HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-12 - Orange Coast Pilot;. • . . •••••• DUIBI ClllT YOUR IDlfTDll llllY PIPll FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 12. 1982 ORANGE C OUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS · . Sheriff: 'Swindle largest ever seen' By JEFF ADLER OftlleO..., ...... ,_ Orange County Sheriff's Department investigators have launched a search for victims of a multi -million dollar investment swindle that may have bilked more than a thousand Southern California residents out of their savings during the past five or s ix months. Sneriff Brad Gates said investigators began manning a special telephone hot-line this morning to take calls from persons who had invested in or were solicited by the Golden Eagle Investment Co. I or El Toro. The sheriff urged such persons ' GETS NEW NEST -The Spruce Goose, a 40-year-old. $25-million flying boat financed by the late Howard Hughes. has been moved to its new home as a permanent tourist attraction next . to the Queen Mary in Long Beach. The 210-ton plane that Oew only once in 1947 and then only for one mile, 70 feet. was towed Thursday by barge to the to telephone the hot-line at 834 -3049 between 8 a.'m . and 5 p.m. through next week. Authorities raided the firm's offices 1 ate Wednesday foll owing a two month undercover investigation -and recovered $825,000 in cash, $600 ,000 of which was stuffed into a briefcase, and seized company records. ' Also, sheriff's deputies arrested two Golden Eagle Investment Co principals . president Ralph McDonald, 41 , of San Juan Capistrano, and vice president David Biggins. 44 , of San Clemente, on charges of sellin~ unre11?istered securities Several weapons, including an automatic rifle. found in the trunk of McDonald's car, and a o.lty ~ ... -~ 0.r'f •-- 4~ 5-f OO~ diameter dome that ris('S 130 feel Stan Soderberg Cm white hall who has been the plane's caretaker 35 years. aids the barge pilot while a Hughes helicopter. flies overhead photographing the move. The huge flying boat was eased backward through the dome toda\ to its ftnal roosting place · Lawyer-for rapist challenges judge Asserts statements made in sentencing co-defendants prejudicial to <:ase By DAVID KUTZMANN Of .. ...., .......... In an unusual move, a defense lawyer for a convicted teen·aae rapist ii challeµgtng the right cl an Orange ~ounty Superior Court judge lo sentence bis client because of statement.a the judge made ldt year in meting out 100.year·plus prison terms to three co-defendants. The sentencings triggered a major controversy when Briseno came under editorial fire from the Orange County Register for imposing1 terms the paper said "verged on viciousness." Thal charge prompted Rickles to hold a press conference where he defended t he sentences imposed by Briseno, who could have given the three even longer terms because of the nunierous charges involved In an interview Thursday, Hewatt, now a Riverside public defender, said, "I have the utmost respect for Judge Briseno as being an honest and smcere judge 44· magnum handgun, were confiscated. Hail for the pair was set at S2 million each, one of the highest bonds ever set in Orange County on such charges, Gates said. Calhng it the largest fraud he had seen in 20 years of law enforcement, Gates said the firm offered investo r s promissory notes guaranteeing returns on cash investment.a ol 1 O lo 20 percent per month. Sales records seized by Ute deputies revealed that just one of the firm's 22 salesmen took lo $583,000 in ca.sh in one month, Gates said. But authorities have found no evidence that any of the money was ever invested in anythin1 <See SCHEME, Pa1e AZ) Polish pilot, f amily_def ect in airliner BERLIN <A P l -A Polish pilot and six members of his family escaped from Poland today aboard the small airliner he was piloting on a flight from Warsaw to southwest Poland. The seven family members asked West German authorities for political asylum and the plane's co-pilot also decided to ask to stay in the West, according to West German authorities. The plane carried a crew of four and 19 passengers when it landed. There was no immediate word on what would be done witb the plane and the 11 people who apparently were not planning to defect. It was the first known case ol a Polish pilot divertin1 a regular domestic flight to the West. Hl· jackings by Polish passengen are not uncommon. Tbe airliner, a 38-aeat Soviet-built Antooov M owned by the Polish state airline LOT, landed at the U.S. Air Foret'• Tempelhol Airport at 8:55 a.Ilia., an hour and 37 minutes after it took off from Waraaw for Wroclaw . U .S . offlclala questioned the passen1ers and c rew and then turned <SeeESCAPE, Pase A2) Deportation case granted hearing By STEVE MITCHELL Ofl ... Oalty..._S8fl David and R~th Willett and their adopted Liberian-born son Samuel, received a bit or gGod news from their congressman An aide for Rep. Robert Badham's Newport Beach office s aid the lawmaker Tuesday persuaded two key congressmen to hold a hearing on a bill that would give Sam permanent residency in the United States. Sam is curr:ently living with his parents in San Juan Capistrano on a student visa from his native Liberia.' The 26-year-old former Saddlebaok College student came to the United States t~ years ago to rejoin his parents twin sisters and brother. ' He was adopted 10 years ago by the Willetts, who were working for the Peace Corps at the time in Liberia. The couple experienced problema four yean later when they attempted to brinl lbeli' adopted son back with them to ~ America. A 30-year-old clause in the Federal Immigration and Naturalization Act states adopted foreigners muat be under age ·of 14 to qualify fot residency. Sam was 16 yeal'!I old. ' The Willetts sougtit a speeial act of Congress to admit Sam, citing his deeade as a famllJ member and the h.rdsbips that would result ii be were deported. But a hearing before tbe Ho use Subc-0m m it tee on Immigration late last year ordered the man returned to Liberia by July 5. Late last week, the family suffered another setback with a request if or another beartna w., tuhn~d aown. But Tuesday, Badbam met <See SAM, Pa1e A.I) . Man arrested after fatal auto mishap According to court documents filed Thursday, attorney Clarence Hewatt asserted that Judge Francisco Briseno would be prejudiced against his client and had, in effect, pre-judged what his sentence would be. The defendant, Tung Thumb Le, 17, has undergone months or tests at the California Youth Authority to determine if he should slay in CY A or serve time in state prison. He faces a 186-year sentence. School rejects Thomas' gift ·ORllll CUil Wlll~ll Partly cloudy throulb Saturday . .A little wanner Saturday. Chance of measurable 1bower1 decreaalna CO near aero through Saturday. Hilbl A man who police claim was attempting to commit suicide bu been booked into Orange County Jail on murder charges after a high-speed colliAion tha,t claimed the -life of another driver in Orange. Presiding Orange County Superior Court Judie Robert E. Rickles assigned Judge Allcemarle Stotler Thursday to study Hewatt's contentions and hold a bearing to determine if Briseno should be removed from the case. Hun:tington councilman rebuffed ; year's $alary returned By PATRICK KENNEDY °'.,.. o.lly " ........ how much he cares about the children." ' Thomas, whose daughter Amy; 7, suffers a cr\ppling birth disease , says he made the donation at a recent City Council so simple-minded they think I'm trying to buy someone then that's their problem. "I didn't want this to bec:ome political. I'd have never made the donation if I knew they were going to make a big scene about it .. 64 to 70. Ovemi&bt Iowa 42 to 52. JlllRTlllY A USC pfa11•fofa11 ... . Abroham~ ..... .... An Oran1e Police Department spokesman said police have Lnlormatlol\f that Frank Rosa Samuels, 32, of Granada 'Rilll waa attempting to take hil own ~e when bil eaatboUQd ...... h~er into the westbound Briseno banded down what ls considered to be amona the barahest aentenca ever lm.poeed in California when be sentenced Le'a 'three companions laat April,, Huntington Beach City Councilman John Thomas' public donation or one year of h.is council salary to a school fol" handicapped children bas backfired. School officials have rejected the 'money and criticized Thomas'. "Mr. Thomas has a history of doina namboyant things to attract attention at election time and the school board unanimously fell the children cl Plavan School shouldn't be used for hla political advantage," aald Cheryl Norton, president ol the Fountain Valley School Dl1trict. "I've 'Wanted to recognize them for, a long time.'' lane La Veta Avenue near FJo treet at S:51 p.m. Tb g..otbercar. T er Of tb• HCODd velddlij police have not yet ldentMlal, wu kllJed. Samuell tbe spokesman aaid. aune;;l only m1Dor l.Qjuriet, '~It'• being treated aa a murder lnvesU1atlon," tht spokesman •aid: Samuell WM booked lnto tbe county jail on aaaplclon of murder and la beiDI beld ln Ueu ol IZS0,000 ball, poUce aaMI. • The three -brothers Bo Pham, 18, and Dun1 Pham, LS, and Minb<Quu1 Nauyen, also 11 -had been convicted of 50 felony count.a each bl conn«Uoo with alx rape lDcid.ut.I ln 1980. The Pham brotbera were 11 ven state priloo ter1D1 ~ 111 · years wtlUe Ncuyen received a 100.year sentence. · ceremony because bls dau&hter received therapy three years a10 fro(Jl the Californ ia Children's Services, a rtate agency housed at Plavan School 11111·' ............ ........ ,u::e1:a -.: ~ .. • • ! 1' .. I ~ ;. '1 t\X I o~~ASH, WEA~NS SEIZED Part of $825.000 firm were photographed at Orange County 4~ cash and weapons taken in rai_· d_at_E_l_T_o_r_o ___ s_h_e_r_if_f_'s_h_e_a_d_q_u_a_rt_e_r_s_. --------- 1/' -~~i~E.... . 'Our lwwe' denied tli gitimate, he added. !i" The sheriff said investigators . were poring over company ~~ecords; which included two . omputer systems, and planned w o continue questioning the ,.~·rm's sales staff. He did not i.7 pie out the possibility of further ·;{ rrests. Also, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Internal ~venue Service and the state anchise Tax Board have been ' vited lo review the evidence, he said. Gates told of one elderly woman who came to the firm while the raid was in progress The woman. who had broug~ an $11,000 disability settlement ,.~ invest, told deputies she was · cky to have gotten there after 1 ey had. Otherwise, she said 1 e might have lost tier money'. II (!?°• ?/l nuke tests J ~l!'ndncted I 11CLAS VEGAS, Nev. <APJ i1te Department of Energy > ports two underground ·I 'l: lear w.apons tests were I ducted without incident at e Nevada Test Sit~tQday. t 't~· tests were det~ at §55 .m. and 7:25 a.m. Ps'!' .. • .The detonations, code name<t '-olbo and Hosta. were.at depths 2,100 feet below the surface of .JH!hute Mesa.'" IJy actor Majo-rs LOS ANGELES (AP> -Act.or The house ownership was only Lee Majors has disputed in Majors' name. testimong-by his wife, actress Miss Fawcett testified she Farrah Fawcett, in a Superior acquiesced when he suggested Court trial over property putting the house in his name on settlement in their divorce the advice or his busin"ss proceeding. manager. But she said he told "Sounds like a good scene for her it was "our house." a movie"' Majors testified at Majors denied be ever made one point in response to his any such statements. wife's claim Wednesday that a Ownership of the house has $2.5 million Hollywood Hills become a central issue in the house was in Majors' name but case. it beloDR:ed to both of them. ___.!&-ether contradielery testimony, Majors said be continued living in the home after the co uple's trial separation' was announced in July 1979, just before their sixth wedding anniversary. People win birds war WASHINGTON (AP > -A 33 year-old unemployed steelworker has told a Senate forum of hunting deer and r accoon in order to support his family. Even the raccoon, he said. are getting scarce. "When you're laid off and have no income, bunting is more than a sport," said H.D Bush of1 Forestdale, Ala. "I love deer- meat, but I really love~· now." Bush was among se n Jobless people who told r their experiences during an unofficial hearing conducted by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D·Mass. Their trips wer~ paid for by labor unions. .,...., ............. · Miss Fawcett, a former star of the ''Charlie's Angels" TV series who now Hves in the house, claimed he only stayed there occasionally. and on those occasions slept in a separate bedroom. Majors testified TbursdlU' that he continued to llve in the house after the trial separation in 1979 and shared the same bedroom with his wife. Also in dispute in the case is ownership of some $1.25 million Miss Fawcett earned ln commercial contracts during the latter part or their marriage. The property setUement issue is the final hurdle in the divorce case. From Page A1 SAM •.. • with Romano Mauoll , a Kentucky Democrat and chairman or the immigration subcommittee. "He <Mazzoli > told Badham that if he could persuade (Judiciary Committee chairman) Peter Rodino that another bearing should be held. he'd go along with it," Badham aide Howard Seelye said today. Badbam told the two congressmen that he did not have the opportunity to fully explain the Willett case when il came before the subcommittee ' before. '• Badham feels there are mitigating circumstances, and' he wants the proper opportunity to explain it to the subcommittee," Seelye said. As to when th!! hearing will be held, the aide said no time has been set. "ll will be at tbe pleasure of Mr. Mauoli," be said. '•It will be when his subcommittee has the time,, obviously before July, but these things don't move very fast," Seelye said. Seelye said gainine residency for Sam "will be tough," adding the immigration laws are "rather explicit and this bill would make an exception and circumvent what Is the law." . -The Willett f amlly of San Juan apistrano, <from top> Kathie, Kristen . Dave. Sam and '!th, (and T~sha the ~og> all received ~-bit o.f..,good n~ws s week regarding battle to keep 'Sam in the Uruted S~ates. Boy, 9, faces OftAHO& COAST ll~~ilat Claa1ttt.d edvertlllng 71~ All other department• 142-4ll1 ' II , second charge NEW YORK (AP) -Robert M., the 8-year-old who beld '-'Pa bank lut year ind 1pent the caab on bambur1en, French lrles and a muaical watch, bu been arreated 11ain and charted wttb stealin1 a Jled at knilepolnt from two boy•, It wu learned today. Police aourcea aald Robert, now 10, and two sirl playmatel around the •aame a1e, pulled a knlf e on two 10-yea.r-oldl wbo •ere 1leddln1 Jan IO In • pla,y,,,,.:aid. Tbt plnt-1i1ed bHdlta fied wltb tM 11ed, piollce Wei, ._. tbelr vlcUma w•r• able to identlfy tbet:n. Thi routM wen arre1ted Tbur'lday on Ju.,nllt delinq'91Cy ebar,.., ., Nigeria greets Pope ....:.Mma visit tir..st.trip Since,,as1asshlation.attempt LAGOS, Nl1trla (AP> -To the blare of colonial ba.ndl and the throb of tribal dance• Pope John Paul 11 arrived ln Nlprta today oo b.la nrst fONisn trip 1tnce an uauatn trl~ to kill him last M1y. · The p1p1l Jet, an Alltall1 Airbus, touched down a~La '· M urtala Muhammed A at 4:1S p.m. (7:1S a.m. PS ) after a slx·bour ru1ht from Rome. Ni1erlan President Shebu Sha1art, a Moslem, and other dienltarlea of Africa's most populous. country 1reeted the whlte·robed, 1mllln1 ponWf. A half.dozen 1roup1 of tribal dancers we1rtn1 cloth skirts, beads and feathers shook to the sound of pulsating drumbe1ts. Tbe Nl1erian army fired a 21-eun salute, a holdover from the country's days as a British colony, and marching bands in bri1ht-colored uniforms played • martial mu.!ic. All day, the national Radio Nigeria had been broadcastin·e a rock tune composed especially to publicize John Paul's five-day visit to black Africa's most .populous nation. · ·'The pope is coming, let's congregate," it said. "The pope is coming. Good tidings for men or good will.·· An announcer added the visit was an "occasion for everyone · Christian and Moslem alike u; rejoice." ' The pope's eight-day tour d · Africa, a continent he once From Page A1 ESCAPE. ... • jurisdiction over to West German authorities. A U.S. Air Force spokesman said the pilot's relatives were his wife and two children, his cousin and the cousin's wife and Clirr<f. . An hour after the landing, the passengers and crew were allowed off the plane and taken t6 the terminal , a base spokeswoman said. "Two Poli.sh security guards were left behind inside the plane," she said. This appeared to indicate the Polish military regime has put security guards on domestic flights to prevent hijackings. Hans-Wolfgang Treppe, the Berlin prosecutor handling the incident , said bis initial in vesligation appeared to indicate that the landing at Tempelhof was not a hijack in tbe usual sense of the word. · lt was more likely, he said, that the pilot would be chareed with deprivation of liberty, punishable by German law with a maximum five-year prison sentence or with a cash fine. The pilot could also not be charged with theft, the prosecutor,said. because he obviously did not steal the plane but planned to return it to its rightful owners after bis escape . West Berlin's Tempelbof airfield ls a frequent destination of Pollilh hijackings to the west. It is about 300 miles from Warsaw and 200 miles from Wroclaw. Persons who hijack Soviet bloc airliners to West Berlin or West Germany are tried and sentenced, but the German governments always refuse to extradite them. called "ripe for tbAI b1rvt1t" b•cau1e of tt1 f11l·trowtn1 Rom an Catbolle Cburcb, includ 1horUt ~ In Gabon, Benin and Equatorial Gulnea. A motorcade waited to take John P1ul alonl a HVen·mllt route to the 100,000.seat national 1tad1um, wblcb opentd ill ••* to the crowds 12 hours ahtad ol the scheduled Mall the pope was to celebrate. Despite· his woundint by a Turkish terrorist durlnt a 1eneral audience in St. Peter'• Square in May, he waa expected to have aa much penon1l contact u possible with the vut crowds awaitin1 him. 'The 81-year-old pontiff bas rebuffed efforts to Increase protective measures for him. He has stressed repeatedly that be From Page A1 will rtlk hll llle to lpttld the Gospel1 and fMla lt la Important to mamtain "rsonal cootactl witb tbt faithful. "We c1n tell bhn lt'a dan1eroua to 1et out then wit.b the people, but we can't do anythlna except obey and pray after the pope 11y1 be ii sotnc some place," 11ld one fo the Vatican'• Swill Guard.I. The pope's vialt waa expected to 1i ve a boost to the nourllhin1 Roman Catholic Church in Africa, where an e•Um1ted 2 million people are baptized each year and the total number of Catholics will reach SS millioo this year. By the year 2000, the Vatican expects to claim 18 percent of the continent's total population, compared with 1 percent a century ago. DONATION RAPPED. • • donated a year's salary to a school for handicapped children. The donation controversy is further complicated because a therapist from the California Children's Services CCCS> appeared at the City Council meeting and accepted the donation from Thomas ' daughter Amy. Thomas then gave a speech praising Plavan School. . Therapist Ginny O'Neill says Plavan Principal Waldo Price had suggested that she accept the donation because Thomas' daughter received therapy from the state organization and not officially _fr.Q{n the Fountain Valley School District. But Ms. O'Neill says ·her superiors later slated that CCS poller for.bids accepting donations that might have "political overtones." She said -the state agency will return the dona.Uo _ School board presldent Ms. Norton said Principal Price was told that the school district wouldn't accept the donation. "J suggested that perhaps the CCS would, but I'm not certain that was made clear to· Thomas' people," Ms. Norton said. Ms. Reed says it wasn't made clear and that Thomas t.bought he was donating to Plavan School. FoUowine news releases and pictures from Thomas' campaign directors also said he'd donated to the Fountain Valley school. . "If they would have told us we could have made a quiet donation," Ms. Reed said. "But it's done now. "John and his wife, Linda. wanted to recognize Plavan at the council level in case he wasn't re-elected in April," she said. Thomas says in the past he's donated services of his truck and crane company to move a Wor.ld War II memorial lo City Hall. to fish a car out of a high school swimming pool and that he also donated cash to a family which lost three children in a house fire two years ago. ,/ ''Those donations weren't political Bul l gue11 oo ~-~ ever satisfied with someone trying to help somebody. Some people always look for a vicious motive." He said he'll donate the $2,100 annual salary to Children's Hospital in Orange, where his daughter also has received therapy. Sophia 'splitting' Says she's shedding security NEW YORK (AP> -Actress Sophia Loren. saying she wants. "Mother kin~ of life," is turning away from the secunt.Y of a mar~1age t.hat left her feeling deprived, acco~g to a copyr.1ghted interview in McCall's magazine. . MISS Loren, 47. ~s rumored to be on the verge of a split with her husband. director Carlo Ponti. McCall's said in its March issue. "My ~ttitude now is to go with my feelings and not look ·for secunty," she said. "I'm going to get what I need as a woman ... Now I want another kind of life. My needs are different. I want to experiment.·· Miss Loren said her life with Ponti was orderly and st~ble, but also left her feeling deprived. In her youth. she said, she felt alone and old ... but now I am enjoying my youth.'' "I do not feel secure and I never will. But who is secure in life? ... In the end, 1 am my security ... s he s aid. Miss Loren is rumored to be romantically linked to a French doctor, the magazine reported. She did not discuss the rumors in detail. "My . husband and I never discuss these things. He wouldn't understand. He wouldn't be in)erested:· she said. ON ANY MEMBERSHIP • Luxunou. Locker FllCIUM f« Men a Women •Sauna, St.n, JllcU:ZZt • 2 s..1d Voleybll Coorta • 1 /8 Mle Jogging Trmck • tndMdtJll ExerctM Prognme • OymnM~lm ~. Vole...-ou4ybeill,...) •Ff'M~~ I • 1 e Ctwnpknhlp ~ Cour1a • N8Utlua Equipment • • ~ Aefobtc a. ... • • 2t5 Meter Ofvmpo Pool a 8undeCk : =:~. Bw&Soctll ~ ·TOURS CONDUCTED DAILY •Mp:111w&M11111.m } ~· 752-0585 ~ .=:~~:: 3101 JAMBOREE RD. •L~:'M NEWPORT IUCH ' . , . , APW ......... FRIEND OF ANIMALS \Pl n•-.-. Hnl!il11.· Hanl11t ll•nt h<.·r ~l amor to .i lt.'11.•\ i-.1011 pingram m P .1 n:-. thi-. \\1.•1.·k in ..,upport oft lw Fn•tll'h \n11nal Pr11t1.•t•li0t1 So<·11.•t ,. and urging 'it'\H•r:-. to adopt doJ.!-. .111d 1·;1h Disinherited son files suit Attorneys representmg the dis inherited son of Sally .._1 __ __,t-_Slaa.~ San -F-Ntnntsco's most famous madam. have filed a lawsuit contesting her will in Marin Supermr Court The action on behalf of John David Owen was filed by the San Francisco law The mother and father of C had Green. a leukemia :.tncken bor who d1t>d while rcc~1vmg r:al'trile m Mexico, have become the parents of another child Diana Green gave h1rt h at homt• in Sc1tu:.it1•. Ma'' . to a firm o f Melvin Belli and S a u s a l 1 to a lt.D.I:Jle.y .Be.J.la t\arOil:"" The sui t charges that Ms. Sta nford's longtime friend, Elizabeth Ann PhJlllps, used fraud and deceit to become the principal beneficiary of the Stanford estate. valued at $20 miJlion 7-pound girl, accordmg to her mother·m·law, Vera Green. "The baby 1is domg fine Th(• mother and the father are dorng fme ... said the ~randmolher ··tt was a very Joyful ~ay for the whole family.' • I o ...... and ...... o ... art b\litu I ..... foodl 1tor1. -~'l'li"•>' 1ot bOrtd at hntn1 nothtit1 to do an. ~ .. I 11.I mllllcm lottery JIP, tn D\fland. • • don't want to bt hilt for tht rttt of our Uvtt," D1 w11 told reoortere at 8ht ttltl4. . After thetr bt1 win la1t year ftll' iueutnc th• rt1ultl ot soccer matchtt, the cotaple a topped worklna. Oawet. 39, aave up h i• job 11 a aalesman and bls wlfe, 17, closed down h er nelchborhood 1ener1l 1tore. At the crowd watched, Tony Klei• clicked bis. leatbelt shut and slipped a crash helmet over hls head. He was ready for action -on the floor ot the South Dakota Senate. Klein, aa1istant aecretary of the Senate, was preseoted Tuesday wlth the protective garb and a phonx. bill requirina him to wear the Items "wt.en napping , dozing, and lolly-gagaing in hi s chair." Legislative employees came up with the idea for the protective gear after Klein Cell out of his chair on ~ ~enate podium. He was not •deep at the time. A law student who's been financing his e ducatio·n partly through TV game shows wiM ings contends in a lawsuit that rules limiting a contestant's appearances violate antitrust law Marttn Allen Fine, 32. said he won $12,000 on game shows and would have made more if he was not "deprived o f the oppo rtunity to participate ... because of defendants' eligibility policy . which restricts contestants to one game show per year and three game shows within a 10-year period." The Malibu man contends he was forced to take a leave from Pepperdine University School of Law this year when his--ehanees to-win-ended.-- A psychologi s t who examined ex-Beatie l obn Lennon's killer and was retained in other prominent criminal cases was fined SS,000 for lying in court when he said he had a doctorate from Penns ylvania State University. A cling Justice Millon Williams sentenced Dr. Miilon V. Klin e, 58, for perjury m state Supreme Court. "It seems you have been a person who has been in a charade for a number of years.'' WilDa ms old Kline. Chaitce of showers Coastal Wf''9 10 '\Ou1hwMt W"1nd\ 8 tt '' knob In •ftttno()f't .,.,,, '''''¥' \Wf'I to 1 ,_.,, Cons1d..-r•D•• c101.1d1r,., w tth "'•nc• ol \Pt•n" ,., 0' ~19h1 \hOW•rt. V . .'i. sunimary Snow \.Pf Ptl<S Into IM wutn-...e\ftr ot•ln\ T """'\OaV. •nd up to.-foot ._,, rfCJOrtfO O\f~r t"9 "font-r f'ft-vl1•0f°'\ ol the \Oulhrastern 1nttrmounta1n rtolon •"'2 thP southfrn RO<~,., 8'f miooav Sf"tOW w4'ti ta.Uno o"'•' the T ••• , P•n"•'"''f! \OUU'HiflJ.,f K•r'I\•\ •nd ••,tern Color•do Sho••r s ano tP\uinotnflOwt,.\ w.,,,,. •<•ll~rf'<I over !NI Soutllt .. 1 ana IM \OUll\ern llalf ol lhe All•nl•< CoHI •nO rain 1•11 over int PHlll< NorthwlKI Some lltfll .,_ 1•11 on Ill• Greet Lakes II WU wnl>Y OY•r -Gr .. 1 8 .. 111 ..-! "1 l ... Ml\\IHIJ>P' Y•llfy '"' Ollto Valley end Ille T•nne•<ff Valley lo tt.e ll0<1Mrn Mii of ""' •aStttn wabe.-rd. For !Oday, 11!9 Nellonal Wulhfor S.rvkt predkt1 s.howlr\ with '"".., •I hl9Mr .,i.vallon• o,,.r llw P¥••• Northw•sl tl'ftd the no''""'"" lntermountaln reoton ll9M •now Is lorKa.t lrom '"" u1111er Mlnlnlpp1 Vallo 1n10 ,,,.. northern Gn1at !All•• •11<1 •now '"'"' Mlnourl ostwerd lllrouQI\ tl\f !IOUlhern °""' v.1 .. v From ,,.. lower MlnlOlf>PI V•ll•y le '"'° tCIOAMrn Allar!ll( (Mii •..O FlorlCI• rain is preclk t..:1 II will ~ sunny 'rom 11\e \Outhf'rn 11\rff·QUArtor> of'"' Rocltl•• 1n10 tl\t weatern p1e1ns •nd In New En9lan<1 T 1m~r•tur•t •round 1rw n•lfon at mldd•• Tl\urlClav ren9..., lrom 1 btllow tPrO tn Butte. MOlll to 13 Ir Fort Mvors Fla alifomia ~ Con•lderellle cloucllneu In Sou1hern C•llfoNll• todolV wllll •»JO perunt cNl!Ce .t ljlrlnlll•• or 119111 lflOWtr•. Verlallf clouCllMM tonlqflt end S.t....O..,. Of•,,.. County CM! eJQ>Kt lllefls ._., lfl .. -IO mill 60s mlCI to """' 60a ~ LOWI ,,._lly In a..o.. l!llellCI velleyt U11 ••P«I llltlll •round H loeley erld SellKcMy, low. al'Ollnd& MolllMIM Wiii ..... 1119"• 4l to M, _,,. .. a 1'e nipera Lures "ATIO" HI Le Alb•nv ,. -0. Alt>vq.,.. "4 J:J •1-Mv1llf ~ ]t Aittentf' •l • AU•ntr ( ly )4 1l 8eltirnor• J'I 71 Blrmlr>q....,. S4 )4 9,,.,.,,.,(. II OI e ........ n Ol 80'ilnn I• 11 81111•10 ,, 04 (••rl•ln SC SI 4l C.h•rl•ln WI/ J6 n (.,.yen,.,,., )4 OI ..... ,.. \•tt• '"'"'" 01c.lv4t4 '""•90 10 Ot ~ ------(1nc1n""-t• lO 11 ---Cleveland H ~ (Olum-11 ~ Oal Fl WUI " ,. Otnvfr 1' II Waslll"91n 43 Of1 Mo1 ... , 13 07 Wk II Ila u Detroit •• 01 EI PHO 70 40 FelrNnt.s Oj .ft CALlf'O•NIA Hatlford i. CM HI Htl•IWI ,, 01 AP!Me Vall.-, SS H0""4ulu 16 •• BeUrtll_.d .0 Houslon 61 .. Barst°" • IMneoli• 21 CM ... ...._. .0 J•<k"1"U" "3 w e 1oa.ar ... K•n' Cttv JI 01 81-o '° lHV~· \l lJ 81yt!M .. Lttll• Roo "° 10 CAI all,,. .. l O\H\Vtll• JS 17 Clllver Cll't .. M•mPhtSi '3 ,, Eur ..... SS Mt am I ,. IO Fresno S6 Mllweu\.,. 14 -02 u"'•~ !iO Ml>I• SI P •• ()J Leno u Helllvlll• 4A ,. Lft~ 70 NtwOrl_,. •2 ,. MMynlll• .0 Now York u n MoNOVla .. Oki• Cll1 .. " ~,.., .0 O'T\11\a ,. CM Ml.Wit~ • Pllllldpht• JS 11 -IH ., ~nl• .. w N-por1 llM<fl M Pltl\bur.,. ,, CM oa-•-.. "'11-.Mtt ,. °' Oftterlo " Piiand o.-. n J.) p ..... Scwi!IO' 11 llapld Cl!• ,, 06 PaWOeNt M Reno SI ,. Pew llolll9' • lllchmon<I .., lljt Rh•ertlcll .. S.11 LAk~ 33 (/1 Red Bhlfl SS S.•111• 4l JI ~C.ll'r • St l011l1 Joi °' 11-St St P Te.._ ,, u Sac, •tnallkl S1 St SI•-~ .. " Sellnat • ScloU,,. .u ·o ,.,..,_... ... SURF REPORT ••• "Wey J.:.-t c.--.. 17 S.11 O•WMll .. -GI Sen FrMclKo • SellJ-" Sent.AM u Safll• ...._. ., IA Selll• Crut 6a ,. Wit• Merl• ... 41 Sen••~ ~ 4J St0<klon .. U T,,.rmal 7J • Tc><renu .. 1' Yvma .. !iO so l"ANAM • 27 HI Barba-.. 30 e-.muda .. 30 lloOOt• " ., c .... ac:eo It n Fr'--1 II JJ OUadt loo4le .. Sl HevMa ,, 40 kll ... IOll .. JJ Merida ti ., Mnko Otv ,, SS MNllitrray .. 41 NHS.II 11 ... S..,J...,.,PR .. * SI T,,.,._ 112 " Trlnleled .. It .. 17 CANADA ,. HI ,. Cal .. ,., 01 a. ~ .. J1 lillolnreel 1t 4S Ott-..• " .... ,,. OS T-l'llo 16 "-·-• Wllllll"9 °' Tides 'ODAY ''"' .... tl:Clh "' l"lrtt ._ s: ........ '° 4.S 17 S4 • ,. • ... JO 0 .. S4 .... ,. ., SI ,. n n n 72 .. .... .... 67 ,, n ,, NCW1Mn\ .-.n llitN 4} ta SS, loW'l M la 44 SMAAlrn .. ...., lllQllS U ta .............. .... A .... 5aCalld "'911 II:" a ,111. 4.1 la<Oftd -•l• p.111. ... ................. ..... ""' .... ow .... -· Hort...,.,. •nll CAftlral C:.INor11la wtll flayt V11rl .... CIOudlNM lllt ..... Sat.or•••· •1111 tlltwfft lll<•IY 111 11•rtllwest, 6ce ttere• •llO'll'•rt ........... f I 10 ' t -11 I J MW 11 t I MW 11 t I IW ' t I , , J LlftleCllMtll We're Listening ••• Sv11 , ... , .,., e.111. ,., ... y, .... J, .. , ... . Maofl r1 ... •:it P m .. ..., •: m • 111 l"rlOay What do you hke about t.M 011ly Pilot• Wb1t don't you like'> Call lM number below and your meaaa•• wUI M re(orded trnnacribed tnd delivered to the approprt1te editor. ' The 11amt-24 huur answering Mrvlce m1y be used to record let· ter!I to tht? editor on any topic Mailbox contributors mutt Include their name and tclcptv>nt number for vertficaUon No circulation call1. please Tell U.'I what'a on your mind. ·- • s Orange Co.et DAIL V PIL.OT/Frlday, February 12, 1882 Ted Bruinsma bringa Senate ~mpaign to Newport BY I TEVJt llA&BLI 0( ..... ,,.... ..... Ttd Bruinlma, a le11tr·known U.S. Senate candidate, started fro m 1quare one ln Newport Beach Wednesday. Ht tauaht members of the B•l b oa Bay Republican WoJnen, Federated bow to pronounce hla name. Then he told them who he was. This came after the person introducing him to a luncheon gatherlna at the Irvine Coast Country Club botched his name ae veral times and finally appealed to Bruinsma for help. Re said he didn't mind. The former dean of Loyola Law School and a past president of Lear Jet Industries , Bruins ma i s one of six Republicans seeking his party's nomination this June. Admittedly proud of not being a ··professional politician," he estimated he has more private enterprise experience than all the other candidates com blned. He started off like many of h1s fellow candidates by rapping Gov. Edmund Brown Jr .. an expected Senate candidate. •'Jerry Brown is one of the issues of tbis r ace." the 60-year-old attorney said. "He's a slippery guy and l don't think we should under estimate his campaigning abilities until ttus thing is over." He charged Brown "is the guy who ran for the closet when the Peripheral Canal issue became controversial. "And now he's the big crime fighter," Bruinsma continued. "I find that interesting because O.ll1Pl ... Statf- C AN 0I0 A TE Tt-d Brurn:-.mu. \\ho.., 1 unn111 g 1111 th<> l ' S Scnal<.'. spol·a· in '.'lt•\\'l>Ol't Bt:aC'h \\'t•clnt"sd:i' he's appointed s ix or our seven s tate Supreme Court Justices and not one of them is a crime fighter." He said the nation's economy should be the real issue of the race "Unless we straighten out our economy, all other issues fade into insignificance.'' he s aid. adding. "our economic engines clearly have stalled out .. He predicted that 1r interest rates remain hi~h , the nation 1s Uktly to be plunpd Into a rece11lon. ••Meanwhile the bankl maklf\S record proflte," charced. "The bank1 J haven't 1ot on stream yet the Reaaan admlnlltratlon." Urulnsma also aald lt ''disgrace how many fore firms are buyine our Amert companies. This is destro fundamental parts of o American economy." Jle rapped Washin1ton D.f;, lawmakers who be su11ea1fd 1. often o perate at a dou ~! standard and "never have 'JO l ive und er t h ei r o,J"o regulations." ' "l • m the only candidate ln tit. · • r ace who has lived wli'ft" government regulation.a on back," he told listeners. 1•111 1 u n d e r s t a n d . l · v e t • ' ~-· government Interference on fKe receiving end. "If I was an Washiniton, I'd make our congressmen get ii\to that hoat with us." v Bruinsma. who has bee'n seeking ~bates with otl\_er Republican Senate candldatt19. stayed away from taking swipes at them. I le also dismissed polls ta~ 1n California which have. •t times, showed his support as minuscule as one percent . ··Polls only show whose naibe 1s well·known.'· he suggested, "the y don't a h ow qualifications." With th at. Brulnsrua pronounced his name one more time and left Three suing over AirCal crash in OC Navy League chief flays budget cuts , AlrCal has been sued by three passenger s who claim they suffered injuries last Feb. 17 when an Orange County.bound jetliner crashed on a runway at John Wayne Airport. The crash. which occurred after the pilot had been ordered by an air traffic controller to abandon his landing, injured 36 persons. four or them seriously. There were 109 persons on the flight that originated in San Jose There were no fatalities. R ichard Carroll , William Edward Charleston and Daniel Lincoln are seeking damages in two separate lawsuits flied Tuesday in Orange County Superior Court Carroll and Charleston were named as plaintiffs in one action; Lincoln, and hi s wife Valjean. who was not a passenger on the flight, In the other Four other lawsuits have been filed 1n connection with the crash. Also named as defendants in the action were pilot Don Clark. first officer Ned Pederson. and the Boeing Aircraft Co . T he National Transportation Safety Board , following a lengthy investigation, concluded that Clark erred in procedures for canceling th-e landing. Clark was disciplined by AirCal. Drug removed LARGO, F la . (AP l A national drug store chain has em ptied i ts shelves of the tranqu ilizer melhaqua lone. s aying the drug's presence encourages robberies. Eckerd Drug Co. officials also said that methaqualone is abused more than it is used legitimately. The cutback in Coast Guard services in the 11th Coast Guard district as well as the nation can be blamed on the Offi ce of Management and Budget in W ashingt.on. That is the opinion of John M Rau. national president or the Navy League of the United States. Rau br iefly addressed the Yachtsmen Luncheon group Wednesday at Newport Harbor Yacht Club in response to a queslion addre!tsed lo Adm Alfred P. Manning of the 1 lth Coast Guard district inquinng to wbom yachts men and laymen co uld write voicing their concern over the Coast Guard cutback. "Let me field that one for you Al . since you are m uniform and I can speak as a civilian.'' Rau said . Rau said t h a t the Navy League is the civilian arm of the Sea Services and as such can act as political activists. Rau sald yachtsmen should address their concehl directly to David Stockman, director of OMB. to congressmen and the Department of Transportation <DOT> "The Coast Guard 1s a part of the armed services of the United States and for years has been the most efficient," Rau said. "Ues p1te that tact, the eresident is not giving the Coast Guard the 7 percent increase he promised but Is actually cutting us back 4 percent." said Rau He blamed the problem on a lot of namel ess. fa celess analysts in Washington. "They have completely taken the slack out of the line by addin to Coast Guard missions extending the boundar~ from three to 12 to 200 mil • addmg drug mterdictions and pol I ution without getting 'A.ti increase in budget. ··As a result you are having SAR (Search and Resc"-el stations closed , air statioqs closed and decommissloping ()f vessels. "Their answer is : 'Well, oMv ought to charge fees for th.efr services' ca proposaJ by DOT), "That's like going back to tie days when you bad to h•ve plaque on your house provtg you had paid for fire protecttoii before the fire dep ar t ment would put out the fire.·' Rau said the main pJrt of the problem is caused by the poliUC-s of the present adminlstratiob, primarily the OMB. ·'They're saying: 'This is die s1le of the box, now you guys see 1f you can Cit in it.· "But the Coast Guard ci work its people 120 hours a w <it's now 961 Consequently must cut back. close secti and lay off people,'' Rau said. Rau urged yachts men and other laymen to write thir congressmen , the DOT and OMB voicing their concern . emphasizing that the Coa,st Guard is a part of the arm~ services, despite the fact that it's presently under DOT Ene r gy con8erved BUCHAREST. Romania (Af) Romanians are facin1 rel\llw cu tores of electricity, heat, watj- and other services ln an eUort I> conserve dwindling ene r u supplies. the Communist I>~ newspaper Scinteia says. SALE °" MIKhd , .. ,.. ... oMyt We are in the midst of what le thaplng up to be one of the belt ski • .,,. ever and MIWfl•rf Sid C•llf_, has the merchandiN and service to m9ke yours \Ven better. .... ... RO&aignol Dynafit Kt San Manco Djhimlc RaJchle F:l9cher ' Ko Flach ::::n Geze Tyrofla Marker Begin tightens grip on govemrnent ., Aamua MAX ........ .._Wfttlt JERUSALEM -Still nursing a broken hip joinl, Prime Mlnlater Menachem Beain Is 1pendln1 leas lime on the trapplnp of office and more on formulaUng policy. Aides say he h11 never bad a Uehter grip on bla 1ovemmenl. Be1tn, 68, has changed his atyle of governing since his re-election last June, creating' what one newspaper editorial called an "imperial premiers.hip." The internal dissension on foreign policy that wracked his tlrat-term government has disappeared. Taking advice rrom only two of his 17 Cabinet ministers -Foreign Minister Yttzhak Shamir and Defense Minister Ariel Sharon -Begin lJ the sole arbiter on questions or defense and foreign policy. his aides say. Policy still must be approved by the entire Cabinet, and it is known that the ministers overruled Begin on some actions that never were published. But officials· say Begin's current 1overnment follows his lead more than at any time in the past. The most startling example was Begin's Dec. 14 decision to extend Israeli law to the Jailed woman forgotte n SEATTLE <AP> A judge says he will dismiss a shoplifting charge against an . . an wbo·was held In jail 46 days before anyone realized she had not even been given a preliminary hearing. "It's the worst case I've seen In five years on the bench," Seattle Municipal Court Judge Stephen R. Schaefer said after Catherine Elizabeth Parrett, 33, finally appeared before him Wednesday ... Definitely. 1·11 dismiss the charge " Mrs. Parrett said Thursday, however, that she "kind or got lo like It" in jail and was not embittered by her experience. State law provides that anyone arrested be brought before a Judge for arraignment on the next day .that court 1s held. 1m1111n11 occupied Golan Heights, effectively annexlna the former Syrian territory. He rammed his proposal throu1h his Cabinet and Parliament on the same day he was released from a hospital. Although he has been virtually absent from public view for 2'h months, polls show that Be~·s popularity is still high. Political sources say he Is considering early elections next November to increase his tiny majority in Parliament.. Traditionally, Israeli prime ministers spend much of their time greeting Jewish fund- raisers from abroad, attending dinners and meeting second-echelon foreign officials. But since be slipped in bis bathroom and broke a bone in his hip last Nov. 26, Begin has not made a single public appearance outside Parliament where he onJy showed up for important votes such as no-confidence motions. He uses a wheelchair or a walker frame to get around. and some observers have conclu~ Begin was still in pain or depressed by his injury. His spokesman, Uri Porat, asserts the leg no longer gives Begin pa in , although the prime minister does not attend the regular Sunday Cab ine.t meetings because he cannot sit in one place ror long. Other sources have another explanation for Begin 's seclusion. With tension on the Lebanese border and turmoil in r.ela~ with-the Un~t.ed-State& following the Golan annexation, Begin does not want to become involved in side issues like the budget or education policy. "He has the perfect excuse," said a Begin aide who asked to remain anonymous. "He can see whom he wants lo see and say no to others. He can concentrate all his mental energy on foreign policy and seeurity." Those areas always have been his favorites anyway. Begin professes scant expertise or interest In domestic policymaking, and has left the economy to Finance Minister Yoram Aridor. who la.st year cut Israel's n.tnaway innation from 133 percent to 101 percent .•. · concern grows WASHINGTON CAP> -A 1ovemment aclentlat, wamlna that waate disposal In the oteana la tncreasln1, ••rs more research ii needed t mankJnd wants to avoJd belnC 'poisoned by Its own garba1e. Dr. Lawrence Swanaon told a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration briefing this week offshore waste dumplna Is likely to continue at. least for the ndr future. "H we are going lo avoid some severe problems ln the future, we'd betl~r find out what the problems are and their solutions," said Swanson, director of NOAA 's Office of M arlne Pollution Assessment. In the 19708, Con1r~ss passed laws to end ocean dumping or municipal and industrial wastes. But this effort st~ed for two reasons, Swanson satd. In 1981, a federal judge allowed New York City to continue dumping sewage sludge into the ocean when he ru led the Environmental Protection Agency had failed lo show past dumping had severely degraded the waters. In this case, Swanson said, scientists were unable to relate sources or pollution to the effects they saw, lncludine t umors and blindness in commercial fish caught near the dump area. called the New York lJight. A second r elson for reconsidering ocean dumping stemmed from studies which showed land disposal or burning also could have severe environmental consequences, inc luding groundwater contamination. -- THE BETTER TO SEE BY -EmmC'll .J Ma~·el' Thousands of others. however. Wl'l'e upset Sr and Lois Pitts were among 340.00o New bec:ause a c hain of convenience sto1·es. Orleans-area residents who were abll• to J?el promoting the glas~<'s . ran out Tht• Tuesda~ 3-0 glasses to see ··Revenge <?f .the Creature·· night movie wus th<.' first public T\. s howing shown by an area. tele ·..,..s_1o_n_..,...c..,...h..,...a..,...n..,...n..,...C'..,...l==o..,...r..,...a..,...3..,...·..,...D..,...m=o~v..,...ie..,....=========~-:-::~ THE FIRST VC ·R WITH STEREO ! ' . I I : ,:' : :., I : ··oceans now appear to be much more amenable to waste because there it has much less -direct impact on rnan, ... Swanson -l l -l-11iiio41•---.il!l said. He noted oceans obviously are not an ideal place for waste disposal, but said the country s hould face the reality there is a trend toward using them for that purpose. Since the New York court decision, cities that were prepared to stop ocean dumping resumed the practice, he said. These include Norfolk, Va .. the District of Columbia , Philadelphia and Boston. •'The trend ls that we are going to use ocean dumping more and more, and we may have to write off parts of the ocean whether we like It or not," said the scientist. S..Tole :-:--= $1395 ~ ONE STOP FOR ALL YOUR VIDEO NEEDS VIDEO 369 East 17th Street Costa Mesa (across from Ralph's) 63 1-STOP OPEN. M -f . 10-9-SAT. 10-6-SUN. 12 ·5 t \ \ Hw cl llde 9m1ts- Gifts -Awliqlles ..... • '• :P • • s ' 1 s ·s.i. •S-.. t7M735 Aho Located On B•6oa lslancl Send 'ftle veblnl Bouquet. Valentine's Day, Feb.14. ""~"""!"~"'!"!"""--------------------------------------------------------.;....---------'O~r~ang..:.;•~Co;.;..;;•~·~o-~_L~Y-~--LO_T_l_Fr_1d_•~Y·~F-•_b_ru_•~~~1-2_._1982 __________ s ______ ~ ___ ·~ 0000 FOR THE HEART Brenda Sorice reacts to a kiss from Larry Wells during an American Heart Association benefit this week in Los Angeles. Wells was one of a group of University of Southern California AP ........ students who posed for photos in a calendar entitled "Looking Good .. The calendars are being sold lo aid in the fight against heart disease OUR "LUNCH-IN THE COUNTRY" GIFTSET IS YOURS WITH ANY DEVIN BY ·ARAMIS PURCHASE OF •8.50 OR MORE And tt's 1ust what you need to feel really refreshed (especially if you spend 9·to·5 Indoors). Glftset Includes: 1 oz. Devin Light Sporting Cologne: 1.4 oz. Country Cream Shave Foam: and 1 oz Country Fresh Soap. Packed away in a reusable brown acrylic case And yours for the asking when you come in for your Devin refill. (If you've yet to experience the blue-sky freshness of Devin, why not mention what a great valentine you think it would make!) Country Cologne. 2 oz $13, 4 oz $20, 8 oz $32. Country Cologne Spray, 3 oz $20. Country Aftershave. 4 oz. $13.50, 8 oz. $22. Country Af1ershave Soother. 4 oz. S12 Country Soap-on-a-Rope, $8.50. Country Talc, 33/. oz. $7. Robinson's Aram1s. 61 To order. call toll-free 1·800-345-8501 . Medfly damage figures vary 1 Quoted losses fr0m pest range up to $73 million U SACRAMENTO (AP) -State and local offlclala can't a1ree on the amount of farmers ' lOlaea u a reault of last year 's Medtterrane•n fruit fly lnfeatatlon, with eatJmates ran1ln1 from $16.4 mUllon to $73 mlllloo. The I01ses were attributed to the Japanese boycott of California produce and price reductions cawsed by consumer reaction to the medfly scare. The $16.4 mllllon estimate came thls week from Jed ,&dams I assistant director or markeUn1 aervicea of the elate Food and Aarlculture Department. The $73 million fl&ur• came from a aurvey of 40 county agriculture commlsslonera. ·The comml"sloners for Freano and Ventura counties each estimated their loues at $19 million and the Tulare County commlaalooer put that county's loss at $16 million. Jerry Scribner, deputy director of the state department, said the county commissioners' estimate was compiled at · Director Richard Romln1er's requeat after the Freanol com ml11lontr reported bla county's loll exceeded the tcta1 estimated by Adams. Adams aald the bl11est lOi!aes -,._ were au'ltalned by oran1e. lJ lemon, melon and strawberry 1rowera. '(8 .... l .. U.S. judge won't block remap plan Oldest Navy ship in l88t homecoming IM •Qll B'IJ 10l :alt itirl I SAN DIEGO <AP) -It was {Jll the last homecoming for the 81 nation's oldest Navy ship on tiw active duty, and a few people i> ' cried. ,,q As the USS Dixie tied up this r l week at Pier 6 of the Naval 10 1 Station, relatives and friends r.\'b greeted the crew of 840, both ;,,, men and women. I m LOS ANGELES <AP) -A federal judge has refused to issue an order sought by Califor9ia Republican Party leaders in a dispute over reapportionment that could have forced delay of the state's June 8 primary election. U.S. District Judge Consuelo Marshall this week turned down the request for a temporary restraining order against the state's new Democrat-drafted redistricting laws. She said the Republicans had "not made sufficient showing that immediate and irreparable damage" would occur if a temporary restraining order were not issued. Richard Manness. an attorney representing California Secretary of State March Fong Eu, bad argued that granting of a restraining order could force postponement of the June 8 primary election. The Dixie, a destroyer tender, 11 Y sailed la.st July to the Western , M Pacific and Indian oceans to 1 <ii provide services for 7th Fleet t9b units. Its 42nd year on active l lH duty ends April 25, and in June 1 t h e D i x i e w i l l b e vd decommissioned from active 0",4 duly. SHOP THIS SAT., SUN., & MONDAY FOR OUR SUPER DISCOUNT PRICES OH ••• * VIDEO RECORDERS * COLORTV * APPLIANCES * MICROWAVES * PROJECTION TV -VISA. SOMY ••• n. 0.. Md Q.ty SH 1HE FULi. UME OF SOMY COlOI TY AT 1HE HAUOI ADA'S LAIGUT SOMT DIALER • z1· D11!JMll Tt .. uw ·~~=:•r • C.W.hcldy WHmlOOI. IUILT.:tM Mo.ROST · DtSHW ASHEll REFRIGERATOR . • 17.7 C:& ft . • ,...._. Stlet 0.-.. • ,....,.... .... sw.., • 3WCllhCydes WASHY . ....,,.. • 1.-Ille Cyd91 . , ... ,,... • fMr'9Y SaYiRcJ OpKoft • Dual Le•el Wmh DRYll .,_ ....... . , ... s•:t._ • I Cydel I \ ~ '' \ • T • "· • Orange Coaat OAtl V PILOT/Friday, February 12, 1982 'Big spender' on trial Wi tness 1ays edU(ator blew $80,000 in ni ght club -------- Grec1ous hv1ng in a country club saning that I overlooks tho bay Thats Park Newport· The finest ddult apartrnen1 community 111 lash1onable New DOr1 Beach Here. for your pleasure a $H., m1lhon Social and Health club, 8 hghled tennis courts. racquetball courts, 7 sw1mm1ng pools and acres of gardens Leases are ~va1lable for l 2 and 3 bedroom units Some are oleganlly furnished APARTMENTS ANO TOWNHOUSES · ON THE BAY IN NEWPORT BEACH FROM $540 TO $1,000. Conven.enlly IOcaled on lhe Upper Bay Park Newport IS JUSI 5 Quick minules from the Orange Counry Airport and all ma1or business centers On Jamboree Road al Sein Joaquin Hills Road Telephone (7,.) 644-1900 PARK NEWPORT• MOUNT VERNON , Ill. (AP> -.A former Untvtralty of Illlboll vtce pre1tdent w11 a bi• spender who dlapented '80.000 tor drlnka, bubble bath and companloruhlp In 13 vl1ll8 lb a ni1htclub, the club's manqer testified. Ronald Martin, manaaer' of the Club Taray. testified that un I vers lty official Robert Parker was his beat customer, spending more in his club than any other patrons. Parker la being tried on charges he stole $600,000 from the school "There was a lot of attention given to rum," Martin said. "He seemed to enjoy himself when he came in. Everyone wanted to talk to rum -he was a very good spender." M artrn denied prostitutes worked at the club, localed in the Chicago suburb or Franklin Park . and said Parker's purchases of bottles or bubble bath, at a cost of up to $4,000 each, were not unus ual "He was buyinte bubble bath ior the ladies," Martin said. ''If you buy a bottle, you can tailt to the Jad1es. ·· Martin identified 13 checks in amounts ranging from $2,854 to $12,096, that Parker had given the club during the visits Park er. a former vice president ror financial affairs. is on trial in J efferson County Circuit Court on 157 counts of felony theft in connection with the disappearance or $600,000. He has pleaded innocent to all charges. P arktr'• attorney, Artbur Lerner of Champai p , ha1 1aJd there la no QUH tlon Parker wrote t.M cbeeu and that tht money wq oot hi.a. The l11uo ln the trial will be Parker'• •late ol fl)lnd when he wrote the checka, Lerner ea.Id. Lerner sold testimony will s h ow that Ronald Brady, execuUve vice president of the ' ' H e w,a s buyi ng bubble bath fo r the ladies. .If buy , a bott le can talk to l d . ,, a ies ... you you the university. frequently excluded Park e r from soc ial engagements after bus iness meetings in Chicago and that Parker turned to a "sleazy" nightclub after being left out. I n other testimony . four women said Parker took them on dates and gave them as much as $208,000 each. The women said the d ates occasionally ended with sexual activity m his hotel room. Cathy Robinett, 28 . testified s he got about $208,000 In checks fro m Parker between March 1980 and April 1981 She said ... Pa rker took htr. to dlnner, eometlmtt wlth anotbtr woman who a1ao recetvtd money from Parker. 'Ibey would then 10 to hla hot.el room, ahe said "On mott otcaaions, •exual activity wae not what was happenina," 1he said. Parker paid the Internal Revenue Service $20,000 ln taxes ehe owed, Miss Robinett testified. "1 thouacht the man wu in love with me. He dJd propose marriage to me," she said. · Robin Stearny', 28. testlfled she got about $75,000 from Parker. She described eveninas with him similar lo those described by Miss Robinett. She said she had sex with Parker on at least three occasions. Nina Lauts, 28, and Angelina O'Malley, 30, testified they met Parker when they worked al the nightclub. Miss Lauts said she was a dancer and Miss O'Malley said she was a waitress Both women dated Parker, and some of the outings ended with sex, the women said. Miss Lauts said Parker gave her more than $52,000 in checks, while Miss O'Malley said she received $65,000. Parker is accused of writing checks from an inactive U.D.\ Corp bank account after using phony vouchers to trans fer money from a Univers ity or Illinois foundation into the account. The U.D Corp. 1s a subsidiary of the found ation. Parker was an officer of both INVI TE D Pri m C' Mini s ter R o bert Mugabe of Zi"mbahwe has been invited to Cu b<1 f'o r the first t1mt> '\ln <:c hi s r o u n l r ~· g a 1 n e d andc pendencl' HBman NavySWO Navy Lt. James A . Davis, son of James W. and Constance E. Davis of 6341 G Ion a Ori ve. Huotin~ton Beach, has been d es ig n a t e d a Su rf ace War fare Officer He wai. prci.cnted with the Gold SWO insignia aboard his i.hip, cthe ammunition s hip USS Mauna K e a 1 homeportcd in ValleJo. Pillow Talk From The Heart LIMOUSINE SERVIC~ TO SHOW SUMMIT Phone 714 -494-2805 ,, r ( 0 v I~ -' M~ED MINI VALENT1Ne TINS. --;:::;::~~...: HMFrrSIVIPED ( ~L Tl~ STORE L~ -'<JRPRISeS. J), 2. II WIDE.. REG-I 00 Have a heart. give a gift that's art. If your special friend is soft on art, he or she will love a satiny soft-sculptured heart to prop 1n a chair or hang from a studio wall This hugable heart With open arms and a sentimental verse constanlly reminds your Valentine that "( Love You This Much " Small red and white >luffed heart pillow 1s 11" wide. Reg 3 95 $3.48. Large heart pillow is 20" wide Reg 9 95 S7.88. 6'~ CIMJTAL HURRIG1NE MMP WCANOlf ft:>LOER AN() PIPER M4Xt=S AN ELEGANT Ct:.NTEP.PIECe. WHEN USEO ALONE ~ S()Rff](JNCJW 8Y (rREf.NfJ'<Y Ilk " TAJ.J. ftE(rlb 9~ f/2.8/J PRfSENTABLE OfSESFOR ~- 1NS-CF F AR7livt>PJt PH01051 rn:. elt'K K ~ 6POWN VINYL tlP~RfD ~ 1145 MULTl-RIN<r f}INO!R W/8,-,CETA'[f W4YES. ll,X. /411 M<3:2,6.9'.,f/8.lJ8 14 )(. /711R[(1;34. 9~ fM'.88 GMPHICS IN ~ED DE516'NS < COLQR3 ORJG-HTE.N UP EVEN TME SM-'ILLEST" CORNER. 5J< 111 REG-1."19 88~ ---iiiii!Eiii!iii.iw~~~=iiliEii>s~ 04NOY-~m'5 800M tWtt>COYER $Tf(JPfD PEN CUJrH COOi\ MS UfT'S OF &4~ FblNT P~N 111 Am" IN~ ~S fOR OP.1WI~ Rf(j-"f'1 ~ ==-----_-_--=--_ -_ '::::J oR N<JT5. 'Jf.f )(J211 -.: ~· -Rffr995 f 1.88 HUNTINGTON BEACH 7'10 Edit-M . • Open Mon.·Frt. 10-1, llt. a Sun. 10.e COSTA MBA 1714 H1tupOlt ~ • Oplit Mqn.-Frt. N , M ~lun.10.8 EL roAO Me lri1I Or.• QPer1Moft,.,rt.10-t. s.t.1N, a lun. 11·8 .. llilr 11,.taa CAU FOi llSllYATIOttS .NEED CASH??? ••• LOAN DUE??? COMPETITIVE RA TES OH ••• I 1t, 2nd. 3rd TRUST DEEDS RESIDENTIAL OR INCOME PROPERTIES ASK FOR DUANE OR STEVE -714-760-1551 - American lndUlfriff Mortc)cHJe Corp. Roses Valentine Arrangements Candy •Gifts Also Chocolate Love Cards Come in and see our 10 tb. Hershey Bar CHECK OUR PRICES (Local delfvery on Valentlnn Doyt 1505 M.1C1 V_. Eost 545-2027 Come in and see our large selection of Swimwear Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 12, 1982 . Lincoln's gaunt look blamed on disorder ,.,...,...... STAYS IN SHAPE At 73. Boyd Liddle of Akron, Ohio. swim:. half a mile a dav exhibiting the form that made him a top college '\\\;mmer in 1928-29 while at the l 'n 1 vers 1t ~ of l<m a Gas price plunges to $17.06 in 'war' LOS ANGELES (AP) ~Abraham Lincoln'• famlUar ima1e -the commandina bei1ht, lanky frame. areal bands and 1aunt face of '° many faded photo1rapbs -w11 caused by a hereditary di1eue that trails h1J descendants to this day, says a phyelcian at USC. . Dr. Harold Schwartz said the lifelong effects of Marian syndrome were reachin1 a climax In the 56-year-old president In 1865 and would probably have killed him within a year had not an assusin struck flnt. The 1enetic disorder, which Schwartz says produces "a di1proportlonate elon1atlon of the s.keletal sya~m," can also chan1e the aorta, the matv blood vessel from the heart, cause its valve to malfunction and, ultimately, result in pro1ressive heart failure. Based on Lincoln's words and those written about him , Schwartz concluded: "He was already in heart failure at the lime he was assassinated. He could not have lived more than 6 to 12 months." Schwartz. of the USC medical school, has been studying Lincoln and Marfan syndrom e for three decades, ever since he examined a 7-year-old boy whose mother was co n cerned that "he wa s so MODESTO <AP > Major oil companies disproportionately tall." joined independents in a 2-week-old gasoline price The boy was a classic example of war that distributors say has produced the least the genetic abnormality and "the expensive fuel in the nation. famlly's name was Lincoln. I knew Gasc0. an independent firm, set the pace with immediately that Abraham Lincoln a price of $1 .059 per gallon for regular. had the same thing ·· Arco dealers, acting on a company directive to Since then, Schwartz said in an stay competitive, chopped 91f.a cents off their interview, he has traced the Lincoln wholesale price and sold regular for $1.069 a fam.ily tree, confirming his young president, and studied newspapers, books , plcturu and letters concernint Lincoln. The study of his suburban Lakewood home ls a small museum of Lincoln memorabllla. •'I found a whole world of confirmation ... It's not hyp0tbetJcal at all," be said. "I have merely put to1ether the facts that have been liven . . by the president and his contemporaries and the facts in the medical literature.·' Schwartz sald he followed the Lincoln roots back to Entland and found current branches around the United States, where "the Lincolns are all over the country.·• M arfan syndrome. which vanes widely in severity, has followed the Lincolns. It affects, by one estimate, at least five of every 100,000 Americans of all sexes and races, Schwartz said. Marian syndrome, caused by a dominant gene that affects men and women equally, was named for French pediatrician Bernard-Jean Marfan, who described it in 1896. Schwartz said those affected, in extreme cases, "are usually very iall and lean. Their arms are long and the fingers get very long and thin. The lower part of the body gets very long." · Schwartz said Lincoln's loose posture is also characteristic or the syndrome, as is evidence of severe farsighted ness and periodic squinting. Lincoln was widely reported to be ailing near the end of his life. Pictures taken before and after his first term show a man aged and weathered drastically in four years Star/.. "h1te with clear brtghts. for a lea ther camera bag of a ne\o\. anc.J different ~hape Long ~houlder \trJps of either turquo1~e and red 01 turqucme arid ye/lo" cret11e a clean colorful de~1J<n tor da~ or ni~ht By Joan and David for Lewi!>, 191 In Handbag Collcct1om -~\hc>rl' we are all the things you are, on Valencme s Day. I ebruary 14th. \,1k , / 111/J \H•11ul' \uuth < 1.aa't P/,11.J 11 I I Hr"'"' \ttt'f•t ( '"'·l "'''" gallon. patient's kinship with the 16th ;imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiii--iiiiiiii91 ----------------- FEBRUARY CARPET SALE Through Feb. 22nd ~~~.~~.!! 646-4838 968-8180 Just in time fo r V ale ntine8 Liq uidatio n o f BANKR UPT STOCK o f Fashion Island J eweler SAVE 40°/o to 80°/o I SEIKO ~t= .50% OFF B ig Selection Wedding & Engagement Rings. Precious Stones. Diamonds. Gold Rings, Pendants. and Earrings. 14 kt. & 18 kt. Chains, Bracelets, and Charms. Many Custom Unusual and One of a Kind Items. SAY JE TAIME VALENTINES DAY Make VALENTINES say not just "I LOVE YOU' but say "JE TAU-\£" For the French exemplifies the true meaning of rom8nce. On Sunday Febuary 14th the PLEASANT PEASANT (n Newport Beach located at MacArther Square Will bring you"JE TAIME" in the true French meaning! The symbol of LOVE will be given to all the ladies on this special day. A Rose that in all languages represents de'i!Qtion, and orie -.-.:v true love. "JE TAlME". DON'T J<JST SAY ''I LOVE YOU" SAY .. JE TAIME'' Twodirww~wll~~ by r~ only, one at ~ 00 Pf!\ end one Ill 7 00 PM. 425 t Martfngale Newport Beech (In_ MacArthur Sqwn) Telephone (714) 95~275~ --.·-~· "/want us to lxwe lots and lots of money." ''When we enter our golden years and retire. Cynthia, I want us to batie lots and lots of warm, wonderful memories. How about you?" \ ::...0-. • ~ ---~Z,/ BankofAmerlcaIRA PLUS: Itcould beyour 1ni11ion do11ar nest egg. Any investment that can provide you with a secure and comfortable retirement has to be the opportunity of a lifetime. To overlook it could be the mistake of a lifetime. IRA PLUS is just such an investment. Even if you open your IRA PLUS after you're 45. you could have a very comfortable nest egg by age 65. And if at 25 you started investing S2000 a year in your IRA PLUS, it could mount up to well over a million dollars by the time you retire. How your IRA PLUS nest egg can grow. Balan..'t' at.-I.Cl lf•tp<Tl('d •I Jll'<' '!tart, •~mcm n '" ,, '40 ·~ ~I ,, •2000 •t.'81.~, HI \,474 414.<•M 207,,,\6 W.9'10 ... (Ill') ,,.1171 1llx savings now. Even if your retirement is just a few years away, IRA · PWS is an effective tax sheltec And, over 30 years, your IR.A PLUS can outpace a taxable Investment with tbe same Interest rate by more tban 4 to /.' '\bu can deduct up to 12000 a year contributed to IRA PLUS from your federal income tax. ~rking couples can deduct up to 14000, And, you defer taxes on the interest. You pay taxes only on IRA PWS funds withdrawn after you retire,· • when you're likely to be in a lower tax bracket. · Ch eck our pluses. Pl~: A choice of high interest investments. ~·ln.:t from a variety of IRA PU ·~ hiW1 intcrt·st · · · invest· ment options. for example. the ratl' on our 18 month investment is one of the hiW1c"t you can get on accounts of thb type Plus: No fees. llnlikt· many IRA\. 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BANKOFAMERICAID ) .• -----· • ,., -···· y --•• ...... ..... --::.-.. --. -...-. ·~ ., ...... I ' l 1 I .. I Ofang• Cout OAJLY PILOT/Fnd"ay. Febr~ry 12, 1982 efugee programs eed local control i Orange County government flcials are on the mark in ekina changes that would ster greater local control of ograms designed to help Ipdochinese refugees resettle and tie come self -sufficient. J The county Board of supervisors has instructed the oounty's lobbyists in Sacramento "'1d Washington O.C . to work for cflanges in the administration of ~fugee assistance-programs that iould permit funds to come rectly to the county. no strings tached. As matters stand today. the slate and federal governments t(a ve nearly total control over t'aow refugee assistance funds are disbursed. Bureaucrats in far· away places determine what is important for the local refugee population. What a recent e1ght·month county study of the situation has revealed. however. is that the Sacra men to I Was hiagton priorities often do not jibe with what is considered iml)Of'tant locally. The state. for example . doesn't consider provision of emergency translation servic~s for non-English speaking refugees to be a high priority. hence. it will not provide monev for such a service. Yet. that ver~· service has been identified as being very important for refugees just arriving for resettlement. The local control concept makes sense. There is a vast array of local agencies -both public and private -that have an excellent grasp of ·what the refugee population requires. The least our state and federal governments can do is give those agencies the flexibility. and the funds . to promote eff ecli ve refugee services Stf!,dent challenge The die is cast: Effective in 1984, prospective students will need four years of high school English and two of mathematics to enter the California State University system. For Orange Countians, this requirement will affect in particular those now in their _sophomore _year oI _high icllooi who aspire to attend Cal State Fullerton or Cal State Long Beach upon graduation. The goal is laudable Too many students enter these and other schools without adequate preparation and some students would be better off starting their college years at the community college level. There also is the suspicion. however. that the officials of the California State University s y s tem are as interes ted in emulating the University of California system as they are in the betterment of pros pective students. Still, in the complex world of 1984 and beyoQd, the students need their Engli s h and mathematics. The 1mmed1ate problem that rears its head. though, is who will teach math? Many high school districts already are short of teachers with the proper credentials and undoubtedly will have to add classes. In addition , rndustry is taking on teache~with a Jflatllematics background al an alarminJ( rate. The money, the freedom from extracurricular school aetivities and the absence of pressure from parents can prove alluring. The new standards include a y ear each of algebra and geometry. The English specifics are to be drawn. Opponents of the requirements say minority s tudents and those entering college, say five to 10 years after completing high school, will have difficulty. Perhaps. but some safeg u ards nave been established. The impact on the com. munity colleges is expected to be higher enrollments at a time when funds are shrinking. Still. on balance, stricter standards can only benefit the educational process Electronic lawmaking When the Hou s e of Repre s entatives began g av e l to -gavel televis ion coverage of its proceedings three years ago, Speaker Thomas P O'Neill Jr. pronounced the move ·a disaster .. Now he says it is the finest thing that has happened to the House. and most representatives agree There has . been n o increas e in demagoguery. no attempts to play to the cameras. and members seem to come to the floor better prepared. the~· say That could be because they have been able to follow the debates on closed c ircuit television sets in their offices up to the time of a vote . it is suggested. Now the Senate. which still bars cameras. is debating joining the electronic age by permitting its own li ve TV coverage. with Majority Leader Howard Baker leading the campaign. Unfortunately. Louis iana Sen . Rus s ell Long s eems determined to keep television out • of the upper chamber. citing all the old arguments that surfaced when the House was considering the move But last week the Senate voted 92·3 to at least keep the proposal alive, despite Long's filibuster threats. In view of the success of the Ho use experiment. it seems reasonable. as Baker puts it. to "extend the public gallery electronically to all the nation·· by debating the public·s business in public. It might not be the most ~xciting show on the air. but the volume of mail received in response to some of the House floor debates indicates that many viewers find it as addictive as daytime soap operas Cable TV coverage of many other lawmaking bodies. from state legislatures down to city councils has helped develop a more informed and more involved electorate. The Senate should join the electronic age. o.,inions expressed in the space above ere those of the Daily Pilot. Other views u · pressed oo tnis page are tno!>e ot tne1r ctutnors ctnd art 1sts. Reader 'omment 1s 1nv1t· ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1~. Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone·(7Hl 0 641-4321 LM. Boyd/Camel capacity c.. " 'l'hat a camel can 10 a Jone time Urm, Smelly Tramps. Ltd. lta without water la known by all. Leu collecton aren't really bums. But well reported la bow much water a tbey dt'eaa1 lo tatters and douse thil'1ty camel can drink in, aay, jut tbemMlvt11 With IOme tort ol 1tendl! 10 minutes. Enou1b to rm your then lit a.round UI• watttq rooma GI bathtub is about bow much. the debton Oil tbelr au.lpmtnt lilta. Q . What 'a that blll·collecllnt , company that UMt bums to IO afMor baddebta? A. Believe you refu to U. Britbll ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat • note who ara'\ bo4Uy thrown out usually wtnd u~ with UM paymenta. Tbe cantaloupe and the C11CU1Dbe.r are kin, too. \ 'Race-neutral' tag ludicrous LOS ANGELES -The Justice Department last week Joined the Los Angeles Board of Education before the United States Supreme Court to argue for the constitutionality of the new California law that ended court-ordered busing of schoolchildren in this city last year. Justice Department lawyers filed a "friend of the court" brief stating that the law and the campaign that led to its adoption by statewide vole were "rac~neutral." Yeah, like the Civil War was "race-neutral." THE LANGUAGE of the Justice Department's brief is a joke to anyone who lived in Los Angeles during the _angry mQ!lths that led to the approval of the initiaUVelrf"'D'rt. It -wu ~ ''ProposlUon l" and it amended the state eoostituUon to prevent aute courts from ordering busing to desegregate schools. Voters approved the initiative by better than 2-lo-1 statewide .. That was the end of two years of state court-ordered busing in a city as segregated as any in the United States. Black and Hispanic parents immediately filed suit to federal court in an attempt to overturn the new law. They were represented by lawyers from the American Civil Liberties Union and that well-known rare -neutral. org&nUation, the National 'Association for the Advancement of Colored People. That case ia the oae the Supl'emt Court is expected to decide this spring. Now the justices have received the Justice Department's opinion that Proposition 1 represented nothing more than "a race-neutral belief in the advantages (of neighborhood schools> for all races." The reason white parents -led by Bobbi Fiedler, who iA now a Republican member of Congress - RICHARD Rf IVIS organi1ed to finance the initiative was, according to the Justice Department, thetr-bettef -ltr.-• ·~ffV9t-jOft-i>f financial resources, maximization or educational opportunities and enhancement or public participation in the educational process . . . There is no evidence that Proposition l bears more heavily on racial minorities than on the majority." Presumably the Justice Department also believes that the black parents of Los Angeles who voted heavily against Proposition 1 were actually opposed to maximization of educational opportunities. "The issues of busing, or course, were complex," said Kathleen Brown, a member of the Board of Education in 1.979. "It WU fbore complex than race alone. But there was no question that the feeling of the campaign was baaed on raciaJ currents at\d undercurrents." And the racial current s and' undercurrents of tbe Reagan administration stink in lbe now of American history. Every day in almost every way administration officials seem to be trying to add insult to the injury of the American black experience. Sometimes they seem to be doing it for no particular reason. ·They just do It -on votine rights, on tax exemptions for segregationist academies and, now, on public school integration. It is the White House that is doing this The same Justice Department lawyers on similar busing cases now coming to the Supreme Court were laking the opposite side in lower courts-; bef&re-R.eagaA -&pp0in~a became their bosses. . THE INSULT, by the way, is the issue. The Justice Department may very well be right on the legalities or the Los Angeles busing case. Perhaps the whole thing is a state matter - California schools, Californja courts and California voters. But the whole thing is not "race-neutral. .. The whole busing issue has been about race from the beginning. Neutrality is a sham. We are being governed right now by hypocrites who, if they could have round a white indentured sevant somewhere in 1861, would have proclaimed that slavery, too, was race-neutral Legislative staffing out of control Viewine the opulence of the suite of offices provided for the Assembly Speaker, former Speaker Paul Peek was moved to note, on the occasion of the ceremonies dedicating the restored state Capitol, that until be became Speaker in 1939 there was no office space for the legislators let alone the Speaker. His observation didn't begin to tell the story of the changes that have been wrought since bis day. Legislators of that time used their school type lift-up top desks ror their "offices." Not having offices they didn't have secretaries but dictated necessary letters from these desks lo stenographers from a common pool. TODAY THE 120 members of the Legislature are served by an army of secretaries, aides and other staff totalin& some 2,200 persons. Although some, mainly committee cooaultants, are highly professional in their conduct, studiously avoidin& partisan political activity and maintaining complete impartiality, the majority of staff people are extremely partlAan. Tbe truth is that many en1a1e in political activities including campaigning for the sole purpose of keepin1 their respective members in office. These myriad political workers have ballooned the operational costs of the Legislature to something over' $100 million annually. The proliferation of staff has been a gradual thing. The Senate didn't have any full-time staff until the mid-fifties. It was then that the Capitol annex was completed to provide oUice suites for all '. llll WATIRS of the members. With the offices came personal secretaries and than "aides". By the lime Jesse Unruh became Speaker in 1961 staff expansion was well under way. And Unruh, advocating the "full-time professional le~lator," laid the foundation for the bureaucracy which the Legislature has become. Not only do the lawmakers have plush office suites in the Capitol but all now have "field offices" in their districts with "field representatives'' to man them. These are but euphemisima for year-round campaign headquarters and campaign workers. Al the Capitol each legislator has at least one "aide " alone with '•consultants·' a nd even •'press secretaries" whose main function is to pump out press releases intended lo Quiz for word detectives Just aa old -fashioned, no-special-theme word quiz today, for all you who enjoy tracking down derivatives to unexpected sources. One-thlrd correct qualifies you u an "E .E." <Embryonic Etymolopt). 1. What is It that is rinlinl when we "make the welkin rinl''? 2. Why waa Kini Ethelred of En1land called the "Unready"? 3. Althou&h Currisr of Currier 4r Ives 111111 UUll 5 WH 1 lithoe'apher, acconlina to bis name what should bis occupatfort have been? 4. Wh)' are the &*>Pie wllo carry tbe roffin called "pall-bearen"t 5. What wu the famous lt.eamahlp "Lus.ltanla'' named art.rt t . Wby are aome ape-dee ot bear talled 0~•·1 . '7. Why dld'tbe ancfeet Greeb call the mythical tribe of female warrlora "Amaaooa"? I . When we refer to aomeone u • 'lbe c~ure of all eyet,'' bow did that 1trao• uprealaa onatnatel 9. Why is the scent used by women called "perfume"? 10. Wby are so many mountain ranges labeled "sierras"? ANSWERS: 1. The sky, or the vault of heaven. 2. He was mentally slow and gave poor advice. (He bad no ready answers . a.a we would put il today.) 3. A currier curried leather, so he would be a tanner. 4. The pall i1 a cloth covertnc thrown over a casket; as a metapbor. any covering that darkens or obscures: "A pall of a mote over the ctty." J. Portugal: lt ls the early name for that ~, as Iberia ls the early name for Spain. 4. A 11'1al.Y bear 11 a tind of brown bear ftecked wttb rray. 7. "Amason .. 11 a Greek word mean.int "*"°"' bNat: they were said to have burned off their rilht breut, better to draw the bow. 8. ''Cynoaure" wu the North Star, obeerved by all early muinen. t . ''Pv f\lmeri'' la the Latin mean .. "from amoke," the first ·perlumtt havlnl been obtained by the eombuatJon of aromaUc wood.I and aums. 10. It la Spanlab for "aaw," refeninl to a rmnie whole topt are indent.Id ancl 1prm a uw·llte appearance. ... .._.._, .. _-~ ·-·" .......... --. - ... assure the member's re-election In Peek's time the idea of payrolling a press agent at the taxpayers' expense was unthinkable Such chores were done by employees of the state centraJ committees of the Republican and Democratic parties. And they were assiduously careful not to use state offices. equipment or postage in these efforts in the knowledge that the criticism by the press would have driven them and the legislators out or the Capitol. It was bad enough for the legislators to employ such unjustifiably targe numbers or staff, some of them paid more than the governor and many twice as much as the legislators themselves. but their recent pulling on of airs in tiUes takes the rag off the bush. The Speaker now has "chief of staff" and bis press secretary has a secretary. The Assembly Rules Committee has a "chief administrative officer" and the so-called Office of Research has a "director." These strutting puppets have assumed an importance greater t han the legislators and often dictate and speak for the elected members. lT IS NO WONDER the lawmakers can't control the budgets of the state departments. Having built for themselves their own bureaucracy they are no longer in a position to crtticiu the state's bureaucracy. But there is a growing demand oo the part of the public for the legislators to clean up their act. The use ol public runds for partisan political purposes and campaigning is, of course, illegal. Even if it were not it would be highly improper a nd it is time for the legislators to divorce such activities from their payrolls and return the01 to the state central committees and campaien committees. At the same time they should restore to the central committees the responsibility for campai1n fund railin1. The extent to which the teclslators have become involved in such activities is acandaloua. The manner lo which It is done violates the spirit and intent of the laws on bribery. 111111• Tbe to-ea!Md blah·clu1 enterta1nefl lo Lu Vqu are ahllla enUctna tM abeep to come lo and be ahorn of tbelr bard.earned cuh. 8.J. • M a CiF 'TZ'Dr ...... :a=:.=...-== .. ~ .... . ~ ... ----··:: ........ . .. ""'7.··· -·-=-• • --·. ··--ti .. --_.: I I ... ~- mom striikes · SAN RAMON (AP) -"Not.le.I Thia Mother, Maid, Cook, Driver Laundreu, Gopher, MOHY·Chan1er la on Strike t1ntU P\trther Notice." With that alan posted on the front of her house, bo\llt"ife Mary Ellen Shaver told her three ~blldren abe wu fed up wltb wo~kin1 conditions. Jt'a a atrtke wtth no end ln ataht. ·'Parent• have some rtahta. too," declared Mn. Shaver. "Thia ia \hetr home, and they have to learn how to take care of it.·' The strike began Monday, when 18-year-old Beth Shaver returned from school and saw the si1n posted near her dirty laundry dumped on the front porch. Mrs. Shaver is not battlnt an eye at the sight of aging Chinese take-out food on one of her dau1hter'1 bedroom tables . Or the towels and hair dryer on the floor or the children's bathroom. She isn't cooking for her children. She isn't picking up for them. She Isn 't drivin« fQr them. Husband John Shaver, who ls not being struck, rulfy supports her. But some or 'the kids aren't happy. "Ni of this moment, they're a little bit stunned," said Shaver, a research scientist in the radiology department at UC San Franc isco. 1'Especially when they turned on the TV and found their rooms shown on TV." .. ••.. ... •:C- . N .. ~ ~ }.:.~ ::-c. -... ·~ ' . :.. WA lil.S OU T Cla iming her job has become "tedious. and frustrating .·· R ep. S hi rlev Ch is hol m . 0 -N.v .: says she will not seek re-election this vear to the seat she has held for 14 years Valley man . " . ' WD18 wings Second Lt. Miguel A. Molica, son of Mr. and Mrs. Miguel A. Molica o r 16085 Cach e St.. Fountain Valley, has g raduated fro m Air Force pilot training, and has received s il ver win gs a t Reese Ai r Force Base, Texas. Molica will serve at Orcutt Air Force Base, Neb. The lieutenant is a 1980 gra dua te of Cal Stale Long Beach. Level stays S AN F RAN C ISCO CAP ) -The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals bas granted a request fro m t h e s tat e of Cal i fornia fo r an injunction blocking tbe government from filling th e New Melones Re s ervoir a bove the 844-foot level. ons~ '"·'rimtr (eges~) An academic readiness program with emphasis on the performing arts. N twport .fllwltt . <IIonsuuatoru llU 1rW111 tl7.0111 25th year Anniversary g_ , an the Ha r bor Area f ;.--"• ~ f MMOS flfSUUNC£ CIOUP 44 t ow .._,.... U.d. Mew,.t .... k.CA Hl-7740 01ildren'1 ~Show ' .. ~......... ,. ............ Milke Valentines say not just I L.OVE YOU but NY JET Av.\E For the French exM'tpllfles the ~ ~nlng of romance. On Su~ay Febuory 14th the Chez L.autrec In Newport Beach located on Lido Island. Wiii Bring you . JE T'l\IME' In the true French meaning! The symbol of love will be given to all the ladies on this 1peclal day A ro~ that in oll langwges repr~t:t ~ollol 1. one true lov~. Jt. T AIME Enjoy an evening In the quiet atmosphere of France, ll'l Newport Beach • For the finest In nouvf!lle cuisine caU <..hez Lduttec for reservations today (714) 6754904 L>on t Ju~ lic:IY I love you wy Jl T AIML 3421 Via Lado. Newport Beach, (714) 675·4W4 Comol•I• dlno4ir for two lnclud4ta compliment ary g I a a a o f c hampagne , strawberry parfait. and cholca of 2 entreee marinated steak or Seafood plate Stro l ling Vlolir\Jst. Free Baby orchid for every lady. Valentines Day 4-10 p.m. •b lumJ Btstaurant ..,..~~ ....... --1 37 Fashion Island, Newport Beach For Reserv a lion 644-2030 ,. .~ . .. . •' Salem 'il '· Jl , . ' ., ' 4 p ii ' . ·, '(r .. .. 'j' ·, l . ' I ~ I I i: H 1; II It:, 11, 1J rl h ti 1 , .... .<f 1 J ·11 M 'll J 1., •• t(J or c'1l l ,I ~--~-~~-~~~------~~--:""-:----~~~~~ I .. nl I v-rn re I '&emendous Savings For Those Prepared 1b Act Now/ The California Coastal Commission is no longer in the afff.lrdable housing business. Now, McLain Development Co. is no longer required to subsidize millions of dollars in low-cost housing in order to build Sea Island. In addition, construction interest rates have been substantially reduced. Our subcontractors have alBo renegotiated their prices. These items add up to considerable savings. Consequently, we are pleued to pass these large savings on to our current buyers as well as those ready to purchase before costs escalate again. Eff ectlve immediately, Sea Island prices are reduced by $55,000 to $210,000 for an average reduction of $140,000. Spectacular architecture, custom appoint- ments, lush semi-tropical landscaping and a secure guarded-gate community plus the historic appreci- ation of Newport Beach property, make these fine homes an incomparable value. These new homes represent an island of security in a changing world ... at prices that can never be duplicated! So take advantage of this unique opportunity now. Robert B. McLain President 'Between tfze [lilirways and tfze_ Sea in 9{§wport 'Beacli Artistically etched into a gentle hillside adjacent to the fairways of Irvine Coast Country Club, Sea Island is oriented to panoramic views of the golf course, Upper Newport Bay, the Pacific Ocean or the cosmopolitan silhouette of Newport Center and Fashion Island. You'll agree that Sea Island is, indeed, the definitive state~ ment of fine living, a worldofelegance, guarded-gate security, •This offer is effective only for the homes remain· in~ in the first phase of Sea Island. The availability of 1h1s limited number of units at these prices is neccs- saril}'. ~ubja.-t to change due to interest rate• and market conditions. recreation and sophistication that reflects the Legacy of Style for which Newport Beach is uniquely renowned. Select your new residence from a variety of architecturally-bold two and three-bedroom floor plans, ranging in size up to 3,003 square feet and appointed to Sea Island's theme of the quintessence of privileged lifestyles. f i SFAISIAND ~restigious Condom iniu ms Newport Beach A Legacy of Style. now from . . . . ·.- $350,000 to $795,000 123/4% Int erest (13.519% A PR) • 11 Sea Cove Lane Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 673-0474: Fee Simple Ownership ii ?, '· "' I •' ~ l .. . ! 1 f • f I lllllJ 1'1111 FRIDAY, FEB. 12, 1982 CAVALCADE GARDEN COMICS 82 83 86 . How .about ,a TV spectacuLar on El Salwdor?. Read Art Hoppe onP,age 82. 0 0 Mail-order 'Honor-Bilt' homes rediscovered EDITOR'S NOTE -TMH wrt the houNt S.Ora bt.riU. But tbat um some 30 veor•. aoo crad more, idwn dreamt wrt still up for buJling. What ho~"ed to thtm, after Amtrimawoke from the Deprtanon nightmart? TM Seara' "Honor-Btll" homt• lttmOI dream-like aa tutr By JOHN STRACHAN , AHKla• ..,_ Wl'ttff ANGOLA, N. Y. -It was the American dream in klt form. If you could believe a mall ·order merchant who backed up his silver-ton1ued promises with a gilt·edaed guarantee, you could bulld your own home, just llke the ones in the Sears, Roebuck and Co. catalog. From 1908 to 1937, about 100,000 people gambled on Richard Sears' pledge that his new mail-order firm could make them homeowners at a considerable savlnas In time and money. You just had to live near a rallroad line, send ln your order and wait for the boxcars to arrive, failed with lumber, lath, shingles, millwork, flooring, hardware, nails and even paint and varnish. You dug the ~oundatlon - probably with a horse-drawn scoop -hauled the pre-cut materials to the construction site, matched up the numbered plecea with the plans and instructions and put it toaether. You could get a slx·room cottaee tor $765, if you got in on the deal when it be&an. At it.s peat in 1926, the Modem Homes cataloe contained 14-4 pages of mor~ than 100 homes, with the top ·Of ·the-II ne model, the" ''Magnolia," selllna for around SS,000. The "Mapolia" wu a Southern-style mansion with Gothic columns, servants' quarters, a solarium and a curvina ataircase. Sears would even handle the lioanclnc. and that's what helped kill the pro1ram. At the height of the Depresaion, with many homeowners out of work, Sears found Itself in the embarrassing position of having to foreclose on the mort1ages It had willingly offered to stimulate sales. Now, for reasons that are rooted as deeply in economics as th ey are in emotion, a generation that prizes everything troql vintage comic books to early filling station a re hitecture Is coming to cherish the charm. the quality and a certai n stubborn American practicality or the Sears '"Honor-Bilt." was built ln 1927 by a contractor who lived there until the Depression did him ln and the bank foreclosed on hla mort1aee. Nancy Hell's father, a banker, bought the home at a bank auction for $7 ,500 ln 1934. Duriq World War II, the 1pacloU1 home was broken up into apartmenta and 27 years aao Mrs. Hell and her husband Eu1ene started their fWleral business there. The Heila aUll live uii-tairs. where they ralaed five sona. "People tell us how much they enjoy being here -consldert.n.g You could get , a 6-room house for $765 . In a company newspaper in the circumstances.'' says Mrs. Mar ch 1980. Phillip Erfer wrote Heil "It's such a beautiful home." about some Sears homes an Pennsylvania, then ask ed With Erfer's encouragement, company employees to tell him the campaign has been picked about any they knew of in their up by other periodicals along the own cities East Coast, where many of the Many who wrote back were homes were built. Sears homeowners themselves. A Rochester. N.Y .. newspaper One writer was us ing the got 30 responses when it asked original 1932 steam furnace in its readers, in a real-estate page his house. Another turned up a feature: "Do You Live In A landmark home on the main Mail-Order House., .. A recent streetofDavidson,N.C.,buill ln Elmira , N.Y. newspaper ·ti 1917 for the first dean of students campai~n un~overed 25 Sears / ~ at Davidson College homes, mcluding one dating~ 1908 -the year the first ~bit Some sent back t.b.e_origina.I -hemttwe1e tntYodUceG./ DUITding plans, catalogs, deeds They even have come· to the and settlement papers for their attention of preservationist.a, u homes. The documents ' are now evidenced by a full-color photo stored in the Sears archives in spread in a recent article in · Chicago. Historic Preservation maeazine, Now, Sears homes are being entitled "Sears, Roebuck's dis,covered daily -from rural Best-Kept Secret." Sedgewick, Kan .. to the affluent "Can you imagine the kind of Washington suburb of McLean. faith people had?" Erfer asked. Va. -all worth far more than "Sending in money to a catalog their original owners ever could store that hadn't been around STILL A BEA UTY This funeral home in East Aurora. N.Y .. is an adaptation or "The Magnolia." a catalog pre-cut home offered by Sears. Roebuck and Co. in 1918 for SS.140. The clapboard house was built in 1927 Q.y a contractor who lived ............. in it unw the Depression resulted in the bank having to foreclose on the mortga~e. The structure was bought at a bank auction by the father of the present owners in 1934 for $7.500. have dreamed. that long, and believing someone One or the more unusual finds who told them they could build a is a 10-room funeral home in this house?" Buffalo, N. Y .• suburb. The But it was a faith that was stately white clapboard home well rewarded. 9EO ~001'1 • 6 I( 12-0 - WITll ITOll roon•n01':' llClAVATE!> VlfDZ Tll£ J:MTl&E 8UlLDJ"O. le• on SJ&C• I bo-w JO\l ca.n se& &bu• pl•n• wt\bOu' OOI\ M> 1ou. --··· -Wltb •km• rwn~Uon, H llhuU.-.4. •nd ••ca.•uaon ol bHtmtn Ul.ro\ICb•u•. _., MM>u• Mee • The arrangement of this house is as follows: Ft 1<-.T 1'1.c u 11< I." 1111! M ''°'" l'-•dr• • •rn "•'' '"'" I. 1r~· Fr11nt \'o·r m•l 1 I<· 1r l'nr. 1· I ' 1111n 'I •t ii "1.!1 h "' Ito""' II i1..t " r •• , Ill .. I I •I "' I ..: ,, I I It 111 ,,, II mo 111 I•\ I.! t•·· 1 h 111•h1 •\I ~ I••' ..... ,,.. ,., l.t ,, '. •• It I t 1., ·• I••' I ,, • I Ii Ill• ht I \ I ,, I I ,, II Ir· .. ..:11 111 I 11 111• h•·" r"t.11 1, n~·lh 111 """ " : I 1 .. • .. SO !TOTAL COIT -The Sears Modem Home catalog of 1808 included this modest, but well-kept home. Fr0m Sears' pledge that hi• new mail-order firm oould make you a homeowner at cOnsiderable savings in tf me and money. about 100,000 people built their own houses. The order an1ved oomplete with lumber, lath, shingles, mlllwork. Ooorln1, hardware, nails and even the necessary paint and varnish. 0 i I DO-IT-YO UR SELF -This charming colonial-type home was available from the Sears catalog In 1908 at the price ot SS,140. For that sum, you received all the buUdin1 materials necessary to finish the house as c . c (> "·~ .... ., l>l lf'Ml •. ,.,., shown -lncludin& real oak flooring and two coats ot paint in /our color choice. The catalo1 homes falle durinf the height of the Depression, as toO many of the "Honor-Bllt" houaes had mortgages foreclosed. I 1 ' ii I I # .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Feb~uary 12, 1812 ~SILENT SENTRY -A calm Mount St. Helens ·provides the backdrop for fishermen on the ;Columbia River north of Portland. Ore. It •ANN LANDERS -HOROSCOPE •ART HOPPE - Abuse victims need help:: AP ........ was the first day the public was allowed access to some areas devastated by t ht• volcano's eruption on May 18 . 1980. . DEAR ANN LANDERS: Your advice to "Daddy's Girl" in Kalispell. Mont .. was good. but you didn't go far enough. Child abuse is, a hideous thing. and that girl needed to be told to go lo the nearest police station and ask to see the juvenile officer. • Every child should be aware that he or she is protected by LAW. If that girl's father is truly suicidal. he can be taken into protective custody to prevent him from harming himself. She should not allow him to blackmail her like that I am a psychologist who has seen more child abuse cases than I care to think about. These children need to know the~· have the legal right to counseling by trained people who will help them sort out their feeliQgs of anger. gJJilt. shame. fear and disloyalty. They also need to know they are not to blame. U a father is lonely. sad. depressed. sexually unfulfilled. angry or whatever. it is not t.he child's problem. It is HIS. If he doesn't seek help. his children should not be made to suffer. 111 -------------rn• ··~ llt •' self ·evident. that all men are created equal. .. So. in a very real sense. these special privileges are in violation of the ,,, llL Constitution. Right'! Sign me FED UP l, IN BE'rn&5DA. MD. l • . . DEAR BETH: Wrong. When our'lt .". Founding Fathers wrote, "~I men are created equal," they meant no person ls better than another by virtue or race, color r or creect:Tbe man who Is born without legs ' I I or UIJ\S or sight was not "created equal." n Handicapped people deserve the small 11 • privilege of being permitted to park near ~. the entrance of a buUding. To begrudge n., them this ls J)(tly and mean. ., As for teachers. physicians, top ~r government employees. etc .• I borrow an : · old army term to which I subscribe: hr "R.H.1.P.," which means, as many .of you ~1,' remember, "Rank Rath Its Privileges." ,,,, lSagittarius' futa~re brightens Please, Ann. print this letter and again urge every young girl whose father is abusing her not to be afraid to go to the police station and ask for help. Allowing it to continue and living with the secret can result in damage that will last a lifetime. A WOMAN WHO CARE.5 DEAR WOMAN : I have received hundreds of letters from social workers and counselors from every stale In thf' union, as well as Canada -au asking me to say It agaln. So, here's your letter. I could not have said it nearly as well. What's the story on pot. cocaine. LSD. PCP. downers. speed' Can you handle them if you're 1 ~ careful'' Send for Ann Landers· new booklet . i; "The Lowdown on Dope ... Por each booklet ~'~ ordered. send $'2 . plus a long. self-oddressed. ~ stamped envelope 137 cents postage1 to Arm n Landers.PO Bor 11995. Chtcayo. Ill 60611 -ti ;saturday, February 13 ARI~ (March 21 -April 19 1: You could ·be disillusioned with one who promised : financial bonanza. Maintain balance. be ~realistic and stop carr yi ng someone else·s !burden. You have chance to rectify error. :Leo. Libra and another Aries figure ! prominently ---t -. TAURUS (April 20·May 20 I : Fresh .perspective is necessary . Do som e ; research. especially in connection with 'legal document. Accent also on cooperative :efforts. partnership proposals and marital '.status. New contact will aid in public : relations . GEMINI ( Mav 21 -June 201 : Follow ;through on hunch. give full rein to intuiti\'e :intellect. What seems a routine assignment :could lead to something big. You·11 regain :sense of direction. One ~·ou respect will :impart valuable lesson. . CANCER <June 21 .July 221 . Emphasis :on divers ification. versatilit~ increased ·popularity and invitation which boosts :morale .. Focus also on significant changes. ispeculative ventures and improved ;relationship with member of opposite sex. LEO c Jul y 23-Aug. 221 : Reject superficial explanations. Dig deep. seek -motives. complete routine tasks. You'll h ave opportunity to rebuild on a more solid 1b as e . Re arrange r urn it u re a nd photographs. Aquarius. Scorpio and ~another Leo figure prominently II : . VIRGO <Aug. 23·Sept. 221 Short trip ~mav be necessarv to verif\' directions. ~instructions or assignment. E.mphasis also -on relatives. ideas which can be transformed into viable concepts. Gemini. Sagittarius a nd another Virgo play ~important roles ,, •• " LIBRA <Sept. 23·0ct. 22 1: Purchase of :.art object or luxury item could be on •agenda. Lunar position highlights income. location of needed material and recovery of lost object. lmportant domestic adjustment is featured. Taurus. Scorpio and anotherLibra play key roles. • ' ~ SCORPIO <Oct. 23·Nov. 211 : Terms ~will be clarified. you'll see people in more -realistic light and you'll be al right place at crucial moment. Personal appeals bring positive reactions. Judgment and timing zwill be on target. Independent course brings desired results. SAGITfARIUS t No\'. 22-Dec 21 1 What had been obscured will come into full -view. Older individual lends benefit or experience. Financial picture is brighter ..,.than originally anticipated. Relationship intensifies and Capricorn is in picture. CAPRICORN 1 Dec:. 22-Jan. 191 · Wh at HELP FOR G®SS#i. WANTED • seemed a ll·st rause will be revi\'ed . A.&piFafi-Ofts wme-intcrfot·us a11d some cherished hopes. wishes will be fulfilled Scenario also highlights romance and good news concerning pet project or career AQUARIUS 1Jan. 20-Feb. t81: You have chance for fresh start and will accurately perceive potential. Focus also on long.di stance calls. communication. travel. publishing ·and language. Leo. Arit•s and another Aquarian figure prominent I~ PISCES <Feb. 19·March 20 1 You are able now to percei\'e projert in its entir<'t~ Travel plans come into focus . Hunch is on targe t Famil~· member d ecides to cooperate and lets ~·ou know it. You 're able to return fa\·or to one \\·ho aided in oast DEAR ANN LANDERS: I ~ould like tn answer "Boiling in Dubuque:· -1 am ·rtred of ·speeia~ parking 4'.&r any .group. including the handicapped. Every time I pass one or those government buildings with s pacious parking Jots for top-of·the·ladder employees at thl' taxpayers·. expense. I might add I j:!et mad all over again. At the schools I see .. Teachers Onl~" · parking signs in front or the buildings while students park on the street at meters and school buses must load at the curb. stopping traffic in both directions Hospitals have special spaces reserved for doctors and office personnel. etc . until I could puke. The Declaration of Independence states. "We hold these truths to be ·por SHOTS B~SHtEtGH BR~UAMT IT'S HUMAN TO MAKE MISTAKES~ AND SOME: OF" US AAE MUCM MORE 1-40~ THAN OTHEA.S.. •Cl I I 111 ,. IU ,. , .. Ii .. f) rs ,. I J d• 1.·. ~I .. ! s· T , 1. •'.; . . , It ready for the 'Road to El Salvador?' Are we Spurred on by the smashing diplomatic success of its $500,000 tee·vee spectacular, "Let Poland Be -Poland," our government is planning a sur«!Lftre sequel. It's called: "Let El Salvador Be El Salvador." Like its predecessor, the latter will feature speeches from international political leaders along with music, readings and performances by stars of stage, screen and television. At least half a dozen generals rrom Honduras, Guatemala, Argentina and Chile will express their sympathies for the plight of the beleaguered junta now ruling El Salvador, calling on the guerrillas to lay down their arms and warning that an attack on the freedoqi of one Junta anywhere is an attack on tbe freedom of all juntas everywhere. . THEY WILL BE FOLLOWED by President Reagan, who is scheduled to deliver a moving address noting that ··America has already acted firmly and deliberately oo behalf of the gallant El Salvadoran colonels" by sending money, weapons and military advisen to that strife-torn country and threatening to "take further steps" if any other country attempts to interfere in El Salvadoran atrairs. But the highlight of the event will be, of course, the Hollywood entertainers. This is what chancelleries around the world will be waiting to analyze, given the new twist in U.S. diplomacy. Actually, the cast will be much the same as in the first epic. Charlton Heston will again open this portion of the show. But thla time he will be reading from the Bible: "If th9 left wing offend thee, pluck it out ... •.''And so forth. AS BEFOaE, BE WILL be followed. by Glenda Jackson : "I am· not an El Salvadoran colonel, but I don't think that matters; tonllht, in a sense, we are all El Salvadoran colonels . . . . " And so forth. Then once more, we'll have Bob Hope. But not in peNOO. lnatead. we'll have film cllpe of Bob, Dolly Parton and tbe cut of "Up With People," fresh from tbeir Super Bowl baJf-Ume triumph, eotertatntna our 38 mJUtary advlaef! out ln tbe boondocu. After a 1avinp and loan commercial. Bob will reel off a loQa ltrin1 of IJ'ea\ one·llnet1 , 1ucb •• .. How many El Salv..,.._ peua.nta does it tab to aerew ln tometblnl t11ey•ve never Men in tbelr llve1?" Iii. Yanon wW bounce up and doWB eathualutically and the "Up With People" people Will be inlpl.rlna. They can't blip tti. Aa we wlDd clOWn ' to a clou, Onoa . Wen. wtll reotte In. famoa1 line: "We wU1 · Mtt1e no war befol'e lti tlme. '' And. lut.ly, ART HOPPf ". dancing and other vaudeville acts. 1 Secretary of State Haig will close the show 1 • with a rousing summation. Appearing in bis general's uniform and helmet before a THE INNOCENT BYSTANDER vast U.S. flag, he will speak on the subject. 'I "What It Means to Be a Central 1: American." will· come the foreign policy offensive the whole free world has been waiting: a medley of songs by Frank Sinatra, who will sing in both English and Italian. "U it is wrong for the Russians to pour :'. troops, money and weapons into nearby / Poland in order to interfere in Polish 1 affairs, it is trebly wrong for them to do so in far-away El Salvador. And thus it is our • resl)oosibilit)' to -pour troops, money and r weapons into nearby El Salvador in order ' 1 to interfere in El Salvadoran affairs so the U• AMONG TllE TUNES OL' Blue Eyes is scheduled to belt out are his great all-time hit, "Our Way," along with "San Salvador is My Kind of Town." and that sentimental favorite, "Mortar Shells Are Breakin& Up That Old Gang of Ours.'' RussiaM will not do so in tar-away Poland. 1, Or perhaps vice versa." Y "Let El Salvador Be El Salvador" will ho "I I .. be s wn with a companion feature as 11 Once the audience has been softened up by an hour or so of top-flight singing, soon as the latter can be fllmed. It's a ,, mini-docudrama entitled, "The Freezing " Over of Hell." l • GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Eut-We.t vulnerable. East deal1. NORTH +v.w ~ KJ1072 O KH • KQ1081 WEST EAST +QJU • 10871 ~QU ~8 0 AU! OQIOtU •u •1u SOUTH +AlltO c::>AH• 01 +At• The blddinc: Eut ~Welt N~ p ... l ..... t • r ... I ti p.,. • <:::' .... ·~ ....... .... Openinr lead: Sevep of •. Shollld, you lead an a~ apla.t a 11am? That que. Uon bu t.en deb&ted for Y""· Jf the choice.,..,. on.ly btt•Mn alw111 and Dever, we would prob&blJ chooee tb•f~. Becawie of bit vokl In part. ner'1 1uli. NtnH c-. .. ha.d hta haQcl. He .-~ for a two dub r.esponse to provide him1elf with the option of showing heart.8 cheaply should opener have a secondary diamond 1uit. When South rebid two heart.a. North jumped to pme and South contracted for 1lam on the 1trength or hh double fit and wealth of control•. Since Weat wu looking at a po.1lble trump trick, we can make a good caae for an openinf lead of the .a~ of diamond.a. But Weat feared that that mJght tip declarer off to bl• trump boidiJll, ao b• uttled for a club lead-and lived to resret It. o.clarer pt.yed low from dummy and eapture<I Eaat'a. jack wfth the ace. Then came a lte7 pl&7 -he naffed a ap&de In dwnmyl The tin1 and ace of tru._p1 broupt the bad MWI t1'at 0..... WU I trump lottr, but chcl&Nr wu a move ahead In th• pme-he !fad developed an.. utra eW.C. fot blmMlf. Oeelarer naffed another ap&de in d11mm7, and now had to ftnd a qulU eotr1 to ble ~· Ht a.ct a club to Ill.I Dlae aacl IMaped for t~• beat. Matters looked up •fien West foUowe<I suit. On the ace and king of 1padea declarer di1e1rde<I two of dummy's diamond•. and when both opponent. follow· ed to these two tricks, the 1lam waa home. Since the fifth 1pade wu ' ' now established. declarer uaed it as a parking place for dummy'• remaining diamond. Whether We1t ruffed thia trick or not wu im· ma\erial -the queen of trump• wu the only trick for the defense. &wllller •rt•1• clwlla ~ .......... ...w, ... ................... ~ .,. .... , ........... ,.. .i .. ·tt Cllaarlu G•re•'• "Pev·D•al arlqe" wUI ..... ,.. ... ~ .... ................ .,.... .. dee .... diet ......... ... ... .., -· .... ,,..,.,.. Pee. _,, ............ . .... ti.fl t.e ~, .. o.... .. tare •• ~·· ..... ,,.,,P.O ....... N••11t. N.I . .,..._ .... .....,.... .. " .... '"'""'' . 'l ... . " fl•• 1!. "'. I • j . t I ' •• • ' I . • • I , Orange Coat OAALV PfLOT/ffrlday, <February 12, 1982 .. . Still time to plant glad bulbs Gladiolua not only 1lve you bt•uWW. Jaret can be con1tructed by epadtn1 deeply, 1tem1 of colorful nowere to brtlbtea tM carden lncorporat.lq 1011 a111endmenta to UChwn heavy but make wonderful cut now. arransemeota lo clay eoUa and addJn1 matertall to enrtch aandy It's t.; Jl'He to plant ..-~.DP v•ne'e tbe bome. So, tt you haven't berun planUn1 tht aolll. Plaot YOW' 1tad corma about tour inches 9' • • 9' e • .......... ._. II ~ 1ladlol~ corma yet tor aummer bk>om, lt'1 Ume to apart ln rows about 18 Inches apart. 't' eet 1oin1. • . a,.,.. are certalnly a tuty fnllt but they also back a UttJe ll th1t bun't already been done. Alao To 1et tbe bat bloom• poutble you nrat live When you are ptacln1 the corm ln the IJ'OUOd, ;, 11row ln borne 1ardt n1 wlth a maximum of before planUn1 lbe bare roots ln the iround, prune the tladlolua a plac. ln fuU 1un, remembertn1 that put a •mall amount of well-balanced food, then a adaptabWty and a minimum of attenUon. Tbey any brOken or dama1ed roota. lt ll a native of South Atr1ca and appreelates a cu1hion of plain aoll and then •et UM corm oo top & wlll 1row on any available 1upport on which their When preparin1 the 1round keep the roots 1ood 1unn.tn1 each day. The 10U of your aelected and cover it. Feed a1aln, when the foUa1e t. about teotacl• can climb be lt a 1ara1e wall, lattice moistened by laytn1 dampened sou or paper over planttn1 1tte abould be well dralnin1, altboulb the 12 inches tall. ~ work tnllllt, tenet or patio cover . them. Grapes prefer a deep 1andy soil and rou will plal)tl requln a tood amount of molsture up to Come 1ummerUme, you will have nowera that Molt crape vartetl" c_an be obtalnt<I ln bare fertUlie these newly planted srape vtnes Jater ln their bloomtna period. Once the 1talkl and the ar• between two and three inchel in wldth ln "•, root form at th11 tlme of tbe. year from your locaJ the sprin1. budJ have appeared, boweV'tr, eue up on the 1hadea of white, yellow, oran1e, ptnk and red, v-nurseryman. Later on, they wm bt available In The bush vines, onea which wUJ bt attached to watertna. dependine on what colors you aelected. Cut 1lad b more mature forma ln containera. a sin1le pole, can be planted about alx feet apart. Before planUnt them ln the eround, treat the nowera for the indoors when the 1plkes have one to The ban root plants can be planted very They should be allowed to 1row two fe'et 1n beltbt corm with a 1olutlon recommended bf your three blooms open, preferably In early morninc . .,aslly. Put each vtne ln the around to a depth or to the predetermined height of tbelr supportin1 nunerymao to help prevent the threat o thrtps Plunae them in water until you are t-eady to set up recommended by your nurseryman. Prune them pole before you trim them. and other soil pesU. Glads prefer a rich soil which the arrangement. Garden ~ clubs set h • meetings " J • The Oranee County Branch of the Cymbidium Society of <Am e rica m ee ts • :J Saturday and Sunday in b· the Westminster Civic b Center for an •'Orchids 1• for Your ValenUbe" sale t and show. Hours are S 1 12:30 to 9 p.m. Saturday 21 and 9 a .m. to S p.m. 1 Sunday. This is also the a1 society's sef,ond annual . v spring plant ale. ~,I s H 'E R M A N 2 Gardens will offer a c lass in Plant Pest -+11 Control on Wednesday It from 9:30 a.m. to noon n in Sherman Ubrary and ~-Gardens, 21647 E. Coast ~ Highway, Corona del ':1' Mar. Registration is $12. For more information call 673-2261. "GARDENS OF THE World" is the title of a lecture and slide show to be presented by Bob -Heyn Wednesday at 7:30 p .m . at S h erman '. · Gardens. The talk ~ covers evel')'thins from the gardens of Asia to 1 those of t h e South : Pac ific, South a nd Central America, Africa and America . T he lecture is free. Sherman Library and Gardens is located at 21647 E. Coast Highway, Corona. del Mar . For m o re informati o n c all 673-2261. ' 0 T H E R A MB LING Gardeners Garden Club meets Monday at 9:30 a .m . in First Presbyterian Church of Gar den Grove, 11832 Euclid Ave .. Garden 'Gr o v e . F o r m o re info r mation ca ll 638-2768. • T H E TUSTAN A ~ ' African Violet Society r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--:~~~-,.;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;iir:~=-=-=-=-=-=-=--.=---=-=------;;;;;jjjllii&iiiiiiillll----.... • RUFFELL'S UPHOLSnllY .... , ............. I '22 HAllOI l lVD • COSTA MllA -14 .. t II• . .;-"THE EARL'S 11\-·HIAnNO ...... _ ..... , ... • SI \H. ,,,,,. !ii••w<• T..._ Sfilffl •I "°"'' Oool ICitAt $tot• -...,HI YOyl A'•l l COIT.& lll1.&fS41·1289 ,.,..._ .... ··-~9~1 11en ~ c.,i. .... ,IS•• a.ow. •"'Y ., ... ..., ~I Antique Photo Exhibit/Sale SENDOURfTD ' ~ ld fla\V~r:;·w Bouquet. Romantt~1frHh nower1 ftll her you cart. ·1·1 ... ; x;.-i1•,•1 • Wtcan11nd Valtntlnt ftower1 almost anywhere by FTD . :Yt.~ ti CALL. us ... USE YOUR CREDIT CARD TUBEROUS BEGONIAS Plant our Jumbo ml Begonia tubers now, •. • tor glowlng color ff'lla summer. PHONE 546·5525 Since J946 Ha1lishl-s ~ m e ets Wednesday at ~ 6:30 p.m .. in Mercury 1-----------------------------1 • Savings, 109S Irvine Blvd., Tustin. For more informat io n c all OUR ANNUAL ; J I) .J I u I ... , • I .,. • II' ii • , 644-8851. THE hortic ultural Soc iety o f O r a nge County meets Tuesd ay at 7 :30 p .m . in the California Cooperative Extension, 1000 S . Harbor Blvd., Anaheim . Mi c hael K a r t uz and Patric k Wo rle y o( Kartuz Greenhouses in Vista will s pea k on G es ne r i ad s , whi c h in c lud e gl oxini a s, s tr e pto carpus a nd much, much more. 1111111 CllCllllT • 1t•s time l o spray ·b oysenbe rri es a nd 1 blackber ries to destr oy mites that would prevent t hem from opening up evenly when they're ready for harvesting • You still have time lo plant bare root fruit trees. shade t rees, roses and s ma 11 f rul t vinel • If you haven't already, s pray rose buahea and other dormant ahrubs to prevent problems later on when the weather warms and pests become active . • Prune fuchalas t hl• month. They Oftly bloom on new wood. ao prune them heavily. I There's no lime like the present to ~ a camellia. , •They're bloomlna now and . you can eelea the euct color you want~ Ol'fOITUMm knocta often wben you we resuJt-1eWn1 Dally PUol Clualfltd Ada to reach the Onn1• Coaat nrtr.et.. Phone '42-5'78 .----------·--------·-----------------------, ~ ''Valentines Day ~~\. Sunday, feb. J4tla'' Come In And See The 1000'1 Of Plant1, Flowers and Arrangements All "Dolled Up" To Say "Happy Valentine" For Your OPEN DAILY 'TIL 1 Special One. You Don't Want Super • ._._ Market Flowers For Thia Special :::=. Occasion. OPEN ALL DAY CALL / SZ VALENTINES DAY .::a ' - r---fl1ll r :Mil-----, r-----((111f;l1J:l)----,r-----((i!IJ;ltlil----, : l'Oll VALINTWU ,.Al'ITIES 11 Nm'I rioTTID I ,...., CW'IM HMOM I I TOSSED SALADS 11 TULIP PLANTS II sTAAWaERAiEs r I 1u..... 4a 11 II I : ~ s2 ;r II s399 II age ..... I I 11 .... II "IMC09AAA&aM t L----~~~-----J !-----~!~----JL _____ ~_:::_ ____ J 1 CEllT SALE ....... J I I ..... "ttd .... c.·,.. ..,_....._ ...... Mtllcll ..,2 .. ,..f!rice I c GttW,._. ........... ~- .. I ...... ~ ... w_..,...,_ .............. BEDDING PLANTS VIOLAS & PANSIES .,..,_,,.. ~1U ... a.,2,.... ~ ,.....prlc.$1.ffea. ... ~ ~ "BARE ROOT SALE y,..a .... & ,,,...,,..._,, Mlx..tM*ll Orange Cout OAtl Y PILOT/Friday, Pebruary 12, 1982 • Axiom of General Motors' ex-boss has lmting effect Poorting•, Spe•k•, Jon•• & Gibson, Inc. Certified Public Accountants 'Debit' card.II buy gaaoline via compUter ._ ll la that lnd.Mduall and bualnelMI, left aJooe by aovemment ln most areaa ot Ute and commerce, wtll, collect.lvely, makt declalona t.hal are Sood tor the country. In an effective tree market, UM Pr•ldenl'• Councll of Economic Adrl1er1 1u11eata. aelf·lnterest will lead conJumera and producers to decl1lonl that will serve the natlooal lntere.t. That la broader and ~ refloed than the remark Wlllon tossed olf ln Senate t.etUmoay 21 years aao. But the principle it 1lmllar, and Reagan's advisers aay lL will work. ln its annual report. to Concreaa, the Council of Economic Advisers citea aovemment regulation of the marketplace as a case ln point. "The best solution 111 to respect the Jud1ment of the private market wheneve-r lt la available," they say. Announces its formation through the merger of the Certified Public A ccounting firms of Leon R. Jones & Compony, and Gibson, Poortinga'& Speake An Accountancy Corporation. with offices at: A BEAUTIFUL BUY LOS ANGELES (AP> -Motorists watching pumps Uck off eallons at eteht new "debit" card ea.a stations also saw. for the first time this week, dollars flow out of their bank accounts simultaneously via a direct computer hookup. ''If we can stimulate an effective market, we can rely on sell-interest lo achieve the desired eoala," the council says. For example, Reagan's economlata say, private insurance could •prove more effective in promoting job safety than government regulation.a. Their reaaoning: - 505 East Commonwealth Avenue Fullerton, CA 92632-2093 (714) 179-1437 305 N. Coast Highway, Suite R OUR 1982 CIMARRON The ~lght stallon11. which are operated by USA Petroleum, are all in San Gabriel Valley suburbs northeast of Los Angeles. "Anyone who doesn't want lo carry a lot of cash with them and not come into contact with people," will find the computerized pumps appealing, said Paul Moller, chairman of the board of the Santa Monica·based fuel company. "In the case of government regulations, violators are punished, commonly with a flne, which may create incentives tor the reeulated firms lO conceal possible violations and to avoid cooperation with safety i.nspedors. I!, on the other hand, a firm which is insured can make its operations safer, it wUI usually benefit by having its insurance premium reduced. Thus such firms have an incentive lO cooperate. They areue a similar case on the decisions involved ln eovemmenl benefil5 for the needy. "Many government programs, such as delalled safety regulations or the provision of specific eoods to the poor are beat described as paternallsllc," the council report says. ~aguna Beach, CA 92651 -1694 (714) 494-97~1 John C. Poortinga, C.P .A. W. Guy Speoke, C.P .A . Leon R. Jones. 'Jr.), C.P .A. Leon R. Jones, C.P .A . (Of Counsel) Fred l. Gibson, C.P .A . (Retired) Our new company hos o s_toff of twenty-five, including six CPA's. "CTITIOUI eUSIN•ll NAM• ITATaMaNT T lie lollowl1>9 per.....,1 •r• Going IMllll>HS ., . MAN TEC CONSUL TAN TS, 3't2 l~=========================~;;;~~~~~M~~~~~H-ln~~hH' Gall tomi.""" Anahdm. 650 S. Brookhllf'llt St. 92804, n 4.(;740, Ca.ta~ 370 Eut 17th St 92627, 645-8700, Huncl~ 8-dl. 16075 ~ West St. 92647, &47-n71. MlMoa Viejo, 2.4395 Alicia Plrlcway 92675, 770-2651. Sota Alla. 1224 Ed 17th Sattt 92701. 547-5871 Alben Rkllerd Aoclrl9u.1, ,.., Monte~ Orlw, H11nll1>9I~ 8Hcll, c.illornle""" P1trlcle A. Roor11111e1 , 302 Mlftleve 0.-lw, H....t1"91~ heel>, Cell ...... lemoff Tlllt bl.tlifleu It Condllclecl ..... en INll•lchael. A.R.A-.,.i Tiiis ............. wa fll.O Wftll U1e County Off!< ol Ore1>91 C.Unty ~ J ...... ,.., 20, 1"2. 1'111171 P•lltMcl C>-Cout Delly Piiot. J .... n , >'. i<-. s, 12, na :w1_., AMIMM T.LMO.,_, NOTH:• 01' TRUSTa•I' SAU °" ,~ 2', 1• el .,,., '·"'" f'IRST Amenc.... TITLI! INSURANCE c;OMPANV. I c.Mlfomle c..,_etloft, .. Trv-or S..CC-Trv-. <H ~llltM T~, flf U\el c-ln 0eH ef T"°" e1111c:Uled ii,. H & H GENUIAl PAltTNl!ltSMIP, 1nt1 r1c1rt11d S••lllftMr J, ltll e• IMtnt-t llO ..... !ft -tdol, ..... '"of OflklM .......... Or'"91t Couftty, Cll~ • .,.,. --to tllat cert.In ~ f//I Oeflllll .,... Elec:I*' te Siii llWi wAi? ,....... Oct.O.. 11. 1•1 -lnltl'~ - 1m1, "' .._ wua,, ~ ••. " Offklel ~ ot ~ c..w.ty, wlll ....., ... _...... ....... ~of TNtl 1111 It .,...I< wcti.i fw CHI\, lewtlll ~ of ... u ..... 5tltft of "-''"· ... ---• 119 Flrtt A-k .. '" .. ·---,_., louted et 114 E .. Fh SV.., lft u. City of Senco ,.,.., C11""'""41, -!Mt ........ tltle Md "*'"1 _...., lo -now "'4ct b'/' II wndlf MW 0.0 of Tr\111 In llw ~'""-tell In Uld County end S-... de<rltled ff: .... ,.,,. .. A .. Tiie leftd referred to In 11111 ~,.,. ... It tit ....... In IM ltew of CAlllof'ftle. ~ ot OreftQlt. CllY of 1 ......... .,. .. ~.,lot tows: PAltCEl S, ff .,_n Of\ I -<•I m1p filed !ft 8-111. PeeH 10 end 11 of PIJ'cel -"' 1"' offk • o1 IN Cluftly ---of tlld ,_..,, EK_. -.,.. Ill oll, oll ri.Ms, lftl-•lt, mlNt'el r1Ql•b • ...iwet -rl9llU, end ot111r llyOre<wllOM l>y ""''-"" -~. 91totM<'m1I steam Ind Ill ...-.Cb ••••ect trom •"Y of tN toreeolno tlllt "''" bl Wl"'lft or -""._, IOfMMr Witt\ 1M Pffll9Mf r""1 f/f OrHllnt. min-.. npllrl"I, --•"'9 "*'9fw, --Int '" -............ "" ...... from wld land or «ft -•-. IM'llldf"9 1"' rlgl'll '° wlllpsloc• or dll'Kt._lly Clflll and mine from llftdl °"'9• 11\M tllO .. con11e.,_. blr•by, oll or ,., _ll,,Nrftltt.,.,......,.111'9,.......,. or ICr-lie -1.-of ... lend • .... .. .....,, .... _,.*Ud ... cfl.-.c:lloNlly .,, .... -It, '-ti Ind -tt& ....., ond ...,._ <H beyoNI Illa ealef'I« limits thereof, Ind to reclrlll, A\IH!nel, 111111 ... m1lnt1fft, npelr, ....,. - _ _.. eny 111<11 _,._or nWMt. wl-.t, --·"" '""' "dtlft, mlM, ................ .... oper.W ~ .,. -'1<• or tM .....,. 500 .... ot.,,. ~ ... -tN lend, .. _...... In Ille -frwft "" --------"-----------------------------t, rvln1 Co"'pony, e Mlc lll91n 25~ AvaUable for Immediate DeUveryl CfHP«llten, MIC-llY ~ Wltll 1 .... 1 ... I ........ c-.i. •. rK ...... Ocl!Mw "·..,," ... '*' ..... ""of Oflki.t ....,._ A ........ .,.., ..0 all w-.r rlOl\b " lnte,..tl 1"'"91ft, ne motter ~ K411lrM to Miii I-, tool""' with Ille rlolll Md .,..., to •~•. tlrlll, .... 111, --a-11\e - '""' ttlt ..,.. °' '° •-i or °'"""''" lltllln wtll -·· rftl\b or •- on Ml'f -..,_,..., _...." "-11¥ Or.....,. • ....._, twcll _..., rlQl'lls 111111 •• nP••'•"· overlyl111, •PIH•ll•l•tl••· p1rco1et1n1, """'' ..... ""'· -~. l\MllWy -contrect111I; M wltl\ollt, llowtver, • ..., ,..,.. .. ...., llllM' ...... .. Mid I .......... _.( .... _,.·~ n , • ..,..... In the o.td Jrem Ult lrvlllt Comp1ny, • M lclllt•" cor,aretloft, 1YtC<ot•-111., me...-wlttt lrvlne lnd111trlel Com11ln, rec.r!Nd Oc•IMr tt, tf11 In aoo1t 1-. P•"7tf0flkltl ltte.,.._ ........... ..._ .. Ille IM!WfkllfV ........................ .,. 1191"9 c~· JICCO osv•l.OPMIMT, IMC., C/O ~ & Miit •t lelltfl Plt11eteP •trott, LH AlltllU, c;MlfOf'IN .. l.Anlll V.I. ••-• OlrK._. W h ....... .,....ny _y .................... ....... Ill wrttllle .._ .. -..1e1ery wltfllft ...... ,_ .. ,.,,. -*"*' flf ..... --1114 MIO wlll lie m1411t wttllOlll ovenOlll er _,_..,,, olQIAH or 11n11llt4, .. to tllte, ptMOMIM or tM'"'-tw-W .... 0.. ti T"*- .. ·"· tlMl.'19.litJMtllt ~ .......... c .. , •• ••lltftltt .... MY-... M .. tlfN ti tllO lllltlol pWtlceitlell ti tlllt IMtko ., .... , •'l'·*" o.w· J.,,.., ... ,. ~ ........ TlllP .__ Ctllllllllr,. ~ ......... --·-· ,_ I £L .._or 1Mt.;._ta; ....... ce. .. ,,..., .... , ~car.. c.-Oofl'r ,. .... ,.. ...... "... .... Call 142-H71. Put • few worda' to work for you. The council says that a major objective of the Reagan adminlatraUon is to reduce the federal role ln economic decision-maklne and strengthen that of individuals, private enter1>1ise and state and local eovemments. The Reagan adviera say that will be more efficient -and suggest that the stakes go beyond economics. OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS HEW YORK !AP) COloGes .... ~" lftlrcEnr S1A ~ ~Ml IO 11\l'J St ~,... HASDAO .,._., ComCIH -·14 lnlmtGt ..... ti '-£flt It llW 11-c1 23 M\l'J UPS AND DOWNS ,,_Inv~• ClftlSllr IW. IN ln811Wll> ,,,_, '"" Pefltal'r 17~ 17"' "' JS\l'J aw. '"° I-olttrl CmWTel ""' 11'.4 lw1SoVI tt'-tt'lll ..... £..-'~= rvr=rEI 1\lt , .. '"""'=-:• Corl Pep 24 .... 2S Jemaby 11\lt •• .,, "-'•11' sb .. • 2AIM~ Tllllrs. Pr oo "" • JO ~ Jerico• 1"' ""' "-'Ullerl ••Vt 15 I( • ,. ...-NEW VOtlK (AP) -TM fOl-"'9 llfl lftC lllde '9tlll tnlflt Cl'osTre ...,,. Jllt~Fo 14 -PtllltM.t ~--IME DC I .. l\l'J _,..._,,, CU.lrfld I ~ 1\lt :rnlv. Piere.$$ 1114 11-. T:•, ~n-. ....... .,,. °""' . -. c-.. 1r,'::'.,., ~~ ~nr .... 4¥1 ~ ~~~ Plftll,,ft ~$5 ,._ 15 ..... __ , ___ ...,. .. IOn t II,_ U~ KllYer ·~ IV. "'°"HI• dllo. TocwmP ••Vt 63 .,,._ ........... the~ ... -"" AEl Incl IO\Co IOVt Oly\M • IJ ""' Klll'lln • 1714 11V Plattlne I l\l'J otcmA 21~ 21\l'J r;:'tftt of OIMtl re.-r-. ot ~ AFAProt II U oeo.r • 11.sz ... tt~• CMQ Poul• 614 '"" T-t I 16¥1 17 T~. AVM(9 • ~ ='9 ..... ProaGM 11 JH't n::· I JO J0\11 No toeurltift tr~ llelOW 12 ere lftct- ~y;::, ~ ~. =~• ~r ff: ~,..,.:11 Pt.Sttvft 1'11t~ , ... 16Vt UOtd. Net -per ... c-.,e1 .,., IN Dt-yEI I l V. Klnelnt ._ '" P"'lf'P 2\lo 2\l'J Tom10l1 1~ 1 ~'9ftee ..._ Ille -Vlo\16 CloaiftQ Acl't Rou ,_. >'-OllCrys 2Allo 15 KtoofG ~~ PbS•NC IM 12Yt l:r:~ --~ ~let -Tllwn 't 1111 bid price AllB"' t JO 1D"" gi_~I~ ~ :-. ~=" Pwta... ~-2J\o't 2A\lii Allatlnc ....... 41 '°""-. ~~ 11\lo 12 ,,,_"4 ll IWt Alt.. ,., J DollrGft IW. ~ Kulklll ""' . .-16 ,..,, UAMcGll . --"" A""rea 17\Co 11Yt 0or.1oe n u UM•ln :IJ\o't~ ReetftPr ' , ... US l!nr ...... "-I.HI • cii.. Pci . A Furn 4"' • 7-16 Dr ..,%" IO'llo .._ Leftdlt., ~ s ll1vc11m " f6 VSt:r 17111 ,,_. ' ~t,~.,,,wm 2 Up •SS AGl'fft mi'"' Ollf'llt t 11" II .. l....co JWo M\4 lteym..O tt~ 2311> VS rO ~u , 4 + I UP JU AlnGp t '6 Dllrlrn ' ,,.... '"" u.:A"' » 1'Vt ·-·. ~D UV1asl\ -~ 1 Eftl.S., 21W. • .... Up !2-2 AMkroa .._ ~ ,~, .... RoNEa D D\4 ~;P:.."J ' .-. NVTfl J + .... Up 211.0 ANlll,,. 11119 IS'-E~=t:i ~~ ;~ b,.~ ,, 1JVt 4 JIVt" 11.-My 17 ""' s ~II , .... + YI U• 1'.2 A=~ tl4 "' EIP1sEI II tl'1> ~"' H\111 1S ,. ....... 4\Co .-.. YNllt ""' " • ~ + -Up 1'.1 A S-S4't ._.. ~ 6\Co IC ~20\11 It-17\lo 1M VelNU I ~ 1 CP ltb wt , ... . ,_ Up 12.J AWold t 17¥1 It ltflll(I ,_ "" MGF Oil a M S.0119r ,.... 4 Va110..S t14 M • lnt"'9 , .... • ... Up 1J s ANdll• ~ ... IMocll 1 UYt 1' ~E 1._I~ Soft'O ,...., JtY> Vetc,re '"°'IS ' Ulot1511oM , .... + "' u .. IU Aft9SA 111111 11'-ftft>e• U\4 1'4 ~Pt .._ S14 SIHelGd n-.. a\li. VlctrlSI ~ "' It Kroy I '"' . ' Up 11.1 A"llAGd .. ""' l!nrlMll'ld a"'" <M\1'1"4-SIP"'I JOVt ~ VldMCl ,.... s"' ti l'.:cc:! ~ ,._ • -Vf 11.S A:r.:•C I~ ~1~,. Me Al .:.: licrt111M t IN ""' =ff t,.... 1Ali 12 , ..... + "' u .. tl.1 A. dMI 1 1Jlllo e ... ,.. ~ • ..,. • ~-=:-It 'r" tJ -wt "" . "' u. 11.1 ,.,_Gt> "" "' = AMCet S \ol ~ ttw"" fY ... ...,... s .... s .-. ""' ... ....... 2~ • "' u .. ti.I AllO.U 1:: 11'1> 4Ut5'. 1'-"' llllHI l p • • ' 11"'~ ... 41 tS .,.,_ 4 • -Up M.J Atlanlh • E~I "" " "'°S 15116 ,. .,. ,,. :::'J. .. 1ll"t .. A""""' 2¥. + "' U• 10.0 hi~ "''" ~SC WI llt Me M ,.,_ 17" 11 t1 11 v .. 1...,' l llo . ~ V• lt.O aollrP M S'--1ri. ~ • Mc 19\4 COIWtr Ml'lll 11\li. Wol•Alll ... "' 11 ~= t•YI + '"" Up ••• 82Ht! JQ 1011. Fer1nGp 11'-J1'11o Mc M1 11/'tt'lll SWEIS.. 1114 ,,... w-t ""' t\Q " At . 'Ill u. t.4 en fll 9 M •"" ~~~' = = ==-" II 11\11 =';,, 11 • ~ Jl'llo22 to E~ l • .... Up f I 11~' "" .... Wr ""' MOt 11 Amrco"" I" • "' u .. 1.7 .... ,,, 1DVt ~ l'lllolln » 3'W. Mel~ "" !014 l." ... "..or ,,,_. M\l'J 12 CP Rb"" 19Yt ...... Up LJ 81ylsMll -l9Vt Zion It ~ 2S "'":ts ~ ,.-. ~••• "1~ ..... ,,"' fU.·Not~. n Vltr.., s + -u .. . ' ..... ,.. SW. ""' Ftwft In 4Vt '"' =·II a 21\lo 11 2A ,,...._.,. IOI.. . 4 Vp '' atl\IPt 1'.. Nr ,~ .... ?Mmt "~ " I u •l-8C9 ,.., . .... Up 11 ... 2l s JO a v. Flk " 1"-tn-Mia IG ·~ 16 Be¥~ i....u~ Fl1N 11 2' 1M _..,. • 0.41\'> 81 ,,.... 14 Fl\lrocll ~ M M9nfCol 5" 91rdSoft t tllo F<HHtO 22,. ti"' =.r. ,,.... ~Cllr ~ 4,. Forml~ 114 11'\ MooN • OOWNI -""'. Frollll ICWJ ""' Morvtt• ' ....... I.Ml -°St P(t. en1 ti'> 111.,. FranllE 1~ ""' Monnin "' I (JlftCt t•YI Off IU BrwTom 161111 1•14 F....SG ... ~ IMtChlO 5"' • 2 59t<S.,.i 2 -.... Oft 20.0 euc..-"' ~ Fremnt t tJllo IJVt Mwller ""' 11 NASDAQ SUMMARY J Atl~ ' s... -I" Off 1'-1 e.nfets 1"lo IO FullrHB 2114 2111> Hlrrf( ,, . • Ul111 •14 -. Off ISO ... , .... ~ 11'-Ill> GftAwlm S-. S"i HOU 1 11\11 tM ' TomlOll 2 ... -"' Off .... CNL In 2 2 .... GnDt•u J 1" HJllnc: I~ 14\l'J NEW VOftK IAPI -_, ectl,,. 0¥W· • GuenlOI 214 --Off 14 J CPT 1 14'h l•'\O g:111£s~. J)I(\ 11 NVAlrl "" JVt ~ Allclll "'CfJ'" Irr NASO. 1 So81otc J -"" Off UJ CllWISY 3'Yt J1li'J •EFn t ..... NIOOG l~IS VOi_,. A"°.O ~ • lOfllc 214 --Off UJ ClftrldH 2~ 2 ... GreS<n • I~ 1~ Nlcottt "" 11-. ..,_ t . ,..,., n n..., -' HI~"" •14 _, OH 11.P CapEn IS-16 I I·" GreyAch 711'1 1' Nl1ltt1 A 411') 41,_ t:nltw . 2'0AOO ~ • -\lo 10 Tll l \lo -.... Oft IJJ ~,.::i,' 1~~ I!~ Glllnllt U IS H .. I.,. e 41• •1'111 MCIC . 215,100 ~ J2\lo --. II TomK>"" J"' -Vt Off IU ~!:,,o:'J;" ·= 1~ ~=-~· 1JVt '"' c J lftC. 2CM,JllO ,..... 144 -Jl<o 12 GMll.ln s -~ Off IJ 0 ~ IS .. YI '"" ,, ... PlelD . . 1t•.-O 1¥. U• IJ c_, 1 -· Off us CM " UV. 11 Herdwlll lM 1" NwslPS 1~1~ 9rwTom 114,1'0 I~ ""' _, .. Nwl'tl"""" '"" -1\lo OH 12 s Olr"'S a f"fo IO H'!»ll-11'1> n-. Ho .. 11 llt'-M~ T-m t. 152.100 2•4 H -llo IS R1p1tx1 ..... -.... OH 12 s (,lv1 Hou t 16YI I ... HI~ 19'\to IO\Co Nuc;r. t ~ SVt HoltllEa 117,AIOO • 614 ~·ii; •• Alp(; 111> w -..... Oft 11 I CllmLH 1' 17 Me f 10 2014 Hui y t 2114 ""' Air Fl• . . . 114,JCIO 1\4o 114 ,, ,._ ,_., -"' Off II I ChetUll 17,-. It He<~ t IS .... IS.WO 0<11"" 11\lo '"' ApptlC . 10.,JOO """ 11441 -\Co " Alt,., 2,_ --Off 11 s Cftvbb &JV. &S .... ........ lA\'1 14\lo g~ !~"' m: ....... ~ .. .. " HIS'°" 2111> --Off 11 s Clrfko .-1 MolOllm ,_ -~ JO ·-.... 2 -... g:: 11 I CIU"SoGI ._ ~ --tv. .... "''"' Mii 64111 Dtcll-.............. ,.. 11 Dt •Jm • --11 I Clt1UtA » UV. Horl11t1 J'4 •'1> W'TP 11\o'ttNU~ ················· 2,.Ja " t:MCIN • -'" Off 11.1 €1UUfe ~JI~ Hyet11M UYI ""' PCA l11t 4'-fl' TGtal "-.................. i .i11 n T•R°" t • -"' Off 11.1 l"'-'L l U14 IMS Int 19\o\ 19\lo """· 11'4 ,,_ .............................. 2S u BMA 14 -Po Off 10.7 c-c. .-4-lnfrllftd 6V• ..._ ~Giii lfii l~ New low. ·" "· · · · · • · · · · · · · · 11 2S ""-.-. -Vt Oft 10.3 ColrTle 11-., 10' lfttof l•V. l•'h •!11,1',f' ___ -~" I Toi.II wloe . . . ., ..•.......... 1',Jtl,000 MUTUAL FUND .... :J b· h t• .. , IL n ~ 'I ., I I' • " ' I I ') r ~ u • 0 \ a I I :· -, c ' ,,. &' .. l - Retail sales decline NATION Retail Hie• drop~d 1.1 percent to January, held down by the recession. unusually bad weal.her and a new decline at auto showrooms, 1ccordin1 to new 1overnment naures. Overall retall ules. which make up more than 60 ~rcent of lbe naUon'a arou naUonaJ product, fell to a seasonally adjusted sas.1 bllllon In January after declining 0.2 percent in December. January's 0.8 percent increase over lbe 11me month last year wu the smallest year-to-year l•in ln l~ years. The sale or durable Cooch -rt!latlvely expensive items expected to last thr" years or more -fell 3.4 percent. That included a 4.6 percent drop< for automoblle dealers . . . =· Allied Corp. and the ConUneetat Gro.p lac. have formed a partnership to acquire Suproa £.ere>: . r illl ·' Corp. or $714 m on . . ·• The U.S. Department of Agrlulture bu ~ predicted a 21 percent drop in orange production for ~­ the year due to the January freeze throughout Florida's c ... rus belt . STATE Rep. Benjamin S Rosenthal, D-N.Y ... has ~aked . the Treasury and Defense departments to investigate ;· reports that Saudi Arabian interests control ~ Whittaker Corp., a Los Angeles-based conglomerate. Whittaker is now in the process of attemptina to.; acquire Brunswick Corp .. of Skokie, Ill . Both . companies are heavily involved in U.S defense contracts . The publishing firm ol Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc. is moving its headquarters and ·, many of its operations from New York City to San 'il' Diego and Orlando, Fla. !he firm cited as a. major factor in the move what at termed the lack m New York of "a variable, reliable and safe transportation,. system ... " World Airways of Oakland bas lowered its air fares to meet industry competition. Company chief Ed Daly said that starting immediately a coast·to-coast flight will cost $139 on service between " San Francisco-Oak I a nd , Los Angeles and -;. Baltimore·Washington, New York, Newark and Boston. General Telephone of CallfonlJa said it will spend · a record $732 mallion for new construction and equipment during 1982 General cited its accel~rated service improvement program and continued demand for more telephone service by its customers. • The Christiana Cos. Inc. of San Diego for lbe three months ended Dec. 31 reported a second-quart.er net loss of $222,000, or 9 cents a share, compared with net earnings of $336,000. or 14 cents, last year. Second.quarter revenues were $5.8 million vs. $13 million in the year ago period ... NeWJ)Ort Harbour National Bank of Newport Beach reported net earnings of $440,484 , or 88 cents a share, Cor the year ended Dec. 31 <according to preliminary audited figures). after a deficit of $428,MJ, or 86 cents. for the year ended Dec. 31, 1980 . EARNINGS Paclftc Telepbone's net income for 1981 rose 20.8 percent to $438.8 mtllion over last year's $313.4 million. Earnings per share rose s percent to $1.90 , based on 204.S million average common shares outstanding. Earnings per sh.are for 1980 were $1.81 on 173.7 outstanding sh.ares. STOCKS IN THE SPOUIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS •iw--. 1 lr-.YN.1~··••Ui. ................... -... •"·" ...... _,,,.,., ............ .. "'"' I ........ ~ .. _..,...,.,utm.n. ...... WHAT STOCKS DID HEW YORI( (API F90 11 HEW Y~I( IAPI -H T-2* -,., 1'I n.nAy ' ll ....... ~ m !11 N I " NEW YOltK IAl'l -S..-C ,,_,..,._ .... tel ... iao.todey: Oranae Cout DAILY ptLOT/Frtday. Ftbruuy ,a. 1982 nlE f4MIL\' tl•Ctl . "It'' the cafeteria menu for next week. Thunday would be a good day to be sidt." by Brad Anderson ...____ ~~ C•W~f.-..e~ It -- "I didn't know we were having breakfast In bed this morning." l[DGE PARKER Gi\Rt'lt:LO CLICK/ by Virgil Partch (VIP) "It'• my husband. He w1tche1 me Ilk• 1 h1wk." DEN~IS THE MEN1'CE Hank Ketchum ~2 MtJti ~ ITS TOO COL010 MAKE :::: ·12. A ~~~" by Haro ld Le Doux THIS l& 1'HE ONl..Y THlN6 'fHAf C:A'E! ME A LIFT WHEN 1 FEEL. OOWN ' ...,.JTM_£M'!J ______ _...2 ..... ·f2~c1t12~F-.,,._ trc MOON Mt:LLINS . -:• ~-----..i:ra--.....__, ______ _ -I 4 ----- Tt:MBLE• EED8 , .... ._,._ ... llllt • ' AS I PVU. OOT EACH VALEHTINE AND RE.AO YOUR NAMES, Pl.EASE COME FO(WAA£' QIJICKLV .. HOW MUCH ISA I FEEL DOWN HAIRCUT? .----._.., INTHE DUMPS 'TODAY GORDO " . .. . . ...... -,. by Charftt M. Schulz IF I CAA 6ET llf( MAND OUT OF ™E SOX ... by Tom K. Ryan -ot-iA ... t'M OFFW SLIPPLY MV /JOVV's MINIMUM ~IL.Y NLl1tU- 1IONAL R~Ul~MEW75. by Jeff MacNelly ------ NI) p;o 8'JJU7 AA ~m«r' ~-rn Jv.,T ~ANO A PfC£ a: ~~y WHITE eRfAP. ~O-HO \-'\~R-HAR ~~Vl-J-IAw by Ernie Bushm1ller HEARING THAT ALWAYS CHEERS MEUP by Gus Amola by Tom Battuk Fl'NIK l ' "INKERBE1'N .SO lHE GIR.L.5' BA5K£TMU. ltAM HA5 MAD£ rr m lHE Dl~TRIC.T FINAU> ! 816 DEAL ! FOa •ETTEa Oa Fea •o a1E 1Hey'Re GOtE .: .. WE~1HE JEiiAKE.a:F Ftl' EVERYTl-i\NG. by Kevin Fagan ~ I l(MOl.I) ~ .. 'f~-4 AU.1lM.1'14t c~ ~ lAf~." __ __.. • 3 . I ' • • .. .. J •' -I I .. ' ,,, ,.I I . • ... 1: . . . .. .. ., .. • . .. ,. ,, •• I ' II II '" l ,, " "' ... 1/2oFF .. ;:;;;; NOTICa TOCaaOl'TOtn Of' IUUC TUNSPaa CS.CS.·-~-U.C.C.I Notice 11 ller•t.Y t lvo,. to tlle credllorl of JOl\ft f'. Prut•kk & Ao,.doll I . Han'o"· Trentforon, .-IMllM9' -rns 11 t"6SO Cul¥Or Or., Cltv of lrvlne, c-, 01 Or-. St. .. of c.llfoml• -t • ""'" trentfor 11 _.,. to be -to Jamll-Ololl N•1 lrl onf Mell,,ell Ne1lrl , ,, ...... ,__ .._ ~ -- II m'2 Vie Por'llDft, City ol Ml111oft VltJo. G_.y Of Oronee. Stal• ot Celllorllo. Tiie -rty to lie lr-hlrrod II deKr~ lfl ..... rat Ot: All 14«11 I" tr-. fll!Mft, ~ -9"Dd will of -tee Croom ~ .....,._., kM wn ot C.C.t Jol\n'1 tee Croom Galley ond IK-et 14dtClll..., Dr .. Clfy of lrvlM. c-IY of Or ...... Slate of C .. lfomlo. Tiie bulk lr•n1ler wlll bo COf\Sllm..-Oft _. efter IM 2Stt\ day ol Follnoery, t"2 ot IO:OO A M et Grover EK,_ c..._ellOfl. •-_,.,,. It DIOO "°Cllflnl Blvd Ste JN, El T-. c.llforftla. THAT THE LAST DATE FOR FILING CLAIMS 15 M~. !to fe r •• 11 llnow,. to tllt Tron..._ a11 llullfleM ,........ afld .odro--11¥ tlw Tr_..,.,.. for -Nst ,_ Y'M" .,.., s..n.. Oei.d: J _.,11, lta. J...it-Ot• Nouri MallllOll jojoilrl Tr.,tforoH Ciro_ IE.,._ UMI ._.... .,...._ Mit. IN llT-.~ Witt-at Plltlllslled ~ Coest Dally Piiot, Fo.S, 1"2 • taw • saw t MYI • INDI OP IOLTI Oozene of pdlml. llytN, OOIOtl In 1 ·3 yd. ltngttw. from OUf j ltOUlar~ ftiw. ClfAllJCE 78t. CMAaTllt NO. ltit• COMPTROLLER OF TH£ CUllREN(Y Tr-ry ~....,.,of tlle UnlteclSUttft. W•tlllngton, D.C. f'ICTITIOUS 8USlltUI tlAM& STATaMll .. T Tiie lollo•lnt poflon It Oolllt buslMH•' STETSON I.ANO d>. LTD. II, ,11600 Mol" Stroot, Swlto 110, 1 Orange CoU1 DAILY PfLOT/Frlday, February 12, 1982 f'ICTITIOUI au11••11 NAMI ITATWMINT Tiie r.it-lnt pOrtOlll are dol"I ll'lnlMUM. THE GARMl!NT OllTRICT AT NEWLAND CENTl!R, 1M,. .. eel! .. ,.,.. f'ICTITIOUI aUllNIH Blvd., H""4.lngl0fl lloadl, Cell_. f'IOlll._ Or .... C-tt Oflllr PllOI, NAMI IT A TIM•NT n.- Je11. H , Fell. i, ti, 1', t• ,,._., TM followl"9 persons ore dol"t ..,.,._ W. ~. S20t S......... buslMU•: Orlvo, N-POrt ... ,II, Calltornle STETSOH LANO CO .. LTD I, 7141 '2t6J ., f'ICTfTIOUI autt••H tlAMe ITATIMINT TM i.IW!fla --• oro do'"' } :,.. • Ml-•· I . .I t & T CONSUL.TING SYSTE~. e .-1Me, 1"""9, CA n 1u Of. ltlt0fl9·Ho Cllo,., I Rlffre , , lrvlN, CA ff114 I Mn. K-.-$llefl Chon.• RIW•a. I lrvlfle, GAtt1M. Tllll ...,._ It ~-., °" lftdlvlfuel 1(---"'°" CM1' "'" ~ .. flie. •"" .. C.U.r OHll fl OrMtt C:-y on J M •. 21 • ..., .... ... ., ... l'lll>lltMd Or .... Coo~ DAiiy Piiot, J ... 2', Foll s. 12, "· ,.., ~ IVNatOll couaT Of' TMI ITAff OP CALIPOttNIA f'Oa TMI C:OUlnY Of' OaANOa lntlle~of ... A#AluUeftW. JOWN GOlllONI SCHELL ... a..,...,..._ CAie NO,; A1111114 OaDlla TO IMOW CAUH POil a.MOI Of' NAMI WH£11EAS JOHN GOllOAN SCHIELL, Pllelt-. e PffWtl -1- YNrt of .... r..t lllM • ..Utloft wltll .,. c1-"' .... c-t ._ .,. .,_ <ll•,.11"1 petltleMr'I name from JC>t4N GOltDOft ICHELL to JACKIE LEE SUTWIRLANO. IT IS SO OROIRl!O lhel all .,.._,. lnWr"t.d lfl h --.Jllff matter .... r ........ c.....1 .. 1• ....... ---w.,.,... Mtl•foctor' •v-e llot lloOft _,.,. to -c orr..,creltor of tlle C11rrency lhe t "I NTElllM CAPISTRANO NATIONAL BANK" ~°" 111 S.. JMall c•str-. Stale of Calltomla, -~-with all Pl"Olo'l11oni of llw •••rutos of tllo United Sl•* ,_..,..., to be co"'4)110c1 •1111 boforo ....... MllOrl(OCI to c....._e tlle buliMU of bMlll"I Oi e Net-I Hllftll"910ft llMd\, ~-1--------------Harlloy Ave,.ue, Mldwey City llelllft R Stayar t , 216'1 CMlfontlatM.B aro•llhurst, H11nlln9ton •••Cll, e11 J·J ·U , In Illa cowrlroom or D•••r•-• a, et o ...... cw"'' .......... Aa«t.cloft -· ............ I,......, corttty tlWll Ille oi.ovo nemed onoclollon h M-llOCI to """""""'• Ille INM"'"I of bo,.klng os • Natlonol Benklng A-.: lotion RMIWt M. $1Ntll, CEO. ,.., Ille 0.-01 .. -. s..nwt ~. llK., • Colltwftlo ~ ....... , ... Mal,. Stroot, Suite 110, Hwttfnveon a..tll, Cetlfomlante. Thlt..,... II tle"'9 condM<l.ocl by •llmltad~. .......,M.Smltll Tllll •le*-flled wllll t .. Co11114y Cler11 of DrMll8 ~on F•-Y 2, ,..,, ....... Puollsllad OrMQll Cooil o .. ,, Piiot, Foi. s. n. "· ,., 1ta m.n. In tottl-wllorool • .,,,.., my 119Mturo -..., of office t1111 ltll d•y of Do<-t•t , _____________ _ Ill CMr1H E l.orlJ Acting ComplroOor of tlle Curr...c, Pvbll-Or ..... CNP Dolly Piiot, "oll. 12, ~. ». Morell s. 12, It, M. Aawll f, '·,. ,...., P-tCTITtOUI • ., .... .. MAMllTAft ... lfT Tiie tellowlfle--•ro _.,.. ........... _ VIOl!O IMMC>ltlES. ai1 Ordt °''"· ~ a..c11. c .. ..., .... ....... Wllllam Ofrtl ~. 9'11 Circle Orlvo, M••f'Otl •••<II, C#INitnlle ..... ........ ,,,,.,_ ,...... . .... .,, Cltcl• Ori••· ltow..n aoeu1. call ........... Otn. ""'*'"-• a.at Clr<la OftYO, ~ 9-dl, tallf9rtlle ..... Tllll ---le 11 .. , ... lty a ............. W. '*tlMllC&-·-..... --T'MI ....... _ ...... .. c-ty °""' ., er..,. ~ .. ,....,I.,... PICTITIOUS au ....... ...... ITATaMIMT Tiie lollowl"• porao,. It •01111 111n1 ...... : VAM GEMUS GLASllMG, IU.t .. roll11ct LOM, No. t, Hu"ll"etoft 9Nc:ll, CallfotNa .... All>ckll R. Mom•"· eJt1 Nnle Clrcte, ~ a.ec11, CAlllfomlo ... , Tlllt .......... ~,_.-. .. .............. AMillR • ..__ ,,... ......,.. _ n... ........ c-tr o.n of DrMet c:-My.,, J-V •• lta. ,.,., .. ........... Or-.. c:...e o.lly " .... ~-12.1', ... s. tt. Hll ... ... .. PICTI""°"' 9Ull .. U6 ..,....,..,.. .. '" Tiie lafM1Wt111 ,.,_ It .. 1111 ....... .., GUOt, •I. 11•11 a.. CoMe -. CA._,, G...,_ S. ........ IS l111e v-. *-' lleecfl. CA '21MO. Tlttt ......... __ by ... lftlllvllluoel. ~ ............ Tlllt ........,. -flied wl111 t"8 ~1 Clitftl fll or.,.. C ........ JM 11.1-. .. ,., .. ............. Or .... C.lt Dolly Piiot, J .... 2', .... '· 12, "· ,.., ~ f'ICTt'hOUlaUM .. llU Joo o..., CO-•I Portnor, ,.., Calllornlonte NAMlllTATe•ltT Herho' Avenwo, MldwAy C ity, Tllll t.ullMSl II C-u<lff t.y A Tiie followlng ""011 It dolllt C .. llOm .. ftUS geMnl---...io. Wtl-et: Tiiis llullMM II llOl"I Condlleled by V-W. -DAVID STl!EL.! & A$SOCIATl!S, a llml--'Mrsllicl Tlllt U.i.n-t -flied •1111 t11o IU Gaf'M. ~a-ti, CA "11661. J•ll GOOft County CIOr11 of Or-<AuftCV on GllY e-. ~. ID GerMt Tlli. ......._t "'" • ..,, .... C-y J .......... 10. 1"2 A¥O., N-1 a-ti, CA '*2. Clertl of Or .... c:_, on l'-..ory 2 f'wt .. Tlllt _,_. I• cDfldllC-by an 1•. ' PllC>ll.,,... Or-Coff1 Dolly f'llot. ""'1"-· • "'a.. J .... n. "· ""-s. n. "'' ise.c Gvy E. Oenyoo Pullll"*' Or-Coest Dolly Piiot, Tlllt .....,_, -fli..t Wltll -Fo S, 12, It, 16, 1"2. , ,,....,, Sujlorlor Court. *I Ch•k c.m.r Orl¥O Wost. S-. ,,_, c:.lltorftl• '2101, - -~.If .... ...., ... "'"'°" tw , ....... Of -INMllcl llOt bo .. -... IT IS FURTHER OROIER£0 ht e copy or "'" •-to -c-tie ~I-Ill IN Or-Coell Delly ~: Piiot, • new1pa11er ot t•nerel '\ U Ce lllornla once • •Hk for lour 1 WCCHMwo WOelll Pt"lor to -dete Mt I DATED· J.,., 20. 1"2. Count' Clertl of Or-c-,. ... J .... -------------"· ,.., .,,.... PIU Illa cln:w4atloll printed In Or-C-y. ·) for IMe.nneof-petJtion • .·;.' • --------------1 R-ldH "'-r Pullt._ Or-CDMt 0.0y f'llOI. -------------Jon 1'. F"-S, It. It, lta 457-«2 f'ICTITIOUJ autt•ISI NAM« STJlnMmln Tllo 1011ow1,., per-11 eet11e wsi ....... , MILE·KOI f'ARMS, 11!26 W ... McOu,_t, trA lrvlM, C•l"°'"lo '271• LIO'Pd L ._, Jr., ltln Seftt .... Drive, ...,.,...,.. hod" Callfor11I• ...... Tl>lt _,,.... I• COftd\IC-by °" fftcllvlduel· . Liofd L A_.., Jr. Tllll --... ,...., ........ Cou11ty Clof'1l of Drenoit c-i.y .,. O.C-•.1t11 ....... ""*' ...... °""'911 c-Delly ""°'- J .... "· Fell. s. 12, "· ,. -.a. PIU .. IV ... atoll C:OUltT M CALJPOllNIA COUWTY cw ••nntoe .-ca.-. ... f'.0 ... ,,. • .-..c..tntt PLAINJIFF: OUt:RT VILLAGE HOMl!e>*NIEllS ASSOCIATIC>ft, e (.ellfomta __..,., <...,..... DEFENDANT : T ICOR f'llOf'l!llTIES c o•PORATION. a <~ JOHN 009 CARL TOH, JOHN DOE allOWNE, JOHN ooe A88ATE. 1,.dl•ldu•ll¥ .,.. flie CAllLTON, BROWNE & A8aATE, • pert ......... lp; onf DOES 1 -20, f'UIUC NOTICI No«keot M .. ..-1 .. Pf"> .... _lof M<llOAa: JOJI and J012 OI IN CMI C ... of TM S.le of Ollfonola. In~--Ille,,...,.......,,, M<tleM-11 ... Jin fll -CIVIi C• --"*-~.--.... lltllld ~ w!N ...... at "'*'< AllCtlOfl ot 11:• o.m, fl-.-, U, ,. ..... I! .• .....,. Strett. s... ....... cal .......... A lt7S 0....-pick ... truck 10 # IDellLU-24, C.OllfOl'l•W ll<o,,_ -1'll, -Dfll<»-1· ... t ... W--.G••llK. fie I! W.-t Sttwt. 5-a "-· c.o. '2101 ~· Plllttl ...... 0rong9 ~ Delly Piiot, ,.__., ll, IC .. ,., NMlttl 'PIC'TtTtOUI au11N ... ..... tTATSMSln Tiie fAl-tfte ~· oro ....... ~ .. , Sf' oaou ... 11sM 110• Hiii •-· lrvll!e, Collfonllo "71• Ge,.90 Contvlloftls, Inc .. o Callforlllo c.,,.,Mloll, 17• Red Hiii A-. lnllne, Celltwltle "71.4 Tlllt Ml-I• <...-..C .... t.y o ,.._.t ... o..~.-.­J amH N. Tuil.,, Vic• PrH~ TlllS .._, w• lllM •"" -Cty11ty ClorlL of Or ..... C-y °" J-ry6,1ta f'ICTITIOUS •Utt NIU NAMa ITATS-NT Tlte fotl-11)9 --· ere dol ... lloHI-•· SPAGHEnl POT MEDIA, l1'° J Alr"rt "'-Orlvo, Coste MoM • Cetlfer ......... ~ -·-·-~. l"C.,. c.I~ --eUoft. "'9 J M--1 i.-. on .... c.i. Mne, ca11....,.. m.. J ..... of-5'41erlor Cow1 _,. f'NtLUf'MYlll ·; J AC08Y & MlrYlaS LAWOf'f'tCI ....... __... ..... .__._CA tint Cttll .. ,.. _,,_·· ,._ltNd Or .... Cont 0.lly Piiot, JOtl tt. 1',,,.. s. It. lta ,.., Tlllt butlnost 11 CONfw<tod t.y e --------------CO<-•tlo1'. Inc -c -.vP. ~1 -1 ...... -., ""' -_ f .... wltll tllo c-ty Clark ol Ora,. .. G-yon....,_.,2,t•. ,.,_ PuOllOIH Or .... Coett Dally f'llot, F.O. s. n. "· ». ,.., ~'~ PICTITIOUI aUM .. IU tlAMI STATW-NT Tiie faltowlnt por..., II dolnt i.usilloM •: OVERSEAS MANUF#.CTURING COMPANY, 0 1 Rlvenlde ·-· Suite "· ..._. 9oecll, C.011...-..&o t2..., Corl Pftllllp Lovot...... MS Vlo LIOo N-. --1 8-dl, c.11-. .,.., Tllll .....,_, I• <-1.od by on IMl•~---------------1 CM1 P L ...... on f'ICTITIOUS auS•N•ll , ltAMS STATSMlllT TM tollewlftt ...,_, ero ... nt ~-· FllC:::.-y:l~~=R2.t~= *». Oevld D. ••et•llOY. 2UU Guolllono, MIWlofl V .. Je, Cell....,.. ... , Tllo OlwtM S. H ...... Tl"Ull 1- Hwmml ...... rd Drive, C•la M.; ... C.OlllW'llM ...... T11i. lllAlflou I• <-led W • UNIKorpOt.eted -letlOfl -t ..... .... .-.... Tlli. IU-WOI fllM Witt\ tfle C_t, Cioni of DrMllO c~· e111 J_,.,,,.,,. ....... .......... Or .... ~ Oelly lltloel. t-'· tt. 29, ~ S. II,. '"'! .,., ••CT•notn ausu•mss tlAMalTA~tfT Tiie lofi.wtft9 --.,.. ..i11t lliVMMu•: Cl) Af'OU.O ENTERPRIS&S (2) THE GI.AS$ MENDERS. ms ~ Sonlo AM, Col ........ t210t 1 1Mhltl¥0. .. ,..., PuOll-Or ..... C-Dolly Piiot. Cllllft9IS.H ....... Trvstoo TlltCNl1MS H-Trvst Tiiis "'""""*" •• lli..t "''"' .,.. c_,.iy Clerk of Or-County .,. JACQYOlyll ,.,.,. 8Hi1, "91 $, Syc_.,,.., D. S...U ,.,.., Cell ...... o t21D1 J.,. 1'. Foll S, 12, It, 1"2 4'7-«t .. l'-...,..J,1"2 l'tDS Pvllll"*' Orenq;t Coelt Dally Piiot, Fff. S, 12, It, 216, t"2 SJa.a. Dale Pllllllp lleon, 2"1 s. Sycomoro. D, S-.M AN, Coll-• '2707 Tlllt llusl .... 1 It COftdu<led by a toMral~ Jacqi,.tyn Ann ._ Tiits -• WM tllod wlllt IN County Cterll of Or-c_... on J ...... ,, 20. t"2 f'1'1JPI PvlltllllOCI Or-Coolt Dolly f'llot, J .... n, "· ,, .... s. n. ,.., ,..., • t IEWPOBT DATSUN WBTWAIT? CAMPER SHELL $99 nt £picil ----' -~JJ ' . . -". : I -~· WITH THE PURCHASE OFANY NEW TRUCK AT NEWPORT DATSUN! BUY NOW AND SAVEi Mn" •MDS .. a RUAllrf 21, 1M2. GllAllD OP/llllNG of Orange County's Newest SUBARU DEALER Now ... the dealer that has given you 7V2 years as one of Southern California 's leading B MW dealers is adding the Fabulous Line of: SUBARU COIMlll for ow INTllODUCTO•Y SA1E. AND SAV• BIG $$$$1 w. have them a1 ••• 11tcllldlltg ..... SUBARU. New 1912 SUI.AIU IRA T! INEXPBISIVE. All> mat ~~~==:::;~;;;;~~ mSTAYntATYtlll We Still Offer What No Bank or Lease Company. Can ./ .... of ......... _"' ............. IO,.. c• ................. BEAii IMflJRTI ALFA ROMEO ~ PEUGEOT • SAAB • MASERA Tl EXCELLENT PIKES • ALL •EW M•ELS ••• SEE US .•OW & SAVEi '7 4 PEUGEOT 504 Dietel Burgundy exterior (099MJO) A steal at only •74 PEUGEOT 504 Ole1el. Blue exterior & low cn1•es1 (961MIQ~ Hurryl '7 6 PEUGEOT 504 Dle9el. 4 lpeed trln9 , sunroof & moonetone exterior (946500) • 176 PEUGEOT 504 Dietel engine with whtte extef'lor. (357SLU}. Don't miss itl 178 PEUGEOT 504 0 1eMI wegon Auto tran&.. air cond .• roof ractt & AM-FM ste<eo (754UCH~ '77 SAAB 99GL s3n5 4 Speed trantmiSSIOn, Stef9C), air condltlon1ng & low mllesl . (1251WJ). '74 BMW 2002 s4195 4 speed transmission, air conditioning ltnd s tereo (856l.WC). 54595 ~~.t!~~.~!erand SHARP' Navy blue. (217UMU). • 54M5 163 TRIUMPH TR38 . With wire wheels and overdrive! CLASSIC' P rofe111on11 restoration l • (VOR627~ 56495 '40 CHEVY PICKUP This one has been professlonally SUPERB' restored from the ground up• • (ZRE059} C6 Anteaters pay off half the. debt Fresno St,a'WClits,after UC Irvine dusts off San Jose St., 68-61 Speelal to tlae Dall)' PUo& SAN JOSE -UC Irvine assistant basketball coach Bob Schermerhorn talked about the Anteaters' character early ln the week. "You know, our kids haven't reaUy had to come back from adversity this year," he said after UCI had just dropped two straight. "I'll tell you one thing, though, these guys are winners and it wouldn't surprise me at all lf we went to San Jose and Fresno this week and won both games." ' Well, UCI has lived up to half of 15chermerbom's expectations. PCM alendl"if• ' ~ °"" ... W L W L t I It 1 , t It , t J iJ II 4 S IO .. J • 1 IA J • 1 14 , . . ,, t I 4 0 important. This 1ame really helps ut for Fresno." The Anteaters turned the tables on the Spartans a little bit, and maybe prepared for Fresno State in the process, by performing a little ball control of their own to preserve their lead. The Anteaters, who lead by nine at the half, used a little patience to increase their marein to 43-30 with 14 minutes to play and 53-37 with about seven minutes left. "You see, you're i{l a predicament. U you don't pull It out and lose, then you get criticiled. If you do pull it out, you risk the chance of loslnc the momentum. "We told (Randy) Whieldon to go ahead and take the shot if he was open. If they came out on him we wanted to get it Into Magee. If we could get the ball to Ben (McDonald), we wanted him to drive to the basket." All facets of the strategy worked as Macee totaled 32 points, Wbieldon had 17 (plus 1 assists) and McDonald 7. HAS GOALS -New Angel R~ggie Jackson says he hopes to hit 30 homers this season for his new team. Aided by Kevin Magee's came-high 32 points, UCI gained a measure of revenge Thursday night when it handed the Spartans a 68-61 setback. It was only last week that the Spartans started UCI on its two-game losing streak with a 58-57 decision at Crawford Hall. The Anteaters, however, needing a victory to kee,p pace with front-running Fresno State, got the victory they desperately needed The Spartans (4-5 in the PCAA, 10.10 overall ) staged a brief run late in the game but could get no closer than nine points on three difrerent occasions. Mulligan finally emptied his bench with the score at 682 55. "You know I bate to play that way," said Mulligan of UCl's control game, "but we're more into winning than scoring. The Anteaters, mired in a shooting slump of late, found the lariet aiain as they COMected on S4.7 percent of their shots <23 of 42). 1 Reggie still has . Selling power And now he's into. automobiles By WILL GRIMSLEY Al"S.WYICAI: J ' I • The shift from Yankee pinstripes to an Angel halo hasn't blunted the selling power of Reggie Jackson. Reggie can still sell Reggie. Home run slugcer. actor, sportscaster, car collector, TV commercial shill and notorious "straw which stirs the drink," this rugged, forceful personality remains baseball's most marketable commodity. Reggle swept through New York Thursday en route from his Carmel auto ranch to Key Biscayne, Fla., for a network broadcasting assignment, taking time not only to launch a unique aneillary career. . While publlsberfold models looked on, Reggie signed a contract to become Automotive Editor for Penthouse, Guccione's international girlie magazine. "l'VE TINKERED with cars ever since I was going to high school in Pennsylvania," said Reggie., leaving little doubt as to bis qualifications . "I almost became a hot rod racer." Attired in a tan safari outfit, Jackson signed with his left hand, exposing one of his six World Series rings. Brunette Corinne Alphen, a fully-clothed Penthouse Pet with an Angels cap atop her head, giggled Guccione beamed. "We now have one of the most ·ch pact rCarter MONTREAL <AP ) -John Mcf{ale, general manager of Montreal Expos, has been around long enough to know that you don't count chickens before \.bey batch or consider contracts valid until they are signed. recognized experts in the world bringing auto news to our readers," the young publisher said. Jackson will author approximately half,a-doien tomes over a year's period. 1be contract reportedly hit six figures. Reggie becomes a DH for grand prix ace Sterling Moss. WHEN REPOllTEas al a midday news conference tried to move Jackson into some baseball talk, Reggie brought COMMENTARY them up short witb the admonition; "I'm here to talk cars. When I'm through, maybe I can ' answer your other questions, if you can find me." While in bi gb school in Wyncote , Pa .•. outside Philadelphia, Reggie said many of the kids ha<l cars which he envied. "I couldn't afford a car, but they let me work on them," be said. "I could take them apart and put them together again. I could rebuild transmissions. "Some day, maybe when my baseball career is over. I will race as a hobby like Paul Newman." Reggie said the first car be ever owned was a 1955 Chevy which he still bas and nurtures as he ~d a son. Every two years he gives it a complete facelift.. He rarely bought cars. He traded for them. In 1971, he swapped a color TV and S300 for a 1940 Chevrolet. OVER THE YEARS, his motorized stable has expaoded until be now owns 47 cars, many of them rare antiques with a value of hundreds of thousands of dollars. He rides around CalifomiJt in a $110,000 Rolls Royce coupe. "I have everything from a '33 Willys to a variety of bii black Chevys, Porsches, BMWs and Rolls. "It's a big win," admitted Coach Bill Mulligan. "We had to have it to make Saturday (against Fresno State> The Anteaters 17·2, 18·3) now will face the Bulldogs in another do-or-die outing in Fresno. Playoff berths on line tonight Sea View League title up for graa~ By ROGEJl CARLSON Of_o.ltr .......... Win or lose, a lot of people are going to be rushing to the telephone tonight. They won't be worried about their leading scorer or bow many rebouncJ.s the bic guy got. The only thine they want to know is how did the other guys do? That's bow it shapes up as the final salvo of regular season basketball games unravel In quests for the title in the Sea View League and playoff berths in the Sunset and Angelus circuits. Edison has the Sunset League championship wrapped up and Costa Mesa has earned a CIF 3-A playoff berth, its first in 16 .. years. Corona del Mar and Estancia, locked in a tie for the Sea View League lead, will enter the playoffs as the league's No. l and 2 teams regardless of the outcomes tonight, a coinrup to decide the No. 1 berth if they tie. For others -Marina , Huntington Ueach, Fountain Valley and Ocean View iri the Sunset and Mater Dei against Bishop Amat in the Angelus League, it's now or pack up until December. Because of the possibilities in the Sun.set League, you can lose and still be alive and it's possible for four teams to end up tied at Ss5, although Marina is a prohibitive favorite at winless Westminster. Here's the schedule, each beginning at 7:30: Sunset League -Edison (8-1) at Fountain Valley <S·4); Huntington Beach (5·4) at O~an View (4-5); and Marina (Ss-4) at Westminster (0·9). Sea View League -Newport Harbor (8-5) at Estancia U1·2); and Corona del Mar (11,2) at University (8·5). Angelus League -Bishop Amat (3-4) at Mater Dei (3-4). Should a tie exist for a CIF 4·A playoff berth in the Sunset League alter it's settled tonight, provisions have been made for one or two games at Edison High Saturday to break it. receive a bye and the other two will play at 11 a.m. to provide an opponent for the team with a bye at 7 p.m. The big game tonight? Just point your finger. Edi.son seeks to up its overall record to 22·2 and protect its No. 1 rating in the CIF 4·A. A ,victory would probably give Coach Barry Leigh's Sunset Legue League champions the No. 1 seeding in the upcoming playoffs, which begin in a week. Fountain Valley, with the anticipated return of J eff Hughes <ankle injury). could clinch a CIF 4·A playoff berth if Ocean View tops Huntington Beach. Huntington Beach can clinch a CI F berth with a win if Edison indeed disposes of underdog Fountam Valley. Ocean View , which has slumped to its 4·5 record, is still . alive for a playoffs berth If the Seabawks ca n regroup, combined with an Edison victory at Fountain Valley. And Marina. The Vikings need only put Westminster away, but ev e n with a victory , if Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley also win, it would mean a three,way tie for second with only two available spots for the playoffs · Wild ? Figure this out Fountain Valley has lost three times·to Ocean View during the season (twice in league), ~t shelled Marina by 31 points alter losing a 42-41 decision earlier. Marina. in turn, dumps Ocean View twice. Ocean View's only victories in league have been over Fountain Valley and winless Westminster And Huntington Beach is the only team to leave a blemish on Edison's league record. It's a little easier to figure out in the Sea View League where Costa Mesa has already completed its regular season. The situations( however, contrast. Estancia hosts a team which it ripped, 58-46, leading by 20 points in the fourth quarter before sen.ding in the subs. "We have an agreement in principle," McHale said Thursday, referring to the el"1t-year deal worth a reported S15 milllon with Gary Carter, the N.ational League team's workhorse catcher. "They <Carter and his agent Jerry Petrie) seem to be satisfied the wa1 everything h85 been put together." "I buy buildinp to keep them in . When a building 1ets overcrowded, I buy another building." SOFT TOUCH -Golden West's Corey Everhart lays one m over Rio Hondo defender during Rustlers· 88-78 win over the Roadrunners Thursday See stor:v. Page C4 . If two teams should tie for third place and neither has an advantage over the other, a playoff game will be played at 7 p.m. If three teams are involved, a coinflip will decide the team to Corona del Mar, meanwhile, travels to University after being extended to a two,point decision in a home encounter in the first round. Mater Dei was a S4,52 winner at Bishop Amat in its first round test and the winner toni.chl gets the Angelus League's No. 3 berth for the 4·A playoffs. Ferragamo's return a · matter of dollars and sense And don't exPect Pat Jfaden to welcome Vince back into the fold 'With open arms, either NOT BS IN A COOKIE .IAa: ~ittle doubt remains concerning ~e P'errapmo's pendinJ returo to tb Rama. Jltebt now ne•oUatlons Mn Moatreal (wbieb doeln't want bim) and the Rama (who do) are t.akinC place. U that'• left t.o work out II a few daltaraand.-.... · ODe ,.._ wbo won't be~ about V&ace'a b0m,comin1 is Pat Haden. AaotW ii Jeff Rutledce -but for dlffereat reuon1. Haden tan 't parttcutarly fond of bl• Italia~ --~ and will probably be aakeit to 'bt tnMl RUUe&lle, ca tM odMI' ~~MMia~&Oodabot at Mini NO. 1 oat .,..... H 4'ftijt.hlric f'ealMd ltatul ~ •.• ....... cOuld ba lriMd .. .a.u, u needs a low -completion, blab ·interception, over-the-hill quarterback . . . Sorry to see the Dod1era break up the 'ol 1an1. but someboy you knew it wu 1oin1 to happen. MOit athletes are like Ulinl quarten at a laundromat -you put them in machines, they run for awhile md tbeD you Siever ... them a1aln. NlDe yean la a loot Ume for any one at.bl~ to survtve, nnertbeleaa four on the same infield. Davey Lopes may be the llnt. to ao. but be certainly won't. bethel-.t ... One real nice th.LD1 about Lopel, at leut from a 1'1iter'1 lt•=t, wu that wlD or laee, rou.t or c 1ame, bero or~· Davex wu. alwaya wtW.1 to talk to the media. Pat JJaden II ln that Nine el-... SPORTS COLUMNIST JOHN SEVANO coordinator job. Finl be wanted Ron Erhardt, but be turned It do'wn becaute the New York Giant.I came up wtth $85,000 more tb•n the Ram1 were offerln1. Next, Malan1l coveted 1001-Ume friend Joe R•Uc, bul be bu apparenU,, eatd ao, too, beCaUM ol tbe ..or1anitatlan'1 lDltabiUty ... p.m .) the defendin1 World Olampiooa play USC ln lbelr annual five lnninl exbiblUon at Dodcer Stadium. Of course the reason for 1ucb a bup turnout would be the appearance of P'emando Valensuela, who la scheduled to burl the first l.nn1nc or so. . . V aletwlela finiabed his llexicao stint with a 2·2 record and a 1.28 BRA, includin1 a no-bitter. In • lanln1s pitched, be struck out 35, walked 13 and 1ave up Jun lS blta. In the r.eent Caribbean Serlea, the El Zurdo surrendered ooe nm and 10 bA&a In 1~ 1.nnlnp ... WOODBRIDGE INPUYOFFS Earlier this week, Woodbriqe Hi&h basketball Coach Bill Shannon wa' cautiou1ly opUmiJUc. Everyone told him bis team would be in the upcomlnl CIF playoff a. Shannon wasn't so aure. Thursday afternoon , it became olftcial. The Wanton, in their flnt year at the •anltJ level, will be 1D the playotta u a freelance tealn In the Small Schools dl\'llion. Shannon received a phone call from tbt CIF office Tb~. three clays belore lite playoff pairln11 aJ'e set to b e annouacecl, lnlormln1 b1m tMt hl1 team bad reached tl•• IQyolh. I J ..... -but don't eOUlll -It. ....... ........... aet la bl~, Md~. ................... .......... -~liMb9co••a'*'*'ClB·.. ... A:1 or Dan P11tortal, tltere'1 ~one NFL tabl out tbilN wide .. J.Aok fOf' Bili JlUIHJl to bl tM neat rictlm of tbil dUllJ '1u.r -old ... • The latelt rumor hu lobn Hadl belna offered tlae 1po1t . If tbe ••·Ram quarterbeck t11rn1 him doWD alao, ma1be Ra; Will Ilk Uone1 :rQ-lar beck. Nalal h9D lf tie dld1 1.101M1 .... probalJb' hif* p.j w1tb thl.... . . . n. ~·· .,.. ftPldtilC ..... ftnt Some of the Antell ar. ~ in 1tiape with exettLH -or at. l...t J tblnk that'• what Brian Downln1, Bruce Kia~ and Preddle Patek aacl tbetr wi"9 ~ do&nc on Jack l•'•nne'1 montlDa TV alloW Tburaclaj. ~. all t.h1'eit ~ loot.d ta mw . ...._ form U DOM ol the txilii'd.Mi wen btlDI dime In \a1loe . WoOdbrid.le, ranbd ae.eatb la tbt laa.M CIF &nan .-lim. pOll. wr.,.,_. up t.bii "'plar j HU08 *9tJa a .. oftr'all NtWd ~ •ellout tbe Huon tbla SuDdA1 <! . . Of 11· •. . I ~ :1.1- 0 0 0 - Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Friday. February 12, 1982 , .. .._ ..... .._ ______________ ~· / Norte Vfeta decldel tQ' forlelt Thurtday's Khitduled women's m bHketbaU ••me be&..._ IUveratde Polr Hl1h 1nd Norte Viale tru c:anceled when Norte Vt•ta acbool ottlcl.all vottd to forfeit the a•m• Slumping~d tllrll8 to hypn.~ti8m ~ nnt time UM two team.a met Poly WU a 10.,.Jded l'Jt.15 wiMer a1 Cheryl Mlller acoted 105 polnta. Poly Coach Floyd Evan.s hu come under crlUcbm tor that 1ame, ln which the 4-2 Miiier pleyed 30 ot a possible S2 minute•, leavln• oncy tor the ttn1J m.lnut~ of tho first hall. The Ivy Leaiue pr1.ncipall concluded at 1 leaau1 meet.Int that EvlN "did not tot.ally operate within the CIF Cardinal Athletic Principle. and Code of Eltucs. '' Aa 1 league, we cannot condooe coachln1 bebavtor which allows the lnteresta of one player and a team to decimate the emotional From AP dlspatcbea m HUNTINGTON. w Va. - Marshall University's basketball coachina staff bu enlisted the aid of well·beln1 of other teams " Barber's goal cuts Sabres a hypnotist in hopes of helpln1 the Thundering Herd break out of a ahootina slump. 30·foot 1lap1hot with 35 secondt , Wlnaer BW Barber laWlched a Iii' Skip Lutz, the asaisla.nt dean of ManbaU'a CoUeee of Uberal Arts, Is a hypnotist and bas spoken to the Herd's players several times in recent w~ks. Before one recent pra.Uce, Herd players Larry Wat.son and Charles Jones fell mlo a hypnotic state and had to be brou1bt -out of their trance before they could begin practice. remaining to lead the PbiJadelphJa Flyers to a 8-4 National Hockey Leaeue victory over Buffalo Thursday night. Center Ken l.Jnaeman added an empty-net aoal to seal the win . . . Riek Mlddle«oo took a pass from Mike Glllla and slapped it into lbe Mloneaota net earlv in the third period as "They really eot into it," said C. J. Wollum, an assistant coach. Boston secured a 4-2 win over 'the North Stars ... Mike 8o11y scored his 4lsl goal and collected three assists in the New York Islanders' 8-2 ~iumph over Chicago ... Vancouver's Tbomu Gradln and Ivan llllnka each scored on third-period penalty shots u the Canucks came from behind for a 4-4 tie with Marshall Coach Bob Zuffelato, under fire recenUy when the Thundering Herd lost five garaes in a row .. said Luta was brought in to help the players relax. He sald hypnosis baa been used frequently to help cure eating, . smoking and drinking habits, and even to improve golf playing. Quote of the day Truck driver George ~nderson of Sacramento. who spent Super Bowl Su(.lday at an art gallery: "Until the other diry, I didn't even know who was playing and I didn't care. They've taken this football idea and carried it into outer space." •0 H• Detroit. The final goal came on a penalty shot with just :I> seconds left in the game ... Sieve 81latt'1 goaJ at 8:ot ol the second period made him the 29lb NHL player t.o reach the 350-goal plateau in Montreal's 4-2 :triumph over Pittsburgh ... Dennis Manak scored twice, the second with less than three minutes left. to give Washington a 5-3 victory over Cal~ary . . Yarborough, Baker tough at Dayto na DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -Cale II Yarborough and Buddy Baker won the UNO Twin 125 qualifying races Cards, Padres complete trade The St. Louis Cardinals and San Ill Diego Padres exchanged talented but Thursday at Daytona International Speedway, nailing down the two second row spots for Sunday's Daytona 500 Grand National stock car race. unhappy shortstops Thursday, the . Cardinals sending Garry Templetoa to the West Coast in exchange for the Padres' Oule Smltll. The announcement capped more than two months of negotiations that appeared to have ended fruitlessly several times, most recently when Smith said he didn't want to go . . . Dave Parker reacted angrily to the news that the PittsbUrgb Pirates would actively try to trade the outfielder and then vowed be would have bis best playing year ever in 1.982. "I want the people of Pittsburgh to know that I never demanded to be traded," said Parket. "I have noth~ng against the city of Pittsburgh, but I thmk the media and sometimes the front office has made me a scapegoat.·· . . . An arbitrator has awarded Kansas City first baseman Willie Alkees a one· year, $350,000 contract. Yarborough made a bold move just two turns from the end to pass front-running Bobby Allison and take the first of the two 50-lap races, while Baker was in front nearly the entire second half of the nightcap and led the last eight laps under a caution flag brought out on lap 42 by the combination of a sudden drinle and a tangle among several of the top drivers. The qualifying races determined positions three through 30, 'With the rest of the 40-car field to be chosen by NASCAR from qualifying speeds turned in during four days of time trials. There is also a promoter's option to add two additional cars, if the Speedway chooses to do so. From AP dispatches FRESNO--Senior forward Rod Higgins led 18th-ranked Fresno State to its 18th consecutive home win by scoring 13 points on the way to a 54-45 Pacific Coast Athletic Association basketbaU victory over Long Beach Slate Thursday night . The game was tied 10 times. the last a ~:I> faceofr with 15 minutes left in the game. Fre~o State, which lost to Long Beach last week., then rattled off elght straight baskets to take the lead to stay. The Bulldogs. now 8-1 in PCAA play, shol 44 percent, making 22 of so field goaJ attempts. They improved their overall season record to 19-2. The visiting 49ers, led by senior center Dino Gregory who topped all scorers with 14 poinl.s, saw their conference record drop to 3-6 and are now 7-14 overall. Long Beach senior guard Craig Hodges scored 12 points. Fresno State's senior guard, Donald Mason , and sophomore center Bernard Thompson also reached double figures. both scoring 11. CS Fullerton 82, Pacific 65 Guard Leon Wood scored a career-high 36 points and had a game-high nine assists Thursday night, leading Cal State Fullerton to an 82-65 victory over visiting Pacific. It was the fifth straight PCAA victory for the Titans, who are 6-3 in conference action and 13-11 overall. Pacific fell to 3-6 in league play and 7·14 on the season. Wood connected on 13 of hia l7 field goal attempts and 10 of his 11 free throw tries in his outstanding performance. Overall, Fullerton made 62.3 percent of its field goal attempts. Guard Ricky Mixon added 23 point.a for the ntans, making nine ol Jiis 14 fioor shot.a. Tony Neal contributed 14 point.a for FulJerton, hitting seven of his nine field goal attempt.a. ucse ~ Ut•h st. 11 SANTA BARBARA -Junior Mario Gai.oel scored a career-hich 71 point.a, handed off five assists and also had six steals to lead UC Sant.a Barbara to a 9M7 victory over Utah State. Gaioea, • 5·10, HO~d point cuard, eeo,.. 14 of bl.a polata in tbe opening half .. Santi Barban led by as. many as 12 potrltl earl) tn the b~U. Tbe Gauchos lacreaild tht lead to at much aa 24 wltb 15: 55 remainlq ln the coatat at S1..&f. Cencer lllcbard Andenoo Mt Juat three "' hb 13 OOOL ahota, but trU ei,bt al ellht trom.&he'tr. U.V. tlM -.nd1Uid 14 po1ntl tw U.. Gallchol, who ~ •ta overall aad M ln the PCM He also led all nbounden with u. Leo Cunnlqbam, ULaJa sa.111'11-11 c...,., led tM Ml* ..... 11 poMltl. and 11 rebouftdl. -a..-AulW)onl ad6id ll poUiU ., .... .-..., I • I • BASK.ETBAtL USF 78, St. Mary's 77 SAN FRANCISCO -Center Wall ace Bryant scored on a slam dunk and guard Eric Slaymaker made a pair of free throws in the final minute, allowing the 17th-ranked but struggling San Francisco Dons lo edge St. Mary's 78 -77 in West Coast Athletic Conference play. The Dons. in1breakine a two-game losing streak, improved their WCAC record to 6-2 and their overall mark lo 20-4. USF outscored the Gaels 17_. in the first six minutes of the second half and seemed to be in control. But the Dons blew an eight.point lead in the final five minutes. The Dons led 72-64 after forward Ken McAli.ster made a three-point play. but St. Mary's capitalized on several stolen passes and went ahead 75-74 on a short jump shot by David Cooke with 1: 19 left. I N. C.rollna 59, Maryland 56 CHAPEL HILL, N.C. -Two free throws by <North Carolina'• Matt Doherty with three seconds rem aininl halted a valiant Maryland upset bid as the second-ranked Tar Heels grabbed a 59-56 Atlantic Coast Conference victory over the Terrapins. Doherty finished with 18 points to lead North Carolina'• attack, while Maryland freshman Adrian Branch led an scorers with 20 points -16 in · the second hatr. Irvine wre8tler s dominate meet Irvtne Hicb'a powerful wreaWn1 team captW'ed six of 13 first place deci1ion1 and added 1 pair or ruuerup 1pot1 tn the Sea View League flnab to place el&ht men in the CJ F wrestling prelim.lnaries at Cyprea CoUeee Feb. 20. Winner• for the Irvine team included Louis Brenes (115), K. J. BenUey, U2t>. Mike KeUer (148>. Ste9e Scbwtchtenberf U'JO>. Steve P-eet (188> and Ruu Silver (Heavywelpt). While t.be Vaquero. dominated tbe lea1ue meet, El Toro toot aeeond place and qua.Wled 111 wUb c.o.ta ..... next wttb four <lUIUllen. Other tndi.sdual wlnnen included two each trom CO.ta ...... a Toro and Saddlebla.ck and one from Coraoa del Mar. Th.e CGltj .... WiDDen were Kea Camciri C US) iDd Ntck Beriacd (1'1) WIUl Oorou del Mar'• lone MHtr belDI Ra.Deb •• , .. (LSI). 0 0 s a a 0 Bucks take ieventh atraJ9ht The Mllwsuk., B~u. wt.lb IO Ill ,polnu by 8ttaa Wlaten and 11 by llarq11e1 .lolillllcMI leadlric a balaneeii atfack oulled away In tM fourtb quarter to defeat 'Portland. US-•O~ Thursday in tbt N•tlonaJ Buketbail Aaaociatkxl. 'l"ti. Bucu ran their w,innln1 atreak to seven camea ... Eltewhere, Job t...i acored 35 polnta to lead Detroit to a lD--tU victory over Clevelaod ... Maarlee Lac:aa scored a 1eason·hlab 35 pointa, 25 ot them ln lhe second hall. to lead New York to a lJ0.117 win over Golden Slate, deaplte 40 potnta by the Warrtoni' 8traud KinJ. New York aot only 14 point. (rom It.a aubltitutes and the first 75 point.a were scored by Knick starters . . . A 38·polnt performance by MOHi Maloae, who also hauled aown 32 reboundl, helped Hou..too to Ill sixth straight victory. 117·100 over SeatUe. The loss brklte a seven-aame winning streak for the Sonics, who remained a half-eame aheac! or the Lakers atop the Pacific Division. Lou Brock Jr. headed for USC Lou Brock Jr ., aoo of • major -league baseball 's base-stealing record-holder, plans to . play football at the University of Southern California. Young Brock, a defenaive back standing ~11 and weighlnl 170 pounds, aiped a letter of intent Thursday to attend USC. A wishbone quarterback at Horton Walkins High in St. Louia, Brock was also a switch-hitting shortstop on the baseball team and also hopes to play baseball for the Trojans . . . .Moearc:b passed Mebmet in the closing yards Thursday to capture the Shade Tree Farm Purse by a neck before a crowd of 18,177 at Santa Anita . . . Ted Banu, the wlnningest college track coach in the country, is leaving the University of Texas at El Paso Feb. 21 to take a job with Converse Shoe Company. Banks announced that he was leaving college coaching because of budget problems at UTEP and because Converse bad made an offer of ''considerably more than ·1 was making here." Television. radio FOiiowing are the top sports events on TV today. Ratings are: .t " ~ ; excellent ; ~ • ; worth watching; " "fair ; " forget It. ~ 8 p.m .• Channel S I ./ I COLLEGE BASKETBALL: UCLA al Arizona. Announcers: Joe B!Jttitta and Bill Walton While the Bruins are ineligible for PoSt-season play this year, they can serve as SPollers for the remainder of tt)e campaign. Tonight's game at Arizona doesn't figure to be much of a matchup as UCLA's Rod Foster. Kenny Fields and Darren Daye lead the way. The Bruins are 7-3 in Pac-10 play and 13-S overall while Arizona is 2-9 and 7-13. RADIO , Basketball UCLA at Arizona, 6'30 p.m .. KMPC (710); San Antonio at Lakers, 7 20 p.m .. K LAC (S70). Ski Report Southern California mountain snow conditions, 9 :43 a.m., 12:•'3, J ·<43 and 7:43 p.m., KNX (1070>. 5 5 5 5 3 a s a a s c s a Kings battle back for tie Dio1.1ne" Kelly knot it up 5 INGLEWOOD (AP> Mlcbel !Ser1eron, couch of the Quebec Nordlques, can't understand why the Loe Anaelea Kina• have one of the poorest recdrda ln thr National Hockey Leaaue. ''Loi Anceles is a Sood t.eam and 1 don't know why they are 19th overau;• sald Bereeron after the Kings rallied for a 4-4 Ue with the Nordlques Thursday ruiht. "Offen1tv1ly, they are aood." Bergeron, whole club dropped an 8-7 verdict to the Kinas earlier t.bia season, micht have added that defens1vely, Loa An1ele1 la poor, ~ery poor. The Kings, 15-29-12, have allowed 188 1oala, m0tt in the NHL. • However. the Kinp were better than usual on defense Thursday night. They trailed 4·2 midway through the third period but goals by John Paul Kelly with 8 35 remalnine and Marcel Dionne with 6 · 24 to go gave them the tie. ·'On both their thir~ and fourth aoals we lost the puck behind the net and that gave them the momentum they needed," said Bergeron. I dori't like to lose a point like this on the road, but these games are never finished " Tbt! tie enabled the Nordlquea, 27-20-10, to stretch their unbeaten string to six games -they are 2-0-4 in those games. Quebec look a l~O lead after just 31 seconds of play on a pow~r play goal by Miroslav Frycer The Kmgs took a 2· 1 lead later an the first period on goals by Dave Taylor. hls 29th of the season. and rookie Dave Smith. his 11th The Nordiques went ahead 3-2 in the second period on the 17th and 18th goals of the campaign by Anton Stastny Quebec made it 4-2 early in the third period on Michel Goulet's 32nd goal of the year Cla~pett in lead i n rainy Hawaii HONOLULU (AP ) Bobby Clampett conquered howling winds and driving rain with a no-bogey, S·under-par 67 and look the lead 1:hursday rn the weather-delayed and uncompleted first round of the Hawaiian Open golf tournament. Heavy overnight rains flooded portions of the course and delayed the start of play by l Vii hours. That late start, coupled with continuing foul weather, resulted in half the field of 144 being stranded by darkness on the rain-soaked layout. The 72 golfers marked their positions on the flat, low-lying course and will resume play from that point Friday mo rning, with regularly scheduled second -round play to follow immediately. Among those stranded when play was called at ' 5 : 15 p.m. local time were Ben Crenshaw and Dave Barr, 3-under-par afte r 12 holes. and John Schroeder, 3 under after nine holes. Condihons were the worst of the year on the pro tour, with a line of squalls c.ontinually lashing the 6,881-yard Waialae Country Club course. • • & Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 12, 1982 Daytona 500, golf, basketball f eat11red on TV Saturday's TV. radio TELEVISION Noon (4 ) COLLEGE BASKETBALL Vlrailnia at Clemson. 2 p.m. (4 ) GOLF Third round play In the HawJalhm Open 3 pm (2) AUTO RACING Pole position winners lo 1981 on NASCAR's Grand National stock car drcult, tanale In the Busch Clasll. taped haat Sunday et Daytona Beach. J:OO p.m. ~2> -CBS SPORTS SATURDAY - WBC lightweight champion Alexis Arauello (73·4> defends his crown against James "Bubba" Busceme (26·3) in a scheduled 15-round bout, taped at Beaumont, Tex Also: Same-day coverage or the women 's world speed skating championships from Inzell, West Germany and a live report from Daytona Speedway on qualifying runs for Sunday's SOO·mile race. (4 ) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL -Oregon at Oregon State. (7 > - PRO BOWLING -The finals of the Rolaids Open, taped at Florissant, Mo 4:50 p.m <9> -NHL HOCKEY -Kings at Pittsburgh Injury stops Austin HOUSTON CAPl U.S. Open champion Tracy Austin has been forced to withdraw from the Avon Champions hips in Houston because of a recurnng back injury. promoter George Liddy said Thursday. Austin. ranked third m the world, missed the first three months of the 1981 season with a similar injury, including last ye ar's tour stop in Houston. Chris Evert Lloyd and Martina Navratilova. ranked Nos. 1 and 2 in the world, have not entered lhe tournament. 50c off adult ticket with ad ORANGE COUNTY ~9LU«;'ft'9MAHA GUN SHOW M8a & MllB THAN 1¥8 1 ·Sat., Feb. 13 & Sun., Feb. 14 BUY -SELL-TRADE 250 TRADE TABLES Featunng Guns -An!IQue & Modern Ammo -War Relles & Sun>tus Indian Artifacts -Rugs & Jewelry -CnlnA IN CALIFORNIA'S PALM SPRINGS AREA! A Great New Golf Course Resort Home Community Invites You! The Southern California desert's newest. most exciting resort heme com munity 1s now underway on the Jack Ivey Ranch just 5 minutes from Eisenhower Hospital and Bob H o pe Drivel Ch oice golf course locations now available ... a selectio n of over 20 different manufactured ho mes. ~Ml~ Pools, tennis, recreation... ~ desert vistas and su nshine V-L!J ~ -iwr COOTIWTWS Off interst•te 10 •t Kubic Ro•d . ---------------oc~ Write T 00.y JKk Ivey Jack Ivey Ranch Counlry Club free golf pass P.O. Box 8652,Palm Springs. Ca 92263 includt!d. Write """"" u"ntt n'f' ~th'' tt,.11 t1ur1 .. mt •~tv•••Of"I for color onl1,.m; .... n brochure map Name ________ _ and reservatio n information Address -------- City _________ _ 1 When did the American League last win • the Alt-Star Baseball Game? A Where can Sports Fans: S. A.. Enjoy $100 Welt Drinks & Beer from 4-7p m ? B. With Free Hors d'oeuvres? C. And Continuous Wide-Screen Satellite Sports? D. With Great Food and Lunch Specials? dnONnOY 9.UfOdS JHJ. ·a dnONno~sJ.~OdBJH.J.'~ dnoNno.,s.utOdSiH.J.'a ~ dnoNno., SJ..,OdS iHJ. 'Y V l'-9 'l!OJl&Q U! 1L6l ·~ 5aBMMY S p.m. <7> WIDJ: WORLD OF SPORTS Michael Spinks 08·0 > defends his llaht heavywel•ht title •a•lnat Muatapha WassaJ• <2•-0· l ) In 1 ischeduled 15 round bout taped •l Atlantic City. Also: The pool champlona trick shot wi,ardry exhibition, taped ln Atlantic City and a look at welterweight bOxlne champion Suaar Ray L onard as he prepares for Monday's bout a1alnst Bruce Finch 6 p.m. <SO> -SPORTS AMERICA -The 89th running of the Kentucky Futurity trotting classic 8 p.m. ( 13> -COLLEGE BASKETBALL USC at Arizona 11 p.m. <S> -COLLEGE BASKETBALL UCLA at Arizona State RADIO Bas ketball -USC at Arizona, 6:30 p.m ., KOA Y I 1580>. UCLA at Arizona State, 6:30 p.m .. KMPC (710 >. UC Irvine at Fresno State, 8 p.m . KWVE < 108 FM I: Utah State at Cal State Fullerton, 7·30 p.m .. KWRM 0370); Long Beach 11111 Auto Supply. OPlll DAILY 9·9, SAT. 9·6, SUll. 9·5 "Wl'RI HILPlllG YOU DO IT RIGHT'' State at San Jose State, 7 30 p.m • KLON (88 FM > Hockey Kina at f'IU.sburith. 4 50 pm • KPRZ <11501 Sunday's TV, radio TELEVISION 9 a.m. <21 AUTO RACING Start to finish coveraae of the Daytona 500 NASCAR Grand National stock car race 10 a.m. C4 1 COLLEGE BASKETBALL Georgia at North Carolina. ·Noon C4l SPORTS WORLD -J o J o Starbuck~ Ken Shelley and Janet Lynn are featured in Part 3 of the world pro ftgure skating championships, taped at Landover. Md Also A hos t of world record holders compete in the Mlllrose Games indoor track and field meet and a retrospective look at the sixth meeting between boxers Suiar Ray Robmson and Jake LaMotta 12.45 p.m C2> NBA BASKETBALL Boston al the Lakers. I JO p.m. (4 ) GOLF Final round play in Flameproof, mot;inetic bock, built-in anuffer. #6411621 99C AlhE•IA QUICK MOUNT· Antenna, 3· Section. 53" Moat, 54" Cable. GlSOl 239 OIL FILTER AIR ~ AUTOGEM· 163 GEM·l EA AUTO GEM· GEM-5, 17,33,40, FILTER I AUTO GEM • For moat American '011ent;ier cart. Trap• Duat and Dirt. 42,49,64,11.1 •• EA 2!! ...-cu·- stA·Lull· A pow;· fvl, water W(ltha n fonnulo. One Lb. co . ""' WATER PUMPS 1T8• Fof Mott CHEVROLETS (bcept Corvette) 1955-76 8 C~r 12~307 .377 .350 Engine I for Motl FORDS lefore April 12, 1975, l96J.7S 6 Cylinder jl44-170-200-240 &.glne). DOOGf·"-YMOUTH 2A88 1959·71 I Cylinder v- for Mott CHEVaOUTS (bcept 4~ Engine & DieHI) l tn · 'IO 8 Cylinder. For Mon FOIDS (from April 12, 1975 with 200 Env'neJ 1969-'IO 6 Cyrrnder with 250 f119ine & 1975-'SO with 200 Engine. FORD-MERCURY 1965· 78 I Cylinder (2" wilt! coat iron 26'' houtlng & 302-351 f"illine). 3618 CAlll1TI AM/FM 1111110 Wiih 5 llAllD IQUAtnp 80051111 S'ARKOMATIC ·Slid. control1 & Mporate balance and fader controls, lodclng foat forward and eject controla. #SR305 SffAIUIS NOi INClUOfD 9897 WlreWheel Cteaning Ktt • 1895 . #16612 UTTlllY POST & 1111.M91AL CUA .. Two bnnhea ._, ·' for terminal .A / & cabte "'1".~ ;_-"1I connecton. · · ~ #6418731 ,,,,,,,~ '"" .·.·. ::: >;~ 99:A MAG WHllL CLIAlllR EAGLE 1 • R"torH ong..,ol beouty without •<rubbing •01·08·24 149 w.EWHUL CUANlllG KrT EAGLE I· Sproy Cleoner & neut1ol11er ron•• Both 1601 333 #02-08-12 KIT RED CAP · Ory Chemical, 'reuure Gout;ie. For home, car, boot or RV. #310R UTTlllY 'flltMlllAL COWCTOllS Two bolt Solderleu type. Eaay to lnatoll. #6445001 49~ nMING CHAIN KIT c-to of dloHI, ,.or, -oc~ ... Voth• ond .. ol 'OtlD, FALCON COMET, MUSTANG 6Cyllftchr 1'60-'761'4-170-200 CHfVIOlfl, CM£VllU, CMIYY II I ,.,..._.., ltSS.77 tt45-21S-l02·l27 .)JOj 3581 the flawahan Open. <71 SUPERSTARS A stellar list or Nf''L pro bowl partJclpaota takes part 10 the rinal men's preliminary, ta~ at Key 81:.c ayn~. Jo'lu 2 30 pm (7) U.S.A. VS. THE WO&LO The United States wrestling team va. West Germany in o series of matcbH taped at Atlantic City, NJ 3·00 p.m (7) WIDE WORLD OF SPO&TS - The U S Grand Prix motocross motorcycle championship, taped at Carlsbad. Also: Pegn Fleming, a special performance, features the skating artistry of the 1968 Olympic aold medalist during a recent five-week engagement at Lake Tahoe, Nev. 3 50 p.m C91 NHL HOCKEY -The Kings are in Philadelphia RADIO Basketball Boston at Lakers, 12 30 p m • KLAC (5701. Hockey Kings at Philadelphia. 3.SO pm . KPRZ <ll501. 30:FF EVERY DAY LOW 'RICfS ILDRIPP . -~~, ·~ -...... l KELLEY • Heavy t;iol· vaniHd atMI. Smooth rolled edges. ~;~47"·599 IPIAKIB ••• S'ARKOMATIC • Coaxial with 20 oz. mot;ineta. Hondl" up to SO wattw power peak.. #SK-620C 27!~ .. ., ... -~ ~.m • ROIEltK -~ntable I dual lpOrt mirrors. 11~! TWIN MATS RUHER QUEEN • Dffp cut plle carpeting. lkxk. 111141, Gold/leige, or Red. TWIN REAR •MSHC 6~A!I TWIN FRONT 8~:~ I I I •• I RADIATOR AllTl·RUST, FAST FWSH, OR STOP LEAK I I I I I I MECHANICS· '1 oz. •807M, #810M. •812M I 33c • EACH I I I 15~! I I KS 2·10-82 (006) I I • I I Anaheim 1280 N. Euclid • 772-9840 •Anaheim 2340 W. lincoln Ave.• 999-1621 Buena Park -.KJR~ 1m 5256 Beach Blvd. • 994-1320 Costa Mesa 1739 Superior Ave. • 6'2-3384 Fontana 9880-0 S"tetra Ave •'350-8441 •fountain Valley 9880 Worner Ave. • 964-6427 •Fullerton 141 E. lmperiol • 73M971 - Auto Supply Wl'RI NII.PING YOU DO IT RIGHT DAILY 9-9 SAT. 9-6 SUN. 9-5 Orange Ooaal OAJLY PILOT/Friday. February 12, 1982 Playoff berths determine~ Fount.aln Valley Hlah dld:n'l have t.O worry abou\ fl&bUn& ror a Cit' playoff berth In Thursday olaht's Sunset Leaaue women'• baakeLball meeting with Edlaon. That waa assured of 1ame1 •10. But the Barons did have an opportunity to chdm sole PQ6aesslon of the Swiaet tJt1e anct U11t was motivation enough to help them overcome a five.point tb.ird·quarter deficit for a 54.+4 win ln the regular season finale The win pnts the Barons alone at the top of the Sunset at 9-1. Huntington Beach finished second at 8·2 while Edison finished 6-4 to grab the third playoff spot. Corona del Mar and Estancia tied for second in the Sea View League al 11·3. There will be a coin ffip to determine which team will go as the league's No. 2 representative in the playoffs. The Sea Kings and Eagles were· both winners Thursday night, while Irvine beat Costa Mesa. Here's bow it went: Fountain Valley 54, Edison 44 The last time these two teams met, the Chargers handed Fountain Valley its only league loss, a 56-51 overtime decision. And when Edison went up by five in the third quarter, it appearred as if the Barons were headed for a similar fate. FowitaUl Valley was held to just two points and eight shots from the field in the third quarter -. ·WOMEN but turned things around in the rourth as Therese Puchalski had 12 of her game-high 22 points to bring the Barons back. "They ilid an excellent job with their press and that gave us a few problems," Baron Coach Carol Strausburg said. Sam Arledge contributed 10 points for the Barons while Deanne Davis added eight points and 12,rebounds Edison was led by Shelly Trepl's 13 points. Huntington Beach 53, Ocean View 43 Cathy Townsend and Tammy Buckles combined for 30 points as the Oilers broke open a tight game with a 18·9 scoring edge in the third pe riod. Tammy Webb paced Ocean points Marina 55, Westminster 38 The Vikings completed a disappointing Sunset League campaign with a triumph over the host Lio ns. although the outcome wasn't fully determined unlil the final moments. '·we played everybody in the early stages of the game," said Coach Mike Thornton. "Val Loya hat a couple of field goals late in the game to spark us and we started hurting them with our press." Marina, which had entered the league season with high hopes after winning the Marina-Edison Tournament suffered a couple of close losses in the firs t round to set the tone. Marina finished 14· 12 overall Sunset Corona def Mar 69, University 45 Despite a slow s tart, the Sea Kings sewed up a tie for second place with Estancia in easy futuon over visiting University ·'We started dominating the boards in Lbe second quarter and also decided to play so some defense," said CdM Coach Karen Gearhardt. "All our kids got to play tonight and I lb.ink that's important getting ready for CIF.' After staying even for one quarter, University wa s outscored 22·8 in the second period. Besides leading all scorers with 19 points, Liaa Greenberg was a force on the board for CdM. Merilee Oschner had 12 points and Cindy Kendall had 10. lrvlne 68, Costa Mesa 54 The Mustangs held Irvine's Kim Oden to a s ub par 14 points but Lisa Stessman more than picked up the slack, pouring in 31 polllls as the Vaqueros wrapped up their season at 9-5, 14·10 overall. Costa Mesa employed a box-and-one defense, alternating defenders to keep Oden relatively under control. The 6-2 Irvine senior still dominated the boards, however, with 22 rebounds. Nance Lux (15), Vicky Lamar (1') and Nora Seager no1 aJl finished in double figures for the Mustangs, who finished Sea View play at 6-8, ll-10 overall. Quite a reversal ff9m last year, when Costa Mesa finished the year at 1-19. Estancia 72, Newport Harbor 25 Estancia outscored Newport, 45· 10, in the second haU to close out the regular season with an easy win. J oan Howland led the Eagles with 16 points, 12 rebounds and five assists but Estancia Coach Joe Wolf said defense set the tone. Estancia closes out league play at 11·3 while Newport finishes at 1·13. The Sailors got eight points from Lisa Wayne and Elizabeth Dodds chipped in six. MIHlon Vlefo 56, Capo Valley 43 'fhe Diab os closed out the regular season with an 1mpress1ve 22 2 record and finished un- beaten (10-0) in South Coast League play with a win ove! second-place Capistrano Valley. Mary Madigan led Mission Viejo with 18 points and Cindy Rohrig pulled down 16 rebounds and chipped in 14 points. The-Cougars (8·2, 13·7) were led by Lisa Benton's 14 points. Basketball scores HMIUI Sl1'11UOlll COUllT 0,. TN a HA Ta 0,. CALI l'OllHIA I Ill AHO 1'011 TN a COONTYOl'OllAMOa CASaNO.Alll• NOTICI' 0,. SAL a lllltO• -l'l•IOlleGUHO•Ul.JflOtl•IA COUNTY 0" OlllA ... I 1•cw•~~•"' ....... C..'1191 MAlllllAG I 01' l'lflTIONalll IHlllOUI AVILA a11d 111$~NOaHT l'ATIUCIA IL.AINI AVILA SUMMONa ll'AMILY LAWI CAta NO 0-1""1 NOTICl l You haw~ -T,.,. coun m •y lllKl.ile ...,,., yov wlt,_t YOU• be'"t ,_,.. ~M \'Oii rw.....W •1111111 • MY• ... ., llW llllOf~ .... Mlow II~ .................. . •llWNY IA 11119 -............. .. .. , ..... , .. , .. lllal , ......... ... ...,.._, "-· .... , ........... tlMa. AVllOI u-. ,._ M41e .. --.... ............... _ ...... ,_, u .. tla ••"••cla a "'•••t ••• Ud. .......... ....... ..... We .. ........ """' ........ . "u-....... k"-' .. ,_.,. .. ... .....-----·--"' llH••I• IM-Ole&.t-11"', de ••'- aM-a, • ,_.. -rt~. al aay . ., .... _.._,..., .............. I TO fHE ltl$PONOEN1 . The P•lltlo11•r 11•• fll•d • 001111011 <-•rnlftG YOUr m.,fl"°", It you lall to 111• • ,._.,.within )0 HY• ol ow O.w 111•1 ltlh •u-llo It Mr-on you, YOU< lltf.vfl Mey .,. ... wrec1 alld Ill• c ourl mo onl•r • Judom•nl cont•lnl1111 lnfuntll .. or olNr _,,. concerning 0 1v1"011 01 'roperty, .._. .. , -'· (l\lld CUi100y, chllel -1. _,., •-. '°"'· •nd well O!Nr r•l14'1 H ""'Y be tr-by the co"" TIM 1141•n11i.m.111 Of w•oea. lalllnlJ Of _, or "'°"""'· or ottwr cour1 •UlhOflled !>'OC-11\0' mey .,.., fHull OalocJ O.Cemeer 21, 1 .. 1. L .. A BraflCll, CIOrll By c waot1••. Oei>utv •A,.AaLA. CAllDaNAS t4111.:i::"·:. us:.. ,. LM4-lft,C• .... Pvbll~ 0.-c .... 1 O.otty Piiot'. F•O 12, 19 26, M¥cll S, 1"2 _., NIUC MOTICE NOTIC• or TltUST••·s SALE ~Ne.117-IU Tl.He ,I~ NEWPORT HOME LOAN, INC •• duly •ooolnl~d Tru\t•• u,,der "'• IOUow1no ""'""--01 truM WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTIO.. TO THE H IGH EST 8 100EA FOA CASH IP•Y•OIO •' lime ol WIO lft l•wlul moNy OI llW Unllocl Stet .. 1 all r'9111, UllO e1W1 lnt~ .. I C6"Veyecl lo end "°"' llOkl Oy II under WIO 0..0 of Tn .. 1 ift ll'le pr-rw i..,..,1n.tt•• OOK•I-· TAUSTOA JOHN E. SOUKEAAS •nd ANITA E SOUKEAA~. llu~ftO •lld wife 8ENEFl(IAAY BUE NA lllSTA INVESTMENT COAPOAATION Ae<or-"""" 10 "" •• lf•tlr NO ""· '" -,.,,, -'"of Ofll<lt l At<o•d• ift llW o#!lu of 1"9 Aecordet of Ore-C-11• ••kl -of l•u•I de.CrtO.. IM folloWlhQ ll'~V LOI IO of l rt(I No .ao:>, In the c "' of Nawoor1 8••<h '' P•r m ep rec:orci.o In boot< IM, ~QO 13 10 19 lftCIUSIV• of Ml~ell•rww• Mop" II\ ,,,. ol11C• OI lh<t co;,nly recoro.tr of 1atd county IO Llncw ,,,. ,._00,, BMcll, CA .,~ '(II e \lr .. t •Oclrt" Of com'"°" ct•••vn •lfon ii \hown •Do ve, rto war r •'HY '' 9 1ven •1 t o ttt (-plOI-• or (O"'M tnenl • T,,. ben&'fklery Undet Wld Deed Of Tt u•I. Oy •-of a OrHcll Of O.l•u" In ,,,. obt11141llon• .. <u•ed llloreOy ,,.,.lofO,.. UKUled -Oellvered 10 Ille .,,,.,...,IQr>ecl • '"""*" Oecler•tlon of Oel•ull end O.m.,,d IOr S.le, •nd .. ,.tten no(I<• of l><•acll •l\d ol ala<:tlon lo CltUW' lhe ,,,_,,QnOCI 10 MU Hid pr-rty lo wll\IY Wld OOllV-llon•, and ltle-..ner the u-n~ <..,..., w ld notice of -tell •l\CI o• ela<:tlon to be Aeco•-No•em oer J, 1"1 •• lft\lr. No. lJlO In -t•71 -1117, f1f Wld ~lclel Ae<OfdS S.ld wle wlll be m-but wlll>OVI cov•"ant or ••rr•n••· e-.pre11 or Implied, r-dlt>Q lllle, POHesslon, or erw:uml><enc ... to pay '"" rem•lntno pr..,clpal sum of tlW noltl\I wcureCI Oy .. ,d 0..0 Of Tf\lfl with lnta'9S1 •• lft WIO ,_ ..,.,..ldecl •OV.,,ce\, If •fty, u-tlW IWM\ of Wld 0..0 of Tnnt, I•••. CM•9tl and upen~ of t"9 Tnntee -OI the trum <rM-0y H id De«! ot Trust IMO wle wlu be Mid on,,..,,_.,, M«cll I, 1"2 et l 00 PM •I the ,,_....,, A-e11tr...c.e to tlle Cl•t< c.nter euodlno, lOO EHt Ch•Pm•n A .. ftu•, In lhe City ot <><•-.CA Al Ille time ot llW lnltl•I pUtlllc•llon of 1111• nGCl<e. I,,. tOlal emouftt of Ille unp•ld IMll•no of the OOllQ•llon ..cured OV lfte •-oescrl-0...-ot ""'I -nllmolocl cosu .• _ .. ._ •"d ed••nct• I• U J,Ot It To delerm-tlW __,. bid "'°" mo ce11 111•1 •l7-0!lll6 D•tt F--...y 4 tta NEWPORT HOME LOAN, uec. HWld Trun ... By T 0 SERVICE COMPANY, _,,. Bv Cindy Sc-.... Alil\\Mtl *'•l.,y 0... City 11<1u1 .. .,.11 We.I. OrM'OO.CA.,... IJU I UW. PllOll•-Or-CM\! 0 .. ly Pllol, F•O 11, It 2t, t'C ....., MOTfCll lllVITI .. •tot llUClll'T 0' l'ltOl'OtAU leelff .,........ Wiii .. NC.iw.o "' t111 Clly el lrvlN, OwMr .. tfle -..-. lft ,,. efllCa ., N CltY Clttll, i.c.- et IPHO J'"'"'" lloeo, 1rwl11e, Cllllf.,llla tt114 1111111 .... '·'" ... l"•O<....-y ia. t• ,., ttw ctt1tlrualtll • Ore l,.... ,~..,.,.,.,. ... l'lrrt.,. Tr"'--~11-...111t..iec-I. OllClllf>TIOH 0, WOlllC TIW •• , .. ( ... .i ... of , ............. 9'141 ...ieco-f/f M Hltll"t lM<ll .. lift wllll -catcll """'· <*W!f'\ICI IMel .. ,.,.. .... ---r ........ tl•••I ,avem•tH a llf tld•welll C0t,.lr~l 2'" ltCI' 10-IOOOI l11eaveto llrel11e .. c~I. modify nltllite lllt!C11 ... '""'""•;,....., .... i.e ... .. ,, .............. , . .,_ -,.. ,,_ •• roq11ll'9CI -......... ,._ wrf•• UIOINl!lllt'S 1$TUMTE •17,IOO OPl!:NINO OF PltOPOtAL•> TN P-•lt wlll .. puDll(ly-" .... reed el J I'-'" ... f'..,,_y U , 1"2 •I Ill• •ttew me,.,11-Olflo Of lite Ow1lar o eTA I N I NG C ONTllACT OOCUMEN'TJ Tiie -Hl<e1le111 .,. •11tl11eo "0 .. 1..._ l"'tlf'•ve-• • Co•1t1'U<tltt1 Of Plnyon Tr" L•,.. Catcll ... ,,, A..,1ecem.t1t" l'teje(I NO c: Ip UO·•S. Plan• ... ~ •P•<lllt alloftt and all co111rec1 dOC\111'1 ... b .... y .. Ofll•lllff ,,.,.,. .,,. 0.Hrlment of PuOtk w .. i.,, Clly of lrvlne, 11100 J.,.,.,.,._ Ito.cl, lr•lne, Calltorlllt A ,_.refund.oi• ... a1 tJ0 00 wlll lie <"-oeel tor etcll WI of -umenl• PIMs -..,..lflultlon• Wiii M Maw.cs for.,,--· <lltr .. ofU eo PltOPOSAL GUAA .... NTEE. Eecll ,,,_.., '1'811 lie 6C~lecl "'. ,.,1111ee1 Of <Miiier'• ........ or o~ Oond In Ille .,,,.,...,. of 10 oerc.,,I of t1W tot.I bid P•IO P8Y•DI• lo Ille Clly of 1 n>lllt al e QU.,~ ""°' Ille -r, If 1111 pr-•I It •<8Ptecl. w111 proml)41y ... cul• U.. <:orllract, MCur• .. .,,.,_, of Workmen'' Compen1atlon tnt•Jt•M•, -"""'"' • wll•factory Fa1t11t111 "9n0< .... nc• 9oftd '" ,,.,. ·-· "' 100 otr<Oftl of -lolol 111<1 Ptl<t al'ld • Labor -1-Wl.,l•I• 9oftO In tlle ~ OJI 100 perc.,.,I of llW lotol Old Pf'I<• WAGE ltATES As ••Quired 01 S.cllOft 11n OI ltlt c.tltoo'ftl• Labor Code. Ille Owfter l\at OtlHmlneCI ti. general 1>"9V•lllno tetn Of .. _, In tlW te><allly '" ""''ell tN -• It lo o. perlOf...0. CccMeo of w ld W-r•\e •i.rmlNCloM -malnttlllecl •t llW offl<H of llW °""9r end are 4vall•Ole llPOft ,._11 TIW c-ractor 11\ell _, • copy ot Wild *'-' •I 9"" 100 sit• The Gontrector and .,., tuO<ontraclo<' u,..,., l'llm .,..II "" ,,., ••u .,,.,. tllt -"led Pf'•••ll•no r atu 01 w•ou lo •II wort1m•" employtd In ,,.,. eucullon of Ille COfttteU. PltOJECT ADMINISTRATION All question• reletlw to llll• prolect prlo< to,,.,. _,,.no OI Olcts "'811 be dire< Mel to Co,,.trucllOtl Prole<t M•,,•oer, Atl.,.,llon Johll OIFr...,.., T•~ IM·~ OWNEA"S RIGHT~ l'ESEllVEO Tiie OwnH ·~IN •IQll• to ••lect any or a ft b ld1. to w•l ve any 1111orm•llly In • Oid, •net to m•ll• •••rd• In IN Inlet H I of Ille Owner O•led Jen ... ry H . 1"1 City of INIM N•n<v c. Aowl...ci Clly Clerk PuOll•lle>CI 0.-tci.\I OeHy Piiot, F•ll J. 12 ,.., snc . MN.-U NOTIC.e Of' D8ATH Off JAHICB KATHIRINE 'RICHARDS AND OF PITITtON TO 'ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A1'2150. To all htl,.s , benefic iaries, creditors and contlnoent credlto" of Janice Kathe,.ln@ Richards and persons who may be otherwise Interested In the will and/or estate. A petition has been filed by Security Pacific National Bank In the Superior Court of Orange County requesting thet Secu,.lty Pacifi c National Bank be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of Janice i<etherlne Richards (under the I n d e p e n d e n t Administration of Estates Ac t). The petition Is set for hearing In Dept. No. 3 at 700 Civic Center-Orlve, West, In the City of Santa Ana, California on March 10, 1982 at 9:30 a .m. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should either appear at the hearing and state your objec tions or file written objections with the court before the hearing Your appearance may be In person or by your attorney IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your claim with the court or pres ent 1t to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Section 700 of the Probate Code of Californla. The time for filing claims will not expire prio,. to fou,- months from the date of the hearing noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are interested in the estate, you may fil e a request with the court to receive special not ice of the inventory of e state assets and of the petitions, a ccounts a nd reports ------------1 described in Section 1200 PRUC ~[ of the California P,-obate ___________ ,Code. C1'"'1_, llOTICa 0,. TlllUSTIEl''S SALa T.S. 11•. 2-41e:I On l'el>nMry 16, 1t112, at 9· tS o'cloO •.m. on Fnaey, •I lht ,,,,,,. ..,tr...ce lo IJ>e old 0.-t -iv Courtr•ouw loulecl on ~ An• BIYCI • o.t- Sycernore SI t. 8..-•r Slltlt• Ma, Collfornla WE ST EllN MUT U A L C OAPO AAT ION. • C•l llornl• ,.,_•llan, •• Truot• or wt>\llhrttd Tru•I••· under Ille d...t ot tru•I eHCuled Oy MARINA BIFl'IN, •II unm•trleCI _,,.,.,, •nd HENRY N GE EN, • •lnole ,,,.,,, llerel" <•llecl lr.,.tor, rec:or-April 1. 1911. u lnslru-No »72. '" -1-, P•o• IOI, Of Ofll<lal lte<orch of 0••-'-"· c a111or .. 1 •• wlll ...... PllMlc a11<11an to -l'lllll'fft -· tor <•tit ... y-... 1...tl.tl _.,of \lie Unllecl SWn .t tht llme of ..... Ille ll\ler"I con .. .,.., to .,,, -held by wlO trust .. ..-. wld -OI tru•I '" IM pr-r1y •llu.led In wkl County -Slale, llucrl-as· A LEASEHOLD ESTATE AS C REATED av Ill AN UNltECOAOEO LEASE DATED MARCH U . ttH, ElCECUTEO BY ELIZABETH J PHILLIPS, LOUISE P HUTTON ANO G EO RGE W PH ILLIPS. AS LESSORS, al MO •• P••tlculetly dU<tlO•d In EXHIBIT "A" .nee-l'lerelo tl\CI m•de•part,_..,,_ aXNlllT "A" A L EASEHOLD ESTAT E AS CAEATEOBV· (I) An wn•ecorded l•H• oated Molrcll 17 ... H. •-ultd by Ellr•belll J Pllllllpt, L°"lu P HllllOn encl Geor" W PNlllt>S, H IM-1. -ltY St•I• Wide O•••lopet\ Ille . e C.otlfornl• <"'-•!Ion, •• Ln-10< Ill• perlOd •l\d upon Ille "'"'" condttlon~ at1d cov•"•"" thtr•'" <Oftlalllecl, • --of wllk ll re<o•-J.,,. s. 1'71 In 8-11'21, P•o• u1 of 0111c1a1 A.cord•. roff,..,I\(. Oelnv ,,.,..Oy -lo , ... re<Cl'd I ........ tor lull par1\(UI•~ s.old matte" ef!Kt • oort-ol Loi t, Trect No M.M. I JI A" u11recorded IHH d•ttd ~rcll 10, lt?S, e.cutecl by H-H W•kef\em, •• L••sor, and by Sl•lt·Wld• Oe,.•lopet1, lllC . e C .. ltorllla ~allon, .. L~. tor '"• P•~lod •nd UPOft Ille l•rm1, co11dlll0fls •net coven•lllO 1"9re l11 <OftlalMCI, • --m ff wllkll recor!Nd J..,. S. 1'7S II\ a-l!Ot, Pao• 0 1 of Olllc la l Ruorda, r.i•r•n<• r.tno' llereby m..o. lo IN record tt..reof for lull i;..rllculars Seid manen effect• POrtlon of l..ot 1, Tr.ct tlSt Ill All 11ntecord•CI lene d•l•d Molrcll 10, tt?S, ue<wteCI 0y Wllllam H W•ll•ll•m 811d O•rrlcll H W•l>.•llam, aa Leu•••. aftd "' Stelo·Wld• Oeve1op.,1, '"' , • Calltorllla --9110ft, H La-. tor Illa 1t•rlH eftd UOO'I Ille l•rlf>•, COfldlllolll afld CO•eftafth therein eo11t.llllG, a.....,__,,. Of wlll(h re<O•!Nd J.,,_ S, 1'7S 111 llooll 11421, P•t• '40 Of Olfl~i•I A•<:Ordl; '9f9ro11Ca -.AllO -to tlW reconl 111••••1 fer 11111 parllculara. Said matter• tflec1 a -1 '°" ot Lot 1. Trecl 941. The l"'-11 .. lie U-hat tlllC• ....... Oy .., 1"'1rUM"'t r~Ofoed Aprll ), 1'19 81 lftltNOYIMt NO Ml, Ill llHll IUt•, P•t• Utl, Olfltlel llKOl'd1, ,.,,, ov ol~ ""'''-" OJI retard), 10 J-A Corbett end How•ll Mat Cor'betl, 11...-•nel •If• ., "''"' 1..-nts.. The ·--· of ... lHM9 .... ''"'• PHNd "" ... IMtrumo11t r•~·- Al'l'll I, "" ft ltwl""""'1 NO, K71, Catld lly oh< IN'"""-b al ..cefifl lo Marin• •tlflft, aft 1111,.,.,,,., -...., aa to.,, unllM-\'> 1-1. tfld H-V N. Geel\, a llfttlt tntt1, a1 le ... 11 ... 1 ..... ~lnt..-..1 lli'AllC~L 1, Aft unlllYlclad l/IQrd l<ltenM Ill Md to I.Al 1, Tr.ti Jib&. .. "' ~ l"KAll'dtd Ill 8ooll H1. l't9ff t• to,. 111c;1ue1 .. , mlacell-..._ Ill IM offlu of Ille GOullt'r llecOf'Cltr of Nl•<-tv. l•C•lllllllt tll•r•from, ul\llt I ll1routll IU, n 1lle•n 011 lllt c.,....lnl\lm pt., r9(ardlN 111 llo.- lt1U, Het .... Offlci.1 ,___ .. Mid<-t\I. lli'AllCIL t · Ulllt tl, et """"'.,. ltle <•fld6111Cl\lllwft tM•ll referta>d le In ,._•It...,.. Hastings, Blanchard, Weil@r & Kennedy , Attorneys at Law, S10 West Sixth St,-eet, Suite 1204, Los Angeles, CA 90014·1353, (213) 4IS-0326. Published Orange Coast Daily Pilot, Feb. 11, 12, 11, 1982 682 ·82 Puollc ""''"Ill will IW NICI Oy Ille (;otta Mi>W Pl....,11111 CommlHIOft •I ow City Hell, 11 l'atr O<'lw, ""''• Mew, c.tlfonll•. •I 4 JO p m or H '°""' .. poullllo -... fie.°"-. •. F-.,.ry 22 ltll2 lttt••O l119 th• lollow1ft9 90911<.tloM I A•-"'9tlhon A.cJ.o.:J for A-1 Wawrrvnla9'. eu1hofhed •OMt tor L end and !.•• En1•rprl1.•\, l11corpor•ltd, P 0 Boa 141t C.ac>lstrOtlO 8-ch ,.,.. P9f'mlnloro to re1ont IN WC>je<I P<-'Y trom MG and c 1·CP lo CL. IO<•leel •I '"° Suoerlor Av•nu. E"otlronm~nt•t Cltt•rmlftalioro .,...i•w de<ltretlon 1 T.,.,~1 .. Mac> of Tr«I T ·I 1160 for J.,.,,n W P.otnwr __ ,,.., _.,, lo• Louis Slm PlOft, UOOI YukOI\ Avenue. Hew'O"Ol'M for • on. 101 tuOdl v t afon tor <o"oomll .. um purpo .. s. •oc•teCI •I JS•• .,,., JSll E tdf'n Avenu•. It\ •n A1 Zof"le Enwironm•ntat d•terml n•t•on MQ•llve dt<l•rallOft IOf ZE.-?-OJ J. Speclll< Pl•n SP.cJ~I 1or C0>ta MU• Clly CouftCll P 0 Bo• 1100 •rtect lr\O comm•rcl•ll • ro,,ed property In the •l<inlly ot Brh tol SlfHI -lllO SM OleQo l«>SI eftO Costa -ISSI Ir_..,., 111 •Cl, C2, Cl •"d A2 Zone E11•lrOl\me,,l•I dtlerml,..llOft .,...itw do<l•r•Uon • Zone £ac-...1on Permit ZE..,.u IOf" W.00 A f.W,, •wt'-llecl eo-nt fOf C•tlfornl a tnn Man•o•m•nt, l'ICOtpor•l•O. 1'1 I S.lnl Alldr•w• Orlve, L•wr•n<•. K•n'•' tor • C-lllonel UM Permit lo UPllftd an u lsllno llof•I. lncludlftll • tl• ... atorv 110101 •ddlllol\ •nd • tllre•·•lory parklftll st•U<lu•• CendlllOtl•I UM PermlU for oll all• acceu •"d parking, end to eac••d Ill• 10 11./IWCMlory llelllf>I llmllellOft, -Varlaftce1 from ••tbeckt and l.,,d,K_,,af\9, IOC•lecl al JlJI -10" 8rlltol St•••t. In • C l Zont En•fronmenl•I d•t.,mlnallon -nctumtoEIR For lun..., lnlor,...tlon on Ille •Oove •Pe>llcau-. ,...,,_.. 1~1~ or cell ., Ill• 0111<• Of ,,.. P l•nnlftO O.par1rnatll, A-.. lOO, II F•tr Orlw Costa Maw. C.lllO<'nl• Pullll-Or-Coast o.lly Pllol Fe41 It, t• ~ICTITIOUS CWSIHaM N-1 STATaMUfT ·0u!i':.:.::~1:owlno perso11 I• dol110 CORPOt!ATE G"APHIC FOAM$. U70 C.citllec, Suite E, Golla MeM, c.itfomt•'1!UI J.,.... Ale-Wlllte, 1«11~ °'6911. EIToro,c.i~.,._ '"'' ~ "' <end\Kttd Oy .. ll\dlvtciu.1 J-A.Wlltle Tiiis 11a-wet llltel with IM C0<111ty Clerk ol 0rllft09 County en Ffl)rvarv 10. nm ,., ... PuOtllNd Or .. Coast 0.Uy Pllel, Foti ll, It,•. Marcil S, 1• ~. • ft ., "'°'1CIO~ MOM-ll~lllUTY Natlca 11 11ereby ,, .. ,. t~t tile ""*" ...... wlll '* ............ *fer .,._. dtl>b Of 11111111111 .. <Oftlrecttel ~ ,_,_ .,,., .,_ """"°''· ... w .,. lllbd•le. D•IM ttlls IOlll Ny of ,,.llrwary, "'' ,. .......... """"' ...,,,., --.... ...-t-".,,. It_........, .... , UU "'"• •r••-· Coll• Mu•. t--------=.._...;:;; __ ,. ~~'rd"~t. Wiii be Ill ... Wll ..... I ~ 11111 : w•rrffltv •• te mi. llffMttlOfl or --------------'"nm..,.nc..._ '9• \tie "",..... of •l('ftnout •VS1111:u -'"" lflt ....... !Ml tttllf'M., Mid • MAIM ITATCMaNT DIM..__.... .. tw.,.. • ....,.. of Tiie fellawlflt .. ,,_ b .. ,,.. .. 1"""'9 .... fli•m.ee~-. -..--· NM..._~ lflef..-r, _. Oe ,_ULL.t.C. CN\IHYM8tf1'$, ..,...l .. .,..,.,... ....... _. .. , .. 0... ~ ~ 9eliCll. c. ....... .,.. ... _. '""'""' .. IM .,..._ ...... _. .-, ......... tit.wit llllCttA SAIOMIS 0. llUIS.A(, .. I .... ,.,, '"' w. er-I,._ ~ 9-dl, o...di ~:a-CA ...... .... °"".... T111• ........... ~ ... -.. .... T-...... IMIY .... . Clil'tlllt• c.a. ..., snna....,.. °" '"""• '""~ ntla ......... -m. ...... ·-~ t_,, °""' " °"""" ca..t'I • .............. ....... ...... n............ ..._. ~ Ollrf ............ °'=.c= Cliltfr ..... " . .............. ~ ....... .,... Or•nge Coat DAILY PILOT/Frld•y, February 12, 1982 ~ > . NBA ftSTllu• co.'•••.1tcr htHISOMtM!o S.ettl• w "' ~ ... ~· ,. ,. 109 -u u ... ,.., "'°"'•llCI 11 " SH •Y> o.fdt11 SC.le t• 21 UJ II'> ..,__,.,. u 21 s..J • s.11oi..., 1• ,. m., ...... Dlvt .... S...A11t0flio JO II ... _ Housten 16 n ~ .,.., 0.11 ... , 2S n SI'> Utlll " It ,.. 14 K.,_»ICll't " S1 m ,.,.., 011111 .. » "'" 11ASTe1t1t COJ1,r1trNce Altllttk Olvl .... BootOll :M 11 n1 -Ptlll.0.lllflll :M ,. IOI l't WHlllftGlon 14 24 500 -'MwJ•ney 2• 1S "-•Yorll 1J 11 Cllotr1I OMll• Mll•IU ... :M ,. 0.lrolt 22 11 At11nt1 " 21 lndlene 10 " Clllc190 " to Cl•v•l•no 11 ,, T'llllrMey't S<orH Ne .. York 120, GolO.n Sl•I• 111 O•trolt 1n, Cl•wlend 113 Mllw-· IU, Port!-!OS Houu ... 111, S.•111• 100 , ........ o.m" Sen AnlOnlo 11 Ullen GolO.n Stele 11 N-J•rtoty S.1ttleat DlllM U111111 IC.-Cir, Atlente M "'-n•• -aoe1on • s.n o;..... COLLEGE f90 II "° ,,,.., IOI 4-iO IJ •u u .• t•Y> -OY> mn UC Irvine 68, Sen JOH St. S1 UC lltYINr ~ ll. Whlei-. 11 McOonlld I Full•r •. TllO<ntOll 1 Wulf • JOl>n>0n o, Cla ck> O. T1ylor O. Crouoey o Sc>lnn 0 Toi.I\ 1l n )1 .. SAN~ STATE McNHly I -. 0, Uthofl 0 Vin-. 7, Brown • eo..1-I. Ol•on I R•-0, "'"'rlon 0, Phller 12, Werner I .-10 T-• 7 Tot111 1' :>-I " H1llllme UC INI,. :i.11 T 011 I fOUI\ VC I Nine IS, Sift JOH $!Me 26, Foui.o out \/In'°" IS.On .>ow St.tel Ol•on (Sin J.,.. 51 .. •I Technl<1I• --(UC lrvlNJ SoCal JV 78, Chrtat College 45 SOUTNrltN CAL.,OltNIA COLLIOr JI/ -flt-lo IJ, Leclt.ey 11, D1v1a u . HllMn I. &oq.,e 1, Jollnton J, O' Anjou J, Hldbef'O 2, WH_, I, S-t 4 Tote I> J7 14o11 71 CNltlST COLLrOE T HenHn '· Dueker S H•rtm•n 2, M Hansen t, Eichelbef'~r l, """ s, ScM<lter •. Hu><ht<' l fol•I> 112~0 Helltlme "'°" l1·U. Sout,..rn Cll JV Total louh SoulP•1tn C..llforn11 COl'- J V 11, Cllrht Colleoe 7S, Fouled out Aeddk~ ISCC Jiii, °'*•' 1crv111 Coll-I, Hertrnen IClv'lll Co11eoor Sc....,, .. ccrwr11 Colleou Tetllnlc11 foul 8ur1"11rud IC"rltt Col'-1 J--ISCC Jiii Southern C.I Conference ~· Dwt'tll Cypniu Slftta MllNc.I CC O.l•nw.tt LA~ llllNondD ll•t ~ ...... ... 1..otA,... ... CC LA Hartiiw W L W L n o 10 s 10 1 10 I 6 • It I ' 7 " ,. J t ,. IJ 4 t . ,, '' • 10 " 10 6 " ~··o...... GolOen Wltlt at c.,...... LA Hlftlorat Iii. ....... S.nl• Monica at LM At\eel4'l CC E .. 1 LM ""89* It LA SouttlweJt HIGH SCHOOL WOMEN lrvfne ea. Coate ..... 54 1av11c1 -~JI, ttam .... 11 •. K 00.n 14, E 009n • • ...._It 10, Mo11t. J Totelt JOe.1' J4. COSTA Mat.A -Lua IJ, LI,,_ 14, NHl 4, S. ... r 10, Gltcll 2, Ar--rla 4, M<Al•r 0, Ptlce 0, Rl-gtr 2. Gi.tlftt l, Stljovk o. Grech o. Gr-o. T~1 .. n 11).11 St sc ... ..., Olltt119n Irvine II II 11 14_.. CAKt1 -.. IS II 10 II S.O Tot., foul>. Irvine 11, Cotta -H 16, Fouled out· E. Oolfl Urvlne), Luk cc .. u. Melll, ~ 1c .. 1a MIMI. CdM 69, Unlveralty 45 UIUVlltSITY CClftlnra f, ?lrn,,,.,,,,_ U. U--..ood 9, ..__.,I, Hine> 31 Wll-. 2 Totell: 1' ll-11 o. CO•ONA orL -· -Este1 '· Brl>COe J, Aomn1y I , K..,dall 10, Och•ner It, Greenberg 19, OoClcb I Tol1lt: 1t 11·20 M. Sc-..,~ Unlve"llY 14 I 1• t-<IJ Corona -.i Mir 14 72 U ,._ Total tou11. Cor..,. 0.1 Ml 24, Unlwnlty II, Fouled OU1: Romney (Coron• oet Merl, Ooddt (Coron• del Marl, Contre,. (Unlveultyl, HI,., IUnlwrtltyl Eatancla 72, Newport Herbor 25 ESTAMCtA -Cers-nt .. IJ, \/1l<lllr 4, Howlend 16, Con•ay 7, M1cMllt1n t , Cllrl1tm1n 4, Hatllcock to. HuolM• U TOlell. JO 12-1171. NIWl'OtlT MAa90a OoClcb 6, Wa-l, Doan 3, ,,.,,.,_, 4, S..01• 7. Pie-O. JurovlC 2 Tat.,, 9 /.II JS S<we-.o...~ E1tancl1 11 t 20 2~ 71 Newpof1 Har1lor I 1 1 ._ 7J Tot .. -· Est encl• ". NewPot1 Hartlor II; Fouled out ~ INew-1 H1rtior1 Fountain Valley 54, Edlaon 44 rDllOff IC.rupka 2. HOUtl • IC.retlf IJ, T anelle 6, OenlWyer 7 LoWtsso 6, Uchl_,,, l 81ttrwr 4 Toti!•: to 4-IJ ._. 'OUNTAIN VALUY -a.rtoro t , Bun:ll 7, Puc"llslt.I n, Arleoge 10, 01,,.-9 J, 01vl• I Toi.11: 74~1l St Sc.'I ..., a-""" Edl1on 12 12 It .___.. Founllln 11111ey, 1.S u J U-.M Tot., 10u11 Edlwn 16, Founteln 1111111 IS, Fouled 0<.11 • Gln!lbur9 ( Founteln 11111.., I Htn. Beach 53, Ocean View 43 MUlfTINOTON a•ACN -Carr •, COfdoVI •. ,_ ''· ~r •• Mel\Cfo(I 1. Buckl• 14, Cll••-1rd 7 Totett: 11 II SJ OCEAN llllEW -CNM 11, O..men J, Wfbb 11. a..ir-1, Wlllt• l, Simek s Totals U 1~31 Cl s. .... -.ow.,, .... Huntl"91oro -h II 11 ll ,,_,g Ocean II-1l 10 • 17-4 To1 .. 1 IOUls H111ll"Vforo Be.ch II, OcMll Vl.w 11 See View Laegue (l'llM41 El Toro Cwone'91MM ••i.n<ll Inn,.. Co.t1Meu U"lllOenlty $111d1Mlcll. .... _, Hw'bor u.e- w "' u J II l 11 J . ' 6 • • 10 t 11 I tJ SunMt leegue · 1'1Mll o-.tl W L 11 • IJ I ,. . ,. tO 11 IO . , . t ti ' 12 Llelllle 0-.. Founteln Valley H11nt1n91.., BMch f.dlton ""'''"• Oc11n "'"' WHlml,.., w "' ' • 6 4 4 6 J , 0 10 Hlah School SllA Via .. LaAOUa "NAU (llalT-Mitlll W L It I ,. . ti I H t2 1J ,, 101 -Herrtra ISaddl1b1c k) die. W•ll•ntlrw (ln1lne), lt-0, Kl<19&mlll !El Toro I cllc Mowe I C:O.t.I ""'"'). t-4 1oe AMM'*' If.I Toro> pinned Miit"" <Cotta -•· s·o1. Orteee <Slddl-u pinned Grl"en llrvl,..I, l·tS. HJ llr-. (lrvlnel •c Warn IE! Torel, 1 1, f'lor1t CSaddleblckl de< FarO.tt• l&tenclal 1-J 1n Tren (Slddlltloack.I cllc. Mlddl- IEI Torol, 10.1, LArkln llrvl,..I won by lorf10 tn lltilltley llrvlnel p1,,,..., f'eclo IEI Torol 3 JI, s..mme,. (Newport H•rtlorl plnrwd Cur11• ISl<ldt-kl U IH Connor> <Cute Mua) dee BroderlO CEU1ncl11, 1·4, Fure111wa llrvlnel die Del~ ISl<ldt.0.Ckl, s-r. UI ..,,_cl IC:O.IAI ->al dee. Mu,,.,., IE•tancll). 1.1, Clv'lstlen CEI Torol dlC S.mwll IS---kl, M t41 IC.elllr lln1lnel die L.oflut IC.- di! Merl, 11-l. Lowe (El Torol, piftned Rys O~••port .._.rtiorl, J:JO 1.St 1 A•YH <Corone 0.1 Mir) dee.. Mmstrono. CSeddl-lt.I, S-2; Horris <El T-1 dlC Schttt., (lrvlnel. e.7. 170 Sc""'lclltenllero llrvlne) pinned l'•uett CUnl.,.,.llyl, J:SI; hnnywortll IS.OOletlkkl dllc. Mult.l•vlu IEI Toro),» 1• -"-It. llrvlne) dee. 111no.llndff tcoal1 -.e1, I ... ; W-If.I Toro) Ill...., SCaub ceor-••Marl. I:» 203 Svllenko <El Toro) dlC $11411'1' (lrvlnel. "'1; Hllmencl C~lltleckl 111....0 O.vkl-<&tanclll, t:OO Hwt -SH.., llrvlnel 111""*' "-' U!I Torol, J:tl; T~ll.er IC:0.11 Mewl _.,..,... O.eton lr.stMclll.2•"· Team•-· I. lrvlrw. 1tt Yo; J. El Tor-o. 156~; S. C..&I,.,.... IOI, 4 ~ .. \II; S. C.-Clll MM, tl \'\; 6. &tMCie,.-C; I HewPOr1 Hlr1tor, 22 Yo; I. Unl-ty, 14 \'\. Rustlers smell playoffs =-r .. --Y'" Golden West handles Rio !foru¥>,, BB-78 I .. - S•nta Anita TNUltSDAY'S ltlSULTJ .,_,. ... , ,.,.... 1'·*24' ~ ... , .. ,. .... U.~-6' a.-i.-tt U¥ IO »-:M 10 JS-J6 ,, »-H 11 II U n JH1 n •» n u »-n >t-» n )I.» ,, s+a n JJ.ll n JI »-n .. ,s-IJ ,...,. n U-• 1J ,..,,_,, ,.,,_IJ JI,. -IJ »H /1 >1·»--11 -~ IJ ,.. . ...,. JI.JI 14 .. 14 »-»-14 JI-JI I• --~14 • ,. 14 .,. 14 ... ,. (UHi .. ._,, ............ ._ mee11 ... 111 ltlT ltAC•. • lurtono•. TulMI CStalNr) S IO J.IO 7 IO Mlrk•I CIWlmp IM<Hero .. 1 i oo loo RIOllt on Tabin IMcCMr.,1 1 IO Alto r-Flrll SIP, Roo,.v Arrent Drive, Attl 8oy er-, Not Too Short Mllor Paleo Time• 1'114/S srcONo llACI .• ,.,,~ F1ncy GtlY IM<CMranl S 00 7 IO >to Credit S...-tt (Guerre I • Oii J to Oepreclellon (llllafUVtlar • 00 AlllO nKed: -""'-· Olymplao Prom1 .. C4ncunlon, Oerc.ur1'> .....,. Au1 Sm8'11 AllentkOty Time: I IO•IJ U DAILY DOu•Lr 1 .... 1 PA•d II i IO TNl•O •ACl.61urtono• a-G-(Gwnal H IO 10 JO J 00 Irma Oto-IM<Cl,,an) • IO l «> Fen<lllte lllalen,.....11 2 IO ""o r1eed Merit Crowd L•dy ot ,, .. .,Ion lrlfh LIN, Jau Doll 01a .. 111orne Honey, lklrfll Amber, A Rulla 1~ Rull•, Love Of Country, 0.ndy Wlllle Time I· 1J l/S '0UltTN ltACIE One mitt, R•wllMn 1.._.Mlnl IJ 00 •to 4 «I All lnclUllve I Toro) II «I t 00 0""'8nt' Court ( ....,,Oll I 1 J «I Alto reced: Ed'• Oyna\ly, Ju.I Goolln, A,mu1oo1itent1, Outdoor Rul•r. Pl•H Prince, Loni o..m ...... , Noble Jffturt Tl-: t:40J/S. l'lnN ltACIE.6Y>fur._. '11"9 of Erin (Slblll•I 11 JO 1110 I MJ s-1 AOele l"-8nl 1' 00 •4 IO s-1111111 R_., IMcClrronl too Alto rececl; Coll-MoNY ......... ,_ Com1t, MIO. N Arl1on1, Meuarouno. Oooft11 L.Acty. Ot1<rete Vefvet, MyfeWfty, Nor11Mrn LAM Time I JO SJ IXACTA I>-'> CMtl<l .1,:IOI 00 SIXTH RACI 6\'t '"''- A-I Felca> CTorol I 00 s 60 s 00 CroOec1 <Bleck I 11 .eG 1010 "lllwtt '••IC...._.) ... AIM rec:H1 l•cl.i•I,,. .... ...._ llMtff, 11.-..y, C.W'-Te~. A "-_, ~ (lllftfl-. My ~ """•· 1.1111111, hll!Wll Tl"'91 lllU /S HYaem. llACa. t 1116 mllea, ~t...ICMtHM (Ollw-t) -11 • 6 et t • Aw19lU.,. l~I S.41 I• Mal11 .. ..._., (OwHYal tM Al .. '"'" Otao hmt11 ... '"~" Jlyle, hll4NI, ~. U"'llelll My k-1 11,,.. I •12/S U I XACT" (I •> !NICI UJO to U f'tC:• llX <»10-.>-1.11 pelf M.tU • wit" 10 wlmlftt llcUlt lflw ,__, p "'" •1• 'on'°'"'°" peld .... oe •"" 1o11 ""Ml"' 110.•tt '""" 11or-1 llOMTN ltACI. t ~ml,_ Mollere" <Mc<:arronl •.. I JO UO Mellmet IHawt1YI t.60 t • L11<11llut IU!lftamJ J.00 Alto rececl• Wlll•rn, heu \/Ilene Time I · SIJ/S. O IXACTA IJ.11 CMtkl I» JO NINTH ltACa. 1 t/16 mllll Mitter e.nJ ..... n IUPhaml 6.60 •AO UO hndlf!U9 llibllle) •.• 4 00 lrevell"9 G,__ IOllV.,HI 6.00 Also rac.cl: Sporting Clau, D''-· Souro.utfl p._, AINl<lle Sc.-, MIKllle- Tlm1 . I 4t l/S, U ••ACTA (NI ,._..t11S'OO AltlndM< t.111 NHL CAMl'9ll.LC0Nf'rar11c1 ~Dl¥1iM CAIGO"I' lllntOUVlr WI T ft.• A.6 ..... lS IJ 10 JIJ HS ID 20 H 13 ?Jlf JSI SJ ""'-' COiorado " 26 11 , .. -'° IS 1' 12 221 161 42 11 :16 t llS JSI JI H«mDhllJ• Mlnnoot1 $!. Loul• WIMlpeo ChlCIOO Toronto Oelroll 1l II 16 2:16 lOJ 60 u i. ' m 2«1 n 10 24 " 211 2«> " 10 JI 10 741 164 so 16 2t 13 220 U6 4S 16 "II lt7 ,,. Q WAllS CONf'IEaENCr ll'alrklt.DIVINlll NY '"•no.rs JS 1' 6 lff 17' 1• Pllllae1e1ptt1a lO JO s n• '°' u NY R1r~ers H 11 9 70J 1U ff Plthburoh 11 11 • 71 J JQ SI Wa.111"91.., 16 JI 9 JU JU 41 ""-DM.,_ MontteAI llotlon llutte10 Quebec Mlr110fd ll " ,, 260 '"° ,. n111m .. 011 lO 11 • no 1'1 " 11 JO 10 Uol ?Jt .. 16 1' t• Ill nt 46 ,_.....,.,Sc_ Owl»<• I( ..... V1ncou~ • 0.lrcot 4 Plll1-tpN1 •. lklff•lo 4 Montrtll 4, Ptttstiuron 1 8os1on 4 Ml,,,.tot• 1 NY hi-> I, Cl•IC-2 W .. hlnqton S, CllQl<Y J T ......... Glft'IH Oueoec It C01or- Wl\hu'91oro 11 E-lon Q.,..,.,< Kings 4, Nordiquea 4 Sc•••v..._ lo• A"9e{" "'"' ...._ 1 I -4 0 ' ~ I Que ... c Frycer 1 S C P Stl\lny M Slotny 1 11 J Lo• "no••H. T artor 1t 101onne1 1 » 3 lo• Anoe•n. Smllh 11 <W•ll• St Lauronll 11•Jll Peneltlu W•ll\, LA 22, Goulet, Quo>, 6 01 l'rycer Que 1 en. W•lt>, LA 14 01 *-........ • Ouec.c, A SIHlnY II (P Stastny, l'rycu l, 2' S Quebec, A. Stesl"Y II COUl>Ont) ) 10 PINlly -AOCP>efOr1, 0<.e, " 41 TMnl ... riM • Quebec. Goulet 32, l 4J I Lo• ... ._ .... Ktll~ 9 c &on.r, Foal, 11 U t Lo• ,,.._111.. 01"""• l6 IM•no•••oen Simme r>. tJ 36 Ptnellln Rklllro, Que, •• ot, &oner LA, 1' Ge P SC.1•lny 0.... 16•JI; l(or1b LA 16 JI Hunter, O<.e, 20 00 Shou on OO<tl Ouebec t0.•·1·16 Los ... _, ..... 1}.1.)0 Go•ll~~ g,,.b•<. Bouch•td Lo~ •noein Lt'68"L A •.s.t The Go ld en West College basketball team took one giant step toward the Shaughnessy playoffs with a key 88-78 conquest or visiting Rio Hondo Thursday night. Truiett Hatton's 22 points and Art King's 17. Two or King's points came on a 40 -footer at the firs t·hatr buzzer which gave the winners a 37·26 advantage at intermission. Although Rio Hondo got to within five late in the game, the Roadrunners never posed a serious threat to win it. Import & U.S. Auto Parts Specialists Prices food tltru 2-14-1982 With the victory, the Rusllers moved their mark to 6·6, but of almost equal importance to Golden West backers was Cypress' easy 64-45 victory at Santa Monica. One Golden West fear entering the evening's J)lay was a lie for first place between Cypress and Santa Monica at the end of the season. Southern California Conference rules stipulate that 1r there is a deadlock for the title, no Shaughnessy would be held. thus leaving the Rustlers out in the cold at the end or the season .. So, Golden West was in the unusual position of pulling for Cypress, which happens to be the Rustlers' next foe. "If Cypress loses, we'll probably have to beat them to gel in the playotrs," said Golden West Coach , Jim Greenfield before learning of the other score. The Rustlers had to do their part and did in steamrolling Rio Hondo, which entered the contest in part of a three-way tie with Golden West. The Rustlers led most or the way behind Golden West returns to action Tuesday. visiting Cypress in a 7 · 30 pm. game. Christ College loses to SoCal College JV The Southern CaHfomia Colle1e JV team had three starters reach double figures as the Vanguards routed 'C hri st College, 78 ·45 , in non-conference action Thursday night. The loss dropped Christ College's overaJJ record to 2-7. Matt and Tim Hansen and Steve Schedler had nine points each for Christ College but Southern California got out to a 32-13 halftlme lead and never let up. COVER YOUR SEAT! With Classic Sheepskin Car Seat Covers Now up to 2So/0 Off! SIT ON, IT AND .SMILE Autolite Spark Plug .... CJ'Jle #J 4, u. J 6, 34, JS, .JI, 5', 55, sa, 51, 14, 15, 11, US, UT letldw CPJ1e #ZS, Zf. '4, '5, "' 15, ... JOI, us, "'· 115, 11t, 14' Quartz H•lo6•n ll•~lield Spot l.ight 79~ 95~ .. Valvoline >ANCa TOU.YOURWAYCUAR. h Wiper Blade #2J-J5, 2J-J6, #JJ.JJ, JJ.J2, 2J-JB JJ.JJ, JJ.J4 . u. .. Netloftet lftdoot c......_., "*" ............ J-. McS/Ve eM Terry ,._, w. W, .._ .. ,_, .. Tift! ~-. W . 1•1. \/It.ft 0."'41116 ... .JoiM AltMMll', W, H , .Hlt111 l(r!A fltf. 0..141 C.w I• M llevln eu<rert -9 H• ll'fb't.,, I•, .. ,, • llMf TeltKMt ..,, Clllt ......,,, 16,6-4 Men'a tourruiment ..., .......... CIClt~.Ve.1 'rllJ klwllftt ..,, ...... Mc~e, M , J.S, Maril Hlmonct-Cllf Tem• Sml<I, M , .., Women'• tournament l .. •-Cltyl ,.,. ............ 11!111rt1,.. N•watllOvt .. , Cl-I• IC-. I •• • 2, Mlm.1 JIUOO-dtf Andree ~-. ~J. 6 t. Mery l.04I ~111111. def Vlrtl"tl llullc I, M , J-., I t College °"""' CMll I, 111• "-I ........ ".00.ny (~I .., Sou ~2 • ..0, IClllle IOCCI -Meler H . ~I. ~1. RlltlOf'lk IOCCI o.t Miiier ~l ... , H""'y llllH) C191 9onf1, •I, I J, er-IOCCI -MurltlO. .. 2 • ..0 Sc ..... -. IOCCI *' -c.I•, 6 2, t-1 ~ f'•dderly "•"tori. IOC( I ••I Meltr Henty I J, 6 I, I S, a ... 11 are.a\ COCCI HI Sota Miiier >·6 •-t . ._1, Scflulllr Kllrw IOCCI Olf Muro1i.~11, H ... 2 Men'a aoccer ~II I, C:.11 Mt .. t S.001.0.Ck w:orlr19 c .. tro . Sllv• 1 Co"a Mfta tCOl'tno t1m1rrlpa Women·a aoccer NIGH SCHOOL Oct111 V-4, H•. heel! 4 Ouan \/low Horlno 8111 7, Orr I, letrlafl 1 c-.. 1-rl,W ............ 2 Corone 0.1 W..r o<0<tno Hllll• 1, JOllMl..., Brown 1 Misc. Thursday'• tranaactlon1 UH8ALL ._u_ 80Sf()fj RED SOX Purclleld JoM lltrllOlwn. pltc"8r lrom lht Mlnne>011 Twin• ..0 IMl9ned him to Plwt<Kklt at 1"8 tnlernlllonat lllOW Slene<! W•O. 8-. Marty &Mrett -EO Jurak inffelderl, ano Jerry tClno. O•"'"' Burtt a nd Irle" O.nmM, pit<-• CLEVELAND INOl"HS ,,.,,_ that Tom 8 r•nn•n. pit th•". and K1v1n RhomDert. lrlfleklllr. had_..., to terma NEW YORK. YA.HK.EU SlqiMcl 0.ve RIOhlltl, Geor9o Frailer end !lot> Syllft, PllCMn .,,., Anclr• ---rtton. lntlelcllf' Women'• aoftball COMMUNITY COlLIOE ~w..1 11.----· Moorparll OGO 00 O O 4 GolO.n 'Ntl>t .. , 1 X 11 I 0 Guiterrez -Kent. 0.tp UI. Kyler 12) -M<ElrM W Delp L Gull .. rer 78 M<ElreelC.WI H""" IGWI Fleld hockey MIONSCNOOL Ulll-vty J, SI""-I Vntvenlly o<0<lr19 Gahm 1 l!lr-n I Reotlll I Hose Clamp 42~. •. -· 4 • 24032335 0 sssJSUU!J!&&&Jli!&ii i 2 2 2 1 2 132; I ------ Orange Cout DAILY J!U..OT/Frlday .. february 12. 1M2 ...t.evened I ~ WASHftlOtoM (AP> •Secretar"y ol Defenat ~ 1par WelnHr111r i1 1 d1rto1 the ume~ t ore.. to revlae thet tandarda to allow the nli1tment of aome • ~Heptle1, a aeytor ya. ., ·Sen. Uoyd Bentsen. "'6·Texaa, appealed to Welnberier for such a •1n11 tn Aueust after a •nstltuent wrote that he •d planned a military c•reer "ever since I was .Mttle" but waa barred be~ause of epilepsy. ~lelnberger recently · otltled him of the : Ucf remion, Bentsen aid. n J "Up t o now, any 'Ectim ol epilepsy who ~d suffered a sel1ure since age 5, was flaUy ..,r oh I b It e d from enlisting for service in l 'ny branch of the ~·o u n t r y ' s a r m e d • 4 '""'" ,....,, ......... . ..... ,. It ~ ''"" , ..... ... IHrt ef ltvHMt ef Ille (Hit C.0"""'41Y Cll .... Oltmd .. 0r-.. C_.y, Colll ..... wlM t'tC4!1¥1 _ ... .W. llJ M MwCll I. He, Ti.Heey1 1t rot ••"'•el l!lt .. IHCllUl!lt 0.tNfl"*" ...... (tll ...... .,Id ........ 111t ......... "**'· c.ia ..... c.1"-'"· ., Wflkll 11-~ _.,.. WIN .. ti*i<Jy ........... , ... .., .. UllCHAU Oft llOICINITIC 0 Y N A M 0 M I T I II 6 IN&TltUMINTATIOft SYITIM W/U lltT, OltANOI COAIT COi.i.iOi. .... ... _ .. • 111 a«-• wtu\ lflt llf ... ,,,. l1ut"•CllO"I •11f ~·--.... 9-Kllk•lleM •llldl •re-lllfllt.,_,.,..Y.,. __ ," Ille 6ffke el !hi ~dlHll\I ~ of .... ""• •tt•ln lecll ~ """' ....,,.., wtlfl 1111 Wf e < ....... 1 CMO., -1N'-I <Mell, ... ~ ...... ~ ........ ... .... ., .. c:-t _...._.. .. °"''- Olattlct loero ti Tront"' 111 •11 -·--·'*' 11¥1 ---· ·•~> Of Irle awn Ille .. • _..,. .. llWlt IN ••Her Wiii "''" l11to u. ,,_.. Cel!lrect N IN -11 _,,... .. lllM 111 .. .._,lofftll_ .. ...... '"'• Wdl ~ea. uw _ ... .t -cllecll wlll be ............. 111 ... <- of • lloftd, Ille Mi 1111'1 .,..._. wlN .. loltell"" •Mid coll-et 11111r1<1. N• 11'-r MtY wlthdr-1111.,. ftf' • 11trlod I« lert't-llw Id) cloly• .,_ , ... Mt• ... _, ................... . lM~tJITr_,_,....,,.. p.lvl.._ If,.._.,,. e11y.,,., all tr It walvt tlly lrre911larltlu w '"'••mtlltl .. '" a11y bid or In the bidding Honnen It:. w ...... Sec,...wy, llotrd Of Trvsten C.O.st C....-...lty Col .... Olstrlct Publl-or.,... eo.11 o.11, PllO(. '•""'•"' 12, 1"2 115-tf. ff,,rc es," Bentsen said. ~--_--.,._--r---~'Under the new policy. ..-.-rw11K ~nyone who has been t-----_.,.------ lfee o( seizures !or the "'CTm=':si .. us ereviOUS five years Will N-.JTATSMIENT b e cons i d e r e d f o r 11ur:i~:~~1n11 peoon1 •r• dotne .i.,n l's t m en t 0 n a lltAMALIEA HOilollES. JISI case· by-case basis." Atrwo Ave...,., Sult• c;.1. '°''• Mew, Celltoml• ~ Ire,......, Ud , Onlarlo, c-. JUI Al,...., A-. Sulle G·I, Coate ,,._ .. , Celllon\la 9»2'. 8ramal•• Ct lllorftla, Inc., a ·fl.' f'ICltnOUS IUSINlll Celllornle corporalloft, JUI Alrw•y NAMaSTAft .. •NT A"'e11ue. SuHe 0 ·1, Cosla ilolleu , "'---Callfornl• m» ·,Tiie lollowl11t peraci" h dol11t Tlllt -Inns Is /:Ond\Kled •Y • lits!Mt.S ... corpoutlan. A.M.S. IHTEAHATIOHAL, 10202 lrat11•~•C•Htoml•. In< by llllllr'Cll, SMlao AM HalQl>ta, Call'°"'I• P9ter 5 P9rrln ~07. Jt nty t(rugor -Jerry ~ *•uell, 10202 llrcll, lramalff lid S.11lt Ana ...... catllonll• '2107. J•nry K ..... r ~..U-lt«I ii,~'~ llusH>Hs Is ,_ ,.,, by .,. s1t11l11g offlc.; ii Mrt L Weugll Tiiis .._, W<Ol Iii.cl wlU. .,,. ,t>Tlll• ste-.1 was fll..i wllll Ille Counly Clerk ol 0r•"99 Cou,.ly Oft ~nly Cieri! of Or•1>99 '°""'' Oft February•. 1'192. l>ruaryt, 1'192 f'lllllt .,1.,.. Pulllllhed Orange CCM11l Dally Pllol, W0p,,1111s-Or ... CCMIJI Oelly PllOI, Fell 12, 19, :16. Maren S. llC ,11»42 "'41. n . rt, 1', -ells. 1te ,,._., !------------I ll'ICTITIOUS aUSlNHI "~c;!~~!:~!·:::s •1< NAMIE STATIEMl!NT -T lie tollowlnt per.on Is doln ~II• lollowlng person Is doing 1111,1,..u ., "lslnffS• IMPEAIAL DYNASTY, Ol.Jhl ... IEVEAGAEEN SILKS llOJ Slrul Newport Beacn C•lllor11la ,_ Orlve, ANlwHm. Ca lllomla t2'4l ' ' .... Marl-Saldano, J:Ml Warwk• ~Yolanda Glenn Mlqueo, 1302 Allenue La Ange--Celltorftl• .OO» rwOOd Drive, A11tMlm. Callforlftla This ·_,.,.., It ~-llCled by .,. llldlvld..., "'tllh buSl,_,I IS Conducted b't .,. -NnoSaldefto ..eivlduel This _......,. ... lllMI wllft "'9 YOl-G. M-COllllly C .... k of Oreft91 County Oft Tiiis __ , •• 111«1 wllll uw Februery' 1912 C.,.ry '~"' ol Or-'°"""' Oft J... . ... 111 .. ~l"82 fl Publl"*' Or-CCMlll Dally PllOI, 1 •• 1.~ Or ,_, "•" n. "· u. Merell s '* .. s.c Pu.,. --_,. CCMlll Dally PllOI '.0.12,lt,1',MerchS,1"2 ·~:----------- 11 ll'K:TtTIOUS aUStNIU NAMa ITATllMl!NT • 1M tollowlft9 per10M are dolno .., __ .~!'PIO llMNUFACTVltlNG, 11 .. 'I'"" c-. Ofa1199, Celllorftlt ""65. O a11 Lang IEnlerprltes . a dll)1ror11lt corpo,.llOft. "" Horth c-. 0rM9f, Ceftfomla '2t61 ~· Aapkl ,,..,.ule<l11rl119, '"' • a Olllornla CtrPOf'allon. "" Hortll c.-. or-.. Calltomle nMJ t:Jllh -IMSS It COftdu<lecl by a .,...ral PtrtnerV!lp. Dan ung Elll~nses, Dan ung. Prttldenl Jrfllj ·--... ,,..., """ .,,. (.-ty C..,.11 Of Or•-County °" ~uert2,1"2 "'llDl'I ............. ~ "-" af a 1 t I Y9 c.r,. 41111t~ ....._ Sle. ltf -..+1 liaadl. CA ,,_..,I .•11t111.-Or-C...st Delly Piiot. F.0. S, 12. lt.1'. l"2 S- "' • NU mla NMMM f'ICTITIOUI aUllNl!SS NAME STAHMl!NT Tiit foflOw.,.. _....,s art dolno llllsll'ft.SM. WALi.ACE AVENUE VENTURE, 210 MeM V-°""' Em, s..lt. 7, Coslt ,,,..._, Callfomla 91'2'. Kramer-llkt Dt••lopmenl Compeny, *5 Mew V-Eel!. Svl .. 1. Costa Mew, Celllorlllt t21l26. .Hiii" C. Scoft, IM , a C.11......We c0<9orallon, 1un W~len Ori,.., S...l• Ana, Calttorflla t210S Tllh buslnes• 11 <ollducteo by • " ... ral PM1nenlllp. Kr-·l lke OevetoorY>enl Company Prnio...t Tiiis _. •• fllecl wltll Ille Cou11ly (.lert< of Ora-COUllly on Fltt>ru•ry 11. 1"2 "1""1 Publl,,_, Or-Coesl Delly Piiot, Fe«> 11 rt. U. Merell S, 1"2 101-42 Ns-ttril "ICTITIOUS I USINISS f'ICTITIOUI IUllNIH NAM« STATllM•NT " NAMl llATl-NT Tiie IOllowing _....,, el'e doing '"' fOllowll\Q oerso•11 ere doing ""''"•" "' flUslnttStl: SEAMOUH'T INVESTMENTS, tol PAC·IO SPORTSWEAR', 1212 Dove S~. Suite 120, Newpor1 a..cll, er-ay, Sul .. 120, Stnl• Ana, CaHfw111t '2WO .,,...~. W . Kelly<Hagerly, l9' Sou111 Moore $por1Sweer, lllt., • Gerdn•r Drive, Oren". C•lllornla adway, ~lie 220, S•111t Ana, A. A._ Siewert, •1 EOQaweter. i fGrnla CO<POrtllOft, 1112 Horth t2M6. Hor11le '7M lalllot, Celllonlle t2IM I Is bolsl,..u II Cond\K-11Y a Tllh busiftftJ It <Oftdv<te<I by a t t tloft .... ~.Int -••I__...,,.., W. Keily H"tgltf'ty • EllllOt R.O.-landali.. 11111 -•• fllecl wlttl WM Ci,itf Fl~lt! Plflc•r Co1111ly Cieri< of Oranoe COUllW on ,.. ......,. -llled wlU. IN F.Or11ary 1, tte ly Clettl Of 0.-"'91 Coullly on l'llU1S {-l'Y I•, 1"2. Putlllstwd Or"-CCMlll Delly PllOI, ,,,_, ""' 12, "· •• Merell s. 1"2 '°2«2 ~I-OrtnOt Coall Delly PlloC, I _ _ _ _ ""'· 12, ''· ,., -rcll s. 1"2 •-.,i llf!ll!.119:!~~~~~~~~~ ' ,_Clla0'"9S » swmtS' WOllYUAIY 627 Main SI. ~nt1ngton Beach 5J6..6539 LEE RANDALL LYMA N LEE, a resident of Costa Mesa C a .. passed away o February 3, 1982 tn a plan crash over Africa He 1 survived by hts father Jo L Lee. mother Judy Le and sister Michelle Lee all o Costa Mesa. Ca A Memoria Service will be held o Monday. February IS. 1 al 11 .00AM at Prince o P eace Lutheran Church •MsCORMllal WOITUAJUIS Laguna Beach 494-$415 2987 Mesa Verde Onve East COllta Mesa, Ca. with Pasto Don Brentro officiating I lieu of Oowers the famil re<>uest.s donations be mad lo a memorial fun e!ltabllshed in memory o Randy to the Prince o Puce Lutheran Church and Laguna Hilts 768-0933 San Juan C.plstrano 495-1ne School BAltNES EUGENE E. BARNES resident or Costa Mesa, Ca. Passed away on February 9 1982 at the aae of 70. He I .turvived bv 2 brothen James Bame. or Portland Oreaon and Robert Barn or Vlrlin!•a 2 alsten, Ma kla1a an<1 &va Matthew both or Vlrflnia and t1-ter·in·law .lktty Crook o Santa An•, Ca. Mr. Barn aerved lft tM Army ln Worl -Wu U In ll\e Europea Atrlun 'jbHtre. Memoria aervlcet wlll be be.Id o Friday, rebnlary 12, tta 1 I . ISPM al F'ral B1pl11 Church, 301 Mapolla. Cost.JI lllna, Ca. Pltr~ Brothe Bell Broadwa1 Mortulr)' clie~ • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 UAlESTAfl Atr .. Jt fOf" "4-lr A,.n!itWM' '°' '41• .. ......... ff\ ~,pf"OIWf1, t't.-.ffl Loh '-""'' \•htt•al rrut-tt\ ( Oftdoft'llAIWl'fl' '··· ,~._., lftll~~ .. 1, t~w-,., br w,,, rd l11romt P,.th hdww·••l t'tUUtrh V,.' for \.ak , .... ~ u._ ... lrh .,,, \&Olll.lll.a~n k ....... , •• _,_,_ .. (ti .,,U6 (.M fll 4 CIMN\ Vri.., (Nlol'-l•t .. l'tQtl Mt"4lw\ t•trlh f,rt.o•''" Jlh•I • 'h tf' t '~ hn1u Mr•I • \i•h • •M ... t IENllLS t~t\UN""'1f t~ l nftttfM\Md ·~·""'*'ft' t Mdon11nu,1m .. • ur,. \ Clftdomtr\UI!"' I "' lo..Ahw"'" ... , .. r ... -"''"' .,......,~ ._,. ~•n lftl .,.. l'l.ro ASihl •fwn Aft"I ··y,. Of \ "' "-· KOO«!' Ko.rd U@1n~ M°'rh 1.-11 ....... '-ilmN't IC"M•h \ _,.._..,.. Mt«•h• llf'N~ Mt"'•" GMu~•"' "'"' Uffltt Mw1 .. I 8'.'1""'•Mfnh l 1ftd~""•' ""'"'•' """'••• "'""""" ."""" .... " k ..... , lllSINCSS, INVEST MENT, rtNANCE ....,\lfM>'\_\~· KV'lol"'"' \" •nlrd h'nhllOflllll ·~· ' ln,~nwnt 'A.,..,... \t4WW\ "' ,,... .. ~OfW\ •• ,.. ... ~J·41;o-Th., AMMOUllCEMEllTS, PERSONALS& LOST & FOUND 4.""9uN '""'"' ( ., Pl.d Vu.I'°',..,.. ..... , ....... ,,"~·-\ .....,,., ( ,.,.. r •• ~,.• sm1m UlrtOYMENT & ncmmoN "Wtlnoi"' ll\\lr~t.-'11 M -•ntr•I 11 .. .._ ... N ... \a 4 t MEttMANDISE ,,._ A..,._.••~-4'Yrt)l)fll .. , .. ,,._ M..tlkkv '4•t"••I l...,rnA t~t'fllW.., l •h ..... h-....... , ... t\tfNlvO (,.,.,.. '-... "'"'"" lkaw, ..... ,.., 1.1 .. h lt•'4f\ lH ......... \ ~"' .,,,,..." M~IMWww\ -..~ .......... ..,...4 "~'WC ....... ., • ._ ... •• , .... *•'"' t t.tVt1' ...... C:7; ~·-~~~A:\ ~hl\1 t.111_..,\ ~un M•"'l•W'•"' •••' ~·.r;.. u ti...,."" BOATS & IUllll( UUIPMENT c;f'4'W<f•1 tto.u M•~"' "'''"" Bu ... , "•'1"4" • 1tv11· tllo•h P1r11..-, ...... , .... ',..,, .. , __ ... ao..\'-'•Jr l.IOtl\ f!lft~, ......... ~ "°"'"""'•0 THNSPOIUTION -'urr•tl l .. ,'"''"' '9Jf krtW t.lf.nnf' l.•f• ...... -. ...,c,rtn~r~ Md• ... '-"' .. ,. ... Tr.tW.\ T'•"ri !:,.~.~l;'!"~erh AUTOMOlllE Ut-fWt•I """"9n " ........ ""'fl'"'""\''-'""' ~~~~'~::,~·., ,..~, \..,, A..t~L4'1Utft._ ~ ........... ,.,,.,, AllTOS. IMPOIHD ,...,., .. \l •k•ofnt ll At111h A\allft u ..... ,, ~lll> tr· u-. ... .......... r~• -·· J•.;.W41 J ........ KAfl'l'WAftlthl41 Mud• .. f'htM ..... ,., lll. llliK ..... .._ ... .......... .. _ .... Mt:111•uk Mvfl,, Mm•, fhn11 )..t••· ~lMr• ~~_.4'.'" '"''···~!·"' \uhu ........ i.t AUTOS, MEW AIRIS, WSll fs MActi11 Call • MZ-5171 The marketplace on the Orange Coast ... 642 -5678 ~.~~ •••••••••.•. ~!:':'.!':!':. ....... 1 ~.~.5!!': ........ ~.~.~ ....... HtlMtForWt , ........... ,.. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,...._.,Moffce: ........ IOOJ........ IOOJ ......... IOOJ ........ IOOJ...,... 1002 All re•I ••late 1d ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••' vert laed In tbl• ................ im ............ .. new1paper II 11lbject to the Ffderal Fait HOU• PIMMSULA HOMIS Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrml.3 bath. ma.tr bdrm with ocean view .,.25,000. 1.... In& Act or 'NI wht<'h :.., nw kea It ille11 I to ad 1~1• vertJM "1ny prererence. :: limitation, or dis W S ,... crl minatlon baaed on est Bay bayfront. lips for 2 boats , :: race. color, relialon. remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1 ,200,000. ::: sex, or nau-0011 on11m . 1'"' or an 111tenuon to make Ocean & jetty views Marine room, 4 1 any !IU\'h preferenr:I', bet 3 b th, 3700 (t $1 385 000 llllW hm1t11t1on , or d1i. nn, a sq. . • ' . :::=.: cnmlnaUun " I~'" 101• 1• .... 1 .. '""' llW l•AJ ThlS newspaper 11.111 not know1nsly accept any udvert1slna for rea I estate whi ch 15 1n 'rola t!onoflhelaw,_ _ :~ i----------1!00 .... ltw llW 111.V ·~ !\U• llW llui l• , .. ' WI -llw ifll>I IQOIS: Adwertktrt ... dltck Htelr od1 cWly .ct ~rt tr• ron '--cl~. n. DAILY ,.LOT .. ._, hlWltr for tilt flnt l11correct la1trtlo1t Olly. l'll.'•i---------JIW ~ .. UJj ,~ .. HoewlforSalt ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 1002 w~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ STEPSTO ~ NEWPORT ICH! ~ It's a bar111n! $128.90-0 ,.... total pnre 3 Bdrm 2 :: bath. family room. br1ck ::~: rll't'plare, R 2 lot Room •Mi to build AJley acct!ss '""' Call us for more an !: Cormation, 546·2313 ~-iii $399,999 HARBOR RIDGE ~ .. 1 A special orrer on Valen· ~::~I line's Day Opn Ilse. ~..-Sunday •to Vienna :::;' Cul·de sa r location .,.., shows hke a model Wtil rlose esuow in one ~k. Call Tim Rhone I for details, agt 631·1266 orml26l . , I )llo ~ 11>• \Jljt ...... ... ~. MESA VERDE EXECUTIVE Buccola built home with double door entr)'. leadi. mto formal lrvtng room , ·"" formal dining room . huge family room, stone Cireplace . country .•. ... kitchen All O\ er looks ~peclacular pool and !:'. spa Elej!ant ma sler ....., sulle. 3 other large ~ bdrms. plus a den w1lh -blaltm boollrases Truly :: an executive home for -only 1299,000 Owner will : help with fmancing. Call = now. $46-2313 •:) •ill -.... -- THE :REAL ESTATERS ::.; GRAITHIS : OHE :: Only 119"l for SI00.000 -assumable loans bu)i. a gourmet k1tch . sur rounded by a 3 Bdrm house. lrtt lot. RV at ::"~: cess. no quahfymg SZSK •••• down SlOSO P& I mo .;:. m>\'es you an Don t de ~ lay, call Diana toda) -· Diana Pretenpol·Voll>t' ...... ••• Darlort>er tS33 Monrovia .,, Newport Beach "' You are the winner or ~::, two frtt Uckets <Sl9 001 <;., valuetothe ~. CIRCUS VilGAS ~. Laguna Hills Mall Feb 9 II , .• 1 C1ty Shopping Center .;,.. Orange '"" Feb 19 22 :I:-; To claim tickets. call 111• 642·5678. ext 272 ;;~ 'nckets must be rla1med !it by February 19, 1982 •• r. ••• ""' ~!l•--FOl ..... TH ... Ellll .... f !:~ IMVESTOR ~;~ Look at this buch ,,., dose 3 Bdrm. 3 bath ~;:, house wrth 2 assumable ,.., loans Also, seller as ~~~ sistance with lsrz. down ,,., to qualiCred buyer ~ $210.000 Call Jackie •.• ; Penney ~:; 642-5200 .... j PETE ' BARRETI . REALTY Liff IHAGAIOEH Garden Park Vlllaae. Avocado and Fairview, Cost a Mesa oUera C\lltom featuret iJI iU 2 1c a bdrm cape Cod type community. 13'• fixtd rltl lnl arid excellent ac Yt (anandDI IN ortertd . Thia la a moat pleu1.ir1 bit place In •lllcb le fitt. CofJll by l.ftd Hf our fu.rnlahed modela opet.1 dally tt lo.30.m. ~er Cooptrtllon. ao..swua.n I• Wt '71-JJ I I UDO ISU HOMES Primp I .i'1o Nord bavCront. S bdrm, 5 t>ath. Lg~ L.R. 2 boat slips $1,500,000. --r Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large re<:. rm beam ceilings, $420,000. lMA 11&.1 IA YflONT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath. playroom, dark rm. den . $1,350,000! CARNATION COYE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm, 4 , bath, 2 boat slips $1,900,000. BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR ~ J' '' •,. • '' l I , "• I (, ,' 11 iJ • 61 HARBOR RIDGE ESTA TE 0. of the wottd't Mat dhffRgllht..d .. ,.~ #JMONACO PRICED FOR IMMEDIATE SALE AT ~95,000!!!! IL.o.g "'9 + o~ fia.ci..g ••ollablt ot te.Ol"flWt rahtl Finest offering now presented of this award winning single story "Jodelle" floor plan 3 Bdrm. study, family room, commandi ng views of the ocean. coastline and city lights. A• exctptloHI opportHltr for tltt -··~ H.ticw lldp belytr. (Please respond promptly as this offering is not indefinite). llVINE TEllACE OPIM HOUSI SATUIDAY 1·5 1412 S.1 dh Ttr'nlW, I". Terr. sunny, light and bright and new on the market with brick front, side and rear patios, Hardwood parquet floors throughout. Excellent location -less U1an 00 100 paces from $$ Million dollar homes ReaJistically priced at $365 ,000 with co mbination of assumable and owner financing . Call 644·7211 ' PALMSPRI NGSS67.700 RAN C H~ ~IR AGE f\im Condo on G,otr Clb 2 Br hsl' :,. pool. lee Dr Assume 9 ~ • Isl land. a!>i.uma bles • Phone 320 9H4 o r Phone 320 9544 or 5611-3113. ~3J13_~k Cor ARTX LMMMA tMUB. OCUNNONT Gated Comm. Of "The Shores." Custom-Built 4 Br Home O'Looking While Sand Beach. Hi Beam Ceilings, Graceful Circular Staircase. Owner Will Help Finance. $1,450,000. 759-9100 uc_,.. ... ,.... ... ..,..c.- NEW ESTATE-TENllS COURT! Cao '1nl~ltecti....._.n_, .,_ .. ~Wdttttetl.A ............. 5il&tw I.II Mttl .... CJ I f!lltor.I VllW ef Q,Mlt ...... ~ T•NI ...... ~rt-::r:. i:r.. ...::~ ........ .. fl1l11M4 ....... ..., • ... _ ...... 1000 ... ft ...... ....... ,.. ........ . ..,_,.._ .......... ,..., ..., ............... ... utter a4 otlltr 4tteH• f•r tllt 4k~I Y .. en rt~lflM ....,_._.'-ct4,....~wllt .... .. .. ...... ,., ........ ···~· .... .., ....... .., .. ... M I t SJ.,000,000. 67Ut00. \\ I '·I I ·, \ TAYLOR CO . 111 .\I I ( H:..... . "' I I'' 11; HAaOI Yft# -HU-. y AU Quiet. park·like setting. 179' wide rear yard. Rm for paddle tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Picturesque cul de sac street. 3 Bdrms Fam Rm. $379,500 Incl. the land. See now . WESUY M. TAYLOI CO .. REALTORS . 2111 S. ...... H• RCNld HIWPOIT CIMTIR M.I. U~tlO 9i;,.o/o LOAN Rtct.ced $100,000 S,YGLASS BY OWNER Full Pnre 557~.ooo Monlhly Payment $2999 SOlTl'HPORTMODEL 6br•41.\ba 4100sq rt 25 Bodega Bay Call owner 7~9 0737 VIEW TOWHHOMES M111ter sw les View of ~ean & N1ghl lights ~et Area Parks, open spares SIJ7 ,000 Xlnl Fin Hal or Pal Agts 7S1 900S. 673· 7300 COMMBCIAL 2 stores, 1 block to <>t'1!1n 2Sr: down Owner will carry balance ~.000 lolbooloyProp. ....... •67S.706h JUSTUSTED! Clus1fied Ada _642·S678 Cildrllats to Go <:arts Whale\ er the fad Roll 'em oHthe m.1rkel With a <:l11ss1h~ ,\d _C<lll Now• 642 5678 -Well localed Corona del Mar duplex I and 2 bdrms clean and cute u can be' An outstanding \alue al 1289.500 vmh al lraC't1ve owner hnanc· lll¥ • WATaFIOMT HOME• NIVATI IUCH Sensational 4 br home smack on the water!! Featuring french doors. frplc, professionally d~corated & orivate SANDY BEACH. Only $249,000 & seller will carry AlTD! 2670 San Mifuel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-150 or 752-53.53. • $1.000 * ·••Tl• On brand new townhorne ! Featuring_ privacy, 2 mstr suites & den/loft overlooking liv rm. Only $123,950. 2670 San Mif uel Dr., Newport Beach. 759·150 or 752-53.53. * 12. fCYo INTIUST * HAllOlt VIEW HOME Immaculate MONACO model featuring 2br/den . frplc & spa!! Low interest financing available . $241,500. FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752 -$35.1. MEWPOIT IEACH OfACE 2670 S. Mlplt Drfn 171417St·ISOI 17141752·7l7l ~ Walker &lee Real Estate A£SIO£NTI AL REAl ESTATE SERVICES lfG CAMYOH 4 BR overlooking 6th fairway with lovely view. De auville model completely customized. Dramatic living & dining . room. Large deck & spa. Low maintenance yard. Air conditioned. $68.5,000. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 RCTaylorCo 'J40-C)900 AFFORD BE In Huntington Beach, this 2 Br condo is focated 2 mi. from the beach. Good starter home. Nu cpts, comm. pool, garage, great VA loan · to ~ume & owner wm carry small 2nd. $1~,850. • PEPPERfREE HEIGHTS •. • · F fONDOMINIUMS d;.w1s.12,. .. HOO ••• s-. ........ c.. Mete T~ elegant 2 Br 2~ baths for 1139,!00 and 2 Bdrm 2ba homes for 129.5()0. ' ········••••a• • 10% Down w/payments u low u $889 per mo. • VA flnancina · aeller wtll take back 2nd to i>wer payment&. A Oinsion ol Jt .. rbor ln\ie§tment Co MESA VERDE 411&POOL/SrA Oulslandmg value 1n this ln le\·el home on rul de sac Oversized lot , C11m1I) room w Crplr Owner will a~ StSt with hnancmg I\ great bu) at S239.000 7S1·3191 C::: '>£ I f ' ; -f"" PH(JPl I~' If ', Of • .,.,., Cele ~ •eek L / 075·•51 ;/J STIPS TO OCUH Super duplex 3 bedroom, 2 ba. fireplace and beam ce1hng Just step$ to ocean and on!\ 12 ) ears old Creal rn\estmenl potenllal 1r summer I rent~ Owner wrll l'arry some lmanc1ng S299 ooo COU OF NIWPORT MALTORI UtlL~Nw,. ca.-..i11 .. 875-5511 Sll,750 BARGAIN! Staner rondo' Supl'r private and quiet 2, Bdrm 2 bath I ston near schools and shop ping Good as~umable loan Tr) sma II do111 n Call us. Mli-2313 ·--12UNITS Easls1de Costa Mesa Good income Good terms Price 16-0S.OOO Call for more details REALF.STATERS S46·2213 ASSUME LOW INTEREST LN. Popular 3 Bdrm 2 balh floor plan, in fine area or Costa Mesa Great as sumable loan and seller will tailor lo meet bl(yen needs. Best buy tiM S AXER.UPPERS S ll_..·COroH "O" V ACAMCIES Far bf low market. For set·UP cal l Ri ck anytime 714'7!0·7292 EASTSIDE BIAUTYI Olarmille 3 Bdrm 2 a.ath home In prime location Grtal fln1ncin1 terms 1v1ilable on this one and. noquallfyin1 Price 1148.500. Hu rry. call us ror complete details ' •1111 THE ~EA L ESTATE RS Hlt)I. oo 1 blll In V ilta. teelllded 2 BR + dtn or 3 BR z be. Complele "Witfl dlnin&1... ramll,. rnplate. t>Vtn a poo ' Ml view. $120,000 by . • '7'4-43.1-$!$1 WA.HTID: Uqutd partner to rotn· plett rUllOfl'I Newport Beacfl borne. ,.LAMDI Tftmendout pront to 111.U.1 Call 8kf; 7W -.,...,ume Hnt 1omethln1 you want Lo Min Claulflfd eds do It wtll Catt NOW, fe2·"1l .. • OrangeCollt DAILY PILOT/Frid~. February 12, 1882 . ; I t . c.hW... 1024t ....... a1Hcll 1040 LAMJ-ltect. 1041 HftlllOl'tlted 106' W.W.'M-t1 ttctiilMl.Otwt, C.W .. Mw HZJ tlidLte-•le.clt 324 Mlu'1'rt1Nd IJ6' ...................... ~~~ ........ ~~~ ........ ~.~~ ....... ~~.!"¥~ ...... ~~.~~ ..... ~.~~~~ .... ~.~!::.!~.~ ... ~~.~!::.!!.~' •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• ~~-f.~~~•••••••••••••• .,_,,Siii-~ 11 lfelllit. Z400 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• .... .. !l!l!!llll~~ .. 11111111111.-I MISA YBDI A REAL STEAL' Sptt'· Canal f'ront. Newport ••••u•••••• .. ••••••••• ........... •••••••••••• let J bt. 2...., ba, tam. rm. Bt. 3 Ba. Dlnl.nt. raml "I Br 2 Ba Family f;' "Pl o mon 1 481\, 38A. t'am Rm, tarular •Br ntar the $10,000DOWN Shorea, 4 Br. Den. 2$' Alntream w/room PALMSPll..-S clen. din. rm. frplc:, !)' 6 Bon1.11 Rm Nur Dlain,rm .. lblot'U f:i~~t~~~tlBat~g• Pool.Spa OWC.Aasumt ~~~o:::. w_nlhtt ~~ U.w/Opt 125.000down,Ownerwlll 'arrou strut rrom m ·r.trway lotonbeaut peUo. 2 blU to ocean both. Luu 1150 :·H Hl1h Srho I. downorlrlde Y w p;mt101 Loans. Equity 11 Bel 1 ti 1 to~ CllT')' Must 1tll1 Make bcacb..xKI SeoatHun· so'fCOW"le.01.tei>untfor SllZS. 1414 Broker 112-UU . IOOO /mo Att t •... __._ .. Shartn1 Slr1l1ht Note J urf"iua' oo~a Boknr 3 Bdrm, 2"1ba~ Cfln rm, ulfer! Tel\llls. pool. walk tlnrton by. Su Park. cuh Ml· Jg_e111 -~11.:.. ~··· --:-~etr • ..,tr. ot Trade. Sl&S.000 8y -~ • · ram rm, 2 car 11ar, fncd lo be.ch. Aeent 646-1044 21811 Newland, Space of"__.. C..MeM U24 2 bdrm t'Olldo. new cpt. Canal Front. Ntwp;.t 671-Jll6 Ownet. lm-Ml4 • yard, occin vu 1245.000 ~ 280:5 11 o. H B or ca I I ~' ·-·•••••• .. • .. •••••••• drjlit, fnda. pool, ttnnls. Sllorel. 4 Br + ual(• -------1 *VA. 111/ oA 9"M I 044 4971.~l By owner. OculiTront I 'm;ttee Pr•rtw 2HO UOMIOP handball. clbhu No O&ltioll to buy 11.&00'* 8y owntr 31.o, br. 2 bll, 38R+l~1ba 2 ,:K· ll ....................... wyiu1 .. u. hon. 4 Br + z rentals 2 bdrm. 1 bath. new OC.EA'Nsio·i··:~;~·r·; ntlLUCKYNW ' _e~7.!!t· laat 1200 1'tnnls, pooi, wal~ .. all re mod Copper IMplU / · U500 d DISPEIATl I ntv11NCIM•. SeUer wUI carl')' T.D. carpel & d r a p ea stud)() apt Roof patio Rml 1n Cotta llHa • !'!"..¥ ,_. ...... beadl. Altnl 4148 1~ ~u~lath & plast" pnn~wt:'88131163 n· Woodbridae 3Br 2ba. I ~~~':u{/c!,~0e~~l~ t:1~lm5.r.6 'r.1Jf'::1 euutlful adult park. 2Br.new0nocn.harbo; ~o~~:O~ t~Lt~J: LWlorTIOM ~-. ~--' 1 1 rri Q yr new Low down · 15 l1in1na. Gre1t 1nve11 a..!1~n ' ~51>1rtrent. ~·8812 & r 1 v e r , v 1 6 w • · COMMUNITY 2 fl 3 Br Z.4.1 IOIM H CAMYOM LSSi C...cW M• I 022 AU. THIS IN su~ loan). Need rut 11'11.'nl potential with its - -• Like: new '78 Skyline', Northcoul C-Ondo. MOO 2~ Bl l01800aq. ft of fl()M $4000 28R Me Lain Con• • ......... •••••••••••••• .._.._ ... VRDI sale. '. . llrct wumablt loan at COME ,SEE GorgeuMu1 12x40 ... 1th 10x25 cab11n1. rro 730-7SO$, •ft &PM PIJN luxury. 'Gara1t1, ~111 ll.1.2Sptt mo. Call Qefll)' T .. u11e.YOUR PICK """~" SUCC~REALTY lta1 than current rates . 4BR. 2 1BA •. Fam R . new cpfg Louted 1 blk ~33113 . hYd1 8'7~7'18 r 60--'"" '"""' For 1134,500 Llvio& rm ~1991 Owner says submit 111 Pool. 2 Frpl a, Terms from beach. n 4.$00 ydro tubt In muter s br, l~ ba, fenced yd, lo_l~·u. ,00/o DOWN ~xl7 rt. Dining L llxto Uruven1ty Park4 BR.2'1 otrers 1138 500 Optn Oa i ly 2242 2 13 / 9 I 9 a 77 0 r Ktr1Co..tv IW\t, dln6n& room•. micro Sf15. tst. last + 3 pnrnt duplexes Call fl Eal In kltd1en + ;i • • · Horather Lane 1262 000 ~ Acm 118 Ahes in v.Qld burnm& fireplaces, SlOO 213·515·40'78 dya; Outtll Puh, 759 1221 Bdrm.1~ Bil BA. Fam room, green COilTROYAL Also 3BR. 2BA .P.ool. 7.1.!!~evea Almonds 202 Acres micro-wave oven•. 714-&l-3141ev1 MCANYOM d Lux urio us lhr•• bedrooms. Two ball Forma I dml111 r~ . Rkhly dttoraled In m rorrno~detaila. A&~l . 556·6S16 sbet It lodca,\lon,. cobtblt Spectlcular view or $192.500 Owner1A1t . Obie ~•de 2 br, 2 b11. ~t Bare. S750.000 Sell or priavradt!np•artlosprl&ovyi1dredad.· HOM.,.,,-FOR-RENT 13 FIN NC one r ve tn ry . waves brealung on thll ~-tractive S Star park for Tr a de . B r o k e r, Cl 1 .., .. ~ 5r; A lNG with many xlras! Must see' sand from this 3 bdrm 7 ~ det.alb S48-8'703 Welcome 552-8645, f.lteanl U11lna OAIY 15 3 • 4 Bdrms $7001'750. reasonable down ' Sl15.000 w• min dn homewthl • -· minuttS from Faablon Fenced yards' Owner assisted' Mesa o w c a t 1 2 '• •, 00 Iara~ lot~'si~~~~f~ DOYB VILLAGE ~'!:7 Loh/ 7~·78.13 l.sland. 7 minutes to s.c. 1ara1es. Kids & pets Woods 4 bedroom 211 Ownerlagnt S528046 or near homes priced rrom COMDO -1,... 1500 SAVEW.000 Plaza or O.C.Alrport. welcome 545-2000 COUMTIY ENGLISH bath POOL home orrers (702J Sll8-ll23 '500 oootoSl 000 000 it 15 Adult complex , 2 bdrm. •••••••••••••"•••••••• North San Diego County Just east of Newport ~_..no lee_.__ _ _ DUPLEX .. Br + 2Br. I you a Cormal .sllning wooo111o~rr. t,lie' lt.ast 'up'en;1ve 2 ,, b alb ' p 0 0 I . 2w~~,:.!.~e'r' tar~ 0 ~ 3 A~re Horst Ra~ch I B111d '50. of San Dle10 HOMES FOR RENT ed tonea. 3000 sq. I . Jaeuzzl off matl•r bedroom. 3 tar e•ra5-l20$0 month.· Yea 1 lute. Call 631·73 , Realtor ~ yr new Good assumable room. Cam1ly room. and ·~ home hsted. 11 b not as du bhou11e. dou b I e r ..,,.hOBO ... U!mon Grove. \\1th Frwy. Starting at S900 a 3 Bdrms. 1675. Fenced Assumable financing. a crackhnic fireplal·e for Oft th Lallt large nor as pretty but it garage. Walk to shops & _or...,. _ ! .,..7 7946 4BR. 28A Homt Close month. 631-5439, 2473 yards & &araaes Kids & $398,000 709 & 709•2 cool winter evenings 2BR & Den. 2BA. has excelltnt owner nvu1t . C-rcial to Ocean & Freeways Orange Ave • Costa pets welcome 545 2000 Orclud. Call 851 9135 for Sec I u de d Yd rd is Panoramic f111ancmg $29S.OOQ Pa operty 1600 HURRY !!'' Dottie Agt _¥~a. _·_ -~ept .... ~ fee POOL HOME ., !!.(>Pl. Owner_~kr ~uttrull> landscaped Lakerront View OCEANFRONT ....................... 72U24~, 7~·5994 I 2 Br enclsd garage. tW'nt• 3BR Fm home Bk Bax OM THE CLIFF ~a~~\'e Plous l~~~s e~' ra'n~:c~~~ i o~aac{ 'l ~t rnri[~gu~:. '¥he1asn~ ~aT 111r..t.cH ~Feno., 2700 ~-d~w'f_il:,u~sw_1-~roo. K9tli.. 3242 smi~~l~&ifa""f Oc "'Yable POOL ror sum Te Cl b G d "' rsnrv s.,.. ~ •• --••••••••••••••••••••••• --• .. ~ -t-taoCronl lot Best ,.. nnts u 00 bdrm & family room High vtslb1llty. C·J ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sharfi 3 br. 2 ba . Waterfront Broadmoor NwptHgta.2br.very~)1, localloo In Cd .. Btwn lll!r Cun ' Close to South Fmanc1ng. Owner Of. home O"erlooks famed Cle f ( 10 Acres a"o"ados N .._ h •-'" c Pl s 9 00 • ean view. 120 t ton • ', pool spa. bbq. gar. 2bdrm, 2ba. Crplr, wet· pr r ....,ac • oa_J Poppy & Poinsettia St oast aza. 19 · O rered at $297 000 Wh1skev Co11e & hu ta"e Useex1ittng bwld Rancho Cal 12'< int urpet. drapu. ntw bar. dbl gar. slip avail. !!0'2~8'5-_!0959',~ lstTIMEONMKT• Will Call979-2390forinfo ~-8362. magnil1cent "tews $19,000 mg9 of"vV\5q nor build Sl6S.OOO Xlnt tnHst h ~ T.t.•••1u1 D&•LTOl<t • co 'WIN lute en. S89S i mo p1t10. Sl lOO t mo SuptrHart>or/Ocean v sell or trade for income ~~ "'~ ;ii Will JRAO[I Ow ners mot 1 v a led NOO Balcony. or,Jn 10.000 gq ft Owner will ~7-32118 Isl /last. 1500 de p. i714161S-7171. 3 BR. 2 ba. SUSS mo . m property Brandon 4BR Pool Home in Mesa ** . $795,000. ~~er~'agnu:~~dpg:~·i~~:. carry ms.ooo 631-7300. FAU.lltOOK ~7~ Humboldt Island • Br OctanVu m -21167 ·~ ~~~rg644.:]020 Verde Lri1 Cornrr Lot Would like smaller ~ elegant clubhouse & Realtor 3.000 sq.ft country 3 BR 2 Ba , lge family homt w t 40' dock . 1t5 000 DOW... Brffzewa) 2 Car Gar+ lnme propert) for the ~1l -..:'~~ I estate on 4 s ac rt room, gardener 1n· S2 O O O 1 mo yr I y I•-------• • • " Much More • Dnv•· By. eq1.11ty in rnY. beautiful ·---~"', gym. Mui an Really d u · 1-..A--' -"~06161 f H THll&.UFFS ~ IYOWHElt 2821lTabaooPla"e Then ... .,,....,. 540-2960aakforLon. avoca ogrove. psla1rs c ....,,.., ....... mo ~ · Water ront omes Ones'""'.lwobedroom. IRVI _ ,. ' view home in Santiago · ·· ,. __ ,,,,_ I I ~T 360 deg studio. wood --... 631 1400 _, METP\RACE Call for Appl to See. Canyon tyrne~.zoned Beaut 2 Br r ondu -•for• .. H o17w0•0• deeking. spa. xlot tax ~R.21A. -----twobatbcondo.Endu. 2bdr. + Con" den. 9S709S9 Open House for horses. 3100 i.q fl •1C1111 o...i...,_ watnum Worth Stt'tng i.o..t d 1 & 1 Newly rmclld No Pets . .,... l244 it Goreec>us eretnbell. P•ba. cnr lot. pool + Sat Sun 114PM Pnced AskforChuck .._....,eo -· -.orthowmng Assuma •••••••••••••••··~··••• a van ages erms New Bit ins w t OW ... ••••••••••••••••••••• Covered patio wlYI spa, immed occup 1536 to Sel 1 at $17 5. ooo li · ble ln S20.000 under mkt NORnt lpNG. BEACH $437,000. Ranch Acres Ftplc. etc. Lre p,1 yrd. Twnhome. new 3 br. 3 ba. lkylapt and mdoorlou&- Serenade Terrace AS· W Assumable Loans ~i \\bodbrld9e 17141494-1177 al SlllS.000. Optn Sun Vtr,tnla Realty_, 7~-_Sl50 71.l Center Street 1125 peoo. ear. Park, pool, doorca.rptt AduJuonJ1. surre tx1st1ng flnan ~ration wtthAgts o.4hn •--Ml-.1 1052 12Jl to Spm 756 Agt Count~CubF.slalt~ Real&tah mo. l!t + Dep. A11a1l ~c.197Slmo 833:~7 1925 month Yearj.JI S27•HOWC 9S50073. ~ ' --r-..,...., ~lln Ave. Call Mary New 3 r.3baCondo bct..ge 2100 ~".;_1.646-~ University Park. 38R. lease.Broker.631-7300. MAt.TI CONDOZBr 2 Ba ReducedS7000 551-3000 • ····:ocEANvti~~:·•••i A&t 7689(38 Luxu1.x~~~:rator ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 er 3 Ba hst .. rrplc. 2BA S8SO +Sec Alli••••••••• on ocean in K1he1 Fully 4 BR + pool owner ttittlarranu l'tiW),lnlftr N t g u e I Sh o re s l Lease ODtiOll From$17S.OOO Want • Lax shelter" Sell rmcpi yard No ptls Amenties 613-4141 orl•-------- Cum tnrentalpool pror transferred ..... 111 help I to .... nhouse . largest E'xei myl l2yearntwtn plu S780/mo + dep. Agt ~l~-i&t IAYFIOMT ..z optrated Luxurious ~. finan PRICH> LOW... model $289.000 o~·n•I 4 Br 3 Ba xec home (1tOS47·7066 or exchange equity for 642-5722 Pier and slip for larn Sl~.000 LA>w dn w AITD Ukenewhome' Lg patio $172,000 493-9411 gated courtyard. dbl SC. Plaza. 38R 2BA. a~ rondoor~ Owner After7 . ---~ IEMTA.LS boat f'urntshtd sr. at l2''J'• Chance or a rm +4Br $148.900 Al Comparable properl~ frpk. newly rtdtc in sum I I.I'•,. S60K l!it 714 700-073i 3 bdrm, 2 ba. dble gar. l Br. I Ba $650 bed f b b I t l Rlt 768 2911 h Id f s F oc~· ...atr.RO ... T I Side & out 10'. assuma owe 2nd &ibmtt term!> carport and patio Yd 2 Br I Ba 1100 rooms. tve It s. lifetime to own Haw au ' s a e rs . as so or ti9,900 or !!;A""' " ble loan. S275.000 $1300 SIOlK 964-1988 * * * nso +~dep_~2-~01S 2 Br', 2 Ba dining room and dtti Owne Agt 752 1677 LOW DOWN pre1TUum locahon uo a 4 Bdr. P"( comm . only • J>I!' rro 1S2 2SSO o.ltxu/ Ed Kow-Jbr, 2ba. fam rm. Mesa 3 Br. 2 Ba Sl2SO ..__A .. ~ . ., .. ~ •·rm -ga r d e n s p u t ' · • lhlS low pnce you get a LEASE/OrTIOH I -A-LI $900 Tennis courts in• ! . OWCatll' .. 3Br.l'>Ba . maJ or greenbelt. 4 S3500mo trade o .... nr -u.J."s. IJ721TypttWay Verde Blt lllS S77Stncl LeRaoorRlt.>:833·8600 ~;;.';"1 ;':;~_""s ssM OH Cliff :g add-0n. frplc, great bdnns, 212 ba. extensive l-G61 0003 MIW~,:~~A.I ••••••••••••••••••!~.~~ Irvine gr d n r · Ii 5 7 · 6 8 S 3 · 2 Br-.;-~ cond-;; on S;n rronlh. Broker. 631-7300:- 0ceanfront lot. 1st time or Assume $103K loan upgrades. low ma int Just ten minutes from H 8.4-PLEX You are the winner of 494 -23 30 ; 831 -JlSS , Joaquin 1olf course.i----••••• ;:,.:~~;·s~IS:5~P1i:ir~ i ~~~r~s ~~~.soo By landscaping. Short walk ~.~! ....... !!.5.~ Ne~·port center. }et Near beach By o~ner ~':fi!r:J:kets (Sl9 OOI (94~ :;~1 Mar 1 eves 3Br,study,3Ba. I& .. hon in CdM. Will sell or l;<,ooo DOW .. '-3Bdrm, to pool. park and pla} feels ltke l'Ounlr} f>nnc1pals only Cash CIRCUS VAIGAS Cute•rmcollagew/ -----·-BALBOA BAY CLUB d r I " ,. ground rA.JttcWOOD $4.S0,000 assumable at loftrs pnre Comp Ult Laguna Hills Mall petJ ok, today S375 D&UXE COHDO I or 2 year sub-leas~. tra e or mcome proper 2Ba. new roof & <'pt 14't'• Owner willing lo ~.000 842-5163Greg Feb 9_ 11 ~-.R!!i!ALS_l.50-3314 1 bdrm in spacious ton. 12.300/mo . unrurn. Of ty. Brandon Rosenberg. I Must sell ' Call now ESTA.TES exl'h foruruque property i.co.t ,,_ ..... 2000 City Shopping Center Remodeled2brw/work greenboutt window, partially fu rn .•. be•ll'C ~_7~.!_C! -I 54.S-1241 4 Br 2·~ Ba Newport. Laguna Areas ........... ";~;~~~....... Orange •hol> gar. kids '450 enc'd patio. central air, bay-front " view. a COUMTIY ENGLISH THE PRICE 8 ~E5;J [.~AN Panoramic· wh11e water H.B. 4 PLEX. 3 br. 2', ba Feb. 19 -22 OC-R~t<k'LlSC?.-33!4 fpc, Ass'n pool. spa. ten-bakonys. 2,700sf,2 pa~ DUPLEX-4Br + 2Br. I IS RIGHT! MODEL views from evtry room owntr's unit. frplc To clatm t1rkets. call QC-RENTALS ni s Near Northwood loe. newly dee. Uott yr ne-.: Good assumable I on ttus 4 Bdrm. renced tn HAS EVERYTlllNG Must be seen lo be Supertax benefits. 2 >rs 642 5678, tx l 212 l·Sbr'sS200 lo1:2000 Shopping Center SS$0 •3H, imnvd. occureaia:; fmancmg. S398,000 709 & pool home on a quiet cul Cul de-sac street belle' ed' S8SO.OOO C.i II new Only 139.000 dn By Ticket.s must be clauned ?_~33J4_ open_ 1 da1s per mo + SSSO dep. + SlO cy Contact Gary• fl"; 709'2 Orchid . Ca 11 de-sac in Easts1de Costa Sun&Sall ll Club ~-3916rOf'._bnl(hU!l l!PPI· Phi~_!lgl. 972-9300. by Febr11ary 19.1982 credit chtck Rod ~ office 9-• Mon-FD 851 ·913S Cor appt Mesa A beautiful yard S2J0.000wilhSt60.000 32U ·2YRSOLD * * * 3 B~~~~Dbfa th . SSZ.S142 ..... S51"611Agt y.~5000~~].6_1_ ~r bkr ~i1ha c0\eredpat1o and .. 513CAM""J)a:f~ atl.2". WlSTCUFf HUNTINGTON BEACH s1os.ooo C P zon ed Oreplace. dishwasher. 2br~.112ba:w~£-~~1CajfY°" Condo. 3 br1 Costa MHa I 024 J roz; firepla ce in the No point.s or quahrying $240,000 S2.472K f p S312,000 dn duplex. 2 bdrm each. C en ct d Ya rd. W 'th bndge. all upgrades . go courae vu, lea..., l'\'1ng room Th Are ts 770-0347 Lovely 3 Bdrm 'l>I u~ I m1 lo beach "Prtde" ""·en1· .... lot 2 bl .. s lo a•...._ftAr $71"mo Ph $750 ~4 979-3080 a vat I. 2 /ls S 1300. ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. DY ... .t. u1c 0 fa I room l""at·-' tn '""'' I h It l l vv ~ " -·-·~ ,, --l --644-7424 Bkr more ' Assumable "...,... wnerJA&tnt ma y • ~ ~ ,,..., • Ill 5 e er 5 yr bosp1lal & other gen'l 54.S-25]4 _ Turtle Rock 4 br. 21, ba -------~ MOVIM'OMUP loan and an anxious WooclwidgeHotM ~esttgious Westthff CallPhil.~gt .972-9300 rac1httes Xlntpotenllal dd home Walklopark. ·S Br. ho me 3 Ba-. ~;~ i~~~r;~r,;.\f2e5: seller Onl) Sl69,900 Sellers ofCer a variety oC •BR. ZR.A Home J>ool & mutes to the btach l.....,..OME Good cond Retirement Lo•th HCMOlt! pool & teMi.s. Gardener Eutblufl. S12001mo. Call979-~0 finanrn1g alternattves Spa Sl0,000 Down <M-ner anxious ancf "'111 "'-COfllrn $10.000 equity 3 bdrm . ~ ba. water, Incl SIOOO mo Avail. 64HSC7or~l314,_ - home wimany extras on A Gorgeous 3 Br 2•1 ba Owner Carry Balance help with lhf' fin:snrin..: PROPERTY owe at t3', or exchange gardener ~ludtd S79s. Mar. I. 975-4622: evs & HURRY ~ 3br. "fixer .. tn cul de-sac owe lrg 2nd LLSTA TE home ~•lh numerous up ~3 .. Slll~ for Jn appotnlmenl to SPECIALIST for 0 c p ropt rt y Zchl.ld.~ 644 ?7~8 wtmds~-4136 O:>rona, kid-pet S3SO rsP.3~11 pnce SIJ4.500 I,. grades Cul-de·.'l:tt 51 ~rt .. ach l 069 see. callS40-l1SI 1114)927-3578 Clean 2 Br. 1 Ba. duplex. 2-story~-4 BR. 3 bath OC·f!~AL ~~ AE .... 'TORS Ju:>l steps to the lake Of. ·--.-Select from multiple un enclsd gar . private wlF.R. ~ mo. First & ""rs ho-mt. REB>OM HOUSE 3 Br 1 Ba large yard ~.000 ~1-07~. ;\gt, MESA. VERDE 3 bdrm. 2 bath. frple. dbl garage. A -I cond $134.500 Owner will as s1st in rin;incmg Roy McCorch, Rltr. 548-7729 * MESA VERDE * WITH POOL AND SP A SpactOUS 3 Bdrm. 2 ba Beautiful area SlS.000 dn. As kin g $240,000 Sl~'mo pymt PP Agt 760-7~ HEW CONDO SO DM ~_gent. 6:i.!:5737 SHA.IP USTSIDE 6PLEX OHL Y 150/o DOWH Owner wlll finance lo qualified buyer \\'ell located. good looking 6 units + 4 car garaite + ample parking Belo~ 11 umesgross Cal today 644-7211 Aln NIGfl. l:MILf Y &. ASS:..JCI ATES n. ~ MllllltPlct on thl OrllWI C.- DAl LY PllDT CLASSIFIED ADS ,.., Con w It. flr!d "· Trodl It W'llh o Wont Ad (842•5678 ) l'\J. rered at $295.000 OPE."' ••••••••••••••••••••••• •ls Terms available to ,.,... I yard NO PETS 148S a. lasl +S!-50 deposit MIC· Home on~JSth st"" $75" HOUSE Sunda) I S at S NEWPORT HG TS s11t ~our nee<b ••••••••••••••••••• •••• ~ ~--!i680-nab Irvine Realty Mack Bayfront s Br homt'325& • S5500 DOWN • Approx $97S PITI pymt on clean 3 Br home Pnnronl) 543-7023 Bkr MnaVer•Ho• Lo\•ely JBR ~ bonus room or Office 2+ Ba. ~1 1c r o. Pr o f Landscaperi Frenc h Doors. Ice Maker. 2 f'rpk's, S23S 000 o~ ner Anxious Will Help with F'inancmg 3182 Country Club Ori ve 64 ~ 9171 Owner Brkr Open Sun l 3 POOl/SPA. HOME 4BR. 2l1A 1n Mesa del Mar Call for Details THE A.DRIA.M CO. • •s.\9-8547 •• VA. AS SUMA.ILE $113,500 Isl T D 3 Bdr. approx 1, ac. quiet cul de-sac canyon 'u Sl21.000 Ownr agl 642-7617 SUPEI IUY! 1118.500 with assumable 8"; loan 3 Bdrms. 1' 1 bath with rtmodeled kitchen and new paml Converuent central loca· llOI\. Call rordetails 642-5200 NorthCo\'e Gated dnve. secluded S tto.Ms,.,,.,slled I Westside. 1'2 Br. 1 Ba & ~~t-8'700_ <withd~lt) Wa)'lleStewart.A~ 8dr home + separate ~j ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 .Br 111 Ba. avail 1_ .. _L 3241 Watedron t Home 11. 646-8816 mother 1nla~ qtrs Harbor Vitw Homes. 4 c1 ,.~ ......... M ll22 $475-SSSO Garage yard -or---• 63 00 c: -1186.9$0 Terms Rbt br. view. xlnt er lot _..__,, or I · · · ••••••••••••••••••••••• -___ I l~----....: WOOOIRIDGEHEW •••••••••••••••••••••••1 1Gdsok.&4l ·0763. c 1os ~ 2 bdrm and den. highly -·mk. 63 1266 ~.000.4:94·IS40 aJml'lliM ft(, Upgraded 2Br 2ba . yard. 4 ar.'3 "8a condo. many ~~OMOMJS r te!:~'_c~~-.. upg r ad ed Pr1 re HBGHTSCOMDO ~ carport . no d ofi?s amtnit1 es $800 D)•S • ITU :r'':11t bch "24 hr R. 2~ ba. lilt entry. Sl98.000 17', dn Single • 2 Jba S 179 500 714 641 0763 ~:is mo._Ajt 613-1181 ' 673-~_;_eves 64~._2439 ' . II . trash cmptr. S9SO me. story fullv shuttered llr, 'I h & • 292S Colle11e AH SOUTII OF HIGHWAY I Nr So. Coast Plaia 3 br. serunty, ots of coves & Possible lse1opt to bu,rr .... firepia ce.'atnum . n~. · • • 2 Yrs17·~7h'1 airy ro~taMt'!la.CA, Jbrhouse.ntl'tyard · ba, ram .. din . hv rm ~~oo~!~.~dtl~c~~; 6Ca73·7300 or 548 32iT' pool and lenntS S STEAL$ 334 Mangold 760·0907 w/frpk. brick fenced yd, rrom $6SO lo 51000 11141 rol.,_a(l ;": SSZ-0660 BelowMarilet! ... -EV ... LLEY tWio190ttleach ll40 2 car ear. sns 99 499-Jl16 estcliff. Sharp lg 3BIO"; L,.._ •---L I 041 ,_,..,..., ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Camati~_. 840-6140 quiet s~. big t rte .... -r-----A REAL BEA UTY TuSllefttt Looluni: for resp person 4 br. 1~ b1 sgl fam 2BR. 111BA. frplc \'tew. S99S mo 646-611t •••••••••••••••••••••••ocean & ba\ \U 4 Bdr Near ntw 4 pie>. 2 tort>nlmcel Br house I dwtll1ng . q u1e t ~tvo'~'JM1 ~~'<{34~0t· 6312117 · A Lot w bon~ rm: pool. spa + bdrm. 2 bath eat·h uni! ITU from beach Pool. neighborhood close t ~ge 0 -· Beautiful 3 bdrm 21 2 ba Forlt.L~ l'tty lites Assume wilh hreplace. enl'lo"d sauna. jar $400 mo schools & shopping. For lease 2 bdrm. 2 ba townhome with. Ocea• tacre + bldg s1le .l(ent 11.78'• True \'alue pauo. garage 9'.'. Isl 968-9046 I S7SO mo <213 1947 3437 Lonly Laguna Stach vttw. 2 fireplactr.· I) sloping parcel short $399.900 Won't la:.t s1..000Do-Pos cash _flo-. No"·--· L ll411 eves _ home Wt.th washer enclosed 2 car farage distance from tennis & PATRICK TENORE "" .. " SlS9.SOO 8111 Grund) . .....,.... oc" dryer. swimming pool. · beach Ownr has in ·· Vena1llcs Studio l'en Rltr 61s-6161 ••H•••••••••••••••••u • 4 bdrm. 3 ba: 2000 sq ft . etc partially furn S92S Bit ms, neutra . w w eluded plans for r ustom thouse Condo High as 1 Attrae !Br collage I rondo. Tennis. pool. etc 1 rro' 494 3980 l'}Jllng_S800mo. 7S9·9203 VIiia Sl7s.ooo Spe ~ suma ble loan Onh s unit. C M Al>l 1980 Avail no~ to Apr 4 I Nr Back Ba> Many ex~ -_. ~.-T ... H .. ~TS-t . ' SIB.900CallJ1m pneed 1248.0000WC S47S mo incl Ulll tras. ms mo Call Bo La.r~wood&glass3Br ...:n..-v .• .. laculan1ews' 645-2075 S48 5163 4S4-00TI 67S-42"f7 212 Ba. fam rm 2 !'ar 5 ~· ~en, family rf1r:. MlSSION REAL TY m~9_1_>r 962·9587 Ckeanside 17 .ooo oH com · S a c 10 us 2 8 R w 11 h garage Ocean & Canyon avul 3 1. I blk lo NHft" 494-0731 u..... rtHat~ $195,000 memal near fr~) M1111port .. odl 3169 l:.vattPtoS48Smo YltW.NopttsS109Smo Ptts.ch11d0K.3000+11f SALEIYOWMER ""~ ~· •A1.-L.omt1• $1.2M GOod finanr1nR ••••••••••••~••••••·~·· 1036 Misas:o·n Dr •A Sierr a Mgmt Co . fl 11500/roo .. May~ Imma culate J Br 2ba Gated d ve. see ed 5 See this 4 bdrm 312 bath Mr Rossi 851·0611 Teach.er °"' 1 f e w ti 1 951-6073 · ~1·1.32t.. lease opllon. Dtana. a&'!' 8dr home + separalt f 1 p houses1t your bay ioeean --ocean ne~ ho mt rmther·lll·law quarters be a ult u ortoCtno S Unit.C M. Bargatn less front home 646·3SS1 L..alJl-I~ Featurts Large deck . Sl.86 T R rrodel tn Harbor \'1e~ ... ~-10 Id S238 ooo --LWI Of'TIOM oak paneled den As ·950· erms obtrt Separate mothf'r·tn·lav, owe yrs 0 . Is EA v IE\\' F 0 r mer 2-4-5 IDlM 2iid"r;~·2b;··.~:;~h~~;;~ sumable loan and seller Milliken, agt, 631-1266 qrtrs. almost new cpl ·1-1 645-2075 S48 ~763 rr_oiel. 3Br 3ba Ocean FIOM S4000 I dl.n rm. frpk. a c. pool. financmg S3l9.000 Call close to pool. S319.500 vitw S2000/mo Dennis SS6-6S16 Jac . patio, gar dr opcu. ---~--· e~esorwk!lCfs4972166 So..eMntCallf.le..Mv IMVl!STOflSPECIA.L Ricketts & Assoc Adults only S72S 'mo Ntwoce1n vltw2Br.~ -·1 XI d 3B 28 851 Oi&24 VIEW FROM EVERY Ba Co do G 64~ 2&IR HEARTOFLAGUNA ~5605. Ul-6194 nl con · r, a. at 1-· ---RM (714l6}~7171. &~~: ar. "' Hugepri\'atelot lat hed 2 car garage. New 2br. 2•<zba condo. OCE"'HFROMT ... with oceanvlew. FUIROLLSROYCE NfWllSTIN" central air & heat UDOIAYFIOHT 5"' lbrhOOse.Frenchrrpre-: Two I BR units + sleep-Lido Island. By Owner a $65,000 SSl.000 lsl Will. 2 bedroom and den 2 m 1 c ro • 5 Pa· S8 SO Lrg 4 Bdr pvt romm.. 1325tmo. all ulils ind. mg room. Must see!' Spacious JSR . 2BA Presenting Harbor toke 15.000 down bath. private patio ~l:i~-615'17~~.. teMi~. pool etc avaJl. 751-TI16anytirne S319.000 Home. On S6 ' Lot ~id e's flnesl "Jodelle" 613-7638 A"a 1·1abl• throuah Nr S.C Plua. 2br1lba. Option poss1blt bd ••.• b • ~ " --' 1•· I d S3SOO mo owner Oceanfront 2 rm. 2 "' ~ Villege R.l Includes Architect '5 I Thts home offers I UMITS 6/30182. St.700 month ... u. .. on Y sec. con ° l-G6l·Olll S850 roo . March th -497-1761 . plans Cor additional luxul) and comrort for 7•1 X'aGROSS Broker.631-7300 Pools. spas. No pets. J 673-89211 · Bedroom & Bon us theamuent 3 BR 2•2 ba. S5S0.5'1!0107/851-~35S Northview2Br den.2ba. ~·.. · 1252 Make your shopping Room Plus Owner's formal dtning rm. and a High demand rental ~CM wel bar. micro. alt, 8Tfl.2Br. 2Ba. den. d .. ---------t easier by ustri1 the Daily l961 Rolls Royce Silver panoramic view oC all or art a Assume ex1st1ng f r P I c . Po o I k e Y . 11r, frpk. wlk to be Cloud 11 Ovtr'360.ooom Newport and the blue fmancmg of Sl50.000 at ~· Can~Dn 3 bdrm. 2 full ba. fenced gardener 517 ~ mo . 950 mo 130·590 --- -,_P_il_otetass __ ified __ A_d_s_. --1 Assumable Loans at pac1(1c Your inqu1nes IO', and owner will yard and gar 1625 mo e-6119 1~·~111 A PETE BARRE IT ... REALTY OCiiia PoW I 026 Ml-rt.. 11 I 069 1 2 ~ 'i-$Ii 6 o. o o o art -.el come S79S.OOO car r Y Fu I I Pr 1 c e EX VE OMI ~!~ Niguel Country Club. lux S.ysbotts 2 Br rum ........... •••••••••••• ::±·: .. ~ ......... 7l4-S:i9·l~ Holstein R~a~ S240.000Call979-S370 WITH VIEW 3 br, 2 ba. bit-ins. frplr. wious 2 Br 2 B• lake unl'um large hv rm SS,000 DOWH ,........... A poo I w / s er v 1 c e . view condo on aoU hr guarded gate. ale I BR and conv den condo I 961..C90ALSLIDAN64B2B7 5 LLSTATE Elegant rurn1Sh1J1gs in gardener. Water pd ralrway All amemlies to bay. To July 57 wipool and spa Mini .,.. v-66 I~ eluding piano, pool ta lmmed.oct' l900rno as unrum $795 fum 213 915 51 01 C> ocean view ' 1105.900 30 D ••Ar&.IA~ REALTORS bit. rlnt antiques New -~-~v_es . 661·7566 an5661-5642. 2.~lf,ll?-0488 -· yr fixed 14 12'• loan' lvv.-1~ OllwrllttUthltt luxury carpel East.side 3 Bdr 1~ Ba. L·~ 3·.,5· S Nwpt Ttrn~ 2 br. 2 Q:W.C. (,)wn~1§3..!·66f'i8 · ml•1t: ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• t JJ4•1o en e I . back y 1 rd . • end unit. S650Jmo Jim .,,,.,..;;;; ...._tto.1 Fully assumable Nwpt $4,000mo chlldttnlpets OK. S700. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 15'1.ZZl 642-0750 ,._..Valley I 034 ~ Arrv .__ 1r....a... I IO .... l 646-4518 54G-3166 AgJ. LAKE FOREST 2 story. 3 · · -· 1 • • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ~-llg\I tn·p ex, $250.000. -· · ---.-·-'---•den.3bath On water. 4 bdrm. 3 ba exe IYOWMEa ·-· ... --............ ••••••••••• BYC~C.645.;_~1_ tta.tt~ Me1.tdtlMar 4BR.2BA. new bolt doek ! Avail Newport Crest Con •bdrm.,. ba la..-yud 1--lllJ!l~lll!!ll~lfll--I• ..to..~ 1r-a... • 200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• W*Shtr & Dryer. THE Ftb.13. t825. 7$4-7900. Many feat\lres Sl. .. " . •' I .t. LI 0 I * .-. ""' -• .... , . .._.... 3206 ADRIAN CO 549-8541 •. ·-. ·--. Call 631 0460 ts.IXKI dn. Grul fin1ne· A A P MIMS UL A -·&...a..~ ...... ~·=·CH····,··L·v·•0••••• ••••••••=···••••••• ., .. ---· ·· ·-·1212 ... .,. .. _.. 1269 ~rt-C~t El·11 .. ing $134,500 Beautifully decorated 2 BR condo ........ '""' 81.)'1 l be h 2 8 2 ........................... w..., ·~· ... • ~ 1904 W/ricb carpeting, excitlog With or wllllou rum. Localed ln Butna Park ... '°'!.; EacB, r r ••••H•:,::•••••••••••••• Harl>orRldctlease 48r l\aat multr ~ult.e + d d -1.... •Y ront. VlllEFORRf:HT as. DR FR ~tl6dy' Br.&2'a8a.Xtr11la wallcovering & plantation ~~n~Hrl~~e:i!~tl~ :,~nlt'fc~~me~~1~1· Balboa laland. $1200 3 Bdrm. tsn. Fenced ~ui>cradecfr11b vu' ram.rm .. wet·b.ar.r" sbutten, steam bath & whirlpool. ~pie This tf 625 sq ft lot Is winter. $1400 annual. yard l 11ra1e. Kids & gate pooj.iteMls· pool. tunla. et A. MmfOUSI .. 1"1 SIY A ;-_,c:e::-.= ==;"'· O..OU. ..... YltwHwefWMh- Secured building w/pool & Gn .. .tP.t tMldabitandowntrwlll Hert>d -213147a.»rr. (ldawekomt S.U.2000 /rro.BOborOo11~ t10001mo 131 ·11 rooftop sundeck. Boat slips & Brallllful acxeo l{eyweat finance. Pull prlt'e C:O...delMw l2J2 ~!.~ · ~.~_151:~1 . ~· good fmanclng. Low Cash ·down. Hm • 2Br, 2Ba. This la h.50,0QO ' ...................... , IW1ii4•ltec:' J240 W. Npl. Nr beach. Assum. lst & 2nd T.O. Seller I thebesllntown Lie a BR 2\>i Be w/pallo ··~.................. IAYPIOMT ho!R. frpk. l)lllO, yr ..._ .... r:i··.. ' PJ'(leMr. 11.«IO mo. s-tooctan. Eleaant ~ • ,,,..., • + bd 2 ST50tmo + 1tc d .,,.,. C., utlih md .. WllM • 3 Bedrooms • Solar heating • 3 Batm • Two fireplaces • Farnlly room * Custom Built SPA U I WAT S4tl;OIO financin,. $31.S,000 Bill Wedmore ,,."""' _. MIGlO· ~ Br. Famil.Y Rm ' Den. • a_.,,, • ~mt: e&m7. 551·..,00(Ull) Beaullflll Bealr M.H. iBR ·:·B .. -··r· 1 asoMo.Ph1ahrrpt.a.21, baths . rtnpla tt. OtWi 1~38 Co '" w/fml kit, l2xlt hv rm. • "· r P <' · a. Cedar • glass sun· P1'0UI "" Pier ind v,... r 12x.lO Mttr Bdrm F.ncl Btamtd Cellh111 ! dttk dbl <'•r ~rv tllp;S:.Ollf'mo Avail. Annul leut, pool.. t HOISi PIOf •n PL.US Over 1 ac~w/lovely 4 BR ctL1tom home, 5 ataUs + tack room, tennis court, pool, spa, central vacuu_m 6 a /c & complete security 1y1tem w/1ated driveway , 1 '850.<m. Bobbi !ban 752rl414 ~. Nr. Hoaf Hoep. Cl~~, Old CdM W S. saraYG·' f II m nt M. I. nil'. A11ent Mr. t l 11)...~ • U 1 a · 142-aso d1Yll. 145· a.ASSte -· ;.&,. «ff1'' dt.y ~'ta. r~rt It tVtll. . assoc ia ted MOIUHOMI &1111 ~IW from every · -~ ·-· . · Harbor. IUUt. S partner roo,n. Larp 2 Br. Crplc, Ulr. wlt.h1ara1e. Child Ir SAUi wlli8f to \ulld cualom many a me "l l It 1 . ;:~ '*· 1150tn . ~~4t' .. · "20e·A l!ollle.'TS0411. $12111/n Call Aothoey . • ... _. ... _.._. l•••••.'•-•lv...,.. Kt11 luaury-JOt d.a)'I MZ·S7S'7. evff 6 iia .. _rrttdom, adh f'~:.'f.'=c.v':: ~a~~:-..: ._--. ,.,~ .. '° :r;::tit. bolt °"'*'. 1111 help +lrtf11am1.f11Jc,_~l; ....._._. II ..... "-tulltan .... ~/llO.~ hi Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 12, 1992' I ._...!~!'* I h• ... .., ... ,.,. ... , Af•l.w.h........_ • Afcl 11l11Wiint. Afal e1hu.llin. Afclu .... ....._ .. ..._ 000 ~ •••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• 1 ••••••••••••••••••••• , .................................................................................. . ~~ ..... UH._ sportlttitti l7't C..MtM Jtl4 Cott.Mete JU4 9"W ' ltU S.O..• H7' •bdrm h4>mc btt "••••••••••••••• 'oc•••••••••••••••••••••• uooeo••••••••••••••••• "tt••••••••••••••••••• • • ••••••••••••oo••••••••• Ba" Ind Ott•n Av111I IAYSHORES -EANFRONT 2" • Br · • u•••••••••••••• .. •• ' ~· with 3 BK Avail. Winter. WMkly/ Beaut 2bdtm condo BF..AUTlFVLt Br 2 8' l BR Condo on Cretk NICE Z 8 ED RO OM now '75 2183hft HM and'Jen tat In Monlht1e7371'13 i>nmr SC Pl111 lur' M .. VtrdtllOO Qft. Pool, teonta. a l e aptrtrmntwltbvlewor NBprof.m11ltw011brl111 z car iar In WMnl 6omethln& xtra Waterfall., ureum11, fplr, lndry. dl1bw1hr, Adull1, nu l>'t• Like thf 1olf courte, hilla. lhrbor View hom~ io, Reins. 'pvt sper1al 1n 1 z nr •P•. P<>ol $800 mo ~~C 1aro1e S57S new $43$. Eva 873-6003, publlr tennla court• w/lidull 30+ 1375 ''"° mo yrly ·rov.11hou~. completely l114)fl3-90111; 67Hl.~40 luv lnjt1. MUt4• ~·~ behind property, 2 78CMB02 tftlty,AnnPeter11 tum•• Mo 7609111. 2bd.rm, lba w/ytd, '476 .... leoch 3141 encloeed rarport1. 1111 Rmmte wanted Share .!9-~ OCUNJo'RONT l br till IAY TfMllAS <.'hUdrtn ok ' 0180 I bdrm. •••••• .. ••••••••••t00.. bl.illw. laundry faclllt,y home Dano Pt non· e • ' s S410 w i yrd & 1ar ln •Wt1tmodem1p1nlah • ' •. IASJ'BLUFF, vtry u11 1,,, urn · SSO . un 54.5-7306 OCEAtf FIOMT style btildln& 2 adults smkr, Fem, $29S util in ~~BR, tam rm, ~~3r~H~501:ovt111~:krln~! C8t~~:i1~~~n~::~11lk SRae IBM. OW WI M~telegantapartment onl)'.Nochlld~norpeta cl.681~.8318626. t '9rfocw 1 :eel~ ..... It -W-4ey,,. 2J THI CITY SH~ CIMT• an.p • S.te AM Pwr. rl Cltp Oifwt ... , hi I be. •1350 mo. I.at .,...,,,...., I I I d' h h C'looet1. PIMh rgb Pool. building IO Lllf UD.ar pied. ~ •"'r rnunth 28R Nii Apt to shue w .!f,,Job.!!L.ecll.9 ~-· n c oset, IS was er, Patio. BBQ l~I & Den Bench. Finest locution'" Available Vi•bruary remalt' over 4S S197 51: ..... 3210 P~J~11~~·;8(~11:ifi11/' 64500&1 " l?wn Breathtuk ln~ Ca ll ownu 11 H.) t '' u111 645·7460 aft ""'-••••••••••••••00••• kSO/mo. 399 W Ba.Y St Mesa Verde 2 hr, n1•w \'ICWS All bit ins. heate ti42-0L38. fl.em TICKETS IYllllOle If Clrtu• V119ua locahont 11\d II all T ICktlron <>ulltla . 'ftCll!J'OR RENT pool. aubt uraee. • • t Bdrm. t7SO Fenced 64'99813 crpt, d'ru, saint Q'f,t ~lt1valor Lease only Adult Studio Stove, fo U>Sllr Lr~ lRR House For more crtcut 1olorm1hor1 call (7 141921·7040 fltd • praae. Kids &r :~~: s:7 1s e4~~~·19311~ WO &r up 330 Chrf Dr rdna.ut1l l245mo NB Arta All J'1lv $27!. .f"a .weleome, SU·ZOOO. 006 1465 4!M IWlll3 SS25 ,,_,Vt' in 492·0180 ITll M1chelle, S48·0987 ~~ ll.e8'i.BJlll Stlld1obouM• v. vvt ,d & Ocean f'ront lBR, + ~ 400oi-------· s.A~ l Zl6 ' APARTM!MTS J>l'llU. t'il't µd , Jl,"'µt den In Old Med Villa on •••••••••••••• .. •••••" ~ LOC)IMCI 8 Winners In Today's Class if iedsl IT'S EASY! Find your name and 1ddress in today a ~ ~................... Beautiful garden apt) llgts $.1Stl 642 1292 Cliff °' erloolcing Ocean Laguna Beach M9(or Inn. (kean Sldl' oflllehw11) Z 8t condo, Sptctacular Pnuos'det•ks Spa, hut 2bdrm Iba. bit in.. ~)'pk l.A!aded windows, !!& No Pac1fl'c Coast CuardGated Are.. Pool. claS11fied section, then call 642-6678 Ext 272 ...,.,. ,t(fan view Closl' to paid Adults, no pets bakony iwr. no Pl'U l'JfTX>rt tre-es, P\l Bch llv. y, L11unf Beach p,1 Ditrancl' PYt Bath leldl&shopp1ne S700, Spec;lous stuot0sone 2BR28A ~25 14S000~7,S48 4291 Slni:le Pref S9SO Mo Dail). Weeki). Kitchen S29S + Ut1l Must bt' IQ claim your tickets Winners each ft ........ day, so chedl the classifieds in the ..,11 rma • .. .a7,97S.48S7wkdy~. andtwol>edroomapar1· ll8W,W1~ 631·558~ Buchelor 1 person 840S629 _ av11labll' Low v.•1nter Empt. ban 1ef1 2328. ments FURNISHED PINE BLUFF APTS utlhlle:. paid E ~1de. no Vlfo:'t\'. one bdrm. blcx•k !'.!t'! 4945294 499 4722 E\l'S '#wt J shr l2tl and UNFURNISHED 2 Br 2 Ba No ptt~ peb S225 mo t>i6 5736 tobl!ach SMOmo Balboa Inn S90 & up·------- ....... •••••••••••""' Oakwood also oilers Patio, '.'e\I., frplc. Lrlol 2 Br FR frplc, h\ 494·5570 wttkly Kitt'hennl'tte, nnsava!I S225 + ut1ls, OfftceR.tal 4400 OffluRentol 4400 ~' • ·-HOME FOR RENT •Au UUOhesPlid Jacun1, gar . ga~ stoYe. rn..i rm , lru kilch ottll!_.h'oot 675-1746' $260 v. ov.n balh Nr ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Opporlunity SOOS 3 Bdrm. S62S Fenl'ed ~ 631.0107 " Mtwport leoclt 3169 Real'h & Adams Pref 1617 WestchH. N B Want u•"'A "'>INT'• b~·. l loi• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .-.. •-garage Kid'-•. 'lmmecliate -duldrtn no pt>l:. S5SO ......... , P\'t '111 no smoking or "'' n ~ "" ros 1 u \I e, a Laun ... ;elcome. 54S 2000 Occul)llncy 2BR lBA, Old but Clean 836 17322261 Mlnl'r St ...... ....... dnllkinc. M Ovl'r ~ yowiger woman or col financial inst 7000s I 200' toSOO' at 1111n1·l .1ll lln Siii\ grO!>!> per mo .i-t f • '1 Milllon In 2248 C.i n) on Dr No Eas ls Id<' I H d rm PARK NEWPORT S28S/1DO 556,11637 lege gal 960 7874 l'\ t'!> ~t Ooor Agent 541·S032 Ut1l &<Janitor 9i5 1120 64HJ763. Agent ~ I no ~ R-·eatlon Pets 2nd flo<1r $390 Sh I I h r ....... $300 mo No pets no IDARJMENTS Wortln& fem .. 2S·40, '• r rg ux onw w pro •DaUXE OFFICES* <Xf1re ~pace for rent JKS ...... ""1M9"edor And Much More• Sierra Mngt Cu 641 1324 k1tchPn Cltll betv.een Ar bile bch, NB. unfurn. person Isl. las\ & dep From 1 room to 1400 sq sq ft,. seeond flour SPECTA.CULA.a ~ 3300 For a month 01 a 1tfe-3BR 2ba. no pets rtuse to 115. 7!12 2197 non smkr $215 sn 1706 ~rm 966·8479 rt From SUS a sq ft No Pre~t1g1ous We~td1 rr PET SHOP ....................... Sl'h ools & '1 wy 2 B .... d I couuTRYCLUB af R h n I d urea1100sq ft Medll'iJI FORS"'Lf ~de CM 2br, 1 ba, din time Mooe1sooenda1ty SS2S+dep Ai·:J1I no"' r 1'2 °"con o, poo . ...... t 4 • oom 24t st N lent, lease required A J A rm. break. nook . dbl 9am to6pln Adu11sooly 540 2245 laWldl). pat<o. baby OK, LIVING IN RM. $2lS + Sec Lndry $210 mo . 1-'rplr, OW , Auporter Inn 2172 Du Hldg C:all 645 6SOI •Newport Beach Lm· ear. yrd, grdnr. $650 nopels nopots $500 M11r.Di11ne UEWPORT Fae. 5 llss fr S11nd G11r Eves.6756493 pont.UillAM,.:..833-3223 ·~'ullLmt'Sturc ~ STUNNING large 2 Ur 2 642 1602, Mar~uer1tt' 1"'11 L.111una lkh 50\1 ~11 It •(;Ju,., Bird H1111m Oakwood Ba garden apt. pool & f).I().~ BEACH Le_ave Message 675-820S f' shr 3Br apt Avail ~·eb 17TH STREET $350 333 3nl Slrn·t & F'ront Wmdov. ···~CAMYOM GardenApartmenls rec area S435 710W OcnoP 't 3126 Room for Rent in 20 CM area Price COSTAMESA 2133932347 •form1t·aD!I~& I bdrm, 2~~ ba, pool and 18th.,_St -•••••••~~••••••••••••• An adult community on Beautiful Irvine Home :;:11o:_ble No last or ~or 3 room offi ce suttl') Two Offices rat C1111t-s ~·· security, SllOO Newport Beach/No. E.s1de fourplex ~Br I Sharp 3 br \•er> Ir" the Back Bay Spec with Married Couple ~ . ~13 AC, plent)' of prk" Util • F.lt't1run11: Rl'"l\tl'I """-880 Ba 1 .. ''·11u" o .. S27S srn.111 ofCH't~. S31U " mo,...,....._, Irvine . w rg sund!'ck, gar duplt>x. bit ms. encl gar t;icular Spa, 7 swim -... ...,...3J81 (•ean v 1e w. on th l' mcl Avail nov. Call • Ha~h l'e1lmgs ODl2bdrm,2 ba:dl'n, (7l~3)~~!h1'10• "laundry hookup Smalll'h1ldok NrPCll nungpools.8hghtedten· beachRe<.pmf)hrBal Realonom1cs 67S6100 sryiberdr~tuamr 0 1rric·i· 1 •Nu::e f l\ture; rrpk, gar, S750rs'.r mo "' .,...,. .. Adults. no pets S500 & Mala"a $49S 730 6590 rui. 1·ourt.s, bike trails. cnndo w mature M • ' ' 1 a \II a t' I' • Groom1n" Fa('1lll\ ""'" ........ "' SOllllll L~o · S 1iOO sq rt Mtsa Verde a1 a1lable .. :zw.ptlwkn s,e,es Newport Beach/So. ,...,.~ or6429761 pu t l 1 n g green 3SO mo + •, ut1l ~~a 0 • ., .,.,.,., 1 W A111\t'Croom111i: '"" BR G ..... A B h 1 d Ckean Side of 1ghway 67c ._.. 6 9 • P'< .,..., ""'" Cu funiti-iroo 161h St "(Wt>l 1 ~ar""n . Pl ~~Oft leach 3140 Jt' e ors, I an 2 Guard Gated Area Pool, .........., am or pm S45 4123 • \\tll Stnckt'd • -L.L........11 ,,400 :o ""'" •6111 W v. Carpets Bit tn ·-"'"'1" bedrooms apartments. M F to •hr hou•" in * u--rt lch * \\1th :.ll'rthand1M· ,.__.... ~ I Fr ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 P\1 f.))Lrunce Pvt Bath ~ ~"" . AC •• ,.._ Full ocean view. 2 BR. 2 r u. Of"> +$37~ depcmt Gus pd """ .. ~ E I h r 2 U.noru.mkr 49SU909 l'-~offiAe 673.1003 Pnofhlt''pa1t' <11t>r5,l'Jr' -~···················· (7141 642·5113 I ~d R " l~g~ r~h t;a~ 2 bdrm, 11, ba S37 5 :~~ltotos"1ooonh~sremos orrthum S295 + Ut1I Must bl' Laguna 'llKUt>l JI atl BA y FRO NT Fvll Service I . In rhl' lhL,lnl' .. ~ Ba. furn beau' ~3563 Nr 0"Jl'h Bl & .,,A··~,j OnJamboreeAt mp· ave r e 5 ..... A ' SJtnf1u·pri11·furqwtk "" ''" I 499-4722 E' es M F to ~hr 3br 2ba h~l' I • Suttl·' from ~95 •ncrowava. overlookinJl I Versa111e, .\'1ev. or the Bad·~elor & 1 Hr p \p~-bAll I dl'fl no pet~ 893 l894 San Joaqwn l'hlls Road blk fm ore S25!1 mo t'a.ta Mesa. 250 ~q ft • Branl'h uHtre S!MI mo !ti.lit' ~.<K•I • '"' 1·nton f::I area $1500 mo tkean 2UH.2B.\ ~uel} a ut.nipcts oo bq Ol'lu\e µoohade xlra 11M 16H 1900 IRm w pvt ent kit & +last + '•utilS-IS 13711 ~lllte $175 mo Lui~ in tJll7:;2 1,uJlj atv.B1l1 .... Jl1•t11,t • le-:fi:f~ar~I:a~oo or s FU~ $854) \111 ti42 5-lli5 ~ ~ ~1.M: age' ~::u 2~r, ~11~~· b~~~h ~:nt~~E~'1l~~·Re~t;l~ndo lndr) pn\ u1\1s ind 1 •tse lo shr. Balboa 2Hr ~f ~9 w 19th SI r nme :-iev.port &•J1 h (If ~~':·'· th;in rq1IJl'l'nW1tl SUPER VACATION °" lemfnte 3776 ~l'wer 2 br"' gar Adul~ nopet!> SSOllmo 615~912Roke Prer. f' Es1de C'M 2Ba.fum frplr,nrb1•h ftt·t-!'lev.I\ remofll'll'cl ~or infurmalwn l·all AATE ExclUSl\'l' Indian ;••0; .. 1••••;,;··~·J•1jt""1°u• Adults nopet!i> __ S434l 5$11362 r r Refs ~aft 6 JO S250.lst&last675·5958 NEWPORT btdut1ful Call \lark 951'.Ml ~ 64S S5 I 00 • EXl'CUlJ\e S\J1te~ hJ~ or &13-liliCltt ls Condo, pool, spa bP:ll·h 2'6 La PalomJ '' Lr.I( I bdrm t·undu p.1llo, nu THE I "'Y • R M 1''0R RENT F Exel' shr furn ~B Jpt fices avatlablr nr o t' n~1·m1 E:\1, fl\ \TliC, cqll, tennis, prof de Apt B $450 1;37 19111 FIRESIDE COMFORT v.ash dr; frplc pool & """ A • Near OC College v. hocwst empl)d M F BuMnns Rental 4450 SIG:'\ CO\tl'.\:0.) corated 2Br. ~lps 6 Lar11e I BR do"n J.it \l'l Kalt', rlu~e lo One or a kind luxur) ReasS402872 Nocu.mkr. pool Jdl' l'll' ~~c~·~~:i1~" l!~/: ••••••••••••••••••••••• Work out or \OU1 uv.n ftnd /wkly monthl.> A~nts "' patio & ) ard. up ht>Jl'h 6 mo ne"' SS50 ajlts 2 bdrm. l bath apt Smgle employed mothe 1225~ K1m8J3 1030 nov. for I month frre SLoreurOCf1re 1350''' II home SIT\Jll .,'pan• ll'Q rates. (714 ) 549 l!l30j Unfwni~d w balcom & cathedral ~5632 located directly across d . r For Rent l:nrurn Two Mesa\'l•rdt• \rt•a Engra\1nl! mal'hllll' ~ys,17141S86·4130 ....................... celling frpk.1J\\,J>00l. ~'\Jm1~hed&t:nfurn 123 fromtheReubenE Lee. nee s room exchange Ll\a833·!1976 5~4123 fabr11·at<n" table & ,,.,~ ...... ~ .... ~~.~~ Beaut. 2bdrm condo. J!1i1ne S.C. Plaza loc waterfalls, stream~ spa, pool S800 mo p1•267Ho19; 61s.oMo WESTCLIFF Eu-eptionally neat con do. Ground le\ el Soac1ous two bedroom~ Two baths P rl\ ale pido. Lovely grounds & pool. Adult complu F.a.sy walk to shops and banks. $670 month Yearly lease Brobr. Wf.1300. L~2BR 38A up . in Newport Ter 1'8Ct'. Rec far . Jacuzzi '650/im. + util &42 3917 VILLA IA.LIO.\ Allractive condo Modem secunty build io,g. 0Cl'an \'l('W t bedroom & convertible den. Adulls onl>' Yeurlv lease, 18 . month Realtor, 631 JOO lalboop-:n•*'lo 3807 Just remodeled with forhouse.yd work apt.~. 2 BR 's w gar · no NEED A BL'S ,\ D "' "'" -sµu . car f>Orl No pets. Bdrm A µts Gym. Derust 631 OSSOe\'e kid.\ $.IOO mo 1,1 & last St.ore 12\XI fl. hu'~ :!JJO lJt:1('I plw. 1nv 8 mo ••••••••••••••••••••••• adulls on y "•65 & up Ja"U'll, s·uuna 1111111, new carpetm". dranos, ---· DRESS• Answenn° & 1 I N • .... ' ~ " " ... ~ Ne B h 2 h S4ll 166.S ,.. :liwpt llh d. (' \I l'r k.: I u c " e ~ l al t· t' u 2"' 3BH. 2B \ ) edrl) 2650 Harl<i 549.2447 le n n 1, ,. 0 11 e y bu 11 , kitchen cabinets & ap. wport c . sty ome, ma1l serm·e. ronft-rt-m·1· S6<Xl rro biS· i7!11! 55494 ,f'11, n e"' for f'rpk. bit Ins. ~ar. µark s . 2 .1 2 B 1,, b basketball. gamt' rwm pliances This upstairs very lge room w1pat10. room. AdJ OC Airport \S!l50 1>4? 1ni: Cit"'' lo trn' &· • pac s or) r • a. llunt Bch. 846 0619 WI.it mclulles a fireplace, _!!onsmkr. blO &31·7215 R 0 0 M M A T E SIOO mo 714·833·200!! Ne"" 110 rt U l 1 rl r •' I · • till!.! o<:e.in Hrk1 t175 l!lll. pool. t•arport. patio mirrored bdrm Aloset R furb1~ht'<i bid" for orr11·1· M-to Loan 5025 5475 mo 2310 Santa An11 S550 2B R. 2BA . M ml ' m $50 Week . Student FINDERS ~ & sn sq fl SJ uo per "" ~-, Perui 1'111nt IHH u11~1r~ Alt' 213 315--8107 C:ond Nr Bch Best doors & a spacious deck Pref Newport Beach Oldest & lari1e:st aitenty sq rt 3975 Birch :-; H or retail Op1·n rJftt•r , ••••••••••••••••••••••• bnghl d1eerful ,\!Ills 83-Area No f'ets 833 3307, overlook mg the bay. 646-2346 All rhenls scrt't'ned with Aomt 5415032 ~'renth door~ t·xpowJ * * * no pcl S4!l5 \ eJrl\ 2 Br I · $4SO mo New S1800 month. Ut1lil1t>s tn· ~ hm~ 1100 '<I rt ~ llllKI b1S i!!9ti or 1;;:1 11111 I~ redel'orated Adults. ~ 1339 eluded. For appt. call M/F Room with pm· ba photos & reft>renres . ~ q rt f 0 l' 11 " rl E. Lawford Dishv.asher. a '" os & -uxE 2 ll I I... 17 720 F Fllroished homl' S27S Credits Cosmopolitan S255Mo-Pnva1e uffl l'l' (l\\'flrr \"' fiiJ 53r,, Ill!!\ 1,1 "azwr~ L-2 b .. -, 2 bo water 1111d Ba Icon)'. Aar va. • A 141 ·2473 Mon· r1 1 I B Good Mom1ng America rk k h 1 ,.,. "6 •w rt"" h ~ unn nnrt. poo" I. part" roo'm. nr bch new frplc, pallo. IUPM, · mo + ., ut1 rent pa mg 1tt· enet l'Sf"' • "'"r' u.:ill' B11t "" fircpl ne ...-, tncl gar. dshwsher. 646-4641 Thl'TormrrowShov. 18600MamSL Hunt Brh !Commtrclol \ou Jr" tlw v.mnt'r ol \dull~ re<"ommendt>d. ele\ator Call after srmke alarm, balcony, Furn CM HM 5210 •'1 oH• to all nl'w DailyJantr Allultlpd I Ret.tals 4475 '"'Jfrl't· t1tket~ Sl!IOlll °'' Pl''' ~.25 L1•rated 11.\ '.\1 Casa Granada Adults. 1465. bl'f ore Spar I or 2 br apts, I m1 64S-ae.JS or Call Answer rbl'Ols wt.> need a plarl' i\l'ail nov.' 11 M R-18 3133 •••••••••••.••••• •• •• ••• \ .1lu1 tu th1· 2WI & Halboil 675 8842 ~!!!!_ !PM.._960-4Sl4 • from beach. No pets MfWPOlT '41·11'9 C 1 Propert' 2 llr 1 Ra CIRCUS y ilGAS IRR \1ev. M Ra\ & QUTETADULTSover35, 2 Br SCZ..ZIS7 l6U.&e4JOO -hou~e m h1i:h trJff11 LJ1Zunalltll~'.\1Jll tkean SStKJ 1;;1 & Last \.l\fum I Br lowl'r $340 upstairs Apt ~ur DELUXE SPACIOUS Wort.mi fem. 25.35 sphl NEWPORT IEA.CH area or \\ t>~t.,1de Co~ia Fl'b 9 11 IJep • Bt>autl landscaping No Btach & Ellu 1475 mo UDO 2 B 2 Ba f I "' level condo nr HOIR FM ?.5-JOshare JBR :!BA AJRPORT Custom or \lesa Temf1(' for Anti I I'll\ <;hupp1n11 r .. nlt'r 61S i611 Yearl' Rt•nt.il pets LEEWARD APTS \\'atl'r paid No pets. I r Adi T ~ Hospital pri v1ll'&l'S hsl' 1 blk from Brh rices, 000 to 184!0 sq ft que Shop Account1ni: Oranae !UR Quit-I l.Ol'JtH•n ~l 2020 Fllllerton. 631 0397 f:e11 St5 2000 Agl'nl, no ~o ts 1 -pool, S2SO + ul1l lst. IHI I S250 6'15-3Sll6 -From 90' pers r OHirt-Lav. orr1u.• I'll f'eb 19" 22 Yrd~ tu fkh Sto\ t' APT MAN ACER -j St ---96i-0461 ~~Chnsllan ftmale Mullan Rh) 540·2960 Xlnl parkinit \\ 111 fl" To d.iim lieut~. 1 all ~·ridl!l' '\1n111t \dult Seaureuredcouple fo HUMTIM~TOM l l'Pitobeach 2'' Br~---c loolcmgforsametoshr 1 n~rermdrhn11tn '>u1t 1;i25678 l'~t z;'.! . r G••DEUS frpk Immaculate cond rn room in osta s~ .... ~ .. 2BR 2BA apt'" \ ""' I S350 ' r I' Le ii~ e 16 wut complex m C M -~ ~ 673_2507 4 gt Mesa Qwet room for ,...,..,_, I ppro'< "'"I ~q t ,., T1rkl'l.s muM l11· 1'1.11m1·1I 6i5 31411 Maintenance exp req Spac10U.\ Apts Bachtlor • working person Nol un CM SJOO 11¥• 637 ·3405 I execu p an ti ud In I! th f' \ ,j 111 II\ ~ l'lirUJf\ 19 ICiS::'. Srmll nl:'\\ l br b;n .Jpl. ~9 0433 & I Br From S3SO mo I Spacious 3 BR 2 Ba. fplc , der J2yl'ari; S48·S81M Shr 2BR. 2BA ;\pl CM I ssoo mo 5 tk 5 11 2 • * * S5511 ut 1 b vd 129 E's1de JBr 2ba. 2 story. Close to G G & San dedts. gar. S8SO W Student S250 '* ', "A. Mew Conc~t" nu 5629 Ed~e,,.;ller I 626 7190 p' t pal i o . fr p I<' Die..io Frv.y Ba Imme\, I 673-~ agent Mot.ls 4 I 00 EI e c Non Sm k r "'111 servu:e cu!>!om 24•KI 'q rt " 6 11H11 t',. J !•-------· Sma 11 bJ l helor $337 ~I() rm, 640 0997 patm~. fKl15• Jacuzzi~ Lrg & deCIJI 1 Rr steps to 754.Ql99 I omce & desk space bJth.' air l'Ond , p;irk I b\l'arh ut1h paid. •, 4 adnn 3bo tt!ln1\1~" 11e1~[nd~·nf~1~ ba} & ~h Y;ly s4so \''kSULil1 K1 MOTa 1 MF ex<'lum•l' 3 RR! Nr oc Airport m11 \\ ru,IJ ,\l e'u R.E. LOANS l4X•kfrom11l'l:'an 201 E <..ondo liOO'.sq rt Sµ.1 C'hll•a llt•tl IHG 1323 6730072,6135706 ' Y rentas now 3\0I Park Nt•wport Twnh~e "Seet0Apprel'1ate" $1S60rm tiiSJ.'Jtill ~1~% lllHl 675 45"2· pool. tennis. 1 blk from I EXll<A :\ICE 2 hdrm 1 2Br 2ha. 1l\·ean 'u.frpk. ~~n:S ~~· r~~~r ~~·4 Vu ba l' k Ba} J J 11 159·8978 hdastrial bntol 4500 bal'k ba) ~1.000 mo b.i nr l)l'h Ycl l'til I'd Versailles l'ool S800. Newport Blvd (' M 750 tX>48 ••••••••••••••••••••••• t.:iri:t< 2 Br I Bu S.~l:!®i !\5111536221ti call9551515 Sh 2'lH I' BA I NB .39i5 Bird1118611 ~" $i5(J ,,_, lh•fril(t' mt·ld 646-7445 · r ' · , apt .a.I( f 1 1 • \C1rlf!b!\a1 i1i.:cW<ltll'& A.VAIL.HOW l:!llrlh.1.nrlluntllrlir lalbooBoyClub On the beach holel lkh$35(Jtut1I NEWPORTCEHTER tur1·"~1.\rnn1•:01; 2 Bdrm, 2 Ba, nr South l o 1;';5 hl;t». Lar~e I Br l".•r port ~Jll'I ~;If l'Ol'I µJllll nu StuchoSlOOO fiJI 6000 rooms. k1lchenette &. 197 36~ &celent Offic• ~~ ~~q r l \I! I II t Coast Plaza $600 mo Corona del Mor pool & laundrv \1lull . VI'~' $SOU 11•• ht '·"' + bath '290 +S21IO se<'un M f' lo shr 4 br 21, bJ I Sooce I · I :md Tll ~from SIU.llUU SI 0,000-SSOO,OOO \ pto 15~r~ full~ .1rrort11e<I 151 TO ' SI 00,000-$500,000 lnt'tlme & Mm m 'I Wtonly.S4S·l241 .................. ~~.~~ no J)l'L\ 539~. +~:ms <It• I ~"I"' 1112188~• 1 2~Rh I~~~ ~{"~a~;r~r t) deposit 2306 w house on beal'h. NB I 500to20odsq rt A\Jtla l lnd<L,lnJI bldl! 6t11X> 'Ci ToW.law !-."'HJ' TO on,,\~ \lo,, :'~J31 \ I llh "it 661 L33S . Oreanfronl Newport ~ Im med 631 2270 I bit> for Lease ft "' 'pnnklc:-r~. lrl! n·ar ~ 3525 tharnunl! 1n uld loronJ .. ••HEW• * Beach 67HIS4 M F l'hurmin1t 2 Rr Call Wm r Cote 01rrtit>ad door & ft'nn~d I •• -. .................. 2 Bi 2 U.< rrpk, orran ES1del'OZ~ barht>lor apt •LAS IRISAS• S725 mo 3 Br 2 Ba 'corona del Mar guest for1T1>remformalion 1 ad1omm11 pa\l'd pJr~ "r dlJ5 2 MiUion Doffors !'llra1ght eqwl} lodn' . I Milli°" Dollars ••• MlbO..lleth .tr.as San Lucas Lane C<Mta Mesa You are lhe winner of two Cree tickets <St9oo1 uliie to I.he cacus VAIGAS Lqwia Hills Mall Feb. 9· 11 <."tty Shopping Cl'nltr • Ora nee Feb 19 22 To claim tickets. call •0·5678. ext 272 ~els must be claimed byFebruar}' 19, 1982 **'* t'I hwlh F.trnl1hed ....................... ...... llalld 3706 ....................... ~y large 3Br Iba Nr ~kets, bay vil'w, , abort term or vrlv ~ts. S77S 1 yrly <JliMr 873-81121 1&dfm avail March 1st tho June 19th C.:nll •11167 (eves!; 673·6900 JhDM . , ..... 3707 ....................... BAY FRONTAGE. .laliKb, pier, prtg. 2 BR ml,, 1 BRI l600. AdltJ W...J:; Til May rz 303 I'!. ~ater. l..a71;2864 C:..MeM l724 ....................... CASA DE ORO ALLUTllJTIES PAID ~It'\\. from <lt•·k \\fnl·d patio $375 ltt1 1 \t1honpnl<>d.1pl Duplex upper.Nev.port fttHo.nts 4175 lnlSe f 1 $300 + ~ l I tnl! ComtrofRedh1llt.. Sf«lO mo C.all \nthun' pd 631-4320 Agt 1 21-lt>drvom Shore~ area Enclsd •••••••••••••••••••••• C'ind)7~ ·t Cote Rea ty P.iular1no t '1 Bmker t albv.clwm<' t1J)' hl2 ~7.)i. l'\I'.' ! rnr. \'l(.IORI \;"; \(•\\ ~ hlk\ from ti\ 1•;in garagl' balcon} Submit lroW11'$ G,..,.. Hsa -& Investment I ~ 9b"'11 9 37.o13 I "knd!.6.1l 61\31J ly 1lr1'0r 2 Rr " 1?ar pac.l<lll·ll'nn1~1·t, onrh1ldren& pet~ Sr Cllzens SSS 6221 Garoan J.a11DXJ ~q II h' "~" t'lltt' 211 n I fl\ ; t ph', nt'\l' 1·rpts &. draPl'" bit l101ll1)nll''llr hk\ Jrd TSL ~C:.IT 642 l~J l.:.....&:_ .~ 4250 forl...t 4350 640-5777 I f~ & 405 '" ~ from Moster RnoncioJ ~no el .1r t·J ~b !IU lllS. patio \dull' Call l.11port~ l'f--........... ••••••••••••••••••••••• I $504 \Ir I) "l'l'f•• mo , l' a r I , n r k 1 bel\\l't'n 1·5P:\I 636--l120 Jll uul utl r~u·pt ell'l NEWPORT CREST /'••••• .. ••• .... •••••••• DOltllt Gar~ 851 ~ --------• 675-49i2 ti6i G' \'1ctuna $.till ~ovet~ lAUUr) 3 bdrm. 211 bath OCEANFRONT 2 & .. Br rors).Oragl'only HB I Mort T t \tlanta Oelawart. II U <"ondo Wet b3r frpk Avail Wmter Weeki) 960 9S40. 960.s260 f'rimt Locotion lndustn.il Park l'n11' 111r I CJOCJH, m DF..LL'Xf: 3 Ur 21: Ila EASTSIDE 7l-l>SJ6S4IOO pool trnnis Custom Monthly 673-7873 Large Offi ce Spa ct> lea.~ ISOO. 1900. 3000 lo. DHdS 5035 Blor k fro m lwa1 h I Br, lrg)ard 220 I ls d 11 Large single gara~e on O>ronadel rthr 3700 ~ fl un''' \\t1!1 i••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ rn• 15!1 13111 Jfl 5 C'n'lta \1f'Sa St $410 mo trpt ~""Srps "aEpaper&. Palm Spnngs area <Mon Ina Corona del Mar •675·9510• '-r im "'-d ,~""i·upan~, S....,. __ Mtn. Co. ,, .. 257" •.• fil"S ""'" 1""" <•() 7111 ,~~ (' (.' """ mo \CS • lere) CC I condo 3 BR 2 Sl-760 9751 IU ""' .... ' wt'TICT ..., .,... 0 ·""'0 1 """ "'"'·"' t 'H'~ 3142 "knd.s673·5820 Ba, furn v. atrium ~,., Off1re & warehou'e \II t,ves or reJI csl<1le 1.S.51~1 r"~;~:~ ~~~:1orhJ~~d WTSIDE ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2bdrm. 2ba . frplc pool.2 Gotr. tennis Dally G~~Tte ~l~f~~~6~ KOU CENTER 'lp.ir l' "'ith 'a rµet~ lll\e~tmeni-Stnl·c 1919 lar~e 2 bdrm I ' h.i. Guarded "nte, tennis pvt patios. 0 round v.-eekly&monthly rail's ""'72'7•" uEWPORT rlr3 P<'~ & v.l'I b.ir' Specialia.ift9in ature adults No peti, l ••ft• ,,.. " ~ '"' " J6• "0• fl l' 11 2-.. TD A 160 99 9 pa iu.11ar .... i.. l'OUrt.s, ~\\1mmln1? pool. le\el S6SO + dep 1242 avail 714 558 8001 Elegant Exec ~u1te~ in ,,.,. a sq '1 nu 5 gt. 11 1 61 GJJ.<l99S tile roof. cobble ~lone Hut land Hd . : I ~·5PM.askforMark OfflceRetttal 4400 prestigious lor Incl 642 4"63.Mon Jo'ri 85 642-2171 545-0611 Costa Mesa 38 24 1 br. I ba apt Jd<'. pool. ,tre+t. on channel adj a 7:.l-1783 . 551 4985 o. Tft'"~ Condo, 4 Br 5 •u•••••••••••• .. •• •••• senet aria I. re l't> p IOOO sq rt o rr at' c & \\ 1 DO\\ 11 AS SSS ro r ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'&rport o'look•n" tennis t t l' "'""' EXECUTIVE ll t 1 h & warehouse <' irpeted crt.s. full St>t s-0 Coast t't'n ° manna niquc \'er~a1lles spac. 2 br. 2 nun to Northstar $400 OIUS. te ep ont> ans · ' · TD's, RE Loans. tOK N1·~~R.l~~· 3(;~~· nd Plaza area No pets $475 2BR ~ mo ba. frplc. sec gatt>. wk. Tom857·1668 SUITES rmre ores from $436 ~~s~~i lr"'y l'l(I\(> L'p No Credit Che{'k, No encl gar d wash;r. unfurn Call Teri 7311.5022 clu\!!ISe $7SO 5~_7-19!J7 M-a~rmth3bdrm condo IN mo. On.call ofcs $165 Penalty Denms~on '' pool, bbq i\dult~. nu 6739300,631·112'..!8 WantJ\ds Callti42Sll711 2 bdrm deluxe, yearly S8.HllO/mght HElfTAGl mo . THE HEAD Storog. 4550 "<X'li137311 ""ls 6425073 u.~ H ~ h I across from sand Bal 499-5304 p• ....... QUARTERS C:O M ...... ••••••••••••••••• r ·-.. ....,onleo~ 384 ...t .. ..,.onleoc 3 40 · -. -.-PAN_IES A professional t..use serure Rara1tt' MoMyA.allobte l ... ST.4HTIM! ••••• .. ••••••••••••••• ••••••••• .. ••• .. • .. •••• Pen S7SOmo.7~·4816 Large Big Bear 1·ab111. Newluxuryofflcl'spare l'nvironme nt f714 > space for ,loraRi' for 2nd TDs up lo $1 $375 mo I Br I Ba S400 C'lean 1 BR. part Po<>I tbl. color t v. 2 an Irvine·~ bulliest 851-0681 550 mo Ca 11 l' .I "11ll11m t;asv quahfir;1 Adults onh . enl l:1d ennebunkport ?. furn, 1• blk to bch No frplcs , SI eeps 14 center' Easy F'rwy IC· I 7S9 l50l64S 2834 tion 11ara..ir. "a'her hook up J)eUi I adlt I gar SPlll'e ~0016 ~s Avail now' Call More families are gelling nownrv Sa\ inR~ small Yard C'd ll for Isn 't that the horse that won lnq.12036UI St Palm Dl'sert Condo p p fordeta1b the rampanit "bug" this Rff'lhlb Want.d 4600 I 'lli2·:U07 ~MGMT 642 1603 The Triple Crown in '72? W.4TEIFIOHT rental. Montl'rl'y cc 2 551·12ll 640.4230 ~=!~rtrth~~·~ ~:1'.~eta ft;;pc·:~;··P·;~r .. \v·;;:·~ Hrrnt \l('Quarnt' bdrm Bus 6·2 6SOO '''Y" .. •FIXt:o R"TE2ndTD ~~f'V"'\ rx::-WITH DOCK ~ Classlfled Ads. your one ting used. sett 1t now dts1res 11arage apt " Spacious 2 Br I Ba S395 3 Br. 111 Ba S42S Laun dtJ fac..,jlOOI S48 9SS6 IMMB> OCCPHCY! $400/mo 2 Br 1 Ba Adults. pool. bl'I med mhnj, laWldry room No pets No last mo rent TSLMGMT &42 1603 ._,.. '"-J "'-' /: ....._ Real nice 2 Br 2 Ba Homr~!n99-stoesbopplngrenter. ~lhaClass1Cied Ad gut>st housl' or ~mall •F'flll) Amortn<'d r •Flllb Assumable 1 '!0U·~no1ve""1o (O'~ Kemybtripon wspammstrBa,blt·in toShcrt 000 .................................................. h<Me lo rent 1n Nvrpl •No Pr'e·Payment wm. don't feel bod -You•e ro• alone kllrh. frp£c, dbl car Lado al'l'a HaH• refs Pl'tlalty l(~pott ii one 0 r r • d1finct,..,ely 1arage, + 2 additional 673-5866 Ask for SkiJ>, S46·02S3 O'f•ent ~ !locrpons of S.OW.nd ~ olfsta~ces $1300. lite lBlldr Btb. F Pref. GARAGE. coron11 del '° Knirqon 8eoch. S.0..ond Vloqe ,5 0 rtsJt J.l. Prop Mgrs. ~MU1 f159811 Eves "' ~ ~,.;."':."",.; :':, Mar •~a of 1a1dly !)l!'sorOted profeuw p1onn.nq 67H173 '75-$670 South Lacuna Ocean '"""°"..-ii.Mi..,_ C11167S 1836 The~:rdofotttn11onyoudew-1 VYSA.ILLES Sideof Hiehway Gated O'l.__Doy,s..Oy,hl>l'- A perfect blend of ro11,8 ond (v1119 _ _.75, gate suard, pool, Area. Pool , Pvt En · .w hi" 111e bit...,,.,. co11 neded., o fonw ~babbling btooh oncf quet spa. Glenn 642-53ls. Bill lr~nce. Balh. 1295. + ~~..:'::~;z.':; pord5. coaled by ncNd oc~ bree1e1 .\dd to &31.a!M Util. Mu!t be empt, have 1-llO!fndllt,le 12. ._ ..... $100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• Fireplnce. pool, pvt patio, dishwasher, on E/side, 111 in x lrg 2 Br ColQpare before you garden apts From SSM. -. Cuatom desi(n 557-284.1 features: Pool, BBQ, • 3 Br. Condo nr SC (OY'rd /ara1e . $Ur· Plaza, S.A. Pool, spa. roeodt with plush gar~e. $750 lflOl temscOIM iWllTlming poolri, o IOCllZZI ond,. .~.:.. reCs.49M'122 Evea. oc~locD1101u*7~~ =~!'!? ..... ~~?.~ * * • ~~:=(r.o0~1j'~ l~,-:,~n. .............•........ , ......... ---------------------O,••rlwllty SOOS a..c..p1na. No pell. """"or6411460 I Ir. ru:m from $46$ · -• -• w Wlllon. 6'a.lt7l 2 Br. Adul!J. no pets, new· i..-:-= • 1¥ dft. ttove/ttfrtg. end ... ,., 37J6 M.k>-M.W_f1.M.!10 - _. .... ••••••••••••• J>ALM Mf..SAAPTS ....,. aett.· am.II 1 Br. 1581 Meb Dr waa.wllll ~1frt11rd, z Br. unharn UU. • P,lb SllS/mo. Mufti onty C..11 born M.S.•. ~°j;~Ptoplt That'• whit tlla DAILY PILOT S.QVICE DIRECTORY l11ll1b0ut! 0. ad """° bec*ooin one and two both Huntintton Beach opo1me11ts from $4<10.00 You ire tJle winner of hw free llckeu <519.00) nd VIII.If to I.he OWi CtlCUS v ilGAS lllagettunti Vi"'9f Laauna Hilb Mall Feb.9 11 Qty Shol>Plnl Center <i'Ullt Ftb.lt·U To claJm t.lckel.l.1 call ••2·51'11, ul. nz. 11cMI lll\llt Ill ca&lnd wr..,11.im ••• "-fo#illt l!!l ..... -... .. --.,. ..,_,.1 .... ___ ,lollf_ ~-... ......... , -• QOD MOD ttOO MOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• !lt-fy/11.wr s~ Corona del Mar, busy well est operators ~per location, 111trec· live dtcor, room to Jl'Ow. Anilou1 ttlltr 13$,CXX> I Orange Coat DAIL y PILOT/Friday. FtbrUllJ 12. 1982 F~l l ..,.... • e.t,.111.. Cantu ed.,..,........ ..... H11~1-1 ..._,_.y ~~ ............... ~ ......... .-..... NJ. ••• .. ••••n•••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• .. •••••••••• .. •••••• •••••••••••••••••• ..... ••••••••••••••••• ••o•uu•••• ••••••••• ...... , ...... •••••••••• HANGING 110 ROLL Rf.PAIRS f'OR t.~· SPEctll k bYJitUnc, my borne, uatom 1p1 deda. j MIWaSP.tew Fonnlnf Chrrn 8u1 m . ffOME UdPROVEMENT Wanta Rt:ALLVCLEAN LA.NmCPiMASONRY StrlPPin& d1 con P•Ptr Sh1nsh'I, 11111 30 .Mii UU. bot luncbta. 0 4 yra, paUot, t't doott Llc'd frHdn1an ifl't't Hl 4 Yn Eicp Landlr ln1. REPA1R PLUMBING HOOSE' Call Gln1h1m C.oncrctt lJr, lnt Vt1a· MC 64~ 1ms "''I' ~·1 t't'Hl 770 21a;,; ~ &1, D M·f SU.1050C.M. JohnorRlckt'7t3218 <>-m addltiona, i-ant Orma' Bnck P lioa n uun1. urpentr'/. Girt. ~Neotl 145-5123 ""Vftl, ---.... 1 ..... 091~ Ir 11 ........ -. ·~ "'" a d p t "· 1 ""··-H~ .. -• UC. PAPt:RflAN<a:R ltutx·rttvofin11·1lltypet • ..1q..,lltln1.ntwborn~o4 c.,.tSer¥1ct improvement , In nt · ro ..... rvl Ill uc, tJlt. Fre. est. No ROBIN'SCLEANING u....a.... Bonded & 11uar. No Job Nt•wrt•i•ovt•r dec al'a ALL you p y h!.' M . F . el( p d ....................... urancc work, docka, Pnres Suri' to p Jobtoosmoll. 646-2811 Servfot • thoroUJhly .-.WT_, lqOSINll 01 lOO l11r11t I Jc U11802 S48 for• ker/Harbor.641.()'J&o WcCareCrpt Cltaom pati!lll .~ZlUbi7 u wi Repalra. P•lnt •n&. cleanboou S.0-~7 :-,::&c'',.10\,.i9Nct..!;~·: FTee6 1 Tony m21~ --::::~ 30da~ad ISilbyslltm'tnmyhomt &tamdtan&.uphola Tro806H1c3131H Gardtnlna Co pl caflltntry.ChntUan,n• pro(, low rutri QuH·k. WALl.PAPi:R in l t F.ast Coeta Mna arta Truck mount unit ~.. clean up a. frtt h lln11 Ua_ble~ 9282 _ ca~f\AheM,·r ~2 o.uo DAILY A&_es ~Uudf .... 5411·72:86 Wotk 1uar 64~ 37111 :':::':":'.:............... for uuble ltenu JACK OF ALL TRADES :i1: ~~'i.rc"~ P1LOT I t .. cy SNmPoO I. steam clun CUSTOM dnaprrir• 1n Michul6456T C.ll dayornlJht, •A-1 MOVIMC.• Norm MH880 HOCWLl'.1\K ' "~'DI SBVICI .. ••••••••••••••••••••• Color bri11htenere, whl m)' home, b)' Sr Cllli.en. Gardl!nlnti W;int •Jack67.S.I014• i----------i Top Quellty. Sptctal 'l1li': PAl'f.R llA NGJo:n t-Ourtn.:111 & So~ OlllCTORY For all you need to know crpts 10 mm. blell'h. xlnl refs Lac ant of Mow\n11. l'daln11. r R~ONABLE cart> In handlma ~ yr5. 1 1 k Huofin11 DO IT NOW' •bout t>.nkruptcy, call Hall. Uvldln. rmt 11:1. r a brt ts •·r r «' l' ~I ~wee P I n ll " re PROMPT. FREE EST Honr clunln11 ·depend a ~ov~~!:l~~'13~~1r~ J.'r~~~i qus1!~, ~J 4i111 "'rt• ":i.1 ~ AM Fors.... m /83UIS2 11v11 room Sno, courh l\461!803 estimates 110 43 or ALMOST EVERY ble, hont'St Cleaned lo Sandbl tilt l',lA YOW' D.llv Pilot --$10, rl\r S5 Guar. ehm "-... ~~737 RL'PAIR NL' ED ED sahstact1on 5SH4~ S'TARVING Al'TUHS QUALITY CH 9 ' .. ..,. ""'odor Crpt repair ... ,w-,., ,.,.,.,,,. ... G RDE NG I "' ,., I' P tt II ••••••••••••••• ••• f, Serv1ceDl~ttory l";')'rs •xp Do work ••••••••••••••••••••••• '-'"'»•v m A OAVE645·4757 LORRAINE'SllOMY. MOVINGCOMl'ANY llllt'linll iun n nt'l>Ct'.'I l{\n:s I. Repmentallve .. ~ ORYWALL ACOUSl'll' R~ad'lrComm Mwwnry·Carpentry Tile SERVICE REFS F:111t & C11n·ful LuweM ~h~1!6l Jan1i. 552 0231 l.u" mill Sutl Job) 642-5671, Ht lZZ mpelf Refs 531 0101 14 yruxp. Jo'Ull)I l11"d & Cln·ups 893 3577. 43 Plumb Roofina Remod Own trans 962·0510t·vis Rall'!! LH Allt1\\11 M (' Wullpu p!•r t•ontn111or & t'ri·n'llt In~ Ml Sfl .-------•I N0Steam1N0Shampoo irusun'<I. SJZ S549 'llfEGRASSHOP .R Stirco·Drywall ~36 8700 V1:1a Lie In\ 673 08S3 l'atnlllll! L11· 3282400 t' l Slam· S"""1allsl Fast " TopQu11hl)' Reas RaleK 23 • r~ t;11 rv Cum•1f S...A....'A"trotloni~ ..t .... Fr;"est. sa's.lS82 lledricol Complete lawn m ' l llOME IMPROVEM F:NT Prer bachelor homt·~ c9ntincJ 494 i:n ' ••• ::~•••••••••••'"• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Indoor plant spec hst Ttltfloors Fenr1nte t213J439 8907 ••••••••••••••••••••••• INUl S1 Hf;\f Sf.WrtlG.. KaszShamPoO&ileam ELE<.."l'RICIAN priced Dominic 6'2·48 Plumbing All sma 11 'nlE BROOM SQl.!Al> t\ne pam1tn1t b\ Rtl·hurd F.xpi•11 \\,1ll1m l,'nni: 1n II. Cll'rl\l. of filhfWl U<sqtt.OverlOOO. l()t nght. free est1m111e on Lands(aping YdC up:, ,OOS 2:8yrsexp 979·2265 Quality Rehablt' SUlor Lie. uu. 13 )'r\ of )lallu11on Reus prttt'' ~'1'1·•·t>~t1mut1·' ~.g Thal Bad No Xtra Chg laree or sma 11 Jobs Tree tnm i-:xP<'rt 101 Europeun Craft:.ma n Housecleaning 673 3121 happy local rustonw ~ Consullanl Aas111n me nt ~ s AecamMM; ••••••••••••••••••••••• PIR Qtrhes Pin St mu CDmpl Set up & Serv. Reas MO.~ l.Jc.'3491192 771Hl5~ -~J.ct~Z·6!_1M__ I.Jc #396621 6130359 J1m851 0129 s~·s ~lo"""lmvruv Thankyou 6314410 S81RSBll Slcytights nt Alflha't ........._ ... "" ltehabll' I.atty to Clean •-._JR I ••••••••• • ...... ••• ~ • ••••••••••••••••••••••• MacHAU COMSTR. Corpet/U,..-hry I l.IC'D ELECTRIL'IAN ~1owlnl(, SIO. Sl!I $20 anti Maml 964·S231 uft 2 lluu!ic or flout C..tonl PailttitHJ ,.._,,... tp0 r SKYLIGHTS.:: ALI.srATE PA VING Custom homes. fram· •••••••••••••••••••••••! Qual work Rea~ rates Hauling Oum In!( 25 yrs exp l t<• 4(JJ!l41 .,, •• .,................ • • . "·aJ Sri . d I F h NewYr'sSnoo~1·11•Crpt L'-t 631 .. "'2Tom *'• .... •7<.tO<MH 'l 009• 1111) I> H undyman 673866S Bo-...... I R. r l .. I PL\.'\Tto:RP.\Tl'lll't; ""'Ill'' 111~1111 . ;;>e coating I ~mg ing, remo e , renc • r-• n ee es .,,.,, aw '"'v "' """'"· · ., .,.. f 1runi n11 l' ~ 11 or ~ c. I' •"II 9"cr-Rep d doo '"'hol clt'11n1na Scotch TOP ""ALJT't. Mark .x-rn1·e roo repoir~ l'otlh> i. llome St>rv1l·e~ e"""rt 963 '"'II "i,·k Kt'~tunu!> Int l'>d .• u .11·,11 n11·~ ''· ~ aJrs Comm esi rs. skylights & patio ...... rd FT i 972 8839 'C'-p.11n1mg & l'arpenln I~ Compli.'le llou<1t'dtan r ""' u )r.. Ntal l'.iul ~45 ~m TJl· -Li<' 1~362 64S·8181 covers 848·3652 ltUll eees · t::lct'lncal work .it ROT<Yl'ILLIN H~exper 646 4336 mg Rers. 642 9675 I m Sma II M, pri ll'i. , "S' ... _ Oriveways,Park1ngLot Cotpe..ter C.nftf/CollCrete Rea~rall'l> ~3150~~ \.'EGETAliL llOMEREPAIRS are small' <:JM 'l;tl ~eatpJtrlln&lt'\lurt-~ .................... .. Repa1rs,Seakoat1ng ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• L',le•"11c1iu1S""t'1alt,·' (jAHDENS &Improvement Prelercn11all'areof)our t::xpd Ron6736471 fnu1t. 893-109 '111.~:l \SI \l,1.~:1t t FINE FINIS't WORK Tl'OM PSON'S < '' ,.. ' ""I p • 8"9t' Possesbion~ & flomt• ,\II K1mb (ju11rant~ S&SAsphalt ' t'lean. quH·k. del)t'ndu .,.,,, rep "." ' Reas Her t::xp & Her~ &ll3200. NEl.SONSPAINTING ~ Hi•I, JuhnK40;: Lie 631 ·4199 Rermdelingi Doorb huni.: CONC RETI:: CONSTR ble We do any s1Lr iob Mowinl(. edging, tun ~'ret> eM Tom 645 tl71J.1 &IS-<&259 lnl F.xl Rernl Comm ••••••••••• •••••••••• • • ~ Randy720-1260CdM l.Jc. •3933l3 642·8482 •631·2345 • ming Twic:e thh SRCITIZE:'ll IJIS(' \t"OW>llr reihnl!~ Rl+•. l>rJ111,,·1t.i1l•d from SIU l'u.,1uml1·1;.i1111cT ••••••••••••••••••••••• CHAR RENOVATING RFSID CONCRETE+ RFSID COM M LIND m Cle;inup 966 :1 S\,ALL Lfrf'REP\IRS E~p d ll uuHkl't'pt•r ht d Joreel''t 1137 2637 l'lumhingHt'pa1r' l'111mp1,1•n l'rre4116H AGGRESSIVE LEGAL Int exl Cabinets Bo.it Sportcourb Lie 374067 20 yr.. exp Dom) own J \PAN ESE t'tt't'esumall!~ ~IK ~27 t~:1~at:.:"~1n~ ;:f~ ~:~I lli.t'pJtnUn~ ,·oil t.:rJct r'tt·t·t•,t .\1&.\t ti42 !!Crt:I l h111•l,!.1' lltlll iJ Representation Law of docks 2S yrs 645 3749 Bob SS I 1966 lH? 7078 wurk L11"d Al 64611126 GAR OENEf Mana at 1142 4723 7 ~ r.. t'\P. quahl\ .,.11rk ATl..\S I'll' M l!l~(i &. I 2.'l' r• 1-><p l"rl'r F~ li~24 hrs S..5-8422 CUS'I'OM ADDITIONS Child Ca R EASONAHl ~ I~•" rales. O:in.i 616 11169 m :,\Tl!'il: H El',\ 111 H1•,i-ori.1l1l1• \\ nrk c;W K 1 t t' hen rem o ti . ,.. Roor Cov•ring F't 1'" 1 1911!1 ••••••••••••• •••• ••• •• • Income T R F.Pt,AC~; tH!i WllH 1 J.1hn 1'1~ :1:111~ , .... Ailtolmtivt ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ee "' . DUMP JOBS . ax I. J B Pt\1:-..'TINti - ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~y~e~. Refs Bill Childcare. Full Timi:' C.1rpet & Linoleum For GtMraiSfl"ficts &Small Mo\ln1Uob~ ••i:XPi.:"R "r"fif:j:;rt~i(" <Jl'i\LITY HE1\.'i P,..rtyM~nnt !TrttService ~ TEFl.OHYOURCAR Monda) Friday My CM llome. \'an & Motor ••••••••••••••••••••• C:all MIKE6461391 l...ir~ 645931!:1.ill 1, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• Home Slllr 1•-~ "•7.•rn•na\u Tl't't'Tnm&Re \al Enrollt>d tu prac·l1ti• PROPERTY 111·• fnm111i.: 1l1•an~~ ~e.a7<ko~a~S2~~~ TlredolPlain Walb~ln 6420162 ~.:;·~h: ~::tut•~t: & Home Rt>pa1 3 Q.UHUPYOURACT ~~~i:s·~~~11 ~~~~~lrt\ 1~~af.~T141:,~~"1T~:-:; MANAGEMENT j """'"\ .1·n111 Irr~ crease the Value & r.___..,services hnolt'um rloorini:. 1.311 7609005or673 4 TODAY ' Yard garai:e 1-'rc't'est SteH•S47 ~:!Ill Oranl!t' (.'o area 1~ H' '"" ~:):,1. '""'' PROF POLISHING Beauty ol Your llomc -.--"J G d Ma n cln up, etc l Ion trut·k F'ElH:RATED expem•nn• Lill r111 tnfu :-.O·n 11 t' ~ Service al your home or With The Rithnesb or ••••••••••••••••••••••• Greg 6i5 ·l394 We · re ar en ' 1 21 631·1993 124hrs1 lnt'OrTlC' T11~ S1•n 1l't' llOGl>ANO\' l'AINT!NC d 1 Z10 '"-•Kess Rick67 •. 0u. PEP GIRLS l'lean1ni: proudofourwurk' Comm lndust. .., 1 (' T 1 an rJ t'' T· .. on·n9 . .-"""'u• .,.,..., SolidWood4966961 &TT ' 631...,711J1aJ11JI lli\r..0 op4ua1t1 963 •182 "' .... service llomes Offices fu • R f 1 hift UJJ!> ree n De11lllltion·Grad1n~ "l;eal St ht 334950 ~ ••••••••••••••••···~·· A~ S48 tJ663 mm.r. • "'' g FBI 641 1096 Transport. Asphalt 1·on ~ '"5 0 .... 9 u'><,I l"u•, n....1:-:.i.:... lfr.111 II ,\ II I. 1111 ,kilts labysitting ....................... Babysit . our CM homes. 1 yr & up, any tune 642·8482. 646 5759 Laminated Ca bmets Wood Skins or formtl'a l'nits 64S·6S21 ~9 16& •••••• ••••••••• •• •• • •• • ...._... •· t ( ..._....... J U"t JO OJ; nnc ftrTlrN'"nn~ I I l I I P ~ eo..trodon. Ge-neral •SPECI "l* r........c...... r.~ w rte rerno\a J ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• t•"C •·•~ '·' t'f t•' ••••••••••••••••••••••• A h h· d I •d :::::::? •••••••• ••••• So()pe1I prep & plant mi: 'BRICK\\ on I\ Sma II (Jl i\l.ITY 1'1 ~;\ T JI> llurn l<d111"1lcnl! 111~ "1•·t1,il11111.: itr . 'J " F & . I G 01 re,l(lued S19 7S A I 48" & Res1d I 642 7638 ·1 I II r • •&lti llllii.. L• 5 '"''I Cus tom Carpenlr) 8) ADD'NS RE~tODELINCi n} l air an i. nppt TRACTOR. 1de for rat~eqwp Comm'l i Job~. :>lt'\\f11111 C'u~.tJ I.II If flef, ~ri·i'l''1 Ant11jue' kit 1·al11n1•1, 11111 I•·1477i't jf;R ay I orm1e.i I Plans Ltl' c .eori:r Touc·h Of Class In small at·,·ess u1c . "esu. r\lnl' l's r lllt'pamlml( ti4 1,,,.., WirtdowCleaning ~a Babys1t11ni: Mon fr1 Tile) 642·8809 110~ (.'~II Pil11Vc'r&S<rn~.ssH932 . lt'nt'r.. 711 W lilh St I "1de Ku~la skip ader General haultng & mo\ biS·311S Quahl\ Pti: l.11" "tntt'r Rft'll)ct.fin'"'Repolr •••••••••••••••••••• ... Newborn to 2 )rs 6 lo Answer Atl 620 al Additions. remodel~ I •i\2,CM 6427712 Whr ln~d 642· 1ng Tree work . l!Jl'l lfarl M J~unn Hnl·k rail·~ en rffrrt llonl''I ••••••••••~••••••••••• 1.,1111,.,,111,h,ni ll\l)q 5 ~ CM 642 299S 642 4:.XUA hrs home 1 mprO\ e mt' n t.j . Handynmn t· I ea nu p r re e t ~I Blol k. runnl'te lt~t rl'11Jble K-111 51..ul COMMERCIAL l .ii -..111,,111111 \\ mdey,J lwillrareforyour1nfan1.,Cab1neh. Counter tops v.indo\\s doors. pall!>-Gad!NllC) ................ 11411424597 U\ ~ &t6 l.>9i PAl'.'l'Tt:lt ,t.t-:ns =US c 1i .. 111mr t tel S~8 111itJ 3-18 lll>S. t-'1' PT, m)' Doors Grttnhouse "in d r 1 \ e .,. a~ <. rt' •••••••••••••••••••••••, Carpenlf) Ma 111 Hcwnt Care Servic• ~t.isonr) our Spet·ialt~, \\ORK' J(I\ r' ~·\p mt 1 D DETLRl~AGL! ~~' 'lonthl\ l>M'Ot!llJG CM home 6311880 dow~. F1n1~h \\Ork plumb1na. 'r1~ I.rt• TREES Roof1n" Plum n" ''"e k d d t'Xt Al'OW.lll\'elltnj.!s I " T d d I " " ••••'\•••••••••••••••••• '-'an. qwc · epen 11 86 Turn l<>SI or unused lh1" IHll1 J11' re · Babys-11lmu. My Home 754 4420 378711 Ph 960 Oti3S oppe remr)\e · l' fJll Drvwall Stut'c Tilt• Nurse Co mp 11n1 u n ble \\'edo UO)' size 1·ub Oa\.1s Pamltnl( K47 Sl " ups lawn reno\ 1SI '1476 · ~"UCl' into a workable " "1 k ' .I 11 1 11 I Costa Mesa Fenced Carpentry Work & REMODEL ADD·O~S · ' ' Rerrodel J B . 99!/0 Ytars Exp Tender LO\· •631·2345• SUP REM 1-; PAINT ING a~ea rooms d 1 v ided lh•ru,,11111 ut ll\ht'r Yrd957·0016 Repair No Job Too &Carpentry L1t'd l\&DLandscape Maint General Mamlejnre mgCare Refs 640·6290. EXPERTBRICK AND Int ext Wallpaper dry11.all.dropl'e1lin1ts& 111• u1ch1,,111··•"ho ---· Small ""ee ""·t "" I ""..., 9 Rel>td Comm Clean up 631 4118 .. ess"0 e L•vt C"u opean er •ftsman L1r'd ch1ldcare lovmgl n""" ..,>rs r"m ,,.....;.t ''Hc1ulin .... 2 .. 89 Repa1r..&Decoting · .. , u,. C.A Masonn Small Jobs& ~.r u 1nm rarpen1n·tol'om 111:ul.11 u tr:.;e.J care & companionship. Hob 839 6297 flnd "'hat ,0 u \\'ant 1n "" g """' " •Qualll) • Ray 5144 195 repair.. frpk 1.ictn!?~ L nbea t.1 b lit ll rH ~~ plellon l'<1ll Tom or Jeff !°IJ"lhl·<l r .ill 11ur ~ fenced td 556·3098 jSellJdle ·~ IH2 567! Daily Pilot t1a~51fieds Want .\d~ Call ti~2 5618 Want_~ R_esults 2·~8 Want Ad Hel.1!2. 642 SC78 ~f'fs ~I ~. 7~·7074 960 1403 at661 2913 ur493·3886 l.Jk(·r .11 ••I:' ;,.;:lj Announc.,..nh 5100 L.ost&Found SlOO PtnOIMlff 535 Http Wanted 7100 HttpWClllfed ;7IOOH.4pW.ttci 7100 HttpW..ted 7100 HelpWanttd 7100 HefpWanttd 7100 ~;~ed 1& ..............•......•..........................••.........•••.••... ··········•·••···•····· .................................................................................................................. ···················~ ... AMWAY can make a d1f· rerence m your life. find out how 67~·9660 •••••••••••••• PSYCHIC & Asti:olocJy R.ad6"gs Pvt & confldenllal 25 yrs exp LI\' Appl 631·5588 W11l1am Tell!-A II' •••••••••••••• L.ost&Found 5300 ....•.•........••...... FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: . 642-5678 REWARD! Lost Grey and "ht le male cal f'ti feb 5 1 it· Brooks Cre~I SI LR 4~ 040S MAM LOSES IESTFRIEHD Red & Whl Husk) ~1 Sib Lost m NB Area S200 REWARD! I! 548·0987 F 0 u n d rem a I e LONELY OR BORED~ ATTENDANT Live IO I .... auty CASHIEl/SAUS HOCSECLEANERS, to I Auslrahan Shepherd Exc1tinic ladies "'111 en or 2 months Assist dis """ ......._... HOUSEWARE DEPT. -hr PT t•ar ,,.5 <J2J MAkE A IUCK PART TIME RECEPTIONIST u C·-•t1e mr'<~ Red c·oll··r lerta1n •ou by phone tWawfat W.,._ "'·11 l A 1 c .., '" " START HERE LIGHT TYPIST 't~ "' u , a bled prof woman -ru llTll' PP Y rown Pe~ to llt-h\t'f 1lJ1h ilil 848 0039 Send name & phone• for 64S-ZIS7,_or ~1·3442 Preferebly with'ollow Hardware. 3101 E Coast HOUSEKEEPER The Lo!; AnJ?ele' Time~ Piiot a ut" rout 1· 'n t.l.111w>11111, I ~·1rl 11ffu'T found . "'hite mixed details Calhy. P 0 Box . . ing. Please c~larl, Hwy.CdM 15 d.t} \\eek . some •~ look1n1? fur \\ell l..il!unJ Be.idi ~11 rnl 111 '""'"''1 l1t-.11·h .._.. 'Husky" 5 mo ~ Costa s.z7S.120. Santa Ana. CAI•--------Diane at Sak~F1(lh Co . Cl k r b childt·are Near bu' .:roomed, enthu".ist•\' ll·t1ini: llour~ 13 :101'\t 111111 1•1· 11111n fur the """"" £--...10 ... ·. Ave., ..... w-n I & 4 uner er or usy (' d I • '"'Opie to earn up to • 301'\I \I tt ,,. "' '" r ••II W"f'mi ~lesaArea "''""· "'''R"'I' " ""' ~~ med lab. IOAM 6PM oro na e "'a r "" lu ·' · "" 1r11 ~ ~-602i Kenny Gress Ambitious boy a and ~3233 Ext 389 Mon ft• Karen 640 11140 714160 9ot22 s.M.I SSO per da\ for J r •• .,. I i''rtt and 5 \\I tu ; \\I 111&! .t1ch1> I" Ir.in! Pl II Sier 0 ..... l"'ll ve1rs old lo hour; \\Ork J' II ltnlt' ~I~ ~n I E.HOIO"' l11b\ ,.h .. 111 ~ >.t t' f ound 2 sml dogs. ma le ease <'I )'our 51 •" aa v-' • HOUS"""'EEPERS .. 707-462·4835 I Love y_o~ wort one or two even· 1 lo-&.&. .t-.( O..Omtratorl g\ 'Jle' rep lluur' J rt' per ,., •. of route ( .ill 1 1111 •• 11 I• 1•111 , ._ female Edwards & Heil in11 1 week &elling -11P* Part Tune Frr & Sal Tiie ~Jdiff Motl:'I 1661 from 4pm ~pm & tr.i1n 642 -13'.!I Br) an Holl;cntl -. HBll40 6487 w.y. .. "!! ntwapaper aubacrl P· Cieri! Stores m your area C.ir So C~t II" ~ L B mg v. di lit' prll\ 1ded 1i1 uhh ,\ f:ltt~ ~~ SCR M Els ,.,,,......._ tlot11. Tranaporlllion F or Nwpt Bch Necessary S400 hr 494.9717 Your earn1n11' a:. a c .. ,,1,111 l'.·~i!~W~kd A -1. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ind cons tant ad ult Restaurant Calfor ap· 541 0718 HolaewcrH Gounntt Tunes sales rt'll "ill be ---------1 ;11 1n1 'W,1(111 • .,y ANSWERS ScMola I aupervlsion provided pomlment. 646·0,1. ask I R h f' 11 I ba.~ on a l!Uarantced Paste.Up People 7005 Clll 3to5.lOPM. aak for !_or M1r orboolt~per Dtwta!Anistat .a11una eJ.l' ~ houri\ "J~r of <.1 so • ~t't'<lt>el part tcme \\nrk I 11 Zod1a<' Valet ,..,_.... And 642 32 expenenred. :'Iii'\\ port I Tur., Rl'ti11I ~dies 1-;,p generous rnmm"''""' l5 lo ZS hour\ per"''''" ;~1 .. ur ··~• I ~ ~ ....................... ~·· ·4 I, txt I IOOIUlEEPlt Reach Offl\·e 4 da) Pref Co.i\I llMd\\Jft' Smet this" j ne\\ pro l'\eOIOI!' and po~,1hh ·"''"' 'lllJ I u ea llutch Actrng $31.tom 3'3 F lime for N I Lalfo. w l' e k Ev (' u 11 n n t 49'1.440J r s t I L" I',,' I I II \I> .llliti \CCOUNT I A < , 1?ram 11ppor1unt111•, or . a urc .J\ r.\IJl't'1t'Jll •' tn Ill I.' \~t Thi Uoli•"!!tl9l ll·s 1 k',, lo 'pul viiur Hot hU'lch. · M Chris· firm. Mm 2 Y~ ex pr benl'fils INSURANt't-; ~:xllt'• arl'I Jd\ an re me 111 ;1 n• t'\ Jd bu1 ld1ni: or Jl.1 i.:1· :•·• lltl,1,,1.,1 ,. \I ,....,.. 1 a; , tian Preschool 646_ .5423 • Resp for comp r bill "•"4868 I k d hi \I I .:.•• ,, ' . ...,. trust 1n your slo<'k Babys1lter & some lil.e mg, accts rer·P . posl .....,. ass1~t.inl for ,·om 1·t'llent Call no" for ma !'Up e~1ra r ll 1 broktr bul you should JobsW..ttd. 7075 housework. Mon Fri I thrutnal balana Send DENTAL SECRETARY men·1al hne~ "m.iior rrure information ahout t} to "ork ra,t and Ji RriailSal.s - pul your mone~ in a ••••••••••••••••••••••• 61S-4472. 673·6093 rosu-w sal~y re exper Are you lookini: ms brokeraj?e fr rm en th1c; j!reat opportun1I\ t'Uraleh undt•r prP"ur1 I I , .-' 11 ,, II 1· a~r bank 'CCOL'"'T "'"' '··h H k~ " '"" ( d 'I B ~a I an <om Call \Ion fn !!Si 2~1 neee,,Jf\ SJlar-d\· II . 1.-11 l.i•ur ·" ·' uig= ouse "'"'per I .. •ysmr.R QllremenlS 10 dsott or a rewar tnR t•arel•r d b I h · With references seeks "· -eed d d~ , _ & \'anGe':f: 1617 opp!) y.ith xlnl potentlJI m-ru.ur.ite" t'~l'l!t rur nl 1204 lll:'nrl' on 1·,1u·m·n11 I 1111 I 11111 1' 'I' P . F'oun IC)t· e O) ~ I l' In •1tua11on In ... uern e s 3\S per l;n'. r I th & dO anpl ( .111 •ii I 11 'The Da1h Pdctl ,, Ill l • II I ;>.pl bla<'k Cruiser \'1r I\ ~ •• Westchff Dr :204 or permna l!rll" I " ............. GUl/CLERIC 1 • "J.l~ Oran"e Co ~•th nil "'eekinourhometos11 . • 'l 644 ~ I '"'"'"~ g\ cquJI 111111011111111, 1•1 tl•ll __ .. C'hu1•k1e Cheese P111.i " fi>r 18 mo old be>) :'llew. nort lfral. l '' rero1;tnition • ur l l'·•r•Js • u1ft·. "·'(l-1'"'1',l I \\ I ,,.,., 118891.6166 smallch11dren110·0341 ,. ,. m 'le pr1uc•••111• or 0 ' "'"' ·''"' J• ··mptl\l'r OrTl('ll .11111 8 92 8 t 5 S a f 1 ti r a I I mlO " rn 1" ,., " lecJol S.cretary rn 1 n n ri I 1 t' ' J r ,. ,. 11 H..i 1 ''I Young married mJ n wrks )our t'l(pt'rl"l' lo lmrrt.'dtall• opt'ntni.: for MANICURIST 0 I Assistant Mqr &&.,JI fOl'ND Sp1l1 ml\ wouldhkeodd1obse\e'> r.t2lti7i IOotCKEa. rnmphmenl .i h•l!hh e\l)er ll•J(al :.H\ in Slulptured n.i1b lt1·111 mural!l' tuapp\ Sole~Personn.r-l'u('ker m IX . Star & 14kend' {'<1n do d ll\llYSITTl!\(i (larhnl! ;\:e.,.porl Be ah ad mull\ Jted &. 'killed rapid(\ e\p~nd1no "I" lloo(h S30 \\k fk \llUI ~bm11 .ipph1'.1t111n' ii 1 I .)JI,. fordsh1re Tern er \\ clsh Id .• I d X 1 ... r ~ .. .. ' front c uuntl·r n.. • ' ""I "1'I " \anel\ of hand\ mc1n1 II m>' o ""' 'l)l!11.i H•r11sm2 aj!rnc• nre ' ll•Jm . nt •«'Ol' ti ~llgiou~ 'I.pt Ekh la\\ 0\\1lboss 646 3313 I•••, 1, 1,.1(, ~ II k 1 . A 1 for Bill m.i hN; 8 30 12 noon Must be .ihle t1handlr + pNc·entage or produ1 slarter ~lag Card 11 ex needed for bus\ :"\ 11 111 1 Doily Pilot """"'", I\ 1 .. 11 h'!IWbT ~;~~~~ g~~~~b.~';;:~ }Obs 972 !152.'i ('\es ;1,k 'omeooe lo fill h1, morn l'X per Rook ijt• Pl'f I fldl'k<l!?e mt'I med '"' I f I rm ~· u .. I be S(' If I M dSS age ( l'• h n 11 c J 11 I Orange Coos! '" 1h11.'11111• \ h.t\t' -- us> nine nrma n-b b I feb22thru f'eb26 Our bookkeeping I' TB I uon $1600 if quuhl1ed per Real 1-:.~liltl' back. ft"e Newrv1rt•:1•rl1l1t"•te l 330W.loySt. ''t •'llllll I 'l•C'rtt',~ Care Center 1S4 373-1 °" ysillln~ new 11rn 11 holTll' or pobs )«>urs Ou11e~ 1nl'lud P R NB 640 7922 ' ""' ' u Co c • ~ Io u r \ r s f' \' ground helpful Salarv needed S41! 04117 sta Mesa, ~. n ..... 1 ••111.1 Jl•PI\ Sa · • L.ost:Doxie,blk&brwn. f ound fem Collie . Brookhiirs l & Ell" l'dMarea67J.11S1 AP.A R bill . etll~ 0en11st I open l'all ll 1ld<1 ,---------' "mr:11•1e1n Please Park Green Dr. Corona brwn whl bl k \'11· !164-61l2 Bab}stlter needed for Appl) in person ors) • Ortt.o.RDA 97s.004,i MOOMLIGHTIMG? Ip Tunt' ; da.\:.. 2 hr• , 11 , 111m1 1n lo del M ar Child Ne"land Mc fadden d k Ad\erl1~1n 1611 . Tu t h ~ heartbroken 760-8728 Westminster892 7476 Nurses .\1d wants da) 2 a)S per "el' m) WeslchflOr ,St 12 t}lergeticexper d \,SI!> LEGALS tXRF.TARY intomSSyo•luBr ~~ar69a 9.our!> ct.iii) AM deh\l'l) L \ 'l'1"I" •. ,., ~ '1' n work as C'ompanion hmre inTunlerock 2 )r tanl needed for bu~\ La i;tuna lllll'> Recenl I ""'.° • ", . Times SIOO \\k l..i g11n.1 J,l 11111 ' II hll S'2 REWARD! found ShepherdCollre cha\IHeur,l·areofelder oldt.,.ins833 176S IOOl<KE practice Caltf pro1>1ttl!ex Nann),age3.'i60Eni:hsh1 Rearh4948496 ~111 uo'f LOST Blue and gold Mix. Nina Blk & Gold ly Local rereren<'es BABYSITTER Busy insuran com 546Sl70Ask for Toni penenl't' nN·essan F.x pnmary lan2ua~t· Own p 1..1:1 R lotl I"·''''' I ,ul\ \\ anlNI ffrf Ma caw Parrot \'1c Vic. Hi ghland Bch 549-0.'nJ Malure.lovmgpersonlo pan) has ope g for DK I VER ror offi ce eellent l>Ptnl!. & S II &dme~~lo ~.nrklla~ I ~:fui~to~ Se~r~~a1 1 1!1·1.111 ..,11111 "'l..it.._ V1rgm1a Pl and Elden 848-6773·760·8820 Co 0 3 h r.,-ror 2 chi.ldren ap rasl paced P on 10 furniture deliveries. ei1 1 skills r"''d Call Mr' ~pm on ri · 0 Publ ., 1 0 111.,11h I' I '1J>h l'll WCJ {' M mpamon n\er. r~ u•« h di pa) a .... I... r l. hOUSt'140rk or rnokmg 11· "('di ions I\ ol A\'.e O!:t la ; e~a PtnClllClh 5350 datl) Hskpg wknds prox JO hrs wk M} an P a<'coun perpref'd Gooddming "'"5 0 " or app · 1 11 a large Oranite Count\ '-•I•" I 646-1322 ••••••••••••••••••••••• NB 673 6"77 ln1nehome S521763 ble. bank de sits & ffi.'Ord 642·8450 837 tr.;o l'll<"ept or imme c.irel ,. \ '. PRo r.r.ss10..., .. ls • areJ . • agenn slat ents penatnml? to ti mu old .... ummumt·at1011s '1t1n n; ""' PARROTREWARD! A~sMassar Phyllis Banking Paid company nelil~ ELECTRONIC L•Rhl urrice Light hJb' Salanopen neri.: t·\ needs ai.s1:;1ant for ' TB.EPHOHESAL Lost Sal feb6v1c Park Open24hrsada Rertned lady seeks LOAHSEC'Y Attrac'tive sal· com • llsehldDut1e~ S3.'i0Hr J ll('(:· l'all 494 600!>. allcrl AE"· llandll• \<lrt1'I~ ttf l '\JIX•.c•~i \II\ ll(lli•nlia l West Apts m Irvine 7days a week employment as compa Expenence in 11ro1·ess mensurate h ex ~ S S E. M B I,-E R 8Hrdays 960·5891 Enc 2 LSc·all 496 12111 responsible dulles lll>ttd l P 111 l'>' rnmm p¥f . Green w black beak. 69 Gorgeous girls to ruon or hsekpr lhsesil . 1 & penencl' cul Sall> Challengi~g position for• LIVE IN Unemrum l)pmg serr~tanal 'k1lh 1o1l.I\ <1n.ihlit•ct "rt~ .. red. green & ) ello" pamper you Jacuzzi ting I gourme I cook , mg convenl111na con S49 9923 person with al least 21 berrd youn11 lad) for ewspaper Dell \l'r' & essen11al Xlnl ~nd1h h'.lll' l'ltl'h '"Pl 11111 8J3.9410afl SS5261S3 SaWla Localsa.s\\ellas free 10 travel. ref ~!~~~~·0~01n°t~~~ ~;~ )'carsbtlertron1c as bghthousekeepmg l,n\ I Slitfing LA Tirrws to Call Sand) Rr~dshha\\ 1111.,,tmn ,1,.1nr inil1' Lost Man 's Bulo\a lourisls B ank M.!fp!S548174 E * * * sem ~ ex per or ely home Reasonable ! home s on R.ilbna •i14>7S26111 . (o(' rJn l11i, plJn~ 111'14 l.lr. Watch. 30 )'ears old. Americard. ~ta~ler "'/~~n~~~!t~a~in,as Mari•Co e7qo81•\5a9l2e3o"'r Cal l salary Call Mr Rubm1, Peninsula Van or 'la· Cha.'t' Ll\m1tston&Cn ll,11\JlliH1\,11 ,11 1on.~i'Tf Charge, Amencan Ex Journeyman Painter " " Z34 Ins A 14 " · or in· rmmings. 640 7776 tlOn wa2on req f:arl) lrvtnt' honir~i·~ 1'en tin~~ keepsake. also Gold press , Dinus all seek s f T work 11.QllA~_!ms.CM CoronaDe terview. AM 1900 + per mo _ 302 ~ Ring with small semi 33 Brus h roll spray LOA ... D-HECF.PTIO:XIST 1,,31. ·--precious stone. m or welcome. 114 •64S·34 m!l62l You are the ('},crow Home loan ex· "'" u-• S481144l. 646 1431 TYPIST Luguna llilb SALES Rr.. ... around Santa Ana 2ll2Harborl!!_CM Banking twofreet1cke penence Part time to SavingsandLoanAss'n le1?al firm Require' "'" Courthouse. 2·8·82 Ht4pWanhd 7100 valuetolhe start 15hr!IS(}.1201 located 1n Newport .._.../Aide l!eneralofftt•e 5k11ls ar \11 ct.tc.d l'lll\•ri:el'"'~ REWA'!_D Call 540-9927 1 :...a.. & Yt'Ckt''s ••••••••••••••••••••••• JB.LER CIRCUS V AS f)1ll time salesperson. Beach seeks a dynamic LIVE·IN. non smoker. l'uratr l\ p1~1 fil .,. 11111 '"1• m' "PIHO\ t'ct, LIHM ACCOUMTIHG LagunaH1I all for Country t'renrh and persuame person wkdays 57 PM. Wknds minimum Cc1ll \Ir' t " 11 "\ Pr me ~m· bBleslk wBohrl"~rd~d11~:. •ESCORTS• CLERK f1JLLTIME Feb 9 Ston,•, Lambs n' Ivy exp er' enc e d 'n 77 PM Nomght work Winslow 1111 a i>J>I , llo>'pll.ib clo•tor' ('< "" ""' TI'F.H h n Po81llon available in our CityShoppm 64-1 tlJ!Ml telephone collection 64SOO!l2 R37·IOOll 111• 111 R1·ddt'f ~ U1*90 nrSo CoutPlaza Nan· BACK&BE · Newport Beac .-roper SoulhCoaslPlazaoHtl·e. Oran work Salary co ro '''"""l't•k T~ 9'~3480.9661338_ TilANEVER' 24 11RS ty Management f irm E'<perience prererred f'eb.19 Hardwan mensurate "ilh e~ Nursing RECEPTIONIST I \t.1.·.111n1• l·.1llr 669 0207 needs Receptionist At c t l K th Am c 11 NURSES AIDE Opportuml>' + \\ilh fa't l \l 1 r found female Spa niel. • k Ph on a<' a Y To <'l"tm tic ts. call Laguna Beach fu II penence a t 1 1 1n1 , 1 e., • \'.f• Ward and Ellls FV l OutcaU I counlu1g Cler on's burge} 540-4066 .. Tune Retail Sales Exp 714160 6060 Ex per. d. a II sh' fl s. growmg manc1a P an lle\ltl' I lrP.h in. 3688 Typing. 40 WPM D:uly 642·5678. e 272 Pre( Coast Hardware, . . Conv Hosp Nwpl Bch. ning (irm in Nelfo.port lramtQI( F'or inter 962' Bankinf{, Detailed Ac CAUfORNI' Tidtels must claimed Malftt1'"9lct Bri ng your smile & join Bea<'h Need someone please l'all 11a Found BI a c -k Fem.alt Wanted Sensual counts Receivable $900 " byFebruary l 1982 49H 403 Janitor Wanted ror us1Freem1r med., den· with good appearance. 8Sl64f'<ii ·- Keeshound. remale in So Slim Temporary or rm. Call 8S1·9277 Before FEDEIAL * • HOT& f ashion Island Retail lal & life In~ Call Mrs. typtnjl & general oHtre 'i Al Lag A""a Please ~a ll Lasting Relationship Noon EOE '"--· E N EOE SI ,,.,,....... k II Sl rt med 1·~11 ~ 49'1G" ' Leave Message Adrion Thtse htlle a really front oUice personnel .JWI..,, xp ec. one:'"' . ...,... s 1 s a 1m '"' 11iii• 64S·l839 ~nsual Sllm --------i S..Mg:s&LOCM work' Jo l he Needed at luxury ,9tll_Days OO·SOJO otLFt&D IJ40.4482btwn1·3pm forClasstfiedA~liJJ Pound Bike at Balboa GuyAvera e •CCTGClHIC ll!STownCenter Dr thousands of er peo· Laguna Beacl\ Hotel M1intenance person. SBVICEM•.... LIM.I-fa I'-!! ACTION .J.3' Bav Racqutl Club aru -"" C:OSta Mesa. 92626 p1 t h h Conll<'t Ri ck Elllotl _.I ht .... r 11 """ """" ,., Cllll 1 -, la;t Oecem ber Ca 11 Palm· Psychic Readings Pa)'abln & re«ivables, Equal Op~rtun1ly e n t Is are w o are 497 4477 m ..... Y rug wo. ... u Musl l\ave ex per in the Cless1f1ed Ads are reel I\ 011~ Pilot .-.::. P t -l future post lo manual ledgers. reaular u rs of orpltime position aY11I ,..I "1"'ld, dn'ller. push•r. small''""""letop...,.nle:. N~!' Beac~ Po_li~!·. as . ~'dvi;;,~. construction/real estate Emp oyer Clw1tled. C our ad MEED HELP? 641-1(179 ask for Chris. ;/';nd knowledge "or ~ales c;tl;" with big re· A~2·~R found. Fluffy orange 7 1 4 I 81 1 . 5 l 2 O . developmentexperiencel••••••••• lakerat642-S6 Help yourselfto• GetOREENcash downhole tools Xlnt adershlp and blR re Cat, vie. Sandcastle Dr. 2u iaM-32S8. Lie preferred Typing. 10 Heapin& selection of benttits, bonus and u: · 5ults• To !.lace your CdM. C!!!..844 ~--_ All Readmgs. Pvt & Con It e Y b Y 1 o u r b Qualified Hopefuli r:,~~~::~1~a:~ pense progr1m Good rlass1fied a • call today Lost : Jtl black ma le ridential Nonsmoker Excellent lntbe DAILY PILOT opportunity with very 6'2,S678 S Bl ---comp•n" benefits 1a•1y Pi•tat HELP WANTEDAOS C111642·5611 prno--siv•sind ~ontrol -lamtse ut sequin Man 40 60 allr, en1oys , : I ........... • . . .. . ..,.,..... " ' ~lar. "Klk1 Bo(' Lost utt. Wanted by pretty Located In Newport • '• ••••••••••••• I ('.o from car l'tth1Tu1tln lady Jacobs Oen Del Center. SlOOO/mo. THE SOLUM CM.REWARD.no ques LagW Beacb;m5t R1dgway Lld720-otOl ...... _. r.laa • • OJLTOOLCORP. tlonl.8'5-5212,6"-32$$ • NmJt ~ lttttlOIAll OPMMG • ~Ar10ay Hunt Reh r~:-;; Labl Rtt. blk WYMfMI APT. MANAGf:R • li'oc Appt 714-8919'781 hi on heat Plactn "'"" Snni-ret.lred couple. tor • 1~..,. IM'rtPQlf ditP4» aaletpe • M~ route in Pri rn.,e_ Newport I !13.493 2481 w. • " • • tttppy Birthday' ts w11t complu in c.M baidJe kn ~ODUlltl for~ CO. Beach area. Low miles; ap. ~a ... ~ilaon.142-~ Kiddo. Remembtor u . Mainltlllnettxp. req. Pilot ~·l•rv. commlal Ind t • wo·lmately Uh customer&. • Fluld: Femalt Lab pup. wtll•urpriu. ~ benerta. Growtb OPPOrt U. ror " .,.,., PAIT TIMI black • wbltt . Malt Love T D. wltb earttr •D!.biflon1._S.nd to e eekday hOurs 2 :30-S:~m. t &-9pm. E•pandlnayouth Ooldu Ret rlevtr 1360 All YOU ~UJto :.:a~......,., rv Bos • Sal & Sun. 5am•7am. Minimum I counaelll)a rt rm hu Newpo rt An I m a I ""•"s.-ric" Am bitious • u lf· • '!!1 No..P1'4Dualll, pit amount of collect~ For de-*"1nlS fqr 3-5 aberp Slltlltr, m Mfta Dr .................. ••••••• .... ElilplOyW outcolnt mature ,.oplt c.11.-... .,.,.ISCOITSt dl•c:,r:ed? Waot to e tall.a call Bruce ar'y or t to moUvale ••bklov• i : ~----·-UAM.cAM . ::.r lf ~:t b~~~ ~ : ORAHOI COAIT DAILY '9 T .. l'OIU!r 0ueDet at MMm. • 1~ia yr~ Clll Wpm. llli91A111 ...,Fri MO-NJ1 bolnper•tek,l'lhhow ~. ••Jt!,~~~~ : MMm.t1t.34a ~ror ..... &Ill ' .. ,.. "'°"· Call t4if.rJIZ ........... H ...... 't .................... · .,.. ... ~~~~..;:mi..;;:iE..·~...;·:::;_,.·--;.;·:;.;.·-.;-·--·~· ·Alidna·········· • ....... tlrgpiiOltmlDl. r r --. ,._·, °"fm 1090 ... W t06C ''*" TN'ff t i 10 ,,_.. tHO ~.!·~······ .. •··••••• .................................................................... . .,, rand , 10od loob WIS'tsAfL 32• '75 Ith •hi trlr. U'1 ate, '11 Court•r L B tuJt 6 ,ont, tHcher mu1t ,4 f d bol J 1 low lpett rtnt 17900 ll'hll, am rm rasa. s ipd •Jl Ablo toMOt. piano. .-~ •• °7A& .. J · • ..!! Ill am, ... ., D50 738 8'70 179 SS.t llSJO 9112-1135 ...,vo-. .--....... 1 • owner w1nll action ind 32ft Ul80 5th wheel loadod 'IJ CHIV rtCll UP IOU wUJ •ttfP( any ten•lblt idnC rond. tilde out, bttl 11000. 548 3109 aft. Spm ERJEPARTIES ••••••H•u• .. •••••••• olftr.Atourdotk. Ern~ offer873-H08 , one now and ,... Kntlul Re111nelalom MI rtn f "I e k r Tr--4--IM&A. S4 Chevy Lon• ~d PU ctfv v11t .. 1ablt Jl <>tlflt 206tm 1khs w/Tyrolla fl4/541Hl92 ~ .... _,, t 110 look• ' runio JC r1•<1l (!!! all&U·l040 bindlnp ' Srott polff. -•••• ... •••••••••••••••• SI~ 673 1479 O Id , h Ip · 1 whet I 1100 Sz 9 men'• boot1 • CATAIJ~A %'7, inboard. VAN STYLE '78 C;impt•r Shl'll 1r Likr M anJ.Jeln,ltpoke carrier , tU. 104 Vii rattle M.Nwptmour Croft tratlu, euy haul New S300 eo HO Spiro Ainew £.c?_~va 813·•~ lnft 8.\H1llU In&. well balanced. s11l fl.42 4949 on1 atcb nfvtr used Pt &k.i boou, Uk~ nt'w ISftaloop,trallfr r.~11t ule Lo<'kln& dr& 1100 Nordlta Nova, 11 S, wht hte 11r. xtras. 17500 trm,080 17S eoot 53S·57~ ~7~-«>87 EvaW7-4l29 AlfoStnlu ,,ortt II' GI Otlplay Counte~. Goode IOt4 ~0~3412 No mm & Ac.c....,.t s 9400 , •••••••• ~;::::::~~ llSO Small Caah r•· ........... •••••••••••• 830-0891 da ••••-••••••••••••••••• .--~~mllll~-•I Athletic Uniform~ ss• :1.: us. OBO OltAMGICOUMTl SWAPMllT See at Gs mat Lake Wei Sdtt Soft! WAllHOUSI A-,,_.__,, SACll'4CE ATTBfTIOH £ve""' Sunday, lam furniture. knlc knacs .. -&INKSKE""''H -~·ort '33 ft Rhuadta ~ood Ma • 1 point H 8 Fri -Sat SWiii! ~ '" SHOW t "' 3pm, Ora nae Coast 84!-2.632 rtr. Sat Feb 13 from Reroodel Contnu.1or of home or boat 'oop t7500 01ek 011 OWMOS c:otleae,Fairview&Arl· W 10 :30 to 4 ·30 10242 Selhn&Accumulated for romina & ata FHll/14-ttoS 827-4480. ev6 Uru1ll TONNt:AU COVF.lt Inf.on, Costa Mesa Ad· ~o~:E:Odl:tG !;~'e Johnson Ln Hunt Bt·h · &Salvageltems lion y, $7~ Newport hJ·W-Tradt 83_! 75111 FilJMO's, ·11 '81 mwlon free to buyers GOODl&5" ! Sat S.4PM .!_Ma~a~ Adams I Plus Tools. Liehu . Ho • e & Y a c ht Featunng weapons of all * LASEI Nt>ver used. S75 ~~l~o.R ue r va · 234&Cyntbl1Court.CM ESTATISAU Wood. Plumbing, Glass ~ IU67S-691S eras s11oords,coins.war Yellow /whi te, like Mana6317797 lvellblC OFF Sant.a An• :)treet 1 Furn . ant 1 q u es. & MUC H MORE''!!' L 1 d • s . h a v e a souvenirs, antiques ind br1nd 1¥!W. 1tured 1n jlll!!!!!!!!l•m -••1111!!1!!!!!11 ·79 (.'hf1 ~ IT 1ru1·k "~ t;/ stakt' dump brd t't1l IJo)l{'lj All ht-ll\'Y dUI) 23.~ mt SllOOO, 645 41;:1~ ·73 f 100 pmr reblt. 3o2 ~ l(oud $1500 968 5!130 .ifter3pm i 1 c:Mr CA\tf't:R ru11> l'(jUll/ \'1•n llOOd ('Ollll S6.500 S46 114111 '76 Cht•\ > S1h erudu 1%~ Plt'ku11 lob of 11p tum' "'111 l'ons1der tradt' in fl9'l 5008 ~5880 ~lkN.ot23rdStrf!!~---treasures.34611Camino EVEHYTHINC:GOES" NA GHTY LADY ~andOsofcoCollel1fi~le aide. Ratchet, r l11m LmlODYWORIC & Qapistrano. Capistrano No Reasonable OHer re-Ho Party Lingerie. oe1im. range · air· rl St 675 66 o Beach Fm Sat, 9·4pm fused 183S Wh1tt1er Ave loU • potions and lots grounds, C · M Enter eapa eve · 6 paint.up to SO', off your '73 COURIER ••• MlbLo•t Art/Rtdecorallna Sile Ori& & reprod. art & other misc Items Fri. & Sal ~-2 Sea Island Dr. Big Canyon Twnhms. Ford&J!l_mboree. N.B FtR•• "A"9CM Sat/Sun9·3 rro fun Ca ll Ah:>on Gate3AoffArhnponSt Lavemena.1_e bod}shopest531!!1!132 t'ORPARTSONL\' Bter & Soft dnnk~ pro 968 78 Salts Reps 2 pr K2 44 mid skis SSO ea 24 • Greenwich Sloop. For Sale Bra for 19b9 AlsoshelHor short bed 17121 Ha&ue Lane Huntington Beach You are the winner of two frtt tickets IS19 OO> value to the A 1 5 0 rte d 8 1ke 11 · v1ded Others have Sales need . 3 pr Nord1t11 bootx wltraller, 3 nils. motor BMW 200Z, hke nl·~ 140 OIEAP 536 ~2 housewares,ant1que slot inthe areath1sweekend. c . t I/ ... r I In a ·~S2S·'50~0597. &~ar.eoodeond.S6SOO 81U119J.276S ·--------- lAt.s of rabnc. s yrd or less Dbl bed frame . wht 4 poster Old bottles Lots or small ~luff Nottung over S25 In al· ley behin d 1S30 Mirama r. Bal P e n 12-4 ~Sat Sun machines, cuno~111es & 1 FREE ~ "' ' Call67~mt. misc 4101 D llilaria, , _ · G<?,LD till' to blind alancefor shding Illness large lrum '67 Mustong. &ell fu1 Vans '570 NB6312600. EVERYONF. doo rSIOO, Console poliM,7xl4 '.S400 b:tt•k loah.Sllp1/ parts Call an)l1me ••••••••••••••••••••••• CIRCUS Y AIGAS Laguna Hills Mall Feb. 9 11 Stereo equip . desk. JUST MOVB>! !!~r . walnut S7S ~ck.$40 839·4720 Docb '070 ~.9628052 "ANTEil \'Jn i·•rn G U"f't 74 ••••••••••• • • • • • •••• • • • u.--1 "" I \1 ,., tha1rs.rh1ldren's 1tems. arage sale. lo!s ur , w• 1 096 ••" 1 " 1411 u11 u:;t .,,. bed rrame 1863 Port rruse. stereo equip t . of Lean anks onginal 011 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ne•rt Mari11a 7 3 COURIER n l' a• n t' ~ t' J 'h City Shopping Center Orange ftenwirk Pl., N 8 Sat. f1 te furn some antiques 8:< I 0 I own. $1900 M U S T S •E E T 0 Da~ wk, rronlh 64~·0S51 FOR PARTS ON Ly 673·:.i22 only. 9am·4pm and l'ollect 1ble ~ No Pnva party. 675 S649 BELi EVE 4 unlq ut-N B Slip Up to 36' Also shell for short bed '70 '•too Ford \',111 l1o<l\ Garage Sale Hand tools. pnor sates 20111 Port Wash marh & dryer Span 1s h G 111 le on s Water power. nr Lido CHEAP 536 9832 iid trail!>. tin·' net~ l'OI! S3$20 Pipe wrenches. Chelsea 1'1 ~ewvurt '50 · Color TV 17~ Poreela1n. Ginger Jars l2SO 67J.27S6 ~ 546&1111 Feb 19 ·22 = To claim tickets, rall • tJobs 642 5678. ext 272 HIY! Tickets must be claimed Giant Garage Bake Sale Eat wtule you Shop wide angle ~ renthes. Beath Sat & Sun !14 846-M and vases. lead crystal. Newport Beach boat shp Wos Warwttd 9 590 etc 407 J:: Ray, r.u L......., c1ou..1_ centtrbar Fre n t•h for~· S2201mo WosforSat. 1•1 11111tt '"'"q n a u t 1 ,. a I a. n d • •• • •• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~IOYs-GIRLS by February 19. 1982 i .-would you like to • • • Sat & Sun Feb 13 & 14 735 JoannSt .. C M. 64&~ New and hke ne~ If. 10s, Grandfather Clocki. 673 7~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• WE MEED YOUR GARAGE SALE Sruba and lb Misr household Patnttngs and Onent11I loat sip for r...t 1~:i/~~~'[ GOOD USB> CAR! murh 1s SS0.00 a Giant Yard Sale ~you U.ke dme· Feb 13th. at 9AM 1es. picnics, Pl.zt~ Wallace Ave. C. M Sat Girl Scoot Garaite Sale 1916 Sat Sun 9..tpm Corner or Mesa Verde Tah1t1 Wetsuit 12" 8\\ TV item~ Sat 9 3 2407 and Indian rug~ Call Pnme tor. next to Ru\I\ REAOFR ' An>tlun1?t·on~1dered Washer & Dryer. Lov Murgaret Dr Newport vr aua l 11H 70•7 631 7393 Pebc __ an 7M-646-4419 · AD.\'L"R.TISS~'.NRUS J!n7 thru 1980 , beach parties, ---. * tnany other things? Sat Feb. 13. 10 AM 1111 ? 1*ayou would probaby Old ~hes. auto parts. ~bly enJOy working nusc. items. neat things. ri reas prires 1213 l'Sl'at, Sewing ma c·hrne. Bt'ut·h L..!' ee. '""'' "" -· " r pairofmatching rhairs GAS 8 BECUE. dou TV,Raclo, Wanted Shp to A.t·com The Prit'l' of 1tem5 ~ BACK ALLEY SALE MUCll MORE" 1965 A!-LEY SALE. 611 Ins. ble G I, self starting HiR, Shtto 8098 rrodate 49· Pwr Boat advert1sl'd hv veh1de Jc 315 Orchid. CdM Sal & Port Clandge :'\Ill Sat Cdl\1 Sat 9 4 books. $100. 963-682• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lonit Term 549 8466 dealer5 in ttie vehicle Sun 10 4 F\arn . m1se S-4P~t 644 8170 ' paintings toys Lots a Bar, ideal for BEAUTIF"U L 25 RC.-, Eves. 494-7097 da~s1r1ed »d H•r11~1n I! Gar age Sa t e 0 1 d G . . JWlk I rt' color 1V sale 2 vr ~ rn Slips avo1I up to S!I ft rolumns doei. not 111 Dr C.M . FICATIONS McCormack Ln C M ~ erl2years orage. ASSISfANCE LEAG UE rtthner. +root stool. arageSaleSat Sun9-5 Sat I0 2 t cokx' :/ ies, aqua t} S148 Freedehvery CDM Area. S9 ft Call elude an} appl1t d!Jle 1111ao,....,c..tv piano bench Oak Sr hip's whel'b . BBQ,1 c•lothes 's;1~~c t41 c3n;;S RedFi.; t ~._96J·0362 1VJohn's 646-1786 Peggy Pattison 1714 1 tans. h~·eniw. lnrn~rei · urnllure, toys. etc Bl> ud o t never been ~2A1 kd fees fina1we <'h.irge, 292$ llarbor Blvd COSTA MESA t. honest and de TiiRlf'T SHOP Pres1-ble. dent Birthday sale 50', 3. an after school and olf Sat 10.2 SO.S 32nd St rocker. Jewelry. l'hina & 20251 Running Svnngs I rm a. C!\1 worn FIRM S e 6 rt stereo Ex1·ellt•nt 3. ~ ay 8·5 f~ for air polluuon rnn misc 9032 Madeline. IHrookhurst & \dami. i · , "'~t· S 1 So rredlu _17ss 11 <'Ond Walnut u 1b1net 12' boat"' shore mooring trol de\ltt' t·ertih<:atlon' HB. 968·5037 afl 5P M fo'ri • ""ate • 3 e mt> .inti S200 5U-8860 Balbo I I d ( Sat8-4PM ,~al Sun 8-SPM Scuba I QUt'S, .di huu!>ehuld CARP~SX20 oatmeal on a 5 an °1 or dt>aler do!'ument.in Gear. BR Su11e Ire & item~ ottl Ima Loa shag. ot cond 5100 Maitnavox turntable sale 63t 3456 prepardt1on i'hargt'~ un WANTACTJON? Roller Skates GolfJ Court. Newport ('rest e·x20· ·white drapes& »mpl1f1l'r s tereo HB.P! less olherw1s" ~Pt'l'•flt>d Cla.ssiled Ads 642·5678 I Clum 3143Samoa CM 631-i.>18 rod Sl ·8242 I cassette pluyer & 8 tra<:k I have 2 boats & onlv I IJ)' the advt'rt1sPr ----ta pt p I a) e r S 15 II ' (;nb hi1th rhr $20. ~7 1(67 berth If you would like GeMrat '51 O 5trolle SIO. toy chest the use of m) beaut 1fut •••••••••••••. ••• •••• •• ' SSSSSSS flO. ba~ clothes 50' to 25 RCA Color Tra1·k T\ classic mtr) acht.,.. rnp l~l!!l!!lll!!!ll-..... --• ys. NB !..c (;ALL TODAY ! Trade your old st uf( for ti11-S936 orS31·5257 new goodies with a : BAM to IOPM Classified ad. 642-5678 s . - ' " ' . . . . 642-56 78 -VIY TAICEIS ; ~. wal S8 840 5811 w remote control. l vr tam & if you have a ~hp Will Trade MG for \ W , ........ TIMI old, SSOO bst o (r lar"" enou"h for a 46 or' • .L _r-•· I • First t ality. !>hall 7~.766?07~ "' " 1.19n1ation1t Corpora-._•en 10 I ,.. __ & I rarpet o 1 k ~t. let's make a deal 4'9-4722 hes . . . . . .. ' . ' . . ' . ' : ' ~' . = .. Needs Local & 1 •• .................... ,,,,_,_ fw'llihre 8050.........., 1070 ,.. 1 e neY> M T v A Cajllam67~4712 nda ble Men & Washers dryers late ~plllHlf 8030 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• SI OOpetard 496·4038 • n~~;~;: of Mov1e~t!~ n to ••k& Surveys mode Is. s 1 o o' up ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sofa. FlneCond 8' S225 Heart Shaped DIAMOND Refnger~r 17 ru ft ire l.Y 5159 638.8724 9_9pu loah. SforOCJI 9090 ~/ ... "' Il l RB67 250 p~-' I 12 B II I < k "' ••••••••••••••••••••••• "''~-L .. ._ ,520 ~to Door. (No Sell· Delivery . gua r ness . • mm. 545-3753 ,,., ... an . n ian., ma er.rostJrtt. m p Illness Sony Trinatron ---~· ='No Experience Re Mastercharge Visa OOmm wide angle lens. 4 Fl red ood ff Olamonds. Set into a per~o . good cond 19" color tv S275 l••OlllRlllYl!l9S•T•O•R•A•6-E-••••••••••••••••••••••• Con . 63&2840Kin s 400mm Pent ax mt ~ co ee ta· 14CT GOLD Heart Ap S200 B per Pool Table 1'57 T l 'rd venient Hrs __ g_ 0 4720 ble. 4 mo sold Cost S250 praised at s1400 s1so m aft 5 _§tereo. S150 839·4720 • 1 Otoole from Earn 24"x15" LITTON Sell $95~-~ 080 968-3473. • Monthly boat & R \ All Collector~' *•SlOO to S200 Per microwave oven. like Dogs 1040 Pecan Corfee Table ~ Men's ~hmere Top loats&Mariae st.orage for any s1:te 24 l'onrour~e rondll1uu ' ..-.+BonusH.Callto-oew,S190 OBO 646·7303 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 20x66"MS tar eframed DlAMON~.Heavyt4CT Coat S ~ Terhn1cs &pPft!tllt hr se<·ur1t} fre t• 1147721 ~Jorlnlerv1ew Call --KE&5HONDPups.AKC. ml--'"""·u._g1377 NugitetStylePendant.6 SLD2T Table S12S ••••••••••••••••••••••• laum·hinl( & wushin~ OHLYSl 6,900! M833-0563 llUY APPLIANCES Olampsire M/F Pet& -""'~~ Brilliant Di amonds l\Jistle*bi 19S MM 9010 privileges Newport Les 957 8133 s how p v t pt y . Sotid maple dining set. TCltll WT. 2 73 CT Ap· wfl'yrol 3600 Bindings ....... •••••••••••••••• Dunes 1131 Back Ba' ,.Accomt..t Rtfrig. rro•tfr e•. 21JIB7-1345aft6om droe> ital table with 6 pr1111ed over s12.ooo Sl7$({7 4. IS'C..t-•"'--• Dr Nt~port Beurh ~ CPA Firm needs " "' -----~ -.......... t h Nad S6SOO 0 P bl UOCW111 -.... 1cemaker. like new. Golden Retriever ,,-Biii ..,. ... ,.. captains c air r 0551 e ~~achAthleh<' m> 552 7120 644-0510 THEODORE ROBINS FORD 10c.O HAA8011 8tVD COSTA Ml SA b4l 0010 ... Individual with ap-~ 54&-4485 Lab mix puppies. 1111 SZSO. dresser 125 . Z end Trade 774-4437 Club M;:brrship. 1120 1"!1!111 ____ _._. P'ltl( 2 years lax ex-m. Avai'IZ-l3 ..... _a.._ t.ablelDH . l4CI' GOLD. Heavy Nug· 83J. /640-$332 Honda Outboard 7 5 llP ~ce for full time Kelvinator 19 3 cu fl .,..........., -..u etSl ~ 8 1 t 0 -1SHrsonEn1t S6000f\O IT·rwpoo--... r1aHOft ~n. Salary com F'rostless freezer up-•Poodles "R" P~le• · g Y rac-e e ver 10" Cransian table saw. 497-t968 •-•••••••••••••••••••• ' ~t.e with exper nght. rast freeze shelfs T-Cups. Toy, 12SO to 3 ~ Sectional Couch. 2 Ouncn. 51800 OBO. miter j doda's S250 ~ S•/ --------•I ~~ ly m> ~ WO Pets Boerded 6 llllO. Dtn rm Set. S3SO TI4M37 0 B 0 9l2AS4 ~ .. ttlClllC9"o20 Reiit '120 Clo11ic '66 ir:a..uRayl&Co Ladr K--.. , h • G~ $46-2148 ~Sise Bed. 1150. Dlarmnd Engagement & CONCE°'TICKETS J -•••••••••••••••••••• ••MG•• ,... Y enmore "as er "' -· Kint Size Head· wedding nng set white nL •••••••••••••••••••••• I· D , _; 75.2-5611 dryer. S200 Ea Sears German Shep. pupa , IJ09rd. StOO. Executive oold. Ml 5851.tos7 Geils !".d Stew a rt I Manne Elertn1·1itn 77 atsun King Cab w1lh Will Take Best 01 frr T ti'C HER s Ex frige. $150 Xlnt Cond. AKC. lee parents. aboU omu Dull. S1 00 I ~ : AC I DC Ca r s Ne II Design install rep111r Ca mper S3500 Cu 11 Great Met·hanical C'un ~t1ced. pre school B2522 complete for I yr w. Modular Secretarial 2 Cockatiels w I lg Dlatm~-352.S Qual wortlM9·2520 6'15-GtOOeves dihon All Ne~ Purt' 979-2500 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR USED CARS AUMMAGMOM POHTIAC/SUIARU U i.1 llaroor Bh·d COSTA ~1 ESA 54,.4300 5 4'-1457 WE BUY Q.EAMCARS AND TRUCKS CONMlll CHEYIOLET ~llJrt .. r l<:H '·1"1 \ .,, ~-" \ 546-1200 HIGHIUYER Top dollars for Sporti. Cars. Bull' Camper~ 914''· Audi'~ Ask for lJ C MGR JIMMARIHO YOUSWAGEH !Bill Bea<'h Bhd Hl"YTINGTON BEACll 842-2000 WE MUD YOUR EXOTIC &IRmSHCARS !~ S6 00 per hr 19' RefriC)H'ator vet's ~rtlficat•. AKC Dr.It, 1100. Other Items I wrought iron rage. $100 Mne. •uct l ilies "40 lnrl Clut<'h tri.. F.11 ~1'8164 WESTI NGH ous E papen at purrbue. S275 -.mz 6JJ.7ri!I ~,...... 9030 1°m9MOTRC)NMO.PED. ~1:~1. R~:~~'. r9u;;9~1~ ~9Pfrator S.dt-by-side. Frost Cree. ~iabte. '7t-17~ -King waterbt;iS75. triple F'or Your V_alent1ne. a •••••••••-••••••••••• 1 497 ~2 f.°,es, 499 4722 ring service 7 3 while . 1195 760·0998 Yellow Lab Male. dresler w/mirror S9S. 21 fabulous gift Ladies Sev)'lor 9• rurt. l'\'C. Brand new $445 ....... ----·I 1 ~M ~I .Many benefits. Ex· 080 I Yr Lovl'n fun, nite stands SSO Twin bed 141rt yellow gold Roi ex *Xltb l'apa<' Sails rurl 7J0.1467 only 362 Third SJOO. SS7 4084 m. comer group Sl8S d r e 5 5 "" a 1 ch ~· 2 der keel + pump All 78 Puch Maio Moped '18 ·~ t90SL. exrellent C. La Una n-a··h Mew G.f. fridcp A.KC C -k S 1 963-Q7S diatmnd.~ 14kt brarelet. S12:i "93-098i I Mirror & Lock Good l'Ond Rl''ilorttl 3rcl D't' , 25 Cu Ft Paid St500 ~ er pame s St400 857 1445 Cond 0\0-ner S9 000 Wkd.H ' Salts Sell.S99S. • Burr M F For Valen MOVIM<r. MUST SELL! 4''1Cl diamond nnl!. 2 2 .. H.~...a...L..-r Sabot dinithY"" oars & S37!1 5461481 9Si-3W2. 646 9669 3100 \\ Coast llv. \ S.llllllCMM 955 . 2272 llllf'S SlSO. 839-2972 Elegant uoused sofa 'VS .,.,_~ m>lor m;unt f1bergla~.., ·75 HONDA XRi5. in 1!011d I · ::.:.~~hi~~.~i~~~ts Female Bassett. bed Oak 6 piere bdrm ~10:5Ci ~t:r~~ !!~l~e. w~ 808 1 St<IS Swinl( motor mount t'Ol'ldll1on S250 SWAP MEET & SHOW :'\t·~~~~:aC'h Fteeier. upnght 1 ownr 1 mos old S200 set S350 ContemporaQ •••••••• •••••••••••• for 7• ,hp hke nu c•o\I 495 1449 Ant1qut Cla,..,1r motor S.i~o:i1~r~h;~1e older model S75 OBO 646.7612 sofa & love seat. nnl( Omega Chronol(rJ vh Want wo "SIO<I Sli7.sell S45 i~l 82S8 Pilch Newport Mo 111,41 Srool.er' b1nde~ 17.11 1 WANTED ! new ownership Kitchen ra~ge , white. py, AKC purebred Soltdl)(."C'anl'ofree&cnd ...,s .ruen io< ~> qipons manufactured. ne\'er Lock&Rack S.t~ l'all ,.esa. <' 14 For intn \'ul'o' Call u ~ I ' Salary + comm 64S-4~arter 5pm 8Paut1ful Doberman pup S1300. sarr1(1re S450 ~~utG ', pr(!rlel ~~o( \\estil Ha.,..a11 fo)ig1ne Old~ Delta. re Mens Cond Lo M1 \\ ilh ~al n1;, "rnh.i \q• r•"tJ l...ih! rmdel To}ota~ dn<I . Self selling. no gas, Magic Cher. xlnt remale. pick or litter. tables w wull units orrers 497 s373 Callap .842 57!16 run. in t•ar. SJSO firm Mit•helle 760·9660 1.1ft !W6-7414 1 TODA\''" tltion Orean ~$150.847~eve _ xlnt Valentine it•ft ,, Reoaut25"colorTVSl95 8078~cal Selll·ur&kttpenic for SPM i4WhHIDrins 9550 Office Huntin"'On .... ......&!-IOI 5 nnceS200 S48-0S19 Stroke glass dinette set Modlinery 8083 nun rosl 548 5185e'!I T6 Yam.iha 100 Stret•t 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Earle Ike ,,. """'°..._ c ~ N It II t ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ca II Sharon ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• German Shepherd Pup. ......., 0 iun · 11 min Illness Contral·tor s •••••••• •••••••••••• loah, Power 9040 • Bike Xlnt Cond 2000 '80 FORD IROHCO ·-_ U>p hne AKC beautirul cond 966-5.2JO Power&handtools Illness nder spkrs. •••••••••••••••••••••••! Ongmal Miles $501l 1 RANGER XlT TOYOTA·YOUO OHi SALES PUBLICFURNTIURE maleSlS0.548-5839 BrandNewSohdOak BR 8394720 m•~,e;. boe. Gibson c•'H FOR BOATS 1142-3478berore3PM I Loaded ' V8. auto .............. . l!05ition ope~ for as· •AlETION * Frftto Yoa 8045 rr~.~!sa~i~I ~~"~ft LI Nl'OL N EI H t r1 (' gw a . PflO 839·4720 IW 2 Motobenne Mo Pl'dS I trans . pwr st & brake·' c ....... Ke 11e person with past ET Fridn 7~0PM ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1PM I "elders .,.. eights. 1000 • & 536-tn I Im & Her Matched Pair air cond . st t.ipt' h1 "•u.oo> • '40·'467 ,thone sales e~ New"lusedbarmswtes. Maytag Wa s hin g pound.'S800S4tl6481 &pi 8085 :lfCheo)'Ltt -d'sl LOve ~Sl:~t~Yr~ Lop~h bacltbocket~eal~2t11n1• tnce. Apply i_n dining rm tbls. & chrs. Machine Girl'~ Drexel bdrm set 10 Mh.ctlaneous 8080 ••••••• •••••••••••• ly' 46' Ent'SOll ·Qut<'k oo or ,m paurt. big t•~ & md!:' Top Dollar at 1660 Placentia lamr. rArr1oerators. NO( working matchin11 p1etei1 S400 IBM type ter with 1!1" Comly sz· Your P•t·k A S37S EA 673--0651 t'rulse lockin.: huh-. & I "' ., 84(}6(g! after :>pm ••••••••••••••• • •• • ••• • · 'ery lo~ m I ' 1 SI k p 'd A 4:.M. bun beds, cradles lrvtne S52-48t6 art5pm W SING LEASE. quit rarr1a S245 S l' Pristine Showboat. a PYchMcul SlSO 37761 llAF-1~~ • 31 .lYPISmB PLUS A STORAG E F'ree M Dog Part Poo-IESTOFfER tmiibusiness.selhn1tout manual rtable with Full Rue . o r a 5'5-8743 OMLY $"'5 For Your Car' C=ugraphic 7700 . U>T die 18" High Mirror. lge dbl dresser. ALL supplies and r1x-cases.:kl ·1..3«> performance-crulser / . S•ves•ves•ve 8487976 2 endtbls.sohdwalnut turesmcluchn!l SrmthCo atyponler Moonng (or .o·,. 22 *"'CJc.IH I IOIWITHAM VW ~ aste.up,gdwork-A "" "" ... ll h Ids ""•plau cas-.. ·~a1t1no orr.~e Idel. U•as boat (7141573.7995 John 5c*"tn ,1 50 1 7000\\'f'!llminster \\r 91\ds. Costa Mesa We honor BofA . MC. 28 wk old German "'mmons ye ow c 1 "'~ 1 "'" -" ' ~· B I y ht Bk .......... w t t or Sue: 979.3541. Cashier's Cher ks & Shepherd Husky mix. dresser Solid Walnut room chairs. Beuuty rarbon bbon SIOO rom ey B<' r ~·•••••••••• es mm~ er .:::::is:~-----Ca h. NO PER ON remal6. Cuddly dbl dresst'I" Brown vinyl Salon hairdryers and 548 7234 ~ 1910 HONDA 638·7880 893-7551 ·d : secret arial 5 S A~ 646-5194 love seat. l wicker twn hydraulic eba1rs. mir-SC Po t ypewriter '78 27•..,rt BAYLINER HAWll400 74 Jeep Wagont't'r air. lo share office CH ECK S p LE ASE hdbrd. marble d1nmii tbl mrs. shelves and plani5. Corona r w re rt nb· "Victona". F1y bndge. Has ONLY 6.000 miles & rnue AM f'M. m ·ent Will provide word Foo:d av11table Items Misty lovable itrey kitty top MS-3446 Also. make·up. shampoo 1 bon. ras incl Almost VHF red10. be1t la nil. is ·LIKE N E \\ O\ erha 11 on brake' copy machine It subjet'ltopresale Onlytogoodbomes. andha1rproducts new$225 ·'179evt depthftnder.outri•~en. lml74> Was Sl995 trans. 4 W O . 111! line in trade ror MASTERS AUCTION 631·7~ Foldln& bed, double si. Call631·97•• or - -" must-'I NOW ,_r ~5~NewnnrtBlvdCM --clean. in xlnt cond SSO "" 3$amp tefl .. AM6 MS """ "' tuneup. radiator, new ~retarial duties. &'tHli~ -..-c 648-Mll6 r.w11w. toSO 754-7S2·6067 after6.898-6809 Bank CJ Sale tradtsten!Owithtr11ltt ONLY $1395 mb &hoses 11.ooom1 . !•••••••••-·••• .. ••••••••••••••Matching -;;,ra & rorree JEEPS Government Call t46-!943 Will sell UU9MOTOIS SJ.cm PP 548-M411 or 1020 **I BUY * * table. wood & glass. like Surplus Listed for It: 9 balanrufloen. 292$HerborBlvd 642-5.200 •••••••••••••••• llcPt Good u*d ""'·miture •. newSlS0_.$57.0319 $3.19600. Sold for 144 • COSTA MESA 73 Jeep Waiioneer. auto. JOHNSON & SON U..C.M•rcrt 2626 1larbor Bhd l-Osta Ml.'lia 540 5630 Premium pnl'e5 paid for any used l'.ir «Core11tn or dome stir 1 tn good rond111on See u~ first I SOUTH COAST Dodge ~!!~ 1005 ••-•••••••••••••••• ru "' For Info Call 13121 le11.2 dry1nl{ Have Boat, need slip 979 2500 V8. low m1. P S. P ll. • •••••••••••-• Bite 16" boys or girls incl Appliances OR I will "Islander" II 1n gsi ze 931·1961 Ext 2239 conveyors. Wllllrade privileges . y • -· air. sterc'O, xlnt t•ond tralnint wheels xlnt sellorSELLforYou waterbed. beau11ru1. _ 494-5'~_ 79 amaha D'T'17S ~;., SJ200 9S2S9SO condS:JS. 857-247' MASTllS AUCTIOM lyr mcl sheets S350 Love loUoo11s "'-Jan ••'. bit 'r'>. mint duro Dirt street new .,.. 11 1 d H I 8 t 1ru "" v• I Tniclts ~ .... 8 .14 h111 lh lAdles' agl spd b1lle. 26" ~616 133·9625 M2 3159 Deel1v' ~rmed. Go rueqaut erosr rond1tlon, owner will ~-1r~23'78. oolls nu S67S '560 l •"t.1 \t.., .. ;,.~o 11u1 whls. MS M.i1 's 3 spd .. v•.r ••••••••••••••• • •••• • • • · 3> !IOfas. N•w. $98. Lov-Valentines! finan<'e ~17!12 derrountable bike. 20" eseats .. 8 SI epe NICE dinina room table '76 XR75 hi 175 lo V . -. e rs. " 613·4419 ftrSale.Glassntar8oat. GOODCONOITION • lnllld Ht w '81 W 1 ·1 • 4 11 1199 FACTORY j57$708 & 4 ch a i r 11 1 7 S -r-~a. NB ~7~-KtNG-INNiRSPR-ING BEDROOM set Two Sliver urn Coffemaker :!1~~-~.P Makeof-m ~28 Mms J &pd ISO. Boys 10 EXTRA FIRM mattress dr't!.uen. % nlgbt stand. Ill> Calder l.ltho "Com----77 Yahama RD 400. Cd IPd 165. Mans Schwinn let uMd orth headboerd • rnnw Hor po1it ion" w / re rt "T2 TOLLYCRA~T E11· cond. Nifty utus 10 spd sm All Xlnt · nevtt • w do11ble bed > 1100. 1uthentid ty $195. pmsCn.Htt ~. 305VI. Mustlie11S800963-.?S811 Cond83'7·37'4•~ 1.'m,IK. Cl48del. Never 162·41114afterSpm 548-%739__ 225 hp. Mint rood. Ute ----· ------ _ U9ed qttttn n . worth new. C.V'd storaee. to '77400Vamaha XS Many Oak Curio lllneu -Schwlnn 1399.rashonl)'.S218del -kll.H hn.slpa4.aalley,hnd Xtras. TOO Much to ., IC7S. Oriental Cruber.5spd. men'aZ6" Ueual!xbomr. 754-7350 tO' tola. ao'dlwht. SISO. II 'I; X 13 ~ $250 Uull instnll'DHlts Dual l::Gt~SllSO se.~tl ., _ _..,...., a.xlit trlr. Many extras 11m1ha 11'. off ro11d, so.ns. Frenct\. -_ _... - ---Grn thalra. '7S ea. , mo. 0 80 ..... Mllttrilkf025 MUSTSIU Llmp._$30.l4HS89 --rt4/~ oever rated MINT ' ~..-,:..__ ---·--....................... M•hoean)' double bed 011efll 1ofa.1lttper. OWMrSacrifk $800. Firm 960·078~. MOW 25'/FT with mattreu. Moon r.trtb tones print, Ith a fl p u, ~M'1 ~m>\. Eve Redwood zx.e decking. shlped mirror on ~1d· new~SOCallM-'687 -Htwport'::nt i~ ~ Ha'1ey Trike needs 4-.JY lonl: also ttdwood board. Sota. II~ new. '200. twin ~. wm' ,10 or restoring Sl&OI) ·s1 step fendn• Lowest price 1uar. Jt m or Ken (.i•••m•llil---"'-'-'--~ ... 9118$. ___ • __ ~Nf;;\~!+ Wlb Potiahed 8r1111 Tall Btft. Tall Rlnp . Elt PaidSllllD. Srll MS. -.> ~I !5C1'rS 400 ml Rtlmrt Intl StOOO ORO tOIO '1MSCll1flff'6\)m Ma.I.Wt/ llllt/ .... ,,,0 ................ zs·a-... ,...ntll II AlU,..., eonl. root 1lt, Ony WY Pickup! 1~ I o n t 3 0 1 ~ I rr1~e SSHI. GM re bate.SSOO. tale pnt't' I~ OMLY SS391 HOWARD ChtYroltt Don Qua1ISls NEWPORT8E.Al'H lll-OlSS 1979 CHEYaOUT LUV rtCll UP t.1 ikado lonftl>ed model 1Stk 37891 11xe18ll91 OMLYS1'1S IOI W1THAM VW '7900 Wetlmrntt~r Avr Wntft'ltnster 631-7"0 ltl-75S I 'SS Ford ·~T lAA·l Like ntW Hu utll otlhty w ttool boxo .. ion 11 Iida But ofr. ~ Ulm 'tJ at EV 11 ton. runa. ~ must aeU tbl11 wk •08011erb67S·IGOO • .,-<.il•vy Luv. Deith fClfttt at.. Unbtlleva bit! 1'7eO Ml Loci& lltd. A .. o. Ablol~ltl)' Llltt .!!!L~:!lt.~ . WEIUY USED.CARS& TRLIC.:KS ('OME IN OR CALL FOR FIH APPRAISAL C-0rmier-Delillo CHIVlOUT 18211 BEACH BLVl> tn'NTINGTON BEACH 147"'°'7 or 549.3131 IBUY CARS! C~H!!! 673-170& win t: IC'"' W or Goad lb!-.. Car 4tM1U , Car or T'rul'lt N ttdl'd ba,,..CASll .... atTJ• .. ·n Bh'ula, auto, am rm. A'r. 080 l TU 31U tVI • "IO RMW 2002, Ille• lltW I •II 1irt1 Mu t ts.zoo ort~ wmo · '81' BMW WC I. 5 apd, :111f11ri belilf'. 1nrf .. 5200 ..._....,.eel ml, 1howrourt1 l'ond, ....................... Wirf 1131 mt. ll31 - ..... _. '701.,.... t7J,,O .............................................. tt71 WAIOMIO 2000S'9Dll Silveri bl11{·k. eiw.-llm1t c:onchtlon l•er00684 1 CAl.l. TODAY ' ' • SADDLHACtc IMW lll·Z040 495.4949 ... 9707 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'Ill, l\asume le11se. Aud 1 ml S, lmmuc load~tl. no n.illf'y down M & last im alrNdy p;11d Days , 714 8SI lllH , Eves, 7_!!1642 5723 '71 AUDI 100LS. auto radio. eood tr»n5 li.'iC) 968·7304 1979Audi 50005, Xlnl bulh ~thamcalh .ind (·n' l'Tlllticall) Take o\ l'r lease. No cash 521 4713 IMW 9712 ••••••••••••••• J ••••••• • CREVIER BMW 1912 MOOB.S Hiii NOW! Cit.ell e1r 9ee4' Hltetl" ef DIMOt ••4' QUALITY r1t.OWNID AUTOMOllU5 • wt1 .............. ... ..... ·e411.eo.. ... TODAY! SALIS • SBYICE WSIMG SADDLEBACK IMW JUOJ MAl'iUUITI PIW'f. MISSIOM YIUO Avwy PkWy off l·S 831·21WO 49S...949 Oosed Sundays Tlw Most Exciting Part Of Your 1MW Pwchast Or leoH COtlkt .. McLaren BMW !! ~Orleost II Our Pltont Plan! 17141522-5333 OIAMGE COUNTY 'S OLDEST 9 GIANT DATSUN CLEARANCE SALE • + 0 1 -, Q(lijgi COllt CWLV PtLOT/Frlday, February 12, 1982 CONMEll CHEVROLET ,;i..11 ,·1 ... t• 4 ,..._ I \ \t t -._ S46· I 200 . "79 Pinto Runa bout Lo Lo Mi 4 Spd, Air. Ster~. Tai>e. f'ull Pwr. PP. ~tm!~I ~ 9960 ....................... 'T7 Arrow GT. 5 spd, air, AM/P'ftl,SNJ. m.cmtaa.2750 Brian ·74 ~r~ I ~yl, 1tk 0 , • A111/FM Stereo tape. New eaa. elvtd1. lft \trior, Ylfl. l.Op, tt~Q>ll avatl. JI mp1. 11ne ~ ,... ........................ '73QRANO PRIX Sa .. 0t trlde (-qr pickup ~~ tNa I• 1 ttnulnt Alt to tum OYtr our lnVff. torv. lM ""'1 fMI lilt Ind YOU Wiii Mi W tierv-lrw tftd IUlllW cert. SOnw are prlc:td btfOw wfwotMle bMJ book, eomt Clrt ~ loldld Witt! equipment. " OW Ala lftll\Mff _,Id rttrltf YOU buy ~ cier tw1# thin •nd n to thl 1uetlori ltttr. ~ CMt twYe • 11 month, 13,000 mllt warrtnt evltlebtt at 1 1m111 1xtra ctllt'M. Somt c bl bowflt tor onty ,.. • llatnN " doW~ PIYmtnt. 1982 * FAIRMONTS *MUSTANGS * GRANADAS FORD FACTORY REBATE TO YOU! * VANS, TRUCKS (UP TO F:350) WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD *CLUB WAGONS -·~~~ ! ~~~:fE~ llA I DISCOU IS I FORD MOTOR CREDIT COMPANY PRESENTS RED CARPET LEASING PLAN -ON FORD REBATE VEHICLES -NO MONEY DOWN *STOP *SHOP *AND SAVE! NEW 1981 MUSTANG 5800 UNDa FACTORY INVOICE under fect:r. involc. Incl. rebate Plus dell er added ~ns Ser. 120223, Stk. 1979 I FORD LTD (070XVTJ ~ ·-... , ... c1 cn41tJ NEW 1981 NEW 1981 N~ 1980 •RAMADA FAIRMONT ·MUSTANG s 1000 ~=OllY saoo~~y COHVEITllLE 5 1500~5-IHYOICE fMVOICE under f~ lnYolc. Incl. rebate under factofy Invoice tnel. rebate Plus dHtet' added optiom-,.. under actual dealer cost Plus dell lldded ~ns Ser. 206062, Stk.. 0784 Ser. 110377. Stk. Ser 129512 .. r1· I ·' -.--....... ---------11 ( )!\.\ '\l ,;: ( ,( )\l') 1 ·~; \H )l)I . ( .( )\li>IJ: 1·1 I i·.IJ\'ISI( )'\ \1.\( ;.\/.I'\!·: Eli Wallach stara in "The Wall," the 1tory of Jewial& .surviool in the Waraaw ghetto. See "On the Cover," P.age 2. Hill Street Blues Golden Globe winner ln1ide TV, Page 8 . Denise, and Debora· do GL collage ... It wasn 't the Academy Awards l I I I I . I ' ...... -I 'Televiewa . . . . . . . . .. Page 2 On the Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Paoe 2 Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pag~ 3 f Sport•. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Page 7 Inside TV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page IJ ~ 8 u. Letters . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . Page ! Word Game .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . ... . . . . Page 8 TV Puzzl~ .. . .. . . . .. . Page 8 ~ ,Daily Grids . . . . . . Page 10 § Prime-Time Details . . . . . Page JO n: ·Tube To~rs . . . . . . . . . .. . . :Page 11 · Cable Subicription .............. · ...... ,Page 1.8 r.>art.tme Drama ........................ Page 27 '.Movie Guide .......... : ................. .Page 28· Program inf ormo.tion S. provided bp the Mtworlcl and itotionl and ii IUbject to claangc ""'Mat notW. eKNXT (CBS) 8121 W. Sunset Blvd., Loa Angeles, Ca. . . 8 ICNBC (NBC) 30oo W. Alameda Ave., Burbank, Ca. . e KTLA (Ind.) 5800 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. • KABC (ABC) . 4151 Prospect Ave .. Los Angel~. ~a . Cf> KFllB <CBS> .. 7677 Engineer ltd .. San Diego, Ca. e KHJ-TV (Ind.) 5515 Melrose Ave.: Los Angeles, Ca. (10) KCSI' <ABC> 8:330 En1Jneer Rd., San Diego, Ca. e KTl'V (Ind.) 57ja W. Swiset Blvd., Los Aneeles, Ca. .. • KCOP-TV <Ind.) 915 N. La Brea Ave., Loa Ancelea, Ca. @KCET CPBS1 4401 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. Ca II KOCE (PBS) 15744 Golden West St., Hu.qtinJt,on Beacb (D) On-TV . 1139 Grand Central Ave., Glenda.le, Ca. (%) Z·TV 2939 Nebruta Ave., Sant.a Monica, Ca. CID HBO ~me-~e Bldl.:.aockelell .. Cenl.r. N.y~.Y. ' CC>· Cinemu> Time-LifeBldt., JtockefellerCeoter. N. Y .. N.Y. r.i~w.'i. 111J (WTBS) Atlanta,.Ga. Cl) <ESPN> Cl) ( Sbowt.ime) . black CS> Spotlight ·9 (Cable News Network> llilJPillt MAIN OFFICE ---· f ·Televtews ----------------------- So it wasn't Academy Awards By MICHAEL DOUGAN • Ot .. .,..., """ ..... Tidbits and trifles : ACCESS TO G&IND: These would be "the Academy Awards of public access," said'S&Uy Fox-Davidson, appropriately attired in a tuxedo jacket and bow tie for her role u a presenter. But no Oscar was ever glveo for keepin1 appointments on time or returning equipment in neat condJtlon. And no Hollywood producer ever 1ougbt the nomination tor "worst color balance" or apendinc the longest time in the edit.inc room. All dgbt, so these weren't aac:fl~ like the Academy Awards. In one sense, they were better: there were door prizes. Besides, the producer-director-writer-actor-editon who ltoclted into the Joint Powers Ttalninc Faciltty in Huntindon Beach laat Friday nicht seemed eveey bit as enthused about the ceremonies u their counterparts in that glittery town up north. • These were the citizen-moguls, the averace Joes and Jllla who, over the pa.st year, have seen their own ori~al television programs aired on Dicldn.aoo Pacific Cablesysterns' Channel 3, where anyone can be a star. Dickinson -serving Huntlneton Beach, Westminster, Stanton and Fountain Valley -is one of several hundred cable companies nationwide that make one channel available to local residents, who can do anything they like on the air, within limits. <Obscenity, advertising, libel and lotteries are all that is forbidden.> The catch is that quality doesn't matter. "We have people bring in shows where all the faces are , freen and the audio is ju.st terrible," explained F.ox-DaYidsoo, a Dic.killson access coordinator. .twe tell them, look, we'll put this on, but it's your • name tbat'1 s<>ing on it. And there's nothing that says we have to run a show more than once.'· Productions like these drew their own awards at last week'• cerf'mony . There were ' tonpe-ln-cheet kudos tor "the most determined but yet to complete a program•· participants, and the Snap-Crackle-and-Pop Award for "the absolutely worst .eudio." But a screenin1 of the m~r award winners indicated that these ent.btafutic amateu~ are capable of l1)0Ulltlng quality productions. Aud the topiH, true to lbe spirit of public access, reOected a broad ranee of community and individual • interests -two women filmed their dauthten 1n a ' Glrl Scout futdoo show, an avid snorkeler told viewers bow they could enjoy the sport, a fao of the HunUncton Beach pier tpok hit camera there to Interview fbbermen. a swlmm1ng inltructo't told how to drown-proof tnf anta, would-be talk TOGETMERNESS -Bruno c Lee Curreri) and Doris <Valeria Landsburg> are regulars on the popular new show. "Fame," which airs Thursdays at 8 p.m. on NBC <Ch. 4>. show hosts and comics presented their scbtlcb. Any resident of the cities served by Dickinson can produce their own pro_grama, explained Fox-Davidson. The cable company provides training or use of cameras. sound and editing equipment and loans it t.o the producers without char,e. Enough people have taken advantage of this service to create three full hours 'Of programming a night, running from S-8 p.m. And -the envelope, please -the winners were: Constance Henley, best filler; John Riley, J>est short ·subject; Birgit Davis and Martha Werth, best sight-on-sound; Greg Enriquez, best talk show; Richard Roddy, best community service oriented program: Hank Fried, best documentary ; Ted Boehler, best instrucUonal program; Kirk R. Gross, best farce and Harry Ratner, best comedy. Boehler also won the coveted Phi Beta Capa Award for best overall production. JOR·EL WOULD BE PROUD: If you watched lhe movie "Superman" on ABC last Sunday,!lnd Monday, you may have noticed the blurb "eaited St>e It tros11 ·1 Paq1· 17 'The Wall' i.s story of survival "The Wall," a three-hour drama re-ere.uni the courageous and tragic atrugele of the Jewiih people in the Warsaw ghetto and their final desperate efforts to defend themselves aeainst the Nazis, will be presented Tuesday al 8 p.m. on Channel 2. Baaed on John Hersey'1 novel published in 1950, the special was filmed in Sosnowiec, Poland and stars Eli Wallach, Rachel Roberts. Lisa Eichhorn and Tom Conti. The-Warsaw ghetto was created by the Germans in 19'0. In three years, 400,000 Jews died of starvation and disease "r through mass extermination. In April 1943, about 650 Jews fended otr more than 3,000 heavily armed Germans. • a fiDal stand against the Nam from which only a banctful Hved to tell the story. ' The movie also was based on Millard 'Lampel)'s play that starred George C. S«>tt and ran on Broadway for six months in 1960. The movie Is a Time-Life Production ln auociation with Cinetex International. The screenplay was written by Millard Lampell and the production was directed by Robert Markowitz. Tom Conti plays Dolek Berson. a youn1 man who at first ls uninvolved and uninterested in the activities surrounding him in the ghetto. Lisa Eichhorn is Rachel Apt, a woman whose. passionate feelings about ber heritage and acute understandinl of the events taking place inspires those around her. 330 West S.y St., Costa .Mesa, ca. Mah address: Box 1'60, CO$ta Mesa, C•., 92626 Te : 9"4.~r..i. "The Wall" is a atory of survival. It ce6ters around a smalJ 1roup of Jews cut off from the rest of the world and turntnc to each other ror strength. Ell Wallach is Rachel's father, Mauritli Apt, a successful ~weler who suffers U'8 de1r1datlon of ha vine his bu1Jlness usurped by the Nasis and finds eed .!225 gg • -4 3 Highlights for the Week 2 Friday special s MOfNNG e:oo ~ N>aC8ttOW FllNd ~ of Iha 187t ''Wlngt 0-Amer1"- ca" 10Ut ~ Paul Mc:Cen- ney and .. ........ partOirwioee ol .. ~ I'm ~:· "JltaM IHd "Y•tnflly" • Wllll • • .._ llght ellOW 10:00. IMRCt4 ll'OR A C8mJRY Thia documentary 111m la a chron<Moglclll account of .,~ clilc:owN ... a1 lhe 17tfl centwy ~ ptant•Uon of Mertln'• Hwl- dred end tta core -. mant al W~•dlOtme T-(l)OEMN A COINc; lo<* .. Iha CO!tl- pllcallone whlcfl .,.. dUr- lng • Hatvwd ltudent'• blnhday S*1Y at hie ,.,,._ ty'• ~" Phil~· home. 1:00. If NICORD 1WE The malling Of • rod< elbum la traced lrom Iha compoaltlon of 1he eonge to Iha r-oing SW-. mla.lng. tneatarlng end pt-'ng Ille dlllcL 5:IO (I) IMOWTWiiE LOOQ AT1tl1 The -"°'*· people and ........ °' 1981 .,. i.e1uract lrV'fhl9 year-4nd r9Ylew. E\119..o UO (I) n4I UN FMNCl900 MILAR~ Con-an .. IT'om tM San Frendeoo -.._ for lha c:nanoe to ba llnlillta In the " 1N 1 Nall'oNll Big Lall Oft .. 7:00 CC) M>aCatOW Aimed hlgNigfll9 of Iha 197& ·wing. o-~ oe" tour by Paul Moeer1- ney end Winge ~ pertonl•~ of ''Maybe I'm Arn--',"' "Jetll" eHd ''Y•tar~ ..... 1.-llgfll 10:00(1)QIMN A eomlc looll at 1he com- ~...,.. --dUr- Ing • Hwvard ltudent'• blt1hcl9y S*1Y .. 11111 taml- ly'• Souch PMadelphla llCMM. ,.~ N>aClttOW ""'* lllgNlgtlla of the tt7t ''Winge 0-Ameri- ca" tour by ,._. Mcean- Mlt and Winge ...... ~of "~ rm Alnlmld,• MJMe" aHd ··y~----· ..... .._ .-(l)CIBl9e A COl'Nc lo<* at the com- plcatlonl whlcfl .,... dUl'- lng • Halvard student'• birthday S*1Y .. flit ,.,.,. ly'• SOUth Pf'lfledeiphl• home. Saturday specials MOMMa l:aO. aONDE: EAT TO 1l98EAT o.o..n Harry and Iha member9 °' Blondie '*' form Iha IOflgt ltOm lhelt album "Eal To The BMt·' In 11169 vldlao .,,_tetlOn e:JO. 9l!ND4 FOR A c:amMY Tlllll documentary lllm ... <Nondoglcal llCCOUn1 Of ~~ 91 IN 17th cantuty Virginie P'antatlon of Martin •• ....,.. dlnld end "8 core Mtu. _, at Wolt1anflolma • T-. tO:OO ® oa:ovt: POUCE UNDaCOYB 6-ga K«Vledy loollt at New YOtll Clty't una.tcov- ar pob e"'"9 unlle. Al' I i'H«XIN l:OO. UTTU AMCAL8 VAl.llf1'1NE'8 DAY INCaAl. "Night 'N <Wee'' ( 1937): "Plndl ' Singer" (1938); "Sptucln' Up" (1935); ''Tlw• Man In A Tub" (1938): "T~e a-.." (1035). ~ 1:aoQINRW1CBna waa.y Gu.et: Dr. Michael = ~ DIRECTIONS FROM DAD -Fernando Lamas Cleft ) directs his son, Lorenzo Lamas in the episode of "Falcon Crest" to be broadcast Friday at 10 p.m. on 'CBS <Ch. 2). 8EARI' 'IALEHT1NE 8"CW. Animated. Brother a- IMrna that ha t-• e«:ret admlfar, Siiier Beer pla}'9 Cupid end Papa e.&r WOttt• on • big Vlllanllne '°' Mama Bew. • ARCA'I WWUINCL. 9UT WHO'a UIJS•IG? HoeU: C.ol ~-. Stan Moo!~ au.ts- Efrwn ZM1t1a1111 .k , 0... ~ ww.n Shelnar. HO. THE llLBfT CNlll Koata: Stan ~. Carol 1-anoa. Gu.ta: M•• Dougtaa, Didi Van Patlan, M..,_, McGo- wem. 11:00. &AAAH VAUGHAN IN OC>NC:aT Sarah Veugfllln'1 lncom- parabtl -1111ty ...... lured. I 1,. a a 1WIUGHT THMTa --* company pet• '°"" • tOap oe>«• ec>ool end 8 dr-In ...tlidl Iha home '<ltawar p69ya • rnlM- '!"11 ohataetar a:ao. AOQCIHOW Rltned hlghllghta of Ille 1911 "Wlngll 0-Ameri- ca" •-by P8UI Mo<An- ney And Wlngll ~ ~°'H~ r"' "'-*!," "Jet" and ·w~· ....... !Mar llgflt et'CIW Sunday specials FBINJAlff 14, 1182 MOANMa 1*> (l)COMnTO AMO 80N A ....... boyandhl9 lather daetl -carear ~ fadr1g Vie 90f'I. VALBmNl'a DAY INCIAl. "Nlgllt 'N Gal9a" (11137); "Plncfl Singer" ( 1934); "8prucln' Up" (1935); ''ThrM Man In A Tub" ( 111G8); ''T-='*'• a-.." (1935). ())LOOK 8AO< .. AHGElt Ari mngty YoUnO man (Mel- cOlm Mc:Oow ... ) ragn mgaln9t 90dety by luNng OU1 •I both his wff• encl Ilia mllltr- AFTSWOOH 12:30 C8) 8TANOIHO ROOM OHLY "Uze An Evening Wlttt Liza Mlnnalll'' The 11aga 9nd tcrMn iwp«tlar dlt-- pltly• her range ol tlllantt In • c:onoar1 ~­wtth mu9lc ranging lrom daulc ~ to 8r'*"°'•Y "'°'"'appars 2:00 • A LOVE Ct.AS&: WITH LEOIM..-.AOUA Ona of Dr Lao Butcagll•'a leniou. "l~" ~ et Iha Unlvertlty ol Southern Calllornla la ,_acted. 4:30 (!) LOOt< 8ACk .. ANQ(A An angry young man (MM- eotm MeOo••ll) ragae against todMy by luhlng OU1 ., bolh hit wife end hit mlat- 1~ 8 8 DOUG HB••tO'S WON.D OF MAGIC Doug Hanning .. joined by Biiiy Cryetal, Ann JllllM. Bruce Jarin. and Iha Lo9 ~~~ art at hla MaglCal Dl'9MI ~ ...... ha parforme 17 ... ,. of llluebl. 7:30. LOVE TAPa . A co11eet1on of wteo t_,. -bt.d< end ~ uncu end ,_dad .. ·~ of local6onll -~ candid oooh11I01• of peo- pla'• ..... ~klw. l:ao (!) OOOKll GOD TO THE HOef'fTAL Cootlla !Inda the hOlpltal • IClaty piece but gata by with Ille help of ,_ lrltnda. 4:00 Cl) WILCOME TO MIAMI, o-.-NOe Aorlda .. clouded wllfl ptejudloa -s problaine lat ~ wflO mwt -to gripe '*'th ,. ~ban ~ Monday specials ~11.ttll Al'I L UIOON ~ .. 12:'.CIO CID KNI c KNITOffEMC)H AMO ~ ANNE """"""y _. Two of pop.oount.ry'• hol-~ ·-· .. .,. P*1«m • med--iey ol their gr..wat hit•. i pi.. an E-'Y Btolhw• N ~of "L91tt8eMe." ~(I) COOKIE GOEi TO THa HOePfT AL Coo111a nn<N tM hoa4>11a1 • llCatY piece but gata by with Iha help of her lt1ands. 4~ (I) WEl.OOME TO MIAMI, Q.&&NOe Florida .. doudad wilh ~end ptoblan\s lor Mlk• wf'I) rnu9l coma IO gripe wllh ,. Cuban ...,,_ l.:IO er WE°"" .. NEW HA~ A bahlnd·~-lex* 19 teltan •• • llhOw pteper- lng for llt 8roadwll)' debut EVENNQ e:ao CID WHAT OH EARTH? ~ w ... tak• .,, ant«Ulnlng IO°* al man . endlllll..ortd 8:00 (I) NAT10HAL ANAL.a OF THE •1.a lNf' Off The beM -comedlllna -... ved • ttie region- • ...,,_.. of Iha Big I.aft ()If COMC*• llOM* -another. ...., •a JOHNNY GOE8 ~ Johnny canon retuma to 1119 hometown of Norfolk, NIMwMlla. to pwtldpata In • ct.. reunion end en.nd a footti.11 09fM on Ille 561h bolt1tlcMy 10::00. LOMTTA LYNN 8"QAL The "Flrat L*'Y of Cour>- tty" alnga "eo.I ....,_ .• Daugfltar," "One'a On The Way" end OU. hlta In • parlorrnenca taped ...... , H_,.llh'• In~. 12:41 CID ntE lMT AWAADS IHOW Da'1ld 8181nb9'g host• en .,.,_..,,. parody of ..... \lleed ~ .,__ l:40®KM KMICOIZAOHAMO NeilE~Y Two of pop-country'• hol- 1'*'91 ~ and "" 10:00 • UTTU "-.eeAL.8 taga. See HighlighU. P.age 3 VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN HERE EIGER SANCTION • PURSUIT OF D.8. COOPER • SCANNERS . • T .. HOWLING •THE FRONT • ONLY WHEN I LAUGH •TOMMY I 000• f M ~ F S I R t • WAIT UNTIL DARK I s 0 ovies or a e or en • I HAVE YOU AUCE 8. TOKI.AS See the Video Experts at . . .. ·... • I NEVER PROMISED YOU A ROSE GARDEN YIM c ........... 1 •. Mc:q I 1 lllY H"iliOi.ILYi:-.~= • No ciub to ioin, • .... ., ... , te.. .., COST.MESA• 646~921. 1ooo•sot.0¥1e1ev•11111.al~1 l J ~ From l!age J 2 ............. ...... i ... of ......... hlla, u. .... lft ~ .... >. duetof"L.Mlt ........ ~ ·;:: u. § Tuesday specials ii: UO ® GOOANO MOUND WITH DONA&.D DUCK Profeuor Luctwlg Von Dr .. _ .. ~ Ooneld M the 8Ubjec;t In enother of 1111 nutty 1n-.. tlgetlon• Into human ti.he.tor. N'ICUIOON t2:GO (I) 8HOWT911E'8 HCIUYWOOO -...,. ...... betlftS.. ~-loall .. the Ito-.... ANS .... ltlet meke Holywoodglaer. t;OO. LOMTTA LYNN INOIAL The ''Arlt ~ of Coun- try'" ..,. ''Colli ........ o...-.·· "One's On The Wff/' .,.-CMflS llltl In e perlom•ice ...,_. he et Hernfl'• In .-.0. 1• (ll)HAN1-...0ft nt1ava11CA:r• A young bor ..._ the --'-d AIM&erdem In lft llltempC 10 COIMnca a ,._..., 9oct« IO oome to the aid of 1119 allng , .... (Pert 1) ~ w®eoc,..~ """DCllWA llUCIK ) -ProhHIW ~ VOft .,,.. -.... ....... ~ .... .,.,..In ---of .... nutty ir--llg•tlon• Into human ~. 7:00 (II) TliE WA8: THE 1tlOI Dlcll Cevett explOrea the decade of llMI Greet ~. which also gew blr1tl to '9dio, le..wi Holywood mualcMI end the Jltt•bug. l:Q) 8 Cl) THE WALL The fllllll effort• of the J9wlah peop6I of the War- -Ghetto to defend tnemMlvu agein•t the Nazlt a.tt to e.xtermlnete them ere ctvonlded; Tom ConU, U.. Ek::hhorn end Ell Wllledl lltN. -~ The '10f1ea of three cou- -realdlng In Hewaill In 1941 .,. followed~ pf'I-°' to end dw1ng the attadl on ,,_. Herbor; At.,,;. Olcklneon. AoQlrt w.-. Dennie W•-end L.ellley Ann Wwren ater. (Pert 1) ®IWTONOW The ...... -ta. ldeu end.._._ .... .,. s-o- died In • --°' comic ~ 10:00• CMMEN MCRAE .. OOilCIHI AT THE PN.N:Jf Accompenled by Clertl Teny and 1119 Big Bed Bend. Carmen McAH ofler9 13 of her blgoeat llltl In • l'Mll'IOfebla "°"" ~(R) 1:00 (ll)SfNDG ROOM ONlY "NI EWNrlg At The Moulin AaUgil" George Hamilton .... ., -*lflg -*'Cl ._ .. ~~In ,.....~ ..... ~ u,. prou1c....,. d8ftO. ---~,.,..,,. tklrW_..., .... MO(I) ......... HCIU\'WOOD .. Herne '-1•. behind- the U B II IOclk • ltw ate>- .. and .. .,. that mall• Hollywood (llltt•. Wednesday specials ....uAAY 17, 1112 MONMO HO CC) AOa<8HOW Fiimed hlgfllight9 of the 1t7t ''Winge 0-Amerl- c:e" WU by Paul MclCert- ney end w. lndudea perlomMlnCea of ''Meybe 1'111 Amued,'' ...... and ''Y--def' ....... . '-¥•-- N'IEMNOON t;OO C8) THI OMAT PL!MUMHUNT 1llia ~1-Y 9pecMI Ir..... IO t"8 ,.,.,_. ,.....of ... ~ln ....ai °' t"8 uftlmet• ~ tNt money C8" iiu,. l:to®HANI-....°" THI ... VP IKATEa -A r«M111 bor ...._ the cenalll t~ Anwterdem In en eittempt to conw-• r--s doctor to -to t"8 eld of his alllng llllher.(Pert2) E'V'l!NNa UOCB)Sf_... ROC* OILY It's Not Too Late! You can still pretend you didn't forget by putting it in print -our special Love Lines ads ~art at $3.00 and end happily ever after. But you HUST call before S:30 today, and we'll even send the bill later. "Lia; "" r--. Witt! Liie ..._. .. TN_... ... _...,.,... .. '*" .. ,... of '*'* In • concert .,.,...,_ wlttl tni'* renglnO lrom dMl6e 1111.a to ~ ~pel .. 7:IO. A HOUIE DMDED- 08..,AK VUEY'I MW'IC'W . Yepllet Kollo. Berni• Cuey end Ned S..tty •tar In the atory of Oanlnartt V-.y. a trN bledl c:et· penter wtlo led an abor1"'9 rebellion IO lrN the lleYM In 1822. t:OO • PEAN. The tltoriM ol thtM cou- -reaidlrlg In Hewllll In 1941 -followed )1181 pri- or t• end dw1ng the '11adl on Pa.i tiertlof; ArtQ/!e Dldclnaon. Aober1 w.-. Dennie w-end~ AM WarTW\ ater. (Pert 21 • A HOUIE DMDB>- OBIMAAK VESE't"8 flEMl!OJ! Yapllet Kollo. Bernie Cuey end Ned Beetty ... In the •ory ol Oenmertl V.ey. e ,,._ bledl c:er- 1**" wm led an ~ r.oallon to Ir• the UYM In 1822. l:IO. A TimUT1! TO YIN 8CIULLY A tnf)ute to -of the moet r...,.c:led 8'td ..._ .._ eporta announcerw In t"8 oountty. V1n 8C!J9y. the wlice of the Loa ~ IM[)odg9n. ()) ..... Scott .. end Denny Alal- IO titer In e c:omlc lo'* at ... c:oml)llc:atlOna wHm ; Sn Highlights, P.age 9 SINGING FOR T~E SOUL -Aretha Franklin, the "queen of soul," sings Sunday on KHJ-TV (Ch. 9) at 9 a.m. on ·'Oral Roberts and the Miracles of Seed 'Faith," a half-hour religious show seen in over roo markets nationally. Joining her will be singer Richard Roberts, the OraJ Roberts University Singers and the Fudge Family of the Krofft Puppets, developed especially for the Roberts show . What has been a better investment than BUILDING? NOTHING! Let your investment make money for you ... build a new home, an apartment or remodel the one you have. Phone (714) 739-8532 I (213) 802-2588 21st CENTURY CONSTRUCTION CO 1~ Financlna We·panmtiie our work and com.pletlon Claw . • COMILll'I SO' ••OM» ONIATIOM ·~llCOltD••• Ate PLAYIACll * DOLIY CANDI MOISI lmUC1IOM @ (!) -@ ~ THE BEST IN VIDEO TAPE! THE BEST IN AUDIO TAPE! 0 I DK. 'I I I I I .. .. .. • .. • • • • .. .. • .. ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • REPEAT OF A SELL-OUT!!! 4 6 ........................................ ~~ .... ~1!11111--.... ~~~~~!!!f!!! i -C'i - AMC-JEEP . . .ORANGE COAST· AMC-JEEP-ltEHAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 ~AC" l~W /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040-495-4949 ROY CARVER IMW 1540 Jamboree Road · Newport Beach ,-640.6444 -.. " . . IOI Mel.ARENS 1MW At Beach Blvd. & Whittier ta Habra -522-5333 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC NABERS CADILl.AC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-9100 Alt EN CADILLAC-OLDS GMC-DeLOREAN 28332 Camino Capistrano Laguna Niguel -831-0800 CHEVROLET . . CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa ·Mesa -546-1200 CHRYSLER-P LYMOUTH ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833-1300 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-00 I 0 -540-821 I LI NCOLN-MER CURY JOHNSON & 5oM ---. LINCOLN-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 SANTAANA LINCOLN-MERCURY 1301 N . Tustin Avenue Santa-Ana-547-051 I MAZDA MIRACLE MADA 1425 Baker Street Q>sta Mesa -545-3334 ANAHEIM MAZDA 601 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim -t56· I 820 PEUGEOT . BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752:-09~0 PONTIAC . BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach-Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSOM. INC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. . Newport Beach-673-0900 . ·• MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd .. Garden Grove -636-2333 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA . ----- EARLE IKE TOYOTA . 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Hunt~r:-gton Beach •4?~~55 VOLKSWAGEN -JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 8~2-2Q_QO VOLVO . . . EARLE IKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 • -=-~~---:---=::-:--:-~~~~===!"'!!'!!lll"l!!l!m ... ._ ..................................................... ------.-----------~ .... Friday sports f'lllAUAAV '2. 1MI EVENN) 7:ao cm NM U8KET9AU l.oa AnQllm lMlera -.., Antoflk> 8pw9 a:oo e coe •aw llA89CETllAl.1. Altzone vw.. UCLA Saturday sports PllMWW ... 1112 MON9G tO!OO a~' FE eAllCETML.&. T-a PMo ., Wyom1no 12:00 a a c:o •PAE MIKl1Ul.J. ._. .. lndl9N 12:80. • .., H!ROU 2:00ln.~~Of'IN ~round-· of w. t~ '-tur· Ing -"'tr. top -in l)l'OftllfC>t ... golf (from tM w ...... Country Oub -Honc**I). 2:IO. IUCIAR MY LIONAN)'I OOlDIN GlOYl8 9~ 90WlSl8 TOUR I 115,000 AoWda °'*' (from tM Didi W.tler L.-ln~.Mo.). l:OO. (I) IPORT8 IPl!!CIAL: 8lJ8CH Ct.AIH Pole~..._.. of tn. 1881 NASCAR drcuH ~In .. ,.. (from D•yton• International SpH dwey, Day1ona 8-:h. fie.). l:IO • ()) IPOlllTI &A~Y 1&-<awtd wee Ugtin.lght Champlonahfp bout ~ champion Alaxja Af1IUllllo and 4-''Bub- ba'' e.-(fn:ln\ a...- mont, Tex.); Women'• World Sp.ed Skating Jr Champ1on1lllp1 (lrom lnnll. Waet Oemleny): e report on tM ~ ,,_ for tomcwrow'• o.y. lona 500. • cotlml aAlaT8ALl Oregon at Oregon Stale • MOl'UllONAl ~TOUR I 115,000 Roleldl °'*' (from tM Olcll Weber IAN9 In FloriaUnt. Mo.). dO. 80CCllll MADE .. GIMWCY Awtrte -8ulgarte .... Nt4'-MOCQY Loa N\gllal ICJnge va.. ""8&1urgll P9l9*W ... WlllEWON.DC.- "'°"'8 15-round WBA light l~1 •9'Qlll CMnlplon- ahlp bout~~ on MICNel Spink• end t.tuatate w-ia (from Atlank._Ctty, H.J.); Pool 9 Ch111nplon• frlcl\ Shot Wturdr( (from Atlanllo City); • looll .. Suger Ray Leonard'• nexl lltia defenM ega!Mt Bruce F1nc:tl • IOCCIR MADE .. GIMIAHY AIMUta -8ulgarte lc:IO 9 WD WON..O OF lllORTI 15-round WBA Light He9vyweight CNmplon- lfllp bout.,.._~ on Mlct\MI ~ encl Muatale Wutaja (from Atlllntlc City, H.J.): POOi Champion• Trick Shot Wtz.dry (from Atlentlo Qty); a '°'* .. &., Rey Leonard's next tlll• ~ agailMt ~ Rnc:h. ~ l:OO. IPORT8 A...cA "Kantudly F\llUr1ly Trott- '!'g Qaealc" ?:OO(H)WOMBl'S QYMMAST1C8 "International Team ~· cmOl'IWIAD e:oo e COi.i aw IAIUTUU. A1t1one .,._ USC U:OO • cot I fQIE MIKITllAl.L ArtzoN State YL UCLA Sunday 'Sports AllNJARY 14, 1892 9:00. (I) ~YTONA IOO C-,. of IN 23rd run-'*'CI of NASCAA'a mo.I ~-"(he from Daytona lnternallonal SQMElHING SPECIAL -"Peggy F1eming -A Special Performance," airing on "ABC's Wide World o( Sports" <Ch. 7lt Sunday, is an ice skating spectacular displaying the former Olympic champion's enormous talents in an exhibition or skating artistry performed in a wide range or m('.)()(b and settings. Speedway, Daytona 9-111. Fla.). 10:00. 8 cot I EQE ~ Oeor,;a at Nontt C.olna N'ICSIOOft 1a:ooaa~ WOftd Pro Agw9 Sllatlng ~llNp (from !An- do.-, Md.k -.. °' the Diamond Jublae .. tton "'the ...,_ 0..- Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities "Serving All Faiths" (from Mlldlson Square Garden In Nftl Yorll City); "Y-.. "90 Todey" - Sugar Ray Aob1r180n KO'a Me LaMottll In "'* etxtll ~ tz:.M. (I) NM MIGTMLl eo.con Cettlce at Loe Mgllll LAMt11 t:OOll "°"iWAT t:IO HAWAIIAN Of'l!N ~ ... of the llnal round of thll p1 ch 11 I c i.i iournamenc (he from Ula WalelM Country Club, ,...., HonoUu ............ •• TttE I ..-TAM c-,. of Ula -of four men's qu•llfytng r11und1; compelltore lnolUde lootbell ~ ally Sllnl, Kellen Wl!Wow, Cris Cottlnaworlll and Rlcllltd Todd ("om Ke, .....,,_, Fla.). 2::IO e GI U.S.A. vt. TttE WON..D .. Ol.YWte IPORT8 1'N-u.a. NatJonel '8MI faceeWelt~ln wreltllnQ (from Atlantic ~.H.J.). a=-• 9 WlllE W0N..D OF ~ U.8 . <#and Pri.11 Motocroae Motorcyda Ctlamplol..nlp (from c.rtebad, Call!.); ''11.iggy AarNng -A Sc»- clal ~·· (floom Harrafl'a In LAii• TMoe). 88'1CaARAAY LEONAIV8 GOt.DEN GLOVU New York va. ~.,-. l:IO • ..._ HOQ(EY Loa AftOaleS ICJnge ~ PNl- adalpflla ~ I~. GMATEST IPOlllTI LlQEIOI Monday sports PBN.IARY 11. tta ~ N» (8) WOMEN'I Q~ "lnterna•lonal T11m Ctiemcilol ..... N'IL IOOft uo CID woe mna Harbor Lawn· Mount Olive Meniorial Parit ·Mortuary· Mausoleums • 7 OYWilMT1Ca "lnternallonal Team "Tl Charnplol..,. .• ::3. $ . f IMNNI j 1:00(8).... ~ "Wottd Welt.,welghl 2 Cll1mplonslllp" Bruce ~ flW:l'I 'IS. Sugar Ally L-.. _. •d In ....... 1kound bout !'J from c.ntennlal CollMum In Rana, Neweda. aooe cotLw llAlfCETMU. "Pao 10" Arizona "''· 8outhem Cellfornle Tuesday sports "!N IUARY 11. 1IG .,,.... 1:oocmntEWAYrTWAI "118' SJanley Cup" Toronto ..... LMfs ,,.. o.tfolt Rad Wlrlll 1:111 cm NM aAlaT8ALl Loa ~ Lekera ,,.. Seattle ~lies Thursday sports HO (8) WOMl!N'a CIYti9CAIT1C8 "International Teem Charnplol ..... 4:JO (8) WOMEN'I CIYti9CAIT1C8 "International Team Olal•"*" ..... -Shipme!'t -Cremation. Plans Available {Ql ... r Ave. at Harbor Blvd.)' ii J 8 • ~lnsldeTV -- 'Hill Stre et' sc ores again WINS A GLOBE -Daniel J . Travanti, shown here with Veronica Hamel, co-stars of NBC's "Hill Street Blues," was selected as best actor in a telev1sion series for a Golden Globe Award. Letters lb I EFi" PAUER ... ~ ......... NBC's "Hill Street Blues" was named Best Television Series Drama, and one of lts atara - Daniel J . Travanti, was select.ed best actor -at the Golde n Globe Awards ceremonies beld recently in L.A. The series wallted off with a record eight Emmy Awards last year, including Outstanding Drama Series and Outsla.lldine Lead Actor in a Drama Series. The series made its debut last Jan11ary. Several high school art and drama teachers bad this to aay about a special premiere 1bowln& of the new television show, ''Fame.'' "The show does much to promote the arta, their difficulties. ,destroy their myths and develop greater uaderstandint or the performint arta and tbe dedication of those in them," said Bob Jobnene of Sena High Scbool ln Gardena. "It hit on &ood, important issues. Well-paced," s aid Wendy Urfrig of UCLA and Un.iversity HJgb School. "Excellent tempo and a very tood theme," said Al Eisenwinter of Gladstone High School in Azusa ... Merlin Olsen, star of "Father Murphy" and former L.A. Rams tackle, bas been named to the NFL Pro Football Hall of Fame. At 40, be is one of Jac k w on Oscar, Tony, 2 Emmies J ACK OF ALL TRADES -As a lifelong fan, I was certainly saddened by the death last year of actor Jack Albertson. Please tell me bow old be was at his death, whether he was survived by wife and children. and bow many Oscars he won. I know of the best actor Oscar for .. The Subject Was Roses." Albertson died of cancer at the age of 74. He ls survived by Wallace, his third wife. to whom he was married for nearly 30 years. He also bas one daughter, Maura Dhu, an entertainer. Albertson's many talents made him a true Jack-of-all-trades in Hollywood, but he only won one Oscar. He also picked up a Tony for the Broadway version of "The Subject Was Roses:· and earned l~o Emmy Awards -one as a guest on "The Cher Show." the other for "Chico and the Man." TV puzzle COMEDY CAPERS -Can you tell me where "SCTV" is filmed? I say Canada, but friends tell me it's Hollywood. The Second City Television Network originates from Toronto. The cast or NBC's late-night comedy hit belongs to the Canadian chapter of Chicago's Second City comedy group. GOOD NEIGHBOR BLANCHE -Who played the next-door neighbor Blanche on the old "Bums and Allen Show"? I can see her face. but can't come up with her na me. Gracie 's pal, Blanche Morton, was played by Be a Benaderet, who died in 1969 while working on "Petticoat Junct1on. ·• . Send your letters to Pepper O'Brien, United Feature Syndicate, 200 Park AvnalU!, Room 602, New York.NY 10166 ACROSS 1,6 Coatar on Lewis and 33 Barbara - Clark 35 Pla)S Mrs. Csnby on ,, Dancer lreoe -Archie's Place 12 Role 't Carroll 38 Vehlcte for Alex O'Con ~ 39 Margaret, 10 friends 14 Mr. New y's IMlgne 42 -Moines 15 Mr. Mineo " Ripen 18 -Patrol 45 -Scott on Trapper 17 Mr. Dreyfuss' sign-oft John 18 Ripples, et al. 47 Ruby or Sandra 20 Where Sana la 48 Miss Miies' sign-oft 22 DOE 49 -Ho 23 -Grant 50 Stage door group, at 24 Fabray, to pals times 25 Bo Derek flick 52 Our continent (ab.) 28 -Caner 53 -Sylvester on 29 The enemy on Get Walking Tait Sman 55 Playa BJ 31 That la (ab.) 57 Played Spock 32 -Old Chicago 58 Playt Aaten on Quincy DOWN 1 Chad Everett role 39 Mof1('a cottar ! rwo-ot -.., - the youngest players ever honored with Hall o! Fame induction . . . Broadway veteran An.Ila Gillette lB now part of the permanent cast of the daytime drama, "Another World." She will play Harry Shea's wile, Loretta. Ms. Gillette made her first appearance on ·the show Jan. 15 ... For those of you wbo missed the NBC News ·'Today Pro gram '• in which Phil Donahue interviewed Janet Cooke, the former Washington Post writer whose Pulitzer Prize-winning story was found to be fiction , this is what she said: "I spent two months looking for Jimmy and If , I did not produce a story. then bow was I to justify my lime? In my case the temptation Cto fabricate a story) didn't derive from ambition. I simply wanted to write a story that I had been workiJlC on so that I would not have to go back and say I cannot do it. I did not want to fail'. That was my own personal feeling ... there is an undercurrent or this kind of competlti veness and of the need to be first, be rlashiest, be sensational. I did something very wr.eng. I made a seriollS mistake but I certainly think that I have paid for it .. .I would like to be left in peace now." ... A new limited comedy series produced by See Hill Street, P.age 21 Wordaame FILL I~ Tl4e Ml>S.NG t.Bn~R> lfV 1l4e ot. IV ~11 BELOW. I I Nlc:iNITIRlA trl 1 I HI 181 IPI 1'1 IEBI IEI I 181 11 L41MI I 1611 111 I 3 -a Living 41 -Pyle, USMC 4 Modeller's need 43 Mr Connery 5 Hayes OC' Reddy .. 45 Man from UNCLE role 6 Singing Carpenter 46 TV science program 7 Algeri.n seapo<t 49 Mr. Deluise 8 Fall mo. 51 The -Sleep 9 Mr Heaton'• algn-off 54 Neighbor of MA 10 Played Lola. on Chico 56 u S soldier and the Man 11 A Reiner SOLUTION 13 Stars on Harper Valley ........,.......,.......,...., 19,30 -Langdon 21 Lucille Ball, to Lucie 22 Costars on Quincy 27 -Abner 28 Majors 0< Marvin 29 MIH Novak 30 -See 19 Down 33 Co1tara on O.llu 34 Mr. Vlgoda 36 -Byrnes 37 Mr. Wynn 31 Sing« JOhnny - 1 l utehtt~s forthe eek ---- IMMORTALITY ILLUSION Popular 11lus1onist Doug llennmg 'right 1 shows Bruce Jenner and Ann Jillian his "immortaht~ machine" as he lakes them on a tour of his magical dream house on "Doug Henning's World of Magic" Sunday at 7 p.m. on NBC 1Ch. 4>. 11:00 (CJ AOa<8HOW Filmed hlgNlghtl of the 19711 "Winge 0-Ameri- ca" tour by Peul McCart- ney and Wlngl lncludee perlor~ of "Meybe I'm Amazed," "Jel" and "Y•terdey" .. well .. • '-light show 12:05 CJ) WHAT"8 UP AMENCA1 FMl\wed: IUrllng'1 hletory and CUN'erfl trends: roclr rnedlelne et • Rolling st-concert: 111e '"' proNMlonel --tier; how to'mek• money. t:10 Cl) CON..ETTO ANO 80N A '->-age boy and '* tether dMtl -cer.... dlOloea lw:ing the llOll Thursday specials AFTBINOON 1:80 CID DrCOYI: POUCE UNDl1' OO'IE1' Gecwga Kennedy IOolcl at New Yori! Clty'1 undercov· er polloe crime unltL l!llO Cl) COflUTTO AND IOH A ~ boy and hll lather dWI <Y<I« cw- ctlOloea feeing !he llOll EVl!N9tO 1:00 Cl) THR MAN wttO LOVIDmAM Henly Fonde narrat• ttle ~lur. of • Mmala 1:00~..=..L.OOQ ATM1 The -lltorlea, people and ~ of IHI are leetured In t1161 yew-...t reYlew. 1:30 CID CONll..,. MPORTa~ .. ,.,. 8mert BllV Stlow" Tipa on que111y, Mf"'Y and 118\Mg money...,~ aoep, food ptooeMMI, wood .. _ and well!· lltOUnd • ..,. pleyen .... preeentld. ~eH~t.lllfaf/I 9 ORANGE COUNTY MASTER CHORALE ~ in its ia 26th CONCERT SEASON Dr. Maurice Allard , Music Director presents Felix Mendelssohn with nationally renowned "ELIJAH" soloist David Ford Lynn Reid Gail Dubinbaum Soprano Contralto Richard Dastrup tenor WITH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Saturday, February 27, 8 pm Santa Ana High School Auditorium 520 W. Walnut Street, Santa Ana TICKET PRICES ADULT $7.50 SENIOR CITIZEN and STUDENT $4.50 For ·ticket Information, call the Chorale Business Office at (7 14) 535-0153 or write to P.O. Box 3157, Anaheim, CA 92803 A Public Set\llCe Spomotship d ,,,_~·Coast Dally Pilot -I\) -~ I\) W ' 4 4 '· I I + d 6 d d ,-IO I i ... N I u. f ·;: u. ~ ~ :§ 0: s: KNXT IJ 900 OneOty At A T1me 30 Na 1 0 00 Tiie Pnc:e Is~ 30 " 00 T attlltales 1130 Y~And The ._tless 00 " 1230 AsThe Wor1d 00 Tums l so Sean:n For Tomorrow 300 Rocltlord Flies 30 400 ~ 30 News 700 pss~ 30 QOn iThe Town 800 The Dukes Of Hazzard ao 00 Vlollnct •• 1230 ~ KNBC D Today " .. KNBC D ......... Days Of Our LNes Anothef World Tex11 NBCNews Mca.n's LIW Cassie &Co SCTV ""'1ort 90 KTLA • 700 Club Hot Fudge Ric:Nfd Simmons Ltl\'tlt ToWOmen Llttle HOYie OnThe Prlir1e Basketball Arizona Va. UCLA Saturday Night .. KABC D A.M. Loe ~ All My CNldren One life To l..MI &lgeOI Night ~·· Cour1 • ABCNews People'• Cour1 Sll'llt Force KFMB Q OneOty AIA Tlmt Allct KFMB Q .. ... News !UTiie Wor1d Tums SMrdlFor Tornotrow M.ASH TheDl*es Of Hazzard KHJ u Jim Baldi• Jeck La Lanne Mldll'IOfning L.A.. Tr...n HI.Ill Ml1cll Game KHJ u lM ..... M<Me· ··~ Alone"' .. KCST G'!) Toclar, Pluword Plus The Doctors KCST ml ..... Days Of Our lNeS Another World Texas Little House OnThe Prllfil NBCNtws NBC Magazine McClain'• Ltw CISllt &Co T~ SCTV Ntlwoftt 90 KTlV m c.tooii Town The Flintstones The Jeltnona Welcome Bad. Ko4ter MASH MASH PM MagaziM All In The Fttrly KCOP Cl) Teue Stwa"' tNNNew9 KCOP Cl) lM ..... Movie "I Conleu" Jok•'• Wild Tic TIC IHNNewt Sanford &Son LoW,AIMf S1)11 KCET m &--. ~ Yoga For Htllth Selltne Street KCET m u..,..... In Record Time MttlnM At The Bijou "TheV~ Bit" You And Thel..n YrNMd Thell'# Cf9IMy lntlOt Story ~rd{~ we have KOCE ~ Bein Sprouta EducatlQnal Progr ll'llmlng KOCE ~ 11 II 1'11 --- Creative Jewelers, Inc. hearts of gold "~ ~re.·· £ $;;~ J"~ .. ~.~arm the heart or your valentine 2810 E••t Pectflc CoHt Htghwey K· • 111 with these preclo~ heart pendants corone ctel Mer Callfornl• 92825 crafted of solid 1.ic yellow eold ... ' __ ACROSS FROM SHERMAN GARDE.vs ~" They are beautiful and affordable ... °'_,.._ Wt ecttp1 Am.lie.,,~-VIM and rot.Am;trd ~-• , •• (1,14 )-780-6766 -------- Friday• Details ----- • -:::JAW( 12. 1111 EWNN> 1..00. HN'P't DAYa MJNH Joenle'I da"9 orwNe Mr wtth ..... _.,.,.. ~ lellol\ lot ,_ ... --.. Amold'a. D YOU AMID !"Oft rr FHtured: "Slngepo<t'I Humen Pin c...t1'on'' end •• J.wneice'• Wiid Cf'ocodll Rodeo " • M•A•a•H Col. Potter II !<Md "'-' -mllltery money .. ~ '-'ad In hOptt of conru. '!'JIN coun..,,.._. -~uaf au.ta: IMQllno duO ~ diet & Youno-(A) Q e OO<CAVITT °'*'l: .._Coco. 9Bn1RT~IT TOMllHT w .. ~ Mdtllewllt ~--~ 8 THI toUlN1"9 <Neel; Jim NaborL (C) 1'00CIHOW ,,.,,_, hilgNGlltl ol .,. 1117f ''Wltlgl 0-Alner'- ca"' tOUf by Peul Mcieert· fW1'J end Win09 lncMlll '*'°'"·-till ··~ I'm Alnaied," ".i.ta" eHd "Y..itrde(' ...... Ma ..... ._ Ql)HANa_.OR TitE ILWR 81CAT81 A yolA'IO boy ..... Ille c..w. towvd Amatwdem In .,, •"*"Pt to conWloe • '*-*' dodot to oome to Iha eld ol hie ~ l.itlw.(f>W12) CD>lllCME "'Rlwr Of Thunder'' f:IO 8 t ON TitE TOWN Featut9d: • proftle Of poMoewomen Lynn 0-. lngil; • --end ... °' how Loa All~I•• 11 btcofnMO .,, ~ eodaty; • lo<* Ill the --"'~·----· c8llad ullrmlghlL • LAW!ME A IHK.rt & OOtlll'IMf JI.ti ~ per1y In '""'* and Ednll'• IMky ,,...., endl uo aUrpttalng ~ • w•4•1•H Whla IM1llng down to .._ ten to the Army-Ne¥)' geme. u. 40'71ltl 1a bom- Mrded and left with 1111 unHploded bomb to ~ • WAU.snmTWmt "°"'8rwa Stodla: O!t Tha ~?" ~ W°"DMQ H. Oerlliatl, *9 prelldant °' M«gan ~ and Co .. Ina. Cl) ...... lliWMDm Vlllt ....... rMn --.. "M'· Smlle." 9 YOU MICID~ If i:..tured: "SlnOsiport'I ..._.,, Pin OulNcwl'' end ··.--.·· Wiid Ctocodle Rodeo.'' '*CZ> lllCME * * * "Pelc>¥" C 1MO) Aoblrl w...... lhelley °""91. See Fnday's, P.age 11 .i New destgner sock doll pattern-includes. easy to read directions for 16" doll Dress. pantaloons & shoes Send S3 50 for pattern f Plus 35c postage & handling J to "Little Linda" 9141 Kapoa Drive Hunt. Bch. 92646 •Open 7 Davs s pm 'tll M idnight 3840 E. Coast Hwy • Corons del Mar .,.. 2'. m m m 2J 0 0 :c c 2J m m < 3: )> (714) 673-3933 ParlllnQ ....... "- • L .~ ~ -A . ~ 3:: CJ) ~ 0 J Q ::::J .... en ~ () 0 ::::J en c 3 <D ~ en I 0 0 ~ c :I: ~ m M ti Tube Toppers KNBC 8 8 .00 .. NBC Magazine " Author Mickey Spillane ts profiled. KTTV tD 8 ·30 .. All in the Family " Archie has been warned to lose weight. KNXT fJ 9:00 .. Dallas.·· J .R. pushes his campaign to win back Sue Ellen. KABC fJ 10:00 "Strike Force." A ranatical c ult leader and his followers commit thefts and murders Fridays Details From Page JO ·a.-oo 1J ()) THE OUKU ~ HAZlAAD The Duk• ~j~'t , dltlty. In ~ -~· recorded a114 of BoH Hogg't dirty~ 8 C11J H9C MMAZIHE Sdleduled· • pr'C>Me of noeed authot Mickey Soil-- lane; a IOolt at problama -""~"-~ mllll guerde. ~ ,_ ~ c:herged wlUI beet· Inga. lhOollnga and mall- lrlp I .... arreatt 119 mNIOH Gowm« 't91llno ,.,.. In io... with the niece of ...... IOng former~ f;, G MOYIE * * * "The lnvulon Ot C..OI Endert" (1974) Mer· edlth But•. en,... eon. nelly ID P.M. MA0AZJNE A prollle of KllS RaOICl'I Aidt O...; a man~ won a mllllon dollart In a Lalla Tahoe alOI mechlna . • MOYIE •• ~ "Sprlngn.kl Rllla" 11952) Gary Cooper. ~f ······'" ~" 980) Wiiie Ne6aon, ~an **'A ' Voyage, Char· lie 8'own (1979) Animal· ad Directed by 8111 M...,.._ dN G MOYIE * * "Bronco Biiiy" l 1llt0) Cini Ea9tw0oel, Sondt• Loc:k• l:IO. 9 OPEN AU HIOtfT The builder of the "- ••••• -khc:hen deddea the! Gretchen le hit type of _.,, m AU ... THE FAMILY Ardlle hM ~ pned by hit doctor 10 loM '\lelghl. fl!) CREA TMTY WfTH ..U.MOY9'9 "Thal'• Ho Tomato" 8111 Moyert loollt a1 tome er• allYe tachnologiM that are brlng'"9 new lllape' and navor to the tom•'°· O HO f) ()) OAUA8 J A ~IMa Illa CA"'IJ~ to win Sue Ellan bacil and al 1he -time plot• 99atn1t Ray 11nd Cllrl eam. 8 (II MCCUIN., LAW I" Two con~:,:! ,,_ ~ hOld ~and Croa hoe- tage In the police ltltton, wtllte McClain and GatM '.!I to Q911hem out ~ U 9 8E.8T ~THE WOT EMt1 and Oenlel are bur· .. led by Iona of Ml1h In a ~. and all 01 the towntlolll. dig In to dig them out . • WAU. ITRDT WEEK "o.r.n. Stoc::U: On The F-?" au.1: Wolfgeng H. o.nleh, Viet preeldent of Mol'9lf1 Stanlloy and I Co .. Inc. Jim C0099r Interview• State Senator Paul Car· pent• and Stat. "-" btymen John ...-.. and Chet Wray. (C)MOYE * * * ''The Chllng9lng'' 11980) 0-ge c Scott. TrWI llmn 0.-e. a:aG. 0 MNCJNB A lMNO Doi ""8ly landa • statT1ng role In • P'llY end tumt out to be a lwr1ble llCtr-. S ~STORY "Crime VlCtlml: Once It More Than Enougll" HOdding Cart• uamlnM 1he moral, ethleal and )our· Ndlltlc ~ lnYof¥ed lncttmer~. (DJ MOYE "s.cond Hand Heart•" Cl) Wlll:XY WORLD Of JONATMAH WINT£A8 0.-1: Kan Berty. H&(%)MOVIE * * "Second Hand Heerta" 1ctOO 8 ()) FALCON CAE8T t.ance atande up to Mgle .,_., tfl9 trtea to deetroy hie ·-wilt> • young -· ea CA88IE •co. A .....tttiy lnduatrlallat llalnandapr-. ~ Iha prime - peel. II 9 8TMC£ FOACE A lanaUc:el cult IMder and Illa ~ lollowen commit • ..n.. of thefts and mutdert. • CREATMTY wrTH BIUMOYEAS ..That'• No Tomato" 8111 Moyeli IOOb at -er• etMI 1.aiol06oglea thet - bringing -11\ac>e and fta..ot to the tomato. Q (B)UPTONOW The lateet _... ldeu and ..-nalc•• are paro- dl9d In a ..,._ of comoc li&etcn.. (l)OEMN A oomlc IOolt al the corn- plleftlont wtllch arlM dur • Ing a Harvwd S1uden1't birthday party It his laml• ty'a Sooth Phlladalphla ho(ne. GMOYl! * *'~ "Sphln•" (1911) Frank l•noe"•. letlly· AnneDown 10:30. tN8mE STORY "Crime \llctlml: Once la More Than Enough" Hoddlng Cart• e>111nlif- the l\'IOflllf, .thleel and jour- ..... ,lc ~ lnYolved In~ reponlng. t 1-00 G SAT\K>AY NtOHT Hoat Steve Martin GoMta Paul and Linda UcCar1r.ey .~ • l(OJ.AI( A man unknowingly cata-a highly eommunl· cable ~ from hit dying brott.' -he prom- ... 10 11• the man wtM> lrlll*f Na brother for muf4eir .THI.......,.. Oecwp'• gift to ~ d~t· Uonel and l~iiiiiii~--~=-~9i~:mliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiii~I, .VO'TWfa ...... vv ou"~' 10.t~•· ~· ·~/llf080N WI security you can count on, energy savings vou can count I COlllfllOll(O I I fll0¥ IH( I I • C 111$10( J,} J IO• •••OO"" ••O OOO•I s RJI~I~1 • I STRAP l HANOCRANK ELECTRIC -llOUADIN IS custom ftn.d to the ~ 0 vour hOIM provtdlno t1Wf1tv. ~ savtnos. WRthW Pf'Ot«tton. and nolte redUCtlOf1. benefltS Of IOllAOEN .,.. Wind and dust control. =:.c: llOht c;onti'ol, ~ and Stlt9 t. 5;=~~~~35-577. • ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SEA l..Vl? & SECURITY CO., INC. 2601 E. ICATtUA AV. ANAHEIM, CA 92 HEARltli PROBLEM? We can probably help Campbell Hearing Aids in Montgomery Ward Bldg H.tlltgtot1 C .... r ......... l).c .. .. tr :] £ ~ f $ ,, .... Ci ~ .,, CD a 2 Ill -< .... !'l -i N - • -----~--~~----•ZOL_...._ .... _._. .... ._. •• ..-..-:=.:-;;;;;-~;;;;;,;:=::::~~====~~~'!"!!1~!19!11'111 ... 9111!~~1!1!11~~!1!1!111 ................................................ .. ' AM KNXT K~'° KTlA KABC KFMB KHJ KCST .... . D u D 0 G a!> ""~ "" ........ "" ..... .... ..... IMO..,. .... ........ .. 0..,. -7: Ousty'a The Big Bkle Sus*· Inter-Devey& The T~se Flc>tstonel Mwble lrinls natlOnal Golla th flk!tstones Mallo Smurls Or Thl#ldwr. Hour Davey& Smum .. Snuggles Colc1le . Goliath .. s: p~ " The Gold Popeye Movie. .. Rr9lmlrl .. .. "Abbott& Tarun Kid Rat u.nt& Tarun ~ Kid Lone 814* P91rol Stlll1ly Lone lnMwcen Sul* 9: ~ Power L""9 tt Rlchlt ~ Ha~" Power Hour To Beaver IUdl Hour Bogs Spider-Man Ome& ScooOy Bugs MoVl8 $j)ider ·Man &Mvly Harriet Ooo &My "Conquest 10: Rold ~lure SM Na Na f Ofll. Hippy Rold OfSpace Blskelball ~ USA " OlytGq fUlnef TeJn. .. ~· America's Heath· EJPuo .. Top Teo cliff .. .. Vs. 11: .. .. T1r11n Wttbnd .. Wood's Wyomtng .. .. Speoll WOl'kshop BllclCS1• " .. Ameran Blaclllllf Wiid " .. .. 8lndsllnd .. Wild KNXT KNBC KTLA KABC KFMB KHJ KCST PM tJ D u fJ 0 a a!> "",....... Loi ..... ............ Loi ..... IMDllto "" ........ IM°"'9o 12: T~ 8asll.el ball lost In Trolllons Wett Baskelball ~ Spece .. lndlana Tom And Vs .. Wtelend Tom And Movie• Vs Jerry IOWa .. Her tot Je<ry "The Iowa 1: KW!dlr .. The Movie l(wdly Bandits" .. Koala Muoslef'S 'Gwt Koala 30 M111Utes .. F-Troop Hewy 30 MlllUles .. 2: Kldswor1d Golf G1Mtgln's Stat M<Me ~ HawaNn bland .. Trek "Oonoven's Hll*anan 2Wrlll Open GIMl!I"' 's pugar Ray .. Reef' ()pen You IJland :eon.ra·s .. . 3: Sc>ort1 Linll ~ Spoi1s .. Speaal " Ratclls !l6o¥IS Spec.al Sports Blskelblll Vllenll'le's Prolel-$pol1$ MoVl8 s.tur~ Oregon Dey SIOl\ll Saturday Col1ee. 4: .. Vs Special Bowlers Kojlk Tea Or .. Oregon .. TOUI .. .. Mt" .. State .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5: Amencan " S111 Wide MASH Hoc*f1'/ lA'IWft"Ce Actfenrure Trell WOfld Of Los Angeles Well. Las& OI News ~ Welcornl KAnQ$ ThtWlkt .. Baclt,t<otl• V1. 6: C8SHews NBCNews MO'Vie .. C8SHews Pittsburgh NBCNews .. 'Th9 " .. Ptnouins Hews Ent•-Land Thal Newt News .. News .. lalnment Time .. 7: In Search ThlsWeell Foroot' Whn In Seereh .. The Of Wert You? OI Muppets Dance Looi< .. Omni °'"'" ~ter feyer At Us .. .. .. WIM!Kly -s: Wiit Berenstaffl McMe Kilg'• Walt MOYie Berenstain Ol9tl8y a.s "The Croaing Cuney '"Rattlers Bears OneOI Oregcwi .. OneOI The8oy5 llWlt" .. .. .. Tht EIQ\'S 9: C8S~ Blrbar• .. LoYt CBS MOYie .. 81fbal'a "Tht M#ldfell& .. Bolt "The " Mandrell & Pnnt Mtndrell Art .. Plfenl .. \ Mandrell Trap" Sisters Ad'fentute .. Trap" .. Sisters ( 10: .. ~ """' F~ Mowle-8lly .. Crystal .. ......., . "Tht Crystal .. Comedy .. .. .. ~ Comedy .. H(U .. .. Come4tl" Hout 11: News News Btlkelbllt News News .. Hews .. Arizona .. .. .. .. Blmabr Twllgld Va. A8CNews Movie " Twlllgtlt Jonte Theater UCLA Mo¥ll' "Flying .. Thetttt 12: .. .. .. "'FM T~" .. .. " .. Elly ua. .. .. Pi..'' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ -~----- EUROPEAN SHOPPING, DINING KTTV KCOP QI II) ............ Loi ..... turnabout Publtc .. Alfua Elementary .. Mlw1 MoYlt "Staw1way .. VIila Alegre OottS Day Cir Cate MO'M Centrll ·westwatd We' rt Ho" MoVin' .. Soul SllO* My TrlJll People Nashvifte Music KTlV KCOP m Cl) ............ .... ,....... MoYle Adam-t2 8(()kflll Arrow" Adam-12 .. . MOVle "ChllgtAI f.eeltitr River MOYltl .. 'TheGood TheBtd ' And The .. Ugly' MOYie You re He-let Too Youno" .. .. .. .. .. MOYie Solid Oellu Gold Cowboys en.. .. leaders II" Mov1e .. Beony HIN The Moli011 Lawrence Picture Welk Piil 2 .. .. Alriea's Basllett>all w..p.ng M1ona Vs USC Sdtnt .. Crisis .. .. .. .. .. Portrlll INN Hews OI A legend ...... Newt .. MA SH Prisoner .. Cell Blk H MOYie OneStte> Oelltt 8tyotld ~ aie.. letder1 U" MOVie .. .. KCET m Loe~ Yoga f0t Health Hilman Behavior 59aceAnd nme Seat ell Fl>f A Century .. The Guitar This Old House Woodcarvers Shop Camping °"' Julla Ollld KCET m ............ Slim C4Jislnt College F0t Canines Portrafts In Pastel Nova Finding AVoic:e" .. Inside Story HillsOI Green Mundo Real ()ye Wlltie Socar MaOeln Germeny Once Upon A Cl&sslc W11eYou There? Why ln ThtWOtld? Cll8Cking It Out Presente• .. lJfe On E.wtll Graet ~nces "Brtdeslltld ~tld' Arneran Playhouse "Sen9e0f tbnot" Slrlfl Vaughn lnConcerl KOCE m ........ . ..... .. American GOV9fnmen1 Amencan GcMwnmen1 Voters Pipeline Portraits In Pastel C&lll018"hy Cal~~aphy KOCE ~ l*rrt'n;• ..... Heedlecralt Needlecfah .. Glowlng YUi$ GrOWlng Years Hum.tn BehtYlOI Human BetllWIOI TheHome GMdtner TheHome Gardener llltroducing Biology ln1r0ducing BIOiogy Socur Mede In Germany Spons Amenca Mah~ Al The BljOU "Tile lost Jungle" TlllS Old House Woodflghl's Shop Na/Mlle Music Austin City Ltmrts .. Soundstmge .. .. .. ~­... Details IAT\MDIW EV£NINQ 7~. ~WAENCE WE1..k .. .....,t>oe, c.ui..·· • Ct4l!CKINO IT OUT Fu tur9d 1 report on 1Pf9Y peinl mniffll'lg: • PfO. , ... ol dtelgn« Betty Gon- ulu: an lnteNlew wltll Oeittand Rll69r1' llud ooectl Tom Flof" .. Ci) MATINEE AT THE 8UOU Clyde ee.ny and c.cnt• P1"11., It., In "'The Lo.I Jungi." (1934): the 9ho<1 subjKI• lncklde 1 travel· C01'9, I Shltley T tmple 9hot1 and • cartoon: and CNpl1t 4 Of "Junlof G· Men"(R) CJ) Iii 8EMCH OF ... "Evt18reun" a™" MUPPET8 Gu.I JOhnny Cun ~MOVIE •• * "The Aspl\alt Jun- gle" I 1950) Stlt'llng Hey· din, J-Whitm«e 7~ 8 DANCE rn1B' Ceiebf'hy judge& Ronntl Scheff, Jenllel Harrlaon, Alc::lc Morld1y GuMt Ru· ry 8allly 8 CJ) OMN: THE NEW FAONTIE1' FuturlCI • Child who r• gfOWS I lillgertip ilhl loll In .,, 9Cd<Nnl, a tour of Ille IOltr eyatem In tile yMI 2500, children wno UM compulltl before !hey c;an reed or 'Mite • PAE8ENTE "The My111 Ot The Sleeping Giant" a NEW9CEN'T£A WEE<l.Y GuHI' Or Mlcllael Reenlctl. • '*omlln.. doc· tor (%)MOVIE • * '" "ea.. Collar" ( 1978) Richard Pryor, Htrvey Kettel MIO 8 Cl) WALT D68NEY "l>l&M(I Vlllenllne" Don· lid Dud<. Micl<9'( MouM and Goofy WI lft'IOnQ Ille Oiat>IY ttwa tutur9d on 1 --of c:anoon vignet1• looking 11 the rO<*y road to romance a a,,. 8EAEN8TAIH 8EAAS'VALENTINE 8PECW. Anlmlled 8'0lh9' &Mr lier,.. "* hi ,... • 89CW"el eomw.r. Sister e.. pi.ys C4IPld and Pllpa 8ear work• on • big v.i.ntlne lorMllT\IS- • MOVll .... "Thi Draoon l.Jyee" (1978) an-u. Cer)"1 Whitt 8 9 e(JN(l-S CllllC*INO 8llty ~ he'• oi.cov-.,.d Ille ultlmtte rlCl!lorM, end Hen and Paul 911 out to ~ thl ·-of"'* youth D MOVE *. "Rlltttln" {1973) Sem et-, Btlabltll ~ See Saturday's, Page 13 & .E.NTERT AINMEMT ¢~R snm Fllfi01 FESTIVAL HALL IMPOllED ITEMS GERMAN BAND Flllt All Oftl THE .,~~t;.M. WlaJ Mfet $4.ZS CMI• tw $2.ZS RESTAURANTS SERVING CONTINENTAL & AMERICAN y -------... ---..._~ ... -.... .. MA•elASDAMCI -IJ7:JIPM --ufNIMTa---- u. .. sa: • L ~--~------------------------......................... ... Daytime Dra111a Denise , Debora did the GLcollege By LYNVAlll&SCll Denise Pence (Kalie, "Guiding Lia ht"> ls not one to take credit where credit's not due. Denise wants everyone to know that she provided the inspiration for the three-by-six-foot "Guiding Light" collage at the GL studio, but that ber close friend Debora Pressman provided 90 percent of the penpiralion. "Most of the photography wort was done by Debora. I just kept making suaestions while ~he did moat of the work." Debora, an aspiring actress who was being considered for the part of Holly on "Guiding Light" until it was decided not to brine the character back. explained, "Every time one or the performers would leave the show we'd make them a collage representing their character and the changes that bad occurred dwinl their Ume on the proeram. Around Christmas time, Denise and I got together and thought it would be terrific to do a collaee of the entire sbow." Don Wood of the prop department used bis calligraphy talent for the mammoth collage, which represents all the intertwinina stories that have emerged in the past year for "Guiding Light." . WE TOLD YOU the stars keep comine. and we weren't lytna. "As the World Tums'' has signed Pearl Balley, Edie Adams and Betsy Palmer. J:>earl and Edie will make one-shot appearances in mid-February, playing BetAy Palmer's friends. Palmer, remembered for stints oo the "Today" show and "I've Got a Secret" as well as a variety of acting roles. will be playing Suz, a close friend of Ellen's. WE'VE J\JST finished seein1 the Switzerland scenes from ~'Edge of Night" and now we get to see "All My Children's" Switzerland scenes. "Edge of Nipt" ended the Sky-Raven romance by getting rid or Sky Whitney. As for the "All My Children" Swiss storyline, let's just say that one moment of fun for two of the characters is going to wind up causing dtcades or problems. DENNY ALBEE will be exiting the role of Peter on ''One Life to Live" in March. Denny is not unhappy; be was never thrilled with the character of Peter and was very open in aayln1 his "Edge of Nllht" character, Steve Gutherie, was the soap character he preferred to play. It mlsht have been because Dermy orilioated the role of Steve, while the role of Pet.er is one be toot over from Robert Burton, who bad replaced Jeffrey David Pomeranu. LEE GODDART is 1oin1 to be replacinc Michael Woods as Kent Boeard on ''All My Children." We understand Michael was eiven one day's notice: While we think Lee, wbo was last seen oo "Edi• of Niaht," ii an attractive and interesting actor. we tboupt Michael Woods bad real possibilities and are sorry to see that be hasn't been oven more of a chance. Q: I've -. wa&elllll• .. ,. for yean alld la&elJ k ... -..._ el &M Mn ate clba,...rta1. Wllate.u ....,._. &o A.,U 8coU • 0 Eqe el NJ•ll&T '' AIM ... ,, 8,eaeer oa .. Geaeral RospMal!" 'fteJ Me• &o llawe left .U...t •87 explawadoa. -E.F ., Leal llrwai, N . .J. A : There were explanations oven ln these two cues. but nowaday1, unlike in years put. miulnt a day on a soap opera can mean mllslnl the exit of a characier whose name wlll never be brouiht up again. The character of April on "Edie of Nllht" left Monticello to Join her husband Draper, who is practicin1 law in Europe. As for Bobbi Spencer. she tooll a job u bead nurse of pedlatrlu ln a Manhattan hospital. Tube Toppers KABC 9 8 :00 -"King's Crossing." Billy believes he's discovered the ultimate racehorse. KNBC ID 8:30 -"One of the Boys." Gramps takes on an o.,erload of courses when be becomes a full-time night college student. KNXT 8 9: 00 -"The Parent Trap." Hayley Mills plays twins, who have never met until their divorced parents send them to the same s ummer camp. KOCE 9 10:00 -.. Austin City Limits." Merle Haggard discusses his life and performs with his wile Leona Williams. ----------------- From Page 12 .AIWCA'8lilllm..._ 9'lf WHO"I LaTll•tG't Ho9a: ~ ~. ~r.tcOI~~ Efrwn Zlmtlell9t ~.. o-i ~ WWlern SM1nw. • UPIONINmt .. ~ °' n..w...,. .. De.ild AIMn«IOfough loolte at the utoundlng fllh ~ wttll "' 30,000 dlf • ,.,.,,...,....0 Cll>MCMI * * •'A ''TM Wey We Wer•" (11731 81r1>re StrelMnd, Aober1 Aedtord (ll)lllOYIE • • • ..,,. Cof"'*"lon" (1HO) RlcNrd ~. ~ *** "~·· (1NO) AobWI w.-. ~ Dwell .MCMI • • * ''The Doge °' w., .. C1MOI aw..-w ... en. Tom Berw!Oef. a:aoe at 0.. CW THE 90\'t ~ ·-Otl ., --I09d of --..... he ~ • ~time fllgflt college l!Udent. -~ ......... Aooer Eben encl Gene ~~"Venom," ..,,. Vice aqu.cr· end "loot Sult." HO.Cl) MCMI * * * ''TM Pwent T1'11P" (1M1) ~ ....... -....,_ ,...o· ..... e auw...·...,, WNDMU. NfG ntl WMDMU...,... OuMta: Lerry Qetlln end the ~~Bend. Tom 8lld Didi 8moClwa. e O UMllCMT A paurioer oflera • ,_.s '° the s--wtlo Cllft ~""". -· and • """ ~Iliad br,.... ~--.Y .... tor• ~ ..... Q • n. .... c=-- Hoettt llM Moot..-.. OlrGt .._._. OueN; ... OOUO-., Didi Ven ,......, ........ MDGo- ~ .9MAT 1as c,..,,1• "•rldftflMd lilftlall9d~ .......... AoeNt ni. WOftd'' ...,...._ ~ -on hll pMtl of ..,.. o.truc!IOn. lllwty ~ "" '° .....,. Ollfonl ,..,_ than tulMntt to llriCt ~.~.-t4)Q • WOODWeMH't't ltG' "lAIN ~ t.kOuft'' fq Unct.fllll d41moftetrat .. encl C00"*91 ""'-tum-a =r> ••• '"WNdl w,,, .. Up?" ("17) ...,_d "'°'· ~wac-. , * * * ''WMC:tl Wey i. Up?" (19T7) ~Pryor, Lonane~. -•a -.i..v awsrM. ~HOUR Oua9tl; .... c.rt.. Aobar1 eonr.s. • 9 ,NlfAaV 11&.ANO ... AoarM'• ---.ip of the llland .. aNlai lg9d, ancl • young -.... lnD • parteet ._.,.., OIU ... ..._. gerW"" fr9d "°"' • bol1la. Q • MOVIE * * • ~ "Th• tc~•n eon.h" (1173) IA9 Mar· vii\, FNdftc: Man:ti . • '°"1'MIT ~A Lmec> . .,...Wonder .. • 'tMIHCAN "-AY*"- "s.-Of Humot: Al'f1 Fftend Of ~ Nldca. by'e le A F-rtand Of MIM'' In an "Clapeadon of Ray lradelury'• "'°'1 *""'· • lftanger In,_ ........ young ~ -Wlluabel ---In fl1alldilHp ..., the po-. ol ,,. lmagln6-"°"· Q • AUIT1N an lMTI ...... ~~ ..... and perlomw wtttl ..... '--w..na and hi• band, Th• ~ Cll>MCMI • • ''The lnQIOl1ow Baa- ....... (197') llo ·-· Fred~iil90CL Cl)MOYm ** "GatuJna" (1HOI Dorothy Stratten. A--, ~-•wo. • • "Vy Bloody v...,,. .,,. .. (1111) .,...,. ~. • LortHllllr. 10:IO(ll)MCMI ·~ "'El-Of A Stranger" (1M1) L..-.n T-. ,,.,._ .......... ~ u•• M·A·a·H The ~ man mall• • much·nffdM aur9lcel ci.np -... 40711tl encl Kllr.-""°'" out Hot ~·.-.nertne. • JIWCllMCllU. ILOCICN ................... tMlo """°' on ._ out. -..-.............. • UIWt VAUaHM IN CCMCmll 8arM V8ligl\M'I tnoom- ~....., ...... II.rad. • IOUNDef ... "The...,..... T,..,.._.' ni. aopr1 ... c•et tour- _.., ~ partorYM "Tuiredo Junction," '1"wMIOflt l.oM'' and~ "°"' C!Naleo'• ,.,. ... ,.....,.~Q (C>lllCMI ... ,. ·~· Ooftl.. ,.. 1t72 IUcNtd .. • T ADAM 1"I API MAM ... ....., •DI.MOU-.._. • •llAT.....,. CUM • HIS1Cft Of THI WOILD PAllf1CMll....., •PA1941TT Ca.t ..... ' . -.1010. 2201 ..... 11a:a, .,.. _.._., _____ . ______ _ -.-... ...... -.~ .. ,...., . .,....,u .. 1•• (AR PET BAR~ ~ ·-_/. / . .. • • .... -' ft ~· .... .. • ' ,... • • -! - -KCET KOCE Sunday~ K~ KNBC KTLA KABC KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV 1<COP AM tJ D u D 0 u cm m .., m ~ De ta tis • U•:.c-=u LM ....... la~ '-..... LM ....... ..Dileo '-....... S.Dllet LM ....... LM ....... LM ....... -l'UMJAll'Y 14. 1tl2 7: Commttmenl Wlvlnly A/Id Top It Is Sund1Y l(ennt(h Supdly OeyOI C-1oons Yoga FOi Evu.o . TheRobot c.t Wrlllen Morning Copeillld Masa OllCOY9fY .. Hel/lh Sundlf Allnbow Unit Vitwpolnt TV8 Loolt• .. TheWorid Jimmy .. MISIW ~ Pat di ~ OnNuln!ion Alleamlng " Tomorrow Swaggart Rogws 1:00 D at oouo HENNIH0'8 WOA1.D °" MAGIC a: .. On Pope)'t Pertonal Oral Lloyd Re• " .. Oye Doug ~Ing If joined by .. ~ And Hie DimellSIOllS Roberts OglMe Humbard .. ., Wl~lt Billy Crystal. Ann JilllWI, .. ~ Friends Today's Flllllly Meellllg KnowVOUf EY« HlslOfYOI 8ruc;ie .,.,,,_ end Ille LOI . .. 8lk. Woman l.lfe rime Bible ln<:rMSlllQ .. A Sunbeam ~Ram-~ 9: DlylOlll News .. V-111 DlylOlll Clfll .. Flltl\ .. Sewne .,, 11 hit Megic:ll Or_,. 500 Conlerenct .. Alegre 500 Roberts .. Street HOON. whwe he perl0<ma ... The II .. OtyOI Meet The WOl1d 17 ..... ol lllueion . Prm .. OtKOYefy Press Tomorrow .. D O OOOEND Ted la f~ Wflh 11t1 emo- 10: .. Bask8'tlll little New Zoo .. Herald Basketball Rex .. The °" llonll end car-crialt. .. Georgia Rllcals Aewe Of Trulh Geor!1'8 Humbard Lawmakers PaJrillng CiJ THE HAAO't' 80V8 I .. Vs. V*'llne'a Kids Are .. Robert Va Jefry .. ()pell Oil NANCVOMW .. Nofth Oey ~ .. SctMAler Nor1h Falwell .. Mind Pllntuig .... ,!Na 11: .. Carah Specill Too .. " Catolina .. MoYie: ~ WashlnglOll Nenc;y poeee a a trawling .. .. " .. . . .. "You're LJlaMtre Welk Uirnlvel membef to oet .. ThisWMlt .. Ta-ryCole .. Chureh In Never Too ··Aama Trees WrllSlr..C -m-10 • million .. .. .. Wltll .. Whitt.II!• " TheHome Young-Ot Thlte·· Week dollat ie-""" -~A "Finding A VoiQe" S--el KNXT KNBC KTLA KABC KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV KCOP KCET KOCE YICtJIN of -mpeed\ PM dlsal>HIUM relete how they tJ D u D 0 0 ml m (I) m ~ (Wit-lhelr l\andlcac>I. ........... ........... '-....... LM ....... a.Diep LM ....... S.Dlep '-....... LM ....... .... ....... .......... ~*Ml -· • * ...... ,., Budchring" 12: .. Sports Wand lost In Defld .. S-cil 59ortsWor1d ~ .. TheOudlMI Pnonll (ll)MICWll .. 8'*8 Bmklly .. 'Airport'' . . OICMa FNra ···~ ·'The W"'f W• .. Dwecbonl .. The .. Street Pet$Ol1ll w., ... ('973) Barbra Blllt.Cball .. .. ... BuklCblll em.a .. .. .. .. F°ll\lllCI StfWlund. Robefl A9dfofd 1: Bos10ll .. The ~I Boston Ta.1 .. . . Mam-12 When The Ameran (%.)MOYIE *** "P~" (11180) Celtics .. Munst .. .. Celllcs Tlllk .. .. .. Bolt SIOfY Robin WRlleme. Shelley Vs. Gall F-Troop The Va Wiid. Goll .. Ad.tm-12 Comesln Amerlclll Ouv8ll IJll Angeles ....... .. ~· lot Angeles WMd Hawaiian .. .. .. S1ory 7:JO 9 lOVl TAPES 2: llkers ()pell a.oan·· .. Liken Wiit Clperl .. McMe: A low Wrl1J119 FOi A~of~tec>el .. llllnd .. .. .. .. ••Calamily Cue With A Reason -blKk end wNle, 1#.cut .. o.o-n·· U.S.A. .. MM ,,_ .. Leo WrtmoFOI end recorded at a ~ .. .. llllnd Va. Tiii .. • AdlllnlUtta .. ~ A Aeelori of IOcaifoN -capturing 3: Liii OI " "6cMt Wand In FICe The Of Shet1ock .. M<Me .. With Oslil Of Earth ~IO oonl9ukww of peo. pi.·· te.lll\Q9 •bout ~ TheWlld .. ··eoy, Old 59ort• Nation Holmes" .. ''TheGood. .. A/Id Rultf And Man UO 8 Cl) MOVIE 8ullnels Free IGeCA Wide Flgllt .. Sugar Ray The Bad .. LA. Week Ot f.arth ••• "Rodly II" (11171) Joumll +Al wrono WOtldOI 8eckl .. l.eonNd's And The .. In~ MdM¥1 s~ .. Stallone. Tllla 4: lnterllCa Sundly Humber" Sports Victory Hociby Golden Ugly" McMt: Wiii Street Pr911C1 Shn. .. .. AISie loaAngm Glo¥es -"The WMlt Unl\llnt aaa.. Ntwsmakws .. .. .. . eu... l<i10' McMe: .. ~·· Wathington Projec1 Jon malt• the c::apWr• of .. .. .. JowNI . Va. "MOl!oO s .. WMll UrMne Uv• CIJewr lenllile CIW 5: F .. The .. Stir Sporta MASH ~ Bac:li In .. Firing Project ~ • peraonel CNMde wMf\ ~ .... 1'111 !Ndt . Nltlon .. Trt* l.agendl ~ fl)w• Town" .. .. Line UnhWM 8 9 MOYIE C8SNNs "8CNews " ABCNews Welcome .. .. .. .. Fronr • * 14' ··Smoltey And The .. .. .. .. Baell, Kotter .. .. .. .. Jumpstreei Bandtt" ( 11177) Burt Rey-6: Newt llews Movie: News CBSNews .. NBCNew MASH Solid Ult E"'9rlingAt noldl, Sally Field. .. "The People .. .. .. .. .. Gold Around Us s~ • MOW .. Agll1 Thal Time Tllal's News .. News The Counl<lown Whyln "The 011111 Cowboy .. Bldll f()(gol" HollVwood .. .. .. ~ '81 The World? .. ~ w· (1910) 7: 60Mirllt• Doug .. Coda 60MinutM Hlrdy Doug Sonny& .. T utlllltlllmun · 1 Novi John ~. lMalne s~ Hnwlg's .. Rad .. Soya. Hennong's a. .. E~ ''Anding • 80UDGOl.D .. WorldOI .. .. .. Nency Wand Ot .. .. LCM AVOice" "a.lute fo The Gr«M'Y9·· .. MIQlc .. .. .. l)r.., Megic .. .. Taipee .. Hoet· IVtdy Gibb. Cohoet: . s: CBSMcMe· CHiPI Jacqilll A8CMoYte. CBSMOYie: II It CHiPs MoYlf• Solid Nova Masllfpieca M~ McCoo. Guelte' "Aodly .. CoustMU "Smolley "Rocky Wrillen .. ''Oellas Gold "Thi Theltre Chf'latopMr Croll, Cty9lll tr' .. .. And The II" WOl1d .. Cowt>oyl .. VldeO .. FlemeTr• Qrrte. ,._ FellclllfW), Ole-.. . .. .. e.idit" .. Tomonow .. ai.. .. &p1oa1on·· Of Thllte" dy9 Knight & .. Pipe. ~-DebOy Boone. Qkwia Gey. 9: 1~ ... McMI: Wiid .. .. Dr NBCM<Me· leldlra If .. .... Mllltrpleoa Amlrican "Gcq Klngdorrl .. .. Cho "Going .. Haw Thlltrt Pllytlcqt nor. Jerry Aeed. Riiy Oevll Jr. In Styli" WondOI " .. Brtalh In Style" .. .. "FllrntT,_ "SenleOI -~A . " SuMvll .. .. OHJlt -.. .. Of Thita" Humor'' "The Video EXplotlon'. -io: .. .. ..... Tod1Y·s .. &neat .. ...., INNNews IRemtmblr ~ The pee\. sw-t end .. .. FBI .. Ar""'1I .. .. .. Httttm :·Clptaln Mure of Arnericen t~ ' Ml:A .. . .. .. Alica .. Jerry Jimmy .. Kidd" lion .,. explored. Q .. .. II " .. .. .. .. Fllwtll SWIQOlrt .. .. CB MAllOltPECC 11: .... ....,. 'P..ettert News News World News .. .. Top Of .. TMIATIW CBSNews .. .. .. .. Vlliall .. .. .. ThaWOltd " ··n.e Rime T,_. Of Thi- kA: TM OrUIM OI Wll'' $pl.s F'INI .. 700 ABCNews Face The Cnllldt NBC Mollie ~ TllesOfThe Slltlk The TM11 community Inda Rodi ford N.BCMM Club Movla' Natloll "The ''The&od. lJnmq)ttted Pmllws It• "Y of .......... led 12: f°lill "Tht .. "ATrM The Mlmln' l'lllBed MO'AI: The!>ud*I DV IM ~ of Wortd .. Ml.rlsterl' .. Grows In Thnlers ~ .. AndThe "Ffont• OIOullt W111. (P911 T)O ~·· .. ~1yn·· .. U91f'.. Hottzon" Street (R)MOYm MoYlt .. .. .. .. .. • *. "Fon AoecM. The -See Sunday's. Page JS fine stati€llery . 2823 east coast highway 675-1010 FAT CITY --........ -At P•n.che ... of courM. Exerciff la In style! Leot.-ds. Tights. · Pwachute Pants! The latett warm upe. Leg~and You wool onty-'-1 GreatlCome' Gre•t -You'll look uyouwe .. . PA1A~HE 1~:30 221 MARINE BALBOA ISLAND 873-1810 rlt What's happening .:.:f .this weekend? Pllot\Veellender ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE . New lookl New alzel Ewery Frtdayl NCMllll PEIMS . S3()00 ... 141.11 (~ ~--l*>_,s1500 COlORING S J 600 · (Minni~) Bl EAOflNG & • DOUBLE PROCESSING s 160~ CUTS S6~0 · --MEN, WOMEN CHILDREN CLEAN HAIR ONL y_ EXPIRES 2-'7.C IMCWDIS ABOllC DBCISI PaFOIMID Wl'IH MUSIC •Gift Certificates Available o •Free Figure Analysis •No Contracts 0 •Modern Equipment •Frozen Diet Foods •Daily Menus HOUU: ti• Fri. I ........ p.a. S•*tlt .... H• -·· ... .. -· Tobe Toppen KNXT 8 S:'bo .. Rocky II." Sylvester ~tallooe and Talia Shire in the sequel to their blockbuster movie. KABC fl 8:00 -.. Smokey and the Bandit." Burt Reynolds and SaJly Fields in their comedy chase . KNBC 8 9:00 ··Going in Style." George Burns and Art Carney play retirees who get more than they bargained for when they rob a bank. KNXT fl 10 : 30 .. Alice." Alice organizes a Valentine's Day party for her dateless friends. F'rom P.oge 14 •onx" (1911) Peul NMf.. ,..,, Edwwd ,,._ ())MOYIE ***~ "The Wll'J W. Were" ( 1973) B.,bre 81teleltld. AoClert Aeclfofd . ..,. * * * "M Nlgflt Long" (1911) Gene HK*IMll. Bwtw• IVWMd e:ooeGIMOYIE * *" ·•ac.ng In S~" (197'1 George Buma. At1 camey . • WILD IONGOOM ''PrecMton Of TM Mere'" Cheeteft, lone, wlld dogl, ~end~u• ,_...,..~·to catdl 1M1r ll"'Y· (Al •ttmHAW ~ Floy Aosfl, Brenda L• . .._.,.,., C . ......_,, M9C Wleemerl. • flMllZ#IEQE 1'41A,... ''The Fleme T-Of Thl- ka: Tiie DNml OI Wll'' The Thlka community llnOI ... .., of ... ttw ..... by ttie outtnM of Wottd W• I. (Pett 1) c;J • AMINCNf fl\AYMOWI .. .,_ OI H\lrllor· Any Fftend Of Nk1lolM Hick ... b(e II A Friend Of Mine" In en~ of FWy .,..,,,,, "'°'1 llory. • ..,...,, In~._,_. ~boy---­ ---In ...... ldlfllp end INsi-ofttie~ lion. c;J (C)MOYIE ***" ''E-1"*18 You AIMlyl Wned To KMw About le• (But W9'e Aff81d To Ael!Y' c1m1 Woody Allen, 0.-Wiider. (DJMOVll **** "Aeglng BuH" (1N0) Aober1 De Niro, ~~ * "Frtendl" (1971) S... 8'.-y. Anloee AMnll. ·A' -•oTOOAn,. .... .,., ,. -00.,.. docior 9flO le dlMtlrlg ttie ooww '-" out of mmior. of dolW'8 In ........... medlClll dltrM. ..... Ff~ HMLal "T-d Freedom: 1940- 1966"' Hertem'e poltlce of prot• end poltk;el leed- ... the ~· of Wortd W11 It end IN CCJrnrnlri. ly'• 80Cl8' growtft Into tlle 1te09-....,.,.._ (f\I • MOYIE •• ''Cephiift IOdd" ( 19'5) a.tee Leughton. John Cerrtdne. ®MOYIE .• ** "Fur"-" (1Mt) ElzMleltl Berridge, Sytvle ....... (l)MOYIE * *" "Somewhere In Time" (1MO) Ohrta1opl)er ...,., ... Seymour . • MOiiie * * *" . .,.. w~ w. Were" (1973) Berbra Str-.nd. Robert A.dtord. tctaO • Cl) AL.a Ab orv-na-• v--. tSle'• Dey peo'ty for ... ""'6lal ll1ende. (C)MCME • • ... ''Qeopelre Jonell" (1973} T-.i ~ • ~Miters. -...(Z)~TMI lCUCH Oil' UM! Tiie ... ln'l'llMd In til- ing end ~ • -.. -~-­.. dernoNtlW ._,.. 10 ,.... eedl -of~ tlody. 11:00. TOP CW TMI WON..D Cont-.nte "°"' tlle Unll-ed Sta•. GrMf Mein end,,,_,...~ In e ~ ptogtMI lnet .._. their ~ In • wide VW'9ty of eubjeatL Bud.on 1eries delayed again . ~ HAVE YOU BEEM INJURED? •AUTO ACCIDENTS • CONSTRUCTION AOOOENTS •PERSONAL. ACCIDENTS The Law Offices of R. Steven~ Peters Emphasizes in the Handlipg of Personal Injury Claims that may be the Result of Accidents. We will Make Sure That you ~ Obtain all That you are Legally Entitled. Call for a FREE Consultation and Determine What Rights you Have against all Parties. Including ' Insurance Companies. HousecaJls or hospital visits can be arranged. Law Offices of 834-0133 24 .. S R. STEVEN PETERS, INC .. 601M.P..tlC.....Dr .. S....Am • LeasinCJ ASI AIOUT VALET LUSE OUI PUN too So. Coad Hwy .. L..,... leeclt 494-11 JI .. 54 .. 9967 "-'t: ............ t>J, W. f..S. S-.. IM (213) 947·2128 bittier Domestic ~_Jlllent A1enc Live:fn nouselCeepers, companions, babysitters, gardeners. Brought to your home for interviews. a.....44hrer ... 15 .... ! HOLLYWOOD CAP) -Rock Hudson's new NBC series "The Devlin Coonectlon" bas been lJ~~!~~!~~!!!~~~~~ postponed unW the fall season. The series wu delayed first by the writ.ers' strike and then by Hudson's illness. • In the ser\es, Hudson plays a former private mvestigator who comes out or reUrement to go into business with his son, played by Jack Scalia. Gwen Verdon wlll appear in an episode of NBC 's "Fame," in which she will be reunited with Albert Hague, who composed the music for ber Broadway hit "Red Head." Ms. Verdon will portray an actress-stage mother who directs a School of the Arts produclion designed to showcase her talents rather than the students' talents. Hindi Brooks wrot.e the script foT the eplsode, whlch was dlrected by Robert Scheerer. t 16 I I ---., -· l i eoi .... ~ ::> KNXT KN8C KABC ' KCSt K1TV KCOP KCET KOC£ Monday•· KTLA ~ KttJ ~ IJ D " D e u cm m Cl) .m ~ Details . " . Laa..-. .......... ......... La .... .. '*le ... ~ ..... Laa,... IMMlllla LMMllM '•"C: ... ~ ! ·;: LL ! ~ .2 ii ·7: Morning Today 700 Good Morning The TOday Cartoon Bugt 8usinels Ametlcan flBMJARY 11, 1ta lVENNG News t Ckib ~ News Froozles TOWll 8uMY Report Gcwernmenl " .. Ameltce .. There ls .. The Kartoon Yoga Fe< Oil w .. .. .. .. A Way .. FllolltOMI Klmlvlf Hellth Plint~ 1M. HAPPYOAY8A4AIH Rlc:Nt. Pot• end R*pf1 a: .. .. .. .. Sunup Jim .. Ripper .. Mist• Body go Imo ,,_ beby-elttlnQ .. .. .. .. Sin~ Salcl(er .. .. .. Roger$ 8uddles'" to , .... money fOf tlc:ket• .. .. Hol • .. .. .. Gentle p~ VIiia Miiter to • big footbell ganw • .. ... IFuaDe .. .. .. " Ben Alegre Rogers • M•A•t•H 9: One()ay l::i JldWd A.M. One()ay Jtcll Donahue I Love :HOmP« ~ 3-2·1 Chatlel' French hom Pf9C-.. AIA rime Slmnlona Los At A Time LIUlllle .. Lucy Room Street Con11C1 Uc1ng di'-H...tleye and Allee Block· l.eMelt A~ Alice Mlclmornlng .. Bewltctle<I Movie: .. Electric 8.J. to go on • bath 1trlka. .. busters To Women .. LA. .. .. "Senta Fe .. Company • OV£A'Eo\SY "Sell·EllMm" Gue•t•; 10: TllePrlce WheelOf Big loYe Tiie Price .. Rictlard I Dream Of Stampede" To Be Educltlon4f ~ and CMoN Stewart. ls~t Fonune VtlMlf Boat Is~! .. Simmons Jeannie Announcied Programming (R)O Battltlten ... " Battlestars TWIC&A INNNews .. G DC<CAVETT .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Womat1 .. ,. .. ou.t: J-M.cGreO« 11: Tattletales Pusword Booanu Family Young And Treasure Password &IC* lo'4,Amet. Bec:trlc .. Bumi. Plus .. Feud The Restless Hunt Plus Pay Cards S1yle Company .. 111 BITERTAINMENf TOMBHT Young And The .. Ryan's .. Malcll The News Love, Amer. MecNeil " An Interview wftn s~ The flestless Ooc:tora .. Hope .. Game Ooc:ton .. Styte l..ehrer .. SIJlllone. ~.,,. MUPPET9 KNXT KNBC KTlA KABC KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV KCOP KCET KOCE OuMl:Alta~ ~MCMIE PM II .. " tJ 0 u ml m Cl) m ~ *** "The P.._d la Courage" (1063) Olrtt LMMllM ... ~ .......... LMMflilla .. Oilfe La ..... IMOilfe '--..... ......... LAI ..... ..... *' Bogwde, Marla Pet9(lfty • ..... cm MOVIE 12: .. DaysOI T.,iligllt All My News Mcwle: Oeyi Of Movie: Movie: Didi GED • •"Ar "Snowball~ .. OucLNes Zone Cllildfen .. "Powder Our UYe:S "Mr. Magoo's "TheBeast Cawtt Math (1972) Dean~. Haney As The .. Twllglrt . AsThe RMlr" .. Storybook" From Over Up& Ollon. WOfld .. Zone .. WOl1d .. .. .. 20,000 Easy Coming (%)MOYIE 1: Turns Anolhef Hour OneUfe Tums .. Mottler .. Fathoms" MoYtt: Educational ••• "StrMky'' (1972) WOfld M~ To live .. " World .. .. "GIO'.'.' Propnmlog Jaan-Paul Belmondo, Selldl FOf .. .. Search For News .. .. .. Big Blue Chei1el Boyer. ' 7:80 8 2 OH V4E TOWN Tomorrow .. .. .. Tomcwrow .. .. .. .. .. Marble FNtured: en explot9llon ol 2: Golding Teus ~~ Gerlltat Guiding Ironside Texas Open Superman .. Gut en exordlm In Slit. Oolor9do: liglll .. .. Holpilat Ugl11 .. .. Line .. Tag an lntide view of the rOCll .. .. .. .. .. .. The Popeye " Mlsler group. Journey. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Wallona .. .. Rogers 8 L.AvSME & IHIRLEY 3: Roc*ford Dorl1ltlUe .. EdoeOI John Movie: Hour .. Bugs Home Sesame &COMPANY Fllies .. .. N91t Davidson ''llle M~ .. BuMy Gardeners Street White trying to mMt Troy .. Ridlard People's .. Amboshers'tf Bewitched Scooby Fast .. Donahue on • movie Mt. .. .. Simmons Court , . ,. .. .. Doo Forward .. the girts are rnlstalten for t1untwomen. 4: Barney Bob ~ Mews .. .. Ut11e Brady Kal'loon 3-2-1 Ca!l~'.aphy 8 EYl:ONLA. Miller Newhart .. .. .. House Bundi KamivaJ Contact FNtured: • repon on News EM•· .. .. M.A.S.H .. OnThe Brady .. Mister \ M&CNell women who ride .ouoed· .. lainment " .. .. .. Prlllfie Bunch .. Rogers letv• up motorcydee; a ..._,, to a 5: Ntwt New$ little News News Kojsk News Incredible The Sesame OWlr th«~ ~; • IOol< ,, .. House ... . .. .. H"* Flintstones Street EUy teletltlon comrnerclal•: • tour of RocMlo Oriw. .. OnThe .. .. .. .. .. Scooby .. PtrSOMI • w•A•a•H .. .. Prairie .. .. .. .. .. Doo .. Ananc:e While an 81\tet1.,,_ does 6: Newt Nevrs Cllattie's News CBSNews White NBCNews The Haw111 Business Needlec:raft a llflow from en llftt)fovtMd " ~ .. " Shadow Jett et sons Frve-0 Report .. stage In thoe compound. . .. .. News .. ~ Welcome .. Congr9$Sional Business the comedy and drama of .. .. .. .. .. . . .. Baell, Kotlet .. Report • Report the docton' 1iv. go on. -7: CBSNews NBC News HfiPPY Days A8CN9111S T1c T..: You Aslced The MA.S.H Joker's Over Didi Q0 GREAT ff .. . Again .. Dough Fe<tt Muwets .. Wild Easy C.V911 PEAFOAMAHCU "Brldelheed Revlllted: A 20n F1mly • l.l¥ernl& Eye On PM Bullseye Family MASH Tie Tac MecNeil Great Btow Upon A BrulM" The Town Feud Shlr1eY LA. Mag&ZJOe .. Feud .. Dough Uh'er P«fonnances Sebulian. utlng Ch1111M'1 s: Mf. Witte MoYie: That's SanDiego Basketball llttte PM Solid Gre1t ''Bridesheed money to buy lllcotlol. Win "°'* ''Maco!\ Incredible Joumet Arizona House Magazine Gold Pertormanoes Revisited" drunkenly dl.,upte Ille P.rtvate On Tl\.8 County .. J>rtvate State On The AP In The Countdown **Bnde8heecl Betlllteln-Mwc:flmaln't N9w .y_-, Benjamin Prelrlt Line" .. Beniemln Vt. Prllrle Family '81 AeYlslted" IJMlhoytn Qllebrallon. (Part 5) Q 9: M.A.S.H .. .. ABCM<Wle M.A.S.H USC .. Merv " E*Nllin-.. (I) LAfF.A. THON .. .. "The .. .. .. Griffin .. 8eelhoveo .. A comedlen hOlt and lour comic con!Mtanta wtio Hou9ll Johnny .. Jerk" HOUM ,, Johnlly .. .. .. Shocl< Of competa agalnat one Cells Goes .. Calls .. Goes .. .. .. The New anothet -featured In 11111 10: Lou Home News .. Lou News Horne News News Amencan .. uncenaored comedy garlMI Grant ... .. .. Grall .. .. .. .. Art .. thaw . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . INNNews Tony Btown's Amarican e:«> a a UTT\.E "°'*OH " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Journet Art THE~ 11: News News Saturday News News Kol~. ~ The Siniard Didi Begin With AlmaNO .. ..,. par.iyzed Nlgllt .• .. .. .. Jtlfersons &Son CMl1 Goodbye after being tlllad b'( • ltfolc• wtllle tr;lng to gee In Quincy Best Of ABCNews ~ .. Best Of AH In The l..o¥I. Amer. Congressional CapUoned ,. oropa duflog • hajj. Cat son .. Nlgll11int .. Carson Family Style Report ABCNewa "°""· (Part 1) Q 12: .. . .. ShaNaNa ABCMcMe I' ~ .. Mike loft, Amar. America: • MOYIE .. .. ''Valentine" .. .,.Thi .. ~ St~ 2nd Celtuly ** "M.acofl County line" CdumbO Olvid Gene .. Columbo Ambushers" OavJd fNNNews (1974)JeaaeMid Alan Vint, .. Lettermen ~ .. .. .. Llttennen .. ... Max8aer . See MOTlday's. Pae_e 17 . - Cooking School MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY . FRIDAY SATURDAY -15 16 17 18 19 7PM 20 7Pl\ol 7PM 7PM ~~ 7PM ~~A K108M MICHEl STAOOT "STEAl<S Of l'HE F£ASTI .. OOOKs' Of FISH l(lNCIO()O,jt LOCAi. BU'CHER FRDIOI" ~ "THE GOlDEN PHYWSAl>IH IS A REAl QJT-uf"r JACIOUEUNI! FEBRUARY OOOA" ~AU. Mll<E SEE~ HAHN ~~ ~ 22 23 24 25 26 27 7PM . 'IJCIUIWET 7PI,! GM.LEY 11.t.M JN'WA. Schedule 80 MlflAIT'ES" ~H QCIOICINO"' ,MU.A aJNNI EASYOOUA~ CAA~NT'£R fQ.&.Y J MY~ ;., TML.A f1~T'TVI OU.IN , ' · 2tlt E. Cout Kllbway 3 MARCH .. ,. ... -!-l .. .• Corooa del Kar, CA t2625 1, .... .....,.,. ..... • .. f fruwo'• f'n.JMI UGA= ~ = ' Jnt~Cookw•• (Nat lo Uw JIVrf 1"MotNJ ~ i-"' ~ tl'l't 'l!l" 'I '.'t) • fin tf':rt! fM'I" ' . ' -. . " . . . It -wasn't the AcO,den.iy.. Att<ards From Page 2 for~ .. at the bq,lnnina of~ •1*ode aod "l l~ what tile Ma Uley lbowt4 la tlaat movie Utat wasn't appropriate for home viewin&. · Usually tbat warnin1 tells us the a.et•ork standards and practices division bas removed a little T bere, a little A there and several expletives. And, ii you·~ seen the theatrical ver51on of this fun film and then viewed lbe TV edition you probably caught a couple of scenes and s~id to yourself, "Why don't I remember this?" Because those scenes weren't included in the box office release, that's why. In an unusual move, ~BC aetually ·~ footage to the original movie CW f • KNBC 9 !!00 -·•Little House on tbe Prairie.• Almanio b left paraJyied after having a stroke while trying to get bis crops in. l:ABC e 9:00 -"Tile Jerk." Steve Martin In a comedy about lhe misadventures of a terminaJly stupid young man. KNBC 8 9:30 -"Johnny Goes \lome." Johnny Carson returns to his hometown of Norfolk. Neb., to participate in a class reunion. KNXT 8 10 :00 -"Lou Grant." The Trib hires a Vietnamese photographer. m order to nesh 1t out into a four·bour, two-night run. Footage shot for, then edited from, the film was picked up off the cutting room floor and re-inserted. The destruction of Krypton Superman's home planet, took much loocer uuS time. Al& a youthful Clark Kent raced a train on foot, be .was spotted by an even younger Lois Lane. The evil Lex Luther, we learned, kept vicious beasties Jb a pit. And so on. . - The commendable result is that charaeteriaation was improved. We learned more of tbe relationship between Luther and bl~ buxomoas name Eve Tescbmacher. We better underatood Jor-El's decision to send his son to Earth, while remaining to face certain death on Krypton-. In truth, we saw a better movie (though the sp.eci~l effects sequences in space suffered mightily when reduced io fit the conrmes of the tiny screen>. All too often, "edited for television" is code talk for an act of butchery; rarely does it connote an enhancement. And that may not happen •lain -at least, until "Superman II" hits the air waves. ''FAME" NO LONGER FLEETING: "Fame," one of tbe new season's most aesthetically successful offerings, bas bad its run extended by NBC. Brandon TartikoCf. president or NBC Entertainment, announced that three more original episodes of the program, based on the New York· High School for Performing Arts, will be filmed, bringing the total number to 16. Although "Fame" has yet to find a high post in the ratings race, Tartikoff compared its potential to that ol t'Hill Street Blues." 1 " 'Bill Street' bacj only moderate ra\inp its first year, but it bad the sfrone support of a loyal core of viewers as well as outstanding reviews by the crilics," he noted. "We think 'Fame' can have success similar to 'Hill Street's.· " "Fame'' combines good drama, good dancing and good music in a fashion unique to television. lf this show,doesn't deserve network support, none do. HOLLYWOOD (AP> -Cbarlea Fr&ea Produel:tom bas acquired the rum rl&bts to the story ol Mtress Joan .collins, ber husband, Ron Kass. aa4 the miraculous recovery of their eJ1bt-1ear-old daughter, Katy, from a near-fatal automobile accident. Kai) ... in a coma for n days .a. a..tren"' a skllll fracture and Mveft {Qjurla to the brain stem. WSH ColliH1 wlto 1tars on ABC '1 "Dynaaty," has wrttlen a book about b.er experleaces, "Katy -A Fight tor Life," to be publtsbed in England. Miss Collins will appear in the movie as herself. "Leave it to Beaver," one of the m~t popular comedy series in syndication, may get a new lease on life. • Universal Television is considering whether to produce a new version of the show. It is still in the talking stage, and no plans have been made as to what form it would take. "Leave it to Beaver," wtth Beaver, Wally, Eddie Haskell, Lumpy and all the rest, ran flrs,\.91\.,. CBS al1d thenbn ABC, m 11$7'63 11-....IWA From P.oge 16 ••'*" ........ ........... ~~ ..,..,.., to·~ doot ...... lllltc:llMll9 -ttwown .. Nm; ~ twine tt\al W9 • CE I I ... fl_....,.._ .p .... ~· A beNnd-U-• look .. buebell'• moet ~ '* plllyw. Aon C9Y of ttle Dodger•: • Germen wom-an who.,........, to~ 10 find .... ~ hue-- band; ...... .,_ Oii ttle ... of "~ II"; CMf Tai fNlk• lltrudal dough. •• 90UDGOLD • "CountdoMI '81" Hoet: Ar'°'f Gibb. Cohosl: Mari- ¥'! McCoo. GuMta: Kim earn.. OUYla Newton- John, H.. & Oa•. Alf Suwty. O.bb.. Hany, ~Euton. Joey &c.f. bury. Aicll Sprlngfleld, Smokey Aoblnaon, The AolltnQ Stones, Juice ..__ ton, J-Taylof, J.O. SOulher, Eddie AabblU, Che Ultle ~ Bend, KOOi &tneGang. eGMAT ~ "Brldelflead Flevlllted; A !Mow Upon A 8rulae'' lUbMtlM. Ullng a.tee'• ~ to buy lllc:otlol. dnHlkenly dllr\lpt9 the Merctlmaln'• .._ v_.. ~(PW16)Q (J)IMTIC»W. NW.I~ nm •1 • LN'f' °"' The beet ,_ CCllMdlane -*'W9Cl•ther~ ., ...,_.. ot u. BIO lAff Off c:ompMa ...,.. -lf!OGW . .MCWll • • • • ..,..,,,ectlon .. (1980) fJlan eur.yi,. Sam ~d. e:aD. AU. .. THI! FMIA. y When Afdlle .. ""'OQed. he anda uo Oft trial !« hev- lng .... lleg8I weapotl In hie pi I llon. •mw••1 8IETHOYBt '--d e.m.teln and ... "*-PNtlatmonlc .,., • fonn the ''I.More Ovw- 1\n" and Symphony No. 4 1n e Allt Majot. 0pue eo. <B)MOVIE * * * * "Raging Bull" ( 19801 FloC>4wt De Niro. Cathy MoNny. ....,.<I> w•11•a•H Or. Sidney F,__,, atu6- lea IN elfec1 of pr-. on tn. c:.mp llW-* on Iha -of .,.. 9'*"Y ~ aiw.' •o MOW! • • • ''The Jartc'' (1879) si.w Mwtln. a...'ledll-..-t ,....,.., . -.... ---,--~, ~ ~...,..,and.,. Y'--~I*­'°"" ... "Unote 0-- bn" Ind 8~ No. 4 In 8 Alt Me,lor. Opue IO. ~MCMI ••• ''TM~ Side Of The Mouftleln -Pwt w· You can be a Just by sending 1lS your name and address .and by watching for your name in the' classified ads of the Daily Pilot. Win tickets to the circus, area amusement attractioos or ~Porting events. Just fill out this coupon and mad it totfay to lhe: Classilled Department, Daily Piiot 330 W. Bay Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92'26 ,,,. HEATING SPECt~t)· 200/oOFF . .,, ........ a..-EllOiNe 1181192 WI SIRWCI ALL MM11. Heating/ Air Conditioning 545-5542 Sllee "" t7'al770 OUM&I COUNTY *************** * * ! Psychic & Spiritu al ! * * * Readings by * * * : * AMANDA * ! * * .. * * .. .. .. * * * * : 673-0836 : • * * I ~EE qu<"\hon by p,,onr : ..:************** r------------~--~----~--, . .4ie: __ Street: ___________ ~ Cl&y :-----....----Z.: __ _ Te~phoae: ______ ~ lii~y Pilat. -------·-----------~~~ -q ---- : .. . -0 ~ ~ i ' I -~ ... ! ti s r-i -I i t -.::: ~ ·--- IDE ON THE GO WITH SONY s BETAPAK PORTABLE BETAMAX~ VIDEOCASSETTE RECORDER AnnouiQng the second generation In home vldeocasaette recorders: Sony·s incredible BetaPakl It'• smaller. llOhter. more compact )han any W recorder in history . . it brings you an astounding range of new video featuraa and capabilities . . . and belt or all. ire fully l)Of1able -so you can ute it with HM.indoors ot outdoora. to recotd off the air or to aeste your own home vld~ programs! YOUR · CHOICE! ~ SCOTCH VIDE(). CASSETTES T-1.20 SIMS.._ SJ.SOu•• s I 0.95 LIMIT: 8 PER CUSTOMER VIDEO FROM RECORDERS S569 WE HAVE A COMPlm CHOOSE FROM THESE SELECTION OF: FAMOUS BRANDS: • VTRS •TAPES• CCTV• • Advei'lt •Akal• TOK MOVIES• VIDEO CAMER-Ma~navox •RCA• Httachf ~•WIDE SCRE&N TV'S• • P'anuonk: • JVC •Softy ACCESSORIES• RENT AlS • MGA • G.E. •Quasar CJ>EN MON. THRU THURS. 10-6 ·•FRI 1()..8 •SAT 10-6 •Sll4 12-5 YOU'U LIKE OUR PRICES AT ••. IDE 1421 WEST M.cARTHUR BLVD. (JUST WEST OF BRISTOL) SllTI llt•,.111 Ml-1122 ~cabte Subscription Sg•lc~ Cable Toppers ON· TV (0), NBA 8ASKET9AU. -The Los Angeles Lakers will take on the San Antonio Spurs Friday evening at 7:30 ln NBA action. IHOwn• (I), GEMINI -A comic look at the complications which arise during a Harvard student's birthday party at bis family's South Philadelphia home. SPOTLIGHT (S), Bl.ONDI!: EAT TO THE BEAT -Deborah Harry and the members of Blondie perform the songs from their album, "Eat to the Beat." 8 -CNN ·(8)-HBO 0 -Spotiight 01) -WTBS <Atlanta. Ga.) FEBRUARY 12, 1982 FRIDAY EVENING cCl -Cinemax cm -On/Select (%) -Z Channel CE)-ESPN Cl) -Sbowtime (!)-WOR CN.Y .. N.Y.) 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 m ffllftlall ~ Sc>orts Mewsdesl CC) lloc:UMw CE) '*'>Cont'd SjlortJ Ctnttr B.uMtbal. Calllof1111 Vs. Wawncton Bmetti.11 Pio Coif CID tllaslrllMr *"' ''liaaeysllCU. Rost" Up To Now cm lbm ~rlbll los ~ llUn \Is San Antonio Spurs (I) San ff lllCISU Iii& hff Off llloYll "Bol! Vo11Ct. ai.tit 8'own" • Mo-lie Cont'. llloV!t "8'0llt0 My" Mofle .. ~ (%) MoY!ICont'd MoY1t "PoPtrt" (f) ,,.,....,. Rality lleMy Iii ..... @ 11.ntdbll Cont'd lillme "Tht Birds" FEBRUARY 13, 1982 SATURDAY EVENING 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 m News $flofts l'lm 9oi r,_lltSIOlb News f1111IS.- CC) .._ ''Tiit Aspllajt lu..X" Moflt' .'Wlllcll •• , Is Up, .. (() laUtW Sc>orts c.rter 8&sUt1lll. CIMlr....,_ ~ r rano Sllle f A So«t! (8) Womm'1 Cr-ta Mo111: "Tiit WIJ Wt Wert .. Mo'lle cm Oly9lpied lilo'l'lt 1lle CAllllpltlblft •• lllio..t (I) MoN Collt'd ..,.,.. .,...,.,. .. llllo•ll "Cll.wN" • llloYlt Cont'd Mo"'· '11w Docs Of War" Movie-.111oody V•tint" (%) Mo-lie eo.t•• ..,.. .... Collr" llD* "Win W.1 ls Upl" Cl) Hodey Cont'd AP'*" Ptul ltopn llacrrt Wratlma Movie."~ Calls" lll> ,...., We!lill Al War ..,.,. "Dlys ot Willt Aad Rosa .. FEBRUARY 14, 1982 SUNDAY EVENING 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 Tllit Two (I) .,_ "C. llM!I.' Cont'4 Miwie: .,... Wly ...... ...... c.r. • -----·--·_,, ___________ _ FEBRUARY 15, 1982 MONDAY EVENING 7:00 I 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 I 10:30 .. fr-~ Sports ....... W. Coast Rep ,.Now CC) ltmt. ·111e ~ .. c:our.e." Mrmt ''llle Othet Wt OI Tllt 1bAi. -1'111 r· (() •Boetlllfllllom Sportsc.t. Wttbll. c-ti Vs. Vw&NM Tedi CID e-itw.wi. ......... ~ .... -...w cm Movie: "SllowW E.14wea" Mrmt: .... Mcltt l.ol1'' I.., .. Cl) ""'"'* I 1.1"* Thon Nlbollll rina1s Of Tlw 1911 Be utt °" Mont "RIFC 8111" ., *"'Cont'd lllD\111. "Rallrrectloll" Lortttl l1'1ft (%) lilDfte. "$1.ttal,.. Mo'llt "S..t .._ .. 1.., .. Cf) .,.CoM'd ...,Iii .... *""-'°Wllldllstlr ·1r tm lllws Mll!rmiy ·-·~· 1 .... . FEBRUARY 16, 1982 . nm&>A Y EVENING 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 I 10:30 8 fr-lleporb Soorts ...... w Cols!.., PeojJle Now ~ .... Coat' d • Ml>Ylf "OlarJ Of A,_,,,. 111\chMer" Mone "A Hictit fuft Of bin" (() 8&slflW CM' d $ports Ct!rttt Pr.,._. RIMleo CID r-. Was nw 19l0s Up To llow Mo.1t "Allct. S..t Na' cm W.,lWn ~ los~ Labn Vs Su111t ~ Mlme "DutltSlllll Cl) llowlt: "....U," eo.t'd llllr:mt "l'optyt" IAo"' "l;athenne & Co •• m llloN: ''Hlldt" eo..t' d Shern lewis MlcJC llloYte "Tht Competlbon .. (%) lllD'fllColil'd MoN '1JM'tlt Show" Mow "Qllld's Pia,.. -(!) Rallty ... Pollsll 8-yltl Illa* ~ .._ "Mt w•~ e, Nilld'' Ill> News a.utllel: AtlalC.I Vs. s. Diieo llllefte FEBRUARY 17, 1982 WEDNESDAY EVENING 7:00 I 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 m fr-~ Sports ....,.,. w Cont a.o ,...."°" CC) lilo'fle. ·1m" Collt'd 111r:mr "Tht r ni o..11y Siii" Cl) Pocut Niard Tow-I $c>ot1s Cellt• Basutblll. 8astOll Coll.-Vs Georpiown CID ~ lloM °"" Cont'd 111r:mr '11lls II Ems" Tlle Glut f'lusult Hlllll cm ..._ "Slflr•ll Wlys" MoN "Tiit Man Who S.. T-row•· Mclfte Cl) lllr:mr ·-s.·s let-Burt Giiiin llllr:rne • lllowl Coll!' d Moftl'."[tm" (%) .,. Collt'd ~ "friencb" T oud1 Of Lott Ml>M: ''Portnoy's Compillnt" (f) HDcMy IAIM'd I Meet MIJOfS 8tMy Iii Mallde lllfloN:"Jot" tm ........ Nlws ..... FEBRUARY 18, 1982 THURSDAY EVENING 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 STARRING WPOR1' BEACH ... Programming That Gets You Right Where You Live! MONDAY· 7:00 PM '"Newport Now" 7:30 PM Live Newport Beach City Council coverage or ··citizens Forum .. <alternate Mondays> 7:00 PM "Sound Off" WEDNESDAY 7:00 PM "Newport Now·~ THURSDAY 7:00 PM "Sound Off" 7:00 PM "Newport Now .. nJNE 11' TO CABLE CBANNltL Mor K Our local programming lineup in· eludes the discussion series .. Sound orr·.. our interview show hosted by Mayor Heather -"Citizens Forum." and,,live coverage of Newport Beach City Council m eetings. Plus. we continue to cablecast our popular magazine format show "Newport Now." Our focus is on the issues that are happening around you. and we feature people and places that you know. Yo.ur neighborhood and its residents are our stars. FOR PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL (114) M2·5m 3$3 a - 19 ~ £ ~ - -~ -! ~.....,..-=. - i KNXT KN8C KTlA '" KA8C KfMB KHJ KCST KTTV KOOP KCET KOCE Tuesclayt -A•• • D • • a a • • •• • ,, • ' • ' Detall• •.~Y.& Irr .. ._ 1 .......... ' '·'·' .,, Ml ....... ............ ~\Ml ...... ........... ...... .... ....... .......... .... ....... "= " ~·"· . -· ., ''" ·~ ~ ~ f -~'t''-'t -5 = ;:tJMl't .... --T~ ,. .. .,... ~ "" -IT°"! ~ . =~ -QI ... ".:. .... 7. tlajf -a. ....... ~ Ta. ""*' flNJMM " " .. Mertca . n..11 . . nit "-toon Yoga For OI NO.lrA" .. M t. .. .. .. .. " AW., .. f1lllatoMI ~ .... ,.,.. u '°""'9 aoo nm "' s: .. " " " fUllolP JIM Flpper .. ..... ~ ~ ~ ..... .., ....... " .. .. .. Siii~ a.er " .. .. Aoglrl lllddll9 °"'YI0'-0.W.. .. .. . Hot " .. . Gentle Poe. VIia .... ....... of '*" lit ... . " [Fudge .. " .. .. 9lft AlllJt "°""' -~ 9: OneDlly Regll rtcNrd A.M OntDlly Jldt OonWlul ILOYI Romper s...m. $-2-1 • OYaueY .. ,.,.. And ~·· AIATlml Plllbln Slmmone Loa At.Hime lal.Wle .. Lucy Room Street ContlCt OU.: Jo9I Otey. (A)Q Alce llloct-i..we• ~ Alce· Mldmomng .. 8ewilcl'led Movie: .. Beclrlc 9 lln'IRfAINlmlT " ..... To"°"*' ... LA .. .. "Wiit .. ~ TONGHT IL" Cli -f "' f J ~ ~ a: 10: ThePYlol WW!Of Big L0\11 ThePYlol .. Alclwd l~OI OIThe Cllsatoom Educllionll All lmrMw wlttt Aldwd II "'!!" For1Unl Vlllr 8oet ll~t .. Simmons Jelrlnll OMdl" TV Pr~ ~ ~ " .. .. e.iu.t.1 Ghott And INHNewa .. .,...~ .. " .. .. .. .. .. Mr1. MuW " .. " ~:Ault! Bual. CID 11119 WM: THI ,_ 11: Tldltllel ~ Bolllnza F.-nlly Young And TrteN• ~d Super LOYl.Amtt Electrtc " Dk* c.-. ...,.. the .. ,._.. .. rut TheAeltllll Hunt PU PIPJ<Mde $1)'11 COl'llplny " decade of ..... Great Young And The w Ayln'a " MMdl The ..... Low,Amtt McNeil .. Oepreeeklft, wNcll llllo The,... Docton .. Hope " Glrne Docton .. Style Lltnr .. ' ~ bll1tl to redlo. i.lltlll Holywood ~ Ind KN)(1' MMC KTlA KABC KFMB KHJ KC8T KTTV KOOP KCET KOCE .. ,........ PM 7:t0. 2ON1"I TOWN • D " • e II ¢ m ., fl) G;) Feet~ • ieg..ldlllr '* ..... ,,..,,., ... ~ a....-.......... ... ~ a..-....... ........... ........ .... ....... ........... .... ....... ·= c:e'• ~ p.lcl dlec: ~ ~· key: leem .,. °'*"1111 .... 12: " OeysOI Twlllglll AIMy .... McMe: DlylOf McMe: M<Mr. Cb TileNew &cwy of ....... Ind the ... " Owl.Ml Zone Qldrtil " "Dull.At 0-.IMI "HWTyln ''Tiie c...tt Yea ... Of ......... ....,. MTlle " r...-.. AaThe TheAlo .. YtNr Mecomber °"' Wflrln eo.c; ....... '°. ~ Wortd " Zone .. Wor1d Grinde" " Poc*et" Alfllr'' Easy TheWOl1d? k:Utll --.; 8 ..... ICM .. . le helcopt• rtde. 1: Tuma AnotMr Heu Ontl.11 Tums " Another .. .. Classroom Educational • LAVllWl&--..V WOl1d ~ TolM .. " WOl1d .. " TV Pr~ & OCIWl'llHV s-cttFor .. .. s-cttFor ...... .. " .. " Lenny Ind ~-· Tomorrow .. .. " Tomorrow .. " " .. .. " ~-~on . 2: GIMIG TGll John Gen.al GUdlng lroneide Teus °'*' ~ .. Lei . ''The DllllnO ca-. .. lJctll .. " ~ ~ .. ~ .. " Line .. .. GlrM\IS 8 IYIONL.A. " .. " " .. The Popeye .. Mister Feetured: • trip to the S.V-.. .. .. " .. " " Wllllana " Rogers en th Yell nlghfdub; • NPOt!Oftllle .... '•-3: Aoc*ford ~ .. EdgeOf John McMe: Hout " 81'91 ~ s.an.. ... nlghtcMle tNI..,... fllll .. .. HlgN ~ "Battle ~ .. lkMviy Gowermwrt S1r..i 119 In roe* mullc; blNnd-.. .. ~d f'wlPt'• " 9lneeth Bewitched ScooOy ~ .. ......__ .... ~ ... . .. .. Slmmone COlf1 .. The EMUI" .. .. Ooo " .. • M•A0l"M 4: e.n.y Bob en.:~ ..... .. .. Little lltldy K111ooo 3-2·1 The Home The pereonnel of the ... Newtllft " .. .. HouM lki1c:n Klmrvll Contact Gardener 4071tfl lty to ""*-• good ..... Ent•· .. .. ~H .. Onlhe hly Milltr MICNeil tmpi Wion on • peycHe-.. llmlent " • .. .. " Pralna Bunch Rogers Letvw .,. ....... lhreelenecl wlltl 5: ..... ..... Little News ...... KofM ..... Incredible The SeaarN O\'W fitSJt'ge .,,,_,.,, (C)WOYIE .. .. HoUle .. .. " Hulk Flintstones Street Easy *'A "Diary Of A T ...... .. On Tiie .. .. .. .. .. Scooby .. Growing Hl'4:hhlk«" (1878) Die" " .. Pni1e .. .. .. .. .. Ooo .. Veers VM Patten, ~ Tll-s: ..... ..... a...·. ..... C8SNews WMe Nee;-. The HIWlil 9'ISNll Hl.l1Wl '°" . .. ~ " .. Sllldow .. Jefl9r1ona n..-0 Repor1 BehMlr 1-M i AN"°"" fOA LUNCH .. .. News .. News Welcome .. News 8uslnm UO Cll THI WALL .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Bid!, Kotter " .. Repor1 The flnel eftorte of llle .Jewllll .,..,. Of the Weit-7: C8SNewl N8CNewl HIPPY o.y. ABCNewt r.c:TIC YouAlkld The MAS.H Joker'• O\'W Cb ... Ghetto '° ...... .. Aglirl .. oaui;. For" Muppetl .. Wld Easy c..i .._.._ ._.. .. 20.. Ffdt L.Mrnl& EyeOn PM ~ Fnly MAS.H Tlc TIC MICHeil ..... ..... ..,. '° .. ,,. .... .. ,.'~ TNTOlllll ,.., ti'9V LA IMICllZlne Feud .. I Oouatt Llhr• .. tllem -4wonld9cl; Tom a: "" Fathlt ..... HlllPY The MOYie: Fathw PM P.n UteOn Nova Conti. UM lldltlOfrl Ind Wll Murptly ''Bobll,Jo ~ Wiit "Wlllrmelon ~ MlgUlrle Pitt 1 Edi "The &Welld\eur. .. AndThe l.Mrnl& .. Min" Alln The .. .. Video • 8•A,._.a.u.MV .. .. . o..w-l9Nrtiw .. .. .. Ftmly .. .. &pa1on·· .... ~---'* lllllVltt -.. the 9: .. llrtl .. Tinl'• " .. Bret ~ .. Amtr1* UllOn Oi11M! .... ., ...... .. ........ .. ~ .. .. ~ Grillln .. ~ E..wUI ~.Q .. " I• TooCloae .. .. " . . .. "S-.OI .. . ..,.,.. " I " .. ForComlott .. .. .. .. .. tunor" " . .......... .,.,.,,.. . ·~ .. 11°' ~~ :~ ,Z*'° ........ HM To .. ..... Rlllingo ..... ..... wrmlll .... auw..'' C1t7'1t ...... .... .. .. Rold .. .. McRllt .. .,.,.,,~c..r . . .. " .. .. " " .. ......... lnCancart ~ ..tWPWMW "~-.. .. " .. " " .. M " ,...., ... ,... ...... ...... .... .... .. 11: ..... Newt ··-Sllwday .... ..... I(~ ..... The Sallford Olcl ,....Of ---.q " .. • .. H " .. ,,.,..,_. &Sen c.w. ....... • llCM9 Mot T~ MCNIMI Allcl . T~ Allnllle L0\11, A/Mr. ..... c....-**" "'WmfRAfl I ...... .. t . J 1--. " .. FMllJ ~ " * ..... = Gecllrey Cn• In i ""~-; __ ,. ,,.,.... Wl<Wlll ..-: M ... L0\11,~ • FocwOll ...... ..--. 1-i H I .. :..: ..... ClllomMI "llttlt r .. Oouglnl Style ~ .,. ..... ~ DiiM ..' ...... . .. MclQaud .... DMI .. ....... ,.......... .. ... -,L ~°? 1 • .,,,.,...::i,_~ u..n. . .. , ~ .. ,, ..,, .. ThefM111" ......... .. H ..,_.,,, .......... ;. • Se~ 1' ·a. P.ogt 21 ' f.Y' ·-.10-,,, . , . LESLIE-ANN WARREN ... She will have the starring role in "Jillian: Portrait of a Showgirl.'' Hill Street Blues From Page. 8 George Schlatter will premiere sometime during the 1982 season on NBC. Schlatter, who created "Laugh In" and "Real People," ls known as an innovative force in television comedy, but details on what the new show, called "The Shape of Things," is about, are scant. We do know that it's primarily a female cast offerinc a primarily female view of world events and trends . . . Howard E. Rollins. who played Coalhouse Walker in "Ragtime," will be a guest star for four weeks oo "Another World." His character is Ed Harding, a tough kid from Bay City's west side ghetto who is a Vietnam vet, a.n electronics firm owner and a bit miffed al his sister becoming involved with a married cop ... Carol Burnett will star in the title role in "Beatrice," a new television movie based on the life of the woman who founded the first Los Angeles recovery house for female alcoholics. Lamont Johnson will direct . . . 4 Tube TopPers KNXT 8 8:00 -"The Wall." Chronicle of the final efforts of the J~wish res idents of the Warsaw Ghetto to - defend themselves against the Nazis. KCOP &' 8:00 -"Pearl." Stories of three couples living in . Hawaii in 1941 stars Angie Dickinson and Robert Wagner. KNBC tD 9:00 -··Bret Maverick." Maverick is stalked by a cold·blooded killer. KABC fJ 10 :00 -"Hart to Hart ." The Harts' business associate disappears during a trip w Europe. From P.age 20 1or uw 11nt 11me.. Q CR>MOVll wom.,, .._ hotne furn. •*•'A "'Allee, Sweet llfllnoeendwwdrot>e-• Allee" (1987) Lind• Miiier. bOught MC:Ond-1\end; Qief T .. rnek• • llnur tonr. PMAe Shepperd. O MOYll Paule NMlotl on how mar-•• * "The Cotnp9tltlan" fled -c:en eat.tlllah (1M0) Rldlerd ~ credit • ..uA. Am;~· The aaort.. of uv. oou-9::IO. 9 TOO CloeE FOR ~ r..idlng In ..__,. In ~ 11M1 •• followed jLt9t ~ HelWy "** •• , .,.._ Of to Md during the eltedl end wllll .Mdlla end San. on ~ Hwbor. Angie (C) MOYIE Oldllneon, Aobett Wegner. • • "A Night Full Of Rein" O.W. w-end LeeMly ( Ul7S) Glenc:atto GIMn!IW. Ann wwren 1t•. (Pllft 11 Cendlce a.roen. Dlfected • LR ON EARTH br ~er1mullec.. "ln\'Ulon Of The L..9nd" C0J ,_, .. ,.. OeYld Att9nborougll 1ocM<1 * *'Ao "Oeelh Ship" ( tll80) at the _.on of amp111-George K-.cty. Alchard lllMI. end the c:epture Of • Ct-. coel•c•nth --• fl•h t:al CZ) MOYIE thOUgllt to be llJCtinct untl • * * "Child '• Pl•y" 1931 -II r~ on film (1972) ,,_ .,._., ~ ; =t time O 10:00 a ~°';...00 ROAD "The Vi69o Exptoelon"" ~Nt 8enlP6e announces n... pal. ~ end 1111 au.peel In IN CWlon future of ~lean teielll-bombing at Lane and llof't ere exs>IO'ed o 5.,.,. · 1 ...octlng (8) UP TO NOW 8 9 HART TO HART The let•I -II. Ideal The Hert1' ~ U.0- and -.lter• .,. pero· elate ~· during • died In • -• 01 comic working trip to an e!W11c lket~. Eur~ c:n.tMu. O (I) MOVIE • CAMmf MCME .. • * * "Popeye" (19801 OONOl1'T AT THE Robin Willl-. SNlley PAl..Am Ouvlill Ac:cotnC*lled by Q8ftl Lesley-Ann Warren bas been signed to play ~ L£WIS: ~~. ~.,,:" 8':.c=:: the lead in "JUiian: Portrait of a Sbowcirl," to (Z)MCME °"9ra 13 of ,_ .,._ be broadcast later thia year on CBS. Tb.is movie • • • • "The une BMw" htta 1n , _..,.. hout tells the story of a y~ung woman who signs up wiµ. (t977) Art Carney. Uty °' ,1en. (RI a Las Veea.s show to for1et an unhappy love affair a:aoU. lAVEJlllNE& ~~~ a eo:· u ichael Brandon and Pat Harrinnt"'' · w1'll star INN.EV < 1973> J-Blrkln, '~ IV • ...,.. Carmine •nd Iha glrl1 .__.. in "Betw~en Two Brothers," a new television return to M»wauk .. 1or 1Ck3C>ID .AMENCAH movie about a prominent lawyer's drive to reach their 10-YMr "'°" ecihool PlA~ bis emotionall)' troubled brother. There is reason ~~~FA*.Y ::::' :h ~ i:: to believe that the latter is involved lo a series of Oloft9'• t~~ iOtl p._ portrays •,_, burglaries to augment 'What he tries to pass otf as • • -"'°"* doeel,.t widow d•t•rmlned to an amuent lifestyle. The Show will be broadcast --lnUd!UmehwllMlt• beoofM ~ ir tM March 10 . . . M08 9METMAWM:K ~.Q M-'tk II ltellted t:l'I a 11i00• MTWIDAYMQHT The ABC covera0 e of the 1984 Olympic Games 006d-blooded 1111., w11o Hoel: .Mlllll Bond. au.: • hotd9 8f'9t reeponalble for Tom Welle. from Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, will include some-65 tM'~•IOflllltatlMlr. e Ko.wt houra of programming, comparinc with with 5.1 • o ntMre Men.,,.._ __ _. houn from Laite Placid ln 1980. Telecuts becin OOJl#A¥r dr•wl"lll' cs..,,_. • Monda1, Feb, 6, 198', IO mark your calendars =--= :".,::; = =':, ': Eddie Albert and Efrem Zlmball.lt Jr. will ;r'~ -=·........,... combine talents for the coming "Beyond Witch P\AYHOUM Ucf* end Jenny 11ew • Mountain." Albert pla.ys a man who befriends two ·-a.-Of "'-: Come llllby flft. (Plllt 21 psychic )'OUDgSters and Zi.rnballst plays a bad guy AlonQ Wllll Me" Ealelll • UNf!OROMOeoH who wants to use them for his own ads. The abow Pettone portf9W'I •,.,.,,. Fred Ind Urnofll !NOW• widow determined to ~ ~ ~ en is set for Feb. 20 on CBS . . . ~ mvMd 1n u... -., to ,..._ ~ to "The Phoenix," a fantasy/adventure about a ~Q P!!I~-.. super being from anotbel' time wbo ii adrift ln the • l.RON M11m4 lltl..,... 1980s, ls now ln production for the ABC Telniaion ''llwMlofl 0t The .......,. '*** "T'tle ldc*Mk.,.. Network. u'lbe Phoenls'' tella the dory of a bela1 OMS A~ look• (1MO)"-INIMy, T°"9ft who 1' the epitome of mu'1 Poteatlaf Wbo leaves a :_: :::::.=..,. ~ =. dyin1 plmier'many years •ao md trav•l• lD U e co.i.-oatitll -· • ,.... '* to the IOtb .......... milillll .u ...... u - -HEADACHES? YOU DESERVE TO FEEL GOOD CALL64MJOO For eo_,11 .. ...., Cr .. ..._ WISTCUff C .. IOPIACTIC OFFICE Dr .............. 2 04J Wntdtff Dr .. S.. I ot ... .,.... .... ..... C.C.'• -f 111 ........... Most lnauranoee Acoecit.ci ... L --------·-------.... ·.!. -----·-. It I -KNXT KN8C Kn.A kMC KFM8 KHJ KC8T KTTV KCOP KCET KOCE . _Wed....,. AM • D • D u u m m • fl) "' Det•lll ...... , II.; I --......... .......... ......... ......... ...... ~--......... .... ..... Lit ...... ~ -;, . -·~ . -,..u,uwa.-1: Morning Todly 100 Qood Morning The T~ Cer1oon Bugs Blieinm Amertc.n ..... Newt .. CMI Morning ..... Froozlll TO'MI Bunny Alpolt ~I .. .. .. America .. Tlwtll " The Klrtoon Yoga Fer OI 7:GO e'..,,,.,., CMVS AMIN .. .. .. " .. AWwt .. Flnlslonll l<amlvll Hleltll "'"tlna "'*¥ ~ NllUrN llO a: " .. .. .. ~ Jin .. Flpper .. Mill« Body ............ .. " " .. Sen~ Blkk• .. .. Rooert llllOdlll _, ... Ir*> FonaW• .. .. Hot .. .. .. Gtnlle ,.,.. VIII ..... i-t.(Pwt I) .. .. Fudge " .. " .. Ben .. !Aleen IAaalrs • M"A•e•H 9: One[)ey Regll Rldwd AM. OneOey Jack Oonlhle ll.IM ROlllPW 5-rlll 3-2·1 wt..Hotl.lp9 ....... """" be pl'llQNfll. ... AIA Time Plllblft Slmmonl Loe AIA Time LILMlM .. Lucy Aoolll SI,_ CCl1tlCt ..tr ...... .,..... b Ab Btoc:l· lMwlt Angeles Ab Midmoming .. 8'wlldled M<Me. " Slclrtc Ille ........... ""' Aul· .. bultlre To Women .. LA .. " ''Winds .. ~ Ii ~IMY 10: The Price Wlllll Of 8lg LO'Je ThePrice . Ri:Nrd IOrwnOf OIThe Clmroom .. ~ FattlN Ytlle¥, Bolt .. Right .. Slmmont --Wllttllndl '' TV Pr~~11ml11g "Welgflt conttd'' ~: I Bltlteltara .. .. Blltleltlrl GholtAnd INNNewl .. ".,.....,,_,(R)Q n .. .. .. .. .. .. Mrt. M1Ar " .. " a BfTIRfAM91T 11: Tlltlelalel Peeaword 8onlnD flmlly Y~And Treasure Paaword Sl.iper LcM.AIMI. Elec:1tle .. TONGIHT Nt 1rMrMw ~ ...,_ Plue .. FM TheAelti. IU!t Plue PtyClrdt St)1t ~ .. a.-. YOU'lgAnd Thi .. A)wl'• .. Match The ..... LIM.Arrwit. MecNtl Blglb QITHI.......,_ ThlAllla. Ooc:ton -.. Hope .. GalM Dodoce .. Styte lAlw'W Mnll au..: .... a,.,. (D)MCMI " KNXT KN8C KTlA KA8C KFMB KHJ KCST KTIV KCOP KCET KOCE ** .. ~ Wep" Pi\{ (1~ !<.-81M*. TClf'llt • D • D Q D w • • • a.;> LollMco. .,._. I ON THI TOWN ........... ......... ........... ......... .. .,... .... ....... ...... .... ....... .... ....... ......... "= ~·ioot• .... ol ~ -(llrtl; • 12: .. OeysOI Twiligllt AIMy ..... M<Me; OtyaOI MM. McMa: Olea a... prdla of ~ .,... " OwU..... lone Cl;ldr1n .. "TheVwy OwU..... "Scalp-''The Sins Clwt1 Scwouts ~Olk*"-":• AsThe .. T~ .. AsThe Edge:: .. 111.nt«t'' Of RIChel Owr GEO -"' 1CM18MtNt'*- WOl1d .. lone .. Wofld .. .. Cade" Elly Grammer .... ol Hol)wood'• lftOlll ,,......11--. 1: T11m1 Another How Dnll.JI Tuma " Another .. .. Clasltoom OnatUpon • LA,,_& .-.UV v World ~ Tol.M .. .. Wof1d " " TV ACllsslc IOOtll'M'f 5-dlfor .. .. Sawcll For ..... .. " .. .. &lucallonll ~neand~IMm Tomorrow .. .. " TomorTOW .. .. .. .. .. Pr..-ilflllng 11181 ev~on• at '"- 2: Gudng T-· John a.-11 Guidlrlg lron9de Teua ()pwl Supermen .. Tomorrow'• tw-.y ""* undergo ~" .. DMiloll ~ UgM " .. Line .. " Ftrnilll PfYCIM*>Oic.I UMftlne- ' Ilona. .. .. " .. .. The PQOly9 .. ...... " .. .. " .. .. .. Wellons .. " Aogert • IVIONL.A. Fe9lured: a f'IP0'1 on how 3: Rocktord Donlfu " EdglOf Jolln ~ Hour .. Bugs Homl 5-rlll ----.,..,.,.. -Riii .. .. Nlgtll DrMaon "The MlglMI .. Bunny Gwdenlr Slrell tunq to Ollbac:y; • --" .. flclwd P9opil'• .. Family Bl'llltc:lled ScooOy Fiii .. ...__. .... " .. Sinmolw Court .. .,..... .. " " Ooo Fonrttd .. to•loa~~ 4: Bllney Bob ~ ..... .. .. llltle Brtdy Kartoon 3-2·1 ~ ..... .,. ....... actuall)' .... Nllliflltt .. .. .. HouN 8wlc:ll K"""'11 Conlaet ""' b•Glll to vtalllno ..... Entei-· .. " M.AS.H .. On The Brtdy . .. Mll1• MICfW -.. 1linmlnt .. " .. .. Pfllril &llCft .. Roaer• lAlw'W • M•A•t•H UllrequlMd low. dala\, s: .... ..... Utt.le ..... ..... Kojlk ..... Incredible The s...m. 0... dengar, duty and ·~ .. Hcua .. .. .. HIAll Alntllonee S11• Easy .., !MM 14> • ~ dey -.. OnThl .. .. .. .. " Sc:oo4Jiy .. ~ In tM .a1711\. .. .. Pmta .. .. " .. .. Ooo .. Anlnce • A tQM DIVlllB>-s: Ne.I ...... a.la'• ...... C8SNews WMa HBCNewl The ..... 8u9lrl9I Naedllcnlt 09.._M~ .. ~ .. .. Shldoi9 .. Jeltlrlons f'Ne.-0 Aeoor1 .. ,_,.,,.. " .. ...... .. ...... Wtleoma .. Newt 8ulina Y•pllet Kotto, Bernt• .. .. .. " .. " " SD.Kott• .. .. Aeoor1 ~end Ned a.tty atar In lhe ltOty of Denmar1c 1: CBSNews N8CNewt H1C>PY0eys ABCNewl Tic Tee YouAlkad The M.A.S.H Jok•'• 0... Dick v_,, a ,,_ blatlc -· .. .. Aglill " Dol9' For It Muppeta .. Wlld Easy CaYllt pent# wtio led an ebor1lve 20n Fll'lllly l..Mml& Er-On PM IMINyt Fll'nlly M.A.S.H Tic Tee MacNel AHouae rllbtillorl to ,.. .. IN "- The Town F9Ud ~ LA :MtOIZlnl Feud .. Oouall lAIV• OMdad: In 1822. a: WKRPtn Riii abtt: The Wl<RP In ~ Riii PM P9ltt AHcua Denmalt fMCI)MOYIE Clnc:iMllll P90Pll "ASmll ~ ~I "Rider ~ ..... Pwt 2 OMdad: Ve.y's * "Fltanda" (1811) ,_, TheTWo TOMllll ~ The Two OnThe TritMe To .. OenmaR: Rlo.llon Bury, Ana. AMnL 'A' OfU. .. TIXll" Hlro.. OfU. Alln" " YtnSculy .. V111¥'1 .. ...(I)_,. .. CINCINN.tTI . 00 C8Sabtt: TheFsts .. The CBSMcMI: .. ThtFICll Merv .. Rebllloll MIM Hertt ........ 14> with Iha 9., ''loll Gllbl OIL* " Fii "Lola Glbtlt .. Olute GlfRn .. .. Comrw ··partect cMl!e" •• com-' AndThe ~ .. Guy AltdThe .. ~ .. .. Chlttl9 s.tngln' Pl'* ... ~ "°"'~ ISldMw " " LIMCenll" .. Sldnly .. " M. Sdlutr Thea.. • QI MAL NOft.I 10: n ~ .... ~ " ..... ~ ..... Niwa South Swingil' ,...,,... • dog llOwlng .. .. .. .. .. " Bronx: Thea. oontat; • delloCee °' w-. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. INNNlwl · Wort In c.m.n ll!lld ~ • pro4l9 °' ~ eyndlc:9IW dlac toc"Y Dr. .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. .. Progreu McAll Denwito: • midget -11: ..... ...... llSIWl'Clly ..... ...... KOjlk ..... The Sanford Olea In Concert ,_, " " ~. .. .. .. Jllfer10n9 &Son Cl""1 .. • MOVIE C8SMcMI T~ AICNewt ~ " T~ Al In The Loowe.AIMI ...... Clptlonad * ·~ "A Small T_, Ill ·-n. A9lurll .. hbtlN &c:lpa .. Femity Styte " A8CNewt T•M" n•1•1 Timothy 12: Of Frtnk " SlllNaNa LcMt Wonder McMe: .. ... ~,,,,. Atnlrica: eonoma. ..... o-g.. C.W." .. .. BOit WOllllll "Tlla ' Oauglll Style 2ndCenll#y ea TimGMATIST .. OM! ._.. " " FlmilJ OM! INN,.. M• UQAMHIN) ~ " --'~ ~· " ...... ~ " " Wtll9 on • ~ ·~ < --· See Wednesday 's. Page 23 I ' -• . I I I r;f" CE~EB~:~TE • SPECIALS • •• • 0 0 • Grionolno Rose' reg. 4.1s 3. 9 9 ~-JID~ '> (DRY And CRISP) • ,___._ --~\;n G~--·.~o Vin DA..a' / 2 15 '-l' ~ ~"'fl 11() ftu. mild. natural reg. 3.25 • ·THE NATURAL WINE"' ' sssssssssssssssssss ~ ._.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I st FAST CASH 2nd 3rd TD's .. .., ..... talond to yow ..... • Short Term • LongTenn • Swing Loans Personalized service in your home or office OPEN ~t.T LYON'S ~ rmancial Services ~ l31-1734 Secured by a combination or real and personal ._.. ~ property. ~ SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Tube Toppers KHJ 0 8 :00 -.. Rider on the Rain ... Chilling suspense s tor y about a mysterious man stars Charles Bronson and Jill Ireland. KNXT fJ 8:30 -.. The Two of Us ." Brentwood agrees to pose as Nan's husband to fend off an old admirer KABC fl 9:00 -"The Fall Guy " Colt is hired by a beautiful woman to find her brother before the mob kills him KNBC S 10:00 -"Quincy " Quincy tries lo prove two deaths were caused by a crisis-level s mog alert. From Page 24 vecallon. Ralph. Pam and Muw.11 beoolM tlw I•· get.I of a terrtf)olno voodoo CUit 1J MOW * * *" 'Rider On The R.ln" ( 1970) Charlel Elfon-'°"· Jiii lrelend • P.M. MAGAZINE A t>eNnO-ti.-IOc>'I et TV• UDellu"; jll'oftlee of Southlort!. the ,.., Ewing Oii end 1 T n• oll tycoon. Unda ...,,. lliljts a H........,, ~:Dr Oranlctl on birth otder and peleolitlllty • NAiil. The ltoriel of thrM COY· plat NliOlng In ........ In 11M 1 .,. tOllowed ju9t pri- or to and ctunng the •ttacll on P9M Hertlor; Angla Oiclllneon, AoOer1 Weof*', OarvMe w-and 1..-.y Ann Warrwt star. (PIWI 2) ·A~DMDB>­ DB .... NC YUEY'I ....,,l()N Ytphel l(otto. Bernie Ceaey and Ned 8Ntty ater In the •IOfY of Oentne'1< Veeay, a lrM bledt cat· penter wflO lad an abortlw r9C>elllon to fr.a Itta .,.,,,_ In 1122 Clf)MOW .... ,... .. EMe" (1081) Oocumenlaty. (J)llZAME "H-With Pinocchio" OMOYll * * * "EMI" (11711) Kurt ....... a-....,.,. l:aO. Cl) TME TWO OF ue Brentwood reluctantly .-to poee • Nwl'• hual>Md 10 lend °" ,..., Old hlgll ~ admirer. ·A ~TOWC ICUU.Y A trtbul• to one of the moat ~ad end ...... known IPO't• --In IN couritry, Vin Scully. the 'W>lce ol the lCMI ~ ... Dodgera (l)a... Scot1 .. and o_.., AJel. lo ... In a oomlc IOoll .. IN~ wtlkfl .... dul1ng I Hemwd st1>- ~I~ P8f'Y It NI ~· a.1111 "'"• f lsAW1 ~°'~dur­ ing• lectt.n et U. IJl\Nw· s:- • • • ''The Am DMdly Sin" ( 1980) F<anll Slnalra. F•)'9 Duntway (D)MOVIE * e \4. "The Man Who S.W T-row'' (1981) l)ocu.. mentary Narrat.cl by OraonW.... ~ D 8LOYE...,..., LM#le'• dleracter le writ- ten OU1 of IN "'°"'. IMY• Ing ,..., 10 ,_ ""' colCI rMlty °' IOC*lng lot • jOt>. • CHAMDM. ICHULZ. •. TO "J'IEMmft CllMlel M. Schutt. CfMtor of lhe '""°"' comlo •trip "Peenut1,'0 ~ 11'1 IHe 8lq)erlencaa Md ttlelr r8'91ionlhlp to Illa wort.. ~ ID 1W1NG1N' THE 8WU "Cot.int 8Hle" Count Buie perlorml at ... 75111 blnhday ~·tlon In ~ City and .. lnlW· ,..._, by jaz:r piaf1l9t 8lty . Taytot. (%) MAl&W: TI4f TOUCH°'lOW The -· imlofved In glv· Ing and r9¥8Mng • - MQll -porV8)'9d u cou- ,,._ demol'lltrate how '° ralu _,.. .... of the body.- • 10:00 ea GUNCY OWlcy _.. to prow tNI two dMtM -· a11110ut6-.. '° • o .... ..,,.. emoo lllert. e a DVNAStv .... ~tobeblnd, Aletr.11 ....,. .,, Ul~ted wlc:tOty -Kty9tla. and Colby ptotm IO gM1 -lo the Oan¥ar-Carrlngton ..... • IWINQIN' '"'8WU "Maty Lou Wllbmt" The ••q.-of jaz'' ~ atlolA her tormatlw ~ lnl(-Clty Clf)n.OMAT PUAeUMHUNT Thl9 docu!MnUWy eped8ll It.... IO the flll1n.I rMICtlR of u. wor1d In ~ of the uftlmel• ...,,_ .,_ lllOlleJ cen ~;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;m;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;iiiiii!!;;;;;;;;;--._J MO n MCMI HOT DOG WEST ~~.:=a~:. &JMCMI ··~ "Portnof• eom.-plalnl'' ( 1112) IUcllard 16079 Giold9tt West St. W .....,, Maaon, Aoberl Gun10n. Hw•rl-..... 14Ml69 • a THI f'AOTI OF .,..-UN ~ 15% . OFF • • Nat... -her talher hevtno lur!dl wllh a - whO .. ftOt her ll'IOCher • 9 THR 'M.I. OA/'I CoflllhlrMby•~ ""°"*' to find her ---bll9ail'I .. mob dll ..... '°' '*OM'ltllftO ..... • llWWA OOUJNll ......... IDUOe\noN lenfaMln, Karen Blecll. tO:ao. CAMllN ~ .. COHOmltr AT n. ,A&.Aaa AcGompenlad by Clattl Tarry and Illa Big BM Band, Car..-McRM ofter'I 11 of .., -- ""' In a __..,.. how r~ ~ 2 l~!llP!~~~~r=-~.-.r:=--;:..liJ ~ Savings up to 50% off Spring P~view ~a~hlons Arriving Daily with Savings of 20% I • "POPEYE'' ANO "BRIDGETTE IMDOT'PAHTS • URS> BLOUSES • PfAWfT SKIRTS • BATHING SUITS • THE ROMANTIC lOOK • K.NICKERS--AU COlORS • YVES DAJl8. DESIGHER PANTS • WALK.ING SHORTS • TMOAED JACKETS ~ • GOLD MXEHTED 11.0USES I 7'D E. 17th ST. COSTA MESA 645-67]1 BUTTONS & BOWS BOUTIQUE M-f 10.7 SAT. I 0.6 ~~:~!!lr=-- Big Week. Small Price. 0.-I• l:JI ··~-......... I·-....., . The rww Dally Piiot 8i>ay-•k PLUS ... Cli - . I \ I --CiJil'ld. _____ ···-..---~~ • ~ --... _. . .. AM KNXT KN8C KTLA KA8C •• • D • ........ .......... ........ .......... 1: Mor'*1g TOdlY 700 Good ...... .. Clut> MorNng .. " .. Amlrlcl .. " " " a: .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. .. Hot .. .. .. Flldol .. 9: OntOly Algll Alc:tlTtd A.M. At A Timt Pltil Simmona u. Ab Bloca· lll\leK ~ .. bulitr1 To Women 10: Thi Price WllellOf Big Loi.. ·~ ForlUnl v111r, 8oel Battllltltl .. .. " " " 11: Tlt1lllalll Plllll!Ofd 9onenzl Fll!lt/ Plus .. Feud Young And Thi .. Ryln'• Tht Reslllll 1loc:lon " Hope KNXT KNBC KTLA KA8C P!vl • D " D .......... .......... ... ....... .......... 12: .. Olys()f Twllgllt AIMy OurU.... Zone Cl1lldt9n AITht " TwllQlll .. WOl'ld .. Zone .. 1: Turns Anolhlr Hour Oneute Wofld ~ Tol.M SelrdlFor .. .. Tomorrow .. " .. 2: Gudng TUii John Glrwll Ugllt .. .. Dlvidlon Hospital .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3: Rockford Donlhul " EdgtOf f .. .. " Nl!;11 Aidlltd Ptoplt's .. smnon. Cowl 4: 8amflf Bob e~ ""' Mlltr Newlllrt .. .... Ent•· .. .. .. '*""""'' " .. 5: ..... .... Ullle """ .. Holm .. " °"Thi .. " " Pr*lt " 6: News ...... Chlt1il's Newt .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. .. .. " 1: CBSNews NBCNIWI HeppyDtya A.BCNewl .. A(/1111 " 20ri Fernly LMroe& Eye°" Thi Town Feud ~ LA. s: Magnum. F11111 MM: MoBAnd Pl. .. "t.te.I Mindy " .. Dog ec.oiw " .. ..... Buddief 9: Knots Dll!'rtnl .. 8amflf ~ SttoUI .. Miller GlmmtA .. Tllll .. Brtlk .. .. 10: ...... .. """ 20·20 " Str• .. .. K .. " . .. .. .. .. .. 11: ..... """ Saturday Newt .. Night .. .. ~ T~ ASCHIM " ~ 12: .. .. StlaNllNa v~ .. .. ' McMllll OMS Movie .. AnclW!le l.ltt«llllfl " .. MINI ILIMDS ~ 50°/o OFF Illa 'DISCOUNTS iii = c~m.._ • - Kf'M8 kHJ ~T KTlV KC<>f> " CJ a Gil m •• ..... ........ ....... .... ...... .... ...... Mor'*1g Thi Today Cartoon Bugs ...... Frooztee TCMI Bunny .. Thlre II " Thi Klrtoon .. AW11t .. Flmllon. l(arnlWI &Alp ! Jllll .. Flj)plr .. Sin l?,i'OO Wklr .. .. .. .. .. <*tie Popeye " .. .. Ben .. OneDay Jade Donlhul ILOYI Romper AIATimt LI Linne .. Lucy Room Alcl Mldmomiig .. e.wttdled MoYll: .. LA .. ''WYomlno Thi Price .. Rlc:tla-d IOreMIOf <Nlllw"' II~ .. Simmonl JMnnll .. .. Battlllt111 GhoetAnd • IHHNIWI .. .. .. Mra. Muir " YOungAnd Treuurt Pmwofd Super U>Yt,Mt«. ThlAlllleu Hunt Pllt P-.<Mdt 8tyll .. Matdl Thi ..... Lowe.~-.. a.... Ooclora .. Styll KFMB KHJ KCST KTlV KCOP 0 liJ tE m (I) ...... ... ....... ....... ... ....... ... ..... ..... MoWI: OlysOf MoYll: McMI: .. "J«my OurU..... "Thi Mlrl "Thi AITht J:;ortdto" .. From Tl*d World .. .. Colorado'' Dty" Tuma " Another .. .. .. .. World .. .. 5-dlFor ....... .. " .. Tomorrow .. .. .. .. Guiding lrONIOt-Tex. °'*' 5upermlrl Ugh! .. .. Line .. .. .. Thi Popeye .. .. .. Wtllont .. John MO¥lc Hour .. 8uge DIYldson "Hell°" Magazine .. lkniy .. Frilco a-ten.cl Scooby .. Bly'' .. .. Ooo .. " Uttle Brady K.ioon .. " ttou. 8'.l'dl Kamivtl M.A.S.H .. °" Tht lhdy .. .. " Prtlrtt 8'.l'dl .. News Kojlll ...... lncredlblt Tht .. .. Hull f'lntltonel .. .. .. " Scooby .. .. .. .. Ooo C8SNIWI Whitt NBCNIWI Thi Htwtli .. Sllldow .. Jellersons ~ ..... " News Welcome .. .. .. Blct, Kott• .. Tic Ttc You Alkld Thi MASH Jok•'• OQql For" Mupptta .. Wiid PM 8ulwtt FllTlily M.A.$.H Tic Ttc MIQIZlnt Feud .. Oouah Mlgnum, MooM-: F.,,... CNldrtn'a P-1 Pl .. ,.. .. Story Plt13 .. Called .. Al In Thi .. .. ISlldat" .. Fw:ntf .. l<noCI .. Oifl'rtnl Mert .. ~ .. Strobl Grilllll .. . .. GlmmtA .. .. .. .. er. " .. Hurtt ..... Hll """ ..... .. .. Slrlll .. .. .. .. .. .. INNNIM .. . .. .. " ..... Kojlk ..... Thi s.ntord .. .. Jlllertont &Son ~ .. T~ Al In Tht loi... Arntt .. Ffrit Styll .. McMI: .. Miki l.OWI,~ .. ''HtlOn .. ~ Styll McMllln Fftlco OMS INNNtwa AndWW. Bl(' Lettennln .. .. The E. S. Cat penter Co._ Certified Public Accountant Call or write today for a .... .,.~ Ol•ANfllR .. to help minimize your 1981 Taxes . -., Full llr'lce .CCOUntlng, tax p!Mnlng .nd return pr.-· parlltlon tor lndMduala Ind burlne.M. 1 ·nHW.CNitHWT .. w.111,.......,. ...... c• C. , .... .._ ... ~ VIS.A " "" 712·1611 ct-a ... .,wJ . KcEf 1· Kom~ ~· • •• ... ....... I 17JI 8ullnm OUd Alpol't MIU. YogaFor OI ...... ,.. ..... Body "°"91 ........ VIII ..... l1.1g1 "°""' --~2·1 Str• Cont.lid .. Bate .. Colnplny Cllllroom Edlallanll TV Pr~ .. .. " Whyln .. TlleWOrtd? " ~ .. " KcET KOCE • el ... ....... I ,;f UICI[ F• c.... FOtWlrd <Mr Whyln i Ellrw T111WoM1 a..oom Edlatlanll TV Pr~ .. " .. .. liabllnlll " ~ .. Mill• " RoQera - ~ 8-111 Gowll11rw1t Strlll ac... " .. .. 3-2·1 ThtHomt ContlCt GercMnlr ..... MICHll "°"91 lAtwtr Seuml °"" Str• e., .. Growing " Ytlrl ~ Humln Report BltllW>r News aumn-.. Aeport °"" Didi e..y c...i MICMlil ..... lthr• .. ThilOld Snlllt Hal.-~ Snlllt Por1rlila ~ In ,,...... Shock Of MtSterllilct ThtNew Thtttrt .. "FlemtTrMI .. OfMI" FIWlty ..... T~ .. 8utter1llla Thi .. llwmlkn Dlclt lneidt CMtt Wlllhlngton tiews CtptloMd .. A.BC Ntwa F«UIOri Sodlly . '~ I ··-· _::g . -~·· l\iiau. .,,....y -HI. ~MY9MMI The....,,. ....... .... ...._,, _ .. nlgtll ....... .. ~l---­~-(hrt2) • M•A .. •H Col. Po4ter ......... IWll"' .,.,...,.~Nm 8114 the 40ntt1 have ........ ..... • OV9'1MY Guell: Vmn JoflMoft. (A) 0 0 """" .... " TOM8HT On ~ '°' the tlmlno ol"~I." 8THI~ Oullllt: PU W.-.. (C)MCWll • •• ·-n. '"-" .. Couraee•· (1NI) Olrll Boone. Merla~. (D)MCWll .... ·~ °' A 81rwlolr'' (1111j ....... r-. Jen. ,....,,_....,. Cl)..,..,.. LOOIC8 ,.,., The ,..... ~ people Md ---al 1Tlt •• ......., In tNI .....,...net .......... f:tl(%)111110W9 *** ·~· (,.,) "°'*' w.... 8'..-.y °"""" • 7*1. I OM THI TOWN f.-....S: .. ~ "' .. Old ""-II To ..._... lV ~ • ""tW ... ................ ~ ....... -. • LA~& IHILIY a °"""""' The ... *09 ......... ..,.. '°...,.... OOlldltiorla .. tfl9 loGlf .. pound. • lftOMt.A. ....... ,,...to. mMICll for ~ ~ "'-: • proftle of .... ei.nc: par1 two of lfla ,..,cwt on ~~ • M•A•l•H ~ bombing -the ~ by .,, Inept Nor1tl ~P"Ot~lM i..tlng ~ IC)Ott at the 407'7tll. ®co.iw "8'°'"8 J F 11 E IT'I "The Smart Buy Show" ~ on quelty. MHity and Mvlng ...,., .., ~ IClep, food .,,_._ wood .._ Md ---~ bipe ~ .,. prw1iecl. """ MO. (I) llMGNUiit, , .l ,....,_ .. hftd by • IOOltd-c::6MI C8fd pMyer to ... .. bod)oguetd during • ~ .... pelter...,.,.. ··~A.-The ._._.. oo out on .... dilrtno ,.,_.... for • lc:flOOI ptoducllon of Olflello. .MCMI ...... ....__ Dog _,_ .. ( 1971) Gregg Henry. ~~-•• MOMNIO WCJY Moftl I 11 llbMf I ~ Ste Thursday's. Page 25 s25 + PAITS ............. c .... . . DOVE STREET . NEWPORT BEACH. (714) 833-13 Mak.inf a start is pro&.bl)' the moll important •tcp toward ••vine. . . . 1nere ;1 a 'i\ ay to take the m1bal step end know )"ou're 00 the ri&ht tr1ock toward • r:.qular ICheduled aavincs. J ult join the Pa) roll Sa\;nc; Plan ll work, A litik is taken ou.t of eKh ~toward the purc:hue of L.S. Savi,:)Bonds. Youdon'thavcto .. ~ ~l makina •specie! efl'ort to put tomethinC u!dc c.ch ~de)'. It'• all~for )OU. Al.\tolnabCall). 1l\t bucki ~ pehni up, the mlerut o-ows. and )'OU l"C1Lhu )'OU\ e found one IUrefirT W&) IO .. \'C. ~ ~ .~~~ m~ "'"'"I/OU jJUI l#lrt <Jf ljOllT "''!"ll1 /nt11 (.'.S Soll~• /!<JM• !Ill~ rt ~/plf\11 ta b11fld" l1rll(l1trr futurt fnr uuur ('(11111111/ anti for vu11t.,/f f!WI A,,.__ol1NO•U4'-'llOI ~ llldh~Council Where to go this weekend?· -m PUotWeellender ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE New look! New aat Every Frtdayl Few hotne ...... y. ~t 142..uri -4 KTTV CD 8.00 "The Chil~eo's S~ory .. The story shows how decept~ve logic and charm can s ubvert young mmds. KABC fl 9:00 "Barney Miller ... \Yojo and Harris bring in a man who chame_d himself to a fence to pro~est loss of his apartment cleaning deposit. KABC fl S:30 _"Taxi. .. Tony and Alex double date with twin models. KNBC 8 10 ·00 "Hill Str~et Blues .. The suspected killer ~f a pubhc def ender is released on a techmcahty Thursday• Details -From P.a~ 24 tlcated home computer named Mill that bec:OmM .,, !net.Int tyrant and tek• Mottl. Mindy and Mewth homge G MOYIE * • ~ ··A Man C•lle<I Sledge" 111171) J- G-. Denn18 W-. • THE a411.DMW8 STORY A atory by J-ca.Y911 1t1ows how cleQepllve logic and d\erm tan IUbvert young. wtnerable minds 9J PEARL The "°'* d th<• cou- pi.. reeldlng In HewaH In 1941 -followed iu-t ptl- "' to and during the •tt.ack on Pew1 Herbof; ~ Oidl.,_,, Robert Weigner, Oennla w-and L-.y A.NI w.,..., Wit CP-.1 31 • THl8 OU> HOU8IE Bob VI .. lnet• • ehowet In the muw bedroom end Norm At>rwn .no.. hOw to COMINCt klldlen cablneta. i.SNfAK~ Roger E'*1 and ~ Stskel review "Night Croalng," "Making LOlltl" and "Per90MI S.t " (H)MOlltE * * "The Evietor." 1111711) Vic Motrow. Jeulc• Harper (l)MOYIE ***'A "The Way We Weie" pll73) 8arbra StreiNnd. Robert Redford O MOVIE . *. "Agalh•" 1111711) au.tin Hofl!Nn. v- e:ao 9'--:.0.. IUOOES Kip and Henry k* off Hildy Whitt • foreign handyman falls t1opal1111) In IOve wtth w .o ., .... ~ M-4 Paul ~. the John. rry Cer9M d C.ble TV; a proflle or Tony 0-V - t.un on ··~11 Hoepl- tal"; Joen &n!>ery Intro-.._ a C&IMI; Or WMOO on c:holdng -gmnc:lee. • 8NfM PMVEWI Rogel' Eber1 and Gene Silkel review "Night ero..1ng:· "~lnQ L..ow" end ··~ Beet.'' ID PORTMIT'll., PAl1"EU ''tlwlOO&llO& In "'o$1" (DlMOVll d" '* • * "*telli.;roun C 111411) Ven .ionn-,, John Hodlek t:oo D 8 Dff'MHT ITAOKU An e1C1er1y rwldent d the bu¥dlng that Mr Drum- mond'• construction com- pany pW'9 to ..., down gernera Iha tuppOl1 of 1119 ~ Clhlldrwl. Q • 0 MllNIV IAL8' Woto end Hlln'll tlrinQ In • men lllflo dlMl&d '*'-If to • ...,.,. to pr~ WOftd OOlodNoc• and .. Iola ot -~·-~---Q • lttOCI< Ol1 lHS NEW "Tiie View From The Edge" Robert Hughes erplorea the romantic lmpJlee 1n -.1. concentrat- ing on exp...io.111m end the -.1 or Ve11 Gogh, SouUne, de l<ooning and O'l<elfte CR) • MA8TDU'ECE • TMEATM "The Aame Tr-Of Thi· lea: The Orum8 Of Ww'' n.. Thlb communlly !Ind& lta "9Y of Mia tlYNlened by U. outbfWilc ol World Ww I. CPvt 7J 0 (C)MCWll •• "Aetum EnQeoement" t: 11 CZ) MOVIE '* * * "Oestry Rld11 Again" C 111311) J1mH St....,,, M..,.,,. Olet11ct1 t::IO. 9 T A)O Tony and Alex's ~ dale with twin QOtgec>119 modall al e po9f\ ,..._ rMI Is lnt41m19led by Ille .,,..,., of Jim and Alex' I ......_Q Cll)MOVIE * * * "FOr1 ~. The Btonx" 11118 I) Peul New- men, Edwa<d ,.,.,,., 10:00 D QI HIU. STM.ET kl.El The auapected kill« of • pullllc cWender Is r9leeaed on 1 technlcallty and Gr-O..dner wtna Ille aftactlona of a ,_ men • FAW\. TY TOWIM G.-t1 and 1teff beoome conluled by 8Mll'• atet• of ,,.,_ lentilon encl • ce. °' ~ ... Identity (Pan4of9) (l)BIZAME "S\.lper o.ve .. D UOYE ** "Thia I& EMI" 111181) ~My 10::30. IUTTBIFUD ~d ••Ria to tpend Illa blt1hday wl1tl tlm • THE LAWIW<EM COUHl)Dndenla Lind• Werlhelmer and COiiie RQberta join Paul Dulle 10< 911 up-to-the-minute aum- maty of Congreulonal &CIMtle&. a:> lilOYIE " ........... * * * Y, ''TM Wiid ....,...,. 111170) ~• Cargo!, Francoll TNffeut. Ca:lMOVIE ................ (llleo) Rol"f ta11oun_ Pu un«e (l)~ntON A oomedlel'I hoe! and '°"' comic oont•ten1& ""'° compete 1g1in11 one Moth« life feeturecl In ttlil ~comedypne lflOW. 11.cl • KO.WC A peyc11ot1c k.., i.rronz-.. ~~·-­"' -·•91 lndleortml-nete murdara. •• THI & I ILACIMI o-g&..W.•blg~ ,.,, 1111 50lfl ~. lllul no Oii& .... -.,,.... ..... • • IN C.ONGtOM ••a• Oullt ••op • HANDMADE QUILTS • GIFT A• ANTIQUES . • FABRICS • BEGINNING TO ADVANCED CL.ASSES • DOL.l,.MAKING SUPPUES 2701 llAllllOa & YD. (Neu To Allln110n'•, If Adorns! 641-3112 The Total Look by Newport's finest Artists offering: • H&1rstyhng • Juhettes • Ma1ncures • MakEHJP • MMe-up Lessons • Facials • Pedicures • Sculptured Nails Sculptured Nails 2 sets for the price of one valued at $55.00 2400 E. Pacific Coast Highway. Suite ... A" Newport Beach, Across from Cano s Restaurant (714) 645-3418 RCA XL-100 19" ~ ncn:::=- RCA 19" ma• XL 100 • I OOo/o SOUD STA Tl • X184DID UFI CHASSIS • AUTOMATIC COi.Oil CONTROL • AUTOMATIC AME TUNING o~v5 329 95 Da vis~~~aro wn ~ \1'4( t 'I\' T El E v I SJ Of' .§. AP p LI A NC F S 4o1! •'>+-',!IOI!! (''\lt.Mf',J\b\t1!t~·\ , .. , •,. '1' • ',A,T~tlo( A'f .' • ',llN''A' t I'M G I ' ' L ~ Hltfllltflts KNXT KNBC KTlA KA8C KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV • KCOP KCET KOCE ~ for the Week IJ D " fJ 0 D w m • m '9 ~----...... ---AM "-....... lM ....... lM ....... l.M ..... IMOllfs "-....... ..... "-..... lM ...... , lM ...... II I S .... 2 ~ From Page9 ~ l:OO. THE CHll.QAEH'S i::> ITORV .£ A •tory by J-C!e\1911 .,_ how deollpthl9 logic ~ and c:fwltm Cllll IUbwf't .J young,"'*'-..... mindl. ~ • l'EAAl. ~ 7: Momng Todey 100 {tood Morning The Today Cartoon Bugs Bu*'- News .. Ckib Morning News Froozlal Town Bunny Rec>ol1 .. . Alr'lltllCI Thlrt IS Tht Klf10on Yoga kif Oii .. " .. .. AWIY Flintstones Karrwll Hetlth PllnttnQ s: .. .. .. .. &Jnup .am .. Flipper .. BIO IMua Body .. .. .. ~ Siii~ Beklt• " .. Mlfbll 8uddlll " . Hot .. .. " Gtnlle Poe>eY9 Villa M111er " " Fl.Idol .. .. " .. Bin .. AleQre I Rooet• 9: OneDly Regif Rlcllltd A.M. unaOay Jedi ~ llov. Romper s-ie 3-2-1 AJA T111141 Phlll*l Simmons Lot AJA Tlma IA lMl9 .. lucy Room Slteet Contac1 Alce BloQ-~11 ~ Allee Midmomlng .. Bewllchld MOVle .. Electnc .. busters To Women .. LA " .. ''Junale .. Compiiny ThePnce WhealOI Big Love ThtPrtce .. IUl::lwd IOf~OI Gents" Cl111toom ThtNtw Is Right klftunt Boat .. Right .. S4mtnoN JMnnil .. rv A"*1clns The non. o1 ttw• cou-pe. reeldlng In .._... In 11M 1 .,. followed Jun pri- or to and during the attacet °" P9w1 Hllfbor; Al'!)le Oldllneon, Aobet1 Wagn., 0.W. W-and Laeley Ari! Werf9n MM. (Pen 3) 10: Batttesllr1 v-r, .. .. Battlllllfl Ghost And MOYie .. Eduealional .. .. .. " .. .. .. Mra. MIJW "Santa Ft .. Pr...,. •• ,.., 11: Tattlllllas Password 8onlNI Frrrlty Y~And T,....., Password &II* Slimptda'' Why In Plus .. Feud TbtAllllMI HI.I'll Plus YcuigAnd The .. Ryln'a .. Matdl Thi lt:IO (I) 8HOW1WE Looec.t AT1., ThaAaatlla Doctors .. IHooa .. GMlt Oocton The ,... .ion.. pec>Pe and -ta ol 1M1 - ... u.d In thll yew-«td ,......., 12: .. DaytOI lwClglll AIMy Newt MooAa: DlylOI °"' Uves Zone Chldltn .. "Conllct Ourllvt5 AIThe .. T~ .. A&Tht Of~M .. World .. Zone .. World ••CB)UPTONOW 1: Turns Another Hour Oneuta TIM'!• .. ArtofttfJt The ...... _, ... , Idea World Mlg&Zine To l.iYt ,. .. World s.cteF0t .. .. s.cteklf ..... .. Tomorrow .. .. .. TOlllOIJOW .. .. and,_...,. -paro- died II\ • --ol comic ....... 2: <Mdlllg Te.1111 John 0..11 GIAdlno WNida Texas light .. .. Dl't'ldlon Holpltll UQM,. .. .. .. .. .. CIROCQHOW .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Rnwd NgNlgMI of the 1978 ''Wlngia 0-Ameft.. ca" to1.r by PU Mc.<:wt· nay Ntd M9 lnc:M* 3: Rock lord Donahut .. Edge Of John McMe-Hour "'*"""·-of ··~ I'm Amu«I," .. Je4" and RIM .. Birney Bob .. .. Night .. Rlc::Nrd ,,...., .. Simmone COw1 ....., DIVldson ''The Dey Magazine .. ThtAlll .. CemtOuf' .. .. .. Little "'l'..-day" ........ ... llghtlhOw 4: M ... Newflar1 em.:~ .. .. .. Hotlse ..... &ltlf· .. .. M.A.S H .. On fht 1::80 (I) MONN .. NEW HAVEN .. lalnmenl .. " .. .. Pr amt s: ..... News Ul1le Niwa News l(Of9k ..... A '**'6-U.--IOOk .. l.aMn et • lhOw prepet- lng for lta 8roedway debut . .. .. .. HOim Onfha Prlil1e .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . Denise, Debora ' did the collage Frmnl;>oge13 mu. Maybe yoa can tell me It Isn't tne. I can't wait to tana oe 0 GD.idla& (Jpt" to see Quint McCord. He's absolutely 1or1eo111. Now a frle•d of mine nys in real IUe he's manted. II It truef - K.W., Punt.a Gorda, Fla. A : Yes, it is. Michael Tylo, who plays Quint, is married to actress Deborah Eckols. The twosome live in Manhattan and say they are stay-at·home types who prefer playing games and cooking to the n.ight scene. Q: I ~ "GetleraJ Rosptt.al" st.lnb. I taa't believe tbat they went and 111Ded off O'Reilly. She wa.s the most interestlD& cbaracter on the show. Can you teU •e wtao played IM.r! Also, ls It true that Tristaa Ro1ers, wlao plays Scorpio, ls leaving? -J .K., WlD.•1. •nMoba, Caaada. A : Billie Hayes was Seen as O'Reilly. Every ooce in a while, a rumor Ooats that she 'll be coming back -even though the character was killed off in front of everyone. We thought that she did add a special touch to the show and would hke to see her back, but don't hold your breath. As far as Scorpio goes, he is in solidly and will not be leaving. Tristan Rogers is one or the most popular actors on the show, and producer Gloria Monty knows a good thing when she sees 1t. Q: I'm very upset. I lboq&ht that Ben and Amanda wobld get lo&etber OD "Tbe Guldin« Lllbt." Some of the women at lite beauty sbop have discussed this, and we wonder: If we took a petltlop and sent It to the wrtten, would tlley chan&e tbetr minds? We're t.alk19g about at least let people. Wollld It make a differeatt! -J .D., Newcu&le, Pa. A : We doubt that a petition would help. The decision to write off the character of Ben was due to the fact that Stephen Yates, who portrayed Ben, had decided to leave the show. Fm· months and months the producers tried to recast, but couldn't seem to find the right replacement. So head writer DouJt Marland, who did not create the character of Ben, although be did like the character, decided it might be a good tame to write him off. It also will allow him to do what he's wanted to do with Amanda all along. and that's make her slightly evil. Ha~ a question about your favorite soap or soap star? Wnte to Lynda Hirsch, c/o Field Newspapu SyndlCOle, P 0 Box 19620. lrvcne. Colt/ 9271.f SM 111tll answer°' many queshons as SM can in~ column, ~I the voh.HN' o/ matl makes peraonol r~s impouible Lemmon, Spacek team up in movie HOLLYWOOD CAP> -Jack Lemmon and Sissy Spacek star in the thriller "Missing" for Universal Pictures. They play a father anddaufhter·in-law who seek lo find a man who disappears 1n a Latin American country during a coup. J ohn Shea plays Che missing son and husband. COsta-Ga\ITU d1rected the film fromasc:reenplaybewrot.ewithDan.ielStewart. Uoda Gray stars lo ••Not tn Front of the Children" for C~ • !3i Torn. J•ee Nauabton, Shawn v.:e Sdnlber Kate 11\&ljrew 1tar ln tbe ttrlller ••A. Stranaea•4..,·1lLaklM9'f''·•fot'1 MGM ... Shelly Long joins Henry Winkler and Michael Keaton in "Night Shift" for the Ladd Co. . Erin Gray will co-star opposite Kenny Rogers in "Six Pack" for~ century· Fox. Mary Crosby wiU make her feature Ctlm debut opposite Gary Busey and Dabney Coleman in "Glory Road." Marjoe Gort.Der dlrects the movie about an evanaellcal preacher, which will be filmed on location in Dallu, Los Angelea and Las Vear as. Miss Ctotby, the dauabter of the late Blna Crosby, fained fame u the woman who abot J .R. on •r o~ t.Wqyt '--ttcl ~\'""'°~-At .. .. .. PeyClfds .. ThtWond? .. News INN News MacNeil .. .. .. lltwtr .. MOYie Mollie: '** "The "Nor11llm Cl"9tt .. Pratt" Plnuit" 0... .. .. .. EaSY .. .. .. Clasltoom .. .. .. TV .. ,. .. .. .. .. Open ~ .. Gutan Une .. .. Tag The Popeye .. ~ Wlllonl ,. " !Roon .. Suga The~ Seumt .. IUlny Attl Sit-Im Brldy Sc:ooby .. .. 8unc:h Doo " .. lltldy Kenoon 3-2-1 a-2-1 Bundi Kamivll ContAct ConllCt The .. Milter MactW Muppets .. lRooers l.atww lncred•blt Tht Saul'lll 0.. Huie AinlSt.,.,_ Snat Etly .. Scooby .. lnalde .. Doo .. _Stelly GOING HOME -Johnny Carson strolls the lawn near the house where he grew up as he visits his hometown, Norfo lk, Neb .. during "Johnny Goes Home," to be presented on NBC <Ch. 4> Monday at 9:30 ' in danger games By LYNDA tURSCH ., ALL MY CHJLDREN: With Tom·s rather on the road to recovery rollowmg a heart attack.. Tom·s parents depart Pine Valley but not berore his mother asks Tom to shoulder all responsibility ror Sean. Fearing ror her marriage, Brooke seeks counsel from Father Tierney Arriving in Switzerland, Chuck and Melanie take a room and Palmer makes certain that Donna learns they are together -AN011fER WORLD: Thnlled over Diana s victory m the horse race, Pete and Diana decide to elope Sally agrees lo help the lovestruck couple With Ada getting position as ombudsman for children brought 1n by the police and Clarice "ant mg to spend time with her family. the duo sell the beauty salon Mac's publishing rival Sam Egan agrees to publish Jamie·s book. Even though Ada points out that his novel will destroy many people, Jamie instslb m having it published Becaust> her life 1s totally detailed in Jam1e·s book. Melissa leaves town. After Rick gels a family practice position at Lake Geneva, he and Marianne depart Bay City AS ntE WORLD TURNS: Mr 81g , the dwarf, tells Tom. and Margo they must play a vanety or games with the stakes being their lives Tom and Margo manage to survive the !lrst game. but Mr Big has several lougher ones m store for them When Bob visits a nun who knows Miranda. she assures him Miranda rould n<Jt be involved in drug dealing. While in the shop, Cricket begins experiencing severe stomach pains and is fearful or los10g the baby Ellen decades to move into an apartment after she meets her about-to be next·doQr neighbor Suz Ellen and Cynthia have a chance meetmg. Cynthia oHers her condolences for Ellen's destroyed marriage. while an uncomfortable Ellen mereb wants to depart. DAYS OF OUR LIVES: Police are not so certain that Eugene Bradford is the strangler Jessie acc115es Mickey and Maggie or giving Sara away Jake frantic when he discovers Joshua has taken Jessica ror a long nde. During the drive. Joshua's car breaks down. Having a session with Marlena, Lee reveaJs she as Renee's mother Valerie cleared of all wrongdoing in aiding Davtd. Julie and Lee discover Stuart's medical ledger at the DeMeara home. Alex becomes hospital administrator and Stephano is the new board member who is pulling Alex's stnngs. Uz qu~tions Neal about his involvement in the medical scandal DOCTORS: Billy swear~ to Luke he did not ransack Natalie·s apartment whale looking for the d1af} Phihp agrees to give Billy job at the bank Billy refuses to believe Lee Ann's suHermg rmm un elective mut1sm Because he seems to upset Lee Ann. Althea asks Billy not lo visit her. Katie believes Billy is the root of Lee Ann's trouble. Alter M J. has lunch with Mike. Matt decides to sit down and discuss his relationship with M J. EDGE OF NIGHT: Geraldine agrees to sta)' m mansion with Raven. At Sky's funeral. Raven reruses to talk lo the IC.errs and Insists that Gavin and Jody leave Leaminl Nora bas spilled the beans about Jlnx·s Illness to Derek. Nicole fires her. In need or a job. Nora blackmails Spencer by saying she'll le-II Raven he was the man ln the black ski mask who killed Sky. A fearful Spencer 1ets Nora hired as Raven's private secretary Raven vows no one will know that she was reallv married to Jefferson Brown. not Sky Whitney GENEllAL HOSPITAL: Luke. Jackie and Scorpio decide to trap Laura T while she is shoplifting, but the plan is stopped when David intervenes. Luke realize$ David is the .. D. Cray" who was a passenser on the plane with Laura. Jackie spots her sister on the bridge and rusha to meet her. Laura vanishes and a skater bumps into Jackie, causing Jackie lo fall off the bridge When Dr. Katz threat.ens Heather with a bad interim report to the Judge because she has missed therapy sessions, Heather gets hold of his personnel file and teams he lied about some or his past employ.!"lent. GUIDING UGHT: Carne la acquitled of both Diane and Joe's murder. The jud1e instruct.a the jury never to reveal the testimony given In the closed session. A sUll·confused Carrie sufrers memory lapses and wants to leave lown, but eventually accepts Ross's proposal and be1ins to plan elaborate weddin1, Vanessa upset by Carrie's plans. Nola discovers ~m passageway al the mansion. but Is afraid lo explore It Nola thrilled when Quint aaya he will take her to London and train her as his aaslslimf. When Am anda lashes out al Ross for payln1 too much attention to Carrie and not enou&b to hl• job as le1al counsel ror Spauld.lnc Entttprises, Jennlrer warns Amanda that her allltude ta allenaUn1 everyone. Unsure of her r.laUonshlp with Derek. Hillary d~ldes to visit her father In Chicago. ONE U FE ro LIVE: Leamln1 lhat Larr')' la hulna m•moria ol Sa Carlo. .. Ivan Ja aware thld b.la bold on SPINNING TO SUCCESS -With newly installed host Pat Sajak and co-host Susan Stafford on hand for the festivities, NBC's "Wheel of Fortune" recently celebrated its seventh anniversary. The popular game show premiered January 6. 1975. It is s een weekdays at 10 a.m . on Channel 4. Larry lS slipping. so he recharges the electrode an Larry's brain Larry has an incredible amount or pain for a few minutes and then reverts to his desire for Karen Brad plans a party to announce that Mary 1s Katrina's baby Marco learns or Brad's plans and threatens lo tell Sam that Brad hocked her engagement ra!lg ir Brad holds the party RVAN'S HOPE: Lea ming her mother Bess had TB. Jill hires Matt to try and rind her in Australia Yvonne learns part or the secret codt> and passes the message on to her contact. Ari tells Joe the seal gives a clue to an incredible treasure and that the rest or the clues are contained in the shrine. Joe becomes involved with Yvonne in hopes or learning what she's after Yvonne Injects Faith with truth serum. then kidnaps her and drives her around in a limousine in order to rind out information about the Maril Kara. SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: Ted tells Brian he will Invest money If Brian will do some spying for Turner Ins truments Brian, eager to repay Ted's past kindnesses. agrees ooce Ted assures him this is all on the up-and-up. When Doc Foley goes lo the 1110 to pick up an envelope Dane left In the safe. Sunny notices a roll of microfilm fall out of the unsealed envelope. With Roger Lee having survived his bout wilh Reye's syndrome. Cassy is overjoyed and reports the 1ood news to Lita Realizing how much the baby and Cissy mean to him. and aware that he and Sunny will probably never marry. Lee asks Cissy to marry him TEXAS: Justin is unhappy that Alison bas received an oil lease for World 011. Ashley warns Alison to keep quiet about Hannibal or somt'Ot\e -possibly Grerory could get hurt. While driving, Steve, Jenny andl<ate find Beau's body. Vicki thinks it's strange that Ryan never saw Stryer when he came to town. Takln1 an idea from Gresory, Justin decides to go coast-to-coast and advertise his product As hley goes to Hannibal to give ham a wanting to stay away from Greaory, but he says he only wants lo help her make World 011 the bluest company in Texas._ YOUNG AND ntE RESTLESS: Uz ts stunned when Stuart says he think.I Chris would have been better ore Ir $,he had married Greg, not Snapper. Cbuckte's condition continues to worsen. Cash talka Nikki Into doing her act for Kevin before they depart (or San Fl"anclaco Leslie admits to Lance that he ii Brooka'a fathtt. Haw .a qwitton.about pr favorl.t~ toap or .oap itor'! Writ~ to Lpda Hfncll, cto FWd N~ Sl/fldfcoU, P.O. 8o.f l fQO, lmrw. CoU/. m l4. SM '°"' CIMWtt.QI maftJI queatW.41MwcanM 1w:' =·&fL ,,.. oolsme of ..u .... pa-' npMa ..._ ••• J 17 :P. --~~~~~~----~-----------------~ < i ,, $ MS..riuH*Stltclo ~ Grand Opening ! SPECIAL i FREE HAIRCUT with Cellophanes . • • • • • • • Color ..... . •••••••• Perm/Wave . . . . . . . . s40 COMPUMENTARY GIFT with Facial or Make-up Demonstration Phillip, a color specialist from London, Joins our styting team. Come relax with coffee or tea in our open-air tea garden. We took forward to seeing you. 28 N ~ ... • N ... ~ co 2 D if ~ ~ i::: IL. ~ ~ ~ § ii Movie Guide fOr the Week ------------------- Friday movies Joel S. Aloe. A k.., atMt.a hla Ylctlml on • college C8l'llCJU9-• A' 11:20 CZ) •• • '"S*Wt Wlllwn" (1980) Sam Wat•alon, Jerw1y Aoultat. Altat hat ~boyfriend..._ ..... aoo g • • * * ··Pttnll: AJ tor an .oucatlon In the Hanging Aoctc'' ( 11175) U.S., an Engll8ll glt1 beglrw ~ Aobena, Dotninle • toelly r-wttti a Guard. In 1urn-ol·lhe-Cat>-rakiafl Scot.Iman tury Auslralla. llWM young 11:80. Cl) * *"' "Aci Of ViO-~..,.,., ~ ienc." (111711) El~l'I from a ac:hoOI picnic and Montgomery. J-~ oeeome 1o91 In ine ~ an. A llberal-mlnded, "PO' di~ -tt• 111 CZ>**• ''WNdl W8)' le brutelly taped and Up?" ( 11177) Alchlr-d Pryor. mugged. (RI Lanell• ~-A -. 12:00 II ••'At "8-1 Alona'; et81\19d fNlt p«ikat la ( 11175) 09wey Martin, Aldo c:.ugt!t In a oom6c ~ Rey. A 13-~-old boy ~ Illa uNon aftd lfle IMde Illa Ill! younger llbl- rnob, and • hypoQrltlc:8I Inge on • patlloua era.- Pf-'* 111\de f'IMwn In 1 oountry lr91ic during Iha ladtaa' CflOlr 1 llOOI. 7:00 (a> .. ,__ Of Thundat" 0 * * "Sepatate Waye" 7:11 CZ)*** "P~" (1NOI (1980) K.,en Blee*, Tony Robin Wllllllfta, ~ Lo Blanco. A young cou- Ouwill WtllMI -chlng f« pie'• lallur• to communt- hle tather, Iha ~t-C8te .-ly r~ In Iha Ing MIOf vtalte • QWllnl ~ "' their mel- _.,.. ..._. he plcka up • n.ga. 'A' loundlng and a elclnny f2:aO Cl) * • ~ ''Bedl Aoada'' n..u-1 'PO' (tN1) Sally Fleld. Tommy 8::00 e • • • ''The Inv.-,,. ~ Jon.. A hool<., and • Of Cetol Endwl" (11174) dowl'H»-l'lfa..ludl boHr ...... !ti Bulat, ~ ,.,... -"' ,_, _, In Connelly. A . woman -Cfl o1 a,_ life. 'A' un1mow1ng1y _,,_ t11e 1i00e ....... "Dud! Soup" ~ ol a d.-d-119331 Mara Brother• .,. ,...,garet Dumont. The • • • "' ''Sprlngfleld tyrenn!Cal leeder "' • Rlfta'' (11152) O.ery Cooper, mytNc;al lllngdont - Pllyll9 T"-'ttat. Aflat ~ dMI With epiM po.lrlg M ~. a lofmat peenut ~ ~ doee wldei-e * * • 14 ''lnfte La WOfilforlNQOYW1 .. 1e1.i. ~ .. (1114131 Shirley (HJ •*'A "~ Mect.Mne. Jeclc Lemmon Aoee" ( 11UIO) Wiiiie Nel8on, A f'\lllW pollcarnen , .... l0t Dyan Cannon While on an ecc:ompllShed ·Pwtllan tour, a T-country-.. ,,_...., A NICE um.£ TRAP -Brian Keith and Maureen O'Hara star as a divorced couple brought back together by the maneuverings or their twin daughters in Walt Disney 's "The Parent Trap" Saturday at 9 p.m. on CBS <Ch . 2). __,, lir>ger ~ • • * "Decoy f0t T•· ln1IOtlled wlltl the MductMI r«" ( 11170) ~ KIN!ft, Wallcan, Margot Kidder In ( 19501 J-St-• .>Mt deught• of hie lldeilllc* JMll Chi1e1ophs. A lowly 1836, tour dlapatata ml• Chandlet In the 1170., the -!hough he atJll ~ 'f'OU"O -8cu aa a Illa UM an Old map lo courage of a accul helps Me ~t-helma w1f1a 'PO' polk>e decoy to lt8'J an atl· -di I« butled gold bring pe«:a bei-Arl- (1) * ..... "Bon Vayage. lat euepected ol mu<dslng PO' rona llettlsa and Ille h<»- a-11e 8'00MI" (111711) Anl--·al hla format mod-0 **'A ''The Shining" Ille~ IMled. D ... cted by SIU .... I 11180) Jedi Nleholeon. (C) • "Ktondlll• F-" Melendu Snoopy and (%) **'A "Portnoy't Shell9y DuvaM. [)jrected by ( 11180) Jett E811, Rod Wood a tock follow Compleint" ( 11172) Rlcherd Stanley Kubridl A kMmer S teiger The young Jedi u.c:t>ange atudenls Cl\wtie 9eftjemW\. ~ 9ladl ~ hlted as • London 1191• out to Meil Bfawn, ~·I Patty. 8wd on the "°""' by winier caratahr lor • hie fortune during Iha Gold Unua end Mateia on an Ptllllp Roth. A young .... remote, and appwenlty Aulltl. 'PG' lld\oantur .. fllled tour °' 19'1 boy ,_,.,,. Illa olMn haunted, Colotedo hatel. la Cl) • • • ''That Forayt• E'9*nd and France. ·o• hllartoua and amorou• anowbound thata with hie Woman" ( 111501 Errol g ** "Bronco Blly" ad¥antw• to Illa ~ w11e and~ rounQ Flynn. Gr••• Geraon. (11180) Clint Eaatwooct. trlat. aOtl 'A' 8wd on • now! by John Sondt9 Loclce. A format 1!IOCHl•*'A"CMn('(1MO) lr:IOCllJ••'A"Paplllon" Gei8wor1hy. A membat ol 1t1oe M1eam11t1 from New Jodie Foetat, Gaty ~. ....11173) St-M~. a atald Vtctorian 18mlly .-.., realtzea hla dr.-n An ad..-.nturou• young Duatln Hollman A pelf ol bacomH acandalo\iaty o1 IMf'IOnNiilCI 1n a Wlkl WOflWI )olrl9 • eatnlval o.vtt'a laland convicta anrect4d 10 ,..., nleoa'• W. 8t10W 'PG' troupe and IMrne about 9'*MI tMir time l>ierw*'ll "*'- .._(C) ••• ··n.CNngal-... .....,. eonocloM and thelreac.pe. (%)••• "Pclpeye"(11180) Ing" ( tll80) GeOf'!l'I C. truatratlona behind Ille t:40 • * • "SarttteQo" ( 1115e) Roblrl Wllflama, Shelley Scott, Trlah Vt1t11 OeYefe. A .,,._ ~ ol the Alan Ladd. Roaaana Duvall. While -cNllG for wldoWlld fnUllic: ptdwcw per1omwL 'A' Podeata. In the ~ of hie lalhs, the~- r•a an old ~ that e * • "My Bloody Val-Cube. an ~ .... Ing Mllcw 'Allta • quaint eopewa 10 .,. "*'#!Md by entlne" (tM1) Paul K• ci--and than ~ hamllltwNr91'1epldlaupa a ,--.. ap1rtt w11t1 a go. man, Lori H4iller. A en'8ll alleglanc. fOf a frMdom.. foundlln9 and a llllnny i -old _. toMtti.. 'R' town ~ • m ol ¥'Ing~. -"-'·'PO' a:ao '5-lcl Hand.._,... terr« ctunng 1t1e1r .,,,_,., Ml(%) • • • ''Wllldl War 1a 1:.tiO D • • ''The Bandlta" 9::11 ** "S-.S Hand VaMntlne'a Dey dence 'R' Up7" (11177) Aldlatd Pl')'of. (111711) Aob«l Conrad. .._,,... t;tO(l)••• ...... OonaAor Lanette Mei< ... A aell· J~ Vlnoant. Run 10:00 0 • • .... "Splllnx" ( 11111) And Het T-HUllbanda" ltwwd fruit picllat la out ol 1own b)' ~-. a Frank Langa11a. ~-(1117t) Sor119 &ega. Joee caugh1 In a comic cn>MI"* ttlo at ~ c:owboya ,..,,_ Down. A rutN1M W..at. A young &azllan .,.._ hla union and the hMd tor ~ ""** bMdl matll• ~ -·· boring ~ moo. and • ~ tfte, ....,, o1 a Ion.-1n ring ~ to atop an ~ la ....,_ by Pfwdlat llnda ...._. In I OO'd Nddan In lft o6d Egwtologltt '-" dlacoy. Ille ..,.,., ol ..... first hu9-....... dlolr ~. atlng ... wtlerMllOutl at a t>Md'• j>Mllonatl .-.. 4t ,. ••• ''lhe PMlderera" 1• • •• ~''Gin Happf' pr--. 1ta1ue 1ft1 -'A' (IMI -.na ~.Acid (1"5) EMe ~elley. ~ permitted io.-.. 'PO' 1:a• *** "Hetaril"(1982) Cameron. An OUll8w IOirl8 ley F.,__ The leader ol t1:00(C) ••'I' ''TheFttaco Kid" Jolln Wayne. Hardy '-wftll Anny~ to • mualcal combo I• ( 1879) Gene Wiider, Harri-l<tuglJ. PrOfeaalonel hunt-....., a fllouA uprillng. aaalgned to lleep""' eye on eon Ford. A PolWI rabt>I .,. Ir! EailS Afrtcl capture 4:tO a::l • * • "TM aiano--a Club ownar'a deughter. llnda hlmealf lnv°"'9d In wild anlmelll IO 119 tr..,._ Ing" (•IMIO) George C • ••"A "The Oflwge At wlld frontier mlaadwn-port9d IO -Scott. Trillll Van ~ A Feelhat ,._ .. ( 1853) Guy tura wllh • °"'"" bani! 2::a ...... "L.o¥a Hlqly" wldCM9d ""'* proMeaor Madi.on, v.. ..... The robber wMfl he~ to (1850) Mar11 Brolhera, r-ia an old hollM that aafll daltwr.,_ o1 two San kanclaoo to talll over Mar¥ Monroe. A bMutt-..,.,..... lo be lleunted by wt11i. -~ an •-oongt*Ollllon. 'PG' fut but dengatoua WmlMI • reati-aolrtt with• IO-1me>Or1an1 fact« In atavtng ®•••"The..._-_..,. fllur man on IMlf r---oldacoret0--. 'A' olfanlndlillt~ .,-• (1MO) Al!r .....,, ._, 5 t da 9 *** "flleTralrl TOOIWI ~A ----~"VampnPeoc*" a ur y Robbw•" (1813) J()flft PIAIM~---f11111 ArMlla ~,... movies W9YM, Mn~ A IOUI plOp to ~ two ~ Aair¥· A lrl\lll """" tlllel'a W10w 1Wea a 1ouef\ ~ Into pop alr9' tao• 11 ll'l1t•d•d by ,_IUMY ta, -~ 10 reco-....,._ ~ ........ 'PG' tlloocftl*ll) ....,_ •Aflb IOGN _...,,, OOlmra In OcMd t t;U•l!llll*ii*.,j''iitl\'lllllll .. b-: .......... -.-_ ..... _= .... •i.*•'4'11'""°°'•.a~ •• lun ..... lllllMMIMli.lil ......... _.._,, .I!"' ,_ lluelNwld lllCI ,. " 0 d S 1 S A l s ftmz '. S 'nos•t••etta'79'' ~ .... CID • • "The Evtclore" ( 1117111 Vic Morrow. Jeulca Harps T-young people -Jnlo a~ wllh the nototloue reputation 01 caua1ng the duthe of any- one dating to Uve ''*'· 'PO' 2':00 Cl * * * "Donovan' a Reel'' ( 111413) John Wayn., L** MarWI An ••·Navy man llvlng in lhe South P8Clllc with I* ,_ tamlly find• hla paradiM diaNpl· ed by Ille arrlval ot rue dMIOh* from • previOU$ ....m.oa (C) * * *'A "Day For N;gnt" ( 19721 J~ BlaNt. Valentina Cort- Oirectld by Hancole Truf. laut, TM 11YM and kMll o1 film pat!«,,.. are atud· led In a 11\0'Ae-wtthin.. movie 'PG' Cl) * *.,. "Aall Any Gwr I 11159) Shlttey Mac:Lalne, David Nl\len. Job and hue- band·hun11ng oc.oupy llWI time ol • otrt newt)' .,,...., In New y Ot1I Cl1y 0 **'A "Sphinx" (198 I) Franll Langella, L"'*Y· Anne Down. A r\.llhlesa black mar11et antlqultila ring att.ernpt• to 11op an EQyptOloglal from d1acov- erlng Iha whereaboull or a prtcelala 11atue et1e wu P«mitted to view 'PG' CZ> •••• "The Lal• sn-·· (11177) Art c.n.y, Liiy Tomlin A -* private eye ancOUfttera blacllmall and murder ........, "* cornea out of retlr..,.,.. 10 ioalt• a cat batonglng to an olfbeet twnMI Client 2:30. * * * "The Good, The Bed And The Ugly" ( 1987) Clint Eaatwood, L** Van Qeel Three vlolent. deter· mined men -.paralely allempt to retrieve a $200.000 ,,_,,. CHl ••• "The Competi· lion" ( 11180) Richard Orey- ru... Amy Irving. T-plan· 111• at • S.n Franclaco rnualc competition find tl\at their '°"" tor Hdl Cit'* confllct• wl1tt 1hW prof ... lonal ambitions 'PG' ~ • • * • "You're,..._ Too Young" (11155) Dean Martin, Jerry Lewta A thief c:onducta hie own ~ wNle the police I<><* for • atotan 091"· a:aoa ··~ "Collw. TMOf Me" c 1973) Kar., v ....... line, Jolln Oevldeon. A young atawardHa )eta be'-,..., artist •tudant huaOand In England and hat ~udent ,_,._ band In Call'°""8 l::M(Z) ** "S«:ond Hand Hear't•" 4:00 CC)**"' "5-1 Women'' (111MI Anne a.ncroft, Sue Lyon W-with verttng bacillground9 end poal· llOn6 In..,,..... In • Chi. -,.,..,,, adlool ~•*"'"Salam'• Lot" (1t1t) ()Md .... ,,....... liAMOn A nOWlllll 1'14WN1 to tlll ~ l'lome 10 put an end to troubled --but llnde ""' a ......, fnY9fatY lfwOuctl hie town. 'PO' e • • "Bronco BHly" (1880) CHnt Eaatwooct, Sondra l.odle A format lflOe ......,_, fl'om ..._ ...., reallHa hie dreem ol perfomllno In I Wiid Wwt llhow. 'PO' .., ••• DalM~ a-1Mdat1I II" (IMO) John~ ...... ...,. ~The..,..'"' ... tor a c;ompelttlon, but Ro~t F0<1ter, Yvette Mlmleua. Tne crew °' a futurlatlo spaceeNp dla- <:4 Vlr • a11othar venal petehed on tl'le edge °' • tormallon whlcll pula anr· thing Mefby Into a g1an1 \'Old where time and epaai ~10...._·PO (0) "Battleground" &:aO (C) * * *'A "The Cal And The Canary'' {111311) Oob Hope, Paulette Goddard In Ol'ds 10 collect lhelt Inheritance. a lamlly must a.pend"'* nlghl lfi I haunl- ad hOU ... CZ) ••• "Popeye" ( 11180) Robin Wiiiiams. Shelley Duvall Whlla -dllng lat hie fair.. the ~l­ ing NllOI' Wiil• • quaint llllmllt where he piclla up a foundling and a elclnny _,_,'PG' ~ 8:00 8 * * ~ "The Land Thal Time fOtgol" ( 11175) Ooog McClure, ~ Penhall- DOI' &.tMvot-. from an Allied a1bmenn• and lheir German captors land on an laland ruled by prehla- tonc an1ma1a • * *'A "Benny Hll The MOClon Pleture" ( 19711) Benny Hll, Jedi Wrlglll Bar\ny la )olned by other Brltleh comedlerle l()f • hllMloua look at lie and na compl*1Clt .... (S) * * "Hawlt Thi Slayer" (111411 Jacl< Palance, John Tetry An ~turoua young man .... ,,,. aid ol • bend of wlll'fiora to flgllt hie *"" unct1. the ovenord w110 llilled Illa father and la holdlno an ~ I« r.,,_ aom 0 •• "Dia Laughing" ( 1980) Robby e.naon, Chari•• Durning A -.gwrltlng cab W..... IS lided by • -1 monkey In pro<llng hWnMlf lnnOcent of • murder cl\arga ·PG' 7:00 (CJ ••• "The AtpNll Jungle" ( 11150) SlerNng Heyden. James w1111more The polic. .,a beffled by • crlmlnal meetarmlnd'a half~ robbery 7:IO (%) * • ·~ "f!lue Collat" ( 11178) Aic:hMd Pry<W, Hat· ...., Keltel ThrM lruatrat.cj Detroit auto faaory ""°'11· .,.. turn to cr1me, bringing tn.m Into motW confllci and pot.,,Ual dang9r than it.., -counted on 'A' l."00 . *'A "The Dragon Uvea" ( 11178) en-u. Caryn White. The 1t0ty al martial atU -en-L** latold. ••• "Aalttars" (11173) Barn Chew, Ellzabell'I ChMi\'14 A analla expan lriM to find out ""'>' great dr-of rattler• are anadclng people. (If)***'-' ''The Wey We Were" ( 11173) llarbra ·~. Aober1 Aecnord. A ~ collage OOUC* In tl'le 18309 .._ """ lllelr pollttoml di"-- -•tf'oftg -..gt\ to tlOP-ltdn ,....., mentage (Jl)•••"The~ tton" ( 1NO) Rlc:Mrd Orey- iu... Arrry 11'\'tng. T-plan. Isla al • San Fraodaco muaic competition llnd that tllelr IO..a IOf MCtl 01har oonlllc:Q with 1t1e1t 111oteHIOnat ambition• . 'PO' (J) • • * "P~" (1NO) AoClln W--. Shelley Owlll. ~~I« Illa father. tl'le lllPfnadl..-.. Ing lellor ...... ~· llemlet ......,. he pba up a fOund9ftO and • lllllMy I .. ~ 'PO' conftlcta """ ..... llw'Mt-., Ille..-. 00 •• ''The "-* Hole" •• • • • * . .,,. oooa ()I = ... .., 7 ',?5. Maintenance Free WINDOWS For Life! . ARE YOUR WINDOWS ... OXHIZED -DUE TO OCEAN AIR INFUJEHCE? DRAFTY & COLO, CAUSING HIGH FUEL BILLS? EXPOGIVE TO PAINT & MAINTAIN? DANGEROUS TO CLEAN? • ARE YOU FED UP WITH YOUR OLD & UGLY WINDOW PANES? SAVE ENERGY, SAVE MONEY· WITH 1000/o RIGID PVC FRAME WIND.OWS & PATIO DOORS YES, PUA.SE SEHD ME MORE IMFORMATIOM OH: :::J RIGID PVC WINDOWS · :::J PATIO DOORS NAME: .........................•........ Phone( .... ) ..........•... -AD.DRESS: ...................................................... . CITY: .............................. STATE: ...... ZIP : ............ . Eich Corporation L.A. TROCAL"' WINDOW DIVISION -ATTN. MR. W. KI NOOR I I 08 W. Colorado Blvd! Los Angeles, CA 90041 12131 254-6885 //t";/?!71/ A~u~~ M /1a Y'&~ 1982 ·WINTER AVAii.Ail£ * * * *LIMITED NUMBER COIPORATE AND REGULAR MEMBERSHIPS COU'Ol.ATI MIMIHSHI". h1ve full club privileges 1nciudmg 1 tu advantage. Members frequently use our attr1ct1ve facilities for blnquets. board meetings client luncheons and 110C1al actrv1t1ee (minimum 2 fam1hes) ~ .,._.IHtPS for fam1hes and single people·are offefed 1n a vanety of membership programs 1nclud1rig extensive Jr programs 12 yrs and up Wedding receptions and private parties are a specialty It N B T C . for members only. "MEW"**** AMOllC MIMIHSMt, Taught 1n our Aerobic Teaching Center by Phil John1on with J.2 years expenence in phyajcal fitness S 150 Initiation fee includes 2 monlf'ls free or 24 c1 .... PLUS e months of en1oying a fAMOUI SOC.AL UN. $100 1nltration fee will be IPC)fted to 1ny other type membenhlp It M.&.T.C. ~ for 6 momths only Jel• ••• and experience the "good life .. Find out why the N.B.T.C has been suce»ssfully .. tlefylng itt members for the pest 17 veers For membership apphcation and tnformetlon, pie ... call our S.. Dnctw • ....._ S. LWi. 644-fflO: //f/up~ll /Jea~4 ,Je~ '( M 2601 EASTBLUFF DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH, CAltF 644-00IO ---... ---- The Oldest Floorcovering Retailer in Southern California Fam ily Owned ~ Serving California ·\!!l) Since 18 79 ' Our .Annuaf :J-eLruarg :J.ealiuing _A. ,.~f l'OIUJ Sofarian /J,.uce P 41'</uel '2J,.apel'k6 _/J// on Sa£ tfu.u :J.eLrual''J 271~ HOU RS: Mon.-Frl. 9-6 Sat. 1~S Clt.c.M; .... - - 19 -ii 2 ~ $ 'Tl ~ ...,, & 2 ~ -!" -lE P\) .. ... 1 -.,. . ! Mo•le Guide for· the WeekB!!!!!!!I -4 3 ~ 2 : ~ ,, ·.: II.. From Pagei8 w.r lttlO> CIWC~ w .. an. Tom Berenger After blllllg tonu-1 8fld ~ by en Alric;en dictator. a met~MY retume to laad a twe>lu- tlon. 'A' ... <I) ••• ''TMP-.nt Trap" (1Mt) Hayley ..... .._..., O'HarL A pair of ldenttc.I twine Mpef1ded by dlvofoa plot to '9Unlta ... parent• befor9 "*' ,...,.,_.,., CC> * ••• 'Wlllctl w "Y .. Up?" (11177) Richard Pryor. LOfllllle Mete.. A --•tar.fed INll plc:tl• 11 c:augllt In • comic croeallta '*-hie union MCI U.. MOb, 8fld • hypocrttlc:al ~ flnde .__ In • ladlaa' ell<* 'R' ._, (%) • * * ''WNdl Way la Up?" (11177) Rlc:Nwd Pryor. LonetW .McKN. A NJ!• ltatWd fruit pie*• II c:augllt In a comic croasllra '*-hll union and Iha "'°°· end • hypocr1Ucal ~ ftnda ,_~In. ..... choir'. tO:OO •••• ~ "Tha ICarNn eom.th" 111173) LN Mat- vln, Fradrtc Matdl. El-' on Iha p111y by Eugena O'Nalll. A trawlln(I ....._ men )air-. Ille l'9QUUn In • day of drinking and ~In. 1912 Mloon. (II) ••. 'Ttla lngb'loua S..dll" (11178) Bo~ --.. Fred w..naon. Two man form an unu-' lrlandetllp during ,,_. altorte to ~ lflll'fty •ttac:U 8fld \llolent death ourlng the tumuttuou• ~of WOlid War II. ()) * * · 'Ga&ludna" ( 1 IMIO) Ooro!hy Sltlttan, A._-y ~ A tobcM le tMda In .. lmllga of • bNutlfUI -.tlO doaall't ,_ hl#l'WIMalriga..'R' •••"My~V.,_ an4lne" (1•1) Paul K.-. men. LAlri Hellar A 9IMI town~•-of terror dul1ng "'* _.,.. Vlllantina'1 04IY danoa. 'R' ~CD>*~"E,_OIA Strmnoar" c111e11 Lauran T-. Jennifer Juon Lalgfl. An lnquilttlw TV ~ ..... ~ raaponllltlM for a wiaa of r~dara.'R' 11•CC> ··~ "PoMof• ~'(1972)Rlc:hltd Benjllmjn, ~ Bladt. 8-.cl on IM "°""' by PNlp "°"'· A ~ .S--latt boy -U hll~ llllariou• and amor .u• ad-..nt\.na to hll ~ trilt. 11:111. ''o.191 Cowboy ~II" 11IMIO) John o.M90n. Llr8liw 8----The glria pre-1*9 for • competition. bu1 CGflflctl .,.. INlt ""-'· an Iha eQIMd. <I)*** "Flying Tlgarl" (1942) John Wayne. PMll ~· An Amelan -with • bed partormanca r-a .,,_to ~ '*'-" with one "'* hero- ic: Id. @••····~-.. ' (197'} Jeca N~. f ... 0un--r. OUrtng tM '"°' . .,,.... d«.c1M ~l'll'MllOl'el • -ltl4lt ,.,,.... • ~ °' conup- lloft, llW*C..., lllUrdar. ....... ~ ........ (1MO) Wllllem Hwrt, ..., 9'0M\ A ..,_ _., ....... ....,..., ~ .. ....,....,. ............ ~ .. '._ ........... tlolt .... _. ~ .... naaaa'ft' ,,. .......... limlr fil.aee" ( ttJt) .llCll ISO• ._ .... A ~11e111r-up .... ,.,.,...~.-­ .... pregnant gllifriand and goae off to WOf1I on an ol ~··•·'The~ lion" ( 1te0) RlcNrd ar.r-tu.. Alf"l """"9-,,_ ~ .. at I s.i Ftat>CieCO rnualc: ~ttlon find "* tNlr ~ for -" oa. OOflllkta "'"" ttllllr Of'OfeNional 1mbl110n1. 'PG' ~cm • ·~ "l.Agand °' Lady Blue'' ( 11179) Mau- -Sprino, John Smith. nw.. South Dakota .__ I09fl -'°"*' to go thait aapairata -re: two to vi.tl1M'I and !tie ttWd 10 ~ • ~ In Hoity-- wood Cl) • * • "Clddylll\lcll" I 1980) 811 Mum1y, Rodney Oaog•iWd. The darNnt· ad ~aapar of • 1wanky country club -oat -eglllnat tha gopMrw lnflabltlng hll lurt. 'R' C%l •• ~ '1'ha IOdl At. Alrlgllt'' ( 1111'9) The W!lo. Flma of aoma of Iha rodl band'• parfofmanca1, ,........,. their ftOCortoul proe!Mty for ~ tMlll' equipment and Iha wlld antic• of their ~. tN lete Kehtl Moon. .,. lntenpataad wltb lnlaMawe of IN INll'lbera.. 'PO' 12:111.°': •• "P9plr Moon" (11173) Ayer> O'Nallf, T.tum O'NNI. A~ orpflen "adopta~ • fattlar by ~ !Owing a fotm9f fNnd of her mochat In hie~ aac9')aCS.. during tha Dapaaalol•. • •• ~ ''The Hoatage" (11117) Danny......,.., Don O'Kaly A 6-,,_-old ~ llldaa out In a l'l'IOWlng van ~ ttwl Iha dr'-la. dlll' on 1111 wey 10 pidl up Iha COf'Pl9 "' .. ... ... nud9r 1'1ctlm. 1•• ** ''Ollne'"(1M3) Lorwtta vouno. MM Ladd. In 1941, • tNCt ~­ tumed-prof!Wef ,.... to the~ c:ei.a. CC>•••·'TM~ Jungle" 11960) s~ ~. J-Whltmot9. The pob -l>elllacl by a Cflmlnal ma1tarmlnd'a half~ robbery t:IO. * * * ~ ''Ttla Train" (1995) Burt Lancaalar, PIUI 8cloftllld. A FNnCfl laedar attampta to -1111 c:ountfY'• art tr-• .,.., • Qer"'8rl oflloar .,,.,... thafll out °' !fie -*Y· •*** "PanldlaaAlaf. C 1978) ~ Stallone. Nlftlftd ~ nwa. achan*'g l>rotherl trom the ...... Kttc:han MCtlon oC .._ Yorlt City coml>lna thlllt tt.ie. °' btlllne and b<-In thalt aflona to a.ta 1>«1• .._ for 1:Ae ()) * * ,_. "Fatao" ( 1980) Dom ~. Anna QM.. croft. A portly ~ .... lllldl IMl noWrlg can dampen '* dNlr9 '°' food untl lie f ... In ~ 'PO' 1:80 C%l • ••• ''The Lale SMw'' ( 11177) Art Camey, Uly Tornlt\. A -* prtwlla • trlOOUrltwa l>tack"'all and mufdar ~--out of ·····" to looeM • oat ....... to en offbMt ...... C191ftt. ttt. ~ WOftdlfw Of n.w.M ,,..., ......... ~.,._ ..... NI ..... ..... °' .... , ..• ................... ................. __ .................. NO 9'0QCY ROAD -Rocky <top, Sylvester S~looe> proposes to Adrian <Talia Shire), has a rematch with Apollo Creed <Carl Weathers, center) and marries Adrian in "Rocky 11" Sunday at 8 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). .,. of IN Aln9ftcen Wast. .. (Jj) •• ~ M'"-' l'tay'' (19711 Pater O'Toola, DlrWI l .. 1in•iga. A e«· t\.ipC ~, ... ,...,. ~ Iha target of • mllltsy OOl.C>· 'A' t:00• • •14 ...... Of ...,.... (18G5) Kaltlartna ~. Ow1aa &oY9f. Two mualdlna ancount9f dlfftoultlaa ""*' ~ , .. In l<MI. CC) **14 "s.-t W-" (1981),.,,,,.,. Bancroft, Sue Lyon. W-wllfl verytng blc*grounda and poal- llona Int.,.,.,. In a Chi- -mlaab1 ldloOI. &:a(%) • * * "Popayw" ( ill80) Robin Wllllamt, ~ °""91. Wtllla ~ for .. ,..,. • Iha lpinacltMet- lng Miiot ..... a quaint harn6le ....... pidl1 up. louncMng and • aklnny caMthlart. tPO• U0 Cl) * * "Galax.Ina" ( 1NO) Dor~ ltratW\, A"-Y ldnlbaf. A robot .. meo. In .. '""09 of • ti.MlfUI -~ doe9\'t .....,. ~~ ....... R' «:11• •• "OpwiillklltHt)'- .... C1tl0t • W9alnl. Mn ........... TflitNI ................. ,...,. ..... --................. ..... -•***".'1 •A...,_ ..,.. ........ ..._ ..._..,,..,.,.. ~ Whan • hanpee:llad termer flnally ytaldl to IM ~ °' ding 1111 nagging ...... M fin :ta IMCtuary from Iha ... wlltl • young gll1. CC) * * • ''WNc.11 Way II Up?" (1t77) Alchllrd Pl'yor. L~ Met<-. A-· etarwd ltult plclt• la ~ wa oomlo c:rOll!fn ~ .. union and Iha Motl. and a llypoelltlclll Pf-='* ttnda '-In a lad6M' dloW 'R' ~(II) * •• "Cllaactl And Chong'• Naki Movie" ( tlMIO) Aldlard ~'o-t\" Marin, Tllomet Chong. Two potllHd• have nunwow M'8ll ICNeft. tvr.a _,.. rcwnlftO Iha .. ,... of Loa AngMaa In ~ °' the "parteal high." 'A' L .. Sunday movies AllCUIOON AMY•. J-Seymour Ol:lleMed wtth the potltalt oCa1~~ a inodal1o-dey ...., Yortt playWtlollt -hypnoalt to tt.,... Mc* In tima and n-' her. 'PG' 0 * • * "Paradlla Allay" (11171) S~• Stallone, lvmMtd ~le. 1lw9e IChamlng l>rottlan trom the ....... Kltohan ..,,Ion of ...., Y0111 City ooml>lna ...., tretll of bnilrw and brawn In their altot1I to craata batter ll¥ea for thainallllo •. 'PO' (2) •• * "ONVy Rldal Again" ( t1139) JemH Stewart, Mariana Olatrich. An~ deputy dNrll up a ct1fn9..plaguad 1own and aipturw the affec. tlont of • loWly gll'l'l1>1in9- hall '-t-. 1a:ao CC> •• 14 "Cltaopalt. Jonae" (11173) Tamara Oobaon, Shaltay Wint ... A ltara1 .. tralnad l9mala agent kw ttla Unhad Stat• ~tnaeto~ up .,, dlaglll drug opera· tlon. 'PG' 1• (%) * * * "Stavllky" ( 11172) .Marw>llJI Balmon- do. Charlae Bo)'af A dlarmlng cori man man- llQM 10 lnvolw maml>ara al aoma of Franca'• moa1 exdullva eoclal clrclaa in • wiaa °' -and bad dalill. l:OO • * * * "Calamlty Jana" c 11153) Doria Dey, Howard Kaai A woman ~ter .... outto CllPlur• Iha heart of Wiid 811 Hldloll. CC>.* •• ''T-" ( 111711) .._._,.. Klnllltl. Peter F1tttl. The daugrlt• °' • poor Engll1h farmer ~ Iha lllctlm of her family'• aeplrattona and --~·R' (Jj) ....... "The ElapNinl Man" ( 1980) Johll Hurt. ~ Hoplllnl A dedi- cated phylk:l•n tall•• under hie wlrig • '-tll>ly d9lofmed man ....._ Itta ---....., had bean "*" In~,,...~ 'PO' Cl) *. * "Lolta" ( 11182} JwnM ......... Sue Lyon. Baaed on Iha atory by Vl.- dirnlt N&l>okcw. A ~ agacl profeaeor look• to • etranga young girl In an liffor1 to find~ • **' ... "Fauo"(1IMIOI Dom Dal.'*9, ,.,,,,.,. Ban- crofl. A por1ty compuleNe --finds that nothing cmn damp9fl hll delllta for food unt• ,. , .... In love. 'PG' a:ao •···~ .. ~ Ot Sherlock Holm"" ( 11139) Ball Rllhl>oM, Nlgill Bruce. Thlawa lad by Iha lnfwnoua Or Monarty plen to ....,. Iha er- .--of England. HO. • .... "Boy, Old I Get A Wrong Nurnl>art" ( 1NI) 8ol> Hc19a. Elka Sommer. AF~ mcwla ~ ~ lnvohlad with • ............ opeJalOt. • ••• "The Good, The Bed And The Ugty'' ( 11187) '*" Eaatwood. L• van a.f. T1wea lllolant, ~­ ~ men aapatataly ~t to ratr..,,. • &200,000 ._ .. a:M (%) ••• "Ohlld'• Play" (19721 JamN ..._,Roe>- .,, Praaton. A ~ad IT\l9t9f It • C.thollc bcrf• lldtool ~ ... 'Wlctlm oeen~~ tor. 'PO' ._. * * * "The Savage" (111621 Ctwtlon Heaton, ~Morrow 'A wtllta man railed by &owl ~ .,. .. tom .,.._ .. ~ .._ -brailka out. •••'4 "TM...,.Wtlo ... ,....,.... (1tt11 ooc. '**"•· ...,.,.... ~ °'*'" .......... of ........ ,,........ ... -...-.....01 r .. °' \64 • ... '~ .... ~· ..,...., Illa ... oompr1N Ihle look at tM 17t!M:lentury Franch ~. aawoiooar and ~ Mlcftll de Noatr• Owna, known u Noatr• ~'PO' 4:ao ® • • "The Jar Singer" (1NO) ... Ollmond, ~ rW1Ce Olllllar. A H9w Yortl c.Mor bralllit with tlmll'f trlldltlon ar>d .... out to find IUCCell .. • pop n-..1c IUt. 'PO' l;GO cm·· .... ··LM The Balloon Go" ( 1978) AoOar1 e.t!Jaa. J4ll'I K#lgabury A hand!> ~ young ~ ltfUC>- glaa for llCCaPlanea .. .,, lndapandant Ind normal lldlltdulll • ti C%l ••• "Daacty Rldaa Again" ( 111311) J1maa Slaw9tt. Mar1ana Olalticn. An unarmed deputy clMne up • crtma-p6aguacl town and captur• Iha anac- tioo. °' • loWly gem~ hllllhosl- ldlO CC) * * "DllYI Of Fury" Nat-rited by Vlnoanl Price. A look II laltan al the thlngl lha1 11vMtan OUf WOfld, from cswutatlng aarlhquall• to unl>aliav- atlM lllt~ ''PG' &ll * * * "The CompaO· lion" ( 1IMIO) Richard Dray· NM. Amy lrvlng. T-11*>- lata al a ~ Frar>e:laco rnualc competition find U\11 thalt lo"9 '°' aadl other conlllcta with their ptolaHlonal amblllon1. 'PO' EWNNi tiOO. * * "The Paopta That Tlrna Forgot" 111177) Petrick Wayne, Doug Mc:Cura. An ~ 20th- oantury polar ~ ~ • myat•lout illand Wlal:lltad by priml- !Na peopta and prahlatoric lfWnall lr.IO (II) * * , ... "The Man Who Sew Tomorrow" (111811 Oocumaf\tary. Narrtiad by Oraon W ..... Footage of _,.. ,.,. pr9dlc:lad and drernatlc: -'Iona °' ..... oomprila thll look ti the 17tlH*'ltury Ftand'I phyeldan, .. trdogar and myetlc. MidMI da Noatr• o.ma. known • Noatra- damua. 'PG' ()) * * '~ "Bon Voyage, Charla Brown" (111711) ,.,,._ mated. Olractad by 811 Mel9flda.. Snoopy and Woodatock follow UcftaflQI fWdanU Olar1la &town. ~mint Patty. Lo. end Marcia on an ~Mad tout ot E.ftgland and,._ ·o· 1• CC> ............ BuddW-- (1!". ••~"The Way Wa Ware" 11973) Barbra 81r'a6111nd. AoOer1 Fladjord A ~ QOMga couple In Iha 1930a ~ thal "*' polltleal dlfler- -atrong enough to jeop- ardln their marriliga. C%l ••• "Popera" ( 1980) Ao«*! Wllllam&. Shahy °"" .. Wttlla ~ for 111a father. me~­ Ing ...,, vtlllta • quaint hamla4 ........ Ila pick• up a tounclllng end • llltlnny NMti-t.'PG' ... Cl) ••• "Aoc*y ... (11178) ~ StllloN, Tllla Shire. After lcl9lng hie b0\11 with the WOl1d ~ plOn, an ~ llOllar trlllna IOf • ~ oi- 81 Iha lfUL ea •• .,. .. Smc*., And The Bandit" ( 1977) Burt ~. Sally Allcl. A trucker II ~ to haul a lold oC Coon Mer to T'•· aa.andpidla....,a~ ....,. and ......... • llllUb- bom ..... *IO ... .._ it "Tiie Olllll Cowboy a.rt11111, r (1NO) """"' ~ \.-.IM ........... <Ill ..... ,., ,...... Stt .\fo . P.S.lZ The Performing Arts Association of Orange County presents John Alexander, Director Three B's and a Unicorn Bach ................ Singet dem Herm (Motet No. 1) Britten ...................... Hymn to Saint Cecilla Brahms ...................... liebeslieder Waltzes The Unicorn .............................. Menotti A charming program of varied chamber works featuring . BALLET PACIFICA original ch.oreography by Lila Zall and members of the Irvine Chamber Symphony All seats reserved: $10.00, $7.00 and $5.00 Senior/student -$2.00 discount Saturday, February 20, 8:30 p.m. Santa Ana High School Auditorium 520 West Walnut Street For further information, write or call P.O. Box 1891 , Santa Ana, CA 92701 , (714) 542-1790 MasterCard or VISA. Group Discounts -I · S9600 AS LOW AS A MOMTH* TH.ERE H>;S NEVER BEEN A BETTER ~ ' TIME TO ADD ON THAT EXTRA BEDROOM I OR BATH. OR ADD A COZY FAMILY ROOM .r~ WE ARE ALSO SPECIALISTS IN KITCHEN~ ANO BATH REMODELING. 1~ CALL NOW FOR A FREE ESTIMATE ORD VISIT OUR Sf-PWROOMS AT rr=n:i ~ 29J WESTMIMSTll MALL ·~ ~ cuppauva.MIAI SIAISI :nJ i;'1ffi\ 100% PERFORMANCE BOND -a .a&llcoMPLETION DATE GUARANTEE -LIEN~ t!JBFREE CONSTRUCTION. ~ 1lJ 714-at4-fl7' -714-atl-4tl7 i a LAMO ·m ~ CONSTRUCTION ~. A public service sponsorship of the Orange Coast ~ •BASED ON SALES PR'ICE OF se.ooo m(~ ~ 19'%APR O.A.C · ..._ _________ o_a_i1y_P_1_1o_t _________ _... J~. · 81 _37326_1 r:-\ IF YOU IUY ElSEWHBtE YOU'LL PAY TOO MUCH!! • We're dectanng war on high pnces with values hke these two complete watert:>ed systems. We guarantee our prices to be the absolute lowest In town or we'll refund You the difference in cash!! Now Ollly s 19900 Reg. $295.00 Nowo.ly s22900 Reg. $419.00 f ACTORY DIRECT WATEl llDMAIT Announcing The Marriott Tennis Oub • Limited Membemp Available • No lnitiatiOO Fee • 10 Charnpiooship Courts • Full Club H~ Facilities • RobynRay - Director c:l Tmnis ~Beach -~rriotf Hotel&. TennlsClub -· l ~·Movie Gulde tor the Week N ... ~ From P.age 30 ~ The Br'onx" (tM1) P...,. «> NewmM,JSdwWd ~.A "-IOUgfl cop bet1IM CflfM ~ encl c:om,.tptlon In ...., 't:I YOt11 Qty'a $oultl 8tOM .:: ~.·w U. Cl) • **'Ai ''l"-Wey We ~ Were" ( 1973) Barbra ~ 8~. Robert Aedfotd > A young c:ohge ooupe In ~ ttle 19309 ~ that § ttwlr ~ --·--0: -strong erlOUgfl to jeOl>- erotiit their~ ••• * .. Al Nlgtlt Long" (1911) Gene Hadlmen, Betbta StrwlMnd. Afler being derno4ed fl'Offt (X#. potllte ~ '° dlllln-.... night meM09f, • mlddlr aged -·• ..,.. ~and~-twned ~--·R' -· •• * i. "Going In Style" ( 1tT9) Ge0tge Bumi; M ~· nv.. e6derty ~ plen • ....... to .... "*" to "'4111• .,_. -on .. mMg8t Sodel Sec:ur· ~----CC) **••Ai "Ewrytfllng YtN AJw9ya Wented To Koow About S4lll (But Weta Atrald To Al'tl" ( 1972) Woody Allen, Gene Wiider. A _.. of comic lketehee epoole Dr. O.Yld Reuba11'a bHt·••lllno ltoOll In eddltkln '° otNt _.ed twgelll. 'R' cm • • • • "Reglng Bull" (t0801 Aober1 De Niro. C.tfly Mon.rty Boidng c::hamplon Jae La MottAi • • aptitude tor vlolenc:• br1ngia him ~ In ttle ring bu1 dler\API• hla '*. 9Cf\81 ... 'R' Cl)* "Frtenda" ( 1971) 9-1 Bury, ,,.,... AMI\&. .... to:OO. * * "Captain Kidd" ( 1'45) Cl\ertee lAughton, John c.rr.... The note>-'*-.... of 1tw '-' a-.. btougtl1 '° ju9tloa by .. trtc:Ury ol -of Illa --· ®••·~" (1911) Elz&b«h Bentdge. SyMe ......_ FOUT ,_.., egetl "'9"d • frlglltful night In • c:emlYW ~ ho<IM lntlabtted by • demented berltat and Illa monatr--.. 'A' Cl) •.'Ai "Son ...... • In .,_.,.... (1980) antopMf' Aeeve. ,,_ Seymour Ot ~ .-i IN pottreit of•t~~ a ll'IOdem-(tey New York plerwrtght -hypnOjllll to .... bed! In time and meet,_.'PG' • ***'41"TheWeyW. Were" (1971) 8.,br• Stre6Mnd, Robert Redford. A young coeeoe ooupe In ttle 1930ll ~ ttiet their pollttcel d~ -WOllg er10UQf1 to taoP-wdllia .. ,,_Np. 1HO CC> • ·~"a.op.tr& ~.. I 1tfa) Tfll'!leta Ootleon, ~ Win-.. A kar .... treined letn* aoent for !tie Urllled 8tatea gow¥TWll9rll tttea to IN.it .,.,., _.. dNg ~ !Ion. 'PG' • u:11cm••·i~" (1980) Weftar M•'"*'· 01ie1* ~. A tormar .. ..._.I08 ao-'11 la ...,. by an old ftwM In 6odglng ttle KGB and ttle CIA. wM -~to~ .... "°"' publltilng hla --oh. 'A' CZ>.·~ "Second H9nd HMrta" ( tflo) Robert llMe, lertMlra HsAI. A T_CIF ...... ~ ................ '° Bed Md The Ugly" ( 1997> Cllnl Eutwood, Lea Van a.. TlwM 'lliolent, .. ., • mlMd men ""arately attempt t~ r~ a '200.000 .,.._,,.. 9 •••• ''TMCO.-· aatlon" (tt74) 0.. Hacll- men, John Cu*. A pt~ teulonal wiretapper beg1111 to ~Ion IN ...,,_ lc:a of hla proMellol\. ····-n.~ AellenQe" (18'1, ~red a~ vwor-oac.no. Herman and GtMdpe -framed fOf • _.. ot rot>- berlH committed by rotM>ta ~to IOok like them. (RI u:aa® ••*"Modern ~·· (1N1) AAbert 8roolta. Kalhl-yn Harrold. A lllm edltOf tn.a ....,._t. edly to win bar.a IN '-f ot the_ he io-. 'R' n:oea D * • ''The Munatera' ~ .. (1N1, Fred ~. YYOMe DeCerto • Hannan and Gr~ -lrWNd tor ...... ot roo- berl.. committed by robott CONtNCteO to IOok ••them (1\1 • ••• "AT,..Growe In Brooklyn" ( 19741 Cllt'I Aotlstaon, Oler'9 BMer &Med on IN rlOWll by 8111· ty Smltl\. A young girl from the tenement dlatrlc:t atrugg!M to rnM• a .__ llfe fOf .,.,...., llW\ her par9'1ta had CJ) *'41 "The SIU0" ( 1971) Joan CoMna, OllWt Tobi· M A Wt1111ar odvwlOM hill ~ by -.ping w4ttl hill boaa'a wife 'A' \l:GO CC) * * "MaMec:re Al Central High" ( 19711 ArtOr.w SI-. Robert Ceffedlne A c:tuNde IOf .-. beglr'8 ... • prirnk tll4lt .-it too I• -pulled on Ille quiet• ..,.,. by • g<OUp ot bored ~ trtanda. BAD NEWS FOR THE BEAR -Burt Reynolm ls not nearly so mean as he looks, just one of the good ol' boys who spells bad news for an over~ager sheriff in "Smokey and the Bandit" Sunday at 8 p.m. on ABC <Cb. 7>. Ilona of a IOY9ly gambllnl>- hel h091- 1:41 (8) * * * "NA Night Long" (1"11 Gene Hadlmen. Barbra StrellMCI. Al\er being demOted from c:ot· POf8M exec:utlw t.o dlllln- etore night menag.er, a ~-· ..... .,..and---~ ~'A' 4:11 ... "'FOt1 Apecfw, The ._ .. (1911) ,...,, ...._..,..,Edward"-· A tough cop b9l1tM c:l'lrne and com.iptlon In N9w York City'• South 8(0tut nelgtlbotflood. 'A' Cl) * *'4 ·~Hanel HMl1a" (1te0) Aoben 'Blalle, Barbare Harrie. A T-cer..-i lftendanl "'*• up one momWlg to ftnd ttllll he la married to • ~ _,.,_ Wltll ttw• klda. 'PG' Monday movies e:OO e ***'A "8rMkar ~-·· (1980) Edward Wooctw.d, J-* Thon'c>- _,, Aue1r911ena COfWCftpl- ed to Wght on Englancl'a .... In the a-Wtl dedde to flOllt u. Boer guerlllu on l1*r own t-.'PO' 7•(C) * ** "Tiie P-d Is Courega" (1fla) Oltll 8ogarde. Marte~· A Wortd War" IMtlell ~. Ch .... Oowtrd. ,.._ted- ly ,,..,..... ttle Nam wtlO etWrnpl to hold him -• wsprioonet cm • • ~ "Snowtlell Expreu" (1972) O.an JonM, ~ Ollon. A ..... York~tre­ vela w.t to the Aodlial In WI attempt to modernln the dlllPd•• .. r-1 11e......,._, ·o· of aome ol Ftarl08'1 moet aadUINe aodel c:lrc:tea In a ..... ot -and bed ..... l:OO ••• ''M--. County Une" (1974) .... and Alen VIM, Mu S-. A cou111y ahtrlll ae•k• r..-ige on two~ IT• ~ fOf .,,. deeltl of .. ..... ....... ~ Uon" ( 1980) Ellen Btntyn, Sem Sheperd. Altat a ,_. fetal 8lllo lllOddent, • -.,, find• thel .. ,... .,,. ebltlty to llMI others but II parMCUted '**-ol her ,-.... to c:Wln a dMM ~.'PO' t:IO CB> *. * * "Reglng .,. .. (IMO) AoOer1 De Niro. Cathy Moriarty. 8o1dng ~ Jal!• La Mott•'• aptitude for violence tlrtrlOI '*" -lf'I IN t'lng but ~· .. par· eat* ll:e. 'R' --•o••• ''The.Jer'tt" (1979) Stew Martin, Ber· Mdllne PtiWa.. A dvorilC ~ !Mii• mllona 011 • weird .,_.uon oNit '°IOMlt .. ln~ ~ailt•c;J CC) * *. ''The Other S'°9 OI The Mountain -Per1 II" ( 19711 Marilyn H-'1, T1rnoU'¥ Boctoma. F- ~ .... Jiii Ian- -'· ~ • qumctrt-~ by • tr9Qlo eoctdent, ....... .... ... -doubt ....... ·-lo"9..,..,. .. .... cm••• "All Night~ .. (tNt) 0-HedllMtt, .... 9hlsand. "'"" belnO demoted from oor- potate 1111ecutlw to dl8lno •or• night managef, • ~ m1n'1 life. af)'le and v.--ar• turned ~·R CZ)*** "S-1 Wllllam" (tMOI lam Water1ton, Wrlty Aguttar. An• lier IM-ln ~ltand ............. for an ~ In tllll u.s .. 811 (tlQWI glr1 bagltW • '*Y fOlnWIOI ...._ • relUall lc:D ......... UO (I) ~ • * 111 "Alitlftl M " ',_, "°'*" oe Nn>. ··~ N. 9Qd.\ ·""°" Mi? c:llamPlon Jae La Motte'• aptitude tor vlol.,,c• br1ngia him ~ In the ring buf dlerupt• Illa per. aonalllle. 'A' 10';iO cm ** "High C-tty' ( 1ff t) Tiftlc>llly 8ottOMS, UncM Pwt. An ~ llCll'MCI end "" .,.... c:..,.,.s gtrlfrWld ... to the movntelne 'PO' 10::a1 (%) * * * "Popeye" ( tteO) Robin Wiiiiams, S~ Duvall. WhMe -Cfllng lot hie lather, the~ Ing M#or Ylelt• • quaint hamlet ....,.,. ,... plc:ka I.IP • loundllng and • lklnny ..,._.,_,,'PO' 11;00 CC)* *'Ai "Tht Fr'-> Kid" ( 1979) a-Wider • ...,.,,_ _, Ford. A Pclllfl rabbi find• hlrneett lnvoi-.ed In wild frontier mlMd...,._ twee wltll • denng ber1k robber when lie tra..,... to 8-1 Frandec:o to taM OYel a,_ congregatton. 'PO' cm • * *'Ai "Sc:enner•" ( 1ea 11 JenlllW o· Neill. Petrlc:ll Mc:Oooll•n A lethal conlllcl arlH• ~ twO amel grCJUC)t of peop6e ~ .Ureordl- nary payclllc pow••• lndude the ability to kll ~·R' • * * \4 "8eil* Roedl" (1N1) 8ely Flald. Tommy Lea~ A hOOker and a do'tm·Oll-111 .. ludl boxer ,_. and heed -' In ~ ot a NW !He. 'A' 11:41 (I) * *'Ai "8eil* Roedt" (1911) Salty Reid, Tommy Lea .lonM. A hooker and a Oown-Gf'l·hla-lucll boxet rnM1 and heed -1 In -di of a..-Ille 'R' 1~. 111 **'Ai "Vlllentlne" ( 11179, Jack Albef'laon. Mary Mwtln An el04lrfy c:oupM decide 10 Ignore aoclety'• •lanoerdl and llve llft tllalt own n y (R) 8 * * * "Tiie Alnbulh-.,.... ( 1967) o-i Martin. Senta Berger Matt Helm .. _. to Mexico to llnd an expar1merltal ltyVlg -end , .. ,.,... It trom the eF*"Y tt:IO (%) • * * "Stavlaky" ( 19721 ,,._.p.,. Belmon- do. Charlee 8oyet A c:tuwmlng c:on men rnan.. agea to Involve memberl of -ol ,,.,_., rnc>9t exdullve _.., c:lrdee In • -w ol ac:eme end bad dMls 1:00 ••• "Man Prom ..... Mountain" I 1938) 0- Autry. SnlMoy tkKnetta. 0.. At.Aly and 11111 aldllk· lc:ll aet tNt to lrllO • gang ot atOCk awlndlara CIC*> tint In a amel mining town. •• * "8#1 Le,_.., The Mt Of Noah" ( 1971) Docu- ,,_,t.,y Pllytk:al avl· denoa oooce1 ntoo the a.i.- 1-of the gt .. t 9tMp of blbllclil tegand 19 .... mined. CC) • * \4 "Portnoy' a ~t" (1972) Ric:llerO ~. l<..-9" Bladl. a..o on the novtl by Phlllp Aotll A ~ Jew. 1911 boy reoounta hie often llllarlou• .,,d emorou• ~IOhil~ .,. 1:.tO Cl) * • * i.. "Oona Flor And Har TWO Huat>enda'' ( 1971) Sonia 8ragca. ,,_ Wllllar. A ~ 8tulllen -*''• boring ~ ,.,..,. 19.,..., by the ..-rtvat of lier ftm ~ l>Wld'• pullonet• ghoet 'A' 1!41 CID • * '.4 "Elc;.ape From Alcatraz" ( !9791 Cllnl Eaatwood Patrick McOool>en A hardened c:on~t. retU<ned aftet hla "'91 ~ from "Ille Aoc*," '*'19 to brNk out lljllllii 'PG' t:00•**• "~"(1NO) Ao«ilft WWerM. ~ OUY9ll WNlt ~lot lllt'*'-.IM~t· lf'9 Mlot ..,_. • quMlt Nml9t ..... tie plcltt 111) • llt~C'b·~ .,.,....,.11> !llln8-lf llWMUIMll. 'PO' 2:10 (%) * * * * "The Lat' IMW'' (19n) Art Cerney, Lily Tomlin. A -on.o pnv•t• eve encounter• blacllmail and murder when lie ~ out of r.ur-1 to IOc:ate a c:et belonOlno 10 an offbeat f_,,.clMnL 2:.Q CC) * * * .. Tiie P..-d i. Cowmge" I 111&3) Oirtc 8ogoarde, Maria Petacny A World War 118riti.tl offloat, CMrtea Coward. repeet.O. • ly outwit• the Nezll whO attempt to hold him • a -~· 2:fO 8 * * * "The Mind Of Millet Soetn." ( 11170) Terence S!MIP, Aober1 l/euofln When • men -o-from a Ufelong ..... of~ anlme.- tlon, he lttuggle9 to aur· -In en adult WOf1d wtth the ....., of en Infant. a:ao{I) **'Ao "Snowbelt ExprHa" (19721 OHn '*-. Nancy Olaon A N9w Yofll -.intent tr• will .-t to the Rodi._ In an attempt to modemln the Olepldated aid _, he 1n'*11ed. ·o· 4:00.., • * • ~ "Soldier Of Orange" ( 1979) Edwerd Fox. ~ Penllaligon. Six a-t• al • Ou1ch urVv8t91ty 00 ,,,.., a.pa-,.,. ••)'II ....,.,., war breaks tNI In Europe 'PG' 4:08 CZ) * * * "SWMI Wiiiiam' ( 1980) Sam Waterllon. Jenny Aguttet Alter ,_ llw--ln boyfriend --her lor an eOucatlon In the U.S .. an Englllll gift begins a roeky romenc:e woll\ • rakllfl Scoc1tnan • 4:s& (8) * • ,_. "Cerny" I 1980, Jodte Foeter. Gery &;My An ad~turova yaung woman jolna • carnival troupe and IMrnl atiout the hidden emotlone and lrullratlona behind Ille surf-~ of the ~·R' 4M CC) * * "6 Finger• Of Oeattl" (1973) Lo Ueh. W8ft9 PW'Q A young ~ -llung lu atudenl mu- ,.,. hill art to ~ • leeditlg a.part and nation- al Gtlarnplon. Tuesday movies l:OO CC) * • \4 ''Shoot The Sun Down" (1MOI Chttstopllet w .. an • ._,got Kidder In tile. ·-dlaparate mi. Ill• --en old m.P to -c:ll for buried gold. 'PG' CJ) ••'41 "Slow-Up" ( ,..., OeWI Hemmings. v-Aedgr-. Wl9rl a young London ~ogro­ ptw ha -ot hla pie- ""-blown 1.tp, he dlaco¥· .,. 'Wfl8t ..,.,..,. 10 be • murder (%)*·~"Second Hand Heaf'ls" ( 1980) Robert Bleff, 8artJw9 Hsrla A T• ... car·WMfl attendant Wiik• I.IP -mom1ng to find that he la rnanted to • nlghtdub welt,... wllh ttwee klda. ·PO· 81.aO 0 **'Ai "Heidi" (19791 A young glr1 la brougfll trom ,_ grandtdler'• Alpine llOtM to llllo In the city. 1=*> CC) *'Ai "Oiely Of A Te.i- Age Hltc:tllllkar" (19791 Oidl Van Paf1111, Cha"'- TWton A )'OllnG glrl'I N .. la endangered wl\an al\e ac:cepl• • ride "°"' • atranget l:OO ••• * ''9obbla Jo Attd The Ovtlew'' (1978) .. .,,_ Oonlw, l)"lde ClrW A car llOp 'WtlO -ta to be a GOUntty tlntar. -and • CJUll*clttw IWlndW wtlo Clt.-rne .... lllly ..,. IOd ttlOOt • pa1'I 80tOta the ~~ .. Q41",,a, '\ ... UNLIKE.Y BANK ROBBERS -. George Burns, Lee Strasberg and Art Camey .<from. left) play retired New Yorkers who decide to put some .. gold m their golden years .bY robbing a bank in "Going in Style Sunday at 9 p.m . on NBC <Ch. 4). From P.oge 32 • * * '4 ''Wetermeleln Min" (11170! ~ c.m- bridge. E9'lle p.,_ A blooted white men 11 llhoc:Mcf ............ up -morning end ~ _, ""' .... hll tumed .....,... tlllC*. (l)•••" ..... "(1980) "*" WllMll. 8"8l9y Ow& WNll ....... kif ....... die~· Ing...,, ...... ~ helnlet .......... '**'up • fOUftdlng end • ekJnfty IAMltlWt 'PG' CZ> •••• "The l.8te Show" (11177) Art Camey. Lly Tomlin A --S privet• eye _,.,. btecilm .. I end murder ~he-outof .... _ .. to --• cat MlonGlnl to • oM>eet leiMte Clllnt.. .. ®***14 "Ab.S- ,.,... (11117) Lindi ..... PUI ~d. Members of en lteff-"merk:en ~ -tllc:liinb:«I by • Pl)'Chollc murderer In .,..., ""'*.. 'R' ...... ,. .... eomp.u. llon" (1980) Rldllrd Dreov- fuM, Amy IMng. Two pi.n.. .... .. • Sen Ftendlco mw6c: c:omjMtlllon find "* ...., lo\ll kif MCtl °"* COftllctl """ "*' prof...ion.I embltlOn•. 'PO' l':IO (C) .• * "A Night Ful Of Rein" (11171) 0'-lo ~. CMdlce Bergen ~by Une w.tmutt- •. A lrildlo jourNllel encl • .,..... pNMgl .. reflect on the high end low polnt9 of tMll' lt-y "*· rlege.'R' cm • ·~ "Oelttl SNc>" (1980) 0-ga ~y. Rlohiwd Crenne. Aft• tN1r luiMy .,_~on tria hlgb -. • group af """'-' ... "r-..d" by • llrge. blecll empty -.... ... CZ>*** "ONld'• Pley" (1117'2) .._ "'-"'· ~ .-1 Plwkwl. A dllllled ,,...., ... CectlOllo bov'• ~~ '°' 'PG' 10;00 (I) •• '4 "catherine l eo:· (1973) ,,._ Birtlln, Petite* 0-.... A fOUn8 girt "1IWll to Perte to ~ • high ,...,., _.. ...,. .. pterie tell tlwOUGh ..... opelW • hllNY luctetlw prolt!Mlon ~·A' '*®•••"Tiie~­.,.. ...... ....,, TOVlll ~ A --.. ~IMM9W--­.. p6Drs to ~ two t-.,. Into Poe> .ing. '!'g IC•dorn. 'PO' cal • "Hot t..eoe .. ( 1980) Berber• 8111, _. St. Jemea. An emblUoua edvertlalng •••cullve ICope at nottq to ..,_, • lucratM _... "°'*Y --· 1t:1a(I) ..... ~· ~ .. (1912) AloMrd ....... ~ ..... 11..s CMI the ,_. by PNlp Aottl. A fOUn8 ...,_ 1111 ~ ,_,,, .... oft., llllal'IOlll And emotOUI ~tohll~ ttlet. 11:IO (C) ·-o.m. Olr1a ~· (I) * * '4 "FMlo" ( 1NO) Dem Dll.ulle. Anne ~ CfOft. A parity ~ ....... thM nothing cen cS.mpen 1111 ...,._ 19' food until ...... In low. 'PO' ••••·~~eoe" (1932) Peul Munl, George Alft. A ..........,. llOoO- lurn ,.... ~to the &op ot ttle helpdumg ProtllblUon. 12:00• *** "BattleleMeltl The EMUI" (1MI) KenW1 ......._., \/Melle Ventura. Ttie a.-prepere 10 e1Udl America by IUl"Ml- lng ttvougtl Eerth encl ~ nudMt ....,one under ma.I« U.8. c:ltleL 12:80•**14"~ MCCoy" (fMll) Ferley 0renger. JOll\ e,,_ TM low~twO~ berl ot ~ , ...... ~ reMllt9 In • .,,_, , •••• ''TN,,..,, lnelde'' (1'1tlt ,,._. Fr~ ~ ............... ~ cete lo Toronto . • ** ""-OfO.ltl" (1117') Alc:Nrd "-<*•. Jerlltlr ~ An ecolo- .~ ........... .,... to ...-.ct ..-whff• ................. (C) ** * "WNch w~ II Up?'' ( 1977) AkNrd Pryor, LonMte Milll<ee. A --Drved fnll pcker le ~111•-*o...,_ .._.--.. ...... ........ __.... PfMdW .. ....__In. llldlel'dlolr.'A' • * .... "TM Outllder'' (1911) 6..-ng H~. Crelg W~. A young ldelllll n""9 to Nor1tlern lnllllnd IO '°"' ltle ~ tor llldepelldel-. 'R' CZ> * •• "Swllt WlmMI'' (1'10l &Ml w ..... °"· .,.,..,, Afl*er. Ms ,_ lhw-ola~---­--~ · --u.a ..... ......-~..,.,_ • rodly ,__ ..... ,...~ 1:10• ...... .,....,.. Pw1y'' (1114) Tommy Kirk, AMeMe Funlcllo. A M•· ...,, cm crlf • p1ennec1 llw9l6on "'*' .. .... In '°""' wttll • ei.utlfUI ~ 1:11Cir **** ''AMred Stet•" (1..., Wllhm Hurt. llllr er-. A H.-- ~ ....-.··~ llllndww .. ...,.., .... .. OOftdUeU llllnd_,,.nd-.... ~ ....... tlcJrl "'*' _, pow9ltul ~'A' a:oo"Clll •• .... "Aloe, .... Alce" (1M7) Linde ..... ,..,.. ~d. Membet9 or .,. 1tall1n-Ametleln llll'lly -vlcttmalld by • ~ murdlr8r In"'* mld9t. 'R' t:11 • * * * "I Went You" (11152) Dina~ Dor- otfl)' McGun. Oumo the Kor"" War, 1 young men'• cell to m11t1fY du'Y prowllle ....,. entlge>- nllm 8"'0ftO Illa lo¥ed ~ ~a:>••···~ ... (1161) Martclft lnndo, "eel ~""'~-"' Ir ...... ,,... ..... See lllow. P.agt 34 CARPET SALE! ' Al'o!IOn fllut• IW'On O<le !\al t>Ul'lt-..n Dt _,,.., lt•n tftll '"""' -IJfOlec:llO<' '""" lln ~ llAlllC lh0c:h1 • ._,, ~ COl'tlruc-of ,.... ....... _. "' 94-"" ...., .... "'V • $Oild QOIOrllion• ... u -• 1iOc111 of a1yle -oe ... ty 10 -- • A"'10nl'kllnvtot\oolenu bulfl-11) IOlf .,.., .,.,n r-..ce..., oroeect- '""" ~ al\OClrO • lu11t.«H>U1 1AJ1ony construt. hon -~-.. -to --. "---·--°'* __ .....,, ...... ~- • ~rwo tv• nyt0n 'eteCI• *"" ,~ ~· g,,, ltCIU'd ac>ttf• ll"d st-wMe prote<;lu•o 1oainst Slatoc:""""" • Utr-Moon~"''"'" C~ruelion 11 ""'1 ..... v oo" tuorwv ,..,. ... ..,. ano •v•utte>v\ unoetb>I • • A>Clt IOfoa ~.,,.a a.t.o- 1et0t 'm-eam ..,,,, a 0-'*0u' --ol ""'"'"''...., •• .,.,... •• occenl• SJ6~ Scile Runs thru 2/22 PRICE INQUDES INSTALLATION & PADDING WITH NZX 3600 PADDING . ... .,., & ! -s N \ -~; ,.. --·"-~-~------------..-. ---.-.-..--- ---~ -~-----------~---------- Froml?oge33 with the ...., perform. of • fMMld J~ 9CUng ~· ~ 2:IO • • * • '"Who waa Tiwl ~ Lad(r' (1MO) TQl'IY Cur*. "-DNll Martin. A COINge prdl9eof ........ aid of ..J g • wrt1er lriand 10 help axplaln 10 Ilia wtfw wtf'f ha ~ -.. ~. stud«lt. 2:118 * * * ~ "A Ooubte ~ life"' (19-471 Ronald eo.-a: ,.,.,,. Signe HaMO. Ari llCtof ~ oea-aect with the roe. of "'01hello" to the~t of commmlng mutder a.'OI (%) * * * .. Slav!Uy" ( 1972) Jean-Paul e.lmon- do. Charlas Boyer A Charming con man mw>- agee to lmlOIY9 "*".,_. of tome of Franc.'• mo.t •Xdulllle aoclal cir~ In • --of -and bad dNla 3;30 ~ * * "The Amazing Adllw!IUI• Of Joe 80" Pupp9ta A magiCa1 lnll9n- llon enablee a ~~-old boy to beGome a Sl*llal agent tot the wono 1n1-.. &': ~ Shlolng" (1980) Jacll Hletld9on. Shelley Duvell Directed by Stani.y Kubrick. A forrnet acnooltMCher !Wed -• weim.r catet•• tor a remote, and ~ly lwmled. Coiotedo hOlel, la ~thafawlthhia ..... and~' young eon. 'R' 4~(]1)••• "~"(1980) Ao«l6l'I Wllllema. SMiiey Duvllll. While -dling lor Ilia father, the IC)lnadHe1- 1ng aallot ¥lltta • qualm ,_.,.,...._,_~""· foundling and • alllnny l&M1~'4'PO' .e:. • . ...., eon-Home" ( 1949) Aob«t Lowny. Wednesday movies FBIRl.IARY t7, 1M2 Evu..o t:OO (I} •*'A ··s.i.m·a lot" (1979) 0.vld Soul, J- Muon A noveltlt ...iurna lo Illa boytlood "'°"'9 to put an and to troul>ted -* but find• that • ..,... myatery ltvoud• '*town "PO" • * • "'Bronco BMly'' (1980) Cllnt Eutwood, Sondra lc>c*a. A tormer ..._ .--nan frOtll New ,,.,_, ,...._ Illa d<Mm of perlonnlng In a WllCI W• aflow. 'PO' 7:00 {D) * * "Seper eta Ways" (1980) !<Men ~. Tony lo Blanco. A young cou- p6e'a tellure to~ caw -1)1 ,_,ita In the oeatructloft of tnair mar· r1age 'R' 7:41 CZ)* "'Frlan<W'( 1971) 8-\ Bury. Anic. AMna 'A' l:lOO. *·~"A Small Town In Taxaa'' (1978) Tlmolhy Bottoma, &.er'! Gaorge A blt1et .. -con rtllume lo hla hon>e town lo reclalim hie aon and Iha -,_ IOwaa l!'Clln the corrupt, radNCll lflertl1 wtlo ..... , him away. •••• "' "Alder On The Rein" ( 1970) CtMwtae Bron-'°"· Jll Ireland. A rapllt la r.,.id with a IMtgun blaat fJOtn 1111 v6c:tlm.. ® •• '"Thie .. !Ml'' (1H 1) DocwnelltlfY, ,.,.,. ~-~ .... ......... ~_... .... tile atory "' EMa Pr9111f• ~'*-· • ** * "EMl''(ttTO) K~ Aueeel. s.acwi H\lbo iniilelf'Om NO LOVE LOST -Marsha Mason stars as a Niagara Falls housewife who spearheads a fight against chemical dumping in her neighborhood in "Lois Gibbs and the Love Canal." The new movie-for-television will be broadcast Wednesday at 9 p.m. on CBS <Cb. 2>. povwty and obacutily lo actNYe ,_ and fortune .. a aupenlat mualcal per- '°"'*· 9:00 8 Cl) "Loia Olbba And The low canal" (Pt9m- ..,_, MllnN ""-· Rob- ert aun.on. A N9w Yortl ~ i..csa the llgflt to -her twnlly and neighbor-a fJOtn IN poten- llal llR#cK of dlamleal clumpng. (Cl *. * '"The Am DMd- ly Sin" ( 1980) Franlt ~ Ira. Faye Dunaway A vel· aran New voni City ~ Clelectlw, WflOM .... Ill IMlfterlng from a -lc>ua Ill- ,_, trtea to midi a brutal II-larTortzlng MaMal· tan. 'A' CD) • * i. :'TN Man WllO Sew Tomorrow'" ( 1118 t) ~ Harr8'ad by 0reonw ..... ~ot -atie~and ~tie r.-tlone of Na llfe eotllpflaa Ulla lodl: at Iha 17~ Fraf!Ch phy91dan, a.uotogar and mystle. MlcMI de Hoetr• 0-. known .. Hoatr• ~'PO' 10:00 (%) * • 141 ·•Pottnoy'a Complaint" (1972) Rlellard Benjaml'I, KMen Sladl. 8Mad on IN novel by PNllp Roth, A yooH'CI .WW- lafl boy ,_ .. 11111 oftan hllatloua and amoroua 9dvwl!uraa 10 hla ~ trlat. 10'.a> CD) ••• ''Tha C0fn9ett- 11on·· ( 1980) Alcfttrd 0r9Y- "-· Amt lr.ltng, Two CllM- lltl at e San Frandaco muak: eom!*lllon lllMI thal ,.... low tor Met! Other conlllcta wflh their protaaalonel amblllona. 'PG' CJ) •• "MeMn And How- llnf" (1980) ,..,. laMat, "-' Aollenk Aft ottw- ... unkftOWft OM ltllllon •tttncleM dllllna to i. dlif ,..,...., Mir ID Howlnf H~1· bltlloe ~lat •ate.'A' 11:00 ® * ... ,... Jca llngat" (tMO) .... o..monct. ~ ,.... ~· .... __Y.!!L centor bfa.ka wltfl fltnllY tradition and Mt1 out lo find -... pop mualc: star "PO" ••• ''TN tncndlble SMnklng WonWI" (1980) Lily Tomin, °'81"91 Gto- dln. A ~ ftnda II hard '° oope wNrl ~ wddanly beglrw to Wink lnab9."PO' 11:*18 * * 141 "The Ratum 01 Fran!! Cennon" (1980) Wl- llam Conrad. Diana Mul- d-A rtlllred ptiltal• • in-tlglitaa Iha ~ llllle~otanOld "1and and former Army lnlalllgence COllNgue. (R) 11:46 CZ) •• ·~ "~Hand Heana" (1980) RoOar1 Blatce, Bwbwa Harrtl. A T-ear-waif\ a«endan1 ...... 14> -morning to llnd tfwt he la mamad to I nightclub wallr... wflh ttw'M klda 'PO' 12:00 • * * i. ''Tbe F.,,.-., .......... ( 1996) Jer'fY i.- 1&, Sebaatlan Cabot. A 0-,._-okl otllMn 114111\9 ,_ lb unc:Ma to dadde wtlldl one an. -.ntt to llYe with. 12:t0 e • • ''Trait Of The le>neaOf'M Ptne" ( 1Q3e) f<ed Mac:Mutrey, Hairwy • Fonda. The feud be'-1 lwO ,.,,,... " lnlam.ipted ~lha-geo-ofaMW rallfoad. ·····~·· (1911) EllrabaOI ~ SyMa MMea. Four '991- agerw ~ • trlghtfUI ,..., In • G9f'IW9I full.. llOuM IMabltad by • ~ted ~end hi• IT'IONllrol.ll IOfl. ""' 1•. * • ~ "'lady Fr0tn loulelana" (11M1) JoM Wapna, Ona M..__. A loulalana lawyer'• ,,_with tha deugh1• of a ..._llnown oam1>11er -to•halt-the ~of gMlblng. •• *~"Dalt<*" ( 194&) Jofwl Wayne, v .. AeSton. A land ..., ,...... wt*\ Cll'oolte tty to bum out .... ~ a:>•• ...... '°' ......... •"'°' Jamee '°"· Midi ~lloO<I I~ from IN moo,._ Mne"t ary In the home of • bumad-out tormer •odr ltar 'R' (]fl • *. "Modern ~" (1981) Alb9rt 8'oob, Kathryn Hanold A fllm adhor tr1ee repeet- edly to ...,. Ne* the ,_. of Iha woman he io-'R" 1 :OI ()) •• 'At • ..,,. Shining"' ( 1980) Jacl< NlehollOn, Shelley Duval Olfec1«j by S~ ICubfidc A tormar achoofleac:her hired .. a wintet catetall• lot a ramota, and apparently llaUnled, Colot'edo hotel, la ll'lOlltbound lher• with hla witeand~young aon 'R' 1:10 ••• * "Budl And The Pra9c:tlar" ( 19 72) Sidney Poitier, HarTy --..ont• A tt.. OIAde ror tormar ..._ and a oon n'lan <111-..., ... ~._,, 1C1 to llgN ,,,.,._. bounty llUnt ... 1:*1(%) ••• ··~"(1M0) RoOll1 wwi-a. Shiley Dwlll. Wtllle ~tor .. father, tM ~·­Ing Miiot lllltta • qualftl llalN9I .._..he p'dla up• foundlno and a ~ ~·PO' l:IO 8 * *14 '1119 Girt Fl'Olft Palb'OllQ" (1974) H.1111 ... l>toc*, ~..._..An Anw~ -.men °" .... "" ... II\ the Kremlfl , ... In ...._. .tth • _,..,. bf1llfted.....,.. l:IO •••• "lollwn Of The No!1h,. (t831) Henry F- d41. ~ "811, During .. p)onair ~ In Alaalle. Auaa&art ...-tty to take -the Nimon tnctu.1ry. • "Wllo'• Thill Knocirlng At Uy Door?" (1987) Har- ~ Kattal, ZJna Bet,._, A JOUl'9 -IMng In New Yortl'a Ultte llaty haa lra..- bte adjuetlng -'*' .. amblint4 on a tOA'ltnOa wtttl a btol'lde w AtP. 1::11 ® •• '"""'*-'' (1M1) ODbeell l«rldoa • SyMa ..... Four~ .... 9"ftd • lttgMM .. In • mmMll flln. ~.on.'A' l:AI ••• ,.. "llllnd Of A"geta" ( tt57) Clark Gable, 8ldMy PO!tlar. Alt educated black 1lav• ...... ~~ -""'° haa ---to CClftCelli. a:GO(C} **** "T_ •• (1979) Naeteaala Klntkl, Peter Flr11\. The daugllter of a poor Engllah farmer ~IN~ofher lamly'a 9"1iratlonl atld her OW!1 .,_,ty, 'R' a:ao (%) * • • "Chtld'a Pia(' ( 1972) "-Muon. Rob- ert Prelton. A dllllllled mMIM at a Catholic: boy'I echool ~ lhe Ylctlm of an W><>nymoua maletec- tor 'PO' 4:00 Cl) * * "'Hawk The Slayer·· ( 19811 Jac k Palanca. John Te1ry An adventutoua young man enliata Iha aid Of a band of Watrlors 10 right hla ev1I uncle, Ina Oll9flo<d wno killed hla lather and 11 hOldlng an abbeaa for ran- IOl'll, "' • * \+ "8phln•" (1911 1) Franlt Langella, Laaieoy- Anne Oootoi\ A ruthleu blacll ~ antlQulU .. ring ~ to ltop an Egyp!Ologllt ff Otn dlacov- aring UMI ~Mboull of a ptk*aaa llatue lhe ... parmltla6 to vtew ·pa· 4!10(]1) ••141 .. .._1>19(' (19781 Peter o ·rool•. O.vld 'Harnmlnga A eot- NC>l goywivnenl ~ the target ot a milltary coup 'A" ~-•'At "Flngerptinll Oorfl Lia" (1951) fUdlard Trallle, Shella Ryan. Whwl a llT\ell-town mayor I• muro.r.d, an lnveatlgator Mta out to nall the kM._. Thursday movies EVIHtNG t:OO 0 **'At "'Sc>hina'" (!N1) Frank l.angalla. l ealey- Atvla Down A rvlhlaaa ~ mar1tel an11qu111 .. ring attamc>ta 10 11op an EgyplOloglal frOtll diacov- erlng Iha wtlafeat>oull of • pr1calaaa llatue an. - permft141d to lllew. 'PO' 7:00 (Cl • * * "The p_..,_d .. Coutaoa'" ( 1983) [ti Bogeroe, Maria P9rac:hy. A WOf1d Wat II 8ri1Jell ofllcar, CMttaa eo.-cl. raoaated- ly outwtta Iha Nam wno attam!J' to hold him .. • -prtaon.r {D) *141 "Eyaa Of A Sttanget'' ( 1981) L.auren T-. Jan"llw Ja10n le6gh Ari lnQWlllYe TV ...,on .. al ... a madman reaponalble tor a _.... ot ~.'A' 7:18 Ci,> • *. ··popll)le" ( 1980) Robin W111ama. Sheli.y °""81. Whlla -c:hlng for hla l•lher. the IC)lnadHel· Ing ...,, ¥111t1 a quelnl l\arMel .._.. he pick• up a 1°"'*"0 and a llclnny I M""'41't. •PO' --•••141 "MMnOog ._ .. 111J78) Gregg Han- ry. 0-ga ~· ,. ~man commmed 10 a pr1*>n tann on trum~ chatgea ot hit-and-nm llr>dl a bNtall _,, In the rednedt 0-of the camp . G **'-'"AM., Called siactoe·· (1971) Jame• Garner. Dennll WM .... A ~ 111\ootl all of Illa c:ohotU 10 protect hla '°'. t-In gold, but and• up wlttlcM Illa mOnlly. ®**'"Ttleekton" (1179) VIO Motrow. JeMc:a Har1W. ~ ~ P90l>le move IMo • hOI-. w11t1 the ~~of ~ ....... ~~ (l)•••M~W ... W. w.,. .. (1111) larbra s~ "°**' Aedfofd. A ¥OW'O «*9100liplla Ill the 1830a d*'-..,.. .,,.., .,.,.... dlfW ... are a1fOnO enough to ~ ardlze their marriage. •••• "Agaltla" ('97t) Dlllllln Hoffman, v ...... ......... In L.Of'don ... 192e. an American ,_ paoar r9PQr1et l'Na(a and ~ lnvoNed wtth fwn«I ,.,,.,~ -11 .. Aoa- tha Chrlatle, wf\o ha left '-unfaithful huaband 'PG' 1:30 (0) • • • ··eatu.ground" ( UM9) van Johnaon, JoN\ Hodlall American aoldlara of the 10111 Airborne Olvl- llon engage 1n Ina Frandl eatnpalgn and tna Battle ol the Bulge f:OO CC) * * "Return Enoao-- mant'" 9: 16 (%) * * * "O..lry Ridaa Again" ( 1939) JamH 61-art. Marlene Olattlch An ut\llNMCI dapuly clean• up a Ct1me-plaguad '-' and captures 1na aftec:.- ooos of • loYaly gambllng- hall ho••-e:ao (]fl ••• ··Fon Apache, The Bton• •• ( "8 1) Paul ~.Edward,..,_ A tough cop bellles crime and corruption In New Yof11 City'• Soulll 8'onll nelghbor'hoOO 'R" lOlOO 0 * * "Thia la EMa"' (19111) Oocumantary. Rm lootage and dfamatlc ,... creattona are 1.1aec1 to tell the atory of EMa PrM!ey'• Nfa and car-. 'PO" 10::80 CC) * * * ·~ "The Wld Child" (1970) Jeen.P\wre Cargot. F r9nCOla T ""'9ut An 18ttM:lantury phylidall attempta 10 cMllze a 12- ~-old boy found Mng wild 1n the tor•t• ot Franca <m * *. "Molal Hell" (IMO) Rory Calhoun, Paol l.JnU_ F' ....... Smith - '"' back1oad9 molal to pr<ICl.lr9 and fallen the ChaaC> bu1 high quallly ,,_. .... Mada for Ilia ..... !!98 ._._. 'A' 11~(1)•• "~"'(19801 0or04t>y Straiten, Avery Schraibet A robot la mede In the Image of a bMUtlNI _, who 6oearl"t 1\a\19 any l\umatl hlelinga. 'A' (%) •• ·~ ··91ue Collar" ( 1971) AicNrd Pryor. Hat- ~ Katt4ll Three lrultfaled Oetroll auto fllelory WO<'k· -t"'1) IO cnrn., bringing 1twm IMO more oonfllc1 and po4entlal -... than tllay -counted on. 'A" 11:*1(]1) **."Al Night t..ong•• (11181) Gane Heckman, Barbra Stralaanel. Ml.et being dem0'9d fJOtn --potata aucutlYe to dlaln- etora night man11g11r, a mNtdle-agad man'• llfa. ltyfla and ...... -turMd ~'A' iitt"MV 8'oody Val- .,,.,_ .. (1911) PU Kai- "*"• Lon Hellar. A emall town ~ a acena of terror duf1ng ttl8lr ..,,..,., V"9ntlne'I Dey d-. 'A" 12:000 **'-'"Hell Or! Atloo e.y· ( '955t Allin l.Md, Edwwd 0. AcltltNon, A tormu 11ollc:ama11 la r-...i trom pliaon and ... °"' 10 CllW,. N!'M. CC)•••·'TN~ Ing" (IMO) 0-,.. C Scon, Trlah Van O.W.a. A widowed mulllc ~ -c. an old '*-tNt appaatt to be '*'"'-I by a r ....... aplt'ft wttfl a 50- yut-old acor-. to Ml1le "R" 12:IO. ·~ "Jyngle ~·· 0949) Wanda Mc:Kay, 0-,.. "-"'-A ,_ party -. wt ~ an Afftceft ~ Ill aewctl of ~..,.__ 1:00. ***~''HCWllleOfTM .. .-" (11Me) ~,.,. ~ Joy, • A utomatic Garage Door Systems FOR SAFETY •.• SECURITY .•• CONVENIENCE Automatic Garage Door Operators by Stanley LOWEST PRICES IN, ORANGE COUNTV "We Are Never Undersold" ~~~::::::::= --~ := FREE extra transmitter w ith garage door opener Stanley Digital "High Security" -Radio controls -three signals .\.. 'f I . I . r Day or Night • Prompt , courteous - . conscientious service. STANLEY Springs • ttarctw ... • _.... Doon • Repairs "i.adlng in1tiller of Automatic Door Opener• In Ore"fl• County" IRVINE DOOR COMP ANY Sales & Service lnsu~d. B:nded & ~!!: ~!,1 N! 312361 II= Distinctive Fashion ------ Every Sunday r.--------------------------------...55 . ·-------~----------------------~i •• 2 o~ERS FORTHE i ··~ 'I '.11,, l,, PRICE OF I• 2 11 BUY 1 DINNER FOR $1.50 AND GET THE ZND 11 ~. •I DINNER FREE II ~ 11 MONDAY•TUESDAY•WEDNESDAY '•j 1 I WITH 11US AD ONLY Otter E~ JllareU I, lMZ 5Plla. tPlll 11 · 1-----~-----------------------~-Ji f I I ... I !" MONDAY T UESDAY WEDNESDAY CO U NTRY I 1.- 1 I li BEEF ~ B-B-Q I I I I I I I I I I I I I BARRON BUFFET A selection or beer enlrees, potato, fresh vegetable and salad bar. BUFFET 3 Mexican' en trees. salad bar and a glass or Coors Draft C21 years or older> BUFFET BBQ Chicken, BBQ Rivs, baked beans, corn bread, vegetable soup. western style Potatoes & salad bar. THE · JOCKEY CLUB I "EatO.tMoreOften" I I ~ ~hK 557-3000 I I II \l'I'\ 11111 1:: ,11 '· ,1 1 \!11·: I! I 1111:' 11111 l!\I ' JOIN US FRIDAY I SATURDAY NIGHT FOR LIVE JAZZ .~ I I I I I I I I I I I I •• I I I I I I I I FEAJURING THE 3131 s. BRISTOL I I • LES CZIMIER DUO COSTA MESA I L-••••••••••••••••••••••••••••··- Treat your sweetheart " to the c..Airporter qnn Wotel ••• She'll love you for it! for Reservations Call 833-2770 Airporter Inn Hotel . Entertainment "Nightly In The Caberet lolllge 18700 MecArthur Boui.v.rd, Irvine, Calltomla At John W8Y'I• Airport J ... ~ ' ..• ...., ...... I I 1 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I NOW AT TWO LOCATIONS IN ORANGE COUNTY HUNTINGTON BEACH ani SANTA ANA CMY& STOU Mo. 2117 ~ .... S.•tc:. c..ew 21JIS............ ..w .... s ...... ...... 751-4771 CMY& STOU Mo. 2200 &..dly'1 l .. 1,_,w C...... 16171 ..... Qlca ...... H .. ............ .......... 1370 t CAAYIL-tMI ICI CIMM PACTOIY If you come Into C•rvel thinking you wi II find • few v•rt.tlH of ice le' conee •nd th•t la •II . . . Ye M got e aurprlae for youl c.Mtl atore la an IC'e cream factory. a fountain and an Ice cream aupermarket. We have an arrsy of ice cream cakH, Ice cream novelties. 1hake1, aund•ea. ban•n• wg ... .nd con .. in IOft 8lld hard flalvora. All the llbove Is •lw•y• available and elwsys fresh. Since we make the Ice cream at the store, w. NEVER run outll Providing Retail and Wholesale Opportunities ~ince 1934 ... A Proven Success~ \ Moat Ice Creams are made with granulated sugar. Carvel uaea only fructose, the n.tural aweetner. ' . Mo8t Ice Cream• UH anlmal fat• In their emulalflera, atabltiera, and ftavortnga; Carvel does NOTI WE ARE .CURRENTLY SEE.KING QUALfFIED PEOPLE TO OWN AND OPERATE ;rHEIR OWN ·cARVEL ICE CREAM STORE IN ORANGE·COUNTY . • Choice Locations Thr1111~01t The County MINIMUM CASH INVESTMENT $60 ,000 . FOR INfORMATION ON YOUR FUTURE WITH (?aJU!ei · . ~ PHONE (7i4) 54>81~1 , .. eakender ·Feb. 12, 1982 ' J ; I I ( \ , ' 1 I ' I , J 1 , I • ~ I ) \ ) \ / • FACING ART -Squared away against Al Held"s massi\"e work. kindergarteners visiting the Newport Harbor Art Museum get a o.lly ....... ., MM ..... lesson in color and composition from docent .Carmelita Moflat. Over 1.000 kids have toured NHAM since Januar~-. . . Museums prove art is kids' stuff By IEFF PA&IU!R Of .. Ollly ........ Two south county museums Newpo11 Harbor and the Laguna Beach Museum of Art -believe that art is kids. stuff and have programs to prove it. The Laguna Beach program is call ed INSIDE Seeds II ~outs newm .. Art m the Schools.. and is headed by Joan Benford. an artist and instructor who makes regular rounds of the three Laguna elem~ntary and junior high schools. She visits each class five times a year. gearing each mc•eting to h<.'l p illuminate the l'll•ments of art. offering her students a little l'<iucat ion Complete capsule movie guide and a chance to do some .. hands on .. work in \"arious mediums. · ··Every child should have a chance to do this kind of thing:· she said. lamenting classroom art cut-backs after Prop. 13 ... Art is something you use the rest or your life -or at least you use some or the elements of art. Ifs with you forever. Learning about art s t i mu I at cs c r e a t i ,~it\". select Iv it v . ima1tination and pe rception and those ai·e with a person fo1·e,·er too:· Benford's programs are tailored to the age sroup she·s teaching art history and application for older students. general introduction to media for younger kids -but either way. she's out to teach a lesson .. "'Most kids can cut snowflakes out of paper and they'll turn out well." she said. ··My programs stress in stru~tional information and art elements. All art is based on line. texture. color and sh,ape. A lot of kids have never been asked to look for these thinss. My kids are enthralled when they •I a a s 2 t ! lntennlsslon -I Westminster's musical drought to end ~ By TOM TITUS ~ Cfl•Ollf¥~~ ;:::: u. lt"s been three years since the strains of music ~ echoed through the Westminster Community i Theater, and that's too long for one of the local 4 playhouses better equipped to handle musical ! productions. ~ That oversight will be remedied ln two weeks _§ when "The Pajama Game" arrives Feb. 26 for a a: five-weekend run under the direction of Kent Johnson, who's staged four of the eight musicals produced at the Westminster facility since it was opened in 1974. Westminster's Last musical, "Sweet Charity" in 1979, was Johnson's sho"', as were the earlier "Roar of the Greasepaint, Smell of the Crowd," "Two by Two" and his most notable, "Stop the World, I Want to Get Off." This time he's tackling a show that's been mounted only once (by the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse in 1978> in the past two decades locally Heading the "Pajama Game" cast will be Calvin Coker as Sid, the new straw boss of the sleepwear factory, and Barbara Keller as Babe, the head of the workers' grievance committee. Jim Slaughter and Mary Murphy take the second banana roles of Hines and Gladys. Rounding out the 25-character cast will be <a.lphabelically> Don Barrett, Kyle Burson, Machaer Feist, Bill Malkin, Karen Matheny, Wayne Mayberry, John Moreno, Sharon Skinner, DRAMATIC LEAP Cast members of Orange Coast Co llege· s comedy ··Sea pi no'·· demonstrate thei r enthusiasm The sho"' opens Feb. 18 for two weekends in the OCC Orama Lab Lynda Towler, Davis Voisey and Pattric Walker. Chorus membe1is are Deborah Ball, Amber Bauman, Trisha Burson. Anthony Farone, Sally F e nton, Drew J ohnson. J anna Koch, Paul Lambert, Marjorie McCauley, Cheryl Morgan. Aida Porras, Sonja Xerikos and Jane Young. Performances of "The Pajama Game'' will be given Friday and Saturday evenln11 at 8: 30 through March 27 and a Sunday matinee at 2 p.m. March 21 al the theater, 7272 Maple St .• Westminster Tickets (while they last) are available al 995-4113. CALLBOARD -Auditions for "The Royal Family," a play about theatrical people of the past , will be held Monday and Tuesday al 7:30 p.m. at the Newport Harbor Actors Theater, 390 Monte Vista St .. Costa Mesa James Patrick O 'Hannon is dir e cting the George S . Kaufman-Edna Ferber comedy and will be seeking a large cast in all age ranges . . . The Irvine Community Theater will bold auditions Tuesday, Feb. 23, at 7:30 p.m. for Jack Sharkey's .. Who's on First?" ... a cast of two men and two women in the 25-40 age range, who are proficient with foreign accents, will be sougbt for the comedy at the Turtle Rock Community Park clubhouse, on Sunnyhill Road off Turtle Rock Drive in Irvine .. BACKSTAGE -The Harlequin Dinner Playhouse's production of "The Wiz" last summer has received a pair or Drama Logue awards ... Jay Smith won one for his choreography and Brad Elsberry was honored (or costume design . . . . Children learn ~bout art the 'hands-on' way Prom Page I • Learn how colors are made through mixing. They get so wrapped up in maldng their own colors that they hardly get any painting done." But eventually. Benford's students do get some painting, drawing, photography or-chalk work done, and the best of that work is taken to the LBMA where it is framed and exhibited in the "Children's Corner.·: Above the "Children's Corner," the main gallery exhibits established artists, m the downstairs gallery one can see art of working local professionals -but only in the "Children's Corner" can visitors get a look at the future greats. ''We treat the children's works like real works of art," Benford explained. "The 'Children's Corner' isn't a bulletin board. The pieces are framed and hung like other work. Jl gives more credibility to the art, I think. When we get children in the museum with their parents, they want to know how to get their work shown. It builds interest. ''The artistically inclined child can often function better outside the classroom. Schools emphasize verbal skills and a child who expresses himself artistically sometimes hu trouble finding a time and place for that. That's what we encourage here. We offer that dimension," she said. The fruits of that dimension -a collection of chalk design s, light-sensitive paper "photography" and black and whJt.e photography -can now be SMD in the LBMA "Children's Corner." Benford's lessons in the element.a ot art are evident in the work now on display •t the museum: No frenzied finger-painting, no nanny watercolors, no stlct men. lftltead, Ben.ford's students have produced a surreal 1roup of llcht aenaltive "photoarapbs" (sunlight senattive paper covered with found objects and placed ou.tslde, where the sun captures the lma1es by to&ortn1 the unexposed areas>; some fasclnatinc color studies in chalk and a rather debonair photograph done in the style of Paul Outerbridee, whOle exhibit recently left the muaeum for a naUonal tour. • • • • WhlJe Benford brtnp ~ to the clUIJ"OOm. the Newport ... rbor Art Museum ~rtni• tbt Over The toun are arranged through. the Docent Council headed by Charlotte Selling. Docents take groups of 12 to IS children through the exhibit and fill them in on the history and theories behind the exhibited art. On a recent Friday, Virginia Dey headed a group of docents who entertained Compton kindergarten children at NHAM. The youngsters gazed up at works by Picasso and Matisse, fascinated by the masterpieces that loomed over them. Dey led them to George Braque's massive "La Gueridon" -a cubist cafe scene -and asked them what they saw in the painting. ··A lemon," said Rachel. "An apple," said Arthur "A glass," said George "No, it's a Waring Blender' .. said Cedrick. Cedrick got the laughs but Dey got in the educational prodding just the same. "Say Braque," she said. "He was a great artist. Say Braque." "BRAWK!" "Jl's up to each docent to make what they can of this," she said later. "You have to oi,.ke it interesting for them. I can take a kid off the street who has never seen a painting, haul him in here and make it interesting. Sometimes you get a great group of kids, like today, and sometimes they're bored and won't pay attention. "You have to be strong and loud. You eel excited. You get the trouble maker ln one hand and the shy kid in the other and keep them with you the whole way through. A little security and a little discipline. Use their names, they respond to that," she said. According to Dey, the purpose of the museum tours is to glve school kids an experience they may not have had before, and to make it a good one. · ·u a kid has a good experience at an art museum, U\eY may come back again and aeain. These ldds are smarter than you think," she aald. "One thing they'll never forget after this show is who Picasso is. They'll remember him, if nothlne else." While Dey walks the visitors through tbe Cubist and Cauvist display, docent Sandra Beigel introduces he r group to the Abstract Expressionists. She lectures them on color and composition, on stroke and how a certain part of a painting was accomplished. ..1 always try to give them something to bold onto," she said. "Paintbrushes work just fine. Tbe younger kids are definitely into the 'bands on· experience, so we bave to keep them directed a bil." Seigel stokes their imaginations with the abstract works, telling the kids that "we get to make up our own stories" about what's happening in the painting. Later, she introduces them to the color wheel, explaining the mixing of primary colors to get other colors. Briefed on Abstract Expressionism, the kids then move on to the German Expressionist lessons. "We think it's Important for kids to experience art early," Dey said . "They go to the dairy, the observatory, city hall and a factory or two. so why not get out to see Picasso?" Caribbean carnival coming to UCI UC Irvine will celebrate the colotfUI drua, dance and music of the Caribbean bellMJn• at l p.m. Feb. 21, ia Floe Arts VUtaee. company the dance ensemble on conga and steel drums, cabasas ~and olMr pe-rcusslve wtrument.1. Baall Grant, a Barbados-born fire-eater, alao will perform with t.be troupe. 3 ----------------~ ------------ Rob Starr plants ~ hope in Seeds II .,, :l. By JOEL C. DON OftlleDllty,.... .... The time was the mid· '«>s. If you owned an electric guitar and could strum a few chords there was a chance of a regular gig as a rock star of the psychedelic era. Many or those Oowe,...power rock iroups died off in the early '70s, victims ol personal ambitions or band members, their own anachronistic aonas and a new generation of youths tu.ming to the tenets of business administration rather than the laws of nature. Knott's Berry Farm will revive the sounds that fueled the generation cap this weekend with "Alive in '65," an event featw1n1 rock 'n' roll bands of the free love moveme\t. Headlining four 4ays of musical memorabilia will be The Association, with performances toni&bt and Saturday evening, Rob Grill and the Grass Roots Saturday and Sunday evenlnc and The Four Tops, playing Sunday evening and Monday afternoon. Also slated for the holiday weekend are Barry and the Invaders, Jack Hammer .and the Hardrocks, Gary Lewis and the Playboys, Gary Puckett, Seeds 11, The Surfaria, Mary Wells and Ian Whitcomb's "English Invasion." Most groups started in standing·room-only garages, moving on to high school dances, ni1btclub&, concert balls and for a select few, contract.a with major record labels. RobStarT rememben the day he met with three mualcUlns for a jam session. What formed wu The Seeds, a group noted for Its cou.ntercultut:e lyrics and someoftbelooge:sthairinthelndustry. Tbe group went on to press eight LPs -with bit s~ such u ''PU.!bio' Too Hard," "Try to Understand" and "Ma Farmer" -before breaklna u.p 1n 1972. Starr formed Seeds II about a year ago and is the only member from the original rock group. He Moftes ........ ""·t-. RE-BORN ROCK GROUP Seedc; It . featuring Rob Starr (with chest hair 1 of the original group The Seeds. will appear this weekend ut Knotrs Berry Farm. hopes to capitalize on some of the old tunes, which have been updated by the new group to a contemporary beat. • ~· Starr was 16 when he became the keyboard player for The Seeds. He had already graduated from high acbool and was attendine Cal State Northridge, studying sound engineering. .. We (lhe band> all lived close to one anotner in tbe San Fernando Valley," said St.arr, who works full time as a audio-visual engineer for Technicolor in Costa Mesa. "I can remember going to band practice the first day. This guy offered me a marijuana cigarette and I didn't even smoke regular cigarettes. "At 16 being a rock musician was kind of unique because you don't look at the music business aa a business. From my age it was fun and 1ames. We partled the whole time. I guess lt wun'l $ until I wu 21 that I said 'Where's all the money going? Why is this happening?'" ~ Starr recalls one major concert in 1967 with ~2 The Supremes. The warmup act was Buffalo Springfield, a group that would spawn Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. He became close friends - with Jim Mortison of The Doors and Authur Lee of ~ Love as well as the musicians from now-defUnct 1e groups such u Canned Heat, Iron Butterfly and J3 Strawberry Alarm Clock . "We made $15,000 to $20,000 a night, but by today's st.andards that's peanuts," be said. The group broke up after Urine ot the rock scene, the frenetic pace of beinl oo the road and desires to pursue other ca~eers. Starr hasn't beard from any of the original members since. He parlayed bis bachelor's deJ!ee into a sound engineering job with Walt Disney Productions. He joined Technicolor eight mootbs ago. "I fagured the next best thing to playin1 was to make somebody else sound as good as I could," be said of bis current, more·t.raditional career. "A year ago I met some guitar players and went into a studio. When they beard I was a member of The Seeds, we decided to do some of the old songs again. ''The first week we took it as a joke. Theo we decided to press a demo of some old Seeds songs." The original members should expect to receive some royalties from Seeds II, though Starr said he doesn't believe they'll show much interest in the revived group. .. For all intents they don't know that Seeds 11 exists," he said ... They didn't want to do it anymore. I can't see them wanting to get into music. .. My goal is to get into the business, make X amount of dollars and get out," he explained. "Before we were into girJs, cars and money. Now it's money, girls and then cars " 'Night Crossing': Disney StudiOs should know better "Night Crouing" l.s rated PG and &tar• John Hurt, Jane Alnander and Beau Bndgta. It i.s now p4'1Jling at Edwards Town Center, Fountain Valley and El Toro cinem06: cmdat the Cinedome 111 Orange. By IEFF PARKER Of ttw Ml'f """'le.ff It's embarrassing when movie makers speak down to children. No art form, except maybe music, lends itself so naturally to the wondering, impressionable, accepting mind or the child; no form can captivate them so totally for so long, scare them, make them Jaugb, connect them with basic myths, leave them the sense of charm and enchantment that movies can. When you look at the great children's movies of the last few years - "Mary Poppins," "The Sound of Music," "Watership Down,'' "The Black Stallion," even "Star Wars," it's easy to see Lhat great kids' movies are great erown-ups' movies too. It's also easy to see that no less care, creativity and passion go into • good family rum than into an adult mm . The problem comes when movie makers shuck that care and creativity and mistake children's openness for mindlessness, their willingness to accept for a need to be suckered. '!Night Crossing" is so condescendin1 it makes you squirm. Produced (ironically> by the Disney Studios and directed by Delbert Mann, "Ni&ht Crossing" tells the story of the St.rel1yk and Wetzel familles, who build a bot-alr balloon and attempt to escape from Salt Germany to the west. Tbe ucape 11 eacumMred b7 DOIJ nel1bbon, .._,.., SSD omeen. Ute Nlttetance of the (a mil)'. woa.en to become iavolv.d, a.d bumbUna Par (Jobn Hurt>, wbo m........_ the operadoo. ,...... •••• , ...... ~ ln Uu! ANdule <tbl .... -~-Ma M cGreevey >. we watch the family through a "'trial run" that rails, then watch them go through the laborious task of doing it again It's the visual equivalent of the blues. ·'Night Crossing" Is all action and surface with little depth or reason for what is behind it. Mann and McGreevey must have fell that "East Germany" are sufficient words to throw us into a state or pani~ without having to show u.s what they really mean. We're struck with the "westemness" or the Strelzyk and Wetzel fammes right from tbe beginning: the lives of the adults revolve around pay raises and material accomplishments, while the lives or the youngsters revolve around school, This escape is . not . a battle of wits, but. a comedy of incompetence on both sides. homework, television. TMy talk, lau1b, have picnics. When the son or another famlly tries to run across the border and ll •bot down, bi.I death is meant to con1eal tbe fear Utat Pet.er and friend Gunter <Beau Grldgea) have always bidden. The freedom Utat they've appueatly bee eQJoyin4 <Peter tell.I Illa wll• Doris, P'•rect-by Jane Aleunder, 0~ I Na111 wmft8d to do, l wu alwaJS able to brine It off.''>• 11mbollea.lb Nmoved rib the deat.b ol IM bo7. It'• tM-. fer aruted tbllt = wUll to rtO tMi.r Uwi1 to ·~-.... ..-~Wil--1-.·of •· movie makers to show us why, and tbey don't. None of which would matter too much ii the action was handled well or if the families exhibited some great wit or intelligence In their escape plans, but neither is the case. The sequences of the balloon in night are done rather shabbily with the use or optics and lose their potency because of it. Moreover, Peter's planning and execution is so full of sUllness you want lo scream: he buys all the fabric (12 ,250 square yards) at Lhe same place and arouses immediate suspicion, be builds the balloon in full sight and knowled1e of his young children; he discusses the plans with Gunter over lunch in full earshot of people around them, he crio1es gulltlly under cursory lnterro1ation by the police, and when the balloon finally takes to the air but starts to fall because they run out of fueJ, he doesn't even think to throw out the empty canisters to keep tbe rig afloat. When "'Night Crossin1" introduces the obligatory sadistic German major (he's done up in Hollywood Nui style -a bad m~x of metaphors aod a bad miacalculatloo on the' part of the costume dealrners and casting director>. ttle escape becomes not a battle or witl bvt a comedy of lncom~ence on both aldel. Yoo can't help but wonder lf a reprt11l•e iovemment wouldn't •P•"12 a certaln aense of cumah'I ln lb citlaens. but the St.NJsyks end Welldl show noee. ney•.._ a Swl$s Family Robi.nson la the sky. Maybe Mann UMI McG~~y tboupt that ~ youn1 people meant to aee um movie wouldn"t notJc-e ibe 1apina a.lltak'9, but any YoUDPWt who CIA .... Nm or Mnelf .. lbe ......... Of ''Star Wan,·· muter a ROO'• Qallit or.-. bato IUtb anc1e WGUld liciWI at ''Nlllll en.1111. '' n·a .. bea.er for ...,, .. 1811111.: 'l'llllN ta oo _. .......... tit•• •• J .%....... .. '· . . ! Table_ to Table ---------------------J 'lchihan' eating at Gen-Kai f ~y .. M~~DOVGAN ~ Gen-K<d Restaurant; 3344 E. Coa&t ..: HighwaJI, Corona del Mar, 675-0711. '8 Dining room OJWn 5:30-IJ p.m. n.nday ~j through ThundaJI, S:J0-11 FridaJI .and ! SaturdaJI. Sushi bar open S:lO p.m.-10.m. TuudaJI through Saturda11. S:SO :§ p.m.-~ SundaJI. Clottd Mondap. ~ Finding a good Japanese restaurant is a bit like seeking out a new lover. First impressions set the heart aflutter , though disappointment sometimes follows. Strengths and weaknesses, either cosmetic or substantial, are measured a'1d, ultimately, a judgment ls made whether to continue ·the culinary relationship. For aficionados of Nipponeoe cuisine (they are legion and fanatic) the search la worth it. The Gen-Kai Restaurant ln Corona - del Mar is eligible for, and larcely deserving of, such attachments. It is, in the vernacular. an ichiban eatery. Those who have dlacovered that raw fish can be fun will find.at the Gen Kai that it can also have variety. Their sashimi <uncooked ft.h like tuna, salmon and squid) and sushi <the same, wrapped in vinegar-soaked rice and seaweed) is crisp and tasty. That variety comes in the sasbimi, to which Gen-Kai chefs add more than the usual allotment or a fiery green horseradish known as wasabi. The result is a bot sensation that rises past your taste buds and up into your nose and requires a good quaffing or warm sake for relief. We loved it, but be wained. <For those a little shy about sitting at a 1usbl bar, the Gen-Kai offers suschi or sasbimi appetizers for $5 each, susbj or sashlmt dinners for $12 each or a su s hi and sashimi combination dinner for $13.50. That's what we had, and it's recommended for· novices.) For the less adventurous. the Gen-Kai makes pleasantly light ·tempura dishes (shrimp, whitefish, scallops, oyster, chicken and various vegetables fried i.n batter), We bad their 'combination, at $11.2S, and came away satisfied. We also sampled their New York teriyaki steak dinner <$11.75>. a prime cut marinated in teriyaki sauce and broiled to order. We found it tender and delicious. DiMers at the Gen-Kai range ln price from $8. 75 for a chicken teriyald and tempura comblnatioo to $26.50 for the Gen-Kai Special, a wide -ranging combination of practically everything for two people only. The menu also boasts an extensive array of side dl&bes. lite aji no tataki and hamachi no shioyaki, for those who know what they're doing . The wine list is modest and Inoffensive, though most customers probably prefer to compliment their meals with the traditional sake. In truth, we've tasted better brands of - that wonderful, warm rice wine, but the Gen-Kai's is acceptable. Diners at Gen-Kai shouldn't miss the only two desserts at" that restaurant: ginger or green tea ice cream. Both have unusual, and very delightful flavors. *FRONT ROW CENTER* TICKET SERVICE AC/DC *.PRETENDERS CARS * GRATEFUL DEAD WAYLON & SINATRA DAN FOLGELBEIG * B~52's SOPHISTICATED LADIES * lB.T. lllGS -WEIS -BOSTON * PHILLY **GRAND OP e.n££ COMCBT •UIDI pp~ll!. rw-Wl1H •so PURCHASI ~c AM) 1HIS AD -UMIT TO , .. I 00 A KITCHEN SO BEAUTIFUL ).7 our friends will hate it Polo at the Garage ... Hefe we reaue Ralpt\ L0Jfl90's ~ cotton Polo Shirts in on ooay 0/ colc:n. complemented by CoMn Klein )eons and o great wool surcingle belt nom Dooney & Boult<e. ------------------ I Curre~tly screening ABSENCE OF MALICE: Rated PG, Paul Newman and SaJly Field. A careful study or the power or the press and its consequences. d1rected by Sidney Pollack. The PG rating is for adult language. . BUDDY BUDDY: Rated R , with Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau. An encounter between a suicidal network censor and a mob hitman, filmed in Riverside. The R rating is for language. BEAU PERE: Rated R, a French adult comedy written and directed by Bertrand Blier- The R rating is for adult situations. BODY HEAT: Rated R, starring William Hurt as a bunellng. lovestruck attorney and Kathleen Turner as the femme fatale. This sexy, devious mystery takes place in a fictitious Florida town so hot that people in cafes order iced teas two at a time. Directed by Lawrence Kasdan as an homage to film nolr, the R rating comes from brief nudity. salty laneuage and a general air or steaminess. CANN}:JlY ROW : Rated PG, stars Nick Nolte and Debra Winger in an adaptation or John Steinbeck's story. The story is narrated by John Hust.on; sco,red by Jack Nitzsche and wdtten and directed by David S. Ward. The PG rating is for language and adult situations. CllAIUO'l'S OF FlllE: Rated PG and starring Ben Cross and Ian Cbarleson as runners in the 1924 • Olympiad, where they run races for different reasons but manaee to win just the same. A rousing synthesizer soundtrack by Vaogelis. 'Ibe PG r.atiag mutt• for ita lofty.themes: there la no nudity, no violence and very little offensive language. COME HA VE COFFEE Wl11I VS: Rated R, is an Italian comedy directed by Alberto Lattuada. The R rating is rot adult situations. DEAm VALLEY: Rated R, stars Paul LeMat and Catherine lficks. R rating ls for violence. EVll.SPEAK: Rated R, stars Clint Howard and J oseph Cortese in a tale of revenge and terror. Directed by Eric Weston from a story by Joseph Garofalo. The R rating is for violence. fOUR FRIENDS: Rated R, stars Craig Wasson, Jodi Thelen, Michael Huddleston and Jim Metzler in a study of a group or friends whose Uves span the turbulence or the 1960s. Steve Tesich wrote the screenplay, and Arthur Penn directed. The R rating is tor adult situaUons. G,U.UPOLI: Rated R':"'!tars Mel Gibson and Mark Lee as two young Australian soldiers who fight-in the tragic battle al Gallipoli in World War I. The R rating is for language and vio ence. GHOST STORY: Rated R, stars Fred Astaire, Melvvn Doudas, Douglas Fairbanks Jr and John See Currently. Page 6 Whale Watch • Laborawrtee for s~ Mrv10e at. eM:h br&Dcb • Same dq 88l'Y1oe tn m&n,y oeeee • Blloo&la onl,y '16.additJonaJ • Bausch 6' Lomb 801\ oont.a.ct. lenaes only •68 pr. • MEDJ-OAL aooept.ed WHtmlnl1ef 9122 Bolso Ave 892-4491 Huntl~ leoc:h 7070 Edinger Ave (at Golden West) 842-3133 Fullenon 500 N Harbor Blll'd (of Chapmon) 870-74411 N9WpOlf 8-oc:h ~o Newport~~ AnOMim 1205 N Euclid Aw 774-SJOO $Onkt Ano 506 w 17 542·3571 5 -! 6 ~From~ -~ HOuseman. The R rating ls for nudity and adult. .:r situations. Lieutenant's woman and Jerelll)' Irons as tbe starting a new life. Harvey Keitel, Valerie Perrine Victorian 1entJeman who 1ambles hi.I love aad and Warren Oates also star. Tbe script. was reput.-.&on on her. The Victorian love story ls written by Dertc Washburn. Waloo Green and ii' PESSONAL II~: Rated R, atan Mariel 't> Hemingway, Patrice Donnelly aNl Scott Glenn lJ1 ;f the story QI two youn1 wom~n who are Olympic ..: hopefuls for the pentathalon, best friends and ~ lovers. Directed and written by Robert Towne, the j R rating is for nudity and adult subject matter. intercut with another plot: tbe modern day ftlm David Freeman; tbe direction is by Tony crew makinC a moYie of ''Tbe French Lieutenant'• Richardson. The R rating is for stron1 language Woman'' baa its own romantic dramas and and violence. downfalls whlch are meant to compare and ,........:=:.....:...;=~==~--------=::---""'---, > QtJF.sl' FOB FlltE! Rated R, atars Everett McGill, Rae Dawn Chonc, Roo Perlman and ~ Nameer El-Kadi in a drama about prehistoric man ~ at the nativity of civilizatioo. The R rating i.a for violence and adult subject matter. contrast with the Victorian sequence. The ll rating is for adult sexual situation.a. THE BOOGENS: Rated R, stan Rebecca Balding and Fred Mccarren lo a supernatural tale of horror. Directed by James L. Conway, from a script by David O'Malley and Bob Hunt. The R rating is for violence. for ' • THE FRENCH LIEUTENANrS WOMAN: Rated R, stars Meryl Streep in the role of the· heartbroken and heartbreakin& French THE BOllDEa: Rated R , s-tars Jack D11•1y ,,.,~ Nicholson as Charlie Smith, a border guard wbo UI moyes from Los Anteles to El Paso in hope of classified ads p~ne 642-5678 Valentine~ Art Show/Sole Great gifts from Huntington Center daily thru Feb 10. A VERY SPECIAL JAPANES~ REST~URANT Award winn ing traditional Japane~e"tu1sme and superb western-stvle specialtw., Your fav1.1rite st>afood . chicken, and ~teak . DeliGlk soups and delightful <,alads. lmpl.'ccable service tn ,, mlhl bc.rntilul .,t•tling. Dtc;co\l.'r Yamato a vcrv special dining experiencl' uBJDato 60 FashiDn lslUld Ntwport B'each / 644-4811 Century Plaza Hotel 217-1840 Make A Memory On Valentine's Day Share a romamic evrnin~ for two overlookin~ thr llW1t4\ of Newport Bay. Rendezvous at our Oyster Bar- Enjoy the finest of seafood or steaks from our selective menu.An intimate wJy to say .. , love you" on Valentine's Day. S'J.Jl• drilte 1J;(m.. r Newport Beach, 3333 W. Coast Highway, 642-2295 " ------------------------------ Galway jollis LA Phil for 'rat nice' per{orDlance . By MARY IANE SCARCEU.O Of .... ~ ......... The Los Angeles Phllharmpnic Orchestra gave Orange County a pro.cram ending with a rat's tale when James Galway broueht bis nute and a spare tin whistle to perform as guest star. The Irish leprechaun became th! Pied Piper of Hamelin in a premiere of John Corigliano's "Pied Piper Fantasy." The music wasn't for listeners who enjoy music in the abstract (or anyone who didn't Uke eat here Of' take home & s.•atlairi ,,.,.m•'s a.1rre 1973 "¥" CABallET SIUVIGiOll 4 S H•mc:lrilter Ji?~;u~n Distinctive Waterfront Dining • Oyster Bar • Codmuls 3333 W. PICifx Cost High-r, Newport 8c8dl ~ Aa:qxed • 642-2295 WI PIOMfSI YOI HOO CIHNISI '000 WNCMlS • DN•ts • "°'9CAl COCKTAILS , , ~ . IAllUR fACIUTIB • ... cAllllNG * fOOO TO GO . , . '"'!7bm the movie "Willard"). because notes told the story as the piper disposed of the skitterint. squeakina rats. The audience needed no Imagination for the final movement, as Galway and the orchestra were joined by a troupe of real children, some playing flutes and drums, who literally followed him out the back door of the Santa Ana High School auditorium. Earlier, guest conductor Myung-Wbun Chung conducted a clean and 1ucefuJ version of Mourt'a Symphony No. 29, and Galway was joined by principal flutist James Walker for a silky performance of Cimarosa's Concerto in G. Their encore, introduced by Galway as something "by a guy named ScbuJts," was the type ot short, "Virtuoso rapid-fire piece that leaves the audience -if not the performers -1aspin1. It was show bb in a style rarely attempted in these parts by the staid and proper Phil. It was an evening to lake a deep breath, sit back and enjoy. 1 P.&Ucl (714) 631-8031 The First and only Szechwan Style Chinese Cuisine in Newport Beach. Specializing in Szechwan , Shanghai and Mandarin Cuisine. 2930 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach Open 7 days a week From 11 :30 am · 10 :30 pm J l J l J Pacific Coast mghway t: 8. CHINA Free ll "O PALACE Parking &I > z cc • • L • , Old fashioned, romantic dinner-dancing is back in style. ... and the Grand Portage now offers you I an evening to ~e with your bvoritc memory . Soft tinkling dinner music._ elcganr candlelit tabJe scttin~. the grandeur of flaming tablesi<k cookery. The ultimatety <12.nceablc Fttd Carroll Trio is featuttd Thursday through Saturday 7 to 12. and soft piano ocher cvminp. Y.llct parldng. THE REGISTRY HOTEL -7 .,, ~ I ,, a: ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ I Pl) 8 ~ Dlversk>tis N . f r .Pl.AJ!_-_-__ -._~-......... -- ~· "A DEUCATE llAJ..ANCE," Edward Albee's Co Pulitzer Prise-wlnn1n1 drama, opens Saturct.y ror "O the Irvine Community Theater. Performanc:ea will ;f be atven Frid-.ys and Saturdays at I p.m. tllroup l March 8 with Sunday matinees at 2 p.m. Feb. 14 ~ and 21. Tickets are available at the door. j "SOUTB PACIFIC,.. the popular Rodgers and ~ Hammerstein musical aa.>ut World War n, la oo -0 stage at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse, 140 An. Plto, San Cl•m•Dte. Curtain Umea ..an 0: Tu ... day "Oiroup Tburaday at 8:15 p.m., Friday and Saturday at 8:45 p.m., Sunday at 1:30 and 7;f.5 p.m. through April 11, with tickets available at 492-9950. .. .,...... STaEft, .. the state version of t.M morie .. Gasli1bt," closes this weekend at t.M H•tlnttoo Beach Playhouse, In the S.aciijf Vllla•Celter, Main Street and Yorktown A•tlllCilh Hmttiqt.cm Beach. Performances Friday anet Saiurday at 8:30 tbl'OUgb Feb. 13. Call M7""4e5 ror reservations. "8BND U NO PLOWEU," a comedy tn tbe Roek Hudson-Doria Day mold, continues at the San Clemente Community Theater, 202 Ave. Cabrillo, San Clemente. Performances are liven Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m. until Feb. 27 with reservations at 492-0465. . "DIVISION STREET," a comedy about '&GI ~ people coming or age, is on stage at the Ne~ Harbor Actors Theater, 390 Moote Vista St .• '*"' Mesa. The show runs Thursdays lbroutli Saturdays at 8 p.m . and Sundays at 2:30 p.llL tlDta Feb. rt, with ticket Information at 631·511f. r'! - "THE PLAY'S 'l'RE THING," a comedy aboUt the theater , closes this weekend at South Coast Repertory, 655 Town Cent.er Drive, Cost.a Kesa. Performances nighUy except Mondays at I p.m. and at 2· 30 weekend a~. Fo:r tickets call 957-4033. ' or a late-in-life pregnancy, cto.es this weekend at tbe .Jewt.ab Community Center, 218 Broadway, Lacuna Beadl. Curtain la 7:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. For reservations call 817-5554. '-TOE BOURGEOIS GENTLEllAN," a comedy written by Moliere to entertain the court or Louis XIV, plays tonight and Saturday at UC Irvine. For tickets call 133-6617. -CLASSICAL MUSIC--- •AITU VIOLINIST DANJ&L llEll'.ETZ will perform ln concert with the Muter Symphony Orchestra at 7 p.m. Sunday in the Donald Wa.lab Auditorium, Garden Grove. Ticket.. are available ~t tbe Sama Ana Collese Bo& Oflice in Johnson Cam.pus Center • Cocldafla ''jol)y Hour .. dally Crom 4pm to 7pm featurtna Bucc.anur Bucket cock14ils and compllm~taiy hors d'oeuvres ...,. w..i. • 203 Martrw Awnur (~er and Win« Savn Only) c:o.. ...... Harbor ShopplnQ Unta 2300 Harbor BIYd I.a.,_... . OIJl·5 at Lake Forest DrfW 22873 Lake f.ottst DrfW ....... ~rtlttcway at~~ R.d ..... 1721 East Dv-t R.d. presented at 8 tont1ht and Saturday ln the LittJe Theater at Cal State Fullerton. For more lnformat.ion, call 773-3371or7'13-3347. TOE lZTll ANNUAL LAGUNA FOL& DANCE Festival, presented by tbe Laeuna Folk Dancers. is presented Friday, Saturday and Sunday In Laguna &each High School. Included are workshops, dance exhibitions and dance parties. For more information, call 4M-7930 or 4SM-330'l. BALLET PACli'ICA preaent& "Lei Sylpbi4es, "Para un ~nUlhombTe" and "A Careless Eue'' at 4 p.m. Sunday and 8 p.m. Monday at Lacuna Moulton Playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach. Winner of 3 Gold.em Globe A.WILl'U ' BESTPlcnJRE - DRAMA BEST SCREENPLAY Ernest Thompson BEST ACTOR Henry Fonda One of the Year's 10 Best. T'imt! MUJ<azfne Kolbll!t'n Com>ll/N l': Dail•' Ni'U'S }IU/llb ('.rlst/lH>R·1V . Rex Rf!('(f/N Y Da/~1· Neu'S )<wl .~/ABC·1V .'ibt!tla Bmsn11/l.A. 71ma Norma McLain Stonp/ Aftw Darlr Malla.:fne B<>b 11xm1as/A.P. Jeff")• Lyonl/WPfX/CNN Sleu'Url Klffn/WNEW-1V Ftwl Yr~/A.P. DIYenlons -~--~ --- F'rom Page 8 Costa Mesa. Tickets are $2. "llANHATrAN," st.arring Woody Allen, ii to be shown at 7:30 tonight in !~ Forum at Oranie Coast College, Costa Mesa. Ticlleta are $2. "FUN CON," a festival celebratine films, comics, science fiction and animation, opens at 11 a.m. Sunday for six hours at the Elk's Convention Center, 11551 Trask Ave., Garden Grove. Admission is SJ. For information, call 751-~. -ARI------ A DRAMATIC TABLEAU created by Edward WARREN BEATTY DIANE lCEATON ~~1 .... -1 ALl. llQtl'S l!ESl:llVED ~ This WMll you can ... REOS at tt.... thNtrM ........ .._, ----?Wm·-.....,... _ _...,.. _...,...,._ ._.,.u" --~MIT --..-nt-.TPUZA -lt1m5 .,.....,._,c-... 111•1 .. ___ ,,."17 ------ l•ACAOON..-: ___ ..,...,......., _ _. ... _I . .. .... ,. .............. ~...... . ·--·---.... --IWIYIY DD'IL VALllll PllllNI 1IUllN O\nl -ll.PllJIA c,t-10 ---...--------~------~ .._,. .......... """"' .......... -. ............. ..._ .............. -........ .::.~a;;;;;------, ·~---~ •----on.--.• =:i....::: Keinbolz and Nancy Reddin Kienbob is on display at Newport Harbor Art Museum tbroulh April 25. CompoRCI of found and constructecl elements, the tableau bas been exhibited at the Whitney Muaeum of American Art and the L.A. Louver Gallery. Venice, Calif. TWO SHOWS are on diaplay at Laguna Federal In Laguna Beach throueb February: "Sixty-five Years of Portrait Painting" by Thelma Paddock Hope and "Oil Paintinp" by Laguna Hilla artist Haiel Rheinschild. Viewint hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. ••ARTISTS OP CALIFORNIA," a display of works by 80 artists, opens today at Laite Forest Drive "Two limn of 1111-• thrtlls." -FeAeed A IWWoO.HT PCllff [OJ •0...0•-.... 1111.llOUD > ·--..... NOWPlAVlNG ., .... _ Or-~1110 ll0--1o ,...,__ IP I I l•llC-.-.__ .... ,. ......... ......-1 LIR IS rT AHYWA Y? .. ..... ,._,_..,_ ----··NOUCTION"'" ..., .. ,. __ ___ ,,,.._ ... -----••MAl(INQ LOW .. 1111 -----.... ----"AAIDIRI Of' THE LOST Ml(•• _._.._ ·------LAKEWOOD CE NTER WAii< IN .. ___ _ ''ON OOLMN ~ ... ·-·--"'- -c.~ ---"tAn .. "" ·-----• lAl!fWOOO C fNTf~ SOUTH WA' ... -~ ........ _ ...... _. "CANNO\' 9'0W" -·---..... - 'ocutty ot Concti.wood 211/lll•tNO -~llAW'lll•­,..._-,, ··~:..~:.::- _....._ __ _ ••MUINQ LOW" Ill ---.-.-... and Rockfield in Lake Forest. -ETC.------ COUNTRY WEEKEND Is featured at Disneyland this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Performers include Mel Tillis, Porter Waconer. Charly McClain, Razzy Bailey and the Bellamy Brothers. FIRST ANNUAL BENEFIT DANCE extravaganza, an evening of jazz, swinf, top 40 sounds and Latin beat, at the Airporter Inn, Irvine. The event benefits the Easter Seals' 'See Diverswns. Page 10 -···-·-'=• '" ... ,:1s--·-••'°"TANT NOltCU CMllDM• UMOOl 12 fill! ........ h• ._ lift Ffl •:• • Sii ... .... •:•,. c.fl ... •'111111 M CM._ • .,.. IPYQJI f.fllllMICllllWIO Wllll .... ~ ..... ....... ..-L .. Ml*" _____ ... ···"'" ..... ANAHEIM D~IVE IN _ ............ ,,,_ "lllAIUMO LOW .. 1111 -"HISTORY Of THI WOA1.0 PMTONE··,.1 • -Mt-........ _ .. GHOST STORY'. 1111 -SoA Oleoo ,,.,,.,, ot _ ...... , (So) "TMf IEOUCTIOH'" t11> M2· Jal CllOf fl tc1U1oO , ••• _e._~_..,_1~_3"6_;_3_:._, __ ) .. ___ ...,. -c.-.n ---"°" 00U>«N flOND'° .,,_ • "TAPS" -. --'THI ILICTRIC HOMDIAN" ••MOOEJlH ""°9LEJllS" --"ITRINrflt -........ ClllAZY"lll Qllf•PllOIJllO ,. ......... LA HABRA 011rv1 IN Cllll • fl llOUllO ---_ __,·-·· ··n.~··..., ·WNOM .. ,_ Clllf fl SOUllO ... ___ _ "ON OOLDfN l"ONO" --...... -• - -, - -"ntl! lllCTillC HORRMAN" -17HM2 ---.... . . ORANGE (lOIVf IN _ _.. ..... ,.._,."'9_ "CAHHP\' ROW .. "' -"TM DOGS Of WM"'• . •. . .... MISSION OOIVf IN Sonoo Ano ,...., •SloleC~ 551·7022 ---· . .,...~ ..... -··90floaL.INI'·"' 9 9 JZ §: l J ~ a: ~ "T1 ! 2 ~ -~ -! I . I IO -~ DIYerslons ('ii - I ... ---·----------------------i FromPage9 i Rehabilitation Institute or Orange County. For 1a.. tickets, call 611·5826. f ROCK 'N' ROLL is featured tonight tbrou1b if Monday at Knott's Berry Fann, Buena Park, wttb -a theme of "Alive in '65." Performers include the I Four Tops, Rob Grill and the Grass Roots, the Association and Gary Puckett. · ~ -SINGLES ~ PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNE&S Orange Cout chapter will have a wine and wit at 9 p.m. today in Garden Grove. For information, call 559-0846. SOUTH COAST JEWISH SINGL~ will have a dance at 8 p.m. Saturday at Temple Beth David in Westminster. For information, call 839-0539. GET-ACQUAINTED PARTY sponsored by the Man-Woman Institute will be held at 8 p.m. ··a· 1orpou1 fllm ••• botll wlcUd and Mowtag .............. . .. rtell ........... """ n we ll•H llad from a11 Antertcan director In years: tlte parallel tHt comes to mtM q11lcldY ls .. THGodfatller:..· _ .... ..._,LA 11-1 ·-~--fllmC19 -cmftW'·O.a==r.=..--... ~,. ~------.U.·=::r ... --.. --.... _ -·=-..;t.:i~,.:--==-.:.:=.OWl'On _.,'J:::l:l:I • .._ .. __ ..... ::.: ·----------.....---------~ tiOIV.. .....c:ts;ow -STAATS TODAY Saturday in Anaheim. Coat is $10. For information on the social. call 964-5570. MISS ANGIE'S Singles will have a dance Saturday at 8 :30 p.m. in Oran1e. For information, call 772~?65~------------------.BALBOA SKJ CLUB will have a 1eneral meeting and dance at the Newporter Inn in Newport Beach Tuesday evenine. For more information, call 752·0128. Country music class History of country music, a three-unit course that covers country music from lt.s folk beginnings to the present day, is being ottered for the first time on the Fullerton Colle&e campus. The course will be under the leadership or Robert Eaton, a euitarist and fiddler who bas appeared with bluegrass aroups and performed solo work. • Information is available by calling 871-8000. Ext. 336. Ballet, orchestra .combine efforts Ballet Pacifica will team with the Irvine Symphony 9rchestra and Pacific Chorale Saturday to present a program called "3 Bs and a Unicom." . John Alexander. music director of the chorale, will conduct the performance which includes works by J.S. Bach, Benjamin Britten, Johannes Brahms and Gian-Carlo Menotti. Alexander has selected groups varying from 20 to 45 singers from the chorale for presentation of the program's diverse works. The concert. is to begin at 8:30 p.m . Saturday at Santa Ana High School Auditorium, 520 W. Wal nut St., Santa Ana. Tickets at from S5 to $10 each are on sale in Orange County musi c stores. For more information, call 542-1790. MCT10-00Ll1tt'YN MAVEI Prtall A MJOWJ. l'HIWPS P'l1ldlri>I Ill A Q.WIO S. W\RO f"ilnl NICl "°Llt DfJllA W1NCE.i JOHN STEIN8£CK'S CANNERY ll)W ........ AUDRA UNDlF.Y ~"'""'"JOHN HUSTON -.. MCK Nrrzsatt ,..._..._..., 111CHARO M.ooNAU> 1 ........ --SVflj NYKVIST. AS C _,,..,. ..... JOttN STEIHIECK ,,,..., "" MICHAft::.lfflWPS •-. .. "" , _,,.. ,...,~ .. ~VID S W\RO THEMH1Ml9CXlK ..,..,._. lfl!!\ =..u:i..= ... o---.... ~-·· •· STAATS TODAY MU COITA ... um• . uw IUC.1 ··-Btea Plaza Edw•ds Cinema Center Edwards Wooclbridge South Coast UA atv Cinema s2p.5339 979.4141 551-0655 494-1514 934.3fu1 b. T• Edwards Saddlebick 581 -5880 Mu. Orqe OriYe.fn 551·7022, Llw GJgs . · EDlroR'S NOTE: Live Gtga is.a complete liatiag of Or.ange Coost nightclub• offering live mterto:inment. Acts are sub;ect to change without notice. AIR PORTER INN 18700 MacArthur Blvd Irvine -833-2770 Leisurely Brothers Tues.-Sat. Fresh Wind Sun.-Mon Merlin Sun.-Tues BAXTER'S 14346 Culver Drive Irvine -857-2103 Jerry Valentine Tues.-Sat South LagW\8 -'99-*3 Hut Sut Ralston Wed.-Sat. BILBO BAGGINS Mesa Verde Shopping Center Costa Mesa ~ 1718 Listen Fri.-Sat. Terry Rickard Sun BLACllANGUS ALISIO'S 1670 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa 642·8293 Tony Bright Thurs.-Tues. 17520 Brookmlnt St. BAXTER'S STREET Fountain Valley 968-44T. 4647 MacArthur Blvd. Cheaters -1 Richard Cruz Big Band Sun. Newport Beach 540-2475 Tues.-Sun. Baxter Street Singers 7 nights a week BLUE BEATCAYI:!: BEACHBALL • 107 21st Place 2116 0 ...... an Front Newport Beaeh -675-3333 '"'"' Mark &Eric ANCIENT MA.RINER NewPQrt Beach 673-5894 Fri.-Sat. 607 W. Coast Highway Stan 6rlow Eric Merianlhal Newport Beach -646-0201 Wed.-Sat. Sun. Nitclife BEN BROWN'S Davjd Vincent _w_e_d_._-S_a_t.~~~~~~~~3~11;.,;.r.~S~·~Co~a~s~t~H~i"-'"-_;_:~~Tues. WINNER GOLDEN GWBE AWARD BEST A~-Meryt Stmp "ONE OF THE YEAR'S 10 BEST" ~ &mon, L.A. TIM/SS ._. MUllT• lllla Plan fp 52' 5339 5~ '141 COSTAlllU lh• • Edwllds lltistol EdwatdS WoodOrclgf 540 7444 SS 1 06$5 U Ta.~~ Sii SllO ~euae SMllCO.S. 494 1514 llMTOll '""' WllTMITDI Edwlnh~ty M.d UA ~ 570 102' 193 0546 -°""'91 .... &17 0340 Phlllepe Wed .·Thura, BLUE PARROT South Coast Plaza Hotel Costa Mesa -540-2500 Carolyn Slone-Ck>ud Mon.-Sat. BOARDWALK 1516 S. Coast Highway Laguna Beach 494-8588 Carol Cole Tl)urs.-Sat. BOB BURNS 37 Fallhlon Island Newport Beach 6'«·2030 Bobbi Lane Tues. -Sat. BOOTLEGGERS Ui528 Beach 8lvd. Huntlngt.on Beach 962·9010 Secrets Tues.-SaL ( CALABASH LANDING 1759 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa -642-9855 James Harman Band Frl.-Sat. Mighty Fiyers Sun CANNEllY 3010 Lafayette Ave. Newport Beach 675·5777 Calusa Wed -Sat. Tim. CaroJyn & Sue Sun -Tues. CRAZY HORSE 1580 Brookhollow Drive Santa Ana 549-1512 Gerald Ray Band Fri .sat Asleep at the Wheel Sun Slim Chance Band Mon. Western Union Band Tues.-Thurs. 2 . -----~--~-------~- CROSSaoADS 18050 Brookhurst St. Fountain Valley -863-6711 Call for information CROWN HOUSE 32802 S. Coast Highway Laguna Niguel -499-2626 Addie Freeman Tues.-Sat. CRYSTAL SALOON 1700 Placentia Ave. Costa Mesa -M&-7571 Call for information DANA TRADER 34150 S. Coast Highway Dana Point -493·2603 Chris Reisling Tues ·Sat DELANEY'S 630 Lido Park Drive Newport Beach 675-3145 Honey Bees Wed.-Sat. See Gig!. Page 12 T~ u ... ! _J ., From Page 11 FIVE caoWNs RESTAURANT 3801 E Coast H11hway ~ Corona del Mar 760-0331 :g Mary Lou O'Toole ~ Tues Sal I-Showcase Singers Sun.-Mon. GAUGUINS J 696 S Cou\ Highway > Laguna Beactt 494-0162 Bernie Schmidt · o Tues. Sat. ii: Otis Fuller Sun ·MOO. GOLDEN BEAR 306 Coast Highway llunlington Beach 536.9600 Yellow1acke1.& Fri. Les Dudek Sal. Tom my Tutone Sun. Pull MOOD wlth Neil Larson & 8uu Feit.en Wed. HARPOON HENRY'S 25062 Del Prado Dana Point -493-2933 Jason Chase Fri -Sal HOTEL LAGUNA ) 425 S. Coast Highway Laeuna Beach -484-1151 Gino & Bill Tues.-Sat. Tony Romano Sun.·Mon HUNGRY TIGER 3201 E Coast Highway Corona del Mar 675·757~ Nathan Thom Tues.·Sat. lCHABOD'S 18582 Beach Blvd. Huntingtoo Beach 541-0331 . Call for information IVY fl()lJSE 384 Fore$l Ave. Lagana Beach -494·94~ Garrison It.Baker 'l'uea . .&IL ORANGE COUNTY' PREMIERE • • _ptua __ ••cousin: Cousin•"<"°> ~~~TVIDEO ENTERTAINMENT NOW YOUR'S FOR PREVIEW OR PURCHASE NIW Rll.EASU HISTORY OF THE WORLD-PART 1 GREA r MUPPET CAPER DR.NO CA,VEMAN EYEWITNESS FISTFUL OF DOLLARS Kurt Hamilton Sun Mon JEREMIAH'S STEAKHOUSE 8901 Warner Ave. Huntington Beach 848-2662 Ukiah - Wed.·Sat. JOSE MUaPHYS 114 McFadden Plact Newport Beach 675-1094 Lost Angeles Wed Sat Chris Gaffney Band Sun ·Tues J.P. MACS 10142 Adams Ave. Huntington Beach 963·7829 • Vouoe. Cote & Paugh Wed.-Sal. LAt'F STOP 2122 Bnstol St Santa Ana 751 7867 Mark Miller Ronny Kenn) Thom Sharp Frt Sun Adam Leshe Bill Miller Bob Shaw Tues. Thurs McCORMICK'S LANDING 3180 Airway Ave Newport Beach 546 9880 Skylar Brothers Wed ·Sat. 0 C Manbo Sun Tues MEDLEY'S 187« Brookhurst St Fountain Vallev 963·2366 See Gigs. Page 13 Live Glas From Page 12 Vo1re Fn S at J err Pearson Sun Bim Bam Mon. Bob Gully Show Tues. Bill Medley Wed -Thurs MISSOUIU COMPROMISE 23020 Lake Forest Dr Laguna Hills 855·4248 Tease Tues.·Sat. NOONRA.KER 18542 MacArthur Blvd. Irvine -833-9600 Peter & PauJa London Tues.·Sal. I Jerry Valentine Mon. MULOOONS 202 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach 640-4110 Jerry Sig&ins 'f.ues.-Sal N EWPOllTEll INN 1107 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -644-1700 Back Stage Fri.-Sat. Bill Wright Sun.-Tburs Don Chatfield Mon.·Sat. Bob Moline Tues.·Sat. P ANHANDLER 34130 S. Coast Highway Dana Point -611-4i688 J . Harris Band I. George C. Scot_t In "TAPS" <PG> "BOOGENES" p1u. II . "EVIL SPEAK" Ill. "ARTHUR" Ptu• "TIME BANDITS" <PG> Mariel Hemintway Pf RSOllAl. IDT SHOWS AT 12:30 m 3:00 5:30 8 :00 10:20 12 Academr Awerd NqmlnatlOn• REDS (PG) 12:304:301:30 NoP-., No Economy S.tint 7 Not'*'Mione cilANGTliF FIRE (PG) 12:30 2:50 5:15 7:4510:10 Geor11 C. Scott T .. (PGt "ca R ' 1111i (PG J Hliry Hamlin in llA&l•lutVE (R) Histofv Of•The Wort~ Plrt I (II J1ck Nicholson in THE-DER(R) Showsat 3;10 • 7:30 WhoM Ufe h It An11wa11 (R) 1:001:20 lo t :4t Frt. Mon. Rebel Rockers Tues Wed PLANKHOUSE 64060 Warner Ave Huntington Beach 842-5111 Bobby& Ruth Tues.·Sat. PLANXHOUSE 18872 Beach Blvd. • 1 '\ 1 Huntrng'°'1 Beach 964·2'186 Jimmy Wat.son Tues.-Sat PLUSH FOX 25192 Cabot Road Laguna Hills -830-8220 BUI Baker Tues.·Sat QUIET WOMAN 3224 E. Coast Highway • 13 ~ From P.oge 13 SAN~PIPE.R .~ Corona del Mar -&tl).'1~ 1183 S . Coast Highway ! Sue Maulra le Carolyn· LarunaBoql-49'.flllM Miiier Bytes ~ Fri. & Sat. Fri. -Sat. 1' BIU Sampson Sandpiper Samba ;f Mon .. Tues. Sun.·Tues. • Willie & Beth Randy I Wed.-Thurs. Wed.·Thurs. RED ONION STUDIO CAFE 2406 Newport Blvd. 100 Main Street Newport Beach _ 6'75-22.M Balboa Peninsula L. JI"-6'15-7760 - -0 1ve ..... F · s Call for tnrormatlon ~ r1 .. un. REGISTllY HOTEL 1800 MacArthur Blvd Irvine -752-8777 Fantasia Mon.·Sal. RENDEZVOUS 7492 Edinger Ave Huntlnaton Ueach - 847-4300 Dame Tues.-Sun. REV BEN'S 15$5 Adams Ave. Costa Mesa -540-9672 Ron Butler Tues .• Sat. RONSTAM"S '119 W. 19th St. Costa Mesa -642-2973 Pod:etllll Frl.•Sll. SUTl'ER'S MIU. 7891 Warner Ave. Huntingtoo Beach - 848-SM> Steel Breeze Tues.·SaL California Eltpress Sun.·Mon. SWIZZLESl'ICK 111022 Brook.hut-st St. Huntinpon Beach - 968-5022 Roy Dee Cinamon Creek Band Tues.-Sat. TERRY'S 2901 Harbor; Blvd. Fountain Valley -754·9963 Call Cor Information Huntin(lon Beach 14.2.5535 Sby Tues.-Sat. WAREHOUSE 3450 Via Oporto Newport Beach 673-4700 .Nitelife Tues.·Sat. Harold Payne Sun.-Mon. WHIS'R..E STOP . 31952 Del Obispo San Juan Capistrano 493.2227 Lloyd Roland Wed.·Sun. WHITEHOVSE 340 S. Coast Highway La1una Beach .._ 494-8088 Funk Bunnies Fri.·Sat. Rodan Sun.·Tues. Bishop Norman Williams Wed.-Thurs. To Place your • "Fast Result'' Service Directory ad .... Call Now 642-5671 bf. JZJ -------... 7 hf ' 1\nimators in Fun Con Films, comics, science fiction and animation· will be biahllchted at a slx·hour convention beginning at 11 a.m. SWMlay at tne Elks Convention Center. 11$51 Trask Ave .. Garden Grove. The eoovenUoo, called Fun Con, will include as a guest Tom Hatten, who has hosted television's Family Film Festival and the "Popeye" series. Also scheduled is Hugh Harman, an animator who becan his career wttb Walt Disney and later created cartoons for Warner .BrOtbers and MGM. Many ol bis classic cartoons will be shown. A salute to TV and movie director Charles Earton will be featured. Barton was responsible for directing many Abbott and O>stelJo features as well as TV series such as "Amos ·n· Andy," "Zorro," "Dennis the Menace " and "Family Affair." Fun Con will feature a dealers' room with more than 6S tables containing comics, films, radio s hows, books, movie posters , baseball cards. animation cells and Star Wars collectibles. Admission ts $1. • ........ •r 1"a•ai..e .,,....., ·---........... .......... IMtne ., ... ., w;ce. uu Stea Plaza (714) 529.5339 COITlllUA NOW PLAYING COSTlllUA Edwards South Coast Plaza 546-2711 OUMGl Cinedome (714) 634 2553 Edwards~ Center COITI MlU I ·--I (714) 979 .. 141 Hiw1lor Twll'I (714) 631 3501 _._, ' --"NIGHT CROSSING" -.... -...... 1-tNI ~ _,_ .... -BOOV HEftTI ...... 1111.•"'' 11 .. 19"1 .... - MYDDOIER WITH ANDRE 15 ~ i I :" .,, ::l. Q. ~ .,, t ~ ... !'> ... s N q .. "' • t6 i ... ...._ C'li -I f ·c Lt.. f I ~ er .,~ • •• "We've come a long way over the . past 30 years in business ... and we still off er the finest in • men's classics ... the styles you can bank ·your money on." _ __.~~=::~ 44 ••• man,I here· tell Pat Marley is even· includin ladies apparel.'' Sorry, closed Saturday to prepare for this sale. . ~ m z x: z::=c: ::c a:::s: c:z , Sale dates : Monday, Feb. 15 thru Saturday Feb. 27. 10 am to6 pm MEN'S TRADITIONAL WEAR for those who shop for Quality .... . .. ' I I . ' Flll[H\Y ~ff 'H lJAH Y I.' l'lB/ Sheriff: ·'Swindle ·tangest ever seen , By I EFF ADLER ., ................ Oranee County Sheriff's Departm~nt lnveatleators have launched a search fdr vicUm.s Of a blulti-mllllon dol l ar investment swindle that may have bll·ked more than a t housand Southern California residents out of their. savings durln1 the past five or alx months. Sheriff Brad Gates said Investigators be1an maonine a special telep.hone hot-line this mornln& to take calls from persons who bad invested ln or were solicited by the Golden Eaele Investment Co., of El Toro. The sheriff ur1ed such penoru; PEEKING POOCHES Eager to begin competing. these sled dogs strain to get out of their. mobile kennel. The kennel is mounted on top of their owner's truck along with the sled that will' be 4riven by Doug Marrero of MontgQmeryvUle. to t elephone the hot-line at 834-3()49 between 8 a m. and 5 p. m. throueh next week Authorities raided the firm's olflces late Wednes day - foll owing a two month undercover Investigation -and recovered $82~.ooo In cash, $600,000 of which was stuffed into a briefcase, and seized company records. Also, ab riff's deputies arrested two Golden Eaele In vestment Co principals. president Ralph McDonald, 41, ol San Juan Caplstl'ftno, and vice president David 81 .. ins, 44, of San Clemente, on charces of semna unregistered securillea. Several weapons lncludln1 an automatic rifle, found in the trunk of McDonald's car , and a Al" ........ Pa. The dogs were waiting to compete in an Inte rnational Sled Dog Rac ing t\bsociation sanctionl'<l rc.t('l' ~t ll1ckor~ Run State Park. Pa Polish pilOt, family defect plane • m BERLIN (AP> A Polish pilot and six members or h.is family escaped from Poland today aboard the small airliner he was piloting on a flight from Warsaw to southwest Poland. The seven family members asked West German authorities for political a sylum and the plane's co-pilot also decided to ask lo stay 1 n the West, according lo West German authorities. The prane carried a crew of four and 19 passengers when it landed. There was no immediate word on what would be done with the plane and the 11 people who apparently were not planning to defect. It was the fi rst known case of a Polish pilot diverting a regular domestic flight to the West. Hi· Jackings by Polish passengers are not uncommon. The airliner, a 38·seat Soviet-built Antonov 24 owned by the Polish state airline LOT, landed at the U.S. Air Force's Tempelhof Airport at 8:55 a.m .. his wife and two children. his cousin and the cousin's wife and child. An hour after the landing, the passengers and cr ew were allowed off the plane and taken to the terminal . a base "Two . Polish security guards were left behind inside the plane.'' an hour and 37 minutes after 1t took off from Warsaw for Wr oclaw . U .S . officials questioned the passengers and c r e w and th e n turned juris diction over to West German authorities. A U.S. Air Force spokesman said the pilot's relatives were spokeswoman said "Two Polish security guards were left behind inside the plane ," she said This appeared to indicate the Polish military regime has put security guards on domestic flights to prevent htJat·kings. llans Wolfgang Treppe. the Berlin prosecutor handling the 1nc1denl. sa id hi s i niti al 1 n ve~t1gat ion app eared to indicate that the landing al Tcmpelhof was not a hijack in the usual sense of the word. It was more hkely, he said, that the pilot would be charged with deprivation of liberty, punishable b:, German law with a maximum five yea r prison SC'ntenc·e or.,.. ith a C'ash fine The pilot could also not be charged wi th t hef t . the prosecutor said, because he obviously did not steal the plane but planned to return it to its rightful owners after his escape West Re rlln s Tempelhol airfield 1s a frequent destination of Polish hiJackings to the west. --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Nigeria greets Pope in A.f riCan fanfare LAGOS, Nigeria <AP> -To the blare ol colonial bands and the throb of tribal dances, Pope John Paul U arrived in Nleerla t.oday on his first foreign trip since an assassin tried to kill him la.st May. The papal jet, an Alilalla Airbus, touched down at Lagos' Murtala Muhammed Airport at 4: 15 p.m. (7:15 a.m. PST> after a six·hour flight from Rome. Nigerian President Shebu Sbagari, a Moslem, and other dignitaries of Africa's moat populous country greeted the wh ite-robed, amllinc pontiff. A ba lf ·dosen groups of tribal dancers wearina cloth aklrtl, beads and featben shook to the 10und of pulsating drumbeat.a. The Nlaerian army fired a 21·aun salute, a holdover from' the country's days as a Brttilb colony, and ma~blng bandl ln briaht-colored uniforms ptQect martial muaic. . All day, the national RMio Ni1erta had been broadea• rock lune compo1ed ee y to publlebe Johft Pn1'j ~ vlalt to black Africa'• mot\ populo9 aaUon. "Tbe pope ii comiDI, ..... con,,...ie," lt said. ''Tiie pafl Ii ~·lDI· Good thlinla for mm al jood will. .. An MDOUDcer 8CldM the .wt •u u "occaa.loa for HtrJOMt' ChrUtlan Uld M01lem alike, to re.Jolee." The pope'• etcbt-day tour ot Af.~lc.a, a conlllllnt be oact called "ripe for the barvesfr. because of lta fast.growing Roman Catholic Church , includes shorter stops in Gabon, Benln and Equatorial Guinea. A motorcade waited to take John Paul along a seven-mile route to the 100,000.seat national stadium, wh.ich opened its gates to the crowds 12 hours ahead of the scheduled Mass lhe pope was to celebrate. Despite bia wounding by a Turkish terrorist d uring a general audience in St. Peter's Square ln May, be was expected to have as much personal contact as possible with the v- crowds awaiting him. The 61-year-old pontiff bas rebuffed efforts to increase protective measures for him. ti, bas stressed repeatedly that be will risk bis We to 'iJ)read the Gospel, and feeb It is,mportant to maintain personal contacts wit h the faithful. ' "We can tell him it's daneeroua to set out there with the people, but we can't do anythlna except obey and pray afttr the pope ••Y• he ii ~ 1ome pa..:.," aaJd one !o the VaUcu't Swiu Guarch. The pope'a vt.alt wu expected to 1tve a boolt to &.be fi.ourlahtac Roman Catholic Ch urch tn Afrlea, where u •Umated 2 m lllioa people are b9~11eb l•Af and tbe ~ alllll ot Catholics will rte~ '5 million I tbll )'UJ', I • .44 ·ma1nu01 hand1un, were confiscated.._ Balf for the pair waa set at SZ million each, one of the hl&hest bonds ever set in Orange County · on such char1ea, Gata aald. Callin& it the laraest fraud be . bad seen in 20 years of law enforcement, Oates said the firm offered investors promissory notes guaranteeln.I return1 on cub investment.a ol 10 tq 20 percent per month . Sales recordl tel&ed by tM deputies revealed that juat OM ot the firm's 22 nteamen took ln $583,000 in. cub ln one mootb, Gate11aid. ' But authorities bave found no evidence that any of tbe mooeJ was ever invested in anything (See SCHEME, Pace A2> -County drug_ raid nets ex-sect chief By STEVE MARBLE Of .... .,...., ...... "-" Four m·en inc I uding the fbrmer president of the Hare Kris hna Temple in Laguna Beach were arrested on drug charges Thursday at the Laguna Hills Mall after authorities said they seized more than $1 million of pure China White heroin Authorities, which included Newport Beach police officers and a state narcotics unit out ol San Diego, said it was one or the largest heroin busts in Orange County history. One or the men arrested, Roy C. Richard, 29, was indicted in 1979 in another $1 million heroin case wh.ich involved 10 one-time members of the International Society o f Krishna Consciousness. Police s aid the arrests followed a four -month investigat.Jon that began in San Diego, moved to Newport Beach and ended at 5:30 p.m. at the Laguna Hills Mall. Arres ted was Bill Grant Foster, 28; William W. Shoaff; Jerrrey Cornla and Richard, rormer presldent. of the Hare Krishna Temple. Police said Shoaff and Comia g_a ve addresses of the Hare Krishna Temple in San Die9t· while Richard gave the Hare Krishna Temple in Los Ancete. as his address. Foster, police said, reported he lives at 1377 Temple Hills Drive in Laguna Beach. All are being held in lieu of, $250,000 bail. Authorities said they'd previously purchased smaller quantities of heroin from the foursome and "bought" fouf grams of the China White heroin early Thursday at a Newport Beach restaurant. It was at the restaurant, police said, that the Laguna Hills Mall rendezvous was set up. Police l>aid they purchased the heroin for $140,000 but estimated it$ street worth al well over ti million. . Richard , one of the meo arrested, had been indicted io 1979 in a drug case involving convicted drug dealer Alexaodef Kulik. Kulik also was convicted oo a kidnap charge in connection with the slaying of Fountaip Valley dru1 dealer Stephen Johll Bovan. • Bovan waa foun d sho1 numerous times outside tbe D Ranchito Restaurant in Newport Beach Suspect arrested in embezzlement The second of three suspects 10 the alleged embezzlement of Sl~.ouu rrom a !fl-year-old Santa Ana adoption alZencv was arrested in Denver , Colo., today. according to the Santa A na Police Department investigator probing the case Investigator Ken Smith said he received word that Colorado authorities arrested Bruce Joel Alder, 28. a Denver-area resident named 10 a warrant on two counts of grand theft. The money, Smith said, was embezzled from the Children's Hom e Society which is among the state's largest adoption agencies. Society members discovered the missing funds Jan. 8 and notified police Jan. 15, Smith said. Still being SOUiht on a $50,000 warrant alleging two counts of grand theft is Mark Thomas Renick, 28, of Midway City, a program manager at the home wh o wa s placed on administrative leave after the alleged embezzlement scheme was discovered. A third suspect, Kristine Deborah Conner, ao, or Sa,nta Ana, was arrested Jan. 29. She has been arralgned on two counts of grand theft and is free on bail, Smith said. Neither Ms. Conner nor Aldet were employed at the home, the investigator said. · lnvestigator;s alleged that the trio submitted invoices froQJ phony day-care centers to the Children's Home Society for payment for services never rendered. Once payment cbecb were received, the trio cashed them, Smith said. Smith said the a lle1ed scheme, .... "Unfortunately put. them (the home) in a very bad position" public relations·Wiae. Smith said both p rivate donations and state child care funds were involved In th~ alleged embezzlement ' Tax bill looms SACRAMENTO <AP> -~ Brown administration bill ....._ would inject $165 million inte tbe state's red-inlt treasury, ln pad. by raising penalties for ~ late taxes, bas aurvived a ~ Senate vote. The meuure ~ Assemblyman R ic b aTa . Robinson, D-Sanla Ana, ·~ approved Thursday on a 21·)# roll call. • 1111111 CUii 1111111 P artly cloud7 tbrou1h Saturday. A UUle warmer 1t SallN'd ay . C h a n ce of ¥ meaaur a ble s howers 1t' decreaainc to near "'° through Saturday. HitM 64 to 70. Ovem.ICht Iowa U to 52. :111111 TlllY .. ,emap 'long shot' eye Btll ... would olOck inequity leavi1Jf1 CQCJ.St without' voice f tr. W&SDE&JCS SCBOB.-an. r11ular 'ealoo tbat btsan Ju. A slmUar 1ltuaUon eats In Si:t:'A:::'mblyman Byron '· Leaden of A111mbl)' and San Mateo County tn ~ au Sher, D ·Mountaln View, Senate, Sher aeld , art Senate dlltrlct tb>t bu attempt1n1 to brin, the special b o u n d a r l e s • o mf e w h • t concedes be'• pur•uin& a "lon1 s e 1 1 i o n , c a 1 • d f o r comparable to Sher'• uaembly •hot" 1n lntroducln1 a bUl .to reapprirUonment and fiscal district. block a reapportionment matters, to an end, po11lbly Sher baa propoud that. tbe inequity that wUl leave two state tod h ... ,_trl •-t ~ Senate dl.atricts includln1 one ay · 37t w.. C't .. coast.a e cov'erin1 coutal Oran1e Oot&nty It taket a vote of both hou.tel County be renumbered to -without representation for a to adjourn a special aeHion. Hnd district. That number rt1 currently hu been an11ned to a two·yearperlod. Under the reappo onment new inland Oran1e County Sher this week introduced p I a n , p a s a e d b Y t b e d.lJtrtct that Democratl hope to A11embly Bill 12.X, which would Democrat-controlled leflllature win ln this year's election. awttcb number1 usi&ned to four and 1 i 1 n e d into aw l n ed h'-bill , new ital~ Senate distrlcts so September by Gov. Edmund G. Sher aald he lntroduc ... that elections could be held this Brown Jr., also a Democrat, without diacuaain1 the matter year instead of 198', aa will be coa-atal Orange County would with Oranae County leeltlaton. t h e c a s e u n d e r t b e fall ln the new 31th state Senate Sher said he abetalned from reapportionment plan. district. It would include much voting on the state Senate ''My hope la to &el a bearinl of the territory lq tbe current reapportionment plan because on the bill, but It's a 1001 shot," 36th d.lmict of state Sen. John voters In two districts would be Sher said In an Interview today Schmitz, R·Newport Beach. dlJenfrancbiaed for a two-year from Sacramento. H .J Schmi•-· t _ .... _ period. oweve.-, .... erm ~ Reapportionment ls the Much of the problem, he 1ald, this year. And elections in process whereby tbe state's relates to tbe fact the bW wu odd-numbered d.lJtrictl wW not introduced into a special aeulon be held unUl 1984, thua leavial ever·1biftln1 and 1rowln1 f h l 1-1 11 d l population ls equall.ied among o t e ee ... ature ca e ast much of the Oran1e Coast the ,0 state Senate and so di) ........ ~ASlt, WEAPONS SEIZED Part of $825,000 n cash and weapons taken in raid at El Toro .,_ "911 ... ,._..., CMIMI ._., firm were photographed at Orange County sheriff's headquarters . Nonunb•r ibat is running without stale Senate Assembly dlstricts. Thil year, paulle( to the le&,islalure's representation. California ai.o will aain two new , 'Our lwuse' denied ·. l>y actor Majors ,.. coneresslonal aellb, brln1in1 the state's total to '5. Republicans have mounted a legal challenee to tbe reapportionment plans. It la now pendinc in U.S. District Court. They also are promotin& an initiative campatp that would give reapportionment ~wer to a awye.r. claims. bias • (~~~~ se~w~~~~u. . •*Ditty""._.. a motion to have Le sent to a ~'lli ln an unusual move, a defense state hospital as a mentally lawyer for a convicted teen-age disordered sex offender, but rapist is challenging the right of believes Briseno already has an Orange County Superior pre-judged the issue. ' urt judge to sentence his In seeking a new judge to ent because or statements the sentence his client, the defense ge made last year in meting lawyer also said the political out 100.year-plus prison terms to climate in Oranee County is three co-defendants. such that the case ought to be According to court docurqents moved to another county. filed Thursday, attofney "I don't think any judge in Clarence Hewatt asserted that Orange County superior court udge Francisco Briseno would could properly or without bias prejudiced against bis client sentence Mr. Le due to the d bad, in effect, pre-judged extreme amount df publicity in hat his sentence would be. the case," Hewatt said. , The oot:endant. Tung Thwnh Asked his reaction Thursday, , 17, bas undergone-months of Rickles responded: ' ests al the California Youth ·• t think (Mr. Hewatt's) client i thority to determine if he will get as fair a hearing here as ould stay in CY A or serve anywhere else." e in stale prison. He faces a Rickles also said that he l! -year sentence. believed that Judge Briseno "or ' Presiding Orange County any other judge could be fair perlor Court Judge Robert E. • and give a dispassionate cities assigl)ed Judge hearing." cehiarie Stouer Thursday to Deputy District Attorney Carl l dy Hewatt' a contentions and Armbrust, who prosecuted the ld a hearing lo determine if four teen-ace Vietnamese iseno should be removed from refugees last year, said 'he e c•ae. believed Hewatt's contentions ~\;..Briseno handed down what is were merely a delaying action. ''tt>nsidered lo be among the "It's very clear it's a stalling rshest sentences ever imposed tactie." Armbrust said. 'i California when he sentenced e 's three companions last From Page A1 SCHEME. • • legitimate, be added. 'the sheriff said investirators were porio1 over· company records, which included two computer systems, and planned lo continue questlonln& the firm's sales staff. He did not rule out the possibility of further arrests. Also, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the loternal Revenue Service and the state Franchise Tax Board have been invited to re~ew the evidence, he said. Gates told of one elderly woman who came to the firm while the raid was in progress. The woman, who had brought an $11,000 disability settlement to invest, told deputies she was lucky to have gotten there after they had. Otherwise, she said, she might have lost her money. too. LOS ANGELES (AP> -Actor Lee Majors bas disputed testimony by bis wile, actress Farrah Fawcett, in a Superior Court trial over property settlement In their divorce proceeding. "Sounds Ute a good scene for a movie,'' Majors testified at one point in response to his wife's claim Wednesday that a $2.5 million Hollywood HUis house was in Majors' name but it belo!Uled to both of them. The hOuse ownership was only in Majors' name. Miss Fawcett testified she acquiesced when he· suggested putting the house in bis name on the advice or his business manager. But she said be told her it,was "our house." M &JOTS denied he ever made any such statements. Ownership qf,.Ahe house has .. Cloudy, no rain w~ekend f~ir.~~.t,. Orance Coast reside"ta CJD A few early ~prin.klea today ex p e ct a . c Io u d y . bat d ". y were expected to be followed by weekend, with no addatlonal ram partly cloudy conditions toni&ht anticipated until Monday or with the mercury dipping inu; Tuesday, the U.S. Weather the40s. Service said today. For Saturday and Sunday, residents can expect variable .M~;~~ three -brothers Bo ROmeo can.'t buv wtiam. 18, and Dung Pharft, 18, • T 'J cloudiness with temperatures peaking in the high 60s to low 70s. The cloudy conditions should bring to a close a week marked by on-and-0ff light rain. and Minh Quang Nguyen, also 18 1lfttr. had been convicted of so •7.alenti·ne weddi·ng ~ooy counts each in connection ,, ~ Ith six rape incidents in 1980. :J'n The PhaD'l brothers were 1 ven state prison terms of 118 ~ ars while Nguyen received a • -year sentence. ' The sentencings triggered a ajor controversy when Briseno me under editorial fire from . e Orange County Register for posing terms the paper said "verged on viciousness." ii.Thal charge prompted Rickles n> bold a press conference where I defended the sentences posed by Briseno, who could ve gi~n the three even longer rros because of the numerous arges involved. .~In an inteniew Thursday, Hewatt, now a Riverside public --defender, said, "l have the most respect for Judge iaeno as being an hon'est and cerejudie. 1 "rhave complete respect for as a human being," he said. owever, Hewatt said Briseno ade statements at, the April tencing proceedirigs that he terpreted as suggesting the ge already bad decided what do with bis client as well. oleejailed ALATKA, Fla. (AP> -A year-old Wyoming prison rolee Robert Dale Henderson WASHJNGTON (AP) -Keith ,Ruff, the ex-stockbroker who claims to have spent $20,000 wooing Karine Bolstein in three weeks, says he has abandoned hope or marrying her on Valentine's Day. "I'm out of money,'' Ruff, 35, said Thursday before returning lo Beverly Hills. "I'll send her flowers whenever I can. I really love her." 2 ---'--P h 1uure tests. oonduct~t) , LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP); -:-,, The Department of Energy repo rts two underground nuclear w.apons tests were conducted wttbout incident at the Nevada Test Sit'e-&oday. The tests were det.Ob.ted at 6:55a.m. and7:25a.m. PST ... The detonations, code namict Mofbo and Hosta, were at depths· of 2,100 feet ~low the surf~ ot Pahute Mesa. Each had nuclear yields bet*een 20 and 150 kilotons. Miss Bolstein, a 20-year-old cocktail waitress, said her mind wasn't changed by the flowers, catered food , clowns, clothes, magicians. limousines and presents that deluged her and her family after Ruff arrived a· courtin' In town last month. "I'm not in the mood to get married," she said. "I don't love him." RuH, who bas described himself as unemployed and independently wealthy, said bis expenses included a $3,700 bill at the Washington Hilton. He said he was reelinl "a lot of hurt" from falling to win the hand of Miss Bolstein, ,whom be, met last summer in suburban Virginia while she wu workiq in a shoe store. The co u r tship drew widespread attention. The Bolstein family had to get an unlisted fhone. Ruff said he aot invitat ons to appear an television talk shows but turned them down to prove the purity ol his affections. "This ls not puppy love," be said. "I've never had feelinp like this before. I made a promlse to her that ahe wu the only woman I would ever love.'' Veteran weather watcher J . Sherman DeMy of Huntlneton Beach said his gauge measured .43 inch of rain between 8 a.m- Wednesday and 8 a .m Thursday, with no additional moisture through 8 a .m. today. He said the storm that began Sunday dropped . 72 inch of rain on the area. This brought Denny's rainfall total for the year that began July 1. 1981, to 7 inches. become a central issue tn the commi.uion independent ot the case. In other contradictory testimony, Majors said he continued livin1 in the home after the couple 's trial separation was announced in JuJy 1979, just before their sixth wedding anniversary. · Mias Fawcett, a former star of the "Charlie's Angels" TV series who now lives In the house, claimed be only stayed there occasionally, and on those occasi0ns slept in a separate bedroom. Majors testified Thursday that be continued to live in the house after the trial separation in 1979 and shared the same bed.room with bis wife. Man survives suicide try, arwther dies A man who police claim was attempti.ne to commit suicide has been booked into Orange County Jail on murder charges after a high-speed collision that claimed the life of another driver In Orange. An Orange Police Department spokesman said police have information that Frank Ross Samuels, 32, of Granada Hills was attempting to take bis own life when his eastbound vehicle swerved into the westbound lanes of La Veta Avenue near Flower Street at S:Sl p.nf. Thursday, striking another car. The driver of the second vehicle, who police have not yet identified, was killed. Samuels, the spokesman said, suffered only minor injuries. "It's being treated as a murder investigation," lbe spokesman said. Samuels was booked into the county jail on suspicion of murder and is bein& held ln lieu or $2SO,OOO bail, police said. le&islature. Under a recent state Supreme Co urt rulln1 1 the newly reapportioned diatrjcts wlU be used in the June 8 primary elections. Thal ballot. however, also will include a Republican-backed referendum that, if successful, would overturn the Domestic plans and thus force the legislature to redraw district lines by 198'. From Page A1 SLAYING. • • 1tbe shooting could have occurred when the 1unman possibly be<!ame scared because he heard sirens from emergency vehicles going to' a fire early Thursday in lrvlne. ·'That fire in a residential area in central Irvine may bave contributed to Alfaro's death," said Lt. Lennert. ''That's the only doughnut shop open in Irvine at that hour and usually police or California Highway Patrol officers stop by." said Lt. Lennert, "but everybody wu busy at tbe ftre and there was nobody at the shop." · Another coincidence that may be playing a role in the incident 1s that Alfaro usually worked the 10 p.m. to 6 a .m . shift with another employee, but she had called in sick Wednesday e"ening, said Lt. Lennert. He· said the shop at 5408 Walnut Ave., near the Jeffrey Road on-ramp to the Santa Ana Freeway, has been dusted for fingerprints and police are still trying to evaluate several fingerprints found at the scene. Lt. Lennert said that evidence at the scene didn't indicate that Alfaro put up any kind of a fi&hl. He noted that the cash register was found open and empty. Alfaro had worked at the shop for four months. · Winchell's Donut House 'reopened today. It had been closed since the shooting. led police to the bodies of ee hltchhlkera and reportedly lm• he baa killed at least 10 pie. He was ordered held Molbo and Hosta are the second and "third testa announced tb1a year by tbe DOE, which ls responsible for the nation's nuclear weapons testin& program. There have been 585 announced tests at the Nevada site al.nee January 1951. Today's tests were conducted about JO miles apart at the test site '1S . miles northwest of Lu Ve1aa. Boy, 9, faces ON ANY MEMBERSHIP ut bond Tbunday In bis t court.appearance. 1 second charge NEW YORK (AP> -Robert M., the I-year-old who held up a bank lut year and apeot t.M cash on bambUr1era, French fries and a muaical watch, hu ·been arretted a1atn anCl cb1r1ed wit.b 1tealln1 a sled at lmlfepolnt from two boya1 It wu learned today. • • Police IOW'Cel said 80~ now 10, and two atrl playmat# around tM Hme aae, pulled a tnlle on' two 10.year-olda wM •were 1ltdd1a1 Jan. 30 ln a pl17pound. The Pblt·•lled bandltl fled wtth the •led, PGlk• 181d, but thelr victim& were able to Identify UMlll. The yout.hl were arrawd 'nlanda1 oa juwilli deltnq~e~. t 152--0585 . H01 JAMIORIE RD. I NIWPOllT '¥CH • • 8M. la.m .. 7 p.m. lb\ .• a."'· ·8 p.lft. • Mon.~ • I a.M.• 10 p.m. l . I , FRIEND OF ANIMALS \<'In·-..:-. Bng1ll t• lhmlot glamcir tn .1 ll'll•\'l"lllll p1og1 .11n 1n 1'.11 h !ht:-. \\l't1k tn .... uppnrt ol 1tw F11·1wh \111111.il l'rnt1:1'\1nn "\n<'tt·I\ and ttl',l!lllf:! \ it'\\l'I" to adopt d11l!" :1111! ,. ah Disinherited son files suit .\ ttorney~ n·pre~e1111n~ the d1 s1n hcrilt'cl -.on of Sally Stanford. s.rn Franl'IS('()'s most famou-. rn .td:.im, have filed a lawsuit c•onlest1nj.! h~r will in Mann "u1lt'nor Court The act10n on behalf of John David Ow1•n \\as filed b) th£' San Franc1'>co law Tht mot her <ind fatht.'r of ( h a d (, r ,. f' n . .1 lt.·uk1·m1:.i ''' lt'k1•n 1;,,, ''Ito d1t•d wh1lt-n•t'('I\ mg l.<11'11 lit· In \lt"<H'O. h aH' bt>c·nmt tht• p.a rl'nh l•f a not ht 1 d11 Id l>iana Gret•n ~<' ve b11 th ..it homl· m Scll11a11., Mas~. to a fi r m of Melvin Be lli a nd S.rnsalito attorne\· Bella Aaron. · T he suit C'harges that Ms. St<tnford's longtime friend, F.lizabeth Ann PhUUps, used fraud and deceit to become the principal beneficiary of the St<inford 1•state. valued at S20 million 7 pound g1rl. according lo her mother in la"', Vera Green. The baby 1s doing Cine. Tht< mother and lhe father an· dmng fine," s aid the ~randmother 'It was a very JOyful day for the whole family·· T P111pera lures Coastal p.,.u,. rk)udv tn'°""'' '-•tu'•'.ii ~ A llttlt w4rrT11Pr S..turn... ... , • .,.,.""~ ot m~•turttbl,. \"'<·.,,.,., ~ , •• , tw.a t• ~·r rP'" tNOUQlt\ ..,_.hi1'di8y Co•lt•• "'''l" ... '.iatu,.O.• ,...,~, n1ont low H WMtr ~ Inland ,,1Qh 7Q '>41ur<M• Cl"'"''"'QM lo•)/ fl\,.•r'Wil'f"' i1QP\l Vft'iilb1t ..... fld\ If\ ou9t, ~"lutoa. t>J .-p1 ...,..,, to wutt'l•P 1 Ill to ') •nM ..,..,..,td<t'r •fttrnC>Oi" (k¥ to 1 fool wind ..,... tfe\ •ftetnoon\ WMtP,.ty ~..-.. 11•1n1 .,.,.. P•rtfv cloud-; throuon S.dturOi&v HI Alb.lny ~lt°l>UQ'Jf' Am"'lllO A\M\110• ., . ..,,,,. Atl•n11 (••...- B•llUTIOf~ Rirt'f'1mQhm 01'"'i'I'•' 801\.f 80\1t>n Brown\vtt• 8ulf• Cn•r•unS<. (nori••n W¥ (~y,rp,nnff Lo Pr< ,, , S4 H °' )Q 10 01 S• l• ~l 1' •0 I• J9 1l ~ ll " I 72 , 111 1( 10 •l " .. fl"''"•' 11 .. IX!!!J )6 I I ..... l• n ~ Ce14 .. ,. -= . Gtot• ud && .... DIWll ::-:,~.: ~,.'31 ba vln• not!ili>I to do al* wUln~ .I 11,1 mtll1on lotttl')' j aek In baland. r. t don't want to bl ldle for· tbt Nit of our Uve1," Dawta told rtporttn at 9btft1t.ld. Alter thelr bll wln lut year few ,u .. lnl tbt retultl Of IOc~r Jbatcbet, tbt couple 1topped Wo..ktnc. Dawu, •. aave u p hh Job •• a salesman and bis wife, 17, closed down h er neighborhood 1eneral store. As the crowd watched, Ton y Klein clicked b ls seatbelt ahut and slipped a crash helmet over hls head. He was ready for action -on the floor of l he South Dakota Senate. Klein, assistant secretary of the Senate, was presented Tuesday with the protective garb and a phony bill requlrine hlm lo wear the ite ms "when napping , dozing, and lolly-gagging in his chair." Legislative employees came up with the idea for the protective gear after Klein fell out of tus chair on thP. Senate podium. He was not asleep at the time. A law student who's been financing his e ducation partly through TV game shows wiMings contends in a lawsuit that rules limiting a contestant's appearances violate antitrust law Martin Allen F ine, 32, said he won $12,000 on ga m e shows and would have made more if he was not "deprived o f the o pportunity to participate ... because of defendants' eligibility policy. which restricts contestants to one game show per year and three game shows within a 10 year period " The Malibu man contends he was forced to take a leave from Pepperdine University School of Law this year when his chances to win ended A ps yc h o logi s t who examined ex -Beatie J ohn Len non's killer and was retained in olher prominent cr i minal cases was fined $5,000 for lying in court when he said he ~ad a doctorate fro m P ennsylvania State University. Acting Justice Mlltoa Wiiiia ms sentenced Dr. Milton V. Kllae, 58, for perjury in state Supreme Court. "It seem.a you bave been a penotJ who ha been in a charade for a num ber of years," Willia ms old Klloe. u.o11 --., C.h1c•90 zo • ( 1n('1nn111 )() II \t1•••'' S•••••"•'Y Oulv4t4 ( _.Vf"l4nd ,. • trmml ------ f ofumou' )I J U.S. sumnt<try O•i HW'1• H <l Ottnv•r ~ .. 0..\MOI~ 1J II 0.1rt)lt II I Reno ,, ,, T,..rmel 71 Oululh ') J Richmond ., u Uki.11 SI fl PHO 10 .. $4111 L•._• JJ 10 . .,.,_ SI 43 Snow ''" on muth ot K4ln~\ •l"ld sorrad into wttftm M1uour1 tooa., •\ • fr~11ne r•ln ••H on fhf' Tta•\ P..,l\endl• """northwttt 04ol•t>om• l='•trN,,.\ 1 II S.•111• 4J «> JS 81olffr .. •1.a S-r\ •nd 1-rsho• .. rs .,.,.. \C•tt•rtd from W•st T•••\ trilo M»Uthern Arlllent•\ •nd norlntrl" Loulit•l"I• A '•* \f\Owf'r\ •no '"'·H"Kt•r""°1wf'f'\ wert K Atttrt-a o"'"'' the Ftor10.. Pen1n\U1.t Snow w it\ s<attered owr the non,...m f.f-x ~"'"' F'•lr •••tf"ltt Pf9¥a•1f'd ov•r ,,,... ,..,, of lbe netlOn Mor~ tnOw w•' fO~C.-'1 f<>r U~ M IHOUfi V•tlty .Cf'0'\1 UW ff'~'\~ \1<1ll•y •net \OUl,,.rn 01110 V•ll~v Aain •nd • ftw Ok,,,_,.,,,hOwer\ werf' ••.,.Cled lrom tht lo~r M"""'""' Vafl•• ltHo th• wut~rn AUantlc '"''" Tem~f'aturtJ around '""'°' ""'"°"' e•r1y tO<Mv rarqPd from 11 blJ!i'tow 1n Hlbl>lnQ M"'n. 10 7J 1n ""' w~'' Ft• Calif on1ia Umbr•lll\ won'I bt nef'd~d bUt don t f'11.oPC1 tunny itit•~\ s.turd•'I In most pu1s of !ioutlM•n C•lltoml• nw m-1•1M «Mos• ••H•Y• ...., -ntown •Ill bt C>M1ty c-y. Ille Nellot1•I WM-~n.10 .. 1e1 lada'r W•rmtr lemof'r•1ure' e re predicted, u llley •r• 11'1 d .. e,. arHs. wllleh ~d bt motllV fair Salurditv's h19" In Lot .11,.,., wlll be 111 UM _, 60s Hl9fls In ,,,. s... FernanOO San G•brlel and San 9.,,..,dlno ••II•~ MCI In coestal -lntarmeclln ••I lays •Ill .,. M to ... Hloht In Ille (oestel a-.as of S...te Barbara -Venwr• c-ll••. I"* Sant• Monica Bey...-.. •nd the l ""9 le•ch and O'ren~• C•unly ,,..ll'O«IOlllMI vklflltlfl wKI lie M te '° Jilovntelll _, will llavt 1119ht of 4I lo JO on kl"'*y Mid I~ lonlgllt trom 21 to». H.,., wlll oo lrom 1111 to • '" --.ns end • 10 7I 111 low•r-ru ,,..,.,,,..,, ,,,.., ti """ do ,,.. .._ ,0...-b~'\~1>"' c•~....,,., 0111 -ytk.•COlt'f "'" ... M<l•• a.tlKOa)I the! llu"<lay II !'0'1 do flOC t ::.er."~~.:,:~"' .... ': -~ ' H•rtford ,. l SI l.ou~ l4 '° """"' IO " H•ten• ,, 0 SIP-Ta..-IJ SI C•l•llna .. S4 .H "4ono1ulu 76 61 ,. St SI• Mo<~ " J .. LOflQ lk«h 6S .. HOu\ton 62 Sot SOOl<•M ,. JO Monrovia •• u .20 tnd,..4Qlt\ 21 ' Tulw '1 JI .41 Ml Wlltotl " » .... J,.C"V\'tllf' 63 so Ol WHhlnq•n 4l ,, HewPOr1 8Ncll ... u .02 t<..en\ (.1tv JI ZS JI Wlchll• 2J 10 U Onterlo ~ "' l ·~ V•OH S• 17 Palm Sorlngo .. .a u111t Roo •O )() OJ CALI ..OtUtlA Pa.-..a M ~ l Olfl\v•llP H 11 ~-.rs11e1<1 1111 43 Sen ler....,,lno ... 0 M#mOh'\ 4J :n OJ 81Yllle .. 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Tides HlHltlnGUfl •Mt• \.I -fJ Hlllltlf!O'Oll ..... I·! -17 Sant• Ana Rl¥er J•nv ,., -SS TODAY *'tSI ......_, .., -u S.Con91ow •:•p.m. 22M II . .....,.,... ' ..... JS IATU•DA\' ···---,., -SS ""' llit'\ 1t.4te.m. "-Cllplte,~ M -S7 =y ....... 1-J -f1 F-lnti.w t 1SJ• m. . ....,.. 1·1 -SI SKend 111t11 ,, : » '""' t .. S.Cofld -'''°'·"'· 1.J 5.111\Clt...,......, -Trttfel@llf ~ r•-6:«1 •.m. la4wd9y, .... fT·Slr•O .. I S;JJ p.m. T_.....,,,t OOH HIOI\ -17 H Pm , Low: t :SJ • m ; 5-11 .._,..,.: Meefl rlM9 11· 16 P.m., ... , tO·tia ~ a.m. Sa""*'I. We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot? Whet don't you like., Call the number below and your ·meau1e will be recorded, transcribed a.nd delivered to the 1pprQprl1te editor. The aame 2A hour an1wertn1 service may be used lo record let· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributora mUJt ln~lude their n•me and telephone number for verincatlon No circulation calls, please. Tell us what's on your mind Orange Cou t DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 12. 1982 H /F ied Bndnsma bnngs Senate ~ampaign to Newport .m il.Um.• ....... T lniJ.Dlma. a l111tr·known UI. ._.. candidate atart.d from 111.uart one ln Newport Beath thla week. Ht iau1bt membert of the B alboa 8 ,ay R epu blican Wo,men, Federated bow to pronounc. h.la name. Then he told them who be was. T his came after the person lntroductn1 him to a luncheon 1atberin1 at the Irvine Coaat Country Club botched his name several tim es and fi na lly appealed lo Brulnama for help. He said Wednesday be didn't mind. The former dean of Loyola Law School and a past president of Lear Jet Industr ies, Bruins ma is one of six Republicans seeking his party's nomination this June. Admittedly proud of not belng a "professional politician," he estimated he has more private enterprise experience than all the other candidates combined He started off like many of his fellow <'andidates by rapping Gov. Edmund Brown Jr .. an expected Senate candidate . ··J erry Brown is one of the issues o f thi s ra ce," the 60-year-old attorney s aid. ·'He's a s lippery guy and I don't think we s hould underestimate his campaignmg abilities until this thing is over." He charged Browq "is lhe guy who ran for the closet when the Peripheral Canal issue became controversial. "And now he's the big cnme fighter," Bruinsma continued Three suing over AirCal crash in OC AirCal has been s ued by three passengers who claim they s uffered injuries las t Fe b 17 when an Orange County-bound jetliner crashed on a runway at John Wayne Airport. The crash. which occurred after the pilot had been ordered by an air traffic cont.roller lo abandon his landing, injured 36 persons, four of them seriously The re were 109 persons on the fligh t t hat originated in San Jose. There were no fatalities. Richa rd Carroll. William Edwa rd Charleston and Daniel Uncoln are seeking damages in t wo separate lawsuits filed Tuesday in Orange County Superior Cour t. Carroll and Ch arles ton were named as plaintiffs in one action; Lincoln. and his wife Valjean. who was not a passenger on the flight , in the other Four other lawsuits have been filed in connection with the crash. Also named as defendants in the action were pilot Don Clark, firs t offl<'er Ned Pederson, and the Boemg Aircraft Co The National Transportation Safety Board, followi ng a lengthy investigation. concluded that Clark erred in procedures for canceling the landing Clark was discipliried by AirCal Drug remove d LARGO, Fla. (AP) -A national drug store chain has emptied its s h elves of the tran quilizer methaqualone . saying the drug's presence encourages robberies. Eckerd Drug Co. officials a lso said that melhaqualone is abused more than it is used legitimately. D•hY l'lltol Steff,..._ C A N 0 I 0 A T E T l' d Rnunsma. \\ho ..., ntnn111 c lc11 thl' L'S Sl•nall•. "flok1 • 111 ~l'\\'J)Ol'l Jkal'h "I hnd that interc~tang becaust he's appointed six of our seven state Supreme Court Justices and not one of them is· a t·r1me fighter " He said the nation 's econom) should be the real issue or the race "Unless we straighten out our economy, all other issues fade into insignificance. · he said. adding, "our economic engines clearly have stalled out. He predicted that if interest rate remain tUtb. tht na~ ' ' likely to be plun1ed lnto a receaalon. · 'M nwhlle the bank• i maklf!f record profit•," 1 chared "The banks J t haven't tot on stream yet the Reagan 11drnlnlstrauoo " ' Bruinsma also Hid 1t I • "disgrace how many for firms are buying our Ame companies This is deatro fundamental parts of of4r American economy." lie rapped Washington D~. lawmakers who he su1ees often o perate at a doula ' standard and "never have to 1 1 v e u n d e r t h e I r o w'n regulations... • "I'm the onl y candidate in tJif. raC'e who h u lived w~f._b government regulattons on " ba<'k ." he told listeners. ~.I u n d e r s t a n d . I · v e f ~·1 t government interference on Ufe rcce1V1ng end 'If I was 10 Washington, I'd make our congressmen get lnt.o that boat with us " Bruins m a . who has been set•k ing debates with oth~r Republican Senate candidates, s ta) <'d a"' ay from taking swipes at them He also dismissed polls talte;l in Caltfornia which have, lift t1 m''l>. showed his support as minuscule as one percent. · Polls onl y show whose nafne 1s well-known," he s uggested, "th ey do n 't s how qualifications " W ith th at , Bruinsm~ pronounced his na me one more time and left. Navy League chief flays budget cuts By ALMON LOCKABEY CJelly .. .._~Writer The cutback in Coast Guard services m lhe 11th Coast Guard distnct as well as the nation can be blamed on the Office of Management and Budget in Washington. That is the op101on of J ohn M Rau, national president of tht' Navy League of the Umtcd States. Rau briefly addressed the Yachts men Lun<'heon group Wednesday at Newport Harbor Yacht Club Ill response to a question addressed to Adm Alfred P . Manning of the 11th Coast Guard dis trict inquiring to whom yachtsmen and la) men cou ld write voi cing their <'Oncem over the Coa-.t Guard cutback "Let me field that one for you Al , s ince you are 1n uniform and I can speak as a c1v1han. Rau said R a u said that the Navy League is the civilian arm of the Sea Services and as such can act as pohllcal activists R au said yachtsmen :.hould address their concern directly to David Stockman . directC1r of OMB. to congre5smen and the Department of Trans portation <DOTJ "The Coast G uard 1s a µart of the armed services of the United Slates and for years has been the most efficient," Rau said .. Ues p1te tn at I a ct. tne {.>resident is not g iving the Coast Guard the 7 pe r et!nt incr ease he promised but 1s actually cutting us back 4 percent," said Rau He blamed the probkm on a lot of name less, faceless analysts in Washington . "They have completely taken the slack out of the line 'by adding lo Coast Guard missions e xtending the boundarie5 from three to 12 to 200 miles, adding drug mterdictions and pU pollution without getting an inC'rease in budget As a result you are hav¥ig SAR c Search and R escue > s tations closed, a ir stations dosed and de com missioning· t)f vessels 'Their answer is· 'Well, they ou~ht to charge fees for their services' (a proposal by DOT> "That's like going back to• da vs when you h ad lo h~ plaque on your house provinJ you had paid for fire prot.ecllffii before the fire department would put out the fire ." Rau said the main part of the problem 1s caused by the politks of the present administralidn. pnmanl) the OM B. They're saying 'This is the ~11<• of the box . now you guys ~ If VOii ('3n fit tn It ' · But the Coast Guard cannot "'ork llS people 120 hours a week 111 s now 96 > Consequently they must cut back. close sections and lay off people." Ra u said., Rau urged yachts men atia other lavmen to write their congressmen, the DOT and OMB vo1e 1ng their con cern , em phas iz1ng that t he Coast Guard 1s a part of the armed services, despite the fact th.al 1t 'r-; presently under DOT Ene r gy conserved IHICHAR EST, Romania (AP) Homanians are facing regular cutoffs of electricity, heat, wa~r and other services in an effort to conserve dwindling e n ergy supplies. the Communist Party newspaper Scinteia says SALE We are in the midst of what i• shaping up to be one of the best ski seaaons ever and ... .,,,. Sid c • .,., has the merchandise and service to make yours even better. .... ..... -Rossignol K2 Dynamic Fl9cher oYna1it San Marco Reichle Ko Flach ' :z::" Geze Tyrolia Marker I . I I ..... ---~ -----~-. - H /P Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 12, 1982 [(]ffiU~OO~ Slaying to cost NRA $2 million WASHINGTON (AP) -A jury 1ay1 the National Ririe AlsoctaUon must pay $2 million to the famlly of a man slaln in a street robbery because the platol used in the crime had been stolen from the association's headquarters . The award was four limes the amount or compensatory damages sought by lawyers for the family. The pistol belonged. to Robert Lowe, a champion marksman and retired NRA employee who said he left his gun at the office so he could use it for target practice at the pistol range in the NRA building during his lunch breaks. Fo~ UAW union reswne bargaining DEARBORN, Mtch. <AP> - After reaching agreement on cost-sa ving concessions, negotiators for Ford Motor Co. and the United Auto Workers union were resuming talks today on job security issues that include a moratorium on plant closings. "We're satisfi ed with the collective bargaining posture we're pow in," UAW President Douglas Fraser said at a news conference late Thursday. "We want to have the framework for the economics agreement settled to put all the pressure and all the concentration ... on matters affecting the security of the Ford workers · · Sale of paper banned in Warsaw By The Associated Press More intellectuals have been arrested 10 Poland in the past few days a nd martial law authorities have banned the sale of paper in Warsaw to try and slop the spread of underground publications. according to reports reaching the West today. In Warsaw. the military regime mounted one of the largest shows of force since the military crackdown Dec 13 Syrian fighting said spreading AMMAN , Jordan <A P 1 U.S. officials report indications that the 10-day-old Hama rebellion ' against Syrian Pres ident Hafer Assad is spreadi ng lo other cities. The Am e ri ca n s said diplomatic and Inte lligence reports indicated trouble has broken out in Latakia. the coastal port that is Assad's power bas~. and other centers. The Syrian governme nt admitted that the army had sealed off Hama. In northwest Syria 120 miles north of Damascus, and was rounding up ·•criminals" and weapons. Laker announces new air service LONDON <AP> -Sir Freddie Laker announced plans today to launch a new, slimmed-down version of h is no-frills air service in partn ~rship with maverick British businessman, Tiny Rowland The announcement came as Laker's rivals said they would fight to take over his old routes, rais ing a c loud over the fledgling line U.S., Morocco reach agreement MARRAKECH, Morocco <AP> -Secretary of State Alexander M Haig Jr. announced today the Un ited States and Morocco have established a joint military commu;sion and are discussing em ergency U .S access to Moroccan bases He also s a id the Reagan ad m inist r ation will ask Congress for an uns pecified increase in m ili tary aid to Morocco next year. Bomb destroys Ayatollah home PARIS < AP I A bomb e xplosion and fare today destroyed the Paris s uburban house from which Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini directed the Iranian revolution. The house in suburban Neauphle-le-Cbateau wu lent to Khomeini when he arrived in France in October 1978, having been expelled by Iraq after 15 yea r s exi l e there. .,. .......... HITLER'S ARTWORK John ~uarstein , c urator of the War Memorial Museum of Virginia. poses with four paintings b\' Adolf Hitler The pa mtines. which Hitler did between 1904 and 1917. an.• said to be worth at least $25.000 eaC'h. Hitler !'>Old them for about $10.000 ea('h when he was trving to ma.ke a li\'lng selling h1!'i artwork · Price of food hikes inflation WASHINGTON (AP> -The bt11est one-month food price Increase since the summer of 1980 pushed overall lnllation al lh•wholesale level hlgher at an annual rate of 5.3 percent last month, the government reported today. Analysts said sharp reductions in hog-breedin1 herds had cut the supply of pork, contributing to a hie Increase in meat prices and to a 1 1 percent rise in food prices at the pre-retail level. In addition, prices turned up s ha rply for eggs and accelerated som ewhal for refined sugar, dairy products. fi sh, roasted corree and a variety of other foods. the new report said I t sai d th e Labor Department's Producer Price Ind ex for finished goods rose O 4 percent in January alone, up sli ghtly from December 's O 3 percent, but generally an line with fil{Ures for the past year While Howie spokesman Lam Speakes called the report "eood news" and said that ''we're encouraeed th1s is a continued sign or progress In gettina inflation down " Inflation for all of 1981 totaled 7 percent at the wholesale level, compared with 11.8 percent the previous year January's S 3 percent annual rate means that if prices rose at the same 0.4 percent pace for l2 consecutive months, the overall increase would total 5.3 percent. Wholesale prices climbed just 6 3 percent in the past 12 mont~. the lowest total since the 6.2 percent for the 12 months ended 10 April 1977. The food price increase in January was the biggest since the 2.6 percent of August 1980. when lhe nation was suffering from a severe drought. Labor Department officials said . However. the food rise was partly offset by a 0.9 percent decline 10 ener~v costs Tube def eels located in nuke plant THE FIRST VCR WITH STEREO ! ROCHESTER. N.Y <A P> New and ·very dramatic" defects showed up at the Glnna nuclear power plant shortly after federal regulators rejected a bid to reopen the plant, which had been c lo s e d s ince a radiation re lease, a utility official says A camera mspection revealed defects tn water tubes inside the s ame steam gene rator that failed last month, leading to the brief release of radioactive steam and the shutdown of the plant, the official said Thursday night Although the tub es with defects had been out of use because they previously showed signs of weakness, one of them was severed and a piece wa s massing Rochester Gas & Electric Corp. spokesman John M a1er said it was possible the missing pi~e was loose in the stea m gener ator , posing a damage threat to one or more of tbe generator's 3,259 other water tubes. ''The pictures were very dramaUc," Maier said. ··it looks lite somebody went in with a hacksaw. Some or the tubes s how severe denting and external degradation." --· I I -., I ;1 I ' C I .1 4 ; 369 East 17th Street Costa Mesa /across from 111/ph'sJ 631 -STOP OPEN· M -f . 10-9 -SAT. 10-6-SUN. 12·5 t \ \ So.Tole O,..Far ....... t7M7l5 • S; II r • s c I I •S.., .,.... Also Located 011 Balboa lslcmd ENTERTAINMENT NITEL Y COCKTAILS & CASUAL DINING 11 A.M. TIL 9.P.M. 54&.;ll 18 Hmadwaade(i)uilts- Gifts -Antiques 641-3112 . . I Traffic snarled as Iranians clash LOS ANGELES CAP) -When pro-Shah and pro-Khomeini Iranians, marchin1 In Westwood on the third anniversary of their homeland's revolution, were herded t.o1etber Into a parking lot by police, the sboutln1 of slo1ans turned into throwing of rocks and fists. Traffic was backed up and freeway onramps were stalled for more than four hours Thursday as hundreds of demonstrators surged back and forth along Wilshire Boulevard. FBI probing R eagan home bid escrow papers bore a different sales price for the Pacific Palisades home. Bw seroice cuts, /are hi.ke seen LOS ANGELES (AP) -No buses on weekends. No service at night. Another increase in the 85 -cent fare. The Southern California Rapid Transit District is considering those options to offset federal funding slashes next fiscal year. Bus riders "have to fac e it," RTD General Manager John Dyer said after proposed service cutbacks were revealed at Thursday's board meeting Anne n ian sought in death of T urk PALM SPRINGS (AP> -An attorney for President Reagan has sparked an FBI investigation of an unsuccessful effort lo buy Reagan's former home by an investors ' group whose leader once served a prison term for grand theft. The attempted purchase by the Zoller Group fell through in mid-January after Reagan's Los Angeles attorney, Roy D. Miller, discovered that there were two sets of escrow instructions, each apparently bearing Miller's signature a s the Reagans' representative. But each set of LOS ANGELES (AP) Police have issued an aU-points bµlletin for a 21 -year-old Armenian, the second man named by authorities m the assassination of Turkish consul general Kemal Arikan. Police Chief Daryl Gates said the suspect, Krikor Saliba, also known as Koko. rem a ins at large and that his place of residence is unknown. SUCCU MB S Eleanor Powell. once billed as the world's greatest female tap dancer, dances at Las Vegas in 1961. Mi ss Powell died of cancer at her Beverly Hills home Thursday. She was 69. She made 13 m ovies . providing some or the most e lectrif ying dancing in musical history Robnsons OUR "LUNCH IN THE COUNTRY" GIFTSET IS YOURS WITH ANY DEVIN BY ARAMI& \ PURCHASE OF •a.so OR MORE . Gitt with purchase And it's iust what you need to feel really refreshed (especially 1f you spend 9·to-5 indoors). Giftset includes 1 oz Devin Light Sporting Cologne, 1.4 oz Country Cream Shave Foam: and 1 oz. Country Fresh Soap Packed away m a reusable brown acryftc case. And yours for the asking when you come in for your Devin refill. (If you've yet to experience the blue-sky freshness of Devin. why not mention what a great valentine you think 1t would make') Country Cologne. 2 oz. $13, 4 oz $20, 8 oz . $32. Country Cologne Spray, 3 oz. $20. Country Aftershave. 4 oz $13.50, 8 oz. $22. Country Aftershave Soother. 4 oz. $12 Country Soap·on·a·Rope, $8.50. Country Talc. 3314 oz. $7. Robinson·s Aramis. 61 To order. call toll-free 1-800-345-8501. • • \ Orange.Cont DAILY PILOT/Friday. February 12, 1982 H /F Hea~gs bill backed J Brown gets opening up more proceedi.ngs ~ SACRAMENTO (A P > -The The bill would alao ~uJre A 30-0 vote sent the blll, ABZn -" Lealal1ture haa sent Gov. po I 1 c e and ot her I aw by Assemblyman Terry Gogpn, Edmund Brown Jr . a enforcement agenca~s to open D ·San Bernardino. to the\ newspaper-backed bill dealtned their records to the public and 1overnor's desk. to open up more preliminary press, unless diacloture of an heartnp to the press and public. address would endanger a Prelmunary heann1s are held The measure, liven final victim, such as a rape victim. in criminal cases to determine I approval Thursday by the state "I think it is now a good whether there is sufficient a t Senate, would allow a judee to disclosure bill," said Sen Ed evidence aaal.nst a person for a u close such hearlnes only ii he Davis, R-Chatsworth , the trial. The judge makes that uJ decides the defendant could not former Los Angeles poll~ ctuef decision, no jury is rnvolved. 1J11 eet a fair trial with an open who had opposed earlier, The bill originally would have e&J hearint. broader ye rs ion s of the let the judge close the hearing J Jtt measure. only if he found that t he ~11 Under current law, the judee "I think in its totality now it defendant could not possibly must close a preliminary eaves the press much more have a fair trial if the hearing o f. he a ring iJ the defendant access to information it needs," we r e open and future jurors a.b requests It. he said. might be tainted by publicity •rlt . OJ Asner-Heston feud escalates SAG chief says star may be working for Reagan .m n1 ua l t i b°l uL HOLLYWOOD <AP>-Screen Actors Guild president Ed Asner continued his feud with former actors' union president Charlton Heston by suggesting that the big screen star may be working as an anti-labor hatchetman for President Reagan, Asner said. and noted that Heston publicly bla~ted SAG leadership when the union first awarded -and then retracted -its highest award lo Reagan earlier ttus year. Thursday during a lunch break ~ on his "Lou Grant" TV series. ''A Asner did not specify what he •'1 meant by calling Heston a candidate Heston has accused I Asner of radicalizing the union t) r. by getting involved in issues O"> such as U S. aid to El Salvador. 1!)n Asner said that while Heston was SAG president , he frequently lent his name to conservative political causes, · · 1 can only feel he is seekmg either exposure for his own candidacy or ... responding at the behest of the White House for revoking that award," Asner s aid al a news conference· Asner, a liberar Democrat .• ,.,. said. "What I support and what 1w the guild will do are vastly 11 ll different." l nt ()ta."f Get our special low price on this full-featured Maytag ! Plus, get a factory authorized $25 Instant Rebate from us~n cash or off the price. your choice WHIRLPOOL Mo.fROST IE:FIUGERA TOR • 17.7 C& ft. • Te.-...shelo-t • T~ 0.-1 Sa.1-te1 SHOP THIS SAT., SUN., & MONDAY' FOR OUR SUPER DISCOUNT PRICES OH •.. * VIDEO RECORDERS * COLORTV * APPLIANCES * MICROW A. YES * PROJECTION TV SCHY •.• The 0... Alld <:)Illy SH THE RILL UME OF SOMY COi.Oil TV AT THE HAUOI Al.E.A'S UIGEST SONY DIALB • 21 .. Diagonal TrWtraft • bpnssC~r 1"4rored Remote • Cable R.ady ----------------26,, DtAGOMAL MUS nfNITIOH COMSOU • Stlpet' Matrb Sound • bprns COMmander l..lro Red Remote • Cable R.ady WASHEil . ,....,sa. • 3 WCllh Cycles • I Aale Mic CydH . '--"""· DllYEll . ,_,,_ • T ... S.cOuM • IC,W. • EnefoCJy SavlncJ Option • Dual LA•el WCllh ~- aeu $ 2999 5 °"' S J499 5 S 2999~------- -----()t4IC 1-#:us•• ...,.,. ' ub '(8 ~ n£ , ., 1 l&Jtl lo oJc:. u q ,~, r , •. n 1ftl 1cn I~ 18 A ttl<J .. ,o J lllTlllTDI BEACH I f DUITlll VllllY Diiiy Plllt FRIDAY, FEB. 12, 1982 CAVALCADE GARDEN COMICS 82 83 86 • ~ .i' ' . . How ,about ,a TV spectacular on El Sal'&Kldor?. Read Art Hoppe on. P.age 82. ...,. • . . 1 . ~ D , D ... . City attorney threateDs to sue <!pponent Incumbent $ays candidate statements unfairly crit~al of her performance in office By PATRICK KENNEDY of ... Detty ........... Huntinat.On Beach incumbent City Attorney Gatl Hutton has threatened to sue challenger Don Bonfa because she says Bonfa's candidate statement is a "scurrilous attack" on her performance in office Bonfa is the former city attorney who served for 10 years but was overwhelmingly· defeated by Mrs. Hutton in the 1978 election. He's attempting a political comeback m the April election. His candidate statement, which is mailed out by the city clerk in voter pamphlets, slates an part. "For a change from the Dally PlltlC -•h PevickO'~I FLOOR HOCKEY .\bout to bo\'!-1 roache ..... rderl't'~ and one girl show up Tlll""lu\ and Thursda~· aflt>rnoon~ a l lht• Fountain \'alle~· Rm s Club outdoor courts for It-ague floor hockev Susie R\'run 1 bt'IO\\. left 1. the onh fem alt• m ember 1-. a s intt•nt on \\ annmg as her malt• l('~ammalt's In a rcC'enl gam e her Heel Ha\\ ks bt•at tht• BltH.'" 9 8 Tea ms are tompl'l mg for trophies existing situation, I promise no competence, professionalism." weaseling, waffilng or politics It further states: "Replace Bonga : ''I promise. no weaseling or waffling.'' ... I orrer the viable . alternative replace weak. shoddy ineptness with s tren«ith. -- mismanagement with effective leadership, so the tall will no lonaer wag the doa " City Clerk Alicia Wentworth· says Mrs. Hutton demanded that she reject Bonfa's statement because it was libelous. But Ma. Wentworth says she doesn't a1ree and the statement will stand. "She <Mrs . Hutton ) threatened to sue me aod Bonfa both unless I rejected the statement," said Ms . Wentworth. "But I waan't impressed. I'm just doing my job and I have no qualms with Bonfa's statement. It's his opinion. U she wants to stop the statement she should get a court injunction." . Mrs . Hutton admits she threatened a libel suit but says she was only joking. "I mentioned a possible libel suit in jest and Alicia thought I was dead serious about it," Mrs. Hutton says. "She wasn't joking," says Ms. Wentworth. "She was definitely upset." Mrs . Hutton said Thursday that she has no intention or suing Ms. Wentworth, but said "no comment" on possible legal action against Bonfa. "I'll take care of him after the election, .. she said. "I guess he doesn't have many qualities or much of a record if he has to take political shots. I would like to know what Alicia is up lo because she definitely has the power to cancel out scurrilous attacks on candidate ballots," Mrs. Hutton said. "Look at my statement. I just talk about my record and accomplishments organizing this department, which I'm proud of. I have a lot of support in this community. Bonfa has to dig up unfounded. glittering generalities against me." Bonfa, a practicing attorney in Huntington Beach. sa id Thursday that he "welcomes" a libel suit. "I wish she would sue me. That's fine, great. There's no libel. That's the way I feel about things." · "It's just the beginning of the campaign," he said. D EFENDS REMAR KS Former City Attorney Don Bonfa says h e would welcome libel suit from Mrs. Hutton. ··There's no libel.'' he d eclares. Deity lltltllll St.fl,,_ ELECTION HASSLE Cit v Attorney Gail Hutton says her opponent is ma king scurrilous remarks on his ballot statement and s he wants them removed Frizzelle says GOP w-on't like contest Assemblyman Nolan Frizzelle says prominent Republican leaders won't be happy with the surprise move by Irvine Mayor David Sills to challenge him in the June 8 primary election. Sills filed a notice of intent Wednesday to run against Frizzelle in the Republican primary for the newly-created 69th state Assembly District. Huntington Beach·based. Frizzelle has served the past two years as the 73rd District assemblyman, but the district was modified last year as part of the 10 year-reapportionment. The new distri ct includes Huntington Beach from Lake Avenue to the south, Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley -and, for the first time. Irvine. Sills claims he hasn't decided whether he'll mount the campaign. but noted that 30 percent of the district's Republican vote is centered in Irvine. He said many of bis supporters asked him to run. Fri zzelle, however. said Republicans traditionally don't like to see a n incumbent cha llenged in a primary , especially, as in his case, when large amounts of money were raised only two years before to win a seat UCI students plan fee protest rally By GLENN SCOTT Of ... o.ity ""' ..... Concerned that ''students at a public university can't afford to go to school.'" graduate students at UC Irvine are planning what they ;say will be the biggest campus rally of the year to protest rising fees. The rally will be March 7 from 11 :30 a .m. to 2 p.m . at the university's Gateway Plaza, said Jim Olds, president of the AH<><:iated Graduate Students, the ll"OUP that representa the esli mated 1,650 1raduate- studenta on campus, or abo\tt 15 percent of the total 11,000. Because of state bud1et cuts proposed by the 1overnor'1 office, the cost to attend UCI ls projected at almost $400 a year more beglnnint this fall than from the fall of 1981. Unlvenlty adminbtraton say final fieuret won't be available until the state budget is approved. Ur "'ersraduate students paid $272 in feea for classes in the fall quarter ot 1981. By fall this year, admlnlatraton eatlmate the fees will 10 up to S40il per quarter. Tboae fees include four c ate1orles : re1tstrat1on, education, associated student and university center payments. Oraduat.t ~Y about Slt mcri ,.,,...... . Oldl aald lfaduate students, wbo averap about IS y.an ~ age. tend to be more progressive and more "left wing" about campus issues than undergrads. He said they also tend to be c;f!nsitive to the financial costs and benefits or their education because many are paid to teach and research and consider their situation more like a job than do undergrads. His organization, he hid, plans to spend about $1 ,000 on the rally, which is intended to protest the rising costs of their education. Color guards slate drill C•valcade of Colors, tbe el1btb annual color 1uard drill contest sponosoted by Weatrnlnater Royal Re1lmenl Guard, will take place Saturday in the Weatmlnater HlJh School um, 1'325 Golden West St. The pro1ram, betlnnina at 8 : 30 p.m., will feature the CanadMln Royalalrea from Alberta, 'Canada; tbe Blue Dnna from Concord, Calif.; and 21 Olber California color pant · uolta. Tlckeu to tbe t::"m will be available at U. : A._,..., 11 •~ ._ for adults, •• ~ for chllelrtn .ander lJ. - ' I inventories fall UTlll ~------ B1.11lnu11 lnventorlea fell In ~e,mber by 0.4 percent, th~ Commerce Department reported. Tbe cutback .in unsold toods held by buJinea11es -the first such parlna 1nnce 1975 reflected an effort to offset a decline in isllles as a result ol lhe recession, economists said Wholesale and ret.aJI sales fcU 0.6 percent in December Ford Aerospace & Communltatloaa Corp., convinced at is losin& a hl&h·stakea battle for ·an International satellite proJect, filed a complaint with f'eder al Communications Commission. The complaint c harges that the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization, whicb operates the global satellite system used by oaUona around the world, has improperly favori!d Hu1he11 Aircraft Co in negotiations for construction ol a new series of advanced satellites SlAil fS~----- Supply side economist Arthur Latter said that a slumping economy and soaring interest rates probably wlll lead President Reagan to switch the United States to a convertible currency. perhaps a modified gold standard. by November 1982. He made his prediction before the Bank Investments and Funds Management Conference of American Bankers Association in San Francisco . A mult1m11lion·dollar civil suit filed by the Biolex Corp against Lockheed Alruaft Corp .. over a fuel cleansing process was re1ected by a Superior Court JUry . General Electrlc's flatiron works in Ontario - lhe largest in the world -as be ing sold'to a company to build magnetic motors. but it was uncertain bow many djsplaced GE workers will be absorbed by the new firm. The GE plant. which has 1,000-workers on payroll. had been scheduled to close its doors permanently at the e nd of this month Rockwell International has t r a n s ferred approximately 100 employees from its satellite construction plant in Seal Beach following the failure of Congress to fund a new phase of a $1 billion Defense Department satellite progr•m, a Rockwell official reported Kaiser Steel Corp. has instituted at Fontana and the corp(>rate level a 10 percent pay cut for officers and a salary freeze for salaned employees. It has also changed medical and vacation benefits for all salaried employees throughout the company ... Avco Community Developers lac. bas laid off 80 employees tn the last six weeks SO in the last several weeks due to the residential sales slump, officials said The com pany has sizeable residential a nd commercial holdings an Laguna Niguel and in San Diego County IARlllSS ;f; R.J . Reynolds Industries In~. for tbe fourth quarter ended Dec. 31 reported net earninp of $177.8 malllon, or $1 .62 a share, 32 percent high.er than last year 's figures of $136.9 million, or $1.23. For the full year 1981. the. company had net earnings of $787.8 million, or $7 03 a share, 15 percent better than 1980'a $670 4 million. or $6.12 ... Mlulon Insurance Group Inc. of Los Angeles reported after-tax income from operations for the year ended Dec 31 of $45.6 million, up 13 percent from $40.5 million for l980's similar period. Fourth·quarter income from operations waa $10 6 million, or Sl.34 a s hare. compared with $10.1 million, or $1.28 in 1980's like quarter . STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORK (AP! !.ol<P\, T l\u" orke •nd nel chMIQe at ttw tol1Hn ~· •<11.., New Yor~ SIOO E "'"""94' "~· 1raoln9 nationally •I ,._, 11\an \I Tuaco Inc I ,., 100 ~ '- RCA '°6.700 10 • '-PlllllP>~I 7ll,l00 l7'·1 • Jl<, Xero• Cp 111 'IOO ll>ll 1'> ConU Gniup o7• 000 21' 1 1>11 ClllHSvce •S•dOO JO'. • ... EHi Kodak SIO 100 10'• -. Am Homo SOC.JOO )I -.,, MGIC In• 509.000 ., +I PenniOlt 411,!oOO «" • ... ~J Corp !~·= ~~:~ ~ s1or99T..:" a 100 n 1 • "' euon ' 402,500 ,..,, v. Mar•tOll 3",JOO 1J~ " AMERICAN LEADERS GOLD COINS .... YCMll( IA~) -lll'Tlcfl .... ~ ., .... """'" ........... "''"' w... ....... ,,.... !'.fiiifN• ... t....., .... fia..H, ... ..,,, . ...--. tW9Ya, tJll.H..,. M 1J ................................ ~ts . ........ ~ .. -..,..., ... ..,,, ......... s...ru .,..., ......... WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK IAPI Foll 11 Adv•nud Oe<lln.o unc,....., Total f\\Uf'\ Ntw MQI>\ Ht11w tows, TOCS.y ~ ,,. 4IS , .. , • 11 NEW Y0R"' t"Pl Fell II Adv•nctd Oecllnad Uncl\a..., Tol•l llWH ..... lllvn$ New to>n METALS H EW YORK (AP) -tal prk .. today: TOCS.y DO ,.. ,., ISi • JI C••~• tt.11 ctnh • Dtu,.ol, destu:.a.:: eel.is • - ZlllC U ce11t1e POunCI, dltl4,,.-. Tiii !7 •• Metal5 Wwt. CAlmCI09iW 111 . ........ .._,...71< ... b•,.._,,..y Mett..,wue,.., 11-~UMM AM.tO'troy or , N 'f SILVER H....ty a. H-..... M ..... , lroy GOLD QUOTATIONS U1S. ,, ni. ._._ ..,_ I lelK--W9Mf 9tle>tt tedAY. ~· rnontlno , ••• ,. '*"··· ... " _, ....... ,..._tl1tl,,.un.•,efta-.. • Pefte! WS-1', ... P.04. I I f!r ..... 1 mU7,offt1M.. , lwtdl: i.-fllllftt P7UO. oft U.3 ' P11.tOMMll. ~ Me..., & M~ (•IY -.lly I , U11 .,oft p 10 I ........ ! ( .... ., ....... , **" ... ,,.., • ......,.., Ctftly .. lly ....,., I U..lie,offQ,U, SYMBOLS I e WOOllNI e COTTON, .. e lfJOntwlAI • QUILT1 e IOUCU e llUIYI e T-«Nm e l!f'llLOCU e DOU•U KHITle ~Lii e AltOITID NOVIL'111 . MANY MOREi TOQ. MAN_v TO LISTI_ ....,7111 NOTICe TOCa•OfTCHIS OI' euuc TllANll'•• 1~ '"'.eMP u.c.c.1 88\. Notice h ll•reby 1 lweft I• Ille cr•dllot1 al JOfl11 -P Prestwkll ~ Ro11dell B He11so11 Tra111lerers •-DIN"'"add' .. '" ''490Cul-Dr . City"' ,,_.,,.., Counly OI °'- SI• te Of Clltlfor11la 11\al • Dulk tr ..isler " abolll to De ..-to Jamil Olell Hari r i a11C1 Melillet> Ne1l rl, Tre11si.rws -Duolnus -.. , Is 131'2 Vie Ponon. City of MIUIOll Vi•la , Cou111y of Ore11oe. Slate of C•lllorllie. Tiit _,,, lo De tr-frrreel it Cle\C ti-In ............ All ltocll In trtoe, ll-. flllll-• ...., '°°" wlll 01 that Ice Creem ~ b.nt11est ~11ow11 es C.ot JOlln's Ice Cr••m Galloy •"" ICK-•I 1'451 Culwr Or Clly ot 1.-.i..., County al 0.""91, Sltle olC:tlllomle. f lu D<1lk lrfllller w ill Ill• can111m..-°" or .,,., ,,... Ulll Cl•Y of Febr.,....,, 1'12 et 10 00 AM ti Grover EKr-C.,_allOll, •-aCIClreu Is n.at llo<llllelcl Bl•d. !>Ce JN El Toro, Cet"'9rnle THAT THE 1.ASf DATE~ FILING Cl.AIMS IS 1'1:!' 1ar es I• ll11ow~ to Ille Tre11sf•r-. el! llusl,..n,....... •1111 -... '" -"'t,. Tr_,.,.,,. lor llW p .. I three Y ..... _I ...... D•led· J-v 2t, MD Jemlt~ell Nezlrl Mellf>eh Hell r I T .... r ... 0,._l.K,_ U6tt •ecMoM •IYC. "•· JN EIT-.~ ...ntt->S Pllbllllled Or-CoHI Dally Piiat, Feb S, Hl2 r'" ·" ... Selected I f\'omOU( 1·~8'ock l fiw.CLw0cE • 'Orange Coat DAILY PtlOTIFrld1y. Febru1ry 12, 1982 -78~: l'ICTfTIOU18 Ull••M .. AM91TAT•Ma .. T TM foll0wlfl9 --· ••• •ol"ll • ._ .. ! I ~ T ClONSol.TOtG SYSTfMS, t ll!Me, lf'VIM, CA t77U Ot. KIOe ... HO Ctt.11, t •••• ,., lntl,..,CA"1W . M". 1(---SNn Qlen,. ,....,., lrvlM, CA ttJW Tllll ....,_ ll c...-.c ... by .,. '"°'" ........ K-UMSfttnC .... Tlllt ......,_. •• lfleo wllll ti. C.-ty Cten. fl Ortfl89 c:-.,, M Jllll 11, 1"2 ........ Dy • PuDllllleO 0r.,. Co11• Delly l'UoC, J/HI :rt, l<.0 S, 12, I•, 1"2 -.., CKAitT•• NO. 1'6\1 CO Ml'TROl.LER OF THE CUR•EHCY T,.._., o.tioenmem of Ille Uni ... S&Mn. WOllllllQlOll, O.C Wiier-MtliSIACIOfY n'*"'• llet Me11 ,,_,eel to 111e comocrooor of tllt Curre11cy 111•1 "INTERIM CAPISTRANO NATIONAL BANK" louted '" S... J,..11 CeCllte•-. Slate of C•ll-•. ,._ c:omp11e9 wltn ell provisions of Ille 11e1111e• of Ille U11ll.S SlllH r_...., IO be compli.cl with _,.....,._,_to<-• -bu"-<II DMklfto •• • N•tloftel BOllkl"O AMIKi.tloll Now,~. 1 ,,....,., cortlly thtl Ill• •Dove 11emed "SOClatlon h Mlttlo<I""' IO <OtNnenCe U. 1111~• ol b•lll>.l"O H • Netlo11tl l•n-1110 AuocletlOll lft tttll"-Y W!Wreot wl1Mu my S1911tturo --'of oftk• 1111• ltll city ofDec-1"1 IWCNIMe E. l.OtCI Aeuno c...,...11.~ of U. CurreftCY Pub!..,_. Or-CoHI Deily Piiot, Foti. 12, 1', ,., -~II s. 12. "· •• ~I'·'··-1-.C l'ICTITIOUI IUll ... 11 MAMe ITAT•NNT Tiie IOllo•l110 perlOfl Is •olnt 1111s1 ..... a : STETSON I.ANO CO I.TD. II, ,1000 Mel11 Stroot, Sulla 110. ,,.,. .. Pllbll-or.,.._ C.OIC Dtllr PlloC, J ... ".~s.11,1•.1• 4- PICTITIOUI euso••M NAM• ITATCMll .. T Tiie IOllClwl"CI -IOlll ere 001110 1111.1 ....... P1CT1nous euai .. •u M ....... STAT9MIENT fne lollowl"O lle•MMIS ere clol"O Du$111eu• T+tl. GAltMENf DISTRICT AT NEWl.ANO CENTI!•. 1 .. 70 hoc.II llYcl., -lllQIOft -...Cll, CtH*"le ftMt V~ W. -· SJOt lit-. OrlYe, NewPor1 l••cn, Cellfor11I• .,..., HU11t1"4110ft lloecll, C..ltor~ "1& 1----------"--- 5TET10N I.ANO CO .. I. TD I, 7M I Htrll•Y Avenue, MICl••Y Cltw. ~lfOfftle t'JIUS Ro•111 II . Sleyerl. 21''1 lrooknursl, H11nll11tlo11 •••<II, CelllO<'flle f»4I R.-1 M. Sml... CEO, kit tM Geftef' e I Pert..,. Sllnwt Sftorff, IM., a Calltomle corpGrelloll, IMOO Mtl11 Str .. 1, Wte 110, H...,U"9l0ft &Mell, Cetllornlo~ T11i. -Is Deltlo c-led W ellmlted~p. Robwt M. Smllll This tit-llltd wllll t,_ COUllCY Clen of Or-C-y °" l<""-v 2, ,..,_ l'llUlll Publlshed or-Coast Delly PllOt, ""' s, 12, , •• ,., tta 5~ l'ICTlTIOUI IUSIN•U MAMa IT A 'nM•NT 'Tiie lollowl110 perso11 It Clol110 IMl•l ... IJO&; VAN GENUS GI.ASSING, U1'1 Proclucl l.efto, No t , HIOllll111to11 lloocn, C..lfornle..,... ADCIUI II. Memon, tHl Ne•le Cir< .. , Munt"'91ot1 hocll. Ctll'°""e ...., TIW1 ........,.. Is condloeted by Oii lndl" ICllOel. ......... """- Ttlls ... ...._. -fllod wltft tM c-ty c1en of 0r..,.. c.wocr °" J_,.., to.1tl2 '** PWlltMd Or.,. Coett Otltr Pllo4, JM. U. 2', Fob. S, 12, lta JIS.G PICTITIOUI 8USIN•ll NAM• ITAftMUtT Tne lollowlno parso11 h 001110 buSl-M DAVID STEELE & ASSOCIATES. ttl G .. -. _,.,,hod\, CA '*2 Jock ~.~el Ptrt,,.,, 7MI Herll•y Aven11•. MICl••Y City, C•llfomle t'HM. Tiiis -Is ...,,. conouc-by • llmlleel Ptr1,.nlllt> Jeck Goen GIOY Eow.,d Gort.,.., l:tJ G.,,.., Tiii> 1te-l liled wllll Ille County Aw .• Newpwt heell. CA ft~. Clerk of °'""JI ColH>Cy °" Fecw ..... ., 2. Tiiis bvslMSt 11 conOuc led by • ..... r•I -1JWnNp. v-w.- Tllls .-Wot llled wllll ti. Cou11ty Clon ol Ore,... Counly °" J1H111.,·y 20, lt'2 ..,., .. P11bll-Or-COHt 0.lly ~let, This Dldlllffa It C-tod by e11 1"1. lfldlylcluat Gvy E. Goftloe• l'la:m JOll 11. 1', Feti S, 12, 1"2 J- flllt ttele..-t w• flled wllll "'9 Cou111y cie,,. of or-c-.iv °" J"" 11, 1"2 P1t111n P11bll-Or.._ COHI Delly PllOC, ,..,, s. 12. "· •. 1• • ~; P11bll"'9CI Or-Coe" Delly Piiot, -------------Je11. Jt. fCtb s. 12, lt, 1'12 .is1.e1 PVIUC NOTIC• Natl<e of Ille -Ille -ltloM of M<tlo111 ;JC171 -ton of ... CIYll I C.-ofTlleStt .. ot~. -------------In e u or-...w1111 Ille,,..., .. *" of l'ICTITIOUS IUllN•IS M<tlonia J071 .... _,,of Ille ClvU C°* NAME STATlfaqlfT of 1110 St.Ml of Cfllforftla. t11e ,., ....... Tll• lollowlno parM111 h clelno II-,,... ... wlH 119 -et P\lllfl< blni llHS es A..clloft el 10:00 e.m l'e4lr\.ler'f JS, I tl2 MEl.E 1(01 FARMS, 11226 WMf et tlt • w~~ •~ t •-•· •-- McOIOrmolt, t/A lrYlne. Ct lllor11I• "'· --~·-. --· Collforftle 9'114. A lt1S °"""-plouo truck to l.loY'I L A_,. Jr., 1.01 s..t~ t lOIOl" .. ••••2 C lllo I I Orlv•. N••Por1 9eecll. t .. uor11I• ·~ 4, • "'. 'OftM •nz, -of ucenw 1 ... 1 "'40. a.. w.,_, a.r ... Inc ...J1~1~"':".._.' It C0"4uct.d by"' llfl..W-Strwt, UootCI L A-. Jr s..i. AN, Ca t2l'1 Tlllt N-t wet fllacl wttll IN ~ CO<lntT' Clerk of Ote"Cllt Colttlly on Publl ...... Or-Coost Delly PllOC, DecamDer JO. '"1 l'ebNery 12, 1• Ml., 1'11-2 ""91....., Or-ee.11 Otlly Piiot. HA. 1', , .... s. 11. 1', 1'12 ....,, .... ,. .. I' ICTITIOUS IUSIN•ll MAMlf ITAT•MENT Tiit lollowlflo oenons ere dol119 ............. SPAGHETTI POT MEDIA. JltO J Airport Loop Drive, C•I• MeH, c:.llfornle .... SpeoNnl P'Ol I_.,,_, IM., a (.ilfonllt ,..._., •• J1t0 J M--1 Loop Orlw, c .. 11 MeM, CM"°""' ""'· This bUtlMH h conoucted Dy • ,..._. ...... Jelln c-. v p ScotCINtll P'OI ,,.,,..,..._, n.i. ... ,_t ... llltel wllll Ille C-y Clark et Or.,. .. c-... Oii ..-...., 1, 1"2. ... .,. PIObll,_ Or-Coetl Delly PllOC, ..... s. u . "· u. ,., ttt.i. IUNIUOlt COU•T 01' TM• IT A T'9 OP CAA.I POii NI A l'O• Tite COVNTY 01' Ottf,NO• 11111'141-•of- Applk•Uon by, JOHN ~DAN SCHfl.I. ,.,c,..,.. • .._ CAI& NO •• Allll74 O•DC• TO IMOW CAUH l'Oll CMAllO• 01' NAM• WHE•EAS JOHN GOROAN SCHEI.I.,..,..,,_, e......., -19 , •• ,. of .... -,...., • "'"'-willl tlle Clffll of tllls Court lor e11 ..- clleo11"9 pellllOMr'l 11ame from JO..N "°"OOH so.au ... JACXIE LEE SUTHE•l.A .. D IT IS SO 0.D£REO 11\al ell pe,_ lfttot'H1ed In IN -...,.1111.., metter ...... lltforo llli. c:-1 •I 10·• ....... 011 J.J·IJ, 111 Ill• courlroem ef Department l . •I Ore11~ Coullly S-lor c:-1, 100 Cl•I< Ce11ter Ori,,. WHI, 5...C. Alie, C .. lforNe '2701, -...... ,_,., ...,, ""' ,,,. .......... '°' , ....... of----""' Dea<-ecl. IT 15 l<URTHER ORDERED -·· COPY 01 ""' ·-10 .,,._ ceu. De puDtl•-In "'" o._,,. eo.11 o.11r Pltol, • 11e••P•P•• ol 0•11ere1 clr<IHaUoll prlllled i11 Or-'°""'Y· C•IJfornla on<• • •••ll to' tow' wcceui.. -• prior IO u.e clel• tet tor ,...,lno of tlle petlllofl. OATEO J"" 20, 1"2 R-H-J"'9QltOll,_ S.C-rlor Couf1 l'MILLIPMY&• J AC09Y & MllYE•' LAW Ol'l'IC• _N_._,....,.,.. ·--.CA tint l1UI U..7'M Publl"-d Or-Coast Delly Piiot, Jen n . 1', 1<& s, 12, 191l ...., PICTITIOUI 8USIN•U NMM STATEM•NT Tll• lollowlno porso11 Is delno Du$1MUM: OVEltSEAS MANVl<ACTURING COMPANY, 111 111 .. rM<le A-. S..11• I< • ..._, e.acn, Cell'°""• .,.., C•rl Pllllllp 1.0 .. oren, w VI• I.loo Noni, __, 8"<11. c.11.....,. • f]MJ Tiii> "'81fw11 Is c-.cteo 0y .,. IAdlYiduool, CtrlP,'--., T.Ms -wes lllM wilal .,. C...nfl' ci.n °' °'""' c-~ .,. J ...... ,,. 21, ltl2 1'1110't Publl-orange Coesl 0.lly Piiot, ~.,. n . :rt, 1<eti. s. u. ,.., .,.., ' ·'· . .. , ,,, .[ - . '. I '' -. , ... , Plllll \ FRIDAY, FEB. 12, 1982 CAVALCADE 82 llllll lllCH/IDUTH ClllT GARDEN 83 COMICS 86 INCISION INTRIGUING -No one said bemg a scientist would be eas) But Martis Ayer. Teri Williams. Wendy. llolm. Nikki Woodland and Amy Rogers give fi sh a thorough inspection. Curiosity comes • in waves Annual report shows Marine Institute shipshape after first year By JOHN NEEDHAM Of -D.llly ~let Si.ft Officials of the Orange County Marine Institute at Dana Point Harbor say they have two reasons to celebrate. First, the oceanographic studies center was a year old Saturday. And second, the fledgling facility is managing to pay its own way. Dr. Stanley Cummings, director of the marine institute, said the amount of money being generated through educational and recreational programs is meeting expectations "Our charter says we have to pay our own way," Cummings said "Our budget estimates show that we have turned the corner and are now earning as much as we spend." The institute operates on a $250,000 annual budget. earned from fees and private donations. Work on the 3,900·square·foot building was com pleted a year ago at a cost or $600,000. The marme center served more than 30,000 Orange County students in kindergarte n through community college last year. according to Cummings. The small structure houses offices. classrooms and laboratories and serves as a shore learning base for vanous marine studies programs Construction of the institute was financed with $400,000 in county money and $50,000 each from Rancho Santiago, Coast, Saddleback and North Orange County Community College districts. Plans call for the building to be expanded to 40,000 square feet on the insti'tute's tbree-acre county·owned s it4: in the west basin of Dana Point Harbor Cummings said the center won't be competing with Marineland and Sea World the me parks that attract thousands of visitors each year. "Our primary emphasis isn't entertainment," Cummings said. "The major distinction between us and those POWERFUL PINCERS -Robby Dorris watches tiow lobster wag~tes..,.· parks is that they offer a passive type of demonstration wherF people simply go and watch " He said the programs at the center st ress active involvement in the scientific process. leading to first·hand knowledge of the area's marine life. Cummings said the major attraction at the institute and largest Income earper is the Pilgrim, a modern replica and namesake of the sailing ship that author Richard Henry Dana sailed on. The brig, owned by Marion Barich of Long Beach, was brought to Dana Point Harbor from a San Pedro boat yard lost May after a phased purchase agreement was reached. Cummings said the Dana Point Ocean Institute Foundation, the fund·raising arm of the marine education facility. , has yet to come up with .the $500,000 asking price to buy the ship. He said $20.000 had been paid so far to keep the Pilgrim in Dana Point, $10,000 from the foundation and $10,000 from shop owners on the harbor. To date. the Pilgrim had earned about $55,000 for the institute. Cummings said the institute sponsors overnight stays on the ship for young people. as well as family weekends, where those bunking onboard act as the crew. Al least one couple have been married in the stately square rigged stlip Cummmgs said institute 0Hic1als would be asking Orange County Supervisors for $30,000, to be used to prepare a master plan for eventual expansion of the marine center. Planned expansion would include more exhibits for the public, as well as research facilities. which would be manned by personnel from nearby universities and independent laboratories. "How much we are able to expand will depend on how much we can earn,". Cummings said. "I am happy \o say we are at a p<>int now where we are self-supporting." Most popular at the institute this month, he added, are whale watch cruises which leave the marine center's dock several times a day. The vessel Sum Fun takes passengers off the Dana Point shoreline to watch the southward migration of California Gray Whales. How ,about ·,a TV spectacular on El Salrodor?. Read Art Howe on Page 82. Coastal hoard to set date for zoning law By STEVE MITCHELL °'*Det" .......... State coastal commissioners will meet in Santa Barbara Tuesday to set a due date for Orange-County's submittal of zoning laws and maps for the development or the lrvine Coast. The zoning, or implementation plan for the 9,400 acre Irvine Company parcel between Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach, follows certification last month of the county's local coastal plan for the project. The coastal commission sWf 1s recommending the zoning phase be s ubmitted to the commission by this August. after consulting with county planners. Certification of the LCP last month set the s tage for development plans along the coastal strip that include two major roadways leading to Pacific Coast Highway, 2,000 new dwelling units, two major commercial centers and 2,650 acres or open space. Specifically. the land use plan calls for up to 250,000 square feet or offices and 1,500 motel rooms in buildings up to 10 stories high at the terminus or the proposed Pelican Hill Road at Coast Highway That provision. plus a four·lane road at Sand Canyon amon g other items , has prompted the Friends of the Irvine Coast to file suit against the county and the coastal com mission over the proposal. But Fern Pirkle, president of the Friends group, said her organization will not appear at Tuesday's meeting in Santa Barbara. ''There's really no purpose in us showing up," she said today. "They <the commissioners> are 1ust setting up a date for submittal of the third phase of the project." She said the proposed Aueust date for that submittal might actually work in her group's favor. •·It might mean they're thinking it over, and might be considering seriously rewritinl the zoning laws," she said. She said recent setbacks suffered by the Irvine Company .. might mean they'll come up with a compromise on the Irvine Coast and we'll never have to go to court " Mrs. Pirkle was referring to this week's withdrawal by the company of plans for expanding Newport Center and the lease option dispute by homeowners whose dwelling units are on land owned by lhe Irvine Company. But Jerry Collins, a spokesman for the Irvine Company, said the county and the company have no intentions of changing the zoning. ''For one thing, it can't be done," Collins said. "We must follow the land use plan and that plan has already been adopted by the coastal commission." As far as a compromise plan, the spokesman said, "the commission adopted one several months ago." The county's original plan called for 12,000 homes and it was scaled down to 2,000 homes with 70 percent of the land left in open space. ··Any reasonable person surely must regard that as an instance or reducing things to the irreducible." And , he said, recent developments regarding other company projects. as well as the Friends of the Irvine Coast I a wsuit , ··have no effect whatsoever on any or these proceedings and we don't expect they ever will." UCI students plan fee protest rally By GLENN SCOTT Of ... o.lly ~Ml Staff Concerned that "students at a public university can't afford to go to school ," graduate students at UC Irvine are planning what they say will be the biggest cam pus rally of the year to protest rising fees. The rally will be March 7 from 11 :30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the university's Gateway Plaza, said Jim Olds, president of the Associated Graduate Students, the group that represents the estimated 1,650 graduate students on campus, or about 15 percent of the total 11,000. Because of state budget cuts proposed by the governor's office. the cost to attend UCI is projected at almost $400 a year more beginning this fall than from the fall of 1981. University administrators say final figures won't be available until the state budget is approved. Undergraduate students paid $272 in fees for classes in the fall Quarter of 1981. By fall this year, administrators estimate the fees wlll go up to $404 per quarter. . Those fees include four categories : registration, education, associated student and university center payments Graduates pay about $16 more per quarter. Olds said graduate students. who average about 25 years oJ age, tend to be more progresslvt and more "left wing" about campus issues tllan undererads. He said they also tend to be 11ensltlve to the financial costs and benefits of their education because many are paid to teach and research and consider their situation more like a job than do undergrads Has organization. he said, plans to spend about $1 ,000 on the rally. which 1s intended to protest the rising costs of their education. The group has a $4 ,200 budget funded bv graduate student fees. I Body found • m ocean. identified Orange County coroner's deputies have identified the body of a woman found floating In the surfline off Myrtle Street Beach in Laguna Beach as a visitor from Minneapolis. Laguna Beach police received a call late this morning from coroner's deputies identifying the woman as Maria Katherine Sletten, 58. Detective Gene Brooks said the woman flew to California earlier this month, and was reported missing by her relatives several days ago. Her husband identified the body this morning. The coroner's office said the woman had probably been in the water since Feb. 3 or 4. The cause of death was due to drowning. Riley to launch third term bid Supervbor 'nlomu Rlley'a b6d for • third term on the Oraqe County Board of Supervllora wlJI open formally Saturday wttb a campai1n kick·ofl breakfaat at the South Cout Piasa Hotel, Costa Mesa. Tbe t a.m. rally at Altr9do'1 Restaurant will be au_.., by com mualty coordlaatora wM will ..,.,.Id ltlld'• effort to eolleet 1,Nl ••anaturH on aomlutba.....,.thtm•be. ritunild '°llle .~ ........... of Vot.en Office by P'eb. 25. Tbe 5th aupervilorial cll.atrict, represeated by Riley alnce m•, lDclude1 Calta Mesa, Newport Beach, ~. Lapa, 8-eb, Lacu.na Nlpel, Lapa• JllUI, Saa Juan Capistrano, Daaa Polat, Caplatrano Beach, S... Clemente and Tultln. Tbe campallD 11 belDt orcaataed by • 1roup called Prlenda of To~·· ~l~.~' "aad 1 ~eliOD·Pdbirl ~ of Jmne. · r I l ) J ~ ) ( c I r I 1 • 1 I ... IRVlll Defense says woman knew drink lethal An 87-year·old Newport Beach woman knew she was sipping poison when her 57·year-old son, now on trial for her death , handed her orange juice laced with cyanide last September, a defense lawyer says. "Sbe really d id know. She wanted lo end her life," attorney Stuart Grant told an Orange County Superior Court jury Thursday. This, the defense attorney said, was nol murder, as the prosecution claims. The jur y will begin deliberations in the case or Herbert Barclay Baeh next Tuesday. In his summation to the jury, Grant said Bae tz was only helping his mother fulfill her wishes of ending her own Ule when he handed her the pol.son on the night of Sept 10. The two were In the living room or Janette Baetz 's Balboa Peninsula home, which she shared with her son. The defense lawyer also denied prosecution assertions that .his client actually had planned to kill bis mother ~r squandering her assets, mortga1ing her home and physically abusinl her right up to the nlght sbe died. 1 Proeecutor Patrick Geary, in his closln1 statement.a to the, jury on Wednesday, casked the panel to return with a verdict ol firat-deeree murder against Baetz, a chemlat who had been Uvin1 with his mother for about four years. But Grant said the pros9Cutioll was relylna on only ctr c um'st'antl al plec ea of' evidence to supp0rt lt.t claims. He ulled -.~y Baell would wut to kAlf bii mother to ~ tontrol ti her estate when be waa the 1ole beneftclar1 :S:l;:Baeb allo tied &M 1"81 . .., .................... ' . .. ..., .... FRIDAY, FEB. ;2, 1912 CAVALCADE 82 How', a bout ,a spectacutQr ~n El Sal.,,;adOr?. Read Art Hoppe on Rage 82. GARDEN 83 COMICS 86 Land prices egg ranchers out By Rlal.AaD GREEN Of .. Dlllty,.... ..... Paul and Lucile Haupert1s "mom and pop" chicken raiacb north of Irvine continues to hold lts own nnancially, but mom apd pop don't have a lot of faith i.D the future or the 60,000-bird operation. "I'll probably get out In a year or so," said Haupert. "The land's Just 1ettln1 too valuable." Also, chicken ranches are generally in.compatible with residential neighborhoods, a factor that bu contributed lo the closure of 146 such ranches In the county since 1960, Haupert said. Throughout Orange County, the whiz or automobiles baa replaced the clucks or chickens. But at Haupert's Poultry Ranch, 7983 Irvine Blvd., the sights, sounds and, yes, the unpleasant smells or chicken ranching continue -for the lime beiog anyway. Haupert says his spr~ad is one of only four operating in the county. Two of those -Dairy Fresh and Harvey Sbunk's - are located nearby on Irvine Boulevard. Lest there be any confusion, these ranches are concerned primarily with eggs. Once the hens are about 2 years old, they are sold for use in such products as chicken pol pies -they are too old and tough to be used as frying chickens. The raising of fryers, which isn 'l done in Orange County, is a whole different ball game, explains Haupert. Thia la the way Haupert's business works: -One-day-old .hens are boueht, debeaked (ao they won't hurt each other) and placed In heated shelters for four weeu. -After two P.JOte weekl or shelteT without heat they are then moved to wire pens. -By the time they are 20 weeks old, they will be laying eggs and at 24 weeka they are producln1 marketable eggs which are sold to a distributor. -Al about 2 years of age , the chickens cease to be productive egg layers and are s~d. ' But there is more than this lo the chicken ranching. . For one thing, there is the fertiliser chickens also pro- duce. This is sold to farmers. Much of it is spread on fields In Irvine. The key to keeping down the smell of this material before it is collected is making sure it is dry, said Haupert. If it 1et.s wet, watch out. Not only will it smell awful, but flies will come. And where there are rues, there will soon be health department officials, observed Haupert, notin1 be hasn't had these sorts or problems in quite a while For another thing, there is the birds' skittish nature. .. They could be singing away, laying eggs and a crow comes by," said Haupert. "They quiet down fast and it's silent." Somet.hin~ that scares chickens as much as crows is another predator: the coyote. "We've had coyotes come In here and bite up into the cages," said Haupert. "They can't get the whole hens, but they get legs and make the hens bleed to death." And, there are little tricks to chicken ranching. "We keep the lights on for 16 hours a day so that the hens keep their productivity up," Haupert said. "We used to have the lights on 24 hours before the cost of electricity went up.'· And so bas the cost of feed and other essentials to the chicken ranching business. Things have changed quite a bit since Haupert leased his 10 acres from the Irvine Company in 1963. And, like other agricultural and Ii veslock operations In the county. chicken ran.ching is falling victim lo progress. °""' ...... -~. Cllertff -· SHELLING OUT -Coops an• lightt•cl Iii hnw .., ,1 d<I\ so he ns will kt•<.'p lht>t r prnd uC'tl\·11~ up UCI student donation issue deadlocked Historical unit chief Leaders want control of new campus center if ·Students give $4 million • m race By GLENN SCOTT Of-o.My ...... St.fl Student leaders at UC Irvine are demanding majority control of a new SlO-million campus events center before they donate up lo $4 million for construction. Bul in an interview Thursday, Chancellor Daniel Aldrich Jr. s aid it is premature for him lo approve any proposals for governing the center, being billed as a spacious new home for UCl's basketball team. Bul Aldrich did concede that he'd approve a constitution giving students control if they also s upply most of the construction money. "I don't have any difficulty with a student majority if the students produce a majority of1 the funds ," he said. On Feb. 22, the students are scheduled lo hold a referendum on whether to levy a qttarterly fee lo raise the $4 million. Bill Caraccio, referendum coordinator. said the student council intends to agree lo the donation only if the students are guaranteed majority control in exchange. The funds , he explained, are considered critical to serve as a base for other f\.Dld-raising activity. •'It's more than just a straight Caracclo said , because the council wants the center lo be planned and available for more than just athletic events. ·'The students are very concerned it is for multipurposes and not jusl sports purposes," he said. "I don't have a difficulty with a m~jority if students produce." . $4 million to the university," be said. If Aldrich won't acne to a plan in which a lS·tnember governing board would include seven students, he said, tbe money won't be available. Aldrich said be will promise students participation in governing the center in exchange for the $4-million pledge, but nothlna more. Stud.ent con~l i~ a Uy tss~. Hecause of what h ! called a "territorial mentality" on campus, academic departments rarely yield their facilities for concerts or lectures, which he said frustrates attempts to stage presentations. Caraccio said Crawford Hall, where athletic events now are staged, is available only on an averaee of once a quarter. for student events. Aldrich, meanwhile, contends that students should be e xpected lo participate in the funding as th e y ha ve f o r o th e r non-academic facilities. such as the Uni ver sit y Center. o r student union. IL 1s not clear whal would happen if the students refused lo assist in funding, but other universities have made seating at athletic events available to s tudents conti n gent upo n financial participation. or course. lt ts n 'l c lear whether the students will vote in favor of any of three proposals included in the referendum lo raise fees $17 , $20 or $23 a quarter. The students already are facing fee increases estimated to cost them $400 more next year than this year. A rally has been scheduled on campus only two weeks after the referendum vote to protest stale budget cuts forcing up the fees. Barbara Wiener. president of the Irvine Historical Society, has announced her candidacy for Irvine City Council, bringing lo four the number of candidates in the June 8 council election. The City Council seats of Larry Agran and Art Anthony w 111 be contested m the election. Ag r a n says h e 'll s eek re·elect1on Anthony s ays be. won't : Bruce Vorhauer, 40, who owns: V L I C o . a b i o m e d i c a l· development company if, Costa Mesa. and Irvine Unified School: District Trustee John Nakaoka; have a lso d ec lared their: candidacies '. The candidate filing period rori the Irvine City Council election begins Tuesday and ends Marett 12. Candidate papers are fil~ with the Irvine city clerk .. Ms Wiener , the latest entry,, says she has been instrumental in t he effort to preserve the. historic Irvine Country store and old hotel in East Irvine. Irvine Coast development due date eyed She has bt!en a regional commissioner for the American Youth Soccer Organization and. is a member and lmmedlate- past president of the Turtle Rock School Site Council. She ts vice president of the Turtle Rock Community Association. Coastal commission scheduled -to set deadline at Santa Barbara meetings By STEVE MITCHELL °' .. .,.... ......... State coastal commlsslonen will meet in Santa Barbara Tuesday lo set a due date for Orange County's submittal of ionin1 Jaws and mape for tbe development ol the Irvine Cout. ' development plans 110111 the coastal strip that lnclucte two major roadways leadln1 to Pacific Coast Hi1hway, 2,000 new dwe.llinl units, two m~ commerclal centers and 2,650 acres ot open 1pace. or1aniutlon will not appear at Tuesday's meeting in Santa Barbara. "There'• nally no putpOM In us 1bowtn1 up,'' abe said today. "They (t.be commt.slonera) are Just 1ett1n1 up a date for submittal of the tblrd pbue of the project." She said the propo1ed Aul\Wt date for that aubmlttal mllht actually work In her 1roup'1 favor. Mrs. Pirkle was referring lo this week's withdrawal by the company of plans for expandin1 "We have mucb to be proud Newport Center and the lease of, but there are crucial Issues to option dispute by homeowners be faced ln the years ahead,'' whose dwelling units are on land site said. "We must adhere to own~ by the Irvine Company. the city's General Plan's B u t Jerry c 0 l Ji n s , a mandate for sensible growth. ' We can't seize UPon pollUcaUy SJlOkesman for the Irvine Inspired and superficially Com..-..ny, said the county and appealing arbltrary rates of the company have no intentions irowth. There are free market " The IOILinl', or implementaUon plan for the. 9,400 acre Jrvtne Company ,parcel between Corona del Mar and Laauna Beach, follows certification laat montb of tbe county's local coastal plan for the pn>ject. Speclflcally, the. land uae plan calla for up to 250,000 square feet of offices and 1,500 motel rooms In bulldtnp up to 10 storit1 h1th at the terminus of t.be PS'ODOMCI Pelican Hill Road at Coast Hl,hwa). b•t provt1lon , pha1 a four-lane road at Sand c~ amon1 other ltem1, bas prompted the Friend• of tM Irvine Cout to Ille IUlt aPlmt the county and tb• coastal commJilaoD owr u.e:=. "It mt1bt mean they're tbinldq It over, aad mlPt be conatderina Mrioualy rewri~ the IOD1nC laws," 1be 1atd. of chanling the zonin1. aolutlons to our problems. Tber'e "FOF-one tt\in1, I can't be-8.h o u Id bt no Do• d for.__ ' done,'' Collini said. "We must government to intrude f\ai1IMr' The coaatal c.ommlulon atatr la recommendlnt tbe 10llla1 phue be submitted to tbe commtulon by this Au1u1t, after consultlng with county planners. CertillcaUon ol the LCP IMl month set the 1ta1e fbr • But ,.... Pirkle, ot lbe P'rt.nctl troop, Hid W I Sh• said recent setbacks &uttered bY tbe Irvine CompanJ "mlalllt IM8D they'll come up with • COlllP"Jm ... on lM lntne Coalt Ud .. ·o ........ to'° toeowt. follow Ute land use plan and that into the pen10nal and flnandal plan has al.Nedy been a~ed lives of clUiens." by the coutal commtuion." Ma. Wiener aa,ld 1he expecta to Al fll' u a compromiH plan, have the help of 400 cltlaee tbe •=•man said, "the vnlunteena in her camJNlllll • comm ~OM Mvenl ••11 iM llilib it11e eu nile month• •10." SIS,000 M Mt COilldl llld. I ~ Rockwell aids new UCI facility Rockwell International Corporation Trust baa donated $40,000 toward construction of a new planning and placement center at UC Irvine. The donation was solicited as part of tbe university's attempt to build the facility with funds from private firms that would make use of it. "Rockwell International has bad a history of success In reoruitin1 at UCI. said Bruce Riesenberg, actina director of the Placement Center. "The company wu concerned enough that UCI have a first.rate recruiting facility that it offered to donate the funds for construction of it.'· Other rtrms that have contribut ed towa rd construction are Fluor Engineering and Construct· ors Inc .. TRW l,nc . iind Buffums. Mayor to give Newport update Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather will give ber annual ''Update on the City" talk Feb. 17 while speaking before members or the marine division of the Newport Harb~r Area . Chamber of Commerce. The 7:30 a.m . meeting at the Balboa Bay Club is open to the public. The cost of breakfast is $4. To make reservations, call 644·8211. School candidate' to •peak Tue•day Irvine-Coast Republican Women's Club will meet Tuesday at Shark Islana Yacht Club, Jamboree at Bayside, at 11 a .m. Dr. Gene Prat, Ph.D., candidate for State Superintendent or Schools, will speak on "How to make California's public schools strong again." All Republican ladies and friends are invited. For reservations, call Mrs. W. Lee Spencer, 67S-2142. I rvine Coast plan date to be set BJ STEVE MITCHELL Of .. Dlllfy pttlll S'9ff State coutal commissiooen will meet in Santa Barbara Tuesday to set a due date for Orange County's submittal of zoning Jaws and maps for the development of the Irvine Coast. The r.oning, or implementation plan for the 9,400 acre Irvine Company parcel between Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach. foUows certification last month of tbe county· s local coastal plan for the project. The coastal commission staff is recommending the zoning phase be submitted to tbe commission by this August, after consulting with county olanners. \Riley plans Saturday bid kick-off Supervisor 1bomas Riley's bid ~or a third term on the Orange 1county Board of Supervisors will open formally Saturday with a campaign kick·off brealtfut at the South Coast Plaza Hotel, Costa Mesa. . The 9 a .m. rally at Alfredo's !Restaurant will be attended by community coordinators wbo will spearhead Riley's effort to collect 1,531 signatures on nomination papers . The 5tb aupervisorial district, represented by Riley since 1974, includes Costa Mesa. Newport Beach, Irvine, Laguna Beach, La1una Niguel, Laguna Hill.I, San Juan Capistrano, Dana Point, Capistrano Beach, San Clemente and Tustin. The campaign ls being organized by a group called Friends of Tom Riley and Nelson-Padberg Consulting of Irvine. Mesa cyclist injured in HD crash Certification of the LCP last month set the stage for development plans alon1 the coutal strip that lnch•de two m aJor roadways leadln1 to Pacific Coast Hlehway, 2,000 new dwelling unit.a, two m8'jor commercial centen and 2,850 acres of open space. Specifically, the land use plan calls for up to 250,000 square feet of offices and l ,SOO motel rooms in buildings up to 10 stories high at the terminus of the propoeed Pelican Hill Road at Coast Highway. Thal provision , plus a four-lane road at Sand Canyon among other items , has prompted the Friends of the l rvine Coast to file suit against the county and the coastal com mission over the proposal. But Fem Pirkle, president of the Friends group, said her organization will not appear at Tuesday's meeting in Santa Barbara. "There's really no purpose in us showing up." she said today. "They (the commissioners) are just setting up a date for submittal ol the third pbue of the project.•· She said the proposed August date for that submittal might actually work in her group's favor. ''It might mean they' re thinking it over, and mi1bt be considering seriously rewriting the zoning Jaws,'' she said. She said recent setbacks suffered by the Irvine Company "might mean they'll come up with a compromise on the Irvine Coast and we'll never have to go to court." Mrs. Pirkle was refeninl to this week's withdrawal by the company of plans for expandin1 Newport Center and the lease option dlapute by homeowners whose dwellin1 units are on land owned by the Irvine Company. But Jerry CoJllna, a s pokesman for the Irvine Company, said the county and the c7any ha~e no intenUona . of chan na the JOnin&. "For one thin1, it can't be done," Collins sald. "We must tollow the land UM plan and that plan bas already been adoptAld by the cout.a.l commlulon." As far u a compromlse plan, 'tb• apokeaman a aid, •'the co.mmflslod adol't4d one Hveral 111ontb1 •10. ·' The county'• ~imat plan called fo• 12,000 homes and it wu acalecf down to Z,000 homes with 70 percent of the land left lD open apace. ·'Any reuonablef 11er1on surely must rep.rd tba u an tnatance ot niductq UUno to ~ftedadble." And, be 1ald, receat Clevelopmenta re1ardln1 o&Mr comPMJ projecU, u well •the rrtenda of lhe lrvln• Cout law111lt1 "b1ve no effect wbataoever on anr of th"• procMidlap and we doa'i aptct tMJ nw will.'' FRIDAY; FEB. 12, 1982 'CAVALCADE 82 GARDEN 83 , COMICS 86 i ' • ~ How .about ,a TV spectacular on El Salvador? Read Art Hoppe · on P.age B2. donation UCI student • issue deadlocked Leaders·want. control of new campus center if students give $4 million 'lb GLENN 8CU'tT ii .......... to to ... _ Of .. ...,._.... counc u•1.Q"'"'" •11'ff .. .., Caracclo sa1a, bec ause the that students should be exP,ect«I Student leaden at UC Irvine donatloa OQ!y ii the students are council wants the center to be to participate in the fundib1 as are demandina majority control auar'8teed majority coptrol lD planned and available for more t b e y h a v e f o r o t b e r of a new $lO.milllon campus exebanle. The funds, be thiul juat athletic events. non-academic facUiUea such u events center before the0y donate explalned, are consldered ·'The students are very the University Ce~ter or up to $C million for coutnlctioo critical to serve u a baae for c o n c e r n e d i t i s f o r student union ' But in an interview TbundaY other fund·ralalnl ac:Uvity. multipurpose.a and not jual · CbanceUor Qanlel Aldrich Jr'. "lt't more than J~ • st.rai~t sports putposes," he said. ll ia not clear what woold utd ll is premature tor b1m to happen lf the students refused to approve any proposals for assist in funding, but other 1overn1n1 the center, betni "I don't have. any d.;ff"culty w"th un1verstt1es have made seating billed as a spacious new bome " " " at athletic events available to for UCJ's basketball team. , G 11UlJ.Ority if students produce." students contingent upon But Aldrich did concede that financial participation. he'd approve a constitution Of course, at 1sn 't clear 1ivin1 students control U they '4 million to the university," be Hecause of what h<! called 8 whether the students will vote in a 110 supply most of the said. "territorial mentality" on favor of any of three proposals construcUon money. If Aldrich won't agree to a campus, academic departments included in the referendum to "I don't have any difficulty plan in which a 13-member rarely yield \heir faeiliUes for raise fees $17. $20 or $23 a with a student majority if the eovernlna board would include concerts or lectures. which he quarter. · students produce a majority of seven students, be said, the said ftustrat-attempts to stage Th d t I th , .. _ .. _ .. h "d • ,.,. e stu e n s a ready are e "'"""• e su . money won t be available. presentations. f · f 0 F b .... _ ldri acing ee increases estimated tr e . 22, un:: stud~nts are A ch said he will promise Caraccio said Crawford Hall, SCht!duled to hold a referendum students participation 1n where athletic events now are to costthem$400morenextyear he .... _ to l l · b than this year. A rally has been on w '°"r evy a quarter y govern 1ng t e center In staged, is available only on an h f to · th .... llli b f th sc eduled on campus only two ee raise e ~ m on. exc ange or e $4·million average of once a quarter. for Bll) C i f d Jed but weeks after the referendum vote aracc o, re eren um P ge, nothing tnore. student events. di t "d th t d St d t trol ._ k. · to protest state budget cuts coor na or, sa1 . e s u e_nt u ~ CQJ1 . • ~ a ey w~ Aldrich, meanwhile,· cont.ends lorcing up the fees. Cyanide • • victini 'aware' I An 87-year-old Newport Beach woman knew she waa sipptnal poison when her 57-year-old soo, now on trial for her death, banded her orange juice laced with cyanide last September, a defense lawyer says. "She really did know. She' wanted to end ber life," attorney Stuart Grant told an Orange County Superior Court jury Thursday. Tbls, tbe defense attorney said, was not murder, u the prosecution claims. Tbe jury will betin deliberations in the case of Herbert Barclay Baetz next TRASH FINO Dominic Munoz of Huntington Beach says he often finds food . such as these 75 loaves of bread. in dumpsters behind _grocery stores. He s a~·s he freezes the .,...,~ ........... discarded food and givt's it to friends. He said he refused to be photographed because he fea:e.d. it could hamper his trash digging art1v1ties Tuesday. In bla l\UD!Datlon to tbe jUl'J, Grant Hld Baet1 was only helpinl bil mother fullW her wilbes of end.ina her own life when be banded her the pollOD on the ntpt of Sept .. 10. The two were in the living room of Jan e tte Baeta's Balboa Peninsula home, which she shared with her son. Grocery trash bin 'pot of gold' 'l'be defense lawyer also denied prosecution assertion.a that his client actually had planned to kill his mother after squandering her assets, mortgaging her home and physically abusing her right up to the night she died. Prosecutor Patrick Geary, in his closine statements to the jury on Wednesday, a.sited the panel to return with a verdict of first-degree murder against Baetz, a chemlal who bad been living with his mother tor about four years. By PATBICK KENNEDY Of .. ....., ....... Dominic Munos of Huntington Beach is sort of a modem day Robin Hood who says be takes from the t.rash bins and aives to the poor. His specialty is crocery store trash bins. On Monday morning he drove behind his favorite grocery store and snatched 75 loaves of bread that had just been tossed into a large dumpster. He says the store manager came out and yelled at him to get away and the two exchan&ed angry words. But for the 26-year-old Munoz, a part-lime asphalt worker with a wife and three children, it was just another day of bargain hunting for food. ··Trash digging, that"s what it comes down to," Munoz said. "But I don't care what people think. It's lhe smart thing to do because grocery stores throw away good food. I get it and give it away to friends who are starving. I can't understand why they waste good food " Munoz s ays his father has been a trash digger for 15 years. Munoz, a burly, red-haired man, says he's following In ha s father's footsteps . Sometimes Munoz climbs completely into the trash bins in search of di scarde d unpurchased food, he says. "I know It's still good because I've been eating it for lS years and I'm not dead." he says. "If the bread has mold on it you don't eat it ; if the baloney package is swollen. you don't eat the meat. "I don't have a high school diploma, but I can tell if food is good; it ·s simple." Munoz says his father is 76, lives in Costa Mesa and still digs in grocery store trash bins for 80 percent of his food. He says his Cather's most memorable haul was a find of 500 eggs "He was giving eggs away for days," Munoz says. "We ate eggs with everything." Munoz says he also has bad good find s and that be immediately freezes the food and then gives most of it away. "You name it and grocery stores throw it away while it's good ·· It's fashionable and likable By NORA LEHMAN OeltrNlll ....... I'~ TAKE THAT AND THAT: I've been deluding myself. I feel better after telling you that. l now admit all those rationalizations that if I had an unlimited t>.dget to spend on clothes, 1 wouldn't, because the fashions are too extreme, or aren't for me . . . Wrong! Michael Perkins and I sat together Wednesday to watch the Best of American Designers nan fashion show put on by Saks Fifth Avenue to benefit the Newport Harbor Art Museum. We admitted while there. were some things we couldn't wear. there were certainly very few things we dido 't like. There were a few items not in top favor, thank heavens. Of my dream bill would t'eally be out ol hand. Famlllar faces on hand included Betty Rorers with Molly Lyon and Annette Hurwlta. Bobbi Stabler, back from Switzerland, was sitlln1' wltb Murietta Lohr and Mary Crane <welcome back!>. Pat Thom.Pson and Betty Steele, looking very together in hats. which they said, they had to wear because tbetr hair had to be covered. Seems they'd just gotten back from Mexico and hadn't had a chance to wash the trip off their respecUve heads. lAaENA DOSSETI', took.ins m. WU in tbe aalon- after tbe 1how.and after a dreSs she described as ''lookinl a lot ~e the '20a." GIOrla Mooney. chic u alwaya, foraave me fOf'i retUtnlq a Dealanlnl Women chore to her, then rushed · off to take a look at t.be iilfamous a.olfl"9)' Beene'1 violet mohair coat. 1 heard someone muttering. "I'd kill for that coat.·· l know how she feels. Mary Jane McKittrick, Sue McGowan. Ruth Poole and Gail Turner were all gathered at the escalator as Judy Slutsky, s hopping bag in hand. made her way to the escalator -after the s how. "I was afraid to come in time for the champagne " she said, "I tend to lose my head.·· · MICJIAEL TRIED ON a dress, then she and Esther Quick decided l should have it. <Are you getting a commission from Saks. ladies?> One last overheard comment or two "Well , I don't know,'" Judy Argyros was saying. looking speculatively into the mirror al another Geoffrey Beene, "it's awfully long... · ··well, it's 8Upposed to be a long dress," a soothing voice answered, "but of course it can be proportioned, (>erfecUy for you." Of course it can . Of course. of course . * * * D~ ARE STILL NEEDED: No, the March of Dimes didn't f'O out of existence. When oolio wa~ conquered, t&e orsanization moved on to combat birth defects. The Dlme8 fund needs our help just as much as eve~ with inllation, the drive needs more than dimes. 1 ne Junior Ebell Club of Newport Beach understands that and bas decided to donate all its funds from the Valentine Ball, scheduled for 'Feb. 20 at the Balboa Bay Club, to this important crusade. . KABCTV newsman Fred Anderson will serve as the eve"inl's master ol ceremonies. He'U handle the auction and tashion show. AUCl10N ITEMS? A f~ trip Ut'PttmOallarta with a stay at Gana Blanca Beach Club. IDte:rnatlonal Arranaements donated that. M. Jacquei, F.ublon Ia land's super furrier. donated a tur ]ac\et and. TradJtlorial J•welera have come up With a cameo a.Dd • diamond pendant. For more inform aUoo on ete-7588. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 12, 1812 J.•t_ ................... ..,ca....~ :;'f~ASH, WEAPONS SEIZED -Part of $825.000 firm were photographed at Orange County , ~n cash and weapons taken in raid at El Toro sheriff's headquarters. ·l~'!'-t-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....:....~~~ 1~':· ·~··· :'fawyer claims ~ias ;Jn ·rape sente11f!l,ng ,f,, ;;, ·<lay DAVID KUT'ZMANN f},:: ::" =:s•:i move, a defense -.1~wyer for a convicted teen-age rapist is challenging the right of an Orange County Superior "' urt judge to sentence his ent because or statement$ the J dge made last year in meting out 100-year-plus prison terms to three co-defendants. According to court documents fi I ed Thursday , attorney Clarence Hewatt asserted that Judge Francisco Briseno wouJd 'l,t.prejudiced against his client :.. had, in effect, pre-judged ,/ at his sentence would be. ... _, fB The defendant, Tung Thumb t@e, 17, bas undergone months of ·~~sts at the California Youth Hewatt said he wants to make a motion to have Le sent to a state hospital as a mentally disordered sex offender. but believes Briseno already has pre-judged the issue. In seeking a new judge to sentence his client, the defense lawyer aJso said the political climate in Orange County is such that the case ought to be moved to another county. ··1 don't think any judge in Orange County superior court could properly or without bias sentence Mr. Le due to the extreme amount of publicity in the case," Hewatt said. Asked his reaction Thursday, Rickles responded: ,From Page A 1 SCHEME. • • legitimate, he added. The sheriff said lnvestigators were poring over co-mpany records, which included two computer systems, and planned to continue questioning tbe firm's sales staff. He dJd not rule out the possibility of further arrests. Also, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Internal Revenue Service and the state Franchise Tax Board have been invited to review the evidence, he said. Gates told of one elderly woman who came to the firm while the raid was in progress. The woman, who had brought an $11,000 disability settlement to invest, told deputies she was lucky to have gotten there after they had. Otherwise, she said, she might have lost her money. too. Remap 'long shot'_ eyed Bill uwld f;loCk inequity leaving CQCJSt without voice By ruDE&ICK SCllOEKEllL ... ..., .......... Stai. A11emblyman Byron Sb er 1 D·Mountaln View. conceal9 be'• punu.lnc a "loot 1hot" ln lntl"Oducln1 a bill to block a reapportionment laequlty that will leave two atate Senate dlstrlcts -tpclud.lne one cov'erinl coastal Oranae County -without representation for a two-year period. Shet thl• week introduced A11embly BW UX, which would 1'witcb nwnben ualped to four new atate Senate dlltricta IO that electionl could be held tb1a year instead of 1984, as will be the case under the reapportionment plan. "My hope is to get a hearinc on the bllf. but It's a long shot," Sher said in an lntervtew today from Sacramento. . Much of the problem, he said, relates to the fact the bW was introduced into a special sesak>n of the legislature called last November that la runnlna parallel to the legislature's re1ular ... ton that besan Ian. 4. Leadert of Attembly and Senate, Sher aatd, are attempt1n1 to brin, th• apedal 11es1lon, ca led for reapportionment and flacal matters, to an end, poulbly today. It takes a vote of both hoQses to adjourn a apeclal aeaak>n. Under the reapportionment plan, passed by the Democrat-controlled lelialature and si1ned into law lo September by Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr., also a Democrat coaatal Oranee County would fall in the new 37tb state Senate dutrict. It would include much or the territory ln the current 36th district of state Sen. lohn Schmitz, R-Newport Beach. However, Schmits' term enda thla year. And elections in odd-numbe~ districts will not be beld unUI 1984, tbua leaytna much of the Orange Coaat without state Senate representation. 'Our lwme' denied "by actor Majon LOS ANGELES <AP) -Actor Lee li!ajors bas disputed testimony by bis wife, actress Farrah Fawcett, ln a Superior Court trial over property' settlement in their divorce proceeding. •'Sounds like a good scene for a movie," Majors testified at one point in response to his wife's claim Wednesday that a $2.5 million Hollywood Hills house was in Majors' name but it belorll{ed to both of them. The bOuse ownership was only in Majors' name. Miss Fawcett testified s he acquiesced when he suagested putting the house in bis name on the advice of bia business manaaer. But she said be told her it wu "our house." Majors denied be ever made any such statements. Ownership of the house bas become a central issue in the case. lo other contradictory testimony. Majors said be continued Uving in tbe home after the couple's trial separation was announced in July l!n9, ju.st before their sixth wedding anniversary. · Miss Fawcett, a former star of the "Charlie's Angels" TV series who now lives in the ho4se, claimed he only stayed there occasionally. and on those occasions slept ln a separate bedroom. Majors testified Thursday that he continued to live in the house after the trial separation in 1979 and shared the sam\ bedroom with bis wife. A almilar tltuaUon exlltl ln San Mateo County in a 11\ata Sen ate dhtrlct that bu boundarlet aomewbat comparable to Sher'• auembly district. Sher bu proposed that tbe 3'7tb dbtrict In coutat Oranae County be renumbered to the 32nd district. That number currenUy baa been aulped to a new inland Oran1e County district that Demoerata hope to win in this year's election. Sher uld he lntroduced his bill without d.11cuaslng the mattllr with Oranee County telialatol"I. Sher said be abetafned frcmi votine on the state Senate reapportionment plan because voters in two dutricts would be disenfranchised for a two-year period. Reapportionment is the process whereby the state's ever-shifUne and 1rowln1 population is equaliled amoq the 40 atate Senate and 80 Assembly districts. Thia year, California also will cain two new congressional aeata, brinllnl the state's total to 45. Republicans have mounted a legal challenee to the reapportionment plans. It iJ no,, pending in U.S. Diatrict c.ourt. They also are prom0Un1 an initiative campaign that. would give reapportionment power to a commlsaion independent ol the legislature. Under a recent state Supreme Court ruling, the newly reapportioned districts will be used in the June 8 primary elections. That ballot, however, also will include a Republican-backed referendum that, if successful, would overturn the Domestic plane and thus force the le&ialature to redraw district lines by 1984. From Page A1 SLAYING. • • lthe shooting could have occurred when the gunman possibly became scared because he beard sirens from emergency vehicles going to a fire early Thursday in Irvine. .Authority to determine if he ~!Jhould stay in CY A or serve :'~lne in state prison. He fac~ a ,4't\i6-year sentence. llf' Presiding Orange County S perior Court Judge Robert E. ,, ckles assigned Judge , icemarie Stotler Thursday to s udy Hewatrs contentions and 9' ld a ®a.ribs to determine il • rlseno sboutd be removed from "I think (Mr. Hewatt's) client will get as fair a hearing here u anywhere else." Rickles also said tbat be believed that Judge 'Briseno "or. any other judge could be fair and give a dispassionate hearing." Deputy District Attorney Cart Armbrust, who ~uted the four teen-a1e Vietnam••• refugees laat year, Hld be believed Hewatt'a contentkJD.a were merely a delayinlf actkm. Cloudy, no rain weekend for~t Man sunJives suicide try, another dies A man who police claim was attemptint to commit suicide has been booked into Orange County Jail on murder charges aft.er a high-speed collision that claimed the life or another driver in Orange. ·'That fire in a residential area in central Irvine may bave contributed to Alfaro's death," said Lt. Lennert. "That's the only doughnut shop open in Irvine at that hour and usually police or California Highway Patrol officers stop by." said Lt. Lennert, "but everybody was busy at the fire and there was nobody at the shop." cut'- • l"Briseno handed down what is J ~onsidered to be among the ~rshest sentences ever imposed " California when he sentenced ,. 's three companions last l'! pril. . The three -brothers Bo , ·:1~pam , 18, and Dung Pham, 18, '-'~nd Minh Quang Nguyen, also 18 .t~ had been convicted or 50 ·;~lony counts each in connection "·1~hh six rape incidents in 1980. ~~(,(The Pham. brothers were diiven state prison terms of 118 ,, -year sentence. f,ars while Nguyen received a 1 The sentencings triggered a ajor controversy when Briseno me under editorial fire from e Orange County Register for posing terms the paper said "verged on viciousness." t That charge prompted Rickles hold a press conference where defended the sentences <cltnposed by Briseno, who couJd i4'ave given the three even longer 'J~h-ms because of the numerous o1t~arges involved. ·~3, In an interview Thul'sday, ., IHewatt, now a Riverside public -defender, said, "I have the -most respect for Judge iseno as being an hon~t and cerejudie. 'l have complete respect for as a human being," he said. However,. Hewatt said Briseno ade statepients at the April tencin& ~roceedJncs that be erpreted as sugg,sting the ge already had decided what do with bis client as well. olee jailed ALATKA. Fla. (AP) -A .year·old Wyoming prison rolee Robert Dale Henderson led police to the bodies of hitchhikers and reportedly im1 be bu killed at least 10 pie. He was ordered held out bond Thuraday lD his t court appearance. "It's very clear it's a stalllna tactic," Armbrust said. Oraqe Cout realdenta can expect a cloudy but dry weekend, with no additional rain anticipated until Monday or Tueaday, the U.S. Weather Service said today. U.S. advisers said armed in Salvador WASHINGTON CAP > -Presidential spokesman Larry Speakes said today the administration wants to question a group of American military advisers photographed carrying M -16 automatic rifles and other com bat equipment in an area of El Salvador frequented by guerrillas. The advisers were shown in a television tape shot by the Cable News Network. Speakes said the men were on a three-day project to train Salvadorans to bu.ild temporary bridges. He said the advisers were due to return to San Salvador today and wouJd meet with the head or the U.S. military group there. "We will get a full report from them after they return," Speakes told reporters at the White House. "We would like to ask them a bout the report they were carrying weapons,'' said Speakes, who was offered an opportunity to see the tape, but refused. The Washington Post, in a dispatch from San Salvador, said it was the first time reporters had observed any of the 50 American advisen with com bat arms in a part of El Salvador where direct cobtact with guerrillas is a frequent occurrence. Speakes said the Pentagon told him the group included a warrant officer and four enlisted men. Defense officials said the Americans in El Salvadol' are allowed to have M-16 rifles in their quarters to protect themselves against poaslble attacks on those houses, but are not supposed to take the arms with them on jobs. Romeo can't buy Valentine wedding WASHINGTON CAP) -Keith Ruff, the ex-stockbroker who clai;'DS to .ha.ve spent $20,000 woome Kanne Bolstein in three weeks, says he has abandoned hope o f marrying her on Valentine's Day. '.'I'm out ol money," Ruff, SS, said Thursday before returnJ.nt to Beverly Hills. "I'll send her flowers whenever I can. 1 really love her." Miss Bolatein, a 20-year-old cocktail waittesa, said her mind wasn't cbanled by the nowms, catered food , clowna, clotbaz maeiciana, limouainea ana presents that deluged ber and her family after Ruff arrived a'cou.riln' in town tut month. "I'm not. fn"lhe mood to set m-arried,11 tbe aaid. "I don't low him." Ruff, who bu dt1crtbed hlmHlt a1 unemployed and independently wealtllJ. aald blJ expeDHI included a $1,100 bW at the WuhinJtoft Ritt.on. He 1ald 6e ,.... fe1Un1 "a lOt of hurt'' from falllnt to win tbt band~ Miu Bolltetn, wbom be 'met last 1ummer ln auburbaD' Vlrslnla wblle 1he was WOitiat ln a •• Aore. Tb• courtabip drew wldHprtad attention. Th• Bollt..ln family bad to 1• an unU.ted ilbooe. Ruff aald a. 1Ut ln•ltatlon1 to appear on teJevllklll talk abowa but blii'Md tMm down to~ tM 1*'k1 ol bll arr.etklal. • • ....... ----~--........,.<r-. A few early sprinkles. today were expected to be followed by partly cloudy conditions tonight, with the mercury dipping into the 40s. For Saturday and SllDday. residents can expect variable cloudiness with temperatures peaking in the high 60s to low 70s. ' The cloudy conditions should bring to a close a week marked by on·and-0ff light rain. Veteran weather watcher J. Sherman Denny of Huntington Beach said bis gauge measured .43 inch of rain between 8 a.m. Wednesday and 8 a .m . Thursday, with no additional moisture through 8 a.m . today. He said the storm that began Sunday dropped .72 inch of rain on the area. This brought Denny's rainfall total for the year that began July 1, 1981, to 7 inches. An Orange Police Department spokesman said police have information that Frank Ross Samuels, 32, of Granada Hills was attempting to take hla own life when his eastbound vehicle swerved into the westbound lanes of La Veta Avenue near Flower Street at 5 : 51 p. m. Thursday. striking another car. The driver of the second vehicle, who police have not yet identified, was killed. Samuels, the spokesman said. suffered only minor injuries. "It's being' treated as a murder invesligalion," the spokesman said. Samuels was booked into the county jail on suspicion or murder and is being held in lieu of $250.000 ball, police said. .ON ANY MEMBERSHIP • L.wcur10ua Locker Fldllle for Men & Women e s.un., StMm, Jmml • 2 Slnd Voleybll Cowta • 1 /8 M .. Joaglng Tl'llOk • • tndMdull Eitrolle"Progrwu--m ... ie • OymrMlum C811t ...... VoleytMlll) •FfW~~ • 1 e ctwnpeou1Np Aloquetbll eon TOURS • ,..,._ Equlpfntnt • 8'**' Mfoblo e11.... CONDUCTED : ~ =Oytnplo Poda&Rleek DAILY • ~. llf laoa.tloWlge • MlllMltAHll • 752~585 ........... .,plft. a.n.la.M.·lp.111. • Mllft ...... ...... ,op. - Another coincidence that may be playing a role in the incident is that Alfaro usually worked the 10 p.m. to 6 a .m. shift with another employee, but she had called in sick Wednesday evening, said Lt. Lennert . He said the shop at 5408 Walnut Ave., near the Jeffrey Road on-ramp t.O the Santa Ana Freeway, has been dusted for fingerprints and police are still trying to evaluate several fingerprint.S found at the scene. Lt. Lennert said that evidence at the scene didn't indicate that Allaro put up any kind of a fight. He noted that the cash register was found open and empty. Alfaro had worked at the shop for four months. Winchell's Donut House ·reopened today. It had been closed since the shooting. f Orange Coat DAit. V ~LOT/Frld1y, Febru.,y 12, 1882 ..,_ ______ ......,.._ __ .......,~-----~------~------------··-----, ....................... , NYSE COMPO .ITE TRAN ACTIONS CMIOfATIOltJ UtCl.UDe T•AOI •o• , ...... YCHUC, MIOWUf, ... c1•1c, ..... MITO•,Olf•OtT .... c••CtMltAfl uocw IKCflA ... ltAltO ••POeflO 0 JICI •&a04•011tJ1'11tlT, t • I DOw Jones Final OFF .86 CLOSING 833.80 • 111111 c;:::z,_ ____ _ • BuaiJM:as l.Pventortes Cell In December by O.• percent, the Commerce D.?partmeot reported. The cutback in unsold goods held by businesses -the first such paring since 1975 -renected an effort to offset a decline in sales as a result of the recession, economists said. Wholesale and retail sales feU o.a perceni ln December. Ford Aerospace & Communlcatlon1 Corp., convinced it is losing a high·stakes battle for an international satellite project, filed a complaint with Federal Communications Commission. The complaint cbarge.s that the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization, which operates the global satellite system used by nations around the world, has improperly favored Hughes Aircraft Co. in negotiations for construction of a new series of advanced satellites ITITI ~------- Supply side economist Arthur Laffer said Lhat a slumping economy and soaring Interest rates probably will lead President Reagan to switch the United States to a convertible currency, perhaps a modified gold standud, by November 1982. He made his prediction before the Bank Investments and Funds Management Conference of American Bankers Association in San Francisco ... A multim11lion·dollar civil suit filed by the Biolu Corp. against Lockheed Aircraft Corp. over a fuel cleanslllg process was reJected by a Superior Court jury General Eledric's flatiron works in Ontario - the largest in the world is being sold to· a company to build magnetic motors. but it was uncertain bow many displaced GE workers will be absorbed by the new firm. The GE plant, which has 1,000 workers on payroll, had been scheduled to close its doors permanently at the end of tbts month . Rockwell lnteroatlonal has transferred approximately 100 employees from its satellite construction plant in Seal Beach following the failure or Congress to fund a new phase of a Sl billion Defense Department satellite program, a Rockwell official reported Avco Community Developers Inc. has laid off80 employees in the last six weeks -50 in the la.st several weeks due to the residential sales s lump, officials said. The company has siieable residential and commercial holdings Ul Laguna NlgueJ and iD San Diego County . Ellllllil $ . B.I . Reynolds Industries Inc. for the fourth quarter ended Dec. 31 reported net earnings of J1'1'7.I millron, or Sl.62 a share, 32 percent higher than laat year's figures of $136.9 millioo. or Sl.23. For the full year 1981, the company had net earnings of S'ltl.t million, or $7 03 a share, 15 percent better than t•'• $670.4 million, or $6.12. Mission hlsuraaee Grw, Inc. of Los Angeles reported af\er-tax income from operations for the year ended Dec. 31 of $45.6 million, up 13 percent from $40 5 million for 1980's similar period. Fourth-quarter income from operations was $10.6 million. or $1.34 a share, compared with $10.1 milhon, or $1 28 m 1980's ltke quarter STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS • UPS ANO DOWNS !"Cl Up 16 4 UP If t 8: 1li Up ... 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