f\1rp1GI l "' Oii .. l ChArAI~ ll• 1 .... HardWke l>o J"' NOHll lJ XI"" Appl~ 1'1 IOO ""' 1 .... .... .. Muw ... I"' °" UI ClvmS • 10 10• HrpAo• ""' 11'> Hue~ , ~ S'"' COftltCP llS 100 1'-I\\ IS Bio~• .. ~ 11'1 Oii IU ClvlHCkl • I•'• 11 Herp(;p 30' • JOYJ Nut y ' n n"" Alt Fla IJO,Q '" ... ... It Blln • •"' "" Oii IU Cl\mLH .. 17' HarttNI 10•1o lO'I> Ck•-· l1 11' • CmPVlcl llUOO .. ,, '" 1"• 11 SwFClrs 1 .. .. Oii IJA c ,,.su11 1111> 19 He<~11i , ts~. 1"' ~ll"c!.M JO'll, )1\/. llrwTom 101,000 ~ 11 1"-II TIP••'Y ni._ 1 Oii I). CINbb •~ 0 Henrd u U..., O lo H 41 ... 411,~ " VortK t\o IV. Off IU Ctrtlco •'"' I Holobfn ,.. '"" OllF••ro 6"-IV. .Cdvan<-.t ISO 10 P•IO" ,..., .. Oii 11-0 CllrSoGa Po I Hoovet "" ~ OtterTP CIUUIA :M ... :M HorllA• ,... •Y· PCA Int ""' 11a. Oec 11nec1 1,112 11 HIS toy J'"' .,, Oii ll t p1ru1a n•' ll H,,xatttnt u 11i u 1,1. P•b>t8 • ..,. si.. unchAll9t<I 1,040 ,, BrertlP Q • .,.,. .. Off 11-S Clor-JL U 1SYo I S Int lt'J. IM>t ~<G•A IJ Uh Total Is..., >.Jn 7l HlH Pl 1'-.. Oii IJ s CIOWCp ..... • lfll••lncl 6'1'J .... •u•uP ltvi 10 Ne• hlof>\ II ,. lntTOl.ll l V. ... 1 Oii 12' ColrTte Ill.It II lnl•I 74lol, 1S PMt I '"" \v. Ne• ID'#\ 1:12 2S RepRM'.I JV. "1 Oii 12J 10',, ll•lt T011 I HIM JO.sn,ooo 16 S1•r1A\ i ... 1\1. Off 12.s COloGH l It S·I lnlrcEnr S'" S~ P•naEnl ,, .,./. MUTUAL FUND NEW YOi.K CAPI tllvln lkltlock FIOctl I• 21 Hl Inv Attll J JI ) 6' Fund I fJ •SS Pro S.rvi<n ~ T,,. td-no -•utlclt 14 u IS.51 GVI Se< • " Hl ISltl ,. en Hl Gtwtl\ s 40 s.. Med~ .. 01 HL IH<fman ,,_ 1111ofts Wlllllled by C•ndn ._,. 1 jJ Hllnco • .. NL Ivy Fd t fJ NL Nt18cl • u • Fune! 1 21 NL Am 1"" l °" Nl I ... HalloNI Mm<I· Olvld 7.SI 2.74 HI VICI t IJ Hl JP Grtll 1015 11" M11t1111 Of Orneh• tn<om ... Hl As-" NL •lion ol Se<urltl•• Hltnc t.n IO . ll MIHI 101 NL JP lnco •. 51 1,(19 Am•• t '1 Hl "•u SI p t,, 10. lnlf .. l I 4 NL 0.llert. Inc .. -Montll ... '· ""'''" t., NL Jan.n tOI NL Grw!f\ • u • ts"""'•'" """"' s ~-s 7• NL tM prfctt 11 M>l<I\ fill WS 1.4' 9.11 TlorHt •" Hl Jof\n Hancock tncom 1 II I.. Con• 12" ., le n It• !'OS IMM -urllltt TaFre .51 I.ts Tre"" ll'4 Nl X V "• I T• Fre tJO •.02 Int Eq ISSI 11 aellQ II~ NL could ..... -CA9TNT t .S1 HlFlnanclalProo '"'"'·? ... ""'"'I'>"' M11ISllr •'O Nl GMfll l21'1J CepOp 1110 NL IOld JNltt auet Cnt SM II .. NL Dyn• I~ NL Orwtll t .JI 10 ti HHHT JJ.lt Hl Grwtlt t .. IO StoO IS.• NL v11 ... 1 0< bouQ!>t Clllrt Fd 14.Zl 17.74 lndul1 1 U NL US Gvt 7." I SI N•I Avie I t3 Nl HI Vld 1J 40 "l7 u~~ ;·: ~LL ,,,..... ...... Mln Cllp Olr U.'4 NL ln<om • u NL r .. E• I.II .... Net 11\0 II ti Hl ln<om S.:12 S.11 ~·•lln¥ s •• .u char911 l!lonclay. C"'l1nllt J7.41 Hl Fst tn"ftton: K•lllmn I.OS NI. NII Secuflli.t lnvut a_.w • n tret Oth :io.. N' 1911 94fy Coto11l•I F-: 8ftcl Ap 13 ot 14.10 K•mper Funds: 81l1n t ff 10 :M Ootll 11 ... 11... Grtll ,._ 10 ~ AOte 14 U NL Fu"° 10.ot 11.02 011<0 1.'7 t.to tncom • tS 71' 8oM l C» >JD To Ex IS .. 1' ,.-·-Accwn F n 1• NL Grwtl> 7.24 7.fl Grwt" I.. I 10 Grow t .S1 10... Grwtll 1 2A 1 It lll1ta 12.• ll.75 T~~ 1'. M37 IUIO f\OV tJ SS NL HI Vld •. 11 4.6t l"<c>tn •Git •• ., HI Vld 8 01 l,U ltteld S .. • 10 \/ow~ 11 '1 ti 15 "u " Alllt11r• ll lO NL '"'°'" S.11 .. ,, Net An uo. 0 lnlllO II.SJ 1160 I s '° ,, ·-· . . Tmpt GI •Al , ... AIM Fllft<fl· Optn us 10.12 Optn •• •• Mun• u• •Jt s~:' ta> ; u ~~ ~·~ :t ~~~1c~ 'rn 1:·~ CvVlcl 11 .. 11'1 T•a Mo 111'0 It.If T•a Ea •II 7JI Oc>tn 11,n 11e1 TH Ex 6SI 100 ll•v•r• IOS NL Trn\ Inv l>t NL Edson 11 S1 1111 Col11 Giii IS.S7 NL WIEQ I M 111 SUmm 16 33 II H Toth • 1$ SU Safeco Sac:ur Trev E IOU 11 20 HIYld U1 ... C•ltfl A8 I Ot I " W•ll IJ,. Hl heh 10 41 11 JI l'alrlld • " 'n Eqult t.03 Nl Tlldr F2 11 u NL Alpftl F -·" Cwltll co I-Sf I .. F"" Gt" • 17 s n Tot Al 111'1 11 :M NELll• F""" G•...,, IJ.n NL T-C Gt IQ.JI NL "llrtllT IO" II" COMP 8d ..... ,. Founders c;,....., IC•'f>lon9 ~.. ECllllt ",, II. tnco t 12 NI. T-C Sil tJ40 NL "-•le ... F-Comp Fd • 51 t.. Grwtl! I°' Nl C111 81 12 n IJ~ OrwUI 11" IJ tO StP•11I In-I T-C UI • 0 4.., A ••• • n ... COfl<ord "21 NL lncom It 11 NL Cu• e2 IS •1 11 0. IAnc•t°'"Eq 1'1 "it 1· • .,u ~~ 11]• ?! '1~ •11 USAA Gt • t7 NI. Amc1t s «> ... c -tklll o.n1 M11l•I '" I CIJ C11• ... 'n '., u• W U• -> SA A Mull 10." II S3 FllftCI 11.10 12 ,. S,..CI 11.,. Hl C111 Kl •-12 7.0 TaaEx s 11 s lS SPKI 12 .w NL ~nf ~~nc t?t :t ~ IO a 11 .. lncOM S.. • U l'reMllll c;.-. Cu\ Kl S.U • U H9""r-Berm S<-r "-11 ,. Fd Inv 1 ... 1.Jt Mun act S .. •.31 AGE .....,,oll (111 SI IU7 1'15 E11roy ISt? NL Com St 11.Ji NL ~::.~...:st? Nl Grwtll 9.42 10 SI C-lllV tl.25 11.1S OHTC -v•ll C111 SJ 4.51 I It G111rd 21 .cl NL Oent AS... NL A<cm 1• 1-tncom 111 '·'° Con1'9t O If." NL Grwttl .....,.... 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I 1S II 17.2J hnd US US ~ Hl A 11!¥ 111 02 L 190! 0111 J.D e.JS Grwtll 1M Ut 1.lllMran 8ro x ,,. S.• NL Com S 12.tl ,.,H 01 J.Jt US Al!\Meel 1 .. 02 ...... .....,,,. '"'!: .., .. •" '"""" I0.'2 11.n 11111 tf.D IS.S. Gl'Wtll IO.«J 1t.4' Tu A NIO"' Mi P• ••tatt l! 7.4-t Man 11 tt.7t NI. 111eem 'o. 15 n~ 1.• • 7t ,,..,.... M 1' HI. ij "t A Ill IM 1'.0f ". ..-. NL ... ., 21.Clll NL Mu"' s.• j lli:c u.,. U..li Seft ... y _ 1US ti... itt' It Ill A111~y $.$1 Set Onwtll 1'.JJ H•r1r. WI US Oft 1J1 e. ere111 t.S4 t.lt MlffrMfl """*' f N Art vt t,t4 NL lllCDr" ~··11 H~ ti 1 . t NL Metl ll!Mrlth ••W&, UI NI. Appn 11.ot 12.M a f NL "E fl .•••<II ·°' lOl'S l"A v .. Ul MIT 10.1110... 7.0I NI. ~IYhl ...... '°' .... , "'Ji"' net , ··r. Mntedl : 'J. 01"9W' , M 0 10<$1 11.IJ ~II UI NL MO<ll IW !t,ft .. I I -.·11 l nc:~-.T t f:~ ~.~;;, '"·" ,li r,••tfl !·M u1 MJ~ g It:: =•I• 0:,:, t, 10 N~8f' llU.11 r,·ti tell .. t 41 a ti. 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AO 1 n ,,..... .... HOCO H 1 ~ Ai.I" pt 11 .. d0d7' -l'J enco IC 20 1114 ... Fel•clld to J 23' 13 _ .,.. tnj•'-uo 4 1 tt'llo-'4 NebscB 2.QJ I 2t't J2-l't •unrd t.Oll 7 .. d1211>-v. TOt<o ,; 1,. t>~ ~ ,. ••• pl !-" .. l.200 St\'t .. "" ,..,,,.. 2S ' tS 231'1-l Fil" pl uo 6 ,,,.. '" Alu 60 I 70 11~ Nbt<e pU.lO .. "° 31111. • Ronin t.ao 1 ,.,. .. "' t "' Towt• u • tA 11\.9-v 11.l•P Pf f;ll ., tlOO S1\'J+ "'Ctn5oW l ... s 1"' 13,,._ .... FemDI' ').! • I ,. D .... IBM 3.'< II 3'132 6111,.. N•l<O 2.tA" ,, .... ..,._ "' Rt1tM 2.C • 111 1t"4o+ E ToyRU . 10 15" 22-~ ~::t~~ ·: 1 22~ 0;:~ ~ ~:::r.r.' ,·~ 1 3~ :~~ ~ ~~~t,!F · s~ o :~-v. :~:~~~ • 1s ~~ 1~ t: =:~:' .61 ~ 1~ :!~ .. ~ =~~~e'1·: 4 1~ ~~ -; ..., ~racor , 22 " •12 nv.-v. Albany I.JO 6 19 Ul'J ClllLI plf.lO .. 13'0 !I +' Fedtrs 13J n.o 'iii, lrllHr pf S.76 1' 11 -.... Nethue I 60 I n 1'VJ. I,\ Rl•oelT 1.10 ' 14 11 D .... ..... I» 1 .. ,..,.._ ,,, 11.lllbll .. t J2 J6 .. CenllPS I ... 1 '9 11.\<t-V. FedlCo 1.30 13 39 20\'t ~. tntMln 2 60 S 126 ttV.-\\ N•tC•n I • .. 11~ AtoOren I.JO • •J n • Y. W Cp I• '°2 U-V. Aleen 'to 6 662 " -.... CnLeE " "° s m 74 _, Fdfllp 1' ?JIO SC.,.. " lnlMult 1.41 s ,. JIV.-" NCn~St .tOI> • 24 I> v• AloGt pf ·'° . 107 11 .... ~ w wl 151 "*--v. AkoSt a I.GI 1 36 " + I;, CeMP• I Ill 1 ~ ''"° FdMOO 1 32 1 7 .. _ 1, lnlPapr 7.c! J 919 3.JV4 • "-NalOIJI 1.20 • 11 ttY. t V. RIWA • .liO 10 9 1t . . . . . WC pf 2 · · 2 IC -V. Alt•AI nl.M 10 117 21 \.nSoy• .. 20 '" 11'1) ..... FeCINM " 11'1 7.... lntRect 32,, 2 ",,.._ "" NalEdu t.lll 1 60 1• .... -.... Rotllhw 1 . .0 10 60 H t "' c pf uo ,. 1111> .. 11.IOAI WI 11 tt -'4 c ... r,1 , 20 I 13 71111'1 "" Fec!PB 1'20 ., .. , .... • ... lntn ,... I U4 27 -'.14 NelFG 2'0 ' ,. 27"".. Aobt1n ••• ., ' ., i. ,.. TWC pl , .. ,. 22111o ..... Ale•dr . . 43 ~ \It c ... 1.01 . 140 ·~ \I) FdSonl' I 10 tt ti\<.-"• ITT ptO s.. s 4 11> N•IGyp 1 ... ' 12 20 -"' Robin• •• 1 i:ll n~-... 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Aohrln 1 M It~"-TA"lly IJ S I~-~ Alld(;p 2,«I 4 SCI fO -\'I Ch•mSp IO II lit 714 ''• Flfmw~ 1002 S~ l\,1 IOWllG l .lO S JI 18... . NISVlll I 41 6 ~ ?Slit+ V. Rohr pl l 13 . 4 2'-11i I Trenwy I.toll l J 21,._, . 11.ICIC'p ptt.7• . n 4714-VJ Cl\erlCo I I) 213 H...-.... Ftmwy DI •l l~• • > tow•PS 2 «> 7 H 11'-NSlend I i4 11 I Wit . AolllM t S6 9 11 t~ .. , Trnln a 1t • US '61/t-14 AlldMnl I I 112 ttYt-,._ Chulwl 12.S l\'t V. FnCpA s 61 ll' t~O V. 10.-aA1 2 .. 6 11 tti~+ ~. N1llSll 2 S t!4 f3'1t-V. AotmCp n aJ 3)11,-114 TrlCon J.17t Cl Ill/•-"" AhclStr I Ill 6 17S "*-" "' C1141rl Pf .. ., 92 911> .... FnSBar I 141 l:M l'r• trv9B• 3~ c 19 Ml 1 v, N1lotn I fO S )lO 19"' V. Roper 90 4 x1 """-,,. TrlCn pf 2.511 2 11:\lo 11.ldTel" 9' 6 JI U'IJ . Cl\esFd> I 1Se • 83 I,,,.._ "°' FlnlF•d JU IS , v. t lekCp ,,.,, ll •~ 11"' • '"' Nelm pf 4 . ' 12-.... Rorer " 10 ~ 171<. • ... TrlSolll 4 73 3\1. AllllCll 22' dl3'1J-"-CMM J.fO S 234 Sl+o v, FlrHln 60 S78 IOV. V. -J-J -N .. Pw 2 U 6 SI ~ .... 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NYS pf a.Ill . il'IO s1 _ 14 RonH I.JO 11 S1 11 -14 lylerCo .60 1 U It\<.-14 AmHHt 110' '1'93 dlf~ 'Ao CNW n S H7 11~ V. FIMlu .2• 11 121 011-. \0 J.il Piii •.52 6 ~ 25'1>-NYS pt 2, 12 1 14'11 + ._ Ryder-$ IC*> 1 122.J 2JV.-'" Tvmtllr II 234 18'1>-'"' AHet pl 3.lJD . I dtS .... -lfo ChlMlw •1 IS S1"4o -"-FstN8o 2 • 4 ' -,,._ JerC pf U.511 r200 11111'>. NYS pl03.7S t 23V.-" -.-S --11-U -~mm~11,r11021411!!11 10J~ .. ~.•Cc~~PFnue11T ,!112• ?! 110•~ ''•FF~SPle8n220b1.~!! u2~+•• J•rCpl 11 . 1100 •21.-HI Newell 1StO14'4 $(;~ .-7DdMl>-'4 AL ltlOD t~V. " ,..11 --"~ -,. -" .. -~ .,. J orC DI 1.11 8 12V. Nwllel .n 10 1 2•'1>-'4 SC... 2 S n 2114 ... UGI 2,CW 6 1 24V.-.... AAlr wt m 4V. + .... '""'''" 'Ut 14 21 's Fi!Pe wt 12 "' J-elC U• • llS' ll~ V1NewmlIella12 216 lSI">-,,.. SFN I.GI • 12 """• '4 I.JOI pf 2.7S .. 1200 20~+ IO AAlr pf 2.11 .. ,. IJll> + \It ChClt pl I , 1 FtUnR •I.CW • 126 O\lt "· J•wlC pl l ,, . . N""park 16 • •147 13\lo+ .... SPSTec .n • " 10Y. .. 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GTE 2.M /IMO llV,-'h LetFev tO s JS 1'~-.... PNBMI I 22e 7 I I'll. Stnlkln 2.J212 1'37 ., ......... v.w:Pw t.511 1 2012 11-AnnWln l.IO I I 1'-._, nPw pn .. • 160 41 II GTE Of 7 SO 19 24-'°" Leveed 19 J 12 -_, PPG 2.3' S 123 32-tit Smuckr t 20 7 4 l2'i<-v. VeEP pf7.n dO .,.,,.,. I AroCp lb 6 4 IS"" nPw pf • l'I 2•...,' 11' GTE pf 1.. 6 11 -.,., L•vlSt I •j I ,.. JI"'+ i,. PSA .60 10 • ~ + 1't Snep()n .. 10 13.! 111'> 14 VeE P pft.7' .. Jt10 6J -t "rrowe .•• " 16 17"' ., nPw pfl.,. • ,, ..... G Tire I SOC> .. 201'•. '"' L•VltlF I 17 121 J2 Pee AS t.:W. . 2S ·~ ~·' I. 10 • ,,. Cl2A~ "' V•E p t>fi.'° • ""' + Artr1 20 27 3 1•~ " nPw prl as 1 13"-'' G•n .. co l~ )'h '" LOF 12011 a Ill 2l PacGE 2.n • 16l3 21" . . SonyCp 1:.. 12 •1 IJ -\"J VeE flfJ 1.n rlOO ~ Arvin I 12 • 2S IJ"4t '-CnPw i>r'l 73 I 1''"' • 1• GnAed GI IS 2S !SIM -.. LOF pl • 75 . JCt dJI~•-Pacuo 2 74 s 92 2J -""' Soolln 2.-• 4 271">-•.i. V•U~ pn.20 dll ........ 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LI Hon I .o()C) 6 J71 SJ P•IMW .JD It ll1 ~ "'° Soet8k I S lS 1~. Wacl\IW l.2C I 1'1 Jf'li + AllMlro .ewe s 122 11111 '"' Conllll 2 s 410 J3''• 111, GaPw pn'Sl l I • .,. .. .. Lo<kl>O ... 10"' PetmB< 1.20 • 4 S dll _,,,. SoetPS I 3:J( 1 22 I~.. . WachAt ll .. 1~ All Ric II 1.fO • ·~ 18"' Connet 1·16 I 2S1 IS-.... G•Pw pn 1S 2 "'" LOOd plll.2S 18 1'6 ~ PenA8 n .SC I ,. .. ~. "' Kat Ed J.14 • 1117 2t .. . Wetklll .UD 10 1 12'4 + All Re pl J.IS J.3CO .,. v. CtD••• •. SS I"°' l''I• '• ~·u se ·• 16'8 ,,.. <-.. L«lll• 16 17 II n -PenAm . 1104 1"'.. . Sou111Co l.'2 • S31 ti~.... w.,._. ,14 IS ,.,..._ All Ac pf 2.111 I 92''> CnDI pl 4.SO r«> 34 •I GerbPd I• 6 15 lfl' • "• LMwt 1.20 S co 7''\.0-I'" Pan~EC 2 30 S JM JO"e+ "-SotnGE 2.GI 6 M 19"-.... WIM•rt .lS 20 1«1 Cl-AllatCP 3 ,, ,.~, "• Conwd. l.20 1 1 n .. OubS< 12 ti 92 10 + .,. LOmF" 1..U 1 ,, ~-y. Pepcfl t 1.19 1 19 11 ....... SNET•I 4.56 ' 14 -\It wa11rn 1 • 10 <SY>-Auo•l t .32 I• S4I 73 Coo-Un .07r 30 1" 3 · G•ll"t 2 «> s •so o" 1"' LomMt 2 .. 1. • u Ill{.-Perdyn J3 300 31-y, SouPec 2.60 6 JOJ M14-l'J WkHlh ot.JJ . 51 dt:l-11.utDt • '<IS 1"4 1• -\\ Coopr l.2A 7 UC ._._ ~ GlbrFn , 26 3'" LnSter I 'IC> 6 '3 1cV, Parges t.2AO s JI IH• SouRy <.14 1 11 ~l'li W•ICSv ... It It ,1~- Avco(p LJO S ffS di~ 11' COOl>Lb .Ill t H 2I -'h GldL"" S IO $ le 1-09 LILCo 1 .. S 'l6J 13"-PerkDrt .16 s 1061 14 + 11> SoUnCo 1.56 S tt lt\11-"'° WallJm I II ll' 11"' Avco pf Ull . 21 dlJV.-?'IJ' c,oopT. ·r :is 11,J !~"'.:..:. ;,;, GlllHlll ·,, s 7 11 LIL pfU • " s ,,.,. P•rHen "" I 12'1 ...... ~ Soutlnd I.GI 1 , .. 21 . Wamac I s " HE AvtrT .., I .. 23"'· .. oopwd I, 4 -Glll•ll• 21011 4S? u · ... ~"' LIL pll' J.JI 21 701,, P•rkP•ll .S2 I• 10 IJ•t..-14 5oRoy .cwn '~ 71~+ •;.. Wr11Cm 'ltlllll s•-Avne lb 10 715 u .... Cordufl .60 ' ISi 1"4-.. GltHW to • • 10-. .... LIL ~p 2 <I J ,~.... Per'°"' I 10 IS2 28 _, Soumrk .OS. • IU Sit. WernrL '40 112 '"° 21h+ AvOfl J , ICll3 d7'<-'II C0<eln' .4' ' 27 12~ V. GlobM' 20 • lOlt 16-'• UL pfO 2 '1 7 IS"-P1tPtrl IC ISi di~-" Soumk pl . J1 7"'-. W•lhGs 2-" I 19 11 -Aydin _ ji_.23_ 14'1•-"-~:~g,_ rr: ,; :iro ~.,_: ~ Gk1Nu9 S flt t'h ,,.. LongOr 92 t ™ 2' • PtyltN, .JI I 12 IC -y. SwAlr t .12 9 tJ• 3111f-~ VUllNI I I.GI S lO 10- eT Miii 2 '"' ,_... I 18 4 ,..... 14 GldWF Oi ., 1 Lo••I n u 63 21 PevC•h n,20 12 S2 ,,...,_, Swe"' ' 1.20 7 4 lt.... . . WetN Oft.JD I n -Beirne n «>. j. .. "'-, v, Coxed 1 2' l6 67 l3V•-"' Gdrl<h I 16 S 3l 1'1, '> LeGt!nl s 42 S 41 121,. Peebdy 16 1J 61 J'4-V. SwFIBll .. 1 36 t~, v. Wll\WI 2,«> 1 4.S 11"'°-'" ekrlnll 60 I Ill' JI -" Cr•M 1 . .foa • 11 JO .,., GoodJr I«> 10 12M "I L•L•nd l 111 1 1933 21'1) ' Pnvy n 1.10 • ' 20'h .. SwtFH• .6012 62 13-"' WHW' .40 ts I ... lO -I Belclor 32 13 tS 13.,.. v. CreyAs 25 e6ll l3 _ \;, Gord s S6 ' 31 12 ,._ ,,. LaP•c IOb 21 17' tt\o\o-Paf190 Ole 6 20S 13-..+ y, Sw1Gat 1.1610 31 1"9+ Yo Wellt.tn .• 12 II 1'~ 1 l ellC l.IO 6 0 J:Rlo--"" Criton s 71 2''4 + v. Gou~ 1 72 I Ml 1l'111 ~. LouvGt l.21 7 l" ieci. + P•nCn, 6 10l 22•1o-1 swenr n .n 11 IC dl._ v. W•yOoe . .tOt I 9 t-• Bell f,., 10 • 16S6 2•-.... CrockN 2 40 I 91 ,..,. ..... Gra(P 2.60 s Syw ., "" LOWenll I 10 6 63 29~ P ... (n prS 27 77 63.,.,_2 5W1PS '·'° 1 .. 12~ .. WeanUn ' 2 •14 .... "'E . 2 c CkN f2 II I 2.0V. Gratngr '(II • "' 36•;, LOWH. ~II IS7 IJ'IJ' PennCp " t 111 S*-14 $per1n 60 s 12 ,, .... Wean Pf,,,. , " ::1:G IB ~·~ 6 ,l~ J~~· · · C~mK: I 04 6 10 II ' Grenlfvl SI 6.J 10'• '" Lubril \ l Oii II 13 71'To p..,n•y I .. 6 ff6 1''..,_ .... ~IPll .. •2 ti-_,, WeiMID I 1J2 d • 8 ~I 1io.u • 21 "' CrwnCk 1 24 27"" Giii.iP< . lO'I •1'1 ·~ LUCl<~S l 16 • YS 12.. PePL 2.2• s 140 1711o+ .... ~,,. 1.92 1 ,,, """-"' Wel•~.O 1.1• t 20 J1Vt-B~ ..... SI 24..,,:: ~ CrwZtl 2.JO 10 tu 2~ i;O GIUln Ill 16 I ll&o+ '" Lu-ens 71 6 11 I?~ P•Pl pf 4 fO 1100 11~. , • SprlnQs 1.3612 1• 14 -i11o Well,1F 1.tt S " "14 ~ · C Zel pf c l!.l II l7 ,, GNlrn 4.S2e 9 1• 76•1, 'lo M M -PePL pr1.IS tJ JJ-v, SquarO t.M 7 612 2S -.,, WtlFM 2.111 t 10 JI~-=~'-" .... ~ JS 1f1 =b ;z c~umF ,· ... s 3"1• :IO~. • GINONk , 6 '° ,..,.. .... MACOM 11 "2142 d2011< Pe PL pr II dtllO ,. ... '""' SqulbO 1.2' IJ '°' .,...0 v. w • ...,. " 1t t 214 .. ..._ ekofV 1·16 6 .. IS ... \o\o CumEn l J SI 33.._; ii. GIWFln .II 916d11 ''• MC'-1.51111 3S2 ~ I PePL ~70 1100 SSs +x SIAl•y .IO S S4 ltllo ..... WHl(o tl)ll S2 lllf>-BnkA,:: 1 'st 6 SU ltll'<_: .... Curr Inc 1.10 29 1'h, • Gron 1.20 5 661 ts•... ME I S8 11 11 lll'• Panwll 2 .... ~ 6 lf2 2S -14 StePnt .M t t$ cfltl.,._. " WIPIP • UO • ... 12',.._ Bkll.RI nt:io I t 23""-"' Curtw 1 • I• ·--I v. g~::.'G ~~ i ~ lt: :z :g~?r .~IO .. ~ I~~ ~ ==~= ~ i: .~ ~ ~ ~ StdMot' .16 1 u 16\.'t-" Wntlrl. ,., .__ Be"kTr 2.0S S 171 33*-"" CyclOps 1~0.~01~ CfZI ~ Grumm 1.«> 17 1' le..,_ .. Macm1H !O 2S ,_ IS -._ p.,.ntol 2.20 II l261 0 14 + \lo SIOllCI 1.40 S Im cDll/t-1\Co =~~l's .2! 't ~ :i:~ BkTr pf 2.50 · · • """· · · · • DMG JI JO J•At + "'° Grum pf2.IO 1 11"-. Mecy I 7S 7 11 S1~ V. P-Or ,16 • U lS\lt-I,\ SIOlnd 1.IO 6 »1S ~ " WPIKI S l7 S6 + Bklr pf •-22 · 3• JO . Damon 20 tl' ,.,,_ v. (;uardl s .32 • 2 13.,.. ""' M<Hfd 1.2:.. . 163 1"-PeooE n t s JlS 7:\lo ..... ~~~o 1::: 1: ~ d3~-II> WUnlon 1.40 tJ 362 J2\lo-BBenntdc'A ·!! 1'6 ..!! .!""--~ DanRlv I 12 • 147 IJll)+ .,, G1tw11 .ff • SOI ............ MaolCI • • 81 ,.,.__ v. P~Co I. .. 10 U62 3SV.-t"9 Stancle• t!b • l IJ WUn dtlfl.11 .. 4 I ... ar --•• ., ' GlfW pl S 1S . 20 S4\"J+ .... MafonH 1«>10 U JJ •;, PerkEt .SO 14 lf'J 14 .. -1111 St Wk ' 16 t ·~·· ' 11¥UTI pf 6 1 41--. BarnGp I 1 2 di'*-"-DenaCp t.60 I SC ~ \.9 G IW pl J.'7 • "'"', t •t. MgtAU 11 10& 10 Prml•n 1.4.Se .. 205 10-. ..... s.:'rett ' 1 7 '; ~ :: WVTI Df2.S6 :: 6 1..-.+ Barrwtt 9' 1 21 fl\o• \\ &::;'::'~s:'~ ~ ~=~.,. GllWol 2.so ,11 ..,.,,, .. M•nhtn JOb s t7S 12~ ... Petrl•sl7oalO '1 1• ~ 14 StaMSel.l6I .. 12 ,14_"" Ww!!.'!!•,11.! 6s ..-1, M211'>-• 14 BaryWr fO II 41 ,.__ V. · GullOll 2.111 S llS 7'1-~ M•llnLf 32 7 2 • • \'t Ptlrtn t .<2 I 1'3 lfl/t-14 •••~ .-Bas Ats 2At 10 23 f lit 0.t•Gn le S.J SOY>-l'o GulfRH Ill dll-'I Man(r 1 :36 10 ' IS-V. PetAt '»I .. 2.J 21'111-U. St•u!Cll l.Jt ' , .. -· \"J W.yertlr 1.-11 m UV. Beuscll l.S6H 1611 OW O•ll'•r · U 9 · .. GullR Clfl.30 l II..,__.,. M1rHan 19! 4 Ill> 3:2'111-v. Pflrer t,M1931S7 SC"'-1 ~:~ ·'.~ ~ Y ~~·ii: w..,rpf UO .. S32 ~ ... BaxTr I .JI 16 1422 JC 'I) g•lr.,I '6 1~ ~ ff:Z• ~ GllSIUI 1.5' S 290 1111> . M•nvlll I "1 II lfl IH• PhelpD .IO II Sl7 d2t -V. Ster1Dg 1121002 ~ + "'° Wtyr pr •.JO .. l Jt\lo + Beyf'tn IO t• 7~ + "'° Day H · O i ~ -GltSU 1>11AO Z311 MY>+ l~ Menvll pfS fO 12 ff.... Pnlbro n .'4 S 'fO 24,,,_ l'J St.vnJ l.20.. 41 I• _ -, WNelF UO I V9 ~ BeyStG 1.12 7 2 I""• "' ay d It.to 1 I . • "' GulfUld l.l2 • IS 11.. . MAPCO I io .. ,,., Qt~ i..; PlllleEI J • m lJ"'··". StwWta IAI t 2S 2211t ..... ~" llf4.12 ' s ...... Beyltk " 1 I 12\lo-,,.. 8:f.:L 1 ~ ; ~ ~~ "'° Glfllk n .Jt I 60 t"-• ·~ MerOll l IJ 4"'1 n\<'o .,., PhllE pf •AO · rt2.0 11 . ·. · · St•VC 1.• tO 21 D'4-t I" f' 2 · · 11 ..,....,_, BHr'llll I I 6 JO -V• OelmP t SI 1 ISS 11-. Gullon .60 2S •I .... -Ill M<lrcd n & fS e , .... PllllE pf 4.61 d60 2'14 + 14 St-W l.611e 7 1 Miit.-... Pt 4 I ~ e .. tf'd '«> s '°' 17'1·-v. Oell•A' I II U1S ~·"" ---MerMlddl 2S 6 223 ,,.,._ ..... Piii E Pf us 00 S2h+ \.9 StonCn' .7S • 4 " ...... "' ~ 1'1 flfr ~ ... ~ !.~ .. ,· .. BHt pt I.JI .. Ill M -V. .....,11 • ,... 7~ HMW I I 1 Merton M 2'I 117 ll~+ v. PhllE pf 7-'5 .. d70 41 + ~ SI.....,"' I -4 -10~ a.. ..,,, • .-_.,_.... Beckm .«>2' 441 '111>+ illo I one , •• ... · HRT .«112 91 •~•• v. Mer-Ct 32 6 :M ,_ '" Phllliipft.50 . ao S7\1'1+114 ...,_,p ·-~· ...-.. Wflrlp 160 1 1n U-"' Becl!\D 11013 1'3 411V,+ "'g.i:.~10' 1.i' :io:~.~ ~ H•OW 2.41119 u ltV.+.,. M•rrlot '3011 ?61 • ..,, I Ph11Epl1.IO 1120 411'1 + Ill StorTec l2t7'7 Jt~+t Wh!IC 1:so 5 60 2.J\l't-Belltr t 2' 7V.-V. Oennyi t6 ' '1• JO '-I"'-Hellf8 U6 10 IM 26'1'< • •1, MrllllM 2 9 217 JO"'-.. PhllE pf 11S tA0 41 • Storer .n 14 >47 en.--Whlltak t,60 1 l51 JIM4.- &elcoPl .tOI> 5 " 22':\lo-""' Oentply .• 13 tu l•l'> v. Helbtn 1.60 1206 041\ot .,., MrthF I 24 ' ...,, Ill'>+ -PftllSub I 20 • 13 '"'· . . f!,'klRlt ·~ 1 '2 12 . . . . Wt<lln .711> 1 S1 , ..... "" ee1c111H • 1 ' ""-""' DeSoto 112 • 6 1114 • 14 ~emr{ ,, .. s ,, 2> " MulM ,,_,, s "" ""• -. PllllMr 2 • m2 m~-v. su:~~ i~ ~ ~ J...._ "" :ir.r~ t.» 7 11~ 2~:. ... B•IH~ ... 1 ., 11 -~ OetEd 1• .. • , .. ""' • .,.. •nJ 1.A7• •l 10"" ''• M•rrlC, 20 tJ 13' 20 v. Pftl11nc1 A ' tGI ~ .. Sullelr, .n,. ,. 1,._ w. Wjl~ .651 26 44 lllo-Btlll"" .!A ' 71 ... _ ~ Oe~E pf 922 rUO S714-.... "•""1 I.... " ........... Md Cup • 1 '° ,,_ .,,. Ph IP•I 220 • ...., V.-" Sune• n I 1 n !Mt+~ w n • 1.16 I 31~ -&aml• UO S 17 2• -'A OelE j)f 7 4S • LUO U""-Ill Hndlmn I t 21 14 -'t. Metco 16 11 IOI 341t•-y, PllllVH 60 S 4 14V.--$<111Ch t 4I S D n-.... 12 ~ :=11,.art ~ t,dllv.:::~ DI! pffJ 2:7J :: i ""'+ ,_. ~::::::" ·~ : r, w•· 1 .. :!:t'1111;~ 1~ 1 ~ ~~h + ~ ~::o.:o~ '12': ; 'l m::: ~ SunEI :n.. a. 11-.-I'll :t~:r .JOfi ~ : ..... ~ '."'. -.nfep I 13• 17141 + v. OE pf8 US S 1114-V. Her BJ , 1 4 Jlt IS\.'t-"-M F Sl I~ Vo P=t ~ ts • ..._ I\ SUJ)Co I. IO 4 '15 ... +-\It Wl11!1i' t .. t 7J 21U.. eeMfllt,JO ;. tllO 16 + '"" &:J:~ ni • i J n~ ~ He rlnd I . .i 12 •1 lt"l<o • V• M!~i U6 u 17-v. 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Cit..._ .. 1 , 1' tO l.oi ilh-Yt W ICPS 1 ... 1 ~ 11\'t-llf. • • l2 22-"' g1e11c1 IO ts t St~ .... ~·t:t. ... 10 >.J cru~-"' M•tll pf , ltO ., ., n v.-"' p •nAW 2• IW t\9-._ -0 .., • 41 ,.~ ~ w tco I.Ill J St ,,._ " 11,.~f I 11 llOIO "'*-1-~ klltal' . 111f1• .... -;-1\'t H~llll 1'#t ' ,, l!~+ y; ~Y1>1 S 1:70 •. 61 14Y>._ \; =::ny~y 11't : !t 't~ l't PKD • .. It ..-.+ Yt =' ·tt 1f 1U ,,.._ 1" ,.,.$., ,. -DIOtno",. • 40 " .......... " "' t ... ey19 ta 14 ~ •.a .. .... • enll J • " u -"" W•l"t 'i , 1: dm:::, .... ::r~t:t:1: ~ ~~ ~ po:11ein ·~-I·..!! '11"'• ~ ..::lffl .111\4 .~ J"" -v. =g~-:,~:ig 11: ==;~ ::::~1·~·1 J ~::2-v:o; ~·11,? .ft ~ + ~ woiwlll' :. »S 1~"" Ir.In · ' 1 10 12111-11i t11er 120 4 ·--,.. ~" t.t ' 16 '"'-.. . McDr pf 2..o .. 1 1.._ '"-Pel .60 t ... 22,..+ \o't Y • ' 1 -Wotw of !. .. 2 I• ..... 1.1• • 10 ltY, ..... 011tral11 ," .. "'· .... HeflM, _. ,... "' MCDnld ' •• 1 .. i, -1"' Porat01d I " 11S 20...... ... YKO. ~~!..t ~ ,. ........ 41. WOflclA• • I ··-~ "\·ill 't ----"' C)rf'lepp ., • 11• 12V.-.... Helrm. ·" ; jC) 11-.. "" M<DnD I tA , 4J1 JO"+ .. l'ftdl"OM A •• ,,..,_ .. Tt5CO 17'1 "°" ti .... wrl~ 1.4411 I 1S U\o't+ "' 6 • ~ " Ome 11 • ·" .. 221 ,~,._ "' :l:'"'' I ... 7 s, 2'"'-+ " Nl<Gld t:.O • • Jilli p._T•I .. n 1• 144'-f\ tR£ • ' • ,. 11...= 14 Wll tr ' 10 u ....... 1 , 1q1 c119'11>--DeMld .w t 1' 21-..-\Q et~ S 4 1~ Nl<QrH 1 .. It lt2 " .:.:.' · ~ .IOI> 6 t ""'"'" TRW t..O • Ml~ '9 W\rlt .II .«111 11 71,\, , u o , -2'"-" "' Donl.,I .JO" "' IJI">-Iii Htllrt11t uo 22 11 •U.-"' M<lrll. ) 2'11>-ltl>ortOE t.u $ '°' 12 ..... fA.W Of 4 '° IO " -\It WYiy • 70 , ....... lllWOll.n Uf s au ~ 111 Dennly 1.42 10 M «> -"" "-tmP It t II> 011"-~ fll\C~n .n · · in l4 PorO ef t .60 . . $ 16111-~ T.tllrll ''2 'i 15 ..... "' W't-,ti) 6 " I~ "° llerWW s1A 1 "' ""' =·., I 7 ,. ........ " HemC• .. 11 Pl+ Iii Mc .. • .. .. !'otltc" ,... • ta • ..,. . + -a-Y-1· , ., 1 2111:: ;_· ere ... 10 1• ..tt._1~ Hlr<ul• u2 ""' ;:~--Mt 1 ·'tJ J l'ir::.:.:··· POCm51 1':11 ,., ,,_..+:·~ P"'f"' 1 • , ~~ ..... 11..-e• ~ ,,,, • ...._ 11'1 2.a ~ SJ 2011.-111 Cll UO tUIO•n• .. Mt""1Y 1'9 7 '1 11t Jtt.mra 1J ts ~ V. y'"! " ....... >llflA Ii 14 1~-111 toe 111 4 • ~" tf:!IO lt6 4~ -~MIOll .20 > 614 .... =• .IO a4 I .. · .. Pretley ,io. ' '6 tt · Mv t 11 4''7 + "' llitee:p I. J1 21\11 ,. .. .. fir IA . IJ -·::: ,.... • ti J:w;l41!t-""'Heubtln t. lU ,.~"' Mttl.;n2::1: ,tt Ut='"" .. l'l!lrtt 11iAO. 121 24 '.+'.'it ~~r..,; n ,.;..:.·~ ~ ... n t02 22..:-1~ 9r Jilt 2\lo-"" tr 41· J Jt ~ HtwtP 1 .t• 1' "" .01'1-"' fo\tMlle t 0. • It.I *" ,rlmeC 11 UOt 21'--14 Tcl'IClr . 11 4 t4 t Ill>-"' f'I .«1 l It K -._ Ir I ... ti •1 m.+ \Is 1111 vff l t: m~I ~ta II 1'4-'-' Metdt 1 t I S<I~ Prlmil .IS. 10 72 1.,.._ I.lo Te•trnJt ' 1 ti 1n ~,...._ ~1 enlthll .*O l IM ! ......... •rtUM IAlt ,. "' SJ~l\t. i*tf • ., . s " 10 + ..... MtrT•. I tt • ,. 11-. Pl'll<I uo • 100 G\11+ "'-akom tt -~· " Ifft. ,,. M tti.-t Brlll"t '·~ J ~ U"'-.. &':i..~ t 'j .11 ~ t: H olt • 10 Sl >-. .... Mtr(lt t:.O •• 11111 a~· ~" ·!.U s ~... tld¥11 I •• VI 1"14-1'4 f lftftlnd uo • JO t tYt-v. ·1~ ,· *! I ' IJ~ •• ~ s:::: :: ~'I ' !!?! u . . . . =i ... I'# i ,J ~-t =~~~; \:I : '°' nt: IY~:. :M 1J ul ~ ~ :t00~.,.· 10 =··~mn1rM?;:-;J , .... ·~·~"°";" ·:!11 1 ,; H~-·"=::ti:~1 ... l.~·"·" .:l>ff:·.: ='.;= ~9~ u• 1 j fit\ : rt r. f .. tt::: HmeG pit.to " 1\Ao •... _ ... IA,, flt H -,.. p In pt ,,~. "°° 7~.... Ka•·er lot•e• L -av ;o;11.1t -· ltl>fQt.10 .. ntOO I•~··~=·.::!",~ !!,_ ... >..:. ~--· • IO '"• "'NH l. • t10 j>•·•··· -o o f'&e y Wll.:rf '1 I -1 coPt 1tt 11 n ,,.._ -. ~1 ,.,., ·-..... .,. MO"llf't .-. + 451 •~ ~ gR· f ··, •~ ..... "' "I '" 4 t::: ~ ""''" . 1$ J JI 1 -"" r~ f;g i .. ! r--~ ,,,.11"' J 12 It IU _, ~~·:Ji .. HE= FONTANA (AP) -K~l' Steel 1=11,.1 U .J "~-;~ ~· -t"1a-.,-. ..... ~I "~U ~ :=: .. ~ 51,F-rt~l .:~11:·~~. !! '"'J'!f'.:.:i 1sa r:'.._t Corp., which plans to close its =:"I. 1 fo-.-" ~ ' 1 "I Vi + " • ~' 41) ,,._ .... eei l~ 't I + ~ O' l.44 t "" ' l I k I ( l l l t I d .~~·~'·f-: ~ .... ::~~ ;;a.,,:: • .: ·m~~ '""11"° 1 ~t"~·~1~·~~ t ,u ~· , aut :: ; w~ ~e::,~ro~.c~rmp:~ de:,~lld~\!: If"" , 1 · 1 ·1 .:J 3;:;·1' ~~'° .. ' ,~·~ .._,~ . ; ;~ il"'• : M ut J'.11 'tt lF=. ~ :nt :: •i ~· • ~ reported a 1982 tosa or "3'1.5 million, ~1 I " '!:: .. ii i:•ft1 ·1.il 11w!~1rf·tt :i,~ ,, -~ ~.:;-1J 1==·11: p..,:·:1 ~ orJGt.s3a1bare. Ull~tAac,..<f'';::~i =~~ ;~~i ~15 ~!y ~i·*';ri'~\;~.! &tt~·· 1 j lm:~} mr~::•j 1d :J:::~ ·:!:~rLt1=~·.5~~ m~ U9 1tJ ~ ... ~ ~ .. 1 ,! tF-~ H t t -·~~if. == ~ ~:llfl' , 1 •~"'== h •'-•t.. 1 1.-, .-t ., ~ ,. ~ , ..o .• • -. < .,. _ "' ,n, . • • .. , . t rou..., ,.ue lint three monlhl of "" u " • -• .. ,... to .,, " . -,. ~""~-"° " ..... .., .. , 11 .. ••• ..iu • ,.. •" rtaeaJ tJMa. f/f I 1' 1' it•. , """'" ; "'"• • ...,..,, • ~ ... " ~· I ~ ••"' ... ,~' Disabled getting ahead Wblle t.be Reagan admlnl1traUon'1 budaet·cuu..era are 1luhln1 funth to deslin and lnstall equipment to help the handicapped, private indu1try and tbt handicapped themselves are maktn1 surprlsln1Jy lmpres1fve Proiret• on their own. And this baa little tr any thine to do wltb 19111 'a International Year of the Dlaabled Person, 1enerally dismissed in this country aa a dismal failure. despite official statement.a or optimism. In fact, so far at . l e a s t • t h e ~-· handicapped 1eem to be more than holding their positions tn the • t« ~a~e s ofu ~eg 1eenef a~ IYlllA Plllll G Z joblessness. Surveys 3.. - again are underlinlng that qualified handicapped workers have a lower rate of absenteeism than their physically able counterparts. higher dedication to performance and a higher quality output. From the corporate side. there are hundreds or positive examples of what U.S. corporations are doing for the qualified handicapped. As a sampling: -lBM has for many years modified buildings and redesigned equipment to accommodate the handicapped; -Sears Roebuck's handicapped roster includes repair technicians, attorneys and retail managers. AT&T has developed a program to train managers or disabled people (which will survive its breakup). · -Xerox is training disabled people In comput.er-related jobs where at present there is a shortage of physically able qualified workers. The Travelers Insurance Comparues installed a variety of sophisticated equipment that includes writing machines to enable a disabled person to write out his/her program in Braille and video screens to· advise the hard·Of·hearing that the telephone is ringing. In the words of Edward H. Budd, president of The Travelers, which has some 100 disabled persons on the payroll, "We have to have qualified people to do business. and to overlook qualified people because they are handicapped would not serve any purpose.'' From the side of the handicapped, this nation's blind population of around 470,000 offers the most outstanding examples or people working, earning wages based on their productivity. paying taxes and generally smashing our stereotyped images of the blind into sawdust. -There are workshops for the blind across the nation, where men and women operate complex machines, such as drill presses and electronic sealers ; run switchboards ; assemble writing instruments; make brushes on high-speed equipment; conduct complicated sewing operations and package the widest variety of products. None of this tells the full story, though, of what earning their own way does for handicapped persons. It's not just that the earned income means increased buying power. It's also that nothing beats a job for giving a person a sense of se.Jf·respect. In 1982 particularlv. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YOlll( IAP'I-5elts, 4 p.m. price and Ml Cllanat of IN M "1011 KIM Amtrkan Stoek E~c....,.. l•-ltad'"11 Mt-Uy et m«t Ulan It. 0omt1ttr1, m ,JOO .... -4' S..SW-E"I • 230,100 29l'a • " GutfCan o 111,100 1111> -1't ~::8.~r n:1: ~~ ::1~ R•"9"r0ll 114,200 6 -" MtclllE s "·'°° 17\it -"-AZL RH M,IDO 11"--2- DorchstGa .,,JOO ""' -111o Mffkl n JUOO 14 -lit GOLD COINS Nl!W•VOfllK (API -Prlala lele -'I' of toltl <GIN. <~Nd with Frkley't Of'ke, ............ I lnlYOt., "'7,1S,tff tA.1S. ...... ltMI, I troy N ,. "'7,fS, tff M.71. , Meua tlD ..... u trey ea., tnt.rs. '" u.u .. .--. 149 c,_, .Mt trey ai., un.u. ........ 119urc;e-Deea•l"orere. 642-4321 Dt~ect or colUd. · to au~ to JIOU' home~ fXllJf't, Uaa . • I .. , NEW YOftK(AP) final Oow-J~ e¥9> ~OC~y, Feel. I . JO tad °t:tt :r,i ~ ~'~ 20 T rn n.At lSj. 341. 1' kS.ff-11 .tt U Ufl tot.JO '°'-IOS.12 105..._ I.Al U Stk Jal.ot DUI 12t.40 121.~ 1.41 lndut 4 ..... Tran 1,ttt,1'0 Ullla ne.700 u Sit< .. 7 ..mi.100 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK IA,;) Fff I ,.._ T..,,. mi ID! JIQ tt1J 10 107 NEW YORK (API Feb I -... ... 2:2 • p,.,.,, METALS Toclo 111 lOO in 110 10 40 ~ 24 "' ,,, • 21 NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nont.rrout mei.1 orot _,.. Ct•fltr 7'-tt ce nh e poul\d, u s dHllnetlons. ' LeM JO.-» c-a -"'· llM 4 ~ • pouncl, dellve.-.4 TM •7.SN>IMi.ISW-t-IW 11> Ahlm'-" 1•77 ce.rtsa oeund, N.Y. Mettwy ..-.oo per 11..a, f'Ml•---.OO•rovoi .. N.Y. SILVER Handy & H....-nlM, '8.47S per troy ounu. GOLD OUOTATIONS IY Tiie A-IMl4' '"'- $e ltt(tfd -10 told prk et tocley · ...._t mof'lllfltli11lno"7UO, offl1.7J ......_, ...,_ tlal"I UJa $0, Off •1 tJ Pel1t: ..,. .... ofl 10.J7. Pr....,.,,: S171AO, off U.00 llltkll: l.aM flalnt P11 All. off U oo aid. AtOOOetlled. H..,41, • Ma"".,.' (only ... 11, quot.I S»UO, Off tt.U. ......... ! (only <Niiiy ~I .,,. JO, °" t i.JS. • ......... (Ortly clelly ·-1 f~ •tt7.4 Ofl$Ul. SYM80LS . Dilly PUil, • ·~ ..... ----=-..-. ' . • • • I • • • t • • ' • .. , ' .' - Handel's 'lsnael' no 'deja v u ' ., aOBl:AT fi'ISHEa ........... ....., ...... • Joetpb Hua.U, UCI proreasor of music, has a peacbant for the fabutous work.a of Handel Last AprU, almoat a year a10, he dlrected a multl·wonderful performance of Handel 's "Messiah." Then, tn UCl's Crawford Hall. he was, able to lmpreaalvely mHtermJnd tbt art of 1ymnulum perlormlna and bleacher echoes. But la1t Sunday w11 no 'deja vu' when Husni, the Calltornla Chamber Chorale, the UCI Chamber Singers and l he lrvine Symphony found t hemaelv.es s t uffed into the Turtle Rock Community Center auditorium like a cake Into a sandwich bag to perform Handel's "Israel in Egypt.'' By all accounts, this general purpose room is not equipped for this kind of musical pedormance "Israel in Egypt" is far too sophisticated in its sounds to be handcuffed into a wooded alcove. Audiences have the uncanny ability of sensing performer distress; it gets uncomfortable. The musicians are the cooks and we're the guests ; and in this case, it was Handel's stove And rightly, you don't ask the banquet chef to wear woolen mittens. It was a shame, too The performance was well thought out, and at times even had an oceanic . flow in the abundant harvest of single and double choruses. The high tides of pleasureable oboes were 106t beneath t he murky sea. Part I of "lsrael in Egypt" sets immediately to wor k with hischly sugf'esti ve moods and orchestrations of the plagues and eventual escape of Israel from slavery. Flies and lice, as do blood. hail and darkness, each have their moments to punish oppression. The chase and prayer scenes of Part II present a baroque clockwork with choruses each of a thousand gallons of air. The work ends rapidly : Handel knowing, and Huszti well aware, that once the story is told, don't add appendices. Next year, let's play in the gym. ----NOW PLAYINCl---- llf.A El TOIK> •ORANGE w.onn Brea Plozo Soddlebock ClnedOme (714) 52Q-5339 (714) 581-5880 (714) 634-2553 •COSTA MESA f'OUNTAIN VAUEY WESTMINSTa EO,...Ords Town Center Fountain \A:llley U A Cinema (714) 751 -4164 (714) 839-1500 (714) 893-0546 JACK NICHOLSON ... THE BORDER ~ ... ._.... -, .-t!1 ·~l "-, .. .,-r..,., ....... __J Orange Cout DAILY PILOT{Tuesday. February 9. 1982 H /F IU New productions welcomed to coastal stages By TOM TITUS under the di rt:ct1on of John .Spindler at Alex Koba and Curma McMurphy. OflMO..,Pitllheft Sebastian's, 140 Ave l>lco. San Clemente Performant'e!-1 Will bt' alven fo'rldays and Four new productions includlna u pair of Pedormlinces of the Rodcers and Saturdays at If 30 through M1trch 6 and 2 pm Pulitzer Pr1ze winners mount the staaes of the Hammerstein show wlll be 1iven niahtly except March 7 al the Westminster Auditorium, 7$71 Orange Coast's professional, community and Monday11 at varyina curtain times lhroulh April 11 Westminster Ave at Hoover Street Reservations cvlle1h1le theaters this week, offering comc:dy, al the dinner pluyhouse Call 492-t&SO for tlckels are bein8 taken at 9~7 2515 or 894-6786 dr&mM and music amonc them. Mohcrc'11 comedy-ballet "The Bourgeois The other Pullt1.cr Prlic winner is "A Delicate Startin& things off tontaht Is t.be venerable Gentleman" play-u rour·porformanct run. Daluncc," earned by Albee In 1967 ror his probln1 "South Pacific" al Sebastian's West Dinner Wednesday throu1h Saturday, at tho Fine Arts druma of psychological terror The Irvine Pluyhouse, wh.lle UC Irvine follows Wednesday VIilage Theater on the UC Irvine campus. production will open Saturday since the Turtle with "The Bouracois Gentleman." The William Needles, a drama professor at UCI , Rock Community Park auditorium will be cloaed TV in spired dram¥ takes the leading role in tbe 17th century comedy. Friday for Llncoln 'i. blrthduy. "Dear Friends" arrlves-1-11--1-1-1--1-1-1-1--1..... Curtain is 8 p.m . Wednesday throuah Friday and 6 Eileen Fishbach as directing the show, which ~l Showca~e Productions p.m. for Saturday's performance, which ts sold features Art Winslow . Jane Nigh, Valerie Mcilroy, an Westminster Friday, out. Call 833-6617 ror reservaUons. Corbett Bark lie. Rlt'hard Drake and Betty Young. while Saturday will be ---------• The Reginald Ro$' drama "Dear Friends," Performances wlll be given Fraduyts and opening rflght for originally a television production. is the latest Saturday~ at 8 p.m . through March 6, with Edward Albee's "A Delicate Balance" at the Showcase offering, with Jean Koba directing the matineei. at 2 p m Feb 14 and 21 at Turtle Rock, Irvine Community Theater. s tudy of four modern marriaaea. Cast members on Sunnyh1ll Road off Turtle Rock Drive, Irvine. "South Pacific," the Pulitzer Prlze.winni"g are Tom Klein. Marcia Wilson, Edward Staneck, Tickets are ava1h1ble at the door and reservations _m_u_si_c_a_l_o_f_l_9_50_, _be_a_ins __ a_t_wo-__ m_o_n_t_h_en_g_a_&_e_m_e_n_t _qloria Freedman, Art Frankel:.i.1...::C::.:o::.:r.:.ri.:.:n::.:e:....;.W:..:i:.::11:.::i•::;m=s..:... __ a_r..:.e_n....:o....:t_n-=e-=c..:.c:~:.;s:.:a:.:r...::y ___________ _ ~·--....... ---.. __ _ A IMMOM l{;Ttff .' • NOW PLAYING ~ -ci.r-! UA CITY CllMMA o.anoo &34 1911 lDWAllOI caw•• CHTtll AMC DllAllO( MALL Coill Mt~ 979 4141 OIMlQC 837 0340 UA CllllllA WtS!mll\$111 193 0~46 OMllllf lltUWl-111 0tll1Qe ~511021 lOWAllOI UDOUUCll IUlU rAlltl OlllWf.111 £• turo sa1 ~aeo _ B'le"' P••• a11 4010 THE PORT THEA TRf r, l ~ b:?hO EVERY MONDAY ALL SEATS $2.00 uGo TOGNAZ.ZI 1s ... o1 l• c.,. A ... foolt.t in ORANGE COUNTY PREMIERE plus "Cousin- Couslne" <PG) ·' ,•11•1t• £ <...O AS! 11~·1v COIH1NA D!:L MAR MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE A.Ll IC) lfD ANO 00fllMS11£CE1Vl n•c SEAl OF I Hl MO "0" Plf. 'UllE t:CIO( OI' ~Hf RtOUlAll()N • j LIMOUSINE SERVICE TO SNOW SUMMIT Pflone 714 -494-2805 lllJ I $ 11ia UU. 1110a MIMY ATIOtCS *BARGAIN MATINEES • · Monday thru Saturday All Pertorm•ncea before 5:00 PM (Except Special Engagemenis and Holidays) lA MIRADA MALl o Muooo 01 Ro1ecron1 LA MIRADA WALK -IN 99•·2•00 .. _ c M>O" • --"""°" I TAPS -.......... ._ ..... rCil-ri"C*iMT°~ &ACM OAT ... ""'' OA.•""9 ~llCSI a...&.f ----IHOWO...• W0..,.8.&. .. ._. .... ::'_ _.._ REOS j!: •a.._. , SHARKY'S MACHINE" '°I ,.. LU t•t•,teM ............ ,., ''THE SIEOUCTION" '°I '9 U T l...a, I tt, .......... 1 ti. ... t•:M LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK·IN --·--RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK' ----·---ti• IM.tt-11 t-• , ..... --·.o .. u...-wti()SE LIFE IS IT ANYWAY~" tltl t..• •• ,. tt'1t "" 'MOOERN PR08l.EllS" -...... , ........... ... ... ,.,,. ,,...._ .. .. FOUR SIEASONS'' -..._ ... , o·•~••.111 ...... ,.. ...... , ... o cully al COl\<llewooo 213/531·9580 ICATMMlt ..... ..__ .. •Ml.MU~ "ON GOIJ>EN PONO" 1"'11 I ............................. ..., .. .... .., .• ...........,.0.,. ....... ...-•• __ ..., ____ _ ..... " ..... J •••• lit, , ... ,, ,. M<JlllKll C KlC)n • Til!IO''"" """"°" TAPS" IP<ll u -. ............ .. LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WALK IN Foculty Al 094 Amo "REOS" 1001 •1:•.••,La SHARKY'S MACHINE" 1111 ,.._ ...... ,.. 'VIENOM"l't1 ·~·- .... ,~ .................. "ATLANTIC CITY" llll ... ·~·-·-..-.. .. - 213/634·9_2_11 __ -.-__ --·....,..·~ AAIDERI OF THf LOST AAt( ... ,_ ....... tttit -LAGUNA so . COAST WALK-IN ---· "THIE BORD!R" .._. _,..._ ... , .................... . ... cmo.. ....... ~ CHARIOTS CW ISWllE" -.. , ... ...,, ..... " .. So11111 Coo11 H1woy 01 llooowoy 494-1514 IMPOR TAN r NOTICI 1 Ctlll ORI N UN Of R 12'fRH 1 t411b~ •nf ,.,,.,.,Mt" 1ftr~ h 1 6 30. ,., Sw11 MIO 4 30,M CINI fl !.OU'IO •!OUR • ., CA.111\AOO 1$ fOUll SIUll!~ I I "° A\4 LAii llAOlll Wll" l(',HltlC)lj AGCISSOlll l'QSfl'100j 1J11HG ... I i'Ol'IAll f I• All Cl!* f I OllM•S llO ON AM l\AOO ANAHfll\ll ANAHEIM ORIVl-IN ''•••Of •• at l•mO" SI 179-9150 SHARKY' MACHINE 1111 ... 'STRIPES "" .... BUSTIN' LOOSE" 1111 9U(NA 'AllK BUENA PARK DRIVE -IN l1f\Co&ft ••• •••' of •tt0n 1 21-4070 SUI NA PAii~ LINCOLN ORIVE ·IN ~·nCOH''I ,..,,. W•\l o t Cf"Ott 121-4070 .T ... AU MW A• TWa """" ·ooooevE. EMMANUEUE" ... , -"SECRETS" llll C1'of I• S0\1"0 Cheech 6 Cllonr:_ NiCe ~i· Cf\ffch' Cho':!! N .. t Movie" l up 111 smou "'' "'"• h \OU~v ---------THIE BOOOLNS" a.i -VENOM' t111 .... --...---800Y ANO SOUl' 1111 ... "BOULEVARD N1QK111'' fl! •1•1•.1••1·:~fj~1i~il1=~·m•1•r-·r---.-.CH~.{:c:~=·::,.s So• 01900 ,....., 0111oo••w11I (So J NEXT MOVIE" "1 962-2411 WI SIMINSllU C•NI II 100"0 S.O(n 81>0 So Of G.l•O.n Gro"' frtt..OY Say "I love you!" with Hickory Farms ~. \hlentine's gifts. HI-WAY 39 DRIVE-I N "ARTHUR" t"'ll "' ... 891-3693 ...,_ e econ, ...,,,. ..,,..,.. "TAPS""' Givr your swt'<.'t heart a gi ft of old-time country goodness from Hickory Farms~· Lots to choose from , in almost every,price range. Let us send your gifts. we'll handle the details. Assorted Candy $}99/lb. reg. S259 )b. It's from all over the world. in dozens of srrumptious flavors. Offer "ood February 1-21 Your nearby Hickory Farms,,~ is your year 'round gift store: (INSERT STORE ADDRESS) South Coast Plaza • Lower Ctrousel Mall ~ OPEN DAILY 'TIL 9 P.M. SATURDAY 'TIL 6 P .M. SUNDAY 12 TO 5 P .M. ms:;IRI y I ..,'if" a=l'='IAI -"THIE CANNONllAU. RUN" -STRIPES 10 1 -'STIR CRAZY 1•1 Ctflll 'I S0UM0 -<t----------... --·--"ON OOLOIEN PONO" --"lltE EUCTIUC HOfllblAN · Clllf II SOIJloO ... , ..... .,911 .. LA HABRA DRIVI IN lnlo&.I. ...... __ __ "00008\'I, H •ANUIJ.LIE" 1111 ... "NCR~' 11111 Cl!fffl~ ""--·--"ON OOU>I N POttD"' --"-•-• ...,,...,. 4 •• -~THI IELICTRIC: ~N".,. 17M H 2 --- ·PA ~\.t ORANGE 0111\lf IN I "TH9 RDUCT10N -'-~·-··· -"THI •OOOENS" flt I "IU ANO Ttte L.OND.Y "VU:oir· WOMI...-fll ----====........,"'---('ICHOOLOt"L HfTCK.Htl<IEA" f!11 Ati 111A,_. A1' 1.., &lrf MISSION 0 111V f IN -.-..·--"T"' H DUC'T10N" "I -"LOOKIA" - • _..,..,..._ . ""'' '2..l'BIML ... ._., .,._ .,. .. MtrMOell IL MY 0. LOI T~ • •• Jl4 • "' I I A WARNER UQ•Vf .N ··-· •••••• , .... a. ...... M7•Utl "An.ANnc c1rr· ... ,,_,..,_ "900Y MIA f'• .... " ... _""' ! .. ~ > . aAITa•N CON'alHNCa A-...COh ..... Bos loft Pfllladelpflla ,....•Jerwy Watlllft9\on .... v-M II " " 1l u 21 ,. n ,. ,,,. .101 1111 41• 11 471 12 01 II c-tnlOl•la'- Mll••v-.. n u •• Allallla It ts 412 0.INll 20 t1 •'- IMiaM JO t1 4Jt c111c-.o 11 ,. .m c .... 1.11e1 11 " ,,. --,.·.1c-L.alten 11•, ..,.,on Ill """-llN• 1n, Chic-101 O.nwr IM. W1atll~ !IS '""I•~ .. 107. "'-nl•" Houtton 11'. K..,_ City no OOIOefl SI•• "'·""Antonio 111 ~::nt:~~0b c•'111-.. l"Or1l•llCI 100, -~-" T ...... tO-Ho119,,_K,_ltd COLLEGE Top 20 1 v oro1n1e 011 J Nor Ill Caroline l OtP ... 1 UI • MltlOll<I (I) S lowe t Orel)Ofl SI 7 Tulu I Arkanwt ' MlnneMJla 10, Al•IN""' II Wt\I Vlrolnia 17 l(tntU<ky U Ide"° U Mtmphl\SI " ••11u.s1 It we-. !'or.ti 17 Stn French.co 11 Fr .. noSt " w "'" "(lton 10 o.o,.._ oc tl , 11.J to I , ... I 17 , It) , .. , 1.ltl I°'° I Ol'J 1,004 "° "' m ••·> 661 15.4 .. , l/·l "' 1•.t JOI "' 411 .. , tlO ,... J7t 16"4 lU IH,.., ,,. ". II t II l , .. , xn ... •tO COLLEGE UCI 1t•tlstlcs l(t•lnM-AendyWhlf!ldon Btn McOoneld AalntrWulf Kevin"""'' 1100 1-nlon Leonerd Jotl~n Jolln Berk•Y c;,.M rotor 1110 CletflO CMr1f\ c fOUlf'y M••• SP'M lolalt G 1'1 l'I..,.. A-. JO lOl llol ~ 11 O 10 1)) • J07 1S I 10 •• 31 lt9 II 0 10 St H 16' 7 l 10 cs 12 ,,, )t " ,. ,, 7t ,, 1• 1t 11 .. l • !I 11 10 M l I 10 11 • 10 l , t I l 11 11 l 0 4 0 I 6 o J l OS 10 610 JIO I UO 11 ) HIGH SCHOOL Cost• Me11 83, lrvlne 50 COST A MESA BerO•lt• JJ Ptok,,._1 10 "",_CMr~r u . Streyf' 10 Pelmbl-J. EdlO<\ l. Coolt 1. Molino ; {, Fltldt,J FielclO Tole!• llll·llU lllVINE C11<•et 6, B••lor I 8rotovl<ll t. Hui I. JOhM t, Uuuy 11 Merlo! 1 Tol•I• U••so leddlebeck et, !I Toro 10 II. TCMIO I.awl• 11 lntle....., I ,_ 11, ArM1411 It, llll<lllet • Merllll .. 11 I. Htllllllell TO\llt U 10-IUO IAODUllAClt OI..,,_. H, 1.1-k t , McAlll1ter t, c.,. 10, Wotm•" t _,._. t, Waltofl1, 0.~t!llO Total• ti U to•• '"" ~y OWt.W" II Tore If 14 I ,._ tO ........ o 11 n 1t '' ., Tttal i.ult II T~o tt. Sed91o1141~-14 It. Peul 72( Mu•r Del 71 12 ot) MATalll 01 Cook • hrbt ll u , Je<k-lt, INuW•Nrl U MoftOM• 0, J~t ... Pwrlilllt 1, Nn .. 111 JX lolel• >t IJ.,JI 11, tT. ,.AUi. ,., .. J llemerl•• t. Clemt1111 17, Outro1 u SJ101 lo•IU ti OomlfltUH 10 Toi.It ,, ,. 2 n SC-llf~ Mal•• Oel u 10 •• tt • • " SI Pa11I It I) It I I t ) h Telal fou11 Malel Del 11, St ,...,, u l'OlllN out A,_rlot CSI P..,11 Clomenh "I .. lull, JKklon IMMor Dell Sea View league Corona cwt Mllf lttencta Coste Mew HtwPor1 tlertlor Vnl•er.lly l!t Toro SffdltlMK• ~ W L 11 I io t • • ' ) 10 " I 11 w-,·· Gem" 11 Ml E lltncle at CCWON Ml Mer Unhtff,lh1 et ~•wport H•rf)Or Et Toro et Coote Mo" 1'¥1nt 11 ~ltlMO Angelu1 League L• ..... W L s. ... 11. • 1 8111100 Montgomery 1 l Meler De• J • 81•1\op Amal J • St Peul 1 ' WeclnlMey'• Gem" 11 M l St Peul et 81•"°1> Amil 81\lloPMonlQOmt'ry et ')tr• Ila Owr•N W L .. , ,. ' U I IJ I IJ ' • 14 I II I 11 o .. ,. .. W L II I " . ll • I ' 1 I, HIGH SCHOOL SOCCER Sea View le1gue W L T oe Et11nc1• 7 J I COfone dltl M.. 1 , I s.ddleN<• I J 1 IVI Elloro \ S O J1 , Ir.int 4 ~ I ) NowPor1 HarbOr • 0 Jn Ul"tl¥tt\lh' 1 0 •Wt '°'"Mow J 1 1 ~ w-,··o-corona Otl Mar a1 El Tero s.oe1..__ •• un1....,11, f \Ion< la el Coote Mo .. 1,.,,,. al H---1 Hertlor U.S. N•tlo"al Indoor let,,,...,....., T-I ,_ .... "'9M 11-ot Te,..., 084 Ml ... C"'1111, M 1) Jollft Alaa-r def 11<1.,, Goctlrieo •I. 1• OelW Mayer oar Jeff""°""'"'·•• t t YI Ml(k -a.< Tlllen• Tul8\IW •I • 1, JOhan Krie-Ot! Pet DU9<Y, • • t J Women's tournament lltltM.,.Cltyl ,. ... , ...... , ....... Mery Lou Pleln def. P•I Mt<!<-•• I, • ' Ano,... LoallCI a.I Sanely Coltlf!' .. o • l Claudll l(-dltl t;we Plott, .. t, ... I. Oolfe09 WOIM" UC: '"'IM f. OfMetC .... I ..... Ill•• II.It tr•IMI .... 1t....i. ~11 •a. Mlll•rv IUC lrV\MI .. , O."teh ..... w . .. ,,tMJUC: lry1,,.1 def I\..,.,, 14, M, IC111! I C "vine! cNI llVlfl, tt, t t , eer1110 IVC '"'Intl fol IOarwlll. M . ·~· Ol9t .. 1WH1 IV( Ir.Int cjel ••I..,, t l , .... O....t Ito• 0 .. 10111 tO••ne• <.u•ll 01 .. , ..... ,1i.c19e, •.O 1. •.J "•"' ...... IV( tr.IMI •• 1u ...... ···•n •• ,, •• Ol9r4lla,..111 C-rrnen IV( lrvlnt l dltl Oerw111 .. ,., • l • J NHL T.,.ltM'•O- All S!Ar 0-al la-ftt, ~ NHL leadere Ortlrl•Y, 1!-lon " Stotny. Out-s .. ard CN<~ Me•u-We\Nnqlon ~\Y NY l\lendltn ~mllh M•,...tot• Trollltr. NY 1\l•no.r Ole11fte,111,,., Toter,ltl"tf And••lOn E<lmonlll'l Wresttlna HIGH SCHOOL 0 •• u , . " 40 ~ )() u JI 31 ,_ ll, .. _ _. ....... ,,. A u .. ., tO " )I " ., u )I 101 ManhNl<O IC.CIMI won Dy IOrltll IOI OOuDle ronoll ~ iu ., " .. " ., ., .. fl ,. II) HOieman INH•Por1 Herbor I pinned White •·!) Ut C.-11• t>;ewt>0'1 H••OOtl plnnoCJ Sap1111ro, I OJ 12' McNlllff co;•wPo•I 11er0d•I oln"'o HOl•lettor. l JI 11) Som""" IN•wfJOrt HerbOrl 01nneo Ain-tnD«h. S IJ 141 Gaup l(.dMI pln""d 111nlon • 40 1.a Ry• 1Howpuf1 H•'111><1 ci.c Lo41u\. I-• UI Perry fN,wPOtt HerbOrl O.l McPaue 11 110 R•VH ICOMI d« itoen I , •• Sla<lb ICOMI •on Dy lorltll 101 ~1011 ICOMI •on by tor loll Hwt l uclwlq ... n l(dMI WOii Dy IOtlell Monday 1 tran .. ctlooa ....... I.I. A,.,...kMLe- (HICAOO WHITE SOX N .... .., A119tl v,.Quel 10 ll-lo L•lln A,.,.rtten ltl•vtt ci.wetopme•U .,,,_nc:.., -Si.w Trtlll, ollc""' won In ert>ltretton. wlllle Illa '"'91 won tn arbUr aOon w ith BIH ••~ 1nf .. tid9r •nd lot>t>y MoUn•rio. oulflill•O.r M INNESOTA TWINS 51Qntd To,,y f •flori p41cPMr •nd Mark f undt rburti ovtflt lf.:t•r to OtW .,.,, <°"tra< tt NetleNILo ..... CINCINNATI REOS Announced INI tti• •••m won 1n •rbltratlon "'"" ''•f'ltj Putore. oll<,,... LOS ANGELES OOOGFll\ Treci.o 0a¥•'f' LOCMt, ttcona 01'-•mal"I to '"• O•"l•nd A' ror l ance HUOwn lnfl•kS•r MONTREAL [)(PO\ S1onoo S<Olt S.no.r'°" pltc.hrlr to 1 "" .. v11r contrec:1 IASllETIALL H•-.i lftllel:Mll A\-181 .... I H 01 ANA P•C f 115 o;•m•d F re"~ ...-.rl•n• ttrHJO.nl ,OOTIALL NeUMet 1' .. lMM L ... W HEW YORK GIANTS Soon•d Jolt ll•dn•r•• df'ftn\1¥f' t nd M l< e..ey Fllroor•ICI -• llOl>I"'°" ltd<h werton •nd l•rt'f Coffey nmr'llnQ blH.k' k•vW't Even' •r\d Mtllt Lu\'1 ''''''''· Scolt PhUllp,, ...,k)t re<•lv•r H•r~ \e»n<er •ftld Larry Wff1•. llnoDllOtl'\ HB prep golf sa ved Oil company , two. area courses come to the rescue When lhe Huntington Beach High School district cut golf from the school programs. several local companies and courses came to the rescue A chC'ck for $977 was presented lo the district by thC' Chevron Dealers of the area. proceeds from a tournament held for s uch a purpose. Fountain Valley Mile Square Golf Course. with Jim Casp10 as head professional, will provide free green fees for Ocean View and Fountain Valley Huntington Seacliff Country Club in Huntington Beach is offering the same package to Westminster. Hun\lngton Buch, Edlaon and Marina Brian Lake, president or the Huntington Seacliff Corporation. was instrumental In securing the donations along with a guarantee of golf balls from several companies. "More money will have to be raised for e xampll'. to pay lhe $42 per school lease percentul(e required by the County or Orange hetore free> play Is permitted," Lake say!\. M 1le Square leases the land from the County of Orange • • • SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA collegiate golfers will begin their 1982 tournament schedule by compcling in the 12th annual Gary Sanders memorial invitational at Pomona National Golf Club Thursday and Friday Among the favorites to capture the Individual lllle will be UC Irvine's Dave Beatty who was medall6t when the Anteaters tied UCLA . 299·299 last week at Big Canyon Country Club. Beatty fired a 88. oerendlng champion of the event IS Ron Commans with the USC squad the defending team champion. Commans has turned pro and will not defend his title • • • THE COSTA MESA GOLF 1od Country Club men's club did It again. The group, under the dlr~tlon of Steve Pappas and Tom Throp, report that their Toys Fore Flllrvlew tournament raised over $3,000 In cash and Sl ,000 In t<>y11 and girts for the hospital. Jn addition, Len Peverleri donated a color telt,,.lslbn 11et. lncldenhally. Bob Hale had a net 60 to win first place for the ae<:ond con\ecullve year In the competJtlon. Con1ratulaUona. • • • ON th.e upcomlna tournament trlll. Lee Trevino will be amon1 the conteatanta In the Los A.n1eles Open at Riviera Country Club next week. When the pro·am 111 pre ent4d on Wednet1day . HOWARD L. HANDY f'cb 17, former president Gerald Ford and Bob Hope arc omonft the cclebnl1c~ Out Palm Springs way. al Indian Wells to be more l\pf'clflr. Gene Lallier and the Hebert brothers, Lionel and Juy, arc among the contestant-; listed for the Vinla~c lnvllotional March to 14 The event will be held al the exclusive VmLage Club. The llebcrt brothers c11l·h won the PGA <'ha mp1on~h1p , somethan~ nn other brother com binallon has ever llccomµhshcd. Lionel. the younger of the two, won 1n 1957 and Jay captured the PGA lllle m 1960 lncadentelly, this years tournament wilt benefit Anecl View crippled chllclren'l\ foundation with season tickets priced at $40 to include all five days or action. Dally prices arc considerably less than a ye1tr ugo al $5 on Wednesday ond up lo $10 on Saturday and Sunday • * • JOHNN\I MILi.ER WIU, BE back to deCend his lat le at the l.011 Ani;teles Open. reb. 18·21 Miiier won the Andy Willlum5 San Dwgo Open last week and earlier had won $500 ,000 an u special event In South Africa Others who wall Join M tiler In the field include Mark O'Mcaru of Laguna Niguel, Hale Irwin. Tom Kite, Ed Flori, Bobby Clampett, Billy Cuper1 Croia StudJc1-, Dave Stockton, Lanb)' Wad.klnt ana Jerry Paw amona others. . Spectators at the LA Open wlll have al\ opportunity to have their own ,101f awlna photoaraphe<i. analyied and rccor.ded oo a permanent display card which can be used by their own club pro as an instructional tool. A SS donation entitles the participant to: three ~wlng11 on the computer swine analyior provtdtnc Immediate. alrnultaneoua feedback on seven dlHerenl uptct.11 ot lhe ;iwin1. an instant photo•raph whJch ehows In 1top actton tlfhl consecutive part.I or the gotror'11 11wlng ; •nd brief advice on the 1ood or bad polnt11 of the 1wtn1 from a PGA teachlnl prore1t11lon.al. FoSter, Mets r e a c h agreem en' NEW YORK <~P> -Oeorae P'otler and the New York Milt tuive reached •lrHmtnl on the ClnclNl•U 1lu11er'a requttt fOr a a.i mllUon, lnterett·fr .. &Mn, the flu.I bW"d.&e to compl .... 1 tr18-W1d rormaltM 1 oomrtct, Mttl General Mana1er ,..... C11htn Hid Monday. ~ Tom ~tc.h . Foattr'• a11nt, spent Monday In C1IUornt1, t attendlnl to buainea1 ror aome of hh other client1. Ht VI txptcted ln Ntw York :rUlldl1 to conclude talk• wltb CUhln which 1hould deUvtr FotWr, 'a st.yen-old left tl•lder, to U\e Mtla. C11ben and Rtlcb ~~n da1f to11thtr ta. Flon«a • w••k•n~ and f••~b-4 11reetnent on a COD.tract which ... will pay F~ter 98 rnUttoCJ over the nexf:flve year11. F"oater w., rfcetvtn1 saoo.ooo a year from Ctftclnpall aa ht enter'~ tM op• )'e1r or his conlricl. 1t \riu Foeter1t roq__. lot a ~ *'11Ch kept tit R• fftm 1 f him •«•In. O••htn aald Joln was the attbfec( of the 1 ldrlda talks, but added: "I'm not al liberty to report on that." I • I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tuvaday. February 9, 1982 From Pp C1 HIJGHES IS T HE FUSE. • • l'lumm.r becau11ti f knew thla yo11r would d('1>t•nd a k>t on what I did .. HltY~ Huahe11 "So I was rl!ady Towud the Rustlers play at LA Harbor G1lldcn We&1l College, coming orf a convlnt"ing victory ovor East Los .<hMelcs College, will trv to make It two straight when the Rustlers travel to LA Harbor tonight <7 3Cn G WC'. 4 fl. t7 R defeated the Seahawks 48 46 1n first round ac:llon o f Southern Ca l Confcrenc~ b1u;ketbull play b11ck on Jun 15 The Rusllers boast the top !!corer lo the conference in guard 'l'rulctt Hal ton who carries an 18.U average Into the contelt W ood.hridge, Brethren duel Woodbridge Hagh 's Warriors make the" final regular season appearance lomght in free-lance basketb.1.111 , playing hosl lo M arahall High of Pasadena in a game that could be the key to lheir Cl fo' playoff aspirations. The Warriors enler with a 13 8 record. but on the heels of a three game los ing s treak Mars hall foll lo Woodbridge earlier .~ 46 Tipoff ls at 7 ·~ end or . J1111t year there 11omt eame.111 with u lot of emphaslA to StOJ> mt'. so It huisn't been that bit~ of u ~hun.it' · "llc'a n•ally improved h111 polae," 11ay• Brown, "the way he re11pond1 to preRsurt• He's pluylna the game harder a11d euch wt'ek he's pl1Aylu1 more agareM1lvt'ly " So, the Baron11 enter the final week. tied with Marina and Ocean Vlc>w ut 4 4 11nd a aame bt.•lund ~econd phtce Hunllnitton Beach In tlw wild, wild Sun11et. • ('IF 4 A pluyoffs berth to but two of them And It appears crystal clear, If the Barons ure to earn a playorr btirlh It'll be behind the play of II u l{h<'~ Vortex wins Hibachi race Vortex. skippered by Bruce Twtt·hcll, Voyager'!! Yacht Club, Wllb lhl' class·A winner In the second race or South Shore Yucht Club's Winter l11buch1 series Clu:>s B winner wa!i Me N Pelc, co·skippered by Fyfe und Col w1ck. VYC. und the clu11s·C winner wus Immoral Minority, Paul Blank. SSYC In lhe small boat cl1vis1on the winner in the senior subot class was Delly Knudson. SSYC. und t he Junior "inner was Worth Houghton, SSYC The healthcare plan for employees that actually ~rovides for their care. Gretzk y, Cmnpbells favo red I.ANDOVER, Md. (AP> -The Campbell Conference, led by record·breaklnt 1corer Wayne Grel~ky of tht Edmonton OUera, seeka a second 1trat1ht victory over the Walea Conference ln tonight '• National Hockey League All·Star 1ame. A crowd of 18,130 la expected to fill the Capital Centre, where o nly one aellout haa been attracted durlnl the current aeason u the W 11hln1ton Capitals atru,ate throu1h their eiahth campal1n. The Wales Confe rence had won five 1tnt1bt All·Star 1ame1 under the Format adopted tor the 1974·75 sea.son, with no 1ame ln 1979 because of the Challenae Serles with the Soviet Union. The Campbe lls notched their first decision last year. Yacht race ends Brisk winds off the Mexican mainland brought the last of the 35 boats In the San Dleao to Manzanlllo yacht race aafely into port Sunday night and Monday General chairman Fred Frye said the finish times are belng -fed Into a computer to determine the overall and class winen on handicap lime Final reaults were expected today for their eyes for their teeth for their body rlgllt down to their toes FHP isn't just an insurance company. It's a Health Maintenance Organization with seven medical centers in the Los Angeles and Orange County area alone. Family Health Program provides the dentists. The doctors, including medical specialists. Emergency care. Hospitalization. Eye care. Preventa· tive care, including regular checkups. Even family counseling. We don't just cover your employees' medical e)(penses. We also pro· tect your employees' health by providing (are to help keep them from getting sick in the first place. Head to toe. For more Information on the group health care pro· gram that gives you more than just insurance for your money, call (213) 429-2473, Ext. 513 or ('14) 8~8·3516. Ext. 513. A FEQlRALl Y QUALIFIED HMO ' Orange Cout DAILY PIL.OT/T uelday, February 8, 1882 ing values. .99&1 for thrH pl'°" of hllC'/ OOld•n I brown Kentucky FrltCI Chicken plua single eervlngt of colt alaw. maahld potilo .. and gravy an<I a roll I Umtt two Ofter• Ptl pu1c11a.. COi/Poii QOOO fOf nine piece• ot Mey. gOIGtn llfOWll l(tntucky FrltO Ohlck1n, v.lth tour 10111 , 1 larQt cole 1l1w, e 11rg1 INlhtCI pot1toe1 arid a mtcllum gravy Limit two Olltrt ~ purcl\a.ae Coupon good onty fol tombl11ttlon wMte/dirk OIOtrt Cuttolnlr PIYI al1 111PllUblt Ultt II.It I OOldtn brown Ktntuck~ ,,ltd Ohlektn t ' lilllll two offer• ~' purcllaM COllPon OOod i I Only IOt comDln.tnon wlllta/dttl! 010trt 1 only IOt comllln.tllon wlllltlllark OIOtll I C1111onw OIYI Ill appOubla ult1 II.It Cllltomtr paya all applicable Mitt tu Otter txplttl Ftb1u1ry 21. 1Q82 I "1ctt mey vary at pat11c1pe11no IOUllOllS I Otflt taplrt1 February 21 . 1982 I Jill!lCH may very at per11c1pa11no IOUllona llltcu may very '' PllllCIPlllllO loc.llOAI Offer 1xplrt1 February 21 1982 , Coupofl good only In Sout11er11 I Clll!Olntt wtllft you HI Ille mwn Ot<thij) .... ot Ille K1nl11CllJ COi/poii OOo4 only In Southt1n c1111orn11 Wharl I Couiion OOoO only In Sou1111rn CaM .... nll I you ... I.lie memotnlllp ,.,, OI Ille Ktntuelly Wfltll you ... Ill• mtmbtrtlllp .. , ~ t!lt flleel Clllektll AUONttOll • Ke/11\IOy kltcl ChlCkl ll Anoci.11on -.JI Wlllll°P I --COUPON --·--------Fried Cbicken. PllUC Mint( OltANOI COUNTY MUNICl .. AI. COUltT M..-.r Jlldklal Dltlrkt ••tt Jamll•••• la11 le¥a r•. New"'1 ... ell, C:aljf9"MI tt ... 'LAINTIFI" M41tC ii TOW OE,ENOANTS . JAM!S llltlOOlMAN, NANCY lllllOOIMAN 1no OOE 5 MO, lnclu1I•• IUMMONI lllHT AMIN DID CAH NUMllll 4tUf NOTtCll Yw Mft ..._.. -·· TM c ... rt may --... Iii.ti 'J'llll Wltl\OWI , ... , IM4111 ....... Wllffl , .. '""""" wlttlh• • .. ,._ It ... llM lfliwmotlafl .... _. If yo11 wish to -~ ,,.. adlllu ol on tll0<"9Y In 11111 me1t•r. '°" tllolld do \O promptly 10 lllat your wrltt•n rttPon .. II an), may llO 111..i °"time AV1$01 U ..... MtMm..._ ...... El tr1MNI ...... *< .. Ir < ... tu u• t i• a11 .. 1•cla a m••H ~11• U•. rH,..... ....,. .. • ..~.. Lei .. 1111erm1e.__....,. SI Utteel •-IOll<llar ot con Mio a. un a""91H!O .., Ult •"'"lo, CltDerlo f\a C•, IO lnm•Ol•l•M •l\ll •••••• "1•n•t• w rlltlC)Uet1• t\<rtte * 11 hay 119un1 p--r•e•1trooa • ll•"'Po t TO THE 01!,ENOAHT a <1•11 ~omplelnt llel llttCI Dy tPle Plllfttltl 101ln•t ,.., II vov •Ill\ to Gel•l\CI ""' lawsuit YOU mint wllflln )Cl d•Y• afl•r Ill°' IU"""°"' I& Mrwcl on you, fllt •Ith '"" c,purt • wrlnen '"-to Ill• comota•ftt urv .. 1 vou CIO .o vour O.laull •Ill M ..,,.,eel Oft •flllfl<atton Qt tllt platnll" •ftCI tf\11 covrt m1y •nltr • tudtlmenl 1eall\tl you tor tl>e ••II•• oem1ncttC1 In Ille com111a1nt, "'""" co..ICI '""" In earnt111mtnl o1 w•ve• l•klnO of"'°"'' or procioMY or UHttr r t U tf flQUlitld '" .. ,. complaint OATEOOtum .. rH Ult J PettrM>n (ltr~ 81 I/ l Dimeo, o.t><JIY LAW Oll"Cl!S 0, MARC"· TOW .... ,. Q "-· .... UOI Dew Strwt, ,..,"" ,_, New,.rt -ell. ca ntoMI C1t411SM41J PuDllSr.CI <>""99 (OHi Dally P•IOI ftD 2 • tt.1l 1"1 h i a? PVIUC MOntl NOTICE 01' DEATH OF LOR ETTA THU DI UM BICKELHAUPT AND OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A-112017. To all he irs, beneficiaries, creditors and continQent creditors of Loretta Thud ium Bickelhaupt and persons who may be otherwise i nterested In the w ill and/or estate: A petition has been fifed by Allan A. Sigel in the Superior Court of Orange County requesting that Allan A . Sigel be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of Loret ta Thudlum Bic kelhaupt (under the I n d e p e n d e n t Administration of Estates Ac tl The petition Is set for hearing In Dept: No. 3 •t 700 Civic Center Drive, West. In the City of Santa Ana, California on March 3, 1982 at 9:30 A.M. N01'tCI INVtTtNe &lot Nolin 11 llatetty tlon Illa! Ille 901rd OI TrutlUI Of Ill• CU'1 CommunCty Coll ... Ol1trlct of Oran .. CCM.tntv, Calllor'ftla. w111 rtctl•• ....... 111111 up 10 ILOO •.m,, WtOnodoy, Fe~uary 2A. 1"2 et tilt l"111•c11Mlno Oepar1..-1 Of MIO coll-Cll1trlct local•d et tUO Adam• ,....,.ua, CMI• MAM, Calltornta, at wlllch time u kl bid• wlll be Plll>ll<ly 01MMC1 encl r .. o tor: P"INTINO & llNOING 011 OA 4N GI! COAST COLt..1'.01! CATAl..OG, ltta-G All blelt at'I to llO In accordanc:• wllll Ille 11111 P:orm lr1•tr11clloftt al\CI ConCllllOl\I -SjM<lllC1tlon1 whl<ll are l\Ow Oii iiie lllCI may l>a Mell,... In Illa office Of l.N Pur<llAll"9 A .. nt al Uld coU ... dlttrlCI Ea<ll ltlOcllr mutl tut>mtl wllll lllt ltlCI a <atl>ler'I <NO, urtlfl.cl cllaO, 0< 11111oer'1 -m-NY•tti. 10 ""' ora.r ol tM Coat1 CO"lmUftlty COll99f Ol1lrl<I lloarCI ol Tru\11*' II\ •" amoUftt not te11111an llH IM~•nt u-.1 Of Illa '""' blct 1t a 911¥1nt" fllat 1"9 llldeler wlll ..,,., 11\IO the ''~ COftlroct If ,,.. .. ,..,. I• •wer-10 him In IN • ..,,, ol fallut'I I• .,,l•r ll\lo •uc11 contrKt, IN Pro<-Of Ille cllac-•Ill De forf911.o, or I" Illa <1&• of a lloncl, "" full '""' ,,,., ... wtll De lorteiltcl lo ulcl coll1919 dl1trlct No D._, may wltllclta .. 1111 bid ltr a period Of 1«1Y lt¥t Cd l day1 111., tlla elate N'l lor ,,.. _,,,. lflOraot Tiie eo.n1 Of Trvll ... ,_,,,. .. IN ,Prlvli•Ot Of re la<t1"9 any encl all 1>14U or lo waive al\f trre911tarlllu or lnlormalltltt In any bid or II\ ,.,. llldCllnO 111 NORMAN E WATSON S.Cretarv. Board Of T rutlttt Coest Comm\Hllh Collf919 Oltlrl<I PublltlleO Orenoe Coe" Oollv Pllol February•. 16, ,.., ,...., PUlllC Mm:l IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition. you should either appear at the hearing and state you r objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney MOTtC• INVITINO . HAI.SO l"ltO~LS C 11011 I F y 0 u ~ A R E A llOlt T"I C:OfUTltUCTIOfe 011 C R E D I T 0 R o r a sANDCANYCNeAv1Nu1 contingent creditor of the wt.Tiit TUNtM1t110M MAtN deceased, you must file IANTIAOOAOUIOUCT l'A•AlLIL TO tltVIN• CINTllt D•IYI your claim with the court l'ttOJ•CTNUMH• 11111 0 r present i t t 0 the Jl>l "HI lltVIMI UNCH personal representative NOT•c:'~~~:~•::1~:vEN 1,..1 su111:1t10tt cou11T 011 TMI appointed by the court '"• 1rv1ne "•"c" W•t•r 01ttflc1 STAT1011u.1..11101tNIA "°" within four months from tnvllu anci w111 ••<•Iva ua11e1 TMllC:OUMTYOllOttAM•a: the date of first issuance prOjM)Ui.ll>ICl•l uotot,,.,_rof 10 >0 1• Cl•k c-tw °"" Wftt f I tt id d I A ,,. °" ""9\11 .,.. Of Merell. '"'·al PLA'::ti~· ~1aT~11~1LLS os el ersooas prov e n ,,,. ottk• .,. .,.. Ent•-1Arc1111 .. 1, ec t on 7 of the Probate as ,, .. ,, -·· '°' fum111t•nt 10 u 1e1 ~1L~~e: ~o::~oEY"o i~o~·~":'~ Code of C•lifornla. The o111r1<1 •II tr•-1•"°"· matert11• INVESTMENTSn. time for fllin" claims will eciwtpmont. taoor. Mrv1u1. anci W WHllH fte<KMIY to COl\tlruct Mlcl DEFENDANT HAL t<ltEELANO not expire prior to four -· 10.r -Olttrkl, at wlll<ll 11 .... ~=~1c,,E0~~~f~·N ~:~;'~11:~\ months from the date of Mid p,_1, .111 11e l>Vbllc1y - LE ASING CO~P4 N V, INC •• the hearing noticed above. •nelr~~~"';:"~~'::.:~~~trkt ~~~:r:;lan, =-=~II IPWOU(lll )0 th:?i~ ~~ybyer;,:'t~~~ l~=~r.=..~~J c•S• NUMlltt w11~ If you are Interested in the S•kl Dkl• .,,.11 conform 10 ano .,. NOT1c11 Y• ,..,,. -... C..... TIM e!'tate, you may file a r•-•1w 10 ,,,. tOl\lra<t dO<u-"h IO< MICI -II a• Plet'ltofot'I -rovacl ,..,,, may_ ... -IMI -wit-request With the COUrt to tty U ICI Oltlrl<I enCI mutl bt , ... , Ml .. _,.. -· .,.. '---" •""'" • .. ,. .. """ .. 1,,..,...a1i... receive special notice of ~:~:-;::"''° bY 111a sacur1h rei.rrea Mia•. the inventory of estate coo1110llP1econ1ra<t00<um..,1 .. ,.. If you wlMI ID-· ti. oelvlo of an assets and Of the petitions, on Ille and may ... uamlntd Ill Illa 1t1orney tn 1111• mott.r • JOU .ile>ulO 00 a CC OU n t S and rep 0 rt S off IC a Of Illa Oltlricl end In Illa o"I<• .'o promplly to Illa! your wrltltn ol Ill• Enolneer/Ar<llll•<t al JOM rupo,, ... 11 •"Y. mey tie 11110 on· desc r ibed In Section 1200.5 Carollo e:,..1,_,. ,..., ..,..,,.., ,.,.. time ol the California Probate Suitt 100, Fouma.,; vall•Y CA '21111 • AYtSOI u.-11a ...... ma_.. Code Coplu mav 1>a Purc11•-•• ,,,. It ,,,._ ,.... -.C .. lr <entr• v• · offlu .i Ill• e:netn..r/Arclllta<t by .... •••l•fl<la a mlflH ~ ... u• paym•l\I Of UD 00 per wt •nCI llllt totl , .. ,. .... ..,,,. .. >I ell•• .... •• Dennis Booth; Allain A. It 1\01 ralunelabl• ••e•r•l•ll OI ,,...,"'ac:•-tltw Sigel, on. Wllshl,.. llvd., ,..,,.,,,., "-... ,,. --111c.t1.,, SI UUH daMa tollclter ti CO"MIO oo S I 2,...3 A ero rtlwrrwa "" a~ .., .,,, """to o.11er1a u tt .... L Los nttlts, "''•nt •"d •1>a<lt1ce110"s w111 IN 111ur101.,medl0Um1nt1 01011 Ca . 90017 ; tel : (211) moll.ci.-.._11,to-"w man•ra, w ,.._,,a •><rtta ti lley 624-0262 DIOOer• fo r 1n 1CIC11tleftal U ff aleu"• ...-wr r191"r..u •'"""DO (l\01\refuoncMlbla l IO cowr ~ c.., at Pu1111111ee1 o--ea.rt oa11y l"llol DOtt•ee and "-dllne , TO THt DEFENDANT " <1•11 FtD t .•• ,., '4 u nO t r Ill• proYlllOl\S Of fll• comptafftl llu Dttn 11100 II• ,,,. Collforftla ullor c-. Ille Olrtclar of piolntlff 9991n11 you II you wltlt to ,,,. ~,,._,el tnclwtrlal ltelltlion• cllfend 11111 '"'"''I vou mu1t wtfllln 11u OtlermlMCI Ille pnvalllflt rala at • Clan efter llllt tummont It .. rveCI PVllJC ll'flC( w19" I« lfle le<atllY 111 wNcll IN Oft YO.., Ill• will\ 11111 co..rt a wrllltl\ ------------!work h lo De 119rlor....,. aftd tllo Irvine ~":~~~::,;::mt ::~lln~ u.,,r11,,'r'~}°"on I R•ftCll Water Dl•trtcl hi& .-.iact MICI • --l"Am6 P<Ollllnt r-ol we ... A ~ Of •PC>ll<otlol\ ot IM 111alntllf ano lllit NOTIC. Ott T•utTaa•1 t.Al.S ,,,.,. pravautno ra1•• are on Illa et,,.. co..rt may enter • 111dQm.,,1 e911nn M. """... ofltce of Illa lrvln• ltancll Wet•• vou lor ,,... rtlttf dtmende<I In ti. Ofl T~, ....,_., II. tta, iH Olttrlct afld-11 De "'-av•ll-i. complall\I Wlltcll (01110 ..... 11 In 11·.o "M., l~•tAL tAHCOlt .... •"Y lnl•rHteCI NrtY ... ........ A oernlsllmenl 01 ••O•\ IOlno ol C•lllornla Cerparellan •• 0111, <OllY ol well ••9' rot•• •llall b• money or prooertv or otllor rotltf °"'°lntacl T.--.,_!IV~ DOt .. CI on th• jott•ll• "' 111• reouesteo In ti.. complaint '° o.M • ~ _.,... ,...,._., 11. Contractor. DATED Marti\ 21.1 .. 1 1'11 .. "'*· .... .... ..... .... II 111•11 be m•IWl•torv 11110n .... LEE A BRANCH. .,... •• "OffklM ......... ., Conlr•<lor 10 -m Ille c.ontract " N....,, .. '""'" MOTICI TOCalDITOH O~ IULll TltANll'la c1ecs. •1tt•,., u.c.c.1 Nolle• 11 llet'IW t lvt11 lo <recll1ort of Ille wllllln l\amecl partltl lllal a but• lran1far I• about lo ba madt on p1r1one1 property ll•rotn eller clftc~. Tl)e nOmH encl ltwtllltH aotlftll ol IN lnl•-trent1e rw1 ert: ltlcllarCI anct Oretcll•" Morano. tots ll•k••. Cott• Ma .. , Celltor11la n.i. The n•"'" oncl blltlnatt addttlt ol Ille lnlt-lr!Of'llfe,.... er• Ciiano Sup IM a..no toall L ... UU llerl\llltl Clrclt , "'' .t., H1111lln9111r1 leMll, Calltorlll• fit.ft Tll•t Ille -t1Y ""''"""' llareto 11 da1<rl-In """'•I a•: fwmlhlt'I, ll atwr ... 1qwl•m•nt. lraoenom•. 900Cl wlll I••••. l•attllotCI lmprovem•""· cov•ftant 1'101 to compat. and ••-NM, and It IO<atacl II IOIJ ...... Cotta Mffa. Colltorrll• t262• Tiie _,,..., name ..-ct llY tPle Hkl traMlero" al Mid IO<atloft 11 A.I.TA. OINA OAtltY Thlt Dlllk .,.,.".' II twble<I to Calllornla Ufttform Com,,,.,cf11 C-Se<llon ttOI That u lCI Dull lrentfer 11 tnlendtd to 111 con1ummetod at th• elfl<t of SI ltVICE UCltOW COM~ANY ~ 0 lo• 211, Wotml,,.t•r, Catllornlo '2"1, OI\ or ..... Mo•tll I "'1 Tll•l Ille 1•11aattlw1111119 c11lm1 111 Ill• ••er-referred la llereln 11 F11>ruary 1'1 lW'J So lar al It •no-le Mid l11l•-Tron1I•,_ MICI tl\lencllel Trar1ti.r-utt<1 1111 followtne -ltlonal llwtlneu namtt •rlll ..,.,,.., .. , within ,,,. ,,.., .. Y .. rt I•" !Miii' _,. Daleo Feoru.,.y J, ,.., cnonos.,pi.. .. Sollne Sook l " lftltftde4 T ran•lt•-H ltYICI •&e•ow COM~ANY 14JU IMdl l lft., lllutMIMw, CallhnN nta Pu1>ll1NC1 Oranee Coot Dally Piiot. '•llruory •. ttta W., PUIUC l)ft( NMtUJ P'ICTITIOUI IUSINIH N"""I ITATIM•MT Tll• fOllowll\Q PH'°"' ••• dOll\9 l>•Jtll\tH •• WOOOllltlOOE TOWNHOMIS 11100 Gllla1tt Irv Int CA t2114 ' WarmlnQIO" -...ment Company. a C11ifornta corporei1o ... 111oa Glli.tta Avt lrvlne CA '1114 E G W1rmln9to" E"torprlu1 1ncor11or•1tO 1 C a tlt or~l a corporet...,, 1110D OllltH• INIM. CA n1u Tiii• Olltll\IU h <OftCIWCl•O lly O llmlttO l>Af1,.rtlllp CorPOtallon Name WarmlnqtO" Mlftaoam.,,t c-y J-P wermlnqtO" Prtllcl9M CotPOrallOft Na,...· IE o. WorMll\OIO" Efttarprllff ln<woor•t•CI E O. WarmlrlQIOn Pre1lotn1 Tiii\ tlAll-1 WU fll•d Wltll Illa CO..l\ly Cltr1< of Orenoe County 01\ J.,, tt IMl 11111142 PulllltlleO Otano-Coatl Dolly Piiot. ~•II •. "· U, Merell 2 1"2 Us.41 PllUC ••f NOTICI 0, MAIUKAl.'S ULI Ne. ltUtt PL4tNTIP';: lL 001tA00 IANK, a Calllom1a corperetloll OIFENOANT JOHN "OC>aFFl!lt. •I al lly virtue of a" uec:.,.1.,. IS-on January I, ,.., tty Ille Mwnlcl,•1 Cowrl. C•nlr•I Jwdlclal Olllrl<I, Coun1y ol OraflQlt. Slale of CallfOmla, -• 1 ..... 1 •M•red In ,.,,.. Of IL OO"AOO llANK, a Catlfornla <arf>O<alloll M ~I U"ecll'°'I a~ •ealn1I JOHN ltOOllllf'Elt anCI KATHY "OOl!FFElt H J"4tl'Mf'll Cle•tort IMWll\t a Mt llatalKa Of l7,0U '1 K1YAllY MOii Mlcl J~t Of\ lfl• -· ol ,,.. l•wen<e of .. .., Ue<Wlloll, I ll<tW i.vlecl MHI\ all ti. rl91'11, 1111• aftd lftlefUI at Hlcl '~"' *"°" l'I .... ~· '" Ill• Counly of Oranto, Slala of ca111ornta, det(flNCI a• 1-110wt1 RIPOlltT Ofl CONDITION 1 Con1011cs1t1no domHtlc 1ubsldlarlt1 of the Newoort Harbour National Benk of Newport BHch, In tM 1t1tt of Cellfornla, et the close of butlnt11 on Otctmbtr l1, 1981 published In rtsOOl'\M to call mad4t bv Comptroller of the Currency, under tlttt 12 , United StttH COdt, Section 161. Char1tr n~mbtr , ... National lanll ftetlon Number t4 Deller Amounts In TftouHnclt AlllTI Ctsh and due frqrn depoJltorv 1n1t1tutlon1 • . . . . • . • • , • , .. , . . . 2, 119 U.S. Treesury Jt~urltlts ...• , • • ............... 92 All othtrsecurltJH .. .. .. .. .. . . .. • .. ....... 150 1Ftdtral funds ~old and securities purchased under aQrtemtnts to resell .. , . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • , •.865 a . La.ns, Total (txcludlno unearned Income) . . . 31 .2S5 b . Less: Allowance for possible loan losses . . . • • • • • • . • • . 333 loans, Net. . . . . . 30,922 Banlt premises. furniture and fl•turts, and other Htttl representing blnk premises ............. 711 All other assets . 1,023 TOTAL ASSETS , • .. • .. • .. • 39,882 LIABILITIES Demand deP<>'lts of lndlvlduals, part!"ershlps, end corporations . . . . . . . . • . . •. t37 Time and savings deposits of indlvlduals partnerships and corporations 29.5•7 All other deposits , . . . • . • . . . ... , . , ... , . . 20 'Certified and officers' checks . . . . . . .... 80t TOTAL DEPOSITS . . . . . 34.SOS Total demand deposits . ...958 Total time & savlnos deposits 29,547 All other llabllltiea..... . 577 TOTAL LIABILIT IES <excludi~ subordinated notes and debentures) . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,082 EQUITY CAPrTAL Preferred stock No. shares outstanding Common stock None a . No. shares authorized 675,000 b . No. shares outstanding 500,000 !par va lue). 2,500 Surplus....................... • •. 2,SOO Und ivided profits and reserve for contingencies and other '1200) .uoo capital reserves . . . . . . TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL ..... TOTAL LIABILITIES ANO EQUITY CAPITAL ........• 39,882 MEMORANDA I amounts outstanding as of report d•t•l Standby letters of credit, total . Time certificates ol deposit 987 In denominations of S 100,000 or more 22,069 Total deposits •..........••.............••...•. 33,668 we. the unders19ned d irectors attest the correctness of this statement of resources and llabllltlH. We declare that It hat been uam!Md by us. and to the best of our knowledge and bellef Is true and correct. /S/ Madine Carpenter ISi William A Schmidt ts / Richard Flagg I, Thomas E. Gruenwald. Vice President and · Comptrolle~ of the above-named bank do hereby declare that this Report of Condition Is true and , correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I sl Thomas E. Gruenwald 1-29-82 l"v.....,.. Or ... CMot Dally ,.,.,., ,,_ t, I* H7~ HM11 .. MOTICI TOCltlDtTOU 01' IUUt TltAlll.,llt llKt. tlt14M7 U.C C I Nelke It ,.,eoy ,, • .,,to creo11orto1 Ille wltNI\ ,._ t•e!'lltror• thal • bvlll trant .. r 11 aboul to t.. m-on portor1al prooo rh lltrtlnalltr c1t1crll>eel Tiie nOmH al\CI llUlln"u aCIClrHI ot ti. 11\lendeel tr.,.mror\ art JOMllll -Fl•ur V99fllaU" 1J4.JS Jeffry ltoeel, lr¥1nt C11thlrftl• t2714 Tll• IO<allon 1n Calllornl• ol tll• clll•t 1ucv1tv• otflco or prlft<lpal 1111neu ottl<• of 1111 1nt1ne110 lrontt•ror It Mme., •IJO•• All other bu''""'' n•m•• ef'\d addreuu uua D• 1111 1ntoftaao lr•ntf•rofl wltllll\ tllrH Y .. " IHt pall IO ,., H 11,_n to tll• lftttftC)eCI Ir •n•t•r-M erw ftOl'l4' Tll• name 1n<:t '"'Otl\<t ol 1110 ll\lel\Cled ,,.,,,,., .. are Touran Salalll ll1njbo r '5U ¥••••••1. Cyor•u. Calttor"la Coltforftle QlO That Illa pr......,y P6rttnant l\er•to I• d .. crfllecl In ..,,.,Al., LUNCHEON ltESTAUltANT .... It lo<ateO al IS4U Jlfff"/ "MCI, lrvtne, C•lllorftle "'" The l>Ullneu name uMCI by Illa u lCI tr•n•ttrort 11 Mlct IO<alton I• J4$0H' LUIKM 110)( Tllet Mid l>ul• lrontltr 11 Inion-to w cont11mmatael al Ille o•fl<t ol l!SCltOW l'.HCOVNTE"S. INC,. 17J10 1••<11 lllvCI., Hul\ltneton Guell Caltto•nt• .,..7 "" or alter Muell 1 ,.., Tlllt 1111111. transfer 11 tuDloct 10 C1lllornto Uftllorm Commefclal Codi le<tlon 110t Tiit ft---tt• Of ,,,. peroon wttll .,,.,,, <11111'11 may l>a 11110 11 £tc•ow ENCOUNTEltS, 11)10 l•ac II l lvCI , Hwntln9to" 11 .. cll Catltorl\la 82M7. -11>e 1.,t CllY •or mine clalrnt 11'1 Al\Y ,,...11., •hall .. ll1bru•r• 26 "12 wlllcll h lllt ltlltlllMt Cley -•• IPle <onwn'lmallon dale •pe<Hlacl allO,.. O.t.ct fl-.-y2 ,.., T-911 Stlflfll "•"I._, ,,,,..-Tran•le•H •scaow 1~9lra1t1, 1Nc 1r• ._,. llltd . ............ -C'll. Ca. n.ll aw .... ..._-~ l"Wllll•NCI Oranee c .... Dall, "''""· l'eClr11arvt.1tet 6At-tt MOTICI TOa.T•ACTO•I CAU."'0 POtt 1101 kllOOI 01\lrld COAST COMMUNITY COL.LEO£ OIST•ICT 11111 0.oelll""· II 06 A M Of tho 11111 Clay of W rcll. ,.., Pla<t Of lllCI ltKtlPI OFlltCI'. 011 THI! PUltCHAllNG AOl!HT, MS. MA"IAN PEltlt l N. CO AS T COMMUNITY COLLEGIE OtlTlttCT. IJ10 ADAMS AVI!, COSTA MHA, CA 110• Prol•ct ldonllfl< 111on Name OltANGIE COAST COLLl!O I llOOKHOltE "JtTUltl!S ANO IOUl~MINT., ll10H~1 .... ~••u ~•-"" on fll•' OfflH of Pl\yll<al FKlllll .. PIOMlnv tTfatt•• c-..le•l Ootrt A or II, JOfln ll'ott••. Otr•<IOr Goelt C-.munlt, Call ... Ohtrtct, UIO AGam1 AO ,, Cott• MeM,C4mltt NOTICE IS HEltEIY OtVEN lllal ,,,. al>O¥e-n1mee1 S<-• Olnrkt Of ore,... C-ty, Celltor11ta, actlnQ by end 111ro..011 Ill Governll\f lloerCI, ller•lnatle r rolorrecl lo •• "DISTRICT," Wiii ............... ""' not later 11\an ti. olJO.,...telaCI time, ... 1.a blcl• lor !Pie awerCI of a <olltrecl lortllea-prejKI llCI• tNll De ,....,_ tn aw flta<• 10.ntllleel -· and "'•" ... ~ 1nC1 pullll<ly •••Cl al011d •I Ill• abo••·tllltd """ -place. Tll•ro will II• • uo.oo C1epo1ll reqwlr•CI for HCll Ml Of l>Cll lfo<u,,,..,tt lo ouarel\I .. Ille retur11 In 90011 <Ollelltlon wllllln 10 cMIYI att.r I,.. bkt oa•ftll\O .. ,. CHECKS ONLY/NO CASH loch 11111 m111t conform AM l>a re-tl"9 to l"9 (Ol\1'9<1 dO<W-"h lacll lllG "'all .. occomp.enlH tty Ille M<vftlY r ... ,,.., to In tlla <.Ol\tract Oocum•nh -by tPle 1111 of or_..., t1111Ctr1trk1on Tll• OISTlttCT ,.._,...,I,_ rttllt to relKI ..,, or an Dkl• or to,...,,.. a"v lrr .. 1111rlll0t ., lntormallll•t I" any bkh or II\ tllo l>ICICl!ft9 Loi it of Traci nJO u per recerclff In !look 1'1 p_. u to 11, tnct.,.lve, of 1------------ ml•<•ll-MAP•. 111 N effk• of PVIUC llllC( Cler~ •y· MOHAMMAD l>ADASHIADIH awarelael, -woon IMIY tllbcOlllrec:tvr By J Dobre. a'lcl f HTltAM llllJAO"AIMllMI wnd9r him, lo PIY not l•U 111111 ,,,. Thi OtST"tCT llal CIOlalMCI from lht Ofractor ol ,,,. Department Of ll'tdvllrlal ll•lallon1 Ille e•n•rat prevolllne tot• OI per diem .... , In tPle lo<allly II\ wlllch 1111• worti I• lo lie pa rl111,.,... IOr MCtl er*" or t y119 ot wo rllm•n naatltO lo aHcutt 1111 contra< I 'lllo• rai.. are on Ill• al Ille OllTltlCT office to<alael at Coa1I Commulllt y Colltee Olllrlct, 1170 Adam• A-. C•te Me .. , CA t2U., Coplu mey lie OCltalnocl.,. , ... .,.,.. A copy ti ...... reltl lllall 119 "°''" II Ille lob1lt. MAc~-~ •• ! .lltT OADASHIAOIW, ............. e .. IPe<lft•d ,., •• to •II wor•m•n ""' "~~ joint ~ftl~(tl,lfltfloefttca ,mllloyect by V..m tr1 IN •lllKlllltn vt' UlOI 111...n'-Ori,.., I tll• c-v ltttw•r fff O!'a1111 IN contract. n~ "-· ounty, Stele of Catllornte. WILL lacll blG or Pt'OPOMll •llall 119 maoe SIMrma110tb.C.llf9rnle'14U ILL AT l"Ul\.IC: AUCTION TO o..t or 111bml!WCI or1 1 hlrm hirn .. Nd nm t11.-e IOHl'.ST llOD•• l'Olt CASH Ht1Ar1oln..cOl\lreclC1oc-11.-PuDll"*I 0rln9' Coa•t Dolly Piiot, (payelll• at llme • Mia In lawful m1111 be accompe111ed by a caltli.r't Jan 16, Feb 2. •.It,,.., 01.fl ney of ,,. ""4Mcl ltetttl at' Ille <lle<k, • certlflH <lie<-. or a t>tct•r't ront of IM,.llUAL T .. ltll'T and bOnCI '"•"-not''"'"''"",..,.. ot DAN llllllldlne ., '" Watt ll lr•I Ille amOUftl Of IM llWI, ,,, ..... ,.D .. to treat, T11t U11, Cllllw11I• t1tlO •II ,,.. oroer ot. ot for tilt ~It tf. Mid ruauc •t1E MN-mat '9fll, Ulla ............. , ...... .,... le OIUrlct, at .... ca .. m1y i.. •ncl HCll "CTITIOUI IUlllCllS now llald b'l II -..... Oe9CI at 11110 ot pnipoMt lNll be Mated el\CI NAM• STATIMINT T""tl 1" IN ~.nv tlhlelad lfl Mlcl lllacl wllll .... lt<ret.,,, 91 lfla Olll'kl Tiit tollowl"O l"'toni are dol"O -'' •1U1a-.cn•*'• et or Defore IN 11,... In IN• ..tic• "'"'"HI H Tll• .... IO •• "'".,.,. ... , Ut, provlOICI. TM .. o ... -·-(Mell AVAL.Off MA.NVFACTUltlN(; " IHI 9' IN "9wtll •to 1"4 el t.C. at er -Wll llO flV911 II .,_,.,,, .. Cori>0r1te "'1ara ~utlt HO Ntw;,,,.t ,alni.w .. ._ M -,,.. tllet th• •IClder wlll en ter l'llt a l•a<ll, Ca '2MO ' • II ._ a. ..... 71 9' MIK.el.__ tonlta<I .ttll -DlllttCI If awa,.., Aonoct11ee1 levor•ea company '" 1" Ille afllet of •lie c.<lflt U1• work. end wtll •• cite 1artd In< Ca 0.1 .... .,. c.orperetl111l ,,,. ltK ......... ~.,. torlt lltd If '"• IUCCIHhll """" EulUtllStr"I Vtrfttft Ca oii Tiie ttrot\ lddreu lllcl otllat t'lt\ltttte-1-Mkl<entreel TlllS llutlnau h cM.dwrltcl 11, • ...,m.-i ~11411\, It ...,,, " Tit• IHrd at Olrt<latt at lllt corperallOI\ HI ,.,._.,,., MUrC .. d •llltn 1 Ot1trk1 ,.....,... "'9 •leM le rtltCI AUOCllteCI .... r... .. ..... "'Cl9111Ae, c..'9 ony allel all .... , et'lll ......... ..., •lld =•M1':..-Tll9:"..;;.. Tnlllae .._ .. ._ altlrflflllMltylll_ ... VI •• ~-1~1 . llMllllY ,.. -~........ .. ,.., .. , .... 0r ... Ceetl o.lly ...... ~ "'"~ -· -·· ~ ... t.•. 1• sn-11 Tllll •lat"""" WM fllecl wltll tt1e 11'*" ...,_ -.-r <...,_ C•11ftty Clarli ol Or8'1tt Ca.inly .., .. ,;-:•:.r" .. · ~ '!"!'!.-.. JIMlutrv ts, ltlb, .. ...,.. -... .._ '1tt•• ••t!Mfll *f warraftty, ,.,.,. .. tt tHU.l*"IL~ ,,,.iltll,,...,.. ...... :: .......... .., • .._.._, WlllM kllwWIUIH vmllr---. It '9f ,..,._,,. t• ""' • "-Mlfl ... 7'I MIMI -flt .. ,_.(ti _.,... Lei ..... ~ -.. i. °'*' .. T'i\M, """ ......... ~11 .. ltllld O'Met C..•t Oelly l"llot ... ~. • ........... Ill .... llM*ltl Jan. It, 16, ,_ t, •. 1m U4-Q .. ,.': ~ r.:..-=. '!':.!::' tlld llltl\-flt ... ,,,... -" .. NI.JC Illa !Nttt C,.... -.... 0... tf fhi91, ,., .. ~,....._., ... ~ l'ICTlflMtUllMlll la Mi .... .. NAMUfATl~HT Tfle ..... leltry lli9f .... a.def Tiie tati.wlfle ,..._ •• ,. "'"-trot lt•~tt•fert tucv\td 111• lllltlntttn· etllftrwte .. _..,..,. • .t• o. 1A1tw1• ""''""""" o.c11r•0111 flt .....,., .., ~ , ......... •1-, '-"'"' V•ltY CA ,., .......... 9'1"911 ....... .. .,,. • Oeflllll -., ........... flit O. tAltWIO IHTtlt,.ltll.11 t ........................ H~ tf Cell1er111e '*'"'•'-· , .... SIM• Oefat1ll .. ,._._ '* llff .... • , • .,, ,_...,V....,,CA.,,._ :=:.-:.':'*•I...,.. .. -,,::: .. ":;!,.... .. c..-.c .... ., • Ditti.....,..... . 0. =O IHfUjll•llll IMN•* .....,_, 0 ...... ~ ~ ., ...... c. ,,__. "' ............. -..... ..... .. Mll'Mflllliln t...ty Oft ti Or._. (,wlltly til .HI!. Ut .... -..., Dt. "·,.. ,.. :-Jt."==--""" ~:-;; c:.fl o.ii., :::. ,.::.-=t:t;.-...... = r Ille Covf'lly It«~ Ill ttlt CM'ly Of r-------------Or8"98l Al"Ho ...... J1MI, Mor• commoftly llnowft al > ltlmroo, City of lrvln•. Co111\ly ol Or•nQt, Si.ta 91 Calllor1\la NOTICE IS Hl!ltllY OIVEN tllal "" TuHcMly, Merell 2nd, ltt2 at 2·00 o'clock p rrf at Couftt'r Ctvl11,.llH, ..01 Jamtior" 90\lltvaro. l'ront of CovrtllO..M), Clly of N9Wj181'1 ... ell, County of Or•noe. s1a1a of Calllernla, 1 wlll H it al Pllbll< a\K1IOI\ to IN 111oi.-' blCl•r, to< c .. 1111\ lawful~ Of Illa Ullllacl Stalff, •II IN rlollt "'" .,,. lntarttt of .. 1c1 1~1 ~ In IN alto,.. dlt.crl-pl' ... 11., Or to mu<ll 1--8t may IM IWCHt«\' la Mlllfv N ici •-111i... wttll a«"'" lftl•r•tl IMld <Nit. Oalff. l'alltWrY 1. 1"2 Har-Dt¥i.IOft Don. ltlle•, IMnMI. Or-. C-W O.raldW.......,.. tttot Le .... "" ~ .. *· Min ton Viele, Ce .... I 111'1 ttl<Cllh '"'".......,Or.,._ CMtt Oally '''*'· ""' '· "· u. ..... .,,. Tho for0901nC1 oc-.i10 Of per diam w .... ,. ~upon a -i.111t ... ., Of •lvhl Cll ~ TN rot• i.r llollday el\CI over11mo -" •llell be at tta-1 time 8ncl-"eH. 11 111•11 be rne11cia11ry u11111 ,,,. CONT"ACTOlll lo wi'IOm Ille contract It •••reed, and 11pon .,., tub<Olllr«lor 11rtder lllm, It pay not leu tllan IN Mid -lllH ratot to All wor•1t1en ""'P .. vact tty tNm '" Ille UICllli.tl of Ille (tfttroc1. No ti~ may •llMr•w 1111 11111 tot a ...,foci el """' 1601 daYI ailar Ille Claltt Ml fw Ille tOIMllftt of lllClt. 4 PtYl'IWfll boftd -e Ptl'fwmente llfftd wlll bf requlnd prter le e'l1<11ll•11 tt tit• tantrt <t Tiit "''°""" ..... INll lie In lllt letm •t tol111In11119 c...tr«ldt<-lt ~ ..... • ., Ner!Mft I . Wal- lllC ... ry.llt. e..f'dol._ lt11.iltlled Or .. Cotti Dally l"ttot. ..... ," ,. .... Basketball go~s cold Wooden favors shot clock If HALIOCK .~ ........... In the lut two week1 ln January there were 1 dostn oolltte baaketball IAD\01 ln which the wlnntn1 tum• acored tewtrlhan 5a polnll. That hi th of 5a, by the way, beJon1ed to Penn State and the Nlttany Llona managed that tot.al only becauae their eame a1atn.at Pitt stretched Into two overtimes The Panthers mana1ed Just 48 that nl1ht. Instead of the January t h aw , coll11• basketball, Ukt the weatherman, supplied a deep freeze. Here's a 1core Crom colle1e basketball In January· Colaate 25, Princeton 24 Takes you back to the d1y1 of th~ t wo·handed 1et shot, doesn't It' THE SAME NIGHT that Colgate and Princeton P'*t tht ball In the Ice box, North Carolina State beat Georgia Tech 49·40 That. at least, was 1 partial defro1ttn1. Twice ln J anuary, free&Jn1 Maryland has scored Just 40 polnta In a same with d1Herent results. Lefty Drlesel's Terrapins lost tn overtime acalnst Vlrainia 45-40 but beat Duke 4-0-36. Here are some more Icicle scores· Top-ranked Missouri 41 , Kansa s 35 : St. Bonaventure 30, Ru.tiers 29; Ke ntucky 34, Notre Dame 28. 1n overtime; Wyoming 27 , Brlgh1tm Young 25. And, for~ piece de resistance, High Point 12. Elon 10. High Point? Not th et night. The •lowdown ls be1lnnlne to disturb some serious observers or college basketball T~e solution ls simple· It may be lime to put the shot clock ln the aame. That suggestion comes from no less an authority than John Wooden, coach emeritus at UCLA, who won 10 NCAA champions hips Including seven in a row -In his last dozen years on the job. "Yes, I would favor a shot clock," Wooden said "Not 24 seconds like the pros. but maybe 30 or 35 seconds ·' THE FREEZE STRATEGY 1s used by overm etched team s to prevent racehorse shootouts against superior teams. and it is clearly • valid approach Wooden and o ther critics appreciate that "I can't criticize a coach for using that strategy if he thinks it will help hts team." he said. "But the beauty of basketball is the action the game provides. And the freeze is no action at all ·· That's exact ly the point. Fans are paying ru11 price for a game a nd shouldn't be forced to sit ,through a game of catch which simply shortens the real playing time in the game. "I rem ember one year North Carolina State and Duke played a gam e," Wooden continued "They were both fine teams, but they played a freeze game. The halftime score was 3 2 and the final wu 7-5, I thlnk That's not right, for two fine teams to play a game like that " T hat game -t he act ual score was 12 10, N C Stale -was played In 1968 in the Atlantic Coast Conference tournament. On the other coast at the time, Wooden's Bruins were in the midst of a 47·game winning streak Later there would be an NCAA record 88-game winning streak with powerhouse team& led by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. then Lew Alcindor and later Bill Walton that could blow you ri&ht off the court. Naturally. some opponents tried to freeze UCLA out o f those win ning streaks. "SURE, WE FACED IT," Wooden said The way to handle it 1s with a pressure defense nol a full court press. but an a((gresslve. pressure defense . And when you get the ball. don'l shoot wildly Just play your normal K.ame. lakin~ R<>od . high -percentage shots " Or, you could p ut in rules that would force the other teem to play the game the way it was designed to be played, instead of turning the ball Into an oversized ice cube. A shot clock. forcing a team to surrender the ball every half minute or so, would achieve that The teams In over their heads would squawk. of course, because it would deprive them of a chan ce t.o steal a game. But a more sensible course would be for weak-sister teams lo schedule opponent.a in their class instead of trying to knock otl the heavyweights with boring ball Reagan salutes NHL players WASHINGTON <AP l President Reagan seemed aa Impressed with hi• National Hockey League guests as the officials and players of the NHL were w1th him. And the president, ever the entertainer -he even skated In practice with an NHL team while ma king a movie back in 1939 made everyone feel at ease with his opening remarks at a luncheon he hosted Monday at the White House. "IT'S A THRILL tor me to see Gordie Howe," Reagan slid, rcferrlna to the leeendary right wing who retired two years a10 at age~ "I rem ember m y mother taking m e by the hand lo see him play ''Gordie, would you believe I was a teena•er"" the 71-yeat-old chlef executive ad4ed amld the lau1hter of the 4-0 NHL AH-Stars and assorted lea1ue re~resentatlves. Rea11n dldn t spare the 1ame's c urrent supentar, Wayne Gretzky , from hls comment!, either • "Rumor bad it thet our team here in Washlnfton I.I ~yln1 to 1et you," Reaaan said to the 2l·yt1r-old 1corln1 1en11Uon, who wH aeattd at the head table . "I w.I told Edmonton 1eta two flret·round draf\ picks ••• and the state of Texas." The pre1ldent Jl10 saluted tht sport. ''Thh nlittd sport has coMected the border with Canada and the Unlted State• and lt ls 1omothlnt that 1houJd nher be overlooked;' he 11id. "We're more than nelchbora. we're frleodl. Tbl1 sport repreaenta what l1 Mat 1bout that relattonablp." NHL Prealdtnt Jottn Zte1ler preaente d a replica of the Stanley Cup and an All·Star Jersey with the No. l and "Rea11n" printed on it to the prealdent. 0 TRI ONLY WAY Wt coWd come clOM to honorinl you wu to '" lb1t you tel a rtpllea of what \Mae ~tnU1m1n ~ ao bard for -UM Stanley~ .. J ~ w111 tttllAI U\e rul thlnJ," 1&MS " t.b• p1"9ldmt. "l wu ansloul to bavt lt dltplar-d btre.11 ------·--•• I APW ....... A NEW HAT F'ormt•r Dodger Davey Lopes tries on his new Oakland A's rap after the trade wa~ tompleted Monda~ Magic's fans still booing By The Associated Press Earvin "Magic" Johnson, his image scarred three months ago by a messy coaching change on the Los Angeles Lakers. 1s still smiling his way through the basketball season "As long as I'm smiling, it means I'm having fun on the court," said Johnson, whose wide, infectious grin is as much of a.trademark as his nickname. "The Lakers are moving and we're exciting." THE FACT THAT Johnson believed lhe team wasn't moving and exciting led him to speak out bitterly after a loss to Utah Nov. 18, saying he would rather be traded than play a half-court offense with the Lakers. The next day, Coach Paul Weslhead was gone, and Johnson's 25-year, $25 million contract with Los Angeles naturally led people to believe that the man who performs with sleight of hand on lhe court had made the coach disappear with a fli ck of his tongue "H I had known they were going to fire the ooach, I wouldn't have said anything at the time I did," said Johnson ··But I had to say something about the situation. When we move the ball, teams have trouble defending against us. when we don't it's a lot easier for the m " Since Pat Riley look over as coach, and a speedup offense replaced the slowdown s etup under Westhead. the Lakers have gone on to post a 33·14 record, third best in the National Basketball Association behind Boston and Seattle. Johnson has done nothing to tarnish his place alongside L~rry Bird. one of the best all-around players in the league. DOTH 1mas LOVE Crl'C'k Li Funl·rul services WILLIAM MARSHALL -.ull be held on Tuesda). LOVE , a rf.'Sld(.'nt or Febnaary9,1982at2:00PMat Newport Beach. Ca Passed Pac1f1c V iew Mortuary 3wav on February Ii, 1982 Chapel with the C rescenla Born September 16. 1908 in \.'.<.1lley Masonic Lodge. #652 lnd1anapohs, Indiana tie 1s !'&AM off1c1atmg In heu of survived b) his \\-lfe Esther f I o we rs me mo r 1 a l or Newport Beach. Ca . contnbut1ons ma) be made daughter Sharon Rasms of to th!" Masonic Home Costa Mesa. sons George Pactf1c View Mortuary Love of San Fernando Ca Newport Beach directors and Louts Love or Oregon. 1 GARDNER step-son Anthonv Shepherd E D N A M A R I E and 16 grandchildren. also GARDNER. resident of brothers John Love of Santa Costa M esa. Ca Passed Barbara. Ca and George a""av on Feb~uar) 5. 1982 Love o f Alhambra. Ca , She " s urvived by her sisters Eva Buser of daughters H elen Carr of Glendale. Ca , Elizabeth Fresno •• Ca. granddaughter Mahoney of fndnrna and Linda Carr of Texas. Jan Helen Deggendors of Walnut Patton of Santa Ana. Ca • --------------.Pam Jon~ or lrvme. Ca .. grandsons Oamel Brougue or Anaheim. Ca . and Donald rlHCI '80.,,_S IMITHS' MOITU.MY 627 Majn St 11unttngton Beach S36-6S39 P AClffC V•W MIMOllAl. PAltl Cerretery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pa<:rflc View Drive Newport Be a<:h 644·2700 MKCoaMM:ll MOITUAJ111$ Laguna Beach 494-9415 ~unaHrlls 76&-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1n6 Carr or Fresno, Ca and l:l great grandchildre n Graveside services Tuesday. F ebruary 9, 1982 at H arbor L awn M emorial Park Services under the direction of H arbor Lawn·M ount Olive M ortuary of Costa M esa ~o 5554 MODLIN LLOYD C MODL I N , resident of Costa Mesa. Ca Passed av.ay on F ebruary 6. 1982 He was 60 at the time o r his death Loving husband of Audrey. loving fath er of M ichael D Modhn and Mrs Patt1 L J ordon . also survived by 3 grandchildren He was an e mployee of the l..os Angeles Times In lieu of flowers the family requests donations be made to the American Lung Association P rivate family services. PEllGRIN lltCTITtOUI tull .. HI NAMl ITATIMiNT Tfl1 lollowl119 jltrun h doln9 llwtllWH et Cl) JAYNA AUOC:IATl!I· IHTlltTAIHlltS, 121 J AY Mll.aURN, MOI W9'r-M A ..... hilt SI, H1111llnglon llMc:ll, Ce t14M JIMM Mllllum Smllll, ,.., ........ Or , HllMI,,..... 9Hcll, Ce.~ Tlllt 1111\l""t It Conwtl.cl 11Y Ill lndlvlcluet J-Mllllur11Sll'llU1 Tlllt t\All-1 WM lllecl wltll IN COUlllY Cito ot Oten .. C-IY .,. J-rylS, "a "'" ... P11bllllled Oreft91 CMH Delly Pllol Je11 "· 2t, Fell. 2, t, 1912 1t1-p PIO .m PICTtTIOUI IUttMaU NAM9 STATIMIMT Tiie lolfowl119 "'"" I• dol11t bull!WUH. THE COSMIC GARDEN. IU I~ Stfff'I, H-' 8MCll, CA ntt.J. DOREEN ANH GVHTHl!A. 110t0 DowMy A-. • 10). llellllowet, CA t070. Thi• -1MU 11 CONlllCltd tlY ell lndl•ld.,.I 0or .... cunther ... 11111 •tCTtfliOW._ .... UMIJ ITAUaMMT Tl•• , ......... .,.,_ •••• ,,., ~-... 1.0ltlTTI VAltllTTI I.TO , 1.0ltlTTI VANilTTI, tit_,. ..,._, ,., .. ,, ~ 9-0I. tA ....a. 1.0ltlnA JO 141.0lVtA, tit Utll IWHt, M-' -..c:tl. CA~ Tlllt ~ 11 ~IH -... e11 lllflv IAIM ~Jea.lf!Vle Tfllt ...._ w• ,. ... wttll Ille e ... 111, CINt. el Or-. C:-r Oii J.,. "· 1"2 PICTITIOUS aut1 .. UI NAMI ITAflMIMT Tll• lellgwl119 p., .. ,. I• delllt 1111~··· l'ltOOltlHIVl AVIATION DIVl!l.Ol'MINT, UOI hevlew, C-11• .... MM, CA nw. IUCHAltO A GADIOtS If I, llOl '9evl1w. Cl"-491 Mer, CA '2US. Tlllt IMliw.1 II ~Wf ~ ... •IWllWlcllOel. IUCIWrO A 0.-oit If I Tlll1 N~ Wet llleel wltll Ille :eunty C .. ,_ of o..,.. Counly.,. Jiii ~. ,.., Piiia """II~ Or.,... C•~ Detty PllOI. .... 1, '· It, u. ,.., S042 '9CTITtOUS eUllNIU MAM9 ITATIMINT T,.. tor-1119 .,.,..,., .,. ootnt Dl!illltUet: THE AOl'llAM COMPANY. 101 E 11111 Str .. t, Ho 2000, C•te Me ... C•lltornle "'21 II Mea Adrien, l·U SI Cfe lr Str .. 1. Ca.la Mt11. Cetlfomle •M» L11cy E. AOrlen, 14.J St. Cle fr SlrH I. COiia Mell, Ceftfor11le n.26 Tiiis buslr>Ha It COflduCI"' DY I oenere1 _,_IC>. II M. ""'len Tnla sw..,_I w .. 111eo w1111 the Co11nty Clo•k ot Orenve Cou11ty °" Orange Cont DAILY PILOT/Tut1day. February 9, 1982 H/F ca l'ICTITiout IUatNIH MMlllC ITATl ..... T Tiit lltltwl11t ,., .. II It •tl11e M llltH" VIDlC) Pt.VI, tttl Wa""' ... $1111• Ill,~ lfftll, C• tl .. 1 Allltl O. •11t111ell•lfl, 1112 Velonl>M Or Hurlll.....,. luotll, C• ., .. , Tllla lllltll•tta It (trlO\ICI"' OY ... INllvl-1 Atltn D Olllllltfle"' Tllfa ·~ _, llled wtlll Ille Cttillly CIH11 el O•tl\99 Ct1111ly Oii Jenvery IS, 1"3 "'CTITIOUI aUAIMIU NAMllTATIMIMT Tiii toflowlllt ,_,....,, .,. dolnt llwliw.••t: su•,SAIL5 L.l.d., 200S w •••tiff Wlte tol. NtWj)Ol1 ... Ch, CA '1..:1. M••"'9 JMnlnt lll•Wll, "" Allw A.,,.., N...,_, .... II, CA n..,. Tllomet Cellton ll•wll, 4:M Allt0 A ..... , .. ....,_, aM<ll. CA.,.., Tllh llullMll It tOlldY< IHI by •~ ftdlvldwal T lllt•ll Met\he J a .... 11 Tiii• __ , ,. .. 111..i with the Cew11ty Clerk of Ot•f199 County °" ..... ,, '* ''"* ....._.1.-o..,. c .. si 0111y P11ot IUl'SlttOlt COUltT 01' TM a ITATI OP CAUflOltNIA l'Otl TM• CIOUMTY 01' o ...... a Ill IM ..... 9' ... ...,OOUlll .. ION VAN'tltAN Ne A· llllOOt ltOllt TO IHOW CAVIi l'OA CH•NOI or MAMI Wllereet, l"9 ,_.11"41 .. .., v .. TltAN II ....... tit.cl wllll llW cl9rk .. tllh .. .,,, tar •" .,.t r c11a11el11t OtlllltMr't lllmt !rent ION VAN TRA,. te JOIO'f VAtHO CMAH&L IT II HlltllY o •D•it•o , ....... pt •Hnt lnle,.tl•d In ••I• melt., ..... , ....... tllltl ... rtll lt.••fl', ,., .. ., "' o.-tmtnl ' .. ·-, ..... wlly 1111• -.ptlt•lllll .. , ,-.. Of neme •MUld Ml tit tr'"'-f •tCTlflOUt eutu"" NMlla tfAHMeMT ,,_. ........ ,.. ,...._J .,. ...... ~ .. . "llOl'alTlll WllT HOMI LOAli, * "'II tirHt, lllt•,..•I ._.. c.t...,.tw.a •flOPlltTtll WUT, INC e Ctlit.,nl• <..,_,•llon, * ntll .. ,. .. .. .... "'1 llMCll, Cellflrnl• ~ Tl>1t• ht!Mtt It Uftd11<led lly 1 <~-·-""""* Wftl. I~ 0...H Smith, p ........ Tlllt ... .._. ... ""'"' Wltll .... CO\lllly Clerk M Ot1119t Coullly ell JMootry 22, ,.., p,,,.,. ""-""*' Of ..... GN•I Delly ....... J111 ,., ..... t, '· 1•, 1912 MD-41 •OnC8 W T•utT8&'HAt.e -~ Ori ,.,,_..,It, t-el Mi• AM , •u•tt• te11t111•1 <•'""""'· • Celll.,1111 ctt•••t llet1, u •wri ..... l'tMI T~ _,.., ... .-..... le Ot4lf 9' TIWI ,__, ~ I, lt1t, H .......... WI .... U:U1, - U t, el Offklel kw•. ea.c.,... tty, J ... ,. A.,.C Pletlle, e11 IHW'llM'tlW -"· •• ~. Ill tlle office tf ~ c-1, .. .,.r • o,...,.. c-nty tuwel~,'#tUHUA~ PUILIC AUCTION TO HIGHUf llOOllt ~ C.uH I_, .. ti II .... tf .... "'l9wM -y el lilt U11llM ll•tetl .. : ~ .. Mtlft,....,"' '--tl•n Ttclt I-Met CWptUI*\ , .. Het111 erN4wu, ..... ,. A11t, Cetltonlll, elf tlellt, tltle -Im., ... """''" •• flllf -..... ~ It -H id D-of T•11•I 111 I,_ pr_,,y IT If "URTHIA OROIAIO tllM • COOy of 1111• ..... r 10 •llOW t lUM .. 1111llll•ll•d 011<1 • wull tor tow• tU<ctttlW -h prior lo the OIY ot .............. In Tiit D•llY Pllol, • •llueled Ill N kl C.Ullly •llCI Slele HtcrlMdn · Ut soot Tr.ct Ho mi, In ,... Gtty l'ICTITIOUI IUllMIH ol c .... MtM, .. pet otlep tKO'*d 111 111w.,4llltf or etntr•I flt<ul•llo11 1-------------- prl11tt4 111 ,,,. County ot D••noe. Oelt J-ry li, 1''2 AOHALOH PA!MNfA Judoot vi ,,,. S.-lot Cou'1 L.ewOHke .. It-lit OIMI .Ir Altl"•tYetl.ltw n•M-P-Stl"ltl 1 .. UAM,Gall- 171•) IMMUI ,.ubll•-0reft91 (oest Dally Pliot F•D 2 t It. 23 ,.., Ut-1( MAMaSTATIMaNT ..... 114, p .... u lo ., 01 Tiit lotlowlfle ..,_, ., ... ,llO Mlec•lf-~. In Ille on~ • ., llu•ln1u •• t .. c:-tv lte<Ofdff Of,..., C-y. HOLISTIC NUTRIT IONAL Tiie altH I edd•tu e nf tll\H PRODUCTS. LTD . 0..1"' P1ut, 270 c.,,.m.,. c1in19netl011, If .,.Y, .. tto4 Newport G1111er Ori ve, Newport rte I or..-rty dn<rllMd eOOve If 8HCll,Ce ft6'0 Oevld Gr-m, c;.ne.el Per1-. llU,,....loecl to .. IM II Cemflll. C"UI IN .. ,c;..11tom1• I JOl Forett ..... , \AqUlll lie.ell, C.. Tiie "'*'•'-,,_ "'::::'.:l '1.Sl --Je<k vi .... G«>ef•I "•rlN• IOI = ~.·=:i:..=:~ "'!c':;,"t- F0te11 • ..... ~ lleecll, C• '2UI dttltMtlM, tf ..... "'°'"" lle••MI Tllh !Mnlntu It COflduCled '" • $eld .... wllf ........ IMit .,..,_, llmtteo PMtnenlllP <•w•Mtlt .. ••rt•lr, ••Pf"• e. ,ell •. 1• n. Merell 2 1tn tt>-t1 • PUIUC NOTICE J eck Ultff, lmpl!M, ,.._.lllftt tfflt, ,..»MIOll, or G«>efel Per""" •iKu,.,..,_... It pey Ille t'Wftalftl"' PICTITIOUS aUSIMHS MAMI ITATIMIUIT Tl•• tollowl119 per.011 It dol11g ,,., ......... YAMAHO INTERNATIONAL I0441 ._,... Al_. Aw Founleln V•ll•Y Celll '2'°9 Oo11eld IC y.,.,....,. 1oue Apeche RIVff, F-lnV•ll•y,Cellf n1oe Tiii• bldiMU II COndV< t•d bV en lftdMduel. ~lclK Yemano Tiii• SW-I we1 llled wlll\ lhe Cou11ty Ciera of Orenve County on Th!S •tel-I Wtl 111.0 wllll Ille prlll(I~ WM el Ille -.tll N(11t.O Ms-met ~:::~~;~:.:I 0<""99 COUlllW Oft by .. Id D1ef et Trvtl. wltll '"'""' I TATIMIMTO,WITHO•AWAL l'lll .. T lller...,,M ,__ •1n .. ld110 .. lt l ,ltOM Publl"*l Or-c ... , Delly Piiot lldvenc"-II -· "'*" Wit "'''" 91 PA •TN I •IHI I' 0 PI • AT I HG .. Id 0-et Trvtt, '-· C"-'9" and UMOllt Jen " :i., Feb J ' "" ,_, .. , U-wt Of Ille Tnnlel .,., Of the PICTITIDUS aUSIMIU MAME -------------·I tnnll tr-lrt Will 0..0 .. Trlltt The UllClenlVMCI hereby 1te111 MJC .TIC( 1°' .... -,... _ _,y Hll,,...lecl 111 T'lleflCllllOulllu•IMHnemtof ______________ , •• .,. Ul4,i4S41 I,,. Pertnet1hip 11 PAN AMERICAN PICTtTIDUS austMaSS Tiie Nfteflclery -..... Oeed of EOUITll!S MAMI ST•T•MINT Tr1111 llenlolore ... c uUO •nO 111 The flclltlou• llu•lneu ,.,,.,. Tne 1011owl11g person 11 doing O.fl••red lo Ille_".......,• wrlltan 1teten1tnt of the P•rtnenhlp w•• llled 11uslnen u O•<••••llon of o.1 ... 11 -O.tne11<1 In Or•no• Counly, Celllornl• on JT PLUMBING. ,304 Redlend1 lor Sele, •ftd • ••lllen Mollo ot October 10, 1'1t Or , M•*POtl Btecf\. C• 92660 D•leull e11d El•ctlOll lo Sell. Tf\e UI , .... P<'lntlpel PIK• 01 lluslrw•• Jey 0 T••-kt, UCM Redl•ndt lllldl taltned G•UMd H id Notice OI of ,,,. Per1ntr\111p " 1oc11tc1 el 1112 ur . Mt,.PO<I !Mech, Ce, '2660 Oefe11fl -Ele<llOll lo Sell lo 0. This Itel-I we• llled with the C:ounlY Cletto Of Ot-County on Jflll 1'. ,..,. '"'w Feb. s, "'' P1ata Pubfltlled Orenoe COHI Dally Piiot. Publl.-0r•"IJlt Coe•I Delly Pllol, J ... u.,.., n. 1912. DuPonl Drive. Suite 202 1tvlne. Tn1s llu~ntts h tond<l<ted bY .,. ••corded 1" lhl county wfler• lfle , .. , Cellfornl• '271S lnotvtouel or-111111°'•1'°· t•> The pertMr w1111<1nw1no trom Jey o hrnow•k• Deft: J_.., If. •"1 P1.-2 !et1. u. l'.O. t, t , ••. 1"2 Jn.a Fell t . 16, "· Merci\ 2. 1"1 s,..,, Publlthed Orenvo Coelt Delly Piiot, llle Pertnerlhlp Ii ROBERT L BERG Tnls 1telitme11I we) 111.0 wllll 1"9 :.~cr'::::::· Cot1>. ruldlng •t ll&4 Coroni1 L•ne. COil• County Clt rk of Orange County on lly s... Kelly Feb. 2, t , 1', 23, 1"2 SUC2 l'ICTITIOUS eustNISI NAMa STATIMINT T II• tolfowln9 peno11 h doln9 bullMU .. P ILO-GENIC OF HOLLYWOOD, 13 Quiet-· lrvlM, Ce n7u Kyp SUU.r, ll Oulet -· l••I .... Ce '27U Tiii• t>uslneu h conoucted by on 1ncitv1ouer l(ypSuuer Tllll 11ei-1 ... llleO •Ill\ the Counly Cl•"' 01 Ot•nve County °" J....,.ry lS. 1912 "ICTITtOUI IUllMHS MAMa STATlaqMT Tiie lollowlf'lt '"''°" 11 dolnt ..... 1 ....... , ALI. AMEAICAH llUSIHl!SS DIAECTOltY, 16'3 Ponderowo, COii!• Me .. c•nw RICHARD JAMl!S STOAY, ''" P--· C.U Mtu. CA nt.21. Tiiis _,,_, 11 conducted by en tlldl•lduel IUcllenl J SIOry Tllh Uot.nwm ••• llled wltfl 1"9 Couftly Cle"' Of 0.Mve Coullly on J.., Jt, ,.., Ptl*J l'ICTITtOUS aUStMIU MAMa ITATl.WMT Tiie tollowl119 .,.,....,. ere doing butlnenH CALIFORNIA OIESEL SERVICE, >00t HertlOt lllWO • c .. 1. Mew. CA n.2• °°"9lel J Slefnff. 14 Orelle• Bey Or., C..,.,...del Mer,CA ntb AllOUst Peuf Roni. tltl Wlnd>H Dr Ore,..., CA .... Tiiis buSl,...1 Ii COndu<leO Dy I -··'~ Douo ... J ~. Me .. , Celllornl• nt'6 Jenu••Y IS, 1'111 A11tflotlred~l11t• Tiii. •Rte~~~ ..... ,r~ 111~ -Ill\ ,~. '11110 "7tS Stpulvede Btvo County. c~~;·o, o'..n;; Co11n1°;: J:..u~~·~F~T:. f~·· 0•11~ ,:~'.:~ ~~~~,CA 'I004$ Celllornle on Jet1U1Jry 11, 1'111 P111>tl-Or11191 CoHI Delly Piiot. 'u,.,a •-II' ~( Je11 u , Ftl> 2. •. t"2 4lH2 P11bll"*I Or-Co .. r Delly Pllol. J1J-ltllllllo Jen U Feb 2 t "· 1"7 ., .. ., l'ICTITIOUS aUllMl'5 MAMI STATllllllMT T nt tollowi"t per\on i\ dolno --------------.111u1lneu •• PICTtTtOUS aUSIMESS MAMI STATIMIMT Th• foflowlno pe:r1.on1 •t• dolnQ ............. AANCO. ,.... .... -. N.,.POtl BHch. Cefltomt• •2..0 Lyle Aenoell Ut4 Beuwood. Nowoorl llffcn ce111or11I• '1660 Tf\1\ OU1,llW'\t l' COndV<t9d bf •n 1ncUvldu.I PHUC llTICE ,ICTITIOUS aUSIMIU MAME STATEMENT Tht followtno oersol"I •1 ao•n9 bu\fneu as Plfl,., PubU.-Or-Coe11 Delly Piiot. Publl"*l o..,. CoMI Delly "'lot '•" 1. t, "· u. ,.., su.a Tiiis st.I-"'" 111.0 wltl\ lftt Cou11ty Clerk of Orenve Cou11ly on Feb S. 1"1 CENTER FOR RETIREMENT PROGRAMS f)Ol Dow SlrMI Suitt 400, N..,,_.. s..tn C111t0tnl• 91660 AenH Stimmel HOO Perk N••POr1 8"cll C•lltornle ,,_ 1,.yltR..-11 Tllli llelitmefll we• 111.0 wllf\ lhe Counly Cltr~ ol Oret10t Cou11ty Ofl J•nuerv lS 1'111 VALE NATIONAL ALLENTOWN 9USINESS SCHOOLS ARIZONA AUTOMOTIVE INSTITUTE NATIONAL INSTITUTE Of El.ECTAONICS. SKll>ORON COLLEGE OF BUSllOESS TAMPA TECHNICAL I NSTITUTE KENTUCKY COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY ARKANSAS COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY, NAT IONAL INSURANCE COMPANY 4UI Biren SI'"' N••PG•I Bu<h Celllor111192660 Jen " i., Feb 2, t, 1"1 Jlt-n ------------- l'ICTITIOUS aUSIMaSS MAMa STATIMINT Tiit tollowln9 p1no11 h dol110 bu•IMHes CEATIFIED SERVICES, l1U2 Se11te 1w .. 1, FOU11tetn Valley, C• '17111 0 •1• Pelmtr Wiil, l1U2 S.M• 1 .... ,. Founteln Veltey, C• '1109 Tiii• buslnen 11 ~'"' by en 11W1lvtduel O...Wlll This stelefl'Wlt ••• lllocl wllll IN Co11nty Clerk ot Otel\119 Cou11ty Ofl PICTITIOUS eUllMIH MAMa STATlllllU!MT Tiie toflowln9 person Is dolno _ ......... RAIHllOW SPORTING GOODS. lJ" E ltl SI-', T11stl11. Celllof'nle '1..0 lltu~• S Swencull, IHl E hi SlrHI, Tustin Cetltomle t-Tlllt _,,..u 11 c-ucl..S by 111 lndlvlduel lll'\IC.I S. Sw.ncutt Tlllt tlel-1 WM Ill"' wltll tlV County Clerk of Ot•l\99 County °" J.,.uery 12, 1"2. Jen11•ry ,,, 1912. Plnt7t ''t"n P11bll•~ Or~ Coe5' Delly Piiot Pubfl-OrMVe Coelt Dally Piiot, Feb 1 t. 16. U. 1"1 4"-G Jen t•. '"-I. t , t•. l"2 ~ ,ICTIT10U$ aUSIMISS MAMl STAT•MaNT Tiie fot1ow1no per1011 ft doing butl~ ... WILDWOOD COMPANY No 1 8.,11ne CotHI, Newport a1ecll. Celll0f'11le Alaf'I IC-, -Wm 6!00 So • Seit Leh City, Uteh .. t07 Tbll ~""' ll COllOUCI .. tty ... 1nct1v1oue1 AlenK..-wn Tiiis ttet ....... t ••• ti..., Witll lllt County Clttll ot 0<•"99 County °" PICTITIOUI eustNHS MAMI STATIMIMT The foUowlno P•rton h dol"O bu•hWH ., NORLI N PAPER C().oillPAMY. 601 Brooto.vltw 'WA Y, Cosll Men c.111or~~ De111111 Artll11r Norlin Ul lrookvfew Way~ Costa M•'•· Cetll0tllle n.a Tiiis lluslnn• 11 conducttcl ov •n lndl•ld"'I Otnftlt A M0tlln Tiiis 1te1-1 wn tltecl wllll u.. County Cler~ of Ot•fl9t County °" J.,.11.ry lS. 1'92 J e11uery u, •"2 '111M7 ,.,., ... Pullll-Or-Co111f Delly Pllol, P111>fllhed Or-CM" OeJly Pllol. J en lt, ,.. Ftl> 2, '· t"2 n..n J en lt. ,.. Fell. 2. t. 1912 Ul-G ,,_ Pullll"-0 Ot•nQt Coe" o ... , Pllol. Ftl> t , l•, U. Mer<ll 2. 1"2 •-2 ..-1CTtTIOUS aUSIMEH MAMISTATIMIMT Tll• tollowl110 ~nons .,. dolnQ ........... LI FE POWER tSlOl Henlo Or . WHtml-,CAfttl) Mery Meyuml Vl•W~·H•ll, ISIOI Hellley Or . Wftlmlntler, CA '1te3 Mercelle Mennl"9, 1' Sur!side CI N1Wpor1 IM<fl, CA '2660 Tiii• bu1lneu " conducted by • oentre I part...,."111p ,.,..,..,vrewk Hell Tiiis stel-l wet Ill~ Wllll tM Countv Cl9rlt ot Or~no-Counly on Feo. S, 1"1 l'll1M$ Pubfl•""" Or-Coe'1 Deily Polot Feb t, l•. 7J, Mer<ll J 1 .. 2 SU.al MOC lllTICE ..-1CTITIOUS auSIMEU NAMI STATIUllEHT The toUowtnQ oers.on u dotnQ buslMU .. C.OAST CLEANERS • WlncttlOwer 1nr111e. CA nns G•11• Edwerd Plck.,d )JI) V11lven4ty, INN. CA 927'S Tiiis -1MU I• cono..<l+d bV e11 lndlvl<Wel. 0-Pk lUlrO Tiii• -t ,.._ llllO with tne County C..,.lt ot Or•nve County on F•b S, 1912 '1au. Publlsr.d 0reft91 Coe1f Delly Pllol "'" t. "· n . Merell 2 ,.., u112 SAS F•nenc1el Inc • C•hforn•• CO•PO••llOtl llOI Oov• s1 ... 1. Sullt 400, M••-1 8ffcn C•lll0tnl• t1660 11-SUmrntl SAS fl.....clel. 111( Stewn• xott. Prtt-.1 Tiii• \lel-t wes 111..:! wlln lr. County Clor-01 Oren~ County on J•nu•r• 11, 1"2 ,.,,, ... P11bll1""" 0.•"9' c .. st Delly Piiot, F•D 1. '· l•, 23, 1"2 ,,,_n PUil.JC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS aUSIHEU NAME STATEMENT T ht tollowtnQ pers.on• •rt do1nQ llullntu •• MISSION PLAZA APART MEN TS llJl Mitchell SltMI l u•l•n, Ce 92'80 Roy E OAIY & Comp•nY. COtl>O••te Woods Bld9 14, Sull• s:JO, f7'7 Wut HOln Strut Owrlend Perk, Ke11 .. s~IO T "'' builnH• IS conducted by • ~nerel pertne"NP Rov E Oely & Co MMY Eti.r. Dely P•rlne• Tiii> ll•l-••• llllO wttn ttw County C .. ,, or ore...,. County "" J.,.uuy 11 ,.., THOMAS WILLS Al.e•'-'-- F111 .. ,_ M9-' ~~ .• WM nt ... w~ ...a.. Ce.,.,... P111>11.-Or-Coe\I DeJly Piiot Fell 2 •. 1•. "3. ,.., »7.., '9CTITIOU5 ausrMEH NAME STATEMENT T ht fo11ow1no Of'rs.ons. •r• doino ,.,.,.,. Publl"*l Or-Co .. I Oeuv PllOI Jen 19, Jlo. Feb 1, t 1"2 Ua.tl FICTITIOUS aUSIMIU MAME STATEM•MT Tnt followl110 pe,.011 It doing buSIN\,i~ MOT IVATION ASSOCI ATES, ~I 010 Miii Strfft, Irvine. Celltor11l1 •2714 81tber1 Tr•vl• Sloan, ~l Old Miii Strff'I, lrvlrw. C•lll0tnle ttlt4 Tfl)s bY>lr>tu I• cond11cted by en lnofvlouel &Ml>M• T Sloen Tf\ls 1lel-I ... , Ill"' Wiit\ '"• County Cl••k ot Or•n<I'! Counly on J1nuary " 1'117 1'11U .. Publl•~ 0r•"9t Co.u OallV Piiot NEC Resident Scllool\. Inc . • C•tUorn1• c.oroor•t•on. •161 Birch Street, Newport 8ettcn. C•lltornt• '1..0 T hl1 bu••n•'' 1s concwctto bY • porlllon NEC Resocwnt School•. Inc Jtfl,..y A Brill Tiii• >111-..1 we~ Ill~ woth 11\e Co11nly Cltrk ol Or•n<I'! Counly on Oec•m~r ll 1911 ,11-.. Publl>""" Or-COHl Oe1ly Pilot. J~" .. 24 F•b 2. • 1"1 ln·t2 Jen 1'.Feb 2.• l•.1"2 04-111------------- PUIUC llTICE · ,,CTITIOUS a USINIH MAME STAT&M&MT T "" toltowlno per•on h dol"O bu'tn•ss •s OIMGHY YARO. 1Wl JoeM Slr"t CO\I• Mew. Ce '1'21 fumlo N•oet.emt. 7'2 Joenn Str .. t, Coste Mete. C.e n•n T11I• b<Nness h conelucllO bV •n 1ndtvtd..,..I FumloM-'<•mf Tllli ste-wes llled wllll !ht Counly Cter~ of Or-Couftly on ftt>ruery '· 1"2 ,,mn F>ublllhed Or-Coeil Oelly Pllol F.O. 2. •. ''· Jl, I.., S~ PVlllC NOTICE __ .,,.. ,,CTITIOUS aUSIMESS MAME STATEMENT Tiie fOllOwl119 ... , ..... U• OolnQ bu\1"•" •• AVA LO N BAOICERAGE COMPAIOY "CMPot•l• Pleu, S..11• UO Newport e.ec11 Ce '1660 AUo<lellO Bt•••-Comp1ny tn< C• Olot•w•r• c«oorat1an) Jno E .. 11.111 Sir Ht. VtrftOft c. '0011 Tiii• 11v11 ..... Is (Oftd11Cled by • COf PO<ellOfl A.-.. 1ec1a. .... _ '-•.Inc Norman M Nett.on Vktl're<'°"'t Thi\ 1\litf'f'nif'f'\t _..., t•teo •ltl'I ow Counly Clerk ot l>f•"<lt Co11nly on Jen11••Y 1S. ,.., IAELL & MAMEllA DEATHS ELSEWHERE rvu NOTICE bu\I,,.\\ ., ------------~ Attftltlell. WI,_ x-'caMNI t• Ave et lllt Sten, Stf 1• 1.MA,......,Ce _, age 87. J IC!>ldent or San Clemente. Ca P<issed away on February 6. 1982 H e moved from Beverly Hills. Ca . to Balboa, Ca and later lo San Clemente. Ca H e was a member of the Wilshire Country Club. and the Irvine Cout ·Country Club, the Balboa Bay Club and the Jonathan Club. H e slal'ted the House <1nd Carden furniture Store on Newport Blvd • or1g1nated the Thin -line F urniture M anufacturing Compan) H e 1s survived by his son Richard of Corona del Mar, Ca • and his daughter Eloise Edmger of San Rafael. Ca • also 9 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren Private serv1c~ wrll be held later VENOOK H E R B ER T R O,Y V ENOQK. resident of El Toro. Ca Passed away on February 8, 1982. He was a member of the Musicians Local Union 1313. H1 la surv ived by hi s wife Charlotte Venook of El Toro, C a . sons Stuart of Irvin e. Ca and Or Alan Venook of Sacram1mto. Ca . brother Dr Joseph Venook of Ohio. s isters Dorothy Hausner of Flor ida. Esther Sle&el of New Jereey and Bertb.a FICTITIOUS aUSIMISS MAMl 5TATEMEMT Thf' foflowlno '"'''o"' .,., dolnQ oustneuu II G & G POWERS •1111 E 11111 Sl . • 12 l, CO!lle Mtte, CA ttU 1 Re1101t Grenl Power•, llOt Amigo• Wey. N""""'1 Beech, CA t?MO Gfe•ll H P>owen, IOl Aml901 'Wey, Newport BH<h, CA '2660 Tiii• b11slneu IJ cono11Cl•d by flu~ndendwHt R G .._,. TRES BIEN, SOI AvenlOe Vaqutro S•n Clemenl• Celllornl• fan Leri L Mc Cull0U9ll. SJ• 811-.bord C•nyon lload, !.aQun1 8••<11. Callfornla 92&SI Jecqul• SWHI ll•2 C•fallne. L•owne B•ecn. C•lllorn11 nut Thi• bw•lnen I• conouct•d by .,. unl11c0tPot•l9CI H-~llon o"'9r then eputn-tc> Lero L McCullOU9fl l 111• llel•,.....I ,.._ Ill~ ,.Ill\ Ille Cou111v Clerk ot Or•n<I'! County on Je11uery IS.,.., l'ICTITIOUS auStMIH MAME STATE Ml HT -r "• tol low \n; per lOn I\ do•nCJ >tHln1H •I BOBCAT EARTHMOVI NG ;PECIAL TIES, 2430 Llll .. lon Pl•Ct, :oste Mew. CA tt•:tt> PETER GRENFELL cle8RUVN. l•lO Llllletor> Plec•, COlll Me ... Cll> IUU Tiiis bu•ln .. • t• conducted by an ndlvldu•I "91tr G dellruyn Tiiis ste...,_t we1 llled wllll lftt County Cltr'll Of Or-CounlY Oii J .,. Publl"-0 Or-Coell Oeoly Piiot Jen 1', 2• ffb 1, '· 1"1 l1S 11 PUIUC MOTi:( FICTITIOUS aUSIMES5 MAME STATEMENT Tiie lollowlng Pt•M>n• •rt dolnQ bullnfl• .. THE JOHN BOHLS ORGANIZATION, , ... , ~cArtllur 8tvd . Sulle •U. lrwlrw, C1t.1ornl1 '171S MOSCOW tAP1 Nlkolal A. Sem yonov, 64, who was thought to have played a maior role m the Soviet nuclear arms pro~ram. died Jan 28. the government n ewspaper l tvesha reported TlllS llei-1 wo 111...i will\ 1r... r:111es1 n. '"' WE S TERN EXECUTIVE SEAR CH, INC ,• Celllornl• corporetlon. ,..,.2 Me<Artrwr 81"'1 s .. 11. os. t•vlnt. c.111......ie •nrs Co11nly Cler~ of O••nve County on Pul>ll1twd Or-Coe•f 011lv Piiot, Flllttl Jiii lt t• Feb 2 ' 1"1 321.n F>ublitNCI Or-Coell Delly Piiot, NEWARK, NJ IAPl E l izabeth B e nne tt, 94. former secretarv to Thomas Alva Edison.' died Sunday BOSTON IAPI -Jordan M . Wh itelaw, 61 . t he principal prc:M:tucer of radio and television programs featuring the Boston Symphony Orchestra, die-d Monday PELHAM. N.Y. cAP> Maurlce Robinson, 86, founder and chairman or Scholastic Magazines Inc , died Sunday , DENVER 1AP1 Dr Soloman Garb, 61 , who Feb I !'92 "'UIJ' Put>fl•-Or•nva c ... , Delly Piiot, i--------------• feo •. '•· U. Mere~ 2. 1m •3'.., M5t~ ,.CTITIOUS ausrHISS MAME STATEMIMT '9CT1T10US aUSIMISS Tiie followlnt person1 ere do1119 MAMI STATIMIMT llV\l,..u .. Tll• lollowln9 Pe,.on h dolllt CENTURY COURIER SERVICE. °"''""' n tUH Pe.... De Velencoe L•o11n• SHC ASSOCIATES 210 A~lde Hlfll, Cellfomle .,.SJ Del Mer. Sull• IA Sen Clement• Gell L Gonco. 7tll 71\l Slrett. Cel"orlll• .,.n Wntmln•t•r, Celll0tnl• t1613 CllrlUl111 C H•nrlc k Jlttl Monemmed M<llldl n11tel@. '42 Nl1ionel P•'1l Otlw, LllquN Mlg.i.1. Wul Petm Drive NO c. Gl•"'2•1• c 111r.rnle ntn Celllorn1e tl201 Tf'll• butlMH Is cond11cted by • T 1111 butlneu h conduct10 bY • llmlt..S P9'1M"lllp. o-111rer pertnenNp OwlttlN c H•nrlO Gell L Goncoo Tf'll• lltl-1 .., .. llled will\ lf\t Tnl• Itel•'"""' wes filed wllll llle CounlY Clerk ot Orenve County on County Clerk ot Or•n<I'! County on Je1111ery ti, 1'12 Oecemt>er ll. "'' 1'111tltl ,.,,., .. Pulllltlled Or-Coell Delly Piiot. Pullll1hfd Or-COHI Dally Piiot, J111. u . r:et> 2, •. 1•, ,.., :itJ.tJ Jen. t~. n. Feb 2. 9, 1"1 >29·11 d evote d most of his MJCllTI( professional life to cancer 1------------ resea rch. died Thursday from stomach cancer. C LEVELAND (APJ Joseph Tholl, 72 , a handwriting and document a n alyst who helped police here solve thousands of crimes durln1 a 27-year Ptcnnous IUSIMIU NMdSTATIMIMT Tiit torrow1119 "''°"' ••• dolno bvslllfttn· MtOWA'I' ASSOCIATl!S. JUI Herll•Y A•t1111e. Mldwey City, C .. ltomle .. U GACK G. GOEN, G-•I Pert...,., , .. , H•rfl•T ·-· M9-ey ClfV. Cet119mle ftUS PtCTITIOUS IUSIMIH NAMI STATIMIMT Tiie folfowl119 perso11 I• dol11g lluslneu n I A) SHERLOCK HOLMES ACADEMY OF IMVESTIGATIOM, 1111 SHERLOCK MOlMIS DfTECTtVE AGENCY, e11d ICI SHERLOCK HOLMES INVESTIGATION, 160 Ctnt.nnlet Wey, Suht tt. T111t111. Ce '210S ROlllRT M SMITH, Ge11eral P-. llleo Melfi Stnel. Suitt llO. career, dled Thund1y Hut111,......a-l\,tetttor.w..,... Jof'lll V Lyncl\, l)Slt WhelYlbfy DtlVt S..C. Ane. Ce '1l'OS Tllh tllnfMtt I• c-led by tll lnell•lfuel "''' ~ .. be!llO c--. tty ---. ,.,,_..... SAN FRANCISCO !AP) ,._.,"" 5nllt11 Ru.11ell C. A.rquetw, 80, n.rut-.it 11 ... wlUI ,,_ COUMy hud o r the firm which Clt,.OfOnfttitC-~OllJ-rylt, tilled teat 1wmic bombs "112· ,.,_, over the Nevad• desert and ""1>1'-Orwlot Coe• o.11v PllOI, the brotber of the late ..... 2• t, l6.U. tta SottG JofWIV Lyncl\ Tlllt ne--t •• tiled wllll ll>t Cou11ty Cfet'll of Or•.,.. Coumy on J on.,.•v", ttia ...... P11bll•llecl Or-Cotti D .. ly Piiot "•" , • '· "· J~ "'' .,,.., Feb 2. '· l•, ll, 1"2 S»C l'ICTITIOUS aUSIMaH MAMI STATIMIMT T lie tolfowlng perso11 It dol119 bull MS I e1 IAI LYNCH REALTY, 181 L YMCH REAL TY COMPANY ICI LYNCH REALTORS, •nd IOI LYNCH REAL ESTATE COMPANY. 1.0 Ce11l.,.nlet Way. Sul,. 1'. Tu•lln, Ce 91680 LoulM J..,. Ubtrty Lynell. USU W,,.mbfy Dr Sent• AM, Ce tt10S This llu\l""I It conOll<tH llY a11 lndlYfd11el L.oulM L. Lynell Tiii• sttt-l •• llled •1411 1114 Coun!Y Cltrk of 0<•1199 Cou11ly on J11111arv 1', 1"2. Pll- Publltllecl Ore"IJlt CM•I Oelly Piiot Tllh 1>u11nes1 11 cond11cted lly • corporellon -lff?t E•KllllYe S.er<ll Inc )ofWlllohh. p'"'°"'' Tf\11 •lat-I we1 UIM With tr. County Clerk of O••n~ CCM.1nly on Jenuery 12, t"2 MALCOLM a DAI. Y • ._..,. .. I.A. ... ~ ........ ..... Otlke ... Jilt lffw~ IMOI, Cell-•~ 1'11'621 Publl.._., Or-Cde•I Delly Piiot. Jen 2•. feb 2. t , It."" 03"'7 Ml.IC •lll '9CTtTIOUS eustMHS MAMI STATIM•NT T II• toflowtne e>«M>nl ••• doln9 butl11tnu: PINEWOOD APARTMENTS. -------------1 Ul.0 Red Hiii Av..,,,., Tu1t1n. CA tl.-0. Feb Z, '· I•, U , 1.., 4'2_., PINl!:WOOO COMPANY. C/O Roy _____________ , E Dely .. C-Y. c~··· Woocb ..-rcTtTIOUS auttMISS MAME STATIMeMT Tiie tollowl11g person• ••• dOlnQ lluslfteHH VILLAGE WEST APARTMENTS, U•tO T...il11 Vllleqe Wo, Tutlln. CA n..o ROY E. DALY & COMPANY, Corpor-WMOt 8109. u . Sullll "*I, 1111 WH1 '*" s1.-, 0-19(141 Pet'll, K•Mt•~10 Tfllt ~MU II conclv<ttf lly • ventr•t ~.,.rtll!P Rey ll Defy & Co -.,e11 ... o.1.,. Part- Tlll1 .-1 w• 111.e wltl\ "'° C-Y ~of O.efl9' Ceuttlv Oii J ett "· "" TMOMASWaLU AldWC.-.... ........ ~Oft ............ .. .._..,.a.di, CA tlMI ,...,,.,..,. Or .... G .. tt Dally .. llol, "•'· t. t. '•· n. ,.., ,,..., 81d9. 14, S..lle SlO, '1'1 Wul l lOlll Street. Qwttend Perti ICenM1 .. 210 Tiits buslneu h conducled by • ttmlled pe"'9nNp Roy E Dely & Co Mery Ellen 0.ty, P9r1r-M Tlllt ......,_, WM Ill.cl wllll - CouMy Oel'1l of Or-County on J *' , ... ,,., TltOMAI WIL.U Auwc:..tr.._ •N.....,.C-Df1w,~m .......... a..dl.CA'2Mt .. . ., .. PUOll ..... Qrc .... Coell Delly Plklt, F .. 2, '· "' 2>. 1"2 SlU2 MOTICIO" ~ltHl'O'tltelUTY Nollet It lier.tty glffll tllet '"' lll'dfn.,.. "1111,.. .. ~.._tot JOHN W . !BI LLI Zella also of New iersey. grandson! Chuck and Ross. Services will be held on Wednesday, February 10. Im at l:OOPll at Harbor Lawn Mount Olive Memorlol C h apel with Interment imme diately following Services under the direction o f H arbor Lawn·MOWlt Olive M ortuary of Costa Meu 540-~~ comedian, Cllff .. C harlie 1-----------1 :.~Te:!-:!'~~.,..!:· PERGRlN. a resident of o.&a .... ea . for za years. He passed away on Saturday. February 6, 1982 at Hoaa Memorial Hospital. He ls survived by hla wtre ol yura Opal Mario, his ldn J oh n Per1rtn and deu.bter·ln·law Kathy of San Dleio Ca • a 1lster Julia Mae -?opoleskl of Big Beer Lake. Ca.. broth era David of Phlladelphla, Penn1ylvania and Mun of P o m ona, ca Cremation a nd burial at Ma by lb• N e ptu ne Society ZWICK Wuver" Arquette. died ~ 9llC( ANNA ZWICK. 1 former Tuad1y. ""*' retldent of Le» An~IU, Ca.,. ___ __..._ ______ . PIC'TITIOUllUllN&h PtC'flTIOUl lUllMIH P flUllltTATC ... NT MAMllTAHMINT auod away on Fe ruary 1, '9JC '9111 1 Tiit totMlwlllO ,., ..... , ere Clelftt Tiie 1011owl11t peuo11t ert do111e 1982. Sh• la aurvived by her 1tut1MH": ""''~••· dau1hter Dorothy Davit of • TH& v11UALt1Tt. • ....,.,. TH• c~"MA·SANOLt N O A h I C •~•~M••u A\ltlllll9> c::--••Mer, Ctlit.nll• 01toutt, t~ H•I• A-. 1rv1111, n • • m • I • • ltAMlllTATllMllMT mu Cttlflrllt.'271• ar•ndcbUdren. Lind•. Tiie l•llowt111 .. n.... •• ...... teflery J , kllllmr .... .._,. S.ndYltfldllllo&•»«i.W., lllC., Harry. J ofl •nd rred ........... : A-. c....... •t Mer, C.llNml• • C•t1'°'111t ~llf'llCN'tlltll, ..,,, H•I• i re •l ·1randc bl ldr•n . IOAT WOIUtt, -Mt!\ ..... ,, ..u Aw-. IMM,CallfM'l'll•tfJ" ' ...._.,.IMdl,c:al""""'..., Carel L'IM TrlVI-. • .....,_ Tl\lt "'9illtt' I• <olldllcltf by • u Io nea and J • t l y n. Or•\.'!:'¥· * "4111 "'"'· 11,,_ cww •• ,,..,, c.11tetlll• _,.,.1..,. Ornealde MrVlett wtll bt .......,. ,c:.......,._. tMtS ..,.,.11111111110 h eld on Tuadl)', February Tiii• ......._ " c.tftM'9f "• Tiit• -...i-I• ct!Mlll<IM ttv • A-11•. '""· t, l982 at 2:00PM at Harbor IMlvt.iw~NwY .... ,.1:f':::. ~..,_.,.._ L1wn Mtmorl•I Perk. Tllll....,..,. .. "... •• ... Tiiie .......... -fl ... wtttl... Tiii\ ......,_. waa 11 .... wlUI ... '9C'TITIOUI eUltMHt NAMI ITAT•MeNT' Tiie 1oi1ow1119 oeraons ert fetllt .,.,,,.,. .. It: Ot)(t6'1 CHILO CAA5 , ... , Fl•41•1•• Clr<I•, Irvine , C1llltr1111 n1u 1.••~tflU "'""' •m l'l .. ater Clrtlt, ltvlN, ee111...,.••2'u Olalt L llllif", •m Pl .. tler CtrCle, lfllN, Cltlf!Onlte mu Tlltt Ml-I• ~-lef llY on llltlM ... -M .. -!alien....., tll .. .... ,,~ ~tft-Tlll• tlNfMllt -tlftf wttl\ Hit myMtl, .,.., entr tllll4N ... Oelllf Wt twl .. , Of ,,__,.,.,. 19'1 ...aA COHST"l>CTtOH ~,... 1-.U ,IOf'IOt St., ·-Hllntl ......... II. CA ftMt Plllttl .... Or ..... c.nt DtllV Pll«. l"MI t. 10,i._tta - , Ser vlc under the dl,..c:tlon C-ty Cllftl .. Gr ..... c:.iMy. ~(tent .. Ot-.. CM!tlt'f Ill (-l't Cleft. .. Of.,... c-tY M C9'111tY C*1ls .. o.-.. CMllty ell ofHarborLawn·MOWllOltve .,.....,n.,_, , ...... ,_,.,u,,• "* 1-rv••.1• 11,,.,," ,.,....,..,,.,,._ ,,_ VENEMAN Mortuary of ~ Mesa. ......... er-. c:-.e Oii" ,..... ,,..._. ar.,. c..-o..i" ...... ~or.,. c.-. °"" "'"' ""*....,Or~ C'M11t o.14y ::J CARL COOK VENEMAN. 540·5"4 , ,,_..,,. .. ,,,.. In.a ,,_,.,,...t.• .... 1w £aMt ,,_,. ....... a.•.M.• ttua Je11·"·• ~t.\99 , lAIUIA BllCH /SDUTH COAST Oelty_S49ff_ JUST A TRIM, PLEASE Laguna Reach mamtenanc(' work~r stands in aerial bucket and uses power sa\\-to rempve dead fronds from a palm tree high abovt.> Het!>ler Park Dark clouds and an early start made for few visitors to the park Monda~ morning. allowin~ cit,. crl'ws unhampered access to the tall palm' Council-filing deadline today With the filing deadline at 5 p. m . today. IO Laguna Beach residents remained in the race by mid-morning for the April 13 qty Council election Candidate and city activist John Gabriels announced today * * * Candidates' night off A "Meet the Candidates" night, scheduled for this evening at Laguna Beach City Hall; has been canceled due to "Ski Week" at Laguna Beach schools. The candidates for three seats on the Laguna Beach City Council were to discuss their qualifications from 7: 30 to 9:30 p.m. A new schedule of candidates forums will be announced later this week he had changed his mind about ru nnin g , and wo uldn 't be returning hi s nomination papers, thus disqualifying himself from the race. According to City Clerk Verna Rollinger. four candidates had yet to return their papers by 10 a . m today. They were Pat Barry, Boys Club director ; Terry Klein, an urban planner. Beth Leeds. an employee of Victoria Airlooms in Laguna Canyon. and Ricky Slater, a church employee Candidates who have returned their nomination papers, containing the required 20 signatures of registered city voters, include, Kelly Boyd , council incumbent . Dan Kenney. director of pharmacy services. Bobbie M1nk1n. homeowner association officer, Ron Williams, r e al es tate broker. Bob Gentry. UC Irvine administ r ator . a nd Paul Christiansen. owner of the Hotel California Jesse Riddle feted on lOOth birthday By STEVE MITCHELL Of -D.ity ...... SUfl Jesse Riddle, a pink carnation in bis lapel and a smile on his face. liste ned attentively as friends some dating back 50 years lauded the n ew· centenarian. Gripping his (ane in both hands, the white-haired former Laguna Beach mayor sat in his chair and laughed silently a" his former lawn bowling buddies joked about the "birthday boy," who turned 100 years old Sunday M ore than 75 friends celebrated Jesse's birthday Monday at the Laguna Beach Lawn Bowling Club in Heisler Park. Because of threatening.clo'bds. the members, all attired in traditional white , crowded inside the tiny clubhouse to honor Riddle, a 37-year resident of Laguna Beach. "Jesse told me the secret to longevity ," jolted Carl Waterbury , hims e lf an 86-year-old lawn bowler. "He told me, 'l never drank, never smoked, never gambled and never ran around with women -unW I was 14'." Jesse Rlddle1 wu born in Calhoun County, Jowa, back when James Garfield was president of the United Stat.es. His parenta ·~• f armen, as w a1 more th an b elf the populat.ioa of &M country then. The averaa• income in thoM days wu $C2I a year. Waterbury said, and lbe avera1e cbUd bad only four y an of educaUoo. Riddle t0ld lnsunnce ln Iowa, and moved to Callf omla In 19'2 attu docton told l\im he wu lol.DC to dle. '- The sunshine and salt air must have done him good. because he late r was elected to the City Council. Jesse was mayor between 1956 and 1962, often holding court under a large tree on t he Festival of Arts grounds. In an interview three yea111 ago, Riddle said he enjoyed his years on the council dais. ··we always had a pretty good-sized council audience," he recalled. "They were interested c itizens. but they were n 't unpleasant about it .. Some of the accomplishments h e remembers as mayor included a Sl.5 million sewer . bond for the city; widening and paving Glenneyre Street Cat a cost of $225,000). and a tight budget "of about $1 million, 1 think It was." But his fondest recollection ta refurbishing an old mud hole beblnd Boat Canyon into what is now Riddle Field He wanted it "for the Utlle fellows to play softball," and, even today, Jesse Riddle tosses out the first softball of the season. Jesse moved In with hls daughters in Whittier after the death of his wi(e, Cora, ln 1978. The city threw a aeries of partles for htm at that Ume. wbJcb led him to remark, '"Ibey mutt be~ I'm lenta1." But be was back in town Monday , renewln1 aequalntances with hlt fellow law11 bowlen and former dty employees. And he'll be back aealn this sprins to toss a softball to Mayor Sally BeUenae. On the field named In hit honor. -· . ••HJ Plllt TUESDAY, FE8. 9, 1982 0 A 50-year-old manual isn't ~ 0 CAVALCADE BUSINESS TELEVISION 82 83-4 87 ideal for getting modern-day. advice. See Ann Landers B2 . Survey mystery unraveled Results to be used in evaluating Laguna Beach .. City Council race issues Bf STEVE MITCHELL Of-~,.... .... The phone caller would lint ask the citizen why he likes La1una Beach. Then he asked if the Laeunan considered himself or herself a conservative or liberal. He asked for an opinion on the need for low-income houslne in the Art Colony, and if there Pentathlon scheduled for county The pentathlon, one of 23 events scheduled for the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games, will take place at Coto de Caza in Orange County. That disclosure came today at a meeting of the Orange County Board of Supervisors from Dick Stevens, a Corona de! Mar resident and Wrather Corp. vice president. Amy Collis, a spokesman for the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee, said she could not confirm Stevens' r e p o rt "I expect an announcement s hortly,'' she said. In the pentathlon, athletes demonstrate their skills in five sports -shooting, swimming, running, fencing and riding. Coto de Caza is a private community located in the Santa An a Mountains northeast of Mission Viejo. Stevens was introduced at this morniniz's board meetini by Supervisor Harriett Wieder. The Wrather Corp. executive is serving as "supervisor for a day" as part of an American Cancer Society Charity benefit. Stevens said he learned about two week s ago that the oreanizing committee bad decided on Coto de Cau u the pentathlon site. He said that the five events would be conducted over a five-day period. 0 t ·y m p i c C o m m i t t e e organizers thus far have orrtcially announced that one event, wrestling, would be held in Oran1e Co unty . That competition is scheduled to be held at Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim." should be further development on the city's hillsides. The telephone survey was paid for by a group calling ltsell La1una First, but any of the 400 or so respondents would not have been told that had they asked. "We can't tell you who is paying for the survey." said DEAD AT 51 Doug Fritz. founding m e mb e r of Saddleback College physical education facility. has died Saddleback's ex-athletic director dies Doug F'ritz, a founding member of the Saddleback College physical education faculty and later the college's attiletic director, died Feb. 3 in a Carson City, Nev .. hospital following a long illness. He was 51. Mr. Fritz, who also fuided the fortunes of Sadd eback's baseball team from 1969 to 1974, was on hand a year ago when friends and college officials dedicated the South Campus baseball field in his name Mr. Fritz stepped down as athletic director in early 1980 due to his illness. He joined the Saddleback faculty in 1968 when the college opened, having taught and coached previously at Costa Mesa, Tus tin and Marina high schools Mark Rosenstein . project director for th e San Francisco-based Public Responses Co.. which polled Lagunans by phone the past few weeks. The survey laker was even less illuminating as to the proposed use of the s urvey results. "I can't tell you that. either," he said. But a quick c heck with many of the 11 or so a nnounced ca ndidates for the April 13 Laguna Beach City Counc il e l ectio n resulted in th e discove r y Lag una First 1s paying for lhe s urvey Ron Will ia m s . him self a candidate for one of three seats o n the coun c il , s aid the 2·year-old organization plans to u se thE-s urvey results to ··evaluate the issues " K ent Snyder. chairman of Laguna First, said he would have preferred the group's participation in the phone survey remarn "anonymous," but admitted the organization is funding the project. "The only way to make aure the issves are clearly defined for the April election is to poll the populace in Laguna Beach." Snyder said. He said his group will u.se the results or the survey "to help the candidates we back undenstand where people s tand o n the issues." But, he said, Laguna First has yet to announce a slate of preferred candidates. The phone survey, comprising a bout 40 questions. has been completed, and Snyder said the results will be made public in a week or so Council vote likely on Laguna parcel Laguna Beach city council members will con s ider fmal approval next week of a s ubdivision bet ween Park Avenue and Alta Laguna Boulevard that would see 12 new units allowed on a 47-acre parcel The land , s haped like a reversed "L," is owned by Alta Laguna Associates, whose president is Leo A. Fitzsimon And while the general plan s hows the potential for 49 uruts t o be cons tructed on the property above Canyon Acres. other fa ctor s lowered that number to 19, then 12 as the project went through cil,,.Y governmental bodies . Those factors included nearly 37 percent or the property which shows slopes or 50 percent or greater and nearly 80 percent of the land with 30 percent or greater slope. Last week the city council voted 3-2 to tentatively approve the pro1ect, with some changes regarding location or the proposed units Mayor Sally Bellerue and Councilman Neil Fitzpatri c k opposed the conditional a pproval Under a new tentative tract map, submitted this week by the r--- 1 I I TENTATIVE I TRACT I 10054 I I I I I I I I Deity-.... SUBDIVISION Twelve new units would l>t! allowed on a H -acn· parcel in Laj!una B t• .1 c· h 1 f p r o J e c 1 1 s ii PJH'O\'t•d developer, seven of the dozen lots would be located on Park Avenue and the remaining five on an extended Alta Laguna Boulevard. The developer would have to construct about 300 feet or roadway to extend Alta Laguna Boulevard from its current terminus [;#' ~~ Rough . ~ L . C times Jor rvine ompany LARGE TAllGETS DEPT. -Recent history !Or' Irvine Company executives has been a time that can fairly be characterized as a period of agonizing reappraisal. They have been fighting battles on too man~· fronts at the same time. A 1 ppa rent y, . ' . ~ ~'\ MIRPHlll ,~ TIM they were los ing on all of them. It started some time back with mas ter planning for the final phase build -out of Newport Center. the commercial and high-rise complex in Newport Beach on the hilly knoll above Coast Highway. Then there s urfaced the question of increasing rents for residential leasehold properties in Newport and Irvine. Finally . there was that barbershop m Irvi ne IT ALL ADDED UP to an enormous public relations pratfall for the ranch company that has been a pivotal enterprise in the history, tradition and growth of our coastal region since the early days when oranges and cows were big business. The way tblnga bave been going for the landl development ranch hands in recent times. they may all now wish they were back in citrus and caWe. Just look at the record. Irvine Company brass trotted out a pretty well wrought proposal for final development phases of Newport Center. It was promptly assaulted on several fronts and ended up with a Newport Beach committee circulating petitions to stop it. • THESE FOLKS GOT enough signatures to neutralize a City Cot.men approval of the plan and force it into a vote of the people. No 110DDer had t.hla come to pua tban the ~ started notifyina some leasehold residents that their lease rents would rise upon renegotiation. Screams or foul filled the air. Next thing you know a committee claimlng 4.000 members formed to do battle aaainst the company on the lease hikes. Meanwhile, over tn the city or Irvin'. there was Jtm Anderson's barbershop out in University Park Here, the company execs tell the barbel' was not creating enough foot tramc for the shopping center. DESPITE THE FACT that AndcrsOn had been in t -• Citi.zlens' committee preparing to roll upon the lrvme Company business for more than 13 years at th{' location. the Irvine Company people notified him that hts lease wouldn't be renewed Now plain C'itizens and the Irvine Cit~· Council itself were rising up to the barber's def ens(' Meanwhile. the residential leaseholders in Newport or at least some of the vocal ones were vowing to join opponents of Newport Center when that master plan came up for a vote next June. Put it all together and the Irvine Company was abruptly suffering Excedrin Headache Number 412. A real biggie. Thus il was in recent days Irvine Company Pres ident Peter Kremer appeared before the lrvine City Council and vowed more consideration for barber shops . Monday. barber Jim Anderson got a new lease ltvine Vice President Robert Shelton in the early pre.dawn hours today was before the Newport Beach coui1,•il asking that the Newport Center plan be scuttled and the election be called off because of "the climate In lhe community.·· YOU SUSPECT THAT the ranch people have indeed beaten a strategic retreat on a couple or fronts and wUI pause to re-group. One thlng about the Irvine Company is that It's so blg and so visible that peorle just love to fling rocks at it. And just look at a l those gla~s windows. . .. . Dilly Plllt ' TUESDAY, FEB. 9, 1982 CAVALCADE BUSINESS TELEVISION 82 83-4 87 A 50-year-old manuql im't 0 o~ IRVlll ideal for getting modern-day. advice. See Ann Landers 82. INCISION INTRIGUING -No one said being a scientist would be easy. But Marlis Ayer. Teri Williams. Wendy Holm, Nikki Woodland and Amy Rogers give fi s h a thorough inspection. Curiosity comes • in waves Annual report shows Marine Institute shipshape after first year By JOHN NEEDHAM Of -D .. ly f'llGt S'-ft Officials of the Otange County Marine Institute at Dana Point Harbor say they have two reasons to celebrate. First, the oceanographic studies center was a year old Saturday. And second, the fledgling facility is managing to pay its own way. Dr. Stanley Cummings, director of the marine institute, said the amount of money being generated through educational and recreational programs is meeting expectations. "Our, charter says we have to pay our own way," Cummings said . "Our budget estimates show that we have turned the corner and are now earning as m.Qch as we sp,end." The· institute operates on a $<t50,000 annual budget, earned from f~ and private donations. Work on the 3,900-square-foot building was com· pleted a year ago at a cost of $600,000. The marine center served more than 30,000 Orange County students in kindergarten through community college last year. according to Cummings. The small structure houses offices, classrooms and laboratories and serves as a shore learning base for various marine studies programs. Construction of the institute was financed with $400,000 in county money and $50,000 each from Rancho Santiago, Coast, Saddleback and North Orange County Community College districts. Plans call for the building to be expanded to 40,000 square feet on the i·nstftute's Olree-acre county-owned site in the west basin of Dana Point Harbor. Cummings said the center won't be competing with Marineland and Sea World theme parks that attract thousands or visitors each year. ''Our primary emphasis isn't entertainment," Cummings said. "The major distinction between us and those POWERFUL PINCERS -Robby Dorris watches how lobster wiggles parks is that they offer a passive type of demonstration where people simply go and watch." He said the programs al the center stress active involvement in the scientific process, leading to first-hand knowledge of the area's marine life. Cummings said the major attraction at the institute and largest income earner is the Pilgrim, a modern replica and namesake of the sailing ship that author Richard Henry Dana sailed on. The brig, owned by Marion Barich of Long Beach, was brought t.() Dana Point Harbor from a San Pedro boat yard lost May after a phased purchase agreement was reached. Cummings said the Dana Point Ocean Institute Foundation, the fund-raising arm of the marine education facility. has yet to come up with the SS00,000 asking price to buy the ship. He said $20,000 had been paid so far to keep the Pilgrim in Dana Point, $10,000 from the foundation and $10,000 from shop owners on the harbor. To date, the Pilgrim had earned about $55,000 for the institute. Cummings said the institute sponsors overnight stays on the ship for young people, as well as family weekends, where those bunking onboard act as the crew. At least one couple have been· married in the stately square-rigged stiip. Cummings said. institute officials would be asking Orange County Supervisors for $30,000, to be used to prepare a master plan for eventual expansion of the marine center. Planned expansion would include more exhibits for the public, as well as research facilities, which would be manned by personnel from nearby universities and independent laboratories. ''How much we are able t expand will depend on how much we can earn,". Cummings said. "I am happy to say we are at a point now where we are self-supporting." Most popular at the institute this month, be added, are whale watch cruises which leave the marine center's dock ~everal times a day. The vessel Sum Fun takes passengers oU the Dana Point shoreline to watch the southward migration .or_ California Gray Whales. MINI MANEUVERS -Mlc~cope shows Tim Schultz and Paul Kleizo what can happen ln a drop of tidepool 'water. CUTS ouTi..INEO -1 Instructor John Rogers gets institute class started on dissection procedures for fish . l Arson called cause of Irvine school blaze Arson -not an electrical m alfunctlon as previously, believed -was responsible for a Jan. 20 fire that did more than $200,000 in damage to Sierra Vista Middle School in Irvine, school district administrator Dave King revealed today. "Our insurance investigator has determineo that someone stuck a piece of paper in the edge of an exterior locker and lit it," said King. "There were probably books and papers in the locker. It smoldered for a while and started to spread." The fire in the girls' locker room building of the school at 2 Liberty was first reported to the Orange County Fire Department at 3:20 a .m. on Jan. 20. The two· alarm · fire was limited to the one building at the 10-month-0ld school. Orange County Fire Department officials were unavailable for comment. Fire officials said after the fire that they suspected that an electrical malfUJ'lction set off the blaze. School omcial King said that the Sierra Vista Middle School campus -like the other campuses in the Irvine Unified School District -isn't fenced. ''We like lo spend money on landscaping instead of fencing," he said. "These types of things aren't supposed to happen in Irvine. "I don't know how you can avoid these problems. We can't tum our schools into prisons." County population older, ·more varied By JEFF ADLER Of .... Dally ...... s- Or anJle County grew larger, and its residents became older dnd more diverse between 1970 and 1980. That's the conclusion government analysts have drawn from 1980 census figures, released recently after two years of compilation. The 1980 census sets Orange County's population at 1,932,709 people, up from the 1.4 million counted in the 1970 census. Current population estimates, however, place the county's populatjon at 2,027 ,000 people, according to county demographers. The census also sets the county's median age (middle) at nearing 30, an increase of more than five years from the 1970 rP.nsus. More significantly , the percentage of non ·whites living in Orange County increased from 3 percent in 1970 to nearly 14 percent in 1980. The county's Hispanic population (both white and non-white> was set at 286,333 by the new census, qr about 15 percent of the total population. Also, Orange County has more than 25,000 black residents, more than 20,000 Japanese residents as we11 as large populations of Indochinese, Filipino, Korean and Chinese residents. The census reports that the median value of owner-occupied homes in the county was $108,000 in 1980. Cities which had the most expensive median housing o.c. Population. 1970 1.4mill 1980 1.9mill Latest estimates 2 mill GROWING -Graph shows the increase in Orange County population over the past 12 years prices were Laguna Beach, Newport Beach and Villa Park, all with values of $200,100. Although the number of people living in Orange County increased, the number of school-age children decreased between 1970 and 1980, according to census figures. The number of children between five and 17 dropped by nearly 8 percent. Bruce Nestande, chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, commented that the census shows "we 're becoming more 'mixed' as a. people , socially and economically, so that there is: probably no longer a single ·Orange County lifestyle so often portrayed in the national media." UCI engineers plot zany antics UC Irvine 's annual Engineering Week, which consists of a series of zany events ranging from a "nerd" coolest to paper airplane competitio'\, will be helc1 feb. 16-20. On Feb. 16, contest.an~ wUI nr Irvine eyes property /or shelter Irvine city officials say they hope they won't res9rt to condemning property lo acquire it for a new animal shelter, but the city council will consider the move tonilht just in case. Ai their 7:30 p.m . meetlna at the council chambers, 1'7200 Jamboree Boulevard, the members will hold a public hearin& on a proposal to auhorise condemnation of 10.S acres of land at a Sand Canyon A venue and Irvine Center Parkway. .. , T'-e l~ belon1s to the Irvine Con1~any. which bu aa~ to donaate lt to the city in extbanCe for future aasurancea for land development. In a letter to lbe council, cltJ Admlnlltl'atlvo Ser•lcH Olrector Michael McNam1ra aald t.be company baa "shown 1ood faith" ln neaottattona by otferiftl to donate llvt of the ., acret the clty eventually hopes to acquire. o1 homemade piper au-planes orr the Engineering Building balcony at 9 a.m. The nerd contest. in which engineering students dress as they believe they are perceived negatively by others, will be held at 11 a.m. in front of the same building. At 2 p .m . students will drop eggs in specially designed shock-resistant containers off the building's balcony. On Feb. 17, a bridae building contest will be held at 9 a.m. in Room 136 of the Engineering building . Frisbee golf competition begins at 11 a.m. in Room 331 of the same building. Al noon in front of the buildiq, a "Simon Says" contest will be held . Tug of war contest.a between various campus groups begins at 2 p .m . in the engineering parking lot. On Feb. 18, a five kilometer run will start at 8 a.m. in tront of the engineerinl buildin1. cars powered by rubber bands will be raced at 11 a.m. in Room Dl ol the Englneerin1 bulldln1. A tricycle race begi.Ds at 2 p.m. in Campus Park. A Video 'ft: contest begins at 3 p. m. ln 331 in the Enalneerinl Bulhtlna. On Feb. 19, a 1enerator crankln1 contest betlna at t a .m . in flulit ol the Sn~ Bulldln1. A· Rubik'• Cube contest ls adMdaltd for 10 a.m. ln Room 331 of tbe bulkltq. A car rally will at.art at 1 p.m. In the en~ parkllul ldt. The public II lnvtt.d ao vMW" Ah .. • eventa free ol ~. For \..mofil tnronnat.laft cau ...-r•. 1. • • IUlll CUii YIH lilOIWI llllY PIPER TUE SDAY. F EBRUARY 9. 1982 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS - Newport Center expansion repealed ' By STEVE MARBLE Of .. DIMy ""' ..... The Newport Beach City CouncU put an end to months of controvert)' urly tod1y by repeaUnc the Irvine Company's $123 million Newport Center expansion project. The development p lan, the s ubject of a s uc cess ful referendum drive, originally Barber to stay • in center By RICQARD GREEN Of .. Deity ...... l&ltft Jim Anderson the barber has won his battle against the Irvine Company, a victory that means he'll be able to continue cutting hair in a company -o wne d s hopping center in Irvine for the next five years. In a 2 : 30 p . m . ceremony Monday , Anderson signed a five.year extension on the lease for the University Park Barber Stylists shop. This r e presents a policy reversal for the company which had drawn sharp criticism from Anderson, his customers, cit y officials and other shop owners when it tried late last year to cancel the lease because the shop didn't attract enough foot tramc. Following the ceremony in the shop at Culver and Michelson drives, David M. Koch, director of property management for the company, downplayed the role public pressure played in the company decision to extend the lease. "The pressure didn't have as much lo do with it as the Ctoperation of the people here," Koch said, looking around the barbenbop at Richard Radtes. owner of the University Park Coi Uures shop and Roger Elgram, owner of In & Out Photo shop. Elgram's shop was to have displaced Anderson's. Instead an agreement was reached whereby the photo shop would occupy 900 square feet of unused s pace at Univers ity Park Coitfures; which is adjacent to the barber s hop. "We 'll all be happ y neighbors .·· Radi es said, beaming. Asked why the feared lease cancellation had become such a big issue , Ande r son said, "We 've been here for 13 and a half years and a lot or people have drifted through. "l "d like t o thank all the people who have helped us I'm happy to be here.'· The earlier Irvine Company decision to cancel the lease was criticized by the Irvine City CounciJ, which demanded lhat the co mpan y prese r ve neighborhood business establishments. Responding 1.0 the cril1c1s m. Irvine Company Prsident Peter Kremer made a rare appearance before the City Council several weeks ago and promised the company would be more responsive to the needs ·or retail shops leasing space from the company. was to be put to a citywide vote in June. But the council -on a 4-3 vote -agreed to toss in the t.owel and call off the election at the request of the Irvine Company. R9bert Shelton, a vice president for the development firm, said it was unlikely that the project would be glven a fair chance at the polls. "Our discuss ions In the community," Shelton told the councll, "clearly lndlcat.t1 that u a consequence prlmarlly or the leasehold controversy there is a n antl .Jrvlne Comp1ny constituency that will seek to s trike at the compan y by opposing completion of the center.". He called his fl rm 's request an ··unhappy conclusion" but one that "we bope will mitigate the divis ive climate we see developing In the community." CounclJman Philip M1urer, who voted against repealing the plan which the council approved last summer, called lt "a black day for Newport Beach.·· · 'lf we rescind this project there wiJI be a lot or Inflated egos ln Newport Beach," said Maurer, "and I won't Jet that SCIENTIFIC Physics pro fessor Jim Rutledge explains o per a tion of a machine t h a t ca n i so late m ateria ls at low .,...,..... .... ~ temperatures a t a science clink for high school teachers at UC Irvme 'Science clinic' he.Id UCI f acuity lectures high school teachers By GLENN SCOTT OftMDIMy .......... The high s chool teachers heard lectures on subjects as small but basic as quarks and neutrinos and as large but exotic as a deadly new disease from the Amazon. It was all part of the first "science clinic" presented at UC Irvine by faculty members trying to improve the academic quality of their freshmen. To a chieve their goal, t he professors in the uni versily's science fields have focused on the training their stude nts receive prior lo college. Thus, about 100 high school scien ce teachers from throughout Southern California but especially Orange County were on hand Saturday to tour the university·s science labs and hear the latest news of scientific sorcery The day-long workshop was organized by UCJ c hemistry professor Dr. Mare Taagepera, who has made headlin es previously with her efforts to prepare students for the rigors of a university curriculum She was careful to note that the clinic by itself wouldn't solve th e problems she said are common to higher education nationwide. But she added: .. There bas been enough concern about education in generaJ that we're maybe turning things around." In offering the science clinic, the UCI professors had to tiptoe along the high wire or diplomacy. They didn't want to give the simplistic impression that high school teachers have failed - o nl y, s he explained, that e ducators at all leve ls must work h arder to coordinate efforts. Their attempt seem ed to succeed. "We're pleased to have this at tention paid to us as science teachers ... said John Kalko, a physics teacher at Woodbridge High School in Irvine , during a lunch break. Said another teacher, Jim G r egson o f Wilmington's Banning High School: "All this information will gradually fllter down to the s tudents " Dr Taagepera and colJeague George Miller both said they sense that the quality of new students 1s beginning to improve from a low point about three yeers ago. But they agreed more improvement is necessary. They said remedial classes in the sciences still are necessary for many students who aren't prepared out or high school for collegiate coursework. To complicat.e things, Dr. MIUer npted that the state Legislature is becoming less willing to fund such courses. Neither the utI professors nor the high school teachers were paid a penny for the Saturday event. Dr. Taagepera said she has attempted to address the current c r isis .. half out or desperation , hair from self-protection.·· She teaches freshmen chemistry. In fa ct, she drew a few laughs during her opening remarks Saturday by telling the teachers. ''I've been t rying to teach fres hmen chemistry for the last five years ... and I'm getting a little tired of hea ring m y students tell me sulfur is a colorless gas.·· Sulfur actually is a yellow solid. A neutrino meanwhile, is a s ubatomic particle which co·discoverer Dr Frederick Reines of UCI explained during a lecture has never been shown to have mass. or weight A quark is hypothesized as another particle that may cluster to form neutrons and protons -once thought to be as sma l l as you co uld get, according to Dr. Riley Newman. Nixon loses round on tap~s And the infectious Chagas' Disease, sa id Dr . Stuart Krassner, afnlcts as many as 15 m illion people in South and Central America , and no drugs or vaccines have been developed to counter it. Fe!1-eral court rejects illegality claim on screenings group ever to do this to the clty nain ... Mayor J ackie Heather was joined by council members John Cox , Don Strauss and Paur Humme l in r escinding the massive expansion plan. "I feel this issue has been dealt with in a destructive way and pushed into the political are na," satd Cox "l don't think the Irvine Company should have to put up with t~if mob scene." Coun t'i lwo m a n Ruthel yn Plummer. who voted against repealing the project, charged that referendum leaders used "diabolic deceit and distortion" to gather s ignatures. Ron Covington. an elementary srhool teacher and leader or the • referendum drive , said the drawback~ to the Newport <Su CENTER, Page AZ> Girl, 13, says suspect shot her, friend By DAVID KUTZMANN Of tlle Delly ..i1et S\sH A 13-year-old Lake Elsmore girl told a closed preliminary h earing that she a nd a companion were gunned down last September by a man who pulled alongs ide them in his truck in Cleveland National F orest and called out. "Hey girls ·· According to transcripts released today. the witness. Kelly Cartier. identified former Costa Mesa resident Thomas F rancis Edwards, 37 . as the gunman who wounded her and killed a rompanion, Vanessa lberri, as they hiked near Blue Jay Campground on Sept 19. Edwards was ordered to stand trial in Orange County Supenor Court on murder and attempted murder cha rges following his preliminary hearing on J an 29 H e also faces special circumstance allegations that could lead to imposition or the death penalty ir he is convicted Edwards is scheduled to be arraigned Wednesday in Santa Ana. The defendant s hearing before South Orange County Municipal Court Judge John Griffin had been ordered closed hy public defender Mike Giannini However, transcripts or the hearing were opened to public inspection today They showed that the prosecution's key witness. Miss Cartier, idenllfied Edwards a!> the man who puUed up in his red Datsun pickup trurk where the girls were h1k1ng and opened fire without provocation Questioned by Chief Deputy D1 s tr1ct Attorney Jam es Enright, the witness said the truck passed the school once and then came back m the direction they were walking. · · We were walking a little farther 'down the road) and then I heard this car coming and I told Vanessa to gel over to the side of tht' road," Miss Cartier said "Then lthe truck> stopped and <so meone inside > said, ·hey girls,' and then it Just . ·· · Then what happened after that.," Enright asked Then. he said. 'hey girl - girls and then then -be shot.· s he testified Miss Cartier, who suffered head wounds In the attack. said the assailant "got out of his car and he opened the door and then <See EDWARDS, Page AZ) Santa Ana Freeway widening studied W idening of the Orange County segment or the aging and d e t eriorating Santa Ana Freeway from six to eight lanes to r elieve congestion is now under study by Caltrans. In an apparent shift from a previous position. Caltrans regional d irect or Heinz Heckeroth said Monday that the eight·lane alte rnative will be con sidered in the overall planning for fu ture improvements a long one of the county's busiest north south traffic corridors. In the past, Callrans has objected to widening of the fr eeway between the San Gabriel Rive r Valley Freeway in Santa F e Springs to its southerly terminus at the San Diego Freeway in Laguna Hills. The department, instead, had supported spot widening or the r oute, construction of bus express lanes and ins tallation of me tering devices lo control onramp traffic flow. Caltrans offi cials, Including Heckeroth, decline to say if they will ultimately support widening of the freeway to eight lanes. But members of the Orange C ounty Transportation Com m1sswn 5ay the state's w11l 1 n~nesi. to stud y the eight lane proposal shows t}lere has been a definite s hift in attitude The freeway now 1s being widened lo eight lanes in the segment between the San Gabriel River Valley Freeway and the Los Angeles downtown business district. It also is eight lanes wide alter merging with the San Diego Freeway m the south county Other options that Caltrans is weighing m its study will range from doing nothing other than minor improvements t o expanding the freeway to 10 lanes five in each direction - through Orange County. After receiving a briefing on I he freeway widening s tudy, trans portation commissioners voled lo e ndorse Caltr ans' request lo seek $600,000 from the federal government for design studies on the potential project. WASHINGTON (AP> -A federal appeals court threw out today ex·President Richard Nixon's appeal that the federal government is acting illegally in processing his White House tape recordings for eventual public screenings. proper and constitutional methods lo separate Nixon's "diary .. recordings, which will be returned to him on privacy grounds, from other recordings that will be made available to the public at. 11 designated centers. Adminis tration 's rules for processing the tapes were constitutional. Nixon claimed the procedures violated his constitutional r ight to personal privacy, politicaJ prwacy and the presidential prMlege of confldentiality. $300,000 donated to Music Center ORANGI COAST WEAIHIR Mostly cloudy tonight and Wednesday. Chance of occasio nal light rain increasing Wednesday. Little temperature cha nge Highs S8 lo 64 . Overnight lows 48 to 55. The three.judge panel or the U.S. Court or Appeals also ruled the government was using The panel's decision upheld a ruling by a lower federal court, • which said the General Services Ca,,P,y court order Sweets go to wife in battery case OTTAWA, Kan. <AP) -Steve Jackson will be giving his wife a box or candy for Valentine's Day -by court order. Franklin County District Judge Larry Coursen ordered the gm in Ueu of a fine after Jackson. 22. pleaded guUty to a charge of battery on his wife. · . Counen suspended a $50 fine and ordered Jackson to buy • box of candy for at lea.st $20 and pay court costs. 'Ibe sherifrs office said Jackson was charaed with batteTy Dec. 28 after he allegedly awakened his wire by hltUna her on the shoulder and arm aod ordered her to go outside to let firewood for the stove . The ex·president said the GSA admlnltttrator s hould have establish ed regulations to minimi ze constitutional tnrrln1ements and suuested, for example, a system in which the administrator could have made available to the public only those recordings relating to Watergate, or could have restricted the availability or recordings to a rlxed period ol years. The appeals court, ln an oplnlon written by senior U.S. Ctrcutt Judge Carl McGowan, aald the reaulations permit ~txon and any others wh°'e right• are threaten•d by diacloeure to object and oblain JudldaJ review of any adverse determination by the GSA. Mc Gowan 11ld 'tbat Ntxon cl1lms he hu the rt.cht ol an lndivldual to operai. peraonaJ (See NUON. Pave· .U) • • Edward a nd Floren ce Schumacher of Newport Beach, former owners of Global Van Lines, have contributed more t han $300,000 toward the construction and endowment of the $S9 million Orange County Music Cent.er. It was announced Monday. Mrs . Sch umacher h a member of the Muelc Center's board or directors a nd hH served '8 vice prealdeot for apectal events ln connecUon with various fund·ralaer1 for the ptrformln1 arts center to be bullt ln Costa Mesa. She hu also been acUve ln the Oranct County Pbilbarmonlc Soeltty and the Oran10 Count.y Symphony Auoclat.lon. Edward Schumacher is atlll president of tbo An1belm·bued movlnarl:rm. The Schumachers• con· trtbutloo of 1ecuriU11 vallled at more than $300 ,000 was pledged i.o 1981. ''This magnifice nt gift is doubly appr~iated because il represents a mos t generous rinancial commitment by a fa mily which has already committed unt.old hours to the growth or the arts in Orange Co unt y," said H enry Segerstrom, music center truatee chairman. To date $20.6 mi l lion In pledges and aifts haa been raised toward tbe construct.Ion and e ndowme nt of a main 3,000 ·teat theater and 1 l ,OOO·seat theater to be buUt on land donated by the Seaeratrom family. .• When completed lo Ult& the a 1000..ut theater wUJ be Oftly the third In tt. country c1pable of provldinl tYDU>honY, opera, ball et and musical theater. INSIDE TODAY Dooold P.olon is ont' of tM ft'w remaining World War I /lying ace1 who,' aUhough M MVt'r got a •hot .at t~ Red Baron , reaJU& an ~ountn with tht' famed Gt'rman avia tor. See Stor11. Photo, Page .48. DtOll Orange Cout DAILY Pt_LOT/Tueaday, Ftbrutty 9, 1882 Reagan challenges budget foes lnctiana legislature hears it's time 'to put up or shut up' UCCUMBS -Hruc e illiams, public relations irector of Golden West ollege. is de~d at 53. illi81118 OfGW C , INDIANAPOLIS CAP) - • PrHldent Rea1•n aatd today tbat Amerleant ue 'tUred ol tbeatrlca" and cballeo1ed opponenta of b.ll campalsn to reduce federal 1pendln1 .nd balan~ the budiet to "put up or abut up." "Web.aw a .olid plan a1"ady In place," he told the Indiana Le1illature. "What do they have? Either 1ive the AmericlJl fieople a better alternative or oin with ua in our efforts to set be eccmomy ri&bt." Earlier, in Des Moines, the president denounced blsl Democr•lic critics •s demagogues, elitists and knee- Jerk reactionaries. "Even before the bud1et came out, you could bear the sound of knees jerking all over Washington," Reagan told the Iowa Legislature . "The knee-jerk reactions and the instant analysis were as hasty as they were incorrect." Later, he told the Indiana legislators that his economic plan "is based o n sound 'economic theory, not on political exped.ieocy" and tb~ be will 1Uck by It. "We wW not play hopa~h economlca, Jumpln1 here and Jumptn1 there as the daily situation chan1et," be said. And tho praldent, apparently sensitive to con1reasional criticism of the proposed jump In defense spendlnl. said: "I cannot close my eyes, cross my fingers and simply hope the Soviets wW behave themselves. ·'Today, a major conflict involving the United States could occur without adequate time to upgrade U.S. force readiness." He also noted that some critics say bis new federalism proposal ''is a mere diversion from our economic problems. Or that federalism Is simply a means to cut the budget further. "Don't you believe it." Earlier, as an estimated l,roCI demonstrators marched out.side the gold-domed Iowa Capitol building in protest against his policies, Reagan said there was no 1eneral bud1et cut thhl year and there wu none lut year. "What we did and what we're dolna la reducin1 the rate ot 1rowth in federal spend1n1," Rea1an uld. "What we are doln1 is brin1io1 old·tuh.toned diacfpline to the bud1et." Rea1an conceded that the projected $91.S bllllon denctt ln hls budiet proposal ls too big, but said: "I'm not about to use a magic pencil and merely create a balanced budaet or a lower deficit on paper, as has been done In the past. ''The budget we have proposed la a line drawn in the dirt," be said ·'Those who are serious about reducing the deficit will cross it, and work. with us on our proposals or their alternatives. Those who are not sincere in their concern about the deficit will stay on the other side and simply continue their theatrics. ·'The American people are tired of theatrics. They want action. Let me tell you. they know the difference." Ru7an continued a 1aJe1 pitch or bla bud1et poUel• durt.u a two-day 1wtn1 UtrouCb the Mldweat that be1an Monday 1n Mlna.eapoU.. SlmUar outJ.no are planned for next mootb lo the West and South. ·'You have to 1et about 50 miles at leut from the Potomac River and tt~e District of Columbia to 1et back to the real world," Rea1an told an approvtna crowd in Minne.polls. "In lbe days ahead you are 1olng to be submersed in dema101uery •bout the '83 bud1et," Reagan continued. "You're hearin1 all ldncb of horror stories about the people wbo are goi.nc t.O be thrown out in the snow to hunger and d.le of. cold and ao forth." Reagan fired his impromptu remarks at. a rally for Seo. David Durenberger, R-Mlnn. Deputy press secretary Larry Speakes said some of the barbs were written on the nteht from Washington but thal Reaeao thought of moat or them as be spoke. NEW CHIEF -David Tappan Jr . ha s been named president and chief operating omcer of Fluor Corp. ~succunilis I 1 Golden West College has created an annual scholarship in memory of public relations director Bruce L. Williams who 1lied Satlirday of cancer at the Youth gets 15 years for kidnap, rape Tappan promote d at Fluor ge of 53. • Mr. Williams, a former ewspaper reporter, combat ' orrespondent and magazine , di tor, started work at the ollege in Huntington Beach ~hen it opened in 1966. I Memorial service for friends .and family is sc heduled Saturday at 10 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church of .Orange, 161 S. Orange St. Memorial donations may be made to the Bruce L. Williams Scholarship Fund at Golden )West College. The scholarship ,.will be given annually lo a Golden West student whose goal ~ public relations. a college spokeswoman said. Mr. Williams lived in Orange ,,..ith his wife, Or. Louise Spivey, an instructor at Golden West. In 1969, Mr. Williams was among organizers of the first Huntington Beach City Festival which in 1978 became the annual Community Festival involving ftve cities. He also was active in the United Way of West Orange County and various citizen advisory panels for city and county government officials. In 1980, the Commission on Public Relations for California community colleges awarded Mr Williams its PRO Award for best promotional campaigns. Before coming to Golden West, Mr Williams was director of communications for the United Methodist Church , 'Pa cific and Southwest Conference, in Los Angeles. Prior to that , he was a reporter for 10 years, including f o ur years as a war correspondent in Korea and Japa n . He worked on the Nashville Banner, the Geneva Daily Times in New York and he Schenectady Union-Star. During the Korean Conflict, ,Mr . William s was a ·~·forrespondent for the Pacific ::;tars & Stripes. The Army '.\~warded him a commendation ~ or writing a story from a : orean foxhole about a squad of ~seven soldier s and the ~mementos they carried into 'battle. I. He later worked as associate ~teditor of two national Methodist · agarines: Together, and the j hristian Advocate. both based 'in New York. •. Mr. Williams is survived by 1 bis parents, the Rev. and Mrs. •Harry L. Willi.ams of San ! Clemente; hi_s wife; ~ daughter, :farolyn Floyd of Eugene, Ore.; • wo sons. Calvin and David of : untington Beach ; two ; tepdaughters. Susan and Sheryl t pivey; a sister . Winifred of •ll o s t o n . a n d t h r e e i randchildren. i $. order arrests I(. EL PASO, Texas (AP> - :rwenty-five s uspected Jmugglers of illegal aliens wen · rreeted and 195 Mexicans being > rought •cross the border were J ken lnto custody in the second •rt of a Border Patrol ' uckdown. A Halloween night kidnapper and rapist who was tracked down by police when he left his wallet at the scene of the crime has been given a state prison term of 15 years, eight months by a superior court judge in Santa Ana. In handing down the sentence Monday against d e fendant Vincent A. Clawson, 19, Judge James 0 . Perez described the circumstances of the crime as "sickening." Those circumstances included the robbery and kidnapping of a 74-year-old Los Alamitos man out walking his dog, and the rape or his 6S-year-0ld wife at the couple's home later in the evening on Oct. 31 , 1981. Clawson, a transient, pleaded guilty to charges or kidnapping, robbery, forcible rape, false imprisonment, burglary and grand theft. Deputy District Attorney Martin Engquist, who said the defendant could have been sentenced to life imprisonment. nine Terrec:e Delly---- CENTER PLAN DU MPED Graphic shows areas of expansion in Newport Center that the Newport Beach Cit~· Council repealed early today. Plan was to include a hotel. office buildings, restaurants and a res1dent1al tower The Irvine Company project was under the threat or a referendum. From PageA1 CENTER DEFEAT ED. • • Center plan "are just too great." "I take exception." Covington said, "to the theory that we can be auctioned off for a few more dollars, for a few more businesses. "And for you (the council) to point the finger and HY we've been ~tructive just Isn't true. We never intended to do that.'' By law, the Irvine Company can not resubmit its plan to expand the shoppin1 and professional center for at least one year. Several Irvine Company officials, though, hinted they may wait longer than that. "We have no definite plans at this point," said Shelton after the vote. "But Newport Center will be built out -that's lt.s destiny." The plan to expand the center with a hotel, office buildings, restaurants and a residential tower was approved by the council on a split vote followtn1 months of debate and bickering. The referendum drive was laun ched s hortly after a disclosure that three council members had met privately with top Irvine Company executives. including the firm's president. Until this week , it was expected the council would call for an elecUqo, which the Irvine Company had predicted it could win. From Page A.1 NIXON. • • and business affairs outside or the public's view or listening. •'Mr. Nixon, however, can claim no such broad right of priva~ with respect to bis life while president," McGowan wrote, "For presidents and ordinary citizens alike, a personal privacy interest protected by the Fourth Amendment must find its source in a legitimate expectation of privacy. CIHalt'led edwettlalftt 714"42-MTI All othef dep9~ M2~ "Mr. Nixon while president. could h•ve bad such an expectation in some materials, s u ch as diaries or other communications reapectin1 personal matters unrelated to bl• public duties, but not In materlala related to the conduct and official dutlH of the prealdeney." MAIN Ofl'FICa ..... .., M.,C-.. ...... CA. IMll ..,_: ._ , ... QIMA-..,CA. _. The court alao aald that 1overnment arcbtvl1t1 muat listen to recorded Dlctabelta that NlxOn uld ••rt made for hit penoaal dJa.rv. Tape ~ played at the Water1ate t rtala are •lNady a•allable tor public Uatenlq ln Wuh\nctCO. but they conaUtute only a small portion of Na.xo.i'a Wblt. Houle t.ape recordlnp. called the term imposed by Perez adequate. ''The sentence that he got is appropriate for what be did," Engquist said. Cl awson would become eligible for parole consideration after serving 10 years of his sentence. According to investigators, the defendant accosted the elderly Los Alamitos man near his home. Clawson robbed the ma.n of $13 and, dissatisfied with the money, forced the old man to drive to his home, where his 64-year-old wife was alone. The def end ant, ace o rd Ing to. Engquist, tied up lbe man and ransacked the home. He then raped the woman, tied her up and fled in lbe couple's car. However, in cleaning up the home the following day, the couple's 40-year-old Ion found a wallet belonging to Clawson, who was immediately located by police and charged with the crime. Another snowstorm plasters Midwest By Tiie Auoclated Presa A massive storm spread snow and ice from the Tex•s Panhandle to Boston today. dealln1 the Midwest another staneriot blow and disrupting the ~ rush hour in some Northeast cities. Three auf ckles and two traffic fatalities were blamed bl part on From ft!a! A 1 EDWARDS ••. I guess he put something in there .. :· "Did you see what happened to Vanessa'?" Enright asked heT ··I just know that she got shot," she answered. Miss Cartier said the gunman quickly drove away. Asked by Enright if she saw the man who said .. hey girls" and fired the shots. Miss Cartier identified Edwards, a burly man a rrest ed by authorities in Maryland days after the shooting. She said she saw a gun pointed al her and Miss lberri from the truck window just before she was wounded and her companion killed. She said she never actually heard any shots. though she saw a gun pointed at her from the truck window. "It just happened so fast that I didn't -I didn't hear anything, .. she testified. She said that she saw the gunman get out of his truck after the shooting. this latest storm of an unusually harsh winter. Snow falling at the rate of an inch an hour in places broug1\t the total on the ground to more than 2 feet in some locales as the third s nowstorm in 10 days swept across the Midwest. Hundreds of schools closed. Countless traffic accidents were reported, particularly ifl cities such as Baltimore. Providence, R.I., and Boston after predawn snow and freezing rain. The almost weekly assaults of bitter weather in the Midwest since lbe first or the year took its toll in other ways as well In Toledo, Ohio. where snow was falling on top of 16 inches already on the ground, the coroner's office reported three suicides Tuesday morning. "Sure, it's the weather," said Or. Harry Mignerey, the Lucas Co unty corone r . "It 's d e pressing. I don 't know whether you see the results, but we certainly do. Three suicides in one day ... Never happened here before that I recall.'' Two traffic deaths we re reported in Oklahoma where up to 8 inches of snow fell. The highway patrol issued a plea to radio stations to tell travelers to find lodging and stay off the highways. Winter storm warnings were posted in central Indiana. central Ohio, the northern panhan(Ue of West Virginia. western Maryland and eastern Pennsylvania. David Tappan Jr .. who has se rved a variety of administrative roles during his 30 years with lbe Fluor Corp., was named today to fill a newly created role as president and chief operating officer. The announcement was made by J . Robert Fluor. who remains chief executive officer and c hairman of the board or directors for the huge , Irvine-based multi-national corporation. Tappan, 59, of Newport Beach had been vice chairman of the board, and Fluor said that position won't be filled. Both Fluor and Tappan are major stockholders. Tappan's salary is $685 ,000 a year , accordine to proxy statements. "Due to the company's rapid growth, I have concluded that M abould now complement my role as chairman and chief executive officer with the new position of president and chief operating officer," Fluor saJd. Under the new system , Tappan will be ift -Clharge of. Fluor's operating susidiaries. The firm . which provides e ngineering and project-management services and also runs diversified natural resource operations. has a worldwide work force of .0,000 people, a company spokesman said today. Tappan will be responsible for st rategic planning and day-to-day policy decisions, the spokesman said Tappan joined the corporation in 1952 as an administrative assistant He became vice president for domestic sales in 1959 and then was put in charge of all sales operations in 1962. In 1971, he organized Fluor Engineers & Constructors Inc. and became its first president, according to a company news release. S to len child, m o m r e tUMl h o me LOS ANGELF..5 CAP) -Little Natalee Cochran is home today following a 10-day cross-<:ountry hitchhiking trip wtth a 19-year-old babysitter who was arraigned in Pennsylvania on a federal charge of unlawful flight. WHAT MAKES OUR SOLITAIRE ' COLLECTIONS SO SPECIALl Color. clarity. cut and bea~. These are the standards we judge diamonds by. And we accept only the 1'nest for our diamond collections. That's what makes each gem such a joy to wear. Let our ~rts show you the difference true quality makes. From our diamond collection In 14 karat gold, the rings shown are priced from $300to$10,000. Pendants from $150to $5.000. E.arrings from $250 to $7.500. SLA.VICK·s .... ...... ttl7 WMtt ~bat s.,,,,,UC.S •· hltllon lllllftd (7~) ...... ,.,. ~ llld\ .Ot.-rtMMgllll•Sln ~·Lm~ • • . IUlll l:IAIT DlllJPllll TUESDAY, FEB. 9, 1982 CAVALCADE BUSINESS TELEVISION 82 83-4 87 ~ 0 I .. A 50-year-old manual im't 0 ideal for getting modern-day. advice. ~ See Ann Landers B2. --. Tentative Banning OK upsets nearly everyone With a packed audience booing them on, the Newport Beach City CouncU t.entaUvely approved a modlfled version ot the Banning Ranch project Monday that seemed to leave the developer as upset as the plan's critics. Taking straw votes, the council agreed to allow construction or homes, offices and industrial buildings on a 75-acre chunk of the sprawling West Newport ranch. But it wasn't as much as the developer wanted nor as little as the critics had hoped for. "I'm disappointed," remarked Hancock "Bill " Banntn1, president of Beeco Ltd .. after the lengthy bearing. Banning bad asked for permission to build 239 homes and nearly 750,000 square feet of induatrial and office structures. Instead, the council tentatively decided to let Banning build 379 homes but only 300,000 square feet of office and industrial structures. Banning, the council voted, can add on an extra 100,000 square feet of buildings alter his firm completes a new road. Mesa tobacconist puffs to victory By JODI CADENHEAD Of .. Delty ...... StMt She eiUled, brushed a strand of brown hair away with her carefully polished pink fingernail and took another puff on her favorite dark stemmed pipe. The stereotype of the typical pipe lover goes up in smoke, pardon the expression, as soon .. Talks urged in lease fee dispute Newport Beach City Council members ha~e unanimously urged the Irvine Company and the Committee of 4,000 to drop their sometimes-bitter dispute . and sit down and negotiate. The development tirm and the homeowner group are battling oyer increasing lease fees that rrtust annually be paid to the. Irvine Company. The council agreed, though, that it will not recognize the committee as an official bargaining agent and council members say they want to remain an arm's length away from the dispute. The action follows a similar stance taken by the Irvine City Council in late January. "I've been trying on my own to get the sides together without much success.·' remarked Mayor Jackie Heather. Several members of the committee. which claims to represent up to 4,000 affected residents in Newport and Irvine, last week filed a class-action suit against the Irvine Company. Prior to that, the Irvine Company and the committee bad traded offers and threats with littJe sign of progress. Robert Shelton , a vice president for the development firm has its reasons for not recognizing the committee. He did not detail the reasons. "We feel we're making progress with people," he said, adding his firm has met with individuals and homeowner groups. N-M lru8tees due report Trustees-for the Newport-Mesa Unified School District will meet tonight at 7;30 to consider a report by the Educational Resources Advisory Committee. The committee of parents and teachers has, been meeting for the past year to study problems confronting tHe district that include curriculum, finance, enrollment and special education. The acbool board will meet at the Harper Community Center. 425 E . 18th St , Cost.a Mesa. as anyone meets Jean Bain, recent winner of the National Woman's Pipe Smoking Contest. The attractice 36-year-old Costa Mesa tobacconist says very few customers object to her smoking, especially after she shows them the correct way to pack a pipe. Pack it down in three stages, she advises. The first should be light followed by increasingly lighter layers. It was that strategy that allowed the cheerful brunette to out-puff 79 other tobacconists with a winning time of 41 minutes (the pipe stayed lit for that time). Each or the contestants were given 3.3 grams of tobacco, two matches and a pipe cleaner. ·'It's how you pack your tobacco," said Ms . Bain. "If you haven't packed your tobacco right you're out." Ms. Bain ought to know. It's the third time she's won the contest. The first time was in 1979 when she competed against mostly men. "It was a joke," she said ol her first pipe-smoking contdt. "I had no idea that I'd win. But as all the men started dropptn1 out I got really nervous." A former bookkeeper from Indiana, Ms. Bain didn't begin smoking a pipe until her European honeymoon 13 years ago. Her job was to light the pipe for her husband who was driving. But pretty soon she was puffing more than passing. ._ It took six years for Ms. isain to turn her love of tobacco into a thriving business. When the chance came along seven years ago to buy the Tinder Box tobacco shop s tore at South Coast Plaza she jumped at it. Ever since she says she's been the top winner for sales per square foot at the mall. She has also opened a second shop at the Westminster Mall. Blackstock rites held in Newport Funeral services were held late last week for longtime Newport Beach resident and former cafe owner Mary Vera Black.stock, who died Jan. 30 at ·the age or 76. · Mra. Blacksft>ck, who rDOYed to Newport with her husband in the 1930s, was the former owner and opeTator of Gilli's Cafe in Newport and later was employed at Shep's Cafe, also in Newport. A nursing school graduate, she was an active member of the Church of the Crossroads in Santa Ana. She leaves one brothe r , George Capps of Louisiana. and several nieces and nephews. Services and burial were conducted at. Pacific View Memorial Part'- Artist rites held Funeral aervlce• ~ere held today for prtu-winnln1 artist BeJ"l'&rd Zahaky. 57, who died Sunday at Hoa1 Memorial Hospital of a heart ailment. A 1raduate of lbe Cblca90 Art lDJtltute ud Art.ee Oecora\lM ln Nice, Pr~. be Md resided ln the Harbor Area for 30 yelJ'I before recently movtnc to Fortun.a WW. Im wife, SU... Cartoonlat Ferd Jobnaon described bis eon.a.-at tbl ean.11 aroUaill CorWl.a d81 Mar u ''th• moat educated ud cu.rrent art.lit around. Bende -•d atudled In Europe and •estco and wat a wonderful tHOIMr. u \; ...... ~.. .at1mat.el1 bU.- creat artists painted. He could duplicate a Retnbrandt or a Cezanne, plus he bad bls own st.yle and wat wonderful wt~ portraits, landacapes and beach scenes." · Mr. Zalusky, who b•d exhibited bh artwork In ChJca10. Now Yor~\ Lot An,elet and Newport Beacn Clt)' Hall, won the blue ribbon at tbe first Newport Buch Artl F..Uval. Suniwra, belW. Ml wtdoW1 are acm JObtban. Dultl ana David, all of Corona del Mar, and \wo bl'Otben ln Cblcaio. Servi~ were held at Paclflc View Memorial Part and •O• ~"">'. Nnputt. o.ac:o. \ The COW\cll, which ls asking Banning to build roughly 140 more homes than he asked to, reiterated its stance that Newport needs a new stock of affordable housing. There was no mention, though, of bow affordable the homes would be Louise Greeley, leader of a group claiming to represent 9,000 residents, s aid she also was disappointed Her group, the West Newport Legislative Alliance, had asked the city to hold Banning at 100,000 squace reel or industrial space and no office construction. "We're going to meet next week to review our options," she said after the vote while other alliance members loudly proclaimed there would be a referendum. "I'm ready to start gathering the signatures now," the woman said. The council, which bickered at length during the voting, 1s expected to fQrmahze the action next month The Banning Ranch, a former sheep ranch now covered with brush and dotted with oil wells, Dell¥,..._..,~ IWT UP IN SMOKE Costa Mesa·s Jean Bain is the <'h<.1mp1on women·s pipe s moker in the United St<.1tes Shl' own!-a tobacco shop at South Coast Plaza. LARGE TUGETS DEPI'. -Recent history (or Irvine Company executives has been a time that can rairl v be characterized as a period of agonizing reappraisal They have been fighting battles on too man~· fronts at the same time. Apparently , TOM . ' . (;;, ~\ MIRPHlll m they were los ing on all or them. It s tarted some time back with mas ter planning for the final phase build -out of Newport Center. the commercial and high-rise complex in Newport Beach on the hilly knoll above Coast Highway Then there surf aced the question of increasing rents for residential leasehold properties in Newport and t rvine Finally. there was that barbershop in f rvine IT ALL ADDED UP to an enormous public relations pratfall for the ranch company that has been a pivotal enterprise in the history, tradition and growth of our coastal region since the early days when oranges and cows were big business. The way things have been aoing for the landl development ranch hands in recent times. they may all now wish they were back in cltrus and cattle. Just look at the record. Irvine Company brass trotted out a pretty well wrought proposal for ftnal development phases of Newport Center. lt was promptly assaulted on several fronts and e nded up with a Neweort Beach committee circulating petitloR6 to stop it. • TH~E FOLKS GOT enough signatures to neutralize a Ctty Council approval of the plan and force it into a vote of the people. No sonner had this CCJme to pea than the compu;y storted notlf ylng some leasehold residents that their lease rents would rise upon renegotiation Screams oC rout fllled the air. Next thing you know a committee clalmlne 4.000 membent formed to do battle agalnsl the company on tht! lease h1kes. Meanwhile, over in the city or .lrvlne, there was Jim Anderson's barbersbOp out 1.q Umverslty Park Here. U\e comp'11)' exec relt the barber \fas not creating enouah foot traffic for the shopptn1 center. D~PITE THE FACT that Ande!'1on h9d beeo ln la located inland of Pacific Coast Hl&hway und west of Superior Avenue. The land is adjacent to Costa Mesa. "I'd like to see more of a low-key residential mix," sucgested Councilman Paul Hummel at one point. "In fact, I'd Ulte to low-key this whole thing." Hummel , expressing frustration at voling in the minority with Councilman Don Strauss on most or the points of the plan, made an unsuccessful motion to deny the entire pro)f'ct "Why don't we <Hummel and Strauss> just lay out for a while and let the rest of you vote in these high denalties," Hummel remarked at another point. The alliance had asfted that housing be buJlt at five onits per acre while Banning pu.ihed for 11 units The council went with the 11 units per acre figure adding a provision that Banning consider building the Newport end of the property at a less dense ratio and then transfer leftover units to the Costa Mesa end of the land -By STEVE MARJJLE County population older, more varied By JEFF ADLER Of t ... Dally Pl ... Si.ft Oran~e Countv grew larger, and its residents became older ctnd more diverse between 1970 and 1980. That 's the conclusion government analysts have drawn from 1980 census figures, released recently after two years of compilation. The 1911) census sets Orange County's population at 1,932,709 people, up from the 1.4 million counted in the 1970 census. Current population estimates. however, place the county's poi:Julation at 2,027 ,000 people, accordipg to co unt y demographers. The census also sets the county's median age (middle) at nearing 30, an increase of more than five years from the 1970 rpn"us. More significantly, the 1 percentage of non-whiles living in Orange County increased from 3 percent in 1970 to nearly 14 percent in 1980 . The cou nty 's Hispanic J>-Opulation (both white and non-white) was set at 286,333 by the new census, or about 15 percent or the total population Also. Orange County has more than 25,000 black residents. more than 20,000 Japanese residents as well as large populations of Indochinese, Filipino, Korean and Chinese residents. The census reports that the median value or owner-occupied O.C. Population 1970 1.4miH 1980 1.9mill Latest estimates 2 mHI GROWING Graph shows the increase in Orange County population homes in the county was $108,000 in 1980. Cities which bad the most expensive median housing prices were Laguna Beach, Newport Beach and Villa Park, all with values of $200,100. Although the number or people living in Orange County increased, the number of school-age children decreased between 1970 and 1980, according to census figures. The nu m-ber of c hildren between fi ve and 17 dropped by nearly 8 percent. Bruce Nestande, chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, commented that the census s hows "we're becoming more 'mixed' as a people, socia lly and econom1calty, so that there is probably no longer a single Orange County lifestyle " Citianl' committee preparing tb roll upon the lrviM Company business for more than 13 years at the location . the Irvine Company people notified him that his lease wouldn't be renewed. Now plain citizens and the Irvine City Council Itself were rising up to the barber's defense. Meanwhile. the residential leaseholders in Newport -or at least some of the vocal ones were vowing to join opponents of Newport Center when that master plan came up for a vote next June. Put it all together and the Irvine Company was abrupth suffering Excedrin Headache Number '412 A real biggie. , Thus it was in recent days Irvinl' Company President Peter .Kremer appeared before the Irvine City Council and vowed more consideration for barber shops . M<mday, barber Jim Anderson got a new lease. Irvine Vice President Robert Shelton in the early pre-dawn hours today was before the Newport Beach cou· .. 11 asking that the Newport Center plan be scuttled and the election be called ort because of ''the climate in the rolflmunity." YOtJ SVSPEcr THAT t~ ranch people have indeed beaten a strategic retreat on 1 couple of front.a arid will p~uu to re-group. One thing about ttie Irvine Company is that it's so bl& and so visible that. people Just love to mn1 rocks at it. And just look at all those eta s windows. ' Long · service rew&rded Huntington resident Jionored for 40 years with firm By PHIL 8NEJDE&MAN °' ................ Terence Doyle deacrlbea hlmaelf u • man who juat dldih't know when to qult. The 62·year-old Huolln1ton Beach resldent was honored r e c e n t l y by t h e f' e d e r a I Knvelope Dlvlslon of Champion International Corp. for 40 years or service with the company. Doyle worked hle way up from envelope machine adjuster to production mana.cer at the firm 's Seattle plent. He was transferred to Southern California three years ago to help the company open a new facility in Santa Fe Sprioas. Though he's officially retired, Doyle said the company may be calling him back as a parl·time consultant. Doyle says he owes his rour decades in the envelope making business lo has early interest in professional roller skating. In 1941, he was an apprentice ma c hinist with another company, performing at roller rinks in his spare time. A fellow s kater who worked for the envelope company suggested Doyle also apply. Soon alter he was hired, World War II intruded. A Canadian native, Doyle attempted to enlist HONORED -Terence Doyle, 62, has been honored by Federal Envelope Di vision of Champion International Corp. for 40 years of service in the U.S. Navy. He was turned down because he was not a U S. citizen. Yet in Jan. 1942, he was drafted by the U.S. Army. Resumlnc his work at the ph1nt after hls military tour, Doyle wllnes!Je(I m1ny chaa1e1 ln the lnduatry. ··We uaud to have a tremendoua number of people maklng envelopes by hand when I flr11t started," he recalla. "Now, tb1l's been virtually elimln1ted. ''The machines used to produca 3,000 envelopes an hour when I started. Now they put oul 50,000 an hour." Doyle says there Is much more emphasis on plant safety today than during his early years on the job, when workers sometimes lost a finger in the machinery. The Huntington Beach man did some traveling to Australfa and South America for the company. and he plans to use his retirement years for more traveling with his wife Lois. He's especially anx.lous to return lo New Zealand, another place he visited on business. Doyle says he's keeping busy bicycling along the beach, s wimming , playing the accordian and keeping up his stamp collection . •· 1 • m even thinking or getting a surfboard.'' he says California home resak volume registers first big increase LOS ANGELES < BW > - California home resale volume in December registered the first increase in six months, the California Association or Realtors has reported The December statewide seasonally adjusted annual sales rate of 291,218 units represents an increase or 14. l percent above November. However, the year -to-year comparison or resale transactions shows a 41 percent decrease in resale volume rrom December 1980. ''With the more than 200 basis point decline in mortgage interest rates in November. activity in the resale market had begun to Improve.'' said Seb Sterpa, C.A.R. president. •"However, the increase in interest rates over the past two months may have arrested any recovery. Without a reversal of this recent trend and more significant interest rate declines, activity will continue to be severely restrict~d If not resolved. the anherent conrlict between government and private sector credit demands will further limit the extent to which anv home resale vofume increasC' can be sustained during the firs t quarter of 1982. realtors caution The statewide median sales 'price increased a marginal 0 2 percent to $102,791 in December According lo the realtor's association , prices were appreciating at a rate of 5 2 percent on a 12-manth basis, the second lowest annualized rate of appreciation jn 1981 ·'The magnitude of the current eco n o mic downturn and resulting weakness tn the housing markets will continue to constrain price increases," said Joel Singer, C.A.R. director ol planning, researc h and economics. time on the market of existing single-family homes sold during December wa s roughly 74 5 days, an increas e or 3 9 days from November. The inventory index of unsold homes declined to 20.S month s. a decrease or 3.8 months from the November 1981 index. "The inventory index calculates the number of months it would take ror all currently listed homes to sell. The decline m t he index reflects both the ancrease in sales activity and a decline in the number or unsold listings," Singer said. Traditional mortgag.- financing arrangements as r per~entage of market sales continue relatively small. In December, only 19 percent of existing single-family home sales involved conventional finan c ing or a cash downpa yme nt and a new institutionally originated first mortgage loan Foreign farm cash up SACRAMENTO <AP> Foreign inveslo"S increased their holdings of California farm land by 57 percent during a 20-month period of 1980 and 1981, says an organization that specializes in land data. 25 G reat selection of the custom 42, 45 or 48-inch conversion. Jncludes 8 inch color TY. bar. separately controlled rear air-conditioning, power Chauffeur divider window ... PLUS many more features! Available for Immediate Delivery! BUY O R LEASE. The Sacramento Union , in its Sunday editions. quoted the Homer Hoyt Institute of Was hington, D.C., as saying international in'Vestors owned 705,000 acres or farm land in aJl. 58 counties at the end of the reporting period last September. ~ ROGER PENSKE (213) 868-99'J1 (714) 521-9624 CAUFORN.t:S LARGEST CADILLAC DEALER WH€AE THE 0 AMJ • FREEWAYS MEET 1H DOWNEY CFOAMERLV llOB SPREElll CADILLAC) WE'RE A LOT MORE THAii A aLL Oii YOUR •LL Benind the bell Behina rhe famou~ Seacoast sticker Behind all the state-of·the art protection devices we make and Install. 11 Seacoast centrlll stallon When an ala'rm goH oft on your property. we get the algnal ln • nearby, 2-i·hour-a·day central 1tatlon If the signal 1nd1cate1 lire, burglary or hoodup, wa oall the Polle• or fire dapartmant Slt1c. our central station 11 UL llated. o ur central station customers can qualify for a alzable dlsoount on ttiell lnaurance. And to increaM our re.ch, make rHPonM lime even f11ter and Improve efficiency we're comput«l%1ng our st9\IOO But tmp~tl ....,.., n.-'° s..coaat. We'Ye been getting better ror 21 ~ NttJ todey we're the i.-,.. fn &hf security bualn .. • in the h•rbor ar.a with 0¥9r 10,aao OUlt~ Including a wld9 reno• of big and 1mat1 rtt.11, lt1duJtrta1 afld OOlftlt•C ..... tablW\mentl. To ftnd out more *>out S..00Mt c.ntral atauon wrlte or co~ by our new fecllf11 tit a4ee ~ Blvd., (:Qtt• Meta. a 2411 ~BOULEVARD • COST~ MESA CAl.lfEORNIA • 92927 • (1141 P24400 In Kern County at the southern end of the San J oaq uin Valley , foreigners own the most of any county -106,122 acres, the institute said. They also own 102,540 acres in Butte County north or Sacramento. The Union quoted a U.S. Department of Agriculture publication as say ing that fore igners own 1'bout l percent of all of California's farm land, but fewer than 1 percent o( the farm and forest land in the United States. About 80 nations are represented on the list of foreign invest.ors. . /RUFFELL• S U,HOLSTERY ~ ... ~.&r .. •.'-!!_ I tll HARIOl IUD. COST~ MISA-141·1 II" Orange Cout OAJLV P1LOTffu,.day, February 9, 1982 •IL•Y SASHaN on &UMINO NOflf'LA•DClt Local firms tell promotions Jim Mayfie l d h as been appointed director o r Mel Thompson & Associates, Executive Sear c h Div1s1on Mayfield is a former managing associate with Korn I Ferry Internati onal , a Los Angeles·based executive search rirm with orfices in Newport Beach. Services Lnc. or Irvme He hves in Costa Mesa. Beach offi ce or the Bag ~ public accounting farm or Ernst & Whinncy • William J . McCleUao has been elected president of the board of directors of Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Orange County He lives in Corona del Ma r. • ·. Tom Sumino or Irvine has •' been appointed vice president, sales planning and control or Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A. • • Terry Bocbanty has been * Jerry W. Neeley,•chalrman of the board, president and chief executive orricer of Smith International lnc .. has been elected to the board of directors of Avery International Smith International is located 1n Newport Beach named national sales manager for VllD Programs Inc. He previously worked al Discovision Associates in Costa Mesa. Bob Sasseen has been named senior vice president, loan administration at Heritage , Bank. Orange County's largest c independent bank. * • Joel K . Harris has joined • Costa Mesa-based Spaghetti Pot Investments Inc. as director of educational services J ames D. Ott has been named chief financial officer and cashier for Liberty National Bank, a full-service bank now being orgamzed in Huntington Beach * • Fraak I •. Speers has been promoted to vice chairman or Newport Beach-based Avco Financial Insurance Group • Richard P . Riley has been named general manager for Manufacturing and Consulting Michael Harwick has joined J A. Stewart Construction Co of Westmin s ter as proJect manager . * Donald R. Homander hai been named a partner at the Newport Judith A. Peake has been appointed manager or Glendale • Federal Savings and Loan Assoc1at1on's Huntington Beach branch OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS NEW V04'1t (API ComCIH *" "° lflfml(H ~ ·~ P•nl•tr 11't 1' Slr•w(I ""J 24''1 NASDAQ ..-.11-CmlS/\r ""~ u~ ln81lW"1 1111\ u• ... PeopEq> 10'· 100. Su~, .. p t,, .. UPS AND DOWNS -lfl9~1111Cli Cmwhl ,, ,, lw•SoUt nlt. 21" Petri! • :n :nv. tr~E: 7YI 1'• •ncl '°--' .... ,. tty ConP•P ~ 25~. J.,,,U>y ltV." PflU-. 1} U'"' l} is•, ~rllei~••of Cordi• 211 l'O\I> Jerico • 1""' " Pllll•N•1 ~h TOK ! 33"> •• Monctay. Prl<H do Cro1Tr• 27"" n ~~r:,,e1, loo .,., Pleruss ,,., ... ~ TIME OC ·~ 11-> 1101 111cl11cH ret•ll Cllilrl<d • 'IV.. 31''-:n Plnkrln ~,., u .... ~:::r~·. ~»io. m.,kup mertcOOwn 't<"'°" • .,, •"-k•l•St p1 21··n 11i PlonH18 .. "'"' 'lAV. tA'll NEW ~OAK -IAPI -Tiie tof-lnO 11t1 or commlulon tor 0 •0.• • IJYt l•E IC,91ver IV. 1 S·1' PIHllM I ,.,, Tecum~ '2 .. tnowl -o-llW • CoullW Molleley O•ytM ' 11~ IJt/, ltam•n • """ 11 Possl1 }l/o 6\1.o hkmA 11 .... 'Ht \IO<k• .,,., ... ,, .... '"'" .............. AFAP...:i llV. 13\'t oeeer • 1 .. 3'. ,..,, ~=~~r lOV'l 0 Pre.OM l1\7 """ Teflanl • ""' 11 ,.,. mo11 --,.,. -bM9d ., 2'"'4 JO .... PnSteyn ,..,. 11 lew.A8 • • .,. 30~1 r,:rcent ol c'*'9t r-dleu of ~-AVM Cp 4\&o ·~ Oelllt>A' U V> 13"" l(lmlMll I"'"~ P"'9rP "'• ' ~~~;,r. 11'1'1 u .... °' MoncMr. Accura~ 7~ , .... O.IC.•n 11 11'Wi l(i=::nt I IV. PbSvHC 11~ ,,,.., •'Ill J No wcuril • 1r.a1~ tie-U ... ltoel· ACIClltn IOY'> 11 Dewey f.I l , ..... It G ~,,.,, Purtaen 11•7 viw. ~.2YOI• • ~ ... udeCI Net -~Gen -,,_.. •'* lfW Actvltou ~ l V. Ol•C•v• ,. d Kn•:," UV> 1' ~~~ 11''> 1, rlcoPd 13\fJ iiVt At1•111 • 211 ~ Dl•nCru Jt 11 1tra , dllleren<e !»-IM prevlciut <i.ll'lt AlkOfnt _,, 4' Ootutl I 11 27\.lt 10\1< IOI.'> ts><. 1~ TysonFCI ,,..., u~, t>ld pro<t ..>d t-Y"• 1 .. t blCI prlu. Atte11< 2~ 1 OollrGn 1~ 11 ltYllOt I.Vt U Aa(lenPr I I ''-UnM<Gll '° '°~ Amerea 17\'t 17~ ~7,101 1j U''> t=~"t mi. n"' A•yci.m S6V. S7Y> US Enr S'• • ~ s Aomnct 27\ro ,,..., US S..r 1• 10. AF11r11 .._. M• r ef(n 11\.lt ?Wt LeMC e ~"' » lllttve • )1t/_. JJY., US Tr<k 12\'t 111. u" ~~ = ~~ DuftllO s 11\lo It Lll"Ylo 1'11. ,..,., floedEll 32 .... :D"' UVa8"' ..... J61__. N...,.,. Letl .c"t. 1'ln. ,.~,.: ~ P.Yrlrn .' 1.-. M LldStM 14\0t ..... 111-y 17 •• ~=P:~ ' n. I PIHmTh 711. UP n:: A"•llM 1~ M E'•lnVn< H 16 Llfleut ~·"' 1tow1on ••• ·~ ""' 1fV, ' &.•rel o 1lto ... Up EconlAt> IM 17~ ~ I) ISi!. = 171-, 17h v .. 1A ff ~ , lnPYI 1\io II. Up 10 .. !~ = ~ El~•tEI I~ 11 tc"' ,,., ""' J'-• \lalNll s 711.'> 11"' • A1Hll8<p ) .... 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Tl>elfdCp J . "' Up •.J • ..,#.Vt 1S U Fl•N 1• 17"' 2111) ~~ sv. S\O 1S WffO"'W 0 lto Up . ., 8ltlbCo IJ\'t •• l<luroct> 1 1\lo MonuC 11 ,,.,. 81n1Son M 10 ForHIO 13.,. ''~ Moon~ U\.l 1•'• 81rtchr •4'1 S l<Ol"ml~ll '"" '"° MoraAt• I ..... OOWIU Bly,,_ ' 9 Fra1111 p 10V. 111'> MorWlln l.\r. .... N•mt IAll C"9 Pct. 8onM\a 1"' I IH Fr•nkEI 16''> 17 -!Club 8rwTom ~ 21 FrMSG 30"" JO.\io Mu•ller S'-s•, l CornPIS • 3 1 Off u.c ... ,, ,..,, 7 O•lco n 1\to .. Off 14.1 8uclll>H ''" Fremnl • 16''> 16.Y. N , c " '° l11ttets 30"· F'ull•H8 11•1, 11•, N;,~o s NASDAQ SUMMARY l (mp\llCI ..... 1~ Off 10.0 I~ ll•lt • A•a<U>PI , ... " Off 17' 811rnu~ 11'1 11 GnAutm 6'" 6\4 NJReK ... ,. 1•" s Tr•on Slill '"· °" IJ,j CNL In 7 ' G110ev<1 .,.., ~ NYAlrl JV .. )II) CPT \ 1S 0"" Gnlllhl ISV. 17 NIOOG NEW YORI( CAPI Most act Ive over • \ll\Scl .... 1 Off 17.• 1~ ,. .... !Nr-COllM~r ttocb \ullf.llf'd bv NASO 1 Al\BCm ,. .. , l Off 17,I C•IWIS• ,.,., 37 •EFn '"· .... Nico••• ,.,,,.. 11-. C•nr..SH no 1 Gr•Scn ' 16"4 1'''2 Nltlsn A .,'" .:S\9 N•me v~~ :1" "'~~ Cl'f" • C•llonPI 5" I °" ls.7 MCIC • Ol•Wll ,, .. ..., Ott 1•.a C-..En lS-16 1 1 I roActv 11 76 NltlPI 8 •1''1 ., .... E11A>• t ... 000 .... '" .,, 10 GeoSv • 1 ...... 21.'> Oft .. , C~Sw • 11'·1 1) Glllnhl 14'7 II NOC.uG• •3'"'-1eT Newpn s 1S7 .000 111\'. "' J 11 MCIOVI , .. .. Olf U.J CplnAlr l~• • yr~ ~. '"• N•INGl 11E 1 l'-C.,eCp ,...., IS\lo H•ml IS'" IS' 1 Nw\IPS lnlel 1•7 700 1•' 2S ... " S.P•re• ,,, .. "' Off 1'.3 1~ 1S" G•Mll u2.100 J'. , .. ) .. IJ SMrpfGI J II> Oft 14.J '""'Al• lS ....... Herelwllt ~ , .. No .. 11 Jl JJV. Appl•C Ul,100 .•. ,, 11" 1·~ ,. M11w '''• I ... Off 14.1 ChrmS \ 10 10 HrpAo• "" II'• Nucrf 1 ~SI • Conlr<P 11~, 100 I .. 1 ... IS 81o\Pl>r \ ,,,, II'> Off ,,. C1'r1Hou 1 1'''11 17 H•~P JO'• lOY> Nulr 'r s n 'li n"" Air Fl• 130,900 . ,., ... .... " BHu \ ·~ "" OH IU ChmlAa 1. II H• tNt 2110.. 10'1> §iHn•r 17 17\, Cmpllld 111,!00 . ..,, ..... 1~ II Sw1<c1" 1 ... .. Off 1U c11 .. u11 1,.,,, 1t H•<llnJ s 1s•,, ·~ l!,'2"" ~, .... BrwTom 101 000 '°"' ,, I\. It Ttpr•ry 12'r\ ' Olf 11.• C""bCI •~ • Henrd U 1S'1> •• 4l'H 411 J " Vor1e< ... ,,,, Ott ltt Clrlko ,.., 7 Hot«lm 'lto '"' °""trro ,,, 1'' ACIYanced uo 10 PelOY 11> loo Off CilzSoG• '"' I Hooor t' • ,... OnerTP 17\t 17 ... O.cllnect 1, 117 ,, HIStoy ,... .... OH IH CillUIA l'Yo J4 Hor>IAi µ. 4''< PCA lnl ··~ s~ Un<"""9fd '·-n 8ren1P 0~ ." ... Oft ru (:h1Ut8 %7•1> Jl "J•ttlnl 1•''> H i.. P•tt.18 13 Ill• T ot•I i\IUH >.Jn ll HlH Pt l" ... Ott U.5 ClullJL U l~ I S lnl It'• "" '<G•lt 1,.., 10 C-Cp •h ·~ lntr•lnct •n ~ •11•u;P I~ ~ .. Ne .. h19'i 11 ,. lnlT-• ,..., II) Off 12 I COlrTle 11\'li II lnlel 1•"' u PMr , Hew to~ 13' H A•PAtcl l\IJ y, Oft 12.5 ColoGH l-1• ~t lnlrcEnr s•~ S .. Pen•Ent 10''> 11 .... Tol•I wle• JO.Sn 000 ,. S1tt•A' \ ""' , ... Off "' " 1)•1. MUTUAL FUND ,. .. ,1 J ,. ' .i . J While the Rea1an adm1n11trat1on'1 bud1et·cutten are aluh.lnc IUnda to dalp ud lnatall equipment to help tbe handle~. private lodmtry and the handicapped thetmelv11 are muto• aurprlllnaly impressive propeu on t.beir own. And this baa little if anytbla1 to do witb 1111 '• lnteruat.icoal Year of the Diubled Penoo, 1enera.Uy dlsmlssed in t.b1s country aa a dismal failure, deepite officialatatemeata of oPlimlsm. ln fact, ao far at . least , the ~ handicapped seem to be more than holding ' 91 ,. their positions in the ~ u ~a~e sofu i:ieg g:ne[a~ .lnA PllJll~? Joblessness. Surveys --------•~ ... -L._-a gain are underlining that qualified handicapped workers have a lower rate of abeenteeiam than their physically able counterparts, higher dedication to performance .and a higher quality output. From the corporate side, there are hundreds of .J>OSitive examples of what U.S. corporationa are doing for the qualified handicapped. A.a a sa111plln1 : -IBM has for many yean modifted buildinas and redesigned equipment to accommodate the handicapped; -Sears Roebuck's handicapped roster includes repair technicians, attorneys and retail managers. AT&T bas developed a program to train , manager$ of disabled people <which will survive ita breakup). , -Xerox is trainin1 disabled people in computer·related .Jobs where at present there la a shortage of physically able qualified workers. -The Travelers Insurance Companies installed a variety of sophisticated equipment that ineludes- writing machines to enable a disabled penoo to write out his/her program in Braille and video screens to advise the bard-of.bearing that the t.elepbone is ringing. In the words of Edward R Budd, p~idatt of The Travelers, which bas some 100 disabled perse>QS on the payroll, "We have to have qualified people to do business, and to overlook qualified people because they are handicapped would DOt serve any purpose." From the sick of the baildicapped, this nation's blind population of around 470,000 offers the most outstanding examples of people working, eamlng wages based on their productivity, paying taxes - and eenerally smashing our stereotyped ima1es of the blind into sawdust. -'ft1e!"tl are Workshops for the blind across the· natiob, where men and women operate complex machines, such as drill presses and electronic sealers; run switchboards; assemble writing instruments ; make brushes on high.speed equipment; conduct complicated sewing operations and package the widest variety of products. None of this tells the full story. though, of what earning their own way does for handicapped penom. It's not Just that tbe earned l.neome means increased buying power. It's ala<> that notbinl beats a job for 'giving a person a sense of self·respect. lo 1982 particulady. STOCKS IN THE SPOlllGHT MtEllC~N LEADERS .... YOlllt IN"l --· --- -~--------y--­~ -...... NllMINllJ "' -- UPS AND DOWNS ·COLD COINS -II'> .:.:·~ :.:· i4 -1\') -"' -I" -._ . "' ---14 -"' -1'o' .... N•W YotttC IA .. ) -~ i-....._ '! .... ~_.........1111 ... ,.Y'.~ K ........... t '"YM.,"'7.U,9#$4.H. ...,......, t .,.., .. , ..,,.n,.., ... n. ---...... l.J "'" ...... ,..,., ... .. JI • ....,... •<-. ·-.,..., u.. '10'7..tt. .,, ..... ~o... ....... METALS HEW YORK IAPl -Spot _.._. -'-' itrlc:es IOdey; c.,.,., 79·11 cents • pououf. U.S . ... lll'l•llDM. ..... INIC...-S • llOUftd, llllc O_,.. • -4. •H-.o. n.v.DAD-..sw .... ~11>. ~7 .. T7c9"1setl0Uftd,NY *"-YU.AD per"--· ....,.._...._tre¥tc., H.V. SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS •• Tiiie ._..... ...,_ ~-WllOICIP'bslMeY. UMllll: _..,. tllllfte $171AO, off SI.?$. ......_: ....,_ ll•lftt P1UO, off S1A hrtt: S111.M. ... to.J7 • .. ,....,.; Q19.00, Off u.a. lltfte•: u. flalftt t»7.00, on ~uo ...... ............. MeMlf 6 ....--1 IOftly Mtly 'lllOWI .,,..., .... 1.1$. ' ....... ! feftly deity .-> SS7LIO, tit •11.u. . ....... lf""""4'111y ... )I~ ...,.4 ,llft$Ut . . SYMBOLS ,